fTSH«-GAME California Fish and Game is a journal devoted to the conserva- tion of wildlife. Its contents may be reproduced elsev/here pro- vided credit is given the authors and the California Department of Fish and Game. The subscription list is limited because of budgetary considera- tions. Requests can be considered only from persons who can make professional use of the material and from libraries, scientific institutions, and conservation agencies. Individuals must state their affiliation and their position. There is no charge, but subscriptions must be renewed annually by returning the postcard enclosed with each October issue. Sub- scribers are asked to report changes in address without delay. Please direct correspondence to: Mr. Phil M. Roedel, Editor California State Fisheries Laboratory Terminal Island Station San Pedro, California u LIBRARY CALIFORNIA DLPARTMENT OF FISH AND GA\fE 1 J VOLUME 40 JANUARY, 1954 NUMBER 1 Published Quarterly by the CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SACRAMENTO STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME GOODWIN J. KNIGHT Governor FISH AND GAME COMMISSION WILLIAM J. SILVA, President Modesto LEE F. PAYNE, Commissioner CARL F. WENTE, Commissioner Los Angeles San Francisco HARLEY E. KNOX, Commissioner WELDON L. OXLEY, Commissioner San Diego Redding SETH GORDON Director of Fish and Game CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Editorial StafF PHIL M. ROEDEL, Editor-in-Chief Terminal Island RICHARD S. CROKER, Editor for Marine Fisheries „_ Sacramento CAROL M. FERREL, Editor for Game Sacramento LEO SHAPOVALOV, Editor for Inland Fisheries — Sacramento TABLE OF CONTENTS ra(« A Nesting Study and I^opulation Survey of Canada (iiM'se on the Susan Jiivcr, Lassen County. ( 'aliforiiia A. Iv Navi.ok am> Iv C. Hint 5 A Nesting Study ol' Ducks ;iuil ('ools on Tulc Lake ami Lower Klamatli Xatioual Wildlife K'ld'uges A. W. .Mn.i.iK AM) I', I). ('(ti.i.iNs 17 Observations ou the Saury {('(ilahihis saira) Seen N'ear tlie Califonna Coast During !!).')( )-.')!> KoI'.i.kt L. IOhi;kiiaui)T W Observations on the Sexual iJehaxioi- and S|)a\vnin'_' of the Squid, Loligo opalescens, at La -lolla. California • lolIN A. .\I(C")UA\ 17 The Pacific Mackerel Fislieiy in ilie VXA-sl and lii.VJ-."):! Seasons J'liu. Al. K()i;i)i;l and David ('. dosii-ii .").') A Note Regarding the Toxicity (if tlic l-'islies of the Skiji- jack Family, Katsnwonidae liurci-; W. 1Ialsti;a!> fll The Summer Food of Some Tntertidal Fishos of Monterey County, California Kkhakd F. .Ioiivstov (i,") On the Supposed Stenobathic Habitat of the California Sea- Mussel S. Stn.i.max I'.ikicv «)0 An Apparatus for Collection of Ectopar;isites from .Mam- mals Raymond E. Ryckman, Kakl C. Fismkk and Charlks T. Ami:s 7') Notes Underwater Explosions Not Harmful to Salmon Wavni: .] . Uai.dwin 77 A Kelp Bass, Paralahrax clathratus (Girard), With Al)- normal Fins .Luin L I'.axt!:k 78 Retirement — Edward Clessen 80 Reviews 81 2—88193 ( 3) A NESTING STUDY AND POPULATION SURVEY OF CANADA GEESE ON THE SUSAN RIVER, LASSEN COUNTY, CALIFORNIA' A. E. NAYLOR and E. G. HUNT Game Management Branch California Department of Fish and Game INTRODUCTION In the production of waterfowl in California tlie Honey Lake Valley is surpassed only by the Klamath Basin, and compares favorably with Goose Lake, Surprise Valley and the Pit River Valley. These areas are distributed over the great basin region of northeastern California, and together produce almost one-third of the waterfowl reared in the entire State. One of the important w'aterfowl areas in Honey Lake Valley is the Susan River and its diversions. The river is composed of the main chan- nel and diversion canals along the course it follows through the valley to Honey Lake. The river channel is deep and narrow; it seldom exceeds a width of more than 60 feet. The banks are bordered with intermittent stands of willow, sagebrush and greasewood, grass, or devoid of vegeta- tion altogether. Honey Lake Valley is located in the southeastern section of Lassen County, and is typical of the great basin sagebrush type of vegetation described by Jensen (1947). The average elevation throughout the val- ley is about 4,000 feet, and the climate is distinctly semiarid with an average rainfall of slightly less than 18 inches annually. However, this data is from the nearest weather station (Susanville) which receives considerably more rainfall than the remainder of the valley which lies to the east. A more nearly correct average rainfall for the valley would fall between 8 and 10 inches annually. The early winter rains and spring runoff during wet years combine to fill Honey Lake ; when this occurs a buildup in nesting density of waterfowl is evident. During these periods of high water, the marsh vegetation which is nonexistent through the drier years recovers quickly, resulting in greater abundance of nesting habitat. Honey Lake was full in 1937, and gradually became dry until 1951, when abnormal winter rains and snowfall combined to fill the lake again and, with the continuation of wet years, it has remained full since that time. ^Submitted for publication August, 1953. Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Act, Project California W30R. Cliffa E. Corson prepared the maps and figures. (5) CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME FIGURE 1. Great Basin Canada Geese. The bird on the left is an immature male and on vhe right is on immature female. Photograph by A. E. Naylor, August, 1952. The majority of resident waterfowl in the valley, including the Great Basin Canada Goose {Branta canadensis moffitti), nest in the agricul- tural area adjacent to the north shore of Honey Lake (Figure 1). The north shore of the lake (the Susan River delta) has a fair growth of marsh vegetation suitable as nesting cover. The remaining edges of the lake are bare or have a low growth of salt grass, and as a result, have little nesting activity occurring there. In addition to the agricultural area, the irrigated pastures and meadowland bordering the Susan River and the banks of the river are suitable as cover for nesting waterfowl. A study (Najdor 1953) of nesting Canada geese on Honey Lake Refuge, located along the north shore of Honey Lake, was conducted in 1951. Throughout this report references are made to the 1951 study. However, further citations of that study will be omitted. In 1939 and 1940, Dow made a nesting study of Canada geese in the Honey Lake Valley. Since the study in 1951 was limited to the refuge, it seemed necessary to evaluate the nesting along the Susan River in order to obtain an over-all picture of the A^alley as a breeding area for the Canada geese. The objectives of this study were to determine the number of Canada geese using the river and to obtain production data from goose nests found along the river as compared to the nesting on the Honey Lake Refuge. The results are given in this paper. This study encompassed an area along the Susan River and its diver- sions from the town of Johnstonville to the Honey Lake Refuge, a dis- tance of approximately 16 miles (Figure 2). Land use in this study CANADA (;i;i:sr; (».\ 'iiii; sisan mwim c o -D 3 o 8 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME area was mainly devoted to agriculture of which a major portion was irrigated pasture. Little or no attempt was made by the landowners to improve nesting habitat for waterfowl. Both sides of the river and adjoining pastures or fields were searched where the cover was suitable for nesting geese. The 16-mile study area was divided into sections. By systematically searching one section each da.v, two men could cover the entire study area at one-week intervals. All the nests that were found were marked to facilitate return visits; and nest historj'- cards were compiled for each nest. All pertinent infor- mation concerning the individual nests, their contents and develop- ment was recorded on each visit. The interval between visits to all nests was seven days. A sample of nests was also taken on Ploney Lake Refuge for com- parison Avith the production data obtained from the Susan River. Since the two areas are different in cover type, land use and management, no attempt was made to obtain a random sample, and only nest history data was completed on the refuge. It was felt that a comparison of cover types and nest sites between the two areas would be misleading. The study was begun on April 1, 1952, and continued until the last nest history was complete on May 26, 1952. During this time nest his- tories were completed on 58 nests along the Susan River and 57 nests on Honey Lake Refuge. The nesting density of 58 nests in 16 miles of the river represents 3.6 nests per mile. NEST SITES AND COVER TYPES FOR THE SUSAN RIVER Six different types of nest sites were utilized by the nesting geese during this study. It may be well to define the classifications of nest sites in order to clarify the subject. Marsh — Areas such as artificial ponds, sloughs, lake shores, and semiwet land constituted the marsh type of nest site. Ditchbank — Ditchbank sites were elevated margins of any slough, river or irrigation ditch. Island — An island was construed to be any body of land, regard- less of size, surrounded by water. Undisturbed Field — Any field not under cultivation at the time of the studj^ was classified as an undisturbed field. TABLE 1 Nest Sites Utilized by Canada Geese Nest site No. of nests Percent Ditchbank -. 28 17 8 3 1 1 48.3 jMarsh _ _ 29.3 Island- -- 13.8 Pasture . ... 5.2 Undisturbed Field .. . 1.7 Fence Row 1.7 Totals ... 58 100.0 CANADA (ll.l'.Si: OX 'VWV. SUSAN IMNI'.K TABLE 2 Cover Types Utilized by Canada Geese Cover type llardsti'in liulnish (Scirpus acutus) ( irii.sses (Gramineae) Willow (Salix sp.) Sweet elover (Mflilolus alba) Three-square {Scirpus paludosus) . Cnlifoniiii wild rose (liosa californica) Five-liookod bassia {Bassia liyssopifolia) Cockle burr {Xantliium canadcmse) Marsh sniartweed {Pohji/onum miihlenhergii) Totals No. of nests Percent 23 39.7 10 17.2 6 10.3 5 8.7 4 6.9 3 5.2 3 5.2 2 3.4 2 3.4 58 100.0 Pasture — Irrip-ated pasture used for pTazing livestock was classi- fied as pasture laud. This site could be included in the marsh type areas that are generally wet throughout the spring. Fence Row — The nests located in the cover along any fence line. Nest site preferences are summarized in Table 1. Table 2 summarizes the data on the specific plants that make up each cover type. In all cases the dominant plant in the immediate vicinity of the nest was taken as cover type. The high incidence of hardstem bulrush is due to the occurrence of this plant in the shallow sloughs and ditches that meander through some of the fields and pastures adjacent to the river (Figure 3). This type was highly sought after as nesting cover. The remainder of the cover types are more indicative of the actual cover on the islands and along the river banks. The stretches of river bordered by wet ]iastures FIGURE 3. irrigated pasture showing a slough with hardstem bulrush along edges. Photograph by A. E. Naylor, July, 1953. 10 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME or meadows seemed to be preferred, and larger numbers of geese used these areas for loafing, feeding or nesting. Figures 4, 5, and 6 illustrate the major types of cover found along the banks of the river. FIGURE 4. The Susan River during low water showing the banks lined by willows. Note the narrow, deep channel which is typical of this river. Phofograph by A. E. Naylor, July, 1953. *?*#r :•'»; ■'IS, ^, *■'"■,•: FIGURE 5. The Susan River, showing grasses growing to the banks' edge. Very little nesting occurred in this type of cover. Phofograph by A. E. Naylor, July, 1953. CANADA OKESK ()\ 'II 110 SUSAN KIVKK n ■jm^xg^a^r- % w , >^-.*:>r . ^s -*s.*>1t'-*.V>**^' «^*^ i^ FIGURE 6. The banks of the Susan River with sagebrush and black greasewood growing to the water. Photograph by A. E. Noylor, July, 1953. NESTING PERIOD AND HATCHING DATES The nesting" season was retarded almost a month by the inclement weather conditions, and the geese were delayed in nest construction until the latter part of March. The s,ystematic searching for nests was begun on the Honey Lake Refuge sample April 9tli and the first nest was recorded on that date. Searching for nests along the Susan River began on April Kith with the first nest being recorded on that date. It should be remembered that the nesting season was under way on those dates, and the first nests found were not necessarily the first nests on the area. The 1951 nesting season began on March 18th on Honey Lake Refuge. Dow (1943) states the nesting season was well under way on March 16, 1939. and the first nest was discovered on March 6, 1940. In 1952, at Tule Lake and Lower Klamath National Wildlife Refuges, ]\Iiller and Collins (1953) reported finding the first nest on April 5th. Figure 7 illustrates the interval of hatching between the two study areas. It is interesting to note that 58 percent of the hatching on Honey Lake Refuge took place during the one week interval of April 27th to May 3d. Eighty-three percent of the nesting population on the Susan River completed their nests successfully between April 27th and May 10th. Nesting along the Susan River was approximately one week later than that on the refuge. The peak of tlu^ hatch in 1951 occurred during the period of April 15th to April 30th. These data indicate a later nest- ing season in 1952, but the latter population, after being delaj'ed by the weather conditions, nested over a shorter period. All nesting on the study areas ceased by May 26th, and the study was terminated on that date. 3—88193 12 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME iij o (£ CO 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 I 0 \ ^1 \ ^ A .y/ \ \ ^/' \ \ \ \ j//^ \ V .y/^ \ \ W/^ \ \ P7''7 \ \ V ^^ \ \ / 1 \ \ / 1 \ \ 1 1 \ \ J t \ \ / i 1 ( 1 1 // If \ ^ // \ \ f \ \ ^ 1 Apr. 20-26 Apr.27-Moy3 May 4-10 MQyll-17 DATE OF HATCH May 18-24 FIGURE 7. Comparison of the peak of hatch between Honey Lake Refuge and Susan River Canada goose populations FATE OF NESTS Some description of the fate of the nests will clarify the method of recording that data. If some or all of the eggs in the nest hatched, or if shell fragments and membranes from hatched eggs remained, the nest was recorded as hatched. Destroyed nests were classified as such when the nest showed signs of molestation by some outside factor. A nest was considered as deserted if egg-laying or incubation had ceased and no evidence could be found of the nest having been disturbed. Table 3 gives a breakdown on the fate of nests. Only data from the successful nests were used in determining the fate of eggs and average clutch size. Of the 115 nests found in the study 83 were hatched successfully; 46, or 79.3 percent, were successful on the TABLE 3 Fate of Nests Susan River Honey Lake Refuge Fate Number of nests Percent Number of nests Percent Hatched -. 