CAUFORNlAl FISH- GAME £ VOLUME 40 JULY, 1954 NUMBER 3 1 1 \f u ' A, ~ p ^W JS Ki^ ^^^ ii> "^^(^k^ M^^ ..iL.jmt a ^^1 California Fish and Game is a journal devoted to the conserva- tion pf wildlife. Its contents may be reproduced elsewhere pro- vided credit is given the authors and the California Department of Fish and Game. The subscription list is limited because of budgetary considera- tions. Requests can be considered only from persons who can make professional use of the material and from libraries, scientific institutions, and conservation agencies. Individuals must state their affiliation and their position. There is no charge, but subscriptions must be renewed annually by returning the postcard enclosed with each October Issue. Sub- scribers are asked to report changes in address without delay. Please direct correspondence to: Leo Shapovalov, Edifor Department of Fish and Game 926 J Street Sacramento 14, California u 0 VOLUME 40 JULY, 1954 NUMBER 3 Published Quarterly by fhe CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SACRAMENTO STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME GOODWIN J. KNIGHT Governor FISH AND GAME COMMISSION WILLIAM J. SILVA, President Modesto LEE F. PAYNE, Commissioner CARL F. WENTE, Commissioner Los Angeles San Francisco HARLEY E. KNOX, Commissioner WELDON L. OXLEY, Commissioner San Diego Redding SETH GORDON Director of Fish and Game CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Editorial Staff LEO SHAPOVALOV, Editor-in-Chief Sacramento PHIL M. ROEDEL, Editor for Marine Fisheries Terminal Island CAROL M. FERREL, Editor for Game Sacramento J. B. KIMSEY, Editor for Inland Fisheries Sacramento TABLE OF CONTENTS . Page Deer ami Forage Rolationsliip on tlic Ijassen-Washoc Interstate Winter Deer Range WiLT;TA]\r V. Dasmann ami James A. r>r,Aisi)i;i,i, •Jl.') p]ightli Progress Report on the Cooperative Study of \\\r. I)<;vils CJar(l(Mi Interstate Deer ITei'd and Its Range Intkhstate Dj:ek IIekd Committee 23') Notes on tlie Habitat of the Desert Bighorn in the San Gabriel Mountains of California Cyril S. Robinson and Fred P. Cronemiller 2(!T Native Postlarval Fishes of the Lower Colorado River Basin, With a Key to Their Identification Howard Elliott Winn and Robert Rush Miller 273 Establishment of a Forage Fish, the Red Shiner (Notropis lutren- sis), in the Lower Colorado River System Carl L. Hubbs 287 Tagging Experiments on the Yellowtail, Seriola dorsalis (Gill) Robert D. Collyer 295 Progress Report on the Tagging of White Catfish (Ictaliirus catns) in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta David E. Pelgen 313 Field Tests of Stainless Steel and Tantalum Wire With Disk Tags on Striped Bass John E. Skinner and A. J. Caliioi'x 323 A Survey of the Coast Cutthroat Trout, Salmo clarki clarki Rich- ardson, in California John W. DeWitt, Jr. 329 Salmo rosei, Not a Valid Species William A. Dill and Leo Shapovalov 337 Notes Two Mid-Pacific Recoveries of California-tagged Albacore C. E. Blunt, Jr. 339 Another Large Black Sea Bass Caught in Monterey Bay J. B. Phillips 339 Abnormal Fetal Development From a Mule Deer Arthur I. Bischoff 340 Reviews 343 (211) CHANGE OF EDITORSHIP With tliis issue, a new editor takes over the iiiiportaut task of assom- blin{>' the material on fish and r);5). A liun(li-cse classes doniinated the area of a foiir-incli eircle directly nnder the line-point. Hits on perennial grasses \\i'\-(^ limited to instances where the line-point fell above the'root crown, rather than the leafage of the plants. With browses, a hit was recorded' when the line-point fell within the average perimeter of the shrub or tree, even though the point was directly over or nnder an inter-space. Where dead browse plants or dead ]wrtions of living browses occni-red at the line-points, the hits were classified as "dead species." Other differences from the three-step method were as follows: (1) rock was (h'hned as any rock an inch or more in diameter; (2) erosion pavement was not classified separately from bare ground; (3) Avhere available browse occurred at a line-point, no record was made of the ground cover beneath it; (4) only single plots, rather than clusters, were used at each sample site in order to get a wider ground coverage. Along with the survey of ground cover, the individual browse plants hit by line-points were classed as to form and age. The age classes used Avere seedlings, young plants, mature plants, and decadent plants. Shrubs of which 25 percent or more of the crown was dead ^vere classi- fied as decadent. Form classes, as defined in these surveys, were a com- posite of degree of hedging and of availability of forage. Degree of hedging was broken down into (1) not hedged or lightly hedged (2) moderately hedged, or (3) heavily hedged. Browses were classTfied for availability as (1) all available, (2) partly available, (3) mostlv una- vailable, or (4) unavailable. These classifications were more fully de- scribed by Dasmann (1951) and Parker (1953). In the Lassen-AVashoe investigation, it ^vas an objective to classifv at least three of each of the more heavily utilized browse species for age and form at each plot site. Where at least three were not hit by Ime-pomts, but representatives w^ere present on the area adjacent to the plot, the quota was filled by inclusion of bushes closest to the tape. The line-point method is designed to yield data representative of frequency and hence percentage of cover. Because observations are limited to a series of points along a line, the probabilitv of hittincr small plants is somewhat less than that for large plants, even though all sizes are equally present on an area. Hence the method used on t?ie Lassen- Washoe range to obtain data on form and age classes yielded findings which are valid as indices of frequency of occurrence' of the various classes of shrubs encountered on the plots, but are not neces- sarily representative of actual age and form class composition of the browse stand. 218 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Utilization Surveys The visual estimate method was used for checking utilization of browses and farbs, except that the twig measurement method was used on juni]ipr {Junipcnis Occident alls). Visual estimates of percentage cropping of browses were calculated as a result of a consideration of (1) unbrowsed leader lengths, (2) browsed leader lengths, and (3) the proportion of the leaders which was browsed. A record was kept of all unbrowsed leader length estimates. These were averaged each fall and used as an index of the year's growth. These methods are described by Hormay (1943), Aldous (1945), Dasmann (1947; 1951), and others. Tile lieight-weight method was used for estimating the percentage utili- zatit)u of perennial grasses (Lomasson and Jensen, 1942). Utilization checks were made in October and April of each growth year. Pellet Counts Pellet group counts were made at the sites on which forage plots were established. Pellet sample plots were 11 chains long by 6 feet wide, giving an area coverage of one-tenth acre. Plots were defined by pacing five chains out, one chain across, and five chains back. Only droppings of the season were counted. These were distinguished from those of previous years by color and shine. Unless more than half the droppings in a group occurred on the plot, the group was not tallied. A more de- tailed description of the method will be found in the Devils Garden Interstate Deer Herd Committee progress report (Interstate Deer Herd Committee, 1951). Deer Herd Composition Deer herd composition was based on careful counts made (1) during the rutting season, in late November and December, and (2) at the end of the \vinter period, in April. During the first count, the animals were classified as bucks, does, or faAvns. At the time of the spring count, the deer were classed as adults or fawns, since at this season bucks are difficult to distinguish from does, because they lack antlers. For com- parative purposes, it was assumed that the proportion of bucks to does in tlie spring was the same as that found the previous fall. The adult: fawn raticjs were converted to doe : fawn ratios, by use of fall per- centages. No groups of deer were included in the tally unless every iiidix idiKil in the group was classified. Counts were made with binoc- ulars to I'cdufo the possibility of raisclassification. TRAINING In training men to estimate forage utilization, initial practice con- sisted of manual measurements of leader lengths, actual counts of cropped and uncropped leaders, and paper calculations of percentage cropping. After the crew members became familiar with the basic procedure, and proficient at estimating twig lengths, straight visual estimation was substituted. Training continued until the individual range examiner's average for practice runs of 10 shrubs fell within a range of the crew average plus or minus 10 percentage points, i.e., 45 ± 10 percentage utilization. Tlie range investigations did not aim at procurement of exact data, as might be gained from precise manual measurements or other time LASSKN-vvAsiKti; i)i':i;i; iii;i;i) 1^1 !J c'oiisiimilljif tecliiii(|ii('S. U'atlicf, only iiii'thods which jippr;! ti'd |ir;ii-1 iral for ^(MUM'al iis(! by field pci'sonticl wdv, developed and ein|)loyed. l''ind- in^-s \vei'(> compiled as arithinetieal averaj^es, and such arc; used thr()u^'li- oul. this paper. Some statistical averages, toj^-ettier with confidence limits, are given in Table ^'^ to allow comparison. FINDINGS IMost of the data presented in this section have Ix'cn i-epocted by IMaisdell (l!);");}) and part of them have been reported by Lassen et al. (1952). The findin'e(l hittcrhnisli is eoiisidcrcd damaging to sustained maxiniuiii prodnctiort of browse forage. Pellet Counts The amount of deer duuu on an area may be nsed as an indicator of total deer pressure on range forage. A eount of deer pellet groups on ])lots scattered throughout the Lassen-AVashoe range yielded averages which rellect the nvnnber of deer on the ai-ea each year nndti|)lied by their leugth of stay. These averages may be used dii'eclly as an index of intensity of range use by deer. The averages for the four winters under consideration were as follows : 1!J4'J-.jU 2G1 f^roups per acre 1950-51 276 groups per acre 1951-52 4.38 groups per acre 1952-53 236 groups per acre The highest pressure occurred during the winter of 1951-52, when record snowfalls drove in deer from marginal ranges and confined them on the study area for a protracted period. The lowest pressure occurred during the relatively mild, open winter of 1952-58, when the deer herd, which had been reduced by the die-off of the previous year, remained scattered on the range. TABLE 3 Bitterbrush Form Class Index Class All available, little or no hedging All available, moderately hedged All available, heavily hedged Partly available, little or no hedging Partly available, moderately hedged. Partly available, heavily hedged Mostly unavailable Unavailable Percentage of total plants classified Lassen- Washoe Devil's Garden 4.8 11.7 12.3 53.9 74.9 30.3 0.6 0.6 2.1 2.8 3.9 0.4 1.3 0.0 0.0 0.3 222 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Forage Utilization Forage utilization data are summarized in Table 4. During the first year's survey, all perennial plants hit by line-points, plus the off-line shrubs included in the age and form class survey, v^ere checked for per- centage cropping. Starting the second year, the number of plant species checked for utilization was reduced to the six, and the following year to the four, most important browses. In addition, twig measurements have been taken on juniper. To date, the amount of juniper browse taken on this range has been negligible. A few trees show heavy use; the balance, little or none. The volume of juniper browse found in sample deer stomachs collected from this range has been low (Lassen et al., 1952). Relatively few deer remain on the Lassen-Washoe winter deer range during the summer months. Hence, the utilization data secured in the fall can be assigned principally to livestock and rodents. While it is the practice of the ranchers to feed hay and concentrates to livestock during the winter, some livestock do feed on the range between October and April, and particularly so during mild winters. In the spring of 1951, the data on browse utilization from areas on which no livestock were reportedly present during the preceding winter were compiled separatelj^ It was found that browsing was actually heavier on the livestock-free areas than on the rest of the range, as shown in Table 5. These findings were considered a strong indication that deer and rodents are primarily responsible for browse utilization on the Lassen- Washoe area during the winter period. The utilization data secured in April constitute the total taken by livestock, deer, and rodents. By subtracting the fall averages from the totals obtained in the spring, the balances are considered representative of the fraction taken principally by deer. The utilization data given in Table 6 have been compiled on this basis. It will be seen at once that bitterbrush is by far the most heavily cropped browse on the winter range, both by livestock during the sum- mer period and by deer during the winter. The amount of bitterbrush forage taken by rodents is negligible. Rodents appear to take a con- siderable fraction of hopsage (Grayia spinosa) and significant amounts of rabbitbrush and horsebrush. Utilization of bitterbrush by livestock has averaged 24 percent of the current leader growth during the four -year investigation, while that by deer has averaged 85 percent. Plots on which percentage crop- ping of bitterbrush averages 60 percent or greater are considered as over-browsed. The degree to which each class of animal is responsible for over-browsing of bitterbrush is shown in Table 7. It will be seen that relatively few plots (11 percent) show heavy utilization as a result of summer livestock browsing as compared to the percentage of plots (54 percent) which show this condition after winter browsing by deer. Growth Indices As stated earlier, records were made of the estimated lengths of un- browsed bitterbrush leaders on each shrub checked during fall forage surveys. These leader lengths were averaged to make an index of the amount of forage produced during the year in question. Such indices LASSEN-WAsiioi; 1)i:i;k iii;i;i) oo;{ H ! or cc «o w CO o> -r c^ — O Q CO oJ 09 CO oo O CO CO o OH- — — CO 00 o" CO bo .a OS lO -*« 00 ~ ~ (N CD « O O t^ 00 »c fe •-< CO o o <0 Oi O CO CO «3 CO O O QS 00' t^ O CD t^ CO 2C C^ I — ~ ~ "^ iM 1 CO lO 00 OS OO CO H !>. ot- CD -r o r^ lO -r (M CO CD C^ CO Oi lO ^ CM tf QC CSI ; Cl CTS 00 1 O o ; — CO OS • J Oi CO CO »o ^ I-* t^ -rf* o ^ § C-1 z: lo lO c Ci IC (M -^ »0 CO -^ CO »o t^ II E- CO iC cq CD 00 -^ r^ o <>. ^ Oi CD CO CD CO « • o * * III Mill J * * "5 CK» M r^ 1 1 1 (M CI — OO •rr 1 1 > t^ t^ to o o CJ flJ ■" ft* o M 3 > fe =« £ 8 CM05"^lO^-CO^-— ■ CO -J CL S -' Kni^ ra-O ^ i_ t-(n , CQ Si a M CO II 224 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 5 Utilization on Livestock-free Areas Compared With Entire Range Percent utilization Bitterbrush No livestock Entire range Sagebrush No livestock Entire range Fall survey, 1950. _ Spring survey, 1951 Number of plots 24 60 17 28 62 91 1 22 35 2 13 87 can be used to throw light on year-to-year fluctuations in percentage utilization. It is important in management to know whether fluctuations in percentage cropping arise from variations in forage production or from changing animal numbers. The average bitterbrush leader lengths for the four growth years under consideration were as follows : 3.4 inches in 1949-50 3.1 inches in 1950-51 5.1 inches in 1951-52 3.5 inches in 1952-53 Forage production during the growing season of 1951 was about 54 percent greater than the average for the other three years studied. TABLE 6 Utilization of Browses by Deer and Livestock Percentage utilization Livestock Deer Total . Livestock Deer Total* 1!)4!)-.50 --- 25 28 18 24 Bitterbrush 42 34 39 25 67 62 58 49 2 1 T 1 Sagebrush 10 8 10 3 13 1950-51 . . - 13 1951-52 13 19.52-53 4 Average - 24 35 59 1 8 11 1949-50 19.50-51 1951-52 - 8 3 2 Rabbitbrush 3 1 1 13 13 11 5 5 2 Horsebrush 10 2 4 19 12 11 19.52-53 -- -- -- -- -- * Includes rodent use. i.ASSKN-vvAsiior; i)i:i;it iii:i;i) TABLE 7 Distribution of Bitterbrush Ulili/ation Percentage of total plots in each class rcroi'iitiiKc ulili/iitiiiii Fall BprinK Classes 1949 1950 1951 1952 Aver- HKC 1950 1951 1952 1953 Av.r- 0-19.9 50 30 16 4 48 23 11 18 0)3 21 9 7 50 21 9 14 54 24 11 11 1 10 22 67 3 10 23 64 5 11 32 52 7 25 35 33 4 2()-:?9.9 . . 14 t()-r)9 9 28 (iO i)lus 54 Fawn Production and Survival The most striking revelation oL' llic deer herd stndies on the liiisscn- Washoe winter range was tlie heavy loss of fawns tliat occurred during some winters, after the fall herd composition counts had been made. The data presented in Table 8 serve to stress the importance of s|)i'iiig composition counts where information on survival is neech'd. In inter- preting tliese count ratios, it should be remembered that actual fawn k)sses were somewhat greater than the ratios indicate, because the num- l)er of does on the range did not remain constant. Each winter there is a loss of older animals as well as fa\\ us on the Lassen-Washoe range. On the other hand, the effect of winter mortality on the following year's doe : fawn ratio must also be considered. A heavy loss of fawns (potential yearlings) one winter will tend to make the succeeding fall fawn ratio higher than normal, and vice versa. The low survival after the winters of 1949-50 (12 per 100 does) and 1951-52 (29 per 100 does) are especially significant. ANALYSIS OF FINDINGS Forage Utilization: Fawn Survival Because of tlie poorer quality of browse stems, as compared with tips, and because expenditure of energy per unit of food is increased where browsing is limited mostly to woody stems, it can be assmned that deer nutrition declines when these animals are forced to feed from TABLE 8 Deer Herd Production Data — Number per 100 Does Fall Spring Year Bucks Fawns Number in sample Fawns Number in sample 1949-50 13 17 11 15 62 49 64 65 764 831 1152 1239 12 48 29 64 193 19.TO-51 600 (Appr.) 575 1951-52 . 1952-53 . . 600 (Appr.) 226 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME heavily browsed shrubs. But with animals in the wild there is always question about the food values of various plant species, actual carrying- capacity levels, and relation of animal mortality to levels of browsing intensity. In order to learn if a consistent relation exists between deer browsing intensity and fawn survival on the Lassen-Washoe winter range, the forage utilization data and fawn survival data were analyzed as shown in Table 9. Here the spring doe : fawn ratios are compared with (1) total utilization of each of the four principal browse species, and (2) with utilization by deer. It will be seen that there is a general correla- tion between survival and utilization for all four browses, and for both total use and use by deer alone, and that a close correlation appears between survival and bitterbrush utilization bj^ deer. This relationship is plotted in Figure 2. Whether the survival ratio of 48 fawns per 100 does in the spring of 1951 and that of 64 per 100 does in the spring of 1953 might have been greater had a higher ratio of fawns been pres- ent the previous fall, will have to be determined from future findings. TABLE 9 Fawn Survival: Browse Utilization Relationship Year Fawns per 100 does Bitterbrush Sagebrush Rabbitbrush Horsebrush Total use (livestock, deer, rodents) 1949-50 . . 