FBH-GAME ..■^^miE California Fish and Game Is a journal devoted to the conserva- tion of v/ildlife. Its contents may be reproduced elsewhere pro- vided credit is given the authors and the California Department of Fish and Game. The free mailing list is limited by budgetary considerations to persons who can make professional use of the material and to libraries, scientific institutions, and conservation agencies. Indi- viduals must state their affiliation and position when submitting their applications. Subscriptions must be renewed annually by returning the postcard enclosed with each October issue. Sub- scribers are asked to report changes in address without delay. Please direct correspondence to: LEO SHAPOVALOV, Ed/for Department of Fish and Game 926 J Street Sacramento 14, California Individuals and organizations who do not qualify for the free mailing list may subscribe at a rate of $2 per year or obtain indi- vidual issues for $0.75 per copy by placing their orders with the Printing Division, Documents Section, Sacramento 14, California. Money orders or checks should be made out to Printing Division, Documents Section. u 1 J VOLUME 41 OCTOBER, 1955 NUMBER 4 Published Quarterly by the CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SACRAMENTO STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME GOODWIN J. KNIGHT Governor FISH AND GAME COMMISSION WILLIAM J. SILVA, President Modesto ANDY KELLY, Commissioner CARL F. WENTE, Commissioner Los Angeles San Francisco HARLEY E. KNOX, Commissioner WELDON L. OXLEY, Commissioner San Diego Redding SETH GORDON Director of Fish and Game CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Editorial Staff LEO SHAPOVALOV, Editor-in-Chief Sacramento JOHN FITCH, Editor for Marine Fisheries ^._._ Terminal Island CAROL M. FERREL, Editor for Game __ Sacramento J. B. KIMSEY, Editor for Inland Fisheries _._ Sacramento TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Spoond Progress TJcpoft on the Ta;^'' Ponds Borderin<;- San Franeiseo Bay Lars II. Carpdan 279 Age and Lenfrth Composition of the Sardine Catch OfiF the Paeifie Coast of the United Stales and ^lexico in VJ^A-^)') Frances E. Felin, John MacGregor, Anita E. Bauglierty, and Daniel J. MilJ< r 2.'^5 Nestino; Stndies of Ducks and Coots in Honev Lake Valley E. G. Uuii'f atul A. E. Naxjhn- 205 'o Nestinir and Peprodnction of the Band-Tailed Pi