LIBR/ .L:,rAKlAl HTSH A G\LIFDRNIA FISH- GAME "CONSERVATION OF WILDLIFE THROUGH EDUCATION' Caiifornia Fish and Game is a journal devoted to the conserva- tion of wildlife. Its contents may be reproduced elsewhere pro- vided credit is given the authors and the California Department of Fish and Game. The free mailing list is limited by budgetary considerations to persons who can make professional use of the material and to libraries, scientific institutions, and conservation agencies. Indi- viduals must state their affiliation and position when submitting their applications. Subscriptions must be renewed annually by returning the postcard enclosed with each October issue. Sub- scribers are asked to report changes in address without delay. Please direct correspondence to: LEO SHAPOVALOV, Editor Department of Fish and Game 926 J Street Sacramento 14, California Individuals and organizations who do not qualify for the free mailing list may subscribe at a rate of $2 per year or obtain indi- vidual issues for $0.75 per copy by placing their orders with the Printing Division, Documents Section, Sacramento 14, California. Money orders or checks should be made out to Printing Division, Documents Section. u VOLUME 40 OCTOBER, 1954 NUMBER 4 Published Quarterly by fhe CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SACRAMENTO STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME GOODWIN J. KNIGHT Governor FISH AND GAME COMMISSION WILLIAM J. SILVA, President Modesto LEE F. PAYNE, Commissioner CARL F. WENTE, Commissioner Los Angeles San Francisco HARLEY E. KNOX, Commissioner WELDON L. OXLEY, Commissioner San Diego Redding SETH GORDON Director of Fish and Game CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Editorial Staff LEO SHAPOVALOV, Editor-in-Chief Sacramento JOHN E. FITCH, Editor for Marine Fisheries Terminal island CAROL M. FERREL, Editor for Game Sacramento J. B. KIMSEY, Editor for Inland Fisheries ^ Sacramento TABLE OF CONTENTS Tlic I'sc of a lllaiikct Xi't in Sampling' I''isli 1 'opiilat ions • litlix I\Al)(i\ K II and Iv\Kl. I). (Illilis ."{.'):') A I'oilahic I )cci- 'I'rap and ( 'atcli-Xct Mi:i,\l\ l(. ('i.o\i;k -Un He'i't'Ul Extension oi' tlu' i\an;4i' nl' Muskrats in (.'alii'uniia George D. Seymour ■'>!'> '■p riic Sage (irousc in Calit'uinia, With S[»rriai Rtdfrcnc*' t(^ Fcjod Habits Howard R. Leach and Arthik L. Hexsley 385 r\^ The Life History of the Tui Chul), SipJiateles hicolor (Girard), From Eat safe and officieut luctliod of saiiipliiii; pcla'jic iiiarinc lish populations. Since 1950 the Marine Fisheries lirandi of the California Depai'tment of Fish and (Jame lias employed small explosive charges to stun fish, which Avere snbsequently dip iictlcd, while floating at the surface. This method, although meeting with some success, was dangerous, and in October, Ido'A, an accident occurred that precipitated experimenta- tion to discover an alternate method of sampling fish populations. After approximately seven months it is believed that a sampling method which is not only safer, l)ut also (juicUcr and more efficient, has evolved. It also shows considerable promise of heconung a valuable aid in the capture of live bait, as well as of other commercial species. A Brief Historical Review The principle of lift nets and blanket nets is simple and undoubtedly such nets have been employed in i)rimitive fisheries for centuries. Although they have been re])laced with more efficient gear in many industrial regions, today this |)riiiciple is still used in many areas of the Pacific Ocean. There are a gi-eat many variations in this type of device and, since similar gear has had such Avide usage, it is difficult to credit any one country with its origin. Because of the simplicity of priiu-iple, relatively low cost, and ease of oi)eration, various techniques have been devised by fishermen un- aware that their method may have been tried before, or was being used in some remote area. Off Southern California many ideas and devices have been re- originated. The fishery for Pacific mackerel sponsored many such methods. Hoop lift nets, blanket nets, and other similar types of gear were tried. Some were used to capture fish attracted to chum, others were used in conjunction with a night light, and some incorporated both methods of attracting fish. The Japanese have been quite successful willi a net of this type in catching sauries and other fish for bait as well as for food. The Jap- anese bait net is rectangular, alxuit '-Vl feet long and '21 feet wide. Submitted for pul>lication Juno, 10r> I. ( n.-.:'. ) 35-4 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME The net is set to hang vertically (cnrtaiii-like) from a long bamboo float -which is kept about 20 feet from the vessel by two bamboo poles. A night light is then set out to attract fish, which are subsequently captured by lifting the bottom of the blanket net to the vessel. Although this net is efficient in catching sauries and certain other small fishes, some species seem to avoid this curtain of webbing. In the Philippines, a blanket net, which differs from the Japanese net in that it is suspended from a pole rigidly secured between two pilings, is used in shallow water. This net is also pulled by lifting the bottom edge. The Division of Fish and Game, Territory of Hawaii, has been ex- perimenting with the Japanese lift net, with one major modification. Instead of suspending the net from a float, the net is set from the side of the vessel and the bottom edge is lifted by two lines, one at each lower corner, leading through blocks at the ends of two rigid out- riggers. The advantage of this method lies in the fact that there is no curtain of webbing in the water while the fish are being attracted to the light. This net has been further modified, recently, by enlarging it to 43 by 48 feet (from 32 by 27 feet) and using minnow webbing extensively. It is used primarily in catching bait, and has been some- what successful with fish of about 2i inches in length. THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE BLANKET NET FOR SAMPLING FISH POPULATIONS The California Department of Fish and Game has been working with various devices to sample fish populations since 1949. After ex- perimental attempts to sample sardines with such types of gear as beach seines, gill nets, a mid-depth trawl, and dynamite, two standard routines were inaugurated in 1950. One consisted of scouting for and locating schools of fish at night, either through the biolumenescence they created, or by the use of echo-souncling equipment. Upon location of a school, sampling was accomplished b3^ detonating a light explosive charge under water and j)icking up the stunned fish with dip nets. The other routine emploj^ed a 750-watt light suspended above the surface of the water at regular intervals while the vessel drifted at night. After a given length of time, any fish that had been attracted to the light were sampled with an explosive charge. These methods were dangerous to the person handling the explosives, 3'ielded relativelj^ small samples of fish, and were extremely time con- suming (often more than 45 minutes were required to maneuver the vessel to pick up a few fish). Occasionally many more fish were killed than were needed. After the occurrence of an unfortunate accident, the result of han- dling explosives, emphasis was again placed on development of a safer sampling method. A trap lift net was constructed to the specifications described by Siebenaler (1953) for one which had been used with some success in the Gulf of Mexico during 1952 by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service vessel Oregon. This net was essentially a rigid, box-like pipe frame, 8i feet on a side, with a light frame that slid up and down between a fixed bottom and top. The entire device was submerged with the top just clear of the surface of the water, and a night light was suspended BL.WKI-.'I' N'KT SA.\II'I.I\(J 35") ;il)<)\(' the siii-t';i('c of llic wjilcr. Al'tcf llsli \\;\(\ hccii ;itti-;ictc(| the tr;i|) was spniiiu- hy piilliii'j up \\\r slidiii'j- ri-;iiiic, wliicli ill turn piillnl ;i Wrill of AvchliiiiL; aloiiu; tlic i'i;^i(l rraiiic, lliiis ciil i-appiii\ in shellcrcd walci's. Im-cii a sli^^lil roll ol' the vessel eansed enonji'li dis- turbanee to IVi^bten tbe fish away. Andiovies and smelt wei'(! sampled inside tlie shelter of the San Pedro Bi-eakwater, but in the open ocean, outside the breakwater, the motion ol' the franic krpt the fish away and, tlioULih they could be seen iiiilliiiL:- in a lariic circle aroniid the net, none could be captured. Captain Paul D. Petricli, Master of the Department's survey vessel Yellowfin, conceiY<' o tn h -87 1/2' OF 3" MESH HUNG TO 50' SIDE- o o 33 C/) I > o -I o m I m > o I -I ro o < ■87 1-2' OF 3/4" MESH HUNG TO 50' OF SELVAGE ■ o s m I I c < m z I 10 D m m (/) X X c o X X c z m r U C/-ErE ^"20 LEADS 5 LEADS-^ SELVAGE — 2" COTTON TWINE MESH 6 MESHES DEEP 20 LEADS'' EYE^ ALL LEADS 4 OUNCES EACH FIGURE 1. Diagram showing construction of the blanket net. Each topping lift was rigged as follows : a six-inch double block was fastened to the mast and a two-inch manila line was reeved from the double block through two six-inch single blocks. Each single block was connected by a one-quarter-inch wire ])ennant to a one-quarter-inch wire bridle which was secured to the outrigger. Each outrigger, thus suspended by a topping lift, could be raised or lowered as desired. Guy lines, running fore and aft, were secured to the outboard end of each outrigger, controlling the horizontal position of each pole. KL.WKirr NKT SAMI'IJNO OPERATION OF THE BLANKET NET Tlw iicl is lowered \rrl ic;il ly iiiln the WJitcr iiiilil it has roaclM'd its iiiaxiiiiiiiii depth ( H'i^iii'e 'J), liirtiii^- lines, attached to the coniei-s of the load line, are then j)ulled in through blocks at the end of eaeh out- ritrc'er. As tlic net is drawn tlu-on-ih the water, the weij,dited rih lines and the resistanee of tlie net to the water cause a ba^' to form ('Fi'jnre 3). After the lead line is out of the water, the fore and att sidelines are shortened until they are also above the surface. The net is then com- ]>letely set (Figure 4). The net then nuiy be brought alongside the vessel by slackening tlie lifting lines while pulling on the fore and aft sidelines, keeping all edges above the snrlace of the water (Figure 5j. FIGURE 2. Net in the wafer prior to pulling on the lifting lines. 358 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME FIGURE 3. Lifting the lead line. The bag is forming as the lifting lines are pulled. I'.i.ANKii'r .\i:'i' SA \ii'i,i\(i :'.:)') FIGURE 4. Net completely set. The bag is about fi/e fathoms below surface of the water. FIGURE 5. Net being brought alongside the vessel. Lifting lines are slackened, and sidelines ore taken in. 360 CALIFORXIA FISH AXD GAME FIGURE 6. Ready for broiling. The bag becomes a pocket as the slock webbing is gathered. .j^ FIGURE 7. The blanket net set from the survey vessel YELLOWFIN. Photograph by R. Collyer, February, 1954. I'.I>\.\Ki:i' XK'I' SA.\II'l,I.\(i ofil As the lU'l is 1ii-()1il;'1iI ;il(iii^siili' llu' \i'sscl. Ihr excess w rMiin;.'- is bir^c samples of fish that were taken at some stations which, had dynamite been used, probably would have yielded less than KKJ fish. Eighty sets were made with tlie blanket net to obtain the 48 samples shown in Table )! and GT) percent of these samples were taken by siii;j]e sets. On three occasions sardines were observed nnder the li^'ht, but were not taken. There was no difficulty in keej)in\.(iuariniii in San Francisco for experimental studies. TABLE 3 A Comparison Between Dynamite and the Blanket Net tor Obtaining Sardine Samples. The Number of Samples and Percentages Are Shown at Different Sample Sizes Up to 100 Fish Per Sample. At Some Stations More Than One Set Was Made to Obtain the Sample. Dynamite Blanket Net Number of sardines in sample Number of samples Percentage Number of samples Percentage 1-20 37 4 2 1 6 74.0 8.0 4.0 2.0 12.0 17 4 2 1 24 3.5.4 21-40 41-60 8.3 4.2 61-80, _ __ _ 2.1 81-100 .. . 50.0 Totals 50 100.0 48 100.0 Marlon Blanket Net A new blanket net, essentiallj' the same as the experimental model but with several minor modifications, was constructed in ]May, in.")4. The basic changes were the snbstitution of one-half-inch mesh marlon webbing for the three-quarter-incli mesh cotton webbing, the ratios of lianging, and the addition and placement of weights. The dimensions and specifications of the new net are shown in Fig- ure 8. The marlon net was used on an t'xperinieiita] cruise, ^fay 24 to .luiu^ 11, 1954, off the coast of California by the survey vessel Yef^lowfix. On this cruise 23 species were taken (Table 4). The largest number of fish taken from a single set was approximately 100,000 juvenile northern anchovies. One set yielded approximately 50,000 juvenile northern anchovies and 20,000 juvenile Pacific herring. 364 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME THIS SIDE SECURED TO VESSEL 54' y 94 1/2' OF 3" MESH HUNG TO 54' OF SELVAGE- o q m s > o m r- > z m m ■ 1 1/2" MARLON MESH M-2 1/2" MARLON — - S s _ > m 03 m -r ^ o X Is o -< c O o. o z o y X c ro g o -94 1/2 OF 1/2 MESH HUNG TO 54 OF SELVAGE- m o m 01 < 01 m - 3) -< 01 J -EYE 13 LEADS ■LEADS SPACED EVERY 6- 13 LEADS- EYE- SELVAGE 2 1/2 MARLON MESH - M-4- -3 MESHES DEEP ALL LEADS — 8 OUNCES EACH FIGURE 8. Diagram showing construction of the one-half-inch mesh, morion webbing, blanket net. Pish as small as 50 mm. in length were taken in the one-half -inch mesh marlon net without gilling. At fonr stations between Santa Cruz and Halfmoon Bay a total of eight juvenile king .salmon was taken, 81 to 130 mm. fork length. Squid were numerous and catches up to 500 pounds per set were made. In some locations it was apparent that sets could have yielded continnonsly between 300 and 500 pounds. In general, the marlon net proved successful, especially for smaller sizes of fish. l!l,.\.\Ki;'r M/l' SA.MI'MXfJ 365 TABLE 4 Common and Scientific Names of Species Taken by the Marlon Blanl- cleer for the purpose of 1;iure there is an ever changing deer concentration i)attern. Further, a problem of deer suffering injuries while confined in wooden traps was encountered. Because of these difficulties, trapping opera- tions were limited. With the objective of overcoming these difficulties, a trap has been designed and used successfully for two trapping sea- sons. At the time of writing, 115 deer have been handled successfully with the Clover deer trap, with the loss of only one deer due to injuries. Prior to actual operations, an experimental trap w^as tested near Sequoia National Park. Some of the deer trapped were camp ground habitues and readily captured. The reactions of the deer being trapped were watched. Some resultant escapes furnished the clues needed to perfect the trap. It was of interest to note that there was no noticeable difference between tame deer and Avild deer in their trap-fighting re- actions when frightened by people or passing animals. The first trap was constructed of 1^-inch water pipe. Weighing 185 pounds, it hardly met the portability requirement. However, it was found that i^-inch black pipe had sufficient strength, and the complete trap weighed 80 pounds. The trap can be constructed of high tensile strength aluminum tubing to weigh about 35 pounds, but the cost is doubled. CONSTRUCTION DETAILS The Clover deer trap, Figures 1 and 2, is basically a joipe frame- work box covered with tuna netting, or manila trawl netting witli a 4 0 -inch mesh. To the trade the latter is known as Intermediate Bag- Trawl Webbing 4^-incli mesh. To meet the requirements for each trap the following pieces of netting are required : two pieces 17 by 9 meshes, one piece 17 by 8 meshes, and two pieces 9 by 8 meshes. These are laced to the pipe framework with ^-iii^'li manila line. Otlu'r materials required and construction details are shown in Figure 1. 