BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 9999 06505 285 2 Calendar of the General Henry Rnox Papers in the Chamberlain Collection Boston Public Library Prepared by The Historical Records Survey I Division of Professional and Service Projects Works Progress Adtninistration The Historical Records S-urvey Boston, "Massachoxsetts May, 1939. Digitized by tine Internet Archive in 2011 with funding from Boston Public Library CALEMDAR OF THE GENERAL I-Sb!RY KNOX PAPERS Chamberlain Collection Boston Public Library Prepared by The Historical Records Survey Division of Women's and Professional Projects Works Proi5:ress Administration Boston, Massachusetts The Historical Records Surve3'- April, 1939 The Historical Records Survey Luther H. Svans National Director Sargent B. Child Regional Supervisor Carl J. V/ennerblad State Director Division of Professional and Service Projects Florence Kerr Assistant Administrator Eleanor Hay^?/ard Regional Director Carl Rogers Acting State Director WORKS PROGRESS ADMINISTRATION F, C. Harrington Administrator John J. McDonough Regional and State Administrator PREFACE By authority of a Presidential Letter, the Historical Records Swnrey of the Works Progress Administration was inaugurated in January, 1936, under the national direction of Dr. Lilther H. Evans, as a part of Federal Project No. 1. At first, emphasis was pla-ced upon the survey of public records as a means for fulfillment of the aim of the project, to make avail- able historical source materials. The survey of manuscripts and private papers, as distinct fron public records, was undertaken late in 1937, when the inventories of coiinty records had progressed to a point wher^ a new task could be undertaken without impairing the progress of the first. With the Calendar of the General Henry Knox Papers, the Historical Records Survey inaugurates a calendar series for important manuscript col- lections in Massachusetts . The Itoox Papers are part of the Chamberlain Collection of Autographs vThich was given to the Boston Riblic Library by the Hon. Mellen Chamberlain in 1893. The original manuscripts may be con- sulted only by special permission of Dr. Zeltan Haras zti^ Keeper of Rare Bonks at the library. General Henry Knox, American general and statesman, was bom in Boston, of Scotch-Irish parentage, on July 25, 1750. After the death of his father in 1762, he was employed by a Boston bookseller and in 1771 he opened a bookstore of his own. Yifhen a young man, he cast his lot with the patriot cause and spent his leisure studying books on military art, supplementing his reading by observing and questioning the British officers stationed in Boston. He joined a military company, and upon the organization of the Boston Grenadier Corps bocame its second in command. On June 16, 1774, he married Lwcy Flucker, the daughter of Thcmas Flucker, Royal Secretary to the Province of Massachusetts Bayj but this did not prevent him from joining the Revolutionary Army at the outbreak of hostilities in the spring of 1775, He fought in the battle of Bunker Hill, as aide to General Yfard, and then assisted in constructing the defenses of the camps around Boston. On Kov. 15, 1775, at his own suggestion he set out with a squad of mounted men, for Fort Ticonderoga, near the Canadian frontier, to bring back heavy cannon and stores. He rctxirned from the perilous enterprise, Jan. 24, 1776, with 55 guns, loaded on sleds, 23 boxes of load, and a bar- rel of flints. He was revrarded with a commission as colonel of the only artillery regiment of the American army. The cannonade of Knox's batteries on the nights of March 1-4, 1776, enabled General Thcmas to take possession of Dorchester Heights, which resulted in the evacuation of Boston by the British forces. In Doccjmber, 1776, Knox was pranoted to the rank of brigadier general. He distinguished himself in the battles of Trenton and Princeton and took part in the Preface engagements at Brandywine, Germantown, and Monmouth. He rendered valuable service in the operations against Cornwallis in October, 1781, became a major general in 1782 and was appointed to the command at West Point. He drafted the scheme for the Cincinnati Society, conposed of American and French of- ficers who served during the Revolutionary V. 30 cm X 19 cm. [2] 1657 George CLEETE. To John PHILLIPS, [millvjright of Casco]. Aug. 10 Deed of 50 acres of land on Cnsco Bay and Pesumsca [PssumscottJ River, sold for 50 shillings, a yecrly rent of "Twelve Pence and One Day' s vTork for One Manv Yearly" . Copy made by Edv;. .Aishworth, Recorder, June 30, 1662, 2 pp. 30 cm X 19 cm. [3] 1658 George CLEEVE, To John VEllXlPB. May 3 Deed of 50 acres of land on Casco Bay and Pesumpsca [Pesumscott River, sold for a sum of money, a yearly rent of cnc shilling, and > "One Days' VJork every year for one Man". Copy made by Edv;. Rishworth, June 30, 1562. 