

California Farmer

Vol.5 No. 21

May 30, 1856



D EDO? 12b531fl 0

California State Library

SUiu DafosmM ®i!

ij'huJ ®${U$fi$84



f|t California Jitrnur


a the Weather.— No. 3,

with the surface, of tho same specific gravity as the vapor which they form ; so that, after tho ■=iri o.i i interstices between tho atoms of air hate been tilled, the escaping vnpor is necessarily de- jfc ili'l along llio surface.

It is now generally staled in Meteorological Works, that dew doc* not (nil ; which it certainly does not, in the way it was formerly supposed lo do. But, thai it does fall, (o a certain extent, in the after part of tho night, a little consideration will enable anyone lo perceive. Immediately after tliv sun has descended below the horizon, the earth does not, all at once, get cooled down to the temperature of the air it the surface; anil, consequently, llio evaporated water rises some distance in the atmosphere ; though, we may pre- sume, from llie nearly balanced state of the tem- perature of the earth anil air on such occasions, only a short distance. Hy and by, however, the t" earth yets colder ; when liie particles of heat in

* . the atmosphere, thus recently evaporated,

for aught ,- j

° scam dim ■■-. i to return i..

Speculations I

EuiTOlts Fahueii: The vapor, which, in last Letter, we left suspended in Ihe atmosphere, (is it rises up to find a medium of tho same specific gravity as itself, pets necessarily cooled. This takes place from the air being less dense in tbc higher regions than in the inferior; nnd from other concomitant causes which I would now ex- plain. When the particles of heat arc launched forth by the sun, with the amazing velocity wh

doubtless go into I

lie know (if they art anything more than more

undulations), be lost forever ; but when they come

in contact with such a world ok ours, surrounded

by an atmosphere of considerable density, they

accumulate in great quantities, and in the great- est quantities where they meet with the greatest

iulerruplion. Hut, as I have staled, the atmos- phere in the higher regions is much rarer than below ; consequently tho particles of heat pass readily through it; and it is only when they strike the earth that they meet with any serious oppo- sition. There, from their extreme minuteness, they enter everything; water, earth,-., metals olTvring but a feeble resistance lo their penetrating search, as they thread their way into 1 discernible by the n.'cioscope;

,. :

,. :. . ,.'■ ■: ...


■I' b mil. i

' become perfectly invisible I

, if the Earth, as

disposed lo return to it; and, in dump; so they bring the alums of water with which they arc connected along wilh them. This is most perceptible in the fill of the year, when Ihe nights arc getting long, and suflieienl lime is thus alTorded, for tho full development of this ojiera- tion of Nature. On such occasions, how often have we found, on a bright autumnal morning, tho grass perfectly drenched with moisture ; and seen tho laly mist Stretched along the low val- leys, and sleeping on their little la!:.- . ' llut no sooner did the rising sun look over tho mountain tups, Banding heal, as well as light, abroad upon the world, than those accumulated vapors of the night, gelling sooner heated than tho surra and fag atmosphere, from their offering mor r '" bis beams, hate coiled op their 1 'nr

When 1 lits.t came to this Stale (in tho full of '52) hay wns very high, and of tho great nbnn- dolico of groin grown, not one lead of straw was to ho fouud fit for use. From that limn I have adopted the- praelieo of putting up a Inrgo quantity of straw fur the purpose of feeding my stock, cows nnd steers, in cold stormy weather, and fnr stiiblo litter, whioh adds much to tho comfort "f these noble animnb,; that portion of tho itrnw which is fed lo stock nnd tmmplod under foot, being benefitted by the juices of tho yard; uflor tho winter is post, and tha .1 r, seos<!i commrmccB, .1 ga to work nnd carefully gnlhir up all my barnyard innnuro and put it on DP,' fallow ground; my stable manure T clean up aid draw out, threo or four times In n year, ) and y so doing lees of it is wasted. Whore it i

lid - J months, exposed In the burning sun, |

much i-f its productive qunlitioi arc lost, and ', tho *oikt it eon bo plowed wider, nftor being placid mi the fallow, the better. 1 rdso OSO my chip manures, whiohnro of great value, ns well as ii it a pleasure In have eleuu ind cunifurtnblo ynrJi". The ]ioullry lioun- nnd pi:: nty urn also I.. ' . cleaned, ns other yards, which is condu- i . in health und comfort, nnd of great vuluo tho land. Where I have made, a thorough .■plication of manures to my wheat and barley

t. Ids, I nni of tho opinion that one- quarter to one. third is. added to the crop.

i have been in several of the Atlantic States, .V ■- York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Uli-

,,. I .,'. i,, WiTi'insiu mid Indiana, and none

,,i ii n .ii-.' io rioti as not to need manure on

Current Reports of Crops. KEPOUT speaks well for lone valley. That beautiful spot, it poems, has entirely escaped the drouth, and never have the crops looked better. Tin: Hay Crop is Solano. In Sobmo county the cutting of hay e..itimenoed on the 1.5th May, and considerable progress had boon made whon the recent ruins commenced falling. Much damage bus been done. On the Suscol Ituneh. alone, between VoUrjo ami Beniela, it is oslimuted by the correspondent of tho Solano Hernhl.thnt fifteen hundred Ions bos been in- ured. The correspondent adds:

It is generally conceded that the hay crop is try till .rt, r.Ve raging only from half i ton to n on tu tho acre. Owing to this fuel, the general pinion baa obtained that hay will ho scarce nd high ; consequently almost every body corns to bo interested in -cine wi.y in tho hay- nttine; luuiiia. wliii.'b prevail;! vi-iv ^-n, rally in

Hs f.eighborl d. Grass lands are nil rented

nd sub-routed, and everv spot will bo out over

., they effect their escape) and oonwqu nllj greater amount of Intent heat, after Ihe direct solo influence it withdrawn. In tho upper regions, as they encounter no opposition, except what takes place from thesparse atoms of oir, which, at an ele- vation or three and a-hall. miles, is only one-half as dense as at the general surface oflho earth, bot little talent heat is accumulated, and the phero there is necessarily colder.

When tho vapor of water has reached this cold region, it soon gives out a portion or its heat, and in doing so gels specifically heavier ; and conse- quently seeks to descend to an atmosphere, in which it would he in perfect equilibrium. But the moment it altemptn lo get into lower and heavier air, it gels into warmer quarters, where the increasing heat opposes ila down ward pro- gress.

Now, it is a property of all gases, the atmos- phere included, that the inlersliccs of their com- ponent atoms may be tilled with some other gas, without tho space occupied by tho original gas being increased. This is one reason why evapor- ation takes place nt all. llut, in cause which assists in producing, also limits the action. The atmosphere can only hold so much water; aud, consequently, one of two things must prevail: either ovpo rat ion must stop altogether, or the vapor already formed mutt bo condensed into clouds, and a portion of lha atmosphere he thus left comparatively unfilled, before it can possibly continue.

Tho first of these circumstances lakes place, to a certain extent, when dew is formed.

The air, being possessed of o considerably greater power of retaining heal than land or water, does not pari with it so quickly as they do ; especially in clear nights, when but little in- terruption is offered to the parliclesof latent heat escaping from their pores; and when the forming tapor and tho air soon come, almost, into eqoalily ef temperature. Consequently, the par- ticles ol beat, which, under other cirau instances, would inne carried the atoms of water, with which the] had got connected, high up in the atmosphere, find the air, in immediate contact

supposed, wore flat like a table; and had, besides, an unvaried surface ef land or water; and had no satellite re- volving around it, capable of causing ebbs and flows, and interfering with its atmospheric ar- rangements; and the ecliptic were parallel with '" the equator; Ihe laws which I have stated would afford data, by means or which, after a little ex- perimenting, and collecling of meteorological ob- servations, ihe weather might be predicted with



V the

Tin: Trinity Journal reports Ihe crops in the northern part nf that county, ••*■ being very for- ward and very heavy.

Wo here annex letters we have- received Troiii prominent citizens, whoso names carry weight id influence, and wo have many of them which ml to show that our crops are generally equal lust year all that speculators may sny to the contrary not wilh. stun ding.

Cmeex FlU, 1 -li»nb, ,-. jr.iv, ( -.,!(., I llliTr.l. H., ill. lHSi )

Dear Sir: Knowing yon take the Agricultural prosperity being an Agrionl|urIsl my-

'■■ i ■■ if | ' "..■-mol- you.

Col. W.v

. ! . . ,..- ,..,- , ,.vil lo

i! i former if ho should save n goad lot of strai ,' ' fn-il. nnd give his stock the benefit, during tl u coming winter; mid ol the opening of spring ii-,. tin- residue fur dressing crops. lam of tin i, pinion this will provo profitable. Will the formers give it a fair trial ? Dodge.

1', S.— Will tho Faiimbr please publish the Hog Law, as passed tho Inst Legislature.

But as the.

play, i

etly the reverse, the case is uece-.-arily ;il'..;r.-.|; I a now agent— the wind— now comes into fickle in character,and more powerful rhioh deranges, alike, the placid econo- my of a quiescent atmosphere, such as wo have been contemplating, and the calculations directly deduclblc from tho laws, which I have been at- tempting to explain; rendering it necessary to? take them only in connection with the results of other phenomena, equally established in nature, and no less to bo taken Into account.

Wm. Tiiohpsc Hanaro*, War IW>, IMS-


Bavins Manuxaa—Food for Stook. L. rumor I'. 0., vtini.hu- county. W.y ID, 16M. Km [nits IjjUtUEIt: Having u moment of lei- sure, I now tuko this opportunity to apeak a word on tho subject of manures, na very little has boon said on that subject in tho FADUBn. Sirs, I deem it a matter of groat importance to nil (igrioullurists in this, us well ns in other Blntei, It is not reasonable to suppose that our lauds, howovor rich tboy may be at tho present lime, can producu for n number of years In succession. uulesH aided by manures of somo kind. In passing nround over various counties in this port of tho State, I nm satisfied that very fow farmer* maku any account of their manures; many of thorn, yes, I think it would bo safe to say thnt uino-tentha of them, nro in tho hnbit of burning their straw in the fall season, ao as tc avail themselves of the ground for another crop.

Hugs on Vegetables— How to destroy the:

Eoitors Farmer: I do believe 1 have found out something that may benefit somebody, seem to bo tho common enemy of all gardeners in this State, but as I nm not sufficiently ac- quainted wilh bugology lo give you tho proper mmo or pedigree of tho class to which I allude, I will give a brief description of them : They arc very small, dark green (nearly black) bugs, that make their appearance in millions in Ihi gardens or this section, and aro particularly de- structive, to young cabbages, and many other veg- etables. I have tried ashes, lime, tobacco juice, etc., without success, and have finally found out how to get rid of them easily, quickly, and cheap- ly. Take a broom or brush (I uso a common corn broom, and to encourage Homo Industry, I would recommend one of California growth and manufacture), in tho heat of the day, brush light- ly over tho plant on which they aro located ; Ihoy will immediately fall to tho ground, and If left otone, rise immediately and fly off; but OS Soon

they fall, pass your broom lightly and quickly

ar then;, which will cover them with Ihe hot

dust, and It is astonishing lo see how easily they

killed. Tboy had made great havoc among

my cabbages and oilier vegetables, were iu mill-

and seemed to he increasing daily, and In

three days after I adopted the above plan thoy

:ouip1ele1y destroyed.

s method may be new, only lo me ; but If you think it worth a place In the l-'.n . ,. s(,

your disposal. Very respectfully,

Your ob't servant, Jaueb litjiinev.

1 " ':■■■■ ■■ I

- ..II! , io. ! !.■■■!■ I. ill

l-r.' I all : '.I.1

idition, and having so far eianpcd th" En- ol the oriu-hupi'ors, i,-,. .,, „i.-.|, mm. cipato their advent this summer. Tho fruit trees bear appeiimuce.H of healtlifulnoss, und we will undoubtedly have a. largo yield.

I receive your paper regularly, anil in thank- ing you for the information I rceeivo from its perusal, subscribe myself, dear sir,

Yours truly, J. C. Bradixv.

The seed- you wore kind enough to forward me from the Patent Office, have eomo up tely, mid hove far oseoedoil tnv imiitiputiiuui. hen they muturo, 1 will address you. J.C.B.

Dim EiKB ,H,p. Vdlrrl, Mir «*, IBM Col. Waiuikn Dear Sir : Your favor under date 21st Mny, did not reach me till to-day, and I hasten to reply. Tho grain crops iu our valley look vory well, far; perhaps, as a general thing, bettor than thoy did tins lime Inst year, which I think may ho in- nJ .."I for from being ear- lier scedod. Tho fruit far surpasses anything have over had, and promises nu abundant Id. Onr grass on lands (hatwero iiuinotosod t year, is much shorter than I over snw it in May, sinCO I have been in this vnlley. On the tuelosed tields kept up for mowing or posture, the crop will he belter, but 1 think not up to the irngo of last vear Yours, Iruly,

J. M. Hamilton.

PnoiTivi. Soil.— In gold regions the soil is gcueralh barren. A splendid exception, how- ever. Is presented hy the California mines. The contiii.incicKol farming en the plainsdonot scri- on.iy disturb llio certainty of a crop in these fool hilis. Everything planted here promises lha nost extraordinary returns. Wheat, barley and ■ego tab I cs ore all of luxurious growth, ullording ihccring indications of a superabundant supply, or ourselves, of Die oeee.^ries of lire. Tho hills .re fertile to tho very tops, and are susceptible, .vithout irrigation, of proihu-in^ every year one luxuriant crop, llut the rieh valleys intervening, kept constantly moist by their position, teem wilh perennial fruits. A region like this, producing everything that ministers te the wants anil pleas- ures of man, may bo said truly to "flow wilh milk and hooey."— [So no ra Herald.



California— Her Present and hoi Patwo.

We must begin ni the fountain head, where else Mil we hope to purify the stream? The primitive simplicity of the family circle, must be restored, when lost. This can bodooo in no way bul by drawing the line of demarkalion so plain' ly that he that rnns may sec— the pure must be separated from the impure. By lh?8*eda ool mean that there shoi-ld he no iulorcourse will: those who arc trampling human and divine lam under their feet- Let those wishing lo elevate the tone o( moral sentiment, give the vicious lo underhand that until they give good evidence ol a thorough reform, they cannot be adn.i'.led i1 Ihcir social gatherings, or share in their me r makings; treat them kindly, persuade them choose the good and flee from the evil: w! they know

Kill r.

od, their

they will

devise and ,o population shores. One erlo proposed

and themselves. For we surely hope those who were really exemplary ciliwns in the- East, if fallen, may be reclaimed. The thousands of loafers lounging all about oor land should be compelled to engage in some honorable employ- ment, or be arrested ai vagrant* and sent to the workhouse. The/ree funcflw should be shut up by law; they arc the recruiting stations of i crdoni. Here they lounge, ond drink, and and wipe off their mustache with a borrowed "kerchief." Rid society of these dfon way, and a good beginning uill be made; and wo repeat, make them earn Ihcir bread, or they will be sure to cheat somebody out of it, I sick, they shoold be properly cared for, unli they are able to (am their living. Let the wfaok community set their faces against the whols swarm of loafers, and send them all to the work- house aud keep thcra there unless the y reform We have enough of the-* drums in L'alifomii to curse the whole Union; thoy add nothing tc the common stock of wealth, reputation or hap piness of the State; but ore eating up its sub srance. corrupting it* murals, and tarnishing ib fair name. As a general rule, these men will no1 be persuaded to reform -, the voice of the wboh community mui.t euforce tie wishes or We jntn anil the good.

