OMJFORNIAl FISH-GAME "CONSERVATION OF WILDLIFE THROUGH EDUCATION" California Fish and Game Is a journal devoted to the conservation of wild- life. If its contents are reproduced elsewhere, the authors and the California Department of Fish and Game would appreciate being acknowledged. Subscriptions may be obtained at the rate of $5 per year by placing an order with the California Department of Fish and Game, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California 95814. Money orders and checks should be made out to California Department of Fish and Game. Inquiries regarding paid sub- scriptions should be directed to the Editor. Complimentary subscriptions are granted, on a limited basis, to libraries, scientific and educational institutions, conservation agencies, and on exchange. Complimentary subscriptions must be renewed annually by returning the post- card enclosed with each October issue. Please direct correspondence to: Perry L. HerrgeseiJ, Ph.D., Editor California Fish and Game 1416 Ninth Street Sacromento, California 95814 1 J 0 V VOLUME 70 APRIL 1984 NUMBER 2 Published Quarterly by STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME —LDA— 66 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME STATE OF CALIFORNIA GEORGE DEUKMEJIAN, Governor THE RESOURCES AGENCY GORDON VAN VLECK, Secretary for Resources FISH AND GAME COMMISSION WILLIAM A. BURKE, Ed.D., President Brentwood BRIAN J. KAHN, Vice President ABEL C. GALLETTI, Member Santa Rosa Los Angeles NORMAN B. LIVERMORE, JR., Member ALBERT C. TAUCHER, Member San Rafael Long Beach DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME HOWARD D. CARPER, Director 1416 9th Street Sacramento 95814 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Editorial Staff Editorial staff for this issue consisted of the following: Wildlife William E. Grenfell, Jr. Marine Resources Robert N. Lea, Ph.D. Inland Fisheries Jack Hanson Editor-in-Chief Perry L. Herrgesell, Ph.D. 67 CONTENTS Page Variation in Trophic State Indicators in Two Northern Califor- nia Reservoirs K. R. Gina Rothe 68 Comparative Condition of Black-Tailed Deer, Odocoileus hemionus columbianus, in Two Herds in Trinity County, Califonria John G. Kie, Timothy S. Burton, and John W. Menke 78 Pup Dependency Period and Length of Reproductive Cycle: Estimates from Observations of Tagged Sea Otters, Enhydra lutris, in California Frederich E. Wendell, Jack A. Ames, and Robert A. Hardy 89 A Review of Selected Remote Sensing and Computer Tech- nologies Applied to Wildlife Habitat Inventories .... Kenneth E. Mayer 101 Identification of Salt Marsh Harvest Mice, Reithrodontomys raviventris, in the Field and with Cranial Characteristics Howard S. Shellhammer 113 A Second Record for California and Additional Morphological Information on Entosphenus hubbs/\/\adyko\/ and Kott 1976 (Petromyzontidae) Vadim D. Vladykov and Edward Kott 121 Book Reviews 128 ERRATUM McGriff, Darlene and John Modin. 1983. Thelohania contejeani paras\l\sm of the crayfish, Pacifastacus leniusculus, in California. Calif. Fish Game, 69(3): 178-183. Page 182. Second sentence of second paragraph should read: "However, O'Keeffee and Reynolds (in press), using microscopic examina- tion, found that up to about 4.0% of Austropotamobius pallipes infected with Thelohania in Ireland eluded detection by macroscopic examination." 68 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME Calif. Fish and Came 70 ( 2 ) ; 68-77 1 984 VARIATION IN TROPHIC STATE INDICATORS IN TWO NORTHERN CALIFORNIA RESERVOIRS ^ K. R. GINA ROTHE Dept. of Geology and Physical Sciences California State University Chico, CA 95929 Monitoring of certain limnological parameters has been conducted in Paradise and Magalia Reservoirs since 1974 to determine if enlargement of Paradise Reservoir or increased development in the watershed would lead to a deterioration of water quality. Increased levels of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds and phytoplankton in 1976 suggested enrichment was occurring. However, from 1976-1980, these parameters returned to their 1974 levels. This reversal can best be explained by an increased flushing rate due to abnormally high rainfall. INTRODUCTION Paradise and Magalia are two water supply reservoirs in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada at 780 m and 680 m elevation, respectively (Figure 1). These reservoirs, owned by the Paradise Irrigation District, are the primary source of domestic water for the city of Paradise. Magalia and Paradise Dams impound flow in Little Butte Creek (Figure 1). Magalia Dam, constructed in 1917, is located 4 km downstream from Paradise Dam and is a 30 m high hydraulic-fill structure. Paradise Dam, constructed in 1 954 and enlarged in 1 976 is a 52 m high rolled, earth-fill structure. Annual discharge from Magalia Dam has ranged from 3,430,377 m^ to 27,090,236 m^ in the last 10 years. Development of large tracts of mountainous land in the Little Butte Creek watershed above the reservoirs and the concomitant problem of waste disposal have been a cause for concern to the Butte County FHealth Department and the Paradise Irrigation District. In 1971-73, the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) conducted an investigation of surface and groundwater in the watershed and identified certain limnological parameters which needed regular monitoring: concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus compounds in the surface and bottom waters and volume of phytoplankton in the two reservoirs during March-May. Since this would encompass spring turnover, nutrients and phytoplankton populations would be at their highest levels. These parameters have been measured biennially since 1974. In addition dissolved oxygen, temperature and conductivity were recorded. During this period Paradise Dam was raised approximately 8 m, increasing reservoir capaci- ty from 7.9 X 10 ^ mMo 14.2 X 10^ m^. The purpose of this study was to monitor changes in these limnological parameters which could result from the reservoir enlargement as well as the continued increase in the human population in the watershed. If significant change occurred. Paradise Irrigation District would be able to initiate corrective measures to prevent further deterioration. ' Accepted for publication November 1982. RESERVOIR LIMNOLOCICAL PARAMETERS 69 Note: drawn from USGS Quadrangle Map - Paradise East, Calif. FIGURE 1. Location of Paradise and Magalia Reservoirs in northern California and location of sampling stations. METHODS Water samples were collected from the top and bottom metre of the water column at three stations in Paradise and two stations in Magalia Reservoir (Figure 1). These were frozen until analysis could be done. Organic nitrogen was determined by the total Kjeldahl method followed by nesslerization ( APHA 70 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME 1975). The nessler method is sensitive to 20 jag/l ammonia nitrogen. Nitrate nitrogen was determined by the Brucine method (APHA 1975), which is recom- mended for concentrations from 0.1-1 mg NO3 — N/l. Total nitrogen was ob- tained by adding the organic nitrogen results and the nitrate-nitrogen results. Data for 1972 was taken from the DWR reservoir study. Total phosphorus was determined by a persulfate digestion followed by the ascorbic acid method (APHA 1975), which is sensitive to concentrations as low as 10 jag P/l. Phytoplankton were collected at one station in each reservoir with a Wiscon- sin net pulled vertically through the water column (1974, 1978, 1980) or with a Van Dorn water sampler at 5 m intervals (1972, 1976). Samples were pre- served until they could be counted. Organisms/I were converted to volume of cells/ml by measuring linear dimensions and using appropriate formulas. Dissolved oxygen, temperature and electrical conductivity were measured at one station in each reservoir at 1 m intervals throughout the water column with a Hydrolab IIB meter. All sampling was done every 2 weeks during the spring. Station locations corresponded as closely as possible to those used by DWR in their 1971-73 study. RESULTS Total Nitrogen and Phosphorus Total nitrogen was always less than 0.5 mg/l-N but generally showed an increase from 1972 to 1976 and then generally decreased from 1976 to 1980 (Figure 2). No trend was discernible between surface and bottom waters or between the two reservoirs, although the overflow from Paradise runs into Magalia. Total phosphorus concentrations were similarly quite low (Figure 3), with levels increasing to their highest in 1976 (0.1-0.35 mg/l-P) and then decreasing to less than 0.05 mg/l-P by 1980. For all years investigated, total nitrogen and phosphorus tended to be depleted in surface waters and stayed the same or increased slightly in deepest waters in both reservoirs. Volume of Phytoplankton The variation in volume of phytoplankton paralleled the variation in nutrient concentration (Figure 4). Phytoplankton volume was lowest in 1974 and 1980 and highest in 1976. Phytoplankton composition varied over the eight years of study. In 1972 the dominants were flagellates, but the DWR study did not identify them further. In 1974, the phytoplankton of both reservoirs was dominated by Asterionella for- mosa with Dinobryon sertularia occasionally being numerous. D. sertularia was most abundant in both reservoirs in 1976, reaching 143 x 10* juVml in Paradise, and 69 X 10* jaVml in Magalia. In 1978 this phytoplankter often constituted 99% of the population, but the volumes were reduced from 1976. In 1980, D. sertu- laria again was predominant, constituting over 50% of the volume. The max- imum volumes were similar to what they were in 1974. RESERVOIR LIMNOLOCICAL PARAMETERS 71 Total \itrogcn (mg/1 - N) 1980 0.10 0.00 0.30 0.20 Total Nitrogen fing/1 - N) 1978 0. 10 0.00 \^ -- P-B ^>c:rir_r — M-B ^ — . ^ p- ^ ^ ^ N. ^ — ^-^^^ ^ ^~~"~~-^>^ ^^ P-S ^ M-S , M-B 0.30 Total Nitrogen (rag/l - N) 1976 0.20 0.10 Total Nitrogen (mg/1 - N) 0.05 1974 0.00 Total Nitrogen (mg/1 - N) 1972 0.10 0.00 P-S .M-B .P-S, P-B, M-S M-B P-S = Paradise Surface P-B = Paradise Bottom M-S - Magalia Surface M-B = Magalia Bottom P-S Mar Apr May June FIGURE 2. Variation in total nitrogen during the spring in surface and bottom water samples from Paradise and Magalia Reservoirs, 1972-1980. 72 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME Total Phosphorus (mg/1 - P) 1980 0.10 0.00 M-B~. Total Phosphorus (mg/1 - P) 1978 0.05 0.00 Total Phosphorus (rag/l - P) 1976 .30 .20 .10 0.00 Total Phosphorus (mg/1 - P) 1974 0.05 0.00 P-S, P-B, M-B M-S 0.10 Total Phosphorus (mg/1 - P) 1972 0.00 M-S, M-B Mar Apr Mav P-S = Paradise Surface P-B = Paradise Bottom M-S = Magalia Surface M-B = M;ir:i1 la Bottom June FIGURE 3. Variation in total phosphorus during the spring in surface and bottom water samples from Paradise and Magalia Reservoirs, 1972-80. Blue-green algae was totally missing from the phytoplankton in 1978 and 1980, but had been present in small quantities previously. Physical Parameters Variation in temperature, oxygen and conductivity were documented for 1972 and 1978 (Figure 5), and were representative of the entire period of study. RESERVOIR LIMNOLOCICAL PARAMETERS 73 PtaMlMkl in («V«1) Shis' NMilU MMWVtff Phrta^Unktw VoluM of PhvloplBnkton Phvlopll I MO Ayr M»r Jm^ Apr my Jun« Miy JuB« FIGURE 4. Variation in the volume of phytoplankton in Paradise and Magalia Reservoirs during the spring (1972-80). Both reservoirs were generally isothermal during most of the spring, but became thermally stratified in May or June. This persisted until August or Sep- tember. Paradise Reservoir has a multiple outlet system with releases at the bottom, 6.5 m, and 15 m above the bottom. Average water column temperatures are generally higher in Paradise Reservoir because colder water is released through the bottom outlet and flows into Magalia Reservoir. Oxygen levels were generally at saturation throughout the water column, but during the two study years when summer conditions were examined (1972 and 1974), levels dropped to less than 50% saturation. Occasionally levels dropped to < 1 mg/l near the bottom in mid-summer. Electrical conductivity was consistently low throughout the study period: 50-70 fimhos/cm. It increased slightly during the summer. 