California. Dept. of Fish and Game, Biennial Report 1922-1924. (bound volume) DATE DUE t\ iit^ !>]/>. /■-. 'California. Dept. of Fish and Game, Biennial Report 1922-1924. (bound volume) DATE -m -2*93 i-m ISSUED TO /-/: 7 Wt3 J^r- California Resources Agency Library 1416 9th Street, Room 117 Sacramento, California 95814 ^ALIWSWIA RESOURCES AGdKGY LIBRMt* Resources Building, Room 117 1416 -9th Street Sacramento, Caiifornid , 95814 For the Years 1922-1924 CALIFORNIA STATE PBINTTNG OFFICE FBANK J. SMITH, Superintendent SACRAMENTO, 1924 34744 STATE OF CALIFORNIA FISH AND GAME COMMISSION TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT For the Years 1922-1924 34744 CALIFORXIA STATE PBtNTING OFFICE FRANK J. SMITH. Superintendent SACBAilENTO, 1924 BOARD OF FISH AND GAME COMMISSIONERS. Comuiissiouei's appoiDted by the Governor, hy and wiili the consent of the Senate. Term at pleasure of Governor. No compensation. F. M. NEWP.ERT, President Sacramento M. J. COXNELL, Commissioner Los' Angeles G. H. ANDERSON, Commissioner ^ San Jose George Neale, Executive Officer ^ Sacramento J. S. HuA'TER, Assistant Executive Officer San Francisco R. D. Duke, Attornej- San Francisco SACRAMENTO DIVISION. F. M. Newbert, Commissioner in Charge Geo. Neale, Execuvive Officer v Forum Building. Sacramento Phone Main 43(K) SAN FRANCISCO DIVISION. G. H. Anderson, Commissioner in Charge J. S. Hunter, Assistant Executive Officer Postal Telegraph. Building, San Francisco Phone Sutter 61C0 LOS ANGELES DIVISION. M. J. Cornell, Commissioner in Charge ' . Edwin L. Hedderuy, Assistant Pacific Finance Building, Los Angeles Phones : Broadway 11.55, Home F 5705 DEPARTMENT OF FISH CULTURE. W. H. SiiEBLEY, In Charge Sacramento DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES. N. B. ScoFiELD, In Charge San Francisco DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, PUBLICITY AND RESEARCH. Dr. H. C. Bryant, In Charge Berkeley Frank M. Newbert, President. M. J. CONNELL. Geo. H. Anderson. George Neale^ Executive Officer. BOARD OF FISH AND GAME COMMISSIONERS. \ ''5- f;fy^^4'h^r^ 4 0 / ' -, ■.:'4' "a! o 6 CO o o P^ ■■n o go ;i CD - o — _o "" o o bo LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL. Sacramento, California, September 1, 1924. His Excellency, Friend Wm. Richardson, Governor of the State of California, Sacramento, California. Sir: Jn fulfilment of legal .stipulation, we hand you herewith a biennial report of the aetivities and accomplishments of the Board of Fish and Game Commissioners of the State of California and trust that it will meet with the approval of yourself and of the members of the legislature. As in the past, there will be found a summary of accom- plishments, reports of the various dcp;irtments and, in the appendix, a complete statistical statement. Yours truly, George Neale, Execidive Officer. ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN BRIEF. Both a land and a sea patrol maintained as a means of limiting violations and conserving- fish and game resources. Over 2700 arrests for violations of the fish and game laws made. More than fifty-six and one-half million trout and nearly thirty-five and one-half million salmon reared in state hatcheries and planted in the streams of the state. A new stock of eastern brook trout obtained from the east for the state's hatcheries and thousands of the resultant fry planted in lakes and streams. Two shipments of Maokinaw trout (the largest trout in North America) eggs secured and hatched successfully and the resultant fry planted in Clear and Eagle lakes. Supply of cutthroat trout secured from the Rocky Mountain region for planting in north coast streams. Policy of building small hatcheries to supply local streams, thus eliminating long hauls, continued. The pond system at the Mount Shasta Hatchery developed so that the brood fish now furnish 10,000,000 eggs annually. Numerous surveys made preliminary to the erection of fishways over dams to allow fish to reach their spawning grounds. Inspection of 253 screens in irrigation ditches and surveys looking toward the installation of 142 others made. Many cases of pollution by sawdust and oil remedied. The most dependable statistics as to the monthly and annual take of fishery products taken anywhere in the world regularly compiled. State Fisheries Laboratory maintained with staff engaged in fishery research. Foretelling the catch of fish and means of discovering depletion are being made possible through these investigations. A thorough investigation of the effect of the purse seine fisheries made and recommendations offered. Possibility of foretelling catch of sardines proved by a scientific investigation. Marking experiments on salmon have proved the parent stream theory and valuable data as to the age and rate of growth have been obtained. Control of the worst enemy of the deer, the mountain lion, continued. Special patrol and permanent boundary signs given game refuges. Lectures, talks in schools, newspaper items, magazine articles and educational work in summer resorts featured the educational and publicity campaign. Quarterly publication acquainting people with the activities and accomplishments of the Commission regularly issued. Saving of migratory fish in Klamath River by creating a fish reserve and blocking the move to erect a 250-foot dam near the mouth of the river championed and an initiative measure placing it on the ballot for decision by the people promptly secured. Refilling of Lower Klamath Lake to restore breeding grounds for waterfowl advocated. Drainage of Lake Earl in Del Norte County opposed on conservation grounds. Many deer saved from death in a large power ditch on the American River by quick action. CONTENTS. Page LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL 7 ACCOMPLLSIIMENTS IN BRIEF 8 TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT 9 Introduction 9 Personnel 9 Finances 9 Value of Fish and Game Resources 10 Law Enforcement 11 Fish Culture 1^^ Commercial Fisheries 13 State FLsheries Laboratory 14 Education and Publicity 15 State Fair Exhibit 10 Mountain Lion Control 17 Fish and Game Protective Associations 17 Game Conditions 20 Fish Conditions 20 Problems - 22 Acknowledgment 24 DEPARTMENTAL AND DISTRICT REPORTS— Department of Fish Culture W. H. Shelley 2o Department of Commercial Fisheries IS!. B. Seofield 48 State Fisheries Laboratory W. F. Thompson 56 Department of Education. Publicity and Research H. C. Bryant 71 Sacramento District Office Geo. Neale 77 San Francisco District Office J. S. Htinter 79 Los Angeles District Office E. L. Hedderly 82 APPENDIX— Fish Distribution by Counties 87 License Sales 94 Violations of the Fish and Game Laws 98 Seizures of Fish, Game and Illegally Used Fishing Apparatus 100 California Fishery Products 101 Nativity of Licensed Commercial Fishermen 108 Lion Bounties 110 Financial Statement 111 TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. INTRODUCTION. To properly administer the fish and game resources of a great state like California is at best a difficult undertaking. With forces of destruction to be fought at every turn, new problems arise daily. But with finances in a more settled condition, and with the confidence that the administration, the sportsman and the conservationist have given us, our burden has been lightened and our belief in the worthwhileness of conservation work constantly strengthened. "With this review of accomplishments in which the perplexities are overshadowed by the final attainments, the Commission is read}' to set its face toward the future Avith renewed energy and optimistic outlook. PERSONNEL. One change in the personnel of the Commission was occasioned on December 12, 1922, when George H. Anderson of San Jose was appointed a Fish and Game Commissioner to succeed Mr. E. L. Bosqui of San Francisco. During the biennium death has claimed five valuable employees, two of them victims of accidental death : W. C. Fassett, superintendent of Fort Seward and I'kiah hatcheries; John J. Barnett,* Deputy Fish and Game Commissioner; James S. White,* Deputy Fish and Game Commissioner; S. L. X. Ellis, Deputy Fish and Game Commissioner; Earle Downing, assistant, Commercial Fisheries Department; Lloyd V. Evins, assistant, Department of Fish Culture; Mrs. Lulu Creasey, secretary to the executive officer. FINANCES. The decision of the Supreme Court of California in the recent case of Board of Fish and Game Commissioners vs. Ray L. Riley, State Con- troller, etc., 67 Cal. Dec. 581, has had the effect of entirely relieving the very critical situation with respect to the funds and activities of the Fish and Game Commission owing to "frozen" funds in the state treasury. This important case had its inception in the application on the part of the Fish and Game Commission to the Board of Control and to the Governor for permission to create a deficiency and to draw upon the special fish and game preservation fund in the state treasury for its payment. This action was taken in conformity with the provision of section 680 of the Political Code, which purported to authorize the Board of Control, with the approval of the Governor, to create such deficiency and to order the payment of claims arising therefrom out of whatever special funds were in the state treasury' applicable to such uses. At the time this application was made the special fish and game preservation fund in the state treasury amounted to approximately the sum of $280,000. The Board of Control passed an order in accord with such application and Governor Richardson approved the same, but the 10 PISH AND GAME COMMISSION. State Coiit roller, in oidcr tliat he uiifrlit be perfectly protected in his allowance of the claim thereupon presented by the Fish and Game Commission in accordance witli said order, insisted npon a decision of the Supreme Court .iustifying and commandinj^ such allowance. The Fish and Game Commission thereupon brousrht this proceeding before the Supreme Court seeking a writ of mandate to compel the State Controller to approve and allow its claim. The matter was presented to the Supreme Court en ham; and the court handed down its decision thereon upon June 12, 1924. The opinion which was written by Mr. Justice Richards and con- curred in by all the members of the court reviews exhaustively the history of the creation of the special fund of the Fish and Game Com- mission and of the legislation relating to the use of said fund. It also reviews the several recent decisions of the Supreme Court interpreting and applying the provisions of the budget amendment and of the budget bill. It holds that section 680 of the Political Code has applica- tion to such cases of urgency as this and to the relief of self-supporting boards and commissions having special funds derived from fees, fines and collections and devoted to the particular activities of such boards and commissions. It is needless to say that the decision of the Supreme Court in this important case has given widespread satisfaction. The sole support of the Fish and Game Commission's w^ork is dependent upon licenses paid by hunters and anglers and by the fines imposed on violators. Although there has been some increase in the number of licenses sold in the past two years, yet funds are not adequate for necessary conservation work. A deficiency appropriation allowed by the Governor and State Board of Control prevented a serious handicap to the work pendjng a court decision which released the "frozen funds" of the Commission. A complete itemization of the income and expenditures will be found in the appendix. Most states have found it necessary to increase the license fees to properly administer natural resources. California, even against pressure by the anglers of the state, has maintained its nominal license fee. However, the increasing demand for a greater output from the hatcheries and for better patrol makes it advisable to recommend a special license for deer and an, increased anGrlinc lieense fee. VALUE OF FISH AND GAME RESOURCES. Following the present tendency to try and estimate the actual value of fish and game resources the following is offered. Nearly a half million hunting and angling licenses are issued annually. If each licensee spent an average of $100 somewhere near $50,000,000 is expended in the pursuit of fish and game. Add to this sum the $25,000,000 valuation of the output of the commercial fisheries and we have a total of $75,000,000. Cut this for safety to $60,000,000 and we have a conservative estimate of the business created yearly because there is game and fish available to the sportsman, and fish resources in the sea. This business is well distributed throughout the state and there are few business men who do not profit therefrom. And this business has been built up on a "taxation by participation" license plan and is not supported, by general taxation. TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 11 24 CIEVELAMO CAME RGfUcf 20 oiNNA£LtS«AME REFUI.E Z6 TRiMtrv oamc ficruci J "' B't. at^iN 6*ME REFuee ZV SA*< BEI>NARO>UO A*MC RFPU«t O 29 LOS ANCfl.C» DAMC REFU6C 702.998 Acre* tAfv i^ 'y^^ >&t ^ V E n S J D E Fig. 2. California's Game Refuges in 1916. (See Fig. 3.) LAW ENFORCEMENT. That the wardens have been active in bringing the violator to justice is evidenced by the increased number of arrests. During the year 1923, 338 more arrests were made than during the pre\aous year, and 457 more arrests were made in the past two years than in the previous biennium. An encouraging increase in the percentage of convictions, which exceeds 97 per cent, has been noticeable and $17,428.25 more in fines went into the fish and game protective fund than in the year 1922. Violations of the deer laws and of the bag limit laws continue to bring the largest totals in fines. There has been a laudable tendency on the part of judges to be less lenient with fish and game law violators, with the result that jail sentences and heavy fines were often given. In 1923-24, for the first time, the jail sentences amounted to more than 1500 days, reaching a total of 4565 davs. 12 I'ISII AM) (iAMi; COM MISSION. Mat(M-i;il increase in \\\'- warden service commensurate with the large land and Avatcr areas of the state is urgently recommended. Map showing location of California's game refuges. Fig. 3. California's Game Refuges in 1924. (See Fig. 2.) A COMPARISON. On the accompanying map will be found interesting comparisons as to the income, expenditures and activities of the various state fish and game commissions. Considering the area and the wild life resources of the state, the sum expended on patrol and on other work of the California Commission is not adequate. A comparison of the patrol expense per square mile of territory in all the states from which records were obtainable shows that California expends $0.64 as against New Yorks $6.60, Massachusetts' $8.44. Wisconsin's $2.60. Illinois' $3.35 and Missouri's $1.06. Even the Pacific coast states of Oregon and Wash- ington show $0.71 and $1.13 respectively. Texas appears to spend less than all — but 3 cents per square mile of territory. k! I! TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 13 FISH CULTURE. During the past two seasons the output of the state's hatcheries has 'en greater than that of any similar period since the beginning of ^'"shcultural operations. The total trout fry planted reached 56,527,105, and of salmon fry, 35,495,550. All available hatcheries and egg- collecting stations were operated during the biennium. Work was handicapped at some of them because they are still operated under tents, pending the construction of permanent hatcheries. With an ever growing demand for a larger output of fry, the fish- cultural department looks with alarm at the possible destruction of the best source of egg supply left for the hatcheries in the state — the Klamath River. The building of a 250-foot dam can only mean the destruction of the run of king salmon and sea-run trout which has for several years furnished our state hatcheries with practically all of the salmon eggs and a large majority of the trout eggs. Proper stocking of the streams of the state is absolutely dependent ui)on the saving of the Klamath River as a fish reserve and the building of more hatcheries. Worthwhile additions to the stock of fish in the state have been made. XL quarter of a million cutthroat trout eggs from the Rocky Mountains were received, hatched, and planted in the streams of the northwest coast region. Eighty thousantl eggs of the ]\Iackinaw trout from the Great Lakes were obtained and resultant fry successfully planted in Clear and Eagle lakes. A fine, pure strain of Eastern brook trout ■'as secured for the state througli the exchange of a million Loch Leven ggs for a million eggs of this species with the New Jersey Fish and iame Commission. Screen and ladder surveyors report difficulty in enforcing installation of fishways and of screens and, in many instances, legal proceedings have been necessary. Too often a dry year furnishes an excuse for not providing the fishway with sufficient water to make it usable. The idea seems to be prevalent that water for irrigation and power is more valuable than that used for saving fish life. Recommendations include : 1. Legislation requiring a sufficient flow of water in a stream to maintain fish life. 2. Better means to force installation of screens and fishways. 3. Increased financial support for the building of new hatcheries and the enlarging of the pond system. COMMERCIAL FISHERIES. The fisheries of the state have made a distinct recovery from the post-war slump. In both weight and value, the catches the past two vears exceed those of 1920. The total pack at the canneries amounted to 1,981,027 cases in 1923 as against 831,232 cases in 1921. A notable increase in such fish products as smoked salmon, dried squid and salachini is indicated. Dried scpiid reached the quota of 99,000 pounds. Fish meal and fish oil, by-products of the canneries, also showed a notable increase — nearly 3000 tons in the case of fish meal between 1921 and 1923, and over 6,000,000 gallons in the case of fish oil. The total value of the catch shows an increase of more than eight and a half millions of dollars in the same period of time. In spite of the fact that the value of the plants decreased nearly a million and a half. 14 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. there was an increase in the nuinbor of those employed in the fisheries. A conipihition sliowing the nativity of fisherni<'ii shows 10:32 as citizens out of a total of 4123, with UMi unreported as to nativity. There was a decrease in the take of botli albacore and salmon in 1923 over that in 1921. On the other hand, tlie take of barracuda, shad and mackerel was increased and sardines showed a gain of 170 per cent. The most important problem confronting the Commercial Fisheries Department has been the regulation of the amount of sardines used by the reduction plants. The Fish Conservation Act has been found difficult to enforce and should be amended. The determination of "unavoidable" waste is exceedingly difficult. The amount of food fish to be utilized in making fish oil and fertilizer should be definitely stated in the law, a violation should be a high misdemeanor and the goods manufactured in violation of the law should be subject to seizure by the state. Sentiment against the purse seine fishery appears to be based on the ancient objection that a new method or appliance upsets the old order of things. Investigation has shown that, properly regulated, this fishery is a worthwhile development and does not necessarily endanger the supply of food fishes concerned. Striped bass and shad now have sufficient protection in that these species are given a closed season of two and one-half months. This law makes the season for striped bass the same as that for shad. The salmon has had insufficient protection. A flaw in the law passed by the last legislature made it impossible to eliminate ocean trolling during the months when many immature fish are caught. Investi- gations have shown that ocean trolling for salmon causes the destruction of many immature fish and has shown exactly the season when mature fish are to be taken by this method. This fishery has constituted an added drain on the salmon supply and should be definitely restricted to a short season. Washington and Oregon have stopped both trolling and purse seine fishing for salmon and they urge this state to do likewise. There is great need for an additional patrol boat for the northern section of the state. Although the south is cared for, no seagoing vessel is at present available in the northern part of the state for the enforcement of salmon and crab laws. As a result of the salmon investigation it has been possible to fix accurately the times of year which should be closed to salmon fishing in the sea in order to prevent the destruction of immature fish. Extensive marking experiments have shown the range at sea of salmon and furnished knowledge of the age and rate of growth. Progress is reported on both the albacore and sardine investigations. STATE FISHERIES LABORATORY. Although handicapped by a loss of members of the staff, the State Fisheries Laboratory has been able to bring to completion the first part of the sardine investigation and to add valuable data in connection with the albacore investigation. Several members of the staff, being offered better positions, left the service. Their places have now been filled and, in addition, two