46 7 5 79.3 12.1 8.6 37 12 8 64.9 Destroyed - - - - - 21.1 Deserted 14.0 Totals- -- 58 100.0 57 100.0 CANADA GKESK ON TllK SUSAN lllXlAi 13 Susan Kivor and 37, or 04.9 percent, on the rcfujic unit. Tlio successful iicsts ])r()(Iu('e(l 432 efi-fis of -wiiicli li'iS were lialclied -21(i on the river and 142 on the refuge — giving a hatching' percent of 88.9 and 75.1 percent respectivel3^ The Susan River sam])le of successful nests ijrndiiccd a total of 243 eg'gs for an average elntcli size of 5.3. On the i-efuge, tlie 'M successful nests produced 189 eggs for an average clutcli size of 5.1. The average clutch size in 1951 was 5.5 eggs per nest. Any eggs remaining in the hatched nests with the \-olivS suspended or pai'tially suspended in the albumen were considei-ed as infertih> eggs. All other eggs were recorded as dead embryos in the various stages of development. The diiference between dead embryos and infertile eggs was determined by the method used by Kossack (1950). The 243 eggs in the river sample produced only 2, or 1 percent, infertile eggs while 7, or 3.7 percent, infertile eggs were found in 189 eggs produced in the successful nests on Honey Lake Refuge. A 2 percent infertility was recorded on Honey Lake Refuge in 1951. The destroyed nests were grouped into the rather broad classifications of mammalian predation and unknown causes. The latter group con- sists of nests where no clues to the fate of the nest w^ere ascertainable. Avian predation, while it was the most prevelant form of nest destruc- tion in the 1951 study, was entirely absent on both study areas in 1952. Identifying a nest predator from the remains of the nest is ditHcult in most cases and it was believed the broader classification used would still be significant (Table 4). Predators known to inhabit both areas are striped skunk, coyote, weasel, ring-billed gull, California gull, crow and magpie. There were no nests lost by flooding, a fact which may have been due to the late nesting season. By the time the geese started to nest the major runoff had passed. BROOD DATA The first brood was recorded on April 21st, three weeks later than the first brood record in 1951, substantiating further the later nesting sea- son in 1952. Seventy broods of the one-wcek-old. class were recorded with a total of 289 young for an average brood size of 4.12. Brood counts were made throughout the Honey Lake Valley and the circumstances TABLE 4 Fate of Unsuccessful Nests Susan River Honey Lake Refuge Fate Number of nests Percent Number of nests Percent Mammal 2 4 1 28.6 57.1 14.3 3 7 25.0 16.7 58.3 Unknown Destroyed when found. - Totals 7 100.0 12 100.0 14 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 5 Brood Records Brood records One-week old Two-week old Three-week old Total broods 70 4.12 21 4.09 5 5.2 96 Average brood size - 4.17 made it impossible to differentiate between the two areas. Table 5 pre- sents the data on brood sizes based on a comparatively small sample of brood counts. The habit of the goose broods grouping together after the first week makes it difficult to obtain true records of older broods. Data on brood regression is masked b}^ this habit and is thought to be unreliable. POPULATION One of the objectives of this study was to determine the numbers of geese using the river during the breeding season. To arrive at a population figure a ground survey was carried out during the study on the river and the adjacent fields. Two aerial surveys were made to substantiate the ground count. One survey was flown early in the study (April 6th) ; the ground survey covered the period from April 6th to 28th, and the second aerial flight took place on May 12th near the end of the nesting season. The figures for the Susan River portion of the 1952 California Breeding Ground Survey (Chattin, et al.) are in- cluded to further illustrate the seasonal shifts of the geese in this area. In all the surveys except the June 6th flight (Calif. Breeding Ground Survey) pairs and single birds were counted as breeding pairs, and the groups of three or more were taken to be nonbreeding geese. Only adult geese were counted, and no broods or young of the year are in- cluded in the figures for the ground survey and the first two aerial surveys. The June 6th figures represent total numbers since this flight is made annually to determine production, and the survey usually oc- curs after the geese have completed nesting (Table 6). It was believed that many of the pairs counted were actually non- breeders that had paired in their second year, but would not breed until the following year. Also, some of the geese in the groups may have been breeding pairs that were unsuccessful in nesting attempts during the current nesting period. TABLE 6 Population Surveys of the Susan River Type Date Pairs Groups Total geese Aerial 4-6-52 4-16 to 4-28-52.. 5-12-52 357 506 221 458 314 662 152 1,172 Ground 1,326 Aerial _ 1,104 152 Aerial 6-6-52. CANADA Gi:i':si': ox 'nil': shsax |{i\i;i: 15 TABLE 7 Age Ratio of Banded Geese 1950 19.-) 1 1952 19 ")3 TotJil Percent Adults (>7 173 74 227 98 39 147 350 386 795 32.7 1 iiiMiiiture 07.3 Totals 240 301 137 503 1,181 100.0 It i.s llic opinion of the writers tliat the ])()|)iihit ion of uecsc inhahitin DATA COLLECTED Tlic fii'sl (luck nest (iiuillai'd ) was located and rccoi-dcd on Api'il 17, l!)r)l2, only 14 days alter the fii'st diiek hi'oods were noted. The duek nestin<>' pei-iod on Tule Lake and Lower Klainath lasted appro.xiinatejy IT)!) days. A total of I'M nests wei-(> lost dui'inu' the course of the stu, one coot ; Plot 4, one mallard; I'lut G, one yadwall, one coot; Plot 8, two — O ^-' to CD t^^--a3 to 1-H 1> ^ J ^00^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 00 ■Ttoo •■—• ■ •— ■ ^^ -lo ■^— ■ -.-H • CO v_- v_,to ^ t^ t>~--|> -^^--tV s. l^ CO ^ ^ ^co-. ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ S" •oco5<~iO(MmS"inoiNt^ocoo LO lO ^^ ^^O (X> lO 1^ '— -O ■* tD T— t CO >n ^ _^_ o ■t>iocDcO'*'OT-Ha:ooort^coooo5 5" t- Pco mt^io .--'.■^.,-1 -th .,-1 .~— -. o --' ^'O to 03'^^^-'tD"-^L0 i-O OJ CD UO ^ m ^ _^,_ _____ _ ro • S~Tt< So o CO CO Mm 5i"-* 00 -* CO t^ 00 (M ?i"co -^ g OOtOO .^--.— -.^-^-to .(M -(M ■ w — i-icO lO CD lO^ — lO — '•«*<■• — CD CO CD "-'TtH ^ OT ^ « s (NCOOlOCOOlO-^OtMOlO^-i-H^Oi c? C-) i??-*l (M -^ .~^.-~^.(^^ -co -Tt* -co • (M CO ■ T-HCO'-iCO ^ -TtH-^-'CD^CD — ^ — ^CD >o CD ~-^m ^ OOOt^^CDOCOiOCOOO o I— ( So CO N g lO -C^ -^ ••-1 -iM --^ -O -cq • CD • ^r~cqco'^t~-^co~— 'Ocqio^io^-^co CO o ~-^iO ^ M f^OOcDOO^lOCDtD^CoSooS'lM'^CO So l> S"cq _j a> O) '(N -^ -c^ -t-^ • Oi -^ -^ CO • >-i a (MtOCOCO'^-^CD^ — ^CO — 'l>C c3 o CO LO LO LO 0-1 LO CD CO 1 CO 00 00O00O:Oai"3O3 a. t> > -S-T^, T-H T-l <,_.- 13 o o u X! tH o o NESTING STTinV OF DrCKS AND COOTS 2!) soasoii ill lliis ;irc;i. II is (iiiitc likdy, liowcNcr, tluit tliry would have hatclied, t'ontaiiied dead cmhi-yds, or li;i\c hern in Irri i |c in iln- same i-alios as sliowii in Tal)lc 4. Table 4 docs not show sepiiratc (l;it;i For parasitized iirsts. 'I'lic pres- entation of those data was {'onsid(;red unnecessary since no important changes would be apparejit in an}- eatejior3\ Also, since no definite deteniiination conid be made coneernini:' intt-aspecific ])ai'asitistH. the figures would not be consistent. BROOD DATA Table 5 shows the average nninber of individuals hatched Irom the nests of each species of waterfowl whose nests were studied, compai'ed to the average number of young per brood remaining during each suc- cessive week of life up to nine weeks. The highest mortality rate in the young ducks produced on the refuges took place during the first week of life with 30 percent re- duction in the average brood size hatched from nests in the sample. The average brood size resulting from hatching success of all species in the sample was 9.6 individuals. The average brood size for all species of ducks aged one week or less, as computed from 1,118 brood counts taken on the refuges, was 6.7. The average number of young hatched from the coot nests studied was 7.8 and the average brood size at the end of the first week was 5.2, a reduction of 33 percent. The apparent reduction in brood sizes during the first week of life in all species listed as compared to the average hatch per clutch in column one, Table 5, cannot be definitely accounted for. But, considering that natural mor- tality rates should be inversely proportional to the age of the young, a reduction in brood size during the first week would not be uncommon. In species that show" high first-week mortality, especially gadwall with a 35 percent reduction, it was suspected that gull predation on downy young was partially responsible. Where average brood sizes remained relatively stable from the second week on, either the brood regression was masked by grouping together of broods causing higher counts for brood size, or that natural mortality and predation became insignifi- cant. However, it is unlikely that grouping had an enlarging effect upon broods in the same proportion that mortality reduced the average brood size, thereby producing the stable brood sizes indicated in Table 5. Since the grouping together of broods was recognized as a possible source of error in determining average brood sizes in different age classes, only those broods that seemed free of grouping were counted. Since most of the grouping occurs in the older broods, the practice of not counting groups of broods is evidenced by the lower number of counts recorded for the older brood classes. Thus, for these reasons, it was thought that mortality factors did not greatly reduce brood sizes after the first week. Other evidence to support this conclusion is that predation on broods by gulls seemed limited almost exclusively to the downy young. Other predators that might have seriously affected brood sizes were practically nonexistent in this area. Weasels, though common in the area, are not aquatic and the mink is rare. Disease did not seem to be a factor in brood reduction. 30 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME DATE OF HATCH The actual hatching dates of nests could not be ascertained except when the nest was found hatching during a visit. The hatching dates, grouped into 10-day periods, were approximated from the visiting dates and the accumulated data gathered during the various visits to the nests. Fifteen 10-day periods running from April 3cl to August 31st were required to cover the nesting season for all species. Data from hatching dates recorded are shown in Figure 4 indicating the peak of hatch for ducks and coots occurred between June 22d and July 1st. Fig- ure 5 illustrates the relationship of the hatching dates by species for comparison with Figure 4. Figure 5 includes the dates wherein the greatest volume of hatching took place in all species. It would be expected that extremes (both early and late nesting) would be en- countered in any nesting population, but not necessarily appear in the sample areas due to their limited occurrences. Some late hatched nests were indicated for the ruddy duck, as newly hatched broods were noted on the refuges as late as September 1st. However, no extremely late hatched nests were noted on the study plots. FIGURE 4. Date of hatch NESTING STUDY OF DUCKS AND COOTS 31 MALLARD 1 1 1 ) GADWALL t 1 1^""^^^^^ PINTAIL ' 1 CTEAL SHOVELLER REDHEAD RUDDY 1 '■ ' 1 L. SCAUP COOT CVJ > < 2 CVJ >- UJ z -i liJ 2 3 -3 CVJ LiJ Z -3 >- _l 3 -3 1 _J 3 -5 1 > ro >- ro CM >- CJ UJ z 3 UJ CM CM UJ CM >- _| < 2 < < 2 z 3 -3 Z 3 -s 3 -3 OJ fO o O CM >- >- o O 3 < _I _I 3 3 3 < -9 -3 1 CM CVJ — "~ CM o O >- > 3 3 _J _l 4 < 3 3 -3 -3 FIGURE 5. Hatching periods by species NEST SITES AND COVER TYPES Nest Sites Tlie categories used to present nest site data in Table 6 are, for the most part, self-explanatory. However, for the purpose of clarification, it may be well to define some of the classifications used. ]Marsh applies to nest sites that occurred over water or wet area and in most ca.ses indicates a nest basket built in bulrush or cattail or on a pile of vege- tation erected by the bird. Although the muskrat house category could be grouped with "marsh," it seemed desirable to separate the two. Upland denotes areas that were normally above the water level and had grown rank with weeds and grasses. No distinction was made between dikes, levees and ditch banks, traveled or untraveled, and they were held synonymous as nest sites. Nest sites were recorded as occur- ring on islands when the area of the island was less than 8 or 10 acres. Where nests occurred on larger islands (Figure 2, Plot 6) the site was considered to be in "upland" type. TABLE 6 Location of Nest Sites Species Dike Marsh Muskrat house Island Upland Total Mallard . . . 