74 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME C 00 c oc c 3 -o o > 01 B > F X 0) LU o l- O o o o r^ rg at BO a e a. u j: D.'- 3 E — u -D c zx 0 o OO D. u U X E X 0) ro LU o (- IJ o o o o rj f^j CnI U o; s o ■ — tfl E o a. X CL'-- g ^u :i o r^ C ^^ (_) X 4) •w-* LU O H 4X O o o tf) O rg rj rj s Id a. CTl O ^ o 1— ' '^ •H t^ o. ■a: o o (U Q 1 RESERVOIR LIMNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS 75 >! o o o o rg O CM o o o ^ e J. c o a ) a . E i- (U on a I) >. F X 11 UJ o H o o O o CM rg ^r-- E 3. '^ n. ao o o a a 76 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME DISCUSSION It has often been observed that newly formed reservoirs begin in an enriched or highly productive state resulting from the decomposition and subsequent nutrient release of recently flooded land {Visser1970, Mitchell 1973). However, this may be offset by increased flushing or shortened retention time. Taylor (1971 ), in a study of six TVA reservoirs, found reservoirs with a longer retention time tended to be more productive, possibly because nutrients were changed to more available forms. Nicola and Borgeson (1970) observed that a high rate of flushing retarded nutrient accumulation. This is particularly critical to produc- tivity in reservoirs with outlet structures that draw water from the hypolimnion, as is the case in Magalia Reservoir. In Paradise and Magalia Reservoirs, the increased flushing during a period of high-rainfall years appears to have reversed any trend toward eutrophication. Rainfall data was collected at Paradise Reservoir by DWR. 1972 and 1976 were relatively dry years (annual total < 76.2 cm) compared to 1974, 1978 and 1980 (annual total > 127 cm) (Figure 6). The increase in the level of trophic state indicators, nutrient concentration and phytoplankton volume observed in 1976 was reversed in 1978. By 1980 the reservoirs were approaching their 1974 trophic condition (total nitrogen < 0.10 mg/l-N, total phosphorus < 0.05 mg/l-P, phytoplankton < 2.0 x lOVVml). Monthly Rainfall ( Inches) at Parad i sc Rescrvo : r 20.0 10.0 Annual Totals (Inches) 1972 29.24 1974 84.53 1976 26.75 1978 74.79 1980 64 . 57 0.0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May FICURE 6. DWR Precipitation Record at Paradise Dam for selected years June RESERVOIR LIMNOLOGICAL PARAMETERS 11 Long term precipitation data show that the mean value of precipitation falling on the watershed is approximately 1 17.8 cm/yr. During the eight years of study there has been considerable variation in total annual rainfall (67.9 cm — 215.3 cm ). Rain in this mediterranean climate occurs almost exclusively from October -April. The monthly averages for this watershed are listed in Table 1 (Paradise Irrigation District records for 56 years). TABLE 1. Average Monthly Rainfall In The Little Butte Creek Watershed (Paradise Irrigation District — 56 years of record converted to cm) Month Average rainfall (cm) Jul 0.18 Aug 0.40 Sep 1.47 Oct 6.98 Nov 15.34 Dec 21.67 )an 24.56 Feb 20.47 Mar 16.71 Apr 10.26 May 3.91 ]un 1.65 In these lakes, the amount of rain in the winter months determines the lake limnological characteristics during the spring months. Abnormally high rainfall in one month has the effect of bringing in nutrients, which sets the scene for a large phytoplankton population in spring. If heavy rains occur two months in a row, the effect is to flush nutrients out of the reservoirs and low concentrations of nutrients support low phytoplankton populations. This can best be seen in the 1976 and 1980 results. In 1976, over 15.2 cm of rain fell in February. The amounts of total nitrogen and phosphorus were high both in surface and bottom waters (Figures 2 and 3). Peak phytoplankton populations occurred in April and May (Figure 4). In 1980, 37.1 cm of rain fell in January followed by 36.3 cm in February. Surface nutrient levels were very low and the spring phytoplankton volume was 3-^ orders of magnitude smaller. In nutrient-poor lakes such as these, and in climates where rainfall varies so radically, care must be taken in applying general limnologic and trophic state indicator concepts. It is imperative that study of trophic change be long term. An important note for future water use planning is that during dry years, when water demand will be highest, water quality will be lowest. LITERATURE CITED American Public Health Association. 1975. Standard methods for the analysis of water and wastewater, 14th Edition, APHA, Washington, D.C. California Department of Water Resources. 1973. Magalia Reservoir watershed limnology and water quality study. Calif. Dept. Water Resources, Northern District. Mitchell, D.S. 1973. Supply of plant nutrient chemicals in Lake Kariba, p. 165-169 in W.C. Akermann, C.F. White, E.B. Worthington, Eds., Man-Made Lakes; Their Problems and Environmental Effects. Geophysical Monogr. 17 Nicola, S.J. and D.P. Borgeson. 1970. The limnology and productivity of three California coldwater reservoirs. Calif. Fish Came, 56 (1): 4-20. Taylor, Mahlon. 1971. Phytoplankton productivity response to nutrients correlated with certain environmental factors in six TVA reservoirs, p. 209-217 //vC.E. Hall, Ed., Reservoir Fisheries and Limnology, Amer. Fish. Soc. Special Publ. No. 8. Visser, S.A. 1973. Pre-impoundment features of the Kainji Area and their possible influence on the ecology of the newly formed lake, p. 590-595 in W.C. Akermann, C.F. White, E.B. Worthington, Eds., in Man-Made Lakes: Their Problems and Environmental Effects. Geophysical Mongr. 17. 78 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME Calif. Fish and Came 70 ( 2 ) : 7&-88 1 984 COMPARATIVE CONDITION OF BLACK-TAILED DEER, ODOCOILEUS HEM ION US COLUMBIANUS, IN TWO HERDS IN TRINITY COUNTY, CALIFORNIA ^ JOHN C. KIE USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station 2081 E. Sierra Ave., Fresno CA 93710 TIMOTHY S. BURTON California Department of Fish and Game PO Box 1480, Redding, CA 96001 AND JOHN W. MENKE Department of Agronomy and Range Science University of California, Davis, CA 95616 Measures of condition, health, and reproductive status were compared in black- tailed deer from the Weaverville and Hayfork herds in Trinity County, California, in winter 1979-60. Weaverville deer showed significantly lower bled and eviscerated carcass weights, significantly lower reproductive synchrony, apparently lower repro- ductive rates, and apparently higher frequency and abundance of parasites. No differences in kidney fat, femur marrow fat, mean date of conception, and fetal weight gain were detected between herds. The data suggest Weaverville deer are in poorer condition than Hayfork deer. INTRODUCTION Black-tailed deer, Odocoileus hem/onus columbianus, is an important wildlife resource in Trinity County ( Figure 1 ) . The Weaverville herd, of which 80 to 90% is migratory (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1975), occupies about 362,500 ha. Summer and transitional range used by the Weaverville herd occupies about 90% of the total area, and winter range about 10% (Burton, unpublished). Vegetation consists of coniferous forest, predominantly Douglas-Fir, Pseudot- suga menziesii, and ponderosa pine, Pinus ponderosa. Digger pines, P. sabiniana, occur at lower elevations on drier sites. Interspersed within the coniferous forest are patches of hardwoods such as California black oak, Quercus kelloggii; Ore- gon white oak, Q. garryana; interior live oak, Q. wislizenii; and madrone, Ar- butus menziesii, as well as shrub species such as wedgeleaf ceanothus, Ceanotfius cuneatus; lemon ceanothus, C. lemonii; deerbrush, C integerrimus; manzanita, Arctostaphylos spp.) silk-tassel, Carrya fremontii; and mountain ma- hogany, Cercocarpus betuloides. The Hayfork herd is also migratory (Figure 1 ). It occupies about 270,000 ha, of which about 84% is summer and transitional range and 16% is winter range (Dunaway 1966). The vegetation on the seasonal ranges used by the FHayfork herd is similar to that on Weaverville deer ranges, with the addition of chamise, Adenostoma fasciculatum, as a winter range shrub. This research was supported by the Pacific Southwest Region and Shasta-Trinity National Forest, USDA Forest Service, and the Trinity River Basin Fish and Wildlife Task Force. Work was done while senior author was with the Department of Agronomy and Range Science, University of California, Davis. Accepted for publication December 1982. TRINITY COUNTY DEER CONDITION 79 Trinify and Lewisfon Reservoirs FIGURE 1. Weaverville and Hayfork deer herds in Trinity County, California. Between 1960 and 1963, about 6,980 ha in Trinity County were inundated by the filling of Trinity (Clair Engle) and Lewiston Reservoirs. Much of this area was deer winter range used by the Weaverville herd. The result was a decline of between 4,000 and 6,000 deer (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 1975, Kie et al. 1982). As part of an ongoing study, aspects of deer population dynamics (Kie et al. 1982), potential for mitigating deer habitat loss (Kie et al. 1980), and deer 80 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME response to habitat improvement programs (Kie and Menke 1980) have been previously reported. The purpose of this research was to compare measures of condition, health, and reproductive status betv^een the Weaverville deer herd and the Hayfork deer herd. Only the former was directly affected by reservoir construction. METHODS To assess condition, health, and reproductive status of deer, a systematic collection program was undertaken during winter 1979-80. Ten Weaverville deer and 9 Hayfork deer were collected between 16 December 1979 and 5 February 1980, and 11 Weaverville deer and 10 Hayfork deer were collected between 21 March 1980 and 22 April 1980. Deer, mostly adult does, were shot with a rifle from a vehicle. Date, time, location, habitat type and browse species present were recorded. Each day when the collection was finished, all deer were processed. Bled carcass weight (BCW) was measured first. An examination for external parasites was made before the body cavity was opened. Eviscerated carcass weight (ECW) was measured after the internal organs had been removed, but with the head and hide still attached. Both kidneys were removed and weighed with and without their capsule of connective tissue and the attached fat. From these weights, the kidney fat index (KFI) was calculated (Anderson and Medin 1965, after Riney 1955). One femur was removed and later processed for femur marrow fat (FMF) by the oven-dry method (Neiland 1970). Adrenal glands were fixed in 10% formalin, trimmed of excess connective tissue, and weighed to determine paired adrenal gland weight (ADRWT). Presence and abundance of internal parasites were