assistants have been appointed under a TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 15 cooperative agreement with the Federal Bureau of Fisheries. Most of the staff is busily engaged in gathering statistics and in compiling them. The main conclusions in the sardine work are as follows: 1. In order to have an accurate picture of the commercial catch, it is necessary to take samples at least twice a week. 2. Studies of fluctuation show this phenomenon to be due to one of two factors: (a) Presence of dominant age groups which may appear in cycles of several years. (b) Diminution due to relatively unsuccessful spawning. Ni'()(liicii\c in the hiiildiiin- of a favorable sentiment. Thousands of jx'oplc ai't- reached at a time when they are most susceptible to infonnatidii on fish and ^^anie and. with emphasis placed on tirst-liand infoi'iiiation, conservation ideas arc easily instilled. Schools, boy scout orj^anizations. men's service clubs and groups of every kind have been readied by means of lectures, motion picture displays and literature. Tlie (juarterly majxazine, California Fish AND Gamk. has continued to carry to its readers reliable information regarding the activities of the Coinmission and the conservation program of the state. This pul)lication is used regularly in high school classrooms and the call for it from the sportsmen who support the work of the Commission is continually growing. Wide publicity has been secured througli the medium of newspapers and magazines. STATE FAIR EXHIBIT. Each year the Commission has made an attractive exhibit at the State Fair in Sacramento. The permanent exhibit comprises a great panorama of the Sierra with wonderful lighting effects to show dawn to daylight and sunset to night. Cloud effects and a thunder storm were very realistic. On those days when the attendance was the greatest a count showed 1500 persons, per hour, viewing the exhibit. Aquaria contained the different species of trout and all fresh water fishes found in the Sacramento region. Golden trout from mountain lakes at an elevation of 10,000 feet, after a journey of nearly a thousand miles by pack train, truck and railroad, were on display. Baby trout just hatched from the eggs and baby salmon were to be seen in the small model hatchery. Those who visit the State Fair can not help but be convinced of the extensive work being carried on by the Commission in caring for and conserving the fish and game resources of the state. The following letter expresses the appreciation of the directors of the State Fair. CALIFORNIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY Sacramento, Cal. September 9, 1922. California Fisli and Game Commission, Sacramento, Calif. Gentlemen : We, the Board of Directors of the Califoraia Agricultural Society, take this opportunity to thank you for the beautiful and educational display of the work of your commission made at the State Fair in 1922 ; particularly do we wish to commend the enteiijrise of the commission in placing such a large and comprehensive exhil)it. We trust this has given the people of California an idea of the importance of the work of the Fish and Game Commission. On every hand we have heard favorable comment upon your educational features and we sincerely hope that when the Fair opens next year you will be with us again with an equally attractive display. Again thanking you and assuring you of our desire to cooperate with you in the years to come, we remain. Sincerely yours, State Agricultural Society, H. A. Jastro, President. WJM-IC TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 17 Fig. 4. Jay Bruce, State I^ion Hunter starts on a trip. Photosrapli by Mrs. J. Bruce. MOUNTAIN LION CONTROL. During the past two years state lion hunter Jay Bruce, secured sixty lions of which 3-1 were males, and 26 females. Of this number fourteen were animals less than a year old. Many of tlie lions (49 in all) were taken in or near game refuiies, localities whicli are worked consistently because of the direct relation to deer conservation. It is believed that the total average lion population of the state has been reduced al)out 100 as a result of the activities of the state lion hunter. Complaints of the depredations of bears have been consistently investi- gated but no reliable evidence has been obtained that stock had been killed by them. However, frequently there is evidence that bears have fed upon stock killed by other predatory animals than bears. A complete summation of the lion bounties paid will be found in the appendix. FISH AND GAME PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATIONS. The staunchest kind of support for conservation measures comes from the twenty or more fish and game protective associations of the state. Could this favorable sentiment be unified in one great state organization the sportsman's interests could be better cared for. The Commission has been glad to lend support to these organizations and to receive suggestions from them. A plan is being evolved to center all of these protective associations in a central organization to be known as the California Conservation League, in an attempt to crystallize sentiment and avoid duplication of effort. 2 — 34744 18 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 19 o CO U) u o 9) C5 m ft o o 3 C .5 c o a c 3 o O 3 m "5 > s 4) c 2 O C 01 C Oi C o fa 20 FISH AND GAMK COMMISSION. GAME CONDITIONS. At the last legislature the bill providing for a deer license and a one buck limit which was proposed as a means of giving better protection for deer failed of passage by reason of the belief that the money would revert to the general treasury instead of to the fish and game preservation fund. This legislation must eventually come if we give the one largo species of game mammal left in the state, in sufficif^nt numbers for hunting, proper protection. The mule deer of the lava beds in Modoc County particularly need protection as the toll now being taken is altogether too large. An unusual ])roblem presented itself during the winter of 1923 when large numbers of deer met death by falling into a cement power ditch on the American River near Placerville. Immediate action was taken with the result that more than 500 deer were safely rescued from the ditch and bridges allowed the safe crossing of more than 2800 others — all on a front of seven miles. The Western States Gas and Electric Company, owners of the ditch, cooperated in rescuing the deer and a fence which has been installed will prevent a similar occurrence another year. Fi'J. C. Lo\\er Klamath Lake as it appeared in tlie sprinK of 1924, once a federal bird reservation and Cali- fornia's most extensive waterfowl breeding ground. Due to unwise drainage it is now but an alkali waj^te. Photograph by Blanche Shaw. The closing of the season on tree squirrels by the 1923 legislature proved a benefit to a species greatly reduced in numbers by a serious epidemic of disease. A continuation of the closed season beyond the September, 1925, date would doubtless be advantageous. Wildfowl conditions continue favorable. If breeding and feeding grounds can be maintained by developing an unfavorable sentiment toward the endless drainage projects the future looks bright. FISH CONDITIONS.' The spring and summer of 1924 proved so dry that there was a consequent destruction of fish. Many streams that normally have plenty of water to support fish life dried up entirely, with resulting destruction of all fish life in them. Deputy fish and game commi.s- TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 21 sioners, forest officers and park rangers aided materially by trans- planting fish from isolated pools to permanent streams. It vriW doubtless take several years to recoup from the depletion due to the past sea.son. Low water in the streams in many instances made fishways ineffective. AVith water several feet below the crest of a dam no water enters the fish way and migratory fishes are prevented from reaching their spawning ground. Too often thought of the con- servation of fish life is obscured by the demand for electric energy. A whole stream is sometimes diverted from its course or the entire flow utilized in a power plant, leaving a dry stream bed and complete destruction of the fish life, a natural resovirce impossible to replace. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^» ^Hf ^ Jfl M ^^^^. ^^^^^^^^H^^^^^^HI^B B .1 'jL gm r .^^^H K;^J:.,i|| ^^^^^^^HRB WfLjMjm l%iJ^H ju 1 ^ H P"^'"j JmfmUBr Hvi ^jJtr 1 --^' - fir|i < r !■ fii^ J-« F'lG. 7. One version of "Over the top." SteeKnead trout jumping a waterfall in Trinity County. Photograph by C. O. Fisher. Heretofore, power development has taken place high in the moun- tains with no serious loss of breeding grounds to migratory fish. The proposed building of a 2.50-foot dam near the mouth of the Klamath River with the consequent issuance of preliminary federal and state permits presented a very fundamental conservation problem. Since salmon have not been known to successfully negotiate more than a 4-0-foot fishway,- it hardly seems probable that any method can be devised for carrying them over a 250-foot dam. It appears certain that the construction of such a dam would mean the ultimate destruction of the last unspoiled run of king salmon and steelhead trout left in the state. Furthermore, the proposed development on the Lower Klamath would mean the destruction of the best source of egg supply for the state's fish hatcheries. Almost the entire supply of salmon eggs is secured at Klamathon, and the best supply of trout eggs is secured at the four or five egg-collecting .stations along this river. Practically every stream in the state, and most of the lakes, have been stocked with eggs secured from the Klamath River trout. 22 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. The Fish and Game Commission felt that it would be derelict of its duty if it did not clinmpion the saving? of the fish in the Klamath. It consistently fought the applications for permits and failing in this decided that the saving of tlie fish could be accomplished only by sub- mitting the matter to the people through an initiative. Consequently, in the spring of 1924 the Commission aided in securing an initiative ]ictition whicli finally went to the Secretary of State with the largest number of names ever turned in on a similar petition. As a result, the matter was referred to the people for a vote. The measure pro- vided for a fish reserve which would be ()i)en to the angler and available for a source of eggs for the state's hatcheries, but be closed to the building of dams or other obstructions that would hinder the migration of fish. The saving of the fishery resources of the Klamath are largely dependent on a favorable vote on this measure. PROBLEMS. ' The main problems of the Fish and Game Commission are still to be summed up in three words: "pollution, drainage, and power dams. ' ' In spite of useful laws and better public sentiment, the pollution of inland and coastal waters with oil still continues. It is hoped that the aid of federal legislation will help to improve conditions. Fig. 8. One year's accumulation of illegal nets in the Sacramento District being- destroyed by fire, March, 1924. Law provides for this mode of disposal of those nets having illegal mesh. Photograph by George Neale. No better example of the danger attendant upon unwise drainage has been afforded than that of Lower Klamath Lake in the north- eastern corner of the state. This lake was in a federal bird reserva- tion and here thousands of shore birds and waterfowl reared their young each year. The area was drained at an expense of $300,000 and now it is discovered that the lake bed is wholly unfit for agri- culture and residents and conservationists alike are pleading for a reflooding of the lake. It was only through decisive action that the TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 23 24 FISH AND GAMF COMMISSION. draining of Lake Earl in Del Xorto County was |)rrv(,'nted. in many instances, lowered water tables nullify the expected valuable results of drainage. Marsh lands have real xjilucs and llicse values should be recognized before it is too late. The diversion of Avater from riMTs where trout have existed for ages into ditches for pow'er and irrigation purposes have in many cases rendered streams almost barren of fish life. Also the draining of a number of lakes and storage reservoirs by the power and irrigation companies have caused the death of many thousands of trout and bass which it will take the Commission many years to restore. The extreme drouth has been the cause of the drying up of many streams and the consequent death of many fish. The generosity of the Division of Water Rights in allocating the water of the streams and lakes Avithout the least consideration of the needs of fish life and the overgrazing privileges given in the forests AAnthout due consideration of the needs of the wild life of the state are situations difficult to handle. Until such time as due consideration is given to the needs of wild life and less, perhaps, to the almighty dollar, California's wnld life will continue to suffer. Legislation should be enacted that would conserve both feed for the deer and other wild mammals of the forest, and sufficient water in the streams and lakes to sustain fish life. Of what use are wardens to protect game that is starving or hatcheries to propagate fish which ultimately meet death because of a lack of water sufficient for their existence? ACKNOWLEDGMENT. During the war, the free transportation which had been furnished the Fishcultural Department for the distribution of fish was rescinded, causing a large additional item of expense. The railroads of the state have again generously granted the Hatchery Department transporta- tion for employees and fish. The money thus saved the Commission in planting fish has been made available for the expense incident to a larger output in the state hatcheries. Grateful acknowledgment of the splendid assistance thus afforded by the various railroads of the state is hereby made. TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 25 REPORT OF DEPARIMENT OF FISH CULTURE. The Honorahle Board of Fish and Game Commissioners, State of California. Sirs: In conformity to the regulations of the Fish and Game Cora- mission, I herewith ti'ansinit tlie report of the Department of Fish Culture for the biennium ending June 30, 1924. During the seasons covered by this report, we have exceeded the out- put at our hatcheries over any similar period of tisheultural operations in this state by several millions of trout fry, having liatehed and dis- tributed during the seasons of 1922 and 1928, 56,527,105 trout fry besides 35,495,550 salmon fry. This record plus the trout fry on hand that are being distri])uted this season, will make the largest output of fry and the tliree greatest years in the history of the Commission's operations. There were hatched and distributed during 1922 and 1923, 35,495,550 salmon fry. These were all collected at Klamathon egg-collecting station on the Klamath River in Siskivou Countv. This take would have been exceeded by ten millions of eggs if our racks had not been flooded by the California-Oregon Power Company at the height of the season, during the month of October, 192'3. A more detailed account of this will be given further on in our report. During the biennial period just past, the same number of egg-collect- ing stations and hatcheries have been operated as mentioned in our last report. We have practically operated during this time thirty hatcheries and egg-collecting stations. Two of our stations are still operated under tents as the funds have not been available for the construction of per- manent hatcheries. Had the funds been set aside from the amount available for tisheultural operations, the output of our hatcheries would have been greatly increased. As in former years, two fish distributing ears have been used in dis- tributing fry from ]\Iount Shasta Hatchery, as well as from Mount Whitney Hatchery, to the different portions of the state that were not supplied from local hatcheries. As stated in our last report, we can not emphasize the necessity stronger than to repeat that the streams are fished so hard that very few, if any, adult fish are left for breeders and consequently, the great majority of the fish that are found in them are the result of hatchery production. There is a demand for more hatcheries and a larger output of fry, but funds must be provided before any further 26 FISn AND GAME COMMISSION. increase of fish fi-u]ii our hatcheries ciin be had or new liateheries con- structed. Several more hatcheries are needed in the state, not only to supply an ever-increasing demand for trout fry, but to save carrying the fish so far a,s they are now. paticularly to the more remote parts of the state where the lakes and streams are situated far from the railroad. We are constantly giving instructions to persons applying for fish to make a wide distribution of the fry. The best results are obtained where the fr^- are well scattered and planted on the ripples and in the shallow water of the lakes some distance from shore. The large output of our hatcheries did not more than lialf meet the demands of the applicants throughout the state as the demand for trout fry for stocking the rivers, lakes and streams of California is increasing annually. And with the increasing population of the state, and the popularity of California a.s a recreation center, the fishing in the moun- tainous sections where the majority of the people enjoy their vacations is so excessive that measures to increase the number of fry to be dis- tributed each season must be arranged and a shorter open season established to allow the fish to attain a larger growth. Plans must be made for the construction and equipment of more hatcheries, building of pond-rearing systems and the improvement of the egg-collecting stations. The possibility of increasing the output of eggs from the Klamath River by the introduction of a larger number of rainbow and steelhead trout fry, as well as salmon fry, must be stressed so that this river may furnish eggs for the other hatcheries in California, where rainbow, steelhead and salmon are in great demand and where suitable waters are to be found for these species. The number of hatcheries in the state should be increased as the demand for trout fry exceeds the limit of the present hatcheries. Lakes need to be set aside for the purpose of propagating brood stock from which the eggs can be collected, as well as pond-rearing systems where spawning fish can be reared for egg-collecting purposes. We have but the one egg-collecting pond system at Mount Shasta Hatchery and, to meet the demand of the angling public, the Commission should build one or two more systems equal in capacity to that at the Mount Shasta station. Mount Shasta Hatcherj- can not be enlarged as the water supply and land is limited to the present capacity of the station. Sur- veys should be made at an early date to find other suitable sites for pond-rearing systems for there is no method by which eggs can be more easily procured for propagating the exotic species of fishes than in pond-rearing systems. The State Fish and Game Commission is making an effort to procure more funds to establish pond systems where exotic species of fish can be raised in numbers great enough to furnish at least tw^o-thirds of the supply of eggs for the different hatcheries located throughout the state. We have one of the best pond systems to be found anywhere at Mount Shasta station ; but as stated in a previous report, it is not large enough to meet the growing demand for trout eggs. Approximately 30 per cent of the trout fry collected in California this season were taken from the pond system at Sisson at the average cost per thousand less than the cost of collecting wild eggs when the expense of construct- ing traps and other paraphernalia necessary in handling the spaAvners and the work of collecting eggs from wild fish is considered. TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 27 Outside of fhe Klamath River, Lake Tahoe, Bear Lake in San Ber- nardino County, and Plumas County stations, eggs can be procured from properly equipped ponds for less money than they can be from wild fish when the uncertainty of collecting eggs from wild fish is con- sidered. The droughts, floods, deep snow and extremely cold weather conditions always make the egg-collecting work uncertain. We do not know from one season to another what to expect. During seasons of extremely light rain and snowfall, conditions prevail that are unfavor- able for the collection of trout eggs. Other years floods and extremely high and cold water change the movements of the fish and the take of eggs is often far less than we expect. Breaking up of runs of trout in our streams by high dams built by hydro-electric companies and irriga- tion projects are all having their effect and, to meet these new condi- tions, the legislature should provide ample funds for the construction of rearing ponds where a sufficient number of breeding fish can be raised to supply- the demand for at least two-thirds of the waters to be stocked. Salmon, rainbow trout, and steelhead trout can be saved to the people for many years to come by the proper development of the Klamath River and the saving of this stream as a fish refuge. If this stream is lost to the public as an