25.9 13.4 6.7 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 17.3 0.5 0.0 15.0 0.0 86.6 100.0 0.0 2.4 0.3 0.0 5.0 0.0 6.7 0.0 0.0 33.1 61.9 31.8 42.5 18.0 5.0 0.0 80.0 21.3 23.9 61.4 17.5 82.0 1.7 0.0 20.0 100.0 GadwaU Pintail C. teal Shoveller.. 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 Redhead. . 100.0 Reddy duck L. scaup. 100.0 100.0 Total average 14.4 0.0 15.0 87.3 1.5 0.0 43.8 8.7 25.3 4.0 100.0 Coot-. .. . . 100.0 32 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 7 Distance From Nest Site to Water Species Over water 0-3 3-50 50-100 Over 100 Total Mallard - - - - - 15.8 1.0 0.0 17.5 2.5 93.3 100.0 0.0 11.5 7.4 6.8 22.5 5.1 0.0 0.0 20.0 66.1 85.3 61.4 60.0 64.1 6.7 0.0 80.0 4.8 5.3 29.5 0.0 18.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.8 1.0 2.3 0.0 10.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 Gadwall - - - 100.0 Pintail -- 100.0 C. teal - _ 100.0 100.0 "Rpdhead - - 100.0 T?nfl(iv duck 100.0 100.0 15.6 85.9 8.4 8.7 68.2 4.7 6.2 0.7 1.6 0.0 100.0 Coot - -- - 100.0 The location of nests in relation to water was recorded for all species. Five categories were used: over water, 0 to 3 yards from water, 3 to 50 yards from water, 50 to 100 yards, and over 100 yards. The con- ditions in relation to water existing at the time the nest was located were recorded and that information was nsed to compile Table 7. Cover Type Only the dominant species of the plant community occurring at each nest site was recorded. The physical characteristics of that dominant plant served to illustrate the type of cover present at the nest (Table 8). During the early part of the duck nesting only the dead vegetation of the previous year was available to the birds as cover. Early in May, the nettle patches began to grow high enough to be utilized as nest cover with other cover types following throughout May and the early part of June. The hardstem bulrush had begun to show by May 1st, grow- ing continuously until about the first of July and reached heights up to 10 feet. The characteristics of cover utilized by ducks and coots is illustrated in Tables 9 and 10 showing the height of vegetation surrounding the nest and the degree of concealment preferred. The information used to compile the tables was from data recorded upon the initial location of the nest and therefore more nearly represents the conditions existing at the time the nest was established. The vegetation height above the ground or water level was estimated and grouped into one of four classifications: 0 to 12 inches, 13 to 24 inches, 25 to 36 inches, and over 36 inches (Table 10). The degree of concealment afforded the nest by the cover was assigned numbers to simplify the recording of data. Numbers one through four indicate the number of sides of the nest concealed, i.e., 1, cover on one side; 2, cover on two sides; etc. The number 5 indicates cover over the nest affording concealment from above as well as on all sides while the classifications 1-5, 2-5, 3-5, denote cover over the nest and with one, tAvo, or three sides of the nest con- cealed. NKSTINCl S'lTDV dl' DIIKS AM) ( OO'I'S y:{ oo :^ -a: "a oooooooo o a *•* o 8S8SgS§§ 8 d 1 « t~ O CO lO oo l~ o o r- 1- 6 s CO CI 10 CI "M -H O O -f f* i ^ Tfira^oi-ooo t^ -r 2 od .-<' o oi 10 ^: o c d Tf ".-3 O £3 i.O .o r* g^^ -w 2 o CD'-hOlOOcDOO CI t^ m 3 . "O .i; (D 00 -h' d ci d — ' m o d d !3 3 ^ .-< (N 05 05 I— ( 00 LOOit^OO'-HOO r-( w iz; c CC t^ C> T)> rt Tj< lO 5 ^ OOOiOiOOOOO CO o § JO OOt^Oit^OOOOO d d CI r-H ^ - altbus (3.7) M O 05 "O o o o o_ d t-' >n t>' ci d o o 1^ d d ,-1 .-1 .—1 CB w 2 3 3 0) -3 cc A! 1 ' i i ' J ' § t < .^^ gopL,OMtftfi-a o o O 34 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 9 Vegetative Height Species 0" to 12" 13" to 24" 25" to 36" Over 36" Total MaUard _ . - -. 32.5 8.7 68.2 42.5 82.1 6.7 0.0 0.0 49.3 39.4 25.0 32.5 15.4 8.3 4.0 50.0 13.4 43.5 6.8 12.5 0.0 16.7 4.0 30.0 4.8 8.4 0.0 12.5 2.5 68.3 92.0 20.0 100.0 Gadwall 100.0 Pintail . -- - ...-- 100.0 C. teal - ------ 100.0 Shoveller 100.0 100.0 Ruddy duck - - - - _ 100.0 100.0 Average (ducks) 'Coot ----- - 22.7 17.4 36.4 6.0 26.7 17.4 14.2 59.2 100.0 100.0 TABLE 10 Nest Concealment Species 5 4 3 2 1 None 1-5 2-5 3-5 Total Mallard - -_ - 50.8 71.3 20.2 70.0 18.0 40.0 28.0 40.0 15.8 20.5 6.8 15.0 30.7 30.0 28.0 30.0 8.6 3.7 13.7 5.0 10.3 6.7 20.0 10.0 5.8 0.5 18.3 2.5 15.4 3.3 4.0 0.0 2.4 0.0 11.4 0.0 10.3 1.7 8.0 0.0 2.4 0.3 9.2 2.5 5.1 8.3 0.0 10.0 1.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.9 0.0 4.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.9 3.7 15.9 5.0 10.2 10.0 12.0 10.0 100.0 Gadwall .-- -. -_ 100.0 Pintail _ ------ 100.0 C. teal Shoveller-- -- 100.0 100.0 Redhead - -- 100.0 Ruddy duck 100.0 L. scaup 100.0 Average (ducks) Coot 56.5 15.4 19.7 16.8 6.7 17.4 4.0 18.8 2.1 12.1 2.4 14.1 0.4 0.0 0.5 5.4 7.7 0.0 100.0 100.0 SITE-COVER RELATIONSHIPS Table 11 represents a summary of nest site-cover relationships based on information from the previous tables. The table shows the over-all conditions preferred most often by each species. The term ''general" in some categories was used where no particular preference was shown by a species for any one classification, or when no definite pattern of preference was evident. In classifications where more than one item is listed, the items are listed in order of importance. Mallard No particular preference was shown by the mallard regarding nest site. Most of the nests, 61.3 percent, Avere found in cover of saltbush or nettle that afforded good concealment. Only 12 percent of the nests were considered to be poorly concealed. Mallards were found to nest over water to a greater extent than most dabblers and 27.3 percent were within three yards of water. Gadwall The over-all trend in gadwall nesting indicated a preference for the drier nest sites, particularly islands. Nettle 13 to 36 inches high afforded concealment cover for 79.9 percent of the nests. Nearly all the NKSTiNO ST^M)^■ OF nrcKS and coots TABLE II Site-cover Relationships 35 Species Nest site Cover type Vocctation hciglit Conncal- iiicnt Distannc to \vut(!r TVTnllRrcl General Island Upland General Upland Marsh Marsh Island Salthush, nettle Nettle 13-24" 25-36" 0-12" 0-12" 0-12" Over 36"... Over 36"... 13-24" 5 3 to 50 yd. (;..,! wall 5 3 to 50 yil. I'intail Mustard nettle Nettle (General) Grasses Hardstein bulrush Hardsteni bulrush Grasses, nettle General 5 General 5, 4 5, 4, 3 5,4 3 to 50 yd. ('. teal - 3 to 50 yd. Siioveller 3 to 50 yd. Hcdhead Over water Kuddy duck L scaup Over water 3 to 50 yd. Average (ducks) Island Marsh Nettle Hardsteni bulrush 13-24" Over 36"--- 5 3 to 50 yd. 2. 3, 4, 5.-- Over water nests, 05.6 percent, were well concealed. l*i-iniarily as a result of the elioseii nest sites, 85.3 percent of the gad wall nests were from 3 to 50 yards from water. Pintail With respect to preferred nest sites, pintail were similar to gadwall in selecting dry areas, but nested principally in the upland type habi- tat (61.4 percent). The concealment of the nest did not seem to be important with 38.9 percent poorly concealed and 70 percent of the nests in cover less than 12 inches high. Distances greater than 50 yards from water were recorded for 31.8 percent of the pintail nests found. Cinnamon Teal Cinnamon teal nested in varying sites and cover but built their nests on islands using nettle cover less than 12 inches high in 42.5 percent of the recorded instances. The nests were usually well concealed with only 5 percent occuring in sparse cover affording poor concealment. Like the mallard, cinnamon teal nested in sites over water more com- monly than other species of dabblers. A preference was also shown for sites in close proximity to water witli 40 percent of the nests within three yards of water. Shoveller A definite preference was shown by shoveller for upland nest sites of low grass or similar cover. All nests were located on u]ilaiul or island sites with 97.5 percent of the nests in cover less than 24 inches high. No particular pattern of desired concealment was evident but 30.8 percent of the nests M^ere poorly concealed with 78 percent of the nests in concealment less than what was considered excellent. ^lore nests were located over 100 yards from water than in other species, witli 28.3 percent over 50 yards. Redhead As would be expected, nearly all redhead nests were in marsh type habitat over water (93.3 percent including muskrat house sites) with 6.7 percent found in other areas. Only 8.4 percent of tlie nests were 36 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME found in cover other than hardstem bnlrush. The concealment afforded by bulrush was good to excellent since the height of the bulrush ranged from two feet to as high as 10 feet in 85 percent of the cases. Eighty percent of the nests were well concealed. Ruddy Duck Nests of the ruddy duck were found exclusively in marsh type sites over water with good concealment. Hardstem bulrush cover was used to the exclusion of other types except river bulrush which afforded cover for 4 percent of the nests. Ninety-two percent of the nests were recorded in cover over 36 inches in height. Lesser Scaup The lesser scaup, a diving duck, nested principally on islands with no nests recorded on other sites except upland, completely excluding marsh type. Nettle and grasses furnished cover for 90 percent of the nests, generally affording good to excellent concealment. Ten percent (one nest) was found in sites with poor concealment, but none were located in cover less than 13 inches high. Although no nests were found over water, all were within 50 yards. Coot A definite preference for nest sites over water was indicated by the sample of coot nests studied. Only 5.4 percent of the nests were found more than three yards from water. Little regard for concealment was apparent although 85.8 percent of the nests occurred in marsh type cover ranging in height up to 10 feet. The preferred cover, however, was primarily of a sparse nature. Islands were most preferred as nest sites by ducks with upland, marsh, dike and muskrat house sites following in that order of prefer- ence. A\"itli the exception of the lesser scaup, diving ducks ancl coots used nest sites over water almost exclusively while lesser scaup and dabblers, as a group, preferred drier nesting sites. However, 92.2 per- cent of all nests located in the stud}^ were within 50 yards of water. Mallard and cinnamon teal exhibitecl the least selective preference for particular types of nesting habitat and would be the species least likely to be greatly affected by a change in availability of an^^ one of the nest site types. Others, however, showing limited adaptability would be greatly affected by a change in available desired nesting habitat, par- ticularly diving ducks and coots. Desirable nesting cover for waterfowl was furnished by the extensive stands of bulrush and cattail that occurred on Tule Lake and Lower Klamath Refuges. The importance of the bulrush was greater than that of cattail because of the heavy, lodged clumps remaining from the previous year furnishing good concealment and support for nests. New growth of bulrush eventually formed a canopy over the old lodged growth adding further concealment. Nettle was utilized as nest cover more than any other plant (51.4 percent) although it accounted for only 18 percent approximately of the total nest cover on the study plots. Nettle occurred on the favored nest sites of dabblers, particularly islands, and provided excellent cover not only as new vegetation but in lodged stands from the previous NESTING STUDY OF DICKS AND COO'I'S 37 year's growth. Otlioi- ])l;iiils oF mi'dinin liciL'lit, as cxciniilil'nd liy salt- hlisli, iniistai-(l and lliistic, lluil jirr riuiW when nwitiiic ;iimI [xts'isI throiiji'liuiil llic wintci', riiniishcd ^(lod nesting coNcr in the cai'ly part of the nestiiiji,' jx'riod. H'oxtjnl h;iiley f^Tass remained over the winter in low dry chimps and was ntilizcd cxlcnsixcly hy stiovcllci- ;ind to some extent by pintail as iiestin<;' cover. SUMMARY 1. A duck nesting study, including data on coot, was conducted diic- ing the spring and summer of IDo'i on Lower Klamath and Tide Lake National Wildlife Refuges in ('alifornia by the Pittnum- Robertson Research Project 3U-R, Califoi-nia Department of Fish and Game. 2. Eleven sample plots with a total area of 1,820 acres were studied, five on Tule Lake and six on Lower Klamath. 3. A total of 826 duck nests and 154 coot nests were located. 4. The nesting success of all ducks included in the sample w^as 83.4 percent and of coot was 94.6 percent. 5. The major cause of duck nest failures were desertion, flooding, and predation; the major cause of nesting failures in coot was flooding. 6. The hatchmg success in all successful duck nests w'as 91.6 percent, while 97.6 percent of coot eggs hatched. 7. A total of 3,837 brood counts revealed that the major reduction in broods of all species took place during the first w^eek of life and the brood size became relatively stable thereafter. 8. The nesting period of ducks and coot lasted approximately 150 days, with the over-all peak of hatch during the period from June 22 to July 1. 