noted. Levels of both external and internal parasites were recorded as negative, light, medium, or heavy (Salwasser and Jessup, unpublished). The number of fetuses, and the weight and hind foot length (HFL) of each, were recorded. Fetal sex was recorded when it could be determined on a morphological basis. The following regression of age against HFL, developed for mule deer in the central Sierra Nevada (Salwasser and Holl 1979), was used to determine the age of each fetus: Estimated age in days = 68 + 0.59 (HFL in mm) Ovaries were fixed in 10% formalin, and sectioned with a razor blade. Corpora lutea of pregnancy were counted (Cheatum 1949a). A 1-pint rumen sample was removed and frozen. Results of rumen analyses are reported elsewhere (Kie etal. In Press). A primary incisor was removed and sent to Matson's Microtechnique (Milltown, Montana) for age determination based on cementum annuli. (Trade names and commercial enterprises or products are mentioned for information only. No endorsement by the U.S. Department of Agriculture is implied.) Deer were classified as fawns between 0 and 1 1 months of age, or as adults 12 months and older. Adults were further classified as yearlings (12-23 months) or mature deer (24 months and older). To determine sources of variation, values for BCW, ECW, KFI, FMF, and ADRWT from 33 does were subjected to an analysis of covariance, using the BMDP statistical program P2V (Dixon 1977). The analysis considered the main TRINITY COUNTY DEER CONDITION 81 factor effects of herd (two levels) and collection period (two levels), the effects of herd X period interactions, and the effects of a covariate (age in years). This procedure required the assumption of a linear relationship between the covari- ate and each dependent variable. To satisfy this assumption, log ,o BCW, log lo ECW, and log 10 age were used in the analysis of covariance of BCW and ECW. Arcsin transformations were used with KFI and FMF values to ensure uniform residual variances and additivity of treatment effects (Gilbert 1973). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Age The age distributions of collected deer were similar between the Weaverville and Hayfork herds (Figure 2). The difference between herds in the relative proportion of deer less than 2.5 years old reflects sampling selectivity and is not believed to represent actual age distributions. In the older age classes, deer 2.5 years old were most common in the Weaverville collection, and deer 3.5 years old were most common among the FHayfork sample. FHowever, sample sizes were too small to infer age structure in the populations at large. 10 ^ 6 I 4 0 R In fi El Weaverville D Hayfork In in i 11 JL 0.5 1.5 2 5 3,5 7 b 8,5 9.5 10 + 4 5 5.5 6.5 Age (years) FIGURE 2. Age distribution of deer collected from the Weaverville and Hayfork herds. Body Weight Both BCW and ECW (Table 1 ) were significantly higher (p < 0.05 and p < 0.10, respectively) among Hayfork deer than among Weaverville deer. BCW and ECW did not differ between collection periods. Mature Weaverville deer appeared to lose body weight between collection periods; mature Hayfork deer did not (Table 1 ); however, this trend was not statistically significant (no herd X period interaction in BCW and ECW) . As expected, BCW and ECW increased significantly (p < 0.01) as deer became older. Dressed weight of white-tailed deer, C virginianus, is a sensitive indicator of physical condition ( Park and Day 1 942 ) . Deer on a high nutritional plane are heavier than those on a low nutritional plane (Leopold et al. 1951, Severinghaus 1955, Robinette et al. 1973). The significantly lower BCW and ECW values for Weaverville deer in this current study are thought to reflect poorer range condi- tions and a chronically lower nutritional plane than those of Hayfork deer. 2—78005 82 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME ■Si c u 5 ,— ■a rn in (T' o r^ o^ •^ o rsi 0^ o ^ rsi N a. Si o o rO O T— rsi Tj- p rsi rS C _o "o U I I CO •a o r-) CO r-i CO 1-^ ■^ CO sD O o rs| rsi ■— cT> rs| rsi 2i c .J c c LU I/)' O G 3 ■o < _3 > ■o c .2P c 1 < § u CO ~ — ' .^ OD 2 5 00 § u op '(1) OD >\ DD *^ .E c: o m -s (U S oo S CO io ^ 5 -5 ^ 2 ^ 5 Q < DC T3 C DD <^ '—' .— I C\J oo I I I r-~ r~~ r~-. O 00 I 1 — I O-J I CO DEPENDENCY PERIOD maximum o CO I I r minimum o 00 I O CO I CO o 00 I "=!■ C\J I 00 I I CO 00 I 00 I I 00 I 00 I I 00 CO I I en 00 I ID I o FEMALE WAS A A = alone with small pup W sm AAAAWWWWWAAAA sm sm sm Ig Ig ig = with large pup minimum •maximum W sm REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE FICURE 2. Example of a sighting record showing the minimum and maximum pup dependency period and a reproductive cycle length. HI oc 3 1- Q. ^^^ < (A O >. *rf Q re T3 •-i_i-^ UJ o < FICURE 3. 100 80 60 40 20 female 0.058 kg/day 12 3 4 5 6 7 WEIGHT at CAPTURE (kg) 8 Crowth rates of two wild sea otter pups (male and female) based on an assumed 1.8 kg birth weight, a birth date known to within a few days (14 and 6 days) and a subsequent weight at capture (4.1 kg 23 days after first sighting and 6.8 kg 80 days after first sighting). The growth rates used to convert weight at capture to age at captu were the slowest extremes. re SEA OTTER REPRODUCTION AND PUPS 93 With each method of estimation, the length of the interval between the minimum and the maximum dependency period for individual pups varied considerably. Since the actual period was only known to occur somewhere between these widely varying minimum and maximum periods a graphical display was used to summarize the data. This display was based on the assump- tion that each half-month interval between the minimum and maximum ob- served lengths of dependency had an equal likelihood of containing the actual dependency period. Summing comparable half-month intervals for all pups produced a peak or mode which represents the most common period of de- pendency for the data group. Estimating Reproductive Cycle Length The length of the reproductive cycle for sea otters in California was also estimated using tag sighted data. The birth of a pup, the most readily identified event in the reproductive cycle, was used to mark the beginning and end point of a cycle. The use of tag sighting data allowed only an approximation of the actual length of the reproductive cycle based on minimum and maximum lengths. Two data groups, segregated by the method of determining the date of birth of a pup, were used. These data include only those sightings where there was a potentially successful weaning of the first pup. To be conservative, five months was used as the minimum time sufficient to allow for a successful weaning. By Observation of Mother/ Pup The dates of birth of both pups in the cycle were inferred using observations of the female alone, followed by a subsequent observation of the female with a pup (Figure 2). By Weight at Capture If a known-weight pup was the first pup in the cycle, the estimated interval between date of birth and capture was added to the period between capture and the first sighting of the next pup for the maximum length of the reproductive cycle. The minimum length was determined solely from sighting data. A graph indicating the frequency distribution of comparable half-month inter- vals was also used to summarize the data on the length of the reproductive cycle. RESULTS Estimating Pup Dependency Period By Observation of Mother/ Pup Twenty-nine series of sightings of tagged females had the observations neces- sary to determine a minimum and maximum period (Table 1 ) . Analysis of these sighting data indicated a 6.5 to 7-month mode ( Figure 4) . The shortest maximum length was slightly over four months. The longest minimum length was slightly over eight months. Six of the 29 series of sightings were more precise, with minimum observed lengths close to the maximum (within 60 days). All of the pups had dependency periods which were somewhere between 3 and 7.5 months in length. Summing 94 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME comparable half-month intervals for this subgroup, produced a broad peak between four and seven months (Figure 4). The longest minimum was about seven months while the shortest maximum was almost four months. By Natal Pelage Thirteen of the 29 minimum and maximum lengths generated from observa- tion data were modified using information on the loss of natal pelage (Table 1 ). The mode produced from an analysis of these minimum and maximum lengths was between 5.5 and 8 months (Figure 5). The longest minimum was slightly over eight months while the shortest maximum was 5.5 months. TABLE 1. Minimum and Maximum Pup Dependency Periods for Sea Otters Derived from (1) Observations of Tagged Individuals, (2) Modified by Observations of Pelage or, (3) Observations and Weight at Capture. Tag Tag ^ Area Minimum-Maximum (months) Method # Area Minimum-Maximum / (months) Vfethc 1* 1 4.7- 5.3 23* 2 3.1- 5.4 1 2 2 5.7- 7.2 3.1- 5.5 .2 3* 2 6.0-10.5 24 2 5.8-14.9 1 4 2 3.3- 4.1 5.8-12.0 2 5 2 6.9- 7.5 25* 2 3.5- 7.2 1 6 2 4.2- 6.0 3.5- 5.6 2 7 4 1.^10.9 26 2 5.8-12.9 1 8 5 2.0- 8.7 5.8- 9.2 2 9' 6 1.4- 9.0 27* 4 1.1-10.8 1 10 7 0.1- 9.8 1.1- 7.8 2 n* 7 1.9- 5.0 28* 7 1.3-12.6 1 12 7 4.1- 7.4 1.3-11.8 2 13* 7 1.3-10.5 29 8 1.0- 7.1 1 14* 7 4.9- 8.2 ].0- 6.9 2 15 7 6.3- 6.7 30 2 7.7- 8.9 3 16 7 1.5-12.0 31 2 6.3- 7.2 3 17* 2 5.5- 8.2 32 2 4.7- 5.4 3 5.5- 7.7 33 2 5.5-10.9 3 18* 2 1.8- 8.5 34 2 1.4- 6.3 3 1.8- 5.5 35 2 0.3- 5.7 3 19* 2 6.4-12.9 36 2 5.0- 5.7 3 6.4- 9.3 37 2 6.3- 6.8 3 20 2 7.7-13.0 38 4 4.8- 7.0 3 7.7- 9.1 39 4 7.8-10.3 3 21* 2 5.9-11.1 40 4 7.&- 8.1 3 5.9- 8.3 41 6 6.8- 7.3 3 22* 2 8.2-15.9 8.2- 9.5 * pup born at least 1 year after tagging or second pup if captured with a pup By Weight at Capture Twelve of the pups captured and weighed during the tagging effort were also resighted at the key points necessary to estimate a length of pup dependency SEA OTTER REPRODUCTION AND PUPS 95 (Table 1). The mode was between five and seven months (Figure 6). The longest minimum was almost eight months and the shortest maximum was 5.5 months. n = 29 POTENTIAL MONTHS OF DEPENDENCY FIGURE 4. Frequency distribution of potential periods of pup dependency within half-month intervals derived from observations of tagged individuals. Subset (darkened area) derived from observations where minimum and maximum periods were within 2 months. 