CCC Gz Museum of Comparative Zoology. ° BY a Keck jE —— —— — as er Dis. cat ey ; eae ae ieee lee ie éj We ale As i Joh pod f Rare | ee i fe ton i. he Oe . , pe ag eS ER | od Va 24 Lo Bon ‘ ‘e = Vek i pr fds een flee (19, M2, 1h, 18) Oe fet ue thie ly ME lb, tebe, om 18, 20. dec. I , Plag: t- b AF, (2 1B He, (oth [2G , 37.2 33 38. Cale ae 36 aud ee ! Vata) ey Jiu 1,3- 27 (ons fits , jit DW) ‘. Dl. @ VI b plete” | : Bt Wi ff bay WH Lb flate i. THE CALCUTTA JOURNAL —— OF }- ; TATURAL HISTORY, Py CONDUCTED BY JOHN M‘CLELLAND, YOR MEMBER AND SECRETARY OF A COMMITTEE FOR THE INVESTIGATION OF THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF INDIA—AND CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE ZOOLOGICAL AND ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETIES OF LONDON. VOL. I. A . ve CALCUTTA: W. RIDSDALE, BISHOP’S COLLEGE PRESS. , 7 MDCCCXLI. Sd Contributors to the first volume of the Calcutta Journal of Natural History. JOHN GRANT, ESQ. THEODORE E. CANTOR, ESQ. M.D., Corresponding member of the Zoological and Entomological Societies of London, §c. R. BAIRD SMITH, ESQ. Lieut. Bengal Engineers. THOMAS HUTTON, ESQ. Capt. Bengal Army, Mem- ber of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta, $e. WILLIAM JAMESON, ESQ. Member of the Asiatic Society of Calcutta, §c. DAVID LISTON, ESQ. S. R. TICKELL, ESQ. Lieut. Bengal Army. ALEXANDER JACK, ESQ. Capt. Bengal Army. JOHN MACPHERSON, ESQ. Assistant Surgeon. Page. line. S70} ESS ands ee LOI 203 — 26, 192, ile 193, ; 196; alo; 198 eS; 362, 18, List of Errata. For ‘ Astrobola’, read ‘ Astrabola’ For ‘abreading’, read ‘abrading’ For ‘ignious’, read ‘ igneous’ For ‘an’, read * An’ For ‘observing during’, ead ‘observing an instance of this during’ For ‘pegmatic’, read‘ pegmatitic’ For ‘was’, —— read ‘being’ For ‘ fissures’, read ‘ fissure’ For ‘were highly’, read ‘were in lustre highly.’ Omit, ‘the identity of’, 603, 14 from bottom, for ‘ Sophophorus’, read ‘ Lophophorus’ — 1%, For ‘ Biverra’, read ‘ Viverra’ —— 10 from top, and also line 3 from bottom, for ‘ignatius’, read ‘ignitus’ Plate vili. omit, ‘soil calcareous’ on the uncoloured portion of the map. _ ee _* Wee. THE CALCUTTA JOURNAL OF NATURAL HISTORY. *“« Warum ich zuletzt am liebsten mit der Natur verkehre, ist, weil sie immer Recht hat und der Irrthum/bloss auf meiner Seite seyn kann. Verhandle ich hingegen mit Menschen, so irren sie, dann ich, auch sie wieder, und immer so fort, da kommt nichts aufs Reine ; weiss ich mich erst aber in die Natur zu schicken, so ist alles gethan.”—G oe the. ‘Why I after all prefer dealing with nature, is, because she is invariably in the right, and the wrong must needs be on my side. When I on the contrary deal with men, then they are in the wrong, then I myself, then they again, and so on continually, and it comes to nothing after all; have I hewever once found out the ways of nature, then all is right.” Tue usual apology for being without a periodical in the metropolis of British India exclusively devoted to objects of science is, that tt would not pay. ‘This may be the reason, the only reason, why we have not long since had several philosophical publications in Calcutta, eclipsing those of Edinburgh, London, and other European Capitals. With- out insinuating the existence of any more immediate cause for the above defect in our periodical literature, we must be permitted for the honor of the City of Palaces to doubt the accuracy of the one assigned, as nowhere are persons more liberal with their money on all public occasions, when interests of far less moment are at stake than those of science. VOL. I. NO. ¥. APRIL, 1840. B 2 Calcutta Journal of Natural History. Without however having any serious design on the pock- ets of the public, we are disposed to put its taste to the test ; and although the task could hardly have devolved on worse hands, we are determined to devote our pages solely to seve- ral departments of science, which at present only meet with a casual place in the Journals of this Presidency. Although our Journal will be devoted exclusively to sci- entific objects, and particularly to the various branches of Natural History, it is hoped that if the multitudinous applica- tions of these to useful purposes, mental as well as commer- cial, be taken into account, there are few whose tastes and interests will not be sufficiently concerned to give it their support. The great object of the publication will be less to afford amusement than instruction; and above all, it will be our ambition to make known the Researches of Naturalists in sub- jects connected with Indian productions. With this view we shall bring together such facts as may be collected from time to time, and endeavour to keep before the public the exact state of the several subjects of inquiry, and the claims of those who are employed in them Having ourselves experienced the disadvantages of many who labour in the cause of science in the recesses of an Indian jungle, we shall therefore be the better able, both as naturalists and men, to appreciate results attained under disadvantages which can only be understood by those who have been exposed to them. To answer all the above purposes to the full extent of our wishes, it would be necessary that the Botanical, Zoological, and Geological departments of our duties should Calcutta Journal of Natural History. 3 be conducted by separate individuals. It is to be regretted however that circumstances at present are not such as to allow us to carry this wish into effect. It would be impossible to define exactly the different subjects which will legitimately come within the province of our Journal, so as to lay down any rules for the manner in which they are to be treated. There are however some subjects, such as Topography, Geography, Meteorology, Statistics, &c. which though not strictly within the province of Natural History, are yet so intimately connected with it as to render it impossible to exclude them, and indeed when well executed they form works of the very highest interest, and will, together with journals and miscellaneous observations of naturalists, be al- ways acceptable. Geology is so connected with Natural History as to be almost identified with it, since a knowledge of living forms cannot be accurately appreciated without reference to those that have become extinct, nor these last, which we owe to the observations of geologists, without reference to existing species. Geological descriptions of districts will therefore form a much desired object of our Journal. The philosophical subjects of comparative anatomy and physiology have hitherto been hardly entered upon in India, although the exuberance of both the animal and vegetable kingdoms afford facilities rarely presented in other parts of the world for researches of this nature. On the subject of Natural History generally, it would be presumptuous in us to offer any suggestions to the class of contributors whose support we shall endeavour to merit, a a na rn A SEE 4, Caleutta Journal of Natural History. particularly as we are indebted ourselves to some of the friends in question for the advice we are about to offer, which is this,—That the subject should always be as fully treated as possible, whether it be the description of a species or of a group; its previous history, its rank, its characters, its distribution, and its uses should all be attended to where practicable. A subject so treated will always be more or less finished according to the capacity of the naturalist. It often happens however that in India the want of books prevents the naturalist from treating so fully of the historical part of his subject as could be wished, and of comparing the results to which he has been led with those of others. These are points however of comparatively less importance than such as depend on observation, as they may be supplied by those who have the advantage of libraries and leisure. Remarks on the characters, uses, distribution, and habits, can only be derived from observations on the spot, and if overlooked in the first mstance may remain for years and even ages unknown. Such is also the case with regard to the structure of animals and plants, such as are only met with stuffed or dried in col- lections, as well as that of testaceous animals; in all such cases observations, and when possible drawings, made on the spot will be invaluable. While we would be thus minute regarding many points which persons ignorant of natural history would regard as trifling, let us not be careless of other important matters connected with useful properties which the naturalist is the most likely person to discover. Thus the geologist should never lose an opportunity of Calcutta Journal of Natural History. 5 casting as much light as circumstances will admit of on the important question of coal and various other minerals. There are other objects to which the mind of the botanist and zoologist should in like manner be constantly alive. The causes of diseases, as the Goitre, Guinea-worm, Ele- phantiasis, and other complaints, which there are good rea- sons for supposing depend on circumstances which come within the province of the philosophic observer of nature, also hold out much encouragement to hope for important results, without interfering in any way with the more imme- diate object of his pursuits. Having thus alluded to the objects to which we are to devote our pages, we may observe, that although these will be open to all communications calculated to improve our knowledge of any fact, it will be our duty to point out frankly, when necessary, our own opinions as to the manner in which the subject appears to us to be treated. As two other scientific Journals have possession of the field, perhaps a word or two on the cause of our appearance may benecessary. With the “ India Review’ we are not likely to interfere, as the object of that work is chiefly the diffusion of popular science. The other, the “ Journal of the Asiatic Society,” is too closely identified with that institution to suffer from so puny a rival, were we even ambitious enough to dis- pute its claims to public favour; our field is altogether dis- tinct, and although a new one, we doubt not that the laboine of naturalists are sufficiently important to entitle them to a separate and independent organ. Indeed it has often been to us matter of surprise, that departments of science so im- portant as those of Geology, Zoology, and Botany, should 6 Calcutta Journal of Natural History. have been so long without a Journal of their own in India. The consequence is, that neither the importance of those pursuits, nor that of the persons devoted to them, is at all un- derstood ; and naturalists at length find themselves without any individual connected with the periodical press, or with the learned Societies on this side of India, at all competent to meet their wishes or their views, far less to promote the object of their pursuits. Under these circumstances we have reluctantly deviated from the less obtrusive occupation we had prescribed to ourselves, and are prepared to use our best endeavours to secure for Natural History the advantage of a Journal hitherto much required in India. The next subject on which we have to offer our remarks, is the means by which our publication is to be supported. As to matter we shall have no scarcity, as we trust we shall prove ourselves worthy of the confidence of most of the naturalists in India. The only difficulty we now expe- rience, is to fix the rate at which we are to tax the pockets of our subscribers. We have no desire to profit by the work—our great object therefore is that its price should be as low as possible. On the whole, we consider that a subscription of sixteen rupees per annum will not only cover the expenses of the Journal but allow a certain sum to stand over for the publication of Transactions of an “‘ Academy of Natural Science,” as proposed in our first article, should that or any similar plan for the formation of a Society in India be eventually carried into effect. With regard to the latter object, little more need be said than this—T hat if contributors of valuable articles will merely state whether they wish them to appear also in the Acte of Calcutta Journal of Natural History. vi our new institution, their wish shall be attended to as soon as our subscription list will bear the extra expense. In this way we might soon hope to get up the name of the proposed Society by the publication of a volume of Transactions, after which its course would be smooth and simple. At some future period indeed the geologists, zoologists, and botan- ists might find that the interests of their respective pursuits would be better attended to in separate institutions, and de- clare their independence of the first Society of Naturalists ever formed in India, just for the reasons we now quit the Asiatic and other Societies in Calcutta. Instead of regard- ing such movements or dissentions with jealousy or opposi- tion, they are always to be hailed as favourable signs of the progress of knowledge, and of the advancement of Society to that elevated state of civilization, in which the human mind is brought to bear independently on distinct objects of research. Prospectus of an Indian Association for the advancement of Natural Science. | THE additional interest that objects connected with natu- ral history and geology has assumed within the last few years, renders it desirable, if not altogether necessary, to examine how far an institution solely devoted to such objects would be calculated to facilitate the cultivation of those sciences in India. It cannot have escaped those who are devoted to natural history that existing Societies are not adapted to promote that pursuit, as well from their paucity of means, as from their objects being chiefly directed to investigations in literature, agriculture, and medicine. It appears also from the distance at which those natu- ralists are scattered over India who are competent to give a tone and character to the proceedings of a Society such as we allude to, that periodical meetings for the discus- sion of papers could not conveniently be held at any one place, and that in the absence of competent members, it were better that no such meetings were at all held. With both these circumstances in view, it would be ne- cessary in order to secure the efficiency and integrity of a Society of the kind proposed, to limit its business to such objects as should render meetings unnecessary. The British Association as well as the Academia Nature Curiosorum, hold their meetings, the first in all parts of Great Britain and Ireland, and the second in all parts of Germany; and in as much as they are not confined to any particular town, assimilate to the character of the proposed Society for India. The only difference is, that here there could not conveniently be any meetings, as the cultivators of science are so few, and the nature of their various duties such as to prevent their assembling at any one place. Academy of Natural Science. 9 However agreeable it may be for men who are engaged in kindred pursuits to meet and discuss the several objects in which they are interested, yet this by no means constitutes an essential feature of the Societies in question, which must on the contrary depend entirely on the character of their tran- sactions. With the exception therefore of the reading and discussion of papers, it would seem that we might possess Transactions, and by their means secure all the positive advantages which result from Societies such as those alluded to. The only officer that would be necessary on the spot would be a secretary, or agent, the latter term might be _ preferable, as implying a strict obedience to the wishes of those for whom he acts. The elective body, or Committee, might consist of from eight to twelve names, such as would be a security for the cha- racter of the Society, and who would appoint annually three or four of their body as vice-presidents, to settle any doubt- ful points that might be referred to them by their agent. It would not be advisable to have a larger number than from eight to twelve on the Committee at once, from the in- convenience that would be occasioned in deciding questions upon which it might become necessary to collect their opinions. This last object could only be effected by means of circu- lars. ‘The business of the Committee would be the elec- tion of vice-presidents once a year from among their num- ber, as already stated, as well as to fill up vacancies in _ their own body; this, together with the occasional refer- ence on matters of business would require, at some future time, the indulgence of the privilege of franking letters on the business of the Society to each of the members of the Committee, only however from one to another, which would enable them to keep up tliat intercourse with each other on matters of science which it is almost essential that G 10 . Prospectus of an Indian the savans of every nation should possess to a certain extent, but in India more particularly, from the impossibility of their holding any other kind of intercourse. This would be almost the only privilege which it would be necessary to solicit from the government, and as it would not amount to the general franking of letters, except from one member of the scientific Committee to another, we might hope that an application to the above effect would not be denied longer than the benefit to be derived from it should be clearly proved ; which naturalists can only do at a small sacrifice to them- selves in the first instance in the shape of postage. The next step would be to effect an improvement in the cha- racter of communications, and from the examples which would be afforded by the Society, authors would naturally be more careful in their publications, and more zealous in their works; the effect of which would be a gradual advancement to more finished and carefully digested papers than have as yet be- come frequent in India, in which specific subjects are taken up at the beginning and carried through to the close, with all the information to be had in the country made to bear upon them. For this remark on what should constitute the object of writers, we are indebted to our friend Mr. H. Walker. Let us see now how a spirit and example of this kind would operate. In the first place, those who devote themselves privately to the study of the productions of the country would be brought into communication with each other, and both the government and individuals could refer to their counsel and advice in all matters falling within the province of naturalists to decide. In the next place, the labours of many regarding the ap- plication of the sciences to useful purposes would be brought to bear from a focus, and the investigation of minerals, plants, and animals would be conducted with more energy and effect than if left to depend on the isolated exertions of individuals, or mixed up, as at present, with other pursuits with which naturalists have no sort of connection. Academy of Natural Science. 11 Let us take the state of our knowledge on any one sub- ject that should come within the scope of natural history, and we shall find how much the interests of the country, both as regards its intellectual and social improvement, depends upon its investigation: as, for instance, our coal fields, our tea plants, and our fisheries. In all these matters we have every thing to accomplish, and although from their importance, private enterprise and the isolated observations of individuals may in time effect much, still in a country where the mind requires to be as yet formed for all such inquiries, both energy and example are requisite for conducting re- searches successfully to practical results. There are no instances of men stumbling at once on great practical results in any thing, nor are there any instances of nations changing their character suddenly from intel- lectual darkness to wisdom; these things are not the results of chance, or of sudden efforts, however they may be sup- ported by wealth; but of sedulous and well directed exertion of individuals and the force of their example on communities. Seeing therefore how much depends on the exertion of naturalists and the progress of their pursuits in India, it is reasonable to expect that something should be done to con- centrate and give energy to their labours; but this is less a subject for the consideration of others than for that of naturalists themselves. It is one of the peculiarities of men engaged in the pro- secution of original inquiry, that they are contented to go on in silence with their pursuits, heedless of every thing but the subject before them. There are however occasions when it becomes necessary to look around, and see if with very little inconvenience we may not materially improve, not only our own facilities, but the facilities of those who are to follow in our pursuits; and it is a duty which we owe no less to the government than to ourselves, to secure for those pursuits to which we devote a large proportion of our time, such facilities as may be com- 12 Prospectus of an Indian patible with the circumstances in which we are placed, so as to render our labours useful to the country. The plan now proposed for the constitution of a Society strictly directed to specific objects connected with natural science, differs but slightly, we are informed by our friend Mr. Walker, from that of one of the oldest and most suc- cessful Societies in Europe, the Academia Nature Curio- sorum, which may have arisen out of somewhat similar cir- cumstances in Germany, during the latter part of the six- teenth century, at a period when too few naturalists were found in any one city to carry on the duties of a Society. ‘That Academy exists only in its Acte, or transactions; it has no meetings or local habitation, and its business, which consists merely of the publication of memoirs, is conducted by a tem- porary secretary in any part of Germany where the individual on whom that honor is conferred may happen to reside. In principle this is precisely what is proposed, so that it is so far fortunate to have an illustrious and successful ex- ample of what some might otherwise regard as visionary and impracticable. One of the first objections that will be urged against the proposed institution is, that it will have a tendency to injure other Societies now existing in India; but the same objection might have been urged against every Society that has sprung up since the time the first was formed. Our own little experience in India enables us to state, that the greatest danger to which Societies are here exposed, is the patronage of objects which are foreign to the peculiar qualifications of their leading members. Each of our three Societies of Calcutta afford instances, which have fallen with- in our own observation, of the great and serious error of this. So far therefore from a Society exclusively directed to the promotion of natural history proving injurious to any of the other institutions already existing, we feel assured that the change would prove a great relief to some of them, especially as we are prepared to show several instances in which they Academy of Natural Science. 13 have been called upon to make large sacrifices of funds for the purpose of promoting physical science, when the very effort was attended with opposite effects. The next point which we have to consider, is the means of support for the proposed institution. As it is not proposed to have any monthly or other meetings, or to have any source of expenditure except that of the publication of transactions, those who subscribe can have little inducement beyond that of contributing to an object purely scientific. If there be no transactions, there can be no expenditure, and if there be transactions, subscribers will have so much in return; but it is not merely to derive an equivalent in goods, nor even the pleasure of attending meetings, that induces persons to subscribe to Societies; they in general have far higher objects than the possession of influence, or the vanity of taking part in proceedings. It is reasonable therefore to suppose, that the list of subscribers to the Society would be sufficient to meet its expenses, beyond which there would be nothing more required in the beginning. A museum and a library might afterwards follow: the first object which from its nature would be impracticable m any Society not ruled by naturalists, would in this be a natural consequence requiring no effort. In proof of this we may say, that our residence is a perfect store-house of fishes, birds, and insects poured in from all quarters, so that if we had the means of preserving objects, as well as of collecting and describing them, we could soon form a museum that would be worthy at once of the patronage of the government, and of the character of naturalists now resident in India. The only security for the propriety of the requisite small subscription would rest with the Committee, which would as- sume the management of the Society; but as this Committee would consist of men on whom the character of the Society would depend, and who should have devoted their studies ex- pressly to those objects which it is intended to promote, there should be no hesitation on the one hand to incur the 14 Prospectus of an Indian Academy, §c. responsibility, nor want of confidence to confer it on the other. Could the difficulties attending this point be sur- mounted, it is evident that a Society would then be formed the sole management of which would be vested in the hands of men entirely devoted to its object. The object of the proposed Society would be to collect a body of information regarding the natural history of the country, and to concentrate the labours of our naturalists, which have hitherto been interspersed throughout various publications, in a manner to render it difficult to refer to what really has been done. The evil of scattered publication is in India the difficulty of obtaining books. If our naturalists for the want of any independent publication exclusively devoted to their own pursuits continue to send their communications to various Journals, and Societies here and in Europe, they must neces- sarily increase their own difficulties by the greater number of books which they will require to refer to. In consequence of this practice it already often happens, that to refer to a single paper on natural history it is necessary to purchase a volume of extraneous matter, and this evil must continue to increase until naturalists possess publications exclusively de- voted to their own pursuits. We have treated the subject of the proposed Society on distinct grounds, and altogether independent of a Journal, but we consider both to be indispensable to the advance- ment of natural history, and doubt not we shall live to see both flourish. The one as an independent advocate of truth, and the organ of those who are interested in the progress of natural history; the other, a repository in which the finish- ed papers of naturalists in India may go forth to the world under the auspices of men practically acquainted either with their merits, or their defects. 