12 29 48 64 12 29 48 64 67 58 62 49 42 39 34 25 13 13 13 4 10 10 8 3 13 11 13 5 3 1 1 3 19 1951-52 11 1950-51 1952-53 12 2 Winter use (princi- pally by deer) 1949-50 10 1951-52. _ . . . 4 1950-51 2 1952-53 0 Food habit studies of deer on the Lassen-Washoe range (Lassen et al., 1952) have revealed a decreasing volume of bitterbrush forage in the deer diet from October through January, with low volumes in February and March. This is accompanied by a build-up in the volume of sage- brush and herbaceous forage. A similar deer diet pattern was found on the Devils Garden winter deer range (Interstate Deer Herd Committee, 1951), where the volume dropped sharply in March and was marked by an increase in juniper browse and herbaceous foods. Although there appears to be a loss of fawns throughout the winter, rather heavy losses occur toward the end of an adverse season (Lassen et al., 1952), after the animals have shifted from a diet which contains significant volumes of bitterbrush to one in which sagebrush and herbaceous forages pre- dominate. It may be that an adequate diet of bitterbrush during the fore part of the winter helps to project some favorable bodj^ condition long LASSEN-WARTTOE DEER HERD 227 70 (l , 1952-53 \ \ \ \ \ \ 950-51 \ \ \ O 1 \ 951-52 \ \ 1949-50 60 50 i4& a. If) < 3.4 3.5 1949-50 1951-52 1950-51 1952-53 YEARS FIGURE 3. Utilization of average bitterbrush leaders. LASSKN-WASiioi': i)i:i:it iii:i;i) 0')r) V(';ii' period. I)iiriiii;' udod '.^rowlli ycjii's |)crcriit;i;^i' lit ili/.iit ion Ity live- stock fi'oos down wliih' dniinii' poor lii'owlli years if j,'oes ii|); liowevor, Hie \()lnine r.\' food t;dy dri^v (42 prrcrnl ) i-cconlcd in the study. It may l)r, as sn,L;,i!('s1('(l hy Lassen el al. i II».'>l!), tliat tlie sliort- a^'e of jii-eeii lici-haceons Feed dniinu llial dry, cold winter loreed deer to hroAVSO bilterhrnsh liea\ ier I han would he expeeled Troni lie- pressure index I'elationsliips. Relation of Bitterbrush Utilization to Succeeding Fawning Success In order to deteriniiie if a relationship exists between winter hitter- bmsh utilization and the sneeess of the suceeedinfr season's t'awniiif; (as indit'ated by fall tloe : fawn ratios), the data wei-e assembled as shown in Table 12. It was found that an apparent relation existed, althongh in this instance there appears to be a somewhat better corre- lation with total perepnta<.':e utilization than with utilization by deer alone. The relation of fawn success to total bitterbrush croi)piii<^ is shown in Figure 5. This appears to strengthen the evidence that after a winter of nutritional deficiency (as evidenced by their need to crop bitter})rush heavily) deer are less successful in fawning than where the opposite is true. Here again the importance of maintaining proper balance between deer numbers and forage supply becomes evident. TABLE 12 Relation of Bitterbrusli Utilization to Success of Succeeding Season's Fawning Year Percentage bitterbrush utilization Fawns per 100 does By deer Total Year Fall ratio 1949-50 - 42 34 39 25 67 62 57 49 1950-51. 1951-52. 1952-53 . 1953-54. 49 1950-51 64 1951-52 65 1952-53 77 Unfortunately, it is not possible at this time to check the findings of the four-year study against data from other similar deer ranges in this State. There is a lack of spring fawn survival data from other areas. Survival records for the past two years only are at hand from four other deer range studies. But on all of these ranges, deer were forced out of bitterbrush zones by heavy snows during the winter of 1951-52 and had to subsist for much of the time on marginal areas. As a consequence, fawn survival in these herds was low and out of all proportion to that which would be indicated by percentage bitterbrush utilization. It is highly desirable that the findings of the Lassen-Washoe study be checked against data from other similar deer ranges. CONCLUSIONS The findings of this four-year study indicate a strong correlation between fawn survival and percentage utilization of bitterbrush leader growth by deer on the Lassen-Washoe winter range. The relationships found here give support to the belief that bitterbrush can serve as an indicator species in management of the deer herd. The studies make 232 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 13 Statistical Data on Bitterbrush (Statistical Means at the 5 Percent Level) Year Number of plots Number of plants Percentage utilization Fall Spring 1949-50 67 92 114 124 181 272 361 419 25.4±4.2 26.6±5.6 17.8±3.6 22.6±4.3 67. 4 ±4.0 1950-51 . .. .. 64 . 1 ±4 . 2 1951-52 57 . 6 ±3 . 4 1952-53 48 . 1 ±3 . 9 Percentage of ground covered by living bitterbrush: 2.75 + 0.36. it appear that, under the existing demand for bitterbrush by livestock, a moderate decline in fawn survival may be expected where the crop- ping of bitterbrush leader growth by deer exceeds 25 percent, and a steep decline where it exceeds 34 percent. Were livestock demand changed, this percentage relationship, no doubt, would shift. It would appear, under existing conditions, that deer browsing should not be much above the 25 percent bitterbrush utilization level for good sur- "zz pn. Li- ^ 953-54 en LU O r\ 70. O O or UJ \.I952- 53 • 1951- 52 Q_ bU' \ Z < Ll N \ \l950-5l OU N 0-^ 40 45 50 55 60 65 PERCENTAGE CROPPING OF BITTERBRUSH 70 FIGURE 5. Relation of percentage bitterbrush utilization to following season's fawn success. LASSi'iN-WAsiioi: I)i;i:k iii:i;i) 233 vi\;il (»r llir I'jlWIls of the ye;!!' ;iii(| "jdod success (tf rawilillj.' rllirilltr the succeeding' sejisoii. Tlie ^■('iierally coiisishMit roljitiniisliips roiiiid in lliis study imlicjitn llud Hie snr\-ey inclliods used can j)i'(»vide dala wldcli arc aili'ijiiaie lor deiT iiianagoinent imrposos. SUMMARY 1. A ran^c investigation lias been in |)rof;T('Ss foe four yoars in con- juiu'tion witli Kocky IMountain mule deer (O. Ii . Iicniioiiiis) lierd studies on the Ijassen-Waslioe interstate winter deer ranire. The study is under llic direction ol' the Lassen- Washoe deer herd study comniitteo. 2. A firound cover inventory, made "witli line-point plots, reveals that veji'etation available to deer and livestock covers IV2.1 percent of the ground surface. Browses cover 20.1 percent of the f?round sur- rac(\ Sagebrush is the most abundant browse, followed by bitter- brush, rabbitbrush, desert peach, horsebrush, and juniper. 3. An age class index compiled from range plot data indicates that there is little replacement by bitterbrush reproduction of the dead and dying' browses on the range. Over 43 percent of the bitter- brush shrubs checked were classified as decadent. 4. The form class index shows that 78.8 percent of the bitterbrusii plants checked were classed as heavily hedged, as a result of past overbrowsing. 5. Deer pellet group counts ranged from 236 groups per acre during the winter of 1952-53 to 438 groups per acre during the winter of 1951-52. 6. Forage utilization studies reveal that bitterbrush is by far the most heavily cropped browse on the wintei* range. T^se by deer, livestock, and rodents has ranged from an average of G7 percent in 1949-50 to 49 percent in 1952-53. 7. The volume of bitterbrush growth produced has varied from year to year, as indicated by average leader lengths. The length of average bitterbrush leaders ranged from 3.1 inches in 1950-51 to 5.1 inches in 1951-52. 8. There has been extreme variation in fawn survival, as shown by spring com])ositi()u counts. Fawns ]ier 100 does in April have rangetl from 12 in 1949-50 to 64 in 1952-53. 9. Analysis of the various range data, together willi the fawn survival figures, reveals a strong relationship between percentage utiliza- tion of bitterbrush by deer and fawn survival. 10. The volume of bitterbrush forage taken by livestock appears to have been constant over the last four years, although percentage utilization shows considerable variation. The et¥ect of the impact of livestock use on fawn survival appears to have renuiined constant during the study. The volume of bitterbrush forage taken by deer shows considerable variation from vear to year. 234 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 11. The data indicate that bitterbrush consumption rose and fell, and fawn survival went up and down, with total range pressure by deer (as reflected by pellet groups per acre) except during the winter of 1949-50. In that year, fawn survival was extremely low and bitterbrush utilization extremely high, and both of them out of all proportion to total deer pressure. 12. A relationship appears to exist between intensity of bitterbrush cropping and the success of the succeeding season's fawning, as reflected in fall doe: fawn ratios. 13. The study has provided support for the belief that bitterbrush is an indicator species of value in deer management on the Lassen- Washoe range. 14. It is planned to check the validity of these findings against data from similar ranges. Meanwhile, they can stand as an example of how range data maj- be used to guide deer management. The findings indicate that the survival of the fawns of the year and the success of the following season's fawning are dependent upon the deer not browsing much above the 25 percent bitterbrush utilization level. This is true under the existing level of livestock pressure on the Lassen- Washoe range. LITERATURE CITED Aldous, C. M. 1945. A winter study of mule deer in Nevada, Jour. Wildlife Mangt., vol. 9, no. 2, p. 145-151. Blaisdell, James A. 1953. A progress report on the Doyle Deer Herd. West. Assoc. St. Game and Fish Comm., 33d Ann. Conf., Proc. (In press.) Dasmann, William P. 1947. A critical review of range survey methods and their application to deer range management. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 34, no. 4, p. 189-207. 1951. Some deer range survey methods. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 37, no. 1, p. 43-52. Hormay, A. L. 1943. A method for estimating grazing use of bitterbrush. Calif. Forest and Range Expt. Sta., Research Note no. 35, 4 p. Interstate Deer Herd Committee 1951. The Devils Garden deer herd. Fifth progress report of the interstate deer herd and its range, including a summation of work to date. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 37, no. 3, p. 233-272. Lassen, R. W., C. M. Ferrel, and Howard Leach 1952. Food habits, productivity and condition of the Doyle mule deer herd. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 38, no. 2, p. 211-224. Ijomasson, T., and Chandler .lensen 1942. Determining the utilization of range grasses from height-weight tables. U. S. Forest Serv., Northern Region, 9 p. (Mimeo.) Parker, Kenneth W. 1942. A method for estimating grazing use in mixed grass types. Southwest For- est and Range Expt. Sta., Research Note no. 35, 5 p. (Mimeo.) 1951. A method for measuring trend in range condition on national forest ranges. U. S. Forest Serv., 26 p. (Mimeo.) 1953. Instructions for measurement and observation of vigor composition and browse. U. S. Forest Serv., 9 p. (Mimeo.) EIGHTH PROGRESS REPORT ON THE COOPERATIVE STUDY OF THE DEVILS GARDEN INTERSTATE DEER HERD AND ITS RANGE' INTERSTATE DEER HERD COMMITTEE INTRODUCTION The Interstate Deer Herd Committee was organized in 11)45 to study tlie Roeky Mountain mnle deer (Odocoileus hemionus hemionus) \)V(>h- lem on the Devils Garden winter deer range in Modoc County, (Cali- fornia, and to attempt to draw up a plan for management. The com- mittee is composed of members of the Oregon Game Commission, tlie U. S. Forest Service (Regions V and VI), and the California Depart- ment of Fish and Game. Representatives of organized sportsmen and of livestock growers' associations are invited to committee meetings to act in an advisory capacity. This is the first instance of such a coopera- tive venture in California to study a deer herd and its range. This pilot study has helped in developing deer and range survey technifpies and mauagement practices that have later been used successfully in otlicT- parts of the State. During the past eight years, the committee has fostered the following investigations: (1) deer herd collections to determine general condition, disease, parasites, productivity, and food habits; (2) road kill collec- tions for the same purpose; (3) trapping and marking; (-1) predator control; (5) wild horse removal; (6) livestock use reduction; (7) ant- lerless deer removals; (8) salting experiments; (9) deer herd composi- tion counts; (10) trials of census methods; (11) carcass counts; (12) annual forage utilization checks; (13) range trend inventories; (14) range reseeding; (15) habitat improvement work; and (16) range revegetation studies. Throughout the investigation, numerous problems have arisen which have resulted in a change of the methods used to gather the information needed for management. For instance, when forage plots were first installed, an attempt was made to get a coverage of the entire winter range. This forage utilization study revealed that deer browsing was heaviest on areas where winter concentrations occurred and that forage use was relatively light on areas principally used during migration. This changed the concept of management from one embracing an exten- sive range to one of primary concern with a key area on which the deer tend to concentrate during the winter months. It was premised that if the better deer forages could be maintained on the key area, where cropping is ordinarily heaviest, the rest of the range would logically take care of itself. The key management area omliracos the range on 1 Submitted for pubUcation December, 1953. Special acknowledgment is made of the work of Trevenen ^Vright of the California Department of Fish and Game, who did a large share of the compilation of this report. (235 ) 236 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME wbit'li deer use is concentrated during mid-winter and on which an adequate supply of forage is vital to maintenance of the deer herd. FIRE HISTORY Fires in the Great Basin area are generally deterimental to deer browse species, because most of these shrubs do not sprout after burn- ing. Fire usually results in destruction of browse, and their replace- ment by annuals, such as cheat grass (Bromus tectorum). This results in an increase in the fire hazard ; a vicious circle, since dry cheat grass is more combustible and carries tire more quickly than will the native perennials. Cheat grass also oifers stiff competition for living space to the more desirable forage species. One of the problems on the winter range of the Devils Garden inter- state deer herd is the destruction of valuable browse stands by the several large fires which have occurred since 1936. The location of these fires is shown in Figure 1. The most recent extensive burn, the ]\rears fire, occurred in 1951. This fire covered nearly 27,000 acres in the heart of the winter range. Nearly one-fifth of the key management area was burned, including extensive stands of bitterbrush {PursMa tridentata) , an important winter deer browse. LEGEND - FIRES lOOO ACRES OR MORE 1936-1952. E?73 1936 CORNELl, 2.1,090 «CAES 1^ 1945 - OAMOW BOTTE. nmH 1938- MospiT(»i. ROCK LW« BEOS itos? ESI 1 946 -twin sisters BE] I940 • BRyANT MT. 1,019 ESS] (948- Muo \j\ke ^a 1941 •MAHhWTH.BARNTOP 97,760 ^3 l950- MftHMCfTH.PuMia Mia, PlUMRlME 23,760 l9M -TWIM VOTERS, MtDOWe 1.7,695 ES 1951 -MEMRS, MOWITZ FIGURE 1. Fire history map. Devils Garden winter deer range. 12, no 5,882 1,016 Z(>,S58 'iiii; i>i:\ii,s (;ai;|)|;\ I)i;i;i; iii';ui) 237 SIZE OF THE DEER HERD Track Count A It ll()iii;li wii'ioiis ((•(■liiii(|ii('s ;iii(l iiicIIkmIs Ii;i\c hccii used lo dctiT- iiiiiic llic size of llic (l('('i- |)(i|iiil;il ion which wiiilcrs on tin- Devils (inv- den I'Jiii^c ( I iilci-slatc Dcci- llci-d ( '(uninil tec. If).")! ), iimir Ii;i\c |)fov('(l as sfitisffictory ;is Ilic st;i1c line livick coiiiit. This tr;ick ('(111111 has been eai'i-icd oil each spring' I'oi- llic past seven yeafs. (hily \\\r intcrstato lierd which inii;ratcs I'rom Calirornia into ()re^'on is in\entoried by the ti'aek count. This count does not account t'oi' the deer which ini;zratf3 I'roin the Devils (iarden area to sunniier ian;^es in ( "alifornia. The popu- hition li,mii-es obtained IVom this count ace therefore considei'ed con- servative. Early in the s])ring', when observations indieate the deer herd is iniM&E(. DRive. Teep COOM-VER. ir4 &ACH rtftfjo SPl?ti>»<5--tooTH KftRROui TRACK COUNT METHOD USED TO COUNT INTERSTATE DEER. "THcvr MIGRATE BACK TO OREijON PROt-\ Cf^UFORNIA EACH SPRING. NORTH AND SOUTHBOUND TRACKS ARE COUNTED EACH Dfly. Southbound TRACKS are: 5ueTRACTE.D FROM NORTH'BOUND FOR THE, TOTAL NORTH. FIGURE 2. Track count procedure. THE DKVir.S fl.\KI)F:.N' DKKIt ni:i{|) »»'*f {'» 1950-51 1951-52 I95i-M LEGEND □ 0-10 DEER DAYS PER ftCRE MORE. THAN 10 DEER OftVS PER ACRE MORE TMAN 30 DEER DAYS PER ACRE ""-. BOUNDARY OF Kty .-.^' MANA6EME.NT AREA FIGURE 3. Deer concentration areas according to pellet count data. Figure 3 delineates the portion of the -winter raii^e on ^vhi^.'h deer were most concentrated during- three winters (1950-51, 1951-52, 1952- 53), as shown by abundance of pellet groups. Table 3 shows average pellet group counts and deer days use per acre for the three winters on the management area. 240 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 2 State Line Track Count, by Weekly Periods Year April 5-11 April 12-18 April 19-25 April- May 26-2 May 3-9 May 10-16 May 17-23 May 24-30 May- June 31-6 1Qd7 2,566 4,560 94 3,030 577 5,808 2,329 4,134 1,551 2,893 670 730 3,614 4,574 888 3,316 1,411 1948 3,241 3,323 1,300 95 3,394 2,492 3,616 902 2,482 606 1,711 428 754 364 800 136 143 653 1949 1950 970 6,226 801 5,485 364 1,104 1951 1952 211 1953 *2,954 176 * Tracks counted February 17th to April 11th, Inclusive. THE COMPOSITION OF THE DEER HERD During the winter of 1952-53, the composition count of animals in the Interstate and Glass Mountain deer herds was made from the middle of November to the end of December. Similar methods of classification were used as in past years (Interstate Deer Herd Com- mittee, 1951). For classification purposes the western limit of the Inter- state deer range is arbitrarily set at the Great Northern Railroad track. There is some intermingling of Interstate and Glass Mountain deer along this line. Table 4 gives the herd percentages for the past ten winters of the study. As seen in Table 4, the percentage of fawns in the herd in 1953 is down from previous years but is still high, considering the heavy die-off during the preceding winter. This may be due in part to the decreased number of yearling (non-bearing) does in the count, resulting from deer loss as fawns the previous winter. Table 5 shows the buck-doe and fawn-doe ratios for the past ten years of the study. The number of bucks per 100 does has remained relatively low in the Interstate herd, because of heavy hunting pressure and because of the vulnerability of the deer, due to the openness of the country. Ap- parently the incidence of pregnancy has remained satisfactory in spite of the wide ratio, as evidenced bj^ the doe-fawn ratio, which has re- mained as high as in most other herds in California. TABLE 3 Average Pellet Groups Per Plot and Deer Days Use Year Average groups per plot Deer-days per acre 1950-51 30.9 22.1 13.2 24.3 1951-52 1.