SB 35 ay IQ%s nn har ate : a , de "ay i « My iti e i ie ie pore Maske uy a LIBRARY OF CONGRESS @ 000 929 204 4 @ } *t , and (Al FORNIA ¢ | | a IMPORTANT ESSAYS, DISCUSSIONS, REPORTS, ETC. Rifth EC aua AS nvanticn ot aatoenia Perait See Held under the Auspices of the State Board of Horticulture, oO —IN —s LOS ANGELES, NOVEMBER, 1885. Practical Information on the growth of the Orange, Lremon, Fig, Apple, Plum, Peach, Pear, Apricot, etc., the destruc- tion of Insect Pests, and other matters affecting the F’ruit Industry. OFFICIAL REPORT: Reported by A. K. WHITTON, Stenographer, and furnished to the publishers by authority of the State Board of Horticulture. Published by DEWEY & CO., PROPRIETORs ‘“‘ PACIFIC RURAL PREsS.”’ SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., Price, 25 Cents, Post Free. Ce \/ ORES > Saat AMERICAN OIL Co. 17 and 19 Main Street, San Francisco. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF WHALE Or. | The cOMPOUN Recommended in Dr. Chapin’s Bulletin, No. 2. WHALE OIL SOAP, CODLIN MOTH WASH, CONCENTRATED LYH, FOR USE IN ORCHARDS, Etc. ALSO MANUFACTURED AND READY FOR SALE, DALTON F sROS., COMMISSION MERCHANTS — AND DEALERS IN—— California and Oregon Produce, GREEN and DRIED FRUITS. GRAIN, WOOL, HIDES, ° Beans and Potatoes. Nos. 808 and 810 DAVIS STREET, San Francisco. , (P. O. BOX, 1986.) CONSIGNMENTS SOLICITED. By transfer *. FEB a 191i GOULD’S HORTICULTURAL SPRAY PUMP, WITH BAMBOO EXTENSION & SPRAY NOZZLE COMPLETE. e Le wht Thi s pump we have gotten up expressly for spraying ss ye er FS vines, fruit trees and other shrubbery infested with the DRS destructive insects which inflict so much injury in or- chards, vineyards, ete It has been adopted and recom- mended by the State Horticultural Society. The working parts are constructed entirely of Brass, and will not be affected by the corrosive solutions used in them. The BAMBOO EXTENSION is an admirable invention. The operator of the Pump, by the use of this extension, can get to all parts of the tree while on the ground; also say- ing himself from getting his hands and face burnt with ‘ Bei TN a the solution. The NOZZLE will save the price of itself Ae BERS within a day, as the amount of liquid saved is | two-thirds 3 KEG, ON ie over any other style in use. i ehroae eee fine mist. chee, (fe ee Bee aa This nozzle is well known by all orchardists. Write for Prices. “i. ee! “on = =f Pape f 2 N07 “ We Zs A 7. EE ZY ai \ Yy De od eK YEA L/) Nels ee SN Le {ATT MUTT Challenge Wine Pump. HORIZONTAL CHALLENGE WINE PUMP. The annexed cut represents our Horizontal Challenge Wine Pump of great compactness and power, for use in wine cellars for pumping from one tank into another, for use on ships, wharves and around factories, mills, warehouses and fire purposes. The cylinders of our iron pumps are brass-lined, the piston-rod, valyes and valve seats are brass. Our all brass pumps are made entirely of brass with the exception of the lever. SEND FOR CATALOGUE AND PRICBS. Weare the only complete Pump House on Pacific Coast, and carry a full line of all styles and kinds for Hand Wind Mill, Power and Steam use; also Pipe, Pipe Fittings, Brass Goods, Hose, etc. SEND FOR SPECIAL CATALOGUE, MAILED FREE. WOODIN & LITTLE, 509 & 511 Market Street SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. CALIFORNIA CURVED PRUNING SAW Also Jessup’s Pattern Cal. Pruning Saw---Steel Back. (With Adjustable Blade to Cut on any Angle.) Price, $4.00 Hach. Manufactured by PACIFIC SAW MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Agents for C. B. Paut’s Fings and for Boss Woop Saw. 17 and 19 Fremont Street, S. F. Horticultural Books. Issued by DEWEY & Co. Publishers of the Paciric Rurat Press CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWER.-—A practical Hand-book for the orchardist (in preparation). CATALOGUE OF EUROPEAN VINES—With synonyms and brief descriptions, by I. Bleasdale, D. D, Invaluable to those growing the vinifera. Price, in pamphlet, 50 cents. ORANGE GROWING IN CALIFORNIA—By T, A. Garey, of Los Angeles. The most comprehen- sive treatise on the growth of this fruit. It contains full instructions for growing the trees, planting and care of orchards, etc.; 227 pages. Price, $1. SILK GROWERS’ MANUAL—By W. B. Ewer, A. M. A practical treatise full of useful hints for beginners in this State; 20 pages. Pamphlet, price 25 cents. REPORT OF FRUIT GROWERS’ CONVENTION, 1881, 1882, 1884, 1885, postpaid, 25 cts, OTHER WORES. THE AGRICULTURAL FEATURES OF CALIFORNIA, by Prof. Hilgard, 138 large pages, bound in stiff cloth, with colored maps, $1.00. NILES’ STOCK AND POTLTRY BOOK, pamphlet, 120 pages, post-paid for 50 cts. KENDALL’S TREATISE ON THE HORSE AND DISEASES, post-paid for 25 cts. PICTURESQUE CALIFORNIA HOMES (40 building plans and estimates), post-paid for $3,00. Sold Wholesale and Retail by DEWEY & CO., PuBLisHErs, ; 252 Market St., San Francisco. #7 Send for our ‘‘Subscription Offering Supplement,” containing a descriptive list of the above and other books and other valuable articles, offered at greatly reduced rates, as premiums to new subscribers, SV EY Se COG Sinfds Proce MUO, Patat Atay ESTABLISHED 1868. Inventors on the Pacific Coast will find it greatly to their advantage to consult this old experienced, first-class Agency. We have able and trustworthy Associates and Agents in Wash} ington and the capital cities of the principal nations of the world. In connection with our edi- torial, scientific and Patent Law Library, and record of original cases in our office, we have other ‘advantages far beyond those which can be offered home inventors by other agencies, The information accumulated through long and careful practice before the Office, and the frequent examination of Patents already granted, for the purpose of determining the patentability of inventions brought before us, enables us often to give advice which will save inventors the expense of applying for Patents upon inventions which are not new. Circulars of advice sent free on receipt of postage. Address DEWEY & CO., Patent Agents, 252 Market St., 8S. F. A, T. DEWEY, WwW. B. EWER. GEO. H. STRONG, Niles’s new | A Treatise on the Horse and his Diseases qrenuet gpd By B. J. Kenpaun, M. D. bool on sult Fhe 35 Fine Engravings showing the positions and actions of sick horses. Gives the cause, symp- toms and best treatment of dis- \\ eases. Has a table giving the \\ doses, effects and antidotes of all the principal medicines used for the horse, anda few pages on the action and uses of me- - dicines. Rules for telling the age of a horse, with a fine en graying showing the appearance A practical treatise by T. A. GAREY, giving the results of long experi- | of the teeth at each year. It is printed on fine paper ence in Southern California. 196] and has nearly 100 pages, 74x5 inches. Price, only 25 pages, cloth bound. Sent post-paid | cents, or five for $1, on receipt of which we will send CU LT U RE at reduced price of 75 cts. per copy | by mail to any address. DEWEY & CO by DEWEY & CO., Publishers, S. F. 252 Market St., 8. a vected with successful Poultry and Stock Raising on the Pacific Coast. A New Edition, over 100 pages, profusely illustrated with handsome, life- like illustrations of the different varieties of Poultry and Live-Stock. Price, postpaid, 50 cts: Ad- dress PACIFIC RURAL PRESS Office, San Francisco, Cal. ~~ ~volumes) $5. The Pacific Rural Press. The Leading Agricultural Home News- paper and standard authority branches of California Agriculture. It is the chief medium for the dissemination of in- formation concerning fruit-growing in Calfornia. It has the fullest and most accurate REPORTS OF HORTICULTURAL MEETINGS, and is the best record of the EXPERIENCE OF INDIVIDUAL FRUIT-GROW- ERS in all parts of the State. Its market reports are prepared with care and the greatest reliability possible for the benefit of the producer. THe PAcIFIC RURAL Press has more circulation and influence in the Pacific States and Territories than all the other agricultural weeklies in the United States combined. Advertisers can reach nearly all the leading reading farmers through its columns, A well-known horticulturist who was in attendance ‘Phe greatest praise that could be bestowed on the RURAL upon the meetings of fruit-growers, writes; Press at the late Fruit-Growers’ Convention, and which shows, undoubtedly, the well deserved pop- ularity of that paper, is the fact that almost all the members of that Convention were subscribers to the Press.” It is a Farm and Home Journal of the highest class, pure in tone and well informed on all matters of industrial interest. It is handsomely printed and illustrated. It is a 20-page weekly, and is furnished, postage paid, for $3 per year in advance. Single copies, 10 cents, prepaid. ° Established 1870. Yearly subscription $3: Send for samples. Address, ; ro a) DEWEY & CO., Publishers, No. 252 Market Street, a wsanetico- , eo? For California. Readers abroad wishing to know more about the mild sunset land of the Pacific Slope, its rare products and wonderful resources and climate, will do well to. send fifty cents for a map and 12 sample copies (worth $1.25) of the (illustrated) Pactric RURAL Press, the largest and best agricultural weekly in the West, and one of the freshest and most original home farm papers in the world. Established Jan. 1, 1870. Address PACIFIC RURAL PRESS, 252 Market St., San Francisco. : Back Fixes of the Paciric RURAL Press (unbound) can be had for $3 per volume of six months. Per year (two Inserted in Dewey’s patent binder, 50 eents additional per volume. [In Preparation. ] The Caifornia Fruit Grower. A manual of methods and practices in Tree Prop- agation, Planting, Cultivation, and Pruning, which Lave yielded greatest success; with Lists of Varie- ties of Fruit best adapted to the different districts of the State. By our editorial associate, EDWARD j. WICKSON, Secretary California State Horticultural Society, etc. The needs of a multitude of new-comers and the disposition among many old residents, who have followed other pursuits, to plant orchards and vine- yards, has created a wide demand for a condensed and yet comprehensive treatise upon California fruit growing. While it is not the expectation of the publishers to produce at once a perfect work on this important interest, in so new a field it is believed that a book may be prepared that shall contain a large fund of useful information, relat- ing to all branches of fruit growing, and thus serve as a trustworthy guide to the novice, and of suggestive value even to those of large exper- ience. A better book may be the outgrowth of the present effort when time shall bring more permanent features and a fuller understanding of the industry. Just at present what is most needed is a straightfor- ward, practical description of the methods which have so far been proved to yield the best results in every branch of fruit growing from the propagation of the tree onward to the marketing of the product. It is expected that this book will be so plain and practical in, its, character that anyone (of ordinary ~ abitity) anay:successfully plant and grow any of the copsmpn: on chard, ates) eyer ifv-he or she has had no previous experieane in “hortiguljure. The obvious necessity, for such a work arises from the fact *hat Cali “fornia odnditions are peculiar and practices must be especially adapted to conform to them. For this reason none of the many excellent Eastern books on fruit growing are of use to the California fruit-grower. He needs to know the re- sults of the experience of the most successful Califor- nia orchardists as a guide to his own operations, and this is what the book now in preparation will furnish him.. Published by DEWEY & CO., Proprietors PACIFIC RURAL PRESS, No. 252 Market St., S. F. Send for our ‘‘Subscription Offering Supplement,” containing list of books and other valuable articles, offered at greatly reduced rates, as premiums to new subscribers. “ MMA SANN UALS @GONVEN TION OF POCALIFORNIA “FRET. GROWERS. The convention met in the Grand Opera House, Los Angeles, atl0 A. M., Tuesday, No- vember 17, 1885. Ellwood Cooper, President of the State Board of Horticulture, presided. A. H. Webb, Secretary of the State Board of Horticulture, was assisted by E. J. Wickson, ‘Secretary of the State Horticultural Society. Upon calling the convention to order Presi- dent Cooper announced that Mr. Stephen M. White, who had been chosen by the Los An- geles citizens’ committee to welcome the dele- gates to the city would deliver his address at the afternoon session. President Cooper then de- livered his opening address as follows: President Cooper’s Address. By reason of the position which I hold, as President of the State Board of Horticulture, it is expected of me to deliver an address on this occasion, and to mark out or submit a plan to govern our exercises at this convention, to point out the subjects of greatest importance, and the manner of discussion, so as to facilitate our work. : This will be the Fifth Annual Fruit-Growers’ Convention held in this State. The law creat- ing the State Board of Horticulture as it for- merly stood did not authorize the incurring of any expenses for such purposes. Voluntary contributions were necessary to meet the out- lay. Hach convention had a separate and inde- pendent organization and adjourned sine die. While, as I said before, it is the fifth, it is the first over which the State Board assumes the control and that will have continuous organiz- ation. A complete record will be kept, and our office, the seat of information on every ‘question that arises, will be accessible to all the fruit-growers inthe State. The plan for our next annual convention, to be held in ’86, will be determined here, so that much more possi- bly can be done at future gatherings than can be accomplished now. Before submitting my plan, however, I will make a few introductory remarks on the sub- ject of Horticulture. To quote from a lecture delivered by Baron Ferd. Von Mueller, in November, 1880, at the request of the Social Science Congress, of Mel- bourne, he said: ‘‘While Science is to shed light on the path of instructive progress to lead to the development of natural resources; Art to mold and refine esthetics to react on the tone of social and domestic life; Literature a guiding influence on the progress of the times, on the welfare of the State; Economy to advance mutually the interests of the whole population —it is left to our gathering to advocate the vast interests involved in horticultural pursuits.” To quote stillfrom that great man: ‘‘Directly: or indirectly, man himself is nourished, clothed, and, indeed, provided with many of his other requisites by plants. The very imple- ments of his daily avocation, the comforts of his home, the fuel for his hourly wants, the means of locomotion, the very paper without which his intellectual communication beyond he reach of voice would become an impossi- bility but for the offerings of the empire of plants. If the teachings and debates of our convention should tend to advance in any way the interests of horticultural pursuits, then we may claim to have aided in promoting the wel- fare of our own, and perhaps other com- munities.” : A. Coutance, Professor of Natural Science, of Paris, in his elaborate work on the olive, com- piled from the time of the most ancient records, states that the laws were made for the protec- tion of wheat, the olive and the vine. J. De Barth Shorb in an address delivered before the State Agricultural Society in Sep- tember, 1882, said, ‘‘The history of agriculture is coincident with that of civilization itself, and so intimately blended that the study of one means necessarily the study of the other. * * * * Civilization depended on agriculture and climate. This carries the mind back to Egypt, the birth place of European civilization, 5000 years ago. This country, in many material respects, is similar to our own, and may be studied with interest and profit to us all, as it existed thousands of years before the Christian Era, and remains substantially the same to-day. What Egypt has been to Huropean nations, California should be, and must become, to the American nation. Why was it that civilization = ; FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION thus rose on the banks of the Nile, and not upon those of the Danube and Mississippi? The answer is, civilization depends upon climate and agriculture. As long as life is a scene of uncertainty, that the hopes of yesterday may be blighted by the realities of to-day, man, in the imperious demand for present support, dares not venture on speculative attempts for the purpose of ameliorating his condition. Agri- culture in Egypt is certain, and there man first became civilized. Agriculture in California can be made as certain, and here man should de- velop a civilization and prosperity unequaled in this world’s history. The arable land of Egypt is only 2253 square miles, and yet from this insignificant area were supported at one period over seven millions of people.” Still quoting: **At San Gabriel, there are lands adjoining the old mission buildings which have been cropped twice a year since the foundation of the mission 110 years ago, and they still retain their fer- tility unimpaired. This is purely the result of irrigation.” I call your attention to this last paragraph as it is contrary to every theory as laid down in all the agriculéiural journals in the country. They claim that only by systematic fertilizing can the productive power of the land be se- cured. This is particularly claimed by French scientific journals, regarding continued fruit crops. The one great expense attending fruit production in that country is the fertilizers. The above claim is that only water is required. Ié is not a difficult matter to write an address generalizing on the subject matter, but what we want is hard facts presented in the briefest and simplest manner. In what direction is our at- tention here to turnin horticulture, and in what aspects does it present itself to us? The importance of horticulture in relation to educational training hasnever yet been sufticient- ly recognized.’ Our children should be taught in our common schools. Their observations en- larged, their interests enlivened. They should be made to feel their responsibility in the proper care of every useful plant. But very few people appreciate the difficulty to be surmounted in the conduct of an experiment, ‘‘ Nature makes experimenters,” says Professor Cassidy of Colorado. No man can be successful in this line of human effort who is careless, slovenly, and loose as a practitioner. The practice in the profession is largely the ability to measure de- tails, Subjects for Consideration. The important subjects before this conven- tion I have arranged or classed under four dif- ferent heads, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. These again, with the exception of the fourth and last, I have subdivided in three different heads, first, second and third, as follows: No. 1-——Insect pests and the care of trees. No, 2—The preparation, marketing and disposing of fruit. No. 3—The variety and kinds of fruit trees to be encouraged, No. 4—Protection to fruit industry, Subdivisions of Nos, 1, 2, and 3.—No. 1—First, the most inexpensive remedies to apply for the de- struction of insect pests, how to apply, the time to apply, and the cost. Second, the cultivation, the pruning, the time to prune. Third, proper laws to prevent the spread of insect pests. Number one in the order as given above will be disposed of on Tues- day. No, 2—First, the care in selection, the kind and size of packages, the marketing and shipping, Second, the proper time to gather the different kinds of fruits, the curing, etc. Third, how the fruit grow- ers are to dispose of their fruits without coming in competition with each other as to prices for the same quality and kind of fruits. Number two will occupy all of Wednesday, including night session. No. 3— First, the best varieties of the different kinds of fruits to meet the wants of consumers in the different sea- sons. Second, the actual demand and probability of increase. Third, the encouragement to new planters to confine themselves to such fruits as are not in sufficient supply, or in excess, and to those that the consumption appears to be for the time being unlim- ited. No. 4.—The fourth class or subject (protection to the fruit industry) requires very careful considera- tion as every individual giving his views would natu- rally be biased in favor of his special line of interest. You will see by this program that there are four general divisions of the subject. I propose that we take them up in their order, limiting or giving one day to each. ‘The sub- divisions of the classes Nos. 1, 2 and 3 can be arranged for the equivalent part of the day. The remarks of all the members to be limited as to time, unless by special privilege. This program will consume four days of our time. The fifth day I propose to give to the plan of preparation for our next annual convention. Horticultural Books Recommended. I have examined the proceedingsof quite a number of horticultural societies held east of the Rocky mountains, and find in their discuss- ions a very wide range of subjects. Our ca- pacities, for climatic reasons, being very much greater and largely different suggests an inde- pendent scope and that we confine our deliber- ations more especially to such points as will in- crease or secure our greatest prosperity in the line of our natural advantages. Allow me, however, in this place to recommend that ev- ery locality procure for its public library a copy of the transactions of the Mississippi Val- ley Horticultural Society for 1884. In this book there is a register of every National and State Horticultural Society in the country. A copy of each can be secured, so that every citi- zen can have access to them. These books or reports have papers on al- most every imaginable subject kindred to fruit culture, with discussions on thesame. I would also recommend a book published in Washing- ton by the State Department, in June, 1884, No. 413. This latter is especially interesting to those engaging in citrus or olive growing. If we expect to succeed in our fruit enterprises, we must read, Insect Remedies. Going back to my plan or program, which Ihave represented, I will briefly review some of the points or subjects before closing. No. 1, the first class—insect pests and care of trees: I would call your attention to the various bulle- tins that have been issued, giving the formula of certain mixtures, represented as eflicient remedies for the destruction of certain insects. We have* the bulletin of B, M. Lelong, San Gabriel, Jan. 25, ’°85,—40 Ibs. whale oil soap, 4 gallons coal-oil (110° fire test), 100 gallons water; cost, $2.84. For the black scale, spray in September and October; they hatch through July and August. My remarks regarding these different mixtures will be confined to their effect upon the black scale on olive trees. I have not experimented with other insects on citrus trees CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 3 \ sufficiently to make areport. The statement that they hatch through July and August is true, yet not strictly true, for the reason that I have known one year—1883—+the hatching to begin early in July and hatch continuously up to the middle of the following February, a period of seven months. The bulletin of S. F. Chapin, Nov. 25th, 1884, gives this mixture, which contains five different ingredients besides the water. JItis impracticable unless put up already for sale by some one who is prepared to do so in the exact proportions. The cost is two and two-thirds cents per gallon. It is too ex- pensive, unless guaranteed, and the guarantee would depend upon the application or in whose hands it was made. I will state in this place that since writing the above, and during the time I was waiting for the steamer to come to Los Angeles, I examined some citrus trees, ‘orange, lemon and lime that were badly effected with the black scale in May last. After two sprayings with the whale oil and iron compound, all the insects had disappeared before Nov. 13th. The bulletin of Dobbins, Rice & McKinley, Los Angeles, Oct. 15, 1885, is as follows: 25 lbs. brown soap, 6 lbs. wood potash, 4 gallons coal-oil (110° test), 100 gallons water. This mixture would, I suppose, cost about two and one-half cents the gallon. Matthew Cooke’s remedy, copied from a Los Angeles paper in March last is as follows: 10 tbs. whale oil or other soft soap, sulphur 24 or3 tbs., coal-oil 1 gallon, water 17 gallons. Cost about three and a-half cents. All these mixtures are good, no doubt, and would kill the newly hatched or young scale, but how about the scale hatched after October? If we have to keep con- stantly spraying we had better use tobacco de- coction which costs ten times less. Kerosene oil has been considered by entomol- ogists, the most effectual insect destroyer. The Agricultural Department at Washington has taken the same view, and has from year to year given directions how to mix and use. As a matter of course the greatest care must be ex- ercised in preparation and application. I refer you to report of 1884, page 331. The experi- menters seem to have arrived at the perfect so- lution. I have adopted their formula for emul- sifying, but for the olive tree washing double the strength. The proportions in the bulletins of which I first made mention range from 15 gallons water up to 25 gallons, to one gallon of oil. The Government reports nine gallons of water to each gallon of the emulsions. In di- luting the emulsion I only use six and one-half gallons water to each gallon of oil, and I use only the best quality of kerosene oil to be had in _ the market of (150° fire test), It mixes better, and is therefore safer in the application. The cost of my mixture is about four cents a gallon and it takes for large olive trees about 16 gallons on an average. The cost therefore per tree, not counting the labor, fuel, etc., is 64 cents each washing. I experimented with the kerosene mixture in April, from 5th to Sth, with the strength of 14 to 1, and failed to see much benefit. At the same time, with the strength 64 to 1, the trees were not injured and most of the scale killed. Thad the same result on lime trees. At the _same time I experimented with pyroligneous _ acid on the olive trees, each gallon of acid diluted with one gallon of water, The result was a perfect success, as every part touched in the spraying the insects were destroyed. The acid cost in San Francisco, including the bar- rels, 12 cents; the freight and wharfage to Santa Barbara about two cents, equal 14 cents the gallon; eight gallons of acid with eight gal- lons of water makes the cost per tree $1.12 each washing. From July 29th to August 25thI gave my trees a thorough spraying with a decoction of tobacco; October 20th to November 10th, a thorough spraying with kerosene oil, each gal- lon diluted with 64 gallons water. I also ex- perimented between the last given dates with pyroligneous acid, spirits of turpentine and ice- water. The result of these experiments will be given at our subsequent convention. My formula is: Five gallons best kerosene oil, 150° test; one and a fourth pounds good common soap, or one bdr and a half of soap us- ually sold as pound packages; two and a half gallons of water. This makes the emulsion. When using dilute 63 (to 7) gallons of water for each galion of oil, and to this mixture add two and a half pounds of good home-made soap dis- solved in boiling water. done with hot water. We usually have 140° in the tank from which we spray. For the wooly aphis on apple trees I have had good success with caustic soda, at a very moderate cost. For flowering shrubs or garden plantsI would recommend sulphur and lime. Formula—two pounds sulphur, one pound lime, two gallons water; boil one hour. Dilute one gallon of the mixture with three galions of water, or more water, according to the strength of the plant. The most important question with which we have to deal is remedies for the destruction of insects, and we should be very careful before recommending any remedy as certain in its ope- ration. Ravages of Insects. In the address of Parker Earle, President of the Mississippi Valley Horticultural Society, delivered in January last, he stated that three- fourths of the entire apple crop were destroyed by insects. This seems like a terrible waste. In Santa Barbara county we certainly have not nore than one-fifth of an olive crop gathered in any one year. From another authority, B. D. Walsh, it is stated that the annual loss in the United States amounts to $300,000,000 from insect pests alone. From a report made by B. F. Johnson, of Champaign, Illinois, he states that the ‘‘chief cause of diseases in vegetation is mal-nutrition, and that, with proper surroundings, sufficient food and abundant water, orchards and all other trees will be healthy and fruitful.” This theory is not borne out by our experience in semi-tropical trees. The ‘‘Icerya purchasi” is no respector of conditions in orange trees or any of the citrus family. Under the second subdivision of the first subject Ihave mentioned, the cultivating and pruning of trees, I would remark concerning The Pruning and Cultivation of Olive Trees, , That the pruning should be done immediately af- ter the fruit is gathered. All dead wood should be removed, and vigorous thinning out on the inside of the trees, so as to admit the sunlight and air. This rule should apply to all trees, The cultivation should be thorough. All this mixing is. ~ nn meres a 4 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION ‘The top surface should be well stirred four or five times in the spring. Plowing is only nec- essary when the crust under becomes hard. Anti-Insect Laws. I come now to the third subject in the first class: ‘‘The laws to prevent the spread of insect pests.” So far as I have been informed not one single test case has been made. In Santa Barbara county the Icerya purchasi, com- monly called the white cottnoy cushioned scale, the worst of all insect pests known in this country or any other country, is gradually spreading and nothing done to prevent it. In the town of Santa Barbara a partial effort has been made. No legal steps have been taken to quarantine this most terrible pest. I cannot foresee the future regarding it, and am at a loss to advise. I fear it will cost the citizens | of Southern California millions of dollars. The second subject proposed is the Marketing and Disposing of Fruit. Fruits should be graded as to size, handled with great care, neatly packed in new and clean boxes or packages and artistically marked. The kind and size of package should be agreed upon and a bulletin issued by the Inspector, so as to be distributed pretty generally amongst the fruit-growers, giving also the cost of such boxes or packages in San Francisco. How the fruit-growers are best to dispose of their fruits I pass over by simply calling atten- tion to the discussion had some weeks ago in San Francisco (also on the 11th of this month), where a proposition was made to establish a central office or business house through which all the fruits were to be disposed of, each orchardist to be entitled to one share to each acre in fruit-bearing trees (on the 13th of November articles of incorporation wer filed), the variety and kinds of fruit to be encouraged. The third class I pass over for the present. The fourth class, Protection to the Fruit Industry. I will state how it operates with regard to my business—making olive oil, growing almonds and English walnuts. We pay labor one dollar a day and board. The boarding costs us about 35 cents, say two francs; labor five francs, equal to seven francs. Inthe south of France and Italy they pay labor one franc; the board- ing costs not over one france, total, two francs; difference five francs, or equal to one dollar per day on every laborer employed. The freight from San Francisco to New York on oil is $60 per ton; from the Mediter- ranean $15, or one-fourth, so that without an import duty, other things being equal, it would be better for me to proceed at once to Southern Europe to carry on my business. With wal- nuts and almonds we make the same compari- son, except that the freight on these to New York is $40 per ton, and from south of Europe about half as much. While I wish to avoid any political discussion at this meeting not pertinent to our actual de- mands or necessities, I will in this place state that if we want laws to protect and encourage the greatest prosperity of our State, we must as intelligent citizens look after the framing of them. Wecannot plead indifferenoe, or pre- occupation; we cannot ignore the community in which we live: our district, our county, our state or our common country. - We must look after the disbursements of our money. Our taxes are more and more every year, notwithstanding we have constantly ring- ing in our ears, honest administration, economy, retrenchment, etc., but no matter what party wins, it is still ‘‘more money.” Take 1875 as the basis of value for my ranch. The first de- cade, or 1885, the increase (in taxes) is 70 per cent or 7 per cent yearly. There is nothing to warrant any such increase. Tree Planting. The most of you perhaps will remember that about ten years ago a law was passed by the Legislature to encourage tree planting on the public highways. No trees to my knowledge have been planted under that law, not because the amount to be given for each tree was insig- nificant, but because it was impossible to pro- tect them. The framers of the law had not an intelligent idea of the subject. I think it is time to revive this most important necessity. We ought to encourage forest tree planting for the protection of our fruit trees. It is my candid opinion based upon my experience that three-fourths of the area in fruit trees, with one- fourth in forest trees will produce more fruit and better fruits than the same area would with- out the forest trees. Freight Rates. Our freights are very much too high. I am satisfied that they can be reduced one-half, and still give a fair profit to the railroads. On the coast, where we have no railroads, we have suffered very greatly from the exhorbitant charges of the steamship company. Recently an opposition line has been established and the rates reduced in some instances to one-fourth the former charges. This reduction by the old company is manifestly or presumably so made in an effort to compel the new line,to withdraw. In this connection I wish to call your attention to the New Constitution, Art. XII, Sec. 20, page 26: No railroad company or other common carrier shall combine or make any contract with the owners of any vessel that Jeaves port or makes port in this State, or with any common carrier by which com- bination or contract the earnings of one doing the carrying are to be shared by the other not doing the carrying. And whenever a railroad corporation shall, for the purpose of competing with any other common carrier, lower its rates for transportation of passen- gers or freight from one point to another, such re- duced rates shall not be again raised or increased, etc. Why single out a railroad company and not apply the same rule to all common carriers ? Again, Declaration of Rights on Corporations, page 44, after defining corporations, forbiding pooling, etc., we find this clause—‘‘Preventing the increase of railroad rates that have been re- duced for purposes of competition.” Here we have the railroad singled out again. Why? Because the ‘‘hue and cry” against the railroad was popular. The politicians vied with each other to pile on restrictions as to the railroad, and possibly at the same time the paid agents of other common carriers. The spirit of justice did not reign. The omission or exemp- tion as to other common carriers renders us helpless. I cannot help believing that it was intentional, and it should warn us of the danger of selecting our representatives. We must know whose interest they represent. Pe LS ee ae — > se i CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. : 5 AsI said before, we must demand reasonable rates of freight, and we should, in return, put our fruits on the market at the lowest possible prices that the business will warrant. This would cheapen the cost to the consumer and in- crease enormously the demand. : Solomon has said, ‘‘As a nail sticketh bhe- tween the joinings of a stone, so sin sticketh be- tween the buyer and seller,”” And while this *does represent the general tendency of trade, we ought to come up to the high standard of the Golden Rule—‘‘To do unto others as we would have them do unto us.” ‘‘Let us con- sider those deeds the greatest which give new sources of comfort, both physical and mental, to mankind, and which harmonize the interests of all branches of the great family of man.” After delivering his opening address, Presi- dent Cooper announced the first topic for dis- cussion, ‘‘The Most Inexpensive Remedies to Apply for the Destruction of Insect Pests: How to Apply, the Time to Apply, and the Cost.” Dr. J. M. Frey, of Newcastle, Placer county: I have a small orchard in the northern part of the State, in Placer county, which is very much infested with insect pests of all kinds. The wooly aphis is almost probably the worst we have, and the red spider. I find that coal oil is the best remedy to use, so far as killing the insects, but we find it very liable to kill the trees. I found it necessary to make an emul- sion which would thoroughly disguise the oil and do it in the cheapest possible manner. As I had a number of cows, and saw something in the paper about an emulsion of milk, I tried that, and I think I hit upon the cheapest plan, and easiest and safest manner of applying coal oil. I took about five gallons of skimmed milk and churned it with one gallon of coal oil. I found it good for killing the wooly aphis and the scale. It cleared my trees of the scale and wooly aphis, but it did not kill the red spider. To attack them I made a mixture of white- wash and salt, and whitewashed the trees and branches so far as I could get at them, but the branches ran out so small that to whitewash them took some little time. With these two simple remedies I have cleared out all the in- sects from my orchard. In packing my pears this last year I instructed my man to be very careful and pick out all the pears that were at- tacked by the scale, and I don’t think that I had a bushel of pears that were so affected. A great;many orchards around me are entirely ruined, and I think that my experience is worth something. Re A Delegate: I would like to inquire what proportion of water was used in the emulsion. Dr. Frey: J took five gallons of milk and ' one gallon of coal oil; to that I added eight gal- lons of water. Different trees will bear differ- ent remedies and of different strength. For in- stance, the olive is a.very tough tree; you can give it twice the strength you put on the cher- ry tree. The peach is also a tree that is easily hurt; you have to be very careful with that, but on the apple, the plum and the quince you can put a pretty good strength and not be li- able to hurt them. The whole thing is to be very careful not to have globules of kerosene floating on top of the mixture. You must make a perfect emulsion and then no harm will be done. The cherry tree, however, is very apt to be hurt. - bark and leaf of the plant. Dr. O. B. Conger, of Pasadena: I suppose friendly criticisms are very proper to be made. I rise to criticise this remark that this gentle- man has just made, that you must thor- oughly make an emulsion or else the kerosene will have a bad effect. I would like to ask what the property is that does the work; is it the kerosene or the milk in the emulsion? Dr. Frey: The kerosene, undoubtedly. It must still be in the form of kerosene, whether it is with milk or whale oil soap. Dr. Conger: Now, to my mind, kerosene is a bad agent; or an agent, perhaps, that will do damage to the delicate foliage, so faras I have experimented with it. I have set it aside, from the fact of its penetrating the bark of the tree or the leaf. I can not say that I have seen direct injurious results from one application, but I suspect that if it is continued there will be harm arising from its use, from the fact of its penetrating, or liability to penetrate the We all know that if you place it upon your hand it is readily ab- sorbed like many volatile substances. It read- ily disappearsin the wood of the tree. It spreads very rapidly and passes away from sight. Perhaps, to some extent, it evaporates; but I apprehend that it penetrates the bark and the leaf of the plant, and hence it must in- terfere with the circulation. Now, there is an erroneous Opinion arisen in regard to making this emulsion, in my judgment. The people, in making the emulsion, imagine that when they have diluted it, it acts in some other way —not directly as kerosene, and there is the point that I rise to call attention to: that in whatever form it is used, it still acts as kero- sene. Mr. Williams, of Fresno: By mixing certain elements we sometimes destroy the deleterious effects of those elements. Now, by mixing with milk, as Dr. Frey suggests, does not the emul- sion destroy the effect of the kerosene upon the live plants, and can we not preserve those prop- erties in the kerosene that destroys the animal life and yet preserve our plant life? Mr. L. J. Rose, of San Gabriel: As far as destroying the effect of the coal oil in emulsions is concerned, I think there is nothing init. I think an emulsion is for the purpose of evenly distributing the coal oil ona tree. If there is no emulsion, why then it separates and keeps to itself and you are liable to spray your tree with nothing but coal oil, but an emulsion takes it up and distributes it evenly through a cer- tain quantity of water or whatever you may spray with. I have sprayed a good deal in my time, and I believe that if you can get along without coal oil it would be better not to use it. It certainly kills, but it also injures the tree; if you use it as an emulsion that is the least in- jury, because you apply it so lightly to every part, but there is danger where you do it in large quantities, and leave these matters to other parties that they may not get a good emulsion, and even in the emulsion that I have I find that my trees have suffered to some extent. I believe that _you will find where you have sprayed trees with an emulsion two or three times that some of the twigs are dead, that the leaves fall on some parts of the tree, that the tender green bark will be discolored, as will be found by cutting into it. I wish to call attention toa 6 t FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION matter that was brought to my notice on the cars by a gentleman whom I hope will be here, Mr. Thomas, of Visalia. He says he has has some wood with him that has been washed with a solution of brine—salt dissolved with water, as much as it will dissolve, and the tree washed with it for what is known as the San Jose scale. He told me it had killed all the scale on the tree and it afterwards had made a good growth, and it was entirely free from scale. So far as many remedies are concerned they are remedies that will apparently kill all or mostly all the insects on tie tree, but so far as my experience goes I have not perfected any- thing. I have the same thing to deal with from time to time, and it is a continued labor. Now if we could get something that would do this and would absolutely destroy it so that we would be free from it, of course the benefits would be much larger. Whether this is pos- sible or not I do not know. Ihave studied over this a good deal because it is my interest to study it. I have thought perhaps that some kind of odors, some kinds of gases, some kinds of fumigation under a tent, that would reach every part of the tree, would probably do the work. Ihave been in hopes that people who have more leisure would experiment with it and find out something in that direction, and I still hope that something will be found out that will be a better remedy than anything we have. Whether there is anything in this salt remedy or not, Ido not know. The gentleman is here and he has some wood which I think would be interesting for the people to see. Mr. Thomas, of Visalia: If you will permit me, in the afternoon I will bring those sam- ples of wood before you and explain to you all I know about it. It is something I only dis- covered afew days ago in Fresno county. I gave it ay Scvere investigation as I could. I only found one gentleman that used it, and I think it is a success, so faras that gentleman used it, John Brittan, of San Jose: I suppose that I have had some experience in eradicating the San Jose scale, Ido claim that I was the first man to use aremedy for it. I unfortunately bought an old orchard about the time that the scale became prevalent there. I got a pretty good dose of it—enough to keep me busy for three or four years. I started in on the basis of potash. I liked potash because there is nothing lost in using it, and if I spend $50 to put iton my orchard I think I get it back in the course of a few years. I have always con- sidered that without potash you will not get very good fruit. That isa great question for fruit-growers to consider. The question of spending $50 and getting some of it back again in other ways besides destroying the insect is important. I adhered to my original plan, and I did exterminate on my orchard the San Jose scale. I startedin on it some eight or nine years ago, and for the last two years I have not seen a sign of the scale, in fact I eradicated them so well that I have not washed for two years. I began using pure potash or concen- trated lye by dissolving it in water and thor- oughly drenching the trees. I did not confine myself to simply spraying them. I gave them all that I thought they ought to have, and I was not careful about saving it atall. I simply let it go onto the ground, and J found out that after continuing in that course of treatment for three years I began to get the better of the scale, and for the last two years I have not seen a sign of them in my orchard. I have an idea that if a tree has all the pot- ash it wants that these insects can’t destroy it. The potash seems to be an antidote for the poison that these insects inject into the tree. I have always based my theory that they did mot destroy a tree by what they took from it, but by what they lefs therein. If you cut off the bark from a tree which is infested with San Jose scale, so that you can see the inside of the bark, you will find it all red, and that red extends right into the inner part of the tree. I find that by applying lye that after it had per- formed its work that red color will become ex- tracted, come right out onto the tree and form a gum on the outside, and then the bark takes on its natural color again. I have had a tree so badly infested with the San Jose scale that it produced no leaves for two years, and yet that tree recovered and is standing a healthy tree to-day. I attribute it to the effect of the lye. I believe the lye destroyed the poison. I am perfectly satisficed it will destroy all insects. You can kill all the red scale on a tree, and if the tree does not get some remedy to overcome that poison, the tree will then die. I know that such has been the case in Santa Clara county. From my experience, therefore, I think that lye is the best remedy and that lye should be the basis of all washes. Tobacco water, as the President stated, is good because it contains more lye than any other wash that can be used. I consider that all washes should be based on potash, not only for the immediate effect, but for their beneficial effect afterwards. Dr. Frey: How much water do you use to a pound of potash? Mr. Brittan: Inever have used the wash any stronger than one pound of concentrated lye to four gallons of water. I bave experi- mented with it stronger, but I never used it so as a general thing. A Delegate: Is the potash as good as the concentrated lye or is it cheaper? Mr. Brittan: That is all governed by the amount of potash you getina pound. I have always found the American concentrated lye the cheapest. Wecan get it stronger from that than from any other ingredient we can use, Tne American concentrated lye I use should contain 95 per cent of potash. A Delegate: I should like to inquire what kind of an apparatus did you use in applying it. Mz. Brittan: I use a Gould pump—one of those small Gould force pumps. I have a tank and put the tank ona sled anda Gould pump and hose and a common garden hose nozzle, Mr. Wilcox, of Santa Clara: There is this to say about that wash, and it is so with all applications for these pests: sometimes they succeed and sometimes they fail. Four or five years agoI put outacouple of thousand pear trees; some of them were affected and part of them were not, and the insects have increased a hundred per cent since that time, although the trees were all dipped before they left the nursery, and although I quarantined them on my place and burnt the refuse so that the in- sects would not spread that way. Iam in- clined to think the lye is effectual, but I think sometimes these insects are about the roots of the trees or about the clay of some substance - i, CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS, 7. around them that the lye did not penetrate. After all the experiments we have made at San Jose, and we have made them very extensively, we have some left. I was induced a little while ago by Mr. Settle, of the Farmers’ Union, where we get all of our washes, to buy a barrel of sal-soda; he said that was the most effectual of anything they had tried. I would like to hear from other persons in regard to that mat- ter. Jam inclined to think that these washes are alleffectual, but that they do not always reach the insect, J. H. Kellogg, of Tustin: Highteen months ago, digging around one of my apple trees, [ discovered that I had a pest, which I was told was the wooly aphis. I was advised to put lime and ashes, mixed, around the butt of the tree; and to pour on some water; and Dr. Cha- pin proposed to take caustic soda and make a solution and let it run down. I tried both,and the lime and ashes were not effectual. The caustic soda I applied, and I found it killed the wooly aphis. I applied it again® and again, perhaps five or six times, and I think that I have nearly conquered the woolly aphis around the trunk of the tree; but it would appear again in the foliage and around the larger branches. ‘To defeat that, 1 put on coal oil. I took a brush and dipped it in coal oil and applied it, and that will kill the wooly aphis; but it breaks out in another spot, and as the matter stands, about one-half of my apple trees are free from the wooly aphis and the other half are still affected, and Lam still fighting then. Mr.G.N. Milco, of Stockton: As nearly as I can understand, this county has been sert- -ously infested by the cottony cushion scale. I would like very much to hear what has been done in the matter, and what remedies have been prescribed, and then I shall offer some- thing that I have got on the subject. I have a remedy, and, if the members of this meeting will allow me, I will submit a letter on the subject: SACRAMENTO, November 14, 1885. G. N, Milco, Esg.,—DEAR Sir: I write to advise you that i have been using buhach for the extermi- nation of the cottony cushion scale, with very favor- able results. ‘The trees infested were in gardens, some having beautiful grass plots, and others were stocked with choice flowers, etc. I could not use the common washes containing coal oil, etc., as it would destroy the flowers, grasses, etc, After detoliating the trees, shrubs, etc., I used a solution of soft soap 15 pounds, buhach 14% pounds, water 20 gallons. The trees and plants being thor- oughly sprayed, the grounds were also thoroughly soaked so as to destroy any that had fallen off. I have made a thorough investigation, and cannot find a living scale on the trees treated in this way; besides, the use of thé buhach instead of coal oil, etc., protected the grass and other plants. I intend repeating the spraying lestany may have escaped on the flowering plants, and will report to _you fully, or at least will send you the report that I _ will make to the Board of Trustees of this city, who ordered the work done. I am well pleased with the result so far, and I con- ‘sider the money expended in purchasing 30 pounds of buhach was an excellent investment, not only as a '-safe remedy for the protection of plants, but as an insecticide; in such cases it has no superior. BSVOUrs, CC. MATTHEW COOKE, It may not be known, Mr. President, that Mr. Cooke took a contract from the Trustees of ‘Sacramento city to eradicate the cottony cush- ion scale for a certain consideration, and no money to be paid unless they were satisfied that the work was done. Mr. Cooper: Piease state the cost of that mixture. Mr. Milco: My opinion is that the cost of this wash, according to his formula, will be something in the neighborhood of seven cents per gallon, but as the wash is not used as my friend Mr, Brittan says, through a common gar- den hese, but through the Cyclone nozzle, the wash will go a good ways, and a gallon will probably go over a good deal of space. Mr. G. M. Grey, of Chico: I would like to gay one word on the lye question; it seems to have been dropped. Ido not know the amount of lye that each person could make by collect- ing the ashes and makiug his own lye, but that would be better than anything we can buy. We have at Chico several engines running in town and on the ranch where lam atwork. We have taken pains for the last three or four years to save ali the good hard-wood ashes that we could gather, and then at the time that they want to use the lye to make it in hoppers, running it into a large pine tank which is buried in the ground (it seems to hold it better that way than any other we can find), and we use the lye for these insects which are doing so much damage. I agree with these gentlemen who have remarked upon his ques- tion that I believe that there is nothing any better to be used than lye. When we use con- centrated lye we use three-fourths of a pound to a gallon of water; that is abont as strong as the more hardy trees will stand, and it is as strong as we can handle. We have no San Jose scale, but we have been troubled with the rose scale or the white scale on our blackberries, and by going over the blackberry bushes twice each year we are getting rid of them entirely. This fall there seems to be a sprinkling of them, but only a few; and we have reduced the quantity of wooly aphis very much from the apple trees by using thislye once or twice during the win- ter, and putting ashes around the roots of the tree. A half bushel, or about that amount, is placed around each tree, and we have con- tinued that until I think now there is on:y one wooly aphis where there were a thousand tnree years ago. As to the cottony cushion scale, there waS one tree which stood in the wood- yard away from anything else and it was re- ported to me two years ago that it was covered with something white. I went and examined tke tree and found it the cottony cushion scale, and we haven’t found anything of the kind any- where else in Butte county that I know of. That was the only tree, and where it came from, and how it happened that they were not scat- tered more, is a mystery. I spread straw around the tree for 2 foot deep, and cut off every branch and let them lie on the straw two or three days until the leaves wilted, and burnt it allup. I supposed it would kill the tree, but the next spring it came out and now it has a large, fine crop, and not a sign of the cot- tony cushion scale on it yet. Dr. O. F. Chubb, of Orange: I want to state, in regard to the lye treatment, that un- der my observation some gentleman was using concentrated lye with lime, a very thin wash and very cheaply prepared—I think one pound of lye and one pound of lime to five gallons of water. They used lime, claiming that it at- tracted the lye to the limbs and the leaves of 8 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION the tree and retained it longer. It is one of the latest applications that we are making in that county, and it seems to do the work most thor- oughly. Now, there is a point that is touched on by the gentleman from Santa Clara that I think needs more consideration than we have been givng it; that is the application of such remedies as contribute to the growth and thriftiness of the tree. I believe that it will accord with the observation of most of you, that the more thrifty any fruit tree is in its growth the less it is affected by the pests, and the scale particularly. That has been my ob- servation, and I believe if the most eminent chemists would give it their attention and give us the chemical ingredients necessary to pro- mote the more thrifty growth, so that we would use those, we would have less trouble with the scale. I call to mind an orchard that I examined in this city two years ago, where the entire tree was almost entirely free from the black scale which was then the only one in- festing this section to any extent (that is, the white scale had not been talked of), and I asked the owner how he had secured that de- gree of cleanliness from the black scale. He said he had done it by making a very heavy application of sheep manure from the sheep ranch and corral. He hauled ona very large quantity and applied it thoroughly. There was one tree that I discovered that had a large amount of black scale on it. Isaid : ‘‘How is this that this tree is so affected and the rest so clean?” He said that the tree was damaged, and called my attention to the body near the ground, where the bark had been almost torn off clear arcund from a team he had cultivating running away with the harrow and running against the tree and breaking off the bark and almost destroying the life of the tree. It so far interfered with the growth that there had been no growth for two or three years; the re- sult was it was covered with black scale at that time. At the time I saw it, it was somewhat recovering. This point of promoting the thrift of trees, and if possible by applications that will also killthe insects, 1 believe is a vital point. Dr. E. Kimball, of Haywards: I have an Olive orchard at my house—about five hundred trees. They became thoroughly infested with black-scale—on every limb, some of them. I cut offthe entire top in March, a year ago, from four hundred trees; cutthem right down to hitching posts, leaving only short stubs of limbs. I subsequently washed those trees with concentrated lye, one pound to four gallons of water—simply sprayed them with the San Jose nozzle. On the sixth of May the first leaf came out; they now have tops almost as large as they were before, and from some of them I have picked five gallons of olives this year. On the hundred trees that I did not top there is more or less scale now, although ‘treat- ed in the same way—by drenching them thor- oughly, but not with the same treatment. I treated them with ten pounds of Los Angeles whale oil soap and twenty pounds of quick- lime to forty gallons of water. That has not killed the scale entirely, though very little is left, and none of it has been communicated to the trees that I topped. I fail to discover one on them, and they are ina very vigorous con- dition. I then tried the same wash, ten pounds of whale oil soap and ten pounds of quick-lime to forty gallons of water, on about twenty-five lemon trees that were thoroughly infested with the black scale and some willow scale. It had not the slightest effect upon the willow scale, but the black scale it has about half killed. I - have not found that effectual on any trees, but the one pound of lye to four gallons of water, I have found effectual. That will eradicate the black scale, the only scale I have, except the willow scale. Mr. T. A. Garey, of Los Angeles: Dr. Chubb’s statement in regard to the vigorous growth of the orange trees having a tendency to clear the tree of black scaleis afact. I have known orange trees taken out of nurseries in the vicinity of Los Angeles thoroughly covered with the black scale planted on the rich high land toward the mountains where the condi- tions seeni to be more proper and better for the orange trees, and they cleared themselves en- tirely without any application of anything what- ever. The change in the location and the vigo- rous growth of the tree will clear the tree of the black scale, but that is not the case with the cottony cushion scale. The more you cultivate the tree the more vigorously it grows, and the more vigorous your cottony cushion scale be- comes. I don’t think it has any tendency what- ever to reduce it. It is a pest that will require the combined wisdom of the people of this State and locality to remedy and to eradicate, and that remedy should be cheap enough to be within the reach of the people who need it. Now, when Mr. Milco talks about seven cents a gallon for the expense of his buhach and other things, that ends the mat- ter. Though it may kill ail the scale, the cot- tony cushion scale, the ordinary orchardist cannot efford to pay it—it would bankrupt him. About as cheap and probably a better method would be to dig the trees up and burn them up. Wemust getasafe and sure and cheap remedy. A few wealthy men of this. county may stand seven cents a gallon for spraying their trees, in order to eradicate the white scale, but the ordinary run of orchardists can’t do it, so that however effective a remedy may be we could not have it, because of the ex- pense; it would be an embargo uponit. Now, I hope out of the deliberations of this conven- tion, and what we may learn to-day, that we may get down to something that would be practicable in the way of eradicating this terri- ble pest—the cottony cushion scale. I do not think that we have any San Jose scale in Los Angeles county; if we have I have never heard of it. I don’t know for certain, but it is of great importance tous to know something about it and the prevention and the cure, be- cause a cure for the San Jose scale would be likely a cure for the cottony cushion scale, and that is the thing we are looking to more espe- cially. The wooly aphis has also been referred to; my impression is, the best way to kill the wooly aphis is to dig the tree up and burn it up. One gentleman from Orange stated that he applies a little coal oil when he sees it on the: branches, and one-third of his orchard is clear and two-thirds are affected. Ithink it will con- tinue to do that way; it is a continuous trouble and a continuous expense. The wooly aphis, I think, is one of the most difficult things to erad- icate from our orchards that we know of. In regard to the remedy of brine, proposed by Mr. Thomas, of Visalia, I suppose that he has refer~ CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. . 