15 - The Silurian System. By R. I. Murcuison, Esa. F.R.S., F.L.S. Vice-President of the Geological Society of London, General Secretary British Association for the Advancement of Science, Member of the Royal Geographical Society, Honorary Member of the Royal Irish Academy, ete. etc. etc. WE propose in a series of articles to enter into an ana- lysis of Mr. Murchison’s great work on the Silurian System, for the perusal of which we are indebted to the liberality of our friend, and lover of science, Mr. J. W. Grant, C.S.,; for its title alone would be enough to exclude it from all public libraries in this country. For the benefit of the uninitiated, we will first explain, that the author comprehends under the term Silurian* those beds of ancient strata from the Old Red Sandstone down to the Crystalline, or primary rocks. But the work is not confined to the investigations of these beds; before their difference from more recent deposits could be established, it was necessary to enter into an inves- tigation of the latter as a preliminary object. The first views of Mr. Murchison on the subject before us were submitted to the first meeting of the British Association, smce which time Mr. Murchison has been constantly en- gaged in following up the inquiry, and extending his ob- servations, so that districts made subject to the investiga- tion consist of the counties of Salop, Hereford, Radnor, Montgomery, Gloucester, Carmarthen, Brecon, Pembroke, Monmouth, Worcester, and Stafford. And as the above counties contain some of our most important repositories of coal, much new information is afforded regarding them, which we shall endeavour to lay before our readers. But as this part of the work alone consists of nearly two hun- dred quarto pages, we shall be able to convey but a faint idea of its value. * A geographical term derived from the S%dwres, whose power extended over the region where these rocks are best displayed, and the name of whose illustrious Chief, Caradoc (Caractacus) has been transmitted to us in a bold range of hills composed of one of the most important formations of the Silurian system. 16 The Silurian System. Mr. Murchison begins the investigation by a description of the Oolitic beds which cross England from Dorsetshire to Yorkshire, forming the high districts of Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire, traces the limits of these beds, and points out the peculiar fossils by which the inferior part of the series is distinguished. In a work devoted to philosophical objects, our readers will hardly be prepared to expect observations of so much practical importance as those which we are about to quote regarding the importance of geological science in guiding the operations of the practical miner, which we hope will have good effect in pointing out the error of being guided altogether by practical men in our investigations for coal. “In the vicinity of Burley-Dam some of the beds of Lias are so hard as to have induced Lord Combermere to quarry them for slating purposes, and others in the same vicinity being slightly bituminous have very much the aspect of Kimmeridge coal. The mineralogical cha- racters of this formation so closely resemble coal shale, that those unacquainted with its stratigraphical position and zoological contents, particularly in Oxfordshire and other interior parts of the kingdom, have frequently sunk into it in search of coal.” And a little further on, after enu- merating the list of fossils in the lower Lias, Mr. Murchison observes, “it was gratifying to observe in this detached basin of North Salop shells identical with certain unpublished species first brought to notice by my visit to Brora, Suther- landshire, the strata of which distant tract, containing a sort of coal, were by means of their organic remains identi- fied with similar carbonaceous strata of the Oolitic System, in the eastern moorlands of Yorkshire. Had the Lias of this Salopian tract contained coal as good as that found in the Oolitic formations of Whitby and of Brora, it might have been questionable whether in a country so distant from any deposit of the old or true coal, it would have been worth extraction; but no trials have brought to light any por- Murchison’s Silurian System. 17 tion of combustible matter, whether termed lignite or im- pure coal, worthy of the name of a bed. To convince the resident gentry and speculators of northern Salop who are not aware of the value of the evidence afforded by organic re- mains, of the hopelessness of their search after coal, I beg to repeat, that the black shale is wnderlaid by the saliferous marls of the New Red Sandstone. In addition to the instances already given, I may state, that the sinkings of Sir Corbet Corbet at Adderley, opposite Kent’s Rough, and near the northern edge of the basin, proved this fact; for upon piercing the black shale to the depth of 300 feet, a brine spring was reached! Lastly, an examination of the annexed wood cut* and the map will show, that the basin not only rests upon marls and other strata of the New Red System, but is surrounded by them; and a reference to the general tabular view attached to this work will prove that the whole of the enormously thick system of new red sandstone (as fully expanded here as in any part of England) lies between the black shale and the true coal measures. If coal really passes beneath any portion of this country, it ought to be first sought for at points nearer to Oswestry, Wrexham, Shrewsbury, Wellington, Newport, and Madeley in Staffordshire; in short, towards the out crop of the coal measures which rise nearly on all sides from beneath the new red sandstone. Now as this tract lies in the centre of the circle above mentioned, it is necessarily the very spot in the whole area where the search for coal is most hope- less, being that were the overlying deposits are thickest.” 25.—On another occasion Mr. Murchison observes, that he had learnt that sinkings for coal had been carried on for some extent between Whitchurch and Market Dray- ton; but on examining the district, he soon found that the black shale supposed by the inhabitants to be coal- shale, was nothing more than Lias, as was proved by an abundance of fossils, and separated from the coal measures * We regret we have not the means of introducing this cut. D 18 Murchison’s Silurian System. by the new red sandstone. Again,—‘‘ On Walliston Com-, mon, Salop, in one of the attempts to find coal the Lias was bored, after sinking 250 feet, to a further depth of 150 feet, making a total of about 400 feet. A little black lignite or jet was found, but nothing to justify the most remote pro- bability of the formation containing coal.” At the mouth of the trial pits Mr. Murchison collected twenty-six species of fossil shells, six of which proving the formation to be identical with the Brora beds, in which a lignite occurs. In numerous other instances Mr. Murchison points out the ruinous consequences of sinking for coal without the advice and opinions of scientific men. Speaking of a spirited un- dertaking of the Earl of Dartmouth, in which seven hundred feet of sandstone was penetrated at Christ-Church, Mr. Murchison observes, that it is impossible to mention the success that attended the enterprise, without congratulating geologists on the effect which their writings are now pro- ducing on the minds of practical men, since it was entirely owing to inferences deduced from geological phenomena that this work was commenced, whilst its success was de- rided by many of the practical miners in the adjacent coal field. The south-east parts of the county of Durham have been rendered by this means a great and productive coal field, in spite of the prejudices and predictions of the old school of miners, to whom such important matters used to be entrusted. See p. 58—66. The practical importance of the subject being established on such facts as these, we need not apologise to our readers for devoting a larger space to the notice of this work than its title and scientific details would seem to demand in an Indian Journal. The truth however is, that Mr. Murchison’s work is the best medel that could be chosen by the Indian geologists who would render efficient service either to sci- ence or to the practical value of the minerals of the country. To those who have not paid much attention to geology, we would remark, that the true coal formations repose between Murchison’s Silurian System. 19 two great formations of sandstones, named the New, and the Old Red—that the lower beds of the first, and the upper beds of the latter, may contain thin seams of poor coal, which, in order to appreciate properly when met with in an unde- scribed district, we should be able to refer to one or other of the two formations. Ifthe thin seam of coal belong to the Old Red Sandstone, boring or sinking in search of a better bed would obviously be a waste of money, as we should rather direct our inquiries to overlying rocks, and if these do not occur, a further search for coal in the district would be useless. If, however, the coal seam belongs to the New Red Sandstone, our search should be extended to the older or underlying strata, not by boring, for then we might, like the gentlemen of Whitchurch and Market Drayton, have several thousand feet of new red sandstone between us and the coal, even if its existence were certain. It is only therefore where coal seams are met with in coal formations, that borings and sink- ings should be resorted to. Then the question arises, How are we to become acquaint- ed with these important distinctions, on a knowledge of which the condition of society so much depends, especially in India? Fortunately for us, coal seems to be so abundant in India, that no great nicety is required to detect it; but to pursue the discovery, and to bring it into use, is another and more difficult task. Mr. Murchison observes, that the Lias is succeeded in the descending series by beds of green and red marl, constituting the upper portion of the series of strata, called the New Red System, which includes all those beds of marl, sandstone, and limestone, which lie between the Lias and the carboniferous rocks, and which, from their development, are capable of being divided into formations by differences in lithological and fossiliferous characters. 1. Saliferous marls; 2. Red sandstone and quartzose conglomerate; 3. Conglomerate 20 Murchison's Silurian System. and magnesian limestone; 4. Lower red sandstone. The first of these is described as occasionally presenting the appearance of a greenish kind of marlstone included in beds of red or green marls, of different degrees of tenacity; sometimes the colour is almost a grass green, and at others as white as chalk. It passes occasionally into a slightly micaceous calcareous grit. It would be exceedingly difficult, however, to give a mineralogical description of a formation which Mr. Murchison traces throughout a large tract of England, always appearing under some new character. The salt springs at Droitwich, and other places, have procured for it the name it bears. Salt springs occasionally occur in other formations perfectly distinct. Mr. Murchison considers the ‘‘ Keuper” of foreign geologists is equivalent to the salife- rous marls, and refers to a section made by Professor Sedgwick and himself, on the continent, to prove the iden- tity of the rock in the two remote localities, England and Germany. The “Keuper,” however, abounds in fossil plants as well as animals; and Mr. Murchison has never been able to detect any trace of organic remains in the saliferous marls of England. ‘“ The fossils of the overlying and underlying for- mations in England being of marine origin, there is little doubt that the red marl must also have been deposited beneath the sea. In Germany and in France this inference is establish- ed by the presence of marine remains, in the “ Keuper,” “* Muschelkalk,” and ‘“ Bunter” sandstein,—the three prin- cipal formations of the system; the first of which, as before mentioned, represents our saliferous marls. The second, or great calcareous formation, has not yet been discovered in the British isles; and the third is the equivalent of the mas- sive beds of centralsandstones. The numerous brine springs, as well as masses of rock-salt, which are contained in the red marl, seems to offer additional proofs of the marine origin of Murchison’s Silurian System. 21 these deposits, since Dr. Daubeny has shewn that in many of these saline sources there is an admixture of iodine, a principle which is confined to the sea and its productions. This argument is not, however, to be considered decisive, but only as forming a portion of cumulative evidence, which taken in conjunction with that of the remains occurring in the deposits of this age on the continent, fortifies the con- clusion, that our saliferous marls are of marine origin; for it might be said, that iodine and chloride of sodium have been derived in the first instance from the interior of the earth, and that the ocean may have owed its saltness to beds of rock-salt, as well as that rock-salt owes its origin to the evaporation of sea-water.” Notwithstanding the difficulty of establishing the identity in remote quarters of the world, of rocks so vaguely characterised as the saliferous marls, yet when we have coal measures affording a certain fixed point, or land mark to guide us, we cannot be very far out in fixing upon the green marls, or often friable sandstone, which extend along the lower ridges of many parts of the great Himalayan chain, immediately adjoining the plains of Hindus- tan, as the Indian equivalent of the beds in question. Along the southern side of Assam we have the same rocks as well as brine springs, and an earthy limestone, probably equi- valent to the English Lias. On the face of the Cherra mountain, the green marl rests unconformably on Old Red Sandstone, (or that on which the coal formation rests), and gives support to the deposits of sand in which the marine remains are contained. It is here by no means destitute of fossils as in other localities; on the contrary, we found in it six species of univalve shells, a small species of Echinus and a large spined Cidaris. In a note which we made on the characters of a fragment of rock brought away from a sub- merged reef near Arracan, by the hull of a ship which struck upon it, we pointed out the resemblance between its appearance and that of the green conglomerates in question.* * Journ, Beng. As. Soc. 1838, p. 936. ° 22 Murchison’s Silurian System. A description of the salt formations at the head of the Indus, and their relative position to the coal measures re- cently found there by Mr. Jameson, will be the means of casting much important light on this subject in regard to India, and we have fortunately in the gentleman alluded to a geologist near the spot, fully alive to the importance of this and other questions of a similar nature. Another equally important question is the situation of the great repositories of salt in the vicinity of Ajmeer, and other situations in Central India, where salt lakes abound. Lieut. Fraser, of the Engineers, we recollect, sent us a fragment of rock-salt, which was found imbedded in a basaltic rock, when sinking a well at Mhow, about three feet from the surface. We have not heard that this curious fact has led to any further dis- covery or research in the neighbourhood alluded to. The next beds of the New Red System described by Mr. Murchison, are the sandstone and quartzose conglo- merates.* It is difficult to characterise these beds, otherwise than by the absence of saline impregnations, and occasional appearance of fragments of the older rocks, as in the last; fossils are said by Mr. Murchison to be rarely found in it in England, but in Ireland a profusion of small fish} were found in an equivalent rock at Rhone hill, near Dungannon. On the continent it is still more distinguished by numerous fossil plants, as Equisetacee, Felices, Conifere Liliacee, the whole of which are said to have a certain community of character peculiar to the age, and are very distinct from the plants of the overlying and underlying systems. The third, and only other member of the New Red System hitherto detected in Great Britain, is the calcareous con- glomerate, or lower new red sandstone, which in the central counties is equivalent to the magnesian limestone of the: north-east, and the dolomitic conglomerate of the south-west of England. ‘‘ They do not, however, contain solid beds of * Called Bunter sandstein by the Germans, and Grés bigarré by the French. + Pdaleniscus catopterus. Murchison’s Silurian System. a3 magnesian limestone, and very seldom so much magnesia as to entitle them to the name of dolomitic conglomerate, but are for the most part simply calcareous conglomerates, con- sisting of fragments of quartzy, silurian, and other rocks, as well as of carboniferous and other limestones enveloped in a calcareous matrix. In the Tortworth district, at the northern extremity of the Bristol coal field, the true dolomitic con- glomerate is considerably developed, and has been fully described by several geologists. In the north of Gloucester- shire, and south of Worcester, where the new red sandstone is conterminous with the old red, there are no distinct traces of this member of the series, unless we suppose that the few thin courses of slightly calcarious conglomerates which occur at intervals near the bottom of the sandy series, be its representative.” “In the great expansion, however, of the new red system in the north of Worcestershire, in Staffordshire, and Shropshire, there are calcareous conglomerates of considerable thickness, which, as they pass beneath the great masses of red sandstone already described, there can be no hesitation in referring also to the age of the magnesian limestone. They occur in great force in the north-eastern face of the Lickey. See the Memoirs of Mr. Horner, Dr. Bright, Mr. War- burton, Messrs. Buckland and Conybeare, and Mr. Weaver ; Geol. Trans. vol. m1. and tv. old series, and vol. 1. of new series. ‘This dolomitic conglomerate is also described in this work in the chapter on Tortworth, and the position is mark- ed near the south-eastern extremity of the accompanying map, and Client hills, and appear also on the northern end of the Lickey ridge of quartz rock, whence they range by Kenelms to Hagley. In this course they distinctly overlie a great formation hereafter to be described as the lower new red sandstone, and rise high on the sides of the trap rocks of the Clent hills. They here vary much in importance, parti- 24 Murchison’s Silurian System. cularly near St. Kenelms and Hagley, some masses having a thickness of fifty and sixty feet, others not more than six or eight; at Garnow Green, near St. Kenelms, there are extensive lime works in this rock, an account of which may suffice for those at other localities.” “The beds dip very slightly to the south, and are separated from each other by sandy marls and clay. The greater part of this rock is made up of angular fragments of a pre- existing, very compact limestone, which, from the corals and other fossils found in it, proves to be the carboniferous lime- stone. In some parts of the quarries. the rock consists of concretions of marl and fragments of sandstone and grits, with coal plants, imbedded in a pink calcareous grit; but in others, of small pebbles of quartz and still older rocks, enve- loped in a red ferruginous, earthy basis, penetrated in all directions by white, crystallized carbonate of lime. The matrix and cement are throughout very calcareous, and the colour of the rock varies with that of the ingredients, from a reddish tinge, to shades of yellow and white. This con- glomerate follows all the sinuosities and promontories of the Clent hills, as is well seen between the hills of Romsley and Walton, where associated with the red sandstone, it enters into a deep recess. It also folds round Hagley park, (near the parsonage,) accommodating its outline to the form of the hills, where it has been described by the Rev. J. Yates, as a calcareous breccia, consisting of grains of quartz, decompos- ing felspar, and limestone. Transverse sections, from north to south, across the strata, are exhibited on the sides of the roads, which ascend to the Clent hills by St. Kenelms, or by Hunnington, and expose several lower calcareous courses, separated by argillaceous red marls and‘sandstone. Calca- reous bands prevail so much in this district, re-occurring at intervals in the scarpments, through a thickness of many hundred feet, that if they were all included in this division, Murchison’s Silurian System. 29 it would be impracticable to define with precision their limits, © since they graduate into, and form a part of the lower red sandstone, which in its turn overlies and passes into the coal measures. It will indeed be shown in the sequel, that other calcareous beds, for the most part, however, of true concre- tionary structure, are even traceable down into the coal measures ; and for this reason, I restrict the comparison with the magnesian limestone, or dolomitic conglomerate, to the mass of this rock which immediately lies beneath the central sandstanes,” (Bunter sandstein, or Grés bigarré.) “‘ Calcareous conglomerates are to be seen at many points round the outline of the Dudleyand Wolverhampton coal-fields, generally at some little distance from the edge of the coal-bear- ing strata, and always dipping away from, or overlying them.” It is impossible in a work composed almost entirely of important details, on which the principles of geological science so much depend, to offer any abstract or comments half so instructive as simple quotations from the observations of the author, especially as sandstones and rocks of the coal formation prevail very extensively in nearly all parts of India. It is extremely important, that the relative position of the sandstones and coal-bearing strata of India should be clearly described, and that all the points in which they differ from, or agree with, similar rocks in other parts of the world, should be investigated. In a private letter from our friend Mr. Jameson, we learn that he has observed extensive tracts composed of silurian rocks, and sandstone of the Old Red System, in the north-western parts of India. Under these circumstances, we feel assured that we can render no better service than by quoting largely from the pages of a work, which otherwise would, from its price, be little known in India. The calcareous strata of the New Red System at Coton, where they are burned for lime, are described as coarse con- glomerate, composed chiefly of fragments of carboniferous E 26 Murchison’s Silurian System. limestone, generally rounded and red on their exterior. Some of them are of an oolitic structure; others a compact limestone, containing encrimites, corals, and terebratule, and discoloured, partly by films of green carbonate of copper; secondly, conglomerate with fewer fragments of limestone but containing pebbles of quartz, old red sandstone, &c.; the whole cemented by pure white crystallized carbonate of lime. This conglomerate passes into a pink calcareous sandstone, with pebbles and minute fragments of jasper. “In attempting to refer the fragments of limestone to the original rock, the oolitic structure distinctly proves that some of them have not been derived from any formation below the Old Red Sandstone, while the nearest known masses of a similar rock are in the carboniferous limestone of the Clee hills, twenty miles distant. The included fossils belong like- wise to the same deposit, while the rolled condition of the fragments, accords with the idea of their having been drifted from the quarter alluded to. At Coal-Brook Dale coal-fields the conglomerate is not sufficiently calcareous to be burnt for lime, being chiefly composed of rounded fragments of sandstone and quartz, with some fragments of carboniferous limestone, in a base of quartzose and calcareous sand. Here, as in other localities before mentioned, the strata dip away from the adjacent coal-field, from which, as we shall afterwards perceive, they are separated by a great fault. The extensive denudation of the whole series of the New Red System between Newport and Shrewsbury, has obliterated all traces of the calcareous conglomerates, which are not met with again till we approach Shrewsbury where a small face of the rock can be seen, which was formerly quarried to burn for lime, but is rapidly lost, dipping to about 30° under the sandstone. To the north and west of this spot, the relations to the various members of the New Red System, which overlie the coal bearing strata of Poutes- Murchison’s Silurian System. 27 bury, are much obscured by a thick cover of coarse gravel and clay. In other situations north of the Severn, the calca- reous conglomerate of the New Red System contains angular fragments of cream-coloured limestone, in a reddish sandy calcareous matrix, in which small cavities occasionally occur lined with crystals of dolomite. Limestone containing mag- nesia is abundant in some beds of mountain, or carboniferous limestone in the same vicinity, and that rock being of older date, may have supplied many of the enclosed materials, and much of the cement of this conglomerate.” Some fragments of limestone of large size, derived from the breaking up of a peculiar fresh water limestone interca- lated between seams of coal, are also contained in it, as well as small round quartzose and other pebbles of more ancient rocks. Although Mr. Murchison observes it has been stated in the previous pages that no remains of shells have yet been detected in the overlying members of the New Red System in England, a considerable number of curious unpublished species have recently been discovered at Manchester in beds of the variegated marl. ‘These shelly marls are considered by Professor Sedgwick to lie beneath the upper and central members of the New Red System, and Professor Phillips, who has recently worked out in some detail the relations of strata in the environs of Manchester, is of the same opinion. In a letter to Mr. Murchison, he describes these shelly marls as lying between the sandstone and quartzose con- glomerates, grés bigarré, and the lower beds of the New | Red System, and observes, ‘‘ I view them as attenuated and deteriorated magnesian limestone, the last term of the de- gradation of this rock;” it is therefore inferred that the Man- chester shelly beds are of the same age as the calcareous and dolomitic conglomerates of Salop, Worcester, and Staf- ford, which are the equivalents of the magnesian limestone. These marls are said by Mr. Murchison to be of great 28 Murchison’s Silurian System. interest as links connecting the lower new red sandstones with strata of the same age in the north of England, which are known to geologists through the labours of Professor Sedgwick. Among the shells from the marls at Colyhurst Professor Phillips recognises Axinus obscurus, or a large variety of that species, as the most prevalent, associated with an avicula, not very remote from A. sociales, and many small undescribed univalves. “‘ Having now described the three upper divisions of the series in those districts where their characters and order of super-position are distinct, I might at once proceed to the examination of the subjacent sandstones where they are most expanded, as around the coal fields of the central counties. It is desirable however previously to invite atten- tion to the prevailing characters of the lower portion of the system in Gloucestershire and the west of Worcestershire, where being little more developed the whole of its lower por- tion consisting of conglomerates and sandstone is so intimately connected that they can be considered only under one head.” The members composing the bottom of the system are oc- casionally difficult to identify in different localities, as their characters are mixed, sometimes calcareous, at others quart- zose, and occasionally containing a great abundance of peb- bles and fragments of trap rock, intermixed with sedimentary rocks of great antiquity. Having traced the line of demarcation between the New Red Sandstone and the older rocks on which they rest, “ I commence by pointing out the manner in which from small beginnings in the south their successive development is ac- complished as we proceed northward. At Huntley soft red sandstones first appear rising from beneath the marls, and separating them from silurian rocks; and between that place and Newent, where the sandstone attains a consider- able thickness, there are traces of quartzose conglomerates Murchison’s Silurian System. 