1 Submitted for publication Febrviary, 1954. Financed in part by Federal Aid in Wild- life Restoration Project California W-41R, "Big Game Studies," and in part by the Fresno County Sportsmen. Grateful acknowledgment is extended to all personnel of the U. S. National Park Service and of tlie Department of Fish and Game wlio aided and encouraged this work. (367) 3 — 18. 5 9 368 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME J6J 14) '*..'■ < A y>;'> > X ^ > > A r >.v 1 v^>- / l-x v> ■^ > .^. > i' '>//, 3/l6"galv.WIRE LONG WITH EYE 8" IN ONE END NUMBER OF ITEMS REQUIRED PER TRAP Ik yy^ t t.^ K / >V r a ^ 3/8" HOLES :^ RING ^/ ^ ©TO SLIDE FREELY WHEN ITEM SIX IS IN PLACE i .WELD 3/4" ROD 4" LONG C.E.C. No. MATERIAL I 2 3/4" BLACK PIPE 3/4" BLACK PIPE 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 To" 1/2 BLACK PIPE 1/2 ELBOW 3/4 ROLLED STEEL 1/2" BLACK PIPE 3/4" BLACK PIPE 3/8" BOLT 1/4 ROPE Igth. 84 44' 36' 48' 30" + 2 1/2" 100 1/4" TUNA NETTING 100 sq.ft. No. 12 13 MATERIAL VICTOR RAT TRAP HEAVY WRAPPING TWINE 15 BLACK NYLON THREAD 10 HEAVY CORD 16 17 18 20 21 1/4" PLAIN galv. WIRE HANDMADE HOOKS APPLES OR ALFALFA HAY CATCH NET HOOK- ONE END 1/4 GATE LIFTING ROPE 1/4 ROPE TOTREEor equiv. 1X2X5 DEADMANTIED WITH 1/4" ROPE -opp. cor. FIGURE 1. Diagram showing construction details of the Clover deer trap. Drawing by Cliffa Corson. I'div'T AC.i.i; iii:i;i; mcaI' •.',(>U FIGURE 2. Photograph of the assembled pipe frame of the Clover deer trap. Photograph by Homer F. Bryan. The primavY supports for tlio trap are the side frames. These are made b.y carefully biitt-Aveldiii,ii- the 7-foot lengths of pipe (1) * to the 44-inch lengths (2). The corner bracing of the f-inch rod requires sturdy welds to prevent frame distortion. The next step is to make the spacers (3) -which hold the sides apart. Elbows (4) are fitted to the three-foot, 4-inch pipes, and short rods (5) threaded and fitted to the other end of the elbows. The rod ends should then slide into the open pipe ends of the sides frames. The 4-foot runner bars (6) guide the drop bars (7) and provide rigidity to the trap. Prior to belting the runner bars to the spacers, tlie drop bars are made by welding 2-J-inch rings to each end of the 3()-inch lengths of f-inch pipe. As these must drop freely along the runner bars, it is preferable to drill the bolt holes after a free movement is assured by proper positioning of the runner bars. The measurements of length and bolt hole si)acing must be made carefully if it is desired to fold the trap. The netting ma\- (hen be laced to tlie side frames and toji. These should be separate pieces, since the top jiiece must be removed in order to allow the trap to fold. When folcling the trap longitudinally, the resulting package measures 9^ by 4 feet by 3 inches (Figure 3). * Numbers in parentheses refer to items in Figure 1. 370 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Several may be loaded ou the bed of a half-ton pickup truck. With the drop bar in position, thread each side mesh of the netting onto the runners. The top of the netting is laced to the spacer bar and the bottom to the drop gate. Thus, the fall of the drop gates closes the open ends. Plooks (16) are made of soft wire to suspend the drop gates. Cords tied to the hooks pass through a ring fastened to the top netting and then to the bar of a rat trap tied about 6 inches below the top of one of the side panels. A black nylon thread is tied to the rat trap trip and led through a ring stake across the center of the trap to an anchor ring stake at the opposite side. These rings are used to prevent accidental tripping resulting from the trip thread rubbing on the side net. This is especially j)rone to occur during windy conditions. Dyeing the netting with green shingle stain was found desirable. FIGURE 3. Folded Clover deer trap being held by the author, showing ease of portability. Phofograph by Homer F. Bryan. A loose net with a purse line was found to immobilize the trapped animals, with escapes a negligible factor. A piece of 5-inch mesh cotton tuna netting is cut into a 7-foot by 7-foot square. A 13-foot length of -}-inch manila line is woven through alternate meshes on the perimeter of the net. The ends are tied and a harness snap secured to the tied ends of the line. Another method is to construct the catch-net in the shape of a box. In this case a piece of netting is cut to just fit the trap opening. A piece of netting 12 feet by 2 feet is tied around the smaller piece, thus form- ing a box just fitting the end of the trap and extending out 2 feet. roiri'AHM: i)i';i;i£ rnw :',71 As ill the prcxioiis drsi^n, a l.'J-Foot piirsr line is stniii;.'- arniiiMl the opening:. USE OF THE TRAP The placement of llic ti-ap varied with locjil coriditioiis, hui opcjn reeding- areas were usually preren-ed. It was ioiiiid that the dccf most siiscH'pt il)le to trapi)iiiy were those moviiiji- alone or in small 'jr'»iii)S. Spookiiiess was more apt to be evidenced when dcr]- wi-fe in lar-<,'e gronps. If one deer Avas frightened hy the trap, its bolting usually cansed tlie otliers to rnn away. After tlie trap has been positioned, lie guy wires (15) to t(jp cor- ners, joining them diagonally across the top. Opposite bottom corners are tied to deadmen (21) placed in the ground at a niiniinnin depth of 12 inches. The opposite top corners are tied to whatever is handy to prevent the trap from upsetting. A rl-inch line is tied to the center of the drop bar and threaded through each mesh of the netting to the top and then secured to either side. This is the lift ro])e (19) used for raising the gate in order to release the trapped animal. The trap is now ready to set. Lift the gates and slip the hooks into holding position. Set the rat trap and adjust the cords (14) for proper length. It was found that pre-baiting the area with a salt block, followed by pre-baiting with alfalfa hay a few days prior to setting the trap, produced the best trapping results. The hay would usually lie un- touched for two or three nights, unless the deer w^ere accustomed to this type of food. It was found that good success was obtained if two traps were set close together. With success in each trap, the removal was complicated as one deer would fight the trap excessively while the other was being handled. Therefore it is wise to place the two traps so that they are separated by some natural sight barrier. Noise and rapid movements should be avoided when approaching a trapped animal. Baiting with alfalfa and cut apples was found to produce excellent catches. It is important to keep the bait well away from the trip thread, since the deer should hit the thread with its forelegs. This insures that the animal will be well within the trap and not block the movement of the drop-gate. When a deer is captured, fold and hang the catch-net on the wire hooks (18) secured to the end of the trap. These hooks must be rigid enough to support the catch-net, but soft enough to bend when sub- jected to stress. Snap the purse line to the trap. It is important that the catch-net be centered over the opening, or the deer might escape to one side of the catch-net. Pull the drop gate up with the lift rope and walk around the trap to the other end (Figure -i). The deer normally bolts for the opposite end, hitting the catch-net. The final position of the deer is about 10 feet from the trap, neatly pocketed in the catch-net. If the operation involves ear tagging only, the ears may be pulled through the netting for this purpose. If the animal is to be weighed and/ or if body measurements are to be taken, it is necessary to remove it from the net. Straddle the deer to hold it down, W'Orking so that the deer's hoofs are kept to the front. Work the netting carefully from around the legs and hobble securely. 372 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME feL--^/.-^?*SJ^-*^ •»«.. r^r **.*^» ^il^'' .,^' FIGURE 4. Clover deer trap in use, showing catch-net in place. Photograph by Homer F. Bryan'. As the animal is now helpless, the netting may be removed and the animal processed. "When the deer is ready for release, it is good practice to cover its head with a small piece of canvas before removing the hobbles. Back away quietly and, if the deer hasn't already departed, break a small stick or Avhistle. Moving to a safe position is a good precaution if a buck is being handled during the rutting period. It is possible that intensive predator control is helpful to successful operations. An abundance of coyotes apparently made deer difficult to catch in the San Joaquin River area. The removal of 31 coyotes from I'oiri'Ai'.M: I)i:i:k 'ikai' '')~'-> (lie area in a sliort pci-ind of liinr was FolldWiMl l)_\ j^ood di'i-r I rapiiiirj' success. A lai-jicr sized (Uover trap was const iiidcd which sii\ the aidlioc without assist- ance, deinoiistratiiif? the ease of eniphiymcnt ol' the ('lover trap. SUMMARY Tlie Clover deer trap was designed i'or good trapj)iiij4- charactei'isti<;.s, ease of operation, tlie use of nnniiiium personnel, ease of poi'tal)ility, and mininiuni of injury to trapped animals. Tt lias met these objectives niidei' field tests and gives promise of hciiiii- a piactical device for live- fra])pin^ many species of animals if constructed in varying sizes. RECENT EXTENSION OF THE RANGE OF MUSKRATS IN CALIFORNIA' GEORGE D. SEYMOUR Game Management Branch California Department of Fish and Game INTRODUCTION A study ui" llie annual i'ur uateli reports of the lieeused trappers has revealed an extensive spread of muskrats into Central California in the last decade. During this period, 1943-52, the muskrat has risen to the status of the most important fur bearer in the State, both in num- ber of aniuuils taken and in total value of the raw furs. The most recent figures available, for the 1952-53 trapping season, show that 91,266 animals, of which 83,053 were muslvrats, were taken by com- mercial trappers. The estimated value of the 1952-53 fur catch is placed at $104,500, of which $83,000 or 79 percent derives from muskrats. The origin and distribution of muskrats has been reported in detail by Storer (1938) and by Twining and Ilensley (1943). According to Storer two varieties of native muskrats were found in California: the Nevada muskrat {Ondatra zihcthica mergens) of that portion of Cali- fornia east of the Cascade-Sierra divide, and the Colorado River musk- rat, commonly known as the sandrat (0. z. hernardi), of the Colorado River. EXTENSION OF THE MUSKRAT RANGE Imperial Valley Area The first major extension of muskrats from their native range in California was recorded by Dixon (1922). The completion of the Inter- national Canal from the Colorado River to the Imperial Valley in 1901 opened the entire Imperial Valley area to the establishment of sand- rats along irrigation ditches and drainage canals. The animals quickly took advantage of these num-made watercourses to spread into new territor.y. The muskrats thrived so well that an estimated 25.000 pelts were sold from the Imperial Valley area in 1919. By this time the farmers in the valley were beginning to suffer damage to ditch banks and levees caused by the burrowing activities of the auinuds. In order to alleviate the damage, a program of muskrat control was initiated. This consisted of destroying the muskrat habitat by cleaning the ditch banks of vegetation, mainly by sprajdng heavily with oil. The success of this procedure is attested by the fact that the number of animals reported taken by trappers has gradually decreased in Imperial County 1 Submitted for publication April, 1954. ( 37". ) 376 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME to a present reported take of around two to three thousand per year. Actnally, at present there is little trapping in the Imperial Valley due to the clean, vegetation free condition of the ditches. The trapping that is now available in the county is mostly along the Alamo and Colorado Rivers. Early Extension of Range in Northern California The high prices offered the trappers for muskrat pelts in the 1920 's stimulated trapping and general interest in the animals. Trappers began to plant muskrats in suitable habitat where they were not present naturally. In addition, muskrat farming was started. For this purpose, animals were imported from the northern and eastern states, since the furs from these areas were of better quality than the native varieties. Y///\ NATIVE MUSKRAT RANGE MUSKRAT RANGE UP TO 1943 MUSKRAT RANGE UP TO 1953 O KNOWN PLANTING SITE F FORMER LOCATION OF MUSKRAT FARMS FIGURE 1. Distribution of muskrats in California up to 1953, based on trapping records and field observations. Drawing by Cliffa Corson. MUSKKATS IN (AMI'OKX lA '-U I The \('\ii(l;i iiiuskrat is (Uily ;i\(M-;i^'(' in si/c mid (|iiality and the saiid- rat iioniially l)riii^s only onc-tliifd the pi-icc oT a ^ood nuft lit'rn pi'lt. Muskrat ranninJ^ ;'••..■ J> I 1 • • • 1 EACH DOT REPRESENTS ( i /-/-.'.^^^i '^" 300 ANIMALS I ^ \ \ ^ 1 ^s '' \r-^^—i. 1 1 >-J ^1 J J_- ^ \ 7 ^ , \ \ ( j^ j> \ j;M-Vi-/-w-^ I Vaj;^^'-'^''' ^^ ^^\ \^ ^v}f^t v,/ :io\ 0^' 1 .-' >r'">v . \ "X \ \ \- j1^ I J._., -X \ ^, 1 .... \ i . • • • \ V-V.-__. -—\ \ S 1 \ i . . .V \ -^ > ' -/ •^0^=^ ^-<-N rl, .-^T-r-r^ ( x> • ] \ l.ij- • ••) \^^ VJX-^^-^ FIGURE 2. The muskrat catch as reported by commercial trappers for the 1940-41 trapping season. Uro-^'mg by Cliffa Corson. MISKKATS IN ( A 1 ,1 1 i )lt \ I A :57!' "•/^■~"^ 'U • EACH DOT REPRESENTS 300 ANIMALS '•_ I ^•••••••Vr-' '" 1 .^,^-/ .X' ^'Mf s .V--1--. \ \ \ r ■ I I I I I -X. \ \ 'O^^^ r-^/— V ■R)^ FIGURE 3. The muskrat catch as reported by commercial trappers for the 1952-53 trapping season. Dta^\nQ by Cliffa Corson. 380 CALIFORXIA FISH AND GAME rsi uo O ^— bn m ' CO o m o> c= "'— OJ) 0^ a-j2 Q-iS ra — ■d ' — -a *^ « » O >o 00 o 00 n ^ o ■* rt cj lO I Tf (M cc CO I ^ ' co" Tji 1- CO -T t^ C. oo'of 1 ' R c;" ' o o> -* iM 00 00 00 lo a: 1 tT 00 TO o CO CO ^ 00 C-. 00 -!f in T-H (M o 1 r~ I IC a> O 00 00 T(< CD Tt< Tf CO n in 1 ■* Cl ?q o: c) o o q co' 00 (N in T-< t^ „ CO C^J -* CO CO rt in 00 O 1 •-- 00 1 ^ co IN 00 CO '^' ' CO CO —1 00 c-i c-. 1 428 ' 1— i ' m in t^ t~ r^ CO CO C-. 1 CO C-1 CO CO o o C^ CO ^ CO CO 1 CO ' ■* CO CO 00 m CO CO CO CO 1 r CO ' ' ' ^" CO 1 CO in CO I CO 00 1 00 CO I o o o in CO o ' o < o _L_ .-I i-H m Ol TtH »— 1 CO -H 00 CO rf CO ,— 1 T-H 1 rt CO O CO CO -1 o OS a CO in •^ r-. " 1— 1 rt 05 O) o CO 00 CO O ■* 1 ^ ro CO Tf ^ to o Tj< CO 1 1 I— I Tjf CO ,-H t^ in 1-H TJH c^ 00 C-. Tl< ' in •^ C. O "O 00 t^ t- O i O". m CO — I —. CO ,-1 O O CO C f- o I ^ 0) O CM c c ^ I o o CO CO Oi rf 00 C 1> -H O in ;? c I o '2; e3 _ o •< < < a o . o a, o c! =5 ►£ j; o I 2 _; ' "o .— = '6 o S CJ _, O o T3 ■C i- ;- C £ e3 rt c3 o G> o ^^^ c3 b t: £ = 53 (S c^.f^i^'^ ;i:^HJj <5<^ OO" OS to OS CO 00 c^ o CO CO lO lO CO t^ lO to (M ■* CO ■* o 1 1 CO OS — 00 lO o CO c o to to I lO OS lO o to t^ lO <3S (N t~ O IM OS •* Tf CO I OS o o o CM o in I OS to f to c-l O 00 Ttl CO (N O in o o o eo" OS CO OS CO in 7) O ■* CM o to ^ to CM »^ OS 1 in OS OS o en CM o o 00 00 o OS CO CM 00 CM t^ O O CM to in Tj< rt CO ■* in CM o in lo" I^ CO ^ o o 00 o CM I OS 1>- CM 00 o 00 00 CO OS — c W -*1 Tf o to 00 CM o o X o OS CO CM -a OO S OS t CO m t. o -a -a o lo CO lo o o to t^_ t, , „ lO CO ' CO •a 00 a> ^ CM co_ o o OO' 00 OS CO t3S to to OS o as OS C OS o in 'Z cm' as to a • o 1 c I o C 13 I o o O OS t~ CO CM ' <^. CO to CO OS in O Z c I o •z to t- 03 —1 in o o o <^' — " o O o _ c T3 as *^ c > o 03 O CJ — C tl C ,— i~. o pqmO '^ ►S c c C c c 31 03 01 rt r1 C/J i/J 7j Mj ;/. = o 03 03 o -r ■g ^ s o o ►J »>; 33 o! o3 c c c c ri c3 o3 03 ^ X iTj !J2 Vi Xl -fc^ -*- en ojig 0) ? ■ - ■ji -Ji -Ji VI in vi'Jii rT-j^-r^h^ H ; — -^ o S < o < o a 2. 