f-^i^:^^fm'o:. CAUPDRNIAl FISH- GAME "CONSERVATION OF WILDLIFE THROUGH EDUCATION" California Fish and Game is a |ournal devoted to the conser- vation of wildlife. If its contents ore reproduced elsewhere, the authors and the California Department of Fish and Game would appreciate being acknowledged. The free mailing list is limited by budgetary considerations to persons who can make professional use of the material ond to libraries, scientific institutions, and conservation agencies. In- dividuals must state their affiliation and position when submitting their applications. Subscriptions must be renewed annually by returning the postcard enclosed with each October issue. Sub- scribers are asked to report changes in address without delay. Please direct correspondence, except regarding paid subscrip- tions, to: LEO SHAPOVALOV, Editor Department of Fish and Game 1416 9th Street Sacramento, California 95814 Individuals and organizations who do not qualify for the free mailing list may subscribe at a rate of $2 per year or obtain individual issues for $0.75 per copy by placing their orders with the Office of Procurement, Documents Section, P.O. Box 20191, Sacramento, California, 95820. Money orders or checks should be made out to Office of Procurement, Documents Section. In- quiries regarding paid subscriptions should be directed to the Office of Procurement. u D VOLUME 53 JULY 1967 NUMBER 3 Published Quarterly by STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME STATE OF CALIFORNIA RONALD REAGAN, Governor THE RESOURCES AGENCY NORMAN B. LIVERMORE, JR., Adminisfralor FISH AND GAME COMMISSION THOMAS H. RICHARDS, JR., President, Sacramento WILLIAM P. ELSER, Vice President JAMES Y. CAMP, Member San Diego Los Angeles HENRY CLINESCHMIDT, Member C. RANSOM PEARMAN, Member Redding Huntington Park DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME WALTER T. SHANNON, Dirmcfor 1416 9th Street Sacramento 95814 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Editorial StafF LEO SHAPOVALOV, Editor-in-Chief Sacramento ALMO J. CORDONE, Editor for Inland Fisheries Sacramento JAMES H. RYAN, Acting Editor for Inland Fisheries Sacramento CAROL M. FERREL, Editor for Wildlife Sacramento HERBERT W. FREY, Editor for Marine Resources... Terminal Island DONALD H. FRY, JR., Editor for Salmon and Steelhead __ Sacramento TABLE OF CONTENTS Pa?e Second ("ooix'rative Survey of the California Condor Robert D. Mallette, John C. Borneman, Fred C. Sihley, and Baymond S. Dal en 132 Tlie Probable Affinities of a Wolf Captured Near Woodlake, California Dale B. McCullouejh 146 Fecundity and Age at Maturity of Lake Trout, Salvelinus namay- cush (Walbaum), in Lake Tahoe Jaek A. Hanson and 7?((.s.sy7/ TI. WicJiwirc 154 Distribution, Size Composition, and Kelative Abundance of the Lahontan Speckled Dace, Bhiniehthys osculus rohnsUis (Rutter), in Lake Tahoe Phillip H. Baker 165 Two King Salmon AVitli Spawning Features Taken in Ocean Troll Fisheiy Phillip (J. Swartzell 174 Preliminary Experiments on the Acclimatization of Juvenile King Salmon, Oncorhynchus fsliawytscha, to Saline Water Mixed With Sewage Pond Effluent (Uorye H. Allen and Patrick O'Brien 180 Fisli Pcmains Recovered F)'(mi a Corona Del Mar, California, Indian Midden (Ora-190) John E. Fitch 185 Part^'boat Logs Show ITow Sljyndivers Fared During P»6:? and 1964 Williaia F. Wood 1!)2 Serological Studies of Kelp Bass, Paralahrax clathratus Albert C.Smith 1I»7 An Inexpensive, Self-Contained I"''nder\vater Dc'.ta Recording Camera Charles T. Mitchell 203 Notes Tagged Anchovies Move From Southern California to Monterey Bay '/. D. Messersmith 209 Final Introductions of the Ponneville Cisco [Prosopiutn yemmi- feriini Snyder) Into Lake Tahoe, California and Nevada Ted C. Frantz and Almo J. Cordone 209 A 1955 Record of V'mk Salmon, Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, S|)awning in the Russian River Donald 11. Fry. Jr. 210 A High i*heasant {Phasianus coleliicus) Nesi Density on the Gray Lodge Waterfowl Management Area Jonathan H. Ive. census ai'ea on both days of th(> survey and were somewhat stronger on the second day. Observers reported that soaring conditions were more favorable on the second day of the survey. TABLE 1 U.S. Forest Service Lookout Stations Reporting Weather Information Which Were Also Condor Survey Stations Readings Were Taken 2 p.m. October 18 and 19, 1966 October 18 Lookout station County Average wind velocity (miles per hour) Direction of wind Temper- ature (F) Relative humidity Thorn Point Ventura G 10 6 8 8 SW SE E SW SW 70 78 08 82 81 12 Nordhoff - - Ventura- 11 McPherson Santa Barbara Santa Barbara San Luis Obispo 13 FifiTueroa 10 Hi Mountain 7 October 19 Thorn Point Ventura - - 10 8 18 10 16 SW E SW SW s 69 80 71 81 77 8 Norhhoff Ventura 10 M cPherson Figueroa Santa Barbara Santa Barbara San Luis Obispo 8 9 Hi Mountain 5 134 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME CONDOR SURVEY 1966 O Observotion stations at wtiich one or more condors were sigtited on October 18, 1966 O Observation stotions at which one or more condors were sighted on October 19, 1966 O Observotion stotions at which one or more condors were sighted on October 18 and 19, 1966 • Observation stations at which no condors were sighted Condor Sonctuories I I I Condor Range FIGURE 1— Location of condor survey observation stations and the locations where condors were sighted on October 18 and 19, 1966. Drawing by Cliff a Corson. SECOND CALIFORNIA CONDOR SURVEY 135 RESULTS On each day of the survey 65 stations were manned by 133 observers. On October 18, 45 condor sightings were reported from 15 stations (Appendix B). These sightings, by an evaluation of the reports, were reduced to 29 individual condors. The age classification breakdown was: 2 juveniles, 1 subadult, 17 adults, and 9 unknown. An estimated 877 raptors of 13 species were also reported on the first day of the survey (Table 2). On October 19, 122 condor siglitings were reported from 23 stations (Appendix C). By an evaluation of the reported siglitings, 51 indi- vidual condors were seen. The age classification breakdown was : 6 juveniles, 5 immatures, 3 subadults, 33 adults, and 4 unknown. The observers jilso i-cported aii estimated f)55 rai)t(»rs of 13 species (Table 2). TABLE 2 Raptors Reported During Condor Survey October 18—19, 1966 Species Dale reported Oct. 18 Oct. 19 Turkey vulture {Calharles aura) (loldeu eagle (Aqtiila chrysados) Bald eagle {Haliacetus leucocephalus) Goshawk {Accipiter gentilis) Sharp-shinned hawk (^4. striatus) Cooper's hawk (.4. cooperii) l{ed-tailed hawk {Buteo jamaicensis) Swainson's hawk (B. sirainsoni) Rough-legged hawk (B. laoopus) Pigeon hawk {Falco columbarius) Sparrow liawk [F. sparvarius) Prairie falcon {F. mexicanus) Marsh hawk {Circus cyaneus) Miscellaneous raptors Total 357 375 85 105 2 3 5 2 24 24 29 35 214 229 25 27 2 3 3 3 64 iO 7 9 10 8 50 52 877 955 DISCUSSION As in the case of the 1965 survey, no attempt to project the popula- tion index to a total condor population figure was made. A number of variables occur which prevent us from doing this; chief among these is the rugged terrain in the condor range which makes it difficult to detect and count all condors moving through or roosting in the area. It is imperative that survey methods providing comparable survey data from year to year be established. Although evaluation techniques have been the same for both surveys, the present survey results do not provide fully comparable data. Additional experimentation and changes in survey procedure are necessary for survey results which will be more comparable. 136 CALIFORNIA PISH AXD GAME On October II' (-(iiulii ioiis \vci-c t'jivofjililc i<> |)iil iiKirr birds in tlie air Ili;m on ()ciobi'i- ]s. Tlic m.ijdi' \;iri;iblc i iilhicncing condor move- ments apj)iir('iitly is wcatlwr. Dnriii'j- the 1 !»()() survey the average tem- jK'raturc was a])j)r<)ximatcly tlir s.iinc botli clays; the average -wind velocities -were a])i)r()ximately ."> miles an liour greater on tlie llltii than oil the iMh. ;iii(l ;i shifi in wind ilirection was noted at some observation stations. Tliese Aveather changes, even though slight, can alter soaring or flying conditions in the rugged terrain which these birds inhabit. Weather is si ill an unknown vai'iable, and it may be necessary to have a longer survey ])eriod to assure at least one day of favorable weatlier conditions. T^util we better understand these factors, it Avill be difficult to obtain a coiiip;irab1e ])o])iihitio7i index from an- ]iu;d surveys. ^\ n increase of l'.\ condors counteil in lIMil! c(»]nj)a]'ed with 1965 does not necessarily represent a poi)ulation increase. The report of 51 con- dors in 1966 shows there are more tlian the 40 birds estimated earlier by Miller, McMillan, and Mc]\lilliiii (1965). Survey results neither substantiate nor refute the claim of these writers that a population de- cline of one-third had occurred since the 1940 's. Earlier estimates, based on single liigh counts of birds or simultaneous sightings by a few observers, may have been conservative; or the 1966 survey results may be reflecting a population increase ; or both. During the 1966 survey 14 young birds (approximately 30%) were observed, indicating a satisfactory rate of reproduction. Six of these were reported as juveniles and were birds liatched in 1965. Because of the difficulty of accurately ditfer(.'ntiating the juvenile age class from the subadult class, caution must be used in analvzing these data. The late summer distribution of the condor population as shown by the two annual surveys is consistent with that determined from scat- tered observer reports for this time of year. Losing the survey results of October 17, 1965, and October 19, 1966, only 10% and 2%, respec- tively, of all birds observed were seen west of V. S. Highway 33, in the western portion of the condor range. Forty-five percent of the condor population observed both years was in the vicinity of the Sespe Condor Sanctuary, Ventura County, and 45% and 53%, respectively, was in the Tehachapi IMountains in Kern T'ounty and the eastern por- tion of the condor range (Figure 1). In both years the major feeding area was in the Tehachapi Moun- tains on the Tejon Eauch, Kern County, pointing out the need for additional coverage in this area in order to obtain data to better evalu- ate the survey results. Observers at station 50A on Purdy Eidge reported 53 condor sightings in addition to numerous other raptors on October 19. Eight condors were in the air at one time, making it very difficult for two observers to take detailed notes. Provisions are needed whereby assistance can be given to observers manning stations when such a concentration occurs. RECOMMENDATIONS Seven suggestions for improving subsequent condor survej^s are : 1) More observation stations are needed on the Tejon Eaneh prop- erty in the Tehachapi Mountains, Kern County, in the vicinity of station 50A to provide better coverage in this ke}' condor feeding area. SECOND CALIFORNIA CONDOR SURVEY 137 2) Additional fire lookouts situated along the Sierra footliills, most of which are manned by the California Division of Forestry, should be incorporated as survey stations. Discussions witli Division of For- estry personnel indicated this is possible. 3) Two observers should be located at each station where large numbers of condor sightings have been or are likely to be seen. At peripheral condor range statioiis the number of observers should be reduced to one per station. At stations where an unusually large con- centration of condors occurs, standby observers should be available to assist in keeping track of birds and recording sightings. 4) A review of the observer list should be made so that good experi- enced observers need not be given the routine training designed for inexpei'ienced observers. A field session should be continued as part of Iho 1i-aining program i'oi- inexperienced observers. Tlie special 1 raining session for sector ca])taiiis should be continued to i)ropci'ly coordinate tlie survey. 5) The survey headquarlci-s should be moved from Ventura to suit- able ({uarters in the Bakersfield area. This is more centrally located to the survey area and is closer to the areas where maximum condor activity occurs. 0) Exi)erim('ntal feeding should he initiated under close supervi- sion to determine its practicality as a survey method. If successful, it may be possible to conduct the annual survey with fewer observation stations and have more comparable data from year to year. 7) Alteriuite survt'y dates should be established well in a(l\ance of the survey in the event a cancelhition is necess;ii-y because of bad weather and/or other factors. If poor observing conditions also exist on the alt(n-nate dates, the survey should be cancelled for that year. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The Condor Survey Conmiittee M'ishes to thank all the jK'ople who ])articipated in the condor survey; without them tliis survey could not liave been jjossible. The i-eturn of many persons who participated in last year's survey added much to the reliability of the survey results. The continued cooperation from the National Audubon Society, U. S. Forest Service, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, California Department of Fish and Game, California Division of Forestry, Sequoia National Park, and interested ranchers and conservationists is greatly appreci- ated. REFERENCES Koford Carl B. 1953. The California condor. New York. National Audubon So- ciety, Res. Kept., (4) : 154 p. Mallette. Robert D., and John C. Borneman, 1966. First cooperative survey of the California condor. Calif. Fish and Game 52(3) : 185-203. Miller. Alden H.. Eben McMillan, and Ian McMillan. 1965. The status and welfare of the California condor. New York. National Audubon Society, Res. Rept., (G) :61 p. 138 (■ \l,li'(il;\l A IMSM AM) CAME APPENDIX A Second Cooperative Condor Survey Observation Stations Manned October 18 and 19, 1966 (Sfafions marked with an asiciiik reported one or more condors) San Benito County 1. Bitterwater, 1 mile s(iu1]i of sldi-c (ni Maggini Ranch. San Luis Obispo County '2. (Iiolaine Flat near f^aii Tjiiis 01)isp(^-"^^()ntorpy connty lino. ;j. Ebon MclMillan l^audi. in tlio Palo i'rioto aroa. 4. 1 mile east of La Panza Ranch lidqrs. at San -Jiiau Creek road crossing. n. Ppper Px'ai'ti'a]) <';iiiyoii. (). La Panza Raneli, 1^ inilcs sdiith ol' Lcjirt r;ip Canyon (used in l!)(io bnt eliminated in ll)(>(ii. 7. I'.lackMtn. Lookout. 5. Hi :\I1ii. Lookout. Santa Barbara County !l. .ALi-aiida Pine ^Itn., nortliwcst end of Sierra Madre Ridge. 10. ]\IcPlierson Peak Lookout. *11. Cn\ama Peak Lookout. 12. Figuoroa Mtn. Lookout. 13. Sisquoc Sanotuary area, 2 miles east of the South Fork Guard Station and 200 yards up slope from Sisquoc Canyon Trail across canyon from Sisquoc Falls (eliminated). *]3a. Sisquoc Sanctuary area, 2 miles northeast of sanctuary on Sand Springs Ridge (replaces Station 13). 14. AVost Big Pine Lookout. 14a. Cuyama Valley and Foothill Road (eliminated). 14b. T^a Cumbre Lookout (added in 1966). Ventura County *15. Frazier IMtn. Lookout. *16. Maxey Ranch in Hungry Valley, 5 miles southwest of Gor- man. 17. Alamo ]\Itn. Summit Road (eliminated). *18. Mutali Road near San Guilloriiio Mtn. *19. Roves Peak. *20. Thorn Point Lookout. *21. Iload of Agua Blanca Canyon on ti-ail about 1 mile north of lincksnort (^imp. *21a. McDonald Peak. *22. Squaw Flat Road near Squaw Flat. *23. Hopper Mtn., Pemberton Rock. *23a. Hopper Mtn., Percy Ranch. *24. Upper Reasoner Canyon. 24a. Reasoner Canyon on Dale King Ranch. 24b. Dominguez Canyon (added). 25. Lower Agua Blanca Creek at Hollister Cabin Camp (elimi- nated). 26. San Cayetano Peak and Pino Canyon where San Cayetano Road crosses saddle midway down ridge leading east from peak to Sespe Creek. 27. nines Peak area at end of road in saddle on northwest side of peak. SECOND CALIFORNIA CONDOR SURVEY 139 28. Santa Paula Canyon on trail 1 mile north of Cross Camp. 29. Nordlioff Peak Lookout. 30. Strathearn Rancli in Rimi Valley (eliminated) . 30;!. Torrey Mtn. (replaces Station 30). Los Angeles County 31. Whitaker Peak Lookout. 32. West Liebre Lookout. 32a. Antelope Valley (eliminated). 32b. Warm Springs Lookout (replaces Station 32a). Fresno County 33. Delilah Lookout, 5 miles north of Dunlnp. 33a. Fence Meadow Lookout. 33b. Stony Flat, 2 miles north of Pincliurst. Tulare County *34. Milk Kancli Lookout. 35. Blue Ridge Lookout. 36. Solo Peak, 8 miles southeast of Springville. 3()a. Solo Peak near Rogers Camp (eliminated). *37. Mule Peak Lookout. *38. Tobias Peak Tjookout. 38a. Lindcovc area on the Mehrten Ranch. Kern County 39. l>lue]\ltii. Lookout,.") miles northeast of Woody. 40. Fai'iisworth Ixaiich, 2 miles south of Cleunville. 41. Dead ( )x Ridge, about 4 miles south of Woody. 42. Round ]\Itn., 3 miles northeast of Granite Station. 43. Rattlesnake Ridge on the .lohn Rofer Ranch, 4 miles west of Oak Flat Lookout. *44. Oak Flat Lookout. *4r). Breckenridge ]\ltu. Lo(»kout. *46. Toll gate Lookout. 47. White Wolf Corrals. 48. Comanche Pt., 4 miles southeast of Arvin on Tejon Ranch. *49. 2 miles east of Grapevine Station and 4 miles southeast of Wheeler Ridge on Tejon Ranch ostrich farm. *50. 2 miles east of Fort Tejon at Tejon Ranch airline beacon. *50a. Purdy Ridge. 2 miles west of Lopez Flats on the Tejon Ranch. *51. Cordon Ridge on Tejon Ranch. 