Citizens or California! Hove not these persons aided much in producing the state of things under which we arc groaning? They number thousands; from thtiii go furtb robbers, murderers, Ibievcjonu incendiaries. The presence of these men is like a contagion* ili-ease ; liI are afiaid U gg I :.r. fur fear .1 tin- (Irmiled

laglbn. Ow M Eds from the Kast raedt them at I city ' i the whart.ever) before Uiey L,d. I0W« frerolalso

now in a p osptro-iis rntliliot'. s- rnijiit not feci (htir cubes very heavily, llul ntfw wu need all wislii

ir midst, with a CO. it lose anything by lh Then shall we bo roll, carry out some p Ian by > may be induced to com. thing is certain, all the pi. bin proved abortive. Some .rfWely dincrent schema must be devised, by which our friends homo may and will bo ablo cheerfully lo ca- nto with us.

Before presenting our plan we will briefly sl.te me questions sure lo be asked by persons pro- posing to come here to Beck new homes.

What am 1 to gain in breaking up here, at a great sacrifice, and spending from twelve lo flf- hundred dollars in getting there— I am a farmer, where can I get land, and how ^ T have family used to society, can we have it there-? My family may ho sick, are there any pbysiciai n be procured 1 Can wo send our chi school? Will there bo churches who worship tho God of our fathers? A there roads hy which we may carry our surplus produce to market? These are serious questions, to bo satisfactorily iswercd, before we can hope to have our Easl- ■u friends break up and come to our shores ; no matter whether there be a railroad or not, they omo unless they are satisfied on these points, and we must not mince the matter hut be frank and candid. Tbest questions are equally applicable lo the mechanieand merchant, indeed to all classes of our fellow citizens.

Since wo wrote the last senlenje, the fearful tragdy at San Francisco has occurred. Does not add a terrible confirm mien II the riews e

send two or threc.or mora children to a boarding school is ont of tho question, enough could not be made on the farm to pay their board and tur- many cases. Wo speak now of ihe mid- dling class, those who in a few years will by their en industry and enterprise become the thriving d wealthy farmers of the Slate- Furthermore, when tiie Sabbath comes, fam- es would like lo go up lo the house of God rand ere bend tho knee before the Son of the whole earth. They bavo been accustomed to Liu S..I- bath influences, and privileges and joys. They' tfreshing to the soul. Thereby! prepared tor the duties of the1

lot right ia saying that society must get rid of Ibis loafing, shoulder striking crew? The people are now doing ju- what wo have said they would bu coui|.e!lcil t do. If tho laws are not respected, it enfureed In tho proper officers, the people tkmsolves, the true source of power, must do tho itork. Calm- ly, wisely ami faithfully should it be perfonmd In some cases it may be necessary to apply tbi kniTc to the quivering muscles, lo save a limb, oi life. So in some desperate cases it may be neces sary to use harsh specifics in a community, ant remedies that will Ik sure and effective in ihei

Every good citi7.cn in Hi ested in the work ofpurilk

tho immigrants will add Ion fold more by their productive industry. Vour lands now are of no real value to you, unless you improve theta. You. surely must offer an great inducements lo the settler as they do in Minnesota, Kansas, Nebras- ka, and other territories east of tho mountains ; thoy should be much greater, because lb of coming here is much greater.

e expense

Letter bom the Mines.

r. M.r 30

e sweet ni

they ai

Dear Coloncl: I again embrace tho oppor- inity of .-.lying a few words in behalf ofoiir new. winning locality. The above place possesses ■many advantages over other sections of the coun- Toobvialeall these difficulties, this proposition try, from the fact of gold being distributed is presented to the large landholders of our State, throughout the enlire hills, paying from the sur- Ofler at a low rate, five or ten thousand acres of face down a distance of one hundred feet, lo the laud, non- unproductive; inthe centre or this, bed rock. There are but fow claims that are donate five hundred or one thousand acres to thoroughly opened. Tho most prominent are those who purchase tho land offered for sale; give those of McKibbe .t McCoy, Palmer & Co., and each one purchasing a quarter section leu or(two or three others. The former, perhaps, are i in the village that is lo be ; let this | pajing better than any, averaging from fifteen to accessible point, from which surplus I twenty -live hundred dollars per nock, with every iav be transported without any great .prospect of its paying better as they clear the hill ■0 heavy expense. If there is no water away. Their chief expense ia the purchase of from springs or brooks, sink an Artesian well, at, water, which they use in largo qunnli ties. There a central point; lay out a town and plaui trees. jsno doubt many of the hills will pay in like prc- Suppose it doea cost you a few thousand dollars, j portion, as they become opened. These claim;


tv dollar you thus expend will bo belter than it would on good security tit fi' mouth— if you are unwilling to Jo anything lo mako your lands attractive, you cannot expect purchasers will throng around you. Something else besides line land and beautiful prairies, is nt-ees.<irr for the comfort of men, women and children. You must throw out attractions, and inducements sufficient to draw to our shores, the men we need, or they will not come. Other Stales and other men do(prescnt these and towns, cities and villages- spring up in every direction: Publish to the world what

willing to do; employ of New York who is w

u Krai They K

It in

hole Jtate - now commencing 'pead all over these foul,

hands lo lake hold and help; something done, and that quickly. Tho wheels of commerce are cither rolliog back, or breaking down ; our ships to a great cstent are rotting a our wharves; our markets are glutted with foi eigii good-; nearly all the money our inen-lkinl on raisv goes lo the East lo pay for goods tba Gil our storehouses, for which there is no sale high rates of storage must be paid; ouormoc rents are eating out the life-blood of the mci cbaoi. More goods are now in market than ca bo sold in years; we have overtraded, and ai doing it now. Every week some of our heavici merchants are going hy the board, every day w liave the old complaint of the scarcity of mono' every hour we see around us many sad evidences

1,1st; .., rill*! .r will endure

many si a general stagnation of business. Tho chan- nels of trade and commerce are open, but few outer them. Then we havoa/ia</iiaw. qbroatf our moral character is in had odor, in tho At- lantic States and in Europe are not the causej r di(8oBllics traceable lo the foels aliovi

rated 1 «Ve belie

1 that n

mid all

that there is much reason lo fear, tliat these and other evil influences arc sapping the very founds-

If this be the case, bare we not enough peoph here . I llnrcwenol more than conlribuu lo our permainni uml progressive well-being ft may he said that If those now hci lake bold and try lo huild up tho hi of the counlry, we might autl should be belter off. We admit ii ; but we must uke California as it is, and nol as it should be. Wv must d< the best we can with tho material wo nuw have elevate and purify the masses around u*, nud ihcn »e may invito all to come who may bo disposed » do so. The increase of our population uy ihv. steamers and over the Plains will be, of course very cousideiablo, without our making any osln efforts to bring them here. We must wort bard lo get those now heie in tho tight way, then «, •nay invite our friends lo tnUe up their .bode j,

should go forth

and county through the whole Pacific Sottst, to these thieving, ballot-hox-stuDiug, llel-ntious, stab- hing,5hootingknaves,lou_uit the Stale and territo- ry. If guilt in a tangible form can be fastened upon and punish them. FT no speciilt charge can be made against them, except la/incs and rascally vagrancy, give them one moicchanci me good and honest citizens; if they re illl a whip of scorpions drive them from tho land. Then will ihe bow of promise a-ain in our heavens— our golden shores will smilr. beauty, and rejoice in the purity of her popu. :ion, in the integrity, truthfulness, and perma- nency of her institutions.

Then, and not till then can wo with confidence propose the following plan by which illy certain, a large population, would, with all heir wealth or intellect and labor, bejadded to w numbers. Premising, that the breaking up uf t family in the Atlantic Stales or in any country ocome hero or to emigrate to a now conn I rj, wikl I, ..ne of the most important events in its whole, history. Fow families can be found, will, lug to remove thousands of miles Into a stroma

suitable man in the city II acquainted with Cali- id capabilities. To him niay Ibose wishing to come here apply, mid through him may orragemcnls often be made for companies to come oid llul without any one being obliged to come here to examine the land. Large landholders should adopt this plan, and publish it widely through the East. They should go further for the first fow years: When agents lor companies come and select a location— erect PA many houses as there may lie families in the ■:>' my— in a cheap aud substantial manner, '1 il.rm fur the actual cost. We make- this .jpit; because now comers are sir) n-ci ■■ , .i i ,,, men wVuld elapse1 beftn-o I y ' "' ' comfortable bouses. Besides, if tlie owner of the land should build lifleen, twenty, or fifty, ise might be. it could be done twenty cheaper, and give the Immigrant an in mediate home, without tho expense of going to hold. We have spoken uf a company. If our landholders are in earnest and really wish lo induce immigration here, and will pursue the if policy mentioned, large emigration com- panies will he formed in the Eastern Stales in ig in the same vicinity, join together some two or three, and agree to go California or elsewhere, if'they can get audi a mber as may be desirable, to join them. They ree to settle in a village or to build one them- selves, lo have their farms around them laid out thoy may think proper. They permit none of exceptionable character into their circle; thoy will have none but tho right kind of . for they are to be a community by themselves. Each lamily. distinct from all

ipencd hy means or a tunnel being driven ti or three hundred foot through the solid rock. A deep shaft is then sunk from the lop of the hill lo connect with- tho tunnel in which the sluice Boies are laid, and through which the golden treasure runs. When a claim of tbis description becomes thoroughly opened, a man may generally depend upon a pretty good annuity for the remainder of his days.

In reading many of the weekly papers pub- lished in your city, I find that you editors fall inlo a very croneous idea in regard to Ihe facility of making money in tiie mines, aud you would let

loose the thousand- viir city, and tell them they

i loafers that infest i go lo tho mines. If i occupation in a city

- the livcrj ol

Ural, to settle down


:ighbors wilhi good neighbors and friends,.


might be or that stamp, that, the h.-.U,, ''„,, agatn and seeking another home would «.«b.-

be prefer- io family


■.-!i:i-l, (lie;

m pecuniary i

tliev rn'iv £.,,


<> settle:

Each family wish.- have good society

to this <

: above.

alio lo remaining tli would bo willing to place themseivl, „■ „, Isolated position that thoy could not enjoy .„„- -least of.be comforts and pleasures of social c. Wo «««1 beings and as such reuuire society; families maybe siok.no physician Zl bo ound within ton or twenty miles iL 1Qfly bt an when found, the California prices, for vist ^medicines, would soon devour the subslat^ ffraVT' I 'T "»««■«" P»licu!arly

tf 6r from his reaidence ; thoy have children that must go to sohool-lmw can they he educated lliero may bo no sck-ool within many miles- lo

ompact, by Thcy will «vJUltto have a physician in their number, a teacher, and a minister; also several good me- chanics and artisaus-so that they can in a few weeks after arrival present all tho grand charac- teristics of a hustling and thriving village. Schools will bo commenced, a church built, tho habbath will be obscrvod,and socielv will

its accustomed virtue and" dignity. It would be like taking a whole village up in lh 1-st aud planling R upon our plains; their pu. its and interests separate, ciocpl so far as tli uagea aud eonncsies of good. well. regulated s. cioty may blend them. Whenever you are wil ing to do this, you may rest assured that in lei lhan twelve months you will find a village tbi nettled. Adopt Ihis or a similar plan, and you will soon bo able lo ,.,n j-our ,and8 for ^^

SoTh m* ^ """«». «»* fr«n here to the

"si, bui now returninc to enrich Ihe Stale ; and

not seek after a whore the tastes aud habits thoy will not c

miner and wield the weapon which tabor requires, This is nol the class of men that can develop Ihe hidden treasures of California. Their pur. nit, and desires run completely in another channel. Therefore, you hud better advise them lo stay where thoy are. These arc not the palmy days of 'I'.i or '50, when a man with hi.s pick no shovel could, in any place, scrape together two or three ounces or gold , and although there is aa

I* ■"*«■ gold than was ever laker ,

.any uiunti.s, aiiiitoinitinna' . of severe toil, before ho can reali/.e any hopes at making money. But, on the other hand, tho great advantage of mining now is the almost per- manent yield of his claim; whereas, in Iho i it was transient. Money and labor arc (be great essentials to the proper development of Id mine. If there is a class of mon that wo reuuire, send us your capitalists, for if one-half of them knew what great resources we possess, and what immense pecuniary advantages their capital would produce, thoy would not depend s meh upon tho rise and foil of city stock, lluctu :ion of trade, and many other risks, but oxpcn<t their money whore a profitable and porniauent m at all limes be made. Thousands lying Idle for the want of water; thousands of hills yet stand, and the gold slum- in their hollows, awaiting patiently theetout and Iron ncrveof tho minor; but labor with- out capital cannot accomplish much. There are many undertakings which v/ouid becomo of vast were capital at hand. The Yuba ixpeet in, every day. This will, it is supposed, yield u largo Interest to those thai own slock in It as well as prove an incalculable ad- it the golden treasures of Sebnstopol would remain untouched, and tho hundreds that are employed within 'ts^ ild have lo seek occupation in other dis- tricts. The town is fast springing up, and will rentuolly become an important place in tho ining history of California. Bailey A Co.s aims are supposed to ho oa rich as ouy in the dislrict.ond their owners arc looking forward with bright anticipations lo thai future that will re- ward them with laurels of patient ir [ler.-cvireuce. We hope then Francisco, l

,r friends al


iractting tho fair sex, for

iw most devoted remcro-

for wo shall be happy

at all times lo record upon the pago oTei honor that Ihei I ine-.r, e uill eunfdr upon in miner's homo. Give our kind regards to them, and, with your permission. 1 will subscribe m7 self. Yours truly, LbB



Red. Calved Onlobc-r 20th, 185-J. Bred by, | and property of, Samuel Tborae, ThornedaleJ Washington Hollow. Duchess Count)-, K. Y, '

ijotby Grand Duke f 10284); dam Fredericks j by UpsUrt (97(10).


At ten months old— Short Horn Bull.

