CAUFDRNlAl FISH- GAME "CONSERVATION OF WILDLIFE THROUGH EDUCATION" VOLUME 43 JULY, 1957 NUMBER 3 \ Mk iJ^'^ *M ^ ^^^ilp'i W 3 f^K ^^Hw-^ 1 ^^^^M*^ ^^^0 KM^ ^3=^^ i "^^ .. , Ma. a ^^^ki- California Fish and Game Is a journal devoted to the conserva- tion of wildlife. Its contents may be reproduced elsev/here pro- vided credit is given the authors and the California Department of Fish and Game. The free mailing list is limited by budgetary considerations to persons who can make professional use of the material and to libraries, scientific institutions, and conservation agencies. Indi- viduals must state their affiliation and position when submitting their applications. Subscriptions must be renewed annually by returning the postcard enclosed with each October issue. Sub- scribers are asked to report changes in address without delay. Please direct correspondence to: LEO SHAPOVALOV, Ediior Department of Fish and Game 722 Capitol Avenue Sacramento 14, California Individuals and organizations who do not qualify for the free mailing list may subscribe at a rate of $2 per year or obtain indi- vidual issues for $0.75 per copy by placing their orders with the Printing Division, Documents Section, Sacramento 14, California. Money orders or checks should be made out to Printing Division, Documents Section. 1 u VOLUME 43 JULY, 1957 d NUMBER 3 Published Quarterly by fhe CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME SACRAMENTO STATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME GOODWIN J. KNIGHT Governor FISH AND GAME COMMISSION ANDY KELLY, President Los Angeles CARL F. WENTE, Commissioner WILLIAM P. ELSER, Commissioner San Francisco San Diego WELDON L. OXLEY, Commissioner T. H. RICHARDS, JR., Commissioner Redding Sacramento SETH GORDON Director of Fish and Game CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Editorial Staff LEO SHAPOVALOV, Editor-in-Chief ..^ Sacramento JOHN E. FITCH, Editor for Marine Fisheries Terminal Island CAROL M. FERREL, Editor for Game .Sacramento J B. KIMSEY, Editor for Inland Fisheries Sacramento TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Food Habits of the Tehama Deer Herd Howard B. Leach and Jack L. Hiehle 161 Report on a Survey of Bighorn Sheep in the Santa Rosa Moun- tains, Riverside County Fred L. Jones, Glenn Fliitner, and Richard Gard 179 An Improved Device for Capturing Deer Gordon Ash craft and Don Reese 193 The Development of a Vinyl Plastic Subcutaneous Tag for Trout Robert L. Butler 201 Classification, Variation, and Distribution of the Sculpins, Genus Cottus, Inhabiting Pacific Slope Waters in California and Southern Oregon, AVith a Key to the Species C. Richard Robins and Robert Rush Miller 218 Note The Reported Emergence of Fishes From California's Subterranean Waters FjOtI S. Herald 235 Reviews 239 (159) FOOD HABITS OF THE TEHAMA DEER HERD' HOWARD R. LEACH and JACK L. HIEHLE Game Management Branch California Department of Fish and Game INTRODUCTION The Tehama deer herd eonsists of Columbian blaek-tailed deer, Odo- coileus hemionns colnmbianus (Richardson). These deer are mi.uratory, summerin<>' within and in the vieinity of Lassen Yoh-anic National Park and winterinji' alonj;' the foothill slopes bounded by the water- sheds of Battle Creek on the north and Deer Creek on the south (Fig- ure 1). In recent years an increase in herd size has been a source of concern to livestock interests, which are aware of the competition between deer and livestock for forage on the winter range. During the period from 1942 to l!t4!l the State of California piii-duised 42,897 acres of range ill the winlei-ing area, with the intent of improving the range conditions 1liroiig]i tlic control of livestock grazing and by inci-easing the hunter harvest of deer thi'ough construction of ])ubiic access roads. The ('alifornia Fish and Game Commission in February, 1950, au- thorized the collection of four female deer per month (not to exceed a total of 100). TJie ]iuri)()se was to determine the food habits and to col- lect reproductive and otlier biological data pertinent to this important deer herd. In addition, supplementary stomach samples were obtained from hunter-killed deer. Collections were made by the staff of the California Department of Fish and Game Disease and Food Habits Laboratory. The data presented here represent the results of the food habits study as determined by the stomach analyses of 96 deer collected from the "winter range and 37 deer collected from the summer range. In addi- tion, data gathered in the course of a field investigation conducted at the same time were incorporated into the study. The important contribution of the forage production of annuals on the winter range to the diet of deer is demonstrated by the study. This phenomenon, undoubtedly, is a major factor affecting the carrying capacity of the range both for deer and livestock, not only on the Tehama winter deer range, but also on other deer winter ranges of the California annual type. 1 Submitted for publication December, 1956. This study was carried out by Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Project California W-2.5-R, "Food Habits Investgatons". The writers wish to express acknowledgment to Robert A. Gardner, Soil-Vegeta- tion Survey Project, California Forest and Range Experiment Station, and to Dr. L. T. Burcham of the California Division of Forestry for their constructive sug- gestions regarding the original manuscript. 2 — .54385 ( 161 ) 162 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME T3 11 -a J o .x: (o 0) j: D ■" ?? (1) JJ o> o c 5 s -So .E § J ■- 1I . -raaife!*. 1 ^HM 1 FIGURE 2. The woodland-grass cover type which characterizes the lower reaches of the Te- hama winter range. Deer graze these areas in the fall months for the fallen leafage and acorns of blue oak. With the advent of early fall rains these lower foothills are the first to "green up" with the production of annual forage and ore grazed extensively by deer and livestock. Photograph by Howard R. Leach. » «* FIGURE 3. The underlying soil types are largely responsible for the striated vegetative growth illustrated here. Photograph by Howard R. Leach. DEER FOOD HABITS 165 FIGURE 4. The deeper soils of the north-facing slopes support dense chaparral and hardwood stands. Phoiograph by Howard R. Leach. tliroiighoiit the Toomes soils, primai-ily on tlie iiorth-facin^i' slopes (correspondeiife witli I\ol)('i't A. (Ijirdiici-. I!)')?). Figures "2, 8, and 4 illustrate the vegetative aspect of the winter range. The Tehama \vinter deer range is, like most t'ootluU seetions of eismontane California, an annual range ty])e in its lower reaches, with the eharaeteristie range j^roblems inherent in this type. The wide and irregular changes in forage production from year to year due to cli- matic Unci nations not only directly atfect the livestock grazing of these annual ranges but also have an impact on the carrying capacity for wildlife. Deer are no exception. STUDY AREA Public access to the winter range north of Antelope Creek is provided by State Highway 36 and a number of unpaved county roads. JSoutli of Antelope Creek the range is less accessible, being limited mostly to jeeps and other four-wheel drive vehicles. One such jeep road traverses the rim of Dye Creek and ]\[ill Creek canyons from the valley floor to the lower edge of the summer range. This road provided access to the deer over the entire period, and allowed coverage of an area repre- sentative of most of the winter range. Consequently, this area w^as selected for studv. VEGETATIVE DESCRIPTION OF THE STUDY AREA Figure 5 shows a portion of a vegetative type cover map of the Tehama Avinter deer range delineating the study area. This map was drawn from aerial photographs by William P. Dasmann, using the techniques described by Jensen (1947). It gives the gross characteristics ir.(i rAT.IKOKNIA FISTT AND GAME of tlie study area relative to the interspersal of the vegetative cover types. Essentially, the vegetative complex consists of four broad types, de- scribed as follows and shown by symbols in Figure 5. FIGURE 5. A vegetative type cover map of the study area, showing the interspersion of the vegetative types. Spots indicate where deer were collected. The lower reaches of the foothills are, predominantly, either a grass (G) or a woodland-grass (W) type. The woodland is of blue oak with an understory of annual grasses consisting mostly of soft chess, ripgut brome, red brome {Bromus ruhens), foxtail fescue {Festiiea megalura), wild oat (Aveua sp.), nitgrass {Gasfyidium sp.), and wild barley. These annual grasses are also dominant in the grass type. Some peren- nial grasses such as needlegrass, Sitanion, Melica, and blue grass are found but constitute little of the vegetative composition. These two vegetative types persist throughout most of the winter range. The annual grasses and such forbs as the filarees, popcorn flower, hillside lotus, lupine, bur clover, and chickAveeds germinate with the advent of early fall rains. These are supplemented over the winter aud early spring months by numerous species of native and non-native broad-leafed forbs. Above the 1,000-foot elevation the woodland grass occurs for the most part on the shallow Toomes soils of the hillsides and swales and more predominantly on the south-facing slopes. Inter- spersed over the range are areas of chaparral or brush (B). The browse species characterizing the chaparral consist principally of buck brush, California scrub oak, w^estern mountain mahogany, silktassel, and manzanita. Scattered in the chaparral are foothill ash, western hoptree, poison oak, California buckeye, yerba santa. chaparral honeysuckle, DEER FOOD HABITS 167 redbud, and California juniper. Many of these browse plants are de- ciduous. There are occasional thickets of California black oak, but this oak, together with Brewer oak, is more prevalent at the upper margin of the winter range. Along the watercourses grow Fremont cottonwood, western chokecherry, creek dogwood, willow, alder, and California wild grape. The density of the chaparral varies from thick, mature stands, noticeably on the north-facing slopes, to opened-up brush fields on the more shallow soils and in areas influenced by past fire history. The hardwood stands (H) characterizing the deeper soils consist mostly of mature oaks, either growing as a dense woodland of blue oak or stringers of interior live oak along the fissures and lava outcroppings. One hundred and one line-point forage plots were established to collect data relative to the ground cover and vegetative composition of the Teliama winter deer range. An analysis of the ground cover com- position based on these plots is given in Table 1. It is considered to be representative of the entire winter range. Table 2 gives the composition of the vegetative cover as determined by these same 101 line-point plots and is an index to the relative abun- dance of the principal plants making up the forage composition. TABLE 1 Percentage Composition of Ground Cover on ttie Tehama Winter Deer Range Nonproductive 54.8 Annual grasses and forbs 27.2 Perennial grasses 0.5 Browses (shrubs and trees) 17.5 TABLE 2 Percentage Composition of the Vegetative Cover on the Tehama Winter Deer Range Annual grasses and forbs 59.9 Perennial grasses and forbs 11.5 Total herbs 71.4 Buck brush 6.3 California scrub oak 4.5 Brewer oak 2.9 Manzanita 1.5 Western mountain-mahogany 1.5 Squaw carpet 1.3 Deer brush 1.2 Poison oak 1.4 Blue oak 0.9 Yerba santa 0.7 California black oak 0.6 Oregon grape 0.5 Western chokecherry 0.5 Silktassel 0.5 Interior live oak 1.0 Ponderosa pine 0.4 Squaw bush 0.4 Creek dogwood 0.2 Other browses 2.3 Total browse 28.6 168 CALIKOK-MA llSli AND (iAME SEPT. OCT. NOV, DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APRIL FIGURE 6. Average monthly precipitation at Red BlufF for the winter months of 19481952, showing wide seasonal fluctuations in rainfall. Drawing by CliFfa Corson. CLIMATE The cliiuato is characteristic of much of the Central Valley foothills refrion of California. Generally, winter temperatures are mild and summer temperatures high. A rainj^ winter season is followed by a rainless summer period. Comparatively gentle rains occur normally in October and November and increase in intensity during the winter. Snow occurs occasionally at the lower elevations but melts off rapidly. At the higher elevations snow remains for varying periods. The rainy season is often accompanied by fog, which may persist for many days in succession. Seasonal precipitation both in amount and distribution is the main factor infliiencing forage conditions on the winter range. DEER FOOD HABITS 169 In addition to precipitation, the growing period of the annual vegeta- tion is influenced by dry, cold, northerly winds, which occur frequently and inhibit the growth of annual A^egetation. Unfortunately, weather data relative to precipitation, temperature, and snowfall are not available for the area encompassed by the winter range. The U. S. Weather Bureau maintains a permanent weather station on the edge of the summer range at ^Mineral, at an elevation of 4,850 feet, and another on the valley floor at Red Bluff, elevation 341 feet. The fluctuation in seasonal rainfall at Red Bluft' for the winters of 1948-49, 1949-50, 1950-51, and 1951-52 is shown in Figure 6. The four winters represented illustrate the variance in seasonal precipita- tion which is characteristic of the area. Considering the period of study — February, 1950, to December, 1951 — it may be seen that the later winter months of 1949-50 were months of relatively high precipitation which had been preceded by an ex- tremely dry fall period and that the winters of 1950-51 and 1951-52 were wet seasons. WINIER FOOD HABITS The food items identified in the 96 deer stomach samples collected during the winter study period are summarized in Tables 3 and 4. Table 3 gives the volume in percentage and frequency of occurrence in per- centage of those food items making up 0.1 percent or more of the diet for any one month of the collection. Table 4 is a supplementary list expressed in frequency of occurrence in percentage of those food items contributing less than 0.1 percent of any one monthly period. A graphic representation of the monthly dietary changes in food habits in given in Figure 7. The following discussion of the food habits 100 z UJ u K UJ a. OCT. NOV. DEC. No. Specimens 40 7 7 JAN. FEB. 9 MAR. 13 APR. 8 MAY FIGURE 7. A graphic representation of the diet of deer on the Tehama winter deer range, showing the seasonal variations in food habits. Drawing by Cliffa Corson. 3 — 54385 170 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME -a O) -S a> To E 09 1 it OS C0l0WDO-f.--^-Ci^-C^?0^-C0CCb-.t^OC0OcD'^iO— ^OS & s 1^ II lilt 1 1 II 1 I iQo-<*' it^ 1 1 tocfl 'C«-^ 't^c^ 1 toooco leo 1 i ^1 j jf^O !-** I I '-^g Io«5 '<»g ' '^gg 'g © I Ic^— ' loi I I IwJS IwM ImS I Ic<3g2 'S 2 1 oo . 1 iU5 lO . 1 .»0 lie 'lO iiCO 1 IW5U3 1 i»0 I I I(m' Io ! 1 It^ Iw 1(N It^»« I Ic^Jc^ 1 Ici 1 1 1,-t iio f 1 lOO 11— f 1^^ iCOCl 1 icO^^ 1 ii-i o S > 3 1 1 i<£> ICO 1 I "»0 i^H rlO 'goo 1 '"^g ' 'g C--- 1 lOOO 1 ICO 1 irr . 1 » 1 1 1 'rr 1 I iC5 CO 1 tCCCOCO 1 •»o o S > 5 iigii. 111^1. .0=^OiiCQggiiO »o ] ' -*i ' ' ' ' ' ' It. .^ .1 ^^ .«J j J >> 2 Ci . i(M 1 ico^ 1 ICC 1 « 1 I it^^- tcot-^ 1 icat* 1 tcq 1 iirs.-^ 1 ICC co^- i»ocD 1 ic^co 1 iCJ 1 ilO^ 1 ICO 1 1 1 I iCO*^ liCCO 1 i 3 1 lO . '^**g ' '<^ ' ' ' ' 'OOg ' 3 1 i« 1 lOO I iG) CO 1 lOCO 1 1 lO O Ilgll— 'gllillllloII'ToIIIoo •£ ..^.ico43;;i;;;i; \ \ '^ ill £1 1^ c^cOD»C i-^CQ-^ iTt* iC^ ^»-H-T 1 irr i-sr i-rf 1 1 r iC^OO i^H-^-^ i*-i 1-^ •3 2 ;2 5 cogo I Ic^ Ir- jc^ I I I IgO I'^-^g I<^ Ig c^ og-^ I Im Io Ic^i I 1 I I*2c lo'c^S '"^ 'S "t: -^ 11 ;^; i;;;-^'^:'^^-^; i-^ s o Z -1 t^ 1 rt- 1 1 iCsjr^ .»C 1 1 1 iC^^J* 1 1 i(N i"3 • ' 1 lie t 1 i-ru5 lOO 1 1 ' i-^-H 1 1 1^*- lOO 1 1 1 lOo 1 1 i-HQc i(M 1 1 t i-^r- 1 1 11-1 loa i ' ^ s > 3 IIcOiI|CCC5'i|r^IIjIgCDiiigiOli «0 . irfi . 1 lO-*' .'^ 1 ' 1 i^eo 1 1 ig lO 1 1 o 1 O >> 11 O oo»oiooto Iioiooiooo loooooooic 1 j »C'^C^jr^m)C^»OC^iO"3 iOOOOO»dOI>- ' « CO-^M^ .00 »O^H ^ iCOCCTC^CC^CO^^ ' I Si ^r coc^txaoioci .t^-^oujoo i-^iccoioogco^f i ' t* OOOt^t^f^ IcCi—C^O?? lotMt^'^'-'^OO < 1 O — CM 1 — -£3 ^ ' 43 1 1 Ci Common name Number of specimens i ; ; i ; i i ! i 5 i i i i i ; ; i i i ; i i ; i il M ■ : i M ■ i i y M i : ' ' -^ ' ' 1 ' : ? 1 I ' 1 1 I 1 ; I ,' 1 " • • ' '^ • '-^ ' 's 'i Iji ' ■ ' ' ' \ '^ \ I U i c N M M iil| i ; N U-N \ \ Nil ^llilii!il|Hliil|iltpi g.§|iggtggji||s2iiii?|-s-=il DEER FOOD HABITS 171 .-< CO »0 CO CO -H O CO »ft lO -v^ CO CO — o OO -^ CO C I 1 » u ; m <3 c« . 1 lO 1 iO I U5 O o 1 1^ 1 1^ 1 o lO 1 CO 1 ■^ 1 CO CO -V 05 1 n 1 1 CO CO •^v 00 1 CO 1 "^ 1 CO CO ■^ 00 1 CO 1 0) ■ i CO - c^ o 1 CO 1 ^ i CO ^" cr> c« o o o o 1 o o o o o o o o 1 o o o ^ (M CJ (M CO t CO CO CO i£ ic o a> o o trac 13. trac •rr 1 ° 1^- e3 00 OO M C^ CJ OO 1 •* OJ — O rj^ .^ TJ» (M 1 OO ■^ r^ g ■^r 1 CM o I— < CO a) o 1 o © CO 2 2 OO ; 2 2 C^l CO C^ M 1 1 CO ^ 1 t-1 TJ« 1-H o I I 00 r>. 1 r* _, t^ o 1 ■ M *o 1 »o t^ "5 o 1 1 .^ ■^ I o <1> 00 C2 CO c^ 1 , o r^ ' -^ !>. o Co iO N (M O (N >a t^ (M r^ (T^ (M C^ "^ CO C^l g §■= ^ a> U5 g o iC ^ -^ OO S 2 c^ O 1— « o 2 CO t- 1—1 o 1—1 43 .5 -*^ n 3 twheat 1 1 1 o i 1 _>> U) shrooi e dick d buc a a o ce c CO .a CO ^ 3 3 TZi ^1 ^1 CO S s 1 '=' 1 3 2 e °p ^ ' 'S. S- (^ 3 -3 >> "3 03 ^ & 3. -3 .«¥ ea ca num .a 11 i .|1.| s s, to =S t^=S^ ^ ^^ ^^ h^ loo ^ o c .a CO s 172 CALIFORNIA IlSIl AND ClAME TABLE 4 Supplemental List of Food Items Eaten by 96 Deer Collected on ttie Tehama Winter Deer Range Scientific name Browse PimLS ponderosa Pinus sabiniana Juniperus californica Torreya californica Salix sp Arceuthohium sp Phoradendron villosum Umbelhdaria californica Aesculus californica (fruit) . FremorUia californica Chrysothamnus sp Unidentified browse Forbs Lichen Bryophyta Pellaea andromadaefoUa-- Polypodiaceae Selaginella sp Liliaceae Polygonum bolanderi Polygonum sp Rumex sp ^ — Amaranthus sp Mollugo verticillata Montia perfoliata Stellaria sp Silene sp Carj'ophyllaceae Ranunculus californicus.- Athysanus pusillus Lepidium nitidum Platyspermum scapgerum. Thysanocarpus sp Crucif erae Saxifraga sp Lotus sp Lupinus sp Trifolium sp Limnanthes alba Euphorbia sp Leguminosae Malvaceae Epilobium sp Godetia sp Sanicula sp Daucus pusillus Lomatium. sp Amsinckia sp Trichostema lanceolatum.. Galium sp Ambrosia psilostachya Hemizonella minima Eriophyllum lanatum Centaurea m^litensis Compositae Common name Yellow pine Digger pine California juniper-. California nutmeg - Willow Pine mistletoe Common mistletoe- California laurel California buckeye- Flannel bush Rabbitbrush CoSee fern - . Fern family _ Club moss-- Lily family - Knotweed Dock Amaranth Indian chickweed Miner's lettuce Chickweed Catch-fly Pink family California buttercup - Common peppergrass. Fringe pod Mustard family _ Saxifrage TrefoU Lupine Clover Spurge Pea family Mallow faiuUy Willow herb Godetia Snake root Rattlesnake weed- Hog-f ennel Fiddleneck \^Lnegar weed Bedstraw Western ragweed - Wool j'-yarrow Napa thistle Sunflower family. Percentage frequency of occurrence 8.3 6.2 5.2 1.0 2.0 2.0 5.2 2.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 3.1 6.2 10.4 5.2 2.0 2.0 6.2 9.4 2.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.3 2.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 8.3 15.6 3.1 2.0 7.3 2.0 6.3 2.0 1.0 1.0 3.1 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 2.0 1.0 1.0 7.