52. Pleito Hills overlooking Wheeler Ridge and Salt Creek on San Emigdio Ranch. *54. Ridge to west of big flat at head of Pleitito Canyon on San Emigdio Ranch. *55. Tecuva Ridge, 2 miles north of Lake of Woods in Cuddy Valley. *56. Mt. Pinos, east end of sunnnit. *57. Mt. Pinos, w^est end of summit. 58. Mt. Abel. 59. Brush Mtn., 4 miles north of Mt. Abel (eliminated) . *60. Santiago Canyon on Snedden Ranch. 61. Apache Potrero on Snedden Ranch (eliminated). 140 CATilFORNIA FISH AND GA"ME a _o 5 > vi ■n o •r. ta •o 00 4) — 0 E b n CO 0 to a X 0 -C ce ro o z UJ Q. a. X 01 > 3 0 Q < «: u k o 0 a. TJ Ul e • — 0 0) u c - X o •z i^zzzz z zz . 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LI Li Li Li Li LI u-: Li LI ^ T Li Li CI -1 C-l Li Li a = o CO IN 144 CATJFOUXIA FISH AND OA^FE TJ 4) 3 e c o u >< E z UJ 0. a < o .E " CD ' C t/1 • — fc > o to 4) -c W d X Tl cr ^" »-H d ©■ . » — . ■— ' fO M M M l.*^ ^ _ -^ . (M CI 1- ri I- o o" CJ" oi" rt ■M 0-1 a; 1-^ fC . ^ C^'l C^l '^ •/»" C*! •■t cc d ^ C; "■' ji^' ^^ .yT u , *>* C'l CO C-l ' cc ■■' C3 X •r. x X X 'A m 05 m B t-l k- u ^ k. L< '» L- u u ^ U L4 ^ L- ^ 0 o o ^ o o o s T! " " "^ ■^ -^ -^ ■e ~ -C "5 « C c c c c C c c c c a c s C C 0 0 c 0 c 0 0 0 2 o o r ? 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G> G3 G5 il =: c -^ -> *^ ^ -> -> ^ ^ ^ ^ --' -^ ^ ^ ^ ^ v-- --- ^ *> ^ ^ o o L~ o lt; lt; L* lt: Lt L": 71 Cl L* l_* \r, L'^ u* L~ L~ \^ \T, ^\ CI \r: o w " X - c; X r-. CI M M 1(1 SECOND CALIFORNIA CONDOR fil'RVEY 145 o o 13 *i tfl ^ S i- ? o *■ o "^ o o o ZZZ o Z o Z o X 0 ^9 5 5 X Z X Xl o 3 .=' Z ^ ^ r ^ iS ^ ^ ~ o o o ^- ~ B ~ in o o o ~ vt^ ^ eq (N 1^ i-H r)i -^ o o in tr X X X —2 « c C O IM C-l m c-i C-l o o -^ ^-a '^• o o o IN ra\(N ^- in «n in c-i X ^i m oo c-i r^ ro re ^: ^^ -r in c '^^ -^ t-i — o o o ^^ ccoincc -^in— -r in re o ro-M o — -r ~~ ^ re -r in c-r o -t^-^f c^ cc cc -t c-i :o -r c-i -m re t re in *t -r -r c -r — -r -r in i^ '.o t^ i^ I I ■ 1 I I ! 1 1 i I II I 'I I I I T I I II ooreoo oooo N ro o o cio i- oo»ino oo — o3 o — ^m m mo reore'M rein^ ^ in c-l re rec^J -r crere^ C ^ re in om in in-^ CMrere-r c^ret c o -^ ^ m » c o in cc in ^^ o in 3 3 r/3 « t) ►; < 3 £ m CO 05 CO t~ X C-. c — CO re re -r -f IM -r in in 2 — 93994 C'tilif. Fish (I ml dtniir.bi {") : 1 liM.'.P,. 1 '.tC, THE PROBABLE AFFINITIES OF A WOLF CAPTURED NEAR WOODLAKE, CALIFORNIA' DALE R. McCULLOUGH - Museum of Votebrate Zoology University of California, Berkeley A study of the physical characteristics of a wolf killecJ near Woodlake, California, in 1962 suggests that the animal was introduced by man. Statistical comparison of the skull with those of living races showed that it was highly different from western North American wolves, and differ- ent in several measurements from the eastern race, it was most like the race of wolves from Southeast Asia. On March 23, 19G2, an adult jiinlc wolf (Canis lupus) was killed by Mr. David Boas near Woodlake in Tulare County, California (Ingles, 1963). This occurrence stirred considerable interest, since wolves were thought to have been extinct in California for about 40 years; the last known specimen liad been taken in 3924 ( Grinnell, 1933).' Ingles (1963) suggested that the Woodlake wolf might be one of a small remnant of wolves in the remote portions of the southern Sierra Nevada, and he listed various siglit reports as evidence. When tlie Woodlake speci- men was received in the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, a study of its probable relationships was undertaken. METHODS The skull was compared with specimens in the MVZ collection visu- ally and by measurements. Measurements of the MVZ specimens w^ere combined witli published measurements taken primarily from Young and Goldman (1944) for the New AYorld forms and from Pocock (1935) for the Old World forms. However, the more recent revision of Old World races by Ellerman and Morrison-Scott (1951) was fol- lowed. Old World forms were considered in light of the possibility of an introduction. Most of the races from tlie far north (botli New and Old AVorlds) w^re not compared statistically because of their much larger size. These greatly exceed the largest forms compared with the Woodlake skull. Statistical comparisons of the Woodlake skull with adult males of the various races were made using the "t-test" as given by Simpson, Roe, and Lewontin (1960) for comparing a single specimen w4th a larger known population. The statistic is: (X-X)4fT u — S which follows tlie t-distribution with N — 1 (=l-[-N — 2) degrees of freedom, whore X is the mean of tlie sample, X the value of the single ' Submitted for publication February 1967. = Present address: Department of Wildlife and Fisheries, School of Natural Resources, University of Michigan, Ann Arljor, Michigan. (146) PROBABLE AFFINITIES OF THE WOODLAKE WOLF 147 FIGURE 1— Top and side views of the Woodlake wolf skull. Note the extreme slenderness in form, OS manifested in triangular shaped (instead of flaring) zygomatic arches, long narrow muzzle, constriction in the brain region, and rearward projection of the sagital crest and supraoccipital shield. observation, s tlie standard deviation of tlie sample, and N the sample size. No statistical tests were made when the sample size was less than five. Only general comparisons of external body measurements were made and, because of the great variation in the color of wolves, little reliance was placed on this character. 14R CAI.IFOUXIA nsil AM) (;A>rE FIGURE 2 — Comparison of the Woodlake wolf skull I'center) with typical specimens of the most similar North American races — lycaon (left) and baileyi i^right). Difference in color of the bone is due primarily to methods of preparation. RESULTS Description of the Woodlake Wolf Tlie AVoodlake wolf is clearly C. lupus but is a relatively small speci- men for the genus as a whole. It weiglied 56 pounds in the flesh and was not emaciated. Body measurements as given by Ingles (1963) are: total length, 1,500 mm; tail, 400 mm; liind foot, 255 mm; ear (notch), 105 mm; shoulder height. 750 mm. In color, the specimen was salt-and- pepper gray. The skull in general form was exceptionally slender (Figures 1 and 2). In breadtli measurements, the "Woodlake specimen was narrower in relation to its length than nearly all other male specimens in both the I\IVZ collection and the published data (Tables 1 and 2). Of special interest was the presence of a chalky deposit on the teeth, which, unfortunately, was removed in the cleaning process. Mr. Ward C. Russell, preparator for the Museum for many years, observed that in his experience such deposits were usually found on the teeth of animals held in captivity. Statistical Comparison of Skulls The Woodlake wolf skull is similar to those of only two races of wolves in North America: haih]ii and lycaon (Table 1). However, the Woodlake skull differs in a statistically signifieant way from each of these in two of the measurements taken. Published measurements of Old World wolves are much less satis- factory (Table 2). Adequate samples for statistical comparison are avaih'ble for only three races: lupus, chanco, and pallipes. The Wood- lake wolf skull is clearly smaller than lupus and larger than pallipes (Table 2). Of the Old World forms, only chanco and signaius are similar to the Woodlake specimen. Tlie others, although the sample size is small, appear to be either much larger or murh smaller. PROBABLE AFFIXITIES OF THE WOODLAKE WOT.F 149 3 "O < O « e M 4) « Jt w s o = ce •9 O-Q o- 4) > — f i LU * » CO 0 Z < (/) «»> 1— ^ 0 fit (A es: 0» — i. 0 2^ Si> ?5 _S 3 J< lA 4> E o tf> o & E o u 03 a 03 a o o 2 & — ^ S — s « 03 O to o 00 J' ~ — o 00 o CO 1 -H Ol •* O 00 f — ' CC C<5 ^ O CO CI "O ' CO CO CO CO o ">. c o C-1 o X CO — t^ — o CI CO X -w CO oi ^ o O -i CI 02 o o X « 03 ^ 2 =3 -2^ "1 -< 3 12 Ol ^^ 1 — 1 ^ w; O o o o cd a -*:> .4^ ^j C = c cfl u U tntctc c n bfi fci W) m 03 a; a; C) rs 3 ffl :3 Tl 1 I > 1 HHH — M^M 3 > > J I I ^r^o rAT.iroKxiA ris wi-) ciA^rK 3 TJ < «*■ O a> o ^ o il D 0) !l 3 to ►^ 0) s 03 "OJ > XI I ■^_>, T3 "S --0 w T3 0) cc t- .3 jS COB t3 S^ CI CI -1> lO O 00 -TO C> CI (D -< CI CI CI CI 00 CI -H CI Q, .^^ a t^ o o o o — o cc • - o o 00 o o lo o T) 1< Tt< CO CO CI CO o 00 o fc-0 o Oh 00 CO o • CO 03 ^ X! :3 ^ bO ">> ?, o CO o 1^ 00 •^ — ' CO ■I "^ CO o lOi o CO CO :c 'V CI CI a —< CI c -r CI CI o CI -H o o a a. i W , 03 3 ., O rfS CO e -^ CI. »oc» oo "u oo g . ^ -^ 1i = c O r r~ C8 C3 ^J . — U CJ .So 2 Si 5; ;^ ^ •_ U3 CA Qj C dj Oi a; > > c« ^QHHH PROBABLE AFFINITIES OF THE WOODLAKE WOLF 151 DISCUSSION At the outset of this section, I wish to make clear that there is no way of establish inof absolutely the affinities of the Woocllake wolf from the evidence available. The best that can be done is to state the proba- bility of encountering this kind of skull among particular existing races. Also, even though the specimen showed no evident abnormalities, the possibility that this animal was an extremely aberrant individual, such as are known to occur occasionally in nature, cannot be completely ruled out. According to Grinnell (1933) wolves were not found originally in California west of the Sierra Crest. Young and Goldman (1944) give early written historical records of wolves in this area, but conclude that wolves were extremely scarce, and they do not show them on dis- tribution maps. Also, the reliability of the historical records is subject to question, particularly in view of the common reference to coyotes (Canis latrans) as wolves. Thus, the Woodlake wolf was taken in a region where the original occurrence of wolves was doubtful. Grinnell (1933) established the presence of wolves (fvsci(s) in the northeastorji comer of California and in the southeastern desert in eastern San Bernardino County (youngi). The Woodlake specimen does not resemble either of these formerly geographically adjacent races (Table 1). The wolf has been extirjiated over much of tlie United States, and natural invasion of the Sierra Nevada would involve a journey of hundreds of miles. The nearest wolf population is of the race haileyi in Chihuahua, Mexico, some 600 miles away. Individuals of this race occasionally move into the southern portions of the United States. In general body size haileyi is similar to the Woodlake specimen, but its skull conformation is at the opposite extreme, being broad, blunt, and robust (Figure 2; Table 1). These differences are readily apparent from visual comparisons, and are even greater than reflected by the statistical difference in the measurements in Table 1. To the north, the nearest wolves are found on Vancouver Island (crassodon) and coastal British Columbia (fnscus), about 1,000 miles away. Larrison (1947) reported records of wolves (probably fnscus) invading the Cascade Range south to the latitude of Everett, Washington. However, both of these races are very different from the Woodlake wolf (Table 1). Of the North American wolves, the California specimen is most like the eastern race, lycaon, which has a small size and a slender skull conformation. Yet, even it is different statistically in zygomatic breadth and squamosal constriction (Table 1). Furthermore, the nearest re- maining animals of this race are around the Great Lakes, approxi- mately 1,700 miles away. It seems incredible that a wolf would or could cross the intervening farmland and mountain chains undetected. Thus, even assuming that the Woodlake wolf were an abnormally slender- skulled member of this race, an artificial introduction would have to be postulated. Of the Old World wolves, the choice can be quickly limited to two : signaius and chanco. A few wolves of the race signatus still are found in the remote parts of Spain and Portugal, but the museum material I>- CALIFORNIA FISH AM) CAME on tliis i-;i('(' is cxt rcincly limited. \\'li;it cxidcnce tlicro is su<;f^est,s lliat the skull of this rjicc is of a bi-o;i(l( r ii;i1ure, typie;il ol' llio {;onus. The Woodhikc skull is like the race chnnco of Southeast Asia in nearly every respect. Jt may be si.C. 6.36 p. Calif. Fish nvd anmr.53 (?.) ; ir,1-1f.|. 1007. FECUNDITY AND AGE AT MATURITY OF LAKE TROUT, SALVEUNUS NAMAYCUSH (WALBAUM), IN LAKE TAHOE' JACK A. HANSON and RUSSELL H. WICKWIRE Inland Fisheries Branch California Department of Fish and Game The relationship between fecundity and fork length in inches for 44 female Lake Tahoe lake trout was Y -^ 9,361.6 583. 5X, and between fecundity and weight in grams, Y = 17.7 + 1.4X. The number of eggs produced ronged from 919 | 17.9-inch fish] to 11,472 |34. 0-inch fish]. There was considerable variation in the number of eggs among individ- ual fish relative to both length and weight. A few fish matured in their 5th year of life, and a!l were mature in their 11th. Lake Tahoe lake trout appear to spawn every year. The spawning season lasts from the middle of September to the first half of November. Over 69% of the lake Irout taken by anglers v/ere immature. No changes in angling regu- lations were recommended. INTRODUCTION In July 1960 the California Department of Fish and Game and the Nevada Fisli and Game Commission initiated a compreliensive study of Lake Tahoe to determine ways to improve angling. Lake trout are the backbone of the fishery (Cordone and Frantz, 1966a) and therefore it was necessary to obtain basic life history information on this species. The purpose of this paper is to present and evaluate data on fecundity, size and age at maturity, and time of spawning. These data plus related information are necessary to help evaluate angling regulations. Lake trout i50])ulations are easily overharvested by a moderate degree of angling pressure when prosecuted on a year-round basis. The ex- treme vulnerability of immature fisli is considered resjjonsible for this (MacKay, 1963). Witli its year-round season, it was important to evaluate tliis ])r(iblem at Lake Tahoe. METHODS AND MATERIALS Lake trout fecundity ;ind age at maturity were determined from gonads collected fi-om ]'.h]] tln-duiili l^f;:!. Data for tliese years were combined. The total nuuiber of mature or maturing eggs in each pair of ovaries was estimated by the gravimetric method. Sample egg counts were made from a]oproximately one-third of the total weight of both ovaries. Samples were taken from the anterior end of either ovary. Testes were weighed only. Comparisons of the gravimetric method witli actual egg counts for 16 fish showed only slight and random discrepancies. A f-test of the paired observations (Li, 1957, jd. 96 j showed that the differences were not significant at the 5% level ff = 0.2959 with 15 d. f.). The differ- ences ranged from an underestimate of 10.3% to an overestimate of 6 1%. Only estimates were used in the analysis. • Submitted for publication February 1967. This study was performed a.s part of Dingell-Johnson Project California F-21-R and Nevada F-1.5-R. "Lalce Tahoe Fisherie.'-- Study", supported by Federal Aid to Fish Restoration funds. 2 Xow with Marine Resources Operations, California Department of Fisli and Game. ( 1.>1 ) LAKE TROUT FECUNDITY AND AGE AT MATURITY 155 A random sample of 25 eggs was taken from both ovaries and their diameters measured to the nearest 0.01 mm with an ocular micrometer to determine the mean diameter of mature eggs. Lake trout were meas- ured in fork length to the nearest 0.1 inch, and fish and gonads Avere weighed to the nearest 0.01 gram. FECUNDITY Relationship Between Fecundity and Fork Length The mean number of eggs produced by 4-1 fish ranging in length from l(i.(j To 84.0 inches and grouped in 2-inch intervals was 3.429 and ranged from 919 (17.9-inch fish) to 11,472 (34.0-inch fish) (Table 1). Extreme variability in fecundity of fish of similai- size was evident. TABLE 1 Relationship Between Fecundity and Length of Lake Tahoe Lake Trout Fork length (inches) Xuinber Number of eggs per fish Interval Mean of fish Range Mean 1().0-17.9 17.3 5 919-2,137 1,501 1S.0-1<).9 18.7 9 1, 21 0 2,363 1,547 20.0-21.9 21.2 11 1,477-3,627 2,557 22.0-23.9 22.8 10 1,749-1,274 3,384 24 . 0-25 . 9 24,7 3 5,162-3,521 5,770 26 . 0-27 . 9 26.8 3 3,704-7,891 6,276 29 . 3 .. 1 8,576 30.7 .. 1 . - 9,401 34.0 -- 1 -- 11,472 Total 44 Grand mean 3,429 12 a z < D O I 8- > 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ! J 1 1 1 i 1 y ^ Y--9,36i 6+ 583 5 X n= 44 rs 0.91 • ^ • ^ 1 • j^ '\^ 1 1 « A 1 \ 1 • ft • * • y: ' • • 1 m • • y y • • • • m f • >< <• • . - t Av y y^ 1 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 FORK LENGTH IN INCHES FIGURE 1 —Relationship between fork length and fecundity of female Lake Tahoe lake trout. 156 CAl.lFdK'NI A I'ISII AND CAMM SoutlkTii J.iiko Mk'liigaJi lake Iroul cxhibilni .similar varialiuii.s (E.scli- meyer, 1955). The linear regression Y = -O.'^Ol.fi + 588.5X (whciv \ is llic csli- niated number of egprs and X is llic fork Icnfrtli in inches) (k'scribes tlie rehilioiishi)) between feenndily and h'nirth (Figure 1 ). The correla- tion coefficient Avas 0.91. The slope of the line shows an increase of about 584 eggs per 1-ineh increase in length. Relationship Between Fecundity and Weight The ('(luatioii V -^ 17.7 -[- 1.