1. Feathers, by Duke of Cornwall (5947).

2. Lily, bj: Fergus (3782),

3. Purity, by Dandy (1902).

4. Resplendent, by Elytho (797). 5 , by Midas (-135).

-, by Bongblon (DO). -, by Windsor (098). -. by R. Collings'.sonc

uld be accepted

Worse than Debt. which wu bare quoted" wouta

Some of our renders (says the Working Fano-I literal fact Ly cent lemon of line broadcloth and tr) hate, doubtless, seen Mr. Beccbor's deserip- r°sl livinE 'he citv. But we manage these lion of the spell under which the debtor lies, and '^"^ ''""" in lhp counlry. ,rUL,re Shylocks are his eaob'on to farmer, to avoid the fearful diletn- :o which so many business men are driven.

To correct the vory erroneous position, that .._ fanner ran nlTord to pay interest on borowed

capital, to be laid out in l!,o improvement of his I tQe t M othcr .':■■- place to the following editorial (know how lo direct hi

A. debt will prove a curse or a blessing accord- ing to the character of the debtor. If he his no knowledge of the use of moner, no skill in his business, it will prove his ruin.' Such a man has ltbing hut his labor to sell, and should there, ■-ansae tic-n, But if he labor wisely, ami to

best agricultural journals, The <"akc the labor of others profitable to himself, there is no good reason why he should not hire money to procure that labor, ami employ so much of it its ho can make profitable! H he want a farm on which to employ his own labor and tlisi of others, there is no good reason why b '■ rot-Warm upon one .....-'

Honitsteul, of Hartford, Connecticut : From Mr. Bceher's pithy description of

to he in debt, and every ordinary crop will pay the interest upon its cost vri"- - ' aniformity than any other

Tho Beat Cattle. The following extracts' are from the corr pendente of the Report of the Paten I- Office 1354:

Mr. Lane, of Connecticut—'' I have consld able Ciptrk-ncc in ruL'.iti^ bnlli [he imported a lon.inori breeds ; jinl I think a i;ivoii iiui'nint food will produce mure mi al in the I i.irham III the common animal, or any other/' Mr. Mcndy. of Vermilli. m." Illinois—" We ho tho Dorhams in considerable numbers, and pi

csof the Durhams with our common slock are considered heat for beef."

Mr. Smool. Boone Court-Douse Va. - 1 am of opinion that IheDnrhamscrosscd with the 'scrub cattle' are far better Tor this mountainous region than the full-blooded."

Mr. Wharton, Egypt. Texas— :' A few Durham hulls were brought jnlu Ibis vicinity from the Western States. I'm'., from the abundance of food, they soon became large and strong as to be dangerous lo our breeds, and were conse-' rpiently shot."

State Reform School

We take the nuncicd from the Now gugl J

Farmer, published ut Boston, a most valuable laborer in the canee of Agriculture, and ;i paper llmt is convorsuhle with the value of snch an institution as the one mimed. We publish ii the tnoro readily to show how -in'li institutions an'

estcemod whore their influi'tico is felt, nnd wo ask our reader* if thoy do uot believe some of tho hint* will apply in tho latitude of California. Wo sincerely hope before long to boo eomu al- lien paid to the science of Agriculture ill tho schools in this State, nt least to know thnt among the hooks laid before the mind.'- of youth, there shall be one thnt shall tench the elements of Agriculture.

We give the origiind iirBolo and thu remarks if the editor of tho N. E. Gunner; nil excellent, and wr nay amen to them, and think a State* Reform School in our State would nave many a bright luil that

.. til. 'Stole


•■ blood

i ;iii cliase ll a

,.,,. ,1,, The ti


' pCcuniari imleblc-d-

i- ; ru.d the p. .-or wiei.-h nil, i Lai alrc.dy in- eun-.d Ibis obli-ilion miirhl a, well e-ive lir, in despair. Blisters, leell,. spiders. awl* bav tbistlcs, ore the ..line cnildcm:, thai shadow forth' U>>-> inception .if interest money. Then; i: some truth doubtless in ihi.s conception hot fa Wru poetry. Tho sentiment at the head of thj article is. no believe, aL variance, with fuels ii tic history of husbandry. We know of farmer Who have purchased farms upon credit, for the ■hole or a nir, o! their purchase money, and yet a".-- gradually paid up and are now the owners of unincumbered property. Their gains have k*n slow but sure. They have supported tbi " ur.'ilie-siii comfort, base dueled their childr. »ad given them ]fl-itioiiso( wealth nnd influom Wd now in mature life, with tho prospect of twenty years before them, are in a position of pe- cuniary independence, that multitudes who have "moated lo the city might envy. They hove homes of their own, pleasant social relations ■-"'■■1 religion, privilege.-,, and tho means of cdu- '■jiti-ii, lor their children and children's childien ■Tow independence has heeu achieved by a not 'tmarkobly skillful use of borrowed capital and Melt own industry. We have rarely known a '-'Jiirn client farmer of good habits to come to ac- tual bankruptcy, while nine out ol every ten who "" Jpilal in other pun-nits in our cities fail in business. The facts in tho ease are, that all the ordinary crops of the farm do pay interest money upon the toil they grow on, mid not only that, but pay tho principal too. If wo had tho facts Ollliocasc before u, we believe it would opp-ai that more iban ono-lialf of the owners of thi linns in tin, commonwealth have come into thcii !•-'.*. s sio n l,j incurring .lel.i. nhieh has beendis- •.birj.>-d or Is now in the process of liuuidniim Many of these owners are tho heirs of a portion "the old homestead, nnd have bought out the other heirs, nnd paid up by Ihe yearly prollts of (he farm. The ordinary crnps have carried the ourdenorsuL-isiinj;, :„,,| , ,li„:ating tho family, 'lid tlia udditional burden of a large debt.

The idea that it is not safe to uso borrowed M'.tai in husbandry as In other callings i, not Mrne out by the facts. Wc believe it lo bo far 'I'T. and .i here H is im-afe. it i-. ,,wiuh- lo .-.me- ""ng worse Ibati debt. A farmer con generally '■"■-': whut capital he needs lor six por cent and <"> time to suit his convenience. Do is not put ';r' I" tiles tu meet n payment at the end of thirty "•is, and obliged to pay the brokers of Wall "leet erehleen per cent for n sum to carry him O'er the present crisis. Ho knows nothing ol -'«■■■ eon. ulsiona that make men look so horribly "".« In our commercial metropolis. We ate in- c"ned to think the poetical dessriplion of debt tho farm

oral ye:

1 crj-'dit. To such ai

telligcnt cultivator of the soil, who ki What to do with evcrv dollar ol his capital, (lobt it a greit ble.ssing. It is an indispensable means of his achieving comjieleiicc, and it is to-day one of tho great wants of our Connecticut fanners. W'c want more capital invested in good tools, ma- nures, barn sheds and cellars, stock, and labor. We believe it would ho a great blessing lo

L.'- thiseomii juhle wilb c


thoy incurred debt, but that they

made their investments in the wrong place. They

sunk their capital in-lead ■_■( using it, Thoy have

purchased large farms and not used a quarter of

the land. If thoy have cultivated apart of lb

firm . it lias not been done iu a thorough mane

Fifty bushels of corn to tho acre will mnk

man thrive, where seven ty- live to tho acre V

make him a bankrupt. .Seventy -five lo the a

II paj; better than lift v, and a hundred is

thin the limit* of possibility, as wo shall hi

casion la show from the records of our h

balldry during the Inst year.

man purchases a farm for ten thousand and uses but half of it, he has laxcs t lo pay upon fivo thousand dollars which be gets no equivalent. If be is amount in debt, and pursues a slovenly method of farming, interest will ml him up. He has un- dertaken mi enterprise too largo for his skill and capacity. Wo mUEt have more capital to work land with nnd skill to direct It.

We hope then that none of the occupants of

thu homestead will ho frightened by that big

bugbear of Mr. Beeehcr, touching debt, Doht

incurred to make your acres double their crops,

will not prove a bed or Canada thistles, but or

i. it will give you refreshing dreams

thermometer is below noro. It will

r cribs wilb solid euro, palpablo lo the

fl your cellar* with roots and fill your

' grain, coat the ribs of

blood. In my opinion, it crw of lb .j

tl 11 Lock, n ill 00


Mr. Boone, of Lebanon, Iowa— '' Crosse Durham with the common cattle have advantageous for beef, milk and labor."

S, D. Martin, 1'ine Grove, Kentucky- Sh,.i t-l.nrn.-d cattle are the best forrnilk and be of any I have over had. I have owned sever. cows, each of which would give over thirty quar or milk a day, liningr" of cream. 1 always employ oien on my fa and have worked those of eve L" arnong us. The Uercfords an id pull evenly. But they a

is than

prefer the Short-horns Tor

the following reason. ; llicy ar,- gentle and docih e.isily broken in and managed, strong and Irueil pulling, are not vicious among othcr stock, and when tiii-y have been worked live or six ycai are easily lilted for the butcher, who will pay good price for them,"

Mr. Fuller, of Winthrop, Maine— " Wo have imported Durham, Hereford and Ay require, but grade Durhams have been [he must used among us, and have given ihe best satisfaction for milk, flesh and labor."

Mr. Weston, of Bloom Held. Maine—" The Here- fords, Durhams and Ayresbires have been intro- duced, and their crosses upon our common stock hove succeeded well. Hereford cows arc Ihe lies' lilkcrsof the imported breeds; but our Ordinary jws arc as good milkers as any." Mr. Potter, of .Manchester, NV.v- UainpsJij re- in the valley ol the Menimu.'k pure lievonsore ,ore generally bred than any other Wooded slock; ut I am inclined lo the opinion that they are becoming of less repute than formerly, f "" " ilninous region their si/c forbids

■ted by tho best of fannnr.s ins— coining together not for t

ligh Milan

om 'which muel, i- lo l.,.h,.,.ed,'tlM. is'llie ..'r.e'


RomarkB.— Tin' writer of III" niiovi. is not oi.lr well acquainted with the institution and the farm of which ho spenks, but from an Qxtanfiire knowledgo and cmstant obgomtton of other forms in tlm State, knows what may bo UOOuili- plished ut the Stnto farm, under' a judicious manugnmont. 'Vhrtt is an opportunity to im- plant a lovo of (rural lit" that shall guide hun- dreds of these unfortunate boys through life in thu paths of usefulness and poaoo. Wo regard tho agricultural louchiugs there, properly di- rected, to ho of us much imnnrtance as the mural nnd educational in their schools, mill be- lieve our opinion would he sustained by the

•a of all who have

flli't-, it' the lives,,. id el

loft the inn

..,1,1 l.c

profitable for tho

l for


(bat nsido froi their capacity rn milkers, which is a uioolc tint, Iheir iiserulio.ss lor labor, and their volu r beef, the Herons must fall behind several olht

Mr. Rouse. Paris Hill, New York -" Crosses (ween the Durham and our common Stock

lo make ll io best milkers;

wbllo others think a cross with the Devoi jirefei-able. Cases by no men in which cows of what is usually term

cilic. n o, ask-

is the Vigilance Commiltee of Snu

possiblo ol the people. The. toiroor the died the Com- .an independ- r organisation raok of life :

Thoy area.

I separate body; hutapopui

i from every profession an-

thoroughly nuilerstandand

carry out thu will of the- people,

iiorylhing, fortuni

w.lLiill i,-

turbed subsoil is worse than debt.

d swamp cropped with alders iimiead ol potatoes', is worse ihnn debt. A yard bare of muck and manure is worse than debt. And final- ly a mind full of Ignorant prejudices against im- proved husbandry is a greal deal worse than debt. This Ignorance eats worse then interest money, lor it blinds its victim lo his peril, When freed from this incubus it can afford


i regard


luui' uiiuacuuu me people's

"' !■' aoisiase. So far from being an irre-

",r".1"1",1; r -7 ;'; -1 -,,,k■ l""l-v' "^ ""; ',"-' <<^ ':-i -'»'■

;7" V ■'' 1,,11"-""-1 1-o.lj mlbcHorhlj f..r ibei, ,, „n d,,-l.e! of au-

.rk in.) not be cqtially/rue.iihoHiv under which thev hid. U.eui-elv,- ,, i1„v do wrong."

r aptness I

Mr. L'ollins, of Sodus, New York—" Wo prefer thellevous toaiiy other l.need; they are hardy and easily kept. The oxen are quick, active and do- cile, and tho cows are excellent inilkers.averagiiig two pounds of bultcraday,cach, with good Led. "

Mr. Frunklin.ofCuba, Ohio— "The first crosl-

Wb have huard of a man being too "hal htatlttl" to live wilb bis ivifo; but "u divorce was recently grnnled by ouo of tho courts of In dimm, where the .n.lv ..ll.-.-.iii.o, n-niu.sl the d<- fondnnt was f' -- ' meet," to be



t\t California



We will foci very lnuch "Uii;i.'l i r l'n-:in

with whom we exchange, if the-* "ill -lir. > i I

-j? »( SAi'ii.'.nrvrii- -in-Mid <>l Sun Francisco.


nod [bom tbi- Cu.i "r.M.

ditto CI" lt.!M:il...lL.i. otLniDJCGiEm.mioi;-.:,

article worthy of publication, no awai- made. All communications as such to bo * disposal of lh« editor. Tho names « conli 'tors will bo kept private when desired.

Hero we have before us the title page or the Freedom of tho Press" in San Francisco. Two weeks from April 25th was to have been decided who was entitled to the prize. At Urn request of rrcspondonls. tho day was postponed (tro weeks more, and four wetkt from tho very day of announcement and on the day for tho decision of this monienioiu ouerfion, James King of Wm.t tho great expounder of tho Freedom of the Press,

i borne to his grave.

Ifo know hucauie— Uw " Freedom of the Fron"—

Alone Muia aire Lbs ]*oplo f»m dllttUI.

m taemffroanios Wth Ibe nopreiwr'a ml,

And felt Ibis can" to bo— cause tf Gad.

Hclcd lbs nn-ttw dingers hemmed bis my.

Hlswoipon, Tbutu, no earthly pomr could stay.

donor 'nil trouble; nod jr.u Ibu' ;\vc friend* md kladn aiyaopnf, neekly.ef Lalif.iniia nnJ her Homo feature

The Fietdoiu of tho Press.

Thousands in past years have claimed to be tho expounder! of doctioes set forth as tho pre-rcqui- sitc necessary to qualify ono to be capable of ad- Tocaliog and maintaining the Freedom of the Press. Thousands too have claimed to have won this noble title— few only have ever attained it, and but few indeed have ever maintained so (irm- ly and 60 consistently, and with so high a motive and so pure a character, this lofty position, as Janes King of Wm.

U is indeed most singular and it will be easily remembered, that within tho month previous to his martyrdom, bo set forth and repeated in his paper those lofty purposes which ho first pro- claimed—the Freedom— tho Rights of a Free Press. He, in reiterating tho sentiments of his noble heart, asserted what he felt ipomibilitiei of a journalist, ond in doing this he desired to know and learn all [hat constituted orcauld add to the Freedom of the Press.