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 7.3 DEER FOOD HABITS 173 TABLE 4— Continued Supplemental List of Food Items Eaten by 96 Deer Collected on the Tehama Winter Deer Range Scientific name Common name Percentage frequency of occurrence Grass and grass-like plants Agropyron sp Avena fatua Bromus mollis Bromus rigidus Festuca sp Hordeum sp Stipa sp Poa sp Cyperaceae Juncus sp Wheat grass.. Wild oat Soft chess Ripgut brome Fescue Wild barley-- Needlegrass-- Bliie grass Sedge Rush-.l 2.0 1.0 42.7 1.0 3.1 4.1 1.0 1.0 5.0 1.0 of the deer on the Tehama winter deer range is based chiefly on the analysis of the data presented in the above tables and Fignre 6. Admit- tedly, the sampling is small, but it does give evidence that deer experi- ence a seasonal dietary change influenced by the availability of forage as determined hj seasonal climatic changes. Normally the deer enter the winter range in appreciable numbers during the middle of October, the does and fawns ordinarily preceding the bucks. Once they reach the winter range the}- disperse over the area and remain approximately 210 days. Generally by the first w^eek in May they have started their return to the summer range. Their exodus from the summer range is generally attributed to a response to weather condi- tions. It has been observed that in years of good acorn production the deer tend to move to the winter range in large numbers earlier than in 3^ears of acorn failure. Upon entering that area contiguous with the summer range, deer seek out and utilize the acorns and fallen leafage of California black oak and Brewer oak and supplement this diet with the leafage of squaw carpet, deer brush, white fir, and incense cedar. They soon move to the lower elevations and are commonly seen grazing the woodland areas, seeking the leafage and acorns of blue oak. "With the advent of the early rains in October and November there is an immediate response in the germination of the annual forage plants and the foothills "green up." These annuals normally make little growth in the months of December, January, and early February, but in late February and March they grow and mature rapidly. Deer begin to utilize the growth of green grass and forbs as soon as it makes its appearance in October and November and continue to use it until the plants reach maturity in April. The heaviest consumption of herbaceous food is apparent in March, during the period when it is most available. However, as soon as the new leafage appears on the deciduous and ever- green browse plants, an abrupt change to browse consumption is made. Browse is the staple item of diet and it is obvious that it becomes the principal means of support in winters of adverse growing conditions (when there is little production of annual forage) or when an acorn crop failure occurs. There appears to be a seasonal preference in the utilization of browse species. Buck brush receives consistent usage by deer throughout most of the winter. It is the most abundant shrub and 174; CALIFORNIA FISH AXD GAME one which forage utilization checks reveal to be heavily utilized. Manza- nita contributes little bulk to the diet, altliou^di it is eaten in every month of the Avinter. "Western mountain-mahogany is a semideciduous plant and apparently is most heavily utilized in the fall months and again in April and May, "when the young growth becomes available. This is noticeably true of the other deciduous browses such as redbud, California buckeye, hop-tree, poison oak, and deer brush. During the months of December, January, and early February, when the herba- ceous plants are normality retarded in growth, deer rely more heavily on buck brush, manzanita. scrub oak, silktassel, and yerba santa for food. Forage utilization checks show" use to be heaviest on western mountain-mahogany, silktassel, and buck brush. The transition from a diet composed largely of herbs to one of browse is most pronounced in April and Maj', when the browse plants sprout new leafage and deer are quick to take advantage of this source of food. It has been observed that a 20-day difference in forage growth condi- tions exists between the 1,000- and 3,000-foot levels. Annual forage which has reached maturity at the lower elevations in February and March is in various stages of development at the higher elevations. This altitudinal response in forage production is most noticeable in the spring months, when the deciduous trees and shrubs begin to sprout new leafage. The altitudinal distribution of deer in the winter months, and especially so during the period of spring migration, is largely in re- sponse to this phenological change in forage production as it affects both the palatability and availability of food. SUMMER RANGE DEER FOOD HABITS The food habits of the Tehama deer herd on the summer range re- ceived less intensive study. The limited sampling of 37 deer stomach samples was represented by 32 deer collected monthly by the Disease and Food Habits Laboratory staff from July through September of 1950 and 1951 and five stomach samples obtained from hunter-killed deer. The general locality of the special collection was in the area southeast of Lassen Volcanic National Park and north of Lake Almanor. The collection included a sampling of deer from the Childs Meadow, Wilson Lake, Warner Creek, and Mud Creek areas in Plumas and Tehama counties. The summer range of the Tehama deer herd, as described by Grinnell et al. (1930), reaches eastward around the northwestern base of Lassen Peak, at least to the vicinity of Manzanita Lake. In the southern por- tion of the area it has been found to extend down Warner Creek from Hot Springs Valley to Lake Almanor, and thence eastward to the vicinity of Westwood. This summer range, with the exception of the higher elevations, is predominantly the transition forest climax characterized by a mixed forest of yellow pine, sugar pine, Douglas fir, white fir, and incense cedar. The under-storj^ consists principally of mountain whitethorn, snowbrush, squaw carpet, greenleaf manzanita, chinquapin, bitter cherry, western service berry, and gooseberry. Where logging and fire have removed the forest canopy, extensive brush fields of greenleaf manzanita, mountain whitethorn, and snowbrush have developed as a subclimax. Figure 8 is a photograph of typical summer range country. DEER FOOD HABITS 175 FIGURE 8. An illustration of the secondary succession following fire and/or logging operations in the transition forest climax, typical summer range. Mountain whitethorn and greenleof man- zanita form the principal subciimax and are important forage species for the deer. Photo- graph by Howard R. Leach. Table 5 is a composite summary of the food items eaten by the 37 deer collected from the summer range. Browse made up 72.1 percent of the diet. Based on the percentage volume and frequency of occur- rence, the preferred browse plants consisted of mountain whitethorn, squaw carpet, greenleaf manzanita, western service berry, and snow- brush. Mountain whitethorn was the most important source of food, having constituted 33.2 percent of the diet and being found in 78.4 percent of the stomachs. This shrub is an abundant and widely dis- tributed browse plant in the Sierran montane forest. It occurs from 4,000 to 9,000 feet and may be found growling as a forest understory or as the dominant in the subciimax montane chaparral which develops following fire and/or extensive logging operations. Forbs apparently contribute more heavily to the summer diet than does grass, since forbs formed 25.1 percent of the diet. Grass, although found in 72.9 percent of the stomachs, contributed but 2.8 percent of the food eaten. Numerous forbs were identified in the stomachs, but the bulk of this herbaceous food was unidentified. Admittedly, determination of the food habits of deer on the summer range would require considerably more samples of deer stomachs than the 37 analyzed in Table 5. In such a study consideration would have to be made of the vegetational changes characterizing the various life zones over which the deer distribute themselves over the summer periods. The present limited sampling precludes such an analysis. 176 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME TABLE 5 Food Items Eaten by 37 Deer Collected From the Summer Range of the Tehama Deer Herd Scientific name Common name Percent- age volume Percent- age frequency of occurrence Browse Ceanothus cordulatus Ceanothus prostratus Arctostaphylos patula Ceanothus velutinus ATnelanchier alnifolia Castanopsis sempertirens Ceanothus integerrimus Alnus tenuifolia Ribes sp Abies concolor Unidentified browse Librocedrus decurrens Prunus emarginata Prunus virginiana var. demissa. Chrysothamnus parryi Finns ponderosa Pinus contorta Salix sp Populus trichocarpa Quercus kelloggii Total browse - Forbs Unidentified forbs Ranunculus alismaef alius ^ Pedicularis semibarbata Menyanthes trifoliata Polypodiaceae Liliaceae Lichen Fungus Lotus sp Bryophyta Polygonum sp Rumex sp Eriogonum sp Chenopodiaceae Montia sp Potentilla sp Lupinus sp Trifolium sp Leguminosae Epilobium sp Umbellif ereae Phlox sp Collomia tinetoria Taraxacum sj)._ Wyethia sp Compositae Total forbs - Grass and grass- like plants Gramineae (green) Gramineae (dry) Bromus tecU/rUTn Stipa sp Carex sp Juncus sp Mountain whitethorn- Squaw carpet Greenleaf manzanita.- Sno wbrush Western service berry - Chinquapin Deer brush Mountain alder Gooseberry White fir Incense cedar Bitter cherry Western choke-cherry- Rabbitbrush Yellow pine Lodgepole pine Willow Black Cottonwood California black oak__ Total grass - Buttercup Lousewort Buckbean Fern family Lily family Lichen Mushroom Trefoil Moss Knotweed Dock Wild buckwheat - Picwecd family- - Miner's lettuce.. Five finger Lupine Clover Pea family Willow herb Parsley family __ Phlox Dandelion Mule's ear Sunflower family. Grass family Grass family Cheat grass Porcupine grass. Sedge Rush 33.2 7.3 6.2 6.1 3.7 2.7 2.7 2.7 2.4 2.0 1.0 1.0 0.9 0.1 0.1 trace trace trace trace trace 72.1 25.1 2.8 trace trace trace trace trace 2.8 78.4 45.9 48.6 18.9 45.9 10.8 2.7 8.1 10.8 27.0 8.1 51.4 16.2 5.4 5.4 37.8 5.4 5.4 2.7 5.4 14.0 86.5 5.2 18.9 2.6 2.7 1.0 2.7 0.9 8.1 0.7 8.1 0.5 59.5 0.1 16.2 0.1 2.7 trace 2.7 trace 13.5 trace 2.7 trace 5.4 trace 2.7 trace 5.4 trace 13.5 trace 8.1 trace 21.6 trace 2.7 trace 2.7 trace 2.7 trace 2.7 trace 5.4 trace 8.1 trace 5.4 trace 2.7 72.9 5.4 2.7 2.7 8.1 13.5 DEER FOOD HABITS 177 DISCUSSION This study of the food habits of the Tehama deer herd was limited to a period from February, 1950, to December, 1951. "With the possible exception of the influence of drought conditions on the forage, pre- ceding the initial collection period in the late winter months of 1949-50, the winter range experienced a good production of annual forage dur- ing the winters of 1950-51 and 1951-52. These winters were notably wet. It is obvious that the availability of food, with respect to the herbaceous vegetation on an annual type winter range, is influenced seasonally and from year to year by variations in precipitation and temperature. These two factors determine not only the quantity of forage produced but also the quality and time of growth. The impact of good forage ])roducti(jn on the food habits of the deer inhabiting this type of winter range is well illustrated by the data presented. It is reasonable to be- lieve that ill winters of fall drought and/or extreme cold weather the maximum carrying capacity of the range would be severely reduced and the natural reduction of deer numbers by winter die-off would result. Tliis phenomenon of reduced carrying capacity is commonplace knowledge with livestock people, who rely heavilj' on the foothill ranges to graze their livestock. A failure or severe reduction of annual forage production would force deer to subsist more heavily on the browse component of the range forage. Snow depth and/or extreme cold temperatures would not only materially affect the altitudinal distribution of deer on the winter range, but would also have an immediate effect on the avail- ability of forage upon which they must subsist. The data available during the study period preclude a discussion of the effect of an adverse winter on the food habits and survival of deer. Had a critical winter occurred during the course of the food habits study, the contrast in food habits data possibly would have allowed a better understanding of the dynamics of deer survival and range conditions relative to browse utilization and annual forge pro- duction on an annual type winter range. SUMMARY A food habits study was made of a migratory herd of Columbian black-tailed deer known as the Tehama deer herd. This herd summers in the mountains of the Cascade Range and Sierra Nevada and winters on the foothill slopes of eastern Tehama County, California. The winter range is an annual type range. Annual grasses dominate the grassland areas and form the principle understory to the woodland and chaparral. There is wide variation both seasonally and yearly in the production of this annual forage, due to climatic fluctuations. The stomach analyses of 96 deer collected on the winter range reveal a seasonal utilization of food plants as influenced by the changes in range forage composition. Browse (buck brush, mountain mahogany, manzanita, scrub oak, silktassel. and many deciduous browses) appear to constitute the staple item of diet throughout the winter. The leafage and acorns of the deciduous oaks contribute heavily to the early fall diet, and as the foothills "green up" with the advent of fall rains, the deer graze heavily on the annual grasses and forbs. This annual 178 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME forage production reaches its height in March, when it contributes most to the diet of the deer. Early in April tlie browse plants begin to leaf out with new growth and the doer appear to switch entirely to a browse diet. The summer food habits of the Tehama deer herd are represented by 37 deer stomach analyses. The preferred browse species consist of mountain whitethorn, squaw carpet, greenleaf manzanita, western service berry, and snowbrush. REFERENCES Burcham, L. T. 1956a. Historical backgrounds of range land use in California. Jour. Range Mangt., vol. 9, no. 2, p. 81-86. 1956b. Historical geography of the range livestock industry of California. Doc- toral Thesis, Univ. of Calif., 416 p. (Typewritten) Gilman, James H. 1949. Annual report on Tehama winter deer range. Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game, 44 p. (Unpublished report) Grinnell, .Joseph, .Joseph Dixon, and .Jean M. Linsdale 1930. Vertebrate natural history of a section of northern California through the Lassen Peak region. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool., vol. 35, 594 p. Hiehle, Jack L. 1951. Annual report on Tehama winter deer range for the period .July 1950 to .July 1951. Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game, 50 p. (Unpublished report) Jensen, Herbert A. 1947. A system for classifying vegetation in California. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 33. no. 4, p. 199-266. Talbot, M. W.. H. H. Biswell, and A. L. Hormay 1939. Fluctuations in the annual vegetation of California. Ecologv, vol. 20, no. 3, p. 394-402. REPORT ON A SURVEY OF BIGHORN SHEEP IN THE SANTA ROSA MOUNTAINS, RIVERSIDE COUNTY' FRED L. JONES Game Management Branch California Department of Fish and Game and GLENN FLITTNER and RICHARD GARD University of California Berkeley INTRODUCTION During the month of July, 1953, a survey of desert bighorn sheep (Ovis canadensis nelsoni) was conducted in the Santa Rosa Mountains of Riverside County by personnel of the California Department of Fish and Game and the T^niversity of California. The TTniversity personnel were empkn-ed by tlie Riverside County Fish and Game Commission. Primary emphasis was placed on State Game Refuge 4-D. The main purpose of the surv'ey was to establish the distribution and numbers of bighorn sheep. Additional data on herd composition, food habits, range condition, water, parasites, and domestic stock were gathered. Since 1953 periodic cheeks have been made of the areas covered in the original survey and of several new areas by Richard Weaver, Floyd Vernoy, and Bert Craig of the California Department of Fish and Game in the course of developing and improving springs, and also by the senior author. Acknowledgment is made to Mr. Arthur Nightingale, at whose camp we stayed during the survey in 1953, and who gave us considerable assistance in our search for information. METHODS An aerial reconnaissance of the Santa Rosas was made in June, 1953, preliminary to the field work. By this method several springs, tanks, and sheep trails were located, aiding the authors in becoming acquainted with the topography and drainages. Inasmuch as the entire Santa Rosa bighorn range could not be cov- ered in the allotted time, it was planned first to survey the refuge and then to expand north and south until time ran out. Canyon bottoms, sidehills, and ridge tops were coursed in search of water sites, bighorn, and sign. 1 Submitted for publication Augnst, 1956. This study was financed by Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Project W-41-R, "Big: Game Studies", and by funds made available by the Riverside County Fish and Game Commission. ( 179 ) 180 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME SANTA ROSA MOUNTAINS BIGHORN RANGE Bighorn Summer Range rv\\^A^\\] Bighorn Winter Ronge we>'" FIGURE 1. Map of the Santa Rosa Mountains area, showing bighorn range. Drowing by C/iffo Corson. DESCRIPTION OF AREA The Santa Rosa ^Mountains form a southeastern extension of the San Jacinto Mountains, being separated from them by Palm Canyon. The highest summit, Toro Peak, is 8,716 feet in elevation. Secondary BIGHORN SHEEP SURVEY 181 summits range from 4,000 to 8,000 feet. The foothills rise from the Coachella and Borrego valley floors near sea level. Higher slopes, above 4,000 feet, are covered with chaparral, piiion pine, and juniper. Lower slopes support a desert scrub type of vegeta- tion composed in part of the following species: maguey {Agave con- sociata), Spanish dagger {Yucca schidigera), ocotillo {Fouquieria splendens), California juniper {Juniperus calif ornica), cactus {Opun- tia sp., Echinocactus sj)., Cevens sp.),catclaw {Acacia Greggii) , eY>liedva {Ephedra sp.), briekellbush {Brickellia sp.), wild buckwheat {Eriogo- wwmsp.), white ratany {Krameria (7 rai/i), black sage {Salvia mellif era) , white sage {Salvia apiana), bee-sage {Hyptis Emoryi), goatnut {Sim- mondsia chinensis), rush bebbia {Behbia juncea), ground cherry {I'liysidis crassijolia ) , l*arry condalia {Condalia Parryi), creosote busli {Larrea divaricata), French tamarisk {Tamarix gallica), honey mes- quite {Prosopis chilensis), screwbean mesquite {Prosopis puhescens), desert-willow (Chilopsis linearis), squawbush {Rhus trilohata), and galleta grass {Hilar ia rigida). Some species that generally grow close to water are : palm ( Washing- tonia filifera), cottonwood {Popidus Fremontii), willow {Salix sp.), water-wally {Baccharis ghdinosa) , arrowweed {Pidchea sericea), horse- tail {Equiseiuin sp.), connuon reed {Phragmites communis), cattail {Typha latifolia), and rush {Juncus sp.). The lower slopes are steep and cut with many canyons. In many places, as in Guadalupe Canyon, Deep Canyon, the mouths of Magnesia Spring Canyon and Cat Creek, and at the junction of Ebbens, Grape- vine, and Dead Indian creeks, hard rock strata have been cut, forming perpendicular cliffs and waterfalls. FIGURE 2. Larrizo Creek area, looking north across the Palms to Pines Highway. A ewe and ram can be seen near the middle. Photograph by Fred L Jones, Sepfember 16, J 954. 