9 ence to the San Jose scale on deciduous fruit trees I would like to know of Mr. Thomas how long it has been since he made that experiment, and the condition of the trees after he made the experiment. They have been speaking about the deleterious effects of the coal oil on trees. I do not think it will compare with brine. I think the salt brine will kill the tree outright and you will get rid of it without any trouble, insects and all. Iknow that salt brine around the roots of orange trees will kill the trees; they _will shed the leaves almost at once and the tree will dwindle until it dies if there is any strength at allin the brine, You have got to look out for that. Mr. Milco: As near as I can understand the gentleman, the complaint is that the remedies, like that proposed by Mr. Cooke, were too ex- pensive. Now I would like to know how much “money has been spent in washes for the last five years in this State, and I would like to know whether there is a single man here to-day who has an orchard that is clean from insects. I would like to know if there is a man on this floor that has a remedy. Mr. Garey: I would like to know if you have a remedy. Mr. Milco: The remedy is just read to you. Mr. Garey: Well is it effectual by one appli- cation? Mr. Milco: It seems so from this letter from Mr. Cooke. Mr, Williams, of Fresno: I think this is the best opportunity for Matthew Cooke to geta big contract on his hands right here in Los Angeles county. He took a contract in Sacramento for eradicating the scale permanently for $200. I think there were four places that were infested with the scale, and if we had Mr. Matthew Cooke down here I think we would give him a big job, and if that remedy is as effectual as they say it is, I think it economy to let Los Angeles county out to him and let him do the job up at once and get rid of it. A Delegate: How large was the tract in Sacramento? Mr, Milco: I don’t know anything about the extent, but I know I read an article in the Record- Union last July calling attention to the danger of the spread of this scale insect, and finally it was brought before the trustees, and the result is just as Mr. Cooke states in his letter. At this point the convention adjourned until afternoon. At the opening of the afternoon session on Tuesday, Nov. 17th, the following Address of Welcome Was delivered by Stephen M. eee Esq., of Los Angeles : Mr. Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen :— Some little time ago, the committee to which the management of your reception had been en- trusted, inquired whether it would be convenient for me to address to those who should assem- ble here words of welcome, and to say in behalf of the citizens of Los Angeies county in gen- eral, and more particular in behalf of those who are directly interested in the work in which you are engaged, that your advent is not only in accordance with public desire, but that the greeting which you may expect will be cordial and sincere, Entertaining such sentiments my- self, and glad of an opportunity to give them’ utterance, I accepted the invitation, thinking without justification, is seems, that I would be able to reduce my thoughts to a coherent and intelligible form. I know that it is the habit of those who address public assemblages to ex- cuse themselves for crude and unstudied utter- ances, and when this is done the speaker, as a rule, has stored in his pockets, or placed in the printer’s hands, a very large amount of manu- script which has been the subject of much at- tention. However unreliable such statements ‘generally are, I can, nevertheless, truly say that it has been impossible for me to prepare anything in the nature of a speech, and the limited exper- ience I have had in such matters has convinced me that inadequate preparation is worse than none, and that extempore efforts are calculated to do more good than partially preconceived efforts. Perhaps it is better that unyielding circumstances have precluded my giving this address the care it merits by the occasion. Had I been ‘‘prepared,”’ I would no doubt have spoken glowingly of our balmy atmosphere and Italian skies; would have dwelt upon the dry- ness of the air, and I might have said something as to our irrigating necessities. In view of the condition of our streets, the demand for over- coats, and the uncertain tenure by which we all hold our umbrellas, such remarks would have been the subiect of no little embarrassment. With this preliminary, let me say that Los Angeles city and county, and Southern Califor- nia, extend to you an earnest and enthusiastic welcome. Glad to have you here as friends, we are over- joyed at the presence of an organization formed on a legal basis and endeavoring in a scientifie way to insure the permancy, and advance the interest of that which is fast becoming the lead- ing industry of California. It is not long ago since the interests represented by you were re- garded as merely incidental to others—as hardly worthy of secondary, consideration. Men looked to mining, the raising of stock, and in some lo- calities, to the production of cereals, as about the only means of acquiring a livelihood. And to have attempted a thorough investi- gation of those matters which you are here te fully examine would have been deemed an idle dream, a visionary scheme, unworthy the at- tention of a practical man. How great the change which time has made in this, as in almost every walk where the re- quirements of the situation draw upon the in- dustry and intellect of man! And how the face of nature has been transformed and even the current of trade reversed! Not many years have elapsed since it was supposed that marketable apples could not be grown in Los Angeles county. Yet,a few days ago when our fair was held in the large market building nearly opposite us, one person dis- played 300 varieties of magnificent apples, raised by him in this county. The exhibit not only enlisted universal comment but excited the ap- plause of the numerous visitors from other States, who were fortunate enough to witness that ‘tangible evidence of material develop- ment. Potatoes, cabbages, vegetables of all kinds were largely imported by Los Angeles dealers some years past, and the assertion that a miscellaneous fruit production would ever Io FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION emanate from this portion of the State, if ever made, would have been treated with uncon- cealed incredulity. It is unnecessary to refer to the patent fact that fruit production has passed the embryo stage and that the great possibilities, which are offered by our climate and peculiar condition, are of such magnitude as to render it difficult to realize them. To me, one of the most pleasant features of the situation is to be found in the contempla- tion of the fact that our movements are not di- rected by chance, and that combined effort willsoon eliminate the element of uncertainty which must ever attend that class of business which is at the mercy of a stronger power. Nor is the prospect only that which follows» combi- nation. Intelligence and experience are to guide and to govern this organized industry. The Legislature will enact such laws as are found consouant with fundamental maxims and at the same time sufficiently comprehensive to effect the desired object. When the initiatory steps toward the extir- pation of fruit pests were being taken, many well-minded persons objected to investing, as they said, plenary powerin afew men. It was asserted that it was dangerous to permit the invasion of private property against the will of the owner, and under circumstances which did not seem, viewed ‘‘in the light of other days,” to warrant a disregard of the owner’s wishes. “I can and will attend to my own business,” was the cry. But, adopting that practical busi- ness-like view, which is perhaps incident to American manhood, and remembering that the citizen must so use his property as not to ma- terially impair that of his neighbor, and that the ‘‘police power’’ was co-extensive with the danger, our fruit-growers are practically unanimous in their submission of official author- ity, and the only question appears to be as to ap most desirable means to gain the desired end. We cannot, amd indeed do not, attempt to deny that the fruit prospects are largely im- paired by the presence of numberless and in- vidious foes; in this very city the scale bug seemed for a long time to be master of the situ- ation. Slow, non-radical treatment was barren of results, and only since “‘heroic treatment” was adopted have we entertained, and, with reason, too, strong hopes of ultimate mastery. The methods essential for success—those from which the best results will flow—must become matters of common learning before the fight can be said to be thoroughly organized. You, gentlemen, who are devoting yourselves to this work, not merely for your personal bene- fit, but also for the well-being of your fellow- citizens, must, through your personal labor, and by means of conventions such as this, supply Ee needed instruction—give the proper educa- ion. The consequences of your movements upon the enemy are being notably felt. I observe a steadily growing desire to recognize and appre- ciate your leadership in the important charge over which your jurisdiction extends, You'are looked to as forming a tribunal cre- ated to furnish useful information, to make sug- gestions and to carry out the views you enunci- ate. All parties interested have a right to look to you for this and I know they will not look in vain. The eradication of a serious peril— one which menaces the permanency of our State’s resources, is no trivial affair. The proper treatment of the vital issue thus presented is of more importance to us at present than the result of any political caucus or con- vention, or even election. I do not feel myself competent to make any specific suggestions to you, but allow me to say that the efficacy of your action here depends somewhat upon its unaminity. Divided counsels are rarely pro- ductive of intended benefit. Full, candid and thorough discussion should, no doubt, be had; but after ample consideration make some rec- ommendation upon which you can afford to stand and do not doubt that your decision will be considered enough to warrant its general and practical application. Our knowledge has surely reached the point where we clearly and unmistakably see that without the aid of the Government and an in- telligent body to enforce the law, our prospects would not be bright, or the chances of enduring prosperity encouraging. That American brain and muscle is fast win- ning the upper hand in this battle I take for granted, and with that conflict determined in our favor, who can measure the greatness in store for California? There wasa day in the earlier stages of her being when those who, ani- mated by youthful energy and lured by tales of golden treasures, came to her shores for pecuniary gain alone. Their restless activity guided them to hitherto unexplored fastnesses, under, along and over beds of rivers, below the mountain’s base, all to acquire enough to enable the possessor to return to his native heath, and enjoy the profits of his perilous enterprise. Those days are gone. The cattle king with his mighty herds finds his exterior boundary lines contracting. The great farmer, whose thou- sands of acres yielded him but a meager crop, sold at a meager price, is gradually passing away. The spirit of progression waves us on toward the vineyard, the orchard, the neat homes, the garden and the well cared for stock farm. Ancient methods are being displaced and the mind as well as the soil is found to be a subject for profitable cultivation. The tendency of your efforts is towards a higher civilization; it means the increase of independent land-owners, the encouragement of those things which civilize, which do good, which destroy crime, or rather obliterate its causes. The unavoidable delays which the late storm has occasioned, and the consequent change of hour for this meeting has somewhat complicated my business appointments, Iam, therefore, com- pelled to close, which I will do by welcoming you once more to Los Angeles, assuring you at the same time'that you wiil have general and cordial co-operation in your efforts to advance and promote those great enterprises, which, supplying honestly acquired wealth, at the same time drive away care, and develop and cause to be transmitted that happiness and personal satisfaction which is among the most common of legitimate aspirations. Discussion on Insect Fighting. After the address of Mr. White the discussion on injurious insects was continued. L. J. Rose, of San Gabriel: I have been a res- ident here for some time and engaged in orange CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. It culture, and have done a great deal in the way of trying to eradicate the scale bug. In the first place we had the red scale, and we were very much alarmed about it. I then began cutting off the trees, trimming then) so as to leave nothing but the bare branches, and scour- ing the whole tree with soap and water. After a few years they grew out very beautiful- ly but were as full of the red scale as they were before. I have the cottony cushion scale now, and I am doing everything I can to find out what will killit. We have done a great many unnecessary things, and we have done _ things that may have been of doubtful benefit ‘inquired into. and of more expense than is necessary. The formula that I first used was whale oil soap, coal oil of such a standard of fire test and pot- ash. We now find that whale oil soap is not necessary, in fact it is an injury, because it stains the fruit; whereas common cheap soap does not stain the fruit, so we are using a wash that costs less money. Again, the fire test coal oil was considered a great benefit and a great necessity. If I may judge from my experience, it is of doubtful benefit; in fact, I think it is of no benefit at all. It kills the bugs, but the potash kills the bugs without it, and the potash is a bene- fit to the soil, and is of no injury in any respect. I will state to Mr. Milco that I have heard be- fore of Mr. Cooke’s opinion and belief. I do not know of aman that I have a greater esteem for in this matter.. On the other hand, I have gone through so much here, have seen so many things that turned out failures, that I have some’ little misgivings that Mr. Cooke is mistaken, too. I know something of the lot in Sacramento which he treated. They had little trees that were trimmed oft and radically treated, and I have no doubt that they are free from the cottony cushion scale to-day. Accord- ing to the experience we have had here for two years with the remedies I have said I have used, they kill the bug, but there is another fact: as soon as you begin spraying the bug falls ‘off the tree and it buries itself in the soil, and when you are done spraying the bug again ascends the tree, and ina little while, by its prolific habits, is as numerous as ever. Now, this has been my experience; it has been the experience of the whole county. You cannot show me one place where the scale has been eradicated. That isa broad assertion, but I think it will be substantiated when thoroughly I have seen cases where you have said : ‘‘Kureka ! we have accomplished it; it is no more here,” but in the course of two or three weeks they found some. That is a great misfortune. Mr. Cooke has had favorable con- ditions. He has had trees eight or ten feet high. He trimmed them himself and had a small territory, and he has, as he believed, eradicated it. I hope itis true, but we have trees here that are 30 feet high, and itis almost an impossibility for the spray to touch every animal, but if you can it kills it. And it is not only necessary to spray the trees, but you must have some way to prevent the scale bag from ascending again; that is what we are trying to do, and every little while we find something that we think has accomplished the end. We have not quite succeeded yet. I have belief that it can be done, but up to this date we have not done it yet: to be able to say that we have wiped it out in any one place as a permanent proposition. It is true that the cottony cushion scale is easier killed than any other scale bug; it is easier handled than any other that I know of, and I believe that in time you can entirely de- stroy it. As it stands, I do not fear it a great deal except as a matter of expense. I have heard some of my neighbors say that even the expense they were at in spraying was of such benefit in the brightening of their fruit and of the growth of the trees, that in the end the work we are doing will pay. That we can keep it under so that it will be of no permanent injury is true, but, of course, we would be glad to avail ourselves of any remedy that would do the work and have it done with forever. I will say to Mr. Milco that seven cents a gallon for his preparation will not be a bar to our use of it, but it must be proven that one application will be the end of it, for we have now remedies that are much cheaper. Mr. Milco: I will say, as Mr. Rose touched on the subject, that if Mr. Cooke can be paid by Los Angeles county for his expenses to come down here and make some experiments, at any time we will farnish all the material free of charge. Mr. Rose: [ will assure him his expenses will be paid. I will pay my portion of it, and pay half of it if he will do it. There will be no question about the expense. Dr. Conger: I have great admiration for Mr. Rose, but however skillful any one person may be in any special line, in something that he has but little experience in he is about as liable to err as a novice, possibly. Now, Mr. Rose has an immense tract of land, he has probably the largest orange orchard in Southern California, and it is a puzzle to a great many how it can be carried on by one brain. It is very extensive, and unfortunately the red scale and the white scale have taken possession of a large portion, especially the red scale. Iam quite well aware of his experiment in cutting away the trees along that noble drive leading up to his house some years ago to eradicate the scale, but in my opinion after he had treated those trees as he related, had he eradicated them from the bal- ance of his orchard they never would have re- turned to those trees. I think there is where the error comesin. I hardly think there isa question about that, that after treating that avenue the scale bug was yet existent in the other portions or his orchard, and, of course, it is on its way back to those trees that were so thoroughly treated. The red scale is confined to only a few localities in this section of the county. Inthe southern portion of the county it is quite persistent and is exciting a good deal of interest. In the section which I represent— that is Pasadena—we have not had the red scale, but we have had the cottony cushion scale, and it has fallen to my lot to be the guardian of that dissrict. The first tree I found on my place, I, raised a rumpus about, and went to the paper and advertised it, and of course I had all Pasadena on my shoulders; they said you are going to destroy Pasadena by publishing that you had the cottony cushion scale; fortunately I was not selling real estate, and I did not care very much how those who were giving their entire attention to selling lots were disposed to growl because I was finding that in my orchard. I immediately went down to my tree and cut the top entirely away—that is tosay, I cut it so as to leave the branches I2 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION sticking up so [experimenting with his fingers], preserving the contour of the top of the tree; but I cut away every limb and every leaf, and then I got simple, common soap and water and scrubbed it down—every portion of it. I laid down a canvas around the tree and put every branch as I cut it off on that canvas and carried down some hay and built a bonfire and burned all the brush on that canvas in that bonfire. Then I took a shovel and dug up the soil for, say three inches, all around that tree and burned the soil and shook the hot ashes around the sur- face of the ground and went home. That was the last of May, and there has not any scale- bug appeared since. Now the tree has a fine top, some of the limbs are an inch or more in diameter, and there are no signs of the cottony cushion scale at all: yet that tree was literally alive with them. I state this for the purpose of showing that there isa remedy. That is the point; but it may take as much brain as kero- sene or potash to eradicate the scale or any- thing else. Now, I pretend to say that there is not a white scale in California on an infested tree but that can be eradicated from it by that simple process, and it didn’t cost half, probably, what is being expended every day in the week on things that are killing the trees as well as the bugs. I relate this to show that there is a remedy. There are other remedies, in my judg- ment. In a little orchard where we supposed that the scale had its first lodging in Pasadena, Mrs. Black’s orchard, wefound 110 treesbadly infested. It fellto my lot to attend to those trees and see that those bugs were eradicated. A gentle- man loaned me a spraying apparatus, and we together got up a mixture different, somewhat, from anything [had ever heard of at that time. In the first place I had the tops of about 60 of the worst trees entirely cut away as I had my own and treated in the same way precisely. I think a little coal oil was used in that mixture for scrubbing the trunks down. The balance of the 110 trees were thinned out and sprayed with 14 pounds of caustic soda and four or five pounds of common soap to the hundred gallons of water. The soda cost us six cents a pound wholesale, so the expense was scarcely a penny a gallon. To but two of the trees that were cut away and thoroughly washed did the scale ever return up to four weeks ago; the others are perfectly free to this day. Of the balance of the trees, where the tops were not entirely cut away, 1 found 18 that had a few scales on a few weeks ago and [ ordered those sprayed again. Now, the point that I make is this: it is, as Mr. Rose says, almost impossible to reach every portion of the tree with any material that you may use; and there is where the difficulty lies; then if you wanted to spray the trees repeatedly with a strong solution you are going to kill your trees; and why? Every time that you spray with a strong solution you are checking the flow of sap, you are interfering with its vitality, you are interfering with its functions, hence if you repeat that once a weck, as some have suggested, you constantly keep the tree back and it will lose its vitality, and if it does not kill it outright it will very seriously interfere “ with its vigor, whereas, if you cut the top of the tree away at the outset and use the simplest material, you get rid of all the scale there is. You destroy the last one, and by watching a little along for the next two or three months, there is no necessity of any scale returning to 4 any of those trees. There may be a few in the soil. A cultivator never should be used about those trees, for the insects are carried by the teeth of the cultivator from one tree to another, and some persons may go in an orchard and carry it from one to another. But if you watch the trees they generally lodge two or three feet from the surface of the ground and, of course, you can kill them at once. Now, here is a solution that costs scarcely a penny a gallon that will kill this white scale. I use caustic soda, which costs less than anything else, and in the solution that I make, instead of clear water I use a saturated solution of lime water. Potash, of course, would be better than soda because of its fertilizing value, but it costs a little more than sal-soda. It only takes a quarter of a pound of lime to make a gallon of lime water, so you see it is comparatively inex- pensive; and the lime itself will destroy the fungus and some other things, especially if you put in a pound or two of soap, and with your caustic soda you have got a solution that costs you a trifle over a penny a gallon, if it does that, and most assuredly, gentlemen, it will de- stroy the white scale. I cannot speak as to the red scale as I have never tried it. Itis an en- tire remedy for the black scale, although I must say that something has occurred in California this year that has destroyed the black scale en- tirely. In Pasadenaand Orange and the places Ihave visited we cannot find living specimens of the black scale. I wish to suggest to people who have the white scale that the quickest, and surest, and safest method is to elt the top away. It puts it right out, and in a few years you will have a crop of fruit on it, and with less trouble and less expense; and I believe the vitality of the tree would be subserved by that method. Mr. Cooper: I would like to ask what the expense would be to treat an orchard in that way? Dr. Conger: I paid 15 cents a tree for the spraying of that solution. In cutting back and pruning up I do not remember exactly; I think for the whole work it was about $100 for the 100 trees, cutting the tops away, scrubbing them down and burning the brush—the entire work. Mr. J. W. Sallee: I want to say a few words about the red scale. I have just returned from the southern part of the county, and have talked with a great many fruit-raisers about the eradication of the red scale. They have almost _universally come to this conclusion: that to undertake to killa red scale after it has ma- tured and thoroughly attached to the leaf and fruit is almost impossible. It is a scale that attaches itself very closely to the fruit, so that it is almost impossible to reach it with any known solution, and it will hatch four times— four generations in a year. When the young bug first comes out it crawls around for a_ couple of weeks, and in that stage it is very easily killed, and it is the conclusion of all that I talked with, that to kill the red scale you must spray often enough to catch the young bugs on foot with a solution that will not cost more than 25 cents a tree to spray in the foliage, without cutting the top, Mr. Joel Parker has some trees that have been infested with the red scale for four years. He has only sprayed once during each year until this year, and he has preserved both the tree and the fruit, I oe CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 13 while his neighbors, who have not sprayed at all, have lost the tops of their trees, and last year the crop of fruit. ‘A Delegate: You speak of orange trees? Mr. Sallee: The red scale does not infect de- ciduous trees, and these trees I speak about are orange trees exclusively. Had they sprayed four or six times a year at the expense of 25 cents a tree that would be only $1.50 a tree, and if it had been done this year_the fruit on the tree would have more than paid all the ex- penses and given a handsome return to the owner besides. They have come to the conclu- sion that if they spray frequently, catching the young bugs on foot, they can eradicate them entirely, and it nannot be done in any other way, and they spray with caustic soda, as rec- ommended by the last speaker. Dr. Conger: I wish to add what I have ' omitted: that the solution of 14 pounds of caus- tic soda to the hundred gallons would injure the fruit to such an extent that it would make it unmarketable. The necessity or the advisa- bility of cutting away the top of the tree at the outset is because if you have to spray them continuously, as you have to unless you cut off very materially, you destroy the fruit by spray- ing with a solution that will killthe bug. That is the fact. Mr. Sallee: It does not require a strong solu- tion to kill the young bug when it is crawling; before it attaches itself to the tree or the fruit. A Delegate: Hot weather seems to be more conducive, to the growth of the red scale than cool weather, while cool damp weather is con- ducive to the black scale. This season has been a prolific one for the'red scale. The means of spreading the scale from one orchard to another is a matter we ought to consider. It has been suggested that birds carry the scale and it is very probable that in building nests as they are sometimes allowed to do in trees, will start a growth of scale on a particular tree that will spread to an adjoining tree. At our last horti- cultural meeting in Orange we passed a series of resolutions aimed at the honey bee; some are very positive in their ideas that the honey bee is one of the greatest means of spreading the small scale (the red scale and possibly the white scale), and we resolved asthe sense of our meeting that the apiaries should be removed to the mountains beyond the reach of the or- chard. It has been discovered in some cases where small orchards were just beginning to bear, that only those trees that had blossoms were infested with the red scale, while others surrounding them that had not blossomed yet had none at all. That led us to conclude that the scale was carried by the bees as they visited the blossoms. If that is a fact it isa question _ of interest to be considered: because when an orchard is once clean it ought not to be again replanted with the scale by the bees or the birds. We areall friends of the birds, but if they are going to attack our means of livelihood, we will have to attack them also. Mr. Goepper, of Santa Ana: I think that Mr. Sallee is mistaken about the red scale not going on any trees but citrus trees. At our last meeting at Orange a gentleman there stated he has found the Italian cypress trees thickly covered with them. I didn’t see it my- self, but there are other gentlemen here that heard the statement and remember his name. Mr. Sallee: I have seen the red scale on other trees, but I have never seen them appear to breed on those trees. They seem to have been carried there after they had hatched. I don’t think that they hatch on any other trees except citrus trees. Mr. Milco: Last summer a fruit-grower in your vicinity, in San Joaquin came to me and said he had 12 acres of common prune trees and there seemed to be thousands of the San Jose scale running at large all over the trees. He asked me to come over and make some ex- periments witk buhach. I drove over to his place with a small quantity of the powder of buhach and made a solution at the rate of 50 gallons of water to a pound of buhach, which would cost about a cent a gallon (if a person were buying it in large quantities), and I sprayed three or four trees, just for an experiment, and told the gentleman that I would come over again and examine those trees and bring a mi- croscope and see what the result was. Before we sprayed the trees they were perfectly alive with living scale about the size of chicken-lice; you could fairly see them with the naked eye. The next time we came there and cut off a piece of a tree about as big as a silver five-cent piece and placed it under a powerful micro- scope, and J dare say there was a thousand dead insects on it—some of them stuck to the bark and others hanging in every shape—but dead; not moving. In three or four days: after that, the same man come back again and said, **You have not kiiled the scale-bug at all; they are creeping all over the tree.” It isa fact, as the preceding speaker has said, that these scales are coming out in several breeds; a lot of them may come out to-day and another lot next day and so on for eight or ten days, and while they are coming out in that way I don’t think there will be any trouble to kill them. And that applies not only to the San Jose scale, but to every other insect that is moving. A solu- tion of buhach will do it without any danger to the tree, the foliage or the fruit. Mr. Sallee: I want to make one more sug- gestion on the subject and I will illustrate it by cultivation. No orchardist would undertake to cultivate his orchard once in a year and let it go for the rest of the time because the weeds will spring up, he must go frequently and kill those weeds as they come; neither does he want to buy a steam engine to do his cultivating: he wants the cheapest material he can work with. It is just so with the scale bug; if we expect to eradicate the red scale especialiy we must do it by frequent application of a cheap spray that will kill them and a very cheap spray will kill them when they are on foot; but when they are attached it is not wise to try to killthem. As Mr. Rose has said there are many failures though many have been killed, and if left alone they will in a very short time, cover the entire tree. It has been well said that the price of or- anges is eternal vigilance. Mr. Garey: This whole scale bug question is a matter of experiment in the State of Cali- fornia and will be for a good long time. One man is using one solution, another man is using another; one a certain emulsion and another another emulsion and so on, and so the matter is experimental. We will be in this experimen- tal stage for a considerable length of time, and there is this about that: in this matter of ex- periment we must be careful not to ruin our or- chards nor to bankrupt ourselves; we cannot 14 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION afford I think to spray our trees six times a year at the cost of 25 cents a tree each time. It looks very well on paper to sit-down and figure out how much your orchard, your crop will bring you, and that if we spray and save our crop it will bring so much money and we will have so much left, but the solid facts are that it costs $160 per annum on that plan just for the one item ofjspraying our trees. We cannot afford it; orange orchards will be a thing of the past in a few years if we have got to continue that year after year; we must find a cheap and ef- fective remedy that will do its work if possible at one operation, and that will do it thoroughly and effectually so that we have some time to rest; some time to recuperate. To-day we are told there are effective remedies that run from one penny to seven cents a gallon; that is a wide range. Now, then, if the penny remedy is effective, that is the thing we are after, for we must get down to a cheap and efficient remedy. The Board of Supervisors:of this county have offered as a premium or reward $1000 to be given to the party who will invent and apply a cheap and safe and efficient remedy for the destruction of the cottony cushion scale. Some of us want that $1000, and I hope some of us will get it, for that is what we must have. There are men in this county that can afford to pay $50, $75 or $100 an acre to clear up their orchard, because they have some- thing else, but I tell you, Mr. President, there is not one man in ten in Los Angeles, or any other county, that can afford anything of the kind. You may take and cut a tree off, denude it completely of branches and leaves and every- thing down to the bare trunk, and take nothing in the world but a bucketful of water and a certain amount of elbow-grease, and commence at the top and work that right through from the top to the bottom, and you will kill every white scale on it: that you will do by mere man- ual force, and a man can do about 20 or 25 trees a day, I think, after the limbs are cut off. I just speak of this to show that it can be done. Here is Mr. Conger, and my friend who sits on the right, who manages the Cascarona orchard of 1500 trees, in this city, who has had a great deal of practical experience, and who has suc- ceeded in using common refuse soap that was formerly worth nothing, and is now sold ata cent and ahalfapound. With this material and a scrubbing-brush, and the willing power of his good right hand, he has gone to work and cleared this place, and now it is perfectly clean. As Mr. Rose gays, the white scale is very easily killed, very easily handled. He is very much mistaken about the last part of it. It is very easily killed, but it is the hardest bug to handle, so far as the entire destruction of it is concerned. There are very few reme- dies that don’t killa scale bug; the trouble is, you don’t get it on all of them and they increase so fast and crawl up the tree again. I would like to hear from Mr. George Rice, the Secre- tary of the Commission for this section. He is a practical man, and} one who has had a great deal of experience. County Commissions. George Rice: The Horticultural Commis- sion is appointed by the Board of Supervisors, as provided in the State law, and every county in the State can have such a commission. I don’t believe any other county has appointed one; has there, Mr. Chapin ? Dr. Chapin: There are quite a number of counties that have appointed county Boards of horticultural commissioners. Some of them have recently appointed new members to fill vacancies which have existed by natural drop- pisg’ out and the time expiring for which the commissioners were appointed. Ventura is one county; San Diego has lately appointeda new commission, and Kern county has done so, There are other counties that have commissions, but they are not working accurately, and in fact it has been owing to some misunder- standing as to what they may be permitted to do under the county laws, and without coming in contact with the State law on the subject. A little further on, if it is desired, I will express the, views which some have taken upon that subject, and which would open a practical way for perfect harmony and for a very effectual method of performing this work. Mr. Rice: I presume one reason that the commissions of different counties are not effect- ive is because the Supervisors have not appro- priated any money for them. This county ap- propriated a sum for the expenses of the com- missioners and the inspectors. This commission has been in existence four months; we have written to every spot on the globe where they have the cottony cushion scale or any other scale, for their remedies. We have received papers from Australia and India, and had cor- respondence with the department of Washing- ton and Prof. Riley and his assistants, and we have compiled everything on that subject that we could get; every man in Los Angeles city that has a remudy, and every man that has an orchard has a remedy (and a good many of them have different remedies to try), and we have seen the orchard where the remedy has been tried. The law does not compel any man to use the remedy recommended by this commission on thesiart, providing he kills the scale bug, and this commission has been only desirous of kill- ing the scale bug without reference to the rem- edy or the expense, except that we prefer it to be done economically on account of the orchardists. We have recommended two or three different things; we have changed twice; once from whale oil soap to common brown soap, simply to cheapen it and because the whale oil soap spoilt the fruit, and our object was to kill the scale bug- Weknow of no rem- edy so far that we believe is better than the kerosene emulsion that is recommended by Prof. Riley, and that has been in existence for several years. We have made some changes in the strength; we have added potash and some use it with and some without. I believe I could name 20 remedies that will kiil the scale, but the only point is to put the remedy on the bug. I believe that this bug is to be exterminated more by main strength and a great deal of awk- wardness than by any particular remedy. I hope that the $1000 reward that the county Supervisors have offered will call out a remedy that will in some way exterminate them, but I doubt about such a thing being reached I doubt that I or any of us will live to see the scale bug exterminated in this county. I will. tell you why: A and B, and you may go down to the last letter cf the alphabet, will extermi- nate the scale in their orchards, but this dili- gent man, Z, he is always in the center, and he keeps enough to supply the neighbors, and about the time they think the scale bug is ex- =~ CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. Ts terminated, they are not paying so much atten- tion to it, they are not spraying so often, and the first thing they know they have got the scale bug back again. This scale bug is on the ground, it is in the woods, it is everywhere. We have not found a plant of any description or kind but what it goes on; it seems to be fond of everything. Now, the remedy is, as I said before, everything: and it has really a comical side. We have tramped all over this town, hunting these remedies; only the day before yesterday a man came to our office, and he had a sure thing that would eradicate the scale—quite an intelligent man; we apppointed the next morning at 9 o’clock to be at his place, and we went down where there were two or three trees about as high as my head, and he showed the trees he had been experimenting on. He had dipped a feather in the remedy and touched each particular scale bug. This is a sample of the remedy. We could have killed the scale bug on that tree with a dish rag, because it was a very small tree, but they are not all dead on it yet. I could name a good many other such experiments. We have some other gentlemen here who are experimenting and I would like to have them tell their own stories. With respect tofumigating a great many per- sons seem to think that by treating the tree as Mr. Rose suggested a while ago, that they could kill every scale bug on the tree and likely those on the ground under the tree, but I don’t know what to say, to tell you the truth, except this, and that is vigilance and work. There is no trouble about killing the scale bug on the tree by the proprietor of the place where he is inter- ested and intelligent. He could make an emul- sion or he could apply hot water that is hot when it reaches the bug, or he could apply a hundred other different remedies to kill them and exterminate them, but his negligent neigh- bor brings them back again; he forgets that there are a few weeds that are infes- ted with them on while the rest of the orchard is clean, and he gets them back again. There is a little something about this that may be pleasing in this discussion: you go inthe exhibi- tion hall and I will show you the first clean fruit I ever saw in Los Angeles. They have all had a trademark. There are one or two sam- ples that have that trademark still from or- chards that have been thoroughly sprayed; we have calculations in our orchards from a reli- able’gentleman who gave us the figures that the difference in the price of his crop of clean fruit last year and what it was a year before a good deal more than paid for the expenses of clean- ing his trees, and paid him a handsome outlay over and above the expenses. I believe if we could have a little show of the scale bug in the top of the tree to keep the farmer continuously cleaning his trees and make him keep the tree clean, those who grow citrus fruits may still find it an advantage so that they might keep on cleaning if they had not a scale bug in the world. However, { am very anxious to eradi- cate this scale ; but, as I said before, it needs intelligent work. If only one man did his own work it would soon be ended, but the proprietor _ goes ahead and makes experiments and goes about his business and the Chinaman sprays along leisurely, and I could tell you about a dozen orchards where the commissioners dropped in to see how they were getting along { with the work and they were simply playing; the men know nothing about the subject what- ever. ‘They were not spraying, they were spend- ing the money on the orchard, but they were simply fooling. Frequently gentlemen would come along and say that stuff does not kill, and we have gone to see the orchard to see what was the matter and invariably found a man with a single action pump and a Chinaman with a bucketful of spray pumping it onto the top of a tree 30 feet high, and, of course, it was. not effectual. Mr. Garey: Whatkind of scale was it on the tree? Where it was that the party figured that the improved price of the fruit paid for the cleaning ? Mr. Rice: The black scale, and we have an instance of the cottony cushion scale this year. They e timate that they can get a better price for the oranges this year. Dr. Congar: I would like to add one word on the difference of materials, the reason why we should reject one material and select others. Caustic soda is used frequently to eradicate ulcers; it is used as a caustic in its full sense on the human flesh. Why? Because the moment that the pure article touches the human flesh it burns it aud causes a scar; if you don’t neutral- ize it, it will burn to the bone. It don’t stop there, it will burn the bone itself. Itis literally a fire; that is the property of caustic potash or caustic soda. Now you understand the use of the material; why it kills. It touches the more delicate membrane of the animal, the cottony scale or whatever scale you are treating, and the moment you touch it it burns just as you burn the human flesh—it literally burns them up. - Now you take kerosene, or coal oil as it is called, of high test; it is used by mothers about their children’s necks for croup, diphtheria and other things; you can use it upon your hand for a sprain as a liniment; it never burns; it will create excitement or irritation, but it has not the power of caustic soda at all. We want to make a distinction between the remedies we are employing, so that we can understand when we use it what we may expect from it and make the strength accordingly, so that we do not kill the tree. The moment you touch the tree with the oil it will kill it; that is why I prefer caus- tic potash or caustic soda to all these other rem- edies, Dr. Lockspeitch, of Orange: I am a practi- cal man of seven years in the culture of the orange. I have watched the scale bug; that is, the black scale first; secondly, I have watched the red scale. I commenced to doctor the black scale bug and used Mr. Cooke’s remedy —the worst character of whale oil soap that they manufacture in San Francisco—and that didn’t kill them. Mr. Cooke gave another remedy of using the commonest preparation of caustic soda, that is, concentrated lye, which costs eight and a half cents, per pound by the case, and only 50 per cent of caustic init. He told us to use it of a certain strength; that strength would eat up the valves of the pump and almost make soap out of it. Next we com- menced with the best article of whale oil soap manufactured in Los Angeles. We used it one-half pound to a gallon of water, to kill the black scale, and sprayed my trees, The next year I had a better crop of black scale than I had before. That was three years ago, and we spent considerable money then, and I assure 16 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION you it takes money with the muscle. We then bought the best article of Los Angeles soap and we used 80 pounds to 100 gallons of water, and we sprayed in August, and we have not a single black scale that we can find on our trees. We had not had our attention drawn to the red scale, and still it was crawling in upon us and we hardly knew we hadit. We were using, as I say, 80 pounds of soap to 100 gal- lons of water, thatis almost a pound to the gallon, and it costs us considerable. It cost -us over $1500 to spray our orchard, and we had not killed the red scale bug, and the ques- tion arose, What are we to do? Lots of our brothers will certainly fail in the pocket. Mus- cle is good, but the money is getting low, so we must get something that will hold up the money part. The muscle is as strong as ever, the will as good as ever, we can spray as well as any man in the world, andI challenge any man to beat us in spraying the trees, but we found that didn’t kill the red scale, and if it did we couldn’t keep it up so as to extermi- nate them; so we must get something else. Soap is composed of potash and a certain amount of grease, that neutralizes the soda, and it is neither grease or soda; your soda does not seem to mix well with water and certain prepara- tions, and you must find some remedy--some way of mixing this caustic soda as not to de- stroy its properties entirely, because that is the very remedy that will kill your bug. You use one sixth part or one-tenth part of the soda that the Los Angeles County Board uses in its soap; you use it directly upon your trees, and it will kill the bugs and will not kill the trees, and you can reduce it down to a still finer point than that. We have sprayed this year three times with a preparation that we do not know will kill bugs or not; no man gives us a remedy that he knows that will kill bugs; everybody has a remedy, but the bugs are get- ting thicker and thicker, and how are we going to reach them? I do not propose to tell you my remedy until I know it will be efficient, but this is the direction: get the caustic or soda and reduce it down to that point that it will take effect upon the scale bug and not kill your trees, and it is the cheapest remedy and most direct remedy that can be used for the scale bug. I tell you the way we are working at it now will not accomplish the destruction of the scale bug. We have been washing three years, and have scale bugs still on our trees. What are we going to do about it? Isay we can do it, but will we do it is the great question; if we can’t do it right at once the best and the wis- est policy, if we find we have made a mistake in planting orange trees, is to dig them up and cultivate something else. That is the way I look at it. A Delegate: Have you tried kerosene emul- sions? Dr. Lockspeitch: Ihave, sir. Ihave tried over 30 