29 occasionally cemented by calcareous matter. These rela- tions prevail for some miles to the north of Newent, the lower beds of the system overlying a thin zone of coal measure; but in approaching the Malvern hills, the -sand- | stones are much more exposed, and the conglomerate near their base is of greater importance, and of ieuent litholo- gical composition. In the absence of natural sections, the presence of the sandstone above the conglomerate (Grés bigarre), is clearly indicated by the “Rye Sand,” or sandy loams, which uniformly give a dry agricultural character to the surface of all the tracts occupied by that member of the system. Between Huntley and Lynes Place are good sections of the sandstone arranged in fine-grained, friable, thickish beds, beds of deep red colours, and containing subor- dinate irregular courses of a small conglomerate, in which are fragments of the old red sandstone, and inferior rocks. Some of these conglomerates are slightly calcareous, others pass into mere grits, the whole resting upon and thinning out in light-coloured incoherent sand, and the line of separa- tion is sometimes defined by the nature of the surface, at others by sections exhibiting thin patches of coal measures interpolated between the New and Old Red Sandstones.” Clear junctions of the New and Old Red Systems are seen at Hoffield Camp, the first appearing as soft red sandstone, and the second, of brecciated conglomerate, of a deep red colour, containing fragments of syenite, varieties of silurian rocks, quartz rock, and old red sandstone. “Almost adjoining the sandstone of Black’s Well, and constituting the southern side of the gorge at Knightsford ° Bridge, through which the Teme escapes from Herefordshire into the plains of Worcestershire, is a remarkable cliff called “Rosemary Rock,” the summit of which is about three hundred and fifty feet above the sea; at this spot the Old Red and New Red Sandstone are again conterminous, 30 Murchison’s Silurian System. being separated by only an alluvial meadow. The northern face of Rosemary Rock is the finest vertical section of the coarse conglomerate near the base of the New Red, with which I am acquainted. The fragments vary from a large size to that of almonds, and are both rounded and angular; the greater number and largest, consisting of a purple coloured concretionary trap, hereafter to be described, which occurs in the hills of Barrow, Woodbury, and Abber- ley, the northern prolongation of the Malvern ridge. The other fragments are chiefly referrible to the Silurian System, and among them are quartz rock, indurated schist, and other altered rocks. ‘The cement is partly calcareous, with a few veins of white calcareous spar. Ona hasty inspection, this rock and others resembling it along this chain of hills, might be mistaken for the trap rocks, from which they have been partly derived, but the admixture of fragments of stratified rocks of the Silurian and Old Red Systems, dis- tinctly proves its regenerated character. The summits of those hills lying to the north of the Teme, which are marked in the map as trap, exhibit on the contrary, no fragments ex- cept those of a peculiar rock, predomenant in this range and in the Clent hills.” At Collins’ Green, conglomerates like those of Rosemary rock, associated with beds of deep red sandstone, rise to the. same height as the ridge of silurian rocks, from the flanks of which they dip 20° to 25° south-east. In this conglomerate are also many portions of silicefied schist, quartz rock, and altered silurian rock. The silurian and trap rocks subsiding to the west of Martley, the New Red Sandstone is again conterminous with the Old; and with the depression of the older and intrusive rocks we find a corresponding absence of coarse conglomerate and trappean fragments ; the deep coloured thick bedded sandstone of Martley, being nearly free from all pebbles and foreign fragments. In the north- Murchison’s Silurian System. 31 western parts of Worcestershire the New Red System begins to expand; and conglomerates, such as those described, are partially underlaid by soft red sandstone, both on the eastern flanks of Walsgrave hill, near the Hundred House, and at the termination of the Abberley Ridge. Thence to the north, the boundary line of the New Red Sandstone comes in contact with the stiff clays and flagstones of the Old Red, but within two miles of Bewdley it begins to flank the coal measures; and other examples of the an- gular, coarse, and trappean conglomerate, or breccia, occur, the fragments of trap having been derived, it is presumed, from Stugbury hill. A similar rock is found at Wars Hill, on the left bank of the Severn, also rising up on the edge of the lower New Red, where it is bounded by the Old Red Sandstone, the conglomerate being interposed between the intrusive rock and the soft sandstone of Kid- derminster! The same conglomerate, subordinate to, and winding through masses of thick bedded sandstone, are instructively displayed at Winterdine, near Bewdley, and contain fragments of coal measure, grits, and concretionary trap, both of which rocks being in site adjacent to the con- glomerate, are of angular forms, whilst the quartz and peb- bles of older rocks, which have been transported from greater distance, are rounded. These strata are uncon- formable to the adjoining sandstone and grits of the coal measures, and pass beneath the Red Sandstone which forms the cliffs on the left bank of the Severn, and ranges to the town of Kidderminster. “We may therefore proceed to the consideration of the structure of these tracts where natural sections exposing a full development of the lower members of the system, exhibit, besides the calcareous and other conglomerates before describ- ed, the Lower New Red Sandstone as a great and distinct subjacent formation of sandstone, marl, and shale, with subor- dinate courses of impure concretionary limestone, the whole passing down gradually into the carboniferous system.” 32 Murchison’s Silurian System. 4. Lower New Rep Sanpstone.—Foreign Synonyms: Rothe-tode liegende (Ger.) Gres des Vosges couches infe- rieures. (Fr.) . “When fully developed, asin the tracts of Worcestershire, Staffordshire, and Shropshire, where I shall now describe it, this formation differs essentially in lithological struc- ture from any rocks we have previously considered. As a mass it may be said to consist of sandstones and grits, chiefly of a red colour, sometimes argillaceous, very frequently calcareous, associated with deep brown red shales and marls, occasionally spotted green. Grains of whitish, decomposed felspar are frequent in a matrix of dull red sandstone, iron in various states is here and there disseminated, and bands of impure concretionary and mottled limestone re-occur at various levels. ‘Towards the base, many fragments of impressions of plants appear in beds of sandstone, which graduate into other and lower strata, containing thin seams of coal, from which there is a con- formable descending passage into the true carboniferous system. In general these rocks contain much argillaceous matter, which on decomposing gives a striking resemblance in the surface of the country to those tracts which are occupied by the Old Red Sandstone; whilst some of the calcareous bands above mentioned are associated with hard flagstones. So completely, indeed, do these bands resemble the cornstone of the Old Red Sand- stone, that they were formerly described from a part of this very tract as belonging to that formation. ‘There is now, however, no doubt respecting their age, since besides their clear superposition to the coal measures, some of these beds contain fragments of mountain limestone, and sandstone with coal plants. This is one of the many proofs (ample testimony of which will be found throughout this volume,) of the danger of testing the age of rocks by any peculiarity in their mineral character, however striking: for the graphic description of the cornstone of the Old Red Sandstone, Murchison’s Silurian System. 33 given by Dr. Buckland, is derived from specimens now prov- ed to belong to the New Red System. I cannot, however, make this observation without remarking, that the mere lithological character of many of these beds might still mis- lead the most practised geologist, if he had not worked out the relations of all the other rocks of the district.* Upon the eastern face of the Clent Hills, the Lower New Red appears as a highly argillaceous Red Sandstone, underlying the chief bands of calcareous conglomerate of Frankley and Gannow Green, and dipping away from small patches of coal, on the north-eastern face of the quartz rock of the Lickey Hills, and at the southern end of the great Dudley coal-field. There is distinct proof in both tracts, that the Lower Red Sand- stone is conformable to, and passes into underlying coal measures ; but as the latter are of very poor quality, and are in fact mere layers of carbonaceous matter, they have in most instances not been wrought ; whilst in others where they have, the works being abandoned, the relations are but little known. It is certain, however, that to the east of Rubury Hill the strata dip to the east at a slight angle, and pass with apparent conformability beneath the Red Sandstone. Between Hales-Owen and Hagley, at Wassall Grove and Lutley, poor coal seams are apparent in natural sections, forming the lowest portion of this system, or top of the carbo- niferous strata, and dipping beneath the conglomerate and Red Sandstone of the St. Kenelms and Clent Hills. Among the most instructive excavations opened in these rocks, are * << In my own case, for example, I am bound to acknowledge, that misled by mineral characters in the first year of my survey, I laid down an adjacent tract of the Lower New Red as Old Red Sandstone; an error which I only rectified by ‘working out the relations of all the surrounding rocks. Mr. Greenough in the table of superposition illustrative of his map, has noticed the occurrence of corn- stones, both in the New and Old Red Sandstone. It may be stated, that the inhabitants make no distinction between the half-concretionary, half-conglomerate, ealcareous masses in the New, and those in the Old Red Sandstone. In the coun try, however, of the Old Red Sandstone, the name of ‘“cornstone’’ is restricted to the coarse, sandy, conglomerate-like masses, and is never applied to the large con- rections of purer limestone ”’ F oF Murchison’s Silurian System. those of the Quarry Hill, south of Hales-Owen, where thick bedded, red, gritty sandstones, both soft and hard, are extracted for troughs, slabs, and building purposes, and contain irregular thin seams, filled with minute fragments of coal; whilst lower beds rismg from beneath, pass into layers of hard grey grit, in parts calcareous, their surfaces being covered with fragments of coal and impressions of stems of plants. From these beds there is a gradual passage into the coal tract of the neighbourhood of Hales-Owen. At Coleman’s Hill and Hodge Hill, in the same district, there are other sections, the strata in which, though differing somewhat in mineral characters, belong to this lower division of the New Red System; and these also exhibit passages into the coal measures. At Coleman’s Hill, the upper beds consist of yellowish, soft, gritty sandstone, containing some small, calcareous fragments, a few pebbles of quartz, blotches of red shale, and fragments of sandstone with impressions of stems of plants! This sandstone graduates into thick bedded calcareous grit, spotted with bluish grey, black, and yellow colours, and partially burnt for lime. The spotted appearance is due to fragments of coaly matter, mixed with imperfect concretions of crystallized carbonate of lime, and blotches of ochreous decomposing sandy matter. The sand- stones of this age occupy a distinct ridge from Hodge Hill by the Two Gates, to near Hales-Owen. They are for the most part of a yellow colour, are very cellular, and are not unlike portions of this part of the system in the county of Durham, which Professor Sedgwick has identified with the Rothe-todte-liegende. I allude particularly to the soft, white, yellow, and red sandstones on the banks of the Wear, at Clack’s Heugh, &c., near Sunderland. On the sides of the gullies poor and thin seams of coal are exposed; and one of them occurring in grey calcareous breccia, similar to that of Coleman’s Hill, is made up of fragments of coal, sandstone, schist, and limestone, in a calcareous cement. In the bed of a brook under Wassall Grove, I observed a seam of this coal Murchison’s Silurian System. 30 three or four inches thick, overlaid by what may be termed. a carboniferous cornstone, somewhat resembling that of Coleman’s Hill, and containing small interspersed fragments of bitumenized vegetable matter, rounded, and apparently water-worn, like the pieces of drifted wood seen upon the sea-coast. The calcareous bed passes upwards into thin bedded, brownish yellow sandstone, weathering to a reddish colour, in the fine natural sections seen as we descend.” “J. Mr. W. Hamilton, then Secretary to the Geological Society, accompanied me in one of my visits to the district around Hales-Owen, and he can bear witness to the quantity of impressions of stems, &c. of plants which we observed in the strata of the Lower New Red Sandstone. Specimens of these may be obtained in the Quarry Hill and Coleman’s Hill. From these hills of yellow sandstones, to the edge of the great Dudley coal-field, whether from the Windmills and Two Gates, or from Hodge Hill, we find the following succession— Ist. Beds of incoherent soft yellow sandstone, with cal- careous courses, and thin seams and fragments of coal. 2nd. Argillaceous strata, generally red, and of consider- able thickness. drd. Sandstone, alternating with a peculiar trap-cuf. This rock sometimes assumes spheroidal forms, and will be further described in the chapter on Dudley. It contains quartz, peb- bles, and fragments of coal plants, is often highly ferruginous, and passes down into strata containing small concretions of ironstone. 4th. Calecareous shale with seams of coal, which have been, and are still worked.” “It appears, therefore, that between Hagley and Hales- Owen, there are all the proofs of a Lower New Red Sandstone distinctly underlying the masses described in the previous pages, and passing down into carboniferous strata so gradu- ally, that it is difficult to draw the line of separation, or define it with any accuracy upon a map. As this Lower New Red approaches the Clent Hills, it is inclined to the south, and is 36 Murchison's Silurian System. there surmounted by the calcareous conglomerate or central and upper strata of the New Red System. At whatever point we fix the limit between the overlying sandstones and the coal measures, it must be borne in mind, that the only carboniferous strata into which these beds graduate in this immediate neighbourhood, constitute the poor and slightly productive end of the Dudley field, and that speculations in search of coal seams, by sinking to. great depths beneath the Lower New Red in this tract would be quite ruinous, since we know that the mineral thins out to mere shreds in its course to the south: further explanations of this point will be given in the account of the Dudley coal- field. In following the margin of the great Stafford- shire coal-field, we invariably find that wherever gravel and superficial detritus does not obscure the relations of the strata, a zone of red sandstones, of considerable thickness, is interposed between the coal and the calcareous’ conglomerate. At the Stand Hills it is a hard, greyish, partially reddish, and slightly calcareous sandstone, with a few blotches of yellowish marl, and some veins of white car- bonate of lime, passing upwards into a pebbly, deep red, soft sandstone. At the straits between Himley and Turner’s Hill, it is a thick-bedded, deep red, soft sandstone, in parts slightly calcareous, full of irregular joints and those numer- ous transverse striz or lines of false bedding so common in the New Red Sandstone, with occasional lumps of harder cal- careous grit. At Sedgely, it is a hard, red, slightly caleare- ous sandstone, with spots of green passing upwards into red argillaceous marl. These localities are all on the west side of the fields, and the strata invariably dip to the west, or from the underlying coal measures ! On the eastern side of the coal field these sandstones are much more obscured by coarse gravel, but in several situations they are seen to be overlaid by a red calcareous conglomerate, which also dips away from the coal-field, or to the east. The great thickness of these lower sandstones has been recently proved by the Murchison’s Silurian System. 34 spirited undertaking of the Earl of Dartmouth,” already alluded to, to sink through them for coal. ‘‘ These workings descended through a variety of red and spotted sandstones, blotches deep red, and variegated marls, and thick courses of red calcareous grit, concretions of impure limestone (corn- stone) and ferruginous deep red, hard, calcareous sand- stone; the fissures in the rock being sometimes coated with crystals of coloured pink sulphate of barytes and sulphate of iron. At my last visit the shafts, then at a depth of two hundred yards, were passing through a light red micaceous sandstone, in which blotches of ferruginous marl were mixed with grains of carbonaceous matter. Some of the layers of this rock were separated by laminz of black mica ; concretions of calcareous sandstones as round as cannon balls, occurred at intervals, and altogether there was so much calcareous matter as to give the rock a very concretionary aspect. The reader will perceive that these are the very same strata which overlie the coal in natural sections at other places, and hence there could be little difficulty in predicting that coal measures would be found beneath them, particularly as it is well known that the coal seams of the adjacent field of Dudley do not deteriorate or thin out in the vicinity of these works, but are simply faults. “The existence of the upper beds of coal having been as- certained by borings carried down to adepth of more than seven hundred feet below the surface, they (and the lower beds) have since been reached by sinkings, an account of which with a full description of the strata passed through, will be given in the chapter on the Dudley coal-field. In the east- ern parts of Shropshire, between Enville and Bridgenorth, the Lower Red Sandstone occupies low terraces and depres- sions beneath the calcareous conglomerate, and at Shatter- ford is conterminous with a thin band of coal measures. The uppermost strata are so very similar to those of the great mass of rock above the calcareous conglomerate, that the description of the one may almost serve for that of the other. Thus, for example, in the cliffs opposite Bridgenorth, o Murchison’s Silurian System. and in the mass of rock on which the town itself is built, the ‘beds possess nearly all the characters of the sandstones in the higher parts of the system, being thick-bedded, soft, of a deep red colour, and traversed by innumerable lines of false bedding, which often meet in wedge-like forms. “‘ T may here remark, that whether considered in its central or in its lower member there is no system of rocks which occasionally offers greater difficulties for determining its real laminze of deposit than the New Red Sandstone. Besides the joints or fissures, the diagonal lines of false stratifica- tion are sometimes so prevalent, that it is only by tracing at wider intervals the true lamine of deposit, as marked by herbage or moss, that we can correctly ascertain the real dip of the strata. As these appearances sometimes re-occur from top to bottom of cliffs two and three hundred feet in height, and as the intervals between the true beds is often fifteen or twenty feet, it at first sight does not seem easy to assign an adequate cause for the accumulation of such a vast number of interjacent laminz, parallel to each other in se- parate wedges, yet divergent from the lines of true bedding. Such appearances are to be found to a certain extent in rocks of all ages, and however difficult it may be to explain the precise method by which water can have deposited the grains of sand in these positions, we have positive evidence of precisely similar phenomena, not only in young tertiary deposits like the crag, but also in those accumulations of the modern era, which having been formed under the sea, have subsequently been raised up, and occupy low cliffs along certain parts of the coast of our island.”* * «¢ See description of a raised beach on the north coast of Devonshire, by the Rev. Professor Sedgwick, and Mr. Murchison, Geol. Proceed. xi. No. 48. Mr. Lyell has given an ingenious explanation of the manner in which these transverse lamine may have been formed by water, in showing how similar inclined planes of sand are accumulated by wind. Mr. De la Beche also throws light on the origin of this false bedding, Theoret. Res. in Geol. p. 88.’’ It appears to us unnecessary to limit the cause of the phenomena alluded to, to the action of water alone; why might winds not also have been engaged in producing them as they are at present ? The traveller on the Ganges and Bramaputra has frequent opportunities of ob- serving the peculiar structure alluded to in sands of many miles in breadth on either side of the streams.—Ep. Murchison’s Silurian System. 39 To the south and north of Bridgenorth the lower beds of New Red, as exposed on both banks of the Severn, are similar in all respects to those described elsewhere, consisting of brownish, red, argillaceous and calcareous sandstone, flaglike calcareous grits, with occasional underlying, slightly red and yellowish sandstones, not unlike certain coal grits. Before, however, we take leave of this tract, a little more detail is called for, respecting the relations of the Lower New Red to the south of Bridgenorth, where the formation has been generally confounded with the Old Red Sandstone; though it is clearly separated on many points from that system by a zone of coal measures. Such is distinctly seen at Chelmarsh, where a ridge consisting entirely of the Lower Red Sand- stone and associated beds of calcareous concretions, overlies in conformable opposition, and graduates downwards into strata, containing seams of coal. ‘The descending order on the western slope of Chelmarsh Common is as follows :— 1. Red Sandstones passing into calcareous conglomerates, sometimes of concretionary structures. 2. Argillaceous marls and clay, with beds of whitish sand- stone, occasionally with green grains. 3. First traces of coal measures, viz. dark and grey shale and light coloured sandstone, with seams of coal, too poor to be worked. 4. Top coal of this district twenty-two inches thick, the highest bed in use. 5. Calcareous concretions of grey and green colours, resembling certain varieties of the cornstone of the Old and New Systems; a band of this limestone is seen in the bed of the Borle Brook, dipping under the top coal. 6. Lower coal, two feet six inches thick, with associated measures, lies at some depth beneath the limestone, but is not now in work. All these beds, from the lower coal to the overlying red 40 Murchison’s Silurian System. and green sandstone with calcareous conglomerate, dip to the south-east, about four inches in a yard. This is indisputably one of the clearest natural sections in the range of the Lower New Red Sandstone, exposing a passage downwards to the coal measures. As these argilla- ceous concretions are thus proved to belong to the Lower New Red Sandstone, we thereby determine the age of other sandstones, which distinctly overlying them, occur on both banks of the Severn, at Hagley, Stanley, and Alveley, and which most geologists, (myself included during my early examinations of this tract,) erroneously considered to belong to the Old Red Sandstone. Seeing the inter-stratification of so many beds of stiff red clay with calcareous concretions perfectly resembling the true cornstone of the Old Red, and also beds in which the surfaces are occasionally covered with large plates of mica, it was difficult to believe that these rocks did not really belong to that system. By attention, however, to the relations of these sandstones to the sur- rounding strata, it becomes clear that they belong to the New Red System; for besides the proofs of their superposi- tion in this tract, they may be traced pursuing the same course, and uniting with the sandstones of Hagley, the Clent Hills, Hales-Owen, and the strata which surround and overlie the coal-fields of Coal-Brook Dale and Shrews- bury. The Red Sandstone of Alveley, Hagley, and Stanley, which contains calcareous concretions or cornstones, (several masses of which are burnt for lime, is a thick-bedded sandstone, without mica, the lamination frequently marked by purple stripes, with here and there half-formed, small concretions of green and red marl. The coarser, or gritty beds are very largely quarried for grindstones, which are used at Birmingham in the manufacture of gun barrels. The grind- stones are not unusually three and a half feet thick, by ten Murchison's Silurian System. 4] or twelve in diameter.* These grits are frequently calca- reous, and are composed chiefly of grains of deep red quartzose sand, with white specks of decomposed felspar. Although, therefore, they do not much resemble the ordi- nary strata of the New Red Sandstone, they are unlike any beds in the Old Red System. And though it may be diffi- cult, nay, in some cases impracticable, to distinguish the calcareous concretions of the one system, from the corn- stones and limestones of the other, we have a safe guide in the order of superposition ; and the absence of the fishes, and organic remains of the Old Red Sandstone, is negative evidence of some use in assisting the inquirer. “In subsequent remarks upon the carboniferous deposits of these tracts, it will be explained how the coal measures which appear in patches in the bed and banks of the Severn, have been brought to light from beneath this cover of the Lower New Red Sandstone. This member of the system is developed on both banks of the Severn, north of Bridgenorth, or between that town and Madeley, leaving no doubt of its age since it is seen overlying, and dipping away from a thin zone of coal at Tasley and Coughley; and where some of the harder courses also contain calcareous sandstones. A most instructive transverse section can also be made by passing from the high terrace of Apley to the lower ridges, in which are situated the park and house of Mr. Whitmore. The change observed in passing from the fine sandy and loamy soil of the upper and middle portion, to- the cold argillaceous surface of the lower division of the system, is quite as marked, as the contrast between the agricultural surface of the New and Old Red Sandstones, where those systems are brought together in Gloucestershire and parts of Worcestershire. So complete is the resem- blance between this lower member of the New Red and the Old Red Sandstone itself, that I confess it was only the clear order of superposi- tion which convinced me, that this zone of sandstone and clay really formed part of the younger system. Near Apley Park Lodge, quarries * “The stone was also formerly much extracted for the furnace hearths of blast-houses, but experience has taught the iron-masters, that many other sandstones are equally serviceable for that purpose. The coarser beds contain small fragments and concretions of marl. They are also used as building stones.”’ G 42 Murchison’s Silurian System. have been opened in this rock to the depth of thirty feet, exposing a hard greenish and deep red sandstone, in parts calcareous, in others slightly concretionary and conglomerated, the whole subordinate to stiff red, argillaceous marl or shale. Here, as at Cantern Bank, near Tasley, the beds lie conformably upon the coal strata, a band of which appears below in the bed of the Severn, while the superior face of the red rock dips beneath the overlying conglomerate of Apley Terrace. As Mr. J. Prestwich, to whose labours in this coal-field I shall have occasion to allude hereafter, has discovered plants in these Lower Red Sandstones, the analogy to strata of similar age near Hales-Owen, Hagley, Shrewsbury, and other places is complete. “ On following this rock to Coal-Port Bank, we there see it exhibited in deep vertical sections. Thick and thin bedded, red, argillaceous sand- stones, yellowish and greenish grits, occasionally calcareous, with way- boards of argillaceous marl, constitute the upper cliff, dipping to the east 10° under an argillaceous cover, and resting upon thick bedded red sandstone, having a slight tendency to conglomerate structure. The other varieties of this rock contain rounded grains of quartz, and white specks, probably of decomposed felspar, with little iron pyrites in a calcareous paste, together with bands of coarse-grained, pebbly grit, and specks of chlorite, in a cement of white crystallized carbonate of lime. Some of the calcareous grits enclose concretions of green and red marl, thus resembling the impure cornstones of the Old Red Sandstone. Between Coal-Port and Madeley this sandstone is affected by powerful faults, to the chief of which I shall advert in a subsequent chapter; it being enough for my present purpose to state, that along the boundary of this field, as in Staffordshire, great dislocations equally affect the carbo- niferous strata and the Lower New Red Sandstone!* A transverse section from Sturchley to Shifnal, across Nedge Hill, like those previ- ously cited, exposes sandstones and flaggy grits, both green and red, and thin courses of slightly calcareous conglomerates and flagstones, associated with much argillaceous marl; the whole passing beneath the younger group of Shifnal, &c. The country around Shifnal, Sheriff- Hales, and Crackley Bank, is covered with the quartz pebbles of the disintegrated conglomerate, beneath which a dark coloured, finely laminated, soft sandstone is seen at intervals; but these beds, as well as * These are all elaborately described by Mr. J. Prestwich, in whose Memoir, preparing for publication in the Geological Transactions, will be found valuable details of the dislocations of the carboniferous and associated strata in this vicinity. Murchison’s Silurian System. 43 all those situated midway between Bridgenorth and Wolverhampton, and occupying points intermediate between the coal-fields of Staffordshire and Coal-Brook Dale, belong rather to the overlying or great central mass of sandstone. At Lilleshall, the same instructive section as that from Nedge Hill to Shifnal is repeated, with still greater clearness and fuller development. In the slopes of the hills below the terrace on which Lilleshall House is built, are stiff, argillaceous beds, which pro- duce a cold and unmanagable soil. Other sandy beds, on the contrary, are quite incoherent and very largely micaceous, a rare feature in the supracarbonaceous strata. At Lilleshall Abbey, the lowest strata apparent on the surface are thick-bedded, light brownish sandstones. “ The junction of these with the underlying coal has never yet been ascertained, but there can exist no doubt of these being the true beds of passage into the carboniferous system. Portions of this sandstone are seen at one or two points along the northern flank of the Ketley portion of this coal-field, and they follow the outline of the promontories of the trap and silurian rocks near Wellington, but are for the most part in an incoherent and decomposed state, and the district is also much obscured by gravel. The Lower Red Sandstone reappears at Woxeter, Preston-Boats,* Shrewsbury, and other places on the banks of the Severn. It dips away in slightly inclined masses from various small patches of coal at Pitchford and Uffington; also near Longnor, where the coal- bearing strata of Le Botwood pass gently beneath the red strata of Condover and Stapleton. In that district these red sandstones enter deeply into the recesses of the bays, or denudations which have been formed at the north-eastern extremities of the Cambrian rocks, in many situations resting directly upon their vertical or highly inclined strata ; while in others, as in various hollows near Cound and Pitchford, they are separated from the old rocks by thin patches and broken zones of coal. In all such positions, even at the north-western end of the Lowley * At Preston-Boats, the upper part of the old quarries exposes thin bedded, hard, slightly calcareous beds, with small concretions of dark green impure lime- stone, closely resembling certain cornstones of the Old Red Sandstone. In the lower part of the quarry the beds become thicker, and consist of sandstones of deep red colour, with a few blotches of marl. It is from beds of this age, that the Abbey Castle, and many ancient buildings of Shrewsbury have been constructed. Though I have looked in vain for any trace of organic remains in these calcareous beds, we should never despair of such a discovery, when we recollect for how long a period the existence of organic remains was unknown in beds of similar structure in the Old Red Sandstone. 44 Murchison’s Silurian System. and Caradoc ridge, these sandstones where not obscured by coarse drifted gravel, are soft thick bedded building stones, usually lying in slightly inclined strata. In a quarry at Condover, about thirty feet of these beds dipping very slightly to the north-east, are arranged in the following descending order.-—- 1. Gravel; 2. Thin-bedded Sandstone ; 3. Red, argillaceous Marl ; 4. Sandstone; 5. Argillaceous Marl as above; 6. Sandstone; 7. Marls as above; 8. Thick bedded Sandstone.”’ Numerous other details are given from various districts showing the connection of the lower beds of New Sandstone with the coal measures and the older rocks; frequent impres- sions and fragments of coal plants have been discovered in the beds which form a covering to coal-bearing strata; many of the impressions of plants are in an imperfect condition, but Professor Lindley had no hesitation in referring them to the carboniferous epoch. In coal-fields the junction of the New Red Sandstone with the coal-bearing strata is often obscured by superficial detritus, but where the rock is laid open it is sometimes a dark red, soft, thin-bedded sandstone, made up of black and white grains, in a thin paste, with a few harder concretions and some blotches of red marl; at other times it is harder, more siliceous, and intractable. Sometimes the dolomitic conglomerate, the red sandstone, and the coal beneath it are found resting upon the inclined edges of the Silurian rocks. In the western extremity of Shropshire the lower new red sandstone is directly superposed to the coal measures and the new pits at Drillt, to the east of Os- westry red sandstone marl and shale have been penetrated to a depth of 100 yards before the first traces of coal mea- sures were perceived, when after passing through several layers of impure carbonaceous matter the usual coal seams of the Oswestry field were reached, and are now largely worked. The following is a recapitulation of the different groups composing the New Red System in the districts examined by Mr. Murchison. 1. Saliferous and gypseous marls with beds of sandstone, Murchison’s Silurian System. 45 constituting together the equivalent of the ‘‘ Keuper” forma- tion of the continent. 2. Sandstone and quartzose conglomerates, representing the Bunter Sandstein and Grés Bigarre. 3. Calcareous conglomerate, equivalent to the dolomitic conglomerate of the south-west, and the magnesian limestone of the north-east of England, shown by Professor Sedgwick to be the representative of rocks known in Germany under the names of Zechstein, Rauchwacke, &c. 4. The lower New Red Sandstone, overlying the coal-fields of Staffordshire and Shropshire, equivalent to the Rothe-todte- liegende, and probably the lower beds of the Grés des vosges. Mr. Murchison concludes his account of the New Red System by observing, that a practical acquaintance with its lower beds “is of vast national importance; for as these sandstones are now proved to graduate into the coal mea- sures, we need not despair of eventually finding some of the most valuable coal seams of the central counties ex- tending beneath them.” It is unnecessary to remind the reader of the importance of determining the nature and character of the vast tracts composed of sandstones on all sides of the great alluvial plains of India; and whether these rocks belong to the Old Red or the New Red Systems, or to both, considering the importance of this subject in re- gard to India, we are satisfied that Mr. Murchison’s work affords by far the best examples of the peculiarities of these rocks, and of the methods for conducting our researches towards the discovery of their equivalent types in India; we shall therefore continue to follow him through the course of investigation he has pursued, and endeavour to exhibit the results of his researches in future numbers of our Journal. We may thus put the India geologist in possession of details and examples of the manner in which his inquiries may be conducted with effect, no where to be found but in the work of Mr. Murchison, which from its size and price could not have a very general circulation in India. 46 Murchison’s Silurian System. With regard to the purely scientific part of the de- tails given by Mr. Murchison on the subject of the New Red Sandstone, that author observes, that his inquiries may “lead geologists to modify their previous theoretical views respecting the relations of the coal measures to the overlying rocks, founded on what must now be considered local phenomena, observed chiefly in the Bristol district and south-western parts of England; where because the New Red Sandstone reposes unconformably upon the carboniferous strata the belief became prevalent, that this arrangement was indicative of a general rupture, subsequent to the accumulation of the coal mea- sures, and anterior to the deposition of the magnesian limestone and conglomerate. That such, however, has not been generally the case, has been established with regard to the north of England, by the writings of Professor Sedgwick; and the preceding facts teach us the same lesson in respect to the central counties: for it is clearly demon- strated, that beds of the age of the dolomitic conglomerate are there separated from those of the carboniferous system by an unbroken suc- cession of intermediate strata of vast thickness, of which there are few or no traces in the south-western parts of the island. “ Notwithstanding, however, the distinctions which have been drawn between the different members of the New Red System in the central counties, a question it is feared might still arise among foreign readers, concerning the true equivalent of the Rothe-todte-legende : for as most continental geologists conceive that formation to be essentially connect- ed with porphyritic and other rocks of igneous origin, they can scarcely peruse the description of the trappean conglomerate without supposing that those masses may represent the German deposit. If, however, we are to understand the foreign synonym to express a series of strata, elaborated in such a manner, as in some cases completely to connect the carboniferous and overlying system; then it is clear we must consi- der the Lower New Red Sandstone to be its true and full equivalent, even should it not contain a single pebble of trap. That it contains few or no fragments of trap in the north of England, has already been prov- ed by Professor Sedgwick, and the same fact is now established in the central counties. Whilst, on the other hand, the great trappean conglo- merates have been shown to overlie this equivalent of the Rothe- todte-liegende, and to be on the same parallel with the dolomitic conglo- merate. Referring to former opinions on this point, Professor Sedgwick has well observed, ‘In comparing the Bristol and Exeter conglomerates Murchison’'s Silurian System. 4G with the Rothe-todte-liegende, our geologists made use of the best evidence with which they were acquainted. But the New Red Sandstone group is now better understood ; and in future comparison with conti- nental deposits of the same age, we should use as our types those sec- tions which are most complete, instead of the Bristol or Exeter overlying groups, in which more than one half of the series is absolutely wanting. “The trappean ridges of Malvern, Abberley, and Clent, will be described in the sequel; but in the mean time it may be observed, that as the red conglomerates on their flanks contain angular and rounded fragments of the trap composing those hills, the rocks from which such debris was derived must have been in existence before the conglomerate was form- ed. Now, the rupture between the New Red Sandstone and the car- boniferous deposits, as marked by the dislocations along the line of the Abberley Hills, would certainly lead us to suppose, that the eruptions which gave rise to these hills took place, either during the accumulation of the upper coal measures, or of the Lower New Red Sandstone; for, without anticipating explanations which are to follow in the ensuing chapter, it may be asserted, that nothing is more consistent with mo- dern and ancient analogies, than that such volcanic eruptions should have been mere local phenomena, which in the tracts where they prevailed (Devon, Abberley, Clent, &c.) may have occupied the place of the Lower New Red Sandstone, by interfering with its deposition, while in the tracts not visited by these outbursts, the formation would natu- rally be fully developed, and would there exhibit the unbroken con- nexion between the New Red and Carboniferous Systems which has been detailed in the previous pages.” Before going into the description of the coal measures, Mr. Murchison devotes a chapter to Trap Rocks. Ninety years have scarcely elapsed, he observes, since two French academicians collecting plants among the hills of central France, were astonished by discovering numerous cavities resembling the craters of volcanoes. From the lips of these cavities currents of lava, as fresh in aspect as if they had flowed yesterday, were traceable into the neighbouring val- lies, following their sinuosities and stopping their ancient water-courses, and moulding themselves into the inequali- ties of the actual surface. To complete the analogy with 48 Murchison’s Silurian System. active volcanoes, most of the mineral substances composing these lava currents were found to be similar to those of Vesu- vius and Etna. When M. Guettard, one of the naturalists, first announced these discoveries, so unwilling were men of science to believe im phenomena of which neither history nor tradition had preserved a record, that scepticism long pre- vailed. More recent discoveries in Iceland, South America, and Asia Minor have brought to notice all the evidence that can be required to convince us not only of the similarity of modern and ancient volcanic eruptions, says Mr. Murchi- son; but also of the great extent to which such phenomena have prevailed. ‘‘ But Auvergne is not merely replete with analogies of modern volcanic regions, it was further found to contain many rocks which though from their characters must have been formed from igneous agency, are yet in many lithological features dissimilar from modern lavas, whilst they resemble many of the so-called trap rocks”; thus a succession of periods of eruptions and of long intervals of repose have impressed on the various currents of lava and deposits from lakes and rivers, which in a succession of beds occur in central France, such character as to enable the in- quirer to carry backward his researches from the connecting links of existing phenomena, into volcanic operations of high antiquity. Mr. Murchison adduces the instance of Graham’s island on the coast of Sicily, to prove the vast influence of volcanic agen- cy and the manner in which the results are modified by the sea under our own observation Soundings had proved the sea to be 600 feet deep where the island rose to an elevation of 200 feet above the sea, measuring three miles in circum- ference; yet in three months from its first emergence it again disappeared, and a year after, when the spot was survey- ed, a dangerous reef, eleven feet under water, was all that remained. Thus Mr. Murchison concludes that volcanic Murchison’s Silurian System. | 49 ~ eruptions to the extent to which they must have existed in the early history of the planet could not have occurred without producing striking changes in physical geography. The volcano and the earthquake are said by Mr. Murchi- son to be, the one a “ safety valve” by which heated matter escapes at intervals from the interior, the other is the shock which lacerates the earth when the heated matter and its vapour is denied an access, and the task of the geologist is to read off the proofs of successive eruptions amidst the ruins they occasion.* Mr. Murchison then alludes to the observations of Hutton, Playfair, Hall, and others, to prove that syenites, porphyries, green stone, clink stone, and basalts are of igneous origin, but as this is now pretty generally allowed, we may pass over this part of the work. Mr. Murchison how- ever adduces numerous circumstances, the result of his own researches, to prove that the basalts which have overflowed and dislocated the coal-fields must have been erupted sub- sequently to the period of the New Red Sandstone, while other great epochs of disturbance took place anterior to the deposit of the Old Red and Carboniferous rocks. The types of the Silurian system and the associated volcanic * To afford an illustration of the manner in which geologists estimate the anti- quity of rocks; let us suppose that fishes were buried in the ruins or debris of Graham’s island, when the light materials of which it was composed, were scat- tered over the bottom of the sea, by the violence of currents. If by some future convulsion, that part of the sea should be raised up so as to compose dry land, and so many ages to elapse as to destroy all record of the change, except such as the remains of fishes imbedded in the rocks would afford, of the latter having been form- ed beneath the sea ; the future geologist would then institute a comparison between the remains of the fishes, and such species as might live in his day; if he found them correspond, he would conclude the change from sea to land to have been comparatively recent, but if many of the fossils presented the characters of species unknown in his day as inhabitants of any part of the globe, he would con- clude that they belonged to forms that have become extinct, and from all he could gather regarding the period of duration assigned to species, he would form his calculations as to the period in the earth’s history at which Graham’s island was overthrown.—Ep. H 50 Murchison’s Silurian System. rocks have remained, says Mr. Murchison, so clear, that the geologist has in them a record never to be mistaken. Thus Professor Sedgwick has pointed out bands of prophyry interstratified with slates, the whole of which have been subsequently pierced by other intrusive masses of igneous origin, thus evincing two widely different periods of igneous action. [To be continued. ] Dr. Wicut’s Illustrations of Indian Botany. We have recently received the xuith No. of the “ Illus- trations of Indian Botany,” by Dr. Wight, and the x1ith and xIvth Nos. of “Icones Plantarum Indiz Orientalis.” The object of these works is, as our readers are aware, to supply the means of reference to the student in Indian Botany at the cheapest possible rate, consistently with due accuracy of the plates, which are necessarily very numerous. The first is intended, as the author expresses it, to ex- plain the principles of grouping plants according to their natural affinities, and illustrating these by figures of each group. The second is intended to afford figures of Indian plants described in the author’s ‘‘ Prodromus Florez Peninsulz Ind. Orientali,” an octavo work in two volumes, containing more information on the subject of Indian Botany than all the costly quarto, atlas, and folio volumes that have been hitherto published, with this additional advantage—that it may be had for ten rupees. Even the “Icones” intended to illustrate the ** Prodromus” appears in monthly numbers, each containing ten quarto plates, lithographed under the author’s eye for one or two rupees. 'The grand object being to give to India, so far as the limited resources of a private individual will permit, that which England has so long enjoyed in “‘ Smith’s English Botany,”—a standard work of reference, at the lowest possi- ble price. With the “ Prodromus” and the two works now in course of publication, the student would be in possession of a botanical Wight’s Illustrations of Indian Botany. 51 library which would only require the addition of “ Roxburgh’s Flora Indica” to be nearly complete. ‘The cost of the four books in question would we.think hardly exceed 50 rupees, while they might all be packed in a writing desk of ordinary dimensions; so that whoever desires to make himself acquaint- ed with Indian plants in India, where the knowledge is of most consequence, must be indebted to Dr. Wight for the means of accomplishing his object. We regret to see a list of subscribers to the “‘Icones” short of one hundred, even including the 50 copies taken by the Madras Government. This is perhaps owing to those only subscribing who have the author’s “ Prodromus,” but surely there is no reason why we might not all have that work, while we could adduce a thousand reasons to prove its value to every one desirous of making himself acquainted with the plants of this country. Even without the ‘‘ Prodromus” we can conceive the “ Icones” would be highly useful, as with every number there is a closely printed quarto page or two, containing the characters of all the species figured. In the present number of the “Illustrations” the author finishes the Leguminose and reviews the Rosacee, Salica- rié, Rhizophoree, Combretacee, Memecylee, and Melasto- mace, &c. pointing out whatever of importance in their uses, or peculiar in their structure, that has fallen under his observations. ‘To this number we also find a preface and introduction attached. In the first of these the author points out the object of the work, and offers some judi- cious observations on the advantage of the natural, over the artificial arrangememt of plants: and in the second, the author shows what the natural arrangement is at present in regard to Botany. On this subject we are scarcely entitled to form an opinion, but we congratulate Dr. Wight on his successful labours in the investigation of natural affinities, and trust that the support which the works in which he is now engaged will meet within India, may promote his for- tune as much as they are sure to raise him in the respect 52 Wight’s Illustrations of Indian Botany. and esteem of scientific men. We regret to observe sub- scribers are but few from this part of India, which we trust has been from some oversight, as we are acquainted with no books that ought to have a wider circulation in India, whether we regard the subject, the manner in which it is treated, or the claims of the author. Meteorological Observations. By Mr. J. M‘CLeLianp. During the hot weather in all parts of India that we have been in, subject to the influence of westerly winds, there is a remarkable haze which lasts from April till the rains set in about June. We have heard it ascrfbed to an electric state of the atmosphere by some, and by others to an unknown condition of the air indicative of sickness and approaching famine, especially if unusually intense or long continued. The great fault of most persons in interpreting phenomena of this nature is, that they look too far for their causes. Heat and dryness may be favourable circumstances for the development of electric phenomena, but that the atmosphere is more charged with electric fluids during the hot weather than at other seasons, or that such is the cause of the haze, we have as little reason for supposing as. we have in ascrib- ing to it any mysterious influence over either our health, or the fecundity of the earth. It is solely attributable to the high temperature of the air, and the geological structure of the tracts over which the prevailing winds pass, as is proved by the earthy precipitate from the atmosphere, which takes place at night, when the winds subside.* After the first fall of rain, the peculiar effects above noticed disappear, the rain is ushered in with storms of thunder and wind, and the quantity that falls during the suc- ceeding three months is never less than 25 inches, and often as * Inquiries in Kemaon, page Meteorological Observations. 53 much as 38 inches in the plains. In districts along the base of the mountain ranges on the Malabar and Malay Coasts, as well as along the whole North-eastern frontier, the fall of rain is greater, although the lower strata of air in which we live in Bengal is far more saturated than in districts where the fall of rain is greater. We cannot therefore calculate by means of rain-guages and other similar means, how the condition of a climate in regard to moisture affects its salu- brity, and hence much of the mystery malaria presents to us. It may indeed be questioned, whether excessive humidity in low flat countries is not itself sufficient to develop similar effects on the constitution of man to those we refer to mala- ria, without resorting to any more active or mysterious agency. In India, it is after inundations and rains subside, that intermittents most prevail ; is this universal? if not, what are the circumstances of exceptions? But let us satisfy our- selves that humidity itself is not the cause of intermittents, before we go further and ascribe them to more subtile agency. It would be very easy to argue one way or other on such a question, but we ought to discard opinions, and even all evi- dences short of direct inferences from such facts as are not opposed to other facts. We cannot gain a knowledge of the operations of natural causes without being acquainted with nature, and recording the results of observations as we advance. ‘The investigation of the causes of endemic dis- eases and the physical effects of climate on the human con- stitution, is one of the most beneficent and profound subjects of inquiry; and though it concerns us more than any other question in which the mind can engage, yet it ever has been, and ever will be, more neglected than other subjects, simply because those who are most competent, have least leisure to investigate it; and it is unfortunately considered by philoso- phers to be exclusively the province of the physician, to whom they are consequently too much disposed to leave it. The phenomenon of mists in Bengal depends on two causes; and the season during which they are liable to 54 Meteorological Observations. occur, is from the end of November to the beginning of April. The mists of November and December depend on different causes from those that give rise to the fogs of February and March. The first arise from the peculiar in- fluence of radiation, and the second from diurnal variations in the winds. During the day the surface absorbs heat from the clear rays of the sun in proportion to the degree of moisture con- tained on it. If the surface be arid, the absorption of heat will be great under the action. of the sun’s rays, but when these are withdrawn, the radiation and cooling will be equally rapid and great; hence the diurnal variations of dry sandy tracts, as the desert of Scind, will necessarily be great, but here the atmosphere and the surface are both dry together. In Bengal, on the other hand, where a larger pro- portion of the surface is covered with water and vegetation, the moisture of the air is greater and the dew-point conse- quently lower, and wherever this last happens to come with- in the sphere of diurnal variation, precipitation must take place.