egg-collecting stream by the construction of high dams in the lower reaches of the river, it will mean a great loss to the general public. The expense of maintaining pond systems is costly and locations are hard to find where perfect conditions can he found for the rearing of a sufficient number of brood fish, particularly of the rainbow and steelhead speoies. The development of hydro-electric energy by the erection of high dams in the tributary streams of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers has materially reduced the number of salmon in the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers and Monterej^ Bay regions. Practically all the salmon now to be found in the Sacra- mento and San Joaquin river basins and Monterey Bay region are the product of hatcheries at Battle Creek, Mill Creek and Klamath River stations. The number of salmon fry produced in the Klamath River stations has assisted greatly in keeping up the supply in the Sacramento River. The larger portion of the salmon in the Klamath River are the Sacramento race of king salmon that were introduced into the Klamath River by the Fish and Game Commission in its salmon cultural operations during the years past. The native Klamath River salmon do not appear in any great numbers in the river in the last few years. Our fishcultural experts at the Klamathon station support the view that the large majority of the fish taken from the Klamath River at the Klama- thon egg-collecting station are of the Sacramento race. If the Klamath River is set aside as a fish refuge, by increasing the number of fry planted in this stream, a larger number of rainbow and steelhead eggs will be collected : and, as it is the only river of any con- sequence left in this state in which there is a run of king salmon to handle for artificial propagation, it is of great importance that this stream be saved as a fish refuge so that the state at all times may have, not only an adequate supply of salmon eggs to keep up the supply of salmon in the Sacramento River and Monterey Bay regions, but also furnish a large percentage of our rainbow and steelhead trout eggs 28 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. for (listi'ilnition tlirouiiliout 1lu' entire State of California. The oon- struetioii of the prui)Osetl liigli dams iu the lower readies of the Klamatli Ki\ t r \\ ill break up the mn of these anadromous fishes so that the egg-eollecting w-ork on this river will soon be a thing of the past. During the last two seasons, the experimental work on the South Fork of P]el River near Branscomb, where several traps were located and temporary egg-colleeting stations established in an effort to collect a large number of steelhead trout eggs and sufficient number of salmon eggs to stock Eel River, has proved futile as the uncertainty of the flow of water in Eel River, caused by extremely low water in periods when the fish should l)e running, or great floods, has proved that the upper reaches of the South Pork of Eel River where our experiments have been carried on is not a suitable place to attempt to collect eggs of either salmon or steelhead trout. The lower reaches of Eel River are subject to such extreme conditions of \^^ter from the minimum to the maximum flow that it is not dependable. The lower reaches of the South Fork of Eel River, near Garberville, or in the vicinity of Lane's Redwood Park, probably would be a suitable site for the collection of steelhead trout eggs ; but, until practical experiments have been made in attempting to collect these eggs, no positive statement can be made whether this work can be carried on successfully in Eel River or any of its tributaries, except the Cape Horn dam on the South Eel River, which is noAv badly affected by the water being held back by the Gravelly Valley Dam during the season of drought, thus preventing the fish from ascending this fork of the river to the egg-collecting station located on Cape Horn dam. During the season just past, the dam did Fig. 10. A Klamath Rivei- king salmon. Photogi-aph by H. C. Bryant. fWENTY-EIGIITII BtENNIAL REPORT. 29 not lill so as to spill ovci- and, consequently, no fish reached the egg- collecting station tliis year, thus depriving us of several millions of steelliead eggs. A lease was obtained on Gravelly Valley dam from the Snow JMonntain Water and Power Company, the owners of this> project, with the intention, if conditions proved suitable, of having this lake set aside as a preserve from which a large number of rainbow might be raised for the purpose of collecting their eggs to stock the streams of the immediate vicinity as well as have a supply to be shipped out to other stations. But protests from the citizens of Lake County, and the refusal of the Forestry Service to grant the Commission a lease on the lands bordering on Lake Pillsbury or Gravelly Valley dam, have prevented this department from carrying out its plans. The citizens of Lake County protested on the grouilds that the dam was of greater benefit to them as a fishing resort to the public than for an egg-collect- ing preserve for the Fish and Game Connnission. As they are drawing off the water each season for power purposes and the water in this lake fluctuates to such a great extent, it is somewhat doubtful whether the lake would furnish anywhere near the number of eggs that we formerly collected in the river immediately below the dam before its construction; that is, the Snow :\rountain egg-collecting station located at the lower dam owned by this company. If these protests against our experimenting on this lake are removed, several years will have to elapse before it can be determined how many eggs the brood fisli in this lake would produce. The number of eggs that may be collected from fish raised in dams that have fluctuating heads, is always uncertain; and it becomes more apparent, as we look over the great State of California for suitable places where spawn- fish may be obtained, that the Klamath River, the last stream in Cali- fornia that has not been seriously affected by the construction of high dams, should be left to furnish a sufficient number of eggs of rainbow and steelhead to supply the needs of the state in other waters, as well as to provide king salmon eggs to maintain a greater portion of the run in the Sacramento River and Monterey Bay regions; and that adequate pond systems should be constructed for the rearing of our introduced species of fish, such as Loch Leven, European brown trout and Eastern brook trout. As the fight to prevent the construction of high dams in the Klamath River by the residents of Siskiyou County, sportsmen's organizations and our Commission, has not yet been decided, since the matter is pending before the Federal Power Commission and in the courts of the state, as w^ell as being submitted by an initiative petition to the voters of the state so that they may express their opinion, we can not add anything more to the argument submitted in our last biennial report, but will publish excerpts from the same report so that the matter may be brought before the minds of the people of the value of the Klamath River as a fish refuge. We reiterate that the great Klamath River should be kept free from dams so that a stock of trout and salmon can be depended upon from that source for many years to come. The Klamath River runs through a mountainous region from the Oregon line, w'here it enters California, to its mouth on the boundary line of Del Norte County and Humboldt County, where it flows into the ocean. 30 FISIT AND GAME TOMMIW^IOX. There is practically no tilhildc l;iii(l where the waters of this stream could be used for irrigation. All the small areas of tillable land along this river could be in'igatcd by tril)utary streams. Applications have been made to construct large dams on this river for the purpose of 'developing hydro-electric energy. As there is enough water appropri- ated in the other river systems of California to furnish electric power for the development of the state for many years to come without destroying the salmon and other anadromous fishes of the Klamath River b}' the construction of dams impassable by these fish, the con- struction of high dams in the Klamath River should not be permitted. AVe feel positive, from our investigations and knowledge of the habits uf the salmon, that the king salmon (Oncorliynchus tdiawytscha) and the silver salmon (0. Jcisutch) will not ascend a fishway over a dam where the elevation is over thirty or thirty-five feet. Our experience in this state, and the experience of the experts of the Bureau of Fisheries and fishculturists in Oregon and AVashington, confirm this statement. There is a great protest being made by the people of Oregon and the Bureau of Fisheries against the construction of a dam ninety feet in height across Priest Rapids on the CoUnnbia Ri\^er. which confirms our opinion stronger than ever, that where the people have a stream of such value as the Columbia or Klamath rivers, no high dams should ever be allowed to be constructed if the fishing interests are to be considered. The people are entitled to at least one stream in each state from which they can collect an adequate supply of both salmon and trout eggs to supply the depleted waters of other regions. The statement made that the Fish and Game Commission is retarding the industrial growth and development of the state by opposing these high dams is, in our judgment, not a fact, as there is sufficient energy being developed in other streams of California, where it is possible to construct power plants, to furnish the entire northwestern part of the state without embarrassing the development of that region or any other portion of California. FISH PROPAGATION. Applicants, without exception, are reporting fine results from pre- vious plantings of fry and are continuing making applications from year to year, thus keeping the streams as well stocked as the conditions will permit where the fishing is so excessive as it has been for the last few years. The zeal and enthusiasm shown b}^ the applicants who, year after year make applications to stock their favorite streams and lakes, is evidence of the intense interest in the fishcultural work in this state. The growing interest in the propagation and planting of trout fry is the result of good returns that we are producing by the coopera- tion of the persons planting fish for the Fish and Game Commission. The distribution of trout fry by the sportsmen's clubs, boards of supervisors, and other interested parties, continues with the same enthusiasm as in former years. The public spirited citizens in the different communities have devoted their energj^ and furnished their labor in seeing that the trout fry are properly distributed. Each sea- son we find better results of this cooperation as the persons interested in trout planting become more familiar with the proper distribution of the fry. TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 31 Some sportsmen's clubs, assisted by the supervisors of the counties, have established resting pools at the end of the auto roads where the fry are deposited and given a few days' rest before being carried by pack animal to the more inaccessible lakes and streams in the higher alti- tudes. The Fresno County Sportsman's Club and the Madera Rod and Gun Club have built a number of these resting pools in the mountainous districts where they are making their distribution of fry and have obtained excellent results. This is very commendable work as it gives the fry a chance to recuperate before continuing the long journey to the lakes and streams that are not accessible by trucks or wagons and have to be reached by pack animals. These resting pools are of great benefit if the fry are not held in them too long. A great many persons have advocated the holding of trout fry until late in the fall in ponds and nurseries along the streams where they desire to have the fish distrit)uted, believing that if the trout fry are held until they are a larger size than when received from the hatcheries, better results could be obtained. Our experience has led us to believe that this is not a fact; and when trout are confined in ponds or nurseries they generally become large, fat and domesticated, lose their wild instinct of natural preservation that they have when first taken from the hatchery and a greater number of them will be destroyed by natural enemies, if held until late in the fall or the following spring, than if liberated as soon as they are swimming up and in condition to plant directly from the hatchery. There are probably some places where larger trout might be of benefit when planted than those taken from the hatchery, but these places are very remote and in general trout planting, our experience has demonsti-ated to us, the sooner the trout fry are planted, the better the results. TROUT DISTRIBUTION. The total distribution of trout fry from the difi:'erent hatcheries in the state for the biennial period 1922-1924 was 56.527,105, consisting of the following species : Rainbow 21,G9^j,3G5 Loch Leven 10,876,3.50 Steelhead 13,011,300 Eastern Brook 5,106,550 Large Lake 2.n'.».!).")(» Black Spotted 816,090 Brown Trout 2,564,5o\Ioniit AVhitnoy Ilatcliciy has been opci-atctl lo its full capacity during the last l)ieimial period, and we would resi)ect fully reconiuiend that a new hatchery of equal capacity be establislied on the Mount Whitney grounds, or a new station established in 1he ^Mono-Alpine r(>gion. so that a greater number of trout fry coidd l)e produced in this sectiou of the state. There are also several possible sites on other streams in the Owens River Valley, but the Los Angeles aqueduct has taken over the greater portion of these, so it is doubtful if sufficient water could be obtained for the installation of another hatchery in tliis section. The increasing demands for lisli in southern California and the region consisting of Inyo, Mono and Alpine counties, must be sup- l)]ied from a source where eggs can be hatched and the fry distributed within tlie shortest distance for transportation. In all probability, we will be able to recommend to the board within the next year the selec- tion of a site in eitber ]\Iono or Alpine counties w^here a hatchery could be established that would relieve the heavy demand on the ]\Iount Whitney Ilatcheiy, thus allowing the output of this hatchery to be shipped to southern California. During the spring of 1923, meetings were held in Independence with the other users of the w^ater from Oak Creek, from which is obtained our supply of water for Mount AVhitney Hatchery, and an amicable adjustment was made of the amount of water to be used at this station for the propagation and rearing of fish, as well as the amount to be used on the lawns and flower beds. Mr. Gordon Zander, of the Divi- sion of Water Rights, kindly assisted in In-inging about this adjust- ment. The amount of water for the use of the hatchery grounds, lawns, and flower beds, was measured and the amount determined that the state should use for this purpose, which was agreeable to the other users of water from Oak Creek. COTTONWOOD LAKES STATION. This station was last operated in 1920. Owing to the large take of eggs which filled our hatcheries to their capacity during 1921, 1922 and 1923, the Cottonwood Lakes Station was not operated. In the spring of 1924, at the request of a number of prominent sportsmen in southern California, we planned to open this station for the collection of golden trout eggs for distribution in barren lakes, and, also, in some of the lakes in w^hich golden trout had been introduced several years ago in the IMono- Alpine region, and in which they are now thriving wonder- fully well. Upon the arrival of our crews at this station at the time the golden trout are usually entering the tributary streams of these lakes to spaAvn, our men found these streams practically dry owing to the extreme drought which has prevailed over the entire coast. The traps were installed in the creek flowing between the upper and lower lakes and 460,000 golden trout eggs Avere collected. These were hatched and will be distributed in the lakes suitable for this species of fish this coming fall. RAE LAKES STATION. Tlie Rae Lakes egg-collecting station w^as not operated during the spring of 1922 ; but, owing to the shortage of eggs at other stations, was operated again during the spring of 1924 and the 410,000 eggs collected were transferred to the Mount Whitney Hatchery and the resulting fry will be distributed from that station. TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 37 TAHOE HATCHERY. The new Tahoe Hatchery buikling was completed during the fall of 1920; but since then we have not been able to construct the fore- man's cottage, food preparation room and other outbuildings, or improve the grounds as they should be to be in keeping with this fine station. This we hope to be able to do within the next year. The water system furnishing the water supply to this hatchery should be remodeled and open flumes constructed from the springs to the settling tanks, as well as ponds for a considerable area around the springs from which this water supply has its source, in order that the water will be more fully aerated and given a chance to reach a higher tempera- ture. The water in these springs is very cold and conducting it through pipes does not give the sun's rays a chance to warm the water to the proper temperature for rapid development of trout fry. The water is very pure and cold and the fry do remarkably well, but their growth is retarded by the low temperature of the water. We deem it advis- able to have open flumes with ripples so arranged that the water will receive a higher degree of aeration than is possible in passing it through the pipes, as well as giving it the benefit of the sun to raise the tempera- ture. There were produced from this hatcherv during the last two vears 2,935,000 trout fry, as follows : In 1922, 975,000 rainbow trout, 480,000 black spotted trout, 100,000 steelhead trout, and 145,000 large lake trout ; and in 1923, 445,000 steelhead trout and 790,000 large lake trout. MOUNT TALLAC HATCHERY. This station has been operated during the last two seasons under the same conditions that have jirevailed during former years. We are always compelled to plant the fry quite early owing to the rise in temperature of the water in Fallen Leaf Lake, from which this hatchery receives its supply. After the warm weather sets in the temperature rises and the water numlds and algal growths have a deleterious efi'ect on the fish, which necessitates planting earlier than we otherwise would. However, the fish are planted in good condition and, as the water is warmer from the beginning of the season than it is at some of the other stations, the fish attain a good growth by the middle of July, so at that time they can be planted and good results expected. We would recom- mend the installation of a new" floor in this hatchery, as well as an entire new" set of troughs and distributing tanks and other fixtures incident to the hatchery equipment. The old equipment is now so badly decayed that it is not safe for any further use in the rearing of fish. This work should be done during this coming fall as soon as the trout fry are out of the building. Traps were operated in Blackwood Creek, Ward Creek and Taylor Creek during the seasons of 1922 and 1923 and eggs collected as follows : In 1J)22— Taylor Creek 20.5,(Xf() Blackwood Creek 215,01)0 Ward Creek __— 180,000 000,000 In 1923— Taylor Creek — 515,000 Blackwood Creek .590,000 Ward Creek 640,0oint, a more suitable place than the place where they now are. DOMINGO SPRINGS STATION. This station has been in operation the last two years with its usual success. In the fall of 1923 a new flume was built to furnish the water supply for the hatchery and tlie fish-holding tank. As soon as funds are available, this station should also be enlarged so as to increase its capacity to at least double what it is at present as more fry are needed each year to supply the lakes and streams in all sections of the state wherever hatcheries are located. To properly handle the situation in this section, a permanent rack, or rolling dam, should be placed across the north fork of the river below the junction of Rice Creek and War- ner Creek and a permanent station established. This would cost several thousand dollars, but the results that would be obtained would justify the expenditure as the work could all be concentrated at the one station and a great many more fish caught, and eggs procured that are now deposited on the spawning beds below Warner Creek and between the mouth of Warner Creek and Domingo Springs station. 