remedies. A man approached me the other day and said, he had the very thing. ‘“Whatisit?” He said, ‘‘Fumigating will doit.” Three years ago I tried that. I tooka tent and oiled it thoroughly and spread it over the tree; then J had the bugs of different classes and took very young chickens and put them into my tent. Then I built a fire and Iran the fumes into that tent. It did not kill a single live bug that I put in there, nor did it kill the little chickens, but in two days from the day that I did it the tree was as dead as a mackerel. That is fumigating with sulphur. I used the squirrel remedy also, and I never had any suc- cess with it; that is, I killed my bugs, but I also killed the tree. Mr. Gompere: I shall not say much on this insect question from the little experience that I have had. When I first started in on the or- chard I have charge of, there were only about three trees that were infested. For afew days we thought we would eradicate the pest and say nothing about it. We went to work spray- ing our trees on the sly, and before we knew it there were some more trees full of them and we could not keep it stillany longer. Everybody wanted to know what we were doing, and fin- ally we began to seek information, and tried this man’s remedy and that man’s remedy, and then I commenced to try a remedy of my own. I took a tent and placed it over a tree, and got a couple of my neighbors vver there and we burned about 15 pounds of sulphur under there and let it burn for four hours, and I believe if a mule had stuck his head in that tent it would have killed him, and it did not kill the scale ° bug; but the minute I removed the canvas the sun struck the leaves and they turned white, and the wind scattered the leaves all over the orchard. We commenced spraying again and could not get rid of the bugs; there were always some left. Finally I went and I topped the tree off and I scrubbed the trunk off with a brush and common soap. I have 400 trees that I cleaned in this way and I can say are practically clean—that is, since last March. But on one side my orchard is full of them yet, and on the other side my neighbor’s or- chard is full, and asa matter of course, they will keep coming back. From my experience [ am satisfied you never will eradicate the scale bug otherwise than by taking and removing the top of your trees and scrubbing them down by hand. If you have to goto work and spray your orchard two or three or four times, the fruit is not going to pay for the labor. A Delegate: Are you following out that sys- tem of cleaning out the bugs? e Mr. Gompere: Yes; I intend to whenever my neighbor gets into the same notion, but if he don’t, I will have his bugs coming over on to me. : Mr. James Bettner, of Riverside: I have listened with a great deal of interest to this discussion about the scale-bugs; I fortunately come from a portion of the country where, at present, we have none—but we can not expect to always enjoy thatimmunity. I have lived in this country ever since the scale-bug first came here, and have watched its progress. It has been said here by several gentlemen that this pest has kept on increasing, notwithstand- ing all the campaigns that have been carried on against it. I think the vital point has been touched by Mr. Gompere, who has just sat down: that this action, to accomplish anything, has got to be universal. Unless universal ac- tion is compelled by law, it does not seem to me that anything is going to be accomplished in the extermination of scale-bugs. They may be killed; but a supply is always nearer or more remote from you, and it is going to come back. I must confess I would contemplate with a great deal of awe the cutting back of my orchard to nothing—destroying my crop for two years certainly, and probably more than CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 17 that, with the almost certain apprehension that when the two years had elapsed the scale-bug would be back again from my neighbor’s and I would have lost my two-years’ crop. Now, there have been many remedies suggested here, and, no doubt, they all are more or less efficacious; and there is no doubt that, by con- stant spraying one time and another, the scale- bug can be kept in subjection. But the profit in fruit-growing is not large enough at present —I do not know as it is going to be in the fu- ture, to justify the expense of $50 an acre and from that up to $100—as I know some of my neighbors have spent in fighting scale- bugs. Mr. Thomas, of Visalia: I promised this fore- noon to speak in reference to the matter of the saline mixture in regard to the destruction of the San Jose scale and to bring some samples of wood, I have them here, and by applying the glass, you can see it was entirely killed, noth- ing left on it at all after this solution had been used. There had been a growth running out on these trees from 18 to 30 inches and by ap- plying the glass carefully I could not find a live Insect on any growth that had formed after the trees had been washed in a strong brine. This was found where a gentleman in the Central Colony, Fresno, had applied it on apricot trees and some peach and apple in August, and as far as I could see the remedy was effectual, simply using the brine as strong as he could make it. He applied it by taking a cloth and rubbing the tree; didn’t use any spray at all. I donot know whether any person else has used it or seen it used. A Delegate: I- tried the salt brine on some trees of mine with the spray. It will remove the toliage from the tree, jt will kill the tender shoots in the tree, and will not kill the bug. The only bugs I found it killed was where it was killed by the force of the pump; the force itself will do it, and you can do it with cold water if you have enough force. As far as salt brine killing them is concerned, it will not. Mr. Milco: A friend of mine in Stockton, Mr. Beers, the banker, told me he saw in an arti- cle on the subject in one of our agricultural papers from the East, that by placing a handful of salt around the roots of the peach trees you would remove the borers. He was a little afraid at first, but he thought he would put on about one-half of that and try it. He said in about three months there were no more trees. They were all dead. Thatis the result of his experience. Laws to Prevent Spread of Pests. Mr. Milco: I would ask some of our law- yers as to the present law. They tell me the law has given a great deal of trouble. I think the present law is just as effectual as any we can make on the subject. The point is they have to enforce it. Isay let us go ahead and enforce the law. Mr. Wilcox: This is a very important ques- tion, and I think we cannot say too much about it. I believe we can destroy the scale. I have had my doubts about it at times, but last year I had two hours’ talk with Prof. Riley at New Orleans, and he tells me positively you can kill any insect pest that ever existed, and those who heard him lecture went away satisfied that they could destroy that pest. The only trouble is, can you enforce a law, even if it is a rather troublesome and discouraging proposition? For * instance, this cottony cushion scale appeared in Santa Clara township three or four years ago within the limits of the town and the trees were cut down and burned. The next year I saw them northwest, coming directly toward my place. They struck the square of the pub- lic schoolhouse, and I could not prevail on the trustees to cut those trees down and have them stop right there. Finally they let them be cut and piled them np in the street, and strange as it may appear they did not spread more from that point. It is unaccountable to me why they did not. Those limbs which were piled up there were as white as if they were covered with snow. They were swept by the wind for months, and yet afterwards be less in that vicinity than there was at that time. Some of the trees have some on now, and then there will be a space where there is none at all. It is rather discouraging that we cannot enforce this law; of course, we have got to have a remedy, and I should appeal to the horticul- tural officer to know whether they are satisfac- tory tohim. It is a question whether you can enforce any rule unless you ‘can show a jury that it is a law founded in right, and that it has a practical bearing. Dr. Chapin: In regard to the matter of in- sect pests and the laws relating to the extirpa- tion of them, it has been a serious question be- fore the people of the State for several years to induce the various Legislatures of the State to provide suitable laws, under which this work could be effectually done. It has proved, in fact, that no Legislature which we have had that has treated upon these subjects at all has been willing to do ull that was necessary in the mat- ter, to nphold to uphold the hands of those to whom it had delegated certain powers, but yet not sufficient to enable them to accomplish the work. Moreover, the greatest difficulty of all has been thas there has not been a provision of money sufficient to secure the performance of work. It is to a large degree a matter of manual labor and also mental labor, and the ove.seeing of the work of those who doperform the manual labor. The fact has been very apparent all the while, that there is a lack of money somewhere to pay these peo- ple for their services, If I may be permitted to express an opinion in regard to the whole sub- ject in one word: it is not a lack of authority to proceed, in our present laws, but it is a lack of money to pay ‘for the necessary work to be done. As has been already suggested, the great ebject in this work is to have it done simultane- ously over a large section of country; we will take Los Angeles for example: this cottony cushion scale, so called (the Jscerya purchasi, which is the technical and proper name for the insect, and it should be known as such), is now confined to a certain region of country. It does not as yet extend over very many square miles, but in order to have this work effect- ual in any instance the work must be done simultaneously over all the region of country thus infested by this insect, and in order to accomplish that there must be a provision for money for the labor to do the work. It has been truly said in this convention that there are twenty—yes, a hundred different remedies, any one of which is effectual for the destruc- tion of this insect pest—provided that the work is done all at one time, and then that the insects will be reached by the preparation, 18 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION whatever it may be that is used for their de- struction. It can be done by manual labor; by many of the very cheapest insecticides, and by the most costly ones. It may be done by simply reaching every individual insect; and, of course, if a few were left untouched by any of these different preparations they are ready to propagate their species, and the tree and the entire neighborhood surrounding becomes in- fested again. I have come to the conclusion, deliberately, that it is not so much the partic- ular preparation that is used, and I do not ad- vocate any one particular preparation for that purpose at all. I care not what people may use, provided they will take something that will destroy the insects, and provided we all work together harmoniously for the accom- plishment of that one object, and at one time. If people will ever be got to that point and will proceed upon that basis they can exterminate these various pests. Even the coddling-moth can be exterminated if it be done in that way; but the only way in which the coddling-moth can be exterminated in this State or in any lo- cality which may be sufficiently isolated to pre- vent the spread of the larve from one point to the other, must be by the destruction of the fruit upon which this insect feeds. If that should be done tor one season, the codlin moth would have no fruit upon which to de- posit her eggs, and the larve when hatched from the eggs, having nothing to feed upon, would die. That is the only way in which that inséct can be exterminated, though we may suppress it to a great degree by careful work. I might carry this illustration to many of the other insect pests. There has been no test case brought forward so as to determine by the pro- cess of the courts to what extent our laws are constitutional or valid. It is not absolutely necessary that that course should be pursued, but if itis, there must be a provision of money to pay the expenses of carrying on such a suit. It has been often hinted and said that the State Board of Horticulture ought to do all these things. We have no authority given us by law to pay the fees of lawyers or the ex- penses of court proceedings to test these ques- tions. Individuals may take them up and carry them forward to such a conclusion, and that they have the privilege of doing, but there has been a general tendency on the part of all concerned as far as possible to avoid the trial of such actions. In this county it has been the desire and the intention, I believe, of those in authority to avoid as far as possible bringing to trial these matters to see whether the law is valid or not. Another suggestion I would make is that there must be entire harmony prevailing be- tween those in authority. There are state laws which are sufficient in their effect to carry for- ward this work authoritatively, fully and effect- ively, and there are county laws and other or- dinances, and where there may be full harmony xisting as to the methods by which work shall be carried on, it may cause confusion and dis- astrous result, instead of the thoroughly effect- ive results that are desired. Now, I would suggest as I did to the County Board of Super- visors of Los Angeles last summer in meeting with them here: that they provide the means necessary for the carrying on of this important work in Los Angeles county, and that they work effectively under the laws which are already in existence, that by so doing the work may be harmoniously carried on, and _ possibly produce the results which we all desire. The State laws which govern these matters all rec- ognize the County Government Act of 1881, which is still upon the statute books of the State. There is no conflict of authority be- tween the provisions of that act and the sub- sequent laws passed by other Legislatures. Of course, if a conflict should exist, then that in so far as that is concerned, becomes null and void, but wherein there is no conflict, work under that law can be carried on, and in order that the officers who are there named may be paid for their services (for no man will work without compensation in some direction for his services), I suggest that they work under their County Government Act, appointing county commissioners, and these commissioners in turn appointing local inspectors from the number of quarantine guardians which had already or pre- viously been appointed in accordance with the law relating to the extirpation of fruit pests, and in that way paying for the services of those guardians, and at the same time giving them a legal standing which would enable them to go without any warniug or any request of any person, but by virtue of their own authority, onto the premises of any person and examine the fruit trees there, or any other trees that might harbor insect pests, and directing that they should be cared for—be treated in sucha manner as might be prescribed, providing the parties themselves fail to do the work with any remedy that they might prefer previous to that. Now, I think this work should be carried on in full sympathy with this plan, and I think that we have all the legal authority that is neces- sary in the matter, aid if money is provided in that way the work can be accomplished as to give the utmost satisfaction to all the people of the State. Mr. Shinn, of Alameda county: I had pre- pared a resolution which I thought of offering at the conclusion of the last discussion touching this point, and I will with permission read it, as it may form something of a basis for discus- sion, or at least it may limit discussion some- what, since it is pretty generally admitted that the laws we already have are in the main suf- ficient to govern the case, provided we pursue the proper course; but if that be not so and if the fruit interests of the State are what we sup- pose them to be, it isa matter of enough im- portance to occupy the attention of the Legis- lature. Perhaps after hours of discussion we may not arrive at anything more definite than to say that if the present Inws are effective we will execute them, as it has been suggested by Dr. Chapin. There is a point that needs to be agi- tated, and thatis the lack of money to carry out the laws as they should be carried out, and my resolution is simply to this effect: Re- solved, as the sense of this convention, that we must have the money to carry out this act, and the Legislature must authorize the counties or municipalities to make such appropriation under the cover of law. We must have the quaran- tine protection, and the men who are do- ing the work must be go-ahead, live men, with authority to do all they can to eradicate these pests, The Chairman: I would add two other points to this resolution; that is, that it is the sense of this convention that the scale bug can CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS, 19 be eradicated; 2d, that this can be done only by universal and simultaneous action in the in- fested district. The amendments were accepted. Mr. Bettner: I would like to ask Dr. Cha- pin if in his opinion the fruit growers of this State could not ask the Legislature for an ap- propriation? I would like to offer a resolution that it is the sense of this convention that such an appropriation should be made. Mr. Garey: I think if I understand the matter we have a State law that provides for a quarantine, and provides for the Board of Su- pervisors at the request of five taxpayers to ap- point a commission, and that the inspectors ap- pointed by such Board shall be the same par- ties, it being arranged between them, that is appointed by the State officer as guar- dian, and in that roundabout way they can get due compensation for their work from the Board of Supervisors from the several coun- ties. It seems to me that the actof legislation that we need now is a direct law providing for the compensation of the guardians. The lawis only inoperative because it does not provide for compensation. We need an appropriation by the State for the purpose of enabling us to ex- terminate this pest, and to ask the Legislature now to pass a law on the subject when we al- ready have a law that we have never under- taken to enforce, does not look well. Mr. Shinn: It was not the object of my resolution to ask for a law that we already have, but, as explained by Dr. Chapin, it was that that law should be backed by a sufficient appro- priation to put it into effect, and not by any roundabout method. A Delegate: If I understand the law, it is effective and satisfactory; all we need is to have the backbone of our Supervisors braced up a little. We have filed our claims for our county and it has been allowed out of the general fund, the same as any other appropriation. Why should we go before the Legislature again? We have under our county Government bill an am- ply sufficient law, the same as any other law. If Mr. Garey’s horse has the glanders, the Board of Supervisors can appoint a commission and go and investigate that matter, and kill his horse instantly, and Mr. Garey can’t help it. If we look upon this as acommon nuisance, I think it is operative; all we lack is action on the part of the Board of Supervisors. Dr. Chapin: A fatal mistake was made in the matter by our last Legislature in not making provision for the payment of the quarantine guardians for their services. It was against my protest that the bill was introduced in the manner in which it was. Senator Whitney of Alameda county introduced the bill, and know- ing that he was to do so, I requested him per- sonally to postpone the introduction of the bill “until certain changes could be made in it, with reference to that very matter of providing com- pensation for the quarantine guardians (officers which it proposed to appoint), and stating that unless that was done it would prove ineffective; it would kill the actual work which it was de- sired to carry out. But Mr. Whitney intro- duced the bill the very next morning, the mo- ment the President gave the opportunity for the introduction of bills, and no opportunity was given to any person to suggest any changes. Then the argument was used, and carried out by a number who were friends of the measure in the Senate and in the Assembly, that it would not be wise at all to attempt any changes or amendments to the bill for fear that they might defeat entirely the passage of any bill that might help us. As I said in the first place, the Legislature haven’t been willing to do all that was necessary, but they have done enough, so that in this roundabout way, as Mr. Garey has suggested, it could be still made effective provided the Supervisors would do their duty: and I must say, without any qualification whatever, that Boards of Supervis- ors in the different counties of the State—and I do not refer to Los Angeles particularly, but I include that with all the other counties of the State—must be given credit for hav- ing done a great deal. They have devoted a large sum of money to that purpose, and I feel they should receive the thanks of the commun- ity—but there has been the disposition on the part of those of all the counties of the State to guard against the waste of money, and in their great care to guard against waste they have permitted themselves to go to the other extreme and haven’t had the courage, the moral stability of purpose, to say that this money shall be de- voted to this purpose. We, as fruit-growers of the State and taxpayers, have the right to de- mand that they shall do these things. There is where the greatest difficulty exists in my mind; if the Supervisors of the different counties will furnish the money by their votes to carry on this work it can be done effectively in the very way in which we are working, under the very laws that we have now. Mr, Rice: In reference to the law that we have, and are working under in this county, it seems to be effective. We have not had a test case. We have not tried particularly to get atest case, but in three instances where we had determined to make a test, when ‘the time came the parties having the scale bugs came out and cleaned them up. I ‘wish to say one word on behalf of the Supervisors of this county, that they have answered the call of the mass meeting held in this city of the principal fruit- growers of the county, asking certain appropri- ations; that they have, so far as it was possible for them to do it, met every claim and given every dollar asked for, though probably in not exactly the terms that was asked. The expense bills last month were something over $800, They were asked to offer a reward of $1000 for some sure cure, and they did it at once. [ simply state this in defense of our Supervisors, so that the strangers may know that we are in dead earnest down here, and I would say, also, in regard to the County Board and the guar- dians appointed by our State Board, the guar- dians of the State were appointed as inspectors, so that we work under both laws, and_we think that there is no doubt but whatitis effective, and so do the people that have scale bugs. Mr. Aiken, of Santa Cruz: In listening to this talk about the laws, it is very clear to me that the law is as good as it can be drawn; there can be no hope of an appropriation from the Legislature. I was up there during the time that this bill was under discussion and I am certain that no appropriation could have been obtained—not a dollar. The theory upon which an appropriation would be asked would be, that the city of San Francisco and the mountain counties where they raise no fruit, should be taxed to kill the cottony cushion scale in Los 20 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION Angeles, and the San Jose scale at San Jose. It is very doubtful whether the Legislature would ever appropriate money from all the taxpayers of the State for these local purposes, so the law as it is drawn, placed the power to appropriate just where it belongs in the hands of the Super- visors of the county. They know the needs of their counties, and they can appropriate the money belonging to the counties, and if this law is only enforced, I would say, go ahead; there ‘are no obstacles in the way; take possession of a man’s orchard by force if you choose. If he thinks you have damaged him let him com- mence a suit himself for damages. Let him en- join you when you take possession of the trees and the burdenison him. You do not need any test case at all; they may carry it to the Superior Court and pay all bills; let him do it, but let us simply stand firm and make a brave front. As to the question about the constitu- tionality of the law, there is nothing in it. It is in the power of the Legislature to pass it, and no Superior Court in this State, as I should judge, would ever declare it unconstitutional. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. That act of the Legislature is constitutional un- tilitis declared by the highest court in this State to be unconstitutional; so that being the case, enforce the law; appropriate that money by the Board of Supervisors, and if anybody -wants to fight, let them do the fighting. Dr. Chapin: I would like to make an ex- planation in connection with questions concern- ing the Supervisors and their duties in this mat- ter. While the Supervisors of some counties are in sympathy with this movement and are will- ing to aid by their votes or their voices in fur- nishing money for the carrying on of the work, yet there are other Supervisors of other coun- ties that are not willing to give this encourage- ment. President Cooper has just told me that those of Santa Barbara county are not willing to do this. Consequently, while those of Los Angeles may be willing to do all they can in in reference to carrying out this work of destruction of the cottony cushion scale, yet the Supervisors of Santa Barbara county, lacking in that intention and willingness, will continue the cottony cushion scale at Santa Barbara, and in due course of time—supposing we were honestly free from it here by our care- ful and expensive work—we would become in- vaded again by that pest from Santa Barbara. Going right to my own home, I might say al- most the same thing with our Super- visors in Santa Clara county. They have not been willing to do their duty in this matter of the insect pests, and there has not been a single Board of Supervisors since I have lived in that county that has been willing to undertake the work of providing any adequate compensation to the officers carrying out this work and which power rests with the Supervisors. I would be heartily in favor of a law in connection with this matter which should place the au- thority of directing the work in one body as the law now does in the State Board of Agriculture, but yet the Boards of Supervisors in the different counties seem to think that they have power granted them to provide ordinances under which they may ap- point officers to carry on this work, and that their authority is only by the Board of Super- visors; that they do not recognize in any way the authority of the State law. There is one point of the clash and inharmonious action in the matter; I would favor law which should compel the Board of Supervisors of the different counties, where it is necessary to do so, to pro- vide sufficient money by their votes to clear them from these insect pests, and giving the au- thority for doing all this work or rather letting it remain just where it does in the hands of one secondary organization that is legally consti- tuted in the State Board of Horticulture. If that is done and the Supervisors recognize that authority, and being compelled to furnish the money necessary to do this work we could very soon arrive at a solution of this problem of the insect pests. Mr. Aiken: I want to say in reply to Dr. Chapin that where the law authorizes or directs, say, a Board of Supervisors, to do a certain thing, where there is no discretion, that they are to do acertain thing, the law points out a remedy for that—a writ of mandate would lie against the Board. It is a very simple pro- ceeding; it could be done by a Superior Court, and it would be a question of whether a Board of Supervisors is above the law, or whether a Board of Supervisors will obey the law. They are not above the law of this State, they are not above the writ of mandamus, and it would be a very nice little case, and I would almost give $100 for a chance of trying itin the Su- preme Court, and establishing the right of the fruit-growers to command the obedience of the Board of Supervisors: to the plain letter and spirit of the law. Mr. Bettner: Can you compel the Board of Supervisors to make any appropriation? Mr. Aiken: Where the law allows a discre- tion, the Board of Supervisors to a certain ex- tent is a legislative body, but when they be- come executive officers the law points out that that Board shall do a certain thing and they have no discretion, and I think a writ would lie. [have not examined the matter of late, but I think it is a clear principle of law; but anyway, try it, demand the writ, and I think the courts would issue the writ, and then it would come up on its merits of whether the Board of Supervisors can oppose the proper ex- ecution of the law passed by the Legislature of this State, or whether they can decline to make the appropriation that the law points out that they shall make. Dr. Chubb: It is not only what can be done, but what will be done. A man that will go and attack the Board of Supervisors in the man- ner described is a difficult man to find. It is sometimes just as easy to coax as to force. Our own Board of Supervisors, as has been explained by Mr. Rice, when we approached them and asked certain things done to carry out the law, said: ‘‘We will do whatever the public senti- ment requires or asks.” We met in the south- ern part of the county, the Santa Ana valley, andécirculated a petition and got over 300 names asking the Board of Supervisors to enact the regulations or ordnance under which we are acting in this county, and they at once acceded to that request, and I believe we have got as effective a Board of Supervisors in that direc- tion as will be found in any other county in the State. Now, if the Board of Supervisors have any power, they get it from the Legislature. Granting that the law is all right, if the Board of Supervisors feel that the enforcement of the law is to the interest of that county, and that CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 2E the fruit interest is the interest that they are bound to respect and support, they will then at once make it their work. Why not? They are the servants of the people, and the most _ prominent interests of their county are the ones that will enlist their= hearts and hands, and are the ones they are the most ready to support.} All they want is the expression of public sentiment, and that is the reason I offered the resolution, and i believe it is the duty of this convention to make this expression, and to show that we want the backing of the law and of the money influence to protect the fruit interests of this State which we believe to be the coming interest. Col. Webb: I had not intended saying any- thing on this subject because it is really one that I have given, perhaps, less attention to than almost any other, for the reason that it has ‘not been my duty to consider it as much as other questions, but I have considered it enough to see the many difficulties in the way of en- forcing the law. Iam compelled to differ from Dr. Chapin and my friend Mr. Aiken. They seem to think, one that the law is proper and all that is necessary, and the other that there is no difficulty whatever in enforcing the law. Now, the law says that the Board of Super- visors may appoint quarantine guardians who shall receive so much per day for their services to be derived from the damages assessed upon the party whose property is condemned. Now, aman, to obtain money in that way, must bea more abandoned creature than I believe is in this hall this evening. I doubt very much whether my friend Mr. Aiken would willingly take the posi- tion of quarantine guardian in that beautiful locality of Wright’s station, and there enforce the law and condemn a man’s orchard and say: ‘Mr. Jones, your trees are infected and I require of you to cleanse them immediately, and if you don’t do it I will cut them down and I will compel you to pay the charges and costs of this action, and then when the man refused to doit,” as he probably would, because they are stub- born people some of those fruit-growers, then enforce the law and have the property attached and sold and the money realized fromit. Now, Mr. Aiken, if you would do that you would never want to run for county judge in that county. Then there is another thing: it has been said that the law provides that the Board of Supervisors should do a certain thing; that it is obligatory and mandatory, and they are bound to lo it; that they must not suppose that they are above the law, etc. Oh, no; nobody supposes that they are above the law, but the question is, as in the other case, whether Mr. Aiken or anybody else that desires to live a quiet and peaceable life and meet his fellowmen on good and social terms every day; whether he wants to go to work and be the instrument of enforcing that; I doubt it very much. A Delegate: The new constitution has given ample power to the Board of Supervisors in any matter that interests the county, to make the allowance and levy taxes on the citizens where it may be necessary; they have a right to pass ano fence law, they havea right to regulate the school taxes and anything of that sort that concerns the people they can do, and in the hew constitutional convention that thing was discussed thoroughly, and if we have a nuisance here of any kind the Board of Supervisors have power to levy a tax on the people to eradicate that, but then you have got to leave that toa vote of the people to see whether they ratify it or not. But the Board of Supervisors have got the power in each and every county to levy a tax on its citizens, is the way I understand it. Dr. Kimball: With all due deference for the enthusiastic member who comes from the Santa Cruz mountains, where they raise such tre- mendous apples, and where they insisted for a long time that the codlin moth could not live,I can say there is an unlimited field for his work at home. The question, after all this discussion, resolves itself down to the simple proposition whether the people themselves in every locality are so intensely interested in the work of getting rid of these insects, that they will carry it into politics, that they will carry it into the election of the Board of Supervisors, that they will carry it into the election of judges, and so interest the body politic that they will be willing to act in response to their request. That is all there is for the suppression of insects: for the people to act unitedly and sincerely and as if they meant business. That is the only solution I can see. The resolution as amended is adopted. A letter is here read from the Los Angeles Produce Exchange, extending the privileges of the room of exchange to the members of the society, also a letter tendering a similar cour- tesy from the Los Angeles Board of Trade. On motion of Dr. Chapin a vote of thanks was tendered to the Produce Exchange and to the Board of Trade for the courtesies thus ex- tended. Here the convention adjourned until Tues- day morning at 10 o’clock. The convention, on the morning of the second day, was called to order by President Cooper. Committees Appointed. The Chair appoints committees to judge of the fruits on exhibition in the hall as follows : On Citrus Fruits—Thomas A. Garey, of Los Angeles; James Bettner, of Riverside; J. W. Gray, of Chico. Deciduous Fruits—Sol. Runyon, of Sacra- mento; Col. E. E. Edwards, of Santa Clara; S. McKinley, Los Angeles. Miscellaneous Fruits—A. T. Hatch, of Sui- sun; I, A. Wilcox, of Santa Clara; George Rice, of Highland. Fruit Marketing. The Chairman announces the topic of discus- sion for the morning hour: ‘‘The Care in Se- lection, the Kind and Size of Packages, the Marketing and Shipping.” Mr. Webb: I have a box here from Mr, Coronel, which was sent to him at my sugges- tion from the Kast, which is recommended by Parker Harl as the best box which has ever been used in shipping fruit; it is here where all persons interested can have an opportunity to examine it. I should never have thought of sending for anything that was advertised had it not been for the recommendation of Mr. Earl, knowing his reputation as one of the leading fruit packers of the United States, and. as a gentleman of the highest integrity. It is, here for you who desire to do so to investigate. it. [The box was made of slats. Inside there. was an arrangement of pasteboard, yery much like the patent egg carriers, each fruit being given an apartment by itself, with holes for ventilation. ] ® 22 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION Mr. Wilcox: I have been shipping small fruits for the last twenty or twenty-five years— blackberries, strawberries and the like—and I would like to look at that box very much. In importing plants or anything of that kind, where they go a great distance, they build openings at the top. I have had plants shipped to me, forty varieties of strawberries; every one of them came dead, because there was no current of airinside. I had them duplicated afterwards and all came through in a healthy condition where there was an opening at the top. The box shown by Mr. Webb seems to have the principle of ventilation about it—- (explains the construction by illustration with the box itself) Mr. Webb: It obviates the necessity of wrapping; you get fruit of the right size, and select them with reference to the cells, and it obviates wrapping. Mr. Garey: Is this a new package, or one that has been used and tried and proven by per- sons that have tried it heretofore? Mr. Webb: I think that the letter Mr. Coronel has from the manufacturer is accom- panied with the statement that Parker wrote to that effect, and that is the best answer to the question. Mr. Hussman: While Ido not know any- thing about this package, and seen it for the first time now, I know a good deal of Parker Earl, and say this—that anything he recom- mends he has tried, and wouldn’t recommend it otherwise. Mr. Williams, of Fresno: This matter of the package is a prominent one in reference to ship- ping fruit; if we get a package for the proper carrying and the proper handling of our fruit, we have overcome a great obstacle in trans- porting of the fruit of the Pacific Coast to the great; centers in the Kast, which is really our market. One of the great points of the ship- ping isin the exorbitant cost of the package. For instance, in packing a carload of grapes for ‘Chicago or Kansas City, or anywhere else East, the mere cost of the package is more than the original cost of the fruit. If you put your grapes at $20 a ton, which is very low, the packages and the loading in the car will cost you 240 odd dollars. The great point in shipping is to lower the expenses. Our grapes are cheap enough; we have the con- sumers on the other side, the transportation and the package figures very largely in the general result. I have tried grapes in 4-pound baskets, and it works pretty well if you do not have any delay on the road. For the carrying of pears, we have used 40-pound boxes. They are not a success; you have to spring the tops on too tight and too hard to get them there in proper shape. Mr. Porter told me that he can spring them on*so that they don’t shrink a great deal; but novices in the business get them about half full. Now, we want a pack- age in which we can get them there in present- able shape. Another thing, the package, as it stands to-day, creates too much pressure on the center layers. We must have a taller pack- age, and one that will not cost us too much. For other fruits, the smaller you have the pack- age the better, to obviate the pressure on the fruit. Mr. Garey: In Southern California perhaps the most important question in the matter of shipping fruit is the shipment of the fruits of the citrus family. We are looking for a super- ior package to the one we now use, and we will hail it with delight. The main point in ship- ping oranges is to prevent them from rubbing or chafing one another, as Mr. Williams said as to other fruits, getting loose in the box and in picking up the fruit shaking it about and bruis- ing and damaging it. The boxes shown appear in the first place to be cheap; that is an impor- tant point. We want acheap box to ship our fruit in, as well as a cheap remedy to kill the scale bug, and these boxes, as they are made there, it strikes me that unless the oranges are selected and sorted especially to fit those spaces closely and snugly they will necessarily shake about, and that will bruise the oranges and de- stroy them, All the spaces that do not fit would have to be filled up with paper or some- thing that would make them fit snug and close. Dr. Chapin: After closer examination of this package asit appears here, it seems to me it would be rather a slimsy affair, the very slight- est touch will rack it in various directions with a single nail in the laths which are on the side. I should think the package would be very likely to fall to pieces, handled in the way in which fruit is in this country, or on any long journey. I should rather be afraid of the package myself, from the appearance of it. Mr. Garey: I suppose those compartments are not arbitrary, they can be changed to suit the size of the fruit. Mr. Webb: That is what I tried to state, that they have boxes of different sizes and cells, to accommodate the different sized fruits. Mr. Milco: My opinion is, that if that can be made strong enough, it would be one of the best things we have, for the simple reason that in order to bring our fruit before the public we must have it of different sizes; this idea of put- ting a layer of good fruit on top and small on the bottom ought to be done away with for the sake of our future prosperity, and that little box strikes me as one of the best things to ac- complish that purpose. You can’t puta big orange in a small space; you have got to have it of the size to fit it, and then those packages ought to be marked numbers 1, 2, 3 or 4, or whatever the size is, and the fruit will sell accordingly. The main point is as Chapin says as to the sta- bility of the box. I know that when you put 40 or 50 pounds of fruit ina box it has got to be pretty strong, the way freight and express- men handle boxes. They don’t care how they handle them because they have no interest in it, and unless a man watches them or ships him- self and places it on the cars himself, the chances are that the fruit, when it gets on the other side, is not fit to do anything with. Mr. Wilcox: I think that the objection to the box that is here referred to can be very easily remedied. I have shipped fruit myself in a box similar to that, merely with a flat thin piece of board between the layers. The way we did, we braced the box by nailing a cleat along the outside at each corner. We took common laths and nailed it right over those places, and one at each corner and one at the end, and I never had any complaint, so far, as - to fruit moving around in those compartments. The difficulty can be remedied easily, too, by taking a piece of paper; of course, the fruit ought to correspond in size, nearly, to the cell. One thing I want to say inregard to the ship- ae CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 23 ping of fruit here: It must be handled care- fully, and the railroad hands do not do so. They throw our chests off twenty rods from where we want them. I paid the railroad com- pany, fifteen years ago, $1000 freight on straw- berries at 80 cents a chest, and sometimes I would have to go ten rods away from the depot to get the chests. When I passed through Florida last winter, I saw a circular of the railroad company as to shipping, and especially requesting that any carelessness be reported to headquarters. And yet, on this coast they are proverbially rough in handling the fruit. I would never ship fruit anywhere without put- ting it on the car myself, or some party who is interested in it themselves. That is the only safety you have. Mr. Block, who ships the most pears in Santa Clara county, don’t trust anybody to attend to it for him; he has his own packer and his train shipper. Mr. Chapin: Iam very glad the point was brought by Mr. Milco, regarding the size of the fruit throughout the entire package, and not a fine layer at the top, and then the balance of the box made up of inferior fruit of all sizes and descriptions. A little personal experience in that matter may not be uninteresting to the members of this convention. Owing to the ne- cessity of my being absent from home almost all my time, it is an absolute necessity that the details of my orchard work be left to hired help entirely, and my experience has been this, that however honest and faithful men may intend to be, and frequently are, yet they are often- times careless in their work. It isnot as though the eye of the manager or the owner was upon them. Only the other day some packages of fruit sent to the San Francisco market were called tomy attention when in thecity and I was told that they came from my orchard. The box was opened on the side and shown to me. I said that never came from my orchard; my fruit is never packed in that manner. They assured me that it was so, and I became con- vinced that that was the fact. When I went home I opened some boxes that had been packed by my foreman in that same manner, and found precisely that description of things existing, notwithstanding I had repeatedly told him that it would cost him his position if he practiced any deception in the packing of fruit. I had positively forbidden him, giving the most arbi- tary instructions against anything of that kind, and yet, in the face of all that, the work was done in that way to a certain extent. Fortu- nately, it was but a few packages that were done in that way, but the man’s excuse was that the fruit was there and he thought that he might as well make use of it and get what he could forit. It is needless to say that that was not repeated, but this very method of packing in certain sized partitions with one class of fruit through the entire box is a most excellent one, and that part of it is to be commended most heartily, and if the cheapness of the box and the strength and the stability of the pack- age can be secured at the same time, so as to be profitable for the fruit-growers to use, there is no doubt but what it would be a most valu- - able article. Dr. Frey: It would be avery easy matter to have it made so. If the boxes were going a short distance, it would do very well, but if they were going further you might have to put in a few nails, and they would go along very well; or, as the gentleman remarked, you could put slats in on top of it. You can put a slat on each end, so that the pressure in the box would come on the slats instead of coming on the top of the box, and that strengthens the box very much. In regard to grading fruit in the box, I think it is a matter of great impor- tance, that it should be insisted on by the so- ciety that every man should have his name on the box, and be personally responsible; and if a man puts in poor fruit let him take the respon- sibility, a d let everybody know who it is. The difference will soon be apparent. Mr. J. M. Gray: I would like to hear from somebody who ships fruit to Chicago if they think peaches could be shipped in that box, without rubbing. If so, it would save a great deal of trouble to the shipper. We know it is no small task to get a carload of fruit, and wrap each piece in paper, and I fear that the paper that we have now in this State is not the right thing to wrap peaches in, especially if they be- come the least bit moist. There seems to bea taste of the paper in the fruit. If we could ar- range some way of shipping without going to that expense and trouble it would be a good thing. J. M. Hixson: I havea great many letters from parties whom I have been doing business with this year, which I expect to lay before the fruit shippers and give them my advice in re- gard to a great many matters pertaining to ship- ping. In regard to Mr. Grey’s remarks as to shipping peaches, I think it would be good if they would contract those spaces considerably to have the fruit fit. It may not be generally known that the fig, in the green shape, can be shipped through in good order. We had them from several different parts, and only, I be- lieve, in one instance did they come through in good order, and that was when there was but one layer in the box. They sold at extrava- gantly high prices, and demonstrated to my mind, that whatever package was successful, the cost of it would form but a small item if we could get the fig there in perfect order. The peach, too, at times, of course, will sell at a price in which the package would hardly cut any figure. In regard to the strengt) of the package, that is one thing that I want particu- larly to call your attention to. I Have a num- ber of letters, and I will read an extract from one to show the sentiment on the other side in regard to the package. In case of getting a light package, a pound or two or three or four pounds to get that package strong enough, so that it does not fall to pieces, is no consideration. We have one car of plums in which the stan- chions parted. They were put into an old- fashioned car and arranged to give ventilation, and when they gave way the bottom of the fruit slipped forward and that threw it on an angle, and the package was so light that a good many of them burst, and the plums ran out, In such a case the cost of the packages was a very little consideration. I will read this from Boston: ‘‘I hope your friends in California will see the necessity of stronger packages. We consider this fault one of a very serious nature, and the sooner it is remedied the better it will be. For short distances, no doubt, they are ‘O. K.,” You see, he says it is a very serious matter in regard to the packages, for he finds the fruit comes out of order in conseqnence of the package being so light that it springs. Now + 24 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION I have one from Hamilton, Canada, in which the gentleman speaks on the same matter of the package. In regard to putting the small fruit on the bottom, anything of that kind is not going to take in the Hast, because every pack- age there is opened. They open the package, or they put their hand on it, and they have be- come such experts that they are satisfied if it doesn’t give, and if it does they then sort it out and find where the defective ones are and then take and supply them with fresh fruit, or if it is not packed tight enough they draw them to- gether and put in fruit enough to fill up the package, so that a man who is shipping with a view of success is not going to put in poor fruit or inferior fruit more than once or twice until he will see that it don’t pay. There is no place { have ever done business where a man’s name is worth so much to him asitis in the Eiastern marles, because they go right after ham. As soon as they find an article is well pheked, they seek for that brand, and when they say I will give you so much for that mark teey don’t mean [ will take all of it; they m an I will give you so much for the privilege of going through it, and if it is not all right they are going to reject it. It is no usejto put upjinferior fruit, or over ripe fruit, or anything of that kind with a view to success. There is another important thing, and that is uni- formity of package. If you are going to have twenty pounds in a package, have twenty pounds; if you are going to have forty pounds, have forty pounds of fruit. This is for two or three reasons. One is, that a man makes a cal- culation when he sends it out for retail how many pounds he is going to sell. Another is, that the express companies take their fruit at a certain rate per box. They cannot take any five, or eight, or ten thousand boxes and dis- tribute them to the different places and weigh the different lots; they mark them if it is peaches or plums; they take them as twenty- two pounds; if they are pears and apples and things of that kind, they take them at forty- six; so that if man has got eighteen pounds of plums, you see he is paying the extra express- age on it, and all those things are taken into consideration. Mr. Aiken: I will say as to the redwood box in the county of Santa Cruz, we buy them at two cents, peach and grape boxes, and we can manufacture enough to supply the State of California, at that price. As to that box, it may be of great value to us in the State enter- prise which you hear about; we propose to do one thing if nothing else; we propose to manu- facture the best boxes that can be obtained for the actual cost, and sell to fruit-growers at the actual cost; and what can be manufactured for 20 cents, you will get for a little more than 10 cents. Dr. Chubb: As to orange boxes, when talk- ing aboutit in the East this summer with a commission man, and when I told the cost of the box, they said you can do better than that by shipping your boxes from Maine by sailing vessels during the seasons when you don’t want them, and get your supply during the fruit season. He spoke very confidently about it. Hesaid he was confident we could get our supply of boxes much cheaper than 164 cents, which we were paying for orange boxes. Mr. Milco: I will give you my opinion, I know that one firm in this State is shipping a great many carloads of lumber around the Horn to all the Hastern ports, and it has been done for the last two or three years, and I have been told by Mr. Smith, of Stockton, that the lumber is so cheap in California that they can’t make a cent out of it, and the only money they are making is by shipping East. You can imagine as to that, if they ship around the Horn from Oregon and Washington and make a profit. Mr. Chubb: Then they ought not to charge 20 cents for orange boxes. Mr. Conger: I think the boxes made in Maine are made of birch, and not of pine. I was told once that they could be bought in Maine for seven cents. Mr. Wood can inform us on that point. Did you not write to Maine? Mr. Wood: Yes, sir, we have received prices from so many differeut places, but I can say this as to that box, when we were in busi- ness here, shipping a good many, we could buy our cases in the Hast and pay our freight on them, and lay them down here for less money than we could get them from San Francisco. In my experience those boxes can be bought in the East and brought out here by freight as cheap as they can be manufactured at home by our present manufacturers, unless they have improved during the last two years. Mr. James Bettner: I was in New Orleans last year, and inquired as tothe cost of the Florida orange boxes. They get the most of them from Maine, and I found that the Maine boxes, coming by water transportation, cost about what it costs to deliver Truckee boxes at Riverside (about 144 cents); and the Maine orange box is to mea very unsightly box. It is made of basswood, is very thin, and has to be bound with hoops, and it warps all up and out of shape if exposed to the sun or air at all. They have found so much fault in Florida, even, that they use a local box in some places there, and are turning out a pine box that is a good deal similar to our Truckee boxes. A Delegate: I think if you can ascertain the lowest price you can secure these boxes in the East, and then will examine the boxes made in San Francisco and on this coast, and the prices, you will find that we can procure boxes, or any thing else in the wood line, a great deal cheaper here than you can procure it anywhere on the. Eastern coast. Only a few weeks ago I wasup on the Canadian Pacific railroad at Victoria, and they were very much agitated there on ac- count of the Dominion Governmeni assessing the lumber there, 8% advalorem, and 25 cents a tree for their lumber, and they sent a remon- strance back to the general government, trying to overcome that, saying it would ruin their market in the lumber line, and prevent them from competing with the California and the Puget Sound lumber country. Now, we have box manufacturers and everything in this country, and we have the wood; there is wood enough in Eureka, Humboldt county, to make boxes and box up all the fruit, and the trees, and everything else there is in this country, and we can furnish them just as cheap as we can get them from Maine or anywhere else in the world, and just as good, and I will tell you that I think it will be to our best interests to keep this money at home. We have bright prospects in this coun- try, and I think anyone can see that it is going to be the distributing point for all the southern CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 25 country. It is so recognized by all the railroads in the country. If we look a little to our own interests, without sending any money abroad, I think we will all fare a great deal better. I do not disapprove of ascertaining what you can procure these things for. While I was in Brit- ish Columbia a man started some soap works, He sent to his neighbor a block or two away for boxes. He said: ‘‘I will charge you 15 cents a piece.” He says: ‘Send me 1000 boxes.”’ It so happened that there was one of Hobb’s men there. The soap-maker told him his trouble, and he says, ‘‘I will send you up some boxes,” and he did send them from San Francisco, going the trip by sea to Victoria. Just one week before he could get them from a _ block away. That would show you if it need that the work can be done just as well here as anywhere else, and as good as any you can get abroad. Mr. Wilcox: I live where we make boxes, in San Jose. One thing should be borne in mind. In the first place, all the best timber that is used for boxes, from chests down, was held by a combination. When I bought my first blackberry chests, twenty-five years ago, I paid $9 for 100 chests. I can now buy those chests, of a better quality, for $3. We had no machinery to make a good chest; now we have machinery in San Francisco that will dove-tail the corners in the best possible manner. We have the same in San Jose. I have paid for strawberry boxes, to hold 8 or 10 pounds, 11 cents; I get them now for 25 cents. I can buy the common strawberry box, holding a pound, for 8-10 of a cent apiece; that is all it costs for little raspberry baskets. So far as that is concerned we have been making them there in San Jose as cheap as can be made any- where—lumber is much cheaper than it is in the East. We can make a box cheaper than any part of the world. Our redwood lumber is even being sent Hast to be manufactured. In New Orleans they all wanted to know what it could be got for. They use it to make cof- fins. - They are making coffins at Santa Clara by the quantity. We are supplying all this coast, the Sandwich Islands and Mex- ico and all this country with them. We don’t want Eastern lumber. When we have machinery in competition that is all we want. I wouldn’t look to the Hast for a box hereafter, and I don’t think we will need to. It may be that we will want to combine with this organi- zation on shipping and that we will want to make our own boxes, and I believe they can be made here cheaper than anywhere in the world, for there is no part of the world where we can find lumber so accessible, Dr. Congar: I don’t think there is a ques- tion but what boxes can be made here as cheap ag in any part of the world. That is dodging the point. We want to know whether they will so make them, that is what we are after. Mr. Milco: I think that the fruit interests of Southern California are so extensive that the fruit-growers of this State are strong enough to go to work and make their own boxes. If they cannot get them cheap enough they should put ‘their shoulders to the wheel, and go to work and put up their own factory and see what they can do, and I think they will find they can get their boxes very cheap. Mr. Hixon: I think we are losing sight of the main point of this matter, which is ventil- ation of the fruit more than cheapness of the boxes; and while we discuss the latter part of it we ought not to pass over this very impor- tant matter. You see the box, which is shown here, is ventilated from below, and the vapor or moist atmosphere rises upwards through the fruit. I want to call your attention to one fact demonstrated in the receipt of some cher- ries we had this year in Chicago. We had one carload, in which there were about 700 cases, shipped in the ordinary crate—such as are used in the shipping of grapes—and bye the bye, I would not by any means recom- mend that as the proper package for cherries. I do not suppose there is any man who would have paid $100 for the carload of cherries at the depot when they arrived. We, of course, have to pay freight anyway, even if the fruit is all ruined. We have given bonds for that beforehand. There were 15 crates in that lot that the man had stretched brown paper over the top of the crate so that the paper was about half an inch above the top of the cherries. On top of that paper was laid the slats, so as to prevent pressure coming down to mash it. It was arranged so that there was a space between the cherries and the paper, and a space between the paper and the top of the crate. In one of those crates the paper had got torn and fell down upon the cherries; that was like the balance, covered with fine mould, of a thin cobweb appearance; the other 14 crates were in good order. There was no other crate in that lot that we could ship out- side the city of Chicago. By taking the tops off the boxes and exposing them to the air this cobweb, like mildew, passed off of a great many, and the local buyers bought them, and we got about $800 out of that whole carload. That paper absorbed the moisture that arose from the bottom or from the _ cherries, and the cherries were in good condition. A good many of the cherries and other fruit that were not wrapped had so much moisture on the top of the boxes, that it was absorbed by the wood, until the top was discolored. Now, if a fruit box is ventilated so that this moisture can pass off, it seems to me it is of vital importance. So far as the box business is concerned, none of us doubt but what we can make them as cheap here as anywhere else. The only question is, do we doit? I had some occasion to get some boxes in Chicago, and paid for the first lot’ of white wood, 25-lb. boxes, eight cents, and then got a bid from three different parties for 25-lb. boxes clear pine, at seven cents, and then made for six cents. I had occasion to have some figs packed the other day in San Francisco, and the man who packed them assured me he had to charge so much, because he had to pay nine cents a piece for the same size box, and I remonstrated with him and he tried to get them reduced. He said he could not get them less than nine cents. I have no doubt but what they can make them here just as cheaply as anywhere else; but the question is, do they do it? But the main question, as I have already said in this matter, is ventilation. Gathering and Curing Fruit. The chair announces the second topic of the day: ‘‘The proper time to gather the different kinds of fruits, the curing, etc.” Dr. Congar: Irise to make a few remarks upon that subject, in reference to the orange 26 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION and lemon. I know very little about the de- ciduous fruits that are growing in Southern California at this time. When I came here 10 years ago, I paid 10 cents apiece for apples raised in Oregon, a dollar a pound for butter made in Sacramento valley, and everything in proportion. Now the local production of such articles is abundant. I have had some experi- ence in regard to handling the oranges and lemons, as to their condition of ripeness, and their effect when picked under certain con- ditions. I will speak of thelemon first. I paid more attention to that than the orange. It is a well known fact that the lemon in this lo- cality requires certain treatment in order to produce a fruit of first quality. I may say first and foremost, soil has something to do with it, and something in the matter of treating the trees as to the amount of water the tree is to get, etc. I would speak of the lemon as it is taken from the tree, and as far as I go,I I speak of the Eureka and Lisbon lemon, They have in the San Francisco market a lemon called by the commission men there the “California Sicily Seedling.” I rebel against that name. We have no such lemon in this country. We havea Sicily from the bud, and it is as different from the seedling as can be. The lemon I wish to speak of is the Sicily bud, the Kureka, the Lisbon and the Genoa. Those lemons, under the treatment I have pursued, will produce a lemon that we challenge the world to surpass. Iam willing to put up 100 boxes against 100 boxes imported lemons. The lemon wants to be slightly colored on the tree before it is picked; it wants to receive from the soil all the proper- ties that will make it perfect. It must be picked at that stage with the best of care, without much handling. I mulch my trees with straw and lay the lemons immediately under the tree. It matters not whether it is damp or dry. Of course, if it is a dry portion of the year, I leave them there a less time than though it were a damp season of the year. They will remain under the tree for weeks if it is a moist atmosphere. I don’t place them over two or three inches deep, and they will cure down into a lemon which I will challenge the world to surpass. By this process the skin loses moisture, and becomes soft almost as a glove, but it is hermetically sealed. There is no chance for the oxygen of the air to penetrate that rind, and it is the oxygen of the air, as we all know, that causes the decay in all fruits. If you keep out the oxygen from the fruit it will never decay. Hence, the necessity for picking your fruit with a great deal of care. If lemons are handled as I have described, you need have no fear of foreign competition. Now, as to the orange: I find it to an ad- vantage to pick the orange with some care and allow them four or five days to shrink; that is, to lose a surplus of moisture in the rind. It is when the rind is distended with this surplus of moisture that scraping it with the finger in picking will rupture the rind and the oxgen of the air takes hold of that little spot. It com- mences to decay. Hence, you want to pick them with this care and put them in a box and lay them away under the tree and let. _ them shrink for three or four days. It de- pends somewhat upon the ripeness of the fruit. They should be in such condition that when they are put in boxes they will not shrink and become loose so that every time the cars shake they knock one against the other. There isa secret of great loss in our fruit shipped to the Eastern market. If they are shrunk before they are packed, you can pack them just as tight as you can pack an apple, and they can- not give in your boxes. If you will go ahead with the sorting practice you can pack them so tight that they will scarcely move in transit to Chicago. I rose to give my experience in picking off the tree. Those who buy the fruit off the tree, and pick and pack them under the tree, huddle them off to the railroad the next day; they throw them just as you throw sacks of potatoes. They take them up in boxes and throw them on the wagons, and I have seen the juice run out of those oranges as they packed them, Thatis the way some of the commission men handle our fruit, and we suffer in consequence. That is the reason why I am in favor of some kind of an organization, either Southern California or Northern California, so that we may stop this terrible work. If, when we pick the fruit when it is ripe, let it lose the surface moisture, and pack it closer, we will get along without much loss. We can raiseas good fruit as any in the world. Mr. Hixson: I would like to say one word in reference to Dr. Congar’s remarks in regard to picking the orange and letting them lie awhile. I think there is somuch point in that, that everyone ought to pay some attention to it. Tt is very well known that there is no man in California who is as successful in shipping ap- ples as Mr. De Long, of Marin county. At his place they pick their apples in a box, one-third larger than the box they pack in, and they put it in an apple-house and let it stand there fora given length of time that may suit them, bet not less than a week or 10 days, and pack it from that into the boxes that they ship in. They ship to Australia and New Zealand, and other distant markets with perfect success, and I think that it is because they let the extra juice pass off in evaporation. I think the Doc- tor’s remarks on that point are worthy of a great deal of consideration. Dr. Chubb: My experience does not agree with the Doctor’s theory completely. This last summer, in the mouth of June, I had sent to me in a western city, two,or three carloads of or- anges that were sent on rather as an experiment. They could be bought very cheaply in our sec- tion of the valley, because they were the rem- nants of the orange crop, had ripened up later and had to be picked up later, and a great many of them were very ripe, and wouldn’t be con- sidered fit for shipment on that account. They were picked indiscriminately, believing that they would at least, pay the expenses, and were packed rapidly without due care. I saw them as they were opened in the commission houses, and from the very fact that the skin had dried, they came through in better order than oranges that I shipped in March. That experience con- vinced me that we must cure our oranges be- fore shipping; they were dried on the tree. Mr. Rose: I have had various experiences with shipping oranges and in picking lemons. I have spoilt more jemons I guess than any man in the State of California in experimenting, and I feel very sure that Dr. Congar is very correct in all that he has said of his own knowledge as to the lemon business. I have no CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 27 doubt, it is true, not only to me but to every- body who has lemons. As to the orange, I have had a different experience from Dr. Con- gar. Last year I went upon the theory of picking and keeping my oranges two or three days under cover in a large buiiding that had the ventilation of open doors and open win- dows, but oranges which had been in there would not keep as long as those packed out in the field and shipped at once. I have found that oranges that are kept out of doors will keep better than those which are kept in any kind of a house, no matter what kind or what ventilation. So far as the orange is concerned, there is a necessity for the people of this county, especially, to find some way of clean- ing them, and washing oranges has had the ef- fect of making them decay very easily, al- though there are modifications I think in the practice which did not result that way. We have tried to rub them off with a brush, and if immediately shipped they will decay very quickly—much more quickly thanif they had not been rubbed. It is the same way with the washing. We have in our neigh- borhood a very painstaking gentleman, Mr. Dobbins, who washed his oranges last win- ter and kept them out-doors, with some pro- tection of shade, perhaps, and they went as well as if they had not been washed. It is my belief we ought to have a drying-house, and I believe we will come to it yet. You can take an orange and put it on the mantel piece. You can keep it there and it will never decay—it will dry up. Youcan keep it there until it gets as hard as grain. Again, you can put it in a trunk and have it among your clothing, where the moisture is taken up by the sur- roundings, and it will never decay, and will finally dry up. Now, the reasonable suppo- sition is, that if you had a dry house with trays, with the fruit only one deep on a tray, and some heat passing over them, taking off the surplus moisture, the orange would keep to ship to any part of the world. I believe it will pay to doit. I willtake an instance where I ship. a carload a day. Last season be- ing a dry season, I had no _ trouble, but you take another season with wet winter rains almost every day, and the orange will take up a great excess of moisture by the rain. You can take any orange, pick it im- mediately after a rain, pack it immediately after,and it will decay before it gets to San Fran- cisco. You must wait till sunshine comes and dries it out to a certain extent. For that reason I think it will be necessary for the men who ship largely to have a dry-house and take off the surplus moisture, and then we can hope and ex- pect that we may ship oranges to any part of the United States without any decay, but I must say that Dr. Congar’s theory about keep- ing them for a while in a house I have not found correct. Dr. Congar: I did not say in the house. I keep them on the ground under the tree. I had Mr. Rose’s experience in keeping them in the house. Mr. Cooper: Referring to the remarks of Dr. Congar, I find it is very dangerous to give theories. In Southern Europe, and with the Spanish and French, they are about equally divided on the subject of seedlings. There are seedling lemons up in the Exhibition hall, raised at my home from the seed of a Sicily lemon, and I bave sold them in San Francisco side by side, at precisely the same price with the imported Sicily lemon. They are up there now and I wish you would all help yourselves and see what they are like. I have the budded Eureka lemon, and I have tried to test both of them, and I have de- cided that my seedling Sicily, as Dr. Congar calls it, is the better of the two. De. Congar: I refer to the seedling lemon that I am acquainted with here. Now our Eureka lemon is a seedling, and Mr. Wolfkill has a seedling that is a superior lemon. I am not speaking of that, I am speaking of the seed- ling lemon—great big things with the rind as thick as a citron. Mr. Cooper: Mine I keep four months. These up-stairs were picked about four months ago; picked by a Chinaman, without any par- ticular care. I have kept them six months. At this point a recess was taken until after- noon, Afternoon Session. The chairman announced the program of the hour: ‘‘How the fruit-growers are to dispose of their fruits without coming into competition with each other as to prices for the same quality and kinds of fruit,” Address of H. P. Livermore on Fruit Shipping. Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen, Fruit- Growers of Southern California :—I esteem myself fortunate in having the privilege of speaking to you on a subject which I con- ceive of such very great importance that it needs a great deal of talking about, and I may say that, in so speaking to you, I shall give you mot an address, but a business talk. I speak to you as a business man who, something like ten years ago, became interested in the fruit-growing proposition in vineyards and or- chards situated in Sacramento county, where for the last six years, until this present year, I have had not only large proprietorship, but per- sonal management. In those six years I have had to ship to Hastern markets fruit and grapes of various kinds to the different houses. Now, in all that period of six years, I have never been able, as a proprietor of such interest and as a manager of such business, to predicate one single element of certainty, season by season, for that interest. As a proprietor of such property, I have always felt that I was in the dark, that I was shooting at random, that I might and my game, or that I might have to respond to the drafts for deficits. This year particularly has such been the case; and when the realizing sense came upon me that no contract can be made for the placing of Cali- fornia fruits in the Eastern markets, that we had to gather them at random, that we had to take our chances, that we had to run the gaunt- let of competition with all California producers who were similarily situated—I said to myself this is a condition of things that can not but be disastrous. It means nothing less than confis- cation of this property interest if it continues. Naturally, holding that view, and being, as I say, a man of business experience, accustomed to the solution of business problems, I turned about to see what there was in the situation that would afford any protection in the future, or what there might be in the 28 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION situation that would threaten a permanent continuation of such things, reaching, in ad- vance, the conclusion that if such was contin- uously to be the condition of the fruit interest of California I wanted to gracefully withdraw from it and pocket my loss. I have had extensive familiarity, for all these years, with the Northern fruit interests, de- rived from personal inspection of the produce of that section. I then considered it was nec- essary and proper for me to know something of your Southern interests. I came South, and passed nearly two months quietly going about your various communities, feeling the pulse of the situation; and it did not take me long to find out that the condition of things which was exercising us existed quite as seriously here as there. It did not take me long to find out that you had the same problem to solve, that I, as an owner of such property, had, namely: that the property which I thought last year was worth one hun- dred cents on a dollar, might be of doubtful availability this year, and under the present condition of things, Let us not go into particulars; let us not pub- lish unnecessarily this condition of things, but let us take counsel together whether it must not be admitted among ourselves that our prop- erty interests, our values in such property, are seriously threatened by the present condition of the fruit trade, and would be, in a great measure, overturned by the continuance thereof. Such was my conviction. I returned to San Francisco with my mind pretty thoroughly made up that the situation was as bad as [ had anticipated, and probably was beyond present remedy. I say present, for even then I could not bring myself, as a business man, to think that men of sagacity, of good judgment and of experience, such as I thought the fruit-growers of California were, would long tolerate such a condition of things. Shortly thereafter there came an announce- ment of a convention of the ‘‘Fruit-Growers of California,” and I naturally attended that con- vention with no very definite idea of what would come out of it, but with the conviction that the thing to do was for the fruit-growers to get together, and that the convention was a means of so doing. Being there, I found vari- ous suggestions, and, in connection with others, who, like myself, were earnestly moving and endeavoring to remedy existing evils, I was placed upon a committee to take in hand this proposition and suggest a remedy. That committee was composed of gentlemen who are doubtless familiar to you all, but I will, for the purpose of a full understanding, give you their names: William H. Aiken of Santa Cruz, R. J. Trumbull of San Francisco, Abbott’ Kinney of Los Angeles county, A. Bloch of Santa Clara county, Horatio P. Livermore of San Francisco, F. C. De Long of Marin county, M. Estee of Napa county. That committee was in- structed to inquire into the whole subject, and to propose a method for redressing the evils that oppress us. They held serious delibera- tions; at first without being in’complete unison, latterly reaching an understanding to justify a report in the convention. Resolved, That it is the opinion ot the majority of your committee that the fruit-growers should organ- ize a corporation confiding the management of their fruit for Eastern shipment to a {duly qualified board of directors of the said corporation for the protec-~ tion of their mutual interest and the disposal of their produce. Resolved, That the capital stock of said corpora- tion shall be $250,000, represented by 250,000 shares of $x each, and that the fruit-growers shall have the privilege of subscriptions at the rate of one share of stock for each acre of bearing orchard and vineyard of shipping grapes, the same to be an operative cap- ital fund for mutual protection purposes. That report was taken in hand by the con- vention; it was deliberated upon, discussed in all aspects, through one entire day, and then, after further discussion on the second day, was finally unanimously adopted, and the same com- mittee were directed to take charge of the busi- ness of working up the details of co-operative union or corporation, and generally putting it into effective motion. I did not know at the time when that committee was appointed, how much was in store for the members of it in the way of solid work, but in the six weeks that en- sued from the date of the first convention to the holding of the second, I had a realizing sense of it. We, however, did what we could, in the crude condition of things. I say crude, because an interest so vast and widespread as the Cali- fornia fruit-growers’ interest is necessarily crude until it is organized. We did what we could, however, and, returning to the convention, we reported a plan; that plan was objectionable in many re- spects to various of the localities of northern California, because they had then conceived local ideas from local preferences. Let us not say prejudices, but preferences, and prefer- ences, perhaps, well founded in many instances. However, after long discussion and some modi- fications, all the interests were harmonized, and a general agreement was reached, and it gave birth to the California Fruit Union, A corporation which I now represent, and to which I now call your attention. I may say before voing further, that in the incorporation of this Fruit Union, the capital was considered by the committee as advisable to be restricted to the acreage of orchard now existing in the State—at first the bearing orchard; afterwards they opened it to all orchards, without distinc- tion. It was the opinion of the committee, from the best information procurable, that 100,- 000 acres would cover the entire area, and it is still their opinion. For that reason they rec- ommend a capital of 100,000 shares, or $1C0,- 000. It was held by the committee that that was sufficient. It was held by the committee that in all probability not that entire amount could or would be subscribed; but, that asa maximum amount, it was sufficient to start with, or rather to place asa maximum limit. The convention thought otherwise, and in the desire to give the complete latitude, and to provide for the future increase of acreage, they, by resolution, increased the capital stock to the amount of $250,000 or 250,000 sharé&s. Of course, the committee were perfectly willing to accept that amendment, inasmuch as it involves nothing as to the amount of stock that should be issued, that being limited by the acreage, and it is still the opinion of the committee that the capital, which is now spoken of as $250,000, will practi- cally, under the operation of this scheme, fall — considerably within $100,000. Now the whole CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 29 theory and motive power of this scheme has always‘been, and is to-day, ‘‘co-operation;” we make a corporation because the law defines that we must, but the idea is co-operation, a ‘‘co- operative union” of the fruit-growers, which they themselves shall officer and shall control, and for their sole benefit and profit. Be there little or much profit, it is for the fruit-growers, and in that sense we feel that we are justified in laying a very considerable stress. Perhaps, in order to give you a clear under- standing, I had better read to you the articles of incorporation and by-laws. [Mr. Livermore read the articles of incorporation, also the by- laws as adopted Wednesday, November 11th, 1885, and as published in the RURAL PRESS in the issue of November 14th.] The by-laws provide for nine trustees, but it is competent for the stockholders, when they finally adopt by-laws, to increase the trustees to 11, and it probably will be done to satisfy any territory requiring additional representa- tion, and to create a local Board wherever nec- essary. You will notice that the stockholder is in all cases associated with, and identified with, pro- ducing acres. Our original plan of estimating acreage for representation was to restrict it to orchard and to shipping grapes, but as we got into the subject we found that small fruits were very likely to call for a standing in connection with our transportation, particularly if the now probable feasibility of the cold storage car were demonstrated, and the vegetable transportation would enter very largely into the question, and that the acreage that could, should and prob- ably would, be devoted to vegetable culture for Eastern shipment would be very large; and for the additional reason that the vegetable ship- ments are a matter of great help to us in early shipments, it was included, so that, as the cor- poration now stands, the privilege of being stockholders was given to the cultivators of small fruits and of vegetables for Eastern ship- ment. I have thus read what constituted the articles of incorporation and the by-laws of the California Fruit Union, as considered in the committee’s report to that convention. There were, however, two or three points, not placed in the by-laws, which they gave to the conven- tion in the form of recommendations, that have not yet been incorporated into the by-laws, and may or may not be, according to the ideas of the majority of the stockholders. I will read from the report those recommendations, so that you may then have the whole thing as it is likely to stand. [Reads recommendations of committee. ] Now I will call your attention to the fact that, first, this is a Union restricted to produc- ers; second, that the ownership in it is propor- tioned by acres to the interest in the fruit pro- duced; third, that the ownership of stock is treated as a merely nominal matter; that it is not desired to make it a profit-paying stock—to make it a stock that could or would be sought for as a profitable investment, but simply giv- ing to it an interest barely compensating the capital invested, and letting the bulk of the profit go to the parties who produce the fruit in the proportion that they shall furnish such fruit. Now, I think this corporation, put into effective practice, is ‘‘boiled-down co-opera- tion,” if I know what it means. The business is done by the producers themselves, in their own behalf, and the profit divided among themselves. The theory in the management of the practical business details, when we come to them, will be that the Union, in handling its business, shall receive;from the parties who deal with it, or who ship fruit, the same rates of commission that are now received by commis- sion merchants, or that are paid by producers in the various channels where they now dispose of their produce, and that the Union will then proceed to handle those goods on the most eco- nomical basis possible, and whatever surplus is left after paying necessary expenses will come back to the stockholders, or to fruit producers, which is the other name for stockholders, in proportion to their shipments, less the six per cent interest on the stock and the two per cent reserve. Now for a clear un- derstanding of the question of fruit ship- ments. It is perhaps proper that I should read to you what they have been dur- ing 1885 to October 1st. In the reportsthat have been compiled the committee have embodied the entire shipments of all fruits; but I will not weary you with the details, suffice it to say that the shipment of green deciduous fruits, classi- fied distinctly from the citrus fruits, have been, for the year 1885 up to October Ist, 1025 carloads, almost exclusively from the North; only 66 carloads have gone from Los Angeles. I can now make a similar report on the citrus fruits. These reports have been made in pounds, I have reduced them to carloads: San Francisco shipped 1 car, Los Angeles 1119 cars, Sacramento 1 car; there have been minor quantities shipped from Marysville, Stockton and Oakland, but those are immaterial. The grand total of the shipment of oranges is 1121 cars. These have been distributed to the fol- lowing points: Denver, 72 cars; Pueblo, 7 cars; Omaha, 62 cars; Lincoln, Neb., 28 cars; other points in Nebraska, 2 cars; Atchison, 26 cars; Leavenworth, 11 cars; Topeka and other cities in Kansas, 15 cars; Council Bluffs, 6 cars; Des Moines, 3 cars; Davenport, Dubuque and other points in Iowa, 51 cars; Kansas City, 120 cars; St. Joseph, 58 cars; St. Louis, 68 cars; other cities of Missouri, 2 cars; San Antonio, Texas, 12 cars; Galveston and Houston, 9 cars; Austin, Dallas and other points in Texas, 12 cars; New Orleans, 5 cars; Louisville, 3 cars; Cincinnati, 28 cars; Cleveland, Toledo and other cities in Ohio, 59 cars; Chicago, 246 cars; Peoria, Rock Island and other cities in Illinois, 15 cars; Detroit, 9 cars; other cities in Michi- gan, 3 cars; Indianapolis, 19 cars; Terre Haute, Evansville and other cities in Indiana, 15 cars; Milwaukee, 25 cars; St. Paul and Minneapolis, 115 cars; New York, 2 cars; Boston, 1 car; Philadelphia 1 car, other Atlantic cities 1 car. Now, I consider that table to be instruct- ive to the shippers of citrus fruits, as it indi- cates that, except at second hands, through Chicago, the great Atlantic seaboard, with its vast consuming population, has not even been broached. It indicates that Chicago is what I have heard a fruit-grower very aptly term it, ‘the dumping point for the fruit of California,” and it frequently is that, in a financial sense. Now, too much fruit goes in that direction, and vastly too little to the markets of the Hastern seaboard. Well, perhaps that has been inev- itable under the existing condition of things; perhaps it has not been possible to reach the Eastern seaboard; we feel, with reference to 30 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION the deciduous fruits of the North, which here- tofore have been shipped only by passenger trains, that it really is so, and that, until we get special fruit trains and the consequent re- ductions of freights which only can come by special fruit trains, those far EHastern markets cannot be reached. Still it is evident, from the foregoing statement, as it is also evident from the statement of green fruit shipments, that the Eastern markets have not been developed at all in proportion to the development of our capacity to produce fruit, and that if we are to go on and produce fruit with the new acre- age which stands behind us, coming along to contest the markets with us, to crowd us down into a condition of absolute loss, we have a great deal to do to develop not only the markets that are partially occupied, but the markets that are comparatively unoccupied. Now I think the great necessity of united action in an endeavor to reach and develop those markets, cannot be denied, and that it needs imme- diate organization of all in interest. It does not do for one locality to say, as did our neighbors on the Central Pacific in Placer county, ‘‘We have exceptional facili- ties; we have choice mountain fruit. It is of high repute in the Hast, where it has the pref- erence. We are ata very favorable shipping point, and we can get along. We make up our local co-operative organizations and we are get- ting along nicely.” That is what they did say, and one town made a co-operative organization, and another followed, and before the shipping season was over they had five co-operative or- ganizations, and the competition between those local shipping organizations was just as marked, and just as capable of paying Irish dividends, as if it had been individuals, and the result is, those gentlemen have candidly said, We must take shelter under the wings of the general State organization, and they have done it. Now, there are considerations peculiar to every locality, and yet it seems to me, that conceding every claim that any locality may make, it will fare better in a general State Union, in the great congregation, with such a corporation as we have proposed, than if it were standing by itself, each locality by itself. I can see very clearly that, in some sense, there has been too much of the stay-at-home principle among all the fruit-growers of this State, and, not to be misunderstood, I will explain to you what I mean by that. I donot think the bulk of the fruit-growers of California know what has been done and what is being done all over the State, in the way of multiplying means of producing fruit. I do not think the fruit men to-day know what stands behind them in the way of certain competition from the produce of other and new localities. I don’t think they appre- ciate what we have got to handle, so as to shape our markets. Now, to-day’s market may be satisfactory to a shipper in one locality, and next year’s market may be an entirely dif- ferent thing, because his neighbor, who has heretofore been a non-producer, may wheel into line as a producer, and push along to the front and divide the market. It looks to me as if you have got to consider and provide against that very thing. The special matter that is to be considered here, at this meeting, is the desir- ability of a corporation like this, in connection with the interests of this locality, and I ask your attention to a number of points that bare upon that matter. I suppose that everybody in Southern California, interested in citrus fruits, has heard of the place called Florida, and that there is a production of fruit there of the same class as produced by you here, and perhaps, in a measure, with identical inter- ests. Those producers of fruits are far nearer toa market than we are of the far West, and far less burdened with difficulties of getting to a market, it is true that, ina great degree, they do not come to market at the same time that your producers do, but they are an element of competition with you, in certain seasons, and a class of difficulties that assail your interests are nearly identical with the difficulties that they have had, although their difficulties are in a very much less degree. Now I have here a circular which sets forth a prospectus of what is called the Florida Fruit Hxuchange. It is an organization that is gotten up by the citrus fruit producers in Florida, to protect them- selves from the difficulties that are al- most identical with those you have here. [Reading from a _ prospectus.] Then fol- lows the plan of the exchange which shows that it is proposed to handle all the fruits from the State under one general business organization, having its headquarters at Jacksonville, Florida, having a board of directors, nine in number, and having the business details intrusted to one general man- ager, also located at Jacksonville. Now, that is a brief outline of what arrangement the fruit- producers and shippers of Florida have been compelled to adopt under the condition of things that is not certainly as serious as that which exists here. I may remark that they have no such difficulty with their freights, and they have really far better facilities of market- ing than you Southern California producers, and I do not think it admits of any argument that what has been necessary in their case is equally necessary with you. Perhaps I have wasted your time unnecessarily in elaborating that point, because it will be readily admitted by all of you that the necessity exists for some form of union or organization that will straighten these questions and redress your grievances. Now, I will take one step further in that same direction, as illustrating the prac- tical operation of such an organization as that just formed in Florida. I have here the in- structions that are given by the Florida Fruit Exchange for the regulation of shipments, showing somewhat more of the details of their proposed operation. There is much of it that you will think is mere detail, but I do think that some of the facts that are enlarged upon, as to the necessity of care and selection and uniformity of packing and scrupulous pains- taking for the good repute of fruit, ought to come home to us in California. I hold that one of the first duties that should devolve upon the Frait Union in California ought to be to incul- cate the idea that each and every producer, of whatever veriety of fruit, should work to raise the standard of repute of California fruit, either deciduous, citrus, or whatever it may be. Our reputation in the Eastern markets de- pends upon united action in that respect; more depends upon that than you think, and fruit- producers and the handlers of produce gener- _ally are not sufficiently alive to it, Railroad Rates. The fast transportation heretofore of green : CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 31 fruits hag been limited to passenger trains, with a charge of $6 a car, subject to all the vicissitudes of the overland passenger and ex- press trains, which was held not to be the best class of transportation, even were the rates thereon very much reduced. In seeking a so- lution of that question, the committee thought the best policy was to go immediately to head- quarters, and seek an interview with President Leland Stanford, of the Southern Pacific Com- pany, because all the elements of transpor- tation from this locality are controlled by Mr. Stanford’s corporations. We sent him an in- vitation to meet us. He responded by meeting us in our offices, and he answered all questions we put to him, and volunteered a great many suggestions. The one controlling idea, in ail he said, and he went out of his way to elabor- ate that, was that fruit men could not expect any better results from their interest as long as they handled it in the unbusivess-like way that they were doing. He said: ‘‘Gentlemen, or- ganize your business, make a business basis, so that the transportation companies can make some calculations and predicate something on it, and we then can give you what you need.” He said further, ‘‘As to any increased facilities or decreased rates on passenger trains, that is out of the question. Our passenger trains are already overloaded, so that we seek rather to increase the rates and decrease the burcen of business. The only way out of the difficulty is a special fruit train, and, when you come to consider a special fruit train, we need to have an organized body with whom we can negotiate that will assure us a load for those trains. You may think it is an easy matter for us to put on these trains, and say ‘here ‘are your cars, load them up,’ but the result, if we should do that, would be we would have twice the load we could carry one day and nothing the next day, so that it is en- tirely out of the question. However, I will promise you that if you organize your interests, and if you present yourself to usin such a shape that you can specifically contract for a freight train of 15 cars per day, or every other day, as the case may be, you shali have that train for $300 per car—on a fast schedule time. It shall be a train with all the improved appliances for the safe transportation of. fruit, the cars shall not be fitted with the ordinary freight plat- form, but they shall have the Miller plat- form, to take the shock off the stoppages, and the train shall be run on a fast schedule time, not stopping at way stations except for coal and water. By that means, being in motion all the time, it will keep up a cir- culation of air that will be far better for the fruit, and you may be sure that the delivery of the fruit will be better than it can possibly be by the present system of passenger trains. And, further, in response to a speciiic inquiry, he said he would give us the same special fa- cility of the slow freight train, with a specific time table, which might be nearly as fast as the special fruit train at times, and at other times not so fast, at $200 a car, and that, having con- tracted for them, the trains were in our control. We could load them as we pleased, and that, in order toavoid any features of monopoly that might be alleged against them, if anybody else wanted a train they could have it, too, the idea being that a ‘“‘special fruit train” is a matter that would have to be arranged by contract. Further than that he said: ‘‘We believe in the fruit interest of California as the great interest of the State, if properly organized ana devel- oped. We believe that it can be developed so as to overshadow every other every other in- terest of the State, and to be proportionately freight-producing for us, and, in that view, we want to do everything we can to encourage it; we cannot encourage it as it is, because there is nothing specific that we can encourage; but, when organized and put on a_ business like basis, you will find that you can have anything that business-like reason calls for. If $300 a cr, on fast time, does not enable you to dis- pose of your fruits, does not enable you to fill the Eastern markets and to feed these 50,000,- 000 that want your fruit, we shall know what to do.” Now, it seems to me, therefore, that the transportation question is solved, just as goon aS we can get together in a co- operative organization. Now we have nothing further to urge in that connection, we think that it might safely be left to the com- mon sense of the fruit producers of California, whether they will avail themselves of such fa- cilities and advantages or not, for the only thing that they are called upon to do to secure them is to Unite in an Organization, Which practically costs them so little. Still further, there may be said to be other consider- ations connected with the transportation ques- tion that may be counted on to materially in- crease the direct advantages in special fruit train transportation. Thus, when damage is met that is not the fault of the shipper, and does not come by the act of God or the stress of elements, itis very apparent that, in hand- ling all such matters, we can get a great deal better satisfaction and more considerate treat- ment, as an organization, than we can get as individuals. I think it is apparent, too, that the stronger organization we have, the better fruit producers will fare. This may truly be saidas to the power cf united organization. Something has been said here as to the need of legislation for protection against insect pests. Now, suppose any one locality wants legisla- tion, goes to the legislature and asks it, or goes to congress. You will go home, feeling. that you have been insulted all the time by the way you have been treated; but if a demand comes from the united /ruit-growers of California— not less than 10,000 in number, as they prob- ably are now—if it is put into proper, legiti- mate shape, with the suggestion that there ig an organization behind it, my impression ig that you will get a very speedy and favorable response. I think that in all questions of leg- islation, of dealing with transportation compan- ies, of local good government, of taxes, of assessment of your property, the time has come to say that the fruit pro- ducers of California are going to organ- ize to protect themselves, and that they know what power lies in a united organization, and that they mean, within the bounds of reason, to avail themselves of that power, and to exer- cise it; I say that is a perfectly legitimate thing to do, Isay that the individual fruit-grower would be neglectful of his interests if he did not sodo. There is a whole mass of questions lying behind those I have mentioned which would suggest themselves to any intelligent thinker, and which would receive a favorable 32 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION answer at the hands of a united organized power far better than by individual action. The question discussed this forenoon, of cheap and uniform packing can be easily solved when all act together. Nobody need be hurt, but equal rights to all can be secured in a very lit- tle time under an organization. Now, much has been said here as to local dis- tinctions that procure, as to the different sea- sons in your particular locality for fruit ship- ment, as to the necessity, in short, of a local organization to adequately represent your inter- ests. I am not surprised at it, but I candidly think that the propositions are not based upon solid reason; youcommence to ship your oranges, as I understand it, in January and you ship till May. If you have a local organization you have got to take care of that organization, you have got to take care of its officers for the whole year to secure their services for those four months. In the first place, as I under- stand it, all propositions that have been ad- vanced for a local organization necessarily call for a very much larger capital than you would need to contribute to a general State organiza- tion; inasmuch as you have got to create dupli- cate facilities and carry duplicate capital; you have got to carry substantially for the entire year the officers and the official machinery for the business of four months of the year that might just as well serve you for four months, and serve the rest of the State for the other months. My business experience divides this proposition into this shape. Suppose the or- ganization enlists the confidence of the whole State, and suppose it goes immediately to work: the first thing to engage it would be the hand- ling of the citrus fruits, and in a couple of months, I understand, your shipments will be sufficient to load special trains, and the con- templated arrangement would give you the ad- vantages of the Southern or Northern route as you might prefer, and, if you have an insufhi- ciency of fruit you can, by joining with the de- ciduous fruit shipments of Northern California make up your quota of the special trains. Later in the season, when the weather is warm, you, for obvious reasons would prefer the cooler route, and probably would avail your- selves of.the Northern route, and, later still, when the bulk of your crop is shipped, and you could not yourselves make up a train, you would be very glad to join in making up a train with the deciduous fruits of the North, so I think you would decidedly profit in that regard. The organization, the officers, and the business machinery of the Union, after handling your business for those months could then immedi- ately proceed to attend to other profitable busi- ness, in other sections. From the months of May to October, and sometimes into November, they could be working on the deciduous fruit shipments of the North, and earning profits, so that the persons necessary to conduct your business, as a local distinct shipping business in its proper season would really be no burden to you in those months, but would do other busi- ness than yours and earn supporting profits: There would be two months in the year, per- haps, when there would be neither business from the South or the North, and, in my judg- ment, that would be far less time than is desir- able, and could be usefully used in the study ‘and development of the Eastern markets. Now whatever you may say, however you may view the fruit marketing proposition, it eventually comes down to the consumer ; you can’t get your money for fruit unless somebody takes it to you. After you organize your busi- ness so that you can make up the special trains to get the fruit to the consumer on these re- duced rates of freight, which we all concede will be reasonable and justify good expectation for the future, the question is, Where is the con- sumer? It looks to me that a very consider- able amount of work has got to be done in the East, to make the consumption adequate to the supply of California fruit, for my judgment is that the fruit production in California is nat- urally increasing more largely than the con- sumption in the Hast, that is, if left to work it- self out. Now we have got to set to work in the Hast, and we have got to put men there to work out the details of the business throughout the year as we ship. Now you start your cars when you think they are in good order, and you trust Providence that they may get through in good order and find profitable sale. Some of you have had occasion to notice when you get your account sales that they are reported to have come in other than in good order, and to feel as you would like to know of your own knowledge whether that was really the case or not. Well, that may have been an unfounded feeling, and nevertheless a proper organization with its reliable Kastern agents should be made to see to all those things in the Hast, and to enable you to know for a certainty that the management of the cars and the trains will be such that they can be inspected, in proper form, before arriving at the destination and being unloaded, and to know what the condition of the fruit is, and to report accordingly, and, in the meantime, all who are employed in the corporation, as such Hastern agents, can be working up those Eastern markets. Now, in the course of the work that I have done in connection with the California Fruit Union, as secretary, I have been receiving a great many letters—you would be astonished to see how many, bearing upon the proposition of the de- velopment of the Hastern markets from men here and Kast, who hear of this fruit producers’ movement, and who are familiar with the Hast- ern markets. They all agree that nothing less than a fully equipped and continuously work- ing organization can do justice to the subject of marketing Californiafruit. You may locally be able to solve the question of transportation for a portion of the year, but if you do you will do it under far greater difficulties than you can under the management of a general State Union, and you will doit in comparative dis- regard of the development of Eastern markets. I think I have already alluded to the rela- tion of your shipping for certain months to northern shipments, but I may repeat that your earliest summer shipments, in the judgment of those of your largest producers with whom I have conversed, would stand far better as tak- ing part in the shipments of the ‘‘special fruit trains” by the Northern route, with the early northern fruits than they can by themselves on your southern route, and that isso important a coasideration that it should not be lost sight of. I have already suggested the comparison be- tween the effective work to be accomplished by the general organization with that of the local organization. I will recur to that topic to say pay for it. CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. that the work of the general organization, will be continuously for eight months in the year, in shipping, and for the other four months in the development of markets, working up statistical information and doing vari- ous other things that are otf great importance to your interests, although you may consider them secondary to the actual shipping. Now, Ido not think they are secondary; I[ think that if nothing else could be accom- plished by such an organization as is proposed than the statistical districting of this State as to its products, knowing who the producer is, where he is, and what he produces, when it is coming into bearing, and when he will be ready to ship, and generally all such information that that alone would this year or the next year be cheap to any and all producers at the cost of the subscription to this Union; and_ back of all that is the information as to the Kastern mar- kets, and the two together would be far more than equivalent to anything you would have to I would point out again that the whole idea and theory of this Union is that each fruit-grower contributes a dollar an acre for a certain'class of benefits, be they more or less, and that such contribution is represented by the profit-paying stock. But, taking the worst view, and supposing that the money