* Since the extremes between the lowest and highest diurnal temperature is greater on clear open spaces than in forests, it is in the former we commonly perceive a thin horizontal stratum of vapour suspended of a morning at sun- rise over the surface. Fogs, on the other hand, are more general, and arise from diurnal changes of the wind. ‘The south-west monsoon generally sets in as a southerly wind about the beginning of March or the middle of February; it is naturally moist, and blows steadily during the day, when the temperature of the air, and consequently its capacity for moisture is greatest, sub- siding gradually after night-fall; from this hour till sun-rise temperature gradually diminishes, and we find every thing en- veloped in fog. Night fogs which are not uncommon about the change of the monsoon, when the winds are variable, * The.diurnal variation in Calcutta during the N.E. monsoon amounts to as much as 30°. Meteorological Observations. 55 may be explained in the same way; the only difference is, that the necessary cooling before a fog can take place, is occasioned in this case by a light northerly wind of suffici- ently low temperature setting in at night-fall, producing the same effect as radiation in reducing the temperature of the atmosphere. Fogs during the day in the plains of India rarely happen, because the temperature of the atmosphere at the surface is such as to raise the dew-point above the influence of ordi- nary changes of temperature. The diurnal variation of temperature in Calcutta during the north-east monsoon amounts to 30° Fahr. and the dense mists which float along the surface about sun-rise may be ascribed to the absorption of more moisture into the atmosphere from low tracts during the day when the tempe- rature is highest, than can be held in an invisible form at sun-rise when the temperature is lowest, while these causes, together with others dependent on the state of the pre- vailing winds occasion mists. Such changes are however only observed in the open air. In houses the variation of temperature is checked to within a range of 10° Fahr. and where houses closely adjoin each other, their effect is communicated to the open air so as to prevent the formation of mists and fogs in their immediate vicinity. In removing a thermometer from our house to the open air beyond its influence at sun-rise, we have found the mercury suddenly fall from 75° to 64° or from 64° to 50°, according to the season. It is only such houses as are built of brick or stone that display this effect in resisting diurnal extremes of temperature in Bengal. For- est trees however have a similar effect but in a minor degree, a fact the recollection of which might be useful in forming new stations where houses of the best description cannot be built at once, and fine forest trees often occur. The diseases here most common to man during each of the three seasons, may be stated to be fevers during 56 Meteorological Observations. the rains, visceral and organic diseases in the cold, and epidemics during the hot months. The greatest proportion of sickness is probably during the rains, that of death during the cold months; cholera however has for the last three years been a regular attendant on the accession of hot wea- ther. It is easy to see from the few facts thus thrown loosely together how much the study of meteorology, when directed to the natural history of the atmosphere might improve our knowledge of diseases. We know so little of the influence of external nature over the animal economy that we cannot be surprised that our knowledge of the cause of disease should remain nearly stationary, and that what we announce as discoveries to-day should be upset by some new opinion to-morrow. The difficulty is to make people sensible of the necessity of feeling their way with a view to the elucidatiun of some specific point. Remarks on an undescribed species of Civet. By Mr. J. M‘CLELLAND. The zoologist has no greater difficulty to encounter in the mere descriptive part of his duty than in drawing just con- clusions as to the specific value of characters in animals nearly allied to each other, and there is nothing of more impor- tance to know, than the amount of variation nature is capable of assuming in a single form, and the circumstances to which such variations are due. We should not generally lay any great stress on slight shades of difference in colour, but there are some groups in which the distribution of particular spots and markings on the external covering is of much more importance than in others. In the Fere, or Cats, for instance, as well as in their corresponding types throughout the animal kingdom, we often observe each species distinguished not merely by the number, size, and colour of spots, but by the particular forms these assume on various parts of the body. It is” Remarks on an undescribed species of Crvet. 57 curious also to observe this law of zsographism, if we may use such ar expression, the more constant in those species whose form and habits approach nearest to each other, and which it would consequently be most difficult to distinguish but for the constancy of some peculiar marks. Until the time of Buffon, the difference between the Civet and the Zibeth was unobserved, both being of nearly the same form and colour, but the number of dark marks on the tail being different in the two, might have earlier led to a comparison of the number and form of the vertebral bones of which the organ is constructed, when a difference we may presume would have been detected that could only be accounted for by the ordinary laws of variation in animals of distinct species. Strange to say, however, that long after the difference between the animals in question had been first suggested, naturalists preferred dealing in opinions to search- ing for facts; and so slow is the discovery of truth, that it required some thirty years to reconcile naturalists to what they had been unaccustomed to suppose in this instance. The Civet ( Viverra civetta ) is most abundant in the hottest parts of Africa and in Abyssinia, where the animal is reared and an extensive trade carried on in cévet, a peculiar odori- ferous substance like musk, once veg) fashionable in medi- cine, and also as a perfume. The Zibeth ( Viverra zibetta ) has been found in the Philip- pine Islands, from whence the animal figured and described by M. F. Cuvier seems to have been brought; but it is said also to belong to India, but on what authority I have not the means of ascertaining. Colonel Sykes found Viverra rasse, Horsf. in the woods of the table lands east of the western ghauts,* and V. indica, a very nearly allied species tothe latter, in the forests of the western ghauts. More recently Mr. Hodgson of Nipal men- tions both these species as inhabitants of the Tarai.; The species figured in Hardwicke’s Illustrations as Viverra ben- * Proc. Zool. Soc. 14th Feb., 1832. ¢ lb. Proc. 26th Aug. 1834. I 58 Remarks on an undescribed species of Civet. galensis, Gray, seems to be V. indica, Geof. It appears probable therefore that naturalists have fallen into a mistake in supposing V. ztbetta to be an inhabitant of India, i. e. Hin- dustan, and we shall probably be able to account for the manner in which the error, if it be one, has arisen. In a collection of about 200 animals of different kinds re- cently formed by the plant collectors employed by our friend Mr. Griffith m the Kasyah mountains, is an animal which corresponds partly with V. z¢betta, Gm. in the distribution of colour and size, but it has a shorter tail with only six complete broad black rings, and a broad black band passing below under the throat in addition to two black stripes on either side of the neck. As this animal corresponds nearly with the colour of the Zibeth, and is of the same size and form, we may presume that it has been supposed to be the same species. Without attempting to describe this animal fully, we beg to offer a few more remarks regarding its peculiarities. Throat white, with black band passing from the ear back- wards under the neck, a second interrupted black band on the side of the neck, and a third passing along either side of the nape and descending in front of the shoulder with a black streak along the spine, forming a short mane. There are six broad black rings encircling the tail. Head grey, with a dark spot on the base of the outer side of the external ear, general colour grey, darker above than below. The sides are streaked transversely, the streaks longitudinal on the hind quarters and shoulders, becoming closer and darker on the limbs, which are nearly black. The length of the tail is thirteen inches, length from the tail to the snout two feet nine inches. Height about thirteen and a half inches. The tail of this animal is about the same length as that of V. civetta, but the black rings which surround it are broad- er, and this last peculiarity also removes it still farther from V. sibetta; in which the rings on the tail are more Remarks on an undescribed species of Cwet. 59 numerous and incomplete. It also differs from V. civetta, in having a white throat, and from V. ztbetta, in the neck being crossed below by a black band. Should it prove a new species, as we have no doubt it will, we trust that its name may be connected with that of the distinguished botanist to whose liberality we are indebted for the first knowledge of its existence; and who, while employed himself in one extremity of India, can find means for supporting, and time for organising establishments for collecting natural productions in another. The different animals of the Civet kind are in India called Catas ; there is one in Bengal, probably V. indica, Geof., which is very common, and has been known even to enter houses in Calcutta at night in search of poultry. A few months ago an instance of the kind occurred in a house surrounded by a high wall, and in which there were several dogs. ‘The Catas on finding itself pursued, entered a large pond, and appeared to rely with much confidence on its dexterity in the water for its safety. On two undescribed species of Skate, or Raide. By Mr. J. M‘CLELLAND. We are acquainted with five species of Ratde inhabiting the waters of Bengal, though nothing seems to have been written about them. Buchanan describes one, Rata sancur, without a caudal sting or spine; it ascends in the Ganges, he observes, as high as Cawnpore, and attains a great size; I have not yet met with the species alluded to by this author. I am therefore much inclined to suspect it to be the Wolga tenkee of Russel, a species whose tail is armed with a spine, but from the estimation in which this is held by the Hindus as a charm, it is generally removed before the fish is brought to market; should this conjecture prove cor- rect with regard to Buchanan’s species, it may become doubtful whether any species of stingless Rais ( Anacanthus 60 On two undescribed species of Skate, or Raida. Ehrenb.), inhabits India. Russel describes ten species, of which we have three in Bengal, namely, the Tenkee kunsul, Russ. Isacurra tenkee, id. and the Wolga tenkee, id. The following are two additional species to the three we have just mentioned, which all belong to Bengal. Myuiozatis Dumer. Mytio. Macroptera, J. M. t. 11. f. 1. A Myliobatis with an elongated depressed oval snout; the breadth of the body and pectorals equal to twice its length, and the length of the ventral fins at either side of the insertion of the tail equal to a third length of the body. Tail equal in length to twice the breadth of the body and pectorals. Dorsal placed at the base of the tail, and in front of a narrow pointed sting. Trycon ApDANs. Trycon Varircatus, J. M. t. 11. f. 2. A Trygon with the upper surface of the body variegated like - tortoise-shell, and covered with osseous tubercles, with one large tubercle on the back, and a serrated sting on the upper third of the tail; the tail is slender, without a fin, and equal to thrice the length of the body. Its breadth is about twenty inches. This is a very beautiful species, and is found in the Salt-Water Lake near Calcutta. The first belongs to the singular group of Skates called Sea-Eagles, and is a good deal like the figure given in Hardwicke’s Illustrations of Indian Zoology as Myliobatis maculatus, but the dorsal and ventral fins which are placed at the base of the tail are short and rounded, while in the species here described they are longer and angular. The second is a very beautiful Trygon, or Sting-ray, of which we can find no account in authors, we have therefore described it as a new species. Description oF Puare. II. Fic. 1.---Mytiopatis Macrortera; 1. a. Lower part of the head; 1. b. lower view of the ventrals and base of the tail. Fic. 2.---2, a front view of the head, shewing the altitude and breadth of the body; 2. b. lower part of the head; 2. ec. lower part of the body ; 2. d. the osseous tubercles on the centre of the back, natural size. ol Desiderata in the Entomology of India. By the Rev. ¥. W. Horr, F.R.S. &c. privately furnished to Dr. Cantor, who has requested us to give them publicity. 1.—Parasites of Birds, Lice, (Nzrmz). Parasites of Reptilia (Acari) the name of the genus and species should be given on which they are found. Parasites of Quadrupeds, Ticks, &c. 2.—Endeavour to ascertain if the larger Beetles of India live more than one year; it is important also to ascertain the sexes of the Atlas Beetles, and the uses to which their horns are applied. 3.—Ascertain the names of the trees which yield Resin Anime ; and if any other resins in India contain insects. 4.—Among Coleoptera, attend chiefly to the Lamellicorn Beetles, Cetonia, Copris, Scarabeus, and Baprestide. 5.—Ascertain by dissection of gigantic Coleoptera if the organs of hearing are in the basis of the antenne as in Crustacea; collect the larve of all large Beetles, and try if they have the power of hearing. 6.—Send me an account of the habits of Paussus, and all the species you can obtain. 7.—Any species of insects infested with worms, should be noticed. The worms should have drawings made of them before put into spirits. 8.—All hermaphrodite insects to be noticed, as well as irregular copulation of different genera. 9.—All Carrion Beetles to be attended to. They are supposed to be scarce in. India. The prejudice of caste and of religion will not allow many of the natives to touch a dead body of any animal. 62 Desiderata in the Entomology of India. 10.—All species of silk-bearing insects used in commerce, with their local names and larva, eggs, &c. It is probable we may breed the Atlas Moths in England. Send Larve of any, placed in mould, when an opportunity occurs. Co- lonel Withill introduced alive into England Bombya Selene. Any reports of the annual produce of silk useful. 11.—Cochineal, new species ; intelligence wanted about its range. How many species in commerce in India. Lac insect also. 12.—Bees. All species of Bees to be collected. Any ac- counts of the produce of honey. The native names of Bees much wanted; any thing remarkable in the combs to be figured. All parasite Beetles found in Bees’ nests much wanted. Imports and exports of honey and wax. What are the Bees which produce the wax of the Chinese candles ? there are several sorts. 13.—Ants. Collect all species of Ants—males, females, and neuters. Ascertain if they /ay up stores of grain, seeds, &c.; be careful in marking the species. What Ants will drive out the White-Ants? Are the different kinds em- ployed by the natives, to drive out those which annoy them? Experiment on the formic acid. If the White-Ants’ nests are ever used as ovens. 14.—White-Ants. Collect all species; attend to their parasites, particularly the Beetles, which attack them, and are found in their nests. 15.—What insects are eaten as food? Their Indian names. What Locusts are eaten, &c. ? 16.—Mark those insects which cause any particular de- struction of crops, and if the destruction is periodical. Desiderata in the Entomology of India. 63 17.—Mark all duminous insects... Ascertain if the Lantern Fly is luminous, it is disputed. 18.—What species of Mygale are in India? Their habits. What spiders yield silks, such as are found in commerce ? 19.—What species of vesicatory insects are used in India ? If any besides Lytta and Mylabris. If any insects are used medicinally. ‘Their names. 20.—Record any instance of death occasioned by insects, by Bees, Wasps, Hornets, or by Flyblowing, &c. Any ail- ments produced by insects swallowed in the larva state, &c. 21.—Is Resine Anime a preservative against the attacks of insects? Said to be used in corking bottles. Is cloth coloured by Indigo ever attacked by the White-Ants and other insects ? 22,—Any native remedies against Cockroaches? Collect all species of, and particularly all sorts of Earwigs. 23.—Native remedies used after the stings of insects, and the attacks of Gnats, Scorpions, Centipedes, &c. 24.—Note all insects infesting houses. Does any true Ptinus occur in the East Indies? 25.—Species of Astrus attacking quadrupeds; collect them. Do any attack man in the East? 26.—Collect all Aquatic Beetles. Do the Gyrene of India emit a peculiar smell? Do the Carabe emit an ammoniacal odour ? 27.—Collect all Land-Crabs and inland Crustacea. 64: Desiderata in the Entomology of India. 28.—Observe particularly the insects which destroy corn, rice, and all stores. What checks are in use? 29.—Note any extraordinary migration of Caterpillars, and indeed of all other insects. 30.—The Mole Cricket of the East Indies. What-are its habits ? 31.—Note the appearance of the clouds of Locusts. 32.—What are the preservatives used by the Indians in guarding their feathers and shawls? Colocynth supposed to be used. 33.—What genera and species of insects are used by the natives, in necklaces and ornaments, &c. ? 34.—The habits of the large Stag Beetles. Do they destroy leaves ? 35.—Note all odorous smelling insects. 36.—Are Beehives in use in India? Send specimens of domestic Bees, if they are domesticated. 37.—Is the Sherifah, or Custard-Apple seed, injurious to vermin? Flies are reported never to settle on the tree or its fruits. Ants will attack both. 38.—From what quarters chiefly do clouds of Locusts come ? 65 Proceedings of the Zoological Society. November 27, 1838.---Lieut.-Colonel W. H. Sykes in the Chair. Dr. Horsfield laid before the Meeting a series of Mammalia and Birds collected in India by John M‘Clelland, Esq., Assistant Surgeon E.1.C.S., and proceeded to point out the characters of some which were undescribed. A paper on the Fishes of the Deccan, illustrated with numerous coloured drawings, was read by Colonel Sykes. “In submitting to the Society an account of the fishes of Dukbun,” observes Colonel Sykes, “it will scarcely excite surprise, that out of 46 species described no less than 42 are new to science, since they are from a hitherto untrodden field, and from peculiar localities, on the great plateau of the Dukhun (Deccan), none of them coming from a less elevation than 1500 feet above the sea; many from near 2000 feet, and others from yet higher situations. The chief features in the collection are the paucity of orders to which the collection’ belongs, and the re- markable prevalence of the members of the families of Siluride and Cyprinide. There is but one apodal Malacopterygian, but 4 Acanthop- terygit, and the whole of the rest of the fish belong to the order Abdominal Malacopterygians. Of the families there are only eight: Percide, Scom- bride, ‘ Pharyngiens Labyrinthiformes, Gobiade, Siluride, Cyprinide, Esocide, and Murenide, comprising 15 genera and 9 sub-genera, in- cluding one sub-genus, which I have been compelled to add to the Cyprinide. An attempt has been made to methodize and distinguish the multitudinous members of the families of Silwride and Cyprinide. The fact is, the contmued imosculation in the character of the teeth, of the cirri, of the spies (serrated or not) of the fins, the armature of the head, and the position of the fins in the Siluride; and the number of cirri, and form and position of the fins in the Cyprinide, together with the character of the mouth, produce such approximations in species to each other, and in individuals of one genus to another, that not only is . there infinite difficulty in determining the genera of the fishes of these families, but their identity as species is occasionally not less difficult. Some of my Stluride do not exactly correspond with the generic charac- ters of the genera of this family as now constituted, and I might have added to the number of genera; but to this I have an objection, unless as an evidently necessary measure. In the Cyprinide, however, I was K 66 Proceedings of the Zoological Society. obliged to set aside my repugnance, for three species were not referrible to any one even of the numerous sub-genera which Buchanan Hamilton wish- ed to establish. It only remains to state that the whole of my fishes were drawn from absolute measurement, and have a scale of size attached to each figure; they were caught in the various rivers on whose banks I encamped, as individuals were required; so that my draftsman, who worked constantly under my own eye, never had to finish his drawings from shrivelled and discoloured specimens. I have to a great extent adopted the names by which the fishes are called by the Mahrattas as specific names, so that naturalists who travel the country can always obtain them. Ord. AcANTHOPTERYGII. Fam. Percide. Ambassis, Agass. Amb. Barlovi, Sykes. An Ambassis with the two back fins united, with the first ray dented on the edge, and containing 7 spines, and the second 14 spines; all the spines longer than the mem- brane, with 18 rays longer than the membrane in the anal fin, and with a short vertically compressed diaphanous body. Closely allied to Changa Ranga of Hamilton. ‘Fishes of the Gan- ges.’ This fish is dedicated to our Secretary. Fam. Scombride. Mastacembelus, Gron. Mast. armatus, Sykes. A Mastacembelus with the fins of the tail, back, and vent united, with thirty-nine to forty short sharp bony spines along the back, and two behind the vent. This fish has not the exact generic characters of Macrognathus, Mastacembelus, or Notacanthus, and might probably constitute a genus between the two last. Fam. ‘Pharyngiens Labyrinthiformes,’ Cuv. Ophicephalus, Bloch. Oph. leucopunctatus, Sykes. An Ophicephalus with from 51 to 53 rays in the dorsal, and 6 in each ventral fin, and with the rays of the dorsal and anal fins undivided; the pectoral fins ending in a central point, and the fish covered with white dots. T have never known this remarkably fine fish crawl on shore or in the grass, as some species of the genus are said to do. It is excellent eating. Proceedings of the Zoological Society. 67 Fam. Gobiade. Gobius, Linn. Gob. Kurpah, Sykes. A Gobius with 7 rays in the first dorsal fin, 11 in the second, which is of similar size with the anal fin; 19 in the pectoral, and 10 in the anal fin. In different individuals of this species I have found the number of rays in the fins slightly differ. Ofa sweet flavour. Ord. Mauacorteryem ABpoMINALEs. Fam. Cyprinideze. Cyprinus, Linn. Cyp. Abramioides, Sykes. A Cyprinus with 20 rays im the dorsal, 8 in the anal, and 18 in the pectoral fins, without tendrils, with tuberculated nose, red edged fins, and with a red lunule on each scale. This very fine fish is called Tambra by the natives, from the general prevalence of a copper colour over it. Attains the length of 21 inches and more: height 7 inches. Is excellent eating. Cyp. Potail, Sykes. A Cyprinus proper, deep and fleshy, slightly compressed without tendrils, with the dorsal fin of 13 rays, pectoral of 14, and anal of 9. Scales large and silvery ; length 10 or more inches ; height 32 inches. Cyp. Nukta, Sykes. A Cyprinus with two tendrils on the under jaw, and with two short horns or bosses on the space between the eyes, which together with the deflected upper lip are tuberculated ; large scales. In the judgment of my friend Mr. Yarrell, to which I subscribe, this very singular fish is considered a monstrosity of Cyp. auratus. Dr. Riippell, who did me the favour to look over my drawings, expresses the same opinion. Found very abundantly in the Inderanee river 18 miles north of Poona. It is called Nukta (or nob) by the Mahratta fishermen. Varicorhinus, Riippell. Var. Bobree, Sykes. A Varicorhinus with tuberculated nose, without tendrils ; with 17 rays in the dorsal, and 8 in the anal fin; with the form of a tench. It may be a question whether this is not a real Labeo of Cuvier, with long dorsal, no spines or cirri, and thick fleshy lips frequently crenated ; size 6 inches by 1s high. 68 Proceedings of the Zoological Society. Barbus, Cuv. Barb. Mussullah, Sykes. A Barbus with 12 rays in the dorsal, 8 in the anal, and 16 in the pectoral fins, with the mouth furnished with 4 very short cirri, and tuberculated nose; sometimes 3 feet and more long, and a foot high, and weighing 42 pounds. Found in the Goreh river. Barb. Khudree, Sykes. A Barbus with 4 cirri, blood-stained fins, large hexagonal scales, elongated body, and with 14 rays m the dorsal, 14 in the pectoral, and 7 in the anal fins. Found in the Mota Mola river, 8 miles east of Poona. Barb. Kolus, Sykes. A Barbus with 13 rays in the dorsal fin, 8 in the anal, and 10 in the ventral; with moderate-sized scales ; with callous tubercles on the head, and a short cirrus at each corner of the mouth. This fish shows the difficulty of drawing up generic characters to embrace all the species of a genus. Having only 2 cirri, it should not be a Barbel; but having cirri at all, it does not belong to the next genus Gobio ;---moreover, it has a spine in the dorsal. Chondrostoma, Agassiz, the first division of the genus Leuciscus of Klein. Dorsal fin in the centre of the back. Chond. Kawrus, Sykes. A Chondrostoma, without lateral line, tubercles, or cir7i, with 12 rays in the dorsal, 8 in the anal and 16 in the pectoral fins. A sub-cylindrical fish found in the Beema river; grows to a foot in length, but is usually smaller. Proportion of length to height in one specimen, 6 inches by 15, inch. Chond. Fulungee, Sykes. A Chondrostoma, with dorsal fin of 10 rays, anal 6, and pectoral of 10; of an elongated, not much compres- sed shape. Length about a foot; height 4 inches. Chond. Boggut, Sykes. A Chondrostoma, without tendrils or tuber- cles on the nose, with 12 rays in the dorsal, 15 in the pectoral, and 8 in the anal fin ; body of an elongated form. Length from 7 to 11 inches; height 12 to 2 inches. Chond. Mullya, Sykes. A Chondrostoma, with a short, obtuse head, without tubercles or tendrils ; sub-cylindrical body, with 11 rays Proceedings of the Zoological Society. 