-+X describes the relationsliip between fecundity and weight (Figure 2). The correlation coefficient equals 0.94. CO o o LlJ u. o to Q < o I j/*^ • 10 X Y = 17.7 + 1.4 X n = 44 r = 094 ^^ /^ g ^ • f^ • • > / f^ • -y y •. y^ • 2 • yf- r. I 23456789 TOTAL WEIGHT IN THOUSANDS OF GRAMS FIGURE 2— Relationship between total weight and fecundity of female Lake Tahoe lake trout. Fecundity ranged from 919 eggs at a Aveiglit of 1.089 grams to 11,472 at 8,709 grams. The mean number of eggs produced by fish grouped in 500-gram intervals increased from 1,162 to 11.472 but the ranges overlapped considerably due to individual variations in fecundity (Table 2). The number of eggs produced per 100 grams of fish was 141.7, which approximates the slope of the calculated line. Relationship Between Fecundity and Age The ages of 36 fish collected for the fecundity study were determined previously (Hanson and Cordone, 1967). These fish ranged from age group VI to age group XII. As with length and weight, fish of the same size varied greatly in fecundity (Table 8). The mean number of eggs increased from 1,866 for age VI fish to 9.40] for a single age XI fish (one age XII fish contained 8,576 eggs). tAKE TROUT FECUNDIT"^ AND A(ilE AT MATURITY 157 TABLE 2 Relationship Between Fecundity and Weight of Lake Tahoe Lake Trout Total 44 Grand mean Weight (grams) Number of fish Number of eggs per fish Number of eggs per 100 grams of fish Interval Mean Range Mean Range Mean 902.6 1,000-1,499 1,500-1,999 2,000-2,499 2,500-2,999 3,000 3,499 3,583.4 4,000-4,499 6,032.8 6,849.2 8,708.9 1,184.2 1,715.3 2,183.3 2,707.9 3,401.9 4,297.8 1 13 6 9 6 3 1 2 1 1 1 919-2,363 1,460-3,273 1,668-3,898 2,415-4,274 3,704 5,626 7,233-7,891 1,162.0 1,708.5 2,541.8 2,939.4 3,.37 1 . 5 4,830 . 7 6,.521.0 7,562.0 8,57().() 9,401 .0 11,472.0 84 . 4-228 . 3 94.4-186.9 78.1-182.9 93. 1-154.4 106.0-167.6 __ 161.9-191.2 128.7 147.0 145.9 133.5 124.1 142.5 182.0 176.5 142.2 137.3 131.7 141.7 AGE AND SIZE AT MATURITY Wo separated fisli lliat would spawn in llic year of oaptuve I'l-om those that would not and refer to tlicin as mature .nid immature, respeetively. Souk* innnature fish actually eould have been mature fish wliich were not K^jiiip' t <^ ci o ■ d O 1 o ■ X ■M c H-* HH ^ O 1 o < O ' 1 X lO o l- o f— 1 TO c; O 1 d — ci O ' d X w o CO o f-H 1 c e<5 o t^ o — ' — — ! ^ 71 c — d — d X ?j 1 ^, o 00 71 00 V !_-: — ^ ^ ^ — ,-" 71 ^7 _J VS 1 " '^' — 71 X --r ,_ sc -r „ 1- y. rt iT 71 X -r — 71 — -^ - ' . 1 y: _ t- _ X .^ — 3 -J 1- ^, 1" cr. 71 C7 X — ] rc ?J X — 71 5 '" Tf 1 5 I- ,- C: 1» — CO *<, ZH — — '- X — 1— O X X t^ > 7 J Tl ■M — w 71 o _ C7 -^ ;— v: X — t- ,-■ 71 * •j: r- 71 ^ ?"l , t^ I- - - t; X > R - ^ — X T' t7 "' X ~ - t- c c K-' C-J I^ ?i r: X '■ - — ,-■ 71 1 - o - - _ ^ O ' r^. X d o ■ ^ t. ~ X o _ ~ c ' ~ 1 > d 1 o £) J J 1 t- _^ H i- =1 t: M t- =1 - M t: _i ^ -T - S ~ ^ J: = C , M 1 it 1 " — "z ^ ■^ "^ ^ " z^ ^ I i 1 :^S IzS » £ ZS ^S ;- o A 1 1 X 1 j o J 1 c3 1 1 j: 1 U-4 s 1 1 1 ,2; Ph 1 LAKE TROUT FECUNDITY AND AGE AT MATURITY 159 fish (two males and one female) in their 5th year of life (age group TV) were mature. However, these were exceptionally large and fast growing individuals, measuring 17.8, 17.9, and 24.7 inches. For both sexes, 50 /c of the individuals in their 8th year were mature (Table 4). All males matured by their 10th year, and all females by their 11th year. Lake Tahoe lake trout mature at a younger age than lake trout in most other lakes; however, these mature fish are extremely large for their age. In several Canadian lakes, lake trout did not mature until their 6th year (Martin, 1952; MeCrimmon, 1956; Cuerrier and Schultz, 1957; Rawson. 1961 ), and not until their 14tli year in Great Bear Lake (Miller and Kennedy, 1948). However, lake trout mature in their 5tli year in Great Slave Lake (Kennedv, 1954) and Lake Opeongo (Fry, 1949). Mature male lake trout ranged from 13.2 to 34.4 inches and mature females from 16.6 to 32.7 inches (Table 5). Although the smallest mature female was 2.4 inclies longer tlian the smallest mature male, TABLE 5 Length Frequency Distribution of Lake Tahoe Lake Trout by Sex and State of Maturity Males Females Fork length* (inches) Iniinature Mature Percentage mature Immature Mature Percentage mature 7.0- 7.9 8.0- 8.9 9.0- 9.9 10.0-10.9 11.0-11.9 12.0-12.9 13.0-13.9 14.0-14.9 15.0-15.9 16.0-16.9 17.0-17.9 18.0-18.9 19.0-19.9 20.0-20.9 21.0-21.9 22.0-22.9 23.0-23.9 24.0-24.9 25.0-25.9 26.0-26.9 27.0-27.9 28.0-28.9 29.0-29.9 30.0-30.9 31.0-31.9 32.0-32.9 33.0-33.9 34.0-34.9 2 3 8 4 11 G 11 20 32 37 38 26 18 7 12 3 3 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 7 17 13 11) 11 15 11 11 17 10 6 5 2 2 0 0 2 1 1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0] 8.3 4.8 3.0 15.9 30.9 33 . 3 47.1 61.1 55.6 78.6 78.6 94.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 1 0 8 2 1 13 8 21 25 27 46 31 19 9 6 5 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 8 14 16 8 11 15 14 5 7 0 2 0 1 2 0 1 0 0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.6 14.8 31.1 45.7 47.1 64.7 75.0 93 . 3 83.3 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 * Two immature fish smaller than 7.0 inches not shown. |(i() CAL11'()1;NIA I'ISll AM) CA.MK bdlli s('X(^s Avoro 100'"f nuiturc ;it iiciirly llir same si/c (males a1 24.1 iiiclics and fomalos at 24.fiV Almost half of tho fenialos "were niaturo in tlio 20.0- 1<. 20.1i-iiicli iiOrrval. and half of tlie males in tho 10.0- to in.niiicli interval. E.sehmevci- ' l!t."),")i also found males matiirin*; at a smalh'T size than females iji southern Lake IMiehijran. Si/.es at first matui"ity reported for (ireat Bear Ijake (IMillei- and Kennedy. 1048). Great Slave Tjake (Kennedy. 10.141. and Waterton Lakes (Cuerrier and Selmltz. 1057 1. Canada, were similar to Tjake Tahoe. Tn eontrast. ^lartin n0o2) found larake. New York. An interesting: aspect of these data is the apparent decrease in per- centaofe of mature males at agres IX and XT (Table 4). Fry (1940) reported a similar condition oeenrring' for both sexes in Tiake Opeongo and believed that this ])ortion of the population does not spawn every year. Various other authors have rc^ported that lake trout do not spawn every year (Kennedy. 1954; Cuerrier and Schultz, 1957; Eawson, 1961). In Great Bear Lake they probably spawn only ever\- third year or, at most, eA^ery second (Miller and Kennedy, 1048). Lakes in which lake trout spawn less than once a year are typically northern, olipfo- trophic lakes, and Great Bear Lake is an extreme example of this. Miller (1051) found what he believed to be mature female Lake Tahoe lake trout with eggs, that would not ripen in that year. He sug- gests that these fish would fail to spawn, but does not give their lengths. Although tlie evidence isn't concdusive. we believe that Lake Tahoe lake trout ordinarily spawn every year. The five immature fish in age group TX and the one in age grouji XI were small for their age (Table 4), and probably were slow groAving and late maturing indi- TABLE 6 Weight of Ovaries as Percentage of Total Body Weight and Egg Diameter for Mature Female Lake Tahoe Lake Trout Date of collection Number of fish Mean egg diameter (mm) Percentage weight of ovaries June 1-15 16-30 July 1-15 16-31 August 1-15 16-31 September 1-15 16-30 October 1-15 16-31 November 1-15 6 0 0 1 8 6 5 8 3 3 3 2.74 2^78 4.08 4.54 4.91 5.35 5.35 5.65 5.80 3.6 3.7 6.5 8.0 8.0 12.4 14.7 17.8 17.6 LAKE TROUT FECUNDITY AND AGE AT MATURITY 161 viduals. (However, Martin (1966) reported that slow growing lake trout matured at a smaller size and younger age.) Also, the percentage of mature females increased with age, reaching 100% at age XI, indi- cating that at tliis age and older they spawn every year. Eschmeyer (1955) found no evidence that mature lake trout did not spawn every year in southern Lake Michigan. SPAWNING SEASON The exact period of spawiiijig for Lake Talioo lake trout is not known. We could not locate spawning beds and relatively few ripe fisli were captured. However, it appears that spawning begins in September and peaks in October. In September tlie mean length of angler-caught fish begins to decline and reaches an annual low in Octobei- fCordone and Frantz, 1966(0- Moreover, the percentage of matiirc fisli taken by anglers declines sharply at this time. These changes may reflect reduced availability of mature fish to tlie angler because the fish are congregating on the spawning grounds and are not actively foraging. Progression of the spaAvning season was followed by ])lotting changes in egg diameters and weight of the ovaries relative to total weight of mature fish taken fr-om June through November (Table 6 and Figure 3). During this period, the mean egg diameter increased from 2.74 to 5.80 mm while the mean weight of the ovaries relative to total body weight increased from 3.6 to 17.6%. Kelative weights of the testes iilso increased dui-ing tliis period. 1 M' 1! 1- 23 o 22 ^ 21 ^20 g'9 » 18 ^ 17 O 16 li. 15 ° 14 ill o 13 ^ 12 : i J i 1 ' ^T -r»' • ' 1 * 1 rl 1 1 i 1 1 ► 1 - 1 - 1 M - 1 « . 1 , : ; S 10 ■^ 9 1 a W 7 ^ 6 5 5 Z ^ ° 3 1- 5 2 1— t • » • 1 » » » « • < > ,9 I « ^- o»li UJ I _ ..I__JI.1_X_ 5 1 10 s 25 s 1 15 z; 20 10 20 5 15 2S 5 IS 2 10 20 10 20 S 5 15 25 5 15 . 2; 10 20 10 20 9 13 25 5 10 20 10 15 25 20 5 1 10 5 25 5 15 25 5 15 2S 5 15 25 20 10 .20 K) 20 10 20 FEB. JUNE AUG. SEPT OCT. NOV DEC. FIGURE 3— Seasonal change in relative weight of ovaries of mature female Lake Tahoe lake trout. Closed circles are ripe fish ancJ open circles spent fish. 3—93994 1C)2 CALIFOKNIA FISH AND CAMK Wo colk'c'tcd no inntiu'c fi'iiijilrs nl'iri- Xovciiiln'r '^. llowcxcr. ;i i-ipc fciiiiilc Avas tnkon in a ^ill net on -laiiiiary 24. I'J.Al t IJay < Orlctt, \ini)ul)lisli(Ml data').-' Matur(> males were takni as late as .l.niuary 27. Most of lln' spent females were taken in llie last lialf of Xoxcmher. ■with one taken as early as Sei)teml)ii' 1") < Kividence that Lake Tahoe lake trout do not spawn every yeai'. The spawning season lasts from about the middle of September through the first half of November. Immature fish are extremely vulnerable throughout the year, and make up over 69% of the total catch. No changes in regulations are recommended. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We wish to express our thanks to Almo •). ("ordone and Eobert F. El well of the California Department of Fish and Game for their assistance in the preparation of this re})ort. We also wish to acknowl- edge Cliffa E. Corson for drawing the figures. REFERENCES Cordoiio. Almo J., and Tod C Fniiit/,. llHlCxj. The Lake Talioc sport fishery. Calif. Fi.sh aiul (Jaiiio. 52 (4) : 240-274. . l!M')(i/*. The Lake Tahoe sport fishery — suppleiueiitary report. Calif. Dept. Fish and (iame. Inland Fi.sh Admin. Kept., (66-14) : i)4 p. (Mimeo.) Cuerrier, J. P., and F. H. Schultz. 1957. Studies of lake trout and common white- fish in Waterton I>akes. "Waterton Lakes Xational Park. Alherta. Canadian Wildl. Serv., Wildl. Mgmt. Bull., Ser. 3, No. 5, 41 p. Eschmeyer, Paul H. 1955. The reproduction of lake trout in southern Lake Superior. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc. 84 (1954) : 47-74. Fry, F. E. J. 1949. Statistics of a lake trout fishery. Biometrics. 5 (1) : 27-67. Fry, F. E. J., and W. A. Kennedy. 1937. Report on the 1936 lake trout investi- gation. Lake Opeongo. Ontario. Univ. Toronto Stud.. Biol. Ser. 42, Publ. Ont. Fish. Res. Lab., No. 54, 20 p. 1(i4 (WI.II'OKNIA nsll AND CAMK Il.-iiisMii. Jjick A.. :iii(l Aliiin J. Coi-doiir. I'.iCiT. A;,'<' iiiid ^rrnwlli (if tlw hike Iroiil, Salvcliiiiis udmtnicuxh ( Walli.niiii i . in I.nkc 'I'.-iliof, Cilit". Kisli niid (Jntiic. 53 (12) : 08-S7. Ki'iinofly, AN'. A. IlCil. (irciwlli. iii.-il iiriiy :iiicl iiKn-l.-ilil; in tin' rcl.-it i vcl.v iiiicx- ]il()i((>(l lake trout, Crisliroiiicr im m'l i/aisli. of (lir:it Sl;i\i' I,:ikc. .Imir. l'"isll. Res. B(l. Caii.'ula, 11 (0) : S2T-Sr.2. I>i. Jerome C. K. ^'^~>~. Introduction to statistic.-il intricncc, Kdw.irds P>r(>s.. Tuc. Ann Arbor. Mich. '>~>'.] ]). Martin. Xiuel V. 1'X>'2. A .study of the lake trout. Sulvclimis iKniKii/ciiah, in two AIf;ou(i. Tlic significance of food habits in llic l>i(do^'y, ex))loilat i(ui. and nianaKenient of Al.i;nu(|uin Park. Ontario, lake trout. Trans. Amer. Fi.sh. Soc. 95 (4) : 41.-)-42li. McCrimmon. II. K. 1056. J'ishing in Lake Simcoe. Ontario Dfiil. Lands and Forests, 137 \>. I\L-icKay. H. H. 1963. Fishes of Ontario. Ontario Dept. of Lauds and Forests. The r.ryant Pre.ss Limited, Toronto. 3(10 p. Miller, R. B.. and W. A. Kennedy. P.MS. Observations on tin- lake trout of Great Bear Lake. Jour. Fish. Hes. P,d. Canada. 7 (4) : 17ake Tahoe Fi.shes. Stan- ford L^niv.. I'h.L). Dissertation, 160 ii. Rawson. D. S. 1961. The lake trout of Lac la Ronge. Sask.itchcwau. .lour. Fish. Res. Bd. Canada. 18 (3) : 423-462. Royce. William F. 1051. Breeding habits of lake trout in New York. U. S. Fi,sh and Wildl. Serv., Fi.sh. Bull., 52 1 50 ) : .59-76. Van Oosten. .Tolni. 1034. The value of questionnaires in commercial fisheries regu- l.Ttions and surveys. Trans. Amer. Fish. Soc, 64:107-117. Cnlif. Fish and Gmnc, 53 (3) : IG.'.-lTn. IDGT. DISTRIBUTION, SIZE COMPOSITION, AND RELATIVE ABUNDANCE OF THE LAHONTAN SPECKLED DACE, RHINICHTHYS OSCULUS ROBUSTUS (RUTTER), IN LAKE TAHOE ' PHILLIP H. BAKERS Inland Fisheries Branch California Department of Fish and Game Aspects of the life history of the Lahontan speckled dace in Lake Tahoe were studied. Data on distribution, activity patterns, size com- position, and relative abundance are presented. The most effective methods for collecting dace were shoreline rotenoning and minnow trap- ping. The minnow trap catch rates indicate that dace occur primarily in the rocky benthic area of the littoral zone at depths less than 25 feet, but are occasionally found to depths of 200 feet. Dace were most active during the summer and early fall, when water temperatures are warm- est, becoming relatively dormant when temperatures dropped below approximately 50 F. The mean size of dace collected was 2.1 inches fork length, with a maximum size of 3.5 inches. Length frequency analysis indicated that approximately six age groups are represented in the collections. INTRODUCTION Tlio I^aliontan speckled dace was orlji:iiially described as Agosia rohiista by Kutter (11)0:5 1. The type locality is Prosser Creek, Nevada County, California. Tliis subspecies occurs in the Lalioiitaii l>asin of Nevada and California. Iviiusey (1!)50) also rei)orte(l it from waters tributary to the Sacramento Kiver drainau-e. into Avlticli it may liave been introduced. Little is known of the life history of the speckled dace in Lake Tahoe. Miller (1951) presented data on dace distribution and food habits. Evans flOfifi) and Ilopkii'k and P)ehnke (lOGG) reported natural intertj;vneric hybridization of dace with other Tahoe cyprinids. This report deals primarily with distribution, activity patterns, size compo- sition, and relative abundance of Lake Tahoe speckled dace. It is one of a series of reports on the life histories of Tahoe fishes. These are based on investigations conducted by the cooperative Lake Tahoe Fisheries Study initiated by the California Department of Fish and Game and Nevada Fish and Game Commission on July 1, 1960. McGauhey et. al (1963) present a detailed description of Lake Tahoe. METHODS Shoreline rotenoning and minnow trapping were the most effective methods for sampling speckled dace in Lake Tahoe. Sixty-six percent of the 2,250 dace sampled were taken with rotenone, and 17% by min- now traps. The remaining 17% were taken by seines and sled and otter trawls. None were captured in bottom or open-water gill nets, although mesh sizes used were as small as f-inch stretch measure. All dace were measured to the nearest 0.1 inch, fl. ' Submitted for publication February 1967. This work was performed as part of Dingell-Johnson Project California F-21-R and Nevada F-15-R, "Lake Tahoe Fisheries Study", supported in part by Federal Aid to Fish Restoration funds. = Now with Reg-ion 2, California Department of Fish and Game. ( 163 ) llid CALIFUKMA FL-iil A.\I> CAM 10 Shoreline Rotenoning Slioroliiic arcjis df tln' lake were rolciioncd in Anizust ^'^('}'^. Au<^iisl and September l!Mil. .Inly IfXi.l. and Maivli lIKlli. In l!l(i:{ saini)liii V D k V o. E 4) O o >» u s TJ ^ 1. « I- o CO 0 E a s tf» u CO o 05 o X o o im 3 O X u D. CO 05 * OJ u (U 1 o +^ b3 Cl t. 3 (/J f- * ~ 2 02 c o O 03 ^ * o ^ ,c3 03 CO E^ o O c o lO Ol ^ O 00 03 IM lO (M CO X' t~ N ■o M ri 't I- Tt^ *^ Tj^ T^ T}^ 1^ o o lo c^i CO d xc-i Nd xoi CO ■^ t- 'sO O lO (M I- -,0 1- ©J O to — T '~ — ~ ~ 04 o o; o -- lo --o Tf -* ul ;0 w -^ b io ^ in c^i re X o o X cc lq c^i lO o 04 T= >. f/3 ^ O > o O OJ i-;piH<;t failed 1o take dace. Otter trawiiny from October IIHJo throuj:;!! .Sej)tember 19G4 look speckled dace on three separate occasions at 100 feet and once at 200 feet at the south end of the lake. The latter is a depth record for dace in Tahoe. The previous reeord of 100 feet -was re]iorted by ]\Tiller (l!).")! I. No dace were taken in trawls at Agate Bay during this period. During summer months, dace were observed in a number of Tahoe tributaries and probably exist in all of them, at least in their lower readies. ]\Tnrphy MfKi)^^ conducted a short-term study in late summer of trout survival in a 2!J5-foot screened section of lower Taylor Creek. Of the fish removed from the study section. 