OMJFDRNIA FKH-GAME "CONSERVATION OF WILD LIFE THROUGH EDUCATION" California Fish and Game is published quarterly by the California Department of Fish and Game. It is a journal devoted to the conservation and understanding of fish and wildlife. If its contents are reproduced elsewhere, the authors and the California Department of Fish and Game would appreciate being acknowledged. Subscriptions may be obtained at the rate of $1 0 per year by placing an order with the Editor, California Department of Fish and Game, 1416 Ninth Street, Sacramento. CA 9581 4. Checks or money orders in U.S. dollars should be made out to California Fish and Game. Inquiries regarding paid subscriptions should be directed to the Editor. Complimentary subscriptions are granted on an exchange basis. Please direct correspondence to: Dr. Eric R. Loft, Editor in Chief California Fish and Game 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, California 95814 VOLUME 77 FALL 1991 NUMBER 4 Published Quarterly by STATE OF CALIFORNIA THE RESOURCES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME -LDA- STATE OF CALIFORNIA PETE WILSON, Governor THE RESOURCES AGENCY DOUGLAS P. WHEELER, Secretary for Resources FISH AND GAME COMMISSION Everett M. McCracken Jr., President Carmlchael Benjamin F. Biaggini, Vice President San Francisco Albert 0. Taucher, Member Long Beach Frank D. Boren, Member Carpinteria Gus Owen, Member Dana Point Robert R. Treanor, Executive Director DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME BOYD GIBBONS, Director Pete Bontadelli, Ciiief Deputy Director Howard Sarasohn, Deputy Director Vacant, Deputy Director Ted Thomas, Asst. Director for Public Affairs Al Petrovich Jr., Chief Marine Resources Division Tim Farley, Acting Chief Inland Fisheries Division Terry Mansfield, Acting Chief Wildlife Management Division John Tumer, Acting Chief Environmental Servrces Division Susan A. Cochrane, Chief Natural Heritage Division DeWayne Johnston, Chief Wildlife Protection Division Banky E. Curtis, Regional Manager Redding James D. Messersmith, Regional Manager Rancho Cordova Brian F. Hunter, Regional Manager Yountville George D. Nokes, Regional Manager Fresno Fred Worthley, Regional Manager Long Beach CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 1991 EDITORIAL STAFF Eric. R. Loft, Editor-in-Chief Wildlife Management L. B. Boydstun, Arthur C. Knutson, Jr., Betsy C. Bolster Inland Fisheries Dan Yparraguirre, Douglas R Updike Wildlife Management Steve Crooke, Doyle Hanan, Jerry Spratt Marine Resources Donald E. Stevens Bay-Delta Project Peter T. Phillips, Richard L Callas Environmental Services CONTENTS A Conservation -Oriented Classification System for the Inland Waters of California Peter B. Moyle and John P. Ellison 161 Gonad Maturity, Induction of Spawning, Larval Breeding, and Growth in the American Pearl-Oyster {Pteria sterna, Goukj) Orfelina Araya-Nufies, Bj6rn Ganning, and Fernando Buckle-Ramirez 181 Helicopter Drive-netting Techniques for Mule Deer Capture on Great Basin Ranges Ron Thomas and Brian Novak 194 Home Range, Habitat Use, Disturbance, and Mortality of Columbian Black-tailed Deer in Mendocino National Forest ..Kent B. Livezey 201 NOTES Harbor Seal Predation on a Wolf-Eel Alan Baldridge and Lynn L Rogers 210 First Record of Partial Ambicoloration in Spotted Turbot {Pleuronichthys ritten) Jesus Rodriguez Romero, L. Andres Abitia Cardenas, and Felipe Galv^n Magafia 212 FEATURES New Director for Department of Fish and Game 214 Index to Volume 77 216 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Calif. Fish and Game 77(4) : 1 6 1 - 1 80 1 99 1 A CONSERVATION-ORIENTED CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR THE INLAND WATERS OF CALIFORNIA PETER B. MOYLE Wildlife and Fisheries Biology University of California, Davis Davis, CA 95616 and JOHN P. ELLISON Natural Heritage Division California Department of Fish and Game 1416 Ninth Street Sacramento, CA 95814 A hierarchical classification system of the inland waters of California is presented, focussing on natural habitats. Its purpose is to provide a structure for conservation efforts and the development of Aquatic Diversity Management Areas. The system is based largely on patterns of fish distribution and endemism but includes fishless habitats as well. INTRODUCTION Freshwater environments have been classified in many different ways. Most classification systems are based on the physical and chemical characteristics of water, assuming that aquatic environments with common characteristics in a region have similar biotas (reviews by Hawkes 1975, Wetzel 1983). Other systems have attempted to tie aquatic environments to surrounding terrestrial systems (Hughes and Omemik 1981,Platts 1982, Larsen et al. 1986, Rohm etal. 1987). Recently, various methods of classifying aquatic systems have been developed in order to permit systematic protection of biological diversity in distinct geographic regions (Savage and Rabe 1979, Maitland 1985, O'Keefe et al. 1987, Edwards et al. 1989, Margules et al. 1989). The need for such a conservation-oriented classification system of aquatic environments is particularly acute in California where a rapidly growing human population and large tracts of irrigated agriculture compete with aquatic organisms for water. As a result, California's highly endemic aquatic fauna is in decline, most notably fish (Moyle and Williams 1990). Protection of aquatic biodiversity in the state requires a state-wide system of Aquatic Diversity Management Areas (ADMAs), streams, lakes, ponds, and springs that are managed with maintenance of native fauna and flora as a primary goal. With limited funds available for ADMAs, it is important to have a classification system of aquatic environments that can help managers decide which environments need protecting in order to maximize protection of biodiversity. To be useful for conservation of biological diversity, a classification system should: 1) Cover all types of aquatic habitats, especially minimally disturbed natural 161 162 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME habitats. 2) Be easy to use, without being too general or too site-specific. 3) Take into account regional and local endemism of aquatic organisms. 4) Be expandable, so new categories can be added without disrupting data bases that already are using it. 5) Reflect both the physical and biological characteristics of each habitat. 6) Be predictive in that once a site has been classified new users will know what fishes or other organisms are likely to be present. Ellison (1984) developed a system with many of these characteristics, but it proved difficult to apply to many habitats in California and did not sufficiently account for regional and local endemism. The classification system presented here is basically an expanded and refined version of Ellison (1984). It includes more detailed descriptions of each habitat but excludes marine and estuarine habitats. METHODS This classification system is based largely on patterns of fish distribution, because fishes are the best studied aquatic organisms. It assumes that patterns of endemism and distribution in fishes are similar to those of less well-known aquatic organisms and that fish profoundly affect the distribution and abundance of other aquatic organisms. However, its bias towards fish does mean that it should be used cautiously in the development of conservation programs for other groups of aquatic organisms. The system is organized in a hierarchical fashion, with ichthyological province (Moyle 1976, Moyle and Cech 1988) as the first major subdivider. The ichthyological provinces are also the major drainage basins of California and are equivalent to the "aquatic ecoregions" Hughes et al. (1987) described for Oregon. The five major ichthyological provinces are ( 1 ) Sacramento-San Joaquin (including coastal drainages with similar fish faunas to that of the main basin), (2) Klamath and North Coast, (3) Great Basin, (4) Colorado River, and (5) Southern California Coast. The general hierarchical scheme used is: XOOOO ICHTHYOLOGICAL PROVINCE XI 000 STANDING WATERS or X2000 FLOWING WATERS X2I00 Ephemeral Waters (under Standing Waters the numbers would be XI 100 etc.) X2200 Permanent Waters X2210 Flshless streams X221 1 ... X221n Types of Ashless streams X2220 ... X22n0 Types of streams containing fish X2221 ... X222n Subdivisions of stream types with fish The final category of the system is Artificial Habitats. These were not included within each geographic category because such habitats differ little between regions. They have smstabie water supplies, are usually dominated by introduced fishes (if CLASSIFICATION OF CALIFORNIA'S INLAND WATERS 1 63 any), and are largely human made. The major problem with any classification system like this one is that it places highly variable systems into rigid categories. Users will have to realize that sites with intermediate or changing characteristics may be hard to classify. We suggest that a site with intermediate characteristics be assigned to both of the categories between which the site is intermediate. It is quite likely that the site fluctuates between the two in any case, especially if the site is part of a stream system. A further problem with this classification system is that many aquatic environments today bear little resemblance to what they originally were, and highly disturbed streams or lakes probably cannot be usefully classified unless there is information available on their original flora and fauna. However, the system is flexible, so that new categories can be added without disrupting the structure or original numbering system. A CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM FOR CALIFORNIA'S INLAND WATERS AOOOO SACRAMENTO-SAN JOAQUIN PROVINCE A 1000 STANDING WATERS A 11 00 Ephemeral Waters All 10 Floodplain pool Shallow pools and ponds left behind on the valley floor by receding floodwaters of Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and their major tributaries. Often contain fish early in season but gradually become too warm and deoxygenated for fish. Most dry up by late summer. A 1120 Vernal pool A1121 Northern claypan pool Shallow, temporary pools created where winter/ spring rainfall fills depressions in claypan soil areas on the valley floor. The alkaline waters contain a rich assemblage of invertebrates adapted for life in temporary pools. Tiger salamander and spadefoot toad larvae may be present in the larger pools. Flowering plants on pool edges highly endemic. Because these pools may fill and dry more than once in a season, they are also referred to as seasonally astatic pools. A 11 22 Northeast volcanic vemal pool Shallow temporary pools on volcanic soils in Modoc County with an endemic flora. A 1130 Playalake Large, shallow, alkaline lakes created in valley areas with no outflows to the rivers. A good example is Soda Lake on the Carrizo Plain (San Luis Obispo Co.), whose fauna is dominated by brine shrimp. Anemia sp. Al 140 Rock outcrop pool Pools perched on sandstone outcrops along the western edge of the San Joaquin Valley. They have little or no soil associated with them so flowering plants are few, but they do contain an unusual invertebrate fauna. Examples are found in the Los Vaqueros region of Contra Costa County and in the Joaquin Rocks near Coalinga, Kings County. 