2 pp. 30 cm x 19 cm.. " [4] 1663 George CLEEITE, [York County, Massachusetts Bay Colony]. To June 8 John PHILLIPS. Deed of 250 acres of land along the Pi^sumsca [Pesumscott] River, for Virhich 1 farthing yearly for each acre and 1 penny for occ tree shall be paid to Alexander Rig^y. Copy made by Edw. Rishworth, Recorder, July 6, 1663, 4 pp. 30 cm X -20 cm. ' [5] Henry Knox Papers George CLEEVE, [York County, Massachusetts Bay Colony]. To John PHILLIPS, Deed of 250 acros of land along tho Posumsca [Pesumscott] River, for which 1 farthing yearly for each acre and 1 penny for each tree felled shall be paid to Alexander Rigby . Copy made by Edw. Rishworth, Recorder, July 6, 1653. 4 pp. 30 cm X 20 cm. [6] George CLEEVE, [York, Massachusetts Colony in New England] To George MUNJOY, Casco, [Massachusetts Colony in NevJ England]. Deed of one-half of a cornfield, to be held during th:-. life of Cleave and his vdf e , Jhone . Copy examined by Jos. Moody, Registrar, July 3, 1728. 1 p. 30 cm X 19 cm. [ 7] MADACOV/AKDA , Indian Sagamore of Sheopcutt [Sheepscutt] River, [Province of Massachusetts Bay], Peraaquid, [Province of Massachusetts Bay]. To Sir William PHIPPS , [statesman, officer in the Provincial Army]. Acknovvledgment of deed of land for a hat full of money; xvitnessed by "Edgar Emet - Sangamore Kenobeck'' , "John - Sanga- more and Interpreter of Sheepgutt River", "John H^-rnbrook Interpreter"; "Abram Govarner and four ether Persons". Copy. 1 T3. 11 cm X 6 cm. [s] Rowland WILLIAMS, [Kittery, Province of Massachusetts Bay]. To William PEPPERELL. Deed of 50 acres in Casco near the Pasumsca [Pesumscott] River. Copy made by Jos. Harmnond, Registrar, Aug. 10, 1706. 1 p. 30 cm X 19 cm. [9] John LEVERETT, [landowner in 1629; resident of Cambridge?]. To Elisha COOK. Deed of ten leagues of land from Musccngus into the main- land, [Province of Massachusetts Bay]. Copy. 1 p. 13 cm x 11 cm.. - 10; John LEVERETT. To THIRTY ASSOCIATES. Articles of association under v/hich they may do business in developing land [in Pr(jvince of Massaciiusetts Bay]. "Elisha Cook of Boston and 8 others with Jaha^ Brinton and 22 30". Copy marked: "Signed and Sealed by 9 of the iDarties. Acknowledged Mar. 18, 1720) Rogestcr at Yorke Jany'l7 1721/2". In. 19 cm x 13 cm. [ll] Henry Knox Pape;vs 1719 Spencer PHIPPS , adopted son of Sir V/illiam Pliipps, Boston, Aug. 15 Mass. To John LEVERETT , Cambridge, [Province of Massachusetts Bay]. Deed of land conveyed by Madacowanda to Sir William Phipps. Copy. 1 Tj. 18 cm X 13 cm. [l2] 1728/9 Pelatiah RiWSON and vafe Hannah, [York County, Province Mar. 1 of Massachusetts Bay?]. To Phinehas JONES, yeoman, North Yarmouth , [Me . ] . Deed of land in Falmouth, York County, [Province of Mass- achusetts Bay]. Witnessed by Benjamin Beale and Benjamin Beale Jr. Copy rec. Mar. 22, 1728; examined by Jos. Moody; attested by Dan Moulton, Regr. 1 p. 30 cm x 19 cm. [l3] 1731 ?. YORIffi and C. TiXBOTT , [Committee on Eastern Lands]. Aug. 11 To Right Honorable Lorda Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. Report concerning right to land lying betiveen the Kennebec and St. Croix rivers; history of Pemaquid settlement. D.S. 32 pp. 30 cm x 16 cm. [l4] Description of boundaries of land purchased by Richard Broadridge from Phinehas Jones. In. 20 cm X 8 cm. [l5] Phinehas JONES, [York County, Province of Massachusetts Bay]. To Samuel WALDO, [merchant], Boston. Deed of 90 acres of land in Falmouth, York County, partially bounded by the Stroud Water River. D.S. 4 pp. 35 cm x 23 cm. [l6] Witnessed by Habijah and Hannah Savage. 1732 Phinehas JONES, [York County, Province of Massachusetts Feb. 23 Bay]. To Samuel W/iDO , Boston. Deed of 90 acres cf land in Falmouth, York County, partially bounded by the Stroud Water River. Co-oy rec. May 22, 1733; attested by Jos. Moody, Regr. and Dan. Moulton, Regr. 4 pp. 35 cm x 23 cm. [l7] 1734 Jabez DHMOCK, shipvnright of Falm.