86% were dace. Murphy noted enormous numbers of small dace uKtving toward Lake Tahoe at tlie end of August. I 8 o X 7 O - ;; / / 7 1 \ : ;; — TEMPERATL 1 Rr . / j \ . )nt '- I — f 1 -l -V \^ . — CATCH PER HO MR / ^ / \ • ^\ *' / / ^^ \\ > ' / \\ — / / ^- "/ 1 j- 'T — s. / ^ 1 \ i-*"'''^ N [^ ■ ., / ^ J ■ 60 55 50 45 UJ X UJ DC X < u_ C/) LlI UJ cr o UJ Q a: Z) I- < UJ CL UJ JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC FIGURE 1 — Mean catch per hour of Lahontan speckled dace in "commercial" minnow traps, and mean surface water temperatures at Cave Rock, Lake Tahoe, from March 1962 through March 1964. LAKE TAHOE SPECKLED DACE 169 < t- o I- o LlI O 2 UJ O (T UJ a. Seasonal Distribution Seasonal changes in the minnow trap catches at Cave Kock were quite pronounced. Large catches were made during the late summer and early fall, but dropped to uniformly low levels throughout the rest of the year (Figure 1, Table 1). Significantly, catches in the larger traps in 25 feet were confined entirely to the summer and early fall period. Furthermore, dace were fallen by rotenone at Cave Rock at depths less than 15 feet in March 1966, indicating that at least some dace remain in shallow water during the winter. Tlierefore, changes in minnow trap catcli rates were probably the result of seasonal changes in activity. Mean monthly catclies at Cave Rock correspond well with the mean surface water temperatures there. Largest catches, averaging 8.9 dace per hour, occurred during August, when tlie water temperatures were highest (65^ F). Catch rates were niucli hnvcr from November througli May, when temperatures fell below approximately 50 F. Catches re- mained h)W even into June and July, when temperatures rose to 59 14 13 12 II 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 \ ^ \ ' \ ' (366 FISH ) / I / \ \ ^ \ \ 4 1 1 \ / / ^ \ I / \ — \ L ' / \ / \ s ^ / •v y r s V ^ .5 2.0 2.5 3.0 FORK LENGTH IN INCHES 3.5 FIGURE 2— Length frequency of Lahontan speckled dace taken by minnow traps at lake Tahoe from 1962 through 1965. 170 rAi,iK(~)i;xiA FISH and came and (illl l'\ I'i'spci-l i\cl\ . 1 l(i\\ (Acr. 1 lir li a\ catrli i-,ilcs (liii'iii^- t hi;, ])e'ri(Kl may l)r ilur to spaw nin-' acti\ii.\. .MiIIit - lH.")] i imd L;i Rivers (1962) sii^rrcst thai spawiiiiiL;' (iccui-s ahniil this linic. SIZE COMPOSITION Loilgth i rtMpiciicy data I'nv dai-c taken in both tyjx's ol' luiiuiuw ti'aps (Fij^ure 2) iiidicalc that dace less than iM inches were not fully vulnerable \n ti-a|)pin!j;-. (inly '2'.].{)'( of the daee sampled with traps were sniallei- than 2.1 inches. wlKM'cas 72..")', of those taken witli rote- uone were of that size i^li'GG sample not ineludedj (Figure 3). There- < I- O LlI O < UJ o 18 1 7 1 I \ \ 1 1 \ 1 e, \ lyoO lotti r 1 on ; 15 1 /I ^1964 (476 FISH ' \ \ \ 1 I 1 3 \ ■-* ^* • * • 1 1- 1 1 . iQ£r'3 t ccn crCLJ^ 12 1 1 y s:7uo V uu w r 1 ^1 1 1 10 9 a 1 7 1 / \ 1/ U 1 1 1 l\ \ 7 \ 1 S i a Y y I / t 1 I 1 5 \ \ • • • '\ I j \ I 1 1 i i \ , • / 1 '* • 1 ■^ \ 1 ". 1 li • • • • • • \ r sand .iiid roek substrates. As llie most abundant speeies in tlie littoral zone, daee assume an ini])ortant role in Ibe lake's ecology. Miller (11)51) found that dace fed largely on bottom oi-ganisms in Lake Talioe, and assumed that they coiiipete Avitb ebubs. redsides, seul])iii. and ubitefish for food. About ^\[c of the stomaebs contained bottom oi-ganisms, while only 22'/. contained i)lank1on. l>y xoluiiie. \irtiially all the contents were bentbic, with pl.iiikloii colli rilmting only trace amounts. Important bentbic forms were snails and (li])tera)i hii\ae. followed by caddisfly birvae, beetles, mayfly nymphs, and water mites, leased on the collections reported here, dace may also compete with small suckers and rainbow tniut \'vy. l']\ans (106G) believes that siiice dace rely so heavily on the cover afforded by 1lie rocky bottoms of the littoral zone, they do not compete with the more widely ranging redsides and chubs. Data pre- sented b\- ("allioun (1944) for Ui)per Blue Lake, Alpine County, Cali- fornia, demonstrated that speckled dace probably compete severely for food with fingerling Lahontan cutthroat trout (Salmo clarkii hc7ishaivi) . Predation on fishes by the dace is apparently restricted to eating eggs of other species. Miller observed dace rooting out the eggs of spawning redsides and suckers. Speckled dace are unimportant in Tahoe game fish food chains, a reflection of their secretive habits and preference for rocky substrates. Miller (1951) found none in the stomaebs of 191 lake trout and 80 rainbow trout. He also did not locate any in the stomachs of nongame fishes. Only 2 dace w^ere found in 1,391 lake trout stomachs, with 4 recorded from 938 rainbow trout stomaebs, and none from 98 brow^n trout stomachs (Lake Tahoe Fisheries Stud.y, unpubl. data). Concern- ing the diet of Lahontan cutthroat, Calhoun (1944) remarked, "The almost complete absence from the stomachs of the small minnow {Rhinichfhi/s oscula) which is abundant in the shallows around the lake came as a considerable surprise." Because dace prefer the mar- ginal shallows, Miller believes they fall prey- to various avian and reptilian predators, and thus may act as a buffer to other fish species. fSpeckled dace apparently spawn in June and July over shallow rocky areas in the littoral zone (Miller. 1951). At spawning time small schools of dace can be seen, w^hile at other times mature dace show no evidence of schooling behavior. Evans (1966) reported a catch of 233 dace in an overnight minnow trap set. This occurred in mid-June and may represent a spawning concentration. Dace probably also spawn in the tributaries of Lake Tahoe. Minnow traps set in Burton Creek from May througli July 1965 began taking large numbers of ripe dace in early June, apparently during an upstream spawning migration. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am grateful to the many persons who have contributed to the project and this report. I especially wish to thank Ted C. Frantz of the Nevada Fish and Game Commission for providing the CaA^e Rock minnow trapping data, and Almo J. Cordone, who supervised the study LAKE TAHOE SPECKLED DACE ]73 and assisted in preparation of this report. John D. Hopkirk read the manuscript and offered valuable suggestions. CI iff a E. Corson drew tlie figures. REFERENCES Calhoun. A. J. 1944. The food of (he Mack-spotted trout ifiulmo clarkii hcnxhawii) in two Sierra Nevada hikes. Calif. Fish and Game, 30 (2) : 80-85. Evans, Douglas H. 1966. Life history of the Lahontan redside, Richardsonins egregius (Girard). in Lake Tahoe. Univ. Calif. Berkeley, M.A. Thesis, 82 p. Hopkirk, John I)., and Rohert J. Behnke. 1966. Additions to the known native fish fauna of Nevada. Copeia, 1966 (1) : 134-136. Kiinscy, J. B. 19j)0. Some Lahontan fishes in the Sacr.-imenlo River drainage. Calif. Fish and Game, 36 (4) : 43S. La Rivers, Ira. 1962. Fishes and lisliiM-ies of .Xevada. Xcv. St. Fish and Game Comm., 782 p. Linn, Jack D., and Ted C. Frantx,. r.Ml.l. Tiili-oduction of the opossum shrimp {Mysis relicta I.iOven) into Caiifoi-nia and .\c\ada. Calif. Fisli and Game, 51 (1) : 48-51. McGauhey, P. II.. Rolf Eliassen. (Jerard Rolilich. Harvey F. Ludwiji. and Frman A. Pearson. 196.S. Comprehensive study on protection of water resources of Lake Tahoe Basin tlirou>,'h controlled waste disposal. Engineerinjj-Science. Inc., Oak- land, Calif., 157 p. INliller, Richard Gordon. 1951. The natural history of Lake Tahoe fi.shes. Stanford Univ., Ph.D. Dissertation, 160 p. Murphy, Garth I. lOti.'i. Trout survival in Taylor Creek, a tributary of li.-ike Tahoe, California. Calif. Fish and Game. 49 (1 ) : 1(>-19. Rutter, Cloud.sley. 1903. Notes on tislies from streams and lakes of northeastern ('aliforiiia not trii)utary to tlie Sacramento hasin. P>ull. U.S. Fish Comm., 22: 143-148. Weidlein, AV. Donald, Almo J. Cordone. and T.mI C. Frant/.. 1965. Trout catch and angler use at Lake Tahoe in 1962. Calif. Fish and Game, 51 (3) : 187-20L Cnlif. Fish nud Gawr.Si Ci) : 171-ITt'. IOCm. TWO KING SALMON WITH SPAWNING FEATURES TAKEN IN OCEAN TROLL FISHERY' PHILLIP G. SWARTZELL Marine Resources Branch California Department of Fish and Game Two king salmon, Oncorhynchus fshav/ytscha (Walbaum), part of the ocean troll catch landed in Eureka, California, in spring 1965, were un- usual in that they exhibited features normally associated with sexual maturation and spawning. A discussion is presented. Ill the spriiiu' (if lIMi.'). two kino- siilmoii, p;irt of California's eom- iiiereial occ;iii troll landings, were observed to have characteristics Avliicli iisuiill.\- are associated witli sexual maturation. l)ut wliich are quite unusual for oeean-cauglit king salmon. Because it is well accepted that adult Pacific salmon [Oncorhynchus spp.) always die soon after spawning, the idea of finding a survivor of the exj)erience is intriguing. Some steelhead trout, Sahno (jairdnerii, and Atlantic salmon, SaJmo salar, spawn and recover, but not without recording the event on their scales. Hundreds of thousands of scales of salmon and trout have been examined by fisheries workers, yet there is no i'i'i)ort of a spawning mark on a Pacific salmon scale. DESCRIPTION Aj)ril L's. 1 !)()•'). 1 received a plione call from the manager of Eureka Fisheries' salmon bu^'ing facility in Eureka. California, and was asked to look at an unusual king salmon. It had been cauglit in the ocean off the mouth of ]\Iad River in northern California in about 30 fathoms by W. M. Sutherland of the commercial salmon troller Legend. Sutherland reported the fish to be a female. He had examined the ovaries when he cleaned the fish. They were about the diameter of his thumb and lacked the firmness and form of maturing ovaries. He described the eggs as being small, hard, and liglit in color; being more yellow-orange than those of sexuallx- maturing salmon. He said the eggs were not close together within the ovaries, and also reported that the stomach contained ''small crabs" and the intestine contained fecal matter. All entrails were discarded at sea. The fish had some of the body characteristics which usually develop in the freshwater portion of the spawning migration. The snout was hooked (particularly so for a female) and the jaws were lengthened noticeably (Figure 1). Enlarged teeth were present. This fish had less iridescence than all other king salmon in the catch, but would be con- sidered a "fresh-run" fish had it been caught in a river and judged on color alone. The fish was very lean, making the head and fins appear large. It measured 41 inches (104 cm) fork length and weighed 22^ pounds dressed, head on. Ocean-caught kings of this length landed in Eureka ' Submitted for publication January 19G7. ( 174 ) OCEAN KING SALMON WITH SPAWNING FEATURES 175 commonly weigh between 30 and 35 pounds (Fry and Hughes, 1951). The fins were in good condition. Tliey showed no spawning wear. The head, a small portion of kidney, and several scales w^ere col- lected. Kidney matter from between the ribs was tested for tubercu- losis, with negative results. Scales were more difficult to remove from this fish than from other ocean-caught salmon. They had to be extracted from tlieir skin pockets with forceps. Microscopic examination of the scales showed the pos- terior margin to be eroded and tlie anterior margin to be resorbed in places to a wndth of six circuli, with some variation among scales. FIGURE 1 —Ocean-caught female king salmon 41 inches (104 cm) FL. This fish shows character- istics usually associated with the stream portion of the spawning migration. photograph by C. L. Richardson, April ?965. Tlic scales were conijiaiHHl witli others taken from spawning king salmon at Trinity and Ximbus salmon and steelliead hatcheries in California, and with scaK'S from "normal'' ocean-caught king salmon (Figure 2). Selection of a "typical'' ocean scale was simple, as none showed resorption. Scales from spawners. however, exhibited resorption both to a greater and h^sser extent tliaii the subject scales. May 3, 1965, five days after the first fish was found, I observed a second king salmon with similar characteristics. It had been caught near the ocean bottom in 38 fathoms between the mouth of Mad Eiver and Trinidad Head, 9 miles north. This fish was also very lean. It measured 43 inches (110 cm) fl and weighed 26^ pounds dressed, head on. It also had a hooked snout and lower jaM' and some enlarged teeth. It had ocean coloration and a severe scar along the left side of the anal fin base. The scales showed erosion at the posterior margin. Kidney material was tested for tuberculosis, again with negative results. 17ti (•AI.II'olJXIA FISH AND flAAIE ,*•',■; t FIGURE 2— Comparison of scale condition of three king salmon. A, typical ocean-caught salmon. B, Subject ocean-caught salmon. C, Salmon spawned at Nimbus Hatchery, American River. Photographs by Robert H. Cretzner, February T966. OCEAN KING SALMON WITH SPAWNING FEATURES 177 Nic Puskar of the troller Ease M reported this fish provided little fight for its size. While the fish was being cleaned the gnllet broke, showing that the fish had been feeding on what Puskar called "crab spawn". Sex of the fish was not determined. DISCUSSION The two fish were not typical ocean troll fish. Had they spawned and were they in the process of recovering wlien caught ? The scales of the first fish were eroded to a degree that had the fish recovered from its poor condition, and continued to live in the ocean, the scales Avould exliibit a mark that would be similar or identical to the spawn- ing marks seen on some steelhead trout and Atlantic salmon scales. The fish were taken in late April and early May. This is not the most common time for California king salmon to be mature, but McLean (1945), MofPett and Smith (ir)r)0), and Menchen (1965) reported observations of spawned or spawning king salmon in California in late winter or in spring. Slater (1963) states that the experience of Cole- man National Fish Hatchery personnel indicates that the spawning period of winter-run king salmon in flic Sacramento River is from late April to late July. Sutherland's description of his fish's eggs is not tliat of normally maturing eggs. The fish may have spawned and the fisherman may liave seen residual eggs. If the fish had not yet sj)awn(Ml, tlie descrip- tion indicates that tlie develojiment of the gonads was not normal. Kicli (1921a) reported an instance of adult, sea-run king salmon in the Columbia River system continuing to feed on smelt while tlieir sex pi'oducts rii)ened. Could either of the Eureka fisli liave continued feeding after entering the river, spawned in the lower readies, and drifted back into the ocean ? If either fish actually did spawn, it Avould appear that it had gained back most of its ocean coloration and was recovering. Rich (19216), while determining relative maturity of ocean-caught salmon by egg diameter, learned that a small percentage of salmon found just within the mouth of the Columbia River were immature; liowev(>r, he indicated tliat they were found only during unusual tidal conditions. Robertson (1957) demonstrated that precociously mature male king salmon parr a few montlis old can spawn and survive in the hatchery. He tliouglit tliat age was the deciding factor in determining death or survival following spawning. These two troll-caught fish were adults. The suggestion that an adult Pacific salmon may have spawned, re- turned to the ocean, and was recovering is so contradictory to our understanding of these fish that it may be of interest to consider some additional possibilities. Had these tivo fish entered the river physiologicaUij iinahle to spawn and returned to the ocean? Gibbs (1956) described a bisexual, adult steelhead trout taken in the South Fork of Eel River. The fish displayed the superficial appearance of a male. Its gonads appeared to have distinct male and female por- tions; however, some eggs w^ere "embedded irregularly throughout the male tissue." Gibbs reported the eggs to be smaller than expected for sexuallv mature female steelhead of the same size. 178 CAMFOKMA FISH ANDCA.Ml'. Tlioro is similarity hotAvoon tlio (1('scri])tioiis of tlio t its superficial a]ipearance. like that of the bisexual fish, Avas that of a male. Wood and Ordal flOSS") indicate that 1 ulx'i-oilosis may interfere Avith sexual maturation or normal mi(I a rii'ir )i'it ifi t fiadji In spfiicH. ninl ih(}i re- turned to the oecan? Pacific salmon lun'e been known to ilo this, but sudi action would not ex]>lain the physiological conditi(»ii of the two king salmon under discussion. McCully flOoG) told of an adult king salmon tagged September 1953 in the Sacramento Eiver near Fremont Weir. 126 statute miles up- stream from the Golden Gate, being caught by a jiarty boat fisherman May lOol: in the ocean neai' tlie Farallon Islands, about 30 miles off San Francisco. There is nothing in the report about the fish's appear- ance being unusual. Presumably this fish had made an early entry into the river and had returned to tlie sea without spawning. Had fJi>))- spaie)n')i(i migration hern interrupted and had theij tempo- rarity left the river? King salmon in the San Joaquin Eiver. California, in 1964 were tagged with sonic tags which i)ermitted monitoring their movements. Most were observed to move downstream ra))idly and remain for from a few hours to several days before returning as far as the tagging site rCalifornia Department of Fish and Game, 1965). McCully (1956) reported that 1.2 vr of the king salmon tagged in one period at Fremont Weir (15% of the recoveries) were recovered in tlie gill net fishery more than 62 miles downstream from the tagging site. (Until 1957, commercial gill net fishing was legal in the Sacramento Eiver. ) The tagged fish in the gill nets had not spawned and appeared no different than other salmon taken. Tait. Hout, and Thorsteinson (1962) reported that 21 red salmon, 0. nerka, out of 1.934 tagged 11 miles up the Kenai Eiver. Alaska, were recovered the same season in the Cook Inlet commercial fishery. Such evidence suggests either tliat tlie experience of being captured and tagged causes some fish to reverse course and proceed downstream or that a moderate number of immature salmon enter streams and return to the ocean. The fish landed at Eureka had not been tagged, but an interrupting experience could conceivablx' have caused them to reenter the ocean. Cendel their migration into the river have teen delayeel to the extent that then were maturing or had spaivneel in the ocean? This could happen if the homing instinct or navigational ability of these fish had gone awry or if there had been some physical block which prevented their entering fresh water. A small adult pink salmon, 0. gorhuseJia, taken by a boy diver in the ocean at La Jolla, California, in September 1945, was reported by OCEAN KING SALMON WITH SPAWNING FEATURES 179 Hubbs (1946) as a southern range extension. The fish had slightly hooked jaws, enlarged canine teeth, and body cavity filled with mature eggs. Leo Shapovalov, California Department of Fisli and Game, ex- amined a sample of the scales and found them to sliow spawning ab- sorption or erosion along their outer margins. Pink salmon often spawn in intertidal water. Therefore, it is fairly easy to accept that a pink salmon could mature in the ocean. Maturation of gonads of king salmon regularly begins in the ocean. Perhaps a king salmon would continue to mature if it remained in the ocean. SUMMARY Two king salmon landed at P]ureka were recognized by salmon dealers as being unusual. P)otli were cauglit in tlic ocean and ])ossessed features associated with sexual maturation at a time when relatively few California king salmon are iiuitiifing. The e()h)ration of one and the scales of both were unusniil. llotli were iiiulerweiglit, of simihir lengtli, and were caught from the same area on different da\s. Either could liave moved into a i-iver to spawn, to feed, or for any other reason, and returned to the sea. Eitliei- may have completed sexual development in the ocean, as did a pink salmon taken off soutliecn California. REFERENCES ("iilifoniiii Depart moil t of Fi.sh and Gaiiic ll)t>"i. 1".m;1 IicKa salmon migration study (soiiif tas phase). Stafl". Salmon/Steellicad Pmiinini, I'oh. 19G5, IS p. ( Typewritten i Fry. Donald 11. .Tr.. and Eldoii 1'. I lushes. ID.")