-. . 17.4 1952-53 -- --- . - - - .- 10 4 Till'; i)i;vii-s (iAKi)i;.\ i)i;i;i{ iiiikd TABLE 4 Herd Percentages for Past 10 Years of Study I'll Year Bucks Does Fawns No. deer • ..^c^...> -s 1913-44 -._ ..1 g 8 6 9 8 5 8 10 7 7 03 55 01 57 59 59 47 51 52 GO 28 37 33 34 33 44 45 39 41 33 5,980 3,(K)7 1 f>90 1944-45 1945-40 1 94G-47 1 003 1947-48. ... . . 1 7 '10 1 948-49 - ■'97 1949-50 . . 1 ,835 1,5(h» l,Ofil 1.019 1 950-51 1951-52 1952-53 - Table (5 sliows the aiitlei- jioiiil classes of the buek-s classified dui-iii",' tiie past several years. It can be noted from Table 6 that the percentage of spike Ixieks has been increasing gradually each year, with only two exceptions. Tin- 1952-5.3 decline can be explained by the winter die-off which took a lu'avy toll of fawns in 1951-52. On deer ranges in good condition, the liocky ^Mountain mule deer reportedly is a forked horn the first year. TABLE 5 Buck-Doe and Fawn-Doe Ratios Year Bucks per 100 does Fawns per 100 does 1943-44 .. 14 15 10 16 14 10 17 19 13 12 45 1944-45.. .... .. . . .. 67 1945-46 54 1946-47 . 61 1947-48 ... - ... .. .. .. .. ... 56 1948-49 85 1949-50 94 1950-51 ... .. ... .. .. 77 1951-52 77 1952-53 55 TABLE 6 Antler Point Classes, by Percentage Number^^of points Number of Year 1 2 3 4 Over 4 bucks classified 1943-44 . . 5 9 8 10 19 25 29 36 36 21 30 28 26 25 40 31 42 31 26 32 30 25 26 22 17 19 12 20 19 24 28 34 38 30 18 12.5 14 9 16 17 7 4 2 13 6 12.5 3 4 3 6 515 1944.45 _ _ 240 1945-46 . - 109 1946-47 144 1947-48 - . . .. 141 1948-49 .... 16 1949-50 1.54 1950-51 1951-52- _-.... . 154 73 1952-53 .- . 71 -97014 242 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Antler growth seems definitely correlated with good nutrition. The increase in spikes on the Interstate winter range may be due directly to a deterioration of rans-e conditions. ■^o^ WINTER MORTALITY The winter of 1951-52 was a deep snow winter and the conditions caused a heaw toll of deer on most of the poorer winter ranges in northeastern California. One of the heaviest hit herds was that on the Devils Garden. The calculated loss of this herd was approximately 32 percent. The first indication of an impending winter loss was the general con- dition of deer seen the last of December. It was noted that instead of "kegging up" during storms, the animals were feeding right through the clay. Deer began invading the Tulelake Homesteads for the first time, feeding from haystacks and new alfalfa seedings. Nine deer, killed on the railroad tracks January 28 near Perez, were all in poor condition. A trip was made in the vicinity of Dead Horse Canyon January 31. A total of 536 deer was seen and approximately 20 per- cent of them were in extremely poor condition. One dead fawn was found. The snow depth level in the die-off area never exceeded two feet, and was generally considerably less. During the first part of February the weather was clear and mild and this encouraged the growth of grass. The deer started feeding on this grass out in the flats. Snow storms occurred immediately afterwards and continued through the following month. As a consequence, the deer moved back to the juniper thickets and protective rims, where most of the carcasses were later found. Sportsmen's Feeding Sportsmen in Tulelake, California, hearing reports about dead deer (which were plainly visible from State Highway 139), became alarmed. On February 23, these sportsmen took six tons of feed and salt out to the deer. The feed consisted of cottonseed cake and range pellets (40 percent protein). The deer used the feed but not much of the salt. Whether this feeding resulted in the saving of deer was not determined. There were many carcasses in the vicinity of the feeding stations, but these animals could have died prior to provision of feed. The peak of the die-off occurred in the middle of Februaiy, before feeding commenced. Stomach Contents A collection of 110 stomachs from winter-killed deer was taken to the department's Food Habits Laboratory and the stomach contents analyzed. Table 7 shows stomach analysis of 55 deer collected in the Casuse IMountain locality and Table 8 shows the analysis of 44 stomachs taken in the Sagehorn vicinity. It should be stressed that the tables indicate the diet of deer which were not able to withstand the winter. The stomachs of all deer, with the exception of two fawns, were full. Although even in mild winters some juniper is utilized, it is apparent from the tables that a diet heavy in juniper will not maintain these animals under conditions similar to those of the winter of 1951-52. THE DKVILS OAKDEN DKKU m;KI) •_'i:{ TABLE 7 Food Items Eaten by 55 Winterkilled Deer Near Casuse Mountain ColllIllOIl IliUllO Volume perri'nt Frr'f|tiirncy of occiirronro in percent Browso Juniper . . SaKohrush _ _ Rabbitbiush_ Bitterbrush . _ Total browse Forbs Rock lichen Tumbling mustard- Moss Filaree Forbs spp. (dry stems) . Total forbs- Grass Grass (dry) Grass (green) Gheat grass (dry florets) . Total grass 54.0 15.0 1.3 trace 70.3 0.9 26.8 2.0 trace 28.8 100 91 24 4 0.6 15 0.3 24 trace 33 trace 2 trace 7 01 71 67 TABLE 8 Food Items Eaten by 44 Winter-killed Deer Near Sagehorn Browse Juniper Sagebrush — Rabbitbrush . Total browse- Common name Forbs Tumbling mustard. Rock lichen Moss Filaree Total forbs- Grass Grass (dry) Grass (green). Cheat grass Total grass-. Volume percent 54.4 8.0 1.4 63.8 1.8 25 trace 7 trace 9 trace 7 1.8 30.7 3.7 trace 34.4 Frequency of occurrence in percent 100 64 25 93 66 73 244 CALIFORNIA PISH AND GAME The heaviest mortality occurred in an area which has been gutted by fires in past years, thus offering little in the way of adequate forage for deer. Practically 100 percent of the junipers on this area are now highlined as high as an adult deer can reach. Bone Marrow Another check on the condition of the animals was made by examin- ing the bone marrow in the femur of 122 deer. According to Cheatum (1949) the bone marrow of the deer can be used as an index of mal- nutrition. As an animal declines in physical condition, the bone marrow reportedly changes in color and consistency. The following four bone marrow classifications were used: (1) solid, white marrow: excellent condition; (2) solid, red-flecked marrow: good condition; (3) fairly solid, red marrow: fair condition; (4) jelly-like, red marrow: poor condition. Of the 122 animals checked for bone marrow condition, all but five were found to be in the fourth categorj^ Carcass Composition Count A total of 708 deer carcasses were classified as to age and sex. It was found that 16.6 percent were adults, 5.8 percent were yearlings, and 77.6 percent were fawns. Ninety percent of the deer were found lying beneath junipers, many as if they had lain down to sleep. Approxi- mately 10 percent of the adults were old deer that may have died re- gardless of winter conditions. Table 9 shows a further breakdown of the composition of the carcass count. Dentition was used to classify the yearling class from older deer. The dentition of yearlings examined showed only partially erupted canines and the third premolars not yet replaced by permanent teeth. TABLE 9 Composition of 1951-52 Winter-killed Deer on Devils Garden Interstate Winter Range Animal class Number classified Percent of total Adults Female - _ _ _ 103 14 14 6 Male 2 0 Total adults 117 23 18 16 6 Yearlincs 3 3 Male - -- 2 5 Total yearlings 41 299 251 5 8 Fawns Female _ 42 2 Male 35 4 Total fawn."?- 550 708 77 6 All deer . . _ 100 0 Mil': i)i:\ii;S (i.\in)i;.\ \ha:\( \i\.h[> 24 :> Predation Evidence of prcdiit ion \v;i.s found in ;i |)|iro\iiii;ilc|y 7) iicrcumt of the carcasses. I low nnicli \\;is due to I lie .iiiiiii.ils hciii'^j in poor and weak- ened condition was dillicnlt to evaluate. .\ nunilxu- of tlir cafeasses e.v- annned had heen eaten al'tei- the ilrcy had died. I'^ai^les had worked on rib caa of .')S, ;")?') acres ( h''iu'ui'(^ H. A map of the die-ofT area was drawn >;,,; Big Sond Butte ,-, Eost Sand "--' Butts' ^,„ Little Sand/-^-^ ''n- ButtC'-''^ © ACRES DEAD DEER 12,700 1,013 © 6,060 • 777 @ 2,165 63 ® 4,120 192 ® 6,700 194 (§) 6,830 189 Total 38,575 2,428 One deer to sixteen ocres Quarantine Sta. \ FIGURE 4. Carcass count areas. Devils Garden winter deer range. Counts made April 20, 21, 22, 29, 30, and May 1 and 2, 1952. 246 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME from previous reconnaissance and divided into six units. Manpower and time limited the counting and 100 percent coverage could not be attained on any one unit, although on Unit 3 the coverage amounted to an estimated 90 percent, since men were walking within sight of each other during the whole count (150 yards apart, estimated). As mentioned before, most of the deer died under junipers. It was therefore possible to walk by a dead deer without seeing it. As an ex- ample : one counter who had a dog looked back to see the dog sniffing a carcass by which he had walked within 15 yards, and had not seen. Road kills, fence kills, and railroad kills were excluded from the count. A rock was placed on each carcass as it was counted to avoid duplication. TABLE 10 Unit Data of Carcass Count (see Figure 4) Unit Date Acreage Man days Total count Acres per deer Estimated coverage (percent) Deer 1 . 4/20 4/21 4/22 4/29 4/30 5/1-2 12,700 6,060 2,165 4,120 6,700 6,830 20 14 7.5 8 9 10 1,013 777 63 192 194 189 12.5 6.8 34.4 21.5 34.5 S6.0 70 75 90 85 85 80 1,447 2 . 1,036 3 _ 70 4 _-.-_.. 226 5 .... _.. 228 6 - _ . . 236 Totals. _ _ 38,575 68.5 2,428 3,243 A total of 68| man-days was expended on the tally. Besides person- nel from the three agencies concerned with the study, assistance in the count was given by the Klamath Falls Sportsmen's Association. A total of 2,428 deer was counted on 38,575 acres, or one deer to every 16 acres. The estimated total loss on the count areas was esti- mated to be 3,243 deer, or one deer to everj^ 12 acres. As only the heavily concentrated areas were counted and deer also died along the migration routes to Oregon, the total number of animals lost on the winter range was considerably greater than the total estimated to have died on the count area. Unit 2 produced the most carcasses per acre, with one deer for every 6.8 acres. Unit 1 was next, with one deer for every 12.5 acres. The mild winter of 1952-53 caused very little mortality and, except for normal loss due to old age, survival was high. DEER COLLECTION For the past three years, highway-, fence-, and railroad-killed deer have been collected during the winter and spring. Arrangements were made with the Quarantine Station, Division of Highways and Highway Patrol, to notify the California Department of Fish and Game in Al- turas whenever any deer were found. The deer were then aged, sexed, Till': i)i;\ii,s (i.\Ki)i;.\ i)i;i;i£ iikkd 247 inonsiirod For .i^ii'lli, clicckcd I'oi- coiiditioii, hidat ion, pn'^Miaiicy, fiii- bryo scN .iiid size, |);ir;isiics, and disease. Stomach saniplcs and ovari"s W'i'vv collcclcd. Talilc 11 ji'ivos a siiinniafy ol' some nl" llicsc data. Carcasses not too hadh damajicd wn-c irivcn to the .Modoc Count v Jail. TABLE 11 Summary of Higliway-, Fence-, and Railroad-killed Deer Number of duer (.'xuiiiiuccL Adults Female Male Yearlings Female Male Fawns Female Male Unclassified Number does examined for pregnancy. Percent pregnancy Number embryos per doe Bone marrow condition in percentage Number 1 — excellent — solid, white. Number 2 — good — solid, flecked red Number 3 — fair — solid, all red Number 4 — poor — jelly, all red 1951 30 11 1 7 7 1 11 88 1 . 75 1952 5'J 26 2 18 07 1.0 18 43 26 13 1953 40 19 0 9 7 0 9 100 1.6 36 52 12 0 FORAGE STUDIES Forage Inventory Report In 1947 and 1948, 400 line-intercept sample range plots were in- stalled on the Devils Garden winter deer rano-e. These plots were es- tablished at predetermined intervals alon^i', but at rirush_ _ 1 )('a(l rahbitbrush. Dead bittorbrush. Dead others Total noniirodiictivc. Annual grasses- Annual weeds. - Total annuals Sagebrush Squaw earpet. Rabbitbrush.. Juniper Yellow pine Wild cherry. _- Hitterbrush Other shrubs.. Total browse species. Balsam root. Mule-ear Other forbs-. Total ])erennial forbs. Bluebunch wheatgrass.. Sedge Idaho fescue Junegrass Bluegrass Squirreltail .__ Needlegrass Other perennial grasses. Total perennial grasses. Grand totals 14,509 2,620 1C,!(28 100 725 205 1,:U4 15 36,452 1 ,(i()6 1 ,1'4C. 2,942 2,583 755 712 290 148 68 2,451 47 7,054 499 313 230 1,042 198 935 419 64 1,188 1,077 1,083 46 5,010 52,500 27.6 32 0, 1, 0. 0.0 69.4 3.2 2.4 5.6 4.9 1.4 1.4 0.6 0.3 0.1 4.7 0.1 13.5 0.9 0.6 0.4 1.9 0.4 1.8 0.8 0.1 2.3 2.0 2.1 0.1 9.6 100.0 11,286 2,923 18,158 95 848 1 !M Sfif, 113 34,483 4,310 2,829 7,139 l,.'-)35 1 ,050 618 583 174 112 1,945 110 6,127 164 145 138 447 222 710 266 48 (i.')2 920 1,431 55 4,304 52,500 21.5 5 . (1 34.6 0.2 I .6 0.4 I .6 8.2 5.4 13.0 3.0 2.0 1.2 1.1 0.3 0.2 3.7 0.2 11.7 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.8 0.1 1.2 1.8 0.1 8.2 100.0 The dead sagebrush category shows an increase in 1952, while dead hitterbrush shows a decrease. At the same time, hisses of coverages by living plants have been sustained for both species. In the case of tleail sagebrush, the increase was due to plants dying from causes other than fire. The decrease in the amount of dead bitterbrush was mostly due to fire, which completely consumed the dead shrubs. Annual grasses and Aveeds show increases due, for the most part, to fire. 250 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 14 Comparative Analysis of Vegetative Composition by Percentage (Based ou 105-line transect plots, 52,500" of intercept] Plant species 1948 1952 Sagebrush Squaw carpet Rabbi tbrush Jumper Yellow pine Wild cherry Bitterbursh Others Total shrubs Annual grasses Bluebunch wheatgrass Sedge Idaho fescue Junegrass Bluegrass Squirreltail Needlegrass Others Total grasses Annual weeds Balsam root Mule-ear Others Total f orbs Grand total 16.10 8.52 4.70 5.83 4.44 3.43 1.81 3.24 .92 .97 .42 .62 15.27 10.79 .30 .61 43.96 34.01 10.57 23.92 1.23 1.23 5.83 3.94 2.61 1.48 .39 .27 7.40 3.62 6.71 5.11 6.75 7.94 .30 .30 41.79 47.81 7.76 15.70 3.11 .91 1.95 .80 1.43 .77 14.25 18.18 100.00 100.00 In the perennial grasses a decrease is shown in all species with the exception of bluebunch wheatgrass (Agropyron spicatum) , needlegrass (Stipa spp.), and junegrass. Since there is a strong possibility of mis- identification of grass species, it is believed that only the total for perennial grasses indicates the true picture. These totals show an over- all loss of 14 percent resulting from fires and other causes. Of the 105 line intercept plots checked, 15 had burned in the interim period. Of the bitterbrush segment loss, 53 percent occurred on burned plots, while 32 percent of sagebrush loss occurred on burned plots. The figures indicate a downward trend in range conditions. The increase in annual vegetation is an indicator of range depletion. Cheat grass and other undesirable annual weeds soon take over an abused range. The Mears and Plum Kidge fires had a marked effect on this down- ward trend. Percentage utilization by livestock and deer for the past two years (1951 and 1952) was at a level which should result in main- tenance of the better forage plants. During the two previous years (1949 and 1950 j over-utilization of the range occurred. TUi: r)i:vii,s cakdii.v i)i:i;i; iiikd 2.')! TABLE 15 Number of Line Transect Plots on Wliich Eacti Class of Ground Cover Occurs Common name Bare soil Rock.- Litter - Moss Dead manzanita _ Dead saRebrush — Dead rabbitbrusli- Dead mahogany Dead plilox Dead pine . Dead cherry — . Dead hittcrbrush... Annual grasses Annual weeds Service berry. Manzanita Sagebrush Squaw carpet- Mahogany Rabbitbrush-- Juniper Incense cedar_ Yellow pine. _ Wild cherry- - Bitterbrush Gooseberry Horse brush- - Yarrow Antennaria Balsamroot Wild buckwheat- Lupine Pentstemon Phlox Groundsel Mule-ear : Unclassified Bluebunch wheatgrass- California brome Sedge Wild-rye Idaho fescue Junegrass Bluegrass Squirreltail Needlegrass Unclassified Scientific name Arctostaphylog patula^ A rtemisia spp ChrysnOinmnua spj).- Cer -ocarpus ledifuiiim Phlox spp Pinus ponderosa Prunus spp . Purshia tridentala Amclanchier alnifulia.. Arctostaphylos palula.. Artemisia spp Ceanothus prostratus ^ Cercocarpus ledifolius. Chrysothamnus spp Juniperus occidentalia Libocedrus decurrens^ Pinus ponderosa Pnimis spp Purshia tridentala Rihes spp . Tetradymia spp Achillea spp Antennaria spp BaUamorhiza spp. Eriogonum spp Lupinus spp Pentstemon spp Phlox spp Senecio spp Wyethia mollis Agropyron spicatum. Bromus carinatus Carex spp Elymus spp Festuca idahoensis. - Koeleria cristata Poa spp Sitanion hystrix. Stipa spp 1948 KM 71 lO.-j 12 15 40 18 55 81 83 1 2 60 21 1 39 19 1 13 4 73 1 21 6 21 9 2 2 7 4 21 7 20 2 53 5 36 16 86 78 84 1 1952 MM 79 lor, 11 1 37 21 3 1 1 1 48 90 86 1 4 50 26 1 39 21 1 8 6 57 3 7 11 3 1 2 1 13 9 23 7 44 6 26 II 57 72 80 3 Comparison of Line Intercept Plot and Line Point Plot Method At the time the line interee]it plots were renieasured, 90 were changed to the line point method on the same 200-foot line. The class of cover present over or under every other foot mark along the tape was recorded. This gave a total of 100 line points for each plot. The line point plots were made 200 feet long, instead of the standard loo feet now used on most deer ranges in California, in order to in- clude juniper trees that had been tagged in the original line intercept 252 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 16 Number of Segments That Contained Plants Species 1948 No. segments 1952 No. segments Percent loss in no. segments Bitterbrush _ 262 218 71 183 180 66 30.4 Sagebrush 17.4 Rabbitbrush 7.0 TABLE 17 Ground Cover Composition in Points and Percentage, September, 1952 (Including Number of Plots on Which Each Class of Cover Occurs Based on 90 Plots, 200' Long With Every Other Footmark Recorded) Class of cover No. points Percent of cover No. plots W/cover Bare ground Rock Litter Moss Dead sagebrush Dead rabbitbrush Dead bitterbrush Dead others Total nonproductive Sagebrush Squaw carpet Rabbitbrush Juniper Yellow pine Wild cherry Bitterbrush Others Total browse species Mule-ear Others Total per forbs Annual grass Annual forbs Total annuals Bluebunch wheatgrass Sedge Idahoe fescue Junegrass Bluegrass Squirreltail Needlegrass Others Total per grasses Grand total 1,668 539 3,088 18 183 27 192 3 18.9 6.0 33.9 .2 2.1 .3 2.2 90 68 90 5 48 17 55 3 5,718 63.6 409 4.5 54 211 2.3 26 163 1.8 43 149 1.6 36 53 .6 20 10 .1 4 484 5.4 65 18 .2 7 1,497 16.5 16 .2 5 80 .9 26 96 1.1 810 9.1 66 291 3.3 56 1,101 12.4 22 .2 12 85 .9 31 55 .6 18 7 .1 5 99 1.1 38 102 1.1 41 213 2.4 52 5 5 588 6.4 9,000 100.0 Tiir: i)i:\'ii,s (;.