-.uth, [York County, J'one 27 Province of Massachusetts Bay]. To Samuel WALDO, Boston. Deed of one-half of a Common Right in Falmouth granted Dimmock, Sep. 26, 1733 . D.S. 4 pn. 30 cm x 18 cm. [l8] Witnessed by Joshua Moody and John Collier. 1732 Feb. 23 1732 Feb. 23 Henry Knox Papers Thomas 'SSTBROOK, [York County, Province of Massachusetts Bay]. To Samuel WALDO. Deed of land on Casco Bay, [Province of Massachusetts Bay]. D.S. 1 p. 38 cm X 25-cm. [l9] Samuel WALDO. To David CREIGHTON, George's River, York County, [Province of Massachusetts Bay]. Deed of land at George's River. D.S. 1 p. 33 cm X 21 cm. [20] John BROInJN, Joshua and Samuel MOODY, Proprietors' Commit- tee for laying out land, [York, Province of Massachusetts Bay]. Description of land in Falmouth, near the Scarborough line, laid out to Samuel Waldo. D.S. 1 p. 30 cm X 18 cm. [2l] Sainuel SICILLIN, [York County, Province of Massachusetts Bay]. To Samuel WALDO, Boston. Deed of 89 acres of land in Falmouth, [Province of Mass- achusetts Bay]. D.S. 1 p. 30 cm X 18 cm, [22] Charles FROST, Jabez FOX, John BROWN, and Robert THORNDIKE, Proprietors' Committee. To Samuel WALDO. Quitclaim deed of 216 acres in Falmouth near Saccarappa, [Province of Massachusetts Bay]. D.S. 1 p. 30 cm X 20 cm. [23] On verso, Sep. 30, 1748, Samuel Waldo relinquishes his rights to the "within mentioned tract ... from. . .ancient Right or Prior Title" . Benjamin and Ed[T,ay^jDAVIS , [merchants of Boston]. To Thomas FLUCKER , [Royal Secrotaiy for the Province of Massa- chusetts Bay]. Bill for dry goods. 1 p. 23 cm X 18 cm. [24] Thomas FLUCKER. To Lydia COLLINS. Promissory note. Copy. 1 p, 20 cm X 8 cm. •inomas FLUCKER. To Lydic. COLLINS, Promissory noto. Copy. 1 p. 20 cm x 8 cm. [25] [26] Henry Knox Papers 1765 Samuel WALDO, [eldest son of Brig. Gen. Samuel WALDO, Feb. 15 Lincoln County, Province oi"" Massachusetts Bay]. To Thomas Fluckar . Deed of 2/3 of all land in Muscongus patent, Lincoln County. Copy attested by Thos . Rice , Registrar . 2 v^- 28 cm x 18 cm. ' [27] 1756 Francis WALDO, [son of Brig. Gen, Samuel Waldo, Falm.outh, Apr. 2 Cumberland County, Province of Massachusetts Bay]. To Thomas FLUCKER. Deed of 90 acres of land in Falmouth, [Province of Mass- achusetts Bay]. D.S, 4 pp. 31 cm X 20 cm. [28] 1766 Thomas FLUCKER. To Thomas HUBBARD, Aug. 24 Promissory note. Copy made by P. Beyer. 1 p. 20 cm x 8 cm. [29] 1767 ■ [ FLUCKER]. Business account Tvith S^amuel Waldo's estate, 1765-67. A.D, 4 pp. 38 cm x 30 cm. [30] 1769 Thomas FLUCIvER. To Henry LAUGHTON and B^nja. FAJSIEUIL, Feb. 17 executors of estate of James Griffin. Promissory note. Copy. 1 p. 20 cm x 10 cm. '[3l] [1773? [Henry IQJOX] . Mar, 31?] Memoranda for hearing before commissioners appointed to settle differences Vifith residents on Waldo claim. A.D. 4 pp. 30 cm x 18 cm. [32] 1773 Sarah WALDO, widoi? of Brig, Gen. Samuel WALDO. To June 1 Thomas FLUCKER. Deed of conveyance of 5000 acres of land in Muscongus patent, including islands near Owl's Head Neck and St. George River, [Province of Massachusetts Bay]. Copy. 1 p. 30 cm x IS cm. [33] On verso. Mar. 50, 1774. Thomas FLUCKER and xuife Hannah. To Francis VJALDO . Mortgage of land in Muscongus patent, [Province of Mass- achusetts Bay]. Copy. 1 p. 30 cm x 18 cm. 1773 Joseph NOTES. Nov. 13 Affidavit stating that Francis Waldo took possession of land in Casco by "Turf end Ti'^ig" . Copy mado by Jos. Noycs , Nov. 13, 1773. 1 p. 33 cm x 18 cm. [34] 1774 Aug. 11 1774 Dec. 30 1775 Oct. 9 Henry Knox Papers 1773 [Thomas STARHET]. jjov, 13 Plan of 100 acres of land in rear of Boyce Co..-per's lot [near George's River]. A. D. 1 p. 33 cm X 20 cm. [35] Thomas FLUCKER. To Levi LORINa. Promissoiy note. Copy. 1 p. 15 cm x 5 cm. [35] Thomas FLUCKER. To James PITTS. Promissory note. Copy. 1 p. 21 cm X 8 cm. [37] Thomas FLUCKER, Boston. To Isaac WINSLOVJ, [Flucker's s on- in- lav/] , Boston. Power of attorney for Flucker's property. Copy. Ip. 33 cm x 20 cm. [38] 1775 WHEATON & WHIPPLE , [merchants]. To Thomas FLUCKER. Bill for lime and cordwood purchased in May and J-une. 1 p. 15 cm X 13 cm. [39] Ziphion THAYER, [m.erchant of Boston]. To Thomas FLUCKER „ Bill for furniture and Repairs, 1771-80. A. D. S, 1 p. 38 cm x 15 cm. [40] Joseph PEIRCE, [merchant] Boston. To Thomas FLUCKER. Bill for dry goods, 1773-80. A. D. S. 1 p. 18 cm X 13 cm. [4l] Edward DAVIS. To Thomas