!. Tli.- California salmon troll tishery. I'ae. Mar. Fish. Comm., Hull.. (2) : 7-42. Gihhs. Karl D. lUr.C. A bisexual steelhead. Calif. Fish and Game, 42 (3) : 229-231. IJiihhs, Carl L. l!)."i(;. Wandering of pink salmon and other salmonid fishes into southern Californi:t. Calif. Fish and (Jaine. 32 (2) : 81-SO. McCully. Howard. !!»")(). An undescribed type of migration in king salmon, Oncor- hynchus fshuiri/t.srlia tWalbaum). Calif. Fish and Game. 42 (3) : 189-198. McLean. Donald D. 194."(. Late sjjring spawning of cliinook salmon {Oncorhyn- chus txhaicytHcha). Calif. Fish and Game. 31 (4) : 211. Menrhen, Kobert S. 196.". An observation of king salmon spawning successfully in Deer Creek in March 19t)4. Calif. Fish and (Jame, 51 (1) : 53-55. Moffett. .lames NV., and Stanford H. Smith. 1950. Biological investigations of the fishery resources of Trinity River. California. T'. S. Fish and Wildl. Serv.. Si)ec. Sci. Kept.— Fish.. 12 : 71 p. Kich, Willis IL 1921a. An instance of adult, sea-run cliinook salmon found feed- ing in fresh water. Calif. Fish and Game, 7 (1) : 7-8. — 19216. The relative maturity of the chinook salmon taken in the ocean along the Pacific coast. Calif. Fish and Game, 7 (1) : 12-22. Robertson. O. H. 1957. Survival of precociously mature king salmon male parr (Oncorhyiichiis txhauytscha Juv.) after spawning. Calif. Fi.sh and Game, 43 (2) : 119-130. Slater, Daniel W. 1903. Winter-run chinook salmon in the Sacramento River, California with notes on water temperature requirements at spawning. U. S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rept. — Fish.. 461 : 9 p. Tait. Howard D., .7. L. Rout, and F. V. Thorsteinson. 1902. An evaluation of fyke trapping as a means of indexing salmon escapements in turbid streams. U. S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rept. — Fish.. 428 : 18 p. Wood. James W.. and Purling J. Ordal. 19.58. Tuberculosis in Pacific salmon and steelhead trout. Fish Comm. Oregon, Contribution, 25:38 p. Calif. Finh and Gotm .S3 (3) : 1S0-1S4. lOf." PRELIMINARY EXPERIMENTS ON THE ACCLIMATIZATION OF JUVENILE KING SALMON, ONCORHYNCHUS TSHAWYTSCHA, TO SALINE WATER MIXED WITH SEWAGE POND EFFLUENT' GEORGE H. ALLEN and PATRICK O'BRIEN' Fisheries, Division of Natural Resources Humboldt State College Areata, California The survival of king salmon in six experiments v/as tested in the fol- lowing solutions: sea water from Humboldt Bay mixed with hatchery water, effluent from Areata oxidation pond, and sea water from Humboldt Bay mixed with effluent. The experiments were carried out at hatchery facilities of Humboldt State College from February 2 through July 8, 1965. Six-week-old salmon showed tolerance to high salinities, but at 9 weeks of age tolerance of the fish decreased. After 9 weeks the salmon showed increasing tolerance to higher salinities with increasing age. Maximum survival occurred in mixtures of effluent and sea water. These mixtures also showed a therapeutic effect when the salmon were suffering mor- talities from an unidentified internal parasite. Results indicated the desirability of field experiments to test the hypothesis that sewage ef- fluent could be used to increase natural foods in saline ponds to rear salmon. The city of Areata. California, on the northern arm of Humboldt Bay, gives primary and secondary treatment to its domestic sewage. The effluent from this treatment is discharged into a 50-aere oxidation pond (stabilization lagoon i. located on mud flats of the intertidal zone of Humboldt Bay f Hazel. 1963 i. Domestic sewage, eitlier raw or treated, is a recognized fertilizer. It was liypothesized that tlie effluent from the Areata oxidation pond could be used to increase natural foods for fisli in rearing ponds con- structed adjacent to the oxidatirin pond. (Also, the rearing pond would provide additional biological treatment to the oxidation pond effluent, thereby producing a higher qualitv discharge into Humboldt Bay.) As a preliminary step, experiments on the tolerance of young king salmon to various salinities and the effluent from the Areata oxidation pond were carried out in the fish cultural facilities at Humboldt State College. METHODS Eyed eggs, obtained through the cooperation of the California De- partment of Fish and Came from the Iron Gate fish cultural facilities on the Klamath River, were received on December 7, 1964, and began hatching on December 27. A series of six experiments using these salmon began on Februarv 2 and ended on Julv 8. 1965 (Table 1). ' Submitted for publication August 1966. 2 The junior author is now with Marine Resources Operations, CaUfornia Department of Fish and Game. (180) EXPERIMENTS WITH JUVENILE KING SALMON 181 ■o E O a. c o o X O o I- » 0 X S- 3 o z O 3 O X c >- .- 4, O O -Co, ■" O) aj o — 0)2 o en y^ X O lO to 03 IM •-0 «** X ^ 1 f— t CI ^^ "--^ L-5 CO c^l ' cc -^ -^ "* «) (M o o •* t^ CO X O I •-< M —( lO >o lO < < 1- o ^^ re- X ^ -r fO X O 1 ,>^ - rt lO -r '- = lO X -o I X o o ' ■^ CC X CI o -r o >. rf "---'"" o c M ^ >- cS J3 *-< o ■ c; c o I~ ' X o o X CI CJ fe 5 o y. 0) o 11 >> -. 0 ^ o •>s „ c c ti E « a. ■M X O I lO X a M X ,^ c j^ e^ 7^ o bC OJ c3 e a c 53 S S O 'CO ' o ' X 3 ci Z to ? 53 CI 13 . O o a 03 c o "3. Q. 3 ^ O c3 O O roiocccoooooo -r lO X c ic i^ ~ O ^ ro 1-0 -r -S ci ci ci CI ^: ' •c c ^— *— =3 X ' c:2i: it -e :2s :« T ^ fc — -—J o o O o o c o = 2 5 182 ( .\l,ll()i;.\l.\ I'ISII AM) CAMK Tn ciicli of tli(^ ('Xi')r'riiiionts. tlio sli(irt-t(>rni inortjility of juvonilo s;iliiiim \v;is Icslcd in tlic I'dllowiii^- solutions: sc;i water i'roni Hum- boldt r>iiy iiiix(Ml with lialcli(M-y \vatci- to prdduco selected salinities (test A), oxidation pond water > crducnt i alone (test B), and sea ■water from IIuiid)oi(lt liay mixed with oxi(hdion pond Avater to produce several selected salinities (test ('). A coidrol <;-roup in hatchery water Avas maintained dnrinjr each expi liment. The broad ranl;.\"IA I-'ISII AM) CAMI') The results (if llicsc prcliiiiiuiiry laborjilory cxjierinicnts seem to justify testiii<.vntlictic ox.vfien iirodiiction in a sewaj^e oxidation i>oiid. ITiinil)o]df, State College, M.S. Thesis. June liKw. Pearson, p]rnian A., Richard D. Ponieroy, and .lack E. IMcKee. 1U(\0. Snmmary of marine waste disposal rescarcli program in California. State Water Pollution Control Board, Puld. No. '2'2. 77 \). Skeesick. Delhcrt C. l!t().'l A study of some ]iliysical-chemical characteristics of Humboldt Bay. Humboldt State College, M.S. Thesis, June 19G3. Calif. Fish and Game, 53 CJ) • 185-191. 19G7. FISH REMAINS RECOVERED FROM A CORONA DEL MAR, CALIFORNIA, INDIAN MIDDEN (ORA-190)'' JOHN E. FITCH Marine Resources Operations California Department of Fish and Game The washed screenings from approximately 0.6 ft.^ of Indian midden yielded 133 fish vertebrae, teeth, otoliths, and other remains from which five species of sharks and six kinds of bony fishes were identified. Most of these fishes undoubtedly were caught by the Indians, but the arrow goby and northern anchovy otoliths probably arrived at the midden in the stomachs of predatory species. During exea\ati(jn .i jiroiluctus Sqtiatina califoniici, Triahis semifasciata Unidentified clasiiiobranchs Amphistichus argenteus Calamus hracJii/somus Clevelandia ios EngrauUs mordax Paralahrax sp Pimclomctiipon pulclirum . _ Unidentified bony fishes-. Cunnuon name Sharks, rays, skates Horn sliark Tharnback - - Sh-jveinose guitarfisli- _ Pacific angel shark Le jpard shark Bony fishes Barred surfperch Porgy Arrow goby Northern anchovy Bass Sheephead Depth (inches) 0-6 C-12 12-18 18-24 ijt Ijt Ijt 3dd Idd Ijt 2v 2v Iv IdJ Ipt Idd 2,it lo lo Ijt 3jt ■lit Ipt 4jt .'(V 26v 26 V 21v -'Jt I'jt Ijt 2jt Ipt 24-30 Idd 2dd Iv 2jt ll't Lit jt = jaw tooth; pt = pharyn^ieal tooth; dd = dermiil denticle; o = otolith; v = verterbra. seeds were very abundant, particularly in the finest material. While these plant and rodent remains may not represent food items, their presence in tiie midden indicates that they were living in tlie area at the time the site was occupied, and they offer an excellent opportunity for some enterprising- arcliaeologist to improve our knowledge of the Indian's environment. Finalh% a disk-type shell bead 4.5 mm in di- ameter was retained by the 9-mesh screen from the 18- to 24-iiich horizon. SYSTEMATIC ACCOUNT Heterodontidae — horn sharks Hcfcrodonfus francisci (Girard) — horn shark Horn sharks are abundant in rocky subtidal areas between about Morro Bay, California, and ]\Iagdalena Bay, Baja California. They reach lengths of about 3h feet, and weights of about 25 pounds. They are actiA^e mostl}^ at night, when they are foraging for food. Although they W'ill take a baited hook, they are easily caught in fish or lobster trajjs which are set overniglit, and can be taken abundantly with gill nets. On rare occasions, horn sharks are found hiding under large boulders in shallow intertidal areas. The Indians Avho occupied Ora-190 probably captured horn sharks incidental to other fishing activities (including intertidal scrounging) along tlie rocky outer coast. Horn shark remains haA'e been reported from a Chumash site at Ventura (Fitch, MS). Material: 2 teeth, from the 18- and 32-mesli screens. FISH REMAINS FROM AN INDIAN MIDDEN 187 Triakidae — leopard sharks Triokis semifasciata Girard — leopard shark The leopard shark ranges from about Oreg-on to Manzatlan, and is also found in the northern Gulf of California. It usually frequents shallow areas where the bottom is sandy, including bays and lagoons. A 5-footer weighing 40 to 45 pounds would be a large individual, altliough they may reach 7 feet. Leopard sliarks are easy to catch on hook and line, especially at night; they also can be speared without too much difficulty. Although present-day fishermen catch leopard sharks j)i-iinarily with gill nets, tlie inhabitants of the Ora-l!)() sit(> |)i'(»l)abl\' relied almost ciitircly upon hook aiul line, and the hai'poon or spear, for obtaining fish. Leopard shark remains have been repoi'ted from a Ventura site (Fitch, MS) and from middens at Arroyo Sequit, the Century Ranch, and Drakes Bay (Fonett, 19r)3r/./>. 1904). Material: 1 tooth from tlie 9-mesli screen. Squatinidae — angel sharks Sqitatina califoruica Ayres — Pacific angel shark Pacific angel sharks range from soullierii Alasli. Material: G dermal denticles from the 32-mesh screen. Rhinobatidae — guitarflshes IiJiiiiohatos prodKchis ( A\res ) — shovelnose guitarfish The shovelnose guitarfish is one of the more common elasmobranchs throughout much of its range between IMonterey Bay and the (iulf of CaliToriiia. It visually inhabits shallow sandy areas along the outer coast, but often enters shallow bays and lagoons. Sometimes large indi- viduals will feed high up on the shore in the wash of breaking waves, often almost stranding themselves as a wave recedes. These indiA'iduals can be har]:)ooned or caught by hand if one is quick enough, but most of the shovelnose guitarfish the Ora-190 Indians caught probably were taken with hook and line. A record-sized female was 61| inches long and weighed 40^ pounds. Shovelnose guitarfish remains have been re- ported from a Ventura midden (Fitch, IMS) and from Chumash sites at Arroyo Sequit and the Century Ranch (Follett, 1963rt.&). Material: 1 tooth from the 32-mesh screen. Platurlnnoiclis triseriata (Jordan and Gilbert) — thornback The thornback ranges from about Elkhorn Slough. California, to Sebastian Viscaino Bay, Baja California, but is rare north of Morro Bay. On the outer coast it seems to prefer sandy areas outside the 18,=: (• ai.ii"(m;\ 1 A I'isii \\i> cwii; l)f(';ikiiiLr surf, bul ;i1 liiiics t liornljiicks will n^'j^i'c.Liiilc on lidal iia1s in l)ays and lajroons. In tlio oooan. Ilicy arc i-cadily C'an<>-lit ■with hook and line. I)ii1 wlicn cnncriit ral i(ins appi'ar on tlic tidal Hats ol' bays and lairoons llicy can be cauLiht by hand, spcai'cd. etc. A lai'^c indi- A'idnal iiii) has reported P. nehulifer remains from Chumash sites at Arroyo Sequit and the Century Ranch. Material: 1 canine-like jaw tooth from the 18-mesh screen. Sparidae — porgies Calamus hrachysomus (Lockington) — Pacific porgy The prosent-day range of the Pacific l)orgy extends from Oceanside, California, to south of Lima. Peru, but the species is rarely seen north of Sebastian Viscaino Bay, Baja California. Adults rarely are found in depths greater than 150 feet, and are abundant in shallow, sandy areas of the outer coast as well as inside coastal bays and lagoons; juveniles occur in great numbers over shallow tidal fiats of coastal bays and lagoons. A hirge individual miglit be 20 inches long and weigh 6 or 7 pounds. The Pacific porgy is easily lakrn on hook and line, whicli is probably how the Indians caught theirs, but they might also have si)eared the i)orgy in the sluillows of Newport Bay. Material: 2 teeth from the 18-mcsh screen. Embiotocidae — surf perches Amphistichus argcnteus Agassiz — barred surfperch Barred surfperch range from Bodega Bay, California, to Playa Maria Bay, Baja California. Tliey have been captured in depths ex- ceeding 50 feet, but they are primarily inhabitants of the breaking surf along sandy beaches of the outer coast. Barred surfperch are superior bait thieves, and because of this they are difficult to hook even thougli they "bite" readily. They would be an easy target for an exj^erienced spear thrower standing in shallow water scanning the areas between shoreward-rolling waves, and I svispect that this was the prin- cipal technique employed by the Ora-190 Indians. A record-sized fish was 17 inches long and weighed 4:j pounds. Barred surfperch remains were rei)orted by Fitch (MS) from a Ventura Chumash site. Material: 1 pluayngeal tooth from the 18-mesh screen. Labridae — wrasses Pimrlomciopon pulclinim (Ayres; — California sheephead California sheepliead range from Monterey Bay to and into the Gulf of California. Throughout much of this area they abound in rocky areas, particularly where dense kelp beds grow. They have been re- ported to attain lengths of 3 feet and a w^eight of 36^ pounds, but individuals exceeding 30 inches and 25 pounds are extremely rare. Sheephead w411 "bite" on an assortment of baits, but they are diffi- cult to hook because of heavy, protruding teeth and an ability to nibble at the edges of the bait. They are easy to capture in fish and lobster traps, and underwater spearfishermen take a heavy toll each year. ]'.H) ('.\1,1|-()|;NI A IMSII AND CAM I! SIii'i'|i1ic;m 1 ;i |)|);i iTiit I \ wcrr ;i I'lndi'ilc |»rc\ (if tlu' cdnsl;!! Iiidijiii. jind llicir (list iiicl i\(' niiissix'c j;i\\s ;iii(| tci'tli :\rr iisii;illy rctjiiiicd 1)\- 1lic Ijirjro-iiu'sli scrci'iis used by jii'cli;H'()l()eeause a large arrow goby, perbaps 2 inches long, would not weigh much more than a good-sized kitchen mateb, I do not believe the Indians eitber fisbed for or caught tbem. Keeder (1951) reported finding 120 C. ios otoliths in tbe stomach of a greater yelloAV-legs {Toianns mdanoJcucus), and 27 more in the stom- ach of a short-billed dowitcber (Lininodromns scolopaceus), so the oc- cun-ence of goby otoliths in sborebird stomachs is fairly well docu- mented. I feel quite certain that tbe single C. ios otolith I recovered (Figure 1) from the Ora-190 midden arrived there in the stomach of some sborebird (willet, curlew, yellow-legs, dowitcber, etc.) the Indians had killed or found. Mail rial : 1 otolith from the 32-mesb screen. Unidentified teleost remains ' Vertebrae were tbe most abundant of tbe unidentified bony fish re- mains from this site, being found in all screens and at all depths. Some of these 81 vertebrae probably came from the same species as listed above, but I believe that they represent a minimum of four or five additional species. Other unidentified teleost renuiins include 11 jaw teeth and 1 pharyngeal tooth, primarily from the 18- and 32-mesh screens. DISCUSSION The use of fine-mesh sieves and a ]iiicros('o})e to examine washed screenings from a relatively ininute ])ortion (about 0.6 ft.'