96 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME Li. O if) lU O z LU OC CC Z) CO o o o en I- Q 13 5 7 9 POTENTIAL MONTHS OF DEPENDENCY FICURE 5. Frequency distribution of potential periods of pup dependency within half-month intervals derived from observation of tagged individuals where the maximum period was reduced by observation of loss of natal pelage. O UJ o z LU CC S OC D 3 c/) o o o Q LU O o < C/) -J < 9 > Q 5 1 3 - n- = 12 1 1 1 1 1 1 - 1 ^/^/^V/ , vy//////,///^/';-7/////,y. . ] 13 5 i max - ^ 9 I] 11 13 1 r T- n 15 ZH ^^^^^^^^^ Si^B^ ff^ ^mwipM^^n""^ 1 ! ' 1 ' — ' — 1 3 5 7 9 11 13 POTENTIAL MONTHS OF DEPENDENCY 15 FIGURE 6. Frequency distribution of potential periods of pup dependency within half-month intervals derived from observation of tagged individuals where the maximum period was adjusted by determining a date of birth from weight at capture. Subset (darkened area) represents portion where tagged pup was known to have been sucessfully weaned. SEA OTTER REPRODUCTION AND PUPS 97 Tagged pups, if they were subsequently observed as apparently healthy inde- pendent otters, were the only individuals for which weaning was known to be successful. Of the twelve tagged pups, five were known to be successfully weaned. A mode for this subgroup occurred between 5 and 7.5 months (Figure 6). The longest minimum was slightly over 7.5 months and the shortest max- imum was almost six months. Estimating Reproductive Cycle Length By Observation of Mother/ Pup Seventeen series of sightings had the observations necessary to determine minimum and maximum lengths of the reproductive cycle (Table 2). An analysis of these data indicated a mode at 12.5 to 13 months (Figure 7). The shortest maximum was slightly over 1 2 months and the longest minimum was almost 20.5 months. TABLE 2. Minimum and Maximum Reproductive Cycle Lengths for Sea Otters Derived from (1) Observations of Tagged Individuals or (2) Observations and Weight at Cap- ture. Minimum ^ •iaximu (months) 20.0 24.3 12.2 13.5 10.4 14.0 7.7 12.6 6.8 20.5 7.4 14.7 18.7 20.1 18.3 21.6 12.8 18.8 11.3 13.1 8.1 18.7 8.1 18.3 20.4 26.4 14.4 22.1 12.9 19.7 10.1 12.1 9.8 17.6 8.2 24,4 12.4 26.8 9.5 16.2 11.4 13.9 7.0 14.1 9.2 19.1 6.5 15.5 1.1 13.9 8.1 11.8 Method By Weight at Capture Nine additional series of sightings used weight at capture to estimate the date of birth of the first pup in the cycle (Table 2 ) . The modal estimate of the length of the reproductive cycle was 11 to 14 months (Figure 8). The shortest max- imum was just under 12 months and the longest minimum was slightly over 12 months. 98 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 11 en uj q O ^ (/) o o o CO _i Q < UJ 3 O Q H Q Z 3 n = 17 3 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 max 1 1 1 1 ^^^ 1 1 1 ^ i^^m 1 1 I ■ 1 • I • I ■ 1 • 1 „_ J 7 9 11 13 POTENTIAL MONTHS IN REPRODUCTIVE CYCLE FIGURE 7. Frequency distribution of potential lengths of sea otter reproductive cycle within half- month intervals derived from observations of tagged individuals. U) UJ o Li. z o UJ cc s oc 13 ■D (/) o o o 9 1 7 5 3 1 Cfl _i D < UJ 3 O Q I ■o 01 ■o »« L- lA O 6C O c a ■^ I Q I c = V o z i 60 fq 'c c ja a. ■o c I ^ Ni ^ ^ Ji £5. 0 — n-t ro ^ 1 O "— rO T— 01 >^ V N .a c •I! a. 4, .2 fl- k m •^ > E vi: (A m 01 BO >. .E ^ £ S 0; O o 01 £ Z « c •^ is o 3 •j-S >^ " := S °* 2 15 ^ 01 »« :5-o £ 3 ® o CM ^ .§ D "O •— ro r^ >— I 01 Q. >- oJ 0 ?i f^ 0 t/1 E (/» 0 ^^ u u 0 0> Si c a; t/i y n '0 0 WILDLIFE HABITAT REMOTE SENSING 107 60 > I ST o o Q. V 3 V o c e u >i :2 -a .5 § ^ •So b: C5 f^ e OO^— ^ c E t:? ^s- <: ^ igh flig U-2 P 3: cj 7^ Csir^mrO' — • — ' — ' — Orsirsi > z c E I"' 1^ l'^ s? rvi<*^rvi(-^i^(-»^n-iromr^rsirsjrsji — r<^ m r^ rn rsi rs (^ 1 — 1 — r*^mm'^<~oro< — 3 ^-5 Q eo '17 . . c >. 0* •- 0:2 E £ « 2 «^ f^ o -o as .= 80 >■ o .- \J ea < 0=; 0; > QO op ■^ ^ >- ^ 03 ^ ^ — 0; •~ y 9- a 't: — >- n3 O -2 i7> O E 2P o 'oi t o " > OD O c ? o ?^ ■■= -^ N .1^ ■B s ^ t/i (^ ' t: "^ '^ 5 Q. Q. 5: 03 O S- Q. Q. -•- ■" 2 E -S c E o aj >- Q. C E S £ — Q- 3 ■•^ =3 ™ 2£ 1 !^ 5 ifl — « •^ 5 -5 S-E c c t £ o ^ i I 00 - c i n ns q; I- 108 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME Low-level (the relationship between focal length and flying altitude) aerial photos (1:10,000) with a resolution of approximately 0.3m are best suited to provide information on habitat diversity (vertical and horizontal layering) and special habitat elements (Grenfell, Salwasser, and Laudenslayer 1982) for site specific areas. Accurate measurements of these habitat parameters are possible with high resolution, large scale, photography. Furthermore, project areas must be small (4-41 ha) as the ground area covered by each photograph is small. Medium-level aerial photos (1:10,000) can also be used at the project level ( <405 ha) to obtain a variety of habitat diversity information. For example, the common USFS photos (1:15,840) can be used to identify tree species, crown diameters, crown closure, tree height; and to develop habitat profile assess- ments. Some data can be obtained about intrapatch variability, but the informa- tion available is usually not as detailed as compared to information available from low-level photography. One would expect a decrease in the ability to identify and measure diversity parameters as you move to a smaller scale. This does not always hold true. Many times, when the scale becomes smaller, more of the habitat element becomes visible. This is especially true when patch shape, size, and juxtaposition are important. High altitude U-2 photography (1:30,000 to 1:120,000) has a resolution of approximately three to five metres depending on the scale. The NASA 23 x 46 cm, 23 X 33 cm, and optical bar 13 x 25 cm photography can be used to derive information about vegetation dominance, series, and plant communities. De- pending upon the scale and resolution of the photography, high-altitude photos can provide reliable information on horizontal habitat parameters. An interesting example of this type of photography is optical bar (Befort, FHeller, and Ulliman 1981 ). Within the last few years, the USFS has made exten- sive use of optical bar photography. The U-2 aircraft can be equipped with a panoramic camera (Itek KA80A) which is operated at approximately 19,760 m. The image is a swath that covers a ground area approximately 69 km long, at a view angle of 1 20°. This attribute provides a clear picture of the mosaic patterns and relationships of habitats and associated landforms. Center photo strips of the 13 x 127 cm film format have a scale of approximately 1:30,000, with high resolution (1-2 m ) . Photo strips that are on the ends of the image are of smaller scale. Furthermore, the resource features on the outside portions of the strip exhibit excessive lean; although, technology is available which will correct this anomaly. Optical bar photography exists in transparency form, which makes field use difficult without special equipment. A major asset of optical bar and other types of high-altitude photography is the low cost-per-ground-area cov- ered. Serious consideration should be given to this type of aerial data when "extensive" habitat mapping projects are undertaken. Film Types Selection of the proper film type depends on the type of information desired. In resource management, black-and-white and natural color are generally the most commonly used film. Color infrared (CIR) can provide detailed informa- tion about vegetation resources, especially when plant species are important. For example, there is a similarity on color and black-and-white film between hard- wood and coniferous trees. However, healthy hardwood types have higher infrared reflectance than healthy coniferous species. Therefore, CIR film records WILDLIFE HABITAT REMOTE SENSING 109 distinct differences between these tree groups. Infrared film is also very valuable for detecting loss of plant vigor caused by a variety of factors. As an example, plant water loss results in reduced infrared reflectance, while the visible portion of the EM spectrum is unchanged. Landsat The ability of Landsat digital data to provide resource managers with intensive inventory information has improved dramatically in recent years. Landsat images are used in two basic forms. First, raw (unaltered) MSS and RBV digital images are transformed into picture-quality images. Photo-interpretation of these data can provide gross information about broad vegetation categories. Indentification of large ecological units and associated ecoclines is the primary use of this form of data. More recently, RBV and MSS data have been digitally normalized and merged to create an image with optimum color and detail (Lauer and Todd 1981 ). A left-hand, stereo, conjugate image can be produced by merging topo- graphic data with the RBV and MSS data sets. The stereo image produced provides greater sharpness and resolution than MSS or RBV images alone. RBV data have been available from the beginning of the Landsat program but few scientists have taken advantage of the high resolution images. Photographic interpretation of an MSS false-color composite has been shown to be valuable for providing first-level information about forest and rangeland resources ( Heller et al. 1975). However, by utilizing the merged MSS-RBV data, smaller features (i.e., streets, stream channels, and associated riparian vegetation), as well as different tree and shrub species groups, can be identified. The most widely used form of Landsat data is the digital information obtained from the MSS. Through the use of creative computer methodologies, a priori classification probabilities and the incorporation of terrain data have offered the biologist a species-specific look at large vegetative units. Digital classifications are most often approached by three methods: (i) Supervised approach. The analyst supervises the selection of spectral classes by delimiting geographical areas (training areas) that represent resource categories of interest. Multivariate clustering (grouping of spectral classes) is not performed. (ii) Unsupervised approach. In this approach, spectral classes are gener- ated by clustering large numbers of pixels into natural groupings which represent the spectral characteristics of the image (training areas are not selected), (iii) Guided clustering or multicluster fields. In this approach the analyst selects training areas that represent various resources. Clustering is performed on each training area to generate spectral classes unique to the resource categories. Of the three methods, guided clustering has been shown to be a consistently reliable (a range from 70 to 90 percent overall accuracy) approach to the classification process, providing species specific information on forest vegetation (Fleming, Berkebile, and Hoffer 1975; Fox and Mayer 1979; Caydos and New- land 1978; Mayer, Fox and Webster 1980; Walsh 1980). Research by Craighead (1976), Fox, Mayer, and Forbes (1980); Laperriere et al. (1980); Mayer and Fox (1981 ); Cannon, Knopf, and Pettinger (1982); and others, has shown that by using the proper classification approach, detailed 110 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME information about habitat types and structure covering large geographical re- gions can be obtained. Moreover, the information exists as a prestratified, 0.405 ha sampling grid and is computer compatible. Landsat data, using an aggregated approach, can provide vegetation information at the formation and series levels (Parker and Matyas 1981, Paysen et al. 1980). It is important to remember that Landsat is not a panacea. In order for the system to be effective, a multistage sampling strategy should be used with Landsat providing information at only one or two levels. Geobase Information Systems Wildlife species/habitat relationship models, surface cover, species inventory data, remote sensing, terrain data, historical data, and other concomitant infor- mation can be integral parts of a CIS. Table 4 is an example of multilevel, descriptive models that relate to habitat type and wildlife species. Furthermore, the remote sensing system applicable to each level is provided. In order for a CIS to be applicable to wildlife inventories it must have the ability to accept vector, raster, and tabular/textual data. Vector data refer to the common digitizing procedure whereby line segments are created from polygon data. Raster data are in a cellular or point-data format. For example, Landsat digital data (raster data), tabular/textual information, and digitized wildlife spe- cies occurrence information (vector data) can be processed together to pro- duce qualitative and quantitative assessments. The