1 64 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME A 11 50 Alpine pool Clear, oligotrophic pools found in shallow depressions on granitic outcrops at high elevations in which both freezing and drying are limiting factors; seasonally filled with snowmelt or rain water. Support communities of seasonal organisms such as fairy shrimp (Brachinecta sp., Strepotocephalus seali) and larvae of longtoed salamanders {Amhystoma macrodactylum). A 1200 Permanent Fishless Waters A 1210 Alpine lakes Clear, oligotrophic lakes found in cirques and other depressions carved out by glaciers in mountain areas. Historically, virtually all of these lakes were without fish and were dominated by aquatic insects, fairy shrimp and other crustaceans, and the larvae of frogs, principally Rana miiscosa. Most of these lakes today contain one or more introduced species of salmonid fishes which have altered the native biotic communities considerably. A 1220 Northeast volcanic perennial pools Isolated pools and lakes created by old lava flows in the Modoc Plateau area, especially in Lassen National Park. Most now contain introduced fishes and original fauna is poorly known. A 1230 Caldera lakes Lakes and pools occupying the caldera of extinct volcanoes. Examples include Crater Lake (Lassen Co.) and Medicine Lake (Siskiyou Co.). Original biota poorly known; now dominated by introduced fishes. A 1240 Dystrophic ponds/lakes Shallow alpine waters with boggy edges, presumably in the natural successional process of becoming bogs. Acidic and fishless. A 1250 Saline ponds/lakes Thurston and Borax lakes are isolated lakes of volcanic origin in the Clear Lake Basin that are too salty to support fish. A 1260 Valley marsh The floor of the Central Valley once supported extensive tule and cattail marshes that flooded seasonally and were permanently wet. Primarily fishless, but seasonally important for spawning and major habitats for aquatic birds, including migratory waterfowl. A 1270 Northern volcanic pools Semipermanent, spring-fed shallow lakes that occupy depressions sealed by deposits of volcanic ash or basalt. Home to the fairy shrimp (Underiella occidental) and a number of endemic marsh plants. Examples of pools include Boggs Lake, Manning Flat, and Steinharts, Lake County. A 1300 Permanent Waters with Fish A1310 Goose Lake A large, shallow alkaline lake on the California-Oregon border, Modoc County; home to endemic subspecies of tui chub {Gila hicolor thallasina), Sacramento sucker {Catostomus occidentalis lacusanserinus), redband trout {Oncorhynchus mykiss subsp.), and Pacific lamprey (Lampetra thdentatus subsp.), as well as tadpole shrimp (Lepirurus sp.). CLASSIFICATION OF CALIFORNIA'S INLAND WATERS 1 65 A 1320 Tulare basin lake Lakes Tulare and Buena Vista were large lakes (now dewatered) that existed on the floor of the San Joaquin Valley which overflowed in wet years into the San Joaquin River. Contained immense populations of native cyprinids (including the now extinct thicktail chub, G. crassicauda) and pond turtles (Clemmys marmorata). Important habitat for wintering waterfowl. A 1330 Sloughs, oxbow lakes, and backwaters The Sacramento and San Joaquin Rivers and their major tributaries once meandered over the valley floor creating numerous backwater and floodplain habitats that were important, productive warmwater habitats for native fishes and wildlife. These waters had permanent or seasonal connections to the river. A few sloughs still remain but are highly altered. A 1 340 Clear Lake drainage A 1341 Clear Lake A large, eutrophic, natural lake in Lake County and one of the oldest lakes in North America. Home to Clear Lake splittail {Pogonichthys ciscoides), now extinct. Clear Lake tule perch (Hysterocarpus traski laguna), and other endemic aquatic organisms. A 1342 Blue Lakes Upper and Lower Blue Lakes are two lakes created by old landslides damming Cold Creek, a tributary to Scotts Creek which flows into Clear Lake. They contain much the same fauna as Clear Lake, but the fishes are naturally stunted. Upper Blue Lake is deep and clear; Lower Blue Lake is shallow and turbid. A 1350 Big Lake The large spring-fed lake in Shasta County that drains into the Fall River via the Tule River. Includes Horr Pond and upper Tule River. A 1360 Coastal lagoons Lagoons at the mouths of coastal streams created by impounding waters by sand bars, e.g., Pescadero Creek Lagoon (San Mateo Co.). A2000 FLOWING WATERS A2100 Ephemeral Streams A21 10 Alpine snowmelt stream Small, high gradient streams above the timberline that exist only while snow is melting. A2120 Conifer forest snowmelt stream Small intermittent streams in conifer forest areas that also exist primarily while snow is still melting but have flows enhanced by seepage from bogs and meadows. Occasionally important as spawning areas for trout (Oncorhynchus spp.). A2130 Foothill/valley ephemeral stream Low elevation streams in oak woodland/valley grassland areas that flow primarily in to winter and spring rainfall, although some water may be semi-permanent in bedrock pools. Have a distinctive succession of invertebrates and may be important 156 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME spawning areas for Pacific treefrogs {Hyla regilld) and newts (Taricha spp). A2200 Permanent Streams, Goose Lake Drainage A2210 Fishless alpine stream Small high-gradient streams in the Warner Mountains that are too steep or inaccessible to be colonized by native trout. Dominant fauna is aquatic insects. A2220 Redband trout/lamprey spawning stream Mid-elevation reaches of larger tributary streams (e.g.. Willow and Lassen Creeks, Modoc County) to Goose Lake that contain enough gravel and spring flows to support spawning runs of redband trout and Goose Lake lamprey from the lake. A2230 Resident redband trout stream Small tributary streams (including tributaries that form A2220 streams) that support self-sustaining populations of redband trout. A2240 Goose Lake sucker/speckled dace stream Lower reaches of tributaries used for spawning by suckers and dace but are frequently dry in summer. A2250 Valley tui chub stream Stream reaches with low enough gradients to support Goose Lake tui chubs and other lake fishes. Typically warm and slightly turbid in late summer. A2300 Permanent Streams, Pit River Drainage A2310 Fishless streams A231 1 Glacial melt stream Streams that drain melting glaciers on Mt. Shasta. Color is typically a milky brown from "rock flour" created by the grinding action of the glaciers. Biotic diversity low. A2312 Alpine stream Most streams above 3000 m elevation in the Sacramento-San Joaquin Basin contained no fish until various salmonids were introduced starting in the late 19th century. Originally dominated by aquatic insects and amphibian larvae. A2313 Spring stream Outflows of small springs too small or with too high gradients to be colonized by fish. A2314 Forest stream Small streams in forested areas with high gradients. A2320 Low order trout streams A232 1 Pit River rainbow/redband trout stream Typically, second, third, or fourth order tributaries to the Pit River with high enough gradients to exclude all fish but rainbow trout. A2322 McCloud River redband trout stream The upper McCloud River (above Upper Falls) and tributaries, which are characterized by the endemic McCloud River redband trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss subsp.) as the sole native fish. CLASSIFICATION OF CALIFORNIA'S INLAND WATERS 167 A2330 Pit River tributaries A2331 Sp>eckied dace/Pit sculpin stream Low elevation tributaries to the Pit River characterized by rocky substrates and large populations of speckled dace and Pit sculpin {Coitus pitensis). Juveniles of the large cyprinids and catostomids characteristic of A2350 are often found here as well as they may use these streams for spawning. See Moyle and Daniels (1982) for a complete description of this category and A2350-A2380. A2332 Squawfish/sucker valley stream The Pit River and the lower reaches of tributary streams (e.g.. Ash Creek) in Big Valley, Modoc/Lassen/Shasta Counties. Gradient is low, water muddy and warm; dominant fishes are Sacramento squawfish (Ptychocheilus grandis) and Sacramento sucker (Catostomus occidentalis). A2333 Modoc sucker stream Small, moderate gradient streams in Modoc County containing Modoc sucker (C. mkrops) but dominated numerically by speckled dace. A2334 Rough sculpin/Shasta crayfish spring stream Cold, clear, spring waters in lava areas that support a highly endemic fauna, including rough sculpin {Coitus asperrimus) and Shasta crayfish {Pascifasiicus fortis). Biggest examples are Fall River and its spring tributaries and lower Hat Creek. A2340 Canyon rivers A2341 Lower Pit River (Hardhead/tule perch river) The Pit River proper as it flows through its canyon from Pit Falls to its confluence with the Sacramento River. Characterized by deep rocky pools containing hardhead {Mylopharodon conocephalus) and tule perch. Deep, swift riffles and runs contain rainbow trout. A2342 Lower McCloud River The McCloud River below Lower Falls was a cold, slightly milky river flowing through a deep canyon and characterized by deep pools that housed winter run chinook salmon {Oncorhynchus tshawystscha) and bull trout {Salvelinus confluentus); both are now extinct in the river. A2400 Permanent Streams, Central Valley Drainage A2410 Fishless low-order tributaries A241I Alpine stream Same as A2312 A2412 Forest stream Second or third order streams in fir, pine, or deciduous forest areas that are too small or too high in gradient to support fish. A2413 Spring Springs with constant temperature and flows, fine substrates, and clear water; can support unusual/endemic invertebrates. 168 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME A2420 Resident trout stream A242 1 Resident rainbow trout stream Low order, cold, high gradient streams, dominated by rainbow trout and, often, riffle sculpin. A2422 Rainbow trout/cyprinid stream Small streams of moderate gradient supporting rainbow trout and one or two species of cyprinids (mostly California roach, Lavinia symmetricus) and/or Sacramento sucker. Example: Upper Putah Creek, Lake County. A2423 Kern golden trout stream The upper Kern River (Kern County) and its branches and tributaries that support golden trout {Oncorhynchus mykiss aquahonita; O. m. whitei\ O. m. gilherti). A2430 Salmon-steelhead streams A2431 Spring Chinook stream Third to fifth order streams at elevations of 500-1500 m with deep canyons containing deep, cold pools that can sustain spring Chinook salmon through the summer. Examples: upper San Joaquin River, Fresno County (formerly); Deer and Mill Creeks, Tehama County. A2332 Steelhead stream Second to fourth order streams used by steelhead for spawning and dominated by juvenile steelhead. Found primarily in the San Francisco Bay drainage. A2440 Low elevation streams A2441 Valley floor river The main channels of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, plus the lower reaches of their tributaries. Much of the water sluggish in summer and considerable cover is provided by logs etc. from riparian forests. Floods seasonally. Fauna complex mixture of resident deep-bodied fishes, warmwater stream fishes, and anadromous fishes. A2442 Fall chinook salmon spawning stream Low elevation, low gradient tributaries to major rivers that dry up in summer but are used for spawning by both anadromous species and resident stream fishes in spring. Example: Thomes Creek, tributary to Sacramento