42 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. Tliese .small traps and effg-r-ollfftinfr stations have boen built because we did not have the funds to concentrate our work. The initial expense of installinfr the large stations was too great for the funds furnished our department. Whenever funds are available for this improvement wf)rk, the benefits to be derived from the establishment of permanent traps, larger stations, and better equipment, will result in a larger output of eggs for less cost per thousand after tlie initial expense of establishing the station has been made. JOHNSVILLE EXPERIMENTAL HATCHERY. The Johnsville Experimental Hatchery was operated for tw^o seasons. Owing to the great depth of snow and the inconvenience of getting eggs to the station, in early spring, it was deemed advisable to select a more favorable site. During the spring of 1922, when our men arrive on the ground to begin operations, the snow was from 12 to 15 feet deep on the level, with great masses on the slopes of the adjacent mountains, threatening to come down in the shape of an avalanche at any time. The work of shoveling out the snow and opening the station was an arduous one and fraught with great dangers. As soon as the distribu- tion of the fry was over in the fall of 1922, arrangements were made to move the flume, tanks and other material to a new site located on the property of ^Ir. W. A. Adams, on na.skell Creek, a tributary of Sulphur Creek, near Clio, Plumas County, in a locality where the snow does not fall so deep, and several miles nearer the railroad than the site on Jami.son Creek. In the spring of 1923, after procuring a lease from Mr. Adams for 25 years, a foundation was laid for the support of 40 hatchery troughs. The water at this new site was thoroughly tried out last sea.son and during the spring of 1924. It proved to be of superior quality for the rearing of trout fry. We would recommend that a permanent hatchery building and station be established on this site, as it is the site so far found anywhere in the immediate vicinity of the Western Pacific Railroad in the Feather River region. During the last two seasons 877,-380 rainbow and 857,000 steelhead truut fry were distriliuted from this station in the lakes and streams of the Feather River district. BEAR LAKE HATCHERY. The Bear Dake llutchery is situated in the San Bernadino Moun- tains, in San Bernardino County, at Green Spot Springs near the .shores of Bear Lake, and, as usual, has been successfully operated during the two seasons. During the season of 1922, 1,365,000 eggs were collected at the North Creek Egg-Collecting Station on Bear Lake and transferred to this .station for hatching anct distribution. It was also operated in the spring of 1923 with practicallj- the same suc- cess as in the previous year and 1.100,000 eggs were collected. This spring (1924 J, owing to the light snow fall and the lowering of the lake by the water company, it was more difficult to procure the eggs than in former seasons; but there appear to be as many trout in the lake as at any time during the last five or six years. As mentioned in our report of 1920-22, black bass were thought to have been introduced in this lake, but we were somewhat in doubt at that time. The fact is now well established that thousaiids of this species of fish are in the waters of Bear Lake and are increasing annually as there is a great TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 43 aljundance of food in the waters of Bear Lake — probably greater than in any other lake of equal area in the state — consisting of all native aquatic insects, as well as gammarus and minnows. There is an abun- dance of food to last for several years to come and the bass will not prey on the trout to any great extent until this supply of food is greatly reduced by the increasing numl)ers of bass. By liolding our trout fry until late in the fall when the bass have left the shallows to return to deep Avater and become torpid, the trout fry can be released and will have a fair chance of maintaining themselves in goodly numbers for a great many years, or until, such time as the bass have destroyed the abundant supply of insects and minnows and begin to devour their own young, as well as the trout. But until such time as this condition prevails, we shall continue the operation of Bear Lake Hatchery, as the trout fishing dui-ing the spring of 1024 Avas exceed- ingly good and promised to hold out during the entire season. As the period of the year during which bass will bite is very short, and as they do not furnish as good a game fish for the anglers as do the trout, and as there are so many lakes and streams in lower altitudes Avhere the water is too warm and full of organic matter for trout to thrive, it is to be deplored that bass Avere ever introduced into this lake by thought- less persons for reasons best knoAvn to themselves. NORTH CREEK EGG-COLLECTING STATION, This station is located on the shores of Bear Lake. During the last tAvo years the bulk of the eggs furnished the Bear Lake Hatchery Avere collected at this station. The total number of eggs collected Avas 3,611,000. Of this number 1.150,000 AA^ere hatched and distributed from the troughs where they Avere hatched after the other eggs Avere eyed and shipi)ed to the main hatchery at Green Spot Springs. Tem- porary repairs to the traps and tanks AA'^ere niade at this station in the spring of 1922, as they Avere damaged in the A\inter by the flood Avaters that came doAvn North Creek. The repairs necessary to be made at this station to maintain it for several years longer are to repair the roof by replacing it with an iron roof ; the general overhauling of the hatchery troughs; and improvements to the trap and tank system. This Avork should be done during this coming fall. GROUT CREEK TRAP. Grout Creek station AA-as damaged in the spring of 1921, in fact, it was entirely Avashed out and carried doAvn the stream. There has been no AA'ater in this creek since that time to justify the expenditure of any considerable sum of money to install a permanent trap ; but, if there should be a heav;\^ snoAvfall in the Avatershed of this creek, it may, in all probability, be Avell to install a permanent trap to catch the trout that ascend the stream during the spaAvning period. The stream rapidly subsides after the snoAv is through melting, and if the fish are not caught and the eggs collected, a great many of them, in fact, the largest percentage of them, perish on the sand flats at the mouth of this creek or are caught in the pools above the sand flats near the shores of the lake Avhen the Avater recedes ; therefore, it AA^ould justify the expense of installing a fairly good trap to catch these fish and collect their eggs and to prevent the loss of the breeders that are stranded when the Avater dries up in the stream. 44 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. METCALF CREEK TRAP. Tliis station is located on the shore of Jk»ar Lake. During a season of normal rainfall this trap prodnces a fair number of eggs; but the take for the last two seasons M'as considerably less than in former years, owing to the small amount of water in llie stream as well as to the itlocking up of the mouth of the creek with sand bars. Considerable improvements can be made there to better the conditions at this small auxiliary station. WAWONA HATCHERY. Wawona Hatchery has beto successfully operated during the last two seasons with the same good results as in former years. The total output of this hatchery during tlie biennial period of' 1922-1924 was 389,:i()0 steelhead and 498,200 rainbow trout fry. This station should be main- tained as it is located on a site where it is easy to get the fry to the lakes and streams south and east of the Yosemite Valley. A cabin for the foreman should be built on the hatchery grounds this coming spring so that better protection could be given the plant during the time when the building is closed. Under the present arrangement, the foreman lives in a tent and the accommodations are not very good. KAWEAH HATCHERY. Kaweah Hatchery has been operated for the last five years under a tent and it is time that a permanent building be erected either on the present site or on a site in the Sequoia or General Grant National Parks. The improved roads, constructed since this hatchery site was first selected, cause us to believe that a more favorable site may be found in the Sequoia or General Grant National Parks; and a survey will be made in the near future to determine whether a better site may be selected. If the same can be found, recommendations will be made for the erection of a permanent hatchery in this section. If a new site can not be procured that atfords better opportunities than the present site, we recommend that a permanent building be built on the present site. In the spring of 1923, to accommodate a larger output of fry, ten extra hatching troughs were installed in this hatchery, making twenty in all. This is not large enough to supply the district that is making requests for fish for Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, Tulare County, Tulare River, and lakes in the southern high Sierras. A hatchery with a capacity of at least sixty troughs should be built for this section. The total number of fry distributed from this station was as folloM^s : In 1922, 435,000 ; and in 1923, 440,000. BIOLOGICAL SURVEY OF LAKES AND STREAMS. In an etfort to improve the methods of stocking the barren lakes and streams of the high Sierra range, we recommend that a biological survey of the streams and lakes of the Sierra range be made and plans to stock this entire region be carried out as rapidly as money and fish can be had for this purpose. The region of the high Sierra range contains many thousands of lakes and streams that are barren of fish life. This region should be stocked with species of fish best adapted to the physical con- ditions of the streams and lakes as regards temperature, altitude and aquatic insect life. Many of the higher lakes of this region, particu- TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 45 larly the smaller ones, are residual glacial basins; and such should be stocked with a certain number of fry each season so that the people who are fishing these lakes will not have to depend on natural propagation, which is not feasible in some lakes as there are no tributary streams in which the fish may spawTi, or springs welling up through the gravel near the shores in water not too deep for the fish to spawn. *To determine the different species of trout best adapted to each individual lake, a biological survey should be made by some person specially trained for this kind of work. The introduction of fish in these lakes without any scientific checking up of the pliysical conditions to determine the species best adapted to each lake would, in many instances, be a waste of time and money. After a survey of the physical conditions of these lakes is made, proper aquatic plants and insects should be introduced to improve the food supply for whatever species of trout is best adapted to each lake or stream wliere natural food is found to be lacking. The planting of trout fry in barren waters should be done under a system based upon a scien- tific survey of conditions necessary to get the best results when the fry are introduced. The planting of adnlt fish in small numbers in these lakes is not the best method of introducing fishes into barren waters. As said before, a great many of these lakes do not have proper spawning- grounds for the species to be introduced, and, where such conditions exist, fry should be planted in sufficient numbers to insure fishing within a short period of time after the fish are introduced. Whenever, upon examination, it is found that the lakes do not contain proper spawning grounds, a certain number of fry should be introduced annually, or at least every couple of years, to maintain the supply in these lakes, depending on the number of anglers who visit these lakes each season. An experienced fish planter, with a well equipped pack train, should have charge of the planting of fishes in these lakes after the biological survey is made. This would not entail a very great expense and many hundreds of now^ barren lakes could be made to furnish good fishing to those who care to enter the high Sierra range for their summer outings, as the rivers and lakes in the lower altitudes are being fished so exces- sively by the ever increasing population of this state, and, with the advent of the automobile, it becomes necessary to stock these barren lakes to meet the demand made upon our waters by the angling public. Therefore, we recommend that this work be taken up and continued until all of the accessible lakes and streams are stocked. This work should be done under the auspices of the Fish and Game Commission and carried on systematically until all of the barren lakes and streams are stocked with species of trout adapted to the conditions best suited for their development. Some of these lakes may allow the successful introduction of the Montana grayling. "When this survey is completed, recommendations will be made to the board regarding the species that will thrive best in each lake or stream. 46 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. SCREEN SURVEYS AND INSPECTIONS OF POLLUTION OF INLAND WATERS. DuriiiLi' tlic last 1 wo vt'ars .surveys ol' screens and lisliways, ajul inspec- tions of the same, have been carried on the same as in former years. Two Imndi-ed fifty-three inspections of screens have been made and instructions ^j^iven to the owners to repair, improve, or reinstall the same, where they have been removed from the ditches. One liundred forty-tw^o surveys were made for screens, 82 being for new screens and 60 being resurveys where the time had elapsed for the installation of the screens and same had not been installed. Forty-one large rotary screen wlieels were installed during the past year. The screen surveyor has investigated a great many plans for the impounding of sawdust and mineral refuse in many places throughout the state. In nearly every case where the streams have been polluted by persons, the nuisance was abated as soon as their attention was called to the law. A number of the larger corporations have not complied with the screen law^, and these cases are not in the hands of our legal department for court action. It is recommended that these cases be pushed to a speedy termination, as it is very important that all canals, ditches, and pipe lines, taking w'ater from rivers or streams where fish have been planted or may exist, should be screened at as early a date as possible. The legal department should be given every assistance that our funds will allow in prosecuting offenders who will not cooperate with the Commission in installing properly designed screens. A number of the larger corporations feel that they do not have to abide by the law, claiming that the cost of the construction of the screens is of a great deal more importance than the fish destroyed by passing through their canals into irrigated areas and through power wheels. The honorable C. J. Luttrell, of the superior court of Siskiyou County, issued an injunction against the Parker Cattle Company for not installing screens in accordance with the plans submitted by this department. As soon as the injunction was issued, the company got busy and installed the proper type of screen. This action of the superior court of Siskiyou County is highly commended and should be followed in other cases pending throughout the state, as the action of Judge Luttrell in issuing this injunction has established the fact that those diverting water from rivers and streams must comply with the law and thus preserve the fish life. In most instances this can be easily done at a nominal expense. FISHWAYS. Our fishway survey and inspection service has been actively engaged during the last two years in inspecting fishways and making sur\^eys wdiere deemed necessary for the installation of new fishways. Plans for a number of new fishw^ays have been served on different companies and individuals ow'ning and occupying dams, rivers, and streams, who have not complied wdth the law.- These, also, have been referred to our legal department and court action will be necessary in a number of cases to force the owners to comply with the regulations. The same is true of a number of fishw^ays in different parts of the state that have been built for a number of years; but, which, during periods of low water, such as has prevailed during the season of 1924, have not functioned. TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 47 A great many owners of water rights have refused to allow any water to pass through the fishways, closing thoni entirely in defiance of the law whicli provides that sufficient water must be allowed to pass through fishways at all times to keep in good condition any fish life thut may exist below the dam, and that during the minimum flow of water in any river or stream sufficient water nmst ))e allowed to pass each dam, culvert, or waste gate to maintain fish life. This provision of the law has been disregarded by a great many persons and corporations who do not consider that the fish destroyed are equal in value to the value of the water for other purposes. Such a small amount of water is neces- sary to maintain fish life below these dams that this law should be enforced strictly. If the provisions of this law are not drastic enough to compel persons who are diverting water from our rivers and streams to allow sufficient water to remain in the beds of the streams to maintain fish life, the law should be amended by the next legislature so as to maintain fisli life. This is only fair to the people who are interested in the preservation of fish and enjoy the fishing that these streams afford. RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING WATER LAW. We have asked in several of our former reports for the cooperation of the Division of Water Rights, formerly the Water Commission, in' not granting an appropriation of water from any stream unless a sufficient amount is allowed to remain to maintain fish life during the minimum flow. But these recommendations have been disregarded ; and whether the Division of Water Rights is compelled to give all of the water to those asking for it in defiance of the rights of the people who have a right to the natural resources of this state, its fish and fishing waters, is not for this department to say. However, we respectfully recommend that some action be taken by our state legislature to investi- gate these conditions ; and if, in their wisdom, they agree with our idea that sufficient water should be allowed to remain in the bed of every stream to maintain fish life during the minimum flow, and if the present laws are not stringent enough to meet the situation, laws should be enacted that will preserve to the people at least a small portion of the water flow that formerly existed in our streams, so that the fishing in many districts will not be entirely destroyed. If the rights of the people are to be protected, action must be taken by the legislature to make the penalties for the violation of laws pertaining to fishing and minimum flow of streams more drastic. In no instance, in our opinion, is it necessary to divert the entire flow of any stream, thereby causing the destruction of fish life below the diverting point. If a small amount of water is allowed to pass each dam it will maintain fish life during the period of minimum flow and fish could be kept alive until the period of normal flow. The greed of water users is well known; and they do not regard the rights of any other persons or those who have an interest in fishing. A number of our lakes have been tapped and the water drawn below the natural level of the lake to such an extent that the fishing interests have been greatly interfered with. Consequently it is also recommended that a law be passed preventing the tapping of any natural lake below its outlet. If it is necessary to take a greater amount of water from any lake than the regular discharge of the lake through its outlet 48 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. dams can be constructed jiml llie water level raised to impound the surj^lus water. This practire of tnppin^ the mountain hikes to increase the fh)W in the ouih't streams for power and olhei- pui'j)oses will soon cause <'niisi(l('i;ilili' (hniuiuc to our fisliini>- streams. Those who are capitalizing- the waiter for power can well jitl'oi-d to construct dams to raise tlie water, if it becomes necessary to hohl back a surplus supply for the low water period, inytead of tfii)ping the lakes and thus causing damage to our fish life. Many other recommendations could be made on the subject of the preservation of tlie fish for iidand waters; but, until sonu- action is taken to regulate those who are taking water from our streams, we do not deem it advisable to make any new recommendations regarding the conditions that are detrimental to the lakes and streams of our state containing fish life. Respectfully submitted. W. H. Shebley, In charge Department of Fish Culture. REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES. The Honorable Board of Fish and Game Commissioners of the State of Calif or)iia. Sirs: In our last biennial report we told of the decline in the volume of California's fisheries products during the years 1920 and 1921 after a phenomenal growth of our fisheries which reached its peak in the year 1919. The most rapid growth was in our sardine fisheries, located at Monterey, San Pedro and San Diego, and the main stinnilus was the export demand caused by the Great War. In 1919 the sardine catch in California exceeded 150,000,000 pounds, nearly all of which was put into pound oval cans, the great bulk being for export. With the slump in prices in 1920 coupled with the collapse of foreign exchange most of our sardine canners were soon in distress. There was an overproduction of canned sardines in this country and foreign countries could not pay a price which would give our canners a profit. It so happened there was a good demand for fish