03 > O 382 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Cvl ■=1 ■=» s- E CD U —J ^ o 01 qj CO to -H i> (N in CO ^ Oi CO o CO 05 (N I> ^ in in t- O O O (N Tt< CO o en o OJ 00 (N -^ CO 1 CO CO "^ lo in in o: 00 '^ TJ^ O^tM ' LO co_ 05 t> oT in co' co' in co' co' co" ' co' in i-H (M (N CO t^ ^ o C3; CO c-q t^ CO lO rH O ^ lO .-1 UD Tf Tf «3 en t~ t^ o) Tf i> CO 1 in CD .-H (N in en .-i_ cs i~-_ ^_ CO ' 1 in' in CO oToo' (N co' im' co' co' c^" ' ' ' o '"' l-H cq th o ^ ^ CD -# 00 l> in 00 l-H CO CO in w O in O: Oi t^ CM (N ■* .-1 00 oa m 1 CO CD r^ CD en t^_ 00 ^ co_ (35 s - in" in in r-T co' ■-<' in CM t— 1 o o CO o o) in (33 CO t> Oi o Oi 00 00 in (M CD t- O Tt< ■^ in t^ CO 00 ^ CM 1 r-< C» Cn CO_ 03 o_a3 CO 1 1 1 1 03 .-h" oo" co' !N' 1 1 1 r en 05 I— 1 02 CO O 00 C^ IM en en CO CO 00 Tt< T»( CO o en o Tt< (N -H O --1 in 1 .-H o in o_ ro CD IM 1 1 t 1 1 in 00 05 in in' --H t— I 1 1 1 1 1 ' ^' I— 1 00 t~ ■* .-< 00 00 00 00 00 CO in ■* CD 00 CO t^ CO 00 CD en 1 1 O 00_ -H ^ t^_^CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 i> ' co' Tf of r-t 1 1 1 1 1 cm" a> "^ I— i t> CO en 00 IM .-1 in (33 (N lO Tt< Tf CO (N cN 00 in Tt< 00 Tt< o 1 o_T}H_a5 CO_ 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 o co"^" t— 1 III 1 1 1 1 ' t-." 05 T-H CO Tt< 1^ CO W ^ cn ^__, ■* CO CO in ^ -* en 1 ro T-. co_ en 1 1 1 1 ■ till CD_ in l-H 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 co' o; •^ in m CO rf rt CO CO 1 ,-1 -* rt t~ •* ro 1 1 CO 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 co_ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ' 02 *"* -* in in Tt< ^ t a: m in 1 t— » 1 1 r-l 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 t 1 CO M 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 Tt< 03 l-H M T-( CO Tfl 00 1 00 1 t 1 rill t 1 1 1 1 , CM T— 1 (>) 1 1 1 1111 1 1 1 1 1 1 •# 05 i-i — 1 1 1 1 .— 1 1 t 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CD I— 1 1—1 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -^ Oi tH 1— 1 m CO 00 CO t 1 r 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 T-i ro o 1 III 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Tf Ol I— ( o CO r-l a> CO en t m 1 1 1 1 t 1 i> 05 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 CO o T-( >. d 1 1 1 1 •4^ : i =i i -s -t^ 1 < 1 1 Willi tSi J < 3 ; : g Id- ^iWi O ^ 1 1 1 1 i i g i s , 1 S: ' 03 t- ' - o o 3 ^2 <^ O c3 lllll 1 § C3 S fe --i (J i O MUSKllA'I'S IN CAfilKOItNIA 383 FIGURE 4. Drainage canal in rice-growing area which is typical muskrat habitat. The domi- nant vegetation is the common cattail, which furnishes a major portion of the food of the ani- mals. Pbofograph taken November, 1948, in Yolo County, California, by George Metcalfe. Value of the Catch The value of the state-wide catch the last 10 years is shown in Table 3. Over this period, 1943 to 1952, muskrats have provided in- come of over three-quarters of a million dollars. The lowest yearly income in the period was $29,300 in 1949, and the best year was 1943, when nearly $114,000 was realized. The past three years (1950-52), over 500 trappers per year have reported selling pelts. TABLE 3 Numbers of Muskrats Reported Caught From 1943 to 1952 and Average Prices Paid Season of catch No. of trappers reporting No. of muskrats caught Average price paid ToT.\LS 1943-44 . 1,152 1,101 1,116 1,113 843 649 625 555 572 517 57,209 56,425 49,800 46,247 49,084 50,513 38,581 50,661 71,553 83,053 SI. 99 1.65 2.05 1.30 2.00 1.20 0.76 1.53 1.08 1.00 SI 13 800 1944-45 93,100 1945-46 --- 102.100 1946-47 -- 60,100 1947-48 98,200 194S-49 - 60,600 1949-50 29,300 1950-51 77,500 1951-52 --- 77,300 1952-53 83,100 Totals 553,126 — S795,100 4—1859 384 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME DISCUSSION ]\Iiiskrats are now the number ojie fiij- pi-odiicer in California, both in total number of animals eanglit and in total value of the furs, and as such, are a valuable resource. They provide income for over 500 individuals a year at the present time. Unfortunately, under certain circumstances, they can cause damage to farm irrigation systems. In areas of light or sandy loam soils, such as the Imperial Valley, musk- rats have caused considerable damage to small levees and canal banks by their burrowing activities. Water seeps through the burrows and caving in of the burrows further aggravates the damage. Where heavy clay soils are prevalent, as in the Sacramento Valley, this type of dam- age is proportionately small. In the Sacramento Valley, investigations have indicated that such damage as honeycombed check levees and. gnawed headgates, blamed on muskrats, has actually been done by Norway rats {Rattus norvegiciis) . The author believes that w^here muskrats have been proved to be causing extensive damage, control measures should be taken to reduce their numbers. However, in manj^ situations the animals can live com- patibly with agricultural practices. Muskrats have not been a problem with respect to feeding on agricultural crops in California. In fact, their main item of food is the roots and tender shoots of the common cattail {Typlia latifolia), a troublesome weed of ditches and waterways. Where muskrats achieve sizable numbers, trappers readily take off most of the annual increase of the animals. LITERATURE CITED Dixon, Joseph 1922. Rodents and reclamation in the Imperial Valley. Jour. Mammalogy, vol. 3, no. 3, p. 136-146. Storer, Tracy I. 1938. The muskrat as native and alien : a chapter in the history of animal acclimatization. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 24, no. 2, p. 159-175. Twining, Howard, and Arthur L. Hensley 1943. The distribution of muskrats in California. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 29, no. 2, p. 64-78. THE SAGE GROUSE IN CALIFORNIA, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO FOOD HABITS' HOWARD R. LEACH and ARTHUR L. HENSLEY Game Management Branch California Department of Fish and Game INTRODUCTION The sage grouse or sagehen (Centrocerctis iiroplnisidinis } . altliDii^li llic largest native upland game bii'd in Calit'oniia, is one of the least known to the sportsman. Tlie sage gronse by nature of its habitat is resli'ieted to the semiarid sagebrusli ranges of eastern Califoi-nia, and as a result is far removed from the metropolitan areas. Gi'iiiin'll and Miller (1944) list the sage grouse in California as occurring from tlie Nevada line west througli Modoc County to the west side of Lower Klamath Lake in eastern Siskij'ou County; and south along the east side of the Sierra Nevada, as far as the vicinity of Big Tine in Owens Valley, Inyo County (Figure 1). The altitudinal range is from 3,500 feet near the Pit River, in extreme northeastern Shasta County, to 12,000 feet in the White Mountains of ]\Iono County. HISTORY OF THE SAGE GROUSE REGULATIONS The first legal protection aflforded the sage grouse in California was in 1901, when a closed season was enacted, making it unlawful to l^ossess them betw'een February 1 and October 1. At the same time the sale of sage grouse was prohibited and the shipment of more than 25 by any one person in one day was made illegal. Li 1903, the closed season extended from February 15 to September 1. In 1911, a bag limit of four per daj^ and eight per week was put into effect, and the open season reduced to the period from September 1 to December 1. In 1918 the open season was further reduced to the period from August 15 to September 30. Despite the enactment of this early legislatioii governing the take of sage grouse, they rapidly diminislied in nnnd)ers. The Lnited States Forest Service report on game conditions in California for 1921 stated that the birds were so reduced in Mono and Inyo Counties that a closed season there was recommended (Anon., 1922). On the basis of this report, District 4^ (Inyo and Mono Counties) was closed to sage grouse hunting in 1921. Courtright (1923) reported that the birds 1 Submitted for publication May, 1954. This study was made possible with funds of Federal Aid in "Wildlife Restoration, California Project '\V-25-R, "Food Habits Invpstiffations." The authors wisli to express their appreciation to Messrs. Ri'ssell M. Bushey, Sr., W. M. Pollard, Fred Jones, Hugo Hermann, Gene Gerdes, A'erne Fowler, and otiier workers of the department who assisted in collectinjr data for this report. Thanks also are due to the many sportsmen who cooperated at the checking- stations. ]Mr. C. M. Ferrel, former leader of Project W-25-R, made a number of the stomach analyses. ( 385 ) 386 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME FIGURE 1. The range of sage grouse in California (shaded area). Drawing by Cliffa Corson. were almost extinct in Modoc County. In 1925 all counties were opened to hunting for a 15-day period from August 1 to 15. The State Legis- lature set aside Game Refuge IQ in Lassen County as a sage grouse and antelope refuge in 1928. A 15-day season with a bag limit of four per day and eight per season was held from 1925 to 1931, at which time the season was closed state-wide. In 1944, the season was opened for three days. It was not opened again until 1950, when a two-day season, September 1-2, with a two-bird season bag limit, was authorized in ]\Iono County. This season continued in effect the following year. In 1952 a one-day season (September 1) with a three-bird bag limit was held in Mono County, and a similar season with a two-bird bag limit in Modoc and I asscn counties. This report is based on data gathered from the 1950, 1951, and 1952 sage grouse seasons. SAGE OROUSE IN CAT.TFORNIA 387 HUNTER SUCCESS ( 'lu'ckiii^ slat ions were set up in .Muno ( 'unnt^ dnrinii' tlic ID.")!}, lljol, and 1952 seasons, pi-iiiiaril\ to clicck tlh' Imntin^'- prcssuro and to de- termine tlie ai)proxiniate kill of biids. Snccossful hunters wore rc- qnestod 1o fill out a quostirmiiaii-r. In addition, liiiidcrs wore clieeked in the held. No attempt was made to determine liie total numher of hunters ])articipating in the hunts. Table 1 is a comparison of the hunter success over the three years, as compiled Irom checking station records. TABLE 1 Comparison of Hunter Success, Mono County, Seasons of 1950, 1951, and 1952 1950 1951 1952 Niinibor of hunters checlted ... - 893 750 84 1,026 1.2 1.34 2.33 984 598 60 971 1.01 1.62 3.40 1,760 Number of succes-sfu! Ininters checked Percentage of .successful hunters- 849 48 Number of birds checked . 1 665 Average number of birds checked per hunter Average number of birds per successful hunter. Average number of hunter hours to bag a bird. 0.96 1.96 4.60 The trend over the three years was one of increase in huntinrr pres- sure and a decrease in the percentage of successful hunters. In IDoO. a total of 893 hunters was checked, of whom 84 percent was successful, bagging 1,026 birds. The 1951 hunting check listed 984 hunters, of whom only 60 percent were successful, taking 971 birds. In 1952, of the 1,760 hunters checked, only 48 percent bagged the 1,665 sage grouse taken. The percentages of hunters by counties of origin are shown in Table 2. It is evident from these figures that over 50 percent of the hunters seeking sage grouse in Mono County were from other counties. Los Angeles County contributed the most hunters of any one county. TABLE 2 Residence of Hunters Checked, in Percentages County 1950 1951 1952 Los Angeles 37 26 21 16 39 26 15 20 33 Inyo _. __ __ 24 Mono 12 Other ... 31 BIOLOGICAL DATA Age Ratios An age classification to determine the ratio of adult to young was made of birds checked through the clieeking stations. The characters used in age classification were as follows : 388 CALIFORNIA PISH AND GAME 1. Size of Bird. Especially the head and feet of adults are larger than those of immature birds. 2. Differential Plumage. Juvenile birds of both sexes have a tri- angular patch of finely streaked feathers on the upper portion of the breast and in general have a softer plumage than adult birds. 3. Coloration of Toes. Toes of juvenile birds are colored light green, in contrast to the dark colored toes of adult birds. 4. Flexibility of MandiMe. The lower bill of juveniles is more flexi- ble than that of adults. Table 3 is the composition of the ratio of adult to young birds over the three years. The ratios of adult birds to young birds indicate a relatively poor liatch or brood survival in 1951, but an excellent one in 1952. The pre- season sample brood count made in June and July of 1952 gave a ratio of one adult hen to 4.4 young. TABLE 3 Age Ratios of Birds Inspected Year Ratio Birds checked 1950 100 adults to 284 young 100 adults to 131 young 100 adults to 304 young 1,026 1951 . - --_ 971 1952 .. 1,665 Weights Weights were taken of a small sample of birds by means of a spring scale. The weights of two adult males were 4 pounds and 4 pounds 12 ounces. Of the three adult females weighed, one w^as 2 pounds 8 ounces and two were 2 pounds 12 ounces. The weights of 70 juvenile birds varied from 1 pound 3 ounces to 2 pounds 7 ounces, the average juve- nile weight being 1 pound 15 ounces. Patterson (1952) in his study of the sage grouse in Wyoming found that, unlike many other upland game birds, sage grouse of both sexes attain their maximum weights not in the fall, but in the early spring. Weights of mature males during the strutting season varied from 5 pounds 2 ounces to 7 pounds. Weights of females during the breeding season were found to average slightly over 3 pounds. The weight of ('alifornia sage grouse as given by Dawson (1923) is 4 to 8 pounds for the males and '■'> to .") jjounds for females. Food Habits Patterson (1952; speaks of the sage grouse as representing a true climax inhabitant of a climax vegetative type. Although the original range of the sage grouse extended over much of the western states as far east as Kansas, Nebraska, the Dakotas, and northward to south- western Canada, its distribution coincided with that of the geographi- cal range of sagebrush (Artemesia spp.). Unlike most upland game birds, which are primarily granivorous, the sage grouse depends in .SA' definition classified the stomach of the sa^c ^^I'onse as bein;^- a ^i/zard. It is iike|\- that sncli an or^'an is capabh' of di^'est ini;- many of the softer sheUed seeds or aehenes identided in the stomachs of thi' ITo sa'je ^'rouse herein reported. Bi«>'liteen s])ecies of seeds were ich'ntified. A total of 22 sage grouse stomachs Avas collected from hunter kills in INIono County in lO-lO and an additional 113 stomachs were collected in lOf)!. The results of the analysis of these stomachs are shown in TABLE 4 Food Items Eaten by 135 Sage Grouse Collected in Mono County, California September, 1950-51 Scientific name Common name Parts eaten Volume (percentage) Frequency of occurrence (percentage) Plant Food Artemisia tridentata Tri/olium sp Juncus sp Forbs Symhoricarpos rotundifoliiis Taraxacum vulgare Tetradymia spinosa Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Gramineae Chrysothamnus sp Artemisia carta Perideridia sp.* Rihes sp Bryophy ta Equisetum sp Hordeum sp Cyperaceae Carex sp Liliaceae Eriogonum sp Rumex sp Cleomella parvi flora Cruciferae Rosa sp Astragalus sp Lupinus sp Phlox sp Convolvulus sp ScrophuJariaceae Achillea m illefolium Chrysothamn us nauseosus Compositae Animal Food Formicidae ( )ther Insecta Common sagebrush. Clover Rush Unidentified Sno wberry DandeUon Cottonthorn Rabbitbrusb Grass family Rabbitbrusb Hoary sagebrush Yampah Gooseberry Moss.