power of the CIS is in the evaluation of several data planes and informa- tion levels. For example, a CIS can process soil, vegetation descriptions, remote sensing (Landsat and/or air photo) data and information about species/ habitat preference in one function to identify and spatially predict areas of management concern. (Mead et al. 1981; Brass, Maw, and Peterson 1981). Furthermore, output products can be listings of areas or attributes by management unit as well as plotter maps of spatially oriented information with cartographic accuracy. CONCLUSIONS Some of the most important problems facing resource managers today deal with human impacts on wildlands as a result of changing land use and land management policies. "Sound" decisions about resource management can be made only when accurate and adequate data are provided. Remote sensing and CIS technologies are tools, which the biologist can use to examine resources at various resolutions. Aerial photographs provide an excellent base for resource inventories. Recent advancements in computer and space technologies provide the biologist with sophisticated tools to inventory, monitor, and predict the complex interactions of ecological systems. Landsat MSS, TM, and the RBV are high-technology systems that offer a complete view of associated ecosystems. Furthermore, with the advent of innovative computer methodologies, Landsat digital classifications can be completed with high accuracy at the pixel level. Lastly, computer soft- ware and graphics hardware that have been developed to store, manipulate and analyze georeferenced resource data offer increased accuracy for resource management decisions. WILDLIFE HABITAT REMOTE SENSING 111 c -? .O o .N ^ ,^ .5 .2 <3 T^ — J _ .Qj ^.2 c o (LI > dl Ol >- 0 n3 i^ =J , ■ >- U i^ w i_l 0 0 m u C 5 $ > 0 0 O > Ol P — >- U O o a; Ol 00 "O c 0 ro E DC E t/> 'ly^ ^ g. C -c 0 Ic (U t/1 <5 i .0 a; 0 T3 E 0^ E 1 — 1 5 15 E 0 g (LI (-1 ro ro (_i l_l >$ C
  • -->- Ol > -a n3 C ro O ro " i .E E o (LI (LI Q. 3 ■ — -2 ^ E 1 - ^ d c o \J ■— ^ u l>^ (LI Ol (D ly^ (_) ^ ro »i ->, 3 O S (-> U S -5 X ^ O ^ 5 — ID ^ T3 Qj ro >- u ro > (L; Ol Ol O O ^ 03 U c-sl (LI o; >- ro ro o O) :: E ■"^ ^ !^ ro o T3 ^ OJ ro O '~> >- Q. ro £ ^_Q ro ' O ^ ^^ ^- ro CL '•^ ro >^ E o c -^ o E ro nj -o > Q- E -' T3 ro 03 ro ;E ro O 2 C^ ro O t= ^ ro ■,-, OJ ^ -^i ro X c ro ~9 = (U (_) 5 o a; -o E O 0-1 ro oc o c ro E Ol g_ (L. ro o o — '^ S", u -^ a; Oj T3 C 3 ro t- *_- 03 "a o c ■" ro (^ o E ro ro U^ C ^3 ro p o T3 Ol o -^ ^ .y 03 (-1 03 CL (J i-ri > ii ro ro Oy -- -^ E S Q. O -^ =J ^ C 2 cb T 00 ^ ^ Oy (LI (L> ro Q- (LI 3 >- ro E (LI ro c o ^ -t; y a* i' i ro 42 y ^r y -S (L> Q..ti Q. t/1 ij^ U^ (J ro \_ u i-i E ■LI in ^ ro (_i ii DC op > X X ^ o (LI ■o > dl I d) (U 1/1 ro E 3 , ■ 0; (-1 t^ (J 0 ro O LTl OJ o; >. ro ro 0 t OJ d -0 -0 CL> 0 0 > rrt f^ -5 ^ &5 Q-15 lyi ro Ol -£= '^ "^ (LI O °- 1= '^ O 01 03 t; OC vS; DO ro O C •^ ro >r c ro -o 9- "H ro ly^ O ro ro o O ro 31 Ol .ti ro 15 "5 S E "° _ai .0 ro Q- ro o 3 Ol Q--a o E >- ro ^ DO -Q .£ ro j^ CL =3 O i: 03 L^ (LI ro Qj ro o (LI > DO ._ -a E — o 3 - Q. E >r i ^ ro ro •=■ 00 -Q =3 ^ ^ 0 ro Cl ro (_i ^ X C O O CL oc ™ (LI >- 5b£ 00 '^ c E (LI >- c 00 t b ro (_i -o - o- C (LI " - > c Ol o o 3 >-_f2 :^rE 3 »— ^ n ro E cL 5. ■C; ^ Ol _ lO Q. ILl ro OJ O Q. 112 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank the members of the California Interagency Wildlife Task Group for their support which was the driving force in the conceptualization of this paper. Specifically I wish to thank J. Verner, Research Ecologist with the U.S. Forest Service, Forest Sciences Laboratory in Fresno, California. His creative editorial comments were invaluable. H. Salwasser and W. Laudenslayer of the U.S. Forest Service, Region 5, offered encouragement and editorial support. Their efforts are gratefully appreciated. Special thanks must be given to B. Marcot, L. Fox III, and R. Gutierrez for their creative efforts in the development of this manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Anderson, W. H., W. A. Wentz, and B. D. Treadwell. 1980. A guide to remote sensing information for wildlife biologist. Pages 291-303 In S. D. Schemnitz, ed. Wildlife management techniques manual. 4th ed. Wildlife Soc, Washington, DC 1-686. Avery, T. E. 1977. Interpretation of aerial photographs, 3rd ed. Burgess Publ. Co., Minneapolis, MN. 392 p. Brass, J. A., K. D. Maw, and D. L. Peterson. 1981. Forest policy and managment planning applications of Landsat data within a geobased information system: The Santa Cruz demonstration. Final Report, NASA — ARC Moffett Field, CA. 201 p. Befort, W. A., R. C. Heller, and ). J. Ulliman. 1981. Ground resolution of high altitude photographs. Univ. Idaho. Forest, Wildlife and Range Experiment Station, ISSN; 0073-4594. 4p. Craighead, J. 1976. Studying grizzly habitat by satellite. National Geographic Magazine, 150(1) : 148-158. Cannon, R. W., F. L. Knopf and L. R. Pettinger. 1982. Use of Landsat data to evaluate lesser prairie chicken habitats in western Oklahoma. J. Wildl. Man.ige., 46(4) : 915-922. Fleming, M. D., S. S. Berkebile, and R. M Hoffer, 1975. Computer aided analysis of Landsat-1 MSS: a comparison of three approaches including a modified clustering approach. LARS Information Note: 072475. 9 p. Fox, L, and K. E. Mayer. 1 979. Using guided clustering techniques to analyze Landsat digital data for mapping forest land in northern California. Pages 364-367 in Proc. 5th Int. Symp. on Processing of Remotely Sensed Data. Purdue Univ., LARS, Lafayette, IN., 1-468. Fox, L., K. E. Mayer, and A. R. Forbes. 1980. Forest resource inventory classification of the McCloud Ranger District, Mt. Shasta, CA; Using Landsat Digital Data. NASA Document. NSG 2341, 69 p. Gaydos, L., and W. L. Newland. 1978. Inventory of land use and land cover of the Puget Sound Region using Landsat digital data. J. Research, USGS, 6 (6): 807-814. Crenfell, W., H. Salwasser, and W. Laudenslayer. 1982. The California wildlife-fish/habitat relationships system. Cal-Neva Wildl. Trans. Heller, R. C, tech. coord. 1975. Evaluation of ERTS — data for forest and range surveys. PSW Forest and Range Experiment Station, Publ. No. 112. 67 p. Laperriere, A.]., P.C. Lent, W. G. Gassaway, and F. A. Nodler. 1980. Use of Landsat data for moose-habitat analyses in Alaska. J. Wildl. Manage., 44(4) : 881-887. Lauer, D. T., and W. J. Todd. 1981. Land cover mapping with merged Landsat RBV and MSS stereoscopic images. Pages 68-89 in ASP-ACSM Fall Tech. Symp. ISSN 0271-4043, 1-629. Lillesand, T. M., and R. W. Kiefer. 1979. Remote sensing and image interpretation. John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York NY. 612 p. Mayer, K. E., and L. Fox III. 1981. Mapping wildlife habitat on the McCloud Ranger District of the Shasta-Trinity National Forest using Landsat digital data. PSW, USES, San Francisco, CA. 19 p. Mayer, K. E., L. Fox III, and ). L. Webster. 1980. Forest Conditon mapping of the Hoopa Valley Indian Reservation using Landsat data. Pages 217-242 in Proc. of 1st Int. Symp. of remote sensing for natural resources. Univ. Idaho, Moscow, 1-515. Mead, R. A., T. L. Sharik, S. P. Prisley, and j. T. Heinen. 1 981 . A computerized spatial analysis system for assessing wildlife habitat from vegetation maps. Canadian J. Remote Sensing, 7(1); 34—40. Parker, I., and W. Matyas. 1981. CALVEG: A classification of California vegetation. U.S.D.A., Forest Service Regional Ecology Group, San Francisco, CA. Paysen, T. E., ). A. Derby, H. B. Black Jr., V. C. Bleich, and J. W. Mincks. 1980. A vegetation classification system applied to southern California. Gen. Tech. Rep. PSW-45, 33p. Walsh, S.J. 1980. Coniferous tree species mapping using Landsat data. J. Remote Sensing of Environ., 9(1); 11-26. SALT MARSH HARVEST MOUSE IDENTIFICATION 113 Calif. Fish and Came 70 (2 ): 1 1 3-1 20 1 984 IDENTIFICATION OF SALT MARSH HARVEST MICE, REITHRODONTOMYS RAVIVENTRIS, IN THE FIELD AND WITH CRANIAL CHARACTERISTICS ' HOWARD S. SHELLHAMMER Department of Biological Sciences San Jose State University San Jose, California 95192 Salt marsh harvest mice can be identified in the field using the four characters of the tail described by Fisler (1965). These characters are assigned 0, 1, or 2 points and the total score is indicative of either the salt marsh harvest mouse, Reithrodontomys raviventris, or the closely related and often sympatric western harvest mouse, R. megalotis. Tail/body ratios, and to some extent the color of the venter, are useful in some populations while behavior is useful in all populations. Identification is easist when numerous traits are used. Identification of skulls is much more difficult, depending in part on several subjec- tive observations and on having undamaged skulls to study. INTRODUCTION The salt marsh harvest mouse, Reithrodontomys raviventris, with its two subspecies R. r. raviventris and R. r. halicoetes, is a state and federally-listed endangered species endemic to the marshes of San Francisco Bay and is similar to the unprotected and ubiquitous western harvest mouse, R. megalotis (Shell- hammer 1982, Shellhammer et al. 1982). Most biologists have considerable difficulty identifying the two species even though Fisler ( 1 965 ) described criteria for their identification. The salt marsh harvest mouse is often called the "red-bellied" harvest mouse because of the intense cinnamon or buff color of the venter of many animals found in the marshes of the South San Francisco Bay. This a misnomer because most animals in this species have whitish venters, especially those in San Pablo and Suisun Bay marshes, where venters often are whiter than those of western harvest mice. The most reliable characters, though the most difficult to use, are those associated with the diameter, pattern, coloration and shape of the tail as well as the tail/body ratio, although the latter is most usuable in Suisun and South San Francisco Bay populations (Fisler 1965). I assign numeric values to these tail characters in an adaptation of the hybrid index technique of Anderson (1949). Total scores for all tail characters have been effective in differentiating between the two species, especially when used in conjunction with tail/body ratios, coloration of the venter and behavior. Zetterquist (1978) used this general technique and found it effective in South San Francisco Bay populations. I present the details of my technique in this paper along with Fisler's (1965) description of venter types. His classic work is the basis for this and any other technique of identifying salt marsh harvest mice and I give him full credit. In addition, my scoring technique, described herein, adds greatly to usefulness of the features he described for identifying the two species. I have examined 116 ' Accepted for publication May 1983. 