^) of the 1,800 ft.'"* of midden excavated at Ora-190 yielded considerable infor- mation regarding tbe fin fishes utilized by tbe Indians, and permits speculation about their fisheries. The relative dearth of fish remains, compared to Ven-3, Arroyo Sequit, the Century Ranch, and similar middens, indicates that the inhabitants of Ora-190 were not marine oriented, even though they seem to have been familiar with seagoing craft. To obtain at least 3 and possibly 4 of the 11 species identified from this midden (angel sharks, bass, porgv, and sheepbead), the Indians would have had to use some type of craft that would float and could be propelled, although a raft would have been adequate, because none of the fisheries would have necessitated trips into rough water or more than 100 yards or so FISH REMAINS PROM AN INDIAN MIDDEN 191 offsliore. It does not appear that this group of Indians utilized such efficient types of gear as gill nets, beach seines, etc., or a great many more fish remains would have been found in the midden, even thougli not all food items harvested were taken home. Although this group of Indians apparently utilized hook and line for several species and may have used traps, I believe that many of the fishes they took were speared as the opportunity arose while various individuals were scrounging the shoreline for mollusks, crustaceans, and whatever else they could find that was edible. The relatively small quantity of midden soil saved for fisli analysis pre(dudes an exhaustive evaluation of the fishes utilized by the occu- pants. Unfortunately, 80 to 100 mandioui-s are needed to ))i-()cess an adequate sample (at least 10 ft.-'), and since most qualified individuals wdio could do tliis work are employed full time in ficdds of endeavor other than archaeology, it is extremel\' difficult for the archaeologist to find a specialist who is willing to undertake the task or who can s|)ai'0 that mucli of his "free'' time. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS My I'cseaiudi on fish otoliths has been supported in part by a gi'ant from the National Scdence Foujulation (GB-1244i. In addition, I wish to thank Paul (i. ("hace for having saved for me the sample ffom ()ra-l!)0 upon which this re])ort is based. ^Irs. Koberta (li'cenwood. Pacific Palisades, revicnved the manuscript and offered sevei-al lielpl'ul suggestions; -lack W. Scliott took the excellent i)hotographs; and Mrs. Loretta IMon-is typed the manuscript in its sevci'al I'cvisions. REFERENCES Fitch, John E. 19G0. Additional tisli ii'inaiiis, mostly otoiitlis. from a Pleistocene d(M>nsit at Pla.va del TJey, Califoi-iiia. I.os .\nj:cles ( "o. .Miis., ("onti-ih. in Sci., (119) : 1 Pi. Follett, AN'. I. 19.S2. Incomplete list of iishes from L'oint Magu [sicl sliellninund. Los Angeles Co. ]Mus. Nat. Hist., nnpul)!. ms. 1963a. Fish remains from Arroyo Seqiiit Shellnioiind ( I..\n-.">1' ) . T>os ,Vii- gcles Coujity. ("alifornia. Calif. Hept. I'arUs and Hecr.. l>i\'. Heaclies and I'arks, Archaeological Kept., (9) : ll.S-ll'l. 1903/j. Fish remains from the Century H.incli Site ( I>.\n-L'l'7 ) . Los An- geles County. California. Ann. Kept. l'.M)L;-19(i;!. Archaeological Snr\-.. rni\-. Calif. Los Angeles p. 299-313. 19G4. Fish remains from a Si.\teenth Century site on Drakes ]5ay, Cali- fornia. Ann. Kept. 1903-04, Archaeological Surv., l'ui\. Calif. Los Angeles, p. 31-41. Meighan. Clement W. 19.">9. The Little Harlior Site, Catalina Island: an example of ecological interpretation in archaeology. Amer. Antiquity, 24 (4) : 383—405. Meighan. Clement W., and Hal Eherhart. 19.j3. Archaeological i-e.sonrces of San Nicolas Island. California. Amer. Antiquity, 19 (2) :109-125. Mitchell. Edward D., Jr. 19r)9. Appendix IV. Faunal and human skeletal remains. Archaeological Surv. Assoc. So. Calif., Los Angeles, Pap. 4, p. 1.51-1.53. Reeder, William G. 1951. Stomach analysis of a group of shorebirds. The Condor, 53 (1) : 43-^5. Shumway, George, Carl L. Hnbbs, and James R. Moriarty. 1901. Scripps Estate Site, San Diego, California: a La Jolla site dated .5400 to 7370 years before the present. Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci., 93 (3) : 37-132. Wallace, William .1. 1902. Archaeological investigations in the Arroyo Grande Creek watershed, San Luis Obispo County, California. Ann. Kept. 1901-02, Archaeological Surv., Univ. Calif. Los Angeles, p. 23-00. Calif. Filth ami Ontnr.Bi (2) : 1f>2-Uir,. inr,7. PARTYBOAT LOGS SHOW HOW SKINDIVERS FARED DURING 1963 AND 1964' WILLIAM F. WOOD Marine Resources Operations California Department of Fish and Gome During 1963 and 1964, catch records of 10,753 California skindivers show abalone, kelp bass, and spiny lobster to be the most important species. Diving success, in various areas, ranged from 0.6 to 5.5 fish, shellfish, and crustaceans per da/. Shortly after AN'oild VCnv 11, self-contained underwater breathing apparatus (SCUBA), better skindiving equipment, and expert instruc- tion became readily available. Consequently, many thousands of Cali- fornians liave been lui-cd to cxi^lore tlie ocean oil' tiie nearby coast and adjacent islands. Due Id this increased popularity of skindiving, a fleet of charter boats catering to the needs of the skindiver has appeared. These vessels have air compressors for filling SCUBA tanks, ladders for easy access to and from the water, and tank storage racks. Cali- fornia law (State of California, 1963) requires the operators of these diving charters to keep daily records of the fish taken from their boats. Young (1961) and Wood (1964) have summarized partyboat skindiv- ing activity for the period 1958 through 1962. All diving catch records received during 1963 and 1964 are summarized in this paper, except for a few unreadable, incomplete, or improbable logs. TABLE 1 Marine Species Catch and Effort by Diving Area, Central California, 1963 and 1964 Catch by area Bodega Bay Morro Bay Monterey Peninsula Total Common name 1963 1964 1953 1984 1983 1964 1963 1964 Abalone* Rockfish* Sea urchins- . 25 -- -- 9 3 1 24 21 30 5 12 20 13 15 49 21 30 5 12 9 23 Lingcod Scallop, rock Cabezon 13 15 1 Number of trips Number of divers Number of diver/hours _ _ Catch/diver Catch/diver-hour 25 1 5 5 5 5 -- — 13 1 9 36 1.44 0.36 92 3 54 288 1.70 0.32 48 5 81 585 0.69 0.08 117 4 59 293 2.00 0.40 61 6 90 601 0 68 0.10 ' Probably more than one kind. ' Submitted for publication December 19G6. (192) SKINDIVER PARTYBOAT LOGS 193 During 1963 and 1964, tlie Department of Fish and Game received eatch records from 612 skindiving charters, 10 from central California and 602 from southern California. Central California charter boat oper- ators reported that 149 divers took 178 fish and shellfisli (Table 1) during the 10 skindiving trips in that region. Eight of the 10 trips were made in the Monterey Peninsula area; no reports were received from tlie FaraHon Islands, the most frequented area in 1960-62. Southern California charter boat operators reported 10,604 divers taking 27,031 fish, sliellfish, and crustaceans, of at least 21 kinds (Table 2). The four j)rincipal species, abalone, kelj) bass, lobster, and sheep- head, have not varied in their relative importance during the past 7 years. Rock scallops moved from 16tli to 5th in importance; this was the only majoi* cliange from the jirecediug '.\ years. TABLE 2 Marine Species Taken by Charter Divers off Southern California 1963 and 1964 Coiniiion iiaiiic Abalone* Kelp bass Spiny lobster ( "alifornia slieephead. . Hock scallop 0))aloye Perch* California halibut Hockfish* i 'acific bonito California yellowtail _-. Half moon Cabezon Sculpin Flatfish* Lingcod White seabass California barracuda Pacific mackerel Ocean whitefish Total Number of trips Number of divers Number of diver-hours. Catch diver Catch diver-hour Number reported 1963 1964 Total 5,881 9,543 15,424 2,262 1 ,995 4,257 998 2, 1 1 5 3,113 983 1,221 2,204 591 292 883 233 259 492 34 251 285 4 o i -t 1- C<5 ■* M Cl '0 1- -r 1- C-. O e f CC 1- rr CO Cl rt 1— 1 ' 1 1 1 t 01 If: -^ o cc oi X c-i ?i ri — — . — CO > 1 1 1 1 "rt -r C'l -- ci_ X -t ci — — q. ^ >0 -r M im" N-" u (N 1 ^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 "* ^ t^ o in 1-1 ej *; "O c S CO o d ir c Pc- O I < C'l t~^ ) I ) I I I I I 1 I I I 1 1 I O Ol Tj< o O CO c3 jj-C lO 1 1 CI 111 c l^ -t • o 00 M •r O C3 Ol 1 m^^ O lO lO lO O 1 1 1 r-1 1 C^l 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 r X (N '^ O CO oo t; -rt CJ CC 1 ^ 'O ' ' 1 ' 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 1 1 1 X 'O • C ^ .-H Ol 1-0 Sai pmr slat Ol W 1-* -^ H- < o OiiwXii--it^ rtiiii CO CO Ol o l» N ^^ ,._ sC 1 1 1 ' C^ I ' ' I I I 1 1 1 1 o TJH • T# (O ^ ^ 1-H I/: CJ S Eii 5 CO ci d 5 j:^ r^ — J,— t^lO ' ' 'CC ' ' ' ' ' 1 ' '»—< 1 ' ' X -^ -^ o 0> o :- n lOXOCC'i' iiiiiiii 111 o T-H r*^ Tjl M "5 1 ^ ■^ 5^ '^ T^ W ^H Cl^ Ol cr. c -H s T— t t l« T-i 1 rt 1 o ' ' X Ill X CO t~ X U9 »H rr 'i-~~. 1 O ■ ■ CO ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 ■ ■ ■ ■ I < X Ol CO -r 00 M If. 0_j '~' c^ IM CO CO O O «" o '5 '^ > 5 Ph d X CO ^ X C — -^ -- CI IM 1 ' 1 rt CO 1 1 rt 1 1 (N CI lO ^ iH OS CI Tf Lc -r X — ro i . . i i i i •* lO 1- r-H iH CO W 0_ rr CO — C«5 c^ x_ . T— t — H CO -H -t P5 O ■<'■' t- C C ~ X LO -t l~ O 01 1- ! 01 — C lO -^ ,-^ 1 1 _ -t ^ LO t> ■* -S s'5 CO X I- ^ ~. CO CO -^01 1 ^ 1 z « t- O 0_ 'l; 1^ CO CO ^ 01 t- - H 5 of o[ ^ x' ^''g M d -X ^ S ^ CO >+ "O 0-. oi -^ 1-0 — lO — 01 -.r -r 01 ; .-- oi — oi ^ o t^ O LO lO CO -w -- ■-— ' i^o^oiLO, r^ __„„ , t^ X ^ • O Tjl ^ •" X lO Ci lO C^ r-^ 01 ^• lO CO CO CO '- "^ n ^ co" CO P C4 d l.^s ^^ T-H O CO o ' ' CC ' ' 2 1 Ui i 3 1 o o bidono* x>lp bass oiny lobster alifornia sheoplu ock scallop i:)aleye erch* alifornia halibut ockfish* acific bonito alifornia ycllowt alfmoon abczon ■uli)in latfish*... iiiRcod Hiitc seabass alifornia barracu acific mackerel., cean whitefish... ips. . vers ver-1 1 j: 9> a> £ -*j ^ " > > 5 O o umber of umber of umber of c3 a! 1 rag(Ml 4.75 hours diving time per trip. However, this figui-c includes most, if not all, of the time boats were at anchor. The actual underwater dive time depends largely upon the number of aii- tanks available but. in any case, it is less than the time at anchor. On trips on which there are a large number of divers, much time may be spent on deck wait- ing for air tanks to be recharged. On one tri[), for exam])le. 17 divers reported using an average of four tanks each with 30 minutes diving time per tank (total possible ^ 2 iiours), while the boat log sliowed 5 hours of diving time. TABLE 4 Common and Scientific Names of Marine Species Taken by Charter Divers in California, 1963 and 1964 Conmioii tiaiiic cjciontific name Fishes Kass, kelp Paralabrax clathratus Uarraciida, California Sphyraena argentea I ionito, Pacific Sarda chiliensis ( "abczon Scorpaenichtfajs marmorntus Flatfish* ._ Species of bothids and plcuronectids I lal f moon Medialuna caUforniensis 1 lalibut, California Paralichthys californicus Lingcod Ophiodon elongalus Mackerel, Pacific Pneumatophonis diego Opaleye Girella nigricans Perch* Species of embiotocids Rockfish* Sebastodes spp. Sculpin Scorpaena guttata Seabass, white Cynoscion nohilis Sheephoad, California Pimelometopon pulchrum Ocean whitcfish Caulolatilus princeps Yellowtail, California Seriola dorsalis Mollusks Abalono* Haliotis spp. Scallop, rock Hinnites muUirugosus Crustaceans Lobster, spiny Panulirus interruptus Echinoderms Sea urchins Strongylocentrotus franciscanus * Probably more than one kind. 10r> OALTFORNIA FISH AND OAME S(iutlii'i-ii C'nliforniii divers ;iV('r;i.] and :'.7 animals durin.{) and .'{.(i animals. At Santa Catalina Island. catches increased from 1.75 animals iu 1DGU-1DG2, to 2.05 animals i)er diver in 1963-1964. REFERENCES St.'Ho of California. 1063. Fish and Game (.'ode. 43rd ed., 294 p Wood. William F. 1DG4. I'artylxiat lojjs sluiw Imw sl."il>. Calif. Fisli .•ind (Janie. 47 (3) : 303 -3()r). Calif. Fish and Game, B3 (3) : 197-202. 1967. SEROLOGICAL STUDIES OF KELP BASS, PARALABRAX CLATHRATUS' ALBERT C. SMITH' Marine Resources Operations California Department of Fish and Game This is the first report of human blood-typing sera agglutinating kelp bass erythrocytes, and of kelp bass sera clumping human red cells. Fish sera from one species have not previously been known to contain ag- glutinins specific against all human red cells in the ABO system. Agglutination frequencies of kelp bass erythrocytes in human A and B blood-typing sera were compared in fish caught near the southern California mainland and at Santa Catalina Island. A statistically signifi- cant difference in agglutination frequencies in B typing serum indicated separate populations. Additional blood tests revealed that there was no correlation between type of bass serum agglutinin and agglutinogen present, and that the kelp bass sera contained both specific and nonspecific agglutinins against human type O red cells. INTRODUCTION Genetically distinct populations of marine vertebrates have been identified by comparing the a (rgluti nation frequencies of their red blood cells in a specific reagent. This method was utilized in studying sei, fin. blue, and humpback whales (Fujino, 1953 1 ; sockeye salmon (Ridgway, Gushing, and Durall, 1958) ; albacore (Suzuki, Morio, and Mimoto, 1959) ; fur seals (Fujino and Gushing, 1960) ; spiny dogfish (Sindermann and Mairs, 1961) ; Pacific sardines (Sprague and Vroo- man, 1962) ; albacore, bigeye tuna, skipjack, and yello"\vfin tuna (Sprague, Holloway, and Nakashima, 1962) ; and golden, rainbow, cut- throat, brown, and brook trout (Galaprice and Gushing, 1964). Such investigations have been described in detail (Gushing. 1964). Fish sera contain a variety of substances Avhich agglutinate erythro- cytes. Within a species, serum agglutinins occur in different frequen- cies. This has been demonstrated in the eel AnguiUn anguilla (Grubb. 1949) ; yello^^-fin tuna and skipjack (Gushing, 1952r/,?>) ; dolphin (Yam- aguchi and Fujino, 1953) ; goldfish (Hildemann. 1956) ; and catfish. white croaker, and skipjack (Gushing and Durall, 1957). However, no one has studied agglutinin frequencies to see if they could be used in identifying noninterbreeding populations. This is probably because cer- tain agglutinins might have been introduced previously by infections, and because some may appear in the serum only seasonally. Therefore, it would be difficult to tell if a particular agglutinin represents a genetic character or an environmentally induced one. Identification of separate kelp bass populations is an essential requi- site for managing the resource. The present research was designed to determine if two geographically divided groups of bass are genetically distinct. I investigated the frequency of agglutination of their red ' Submitted for pulilication January 1967. - Present addre.ss : Department of Population and Environmental Biologr, University of California, Irvine ; Irvine, California 92664. (197) 198 C.\l.II'()i;.\I A IMSIl AND GAME cells ill lliuiuili A iillil I '> IiIihmI 1 \ piiiLl' scr;i. ;ilii| ('(jIii | i;i red |);|SS ay;4'liiti- niii ricijui'iu-ios will) llic -hjiscd ;ii:i:l ill iiio^idi rre(|U('iic'y, to see ii' a s^'steiiKilic !'i'l;iti(inslii|t rxisii'd. METHODS Kelp bass were caiiu'lil by hook and line and indixidiially cxaiiiined for ex idence of disease and infestation. Hca]1liy-lookin<>- fish were blotted dry Avitli a towel and bled by soxcrinu' tlie caudal peduncle with a sliai']) knife; approximately 2 nil of blood from oaeli fisli was col- lected directly into se])arate vials. Fish erythrocytes to be tested were ])re|)ai-ed aboard sliip from tiie blood M-]iich had been mixed witli 3 to 5 crystals of sodium citrate (anticoa.a'ulant ). Sufficient pli\sio]o ami uiikiKiwii aiiL;-! iit iiiiiis - ini. ."{() i , 1 li r(iu;^'li A, B, and un- known a2a. i^erologicnl (liffcrciilial ion of fish liloods. Science, 115 (HO.S!)) : 404-40.-). 1().")2/y. Tn(li\i(lnal \ariation in Iho lioinaKKlnl inin content of yellowfin tuna and s]. M.. J. R. Ilolloway.and I>. I. Xakashima. 19ri2. Studies of the erythro- cyte antigens of albacore. bigeye. skipjack and yellowfin tunas and their use in subpopulation identification. FAG World Sci. Meet. Biol. Tunas and Related Species, La Jolla, Calif., Sec. 2, Experience paper, (22) : 1-15. Suzuki, A., T. Morio, and K. Mimoto. 1959. Serological studies of the races of tuna. 2. Blood group frequencies of the albacore in Tg-system. Pt. 1. Comparison of the Indian and northwestern I'acific Ocean. Nanliai Reg. Fish. Res. Lab., Rept., (11) : 17-23. Yamaguchi, K., and K. Fujino. 