Bold and fear!'; ■■-. yet riin-d'.-ntiuus in tho high purposes of his soul, he utters these words editorial of April 23th, as follows :



m with

ii bra"

» died re

. nyrj life »nb martini blood. And thus, as it were, Heaven seemed to set its seal of approbation upon his labors, and to ac- cord to him the prize won by tho sacrifice of bis e— and on the very day or the award, the became the m'efor, and the voice of every true nnd noblo heart bears attestation that James King of William has given the best Essay on the Freedom of the Press ever prepared by man. ho has been called to his reward— hn has ceased from his labors and stands in thepres- tice— not of erring misguided man, but of the Lord of Lords," and tho '■ King of Kings." To those who now occupy the position of pub- lic journalists in our Stale, be has lelt a legacy richer than all the mines of our golden shores. To them ho has bequeathed his memory— made dear fur the cause he plead for a cause for which he so readily offered up his life ; and well id, that upon the action of the pres- ent depends the well-being of the future of Call-

Our lives— our fortunes— our instil o lions— our lines, are tu be purified by tho blood of tho artyred King. To tho Press of California, now ones upon every breeie, echoing frum ru-."j!il-iin i mountain, from valley to valley, and from city i city, this watchword— the " Freedom of the Press!" the " Freedom of the Press!"

(Tu havo often called the attention of ourroad- to this wonderful grass. Itsvaluo isbut little iderstood, its merits but litllo appreciated. ;ing of the eloper speciei, cultivators have per- illed it to grow too long, until the stalk arse and rank ; this is n great error. It should i cut often, say every three or four weeks, wbon about twelve or fourteen inches high, and cured shade; slightly wilted and then stacked up, that it mny heat a little, and dry without losing its goodness. Wo know of many persona who havo cut two, three, and oven a fourth crop this season. The Quintoy Ranch, at Marysville, crops, of which we hope soon very interesting data. F. Forman, tho Postmaster of this city, has had some tall grass; we noticed it wis four feet and n half high. This would make it coarse and uneatable. Let tho quality of this crop be belter under- stood, and the manner of cultivating and curing study, and our barren prairies will soon be verdant with living green, and our households bo all furnished with fresh butter and now cheese every monlh in tho year; for there is no species of food for dairy itpek that will equal tho Alfalfa, and to the ex- tensive cultivation of this most excellent grass wo look for tho securing a full supply of dairy roducls in coming years, that shall beetruaj, if at superior to that from any other part oT tho

ally supported us to the present time, est citizen has ever feared nn attack from us. whilst those who were conscious of past miFcon- doclTiave ever trembled at each KuecCJLsiTe issue of our paper, lest in thai number their own mis- deeds might be exposed. We believe we speak but Ibe plain truth, when wo assert that the Bul- Itiin is the only public journal in this city that has over discharged it: duly t.j the public wrlh- oot fear of enemies or favor to friends. In our course wo have exercised to the fullest extent what wo consid'-r tu lj.; ihe rights of an Ameri can citizen, and have never shirked what w. deemed lo be tin- re if on-ilii lilies of a journnlisl No man can say that wealth has had the powc lo seduce, or ollicijl iio.vti- tin- terror to deter us from our doly. Wc have as editor spoken just what wo thought, as a man, and have been as free to express in print our viows of mcr

In doing this, we havt but uttered the of all honest citizens. Our columns been freely opened to our opponents, a pirticolar our courso-bas as widely differed frum the other city papers as in some other points. For the purpose of arriving at a fair estimate o( the propriety of our course, and to define what may bo considered as the :' rights of a Press," wc propose offering, for the iiej ■oeekt. n reward for an essay on this topic, lustrntcd in tho course of tho Bulletin,"

Thus we see in the above, all tho proof neces- «ary of a high and trothful purpose, and in order loEccnrc lo himself nil the aid possible, and the light or every gifted *nind, ho proposed for the essays upon tho subject ho bad so much at heart, Mighty and strong as was his own mind, clear

earnestly desired lonvail himself of all ond every- thing that should aid and strengthen his purposes

The very tone of thi proves his purpose. lie was to judge himself the essay— ho must havo tho clear conviction of bis own mind and conscience that these cssayi were what they professed to be—clear from all (Ophlstry and selfish motives, that they deed tho result of a careful study of the subject, and the issues of a free mind and lofty

Hero is Iho prize offering of James King of Williar

Death of SIacv. With deep regret wo an- iuuco the death of Cnpt. J. E. Mnoy, of thi kinging limisv n|" Mucy, Loir & (Jo., nf Marys- ■Ulo; ho died May'IBtb, aged forty-four yours GspUHoey was r.iooue; tin- early pionDfirtW 19. Wo knew him well, our first trip up tflc ■aornmeuto was in tho vessel under his com- annd. Wc hnvo been tho recipient of many, cry many acts of courtesies and liinuncBi nl is hands. UniverHolly esteemed ns a man, of .nidi' riml gfiii-rmia im|ii]l~e~, upright in nd character, his loss will fall heavily upu ajmmuniry;i it will mnke n void thnt cnmi tilled. Death takes many from our midst, denly they leave us, but wo do not seem i their loss; but such men as CnpL Mnoy "mako n mnrk upon the nge in which they lire ;" uud though they "pass owny," thoy livo after death, embalmed in tho memory of tho noble, generous nnd good.

"A Free Prat.— For tho boat article in favor of tho Freedom of tho Press, as claimed and used by tho Bulletin wc offer the sum of Ono Hun- dred Dollars, "and lor the best article against that freedom as exercised by us, we will pay Iho sum of Fifty Dollars. The award of both priws to be mido by Iho editor; and should be deem no* said of

Physician to the Stockton Aby see it staled that Ihe change recently made by removing Dr. Reed, Physician to tho Stockton Asylum, has been declared illegal and is indeed most unfortunale for such in when questions arc humanity, no: politics, that party spirit should ever he brought lo bear or to iffeel the standing of tho guardians of Ihe health ind reason of iho distressed of ooi have nothing to do with [arty politics; but this ice do knoa, that when we visited this institution last year, wo felt convinced that our State was fortunate lo have for tho post of physician, a gen- scholar, a mon of large humanity, as io skilled in his appropriate science. Tho removal of such mon Is a public loss.

Iiil'iWYED.— Our renders will notice tho im- proved appearance of our paper this week. owing to goodprus-uwri, nnd wo take pleasure in elating that tho Union steam, proasoa are entitled to the oredit. We havo endeavored, but not alwnys saeooeafully, to hnvo work well oxeouted. As wo havo arrangements to havo it done at tho Union office, where thoy employ gBOd wrkmen, know tbnt for tho future we can depend upon ita being well dor" "Wndini

The Prospect of tho Flour Market.

To every ono conversant with tho stock of Flour on hand at this moment more '■ OOO barrels— it is apparent that wo havo enough to carry us lo September, nnd wo need not fear famine prices, however speculators may

Wheat and Flour, too, will como from Oregon,

jond the expectations of any«3ealer.

If those who try to control tho market arc sc

rlain of high prices, why do they ship lo Aus- tralia—a falling market— and why delay shipping if they ship at all? The Australian market, before it could reach there, would be lower than our own.

Another fact— Flour can be placed here this fall, from Now York, at $6 50 to S7 Iho barrel. Seed we fear high prices long 1

Holders of Flour— look out for next stearaor- day! Have you prepared for tho prico then?

New Morning Paper. The daily "True C;ilift.riiian " has made ils debut, and most cred- ■■ '■■■■:■:.{ iho Chronicle, of clear type and print, it presents a handsome typo- graphical appearance. The editorials and selected natter prove that tho management of this journal ji in i-xcclleiil hands-, Wc rejoice lo nolo 1 editorial of May 20, lliaf Ibis paper refuses :uti-cllii.'iefi'j/ni'(iin[u«/t![((/?vr[ii( meats lhatninko i paper unfit lo he found in the family circle. In .he same spirit wc hope thoy will also excludt police reports and other matter that ponder depraved appetitte. Such has been our aim ft Ihe first of our journal, and wo mean ever lo 1,

i men of business ore K. Conner & Co. The editors and publishers are Messrs W. H, Rhodes, Esq. (known ns "Caxton"), E. Conner, Esq., formerly of the Alls, and tho Messrs. Bart- lelt, late of the Evening News— thus giving this paper a combination of influence and talent lhat insures success. Most sincerely d an abundant prosperity to our friends of the '■ True Californinn."

Tho B enrols. Seminary.

most excellent institution, undor tho di- rection and proprietorship of Miss Atkins, is ionlng its way steadily to that deserved popu- rity to which it is entitled for its real merits. We Icam that tho Examinations, usual at the dose of a term, will take place on tho 13th June. Having been present at several examinations or this Academy, we only express the opinion of hundreds of the friends or Education who hato been present in past terms, that it will bo an cs- ibitioo of more than ordinary interest. The ;op interest manifcsled by tho young Indies in their studies, their rapid advance in knowledge, and tho thorough manner in which they arc taughl in ovary department, from Iho plain Eng- lish studies to tho higher branches of scientific and polite literature, languages and music, render this Academy one of more than ordinary interest State, and should receive from parents. who desire to havo tlioir daughters educated as daughters should be, their special attention.

At the time of theso Examinations, some inter- esting exhibitions of taste and genius of the School, suoh as recitations, music, tableau, etc., ill bo had in public, the proceeds of which will to increase the Library and belter furnish tho Institution. Wc sincerely hope an appreciating; public, the friends of education, will remember inn, and give it their countenance and support. As some evidence of tho ability of the mg ladies, wc copy from the Solnno Herald a sketch, taken from Tho Wreath, a manuscript newspaper published at the Seminary, and con- ducted entirely by the pupils. In this little journal wo often find gems of the heart, beautiful thoughts, and most excellent comforters, upon ous subjects. The following wc copy, that readers may judge:

The Happy Heart." Amid the jewels of nature's casket scarce do wo Bod bo pure and bright a gem ns "a happy heart;" onu eser joyful the sunshine of youth, and 'mid tho clouds or ago, never failing to add to the fount of joyous- ncss one that cheers tho countenance or despair, and brightens the cyo of sadness. A heart that above tho changing tide of fortune, nnd n tho wings of happiness passes o'er life's l; a heart free from sin, unblemished, pure and happy. Whatgem more precious; what gift more worthy of treasure 7 for 'tis Heaven's first token bestowed upon us, in tho innocence of early childhood. And how many arc there, who, as they proceed upon life's journey and mingle in its strife, forgol to treasure tlioir happy youthful heart, and soon callous it with deeds of sin, and o sink beneath ihe ocean of despair, i be lost. Why not rather cherish a elju.ii.il (pint, ili.il lifdjlans our burden; and renders our earthly home ono of happiness. A oyous heart attracts lliu Inendihip and esteem f those around u>-, gaining fur us fund compau- nnsi adding beauty i.j,x[irt:s-iim; lightening the downcast eye; lending u winning smile to the countenance, anil ihriiugli nil beams the bright- n happy heart." Then let us, white in ig time ol life, seek for, and treasure a boon so precious, so that when age comes to meet

lown by the heaviness' or iho way," but cheerful spirit and '-a happy heart" wo may pass joyfully onward in life's pilgrimage, J "" lenglh reach a homo of eternal happiness.

Kikq's Bulletin.— Tho Bulletin will still tain the name that has inado it so esteemed ; will still bo '-King's" Bulletin. The mantle of the lamented martyr has fallen upon his brother, gratifying lo find that ho feels tho itlo lies in tho purity and excel- of character which his brother possessed, mdest yet firm and dignified which Iho brother assumes the editorial chair, of his first essay to the public, givi a sincerity and honesty of purposj Most cordially di

Jaluo of lhat m

and the It

forget" those kind words of 'd and colemporary of tho Spirit of the Ago *ltl remember, and try to deserve all that is -"--journal.

Mm. FARKUAHi.-Thls lady, whose efforts .„ enlighten have been attended with much good In many places, yet whoso labors hi varied success, is fortune in Sicn

aucb belloi

county. The mnui.i ■„„ I,.,, -..always gallant, and we are certainly pleased to know that there the lad, Is not misropresent- eu, as .s too often tho case, by those who doli-hl to diaiort and slander. If the cause the lady ad- vocates .s based upon reason and sound philoso- Phj, opposition and misrepresentation will not prevent thespread of her doctrines

AcKNOWLOEQEiiENTM.— Amid the hurry and bustle, the excitement and duties of the past week, wc may hnvo omitted to note many acts

courtesy, and several contributions for which havo been indebted.

Ye received a parcel of Magazines from

Messrs. E. E. Griggs &■ Co., of Sacramento, for

which thoy havo our thanks. To J. W.Sullivan

id M. Ullman, far furnishing us libomlly with

pors per steomcr, nnd also extras of Letter Sheets and Papers relative to tho exciting times, for our Boston o flice, for which we lender to both gentlemen our grateful acknowledgements.

A dish of viry handsome cherries was sent lo

r office by Gen. Hutchinson, of Sacramento. This first ripe, we believe, in our valley.

To our friends East wo are also indebted for Books, Magazines, Music, Outs and Plates. All shall bo duly noted end reported on.

To 0. S. Wainwrighl, Esq.. ol " Tho Meadow's Parm," Duchess county, N. Y., Tor valuable cat- alogues orhis splendid Devon Stock. From this ire shall make copious notes.


Boston, remember tho Araoricau House" ond the " Parker House." These ore homes for our returning friends ; and wo learn from our corresponding editor, that the Improvements now making are in keeping witu this noble oily. It is seven and a-hatf years, nearly, since we trod its happy streets. Wo hope to call one of those days upon mine host of the ""- American, and enjoy his """

Parker o

nd good things. Such hotels a



California Railroad*. The beginning of tho groat lint of mil roads ilj.n shall cross, re-cross, divido and State hereafter, by links of iron, is tlio- " Sacra; mento Valley Railroad," now prosperously win- ning its way, >]">■ by ''fv. in public estimation and favor, and by the aid of Iho gentlemanly and Tcry efficient superintendent, J. P. Robinson, Esq., winning also good dividends.

Wo recently enjoyed a pleasant trip to Folsom, and experienced the kind courtesy of our friend Mr. Gamble, the conductor, who hns the faculty of making every body enjoy the trip. Wo enjoyed greatly the beautiful scenery, and saw much that was interesting, an account of which we reserve for a special occasion.

Alluding to tho Sacramento Valley Railroad wo Qnd the following in tho American Railway Guide, published at Now York, by Dinsmore A Co., a valuable record of all the railways United States, with tha tablo of distances from place to place, stoppings, passages, ice.; a valuabli traveling companion, and should bo obtained by ercry Californinn returning to tho States. Hero is the item :

Sacramento Valley Railhoao— T. D. Ju- dab, Chief Engineer. This Road commences at tho foot of It. street and the Levee, and runs or the southern side of the American river, twenty- two miles to Folsom. and tbenco crossing thi river above - Negro Bar," by a single sp.in of two huDdred feet, and one hundred feet above tht stream, is intended to skirt the foot hills tht entire length of the valley. The first division il completed and in operation, being tho Drat iror way opened in California.