9. In general, the dabblers and the lesser scaup preferred the dryer nest sites. The other diving ducks chose marshy nest sites almost exclusively as did the coot. 10. Ninety-two percent of all nests located were within 50 yards of water. 11. Nettle was the most important duck nesting cover, while hardstem bulrush was most important for coots. REFERENCES Blankenship, L. H., C. D. Evans, M. H. Hamond and A. S. Hawkins 1953. Techniques for brood production studies. A special report for the Mississippi Flyway Council Technical Committee. Edited by W. H. Marshall, University Farm, St. Paul, Minn. 14 p. mimco. Gabrielson, Ira N. 1943. Wildlife refuges. New York, Macmillan Co., 257 p. • Kossack, Charles W. 1950. Breeding habits of Canada geese under refuge conditions. Amer. Midi. Nat. vol. 43, no. 3, p. 627-649 Miller, A. W., and B. D. Collins 1953. A nesting study of Canada geese on Tule Lake and Lower Klamath Na- tional AVildlife Refuges, Siskiyou County, California. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 39, no. 3, p. 385-396 Southwick, Charles 1953. A system of age classification for field studies of waterfowl broods. Jour. Wildl. Mangt, vol. 17, no. 1, p. 1-8. OBSERVATIONS ON THE SAURY (COLOLABIS SAIRA) SEEN NEAR THE CALIFORNIA COAST DURING 1950-52' ROBERT L. EBERHARDT- INTRODUCTION The frequency with whicli the saury can be observed along the coasts of California and Baja California suggests a poinilation of incredible size. If this population is as large as it seems to be then perhaps the fishing industry is correct in considering the species a likely source of supply as yet untapped. This, together with a decline or disappearance of more readily obtained fishes, may mean the sauries now face utiliza- tion. A preliminary step in determining the extent of the resource is to establish the degree of occurrence of the species. The saury is a slim and brilliant silver and blue fish which grows to a foot in length. The flanks shine as if they were made of burnished aluminum. Along the tail is a series of finlets, a mark of the mackerels, but the saury is a close relative of the flyingfish and halfbeak. Typically a fish of the open seas, it is frequently seen inshore during the night. The fish school at the surface both in very small groups and in gigantic shoals, which may extend at night as far as can be seen even in the ray of a searchlight. Sauries are easy to clean, and they are delicious to eat. The fish has very thin and soft scales which are readily removed. A thin alimentary tract can be easily taken out. Fried sauries can be eaten without tremble, since the fishes are not bony. If sauries can be canned and if the natural coloring can be held, the pack would be an attractive item. Records published before 1900 describe the saury as. a rare fish off the California coast. Up to 1915 only a dozen specimens had been ob- tained. Great schools of fish appeared at San Clemente in 1916 and were of a species "never noticed by anyone in that region before" (Jordan, 1916). Subsequently this species was identified as the saury we know. It was further identified as the same fish well known in Japanese seas where it supports a fishery (Hubbs, 1916). Today the saury is known on our coast from Alaska to Baja Cali- fornia and westward near the Hawaiian Islands (Schultz, 19-40; Roedel, 1953). On the eastern Pacific coast great numbers of the saury have been reported only from the waters of California. Specimens have been 1 Submitted for publication June, 1953. - Formerly with the Marine Fisheries Branch, California Department of Fish and Game, Terminal Island. (39) 40 CALIFOENIA FISH AND GAME 125° 40°| — 120° 115° 35' 30* 25° ' ',7 ' ^nnrn Barbaro o»"'''°^^^fe6rN--^ 'Los Angales <■ Channel ^, ^^'^N^S^n Clement, islands -^V/Z/yZ' \ Cedros Is. HEAVY CONCENTRATIONS — '/// ADULTS :;' JUVENILES Cope San LazaroU Mogdoleno Boy"* 40^ 125° 120° 115° FIGURE 1. Occurrence of the saury on the California and Baja California coasts, 1950-52 taken off Cape San Lazaro (lat. 25°00'N.) in Baja California. It has been landed for the fresh fish trade at Monterey and other California ports but in such small amounts as not to have been identified in the published records. An exploratory pack was made in 1947 at Monterey. Personnel of the Marine Fisheries Branch of the Department of Fish and Game have from time to time noted unusual occurrences of the saury, but there has been no organized program to investigate the species (Aplin, 1939 ; Phillips, 1932). ()USi:i{\'A'n()\s ()\ 'I'm: s.\ri;v 41 I nrornuil ion which t''et sani])1es of sai'dines (Sardi iiups cdrniha} ;ind .i;icl< inai'kerel (TracJiurus synimrirlcus) bnt also kept ;i reeoi-d of otiier species. Ob- servations were made while cruising' oi- whih' (hil'tin^- witli a brilliant li<>lit suspended over the side. Perhaps the sanry can be described as nl)i(|nitons, for tlie fish was sio-hted in nearly eveiy locality the ship visited, (ienerally there were a few present every nif>'ht at one time or another, bnt on some occasions there were uncounted numbers in view. Characteristically, schools of sauries form a very shallow layer near the surface, and Ihey are not often detected or recorded by a Fathometer. OCCURRENCE California Waters During the fall of 1950 the Yellowfin o])erated between Point Reyes and the Channel Islands. Great schools of leaping sauries were seen in the San Francisco area (Table 1). No other fish were as abundant be- side the ship, and large numbers were seen south to Point Conception. In Southern California during November they were not abundant. TABLE 1 The Relative Abundance of the Saury (Cololabis saira) Observed on the Eastern Pacific Coast During 1950-52 1950 1951 1952 Central California (Pt. Reyes to Pt. Conception) October November Deceinber Southern California (Pt. Conception to International Border) January February March May June August September October November December Baja California (International Border to Magdalena Bay) March April May July August September dense moderate moderate moderate moderate dense dense moderate none none moderate poor dense dense poor poor poor poor moderate moderate none none moderate dense moderate poor poor poor none moderate 42 CALIFORXIA FISH AND GAME The coast of California was covered from Point Reyes to the Inter- national border in 1951 and 1952. Observations were made during 1951 from January to March, briefly in both June and August, and from late September to December. During the next year, except for a period in Maj and June, the cruises were made after mid-September and until Xovember. Peak concentrations of adult fish were seen during the winter months. These occurred in the Santa Barbara Channel region. During the spring sauries were generally not seen in the waters of Southern California. In the fall schools were seen with increasing frequency and size as the ship approached Point Conception and the offshore Channel Islands from both the northwest and southeast. Young fish were seen as far north as Point Eeyes. Baja California Waters From March to May and during August and September of 1951, the Yellowfix was engaged in work along the coast of Baja California. In 1952 the same area was covered during March, April, and from July through September. Very few sauries were seen; those typically re- corded were small adults or young found in small and isolated groups. Consequently, no concentrations were observed at any time in the Mexi- can waters that would seem to support a fishery. Until April adults were seen alone, but after that display with young lasted for several weeks. Above Point Abreojos and along the shores of Sebastian Vizcaino Bay young fish were usually noted at every point. However, the largest numbers of young of the year and yearlings were seen in the fall and then off the steep coasts between Point Canoas and Descanso Bay. LENGTH .MEASUREMENTS Length measurements were made of 507 sauries (Table 2). These were drawn at random from samples taken between October 1950 and November 1952. The average fork length was six inches (150 mm.) with a range of 2 to 10 inches (50 to 250 mm.). These samples represent fishes in varying stages of growth drawn in some cases from widelj^ separated localities. The largest average size in the samples was 10 inches. These large fishes came from the coasts along the Channel Islands of Santa Cruz and San Clemente. Eight and nine inch (203 and 228 mm.) sauries were typical in a series of sami^les secured from Point Sal to Point Reyes, which was as far north as the ship went. In October the average size of sauries between San Francisco and Point Conception was 6^ inches. In September sauries in Southern California were about six inches. None of the Mexican samples contained fish of a size comparable to those of the central California coast. The fish from the Mexican coast ranged from two to eight inches (50 to 203 mm.) with an average length of four inches (100 mm.). The smallest sauries were taken at San Ilipolito Bay. The average length of those on the Baja California coast above Cedros Island was four inches during August. Most of the fish below Point Eugenio were 2^ inches (64 mm.). ()Hsi;i;\A'ri()NS ox tiik sAruv v.', TABLE 2 Fork Length Measurements of 507 Sauries ^Cololabis saira) Taken During 1950-52 Off the Coast of Cali- fornia and Baja California From l^/V YELLOWFIN, California Department of Fish and Game Time Central California (Pt. Reyes to Pt. Conception) October, November, December, October, October, October, October. November, November, November, No^•ember, November, November, lil.'iO 1950^ 1950. lO.'il. 1951. 1951. 1951. 1952. 1952. 1952. 1952. 1952. 1952. Southern California (Pt. Conception to International Border) 1950 1951 1952 1952 November, September, September, October, Baja California (International Border to Magda- lena Bay) July, 1952 July, 1952 August, 1952 August, 19.52 August, 1952 August, 1952 August, 1952 I.oculity «f Hiiiiiple Monterey Pt. Sal Cape San Martin, Monterey Pt. Siir_. Pt. Buchon Pt. Arguello Pt. Reyes Farallon Islands.. Monterey Monterey Cape San Martin. Cape San Martin- La .Tolla Santa Cruz Is Santa Cruz Is San Clemcnte Is. Pt. Eugenia San Hipolito Bay. Descanso Pt Pt. Banda.. Cape Colnett Cape Colnett Pt. Canoas Niimtinr in "iiniple 20 (■)« 10 II 0 20 .50 2.? 9 ."• II 15 10 22 29 .5 12 13 14 8 13 41 3() 50 A vcriiKc fork lunKth 223 239 237 192 230 195 193 208 218 185 195 1.33 210 176 179 2.57 248 KlttlKl- 1.38 271 128 297 223 .302 147 2.37 217-248 183-217 151-222 100 310 211-2.30 174-200 1.53-225 120-163 185-247 126-223 1.5.5-192 2.37-264 234-275 135 123-1.56 .5.5 41-90 140 1.36-147 146 136-167 82 .59-145 97 71-1.35 192 144-229 PARASITISM One particular hiiulraiice to ready use as a eaiuied t'nuil wouhl be tlu- degree to which sauries in some areas are infected with the parasitic sea louse Penella sp. This copepod embeds in the musculature, and a de- generation of its body parts occurs. During this jn-ocess a thread-like egg-bearing organ develo])s oiitsifh' tlie body of tlie saury. This (hirk stringy organ gives the fish an uiiwiioh'some appearance. ]More often, however, a small, round scar caused by the infestation was seen. Few sauries anywhere were with(mt at least one such scar, although samples were taken where no infection of any kind was visible. Some samples were taken for both measurement and examination for parasitic infection (Table 3). The fisli were considered blemished if either the parasite was present or if the scar of attachment was visible. Heaviest incidence of parasitism was observed otf central California. Sauries seen in the southern latitudes of the surveyed region were con- sistently free of signs of parasitism. 44 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 3 Fork Lengths of 250 Sauries (Cololabis saira) Infected With a Sea Louse (Penella sp.) From the Coast of California and Baja California, 1950-52 Date October, 1950 November, 19.50 November, 1950 December, 1950 September, 1951 October, 1951 September, 1952 September, 1952 Locality Monterey La JoUa Pt. Sal C. San Martin Pt. Descanso-- Pt. Arguello-- Pt. Banda C. Colnett Number Average Percent in fork with sample length infection 16 223 80 22 176 45 68 239 81 10 237 20 30 103 23 50 193 18 13 146 8 41 82 0 Average length of scarred fish 232 181 246 226 103 198 133 PROXIMATE ANALYSIS Dr. H. N. Brocklesby, Terminal Island, California, kindly supplied data on the gross chemical composition of two samples of sauries taken March, 1953 (Table 4). TABLE 4 Chemical Analysis of Sauries (Cololabis saira) Taken in March, 1953, From Waters Off Baja California, Mexico LocaUty Number in sample Average length, inches Moisture Crude protein Fat content Ash, (mineral matter) Cedros Island Turtle Bay 4 7 6 8 70.90% 71.10% 21.31% 21.88% 4.65%, 3.80% 2.90% 3.20% BEHAVIOR One of the best ways to detect a large school of sauries at night was to see light reflected from their bodies. The quick flash of a spotlight would then invariably reveal countless more. Any large group which was exposed to deck lights would flip and leap vigorously when the lights were turned out. On the YELLOwnpiN a 750-watt bulb and 20-inch reflector was suspended 8 to 10 feet above the water to attract fish when the ship was drifting. Schools of great size have also attracted attention by the roar of the water as they leaped and splashed. Sauries were seen at one time nearh^ 500 yards away after this splashing had been heard above the usual shipboard noises. A Fathometer generally did not pick up a saury school because of the fishes' tendency at night to remain in the upper one or two fathoms. Not many species of fish were seen with sauries. Bather often finger- ling halfmoons {Medialuna calif orniensiB) were taken in saury samples. The bulk of these occurrences during 1952 was in Mexican waters near Sebastian Vizcaino Bay. Off the California coast the only mixed schools were observed near Monterey in October, 1951. Present at that time OBSERVATIONS ON THK SAIJKV 45 with llic saiii'ics were Jiuciiili' siin'lt ( ( )siiicri(|;i(' i ami l*ai-ifi(; herring {Clupca pallasi). On one occasion a solitary adiill sardine was observed harrying a <;'r()ui) of small sauries. Sharks and sea lions ])r('v on llie saury. On scvci-al occasions near the Channel Islands Avhen schools were attracted alongside the vessel, blue sharks (Friunacc glauca) sw'ani into the tiii-bnlcnt masses to feed on the sanries. Calii'ornia sea lions ( Ztih)j)li its i-nlijOniiiis) art- diligent in pursuing and capturing sauries. SUMMARY In the course of a fishery survey along the coasts of California and Baja California, Mexico, from 1!)5() to 1952, observations were maih- of the occurrence and behaviaja California. Approximately 500 sauries were used for measurements of length. Those from California waters were eight to ten inches (193 to 240 nnn. ) on the average, while those from the Mexican coast were less than six inches (152 mm.). Infections of copepod parasites marred tlie appearance of sauries. In California waters these infections occurred in excess of 20 percent of the sample. Occurrences indicated that a seasonal abundance took place in the coastal waters of the survey. Sauries were very scarce during the mid- year, while dense shoals were seen most frequently during the late fall and winter in Southern California. Other fish species were rarely pres- ent in saury schools. 