were given away, Ido not think that any of you should hesitate one moment if you were approached by a competent, reliable man, who should offer to you just these advantages, for a fee of one dollar an acre, to be absolutely paid out by you. I think you would consider it cheap. Now, I have heard inquiry as to responsi- bility on the subscription of stock. The re- sponsibility is solely’ this: Our iaw provided that the liability in subscribing to and taking stock in a corporation shall not exceed the pro- portion of the amount of the capital stock that is subscribed in the corporation. A _ party taking $10 in stock may lose his stock and $10 more in it as the utmost, If there be any bugbear in that it is very slight in propor- tion to the interest and benefits involved. There is another feature of your situation here that I do not think is sufficiently presented as to your local interests. You probably all know that you have a large acreage in other than cit- rus fruits in these southern counties; that, in the next two or three years, you will be large producers of peaches, apricots and pears, and some other varieties. The tendency, as I see here from year to year, is to increase your area of deciduous fruits. Now, it may be said that there is a large portion of those that are planted with reference to drying, but the fact still re- mains that it is very desirable to have the op- portunity to ship them as green fruits, and it is held by those conversant with the subject that all those fruits may go East and find a ready market under proper conditions. Here, as over the rest of the State, we have not yet begun to appreciate what may be done in the shipment of apples, or to establish any proper system of shipment. Perhaps, in some cases, under ‘the advantages of the cold storage car that is now being offered to shippers at the moderate rate of a quarter of acent a pound, we may reach many markets we do not now dream of with perishable fruits, so that it is not a proper view of the case to ‘restrict your ideas and conclusions solely to 33 citrus fruits. I hear much, locally, as to the various districts here, with reference to the supposed preference in the quality of produc- tion of each location. My idea in reference to that is that the whole thing comes down to one common fact, and that is the Eastern market. It is not what you say, or do, or think, here, It is the Eastern market, the consuming ele- ment, that controls. Now the man that pro- duces, in any given locality, a better fruit than his neighbor will get the benefit of it; his brand gives it a value, and it consequently stands by itself and sells upon its merit, and he gets the benefit of it. It may be well said that it is de- sirable for every producer of California fruit, as you saw so strongly stated in the Florida ship- ping directions, by every means in his power to raise the standard of California fruits as a class, so that they may go forth with the very highest possible reputation. I do not think it answers for any one community to say we can take care of ourselves. If a man produces the very best of a product and his neighbor is send- ing to market an article just a little less excel- lent in character, itis sure to have an effect upon the price of the first, unless there is some regulation, some influence that equalizes the tendencies of competition. I have seen, in the six weeks that I spent going around in your various localities here, a number of instances among my friends, where they found out, after the evil was too late to remedy, that their neighbors had been doing them very serious damage in competing with them without being aware of it, without intending to do it, a thing that could not happen under proper organiza- tion. Nor do I think the fact that any region is better in quality of its produce than another justifies it in expecting to stand as well by itself, and distinct, as it can stand ina union such as is proposed. I think, of course, that such benefits may be secured by a local union; but, as I before said, at very much greater cost than a State Union. As to the status of Cali- fornia citrus fruits in the Eastern markets, it is evident that there needs be much work done upon them, and I think the stronger organiza- tion we have to do that work the better. It is an undeniable commercial fact that, although we did carry away many good prizes at the New Orleans exposition, the bulk of Eastern consumers give preference to the Florida or- anges, if both it and the California are in the market at the same time. Very fortunately for us they are not competing throughout the season, although they do compete to some extent? Now, I think work can usefully be done in doing away with that prejudice and upbuilding the general repu- tation in the Hast among the consumers of California oranges as such, and I think the work that should be so done would bear profit- able fruit in the organization sales, and in all that relates to California fruit. We must work for the highest possible reputation that can be achieved; we must work here with the produc- ers to induce them to make their product such as would entitle it to that repute, and to pack it in a way that would do justice to itself, and to send it to market in a way that it would arrive in such a condition that it will secure for it the first place as California fruit, and that is the work for a general organization. No local organization can do it, for the moment you submit it to a local organization you act upon 34 this idea. ‘‘Our market will take care of itself, and the rest of the State can take care of itself” —that is what it would come to. I have heard a good dealas to the best methods and neces- sary expenditures for freeing our trees of the insect pests, and Iam impelled to ask of what value may they be, or the usefulness of any such expenditures made in that direction, if we do not settle the other proposition of what we can do with the fruit when we raise it, and, while that subject is very important, vet the market question is of paramount importance, and should be dealt with accordingly. Among the necessary and profitable results ‘of such an organization as suggested, might be mentioned the development of the business in dry fruit. That is a business that may be largely developed under proper handling; for if you *go on with your dried fruit shipments, without some efforts to prepare markets in advance, you will find you have overstocked the markets to such an extent that you will get little or nothing for them. Another advantage that you would find to grow out of this organization would be the prompt handling of the question of reclamations, I am aware that certain classes of losses have been thrown entirely upon the shipper that, under proper regulations, could not have been thrown upon him, and I believe that, with a distinctive organization, with proper management, you will get benefits in that way. There is one consideration that :eems to me, in one sense, to transcend all these details, and that is the capital value of our property. H will come home to almost any of you who pos- sess property that when you can run your busi- ness, so that you may know that your neighbor is not practically running against you, so that you may know that profitable results may be reached through your products, you have got something on which you can stand financially. I don’t think it is a bold statemeut, I don’t think it is one that any of you will call in ques- tion, to say that such is not generally the fact. to-day; I know that such is not the fact with reference to the property I am interested in. I know that absolutely it has not, under the present condition of things, a market value half what I counted it worth a year ago, and, as I said before, that is my great impelling mo- tive in taking hold of this movement so seri- ously. Now I say that the very day you have consummated a united organization, and the broader the better, then you settle your prop- erty values, so that, in comparison to the gains you would, make in that way, the contribution that you are called upon to make to the capital of the Union is ridiculously small —soridiculously small as to be contemptible. I have said something in regard to working up information as to the markets. I do not think it is any disparagement of those who, in the Eastern markets, have handled our fruits here- tofore—I say that they have not been able to furnish us any information as to what those markets were or might be. It is not to be ex- pected that they can go far out of the channels of their daily business in disposing of such fruits as come to them, and filling such orders as come to them; and the matter of the crea- tion of new markets, of the opening up of ex- - tensions of present markets, was hardly to be expected. It isa matter that requires the in- vestment of time and money, and that matter, FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION in my judgment, can only be effectively accom- plished by an organization that is formed—not for to-day, not for to-morrow—but to work continuously for the purpose of making a mar- ket that will last and grow for all time, and knowing that behind it is this vast area in Cal- ifornia that is coming in and being built up on the Eastern consumers. We have got to do it by working up Eastern consumers; we can’t do it by any easy means, we can’t do it by any in- dividual operation, and I don’t think you can do it by any local action. Now, gentlemen and ladies, Mr. President while I would apologize to you for taking so much of your time, I really have had a very extensive subject to go over, and being con- scious that I have only just touched upon a good many points, I hold myself at the dispo- sal of any gentleman who has any special in- quiry to make, to respond to it if I am able. Discussion on Fruit Union. A Delegate: I would like to ask one ques- tion: Suppose I have five shares and five acres and sell my five acres, what becomes of my five shares? Mr. Livermore: The proposition is that. stock should be transferred only to parties. owning equivalent acres. If you sell your five acres to aman who does not own five acres of producing area, such as comes within the pro- vision of the stock, why, he would lose his’ right to vote on that stock; he would not lose his property in it, but he would not have a. right to come into our meetings and vote. He would have his proper interest in the stock and draw his dividends on it, but it is distinctively intended to provide that stock shall not be voted that does not hold an interest equivalent in producing lands. A man buying the land is eligible to hold the stock. A Delegate: My idea was, supposing he re- fused to take my five shares—supposing he re- fused to receive them? Mr. Livermore: You might be in such a po- sition as to lose five dollars. Dr. Congar: I would ask the gentleman to correct the matter in regard to the shipment of oranges. Los Angeles has not shipped 1100 cars; Riverside must have shipped 400 and San Gabriel at least 175 carloads. Mr. Livermore: I will merely say in ex- planation that the railroad reports have placed under the heading of Los Angeles all the ship- ments from this district, and do not give credit to any of the other points at all, because I sup- pose they take that to be the terminal point, I think that is a proper correction. ‘ A Delegate : There is another question I would like to ask : suppose I should take five shares of stock: would I be permitted then to sell my crop, providing I thought I could do it to better advantage to some other parties at — home? Mr. Livermore: For local consumption. The idea is that so far as crops have a destina- tion to Kastern shippers whether direct or in- direct, it should be through the Union so as to protect the Hasternshippers. A Delegate: What would betheconsequence supposing I should sell to some local dealer in Los Angeles, for instance, and he should make a. shipment outside of the organization ? Mr. Livermore: The consequence would be that he would pay twice as much freight as the SRS ee ee ee Se j ‘ « a al oy a CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 35 INS AS. SSI eR ta special trains of the organization. You under- stand that the privileges of special trains are proposed to be limited to the organization. We should expect any party who should take stock with us, would do it with the idea of faithfully observing the common interest of protecting Eastern shipments. It would not be to his interest to let his fruit go in the direction where it could come in conflict with our Eastern ship- ments. Ifit should be sold to an outsider it would not compete because they can’t put it on the special trains and I think the result of this union would be to control absolutely all Eastern shipments. Unquestionably you can sell to anybody you desire to. A Delegate: Would $300, according to Sen- ator Stanford’s proposition, pay the freight ona carload of fruit to New York City, or simply to _ Chicago ? Mr. Livermore: The rate is only to Chicago, but with proportional rate to other points, less to shorter points and more to Atlantic ports. Mr. Williams: Suppose we make 14 car- loads of fruit on Wednesday and can’t get the other car. What are we going to do then? Mr. Livermore: Well, we had this question up before Governor Stanford, and we asked him if that rule was cast-iron and whether we have got to live up to it and pay the freight whether we filled it or not. He said: ‘‘Gentlemen, I can’t in advance, lay down the rule, but here is the fact: If you are organized and doing business in an organized and business-like way and find that you do not just reach the point of 15 cars, we shan’t trouble you as an organization.” That is about what he said, meaning thereby that he would do the best he could, and if we would do the best we could as an organization we should be dealt with with leniency and tolerance. I con- sider from that that if we could not make up the full 15 cars on any given day he would take what we could make. Mr. Williams: Another question: Suppose in my way I do not care to ship through the or- ganization and want to go to Mr. Porter. Shall I pay Messrs. Porter Bros. their 10 per cent _ commission and the organization 10 per cent commission? Mr. Livermore: Not if you are as good a business man asI take you to be. This has been about the rule in handling the Eastern shipment of fruit; the producers in their vari- ous localities will be staying home minding their business. They do not know what other localities are producing, but would just as likely be impressed with the idea that what was Scarce with them was scarce everywhere, and some of these people would come out about a month before the season for shipping, and they make it their business to do what our local pro- ducers are not doing; they keep their eyes open and their mouths shut, and when they get through they know just what are the facts with reference to the production of the whole ship- ping area of California, This is what I know they do, and they have done it repeatedly under my observation. They then go toa given lo- cality where they think the fruit is most plenti- ful, and they pick out the man who they think is most in the need of money and likely to be the weakest, and get a standard price from him and so go all around and use that as the cri- terion, so that the producer is practically com- peting with such a condition of things all the time and has been. Dr. Congar: There is another point, perhaps it has slipped your mind, but I will try to bring it out; it is in regard to the competing lines of railroad. Now, fortunately or unfortunately, for Southern California, we have, according to the papers, two lines over which we may be able to ship our fruit; one is styled the Atlantic and Pacific and the other is the Southern Pa- cific. Now is it not possible that Mr. Stanford and the Atlantic people might have a falling out and it might work as it sometimes does, that the Atlantic and Pacific péople should say to Mr. Stanford, ‘‘We are going to try and secure our proportion, or perhaps we are going to se~ cure the control of this fruit.” Now if we should have been bound up in the meantime with the Southern Pacific Company how can we extricate ourselves from that contract when the other line of communication might say they will take our fruit for one-half, and if we join the association where we are absolutely bound, we lose the op- portunity, perhaps, of taking the advantage of these circumstances. Now this has just come to pass. We do not know that it will work out as practically as I have suggested, but there have been intimations that point a little in that direction. While lam on my feet I wish to say this on behalf of Pasadena, Los Angeles, San Gabriel and other points, that knowing the people out there, being myself one of the oldest settlers, I doubt very much whether, under the existing circumstances, we can get the consent of the people to go into the organization de- scribed this afternoon, although I intend to join it myself, and, may [also be induced to join others here. We have got to make this matter clear and if there are any difficulties connected with it they must be explained away. Mr. Livermore: Asto the matter of rail- road competition, either present or possibly in the future, I believe that a close understanding does exist between the corporations that does away with any probability of competition. It is a well understood fact, for all that the news- papers may say, that there are binding papers signed that close that up, and even supposing the contingency that a subsequent rupture might come that would bring ‘about a competing interest here, I do not doubt that in any con- tract the proviso might be made that the rates would be subject to subsequent modification from competing interests, and that is one of the things that such an organization could accom- plish when a local organization could not. Mr. Milco: Some time ago I wanted to ship a carload of goods to New York to our oftice there, and I applied to Mr. Gray to find out whether he would not take our goods through New Orleans and by water communica- tion to New York for less money, [I said: ‘“You run the whole-line clear through and you only own a portion of the other road that runs as far as Ogden: you may just as well give us a lower rate.”” He said: ‘‘No, we can’t do any such thing; we would have to submit such a proposition to the Transcontinental Union and tell them all about what you desired, and every one of these companies gets a certain pro- portion, no matter what company secures the freight.” It is immaterial whether the A. & P. takes the oranges from Los Angeles or whether the §. P. takes it. There is no danger of the A. & P., or any other railroad, at present, trying to run over this big railway association that ex- 1 ists now, because [ think they have got it 36 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION pretty well fixed to run it for a few years longer. Mr. Rose: There have been several meetings of this kind, and these same questions come up from time to time. They are all questions that can be arranged hereafter. Now, if I would go to anyone of you, you would say this is a good thing; but when you come to act you are slow, so that it would seem asif it were avery bad thing. Is it a fact that we want an association in this city or county, or in this district for any purpose? If jou say yes to that, then why don’t you do something to that end. Here is a Fruit Union m the State, which certainly can have some members, even of each locality; it certainly cam do some good for any locality, because, substantially, the expenses of any one locality will be the same as for the whole State. If we organize here an as- sociation for the protection of oranges and lemons, what isit we have to do, I ask you? We have to have somebody to distribute this fruit, and not only one man, but several men. You have got to have one man in every princi- pal city in the United States, and in order to place it there for sale and get the lowest com- mission and the best men, you have got to sell it yourself, by your own agents. If you com- bine with the North with their deciduous fruits, the same people will do all the work. I ask you for yourselves, isn’t it a fact that the same men can do all this? Then, if it is desirable, what is the risk in this thing? You say that you have 20 acres of fruit trees, and you wish to market the fruit; you have to pay $10 or $20 at the outside, and that is not likely to be called for at once. If you will come into this thing you won’t have to pay half of it. And what do you get for it? You have the right to ship with the fruit-growers, and that in itself will more than pay you your $10 or $20. As far as ‘what Dr. Congar saysas to another railroad company that may ship cheaper, there is no compulsion to force us to take the train at all. It is only when we want a train, when it is pos- sible for us to make up a train, that we have it. That is not individually to us, but itis to the whole State of California. If I have a train I can have the same rate, but by having the State organization, by combining a great many shippers, we may make up the train. That is the object of the organization, and if we have the opportunity to do that we will be sensible to doso. Wecan go to anybody that will do our work the cheapest, and to one railroad or to the other. So far as General Stanford is concerned, he met this committee not as arailroad man, not as aman to make money out of this affair, but he met them as a man who had the good of the people at heart. [Applause.] He met them be- cause he wanted to see this State flourish and he said to them there are millions of people that will eat your fruit, if you will only present it to them in a way that they can buy it. Of course they have their fruits, but what are they? We have a different variety of grapes, on this coast; they are different from any they raise back there. Our California apricots are better than those they have-and we can place these fruits in the market there and at reasonable prices, not at 50 cents a pound, but at such a price as we can sell them. Now you gentlemen are talking all the time about oranges and lemons. What do I see when —— I go abroad in some portions of our owncounty?’ ' I see fields of apricots, fields of apple trees, of prunes, of plams. What are these people to do: by and by? They will want a market and they will find that they are not having as good! a market as they would like to have. If you have a local organization, can you take care of’ them too? As far as oranges or lemons are con- cerned, it is a monopoly to this extent that you have to have water, for substantially you can-- not raise oranges or lemons without irrigation and we have one acre perhaps in a hundred that we can irrigate in these southern counties. What are you gomg to dowith the rest of it.?’ People are continually coming in here and set- tling our plains and making gardens without any water, and what are they planting? Planting apricots, pears, apples, peaches, etc. And what are they going to do? That is not an easy thing to say, and if anything is done you must do it yourself. The trouble is people foresee too many difficulties. You say this may be wrong. and that may be wrong and you do not do any- thing. There may be some little things to look. about and all that sort of thing, but this Fruit. . Union is to be advantageous. By means of it. we will have privileges and can, by reason of be-- ing able to load cars, distribute our fruit nearly: all over the United States by having agents in, all the cities, and there will be an opportunity | to sell to the best advantage. Gentlemen, you will find the necessity of coming to this, and why don’t you do it now? Dr. Frey: Ithink that the most conserva- tive fruit-grower in the section of country that. I come from about believes that it is time to-do something, or we will have to leave fruit-grow- | ing to some benevolent individual who is in- clined to grow fruit for the good of the country. I don’t like the worms to eat up my fruit, and I think it is just about as bad as to raise fruit and give it away. I think all the difficulty there is in picking the fruit and packing the fruit can be taken care of in quick succession. We can pick the fruit and we can pack it, and we can load the cars, but we can’t dispose of the fruit; neither can each locality send an agent Hast to make arrangements for disposing of the fruit. Therefore I say, and I think every one must say, that itis necessary to have some strong body that can do two things: one is to dispose of the fruit and the other is to make arrangements for the transportation. In my locality we load about five cars a week. Suppose the railroad company was to load five cars a week: they would say we don’t care about five cars a week; but if they were to load 100 cars it would make a difference. Again, if you have agents in the East, as you ought to have, traveling about all the time, when the fruit comes to a place that is fully stocked they would send it to some place that is not over-. stocked, and then have a man there to see that the cars are unpacked and the boxes not all jammed to pieces. Your agent is traveling on a salary, and he is discharged when he don’t do his duty. Then we are not so much at the mercy of the commission men. They all, you know, are honest men, but then it don’t do any harm to watch an honest man, and if we bave agents in that way traveling about and picking out some of these commission merchants that we think are partially honest, and if they don’t do their duty we would say to them, ‘‘You can’t handle any more California CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 37 fruit,” and I think they are very likely to be: have well. If you should say to them, ‘‘Now you can’t have any of our fruit,” they would say, ‘‘There is plenty more;” but if they knew they could get no more, they would know what todo. Therefore I say the main body would do us a great deal of good, and I think it would cost very little. But I see there are some diffi- culties in the way. One is that California is a very large State. Those who have not traveled over it do not know that, but it is, and the central body in San Francisco is very far off from the northern part of the State, and very far from the southern part of the State. Now a body sitting in San Francisco would seem very vague and distant to parties in the southern part of the State. They do not know them, and do not know whether to believe in them or ' not, but I think they can be got over. I don’t think there is any difficulty to have sub-societies in the different localities, say Ios Angeles, Stockton and Sacramento and further north of the fruit-growing interests. I do not believe in a president and secretary salaried; they are all very fine for the officer, but not for the society. and in each of these places we can have a board of trustees who do not want anything except in some cases their traveling expenses. These men would be in direct communication with the parent society in San Francisco. If we had any communication we could make it to Sacramento instead of to San Francisco, and if we had a carload of fruit, instead of sending to San Francisco we might send to Sacramento; but at the same time, the main business that we want to do is to sell our fruit, and that is done by the parent society. I'‘can see the good of that and I can see that all these little details can be made right by it. I can see the difficul- ties, but I think they can all be obviated. Mr. Sallee: This question of the importance of organization needs no discussion. I, in com- mon with every fruit grower in the State of California, have thought a good deal upon the subject, and we are alla unit upon that ques- tion. We know-that the time has come when an organization is imperative. It is not neces- sary to discuss that question any more; the great object to be obtained is the distribution and sale of the fruit in the Kast. That is where the money comes from; that is the great object to be attained in this organization. In order to accomplish that object, there are two other things necessary, and one is the collecting of statistics; the other is the loading, picking and shipping the fruit. Those two things are necessary in order to accomplish the one great object of the distribution and sale of the fruit, for from the distribution and sale of our fruit we receive the benefits. It is this that is for the welfare of the fruit-producer, and upon this principle generally Iam ademocrat andI am in favor of States’ rights. The only question is, is this practicable; has there been a practi- cable solution of this great problem of the dis- tribution and sale of fruit? Now, these gentle- men come down here with less than five per cent of the fruit-growers of Northern California subscribed to this organization, representing to us the accomplishment of that great object in the North, and this is the object that must be accomplished. Every fruit-grower knows it “Must be accomplished; the question is, how are we to get at it? We have to go on the princi- ple of States’ rights. Where is the American citizen that would say that this Government would be a practical thing were Congress to have the supervision of every State in this vast Union? We must go upon the same principle that the Government goes; we must have States; we must do what is suggested in the paper read as by-laws, that the general man- ager shall district the State into fruit-producing districts. Now, he has the cart before the horse; these districts must create the general manager, just as the States of the Union constitute Congress; the district corpora- tion and organizations must constitute the central organization, they have commenced at the wrong end of it, there is no mistake about that. Now, whatis practicable? It isa practi- cable thing that in every locality there can be an organization formed. There is no man ,in this house who will deny that, and in many locali- ties there have been organizations formed. I have a paper in my pocket here from up in the Sacramento valley; so in Santa Ana valley and Santa Barbara and San Gabriel valley, and there are others. Now, they represent’ the States, and all these can be thrown into a cen- tral corporation, and let that corporation be represented in a Congress with representatives upon the basis of the strength of this individual corporation, and that forms the central power. That central power would have little to do, for each individual corporation makes its own by- laws and manages its own local affairs. It does not look to San Francisco for anything of that kind. We from Southern California do not want to send to San Francisco for a man to tell us how to pack our oranges. We cannot do it, and aman from San Francisco will not have time to come down here and superintend the packing of our fruits in Southern California, neither will he have time to go to the extreme North. These things must be done by the local legislature, and itis the local legislature that must create the central power, and in that way it will get strength as a central organization. They will negotiate with the railroad for ship- ping facilities, they will have the management and appointment for the attainment of this cen- tral idea, for which we are all working—the dis- tribution and sale of fruit, In ‘that way, and in that way alone can this organization be formed. In the South we cannot make a better showing than this is from the North where they are not able to show five per cent of the fruit-growers have subscribed to the capital stock of the cen- tral organization, but give us two weeks’ time in the individual corporation, and we can come here with 95 per cent of the fruit-growers of Southern California. Mr. Rose: I wasup at San Francisco but did not propose to go into the Fruit Union of any kind, State or local. I was courteously treated and asked a good many questions, and discussed matters then with them. And when it came to the matter of taking stock, there were present as many or more than here now, and all those gentlemen took stock and they were rep- resentive men of the State too. They have not had time as yet to ask their constituents to join them since that time. I believe it to be desir- able to have the State organization where the same men can do the whole business and could do more if there was more to be done. Mr. Hatch: At this last meeting in San Francisco, there was an earnest interested 38 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION assembly of those who own fruit in California, who were desirous of forming an organization, and when we found that that would be done, _ we decided upon one organization, by means of which the fruits of California could be distribu- ted throughout the markets of the East, and competition might be avoided; and that with 4wo organizations this could not be done. To my mind, competition was the main point to avoid. That was the conclusion to which we were forced by the result last season by a re- duction of $200 a car. i was laughed at for say- ing we would send too much fruit into certain localities in the Eastern markets, Now that competition must be avoided, and the fruit be placed in the hands of one distributing house, or agency, callit what you may, to dispose of so that no place would have too much, and that each place should have all it required. With two organizations, call it a fruit-growers’ union, a co-operative union or anything else, they will come into antagonism, because there is no lo- cality in California but which, to some extent, produces the same fruits that another locality does. In your section here, the deciduous fruits will form no small part of your production in a very short time, and oranges from the north will compete with you more than you believe, for there are many localities there where fine oranges are raised, and they may yet success- fully compete with you. You may put trans- portation down very low, but to avoid competi- tion is the main thing. I claim that if our fruits were put in the Kast at the rate of one dollar a ton, or if transportation would be such as to pay us five dollars a ton for the privilege of transporting it, that unless it was profusely distributed, we would have no greater success than we had this year, because there would be too much in one place and we would get nothing for if, as was the case in some instances this year. Thursday’s Session. The chair announced the following committee of representatives of Southern California to con- sider the matter of the California Fruit Union: Dr. O. H. Congar of Pasadena; Abott Kinney, San Gabriel; James Bettner, Riverside; C. EH. White, Pomona; T. A. Garey, Los Angeles. The chairman announce the topic for the morning: ‘‘The best varieties of the different kinds of fruits to meet the wants of consumers in the different seasons,’ THE LEMON. Mr. A. P. Chapman, of San Gabriel, read the following paper on the lemon: In considering this subject we must begin with the defects of the cultivator who has forced it to become known at home and abroad as ane and pithy, of thick skin and bitter rind. Any lemon allowed to thoroughly ripen on the tree is apt to, and yenerally does, develop the aforesaid characteristics, and produces in the cultivator a large hole in the pocket, pithy brain and thick skull full of bitter thoughts, We will divide our subject into heads: The care and cultivation of the tree and the gathering and packing of the fruit for market. The lemon being very susceptible to frost we choose a naturally dry and moist soil, but where we can at will irrigate it; for the most im- portant thing in plant life is water; without it plant food is unavailable.. Yet we will not irri- gate too much for fear we may wash away part of our plant food and make our soil too cold and clammy. We mustalso use manure, for of what bene- fit is it to groom a horse and not feed him. And we will feed him right well some 25 tons of barnyard manure to the acre, and on that in the fall of the year four barrels of lime that to render our manure available. We can plow our trees in the month of No- vember, and turn under our summer weeds and other manure. We will plow in the spring of the year, and turn under our winter weeds, re- membering all the time that they are our best friends, for they will make our sandy soil rich and dark; they make our adobe soil light and yellow; they make both soils more susceptible to hydroscopic moisture, and retain it. Chem- ically, they supply the soil from the air with carbon, and from the ground have made latent plant food potent. The trees should also be sprayed twice a year, in June and September with two pounds of potash to 100 gallons of water, which solution should leave the caldron boiling hot. This not only kills all insect life, but keeps your fruit perfectly clean. Any man who has to wash his fruit has made a failure in raising it. The fruit should be gathered green of such size that allowing for shrinkage, will pack from 250 to 350 to the box. A man gathering has his sack suspended from across his shoulders, plucks the lemon from the tree with his hands. If he drops one he is not allowed to pick it up, for that lemon is apt to rot. He‘carefully places them in his sack and, hav- ing filled the same, he places them one by one in a tray; the trays are to be placed one above another in the shade of a tree. They should be six inches deep filled four inches deep with lemons. There they are allowed to remain for one week, the weather permitting, before they will bear the jar of transporting them to the pack- ing house, At the packing house the trays are to be placed one above the other about six trays high. 58 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION pears for the present, and we have probably raisins enough for the present. By the time those that are now planted come into bearing they will supply the demands of our people, but we think that olives, in land that is adapted to them, the nuts of California, in land that is adapted to them, and the fig, are promising. It is a very opportune time in the history of California to consider that in the past we have had no fig that we could be proud of to submit to the markets of the Hast. I see here to day a box of figs which I consider indicates the pos- sibility of an addition to the fruit industry of California which will prove immense in its pro- portions. When planted in the proper place, properly cared for, packed and delivered to the Hastern fruit-eating public, I believe will be a large revenue from California figs. ‘ Mr. W. H. Aiken: The question that has been asked is very important, and, indeed from the northern part of the State we also ask that question. Every one of us probably has been more or less troubled to know just what to plant. Generally the question can be answered by saying, Plant what you can raise best in your locality. If our people would first find out what the soil that they are living on is best adapted to, what the climate where they are living is best adapted to, they could then plant what would do best, and, in that way, would make the most money. That takes some time to learn. A newcomer going into a certain lo- cality should make a great effort to ascertain from his neighbors, who are living in the same locality, what does succeed best and what will sell for the most money. Since this Hastern shipping question has come up, it can be answered farther, that we had better plant ship- ping fruits and shipping grapes, for the reason that most any table grape may be dried, although it may not make a good raisin; so with the fruits. When the question is asked what will ship East profitably and safely it must be a large, firm, well-developed, well-appearing fruit. You can take the peach, for instance, when it is raised at an elevation upon some of our low mountains or foothills. In our section, the Santa Cruz mountains, which is about 1500 feet above the’sea, we can raise a peach that will go to Liverpool and arrive in good condition, as we have demonstrated re- peatedly, while probably the same variety of peach grown ten miles away would not do any more than reach Chicago; and possibly would not go 100 miles and arrive in San Francisco in good condition. So I would say, you must raise that which is adapted to your soil and your climate. [asked a gentleman from Chi- cago the other evening how much grapes and other fruit the city of Chicago and State of Illinois would take, if we could place it there as low even as five cents a pound. He said he did not think that the State now produced enough fruit to supply that city and State alone. I believe in that statement and that we can place fruits and grapes in Chicago at five cents a pound and clear to the producer one- half of that amount. Fruits grown in the dry air and mild climate of California will stand a long shipment to the East, while fruits raised in Oregon and any place where the rains are fre quent and heavy will not ship. We will never find a competitor in Oregon or Texas, or many other States, because of this tact. Our apricots were considered by us utterly worthless, and little attention was paid to them until Judge Blackwood, of Haywards, had a little orchard that proved a bonanza for him, and from that little starter he said he believed he had ruined the State, by demonstrating that there was great profit in apricots, for everybody went to planting them north, south, east and west. Then followed the French prune, a very valuable fruit, but I believe there are only a very few places inthe State adapted to the French prune. It needs a very rich soil, with climatic conditions likely to cause a successful growth of the tree. I repeat the general propo- sition, to first ascertain what your particular locality is best adapted to and stick to that one thing. Do not havea large number of varie- ties of fruit, for one may do well, and another not; but have large blocks of available fruit, so that if this shipping interest succeeds, the fruit will ship successfully and bring Eastern money here for it. : Mr. Sallee: We are happy to say to the emi- grant who is coming to this country now, that it is no longer an experiment, as it was with the fruit growers who came here 10 or 12 years ago, as to where you shall plant certain varieties of trees, and as to what kinds will be the best for shipping. The prospect is that we can plant shipping fruits and depend upon shipping them with advantage and success, that we can tell the newcomer to plant in the rich damp soils of the lowlands, the pear, the apple and the quince, and upon the higher, drier, rich alluvial soils, the peach, the pear, the prune and the apricot. The orange we can say to them to plant upon the rich deep alluvial soils from the Sierra Madre mountains; the granite and the lime- stone, supplied with abundance of water to irri- gate with. Weare happy to say to the people of the North that we appreciate fully the im- portance of the deciduous fruit culture, and we know and appreciate where our advantage is in raising them, and we do see the advantages in this class of fruit in shipping them to the Hast, and though we can give many of these points to the newcomer, an experienced horticulturist who has been here 10 or 12 years will give you all the advice you want. A Delegate: When I started on my place I had a range of a few acres in extent and wanted to know what to plant, and the answer was as Mr. Aiken has given—plant that which does best in your neighborhood, in your variety of soil. Well, I could not find out what did best, and although I knew that it was unwise in a certain point of view to puta small place into a half a dozen different varieties, still I felt compelled to do it, even if I had to take out five of the varieties in the future. I thought I would make some sacrifice to find a solution of this question, but I have not found a solution from this fact: I put in certain por- tions to apricots, pears, Muscat grapes, wal- nuts, and a few apples, peaches, olivesand figs. The result is that this last season, only two years last spring from the setting out of the trees and vines, I had a phenomenal yield, both as to quantity and quality of apricots. The walnut trees are not large enough nor old enough to bear, but the sample taken of the. walnuts from the four-year-old trees from the Santa Ana table exhibit were grown adjoining my place and my trees give the promise of doing equally well. The pears were all Bart- lett pears excepting a few Winter Nelis, and. eens tonne ~ = LI FF ee, en eS ee — —_— wre CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 59 were equal in quantity and quality to anything I ever saw or heard of for their age. The Muscat vines yielded the raisins you see on the table, and there were eight.tons to the acre. Now, I don’t know what is the best variety of fruit to plant, because I don’t know which is going to bring in the most money. That is why we wish the question answered by the people of the North, so that we in the southern part of the State can know what, according to their experience, is most likely in the future to bring us the greatest returns, provided we can raise all these different things equally well. Mr. Aiken requested that Mr. Smith, of Vacaville, give the convention his experience and ideas as to wha* to plant, W. W. Smith, of Vacaville: Mr. President, Ladies and Gentlemen—I would tell you plainly if I could what kind of fruit to plant to make the most money out of, for that is the question now before the people of this State. It is the all-absorbing question north, south, east and west. We have made more money out of our cherries than any other fruit. That won’t do you much good, for several have told me here that you can’t raise cherries, in some parts, at least, of this section of the State. Next, we make more money out of what we call shipping grapes—the Muscat of Alexandria, the Flaming Tokay, the Rose of Peru, the Chasselas, and one or two other varieties. Any of the light- colored grapes that are firm and ship well are good fruit to ship to an Eastern market to make money out of. Next, we ship a good many apricots Hast. The largest part of the crop of apricots of Solano county are shipped to the Eastern States this year. We have but few pears yet that have shipped well. We shipped a great many peaches this year to the Eastern market. A large proportion of my peach crop was shipped to Chicago. Parties came tomy orchard and bought them. The varieties of peach that ship best are the Early Crawtord, Foster, Orange Cling, known with us as the Sacramento River Orange Cling, and Sol- way. Any good-sized, yellow fleshed peach is in demand in the Kastern market. The yellow freestone peach is more sought for than any other kind; however, a good, yellow clingstone peach sells well. It is not for me to tell you here what kind of soil to plant these kinds of fruit on. That has already been stated plainly by several gentlemen. If I were going to start a new orchard anywhere in the vicinity of San Francisco, I would hunt a location where the apple does well, and plant largely of Winter apples. My humble judgment is, there is more money in a good apple orchard to-day, within 150 or 200 miles of San Francisco, than any other fruit you can plant. But the orchard must be in a locality where the apple does well. I spent the months of August and September in the Eastern States investigating this fruit matter, as I intended to ship my own fruit on my own responsibility, and my conviction is that we shall have enough growing, when our fruit trees come into bearing, to supply the Eastern markets with deciduous fruits, and -citrus fruits also. If Congress would impose an import duty of about two and a half cents a _ pound on raisins, the raisin business would be one of the best businesses in this State, and I would get a suitable piece of land for raising raisins, and go into that business. But as it'is, We cannot make money by raising raisins in California in competition with the cheap labor of Europe. It is out of the question. They can hire help at 20 or 25 cents a day, and we have to pay from $1 to $1.75. That is too high to pay labor to raise raisins or prunes, either, but were there this import duty on raisins, and say 50 centsa box on prunes, it would make either a profitable crop. You may say I have not yet answered our question, What fruit we shall plant to make the most money from? If I knew how to answer that question I would certainly answer it for myself, and go home and go to planting that fruit, and so would every one of you. The nearest I can come to it is to plant the fruit that grows best in your locality. You will be very likely to finda market for it if you take pains to raise choice fruit. Do not let your trees overbear; thin them thoroughly while the fruit is young; prune them correctly; cultivate your trees, or your vines as the case may be, thoroughly; gather your fruit in the proper time; put it up in the proper shape; handle it carefully; put it into the hands of the right kind of men—the California Fruit Union—and ship it Hast, and you will be very apt to make some money out of it. I will tell you something about the quantity of cherries I ship: I shipped to market 20,000 ten-pound boxes of cherries this season, and I paid W. F. & Co., or the C. P. R. R. Co. over 2,500 to take that fruit from Vacaville to the San Francisco market, some 75 miles. My ex- perience in shipping cherries to the Eastern market on my own responsibility has not been favorable. A gentleman from the city of San Francisco came to my place and bought some- thing over two tons of cherries and shipped them to the Eastern market, to Chicago, St. Paul, Minneapolis, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Cin- cinnati, and I think to Cieveland, Ohio. He did not make a success of it, but I was satisfied at the time that he would not make a success. from the fact that he did not pack his cherries in the proper shape to go that distance. He was like many, a little too greedy. The con- tract was that I was to pick the cherries for him and under his direction he would send a man to my house to superintend the packing or boxing of those cherries, and he insisted on fill- ing the boxes too full. He used tie common strawberry box, which, as you know, is a little box about two inches deep, eight inches wide and sixteen inches long. [ insisted on it at the time that it was not the proper box to ship cherries Kast in, but that was what he used’ and he had his man superintending the packing of them, and he filled them too full, so that in nailing on the cover there was scarcely a box but what the cherries were bruised before they left the packing house, and of course they could not go a six or eight day journey in good order. If I were going to ship cherries East, I would use a box about the size of the straw- berry box, one-third wider, and have the ends higher than the sides, and fill the box about even full with the sides, and tack a piece of blotting paper across on the ends, leaving a space between the cherries and the paper, and I would nail the top on to that so there would be a space between the fruit and the paper, and a space between the top and the paper. I am satisfied that I can ship cherries from here to. New York city, and they will arrive there in 60 good order, some varieties in particular, the black Tartarian, the Royal Ann or Napoleon Bigareau and the Great Bigareau: any of those will go to New York city in that way. Mr. Chapin: What space would there be be- tween the c verries and the paper ? Mr. Smith: I would leave about one-half inch between the paper and the cherries. The blotting paper would take up the moisture aris- ing from the cherries and would keep them dry and firm, and if the package should happen to be packed apside down, the cherries would not bruise as they would if they fell against the cover of the box itself. If the blotting paper would cost too much, I would use a very thick heavy wrapping paper, such as is used in wrap- ping hardware, which would answer about the same purpose, though I do not think it would be as good as the blotting paper. RAISINS. Mr. Bettner: I want to say a few words in reply to the remarks of Mr. Smith about raisins which, as I understood was, that if we had a duty of 24 cents on raisins it would be one of the most profitable of industries, and he would gointoit. We have a duty of two cents a pound on raisins. Mr. Smith: I meazit was an additional tax of 25 cents a pound. Mr. Bettner: As a matter of fact we do com- pete very well now with the raisin-makers of Europe, although we would like to have the ex.ra duty. The raisin business at present is a profitable industry in the southern part of the State and promises to be. All ‘he raisin grapes in Southern California that were sold this year were sold at an average price to exceed $20 per ton, and the men who bought them are making money in curing and packing them at those prices, although they have some considerable risk to run, and IJ need not tell you that seliing grapes at $20 a ton you can make money out of a raisin vineyard in a suitable locality. In Southern California there have been instances where vineyards have yielded 17 tons of grapes to the acre ; that isan excessive yield, but an average of from five to eight tons is quite fre- quent, and there is no trouble in making a profit on that. There are several reasons why we cau compete with the Malaga growers although they have so very much cheaper labor. First of all the average yield in Malaga is nothing like so heavy as it is in California. Then again the American understands how to save in labor appliances, and we have appliances for turning and handling our raisins which they do not, so that although their labor is so much cheaper I venture to say that it costs them not so far from what it costs us, and that I can state to this convention that the raisin business is a profit- able business to-day in Southern California, and, so far as indications point, is going to be for years to come. Mr. Rice: The Massachusetts Horticultural Society published a report that is tabulated from information received from all the princi- pal fruit growers of that section of the country, giving the best varieties of all the different fruits grown—giving say the five first best va- rieties and the five second-best varieties in each dine. I would like to ask of our State Horti- cultural Board if it is possible for them to com- pile such a statement. FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION Mr. Hatch called for Mr. Sol. Runyon, of Courtland, Sacramento Co. Mr. Runyon: [ did not come here for the purpose of making, speeches, but that I might look around and see what was being accom- plished in this locality. As regards the varieties of fruit best adapted for shipping purposes, I can only say what in our section of country we make the most money from. We are shipping East from my neighborhood pears, peaches, plums and prunes mostly. The Bartlett is the leading pear; the Seckel comes next. Other varieties do not succeed; they are too early, while at other places not a hundred miles from there they do succeed. On our peaches, plums and prunes of different varieties the Sacra- mento river can hardly be beat in this State, and the varieties best adapted to shipping from our section are the yellow-fleshed peach, the different varieties of the Crawford, the Yellow Cling, the Lawler. As to prunes, we ship what is termed the Hungarian prune and the German prune. Mr. Wilcox: At New Orleans our fruit was superior to that brought from any part of the world. There is not an apple grown east of the Rocky mountains that compares in size, or that is as clean and largeas your White Winter Par- mains. There is hardly a variety of apples grown here that they recognize as a specimen of the same variety grown in the East. When Marshall P. Wilder, who has been president of the American Pomological Society from Boston visited our oldest orchard, from which, prob- ably, the first fruit was shipped- East, now owned by Mr. Block of Santa Clara, he and his companions examined the fruit, and did not know it, could not place a name on it, and it was grown on trees that some of the party had shipped to this State. As to going