- Horsetail Wild barley Sedge family Sedge Lily family Buckwheat Dock Cleomella Mustard family Wild rose Rattle-weed Lupine Phlox. Morning glory Figwort family Yarrow Rabbitbrusb Unidentified .A.u(s... Insects. I>eafage, flowers Leafage Leafage Leafage Leafage, fruits. . Leafage, flowers. Leafage, flowers Leafage Leafage Leafage Leafage Seeds Seeds Leafage Stems Florets Leafage Seeds Seeds Leafage, seeds... Seeds Seeds.. Seeds Seeds Leafage Leafage Leafage Leafage Seed pods Leafage Leafage Flowers, seeds... 63.9 8.0 7.6 6.7 4.6 2.3 1.8 1 . I I .1 0.9 0.7 0.1 0. I trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace trace 1.1 trace 91.1 35.6 43.0 45.9 28.9 8.9 2.2 27.4 19.3 8.9 0.7 3.7 5.9 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 1 .4 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 3.7 1.4 1.4 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 2.9 69.6 32.6 I'erideridia = Kiilnphus of Jcpson. A of t!rit was fimiul In lint 7 I iii'iccnl (if I lie .sldiiKiclis. 390 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 5 Food Items Eaten by 40 Sage Grouse Collected in Lassen County, California September, 1952 Scientific name Common name Parts eaten Volume (percentage) Frequency of occurrence (percentage) Plant Food Artemuia tridentata Lactuca scariola Eriophyllum lanaium Helianthus annuus Forbs Cleome platycarpa Gramineae Cruciferae Eriogonum sp Bromxis teclorum Ribes sp Agoseris sp Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus- Ch rysothamnus nauseosus _ _ Compositae '. Plant galls Common sagebrush. Prickly lettuce Woolly sunflower Common sunflower- Unidentified Stink-clover Grass family Mustard family Buckwheat Cheatgrass Gooseberry Rabbitbrush Rabbitbrush Sunflower family Leafage Flowers Leafage Leafage, seeds.-. Leafage Seeds Leafage Leafage, flowers. Leafage Florets Seeds Flowers Leafage, flowers Leafage Seeds Animal Food Melanoplus spp Lepidoptera larvae- Other Insecta Grasshoppers Moths, butterflies- Insects 29.3 21.0 6.3 3.6 2.1 2.0 1.9 1.1 0.1 trace trace trace trace trace trace trace 32.5 0.1 trace 95.0 65.0 37.5 20.0 15.0 42.5 15.0 17.5 12.5 32.5 5.0 2.5 10.0 5.0 5.0 7.5 97.5 10.0 30.0 Table 4, which is a summary of the food items eaten by the 135 sage grouse collected in Mono County expressed in terms of volume and frequency of occurrence. Table 5 is a summary of the food items eaten by 40 sage grouse collected from the Bull Flat and Line Spring areas east of Honey Lake, Lassen County, during the 1952 season (Figures 2 and 3). The stomachs were collected in the field from hunter killed birds and preserved in formaldehyde. Upon receipt of the material in the Department's Food Habits Laboratory the contents were removed and washed in fine mesh screen and the excess moisture removed. An indi- vidual analysis was made by separating and identifying the items of food. The ((uantity of each item was measured in a graduated cylinder by w^ater displacement to determine the percentage composition of each stomach. These data were summarized by use of the aggregate per- centage method described by Martin, Gensch, and Brown (1946). The leafage of sagebrush w^as the most important item in the diet of the sage grouse collected in Mono County (Table 4). Sagebrush was found in 91.1 percent of the stomachs and made up 63.9 percent of the volume of the total food taken. There was one occurrence of the leafage of hoary sagebrush, which made up 88 percent of the stomach contents of one bird. Most of the birds collected by the hunters in Mono County during the two hunting seasons of September 1-2, 1950 and 1951, were evidently collected in close proximity to water. The localities from which the birds were collected were as follows: Eough Creek, 10; Mono Lake, 29; Sumner's Meadows, 8; Masonic, 5; RAGE nROT^SE IX PAUFORXrA nm Lobdel Liikc, 27; Ijoiij:: Valley, 24; r.odir, (1; i;ii(|jr<'|)(»i-l, '.) ; and iiii- kiiowu locality, 17. It was appiinnl tli;ii the iiiaj(ii-it\' <»r the saj^o f^rouso wei'e suppleincnt iiiii' tli(>ir did of sa^cltnisli with the Icafajre of several sj)eci('s of ripar-iaii or iiiarsli r h'isli ;ii[i| (i;iiiic ;ii i|ic .Madcliiic Wafer-fowl .Ma(i- a^ciiiciil Area in Lassi'ii ('onnly. It is notcwDrlliy tli;it this hini liad cafcu 111 i;raiiis of cidl i\;ilc(| \\lir;i1 {'rrilicitin (K \l i rii m ) . uliidi i'oi'iiu'il 100 ])erci'nl of its sloiiiiicli coiitciits. DISCUSSION Food liahit studies h\ otlicf workers eonfui'iii eloseU' with the |-esiilts op the analysis of Califdinia sage oToiise st(;iiiac'hs in this report. (Jirai'd ( 1!).S7) fcpoi-tod on the analysis by the Food nal)its Section f)f the ('. S. r>nrean of 1 biological Survey of 88 saye grouse stomachs eolleeted in •Inly and August, 1934, in Sublette County, Wyoming. Vegetable matter m;ide up S8..1 percent and animal food 11.5 percent of the total diet. Ol' tlie \-eget;il)le food, the (V)7iipositae, represented mainly by six sp(H'ies of sagebrush, furnished 78.1 percent of the food taken. Dande- lion ocenired ill nine of the 33 stomachs examined. The Leguminosae, consisting princii)ally of white clover, supplied 11.2 percent of the total food ;ind the i-em;iinder of the vegetable diet was represented by 10 other families. Ants were found to have been the most important of the insect food taken, having contributed 9.6 percent of the total food contents. l\asmusseu and Oriner (1938), in tlieir study of Utah sage gi'ouse, cited the analysis of 61 stomachs analyzed by the U. S. IMological Sur- vey. These sage grouse were collected from the Strawberry Valley Federal Refuge in northeastern Utah from ]\ray to October. It was found that 97.6 percent of the adult birds' diet was jilant material and of this 77.5 percent consisted of two species of sagebrush {Artotiisia tridentata and A. cana). Of the total diet, 85.8 percent proved to be l)lants of the Compositae. Other important foods were grasses, which made up 3.9 percent of the total contents; Leguminosae (princijndly Trifolluni), 2.4 percent; and Ranuncidaceae, 3.0 percent. Only 2.4 ])er- cent of the adults' summer food was animal nuiterial, and this con- sisted almost entirely of ants. It was found tluit the young sage grouse diet in June consisted of 47.5 percent animal food and 52.5 ]iereent plant material. However, by August the consumption of plant food by .juvenile birds increased to 95.5 percent, which seemed to indicate that young grouse adapt themselves to an adult grouse diet when they are nbout three months old. Patterson (1952). in his study of Wyoming sage grouse. ])resented a summary of the analysis of 104 stomachs. The year-round diet of the adults was comprised of nearly 96 percent plant material, the re- mainder being animal matter. Sagebrush, principally .1. tridentata, A. nova, and ^4. cana, furnished 77 percent of the adult tliet and over 46 percent of the diet of immature birds. The aninud matter consisted whollj^ of insects, of which ants, grasshoppers, and beetles bulked the largest in the insect diet. Many of the same species of plants identified 394 CALIFOENIA FISH AND GAME by Patterson in tlie Wyomino- sage gronse stomachs were found to have been eaten by California sage grouse. These plants included sagebrush, rabbitbrush, dandelion, prickly lettuce, gooseberry, and clover. The close similarity between diets of California sage grouse and those reported from Utah and Wyoming can be attributed to the fact that the distribution of sage grouse coincides with the sagebrush climax char- acterized b}^ similar plant associations. SUMMARY The opening of a limited hunting season on sage grouse in California in 1950 and 1951 in Mono County and in 1952 in Mono, Lassen, and Modoc Counties afforded an opj)ortunity to collect data relative to hunting success and food habits of a game bird of which little was known. The increased number of hunters in 1952 over those in 1950 attests to the growing interest of California sportsmen in sage grouse hunting. The analj'sis of 175 sage grouse stomachs collected from hunter kills revealed that 38 food plants were utilized by the sage grouse and that insects, notably ants and grasshoppers, were important items of food. The staple item of diet was the leafage of sagebrush, which was supi^lemented by the leafage of such plants as clover, dandelion, green grass, green forbs, snowberry, woolly sunflower, and common sunflower. LITERATURE CITED Anon. 1922. United States Forest Service report on game conditions. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 8, no. 3, p. 182. Courtright, G. W. 1923. Mule deer need further protection. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 9, no. 1, p. 32. Dawson, W. L. 1923. The birds of California (Students' Ed.). South Moulton Co., San Diego. Vol. 3, p. 1602-1608. Girard, G. L. 1937. Life history, habits, and food of the sage grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus Bonaparte. Univ. of Wyo. Pubis., vol. 3, no. 1, p. 1-56. Grinnell, J., and A. H. Miller liJ-W. The distriI)iition of the birds of California. Pacific Coast Avifauna, no. 27, Cooper Ornithological Club, Berkeley, Calif., p. 117. Martin, A. C, R. H. Gensch, and C. P. Brown VMi>. Alternative methods in upland gamebird food analysis. Jour. Wildl. Mangt., vol. 10, no. 1, p. 8-12. Patterson, R. L. Ill."i2. The sage in Wyoming. Wyo. Game and Fish Comm. 341 p. Rasmussen, D. I., and L. A. Griner 1938. Life history and management studies of the sage grouse in Utah, with special reference to nesting and feeding habits. Third No. Amer. Wildl. Conf., Trans., p. 852-864. THE LIFE HISTORY OF THE TUI CHUB, SIPHATELES BICOLOR (GIRARD), FROM EAGLE LAKE, CALIFORNIA' J. B. KIMSEY Inland Fisheries Branch California Department of Fish and Game INTRODUCTION For some years the Eaple Lake Rainbow Ti-out (Salmo f/airdneri aquilarum) lias been on the verge of extinction. Tn ir)48 a projj^ram of investifj-ation was started to determine what measnres shonld be taken to preserve this interesting species. It soon became apparent that the relationship of the other fish species in the lake to the tront would have to be determined before an adequate management program could be formulated. The Tui Chub, Siphateles hicolor (Girard), is the most abundant species and so was selected for the initial study. This is the fifth life history study of native California fishes of the minnow family (Cyprinidae). Studies have been completed on the Venus Roach, Hcsperolencus vouistvs (Fry, 1936), Sacramento Hitch. Lavinia e. cxilicauda (Murphy, 1948), Greaser Blackfish, Orthodon microhpidotus (Murphy, 1950), and Sacramento Squawfish, Pfycho- cheilus grandis (Taft and Murphy, 1950). Harry (1951) has described the embryology and early development of the Tui Chub from Eagle Lake. The above studies have been helpful in analyzing the forage potential of these minnow^s for warmwater fishes. DESCRIPTION OF EAGLE LAKE Eagle Lake (Figure 1) lies in northeastern Lassen County at an elevation of 5,100 feet, and has a surface area of approximately 15,000 acres (19-1:1). The closed drainage basin of 498 square miles has a mean seasonal runoff of 91,000 acre-feet. The principal tributary stream is 26-mile long Pine Creek, which has its origin in a spring area above Stephens Meadow^s, about six miles west of Bogard Ranger Station. The low^r 20 miles of Pine Creek, below^ Bogard, and several smaller inlet streams are intermittent. An irrigation project that began delivery of water llirougii a tunnel to Willow Creek Valley in 1924 has lowered the lake about 30 feet. This project is no longer operating and the tunnel is now blocked. Although the latest period of near desiccation was caused by the irrigation project, there is evidence that the lake had great natural fluctuations and has in tlie past reached a much lower level than at present. Conversely, several much higher levels in the past are indi- cated by wave-cut terraces. The most definite of these is about 50 feet above the level of 1924. Other more indefinite terraces are situated 1 Submitted for publication July, 1954. (395 ) 3f)6 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME *10' / s :»»• K) to so «o ir •TOHII lAT EAGLE LAKE Lassen County, California I 1 I m/las Scale • ff 10' to to ^lifeOM\CK||K FIGURE 1. Map of Eagle Lake. The contours are at 10-foot intervals. about 30 feet hiji-her than this. Hubbs and Miller (1948) made similar observations and in addition noted a gravel beach about 60 feet above the 1924 level. During the Pleistocene these higher levels very probably caused a surface discharge to Lake Lahontan via Willow Creek Valley. This surface discharge is further indicated by the fact that four of the five native species of fishes are of Lahontan origin. i;a(;M'; i.aki: 'iii ( ini! :'.f»7 TdIhI ;ill<;iliiiit y of I lie l;ik<' \;iric(l in l!l|s I'l-om ."):M p. p.m. at tlic iiioiilli (>r IMiic ("i-('<'k ill .liiiic to IlOO p. pill, ill tlic sluilldw iiortlwrii scctidii ill AiiLjiist. .\\ci"i^'(' total alkalinity \v;is ;ipproxiniat.oly 70!» p. p. 111. for all stations in IfllS. 'riic jtll v;ii-i('(l I'i-omi H.4 to 9.('). Surface Icinpcrat iircs rjinuc from iiiiK-li liclow IVcrziii^' in winter, wlicii as iiiiicli ;is IS indies of ie(> may ronn, to a siiiiiriier iiiaxijiiiim of 70 (lejiToes V. i-econled in August, 1!)4H. Oxyj^cn is |)|(Mitifiil in tlio upper layers, hut below the .'{.l-l'oot, level during" the suiiinier mouths it is t'reipiently nonexistent oi' too low to su|)poi't fish lilV. The oxyj^'eu fe2 specimens col- lected dnring the current study indicate that a poiuilation of inter- grades between these two species exists. The gill-raker count of this popnlation exhibits a bimotlal curve (Figure 2^, luit all other char- acters upon which the two sjx'cies are ditVereiit iated show a uniforin intergradation. 398 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 30 / I to 125 j J i.20 V A r ^ L 'B 15 \ /\ 1 \ -? 0 \ \ E Z 5 \ f \ < 0 L^ J V 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 Number of Gillrokers on Firsf Arch FIGURE 2. Distribution of the number of gill rakers on the first gill arch for 272 tui chubs from Eagle Lake. The population now occnrring in Eagle Lake is best described by the scientific name Sipliateles hicolor : obesus x pectinifer. Two body forms, one obese with an obvious nuchal lump and the other slender, also occur in the population but cannot be correlated with gill-raker counts. Distribution Within Eagle Lake Basin The Siphateles of Eagle Lake (Figure 3) is tj^pically lacustrine in habit. It was not observed in the tributary streams at any time, except in Pine Creek below the lowermost rapids. Pine Creek has a long estu- ary-like channel which remains connected with the lake after the creek ceases to flow. For all practical purposes, this channel is a part of the lake, since no perceptible flow can be noted in it. Gill nets placed in the channel in 1948 and 1949 produced no adult Siphateles. Pine Creek empties into Delta Bay, where the tui chub spawns very heavily, so it is possible that some of the post-larval fish may find their way into the estuary ; several individuals four or five inches long were seined there in November, 1947. Since the estuary supports a heavy plant growth, similar in character to that of the open lake, a few fish may even spawn there. No Siphateles were found in the lowermost semipermanent pools of Pine Creek above the estuary in 1947, 1948, 1949, or 1950. They were taken from the upstream side of the Pine Creek slough fish counting weir in 1953 and 1954, indicating that they may have migrated from an upstream area. It is believed these fish either resulted from recent bait introductions or had migrated into the area above the weir when it was open. KAdij'; \>.\Kv. Ti I ( iiiit ;!!»