69 in the dorsal, 14 to 16 im the pectoral, and 8 in the anal fins ; a red process or protuberance on the snout between the nos- trils. Length 5 to 6 inches; 12 to 2 in diameter. Chond. Wattanah, Sykes. A Chondrostoma of an elongated form, without tubercles or tendrils, with the dorsal fin high, and having 11 rays: and 9 or 10 in the ventral, and 8 in the anal fin ; sub-cylindrical form. Length 43 inches, height 3 of an inch. Found in the Beema river. Chela, Buchanan Hamilton. A sub-genus of Leuciscus, with the dorsal fin very far behind over the anal; straight back, and nose on the level of the line of the back. Chel. Balookee, Sykes. A Chela of the size of a minnow; back straight; body elongated; dorsal fin situated far back, and having 8 rays, 14 rays in the anal, and 12 in the pectoral fins. Length 3 inches. Very sweet eating, the bones as well as other parts. Common in all the rivers. Chel. Oweni, Sykes. A Chela, with straight back, elongated and verti- cally compressed body; dorsal fin situated far back, with 11 rays, 12 in the pectoral, and 19 in the anal fins, with scales so minute as to be scarcely discoverable. Length 5 inches; greatest size 7 inches. Found in most of the rivers. The Cyprinus Cultratus of Bloch would appear to be the type of the sub-genus. I have dedicated this fish to my friend Mr. Owen, the distinguished naturalist. Chel. Jorah, Sykes. A Chela, with straight back, convex belly, dor- sal fin far behind ; size of a large minnow; with 10 rays in the dorsal, 12 in the pectoral, and 8 rays in the anal fin. Length about 4 inches, height = ths. of an inch. Excellent eatmg. Found abundantly in the Beema river near Pairgaon. Chel. Teekanee, Sykes. A small Chela, with nearly straight back; snout on the continuation of the line of the back; belly arched; 70 Proceedings of the Zoological Society. with 10 rays in the dorsal, 12 in the pectoral, and 14 in the anal fins. Length 21 inches, height $ inch. Found in the Beema. Chel. Alkootee, Sykes. An elongated, silver-white, slightly compres- sed, minute Chela, with the dorsal fin about 8 rays, very far back; ventral of about 7, and anal of about 10 rays, with burnished silver gill covers and black orbits; rarely more than an inch long, and not much thicker than a good sized crow quill. This very beautiful fish has a sweet flavour. Leuciscus, Klein. First division. The dorsal situated a little behind the centre of the back, above the space between the ventral and anal fins. Leuc. Morar ; Cyprinus Morar, Buchanan Hamilton. A Leuciscus allied to Chela, but with: the dorsal fin a little behind the centre of the back, with 8 rays in each ventral fin, 12 in the anal, and 10 in the dorsal, and with the edge of the belly smooth. Length 43 inches; height -.. Differs slightly from Buchanan Hamilton’s LZ. Morar. Leuc. Sandkhol, Sykes. A Leuciscus, with nearly cylindrical body ; dorsal fin of 12 rays, pectoral of 14, and ventral of 10 rays; gib- bous head ; 8 to 10 inches long by 12 to 2 inches high; eyes with whitish narrow irides. The dorsal in this fish is situated a little before the centre of the back. Found in the Goreh river at Kullumb. Leuc. Chitul, Sykes. A Leuciscus, with 14 rays in the dorsal, 14 in the pectoral, and 8 in the anal fins; of a reddish grey colour, and rounded head. Sub-cylindrical. Length about 5 inches, height 12 inch. Found in the Inderanee river near Chakun. It being found impracticable to arrange, in any of the sub-genera described, the following fishes of the Carp family, it is proposed to place them in a new sub-genus, which I will call by the native Mahratta name of Rohtee. Proceedings of the Zoological Society. 71 Routes, nov. genus. Carps with a lozenge-shaped body, rather long dorsal and anal fins, the former seated on the angle of the back with the first complete ray serrated posteriorly ; scales minute. Rohtee Ogilbit, Sykes. A Rohtee, with 12 rays in the dorsal, 9 in the ventral, and 17 in the anal fins; the body very compressed, and very high, with the back sloping to each end from the centre; head sharpish; pectoral fins, narrow acuminated. First complete dorsal ray, a strong bone, serrated behind. Length 42 inches, height'14 inch. A bony fish. Found in the Beema river near Pairgaon. This fish is dedicated to my friend Mr. Ogilby, a distinguished member of the Society. Roht. Vigorsi, Sykes. A Rohtee, with armed dorsal fin of 11 rays, ventral of 10, and anal of 28 rays ; compressed body ; high in the middle, and sloping to each end; head slightly recurved; eyes very large. Length, 6 inches; height, 1 inches ; greatest length, 8 inches. Found abundantly in the Beema river at Pairgaon. I have dedi- cated this fish to my friend Mr. Vigors. Roth. Pangui, Sykes. A Rohtee, compressed, deep, angular-backed, with 12 rays in the dorsal, 14 or 15 in the pectoral, and 8 in the anal fins, and with the first 3 or 4 rays of the dorsal fin black at their tips; scales larger than in the preceding species. Length, 5 inches ; height, 12 inch. Found in the Baum and Beema rivers. Roht. Ticto; Cyprinus Ticto of Buchanan Hamilton. A Rohtee, 1% inch long, with 4 to 6 black spots on the body; the 2nd ray of the dorsal toothed behind with sharp incurved teeth; with 10 rays in the dorsal, 8 in the anal, and 8 in the ventral fins; pec- toral fins narrow, acuminate. Found in the Mota Mola at Poona. This fish differs slightly from Dr. Buchanan Hamilton’s Cyprinus Ticto. Cobitis, Lin. Cob. Ritpelli, Sykes. A nearly cylindrical scaleless Cobztis, not much thicker than a large goose-quill; from 2 to 3 inches long with 6 cirri; the lateral line marked with short brown bars, and the 12 Proceedings of the Zoological Society. rays of the dorsal and anal fins similarly barred; dorsal fin of 13 rays, pectoral of 12, and ventral of 8 rays. This fish is much esteemed for food. Found in the Beema river at Taimbournee and Mota Mola near Poona. I have dedicated this beautiful little fish to Riippell, who did me the favour to look over my drawings, and at the same time gave me his opi- nion respecting the genera of the fishes. , Cob. Mooreh, Sykes. Differs from the preceding only in being of a smaller size, in having 12 rays in the dorsal, and 7 in the anal fin; the head is more obtusely pomted, and there are more dark blotches on it; the bars on the lateral line are differently arranged. Cob. Maya, Sykes. Differs from the first species in having a spine under each eye, and in having a blunter head; 9 rays in the dorsal, 7 in the ventral fins. Fam. Esocide. Belone, Cuv. Bel. Graii, Sykes. A Belone with the fin of the tail rounded and emarginate, with both jaws elongated into a quadrangular beak; with very minute scales; dorsal of 16 rays and anal of 16 rays; closely allied to the Zsox Cancila of Buchanan Hamilton. I have dedicated this fish to a gentleman well known for his contri- butions in natural history. Fam. Siluride. Schilbe, Cuv. Sch. Pabo; Silurus Pabo, Buchanan Hamilton. A Schilbe, with the tail divided into 2 unequal lobes, both pointing downwards; with 4 cirri, 2 shorter than the head, and with from 68 to 70 rays in the anal fin. Length from 12 to 15 inches, height 23 to 3 inches. Found in most of the rivers. Differs slightly from Buchanan Hamilton’s Silurus Pabo. No second dorsal. Sch. Boalis, Silurus Boalis, Buchanan Hamilton. A Schilbe, with the fin of the tail divided into 2 unequal lobes; with 4 cirri, of which 2 extend to the middle of the fish; all the fins unarmed ; dorsal of 5 rays, pectoral of 15; ventral fins very small, of 9 rays; anal fin of 84 rays. Attains the length of 3 feet, and the weight of 8 lbs. Proceedings of the Zoological Society. 73 Found in the Mota Mola at Poona. Differs slightly from the Stlurus Boalis of Buchanan Hamilton. No second dorsal. Hypophthalmus, Spix. Hyp. Goongwaree, Sykes. An Hypopthalmus with 8 cirri, all longer than the head, but not extending to the middle of the fish ; with 7 rays in the dorsal, and 52 in the anal fin, with an extremely minute second dorsal; first ray im the pectoral, and first in the dorsal, spinose and serrated behind. Greatest length 28 inches: body vertically compressed. Found in the Mota Mola near Poona. Hyp. Taakree, Sykes. An Hypophthalmus, with 8 cirri, 2 of which reach to the ventral fins, 2 very minute near the nostrils, and 4 on the chin, nearly as long as the head; with the first dorsal and pectoral rays serrated on the posterior edge, with 8 rays in the dorsal and 50 in the anal fin. Length, 9 inches; height, 2 inches. Bagrus, Cuvier. Bagr. Yarrelli, Sykes. A Bagrus, with the firstrays of the pectoral and dorsal fins terminating in long fleshy tendrils and serrated behind; with 8 cirri, two of which are as long as the head, thick, fleshy, and being lateral elongations of the upper lip; other cirri very short; head broad, covered with a granulated bony plate; the fish olive brown, marked with black blotches like a Dalmatian dog; 2nd dorsal fleshy, triangular. Length, 18 inches, but attains to a very great size; body not vertically compressed. Found in the Mota Mola at Poona. Bagr. Lonah, Sykes. A Bagrus, with 8 small cirri; flat, granulated head ; first dorsal fin of 7 rays, and pectoral of 10 rays, the first ray of which is furnished on the posterior edge with long sharp teeth ; anal fin of 10 rays; 2nd dorsal of a triangular form and fleshy : something resembling the preceding in colour. Platystoma, Agassiz. Plat. Seenghala, Sykes. A Platystoma, with the tail fin crescent- shaped, lobes unequal; with 8 cirri, two of which only are longer than the head, reaching to two-thirds of the length of the fish ; the first ray of the pectoral and ventral fins serrated behind; head long, flat, spatulate, covered with a granulated bony plate. Dorsal fin of 8 rays; high, ventral fins, very far back, of 6 rays. Grows to a great size; flesh heating and soft. L 74 Proceedings of the Zoological Society. Phractocephalus, Agassiz. Pirarara of Spix. Phract. Kuturnee, Sykes. A Phractocephalus, with 6 cirri, 2 of which only are longer than the head ; the first pectoral spine serrated on both edges; the Ist dorsal spine on the posterior edge only ; these two spines terminating in a filament: the shoulder-bone elongated into a point behind. Greatest length, 6 inches; dorsal fin of 7 rays; pectoral of 9 rays; ventral fin small, of 7 rays; second dorsal replaced by a small adipose fin. Phract. Ttchkeea, Sykes. A Phractocephalus, with 8 cirri, 2 of which from the upper lip, extend to the end of the pectoral fins ; the other 2 very minute, with the 4 on the chin nearly as long as the head; with the Ist ray in the pectoral fins only serrated ; with 8 rays in the dorsal, and 12 in the anal fins ; with a sharp prolongation of the scapula. Fish handsomely marked on the back with dark colours. Length, 2 inches. This fish presents some slight deviations from the generic characters. Phract. Gogra, Sykes. A Phractocephalus, with 4 shortish cirri ; the plates of the shoulder elongated into acute, angular, broad spines, with a dorsal fin of 8 rays ; first ray a bone serrated be- hind ; pectoral fins of 10 rays, the first ray a broad compressed bone serrated on both edges ; head flat and broad; second dor- sal small, fleshy. Size 6 inches, but grows larger. Pimelodus, Lacepede. Pimelodus Seengtee, Sykes. A Pimelodus, with the caudal fin divided into 2 unequal sharpish lobes, and having 8 cirri, 2 of which reach to the tail fin, and 4 to the end of the head, and 2 are shor- ter than the head ; the dorsal fin high ‘and without spine, of 9 rays; 12 rays in the anal fin; the second dorsal adipose, and ex- tending from the termination of the first dorsal to near the tail- Length of fish, 6 inches. Ageneiosus, Lacepede. Ageneiosus Childreni, Sykes. An Ageneiosus, without cirri, with the first ray of the dorsal and pectoral fins serrated on the anterior edge only ; with 8 rays in the dorsal, and 42 in the anal fin; with two sharp lobes to the tail, the upper being somewhat the small- est. Length of fish, 18 inches ; height, 42 inches, but grows to a larger size. Second dorsal adipose, minute, Fam. Clupeide. Mystus, Buchanan Hamilton; Notopterus, Lacepede. Proceedings of the Zoological Society. 75 Mystus Badgee, Sykes. A Mystus, with not less than 105 rays in the anal fin, 7 or 8 in the dorsal, and in the pectoral from 13 to 16, all unarmed; without apparent ventral fins, and with a single small dorsal; the anal and caudal fins uniting, and terminating in a point at the end of the body; posterior edge of the last gill plate crenated; scales minute. This remarkable fish belongs to the genus Mystus of Buchanan Hamilton, but not to the genus Mystus of Cuvier. Fish vertically compressed. Length, 11 inches; height 3 inches. Ord. Apopes. Fam. Murende. Anguilla, Cuv. Ang. Elphinstonei, Sykes. An Anguilla, with the lower jaw the longest; with the back, tail, and anal fins united, and with a broadish, flat head; body dark green, blotched with black; with 2 short tubular processes, one on each side of the upper jaw. Attains the length of 3 feet, and diameter of 3 inches. IT have dedicated this fine fish to the Honourable Mountstewart Elphinstone. In concluding my characters of the fishes of Dukhun (Deccan), I may be allowed to state, that I have found the number of cir7i, whether in the Stluwride or Cyprinide, insufficient as a generic character; different species of the same genus varying in the number of the cir7?.”’ February 26, 1839.---Rev. F. W. Hope, in the Chair. A communication from the Bishop of Down and Connor was read, giving an account of Antilope Philantomba, Ogilb. lately brought from Sierra Leone, by F. W. Mant, Esq. Also a communication by Lieut. H. K. Sayers, on the habits of another species of Monkey from Sierra Leone. At the request of the Chairman, Mr. Ogilby proceeded to make some observations upon a new species of Monkey, now living at the Society’s Menagerie, which he characterized as follows : Pario Mexanortus. P. cinereo-brunneus ; capite, dorso, lumbisque sub- migris ; cauda brevissima, nuda ; facie, auriculisque pallidis. The specimen from which this description is taken is a young male, said to have been brought from Madras. It has at first sight a consider- 76 Proceedings of the Zoological Society. able resemblance to the common Barbary species (Papio sylvanus) both in general colour and in physiognomy, but differs materially in the blackish brown shade which covers all the upper parts of the head, neck, shoulders, and back. The face and ears are of a pale flesh colour, not unlike the shade which distinguishes extreme age in the human species ; the naked part of the paws is dirty brown, and the temples are slightly tinged with a shade of scarlet, which the keeper informs me spreads and deepens when the animal is feeding. The tail is about an inch long, very slender, and perfectly naked ; but whether the last cir- cumstance be not accidental I shall not take on me to say ; it appears, however, to be the natural condition of the organ. The general colour of the sides, under parts of the body, and extremities, is that pale olive brown so common among other species of this genus, such as the Bhunder (P. Rhesus), the Maimon (P. Nemestrinus ), &c., and the hairs are equally without annulations. The individual has all the liveliness, good-nature, and grimace of the young Magot (P. Inuus and Sylvanus) ; but, like that species, it will probably become morose and saturnine as it advances in age and physical development ; qualities which, indeed, are common to all the Papios, and pre-eminently distinguish them from the Cercopi- thecs, Colobs, and Semnopithecs. A paper, entitled “ Spicilegium Serpentium Indicorum,” was commu- nicated by Dr. Theodore Cantor. This paper contams the followmg descriptions of A. Venomous SERPENTS.* Genus TriconocePuatus, Oppel. TRIGONOCEPHALUS ERYTHRURUS. Tz. supra lete viridis, squamis ovatis carinatis subimbricatis, cauda cinnamomea, squamis levibus rhomboidalibus tecta ; abdomine flavo-viridescenti linea nigra serrata utrinque incluso. Scuta abdominalia 167. Scutella subcaudalia 68. Habitat. Delta Gangeticum. Bright green above, with ovate keeled slightly imbricate scales ; the tail cmnamon-red, with smooth rhomboidal scales ; the abdominal sur- face greenish-yellow, inclosed on both sides by a black serrated line. TRIGONOCEPHALUS MUCROsquAMATUS. JTvri. swperne, griseo-brunnescens, * Dr. Cantor’s original specimens, drawings, and descriptions are in the posses- sion of the Radcliffe Library, Oxford. Proceedings of the Zoological Society. Ci) annulis nigris albo marginatis, squamis ovalibus, semicarimatis, mucrona- tis, imbucatim tectus ; subtus albidus, nigro punctatus. Scuta abdominalia 218. Scutella subcaudalia 91. Habitat. Naga Hills, Assam. Brownish grey above, with black white-edged rings, covered with oval, half-keeled, pomted, imbricate scales; whitish beneath, dotted with black. Genus Bunearus, Daudin. Bunearus tivipus. Bung. superne lividus, subtus albo-flavescens. Seuta abdominalia 221. Scuta subcaudala 56. Habitat. Assam. . Blackish-blue above, yellowish-white beneath. Genus Hamapryas,* Cantor. Hamapryas opnropnacus. Ham. superne olwvaceo-viridis, striis sagittal- bus nigris cinctus, abdomine glauco nigro marmorato. Scuta abdominalia a 215 ad 245. Scuta subcaudalia a 13 ad 32. Scutella subcaudalia a 63 ad 71. Habitat. Bengal. Hindustanee name : Sunkr-Choar. Olive-green above, with arrow-shaped black stripes; beneath, glau- cous marbled with black. Genus Nasa, Laurenti. Nasa varvata. Na. supra brunnea, stris subflavis transversalibus varie- gata; disco annulo albo, larve haud impari, ornato, pone quem (a tribus ad qunque) annuli albi ;---inferioris superficiet pars anterior annulis albis, nagro-ceerulescentibus alternis circumdata, pars posterior glauco iridescens. Habitat. Bombay, Calcutta, Assam. Bengallee name : Doollah-Kewtiah Nag. Brownish, with numerous faint yellow transverse stripes ; the hood marked with a white ring, not unlike the form of a mask, behind which there are from three to five white rings ;---the anterior part of the lower surface with alternate white and bluish-black rings; the posterior part iridescent-glaucous. * Vide Proceedings of the Zoological Society, No. lxvi. p. 73. 78 Proceedings of the Zoological Society. A young specimen of this serpent lives at present in the Society’s Gardens in Regent’s Park. The artificial temperature, 62° Fahr., in which it is kept appears to agree very well with the serpent, which in one respect offers a striking difference from the habits of this genus when kept in captivity in India, for the keeper informs me that it feeds occasionally upon living frogs and earth-worms, and that it drinks milk; while those in Dr. Russell’s and in my own possession in India, when deprived of liberty invariable refused to take any kind of food. Genus Exaprs, Schneider. Exars Bunearorpes.* El. superne lividus, striis sagittalibus albis cinctus ; infra albus alterne lividus. Scuta abdominaha 237. Scutella subcaudalia 46. Habitat. Chirra Punji. Black-blue above, with white arrow-shaped stripes ; beneath, alter- nately white and black-blue. Exars Fiavicers. El. capite flavo, dorso nigro vitta serrata alba cceruleo pallide nitente utrinque circumdato, cauda flava linea nigra media divisa ;---abdomine fiavo linea nigra utrinque incluso. Scuta abdominaha 275. Scutella subcaudalia 45. Habitat. Malacca. The head yellow, the back with a serrate band on each side, shining with a pale sky-blue colour; the tail yellow, divided in the middle by a blach dorsal line ; the abdominal surface yellow, inclosed on each side by a black line. On my late visit to Copenhagen, Professor Reinhard pointed out an undescribed species of Bungarus from Java, preserved in the Royal Museum of Natural History (MSS. Cat., No. 128), which exhibits the same distribution of colours as the Elaps flaviceps, viz. the head and tail of a light yellow, the back bluish-black, the abdominal surface light yellow, the scuta marked with a short black transverse band or check on each side. Exaprs nicromacutatus. El. swperne pallide brunneo-rubescens, maculis nigris alba-marginatis, lineis nigris junctis ;---cauda fasciis daubus nigris * From its resemblance to Bungarus ceruleus, Daudin. Proceedings of the Zoological Society. 79 alba-marginatis cincla ; abdomine flavo albescenti, alterne livido, linea nigra serrata utrinque incluso. Scuta abdominalia 238. Scutella subcaudalia 24. Habitat. Sincapore. Pale reddish brown above, with black white-edged spots, united by black lines ; on the tail two black bands with white margins ;---the ab- dominal surface whitish yellow, alternately blue-black, inclosed on both sides by a black serrated line. Exaps rurcatus,* Schneider, Var. El. swperne pallide brunneo-rubescens, linea dorsali subflava nigro serratim marginata, cauda fascus tribus nigris cincta, abdomine flavo albescenti, linea nigra utrinque incluso. Scuta abdominalia 238. Scutella subcaudalia 24. Habitat. Sincapore. Pale reddish brown, above with a light yellow dorsal line, with black serrated margins; on the tail three black bands; the abdominal surface whitish yellow, inclosed on each side by a black line. March 12, 1839.---William Yarrell, Esq., in the Chair. Mr. Ogilby communicated a portion of a letter which he had received from M. Temminck. It related to two species of Monkeys, Colobus fuli- genous and Papio speciosus ; the former M. Temminck considers identical with the Bay-Monkey of Pennant, and he states that this opinion is founded upon its agreement with a coloured drawing now in his posses- sion; this drawing having been taken by Sydenham Edwards from the specimen of the Bay-Monkey formerly in the Leverian Museum, and which is the original of Pennant’s description. The Macacus speciosus of M. F. Cuvier is stated by M. Temminck to be founded upon an immature specimen of a species of Macacus which inha- bits Japan ; the habitat of Molucca Islands given by M. F. Cuvier being founded upon error. The specimen was originally taken from Japan to Java, where it died; the skin was preserved, and M. Diard having obtained possession of it, sent it to the Paris Museum; and as there was no label attached, M. F. Cuvier imagined it to be a native of the place whence M. Diard had sent it. * Russel, I1., No, xix. 80 Proceedings of the Zoological Society. Mr. Fox exhibited several birds, which he stated had formed part of an extensive collection made in Iceland by the Curator of the Durham Museum. P The second part of Dr. Theodore Cantor’s paper, entitled “ Spicilegium Serpentium Indicorum,” was read. In this paper numerous new species of Indian serpents are thus characterized :--- B. Innocuvous SERPENTs. Genus Catamaria, Linne. CaLamaria sacitTaria. Cal. partim cinerea, partim ferruginea, serie dorsalt punctorum nigrorum, nucha capiteque albicantibus, imagine sagitte nigre ornatis ; corpore squamis levibus imbricatim tecto ; abdomine citrino, punetis lateralibus nigris, vitta livida utrinque incluso. Scuta abdominalia 224. Scutella subcaudaha 69. Habitat. Bengal, Tirhoot. Partly ash-coloured, partly rusty-brown, with a series of black dots along the back; the head and neck whitish, with an arrow-shaped black mark; covered with smooth rhomboidal imbricate scales; the stomach of a citrine colour, with lateral black dots, and a blue black band on either side. Vernacular name, Doblee. Catamaria monticota. Cal. olivaceo-fusca, collari lete flavo, linea dorsal albicante, abdomine citrino. Scuta abdominalia 125. Scutella subcaudalia 44. Habitat. Naga Hills in Assam. Dark olive-brown, with a bright yellow collar and a whitish dorsal line; beneath of a citrine colour. Genus CoronELua, Boie. CoRroNELLA ALBocincTA. Cor. viride-canescens, fasciis transversalibus albis nigro marginatis, quorum intervalla nigro punctata ; scutis abdominalibus albo-flavescentibus, alterne fuscis. Scuta abdominalia 181. Scutella subcaudalia 65. Habitat. Chirra Punji, Assam. Proceedings of the Zoological Society. 81 Greyish-green, with white transverse bands, edged with black, the intervals dotted with black; the abdominal scuta alternately yellowish- white and deep brown. Assamese name, Patdei-hee. CoroneLhA vionacea. Cor. violaceo-rubescens, squamis albo-marginatis, subtus margaritacies. Scuta abdominalia 196. Scutella subcaudaha 38. Habitat. Rungpore. Reddish-violet ; the scales edged with white ; beneath pearl-coloured. CoRonELLA cycLuRA. Cor. viridé-canescens strus nigris obliquis interruptis, abdomine margaritaceo, vittd triste cinered utrinque incluso. Scuta abdomiala 179. Scutella subcaudalha 43. Greyish-green, with black oblique interrupted stripes; the abdominal surface pearl-coloured, with a deep ashy-grey band on either side. Vernacular name, Tukkr-Bora. ’ Genus Lycopon, Boie. Lycopon arro-purPurzus. Ly. atro-purpureus albo nigroque marmoratus, abdomine margaritaceo. Seuta abdominalia 257. Scutella subcaudala 91. Habitat. Mergui, Tenasserim. Deep purple, marbled with white and black; beneath pearl-coloured. Lycopon susruscus. Ly. subfuscus, abdomine albo flavescenti. Seuta abdominalia 245. Scutella subcaudalia 78. Habitat. Bengal. Light brown; yellowish white beneath. Vernacular name, Chittee. Genus Conuser, Bote. CoLuBer pHumna. Col. olivaceo-viridis, squamis nigro-marginatis, abdo- mine margaritaceo, scutis scutellisque nigro-clavatis. Scuta abdominalia 187. Scutella subcaudalia 119. 82 Proceedings of the Zoological Society. Habitat. Carnatic, Orissa, Bengal, Nepal, Assam, Arracan, Tenasserim. Olive-green ; the scales edged with black ; the stomach pearl-coloured, edged with black. , Vernacular name, Dhumna or Dhameen. Cotuser porpHyRAcgEus. Col. lete porphyraceus, lineis ngris transversalibus albo-marginatis, pone quas linee due nigre dorsales, equidistantes ; subtus lete flavus. Scuta abdominalia 213. Scutella subcaudalia 64. Habitat. Mishmee Hills, Assam. Bright porphyry-red, with black transverse lines edged with white, the posterior portion of the body with two black parallel dorsal lines ; beneath light yellow. CoLuBER QuapRiFasciATus. Col. superne lete brunneo-viridescens fasciis dorsalibus iv. nigris, albo interruptis ; infra flavus. Scuta abdominalia 248. Scutella subcaudalia 82. Habitat. Assam. Above light greenish-brown, with 4 black dorsal bands interrupted with white; beneath yellow. CoLuBER curvirostTRIs. Col. supra partim late olivaceo-viridis, punctis et lineis obliquis albis nigrisque, partim eneus ; abdomine subfusco. Scuta abdominala 220. Scutella subcaudalia 85. Habitat. Bengal. Above bright olive-green, with white and black dots, and oblique bronze-coloured lines ; beneath light yellow. Vernacular name, Tukkr-Bora. CoLUBER RETICULARIS. Col. superne brunneo-nigrescens, annulis albidis reticulatis, contiguis et lineis eyusdem coloris transversalibus ornatus, cauda brunnea nigrescenti, alterne griseo-flavescenti ; infra griseo-flavescens nigro- maculatus. Scuta abdominalia 229. Scutella subcaudalia 75. Habitat. Chirra Punji. Blackish-brown, with whitish confluent netted rings and transverse lines of the same colour; the tail alternately blackish-brown and yellowish-grey ; beneath yellowish-grey spotted with black. Proceedings of the Zoological Society. 