meal and fish oil — the by-products of the sardine canning industry — and that more of a profit could be made by using the sardines for reduction purposes than by putting them in cans for food. As practically every fish cannery in this state has a reduction plant for handling the fish offal from the canning operations, the canners w^ere naturally anxious to run these reduction plants to capacity. The so-called Fish Conservation Act passed in 1919 prohibited the waste of fish or the use of any food except fish oft'al for reduction purposes without first obtaining written permission from the Fish and Game Commission. In the prosecution of the sardine canning industry there is an unavoidable waste of fish, such as broken and soft fish or fish too large or too small to pack properly. The fishermeii frequently make over catches which it is impossible to avoid. The written permits to be issued by the Fish and Game Commission as provided in the law, were intended to cover these unavoidable contingencies. TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 49 The difficulty was in determining: what was unavoidable waste, ^spe- eially in the ease of soft, broken and otf-sized fish discarded by the tish cleaners in selecting the fish for canning. It was a comparatively easy matter for a canner to tliscard half of the catch in this manner to his own great advantage and it was difficult to prove it constituted unnecessary waste. If a canner could make a sufficient profit on his reduction or by-products plant, he was able to cut down the price of his canned sardines to a point Avhere they could be sold for export and thus he could find an outlet for the surplus production. The Fish and Game Commission whose duty it was to enforce the Fish Conservation Act had great trouble in doing so for the reason that the law did not adequately cover the emergencies which arose. It seemed desirable that the sardine canners be permitted to use a larger percentage of the catch in their by-product plants where the profit lay, in order that they might be able to dispose of their surplus canned goods at a low price in foreign markets, and thus be able to weather the storm until foreign countries could pay more, or until a better home market could be develoi)ed. With this in mind, the canners and the Fish and Game Commission got together and had the act amended in the 1921 legislature. It was then provided in the act that the canners, if they wished to use food fish for reduction purposes, could make application to the Fish and Game Commission whereupon the Commission must hold a hearing for the taking of testimony and if it was shown that there was no other market for the fish and that using them in a reduction plant would not tend to dei)lete the supply, the commission could give permission to use an amount of fish for reduction purposes, of not to exceed 25 per cent of the capacities of the plants making application. Beginning with the fall season of 1921 the Fish and Game Commission has, under the amended act, given the sardine canners a definite percentage of the catch for reduction purposes, the percentage to cover everything not used for canning except the fish offal. Experience has proved that the amended act is no easier of enforcement than the old act. Even with an efficient corps of inspectors to watch the different canning plants it has been impossible to satisfy the law-abiding ones that unscrupulous canners are not getting an advantage over them for the competition is exceedingly keen not only between individual canners but between the different sardine canning districts. If a canner quotes a lower price than the others, it is believed by those who are unable to meet this low price that he could not do it unless he was using more fish in his reduction plant than the rules allowed. There are too many ways in which the Commission's order, fixing the percentage which can be used for reduction purposes, can be avoided. In case of a violation of the order of the Commission, it takes too long to stop the offender. The Fish Conservation Act should be redrawn and the hearings before the Commission eliminated. The amount of fish which it is legitimate to use for reduction purposes in the process of canning can be definitely fixed in the law. A violation of the law should be a high misdemeanor and the goods manufactured in violation of the law should be subject to seizure by the state. 4 — 34744 50 PI8II AND <;\MK COMMISSION. There is iii> (lonht liiit tii.ii till' pi-esciil law »ivink in . Third year Feb . 1921, age 2 years Length 13^ in . Second year . Liberated Nov . Klamath River . Length 2|- First year . 1919 in in Hatched Feb . 1919 . Eggs taken Nov . 1918 from the Sacramento River . Pig. 11. Photomicrograph of a scale of a king salmon of the 1919 marking experi- ment indicating age and rate of growth. Photograph by J. O. Snyder. THE COLLECTION OF STATISTICS. The statistics collected by the Commission are for the purpose of detecting overfishing in case it occurs, and for the study of the great natural changes which occur in the abundance of the fish. It is, perhaps, not generally known and appreciated that fishery statistics in general are very defective, so much so, indeed, that it seems futile to 54 FISH AND (iAMr: COMMISSION. evon attempt to use tlioiii in discussiiii: tlic condition imd the liability to overfishiiitj of such ori-cal tislicrics as those for the sardine or herrintr. This is all the more trne in that until recently no data have been collected to throw litifht ui)on those a^reat natural chaniies which confuse all present attempts to detect ovei-tishing in such species as the sardine. To emi)hasize this fact we give the vimvs of one of the greatest French authorities, Louis Fage, on the sardine, an opinion which may. in greater or less degree be held ti'ue of almost all great fisheries. As Fage remarks, the available woi-k on the sardine indicates that while the insufficiency of our knowledge of the sardine is due in large part to the lack of method and correlation in research, it is also due to the lack of available records as to the course of the fisheries and the tiuctuatiotis in their returns. Many of the <|uestions which arise must be solved solely by statistics, which must be well made and comparable; and, as he says emphatically, it is astonishing to note the insufficiency of statistics for such a great fishery. Those of France have had their basis changed thrice, those of Portugal are based on sale prices, those of Spain and Italy are nonexistent, while the statistics in England, although good, are very recent. He enumerates the facts which should be included in these records, and are not, such as the monthly landings, the dates of appearance, the average sizes, etc., and ends with a statement the truth of which must be recognized, "La statisticjue biolo(iue de la peche, telle (jue Hjort (1914) I'a definie, devra s'imposer, tot on tard, a tons les pays soueieux d 'exploiter ration- nellement leurs mers"'.* (Biological statistics of the fisheries, such as Hjort has defined, must be collected sooner or later by all the countries desirous of exploiting their seas rationally.) The statistics which the Commission is collecting are of the nature reciuired for the following of the actual catch as it shows the abundance of fish, and for the study of the natural changes occurring. They are therefore of two kinds, of e(|ual importance. One kind deals with the amount of the catch, giving not merely the grand total, but also the catch per boat, with the species, place of landing, etc., and can be compiled day by day if desired. This type of data is that which is mentioned in the above ([notation as so lacking in the sardine fisheries. The California statistics of this kind are gathered by means of the carbon duplicates of fishermen's receipts for fish delivered to the dealers or canners. This system is described in greater detail in a previous biennial report. (Biennial Report of the California Fish and Game Commission, 1918-1920, pp. 56-58.) It is cared for by assistants of the Commission in San Diego, San Pedro, Monterey and San Francisco. This year has seen the statistics for the fifth successive year correctly filed and deposited in the Stafe Fisheries Laboratory for safe-keeping. The records are filed by the name of the individual boat, year by year, and it is possible from them to trace the size of the daily catches for any species at any time. The total take by locality has been regularly reported every three months in the quarterly publication, California Fish and Game, by an assistant devoting his time to such work. ^lore detailed statistics are being at present compiled for the albacore fishery by two assistants engaged under a co-operative agree- •Danish Oceanographical Expedition, Clupeidcc, 1920. TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 55 ment with the Bureau of Fisheries. These statistics are, we believe, very accurate, more so than those collected by any other government, and should be of especial worth as giving the individual catch per boat, upon which any real comparison of abundance in successive years must be based. This system, being unique, and original, has had its troubles in getting started, there being no precedents to guide in the collection and filing of tlie "pink tickets" as the dui)licate receipts are termed. Ther-e is at present, however, no doubt l)ut that this system is now in full working order. As has been found in Europe by bitter experience, these data as to the catch per boat must be interpreted in the light of the nature of the boats and their eciuipineut. Any cluuige in the catching power of a boat necessarily conditions the comparison of its catches from year to year. Therefore, change in gear employed must be carefully watched. With this end in view the Commission has, in accordance with a law providing for it, re(iuir('(l the registration each year of tlie boats and their gear. Necessarily incomplete at the start, each year has seen the list of boats registered more complete, as th(\v have returned to fishing or as new boats have been put into use. This forms a natural eom- l)lcuient to the reeoi'ds of catches landed, and is indispensable. From these records of catches and of boats used, there are incidentally compiled the usual form of statistics as to total catch by periods and by localities, as well as by species. The obtaining of such totals is, it is pointed out, entirely incidental and does not serve the primary purpose of the work, the furthering of our knowledge of the abundance of the various species concerned. It does, however, provide a measure of the commercial importance of the industry, and is of interest to the public. Sueli statistics have been issued by the Commission, as noted above, for each (piarter of the year. The second type of statistics are in Kuro])e termed "biological sta- tistics." These are taken by means of samples of the catch, and show the varijing (0))ii>()sili(/)i of fhr saitu in recjard to sex, size, etc. They are indispensable in understanding the great natural fluctuations which occur, for those great fluctuations are characterized, and indeed consist of, changes in the internal composition of the catch. Examples of their great usefulness are found in such fisheries as the herring and salmon. These statistics are at present being gathered in two great fisheries, that for the sardine and that for the albacore, by the State Fisheries Laboratory, and the results are being properly organized for use by the assistants engaged. It is regrettable that such biological statistics have been collected for but two fisheries, but the time and thought necessary to organize the proper methods have been too much to permit of branching into more fields. Now, however, that the possibilities and necessities of these two cases are well known and can be embodied in a formal routine, it may be possible to enlarge the scope. It is, however, necessary in each case to carefully survey the data obtainable and to carry research far enough to decide upon what the main changes to be expected are. It is also necessary to decide what amount of sampling will correctly define the characteristics of the catch which must be followed during their changes. 56 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. It must be rciuoinhcrcd that i)uttiiii,^ these systems into actual practice is no moan achievement. Adequate statistics of this sort have been so rarely attempted that the principles and organization necessary have had to be discovered hy experience, as will be particu- larly shown in the forthcoming report upon the sardine. We are sure, as a result of this work, that the administration of our fisheries in California is upon the best and most modern basis possible. And althouerh the results of this may not at their inception be spec- tacular, they will and are proving themselves the indispensable, solid basis which is at present so entirely lacking for European fisheries. The collection of biological statistics (the second type) is a function of the State Fisheries Laboratory. A report on its work in connection with these and upon biological questions follows, dealing, however, only with the accomplishment of the first stage in the digestion and analysis of the accumulated data. The collection of these statistics as a whole must proceed as routine duties. They have been regularly performed, and results will follow from them in due time. Respectfully sul)mitted. N. B. SCOFIELD, III charge Commercial Fisheries. REPORT OF THE STATE FISHERIES LABORATORY. PERSONNEL. Since the submission of the last report very great changes in the per- sonnel of the laboratory have occurred. The consideration of these changes will indicate certain alterations which necessarily have to be made in program and in organization in order that the work will con- tinue and be fruitful; and it will explain certain limitations which have been put upon the work. Upon the employment of ^Iv. AV. F. Thompson to direct the scientific work in southern California, it was necessary to obtain and train assistants, since none already trained were obtainable. Mr. Elmer Higgins, Mr. W. L. Scofield, Mr. 0. E. Sette, Mr. Harlan B. Holmes, Miss Frances N. Clark, and Dr. Tage Skogsberg, comprised the staff of the State Fisheries Laboratory at the time of the last biennial report. All of these had received their training in fisheries and statistical work in the State Fisheries Laboratory, and they had at that time reached a stage in their training which promised well for the future. All of these assistants, with the exception of Mr. W. L. Scofield, have, however, now left the Commission, either for the service of the Federal Bureau of Fisheries or for work at universities. It ha.s become very apparent that the retention of these assistants when fully trained will require a higher standard of salary and greater provision for permanency of employment than at present offers, since there is very obviously a shortage of such men in the United States. It has been realized that the training of these men has been an accomplishment which can not fail to be of importance to the progress TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 57 of fishery science, and it has at the same time been found that the work finished during the period of training has been of high order. It can not be expected that reports of scientific work accomplished can be pro- duced readily by men who have never before done original research, but what is produced ranks high in freshness of viewpoint and thoroughness of treatment. There need therefore be no regrets for the time and effort spent in training these assistants, and there has been no hesitation in starting the training of a new group. It must at the same time be realized that such a process can not go on indefinitely. The direction of such work becomes a difficult task, and will become increasingly so, since it is well-nigh impossible for the director to specialize in all of the several lines to the necessary extent. Sooner or later mature investigators must be retained to make at least a working nucleus. It is necessary for a competent fisheries investigator to be trained in a highly technical way. He must have instruction and drill in the classification and anatomy of fishes, in the methods of determining age, growth, spawning habits, and in the collection of data and in its handling according to modern statistical methods. In addition he must be widely read and well informed in the fisheries work of foreign countries, and in knowledge of distribution of life within the ocean. To this end considerable time must be expended l)y eacli assistant along these several lines, as their relation to the problem upon which he is engaged becomes apparent. There have now been appointned as new members of the staff I\lr. Harold II. Greene, Mr. W. A. Selle, and IMiss Ruth R. Miller, who, with iNIr. Thompson and Mr. W. L. Scofield (resident at Monterey), make up the present staff. In addition there have been appointed two assistants under a cooper- ative agreement with the Federal Bureau of Fisheries. The text of this agreement is incorporated in the following letter: April 22, lf>24. Mr. Will F. Thompson, State Fisheries Laboratory, East San Pedro, California. My dear Mr. Thompson : The suggestion has recentb' been made that the Bureau of Fisheries might well cooperate with the California Fish and Game Oommi.ssion in the work which you are doing. We are interested in doing this for two reasons : First, in order to aid in the important investigations of the sardines and tuna which you are making ; and second, in order to provide an opportunity for more young men to be trained under your supervision. I appreciate very keenly the good work which you are doing and especially the remarkable success which you have had in interesting younger workers in fisherj- investigations and in giving them a broader viewpoint of fishery matters and a knowledge of, and experience with, the best methods for attacking the complicated problems involved in work of this character. As you well know, it is, at the present time, extremely difficult to get men properly trained in fishery investigation or men capable of collecting and studying fishery statistics. It is proposed that we reserve out of our allotments for the fiscal year of 192.5 (July 1, 1924, to June .30, 192.5) a fund of .$2,0()0 to be expended in the employment of two men to work under your supervision. One thousand dollars of this is 'to be allotted from the appropriation of Scientific Inquiry and is to go toward paying the salary of a man to work on an investigation of the fisheries of California. Another .$1,000 is to be allotted from the appropriation of the Division of Fishery Industries and is to go toward paying the salary of a man to work on the statistics of the fisheries of California. The California Fish and Game Commission may pay as 58 FI8H AND (JAME COMMISSION. iniK-h nioiv in the way of salary to tlu'sp ni«'n as it desires. Tlie selection of men will be left to you. hut it is su^^jjested that they he either college graduates or men in their senior year: and preferably men who will be interested in engaKiusr i)er- manently in fishery work. If you are unable to secure comix'tent ones we will try ro find men on the east coast who are capable. It may also be possible for us to s>'ud out one of the men ftn our rejnilar staff who can profit by the traininjr you may be able to .^ive. There is to be nc restriction, so far as the Hureau of Fisheries is concerned, upon the activities of these men — both are to work as you may direct. The only thinjr we ask is that whenever the position.s in the Bureau are made a\ailai)le they shall feel free, so far as the California ('ommission and yourself are concerned, to accept. A copy of this letter is being sent to Mr. Scofield and if the proposed plan meets with his approval and yours, the necessary funds will be reserved and will be available for use after the first of next July. If the plan works successfully it is our desire to continue it during future years. ^'l'rv sincerely yours. (Signed) IIexry O'M.^lley, Commissioner. There is no short cut to knowledge or to the accomplishment of research, which is the extension of the hoiindaries of knowledge. The director has therefore at the present time found himself not merely responsible for his own research, but for those of his assistants as well. It is fortunate indeed that students of high enough caliber can be secured to render this course feasible. ASSIGNMENT OF PERSONNEL. The work done during the pa^st two years has been moulded to a very appreciable extent by these changes in the staff. Previous to the departure of the assistants who have left our service, every endeavor was made to bring their work to the point of publication. This was in itself a rather difficult matter, as anyone familiar with the vicissitudes of research will recognize. The net result was a temporary concentra- tion of attention upon the sardine reports, since the resigning assistants were engaged thereupon, but the field work was not neglected and the continuity of our records of the fishery has not suffered. The pul^lica- tion of the work on the albacore has. however, been badly delayed. Now that the sardine work has been brought to the completion of the first publication, the available new assistants have been concentrated upon the albacore data, leaving two to carry on the sardine field work at Monterey and San Pedro. Whether the analysis of the albacore catch can be completed in time to be of use this coming session of the legislature remain.s to be seen. Xo effort will be spared. SARDINE WORK. The stage of the sardine work has now been completed and the reports thereon are now at hand for printing. The significance of what has been found needs to be emphasized and clearly explained, because it points the way to the future of the work and indicates certain possi- liilities in regard to tlie future of the industries dependent upon the sardine. The stated purposes of the investigations have been fully outlined in previous Biennial Reports, in Fish Bulletin No. 2 and in Fish and Game, Vol. 6, pages 10-12. 