114 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME skulls of the two species and have discovered a few characters which can be used to identify these forms using intact, or nearly intact, skulls. MATERIALS AND METHODS Body Traits Sixty-seven mice of both species were live-trapped, under endangered species permits, in the marshes near Collinsville (Solano County) at the eastern edge of Suisun Bay in 1 978 and 1 979 ( Envirodyne Engineers 1 978, Biosystems Analysis 1978). These animals were characterized as to four tail characters (diameter at 20 mm from the rump, tail pattern, color of ventral hairs, and shape of tip), tail/body ratios, color of venters, behavior, and presence or absence of orange tuffs in front of their ears. Forty-five mice of both species were live-trapped in South San Francisco Bay marshes, 0.8 and 3.2 km north of Alviso, Santa Clara County, and in Coyote Hills Regional Park, Alameda County, during 1977. They were checked for only two tail traits (pattern of tail and shape of the tip), tail/body ratio, color of venter and behavior. The tail traits were scored (Table 1 ) and summed in each case for a possible score of four in the South San Francisco Bay populations and eight in the Suisun Bay population. The scores and tail /body ratios were compared with venter coloration and behavior to establish species identifications. TABLE 1. Values Assigned to Tail Traits. Trait 0 Value / 2 Tail at 20 mm from rump Tail pattern Ventral hairs on tail Tip of tail 2.1 or more unicolor tan blunt 2.0 mm intermediate intermediate intermediate 1.9 mm or less bicolor white to grayish-white pointed The tip of the tail is seen best by holding the tail so it was backlit and hence the tip stands out from its surrounding hairs. A salt marsh harvest mouse has a tail with very little taper and a blunt tip. It looks like it has a missing tip, but without the swelling and loss of hair that usually accompanies such a condition. The tail of a western harvest mouse is thinner, more tapered towards the tip and the tip is decidedly pointed. Adequate light was necessary to assess the color of the hairs on the venter of the tail. Salt marsh forms have tan hairs on the ventral side of their tails while western forms have a considerable number to a majority of white hairs. The intermediate condition consists of mostly tan hairs with a few white to whitish hairs. A hand lens was useful in observing this character. The tail of a western harvest mouse in the Bay region is bicolored, but not markedly so. The three categories for this trait are best described as "nearly unicolored" for the salt marsh form, "indistinctly bicolored" for the intermediate situation and "lightly bicolored" for the western form. The diameter of the tail was somewhat difficult to measure because of the hairs surrounding the tail. It was measured using a plastic ruler but a caliper is more satisfactory. Several measurements were necessary to correctly estimate the width to the nearest 0.1 mm. The length of the body and the tail were measured several times to get an SALT MARSH HARVEST MOUSE IDENTIFICATION 115 accurate measurement. The tail/body ratio was obtained by dividing the tail length by the body length and multiplying the answer by 100. Hind foot length or ear length were not recorded, as they add nothing to the identification process. The animal's behavior was observed throughout the handling process. I noted the color and pattern of the venter (belly) of each animal and looked for orange tuffs of hair in front of the base of the ears. All of this information was recorded on a separate sheet in my field notebook for each animal (Figure 1). Male Female Location: Tag tt Date of capture Recapture(s) Venter coloration after Fisler (1965) 1 . White, greyish white venter. 2. Cinnamon pectoral spot 3. Band of color across chest. 4. Ventral band, 3/4 of \ienXer ijol^'iTe. . 5. Color and white mixed, 1/2 white. 6. Trace of (1/4) white. 7. All cinnamon, of varying intensity Body length Tail length T/B % HFL EL -WT. - = gm Testes desc. Vagina per. PG Lact. T -1 .• ■ X J /'^ interm. () blunt C'^j Tail tip pointed {__) <^ \-y Tail bicolor Q interm. Q unicolor O White hairs Q_) a few (~^ all tan (^ Diameter of tail at 20 mm from body 1.9 mm or < Q 2.0. Q 2.1 or > Q Venter coloration 12 3 4 5 6 7 Behavior active interm. docile Orange tuffs in front of ears: yes no Vegetation at capture site: FIGURE 1. Sample sheet from field notebook. Cranial Features Numerous skulls of both species were examined for distinguishing features. The one usable, measureable feature is the position of the posterior foramen in respect to the length of the palate posterior to the incisive foramen (Figure 2). 116 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME The measurement was made with a Helios caliper to the nearest 0.01 mm. The distance between the posterior end of the incisive foramen and the anterior end of the posterior palatine foramen was divided by the distance between the posterior end of the incisive foramen and the anteriormost part of mesopterygoid fossa. The result was expressed as a decimal. .-.vj FIGURE 2. Palatine measurements. View is of the palate with the incisive foramen at the top and the posterior platine foramen in the middle. Two more subjective cranial features were identified. The medial inflection of the zygoma (the zygomatic arch), as viewed from above, was estimated and weighted as follows: an inflection greater than one thickness of the zygoma = 0 points (the salt marsh mouse pattern), an inflection of one thickness or less = 1 point, and no inflection = 2 points (the western mouse pattern) (Figure 3). The other feature was the visibility of the sphenopalatine foramen when viewed from the side ( Figure 4) . A large visible foramen, extending considerably above the zygoma (the salt marsh pattern) = 0 points, a foramen with a small portion visible over the zygoma = 1 point and no foramen visible from a lateral view (the western pattern ) — 2 points. The scores for these two characters were totalled for each specimen and compared with the palatine measurement. Scores ranged from 0 for skulls with the strongest salt marsh harvest mouse characteristics to 4 for those with strongest western harvest mouse characteris- tics. SALT MARSH HARVEST MOUSE IDENTIFICATION 117 FIGURE 3. Medial inflection of the zygoma (Zygomatic arch). No inflection = b, inflection of one thickness of the zygoma or more = c. a, intermediate VjjJM\>~' ZYGOMA VjvjOmvAW FIGURE 4. Sphenopalatine foramen as viewed from the side. Foramen not visible = a, partially visible = b, and foramen highly visible = c. Sixty-six salt marsh harvest mice and 50 v^estern harvest mice skulls were checked for these traits. Fifty-five salt marsh and 40 western harvest mice were from the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology at the University of California at Berke- ley; the remainder were from the collection at San Jose State University. Skulls were compared from five general areas which were (with the salt marsh harvest mouse locations listed first) : Callinas Creek, Marin County, marsh versus various locations in Marin County; Sonoma Creek, Sonoma County, versus Sonoma County; Martinez marsh versus Martinez marsh, both Contra Costa County; Richmond marsh versus Richmond marsh, both Contra Costa County; and Al- viso marsh, Santa Clara County, versus Santa Clara and Santa Cruz Counties. 118 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME The first three groups of sites are within the range of R. r. halicoetes which extends from Pt. San Pedro, Marin County, to Collinsville, Solano County, and along the Contra Costa County Coast from near Pittsburg to Martinez. The other two groups of sites are with the range of R. r. raviventris which extends south from Pt. San Pedro in Marin County and into South San Francisco Bay from the San Mateo Bridge on the west and the Richmond area on the east. RESULTS Body Traits The pattern of the tail, the shape of its tip and tail /body ratios were sufficient to differentiate between the two species in the South San Francisco Bay popula- tions. Tail score totals (ranging from 0 to 4) were plotted against tail/body ratios and there was a complete separation of the two populations. All 29 of the salt marsh harvest mice had red bellies (i.e., a score of 5, 6, or 7 on Fisler's scale) while none of the western harvest mice scored higher than a three. The salt marsh forms were docile while the western harvest mice were highly active and bit often. The situation at Collinsville was similar, but not quite as clear cut. All four tail traits were used but none of the seven western harvest mice had a score higher than six out of a possible total of eight. Only two of the salt marsh forms scored higher than a two (a three and a four) . Only three of the 61 salt marsh harvest mice had tail /body ratios as low as the longest-tailed western harvest mouse (i.e., 114%). One animal had a tail /body ratio percentage of 114% and interme- diate traits for the other characters and could not be assigned to either species. Cranial Traits Palatal ratios showed highly significant differences between the means of each pair of samples tested (p values were all less than 0.001 ). Nineteen of the 116 skulls fell into the zone of overlap (0.44 to 0.49) for this measurement. Only one of the 50 skulls on the salt marsh harvest mouse side of the zone of overlap had a "western" score, i.e., a three using the two subjective cranial features. Eleven of the 41 skulls on the western harvest mouse side of the zone had intermediate scores of two, but only one skull had a salt marsh harvest mouse skull score of one. DISCUSSION It is easiest to identify salt marsh harvest mice in the northeastern and southern portions of their range, e.g., in Collinsville and Alviso. Reddish venters are the rule at Alviso and their overall coloration is very dark. The animals have very short tails (hence tail/body ratios are less than 100%). Animals at Collinsville have very long tails (tail/body ratios usually exceeding 120%), low tail scores and "thick" tails. A number of investigators including myself have noticed that the tails of animals in the Suisun Bay marshes and along the Contra Costa County coast, and even in the Napa marshes, have thicker tails than Fisler reported in 1965. Many western harvest mice have tails with diameter of 2.0 or 2.1 mm instead of 1.9 mm or less, while salt marsh harvest mice have tails which range from 2.1 mm to as high as 3.0 mm, but are usually 2.3 to 2.5 mm. The dine in length of tail aids the observer in these two areas. The tail/body ratio, however, is not usable in the Richmond, Petaluma (generally), Sonoma Creek, Callinas and Corte Madera areas. SALT MARSH HARVEST MOUSE IDENTIFICATION 119 Body coloration, especially that of the venter, is usable only in the southern- most part of the range. In areas where both coloration and tail/body ratios are unusable, characters associated with the tail provide the only diagnostic traits. They are not easy to use, at least not at first. Most investigators tend to score more animals as "ones" when they first start using this set of characters unless they have trapped western harvest mice previously. Investigators who have seen representatives of both species find it easier to identify tail characters and behavior. Behavior is a moderately valuable trait. Most R. r. raviventris, especially those from Palo Alto to Newark, are very gentle. They are often torporous. Many R. r. halicoetes are moderately active and may bite, but are seldom as active as western harvest mice. The presence of orange tuffs of hair in front of the base of the ears should be noted as most salt marsh forms have them and few westerns do. It is an obvious trait but one of relatively little value, especially by itself. The various traits discussed in this paper are best used when an investigator has captured a number of animals in the same marsh and hence can construct a two dimensional plot incorporating tail traits and tail/body ratios. Single individuals are easy to identify in certain populations. Animals from Suisun Bay-Collinsville-Martinez marshes with tail/body ratios of 114% or more