\i;i)i;.\ i)i:i:i{ iii;i;i> 2:>:i siiTNcy, ;iii(l so lluit ;is iii;iiiy ;is possililr o|' hit tcrlji-iisli |)laiit.s iiu-liidcd in llic earlier siii-veys Wdiild he iiiehiihMl in tlic new sample. Three painted iron reiiil'oi'einL; rods were (lri\en on eaeji plot: at the zero, lOO-foot, and liOO-foot marks. .M'Irr the first lOO f.-ri wi-re recorded, the tape w;is moved to the second 100 I'ei't. A lead plumh- l)ol) was snspeiided l)y a sti'in;^' at eacli foot mark. l*'or hare ^r'onnd. littei-, rock. moss, annual j^i'asses. and all I'orhs, the dondnant class of i;round coxcr in a I'onr-inch circle sni'ronndin;^' the point of pinndt, was recorded. For perennial 'ives a br-eakdown of data taken by the line jtoini method. Table 18 shows composition of the \-egetation. TABLE 18 Comparative Summary, Line Point and Line Intercept Methods Line point (Percentage) IJne intercept (Percentage) Nonproductive .A.nnual vegetation 63.6 12.4 16.5 1.1 6.4 06.4 11.1 Shnibs Perennial f orbs Perennial grasses 12.8 .9 8.8 Totals - . 100.0 100.0 On tlu' DO line i)oint plots, none was ])laced on recently burned over land. It will be necessary to install line point pilots on burned over range, if a representative sample of the management area is desired. Tn order to compare the data from the line interci'pt and line point methods, a summary of the ground cover for the same plots is given in Table 18. In Table 19, a further breakdown is shown. It is apparent there is a difference in the two methods of measuring ground comiiosition. The line intercept method indicates a greater shrub coverage and less perennial grass. The line point method reeorded less bare soil and litter. (See Table 20.) Because of the strict standards of the line ])oint method, on which the basal area of perennial grasses must be touched by the plumb-bob before a hit is recorded, as compared to that of the line intercept method, in which grass leafage, so long as it is hung over the line intercepts, is recorded, the decrease in perennial grasses i-an be ex- plained readily. The increased coverage of other classes of vegetation cannot be ac- counted for so easil}'. On the whole, the line point method, as used in 254 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 19 Analysis of Vegetative Composition by Percentage, September, 1952 (Based on 90-line point plots — 3,282 points of vegetation) Plant species Percent vegetation Sagebrush ..-.._ ._.. 12.5 Squaw carpet _ - 6.4 Rabbitbrush 6.0 JuniDer 4.5 Yellow pine -- - . - 1.6 Wild cherry .3 Bitterbrush.. - - .... 14.7 Others .- - - - .5 Total browse species ..... 45.5 Annual grass 24.7 Annual forbs 9.0 Tntpl nnrmals 33.7 .5 Others 2.4 Total perennial forbs Bluebunch wheatgrass Sedge .. -- .. -. 2.9 .7 2.6 Idaho fescue . . 1.7 June2Tass .2 3.0 Squirreltail 3.1 Needlegrass . ..... ._ 6.5 Others . . .1 Total perennial grasses 17.9 Grand total 100.0 the survey, employed stricter standards than those used in the line intercept method. Either method is suitable for measuring trend in vegetative types, but the line point method has been adopted because it is less time consuming. Form and Age Classes of Shrubs In the course of the survey, shrubs were classified as to form and age class. Table 21 summarizes these data for bitterbrush, juniper, sage- brush, and rabbitbrush. The absence of seedlings on the range is a matter of concern. While the line point method provides only indices of numbers of plants on a range, in that the probabilities lean toward the missing of smaller plants, field examinations support the plot data. Seedlings of bitter- brush have been found the past two years in the timber type, but close scrutiny of the sage and juniper types shows a complete absence of any small bitterbrush plants. 'I'm; i)i;\ii,s (i.\iti)i:.\ i)i;i;i( iii:ui) 2r,r) TABLE 20 Comparative Analysis of 90 Plots treasured With Line Point and Line Transect Metliods, 1952 Ground cover Lino point Line tramtcct >il Hock --- liitter. Doad saKobrush_. Dond ralihitlinish. Dead bitterbriish. Moss, Total noil) irod lie tivc. Annual grasses Annual wi-eds. Total annuals. Sagebrush Squaw carpet- Rubbitbrush- - .Tiuiiper Yellow jiine Wild cherry. - Bitterbrush . _ Others Total shrubs Balsam root Mule-ear Others Total forbs^ Bluebunch wheatgrass- Sedge Idaho fescue .lunegrass Bluegrass Squirreltail Needlegrass Others Total perennial grasses- Grand total - 18. i) 0.0 33.9 2.1 0.3 2.2 0.2 63.6 9.1 3.3 12.4 4.5 2.3 1.8 1.6 .6 .1 5.4 .2 16.5 .2 .9 1.1 .6 1.1 1.1 2.4 .1 6.4 100.0 20.5 5.0 30,6 1.8 0.3 2.0 0.2 66.4 8.3 1.8 11.1 2.9 2.3 1.2 1.3 .4 .2 4.3 .2 12.8 .4 .3 .2 .9 .4 1.6 .6 .1 1.2 1.9 2.9 .1 8.8 100.0 The age classification iiulicatcs that a hi^h percentage of shrubs are in the decadent class, with very few young plants established to replace those which are passing out of the picture. Forage Utilization Each fall and spring, forage utilization clifcUs have been taken on the range sample plots. In the fall period, after livestock have left the range and before deer have appcai-cd, the key shrub species are meas- ured for percentage of livestock utilization. At the same time, the aver- age leader growth on bitterbrush plants is recorded. The following spring, when deer have left the range and before the livestock return, utilization is again checked on the same plants. The spring utilization check indicates the total use of the plants by both livestock and deer. 256 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 21 Form and Age Class Index in Percentage, September, 1952 (Taken from 00-line point plots) Species Form classes* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Sagebrush 59.4 32.7 7.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.3 0.0 Rabbitbrush 84.8 12.0 3.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Juniper 35.6 17.6 6.4 9.5 11.2 6.9 6.4 6.4 Bitterbrush 15.3 57.9 26.3 0.0 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 Age classes Seedling Young Mature Decadent Sagebrush Rabbitbrush Juniper Bitterbrush 0.3 0.0 14.3 0.0 15.4 21.6 60.5 .32.3 48.8 53.6 24.3 45.6 35.5 24.8 0.9 22.1 Number of plants checked Sagebrush 330 Rabbitbrush 125 .Juniper 391 Bitterbrush 406 NOTE: All iunlpers were classified that fell within 15 feet either side of the plot line. * 1. All available, little or no hedging. 2. (\11 available, moderately hedged. 3. All available, heavily hedged. 4. Partly available, little or no hedging. 5. Partly available, moderately hedged. 6. Partly available, heavily hedged. 7. Mostly unavailable. 8. Unavailable, t t Includes only living plants. The fall utilization figure i.s subtracted from the spring to derive that resulting from deer use alone. The species checked for percentage of utilization are bitterbrush, juniper, sagebrush, and rabbitbrush. Any rodent use is noted sepa- rately, although it has been found to be insignificant in the over-all picture. The fall measurement of the length of uncroppecl bitterbrush leaders also provides an index of the volume of growth produced during the current year. Comparative data on leader growth are given in Table 22. It will be seen that 1952 was an excellent growth year for bitterbrush. Utilization figures for the last four years on bitterbrush are shown in Table 23. Allowable use of bitterbrush for deer and livestock has been set at 38 percent. Since utilization is not evenly distributed over the man- agement area, the allowance of an average percentage utilization of 60 percent w^ould result in severe over-browsing on large areas of deer Tin: i)i:\ii,s (iAKDK.v i)i;i;it 257 TABLE 22 BItterbrush Growth Index Yoar Inchcft of Krowtti 1949 3.:. 1950 -- :i.2 1951 .•{.7 1952 - -- 5.1 coiMTiil r.-ilidii. Till' (•(uiiiiiitlrc h;is sr1 lip the .'IS pci'i-riil fi'j'iin- to tjikt' cai'c ol' this factor. Li\-(>st()ck and deer ai'c cadi allottiMl .'iM prri-riit ot tlic allowable fora{i:e croj), or If percent of the ciirreiit year's <.a-o\vth. 1^'or the past two years, total use lias hocii under that wliicli is con- si(lci\'d allowable. A statistical elieck of the 111."):! sprini:' data on bitterbrush crop|)injr indicates the odds are 1!) out of '_'() that the true mean lies Avithin '24.') and ;r2.i. Altlionrcentagv \itilization is due l)artly to an increase in volume of growth during lft")l and 1!'.)2. as well as to a decrease in the amount of forage consumed. The intensity of use on bitterbrush is shown in Table 2."), which gives the figures for the past three years. TABLE 23 Average Percentage Cropping of Bitterbruin Year Livestock Deer Total use 1949-50 _ - - 18.8 10.3 16.1 7.1 29.5 29.9 18.2 15.6 48.3 1950-51 - . 40.2 1951-52 -- . -- 34.3 1952-53 22.7 TABLE 24 Use Indices for Four Winter Seasons Year Livestock Deer Total 1949-50 ._ --- --- 0.7 0.3 0.0 0.4 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.8 1.7 1950-51 . 1.3 1951-52 -- 1.3 1952-53 1.2 258 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 25 Bitterbrush Intensity of Use Average percentage of use Percentage of plots in each class 1951 1952 1953 0-14.9 15-29.9 30-44.9 45-59. 9-_ 60 plus. - - 15 14 22 29 20 22 26 22 13 17 41 30 14 10 5 Totals 100 100 100 Numbered boxcar seals have been placed on junipers that are on or adjacent to forage plots. Four twigs, so located that they are avail- able to deer, are tagged on each juniper. These twigs are measured each fall from the car seal to the tip of the twig. In the spring, the same twigs are remeasured and the average percentage of cropping is de- rived. No limit has been determined as to the amount of cropping a juniper can withstand and still maintain its growth. Aldous (1941), in his experiments on northern white cedar (Thuja Occident alis) , found that browsed limbs would not regenerate leafage if more than 25 per- cent of the foliage was removed annually. Table 26 gives the data on juniper cropping for the past six years. As shown in the table, crop- ping was very light in the winter of 1952-53. Juniper measurements in the timbered areas should be discontinued, because deer appear to use very little juniper until forced out of timbered areas by snows to juniper types at lower elevations. Here 'the use of juniper during heavy winters is usually heavy. Because the measurements taken in timber types tend to outweigh those taken in the juniper-sage type, the present figures do not present the true pic- ture of the importance of juniper in the midwinter diet of deer. Over-all utilization of sagebrush and rabbitbrush has been slight in every year since the study started. However, it is measured each year to give data for comparison. Cropping of these species for the past year by livestock, deer, and rodents is given in Table 27. Table 28 indicates the total average use of these species during the four years 1949-50 through 1952-53. TABLE 26 Juniper Utilization Year Percentage of twig growth taken 1947-48 .-- 14.0 1948-49- . 22.2 1949-50 - - - - 12.3 1950-51 5.4 1951-52 _. .. 10.4 19.52-53 ... .- 2.7 'I'liK i)i:vii,s (iAKi)i:.\ i)i:i;u iii;hi) TABLE 27 Sagebrush, Rdbbitbrush Utilization, 1932-1953 'i'ifl AvoraRO pcrcinitiiKf "f croppitiK Livestock Deer Rodents Tm'.,i •:-:• SuKohnisli Iiat)bitbi'uah (1.(1 0.8 4.5 2.9 0.0 o.:i 4.5 1.0 Chemical Analysis of Some Browse Species Kacli inonlli, IVoin ( IctolxT, l!).")!), Ihrdiii^li April. 1M.")1, hrowsfi siiiuplcs were eolleeted in two areas on the winter faiiiic and sent to tlie Food Habits Lal)orator\- in Berkeley. l>itterbru.sii, jnniper. and rabbitbrnsh were collected from the Potter Pasture and Tinilier Monn- tain areas. The two areas were selected because of different tj-pes of soil and growth characteristics. The samples were analyzed for protein and ash content. Table 29 shows the results of the analysis. Two other areas in the Great Basin Refi'ion that were also sampled were the Doyle in Lassen County and Elderberry and Buttermilk in Inyo County. Bitterbrush in Inyo analyzed hi;^her than in either Lassen or Modoc. Sagebrush in Modoc rangetl lower than in Inyo and Lassen Counties. This information is only a part of the nutritional studies beinj; carried on by 11. D. Bissell of the Department's Food Habits Lab- oratory. As Bissell points out, "obviously, many things in addition to crude protein are significant in ruminant digestion." SALTING STUDY Although most areas of bitterbrush on the management area show^ signs of heavy use and declining condition, there are excellent stands of bitterbrush in the adjoining Glass Mountain winter deer range. During the falls of 1951 and 1952, a salting experiment was carried on to determine if it was possible to induce Devils Garden deer to follow salt trails into areas of abundant and lightly used browse on the Glass Mountain winter range. Blocks of salt were placed at freciuent intervals along routes leading to the new range. Although this salting procedure TABLE 28 Sagebrush and Rabbitbrush Utilization for Four Years (Percentage^ Year Sagebrusli Rabbitbrush 1949-50 8.7 9.4 9.0 4.5 13.5 1950-51 11.7 1951-52 1952-53 14.4 4.0 260 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 29 Chemical Analysis of Browse Species • Content in percentage Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. Mar. April Bitterbrush Protein Potter Pasture 8.8 9.2 8.1 7.3 6.5 4.5 7.3 Timber Mt. .. . 8.6 9.3 8.0 7.3 6.0 6.2 9.6 Ash Potter Pasture 2.1 2.2 Timber Mt 2.2 2.2 2.0 Sagebrush Protein Potter Pasture 11.1 10.9 10.0 12.0 _8.4 6.9 9.1 9.5 7.7 8.3 6.2 8.5 9.2 Timber Mt 9.6 Ash Potter Pasture 2.9 2. .5 2.4 Timber Mt 3.0 2.2 2.1 Juniper Protein 7.8 7.8 8.6 5.6 ^ 5.6 6.9 6.7 Ash 2.8 2.9 was followed for two years, results were negative. Not only was there little use of the salt blocks during migration, but so far as is known, there was no success in changing the habitual movements and ranges of the deer. BROWSE RESTORATION STUDY Browse is a major item in the diet of deer and is especially im- l^ortant on snow covered winter ranges. Desirable browse has been greatly reduced by heav}^ grazing, fire, insect depredation, and other factors. The California Forest and Range Experiment Station is undertaking a state-wide browse research project for the California Department of Fish and Game, using Federal Aid to AVildlife Restoration (Pittman- Robertson) funds. It is hoped findings will lead to practical methods of artificial reseeding and other cultural methods of restoring browse on depleted deer winter ranges. A major portion of the study will be confined to the Devils Garden winter deer range. Plot sites have been selected and experiments are already under way. Deer-proof exclosures have been constructed at Doyle, Lassen County, and near Flukey Springs, Modoc County. The latter will inclose approximately five acres. A variety of seeds has been collected and planted under different methods. Weather and soil conditions are being recorded. Means of soil preparation are being investigated. Phenological records of key species are being kept on experimental sites. Competition of low quality Tin: i)i;\ii,s (;.\i;i)i;.\ in.i.i; iii:ki) -Mil |)l;iiils willi llic more (|('sic;ilili' s|»('cics is ;il>(i \\\\i\rv'riii(| of yriifs in urdiT t»» secure ;ill ol' I lie iiee( led in roniuil idii. Ill .'idditioii lo the iii\('s1 i'_;;il ion Iteiiej e;irried on \>\ the j'ittMiaii- Kohei-tson study. Ilie I )e|);i rt nienl 's ll;diit;il 1 ni |M'o\cMient ('rcw is car- rying' on seed colleetion Jind |)l;nitin;js in tlie eritical area. Piitrlit plots, conlaiiiin^- approxiinatelx' two and onediall' a<'res, wei-e planted in l!»."»2 with l)ilterl)riisli, inali()<^any. and sa^('l)nisli seed. Due to ihr Ui.-k of |)ro|)er seedin;^' ('(pupnient, and other fjietors. the |)lanlinL;s have not shown encouraging' results. The crew has also consti-iicted a KlOd'oot s(piaie deer exclosnre witli a lOO-foot square stock excdosnre ad.iacent, near i-'liikey Sprin'js. It was completed in duly, ll>.");>, and ox'er a period oT ye;irs will show the eft'ect on hrowse species of complete erazinu' protect i(Mi and tin- effe<'t of protetdion I'roiii livestock alone. Range Grass Reseeding Over a period of years, the Forest Service has can-ied on a raiiro<;ram to which the Dei)artment of Fish and (Jauie has contributed. Burned over rano'e has received the hulk of the seed. The seedino' -was licnerally a mixture of crested wdieat {A(jro]>!iron cris- fdtiitii), smooth brome [Hyomus inennis), and timoth\' (I'hhidii ]>ra- ivnsv). Various other species of trasses and le5;-uines have been tried on smaller scales. Best results have occurred with the above named species. In the Mears Burn, 6,785 acres were reseeded. The work was done by the Modoc National Forest, with the Department of Fish and (iame contributino' 1 (),()()() pounds of seed to the project. The timbered area w-as planted by airplane. Smooth brome has shown up in a vigorous stand in the southeast corner of Potter Pasture fi-om this seedinp:. Table 30 shows data on area seeded in the Devils (iai-den ai-ea. TABLE 30 Range Reseeding Data on Devils Garden Winter Range Year Area Acres Type of seedinE 1045 Dry Lake 42 24 15 20 35 179 265 540 366 200 3„i00 6,000 765 20 20 Drilled Drilled Drilled Drilled Drilled Drilled Dixie Drag Drilled Drilled Drilled Broadcast in ashes Broadcast in ashes Drilled and Dixie Drag Drilled Drilled 1 945 Hart Icrode (Doublehead) 1946 Tucker Lake 1946 Clear Lake Hills --- 1946 Mud Lake 1946 Saddlehlanket Flat 1947 Saddleblanket Flat . 1947 Clear Lake Hills 1948 Clear Lake Hills -- 1949 Holbrook Flat . 