1953. On the serological constitution of the striped dolphin. Prodclphiitun cucnilco-ulhun (Meyen). Japan Acad., Proc. 29 (2) : 61-67. Calif. Fif^h and Game, 5^ (?,) : 20:]-2(iS. IflGT. AN INEXPENSIVE, SELF-CONTAINED UNDERWATER DATA RECORDING CAMERA' CHARLES T. MITCHELL Marine Resources Operations California Department of Fish and Game An inexpensive data recording camera with underwater housing de- signed for shallow water use is described. The unit requires no tending while in operation and will operate for long periods of time. A great deal of photographic equipment has been designed and con- structed to use underwater where direct observation was iiifeasible. Most of tliis equipiiicnt has been designed to oiierate in deep water (Edgerton and lloadley, lf).')5; Kruse, lf)()4). To construct equipment of this type, highly skilled personnel and considerable expense are required. Tlie recording camera with underwater housing described here is de- signed for shallow water (less than 50 feet), is relatively easy to fabri- cate, and can be constructed for less than $125. The basic design is readily adaptable for laboratory or field studies in which it is neces- sary to monitor equi])m('nt or organisms underwater. The unit rcMpiires no tending while in operation and will operate for long periods of time. CAMERA A data recording camera for use underwater must fulfill a number of requirements. It must be relatively compact, take a large number of single-frame photographs without service, have an adjustable lens, and load easily and rapidly. Although many recording cameras have these features, their cost of $1,000 or more limits their usage, especially when the likeliliood of loss is high or when several units are desired. A number of 16-millimeter, magazine-load, motion picture cameras also fill these requirements. Examples are the Bell and Howell 200 and Automaster, Revere Sixteen Magazine Load, Cine-Kodak Royal Maga- zine, and the Silver Star 16-millimeter Sequence and Movie Camera.- When new, these cameras range in price from $170 to $300, but used models are plentiful and can be purchased for $25 to $75. The maga- zines hold 50 feet of film and are available in black-and-white and color. The camera is spring-driven and permits exposure of 10 to 15 feet of film on a single wind, or when rewound while submerged, the entire film load. Exposing 10 feet of film provides 400 individual frames (there are 40 frames per foot on 16-millimeter film), or at one frame per minute, enough film to monitor for slightly over 6^ hours. ' Submitted for publication February 1967. - Use of trade names does not imply endorsement of the products. ( 203) 204 CATJPARXIA IMsil AND CASfR TRIPPING MECHANISM Tn sotting: up tlio C';inici-;i 1 ri|)piii;_'' mccliiinisiii. Ilic sjiullcr-rclcase trij) Icvor is driven tlir()Ulat(' slides into the housing under two rumiers. The 11 11)1 or is powered by two class-D dry -cell batteries. These motors are small, but durable, and are available in speeds from 1 td 150 rpm with battery holder and leads attaelied. Although the battery life varies with load requirements, units Iuinc run as long as 4>>i) hcjurs witliout battery replacement. We have used a motor rated at approximately 1 rpiii. However, with the installation of a 5-watt, lOO-ohni ])oteiiti- 1 r_ ''b" ^ :i^ ^•^ SIDE FRONT CUT-AWAY OF LEFT SIDE SHOWING LEVER ARRANGMENT 0 '"- I 2 3 4 5 6 FIGURE 1— Tripping mechanism for the Bell and Howell 200 motion picture camera. UNDERWATER DATA RECORDING CAMERA 205 ^ a SIDE REAR r - SIDE FRONT FIGURE 2 — Above — Tripping mechanism for the Bell and Howell Automaster motion picture camera. Below — Tripping mechanism for the Revere Sixteen Magazine Load motion picture camera. L'IMi CAl.ll'OliN lA I'ISII AMI c A \1 !•: (iiiictcr ;iii(l ;i (' ;!-\nli !).('. vol! nind rr. it is possible U> rciiuhitc llic s|t('('{l (if tlic iiioldT I'i'diii 0.5-2 r|Mii 1 i-r\(iliii ion = 1 simtirr i-clciisc i . A slight voltage dr<)j> (0.2 xnlts pci- shour |)ci-io(l i whidi (MMMin'fMJ (luiMiig continuous running, Icngllicncd the inlcrvai bclwccn t'raincs, and decreased llie total fi-anies e.\])osed in an S-liour observation ])eriod by about 4'r. The loss in total frames could have been eliminated by periodically adjusting ihc potent iomcler. FIGURE 3 — Camera and tripping mechanism ready to be installed in housing. Note snaps for disconnecting tripping mechanism from front plate "switch". UNDERWATER HOUSING AND CONTROLS The camera lionsing is of clear acrylic plastic (Toggweiler, 1962). Acrylic plastic is easily worked, has excellent light transmitting quali- ties, and allows one to observe the internal equipment and detect water leaks. It can be cemented with ethylene dicloride solvent (Kohm and Haas Company, 1964). The housing is of tnbing 8 inches in diameter with ^-incli wall, sealed at one end with f-inch sheet stock (Figure 4). The front edge of the tubing is grooved to hold a |-inch diameter "0" ring for sealing the removable front plate. The front plate of f-inch sheet stock is cut ^ig-inch larger than the outside diameter of the tubing and has six equally-spaced "lobes" 1-inch in radius. The lobes are drilled to accom- modate retaining studs. A piece of tubing 4 inches in diameter, -J-inch long, with |-inch wall is cemented to the outside of the front plate to provide protection from scratching and is painted flat black with acrylic paint to eliminate undesirable light reflections. UNDERWATER DATA RECORDING CAMERA 207 To attach the front phite, six equally-spaced stud retainers, f by l-J inches, are cemented to the outside of the housing along the front edge. These are then threaded to receive :J-by-l-inch brass studs with wing nuts. The external controls for the camera wind and potentiometer are sealed with an "0" ring. These are available from most diving equip- ment suppliers (Toggweiler, 1962). The control for the potentiometer enters through the front plate and connects with the adjustment screw on the potentiometer. A frietional adapter made from a rubber bottle stopper, drilled at the ends, is used to connect the control shaft and adjustment screw. The camera wind control enters through the right side of the housing on center witli the camera's wind shaft. A fox'k of :^-inch stainless steel rod, attached to tlie end of the control shaft, is fitted over the erected camera wind key. A large external knob was used on this control because considerable leverage is necessary to wind most spring-driven cameras. Waterproof plugs installcnl in the front phite (Figure 4) are used as a simple "on-off" switcli tliat can be operated without opening the housing. Wires leading from the switch to the tripping mechanism have snaps so the mechanism can be disconnected from the froiil phite when servicing the camera. FIGURE 4— Data recording camera within protective framework ready for submergence. 208 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAMF. A tul)iii;L: I'raiiii'Wiirk, lo x iL' .\ ]'■'> iiiclirs nt' .l-iiidi s(|u;irc iiliuiiimini. is used to protect, the camera Ikiusjul;- iiml pinxidc ;i pdiiit of attach- ment for a lioldiii}; stancliion. Tlic liousiiijr i-esfs in a sheet-alumiiium cradle -within the framework and is licid in phicc hy a 2-in('li adjust- able stainless steel band euslii(ni('d with neoprene rubber. All •■()" rings are coated with silicone grease before each submerg- ence to insure a waterproof seal. A small porous container of silica gel dessicant is placed in the honsiiiL'- to provide a dry atinosphere foi- the cajuera and timing asse?iil)l>. The camera lens is pi-oxidi'd witli ;i shiide th;it extends to the front plate. This eli?iiiii;ites light retlections originat ini;- fi-oiii within the housing. When associated with the U. 8. Uureau of ('(muuercial Fisheries, Tuna Resources Laboratory, La Jolla, California, I successfully used cameras of this design in evaluating the relative abundance of fishes attracted to objects moored in the open sea. A correlation coefficient of 0.788 (significant at 0.001) was obtained comparing daily estimates hy (livers jiiid the percentage of total film frames containing fish on the same days. The cameras were used, witli a miiiimuni of mainte- nance, daily over a period r>f 2 months. REFERENCES Edgerton, Harold E.. niid Eloyd I>. Hoadley. ]n55. Cameras and lighf.s for under- water use. .Tom-. Motion Picture aud Televisioii Euj;., 04 : 345-350. Kruse, Paul .7. 1904. A remote controlled underwater photographic surveillance system. U. S. Fish and Wildl. Serv., Spec. Sci. Rept., Fish. 490:16 p. Rohm and Haas Company. 1964. Plexiglass sheet-cementing. P>ull. PL-7h, 19 p. In Ple.xiglass design and fabrication data. Rev. ed. Philadelphia. Toggweiler, ilart. 1962. How to build your own underwater camera housing. Dive-Rite Products, Box 14444. Long Ueach. Calif., 73 p. NOTES TAGGED ANCHOVIES MOVE FROM SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA TO MONTEREY BAY On Marcli 14, 1966, the California Department of Fish and Game began tagging and releasing northern anchovies (Exgraulis mordax Girard) with small, internal, metal tags (Vrooman, Paloma, and Jor- dan, 1966). These tags are recovered by magnets placed in cannery reduction lines. During the reductitm season, which closed April 30, 1966, 22,955 fish were tagged and 138 recovered. Additional tagging and recoveries have since brought the totals to 100,509 fish tagged and 253 recovered. Tag recoA'eries inelude four of great significance. A fish tagged March 17 oft' I'oint Fermin was recovered in Monterey Bay October 25. Two fish tagged off Point llueneme April 6 were recovered in Monterey Bay on ( )ctober 21 and 26, resjx'clivcly, and one tagged off Santa Catalina Island on April 26 was recovered in ^Monterey Bay on Janu- ary 4, 1967. The Point Pei-min and Santa Catalina Island to Monterey Bay recoveries represent a direct-line migration of 350 miles in 223 and 253 days, respectively. The other two traveled at least 275 miles ill lf)f) and 204 daj'S, respectively. LITERATURE CITED Vrooin.-iii, Aiulrow ^I., Podro A. l':ili)Uia, jiikI K('iiiiiilo .Tor. The humpback and doj; salmon taken in San Lorenzo River. Calif. Fish and Game, 2 (1) : 41. Smedh'v. S. C. I!)."i2. Pink salmon in Prairie Creek, California. Calif. Fish and Game, 38 (2) : 275. Snyder, John O. 1031. Salmon of the Klamath River, California. Calif. Div. Fish and Game. Fish Bull.. (34) : 130 p. Taft, A. C. 1938. Pink salmon in California. Calif. Fish and Game. 24 (2) : 197-198. — Donald H. Frif. Jr., Marine Resources Branch, California Depart- ment of Fish and Game, July 1966. 212 CALIFORNIA FISH AX)) f:A:\rE A HIGH PHEASANT (PHASIANUS COLCHICUS) NEST DENSITY ON THE GRAY LODGE WATERFOWL MANAGEMENT AREA Oil June 3, ]966, a iire ori^iiiatiiiji' on private property spread onto the Gray Tjodjre Waterfowl ^Management Area, burning 110 acres. Gray Lodge is in southern l^>utte County, at api^roximately tlie center of the Sacrameiild \';ili(y. An extreme!}^ dry spring had iirndncrd flammable conditions much earlier than normal. The height of the nesting season and the completeness of tlie burn presented a unique opportunity to survey pheasant nest density and note any loss of wildlife. Till' liuiiii'd ai'ea was in good pheasant habitat (Figure 1). Original vegetative cover was primarily yellow star tl)istle (Centaurea solsti- tialis), foxtail (Hordeum murinnm), canary grass (Phalaris canarien- sis), rye grass {Lolium sp.), and wild oat (Aveiia fatna). Patches of tule (Scirpiis acutus), cattail {Typlia sp.), and hnii-ush (Scirpus sp.) were present. Willow (Sah'x sp.) and Fremont cottonwood (Populus frcmoniii) trees were scattei-ed over the area. FIGURE 1 — View of the edge of the burned area. Gray Lodge Waterfowl Management Area. Photograph by John 6. Cowan, June 1966. The entire burn was systematically searched for pheasant nests and any evidence of wildlife losses noted. One hundred fifty-four nests were found, representing a density of 1.4 per acre. All nests in the 1)11111 were destroyed. Examination revealed the following: 33 (21%) wiic in incubation or in process of hatching, 29 (19%) had hatched before the burn, 36 (23%) had been destroyed b}- predators, and 56 (37%) were dump nests, abandoned nests, incomplete clutches, or of unknown status. NOTES 213 The 29 nests which had hatched before the fire showed 9.0 eggs per clutch and a hatch of 7.5 (83%). Previous nest studies at Gray Lodge had sliown higher clutch sizes, ranging in various years from 10.7 to 12.9. The 1966 clutch size of 9.0 may be a reflection of the extremely dry spring, which is generally considered unfavorable for pheasant nesting. Pheasant losses were confined to newly hatched chicks at four nests and two juvenile birds. The only other wildlife losses were a California quail (Lophortyx calif ornic us) nest containing 12 eggs and one black- tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus). Many pheasants immediately returned to the burned area and in two cases hens attempted to resume incubation on the destroyed nests. — Joiuithan II. Ives and John B. Cowan, Wildlife Manaycmcnt Branch, California Department of Fish and Game, Octoher 1966. ISOLATION OF PASTEURELLA MULTOCIDA FROM A SNOWY OWL {NYCTEA SCANDIACA), A NEW HOST RECORD On January 4, 19G7, California Department of Fisli and Game Wardens IMicIiacl Sadleir and William Donovan caught a snowy owl while on patr-ol in the Yolo Dypass. The area wliere tlie bird was ])icked up is 10 miles south of Interstate Higliway 80 near Davis, California. This snowy owl, a male, was sick at the time the wardens caught it; it was sitting on a large drain ])ii)e and made no attempt to avoid capture. The owl died a few hours after its capture, before treatment could be initiated. Autopsy revealed the presence of small, bipolar gram-negative bacilli in blood and liver impression smears. Subse(|uent culture and isolation of the organism, followed by biochemical charac- terization, revealed the organism to be PasteureUa midtociela, the etio- logical agent of fowl cholera (Breed, Murray, and Smith, 1957). It is assumed by the author that the owl became infected by feed- ing u])on ducks infectetl with P. multocida. This assumption seems to be logical, since an outbreak of fowl cholera in the waterfowl had been under way for several days preceding January 4. According to Grinnell and Miller (1944), the last recorded sighting of a snowy owl in California occurred in 1916. At that time there were several reports of sightings in Del Norte, Humboldt, and Butte counties. There have not been any published observations of snowy owls in California since the work of Grinnell and Miller. However, there have been a few unpublished sightings at various localities in California since 1916. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to express his appreciation to Mrs. Harold Kim- ball, editor of the Sacramento Audubon ''Observer", for checking Audubon records. 214 CALIFORNIA FISir AND GAME REFERENCES Breed, Roliert S.. E. G. 1 >. .Mmr.iy. ■■uid Natlmn K. Siiiitli. Utr>7. Bergey's in.niii.il of (lf'(cniiiii;if i\t' luu-teriology. Ttli <■'!. AN'illi.iiiis mik] ^^'ilkins Co., Baltimore. I.UIM II. Grinnell, Joseph, and Aldcn II. Millor. 1044. The distribution of the birds of California. Cooppr Ornifli Q. >- - 1" C J] ^Z «■ « o *■ spodadoQ 00 I O I ■ o 0BpnsnBi|dn5i suinuiaa aiqcypuapi in 0) O c £ in { (C 0 e 0) ^ e 0 t^ TO -H ^ r» TO " CO >o M 3 ■a d c S H — e a u « 0) te M r, W W J* T3 ^ 00 C 0 c c s. CO ^ t. S ^ * o S3 SQ W s e o -^ 13 e a S e o H 3 J « O -3 = ^ C « H 2 .^ e ^ S ^•^ 5 £ C C-. M ~N s^li 5 ^5 K 65 eo « ^ ■« e ills 13 it t:: ^ o ^ P a a a - O t^ "^ u ^ £ s s «, 6 '^ '^ a 216 CALIFOHNIA FlSll AND (;A.ME acli contents. In contrast, at least throe types of aniiiuil i-ciiuiiiis Avere j)r('S('iit in cacli stoinacli of tin- limili'd sjniiplr of fjini jKuh iia itrophdos and C( rat(Jscopcli(s ioxcnsi ndi. Althonjrh it would appeal- tluit .S'. leuc" />■■<" nis jiiid /.. rilhri consume a ■wider variety of food 1li;iii llic otlici- species. Ilie siz(; ranj^e of the dissected fishes influenced the d;ita. Individuals of the two species reached 90 mm SL and, in tliis limited study, fish i-euuiiiis were found only in specimens over 60 mm sl. Few individuals of the other species reached 60 mm sl. and with the exception of A. iiniphnns. none of these had fish remains in the stomach contents. .Mycto])hids consume larjje amounts of food at one time. ;ind the stomach is often distended and fills most of the eoelomic ca\ity. in one s|)ecinien of S!. leiicopsarKS, 19 undi<>:ested euphausiids wci-e found. ( 'rMst;ice;ins, part icul;irly eu])hau- siid slirimps, mal-ce up tlie main diet of the ])asin lantei-nfislies. Lanternfish ])opulations ai)parent]y U't'd l;otii durin^^ tlie day and at night. An examination of trawl data reveals that 117 specimens with identifiable stomach contents were taken diurnally and 86 specimens were caught noctucnally. PARASITES Three lanternfish species are hosts of the parasitic copepod Car- diodcctcs mcdiisacus of the family Lernaeidae. S. Icucopsarus is the pri- mary host for the parasite in the basin, with 226 infected individuals, or 2.47% of tile f).143 captured specimens. One L. ritfcri and four D. thrta were also parasitized. Froni one to four ])arasites are found embedded in the ventral side of tlie fish, in the middle of the isthmus; the head enters the hulhifs arteriosus of the host. The parasite has been figured l)y Sliiino (1958). REPRODUCTION Captures of ])()stlarval fishes indicate that nine of the resident lan- ternfishes breecl in or near the San Pedro Basin. The six species for which no young have been taken are also among the least frequently captured: Diogrnichfhys latcrnatus, Taaningichilnjs hathuphilus, Lam- padcna urophaos, Lampanijcius rcgnlis, Parvilux ingens, and Scope- lengys tristis. The San Pedro Basin is at the extreme of the geographic ranges of D. lafernafus. T. hafjnipjnhis, and S'. tristis. These species may be expatriates, unable to reproduce within the basin environment. Dissections revealed gravid females of *S'. lencopsarus, T. mexicanus, and L. ritieri, the three most i-oimnon basin species. Few individuals of the other species were dissected. Gravid females of S. lencopsarus were taken from October through April, and of T. mexicanus from June through September. While fewer adult specimens of L. ritteri were examined, gravid females were captured in January, June, Au- gust. October, and December, which suggests a year-round breeding season. The occurrence of 15-17 inm postlarvae of >S'. leucejpsarus and T. mexicanus during five months of the year supports the hypothesis of a long breeding season for these species. A 9-month breeding season, from November to August, is reported for >S'. leucejpsarus in Monterey Bay TFast, 1960). In the San Pedro Basin, high summer temperatures and salinities may prevent this subarctic-transitional species from breeding. Possible competition with the summer breeding T. mexicanus may limit the breeding season of 8. lencopsarus. NOTES 217 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The fjuidance and criticism of Jav M. SavaH. A note on mass mortality of the myctoiihiil fish Tarle- toiibeuniu creittildri.s. Copeia, 1053 (3) : 100—192. Fast, Thomas N. 1000. Some aspects of the natural history of Sfcnohrachiiis leu- copsarus Eigenmann and Eigenmann. Stanford Univ., Ph.D. Dissertation. UiT p. Fitch. John E. 10.")1. Studies and notes on some California marine fislns. C.ilif. Fish and Game. 37 (2) : 111-120. Follett, William I. 1052. Annotated list of fishes ohtained hy the California Acad- emy of Sciences during six cruises of the U.S.S. Mulberry conducted hy the United States Navv off central California in 1040 and 10.50. I»roc. Calif. Acad. Sci., Ser. 4. 