32. 83, 180-182. They include: (1) The detection of depletion; (2) the discovery of whatever great natural flue- TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 59 tOOOibs 300OUH lOCOibi 'V A A \* A /fvs /\> r\ r\. / ^ J! 1 v.^ 1 1 A A C- r t v./ \ ^ ' A V V 60° i5° 50' Co/th e^ oibo^ore Jufy 24 to Ochib^r f2 J$/S oon^parm) the foretelling of these fluetnation.s ; (4j the analysis of whatever migrations occur, in order that the interdependence of fish of different regions may ])e known, and (5) the foundation of measures for protection in case dei)letion should occur. Of these purposes, the second, although naturally not of greater importance, must precede all the others. It would he impossible to detect depletion, were the natural changes unknown; antl, as is made very clear in the law under which we work and in our published papers, the conservation of our fisheries must be set above all else. The thorough understanding of the natural changes leads to their foretelling and to the as.sigTinient of the proper causes for instances of decline in abundance.! The analysis of the migrations is necessary primarily in Fig. 13. Comparison of the amount of barracuda, white sea bass, and yellow- tail caught by purse seiners and that taken by other boats. Black : Weekly landings by purse seiners at San Pedro, 1922. White: Weekly landings by other boats at San Pedro, 1922. order that the extent of the effect of overfishing or of natural over- abundance in a given locality upon other localities, may be .determined. It is nevertheless true that the discovery and correct definition of the great natural fluctuations in abundance is an end in itself. Thev mast (JO FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. be of ^roat economic importance to the trade. })ecanse upon them depends the success or failure of the fishing, and their assignment to natural causes must be an insurance against rash and ill-advised restrictive legislation. Tu these fii"st rejiorts upou the sardine it lias been sought to aceurately indicate the actual changes which occur, regardless of traditional l)e]iefs regarding the species, and it has been sought to emphasize the fact that the present work is part of a permanent program ; that not only does conservation of marine fishes require the eternal vigilance of a well- handled statistical system, but that the understanding or foretelling of natural changes requires continuous study. SCOPE OF THE REPORTS. It must be understood before the tindings of the work are presented, that a rigid adherence to a practical end was insisted upon from each of the assistants. This, the understanding of the commercial catch, necessitated first of all the accurate portrayal of that catch as it actually existed. It was realized that a theory is of no use if the thing it is supposed to explain does not exist, and that a secure basis of fact must exist for any theory. Therefore, instead of presupposing a com- plex of migrations and miscellaneous phenomena to which almost any- thing could be assigned, and which fishermen's theories and observa- tions should be regarded as proving, it was sought to impartially and rigidly record the facts of the run of fish. Our reports are, therefore, not attempts to explain phenomena which we merely suppose to exist, but they are records of what phenomena actually do appear. The first and most natural step in such a rigidly scientific procedure, was to find out how extensive our records ^uust l)e to show the tenden- cies we desired to anah^ze. The only feasible way to accomplish this was to make sure that we had determined these tendencies as nearly as might be, by securing an excess of records. Then, by breaking these into independent series and comparing them, the degree of divergence one from the other would indicate to what extent the catch was dis- torted by reducing the extent of the record. Were two entirely inde- pendent series of samples of the catch similar in what they showed, then the inference is fair that what they indicated must be the truth. This is the phase of the problem dealt with by Mr. Sette. Mr. Sette has shown that to obtain a picture of the year's catch which is sufficiently correct to use, it is necessary to sample the commercial catch twice a week. He has sho^^^l that systems of sampling used by other investigators upon the herring would be entirely inadequate in the case of the sardine. In coming to this conclusion he was not aided by any analysis of their own methods made by these investigators and we believe that our anlaysis of what is necessary is one of the first to be made for any great fishery. Upon this basis of what we knew was necessary, the remaining reports are made by Mr. Elmer Iliggins. Mr. W. L. Scofield and Mr. W. F. Thompson. They constitute a presentation of the commercial catch as a rigid system of sampling shows it. Mr. Higgins and IMr. Scofield show that there is a well-marked change in the catch from year to year and that the abundantly represented sizes shift in a consistent way from year to year. This change is due TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 61 to the incoming of al)un(lant groups of sizes, which then from year to year increase in length until lost in the mass of larger fish. They furthermore show that there may be periods several years in length during which the spawning is relatively unsuccessful. They can not, however, follow the progress of these groups above twenty-two centimeters. Their data show the passage of but one of these periods of poor spawning, and there is no ground as yet for assuming any definite regularity in the appearance of this phenomenon of dominant and sup- pressed groups. On the contrary it is expected that these periods of nonsuccess in spawning will vary greatly in length, and that at any time there may ensue periods of such length as to, for the time being, practically sweep out of existence the sardine fishery — for the smaller sizes at least. This same thing has happened in European herring fisheries. The advantage to the canners of keeping their product diversified should be plain. of pounc/s 200 Fig. 14. Amount of sardines in total California catch, 1915-1923. It was also attempted by ]\Ir. Higgins to correlate the sizes of sardines taken with the numbers of fish packed in the pound oval cans. He reports that the changes observed in the catch by our sampling methods are reflected in the pack of the canners. It is therefore possible to prophesy the take. A tentative effort at prophesying the catch during the season 1923-1924 was successful at San Pedro. There is nothing at all remarkable in this, considering the firm basis upon which our records are founded, and it is the conviction of the staff that we may look forward with assurance to the time when very definite and valuable forecasts can be given the canners. It is, however, felt that considerable caution is yet necessary in the use of this possibility. 62 FIi>ll AM) CAMI-; COMMISSION. An cxaininntio?! of 1li(> data from S;m Pcdio by Mr. Thoiii|)soii led to a ri'[>or1 u])oii tln' cxtt'iit 1(i wiiirli 1lic clijinv.cs could l)c followed. Tlic net result \v;is to show tii.-it there is a certain independence between the lishcries foi' lai-ue and for small fish. 'J'his leaves it doubtful whether a class whicli was dominant durinu- ]iassase of sardines for fertilizer should be emphatically condemned, and a more conservative growth of the fishery awaited. Were we considering the use of the water in a great river, would it be wise to recklessly disregard all the industries which inight be dependent upon the uuinteri'upted continuance of its flow? Would it not be wiser to use the water only when its use was clearly more valuable than the industries dependent upon it? And in the meantime, the need to develop our technique of detection of overfishing can not be too emphatically stated. No other agency than the state government is in a position so to do, and no government has as yet succeeded in developing such technique, or indeed, made any thorough attempt at it. The program of investigation of the sardine has, however, indicated that the prophesying of the commercial catch a short period in advance is possible and feasible and there is every prospect that further study will refine and perfect our methods. This is indeed fortunate, as hope of detecting overfishing in the future depends upon the thorough analysis of the catch, an object that is justified by its practical results alone. This analysis of the catch will accomplish another important end, namely, the clear understanding of the cases in which success in spawn- ing is lacking for a number of years, causing fish to become scarce, and bringing into existence an urgent popular demand for radical restric- tion of the fishery. In such cases it is going to be possible to show that the older fish are not particularly affected by the particular cause of the scarcity, and it should be possible to prophesy the restoration of the fishery in time to avoid undue restriction. In conclusion, the net results of the sardine investigations are that the present progi'am is correct in the main but that more careful atten- tion must be given to the statistics of catch and to the recording of method. It is going to be possible to foretell the catch, although detec- tion of overfishing is shown to be further removed. THE ALBACORE INVESTIGATION. During the past two seasons observations have been made upon the albacore runs, as usual. The results from these have been filed away, but are now being subjected to analysis since the completion of the sardine work has allowed the concentration of the assistants upon the data. The report upon the albacore, which has been for some time in TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 65 the final stages, has not been completed for publication, and it is not, at present writing, known how soon the writer can resume work upon it. The material has collected faster than analysis can be made by the much- interrupted labors of a single investigator, the more so as at times he has lacked assistance of any kind. It is possible, however, to give a resume of the results of the work, which are of very considerable interest, especially when compared to those of the sardine. In common with all investigations carried on by the Fish and Game Conunission, the primary purpose of the work is to watch carefully for evidences of depletion from overfishing. Of this there have to date been found no good evidences in the albacore fishery, despite the decline in catch. In view of this, the writer is not read}^ to recommend restric- tive legislation which might aggravate a scarcity very probably due to the habits of the fish. The great clumges visil)le in the albacore catch and the distribution of the fishing grounds cannot well be assigned to overfishing on the basis of our present knowledge. The abrupt cessation in 1923 of the fishing in the more northerly of the frequented grounds is not at all character- istic of overfishing, if the history of other fisheries can be taken as any criterion. Nor is it consistent therewith that the fishing near San Diego should be unusually successful at the same time. Fiirthemiore, the decline to the north has been a failure to take fish fi'om what schools were present, whereas were overfishing and depletion the cause there should be every reason to expect occasional good catches from small schools. Unless these phenomena, upon investigation and analysis by means of our statistical records, prove to have other meanings than they apparently have, there is need for caution in coming to a conclu- sion. Overfishing may nevertheless be taking place, despite this great vari- ability. Developments in fishery science have served to indicate how complex the factors may be which govern the abundance of fish, and have rendered it questionable whether overfishing can always be dis- tinguished from great natural fluctuations. It would therefore be advisable to conserve the species in so far as possible until our knowledge of basic principles of fishery science can be more clearly applied. On the one hand, our work has indicated to us that tlie variability in the runs of albacore, just as in the runs of sardines, must delay recognition of overfishing and must throw increased emphasis upon the necessity for correct and thorough statistics of the catch. Our "pink ticket" system must become the foundation stone for our biological analysis. But, on the other hand, the possibility of detecting overfishing is heightened by the relative lack of variability in the numerical strength of incoming age classes, since some clue may very probably be obtained to the length of life. Analysis is proceeding along this line. The task is a considerable one, but providing there is a lessening in the propor- tion of mature taken, accompanying a decline in the catch, as shown by our ' ' pink tickets, ' ' it will be safe to attempt restriction of the fishery, we believe. If this uniformity of incoming year classes continues in evidence despite closer analysis and the records of succeeding years, there will be no opportunity to foretell the catch by those methods so readily applied in the case of the sardine, because of the dominance of certain age groups and the suppression of others in that species. 5—34744 6G FISH AND fiAME COMMISSION. Ill lieu (if fliU'tuatiniis ill catcli due to llic iircsciicc ol" (luiiiiiiant or siii)pressed apre cjroups, tliciv have Iwvw i'oiuid great c-liaiifres due to the sensitiveness of the alhaeore 1o pliysical eonditions. At the present stage of tlie woric, this analysis has been "arricd only so far as to com- pare the different sections of the individual I'uns. It will, however, now be attempted to carry the analysis to a comparison of the annual chaiiear the lower third of this state will license not far from a fifth of a million sport-seekers, each of whom, on a conservative estimate, will put into general circulation through the exercise of this dollar privilege, at least another hundred dollars in transportation, guns, ammunition, fishing-tackle. cami)ing goods, general equipment; patronage of resorts and more beyond mention, totaling perhaps 20 million dollars. Growing interest of other organizations than tlie Fish and Game Commission in wild-life, is another outstanding feature of the past biennium, due no doubt in considerable degree to desire of helping temporarily over a recognized emergency, of which expense an expected increase in sporting license will relieve the various now cooperating counties another year. Such cooperation, where genuine and non- competitive, nor losing sight of legitimate objectives, has been warmly welcomed as adding materially to the enforcement of law. Eventually the Fish and Game Commission expects in southern California to relieve these county cooperating agencies of any expense in fish and game conservation, just as the Supreme Court already has relieved the counties of any responsibility in fish and game regulation by con- sistently deciding that such regulation of hunting and fishing remains the special province and prerogative of the biennial legislatures, thereby lending at least some stability to these restrictions and allowing the sporting public as well as industries allied thereto, the opportunity to 86 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. learn what regulations were to govern them until the next legislative session, at least. Suffice it to say that the ever-inereasiug needs of southern California these last two years have been met as far as we were able, and not as we would liJivi' met them : Iml i-athor. as our controlling limitations required. Prosecution of {X'tty otfriidiTs a;i;;unst the tceluiicalities of tlic hunting and fishing restrictions is of course a necessary part of the day's work in wild-life conservation and must go on, lest the voluntary support of the vast majority in observing the laws they believe in, be prejudiced by seeing too large a proportion of persistent violators escaping the punishment they deserve. For this purpose, an elaborate and expensive patrol organization must be maintained. To the violating class, such constitutes the outstanding activity of the sportsmen's Fish and Game Commi.ssion: but to the vast majority who support the law consistently because they know that without restriction, fish and game speedily would become but a bad memory, real conservation represents bringing all the people to appreciation of what it actually means. The fo.stering and encouragement of sporting resorts open and acces- sible to all the people has played a prominent part in southern division activities during the past two years, it also being truly constructive conservation of a particularly important nature in view of the self- supporting nature of all wild-life work in California. Herein also, the general public has proved a very direct party-at-interest, since what- ever contributes to the outdoor attractiveness of the state can not fail to benefit every business in it. not to mention the inestimable advantages of facilitating healthful outdoor recreation. As one result of such work, we see a steadily-swelling increase in number of hunting and fishing resorts where the average sportsman of moderate means may enjoy himself at reasonable cost. There is a very common tendency amongst promoters to found their propositions upon the cjuite generally exploded theory of exclusiveness, forgetting that volume of business is the surest prospect of lasting profit. The enormous success of our largest resorts has been built upon a broad policy of serving all comers, since the millionaire class naturally is in the minority. Respectfully submitted. E. L. Hedderly, In charge. TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 87 APPENDIX FISH DISTRIBUTION BY COUNTIES, SEASON 1922. Mount Shasta Hatchery. County Rainbow Loch Leven Eastern brook Large lake German brown Salmon Alameda - .- ,.._... .- 76,000 60,000 30,000 216.000 120,000 40,000 50,000 227,000 350,000 17.000 200,000 10,000 52,500 50,000 Alpine .. . 135,000 60,000 125,000 53,000 48,000 Butte - 120,000 425,000 30.000 Calaveras - - . . - . - 258,000 Colufia Del Nort€ 60,000 195,000 170,000 100,000 El Dorado _.._.-- 389,300 590,000 15,000 192,000 139,000 Glenn 10,000 50,000 Kern _ . 158,000 50.000 Lake 60.000 15.000 160,000 75,000 85,000 143,000 227,000 55,000 403,000 202,500 138,000 50,000 80,000 95,000 67,500 338,500 20,000 193,000 65,000 89.500 . 85,000 20,000 385,000 inmn 7.5, 1,1 H. 130.000 33,000 18f),fii,ri 723..5UU 277,500 119,000 72,000 42,500 .-jO.OOO Mariposa -_.._----....-__ 56.000 47,500 65,000 Monterev 25,000 Nevada 160,000 191,500 84,500 5,000 8,000 2,000 10,000 10,000 20.000 197.500 50,000 6,000 Placer 22,000 San Luis Obispo 22,500 388.000 35.000 284,500 4.000 62,500 28,000 150,000 630,000 Shasta 50,000 Sierra . - 108,000 12,311,000 Snnnma 50,000 Trinity _ . -__ - - 57.000 25,000 145,000 Tulare 20,000 205,000 Tiioliimnp Totals 4,438,000 5,319,300 1,890,000 100,000 1,302,500 12,311,000 88 FiPTT Axn r,\:\iT-: commtssiox. FISH DISTRIBUTION BY COUNTIES, SEASON 1922— Continued. Fall Creek Hatchery. County Rainbow Salmon Siskiyou 495,000 3,331,000 Mount Whitney Hatchery. County Fresno Inyo Kern Los Angeles Mariposa Mono Orange Riverside Santa Barbara- San Bernardino San Diego Tulare Ventura Totals Rainbow 16,000 89,000 210,000 195,000 44,500 222,000 52,500 70,000 8,000 11,000 110,000 246.000 187,500 1,461,500 Loch Leven 95.000 40,000 10,000 17,500 25,000 15,000 85,000 15,000 302,500 Steelhead 98,000 70,000 55,500 15,000 35,000 15,000 80,000 5,000 145,000 60,000 157,500 736,000 Eastern brook 40,000 30,000 17,500 10,000 20,000 117.500 Fort Seward Hatchery. County Rainbow Steelhead Large lake Black spotted Cutthroat Salmon Humboldt 294,280 425,000 71,690 146,090 99,690 1,997,430 Ukiah Hatchery. County Rainbow Steelhead Humboldt . 194,500 182,000 6,000 55,000 50,000 Mendocino . 325,000 Sonoma 150,000 Totals 437.500 525,000 Tahoe Hatchery. County Rainbow Steelhead Black spotted Large lake Alpine 75,000 El Dorado 400,000 10,000 565,000 60,000 50,000 45,000 Placer 40,000 405,000 25,000 Sacramento _ .- .. 25,000 Totals 975,000 100,000 480.000 145,000 Tallac Hatchery. County Large lake Black spotted El Dorado . - 270,000 190 000 County — TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. FISH DISTRIBUTION BY COUNTIES, SEASON 1922— Concluded. Domingo Springs Hatchery. Total - - County^ Lassen ^ Clear Creek Hatchery. Plumas -- ...-__ Total - - Mendocino Snow Mountain Station. County- San Bernardino Bear Lake Hatchery. County— North Creek Station. County- San Mat^o Brookdale Hatchery. Total Feather River Hatchery. 