1950 Plum Ridge Fire- 1951 Mears Fire- - 1951 1952 Mears Fire 1952 ^'lowitz Fire - Total aoreaefe 11,991 262 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME LIVESTOCK ON THE RANGE During the past five years, 1948 to 1952 inclusive, livestock use has been reduced on the Devils Garden management area. Sheep use has been reduced by the changing and shifting of allotments. Nonuse by cattle in the Potter Pasture has lessened the pressure in the burned area that has been reseeded. Dual use is being eliminated. Table 31 gives the livestock obligations for livestock allotments which fall within the key area. These figures differ from those given in the Fifth Progress Report of the Devils Garden Interstate Deer Herd Com- mittee, which shows the obligations for most of the winter range. The obligations for the management area for 1948 as compared with 1952 show : 1948 — 12,335 animal unit months, and 1952 — 9,115 animal unit months. This represents a 26 percent reduction in livestock graz- ing obligations over the four-year period. DEER HARVEST The buck kill for the California summer and winter range was de- termined from returned deer tags and is shown in Table 32. The kill for the Oregon portion of the Interstate range is given in Table 33. In 1951, the legalization of forked horn deer in District If coupled with early storms brought about the largest harvest of bucks ever ex- perienced in Modoc County. In 1952, very few of the Interstate deer got down onto the winter range until after the hunting season was over. This resulted in a very low kill. TABLE 31 Livestock Obligations on Key Area of Devils Garden Winter Deer Range for 1948 and 1952 Allotment ■ Head Animal unit months 530 Cattle 930 13,400 Sheep 4,985 346 Cattle 1,580 300 Cattle 1,500 470 Cattle 1,880 925 Sheep 740 900 Sheep 720 16,871 12,335 8,000 Sheep 2,503 900 Sheep 720 1,250 Sheep 375 1,000 Sheep 333 431 Cattle 2,086 750 Cattle 2,046 263 Cattle 1,052 12,594 9,115 1948 Clear Lake Spring Clear Lake Spring Dry Lake Mowitz Potter Pasture North Badger South Badger Grand total 1952* Clear Lake Spring. jMowitz Casuse Bro^vn's Well Dry Lake Tucker Potter Pasture.. . Grand total. . * Cattle remaining on the Clear Lake Spring allotment as of 1948 have been moved on to a portion of it, out- side the key area. The Brown's Well allotment is tlie former North Badger with a minor boundary change. South Badger is no longer considered a part of the key area. Casuse has been added. Tlierc is little change in the gross area. 'iiii; i)i;\ii,s (i\i;iii:.\ I)i;i;k iii:ici) TABLE 32 Deer Kill on the Cdlilornia Portions ol ttie Deer Range 2»i:j Year Antlciluss HiicUh TiiImIm RfniiurkN 1937 1938 1 939 Iil40 404 497 5C1 825 402 236 207 244 --- War yciir War year War year War yfar Storms late in InintiriK Boason. Dry suaHon, late iiii^ration. Forked liorns le^al, Mtortiis. Dry season, no niii^ration. Forked legal. ISMl 1942 1943 l')44 1915 194(1. ■ 541 615 670 410 967 153 1947 - 1948 1949 1950 1951 1,319 1,504 1,729 2,471 1952 Iioni^ The lO")! Devils Garden special antlerless deer season went off with less opposition than the 1950 hniit (for a description of the 1930 hunt, see Interstate Deer Herd Coinniittee, 1951). The recommendation of the Interstate Committee at the public hearing- was to harvest 4,000 antlerless animals, 2,000 to be taken in Orejiou and 2.000 to be taken in California. This was accepted. I.atcr, after the Mears fire, the com- mittee asked that an additional 4,000 animals be taken. No action was taken on this request. In California, over 26,000 applications were received for the special hunt and 2,300 names were drawn. Of these, 1,818 accepted permits and 1,716 hunted. Of these hunters, 1,504 or 88 percent were successful. The Oregon Game Commission states that 2.343 antlerless deer Avere taken during- their 1951 season. This made a total of 3,847 deer taken out of the 4,000 proposed. Analysis of the Kill Figures Of the total animals checked. Ilic age classes indicated mature does 75.5 percent; yearlings 12.5 percent (16 percent males); fawns 12 percent (56 percent males"). In the 1950 antlerless take, yearlings formed 13.6 percent of the total and fawns 17.5 percent. TABLE 33 Deer Kill on the Oregon Portion of the Interstate Range * Year Antlerless Bucks Totals Remarks 1949 2,500 1,500 2,422 2,500 2,188 4,765 2,400 1950.: 688 2,343 1951 1952 Includes antlerless deer taken in a four- day either sex season at end of regular buck season. ' Tlie figures for bucks arc estimates; the figures for aiitliTlfss deer are exact. 264 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME The percentage of yearling does taken in antlerless hunts can be used as an indication of yearling survival. This assumes that in an antlerless hunt, hunters are indiscriminate in the taking of yearlings or mature does. In the 1951 antlerless hunt, 14 yearling does were taken to every 100 mature does. During the previous fall (1950), a fawn: doe (j-earling and mature) ratio of 77 to 100 was obtained in classification counts. It was found in the 1950 antlerless bag that 20 percent of the does were yearlings. From this it can be computed that there were 96 fawns per 100 mature does in the fall of 1950. Assuming that 50 percent of the fawns were females, there were 48 female fawns per 100 does at that time. In a year's time, the ratio dropped to 14 per 100 mature does, a fawn loss of 71 percent, which occurred during the relatively mild winter of 1950-51. These figures are noteworthy in that they show large losses occurring even in years of mild winters and are a further indication of the effects of crowded conditions on this winter range. GUIDES TO MANAGEMENT The first objective in the management of the Devils Garden winter deer range is to determine the productive capacity for grazing and browsing animals of these public lands, which have been depleted by past abuse. The range is used by sheep in the spring and summer, cat- tle during the spring, summer, and fall, and by a migratory deer herd during the winter season. The second objective is to balance the combined range use by live- stock and deer so that no more than the average forage crop produced on the range is consumed each year. With the exi)erience over the years, the management methods and techniques developed have resulted in the following changes in the management plan drawn up in 1948 : 1. Originally, utilization measurements were made on plants occupy- ing the 25-inch intercepts on the 200-foot line plots. Later, it was de- cided that a larger number of plants would tend to give a better sam- ple of range use. To get this larger sample, browse plants that fell on line between the intercepts or close to them were included in the utili- zation check. An attempt was made to get at least four plants on each plot. The addition of the plants not on intercepts made a change in computation methods necessary. All plants were given equal weight and straight arithmetical averages of percentage crojaping were adopted. 2. The allowable use of bitterbrush had been set at 34 percent under the original computation method. AVhile Hormay's (1943) work on bitterbrush indicated that an allowable use of 60 i)ercent was the maxi- mum amount of cropping of the current year's growth that an indi- vidual plant could sustain and still remain vigorous and reproduce satisfactorily, it was recognized that an average of 60 percent for the entire range would result in extreme use in some areas, balanced by light use in others. In order to protect the range on which deer use was heaviest, the average of 34 percent was adopted. When the sample was enlarged and the weighing feature of the computation was discon- tinued, the committee raised the allowable use factor to 38 percent. Tin: i)i;\ii,s (iakdi.n i>i;i;i{ iiiihd 265 .'{. The type (>r plols iis<-(l lor lji'iiiiihI royi'v (•(iinpnsit ion iiml I'oiml."" Ill i li/.;il ion \\;is cIuiiiliciI in !!).)■_! IVoni Inn' inti'riT|)t to litn- point. 4. The coNci'ii^c \)\ forjiuc plots liiis hem rrdiiccd I'r'oiii tin- total uinlcf ranLic to I lie key niana^rincnt an-a. '). AIcasuiTincnls of ntilization were once niadr on jn'r-cnnial ;^'«*s, hnl (Inc to the oxer all liiilit axd'a^c nsc of i/i-jisscs hy drcr and the titiH! ronsuiucd in del crniini ni; this ntilization. Ilir clicck was discoiil iMil<'«|. I'tilization cliccks arc now i-cst rictcd to hit Icrhrnsli, sa^'chrnsli. ral»l)it- brush, and jnnipcr, the most ini|)ortant hrowscs on llic winter rani/f. 6. Pellet coniits ai'c made only on the nianai^cnu'ot ari a, and iwr now used to show ti'cnds in i-clatixc use ratlici- than as a deer ceiisiis iiictliod. 7. The car strip ccnsns to determine dfi'i nnml)ers wfis diseoiit iniied Iteeaiise the weather (H)nditions were too often such as to result in poor counts. Also, the i-o ads were sometimes impossihir to tra\e|, whieh pre- vented <>atherin<>' of comparative data each x'cai-. Herd eompositioM has been eontinu(Hl as b(>fore. but it is not limited to the ear strips. 8. Since weather conditions iiave a <:reat deal t(j do with the amounts of forage produced each year, it was thou a: < *- Q CJ 2 V z 1^-1 3 '-'n O in u- CO Q Z X < UJ n UJ U ,A rr O x^' O > _l 3? < z o o <^ UJUJ 1- IT li_ < i)ossibility o\' there heinu' as many as TOO head in the San I'.ei-nar- diiio portion of the San (Jabriel Mountains. Kang(!r Ansehno Lewis of the Mt. Baldy district of the Anpeles National Forest estimates that the population in the San Antonio draina<;e and otluT parts of the San (Jahriel ]Mouidains on this forest at 60 liead. It is believed by the writers that the present estimates are quite conservative. There appears to be a good distribution of age classes in the hei-ds sighted. Young animals, lambs, and yearlings ])redominate, leading t(j the supposition that the herds ai'e tlirifty and jiossibly inci-easing. BREEDING AND LAMBING The rutting season of the Lytle Creek herd begins in late September. Lambs are dropped mostly in April. Lambs observed the first week of June were able to traverse cliffs with an agility almost equal to that of their mothers. Two sets of what were assumed to be twins have been observed. DISCUSSION The desert bighorn, from its habitat in the San Gabriel ^Mountains, can look down on an area with a present population of nearly 3,000,{)()0 persons. The threat of disturbance is very great, yet due to the rugged- ness of the terrain and other factors of accessibility, such as fire closures and few roads, it appears that numbers may possibly increase. Management should include a continuance of its protection from shooting and vigorous law enforcement. A policy of minimum develop- ment and judicious location of any trails in its territory should be followed, so as to keep disturbance by human beings to a mininuim. REFERENCES Ober, E. H. 1931. The mountain slioep of California. Calif. Fish and Canio, vol. IT, no. 1. p. 27-39. Dixon. J. S., and E. L. Sumnei-, Jr. 1939. A survey of desert bighorn iu Death Vallev Nati(uial ^Monument, .^^uniiucr 1938. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 25, no. 2, p. 72-9.J. NATIVE POSTLARVAL FISHES OF THE LOWER COLORADO RIVER BASIN, WITH A KEY TO THEIR IDENTIFICATION' HOWARD ELLIOTT WINN and ROBERT RUSH MILLER Musaum of Zoology, University of Michigan Little is known ;ilMiut tlic cjii'ly lite liistdry stjincs nl' the fresh- Wcitcr fishes of North Aincric;!. pjirt iciihii-|y IVdin thr point ot" view of systomatics. The infonnation availabk! for the identification of larval freshwater fishes is hir^cly scattered throimliont lil'e-histoi-y studies excej)! for tliree important contributions by Fish (]!»'2!)a. l!»2Ilh, 1!).'52). Papers on freshwater fishes from western Nortli America that con- tain figures of larval stagfcs include those by Frv (!!>.'{()), Kopec (1949), AVeisel and Xewman (1951), and Doup-jas n9r,2. Fi^nre :} is Nil illicit fit y.s osciiIks, not Xi/raticlK it fexaiitis). A helpful comparative study (with figures) of the young of the five species of Pacific sahnon was published by Foerster and Pritchard (1935). It is frecpiently important that biologists be able to identify correctly the eggs and young stages of fishes. This is often necessary for the solu- tion of such problems as the location of breeding sites, the distributidii and biology of the larvae, and the conservation of populations (Balin- sky. 1948). The abundance of a year class may be determined by the environmental conditions that act on tlie critical larval ])eriods. An understanding of the early sequences in its life history may bear signifi- cautly upon the origin and relationships of a species (Ortoii, 1953). During an ichthyological survey of the lower C'oloi-ado Kiver system in the spring of 1950, the authors collected numerous early stages of many of the native fishes (Figure 1). Gathering life-history data was one of the objectives of the survey. Specimens avcic obtained with fine- meshed dip nets and wire strainers, and some of the best larval collec- tions were secured at night with the aid of a bright light. For the purposes of this paper, the lower Colorado River is defined as that part of the river and its tributaries that lie below Lake Mead (Hoover Dam). This includes all of the Clila Kiver system, whicli is the major drainage basin of the southern half of Arizona and of western New Mexico. Nearly all of the early stages of 12 species are represented in the collections. The species treated in this paper belong to two families, the Cato- stomidae (suckers) and Cyprinidae (minnows), which are among the most difficult of all freshwater fishes to identify. The following six species of minnows are keyed out, although postlarvae of Ptychocheiliis were not obtained: Agosia chrysogaster Girard. Gila rolmsfd P>aird ' Submitted for publication February, 1954. Tlie field woriv wliith made thi.« paper pos- sible was financed through a research grant to R. R. Miller from the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, University of Michigan. 3—97014 ( 273 ) 274 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME \J^'-- .'-' /' ::" ': '■-".. --N -■'.' .' ?:x .■■•*;?i'' ,V 1,-/! ^-^io ^^v';:'.^':^^.-^ u ,.'-'■ i.^' -'^'"^ -m^y-rf ^^£;'iS?M/-//fx^^l h- LEGEND \ SPRING f7\ LARVAL FISH o WELL W COLLECTION y LAKE y^ RESERVOIR £) PLAYA — — INTERMITTENT = DAM Spring, 1950 ■■^.. "■-b, M E FIGURE 1. Drainage map of Arizona, showing stations where larval fishes were collected in 1950. In addition, there were three stations in Mexico and five in New Mexico. and Girard, Meda fulgida Girard, Ptychocheilus lucius Girard, Bhinichthys osculus^ (Girard), and Tiaroga coMtis Girard. Plagop- ierus argentissimus (Cope), formerly present in the Gila River, is now probably extinct in that drainage (no specimens have been reported since 1898). The following six species of suckers were studied: Catostomus insignis Baird and Girard, Catostomus latipinnis Baird and Girard, Pantosteus clarki (Baird and Girard), Pantosteus del- phinus (Cope), Pantosteus species, and Xyrauchen texanus (Abbott). 2 A proposed revision in the International Rules of Zoological Nomenclature (Bull. Zool. Nomen., vol. 4, 1950, p. 330) required the replacement of osculus by nubilus, for reasons of line priority. That ruling was revoked, however, at the Copenhagen Congress in 1953 (Copenhagen Decisions on Zoological Nomenclature. Ed. Francis Hemming. Int. Trust for Zool. Nomen., 1953:66.). NATIVK POSTLAKVAf. I'lSUKS 275 l^Mvc other t';iiiiilics of iwilixc (islics ;ii-(' !-r|iiTM-iil I'l 1 in lli<' hji-^iii i>l' the lower Colorado Kiver: h]h)|)i(hic i I'^lops alfinis ) , ShIuiow'uIhc iSdhno gilae), Cy])riiH)(h)nti(lae {('upriinxloii nKiciihtriiis), I'oeciliidao (I'oe- ciliopfiis occidcntdlis) . Mii^ilidac {Miit/il r( plKiliis) , ami I'Mfot ridae (Elcotris picta). whii-h has only I n i-ccofdrd oiicr i||id)l)s. ID');}). (lillirlillnis (JrfnisKs ((iobiidae) docs iiol pciift rjitr ihr ('oliii-;ido K'ivt-r imich beyond tidal infiueiiee. We are yratet'ul to Fred AiKh're^-;^-. Sii|)er\isor of l'lioto^M-;iphi<' Services, for takiii{>' the photographs, and to W'illijim L. r.indon. Ai-tist of the Museum of Zoolof»y% for inoindiii\. M. Z. NO. !»2:^4m. was utilized. \V.- did not- eolleet postlarval stages of PI ifchoclicilns tiirius, u speeit^s now far<- in the lower Colorado Kiver system. Developmental Stages Baliiisky ( 1!)4S ) •^ave a table of de\ ejopiiiciita! statjrs for 1 li<- ( 'ypi-in- idae that was modified tVoiu ( )|)|)enheiiner's ( ]I»;{7 i labli- \'i>r I'lnnln- lus heteroclitus (Linnaeus). Such an ai-raniiciiicnt of diagnostic stajres makes it ])ossibl(> to e()mj)are eoi-respondinji' stai^es of difVerrnt spt-eies. Comparisons based on the alternative eritei-ia of i'(pial leii^rtlis ami equal a^cs are usually unsatisfaetory. liowevcf, it is useful to know the len4.Sm Stage 1. Unfertilized eKS- Stages 2-27. Devflopment of fertilized egg. Il.iichiim nccurs ;it almiit stage 27. Stages 28-32. I'rolnrval stage with yolU sac Stage 83. Yolk is assimilated; no candal tin ra.vs i)rfsfiii. Stage 34. End of notochord straight; eaudal tin witii .".J r.i,\s: m. trafe of dorsal or anal tin. Stage 3"). End of notix-lionl upturned; caudal tin witli 7 ".» ra.vs; elt-vaied tin membrane at site of future dorsal and anal fins. Stage 36. Dorsal and anal with rudimentary, eartilaginous rays; caudal tin rounded, nearly coniplcte. with 1.1 17 rays. Air l)ladder subdividing. Stage 37. Hays of dorsal and .anal tins partly ossified; caudal emar;:inatc. with 19 princiiial rays; rudiments of jiclvics appear. .\ir lijaiiilci- siilxlividfd into two parts. Stage 38. Pelvic fins in the form of crescentic fidds. Stage 39. Pelvic fins in the form of paddies, with no trace of rays. Stage 40'. Pelvic fins with rudiinenlar.\ . uuossified rays. Stage 41. Pelvic rays i>artly ossified. CiMilinuous linfold n-iliiced. Stages 42-4(). Finfojd lost, scales develop, and Lateral line forms. The embryo oeeujues stao'es 2 to 27, or to liatrhini;- if it oeriirs in some other staoe. The prolarval or nonfeedino- ])eriod is from stajres 28 to 32 and the postlarval or feedino' larva is from stajres 83 throu.Lrh 40. The five cyprinids we studied follow the above staiics rather closely, anil these stao'es can also be used as a basis of comparison for the Catos- tomidae. The first loop of the intestine in the suckers forms in stag:e 37, whereas the mouth descends to a normal ventral position between stages 39 and 40. Tn staoe 37 some of the dorsal rays ossify before the 278 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME PLATE 1 Lateral Views of Postlarval Minnows A, Agosia chrysogasfer, total length 10.1 mm., UMMZ No. 162705; B, Meda fulgida, 8.4 mm., UMMZ No. 162738; C, Gila robusta intermedia, 9.2 mm., UMMZ No. 162841; D, Tiaroga cobitis, 10.5 mm., UMMZ No. 162754; and E, Rhinichfhys oscu/us, 10.0 mm., UMMZ No. 162810. NATI\i: roSTLAKVAl. FISHKS 2V.) PLATE 2 Dorsal Views of Posflarval Minnows A, Agosia chrysogasfer, 9.3 mm., UMMZ No. 162705; B, Meda fulgida, 8.4 mm., UMMZ No. 162738; C, Gila robusta infermedia, 9.5 mm., UMMZ No. 162841; D, Tiaroga cobitis, 10.6 mm., UMMZ No. 162754; and E, Rhinichthys oscuivs, 9.4 mm., UMMZ No. 162810. 280 CALIFORXIA P-'ISH AND GAME PLATE 3 Lateral Views of Postlarval Suckers A, Xyrauchen fe.anus, 12.6 mm., UMMZ ^f }62B45- B Panfosteusde^^^^^^^ UMMZ No. 162848; C, Pantosteus species, 12.4 -"--UMMZ ^0^^62830 D, Ponfos^eus c^a^^^,^^ mm UMMZ No. 162776; E, Cafos/omus msignis, 14.5 "i["., UMMZ No. oz/^z, □ a , mm., ur/N/i^/. .no. '/a/ip/nnis, 14.2 mm., UMMZ No. 92248 (Wyoming). .\AII\i; l-ns'll.AKVAl. I'ISII1> PLATE 4 Dorsal Views of Postlarval Suckers A, Xyrauchen iexanus, 10.5 mm., UMMZ No. 162845; B, Panlosleus delphinus ulahensis U2 mm UMMZ No. 162848; C, Pantosteus species, 13.0 mm., UMMZ No. 162830 D.Panfos^eus dark, 12.3 mm UMMZ No 162809; E, Catostomus insignis, 13.8 mm., UMMZ No. 162742; and F, Co»os»omus latipinnis, 14.6 mm., UMMZ No. 92248 (Wyomingl. 