83 Conuser sipunctatus. Col. supra triste vinoso-purpureus squamis albo bypunctatis, subtus albo-ceerulescens. Scuta abdominalia 181. Scutella subcaudaha 52. Habitat. Bengal, Assam. Deep claret-purple above; each scale with two white dots; beneath bluish-white. Conuser monticotus. Hodgson. Col. superne luteo-rubescens fascus- transversalibus nigris, scutis abdominalibus albo-flavescentibus nigro mar- ginatis. Habitat. Nepal. Reddish dun-coloured above, with black transverse bands ; the abdo- minal scuta yellowish-white, with black margins. Subgen. Hurrian, Daudin. Hurrian sANGUIVENTER, (CoLUBER SANGUIVENTER, Hodgson.) Hur. superne vinoso-purpureus eneo nitens, abdomine sanguineo. Scuta abdominalia 207. Scuta subcaudalia 14. Scutella subcaudalia 85. Habitat. Nepal. Above claret-purple, with metallic lustre ; beneath blood-coloured. Genus Hurrerropryas, Boie. HERPETODRYAS PRIONOTUS. Her. supra fusco flavescens, nigro-punctatus, fasciaque dorsalt serrata ngricante ; abdomine flavo, fascia serrata nigri- cante utrinque incluso. Scuta abdomnalia 153. Scutella subcaudalia 65. Habitat. Malacca. Above yellowish-brown, dotted with black, and with a serrated black- ish dorsal band; the abdominal surface yellow, with a blackish serrated band on either side. Genus Psammopuis, Boie. PsamMopuis ceraAsocaster. Psam. fulvus aureo pallidé nitens, squamis hexagonis rhomboidalibus summis carinatis, ceeteris levibus tectus ; ab- domine ceriseo, linea lete flava utrinque incluso. 84 Proceedings of the Zoological Society. Scuta abdominalia 149. Scutella subcaudaha 60. Habitat. Bengal, Assam. Yellowish-brown, shining with a pale gold colour, with hexagonal rhomboidal scales, the uppermost of which are keeled, the rest smooth ; the abdominal surface cherry-coloured, with a bright yellow line on either side. Vernacular name, Lal Mitallee. PsaMMOPHIS NiGRoFAscIATUS. Psam. superne subflavo-rubescens fasciis latis transversalibus nigris, lineisque duabus barbatis dorsalibus ejusdem coloris, interstitium quarum nigro partim punctatum ; abdomine albido. Scuta abdominalia 249. Scutella subcaudaha 75. Flabitat. Sincapore. Light-reddish-yellow above, with broad transversal black bands, and with two barbed dorsal lines of the same colour; the interval he- tween these dorsal lines dotted with black; the abdominal surface whitish. Genus Denproruis, Boie. Denpropuis Boi.* Den. superne nigro-brunnescens, vitta dorsali sub- fusca, abdomine albo-flavescenti vittd ejusdem coloris utrinque incluso, rosiro subobtuso. Scuta abdominalia 186. Scutella subcaudalia 129. Habitat. Bengal, Ceylon. Brownish black, with a light brown dorsal band ; the abdominal sur- face yellowish white, with a band of the same colour on either side; the rostrum subobtuse. Vernacular name, Kalla Lawrynca or Nawdunga. Genus Dirsas, Boie. Dirsas FerruGinea. Dip, supra ferrugineo-brunnea, nigro alboque raré maculata ; abdomine ferrugineo-fiavo, albo nigroque maculato. Scuta abdominalia 171. Scutella subcaudalia 57. Habitat. Assam. Rusty-brown, with a few black and white spots ; the abdominal sur- face rusty-yellow, dotted with white and black. * Chrysopelea Bou, Dr. Andrew Smith, Proceedings of the Zoological Society. 80 Dirsas MonTiIcoLA. Dip. superné triste fusca, stris aliquot nigris obliquis ; infra fiavo-brunnescens. Scuta abdominalia 193. Scutella subcaudalia 82. Habitat. Naga Hills (Assam). Dull dark brown above, with a few black oblique stripes ; beneath brownish-yellow. Genus Tropiponotus, Kuhl. TROPIDONOTUS QUINQUE. Tro. superné griseo-brunnescens, nucha numero Quingue (v.) nigro inscriptd, fasciisque duabus nigris dorsalibus, albo punctatis ; abdomine flavo-albescenti, fascia nigra utringue incluso. Scuta abdominalia 259. Scutella subcaudalia 97. Habitat. Mergui. Brownish-grey above, with the cypher V in black on the neck, and with two dorsal black bands dotted with white ; the abdominal surface whitish-yellow, with a black band on either side. TROPIDONOTUS Ma@sTUS. Tro. superné triste olivaceo-nigricans, subtus fla- DUS. Scuta abdominalia 138. Scutella subcaudalia 77, Habitat. Bengal. Dull blackish olive-colour above ; yellow beneath. Vernacular name, Kalla Mittallee. Tropiponotus surcens. Tro. lgte olivaceo-viridis, abdomine flavo linea nigra serrata utringue incluso. Scuta abdominalia 148. Scutella subcaudalia 23. Habitat. Bengal. «Bright greenish-olive; the abdominal surface with a serrated line on either side. Vernacular name, Bahr. TROPIDONOTUS PLUMBICOLOR. Tro. supra plumbeus, fascia sagittata occi- pitak nigra et albé fasciisque nigris serratis transversalibus, squamis alte carinatis tectus, mento albo, abdomine plumbeo. Scuta abdominalia 162. Scutella subcaudalia 51. Habitat. Malwa (Saugor). Lead-coloured above, with an occipital arrow-shaped black and white band, and with black serrated transversal bands, covered with sharply- keeled scales, the chin white; the abdominal surface lead-coloured. 86 Proceedings of the Zoological Society. Genus Cerserus, Cuvier. CERBERUS CINEREUS. Cerb. superné cinereus fusciis nigris transversalibus, subtus albicans fascia nigra undulata. Scuta abdominalia 143. Scutella subcaudalia 59. Habitat. Bengal. Ash-coloured above, with black transverse bands; beneath whitish, with a black undulated band. Vernacular name, Jal Ginthea. Genus Homatoprsis, Khul. HoMALopsis oLivacEus. Hom. superné olivaceus lineis nigris inter squamas variegatus, abdomine albicante, lined medid nigra diviso, vitti albo-vires- centi utringue incluso. Scuta abdominalia 167 Scutella subcaudalia 71. ' Habitat. Bengal. Olive-coloured above, variegated with black lines between the scales; the abdominal surface whitish, divided in the middle by a black line, and with a greenish-white band on either side. Vernacular name, Metillee. “The descriptions and figures of these serpents were made in India in 1835, 1836, and 1837. For the specimens from Assam I am indebted to the kindness of the eminent botanist Mr. William Griffith; for those from Chirra Punji, to the friendship of Mr. J. W. Grant, of Calcutta. I have also to acknowledge the liberality of Mr. Hodgson, the Hon. Company’s Resident at the court of Nepal, who allowed me to publish the undescribed specimens in his collection of Nepalese serpents.” Ninth Meeting of the British Association for the advance- ment of Science. Thursday, August 29. Section A.---MaTHEMATICAL AND PuysIcaL SCIENCE. The Secretary xead the report of the Committee, consisting of Sir J. Herschell, Mr. Whewell, Mr. Peacock, and Prof. Lloyd, appointed to re- present to Government the resolutions adopted by the Association in August 1838, at Newcastle, recommending that Magnetic Observatories be established in various parts of the British dominions, and that a naval expedition be fitted out for the purpose of determining, by obser- Proceedings of the British Association. 87 vations, the magnetic direction and intensity, in high southern latitudes, between the meridians of New Holland and Cape Horn. The successful result of the exertions of the Committee, and the ad- mirable Report drawn out by the Royal Society, for the guidance and instruction of the officers engaged in the expedition, and which we so lately published (dthen. Nos. 616, 617), have so far anticipated the in- terest which would otherwise have attached to this paper, that we are reluctantly compelled, in the present crowded state of our columns, to pass it over. ‘On certain Points in the Wave-Theory, as connected with Elliptic Polarization, &c.’ by Prof. Powell.---The object of this communication is to lay before the Section a general statement of some material condi- tions which involve in a common relation the theory of dispersion, of the wave-surface, and of elliptic polarization. These have been the subject of some difference of opinion, and are still involved in consi- derable difficulty and apparent contradiction; a brief and clear state- ment of those pots may, perhaps, tend to their better elucidation and ultimate solution. All the investigations set out from these equations of es Ieee { @é b(r) AE | de + Wr) Az[AzAg+AyAnt+AzAZ] (A) | ao: p(r) An | @ +r) AY ] 1 a? uy. g(r) AZ [we = 14d de ] By certain developements of AE An AZ, these forms involve as factors of products such as S (Pore Ay) ge. If these sums are =o, the expressions are brought into forms in which they are directly integrable, and we have for solutions :--- = [@ sin (nt---//) 1 —— Le sin (nt---kp) C = [y sin we—zp) which are shown to involve such a relation between n and k, as gives the formula for the dispersion. ; This condition, which I call (B), reduces the equation (A) to the form--- [ @é (C) } Heine { H+eOAe Jaz h &e. &e. And it corresponds to the supposition that the molecules are so arranged with respect to the axes x y x , that the sums with opposite signs destroy | &e. l &e. i 88 Proceedings of the British Association. each other. It is on this supposition alone that all the principal inves- tigations proceed, from which the theory of dispersion is derived. And in all these investigations we consider a rectilinear displacement or vibration, which may be generally in any direction, and whose resolved parts in the direction of the three axes are E n Z respectively. This may apply to all cases of unpolarized or plane-polarized light. But for ellip- tically (including circularly) polarized light, it is necessary to consider, not a rectilinear, but a curvilinear displacement or vibration, which is the result of two virtual rectilinear displacements acting at right angles to each other, and in a plane transverse to the direction of the ray, and one always in a phase ytarded behind the other by an interval (6). In this case, therefore, it is necessary to proceed by making one of the co- ordinate axes (as x) coincide with the ray, and E=o0, A&=o, &c., while the other two in y and z coincide with the components, which give the elliptic vibration, and are of the forms--- n= 2 [a sin (nt-—-ka ] (hase Se [p sin (nt---kx +5) | This case, I believe, was first considered by Mr. Tovey. Pursuing the investigation thus, taking the axes generally as in any direction what- ever, with respect to the arrangement of the molecules, it appears from Mr. Tovey’s paper, (‘ Journal of Science,’ No. 71,) and from the somewhat simplified form in mine (‘ Phil. Trans.’ 1838, part 2,) that in the case of elliptic polarization, the condition (B) cannot hold good; while for com- mon or plane polarized light it must hold good. The distinction there- fore between the different states of light as to polarization, depends on this characteristic or criterion, which I call (E). The discussion between Mr. Tovey and Mr. Lubbock (‘ L. & E. Phil. Mag.’ Dec. 1837, Jan. 1838,) seems to turn upon these propositions :---1. That every system of mole- cules (constituted as supposed in all these investigations) has at every point three axes of elasticity, whatever be the peculiar arrangement of the molecules. 2. That if we take these axes for the axes of co-ordi- nates, then the equations of motion are reduced to the form (C), or the condition (B) holds good. 3. This form of the equation is necessary for the investigation of the wave-surface: or at least, so much so, that without it the deduction is immensely complicated. At all events, the universal existence of such axes is essential to the nature of the wave- surface. Now, since these considerations are essential to the application of the theory to all media, it follows that in all cases there are certain axes in reference to which the condition (B) holds good. This, then, appears at direct variance with the distinction established above, or the criterion (E). And if we set out with equations (C), and pursue a train of deduction similar to Mr. Tovey’s or mine, we find corresponding for- mul, but from which the conclusions in question cannot be derived. It appears, then, essentially important, that this discrepancy should be cleared up, and the fallacy, if any, detected. Proceedings of the British Association. 89 ‘On the Temperature of the Earth in the Deep Mines of Lancashire and Cheshire,’ by Mr. Eaton Hodgkinson. These experiments were made with thermometers belonging to the Association, and in the prosecution of them the author has been very greatly assisted by the proprietors of pits and others connected with them, who have kindly undertaken to ob- serve the results themselves---thus saving the author the trouble, in some cases, of going more than once into the mine. The object of the experiments was to forward the views of the Association---which were, to obtain, from observations made in various places, and at different depths, some additional knowledge of the internal temperature of the earth. In the salt mines of Messrs. Worthington and Firth, at Northwich, in Cheshire, latitude about 53° 15’, a thermometer placed in a bore hole, 3 feet deep in the rock, 112 yards below the surface, indicated a tempe- rature of 51° to 512° Fah., and varied little or nothing between summer and winter. In the deep coal mines of Messrs. Leeses, Jones, & Booth, near Oldham, a thermometer, placed in a bore hole as before, 3292 yards below the surface, varied from 57° to 5840 Fah., from observations made for a whole year, by Mr. J. Swain. In the Haydock colliery, 201 yards deep, about eighteen miles west of Manchester, and differing from it but little im latitude, the temperature varied considerably, both in the same hole and in different ones, but approached to 58°. The cause of these anomalies the author has not discovered. The experiments were made for him by Mr. William Fort. Other experiments are in progress. The latitude of Manchester is 53° 30’, and the mean temperature of the air there is 48° Fah., from Dr. Dalton’s experiments. Prof. Stevelly asked Mr. Hodgkinson, whether it was possible that water could have access to those parts in which his thermometers had been placed, particularly those placed in the stratum next under the coal, at the floor of the mine?---Mr. Hodgkinson thought not.---Prof. Stevelly said, that the reason why he inquired was, that there were certain kinds of coal, which when exposed to the action of water deve- loped much heat. This was the case with all coals which contain pyrites. The substance of which the floor of the mine was composed, — though nearly as hard as a metal, had such an affinity for moisture that even the hygrometric moisture of the air would decompose it, and of course develope more or less heat.---Prof. Forbes said it had been clearly established that coal mines were improper localities for making observations on subterranean temperature. The President said, that as the Report which was next on the list was nearly allied in subject to the one at present under consideration, it would perhaps be convenient to permit it to be read, and to discuss both at the same time. ‘Report on Observations on the Temperature of the Earth at differ- ent depths, made near Edinburgh, by Prof. Forbes.---These observa- tions were commenced in Feb. 1837, and have been regularly continued since. They were instituted at the expense of the British Association ; N 90 Proceedings of the British Association. and the result of two years’ reductions was presented to the Section.* The object was to ascertain the conducting power for heat of different soils, and the measure of the sun’s influence at different depths under similar external circumstances. The stations and soils were, Observatory. Experimental Garden. Craigleith. Trap Tufa. Pure loose sand. Compact coal-formation sandstone. At each station four thermometers were sunk to the depths of 3, 6, 12, and 24 French feet respectively, the tubes of each being carried above the surface, so as to be conveniently exposed side by side. The read- ings were made every week, and corrected for the temperature of the stem and scale, and the results were projected in the form of curves, from which the following deductions have been made :--- [.---Annuat Report. 3 Feet (French). 6 Feet. ‘12 Feet. 24 Feet. ay ro wo ry a! go AaAldfuea alg |[uo 3 a | es 3 r= as sia} eaa S)/a|eas ae {a |ss|a|a |ds|/a]e]as|s/a | ae 1837. Fahr.| 18.95 | 19.65 | 17.25] 11.9 | 14.95]13.9 ]5.5 |7.55] 9.4 |1.45]2.1 | 4.1 Cent.| 10.53 | 11.23} 9.58] 6.61] 8.30] 7.72] 3.05]4.19} 5.22 | 0.80/1.16] 2.28 1838. Fahr.}.17.7 | 20.33 | 18.52] 11.2 | 14.57 | 14.25] 5.05]7.1 | 9.3 | 1.25]1.88] 3.83 Cent.| 9.83 | 11.30] 10.29} 6.22] 8.10] 7.91] 2.80]3.94] 5.16 | 0.70|1.05] 2.13 These numbers involve the data for computing the Conductivity of these several strata; for the range in each case is found (as theory indicates) to diminish in geometrical progression, as the depths increase arithmetically, and the common ratio of the progression depends on the value of =peellle iene which is the value of B in the follow- Conductivity ing formula A, = A-+By. Where A, is the range, and p the depth from the surface. To obtain the value of B, the above ranges were projected, and logarithmic curves drawn through the points, so as to satisfy approximately the observa- tions at each station; the result is shown for the year 1838 in the sub- joined figure, from which it will be seen that the experiments are perfectly consistent with one another, although (as at first sight might be expected) the amount of the range does not follow the same order of magnitude in the three soils at different depths. The values of B, thus deduced, are--- Trap. Sand. Sandstone. lil WES ¥/o sodec —.0545 —.0440 — .0316 In 1838...... — .0641 —.0317 = — .0345 * Some account of the first year’s experiments has already been presented to the Royal Society of Edinburgh, and printed in their Proceedings. Proceedings of the British Association. 91 The difference of these numbers, such as it is, is evidently not attri- butable either to errors of observation or to the inadequacy of the experiment to afford consistent results; a comparison of the curves for two years, in which every observation is projected, shows the most minute general conformity in their flexures and intersections. It is rather probably to be attributed to the observations having been com- menced too late in the winter of 1836-7 to obtain the true minimum for that period, from which circumstance the superficial range would come out too small, and B would therefore be diminished, as it is in each of the three cases. From the observations of 1838 we deduce farther this important result, that the oscillations of annual temperature would be reduced to aa of a Centigrade degree (or virtually extinguished) at a depth of 49 feet in trap tufa. 62 feet in incoherent sand. 91 feet in compact sandstone. The differences in the value of B determimed by various observers (varying in the results quoted by M. Quetelet in his excellent memoir on this subject, from --- .0526 to --- .0384) do not depend upon difference of geographical position, but on the various constitutions of the soil operated upon, a circumstance hitherto wholly neglected. II.---Epochs of Maximum and Minimum Temperature. 3 Feet (French). 6 Feet. 12 Feet. 24 Feet. Sand- stone. Sand- Trap. | Sand. Sand- Trap. | Sand. Sand- stone. ; Trap. | Sand. ap an stone. stone. Trap. | Sand. Minimum : LIBBY GBare Mar. 31)Mar. 23)Mar. 20/Apr. 9}Apr. 5/Mar. 26|May 6|Apr. 30}/Apr. 10|July 26|/July 12/May 18 1838 ...... Feb. 26/Mar. 3]Feb. 23/Mar. 14)Mar. 19|Mar. 3]Apr. 20|Apr. 22|Mar. 20|July 18|July 8!May 12 1837 ...... Aug. 6 |July 31)Aug. 5|Sept. 2|Aug. 24) Aug. 19/Oct. 17/Oct. 6|/Sept.11)Jan. 8}Dec. 30}Nov. 11 1838 ...... Aug. 8 |Aug. 6)Aug. 16/Sept. 6|/Aug. 31}Aug. 23}/Oct. 19/Oct. 14\Sept.19|Jan. 5/Jan. 4|Nov. 2 These dates, derived by graphical interpolation, are only approximate. The progressive retardation of epochs as we descend is too evident to require to be pointed out. The maximum occurs 5% months after that of the air in the two first-named strata, whilst the conducting power of the sandstone is so superior as to accelerate this epoch by seven or eight weeks, compared with the trap or loose sand. Were this result deduced from thermometers placed at one depth only, its exactness might be doubted. It is derived, however, also from the intermediate ones. By a simple graphical method it is easy to deduce approximately the rate of propagation of heat downwards in each of these soils, resulting from the whole observations taken together. The obsérvations at dif- ferent depths confirm one another; but the minimum in 1837 was, as 92 Proceedings of the British Association. already stated, too imperfectly observed for the upper thermometers to be of much service. The remaining observations afford the following results :--- Time of propagation of heat through One foot (French), deduced from Soil and Locality, Maximum, | Minimum, | Maximum, Mean. 1837. 1838. 1838. Trap eee 7.5 days 6.5 days 6.8 days 6.9 days. ry) Sand (Exp. Gar- ean i geyals fas 1 a } 7.1 5.8 6.8 6.6 Sandstone — } (Craigleith) 4.9 — He 816 Aig ae These results confirm the relation of conducting powers indicated by the constant B already found; but the numerical comparison of these independent results is a matter of extreme complication---(see Poisson, Théorie de la Chaleur, chap. xii.) The President congratulated the members on the results likely to flow from experiments conducted on so well-digested a system. Any person who was conversant with the writings of Fourier, and other foreign writers on this branch of mixed mathematics, must be aware how necessary it was to be in possession of a sufficient store of well-ascer- tained facts, on which any theory, if it be sound, must rest and be dependent. The facts now collected were almost as complete as could be expected or desired; that those are not merely accidental variations of temperature which are indicated, must be observed on the most superficial examination of the three curves. The general conformity, while the thermometers, of whose indications they were as it were the types, were placed at such distances and in substances differing so mate- rially in structure and physical character, together with the repro- duction of curves in successive years so coincident in their general characters, were circumstances tending to stamp with the character of truth the results, and to show the soundness of the system on which these researches had been conducted. Theory had long been in advance of practical knowledge on this subject, but practice was now coming up and beginning to take her proper place as the handmaid and sure assis- tant of theory. Heretofore, the scale upon which experiment had been performed on the conducting power of the several substances of which the crust of our earth is composed, were on so small a scale that the analyst scarcely knew whether he was safe in using their results. In every point of view, then, they were most important.---Mr. Snow Harris observed, that an inspection of these curves would lead to the conclu- sion that, as the depth increased, their curvature diminished, and that therefore at some certain depth they would turn into straight lines, and the temperature at that depth become constant.---Prof. Forbes said that not only did this appear obviously from an inspection of the curves, but Proceedings of the British Association. 93 also the formulze which he had investigated and placed on the board in- dicated it. ‘On the Progress of the Meteorological Observations at Plymouth, with the Barometer and Thermometer,’ by Mr. Snow Harris.---The pressure of our atmosphere, as indicated by the barometer, being affec- ted in these latitudes by many accidental circumstances, it is not without difficulty we are enabled to trace the great periodical variations, and exhibit them as they would appear in an undisturbed state. It is only by a careful and extensive series of observations, such as those now in progress in various places under the direction of the British Associa- tion, that we can hope to examine successively great periodical variations in atmospheric pressure, and bring them under the dominion of general laws. The great periodical variation, as shown by the horary oscil- lation, observed by Humboldt in the tropics, and by other philosophers in different parts of Europe, is undoubtedly a phenomenon of high interest in meteorology. In discussing the hourly observations with the barometer at Plymouth, Mr. Harris has shown that this phenomenon is distinctly traceable amidst a vast mass of accidental fluctuation. He exhibited the mean hourly pressures for the years 1837 and 1838, and the mean of the two years, and showed that a double wave was appar- ent, when these points were connected by a continuous line. The points in the waving line thus produced had been each determined from 730 observations; the whole number of observations from which the mean pressure had been deduced being 17,500. The following general results were then mentioned :---The mean height of the barometer at the Ply- mouth dockyard, 60 feet above the level of the sea, and at a mean temperature of 60° of Fahrenheit’s scale, was from the latest results 29.8967. It occurred in the mean hourly progression four times in the day, viz. at 2, 20, and 8, 10, a.m.; 12, 30, and 6, 15, p.m.,---at which times the waves crossed the mean pressure line. The difference on oscillation from 5 to 10 a.m. amounting to .0113 of an inch, between 10 a.m. and 3, 30, p.m. amounted to .0118. The hours of greatest pressure were 10 a.m. and 9 p.m. The hours of least pressure, 5 a.m. and 3 p.m. Of the diurnal semi-waves, the ascent in the morning is the least, and the ascent in the evening the greatest. Of the descending branches of the curves, that during the day is less than that during the night. The times of the oscillations differ. The wave by day, viz. that between 5 a.m. and 3, 30, p.m. being ten hours and a half. That by night, viz. between 3, 30, and 5 a.m. being thirteen hours and a half. The size of the daily wave, therefore, so far as the observations hitherto proceeded, was less than that of the wave at night. Mr. Harris proceeded then to discuss the observations as applied to the different seasons, of spring, summer, autumn, and winter, and showed that the general hourly progress of the pressure was greatly interfered with at particular periods; the wave of autumn being that which coincided most nearly with the general curve. Of the different monthly pressures, October 94 Proceedings of the British Association. and December were the greatest, November and February the least, January and September the two nearest the mean. Mr. Harris now proceeded to discuss the supposed Influence of the Moon onthe Barometer, and with this view had reduced about 4,000 of the observations, so as to show the pressure at the time of the moon’s southing, and for each hour before and after ; but he could not discover any differences which could be supposed to arise from the moon’s influence. He was therefore disposed to agree with the conclusion lately arrived at by Mr. Lubbock, from a discussion of the Barometric Observations at the Royal Society---viz. that no lunar irregularity is observable from this method of discussing the observations---that, if at any time established, it must prove extremely small. He could not, however, avoid mentioning, as a singular coincidence in the results of the two years, that taking the mean pressures about the four periods of the lunar changes, it appeared that the pressure was less at the new moon, and that it increased up to the last quarter, when it was the greatest. The first object bemg to arrive at certain great periodical variations, those had been principally kept in view; hence, mere ac- cidental disturbances remained as yet unconsidered. Mr. Harris, how- ever, had observed, as a very general result, that when the pressure decreased at night, whilst the temperature increased, the succeeding weather was always disturbed and uncertain---in winter, gales of wind from the S.E. and S.W., with rain; whilst, on the contrary, a decreasing temperature, with an increasing pressure, was generally followed by fair weather, with winds varying from N.W. to N.E. The observations hitherto made with the dry and wet bulb thermometer had not yet been reduced. Of the ordinary thermometer, more than 50,000 hourly obser- vations were now completed. Mr. Harris had received two very inter- esting communications on the Hourly Changes of Temperature, which enabled him to contrast the curves of Plymouth and Leith with those of Frankfort Arsenal, near Philadelphia, and three places in Ceylon. The Association was indebted to Major Ord, R.E., for the latter, and to Capt. Mordecai, of the United States’ Corps of Ordnance, for the former. Hourly observations had been obtained by these gentlemen, similar to those which had already appeared in the Transactions of the Associa- tion, and which fully confirmed the results arrived at by Sir D. Brewster, to whom the scientific world is indebted for the first perfect series of hourly observations of the thermometer, and also the results of those arrived at by Mr. Harris in the discussion of similar observations carri- ed on at Plymouth, at the request of the Association. Mr. Harris here exhibited, under the form of curves, the mean hourly progress of the temperature at these different places. It appeared, from these obsezva- tions, that the line of mean temperature at the three stations in Ceylon, between 6° and 8° N. lat., was crossed between 9 and 10 a.m., and at 9 p.m. The mean temperature at these stations bemg 74° at Kandy, and from 80° to 81° of Fahrenheit at the others, which did not materially Proceedings of the British Association. 