46 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME REFERENCES Aplin, J. A. 1939. The occurrence of sauries in southern California. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 25, no. 4, p. 343-344. Hubbs, Carl L. 1916. Notes on the marine fishes of California. Univ. Calif. Pub. ZooL, vol. 16, no. 13, p. 157-158. Jordan, David Starr 1916. Notes on California fishes. Copeia, no. 36, p. 80. Phillips, J. B. 1932. Unusually good fishing in and off Monterey Bay. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 18, no. 1, p. 23. Roedel, Phil M. 1953. Common ocean fishes of the California coast. Calif. Dept. Fish and Game, Fish Bull. 91, 184 p. Schultz, Leonard P. 1940. The Pacific saury, Cololahis saira Brevoort, from the North Pacific Ocean. Copeia, no. 4, p. 270. OBSERVATIONS ON THE SEXUAL BEHAVIOR AND SPAWNING OF THE SQUID, LOLIGO OPALESCENS, AT LA JOLLA, CALIFORNIA' JOHN A. McGOWAN Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the University of California La Jolla, California INTRODUCTION It has long been known that the Pacific Coast squid, Loligo opalescens Berry, tends to migrate to certain inshore areas for spawning. This same habit has been described for certain other species of the genus, L. pealii of the Atlantic Coast of North America (Verrill, 1881) and L. vulgaris in Northern Europe (Tinbergen and Verwey, 194")). This inshore migration generally occurs in the late spring and snmmer months in the two Atlantic species. But, according to Fields (ll»r)()i the egg masses of L. opalescens may be found at ^Monterey Bay, California, during any month of the year, but the most intense spawning is during April, May, June and July, with a minor peak occurring in November. As a result of the availability of specimens near shore durimr tlie spawning period, many studies have been made on the embryoh )gy of the genus, and Drew (1911) observed copulation and spawning in the aquarium. However, no one appears to have observed these activities in nature. An unusually large spawning population of L. opalescens appeared in the La Jolla area during February and ^NEarch, 1953. This provided the author with an opportunity to make direct observations in tlie fiehl and thus to corroborate and supplement the obserxations of Di-ew. Tinbergen, Fields and others. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I wish to thank Mr. Ivan Simpson of the U. S. Navy Electronics Laboratory who was my diving companion during this investigation. Special thanks are due to Mr. Conrad Limbaugh of Scripps Institution of Oceanography, whose instruction in the use of. and whose loan of diving equipment made this investigation possible. I also wish to thank Dr. Martin W. Johnson of Scripps Institution for valuable criticisms and suggestions. Mr. Donald Lear and :\Ir. Sam llinton. both of Scripps Institution, also provided me with much valuable assistance. FIELD AND LABORATORY OBSERVATIONS On Februarv 16, 1953, a local fisherman reported that the net he had set two days earlier was so heavily laden with squid eggs that he could 1 Contribution from Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Xew Series No. 670. Sub- mitted for publication September, 1953. (47) 48 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME OBSERVATIONS OX Till: SC^ril) 41) not raise it out ol' llic watci-. Tliroiij^li iiilcrvicws with lliis and olln-r fislu'niicii, it was Icmi'ihmI lh;il iar^i' schools of sipiid had Ix-cii in thf \-i('iiiity of the La .lolia suhiiijii'iin' caiiynn ;d)i>iil l.loO IVrt ol't'shoi-t- for a period ol' about a week. At ;dioiil this tiiiM' .\<|ii;i liiii^j; divers rroiii Seripps I list it ill ion ot ( )c('aiio.L;raphy rc|)ort('d hii'^r miiiilirrs ot" dead s(piid lying on the bottom at depth of from 'M) 1o 70 i"cel. As a result (ji' these reports, a spccijil iincst igat ion \\;is ni;i(h'. 'The nifihods employed were: (1) diving Nvith the use ol ;in A(pia-lung at vai'ious points in the area to explore for the site of tiie chid s|)awniiig areas and to ret-over eggs; (2) ])lankton liauls for scpiid hii\a<' at the sui-race and near the bottom to (h'tcniiine when hatching took phicc and how long tlie hirvae remained in the vii-inity; (3) rearing ot the 1 resldy laid eggs, in tin; hiboratory, to determine the length of time reciuired J'or the embryos to reach the hatching stage and to obtain freshly hatched larvae to aid in identifying those canght in tlie plankton. RESULTS Diving Observations The first of a series of dives was made by the antiior and a companion on March 8, 1953, in the vicinity of the IScripps submarine canyon (f^'ignre 1) at a depth of 50 feet. The bottom of this area is sandy with occasional small rocky ontcroppings. Tlie water temperature at this time was 12.6 degrees C. Observations on the bottom indicated that a mass mortality of the adult squid population was taking place; the bottom was littered with dead and dying squid. The estimated concen- tration of squid was one to two indixiduals per square foot and this situation held for the entire distance that we were able to survey (^75- lUO yds.). A large mass of egg capsules was discovered attached to the sandy bottom along the general trend of the 50-foot contour. This mass was estimated to be 10-15 feet in diameter. There were great nnmliers of actively swimming squid in the immediate vicinity of the mass. Man\' females were seen depositing tlu^ir indixidnal egg capsules around the peripherj^ of this mass. The manner in wliich they depositeil their eggs and their activities at this time were similar to those of LoUtiu pcalii as described by Drew (191]), except that the egg cai)suies were never attached to protruding ob.jects such as shells or rocks but always to the base of some previously laid e^^g capsule. A short distance above the egg mass a number of copulating pairs of squid were seen. Of the two methods of coi)ulation described by Drew (1911) for L. pealii only one was observed in L. opalcscciis. In this method the male is ventral to the female and has his arms and tentacles wrapped around her mantle just posterior to her mantle opening. While in this position tlie male is able, with his left ventral arm. to gra>p the jiaeket of spermatophores as they are extruded from his siphon and insert them into the mantle cavity of the female (Figures 2 and 5). Since all of the pairs in the vicinity of the egg mass were in this jiosition. it appears that this method is emi)loyed .just previous to ega-laying. How- ever, sperm were also found in the buccal sperm receptacles ol" the females (Figure 4) and this woidd indicate that the second method of 50 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME FIGURE 2. Semidiagrammatic illustration of copulating squid showing the animals' position when spermatophores are transferred to the mantle cavity. Drawn from observations in life. Male is embracina female from below. FIGURE 3. Semidiagrammatic illustration of copulating squid showing the animals' position when spermatophores are transferred to the buccal sperm receptacle. After Drew. copulation described by Drew (Figaire 3) is also used. But since this second method was never observed during any of the dives, it seems likely that the squid use it at some time previous to their arrival on the spawning grounds. A collection of living and dead squid was made at this time. The next day, March 9th, another dive was made at the head of the La Jolla submarine canyon (Figure 1). The water temperature at this time was 12.4 degrees C. During this dive, large schools of squid were seen in the waters immediately above the canyon. As many as a dozen large egg masses were seen, one was estimated to be at least 40 feet in diameter. These masses seemed concentrated along the edges of the canyon, some of them being' on the more gentle slopes and shelves of the canyon wall itself. One such mass, situated on a fairly steep slope, was followed from a depth of about 70 feet down to a depth of 114 feet and appeared to continue on down even farther. At some places in the vicinity of the 40-foot contour, the sandy bottom was completely covered with dead squid. The activities of the squid observed at this time were the same as those seen the previous day near Scripps canyon. A number of squid and freshly-laid eggs were collected. The eggs were promptly placed in an aquarium of running sea water and kept for further study. The living animals observed on this dive were all very pale and there were large shreds of epithelium hanging down from their mantles. Those collected had a loose flaccid consistency of the body unlike the firmness characteristic of squid caught in open waters during other seasons of the year. This "spent" condition of the population is, ac- cording to Fields (1950), a result of spawning and occurs occasion- ally at Monterey Bay during June and September. OHSIIKVA'IIONS (l.\ 'I'lllO SC^L'II) 51 FIGURE 4. Semidiagrammatic illustration of the buccal membrane of the female, (b) beak, (bm) buccal membrane, (sr) sperm receptacle. During this and the following six weeks, utlier divers from Scripps Institution, who were engaged in geological research in other parts of the La Jolla Bay region, reported only occasional small groups of eg:g masses Avhieh had become detached from tlie substrate and were met-tdy lying on the bottom. As soon as it was apparent that the canyons and their environs were the chief areas of spawning in the bay, all subsequent dives and plank- ton hauls were made there. Since it was impossible to make routine surveys of both canyon spawning areas, it was decided to follow one relatively small spot where the spawning seemed to be most intens(\ The area selected was that branch of the La Jolla submarine canyon known as Sea Lion Gulch. Dives and bottom and surface ]ilankton hauls were made every third day during the second and third weeks in ^lareh. After this, only weekly dives and plankton hauls were made for the next five weeks, weather permitting. Laboratory Observations on Animals Collected by Diving Measurements made on random samples of dead and dying adult squid taken from the bottom gave a modal size of from 15-16 cm. mantle length for the males and from 14-15 cm. mantle length for the females. This is one centimeter smaller than the modal sizes for both males and females of the Monterej^ Bay spawning population of L. opahscois (Fields, 1950), and 5 cm. smaller than the males and "2 cm. smaller than the females of a spawning population of L. viilnnri.'