to Massa- chusetts to find out the best fruits to raise, that is impracticable. it. What we want is the best fruit we can raise in our locality. Here we have the best decidu- ous fruits raised probably in the world. Most of our pears originated in France; but the French table in New Orleans did not compare with the California table. There were men from Massachusetts at New Orleans, who claimed to know that we did not raise a good apple. I took a Rhode Island Greening and asked them if they could tell the variety. They did not krow it, and it was not as clean and large as some which are on exhibition here. So far as our locality is concerned I would not try to bunt anything better if I had a good location for the White Muscat grapes, but I have not. I must raise such kind of products as my soil is adapted to. Near my place there are pear trees a hundred years old. Iam going to raise pears. A heavy adobe soil where water comes close to the surface seems to suit them. I had 24 acres of blackberries that I am going to plow up, and I am going to raise prunes on that heavy land. Ihave an idea they will do well. Nomenclature. Prof. Husmann: I think I can offer some suggestions as to a matter that will benefit us all, and which every fruit-grower in the State should consider; that is, to bring some sort of order into the almost inextricable confusion into which fruit culture has grown. That is a question of names of varieties of names. This is clearly shown by the exhibits here both of We could not afford to do - [ La = a a eee ft Wt 7 St == Sa Sar eee = < si =) ore he Sm er ae 4 ete a ee” oe es 4 2, y ‘ " * . CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 61 apples and pears, which are improperly labeled. How can you tell a man what he is to plant, when he does not know whether he gets that variety or not? We want acompetent commit- tee in each district of this State, working to- gether, reporting to the State Horticultural Society, to try to bring some order out of the confusion. I wish to make a motion that a committee be appointed here to take into con- sideration the nomenclature of the fruits of this State, and try to bring some order into it, and to report to the State Board of Horticulture, at San Francisco. Mr. Shinn: The matter of nomenclature is exceedingly important, but to accomplish the great object is a herculean task, and I would not like to be on such a committee. I believe if the committee were appointed to report at the next meeting of the State Board, it would do some good; but it would be years and_years before it could be fully accomplished. If the committee is appointed, I hope it will be a gen- eral committee from different parts of the State, large enough to have a member in each locality, who will be wide awake at all exhibi- tions of the fruit interests of the different sec- tions, making comments upon it and reporting at the different meetings and to the Board of Horticulture. Dr. Chapin: This subject is one of vast im- portance, and of vast proportions as well. I feel that I am safe in saying that there is not a fruit-grower in this State that can go around this exhibit in this room and name every ex- hibit accurately. I know for one I would find it utterly impossible to name the fruits that are here exhibited. ‘The fact is that in different localities of the State conditions prevail that are so widely different that the same fruit which has peculiar characteristics in one local- ity has entirely different characteristics in an- other locality. The White Winter Pearmain apple as seen here and grown in Southern Cali- fornia would hardly be recognized as the White Winter Pearmain of the northern part of the State. Itis much the same with other apples that I might mention here. I have heard some of the most eminent pomologists of the coast in dispute about the names of certain apples that are on the plates in this hall to-day. I believe that this committee should be selected with the greatest care, and should have the most ample time in which to work in the most thorough and complete manner, in order to accomplish these most important objects. Mr. Garey: This is a great task, but if we do not start about it we will never make any progress. It would probably be a whole year before a committee of this kind can make an intelligible report. I think it should be started ‘in some way, and that very soon. I move that the State Board of Horticulture be requested by this convention to appoint a committee of five to be known as a “‘committee on nomen- clature” of the fruits of this State. Prof. Husmann: In connection with this motion I will state here that Commissioner Colman, of the Department of Agriculture, has taken one very important step in that direction already by appointing a special horticulturist— an office that never existed before—in the per- son of Prof. Bandman, of Geneva, Kansas, one of the most prominent horticulturists in the country, and he will do all he can to aid this committee, as he will visit us next summer. tie mistake, does not produce the earliest Bartlett pears, where it does produce the early cherries. Mr. T, J. Berry: I have been engaged in raising fruit since 1856, in the State of Illinois and State of Mississippi and State of Oregon and State of California, and also have been some time engaged in handling fruit in New Orleans. of these matters, and found that certain varie- ties of fruit assumed different characters as they came from different localities. speak particularly of the Bartlett pear, as, for instance, grown in Mississippi, in the vicinity of Grand Gulf, and placed on a plate with one grown in Ohio. form, nor have the same flavor, the same luciousness or the same general appearance, yet they were propagated, to my certain knowl- edge, from the same identical growth. Now, the Bartlett pear of New York is entirely dif- ferent from the Bartlett pear of the West. The Bartlett pear of California is entirely differ- ent from the Bartlett pear of the East, and just as this gentleman says who has this or- chard at Vacaville, Mr. Smith, the reason why the Bartlett pear there is so profitable is that it is an early fruit. fruit for size. numerous for small than for large fruit, and you want to raise the fruit that will sell the best, and when you come to name your fruit it will be necessary to raise it for the particular locality in which they grow. Winter pear grown here is finer than any other portion of the State; plums grown in Sacramento and Santa Clara county are the finest. Angeles counties the grapes are the finest I ever saw, and I handle a great quantity of grapes. How, then, is the mere name to satisfy the man who wants just such a quality of grape? are you going to classify them to satisfy him? I have always been a close observer I can They rarely present the same You do not want to raise Consumers are often more The White In Los How Mr. Hatch: I would like to correct one lit- It is this: The Vacaville county What Fruit to Plant. Mr. Smith: I would like to call your atten- tion again, toa question that has been asked so often: What is the best fruit for us to plant to make money out of? The best answer, I be- lieve, that any gentleman in the State can give is: ‘Plant that that does best in your lo- cality.” The reason for it is this: Our cli- mate, our soil and other circumstances are so different and so variable that no definite rule can be given on that point; consequently, ob- serve what does wellin your own locality and on your own soil. There ought to be between every man’s mind and his own soil a well regu- lated communication or understanding. fe should know the soil of his own farm; then it is not a hard matter for him to determine what to plant in his own soil that will succeed. If you plant what is best adapted to your own locality and your own soil and take good care of that, you will not miss it. The motion of Mr. Hus- mann was carried, and the convention adjourned until 7:30 P. M. Discussion on Fig Growing. The convention reassembled at 7:30, W. M. Boggs in the chair. The discussion of the cul- ture of the fig was declared in order. Mr. Milco: A year ago at the meeting in San Francisco I presented before the convention a White Adriatic fig, in not only the green and 62 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION ripe state, but also dried. I did itso that the public and fruit-growers might judge of the quality of the fig. Now, of course, it has been the custom of nurserymen, and I am one of them, tc recommend different trees and differ- ent qualities of fruit before you see the fruit, but my idea is, that if anybody has a new thing he should show the fruit, so that people could see the quality of it, andso on. Now I will be glad to answer any questions about this fig, be- cause I was the one who introduced it and brought it before the public. I gave it that name because there have been a great many figs that are called Smyrna figs, and in order to dis- tinguish this from any other fig I named it the White Adriatic, simply because I was born by the Adriatic sea in Dalmatia, and that fig orig- inally came from Dalmatia. I hope that the people of Southern California will try it. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to buy 1000 or 10 000 trees. My advice is to try a few trees and see what they will do, and, in a couple of years after you plant those trees if you find they do well you can propagate your own trees until you can’t rest. I believe the White Adriatic is the only fig you can grow with profit, to dry, in California; and you can ship them. If we should happen to be successful in sending our fruit Kast through the Fruit Union, my opinion is that the White Adriatic can be landed in the ripe state for table purposes in New York City without any _ trouble, and if we can show such a fig as that in New York City, I will assure you that we shall be able to realize good profits from them. Mr. Hixson tells me last summer he received a few figs and they brought fancy prices in Chi- cago. There is no fruit so easily cultivated and taken care of as the fig; for the fig will grow anywhere. A Delegate: Willit do well on comparatively dry land, with the surface water 60 feet from the surface, without irrigation? Mr. Mileo: I think it will if you start it for the first year or two. In my coun- try it is never irrigated. Such a thing as irri- gation is not known, and figs do finely. Mr. Loop: I will ask if this is the variety known as the fig of Genoa? Mr. Milco: I can’t tell. I never was in Genoa. Mr. Loop: There is a fig cultivated in Riverside which they call the Genoa, which was larger than any variety of white fig which I have ever seen in other countries, and as near as I can remember the fig at Riverside was really richer than the one we ate in Genoa. Mr. Milco: Dr. Kisen has written a letter to the Rurau Press, wherein he stated that this White Adriatic was introduced from Italy, which was not the case, and he also spoke about the White Genoa fig, which he also rec- ommended. I in return wrote an article con- cerning the State Fair and invited anybody who had the White Genoa to send it along, so that we could examine it. As I said before, people nowadays are not going to believe any- thing until they see it, and I advise in the fu- ture any man that wants to grow anything in the way of fruit trees, not to buy anything ur- til he sees it, and then he will be apt to get something that he wants. There are several characteristics about that fig that I wish to state. One is, that if you giye the White Adriatic fig too much water, the figs will burst on the tree before they are ready to be picked, and some of them will actually rot on the tree. Too much water won’t do. You can regulate that. Still, they want some water in countries where it is dry, and my opinion is that generally in Southern Califor- nia you will have no trouble to grow the fig any more than you will the orange or anything else, and it will pay you more than anything you have ever grown. A Delegate: An orange tree is the most troublesome tree to grow there is. Mr. Milco: Where I come from we have ripe oranges and lemons all the year around, and we never water them. A Delegate: Do you have summer rains? Mr. Milco: Once in a while we have, but not to speak of. I don’t think we have as much rain in that country as you have here. It is similar to Los Angeles and not far from the coast, and you can pick ripe oranges there all the year around, and lemons also; but this White Adriatic fig particularly, I know, is adapted to California, because we have tested it fully in the San Joaquin valley and know what it can do, and I can not see any reason why it will not do well here. Mr. Sallee: In summer the excessive heat caused almost the entire crop in the valley to rot and drop off the tree; was that the case with this fig. Mr. Milco: I have never noticed this fig lose its fruit at all, but of course in a case of extreme heat that may happen to any fruit tree. We have had it 115° in the shade this summer, and 105° to 110° at midnight. We irrigated our trees about twice a year, in the spring of the year after the rains were over, and then again about the middle of July; not flooding them, mind you, but-just running water alongside in ditches so that the ground could be soaked. A Delegate: Does the tree bear two crops or only one? Mr. Milco: They ripen about the 15th of August and continue to ripen up to this time almost one crop continually. A Delegate: How is it if they produce but one crop that they commence ripening so early and continue so many months? Mr. Mileo: That is something peculiar about the White Adriatic. I suppose I have now five or six varieties of new figs that I have imported from Europe, of which the first crop will be very valuable and the second no ac- count at all. The reason I make a distinction between the first and second crop 1s that there is a lapse of a month or six weeks during which you cannot pick any figs at all; with the White Adriatic from the time it begins to ripen you can go every day and pick a certain amount of fruit right along, until the winter and frost overtake the last fruit. Mr. Hatch: I would like to ask if this crop © you speak of is not in all respects similar to the second crop on our black figs. Mr. Mileo: Very much. Mr. Hatch: The only difference being this: that we have twocrops on our black figs by getting a small first crop on the wood formed the season before, while the second crop all comes on the wood of the season in which it is borne, and continues to come as long as those branches continue to grow. Mr. Milco: That is what I desire to ex- plain. On the White Adriatic the young figs ~ SS eee ; . CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS, 63 are grown entirely on the wood that is grown thissummer. You will never find a fig of that sort on the old wood at all. Mr, Sallee: In an orchard that I had charge of this vear are two kinds of black figs; one dropped off the tree when it got ripe, the other a smaller fig which hung on to the tree and dried. The skin was very soft, and smooth and thin, and the fig was very rich and sweet. I would like to know the variety of it. Mr. Mileo: There are two varieties of the Ischia fig: one large and one small; the circum- ference of that is scarcely larger than a 25-cent piece. Is that about the size of your fig? Mr. Sallee: A little larger probably. Mr. Milco: I think itis, as near as I can remember that fig. It is not worth growing unless yau want to grow them for shade trees, because if you have ever so many figs of that kind it would not pay you to market them. It * is something like growing Flemish Beauty pears when you can just as well grow Bartletts, Mr. Loop: I would like to know if you are familiar with the fig known as the Brown Ischia, a fig we have got, I think, from Mr. Garey—one of the largest figs we grow. Mr. Garey: I think the fig Mr. Loop speaks of, the Brown Ischia, is one of the finest figs we have—one of the most prolific and early bearing. It sometimes bears the first year: certainly bears the second year from the cut- ting, and is very fine, but you can’t dry it: it yy is too full of juice. is Mr. Milco: There has been quite an inquiry pal made for this San Pedro fig. Some 12 or 13 a years ago I imported a lot of those figs and sold them, and of course some of those figs have been scattered all around, and this year for the first time I have seen the fruit from any partic- ular tree that came from my stand; at least the man claims that it is one of those trees. The fruit don’t look like the San Pedro at all. For that reason, I say, don’t pay any attention in the future to the San Pedro until you can see the fruit. We have had several varieties for three years in the nursery, set out far enough apart so as to see the fruit, and, to our surprise, the fruit is falling off, and we can’t say now what they are. Ofcourse I know where they came fron. My own father sent them to me and I knew the trees before they sent them, but I don’t want anybody to take those trees or have any confidence in them until we show them he the fruit as we do the White Adriatic. Mr. Sallee: Tell us something about Ten: Drying the Fig. ’ Mr. MiJco: I will confine myself to the White Adriatic and the Black California. The Black California, if properly dried, is not is a poor fig by any means. If well dried it will Hie be almost as soft and fine tasting as our best + Adriatic. Still, being black, there is some- thing against it. Do not allow your figs to dry aa on the tree. Do not pick them off the ground, bad as some people do, but as soon as your figs are dead ripe, so they are quite soft and you see white seams on them, and the fig commences to wilt a little, then pick it carefully. Pick it by the stem; do not pull it off. There is no neces- sity of cutting it with a knife; pinch it off and lay it in a basket and then spread it on basket- work trays. Where I come from they have them made for that purpose from four to five ' feet wide, and eight to ten feet long, and have \ it arranged so that there are little holes be- tween. A Delegate: How would the wire trays do, such as are used in a drier? Mr. Mileo: I don’t know as that would be as good, because the wire may have some influ- ence from rust or something of that kind, I would rather recommend boards if you can’t get the basket material. Spread the figs one after the other. Do not put two together, so that they will touch each other, but give them plenty of room. Mr. Smith: What would be the objection to using trays we have for drying raisins on? Mr. Mileo: I think they will answer every purpose. If you have your figs out on the trays about five o’clock in the afternoon in August or September, they should be covered or taken in to prevent dew falling on them, or your figs may mold and will be soft. A Delegate: What is the necessity if you have no dew? . Mr. Milco: If you have no dew you need not protect them, and if you can cure raisins with- out covering them you can dry figs in the same way, Another difficulty in drying a fig in this country is we have so many wasps and bees and all sorts of insects, and flies, and the fig be- ing so sweet the wasps and bees and other in- sects swarm around them. The best thing [ can think of is to have a covering of wire, so that the insects cannot get to the fruit, and the Panes of the sun could go right through into the ruit. Mr. Sallee: Did you ever try the oiled paper over figsin drying? This year the McPhersons are drying almost all their raisins under oiled paper, and the heat is greater. In fact, it is too great for the grapes when they are first put out. Mr. Milco: I think it requires the sun: the heat alone will not answer. During the State Fair we had some dried figs and there was a man from Oregon who had a drier, and he wanted to try some of the White Adriatic to see whether he could dry them in his drier. I gave him half a dozenof them. He dried them and brought them back. They were no ac- count in the world. They were black—some- thing like those figs over here that Mr. Eisen sent. Mr, Hisen has the genuine White Adri- atic fig, but the samples he shows are too dark for the White Adriatic. The treatment he gave them is something that made them too dark for a white fig. I attributed it to some- thing of that sort. In tasting the figs that this man put in the drier, they retained all the milky taste of the fig. They were worthless; you could not use them at all. For that reason I think the rays of the sun are necessary to take that milk out of the fig, to perfect the the drying, Another thing: about every other day each one of the figs has to be turned over, and just as soon as the last spot of green disappears, and the fig appears perfectly white, then they are ready to take indoors. After they are taken in we take a large kettle of boiling sea water and using a perforated bucket we place quite 10 or 15 pounds of the figs at a time in the bucket and dip them into the boiling water for a sec- ond or two and instantly turn it right over and spread them over the trays, the same as before, and almost instantly they are dry. The mix- ture don’t stick to them at all, and in the course of a day or so after the air strikes them 64. FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION they are ready to be packed away. We packed them in almost all different styles, but I think the best way to do it is to pack it in tin cans. Mr. Smith: Do you think common salt water would do the same thing as sea water? Mr. Milco: I think it would, but it might be better to get some chemist to give you the proportions to make it nearly the composition of sea water. A Delegate: quire to dry? Mr. Mileo: In the early part of the season, in August I think, it would take about six days, but later on it requires a little more sometimes; it will take from 10 to 12 or 14 days to be completely dried. Mr. Garey: To my mind the process Mr. Milco gives will have to be improved upon or we wouldn’t want to go into fig culture. Mr. Milco: My idea is that if something were done in the shape oi that box that our friend sent out from the East (the ‘‘ripe fruit carrier’’), with little partitions of wire gauze so that each partition would be placed in a differ- ent place the sun could strike from all sides of it, and we could just turn the package right over, and it would obviate all this trouble; but the figs have to be handled very carefully. Mr. Smith: I see there is an objection raised to turning over, which I don’t think amounts to anything. You take the empty tray and put it on another tray and turn it over, and you can do it just as well. I do not see why they should be handled any more care- fully than raisins, and we turn raisins in that way. Mr. Milco: But the grapes are very tough, and the figs are very tender. How long a time does it re- A Delegate: Do figs get wormy as do other dried fruits? Mr. Milco: Yes; for that reason they should be dipped in salt water. That is thought to kill all insect germs that may be deposited on them, and in the meantime it prevents insects from coming. They don’t like salt, as a rule, and for quite a while there is a little taste of saltabout it—not enough to be disagreeable— but after a month you would find them the most delicious fruit you ever tasted. Another thing I want to say, as a fruit-grower, that no matter what you put up in dried fruit do not send anything to market in a loose way, but brand with your name and the place where it is grown, and then if you have built up a name for your fruit, people wiil know where it comes from and send for it. My advice is never to imitate any one else. Always try to improve on what has been done, and that is the best plan I can give you, so far as the fig is con- cerned. If the black California fig is treated in the same manner as the White Adriatic you will find that instead of bringing three or four cents a pound in San Francisco, you can get eight cents a pound for it, and most likely more. A Delegate: How about the destruction by birds? Mr. Milco: I would go to work and planta good many mulberry trees, and you will find the birds will go and feed on the mulberry trees in the first part of the season and go away and leave you and the figs alone. Mr. Garey: We are very much interested in this fig question, and feel very favorably to the White Adriatic from what we know and hear. . the frost comes. Mr. Hisen exhibited some at the State Horti- cultural Fair a few weeks ago, that were very much admired and created quite a sensation. If it should turn out that the fig produced but one crop a year, that would be decidedly against it. If it bears throughout the season it may be called one crop, but I think on general principles it may be considered that it is a con- tinuous crop right along. If this fig does that it would bea great pointin its favor. We would like to know that. Mr. Milco: That is just exactly the state of things. Irrigating the Fig. Mr, Garey: Another thing that enters largely into the matter. Ido not think you can ever make a success: of fig culture for commercial purposes in Southern California without an ample supply of water for irrigation. I under- stand that Dr. Hisen has been writing on the subject and defending the planting of this Adri- atic fig in any season; that it can be success- fully produced without irrigation. Now, I think in this country the party who under- takes that will make a failure of the business. Our first figs are produced on the old wood, quite early in the season. A few of them are very large and fine, then those that are not so large, are very abundant. If wedo not have an ample supply of water to irrigate the first crop, and perhaps the second, is all we get; the balance dry up and drop off. But if we have plenty of water we keep them bearing until Mr. Milco: WhenI stated that there was only one crop, I meant to say that from the time it commences to ripen until the frost comes it is continually ripening, so that you can get ripe figs every day. Mr. Chubb: And in the aggregate yields as many figs as the two crops. Mr. Miico: I donot know of any other fig that will produce anything so much as this fig. Mr. W. M. Williams, of Fresno: Some three years ago I got from Mr. Milcoa lot of cuttings from a fig which he said had come from Dal- matia, giving him $97 for all the cuttings I could carry; I hada greenhouse and when I got home I cut those up, and out of that lot I had 1800 trees. The first year they grew from four to seven feet. Ihad also the Black Cali- fornia, and I was very anxious when the fall of the year came, because we do havea little frost even in semi-tropical Fresno that might kill the figs, but any way I let them grow. The frost bit my Black California, but my Adriatic came out unscathed by cold. I started them inthe greenhouse until one little bud made its appearance—in other words I ‘‘calloused” them—I really did not start them in the greenhouse; only once ina while you would see a white root. That fall I cut off everything but one straight stock, and this year I started 8000 from the cuttings of that lot, perhaps planting 20 acres myseli of them, planting them not closer than 25 feet. They are very vigorous growers, the fruit is excellent either green or dried. A Delegate: What time should the cuttings be started ? Mr. Williams: That is owing entirely to the season. After they lose the leaves I would cut them immediately, and I put mine in the green- house as soon as [ cut them and started them. But I think they ‘ought to be cut and kept. CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS, 65 damp until along in February if you propose starting from the cuttings in the open ground. Mr. Hixson: I became very much afflicted with the fig fever some 3 or four years ago and made the assertion that I believed the fig would be the coming fruit, the next fruit that would havea boom. They made so much fun of me that I began to be rather sick, but I got my friend Smith over there to believe it too, and said I would abide by his judgment. Then I kept looking to see what kind of a fig would answer the purpose and carry out my idea that the fig was going to be the thing. WhenI was going East four years ago, a man from Healdsburg sent down a box of figs as a sample to know whether I considered: it nec- essary for him to sort them out. They were just put inas they came. He said it wasa fair sample but some were light color and others were dark. I suppose it was in consequence of the manner in which they were handled. As Mr. Milco said perhaps all the milky sub. stance was not dried out, before they turned them over, to properly cure them. Those that were ripe came so near the regular Smyrna fig, that when I was going East I had two little narrow boxes which I carried in my pockets and had a package of prunes in one and the fig in the other. I would show them on the railroad and when I got to New York, I went intoa house there, and talked on the subject of the prunes. I thought I was going to create a sensation there with the big prunes. The man looked at them, and picked up the fig and said, “That is the thing to bring the money; now you are on theright track; that comes pretty near being the thing,” and toid me how to make a little improvement ; ought to dip them into sea water, and make the skins tender, so then I had another man to sustain me in my judgment be- sides Mr. Smith. Icame back home, and I think at the next meet- ing of the State Society I met Mr. Milco, and saw this fig, and I took a great deal of interest in it, and I think it certainly is the fig for Cali- fornia, and, if I am not very much mistaken, the fig is the thing that we want to plant. We do not want to quit everything else, to dig up orange orchards and plant figs, because there is so much of this country that can raise figs which cannot raise oranges. An important point in the matter of the fig culture is that the valua- tion of the fruit where it is grown with the duty added amounts to 10 cents a pound, so that would be the valuation at the custom house: 10 cents a pound. If wedon’t come quite up to that and couid get seven or eight cents a pound it certainly would be a very valuable crop. We have been trying all this year to get figs. We had two customers that wanted each a carload of figs; one was willing to pay 15 to 20 cents a pound for a grade of figs that was manipulated so as to come up to a certain standard. The other was willing to pay from seven to nine cents for the fig that would come up to his stan- dard. Of course one wanted what we call a ma- nipulated, or rather cured fig, taken through a process of sea water, etc.; the other wanted just a dried fig, such as we get in San Francisco in in sacks, worth about two and a-half or three cents at the present time. I have been unable to get them. We have recently sent on proba- bly as much as 4000 or 5000 pounds; I have written many letters on the subject but we never have succeeded in getting a great quan- ! tity. Ido not suppose you could get to-day in San Francisco a carload of figs, In regard to shipping the ripe fig: we made probably three or four shipments last year. I believe they all came from Vacaville; some were shipped in 10-pound cherry drawers, and they were three deep in the drawers. They were all rotten. { do not believe you could get one you could sell. A few lots were put on trays without being piled up, and they came through in very nice condition, and were snatched up at once. I do not remember the price, but it seemed like a tremendous price to us, and it was very evident to my mind that a liberal supply would sell very readily at good prices. If we get the refrigerating cars that will keep an even temperature, then we can earry the figs very well, and [ think Mr. Milco’s fig, judging from what a'tention I have given it, would carry more safely than any of the black figs we have. Mr. Loop: Is this fig, in your estimation, equal or superior to the white fig of commerce? Mr. Hixson: Icould not tell. I never saw any of these dried. I think the fig that I saw Mr. Milco have down to the fair, when dried, was as fine in point of texture and the gelatin- ous matter, or whatever you call it, and in richness, as any fig we have imported. They were not put up quite as nice, of course. Budding the Fig. Mr. Gray: I would like to ask if any one has had any success in grafting the fig. Mr. Smith, of Vacaville: I have had some ex- perience in budding the fig; very little in graft- ing. It is rather a difficult tree to graft, from the fact that the wood is very soft and pithy. Dr. Chubb: Dr.Congar’s machine will graft anything. Mr. Smith: Inever tried that. You can- not take off the bud, as with the peach bud or the pear bud, and insert it in the same way. You must cut the ring right around the limb, say from three-fourths of an inch to an inch long, with the bud on it. Then take off another ring of bark from a limb of the same size; open the ring which has the bud you want and slip it into that cut and bind it around with cloth, covering it up to exclude the air. There is one precaution you must take. When you cut into a fig limb when the sap is up, the sap will ex- ude from the limb. You must cut off your bark with the ring in it and you whip off the limb, leaving the stock where you insert your bud, and then insert the bud. In this way you can bud quite successfully; otherwise you will fail almost every time. The reason is this: that the milky substance that exudes from the limb or bark seems to sour and poisons the sap when it comes up the stock and prevents the bud from uniting with the limb, whereas by this treatment it does not poison the sap, and ine ascending sap will unite with the sap of the ud. New Fruits. While Iam onthe floor there is one other thing I wish to mention. Mr. Milco referred to it somewhat and I desire to emphasize it, and that is, in buying new varieties of fruit never buy many of them at a time until you know what it is. You can afford to buy one or two and pay a high price for it, which you are almost sure to doin buying any new variety that springs up. Now, I have been hunting 66 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION for a certain kind of peach for the last ten years—have bought almost everything in the way of peach that has been brought out in the United States and even Europe—and nearly one-half of the time I will not have a new peach but something I have had in bearing on tthe place a number of years under a new name. Ifanything new comes up and you wantit buy a few and prove it before you go into it to any vextent. Ihave about 65 varieties of peaches -on my place that Iam testing, and I will say ‘that one-half of those are old peaches that have been in cultivation a good while, sprung up un- der new names by someone who wanted to make money. A tree or two is sufficient to test a new variety. Prove it on your own place, and then if it is worthy of propagation, you have pienty of time to go to work and propagate them. Mr. Gray: Speaking about shipping figs, I had an order last year from up in the moun- tains. They must have some figs. I put him up a box of green figs. He came down ina couple of weeks and said they had all rotted. He wanted me to try it again. I went and picked some that had begun to wilt a little and packed them in a 10-pound box, four deep, and in between the layers two or three thicknesses of paper, and put up three or four boxes. He took them in a lumber wagon for five days go- ing up, and when he came down he reported that every fig wasin good condition when he got there. ‘hey were the California fig. I think that picked at just a certain stage they wan be carried to Chicago perfectly well; cer- tainly if they were put up in packages not so deep. As to peaches, last year at the horticultural meeting we had quite a nice discussion upon new peaches that had been propagated in differ- ent parts of the State, and created quite an in- terest. We had one peach which came to us by accident this year, and I would like to speak of it. It was an apricot tree that was budded on a peach and broken off, and the sprout came up, and we trimmed it and let it stand right there. I forgot all about the tree until the day before Grant was buried. I hap- pened to be going through the orchard and there was this tree loaded with a very large yellow peach, freestone, and I think the largest peach I ever saw. I think that was really the shape of the orange cling, though a good deal larger than they usually get. It was very yel- low with a reddish cheek, very solid meat, free- stone and small pit. I think it is going to bea very valuable peach. A Delegate: How is it compared to the Sol- way? : Mr. Gray: It is a very much better peach than the Solway. I think it isa little earlier, perhaps a week. It isa seedling we know. It is a sprout that came up from the root. We had a few trees that we called the St. John; perhaps some here know more about that thanI do, but I believe ,that we haven’t anything growing now that is nearly equal toit. It ripens very soon after the Crawford’s Late, and is very near the size and shape of an orange cling. Mr. Smith: I think you have something else than the St. John. The St. John, properly speaking, is the earliest yellow peach in culti- vation in the United States. Some gentleman asks for the best two varieties for canning. If I were going to plant two peaches for canning of those which are generally known and in ex- tensive cultivation, I would take the Susque- hanna and the Solway. I do not know whether they would suit your part of the State or not, but they come nearer filling the bill in our part of the State than any peaches we have got. Mr. Williams: Have you tried any of the Sellers? Mr. Smith: Yes, sir, I have—both Seller’s cling and Seller’s free; also the Muir. I think that is the best drying peach in the market. The Muir Peach. Mr. Webb: The manager of Mr. Lusk’s can- ning establishment told me that they would give one quarter of a cent a pound more for the Muir than any other peach for canning pur- poses. They say that the reason for it is its marvelous sweetness. It has more sugar in it than any other peach. Mr. Smith: The Muir peach is a new peach, which is propagated only in cur section of the country. It is as I said the finest drying peach in the market. I will give you my rea- sons, and I believe you will agree that they are good- It is a perfect freestone; the pit is very small—as small a pit as you will see in any peach of good size; and instead of turn- ing to a dark color when it dries in the sun, it will gradually become whiter as it gets drier, a property I never saw in any other peach in my life, and I have been drying peaches for 25 years, more or less. It is very dry of itself; it is very fine meated; you takea knife and cut it open, and it will slip through like a hot knife. These are all good qualities in any peach. It is nearly the color of a lemon; it really ought to be called the Lemon free. Where they are exposed to the sun they have a little red blush. The peach has some objec- tions, or rather the tree has. About one-third of the crop will be inferior in size, while the other two-thirds will be full sized. Another objection to the tree is, that it is hard to man- age inthe orchard. The brush is very fine, and it is not a rapid grower. The leaves are quite small and very much softened about the edge. A Delegate: Other things being equal, which is to be preferred—the free or the cling for can- ning? Mr. Smith: My opinion is that the cling- stone will eventually be the canning peach, for as arule clingstone peaches are firmer than freestones, and now there are being machines invented that will pit clingstone peaches as quickly as you can pit freestone peaches. If you want to plant now for canning in the future, I would plant one-half of the orchard in clingstone peaches, anyway. The sweetness of the Muir peach has been spoken of: it is a very sweet peach—more so than usual. I havea cling peach, yellow, almost as round as an or- ange, no red about the pit. The pitis very small and is very similar to that on the outside. That is a sweeter peach and cans better than any peach I ever saw; it is a clingstene peach, and when it becomes known it is going to be one of the leading peaches forcanning. I don’t know of anybody else that has it but my- self and the old lady that I got the buds from near Napa City: an old lady named Porter, and the peach is named Porter. It was an old seedling tree in her yard. , CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 67 A Delegate: Will you mention other clings for canning? Mr. Smith: If I were going to select two -cling peaches for canning, I would take what we know as the Sacramento river orange cling, or the Runyon orange cling, or the Canada cling, or the California, and there you have three or four different names for one and the same peach: I will mention that as one peach for canning. For a yellow cling I would men- tion the Tippacanoe; I know nothing better of yellow clings for canning than thosetwo. Now, I have another, a white-fleshed peach that I got from Texas, one of the finest flavored peaches I ever tasted, and being a white peach would be fine for canning were it not that it has a little red pit and when you cook it every bit of it goes to the syrup and colors it. That is a serious objection to it. As to the fig, I suppose there is no place that grows more than Vacaville; the first figs that go tothe San Francisco market go from my neighborhood; the principal one in cultivation is the common California blue fig: a fig, I sup- pose, the old Spanish fathers introduced into this country when they first came here, the same as they introduced the common Mission grape. We have no fig that does better than that does, and no other figs that pay us so well. We are certain of two crops and when we have a late warm autumn we get three, and a man that gets three crops on a piece of land is pretty apt to get a good one. The first crop we take to the market fresh, the second and third crop _ we dry the most of, and put into the market as dry figs. The first crop grows so large that we cannot dry them. A Delegate: How do you gather the figs off of those large trees ? Mr. Smith: We have stepladders eighteen ‘or twenty feet long, and we get up and gather all we can in that way; the second crop we usually let dry and drop off, and pick them up off the ground. We have tested several other kinds of figs in our section of the coun- try, with a view of getting something better than the common California fig: as yet we have not succeeded. Weare trying to geta few that wecan grow and pack, or put up in the same style or that will answer the pur pose of the real imported Smyrna fig. We want to see if we can’t equal those, or surpass them if possible, but as yet we have not found the fig that will do it, unless Mr. Milco’s White Adriatic will fill the bill. Gentlemen, I am satisfied of the value of the fig, and I will cor- roborate what Mr. Hixson said awhile ago: there is no one tree we can plant in any section -of this State where the fig does well, that we can make more money out of and make it easier than we can out of the fig. Mr. Hatch: I want to say a few words about the Muir peach. I want to speak a good word for it. When it was introduced I planted several in my place, and I was out in the or- chard when peaches of that variety were ripen- ing, and when I found the peaches on the young trees I said to myself, I wish all of my peaches were Muirs, for different reasons. In the first place, on account of the seed, a small pit about the size of the first joint of your little finger, with a very slight pink tint; another thing, Mr. Prather, often a buyer for A. Lusk & Co., of Temescal, said, in a fruit convention in San Francisco lately, that it was the best peach they ever had to can, one peculiar characteristic being that the cooking never mushed it. In that respect it is similar toa cling, and, being so easy toremove from the stone without waste, is preferable to the cling. A Delegate: Does the leaf curl ? Mr. Hatch: Not tomy knowledge. I have never seen them curl. I have only had them two seasons. In regard tothe growth, I was surprised to hear Mr. Smith say the wood was willowy and the leaves small. Itis notso with me. lt has good growth, large stock and large leaves, and is a very thrifty, good growing tree. Trees planted from dormant buds last winter, starting the year ago last spring, are higher than Ican reach this way, with a spread as wide, and this year produced some peaches, but not many. Another thingin regard to the fruit is that most peaches when over-ripe become distasteful. I found these peaches on my trees almost drying up they were so ripe—so ripe they were very soft, and yet the taste was de- licious, something very peculiar in a yellow peach. While I have the floor, I want to say some- thing in regard to the general subject in dis: cussion to-night, which, I believe, is in regard to such fruits that have not been overdone, or for which there is apparently an unlimited de- mand. There isa kind which will require to be put in good packages, which can be produced in every locality in the State, for which there is no end to the demand. I was in hopes you would ask me what kind of fruit it is. It is any fruit which you can produce better than any other in the locality in which you live; grow that and put it in good packages, there is no end to the demand for it. Mr. Wilcox: One thing in reply to Mr. Williams. I can answer about the Seller’s peach; that peach was originated by my wife’s sister, Mrs. Sellers. There are two kinds, the freestone and the clingstone, and they are re- garded asa very superior peach. The few that were raised four or five years ago sold to the San Jose cannery, and the next year the entire crop of about an acre sold for four cents a pound. Mr. Shinn: A few words in regard to the Muir peach: I was assured by a very reliable genileman, two years ago, that it has a prop- erty which has not been mentioned here to- night, and is certzinly the most valuable prop- erty that it has. That whereas jn ordinary .freestone peaches it requires six or seven pounds of green fruit to produce a pound of dried, the Muir peach will produce a pound of dried peaches from four pounds. That is a very im- portant point. In reference to the Sellers peach, I procured the original buds from the sister of Mr. Wilcox, in Contra Costa county. The peach was sent to me as a very valuable one and I was requested to enter upon the cul- ture of it, and I did so, and saw at the moment that it was a very valuable one. I wrote to know all about it before I would have anything to do with it, and the lady said that all she knew of it was that there is a stray tree in the pasture growing without cultivation, with no attention paid to it, and it always grew large valuable peaches; the canners always thought very highly of it, and she said she was always persecuted for buds because it was large, and because by the time that the pit is extracted, by the machinery that is now used for the pur- 68 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION pose, there will scarcely be a line of red upon it, and of course they liked it on that account. Now itis worth while to say, after all the consul- tation I have had with the canning factories, and their secretaries and their presidents, with ref- erence to peaches, that upon the whole they prefer the yellow peach; that is, they want more of them, but they do want a white peach; they consider it of the greatest importance to find one that is white to the pit, and until the McKevitt peach was found, I know of none that was a good peach and didn’t curl. Mr. Webb: How does it compare with the Lyon cling that was exhibited last year by Mr. Williams of Fresno ? Mr. Shinn: I do not remember. I have paid great attention to peaches, and if I were to advise anyone in reference to planting peaches, I would give the same advice that has been given to you, plant such as succeed well in your neighborhood, avoid all that are liable to curl, no matter what other qualities they may have. It ought to be said that most of the can- ners that I have anything to do with say that they do not like the Solway peach. The Sus- quehanna is certainly equal to the very best for canning. Everybody knows that the Crawford Early is a very popular peach, and so is the Foster, but it should be remembered that they ripen so nearly together and a_ person planting is not obliged to plant both for a succession. He had better not do so, and it is my opinion that the Foster is preferable to the other. I am not speaking as a nurseryman but as a fruit grower, and I have been growing fruit for 29 years. The Crawford late has many of the best qualities of a peach, but it will curl three years out of four. The Crawford early has been so long in cultivation that it is but reason- able to suppose that some of its good qualities have run out. One fault is that it is inclined to grow double. It has been grown from bud to bud generation after generation, and it is but reasonable that it should degenerate some— still it does not curl, therefore it is valuable. But the Foster being a new peach about the same size, [I believe it is preferable to plant. The important point, if you are going to plant peaches, is to avoid those that curl, and endeavor to have a succession in the time of ripening. You cannot go earlier with yellow peaches than the Foster, for the early St. John, though a good peach, is not desirable. Mr. Milco: I want to ask you something about Shinn’s early white peach. Mr. Shinn: It is worth nothing. It is a nice peach in itself, but it has a tint that is ob- jectionable. The white tinted peaches are very much more liable to curl as a rule than the yel- low peaches. The Adaptations of Varieties. Dr Chapin: I donot lay claim to being an extensive peach grower, but I desire to call at- tention to this fact which is one of the most important ones in this whole discussion of fruits. Taking the peach, for instance, we must be extremely careful how we plant upon the assumption that any one particular variety or 2 or 3 particular varieties are adapted to every locality where peaches are grown. Some of the peaches that have been named by Mr. Smith this evening as being extremely well adapted to his locality, to Vaca valley, are utterly worthless in many other localities of the State, and it would not be wise for you to plant upon that assumption. The peach of many names, which he has given to you to night, (the Edwards Cling, the California Cling and many other names attached to that one peach), in Santa Clara valley isa perfect failure. Ihave planted it from buds and dor- mant buds and the tree itself is a very serious failure, has a curled leaf and the fruit is very inferior indeed. I have made experiments with quite a large number of peaches, with a view of finding a few good peaches for family use in the portion of the Santa Clara valley in which I reside. It is not a peach locality and it is useless to attempt to grow peaches for market purposes in such localities. The best success that I have had -has been with certain California seedlings. I may mention that among the very choicest of those has been the Seller’s Cling; the McKevitt Cling and another, the Wilcox Cling or the Albright Cling from Plac- erville in El Dorado county. Another fpeach which is proven to be one of the very choicest for canning purposes is not known generally in the State, but it has been put up this season by the Yuba City Packing Co., a new cannery establishment in Sutter county: it is the Tustin Cling, and some cans sent to me by one of the stockholders, when turned out on the table proved to be the very choicest peach that I ever saw put inacan by any packing company in the world, and that is saying a great deal. I might speak of some other peaches. As to the Muir, that peach, with me, has not been a great success. I have it in two different portions of my orchard, and right by the side of it in one portion stands a seedling peack tree of very similar character to that as to color and other qualities—the same peculiar appearance.of the lemon color and whiteness. It is called the orange peach, and it originated with Mr. Loomis, in the Santa Cruz mountains. He gave me buds, and’I have fruited that right by the side of the other and it was a su- perior peach to the Muir. It is one of the finest peaches for drying purposes; and Mr. Loomis told me, when he gave me the buds three years ago, that the returns from that were a little better than that of the Muir peach in drying. That peach, I am satisfied, will be- come one of the most valuable ever planted in California, as I also regard the Muir to be one of the most valuable peaches we have, and from which the best results are to be obtained. I believe these seedling peaches that are are gradually discovered in various portions of the State (and some of which have not yet been heard of) and which have been found to be extremely valuable in a homestead in a single place, by the family where they origin- ate, one by one will come to light and be- come disseminated throughout the State, and the good qualities gradually become known. A very choice white cling peach, perfectly white to the pit and very similar to the peach that Mr. Williams spoke of last year is to be found in Porterville, Tulare county; it is known there as the ‘‘Sheep’s Head,” merely a local name for it. The farmer raising the peach don’t know anything about it, excepting that itis a very fine peach. I might go through this to. considerable extent and name seedling peaches that I have discovered through the different portions of the State, and many of them will become gradually known; and I am satisfied CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS, 69 that, in the course of a few years, we will have discovered for all the various localities of the State the fruits that are best adapted to them, and then we can arrive at the conclusion as to what will be the best fruit to plant in a certain locality, and we can not do it in any other way. A Delegate: Has this peach a blush to it? Dr. Chapin: Very little; that is, only in the skin—not a particle in the flesh. It is an oblong peach with rather a broad and flattish stem, under a pointed sort of a nose that some- what resembles a sheep’s head. Something was mentioned as regards the size of the fig tree. One of the largest fig trees in this State is on the ground of the Hon. Henry Wilson, a a member of our board,in Tehama county. At Snelling, in Merced county, can be seen quite a large number together of the very largest fig trees in this State. There are several trees there in the orchard of Mr. Kelsey, in Snelling, that the spread of the limbs would be a great deal more than the length of this hall. Mr. Webb: Mr. Wilson, you cut down one of those trees; how much cordwood did you get out of it? Mr. Wilson: Sixteen cords of stove wood. The Fruit Union. The resolutions offered by the committee on Fruit Union are here presented and adopted as read: Resolved, That the California Fruit Growers’ Union is, in our opinion, destined to be of incalcu- lable advantage to the interest of the fruit-growers of this State, and that the gentlemen who have given their time and labor to bring about that Union are deserving of gratitude from the fruit-growers of the whole State of California. Resolved, That it is the sense of this committee that the interest of the fruit-growers of Southern California for the time being will dest be served by the incorporation of a local organization. Resolved, That this committee recommend the Board of Directors of such local organization when formed to consult with the directors of the California Fruit Union to the end that both companies may act in harmony and to their mutual advantage. O. H. CONGAk, JAS. BETTNER, S. W. PREBLE, ABBOT KINNEY, Tuos, A. GAREY, The convention here adjourned until to- morrow morning at 10 o’clock. Reports on Fruit Exhibits. At the afternoon session of the fourth day, reports of committees on fruit exhibits made during the convention were received. Mr. Garey presented the report of the committee on citrus fruit exhibits as follows: To the State Fruit-Growers’ Convention :-— We, your committee on citrus fruits, beg leave to report that we have examined the exhibits in Agricultural hall, and find the following localities represented by the citizens hereinafter mentioned. The display is, considering the season, highly meritorious, and reflects great credit on Southern California and the enter- prising gentlemen making the exhibits from the several localities : Santa Barbara—Filwood Cooper exhibits 1 plate Mexican limes; 1 branch olives; 1 bottle -olive oil, his own manufacture from the olives, very clear and of first quality; 2 plates and 1 ‘box seedling lemons; specimens green oranges. Los Angeles—A, Weis, Alameda street, 1 banana plant with green fruit and bioom; 3 plates seedling oranges. J. W. Wolfskill, Ala- meda street: 1 plate Wolfskill’s best oranges; 1 plate Tangerine oranges; 1 plate Mandarin oranges; 1 plate paper rind St. Michael oranges; 1 plate large St. Michael oranges; 1 plate Rivers’ late St. Michael oranges; 1 plate myrtle leaf St. Michael oranges; 1 plate Washington Navel or- anges; 1 plate Dwarf Mandarin oranges; 1 plate Variegated oranges; 1 plate Japanese oranges; 1 plate Seedling oranges; 1 plate Bouton lemon; 1 plate Eureka lemon; 1 plate Villa Franco lemon; 1 plate Anatie lemon; 1 plate Bonny Broy lemon; 1] plate Genoa lemon; 1 plate Im- perial limes; 1 plate Mexican limes; 1 plate Sweet limes. Mrs. W. D. Bigelow: 1 box seed- ling oranges; 1 bunch green dates; this is a re- markable production, adding one more to the long list of our productive possibilities in Southern California. William Niles, Washing- ton street: 2 plates seedling oranges. A. F. Kercheval: 2 plates Mexican limes. A. Pratt, Lemon street: 1 box Mexicanlimes. F. M. Trapp: 1 cluster seedling oranges; 1 box seedling oranges; 1 box Mexican limes. H. Preston : 2 large and fine clusters seedling or- anges; 1 display citron of commerce. C. R. Workman, Lemon street: 1 cluster Eureka lemons, very fine; 1 cluster seedling oranges; 1 cluster Wolfskill’s Best; 2 plates from the original tree Hureka lemon; seed imported from Hamburg, Germany, in 1872, only one seed growing, irom which buds were put on orauge stock. This is the famous Eureka lemon, named and introduced to the public and dis- seminated exclusively by Thomas A. Garey. Mr. Gilda, Macy street: 1 plate pear guava. Dr. M. McCarry, superb cluster of seedling or- anges. I. W. Hooper: 3 plates seedling or- anges; 1 plate Navel oranges; 1 plate Mediter- renean Sweet oranges. Geo. J. Dalton: 1 large fine cluster seedling oranges. Orange—Joel B. Parker: 2 plates Mexican limes; 1 box Mexican limes; 1 box paper rind St. Michael oranges; 1 box Lisbon lemons. Dr. O. P. Chubb: 1 cluster Mediterranean Sweet oranges, season of 1884 85; 1 cluster season of 1885-86; 1 plate Mediterranean Sweet, sea- son of 1883-84; 1 plate Mexican limes; 1 plate Washington Navel oranges. Anaheim—Leonard Parker: 2 plates seedling oranges; 1 cluster Mediterranean Sweet oranges; 1 plate seedling lemons; 1 plate Lisbon lemons. Pasadena—Dr. O. H. Congar: 1 box Lisbon lemons; specimens of Eureka lemons. Lyman Craig: 1 plate Eureka lemons: D. M. Graham: 1 plate of strawberry guava. M. Rosenbaum: 1 plate Sicily seedling lemons, Crescenta Canada—Theodore Parker: 2 plates seedling oranges. Downey—Robert Bedwell: 2 plates seedling oranges; | plate seedling lemons; 1 plate Mexi- can limes; 1 plate Tahi i oranges. Alhambra—T. D. Kellogg: 1 plate guavas; 1 plate seedling oranges, season 1884. F. Hd- ward Gray: 1 plate Chinese Mandarin oranges; 1 plate Mexican limes; 1 plate lemon guavas. A. C. Weeks: 1 plate Sa- truma Hill glove oranges; 1 cluster oranges; 1 plate seedling oranges; 1 plate Ku- reka lemons. G. B. Adams: 1 plate Chinese Mandarin; 1 plate seedling oranges; 1 cluster oranges; 1 plate Washington Navel oranges; 1 cluster Washington Navel oranges. R. T. Bishop: 1 plate seedling oranges; 1 plate Wash- FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION 70 ington Navel oranges; 1 plate Eureka lemons. J.C. Byram: 1 plate seedling oranges, season 1884. S. B. Kingsley: 1 plate Washington Navel oranges; 1 cluster seedling oranges; 1 plate seedling lemons. Duarte—W. P. Wright: 1 box Mexican limes. (These limes are of exceeding good quality, clean, bright and of large size.) 1 box Washington Navel oranges. A. Boddy: 1 plate lemons; 1 plate Hornet oranges; Wilson’s best oranges; | cluster; 1 plate seedling lemons. La Dow (south of Los Angeles)—1 plate seedling oranges produced without irrigation. Glendale (north of Los Angeles)—2 plates Mexican limes, very fine, good quality; 1 box limes, 1 cluster oranges, seedlings, clean and bright. Pomona—Rev. C. F. Loop: 1 plate Mexican limes, 3 plates seedling oranges, | plate all first- class lemons. H.G. Bennett—1 cluster Wash- ington Navel oranges. James Smith—1 cluster seedling oranges, 1 plate seedling limes, 1 plate seedling lemons. S. Duton—1 plate Mediterra- nean sweet oranges, season of 1884. D. N. Graham—1 plate strawberry guava. Santa Ana—3 plates seedling oranges, 3 clus- ters seedling oranges, 1 plate lemons, 1 cluster oranges from two-year-old tree. H. Goepper —1 bunch green dates. Tustin—H. K. Snow: 1 plate Washington Navel oranges, 1 plate Thomas oranges, 1 plate seedling oranges, 2 plates Genoa lemons, 1 plate Eureka lemons, 2 plates seedling oranges, sam- ples of seedlings, Washington Navel and Medi- terranean sweet oranges, season of 1884. P. T. Adams—1 plate Mandarin oranges. A. Guy Smith—Box seedling oranges, picked when quite green, evened up nicely. In closing this report we desire to state the phenomenal bright and clean appearance of the Los Angeles and vicinity citrus fruits. Los Angeles has earned the unenviable reputation of a ‘‘trade mark” caused by the black and un- presentable appearance of the fruit in many in- stances in the market. The fruit on exhibition we find exceedingly clean and presentable in general appearance, comparing most favorably with the oranges from Duarte and other well-known first-class orange-growing sections of Southern California. Why this is so, can in a measure, at least, be accounted for by the increased vigilance of our orange-growers and the better and more thor- ough care of orange orchards induced by the advent of the scale bug here, and compulsory need of cleaning and caring for the orchards, Respectfully submitted, Tuos. A. GAREY, Los Angeles, JAMES BettneR, Riverside, G. M. Gray Chico. Report on Deciduous Fruits. Mr. Sol. Runyon presented the report of committee on deciduous fruits, as follows : We, your committee, beg leave to report that we have examined the display of deciduous fruit in Horticultural hall, believe that in merit it stands superior to any exhibit hitherto made in this locality, and highly creditable to the southern portion of the State. Many of the specimens exhibited were of unusual interest. We deem the display of White Winter Pear- main apples worthy of especial mention. The display from Downey were very fine in size. The following is the detailed report : Downey—A. E. Davis: 3 plates White Winter Pearmain. J. P. Dickerson—l plate Smith’s Cider. Wm. Caruther—1 plate Ben Davis; 2 plates Roxbury Russet; 1 plate Baldwin; 1 Yellow Bellflower; 1 Yellow Newton Pippin; 2° plates Easter Buerre pear; unknown, 1 plate Kentucky Redstreak ; 2 of mixed varieties; 1 Vicar of Wakefield. L. M. Grider—1 plate pound pear. aphaats Ranchito—J. W. Cates: 1 plate Winesap; 1 Baldwin; 1 White Winter Pearmain; 1 Yellow Bellflower; 2 Yellow Newton Pippin. Pears— 1 plate Doyenne d’Alencon; 1 Winter Nelis. Compton—S. Rogers: 5 plates White Winter Pearmain ; 4 Yellow Bellflower; 2 of Winter - Nelis pears. John Ganes—2 plates White Winter Pearmain; 1 Yellow Bellflower; 1 Ken- tucky Redstreak; 1 Smith’s Cider; 1 Yellow Newton Pippin; 1 Nickajack; 1 Lawyer; 1 Red Romanite. Isaac Wilson—1 plate Yellow Bell- flower. Clinton Heath—2 plates White Winter Pearmain. E. D. Stone—1 plate Ben Davis ; 1 White Winter Pearmain; 1 unknown variety. Cerritos—C. B. Paris: 2 plates White Winter Pearmain; 2 N, Y. Pippin; 1 Roman Beauty; 1- Smith’s Cider; 1 Nickajack; 1 Ben Davis; 1 R. I. Greening ; 1 Willow Twig; 1 Shockley; 2° Winter Nelis pear. Orange—Dr. Chubb: 1 plate Spitzenberg ; L Ben Davis; 1 R. I. Greening; 1 White Winter - Pearmain. Duarte—A. Boddy: 1 plate White Winter Pearmain; 1 St. Petersburg; 2 unknown varie- ties. Glendale—H. J. Crow: 3 plates Winter Nelis pears; 1 dozen Doyenne d’Alencon pears; 2° Easter Buerre. Pomona—C. H. Loop: 1 plate blue pear- main; 1 N. Y. pippin; 1 Canada Rennette; 1 Spitzenberg; 1 Penn. Redstreak; 1 polo; 1 emperor. La Dow—G. Howland: 1 plate Nickajacks; . 