282 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME o -el 09 e e-S e -is 6 J S to s. ^^ u IN o iM C5 O „ o O ^^ ^H i-H ^^ P) 1 O o u o o o o o o o o P3 T— ( K « c o m o CO 1— i LO I CO 1 1 1 r^ + o IN -H lO o c 1 T O C-1 % o o -H c; IN i-r. o o o -^ ■-- -H '-' =: -H o o c C<1 CD o »c 1> o 1§ a -2; c < '? »• «0 c o o o CK rt 1^ lO -H -H •H o 00 lO o " 00 o o CO d o c tc ^ T5 ■}- C -n o IT X: ^ O >, O o •*^ a u. a iS S s O' 5 c in T3 c a o a c3 a a 3 O o c IC IN o ;c ^ 1 o 1 o m -H o c ut Oi •^ ?5 LO LO LI o IN o o IN 1 IN i 7 ?, in lO o T-H 00 L'^ O ^^ r--- ■>—. '^ O) o 1^ CM C] 1 a o Lt tn o o 00 CD CD Hi ^ ^ be C G £ ^ C: >, ej £ rt cii C oJ S P O V C: X! "^ >. d % p o O 3 >0 O ti i- rt f^ in r*l tt ^ ;-< -o T^ 3 M £Q NATIVE rOSTr^AKVAI, I'ISIIKR 283 anal rays in both suckers jukI iiiiimows. and ()^silial ii.n (>\' tin- j toral rays also occurs at this time. A pcciiliai-it y of tlir ( atosfoniidao is that the operculum does not completely cover the )j:\\[ arches until sta<,'es 37 to 'Si). CalostoniKS conrmersotii (Ijacepele row of chromatophores. Internarial region largely unpigmented. Pigment line of horizontal myoseptum extending forward nearly to head Agosia chrusoaaster (PI. lA, PI. 2A) 284.. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 2b. No distinct rows of chromatophores on medial edges of nares. Inter- narial region pigmented. Pigment line of horizontal myoseptum not ex- tending far forward 8 3a. Mouth almost vertical. Horizontal myoseptum pigment line indistinct. Lateral pigment line formed of a band of widely scattered chroma- tophores, more distinct posteriorly Meda fulgida (PI. IB, PI. 2B) 3b. Mouth at most slightly oblique. Horizontal myoseptum pigment line distinct. Lateral pigment line not bandlike, comprising few scattered chromatophores 4 4a. A distinct, oval internal pigment spot at the base of the up- turned caudal vertebrae. (See discussion of key) Gila rohusta and Ptychocheilits luciiis (PI. IC, PI. 2C) 4b. No such distinct oval spot present 5 5a. Many scattered chromatophores over side of body above hori- zontal myoseptum pigment line ; those along dorsal pigment line numerous and small. Snout not blunt Tiaroga cohitis (PI. ID, PI. 2D) 5b. Only a few scattered chromatophores on side of body ; those in dorsal view larger and fewer. Snout blunt and, in later stages, with mass of pigment from eye to side of upper lip Rhinichthys osculus (PI. IE, PI. 2E) 6a. Top of body covered with a few giant chromatophores ; those in hori- zontal myoseptum form long dashes or are long and stellate Xyrauchen texanus (PI. .3A, PL 4A) 6b. Chromatophores notably smaller and more numerous ; those in horizontal myoseptum form short dashes or are round and stellate 7 7a. External chromatophores present below anterior part of horizontal myoseptum pigment line, extending downward over part of abdominal region. Edge of upper jaw and tip of lower jaw usually heavily pig- mented. Many scattered chromatophores in space on each side of nar- row posterior part of occipital pigment Pantosteus 8 8a. Williams River drainage, western Arizona Pantosteus delphinus and Pantosteus species (PI. 3B and C, PI. 4B and C) 8b. Gila River drainage Pantosteus clarki (PI. 3D, PI. 4D) 7b. No external chromatophores below anterior part of horizontal myo- septum pigment line. Edge of upper jaw and tip of lower jaw usually lightly pigmented (sometimes no pigment on tip of lower jaw in earlier stages). No chromatophores, or only a few in later stages, in space on each side of narrow posterior extension of occipital pigment Catostomus 9 9a. Typically with many chromatophores on caudal fin at all stages (rarely none or a few in earlier stages) ; usually more than four large chromatophores in midventral pigment line along isthmus anterior to bases of pectoral fins Catostomus insignis (PI. 3E, PI. 4E) 9b. Typically lacking chromatophores on caudal fin (or a few in later stages) ; usually fewer than four large chromatophores (often none) in the midventral pigment line along isthmus an- terior to bases of pectoral fins Catostomus latipinnis (PI. 3F, PI. 4F) NATIVIi I'OSTLAKVAI. IISIIES 2eO REFERENCES i;,iliiisky. I'.. I. l'J4.S. < >ll ihi' (|('\ rldiHiiflil lit' s|Hcilic (■Ii;ir:iil<'l> in t'\ |il'ili ir>L!. .\(ilrs iin llif sjinuniii;; of the li nin|pli;ick slicker. .\ i/iil iiihi ii lij-iiiiun (Al>l)i>iii. Calil. I'ish .ind (lunif. \i>l. .'IN, ii<>. L'. ]•. 1 !!• I-'..'., I ti«j4. Fisii. .Miiric I'.ihiini I'.Hi'.lii. Cuiitrilinl inns to tlic ciiiI.n litV liistmiis of |.;ikf l^iii- lisliivs. .\. Y. ('oii«*. Kepi.. iMli Ann. Kciit., lltUS. p. H.-'X,, 17 tins. l'J2Ul). Contriijiitions to tlif ('.iily life liistnrics nl I.iikf Ei'i'- lislifs. IJnfTiiln S««-. Nat. Sci. r.nll.. vol. 14. no. :;. \>. II'.C.-IST, .'.:'. fiKs. 1032. Contriitutions to llic cirly lilV histories of .^ixty-two siiecies of lislws fmin J.jike lOrie .-ind its I lilnii ,i i-,\ \\;ilers, ['. S. I'.iir. Fisli., liiill., vol. 47, ii<>. 10. ],. -J!!.". .".'.IS. 144 ti>;s. Foerster, K. F., and A. F. I'ritcli.iid VXi7>. Tile ideiitific.ition ot i he V'l'ii;; oi' ilir live six-cics of I'jicifie siilmoii, with notes on the t'resh-water jiliase ol their life-history. I'rit. Colniiili. Coiiini. Fish., Kept. 19::4, p. KKKIKIIC, 1 li-.. 1 pi. i repriiiled, l!»4»i. Fry, Donahl H., Jr. i'JSG. Life history of Ilesperolruviin roiiistiis Snyder. Calif. Fi^li and (JaiiK". vol. 22, no." 2, p. (;r)-!»S. II fiys. Iluhhs. Carl L. I'.t4;i Terniinolojjy of early stages of fishes. Copeia. no. 4. ]>. 2('((i. 1953. Eleotris picia added to the fish fauna of California. Calif. Fish and Cinmc, V(d. 3!), no. 1. p. (;!)-7C.. 1 f\'A. Kopec. .John A. 1949. Ecolo^iy. breeding habits and .\oiinj; sta.ires of Crenichthi/s hnilri/i, a fypriii- odont fish of Nevada. Copeia, no. 1, p. 5G-61. 2 figs. Oppenheimer. J. M. 1937. The normal stages of Fiiinhiliis hctcroclitiix. Anat. Rec, vol. f..s, no. 1. p. 1-15. Orton, Grace L. 1953. The svstematics of vertebrate larvae. Syst. Zool.. vol. 2. no. 2. p. t'K".-75. 10 figs. Stewart, Norman Hamilton 102(*>. Development, growth, and food h.-ibits of the white sucker. Cntost,,,,,,,.^ connin'i-sonii LeSuenr. V. S. Bur. Fish.. Hull., vol. 42. p. 147-1.^4. 55 figs. Weisel, George F.. and H. William Newman 1951. Breeding habits, development and early life history of li'irlmnl.^oiiiiis btil- teaiiis, a northwestern minnow. Copeia, no. 3, p. 187-1'.»4. S figs. ESTABLISHMENT OF A FORAGE FISH, THE RED SHINER (NOTROPIS LUTRENSIS), IN THE LOWER COLORADO RIVER SYSTEM' CARL L. HUBBS Scripps Institution of Oceanography of the Univorsily of California La Jolla, California It has been reeooiii/od for some time by lliosc concerned with the fish management of the k)wer Cohjrado Iiiver that some of the nnineroiis bait minnows bronght in from diverse regions LMilirr. lll.')-Ji may be- come established, for better or Tor worse, in tin- river jiikI connected Avaters. Since the native fish fanna has become hirgely replaced by introduced game and pan fishes, as sliown by the survey of Dill ( l!t44, p. 144-146) and, more emphatically, by recent field work, it has been thoug-ht that the establishment of an esseiiti;ill\- nonijredatory forage fish might increase the production of game fislies. It is therefore of interest and potential importance to note the recent establishment in the lower Colorado River system of such a forage fish, namely, the red shiner, Notropis lutrensis (Baird and Girard) (Figure 1). The name "red shiner" refers to the color of the body and more particularly of the fins, especially in the gorgeous breeding males, lit^-ause of its abundance and small size, this shiner is an important forage fi>;li. Tt has also been valued as a home aquarium fish. FIGURE 1. Red shiner, Nofropis lufrensis, from Miller 0952). THE ESTABLISHMENT That the establishment has been recent is indicated by the lack of this species not only in the collections reported by Gilbert and Seofield (1898) and by Dill (1944), but also in more recent seining. In March. 1950, Robert Rush Miller, the author, and assistants collected iu the 1 Submitted for publication February, 1954. Contributions from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, New Series, No. TI.t. (287) 288 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME f '—^^ ^ ^ SflN BERNARDINO PACIFIC FIGURE 2. Sketch map of the lower Colorado River system, including the Delta and Salton Sink, showing by numbers where red shiners were taken along the river in 1953. Drafted by Robert G. Kirk primarily from state base maps and topographic sheets by the U. S. Geo- logical Survey, from World Aeronautical charts, and from maps and data furnished by the International Boundary and Water Commission (Ing. Jose G. Valenzuela), Imperial Irrigation District (B. A. Weiss), and Coachella Valley County Water District (C. S. Hale). lower Colorado River over the same region where the species was taken in January, 1953, but failed to obtain a single specimen of this species. The first collections of the red shiner in the Colorado system were made by Kenneth 8. Norris, A. A. Allanson, and party, during a boat trip down the main river undertaken for the author in January, 1953 (Figure 2). The first three collections contained specimens of this RED SniNKR IN 'llll. I.uwi.i: (oi.ouAUU 289 species. Collection llf).'}-!, nuuN' in the rivetly east of a point on flie San Felipe Iliirli- way 8.5 miles soutli ol' El ]\Iayor) to the cstnarx- about 10 ndles by river above the moutb, contained no rc:{, in one of the pools, then becoming dry, of the settling basin of the Coachella Valley County Water District, in Kiverside County, California. This settling basin is 124.5 miles from the Colorado Kiver rin open earth- lined, canal (36 miles ah)ng the All-Ameriean Canal and ss.5 miles on the Coachella Main Canal, which continues 37.5 miles farther as a con- crete-lined, open ditch). Between 500 and 700 of the shiners were taken in a tied-mesh minnow seine, but only !)4 young to adidt speeiniens. 15 to 50 mm. long, were preserved (Mr. Fitch reportetl .some selection of larger fish). On December 15, while rescuing game fish in the same basin with a coarse-mesh seine, Richard D. Belaud found one dead and 40 30 UJ D- o LjJ 20 RIVER- 10 xcEl [1 SETTLING B^vSIN 10 20 30 -1^^ STANDARD LENGTH, MM •>: 60 FIGURE 3. Size frequency distribution of red stiiners collected in the settling basin of the Coachella Valley branch of the Ail-American Canal in December, 1953 ishoded columns) and in the lower Colorado River in January, 1953 (white columns). 4 — 97014 290 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME one live specimen of the same shiner. On December 28 John E. Fitch, using a "Common Sense" minnow seine, obtained here a larger, nn- selected series, comprising 284 specimens 18 to 56 mm. long. The size frequencies, however, are approximately the same as for the December 3 collection. That the species has rapidly become well established in the Colorado River and connected waters is indicated by the rather large number of specimens collected in 1953 in Arizona, Baja California Norte, and California, and by the widespread occurrence of young. The size-fre- quency distributions of the several collections (Figure 3) reveal that the red shiner in its new home breeds over a prolonged period, as it does in its native range (Hubbs and Ortenburger, 1929, p. 34; Ward, 1953, p. 20). By winter the young of the year, though in part still small, grade in size into the yearling and older groups. The rapid increase in num- bers indicates that the new waters are well adapted to the species and emphasize anew the lack of faunal saturation in the western streams, particularly after the abrupt depletion of the limited native fish fauna. The Colorado River waters where the species has taken hold appear to be rather similar to the larger streams of Oklahoma and western Arkansas where it abounds, as well as in small streams of various types (Hubbs and Ortenburger, 1929). The annual fluctuation in the tem- perature of the Coachella Valley Branch of the AU-American Canal, according to Mr. C. S. Hale, General Manager of the Coachella Valley County Water District, is from 48 to 86 degrees F. (probably the ap- proximate range encountered by the species over much of its native territory). There is circumstantial evidence that the lower Colorado system has become populated by red shiners through escapements from the ponds of the Arizona Fish Farms, Inc., at Ehrenburg, Arizona (near Blythe, California), though escaped or dumped bait may have contributed to the establishment of the species. The rearing of this minnow at the Arizona Fish Farms for the forage of channel catfish and for sale as bait has been reported by Miller (1952, p. 34). Richard D. Belaud says (personal communication, 1953) that red shiners abound in some of the ponds, from which many have escaped into ditches on the Arizona side of the river, but that he has not taken the species in the river proper. A special effort by him to obtain specimens with rotenone in two small bays of an oxbow on the California side of the river, 2 miles north of the bridge at Blj^the, on December 4, 1953, was not successful. His report (letter of December 11) adds: "I believe N. lutrensis was first propagated at the Arizona Fish Farms in 1948. They have been sold for bait along the river from Needles to Imperial Dam." Kirby H. Walker heard in 1949 that the spawning activities were under way for the second year. J. Bruce Kimsey reports (in letter dated December 17) : "Mr. Hill of the Arizona Fish Farms near Blythe advised me large numbers of fry pass out through the screens into the river each time the brood ponds are drained, so its establishment seemed inevi- table. A series of small minnows were noted by me on December 10, 1953 on a sand bar at Walker's Fish Camp, south of Blythe." Though these minnows were not sampled, it is highly probable that they were red shiners. RKD snTXKk i.\ 'iiii; i.ovvkk cor^ouAiK) 291 The slock (>r rcil sliiiicrs ;il tlic A ii/.()ii;i l-'isli l-'aniiH Ik rcportci) to lijivc (•(line Iroiii the vicinity of h;ikc I !iicli;iri;iii in Texas 'MilU-r, l!».'._'. |>- -i^), oil \ Kirhy II. Wnlkci-. who li;i(l consnilcd with oflicials of tin- riichanan is ;i rcscrxoir on Hm- ('ohx-ado Hivi-r (oF tlu* (Jillf of Mcxict) (1 rainauc I , in Manoimd l'.ni-ncl cunnt ics, 'rrxas. IDENTIFICATION The idciit ilical ion of I hcsc shincr-s as of t he species A ntinjus httn i> > (Uaird and (fii-ardi is indnhilahle. The characters a^Tee fully uiii: those of the species and in nearly all respects with those of the "typieal subspecies, the Plains val shinei- 'A'. /. Iiihcnsis), as these eliaraeters liave been determined by nie (in llnbbs and Ortenl)nr'_'er. 1I)*J1>. p. 33-34, 73-7G ; and in MS) and hy ('lark llid)l)s. who. at the riiiversity of Texas, is eondndinp; statistical and experinienlal stiulies on this species and its close relatives and is considering'' the status of its sub- species. The anal rays (Tabl(> 1) are ty|)ically !l. rarely S or 10. Tin- TABLE 1 Anal Ray Counts of Red Shiners in the Lower Colorado River System Locality Anal rays N'.). 1J3 94 8 9 10 5 5 Mran River in Arizona and Baja California . 18 5 130 84 g 01 Settling basin of Coachella Valley Canal . 9.00 lateral line scales in 10 river specimens vary from 32 to 34 and averajre 33.33; in 30 specimens from the basin of the ('oa<'liella \'alley Irri'_'a- tion Canal, from 33 to 36, average 34.07. Tli(> sliklahoma and Arkansas speci- mens described by llnbbs and Ort(Mibuiger (1!'2!>. p. 7(i). except that a middorsal file of melanophores is usually nioi-e or less evident, espe- cially behind the dorsal fin. and the lateral dark band is obsolescent anteriorly. 292 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Identification to subspecies is complicated by the fact that the stock came from a region in Texas "wliere Noiropis lutrensis lutrensis appears to interg'rade with a form of the sonthern coastal plain of Texas that maj^ well rank as a distinct subspecies, which would probably bear the name Notropis lutrensis stiavis (Girard). Compared with typical N. I. lutrensis this local form ordinarily has a slenderer body, smaller fins, and, in the ripe males, fewer tubercles. It also usually has a slightly reduced average number of anal rays, about 8.7 rather than about 9.2. The depth of the body seems to provide the best distinction. Clark Hubbs has provisionalh" determined that, as a rule, the distance from the dorsal origin to the anal origin in the adult males is less than .31 of the standard length in N. I. suavis and more than .33 in N. I. lu- trensis; in the adult females, less than .29 in suavis and more than .30 in lutrensis. In this respect the specimens from the settling basin of the Coachella Valley Branch of the AU-American Canal, taken De- cember 28, agree rather well with suavis: in 38 males 37 to 56 mm. long the distance between the origins of the dorsal and anal fins measures .25 to .30 of the standard length, with an average of .278 ; in 31 females 37 to 51 mm. long, .25 to .29, with an average of .273. But many of the specimens were small adults, none were breeding, all were taken in the winter, and some showed a degree of parasitism and emaciation that could be attributed to crowding in desiccating waters. The number of anal rays (Table 1) is intermediate. These determinations, and more especially the circumstance that Clark Hubbs has identified material from the source region of our stock as intergrades between suavis and typical lutrensis, lead me to identify the introduced stock provisionally as intergrades (Notropis lutrensis: lutrensis X suavis). The specimens from the settling basin are indicated as even more slender when the greatest depth is stepped into the standard length. In 113 of the largest specimens taken on December 3 and 28, divided about equally between the sexes, this measurement is 3.7 to 4.7, with an average of 4.29. For Illinois specimens Forbes and Richardson (1920, p. 144, col. pi. opp. p. 143) give: "depth 2.7 to 3.2 in adults, the young more slender." The retention of the slender form in various habitats where the species has been established in the lower Colorado River system, in places where competition is presumably slight and food probably plen- tiful, provides strong evidence that the slenderness of the form called N. I. suavis is genetically determined, though the possibility remains that the body form ma}' be determined, at least in part, by the environ- ment, interacting with hormones. The depth of the body in N. lutrensis is suijject to wide fluctuations, both individual and regional, and in- creases with age, especially in the males. These fluctuations are largely responsible for the abnormally long synonymy borne by the species (Hubbs and Ortenburger, 1929, p. 74-75). The genus Notropis has not previously been reported from either California or Baja California Norte and the species is new for these states and for Arizona. The native range of Notropis I. lutrensis is from Illinois and South Dakota westward and southwestward through the Great Plains, with the southern limit in the Rio Grande, Rio San Fer- nando, and Rio Soto la Marina systems of the Atlantic drainage of RED SHINKR IN TIIK r/)VVP:R rOI.OIlAIK) 293 nortlioastorii Mrxico. Oiu; localized siil)S|ircic.s, .Sotro/tis Itttrtnsis hlmrt lliibbs (1940, ]). (i-8), lias \)M'.u dcscrilx-d rroni Texas. It may [irov ♦'• be a distinct spocics; ttn Hh; otlior liaiid. .s(»mt' of the nomiiial sp. now rec()4:r). As Snyder indi- cated, that form has smaller scales (about M) in the lateral liin-i and usually only 8 anal rays. The same kind, or complex of similar forms, occurs in other Mexican tributaries of the (iulf of California. It should probably be called N. formosa tnearusi Snxder. N. formosa formnsii (Girard) is one of the forms in the interior drainajre of the Sonoran Plateau, itself perhaps only subspecifieally dilTcrcntiated from A'. lutrensis. The red shiner may be recognized, at least as an adult, by comparison of specimens with the colored plate in Forbes and Kichard.son or with the figure given by Miller (1952, p. 21), reproduced herewith as Fijjure 1. Miller's figure shows well the characters visible in side view, except for the black stippling of the interradial mendii-anes of tlie dorsal fin. The slenderer body of the introduced form must be kei)t in mind in comparing specimens with the published figures. SUMMARY The red shiner, Notropis lutrensis (Baird and Girard). native from the North Central States to noi-theastern ]\Iexico, has recently become established in the Colorado River and connected waters of Arizona, Baja California Norte, and California, where it is of potential impor- tance in game fish management. The recent great depletion of the limited native fish fauna accounts for the rapid increase of this and other introduced fishes in the lower Colorado Kiver system. The estab- lishment of the red shiner is attributed to escapements from the Arizona Fish Farms near Blythe, California. The stock came from near Lake Buchanan, Texas. The introduced fish are provisionally regarded as intergrades between N. I. lutrensis and X. /. sua vis, a slender race of the southern coastal plain of Texas. They are not N. nuanisi Snyder, a form of the Gulf of California drainage that should pr.)bably be treated as a subspecies of N. formosa (Girard). That form ami certain other nominal species, of the interior drainage of the Sonoran Plateau, may also prove to be interpretable as subspecies of X. lutrensis. yotropis forlonensis of the Rio Panuco system in eastern :Mexieo is definitely so regarded. 