89 Rainbow 437,300 75,000 512,300 Rainbow 400,000 25,000 425,000 Steelhead 109,000 Rainbow 1,290,100 Rainbow 750,000 Steelhead 30,000 251,000 578,000 859,000 County Rainbow Steelhead Butte 10,000 348,000 30,000 102,500 Plumas 132,000 100,000 Yuba . 15,000 Totals 490,500 247,000 Wawona Hatchery. County Rainbow Steelhead Mariposa .. .-. .. ..- 298,900 140,300 Kaweah Hatchery. County Rainbow Steelhead Tulare 295,000 140 000 90 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. FISH DISTRIBUTION BY COUNTIES, SEASON 1923. Mount Shasta Hatchery. County Rainbow Loch Levcn Steelhead Eastern brook Large lake German brown Salmon Mackinaw Alameda 20,000 75,000 60,000 187,000 145,000 70,000 40,000 194,000 336,000 40,000 150,000 5,000 10,000 50,000 40,000 130,000 60,000 • Alpine 144,000 , 86,000 135,000 245,000 50,000 38,000 100,000 38,500 92,000 35,000 70,000 238,500 177,000 20,000 80,000 Amador .... . 50,000 Butte Calaveras 155,000 Colusa Del Norte 90,000 40,000 E Dorado 398 500 230,000 50,000 70,000 135,000 182,500 87,000 Fresno nipnn Kern Lake ..- 50,000 60,000 20,000 Lassen 10,000 79,000 25,000 120,000 10,000 85,000 60,000 68,000 10,000 60,000 , Madera 30,000 25,000 50,000 Marin Mariposa 120,000 110,000 50,000 Mendocino.. Modoc . 71,000 352,500 15,000 10,000 415,000 177.000 168,000 27,600 100.000 50.000 40,000 80,000 71,000 60,000 9,000 35,000 10,000 10.000 132,500 35,000 90,000 20,000 50,000 45.000 20,000 10,000 20,000 65,000 7,500 58,000 50,000 50,500 Monterey Mono 20,000 Napa Nevada .. 677,000 232,500 145,000 44,000 114,000 359,000 294.000 148,500 116,000 12,600 Placer Plumas San Benito 40,000 San Luis Obispo 8,000 10,000 10.000 10,000 32,000 47,500 37,500 305,060 San Mateo Santa Barbara 26,000 Santa Clara .. . Santa Cruz. 10,000 287,500 15,000 154,000 Shasta 188,000 25,000 580,050 100,000 4,000 110,000 50,000 220,000 552,000 50,000 Sierra . Siskivou 50 i2,089",000 Solano Sonoma .. 35,000 87 000 70,000 30,000 355,000 Tehama -. 115,000 50,000 30,000 315,000 22,000 60,000 74,000 323,000 Trinity ... Tulare Tuolumne . .. 350,000 10,000 Yolo Totals .... 4,020,500 4,820,050 1,782,000 2,890,050 90,000 1,262,050 12,129,000 80,000 Fall Creek Hatchery. County Rainbow Salmon Siskiyou . _ 305,000 3,550,000 Mount Whitney Hatchery. County Rainbow Loch Leven Steelhead Eastern brook Fresno. . . . . 10,000 216,000 Inyo . .... 171,000 318,000 280,000 113,000 50,000 523,000 10,000 79,000 225,000 20,000 110,000 130,000 110,000 Kern Los Angeles .... 130,000 35,000 Madera Mono ..... 221.000 t 8.000 79.000 52,500 j«. 51,000 S 15,000 i 35,000 12,500 54,000 Orange .... Riverside. 5,000 San Diego .... San Luis Obispo ... _ ... Tulare 90,000 90,000 100,000 15,000 40.000 Ventura Totals 896,500 434,500 1,858,000 209,000 TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 91 FISH FISTRIBUTION BY COUNTIES, SEASON 1923— Continued. Fort Seward Hatchery. County Rainbow Steelhead Cutthroat Salmon Large lake Humboldt - 432,560 190,000 20,000 25,000 1,480,000 435,000 156,260 2,177,120 98.260 Mpndocino Trinity 25.000 Totals 667,560 1,940,000 156.260 2,177,120 98,260 Ukiah Hatchery. County Rainbow Steelhead 20,000 80.000 230,000 315,000 85,000 Sonoma 99,000 186,000 Totals.. 199,000 816,000 County — Mendocino. Snow Mountain Station. Tahoe Hatchery. Steelhead 50,000 County Steelhead Large Lake El Dorado '. 120,000 160,000 30,000 Placer . - . 285,000 40,000 575,000 25,000 Totals 445,000 790,000 Tallac Hatchery. County Steelhead Large lake Alpine .... . . 60 000 ElDorado --- -^ -^ - - -.. _ _ _^_ ^ . . 805,000 495,000 Totals 805,000 555 000 County — Lassen.. Plumas. Shasta. . Totals. County — Lassen.. Plumas - Domingo Springs Hatchery. Clear Creek Hatchery. Rainbow 22,000 451,640 12,000 485,640 Rainbow 350,000 126,905 Total. 476,905 92 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. FISH DISTRIBUTION BY COUNTIES. SEASON 1923— Concluded. Bear Lake Hatchery. County Rainbow Steelhead San Bernardino 1,101,000 80,000 County — San Bcrnardino- North Creek Station. Rainbow 600,000 Wawona Hatchery. County Rainbow Steelhead Mariposa 199,300 249 000 Kaweah Hatchery. County Rainbow Steelhead Tulare 195,000 245,000 County — Santa Clara. Santa Cruz_. Totals. Brookdale Hatchery. Feather River Hatchery. Steelhead 300,000 550,000 850,000 County Rainbow Steelhead Butte - - - 13,000 Plumas - - - - 228,880 98,000 60,000 347,000 190.000 60.000 Totals 386,880 610,000 SUMMARY OF FISH DISTRIBUTION, SEASON 1922-1923 Hatchery Rainbow Loch Leven Steelhead Eastern brook German brown Rear Lake 2,391,100 80,000 1,709,000 CIpar Creek 901,905 997,940 800,000 877,380 961,840 490,000 8,458,500 Fall Creek Fpathpr River 857,000 2,365,000 385,000 1,782,000 805,000 2,594,000 Mount Shasta - - - - '.- 10,139,350 4,780,050 2,564,550 Mnimt Whitnpv 2,358,000 1,350,000 737,000 326,500 North Creek 159.000 545,000 1,341,000 389,300 Tahoe 975,000 636,500 498,200 Ukiah Totals 21,696,365 10,876,350 13,011,300 5,106,550 2,564,550 TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 93 SUMMARY OF FISH DISTRIBUTION , SEASON 1922-1923-Concluded. Hatchery Large Lake Cutthroat Black spotted Mackinaw Salmon Fall Creek - 6,881,000 Fpather Rivpr Fort Seward 169,950 255,950 146,090 4,174,550 - 190,000 825,000 80,000 24,440,000 Mnurif Tall'ip 190,000 North Creek Tahoe 935,000 480,000 Ukiah Totals...- :M1!».950 255,950 816,090 80,000 35,495,550 RECAPITULATION, SEASON 1922-1923. Trout - 56.527,105 ♦Salmon.. 35,495,550 Grand totaL. - .-. - - 92,022,655 •There were 4,041.000 salmon hatched from eggs collected at the Klamathon station during the past winter and spring that will not appear in the stati.stical report until the next biennial report of the Commission. There would have been a great many more salmon eggs taken had not the racks been washed out by the floods. 94 PISII ANn 0.\ME COMMTSSION. LICENSE SALES. HUNTING LICENSE SALES, YEAR 1922-1923. Counties Total sales Citizen Non- resident Alien Declarant alien A lameda $11,802 116 887 4,548 1,123 2,368 3,115 745 1,726 11,100 1,777 5,113 1,400 1,291 7,064 1,853 1,447 2,029 41,928 1,580 2,046 284 3.725 2.702 2,710 307 3,062 2,695 1,229 4,383 2,722 1.322 2,986 6,752 1,130 4,823 8,267 18,453 6,551 2,682 1,842 3.518 6,759 3,256 2.563 209 5.075 2.949 7.786 3,998 833 1,960 981 6,128 1,945 2,906 2,379 2,129 90 $11,347 56 862 4,503 1,123 2.303 2,920 665 1.631 10,845 1,707 4.803 1.400 1,281 6,934 1,843 1,407 1,869 41,223 1,460 2,016 284 3,460 2,537 1,425 147 2.947 2,375 1,094 4,373 2,382 1,252 2,966 6,067 1,030 4,778 8,177 14,993 6,291 2.602 1,707 3,448 6,474 3.011 2.458 209 3,960 2,864 7,096 3,878 823 1,940 961 5,918 1,865 2.906 2.249 2,119 $30 60 $225 $200 Alpine - - Amador _ - - _ 25 25 Butte 20 Calaveras - ... Colusa _ _ _ _ 10 25 175 30 Contra Costa 20 Del Norte - - 80 70 10 50 10 El Dorado 25 175 Fresno. 70 Glenn . ... 20 Humboldt- _ _ _ 150 150 Imperial 10 Kern 50 80 Kings 10 Lake _.- 20 140 100 10 20 Lassen. 20 Los Angeles 475 50 130 Madera . __________ 60 Marin 30 Mem ocino _ . . . - 75 125 25 190 Merced 40 Modoc- - _. 1,260 160 Mono Monterey 75 50 25 40 Napa _ _ . 270 Nevada . 80 30 10 Placer - ^ _ _ _ _ 60 50 10 210 10 20 10 30 100 180 Plumas 20 10 Sacramento _ _ . 275 200 San Benito 90 25 50 1,300 100 50 25 San Diego ___ 30 San Francisco _ 2,130 160 San Luis Obispo 30 San Mateo 110 Santa Barbara 20 50 Santa Clara _ 75 25 25 210 220 Shasta . 10 70 Siskiyou 640 125 25 450 50 350 Solano 60 240 70 10, 20 Trinity 20 Tulare 10 10 200 70 Yolo 10 50 70 Yuba 10 Reno Nevada 90 Total sales ,. $239,149 226,381 $225,264 225,264 $3,310 331 $4,525 181 $6,050 Total number of licenses - _ 605 Citizen, $1; non-resident, $10; declarant alien, $10; alien, $25. TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNL\X, REPORT. HUNTING LICENSE SALES, YEAR 1923-1924. 95 Counties Total sales Citizen Non- resident Alien Declarant alien Alameda . . -... -. $13,140 128 849 5,239 1,038 2,414 3,273 966 1,657 10,469 1,849 5,435 1,138 1.377 6,737 1,674 1,498 2,082 54,047 1.469 1,950 281 3,805 2,639 4,226 255 3,914 2.715 1,215 5,199 2,813 1,456 3,867 9,174 1,224 5,133 8,725 19.370 6,314 2.891 1,956 3,690 7,007 2,320 2,591 268 5,272 3,049 7,802 4,099 887 1,671 968 5,868 1,959 3,044 2,412 2,318 $12,635 78 814 5,114 1,038 2,384 3,188 781 1,572 10,339 1,759 5,000 1,088 1,377 6,587 1,664 1.488 2,022 53,252 1,394 1,930 281 3,665 2,549 1,566 165 3,789 2,385 1,120 5,189 2,493 1,426 3,847 8,164 1,144 5,068 8,640 15,375 6,069 2,731 1,721 3,485 6,712 1,970 2,466 258 4,257 2,999 7,307 3,969 887 1,651 923 5,743 1,874 3,034 2,262 2,298 $30 50 10 $175 $300 Alpine Amador. . ..... 25 75 Butte 50 Calaveras . .. Colusa 10 20 Contra Costa 25 25 25 50 60 Del Norte 150 50 10 90 20 10 El Dorado 10 Fresno .... . .. 70 Glenn Humboldt. . ..'.... 225 50 190 Imperial . . . . Inyo Kern . ... 10 50 90 Kings 10 Lake .... 10 Lassen.. 30 130 30 Los Angeles .. 425 25 240 50 Marin-. 20 Mariposa Mendocino.. .... 140 Merced . . 50 40 Modoc . . 2,640 90 20 Mono . . Monterey . . 75 50 25 50 30 30 250 Nevada . . . 40 Orange 10 Placer 10 10 10 250 100 210 Plumas ... 20 Riverside ... . * 10 400 360 San Benito.. 80 San Bernardino. . . 75 25 1,425 75 100 75 75 125 50 25 10 San Diego- 40 110 20 2,460 170 San Joaquin 10 50 San Mateo.. .... 160 30 100 Santa Clara 170 300 Shasta 30 70 10 Siskiyou ...... 430 175 50 125 50 410 Sonoma. 10 20 360 Stanislaus. 60 Sutter Tehama . 10 10 Trinitv 25 125 25 20 Tulare Tuolumne ... 10 10 10 50 Yolo 50 90 Yuba 20 $260,846 246.299 $244,986 244,986 $4,380 438 $4,550 182 $6 930 Total number of licenses. 693 Citizen, $1; non-resident, $10; declarant alien, $10; alien, $25. 96 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. ANGLING LICENSE SALES. YEAR 1922. (Sporting Fishing). Counties 1 . ',.. sales Citizen Non-resident Alien .Alameda $9,192 389 763 3,907 964 656 1,.522 5.58 2.098 10.765 633 5,128 371 2,778 3,008 1,145 578 1,5.50 31.734 1.203 1.011 315 2,416 1,216 884 782 1,790 1,679 2,014 2,213 2.456 2,036 1,818 8,.534 403 6,407 3,893 16,136 5,519 1,716 775 2,915 5.296 2.774 2.647 559 4,705 2,296 4,846 3,395 348 1,348 617 5,863 2,153 2,892 772 1,311 990 1,056 $8,895 134 757 3,817 964 641 1,498 540 1,963 10,222 606 4,927 371 2,661 2,963 1,088 569 1,436 31,077 1,170 1,011 315 2,371 1,204 866 383 1,775 1,661 1,807 2,201 2,267 1,895 1,755 6,755 400 6,380 3,866 14,816 5,102 1,686 772 2,897 5.248 2,696 2,563 523 4,2.58 2,170 4,726 3,374 333 1,-342 608 5,704 2,042 2,805 745 1,266 $6 240 $291 15 .\lpine .-Vmador 6 81 Butte 9 Calaveras Colusa -_ _ - IS Contra Costa 24 Del Norte 18 51 21 El Dorado 84 Fresno ^ 522 Glenn 27 Humboldt . .... 18 183 Imperial I rivo 66 9 51 Kern ... . .. _ 36 Kings . 57 3 51 162 6 Lassen . ... .... .. ... 63 Los .\ngeles 495 Madera 33 Mariposa Mendocino 45 Merced ... _.... 6 18 333 3 3 81 6 99 48 12 141 6 Mono 66 12 Napa . 15 Nevada _ 126 Orange . . . _.._.. . 6 90 Plumas 93 51 Sacramento .. .. 1,638 3 San Bernardino -_ . ... . 9 6 270 18 21 San Francisco 1,050 417 San Luis Obispo 6 24 San Mateo 3 Santa Barbara. . ... . . 9 3 9 45 Santa Cruz 78 18 12 264 66 Sierra .. ■ 24 Sisliiyou- _ 183 Solano 126 Sonoma 12 6 108 Stani.ilaii.'? 15 Sutter 15 Tehama 3 3 Trinity . . 9 Tulare 15 18 3 3 6 990 138 144 93 Ventura . . . . . . . 84 Yolo 24 Yuba 39 Reno, Nevada . . Yosemite Valley . 918 Total sales $189,738 183,116 $179,805 179,805 $3,195 1.065 $6,738 Total number of licenses . 2,246 Citizen, $1; non-resident, $3; alien, $3. TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL, REPORT. 97 ANGLING LICENSE SALES, YEAR 1923. (Sporting Fishing). Counties Alameda Alpine.- Amador Butte Calaveras Colusa .- Contra Costa Del Norte El Dorado Fresno Glenn Humboldt Imperial Inyo Kern Kings Lake Lassen Los Angeles Madera.-. Marin Mariposa. Mendocino Merced Modoc - Mono Monterey Napa Nevada Orange Placer... Plumas Riverside . Sacramento San Benito San Bernardino San Diego San Francisco. San Joaquin San Luis Obispo San Mateo Santa Barbara Santa Clara Santa Cruz Shasta Sierra Siskiyou Solano Sonoma Stanislaus Sutter Tehama Trinity. Tulare Tuolumne Ventura Yol- Yuba Reno, Nevada Yosemite Valley Total sales Total number of licenses Total sales Citizen Non-resident Alien $11,849 $11,510 $18 $321 524 119 402 3 791 4,572 785 4,449 6 21 102 982 470 3 9 855 2,064 810 1,980 45 84 627 582 36 9 2,360 2,222 63 75 13,440 12.735 12 693 730 6,191 724 5,957 6 12 222 334 3,618 334 3,528 42 48 3,396 3,354 24 18 1,401 1,293 9 99 841 832 3 6 1,939 1,837 27 75 37,640 36,995 159 486 1,479 1,437 3 39 1,217 1,214 3 147 3,057 144 2,988 3 45 24 1,717 1,669 48 989 920 63 6 836 464 282 90 2,632 2,563 12 57 2,069 2,021 6 42 2,338 2,179 60 99 3,822 3.798 9 15 2,852 2.603 81 168 2,529 2,364 45 120 2.282 2,222 6 54 10,901 8,993 33 1,875 483 8,642 477 8,5-8 6 21 63 4,956 4.923 12 21 18,234 16,950 60 1,224 7.770 7,266 504 1.932 1,896 3 33 1 107 1,095 12 3,594 3,561 15 18 6,303 6,258 3 42 3,243 3.129 6 108 3,063 2.9.52 48 63 715 676 21 18 5,856 5,184 450 222 2 417 2 249 168 5,873 5,780 12 81 4,892 4,808 9 10 614 1,635 602 1.611 12 15 9 750 729 9 12 6,633 6,477 9 147 2,335 2,254 6 75 3 370 3,343 3 24 904 1,768 886 1,702 18 9 57 1,434 1,434 1.451 1,298 147 6 $232,995 $221,259 $3,768 $7,968 225.171 221,259 1,256 2,656 Citizen, $1; non-resident, $3; alien, $3. 7—34744 08 FISH AND CAME COMMISSION. MARKET FISHERMEN'S LICENSE SALES. Total sales, license vcar April 1. 1922. to March .U. I'.l23 $4t,720 00 Total sales, license year April 1. 192.3. to March .31. 1924... 41,230 00 License fee: $10 to all persons. TRAPPING LICENSE SALES. Total sales, license year .July 1. 1922. to .June .30. 1923 $3.1.36 00 Total sales, license year July 1. 1923. to June .30, 1924 2,597 00 License fee: Citizens, $1; aliens, $2. FISH PACKERS- AND WHOLESALE SHELL-FISH DEALERS' LICENSE SALES. Total sales, license rear .hilv 1. IU22. to .lune .30. 1923.- $1,170 00 Total sales, license ve.-ir July 1. 1923. to .June 30, 192t 1,240 00 License fee: Citizens, $5; aliens, $20. GAME BREEDERS' LICENSE SALES. Total .sales, license year January 1, 1922, to December 31, 1922.. $92 .50 Total sales, license year .January 1. 1923, to December 31, 1923 170 00 License fee: All persons, $2.50. FISH BREEDERS' LICENSE SALES. Total sales, license year January 1. 1922, to December 31, 1922 $45 00 Total sales, license year .January 1, 1923, to December 31, 1923 50 00 License fee: Ml persons, $5. DOMESTICATED FISH IMPORTERS' LICENSE SALES. Total sales, license year January 1, 1922. to December 31, 1922 $5 00 Total sales, license year January 1, 1923, to December 31, 1923 5 00 KELP LICENSE SALES. Total sales, vear 1922 $10 00 Total sales, year 1923 - - None License for term of one year fromjdate of issue. Fee, $10. VIOLATIONS OF THE FISH AND GAME LAWS. GAME CASES. Violations. Hunting License .\ct Deer— buy or sell: taking and possession, run with dogs, closed season; failure to retain horns and hide; oyer bag limit Deer — taking and possession does, fawns, spike bucks Ducks — buy or sell; taking and possession closed season, over bag limit .--. Geese— taking and possession closed season, over bag limit... Mudhens — taking and possession closed season Swans — taking and possession Shorebirds — taking and possession .--.---■ Doves — taking and possession closed season, over bag limit. . Quail — taking and possession closed season, over bag limit... Pheasants — taking, possession Xon-game birds — taking and possession Trespass ?---■ Shoot wild game from automobile, power or sail boat; animal bhnd; illegal use of scull boat Night hunting . Game refuge — hunting and possession of firearms ------ Sage hens — taking, possession, closed season, over bag limit.. Rabbits — cottontail, brush; taking and possession closed July 1, 1922, to June 30, 1923 season Grouse — taking and possession closed season Pigeons, wild — taking and possession (no open season) Squirrels, tree — taking and possession (no open season)... Mountain sheep — taking and possession (no open season). Violations — fur trapping regulations M iscellaneous cases Total game cases. 93 93 51 52 6 1 21 24 32 4 38 19 8 34 14 3 19 2 21 1 1 5 6 548 > $1,483 50 3,310 00 3,055 00 2,060 00 150 00 25 00 465 00 665 00 1,117 50 250 00 990 00 195 00 220 00 1,000 00 290 00 225 00 435 00 25 00 895 00 25 00 250 00 80 00 140 00 $17,351 00 3-S 50 100 270 30 65 30 90 635 July 1, 1923, to June 30, 1924 130 125 53 61 9 4 2 30 36 51 14 42 22 31 107 22 18 B-5,0 $2,040 00 5,493 00 5,175 00 2,845 00 175 00 45 00 50 00 825 00 880 00 1,425 00 635 00 1,360 00 470 00 885 00 2,650 00 375 00 500 00 50 00 100 00 100 00 70 00 75 00 $26,223 00 S 3 0.3 a" v; 180 695 240 180 190 60 1,545 TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. FISH CASES. 99 Violations of Angling License Act-. Violations of Commercial Fishing License Act Trout— taking and possession closed season, other than hook and line, over bag limit _ _ Black bass— taking and possession closed season, over bag limit, undersized _ Sunfish, perch, crappie — taking and possession closed season. Night fishing, illegal Fishing — within } 2 mile of hatchery; within 250 feet of fish- way ; off dams Striped bass — sale: closed season; undersized; excess bag hmit Salmon — sale: closed season; over bag limit; illegal spearing. Crabs — taking and possession closed season; undersized Clams — taking and possession closed season, over bag limit; undersized Lobsters— taking and possession closed season; over bag limit; undersized Abalones — taking and possession closed season; over bag limit; undersized Catfish — sale: undersized Halibut — undersized Barracuda— undersized Sturgeon — possession Nets, traps, lines — illegal use or possession Obstructions in streams; failure to maintain fish screen Water pollution, use of explosive to take fish Failure to keep commercial fishing data; destruction of food fishes Illegal shipment — fish; shell fish Miscelkneous cases , July 1, 1922 to June 30, 1923 CD n, 72 44 128 17 14 16 47 5 20 96 28 85 2 3 10 2 44 Total fish cases. 654 > $1,545 00 565 00 3,122 50 400 00 280 00 195 00 470 00 925 00 200 00 440 00 3,485 00 880 00 2,385 00 50 00 75 00 450 00 50 00 2,950 00 200 00 120 00 25 00 100 00 $18,912 50 3^ o 3 CO ^ 2 « 95 195 50 210 240 183 '126 30 1,123 July 1, 1923 to June 30, 1924 :! B 65 47 77 15 2 28 16 59 16 32 117 41 146 1 26 7 7 1 6 26 743 3 3 o ■a o-c O _3 £.§.0 $1,415 580 2,836 00 950 20 595 225 2,035 550 665 3,940 1,885 4.990 20 240 00 1,965 150 800 275 1,155 $25,291 00 1° 200 20 360 180 1,800 120 90 100 '150 3,020 CASES JULY 1, 1922, TO JUNE 30, 1923. July, Aug., Sept. Oct., Nov., Dec. Jan., Feb., Mar. Apr., May, June Total Convictions 247 18 22 9 3 6 3 247 28 34 208 2 18 2 258 16 24 960 Bail forfeited. 64 Suspended sentences ... 98 Pending 11 Acquittals 1 9 11 4 Dismissals. 7 7 9 13 31 Juvenile cases 34 Totals 308 323 252 319 1,202 CASES JULY 1, 1922 , TO JUNE 30, 1924. July, Aug., Sept. Oct., Nov., Dec. Jan., Feb., Mar. Apr., May, June Total Convictions 302 27 25 3 7 4 5 424 10 26 3 5 16 6 323 9 16 5 5 6 6 235 7 34 1 1 2 1,284 53 Bail forfeited Suspended sentences 101 Pending. 12 Acquittals 18 Dismissals 28 Juvenile cases 17 Totals 373 490 370 280 1513 ]00 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. RECAPITULATION. Number of arrests Fines and forfeitures imposed Jail sentences (days) Fish cases, 1922-1923.. Game cases 1922-1923 - 654 548 $18,912 50 17,351 00 1,123 635 Totals 1922-1923 1,202 743 770 $36,263 50 $25,291 00 26,223 00 1,758 Fish cases 1923-1924 3.020 Game cases 1923-1924 ..- -.- 1,545 Totals 1923-1924 . - 1,513 1,202 1,513 $51,514 00 $36,263 50 51,514 00 4,565 Recapitulation — 1922-1923 1,758 1923-1924 - 4,565 Totals - 2,715 $87,777 50 6,323 TOTAL ARRESTS FOR A PERIOD OF TWENTY-TWO YEARS. 1902-1904. 1904-1906. 550 774 1906-1908- 1.192 1908-1910 ---- l."l 1910-1912 2,063 1912-1914 1.993 1914-1916 2,087 iei6-1918 - 1.^97 1918-1920 1.891 1920-1922 2,258 1922-1924 - 2,715 SEIZURES OF FISH, GAME AND ILLEGALLY USED FISHING APPARATUS. July 1, 1922 to June 30, 1923 July 1. 1923 to June 30, 1924 Total 3,896 65 43 68 77 3 1,258 pounds 5 27 26 13 36 3,290 20 36 143 16 7 2,091 pounds 3 7,186 Geese - 85 Shorebirds - 79 Doves -- 211 Quail - 93 10 Deer meat -- - 3,349 pounds 8 27 16 2 267 2 42 15 Non-ffame birds -- - 303 Sniiirrels - 2 3 3 40 pounds 40 pounds 2 2 9 1,075 pounds 38 pounds 10 5,664 pounds 1,420 pounds 650 pounds 11,888 pounds 400 pounds 140 pounds 97 pounds 7 9 Trout .. 2,857 pounds 146 pounds 52 3,002 pounds 2,123 pounds 1,050 pounds 12,906 pounds 3,932 pounds 184 pounds Crappie sunfish perch - 62 8,666 pounds Striped bass 3.543 pounds Halibut 1,700 pounds Barracuda 24,194 pounds Snotfin croaker 400 pounds 254 pounds 177 pounds 31 40 pounds 4,501 4,112 5,011 pounds 711 260 170 pounds 394 pounds Catfish - 274 pounds 38 40 pounds Crabs ■--- 11,362 8,431 1,759 pounds 1,652 15,863 Clams 12,543 6,761 pounds 2,363 Mussels 260 170 pounds Smelts 19 pounds 72 19 pounds Illegally used fishing apparatus, nets, traps 57 129 llleKallv used fishing apparatus, after condemnation in superior courts, is destroyed or sold by the board in accordance with the law. All wholesome fish and game is donated to public and charitable institutions, from whom many gratetul letters of acknowledgment have been received. TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 101 CALIFORNIA FISHERY PRODUCTS. CANNED, CURED AND MANUFACTURED FISHERY PRODUCTS OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE YEAR 1922. (Compiled by the Department of Commercial Fisheries, Fish and Game Commission of CaUfornia.) Canned. Species of fish Size of cans Northern California district, cases Monterey district, cases San Pedro district, cases San Diego district, cases Total cases Abalone _ 1-ib 2,037 1,014 20,570 134,249 11,677 5,208 5,223 8,222 11,789 205 3 051 Albacore 1-Ib.. 4,315 18,089 4,865 160 24,885 i^Ib 152 338 }<-Ib 16,542 Bonita 14-lb 5 368 ^-Ib 5 223 Fish cake (Kamaboko) Mb 8,222 U-lb 11 789 Mackerel Mb 205 Salmon Mb. flat J^lb. flat. Mb. oval 4,162 15,338 4 162 15,338 Sardines 353,188 1,479 340,860 5,760 336 3,595 697,643 Ji-ib. oval 7 239 3^1b. square . . 