^ at TIehler. Xether- lands (Tinbergen and Verwey, 1945). The sex ratio obtained from this 52 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME FIGURE 5. Ventral view of female with mantle laid open to show place of attachment of spermotophores under mantle, (sp) spermotophores, (od) oviduct. OHSKRVATIONS ON TIIK SQUID 53 sampling' was nii('((ual, llic males compi-isiiij,' (')'■' pcrcciif, ol' the popula- tion. Ac,'(',orcliii<;- to TiiibcryxMi and Vcrwcy (11)4.')) tin- si-x i-atio (jf tlieir sj)awnin<^- i)0[)iilatioii was niKHiual, 57 porfont being malis. An cxaniiiiation of tiie j^'uts ol" llic rciiialcs showed them In \)<- roin- pl(>t('ly empty. Tlie guts oL' tlie males contained oidy a few shreds ol' mantle epidei-mis which had apparently been torn i'roni the i'emale. Results of the Plankton Hauls A 40 em. IFansen type |)lanktoii net was used to make lO-minnte hauls over the vicinity of Sea Lion Gulcli. These hauls were made at the surface and as close to the bottom as possible, for a period of six weeks after the main spawning was observed. Only four larval squid were caught in these hauls, although diving observations made at the time the plankton hauls were taken indicated that the number of egg ca])sules in the vicinity was progressively decreasing. While it would have been more desirable to use a larger net and to cover a larger area of the bay, it is believed that the results of the plankton hauls taken are significant and that they indicate that the larval squid did not stay in the vicinity of the spawning grounds but were swept away by currents. Result of Egg Rearing in the Laboratory The freshly laid egg capsules which were brought into the laboratory were maintained in aquaria of running sea water at an average tempera- ture of 13.6 degrees C. The egg capsules are from 3| to 4 inches long when first laid but swell to 8 or 10 inches within a few days. Develop- ment to hatching stage required from 30 to 35 days. The freshly hatched larvae have an over-all length of 4.5 mm. and a mantle length of 2.5 mm. There was a 25 percent mortality of the eggs. This mortality, however, was apparently induced by laboratory conditions because the eggs in nature, observed by diving, showed no mortality, even up to the hatch- ing stage. The larvae hatched in the laboratory still had a very small yolk sac. This sac persisted for about a day. No attempt was made to rear the larvae beyond this stage. It was noticed that after about the second week the egg capsules which were kept in the laboratory w^ere infected with a large, bright red polychete worm CapiteUa ovincola (identified by Dr. D. J. Reish). The egg capsules which were observed in nature at this time were also para- sitized by C. ovincola. The worms did not appear to be feeding upon the developing embryos but merely to be boring through the gelatinous matrix of the egg capsule. As many as 15 of these worms were found in a single egg capsule. The egg capsule also provided a substrate for two other organisms, the hj^droid Ohelia geniculafa (identified by Dr. Cadet Hand) and naviculoid diatom. SUMMARY The sequence of events in the s])awning of L. opalescens as based on the above observations and on those of other authors seems to be as follows: (1) a population which is ready to spawn moves from offshore into a relatively shallow area near shore. It seems probable that at this time the males transfer sperm to the buccal seminal receptacles of the females. (2) The squid tend to congregate near the sandy bottoms of 54 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME semiprotected bays. (3) A few minutes before the females lay tbeir eggs the males transfer a second group of spermatopliores to a place under the left side of the mantles of the females. (4) The females attach their egg capsules either to the sandy bottom or to the base of some previously laid egg capsule. This results in large masses of egg capsules, which may be as much as forty feet in diameter. (5) Both males and females die after spawning. (6) The eggs require from 30 to 35 days to hatch at a temperature of 13.6 degrees C. LITERATURE CITED Drew, Gilman A. 1911. Sexual activities of tlie squid Loligo pealii (Les.). I. Copulation, egg-lay- ing, and fertilization. Jour. Morphol., vol. 22, p. .327-359. Fields, G. W. 1950. A i^reliminary report on the fishery and on the biology of the squid Loligo opalescens. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 36, no. 4, p. 366-377. Tinbergen, L., and J. Verwey 1945. Zur Biologie von Loligo vulgaris Lam. Arch. Neerland. Zool., vol. 7, p. 213-286. Verrill, A. E. 1881. The cephalopods of the north-eastern coast of America. Part II. The smaller cephalopods, including the squids and the octopi, with other allied forms. Conn. Acad. Sci., Trans., vol. 5, p. 259-446, 28 pis. THE PACIFIC MACKEREL FISHERY IN THE 1951-52 AND 1952-53 SEASONS' PHIL M. ROEDEL and DAVID C. JOSEPH Marine Fisheries Branch California Department of Fish and Game The purpose of this paper is to bring' up-to-date tlie eateli statistics for the Pacific mackevel {PneKmatophorus diego) fishery with partic- ular reference to the Los Angeles region. Data for previous seasons were presented by Roedel (1952). The season is defined as commonfinir in ]\Iay and ending in April. The outstanding development in 1951-52 and 1952-53 was the virtual disappearance of the scoop fishery. As a corollary, the total catch de- clined to its lowest level since the depression years of 1980-1938. Anal- yses of the age composition of the catch (Fitch 1952, 1953a, b) have shown that the catch has become increasingly dependent upon the strength of incoming year classes. There is no evidence of good spawn- ing success in recent years, and the fishery in the period under dis- cussion was dependent largely upon the good 194:1 year class and the fair 1948 class. These fish were five and four years old respectively in 1952-53. Over the 12-season period 1939-40—1950-51, about 87 percent of the total catch consisted of fish less than four years of age. Obviously, no improvement can be expected in the future until there is a succession of better-than-average year classes. As has always been the case, the great bulk of the catch continued to be delivered in the Los Angeles region (Los Angeles and Orange Counties). Annual state-wide landings for 1951 and 1952 (Table 1) show 1952 with 10,302 tons to be the worst year on record since 1932, when 6,236 tons were brought ashore. Contrary to the general down- ward trend, San Diego experienced its best season since 1942 (904 tons) in 1952 (606 tons). TABLE 1 Annual Landings in Tons of Pacific Mackerel Year Region Total Monterey Santa Barbara Los Angeles San Diego 1951 179 126 388 20 16,000 9,550 192 606 16,759 1952 10,302 1 Submitted for publication September, 1953. (55) 56 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME The Los Angeles region fishery reached its peak in October during the 1951-52 season and in July in 1952-53. Earlj^ season (May-August) catches were actually fairly good in both seasons. Midseason (Sep- tember-December) catches were poor, however, with mid-1952-53 the worst such period since 1932-33. Landings in the late season (January- April) were very small. Over the 23-season period 1928-29 — 1950-51, the midseason was by far the most productive, accounting for nearly 68 percent of the entire catch. The outstanding feature of the two seasons, as noted earlier, was the continued decline of the scoop fishery in 1951-52 and its virtual disap- pearance in 1952-53, when only 325 tons of scoop-caught mackerel were landed. The bulk of the catch originated at Santa Catalina Island. At its peak, 1944-45, the scoop fishery produced over 30,000 tons. TABLE 2 Landings in Tons of Pacific Macl(erei, Los Angeles Region Season 25 seasons (1928-29—1952-53) 1951-52 1952-53 Tons Percentages May - - 100 158 975 3,329 464 941 2,989 1,643 23,480 23,993 46,077 65,365 3.4 June --- -__ - 3.4 July. . . . 6.6 August L_ 9.3 Early season 4,562 6,037 158,915 22.7 September - 1,359 7,265 1,731 113 1,062 1,238 856 76 118,089 154,119 117,939 80,055 16.9 October 22.0 NDvember 16.8 December . 11.4 TVTiHsefl.ROTi 10,468 3,232 470,202 67.1 January. _ __ . _ 199 9 25 48 53 32 1 7 39,197 18,898 10,516 2,651 5.6 February. _. .. . 2.7 March ---.. _.- 1.5 April _ . - - 0.4 Late season . . _ 281 93 71,262 10.2 Season totals 15,311 9,362 700,379 100.0 TABLE 3 Pacific Macii a> en CO ■=4 ^ M Cfl ■ 0 1 HJ o3 -• 'M -f 00 lO -- O 0!0 r- oi o 01 o SO O T B d o d « CI CO 5> CO f- •-> Tl CI .-. i lo ci d 00 8 1 o OS Oi ^ 3 04 C^l *>! •-' t^ CO 10 CO t~ ^ — CO f Q o t- -r 56 « S s -H -r " 01 h-" a; CO CD >0 Tf o ^-< CI M CI CI 0. ^ o o o «3 <3 O M «0 -H 0> 05 Ol t^ o o CO o o o o o 10 (M M M >-i o 1^ CO CI 7i r-t CI CO ^1 -^ O CO ^ OS Ol C) c) o o -:t< C O O CI CI lO (N ^ -^ ■n CO Ol o o t^ CO O 1—1 IC o_ "^ C4 ■'C 33 T— t cT CI ^^ M lO s 1 02 1^ O 03 lO ^ CO o •* f-H t, lO CO CO ■* q 02 c O •-I 00 (M CO Ol 00 r- CO I— 1 CD 10 CI O 2 d 1 cj (N .— 1 r-H 1— 1 CO o 1 S o Tf CL, CO ~ ■'— ^ o CO rf O O o 00 ^ >0 CI CO o 00 t^ CO 00 Tt< « CO lO 00 cn CO d r- ^ Ol CO CO — " CO CI CI c co_ "O iM^ o;_ l-H r)< CD_ .-H (» CO 10 Ol 03 t~ q c3 H rt c-f c 0) ■o CO ^_^ CO CO lO a IN J IN lO CO o 1 1 1 1 1 o 1 1 02 i-H 1 p ■*' m OS 1 ■* CO rt T-H 1 1 1 1 I ■ till 1 1 1 1 1 8 i-H 1 i 1 o s PL, 03 CO 03 T— 1 CO 00 T-i c;i »-H I-H in CO C CO O (30 -* CO CO IC oo g 00 c o O IN IN o 03 H lO Oi ^^ t^ 1> o" t> O " 02 t^ ^ t— 1 I-H »-H o 1 1 1 t 1 lO O IC r- CO I-H 1 I 1 1 t I-H i-H IN 03 T-l (N IN I-H CO (N lO I-H lO I-H t^ 1 1 1 1 1 t^ 00 lO ' -* O •* 1 1 1 1 1 Tf 00 CO o IN 0_ IN 1 1 1 1 1 IN ^_ C3 IN (N IN ■ IN 1— I _,.^ CO CO lO s s <33 O --I O IN O CO 1-H Tjl o O 1 1 ro 1— ( lO lO -* lO 00 i-H O CO IN lO o 1 1 1 o '*< a ^ '-^ in o 1 £, I-H o CO T~t "• — ' CQ c o CO m rt O -*< 1^ ^H CO I-H CO >o C-l t^ 00 CO •* l> O CO ^H oo c:5 i-i CO o c^ CO 00 cq o3 o 00 C£> CO 00 '^ t^ 00 Tf lO o 00 I-H o O CO H IN ^ O Tt<" O lO ^ tT CO a^ CO o Tf OJ IN IN O Tf I-H I-H t~ 'SI r-H lO ^ tH I-H a> T— 1 C ■ffi OQ O 0 u :) t> (N l> o IN 1> t^ IN CO ^ O IN IN 0 i> CO "^ CO lO lO ^ CO IN 00 •* IN ^ -* o_ -* 03_ 00 'i* CO t~ CO CO O c D T-t rt ^ CO oo" ro H ^ 1 ir ^ O CO CD 00 I-H r)H in CO o CO I-H 05 o 1^ 05 T-H 00 lO lO CO lO OT 00 CD lO if ^ OS '^^i-H lO lO I-H IN o> lO IN 00 c 0 i-H IN CO ■* -^H oqZod I'Acii'n \i,\( Ki:i;i;i, i'isiiiskv .'ill Si'iiii'i- cak'lu's al)(>iit held their own ulicii (■(uiiparcd with thi- iirriod 1941-42—1950-51. However, the 1952-5:! cat.-h was inaiiitaiiicl ciily because th(> seinei's extended thcii- operations into a hithei-tn vii-tnally nnex])|oited area eoiii])fisinu 'I'annei- and ('ortes Hanks. 'I'hese hanks lie. respeetively, alxMit ."iO and 40 inih-s sonthwest of San ('h-mente Island. Because of weatliei- eonditions and heeaiise of Ihi'ir distance from port, they were rarely fished in pfe\ious yeai's. Tlie usual lishin;.'- •.'•i-oMnds AV(M-(> extremely unjii'oduet i\-e in l!l52-5:i. Tables 2 to 5 preseid detailed data for thr two seasons with enmn- lative totals eai'i-ied forward fi"om similar tahles presented by lioedel (1952). l\(M'OT-ds of total ]audin<>-s (Table 2) cover the 25-season history of the fishei-y Avliicli first became of major im|)oi-tance in 192S-29. Kecords by j^ear (Tables 8-5) cover the 14-season period comniencinjr in 1939-40 when the scoop fishery first became of major importance. REFERENCES Fitcli. .John E. 1952. Tlie docliiip of the Pacific mackerel fishery. Calif. Fish ami (lame, vol. I',.S, no. 8, 1). 3S1-3S9. 1953a. Age composition of the Soiitiicni ( ".ilit'iirni.-i (•••ilcii nf I'ncitir riKnkiTi'l fm- the 19."')l-r)2 season. Calif. Fisli and (ianic, vol. 39. iid. 1. \>. 141 -14f). 19531). Age comi)osition of the Southern California catcli of r.icific niaekfrt'l for the 1952-53 season, ("alif. I'^isli ;inil (J.-inir. \ul. .■'.".). nu. 4. p. .")5:'>-55s. Roedel, Phil M. 1952. A review of the I'acifie inaclu'i-cl { I'lKiihinlnptioniti tlicfio) tishrr.\ nf th<' I,os Angeles region with special i-efci't'iice to the .\i';irs 19.".9 1951. ('.-ilif. Fish and Game, vol. 38, no. 2, p. 253-273. A NOTE REGARDING THE TOXICITY OF THE FISHES OF THE SKIPJACK FAMILY, KATSUWONIDAE ' BRUCE W. HALSTEAD School of Tropical and Preventive Medicine College of Medical Evangelists Lomci Linda, California During August, 1950, there was an outbreak of fisli poisoning at tlie 1505 Air Base Group, U. S. Air Force, at -Johnston Jshmd (lat. M')" 45' N, Ion. 169° 30' W), involving a communieations sergeant, his wife, two children and the family cat. The causative agent was a black skip- jack, believed to be Euthynniis yaito Kishinonye. The specimen was described as a "tuna-like" fish having dark spots in the region of tiie pectoral fin and stripes along the sides. The fish was captured in the vicinity of the northern peripheral reef of Johnston Island. No other information regarding the fish w^as available. The fish was taken home, cleaned and cooked within a short time after capture, so there was no opportunity for spoilage. Neighbors stated that they had captured this same species of fish on previous occasions and had eaten it without ill-efi:'ects. A few hours after the meal, all of the members of tlie family developed nausea, vomiting, tingling and numbness of the lips, mouth and extremities, cold clammy skin, mild diarrhea, intestinal cramps, w^eakness, muscular aches, palpitation, and mild to modei-atcly severe prostration. The acute phase of the episode lasted about 36 hours and then gradually the symptoms subsided. The convalescent period was slow, lasting several weeks, during which time weakness and muscular pains were the predominant symptoms present. Treatment was of a nonspecific type. Within a period of two months, the family had com- pletely recovered. The family cat, which had eaten a liberal portion of the fish, became very ill, afflicted with vomiting and diai-rhea, but appeared to have recovered Avithin a period of 2-t hours. The ])atients were examined by Dr. John T. Martin, formerly base surgeon at Joliu- ston Island, to whom I am indebted for the preceeding clinical data. Dr. D. V. Villadolid, Director of Fisheries of the Philippine Bureau of Fisheries, recently reported (in litf.) a series of outbreaks which occured on January 9 and April 9 and 10, 1!