River. A2443 Hardhead/squawfish stream Low- to mid-elevation streams characterized by deep, bedrock pools, clear water, and cool temperatures (<25°C); characteristic fishes are hardhead, Sacramento squawfish, and Sacramento sucker, although typically 5-6 species are present. A2444 Hitch stream Warm, low-elevation streams with low to moderate current and long reaches with sandy bottoms. Typical fishes are hitch {Lavinia exilicauda) and Sacramento blackfish (Orthodon microlepidotus), although Sacramento squawfish, Sacramento sucker, and other species may be present. Examples: lower CLASSIFICATION OF CALIFORNIA'S INLAND WATERS 1 69 to middle reaches of Salinas and Pajaro Rivers, Fresno River. A2445 California roach stream Small, clear, mid-elevation second, third, or fourth order tributaries that typically contain deep pools in canyons and are often intermittent in flow by late summer. Dominant fish numerically are California roach, but juveniles of Sacramento squawfish and Sacramento sucker are often present. A2500 Permanent Streams, Clear Lake Drainage A2510 Fishless low order streams High gradient tributaries to main streams. A2520 Resident trout stream Second or third order streams with high enough gradients and cold enough temperatures to exclude all species but rainbow trout. A2530 Cyprinid/catostomid stream The middle reaches of the main streams flowing into Clear Lake that are clear and shallow. There are some deep pools that contain California roach, Sacramento squawfish, and Sacramento sucker. A2540 California roach stream First and second order intermittent streams that are dominated by California roach. A2550 Seasonal lakefish spawning stream The lower reaches of major tributary streams to Clear Lake (e.g., Adobe Creek, Kelsey Creek, Sigler Creek) that usually dry up by midsummer but are important spawning areas for lake fishes (today this means only Clear Lake hitch, Lavinia exilcauda chi). A2600 Permanent Streams North Central Coastal Drainages A2610 Fishless low order streams First and second order streams either too small or too high in gradient to be used by fishes; typically seasonal in flow. A2620 Coastal rivers A2621 Eel River Characterized by low summer flows and scattered deep pools in a wide canyon and rocky flood plain. Typical fishes are Sacramento sucker and threespine stickleback {Gasterosteus aculeatus), although juvenile steelhead may inhabit the deeper, cool water of some pools. Considerably modified in recent years by addition of Sacramento squawfish and California roach. Mainstem Eel River and lower reaches of the Middle Fork Eel, South Fork Eel, and Van Duzen Rivers. A2622 Russian River Large coastal river containing hardhead, squawfish, Sacramento sucker, hitch, California roach, and a distinct subspecies of tule perch (Hysterocarpus traski chi) as well as anadromous salmonids. Characterized by low summer flows and sudden winter floods. A2623 Sacramento sucker/roach river Coastal streams with moderate flows, cool temperatures, and low gradients in their main channels characterized by the presence of Sacramento suckers and/or California roach as 170 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME well as sculpins (Cottus spp.), threespine stickleback, and anadromous salmonids. Examples: Navarro River, Mad River, MatoUe River, Bear River. A2630 Steelhead streams A2631 Fall steelhead only stream Small, moderate-to-high gradient streams, often tributaries to larger coastal streams used for spawning by steelhead and characterized by dense populations of young-of-year steelhead and larvae of Pacific giant salamanders. A2632 Short-run coho stream Small cold streams with headwaters within 100 km of the ocean. Streams are deeply shaded, with frequent deep (75+ cm) pools which are used by coho salmon {Oncorhynchus kisutch) for spawning and nursery areas. Steelhead typically present as well. Example: Waddell Creek, Santa Cruz County. A2633 California roach/stickleback/steelhead stream Small, low-to-moderate gradient streams that usually flow directly into salt water. They are dominated by California roach and threespine sticklebacks, but may also contain juvenile steelhead in the faster flowing or more deeply shaded reaches. Examples: Gualala River (Mendocino Co.) and Walker Creek (Marin Co.). A2634 Summer steelhead stream Canyon reaches of larger coastal streams and/or tributaries that contain deep (2+ m) bedrock pools capable of sustaining adult summer steelhead through the summer months; summer steelhead and spring chinook salmon are typically the only fish in these streams. Example: Middle Fork, Eel River (Mendocino Co.). A2635 Central coast steelhead/speckled dace stream Small streams flowing directly into the ocean that support speckled dace as well as steelhead. Example: San Luis Obispo Creek. A2636 Lower Russian River squawfish/sucker tributary Lower reaches of small tributaries to large coastal streams that support juvenile Sacramento squawfish and/or Sacramento suckers. A2637 Coastal steelhead/sculpin stream Small, high gradient coastal streams that have mainly steelhead and sculpins (Cottus spp.). A2640 Chinook salmon spawning streams Large, seasonal tributaries to larger coastal streams with sufficient gravel beds to be used for spawning by chinook salmon during the fall and winter months; the juvenile salmon move downstream immediately after hatching. Example: Tomki Creek (Mendocino Co.). CLASSIFICATION OF CALIFORNIA'S INLAND WATERS 1 71 BOOOO KLAMATH AND NORTH COAST PROVINCE BIOOO STANDING WATERS B 1 1 00 Ephemeral Waters 81 1 10 Dune pond Small, temporary ponds isolated among or behind coastal dunes. Bl 120 Alpine pond Small, isolated ponds in alpine areas created by snowmelt and rain runoff. 81 130 Sag ponds Coastal ponds in the Franciscan melange formation that hold water most of the year and are dominated by perennial plants. 81200 Permanent Fishless Waters 81210 Alpine lakes (see A 12 10) 81 300 Permanent Waters with Fish 81310 Dune pond Isolated ponds in dune areas typically covered with water lilies. Examples: Dune ponds in Lake Earl State Park, Del Norte County. 81320 Coastal lake or lagoon Permanent lakes created when dunes or sand bars impound streams. May be important nursery areas for anadromous fishes. Example: Lake Earl, Del Norte County. 81330 Klamath sucker/minnow lake Large, shallow, productive lakes in the upper Klamath basin containing dense populations of suckers (especially Chasmistes hrevirostris) and minnows {Gila spp.). Examples include Tule Lake and Lower Klamath Lake. 82000 FLOWING WATERS . 82100 Ephemeral Streams 82110 Seasonal stormcourse stream Small, high gradient streams that flow seasonally or in response to heavy local precipitation. 82120 Seasonal snowmelt stream Small seasonal streams that drain alpine snow fields. 82200 Permanent Fishless Streams 82210 Coastal headwater stream Same as streams in A2610 82220 Interior headwater stream First and second order tributaries of interior tributaries to the Klamath, Trinity, and Rogue rivers. 823(X) Permanent Streams with Fish 82310 Resident trout streams 823 1 1 Redband trout stream Streams in the upper Klamath Basin, mostly third to fifth order, with cold temperatures and high gradients that exclude most fish except redband trout. 82312 Rainbow trout stream Streams or sections of streams above natural barriers in the lower Klamath River and Trinity River drainages that contain populations of rainbow trout derived from steelhead. 1 72 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME B23 1 3 Cutthroat trout stream Same as B23 1 2, but principal fish present are coastal cutthroat (Oncorhynchus ciarki ciarki); streams typically small. B2320 Mixed assemblage streams B2321 Lower Klamath sculpin/dace/sucker stream Third, fourth, and fifth order tributaries feeding directly into the Klamath and Trinity rivers, with cool (less than 22°C) summer temperatures and moderate gradients, containing rainbow and cutthroat trout, Klamath smallscale suckers (Catostomus rimiculus), speckled dace {Rhinichthys osculus), and sculpins {Cottus spp.). B2322 Rogue drainage trout/sculpin stream Third and fourth order streams in the Rogue River drainage containing trout and reticulate sculpin (C. perplexus). Example: Applegate River, Elliot Creek (Siskiyou Co.). B2323 Upper Klamath dace/sculpin stream Small, third to fifth order streams in the upper Klamath Basin dominated by speckled dace and marbled sculpin (C. klamathensis), but often containing trout and juvenile suckers as well. BIZIA Upper Klamath chub/sucker stream The main Klamath River, the Lost River, and the lower, low gradient reaches of their larger tributaries. Water may be warm in late summer (ca. 25°C) and moderately turbid where it drains large lakes. Dominated by chubs {Gila spp.) and large sucker species. B2325 Klamath Spring stream Clear, cold streams that originate from large springs in volcanic substrates, usually containing salmonids, sculpins, and speckled dace. Example: Big Springs, Shasta County, tributary to Shasta River. B2330 Anadromous fish streams B2331 Eulachon/sturgeon/salmon spawning river Lower reaches of the Klamath and Trinity rivers, where wide, shallow riffles are used by eulachon (Thaleichthys pacificus) for spawning and deep runs and pools are used for spawning by sturgeon (Acipenser spp.). B2332 Fall/winter run chinook river The main channels of the Klamath and Trinity rivers and major tributaries that are the principal spawning grounds of the fall and winter runs of chinook salmon. B2333 Spring run chinook/summer steelhead stream Large tributary streams of the Klamath and Trinity rivers that contain deep pools in canyons which support adult spring run chinook salmon and/or summer steelhead through the summer months. B2334 Fall/winter run steelhead stream Small third and fourth order tributaries with cold temperatures, permanent flows, and high gradients which are dominated by CLASSIFICATION OF CALIFORNIA'S INLAND WATERS 1 73 juvenile steelhead and a diverse amphibian fauna. B2335 Short run coho spawning stream Small, third to fifth order streams that are important for steelhead but have enough pool habitat to also support juvenile coho salmon. These streams flow directly into the ocean in the Klamath region or flow into the Klamath-Trinity rivers within 100 km of the ocean. B2336 Cutthroat trout spawning nursery stream Small, third and fourth order tributaries that are used by coastal cutthroat for spawning and rearing. Often contain sculpins (Cottus spp.) and other anadromous salmonids. B2337 Cutthroat/coho river (Smith River) The Smith River is an independent coastal drainage that is dominated by salmonids and distinguished by its runs of coho salmon and coastal cutthroat trout. Juveniles of both species are common in tributaries (as are steelhead). The principal predators in the deep pools of the river are large cutthroat trout. COOOO GREAT BASIN PROVINCE ClOOO STANDING WATERS CI 100 Ephemeral Waters CI 110 Alkali playa lake Shallow lakes in isolated desert basins that dry up annually (except during exceptionally wet years). CI 120 Mountain pool Shallow pools in alpine meadow areas that either dry up or freeze solid annually. CI 130 Great Basin scrub pool Pools that form from seasonal rainfall or snowmelt in hardpan areas of the desert and rarely last more than a month or two. CI 140 Rock pool Natural holes in rocks (often in washes) that fill with water seasonally and may be semipermanent if deep enough. Important sources of water for desert bighorn and other animals. CI 200 Permanent Fishless Waters C1210 Alpine lake/pond Small, usually isolated, oliogotrophic lakes in high mountain areas formed by the action of glaciers or by cones of volcanos. CI 220 Desert pools and ponds CI 221 Great Basin .scrub perennial pool Small isolated ponds in lowland or sub-alpine areas formed by the damming action of lava flows or landslides and dominated by predatory insects and amphibian larvae. CI 222 Spring pool Isolated small springs in desert or scrub areas. 