95 differ from the times at Leith, in which the mean temperature is 48°, and the lat. about 55° N. At the Frankfort Arsenal, the line of mean temperature is crossed also about 10 a.m., but differed at night, being between 7 and 8 p.m.; whilst at Plymouth, the line of mean temperature was crossed soon after 8 a.m., and 7 a.m. by the latest observations. The little comparative mean range of the thermometer at Leith and Kandy, and in Ceylon, gave great similarity to the curves indicating the march of the hourly temperature in these places.---The author concluded with some general remarks on this subject. Prof. Forbes and Prof. Whewell pointed out the necessity of reduc- ing the observations to 32° of Fah.---Mr. Harris stated, that the tem- peratures at which the observations were made had not greatly differed, but that, before the Report appeared, the observations should be re- vised and reduced. ‘On a New Calorimeter, by which the Heat disengaged in Combustion may be exactly measured, with some Introductory Remarks upon the Nature of different Coals,’ by Andrew Ure, M.D.---In these researches, which are still in progress, the first point (said Dr. Ure) which I seek to ascertain is the proportion of volatile and fixed matter afforded by any kind of fuel---as, for example, pit-coal---when a given weight of it is subjected, in a retort or covered crucible, to a bright red heat. The result of this experiment shows how far the coal is a flaming or gas coal, and what quantity of coke it can produce. The second preliminary point of importance which I determine with regard to coals, is the amount of sulphur they may contain: a circumstance which has not hitherto been made the subject of precise investigation, in this country at least, but which is of great consequence, not only as to their domestic use, but to their employment by the iron-master and the manufacturer of gas. That good iron cannot be made with a sulphureous coal, however carefully coked, has been proved in France by a very costly experience. In ge- neral, when a coal leaves 15 or 16 per cent. of ferrugimous ashes, we may conclude with certainty that it contains sulphur in corresponding proportion; for this substance exists always, I believe, in pit-coal, in the form of pyrites, but often disseminated or combined, so as to be invisible, unless by microscopic means. The most ready and exact method of de- termining rigidly the quantity of sulphur in any compound, is to mix a given weight of it with a certain weight of carbonate of potassa, nitre, and common salt, each chemically pure, and to ignite the mixture in a platinum crucible. A whitish mass is obtained, in which all the sulphur has been converted into sulphate of potassa. By ascertaining, with nitrate of baryta, the amount of sulphuric acid present, that of sulphur becomes known. By such a process, applied to different samples of coals, sent to me for analysis, I obtained the following results :--- 96 Proceedings of the British Association. Gas coals No. 1 Sulphur in 100 parts 3.00 D cccccccece ee peciecee . 3.90 D sesee er eeccccesacecs 2.42 4 secccccscccces ceseee 3.00 D cccncecieccoecs cic cess 2.50 Be ecccccceevecvocscce 0-20 7 scccvcccvcccccccsccs SAU Siisiciseewiacjesielelvielss eees 3.00 Coals for puddling cast iron to be converted into steel : 1, hard foliated, or splent, sp. gray. 1.258 .... 0.80 BF i ditto Seer eee 1.290 .... 0.96 3, ditto Biateleialotelalateleielalerainiete UOA8) RAGA BEL 4, cubical, and rather soft....... 5 AY) aasoh Wet The presence of much sulphur in a gas coal is a great evil, because it affords, in its decomposition, so much sulphuretted hydrogen, as requires an operose process of washing or purification, which impoverishes the gas, and impairs its illuminating power by the abstraction of its olefiant gas or carburetted hydrogen. Hence I found, in a specimen of coal gas, as generated in the retorts of one of the London gas companies, no less than 18 per cent. of olefiant gas; but in the same gas, after its purifica- tion from sulphur, I found only 11 per cent. With a coal, such as No. 4 of the second series given above, at least 10 per cent. of the light might be economized. The apparatus which I employ consists of a large cop- per bath, capable of holding 100 gallons of water: it is traversed, for- wards and backwards, four times, in four different levels, by a zig-zag horizontal flue, or flat pipe, nine inches broad, and one inch deep, end- ing below in a round pipe, which passes through the bottom of the cop- per bath, and receives there into it the top of a small black lead furnace. The interior furnace, which contains the fuel, is surrounded, ‘at the dis- tance of an inch, by another furnace, which case serves to prevent the dissipation of heat into the atmosphere. A pipe, from a pair of double- cylinder bellows, enters the ash-pit of the furnace at one side, and sup- plies a steady current of air to keep up the combustion, kindled at first by half an ounce of red-hot charcoal. So completely is the heat which is disengaged by the burning fuel absorbed by the water in the bath, that the air discharged at the top orifice has usually the same tempera- ture as the atmosphere. In the experiments made with former water calorimeters the combustion was maintained by the current ofa chimney, open at bottom, which carried off at top a quantity of heat very difficult to estimate. My experiments have been directed hitherto chiefly to a comparison of the heating powers of Welsh anthracite, Llangennech, and a few other coals. I have found, that the anthracite, when burned in a peculiar way, with a certain small admixture of other coals, evolves a quantity of heat at least 35 per cent. greater than the Llangennech does, which latter is reckoned by many to be the best fuel for the pur- poses of steam navigation. One half pound of anthracite, burned with my apparatus, heats 600 pounds of water 100 Fahr., viz. from 62° to 720, the temperature of the atmosphere being 66°; so that there is no fallacy Proceedings of the British Association. oa occasioned either by the conducting powers of the surrounding medium, or by achimney current. We thus see that one pound of anthracite will communicate, to at least 12,000 times its weight of water, an elevation of temperature of 1°, by Fahrenheit’s scale. For the sake of brevity, we may call this quantity, or energy, 12,000 unities of heat. One pound of Llangennech, in the same circumstances, will afford 9,000 unities : one pound of good charcoal, after ordinary exposure to the air, affords 10,500: perfectly anhydrous charcoal would yield much more: one pound of Lambton’s Wall’s-end coals affords 7,500 unities. It de- serves to be remarked, that a coal, which produces in its ignition much carburetted hydrogen and water, does not afford so much heat as a coal equally rich in carbon, but of a less hydrogenated nature, because, towards the production of the carburetted hydrogen and water a great deal of latent or specific heat is required: indeed, the evaporation of unburnt volatile matter from ordinary flaming coals abstracts unprofit- ably a very large portion of their heat, which they would otherwise afford. Hence, those chemists who, with M. Berthier and Mr. Richard- son, estimate the calorific powers of coals by the quantity of carbon which they contain, or the quantity of oxygen which they consume, have arrived at very erroneous conclusions. The amount of error may be detected by experiments on the cokes of flaming coals. M. Berthier examines coals for their proportion of carbon, by igniting a mixture of each, finely pulverized, with litharge, in a crucible, and estimates 1 part of carbon for every 34 parts of lead which is reduced. I have made many researches in this way with both charcoal and anthracite, and have obtained very discordant results. In one experiment, 10 grains of pulverized anthracite from Merthyr Tydfil, mixed with 500 grains of pure litharge, afforded 380 grains of metallic lead; in a second similar experiment, 10 grains of the very same anthracite afforded 450 grains of lead; in a third, 350 grains. In one experiment with good ordinary char- coal, fresh calcined, 10 grains, mixed with 1,000 of litharge, afforded no less than 603 grains of metal. The crucible was, in each case, covered and luted. My future researches, which are intended to embrace every important variety of fuel, natural and artificial, will be made with an _ apparatus somewhat modified from that here described. Three furnaces will be inclosed within each other, with a stratum of air or ground charcoal between each, so as to prevent all loss of heat into the at- mosphere, and thereby to transfer the whole heat disengaged by com- bustion into a large body of water, of a temperature so much below that of the atmosphere at the beginning of the experiment, as it shall be above it at the conclusion. ‘On a method of fillmg a Barometer without the aid of an Air-pump, and of ebtaining an invariable level of the surface of the Mercury in the cistern,’ by Prof. Stevelly.---Prof. Stevelly said that it was very difficult to fill a barometer tube so as to be quite free from air and moisture. Mr. Daniell, in his Meteorological Essays, proposed to fill the barometer O 98 Proceedings of the British Association. under the exhausted receiver of the air-pump, and actually had the barometer of the Royal Society so filled by Mr. Newman, under his own superintendence ; but although an expert London working optician might be found capable of executing successfully such a tube, yet few in the country could hope for such an advantage; and, in fact, although he had attempted the process at Belfast, he had never succeeded. After some consideration, the following simple mode of using the torrecellian vacuum of the tube itself, instead of the air-pump, in filling it, occurred to him. He heated the mercury as hot as it could be used, and fil- led the tube, in the common way, to within half an inch of the top ; then worked out, in the usual way, all air bubbles, as per- fectly as possible ; filled up the tube to the top, and inverted it in a cup of hot mercury, when it, of course, subsided, in the upper part of the tube to the barometric height ; he then placed his finger on the mouth of the tube, under the mercury in the cup, and lifted it out ; and, still holding his finger tightly over the mouth of the tube, laid it flat on a table, when the mercury in the tube soon lay at the under side of the tube, leaving the upper part along the length of the tube void. Upon then turning the tube slowly round, still keeping the finger on its mouth, every spark of air was gathered up. He then placed the tube in an upright position, with its mouth upwards, and, placing a funnel of clean dry paper about the upper part, an assistant filled the funnel slowly, with hot mercury, so as to cover the fingers. Upon slowly withdraw- ing the finger, the mercury went gently in, and displaced almost per- fectly the atmospheric air which had gathered into the void space. By renewing the process which succeeded the previous washing of the air out of the tube, once, or at most twice, a column of the most perfect brilliancy was obtained. He had mentioned this simple method to Dr. Robinson, of Armagh, who suggested that, to get rid of the damp and greasiness of the finger, it would be better to cover the mouth during the process with clean and dry caoutchouc; and this was found a decided advantage. The method of procuring an invariable surface in the cistern was equally simple. From the imperfection of his sight, it was an object of much interest to him to have as few readings or adjustments depend- ing on sight as possible. He proposed, therefore, to divided the cistern into two compartments, by a diaphragm of sheet iron or glass, brought to.a sharp edge at top. Into one of these compartments, the barometer tube dips; in the other is placed a plunger of glass or cast iron, which can be raised or lowered by a slow screw movement. To prepare for an observation, the plunger is first screwed down, by which it displaces the mercury in one compartment, and raises its surface in the other above the edge of the diaphragm; upon raising it slowly again, the mercury drains off to the level of the edge of the diaphragm, thus, at every observation, reducing the surface to a fixed level. Proceedings of the British Association. 99 Section B.---Cuemistry and Mineratoey.---Thursday. ‘Notice of some Experiments upon a new Compound, called Lodosul- phurie Acid, upon the true constitution of Chlorochromic Acid, and up- on Chromamide,’ by Mr. Lyon Playfair.---The object which I proposed to attain (said the writer) in commencing these experiments, was to dis- cover some mode of isolating hyposulphurous acid. The experiments are still unfinished, but I will here notice the results already obtained. The best method of studying this subject appeared to be, to examine the characters of those compounds which have an analogous constitu- tion. Chlorochromic acid, according to MM. Walter and Regnault, may be viewed as a compound of a hypothetical radical, ‘chromous acid,’ united with an atom of chlorine. If hyposulphurous acid also be considered as a combination of sulphurous acid with sulphur, both of these acids would belong to the same class. But as the opinions of chemists are much divided respecting the true rational composition of ‘chlorochromic acid, Mr. Playfair was anxious to ascertain which view was the most correct. For this purpose, the behaviour of the solid com- pound of chlorochromic acid and ammonia was examined. By various tests applied to it, it did not appear to contain chromic acid. Now, if chlo- rochromic acid be really a salt, the bichromate of the perchloride of chromium, it ought to contain chromic acid; in short, it seems to be a peculiar compound, chromamide united with muriate of ammonia, and analogous to the sulphamide of Regnault. Chlorosulphuric acid is a compound which did not suit my purpose, on account of its never be- ing obtained free from a foreign substance---the liquor of the Dutch chemists. It therefore became necessary to discover a substance of an analogous constitution, and which might be obtained with more ease, and with more purity. For this purpose, two equivalents of iodine were mixed with one of sulphite of lead, and the mixture was subjected to distillation : a dark red fluid passed over. This method, however, does not yield it of sufficient purity, beg contaminated with iodine, which it retains in solution. A better method, therefore, consists in dissolving iodine in pyroxylic spirit, and sending a steam of sulphuric acid through the solution until it be completely saturated. By evaporation, distilla- tion, and allowing the substance thus procured to remain over sulphuric acid, it may be obtained in a state of absolute purity; its taste is ex- tremely acid, and when it is dropped upon the cuticle, a disagreeable obstinate sore is occasioned. I hoped that hyposulphurous acid might be isolated in a similiar manner, and, upon trying the experiment, with the substitution of sulphur for iodine, a yellow liquid of an acid taste, dis- tilled over; but it speedily decomposed with the deposition of sulphur. A sufficient quantity was not obtained for analytical investigation. There are many other modes suggested by the properties of iodosulphuric acid, some of which I hope may succeed. I have merely stated the method of obtaining iodosulphuric acid, but the same process is applicable to 100 Proceedings of the British Association. many others of a similiar class, whose properties I am at present inves- tigating. The circumstances which led me to enter into these experi- ments, were to remove the objections which the opponents of isomorphism have urged against that theory, on account of the great dissimilarity, both in chemical and in physical characters, which exists between the chromates and their corresponding sulphates. By boiling a sulphate of the oxide required with chromate of barytes, soluble salts may be ob- tained, isomorphous with the sulphates, and, in general, affecting the same number of atoms of water. The insoluble chromates, generally described in systematic treaties on chemistry as neutral chromates, are of a very interesting constitution, but their analytical developement is ex- tremely intricate, from the fact of there being several of each oxide. There are many other points connected with this subject, with which I cannot detain you.* ‘ A new theory of the Galvanization of Metals,’ by Prof. Schénbein, of Basle.---The Professor began by stating, that the discovery of the chemical power of the voltaic pile, made in the beginning of the present century by British philosophers, drew the attention of the scientific world to the relations which exist between chemical and electrical phe- nomena; indeed, only a few years after this important fact had been ascertained, Sir Humphry Davy and Berzelius did not hesitate to esta- blish the theory which has since been generally adopted---viz. that che- mical and electrical forces are essentially the same. Prof. Schénbein considers, that the results of recent experiments are opposed to the theory. The facts which he brings forward in opposition to it are as follows :---1. A piece of iron was voltaically associated with a piece of zinc, and each of these metals was put into a separate vessel, filled with common water. The vessels did not communicate with each other. In the course of a few hours after the immersion of the iron, light flakes of oxide of iron made their appearance round the metal, and, after a cou- ple of days, the latter was corroded to a considerable degree. The same result was obtained when the iron was plunged into water, and the zinc made to rise above the level of the fluid, so as to prevent the latter from being in the least contact with water. According to Prof. Schénbein, a piece of iron, when immersed in water without any voltaic associa- tion, was as much corroded as under the circumstances detailed. 2. Two pieces of iron were made, one of them the positive, the other the nega- tive pole of a voltaic pile, which consisted of ten pairs of copper and zinc, and was charged with water holding 5 per cent. of common salt in solution. Each of the polar wires was put in a separate vessel, filled with common water. Under these circumstances, both wires were equally attacked and corroded in the same manner as if a single piece of * The young chemist whose name is already associated with original researches came to Calcutta in 1838, but was induced to return by the same ship that brought him out. Europe undoubtedly presents a wider field to philosophical minds, but settle where he may, Mr. Playfair will rise to the first eminence in his profession. Proceedings of the British Association. 101 iron had been put into water, for, after the lapse of a couple of hours, the polar wires were seen to be surrounded by light flakes of oxide of iron. 3. A piece of iron being voltaically associated with zinc, was ex- posed to the action of the atmosphere. Having left this voltaic pair for some time to itself, the iron part of it appeared to be covered with a thin layer of rust, and on comparing it with a piece of iron which had also been placed within the atmosphere during the same space of time, no evident difference could be detected between the states of the surfaces of both pieces. 4. A piece of iron wire was connected with each of the poles of a voltaic pile, without making the wires touch each other. Being exposed to the action of the atmosphere under these circumstances, hoth polar wires appeared, after some time, equally effected by rust, and as much as another piece of iron which was not connected with a pile. 5. A piece of iron, being voltaically associated with zinc, was placed in common water, so that both metals were deposited in the same vessel. Although this voltaic pair has been kept in water for twelve months, the iron part of it does not appear to be in the least degree oxidized, its surface being perfectly brilliant. 6. A piece of iron wire was connected with each of the poles of a pile, and each of these pieces made to plunge into a separate vessel filled with common water, the vessels being connected by means of a piece of platinum. That portion of the negative polar wire which was immersed in the water did not rust at all, as long as there was a current passing through the arrangement. 7. Copper being intimately associated with zinc, and brought into an aqueous solution of chloride of sodium (in such a manner that each of the metals was plunged into a separate vessel), was soon chemically affected,--- provided that the vessels did not communicate with each other. 8. The same experiment was made as in the preceding case, with the difference, however, that both metals were plunged into the same vessel. Under these circumstances, the copper piece was not in the least corroded by the salt water, whatever the length of time was during which the metals were immersed. 9. A piece of copper was connected with each of the poles of a voltaic pile, and put into a vessel containing an aqueous solution of common salt. Both pieces were attacked by the fluid just in the same way as if they had not been attached to a voltaic arrangement, provided the vessels did not communicate with each other. 10. The experiment was made as in the preceding case, with the difference only, that the vessels were made to communicate with each other by means of a piece of platium. The positive polar wire quickly underwent oxidation, while the negative one remained untouched. If an aqueous solution of common salt was made use of as the exciting fluid in the pile, and the latter left unclosed, the copper pieces of the voltaic pair rather readily entered into oxidation, while they were not all chemically affected when the pile was closed. 11. A piece either of copper or of iron was connected with each of the poles of a pile; two tumblers were filled, partly with mercury, partly with water, or with a solution of common salt, and the 102 Proceedings of the British Association. vessels made to communicate with each other by platinum, so as to make each extremity of the latter enter into the mercury of either vessel. Things having been arranged in the manner described, the polar wires were each introduced into one of the tumblers, so that the free end of each wire was made to plunge into the mercury. Under these circum- stances, both polar wires appeared to be equally affected---that is, they were precisely in the circumstances as if they had not been connected with any voltaic arrangement. From these facts, Prof. Schénbein infers---1st, That neither common nor voltaic electricity is capable of changing the chemical bearings of any body, and that the principles of the electro-chemical theory, as laid down by Davy and Berzelius, are fallacious. 2nd, The change which certain metallic bodies, when placed under the influence of a current, seem to undergo with regard to their chemical relations, is due to the production of some substance or other, and its deposition upon those bodies by the agency of a current of electricity. 3rd, The condition, sine qua non, for efficaciously protecting readily-oxidizable metals against the action of free oxygen dissolved in fluids, is, to arrange a closed voltaic circle, which is made up, on one side, of the metal to be protected, and another metallic body more readily oxidizable than the former, and, on the other side, of an electrolyte containing hydrogen, as water. Prof. Shepard, of the Medical College, South Carolina, gave an account of the analysis of a Meteorite, in which he had detected chlorine and silicon. ‘On the Composition of Idocrase,’ by Mr. T. Richardson.---The com- position of the Silicates has attracted a considerable share of the at- tention of chemists, but until the discovery of the doctrine of Isomor- phism, this department of mineralogy might be said to have remained stationary. It is however remarkable, that, even with the advantages of this beautiful law, many of the formule of minerals are very incor- rect representations of their constitution, as, for example, in the received formula of Petalite, there is a difference of six per cent, of Silica between the result of the analysis and that computed; and this is only one among many instances which might be adduced. Idocrase is even in a worse state than this, for Berzelius says, (Die Anwendung Lothrohres, p. 218,) that the formula is not known with certainty, although Prof. Johnstone, in his reporton Dimorphous Bodies, has as- signed to it the following formula in common with the Garnet---viz. (‘Ai CS ones 3 (Fe The subject has moreover been lately involved in greater obscurity, by the publication of M. Ivanoe’s analysis in Poggendorff’s Annalen, which differs from all the analyses hitherto made. With the view then of assisting in explaining these descrepancies, I have made the following - analyses of Idocrase from different localities, with specimens selected Proceedings of the British Assoceation. 105 from the cabinet of Mr. Hutton, of Newcastle-on-Tyne. It is needless to give the detail of the analyses, which were made with every care :--- No. 1. was a specimen of Idocrase from Egg, in Norway; 2. Idocrase from Slatoush, in Siberia; 3 Idocrase from Piedmont; 4. Vesuvian from Monte Somma: 5. Egerane from Eger, in Bohemia. ] 2 3 4 5) Sc armet eter tate tetera ielsieleisictcalelnicieiclsic|«isieleieley-= 38.75 37.45 39.25 37.90 38.40 PAM ATR Mee teteetetelelsielcie:cjelele:siele(e ojerele/sye)s «aie 17.35 18.85 17.30 18.1G 18.15 PYOLOXG LTO Marre tisis