182 CALIFORNIA FISH AND OAME Ou the east slope of the Santa llosas a zone of undulating, low-angle, open terrain extends southward above the 1,500-2,000 foot level and below the mountain summits to about Guadalupe Creek, interrupted only by Deep Canyon (Figure 2). To the south the canyons become deeper, and the ridges attain greater stature. BIGHORN DISTRIBUTION At present the bighorn occupy the lower country, generally below 4,000 feet. Figure 1 shows the winter and summer ranges to the best of our knowledge. Water is the primary factor determining bighorn distribution. In winter, when moisture is widespread and the climate is cool, the range is more extensive. In summer the Santa Rosa sheep have not been found by us ranging farther than about one mile from available water. The upper limit of the range is roughly determined by the chaparral line. The lower limit is indeterminate, although the sheep generally remain in the mountains or close to them. They often feed in the dry washes, and according to local residents it is not uncommon for them to come down into cultivated fields as far as two miles out from the base of the mountains during winter. We have an account of one being killed along the Southern Pacific Railroad tracks some years ago. Old residents state that in the early days the sheep were found higher in the mountains than they are now. Although little of the higher areas appear to us to be suitable range, it is possible that the greater numbers reported prior to the die-off in the 1920 's (which will be discussed later) required greater range, and so had dispersed upward. It is possible that livestock use in the higher elevations has contributed toward restricting the sheep to their present altitudinal distribution. Owing to water localization, some areas receive heavy summer use. Magnesia Spring Canyon, Cat Creek, and Carrizo Creek were the only sources of summer water located north of the Palms to Pines Highway on the eastern slope, and were supporting all, or nearly all, of the sheep in that sector in Julj^, 1953. No sheep were ranging in the intervening country on Ebbens, Dead Indian, and Grapevine creeks at that time. Although we covered little of the country north and east of Sheep Mountain, the same situation appeared to exist between Deep Canyon and Agua Alta Canyon, with only a few sheep occurring along Guada- lupe Creek. Sheep range continuously from Agua Alta Canyon to the southern end of the mountains. It is probable that there are sheep on the Palm Canyon side of the Santa Rosas, but we have been unable to survey that area or to obtain any information on it. NUMBERS AND COMPOSITION Old residents told us of a severe die-off in the early 1920 's. Many carcasses were found in the canyons and around waterholes by pros- pectors. The general expression of opinion is that there were more sheep in the Santa Rosas prior to this period than there are now, but that the number is greater now than at any time since the die-off. Table 1 lists the sheep actualh^ observed in July, 1953, with all pos- sible duplications eliminated, and the number estimated in each area. BIGHORN SHEEP SURVEY 183 ^^ -rl 03 1, a> -w O '!> ■Tl H OJ -n cU 0) O -§ ^ H 0) oo'cooo'-oi-ico'noo'oioioooo O O lO 00 to o (N CO "OC^-HOOCOMc^oO'*'tcom ■ ■ ■ ■ CC C) ! Ol ■ 00 o to cc c^ *-^ I I I I I I CI "-I Tr o; -1 i (N CO :^ I 1 I CI. o o 01 ■a 3 >- a, (D 3 I I I I in i CO :> o 3 O >i 3 03 O bO 3 3 O ■^o o g 03 J3 so' So c3 ^ ■~ 03 CO go 03 - 0''3 a> 03 O 3 ******** §3 >> o 3 >. 3 03 3 O O cS >v <: 3 o 03 '■? 2 -^ *-■ 3 I" 3 -< e5 M 3 03 ^ O PL, s^ c .S O ^ 1) *" ® iJ ■s § « O 3 3 O 03 ^ 3 3 O « |00^ 0 o a, c 3 "5 ■ -» 0) « Cl, -^ • o ^^ r- q O 02 Cfi M K ( 03 03 Q -2 o 3 fc- *^ o o S tf P5 ^ 3 3 2 ^ ^ ri -^ -^ -»^ o o o +^ -^ -tJ -S -2 -5 CC tK CB O cocococococoSco I ■ lOlOiOiOiO'O'NtOCOCO 1 CO , ^ , I LO 5,5 CO CO ' L-^ fj > »0 '"' to ^^-^^^^ .^ooto-\ .^^ — -^ ' ■ '-- i00CO i-O 184 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Population estimates for the areas visited were made on the basis of sheep seen, the relative numbers of rams to ewes and of young to adults, and the amount of fresh si*rn observed. If the fresh sifrn appeared to be greater than the observed animals could be expected to make, a conservative addition was made. No estimate was possible for the Palm Canyon area, although we feel certain that sheep are present there, if water is available. The estimates for the areas south of Sheep Canyon are based pri- marily upon spot checks made since the original survey. These figures are supported by information from local residents whose judgment proved to be sound in other areas that we covered more completely. We believe that all of the estimates are conservative and have little doubt that the total population is larger. The 86 sheep estimated to be in the refuge comprise 25 percent of the total estimated in the entire Santa Kosas, and the 60 in Borrego State Park, 17 percent. From Table 1 it may be seen that the Cat Creek-Magnesia Spring Canyon area immediately to the north of Refuge 4-D, and the area south of the refuge to Borrego Park, contain the bulk of the sheep. Unquestionably some two-year-old rams are included in the ewe classification, since identification of sexes by horns cannot be made with certainty before three years of age. Figure 3 shows a f-curl ram. The scrotum of a two-year-old ram must be seen for positive identification, and it is not always possible to make such an obserA'ation. Information given us indicated that the 1051 lamb crop was extremely small. Since these lambs were 2-year-olds in 1953 we believe that possible mis-sexing of two-year-old rams was of slight importance, due to a low percentage of them in the population. li&URL j, A iriiKc-quarter curl ram, Santa Rosa Mountains. Photograph by Fred L. Jones, Sepfember 16, 1954. BIGHORN SHEEP SURVEY 185 The ratio of rams to ewes observed was 109 :100 ; of lambs to ewes 18:100; and of yearlings to ewes 27:100. Exactly two-thirds of the rams had a three-quarter curl or better ; that is to say, they were in the older age classes. Table 2 gives the computed number of each sex and age class in the estimated populations based on the observed ratios. The animals observed make up 40 percent of those estimated. TABLE 2 Computed Number in Each Sex and Age Class of Estimated Populations Area Young rams* Old riunst Ewes Yearlings Lambs Totals Refuee 4-D _ _ 13 7 31 2.5 14 02 33 20 84 9 .5 23 C 4 15 86 .50 Rest of Santa Rosas 215 Totals in Santa Rosas 51 101 137 37 25 351 * Less than three-quarters curl. t Three-quarters curl or better. The observed sex ratio indicated an overabundance of rams. Since bighorn sheep are polygamous, they do not require a ram for every ewe for breeding purposes. During the mating season only a few ewes of a band are in heat at any one time, and the rams consequently give these much attention (Jones, 1950). The optimum sex ratio in deer is often said to be about 25 :100. It may be more than that in bighorn, but 50 :100, or one ram for every two ewes, should be ample for breeding. It is certain that fewer rams than there are now would be able to breed all the ewes. Table 3 gives sex and age ratios found in other herds of desert bighorn. TABLE 3 Sex and Age Ratios Observed in Desert Bighorn Herds Area Num- Year Ram: Lamb: Yearling: ber Ewe Ewe Ewe obser- ved 1953 109:100 18:100 27:100 141 1938 89:100 22:100 11:100 20 1955 57:100 29:100 8:100 95 1951 121:100 65:100 28:100 154 1952 137:100 43:100 11:100 110 1953 123:100 50:100 17:100 156 Reference Santa Rosa ^Mountains Death Valley Death Valley Arizona Arizona Arizona Dixon (1939) WeUes (1955) Russo (1956) Russo (1956) Russo (1956) Ewes normally produce single lambs, twins being rare (Jones, 1950). The observed lamb:ewe ratio of 18:100 is the lowest reported in any survey of desert bighorn for which we have data. Jack Miller, an old resident, told us that there was a large lamb crop in 1949, no lambs or very few in 1951, a large crop again in 1952, and a very small one in 1953. "We have certainly confirmed this last report and our observed 4—54385 186 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME yearling: ewe ratio of 27:100 in 1953 tends to confirm this statement for 1952. This yearliiij; ratio compares favorably' with those found olspAvhere. The lamb crop appears to be closely tied in with the pix'cipitation for the year. In wet years there seem to be larger lamb crops than in dry years. A deficienc}' of vitamin A in the diet of ewes, resulting from a shortage of green feed during dry j'-ears, may preclude ovulation or may cause the death of lambs in the uterus or the birth of weak lambs which soon die (Miller, 1942). A shortage of water and green feed may result in inadequate quantity and quality of milk for suckling lambs, or tlie lack of proper feed for weaning lambs. We found two one-month old lambs dead (aged after Demming. 1952). Competition with adults for insufficient drinking water may work to the detriment of the lambs, and prolonged searches for water up and down dry canyons (which we found them doing) may tax the lambs severely. Other states have met the problem of reducing competition between old and young sheep by holding periodic special hunts for a limited number of mature rams. In 1954 Colorado allowed the taking of a few surplus ewes also. Table 4 summarizes information on bighorn hunt- ing seasons compiled by Dr. Helmut K. Buechner, University of Wash- ington. For purposes of comparison it is estimated that there are 2,000 to 2,500 bighorn in California (Jones, 1955). TABLE 4 Summary of Special Ram Hunts Held in Other States State Period Number of hunts Average estimated populations Average number of permits Average number of rams harvested Arizona Colorado - Idaho Montana Nevada 1953-55 1953-55 1946-55t 1953-55 1952-54 1954-55 1905-55 4 3 6 3 3 2 32 3,025t 5,000 1 2.500 1,100 1,500 160 2,300 20 196 44 39 53 14 87 9 61* 16 26 14 New Mexico 9 Wyoming 36 * In 1954, 62 rams. 14 ewes, and 3 lambs were harvested. t .Some hunts were held prior to 1946, but were not reported on. t From U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1956. We collected remains of 10 carcasses and found old weathered bones of many others in 1953. Two of the carcasses were lambs born in 1953 which died in the spring at about one month of age. Another was a lamb of the previous year which died in the fall at about six months of age. None of these appeared to be predator kills, since the carcasses and bones were intact. A predator would have torn up the carcasses and eaten most of the soft bones of the younger lambs. Two other car- casses were six-month-old lambs that had died several years previously, and five were adults. With the exception of one old ram found high on a ridge, all carcasses were found near waterholes. BIGHORN SHEEP SURVEY 187 Remains of various additional carcasses have been found at random since the 1953 survey. Of particular interest was the location in April, 1955, of one adult ram that had been dead about six months to a year ; and one lamb, three adult ewes, and two adult rams that had been dead from one to two years around Intrigue Spring in the north end of Borrego State Park. Three were along the water which runs below the spring for 150 yards and the rest were within a half mile of the spring. None of the bones was gnawed, as would be done by any predator, and there was no evidence of gunfire. Apparently these animals had died during the summer while concentrated around the water, which is the only supply in the area. WATER These bighorn prefer fresh water to drink. We found foul or alkaline water to be generally unpalatable to them, although they frequently took it when slightly stagnant. "When springs are sanded over the sheep will dig down with tlioir front hooves in an attempt to reach water. Sheep often bed down at a spring and drink at any time during the day. We observed them traveling to water most frequently early in the morning and in the evening after sunset. One night about 3 a.m. one was heard coming to a spring at which we were camped. Even the most casual inspection of bighorn range in the Santa Rosas brings out the fact that water, or lack of it, is a prime factor limiting the numbers of animals. We therefore concentrated on locating and, wherever possible, visiting every waterhole in the area surveyed. A few additional springs have been located since the 1953 survey. The existence of most springs depends upon rainfall. During years of subnormal precipitation, such as 1953, many otherwise reliable springs dry up. Canyons now dry may have water in other years. Cloudbursts occur periodically in all of the canyons. There may be several during one season or none for a decade. The effect on springs is unpredictable. Some may be scoured out and made available ; others may be buried under several feet of sand. Consequently, spring developments must be constructed so as to have the least susceptibility to damage by cloud- bursts. Summer rains are usually of such short duration, and the runoff so rapid, that springs are not benefited. Since water is a critical factor for bighorn, and for other game as well, we strongly recommended in a preliminary report in 1953 that the program of water development in this region be accelerated. We be- lieved that moderate sums spent on additional development could well raise the carrying capacity of the Santa Rosas many fold. Weaver, Vernoy, and Craig have visited all of the water sites located in the original survey, in addition to several located by themselves. Each water source has been evaluated for possible improvement and wherever practical to do so development work has been accomplished. Results of this development work have varied due both to the vagaries of the bighorn and the spring flow. As an example. Magnesia Spring was used heavily in July, 1953, though the spring was diurnal, run- ning only at night and drying up in the daytime. In March, 1954, a tank was blasted out of a rock face below the spring. In July, 1954, the spring itself was completely dry. though the tank was full. While sheep were using it readily, they were far fewer than in the previous 188 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME summer. In December, 1954, the tank was still full. In September, 1955, it was nearly dry and no water was available for game. A striking example of the benefit of water development in opening np sheep range was afforded on Upper Dead Indian and Grapevine creeks. In Jnly, 1953, it was found that sheep were not using the ex- tensive area in the upper reaches of these canyons. Since no available water was found, it was assumed that the absence of sheep was due to the lack of water. High in each of these drainages a permanent seep supplying only enough water for insects was found. In March, 1954, these seeps were developed to provide tanks of drinking water by blasting and digging out existing sandfilled basins in the bedrock. Bighorn accepted these immediately and in July, 1954, each tank was receiving considerable use. In this case previously untenable summer range was immediately transformed into suitable habitat by the de- velopment of drinking water. FOOD HABITS Table 5 lists plants that we found to be eaten by bighorn. The plants listed as very important are the ones supplying the bulk of the forage. Use on forbs may well be of greater importance than our observations revealed, for cropping on them is less obvious. TABLE 5 Plants Observed Eaten by Bigtiorn in the Santa Rosa Mountain: Common name Scientific name Importance Horsetail Equisetum sp. . . - slight Ephedra- Ephedra sp. .- .- . moderate Cattail . Typha laii folia . _. slight Grasses - - __-__-__ Unidentified (at springs) Hilaria rigida . . slight Galleta arass moderate Palm... - -- - - -. WashiTifftonia filifera J uncus sp. - -. slight Riosh - . - slight Maguey .. - slight Stream orchis - _ . Epipactis Qifjantea _ slight Willow.. Salix sp slight Cottonwood -. - . - sUght Wild buckwheat- - EriogonuTn sp. - slight Desert apricot . slight White ratany . _ Krajneria canescens . high Palo verde Oercidium TnicrophylltiTn . . sUght Honey mesquite . . - Prosopis chilensis. .. . . . .. shght-moderate Catclaw . .. Acacia Greggii . moderate Littleleaf rushpea slight Silver bush Argythamnia lanceolaia - . .. moderate Bernardia Bernardia myricaefolia Euphorbia sp. Larrea divaricate . moderate Spurge . .- unknown Creosote bush. .... slight Goatnut . Simmontisia chin^nsis high French tamarisk . .. . Tamarix gallica slight-moderate Barrel cactus.. .. . EchinocactuB cylindraceus slight Phacelia . .. unknown Black sage . .. . . . Salvia mellifera slight Bee sage . . Hypiis Efnoryi -- -- high Groundcherry .. slight Desert-willow . Chilopsis linearis slight Water-wally . Rush bebbia moderate Incienso Eficelia faritiosa slight slight White burgage . Franseria dumosa . BIGHORN SHEEP SURVEY 189 Table 6 lists plants occurring in the Santa Rosas which we did not observe used, but which have been found to be eaten by bighorn else- where. TABLE 6 Plants Occurring in the Santa Rosa Ivjountains Recorded as Bighorn Food Elsewhere Common name Scientific name Locality Reference Fluffgrass Triodia pulchella Arizona _ . Arizona Unknown Arizona Arizona Arizona Arizona Russo (1956) Elepha nt tree -- Bursera odorata. .- Russo (1956) Rhus trilobata Seton (1929) Ocotillo Cactus Brickellbush- _ _ „ Fauquier ia splendens Opuntia sp., MammtUaria sp Srickellia californicd Russo (1956) Russo (1956) Russo (1956) Bush encelia Encelia frutescens Russo (1956) In two areas there was evidence of overbrowsing on certain forage plants. Goatnut was used heavily in a liaK-mile radius around the upper Cat Creek spring and water-wally, rushes, and young palms were taken heavily at the spring. Some of the use on the goatnut was by rodents, but most of it was by sheep. Tamarisk was highlined, and catclaw was browsed heavily in the wash above jMagnesia Spring. Plants growing at several of the springs, such as cattail, horsetail, and various grasses and forbs, were grazed extensively on occasion. Distribution of these is limited to waterholes, where heavy use is to be expected. DISEASES AND PARASITES We were told of a large scale die-off in the early 1920 's. One man stated that the bighorn lost their hair while still alive. He believed that domestic sheep ranging from the valley floor had transmitted some disease to the bighorn. The loss of hair could have been due to scabies, which has been carried to bighorn by domestic sheep in other areas to their great detriment. "We observed one yearling sheep that had a violent coughing spell, and a fawn deer that was barely able to walk, but we have no idea of the causes. Samples of 41 fresh pellet groups were collected in July, 1953, for examination for eggs and larvae of internal parasites. The examination was made by John Azevedo of the California Department of Fish and Game Disease Laboratory, Project California W-35-R. The results were as follows : No organisms were found in 36 ; tapeworm eggs of the species Monezia were found in one; nematode eggs of the species Nematodirus were found in two, of the species Gongylonema in one, and an unidentified nematode larva in another. The occurrence of eggs and larvae was much lower than Azevedo has found in other herds of bighorn in California. In June, 1955, five additional samples were sent to Dr. Erling R. Quortrup, Director of the San Diego County Livestock Department, to be examined for lungworm larvae. He found lungworm larvae in two and strongyle ova in three. 190 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME INTERRELATIONSHIPS WITH OTHER ANIMALS Range Competition Domestic stock are present in tlie higher elevations, generally above the bighorn range. About 20 wild horses range around Asbestos Moun- tain. These apparently do not range lower than the upper limit of the bighorn winter range. An undetermined number of cattle range in the brush above the bighorn range. About 30 domestic goats live in Tahquitz and the adjoining canyons that drain into Martinez. As they are in bighorn range, have sim- ilar feeding habits, and heavily use the area, it appears that they adversely affect the bighorn. It is said that other goats that have been wild for years run on the bighorn range, though we did not see any. A few domestic burros are present in Martinez Canyon. They use the waterholes there and in the lower portions of other incoming canyons. It is possible that their presence restricts bighorn use. Deer are present in small numbers above the bighorn range. They adhere to the chaparral, generally above 4,000 feet. We observed three during our search for sheep, all at high elevations. We found some old deer sign and a few shed antlers as low as 2,400 feet, indicating winter range limits. Deer numbers are said to be far less than they once were. Competition with bighorn is very slight. At some of the higher springs on the north facing slopes, such as in Boulder Camp Canyon, deer and sheep are using the same springs. Antelope ground squirrels occur throughout the sheep range and take considerable forage in some areas. Use on juniper was noted espe- cially, and on goatnut around the upper Cat Creek Spring. Predation We observed no positive indications of predation on bighorn, although some undoubtedly occurs. Mountain lions are present to the north on Mt. San Jacinto, but seldom come into the Santa Rosas. One was reported by U. S. Army surveying personnel in February, 1955, at 2,000 feet between Martinez and Toro canyons. This is in the middle of the sheep range. Jack Miller observed a large shepherd-dog-like animal, which he believed to be a wolf, chasing his goats in Tahquitz Canyon some years ago. Bobcats are common in the chaparral, but are of rare occurrence in the bighorn habitat. We saw considerable sign at the head of Deep Canyon on the Cactus Spring Trail (at 4,000 feet), while Miller has seen only one at his cabin in Martinez Canyon (at 3,000 feet) in 25 years. Coyotes are common in the sheep habitat. We observed six during our survey and found abundant sign. Although coyotes have been known to kill adult bighorn (Russo, 1956), their depredations are gen- erally directed at newborn lambs. Poaching Poaching constitutes a drain on the bighorn population, although the extent of it is difficult to assess. Dismembered carcasses along with cartridge cases and other evidence of illegal hunting are encountered occasionally. BIGHORN SHEEP SURVEY 191 Continuing patrol effort throughout the bighorn range is necessary to keep poaching at a minimum. SUMMARY A survey of bighorn populations in the Santa Rosa Mountains was conducted during July, 1953. Additional information was gathered through periodic visits to the area through 1955. Bighorn range on the lower slopes, generally below the 4,000 feet contour. The estimated population for the area was set at 351. The ratio of rams to ewes was 109 :100, of lambs to ewes 18:100, and of yearlings to ewes 27 :100. Two thirds of the observed rams had a three-quarter curl or better. It is believed that availability of water is the most important limit- ing factor in bighorn distribution in this area, since bighorn are restricted to the immediate vicinity of springs during the long dry period. Forage plants in the vicinity of water were found to be heavily utilized. REFERENCES Deming, O. V. 1952. Tooth development of the Nelson bighorn sheep. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 38, no. 4, p. 52.3-529. Di.xon, Joseph S., and E. Lowell Sumner, Jr. 1939. A survey of desert bighorn in Death Vallev National Monument, summer 1938. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 25, no. 2, p. 72-95. Jones, Fred L. 1950. A survey of the Sierra Nevada bighorn. Sierra Club Bull., vol. 35, no. 6, p. 29-76. 1955. California bighorn inventory. Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game. (Unpub- lished report) .Miller, R. F., G. H. Hart, and H. H. Cole. 1942. Fertility in sheep as affected by nutrition during liio hreeiling season and pregnancy. Univ. of Calif., Agric. Exp. Sta., Bull. 672, 31 p. Russo. John P. 1956. The desert bighorn sheep in Arizona. Ariz. Game and Fish Dept., 15;; p. Seton, Ernest Thompson 1929. Lives of game animals. New York, Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc., vol. 3, part 2, p. 410-780. U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1956. Inventory of big-game animals of the United States, 1954. Wildl. Leaflet 376, 3 p. Welles, Ralph 1955. Report of the 1955 summer survey of bighorn in Death Valley National Monument. Calif. Dept. of Fish and Game. (Unpublished report) AN IMPROVED DEVICE FOR CAPTURING DEER' GORDON ASHCRAFT and DON REESE Game Management Branch California Department of Fish and Game INTRODUCTION Big game trapping and tagging programs liave always exhibited a (•ommon weakness: the inability to capture the animals efficiently and economic-ally. Field men are constantly experimenting with new de- vices and techiii(|ues in an eff- SLxty feet of 3/16-inch diameter O.D. Nylon Three 20-penny common nails Three yards of 6-lb. test nylon fish leader One N^o. 10 cow or sheep bell -_ $1.80 Nails- -- - - - -- .05 .06 Bell .50 Total cost S2.41 Tools needed for setting trap are as follows: hammer, axe, machete, lineman's pliers, and tree climbers (op- tional). 1 Submitted for publication June, 1956. ( 193 ) 194 CALIFORXIA FISH AXD GAME This will serve as the tripper. Details of construction are shown in Figures 1, 2, 3, and 4. Table 1 is a list of materials needed for con- struction. Safety line Cow or sheep be Tree or post Trigger Rubber Safety Rubber Trigger holding nails Trigger nail Trigger trip string Snare loop FIGURE 1. "Improved Deer Snore", showing details of construction. Drowing by Cliffa Corson. DEEE CAPTURING DEVICE 395 OPERATION To make a typical setting, select a spot having a tree or post two feet or less from the trail or well-used passage. Secure one end of the actuating rubber at a height of approximately 15 feet. Drive the head- less nails into the tree (or post) approximately 12 inches from the ground on the trail side. Space the nails approximately one inch apart in a horizontal plane and leave 1^ inches protruding. Tie one end of the extra rope (static line) to the lower end of the actuating rubber, stretch the rubber to the maximum, and attach the trigger nail to the rope at the level of the two headless nails. After engaging the trigger FIGURE 2. Typical snare set. Photograph by William Aumai 196 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME FIGURE 3. Snare trigger mechanism. Photograph by William Auman. nail below these stub nails, pull the rope gently to the trail, maintain- ing the tension on the rubber. Attach to the exact center of the snare rope, enabling the loops of the snare to be spread fully in the trail, without any slack in the line. Pass the free end of the static line through the loop of a small bell (as used on sheep) and secure through two loops of rubber near the butt of the tree, encircling the trunk. Two or three feet of slack is allowable in this line. Arrange the trigger nail to allow" easy extraction from its position beneath the two stub nails and tie the free end of the leader material to some substantial object on the opposite side of the trail, at approxi- mately the same height as the nails. This constitutes the trip string and should be taut at all times. Use a tree, bush, or rock if possible, since the animals hesitate to pass a stake or freshly cut limb ; test the action DEER CAPTURING DEVICE 197 FIGURE 4. Variation of the typical deer snore, using a fulcrum pole in connection with a tree site setting. Photograph by William Auman. of the device, reset, spread the loops to their maximum in the trail on either side of the trip string, and cover them lightly with dust. As stated above, the "Improved Deer Snare" is highly adaptable. A small amount of imagination and ingenuity will enable the operator to make sets in nearly any situation. One variation, representing the key to success in treeless areas, is illustrated in Figure 5. The same components — rope, truck tubes, and nails — are used. The nails con- stituting the trigger mechanism are driven into a large stake driven into the ground near the trail. This peg should not protrude more than 14 inches and should be well hidden or camouflaged. A light, stiff pole approximately six feet long is used to supply the upward motion needed for raising the nooses around the animal's legs. The pole is butted against a stake driven firmly into the ground as the pole lies at right angles to the trail. This stake should protrude approximately two feet above the ground to provide fulcrum for both pole and rubber. The pole is held down by the rope and trigger arrangement at the end nearest the trail and prevented from moving away from the trail by the fulcrum. The rubber is attached to the pole at midpoint, stretched to the maximum over the top of the fulcrum and secured to a post placed directly in line at the proper distance behind said pivot point. Lateral motion of the pole is prevented by a slender guide stake on either side at midpoint. The static line is threaded through a bell, tied to the 198 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME trail-eiifl of the pole, affixed to the trigger nail, and tied to the noose rope, Avitliout slack. This line is linked to the rearmost stake by the second rubber band. The objective is to capture an animal by snaring one or two legs in a loop of rope. Considerable experimentation indicates that there FIGURE 5. Snare set at a treeless site. Photograph by William Auman. is less possibility of injuring an animal or allowing it to escape if it is held by the legs rather than the neck. Once caught, the animal is prevented from applying full impact to the restraining ropes by the resilience of the rubber which activates the device. A bell attached to the restraining rope signals the operator, who remains in the vicinity, servicing a number of snares. If the snares are used in a belling program the snare bell should be of different tonal qualit}^ than the deer bells, in order to avoid confusion. The snared animal, if approached cautiously, keeping the anchor point between the operator and the animal, will usually throw itself. Care should be exercised to prevent the accumulation of slack line, which the animal would use to develop momentum, resulting in shock to the animal and the device. Once the deer has thrown itself, or has been pulled to the ground, it is possible for the operator to crouch at the animal's back, placing one knee on its neck, and bind its feet. This immobilizes the deer for purposes of examination or marking. DEER CAPTURING DEVICE 199 Several sets may be made by one man in a day's time, if necessary, though a two-man team can work more efficiently. A team of operators can set out from 10 to 20 of these snares, depending upon the number of suitable locations presented within a radius which is determined by the distance the snare bell can be heard. As a deer trips the snare and becomes caught in the loops, the activity causes the bell attached to the static line to set up a clamor. The possibility of injury to the animal or escape increase in proportion to the amount of time it remains in the trap. Therefore, the operators should remain within earshot of all the operating snares. The possibility of injury to snared animals is slight if the devices are closely attended. The authors snared a total of 62 deer during the period August 2 to September 1, 1955, (35 man days in actual opera- tion) without injuring an animal. The snare is partieulai-ly adapted to use on well-traveled trails lead- ing to waterholes, salt licks, bedding grounds, and foraging areas. Baiting is sometimes helpful in attracting tlie deer to a certain spot, although usually this procedure is not necessary for successful opera- tion. THE DEVELOPMENT OF A VINYL PLASTIC SUBCUTANEOUS TAG FOR TROUT' ROBERT L. BUTLER Inland Fisheries Branch California Department of Fish and Game INTRODUCTION California has one of the largest catehable rainbow trout {Salmo gairdneri) programs in the United States. Approximately eight million such trout are planted each year by the California Department of Fish and Game at a cost exceeding one million dollars. These trout, weighing from four to six to the pound, are planted in readily accessible streams and lakes having high angling pressure. The policy followed by the Department is to plant only water from which a return in excess of 50 percent of the planted fish may be expected to reach the angler's creel. The magnitude and costs of the catehable trout program are so great that it is imi)ortant to make the best possible use of the hatchery prod- uct. A special project was begun in 1955 to develop better methods for evaluating the results of catehable stocking under various conditions, with a view to improving the program. The great majority of planted waters have multiple access points, if not continuous roadside contact. The difficulty of censusing such waters is readily apparent, since it is virtually impossible to obtain a complete creel census or to obtain truly random samples. Since dependence had to be placed in large part ou voluntary returns, a marking program involving the removal of certain fins also could not have been expected to yield adequate results. The majority of fishermen seldom recognize the absence of fins and less frequently report such marks. A new approach was therefore sought. The most promising one in- volved estimating the percentage of recapture through voluntary returns of numbered tags by anglers, supplemented by creel census. Any tagging study involving large numbers of fish requires a tag that is easy to apply, is readily seen by the angler, and has no adverse effect on the fish. The jaw tag (Kounsefell and Everhart, 1953, p. 279) has been widely used on catehable trout, but has revealed serious weaknesses. For exam- ple, in various studies tag loss has been demonstrated, tissue destruction has been apparent, and growth has been impaired. There was no ques- tion but that time spent in developing some other tag for catehable trout would be time well spent. 1 Submitted for publication March, 1957. This work was performed as part of Dingell- Johnson Project California F-14-R, "Evaluation of Catehable Trout Stocking", supported by Federal Aid to Fish Restoration funds. (201) 202 CALIFORNIA I'^ISII AND GAME A series of tests with various tajrs was carried out at three different hatcheries and results and modifications of these tests were made simul- taneously in the field. The Eipper tag, a thin arrowhead shaped metal piece to "which is attached a round dangler, gave a very high tag loss in the first tests. Heincke stud tags prepared from acrylic plastic were tried in tAvo positions on the trout. Retention in a dorsal position was good over a period of 185 days ; however, an unsightly wound developed around the tag. It is possible that modifications of these or other types of tags would have yielded satisfactory results in the end, but prelimi- nary experiments with vinyl plastic subcutaneous tags looked promising, so a major effort was made to develop this tag for use on catchable trout. Metal subcutaneous tags have been used on livestock for several j-ears. A special tool has been devised for inserting these tags in the ears of cattle and sheep. The first known subcutaneous tagging on fish was done by Le Cren (1954). His tagging of char involved placing metal tags in locations near the dorsal fin. Although the incision at the point of tag insertion was visible and the tag could be felt beneath the skin, it could not be seen through the pigmentation of the back. An electronic tag detector device was developed for application with the above tag (Moore and Mortimer, 1954). Bertelsen ^ of Denmark has been using plastic subcutaneous tags on plaice. Of 1,150 young plaice tattooed for detec- tion and tagged for identification, 438 were reported returned, with only two of these showing tag loss. The belly was chosen as the best location for the subcutaneous tag on trout. There is little if any black pigmentation here to obscure the tag and through careful tagging procedures the tag can be placed above the white guanine pigment layer (Figure 1). Inasmuch as most sports- men turn the fish belly up in cleaning, the likelihood of their seeing the Personal communication. Dr. E. Bertelsen, Danmark.s Fiskeri-og- Harundersg-elser, Charlottenlund Slot, Charlottenlund, Denmark. xJS^Bk ' mttk FIGURE 1. The location and appearance of a vinyl tag recently placed beneath the belly skin of a rainbow trout. Photograph by Edwin P. Pisfer, January, 1957. SUBCUTANEOUS TAG FOR TROUT 203 tag in this position is greatly increased. This section of the body experi- ences minimum body movement and therefore irritation due to body movement is minimal. Induced mortality through blood loss or inter- ference with vital organs may be expected to be minimal because of the fat deposits and lowered blood supply to this part of the body. It was found that this tag location permits ease of handling fish during the tagging operation. TAG DESCRIPTION AND PLACEMENT The tags are prepared from soft upholsterer's yellow vinyl plastic.^ The tag is 2^ to 3 mm. wide, 20 mm. long, and 0.018 inch thick. It is believed that a thickness between 10 and 15 thousandths would be more desirable. The tag is rounded at both ends and care is used in the manu- facture to avoid am' ragged ends or sharp projections. All tags have been marked with Vinyl Stamping Black number 104X5A4 of the California Ink Company, San Francisco, California. The tags have a number plus the word "Return" on one side and on the opposite side is printed "C. F. G. Sacto." to indicate return to the California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento. Two studies have used reward tags and these have been prepared with the words "Reward $5" on one side instead of the number. During the first year of field application several tliousand tags were prepared by hand. It is now possible to obtain these tags from Howitt Plastics Company, Route 2, Box 61-B, Molalla, Oregon. The principal tool for tagging is ])repared from a Bard and Parker No. 7 scalpel handle fitted with a No. 12 blade (Figure 2A). These can be obtained from any surgical supply house. The handle is filed down to a flat blade 1 mm. thick, 4 mm. wide, and approximately 30 mm. long (Figure 2B). The handle is then bent to form a U-shape (Figure 2C). The end opposite the No. 12 blade, which is used to form the tag pocket, is finely sharpened on the outer surface. The tool is then butfed to a high polish, so as to permit a smooth and rapid operation of tag pocket formation. Subcutaneous tagging would be quite difficult without placing the fish under anesthesia. Trieaine methanesulfonate (M.S. 222) is being used very effectively for this purpose. A concentration of ^ gram/gallon at 50 degrees F. prepares fish for the operation within 30 seconds. Four to five fish are anesthetized at a time. As the temperature increases it is necessary to reduce the number of fish exposed to this concentra- tion for a given time or else reduce the concentration to something less than one-half gram per gallon. At this concentration fish should not be exposed to the solution for periods in excess of three minutes. At lower concentrations or lower temperatures trout may be held longer without harm. Each situation reciuires some experimentation and adjustment. Chlorobutanol has been tried and, although very effective in relaxing the fish for some hatchery operations, such as spawning, excessive move- ment occurs during an operation of this type. 3 The plastic was obtained from three different manufacturers. In each case its exact physical properties and chemical composition could not be obtained. As these prop- erties may influence retention, toxicity, etc., it is necessary to test these qualities for each lot of plastic used. 204 CAIJFORNIA FISH AND GAME C.E.C. FIGURE 2. The steps in forming the subcutaneous tagging tool: A, Bard and Parker No. 7 handle for a No. 12 blade; B, The handle is filed down to a flat blade 1 mm. thick, 4 mm. wide, and approximately 30 mm. long; C, The handle bent into a U-shope with the end oppo- site the blade sharpened on the outer surface. Drawings by Cliffa Corson. A narrow incision perpendicular to the body axis and not exceeding 4 mm. in length is made left of the sagittal line and slightly anterior of the ventral fins (Figure 3A). In making the incision it is necessary that the No. 12 blade be held nearly flat, not exceeding 30 degrees in elevation from the body axis. Possibilities of cutting the musculature are thereby greatly reduced and the resulting tapered incision seems to facilitate more rapid healing than could be obtained with a perpen- dicular cut. The pocket for the tag is started by carefully inserting the opposite end of the tagging tool (Figure SB), followed by pressing forward and gently upward simultaneously (Figure 3C). Care must be exer- cised to avoid bruising the tissues or cutting through the skin. If the tool is properly sharpened and bulfed the white pigment is cleanly separated from the outer skin layer with moderate upward pressure. The tag is picked up with flattened forceps, immersed in isopropyl alcohol, and immediately pushed to the forward end of the pocket (Figures 3D and E). Any excess alcohol is not removed from the tag. If the incision is made as above certainly less than one percent of the fish tagged will show any signs of bleeding. Bleeding generally indicates improper placement, poor incision, and/or poor pocket prep- aration. It was found that incisions made on the right-hand side of the belly generally cut blood vessels. No check was made to determine what effect tagging on the right-hand side of the body would have on mortality. Although the above procedure may seem tedious and time consum- ing, it was found that within half a day of tagging all field men were capable of tagging one fish per minute. "With good tools and a eon- SUBCUTANEOUS TAG FOR TROUT 205 c Ul -o •~ c E E 0 o 0 o ■ n) 0 n .