174 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME CI 230 Desert lakes CI 231 Playalake Terminal lakes, often large, that occupy desert basins, are too alkaline to support fish life, and may dry up during severe drought periods. Example: upper and lower Alkaline Lakes in Surprise Valley (Modoc Co.). CI 232 Mono Lake A distinctive, permanent alkaline lake in Mono County with an endemic invertebrate fauna (e.g., Artemia mona). CI 233 Owens Lake A large lake at the terminus of the Owens River that probably was similar in many of its characteristics to Mono Lake (CI 232) but now dry due to diversion of inflowing water. C 1 300 Permanent Waters with Fish CI 3 10 Alpine Lakes C 1 3 1 1 Alpine lake/pond Oligotrophic, permanent alpine lakes with connections to streams with fish. Example: Independence Lake (Sierra and Nevada Cos.). C1312 LakeTahoe A large, deep, extraordinarily clear alpine lake containing a complex fish fauna and unusual deepwater invertebrates. CI 320 Eagle Lake An alkaline, permanent terminal lake in Lassen County that is productive of fish and fish-eating birds; contains Eagle Lake rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss aquilarum) and tui chubs. CI 330 Honey Lake A large, shallow, terminal alkaline lake in Lassen County that fluctuates greatly in size, even drying up occasionally, but supports abundant fish life in whatever water it contains. CI 340 Desert Springs CI 341 Lahonton desert spring Isolated desert springs and associated pools containing fish, usually tui chubs. Example: High Rock Springs, Lassen Co. CI 342 Amargosa desert spring Spring-fed pools containing Amargosa pupfish (Cyprindon nevadensis). CI 343 Owens desert spring Spring fed pools containing Owens pupfish (C. radiosus). CI 350 Desert marshes CI 351 Cottonball Marsh Marsh on the floor of Death Valley, fed by flood waters from Salt Creek and containing C. salinus milleri. C2000 FLOWING WATERS C2100 Ephemeral Streams C21 10 Alpine snowmelt stream See A2 110 C2 1 20 Conifer forest snowmelt stream See A2 120 CLASSIFICATION OF CALIFORNIA'S INLAND WATERS 1 75 C2130 Great Basin scrub snowmelt stream Small streams flowing seasonally through desert scrub carrying local snowmelt as well as that from higher elevations to permanent streams or terminal lakes. C2140 Desert wash Moderate-to-high gradient desert stream courses that mainly carry flood flows from usual rain or snow melting events. C2200 Permanent Fishless Streams C2210 Alpine streams C221 1 Glacial melt stream See A2311 C2212 Exposed alpine stream See A2312 C2213 Spring stream See A2313 €22 14 Conifer forest stream See A2414 C2220 Desert streams C2221 Desert scrub stream Small streams in lowland areas, fed by mountain run-off. C2222 Mojave desert stream Small streams in Mohave desert region. C2223 Amargosa desert stream Small tributaries to the Amargosa River or other drainages in the Death Valley region. C2300 Permanent Streams with Fish C2310 Cutthroat trout headwater Small alpine streams containing Lahontan (Oncorhynchus clarki henshawi) or Paiute cutthroat trout (O. c. seleneris). Example: By- Day Creek (Mono Co.). C2320 Cutthroat trout/Paiute sculpin stream Alpine streams of sufficient size and low enough gradient to contain both cutthroat trout and Paiute sculpin (Cottus heldingi). C2330 Sucker/dace/redside stream C2331 With cutthroat trout Coldwater streams containing the typical Lahontan drainage stream fish community (5-6 species, including Lahontan cutthroat trout). C2332 Without cutthroat trout Lower gradient reaches of C2231 that are too warm in summer to support cutthroat trout. C2333 Pine Creek (Lassen Co.) This is the only large tributary to Eagle Lake and the principal spawning stream of Eagle Lake trout, Tahoe sucker (Catostomus tahoensis), and Lahontan redside {Richardsonius egregius); it contains a community dominated by the juveniles of these three species, plus speckled dace. C2340 Speckled dace stream Small meadow streams, usually spring fed, that contain mainly 1 76 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME speckled dace but occasionally Tahoe suckers and cutthroat trout. Example: Papoose Creek (Lassen Co.). C2350 Whitefish/cutthroat, trout/sucker stream Mainstem rivers (e.g., Truckee River, Walker River) and their larger tributaries that contain the complete Lahontan fish fauna including mountain whitefish (Prosopium williamsoni) as well as large adults of cutthroat trout and Tahoe sucker. Cutthroat trout now replaced by non-native trout species. C2360 Tui chub stream Low gradient streams, usually close to their confluence with lakes, that contain large populations of tui chubs and speckled dace but little else. Examples: Cowhead Lake slough (Modoc Co.); meadow reaches of Willow Creek near Eagle Lake (Lassen Co.). C2370 Desert streams C2371 Spring outflow Outflows of desert springs, usually containing pupfish and speckled dace. C2372 Amargosa River Amargosa River, with its distinctive fauna of pupfish and speckled dace. C2373 Salt Creek Salt Creek is a saline stream in Death Valley National Monument that contains Salt Creek pupfish {Cyprinodon salinus) as its only fish species. C2374 Owens River The Owens River and the lower reaches of its tributary streams originally contained an endemic community of Owens tui chub (Gila hicolor snyderi). Owens sucker (Catostomus fumeiventris), Owens speckled dace, and Owens pupfish (Cyprinodon radiosus). C2375 Mojave River The Mojave River and tributaries, where Mojave tui chub (G. h. mohavensis) once existed. DOOOO COLORADO RIVER PROVINCE DIOOO STANDING WATERS Dl 100 Ephemeral Waters DlllO Desert playa lake See CI 110 D1120 SaltonSink The large playa lake that once existed in the basin now occupied temporarily by the Salton Sea (created ca. 1910). D1130 Desert intermittent pool Semipermanent "tanks" with fluctuating water levels that are dominated by invertebrates with desiccation resistant eggs, especially fairy shrimp (Anostraca). Dl 140 Colorado River seasonal floodplain lake/pond Shallow depressions on the flood plain that fill with water during floods but dry up by late summer, so they contain fish only until CLASSIFICATION OF CALIFORNIA'S INLAND WATERS 1 77 conditions become too severe for them. D1200 Permanent FIshless Waters D1210 Desert spring SeeC1213 D1300 Permanent Waters with Fish D1310 Colorado River floodplain lake/pond Lakes on the Colorado River floodplain created by river meanders and containing a subset of the Colorado River fauna that arrived there in seasonal floodwaters. D2000 FLOWING WATERS D2100 Ephemeral Streams D21 10 Desert stream See C2 140 D2200 Permanent Fishless Streams D2210 Paiute Creek (desert perennial stream) The only permanent fishless desert stream in California (San Bemadino County). D2300 Permanent Streams with Fish D2310 Colorado River D231 1 Main river Main river channel of the Colorado River, originally with a fauna of endemic big-river fishes and euryhaline invaders from the Gulf of California. D2312 Sloughs and marshes Backwaters of the main river that were important nursery areas for native fishes and the presumed home of desert pupfish, Cyprinodon macularius. EOOOO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL PROVINCE ElOOO STANDING WATERS El 100 Ephemeral Waters El 1 10 Vernal pools El 1 1 1 Southern vernal pool Temporary pools in basalt areas of the Santa Rosa Plateau, Riverside County. El 1 12 San Diego Mesa duripan pool Temporary pools created by duripan soils and distinctive faunistically from El 113. El 1 13 San Diego Mesa claypan pool (see El 1 12) El 120 Sag pond Ponds in depressions created by movement of earth faults, mainly along the San Andreas fault. E 1 1 30 Dune lake/pond Small lakes and ponds created by sand dunes impounding streams or washes (e.g., Guadalupe Lake). El 200 Permanent Waters El 2 10 Perennial playa iake. 178 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME El 220 Coastal lagoons. Lagoons at mouths of streams characterized by tidewater gobies {Eucyciogohius newherryi) and other euryhaline fishes. E2000 FLOWING WATERS E2100 Ephemeral Streams E2110 Stormcourse stream Small high gradient streams that flow only in response to heavy rains. E2200 Permanent Fishless Streams E2210 Island permanent stream Small, permanent streams on the Channel Islands that have been too isolated to be invaded by freshwater fishes. E2300 Permanent Streams with Fish E2310 Steelhead spawning stream Coastal streams with adequate permanent flows of cold water to maintain runs of steelhead; these streams otherwise contain mainly prickly sculpin and threespine stickleback, although arroyo chubs (Gila orcutti) and Santa Ana sucker (Catostomus santaanae) may be present in some. E2320 Threespine stickleback stream Small coastal streams that are too small and warm to support salmonids but will support populations of threespine stickleback, which are often morphologically distinctive. E2330 Arroyo chub/Santa Ana sucker stream Warm or cool water streams of the Los Angeles Basin that support the native fish community of arroyo chub, Santa Ana sucker, and speckled dace. E2340 Resident trout stream Upper reaches of and tributaries to streams in the region that contain native resident populations of coastal rainbow trout. FOOOO ARTIFICIAL HABITATS FIOOO STANDING WATERS Fl 100 Ephemeral Waters Fl 1 10 Rice paddies F1120 Wildlife refuges Fl 130 Drainage and evaporation ponds Fl 140 Irrigated land F1200 Permanent Waters F1210 Ponds F1211 Cold water ponds F1212 Warm water ponds F1213 Ornamental ponds F1220 Reservoirs F1221 Cold water reservoirs F1222 Cool water stratified reservoirs F1223 Warm water reservoirs F1224 Run-of-river reservoirs F1225 Forebays CLASSIFICATION OF CALIFORNIA'S INLAND WATERS 1 79 F1230 Flooded pit lakes (gravel and rock quarries, etc.) F2000 FLOWING WATERS F2100 Ephemeral Waters F2110 Aqueducts F21 1 1 Main lines F21 12 Water delivery canals F2120 Drainage ditches F2121 Urban F2122 Agricultural F2123 Wetland F2130 Irrigation ditches F2140 Flood control canals and by-passes ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Useful suggestions for improving the classification system were provided by Drs. Dana Abell, Larry Eng, Robert Holland, and Jerry J. Smith. LITERATURE CITED Edwards, R.J., G. Longley, R. Moss, J. Ward, R. Matthews, and B. Stewart. 1989. A classification of Texas aquatic communities with special consideration toward the conservation of endangered and threatened taxa. Texas J. Sci. 41:231-240 Ellison, J. P. 1984. A revised classification of native aquatic communities in Califomia. Calif. Dep. Fish & Game, Planning Branch Admin. Rep. No. 84-1, July 1984. 30 pp. Hawkes, H.A. 1975. River zonation and classification. Pages 312-374 in B.A. Whitton, ed. River Ecology. Berkeley: University of Califomia Press. Hughes, R.M. and J.M. Omemik. 