FLUCKER. Bill for groceries, 1774-82. A. D. S. 1 p. 20 cm X 11 cm. [42] Comnittce appointed by General Court, '1783, [Boston]. Report on disputed lands in Maine states that the com- mittee have received claim^s of several individuals and companies to tracts of land in Lincoln County; on examining records of the General Court from 1761 to the Revolution, oarticular at- tontion has been given to grant made in 1629 from Council of Plymouth to Beauchaanp and Lcverott; committee have c'-nf erred with representatives of heirs of Brig. Gen. Waldo, the clerk of the associates, and others not interested in the grant, but have not obtained sa-cisfaction as to intended direction of line from Muse ongus or course and length of bounds. Copy. 2 pp. 28 cm x 18 cm. [43] On verso, "read in Senate and accepted". 1780 Oct. 6 1780 Dec. 25 1782 Oct. 7 1784 July 2 7. Henry Knox Papers 1784 [Mr. PEIRCE]. Aug. Document giving a resiune'' of Colonel Wheaton's financial condition, 1776-83. A. D. 1 p. 23 cm x 18 cm, [44] Endorsed: "from Mr. Peirce" . 1785 House of Representatives, Commonwealth of Massachusetts, July 2 [Boston]. Resolution to appoint a committee to investigate Muscongus claims. Copy. 4 pp. 31 cm X 18 cm. [45] On verso, "Nonconcurred in Senate July 4th". 1785 Henry KNOX, New York, N. Y. To William Hunt CLARK, agent Oct. 14 for the Ten Proprietors of the Muscongus patent. Bond for tlO,000 as assurance of lawful titles to persons V7ho entered into possession of any part of Muscongus patent prior to Apr. 19, 1775, and the relinquishment of vraterfront acres. Copy witnessed by T. Shavr and William Knox. 4 pp. 33 cm X 20 cm. . [45] On verso, in Knox's handivriting, "never delivered". 1788 Elizabeth CHECKLEY, [Boston]. To [Henry] KNOX, major gen- June 1 oral, New York, [N. Y.]. Letter urges payment of the lat: Hon. Flucker's note; sets forth straitened circumstances of her brother and herself. A. L. S. 1 p. 30 cm x 20 cm. [47] 1791 Heniy KNOX, administrator of estate of Thomas Elucker , July 2 Philadelphia, [Pa.]. To Oliver SMITH, apothecary, Boston. Deed of 65 to 70 thousand acres of land in the Waldo patent, [Commonwealth of Moss.]. D. S. 4 pT. 33 cm x 23 cm. [48] Witnessed by R. J. Brock and Benjamin Bankson. [1791?] [Henry KNOX] . Advertisement of auction of Thomas Flucker's real estate in Maine; inventory of the real estate; asks that copies be made and posted. A. D. 1 p. 31 cm X 20 cm. [49] [1791?] [Henry KNOX] . Letter regarding auction sale of Thomas Flucker's real estate. A. L. 1 p. 30 cm X 19 cm. [50] Henry Knox Papers [1791?] [Henry KNOX] . Advertisement of auction of Thomas Flucker's real estate; sale to be held at Bunch of Grapes Tavern, State St., Boston; inventory of the real estate. A. D. 4 pp. 30 cm x 19 cm. [5l] 1792 [Heniy Kl-IOX], Philadelphia, [Pa.]. To William GREEN , Sep. 23 New York, [N. Y.]. Letter states that $40,000 is needed by January and Feb- ruary; directs Green to advance $20,000 at once, give security at the bank for $5,000 until December and for $10,000 until April when Knox will draw bills on Green at 60 days, the amounts being $5,000 short of Knox's proposition; Messrs. Howe and Jack- son to have no part in disposal of land, but to share in residuary profits to am.ount of $100,000; wishes to feel out the European marko'/; advises that his brother, William Knox, bo consulted, as he has recently returned from Europe; has vnritten Mr. Duey but has received no reply; is vj-illing for Green to share equally with him in the whole property, except Jackson's and Howe's shares, on condition Green make all future advances of money. A. L. 10 pp. 31 cm X 18 cm. [52] 1792 [Henry KNOX], Philadelphia, [Pa,]. To William GREEIvT, New Sep. 30 York, [N. Y.]. Letter concerns bills of exchange to be drawn upon Green in London, Knox to receive the proceeds with which to pay the bank; says he is willing Green should act as agent for Knox's European property for which Green shall have a satisfactory commission, but refuses to allow one person to control property of such magnitude; expresses high regard for Green's character, honor, and qualifications; thirJks a satisfactory arrangement may be made . between them; states that Madame La Yal'is at Biistoa. febis i'dy vail not succeed, but will know on his arrival at New York in October; says he has not yet been -..ble to have the agreement copied. Copy. 2 pp. 25 cm x 20 cm. [53] 1792 [Henry KNOX]. Oct. 25 Memoranda and rough notes: "Wm. Green - a mcmorandiun con- cerning him. The adventure to Calcutta - property brought to Rhode Island, exported to Ostend and consigned to an English house - that house failed full handed and went to England. G - brought a suit for recovery of his proportion of the assets of the bankruptcy - Caso heard before Lord KiG.yon - Green lost - The principle was en-glish [illegible] and the companj^ interfer- ing with the East India Company - A house in England sued him for a large sum - Col. Hamilton is acquainted with the affair". A. Df . 