!) FIGURE 3. The obese form of the tui chub from Eagle Lake. Movements Observations in the open waters of the lake indicate that fish of the same year chnss school top-ether, with only a few older and yonnr (lie stoiiiacli coiitciil ;iii;ilysis, Ihl'cI Iht with llir ui|| r;i|-.iT (l;it;i, ;ir'i' presented in 'r;d)le "2. Animal plankton (»('('Mri-('d in 83.3 porcoiil n\' I In- stoMiiichs. ('oprpods and cladocerans were I lie most nnnicnms oT these oi-'janisins and tlie contents ol' tlie entire i;iit were often (lyal a bright oran line as soon as we had passed. This plant hed and shore- line existence continued until late SeptendxT, when the aii- temperature reached 40 de^n-ees V. during' tiu; early moi-nin«r hours. In Deeemher, lOoO, no fish wei-e seen in the shallows of the west(!i-n section of Stones Bay, where in late August, 1I)4S, I nniiiidous schools of tui chubs of the year had occurred. It therefore ai)pears that tin; youn<^ of the year nu Nl lb tn n L2 u CO .9 .3 0 • • • • • • • • • i • ■ « • i • • ( s» • • < - ^ r" >• > r = .97 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36 Standard Lenqth-Cen+imeters pIGUR^ 5. Regression of scale :ize and fi:h length for the tui chub in Eagle Lake. KAiilJ; LAKE TIJI ('Ill'lt 405 35 in E O 30 25 ^20 D -o c D C/) 10 0 7 Aqe Groups FIGURE 6. Growth rate of the tul chub in Eagle Lake. The fine vertical line is the range, the black portion of the box one standard deviation, the horizontal line the mean, and the clear box three times the standard error of the mean. From Figure 6, it can be seen that growth is regular until the fourth year, when it begins to taper olt' .The wide overlap in size ranges of year classes is probably caused by the extended spawning period. Means for the sixth- and seventh-year classes may be considered tentative, due to the small numbers of individuals. Because of siniwning checks and erosion from other causes, the scales become very difficult to read beyond the five-year-age group. The largest unaged individual was a female 40.9 cm. (16 inches) standard length. 406 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Fish of the year collected September 10, 1948, varied in length from 2.2 to 4.2 cm. (0.85 to 1.6 inches) standard length. The lake freezes over during December and the formation of the annulus probably occurs about the time the fish migrate into the shallow waters, just after the ice goes off. This is about one month prior to spawning. The length-weight relationship curve is shown in Figure 7. The condition factor (K) was calculated for 139 specimens ranging in standard length from 12.4 to 34.9 cm. The average value for K was 1.92 (range 1.04-2.94). The lower values were consistently associated with the smaller sizes. The average of 61 values taken from spawners between June 16 and June 25, 1948, was 1.98 (range 1.42-2.94). Im- mediately after spawning the condition index dropped slightly, making the average for 42 specimens taken between July 17 and July 27, 1948, 1.82 (range 1.04-2.39). A series of 36 examples taken well after spawn- ing between August 3 and August 27, 1948, had begun to recover and had an average K of 1.94 (range 1.20-2.73). The differences are ad- mittedly slight, but indicative of the effect of spawning. ECONOMICS The average fisherman considers any non-game fish a "rough fish" and therefore unfit for human consumption. This feeling is particu- larly strong because chemical treatment of lakes has made it possible to eradicate all "rough fish" in a lake and then to substitute a pure population of "game fish." This negative attitude is relatively new, as most of the early settlers utilized any fish at hand for food, whether it be sucker, minnow, or trout. The tui chub of Eagle Lake has an excellent flavor, although it is somewhat bony, particularly in the caudal area. Cooked immediately after being caught, it is excellent in everj^ way. Many of the local people at Eagle Lake utilized it and considered it to be very good. A large series was canned, using a variety of methods. A water pack proved best. The meat, when properly brined, was white and firm, and in the canning process the bones became quite soft. The resulting prod- uct was quite palatable and was used in much the same way as canned tuna. Some sport fishing is furnished by the species. The best fishing area is in the south section of the lake, where the fish are easily taken with worms. "When caught in this fashion, their bite is a gentle tug, but they furnish some good action when taken on light tackle. More active fishing was reported on moonlight nights, when surfacing schools were fished with a small spinner. In 1942, 1943, and 1944, a permit was obtained by a commercial fish- ing concern to seine and transport rough fish from Eagle Lake for mar- ket. A letter from a representative of this company states that com- mercial quantities of tui chubs were netted in only one year (1943). They were taken during the month of May from spawning concentra- tions in Delta Bay. About 8,000 pounds were obtained for export over- seas. The company interested in exporting them canceled their order, thereby forcing the fish onto the local market. Since people complained EAGLE LAKE TUI CI MM lOi 750 700 V 650 « 600 • • 550 • • • 500 • • • 450 • • • * 1 2 400 V^ i 350 4 t Jh cr 1 300 250 • r • • • u 200 • 150 • 100 • • 50 • • • •• •• 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 Siandard Lenq+h- Genii meters FIGURE 7. Length-weight relationship of the tui chub in Eagle Lake. the fish were too bony, only a few hundred pounds were ever used for food and the remainer had to be dumped. In 1949, the company con- sidered using them only for reduction purposes, the maximum value being placed at $20 a ton. 408 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME MANAGEMENT When the tui chub is considered as a factor in warmwater fish management, it appears to fall in about the same category as the greaser blackfish, Orthodon microlepidotus (Murphy, 1950). The only marked difference is in food habits. Orthodon adults feed primarily on a combination of plankton and bottom materials, with a preponderance of vegetable matter. Siphateles takes primarily animal foods feeding upon zooplankton, some higher plants, and larval insects which are found on the plants. The young blackfish and tui chub feed upon nearly the same food items. The slower growth rate of Siphateles may be attributed to the more rigorous climate of Eagle Lake. The spawning time, as based upon temperatures, is about the same as for the largemouth black bass, or about 60 degrees F. The spawning areas and habits of the black bass and the tui chub do not conflict. In Eagle Lake this fish, along with several others, is an important buffer species for the Eagle Lake Rainbow Trout. This trout, an en- demic species, migrates up Pine Creek about April of each year to the area above Bogard to spawn. ]\Iany of the adults are trapped in that area when the creek ceases flowing in its lower reaches. It seems likely that all of the newly -hatched fish are caught in that area, to remain there until the next year's spring freshets. When these yearling trout enter Eagle Lake they are about 5 to 7 inches long. Large flocks of pelicans, mergansers, and other fish-eating birds concentrate at the shallow sand bar found at the mouth of the stream. At this time the spawning migration of Tahoe Suckers (Catostomus tahoensis), Lahontan Red Sided Shiners {Bichardsonius egregius), and the Lahontan Speckled Dace (Rhinichthys o. ro'bustus) into Pine Creek is in progress and they buffer against predation on the trout by the water birds. As the trout enter the lake this role is assumed by the myriads of tui chubs then moving into the shallow Delta Bay area prior to spawning. This buffer action is not a matter of the min- FIGURE 8. A catch of tui chubs taken by sports anglers from Eagle Lake In September, 1948. EA(ii,i': i,\Ki; III (III I! 400 HOWS ;iii(l suckers Iiciiil;' iiioi'i' ;ii'ci'|)|,ii)|i' in iln' |iic< l,i lois. Imt rjillicc OIK' ol' I rciiiciKldiis ;i\;ii l.iliilil \ ;il ;i liinr wlini Idr I'lirjlc Lake rain- bow is iiiosi \ iilii('ral)l('. Since liii cliiihs rrc((iiciil l\ swim iicai- llir siiilacc. Ilicy are available to the birds xirlnajiy all llie lime they are present and a^ain biilTcr the trout in t he (i|)eii lake. Slioiild Ihe Iroiil enter the lake as fineerl i ii^rs or \'v\ . thei'e \v(tiild be eonipelit ion I'or food and the liii i-liiib pruliubl^' would depress th(! trout po])ulatioii. Siphatclcs luis dovoloped into a ratlier spectacular nnisauce when introduced into waters to wliieli if is not native. I'liis has lieen espe- cially true when if occurs in trout lakes in which aii^liii<_;- is maintained by finiicriinji' ])lan1s. This writer believes that this phenomenon is i-iiliiry Maxilhir.v I Ivoiiinrnliltiiliir Ilyjil assciiilil.v I'fh ic Kinllr I*iiliitin(> M*-Nii|il<-r.VK'>iil Aiixilinrv iii;i \ illary ( Jiiinlral*- N'clrliral rulliliiil The teeth on Ixitli j.iws ;i|i|)r;ircil sin.ilh'i' ;iiii| moi-c hrist !<• likr in tin- Japanese fisli. The dirrciTncc, tlion^h sli'jlit, was visually apjian-nt when specimens of tlir same size were din-ctly compared. Tlie posterior portion of tlie paras|)liciioid dilVei-ed in shape in ih'- two samples. This dill'erenee can hest be (h'serihed as two charaeters. Those portions of the parasphenoid formiii^i- tlie lateral marfrins of the posterior aperture of the myodome were distinetly cii-iular in appear- ance in all of the Jajianese specimens, whereas in the Hawaiian speci- mens they were relatively straij^ilit and sli;;litly diver-i'ent posteriori}'. Moreover, in ventral view the shape of this aperture of the myodome appeared different. In the Hawaiian specimens it was shallow, while in the three Japanese specimens it Avas deeper. The second cliai-acter concerns the same bone. The total extent of the parasphenoid (ventral view) posterior to the orbit is visually divided into two portions by a low, sharp transverse ridge in small specimens of the Hawaiian yaito. In large specimens this ridge develops into a short, blunt but unmistakable process on each side. Such ridges or processes are lacking in the Japanese yaito, and this portion of the bone is not visually divided. It is perhaps worth recording that the single sjjcci- men of E. yaito taken in California waters ((iodsil 10.14) agreed in general in the above characters with the Hawaiian rather than the Japa- nese specimens. All of the above diflt'erences are relative. In no ease could a specimen be positively identified by any one of them. It is possible that they are merely extreme variations of the specific pattern. If they should prove to be associated with locality, they are merely indicative of population differences, and by no means justify a specific separation. The simi- larity in the anatomy of the two forms indicates overwhelmingly that they are of the same species, and individnally indistinguishal)le. REFERENCES (Jodsil, H. C. 1954. A descriptive study of crrlain iuii:i like ti.slu's. Calif. Dept. Fish and Uaine. Fish r.ii]l. 97, lSS"i). Kisliinouye, Kaniaixiolii 1923. Contributions to tlie comparative study of the so-called .scombroid fishes. Tokyo Coll. Agri., Jour., vol. S. p. •J!t:i-4Tr.. THE EFFECT OF AUROFAC-ENRICHED DIET (AUREO- MYCIN AND B12) UPON YOUNG KING SALMON EARL S. HERALD end ROBERT P. DEMPSTER Stfiiihcirt Aqucirium Ccilifornici Accicloiiiy of Scioncei and HOWARD McCULLY Mcirine Fisht'ries Branch California Departmunt of Fish and Game During' the past few years many aquarists and a(|nati(' Ijiolofjists have been experinientint;' witli tlie nntihiotics, as bolli tlicrapcutie at,'fnt.s and dietary supplements. Tliis lias resulted iu a variety of claims and statements — many of conflicting nature. Upon examination of these two phases as they relate to fishes, a prompt conclusion is reached that some of the antibiotics are certainly effective as thei-apeutic atrcnts — l)Ut under specific conditions. The biy (pu^stion at present concerns their value as dietary supplements. Our preliminary studies at Steinhart Aquarium have dealt with this dietary piublcm, and will be described later in this paper. It should be pointed out that our priinai\v interest is in the use of antibiotics as growth supi)lements and not as a source of protein or of carbohydrates. Anreomycin (chlorotetracycline) and vitamin Bi_. have been re- ported to achieve spectacular growth results when adih'd to the normal feed of such animals as chickens, turkeys, pigs, and young cattle (Anon., 1949; Cravens, 1950; Stokstad, 1952). Of considerable signifi- cance is the effect of these agents in lu-oducing .111 even growth rate, with no runtiness among the animals uiuUm- treatment. However, anreo- mycin and vitamin Bi^ have one serious disadvantage when considered for use as a dietary supi^lement — tbey are too costly. In order to over- come this problem and to meet a low-cost criterion for a suitable anti- biotic food sujiplement, Aurofac Avas develojied, and is now nuirketed by the Lederle Tjaboratories Division of the American Cyanamid Company. To determine whether or not these same growth l)enefits couUl also be obtained in routine aquarium practice, it was decided to experiment first Avith young king salmon. Tlie results were so unexpected that it seems advisable to present tliciii here, together with a snnunary of certain similar experiments which have lieen carried out at other places. 1 Submitted for pnblicntion .TnnuM-y, 19r.4. Tlie fheniioaUy di\i.siin of the .-Vmerican ("yanaiiiid ('»nipany We are using the t ..1 tiiiii. iii i-'imtii. Sum- ot' 1-he fish on Ihc .sii|i|)h'iii(iilr,| ilii-ts showfil as rapid an inrrra-sr in woi^'ht, .-IS the ('(iiilidl LMdiip (i\ii- Ihc whnh- tiiiu' of tlir rxpcriliicllt. Tiio aulhor hclic\cs ih;il Ihc mi |.| ihiiicnls iiihiltitiMl thr iiorinal iiirrpa>M> in yrowlh. Mr. Horace (1. l''i;iiil/., .Ic, of ihc l'"r;iiizliiirs| liinnhou Tront Com- pany, Inc., of Sali(Li, ( 'o|(.i;i(|,,, wi-ilcs that tlicy nrv n.sin^' Aurofnr routiii('l\' as a dietary siipph'ineiit for lin^nM•lill^'•^ np to tliri'i* anil oni«- luilf indies \o\\'^. .\llhoii<^ii they ha\c nof observed aii\ lieiiefieial u'r<)\vth effect as a result of Ani-orac. ihc\ ha\c round that it reduces niorlality in tliese youiiii' fish to ahoul oncicnih the iHuiiial rati-. AuroFar was used at tlie "2 percent lexcl. Mr. M. .1. Madseii, Cliiel' of h'ishi'rics Division, I'tah Fish and (Jarne Commission, has suiimiai'i/.cd ihc State of I'tah 's feeding,' experinn-nt.s with Ani'ofac, aureoinycin. hacilraciii. ami terrainycin. These tests were eonduded at Clenwood State Fish llatchci'y hy .\lr. .Madseii ami June F. ^o^vell. The tests were started in 1 !••')() on small lots of rainbow trout and no ill etrects were attributed to the use of the aiitibioties. In 1951, all the fish in the hatchery were fed food supplemented with 55.5 p. p.m. of bacitracin. Tlie youn^- trout of l!t.")l averajred seven fish to the pound on Auv ilir li-ss costly Aiirorar. There have' been I wo s.iIiikhi cxpii-iiMcnts othrr than ours, UNin(; aureoniyeiii-eivichfd foods, h'ohinsoii, I'ayiif, I'aJnHT, and HiirrowH (I!)")!), ^vorkill,^■ with lin^crlin^- red saiinon { Oncnrlninchiis iitrkn), found uo effect 011 the izrowth rate, hiil ihcy thoiiirht that the fish may have been ]u-olcclcd IVom an aiicinic tcndciii'y. Tin- dir't consiMtod of beef liver, hosi' spN'cn, caniicd salmon, and salmon visi-cra rncal. Earp, Ellis, and Ordal (l!).").'