1981. A proposed approach to determine regional patterns in aquatic ecosystems. Pages 92-102 in N.B. Armantrout, ed. Acquisition and utilization of aquatic habitat inventory information. Bethesda, MD: American Fisheries Soc. , E. Rexstad, and C.E. Bond. 1987. The relationship of aquatic ecoregions, river basins, and physiographic provinces to the ichthyogeographic regions of Oregon. Copeia 1987:423-432. Larsen, D.P., J.M. Omemik, R.M. Hughes, et al. 1986. Correspondence between spatial pattems in fish assemblages in Ohio streams and aquatic ecoregions. Environ. Manage. 10:865-828 Lotspeich, F.B., and W.S. Platts. 1989. An integrated land-aquatic classification system. North Am. J. Fish. Manage. 2:138-149. Maitland, P.S. 1985. Criteria for the selection of important sites for freshwater fish in the British Isles. Biol. Conserv. 31:335-353. Margules, C.R., A.O. Nicholls, and R.L. Pressey. 1988. Selecting networks of reserves to maximise biological diversity. Biol. Conserv. 43:63-76. Moyle, P.B. 1976. Inland Fishes of Califomia. Berkeley: Univ. Calif. Press. 405 pp. , and J.J. Cech, Jr. 1988. Fishes, an introduction to ichthyology, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall. 559 pp. , and R. A. Daniels. 1982. Fishes of the Pit River system, McCloud River system, and Surprise Valley region. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zoology 115:1-82. 1 80 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME ., and J.E. Williams. 1990. Biodiversity loss in the temperate zone: decline of the native fishes of California. Cons. Biol. 4:275-284. O'Keefe, J.H., D.B. Danielwitz, and J. A. Bradshaw. 1 987. An 'expert system' approach to the assessment of the conservation status of rivers. Biol. Conserv. 40:70-84. Rohm, CM., J.W. Giese, C.C. Bennett. 1 987. Evaluation of an aquatic ecoregion classification of streams in Arkansas. J. Freshwater Biol. 4:127-140. Savage, N.L., and F.L. Rabe. 1 979. Stream classification in Idaho: an approach to classification of streams in natural areas. Biol. Conserv. 15:301-315. Wetzel, R.G. 1983. Limnology. New York: Saunders. 767 pp. Received: 6 February 1991 Accepted: 16 April 1991 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Calif. Fish and Game 77(4) : 1 8 1 - 1 93 1 99 1 GONAD MATURITY, INDUCTION OF SPAWNING, LARVAL BREEDING, AND GROWTH IN THE AMERICAN PEARL- OYSTER (PTERIA STERNA, GOULD) ORFELINA ARAYA-NUNES, BJORN CANNING Department of Zoology Stockholm University S-106 91 Stockholm, Sweden and FERNANDO BUCKLE-RAMIREZ Centre de Investigacion Cientifica y de Educacion Superior de Ensenada (C.I.C.E.S.E.) Departamento de Acuicultura Ensenada, Baja California Mexico Adult specimens of the American pearl oyster {Pteria sterna, Gould) were collected from Bahia de los Angeles, Gulf of California in September 1985. Oysters were brought to spawn after a period of conditioning and after temperature manipulation, were artificially fertilized. Veliger larvae were reared for 32 days at 23.0, 22.5, 1 8.2, and 1 7.7°C, but metamorphosis was not achieved. In October 1985 young specimens were transplanted to plastic boxes and their growth was studied in situ for a period of 10 months. Their specific growth rate averages 0.10 mm day"" and was positively correlated with ambient water temperature. Thus, specific growth rate was significantly greater {P< 0.05) during the warm season. INTRODUCTION Human activity has led to the eradication of many species, and can be considered an important selection factor permitting the increase and expansion of some species while other species are depleted as a result of overexploitation. Overexplotation is evident for Pteria sterna (Gould) and Pinctada mazatlanica (Hanley), two species of pearl-oysters which occur on the west coast of the Americas. Both species are found from the Gulf of California in the north to Peru in the south. Populations of both species have decreased as a result of human exploitation, e.g., pearlfishing (Mosk 1927, Keen 1971, Baqueiro 1984). Commercial harvesting of these species began around the middle of the 16th century, most of the pearls being shipped to Europe (Vilches 1978). This activity ended in the late 1940s when diminished stocks made exploitation unprofitable. Large piles of P. sterna shells could be found along the beaches of the Gulf of California, evidencing the intense activity of pearlfishing industries (Keen 1971). So far, no recuperation of the local populations of these species has been observed. Despite the potential economic value of these two species, little is known of their biology in contrast to other economically interesting species for which numerous studies have been carried out. The gonad development of P. mazatlanica has been 181 182 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME studied histologically (Sevilla 1969) and recently, the abundance, distribution, and some aspects of the ecology of P. mazatlanica and P. sterna have been studied by SCUBA diving in Mexico. P. maztlanica is most abundant in shaded and protected shelters between 1 .5 and 1 0- 1 5 m depth, occasionally down to 30 m. P. sterna is more sparsely distributed in depth ranges between 3 and 20 m depth (Monteforte and Carino, in press). Loosanoff (1945) reported that increasing temperatures stimulated Ostrea virginica to gonad maturity. Loosanoff and Davis (1963) developed a method for conditioning several species of bivalves and breeding their larvae. Spawning has been induced in a number of molluscs by rapid changes in water temperature and/ or the addition of a suspension of gametes, chemical products, or cultured microalgae at high concentrations (Loosanoff and Davis 1963, Tanaka et al. 1970, Kikuchi and Uki 1974, Breese and Malouff 1975, Morse et al. 1976, 1977, Breese and Robinson 1981, Braley 1985). Research on the biology of other species of pearl-oysters (Pteriidae) has been reported by Talavera and Faustino ( 1 93 1 ), Kawakami ( 1 953), Minaur ( 1 969), Sevilla (1969), Tanaka et al. (1970), and Alagarswami et al. (1983). The present study was the first to be carried out on P. sterna and documents conditioning to reproduction and the induction of spawning in adults, fertilization of gametes to obtain larvae, and growth of P. sterna. The aim of this study was to develop a suitable method for reproducing this oyster under laboratory conditions as a means of obtaining spat for recolonization of natural oyster environments, and to culture P. sterna for commercial purposes. METHODS Study Locality and Collection of Oysters Oysters were collected from a small bay, Bahia de los Angeles, situated on the west coast of the Gulf of California, lat. 28°57'4'N, long. 1 1 3°33'22'W, in September- October 1985. The bay is protected by Angel de la Guarda Island which lies some distance from the shore as well as by numerous small islands (Fig. 1 ). The bay, which is in an area of extensive upwelling, has free water circulation. The salinity range is 35.4 ± 0.1 g 1 ' (Barnard and Grady 1968). The water temperature fluctuated from 15.0°C in February to 27.4°C in August. In September 1985, twenty-three adult individuals of Pteria sterna, 1 1.23 ± 1.55 cm (SD) height, were collected and placed in a 50 1 aquarium during the 12-hour journey to the laboratory. The water was maintained at a temperature of between 13 and 17°C by inserting ice bags in the aquarium. The survival rate during the transport was 100%. Oyster Growth Conditions Young oysters that had settled around June 1985 (Aguirre-Hinojosa 1987) were collected from Bahia de los Angeles in October 1985. These oysters were distributed DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN PEARL OYSTER 183 ISLA CORONADO-j PUNTA lA GRINGA § ISLA « S^LAVENTANA 29° N •SLAp*. COBEZADE^i^ CABAlLO|j) 113° 30' W Figure 1 . The study locality "Bahia de Los Angeles". Station 1 and 2 are indicated. in 2 sets of 7 Niester boxes of perforated plastic 60 cm x 60 cm x 9 cm, with 53 individuals in each. The boxes were suspended from a raft at depths between 1 .0 and 1.6 m at Station 2 in Punta el Faro and at Station 1 in Punta la Gringa in the south and north of the Bay (Fig. 1 ). The boxes hung so that each box rested on top of the one below it. Temperature of the surface water was recorded once a month (Fig. 2). Shell growth was measured along the dorso-ventral axis (DVM) with vernier callipers, from the hinge to the shell margin. This is the normal growth axis of adult pearl-oysters (Alagarswami et al. 1983). During the measuring procedures, specimens were moved to an aquarium and cleared of epiphytes in order to avoid overestimating of growth rate. To ensure free 184 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME circulation of water the Niester boxes were also cleared of epiphytes before the oysters were returned to the stations. The boxes were always arranged in the same order, box 1 closest to the surface and in numerical order down to box 7. Growth rate (GR) was analyzed as relative growth. It was calculated as: GR= I" (X^- X^)2/n where: t2 t^ X^ = the height of the oysters in box a at time 2. X^= the mean height of the oysters in box a at time 1 . The specific growth rate (SGR), was calculated as: SGR = (X^ - X^ )/T 3re: 2 ^1 T = the number of days between t^ and {^. To interpret possible dissimilarities in growth rate, the height distribution of the oysters at the beginning and at the end of the observation was analyzed using a one- way ANOV A. ANOVA was also used to determine whether SGR differed during the different seasons. When a significant difference was found the test of homogeneity of the means (Gabriel 1964) was performed. Mlcroalgal Culture Three species of microalgae were cultured, Tetraselmis suecica Kylin (Prasinophyta), Pavlova (Monochrysis) lutheri Green, and hochrysis galhana Parke, (both Haptophyta), using f/2 medium (Guillard and Ryther 1962) and according to the method devised by Paniagua et al. (1986). Oyster Conditioning to Gonad Maturity A sample of gonad tissue from each of the oysters to be conditioned was studied under a microscope. Two control oysters were dissected and their gonad tissues inspected. The oysters were divided into two groups. Each group of ten oysters was placed in an 80 1 fibreglass, closed-system aquarium with a water flow of 10 ± 1 1 per hour. Temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, and salinity were recorded every two days. The oysters were fed cultured microalgae. To determine the optimal daily diet ration, values of dry weights of Tetraselmis suecica, 292.0 ± 6.7 pg cell' and hochrysis galvana. 16.1 ±4.1 pg cell ', according to Romberg and Epifano (1981) were used. The dry weight oi Pavlova (Monochrysis) lutheri 29.0 ± 3.6 pg cell' (R. DEVELOPMENT OF THE AMERICAN PEARL OYSTER 185 80-T U o 70- I 60 H ^50 40- 30-1 20- 10- 0 '^^.■«%-^ <•*. 'ji- 0 CO 0 c CO c .9 CO > T3 0 E^ 0 E E CO o o CO If) C\J o o CD O o o in CO o o CO in CD o o 0 0 Q CO CO E E 3 en Id sz ^ 0 0 ■4—* c C c CO ^ k— ■D c CO k- 0 0 N E cn E 0 3 c C/) c CO k_ 0 E ■D C o 3 JZ O k_ c ^_ CO CO 0 0 ^ > «^ CO o c o d Z o ^,_ O k_ . 