1 p. 30 cm X 20 cm. [54] 9. Henry Knox Papers 1795 H[enry] KNOX. To Thomas EAIOALL, captain. -Jan. 9 Letter says that Knox has offered a note to Mr. Crainmond who vfill use the money to relinquish the obligation of Mr. Anthony and Knox; Knox "v'/ill make this arrangement provided the obligation and Knox's home be delivered up; expresses confidence in Randall's integrity to exonerate Anthony and Knox from the effects of their obligation vfhen Crammond pays the av/ard; tells of Cramraond's confidence in Randall, in consequence of which Crammond had m.ade further indulgences. A. L. S. 2 pp. 33 cm x 20 cm. [55] 1795 Map labeled, in Knox's handvnriting, "Plan of the 25,000 acres sold to H, Jackson in the rear of Belfast", [Me.]. In virater color, pen and ink. 50 cm x 30 cm. [56] [1797? [HeniT KUOX] . To the Seno.b3 of the Coianonv/ealth of Mass- Feb.?] achusettSj [Boston]. Petition regarding disputed land in Maine; substance of the i.".Qmorial presented to the Massachusetts Legislature relative to the H'oscongiis or ¥aldo patent. Copy. 4 pp. 38 cm x 25 cm. • [5 7] On verso, "petition granted Feb. 23, 1798", in Knox's hand- T'jriting. 1797 Massachusetts Legislature, [Boston]. Kar. 9 Broadside appointing commissioners to settle differences pertaining to the Waldo claim. Printed. 36 cm x 33 cm. [58] 1797 Massachusetts Legislature, [Boston]. Mar. 9 Broadside appointing commissioners to settle differences pertain_:iig to the VJaldo claim. Printed. 56 cm x 33 cm. [59] 1797 [Heirry KITOX] . ' • Sep, 1 List of names of "People who have not, and \jho probably may net, refer or compromise in Thomaston". A. D. 1 p. 31 cm X 23 cm. [60] [1797?] Memoranda relating to the estate of Brigadier Samuel Waldo, 1759-73. 1 p. 30 cm X 18 cm. [6l] 1798 Henry KNOX, and Herjry JACKSON, [resident of Boston]. To Dec. 1 CARPENTER, [merchant, Salem, Mass..]. Bond for |&,C00. D. S. 1 p. 33 cm X 18 cm Torn. [52] XiJitnessed by William Nev.Tnan and Sam'l Cooper. 10, Henry Knox Papers 1798 H-nry KNOX, Henry JACKSON, Boston, and Benjamin LINCOLN, Dec. 1 Hingham. To Benjamin CARPENTER, Salem, Mass. Bond for $10,000. D. S. 1 p. 33 cm X 18 cm. Torn. [63] Witnessed by William Newman and Sam'l Cooper. 1799 Eugene MOURGUE, New York, [N. Y.], To Jason CLAP, Boston. July 5 Order to deliver to Catherine Putnam proceeds from goods shipped to Clap. A. D. S. 1 p. 20 cm x 10 cm. [64] [179-?] Richard HORWOOD and -Afife Hannah, daughter of Thomas Flucker. To Henry KNOX. Deed ff all rights to land in Lincoln and Hancock counties [Commorarealth of Massachusetts] inherited by Mrs. Horwood from her father. Copy. 1 rj, 30 cm x 18 cm. [65] 1800 Thomas DAVIS, [commissioner in land dispute], Boston. Jan. 23 To The Legislature, [Boston]. Report on re-survey of the Waldo patent; assigns land to Henry Knox and "others interested" . Copjr attested by John Avery, Secy. 2 pp. 30 cm X 20 cm. [66] 1800 Legislative Comjnittee, Boston. Feb. 5 Report on the report made by Thomas Davis, Jan. 23, 1800, regarding the VJaldo c la ii.i; approves assignment of land to Henry Knox "and others, interested in the Waldo patent". Copy attested by JohnAvory, Secy. 1 p. 31 cm X 18 cm. [67] 1800 Mar. 8 Thomas DAVIS, Boston. To Henry KNOX and others. Assignment of land in tho Waldo patent . D. S. 4 pp. 38 cm X 23 cm. [58] Witnessed by John Davis and Holder Slocum, Jr. 1800 Mar. 8 1800-1802 Thomas DAVIS, Boston. To Henry ItNOX and others. Assignment of land in tho Waldo patent. Copy attested by John Avery, Secretary of the Common- wealth. 4 pp. 38 cm X 23 cm. [69] "List of notes payable to H[3nry] Knox, secured by Mortgage", including that of Caleb Hall and 68 others, with addresses, and amounts owed. 2 17". 30 cm X 18 cm. [70] Names of 68 others in index. 