>51, in Manila, Philippine Islands, as a result of eating freshly caught Katsuwonus pclamis (Lin- naeus). A total of five persons was involved. The symptoms developed in about 20 minutes and consisted of acute abdominal pn'm. dizziness, dryness of the throat, stiffening of the muscles of the extremities, anil an urge to defecate and urinate, but an inability to do so. All of the patients recovered within a few days. 1 This investigation was supported by a research grant from the Xational Institute of Health, Public Health Service, and a contract with the Office of Xaval Research, Department of the Navy (Contract No. NONR205(00). Submitted for publication September, 1953. (Gl ) 62 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Numerous references appear in the literature regarding the toxic properties of A^arious scombroid fishes. Scrutiny of these accounts will reveal that in most instances they are not referring to ichthyosar- cotoxism, true fish poisoning, which is caused by a neurotoxin that is present in the tissues of the fish, but rather to bacterial food poisoning- resulting from spoilage. However, some of the accounts are concerned with a type of histamine intoxication which appears to be caused not infrequently by certain tropical scombroid fishes. In most instances these histamine outbreaks have resulted from eating tuna, bonito or skipjack, which are a day or more old, rather than from freshly caught fish. In- adequate refrigeration or failure to cook the fish promptlj^ after capture ai^pear to be significant contributing factors. The symptomatology occurring in histamine intoxications caused by scombroid fishes has been described bv Henderson (1830), Autenrieth (1833), Meyer-Ahrens (1855), Morvaii (1857) and Knox (1888). The s;^Tnptoms listed in these accounts can be summarized as consisting of nausea, vomiting, redness and flushing of the face, engorgement of the soft tissues of the eyes, swelling and c3^anosis of the lips, tongue and gums, giant urticaria, severe itching, headache and respiratory distress. The symptoms generally develop within a few minutes after ingestion of the fish, and the victim usually recovers within 8 to 12 hours. In some instances patients have stated that the fish had a sharp ''peppery" flavor. These symptoms are typical of a histamine reaction and not a neurotoxin such as is observed in most types of ichthyosarco- toxism, nor are these symptoms characteristic of ordinary bacterial food poisoning. Giinther (1880), Jouan (1867), Maas (1937), Phisalix (1922) and Tybring (1887) all list Katsuivonus pelamis (Linnaeus) as toxic, but do not go into detail regarding the clinical characteristics of the intoxication. Legroux, Bovet and Levaditi (1947) obtained a large piece of "tuna" which had caused a severe histamine reaction in four persons. Bacteri- ological examination of the sample for human pathogens was negative. Intramuscular injections of tissue extracts of the ''tuna" into guinea pigs resulted in nervousness, inactivity, muscular tremors, convulsions and death within five minutes. Boiling the extract for 20 minutes in a water bath did not inactivate the toxic substance. Also, it was ob- served that pretreatment of the guinea pigs with antihistamines pro- tected the animals from any untoward reactions when the tissue ex- tracts were injected. The authors thus came to the conclusion that histamine was present in the "tuna" and probably resulted from the decarboxylation of histidine, a normal constituent of fish flesh. There was some question as to the exact mechanism of histamine production, but suggested the possibilities of bacterial enzyme action, aseptic cytol- ysis, or a normal physiological condition of the fish during spawning season. The Johnston Island outbreak is particularly noteworthy in that the victims developed neurotoxic symptoms as a result of ingesting a skip- jack. Moreover, the symptoms present were typical of tlie Ciguatera- type of ichthj^osarcotoxism such as is commonly produced by most reef fishes (exclusive of moray eels and puffers), rather than the usual histamine reaction that has been observed by previous workers. The Johnston Island outbreak once again points up the need for further TOXicrrv oi- skiimacks 68 invest iji'.il ion on jioisonoiis fishes .iiid ttnir i-chil ionsliii) to tin; eco- uoniie development ol' fisheries resources in llir ti-opieal I'acifie. l*'iitiiro world demands for ])rotein food sources will necessitate more rij^'id con- trol and efficient utilization of the vast food reserves of the ocean. The ]n-ol)lem of ])ois()nous marine organisms will hci-onn' of increasint Cie, \<>i. 1, p. (>n7-6()S. Tybring, O. 18S7. Poisonous fish. U. S. Fish. Comni., Bull., vol (!. p. 148-1.->1. THE SUMMER FOOD OF SOME INTERTIDAL FISHES OF MONTEREY COUNTY, CALIFORNIA' RICHARD F. JOHNSTON - III a recent paper IMitehell (I!)");}) listed I he food itcnis fomid in !•'' speeies of fish obtained by rotenone poisoning From a lai"<:(' tidrpool ni Fortngiiese Bend, Los Angeles ('ounty, California, in March, l!t4!>. The present paper is concerned with a similar fauna at a ditferent time of the 3'ear, outlining the results of stomach examinations of nine coniinon intertidal fishes collected between June 21 and July 1!), l!).")!. at Mussel Point, Point Pinos, Asilomar Point, Pescadero Point, aiul Soheranes Point, Monterey County, California. The fishes were collected with a dip net during low tidal conditions and put into a glass jar and allowed to suffocate; they were then put into 10 percent formalin for preservation before examination. Tt is well to note that the fish regurgitated the contents of their stomaclis if tliey were put alive into the formalin. The stomachs of larger fishes were injected with formalin to ensure ])reservation of the contents. Pul)li- cations used in the identification of the forms encountered included Cupp (1943), Hatch (1947), Light (1941), Oldrovd (1927), and Wilson (1932). Olig'ocottus snyderi. Twenty-seven individuals; length 33-66 mm. (average 48). Collected in the lower mid-intertidal zone. One stomach was found to be empty. Algae were found once, forming 90 jiercent of that stomach mass. The animal matter found included iui\iuL;- mnnber of individuals and number of fish containing them) : Pol.vcliaeta Gaininari4 {'.'>) E.itisplunriiiiKi sp., 1 Copepoda ( !;i inmaridea Ilarpacticoida Ili/nJf sp., 5 (2) IVltidiidae, 108 (2) Mlorchrsten .sp., .'i (1) Thishe furcntii, 7 (2) il/e/i7« .sp., 3 (2) 2'j(/n"op«s sp., 202 (2) Dorai)oda Pagurus samuelis, 2 (!) DISCUSSION The roundworms were less than U.5 mm. in lens(i were the most numer- ous animal remains in the stomachs of two specimens of Clitwcottus recalvus; these fish were taken at Pescadei-o Point on -Iidy 19. The ciri'i were present in sufficient amount and of sneli uniform size that it is hiidia, while not in itself con- clusive, is of value as evidence. More definitive is the capture of a very large living individual (long. 228 mm.) in 48 fathoms, southwest of Seal Rock Light, Humboldt County, California. The presumption is strengthened accordingly that M. cali- fornianus is very much more eurybathic than has prevailingly been assumed. The common California sea-nmssel is by far the most ])revalent and conspicuous member of its family along our shores, occurring in untold masses and numbers from boundary to boundary wherever surf and rocks meet. So characteristic is it of such situations that the assumption is often made that it is confined to them. For examiile we may cite among many others the observation of Hewatt (1937:180), "There are certain organisms which apparently can survive only on the rocks which are subjected to severe wave action. Myi'dus caUfonilaiius forms^ beds several inches in thickness on the rocks of the surf swept area.'" And again that of Ricketts and Calvin (1952:163), "Here is another ani- mal that is distinctly at home in crashing waves. Indeed it occurs only where there is surf. ' ' Taking for granted this concept of a narrow ver- tical range for this species, some have even gone so far as to make it the assumptive basis for ideas of far wider import, as quite recently does Hanna (1952:315) in writing concerning the geologic history of central California: "There is additional evidence of relatively recent subsidence of a lesser magnitude. This consists of the presence of inter- tidal shells of Mijtilus ccdifornianus at several places down to 50 Submitted for publication August, 1953. (69) 70 CALIFOENIA FISH AND GAME o Of 1/5 00 / -D O O U 5 O STKNonA'ruic iiAi'.i'i'A'r or 'iiii; si;A-.MrssKri 71 r.-it lidiiis. 'riicy were cspcci;! II V iioliccd iiniiiiid ('urdi'll r.;iiik wiiirh is 30 mill's t'l'oiii the nearest slioi'eline. All wliidi were ree(tvere(i wcce xcry old 'deud' shells but -would not be classed as fossils. . . . (!ordell liaiik, 34 I'lus. About 100 |)i»uu(ls of «irauitie frajiiiients. Most of these were heavily encrusted with orfi'anisiiis aud soinc cunlaiiicd boring's iif) to one inch in corded from Citellus Jjcfcheiji (Richard- son) at Loma Linda, California: 979, October 8, 1952; 1,176, August 11, 1953; 1,244, August 12, 1953; 2,475, October 25, 1953. To successfully conduct certain insecticide studies it was necessary to remove all fleas from heavily parasitized animals. Several methods were attempted ; the method described below was ultimately adoi)ted. Essential factors of the apparatus are shown in Figure 1. A standard vacuum cleaner was used as a source of suction. The distal end of the metal attachment tube on the vacuum cleaner was cut off Avitli six inches of the metal tube remaining; see number 5 in Figure 1. A hole 1^ inches in diameter was cut in a Mason jar lid and the metal tube mentioned above was passed through the hole in the jar lid and soldered in place. To prevent the escape of fleas from the jai- into the suction tube a fine copper screen, 70 wire strands per inch, was fastened over the end of the metal tube. The copper screen was held in place by a tight fitting section of plastic tubing. The tube through which the fleas passed, number 2 in Figure 1, was constructed from a three- fourth-inch plastic hose, nine feet in length. This hose was held out of the way of the operator by being suspended from a spring attached to an overhead arm; suspending the hose from an overhead spring per- mitted greater mobility of the nozzle when removing ectoparasites. The hose coupling was screwed to a threaded pipe, the latter was firmly fastened into the jar lid by two large flat nuts on either side of the lid. The collection nozzle is a standard vacuum cleaner accessory which was attached to the three-fourth-inch plastic hose. A one- or two-ipiart. wide mouth jar may be used as a receptacle for the ectoi)ai'asites whieli are removed from the host by suction. Fleas are readily siu-ked out of the nlanunals' fur by moving the tip of the vacuum nozzle through the hair. 1 This research project was made possible by a contract (DA-40-007-MD-1S5 ) from the Research and Development Board, Office of the Surgeon General, Department of the Army. Submitted for publication October, 1953. (75) 76 CALIFORXIA FISH AXD GAME I. COLLECTION NOZZLE Z PLASTIC HOSE 3. JAR 4. COPPER SCREEN 5. TO VACUUM FIGURE 1. Equipment used for collection of ectoparasites from mammals With the aid of the equipment described above, it was possible to remove 20,000 fleas from 100 California ground squirrels during a period of one week. It was found that most of the fleas were re- moved by suction, those that remained were collected with forceps. AYhen this technique is used it is recommended that the recently killed mammals be placed in paper bags and their carcasses chilled by placing them in a refrigerator for 12 hours at a temperature of 10 degrees to 15 degrees C. Animals removed from the refrigerator in paper bags should be left at room temperature for one hour to permit the fleas to become active. Contents of a single bag, fleas and dead host are next emptied into an enamel pan of suitable diameter and five inches in depth. The active fleas and other ectoparasites seeking to escape from the dead host can readily be picked up by suction in the enamel pan and the fur of the animal. A limited amount of hair and debris may be sucked into the collection jar with the fleas. This extraneous material can be separated from the fleas by covering the mouth of the jar Avith a disc of 18 mesh screen held in place by a screw cap band. When the jar equipped as above mentioned is inverted in an enamel pan most of the fleas pass through the screen into the pan ; hair and other debris is retained in the jar by the screen. NOTES UNDERWATER EXPLOSIONS NOT HARMFUL TO SALMON Dining the months of Jime, .Inly, and Angust, 1953, submarine geo- physie-al operations Averc in proiii<'ntH ;ih Percentage of Standard Lcngtli Measurements (mean values in parentheses) Standard Iciicth Total length Anal fin Ventral fins, right left Dorsal fin Pectoral fin Head length Fleshy orbit Maxillary length Snout length - Suborbital width Bony interorbital width Snout to dorsal insertion Snout to first dorsal ray Snout to anal insertion Snout to pectoral insertion Snout to ventral insertion Ventral insertion to dorsal insertion Pectoral insertion to dorsal insertion Depth at anal insertion Least depth of caudal peduncle Counts (number of fish in parentheses) Gill rakers, upper limb Gill rakers, middle Gill rakers, lower limb Gill teeth, upper limb_ Gill teeth, lower limb_ Dorsal spines Dorsal rays Anal fin Pectoral fin Ventral fin Principal caudal rays Pored scales, lateral line (to end of hypural Longest rays Dorsal Anal Pectoral Ventral Caudal plate). Normal (24 specimens) 173-201 (244.8). ._. 121.3-127.8 (125.3). 14.2-17.6 (16.0) 1!) .0-24.3 (21.3) 13.1-10.5 (14.7) 23.7-28.2 (25.9) _ 34.0-39.3 (37.0) _.- 5.8-7.3 (6.7) 13.7-15.8 (15.0) 9.4-12.8 (10.5) 2.8-4.3 (3.4) R.7-9.1 (7.6) 36.3-39.9 (37.7) 59.1-65.5 (62.7)___ 64.3-69.3 (67.2) 32.6-35.2 (33.8) 35.3-40.6 (37.8) 27.8-33.1 (30.0) 18.9-23.1 (20.6) 23.4-29.8 (26.1) 11.3-12.6 (11.8) 11(8); 12(15); 13(1). 1(24) 19(6); 20(3); 21(3);. 22(7); 23(5) 7(4); 8(19); 9(1)--- 17(4); 18(8); 19(8);. 20(3); 21(1) X(23);XI(1) 12(1); 13(18); 14(5). in, 7(23); III, 8(1). I, 13(6); I, 14(18)-. I, 5(24) 9 + 8(24) ..... 63(7); 64(6); 65(4);. 66(4); 67(2); 68(1).. 