^ >s o c 01 Q. O -n ♦" a c o o o »rt r c X (11 o -n a a o o J2 a T3 c i umber of days after planting Tr»tal« 0-13 14-27 28-41 42-69 70-140 Tas lost 8 (6.7) 112 (93.3) 44 (30.3) 101 (69.7) 62 (40.. 5) 91 (59.5) 37 (57.8) 27 (42.2) 17 (45.9) 20 (54.0) 168 Tag retained (32.4) 351 (67.6) Totals 120 145 153 64 37 519 * Numbers in parentheses are percentages based upon the total returns within each time series. taj?; (d) blocking- of circulation ihrough the covering tissues by the width of the tag. The contents of the typical blister were examined from two blistered tag areas, Practically no bacteria were found. In examining the lateral and deeper tissues around the tag incision, there was no obvious tissue infection. Inflammation was local. In these studies two groups of fish, longitudinal control and transverse control, were included. Both groups underwent anesthetization, incision, and tag pocket formation. The only difference between these control groups and the tagged groups was simply that the control groups were without tags. None of the controls developed blistering or showed any signs of irritation. Complete healing was noted within two weeks. Simultaneously with the above work on the bacterial aspects, two- year-old brood stock were tagged at one of the hatcheries. The plastic tags used were covered with a three percent aureomycin ointment. Blisters occurred in almost every instance and if bacteria were causa- tive in blister formation aureomycin was ineifective. Tags on this group of 60 brood stock fish, although slightly larger (6 x 17 mm.), were well retained two years later in 8 out of 10 fish examined March, 1957 (Figure 4). Tests were run to determine whether or not blister formation was the result of toxicity and/or tag irritation. To check these factors it was necessary to obtain a soft material of known low toxicity from which tags could be made. The closer the flexibility of the material could ap- proach that of tissue the less likelihood there would be of irritation. Various silicone products meet these requirements. They have a very low order of toxicity (Rowe, Spencer, and Bass, 1948), and are substan- tially without effect on the human body (McGregor, 1953). As a group they maintain a very pliable state over a range of temperature far beyond the temperature range of water. A silicone, ''Silastic" S-97-11, was obtained from the Dow Corning Company for this test. Individual fish were tagged with "Silastic" and w'ith the vinyl plastic subcutaneous tag. Observations made 19 days later showed typical blistering around both tags. Blistering, therefore, was not due to toxicity and if due to irritation this factor had been reduced as much as possible. 208 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME FIGURE 4. The presence of a two-year-old tag indicated by pigment deposition prior to its removal. Phofograph by George Bruley, February, 1957. The last aspect of experimentation concerned itself with broad (5 mm.) vs. narrow (3 mm.) tags. During field work several hundred fish were tagged using two tag sizes : 3 x 20 mm. and 5 x 15 mm. Ran- dom observations of these fish 15 days later at the hatchery, just prior to planting, indicated the narrow tag to be superior to the broad tag (Table 3). Four tags had been lost from the broad tagged group and TABLE 3 The Quality of Subcutaneous Tag Retention as Determined From Random Observations of Tagged Fisti Held for 15 Days Prior to Planting Tag size in mm. Tag retention quality Good Fair Poor Lost Narrow (3 x 20). Broad (5 x 1.5).. 10 14 3 16 there were no observed losses in the narrow tagged group. Chi square analysis of tag returns in these two groups six months later demon- strated a significant difference between the returns of narrow and broad tags. The narrow tags returned at a significantly higher rate. SUBCUTANEOUS TAG FOR TROUT 209 At the time the third hatchery experiment was begun, conclusions concerning bacterial infection had not been established. A series of tests was made, using both broad and narrow tags, in conjunction with specific treatment for the incision. Three types of treatment were made : isopropyl alcohol alone, alcohol and terramycin, and alcohol and sul- famerazine. In each instance the tag was dipped in alcohol and those receiving terramycin or sulfamerazine were then covered with either of these substances. Subsequent observations made on the third and seventh week and the last day of the experiment (Table 1) indicated that alcohol alone was effective in greatly improving tag retention. Tags in each instance were not accompanied by blistering and most of them could be verv cloarlv read through the skin. There was no sign of irritation. The alcohol may hasten the healing and formation of adhesions around the tag and incision. MORTALITY Values for the effects of tags on mortality have been obtained from tagged and untagged fish held in hatchery raceways. Those trout with longitudinal tags showed only one dead fish out of 56 for a period of 69 days, compared with two dead fish from the longitudinal control group (Table 4). There is no way of knowing what happened to the missing fish. Loss may have been tlirough prcdation or escapment into other sections of the raceway. The transverse tag group had one death, TA3LE 4 The Comparative Mortality of Tagged and Untagged Trout for a Period of 69 Days Type of tagging and control rNumber of fish Missing Known dead Longitudinal tag Longitudinal control Transverse tag Transverse control-. Unmarked control-,. Fin clip control 56 56 23 23 5 15 compared with no deaths in the transverse control group. One death was observed in the fin clipped control group. It has been observed consistently that rainbow trout feed readily after tagging. As soon as they regain their equilibrium following an- esthetization they are very active. Short-term observations of mortality have been made in the various hatcheries where the tagged fish have been held a few days prior to planting. From 1,200 fish tagged for one plant, one loss was observed during the three days prior to planting. This loss occurred during the actual tagging operation. Of the 980 tagged at Castle Lake, three losses occurred during tagging. No addi- tional losses were noted five days later when planted. It seems that the initial mortality from tagging is related directly to the tagging procedures and it has been observed that if temperatures of the anesthetic solution are appreciably higher than the hatchery 210 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME water, they may adversely affect the fish. It is important that the tem- perature of the anesthetic solution be maintained as near as possible to that of the hatchery water. At the recommended concentration of ^ gram/gallon at 50 degrees F. too long au exposure to the solution may cause death. Once gill movement ceases completely care must be used to return the fish as rapidly as possible to the hatchery water. The higher the concentration of M.8. 222, tlie higher the temperature, and the longer the exposure to the anesthetic, the greater danger there is of losing fish. GROWTH Inasmuch as most of the returns from catchable trout are obtained in the first two or three weeks after planting, there is little opportunity to determine the effect of the tag on growth after planting. Values that liave been obtained were taken from fish in the hatchery experiments. The mean growth increment is that recorded for all the fish at the conclusion of each experiment (Table 5). In the 135-day test the mean growth increment was 1.8 inches and the range was from 1.4 to 2.3 TABLE 5 The Growth of Longitudinally Tagged and Untagged Rainbow Trout From Two Hatchery Experiments Type of tag or control Broad yellow vinyl.. No incision control-. Incision control Narrow yellow vinyl Broad yellow vinyl.. Number of fish at end of study 12* 50 50 10 15 Mean growth increment 1 . 8 inches 1 . 8 inches 1 . 6 inches 1 . 8 inches 1 . 7 inches Length of study in days 135 61 61 01 61 * Poaching following 69 days of protected retention greatly reduced the original number of 56 trout. inches. In the Gl-da}" test, in which controls were run with the narrow and broad tagged groups, there was no striking difference in the mean growth rates, although fish with the broad tags had a much wider range, 0.7 to 2.6 inches. Growth obtained from four-year-old brood stock tagged two years ])revious]y was all positive. These fish, originally 14^ to 16 inches long, showed growth increments from 2| to 5 inches for the two-year period. It may be concluded that in the hatchery, growth is not hampered Ijy tlie tag nor by the incision. Inasmuch as these values were obtained under hatchery conditions, they may not be applied with certainty to lake or stream conditions. Conclusive testing should be done if a long- term tag return is expected. APPLICATION TO FIELD PROBLEMS During the past two years the vinyl subcutaneous tag has been used on groups of trout planted in sevei'al different tj'pes of waters. The publicity given to these studies has varied from virtually none to very intense. The fact that greater numbers have been returned voluntarily than have been checked or picked up by creel checkers indicates that the tag is readily seen. SUBCUTANEOUS TAG FOR TROUT 211 Studies on catchable trout using this tag will be published upon at a later date. DISCUSSION The subcutaneous tag is demonstrating its usefulness in the catch- able trout program in California. The tag is readily seen by sportsmen. Tag loss has been shown not to be a serious consideration in the high angling intensity waters. Since 80 to 90 percent of the trout to be taken are removed within a period of two to three weeks, definitive measures of long-term tag loss cannot be obtained. The tagging method developed is yet to be used in a long-term tag- ging study. Desirable qualities which have been demonstrated for this particular type of tag are: (1) the tag does not affect growth rate of rainbow trout under hatchery conditions and may be expected not to hinder growth under lake and stream conditions; (2) the tag and the tagging procedures described are not of themselves effective in increasing mortality; (3) fish may grow without outgrowing the size of the tag; (4) the tag will not catch upon any object in the stream or lake; there- fore, it is particularly valuable where tag loss may be expected through netting or contact with heavv brush. '■fe ACKNOWLEDGMENTS One of the problems of inserting vinyl plastic tags was overcome through the valuable suggestion offered by E. D. Le Cren of the Fresh- water Biological Association, Ambleside, Westmoreland, England. He suggested the use of a philatelist's tool for tag pocket formation. The idea was adapted to the modification of the Bard and Parker blade and handle. The interest shown by C. S. Kabel of the California Department of Fish and Game was productive through his suggestion of using the Bard and Parker surgical instrument. J. H. "Wales of the California Department of Fish and Game kindly cared for one group of experi- mental fish and examined the blisters found on tagged fish for bacterial infection. His interest and active participation in this respect and at Castle Lake were gratefully received. Sincere appreciation is expressed to E. Bertelsen for the encouragement and presentation of unpublished data concerning vinyl plastic tag application on plaice. The chi-square analysis on narrow vs. broad tags made by H. K. Chadwick of the California Department of Fish and Game was valuable in emphasizing a more careful examination of narrow tag application. Without the pleasant and very cooperative assistance of California Fish and Game hatchery foremen A. J. WeaA'er, L. C. Hume, and R. Bliss, the experimental hatchery work would have been virtually im- possible. SUMMARY A subcutaneous vinyl plastic tag has been developed and is in current use in California. The tools and method of tagging are described and it has been demonstrated that the technique can be effectively learned in a relatively short time. Optimum tagging rate may be expected to be near 100 tags per hour. 212 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Hatchery experimentation and field observations have demonstrated the following: (1) blistering ma}^ be the most serious problem related to tag- retention; (2) blistering is not due to vinyl plastic toxicity, bac- terial infection from the tools and/or the tag, or tag irritation; (3) differences in mortality between tagged and untagged fish could not be demonstrated; (4) the growth observed with various groups of hatch- ery fisli was not hampered by tag application; (5) the experimenta- tion has demonstrated that of the various methods and materials used the narrow tag plus isopropyl alcohol provides the best tag retention; (6) the tag can be seen b}- fishermen. Greater numbers are returned voluntarily than are checked or picked up by creel checkers. No long-term tests in lakes and streams have yet been conducted to determine how effective the tag is for such fisheries. REFERENCES Le Cren, E. D. 1954. A subcutaneous tag for fish. Jour, du Conseil. vol. 20, no. 1, p. 72-S2. McGregor, R. R. 1953. Silicones in pharmacy. Pharm. Internat., vol. 7, p. 24-26, 63. Moore, AV. H., and C. H. Mortimer 1954. A portable instrument for the location of subcutaneous fish-tags. Jour, du Conseil, vol. 20, no. 1, p. 83-86. Rounsefell, George A., and W. Harry Everhart 1953. Fishery science : Its methods and applications. New York, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., xii -f- 444 p. Rowe, V. K., H. C. Spencer, and S. L. Bass 1948. Toxicological studies on certain commercial silicones and hydrolyzable silane intermediates. Jour. Indust. Hvgiene and Toxicologv, vol. 30, no. 6, p. 332-352. CLASSIFICATION, VARIATION, AND DISTRIBUTION OF THE SCULPINS, GENUS COTTUS, INHABITING PACIFIC SLOPE WATERS IN CALIFORNIA AND SOUTHERN OREGON, WITH A KEY TO THE SPECIES' C. RICHARD ROBINS The Marine Laboratory, University of Miami Coral Gables, Florida and ROBERT RUSH MILLER Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 213 METHODS 214 KEY TO SPECIES OF COTTL S OF THE PACIFIC SLOPE OF CALIFORNIA AND SOUTHERN OREGON 218 SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT 219 Cotfus tenuis 219 Coitus asperrimus 223 Coitus princeps 224 MATERIAL EXAMINED 225 NOTES ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF OTHER SPECIES 226 Coitus klainathensis 226 Coitus aleuticus 227 Coitus gulosus 228 Coitus asper 229 ZOOGEOGRAPHICAL IMPLICATIONS 229 SUMMARY 231 LITERATURE CITED 231 INTRODUCTION The sculpiiis of the genus Coitus comprise one of the most perplexing groups of North American freshwater fishes. Variation is so marked and often so haphazard that interpretation of the species limits is fre- quently difficult. Moreover, many of the numerous nominal forms are based on a few poorly preserved specimens and inadequate descriptions. Perhaps for these reasons, few systematic contributions on Coitus have been made in recent years. That by Bailey and Dimiek (1949) added substantially to our knowledge of western sculpins when they separated 1 Submitted for publication February, 1957. Contribution from The Marine Laboratorj', University of Miami, Number 176, and from tlie Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. ( 213 ) 214 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME their new species, C. huhdsi, from C. rhotheus and discussed briefly other western forms. Sculpius form an important component of the stream fauna through much of the West. They are particularly common in colder waters and are often reported in conjunction with studies on trout and salmon. The acquisition of new material and a review of type specimens at the United States National Museum and at Stanford University now permit a more complete discussion of the several species from the upper parts of the Klamath and Pit rivers of Oregon and Cali- fornia. In addition, we present a key to the species of Cottus now known from the Pacific drainage of California and southern Oregon and dis- cuss their nomenclature. The existing difficulty in identifying the numerous species has led to considerable confusion in the literature and so our primary purpose at this time is to provide an acceptable classification at the species level. The delineation of subspecies awaits more exhaustive studies, both in the field and laboratory. Leonard P. Schultz, Ernest A. Lachner, and Robert H. Kanazawa liaA-e kindly made available material and working space at the United States National Museum. George S. Myers, Margaret Storey, and Nor- man J. Wilimovsky similarly aided us at the Stanford Natural History ^luseum. Edward C. Eaney loaned specimens from Cornell University. To Reeve M. Bailey and Carl L. Hubbs appreciation is expressed for permission to use field notes. Joseph H. Wales obtained the excellent series of C. asperrimvs from Hat Creek. We are indebted to "\^adimir Walters for notes on the types of C. alcuticus and C. shasta at Stanford University. The following museum abbreviations are employed : CU, Cornell Uni- versity; UMMZ, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology; SNHM, Stanford Natural History Museum; and USNM. United States Na- tional Museum. The number of specimens and their range in standard length is given in parentheses after each museum number. METHODS Counts and measurements have been taken by the methods described by Hubbs and Lagler (1947, p. 8-15) except as noted below. Dorsal and Anal Soft Rays. Hubbs and Lagler (1947, p. 10) recom- mend that the last two elements of the dorsal and anal fins be treated as one ray. Upon dissection it is found that in many groups of fishes the last two rays stem from a single interspinal series, whereas each preceding series supports only one ray. This method of counting is well founded in such groups. In the genus Cottus, the dorsal and anal rays are unbranehed in most species and. as described above, the last two rays are often close together and stem from a single interspinal series (Figure 1, B). Occasionally, however, this last interspinal bears three very closely approximated rays, the first well developed and the last two splint-like (Figure 1, C). In each instance the rays which arise from the last interspinal are considered one. An important variation occurs when the last ray is well developed, well separated from the preceding ray, and stems from its own interspinal (Figure 1, A). Were this a rarity or of equally probable occurrence in all populations, then SCULPIN STUDIES 215 the arbitrary rule of counting the last two rays as one would introduce only a negligible and random error. Unfortunately, this is not the situation, for when this variant occurs it is likely to involve the entire sample. Moreover, it is the prevalent condition in such forms as C. tenuis (Figure 1, A; also Evermann and Meek, 1898, p. 83, fig. 6) and C. cognatus (Greeley, 1928, pi. 7), and is unusual in most other species (Figure 1, B and C), as exemplified by C. liubhsi (Bailej^ and Dimick, 1949, pi. 1). Careful dissection reveals that a very small and completely imbedded splint ray is often present in the variants; sometimes the last ray is truly single. To count the last two rays as one under these circumstances leads to apparent population differences of one ray, a large variation in this feature, when no such differences actually exist. To count every ray, no matter how small, leads to an equally biased result. In this study the last two (or three) rays are counted as one only when they stem from a single interspinal. With experience, the true situation is easily seen by noting the degree of separation of the rays : they are very close together when they stem from a common interspinal and equally far apart when they arise from separate interspinals. If there is uncertainty, an incision is made along the bases of the last several rays to expose the interspinals. In this manner unbiased counts may be made with little chance of error. FIGURE 1. Second dorsal fin of Coiius, showing the variation in enumeration of rays (for clarity, segmentation is omitted). A, every element is counted; B, last tv^o elements counted as 1; C, last three elements counted as 1. Pelvic Bays. Every ray is counted no matter how rudimentary. Since a hidden spine is closely appressed to the first soft ray in all forms of Cottus, this element is not enumerated. Branching of Soft