2,559 20,986 2,895 ^-Ib. SQuare 20 986 Mb. tall 78 78 Shad...... Mb 240 220 240 Shad roe J^lb 220 Squid 14-lb.... 137 9,011 45,939 21,211 2,512 13,727 7,455 3,711 14.400 5,823 137 Striped tuna Mb. 2,977 63,012 8,210 873 7,827 2,275 11,988 }^lb.. . . 108,951 }4.lh.... 29,421 Tuna, bluefin Mb. 3,385 J^lb . 21.554 yi-lh 9,730 Tuna, vcllowfin Mb. . 3,711 i^-lb 1,002 15,402 I4.\h 5,823 Tuna, unclassified 4-lb. - 635 31,153 127,919 78,419 315 3,336 635 Mb 5", 600' 400 31,153 >4-lb 132,919 K-lb. 78,819 Yellowtail Mb.. 315 i^lb 23 3,359 Totals.. 19,960 356,704 873,144 183,918 1,433 726 Salted, Smoked and Dried. Species of fish Size or quantity Northern California district Monterey Bay district San Pedro district San Diego district Total Anchovy (salted) Barracuda (dried) Black cod (smoked) . . Bonita (smoked). Mackerel (dry salted). Mi.\ed fish (dried) Salachini. Salmon (mild cured), (hard salted). (smoked) Sardines (dried ) (dry salted), (dry salted), (dry salted). (smoked) Shad (mild cured) Sea bass (dried) Yellowtail (dried) (salted)... (salted)... Fish meal Oil.... _ Estimated value of pack. Number of employees Value of packing plants.. Tierces Pounds Pounds Pounds Barrels Pounds 10-lb. tubs.. 50-lb. tubs.- 50-lb. boxes. Casks Barrels Pounds Pounds 50-lb. boxes- Barrels Pounds Pounds Tierces Pounds Pounds Barrels Pounds. Tons Gallons. 98,760 1,571 163 1,086 3,000 200 8,000 104 3,000 28 Missellaneous Data. 396 14.743 1497,374 400 $1,396,400 2,299 281,115 $1,974,591 1,253 $1,553,500 24,000 98 425 211,700 12,800 50 32,730 5,373 244,310 $5,742,591 2,362 $5,101,846 5,000 172,000 600 11,000 55,000 959 6,882 $1,318,202 812 $1,070,200 5,000 98,760 24,000 98 172,000 3,000 200 8,000 1,675 163 1,086 600 3,000 425 211,700 12,800 28 11,000 55,000 50 32,730 9,027 547,050 $9,532,758 4,827 $9,121,946 Note.— Some .\lbacore included in Tuna, unclassified. Tierces— 800 pounds net. Barrels— 200 pounds net. 102 FISH AND GAME COMMISSION. CANNED, CURED AND MANUFACTURED FISHERY PRODUCTS OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE YEAR 1923. (Compiled by the Department of Commercial Fisheries, Fish and Game Commission of California). Canned. Species of fish Size of cans Northern California district, cases Monterey district, cases San Pedro district, cases San Diego district, cases Total cases Abalone 1-lb.... 2,237 662 18,173 173,206 18,122 397 13,763 458 28,283 2 899 Albacore 1-lb 10,919 67,953 9,142 29,092 241,159 27,264 397 i^lb »^-lb Bonita Mb }i-lb 69 13 832 Ji-lb 458 Fishcake (Kama boko) K-lb 28,283 271 Mackerel 1-lb 271 Mackerel, filet 1-lb. oval 3,783 3 3,783 3 J^lb. oval Salmon 1-lb. flat J^lb. flat 1-lb. oval 6.629 12,385 6 629 12,385 Sardines 580,464 520 7,603 473 1,925 488,885 19,215 1,088,564 520 1-lb.taU-. J^lb. oval 103 1,311 1,621 26,058 9 017 H-lb. square . . 2 094 J^-lb. square . . 2,085 1,179 581 30 068 Sardines, kippered 1-lb. oval 1 179 J^lb. oval 581 Squid i^lb 1,759 1 759 Striped tuna 1-lb 4,197 105,781 25,824 571 72 1,548 27,698 2,630 1.924 7,246 91,070 8,644 1,061 1,948 20,405 10,539 1,029 4,645 50,637 8,144 201 405 2.697 19,373 99 8 842 }^lb.... 156 418 }4-\h 33 968 Tonno . . i^lb. . 772 i^-lb . 477 Tuna, bluefin.. Mb 5,245 Ji-lb 47,071 M-lb 2,729 Tuna, yellowfin 5-lb 1,924 Mb. . 3,903 58,482 1,977 11 149 i^lb 149,552 34-lb 10,621 Tuna, unclassified... 4-lb. . 1061 Mb .. 965 7,525 1,299 2,913 M-lb 27,930 M-lb. .. 11 838 Tuna flake.... Mb.... 1,029 H-!b 237 300 937 3,863 237 K-lb 300 Yellowtail Mb.... 1,425 1,489 2,362 i^lb 5,352 Totals 19,014 595,252 1,064,784 301,977 1,981 027 1 TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 103 CANNED, CURED AND MANUFACTURED FISHERY PRODUCTS OF CALIFORNIA FOR THE YEAR 1923 Continued. Fish meal Fish oil- - Estimated value of pack... Number of employees Number of plants operated. Value of packing plants Salted, Smoked and Dried. Species of fish Size or quantity Northern CaUfornia district Monterey Bay district San Pedro district San Diego district Total Pounds 42,264 1,415 42,264 Bonit^ (salted) Pounds - - 5,384 10,000 390 6.799 10,000 Mackerel (salted) 200-lb. barrel 390 Pounds . . 6,889 1.075 335 1,730 6,889 Mullet (salted) Pounds 1,075 Rock bass (salted) Pounds 335 Rock cod (salted) Pounds 1.730 Sablefish (smoked) Pounds 9,461 9.461 Salacchini 50-lb. tube . . 600 28,000 450 6,000 91 571 1.171 50-lb. boxes 28,000 21-lb. tins— 450 10-lb. boxes 6,000 Salmon (mild cured) Tierces 1.320 151.400 1,411 (smoked) Pounds 151.400 Sardines (mild cured) Pounds 16,000 200 320,451 16,000 (hard salted) Barrels 24 224 (hard salted). Pounds 320,451 Sea bass, black (salted) Pounds 8,557 2,957 1,740 8.557 Sea bass, white (salted)... .. Pounds 2,957 Sea trout (salted) Pounds 1,740 Shad (mild r-iired) Tierces 116 116 Squid (dried) Pounds 99,000 99,000 Yellowtail (salted ).. Pounds 173,104 173,104 Mixed fish (dried) Pounds... 69,718 69,718 Miscellaneous Data. Tons.... Gallons. 420 19,093 $533,768 366 25 1988,965 3,386 557.460 $2,936,466 1,015 16 $1,261,193 4,216 346,883 $7,898,734 2,605 20 $2,862,609 1.216 28,452 $2,671,873 1,076 9 $960,750 9,238 951,888 $14,040,841 5,062 70 $6,073,517 104 PISH AM) (i.\MK fOM MISSION. Mexican, brought into California ,"> • o 'U3 S-! • C^l C^l . M c: oo ' oo -^ ' r-* op oi • to *-<^ I eo S — Total ^ M -M QO oo ':D O -^ " COCCOi oc »c -r cc iM — oi :o o -r ^- M — o;' oo' fo' :o' w5 :o oo' CC»OlM'^ — OOcDC^ — ':o ' O O 00 ' CC iC 30 — oo CI ^ 92 ;? ' — -r o ci ci --0 ■ CD O ' »o Ci "M '.O -o r- 00 CI CO 00 , -f -^ 00 — •— '^ , I - QO « -^ 00 !0 , *0 ffO »c -^ -J. -f. -f. O "M '^ -♦< -r Oi O O C-1 CI O — ' '^ ^ nS 3 15 :5 QC "^ -^^ '* » -f <^- ■^i -- e^ rM ^ ^. " ^. ^. ■". "^, "l '^. <^- '^' --c -f »o cJ iS -1- ij. i>- -c ,— , -* oo'tcj'o oT— 'co cj'c*D !X>'r— " ^S ^ — S^PSrSI^Ci-^OOOO-^-^M M CI — Ci San Diego. Imi>cnal_. Orange. Los Angeles. ca t*. CO C^l C3 CO o (s- eo^ p:oi^ t— CO CD San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura 00 CO t c^ "^00 >-* , CO — CO I tDOO • CO CI coco oco -^ OS 00 cd'o" iOOC W CO ^^ t . o '(^cob- ' r-. Ci CO > iCM 1— r '" .2 Monterey. QC O o o o: Q. >■ cc UJ I C/5 CO ro '-' i£5 ic :D CO CO CO CO ** o CJ -*■ O — CO -— i OCD 1 llr^c^ ' 010 i ^ GO < 05 — ! Qo't-^' , CI CO o o Santa Cruz. g- San Francisco, Q San Mateo__ ^^ E I CO UJ oc oc o < Alameda, Contra Costa, E cs C Sacramento, San Joaquin. Tcliaijia. C'uiuria. Glenn. o j Solano, YoIo_ Marin _ Mendocino, Sonoma Lake. Del Norte, Humboldt- r-- ^- CO C3 •— ' C5 CO O 10 csrooio I COC5 1 tb- r C: CD I ■ CD I O CO CO ' O 00 -^ 1 O O CO ClOCi CI CO CI CI oc CI — CD CO cs »0 cs O cs cs ■-*« t^ CO ' GO ci CO -r »io ' — o -r o cs »o o o r^. 00 00 CO CD CI 00 O CO CI CO C^ 10 CO ^ OS r^ 00 t/^ -^ -f »f cs CO c I — CO 00 •^__ O 00 CD 00 O co'cii^'co'— ''^ — CO eo 'rj' CI C 5^ fi cq . ci ■— o I -H 00 cs -O -H — " ; o'-^* -H ,co ^^ 1 1— CO I CD c; 1 oo r* 1 CO lO • 0_C1_ 1 :D t^ I co'ci" Ir-^'cT , CO cs , »0 CD ■ 00 CO I QO -^ 1 c »o 00 iC ■ C^ rf -^ icd' 1-r I* C^ M Wco 05C3 t>- Cfl 1 OS o I O CD I Cl^- -5 ! ' CO I w I O iC< cs OS 1— ' »o OS CI t^ I--. *f 00 O 0O_^(^ ^^"^. co'co'd'co'co* -r 00 00 ■-*< o CO ;o ic Cs cs Cl_ 00 CO t^ cs Cs -t" r^' ci -^ <^ "5 c: CO CI CO — ' o t^ t-^ 00 o -t' o CO r-. cs O 00 — I^ 00 •r cr;'— 'o'o" — O »0 C5 t^ oci CS o ^H SCO w ■» 3 '^ (I— tC ^ S -i ci cs »0 cs CO 00 ■ CI cot-- CO ' CO CO 101^ >Cfl_ -^1-1 I cs" w .Cfl CO 05.-H cq o 00 "H 00 eo C3sa> r^co wseo Oco ^^ O c3 5 'Eoa 1 £ I, 3 c! ca C8 iS^U t»M TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. 105 ■ r^ — -. ^ — 00 ^ '-O . QO 1 — r* -^ . ooco 1 O M s ^oo — CI o CS OS O •-* 00 lO »CQO T}< rr -^ fj< — (N oo '^ ^ CC CO OS t— Oi CO ■^ -^ -H O C^ 00 C; O c; ^ :c 00 CO *^ (M C^^ CO 00 C^ »C C5 I r* CO t-- 00 oo ico^c;_QO_oqoo^ ! .-i"co"ai'":o »« CO :o •-■ OK ^ CO ^4 .^ -Tf o^woo_ 00*^0* CO — 00 coooi>- ^t« »>- — TT coco OlCOO 1 C^ U3 I4C O I co»« coco OOOCS OiOOCO coco 05 ooo -hOO OSUd CO r^ s W3 3iCO CI [^■^50 0 COi-* w*c lo'i-^'wso* *-i CiOO OOCSI o — ICO 1 r* CO 'CO 00 |S"2 — CO CO o "S us ^ ;. o »C CO OOCM oi*o COi-H -3 o cd 3 C> -n fl c o n N o a.'^ c o C3 !t o n n O kO to UD05 CO'* coco ^00 a. X :/: X : "S O tC 33 J^ ! — -S 2:3 £.5f^;_ S = 3 3 3 S S = ? ? = E :i — ."^ ."!:^ _2 « _ _ t i I r, ■>^ J I S S 2- i i s 5 -^^ < 5 5 5 S : HZ ■3 S a'> s >^_S •^ w ^ 3! M J C o 3 =3-3 ] ( l() FISH AND (;.\.Mi; commission. Mexican. broiiRht into Cahfornia -- 1— . ICO • 1 "t^ * lie I ■ '00 1 TO • uo ' it^ " • ■ -^ ■ ' r«. ' 1 .CO ' <0^ 1 r-^ ii^i.i i.^^rii^Mi '=s* I '^* I I =o 1 I 1 ! I I I I c^" I '^ :i : is i ; i i ■ i i is • ■ oj" 1 ■ ; ' ; ' ' • • 1 '• ^.tn ■ 00 TO W Ci ■ — TO — -r ' c^_ CO oo'oo' ! -t'co' TO 1 CC TO 13.138 29.230 17.894 151,255 560,962 30.915 Total 12,488,199 307,074 5,135,824 146.378 1,004,,3.52 478.771 148.607 129.286 150.350 407,300 188" 508 780 360,363 '78,969" 1,514,699 9,503 383,950 403,435 3,553,951 i"d,6o7" 320,019 4,621 19,780 328.039 3.777.648 538.292 7.090,260 1,. 363,9 II 158,159,356 60,406 75,740 1,778.663 3.345 72.095 403.787 809.501 San Diego. Imperial t^ ICO t tco 1 > '(M .00-^^0 t .(35 i-^CiOO '-^r^ -•r ici ' i'^ ' ' '00 'oo^^ I 'CO 1 — — c^i i** 1 (ccToo" ! Cl'rr cs ;r^ I ; III , M ; ;^ ; ci i TO ; ; I ; ; ; ; III I OOOCJ TO__c;_co_ co'icco — CO — 00 ' ■ i/t OC c; »c 0 1 ' • i ii""^"^ i i i J ;*« II' Orange -*''OOi'00 Oil W3iCOii- 1 r^^ » I 1 1 1 ( 1 r^ 1 I oo" ! I I I I I I I I I I I c^" I I"^ I 1 I 1 1 1 II I I I I»« I r 00 1 t Ci is i i C5_00_ o'cq" 10 1 ic »c c; cioo ' 1 ' 1 1 Tt._ 1 1 I 1 1 1 U^JO^ > ' »0_ 1 -*"r^"co" I I '-'" I I I I I I '-«"*o" I I ■^" I >o CO I I -^ I J I , , I 11^1 oo" •*" 1 1 I I I I I I II I C5CO 1 »OCi o'-f' ; »c CO "O , CO — r^ -^ <* »0 CO i-O — uO ^'to'oi' C) TO_ f C^ C: TO UOCD 1 ' 1 1 1 CO — 01 0 CS ' 1 t 1 .CO^.CO^O I . . . ' o'TO*Tr'»o 0" I I I I , — ' 0: "^ cor* \ \ '^ CO I I I I ; ?s -■;;;: San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura |iCO'»«OOti«iiiiii'»Ci 'iCiiCMOOiiii CO. • iCOiOOC^iiiiiiiiiiC^i I I— ^' I o'c^' I I I I I I I I I Ico I II I ' I 1 I 1 I I I . Ico I COC^ 1 ' 0 Cq — . lOO 0 1 lOi «0 I I ! — TO .TJ^OO iO»0 I«'t^' I «3 IcoO 'COO 1 1 1 1 .coco • Ot>- 1 1 1 1 1 — . 0_ ' l>'_00_ .III I i-T I c^~as' I I I I 1 1 "* I 1 . 1 Monterey dtOCMCr. OlO ' iTOl^ ' "UO ' 1 "CO 1 — ' — ockcri'Tj ' 'Tfi^ 1 lO > ' ico ' — ^r~. -rooTO 1 looco i ico i i ico i L-f-^'ci'd'TO" : ;— 'to" I Ico" I I i-^" I OC !M50 I,COC5,, ,11 I t^ -- . 1 C^J or-- 1 ' 0 C^ CO ' 1*0 o'o" I I (m" CO In-J-OC^fM 1 '000 1 1 1 0 1 — cooaot^ ' 'C^^co 1 1 1 — 1 CC -^ 0 0 CO 1 . -JD 1 1 1 ; --o'cT^i'c^i'o-f I ' III Tf — OJ c^ I ; t-^ Tf 0 ; I III ; S : : : : : Santa Cruz 11(>,919 257,704 28,693 ""5Y.382" 1.345 8,737 3,427 188" 50.848 944 1,884 r^ irroccOUtiC ' "Ci 'Ci ' I 00 lOOCOTO — t-- < 1-^ iTj* 1 1 ^^ i C-3_C^] TO C^ 04 1 1 TJ* » 11 ' c^'ci'to'dT I Ic^" I 1 ! -M cvj c; TO , c>^ CO TO ^ II I I ; San Francisco, San Mateo .icco iO'<*'^ .-** 1 1 1 i icoci i • t ir^ 1 1 1 1 ir» 1 . 1 it-tM 1 . . , 1 1 ■ 1 rCO-rJ< 1 1 t 1^ till lOO -1 1 i 1C5I-- 1 1 1 t — (M 1 1 1 . — _ 1 1 1 1 1 0^ • t 1 1 r- 1 1 1 I I I I I 1 00 co' I I I I cq" I I I I I :d I I J I eo" I I I I I I ; I liocq I I 1 I'-' 1 1 1 1 ,« 1 I I 1 ! 1 i TO J I \ \ I ' C-- — 0 s ; : : 1 ; :£h2 — I I I I I 1 1^ TO ^^ C3 COCO sC" ■ 1 1 1 co_co_ t uo_ I ! I ! ! 1 ^'^ I I 1 I I I I I I <^" I I I ; I Icoio I I ; ; I I ; , , • . 1 • > t^ 1 1 1 ; : : : ;s I ; ; S \ \ \ \ I ' CM TO 00 g_ I I I I I \~^;z^ t; 1 1 1 1 1 I c^ CO Tehama, Colusa, Glenn... •<»< 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 • 1 00" I I ! I I I I I I =0 1 1 1 1 1 1 J 1 1 Solano, Yolo iiiiiit^COiii'Oiiiii t *0(Miiii^Hiiiii 1 1 1 1 1 1 CM_00 1 1 1 1 (M_ I I I I I I co" I I I I co" I I I I I 1 > 1 > CX)^H 1 1 1 1 1 1 lO— 1 1 1 1 CQ 1 1 1 1 1 1 >n ;.c 00 aq_ 1 iH ?5 c^_ "^^ I I I I I I ^"r^'o" f~ -* — ' ■^ 1 ! I 1 1 ' ^^ Marin 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 IC4 1 t'^ 1 i tOi ikO 1 1 > >0O , 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ICO 1 iCSJ 1 T i»0 1 1 I ICO 1 1 ^H 1 1 iC^ lO 1 1 1 11— I i i ; i i i i i i : ; i ; i ;i5 i ■ i is d 1 1 1 lo 1 I 1 i 04 1 1 t 1 Csl 1 1 1 • — _ 1 1 1 iO_ 1 ■ P 1 -h" I I I J to" I I I I C^ 1 1 1 1 1 1 p 1 Mendocino, Sonoma, Lake... I I 1 I I Io-«*« I« I I I I I '^ ' iiiiiiOOOOiCOii.iii«Oi iiiii. — OO'^ii'iiiTOii ! ! ! t ! I C^ 1 • o' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 I C5 I . C5 ; •3 1 *s a Uiji i i illj iiJ-d iJi, < < 55 ffi eq CQ C 0 c; 0 Q W fe 0 0 K S X S Sahiiiiii Saniial)8 Sanlirics Scul|)in Sea Bass — Black Sea Bass —White Sea Trout- Shad.. Shad -Buck Shad— Roc TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNLlLi REPORT. 107 »0 I '*4C OS .-H OS o 00 o c;^ic_eo co ^ffO O" OO" "5 cc" Oi" CO CO r^ Oi Qo -^ o i-- o 00 oo »o CO O O -^ "^ t-- CO '-^ ^^ < ec OS iI^Oi_ OsO OS -^ CO oo«o oo c^ ^ I >ooo I OS QO it>.CO i«000 OS "^ ^*« »o t^ -^ OS OS OS CO «-H 1^ <-" CO OS CO CS^O 1^ t^ OS ioco'":)'" -»«"co CO iceooo ^_^co_ os_ r^'oo' cm" .>.- M m"^ < w :^ :^ o 5 3 S o o"| '§,.2 fS c _x-« p o t; b ]0^ FISIT AXn OAMK COMMI^^SIOX. X o oc < S o I- a. < a hi en z llJ o iij CE UJ I C/9 U OC bJ o u >• 1- Total Miscellaneous ^1 OS CO CO CO San Diego, Imperial CS05 •^t-eo ^co ao^cfi-r -*■ =*3 ^^ O 00—1 (M»0 00 '< CO 1 o Del Norte, Humboldt '"' l-H T— ( --ocq " O CO —I 00 I CO 1 f— 1 1 Native of ^0 *i c < 1 0 3 C 3 C 1 li 1 e 1 i i1 c c 1 a ! C, b ^ ! L. 1 > 1 l > c ■T : = "a u > C 5 2 1 r 1 c a: > c c i a; > s 1 g i B 3 1 CO O 2 J c .2 1 TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNL\L REPORT. 109 z o c < S o. < o llJ bl S oc llJ z CO o DC Ul s o o u. o >- I- > Total eor^ Ci c; C5 — C3 .— M oco tM t^ y3 — =s C^ (M lO »C -^ COCO»/3T»'-OTt*COC5^C iO iC CO (M to O ■^oicoto oo o 05 CM Miscellaneous ^-1 »-l CO I •— 1 1 ig CO o San Dieeo, Imperial eoc^ -*r*Tj< ^O-^^ -gg„^ s C*5*C»0 TIJ* CO to Orange •H *— < ^^ csi 05*0 r* -^ «co-.g CS| *r5 CO Santa Cruz M eo ^ Cfl " as—ioo E; San Francisco, San Mateo S'^ «5 eoeoN CO — < c^eo eo«« oo C*3 S5 CO Contra Costa, Alameda — -o « -< CO 00-^ oo C5 CM 1^ CM Sacramento, San Joaquin ■^ ^ ^Cl ooo — iCOO Ol ^-'f ^ ■* 00 o CM Tehama, Colusa, Glenn.-. " I— < N CM ■>1< Solano, Yolo " ■ CO 1 eo ^H •<>< CO Marin " >o " C^ICO N : CM 1 ^H CO Mendocino, Sonoma, Lake... : eo CO '«J< Tt« •om OO o § Del Norte. Humboldt C4 CM OSCO'-t ^03 (N f ' 3a 1 CO Native of 0 1 ° c 1 : c iJ 3 C i z ; =" ; b 1 - r : c 1 :: r 1 ^ '■■>:. z > - z ;2 1 ,''. it 15 1 = ;:Z 1 t: c _c t- c ^ 1 1 i — i o § 5 i no KISH AND (;aMI', COMMISSION'. LION BOUNTIES. Statemeni of Lion Bounties Paid by the Fish and Game Commission from January 1, 1922. to December 31, 1923. 1922 1923 Total since 1907 .\laincda "2 1 "2 4 7 2 10 14 17 21 "5 '7 22 "i 16 "i "2 4 13 26 1 37 14 1 14 19 22 13 1 299 1 'i 1 2 3 3 1 10 "4 22 21 "3 1 5 9 17 5 "2 '3 3 1 10 13 11 2 16 '5 "4 11 15 11 8 1 225 2 Alpine 1 .\inaclor .. . . . . - - - 11 Butte 34 r^alaveras _ . _ - - . - - - - . - - - . 17 C ilusa 0 Del Norte - . . . . 21 107 Kl Dorado ________________________ 78 35 Glenn » _-... _. 60 Humboldt . . . _ . . - . . 623 Imperial _. .- -. 2 Inyo _ - -.--_----- 12 Kern . . 193 Kings 1 Lake --------__-- 169 Lassen . 9 Los .-Vngeles 76 Madera .^ -_--________ ____. 41 99 Mendocino - _ - 278 3 Modoc. ...... 4 11 Monterey .. . . . . _ . . . . 157 3 Nevada .__ ^ __________..._ 7 9 Placer 64 10 Riverside _. 45 1 SanBenito 42 38 San Diego _ ^_. __.__.._ 48 2 San Luis Obispo 120 1 Santa Barbara , . - ,- - 158 37 Santa Cruz . ..... .. ... 4 Shasta 330 Sierra ......... ... 6 271 Sonoma 25 Sutter 10 2 Tehama . . . . . . . . 212 Trinity 324 172 118 61 Yuba . . . 5 Totals .- 4,169 TWENTY-EIGHTH BIENNIAL REPORT. Ill FINANCIAL STATEMENT. Comparative Stafpment of Income for the Fiscal Years 1922-23 and 1923-24. 1922-23 License sales — Hunting --- $249,511 00 Angling - - 217,038 00 Market fishermen. 46,510 00 Wholesale fish packers 1,170 00 Fish breeders. 40 00 Fish importers 5 00 Trapping. — 3,119 00 Game breeders - -- 152 50 Kelp • 10 00 Total license sales $517,555 50 Other income — Court fines - $30,803 00 Fish packer's tax 38.033 44 Fish tag sales 3,111 09 Game tag sales -. 7 01 Crawfish inspection , 210 00 .Abalonc inspection Interest on bank deposits -- Sales of nets -- 140 00 Sale of launch. :. 60 00 Sale of typewriter 22 50 Sale of catfish - Sale of automobiles Sale of deer hides Sale of two cabins , - Total other income $72,387 04 Total income..- $589,942 54 1923-24 $251,182 00 191,252 00 43,730 00 1,245 00 75 00 2,596 00 232 50 $490,312 50 $52,748 85 50,921 01 4,8(H 99 60 81 10 00 235 00 463 75 27 00 100 00 375 00 41 00 70 00 $109,857 41 $600,169 91 STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 1922, TO JUNE 30, 1923, OF THE SEVENTY-FOURTH FISCAL YEAR. Function .\dministration — Commissioners Executive offices. Printing Research and publicity .\ccident and death claims. Department totals Commercial Fish Culture and Conservation — Superi n tendonee Inspection and patrol _ Research Statistics Market fishing license commissions Propagation and distribution of salmon Department totals. Sporting Fish Culture and Conservation — Superintendence General patrol (40 per cent.) Propagation and distribution of trout Department totals. Game Conservation — Superintendence General patrol (60 per cent.). Department totals. Tahoe camping ground Grand totals Materials and supplies $346 32 226 71 $573 03 $137 24 4,694 25 200 65 676 02 6,674 27 $12,382 43 $362 62 1,067 36 26,730 12 $28,160 10 $1,601 04 41,601 04 $120 82 $42,837 42 Salaries and wages $16,173 20 '"4",339"27" $20,512 47 $10,381 .58 21,798 19 17,204 28 4,698 87 14,033 92 $68,116 84 $10,286 31 48,185 27 61,740 16 $123,211 74 $1,.528 06 72,277 90 $73,805 96 $659 25 $283,306 26 Service and expense $546 35 5,737 46 4,149 13 695 28 2,702 43 $13,830 65 $5,398 05 6,756 84 2,166 35 158 51 482 00 988 80 $15,950 55 $29,828 78 31.126 46 23,498 76 $81,454 00 $36 564 91 46, 89 69 $83,254 60 $19 08 Property and equipment 903 78 370' OO" $1,273 78 $219 37 194 74 314 13 5 25 594 50 $1,327 99 $6 25 268 93 5,938 80 $6,213 98 $403 39 $403 39 $197,508 88 $9,219 14 Total $546 35 23,160 76 4,149 13 5,631 26 2,702 43 $36,189 93 $16,136 24 33,444 02 19,885 41 5,538 65 482 00 22,291 49 $97,777 81 $40,483 96 80,648 '12 117,907 84 $239,039 82 $.38,092 97 12J,972 02 $159,064 99 $799 15 $532,871 70 112 FISH AND G.V.MI-: COMMISSION. STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES FOR THE PERIOD JULY 1, 1923, TO JUNE 30, 1924, OF THE SEVENTY-FIFTH FISCAL YEAR. Function Materials and supplies Salaries and wages Service and expense Property and equipment Total Administration- Commissioners ... $429 59 5,763 43 $429 59 21,637 15 7,253 52 5.346 62 569 04 Executive offices $346 95 7,253 52 67 17 $15,489 97 $3680" Printing Research and publicity 4,375 00 __» 807 25 569 04 97 20 Accident and death claims Department totals ". $7,667 64 $236 99 2,221 31 608 22 616 35 6,478 11 $19,864 97 $7,495 00 20,943 23 12,290 81 5.078 38 11,424 96 $7,569 31 $2,729 13 4,977 90 2,102 20 80 83 1,145 02 $134 00 $1337" 100 49 $35,235 92 $10,461 12 28,155 81 15,101 72 5,775 56 19,090 07 Commercial Fish Culture and Conservation — Superintendence Inspection and patrol . Research . . Statistics Propagation and distribution of salmon 4i"98' Department totals $10,160 98 $63 26 61 20 23,559 07 $57,232 38 $9,957 25 $11,035 08 $2,415 36 $155 84 $0 75 $78,584 28 $12,436 62 61 20 Sporting Fish Culture and Conservation — Superintendence .. Printing Propagation and distribution of trout 52,425 58 8,948 28 122 16 85,055 09 $23,683 53 $62,382 83 $11,363 64 $188 35 78,261 14 $122 91 $97,552 91 $188 35 Patrol and Law Enforcement — Prosecutions and allowances ._. . _ General patrol $1,376 11 $117,499 16 $4 16 197,140 57 Department totals S1.376 11 1117,499 16 $1,500 00 $78,449 49 $767 82 6,140 00 688 56 U 16 $197,328 92 $2 267 82 Fish and Game Conserv'ation — Mountain lion hunting. _ _ Mountain lion bounties . 6,140 00 1,106 25 State Fair exhibit $175 77 241 92 Department totals. _.. $175 77 $1,741 92 $7,596 38 $45,906 90 7 25 $9,514 07 $45 906 90 License commissions Tahoe camping ground $62 95 $813 00 883 20 $43,126 98 $259,534 26 $161,928 05 $416 91 $465,006 20 Comparative Balance Sheets at Beginning and End of Each of the Seventy-fourth and Seventy-fifth Fiscal Years. July 1, 1922 June 30, 1923 June 30, 1924 Debits. Available appropriated fund $11 630 49 Warrants receivable. _. $28,936 62 137 00 35,000 85 $47,587 34 3,602 00 87,536 87 1,069 82 52,206 00 435,841 50 271,010 00 67 3''7 79 Cash, state 17 911 75 Fish and Game Preservation Fund. 209 345 47 Accounts receivable 115 18 Bond deposits (licenses sold to agents) . 41.591 00 401,030 00 285,770 00 71 670 00 Unissued licenses available.. . ... 532 422 00 County clerks unissued license supplies 292 967 00 Fish tags 3,261 41 320 13 Game tags. . Revolving fund 500 00 500 00 Total debits $792,965 47 $899,353 53 $1,206,971 22 $1 012 92 Credits. Appropriation for support . Deficiency appropriation for salaries . . 102 00 Deficiency appropriation for support 10,515 57 Claims filed. $28,936 62 35,137 85 41,591 00 686,800 00 $47,587 34 92,208 69 52,206 00 706,851 50 67,327 79 Accumulated excess income _ 227 372 40 Liability for bond deposit. . 71,670 00 Accountability for licenses . 825,389 00 Accountability for fish tags 3,?«1 41 Accountability for game tags... 320 13 Revolving Fund liability to Board of Control 500 00 500 00 Total credits $792,965 47 $899,353 53 $1,206,971 22 34744 12-24 2150