11, Henry Knox Papers 1801 Apr. 27 1803 Jan. 1 1805 Jan. 8 1803 Dec. 17 1805 Jan. 18 1805 Mar. 4 1805 Nov. 1805 Dgc. 9 [1803?] William HALES, rector of parish of Killesandra, Killesandrc County Cavan, Ireland. To Thomas and Alicia REILY, emigrr.nts to America. Certificate of good character. A. D. S. 1 p. 30 cm x 18 cm. [7l] Henry N. ROGERS, Samuel LOVJDER, and Thomas PAYSON, mer- chants, Boston. Co-partnership agreement. D. S, 4 pp. 56 cm x 23 cm. [72] [Henry KNOX]. MemoranduiTi on amount of line that might be sold arjiually. A. D. 2 p. 28 cm x 20 cm. [73] Benjamin BUSSEY -nd Daniel INGAIXS, merchants. To Henry KNOX. Quitclaim deed of land in Bangor, He, Copy. 2 pp. 25 cm x 20 cm. ['74] Henry KNOX, and Thomas VOSS , merchant, Thomaston, [Me.]. Statement of money KnOJ^' ^^^-s placed in, or drawn from, Voss* store, Jan. 12, 1804 to Jan. 16', 1805. D. S. 4 pp. 33 cm X 20 cm. [75] H[enry] KNOX, and wife L[UCY]. To Benjamin BUSSEY, Boston, Mass . Agreement warranting 4,000 acres Ox land in Hampden, [Me.] to Bussey. D. S. 8 pp. 38 cm X 23 cm. [76] Witnessed by John Avery, J. P. and Peter Thac'_er, J, P. Robert HOUSTON and Matthew WITHINGTON, [surveyors]. To Henry lOSFOX. Report on the survey of Knox's land in the Waldo patent, [Commonwealth of Mass.]; describes quality of soil and timber D. S. 4 pp. 31 cm X 18 cm. [Mrs. CALLBECK]. Prayer. 4 pp. 23 cm X 18 cm. [Henry KNOX], Advertisement of land for sale in Waldo patent towns of Belfast, Northoort, and Prospect, [Me.]. A, D. 8 pp. 31 cm x 18 cm. [VT] [78] in or near [79] 12. Henry Knox Papers 1806 July 10 1806 July 16 [1805 Aug, 12?] Benjamin CARPENTER, Salem, Mass. To Henry KNOX, Cancellation of indebtedness to Carpenter. D. S. 1 p. 25 cm X 20 cm. [80] 1806 Aug. 1806 Sep. 10 [1806?] [1806?] [1807?] 1811 Juno 30 CRAGG and EASTE, [merchants], Boston. Receipted bill xvith notation by Knox: 1 p. 23 cm X 18 cm. To H[enry] Knox, "overnaid 2 dollars". [81] [Henry Knox] . "Docket with list of papers it once contained. The 10,000 acres mentioned are confined solely to the plantations of Lincoln, Jackson, Washington & Knox, G-reene & Bonaparte, and exclusive of Prospect and Northport". A. D. 1 p. 28 cm x 18 cm. [82] On verso, "The Indenture between the heirs of Brig. Waldo, Francis Bornard, [Royal Governor of the Province of Mass.], and Thomas Goldthv;aite and 1756 some papers which passed bctivnen H Knox Aug lii,1805. Mixd, D. Leay kus Wm. r^ylor' £. deed to H. K and Goldthwaitc' s power to Rogers, and Rogers power to Wm Taylor to sell, and Mr. Otis's opinion thereon". [Henry Kl^'OX] . Accounts with various persons "extinguished. . .from the Sale of lands to Thorndike , Soars, and Prescott". 1 p, 25 cm X 20 cm. [8;:] [Henry KNOX] . Memoranda relating to purchase of Knox's land by Thorn- . ■■ - dike , Sears, and Prescott . A. D. 1 -}. 33 cm X 18 cm. [84] [Henry KNOX] . Memoranda on sale of land to Thorndike, [Sears,and Prescott]. A. D. 1 p. 31 cm X 18 cm. [85] [Henry KUOX] . To Lucy [KNOX] . Verse , "How great the worth of My Dear Wife" . A. D. 1 p. 31 cm X 18 cm. [86] Accounts presented against estate of H[cnry] Knox, Esc^. Copy. :.5 --■,■,. 51 cm x 18 cm. [87] [Major] j[ohn] McKOIffl, Boothbay , [Mo.]. To David PAYSON, general, Wiscassot, [Mo.]. Letter asks for reinforcements; "the Tennodas Friggart is within three miles of us and another one the Bullwark this Side of Monhegan Standing in for this harbor" . A. L. S. 1 p. 15 cm X 11 cm. [88] 13. Henry Knox Papers 1811 [M-jor] John HcKOWN, Boothbay , [Me.]. To David PAYSON, July 2 general, Wiscasset, [Me.]. Requisition for "povfder and Grape for the 12 pounder". A. L. S. 1 p. 18 cm X 13 cm. [89] 1814 COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS, Boston, Mass. To MASSA- July 18 CHUSETTS STATE MILITIA. Broadside gives a general order from Adjt. G-en. John Brooks respecting mov2ments of artillery and infantry of the State Militia. Printed. 50 cm x 20 cm. [90] 1814 Bernard KING, Luther and Eliab ALLEN, privates in Capt , Oct. 9 Ranlett's artillery company at Camp [Fort] Edgecomb, [Maine]. To [David] PAYS.ON, brigadier general, [Wiscass'^t, Me.]. Letter petitions for leniency for crime of absence without leave . L. S. 1 p. 33 cm X 21 cm. [9l] 1816 Committee: Joshua HEAD, David PAYSON, Jonathan THAYER, Sop. 19 WiGcasvot, [Mc.]. To Town of Thomaston, [Me.]. Notice to send delegates to an election convention in Wiscasset . D. S. 1 p. 23 cm X 20 cm. [92] 181..;-25? Patriotic toasts. 