3-5 2-3 5-7 2-3 2-4 (Dorsal lobe) . Abnormal (1 specimen) 281.0 145.9 32.7 20.1 35.2 27.2 26.7 37.4 6.8 16.3 11.4 3.5 8.0 39.9 64.4 70.1 37.2 41.3 30.2 19.5 26.2 12.0 12 1 21 9 18 X 13 III, 7 I. 14 I, 5 9-1-8 66 11 5 10 2 3,4 (Ventral lobe) -John L. Baxter, Marine Fisheries Branch, California Department of Fish and Game, September, 1953 RETIREMENT EDWARD CLESSEN Among the more than 800 employees of the Department of Fish and Game no group has a more important role to play year in and year out than the foremen in charge of the State's fish hatcheries. With the closing of the Brookdale Hatchery the Department of Fish and Game lost the services of its oldest foreman in years of state service in tthe retirement of Edward Clessen on November 1, 1953. Eddie first started work at the old Sisson Hatchery, Mt. Shasta, in March, 1904, at the age of 17 and worked intermittently to 1911. Since then, with the exception of military leave during World War I from November, 1917, to March, 1919, he has worked continuously for a total of 47^ years with the Department of Fish and Game. During his early years of employment, he assisted with the construc- tion of the fish racks and spawning facilities at Fall Creek. He assisted the late George Neale in the first fish rescue operations in California and over 40 years ago was briefly assigned to the Brookdale Hatchery, from which place he retired. His early assignments included the trans- fer of catfish from the Sacramento River to Clear Lake and seasonal work on the old railroad fish distribution cars. In 1920, he was tempo- rarily placed in charge of operations at the Kaweah Hatchery, Tulare County. When a permanent hatchery was built at this location in 1928 he was promoted to foreman. In 1934 he was transferred to the Fort Seward Hatchery, Humboldt County, and when this station was aban- doned in 1942 he was placed in charge of the Brookdale Hatchery. Eddie plans to spend his retirement in the vicinity of Brookdale. His host of friends and co-workers extend their best wishes for an enjoy- able retirement. — Earl Leitritz, Supervisor of Fish Hatcheries. (80) REVIEWS How fo Fish the Pacific Coasf r.y Jvayiniiiul ( ':i iiiioii ; I.anc T'iil)lisliiii,u: Co., Mt-iilo Park, ("alif., I!!."!! ; xi -r ''>'-''~ p., liO;; ligs. $4. It is not ofirii iliat a hooU livos up to the publisher's words of praise ou the jacket but Mr. Cannon's manual does just that. The description reads aptly, "How to catch every I'acific Coast game fish — complete anf,'ling techniiiues for boat, surf, rock, breakwater, pier and dock." Six years of preparation went into this book, preceded by many years of fishing along the coast. The result is one of the best "how to fish" texts to appear in print. At last Pacific Coast fishing has a manual on a par with the better trout and black bass handbooks. Of i-eal value is the introductory section, "Fishermen's Province." Here is a readable description of the area encompassed — Vancouver, British Columbia to San Quintin. Baja California, as described by one who not only knows the coast but loves it. Following this is an account of fisheries conservation written in fishermen's language. The excellent treatment given this complex subject is recommended reading for all fishermen, sport or commercial. The ideas expressed are the author's own. but the scope of this chapter reflects his close association with the leading research and conservation workers of the Pacific Coast. Fi.shing methods are described in two ways — the general type of fishing such as piers, surf, party boats, etc., and by species of fish. Perhaps the best feature of the book is the inclusion of all types of fish and fishing. Everything from catching grunion on the beaches by hand to the mighty swordfish is given equal treatment. Too often angling books are confined to the most refined — and expensive — kinds of fishing with the driest of flies and the driest of prose. Cannon, however, speaks in everyday terms of everyman's angling. The reviewer in searching for omissions can find but the slightest of faults. The cursory treatment given to "jig" fishing with the heavy silver lures so popular from Port San Luis north was compensated for by the detailed description of the in- creasingly used stripbait technique. The section on fish identification is well done. In his laudable effort to standardize the confusion of fish names along the coast, the author consulted with numerous fishermen, ichthyologists and fisheries workers to produce a useful list that should go a long way to solve the problem. I have no hesitation in recommending Mr. Cannon's handbook to all fishermen, experienced or beginners. — Seth Gordon, Director, California Depart ment of Fish and Game. Mefhods and Principles of Sysfemaiic Zoology By Ernst Mavr, E. Gorton Linsley and Robert L. Usinger ; McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., New York, 1953 ; ix + 328 p., 45 figs. $6. Nomenclature and systematics in zoology (and botany) have long been scorned or held in awe l)y the average worker in the field of natural sciences. Most of this results from lack of understanding of the subject rather than lack of interest in it. To alleviate this situation there has long been a need for such a wurk as this present volume. The general format and skill of organization shows careful planning and preparation on the part of the three capable authors. Some of the concepts set forth here will undoubtedly be looked uix)n with a jaundiced eye but these sections are completely overshadowed by the over-all fundamentally sound reasoning and practical advice. Generally speaking the style and construction is such as to make reading almost as interesting, definitely as intriguing, and far more informative than a good his- torical novel. It should be required reading for college zoology teachers, their students and the novices and old-timers in the field who are now practicing biologists. (81) 82 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME The book is divided into three major sections : taxonomic categories and concepts, taxonomic procedure and zoological nomenclature. The first section treats broadly such subjects as taxonomy, its history and functions ; the species and infraspecific categories ; and classification and the higher categories. Perhaps the most important and helpful chapter in the entire book is, "Quantitative methods of analysis." The sections covering presentation of findings and preparation of taxonomic papers will be especially helpful to the novice (and some old-timers). An excellent summary of and commentary on the International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature is par- ticularly timely, especially as the subject is now again in a state of flux and there is no up-to-date edition of the rules. A final chapter on ethics in taxonomy should be read and reread several times a year and the philosophy expounded should become an integral part of every workers "bible." A fairly comijlete bibliography is followed by a glossary and the entire volume is well indexed. — John E. Fitch, California Department of Fish and Game. Culture and Diseases of Game Fishes By H. S. Davis ; University of California Press, Berkeley, 1953 ; x + 332 p. ; 55 figures. $5. At the 1936 meeting of the American Fisheries Society in Grand Rapids, Dr. J. E. Bost read a short paper entitled "Why is There No Text Book on Fish Culture?" In the discussion which followed, Mr. Elmer Higgins commented at length and among other things he said, "Why there is no textbook on fish culture can be an- swered briefly by saying there is no one in the United States capable of writing such a book at the present time." This may have been true in 1936, but in the following 16 years many "capable" men emerged and still there was no textbook on fish culture. I believe I can express the thought of most by saying that no one had both the background and the time to write such a book until Dr. Davis produced the work under review. Previously he had published two editions of "Care and diseases of trout," the last having appeared in 1946. Briefly, the present book is a revision of this earlier paper with some short additional sections on the propagation of salmon, grayling, pikeperch, pike, muskellunge, black bass and other centrarchids, channel catfish, minnows, and suckers. Since this book has been so long in the making and so eagerly awaited, a few remarks should be made concerning the degree to which it fills the need of all its potential readers. There are three large groups of interested people : the college students taking courses in wildlife management, the fish culturists employed by governmental agencies, and the commercial fish culturists. It is not likely that any one book will ever be written which will fill the needs of all these groups. Surely the present book does not do so. However, of the three groups which I have mentioned it seems probable that this book comes closest to meeting the requirements of the college students. There is no reason why it should not be required reading for all college students of practical fish management. I presume that every college offering courses in this field will have several copies in its library. This book is essentially an introduction to the field, not a source of basic material. It is a guide to further reading. The author cites abundant references throughout, and the bibliography contains 338 titles. Since most of these papers are cited and since the book itself contains only 307 pages of text it is needless to say that the literature has been lightly touched. The serious student will find a great many things which have not been included ; it is a tremendous field and to give thorough treat- ment to all important phases would require several times this many pages. I feel that several matters have been dealt with to an extent out of proportion to their real value while other subjects have not been included at all. It seems to me that this is the first edition of a book which should go through many editions, each new one being a step toward the "complete" source book which is badly needed. As long as the book is essentially an introduction to the field, it is in order for it to contain sections on the culture of fishes other than the salmonids but if it is to be revised, as it should be, I cannot see how it can continue to treat the culture of the so-called "warmwater fishes." These fishes and their culture should be treated in a separate book. Although Dr. Davis is as widely experienced in the field as anyone in the United States, he does not bring himself into the book with objectionable frequency. The exchange of opinion on bacterial gill disease enlivens a subject which, to all but the specialist, must seem dull. There is a minimum of technical terms except Avhere they are absolutely necessary. i;i;\ii;ws h;{ ("li;iii|('T-s •"), '.t. 1(1. 11 mill ID li;ivo no illiisl r;i I inns ulnilsorN rr .-iiid lliis si'oms unfur- lnn:ilc; I he \.ilii(' iind t lie interest of tiie hook could !»' ;;rc;itl,v increiiMMl hy the inclu- sion of many more jiood illustrations. Some of the dra\vin>,'.s iniidc- speciticall.v for it, for exaniplo. those on pase 44, are ratlier sorrowful, hut most of I lie others ar« excellent and the authoi- and the pul)lisliei' should he con)iiIimented. The whole ]irint- iiifC joh is "modern" and pleasinji. A large part of the book ( IIU pages) is devoted to diseases. Some will feel that this is out of proportion to the subject's real importance. I'erha|ts the descriptions of the diseases and their treatment could have been handled a little more conci.sely, thus ^'i\ing space foi- tlu' man.v diseases which were not mentioned at all. From the standpoint of the heginner, this subject may have been treated as thoronijhly as need be, but here again the specialist will he troubled liy thi; omission of many diseases, some quite important. The presentation of more technical subjects in the appendices is an excellent idea and should be expanded in the next edition. Tt might not be out of order to include descriptions and sketclies of fish-planting eciuipment, particularly the pickup truck with tank and aeration equipment and the airplane and its equipment for transporta- tion and planting. Some of the more recent developments in the feeding of .salnionids might be included in the appendix, and sketches of the various types of trout sorting devices could be added. Despite the fact that this book will not please everyone, the author nevertheless has written the first book on American game fish culture and he has done a good job. — Joseph H. Wales, California Departmenf of Fish and Came. printed in California state printing office 88193 10-53 5M '?M -.SS'^t STATE OF CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME COAAMISSION Notice is hereby given that the Fish and Game Commis- sion shall meet on January 8, 1954, in the State Building, San Francisco, California, to receive recommendations from its own officers and employees, from public agencies, from organizations of private citizens, and from any interested party as to what, if any, orders should be made relating to fish, mollusks, crustaceans, amphibia, reptiles, birds, and mammals or any species or variety thereof. Notice is hereby given that the Fish and Game Commis- sion shall meet on February 26, 1954, in the California State Building, Los Angeles, to hear and consider any ob- jections to its determinations and proposed orders in accord- ance with Section 14.2 of the Fish and Game Code, such determinations and orders resulting from hearing held on January 8, 1954. FISH AND GAME COMMISSION WM. J. HARP Assistant to the Commission