!) irpnit ihat Klickitat Hatchery (Washing-ton) tried to control an onllncak of Karp's kidney diseuHe in kino- salmon fino-erlino-s by addinu- Aurofac to the food at a level of 39.9 p.p.m of aureomycin. The Aveekly mortalities wen- ,s.2 percent in the spring stock and l;{.7 ])ercent in tlie fall stock when treatment was beg-nn August 20, 1951. The moilalily rates in both stocks declined to about 1 percent by Hie last week in Scptrmhi'i-. hi another four weeks they began to rise and during llic week ending December 29 they reached ^'^^ percent in the fall stock and 11 percent in the spring stock. During- January mortalities again fell to from 5.0 percent to 7.5 percent, after which time treatment Avitli snlfa drugs was begun. T^nfortunately there was no control and thus there is no way of know- ing whether these changes in mortality resulted from the treatment with aureomycin. In order to test the effectiveness of Aurofac on young salmonids at Steinhart Aquarium, two cold (49 to 51 degree F.) freshwater tanks of 1,000 gallons capacity each were prepared. Each tank was stocked with approximately 900 five-montli-old fingerling king salmon {Onco- rhynchus tshawytscha) with an average fork length measurement of 62 mm. Addition of Aurofac to the diet was initiated on ]\[ay 3, 1951, using the maximum ratio recommended by the manufacturer: i.e., 1.4 pounds of Aurofac to 100 pounds of feed, or 55.9 ji.p.m. of aureomycin in the food. The Aurofac in this proportion was mixed thoroughly with finely ground raw horse heart and fed to one group of the salmon fingerlings. The other group was held as a control, with the tish feil the same amount of heart without Aurofac. Both grouj^s were fed once a day for six days of each week. On July 31, 1951, Aurofac was discontinued and both tanks were fed only raw heart because of the obvious size difference between the tish in the Aurofac tank as compared with those in the control tank. When the results were tabulated, it was surprisingly found that Aurofac had actuallv retarded the fishes' growth (Table 1). At the end ot S:'> days on the Aurofac diet (July 25, 1951) the average growth was only 4.7 mm., in comparison with an average increase of 18.1 nnn. m the' control tank. The salmon in both tanks were infected with a bac- terial disease. The svmptoms were those of Earp's kidney diseast^ as described bv Earp. Ellis and Ordal (1953). Earp ha.l identitied this disease in another lot of young king salmon from Steinhart Aquarium 3 To make comparisons easier, we have reduced aH concentrations of aure uikt 421 wen": dccrcisiM I i^idwlh r.ilc, mcn'u.scil iimi'tal ily , ami iiic|-ca.s elVcctive in s(»ine iisli diseases. The earei'id assistance ol' Slcinharl A(|iiai-iiiiii statV memhcrs Walter Seliiioebeli and Ndixal (ireen in (air\in'j (Mil this experiment is ^'rat«'- t'ully acknowIedLi'ed. 'The Aiii-tilac used in the test was t'nniislied fln'ouu'li the cdiii'tesy td' William ( '. L(iiiL;ldin and ('ompany, San l<'ran- L'iseo re])resentatives (if the i>ederle liaixiratories Division (d" the Ani'-ri- can C'Vanamid Company. REFERENCES Anon. 1940. 'I'lic .•iiiini;)! iiidlcin factor in iiouiliv and swine nnlrition. Animal I"im-<| I>c|it., I^cdcrlc l.alioratories Div., Aincr. Cyananiid Co., li!) p. (.Minifo. ) r>orlvC, IMulliii, Alliert ;\I. Silver, and Ilerljert S. Knuiiernian 1953. Effect of aureoniycin npon si'owtli and niatnration of Lchistcs rttiuhttiin. Soc. Exptl. Biol, and Med., Proc, vol. M, iml 1. p. .T2-:',4 . Cravens, W. W. 1950. ^'itaniin B12 and the antittiotics in nutrilidii. I'\'edstuiTs, \ul. '1'2, p. ."hir>(>. Earp, B. J., C. H. Ellis, and E. J. Ordal 1!).")3. Kidney disease in yiunii;' saliiKin, W'.isli. I>fpl. Fish., S|)ec. Kept. Sit., no. 1. Nigrelli, Ross F., and James W. Atz 1952. Don't he a hypocliondriac ahont yonr fi.shes. Aquar. .Tonr., vol. 23, n<>. 10, p. 201-205. Robinson, Leslie A., Merl H. Payne, Jr., David D. I'alnier. and Roj^er E. Bnrrows 1951. Tests of liatchery foods for lihieliacU salmon T.J.'O. I'. S. Fisli and Wildlife Serv.. Spec. Sci. Rept. : Fisheries no. G3. StoUstad, I']. L. R. 1952. Antihiotics in .•uiiinal nutrition. Antihiotics and Cliemothcrapy, vol. 3, no. 4, ]i. 434-441. Wagner, Edward I). 1954. The elTects of antihiotics and arsanilic acid -3S. Wold, Aaron 1952. Effects and uses of auroomycin. .\qnar. .Tour., vol. 2.'1. no. 11. p. 2.32-2.".5. Wolf, Lonis E. 1952. Experiments with antibiotics and vitamin B12 in the diets of hrowii trout lingerlings. Prog. Fish-Culturist. vol. 14. no. 4. p. 148-1.")3. AGE AND LENGTH COMPOSITION OF THE SARDINE CATCH OFF THE PACIFIC COAST OF THE UNITED STATES AND MEXICO IN 1953-54 FRANCES E. FELIN cincl JOHN McicGREGOR United Stales Fisfi and Wildlife Service and ANITA E. DAUGHERTY and DANIEL J. MILLER Marine Fisheries Branch California Department of Fish and Gome Tin's report on aue and l('iisearch Station of the Ministry of Fooil and Agriculture, Government of India, assisted in processing of data. 1 Submitted for piiblicatiiin .Inly, l!i.")4. (423) 424 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME REFERENCES Felin, Frances E., Ray Anas, Anita E. Daugherty, and Leo Pinkas 1952. Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States in 1951-52. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 38, no. 3, p. 427-435. Felin, Frances E., Anita E. Daugherty, and Leo Pinkas 1950. Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Canada in 1949-50. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 36, no. 3, p. 241-249. 1951. Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Canada in 1950-51. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 37, no. 3, p. 339-349. Felin, Frances E., John MacGregor, Anita E. Daugherty, and Daniel J. Miller 1953. Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Mexico in 1952-53. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 39, no. 3, p. 409-417. Felin, Frances E., and Julius B. Phillips 1948. Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Canada, 1941-42 through 1946-47. Calif. Div. Fish and Game, Fish Bull. 69, 122 p. Felin, Frances E., Julius B. Phillips, and Anita E. Daugherty 1949. Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Canada in 1948-49. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 35, no. 3, p. 165-183. Mosher, Kenneth H., Frances E. Felin, and Julius B. Phillips 1949. Age and length composition of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Canada in 1947-48. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 35, no. 1, p. 15-40. SAKDIM: CATf II. l<;5^-54 425 1 o a 2 o -a cs a a O O o 01 a s H X! (in k< a 03 k— ( M <^ — « — _ ~ .. « — — M _ X — IN — ■■^ o 03 (N 05 03 O IB h f^ C«5N(N(MWM(N'Oe^e<5C^ ) — • 2 H t3 d, li< c :« ^T^ OJ l< cc c^ •— CI — — n :c CI — — ' O oj C T3 « 5 M o OOOCl'l'OOCOO-' ■^ lo lO i.*^ ».•? i."^ w c ;r i^-ct^t^t-ocooo — — 426 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 2 Length Composition of tiie 1950 Year Class in 1953-54 1950 year class, age 3 Standard length mm. San Pedro San Die go California total Ensenada Grand total M F T M F T M F T M F T M F T 196- -- - -- -- 3 5 2 3 5 4 3 3 1 1 4 5 2 2 5 2 7 2 6 2 5 3 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 8 2 3 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 6 10 3 13 3 1 4 5 3 8 5 3 8 5 3 8 3 3 6 3 2 5 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 3 6 3 10 4 3 2 7 4 6 3 5 3 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 198 - - 200 3 202 - .- - -- 1 204 4 206 - .- 9 208 - 14 210 5 212 -- n 214 9 216 --. 8 218 6 220 5 222 2 224 3 226 --- -. 2 228 - --- 1 230 1 232 1 234 236 - -. --- 238 1 240 -- 1 Totals - - 29 18 47 14 12 26 43 30 73 8 7 15 51 37 88 SAItDINK f.VI( II, 1953-54 TABLE 3 Length Composition o( the 1949 Year Class in 1953 54 427 H)49 yi-ar rlium, nan 4 Standard IcIlKlll nun. San I'lilrii San Dii'uo CuliforiiiH totui ,. , i «ir»fid tijtal M F T M 1 1 \l F T M F T T 198 200 202 204 1 I ') •> 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 1 3 4 3 7 1 1 2 1 1 3 2 -) 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 to — — to — — to CO to to CO — 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 1 "i 2 7 2 3 -> 4 t 8 1 1 2 2 2 3 2 5 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 3 3 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 4 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 I t 3 ■> T * 206 208 .7 1 X 210- 212 214 216 218..-. 220 222 224 226 228 230 2 3 4 ii 2 7 2 3 5 ( 4 8 i 1 2 2 2 3 2 5 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 232 3 3 234 __ 236 238 240 242 244 246 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 4 I 1 1 I 2 2 Totals 28 25 53 6 9 15 34 34 68 1 2 3 35 36 71 428 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 4 Length Composition of tlie 1948 Year Class in 1953-54 Standard length mm. 1948 year class, age 5 San Pedro M F T San Diego M F T California total Ensenada M F T M F T Grand total M F T 192 194 196 198 200 202 204 206 208 210 212 214 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 Totals 1 4 3 5 3 5 6 1 1 1 1 1 4 2 3 2 1 48 44 92 4 6 4 7 4 5 7 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 4 2 1 1 1 1 5 10 6 11 9 12 14 5 2 3 2 1 3 4 4 4 6 1 2 5 2 4 3 2 1 14 18 32 62 62 124 7 11 18 1 2 1 1 4 8 5 7 4 5 7 2 1 1 1 1 4 2 4 2 1 1 2 1 4 6 12 10 13 6 10 8 13 14 5 2 4 2 1 3 4 4 4 6 1 2 5 2 4 3 2 1 69 73 142 SAICDINK (JATCII, If;^V^} TABLE 5 Length Composition of 1947, 1946, and 1945 Year Claises in 1953 54 429 206 208-_ 210. 212 214- 216 218 220 222 224 226 228 230 232 234 236 238 240 242 244 246 248 250 252 254 256 258 260 262 264 Totals I I 1 :t 1 1 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 •> o 1 1 o 3 2 0 2 1 3 1 2 3 6 6 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 25 28 53 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 4 7 1 1 2 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 1 2 1 3 2 1 1 3 1 3 1 1 1 •> 3 2 5 2 1 3 1 o 3 6 6 4 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 28 32 60 I 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 1 2 2 2 5 1 3 2 3 6 6 4 4 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 28 33 61 1 I 1 2 3 3 1 1 Han IV.lm M K T 1 1 10 10 20 0 1 i 430 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 6 Calendar Dates of Lunar Months for the 1953-54 Season "August" July 26-August 23 "September" August 24-September 22 "October" September 23-October 22 "November" October 23-November 20 "December" November 21-December 20 "January" December 21-January 19 "February " January 20-February 1 7 TABLE 7 Age (Year Class) Composition of the Sardine Catch in the 1953-54 Season (Numbers of fish are given in thousands, i.e., 000 omitted) Catch Number of fish by age (year class) Tons Nos. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1952 1951 1950 1949 ,1948 1947 1946 1945 San Pedro "October" "November" _ 1,365 1,075 80 316 20 9,240 5,818 474 1,964 124 554 381 389 263 84 85 65 4 2,297 924 393 25 1,848 937 471 30 3,631 1,733 733 46 594 1,261 223 14 53 401 79 5 97 "December" "February"^ Totals San Pedro San Diego^ 2,8.56 289 21 6 17,620 1,908 298 99 1,324 114 19 81 501 54 4 18 3,639 474 47 3,286 382 48 6,143 750 89 2,092 123 65 538 11 21 97 "November" 5 "December" Totak San Diego 316 2,305 214 76 521 430 839 188 32 5 Totals California Ensenada "August" - - - 3,172 1,241 1,275 709 406 3,221 19,925 6,552 39,963 4,170 2,388 18,949 1,538 577 524 797 250 143 1,137 4,160 2,097 3,188 1,793 1,027 8,148 3,716 524 797 292 167 1,326 6,982 3,407 5,181 1,752 1,003 7,959 2,280 83 48 379 570 102 "September" _ . "October" "November" _ _ "December" - __ _-- Totals Baja California 6,852 42,022 -- 2,851 16,253 3,106 19,302 510 -- -- Grand totals 10,024 61,947 1,538 3,428 20,413 6,822 26,284 2,790 570 102 1 Numbers of fish for this lunar period were prorated at the same ratio of age composition as the San Pedro catch for .January. 2 Numhers of fish in the San Diego catch were prorated at the same ratio as the San Pedro catch for the com- parable months. 2 Numbers of fish for this lunar period were prorated at the same ratio as the Ensenada catch for August. SAUDINI'; (A If II. |i;, .;-5^ in TABLE 8 Number of Fish, Mean Length, and Standard Error ol the Mean for Each Year CIlM in the 19!)3 54 Season, by Region of Catch XvAV ( 'ill.SS 1i(!K'> No. I M 179 Hi7 172 188 193 210 212 211 209 212 211 211 215 213 214 224 219 y.ttMtuulm 6. 18 1.34 2.72 5.34 0 . . 3 3.85 3 1.07 M 0.80 7 0.68 15 0.56 1 0.85 ■> 1.25 3 1.26 1 0.56 11 0.64 18 2.00 0 4.19 1 2.00 1 -- 207 207 Ji»7 207 207 205 203 211 208 0.33 0.33 0.(18 0.58 0.33 1.17 0.87 0.81 NOTES A RECORD-SIZE THRESHER FROM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Oil IM.-iy II, llir)|, llir I ii(lr|ii'iH|(iit l''i^li ('(I.. S;iii rnlrij, rrvJ'\\cA an unusually lai'^c fiMii.ili' cniiiiiiDii tlirrshcr. Alnjiius nilpiniis, whioh contained four I'lnhiyns ,i|)|iiiiac|iinL;- hii-lli, 'I'lir shark was hrMiis/lif into tli(> niarkcl l)y Mi- .loc Stai^naro, ow iin- oT tlu' hnat Si-ortT II. after becomiii^' entaiii^lcd in his uill nets the pn-vidiis nit'lif approxiiriatrly fivo miles ofP Ne\v|i(iii i'.cach. Staicinrnts IVoni hnth tin- fisherman and the ni(Mi in Iho iiiarkfl indiraifd that this was the hirj.'t'st thresher tlioy liad ever scmmi and was. iiuircoN it. the first from wliich tliey had taken ])ups. The ])nps were saxcd and |)i-es('iit('d to the ('alil'firnia Stato Fisheries Laboratory, Tenninal Ishind. hut nnlui-tiniately tho adult was neither measnred nor weij^lied and had been rediieed to an etTi- ciently triiiniuMl eareass S(i inches in h'uuth when first seen by our personnel. The tail, esimated by .Mr. Sta<>'nan) Id ix' between ei<.dit ami nine feet in length, had been cut off in order to facilitate removal of tlie fish from the net. Tn the market, the liead was removed from the body with a cut beginning- ai)j)roximately IG iiu-hes beliiiul the snout and running down and back over the gill slits. The caudal peduncle was severed just anterior to the caudal fin. If 16 inches (for the head) is added to onr measnred carcass length of 86 inches we arrive at a minimum figure of 102 inches exclusive of the tail. Proportional measurements for Alopias viilpi)ius on the Atlantic Coast (Bigelow and Sehroeder. 1948), as well as those obtained from the embryos of the i)resent speci- men, indicate that the 1()"2 inrlies re]-»resents but 4() to 48 ])ereeut td" the total length. The total length, tlien. was i)resumably between 17.7 and 18.5 feet with the addition of the tail, l"]stiiiiates of the fisherman and the men in the market, as well as figures given by Bigelow and Sehroe- der, indicate tliat GOO ]i(Minds woidd hi' a eonservativi^ weiirlit for this animal. In view of the remai-ks "Reaches no ^reat size in ("aiifornia. Most specimens seen run from five to eight feet." (Roedel. 1 !).'):?). it would appear that this individual, approximately 18 feet in length, was not only unusual but probably const it lies a record size for threshers landed in California. According to information given b\ P.igelow and Sehroeder. Alopios vulphiHi^ does not mature sexually befoi-e attaining a length of at least 14 feet. Since thresliers of this size appear to be exeeptionally rare off California, while the small iinniatiiiv lish ai-e relatively eomnion. we might speculate on the reasons for this apparent ditferenee in distri- bution between young and adults. Probably either the adults live con- siderable distances offshore, wliere their chances of being captured ( 433 ) 434 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 1 Measurements of Four Term Embryos of ttie Thresher, Alopias vulpinus Body measurement Total length in mm.: 1,228, 1,273, 1,280, 1,367 Snouth length: In front of eye In front of outer nostril Distance between inner ends of nostrils Eye diameter: Horizontal Vertical Interorbital width IMouth width GiU opening lengths: 1st 2d 3d 4th 5th Distance from snout to: Insertion first dorsal Insertion second dorsal Insertion pectoral Insertion pelvic Insertion anal Upper precaudal pit Tip lower caudal lobe First dorsal fin: Anterior margin Vertical height 1 Length attached base Insertion to tip posterior lobe Second dorsal fin: Vertical height Length attached base Insertion to tip posterior lobe Anal fin: Vertical height Insertion to tip posterior lobe Pectoral fin: Anterior margin Insertion to tip posterior lobe Pelvic fin: Anterior margin Insertion to tip posterior lobe Distance from: Posterior insertion 1st dorsal to anterior insertion 2d dorsal Posterior insertion 2d dorsal to upper precaudal pit Anterior insertion anal to lower precaudal pit Caudal fin: Upper precaudal pit to tip of upper lobe Lower precaudal pit to tip of lower lobe Percentage of total length 3.7-4.0 3.0- 3.4 1.3- 1.5 1.1- 1.3 1.7- 1.8 4.0- 4.2 5.2- 5.5 2.0- 2.4 2.3- 2.6 2.6- 2.7 2.5- 2.7 2.3- 2.5 22 . 