and tail diameters of 2.2 mm or more are salt marsh harvest mice. Animals from the Palo Alto-Alviso-Newark areas of the South Bay with tail/body ratios of 98% or less and tail thickness of 2.1 mm or more are the salt marsh form. Almost any mouse in these areas with a reddish belly is a salt marsh form, although one should check the other traits. Fisler did not find type 7 venters on any western harvest mice, hence, such a feature is diagnostic if an animal rates a seven. Such animals are found relative- ly more frequently in the San Pablo-Richmond and Corte Madera marshes and less frequently in the Gallinas and Petaluma marshes and along the Petaluma River. In these marshes the four tail traits are all important. A white-bellied mouse with a tail/body ratio of 109%, a tail thickness of 2.1 mm, a nearly unicolored tail with a blunt tip and only a few white hairs on its ventral side is a salt marsh harvest mouse. The sum of the tail features (Table 1 ) is usually a score of three or less. The pattern of the tail and the tip of the tail are often rated by cautious, novice observers as scores of one but the color of the ventral hairs of the tail and the diameter of the tail are easier to judge and score correctly. Western harvest mice generally score a five or a six, sometimes a seven or eight. Salt marsh harvest mice generally score zero to two. A score of four presents a problem, especially if the tail/body ratio and color do not provide usable information. The identification of the skulls is difficult. The one accurately measureable feature that I have found requires at least a complete skull back to the middle of the orbit and a precision measuring device. The two subjective traits require the presence of an intact zygoma and this fragile arch is easily and often broken. Studies are under way to find other quantitative cranial features. Based on current knowledge, a skull with a palatal measurement of 43% (.43) or less is probably a salt marsh harvest mouse. An inflected zygoma and easily seen sphenopalatine foramen (viewed directly from the side of the skull) support such a diagnosis. 120 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The assistance and support of the following persons is sincerely appreciated: J. Michaels and J. Gustafson of the California Department of Fish and Game (JM presently is in the USFWS), R. Jackson of Biosystems Analysis, Inc. of San Francisco, W. Lidicker and O. Pearson of MVZ at University of California, Berkeley, and the staff of both the Coyote Hills Regional Park and the San Francisco Bay National Wildlife Refuge Headquarters at Newark. LITERATURE CITED Anderson, E. 1949. Introgressive hybridization. John Wiley and Sons, New York. 109 p. Biosystems Analysis, Inc. 1979. A report on the 1979 summer trapping program for the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse at the Montezuma Power Plant site. Prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 53 p. Envirodyne Engineers (presently Biosystems Analysis, Inc.). 1978. A report on salt-marsh harvest mouse trapping and vegetation survey at.the Montezuma Power Plant site. Fossil Fuel 1 and 2 Project. Prepared for Pacific Gas and Electric Company. 53 p. Fisler, C. F. 1965. Adaptations and speciation in harvest mice of the marshes of San Francisco Bay. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 77:1-108. Shellhammer, H. S. 1982. Reithrodontomys raviventris. Mammalian Species, No.169:1-3. American Society of Mammalogists. Shellhammer, H. S., R.Jackson, W. Davilla, A. Cilroy, H. T. Harvey and L. Simons. 1982. Habitat preferences of salt marsh harvest mice (Reithrodontomys raviventris). Wasmann J., Biol. 40(1-2)102-114. Zetterquist, D. K. 1978. The salt marsh harvest mouse (Reithrodontomys raviventris raviventris) in marginal habitats. Wasmann J. Biol., 35(1)68-76. FRESHWATER LAMPREY OCCURRENCE AND MORPHOLOGY 121 Calif. Fish and Came 70(2); 121-127 1984 A SECOND RECORD FOR CALIFORNIA AND ADDITIONAL MORPHOLOGICAL INFORMATION ON ENTOSPHENUS'' HUBBSI \\.\D\KO\ AND KOTT 1976 (PETROMYZONTIDAE) 2 VADIM D. VLADYKOV Department of Biology University of Ottawa Ottawa, Ontario KIN 6N5 AND EDWARD KOTT Department of Biology Wilfrid Laurier University Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3C5 Entosphenus ■• hubbsih a nonparasitic freshwater species of lamprey described by Vladykov and Kott (1976a). The original 11 newly metamorphosed specimens and 1 ammocoete were obtained on 15 February 1972 by D. P. Christenson from the Friant-Kern Canal, east of Delano, California. In the present study, we describe additional material of E. hubbsi consisWn^ of 1 ammocoete, 8 metamorphosing, and 119 metamorphosed specimens, collected by R. R. Menchen from the Merced River, near Merced Falls, a tributary of the San Joaquin River system in California. This lamprey was separable from other species of Entosphenus by a low number of trunk myomeres (50-57), and reduced dentition. INTRODUCTION Entosphenus hubbsi\s a nonparasitic lamprey, originally described by Vlady- kov and Kott (^^76a ), and dedicated to Carl Leavitt Hubbs, a distinguished friend and keen student of lamprey taxonomy. The first specimens were collected in the Friant-Kern Canal, east of Delano, Kern Co., California. This canal, which connects the Kern River system with the San Joaquin River, is about 85% concrete lined, with a flow of at least 56.6 m^/s. Thus, this canal cannot be considered as a normal habitat for such a small nonparasitic lamprey. Vladykov and Kott (1979) suggested that this species may be present in the Kern River, and possibly in the San Joaquin River system. MATERIAL AND METHODS The present study is based on an examination of 1 ammocoete, 8 metamor- phosing, and 119 metamorphosed individuals of £ /7iyZ?^5/ collected by R. R. Menchen during February and March, 1977, from the Merced River, near Merced Falls, a tributary of the San Joaquin River (Figure 1 ). This new material not only provides additional information on distribution of this lamprey but allows for a more detailed study of its morphology. . ' Robins eta/. (1980) and Shapovalov, Cordone, and Dill (1981) placed Entosphenus \n the genus Lampetra. We (Vladykov and Follett 1967; Vladykov and Kott 1976c/and 1979) maintain that Entosphenus is a distinct genus from Lampetra. ^ Accepted for publication June 1983. 122 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME Oregon Arizona Mexico FIGURE 1 Map showing localities where Entosphenus hubbsi were collected. Definitions of body proportions follow Vladykov and Follett (1965) and Vladykov and Kott (1980). Terminology of the teeth is that of Vladykov and Follett (1967). Information on dentition is derived from a study of 30 specimens from the Merced River. WILDLIFE HABITAT REMOTE SENSING 123 Trunk myomeres were counted between the last (7th) gill opening and the anterior tip of the cloacal slit (Hubbs and Trautman 1937, Vladykov 1949). Information on velar tentacles has been published by Vladykov and Kott ( 1 9766) , and the taxonomic significance of male urogenital papillae of different species of lampreys was given by Vladykov and Kott (1982 a). DESCRIPTION OF SPECIMENS Metamorphosed Individuals Ninety-eight males and 18 females were measured (Table 1 ). The total length of the males ranged from 95 to 139 mm (mean 112.3 mm) while the females ranged from 81 to 119 mm (mean 102.1 mm). Measurements of different body proportions are expressed in percentage of the total length. Mean values for males and females respectively were: disc length 7.0, 6.1; prebranchial length 1 1 .2, 1 0.6; trunk length 47.1 , 51 .3; tail length 28.5, 27.0; disc length in percentage of branchial length 58.9, 56.1. The number of trunk myomeres (Table 2) ranged from 50 to 57 (mean 53.5). TABLE 1. Body Proportions in Percent of Total Length and Disc Length in Percent of Bran- chial Length of Metamorphosed Specimens of Entosphenus hubbsi from Two Localities. Data Refer to Means (ranges in Parentheses) for Each Character. Authority Present Study Vladykov and Kott (1976a ) Locality Merced River Friant-Kern Canal Sex Male Female Male Female No. specimens 98 18 8 3 Total length, mm 112.3 102.1 129.1 140.3 (95-139) (81-119) (117-142) (140-141) Prebranchial length 13.1 11.7 9.4 9.0 (7.8-14.4) (10.1-13.5) (8.8-10.7) (8.5-9.6) Branchiallength 11.2 10.6 10.5 9.3 (9.7-12.8) (8.9-11.7) (9.5-11.2) (8.5-10.7) Trunk length 47.1 51.3 54,0 54.5 (44.6-51.1) (46.9-55.0) (51.3-56.9) (53.5-55.0) Tail length 28.5 27.0 28.5 28.6 (25.5-30.8) (24.3-29.6) (27.3-30.8) (27.5-30.1) Eye length 1.8 1.9 17 1.8 (0.8-2.8) (1.5-2.5) (1.4-2.1) (1.4-2.0) Disc length 7.0 6.1 4.3 4.4 (4,3-^.7) (4.2-7.0) (3.7^.7) (3.9-4.6) Disc length 58.9 56.1 — — Branchial length (40.0-81.8) (38.5-63.6) TABLE 2. Species Number of Myomeres in Metamorphosed Entosphenus hubbsi and E. tridentatus. Collected at Same Locality from the Merced River, California, February-March 1977. No. Exam- ined Number of myomeres E. hubbsi 119 £ tridentatus 5 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 Mean 2 6 20 20 32 25 10 4 --------- - 53.8 ------------1 --1 2 1 65.2 Because the species is nonparasitic, the teeth (Table 3) were weakly cornified and often many were hardly visible. As is characteristic of the genus Entosphe- nus, a single row of posterials was present, consisting of 8 to 1 1 ( mean 9.0) teeth 124 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME that were weakly developed. Among 30 specimens, only 1 had the supraoral lamina with 3 cusps; all the others had 2 cusps. Cusps on the infraoral lamina ranged from 4 to 6 ( mean 5.2 ). All but 3 specimens ( Table 3 ) had 8 endolaterals, as is characteristic of the genus, but the number of their cusps may vary from 1 to 3. Cusps on the anterial field were usually arranged in a single row and were of uniform size. They ranged from 3 to 7 (mean 4.5). Cusps on the lingual laminae were not developed, hence no counts could be made. TABLE 3. Number of Cusps on the Teeth of Entosphenus hubbsiUom Two Localities. Data Refer to Means and Ranges for Each Character. Number of Counts in Parentheses. Authority Present study Vladykov and Kott (1976a) Locality Merced River Friant-Kern Canal Anterials 4.5 (29) 3-7 Supraorals 2.0(30) 2.1 (11) 2-3 2-3 Endolaterals; Typical formula M-M (24) 1-1-1-1 (21) Variant formulae 1-2-2-1 (12) 1-2-1-1 (6) 2-2-1-1 (4) Formulae observed in two cases each: 1-3-2-1,2-2-2-2 2-2-2-1, 2-1-1-1 Formulae observed in a single case: 0-3-2-1, 0-2-1-1, 1-0-1-1, 1-1-2-1, 1-1-3-1, 2-2-3-1 - Infraorals 5.2 (30) 5.0 (9) 4-6 5 Posteriais 9.0 (18) 10.3 (6) 8-11 9-12 Velar tentacles in 1 5 specimens ranged from 3 to 5 ( mean 4.7) . Tentacles were unpigmented and short, the longest ones ranged in length from 0.5 mm to 0.9 mm. The lateral tentacles did not form dorsal wings that are typical of £ triden- tatus. The sides and back of specimens preserved in 4-5% formalin were gray- brown and the lower surface was whitish. Both dorsal and caudal fins had black specklings. Sexual dimorphism was manifested by the presence in males of a relatively longer urogenital papilla { Figure 2 ) . The average length of this papilla in 9 males was 1.6 mm (ranged from 1.0 to 2.0 mm), and as a percentage of branchial length was 1 3% ( range 8 to 1 7% ) . Females had a much shorter papilla. Howev- er, those close to spawning time developed an anal finlike fold (Figure 2) that was absent in males. Sexual dimorphism was also evident in the following body proportions, ex- pressed in percentages of total length and branchial