3 Ben Davis; 2 Smith’s cider; 2 W. W. Pear- main; 2N; Y. pippin; 1 R. I. greening; 1 Wine- sap; 1 yel. Bellflower; 1 seedling. National City —James Currier: Winter Nelis pears. Frank A. Kimball: 3 plates W. W. Pear- mains; 3 yel. Bellflowers; 1 Baldwin; 1 Ben. Davis; 2 Winesap; 1 Nickajack; 1 Limbertwig; 1 Roxbury russet; 1 Lawyer; 1 R. I. greening; . 2N. Y. Pippin; 2 Red Jim, second crop; 1 seed- ling; 2 unknown; 2 Winter Nelis pears. Tustin—Mr. Snow: | plate yel. Bellflower; 1 Smith’s cider; 1 Winter Nelis pears; 1 Vicar of Wakefield; 1 unknown. Santa Ana—Dr. Flmendorf; 3 plates Ben.. Davis; 1 W. W. Pearmain. A. T. Armstrong : 1 plate W. W. Pearmain; 1 yel. Bellflower; 1 mixed variety; 1 Winter Nelis pears. F. A. Marks, 2 W. W. Pearmain; D. Holliday :. 1 Ben. Davis; 1 W. W. Pearmain; 1 yel. Bell- flower; 2 Vicar of Wakefield pears; Geo. Minter: 1 W. W. Pearmain; unknown; 2 plates Winter Nelis pears. Newport—J. H. Moesser: 1 plate Kentucky Redstreaks; 1 Ben Davis; 1 White Winter Pearmain. Unknown—2 plates unknown; 1 Vicar of Wakefield; 1 pound pear. Pasadena—Mr. Rosenbaum: 1 plate Winter Nelis pear. E. Millard: 1 plate White Winter Pearmain. O. 8. Barber: 1 plate Roxbury Russet; 1 White Winter Pearmain;1 unknown... James Smith: 1 plate Winter Nelis pear. Ed. L. Ferris: 1 plate December peach; one un-- 1 plate CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 71 SN ne Sn nn a nn known apple. W. T. Knight: 1 plate Genitan; 1 White Winter Pearmain; 1 Red June, second crop. A. C. Bristol: 1 plate White Winter Pearmain. Lyman Craig: 1 plate unknown variety apple. Walter Coolley: 1 plate Winter Nelis pear. Rev. Mosher: 1 plate Ben Davis; 1 White Winter Pearmain; 1 seedling. Santa Barbara—Elwood Cooper: 1 plate King of Thompkins; 1 Roman Beauty; 1 Twenty Ounce; 1 Yellow Bellflower; 1 Yellow Newton Pippin; 1 Jonathan; 1 Fall Pippin; 1 W. W. Pearmain; 1 Golden Pippin. Alhambra—S. B. Kingsley: 1 plate W. W. Pearmain; 1 Nickajack. F. E. Gray: 1 W. W. Pearmain; 1 Winter Nelis pear. R. F. Bishop —1 plate Beauty of Rome; 1 W. W. Pearmain. J. C. Byron—1 plate W. W. Pearmain. Los Angeles—C. R. Workman: 2 plates W. W. Pearmain. W.B, McQuade—1 plate Fall Pippin; 4 plates Easter Buerre pears; 1 unknown pear. Geo. J. Dalton—2 plates W. W. Pear- main; 2 N. Y. Pippin; 1 Ben Davis; 1 Smith’s Cider. John Hooper: 1 plate Nickajack; 1 W. W. Pearmain. Milton Thomas: 3 plates Smith’s Cider; 3 Nickajack; 1 Tillequah; 2 W. W. Pearmain; 2 Yellow Bellflower; 1 Holland Pippin; 1 Pen Davis; 1 Rubicon; 2 California Keeper; ]) Dominic; 1 Lawyer; 1 Kentucky Red Stock; 1 Seek-No-Further; 1 R. I. Greening; 1N. Y. Pippin; 1 Fall Queen; 1 Harrison. Respectfully submitted, Sot. Ronyon, Courtland. S. McKintay, Los Angeles, C. E. Wutitre, Pomona. E. E. Epwarps, Santa Ana. Miscellaneous Fruits, Etc. Mr. Wilcox presented report of the commit- tee on miscellaneous fruits, as follows : Mr, President, and Members of the Convention: Your committee to whom was referred the miscel- laneous articles on exhibition, not included in the citrus family and green deciduous fruits, would report as follows: That they have made such an examination as their limited time would permit, and that they find every product included in the exhibits possessing merit worthy of notice, Grapes.—Among the grapes exhibited are those of Sam Brown, Tustin, Santa Ana valley. Like all the other grapes exhibited, they are of the second crop, but make a very creditable exhibit. The varieties are the Black Morocco, Cornichon and Victoria. The Black Morocco are very large, but not well col- ored. N. Nisson and G. W. Minter show a few varieties of gripes, embracing the Muscat, Large Mission, ete. Wines,—Through the politeness of Prof. George Husmann, we copy from the partial report made by him to the U.S. Commissioner of Agriculture, re- lating to wines exhibited by J. H. Drummond, Dun- fillan vineyard, Glen Ellen, Sonoma county, com- prising the following varieties; Semillon—clear white, very fine, sprightly and high flavor; Pinot de Per- naud—a fine type of claret wine, rather light in color and body, but with a sprightly acid and fine flavor; Petit Sirrah—deeper in color, more tannin, more body, though not so delicate as the foregoing, a very fine claret; St. Macaire—softer than the preceding, deep in color, strong in tannin, more resembling the Burgundies than the foregoing; Gros Mancin—very fine, deep in color, but delicate and sprightly, fine flavor, a true claret of the highest type; Tannat— very fine, much like the foregoing, abundance of tannin and color, sprightly and full; Carbernet Sau- vignon—very delicate and sprightly, fine flavor, but with more tannin than expected in this variety, yet, on the whole, the best of a very superior exhibit of wines of leading claret type. Raisins.—We find the exhibits of raisins large and very choice, well put up and well cured generally. In the list we find those of R. J. Blee, packed by the Santa Ana Valley Fruit Company. London Layers, grown, cured and packed by H. D. Halla- day, also from Santa Ana, are choice, The Muscat of Alexandria raisins, from H, K. Snow, Tustin, Santa Ana valley, are very large and fine. Mr. Snow shows some seedless Sultana raisins, well grown and well cured; also, some London Layers of very superior quality. McPherson Bros., of Orange, Los Angeles county, exhibit a large collection of raisins, of first quality and in fine condition. D. W. P. Chubb, of Orange, shows a box of raisins dried on the ground, taken from the sweat box. While they retain the bloom of the grape, they appear as if dried rather than cured. We do not refer specially to some small lots of this fruit, of more or less merit. C. Z. Culver, of Orange, Santa Ana valley, shows a small box package of very choice (London Layer) Muscat raisins, well cured, with the bloom perfect. The raisins are covered with tinfoil, and that is covered with oil paper, and would be an attractive package for the retail trade. Figs.—The White Adriatic fig exhibited by Gus- tav Eisen of Fresno, appears to be a very superior variety. The fruit is shown in its natural, un- bleached condition. It is large, and well cured and presents a very handsome appearance, being, in our judgment. equal, if not superior, to any fig ever imported into this State and supplies a long-felt want. Dried Fruits.—The exhibits of dried fruits are light. ‘The sun-dried French prunes of H. Goepper from Santa Ana, are very large, and under proper manipulation and packing would show well in any market. His apricots also {appear to advantage. Mr. Goepper also exhibits a bottle of unfermented wine, It is clarified and fshows well. Joel B, Par- ker, of Orange, shows evaporated apples and apri- cots, which we consider of best quality, though not possessing the best appearance alongside those packed for show. Fruit Box.—There is also on exhibition a patent fruit box similar in construction to the common egg box used on the Pacific Coast, with the addition of paper sheets, perforated on the sides and top, so as to afford perfect ventilation. This box comes rece ommended by Parker Earle, President of the Amer- ican Horticultural society, It is manufactured by Jenkins, McGuire & Co. of Baltimore, Md. English Walnuts, etc.—Of three exhibits of Eng- lish walnuts, the two varieties shown by Elwood Cooper, of Santa Barbara, are large, of good color, soft shell, plump, sweet kernel. The two samples of almonds of Mr. Cooper, are also good. Of the two varieties of chestnuts exhibited by Mr. Cooper the American variety is very large and fine. The walnuts exhibited by Geo. W. Ford, of Santa Ana, are of soft shell and very;,,large. There are two samples of Italian chestnu which are not worthy of any special mention. Olive Oil.—The exhibit of olive oil of Elwood Cooper, needs no commendation from us, it hav- ing already acquired an enviable reputation in all markets where it has beenintroduced. A branch of the olive in fruit, is also exhibited by Mr, Cooper. We also report a jar of very large pickled Mission olives, put up in 1884, exhibited by P. Cazneau of San Fernando. Flowers.—The bouquets of roses and other flowers, from Mrs. Maggie C, Rice, of Highland Park, are choice and quite attractive; also, a basket of flowers exhibited by Mrs, Rosenbaum, of Pasadena, Corn and Vegetables.—There is a fine exhibit of white corn in the ear, made by Mr. Doyle. Alsoa watermelon of very large size and excellent quality, probably weighing 65 pounds, exhibited by D. Edson Smith, of Santa Ana, Mr. Smith has a flat ribbed squash of hard shell, marked 90 pounds; also shows another squash, of supposed mixed char- acter, of much larger size, with shell not quite so 72 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION hard. Of the special value of these squashes, the committee makes no further report. There are sev- eral very laige mangel wurzel beets, exhibited by Mr. Smith; also two varieties of sweet potatoes; the ‘white Brazilian and red Bermuda, that are well grown. Also, by Elwood Cooper, a bunch of yel- low Nansamoned sweet potatoes, very smooth and fine, i!lustrating the yield of that variety on the vine. , Orchard Whiffletree, etc.—A double and single ‘whiffletree, with clevis and traces so attached as to be used in the orchard without injury to the trees, appears to be a good device, which bears patent date of 1883. There is also on exhibition a patent har- ness for use in the orchard, which does away with the whiffletree altogether. It consists of a steel yoke drawn up under the horses’ body so as to closely connect the team, a broad band passing over the back to hold the yoke in its place. The contrivance is such, that the draft comes from a central point in the yoke. The horses are connected to the yoke by a short trace, and the claim is, that it can be used without injury to trees or vines. Insecticides,—1he exhibit of insecticides, by E. C. Niedt & Co., of Los Angeles, consisting of sev- eral kinds, is worthy of special notice. Orchard Tools.—Dr,. O. H. Congar, of Pasadena, exhibits his mortise and tenon grafting machine, which appears to be of practical value. W. B. Forsyth of Orange, exhibits a pruning-knife, the prac- tical value of which is not known to the committee. I. A. WILCOX, A. T. HATCH, /Committee. - GEO, RICE, Adoption of the Reports. On motion it was ordered that these reports be received and placed on file and made part of the proceedings of the convention. Mr. Grey: I will be glad to say something in regard to the steelyoke here exhibited. I am not advertising any interest, still I would like to have the fruit-growers have the machin- ery that can be used to the best advantage. You can use those especially in the vineyards, and anyone who has to cultivate cannot afford to be without them. Weall know the difficulty of getting up close to the vines after they have gotten abouttwo feet growth, but with that arrangement you can cultivate or plow very close to your vines and the horses do it with as great ease as they do in the old way, and the man with about one-half the exertion outside of walking. I think that everyone who has grapes to cultivate, or young trees, would find it to his advantage to procure one or more of these, ‘ The chair announcecd the topic for the after- noon: Protection to Fruit Industry. Mr. Aiken: I do not consider this subject a political question: itis simply a policy for the fruit growers to carry up. Ihave very fixed, decided opinions on the subject of ‘‘Protection.”’ Protection has been the policy of the govern- ment of the United States*trom its conception; the first act of the first Congress in 1789, was an act imposing a tax upon importations for the purposes of revenue, and the protection and encouragement of the manufacturing interests have continued until the war of 1812 necess- itated a tax upon importation that was ‘almost prohibitory, almost 100 cents on the dollar. That led to a _ great deal of trouble with our shipping interests in New England, but that tax was enforced by the aid of such an eloquent advocate as John C. Calhoun, of North Carolina, and Henry Clay, of Kentucky, and was opposed by that eloquent statesman, Daniel Webster, of Massachusetts. However, there was in a few years a reduction in the tariff, until 1824, when there wasa slight increase because Daniel Webster had from necessity been obliged to favor _pro- tection, as New England had become a manufacturing section of the country, and John C. Calhoun, finding that the Southern States would be necessarily producing States, and not manufacturing, turned in favor of free trade. This led to considerable discussion in this country, so that in 1832 there was a compro- mise by Henry Clay and Daniel Webster with Mr. Calhoun, and the tax was somewhat re- duced, but the direct result of that reduction was a financial crigis in 1837, that for, we might say, the first time almost revolutionized the finances of the country. In 1842 there wasa slight increase in the tax, and in 1846, under Mr. James K. Polk, at the commencement of the Mexican War, the tax on importations was further reduced in a manner looking to free trade. ‘his continued for a series of years, until it led, as we believe, to that great finan- cial crisis again in the year 1857 that nearly bankrupted not only our Government, but nearly every individual living in the United States. That was followed up to 1861 with almost a failure of resources on the part of the United States, so that in 1860, just prior to the war, no money could be borrowed by the United States Government, but the necessities of war led to the imposition of a tax for reve- nue upon importation, and under that tax we live substantially to-day. So when I assert that protection has been the policy of this coun- try, I think history will bear me up, and when I assert, also, that the financial crises of this country have followed aimost immediately, and as a natural consequence, upon the reduction in the tariff by the Government of the United States. I desire to leave that and point out, if possible, why it is policy for the producers of this country to seek protection. Our wool in- terests have stood in need, and have received the protection of this Government. Until within a few years there, of course, has been a great deal of prosperity growing out of the wool interests, but the reduction a few years since in the tariff upon wool has led to such an importation of Australian wool, also from other sections, especially South America, that it has almost made sheep-raising for wool impossible; and, my friend, the Hon. H. C. Wilson, of Red Bluff, although somewhat a free-trade man, would probably favor a tariff upon wool, so that his industry of raising sheep would be more profitable than it is The prune industry to my mind, is one of the most important industries that we have. We send to Europe annuaily over $3,000,000 of our money to import the foreign prune. There is now and has been for many years lev- ied upon the foreign prune a duty of 2 cts. per Ib ad volorem, which is not sufficient owing to the cheap. labor and the old or- chards, and the methods of preparing that they have in Europe as against our young and growing orchards, and our want of knowledge and skill in the preparation of fruit; and I believe further that if our Government could levy a tax of 3 cents per pound it would be no more than is fair and just to this great and growing enterprise. If we did receive $3,000,000 of American money in California, in- ‘ CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 73 stead of sending it to Europe, and return to the East that value of fruit, how rich it would make our coast. We raise, to our mind, a bet- ter prune; we have a better climate; we can in time learn the methods and principles of pre- paring, grading and packing those prunes, so that we can fill the needs of the Eastern markets on the basis of the foreign fruits, but I submit that we should now have a protec- tion of 3 cents a pound. So far as the raisin is concerned, I believe that the raisin grower, owing to the fact that the cost of the raisin is substantially that of labor, which is expensive in this country, in- stead of two cents should have double, at least four cents protection. A few years since they had two and one-half cents, but that was chung- ed. That little half-cent did not materially in- jure the country, but was a serious blow to our raisin growers, and if California is ever to be a profitable raisin State it should have a firm pro- tection in view of the difference in the cost of labor. The production of olive oil is one that could be developed into a great interest, but it must have protection. I cannot understand why any person desires the direct and oppressive compe- tition with the old world as against the fruit in- dustry on this coast. We have the best State in the Union, we have a climate and soil super- ior to any in the world, but unfortunately our people, though they are intelligent, industrious and useful citizens, cannot live on ten cents a day, and that is what foreign labor costs in those countries that we are brought directly in competition with. Mr. Wilson: Let me interrupt you if you had a world for a market with free trade, don’t you think it would be better for all the coun- tries? Mr. Aiken: If we had that, in a few years, allow me to state, that I think probably that China would supply the world with almost everything, and we would be reduced to the level of a Chinaman in this country. I must say that the policy of the strongest, the wealthiest and the best nations in the world has been protection for their interests and for their people. England is a. very marked ex- ample of the idea of free trade, but I can say now that I think that the best minds in Eng- land and their best people are looking for the salvation of England through protection. Ger- many protects its interests; France protects its interests, and France is certainly a very rich and prosperous nation. The common people in England, the most of them are in trouble and very poor. Mr. Wilson: It is the most prosperous na- tion on the globe. Mr. Aiken: Yes, there is great financial force in England, but itis not with the common people. The common people of the French re- ceived after that great French revolution a lit- tle piece of land, maybe no larger than one to five acres, and they made themselves indepen- dent and rich through their indnstry, and the protection French law has thrown around it. Mr. Wilson: Who pays the tariff? Isn’t it the consumer, the poor man that does all the work and earns all the money? He pays every dollar of it. Mr. Aiken: I would answer that by saying that the man who takeg a protected prune pays his portion of the tax, but the money, the three- 4 millions of money thatis sent to these foreign nations, would be kept at home and would be of more value to the people than the whole tax that they pay for the protection. It is the en- couragement of the industry. Now Mr. Wil- son will admit that without protection the raisin industry or the prune industry could not flourish in this State, and we could not profit- ably make raisins. I will make a motion that Congress be mem- orialized to fix a tariff upon foreign prunes of 3 cents a pound, and upon raisins of four cents a pound and a suitable tax upon olive oil, which latteris to my mind a very important industry, though still in its infancy, so that we can provide the world with an honest, fair and unadulterated olive oil, which we are unable to get from Europe at any price. If that resolu- tion be passed I believe that the Congress of the United States at the present time has a large majority in favor of protection and we can secure the desired result. Mr. Shinn: I think this is entirely out of order as a general question of political econ- omy. I think this convention should confine itself to the consideration simply of whether it is to the interest of the California fruit-yrowers that there should be an additional tax upon prunes, raisins and olive oil. Mr. Wilson: ‘here was an old neighbor of mine, by the name of Nesmith, said to me, Why not favor a protective tariff? You know you get a less price for your wool withoutit. I said that is just the difference between me and you. Jam in the sheep business, and I con- tinue it because I want no rights that I would not accord to my humblest neighbor; I want no rights legislated to me, because to legislate from one man’s pocket into another’s is wrong. Mr. Hatch: I move that itis the sense of this convention that the various fruit industries of this State need a protective tariff. Sec- onded. Mr. Webb: I move to amend that by sub- stituting for the words ‘‘protective tariff,” that our Senators and representatives in Con- gress be requested and instructed to pass and procure such legislation as may advance the in- terests of the fruit-growers and producers of California, and I will explain the reasons for so moving toamend. In the first place, there is certain other legislation which is proposed to be enacted that will be very injuri- ous to the fruit interests of this State, especially the southern portion of it. If that Mexican ‘‘Reciprocity Treaty” is finally ratified and goes into effect, there will be an op- position to Southern California fruit, and you cannot tell where it will extend to; itis more formidable than you have any idea of. It is no use to ignore the fact that Mexico can, produce a very fine orange. What does that ‘‘Mexican Treaty” provide? It provides that in consid- eration of the privileges to the producers and manufacturers of coal, iron, steel and petro- leum, to ship into that country all their products and their manufactured articles free of duty, and that in consideration of that great privilege that has been extended to that class of enter- prises, that the United States will grant Mexico the privilege of sending into the United States limes or lemons or oranges, grapes, raisins, figs or wine, in fact, everything that is produced in the soil, which will come in direct competition with our products. I think, therefore, that it 74 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION is necessary to cover the whole ground, which I believe the amendment offered by me will do. Mr. Bettner: I will rise to second Colonel Webb’s amendment. If Congress should give us a duty of 20 cents a pound on raisins, it would be of no use tous if they should then put the ‘‘Mexican Treaty” into effect. Mr. Hatch withdrew his motion in favor of the substitute, and Mr. Aiken withdrew his motion for a commitee of three. Dr. Congar: In view of the fact that we im- port two or three million boxes of raisins from the old country, whereas we only produce two or three hundred thousand boxes, while I am a protectionist, it seems so me very unjust to the forty-eight or fifty millions of people to oblige them to pay this extra tax because we are not organized or old enough to do this work as cheaply as we ought; and while we can produce only two or three hundred thousand boxes Congress will notice no such proposition. You can put it in gold letters that they will not adopt any such unjust measure. We have got to correct the method of producing these things. Generation after generation have come and gone in Europe before they got down to this methodical, mechanical and close way of handling their fruits. They handle one or two acres, and here we are anxions to handle a thousand. We will fail, because we are under- taking to do too much. Mr. Hatch: I would like to ask one ques- tion of Dr. Congar. How long does he suppose it would be, with a ‘‘protective tariff’ of four cents a pound, before California could supply all these articles. Dr. Congar: I will say this: the principle of Government and the present sentiment of the people is against the protection of the rich or a monopoly, especially at the expense of the poverty-stricken portion of the country. On that grand principle, Congress will not do any- thing for us. I will not answer directly the gentleman’s question, because it would require some considerable explanation, but I say on general principles, our Government would not listen to a proposition of that kind where mil- lions are expecting these imported goods. Mr. Aiken movedas an amendment that a com- mittee of tive be appointed by the chair to re- port a memorial to Congress in favor of our fruit interests, such report to be made the next morning. Carried. The chair appoints Mr. W. H. Aiken, Dr. Congar, Dr. Chubb, Mr. Bettner and W. H. Workman. On motion of Mr. Hatch, it is resolved that the subject of ‘‘ The cultivation and pruning of fruit trees ” be discussed at the evening session. Pruning the Orange. Dr. Congar: I wish to say a few words be- fore I have to go home, about the “ pruning of the orange tree.” I discovered something a while ago which was new to me at the time, that the orange tree especially, and the lemon also, project their wood in the form of threes ; that there are three branches that start off from a given point about the same time, and under favorable circumstances the tendency of the tree is to grow rapidly in a horizontal direction rather than to shoot up. I found that in prun- ing the tree in a careless way, or by a careless hand, that it would grow unevenly, first one side and then the other, and also, that on the northern side of the tree it grew much more rapidly than upon the southern exposure. That is another proposition which I might discuss, but I will drop that for the time being. I found also that the fruit was on the lateral branches of this triple growth, it was on the outside sprigs. Not being familiar with the terms that are used by experts, I give it to you in my plain language. There is the center shoot, and then there will be three more start out, the center one continuing, and two laterals and so on, until you have to cut back very materially in order to get into your tree and keep it uniform in shape.. I therefore commence to cut. away the central, the wood growing stems, to prevent it becoming too large and thereby I would preserve the fruit-growing limbs and keep my tree in a symmetrical form and govern the growth by that system of pruning, whereas a hand not accustomed to that and not under- standing it would grow up a tree and cut it off wherever he chose, or where it was most conve- nient to get in to use his knife, and you will ob-. serve it would be at the expense of the fruit producing branches if it was pruned in that way. Sol find itis a very essential point for our orange-growers to understand, and I think if they look at their trees a moment they will find that I am substantially correct. They will find if there is any fruit, it will be on those lat- erals almost invariably, and the center, as I say, would be the wood-producing stem or limb. Now, the reason why the wood grows more rap- idly on the northern exposure, to my mind, is in consequence of this shade. The heat of the sun in this portion of the State is so great, par- ticularly upon the southern exposure, that the flow of the sap must necessarily be impeded, and the fruit upon the southern exposure smaller than it is on the northern exposure; hence the necessity of cutting more wood away upon the northern exposure than on the southern. Those things we cannot have disregarded by our hired help except at our expense. Addresses for the Next Convention. On motion it is resolved that the following gentlemen be requested to prepare papers to present to the next annual convention on the following subjects: Dr. O. B. Congar on the subject of the ‘*‘Prun- ing of the Citrus Fruit;” Mr. J. Shinn, on the “‘Apple;” W. W. Smith, of Vacaville, on the “‘Peach;” F. C. DeLong, of Marine, on the ‘Foreign Shipment of Apples;” Mr. A. T. Hatch, on the ‘‘Almond;” Mr. I. A. Wilcox, of Santa Clara, on the ‘‘Strawberry and all Small Fruits, except the Currant;” Mr. Elwood Cooper, on the ‘‘Olive, the Manufacture of Olive Oil and the Walnut;” W. H. Aiken, of Santa Cruz mountains on the ‘‘French Prune;” James Bettner, of Riverside, on the ‘‘Produc-- tion of the Orange and the Various Kinds;” Robert McPherson, of McPherson Bros., on the ‘Raisin; Prof. Husmann, of Napa, on the ‘Quince and the Best Shipping Grapes;” G. N.. Milco, of Stockton, on the ‘‘Cultivation and Preparation for Market of the Fig;” Mr. Chas, W. Reed, of Sacramento, on the ‘‘Best Ship- ping Fruits, Aside from the Grape;” Mr. Geo. M. Grey, of Chico, on the ‘‘Pear and the Cherry;” Dr. Kimball, of Alameda county, on the ‘‘Apricot;” W. M. Williams, of Fresno, on the ‘‘Nectarine;’ H. P. Livermore, of San Francisco, on the ‘‘Market and the Marketing CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 75 for the current year;” A. F. Coronel, the com- missioner of the Los Angeles district, on the ‘White Scale, the Icerya purchasi;” Mr. W.S. Chapman of San Gabriel, on the ‘‘Shipping of Lemons;” John Rock, of San Jose, on ‘‘Nur- sery Stock;” Dr. S. R. Chandler, of Yuba City, on the “Planting and Pruning of deciduous fruit trees;’ H. W. Meek, of San Lorenzo, on the ‘‘Plum;”’ Gen. John Bidwell, of Chico, on the “History of Fruit Culture in California;” Dr. H. W. Harkness, on ‘‘Fungoid Diseases;” Frank Kimball, on the ‘‘Pickling of Olives;” J. A. Day, of Ventura county, on the ‘‘Apricot and Drying of the Same, and Packing it for Market;” T. J. Swain, of San Diego, on the “Guava;” Hon. Geo. Stoneman, on the ‘‘Pome- granate;” J. M. Hixson, on the ‘‘Pieplant and Early Shipping Vegetables.” Mr. I. A. Wilcox, of Santa Clara, offers the following resolution, which, on motion, is adopted: WHEREAS, The reports of general produce mar- kets sent out by the Asscoiated Press are of great value to producers and to the general public. Therefore, be it resolved, that the manager of the Associated Press be requested to give his attention to the gathering and transaction of such reports relat- ing to the markets for California green and dried fruits, and thus confer a great benefit upon the fruit industry and business interests generally. The convention adjourned until evening at the usual hour. Cuitivation and Pruning. At the afternoon session on Friday the chair announced the topic, ‘‘The Cultivation and Pruning, and the Time to Prune Fruit Trees.” Mr. Garey: I would like to make a few re- marks in regard to the theories advanced by Dr. Congar to-day as to the best method of pruning orange and lemon trees, the orange es- pecially. The doctor’s particular point in re- gard to pruning the orange tree was, that he had discovered that the twigs of the tree or the limb grows in triplets; that is, as the limb grows out there are three branches, one straight branch and one on either side, and that he has found by investigation that the two side branches are the fruit-bearing branches, and that the leading branch is the wood branch. Now, I would like to know if any other orange- grower knows anything about that. I have never noticed it, and I think that my experi- ence in that matter would not bear out that theory. I believe that the leading limb is as liable to have fruit upon it as the side branches; however, I wouldn’t be quite certain about it, for I have not noticed it very particularly. But I tell you where I believe that pruning would be bad if followed up systematically, as he suggests. If at the commencement of the bearing of the orange tree the process was commenced, and the plan carried out, your orange tree in a few years would amount prac- tically almost to a hedge. It would present pretty much the same appearance that a cy- press hedge has when pruned continuously, and would throw out small branches until it became almost compact. I have an idea thatit would have a tendency to thicken up too much, and the main object in the pruning of the orange tree is to thin out the branches on the inside, in order to admit all the air and suniight that is possible. You can’t do it too much; the orange tree bears altogether on the outside of the tree. Whether they bear just on these side branches or not, I am not prepared to say, but it certainly is on the outside. When you walk under a tree you will see but very little fruit, but on the outside the tree will be a mass of fruit. In the pruning of the orange tree, as I said in my essay, there are two systems followed in this country, one called lower pruning and the other called higher pruning. Some allow their orange trees to grow from the ground, don’t raise them at all, and scarcely ever thin them out; others raise them gradually, from year to year, until a horse can be driven under the limbs, in order to cultivate them close around the trunk, and I believe it is generally consid- ered that that is the best, but there is a great diversity of opinion on this matter, and a great many ways of doing it. One thing is certain: we must prune our orange trees in such a man- ner that we can get at them pretty easily and thin them out pretty well, because if they are not, when the black scale or other scales make their appearance, we cannot get rid of it at all. You must have it very open and thin, then it you wish to spray, it is an easy job to clean the nee oe and the tree has a tendency to clean itself. Dr. Lotspeitch: I can speak of the orange tree when I cannot speak of any other kind of trees. The best plan to make a tree, is to commence in the nursery. When the young tree is there it should be formed but a little at the lower portion. It forms in the shape of a tree after awhile, and when it is taken from the nursery it should be set out as well as you can possibly put it in the ground. My idea and practice has been this: to wet the ground thoroughly in the nursery, take the tree up when the ground is thoroughly soaked with water, that will give you a tap-root perhaps four or five feet long. Well, a man will say, i can’t dig a hole four or five feet long to put the tap-root in, so cut it off. I say no; never cut it off. An orange tree two years old has good lateral roots also, and they can all be pulled out of this soft muddy earth. To dig the hole so as to lay out all these roots would be an everlasting task, but you can take a crowbar and make a hole a few feet deep for the tap-root, and you can also make your holes on either side to receive those lateral roots. Put them in in that way, then set the tree and cover it in with soil and run water immediately around it. Cultivate it well for the first sea- son, run the water very closely to it, then trim it but very slightly, never cut back very much of the outside limbs. The second year you trim it a little higher, and little by little, year after year, go up; never trim to a bushy top; leaving the lateral limbs touching the ground almost, but always keep them just off the ground, so as to keep insects from crawling up on the branches. In the course of six or seven years, perhaps, you would have the trunk of the tree two feet or so, and the limbs would be eighteen inches, perhaps, from the ground. Never let an orange tree or any other tree grow too high, if you can prevent it, without in- juring the growth of the tree. Keep it pruned out carefully, the outside of the tree and in- side. Make your ditches so that you can run water within three feet of the tree—that is close enough to run water around an orange tree, and have your machinery so rigged that your horses can walk between the trees up 76 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION SS ee ee Ee ee here and the furrow will be under the tree. By low training you have your fruit so that you can stand on the ground and pick it all around, instead of having ladders twenty five feet long to go up on the tree, or have a dis- tance of five or ten feet from the ground before you get an orange. That is my opinion; still there may be better ways of cultivating a tree. But a tree that is not trimmed up to make a high tree, will make a heavier stock and a bet- ter bush than the tree that is trimmed up, and the fruit that is grown on it grows just as good and better than that which is grown on top, because the wind is not slashing it around and scratching the oranges and making them unfit for market. Those that are near the ground are as fine oranges as we ever find. Mr, Garey: How do you cultivate the tree for the six or seven years? Dr. Lotspeitch: We take a Buckeye sulky plow and we have a seven-foot cultivator, that we call a ‘‘ tarantula cultivator,” and we attach that to the Buckeye sulky and ride along and cultivate. You can go along on one side, cultivating clear up under the tree. You can run it right up against the tree, if you wish to run that close. That is the way we cultivate under the tree, and we have trees that are ten or fifteen feet across. Mr. Garey: How do you get rid of the gophers ? Dr. Lotspeitch: You could not have found a gopher among our trees in two years. Mr. Garey: How doyou get to spray the tree under these circumstances? Dr. Lotspeiteh: I u:ea No.1 Hooker pump and I have a 44-foot lever on it, and 50 feet of hose, and I puncture a slit in the disk that I put on the San Jose sprayer. The hole I puncture is oblong, about the same as you could put the point of a pin in. Then we put two men in the wagon with a tank and they work the pump in the wagon. The pumpers will pump seven to eight hundred gallons ot water through these two sprays ina day. I have on the end of our hose 10 feet of one-half inch iron pipe; the nozzle is on the end of and then we commence ; and if we want to spray a tree of the kind you speak of we just get right down underneath, on our knees, and we go through the inside care- fully and we take it all around, running it from one side to the other, and we pass up, out and around that tree. Ihave the greasiest suit of clothes you ever saw in your life; that is what I wear when I spray, and I spray every year. I sprayed this year three times in parts of my or- chard, and I have watched it and been with every tank that goes into the field. That is the way a man has to do if he sprays thoroughly, and that is the way I have sprayed our trees. It is a very nice job when it is well done. Mr. Cooper: About how many gallons to the tree do you use? Dr. Lotspeitch: I can answer that; a seven- year-old orange that is grown well of the Medi- terranean Sweet variety, will take 64 gallons to a tree; a seedling tree of the same age, well grown, takes 15 gallons; you can take a Rio vee that is not quite so large, and it takes a little ess. Mr. Garey: How many of the Rio variety have you? Dr. Lotspeitch: About 500 Rios. Mr. Garey: How do they differ from the Mediterranean Sweet ? Dr. Lotspeitch: Just about as a black oak tree would differ from a white oak tree. There is a very different appearance of the limbs; they grow out differently. The orange is very simi- lar to the Mediterranean Sweet, but the differ- ence is in the growth of the trees. They are more rapid growers; they are not bushy trees; they throw out young lateral limbs and they will thrust out a sprout when they are growing, and from four to six right at the end of it. The Mediterranean Sweets will never do it—just like the seedling oranges. . Dr. Kimball: I hardly feel myself competent to say anything in regard to the orange ques- tion, but at the same time I ought to have an opinion about it. In 1871 I sent to the Islands and obtained several crates of oranges that were picked ripe, for purposes of getting the perfected seed in order to start an orange nur- sery in Alameda county. I had been pre- viously down in this county two or three years before, and thought very favorably of orange culture. I raised trees from my seed and after they got to be about two feet high I took them out of the ground and transplanted them, cut- ting off the tap root and set them out in nur- sery rows. When they were about four years old I budded quite a large number of them with the Acapulco and some few with the Navel orange that I obtained from Washing- ton, D. C., and when I got ready to transplant them, as they were quite large, vigorous trees, IT hada ditch dug between every other row and a spade run under each tree, cutting off the tap root, and J ascertained from the way that they acted in the future that it was an impor- tant thing to follow out the natural inclination of the tree. They were bound to have a tap root, and where I cut the tap root off there im- mediately started down two or three more; they were bound to go down. In trimming them up, I have observed particulariy what agrees with Dr. Congar’s theory of the growth of the orange. I noticed that when I cut out the center branch the effect is to stimulate the development of the fruit buds on the other branches, because to a certain extent it checks the growth of the tree; and I have been struck with the peculiar difference of the orange tree from any other tree in regard to this develop- ment, partly on one side and partly on the other. It has been one of the greatest studies that [ have had, how to prune the orange tree, and I don’t know that I have decided ona positive plan yet. « But, in regard to deciduous trees, to change the question, most all of our deciduous fruit trees put out aspring growth. We have two growths in Alameda county, the spring growth and the September growth. The first growth is the direct growth and central growth, and afterward the side growths come in, the lateral branches, and if you cut off the central branch then you abnormally develop the others, and it seems to me that nature’s way is the best way, that it is the only true way that we should follow, and that is to cut them all back when we trim and leave the central one a little in advance of the others, to let every lateral branch of the tree in a certain sense be a main branch by itself. I do not wish to be misunderstood, because in every tree there is a main branch in the center, the standard, but there are always these other branches, and the proper way to trim, the way that suits me the CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 77 best and that I have the best success with in all the trees that I plant (and I cultivate almonds, apricots, peaches, pears, plums and cherries), is to follow out that plan of nature’s and when you trim leave the central branch a little the longest. Don’t é@ut it out, because nature is bound to go ahead, and instead of having one center branch you have a bunch of laterals of which each one tries to be the center, and the result will be that your tree will be too bushy, too broomy. I do not put myself in the position of instructor about pruning or trim- ming, because I believe that the intelligent man is governed by the circumstances and conditions of trees that he is working up, and that he will vary according to the circumstances. I don’t think there is any iron-clad law that can be laid down in trimming trees. I see the best results in growing all kinds of fruits by all classes of men by thinning out their trees, but I think, in the main, that nature’s way is the true way and that we should never cut out, never exterminate the center but leave it a little in advance of the others and cut back the center only in proportion as we cut back the laterals. On motion it was agreed that in the discussion on pruning and culture of trees there be con- sidered, first, the apricot, second, the apple, third, the pear, fourth, the peach, fifth, prunes and plums; that in the discussion 20 minutes be devoted to each subject and each speaker be limited to five minutes. THE APRICOT. J. D. Parker, of Orange: The apricot with us grows much as it does with you in the North, and from my experience, and what I have read and heard, I find that the tree has a tendency to branch out too much and I go and give it a summer pruning about the last of May, as a rule. I give it a fall pruning also, and I cut back within ten inches of the old growth; that is, on the last ten inches of the new growth on each tree. The result was that I got my tree ina very compact head, and last fall I thinned it out thoroughly and my trees blossomed finely. I had a heavy crop for the age of the trees— that is, it would be so considered with us. I had about 50 tons on the orchard, and trees that were not pruned through the valley, a great many of them, did not begin to bear any such crop. Some did well where they were pruned once a year, but my observation goes to show that the summer pruning had a great tendency to make the fruit earlier, though it might have the effect to dwarf the tree in the future. If there is any one here who has had any experience of the bad effect of summer pruning I would be glad to hear from him. Dr. Kimball: I havea small apricot orchard, some of it for perhaps 12 to 15 years, and in a good year I have from 100 to 140 tons. I think, in regard to pruning the apricot tree, the old saying. will properly apply: ‘He who spares the rod spoils the child.” I think it is necessary to use the knife freely on the apricot tree, first in getting it into proper shape, and you all know that it is a tree which is particu- larly inclined to overbear, the consequence of which is a large quantity of small, inferior fruit that you cannot sell to canners at all, and which takes a longer time to prepare for dry- ing. In raising apricot trees, if you receive the trees from the nursery, yearlings or two years old, I think that they should be trimmed . severely for about three years to place them in a condition so that they will not split down, for I believe that of all the trees that we rear in the central part of the State, and perhaps here, that the apricot is more inclined to split down and be broken by the wind, and be broken by its weight of fruit, than any other tree that we raise. I have had some trees that I think pro- duce from 700 to 1100 pounds of apricots ina year, and they are not headed at all; or, I might say, headed ina group, two or three limbs di- vided right together. In first forming a tree, if you let three buds come out together and reach out in different ways, when the trees bear heavily they will split down. The tree should be shaped, if possible, so as to have one leader, one center, and they should be trimmed to come out, not at a point of junction, but two or three or four inches above or below, and you have a symmetrical tree, and without danger of breaking down in that way. As I have said before, it is necessary, in order to get the best results, to thinout thoroughly. I always leave these lateral branches from the central branch that forms the head of the tree, one coming out on the east, one on the west, one on the north and one on the south; trim them similarly as you do the center, and you have then a symmetrical tree. Of course, the apricot tree should be severely cut, because if you let the tree fruit, and if vou trim it too close, hedge- like form, you willhave a large quantity of fruit of an inferior quality. But if you cut back to the three lateral branches, besides the main center, keep it thoroughly thinned out, and when you cut off the ends of the limbs of a year’s growth do not let it be too broomy, by that way you save the process of going through your trees and thinning them so much, for in our section of the country we not only have to trim our trees sharply, but go through and pull off the fruit. Mr. Milco: A friend of mine in Stanislaus county has a little orchard of five acres and about three years ago I was visiting him, and looking at his orange and almond trees. They had made a wonderful growth, great fine trees, but no fruit on them. He wanted to know how it was possible to make those trees bear. I asked him what he was doing to them, and he said he gave them all the water they needed. I told him to go to work and root prune them. About eight feet from the trees dig down all around and cut off all the roots and see what that would do. The result is that he is having the trees loaded down with bunches of beautiful looking oranges. I was over there about three months ago, and it was a delightful thing to see those trees bear. In my judgment the best time to root prune is during the rainy season, say