Thus wc see we are now heralded to tho world as having begun tho great work not to be laid down or ceased until the old States arc closely linked to us by tbo iron bands of the great Pi cific Railroad.

Interesting about Sacbakrkto.— Sacrn- Bonds all 0. K. It is with pleasure we learn that tho money will go promptly forward, to pay tho interest on the Bonds doo July 1st: negotiation having boon made with tho House of Wells, Fargo & Co., for 11 loan to our oityof sixty-four thousand dollars, at 2d per cent, for six months. Although a big interest to pay, is far bettor than to foil to moot tbo intori promptly.

Tbo Donation Fund for tho Widow and chil- dren of tho lamented King, has approximated to tbroo thousand dollars. Ono hundred and seventy oigbt dollars wore received from tht Sooromonto Theater, on a benefit week, got up for tho widow.

rntely determined or external no sho will continue a brief introductory ious raooHofCnttlo

New Hotel on Fourth Street, Sac rami to.— The u Queen City or tbo Prairies" will bo seen to keep up with tho '.' progress of the: nge.' The foundation of a large and splendid hotel i being laid on Fourth street, between J and K ; i is said that it will be tbo most splendid hotel 01 the Pacific coast. We hear it is under tho direo lion or "mine host" of tbo Dawson— he under stands it. II being in tho neighborhood of tht Stato Society's rooms, we shall watch its advance with intercut and report progress.

Sacramento is in a healthy state, both in refer- ence to business improvements, social lira and happiness, flno gardens, clean streets, happy hearts, cheerful countenances, and tbo fines male in the world ; the people aro contented and happy.

Thidd Street.— Strangers, rise early when you aio in the " Lotco City," and take yoor morning walk down Third street and in thi neighborhood, nnd you wilt not .soon forget ot beautiful city, but wish to become a resident > it. Sac ramen tons—" Go and do likewise" an you will learn to love your city bolter, and 6 more to advance all her interests.

A Cap

—Railroad Hotel ond Restaurant, San

Francisco, May 25, 1850.— The gross receipts of our establishment to-day huso been §4110 48, Which ntnount is ..'hecrkili,- donated to the widow ond orphan children of James King of Wm. Had the weather been more lavorablo tho amount would have been largely Increased.

Haley &. Thompson. Tbo above tells well for the liberality of tht proprietors of this Hno Hotel. Tho piano is worthy n look inside at meal times.

County Seat or Sutter.— Tho Marysvillo Express says that the following is tho voto of Sutter county, cast on tho lSlh inst., for tho loca- tion of tho county scat of saidcounty: For Yuba Oily 408, Nicolouus 103 scattering IB ; majority for Yuba Oily 271. Tno Board or Supervisors of said county, on tho 21th inst. declared Yuba t-ity to bo the County Seat, and ordered that tho archives, 4c, bo removed to that place on tho 10th of Juno next. I

Literary Notices. Experimental Researches on the Pood .„

Animals, and tlir. Fattening of Cattle, irith remarks on the Food of Man : By Robert Dundos Thompson, M. D. Published by C. M. Snxton St, Co., Now York : The work is based on an extensive series ol oxporimonts which woro mado at tho tnstanoo of tho Govornmout. Tho object was to deter- mine tho rolutivo influence of barley and tnalt in feeding cntllo, but as tbo opportunity seomod a favorablo ono for investigating soma scientific problems of great importance to physiology, and of oxlremo value in the physical management of man and animals, advantage was taken of it, by permission, to extend tha experiment so as to inoludo thoso objects. Tho work is essential to ■ecy farmer, and should bo atteutively perused, for tho subject is a deop ono, and is carefully discussed in tho present volume. A TitEATiSE ON Mit.cn Cows: By M. Franois Guenou, of Libnurno, Franco. With intro- ductory remarks and observations on tbo Cow and Dairy, by John L. Skinner. Published by C. M. Snxton & Co., Now York This is a now edition of n valuable treatise, whoroby tho quality nnd quantity of milk which any cow will give may boaot by observing natural marks tions alone, tho length of tie

milk., etc, as wol sketches descriptive of \

of Dairy munngemont, nnd son tbo diseases to which Cows and Calves aro Sally liable. This edition has also bean ived by tho addition of an intoreirtiiig Kssny .Spai/in-; Mii-h Coirs, with tho modo of opo-

AonicDLTonE Ann Rdsal Economy— from per- sonal observations ; by Henry Coleman, honor- ary member of the Royal Agricultural Society of England, or the National Agric"" cfety of France and of tho Nation turn! Society of the United .Stales- by Philipps Sampson & Co. Boston Tbo merits of the above volutr.e,aro well known to the whole agricultural world, it having already passed through five idilions. Tbo work is

COlhvncOUB and full OF practical inl alien

value, embracing evorythiog connected with tho cultivation or the firth, the Improvements going on in Agriculture, as well as ov^ry branch of husbandry, and rural and domestic economy. Tho engravings of stock, &c, arc numerous and well executed, and add greatly to tho value of the work. There is no subject that demands tho ultontion of the political economist, the elate-, man and the philanthropist, in its social, politi- cal, and moral bearings, and in its connection with the progress ol civilization, mora ihan the improvement or Agriculture; and tho author hopes the work will do good by tho information which il communicates. *It must do great good lling tho attention of the people to this great Important subject, which is of such essential est to tho whole community. The Courtesies cr Weoneo Lipb— by Mrs. M-sdeline Leslie ; poblirihe'l by Shopard, Clark & Co., Boston: This is indeed a book for tht aro rejoiced to perceive thot it goes with a rush, Jive thousand copies being sold on the week of publication. It is a faithful exhibition of iho re^oon.-ihilitits jhj.i.1 [irivik-^es, of tho trials and wards, of llit reciprocal n flections and duties, and of the pure and blissful ends of wedlock. Its stylo 'is natural and beautiful, conformed in ispocls to tha best standards, its characters scenes sketched with distinguished ability, rising in interest from the first page to tho last d leaving on the minds of its readers •ns deep nnd most salutary. It is a p: domestic life of surpassing interest, cordially commend it to our readers. II should incd and ra-oxamined by ovoiy husband and wifo, and by all wbo expect I and who would multiply tho joys of wedded life. The publishers, who have tho best style, are particularly fortun ag it so early in this leap year. May its ion and ministrations be especially success- ful among all now living in single blessedness, rendering them before the close of tho year, still ore blessed in the bauns of holv wedlock !

Dn Quihcet.


H. Long & Brother, publishers, New York, have in press and will soon publish tbo foltuwing

Tub Wanderer, a Tale of Life's Yioissi- tudos : by tho author of tho Wntabman, ota. A

s style is lively, nnd its

l J. Tho unbounded popularity of tho

\Y... ..a will cause Hie Wanderer to have nn immc.oo sale tho first edition having boon sold in advance.

Tim Ship Carpenter's Family : by Wm. E. S. Whitman. This is ono of those highly in- teresting narratives whioh necessarily toko a strong; bold of tbo popular mind. It shows how honest, patient and unwearied industry is ofsuooossat last, in this country, whore, baps, labor holds n nobler position than it any other land. Tho work describes thi t.-jup trials nnd disappointments to which tbo Imuii'k' M.:.Tli,ir,i,- i~ -.liIij.-.i,.,! who has a largo tainily dependent upon him for support, book will bo road with interest, and wc mend it to all. Published by it. Lung .^

Important Post Offlco News. We publish the annexed article, in full, for the public good, for wu feel that every facility that to tbo hardy Minor, to tho Ranchoro

and Farmerfand to every dweller in our widely extended State, by which ho can communica with ''home and friends," and they with hii will result in good to all ; and wo hope tho article will bo preserved nnd regarded :

MAILING LETTERS FOIt CALIFORNIA. An Important Auxiliary to the United States Mail Service for the Pacific— -By nn net of Congress, approved on tin. third day of March, lM;t, th(i Fos I master General was authorized tr mnko suoh arrangements as bo might deom ad- visable to insure, as for as possihle. the dclivery of letters sent by mail from tha Atlantic States to California and Oregon to tho individuals to whom thoy may he directed; and wo aro grati- fied to loam from tho subjoined circular, that the purpose thus held in view is about to be uc-

1 [>!i:i|]i-d in what appears to us to bo a safe,

prompt, judicious and responsible mannor. II proper to state, ulso, that this enteqjrisD nendod liy tbo Senator now hero from California,' by both tho Representatives from that Stato, and by tin: delegates ia Congress From Oregon and Washington Territories. Tho of this enterprise will bo appreciated uto that of tho letters sent to Co'" forma during tho eutiro year, nearly one-si: have Wen returned to the deud-letter niiiee. [Nation nl Iutolligcnoor.

must not bo pasted to tho cards, but simply in- closed with them. In Iho ahsonco of postnga stamps, three-cent coins may bo substituted.

It is believed that this oircutar has been drawn up so explicitly as lo require no explana- tion; but should this prove not to bo tho case, postmasters will take notice that all interrogato- ries must bo addr.'-vi .1 i., id., r.niiiu MailList, New York, and not lo thu Department

\S" Tho first of this series of lists will ao- oompony tho mail of Mny 5 th, and will ho for- warded by each suoceoding mail.

Oliver Evans Woods.


t OrriCE Sjepa

Mr. Woods has my authority to put his plan, above, in operation, hut no responsibility is assumed by tho Department; and all correspon- dence in regard to tins arrangement must be ad- dressed to the '• Pacific Mail List," Now York. That the public may avail Itself of tho advan- tages thus offered, Postmasters aro requested to give this circular a conspicuous place in their respective offices.

James Cajipiibll, Postmaster General.


To Persons Mailing Letters far California

Ike Territories of Oregon and Waihingti

Thousands of lottors sent to the Pacific i_. ._

come dead letters. To remedy Ibis evil, tbo

Post Office Department, under tho authority o"

Congress, bus ndiiuti'd, ns an auxiliary to it

openilii.ns, the t'.'ll'.n'iu^ nli.n fur :.iiiiultnne>]U8

Iv [.iiiili-liing at each and ovorv post officii it

''lo I'oeific region, in a ]\* lied tbo " Pooifii

(nil List," the name of persons t... whom h.'lter.-

avo beon sent bv mail to post offices in L'ali-

.rniu and the Territories of I rrcg.ni and Wash-

igton. By this system u lottcr mny bo sent to

iy |u>*l ..(lice in the I'liciiic region lor u person

hose locution is unknown, tnvc tlio mere tact

that ho is somewhere in Culiloriiin or tho Torri-

of Oregon and Washington ; yet if tho

letter bo published in the "Pacific Mail List,"

"* ultimate recaption by tho person for ivhom

it is intended will be rendered highly probable.

To enable those who may desire to oxtend I

their I'm ilie corre.|.oniliTil.n tic ioUooi.ii;i» (hi

offorod, tho following illustration is given :

Suppose ij is wished to send to the Sm>n mento post office, a letter fur George Wilsoi who ■■migrnti.'d lo Culiforoin from I'ike county. Missouri, but It is feared tlnit ho may have changed his location, and hence may not receive tha letter. In this easo direct tlio loiter to George Wilson (lnl<- of l'ike county, Missouri), .Siioremcnto, l.jdi fornin. Then, ia order to pttb- lialt tho letter ia tbo '■ Pacific Mail List," copy Iho address of tho lottor upon n pieco of paper ' curd, and inclose thu card, together with r reo-oont postage stamp, in uu envelop, and di ot tho envclnp to tho

Deposit thu letter, as usual, in tho mail for California, nnd at thu same time drop tbo ■clop containing the cur.) lo |uihlish tho lotlor a the mail for iNew York. From tbo uddr in the card thus received at the New York I' Office, tbo name (I Jorge Wilson) will be ont

printo place in Iho " Pacific Mail List," which list is prialed and sent by euoli

eouh ond every postmaster in I .'uhlorni nnd tho Territories oI'Driigon mid WilhIuokIoi and by them posted in a coiiHj.ii'uoua pluue i their respective offices. The list buing thus distributed over the entire Pacific region, George Wilson may at ouoc leurn from it that a letter boon sent to the Sacramento Post Office.

letter, for the address on it points out that it is ' .tended for Scorge Wilson, lata of Piko coun- ty, Missouri. Thus many lottors will bo re- ceived lliut would olio mi, a lie Ifiiliniiulfod lu Iho Doad Lotlor Office.

Tho envelops containing the advertising

cards BOnt to tho " Pacific Mail List." Now York, pay postage liku ordinary mutter, and must be pre-paid. Tbo addresses of lottors I copied en tho pieces of nnoor ■■: dinU should talo of real lib, every moidont having como tin. bolwriHeo m H' pkin , ^Sattt lnttmluc. Th„

tho author's observation. Itis crowded with thrcu-oont postage stomps inolosod ia tho ca- oirounutanaos of tho most vivid and startling 'rolops defruy tho expenses of publication, and

a Hat 7 Protection rs. Comfort. Wo always like to avoid personalities, and wo think wo stand shielded from them by Iho po- ,o assumed, that wo prefer peace to don't know what would liavo beon tho ooDsequcnoo of a personal rencounter wo ;th a friend, n fow days sinao. Meeting Saoramenlo friend tho other day, ho in- vited us to call at his placo of business a Tow moments; wo did so, wh on tho first salutation was, our hat (rather iho worso for wear) was off onr head. Now, ordinarily, in these times, peoplo resent suoh a matter; but our hat was knocked off so goutly, thnt before wo oould ro- sont it, it wns replaced by ono of netccr style and always ready to forgive, wo oonoludod it was best to lot tho mnttor pass. Simply tolling our friends that if thoy wish to resent thifl matter, thoy can go to Collins Sc Co.'s famous hat store, on J street, in this oity, nnd and well, in spite of what wo have bad to to en- joy by our now hat, friend Collins will try to pleoso them. However hard me may be to please, as ho pleases every body else, it must that if wo complain, wo aro bard to ploaso.