length respectively: in males, disc lengths were 7.0 and 58.9, while in females, 6.1 and 56.1. In contrast, trunk length as a percentage of total length was 47.1 in males and 51.3 for females (Table 1). FRESHWATER LAMPREY OCCURRENCE AND MORPHOLOGY 125 126 CALIFORNIA FISH AND CAME Total lengths of males and females of £ hubbsi from the Friant-Kern Canal were longer than those of specimens from the Merced River (Table 1). The explanation for this was the different stages of sexual development of metamor- phosed individuals. Specimens from Friant-Kern Canal were in early metamor- phosis, prior to shrinkage of the body, hence the two dorsal fins were far apart. The lampreys from Merced River were more advanced in maturation, and as shrinkage had already occurred, the two dorsal fins touched each other. For further details on body shrinkage, a unique feature of lampreys, consult Vlady- kov and Kott (1978), and Vladykov et al. (1982/?). Specimens from the two locations also differed in disc length (Table 1 ). In lampreys from the Merced River, taken close to spawning time, the discs had attained their full development, but in the Friant-Kern Canal sample the discs were still small. Ammocoetes A single ammocoete from Merced River measured 100 mm in total length and had 57 myomeres. Body proportions in percent of total length were: prebranchi- al length 9.0, branchial length 12.0, trunk length 49.0, tail length 29.0. The precursor of the tongue was strongly pigmented. The bulb had heavy black pigmentation that was stronger than that in £ folletti (Vladykov and Kott 1976c) and that also extended around the elastic ridge. COMPARISONS WITH ENTOSPHENUS TRIDENTATUS Five recently metamorphosed specimens and one ammocoete of the parasitic species Entosphenus tridentatus were collected from the Merced River at the same time and place as £ hubbsi. They ranged in length from 115 to 126 mm ( mean 1 1 9.8 mm ) and were of a size comparable to the specimens of £ hubbsi. The two species are readily distinguishable on myomere counts (Table 2). In £ hubbsi myomeres ranged from 50 to 57, whereas in £ tridentatus they ranged from 62 to 67. The single ammocoete of £ tridentatus had 70 myomeres. Average body proportions in the newly metamorphosed £ tridentatus, sexes combined, expressed as a percentage of total length were: disc length 7.0; prebranchial length 14.2; eye length 3.3; branchial length 9.0; trunk length 45.4; tail length 31.3; disc length in percentage of branchial length was 78.5. The eye length was considerably greater in £ tridentatus than in similarly sized £ hubbsi A small eye length is typical of nonparasitic species of lampreys in general. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION The two samples of £ hubbsi came from south central California. The first 1 1 metamorphosed specimens and 1 ammocoete were obtained from the Friant- Kern Canal, east of Delano, Kern County, California (Vladykov and Kott 1976a). Because this habitat definitely is not suitable for such a small lamprey as £ hubbsi, we postulated that it could have been swept into the canal from the Kern system ( Figure 1 ) . Before construction of the canal, the Kern basin was an inland drainage system, however, no record of £ hubbsi v/as reported from the Kern area proper. Further information on the physical aspects of the Friant- Kern Canal may be obtained from Fact Sheet U.S. Dept. Interior (1974). At present, this canal connects the Kern River with the San Joaquin River. Because of the connection between these two river systems, we were almost certain that £ hubbsi could be discovered in the San Joaquin River system as FRESHWATER LAMPREY OCCURRENCE AND MORPHOLOGY 127 well. Our expectation was fulfilled by the collection of abundant material of £ hubbsi from the Merced River. £ hubbsi may also live in the Sacramento River. However, at present, the San Joaquin River system should be considered as the typical habitat for this species. Because £ hubbsi is nonparasitic in habit and is limited in its distribution, it should be considered as an endangered species and should be saved. Other reasons why any nonparasitic lamprey must be protected were given in detail by Vladykov (1973). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS R. R. Menchen, biologist, California Department of Fish and Came, Sacra- mento, kindly obtained a well-preserved collection of Entosphenus hubbsi Uova Merced River, near Merced Falls. D. Hickey, Professor, Department of Biology, University of Ottawa, read the manuscript and offered some useful suggestions. The photographs of lampreys were taken by C. Ben-Tchavtchavadze of the same department. This study was supported by grants A-1736 and A-0575 from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council, Canada. To the above- named persons and to NSERC, the authors extend their most sincere thanks. LITERATURE CITED Hubbs, C. L. and M. B. Trautman. 1937. A revision of the lamprey genus Ichthyomyzon. Misc. PubL Univ. Mich. Mus. ZooL, 35: 1-109. Robins, C. R., R. M. Bailey, C. E. Bond, J. R. Brooker, E. A. Lachner, R. N. Lea, and W. B. Scott. 1980. A list of common and scientific names of fishes from the United States and Canada. 4th ed. Am, Fish. Soc. Spec. Publ. No. 12. pp. 1-174. Shapovalov, L., A. ). Cordone, and W. A. Dill. 1981. A list of the freshwater and anadromous fishes of California. Calif. Fish Came, 67(1); 4-38. U.S. Dept. Interior, 1974. Friant Dam and Millerton Lake. Fact Sheet, Bureau of Reclamation, Sacramento, Califor- nia, 3pp. Vladykov, V. D. 1949. Quebec lampreys (Petromyzonidae) 1. List of species and their economical importance. Contrib. Dep. Fish. Quebec 27: 65 p. Vladykov, V. D. 1973. North American nonparasitic lampreys of the family Petromyzonidae must be protected. Can. Field-Nat., 87: 235-239. Vladykov, V. D. and W. I. Follett. 1965. Lampetra richardsoni, a new nonparasitic species of lamprey (Pe- tromyzonidae) from western North America. Fish, Res. Board Can., J., 22: 139-158. 1967. The teeth of lampreys (Petromyzonidae); their terminology and use in a key to the Holarctic genera. Fish. Res. Board Can., )., 24: 1067-1075. Vladykov, V. D. and E, Kott. 1976a. A new nonparasitic species of lamprey of the genus Entosphenus Gill, 1862 (Petromyzonidae) from south central California, South. Calif. Acad. Sci., Bull., 75: 60-67. 1 9766. The taxonomic significance of velar tentacles in holarctic lampreys ( Petromyzonidae) . Rev. Trav, Inst. Peches Marit., 40: 787-789, 1976c, A second nonparasitic species of Entosphenus Gill, 1862 (Petromyzonidae) from Klamath River system, California. Can. J, ZooL, 54: 974-989, 1976c/. Is Okkelbergia Creaser and Hubbs, 1922 (Petromyzonidae) a distinct taxon? Can. J. ZooL, 54: 421^25, 1978. A new nonparasitic species of the holarctic lamprey genus Lethenteron Creaser and Hubbs, 1922 (Petromyzonidae) from northwestern North America with notes on other species of the same genus, Biol. Pap, Univ, Alaska, 19: 74 p, 1979. List of Northern Hemisphere lampreys (Petromyzonidae) and their distribution. Fish. Mar, Serv. Misc. Spec. PubL, 42: 1-30. 1980, Description and key to metamorphosed specimens and ammocoetes of Petromyzonidae found in the Great Lakes region. Can, J, Fish, Aquat, Sci,, 37: 1616-1625, 1982a, Correct scientific names for the least brook lamprey and the American brook lamprey (Petromyzontidae). Can. J. ZooL, 60: 856-864, Vladykov, V, D„ C. B,, Renaud, E, Kott, and P, S. Economidis, 19826. A new nonparasitic species of Holarctic lamprey genus Eudontomyzon Regan 1911 (Petromyzontidae), from Greece. Can. J. ZooL, 60: 2897-2915. 128 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME BOOK REVIEW Fisheries Management, Edited by Robert T. Lackey and Larry A. Nielsen; John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York; 1980; 422 pp.; illustrated This is an excellent introductory textbook. The sixteen chapters are contributed by authors actively working in the respective specialties. This direct familiarity gives the discussions a sense of relevance often missing from textbooks w/ritten by a single author who is forced to give a second-hand treatment of material outside his particular province. The field of fishery management is full of uncertainties and constraints which are both challenging and frustrating. This is an unusual textbook in that it conveys these feelings in addition to the usual factual material. Fishery science is rrecessarily multidisciplinary. The chapters reflect this: the discussions of aquatic ecology (Charles Warren, William Liss) draw on both field ecology and recently developed theoreti- cal ecology. The latter holds promise for understanding fishery resources, and fisheries may provide an excellent opportunity to wed theory and practice. The introduction to fish population dynamics (Albert Tyler and Vincent Callucci) gives a sense of mathematics and modeling which is further developed in a lucid chapter on systems principles (Carl Walters). The social sciences are well represented by discussions of sociology /anthropology (Michael Orbach), planning and policy analysis (Adam Sokoloskii), and an entertaining but effective chapter on objectives of management (Peter Larkin). The discussions of actual fishery management cases show the profound difference between the natural history orientation of inland fisheries (Richard Noble, Edwin Cooper) and the analytical and political orientation of marine fisheries (J. L. McHugh, John Gulland). The shortcomings of the book are not serious. The discussion of fishery economics (Frederik Bell) seemed overly condensed and should have been more fully developed. The chapter on environmen- tal analysis (John Cairns, Jr.) covered the topic of pollution in detail, but did not make any mention of the controversial issue of power plant impacts on fish resources. All the chapters would benefit from expanded lists of references. A few years ago there was a dearth of texts on fishery management. Now there are more being published than appears to be justified. This particular volume is a worthwhile contribution, and should remain a useful reference for many years. — Alec D. MacCall An Artist's Catch — Watercolors by Frank Stick, Edited by David Stick. The University of North Carolina Press. 1981. 245 color plates, 356 pp. $29.95. This beautiful book is the result of Frank Stick's decision during the latter part of his life to put together a collection of watercolors of fishes of the southeast coast of the LInited States and the Caribbean. Frank's brother David both edited the book as well as wrote the introductory biograph- ical sketch. A short preface describes why the artist began painting fish and the methods used to obtain and identify the collections. The remainder of the book is devoted to the 245 color plates of Frank Stick's excellent watercolors. Unlike the Japanese and some early European artists, few American artists have specialized in painting fish, and even more our loss that this country has not produced any significant published collection of color paintings of North American marine or freshwater fishes. This book probably reflects the most serious American effort to date. The artist has included detailed diagnostic charac- ters in the water colors, for each species and has illustrated the different color phases for several species. This excellent collection should be welcomed by all lovers of fish, be they sportsmen, naturalists, students or professional scientists. — Daniel W. 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