6-23 . 7 41.4-42.2 15.4-16.2 33.7-35.0 42.4-44.0 46.9-48.1 50.8-55.0 8.0- 8.5 5.3- 5.7 6.1- 6.4 6.7- 7.0 0.6 0.7- 0.9 2.1- 2.2 0.8 2.0- 2.5 14.3-14.8 8.2- 8.6 5.4- 6.6- 6.1 7.2 13.1-13.7 4.8- 5.2 3.6- 4.0 52.0-54.1 6.6- 7.3 \()Ti:s 4:J'i Mi-(' (■()iis('(| iiciil I \ sli'jhl. or, sirii'c iIh' spcrifs is |iriinarily a tropiral illlll W.inil tr||||)r|';itr rnini, llir li lil j( ifi I \ of \l\V iihIm's ami tlic st-xrs wiTf rtpially tlivi<|)'it. :;. Sii.irks. S.-:un F-.tiiul. Mar. lies., ^Nlem. 1. p. .V.t-:.4(;. Roedel. Pliil M. 1953. Common ocean fislies of the Cnlifornia coast. Calif. l)ept. Fish ami «;aiue. Fish I'.iill. !»1. p. 14. — David C. Joseph, Marin f ?"isli(ri(s Branch. California 1)4 jiartnunt of Fisli and (!a)n< \ .htn( . l!h')i. 436 CALIFORNIA PISH AXD GAME OCEAN RECOVERIES OF SACRAMENTO RIVER TAGGED STEELHEAD Two tagged steelhead rainbow trout, Salmo gairdneri gairdneri, have recently been recovered by ocean fishermen off the California coast. Both fish had been tagged and released in the Sacramento River near Fremont AVeir, 81 river miles above the confluence of the Sacra- mento and San Joaquin Rivers, by personnel of Federal Aid Project F7R. The fish were trapped for tagging while on their upstream spawn- ing migration. Mr. Don Hitchcock of San Francisco returned a tag taken from a 21-inch steelhead caught May 28, 1954, eight miles southeast of the Farallone Islands, 23 miles off San Francisco. It was caught on com- mercial salmon troll gear, with herring for bait. This fish was tagged January 8, 1954, with Petersen disks attached with stainless steel wire. Mr. Arthur Smith of San Francisco returned a tag taken from a 25- inch female steelhead caught three miles off* Point Reyes, Marin County, on June 13, 1954. It was taken on a 2|-inch gold-colored spoon trolled at a depth estimated to have been between 25 and 30 feet. This fish was tagged with a tantalum wire attached staple tag (Calhoun, California Fish and Game, 1953, vol. 39, no. 2, p. 209-218) on August 21, 1953. Three months later, on November 22, 1953, it was checked through the counting station at the fish ladder over the Clough Dam on Mill Creek, Tehama County. This station is 155 stream miles above where the fish was tagged. AYhile certainly not unexpected, these are the first reports of any Sacramento River tagged steelhead being recovered outside the Golden Gate. More than 2,600 adult steelhead have been tagged near Fremont Weir since July, 1950. — Elton D. Bailey, Inland Fisheries Branch, California Department of Pish and Game, July, 1954. DELAYED DECOMPOSITION OF A TROUT CARCASS Carcasses of trout are often seen early in the spring in lakes, es- pecially near the shores, and their deaths are commonly attributed to "winter-kill." Dead fish, often showing little decomposition, are some- times also found well into the summer ; their deaths have generally been assigned to other factors, such as disease. The following observation of delayed decomposition of a fish carcass made in Castle Lake, Siskiyou County, California, is of interest in this connection and suggests that at least in some instances they may also have been caused by winter-kill. On October 9, 1946, Castle Lake was treated with rotenone to elimi- nate all fish life (Wales, California Fish and Game, 1947, vol. 33, no. 4 p. 267-268). This lake has a surface area of 47 acres, a maximum depth of 120 feet, and lies at an elevation of 5,200 feet. Six species of fishes were present in Castle Lake at the time : Lake Trout, Salvelinus namaycush; Rainbow Trout, Salmo gairdneri; Brown Trout, Salmo trutta; Eastern Brook Trout, Salvelinus fontinalis; Golden Shiner, Notemigonus crysoleucus; and Klamath Speckled Dace, Rhinichthys oscidus klamathensis. Cube powder with a 5.4 percent rotenone content was applied at the general rate of 1.35 pounds per acre foot of water, and several hundred extra pounds were placed in the deeper water to ensure complete kill. xoTKs 4:17 Xuiiicrous tests iiuidc wifli lioiit in live cji^rs imiicatrd tli«- ••MHti'iict> of Icllijil coiKlitioiis ill 111,. |;i|,y itir 1 1 issipatioii of tin- rotnioiir in 11i()ii to rxli.nisl liic lidil nf iimsrrx .'it imi inil riillifr Id l)iiil)l ii ' ' •iiml of inriirinnl idii ripiiccriiin^ i-ciic\\ .1 lilr ri'siuirrcs siirli ;is soil, wtihT, ;, ; In iiliil forcsis; Id iircsciit an iiil indiiclory study of the prolilciiis of wilillil't? conM^rvation ;iii(l tlu'U to t'onsidor wildlil'i; ('oiiscrviilioii rrom iIh- hroiidcr viewpoint." Orj:;anization is excellent, with (•hiii)ters and siililicadiiiKs distinctive iind folluw- ins each other in loRifal sccincncc. 'Plic ti'xt is divided into six iiiiiiii piirts : Un«»|r (Ninsiderations, The l^iniroiiineiit, Fish and (»tiier Aijiiatic Aiiiiiials, I'.irds, .Minn- nials, and Solviiij;- the rrdhlein. Althou^li the space devoli'd to niaji>r indixidiial wildlife speeies is iieee.ssjirily limited, capable selection of material has lieeii exhihited and llif enrient .stntii.s of important species on a national tiasis is clearly i)resenteil. Most textbooks tend to he a rather dry asseinhlay;e of factual data, hiii here the author has demonsti'aled his ability to write interest iii^'ly and at the s:iiiie time to maintain factual integrity. Well chosen illustrations dispersed throuj^bout add to its attractiveness. No attempt is made to introdncc the snl)joct of our marine fisheries resonree.s. This is be]ie\-ed a rather serious omission, in \ iew nf the jiroelaimed objeetive of the author. As the title indicates, empliasis has been placed upon wildlife, with somewhat limited supportinj; data on the conserx-ation of water, soils, and forests. It is, therefore, not anticipated that this book will replace any of the standani general conservation textbooks now in use, which jrive a broader introflnction t<> the subject. It should, however, ser\(' as a supiileiuental reference for those seeking a well rounded i)icture of conser\ation of our inland tishes, birds, anil niainmals. An annotated l)iblioj;raphy rec(unmeuded as a core library for reference work in biological conservation should prove useful to those desirinj: to delve further into the snbject. Also included as a separate* appendix is a film ^uide designed to ac(iuaint teachers with some of the heller conservation lilius and how they may he obtained; a W(n-thwhile feature, desi)ile the tad that it ma\- soon become out- dated. Although this book is written for the beginner, rather than the professional wibl- life man, most workers in the various lields of couser\ation may prolit by readinu it. Most of us are prone to become so inxolvn! in our own specialty that the impor- tance of such basic necessities as our soils, forests, or waters are given insiitlieient attention. We need i)eriodically to read a boidi of this type to re;iligii our persper- tive. — Willis A. Er(i)is, ('(ilifoni in I h /ki rt im 11 1 nf Fish mnl (inmi. Inferfidal Invertebrates of the California Coast By S. F. Light; revised by Kalph 1. Smith, Frank A. l'iielk:i, Pouahl 1'. Abbott, and Frances M. Weesner ; I'nixersity of California I'ress, r.erk«dey, I'.ChI ; xiv + 446 p., l.'5S text figs. $.">. Based on S. F. Fight's syllabus "Laboratorx- and Fitdd Text in Invertebrate Zoology," the present book, exteusi\el.\ rex ised, is the work of •_'!' leading zoologists. A few of these contributors include sm h aiiihorities as Cadet Hand 1 sea aiieiiiones). Libbie Hyman (flatworms), Olga Ilariinau i polychaetes). Uobert .1. Men/ies anel \V. iIeilg|M>th (pycnogouids) , .loan (". Kattenbuiy and K. I. Smith ( bryo/.oaiis) , aixl I>oii;ild I*. Abbott (ascidians). There are also sections by Kolf Bidin on iiitert idal tislies and Isabella A. Abbott on common conspicui>us algae. For eadi group, tliere is a list tiy up-to-dat<' scientific name of the species known from the region. Tlie keys in I 4:'.'.) ) 440 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME many instances represent original research and cover an assemblage of species for which keys do not exist elsewhere. The reviewer tested several of these and found them all workable. A 52-page section giving general directions for field work and suggested field studies is well worth time spent in careful perusal. Especially important is the brief section labeled "Field Notes." There are many professional zoologists who Avould do well to read and then abide by the rules set forth here. There is a fairly complete phylogenetically arranged bibliography, and the entire volume is well indexed. While probably much too technical for the average citizen, this book should become a highly prized and (in time) well worn possession of every serious student and professional zoologist. — John E. Fitch, California Department of Fish and Game. American Seasbells By R. Tucker Abbott ; D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York, 1954 ; xiv + 541 p. ; 24 color and 16 black and white plates ; 100 text figs. $12.50. Recent, reliable, all-inclusive works on American seashells could, until this present volume, be considered as rare as some of the shells Mr. Abbott discusses on page six. The scope includes marine waters of the Atlantic Coast from Labrador to Florida, the Caribbean Islands, and the West Indies ; of the Pacific Coast from Alaska to Lower California and Central America. Since it would be a physical impossibility to describe properly in one volume the more than 6,000 kinds of mollusks which are to be found within these geographical limits, the author is to be commended for having selected 1,500 species which in most instances include repre- sentative shells of the two ocean shores. The reviewer fully realizes there are those who will take exception to this statement and should like to add at this point that while he feels the Pacific fauna (considerably richer than that of the Atlantic) was somewhat slighted, the basic types, though often Atlantic forms, are definitely illustrated. A rather rough check of all groups shows Atlantic Coast gastropods, bivalves, tusk shells, and cephalopods ahead of Pacific Coast representatives by some 440 to 225, 260 to 145, 10 to 1, and 10 to 5, respectively. Only among the chitons (20 to 10) are more Pacific than Atlantic specimens described. The several beginning chapters show excellent taste and make extremely interest- ing reading. These cover a diversity of subjects : "Man and Mollusks," lives of the various mollusks, collecting, and "How to Know American Seashells." A systematic account takes up 400 pages and includes scientific and common names, geographical ranges, descriptions, comparative remarks, and habitats of the 1,500' species. This is followed by an annotated bibliography, which is arranged by both area and subject matter. The entire volume is completely indexed. The illustrations (by F. M. Bayer and J. C. McConnell) are clear and concise and the colors for the most part fairly true. In general the volume is so well done that it almost makes the reviewer feel picayunish for criticism of the author's choice of common names for a very few Pacific Coast species. Prime among these is the use of "Californian tagelus" for a species which in 1952 alone realized over $15,000 to California bait diggers and is known to over 1,500,000 sport fishermen and bait dealers in California as the "jack- knife clam." The few other common names to which the reviewer takes exception are again those used for species which are of economic importance on the Pacific Coast and which differ greatly from names printed in our fish and game laws or on our marketed products. Common names, regardless of the care with which they are selected, will always be a bone of contention with some individuals. Generally speak- ing, however, the names used in this work are exceptionally good and many lead one to wish that he had thought of them first. — John E. Fitch, California Department of Fish and Game. The Book of Wild Pefs By Clifford B. Moore; Charles T. Branford Co., Boston, Mass., 1954; xii -f 553 p., 128 drawings, 214 photographs. $5.95. To quote from the author's prefatory remarks : "This volume is intended as a liandy reference and source Ixiolc on the care and feeding of our most common native (and in a few cases, 'naturalized') wild life forms in captivity, and should prove especially useful to teachers, laboratory and museum workers, boy and girl scouts, parents, and, in fact, to all whose backyard is the forest, desert, or merely subur- UI'.VIKWS HI U.'iii fool hills." Afiir I'i'vii'wiiiK I hi' I'liiilnit s nf iIiIm iMxtk, I niii ••tiMiu that lh« iiiroriiiiil i>v inntiy emiAnferm in stale ('onscrv.i I inn i|i|iii r( mciils, l)fiiiK i-v|iiTiiilly useful in ■ • ti hi r<" (ho ;;('n('r':i! piihlic ami In workers in i-eseiireh lahnraloii. 1 nf ft lo those $(il (nieslidiis jisked hy the piililie iire in thiN hotik. Aim ihr inrtm prosenled' heen well ijiiriiiiieiileii li\ llie niitliiir'x imtmoiuiI ..,^ •■ "■•i by previdlis lileral ure »it hoxes as llnnr si/.e, eiil i-Miire Imle iliaiiieler, rnvity depth, hejicht al»4»v«' Broitilil, rtr., Inr a variety nf iiirds. ( >i'. y an liinl mil in detail the monthly rhntiK«>« in fnod intake for a mamma! sin h as the skunk. The index, while short, in f«>tm>rrh#>n>ilv*» ill its coverajie of major siihjeel divisions and featured MnimiilH. Each of the li\e p.nK of the I k has a list of "nther Helpful Material." Th«» listings are somi'wlial annoy in;;, >ime they do not follow any alplialielir, rhrono- logic, or system.-itir order. .\lso, the pieliires and charts, which raiiRf from i»oor lo good in quiility, are not necessarily closely rel.ated to the text. One would gather from reading the hook in detail that the taking of wild nnimnlM for pets is a simple matter, willi fi'w prohlems altai-heii, and with no moral i.M.mji-^ involved. Hoyvover, the autiior is lanfnl to give judicious wurninKs related to the taking of game birds, as well as small native birds. He refers the render to the Btate conservation agemies and the Federal (Jnveriiment for permits and details of the law. The section on the care of deer, while giving g I information about them. Mays nothing to discourage the reader from jmrposely obtaining a yoimg deer. Since California law i)rohibits the taking of deer fawns, this section of the book i.s mii»- leading to Californians and to residents of other states where similar laws arc in effect. Readers here in the West may lind iliemselves somewhat at ji disaflvantaRe, bo- the majority of the animals and plants discussed are eastern form.s. Western forms such as the ring-tailed cat are omitted. However, the tyiie of information liresented for the eastern forms still should be applicable to a large deRrec in the West. AVorkers in the field of fi.sli and ganu' man.igement ami natural history shouh! find this bocdv highly nsefnl in their day to day contacts with the everipiestioniiig general public. It already has proved very useful in the work of the ("alifoniiu .Junior Museum. This book is written in a simple style which should l>e ea.Mly understood by the layman as well as the technician. — Fred 0. Ihendrn. Director. California Junior Musciou, Sacrainoiiu. Tricks Tbaf Take Fish By Harold F. Blaisdell ; Henry Holt and ("ompany. New York, i;>.".4 ; vi + liOO p. : line drawings by Walter Dower. .