Bays. In those species in which the pectoral and pelvic rays are branched, the branching occurs typically at or near the tips. The lower rays of the pectoral fin are never branched and the first ray of the pelvic fin often is simple. Branching is correlated with growth of the fins; thus, young individuals may have simple rays (though flattened and fraj^ed at the tips), whereas branched rays are characteristic of the adult. Usually only a few elements are involved in the branching of dorsal and anal rays. Lateral-line Pores. The first pore counted is the first one behind the union of the opercular membrane to the body. When the lateral line is 216 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME developed outo the tail, the last pore counted is the one directly over or iramediateh' in front of the posterior edge of the hypural plate. The lateral line is termed complete when it reaches this point. When it is incomplete, everj' pore is counted. This count is reliable on adult fish onl}'; in the present study no fish smaller than 40 mm. in standard length was used. Ilead-pore Arrangement. Useful and important differences (unpub- lished) have been noted by the writers in their studies of this group. Although we are most concerned with the infraorbital and preopereulo- mandibular canals, in this study we present in Figure 2 a schematic AN PN S0_L-5 L-l FIGURE 2. Schematic drawing of the head-pore arrangement in a hypo- thetical species of Coitus. A, lateral view. AN, anterior nasal pore; PN, posterior nasal pore; SO, supraorbital canal; L-1, L-5, lateral-canal pores 1 and 5; PM-5, pore 5 of preoperculo-mandibular canal. B, dorsal view. N, nasal openings; lO, infraorbital canal (IO-1 = pore 1); L, lateral canal; PM, preoperculo-mandibular canal; OP, opercular canal (often lack- ing); ST, supratemporal canal; COR, coronal pore; INT, interorbital pore. SCULPIN STUDIES 217 outline of the entire cephalic canal system of a hypothetical species of sculpin. It is hoped that these features will be investigated by other workers and that this outline will serve as a basis for comparison. The terminology is after Hubbs and Cannon (1935) as modified by Illick {1956). In contrast with Illick {op. cii., p. 206, fig. 1) we enumerate the pores of the lateral canal from the attachment of the gill mem- brane forward (the more anterior pores are absent in many species) and distinguish between the pores of the lateral and infraorbital canals. For a critical review of this topic the reader is referred to Illick {op. cit.) and the references cited therein. Infraorhital Pores. The pore which often is present on the lateral canal at its junction with the infraorbital canal is not counted. Freopercnlo-mandihular Pores. Every pore below the lateral canal is counted. In most species the two preoperculo-mandibular canals do not unite on the chin and each has 11 pores, as indicated by the formula 11-11. In some species these canals are united on the chin and share a median chin pore (pore count — 10-1-10, Figure 3. A). In others the uppermost of the two post-maxillary pores, behind the corner of the mouth (Figure 3, B; also pi. 1 in Bailey and Dimick, 1949), is absent (pore count = 10-10). When both conditions exist the pore count is expressed as 9-1-9. 6-7(P0ST MAX.) 5 A FIGURE 3. Ventral view of chin of Cof/us. A, postmaxillary pore double, chin pore single, count = 10-1-10. B, postmaxillary pore single, chin pore double, count = 10-10. Combina- tions of these conditions yield counts of 9-1-9 and 11-11. Prickles on the Body. The presence or absence of prickles on the l)od3^, and their distribution, has been used to characterize almost every species of Cotiiis. The considerable constancy which this feature exhibits within most populations undoubtedly led to its employment as a systematic tool. So much variation occurs between populations of most species, however, that its geographic constancy in one or two forms, such as C. prince ps, is difficult to evaluate. A correlation with habitat has been noted. Within a given species, samples from mountain brooks are naked or have many fewer prickles, whereas lake populations ex- hibit the most extensive prickles. The first prickles to appear and the ones lost last are those mesial to the pectoral fin. 218 CALIFORNIA FISH AND OAME Preopercular Armature. This feature behaves much like the body prickles. In species which inhabit mountain brooks as well as lakes, the lake samples have the longer, sharper, and generally better- developed spines. The armature is totally absent in some populations of several mountain forms. Armature, like body prickles, may greatly assist in the identification of species at any one locality, but is often unreliable for relating or distinguishing allopatric forms. In order to facilitate the identification of the species of Coitus in southern Oregon and California (Pacific slope), we present the follow- ing key. The data are based on studies of material from throughout the known ranges of all the species. KEY TO SPECIES OF COITUS OF THE PACIFIC SLOPE OF CALIFORNIA AND SOUTHERN OREGON = 1. Pelvic rays 3-3; palatine teeth absent; some pectoral rays branched: lateral line incomplete 2 1. Pelvic rays 4-4 (if 3-3 then lateral line complete) ; palatine teeth present or absent ; pectoral rays branched or not ; lateral line variable 3 2. Two or 3 (usually) preopercular spines, the uppermost relatively long and pointed, the next lower typically recurved at tip ; lateral line more com- plete, usually extending to or beyond base of last dorsal ray (see text for variability) ; ventral surface of head and abdomen nearly immacu- late G- tenuis 2. One or 2 (at most) preopercular spines, the uppermost comparatively short and blunt, the next lower not recurved at tip and usually weak ; lateral line less complete, not extending beyond base of third from last dorsal ray ; ventral surface of head liberally sprinkled with melano- phores C". asperrimus 3. Lateral line usually complete, with 28 or more pores (if fewer, palatine teeth present) ; palatine teeth variable ; pectoral rays unbranched ; dorsal spines 8-9 5 3. Lateral line incomplete (usually with 15-25 pores but higher in klam- athensis below Klamath Falls); palatine teeth absent; some pectoral rays branched; dorsal spines 5-7 (rarely 8) 4 4. Preoperculo-mandibular pores 10-1-10 ; infraorbital pores 7-7 ; preopercular armature much reduced or absent ; dorsal soft rays usually 20-21 ; head pores much enlarged (larger than nasal openings) C.princeps 4. Preoperculo-mandibular pores 10-10 ; infraorbital pores 8-8 ; upper pre- opercular spine well developed (2 accessory spines often present below it) ; dorsal soft rays usually 18-19; head pores small (smaller than nasal openings) C klamathensis ^ 5. Anal rays usually 17-18, pectoral rays modally 16 (often 17), dorsal rays 19-22 ; palatine teeth present and well developed C. asper 5. Anal rays 12-15, pectoral rays modally 15, dorsal rays 16-18 (if more, pala- tine teeth absent) ; palatine teeth variable 6 6. Pelvic fins long (when depressed, reach anus) ; palatine teeth absent; dorsal soft rays 17-20, total dorsal elements usually 27-29 ; caudal ver- tebrae 24-27 - G- aleuticus * 6. Pelvic fins short (when depressed, usually fall far short of anus) ; palatine teeth variable; dor.sal rays 16-18 (rarely 19), total dorsal elements usu- ally 26 or fewer ; caudal vertebrae 21-24 C. gulosus -C. beldingi has been reported only once from the Sacramento River basin (Rutter, 1908, p. 147), based on a collection taken prior to 1900. To our knowledge, the species does not now occur in this drainage. 3 Including C. macrops, see text. * Including C. protrus^is, see text. s Including C. shasta, see text. 5 SCULPIN STUDIES 219 SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT Cotfus tenuis (Tables 1 and 2) Uranidea tenuis. Evermann and Meek, 1898, p. 83-84, fig. 6 (origi- nal description ; type locality : lower end of Upper Klamath Lake, near Klamath Falls, Oregon). Cottus tenuis. Rutter, 1908, p. 145 (comparison with C asperrima [sic]). Hubbs and Schultz, 1932, p. 50 (compared with tuhulatus). Hubbs and Miller, 1948, p. 69 (relationship to asperrimus indicated). Bailey and Dimick, 1949, p. 15 (comparison with C. Jiul)hsi). The drawing of the type (Evermann and ]\Ieek, 1898, p. 83, fig. 6) does not accurately depict the body form since the figure represents a recently spawned and much emaciated individual. The undivided last dorsal and anal ray, the profuse branching of the upper pectoral rays, the long lateral line and the preopercular armature are correctly fig- ured. The short spinous dorsal fin is contiguous with the soft dorsal but the two are never broadly joined. In most specimens several of the dor- sal and anal soft rays are branched. The pelvic rays are branched distally in all but a few of our specimens, mostly young (see material examined), a condition noted by us in only one other species (C asper- rimus). Frequency distributions of fin-raj- counts and numbers of lateral-line pores are presented in Table 2. The lateral line is never complete and generally terminates under the last few rays of the second dorsal fin. Specimens from Sprague River liave a less well developed lateral line than the other populations studied (see Table 1). The head pores have seldom been used in studies on this genus although they are useful in separating many species. In tenuis there are 10-10 pores in the preoperculo-mandibular canals (61 speci- mens), rarely 9-1-9 (6 specimens). The infraorbital canal has 8-8 pores in 61 specimens, with very little variation (8-9 in one and 9-9 in two). The body prickling is quite variable. Lake specimens usuallj^ have the entire upper half of the body covered with fine prickles, while creek specimens have a patch of prickles mesial to the pectoral fin or are entirely naked. The dorsal surface of the head is never prickled. Simi- larly the preopercular armature is best developed in lake examples. Three sharp spines are noted in those from Upper Klamath Lake. Speci- mens from Sprague River retain the three spines but they are shorter and more blunt. Vomerine teeth are present but palatine teeth are lacking in all material examined by us. Caudal vertebrae (including hypural) number 23 (3 specimens), 24 (7), or 25 (1). Compansons and Relationships C. tenuis is most closely allied to C. asperrimus, which inhabits sev- eral tributaries of the Pit River of the Sacramento River system. A comparison of these forms is given under the treatment of asperrimus. No very close relationship is noted with any other species. C. tenuis and C. asperrimus are unique in having branched pelvic rays. C. princeps 220 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME differs from tenuis in having- tlic dorsal fins fused, 4-4 pelvic rays, 7 dorsal spines, 20-21 dorsal soft rays, a less complete lateral line, mucli enlar-icd head pores, 7-7 infraorbital ^lores. 1()-l-]0 preoperculo-nian- dibvUar pores, and in numerous other ways. C. klamathensis shares with tenuis an absence of palatine teeth and similar head-pore counts. It differs in having- more numerous dorsal spines (usually 7) 4-4 pelvic rays, a less complete lateral line (15-22 pores), and a broad union of the dorsal fins (Gilbert, 1898, fig. on p. 10). Limited material of klamath- ensis from below Klamath Falls shows a better-developed lateral line. As discussed below, we treat ma crops and klamathensis as conspecific. C. gulosus, an extremely variable form, has 4-4 pelvic rays, 8-9 dorsal spines, unbranched rays in all fins and a more complete lateral line (usually 32-36 pores). Evermann and Meek (1898, p. 83) ally tenuis and C. marginatus, probably on the basis of two features which they share: 3-3 pelvic rays and a lack of palatine teeth. The pelvic rays of marginatus are not branched, however, and it has 10-1-10 preoperculo- mandibular pores and 7-9 dorsal spines. In its general physiognomy marginatus appears more closely allied to perplexus and Mamathensis than to tenuis and asperrimus. There is presented in Table 1 a color comparison of prince ps, tenuis, asperrimus, klamathensis, and "macrops", drawn by C. L. Hubbs from freshly collected specimens ; that for the first three species is based on material taken in Upper Klamath Lake (Pelican Bay) on August 14, 1934 (field sta. M34-130), and the notes on asperrimus and "macrops" are based on specimens from the Fall River system near Dana, Califor- nia, taken on August 17, 1934 (field sta. M34-135). Statements in parentheses under asperrimus are our observations where no specific reference to these items appears in Dr. Hubbs' notebook. Geographic Variation Populations from Upper Klamath Lake, Agency Lake-Crooked Creek, and Sprague River — all in the Klamath basin — exhibit some degree of differentiation. We do not feel that these differences are sufficient to merit nomenclatural recognition. Specimens from Agency Lake and Crooked Creek are most similar to the Klamath Lake population but differ in having somewhat fewer dorsal soft rays and pectoral rays. The Sprague River material has a distinctly lower pectoral-ray count and somewhat fewer pores in the lateral line. Habifs An examination of the abundant type material of tenuis, collected on November 3, 1896, reveals many females with enlarged eggs and others which have obviously spawned. This evidence, coupled with Evermann and Meek's (1898, p. 84) reference to a ripe female, definitely shows that tenuis is a fall spawner in Klamath Lake. Geographic Range C. tenuis is restricted to Upper Klamath Lake and its tributaries, Oregon. SCULPIN STUDIES 221 -a-S « bO '" C CO O -. .^■m "?? s S tre tio e >, O 3 j3 a K t; '-S S> £ CO c3 J) S u « a t- e: o O S3 4) o ° Sm 2 3 a o o o C3 at a> J2 t? 2 ^ ■3 S to 'S fc, ojD o n3 0) m Lh o n > >> S, ^ C3 03 M O M.S p M >, c3 03 i W) O — ^ .3 w OS -So c ? o 1> .3 o 03 > o3 =1 ^ ■^ '*^ ^ "^ O >^ 3 a Pi _3 .2 CO p:5 O 00 T) 3 £Ci - o . e § ^ ^ ^ .^ :?"=>, c3 .= ^ £ S « > S "SO) "03 o 3 'd -s o 3 OS CO S o s ^ "^ >, 03 -*J '"* . - O 03 3 C -S ? +^ -3 CO o ^ 13 03 3 — 1^ pa s >> -d c 03 a 3 e o 3 ■qS >i o J x: ^ 03 ^ .t: 33 ■^ O 7( -4-> c fc£ -+^ 03 o -3 O 3 03 •- CO ^ — (D 03 0-T3 t- •W 0 6 03 '^ — 0 0 ^ eq ffl _2 3 0) -»^ 03 O tC 3 «3 0 U3 oi o3 3 0 t^ < P 3 O 3 ^ ti 03 ^ > -a T3 o ■a M 2 t3 as 0 -3 0 ^ 3 g .5 ?=J3 - CO 0 T3 ■^ 3 > -a ■> -c -3 >- -^ /<: CD J2 03 ^ 03 03 MT3 wa .0 J hj 3 ;3 "cS -73 3 =3 Q 099 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 3 O be CO »— 5 3 o o C O I CO -r t^ rf -* f— I f— t CI !-•: cc Ti * o CO 00 IN O (N C) CI C-) CO (N IN O CI •73 a o a 03 * * O •* X o * o — * -H c r- >fl C) 1^ -< >. o ^ 5 o r. u 1. !» ^■^ > o 2 &< « s go ■5 2 Pi"" (N CO o CO 00 0 CI 0 N 9 0 •* a C) 0 n — " CJ ^ ^ Cl CI c5 J »-H o CI c; — L« .r: 0 "» CO ±:~ ^0 - CI ' — » CI CO ' ' ' C> I ■-! I * c) 00 C-. r- o o CO ^ ^ o « c -^ CO 'O I ^ > o ci CO ^ .-I CO CO CO o CO 1-H C) CO * CI ^ o Tf 05 -' "-l ^ -H CS 0 CO 10 0 10 0 C: 00 CO -H CI 1 0 0 1 1 00 1 I 1 ■ ; d 00 09 SCULPIX STUDIES 223 Cottus asperrimus (Tables 1 and 2) Cottus asperrima. Rutter, 1908, p. 14-i-145, fig. 3 (original descrip- tion; type locality: Fall River at Dana, California). Snyder, 1917, p. 82 (synonym of gulosus) . Cottus asperrimus. Hubbs and Schultz, 1932, p. 5 (compared to tuhulatus). Hubbs and Miller, 1918, p. 69 (relationship with tenuis). Bailey and Dimick, 1949, p. 16 (removed from synonymy of C. gulosus). Frequency distributions of fin-ray counts and numbers of lateral-line pores are given in Table 2. C. asperrimus is so similar to tenuis that only the differences between them need to be noted. This similarity must have been suspected by Rutter (1908, p. 145) since he presented a tabular comparison between these two species, but the characters listed by him are slight and do not hold wlien comparable specimens are exam- ined. We note several diagnostic features. Typically, asperrimus has only one well-developed preopercular spine and a blunt knob below it. often absent, whereas tenuis has three preopercular spines. The lateral line is less well developed in asperrimus, generally extending to the base of the second to fifth ray from the last, but reaching to or beyond the last dorsal ray in tenuis. The latter species spawns in the fall, whereas asperrimus evidently spawns earlier (see Habits, below.) The life colora- tion (Table 1) appears to be distinctive and the pigmentation also differs, asperrimus showing profuse chromatophores on the venter, whereas tenuis is nearly immaculate. Although the pelvic, soft dorsal, and anal rays of asperrimus are branched, as in tenuis, the degree of branching seems to be weaker, particularly on the smaller topotypes (UMMZ 130650), than it is in tenuis. The number of preoperculo- mandibular pores is variable. In 19 specimens (including the holotype) the formula is 9-1-9, whereas in 41 specimens (including 2 paratopo- types, SXHM 9968) it is 10-10, as in tenuis. The two forms perhaps warrant only subspecific status, but our material is insufficient to decide this point with assurance. An extensive patch of prickles is present mesial to the pectoral fin, and in most specimens the prickling extends caudad along the body above the lateral line to a point under the middle of the second dorsal fin. Few specimens exhibit such extensive prickling as the holotype (Rutter, 1908, p. 144, fig. 3). The figure of the type errs in showing unbranched pectoral rays and a peculiar head profile. Actually, the ventral contour is flat to the tip of the chin, as in other sculpins, and the dorsal profile turns abruptly downward in front of the eyes. Comparisons C. asperrimus differs from other sculpins in most of the characters which separate them from C. tenuis (see above). The 3 soft rays of the pelvic fins readily distinguish it from klamathensis, which occurs with asperrimus and has 4 pelvic rays. The origin of asperrimus is considered in the zoogeographical dis- cussion. 224 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Geographic Variafion Available material of this species is inadequate to determine the rauo'e of variability but does show that the number of pectoral rays in samples from above the Pit River falls is significantly greater than it is in the one sample from below these falls (15 versus 14, Table 2). Habits Specimens of asperrimns from Hat Creek (below Pit River falls) taken on May 6, 1949, include females with large eggs, suggesting that this species, in contrast with tenuis, is a spring spawner. Geographic Range C. asperrimus is probably restricted to the Pit River portion of the Sacramento River system, for a short distance above and below the falls at Fall River Mills, California. Cottus princeps (Tables 1 and 2) Cottns princeps Gilbert . 