DorPEE and its Substitutbs The Agri-

tural Bureau at Washington, bos roooivod a

nmuojcatioii from Maine, with six kernels of

tho Coffoe, said to have been raised in that

State. Tho National Inteliigoacor states :

Tbo six koraoh. sent to the Commission of Pa-

vitlr tho uho., i. loiiiiicaiioLi, hove beon

led by competent judges, and pronoutiood , lies of vicia, very closely resembling tho English Windsor bean, but smaller uud rounder. It may bo a, plant of easy culture, prolific, and good substitute for ooffeo. Experiments will a mado for tho use c r tain men t of tboso facts, lit substitutes for ooffeo aro numerous ond abundant. By Some (hickory is preferred, by many it is regarded us desirable when mixed with coffee. It is well kuuwn io bo Yastly obonper thun coffee. But wheat, rye, barloy, boons, pens, potatoes, pumpkins, carrots, bread orusls and ottier substances, buvo in past times boon successively well tested, and yot thoy havo all boon forsaken, and tbo uso of ooffeo, [hough more costly, resumed. Still it is a question whether n cheap, pleasant, and healthful substi- tute for coffee may not be found among tho ar- tioles suggested, or which may bo suggested, as suoh, and WO hope ovary oxpuiimont may fnirly and persistently be prosecuted to that ond.

iTiioLtc Orphah Asylum.— Tho Hon Poler lurnatt, of Son JoSo. has donated II va hundred dollars to the Catholic Orphan Asylum of San Francisco. This is a worthy deed, and deserves dl honorable mention. May his oxamplo boom- dated by thousands.



of gold dust l

Fargo & Co., <

agency i

000. It should bee

. By tho omission of <mz figure, dilk'reii.'u: w»s made in tbo amount unsmitted by tho houso of Wolls, i tho 13th nnd 14th of May, Tram Marysville. Wo reported §27,.

§275,000 1 qui


inoely Domain.— Wo learn from a gaatlo-

vho arrived by thu last steamer, that tho

n tho corner of Wlllintu and Wall streets,

Now York, and the large building tberoon, 50 by

80, four stories, sold for one million two hundred

thousand dollars. Wo give it as reported to us.

Stkamer CoLUsiniA. The steamer Columbia bus mado her ono hundredth trip to nnd from Oregon, without loss of lifo or accident. She

commanded by Capt. Doll. This is honor

>ugh for ono man.

Wb givo this wook tho engraving of Royal L'lL'Kf. again, <*\th. pedigree, as it is important to dairymen to preserve the pedigree of luoh stock.


fate' itjartmmt.

people, and you n

Wh»M oft in childhnxJ'i i



ir lt«

I lore loiilojonlbo hill

And m tho can decline, ToncmhllillininboTtlisedil then

{huholv nnildivin*. I love to «» He itindon strnieb


o pdDllo Mphyra

Hi jo

ot for

Blight bopRiliiptlllnj: fear. 1 love lo think, loo, I jb»h die—

Toil bodj woo dray ; Tun iplril iball r.ilb Ai'.rrl- llTe,

And he as bright mUwj. To bo wilh Ood, bii preunco feel,

TbMIUeoipe&coMrcil; And then Ibieogh nil etenmj,

Shall dmll forever bl«t. I lore (0 know Ibil T .ball rate!

Thwe fpirili pan ud bright, Tboto <Uwn dent, "jcul fono bofim

Not robed in "Hrae li.-l.i :" The Ihoochl, their claw forcu ner

So ftltl in Doilh'i etnbrott— Their fpiriu hill liotr plnioni Bed

Within thai ),i-.n eclj i h„ ■: Irod cr*nt ilbona fali


ulh with ih

Their ■hlili and cnidot


THE Cruelly w ccbvi] by tbr- Spaniards, mill (Willi shame I add) American*, towards the In- dians of California, can find liut low jiaridMe ii tho history of civilbuitinu. Men, and women have been murdered without n pretext, and children, hove boon earned by violence, far, fur from tkoir " home in tlio wild woods, as slaves to a superior moo; a race so maoh their superior, that thoy are depris-cd of all the social ■;iijiiriniiiilswhii'li r.-Tnl'.-r iinnikin-) I > i 1 | y - Among these unfortunata captives was Clella- wolla, tho fuirosl and best of her raoo. She bad boon tnlion by tho Spaniard*, wbon about ton years of age, oiiiJ at tiio tirao'of which I write sho had been with the wbilen about two yean. Daring which b'inu nh« was never known to rmiU: but ovary day she would repair to an oak a few hundred yards from tho house, from whence could be semi the mountains in the Tar Northwest. She would sit and gate in that di- rection for hours, while tho tears would folh each other, in rapid succession, from hot on brilliant bat now sunken eyes. I Iiad oft spoken to her of thu couso of her griof, but I •oold never elicit a reply ; on th.i contrary, sbt would only seem to ory tho more. Bnt once, when she bad gone as usual, to Iter uak, I deter- mined to follow, and try, in some way, to alle- viate hor suffering. I npproouhed hor; but so intently reus she looting towards the mountain! to tho Northwest, that I stood near hor for sumo time, and at length hud my hand on hor eltoul- dar, bcXoro she beoomo awnro of my prcseuce. "ClobV said I, "you seam to suffer il grout deal; will you bo n good girl now, imu toll uiu why you ory so maoh

; own kindred and your own- happy, and T hope that you " I insisted upon her tolling her whole history, which she at length con- tented to do, and began as follows :

■Twas aliout dusk one evening, that all the

children of our iittle village had gathered as

usual around tho fire of old Tons, to hear hor

relate ttoriflB of other years. She had just

commenced ivilli.— well my children, I will now

Lellyou once more tho story of Celnbin and—

she would have said Clita, but just then some

one entered the hut; I looked around, it wo»

ray oldest brother— liis face was covered witb

blood. "Tho Spaniards!" he said, "tho Span-

s )" and ho fell ou tho floor dead ; yes, he

dead! All was how confusion and tumult.

Old T«ib said, came my children, we will now

to onr hiding place in the rocks, and there

am wlulo tho warriors defend our bouses

property. As wo wont forth from the hut,

mother camo and caught me in her arms ;

just then, too, tho enemy came in from all sides;

there was no possibility of an escape. Oni

in! wore soon overpowered, and we were

mercy of the Spaniards. One of them

and caught mo tiy tho arm ; my mother

ma back; ho took Ins saber and pierced

bar through the heart, nnd in on instant I was

covered with the blood of my mother. At the

name moment, 1 saw another man strike the

white bead of old Toub. Sty head grow

dizzy, my limbs gave way, and I became


'Twas daylight nest morning, before I became H'lirihlt- nf what was going opcopd my oyei and paw (hat I was not nlbume. I was ill the on nil- '■!' lb" Spiiniiude. To attempt describe my feelings is impossible, every- thing that 1 bud overheard about the Sprmirinl, •mil AinerHMiii, urn,' iln>lieJ ,itr«st my memory lib.- lightning; 1 knew that I should never more return to the homo of my childhood. Nor did wish to return, for I know there was noLhin^- itii're lull tin: mini^li'.l rumoins of my kin'lr.'l [jinl my fri. iA~. Tli.- .liililreu, amount- ing to about twouty, were nil prisoners like my- raistd up iiml i ■• - l n 1 1 1. ' 1 1 .■ i . - 1 l.ilkiiiL.- !•> u:\ brother, youuger than myself, who was titling watching me. He told mo that alter 1 had f.iinlii!, tiny kill,...] nil tlif- mi-n iiml irmnuii Lliul thoy could find, and alio (Ac children under /out yan of age. Hu said thoy had brought us four nr five miles, tho night before, and then stopped to camp for the night. While talking our captors wore engaged i" cooking and curing thoit breakfast. After thoy hod finished, thoy gave us some food that thoy

from the villogi ' murehiug orders, some of our captors going oliouii, nnd some behind to ahip up; wo foot and they wore mounted, yet wo forced to keep up— for every time that a

hero a little longer. "When morning comes, got

and travel to the South, and you will find tho

camp of some hunters; thoy on) gowl ™on- nnd

will tako care of yoa." Sho said this nnd woa

gone. When morning oamo ! walked off to Iho

South, and about noon 1 found tho camp of the

huntcri. I had one itring of bends, and I made

that I would give thorn for something to

ono of tho men gnvo mo gome venison and

bread, but ho refused to take the bonds, and I

thorn yot; 'tis Iho only romouibranoor that

I hBve of my happior dnyB. There is nothing

of interest in tho rest of my story, and heriffiM,

you know it ns well ns I do myself.

In the course of our talk, after *ho hud ondod her story, I oakfld hor if slio could recollect nny tales told hor by old Toub. "AH of them," sho I could repeal them all," Would it bo asking loo much of you, Clello, said I, to tuik you to relate come of those stories to mo, some Nothing on earth could give me so much pleasure," aho replied, "and if yua are willing we will como hero to myoai, to-morrow, nod I will toll you the Story of Colabim and Clita." I agreed to her proposition, and wo retomed homo. MARY.

[The Stories of Celabim nnd Clilu will soon appear, "

Familiar Places.

Hear M

. Editor : How material it is for us

when we ar

together to tell of this and that old

familiar pla

o—'' at home." No matter where

that place i

; only it is not in the boundaries of

of >•

California, Ijodge; and an incidental a friend, to-night, has brought before n

too pleasant to lie dormant in my chamber of memory, 'lis tile old subool-hauso at homo, where my young ideas were first " taught to shoot ;" and my early school days nro dancing before meso brightly now,! will tell you thespot where they passed so joyously. Como and 1 will take yoa Mr. Editor, away oil', down in Memory's Hall, as far as 1 can see or oven re- member to havo seen, to the old brown school house (for I, Mr. Editor, like many other niis- chiovous children, was sent early lo school to bo ont of tho way at homo, of the din of household cares lo tease and torment tbu patient school- ma'am), situated on a little hill, with noble old tree* around it, of pine, maple, bench and chest- nut. Never was there a place more appropriate for a school, I have oltcn thought, with Its slop- ing hill-sidu, and the quiet babbling brook foot; with two solemn, old willows closo by, where I hive climbed lo the very top, often anc often, to swing as the stind blow thein lo and fro This may make some of my city readers &\tiy and say how shoukingly vulgar, for girls to climl trees i but there in the country ivc had a way or oar own, to do as wc were pU-anul, independent uf the gossiping tongue of Miss "They Say;" don't know how strong and healthy wc

would get behind wc would get a stripol We don't know what the word ■■sick," or "enjoy dsb oar backs with a largo horsewhip. Inlpoor health," means; and we arc as brown as Lh'c tho forenoon of the first day little Yojis began sun can make us, and as plump as an apple-dump- to gel behind often ; but who wns whipped aud ling. But I am wondering what you will say. spurred along until ut length sho could nctunlly I Well, I will come bock to my story, 1 was only



e that r



raising above the

mouatiun*, many, many mile* fr.,m here 1 Near there, somewhere, is the placu nt which I have spent tho few phorl hours of happiness allotted to mo on earth. Hut now, my parents ure nlain; my brothers and titters nro, 1 know not whoro, and I am alono— alono." "But why," sho said, "why diaturb yuu in dwelling on my torrows!

thon abandoned, a pray to tho boars and wolve* of the mountains Before night, two others wore abandoned in the same way ; and bB of us longed Tor night, when wo hoped that we would he allowed to rest, anc perhaps wo might ileep, for the night before. Night camped, hut it was many hours before I could tleop, and when I did sleep it woa so broken and disturbed by frightful drcuma that It was not refreshing; on tho contrary, when morning camo T was in a high fovor; I was novortho- low foroed to begin and continue tho march, whibi the whip and spur wore applied with a hand that know no mercy.* But nbout ten o'clock in tho morning I gave out entirely, abandoned to my fate, t had two til a brother there, but not ono of them ved to bid mo a liut fataetll.

■'■ day I lay there, with not one irop cool my parched lips ; hut as night 1 fell into a tolerably *ound sleep, and uoodud not the bowling of t|ie n,,lf. Tom morning little Yodis camo to mo— I saw h plum as I now see you ; she caino and sat

"Ueor Clello," aho said, "1 am freed from sorrow* of this earth, I : 1 are no Spaniards, and 1 e «f the great


n going whore

but you H

"mwttd nwoaai. An IdbUb -I,; .Mpum.anuUniuitlKniniqiirof'H

telling thein how me country girls, looked. licve I was by tho brook when I dropped the thread"— or wan I tossing up there in the top f those great willows? but I will como down on level, and inn along with my brooklet, which, a Spring-time, when tho snows are melting, is swollen almost lo a river, and as it roars along s uorraw b»nks,ovor our mod dams.and whirl- ig and foaming under tho bridge, wo thought it equal in grandeur to the Niagara wo had read of. -Wo wo would floatour brush rafu, well loaded lib old pieces of long, half-burned stove wood old ball clubs, and broken benches we bad token from the school-room to ride down hill on in tho inter time. And such skating as, that brook afforded the big boys, and ut, too, for wo wore often bold by their belts, modo of their woolen comforters and coat ekirta-up and down, till our prudent parents and shoo leather tax forbade us that sport. Thon wo resorted to bits of board and benches, till these ono day were scornfully wbon I enmo tugging up tho hill ■'. little sled, all painted red stripes ol bluo; a gift o I a dear brother. "Snow Belle" was the pride of one winto,, „,, least. But the crowning glory of all at our 'old scbool-bnu^c was the grand old woods just at tho north a few rods, where Bach (lowers' bloomed never grew in other woods. Thoy were so sweet and came so carly-so me times heforo tht was all gone. Ont in particular; we always found it by tho large hollow stump, and we calk'd it the 'Spring Fairy." It craw 0D , mcal6

green stalk, and thoy hung from il like tiny bells. palo pink color, penciled with delicate purplo and white, and were so frail wo coald not keep them an hour in our bouquet without Ibeir drooping and dying.

Our noontime rambles were Tar in the depth of thoso old woods, where we found such delicate, delicious evergreens, blue-berries and whortle- berries. A cluster of these often saved us our wual ohaHlisemcnt, for keeping " late hours," as often deaf (?) to the diuging uf the old cracked school-bell. 'Twas there we found the . honeysuckle in its deep shades, which we would bring in by the armful, and make a jenorn] dower-grot of the water pail, and place jt on the isty box-stove in the center of the room. How uch easier wo could get our lessons, breathing le sweet fragrance of those dolicalo wood flow- 's. You who think a school- ho use comfortable i the insido is oil that is required, know not the happiness those shady woods, mnrmuring stream and bright, beautiful flowers added to our cbild- lood years. But I will toll you of tho inside by .odby, after I tell you of our baby houses and jardens j how we made them id tho pannels of tho fences, under the shady trees, and covered illl bushes brought from the woods ; the aprons and baskets ol moss so bright and greau, to carpet them, and decorated them wilh shells, oken biLi of China and glass. Never yet, Mr. Editor, havo I seen tbi- like to compare with our mossy dell, wilh its shells and , The Crystal Palace could not compare as it thon looked in the beautiful works childish hands. And gardens! why, it makes my mouth water, in these dry, dusty imes, to think haw beautiful and fresh they .ero; how rank our beans and corn grow. We id not raise onions, for they made our oyoe

But never shall I forget ono morning, when wc imo to school an hour earlier than usual, to Dmplelc some work our afternoon's verses tho day before would not let us finish, to find our house and garden turned up-side down, and in- side out by a great, spotted, black and white beast j- I will not say hog, for that will, or might, offend some who may mo this, and may bo partial to the race ; but I shall ever remember how hate- ful it looked, and t have sworn vengeance on the whole race ever since. But, oh ! how wc did work lo arrange and re-arrange, to pick op and plant over— but wc came " loo late" fur the good ol our garden.