27 ( 10) : 390-432. Fraser-BrunniT, A. 1040. A classification of the fishes of the family M,\ctMphidae. Proc. Zool. Soc. London, 118 (4) : 1010-1100. IIulilis, Carl L. 1017. A note on the food of Squalus siicklii, the California dogfish. Copeia, 1017 (43) : 37-38. Marshall, N. B. 10.54. Aspects of deep sea hiology. Hutchin.son and Co., Ltd., London. 380 p. McHugh, J. L. 1052. The food of albacore (Germo alaJnnga) off California and Baja California. Bull. Scripps Inst. Ocean., 6 (4) : 101-172. Paxton, John It. 1007. A distributional analysis for the lanternfishes (family Myc- tophidae) of the San Pedro Basin, California, Copeia, 1007 (2 j : 422-440. Shiiuo. Suco M. 1058. Copepods parasitic on Japanese fishes. 17. Lernaeidae. Rept. Fac. Fish. Univ. Mie, 3(1) : 75-100. Shimada, Bell M. 1048. Records of lanternfish in Pnget So\ind. Copeia, 1048 (3) : 227. — John R. Paxton, Dept. of Biological Sciences, Universitij of Southern California, Los Aiigeles, Calif. 90007, Octoher 1966. ALBINOID COLORING IN A SAND BASS, PARALABRAX NEBUUFER (GIRARD) On July 14, 1965, the sportfishing boat Palamar, Jim Alvarez skip- per, landed a very light-colored sand bass, 257 mm sl, wliile fishing in the yellowtail kelp area about 8 miles northwest of Oceanside, Cali- fornia, and 1 mile otf shore, opposite the San Onofre power plant (Fig- ure 1). A deckhand, Greg Smith, preserved the fish because of its unusual coloration, and brought it in to Cerritos College, Norwalk. Cali- fornia. Notes on the color pattern of the specimen were made after it had been in formaldehvde for 2 days. 218 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME FIGURE 1— Sand bass, Paralabrax nebulifer ^Glrard), showing albinold coloring. Phofograph by Dean Gross. The sides and belly of the fish were white, and the dorsal surface was a hly, it is believed tliat this is the first recorded case where a shark attack has ended in the manner outlined above. PARTICULARS OF THE VICTIM Raymond Short of Carrington Avenue, Hurstville, Sydne.y, was on a camping holiday with his parents and brother at Coledale Beach. He was of average height, lightly suntanned, and wearing dark green nylon swimming trunks with a small j'ellowish stripe at the time of the attack. * Editor's Note: This species of sharlv is also responsible for some attacks along the coast of California. 220 CALIFORNIA I'ISIl ANll (!A:\IK LOCALITY OF ATTACK AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONDITIONS rpi lie viclini \\;is (iiic dl' nlxiut .')() pcdplc hiilliiiii;' ;i1 ( 'oli'djilc Ucacli (lat. 84-° ]7' S.. Imiil;-. !.')() .")(/ E.i. ;i siiuill (-(ijistal resoi-l situated iil)()ut 10 miles north of tlie town of AVollonji'oiirtows. Tlie attack occurred at 2 p.m. in ."> feet of water al)out 'M) yards from the shoi-e. The sky was clear, the ail' temperature 70.0 F. and tlie water 1em])erature 71.2 F. There was a light south to southeast Avind. and a light but confused and cbopj)y surf. Due to strong winds and heavy seas towartls the latter part of the ])revious week, the water was very murky. DESCRIPTION OF THE ATTACK AND RESCUE The victim. Avho had just stai'tcd to ti'ead Avater. was first seized on the left thigh and then on the lower part of the right leg. He endea\()red to tight the shark off and bit it on the snout to make it release its gri]i bnt Avithout effect. The boy screamed for help, the shark Avarning bell Avas rung, and the other bathers promptly fled from the Avater. Kaymond Joyce, a surf club member, first reached the A'ictim, AA-ho said "helji me ]ilease — the shark is still there." OAA'ing to the murkiness of the AA'atei-. the rescuer could not see the shark and did not belicA'e the A'ictim until he endeavored to drag him ashore. FiA^e other lifesaA^ers then arrived, and they too AA'ere unaAvare that the shark AA'as still grasping the boy's leg despite the hitter's repeated assertions that it AA-as. Joyce than ran his hand doAvn the boy's leg and felt the shark; another rescuer immediately raised the boy's leg to the surface and exposed the shark for the first time. At this stage another rescuei" started clubbing the shark's head Avith a surfboard. When this ju'oved unsuccessful the rescuers. Avith great courage, seized the shark by the tail, and half carried and half dragged both the boy and shark ashore. During the rescue the boy bled profusely and the AA'ater around him Avas stained Avith blood. On the beach the shark's jaws AA'ere forced open and the boy's leg released. The lifesavers estimated that only 30 seconds elapsed from the A'ictim's initial screams until they reached him and a further 30 seconds AA-ere taken to bring him ashore. DESCRIPTION OF INJURIES AND TREATMENT The boy AA-as gravely injured and in a deei)ly shocked condition; he was also suffering from seA-ere loss of blood. Provident ialh' the District Hospital AA-as situated on the northern headland only about 300 yards from the scene of the attack. The boy was wrapped in toAvels, loaded into a station AA-agon and rushed to the hospital. It AA-as estimated that only about 8 minutes had elapsed betAveen tlie attack and the boy's admission to the hospital. HoweA^er. in this short time his condition had deteriorated rapidly and he AA^as on tlie point of death. The injuries comprised loss of calf muscles and all muscular tissue of the posterior part of tlie right leg; the shinbone Avas exposed and bore imprints of the shark's teeth along its full length. On the left NOTES 221 leg there were multiple lacerations to the front and back of the thigh. The index, middle, and ring fingers of the right hand were badly lacer- ated, and tliere were deep lacerations to the palm and wrist of the left hand. Transfusion entailed 8 joints of blood and 200 stitches were required. The victim has recovered and although the right leg has been saved it will probably be withered and may require a brace. IDENTIFICATION AND DESCRIPTION OF THE SHARK RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ATTACK After being dragged ashore the shark was allowed to die on the beach. It Avas identified by the authors as an immature female great white shark, Carcharodon carcharias (Linnaeus), measuring 8 feet 3 inches overall. This species is easily recogjiized by the large, triangular ser- rated teeth in the upper and lower jaws, and the strongly lunate caudal fin. The great white shark is reputed to be one of the most dangerous of all sharks because of its aggressiveness and ferocity, and according to Garrick and Sehultz (Gilbert, 1063), responsible for more attacks on men and beasts than any other species. Detailed examination of the shark on the day following the attack revealed massive wounds of comparatively recent origin on the left and i-ight lower abdominal surfaces, and on the dorsal and ventral i-egioii of the tail between the pelvic and caudal fins. There were also multi])le lacerations and parallel scratch marks over this whole area (Figure .1). The small injuries had healed over completely and the major ones appeared to be healing well. One wound on the ventral surface, between the caudal and pelvic fins, was elliptical in shape, each half forming the typical parabolic curves of the upper and lower y FIGURE 1 — Left, ventral, abdominal surface of the shark, showing massive wounds. Photograph by P. H. Wolf, March 1966. CAIjIFOHNIA pish and GAIME V S#!<* FIGURE 2— Ventral view of the posterior abdominal region. The wound caused by the shark bite is recognizable. Photograph by P. H. Wolf, March 1966. jaws of a shark (Fiyurc 2). Tliis was undoubtedly a shark bite, and the 9-inch width and 5-ineli gape of the wound indicated that the attacker was approximately the same size as its victim. An X-ray of the area did not locate any tooth fragments, and established that the vertebral column was undamaged. FIGURE 3— Wound opening into the abdominal cavity on the ventral surface. P/iofograph by P. H. Wolf, March 1966. In addition to the above injuries, a 10-ineh wound ran anteriorly from the right pelvic fin 5 inches then turned upward at a right angle. This wound had penetrated the abdominal cavity, leaving a triangular NOTES 223 hole 2 inches wide at the base and 4^-5 inches high. Miicli of this cavity had healed over, but a small cylindrical aperture about 0.4 inch in diameter still remained open to the outside, and it was possible to insert a finger through this liole into the abdominal cavity (Figure 3). The severity and extent of these injuries suggested that the shark's ability to catch natural prey may have been impaired. However, stom- ach analysis revealed two pieces of undigested squid, about 2 dozen vertebrae from a fish weighing between 1 and 2 pounds, and about 2 pints of viscous brown liquid. The most remarkable feature of the attack was the shark's lack of aggression during the rescue operations. It is probably that this may have been related to the severity of its Avounds. SPECIAL NOTES Til is attack has a number of features in common with the majority of attacks in Australia (Coppleson, lf)62). It occui'red during the sum- mer montlis when the water temj)erature exceeded 68.0 F ; it occurred in the afternoon; the victim was a male aged between 12 and 22 years; it occurred close to sliore in shalloAV water; and tlie attack was on the legs. The attack was given headline coverage by the i)ress, ;nid by tele- vision and radio stations. Keporters identified it variously as a blue pointer, whaler, grey nurse, and a white pointer. If these identifica- tions are an index of the reliability of on-the-spot observations by lay- men, the anu)unt of reliance that can be placed on identifications where the shark is only briefly sighted during the horror and panic of an attack is exceedingly small. According to Schultz (Gilbert, 1963), in 1,004 shark attacks less than 4^/< of the sharks were positively identified. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors are indebted to tlie attending physician, M. Rosen, Ken- nedy Road, Austinmer, N.S.W. and to Matron Dunster, Coledale Dis- trict Hospital, for pliotograplis and descriptions of the injuries; to A. Stein, N.S.W. Fisheries Branch, for preserving the shark for de- tailed examination; and to members of the Coledale Surf Club, who participated in the rescue, for detailed accounts of events during and subsequent to the attack. REFERENCES Coppleson. Y. M. 1962. Shark attack. Angus and Robertson, Sydney, 209 p. Gilbert, Perry W., editor 1963. Sharks and survival. D. C. Heath and Co., Boston, 578 p. ■ — T. B. Gormayi and D. J. Dunstan, Fisheries Branch, Chief Sec- retary's Department, 211 Kent Street, Sijdney, Australia, November 1966. BOOK REVIEW Underwater Guideposts: Homing of Salmon By Arthur D. Hosier; The University of Wisconsin Press, Madison, 1966; xii + 155 p., illustrated. $6. It is now wi'll recognized that Siilnion do niij;r;ilc Inmdrod.s or even thousiiiids nf miles and return to their home river system mid luniic trihntary to spawn. Man has even learned a moderate amount ahout the ahilitics or "mechanisms" wliich could make it possihle for fish to find their way, but a great deal more will have to be learned before this latter suliject can be classed as well-understood. Tiie title of this book inight lead a reader to believe that salmon are the only species considered, but nuu-h of the basic information was obtained by working with .several other species. Arthur Hasler has asseud^led the important known facts and theories on salmon migration and on the mechanisms by which fish are able to orient themselves. Much of the exjierimental \\iirk has been done liy the autlior and his associates since l!»."iO or a little before. The book is dixided into three parts, the first of wliich is on the stream i)hase of salmon homing. The author briefly discusses some disproven theories and then takes up the odor hypothesis, which is (briefly) that salmon recognize their home river system and home tributary by the odor of the water. Hasler describes in interesting detail a series of experiments wliich show that blnntnose minnows can distinguish between waters from different streams. Other experiments show that salmon can rec- ognize the odor of a stream, and that salmon with sense of smell intact can and do find their home tributary, but that salmon deprived of their sen.se of smell cannot. Salmon transferred as eggs to another stream are now known to return to the stream of their youth rather than to the stream of their ancestors. The ramifications of this are discus.sed, but not at great length. An interesting but as yet unanswered question is asked : Could salmon be switched to another stream by the use of decoy odors? There are experiments in progress which may or may not partially answer this. The implications for salmon manage- ment could be important. Part II of the book is on oceanic phases of salmon homing. The author explains that until after World War II "it was generally believed that salmon stayed on the continental shelves of the oceans after they had emigrated from their home streams." He implies that it was generally believed (by salmon biologists?) that salmon in the ocean remained within the influence of their home streams. (This reviewer agrees with the first of these two statements but not with the second.) When the Japanese started catching huge numbers of salmon far at sea, the need for more knowledge of salmon oceanic habits suddenly became acute. Hasler devotes most of a chapter to describing the resulting international investigations and their findings. These findings pointed up the need for a hypothesis to explain how salmon find their way home across open ocean. There appears to be a strong possibility that salmon navigate by the sun. Orienta- tion by "sun-compass" is quite complex in that it involves corrections for the time of day, the time of year, and sometimes the latitude. Hasler describes experiments in which fish which were trained to go in a certain direction to find food or cover demonstrated that they could correct for all three of these things, but only if the sun was visible. Several species of freshwater fishes were involved in the tests, but salmon were not. It is not yet positively known whether salmon orient them- selves by sun-compass or can use the altitude of the sun to determine whether they are north or south of their goal. Even if they do these things, supplementary theories may be required to account for apparent ability to orient at night or during cloudy weather. Other possibilities and studies, including the mathematical model which Saila and Shappi used to test the possibility that random movement could be a major factor in salmon migration, are discussed. Part III, "Closing the Migration Circle", is much the shortest part of the book. It includes various aspects of seaward migration and an overall summary. Seaward migration seems fairly easy to explain in streams, but in Babine Lake, British Columbia, young sockeye salmon reared in the Morrison Arm of the lake show definite orientation as they swim south until opposite the arm which leads to the outlet, then move west into that arm and north again to the outlet. This appears to be an inherited procedure. Anyone who is interested in migrations or in fish will find this book well worth reading. For the serious student of salmon or of fish migrations, it is a must. — Donald H. Fry, Jr. printed in California office of state printing 93994 — 800 4-67 5,300 '■'r,' ^ ft 7 ~ ml 7) Si C > ** c z •■■ o o « K C m a