2 pp. 21 cm X 18 cm. [93] 1820 I. STEBBINS, [judge], Alna, [Ms.]. To [Eben?] THATCHER, Aug .3 [ j udgo ] , Thomast on , [Mg . ] . Letter contains rsforcncc to a previous letter which told of trouble with Pension office clerks; proposal that Mr, and Mrs. Thatcher com.c to visit so that Stebbins and Thatcher m.ay confer on matters relating to "nolicy & prudence". A, L. S. 4 pp. 23 cm x 18 cm. [94] 1821 -I. STEBBINS, Portland, [Me.]. To E[ben?] THATCHER, Norridge Mar. 12 vrock, Me. The senate and town have accepted the treaty vj-ith Massachu- setts; "Mr. Clap is no7j making one of his best speeches in favor of a reconsideration, that is, .-.gainst the r/urchase of the lands" refers to memorials for removal of Judge of Probate for Somerset [County, Maine]; sends regards to Mrs. Prostcn and her sister; expresses hope that Thatcher v/ill have a good term and his fees honestly .earned and enjoyed; compares the coxirse of a dominant Legislature with that of a "conflagration v^ith dry fuel and a high wind" . A. L. S. 1 p. 23 cm x IS cm. [95] 14. Heiuy Knox Papers 1827 STATE OF Mllffi, Portland, [Mg . ] . To Eben THATCHER. riar. 27 Acceptance of Thatcher's resignation as Brigadier General from the State Militia. Signed by Samuel Coney, Adjutant General. 1 p. 31 cm X 15 cm. [96] [Yr. unknown] Boston. Apr. Agreement concerns Isaac Winslovf and the estate of Brig. Gen. Samuel Waldo. 1 p. 20 cm X 13 cm. Torn rragm.cnt. [97] n.d. Memoranda endorsed "Leverett's right in the main lands of Muscongus"; description of land formerly ovmed by Leveret t , and Nathaniel and Mary Rogers. 8 pp. 23 cm'x 18 cm. [98] n.d. [I. STEBBINS, judge]. To [Ebcn?] THATCHER, [Maine]. Letter invites Thatcher to put up his horse in Stebbins' stable. A. L. 1 n. 18 cm x 15 cm. [99] n.d. Testimony offered at hearing concerning failure of a m.ilitary company to obey Lieut. Boyce Crane's orders to assemble for reviexv at North Parish in Thomaston, [Me.], on Thursday, Sop 24, a.t 5 A. M. 6 pp. 28 cm X 18 cm. [lOO] INDEX References are made to specific entries by .number. Adam, John, 70 Alexander, John, 70 Allen, Eliab, 91 Allen, Luther, 91 Alna , [He . ] , 94 America, 71 Anderson, Archibald, 70 Anthony , 55 Avery, John, 76 B Bangor , Me . , 74 Bankson, Benjamin, 48 Barnes, Betsy, 70 Bart let, Samuel, 70 Bartlett, Nicholas, 2 Beale, Benjamin, 13 Beale , Benjamin Jr., 13 Beauchamp , 43 Belfast, [Me.], 56, 79 Bernard, Francis, 82 Blackington, James 70 Bonaparte plantation, 82 Boothbay, [Me.], 88, 89 Boston, 11, 12, 16-18, -22, 38, 41, 48, 51, 53, .63, 64, 68 69, 72 76, 81, 90, 97 Boundaries, 15, 43 Brewster, Darius, 70 BrexTBter, Ira, 70 Briggs, Bartlet, 70 - , Brinton, Jahal , 11 Broadridge, Richard, 15 Broadsides, 58, 59, 90 Brock, R.J. , 48 Brooks, John, 90 Brown, John, 21, 23 Bullwark, The, 88 Bunch of Grapes Tavern, Boston, 51 Bussey , Benjamin, 74, 76 Bussey , Samuel, 70 Calcutta, 54 Gallbeck, 78 Cambridge, 12 Camp [Fort] Edgecomb, [Me.], 91 Cape Porpoise, 2 Carpenter, Benjamin, 62, 63, 80 Casco, 1, 7, 9, 34 Casco B.'.,y, 1-4, 19 Cavan, County of, 71 Charles I, king of England, 1 Checklcy, Elizabeth, 47 Clap, 95 Clap, Jason, 64 Clark, Isaac, 70 Clark, William Hunt, 46 Cleeve , G-eorge, 1-7 Cleove , Jhone , 7 Collier, John, 18 Collimore, Joseph, 70 Collins, Lydia, 25, 26 Committees , Eastern Lands , 14 General Court, [Boston], re- port, 43 Legislative, Boston, 57 Proprietors of Wiscasset, 92 York, 21, 23 Common Right , 18 Coney, Samuel, 96 Cook, Elisha, 10, 11 Cooper, Boyce, 35 Cooper, Samuel, 62, 63 Council of Plymouth, 1, 43 Cragg and Easte, 81 Craig, Robert, 70 Crammond , 55 Crane, Boyce, 98 Creighton, David, 20, 70 Cumberland County, 28 16. Gutting, William, 70 D Green, ¥illiani, 52-54 Greene plantation, 82- Griffin, James, estate of, 31 Davis, Benjamin, 24 Davis, Edvrard, 24, 42 Davis, John, 68 Davis, Thomas, 66-69 Dean, Mary, 70 Devon, County of, 1 Dickey, William, 70 Dimmock, Jabez, 18 ■D'Leay, Mme , 82 Dririki-jater, Micajah, 70 Drinto/rater, Zenas, 70 Duckrow, Isaac, 70 Duey, 52 E East India Company , 54 Emet , Edgar , 8 •England, 54 Eugley, Fred, 70 Europe , 52 H Hagers , Ezekiel, 70 Hales, William, 71 Hall, Caleb, 70 Hall, Isaac Jr. , 70 Hemilton, Colonel, 54 H;..-;.--n.