Tim hot morning's sun was too melting for our delicate plants, that were reared in tho shade; they drooped, withered oud died— and with it well-nigh all my happiness ; for at noon-lime— tho best part of iho day wc were obliged tOBlay in, learn a half-said grammar lesson— and then I

hated Mr. Kerkim ns I hated the hog— for

there our vegolables were, half in the hot sun,

slowly dying, while wo were learning to conjugate

tho verb '' lo love," and it Reams to mo that I

havo never learned lo appreciate the word since.

The insido of our school house was not so pleas-

t to me os tho outside; but every inch, could

talk, would tell ninny a Tunny thing. It had

'0 long desks, reaching Trem north to south,

ith high benches. Under these desks were

shelves, and these were used to deposit on wax

made of the pitch of pine trees, our apples and

eatables. Thoso desks and benches have proten

the lest of many a new knifo. Thoro is not a

inch hut that haa more or less clippings.

Tho walls above were perfectly dotted with paper

balls, where we used to snap at a mark whenonr

teachers back was towards us. And tho dork

closet— Oh, I shudder now when 1 think [of the

terror in which 1 once held it. I was never putin.

here but once, and thought then if I escaped to

ioo the light of day with my lifc, ji WOuld bo tbo

last time I would honor it with my personal pres-

Zr\ wb£yv'h-r.y OIpw,od ,ny b»lp »«»»

-urn whue while 1 was there; hut to ray iov

ivbenl came out .u.U.li,!,,. ,,,,„, j. w™ £> Handing umaiuill;/ itrni.'ht or one whit «,-), ir« And these fancy skKd,,, i„ t|„ ,„[rj ' wer ■'

!VJu:(.;il. I



■'iJin.ih.- rulo.11 it

Jutl fear

many other thing, ..^hu'.l-li u'll'ofiliatbnvil. beautiful spot of earth, !,„! | ■„,, 'J'

-' '-«■» « -tone already. BuThoT delight, ,„ T? ?°,okfi< "?lv 1""i than, when

my tetter

[he carder remarksV dear'ftiends of , backwards to re-visit and dwell upon tW? early 01 some or iiiy ti.-ri ■.-Ut- rs. Tin. re |., ., „(„„ ];„)

Katie Kino.


Causes of Fomnle Del hours in which tho great ui-. tbii mothers and housekeepers uio irvu , <- " iro, rind can go forth tn breathe the pure colors join in social amusements, ns h so com- 1 timos other nations, com.' few and fur between. ' prumi i add all tho mischief done by impure air, to uh. or food und neglect of th - '



mil, I. -1 ;;itr-

by tight girding, hootod

mouts, pressed downward by whalebones, u„u by heavy skirts resting over tho most delicate organs. Into our rural towns, cvon, these por- uioioii^ tustoui.-i of drops luivo boon enrrio'1 by mantua-matcri- from (ho city, nod still more by the miserable fre-hion-plutes in our literature, that sot forth (ho distortion.- of doforniity and disease as model.'' nf ln-le ami fashion. In zing the industrial clns;

labor (

are nij "Hoi life roes" or "Xoii- tnoy evor so good looting; tlioy .'ouio in, for wo tdl worship tho brighter of life, emblemed by Hopo, of "better coming:" and wo worship that "bow of e" which aot in our heaven, is "all of life 1 So if Bessie wishes a closer commu- nion with each or all this glorious group, lot

an envelop of ivlnr... ■_!■■■"■ with tl Iniiinie bin.

ribhim," hulil lu-t [In' (I ;ht- of " Bessie b

to Ah'ce." Wo will in nil honor nnd duty, a. careful jingo, see it convoyed to tho rightfu owner, and thus that tnlismnnio word "opoi sesame" makes (hem known to each other- hearts, that like twin lutes, arc tuned nliko ti hnniiuny and beauty.

Wo hnvo conued over oil tho pretty words of Bessie, about our fair corresponded ' can only say, there is in the vario pluiaei nsometh"

>e found tha i the brain of



■mbitiui plBns of labor and wealth with their

vhile at (he Minn1 liini- their iliin^liler.- icnt to boarding. school, and all the : tastes of city lifo must, "

mingled with other cares. The great if the American women have- their

nervous system exhausted by too tal excitement in their daily dutk her class, who livu to be waited 1, nro as great sufferers for want ay object in life, or from excess osoment. Next, there noverhns boon in- generation of children who hovo ■.teusivelv deprived of pure, eool air

■..liuul.r'.M.iHiin.l parlor an Hull, iiov,- ;e. Tbodr-tightstovosin bed-rooms, g stoves in kitchens, the close stoves ooms, and the far greater care taken ndows and doors tight, havo secured Thon tlio funiacos that arc so gon- . keep the atmosphere of a house far in it over becomes so heated as when

is to lie gained from tin.' surrounding I. And us the upper part of tho ways warmest, both sieves and fur- , tho head warmer than the feot, and

,v like


. fall .

that erusty, envious nnd ji is— what did you call him, Bessie .' that "P '■en ill.' An i- -['■■■mi mini !'■ so miserable that 'l"ii'' like to niuko folks unhappy. So wp i irhn-jirr von. Minielime, what wo mean. If don't --.pn.k it right „ut ; so farewell, Uossie, I remember, von are no longer pr,-srril,tJ—\ great ruler of Europe, Xupolenn, 1ms granl an amnesty, forgiven all who hove tinned

against the Empire, restored them to fhtno

fortune ; and, like them, shall you be welcomed "to tho unarming group of sisters."

[This wok intended ns the answer for Be; introductory, which appeared in No. J8, but unfortunately mislaid by tho printoi ' bsetieo. En.]

d h

mted 1


r than ever 00

...- in former do

At th

crowded with



initiated with

ellec-tuB-Wri Us



olives to oxorti

lofiir,., th,.

n-reis" .11.11

bring distorliot and disease nro assumed. In England, tin higher classes rarely send a daughter to a hoard- i ii g- school, hut puri'iil." secure teachers lo edu- cate them at home, and take tho greatest paint to Bccure a healthy and perfect physical devel- opment- But iu thin country, the greater por Hon of the wealthy classes semi their daughter at the must critical age. to bo close packed, ii ill-ventilated (-bomber* and school-rooms, by- night and by day, whiln ull physical training is neglected, mid the brain and nprves aro stimu- lated by inttllooluol activity. Twenty years ago, a distinguished medical man gave it r" l"~ opinion '.lint t. n ,j .t.iv ■■: -in. . .1 [■iris hurl or less of tin- curvature of tlio spine. A still more terriSc deformity than this is now added, as the result cf our miserable neglect and abut of the yojng.

To Bl . I

Limb the fregraut aad modest violet that i unostentatiously greets us as wo arc roaming o'er a flowery field, filled with tho bright, thi beautiful and the most trcaaured gems of Flora' fair world, so comes tho modest but wolcomi greeting of fair nnd gentlo " Bessie," among the group of happy and joyous spirits that weekly gather around tho nllnr of the Ladies' Deportment uf the Calikjhma Farubr. And however unasiuiniug Baa*ie may be, wo know ■lie is as welcomo to tho circle, and to all who assemble there, as bur own kind spirit would wish. Vos, Bessie, you havo truly named tho group as liken "picnic," nnd 'lis a glorious one, loo, for those that moot there are congenial Spirits; and thus may it nil he iimihine there, not a discordant clement * end ns you say of an old hoobolor, 6-j-in t u ■.., a spirit led this way, why, like tho splendor of a genial sun upon tho ioiole, so he molts away and becomes as it "ilow drop," wishing be too might ho claimed by sumo fair flower, so ho could "nourish it as his own." So yon bio right, too, Be*sio, in another guess

Tender and gentlo as tha dure, Mail nhot his tulow, night and day, Foreonllkta nitb. tbo birdi or jircy 7

And whoso bends hli m

To minirlij pica Thai If nitti mi With ffomin n

And n.]ftb.e ttrrewi I bare f Hovo by my brutbor man bei And alt the ills I biro end in, lly inoB iofltcled, woinaa our Tbo glovs froto uion to nun,

>1 Ftiondiblp bcor tho wood ; ■.!l..™J>mifIeffU.«

he made parlieular remtenee to the eveot which bnd just transpired in San Francisco. A: stract of the discourse'is given by tha Maryl Herald, tho following portion or which we deem well worthy of attention :

"Chiefly in his rep reseuta live character does Mr. King possess thai kind of importance which entitles him It. public cji.^k-mlion. Ilewisno" learned, Or classical, or profound. or brillMiit; bu he was honest, earnest, unliring. lie stood upni tho uprising pyramid which n lew men bnd toilei to build, and stood there bravely and nobly. Hi wns great in the conscientious frankness ol n true man. Ho had become tbo point of tho angle ii which good eiti/.'ii.'.liip was ueir.jliin- b) eneoiiu i'.r ti'i'l i.ili/enship. J. P. Cawy has also a representative chnractei the innin tal nance of which hopes and fears of !ry vilo person are involved. He may havo been actuated by malice to act as tho murderous tool of Imd men ; hut no degree of personal ani- ity could have caused that wretched ennvict ndortake the murdci of Mr. Kiug, without id official backers. Wben he aimed nt the heart or King etery lillian in the land helped to steady his hand ; nnd when tho brave man reeled and fell, every nUIi-iii believed, not thot Casey, the convict, bud assassinated King tlio cili/.en. but thai ruffianism had triumphed over right, and public sin had slain its boldest

. C. fai.o6». Recognizing tho Importance

I a leclure in Marys- Cf a central Organ as a medium through which he Times," in which 'he Officers of the State .Agricultural Societv

e fervid ]<ro

of faithful Ic

Valuauli: Bible.— At a recentsalo in England of the library of a deceased gentleman named John Albinson, Ronton, s Bible was sold, which cost originally, with the oak cabinet containing it, the sum of four thousand guineas. It was

sold under the liaii r for five hundred and fifty

pounds sierlini;. L eun.sisted of lorty-Gvo vols., elegantly bound, and illustrated by at least six thou.Mii'l engravings, eicculed by about sii hun- dred or the nio-it 'i:Mir;ik,l engravers:, and from orks Of eminent arttsta from tho year 14B0 o lime of iu, ei>ni[ilelion. Mr. Bowycr, a [jubli-ihcr, euuiiueiiced the work of gelling up this edition of the Bible in London in the year 180U, and spent more 111 an twenty-four year at it. FIc produced two folio copies, one or which is in the " itish Museum, in seven volumes. It does not .tain tho engravings mentioned, but the mag- ci'in.-e uf iw priming, illuminating, binding, . makes il n euriosity. The oilier i:op_y i- Un- sold us above stated. The cost of the co- vings was £3,300. It is container! iu a richly ved antique oak cabinet which cost £[50, This r-plenilid work is known by the name of the liowycr Bible.

A PltlltNli of Cuvier once luiik tbo burns mid loofs of uu oi and approaohud tho bedside of the great naturalist, and awakening him from n id sleep, announced himself us tho devil who .. come to ent him. Cuvier rubbed his eyes, and glanced at tlio nuudesoript from horns to hoofs, when ho lay down and quietly remarked, " Horns, hoofs graminivorous oat gTasa ni'l 'Mm.. i| . go away."

Among the most mortifying facta iueonnci ith the deed of blood, is Ihis, that such a > ire as Casey had been left under tbo hallm

on of believing that he had a reputation It

fend. How happened a graduate of Sing Sing,

who has made "-invu Icr |irolieu'iiiLv in erime siiiri

is release from durance, tu claim lo possess :

ipulation capable or defense'; Who gave hiui i

temporary importance in society ? Let poll

ticians, whose lool bo was, answer. But for tin

interested favor which tboy showed him, hi

would never havo walked tho streets by daylight.

If the poor, debased lool deserves lo be beaten

wilh the rods, tbo calculating principals should

bo flayed with scorpions.

Tho revolting attempt at extenuating tho r,

ir, by publishing thai the assassin said, ' D

and defend yourself,' before shooting down

victim, reveals a profound depi jvity of both bead

and heart. Thos* pjientous words would hovo

changed a black assassination into a chivalrous

an.] Ii..[i-.r;iblt- act.

Doubtless, current rumors are esaggo rated ; but must strike every mind as Miani;,'. ili.a uili. ,-r . m arc ready on the instant lo arrest Casey, did t chance lo observe his condoet in time to pre- nt the murder ; and strange still that when he is arrested and hurried away to tho station- house, his weapons were not taken from him; and strangest of all that he was suffered to carry a revolver in either hand while the Marshal and s posse were removing him to tho prison. Tho peopla confer authority upon certain re- nresentatjvcs. to ■porftwm -^rtoiTr-fmicitons.- "A murderer is arrested. The people cannot fail to reflect that the uflkers into u lie-..' hands the mur- derer will fall ore his friends and bosom com- panions. By conferring authority upon agenls, the people do not divest themselves or the right lo inquire whether ami limv ihe-... agents are exe- cuting their will. When it becomes apparent that representatives are laboring to defeat tho purpose Tor which they were originally employed, tho right to execute that purpose reverts to tho people. Hence il has generally been conceded that if n hereditary monarch, even, violates the constitution and taws of his realm, he ought to be disobeyed and opposed. In such a case, the ex- ercise of popular jin.lke, ivliieh is indiscriiniuati-lv stigmotUed os 'mob law,' is jus I i liable, ludeed, tho peoplo remain the only solemn court, while tho magistracy, by a sorrowful contradiction, con- stitute the real mob tribunal.

A serious practical questiou is like to force it- self upon us, growing out of Hie probable ueli of the citizens of Han Francisco. To oieci L'asey and Corn were only lo leave two less mi derers in community. The least thai ought L... done is, lo correct tho loathsome politic). ivlii.-li feeds anil employs a brood of viimpir Tho least that will bo done, it is prulmbli:. is io manner to drive out Iho refuse populati Jur metropolis, nnd to disco unteuance the itched iicwspopcrs which have prostituted mselves for the defense of villainy. But where shall tborefogees from San Francisco lind a retroaL? ^o me will embark for the Atlantic States to k a more congenial dime ; others will hasten the capital, where the blind goddess is sup- posed to dispense even handed justice from tho supreme bench; and others still will steal into Mnrysville, like the pestilence that wolkelh in darkness. And what are we to do 7 Doubtless, San Francisco has a right to expel tho hungry brood which have consumed her prosperity and oaten up her very Streets and sidewalks. But can we alfon! to take her thieves and ass off her hands! Paupers from Europe ar Mgh, but paupers from purlieus of polltii ityat homo arc insupportable. Would n innocent precaution lo put oursolves .udo of self-defense I Who en assure u the tragedy of San Francisco shall not bo en no Led hero? To be well prepared is the best mode of preventing tho excesses of passion mid the eft'u uf blood.