294 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME ACKNOWLEDGMENTS In the accumulatiou of material and data for this paper I have been aided by A. A. Allanson, Wayne J. Baldwin, Richard D. Beland, Philip A. Dongias, Willis A. Evans, John E. Fitch, C. S. Hale, Clark Hubbs, Lanra C. Hubbs, J. Bruce Kimsey, Robert G. Kirk, Robert Rush Miller, Kenneth S. Xorris, Jose G. Valenzuela, Boyd W. Walker, Kirby H. Walker, B. A. Weiss, and Donald E. Wohlschlag. REFERENCES Dill, William A. 1944. The fishery of the lower Colorado River. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 30, no. 2, p. 109-211, figs. 45-82. Forbes, Stephen Alfred, and Robert Earl Richardson 1920. The fishes of Illinois. 2nd ed. III. Nat. Hist. Survey, vol. 3, cxxxvi -t 357 p., 76 figs., 68 pis. Gilbert, Charles Henry, and Norman Bishop Scofield 1898. Notes on a collection of fishes from the Colorado Basin in Arizona. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 20, p. 487-499, pis. 36-39. Hubbs, Carl L. 1940. Fishes from the Big Bend region of Texas. Tex. Acad. Sci., Trans., vol. 23, for 1938-1939, p. 3-12. Hubbs, Carl L., and A. I. Ortenburger 1929. Further notes on the fishes of Oklahoma with descriptions of new species of Cyprinidae, and Fishes collected in Oklahoma and Arkansas in 1927. Univ. Okla. Biol. Surv., Publ., vol. 1, nos. 2-3 (in: Univ. Okla. Bull., new ser., no. 434), p. 15-112, pis. 1-13. Miller, Robert Rush 1952. Bait fishes of the lower Colorado River from Lake Mead, Nevada, to Yuma, Arizona, with a key for their identification. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 38, no. 1, p. 7-42, figs. 1-32. Miller, Robert Rush, and James R. Simon 1943. 'Notropis mearnsi from Arizona, an addition to the known fish fauna of the United States. Copeia, 1943, no. 4, p. 2.53. Snyder, John Otterbein 1915. Notes on a collection of fishes made by Dr. Edgar A. Mearns from rivers tributary to the Gulf of California. U. S. Nat. Mus., Proc, vol. 49, p. 573-586, 1 fig., pis. 76-77. Ward, H. C. 1953. Know your Oklahoma fishes. Okla. Game and Fish Dept., 40 p., 37 figs. TAGGING EXPERIMENTS ON THE YELLOWTAIL, SERIOLA DORSAUS (GILL)' ROBERT D. COLLYER Marine Fisheries Branch California Department of Fish and Game INTRODUCTION The yellowtail is one of SonlTicni California's most |»ri/.'htinay in Central Cali- fornia but are rare north of Los Angeles County. To the .soutii they ai-e found along the Baja California coast and in the fiulf of California. By far the greatest abundance occurs in Mexican waters, and California is on the fringe of the population. Almost the (Mitire eommei-cial eatch is taken between Cedros Island and ^Tagdalena Bay. Sport tishermen take yellowtail primarily during tlie spring and summer months along the Southern California mainland coast and around Santa Catalina and San Clemente Islands. In recent years, however, the best catdies have been made at the Coronados Islands, just south of the ^lexican border. Full-scale yellowtail investigations were started in Jan nary. l!i.')2. The first and major problem has been to determine whether highly prized fish move from ^lexican waters, where they are most abundant, into California waters. This question can be answered most directly by the results of a tagging jirogram. Marking yellowtail has. therefore, been the largest single nndertaking of the investigation. It was felt that considerable experimental work should be done to fiml the mark best suited for these fish. Consequently, a great deal of time was devoted to testing of tags during 1952 and 1953. ^Submitted for publication IMarch, 1954. This work was performed as part of Dingell- Johnson Project California F-l-R, "Yellowtail Study," supported by Federal Aid to Fish Restoration funds. (295) 296 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Four types of experiments were conducted : 1. Double tagging- at sea to obtain information on the relative merits of various tags, as well as data on migrations. 2. Observing tags on live yellowtail in an aquarium. 3. Testing the staying qualities of tags on fish in a high-speed water tunnel. 4. Testing the physical effects on tags of a prolonged period on the bottom of the department's survey vessel, N. B. Scofield. This report is concerned primarily with these tests, which have re- sulted in the development of suitable tags. The program is now devoted to marking a sufficiently large number of fish to provide the necessary information on migrations. RESUME OF EXPERIMENTS Tagging at Sea By the end of February, 1954, 3,147 yellowtail had been tagged and released and 103 recovered (Table 1). Most of the fish (2,314) were double tagged, using Petersen disks as the basic mark in conjunction with one of the following : 1. Plastic, diamond-shaped tag, stapled to the operculum. 2. Cellulose nitrate strap tag on the operculum. 3. Streamer tag. 4. Jaw tag. 5. Vinylite tubing tag. TABLE 1 Release and Recovery Data for Tagged Yellowtail Data Are Complete Through February, 1954 (See Figure 9) Date Place of release Number tagged Number recovered June-Sept., 1951 4 1 11 1 La Jolla, California-- - - 0 Guadalupe Island 0 Totals - - - - 16 18 380 87 1 1952 - _ . - _ Coronados Islands -_-__- -_ ___- 7 Guadalupe Island . - - 11 Cedros Island- Abreoj OS Pt.- - - - 8 Totals --- 485 9 268 76 1,685 14 26 19.53 --- - --- Coronados Islands. - . 4 Guadalupe Island . _ _ _ - - _ 13 Cedros Island-Abreojos Pt. _ - . __ ._ 2 Abreojos Pt.-Magdalena Bay -- - 57 Gulf of California _ . _ _ . 0 Totals -. --- -- 2,052 594 76 Jan.-Feb., 19.54 Baja California 25° 44' N. to 27° 30' N. 0 Grand Totals . .- -- 3,147 103 Yi';M,()\v'rAii- TACidiNd i:xi-i;uiMKN'r.s 297 The double laf?f;iri.VJ. All hut five survived until niid-.lunc, lila'i, wlim, unrortiinalfjy, an a<|wariiiin accident resulted in tlieir death. Tile la^s a]>parently in-itated the fish to some dr'_M-er. l-'nr ••xaiiipl'*. a tisli, witii a sudden burst of s|)ee(l, would swoop upside down alonu' the bottom, trying- to rub olT the iiiai'ks. There were several marine turtles in the tank and the lisii l'r(M|iicnt ly scr;ipcd their backs across the ridj^cs of the turtles' carapaces. Yellowtail are semiixdaj^ic, being Tound o\er shadow banks and rocky shoals. Sometimes whole schools are near the surface, and at other times they are found only at the bottom. Their habitat, totjether with their observed tendency to rub their backs against solid ol)jeets, makes it obvious that the tags must be rugged and well secured. The following types of tags were observed in the a(iuarium experi- ment : 1. Petersen disks attached by : a. Stainless steel wire ; b. Monofilament nylon line. 2. Plastic diamond-shaped plates stapled to the operculum. 3. Nickel strap tags attached to the operculum. 4. Cellulose nitrate strap tags attached to the operculum. 5. Jaw tags. 6. Streamer tags. 7. Hydrostatic tags. Acknowledgment is made to the Scripps Institution of Oceanoir- raphy for provision of an aquarium tank and for the care of the lish during this experiment. Water Tunnel Experiment The work of Alverson and Cheuoweth (1951) in testing the eftVct of water velocity on albacore (Thunnus girnio) tags suggested that sinu- lar results might prevail with yellowtail. Both fish are capable of short bursts of considerable speed, and it seems (pute plausible tiiat the veloci- ties at which they swim nnght easily exert sutticieut fon-e t.> tear tair^ loose. Messrs. Alverson and Cheuoweth readily agreed to test our fish, and their cooperation and help are gratefully acknowledged. In Mardi. 1952, five yellowtail were shipped frozen to Seattle, Washington, where 298 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME tliey were tested at the University of "Washington Hydraulics Labora- tory. The following tags were used in the experiment: 1. Petersen disks attached by: a. Stainless steel wire; b. Monofilament nylon line. 2. Petersen disks riveted to the opercular bone. 3. Nickel opercular strap tags. 4. Streamer tags. 5. Hydrostatic tags. 6. Vinylite tubing tags attached through the back. Test on Bottom of Vessel On July 24, 1953, samples of jaw tags and tubing tags were attached to two pieces of rubber hose in a manner similar to their attachment on a yellowtail. The hoses were then secured to the bottom of the N. B. ScoFiELD, one section about 60 feet aft of the bow and the other just under the counter of the stern. The tags under the stern received re- flected light and were completely submerged only when the after bait tanks were full. The tags were untouched until December 11, 1953, 4| months later, when the vessel was put in dry dock for overhaul. During this time the N. B. Scofield covered approximately 4,200 miles, most of the distance through waters frequented by yellowtail. The cruising speed of the vessel is a little less than 10 knots. None of the tags came off, and all remained in excellent condition. TYPES OF TAGS USED Petersen Disks The Petersen disks were identical with those used extensively in other marking experiments conducted by California workers (Calhoun, 1952; Calhoun et al., 1951; Collyer and Young, 1952). They were made of three layers of laminated cellulose nitrate one-half inch in diameter and 0.040 inch thick (Figure 1). The center layer was red and the protective cuter layers transparent. The legend was printed on the center layer. In the yellowtail experiments, the tags were applied in pairs, one on either side of the fish, by means of a wire or line passing through the body, just under the anterior insertion of the soft dorsal fin. One disk bore the legend and the other was blank. Two plastic spacers (Figure 2), each 0.040 inch thick, were used, one under each Petersen disk, to assure that the tags were not secured too tightly. Two mate- rials were used to attach the tags. Type 302, 0.032-inch diameter, soft temper, stainless steel wire was used between June, 1951, and April, 1952, and various types of monofilament nylon fishing line thereafter. Throughout most of the program, double strands of 18-pound test, 0.021-inch diameter nylon line were used. Limited field trials were made in July, 1952, and September, 1953, with single strand 40-pound test, 0.032-inch diameter line. The initial supply of 18-pound test nylon was quite stiff and hard to handle, but it was the only type available during most of 1952. A softer variety, said to have all the qualities of vi;i,i.()\vi'.\i A(!(ll.\(i KXI'KKI.MKNTS 299 ^ RETURN ^^ f^. / DISKS " I' •'3 U 1 i: TERMINAL IS. CALIF. i FIGURE 1. Petersen disks, showing the knots. The blood knot (right) was tied in advance of tagging operations and threaded through the numbered disk. The turban knot (left) woj the final tie which secured the tags to the fish. FIGURE 2. A double-tagged fish, showing the tubing tag in position and the Petersen disks being aflfixed. The spreader plates, which are removed before releasing the fish, are shown under the Petersen disks. Photograph by Claude Kreider, September, 1953. 300 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME the original material and much easier to use, was put on the market in late 1952. Most of the nylon used in 1953 was the soft, more flexible type. The blood knot (Young et al., 1953) was the initial tie with nylon. The final securing was done with a double overhand knot until the September, 1953, tagging trip on the N. B. Scofield. On this cruise 21 double-tagged fish, which had been released only a month before, were retaken, and all but four had lost their Petersen disks. Although we could not be sure, it appeared that the knot was failing. The turban knot (Young et al.) was then substituted for the overhand. Aquarium Experiment On these fish nine sets of Petersen disks were attached by stainless steel wire and three sets by 0.021-inch monofilament nylon. Of the nine sets of wire-secured disks, seven were retained for the duration of the experiment, 147 days, and two sets tore loose after 1^ months and four months, respectively. In all cases, the wire bent so that the tags were perpendicular to the flow of water, and those in place at the end of the experiment were tearing and irritating the tissue through which the wire passed. The disks attached by nylon were placed on the fish March 7, 1952. Two sets of disks lasted the remainder of the experi- ment, 104 days, and were still in good condition when the fish died. The third set came off in 66 days, but neither the tags nor the nylon were found, and thus there is no explanation for the failure. These tags were all secured with hard nylon, using the blood knot on one side and the double overhand knot on the other. Water Tunnel Experiment The staying qualities of four sets of Petersen tags were tested. Three pairs of disks attached by stainless steel wire remained on the fish for the duration of the runs. One pair stood the maximum test of 12 minutes at 25 to 29 miles per hour. However, like similar tags on the aquarium fish, they all bent perpendicular to the flow of water, and the process of tearing the tissue had started. The fourth set of disks, attached by 0.021-inch diameter hard nylon, broke loose before con- clusion of the test. The cause of loss was failure of the nylon, but whether it was due to breakage or to the knot coming loose is unknown. Tagging at Sea The number of yellowtail released at sea with Petersen disk tags, regardless of attachment, totals 2,463, of which 2,314 were double- tagged. There have been 26 recoveries and 66 known losses from double- tagged fish (Table 2) and eight recoveries from the 149 single-tagged fish. Disks attached by wire were used on 71 fish, all of which were single-tagged. The six recoveries have made the best showing in terms of the number of days retained : 38 to 225, with an average of 151 days. However, wire was used only during January and February, 1952, at which time of year there was little or no yellowtail fishing in tlie area where they were released. The returns, all but the one out 38 days, occurred in late summer and fall, which coincides with the fish- ing season. None were taken in 1953. YKI.I.OW TAIL TAOCilNU KXI'KUI M KN'TS 301 TABLE 2 Tags Returned and Those Known fo Have Been Lost From Fish Double tagged in 1952 and 19SJ TagRiiiK coiiiliiiiMliiiti Petersen disks attached by two strands of 18 ll>. test nyU)ii, double o\erb!Uit(.r>«>n ' '>Hi«T tug 18 20 0 f) 13 13 36 0 30 30 66 1 3 2 0 0 0 0 0 6 Petersen disks attached with nylon made a poor showing in 1952. The 12 returns were out an average of G4 days witli a ran«?e of from 5 to 188 days. Nine sets of disks on doitbh^-tagged fish were known to have been shed, and there were no returns in 1953. The 1953 results were even more unsatisfactory, the 20 returns aver- aging only 39 days out with a range of from 11 to 81 days. The losses far exceeded the tags retained; 57 fish were recaiitured witli tlu- alter- nate tag intact and the Petersen disks gone. Evaluation The aquarium observations, the water tunnel tests, and the field experiments have all shown that Petersen disk tags are unsatisfactory for marking yellowtail. The use of wire left much to be desired ; the hard nylon was unsatisfactory. Soft uylou a]ipeared to be Avorse and changing the knots did not reduce the losses. The use of Petersen disks has been discontinued. Diamond Opercular Tags These diamond-shaped tags were made of cellulose nitrate. 1 by ^ by 0.040 inches, and were attached to the opercular bone by a staple passing through two rectangular holes (Figure 3'i. The staples were bent from pieces of type 302 stainless steel, 11 by i by 0.020 inches, and were covered by protective sheaths of polyvinyl chloride tubing. The tags were fairly easy to apply. Two holes were punched through the operculum, the right width and size to fit the staple. The staple 302 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME was passed through the holes from the inside and was clinched over the plastic plate on the outside with pointed-nosed pliers. Care was taken not to squeeze too tight. FIGURE 3. Diamond opercular tag. The words LENGTH, PLACE, DATE were inscribed as a notice to fishermen; space limitations prevented more detailed instructions. Aquarium Observafions In the aquarium, one diamond staple tag lasted a little less than a month, one a month and a half, and a third just a few days less than two months. All the tags tore through the o-perculum, leaving gaping holes. Wafer Tunnel Experiment Three tags similar to the diamond staple tag were tested. These con- sisted of single Petersen disks riveted to the operculum with a soft temper, type 303, stainless steel rivet. This tag was an adaptation of that used by Cable (1950) on shad. Tag 1 came off after 7^ minutes of a 12^-minute run at 20 to 25 miles per hour. Tag 2 lasted through a 10-minute run at 20 to 29 miles per hour but worked considerably and would not have remained much longer. Tag 3 came off after 3| minutes of a 12-minute test at a maximum velocity of 29 miles per hour. Tagging at Sea The 77 diamond opercular tags used in conjunction with Petersen disks yielded six recoveries (Table 2). The time out ranged from 5 to 95 days, with a mean of 40 days. There was one known loss on a fish which retained the disks for 172 days. Evaluation Neither the diamond opercular tag nor the Cable-type tag yielded satisfactory results. In addition, there Avas the possibility of their not being seen by fishermen because they were visible from only one side of the fish. Further use of these tags on yellowtail has been abandoned. vi:i,i.