$:'..!».". It is evident that the author of this book lias spent considerable time l)oth in fishing inland waterways and in the study of feeding habits of game fishes. These studies have resulted in the de\elopiiieiit of various fishing methods that put fish in the creel. The title of the book could api>ro|)riately be changed to "How to Fish." Ten chapters arc devoted to the use of all types of sport tishing tackle, various natural baits and artificial lures, and specific methods of their use. liaii tUIiing is particularly stressed. Throughout the book ^[r. Blaisdell points out that the mefhi^l of present uig a lure is actually the "trick" that takes tish. To achieve this end he explains various methods, new and old, to put the lure where it presents a gi-H>d imitation of itatural food for the fish. Many methods are further explained by the use of sketches. The "how-to-do-it" methods are adequately discussed, and spiced with stories of streamside exiieriences. The book is definitely written for the angler who has a working knowledge of fishing methods, and brings out the finer points of the art. "Tricks That Take Fish" should be a welcome addition to a tisherman"s library, and will enable him to make better catches as well as to enjoy fishing more fully. — Chester WoodhuU, California Department of Fixh and Game. 442 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Traite de Pisciculture, Second Edition By Marcel Huet ; Editions T^a Vie Rustique, Brussels, Belgium, 1953 ; xii + 371 p. ; 280 figs. Boards 285 Belgian francs, cloth 345 Belgian francs ; postpaid. This second edition maintains the same high qiiality as did the first. Small changes occur throughout the text, but the major difference is noted primarily in Chapter V, Article IV, "Pisciculture des Tilipia." This emphasis is more appreciated when the great impetus in the use of Tilipia throughout Africa and the Far East is realized. The illustrations are excellent and although the French text precludes its effective use by many American fish culturists it will certainly prove useful to those who are bilingual. — J. B. Kimseij, California Department of Fish and Game. INDEX TO VOLUME 40 Alallliliis I'.:l\ ; ITn|n;,'y nl'. Kir. 1-JI Alli.icnrc, ;'..'l".i \li>l)itts r i(li)iii IIS, 1."..". |."i."i Aini's, ( 'li.i rlcs 'r. ; scr IC \ ckin.-in, I-"isliiT, :iihI Ames .1 mis Slip.. 1 7-."«7 .Viiiiiiiotics, nr.- fji I stiiciis, l.".7- V.\S I /////(/ spp.. 1 7 .'17 Alil-cniii.\ cin, 1 1.")- iLll Aurofju'. 4ir>-4'Jl B i;,,. nr,-i-_>i l'.,iilry, I'^ltoii 1).; Ocean recoveries of Saci'iimeiilo River ta^^i^ed steel- head. »:'.(; Italdwin, \\'a,\ne .1.: 1 ndeiw.-iier explo- siiiiis not liarnil'nl lo salmon, 77 I'.ass : hlack sea, oMit ; kelp, almornial specimen. 7S-7!> ; hlack. L'(i;!-L'(ii : stri|)ed. :',2:i-:!L'.s Uaxler. .Iidm \j.; A kelp bass. I'lini- hihni.r ridthraius (Girard), with .■ihnormal fins. 7S-7!> r.err.N . S. Stillmau; On the snpposed stenohathic haliitat of tlie Cali- fornia sea-inu.ssel, 69-7o Bishorn, desert, 2G7-271 I'.ischoff. Arthur I.; Abnormal fetal de- v(dopment from a mule deer. .'UO- Bitterbrush. 2ir)-234, 2;r)-2<>r> lUaisdtdl. James A.; see l)asm;inn and r.laisdell. 21.--2:M lUunt. V. E.. Jr.; Two mid-I'acilic re- coveries of ( "aliforni.-i-l .-luued al- ba core, a:!!) r.ounl.N pa.vments on mounl.-iiii lions. ' 1 ('.2- i (•.:', Hnichi/isliiis frcinitiis. IS.'i-lltS linuitd rnnadenxis, .">-l(i ]>ur,i;ei-. Georjio V.; The stains of in- troduced wild turke.\s in ("alifor- nia. 12:M4.-. Calhoun. A. J. ; s(>e Skinner and Cal- houn. ;',2:!-:'.2.s Cii III liii nis en I'oli II II s iiiiiiiiiin/iili'iisis. l.">7- 4;{8 Castle Lake. 4;i()-4:i7 Catch records; cattish, white. .■ll.".-."'.21 ; mnskrats. .■J7.~>-.")S4 ; s.ardines. 42.";- 4:11 : vellowi.-iii, 2'.ir.-:;i'_> Ciiiiish. white, .''.i:; :'.2l CalosloHiidjie, 27.'! 2H."i CeilMiiMe.s ; I'i.sino chiin. I'.Kt-JOl ; Itimh Cm-k, HUUn Crnlrorrrriiii iiroi>hiiniiiiii4M, '',HrtP,U\ ('liemicals, ]ii;rienltnr)il, Mi7-t7'! t'ihiliis hrrrliif/i, 7.') 7<> ('lam, I'isino ; censuses, I'.t'.t "Jitl ClcHHCii, Kdward ; retiri'iupiit i»f, H(> ClinoroU im : iiiiiiHk, <>7.! ('(dlins. I'.. I>. ; see Miller and ColiinH Collyer. Kidiert I». ; Ta^CKinj; ex|M>ri- meiits on the yellowtail. Srrioln ilorsalis (Cilh. 2'.r.-:;i2 Ciihililliis siliid. ."'.'.(- Hi ("oloiado River b;isin. lower; postiarvnl fishes. 27."!-'2N." : red shiner. 2^7- 2'.»4 ( "omniei ii;i I catch; s.-irdines. 12.'; l-".l ; yellowtail, 2iC.-.';i2 Coot ; nesting studies, 17-'{7 Cr.-iylish. blue. 4:?7-4:i.S ( "I'onemiller. Fred I*.; see Robiii.sun and Cronemiller. 2ti7-271 Cyprinidae, 27.'!-2N-'">, .".ti.">- 1 Id Dasmann. William I'., and James A. Blaisdell : I>eer and forage rela- tionshiii on the Lassen-Washoe interstate winter deer range, 21"i- 2.". 1 I »aui,'herl.\ . Anita E. ; see Feliii. Mae- (Iregor. I>augherty. and Miller. 42.".-4:!l I 'iM'i- ; abnormal fetal development, .'^4(>- .'541 ; fawn i>n>dnctioii and sur- vival, 21."i-2.".4 : food studies, 'Sir*- 2('.»'. ; hiirvest. 2."..'">-2t'>(> : henl studies, 21.")-2.". ». 2.'!.''»-2(i«! ; hunter kill, 2 o ."• - 2 < ■> t > ; management studies. 2.".-''>-2<>ti ; marking tie- vices, 17.''> ; Rocky Mountain mule, 21.".-2;'. ». 2:>.'"i-2«;»; : tniok count. 2-'!">-'2t>i'> ; winter mortality. 2.'{.".-2t;t; ; winter range. 21.'.-2:{4. 2.".."i-2t'.t'> l>i'mpsier. Robert 1'.: see Herald. I)empster. and McCully !'e\ils (lartlen; cleer herd. 2r>r»-2l>*> l>c\Viii. .(.dm \V.. Jr.; A survey of the Coast Cutthroat Trout. Sithiio vhirki rliirki Richardson, in Cali- fornia. :;2ii-:5;5."i ( 44:: ) 444 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Dill, William A., and Leo Shapovalov ; Sal 1110 rosei, not a valid species, 3:^7-338 Distribution; iniiskrals, 37^-384; red shiner, 287-294 ; sajic .urouse, 385 Duck, ruddy, 17-37 Ducks; nesting studies, 17-37 Eagle Lake, 395-410 Eberhardt, Robert L. ; Observations on the saury {Cololabis saira) seen near the California coast during- 1950-52, 39-46 Ectoparasites ; collection of, 75-76 Editorship ; change of, 213 Embiotocidae, 183-198 Epigeichthys atropurpureus, 67 Euthynnus yaito, 61, 411-413 Explosions, underwater; effect on fishes, 77 Felin, Frances E., John MacGregor, Anita E. Daugherty, and Daniel J. Miller ; Age and length com- position of the sardine catch off the Pacific Coast of the United States and Mexico in 1953-1954, 423-431 Felis concolor, 147-166 Fish populations ; sampling, 353-365 Fish tagging ; see tagging Fisher, Karl C. ; see Ryckman, Fisher, and Ames Fishes ; Colorado River basin, lower, 273-285, 287-294 ; effect of explo- sions on, 77 ; intertidal, food of, 65-68 ; introductions, 203-204, 287-294; native postlarval, 273- 285; tropical, 418 Fishing, commercial ; Pacific mackerel, 55-59 ; sardines, 423-431 Fishing, sport ; creel returns, 89-104 Fitch, John E. ; The Pismo clam in 1952 and 1953, 199-201 Food studies ; bighorn, desert, 269-271 ; interstate deer herd, 215-234 ; in- tertidal fishes, 65,68 ; sage grouse, 385-394; tui chub, 395-410 Forage ; bighorn, desert, 269-271 ; deer, 215-234, 247-261 Fulica americana, 17-37 Gadwall, 17-37 German, E. R. ; Delayed decomposition of a trout carcass, 436-437 Gihhonsia metzi, 66 Gibbs, Earl D. ; see Radovich and Gibbs (Jobie.iox maeandricus, 66 Godsil, H. C. ; A comparison of Japa- nese and Hawaiian si)ecimons of the Iilack skipjack, Eiithi/nnus //rnVo. 411-413 Goose, Canada, 5-16 Ground squirrel, 75-70 Grouse, sage, 385-394 H Il.-iislcad, I'ruce AV. ; A note regarding the toxicity of the fishes of the skipjack family, Katsuwonidae, 61-63 Hand, Cadet ; A blue crayfish from California, 437-438 Hensley, Arthur L. ; see Leach and Hensley Herald, Earl S., Robert P. Dempster, and Howard McCully ; The effect of Aurofac-enriched diet (aureo- mycin and B12) upon young king salmon, 415-421 Herbicides, 167-173 Honey Lake Refuge, 5-16 Hubbs, Carl L. ; Establishment of a forage fish, the red shiner (No- tropis hitrensis ) , in the lower Colorado River system, 287-294 Hubbs, Carl L., and Laura C. Hubbs ; Data on the life history, varia- tion, ecology, and relationships of the kelp perch, Brachyistius frenatus, an embiotocid fish of the Californias, 183-198 Hubbs, Laura C. ; see Hubbs and Hubbs Hunt, E. G. ; see Naylor and Hunt Hunting records ; deer, 262-264 ; sage grouse, 387 I Ictalnrus catus, 313-321 Insecticides, 167-173 Interstate Deer Herd Committee; Eighth progress report on the co- operative study of the Devils Garden interstate deer herd and its range, 235-266 Introductions, of fishes ; bass, redeye black, 203-204; red shiner, 287- 294; shad, threadfin, 203-204 J Johnston, Richard F. ; The summer food of some intertidal fishes of Monterey County, California, 65- 68 Joseph, David C. ; A record-size thresher from Southern California, 433- 435 ; see Roedel and Joseph K Katsuwonidae, 61-63 l\vn\. "J I .'. •-'.•. I l.<-:icli, llow.'iril U.. iiiiil Arlliiir I,. Ili-ii slcy ; Tlic sii;;c jji-uiisi- in ("nli iDrniii, willi s|irci:il irrcrciiri' lc> food iiiiiiiis, :;s:. .■•.'.•i Life history; imtcIi. ImI|.. In.'. IHS; i'''I sliiiicr, '_*ST 'J'. > I ; Inml, roiisl rul- tlirunf, .".Ll'.t .■;.".:. ; liii rliiili, :!'.•."»- IK) Lion, niomilaiii, I IT Hii; IjoVujo oiKilcxcrns, 17 •")! Lower KliiiuMlli X;ili<.n:il Wij.ilil'r Krf- ugc, IT-."." M MacGrejcor, .iciliii ; sec I'^cliii. M:h- Crot;("". l':ni,i;ii('rt.v, :ni(l .Miller Mackerel, Pacific; lisliery, ."»."»-.")!» Mallard, 17-37 Marker, deer, 17r)-181 Markinj;; see tasKins McCully, Howard; see TTernld, Peiup- ster, and .Mc('ull.\ INIcGowan, .Tt)lui A. ; Observations on the sexual behavior and spawn- ing of the squid, Lolifio opa- lescens, at La JoUa, California, 47-54 McLean, D. D. ; Mountain lions in Cali- fornia, 147-166 Meleagris gallopavo, 123-145 Micropfcnis coosae, 203-204 Migration ; albacore, 339 ; catfish, white, 313-321; deer, 235-266 Miller, A. W., and B. D. Collins; A nesting study of ducks and coots on Tule Lake and Lower Klam- ath National AVildlife Refuges, 17-37 Miller, Daniel J. ; see Felin, Mac- Gregor, Daugherty, and Miller Miller, Robert Rusli ; see Winn and Miller Minnow ; tui chub, 395-410 Movement ; albacore, 339 ; tui chub, 395-410 ; yellowtail, 295-312 Muskrats, 375-384 Mussel, California sea, 69-73 Mytilus californianiis, 69-73 N Naylor, A. E., and E. G. Hunt ; A nest- ing study and population survey of Canada geese on the Susan River, Lassen County, Calil'or- nia, 5-16 Nesting studies; ducks and coots, 17- 37; goose. Canada, 5-16 Nets ; blanket. 353-365 ; deer, ."'.(m-.".".". : lift, 353-365 Nofropis hifrrn.iin, 287-294 I iiliii-oilriiK h rill in nun hrmiimuii, 'ZXTt'JiW, 'S.',:>ii\i\ Ulif/orotliin : nilifllio, iWi ; unyilrri, OH < hill, I Iti/iuli im : f*\>\i., 77; lnhinryturhn, 115 12 I U ti il II I r II ; : I h I I li 1 1 II I, r r n n r d i , WlTt ', ~iliilliiiii iiirifiinn, .'575 (his riitiiiilinsis nrlnoni, 2*>7 271 (t.ii/iini in iiiniiinsix, 17-37 I'lirifiiatiinix, \'\~- \'.',S I'liniliiltnw rliilhriil us, ~S~U I'arjisites; colleelion frnin niaininalM. 75-76 I'elgen, I)avi(l 10.; Progress re|i«irt on tile tagging of white {Irtiiliinis riitiis) ill the Sarrn- niento-Saii .Toai|uin I)eltn, 313- ::2i I'erch, kelp ; life history and r>-latioii- ships. 1.S:M98 riiillips, .1. r.. ; Another hirge black sea bass caught in Monterey Bay, I'intail, 17-:'.7 I'luit iiiiiiophorus diego, 55-5!t rollnlion, 105-121 Population studies; Canada goose, 5-16 I'r(iiiiinhiinis. 4.".7 I'in) ; Tiie Black River studies. 316-.". 17 : The Inxik of wild pet.s. 440-441; Culture and diseases of game fishes, 82-83; A guide to binl finding west of the Mississippi. 205; Handbook of freshwater fishery biology with the first supplement. 346; How animals move. 208; How to the Pacific Coast. SI : Hunting and fishing in 446 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME North America, 205-206; Hunt- ing crows year round, 206 ; In- tertidal invertebrates of the Cali- fornia Coast, 439-440 ; Keepins^ and breeding aciuariuni tislies, 207; Land and water trails, 206; Lives of game animals, 207 ; Methods and principles of sys- tematic zoology, 81-82 ; Our wildlife legacy, 343-344; The practical fly fisherman, 344-345 ; Striped bass fishing in Califor- nia and Oregon, 343 ; Traite de pisciculture, second edition, 442 ; Tricks that take fish, 441 Robinson, Cyril S., and Fred P. Crone- miller ; Notes on the habitat of the desert bighorn in the San Gabriel Mountains of California, 267-271 Roccus sax-atilis, 323-328 Roedel, Phil M., and David C. Joseph ; The Pacific mackerel fishery in the 1951-52 and 1952-53 seasons, 55-59 Rudd, Robert L. ; Field reporting of suspected wildlife poisoning by agricultural chemicals, 167-173 Rush Creek Test Stream, 89-104 Ryekman, Raymond E., Karl C. Fisher, and Charles T. Ames ; An ap- paratus for collection of ectopar- asites from mammals, 75-76 Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta ; tag- ging of white catfish, 313-321 Sage grouse, 385-394 Sagehen, 385-394 Salwo; clarki, 416; clarki clarki, 329- 335; gairdneri, 89-104, 416-417, 436; gairdneri aqiiilarum, 395; gairdneri gairdneri, 436 ; gaird- neri ginerti, 337-338 ; rosei, 337- 338 ; trutta, 89-104, 416, 436-437 Salmon ; effect of explosions on, 77 ; king salmon juveniles, 415-421 Halvelintis : fontinaUs, 89-104, 417, 436; naiuayciish, 436-437 Sampling ; fish populations, 353-365 San Gabriel Mountains, 267-271 Sardines, 423-431 Sardinops caenilea, 423-431 Saury, 39-46 Scaup, lesser, 17-37 Sea-mussel, California, 69-73 Seriola dorsolis. 295-312 Seymour, George D. ; Recent extension of the range of muskrats in Cali- fornia, 375-384 Sliad, threadfin, 203-204 Shapovalov, Leo ; see Dill and Shajio- valov Shoveller, 17-37 Signalosa petenensls atchafalayae, 203- 204 Siphateles; hicolor, 395-410; Ijicolor: ohesus X pectinifer, 395-410 Skinner, John E., and A. J. Calhoun ; Field tests of stainless steel and tantalum wire with disk tags on striped bass. 323-328 Skipjack, black, 411-413 Skipjack family ; toxicity in, 61-63 i^patitla clypeata, 17-37 Squid ; spawning and sexual behavior, 47-54 Squirrel, ground, 75-76 Stereolepis gigas, 339 Striped bass, 323-328 Susan River, 5-16 Tagging ; albacore, 339 ; catfish, white, 313-321 ; plastic tubing, 295-312 ; steelhead, 436 ; striped bass, 323- 328 ; yellowtail, 295-312 Teal, cinnamon, 17-37 Thresher, 433-435 Th 1111 nil s germo, 339 Tivela stultorum, 199-201 Toxicity ; in skipjacks, 61-63 Trap ; deer, 367-373 Trapping; deer, 367-373 Tropical fishes, 418 Trout; brown, 89-104, 416, 436-437; coast cutthroat, 329-335 ; cut- throat, 416 ; delayed composition of, 436-437; Eagle Lake, 395 Eastern brook, 89-104, 417, 436 Kern River rainbow, 337-338 lake, 436-437; rainbow, 89-104 416, 436; Rush Creek tests, 89 104 ; steelhead i-ainbow, 436 winter-kill, 436-437 Tui chub, 395-410 Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge, 17-37 Turkey ; California introductions, 123- 145 V Vestal, E. H. ; Creel returns from Rush Creek Test Stream, Mono County, California, 1947-1951, 89-104 INDIA' w AN'cliliiii;; ; colldii. '.\7i'.', '.'Ai7t ; iiiiirliiii, .''..">''- .■'.i;.'. A\'iini. Ilow.'iril I':ili<>tl. iiiid KhIxtI Kiisli Miller; .\jiti\f piisl liir\ :il fislics of till' liiwiT ( 'oloriitlu Kivcr liiisiii. Willi :\ kf.v Id tlii-ir idciil iliciil iim, '2~'.',-'2Srt ^^'illl('^. Iliiw.inl A.: ^ii' Ivi'ivli ;iiii! Wiiiifi- \\ iiii.r kill t:'.7 447 \ irvifi»-n fiiroruin, ti7 \ Iphinirr iiiiiroMiin, tiT \. iiowiiiii. j;tr.;;ij 1859 7-54 5,500 prhilcJ in California state printinc office :m:mm