0 o 0 z ■o CO CO o in CO in CO o o o o LU CO CO CO lU CO in o 1^ 00 in ■ CM „ t^ ■f" t^ Oi CO CO "* r^ 5 00 r^ T- CM CVJ o ■fS D) E c o Z CO E 00 t CO 3k o ■Jo C3) CO E CM I CM k- O ■fo COLUMBIAN BLACK-TAILED DEER IN MENDOCINO FOREST 205 densely vegetated north-facing slopes (1,100-1,675 m elev.) and winter ranges (mean 455 ha) on predominently south-facing slopes (800- 1 ,350 m elev) 3-8 km from their summer ranges, and 3) migratory deer (n=3) with summer ranges (mean 159 ha) in densely vegetated areas ( 1 , 100- 1 ,900 m elev.) of any aspect and winter ranges (mean 502 ha) on predominently south-facing slopes (675-1,650 m elev.) 12-27 km from their summer ranges (Table 1 ). All group 2 deer and two of the three group 3 deer shared their winter ranges with group 1 deer. Habitat Use Daytime use of vegetation types by collared deer was less than availability except for Montane Hardwood and Annual Grassland habitats (Table 2). Four collared deer (group 1) remained year-round in a valley consisting of Montane Hardwoods and Annual Grasslands interspersed with narrow riparian areas of willows and maples. These deer differed in their individual use of riparian {.x = 53%, s = 35, range = 7- 86%) and hardwood (.v = 47%, 5 = 36, range = 14-93%) areas, based on 47 undisturbed, visual observations (Table 3). Thirteen collared deer that survived at least two or three fawning seasons used their same fawning areas each year. The locations of these fawning areas were estimated to within 10-300 m. Three deer (of 16) fawned in areas that were at least 150 m (range 150-450 m) higher in elevation than the maximum elevation of their ranges during the rest of the year. Table 2. Daytime habitat use by female Columbian black-tailed deer, Mendocino National Forest, California. 1986-1988. Availability Habitat use (n=1 .534) Habitat^ Mean % SD Range Red fir 4.9 0 __ Mixed conifer 25.3 10.0 12.2 0-38 White fir 5.2 0.8 1.9 0-7 Douglas-fir 3.3 0.8 0.8 0-4 Ponderosa pine 7.7 3.0 5.7 0-20 Montane hardwood-conifer 15.2 9.2 11.4 0-41 Montane hardwood 10.4 32.8 12.9 8-58 Black oak 3.0 1.1 2.5 0-9 Mixed chaparral 14.4 2.4 2.7 0-9 Annual grassland 8.9 39.9 19.6 12-74 Total 98.3 100.0 ^Habitats were excluded from analysis if they comprised less than 1% of the study area. 206 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Table 3. Daytime use of riparian stringers and Montane Hardwoods by four female Columbian black-tailed deer that remained year-round in the Upper Haynes Creek area of the Mendocino National Forest, California, 1 986- 1 988. Only visual observations of undisturbed deer were included. Deer (No. of observations) Habitat 336 375 415 425 Total Riparian stringers Montane hardwoods Annual grasslands Total 1 13 0 14 12 2 0 14 6 2 0 8 5 6 0 11 24 23 0 47 Disturbance During Hunting Season Traffic on the secondary roads of the study area during the nonhunting season ranged from 0-40 vehicles/day, most of which was due to logging activities and US Forest Service personnel. Smaller roads had less traffic. During the rifle buck- hunting season, vehicle numbers increased to 50-200/day on the secondary roads, and 10-40/day on smaller roads (pers. obs.). Road-hunting was common throughout the study area during the hunting season. Four collared deer whose usual locations during the summer and fall were 10-200 m from secondary roads were displaced away from roads during the 1987 buck- hunting season (19 September-25 October). The four deer moved 0.6-2.5 km away from their usual areas. Timing of Fawning and Rutting Based on observations of young fawns each year, the fawning periods during 1986-1988 began in early June. The peaks of the fawning periods in the study area appeared to be a 2- to 3- week period centered on 21 June 1986, a 2- week period centered on 19 June 1987, and a 2- week period centered on 16 June 1988. Assuming a 203-day gestation period (Taber 1953), these dates estimate the peaks of the rutting seasons as 8, 13 and 10 December for the three successive years. Mortality Six of the 16 collared deer died during the course of this 2-1/2 year study, suggesting a 15% annual mortality rate. Three deer were apparently consumed by coyotes, one was eaten by a black bear, one died from bluetongue infection (D. A. Jessup, CDFG, pers. comm.), and one was shot during the hunting season. The causes of death of the deer eaten by coyotes and a bear are unknown. COLUMBIAN BLACK-TAILED DEER IN MENDOCINO FOREST 207 DISCUSSION AND MANAGEMENT IMPLICATIONS Seasonal habitat use by collared deer in this study was more aspect-dependent than elevation-dependent. Deer that migrated used more coniferous, timbered areas with more northern aspects in summer and more deciduous-covered areas with more southern aspects in winter, similar to the Columbian black-tailed deer studied by Taber and Dasmann (1958) and Loft et al. (1984). Only tentative conclusions concerning habitat use could be drawn, due to the inaccuracy of the two-element, hand-held Yagi antenna. The disproportionate daytime use of Montane Hardwoods by collared deer suggests the importance of hardwoods for forage, cover, and/or seclusion. This importance, and the effects of logging operations on hardwoods, were discussed by Loft et al. (1988). The frequent use of grasslands and Montane Hardwoods may indicate the negative effects to deer of fire suppression on the shrublands of California during the past 75 years. Exclusion of fire has permitted the taller growth and resultant unavailability of shrubs to deer, the incapacity of shrubs to compete with conifers, the nutritional decadence of the shrubs, and decreased use of these areas by deer (e.g., Taber and Dasmann 1 957, 1 958, Sal wasser et al. 1 978, Kie et al. 1982, Bowyer 1986, Klinger et al. 1989). Displacement of deer by increased vehicular traffic during the hunting season decreased the amount of land used by deer (Perry and Overly 1977, Rost and Bailey 1979), thereby decreasing habitat effectiveness (Thomas et al. 1979) and possibly increased their energy requirements, territorial interactions, and stress. Closures of some existing roads and eliminating access to drivable off-road areas during the hunting season may reduce displacements and illegal killing of deer by hunters. Traffic was observed to increase dramatically only during hunting seasons during the study period, so it was not possible to determine whether disturbances from activities such as road construction, logging, and other types of recreation cause similar displacements. The peaks of fawning and rutting estimated for this study are similar to those reported elsewhere in California. Sal wasser and Holl (1979) reported a 3-week fawning period centered on 22 June for California mule deer {O. h. californicus) in Fresno County. Kie et al. (1984) determined that the peak of the rutting season for two herds of black-tailed deer in Trinity County was 9 December. Knowledge of timing of fawning is necessary to avoid disturbance of fawning deer by activities such as logging and road maintenance. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was supported by funds from the California Deer Herd Management Plan Implementation Project. I gratefully acknowledge personnel of the California Department of Fish and Game and the U.S. Forest Service in their support of this study. I thank J. Booth, J. Siperek, Jr., and T. Bertram for advice and technical assistance in the field. D. and C. Bonelli, D. English, R. Farschon, W. Garland, D. 208 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Koch, C. McFadin, L. Murray, M. Parry, S. Rae, and J. Swanson provided funding and/or equipment assistance. B. Livezey, E. Loft, D. Updike, S. Hurlbert, K. Mayer, T. Blankinship, and R. Callas supplied useful comments and review. Field data from June to August 1988 were gathered by C. Gibbs. LITERATURE CITED Alldredge, J. R., and J. T. Ratti. 1 986. Comparison of some statistical techniques for analysis of resource selection. J. Wildl. Manage. 50:157-165. Bertram, R. C, and R. D. Rempel. 1977. Migrationof the North Kings River deer herd. Calif. Fish Game 63:157-179. Booth, J. W., P. Yull. and L. Murray. 1982. Mendocino deer herd management plan. Calif. Dept. Fish and Game. 42 pp. Bowyer, R. T. 1986. Habitat selection by southern mule deer. Calif. Fish Game 72:153-169. Cederlund,G.N.,andH.Okarma. 1988. Home range and habitat use of aduh moose. J. Wildl. Manage. 52:336-343. Conover, W. J. 1980. Practical nonparametric statistics: 2nd ed. John Wiley & Sons, New York. 493 pp. Hurlbert, S. H. 1984. Pseudoreplication and the design of ecological field experiments. Ecol. Monogr. 54:187-211. Johnson, D. H. 1980. The comparison of usage and availability measurements for evaluating resource preference. Ecology 61:65-71. Kie, J. G., T. S. Burton, and J. W. Menke. 1982. Deer populations and reservoir construction in Trinity County, California. Calif. Fish Game 68:109-117. , , and . 1984. Comparative condition of black-tailed deer, Odocoileus hemionus columhianus, in two herds in Trinity County, California. Calif. Fish Game 70:78-88. Klinger, R. C, M. J. Kutilek, and H. S. Shellhammer. 1989. Population responses of black- tailed deer to prescribed burning. J. Wildl. Manage. 53:863-871. Kufeld, R. C, D. C. Bowden, and J. M. Siperek, Jr. 1987. Evaluation of a telemetry system for measuring habitat usage in mountainous terrain. Northw. Science 61:249-256. Livezey, K. B. 1988a. Radiotelemetry study of Columbian black-tailed deer in the northern Mendocino National Forest. Calif. Dept. Fish and Game Final Rep., Yountville, CA. 173 pp. . 1988/j. Protective frame for a 2-element, hand-held Yagi antenna. J. Wildl. Manage. 52:565-567. Loft, E. R., J. W. Menke, and T. S. Burton. 1984. Seasonal movements and summer habitats of female black-tailed deer. J. Wildl. Manage. 48:1317-1325. ,T. S. Burton, J. W. Menke, andG. E. Peterson. 1988. Characterization of black-tailed deer habitats in a northern California oak-conifer zone. Calif. Fish Game 74:154-171. Mayer, K. E., and W. F. Laudenslayer. 1988. A guide to wildlife habitats of California. U.S. For. Serv., Calif. Dept. Fish and Game, Pac. Gas and Elec. Co. 166 pp. McCorquodale, S. M., K. J, Raedeke, and R. D. Taber. 1986. Elk habitat use patterns in the shrub-steppe of Washington. J. Wildl. Manage. 50:664-669. Mohr, C O. 1947. Table of equivalent populations of North American small mammals. Amer. Midi. Natur. 37:223-249. Mooty, J. J., P. D. Kams, and T. K. Fuller. 1 987. Habitat use and seasonal range size of white- tailed deer in northcentral Minnesota. J. Wildl. Manage. 51:644-648. COLUMBIAN BLACK-TAILED DEER IN MENDOCINO FOREST 209 Neu, C. W., C. R. Byers, and J. M. Peek. 1974. A technique for analysis of utilization- availability data. J. Wildl. Manage. 38:541-545. Ordway, L. L., and P. R. Krausman. 1986. Habitat use by desert mule deer. J. Wildl. Manage. 50:677-683. Perry, C, and R. Overly. 1977. Impacts of roads on big game distribution in portions of the Blue Mountains of Washington, 1972-1973. Wash. Game Dept. Appl. Res. Sect., Bull. 11. 38 pp. Pierce. D. J., and J. M. Peek. 1984. Moose habitat use and selection patterns in north-central Idaho. J. Wildl. Manage. 48:1335-1343. Rost, G. R., and J. A. Bailey. 1979. Distribution of mule deer and elk in relation to roads. J. Wildl. Manage. 43:634-641. Salwasser, H., S. A. HoU, and G. A. Ashcraft. 1978. Fawn production and survival in the North Kings River deer herd. Calif. Fish Game 64:38-52. , and . 1979. Estimating fetus age and breeding and fawning periods in the North Kings River deer herd. Calif. Fish Game 65:159-165. Taber, R. D. 1953. Studies of black-tailed deer reproduction on three chaparral cover types. Calif. Fish Game 39:177-186. , andR.F. Dasmann. 1957. The dynamics of three natural populations of the deer Odocolleus hemioims columhianus. Ecology 38:233-246. , and . 