1898, p. 12-18, fig. on p. 12 (origmal descrip- tion; type locality: Upper Klamath Lake, Oregon). Evermann and Meek, 1898, p. 83 (specimens from Pelican Bay, Upper Klamath Lake). Hubbs and Schultz, 1932, p. 4-5 (comparison with tuhulatus). Hubbs and Miller, 1948, p. 68 (adaptation to lake life). Bailey and Dimick, 1949, p. 15-16 (compared with huhhsi; characters). Cottus evermanni Gilbert, 1898, p. 11-12, fig. on p. 11 (original de- scription ; type locality : Lost River near Klamath Falls, Oregon) . Hubbs and Schultz, 1932, p. 4-5 (comparison with tuhulatus). Bailey and Dimick, 1949, p. 15-16 (synonymized with princeps, rule of first reviser). C. princeps is one of the most distinctive species in the genus. There are generally 7 dorsal spines, 20-21 soft dorsal rays, 16 anal rays, 4 pelvic rays, 15-16 pectoral rays, and 15-25 lateral-line pores (Table 2). The lateral line is incomplete and ends under the posterior half of the second dorsal fin. The dorsal fins are entirely fused. A few speci- mens show some branched dorsal and anal rays, but this is unusual. The pelvic rays are never branched, whereas the upper pectoral rays are usually, but not always, branched. The pelvic fins are long, reaching the anus when depressed. The body is extensively prickled. Below the lateral line the prickling usually extends caudad to a point about under the center of the second dorsal fin. Above the lateral line the entire body is prickled, except on the caudal peduncle and head. The figures of the types of pjrinceps and evermanni accurately depict the body form and color pattern. The anterior nasal tubes are very- well developed. The head pores are much enlarged ; those of the infra- orbital and preo])erculo-mandibular canals are larger than the nasal openings. The canals are very prominent and cause cavernous openings in the bones through which they pass. All 34 specimens examined have 10-1-10 preoperculo-mandibular pores. Infraorbital pores number 7-7 (12 specimens) or 6-7 (2 specimens). SCULPIK STUDIES 225 The palatine teeth are absent. The preopercular armature is re- duced to one blunt spine. The lower jaw usually projects slightly beyond the upper jaw. We note 24 caudal vertebrae in two specimens and Baile}^ and Dimick (1949, p. 16) recorded 26. Comparisons and Relationships The combination of characters listed aboA'e imparts to princeps a dis- tinctiveness that renders it unmistakable. C. Mamathensis has the dorsal fins partly or completely fused, lacks palatine teeth, and has 4-4 pelvic rays. It differs trenchantly in its lower ray counts (second dorsal rays usually 18-19 instead of 20-21 ; anal rays 13-14 instead of 15-17), its higher number of infraorbital pores (8-8 instead of 7-7), its separate pre- operculo-mandibular canals (pores number 10-10 instead of 10-1-10), its more robust body form, and in many other ways. Distinguishable features for tenuis and aperrimus have already been exi^lained. C. gulo- sus has separate dorsal fins, 13-15 anal rays, 8-9 dorsal spines, 16-18 soft dorsal rays, and a much more complete lateral line (usually 32-36 l)ores). The relationships of princeps are uncertain. The higli number of caudal vertebrae (24-26) places it with aleuticus and asper. It shares with those species a prcopei-culo-niandibular pore count of 10-1-10. G aleuticus apparently never develops palatine teeth, while asper has well developed palatine tooth patches. Like princeps, asper has a long sec- ond dorsal (19-22 rays) and anal fin (15-19 rays). C. aleuticus similarly has a long dorsal fin but has fewer anal rays (12-15, usually 13-14). Both generally have comi)lete lateral lines, although aleidicus is more variable in this respect. The color pattern of asper is suggestive of princeps. The long pelvic fins of aleuticus reach the anus when de- ])ressed, a feature seldom noted in othei- American species of Cottus but characteristic of princeps and several Asiatic species. C. asper is more prone to move inland than is aleuticus, a form common in coastal streams. If princeps is derived from either an asper or aleuticus type, the two have long been differentiated. Its relationships to other Amer- ican species appear to be even more distant. Hahih All females in a series of s]iecimens collected on November 3-5, 1896, by Meek and Alexander (USN]\I 124952), have the ovaries bulging with mature eggs. Geographic Range C. princeps is known only from Upper Klamath Lake and from Lost River (near Klamath Falls), Oregon. MATERIAL EXAMINED Cottus princeps. USNM 48227 (1. 41) holotype ; USNM 48228 (1, 47), holotvpe of C. evermanni. The following are all from Upper Kla- math Lake. Ore.: USNM 124952 (18, 30-68); UMMZ 130627 (14, 30- 44) ; UMMZ 138574 (7, 47-64) ; SNHM 38029 (29, 45-60) ; and SNHM 40744 (2,42-63). 226 CALIFORNIA FISH AXD GAME Cottus tenuis. USXM 48229 (1, 74), holotvpe. All others are para- topotypes: USXM 48280 (38. 25-62); UtSNM 124958 (38, 23-70); USNM 48780 (13, 22-71) ; and SXIIM 5705 (20, 20-44). Additional material examined from Upper Klamath Lake, Ore. : UMMZ 130603 (2. 38-51); V^niZ 130626 (6, 32-49); UMMZ 172293 (4, 26-38) ; and SXHM 9333 (1, 86). Other material: Klamath County, Ore.: UMMZ 130610 (149, 24-80) Crooked Creek; UMMZ 130581 ?9, 20-56) Sprapue River; UMMZ ] 30617 (27, 21-44) Agency Lake, month of Wood River; and SXHM 24185 (11, 36-48) Spring Creek, Shasta Connty, Calif. Cottns asperrimus. USXM 58500 (1, 50 j. holotvpe; USXM 126463 (1, 48), paratopotype ; SXHM 9968 (2, 41-49), paratopotvpes ; UMMZ 130647 (1, 39) Rush Creek, Modoc County, Calif.; UM:\fz 130650 (7, 14-64) Fall River system. Shasta County, Calif.; and UMMZ 158416 (28, 41-89) reservoir on Hat Creek, about 4 miles above its junction with Pit River, Shasta County, Calif. NOTES ON THE CLASSIFICATION OF OTHER SPECIES Coifus klamathens'is Cottus macrops, described from Fall River, California (Rutter, 1908, p. 146-147, fig. 4), has generally been maintained as a valid species (Hubbs and Miller, 1948, p. 69 ;" Bailey and Dimick, 1949, p. 15; and others), although these -writers noted its similarity to Mamathensis. Snyder (1917, p. 82) failed to observe the intimate relationship of macrops and klamathensis and combined both macrops and asperrimus with gulosKS. A careful comparison of the type material of klamathensis and macrops and of fresh collections f)f the two nominal forms fails to reveal differences that we .judge to be of specific value. Rutter recognized the very close relationship between the two but indicated that macrops had a heavier build, a larger eye, the head less pointed, and the dorsal fin somewhat more posterior in position. Our material fails to confirm some of these distinctions (e.g., the larger eye), and we regard other features to be too variable or indicative of ranking below the species level. Like klamathensis, the body prickles in macrops occur on smaller individuals only (up to about 55 mm. standard length), the large adults having the skin entirely smooth. Generally, macrops has only one well developed preopercular spine, with the two accessory spines reduced to blunt kjiobs or absent. In many samples of klamathensis there are individuals that have all three spines developed, others that have only two, but populations from beloAv Klamath Falls are somewhat inter- mediate between klamathensis (above the Falls) and macrops in this feature, having one or two developed spines. Life colors (Table 1) of the two nominal forms indicate no marked differences. The most con- sistent difference we have noted between the two involves the width of the mouth. In macrops, the snout is blunter and the mouth wider (its greatest width enters the anal base 1.2-1.6 times). In klamathensis (above the Falls) the snout is more pointed and the mouth narrower (its greatest width enters the anal base 1.6-2.0 times; in one collection (15 specimens) below the falls, the ratios vary from 1.3-1.8 times). The reliability of this feature is uncertain, and we feel it can be used SCULPIN STUDIES 227 for subspecific separation at most. The two share a preoperculo-mandib- nlar pore count of 10-10, lack palatine teeth, have broadly connected dorsal fins, have the vertical fins similarly marbled and with a black blotch on the posterior membranes of the first dorsal, and have similar fin-ray counts, which mav be summarized as follows : dorsal spines, 6 (1), 7 (25), 8 (6); dorsal soft rays, 18 (10), 19 (21), 20 (1); anal rays, 13 (6), 14 (25), 15 (1) ; pelvic rays, 4-4 (26 fins) ; pectoral rays, 14 (9 fins), 15 (49 fins), 16 (3 fins). The lateral-line pores range from 14-22. These data are based on the following material: USNM 58499 (14, 23-57) syntypes of macrops; USNM 126464 (4, 22-51) svntvpes of macrops; SXHM 24186 (4, 31-57) svntvpes of »mcrops/ USNM 88464 (2, 40-44) Fall River, Calif.; USNM 48266 (1, 118) tvpe of klamathensis ; and CU 21612 (7, 24-76) Shasta Eiver, Calif. "We synonymize macrops with Idamaihensis but note that study of additional features may show them worthy of subspecific rank. Com- jjarison of populations from above and below Klamath Falls shows that those from the lower river (excluding one sample from Shasta River) have a more complete lateral line (this was also noted by Gilbert, 1898, p. 11), and these may represent a third form worthy of naming. Gilbert believed Mamaihcnsis to be most nearly related to perplexus, a view which we share. C. klamathensis affords another example of fishes shared by the upper Klamath and Pit rivers (see discussion of zoogeog- raphy). Cottus aleuticus This species is widespread in coastal streams from central California (northern San Luis Obispo County) to Alaska. As noted by Ilubbs and Schultz (1932, p. 6, table 1) it belongs to those species of Cottns which have many (24-27) caudal vertebrae. In other features it is dis- tinguished by having 10-1-10 preoperculo-mandibular pores, 8-9 dorsal spines, 17-20 dorsal rays (usually 18-19), 12-14 anal rays, 4 pelvic rays, 14-16 pectoral rays, long pelvic fins, no palatine teeth, and few if any prickles. Schultz and Spoor (1933) described C. protrusns from Unalaska Island. They noted its similarity to aleuticus in several fea- tures but contrasted protrusus only with chomherlaini, a very differ- ent form doubtfully distinct from C. cognatus. The holotype (USNM 104496) and a paratopotype (UIVEVIZ 64234) of protrusus were com- pared with the syntypes of aleuticus (SNH^M 2610) from Uiuliuk, Unalaska, and with other specimens from Alaska to California (vari- ously labelled as protrusus, aleuticus, or Uranidea microstoma). No differences signifying other than individual variation were noted. Specimens which exhibit protruding eyes (the basis of protrusus) are known from widely scattered localities and appear even in the syntypic series of aleuticus. Whether this is a response to temperature (improbable) or one induced by disease or parasitism is not known. We regard the condition as an anomaly and, in the absence of any other difference, consider protrusus synonymous with aleuticus. Uranidea microstoma Lockington is preoccupied in Cottus, a fact long known, and was placed in the synonymy of aleuticus when that species was de- scribed. In the course of this study we re-examined the holotype (USNM 26922) and take this opportunity to confirm its identity with aleuticus. 228 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME In snnimariziiig the distribution of this species in California, Ever- niann and Clark (1981, p. 57) overlooked the southernmost record given by Ilubbs (1921, p. 7-8). The presence of aleuticus in northern San Luis Obispo County is confirmed by a recent collection (UMMZ 141194) of 74 specimens from San Carpoforo Jja.iioou, just sonth of the Monterey County line. Shapovalov and Taft (1954, p. 26) record this species from Waddell Creek and (in litt.) note that their extensive collections are deposited in the California Academy of Sciences. Cotfus gulosus It is unfortunate that this variable species, known widely in the Sacramento-San Joaquin drainage and several lesser coastal streams of California, has been considered a subspecies in the Ijairdi complex by recent writers (Hubbs and Wallis, 1948, p. 141-142; Shapovalov and Dill, 1950, p. 387, as C. h. shasta). There is little positive evidence to support this relationship and many reasons for doubting it. We feel that this subspecific allocation has caused considerable confusion and, pend- ing more thorough study, consider gnlosiis a valid species very closely allied to Jmh'bsi. For the present, we feel that the only western forms of Coitus that should be aligned specifically with hairdi are C. &. semisca- her and C. h. iDunctuJatus of the upper Columbia and Colorado rivers, respectively. We agree with Synder (1905, p. 337) that C. shasta and C. gulosus are synonymous. A re-examination of the types (SNHM4193, 3 syntypes of shasta; USNM 291, 2 syntypes^ of gulosus) and other material, in- cluding topotypes, from the range of both forms, fails to reveal any basis for specific separation. The preoperculo-mandibular pore count is quite variable (10-1-10, 10-10, 11-11) but shows no geographic con- sistency. A study of fin-ray couuts and numbers of lateral-line pores indicates no differences between shasta and gulosus but suggests tliat populations in coastal streams from Monterey Bay northward have a much less complete lateral line. TJranidea scmiscahra ccntroplpura Eigcnmann and Eigenmann has never been adequately discussed. Jordan and Evermann (1898, p. 1945) and Evermann and Clark (1931, p. 57) identified it with gulosus. Rutter (1908, p. 145) placed it in the synonymy of asper. Re-examination of the type (USXM 41919, 63 mm. standard length) shows conclusively that this form belongs to the gulosus series. The two dorsals are separate but contiguous. Fin-ray counts are as follows : 8 dorsal spines, 17 dorsal soft rays, 13 anal rays, 13 rays in each pectoral, and 4 rays in each pelvic fin. There are 35 lateral-line pores and 10-1-10 preoperculo-man- dibular pores. Palatine teeth are present but not strongly developed. These features are all characteristic of gulosus except the few pectoral rays ; should this low count be typical then subspecific recognition might be warranted for centropleurus. Most of the records of gulosus from Washington and northern Oregon are based on C. perplexus Gilbert and Evermann, a species synonymized with gulosus by Schultz (1930, p. 14). None of these records represents gulosus as we define that species. Counts of the holotype of perplexus, « Jordan and Evermann (1898, p. 1945) erred in listing USNM 290 as types. SCULPIN STUDIES 229 USNM 43387 (1, 71), and of 14 of the paratopotypes, USNM 45388 (24, 18-55), are summarized as follows: dorsal spines, 7 (13 speci- mens)^ 8 (2) ; dorsal soft rays, 18 (4), 19 (5), 20 (2)^; anal rays, 13 (2), 14 (4), 15 (6)^ 16 (3) ; pelvic rays (both fins), 4 (30)^ pectoral rays, 14 (3), 15 (18), 16 (9)^ lateral-line pores, 20 (2) ; 21 (1), 22 (1)^ 23 (1), 24 (3), 26 (1)^; preoperculo-mandibular pores, 10-1-10 (8)'^, 11-11 (1). Two other specimens in the series of paratopotypes are C. rhotheus. In its robust body form, strongly marbled vertical fins, and the joined dorsal fins, C. perplexus seems more closely allied to klamatJie7isis then to gnlosus. The type material lacks palatine teeth but in 39 subtopotypes (UMMZ 93437) these teeth are present or absent. Coifus asper Jordan and Evermann (1898, p. 1945) and Jordan, Evermann and Clark (1930, p. 383) listed Cottopsis parvus Girard in the synonymy of (julosus. Of the four series of specimens recorded by Girard in his sum- mary account (Girard, 1858, p. 54-55), we have located one of the 12 from Petaluma (UMMZ 171133) and three of the four from Fort Reading (USNM 295; 3, 88-103). Since Girard considered only the ma- terial from Presidio in his original description (1854, p. 144-145), the specimens listed above are not types. Nevertheless, study of this mate- rial and of Girard 's description leaves no doubt in our minds that Cottopsis parvus is identical with Cottus asper. Particularly diagnostic are the numerous dorsal and anal rays and the body prickles. A varia- tional study of this widespread species is much needed. Its role as an important predator on juvenile trout and salmon is discussed by Sha- povalov and Taft (1954, p. 293). Their abundant material is included in the collections of the California Academy of Sciences. ZOOGEOGRAPHICAL IMPLICATIONS The mutual occurrence of Cottus klamathensis and the allopatric forms C. tennis and C. asperrimus in the upper Pit and Klamath rivers poses an interesting problem in distribution and origin. A consideration of the fish faunas of the Klamath and Sacramento basins as a whole is necessary to an understanding of the hypothesis proposed below to explain the distribution of the species of Cottus. Despite its geographic position between the Sacramento and Columbia drainages, the fauna of the Klamath basin surprisingly lacks the char- acteristic endemic genera of either of those great river systems (Miller, 1946, table 1). Even Ptycliocheihis, ubiquitous in both the Sacramento and Columbia and with a representative species in streams between the Klamath and Columbia rivers, is absent in the Klamath system. Yet the latter basin has a comparatively rich, highly endemic fauna that is sug- gestive of long isolation (Hubbs and Miller, 1948, p. 68-69, and refer- ences cited). Close relationships are shown, however, between certain fishes of the Klamath Lakes and the Great Basin; for example, the peculiar suckers of the genus Chasmistes and the distinctive chubs as- signed to the genus Siphateles. ^ Holotype. 230 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME In addition to the common bond between the upper Pit and Klamath rivers exemplified by the species of Coitus, there is a dwarf non-para- sitic lamprey (genus Entosphenus) known only from these two regions, and the stream representatives of Siphateles bicolor also show intimate relationship. These similarities call for some kind of past connection between the Klamath system above Klamath Falls and what is now the upper seg- ment of Pit River, including Goose Lake. It is reasonable to assume that the connection was by way of interconnecting streams through a chain of lakes (see Cope, 1883, map opposite p. 166) on the northern part of the Modoc Plateau and that the evidence for the waterway lies buried beneath the extensive Modoc lava flows (Anderson, 1941). That none of the endemic Sacramento forms reported from the upper Pit drainage (e.g., Hesperoleucus, Myloplmrodon, PtycJiocheilus, and Hys- terocarpus) occurs in the Klamath suggests that the connection between these two basins was severed prior to the invasion of the upper Pit region (through headward erosion by Pit Eiver) by these Sacramento types. With this picture in mind, we may envision the origin and differenti- ation of two species of Cottus in the upper Pit as follows. After pene- trating the Klamath basin prior to the formation of Klamath Falls, the ancestors of C. klamafhensis and C. tenuis subsequently crossed the ]\Iodoc Plateau to reach what is now the upper Pit basin and thus attained a wide distribution in these presently disrupted waters. When the connection between the Klamath and Pit rivers was severed, the isolated stocks underwent differentiation, weaker for C. Mamatli- ensis than for C. tenuis, resulting in the evolution of the allpatric form C. asperrimus. With the development of the Pit River falls, the Hat Creek population of asperrimus below the barrier further dif- ferentiated. Although by this hypothesis we regard the Hat Creek population as a downstream derivative of asperrimus, an alternate idea may be considered. This is to regard tenids and the Hat Creek population as peripheral remnants of a single form which has some- what diverged and that the form occupying the old center area has diverged most into what is now called asperrimus. Perhaps future work will show that there are three subspecies of tenuis, one in the upper Klamath, one in the upper Pit, and one in Pit river below the falls. Our material, however, does not permit us to adopt this arrangement but it makes clear the intimate relationship between asperrimus and tenuis. The clear indication of close relationship between the fishes of these two regions with those in the adjacent Great Basin finds support amongst other vertebrate groups, as in birds. The northeastern corner of California, including the upper part of Pit River (mostly above the falls), is ascribed wholly or largely to the Modoc faunal district (of the Great Basin faunal division) by Grinnell (1915, p. 12. pi. Ill) and by Miller (1951, p. 591, fig. 4), a district which obviously extends into the Klamath Lake region. SCULPIN STUDIES 231 SUMMARY The characters, distribution and geoo-raphic variation of C. tenuis, nsperrimiis, and princcpa are treated and nomeiu-latnral notes are given for klamathensis, aleuiicus, gulosus, and asper. Emphasis in this paper has been directed toward working out rela- tionships at the species level. Detailed studies need to be made in order to determine differentiation of subspecific value. C. asperrimus, of Pit River, California, is regarded to be a very close relative of tenuis, limited to the upper Klamath drainage of Oregon and California; further studies may show them to be conspecific. The placement of evermanni in the synonymy of princeps is con- firmed and the possible relationship of this species to aleuiicus and asper is discussed. C. macrops is considered to be conspecific with klamathensis, pro- Irusus is placed in the s^'nonymy of aleuiicus, shasfa is regarded as identical with gulosus, and parvus is synonj-mized with asper. It is urged that the name hairdi not be used for any western forms other than punctulatus, and semiscaher. The application of this name to gulosus has been particularly confusing and does not seem war- ranted in the light of our present knowledge. Uranidea sentiscahra centropleura is aligned with gulosus and may prove to be a valid subspecies. C. perplexus is removed from the synonymy of gulosus and is con- sidered a valid species, but its relationships with klamathensis need to be clarified. The relationships of the fish fauna of the upper Klamath and Pit rivers is emphasized in a section on zoogeography, with a discussion of the origin and dispersal of the species of Coitus common to these two regions. A key to the species of Cottus in the Sacramento and Klamath drain- ages is presented. LITERATURE CITED Anderson, Charles A. 1941. Volcanoes of the Medicine Lake highland, California. Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci., Tol. 25, p. 347-421, figs. 1-l.j, 1 map, pis. 4-9. Bailey, Reeve M., and Mary Fitzgibbon Dimick 1949. Cottus huiisi, a new cottid fish from the Columbia River system in Wash- ington and Idaho. Univ. Mich., Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool., no. .j1::>, p. 1-18, 1 pi., 1 map. Cope, Edward Drinker 1S83. On the fishes of the Recent and Pliocene lakes of the western part of the Great Basin and of the Idaho Pliocene Lake. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila., Proc, 1883, p. 134-166, 1 map. Evermann, Barton Warren, and Howard Walton Clark 1931. A distributional list of the species of freshwater fishes known to occur in California. Calif. Div. Fish and Game, Fish Bull. 35, p. 1-67. Evermann, Barton Warren, and Seth Eugene Meek 1898. A report upon salmon investigations in the Columbia River basin and elsewhere on the Pacific Coast in 1896. U. S. Fish Comm., Bull., vol. 17 (1897), p. 15-84, 6 figs., 2 pis. Gilbert, Charles H. 1898. The fishes of the Klamath basin. U. S. Fish Comm., Bull., vol. 17 (1897), p. 1-13, 6 figs. 232 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Girard, Charles F. 1854. Ol)sprvations upon a collection of fishes made on the Pacific Coast of the United States by Lieut. W. P. Trowbridge, U. S. A., for the Museum of the Smithsonian Institution. Acad. Nat. Sei. Phila., Proc, vol. 7, p. 142-156. 1858. Fishes. In: General report upon the zoology of the several Pacific railroad routes. U. S. Pac. R. K. F>xpl. and Surv., vol. 10, pt. 4, p. i-xiv, 1-400, 21 pis. Greeley, J. R. 1928. Fishes of the Oswego watershed. In: A biological survey of the Oswego River system. New York Conserv. T><'pi.. Siiiiiil. to 17th Ann. Rppt. (1927), "p. 84-107, 12 col. pis. Griunell, Joseph HH.". A distributional list of the birds of California. Cooper Ornith. Club, Pac. Coast Avifauna, no. 11, p. 1-217, 3 pis. Hubbs, Carl L. 1921. Notes on C'otlua naper and Cotfiis riJeulir.uft. Copeia, no. 90, p. 7-S. Hubbs, Carl L., and Mott Dwight Cannon 1935. The darters of the genera Eololepi.i and \ illorfi. Univ. Mich., Misc. Piibl. Mus. Zoo]., no. 30, p. 1-93, 1 fig., 3 pis. Hubbs, Carl L., and Karl F. Lagler 1947. Fishes of the Great Lakes region. Cranbrook Inst. Sci., Bull. 2G, p. i-xi, 1-186, 251 figs., 26 col. pis., 1 map. Hubbs, Carl L., and Robert R. Miller 1948. The Great Basin with emphasis on glacial and postglacial times. II. The zoological evidence. Univ. of Utah, Bull., vol. 38, no. 20, p. 17-166, figs. 10-29, 1 map. Hubbs, Carl L., and Leonard P. Schultz 1932. Cottus tuhulatus, a new sculpin from Idaho. Univ. Mich., Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool., no. 242, p. 1-9. Hubbs, Carl L., and Orthello L. Wallis 1948. The native fish fauna of Yosemite National Park and its preservation. Yosemite Nature Notes, vol. 27, no. 12, p. 131-144, 3 figs. Illick, Helen J. 1956. A comparative study of the cephalic lateral-line system of North American Cyprinidae. Amer. Midi. Nat., vol. 56, no. 1, p. 204-223, 39 figs. Jordan, David Starr, and Barton Warren Evermann 1898. The fishes of North and Middle America. U. S. Nat. Mus., Bull. 47, pt. 2, p. I-XXX, 1241-2183. Jordan, David Starr, Barton Warren Evermann, and Howard Walton Clark 1930. Check list of the fishes and fishlike vertebrates of North and Middle America north of the northern boundary of Venezuela and Colombia, U. S. Comm. Fish., Rept., 1928, pt. 2, p. I-IY, 1-670. Miller, Alden H. 1951. An analysis of the distribution of the birds of California. L'niv. Calif. Publ. Zool., vol. 50, no. 6, p. 531-644, figs. 1-5, pis. 32-40. Miller, Robert R. 1946. The need for ichthyological surveys of the major rivers of western North America. Science, vol. 104, no. 2710, p. 517-519. Rutter, Cloudsley 1908. The fishes of the Sacramento-San .loaquiu basin, with a study of their distribution and variation. U. S. Bur. Fish., Bull., vol. 27 (1907), p. 103-152, 4 figs., pi. 6. Schultz, Leonard P. 1930. Notes on the species of Cottus in western Washington. Copeia, 1930, no. 1, p. 14-15. Schultz, I^onard P., and William A. Spoor 1933. Cottus protrusus, a new sculpin from Unalaska Island. Copeia, 1933, no. 3, p. 142-145. SCULPIN STUDIES 233 Shapovjilov, Leo, and William A. Dill I^.jO. a check list of the fresh-water and auadromoiis fishes of California. Calif. Fish and Game, vol. 36, uo. 4, p. 382-301. Shapovalov, Leo, and Alan C. Taft 1954. The life histories of the steelhead rainbow trout {Sahno gahdneri gaird- iicri} and silver salmon (Oncorht/nchiis kisutch) with special reference to Waddell Creek, California, and recommendations regarding their man- agement. Calif. Dept. Fish and Game, Fish Bull. 98, p^ 1-375, 32 figs. Snyder, John Otterbein 1905. Notes on the fishes of the streams flowing into San Francisco Bay. U. S. Bur. Fish., Rept., 1904. p. 327-338. 1917. The fishes of the Lahontan system of Nevada and northeastern California. U. S. Bur. Fish.. Bull., vol. 35 (1915-16), p. 31-86, 9 figs., pis. 3-5. NOTE THE REPORTED EMERGENCE OF FISHES FROM CALIFORNIA'S SUBTERRANEAN WATERS On the basis of core samples and general stratigraphy, geologists believe that in most parts of California there is small possibility that organisms could emerge alive from underground sources, either through artesian Avells or deep well pumps. If organisms were to emerge alive, they would theoretically have to come through solution channels, which means limestone formations. There is very little of this type of material in California's geological makeup. AYhen fishes emerge from a newlv-di'illed well, one fact usuallv over- looked is that considerable water may be pumped into the shaft during drilling operations. The water acts as a lubricant and is circulated under a pressure head up to 50 pounds. Although we have not tested fishes under pressure, we have found that sticklebacks (Gasterosteiis a. acuhatus) in the laboratory will live for several hours in a heavy mud slurry. Eowley (1955) found that eight-inch rainbow trout {Salmo gairdneri) suffered no ill effects from the application of 200 pounds pressure for 48 seconds. Needless to say, any fish emerging with the drilling water or immediately thereafter must be suspected of having entered the well at the time the water was pumped in. There are three early California records, all questionable. Saxe ^ de- scribed the artesian wells at San Jose, pointing out that fish occasion- ally came from the wells and that sometimes sawdust flowed out with the water. He was satisfied that the fish did not come originally from a subterranean source but that they found their way there from open streams or beds of water through underground channels. Chase (1874a) told of a 143-foot artesian well drilled five feet above high tide line on the beach at Point Hueneme. Pressure forced the w^ater 30 feet into the air, along with thousands of two-inch "trout" (water temperature 64° F.). Smith (1884) reported a l>^-inch stickleback (Gasterosteus acnJeafus wiUiamsoni) coming from the pipe of a 191-foot artesian w^ell at San Bernardino, California. The locations of seven California fish emergence records are shown in Figure 1. Data on four recent fish emergences are given in Table 1. Of these, the Dowd and Cholame ranches have been studied in detail by the writer. For the latter there is ample evidence that the sticklebacks actually did come from the well. Two individuals, Mr. Howard Jack and Mrs. Palmateer Gibson, have described to me their observations of the sticklebacks swimming within the well shaft. The velocity of the artesian flow from the well would have prevented any fishes swimming up to the well. This contradicts the viewpoint of Noble (1952), who 1 Remarks made in the report of the regular meeting of July 18, 1870, of the California Academv of Sciences, reported in the Proceedings, California Academv of Sciences, vol. 4, p. 130. (235) 236 CALIFORNIA I'ISIl AM) (iA.Mi: //Wheatland 1946 Unidentified Fish ' Lincoln 1950 Socramenfo Squawfisli >San Jose 1870 \ Unidentified Fish \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ Shandon 1952 Sfic/(lebocks \ \ Oxnard 1953 Stic/. This c<«mprehensive work is the pntduct of 16 prominent sportsmen who wrote more or less indei»endently. Each chapter has to do with a particular section of the Atlantic seaboard from Xew Brunswick to Florid:^ and the Louisiana marshes. The pturpose of the bc»ok may best be descril>ed by quoting from the preface: "^^Teral years ago L»r. Edgar Burke asked me if I would join him in writing a IxKtk on i>uck Shooting, saying before many more years elapsed few of the men who actually witnessed those memorable old days of market gunning, and the years of sufterb shooting which followed them would be with us. He felt that the time had come to gather as much authentic information of those bygone days as possible and make a wrmanent recxtrd of them for future generations of duck shooters." This bttctk is written expressly for the layman, contains a minimum of scientific terms, and is easy to read. It is printed in the large 8- by 11-inch size, which make the iUusIratioiiis more appealing to the eye. The 12 reproductions in full color of the paintings by Lynn Bogue Hunt and Dr. Burke are superb. It also includes 137 black-and-white plates, falling in two categories: (1) photographs on waterfowl contributed by the Fish and Wildlife Service and ( 2 i photographs on the sh(>oting aspect, hunter success, decoys, blinds, etc. The ithotographs by the Fish and Wild- life Service are excellent in showing waterfowl in their native habitat, but are just added to the Ixtok for interest and do not follow along with the continuity of the story. The first chapter. "Future of Waterfowl", by Fredrick C. Lincoln, and the last chapter. "Waterfowl", by Ludlow Griscom, add greatly to this edition because both of them stress conservation and give even the average reader an inkling there is J, - " ,vl than just shooting them. The ixdnt is brought out time and time fj _ are other influenc-es on waterfowl populations, such as : disease, t: . - habits, migration, etc. ^ , , ,. ;,. „ -: ccdorful and descriptive chapter is the one by Dr. Burke on "Making and Painting L^ecoys". Dr. Burke believes that today's factory made out- T- " " ' 'n quality. If the quality is acceptable, the price i^ , ;: -- on is to make one's own decoys. A very good 3iess :, '.■K'k should be of interest to the gener.-il miblic. — Jnrl- R, Slogson, California I' »i of Fiih aitd Game. A.r.;;- ••e;-;- Bird Guide By Richard H. Pough : 1 y & Company. Inc., New York. 1907: xxxvi-|- 3H) p« 32 c-'-"' ■'■ iT-^^ Ef-kelberrjr, line drawings liv T^rry M. Shortt. The area covered in this rolame approximates some 2i million square miles in ^est- ^' -*h America, inclading the bordering w-eans. It includes the area west of a wn from the Bering Strait and the Arctic Ocean south to the Mexican t«(»rder. fiicH^«mpassing portions of the Dakotas. Nebraska. Kansas. Oklahoma, and Texas. Alth_ ; ,. amount of up-to-date infi>r: been presented. These birds ar-r .rXa-" - tions and black-and-whi*e ---r f i":r-i Of general interest . other large geographica - . ^..j-- -.:_. . index appears to be co: This volume, as well ai tat liv.j yi^ Guide and Audubon Water Bird Gu: .. \„: Society. — John E. Fitch, California Department of Fish and Game. The Book of Flowering Trees and Shrubs By Stanley B. Whitehead : Fre ' ^arne & Co., Ltd., Xe\r York, 1956 ; 244 p., 63 color plates by Joan Ll._ -53.50. Gardeners in Calif'Tni-i and ^^IsAwher^ have ac-cess to descriptive litera" ing a wide variety es. However, there alwaj - big question, what . . . . .. .. color? The Book of Flov, . . and Shrubs answers this important question. A total of 248 varieties of ■ ver- ing plants is oorre- -' - ■ - - soil and exp^-sure : the garden. ; . _ Western _>.. . » . .....„- .......... ..... .: ... ^. ......_._ „_-_ :. .- able to draw upon the vast experience of gardeners in other parts of the world- we shnuld take ' " ' . -^^ • 7 ■ ' " , is a st- " - ira- tion to prv- . - to c» ; - H. Toung, California Department of Fi^h and Game. The Ornithologisfs' Guide Edited by Major ' ■ ' H. P. W. Hutson : Philosophical Library. Inc.. New York, 1956: XX — 27 ■. figs. SIO. This publication is a compilation of 67 shnrr articles, t'ar-h ■written by riue of 46 authors and e its over-a^. ten and concise, but btv.i.-i;^■ ..-f their bre.- ,■ ■^■- ...-. _. tion useful to the scientific worker. One section will ■ • . • ■ of information friji ~ . - referenc-es, omithologicai societie> a. locations of extensive eoUeciions. and some of the leadin? ••'■' "^ -^logists •._ -' - ...^.---..^-c The only regret • viewer is t. nforma- tiou and references ui. oird wat' ' _ :.ei^u which would have been of some aid to f . - . ing on this continent. Technicians in this country may disagree w -:..: _.-^;- on theories and techniques, but on the whole ""The Or; . ie" is a book recom- m^-nded to the amateur ornithologist. — "" ' ■ ' - Ifornia Department of Fi-gh and Game. 242 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Fishes: A Guide to Familiar American Species J>y Herbert >S. Ziiu and Hurst H. Shoemaker; Simoii aud Schuster, New York, 1956 ; IGO p., 278 color drawings. Limp bound $1, de luxe cloth $1.95. Only four inches wide and six inches high, this little book is another addition to the familiar Golden Nature Guide series. Between the covers (be sure to buy the de luxe cloth edition — you'll want this booklet on hand for a long time) in realistic color and often amid native surroundings are 278 species representing most of the families of American bony fishes. Notes on sharks and rays, lampreys and hagfishes, and animals mistaken for fishes are also presented. There is, refreshingly enough, no added emphasis on game fishes. Some of the remaining short, but direct and informative, sections include Parts of Fishes, Adaptations, Scales and Tails, Origin and Development of Fishes, and Amateur Activities for Fish Study. The subject is neatly wrapped up in the last few pages by a very adequate index, an index to scientific names, a list of the larger public aquaria and biological stations, and a bibliography of seven nontechnical books about fishes for further reading. This guide answers the need for an inexpensive, general guide to fishes, both marine and freshwater, written in popular style. Much of the information on the habits of fishes is submerged in dry, scientific documents. One has to pluck the interesting tidbits from among chi-squares, holotypes, and angler-hours; few readers have the time or patience. Such labors even tax the fidelity of some fishery scientists. The numerous books on angling assist but little, since they are concerned mainly with knots and gadgets and commonly insert, at best, only scattered, inaccurate notes on fish life history. Semipopular works such as "The Life Story of the Fish" by Brian Curtis and "A Study of Fish" by Chapman Pincher, while more than worthwhile for those who can afford them, lack the full-color drawings found in this guide. Skin divers and aquarists will furnish the main audience for this guide. Sales should continue strong, since both these groups are growing and numerically are probably equal to or greater than the several million bird watchers in the country, and bird guides do sell. Relatively few anglers will be interested. Science teachers and students and members and employees of conservation organizations both public and private will provide another large outlet. — Almo J. Cordone, California Depart- ment of Fish and Game. Animal Agents and Vectors of Human Disease By Ernest Carroll Faust; Lea and Febiger, Philadelphia, 1955; 660 p., 216 text figures, and 9 plates, including one in color. $9.75. It is quite evident that the distinguished Doctor Faust is a professor of para- sitology, in that his book devotes 428 pages to the endoparasites and 63 pages to the ectoparasites. There are eight sections, with titles as follows: General Infor- mation and Orientation; Protozoan Agents of Disease; Roundworms (Nematodes) ; Tapeworms and Flukes ; Other Helminths Parasitizing Man ; Arthropods as Agents and Vectors; Other Invertebrate and Vertebrate Agents of Disease; and Technical Aids. The book contains many useful tables, including ones on the natural history of the more important endoparasites ; pathology and clinical manifestations pro- duced l)y animal agents of disease; diagnostic examination procedures; chemo- therapeutic procedures ; differential characteristics of protozoan parasites ; arthro- pods as vectors of human pathogens; and snakes harmful to man. The excellent illustrations and plates that have appeared in the author's other publications are liberally used thoughout. To this reviewer it appears that Doctor Faust has summarized the most im- portant contributions of his authoritative books on clinical parasitology and hiiman helminthology, and combined them in this book with a small addendum of miscel- lany. In the condensation he has sacrificed some of the morphological characteristics of the endoparasites, and as a result the facility of identification is somewhat im- paired. Some of the uncommon helminths have been omitted. The entomological section is not exhaustive, but is rather adequately covered in a narrative sense. The miscellany includes a chapter on the urticating marine invertebrates, and a chapter on veniferous reptiles. A short chapter of three pages deals with the role of fishes in the discomfitures of mankind. Specifically, there are discussions of food poisoning through spoilage of fish, poisoning through the ingestion of toxins present REVIEWS 243 ill the reproductive organs or blood of certain piscine species, and mechanical and poisonous injury from forcible contact with ectodermal spines. Finally, there is a chapter on certain mammals harmful to man. Mentioned in passing are the mechanical injuries that might be inflicted by dogs, cats, bulls, elephants, etc. ; however, descriptions are given of the duck-billed platypus and its venom apparatus, and the vampire bat's proclivity for human blood, with resultant anemia in the victim. The last section of the book involves descriptive material on laboratory diagnosis, culture technics, seriological procedures for diagnosis, and the preservation of arthropods, mollu.sks, and vertebrates. The limitations of the book may be illustrated by the following, taken from the identification of specimens. "The time has long since passed when it is sufficient to identify an arthropod as a tick, mite, fly, or mosquito." As an alternative, the author suggests addressing a letter to the Curator of Arthropods, U. S. National Museum, Washington, D. C, for instructions on how to ship the specimen, and then proceeding to follow instructions received. In the preface the author stated that the contents would be useful and stimulating to the zoologist, laboratory diag- nostician, and public health worker, and others. The viral, richettsial, and bacterial diseases are considered in 22 pages, with some rather important omissions. The vampire bat is mentioned as a possible transmitter of rabies, luit the insectivorous bat, dog, fox, skunk, and others are ignored. The book discusses many invertebrates and vertebrates, but other than a brief mention of birds in connection with the encephalitides, the members of the class Aves are ignored, along with their role as vectors of disease, e.g., ornithosis. In the preface it was written that the book would be useful to the epidemiologist, yet the entire field of the zoonoses is minimized or absent. The undergraduate student and some cliniticians will find the book bandy for reference, particularly in using the excellent tables contained therein. — Merion N. Rosen, California Department of Fish and Game. printed in California state printing oftice 54385 4-57 5,200