^[:k-.j, 75 Hancock Counoy, 65 Head , Joshua , 92 Hevr !,■.,. n. , Joshua, 70 Hinghara, 63 Hog Island, 1 Holmes, Elijah, 70 Hornbrook, John, 8 Horivood, Hannah, 65 Hor'.'rood, Richard, 65 House of Representatives, Com- moKvealth of Massachusetts, resolution of, 45 Houston, Robert, 77 Hov/e, 52 Hubbard, Thomas, 29 Falmouth, 13, 16-18, 21-23, 28 Fanuel, Benjainin, 31 Farrington, Abner, 70 Flucker, Hannah, 33 Flucker, Thomas, 24-31, 33, 36-42, 65, estate of, 47-51 Fogarthy, Dennis, 70 Fox, Jabez, 23 Frost, Charles, 23 Gay, David, 70 General Court , George's River Gilchel, James Godding, John, Goldthivaite, Thomias Gould, Daniel, 70 Governor, Abram, 8 Grant , John , 70 [Boston], 43 , York County . , 70 70 82 Ingalls, Daniel, 74 Ireland, 71 Jackson, 52 Jackson, Henry, 56, 62, 63 Jackson plantation, 82 John , , 8 Jones, Phinehas, 13, 15-17 K Kelso, Charles, 70 Kennebec , S Kennebec River, 14 Kenyon, Lord, 54 Killesandra, Ireland, 71 Kin^, Bernard, 91 17, Kjiight, John, 70 Knox, Henry, 32, 46-57, 60, 62, 63 65-70, 73-77, 79-36 estate of, 87 Knox, Lucy, 76, 86 Knox plantation, 82 Knox, William, 46, 52 Mourgue, i^ugene, 64 Mudget, Jeremiah, (2), 70 Munjoy, George, 7 Muscongus patent, Lincoln County, 10, 27, 33, 43, 45, 46, 57, 99 Ten Proprietors of, 46 N Land rignxs, 14, 23, 99 Laughton, Henry, 31 La Val, Madame, 53 Legislative Committee, Boston, 67 Levenseller, Jacob, 70 Leverett, 43, 99 Leverett, John, 10-12 Lincoln, Benjam-in, 63 Lincoln '^ounty, 43, 65 Lincoln plantation, 82 Lindsey, Hath, 70 Liniken, William, 70 London, 53 Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, 14 Loring, Levi, 36 Lo"vet, T-Trael, 70 Lowder. Samuel, 72 M Madac owanda , 8 , 12 Mahoney, John, 70 Maine, 43, 49, 57, 96 State Militia, 96 liassachusetts, 90, 95 Legislature, 45, 57-59, 66 State Militia, 90 Mclntyre, Agnes,' 70 McKo-wn, John, 88, 89 McMurphj , Jsmes, 70 McMurphy, Susanna, 70 Miller, Eph, 70 Hilliken, Abner, 70 Monhegan Island, 88 Moody, Joshixa, 18, 21 Moody, Samuel, 21 Morse, John, 70 Mortgage-, 33 lew York, 46, 47, 52, 53, 64 Meviiman, " illiam, 62, 63 Norridgewock, [Me.Jj North Parish, Thomaston, [Me, J 93 North Yarmouth, [Me.], 13 Northport, [Me. J, 79, 82 Noyes, Joseph, 34 0 Obrian, John, 70 Ostend, 54 Otis, 82 Ovfl's Head Neck, 33 Patriotic toasts, 93 Payson, ^avid, 38, 89, 91, 92 Payson, Eunice, 70 Payson, Thomas, 72 Peabody, i^athan, 70 Peirce, 44 Peirce, Joseph, 41 Pemaquid, 8 history of settle- ment, 14 Pepperell, William, 9 Pesumscctt River, 3-6, 9 Philadelphia, Pa., 43, 52, 53 Phillips, John, 3-6 Phipps, Spencer, 12 Phipps, William, 3, 12 Pinldio.m, Solomon, 70 Pitts, Jamos , 37 Plymouth, Council of, 1, 43 Portland, [Ue. ] , 95, 96 Prescott, 83-85 Preston, 95 18, Propristors' Committes of York, 21, 23 Prospect, [Mg.], 79, 82 Putnam, Cathorine, 64 R Randall , Thomas , 55 Ranlett, Captain, 91 Rawson, Hannah, 13 Raws on, Pelatiah, 13 Razor, Charles, 70 Reily, Alicia, 71 Roily, Thomas, 71 Rhode Island, 54 Rigby , Alexander , 1 , 5 , 6 Rivers, see names of Rocker, John, 70 Rogers, 82 Rogers, Henry N. , 72 Rogers, Mary, 99 Rogers, Nathaniel, 99 Saccarappa, 23 St. Croix River, 14 St. George River, 33 Salem, Mass. , 63, 80 Savage, Hsbijah, 16 Savage, Hannah, 16 Scarborough, 21 Sears, 83-85 Senate of the Commonvxealth of Massa- chusetts, 57 Shaw, T. , 46 Sheepscott River, 8 Shurburne , George , 70 Skilliu, Samuel, 22 Skinners, James, 70 Skinners, Joseph, 70 Skinners. Thomas, 70 Slocum, Holder Jr., 68 Smith, Oliver, 48 Smith, Winthrop, 70 Somerset County , 95 Starret, Thomas, 35 Stebbins, I., 94, 95, 100 Stevrart, John, 70 Stone, William, 70 Stroud Water RiVer, 16, 17 T Talbot t, C. , 14 Taylor, William, 82 Temmerson, Martin, 70 Tennedas , The, 88 Thacher, Peter, 76 Thatcher, Eben, 94-96, 100 Thatcher, Mrs. Eben, 94 Thayer, Jonathan, 92 Thayer, Ziphion, 40 ■ Thomas, Charles, 70 Thorndike, 83-85 Thorndike, Robert, 23 Thirty Associates, 11 Thomas, Joseph Jr., 70 Thomaston, [Me.], 60, 75, 92, 94, 98 Tillson, William, 70, Curtis, 70 Tucker, Richard, 1 Turf and THvig, 34 V Voss, Thomas, 75 W Waldo, Francis, 28, 33, 34 Waldo patent, 32, 48, 57-59 advertisement , 79 assignment of land, 68, 69 report on survey of, 66, 67, 77 Waldo, Samuel, 16-23, 27, 33,43,82 ■ :5-^"at- of, 30, 61, 97 Waldo, Sarah, 33 Walsh, William, 70 Washington plantation, 82 Westbrook, Thomas, 19 Wetherspoon, John, 70 VJiscasset, [Me.], 88, 89 cormTiittee notice, 92 i/Jheaton, Colonel, 44 Wheaton and Whipi-^le, 39 19, If'ltkington, Matthew, 77 Williams , Rovjland , 9 Winslow, Isaac, 38, 97 Withams , Benjamin, 70 York, 1, 7, 11, 21 York County, 13, 16, 17, 20 Yorke, P. , 14