1958. The black-tailed deer of the chaparral. Calif. Fish Game Bull. No. 8. 163 pp. Thomas, J. W.,H. Black, Jr., R.J. Scherzinger, and R.J. Pederson. 1979. Deer and elk. Pages 104-177 in J. W. Thomas, ed. Wildlife habitats in managed forests in the Blue Mountains of Oregon and Washington. USDA For. Serv. Agric. Handbook 553. 512 pp. 210 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Calif. Fish and Game 77(4):21 0-21 1 1 991 HARBOR SEAL PREDATION ON A WOLF-EEL ALAN BALDRIDGE Hopkins Marine Station Stanford University Pacific Grove, CA 93950 and LYNN L. ROGERS USDA Forest Service North Central Forest Experimental Station Ely, MN 55731 Harbor seals {Phoca vituUna) usually eat small fishes and invertebrates (Simenstad et al. 1 979, Bigg 1 98 1 , Riedman 1 990). Stomach contents of eight harbor seals from northern California contained predominantly small, bottom-dwelling species of fishes that live on rocky substrate (Jones 1981). Other past and recently collected California material indicate that prey are also often taken over sandy bottoms (J. Harvey, pers. comm.). Intensive observations of harbor seals in central California from 1959 to 1967 indicated that small items were usually consumed beneath the water's surface but larger prey items, such as octopus {Octopus spp.) and flatfishes (Pleuronectiformes) were sometimes brought to the surface to be subdued and consumed (J. Vandevere, pers. comm.). One of us (LLR) observed and photographed a harbor seal preying upon an adult wolf-eel {Ananhichthys ocellatus) which may be the longest prey item reported for the harbor seal. On 8 May 1986, at Sand Hill Cove, Point Lobos State Reserve, Monterey County, California, a sub-adult harbor seal surfaced with an adult wolf-eel estimated to be 2 m in length. The struggle continued for 6-12 seconds until the seal bit and removed the wolf-eel's head. A photograph taken at that moment (840 mm lens) showed that copious blood from the decapitated prey had suddenly colored the water red, which further indicated predation rather than scavenging. The seal ate the whitish flesh of the wolf-eel in a sheltered area of the cove, then rested on a rock next to an adult conspecific. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank D. DeMaster, J. Harvey, R. N. Lea, and J. Vandevere for helpful comments and R. N. Lea for confirming the identity of the wolf-eel from the color photographs. LITERATURE CITED Bigg, M. A. 1981. Harbour seal. Pages 1-27 in S. H. Ridgway and R. J. Harrison, eds. Handbook of marine mammals, Vol. 2 Seals. Academic Press, London. 359 pp. Jones, R. E. 1981. Food habits of smaller marine mammals from northern California. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 42:409-433. 210 NOTES 21 1 Riedman, M. 1990. The Pinnipeds: seals, sea lions and walruses. University of California Press, Berkeley. 439 pp. Simenstad, C. A., B. S. Miller, C. F. Nyblade, K. Thomburgh, and L. J. Bledsoe. 1979. Food web relationships of northern Puget Sound and the Strait of Juan de Fuca; a synthesis of available knowledge. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Washington, D.C. (Report #EPA-600/7-79-259). 335 pp. Received: 29 September 1991 Accepted: 6 November 1991 212 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Calif. Fish and Game 77{4):21 2-21 3 1 991 FIRST RECORD OF PARTIAL AMBICOLORATION IN SPOTTED TURBOT (PLEURONICHTHYS RITTERl) JESUS RODRIGUEZ ROMERO\ L. ANDRES ABITIA CARDENAS^ and FELIPE GALVAN MAGANA^ Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas (CICIMAR) Apdo. Postal 592 La Paz, B.C.S., Mexico The spotted turbot {Pleuronichthys ritteri, Starks and Morris) is found on the Pacific coast of Baja California, from Magdalena Bay to Point Conception (Miller and Lea, 1972). A specimen showing partial ambicoloration was taken in a shrimp trawl at La Bocana, Magdalena Bay (lat. 24° 35' N, long. 1 1 2°00' W) on 20 July 1 989; water depth was 20 m and surface temperature was 20°C. The specimen was 1 2 1 mm standard lenght (153 mm total length) and is catalogued as No. 2196 in the fish collection of the Centro Interdisciplinario de Ciencias Marinas (CICIMAR) in La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico. This fish has the same color pattern on both sides except for an anterodorsal area on the blind side, which is the normal pale color (Fig. 1). In addition, the pectoral fin on the blind side is the same size as its partner, whereas in normal fishes of spotted turbot is much smaller. The bibliographies of Dawson (1964, 1966, 1971) and Dawson and Heal (1976) document 1,498 cases of anomalies in fishes, of which 102 involve ambicoloration. Figure 1 . Blind side of partially ambicolored spotted turbot {Pleuronichthys ritteri). 'Becario Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CONACyT). ^BecarioCOFAA-IPN. 212 NOTES 213 among which four species of Pleuronichthys are included (P. cnrmitus, P. coenosus, P. decurrens, and P. verticalis). Thus, the Magdalena Bay specimen is the first record for P. ritteri. Norman (1934) cited numerous cases of albinism, ambicoloration and associated abnormalities in flatfishes and the phenomenon is certainly not rare. Dawson (1962), who recorded five more North American anomalies, was not satisfied with current theories and called for further studies to decide if such anomalies result from mutations or from exogenous factors prior to metamorphosis. He found a higher incidence of such anomalies in fishes from colder waters and that specimens showed as much albinism as reverse scalation, thus the origin was probably in the early larval stages. Love and Vucci (1973) carried out an experiment with partially ambicolored flatfishes to see the effect on color changes, feeding and swimming, but without positive results. Haaker (1973) and Haaker and Lane (1973), documented seven species of flatfishes with total or partial ambicoloration and believed that the interaction between exogenous and genetic factors was perhaps responsible for controlling abnormalities in flatfishes, including ambicoloration. Almost certainly the resolution to this problem lies in experimental work. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors wish to thank Dr. Peter J. P. Whitehead for his suggestions and reviewing this note. LITERATURE CITED Dawson, C.E. 1962. Notes on anomalous American Heterosomata with descriptions of five new records. Copeia 1:138-146. . 1964. A bibliography of anomalies of fishes. Gulf Res. Rep. 1:308-399. . 1966. A bibliography of anomalies of fishes. Supplement 1. Gulf Res. Rep. 3:215- 239. . 1971. A bibliography of anomalies of fishes. Supplement 2. Gulf Res. Rep. 3:215- 239. , and E. Heal. 1976. A bibliography of anomalies of fishes. Supplement 3. Gulf Res. Rep. 5:35-41. Haaker, P.L. 1973. Ambicoloration in some California flatfishes. Calif. Fish and Game 59:299-304. , and E.D. Lane. 1973. Frequencies of anomalies in a bothid, Paralichthys californicus, and a pleuronectid, Hypsopsetta guttulata, flatfish. Copeia 1:22-25. Love M.S., and J. Vucci. 1973. Partial ambicoloration in three California flatfishes. Calif Fish and Game 59:146-148. Miller, D.J., and R.N. Lea. 1972. Guide to the coastal marine fishes of California. Calif Dep. Fish and Game. Fish. Bull. 157. 249 pp. Norman, J.R. 1934. A systematic monograph of the flatfishes (Heterosomata). British Museum Natural History, London. 459 pp. Received: 6 June 1991 Accepted: 31 October 1991 214 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME NEW DIRECTOR FOR CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF FISH AND GAME Governor Pete Wilson named Boyd H. Gibbons as Director for the Department of Fish and Game on December 11, 1991. A Los Angeles native. Gibbons served on the senior editorial staff of National Geographic magazine since 1976. He is the author of many articles such as "The Itch to Move West" about the Oregon Trail and "A Durable Scale of Values" which is a profile of Aldo Leopold, the father of game management. From 1974-76, Gibbons served as a senior research associate with Resources for the Future, a non-profit organization in Washington, D.C. dedicated to policy research on natural resources. An attorney. Gibbons held several significant positions in the federal government. He was Secretary for the first Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) in the Nixon Administration, where he worked on issues ranging from land use policy to wetlands protection. From 1969-70, Gibbons served as Deputy Undersecretary of the Interior, and was, from 1967-69, a Legislative Assistant to Republican Senator Paul Fannin of Arizona. Gibbons is a graduate of the University of Arizona (1959) and its College of Law (1962). From 1962-65, he served as a Judge Advocate in the U.S. Air Force in Okinawa, and later practiced law in Phoenix. He is member of both the Arizona and California Bar Associations. PETE BONTADELLI NAMED TO OIL SPILL POST The Governor also appointed former Director Pete Bontadelli as Administrator of the Department's recently established Oil Spill Prevention and Response Program. Bontadelli will also serve as Chief Deputy Director of the Department. The Governor praised Bontadelli's efforts as Director: "Pete's done a terrific job as Director of Fish and Game, and I'm very pleased he will be leading this new and important program for the State." The new program will be responsible for coordination and directing the State's response to midland and offshore oil spills, and will operate on an annual budget of about $15 million. Both Bontadelli's and Gibbon's positions are subject to Senate confirmation.- Excerpted from Governor's Office Press Release, December 11 , 1991. CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 215 MISCELLANEA The following letter was received along with a marking band by the Department of Fish and Game on 18 September 1973: Gentlemen: In returning the enclosed, 1 am reporting that one of your banded, dumb pigeons impersonated a dove in the early morning of Sept. 1 st, 1973, at 1 10th and G streets, 10 miles west of Lancaster. It was shot dead for this act of deceit. Sincerely yours. Anon. On July 11, 1916, while on a trip to Rae Lakes, when about five miles by trail from the new Inyo Hatchery and about one and a half miles from Oak Creek Pass, Mr. F. Shebley, Mr. C. Walters, and myself, saw 22 mountain sheep (Oris canadensis sierra).- E.H. Oher. Volume 2(4) October 1916. Game Wardens and Automobiles- Under a new ruling by the State Board of Control deputies of the Fish and Game Commission who own automobiles are to receive a flat rate of 4 cents per mile while the automobiles are being used in the service of the State... The State recognizes the increased efficiency of the deputy who uses an automobile and this new ruling, although perhaps not as liberal as it should be, is a step in the right direction.- Dr. H.C. Bryant (ed.j.Volume 2(2) April 1916. The Conservation of Native Fauna- The October number of The Scientific Monthly contains an interesting article entitled "The conservation of native fauna," by Walter P. Taylor of the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California... The concluding paragraphs of Dr. Taylor's paper point out the fact that not only California, but the whole world, has been wasteful of its wild life resources for the last fifty years, and that it is vitally important that the people everywhere understand the urgent necessity for conservation measures even more rigid than those already in force. ..On the biologist is laid the role of leadership in the campaign for the preservation of native fauna and on him must blame for ignorant and destructive popular action, legislative or otherwise, inevitably fall.