(tw'iAii, 'rA(i(!i\(j i:xi'i;i{|mi:nts Mr.i Opercular Strap Tags 'I'wd kinds ol' (i|M'i(Mil,ii- slr;i|) tii^s ui-n- tr-ii-il. Xickrl ta},'s, 1I» by -l hy 0.7 mill., (Irsi;:iic(l lor I'.icilii- iiuickrrrl. I' m u niiilnjthnrus dittjo, (Fry and Hocdcl. 1!>4I)), were ii.scd in the a(|ii;it-iiiiii ;iiid watrr ImiiU'l fX|M*ri- iiKMits. The second ty])(' (Fiji-iin' -1) was made of ccllidosc nitrate strips ineasnrin^- :> hy ;' l)y ().()4() indies. A le^ii-nd was printiMl on tin- pla.slie with H I'lihher staiiip. iisiiiu ink i'()iitaiiiin<; a solvent for ci-HidoM- nitrati* (California Ink Coinpany No. l()4Xr)A2). 'Plie serial mnnlM'r wa.s writ- t(Mi at one eiul of the le.')3i. Sevt-ral methods of making the latter tag- were tried. A message printed on a piece of waterproof paper | by 2^ inches was rolled tight around one FIGURE 6. "Type D" streamer tag. 306 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME end of an ll-inch length of braided nylon line. On the other end of the line was a loop one inch in diameter. At first the message was enclosed in a short length of nylon tubing, about f inch long. The whole mes- sage end was then dipped in soluble nylon to give it a tough protective coating. Later the tube was eliminated. The message was then rolled around the end of the braided line and twisted into a small piece of polyethylene film, just enough to hold it, and then dipped in the solu- ble nylon as before. The new method of fabrication resulted in lighter tags that were simpler to make. CWT EWDS Letter inside -^^2 FIGURE 7. Einar Lea hydrostatic tag with wire bridle attached. We wish to thank Mr. Einar Lea for sending us a number of his hydrostatic tags and wire bridles. This tag has been successfully used in Norway to tag cod and herring. Its principal merit is thought to be its nearly neutral buoyancy, which allows it to stream along with little strain on the fish or the attachment. The tag (Figure 7), consisting of a small transparent plastic tube with a sealed-in message, was attached to the back of the fish by a stainless steel bridle. Li addition to using Lea's wire bridle, we also used monofilament nylon. The hydrostatic tags were tested on yellowtail in the aquarium and in the water tunnel. The type D tags were applied with the aid of a hook, much like a crochet hook bent in a half circle. The hook was inserted through the back of the fish about one inch below the middle of the soft dorsal fin. The loop end of the nylon line was hooked and the hook withdrawn, pulling the tag through the muscle tissue. The capsule containing the message was passed through the loop and over its own string to form an overhand knot which secured the tag. VKM.OWI'AII, T.\(l(;i\(J KXI'Kin.MKNTS 307 Aquarium Observations h\)\\v l>|»c I) st I'ciiMci- l;i^s shiyi'd in plarr until \\,r i\sh .siiri-iMiihnl. One was retained lor (lii-cc nidnlhs with no si^rn of faults. Th«' othrr three Avei-e kept iindci- ohscrx al ion loi- jihont nn,- tnontli .-ai-h ami hIio\vc(I no delects. Six ]jea taus were used on I he ;i(|n,iriiiiM (isli. W'lyr l)i-ii||cs wen* iijmmI on two (isli. (Mic cainc off in jdxMil lour iiioiillis wliilr the othrr, ul- thou^^li badly beiil, lasted the duration of I lie cxpfrinient. Thf riMiiaiii- iufi' roui- ]jea taiis were secured with nylnn linr. One canu- (»tT in two niontlis, two histed four mouths, imd one rrmaiiicd in phir.- until tlic conclusion of the experiment, ahoni li\c niontlis. Water Tunnel Test One type D streamer tag held the dnralion of tin- test. 10 ininut»»s at 20 to 29 miles per hour, with no faults to he found. Five Lea tays, two attached Avith wife l)i-idlcs ami three with uylmi line, were tested. One of the uyhm-held marks vibrated badly atid came otf after 8 minutes of a lO-miuute run at 20 to 29 miles per hour. The others stayed in place thronyhout the experiment. Tagging at Sea There have been 11 recoveries and two kiu)vvn losses from 19(5 type D tap's used tog-ether with Petersen disks ( Tal)le 2). The time of re- tention ranged from 7 to IIG days. The losses oceurreil on tish which retained the Petersen disks for 35 and 36 days. No hydrostatic tags were used at sea. Evaluation The hydrostatic tag did not appear to be very satisfactory for mark- ing yellowtail. Neither the wire bridle nor the nylon was substantial enough to secure the tags. At the end of 1952, the type D sti-eamei- tags appeared to ha\e done well. Neither the field trials, the aquarium observations, mu- the water tunnel tests showed serious faults. However, no fish tagged in l!).'>2 were recovered in 1953, and furthermore, there was a known 15 per- cent loss among the double-tagged fish. Again because other tags t»'sted in this study have shown more merit, the use of streamer tags has been abandoned. Tubing Tags Pour types of tubing tags have been used on yellowtail, three of which were identical to those being used by the I'alifornia Department of Fish and Game to mark tunas (AVilson, 1953). The four types are: 1. No. 14 vinylite tubing Avith type 302, 0.0:;2-ineii diameter stainless steel wire center (tuna type E). 2. No. 14 vinylite tubing with 45-]iouud test braiiled nylon line core (tuna type F). 3. No. 14 vinylite tubing wdth No. 20 vinylite tubing center (tuna type G). . 4. Transparent red No. 14 vinylite with 40-pound test. 0.032-inch diameter monofilament nylon center (Figure 8). The outside di- ameter of No. 14 tubing is approxinuitely Vio iw^^ ^"^^ ^'*^- -^ about 0.065 inch. 308 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME FIGURE 8. Tubing tag which is being used on yellowtaii, showing the turban knot, which is rolled down to the ends of the vinylite tubing to secure the tag. Type 4 was made as follows. The legend was inscribed on a three-inch piece of opaque white No. 20 vim^lite tubing which was later drawn through an eight-inch piece of transparent tube. Lastly, 22 inches of nylon was threaded through the whole. To keep the nylon from slip- ping, a simple overhand knot was tied in the line and pulled into the end of the outer tubing-. The legend and number were hand-inscribed on the opaque white core with a steel quill pen, using plastic ink (California Ink Company No. 104N5A2). The tubing tags were all attached with the aid of a stainless steel needle inserted through the back of the fish about one inch below the middle of the soft dorsal fin. The techniques for applying the type E, F, and G tuna tags were the same as described by AVilson. The vinyl- monofilament mdon tags were secured with a turban knot which was rolled down close to the ends of the tubing before cinching tight. Aquarium Observations No tubing tags were place on yellowtaii in the aquarium. Water Tunnel Experiment Two tubing tags were tested and both held satisfactorily throughout the experiment. Test on Bottom of Vessel Twelve tubing tags were tested, six on each of the two pieces of hose. All stayed in place and none showed any defects during the 4|-month test. Tagging at Sea Tubing tags have been used in conjunction with Petersen disks on 1,805 fish and 605 have been used alone. Recoveries from double-tagged fish (Table 2) total 53, with no known losses. The time out has ranged from 11 to 81 days, with a mean of 39 days. YELLOWTAIL TAGOING EXPERIMENTS 300 Evaluaiion The stayino' ((luililics nf ;ill lour lypcs Iwivi- Ix-ni cxccllciit and tlicre is no conclusive evidence, at tliis sta<,'c of the invcslij^'atioii, that one is definitely better tluin ;i not her. However, in vi(!\v oi" the desirability of narrowin;^' tlie iiniiiher of t;i,us in nse to only tlie very best, two of theso types liave been diseontinned. The bi-aided nylon center of tlie typa F ta<:: sliowed some tendency to fray ;ind thon^li none have been known to come off, it is ])elieved tliat some oi" those retnr-iied Tinjrht not have lasted mncli lon^-er. The vinyl-stainless steel type E ta<,' has also been discontinued. There may be sufficieid, tlexui'c of the wire to result eventually in breakage. Secondly, tags which were partially untwisted have been returned. Finally, this tag is slower to make. A rather serious fnidt occurred on several tags recently returned in that the ink had faded. The worst tag was out only Go days. It is believed that the bad tags were from fish which spent considerable time at the surface, wdiere the greater light intensity caused fading. That portion of the tng covered by tissue always remained in perfect condi- tion. The problem was referred back to the California Ink Company, which found that the addition of 2 percent carbon black fortified the ink so that there was no fading Avhen tested the equivalent of 142 days at summer sunlight. The improved formula number is in4X."')A4. The assistance of the crime laboratory of the Long Beach Police Depart- ment in positive identification of the one particularly bad tag is grate- fully acknoAvledged. EflPort has been made to have fishermen return the whole fish rather than just the tags alone and 45 specimens with the tubing tag in place have been received. This has given an excellent opportunity to observe the condition of the tags. In every case, the hole through which the tubing passed was either completely healed or was healing with no sign of soreness. It was observed that the tissue tends to grow to the vinylite and in some cases the tags adhered so tightly that removal was difficult. MOVEMENT At the end of February, 1954, 3,147 yellowtail had been tagged, all but one in Mexican waters, and 103 recovered (Table 1, Figure 9). Of those recaptured, 90 were taken less than 10 miles from the point of release and the remaining 13 at distances of from 20 to 240 miles (Table 3). Three fish traveled from Guadalupe Island to the mainland. The longest migration was from Guadalupe Island to Asuncion Island, a distance of 240 miles southeast in G2 days. The only recovery in California waters was a fish released at the Coronados Islands and recaptured at Santa Catalina Island. Another yellowtail from the same tagging lot moved southeast and was caught near Ensenada. Of particular interest are some of the returns from fisli which did not move. On successful trips in August and September, 1953, 1.405 yellow- tail were tagged on a small bank, just a few acres in area, latitude 25° 44' N., longitude 113° 10' W. On the September cruise, 24 of the fish marked in August were recaptured. Commercial fishermen who 310 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME PACIFIC OCEAN Scolt of Milei FIGURE 9. Areas in which yellowtail have been tagged and recovered. Numbers above lines indicate releases; those below lines, recoveries within a 10-mile radius. Arrows and circled figures show fish that moved more than 10 miles. Vi;i.I.()\VI'\ll, 'I\0(!IN(1 KXI'KUI.MKNTS :!1 Dull' tagged 1-26-52- 1-26-52. 1-27-52. 1-27-52. li- 2-52. (i- 7-52. (;-ll-52_ ■4-24-53- 4-24-53. 8- 1-53- 8- 2-53. 8- 2-53- 9-25-53. TABLE 3 Log of Tagged Yellowtail Which Moved 10 Miles or More 'See Figure 9) Liiciility i)f rc-l(;usc Cedros Is., North l^iid Ccdros Is., Nortli Isiid Cedros Is., North ImkI Ccdros Is., North KniL Sail Bonito Is. Guadnhipc Is. Guudahipe Is. Coronados Is.. Coronados Is.. Guadalupe Is. Guaro- gram. Conseqnently, dnring 1952 and l!t5;} considerable effort was devoted to the development of suitable tags and to marking fish at sea. Four types of experiments were loerformed in developing suitabl(> tags. These included double-tagging at sea, a(|uariiim observations, tests in a water tunnel, and tests of tags attached to the bottom of a vessel. The tags used included : conventional Petersen disks attached by both stainless steel Avire and monofilament nylon : ojiercular tags of several types; streamer tags, some of them hy^lrostatic ; plastic jaw tags and plastic tubing tags similar to those used successfully on tuna. The tubing tags and the jaw tags have been most satisfactory and their use is being continued. Ry the end of February. 1954, there was no evidence of tag loss from either of these types. The Tetersen disks, 312 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME regardless of the means of attachment, showed serious flaws in all the experiments. This was demonstrated most forcefully by the double tagging work at sea. Of 92 re;Overies from fish marked initially with Petersen disks and one of the other types, there were 66 losses of the disks. The other types of tags tested and rejected also showed losses, though not as great as for the Petersen disks. At the end of February, 1954, 3,147 yellowtail had been tagged and released. Kecoveries totaled 103, only 13 of which moved more than 10 miles from the point of release. The maximum movement recorded was 240 miles, for a fish at liberty only 62 days. The maximum time out was 213 days, by a fish which moved 90 miles. One yellowtail tagged at the Coronados Islands, just south of the International Boundary, was retaken in California waters at Santa Catalina Island. Three fish moved from Guadalupe Island, 140 miles off the coast of Baja Cali- fornia, to the mainland. With the development of suitable tags, a concentrated effort is now being made to mark fish in large numbers. REFERENCES Alverson, D. L., and H. H. Chenoweth 1951. Experimental testing of fisii tags on albacore in a water tunnel. U. S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Comm. Fish. Rev., vol. 13, no. 8, p. 1-7. Cable, Louella E. 1950. A cheek tag for marking fish, with semi-automatic pliers for application of tag. Jour, du Cons., vol. 16, no. 2, p. 185-191. Calhoun, A. J. 1952. Aquarium tests of tags on striped bass. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 39, no. 2, p. 209-218. Calhoun, A. J., D. H. Fry, Jr., and E. P. Hughes 1951. Plastic deterioration and metal corrision in Petersen disk fish tags. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 37, no. 3, p. 301-314. CoUyer, R. D., and P. H. Young 1952. Progress report on a study of the kelp bass, Paralahrax clathratus. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 39, no. 2, p. 191-208. Conseil Permanent International pour I'Exploration de la Mer 1953. A guide to fish marks used by members of the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. Jour, du Cons., vol. 19, no. 2, p. 241-289. Fry, D. H., Jr., and P. M. Roedel 1949. Tagging experiments on Pacific mackerel. Calif. Div. Fish and Game, Fish Bull. 73, 64 p. Young, P. H., J. W. Schott, and R. D. CoUyer 1953. The use of monofilament nylon for attaching Petersen disk fisli tags. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 39, no. 4, p. 445-462. Wilson, R. C. 1953. Tuna marking, a progress report. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 39, no. 4, p. 429-442. PROGRESS REPORT ON THE TAGGING OF WHITE CATFISH (ICTALURUS CATUS) IN THE SAC- RAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN DELTA' DAVID E. PELGEN Inland Fisheries Branch California Department of Fish and Game INTRODUCTION Catfish play an important role in California sport fisjiiiiii-. An esti- mated 171,000 anglers (17 percent of all licensees) fishcil tor thrm jind canglit almost 5,000,000 fish in 1951. Moreover, a special survey in 1948 indicated thnt 4.5 percent op all anplors prefei-rod catfish in^r over all other types of fishing (Calhonn, 1950, 1953a). Althongh catfish are found in virtually every county in the State, the fishery in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta area is particularly important, x>roviding over 50 percent of the California catch. The white catfish (Ictalnriis catiis), channel catfish (Z. pu7ictatus), brown bidlhead (Ameiurus ne'bidosvs), and black bullhead (A. melas) have all established breeding populations there. However, the white catfish is dominant, and the other species are taken infref[uently. Until September, 1958, both commercial fishing and S]iort fishing for catfish were permitted in the Delta area. A serious decline in these fisheries led to the initiation of a study of them in January, 1952. Several thousand white catfish were tagged early in 1952 in the Delta in connection with studies of fishing pressure and migrations and the development of tagging techniques. The first tagging experiment has thrown considerable light on tlie movements of white catfish in the Delta, about which notliing was known previously. It has also yielded valiuible inforn\ation about tagging techniques. The present report summarizes these preliminary data. Studies of fishing mortality are coul inning and will be covered in a subsequent report. METHODS A total of 3,466 white catfish Avas tagged with tAvo types of tags. The tagged fish were released at the six localities shown in Figure 1. At five of these fish were purchased directly from commercial fishermen. Tagging was done on the fishermen's wlmrves, using their live cars, tables, and other facilities. The fish tagged at the Antioch locality were captured by project personnel, during the conunercial closed season. When large numbers of catfish are concentrated, some individuals become punctured or cut by the spines of others. All such injured fish 1 Submitted for publication JNTaroh, 1054. This work was performed as part of Dingell- Johnson Project California F-2-R, "A Study of the Catfish Fishery of California," supported by Federal Aid to Fish Restoration funds. (313) 3M CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Sacramento 1 Sacramento River six miles above Sacramento 2 Sutter Slough 3 Sandmound Slough 4 Antioch Bridge 5 Burns Cutoff 6 Old River near Tracy Scale Stockton FIGURE 1. The six localities at which catfish were released. wiiri'i; cA'i'i'isii 'i'.\y ciitlinj^ olT llic fxccss wire on tlip twisted Olid, Jiiid hoiidinji- hiicic llu^ exposed wire; and la<^' so fli;it they will not tend to eatch on weeds, nets, or other ohsti-iietions. It shonhl 1)0 mentioned that the chinip Iioidin*^ the hypoderniie needles, althon^h snitahle for ta^-^in^- catlish, is not satisfactory for scaled fishes. The needles arc delleeted hy the scales, and do not remain parallel. As a result they may emorpje on the opposite; side at tlie same point, or ])erhaps an inch apart. Ori