. ith the Agricaf- tural population, and regarding llie Oalifobnu. F.tHsiEn as best adapted for ihis purpose (it being the only well-established agricultural paper in the State, having a general rather than a local circulation) we heartily commend the same ' tho support of:ill persons .in; i ij.-il in agricultural or industrial pursuits.

j5S"By vole of tho Executive Committee of the California Stale Agricultural Society, Col. Warren, of the Cai.ipobnia Pahmeb, is an au- thorized Agent for tho salo or Certificates or Membership for theyear beginning June 3d, 1856. Of him, or from either of the undersigned raem- : of tho Executive I'emmiLU'';, Certificates may iny time be ulii nin-i. hv (lie piymentof leu irs. The treasury being empty, tho Execu- Comtnittee appeal to the friends of tho So- ciety throughout Iho Stale-Hid especially to those who purpose to exhibit articles at tho coming Fair, to relieve their embarrassment and to afford them the means with which to meet the con- in t[y accruing expenses. As the State Premium fand is entirely devoler to the payment of premiums, aad to no othop object whatsoever, we can devise no other method by which to meet Iho immediate demands upon :, than the one above proposed.

E. L. Beatio. President. EliCohwin, Recording Secretary.

•;■< 1 1 lorn In AgmiU. .-,,■.,-- p.-.l.t.lfie,. San FraneUca. ...■'^'■'^''l^.V..' "

it* arc rreared—OJitr, aa WiihingUrr.

aiian, KltfrrtJirc Svbicrtftlm, far till


^ ,",:'. 'i -Vi-'i'." !' Ti

le mill II. rt..' .ml |irnu''"'. I l.nn In ■iiL'..:rj|.|iij lor ■■ill


S 111. -j- .11^ -^1,1. ll,,y are Li'lJ rr*]>l'll. ir t,UJ mill ;t™ noi}M [q OlKuDiJnDs

N*i ohnraotor is more glorious, nouo mors at- lotivo of universal admiration and respoot

than that of helping tboso who ore in no condi-

"*" to help thflmBelrea.

!!,--!■■ ■! -:■■■''. UI..I ;■,',:. II, i! .,. :' in ■:..- ' .ji.'rn


laa, < i: .. CALTFOR-


-Wo i

ny kind ihm

iio are engaged in business or .' desire to make known cxtoti- tho class or advertiser.-; in our inins. Wo believo Tew journals on the Pacific it can prcscut so valuable an array or the t prominent houses, and in the several most orlanl departments or trade and commerce. columns speak well (or the mercantile, me- ideal, nnd manufacturing iudustry of Califor- and the many thousand copies Ibat we scat- broadcast over our great State, gives an op- uliiiy in line-.' who de.-iie tu have their busi- .' known widely, a medium by which this can ceomplishcd.

Leather Hose for Hydraulic Washing.

nun n.- .„,i si, T..I... n: ■„ ^__.r__


d'iuU» r





■oboid of t»-,. ,'■"■-' i-';,v;l ','".!„





the fills as measured, is -J<N leu- »" ^

TtojLi*. of old Sir link, or ih.M wta Uto

deriol freaks of '_

SusKKSiOMS-Tbo Calaveras Chronicle, for

while it least; Iho George lorrn Ne", tan

of support. We always regret ir> hear of II our <ttlemporar.es, especially

those that labor hard and with guceral approval.

The latter paper we believe nan generally ap-

prated; the former ran tga1i.it wind and tide,

i. e. as it appears.

Wao-om Road.— A convention of the citizens of Calaveras, San Joaquin Tuolumne am] Aula- 1 dor counties, was to b. held at Murphy s, Cala- veras county on May Mill, for the purpose of maturing plans and devising mean, (■■< -i-.-nir,-.: the <ragon route from Carson Valley to the "Big Tree."

Went;' miles ni.rtheast of Shnsto; ported of good quality.

a Warhes: Hero I am Again in Francisco, just in season to miss the

t11tl(_5 ,-,{ lhn past week, although I havo them in reality at Vance's Daguerrean Rooms, if Montgomery

,..,„. ....j and Sacramento streets, s shown a number of splendid of the principal

them that of thi eiccTlioii',and"o »iai of liic church at the time

of ihc t.r^-e-iiiui.'.- living.

The .-l.liging proprietor also had the kindness to show me Ihrongh his splendid galley, which isnovf QllderE(.iii?in-i.-.iliri.pr.n..irinitsand addi- ,„.n- p.. paral-rv !■. i nt r- -iii--i n^ < utling » Patent \, ',r.,i-.|-, |.-. ti;, |,.>l.!i.-. ivhicli -tllti'l l.icl«K« „iH I think entirely auperce-.e Hie old style ur. plate, .:,|K.-na!ly in h,& pieturc-i, as : I .Hunk it U,o,.nl,l< for tlicm to he destroyed by ago. or otherwise. 1 »« sboirn Eomo of the Ambro- iVr.e.:. fn-m -null ii» hh -i'A 1''ll,tl' a,c the most

,■,.]. „.]„i |.„:luf.sl eve. k-.w. ii> Iianev of l(.i..

and in the per It. tiK-ss -if ligtia and sliad.-, which tar surpass the finest engraving.

Ihe pictures taken by Mr. Vance I am in formed are taken at no other place in ralifornia as ho has at pent eii-.n- i,iii..-lis.-ed the j-aleiil right fur this State, and docs not intend to sell ri%i>. until lie gels them fairly introduced, when he will tell riclm lot lonn; or counties.

When 1 qomiiieii..-;.!, 1 did ii'H Ihiuk of expa- tiating so largely on Mr. Vance's Rooms, but the many litaotilul things 1 saw have led me on, and 1 could tirive .'till more in-1 Ihtn not tell half, so I will close anil neit time endeavor to givu you SODNlflitiE in " different line.

Send along my last number of the Famieb,!** I should he almost lost without it.

Yours truly, B.

Sin FrmatlAco, H.v M, IBM.

Wo are most happy to indorso the description our correspondent has given of Vance's Gallery. It is indeed a Gallery of Ail, and the new fur- nishing it 15 now receiving will make it the most beautiful resort in California, and wc can say ir truth, Mr. Vance deserves high praise for his deration to his art and the beautiful display he

preparing for the public.

A Cube ron Asthma.— There arc many well attested cases of cures of this distressing com. plaint hy the use el the Wild Cherry as com Dined hy Ur. Wis tar, in Im famous Lough Bal- sam which medicinu has achieved a world-wldi reputation.


Plour Bh-, Heavy D


.liable f*

ih^irlofi Uriln


every dm



li.n.i . = <! „i.J.



n tod Miller., nbilns Suit, "U ST. kit STEAM BAG HCTOR1.

iV •&*!



tMbiUIIos, in ran, of Iho follomDe («kU,

Cradlei, (all kiudf) ;

R:,l:.... Hay U"k«, Harden 11iiIk.ii 1i»«>-'. , :eo I,, -,-.(.. i.W-' l.ri.Li), stnt.'l... uraio ccoop., KanLii.-: Mill, (fill i-.uil ; Wb-'H ■"■..-.'■ ' -t. .1 i- ,1, .i,:,1,-u .r,i lir,-; l;,.ri..«..; Hi i'ti..in., Tmtt rti..in>, Broait "' '

„.u-OiC»H..r- " iv«fc-

" THE COUNTRY GENTLEMAN, T>l"ll[,[.^llB|i »i Alt'jr.y, N V, bj Lcinio Teen 1 iSon.lilbolilloor IhoDtFT AoKlci'LJt'mi. t IlOKTicui.TBItAi, JonasAi In Ibe UolladSlairj. In d ■'■■"■"'. ' ■"" I'";" :"' U'"-»l iiN| r-.v.-u,. i.'.^i_'i:=lt ™of*'a°v eirnilar jCrnTln Lho wantrr-ttiAfKi •bat ni oiber papar doat, Inutiattb (■■' 'Ij..- Sm Ibo llmiior, Tlio Lloin, Tin- Ht,rtifiiltari.(, Tim 1-1 f r Tbo KileOfD li»rdtn. 'fb» Wlr| YarJ. 4c, **, . Speclol Conlribnton for Ibo (oseral deiarlmrnlj, am

tnuDlhewjulijteUiiithi'TJnl'jn. Th« aim orila odt hubeontaa.liir.lllioCv,

11..]- f-r::-,

.,,, c,.i . M,i':- .■■■!.. II. .. I h , Pour, Sii and Ei«hl Horiu; urajo, ., . Bow (ISiaod'ifo.), CollW Aim,

Nailn (...hi CI..I.T brand), llritnllUneB [all

imm toatb, PI. 'MhiBijliia

.to l> (a

p Urn Hoc, far >•)< LI AliTillK,


Dr. BaJd's Muiicrn Horse Doctor,

11« nclliHj Ibo [•!•

A uju;b oi-ia tliorlcbl dl nncb of loiuiln- Tbilt AWful.ttitjhaxiabDodii ribo Unlicd Staloi, a ton

From thaFioibleatof o ■oeicUei— "Tbo CouaUi I Hid of Ibo Arricuilurnl .1

Tbo Hon. John Wenlwer

''' "'"''{' 'i{'ui?.Xl"'u '' i'\]il'-\rVvs 1|'"1 ',,■l,,■'■. ■' '■■■■'■ 'i

./ (S.i!«h)- M'l ■-.'

i! Wujdj, S«i afilop, Saam

-. HJ1I111..I 'i.n il.y l.ir Uui.in '"J- no epifnfl tad Sip Jim City, ap lh-

,n loae, d-liy, "i i 0'e'«* *: «... "- no for ll,- IS «'cli«li boat lor fiau

mil S mi In Crui Llna

I.IJI0H7 i^oij d>j nl f>4 n'clnci «. ». Uula Cnu, dallj, louacelias uriUi UV

C. MeOLAUailLlN. Propriaor


,i Hi

i M. C„ of Illinoi-, i I av.sm aen fane, iaji— "Thii Hi but Aerkullaral l'«i»r io

riiD.iaii— "IvaloalhorjoBolrTfJ

(h™ itow I™ .■™rBa'lf(?nln'»lli<

uraban Hill bo loot W allwbo *.„.

c,ll,.16|...i,-t-.|UaTU.,^»2ptrToar. .at to Ihc PoolUhcn by mall, at Ibtlr


Kf Monthlj.J: ]:.,■■■■ ■■I.v, ill:,.-,.:,

o rtan, ulbe bt<l M. mbli AcncuUur. i= .•..inir,-|.rkcHle.oUpcij.ar,iioo«

! ..1..T (UunWr Athculluml Wuflu., u !ol]u«j : Till: l)I^KASt:S Of IHJMKMIi.' AM'IAI.a.


WEILS. I'rftclSccm*. i.i.S.-TI'.UIiriUH OF QltEEH-

r A ,':■':

cam. Fiao Bosk Pap

Illutsiraleil Annual Begisicr of Rural Affairs.

TlloTunNumbtu irmt.!. fnr I&S5 and IK-ii c-nUli.

..„= ll,.., Hi r,.,:,-...i,i,f .. . I IloUdLnc, Aiiu.il.. 'I ,. ,-, ■■■■■■' ','■ "■'■■■ =-= = " .---=:-=-= :„'

IForll, 10Btbfni.il, jou r.rl.,. I !,u, -.;... r („r

j.»r, .odil... ir.„ ;,,,,. ,1.,,-, ,.[,!,. i;,.-i,icr , Addreii, LtiUKlt TITKUlt A. SUN.

:l. I...M.I-. i.,.|. :.i,.| l.:iitr l'.i|..:r, .,[„! I,i -iul ...|v

'led Nnu [i.t, i-.^lliir r.iili ,, I:,,,.,, .[,..■!: .,| -J.,,-

.Ll.'n.i.i, . I J.. 'I I -i-.i-y J-1. "1 vi--. I'i-;iii '.-■■in, ■.!,'. S.ii.Fuandirr, Auo— Boo and ItBiflo'i FrinUoC and Job Pimoi

Cidifonnu Steam Hovigatioii Company.

TIIE fo.1 aod tnlendid lofr pre»ar» la.mcraSEW WOftl.H ..i,d AMKI.0['K i.lmmaio day. fur Sak ir«AMci3eo, »tj

r..r.i i. ■(..fK.lmal.

M:w IIMIll.H. - .-...frrif.ur, MlAlvr, will luy. Jhi.r Ijv ..n.i^:.l.i.Ji.T

„,r AMl'.l.Di'K. B. A I'oulo, Mailer, olU

lfiivo.,11 MitlIij, "'■. .I„n....| K.id.iv

]!,.. .,..,■„ i II l r r..-: Hl.:.-l.l:V I I' M -." I, .. ■( ■-.L-:-. ler, ovciT Sunday, at 2 o'cloek r. ■■

For Murj'STiUe and Iatarmodiato Landings . n.nr . l.l.iil'.VlUA, YY. It. Taylor, Mojier, wi

,.■].,, I iv. Tbur l'iv Ji.-I S,..iV.|,s ; .mil (

.tin,,. WlV llANA. W -i-j.jii.iiT-, Mailer, »l"H

lotivo Monday, Welni-luy .in .1 l-'ridny, nl J o'cloek A. S. .

For Colui.i, Bid Blufft and Intinnedinte Landing).

'Mil, ,i,..,i„.t. bA.M -Hi l.i:,ii V ll- .In, M. .•!,,-, mi.1 i;i]M, M l.iiikli.ii, M.i-.t.ir. "ill l.-:i-.i ior Iho oboi; mod plocoa en T.i- 1..;. I hur-Jiy ml Saturday, at i luck a. 11 , from the itoraihlp Anlilnj™.

For frol.ht or puinee by any of lho abovo boaU, a|.pU

l..-,,„i, ,„ ,i. i in, ,.ui.,. ,,[ ii„. r ,n(,,r„i:, -iioau, Kailita-

V5-™""'' *' ° A*. 'itEDINflTON, ABe»<-


To the Ladies!

Audubon's Birds.

BETH W. f>WI,t .'. ' ". ProcrWw™. f.-.UIj il.-ii ■.. Apul lor B»<™ib«iio— C *

i. FARJfliR, >i Sodaiy

Great AmehDan Water Lily.

T^c^™'.^i;„riij;s'ioJeij°^lr'' ci


ill.vll.i.f,.,., ofWIIbln.oi

>y lbs uad(nl|iiEd, la Id

Jltoodrj, II Co.

it in I

iinaiKuy, i,

l,AliII>' LfKE.*.

l-"'1'- ■■'■■' '.HI I. UK!. V>' i.'Li'.llllMi, I.AI.H-- l.Ull.-.-i TUIMMl.Ml.s, lil.nll^ lt, v,r, „.Juc;0 '— Erory Lady li invlltd locall and o.apiiou ow ' ■— puichn)eg alunbirD.

D. HORCIU.^-5. 1M Eacranieota alrect, ubuva MumpunofT- '

joodii btforo