- Philip Janney, Volume 3(2) April 19 17. (Not much has changed?- E.R. Loft, 1991). Sea Otters Near Catalina Island- On March 16, 1 9 1 6, 3 1 sea otters, two being young ones, were seen to the south of Catalina Island. Although one has occasionally been seen in this locality before, this was the largest number, to my knowledge, counted at one time.- Geo. Farnsworth, Volume 3(2) April 1917. Valuable Information for Albacore Industry- The investigations on the albacore industry instituted by the Fish and Game Commission are bearing fruit. In this number of California Fish and Game (page 1 53) Mr. Will F. Thompson points out that there is a correlation between the catch of albacore and the temperature. It is needless to state that if this point can be substantiated albacore fishermen will have the information they have desired for so long. The ability to predict the catch and dependable information on the location of the albacore at all times of the year seems an immediate possibility.- Dr. H.C. Bryant (ed.). Volume 3(4) 1917. 216 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME INDEX TO VOLUME 77(1991) AUTHORS Aasen, G: see Fritzsche, 106-107 Anderson, L.W.J. : see Pine, 27-35 Araya-Nufies, O., B. Canning, and F. Biickle-Ramirez: Gonad maturity, induction of spawning, larval breeding, and growth in the American pearl-oyster, 181-193 Baldridge, A., and L.L. Rogers: Harbor seal predation on a wolf-eel, 210-211 Bamum, D.A., and N.H. Euliss, Jr.: Impacts of changing irrigation practices on waterfowl habitat use in the southern San Joaquin Valley, California, 10-21 Bleich, V. C, and D. Racine: Mountain beaver {Aplodontia rufa) from Inyo County, California, 153-155 Brooks, D.: see Colt, 41-50 Brooks, M.: see Heyne, 53-54 Biickle-Ramirez, F.: see Araya-Nufies, 181-193 Cardenas, L.: see Romero, 212-213 Cech, J.J., Jr.: see Yip, 36-40 Clark. D.R., Jr, and R.L.Hothem: Mammal mortality at Arizona, California, and Nevada gold mines using cyanide extraction, 61-69 Colt, J.E., K. Orwicz, and D. Brooks: Gas supersaturation in the American River, 41-50 Edelmann, F: Fall migration patterns of common snipe, 101-102 Ellison, J.P.: see Moyle, 161-180 Erickson, D.L., E.L. Pikitch, and J.W. Orr: Northern range extension for the squarespot rockfish (Sehastes hopkinsi), 51-52 Euliss, N.H., Jr.: see Bamum, 10-21 Everest, L.: see Fritzsche, 106-107 Fritzsche, R., G. Aasen, L. Everest, P. Petros, and S. Shimek: Northern range extension for the zebraperch {Hermosilla azurea, Jenkins and Evermann), 106-107 Canning, B: see Araya-Nunes, 181-193 Gibbs, M.A.: Notes on the distribution and morphology of the rubynose brotula (Cataetyx ruhrostris) off Central California, 149-152 Grenfell, W.E.: see Laudenslayer, 109-141 Grinnell, J.: Bird life as a community asset, 58-60 Heyne, T., B. Tribbey, M. Brooks, and J. Smith: First record of Mozambique tilapia in the San Joaquin Valley, California, 53-54 Hill, J. P., and W.J. Matter: Macroinvertebrate colonization of Hester-Dendy samplers in different orientations to water flow, 94-97 Hothem, R.L.: see Clark, 61-69 Jennings, D.P.: see Williams, 86-93 Jennings, M.R., and J.V. Vindum: A new tool for safely killing venomous snakes in the field, 103-105 Kucera, T.E.: Genetic variability in tule elk, 70-78 Laudenslayer, W.M., Jr., W.E. Grenfell, and D.C. Zeiner: A check-list of the amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals of California, 109-141 Littrell, E.E.: Mercury in western grebes at Lake Berryessa and Clear Lake, California, 142- 144 Livezey, K. B.: Home range, habitat use, disturbance, and mortality of Columbian black- CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 217 tailed deer in Mendocino National Forest, 201-209 Magaiia. F.: see Romero, 212-213 Malachowski, M.: Hermaphroditism in the rock scallop {Crassadoma giganteus) in Humboldt Bay, California, 98-100 Matter, W.J.: see Hill, 94-97 Moore, R.H.: First record of the leather bass {Epinephelus dermatolepis, Boulenger) in Southern Califomia.145-147 Moyle, F.B., and J. P. Ellison: A conservation-oriented classification system for the inland waters of California, 161-180 Novak, B: see Thomas, 194-200 Oliphant, M.S.: Note on the occurrence and range extension of the sailfish (Istiophorus platypterus) off Dana Point, California, 148 Orr, J.W.: see Erickson, 51-52 Orthmeyer, D.L.: Attachment methods for radio transmitters on mallard ducklings, 22-26 Petros, P: see Fritzsche, 106-107 Pikitch. E.K.: see Erickson, 51-52 Pine, R.T., and L.W.J. Anderson: Effect of triploid grass carp on submersed aquatic plants in northern California ponds, 27-35 Racine, D.: see Bleich, 153-155 Raveling, D.G., and D.S. Zezulak: Autumn diet of cackling Canada geese in relation to age and nutrient demand, 1 -9 Rogers, L.L.: see Baldridge, 210-211 Romero, J.R., L. Cardenas, and F.G. Magana: First record of partial ambicoloration in spotted turbot (Pleuronichthys ritteri), 212-213 Ruggerone, G.T.: Partial xanthism in an adult chum salmon, Onchorhynchus keta, near Chignik, Alaska, 55-56 Schmidt, R.H.: Gray wolves in California: their presence and absence, 79-85 Shimek, S.: see Fritzsche, 106-107 Smith, J.: see Heyne, 53-54 Thomas, R., and B. Novak: Helicopter drive-netting techniques for mule deer capture on Great Basin ranges, 194-200 Tribbey, B.: see Heyne, 51-52 Vindum, J.V.: see Jennings. 103-105 Williams, J.D., and D.P. Jennings: Computerized data base for exotic fishes: the western United States, 86-93 Yip, G.M., and J.J.Cech, Jr.: Food consumption rate of juvenile dwarf surfperch (Micrometrus minimus): temperature and temporal effects, 36-40 Zeiner, D.C.: see Laudenslayer, 109-141 Zezulak, D.S.: see Raveling, 1-9 SUBJECT Amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals: check-list, 109-141 Bass, leather: range extension, 145-147 Bird life: community asset, 58-60 Cackling Canada geese: diet, 1-9 Carp, grass: effect on aquatic plants, 27-35 Cyanide extraction: mammal mortality, 61-69 218 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME Deer, Columbian biack-tailed:home ranges and habitats, 201-209 Deer, mule: Helicopter drive-net capture techniques, 194-200 Eel, wolf: prey of harbor seal, 210-21 1 Elk, tule: genetic variability, 70-78 Fishes, exotic: data base, 86-93 Gas supersaturation: American River, 41-50 Grebes, western: Mercury levels, 142-144 Inland waters of California: classification system, 161-180 Macroinvertebrates: colonization of Hester-Dendy samplers, 94-97 Mallard ducklings: radio transmitter attachment, 22-26 Mountain beaver: Inyo County, 153-155 Obituaries: 158-160 Oyster, pearl: reproduction and growth, 181-193 Rockfish, squarespot: range extension,51-52 Rubynose brotula: distribution and morphology, 149-152 Sacramento River: toxic spill, 156-157 Sailfish: range extension, 148 Salmon, chum: partial xanthism, 55-56 Scallop, rock: Hermaphroditism, 98-100 Snakes, venomous: tool for killing, 103-105 Snipe, common: migration, 101-102 Surfperch, dwarf: food consumption rate, 36-40 Tilapia, Mozambique: first record in San Joaquin Valley, 53-54 Turbot, spotted: ambicoloration, 212-213 Waterfowl habitat: irrigation impacts, 10-21 Wolves, Gray: in California, 79-85 Zebraperch: range extension, 106-107 SCIENTIFIC NAMES Aechmophorus occidentalis, 142-144 Amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals in California, 109-141 Anairhichthys ocellatus, 210-21 1 Anas acuta, 10-21 Anas clypeata, 10-21 Anas crecca. 10-21 Anas cyanoptera, 10-21 Anas platyrhynchos, 10-21, 22-26 Aplondontia rnfa. 153-155 Aquila chrysaetos, 7 Artemia sp., 36-40 Branta canadensis minima. 1-9 Canis I at ran s, 79-85 Canis lupus. 79-85 Cataetyx ruhrirostris, 149-152 Cervus elaphus nannodes, 70-78 Char a sp., 27-35 Crassadoma giganteus, 98-100 CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME 21 9 Ctenopharygodon idella. 27-35 Epinephelus dermatolepis. 145-147 Exotic fish species in California, 86-93 Fish of California's inland waters (representative species), 161-180 Gallinago gallinago, 101-102 Haliaeetus leucocephalus. 7 Hermosilla azurea, 106-107 Istiophorus platyptenis, 148 Micrometrus minimus, 36-40 Odocoileus hemionus hemionus, 194-200 Odocoileus hemionus columhianus, 201-209 Oncorhynchus keta, 55-56 Oreochromis mossamhicus. 53-54 Oxyuia jamaicensis, 10-21 Phoca vilulina. 210-211 Pleuronichthys ritteri, 212-213 Pteria sterna. 181-193 Sehastes hopkinsi. 51-52 Tilapia mossamhica, 53-54 92 83594 INSTRUCTIONS FOR CONTRIBUTORS EDITORIAL POLICY California Fist) and Game is a technical, professional, and educational journal devoted to the conservation and understanding of fish, wildlife, and native communities. Original manuscripts submitted for consideration should deal with California flora or fauna, or provide information of direct interest and benefit to California researchers and managers. MANUSCRIPTS: Referto the CBE Style Manual {5th Edition) and a recent issue of California Fish and Game for general guidance in preparing manuscripts. Specific guidelines are available from the Editor in Chief. COPY: Use good quality 215 x 280 mm (8.5 x 11 in.) paper. Double-space throughout with 3-cm margins. Do not hyphenate at the right margin, or right-justify text. Authors should submit three good copies of their manuscript, including tables and figures to the Editor in Chief. If written on a micro-computer, a 5.25 or 3.5 in. diskette of the manuscript in word processor and ASCI I file format will be desired with the final accepted version of the manuscript. CITATIONS: All citations should follow the name-and-year system. See a recent issue of California Fish and Game for format of citations and Literature Cited. Use initials forgiven names in Literature Cited. ABSTRACTS: Every article, except notes, must be introduced by an abstract. Abstracts should be about 1 typed line per typed page of text. In one paragraph describe the problem studied, most important findings, and their implications. TABLES: Start each table on a separate page and double-space throughout. Identify footnotes with roman letters. FIGURES: Consider proportions of figures in relation to the page size of California Fish and Game. Figures and line-drawings should be of high-quality with clear, well- defined lines and lettering. Lettering style should be the same throughout. The original or copy of each figure submitted must be no larger than 21 5 x 280 mm (8.5 X 1 1 in.). Figures must be readable when reduced to finished size. The usable printed page is 1 1 7 x 1 91 mm (4.6 x 7.5 in.). Figures, including captions cannot exceed these limits. Photographs of high-quality with strong contrasts are accepted and should be submitted on glossy paper. Type figure captions on a separate page, not on the figure page. On the back and top of each figure or photograph, lightly write the figure number and senior author's last name. PAGE CHARGES AND REPRINTS: All authors will be charged $35 per printed page and will be billed before publication of the manuscript. Reprints may be ordered through the editor at the time the galley proof is submitted. Authors will receive a reprint charge form along with the galley proof. Oi o o Z 3 52 -D J" 5 o a> O «' - =r O Q) > =5 "^ Q. cn O 00 0} 2 I 0) a: 2 -r, W li 13 > D 9>\ ■V [ O ' > Q m