in January or February. In pruning apricots on our place, and we have something like 40 acres of young trees, we find that when they are se- verely pruned there is much gum on them and I believe that severe pruning has caused it. However, our trees are young and we canngt tell whether that is the cause or not. A Delegate: I would ask Dr. Kimball if he believes in summer pruning of the apricot? Dr. Kimball: If there is danger of the tree growing so fast as to grow very much out of shape, as apricots sometimes do, I would use the knife to putit in shape. The apricot is the 78 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION a hole and put a bolt in and screw it up tight. It will do you no injury, that is, after I have got a large tree. Mr. Garey: Down here, from our experience with apricots, the trees have a tendency to be shy bearers; they’ are shy bearers as a rule, Some varieties like the Moorpark, it is almost impossible to get to bear under any circum- stances. Itis unlike some other varieties which are pretty fair bearers if we prune them in summer. I see by the remarks here that the tendency of the apricot at the North is to over- bear; that is not the case with us; the trouble is to get them to bear. We have to aid them by summer pruning. Mr. Begg: I donot think itis a good idea to put the summer pruning off too late. I notice in Fresno county some have put off the apricot pruning too late. They have asystem of summer pruning by heading it off a little, and the trees make a growth of two or three inches between that and fall and some of them being tender, the first frost coming in the fall nips them. I think if summer pruning is practiced it should be done early, about the time you take the fruit off. If the tree is not in fruitage whenever you have got a growth of 18 inches in the spring of the year, then summer prune, because if you wait until the next year you will do that any how and then you will advance the tree very near a year on the young tree before it commences to bear. Mr. Wilcox: Summer pruning, or anything that checks the flow of sap, tends to produce fruit, whether it is root pruning or tying the limbs down, or summer pruning; and no tree will fruit when it is growing very vigorously. THE APPLE. W.H. Aiken: Iam a little interested in this subject, still I don’t know much about it, although I have made a study of it for about ten years. In the first place, I don’t believe in this high trimming of an apple tree. I believe in low trimming for the purpose of protecting the bark from the sun, and for the purpose of being able to get at your trees to prune and to pick your fruit. It will make a handsomer tree; it will bear more fruit and will be healthier, because the lower limbs throw a good deal of sap, and I notice the apples on the lower limbs are large and fine. I know iu a block of Yellow Newtown Pippin trees, I put them out and cut them back pretty low and they came out well and are very handsome three-year-old trees now. I built them out with limbs on each side, pruned them back next year so as to strengthen the limbs, strengthen the elbow, and endeavor to get limbs enough on to makea good tree. The Newtown Pippin has asmall leaf. We have to put a good many limbs into it, for the reason that it is a very up- right grower and has to have the leaves to shade its fruit, and we find that although it may ap- pear too thick, when it bearsit opens up and makes a very healthy, prosperous tree. It has bearing strength; the limbs do not come down, ‘they have been pruned back so that they have grown large and strong from the limb, or the elbow, and hold the fruit up. I have tried the method of allowing the tree to grow without any pruning at all. With the Newtown Pippin it is fatal, for the reason the tree will throw up one, two or three Jimbs, and they will keep growing up in the air without lateral branches, most wonderful grower I think, ot any tree we have. IfI find its limbs commence growing down instead of growing up, I would cut those off, but we do most of our pruning in winter. Mr. Bettner: Summer pruning of the apricot is done very largely at Riverside. It is the universal piketice there of all the apricot-grow- ers to cut back the trees in summer, directly after the crop is picked; some also prune in winter additionally, but not all of them. The main pruning is done in the summer time, after the crop is gathered; that is the result of the experience there for a number of years. Ira F. White, of Vacaville: Thesame custom is pursued in Vacaville. We deem it an advan- tage to the tree and to the fruit the next year to summer prune. Mr. Shinn: There is something more to be done in the way of pruning the apricot. It has such a tendency to split down the limbs. If you notice any young orchard of apricots, vou will probably find that the first year they are planted out they do pretty well. The next year, if you let them alone, with no effort to check them much, they make a most tremend- ous growth, perhaps greater than any other tree we have. If they be planted just as you get them from the nursery, a considerable num- ber of them will split to pieces and be greatly damaged, That could be avoided almost en- tirely by making a proper selection of the tree when you plant it. Do not buy trees that do not have single stem with strong, nearly hori- zontal laterals. If you do that you will have no trouble about it. I think the apricot should be pruned almost the sameas any other tree the first year. It should be pruned with reference to its symmetrical and proper shape. When it comes to bea tree, if you find itis going to split, and you can find it out easily enough by the looks of the tree, where the crotches are pointed, cut off one limb or cut it back. I never summer prune apricot, except fur the purpose of avoiding that splitting. They will bear enough without summer pruning in all cases I know anything about. J. Begg: I have understood from remarks made here that pruning is haphazard business. It is nothing of the kind; it is thoroughly a sci- entific business, aud there isa proper way to prune every variety of fruit. I will say in ref- erence to the apricot, that the gentlemen are all right and all wrong. It is right to prune the apricot in summer to a small extent, but then again, if you prune it severely and prune the larger limbs, it is necessary to defer the pruning until winter, and then you thin out the bigger limbs of the apricot. That is the proper and judicious way to prune the apricot. The apricot is generally allowed to have the branches too thick; it is the universal fault in California, not only with the apricot, but every variety of deciduous trees; they leave two-thirds too many branches on the trees. The sugges- tion I would give, as how to prune the apricot, would be to head it back in summer and then prune out the bigger branches in winter. Mr. Wilcox: So far as pruning the apricot, my general rule is like this: If the tree has made a very vigorous growth, I will cut it off any time in the year; but if it has made a short growth I would not check its growth: I would leave that to winter; this rule applies to all pruning so far as I know. J. H. Thomas: To prevent splitting I bore \ CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 79 and theapples will be burned by the sun, and I have never been able in that way to raise apples of good form, size or color. Some other apples, like the Baldwin, are very strong, healthy, large-growing trees, and that, of course, needs some pruning, although not so much as the Newtown Pippin. It is a very good tree, and the apple is a very good apple. The Pearmain apple that i have noticed here, I have no doubt must grow on strong, well- formed trees, for the reason that one of these Pearmain apples on the tar end of a long limb would break it. The great point in apple rais- ing is to make a strouy, well-developed tree with bearing strength and bearing space, and then thin the apples so that they will grow in marketable form, size and color. I don’t think that some of those large apples that you have here are exactly marketable. If many of them were one-half as large they would undoubtedly bring more money. It is not necessary to raise abnormally large fruit; the main object is to raise an ordinary fair-sized lot of fruit. That is my opinion in regard to apples, and there is no difficulty in doing it, because if they tend to grow too large you can allow more to grow upon the tree and they will come down in size. Mr. Wilcox: The Yellow Newtown Pippin has about three branches that grow very near together when they start, and in order to make a good tree after they get up a ways, you must prune off the buds that start out all around all the time, for they encroach upon each other. That rule does not apply to al! apples; the White Winter Pearmain I never prune at all. If you let run it has a healthy body, and if you cut off the ends of the limbs you lose the fruit. _ The Baldwin don’t need much trimming with me, and yet with some soils they grow heavier than they do in others. The Northern Spy, which was a great favorite apple in New York, became a favorite of mine, and I planted a great many a number of years ago, before we had the railroad, and I became disgusted with the fruit business, and cut them down and put out small fruit. Iam turning around now and planting trees. I believe that no general fixed rule can be given, but the man who is observing looks at his tree and its buds will find what it needs to secure the best results. Mr. Berry: I wilistate that very few people in this country prune the Pearmain at all; they let it grow. A Delegate: Do you prune any of your apple trees? Mr. Berry: Not very much, but I know the Pearmains are not pruned unless a sucker grows up. They may be taken off, but many growers do not even do that. Mr. Bettner: It won’t do to cut the trees off. If you do you won’t get any tree at all. Some strong varieties may be improved by cut- ting them back; others it would not do at all. This is especially the case in the interior val- leys, where it is warmer than on the coast. The result of itis, if you winter prune trees the sap seems to be checked, and that limb amounts to nothing. On my own place I sim- - ply practice thinning out. If the tree grows too bushy and throws too much shade, I sim- ply thin out. I do not cut back the apple at all. _ Mr. Wilcox: An apple tree, like any other tree, has the body above ground, and corre. sponding with that below, and, like any other tree, if it strikes hardpan it don’t throw out much top, and does not need much pruning, As a general rule, that tree that grows very full will grow deep. Mr. Stone, of Compton: I have had some little experience in farming here. I took the trees when they were two years old and set them out and trimmed the trunk up about four and one-half feet high, and then the next year, when the limbs grew out, I cut them back, so as to cause the big stout limbs to form the top, and the inside was pretty well cleaned out. In that way I have got trees reaching out in this way [showing], and Ican drive a small horse below the tree to cultivate, and cultivate right up, with a ‘‘V” harrow, if necessary. This is the kind of fruit I grow [showing a very large apple]. It isnot like that on all the trees, but it is on those trees that have not been bearing much. I have not cut the tops off very much after they got to be three years old, after they were set out, which, with two years in the nursery, makes them five-year-old trees. By that time that I have got the tree in shape, but as they are now I have had on some of those trees, perhaps 15 props to hold up the fruit. [ grow apples, such as that on trees perhaps 25 feet high—as pretty shaped trees as can possi- bly be seen. Mr. Milton Thomas: I wish to say in reply to Mr. Aiken that around Los Angeles we prune our apple trees regularly and systemat- ically. I have had some experience, and claim to have planted more apple trees than apy man in Southern California, and have raised as many apples and had a wider experience; and I say that we prune regularly and prune system- atically, so much so that in my orchard we have many loads of brush to haul every year or two. I donot see howa man can raise ap- ples without pruning his trees systematically and pruning them vigorously. Of course, the W.bite Winter Pearmain is the best apple that we raise here. We do not prune it as much as other trees because it does not require it, The fruit usually is borne close to the limbs and branches of the tree, and not on the ends of the limbs as in some other va- rieties. In planting out an orchard I plant out one-year-old trees—five or six feet high, say, when I plant them, and cut them off to—say four or three and one-half feet—and then I al- low a head to commence, and rub off all the branches that come out below two feet. Then I have those lateral branches extending out— just as many as I want—and there will not be those crotches or forks. There will be lateral branches, and there is not much danger of those breaking, The next year I prune back some of those branches—all of them some—and every year, till they get to bearing, prune’some off, so that I have a branch large enough and stocky enough to bear fruit. I think we should prune apples; and I know around Los Angeles there are hundreds—I might almost say thous- ands—of loads hauled off our orchard and given to Chinamen for fuel, or burned up. Mr. Begg: Are any of the apple orchards in the southern part of the State affected in this way: eighteen or twenty inches of the ends ~ of the limbs refusing to leaf out with perfect leaves, and the following season the limb dies down to where the healthy limb would put out? We have that disease in some orchards 80 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION through the valley. The limbs have been placed under a strong magnifying glass; there is no insect on them. For 18 or 20 inches on the top of the tree it will be, prob- ably, a half-sized leaf during the season, and the following season it will die back about 18 inches, and at the point where it dies a healthy sprout will start out and grow up and make a terminal leaf. : A Delegate: I believe that is owing to the soil. Herein this portion of Los Angeles county some are troubled very much with al- kali, and sometimes the trees will grow that way—that is the only way I can account for it. Mr. Gray: At Chico we are troubled some- thing that way, with the limbs not coming out fully. I noticed especially a young orchard three years old. Last summer there was a few scattering trees that sometimes would have the whole top of the tree affected, and other times on one side the leaves would be full sized, good, strong, healthy leaves and the other half of the tree about half size, and I know it will die next year. I thought it was probably alkali: that was my opinion of it, but I examined very closely, thinking it might be some insect at work either on the limb or on the tree, but I could not find it there. Mr. Begg: I experimented on one tree. There was no alkali soil where it was. It was a White Winter Pearmain. I cut it down toa bare pole, thinking I could overcome it. That tree made a growth of six or eight feet that season. The next season the same thing oc- curred in the top of the tree, and I finally dug the tree up. Strong pruning did it no good. THE PEAR. Mr. Thomas: My trees, perhaps, differ from any other, but our treatment is about the same as with the apple. Our year-old trees are usu- ally four to six feet high. We plant them and we cut off the top and leave only—say two feet in hight—and then you can have six or eight.or ten branches come out. The next year you should cut back two-thirds, particularly if they are Bartlett pears. If you don’t prune systematically and thoroughly, and prune every year the trees overbear and ruin them- selves. My idea is to prune back every year, and make your trees and branches stocky, so that they may be enabled to bear the fruit when they come into bearing. They com- mence bearing usually about the fourth year, sometimes the third year. To have our pear trees so that they will beara full crop, prune them back and make the branches and trees stocky, so that there will be no question about their being able to bear the fruit and not break all to pieces, as I have seen the Bartlett pear particularly. A Delegate: Do you cut the limbs, or cut the ends off ? Mr. Wilcox: The Bartlett pears on the ends. I cut them as I do a Newton Pippin—I cut them with the idea of getting the head, until I get them started up. The more tops you can get the more fruit you will get. For the first few years you throw the strength into the tree, you lose no fruit, and lose nothing exceptin the time in which it gets to bearing. That is my ex- perience with that fruit. Mr. Shinn: I think that the general princi- ples of pruning apply to almost all fruits—cer- tainly to the apple, pear and plum—and I think Mr. Thomas has very correctly stated the general plan which should be followed when trees are planted out. The main object, as I said before, with young trees is to so trim as to make a well shaped head; do not prune with reference to fruit until they begin to bear freely. Lalways tell everybody to leave the strongest bud on the wind side, and the strong- est root you will have will be on the wind side. Rub off all you don’t want; if you want tour, have four; if two is enough let them grow—let them grow a year. I certainly never practiced summer pruning in trees of that class, but do not let more branches grow than you care about having, considering what will be the fu- ture of the tree. Next yearcut back. There are various views about that, but I should cut back within 10 or 11 inches. When they start out on each branch they will start out two shoots. You may wait until they have started and do the same thing; rub off as many as you do not want, still referring to the kind of tree you want, and remembering also that you must manage a tree according to its character. If it is a Rhode Island Greening apple tree you need not be very much disturbed about its running up out of reach, and you must prune with ref- erence to that; you must understand the char- acter of the trees and prune so as to throw the branches upwards. But suppose it is a Bartlett pear, then you go on a totally different method. The object, as Mr. Wilcox suggests, is to spread it. If you don’t it will run up so nar- row that it won’t have much value to it. You must leave the buds on, on the outside, then you must force it so as to throw out more branches, and in that way you will keep on say for about three years. If you keep prun- ing the tree upon that plan you will havea nice big tree. It is troublesome to get a fine head on the Winter Nelis, but if you don’t prune too much as you do the others, the tree will straighten itself up and finally bea pretty good shaped tree. Mr. Strong: I have been told that the Winter Nelis tree requires heavy pruning to make it bear. NowI have got a number of Winter Nelis trees, eight years old, perhaps, but not large trees. There are some of them probably 20 feet high, and they have not borne much yet; probably the most any of them have borne this year has been an average of a box and a-half to the tree. They are covered with blossoms, but Idon’t get the fruit. I have been trimming very much. Two years ago I cut six to eight feet from the tops of them but in place of get- ting iess growth I think in one year it was bigger ~- than it was before. I don’t know what to do with it; some people say you have got to let them alone until they get through growing and then they will bear. Those trees have been growing from four to six feet on top, getting way up. AsI said the year I cut them most they grew more than they did any year before, but this year they have stopped growing those big growths and have put outa lot of little ends which grew out about six inches. Some say that is an indication that next year they will bear; I do not know anything about it; perhaps some of these gentlemen who are posted in rais< ing Winter Nelis can inform me about it. Mr. Berry: I would like to ask any gentle- man here from Southern California, whether they have had a crop of pears? Mr, Bettner: Ihave pears bearing splendidly, 4 CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 81 Mr. Berry: Down where I live, in the fur- ther part of the county, it is impossible to grow acropatall. For three years we put out pear trees; they have budded out and that is all they have done since. So far as the pear crop is concerned I doubt very much whether Los Angeles county will ever be able to touch the other part of the State. I have never found anybody in our section of the country who grows pears at all, and we began digging them all up. A Teeispats: Is your soil strongly impreg- nated with alkali? I saw a tree the other day that was nearly dead: it was attributed to that. Mr. Berry: There is a gentleman living two miles from me whose trees grow very vigorous- ly but do not bear any fruit. I do not know whether he had any alkali in his land or not. Mr. Bettner: I can say that my soil, where Ihave my pears, is low sandy loam, and they do not bear so weli on the heavier soil. I don’t think they bear so well on the wet soil in our locality. The Winter Nelis with me grows very strongly. They do not make a robust, thick limb, or thick sprout, but they send out very long, willowy sprouts, and a great many of them, and they need shortening back very much, and pruning, as suggested by Mr. Shinn. I have pruned my trees very systematically in that way, and I have very good, sightly trees, and they bear as fully of fruit as they well can. Half a mile away the trees will not bear nearly so well. Perhaps it is on different soil. Mr. Wilcox: So far as the Winter Nelis is concerned | have a tree 16 or 17 years old. It bears pears about as large as you see on exhibi- tion here, but I never raised over a box and a half. When I began at my place I thought I would plant Winter Nelis. It is the best pear we have when it is successful, but it is a very delicate pear. The blossoms are so tender that the least storm in the spring or cold will de- stroy them. My trees were all full of blossoms last year and the year before, but after finding their character out and the experience of others with them, I shall cut the trees down and graft them over. We have large orchards of Winter Nelis, and we have all come to the same conclu- sion, Mr. Block, one of the largest shippers, has cut his off and put in some other kind. Where the Winter Nelis does well, is where the roots don’t grow too deep, and where you do not get too much top. The Easter Beurre grows in naturally damp, cold soil. The Win- ter Nelis does not owe its want of bearing to the alkali in the soil, because this complaint is So general, Sometimes there are peculiar local conditions, Where we have a gorge in the mountains through which the air sweeps down you find all kinds of fruit suffer, and these local conditions, these atmospheric conditions, are probably the cause of this tronble. Mr. Gray, of Chico: There is no fruit that will bring in as much money to the northern part of the State, particularly about Chico, as the Winter Nelis pear. That has been my ex- perience for the last few years. We sell all we have at from 2 to 4 centsa pound, and could sell more too. We do not have them as those exhibited here, and do not want them as large; but we bave a nice shipping pear for the retail trade. They are probably about 2 or 24 inches through. We have to prune them there a little different from here or the Santa Cruz mountains, We have to prune with an idea of making all the shade for each tree that we can, on account of the very hot summer. The Win- ter Nelis gives us a good crop every year, right straight along. We have never had a failure since I have been there, and it seems to be a- very profitable tree, yielding from four to seven or eight hundred dollars an acre. Mr. Stone: This gentleman on my left seemed to leave the impression that we could not raise pears. I want to take that cloud off his mind if possible. I raise a few Bartlett pears myself, and I think I never saw a tree in my life that bears as heavily as the Bartlett pear does, in this section at least, in Compton. My Bartlett pear trees are 8 years old, and I sell the fruit off the tree by the pound, and they averaged me this year $6 to the tree. Mr. I, H. Thomas, of Visalia: My experi- ence of pruning Bartlett pears would be to en- deavor to cut back the lateral limbs and increase the head of the tree by heading back. With the Winter Nelis I would leave the lateral limbs. I never cut that back at all after the second year; let it alone, it goes ahead and shapes itself. The only reason you cut out limbs is that they may be chafing one another. My Winter Nelis, five years old, yielded me six boxes to the tree. They are not large pears but medium size, and the trees have been bear- ing well since they were three years old. I do not cut out unless they begin to cross limbs and are chafing. Mr. Wilcox: I know Winter Nelis trees that are as high as this room and have never been pruned; they are apt to grow right up. There is one point not touched here, and that is dis- tance apart in planting. Mr. Block, at Santa Clara, got his trees so near that the tops run all in together; it looks like a labyrinth and his or- chard is one continuous mass of fruit on top, and itis a difficult matter to drive under the trees. Some of them are from 10 to 15 feet apart—an old orchard, too. Mr. Begg: Having once been in charge of a very large pear orchard on the Sacramento river, I have had considerable experience in pruning the pear, and I will say in reference to the Bartlett pear that the tendency of the branches of the Bartlett pear is to go up straight, and I am going to tell you this about pears, gentlemen, and I am making a pretty broad assertion, that there is not a pear tree in California to-day but is allowed to bear too many branches altogether. The Bartlett pear grows quite differently from the Winter Nelis, It grows into a dense, close head; about two- thirds of the wood of the Bartlett pear ought to be cut out. The natural habit of the pear tree is to grow with a central branch and all pear trees ought to be pruned in that direction, and it is a thing that ought to be kept in mind al- ways, to thin out the pear tree. THE PEACH. Mr. Gray: I suppose you all think the peach tree is so easily raised that there is nothing to be said about it. I think that part of the Sac- ramento Valley around Chico is as good a peach country as there is under the sun. [ pre- sume that there are other places that other gen- tlemen wonld think to be better, but we have some very fine samples of peaches there. In regard to pruning the peach tree, I will give my method, and if there is a better way I would like to know it. In setting out trees I cut 82 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION them off two feet high, and trim off every thing on the side. The second year, I leave them from four to six lateral branches and cut them back to six inches long. The next year I leave two shoots to each, and cut them back to about twelve or fourteen inches. After that I -eut off one-third of each year’s growth, thinning out of course, leaving the necessary amount. ‘We have one peach orchard, which will be four years old the coming January, and this last summer we picked something over 225 tons off 24 acres. Mr. Jessup went through the orchard just before he started to New Orleans, and he declared that there was not a better orchard in the State that had never been irrigated—it has not had a drop of irrigation. At his request I measured some of the trees before he went away, and they were from 4% to 5 inches through the butt, and from 16 to 18 feet. through the tops, and if any one can turn out a better peach story than that, all right. Mr. I. H. Thomas: Speaking of growing stone fruits, I do not believe there is anybody in this State grows better fruit thanIdo. I start them in the nursery, and let them get 18 inches high, and then stop that upper growth and bring out the lateral, and at a year old I have got a two-year-old top on the tree. I let them grow and make a growth of Sor 10 feet. Then I set them in orchard, cutting them back. I watch them, and in June I pinch back again, after they have made a growth of 18 inches, and then I let them run the rest of the season. In the winter I cut them back to about 18 inches of where I cut in June and so on for about two years’ growth, and then I increase my growth by spreading it, by pinching it from where I cut in the fall. After they get about four years old I cut back to within 18 inches of where I cut it the last time. After that I let it take pretty much its own will, it will regulate its own growth. Afterit gets four or five years old it does not make the vigorous growth it does from one to four years old, then I thin it out, and consequently have large peaches. Mr. Shinn: That is very much the same as suggested by the other gentleman; the only thing is he gains apparently one year by cut- ting back the nursery trees. Are your custom- ers willing to buy that kind of tree? Mr. Thomas: the freight on that kind of tree, consequently I pay the freight on it myself in order to give, them a better tree. The trees are very bulky. I have limbs on them as big as yearlings and couldn’t get over 2500 in a car after they are baled, and I have to cut the ends of them off in order to get them in the car. Mr. Wilcox: Ihad the pleasure of seeing some of Mr. Thomas’ trees in New Orleans, I saw some fruit also at the State Fair hefore we went to New Orleans, and I believe he had the nicest peaches in Sacramento at that time, the nicest display. But one thing I would like to ask: when a tree gets 10 or 12 years old whether there will be any vitality in it if grown upon the system described ? Mr. Thomas: I know bearing trees near Visalia that are 30 years old; that is, they were bearing trees when I came there in ’58. One season they will make a big year’s growth, and in the following season that growth will bear fruit in peaches, but they are liable when you cut back that way to get a dead streak on the southwest side of the tree that will get full of They are not willing to pay borers. They talk about a peach root not being long lived; you take an old peach tree 20 years old and break it down and it will sprout right up from the ground, and will have a healthy bearing tree. The root don’t seem to be effected, it is the body above the ground. Curled Leaf. Mr. Clark, of Santa Barbara: I have got trees that have been bearing, but the curled leaf came on and injured them so that I did not get any fruit. I would like to hear something about that. Mr. Shinn: You must do one of two things : you must let the fresh sprouts grow up before the first of July and bud to something else that does not curl, or else dig up the tree en- tirely. Mr. I. H. Thomas: We did not have much curled leaf in the San Joaquin valley this sea- son, A year ago we had it much worse than ever before. We never had it amount to an injury before. My opinion of the curled leaf is that the cause is atmospheric. It is true some varieties did not curl last season, but my opinion is it is atmospheric. I take my or- chard, for instance; the ground is certainly as wet this season as last season, when it curled so badly; in fact, I think the land, if anything, is a little wetter, but the season it curled so badly we had late rains that came on just as the trees were blooming, and we had excessive moist at- mosphere for about two weeks; that is ali we know about the curled leaf. Although the land below was a little wetter than the year before, I think it was the excessive moisture in the atmosphere, when the tree is blooming and the leaves coming out, that producedit. The roots are the life of the tree; if the roots keep sound, what is the matter with the top? Mr. Begg: I happened to be at Salt Lake about two years ago. They were very much troubled with the curled leaf there, and they discovered a remedy for the curled leaf; whether it will apply to California or not, I couldn’t say, but it is worth trying, at least. There they dig the soil from the roots of the tree, and then take a knife and score right up into the branches. They say it retards the flow of the sap, so that the curled leaf don’t take any hold of the tree, and as soon as they begin to find that the tree is commencing to curl, they do that and they say it stops it at once. I wish some of you who have peaches would try that and report to this convention next year what your success is. A few words in reference to pruning the peach: There is no fruit that you can improve so much as the peach by pruning. I will take a seedling: A gentleman at Riverside had a lot of seedling peaches that he was going to throw away, and said the peaches were no good what- ever, and he wanted to root themup. I told him to wait and let me have a:chance at them for one season; I pruned the peach, thinned the branches out thoroughly, and what was the re- sult? At Colton there is a cannery and they make grades ot prices: one-half cent for seed- lings, one for mediums, and one and one-half cents for the best. My employer got one and one-half cents a pound for all the peaches that I pruned for him; that is one evidence, and I think I can safely say that I can go througha peach orchard and double the size of the peaches by scientific pruning. CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 83 A Delegate: What time of the year do you prune? Mr. Begg: In the winter. The winter is the proper time to prune the peach; thin out “the branches; thin out the small branches; have them always equi-distant apart, a good distance; it will close up before the summer is out, and then you will have fine peaches, and you will have to go around the tree and thin out one-half the fruit, and that is the way you treat peaches. Mr. Wilcox: I would like to say, in support of the idea I advanced, that I think Mr. ‘Thomas’ place is an exceptional one; I do not know of an orchard in this State that has been planted 20 years and not pruned, that the trees are in good condition. I don’t believe there is a healthy tree in the State 25 years old that has not been pruned, but where Mr. Thomas is he has a peculiar kind of a soil, that is naturally loose enough, so that the water don’t stand on it. It is avery favored locality where a man -can keep a tree alive all the time and not prune it. Mr. Thomas: I can state there is asediment- ary deposit there in an old channel, and there is water in the channel. My young orchard is about seven years of age. To grow that or- -chard to be 20 years old I would certainly go to work to head them in and keep that ir growth; but I do not cut back so severely after my or- chard is four or five years old, as I do until I get it up to that point, but I cut it back some. THE PRUNE. Mr. Aiken: To the discussion of the prune and plums, of course the same theory will ap- ply. Ihave not much to say in relation to it. ‘The prune and the plum ought to be a vigor- ous, healthy growing tree, and in places where it isin a poor, rather light, dry soil, of course it will make the growth lighter; and of course it would not need the amount of pruning back that it would in a strong soil to raise a good fruit. My opinion is that where a good apple or pear would grow, a good prune can be raised. We must try and raise large, well-developed prunes, since we find where there is very little growth of wood the soil is not very good, the prunes are very small and have no great value for drying. My idea of pruning the prune or the plum tree, is to make a handsome tree with plenty of limbs; and prune it back so that it will give the limbs great strength and bear- ing space. In that way you can raise a large amount of good plums or prunes. A Delegate: Do you thin out much? Mr. Aiken: Not very much, unless the limbs cross, because when they begin to bear the tree opens very nicely. I have eight-year-old French prune trees, and though. they didn’t average it, many of them had 800 pounds of French prunes on this year without much af- fecting the form or the shape of the tree. They were so prured and so strong, and with such a broad bearing space that they bore that amount of prunes, and very easily, although it has been a dry year and they were not quite as large as they would have been if there had been a little more moisture. I think the great mistake in raising the plum and the prune is to leave too few limbs, say one limb way up in the air and the other one in another direction like two arms. On such a tree you can raise very little fruit, and it would be of very little profit. I am of the opinion, too, that this pruning should go on each year and give a fine form and strength and bearing space, and when the tree bears and gets to be over six years old and is in good bearing you don’t need so much pruning back. Indeed, I think, when it is eight, or nine, or ten years old I don’t think it needs much if any pruning back; of course, take out the old limbs to keep it in good form or shape. If that is not a good way to prune the plum I would like to know it. A Delegate: What is the character of the soil? : Mr. Aiken: These prunes that bore so heav- ily were on dark, rich loam—you might call it a sandy loam, and the clear soil under those trees is, acording to my measurement, about 25 feet in depth. It isa very rich soil, and we have from 60 to 80 inches of rainfall in winter. A Delegate: Is the French prune a regular bearer? Mr. Aiken: Never fails; that is a remarka- ble feature of the production. It will bear a good crop each year without any failure from any cause I ever heard. A Delegate: I heard one gentleman say that they were bearers only once in two years. Mr. Aiken: That is hardly so in our central part of the State, and another thing the French prune especially needs rather a long season, a cold season. I don’t think it would be profita- ble to raise prunes in this section, or in the hot valleys. A few have tried it, and I do not think they have made a success of it for many reasons; on account of the heat and the drying up they do not mature in size, or form or taste. A Delegate: Do you irrigate? Mr. Aiken: No, not at all. We try and cultivate well. With me there is a very thick clover and alfillerilla grows in the orchard dur- ing the winter, and I turn it under each year for manure for the trees. The soil is very rich but I have done that plowing under regularly, while a neighbor of mine never allows a spear of grass to grow, and I believe he starved his trees out. I believe you can starve trees as well as any- thing else. Mr. I. H. Thomas: I have been observing the growth of the prune in the San Joaquin val- ley, because the question is asked us as nurs- erymen what to plant. In Fresno, in the Cen- tral colony, the oldest trees 1 know of growing there are about seven years old. The land is laid off in checks, one check in French prunes and soon. They have adopted the system each year of pruning in close, and got but very few prunes; then the next block of trees is not pruned at all, except to cut out cross limbs, and a heavy crop is the result. That has been my observation in watching that orchard for three years, and from that observation I do not be- lieve I would do much pruning of the French prune after you get it in shape as a three-year- old. Mr. Aiken: Don’t the prunes there burn? Is it not too warm for the prune? Mr. Thomas: No. Mr. Aiken: I was going to ask if you have any experience in this part of the State with the prune, the French, the German or the Hun- garian ? Mr. Milton: Thomas: I will say that the French prune, in Los Angeles county generally does well, more especially in the Santa Ana valley. I. heard Mr. Center, a very reliable gentleman, say that parties there with six-year- $ 84 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION old trees had six and eight hundred pounds on their trees for a number of years; they seldom fail. As to plums, there are very few varieties of plums that do well in Los Angeles county to my knowledge, and I do not recommend any- body to plant a plum tree here, but a French prune does well so far as I know. Mr. Wilcox: Perhaps the largest prune or- chards in America are in the Santa Clara val- ley. We have them there to the extent of 100 acres in an orchard; one person has more than that. Those orchards have sold for large fig- ures, some of them, but they are planting so extensively that some are almost afraid to plant them. You will see that of the French prunes there are several types that do not always appear the same. These prunes ex- hibited here are an odd type of prune; if they ‘had been well handled and put up they would have compared well with any in the market. There is this about prunes: when they bear too heavily on dry ground they will be small. Mr. Aiken said, at the last meeting of the State Horticultural Society, two or three weeks ago, that it is his impression, from what he knows of the Chicago market, that you must depend hereafter on the size of the prune more than anything else. There is a kind called the ‘Robe de Sergent.” I believe that is the name, That prune is said to be very much larger. Ishall plant some of them the coming winter. I intend to plant a great many prunes. I have faith to believe that I can raise them, although it may be that we will need a higher tarifffto make them profitable; still it pays very well, and the amount used in the United States at the present time is enormous, and I think we will use more. It is the cheapest fruit we can use, and very healthy. I think the day will come when we will supply the consumers in the East. I would encour- age every man to put in more prunes where they do well. A Delegate: Do you raise the French prune from the cutting ? Mr. Wilcox: We do not, but we graft it on another kind of cutting. Whenever the soil is very rich suckers will come up; now, if you ex- pect to raise a good tree, that will not sucker, do not graft on any of those suckers. Wher- ever the peach will grow it is best to graft on peach" stock, nevertheless east of the Rocky mountains they graft peaches on plums. We do the reverse, and wherever you have good moist soil you can graft on the peach or on most anything that will take the plum. Mr. W. H. Aiken: There is another prune besides the French prune that is well spoken of. I think they call it the Hungarian prune. It is a prune that will ship well; that is an up- right grower and needs to be pruned to make form and shape. I would say don’t prune a plum tree mpch; but that prune like many plums will shoot right up in the air so that it is impossible to pick the fruit. There is no sense in letting it grow so that you can’t get the fruit when you raise it. You want to give it a good bearing space where you get it. The German prune is a good shipper, but indeed, of any fruit, the French prune will ship Hast, and that is what we are going to do, if we get low freight: send them all over there. I really believe that the French the best drying plum we have, but I do not want you to go into the prune business; I am in it myself and I do not ‘ want to invite competition, but undoubtedly- the prune will do well on good soil. People tell. me that poor soil is good for fruit; I do not know what it is good for; it is not good for fruit in my estimation; you cannot get a soil too. good for fruit nor too rich, but trees grown in good soil must be pruned, Mr. Gray: I think it is a mistake to call the Italian prune a good shipper. I would not advise anybody to plant them for shipping. In the first place they drop from the trees be- fore they ought to be picked, and when they: are ripe they are so soft that you cannot dry them at all in any dry-house I have ever seen. If you get them dry enough they will drip; if they are not dried quick enough they will gran- ulate. They are a very poor fruit. We havea great many more of them than we wish we had. The only way we can dry them is to cut them just as we do the plum and sell them fora sweet- plum. Mr. Wilcox: There is more than one kind: of German prune, one originally egg-shaped. I raised that. There is another kind, and they, I believe, are what Mr. Aiken says are very good to, ship. There is aiso the Oregon silver prune, very large, something like the egg plum, and which was thought by some of us to: be merely Coe’s Golden Drop. It is very large and it makes a beautiful prune. Protection to the Fruit Industry. The convention met for the fifth and last. day’s session on Saturday, November 23d, Presi- dent Cooper in the chair. Mr. Aiken presented a report in the protec- tion of the fruit interest, with a memorial, as follows: Los ANGELES, CAL., Nov. 21, 1885. To the Fruit Growers’ Convention of California: Your committee on a memorial to Congress would respectfully recommend the adoption of the memor- ial herewith submitted, and that the same be signed and certified by the president and secretary of this convention and copies of the same be for- warded to each member or the California delegation in Congress, W. H. AIKEN, Chairman of Committee. Memorial of Fruit Growers’ of California. Los ANGELES, CAL,, Nov. 21, 1885. To the Honorable, the Senate and House of Repre- sentatives of the United States, Washington, D, C.-. Your memorialists, the fruit growers of the State of California assembled in their annual convention at Los Angeles, this 21st day of November, 1885, most respectfully represent: That the soil and climate of the State of California are adapted to the production and preparation of the prune, the raisin and the olive of good quality and in quantities sufficient, eventually, to supply the. demand for such products in the United States; That these important industries are in their in- fancy and stand in great need of protection from com- petition with foreign prunes, raisins and olive oil produced by the cheap labor of Europe, Your memorialists have found by actual experience that the present duties of two cents per pound on prunes and raisins and one dollar a gallon on olive oil afford no real protection and give little encour- agement to those engaged in these great and grow- ing enterprises in California; That an import duty of three cents on prunes and raisins and two dollars per gallon on olive oil would enable California to successfully compete with. the world on these products in the markets of this. country and pay fair and full wages to American _ labor. The growing of the orange and lemon in the a CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 8s ‘United States should also be encouraged and pro- tected from competition with like products of foreign lands and in the opinion of your memorialists the duties on these products are entirely too low, Your memorialists further represent: ‘That the Mexican Reciprocity treaty now under consideration for Congressional action seriously threatens the future of many agricultural industries in the United States and especially that of fruit growing in California. The long established policy in this country of the protection and encouragement of American labor and American indusiries should not be changed so as to practically protect and encourage Mexican labor and agriculture. The Mexican Reciprocity treaty would in effect admit the Republic of Mexico to the Union, to a share in our great prosperity and give its people a right to compete with Americans for trade in our markets without bearing the burdens of this govern- ‘ment and without any love for this country, Your memorialists therefore respectfully and earn- estly request the Congress of the United States to so adjust the tariff on the products above referred to, as to make us a prosperous and independent people and to decline legislation intended to enforce and put in operation the Mexican Reciprocity treaty. Discussion. Mr. Aiken: This memorial does not ask for -a perfect protection, and yet it seeks to acquire what we so much need. I believe in the Amer- ican institutions; I believe America should pro- vide for the many. I believe we can raise the prune, raisin and olive, and also the orange and ‘lemon that will supply the markets of this coun- try, and keep at home our money, and I hope ‘there will be a free discussion of this matter be- cause we ought to hear from everybody. Mr. Hatch: While 1 endorse the memorial from personal reasons and for the benefit of the ‘State of California, at the same time I do not think there isa real estate agent in Los Angeles that would indorse that unless they knew that ‘Congress would act favorubly upon it, as it would hardly like to place before the Kastern ‘people that we cannot make profits on these very things; that is, sufficient profits without -extra action in our favor. As it now is, wecan make living profits, itis true. If we are as- ‘sured that favorable action will be taken upon this we could make extraordinary profits. The ‘question seems to be in my mind, Is it advisable for us to place such an advertisement before ‘the world? Dr. Kimball, of Alameda: I think that the ‘principle involved in this resolution, or memor- ial, is decidedly unjust to the status or stand- ing of California at the present day, because we go before the nation as a supplicant; a little handful of people on this coast that are en- gaged in raising the olive, the prune, the raisin, grape and the fig,-we go before the people of this great commonwealth that reaches from sea to sea, a boundless empire almost, and we ask them for protection. It places us in an unjust posi- tion in regard to ourselves, in regard to our great prosperity, and in regard to our great prospects for the future, and as Mr. Hatch has just said, I believe that every real estate agent ought to take up his tomahawk and scalping knife and go for the memorial. It is an adver- tisement of our inability, notwithstanding our favored soil and our wonderful climate, and ali these things, to compete with the people in ‘Germany, and where they are raising prunes. Is this an advertisement that will bring emi- grants here to California, that will cause the peasant of Europe to come out here and work for us? I think that the gentlemen when they advocate this memorial are slightly mistaken. The protective policy has been the policy of my whole life, but when we come down to the ques- tion of compelling the people from the Gulf to Canada, and from the Atlantic to the Sierra Nevadas to pay two cents more a pound for the plums in their puddings, I don’t believe it will do. I believe that the people will regard it as a kind of an insult when they read the magnifi- cent reports that are sent from this glorious country here, and this beautiful climate, and find that men are making $250 per acre from the raisin grape, and that those poor benighted in- dividuals around the bay are making $150 to $200 per acre from their prunes, and still they want help, while the people in the mountains in the East are willing to work for a profit of $3 per acre, or even $2, and I, for one, am not in favor of the memorial. Mr. Bettner: I concur toa large extent in the views that have been presented by Dr. Kimball, that is to say in the reasonableness from one standpoint of those views, but as the manufacturer sells protected goods to the fruit grower and to the agricultural interest so as to receive all the benefit of what has been, I may say to a certain extent at least, the policy of this Government, it is not right that the agri- cultural interest should bear all the burdens. We have often seen a representative of the in- terests of this country go to Congress and claim substantially as to the manufacturing interest what Dr. Kimball has said refering to Southern California, This agricultural interest will bear the burden and receive none of the benefits from this proposed Mexican Reciprocity treaty. Such a treaty of reciprocity with Mexico strikes directly at some of the most important inter- ests of the country, not only the fruit interest, but some other interests of the State; also the tobacco interest and the sugar interest of Louisiana. Why on thesame principle ought not the agriculturalist to have the benefit of the free trade of England, France and Germany and other nations that export to this country, in- stead of paying, as now, the high tariff, which increases the cost to him of producing every article that he does produce? Mr. Wilcox: I am in favor of the protective tariff so far as it is necessary in the commence- ment, and this may not be necessary always. I understand from Mr. Blowers, who took the premium at the World’s Fair, at Philadelphia, for American raisins, against the world, that he has not madea fortune at that business, [ met him in New Orleans last year, and he still asked for a tariff and circulated his petitions a year or two ago for that purpose, andI believe t the present time it would be a wise policy todo so; because if we undertake to compete with the producers of Europe, it means that we com- pete in the price of the labor also that produces those products in Europe. Capital is also cheaper there, and a vineyard in France that is worth $2000 per acre is worked on capital worth 2 and 3 per cent annually. Now, if we want the laborers here to thrive and to invite labor- ers from all parts of the woald, let us tell them they can make money here as well as to enjoy in company with us our beautiful sun- shine. Only a few years ago we did not know ‘that we could make wine for the market, and it 86 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION was only by a protective tariff that we succeed- ed in doing it. We may not always need it for producing wine, we do not think we will, as soon as the people find out what our wine is, and like it as well as they do any other wine, we can compete with any producers in the world. So it is with raisins, after we get start- ed and our raisins have a reputation, and the people want them and feel that they must have them, they will pay our price; but we have cer- tain disadvantages, and I think that protection on the start would be a great advantage to the fruit industry of this State and,the laborers of the State. Mr. Hatch: So far as the Reciprocity treaty with Mexico is concerned, I think it is of vital importance, and we should all endorse most anything that is antagonistic to it. Mr. Milco: I will state concerning the pro- tection of sweet oil, and of the prune and the raisin, from my own experience. I know that in Dalmatia, which is a great olive country, the laborers are paid from 15 to 25 cents a day, and the oil there is worth something in the neigh- boryood of 50 cents a gallon.. Now the freight from that country to New York these days can- not be very much, and if we should allow the oil at any time to come into competition with our oil in this country, no matter who has got an olive orchard, he will have to cut it down, because those people at 50 cents a gallon for their oil will make money while we will starve. Icannot get anybody to work for me for less than $30 per month and board; that is, white men—men that will stay with me year in and year out. Of course, I can pick up tramps and work them two or three days for half a dollar each, but as soon as they get a little cash they will go. I want men that will build up this country, and if we pay white men good wages we expect those men will stay and grow up with us, and whenever they make a little stake they will be looking around for a little piece of land to plant a Jittle orchard or vineyard or something of that kind. Butif we are going to allow European goods of that sort to come in competition with us, such as raisinsand prunes, and particularly sweet oil, unless we havea protective tariff, as my friend Mr. Wilcox, of Santa Clara says, for a certain period, until we educate the American people to our product, we will not succeed. I will give you a little experience in my own business, this buhach for an illustration. When we went to New York City and offered our production, pure as it was, to those people over there, they said: ‘‘Create a demand for it; we do not know anything about your goods; if there is a demand for it we will buy it; if there is no demand we do not care about it; we are handling those goods from Eu- rope and they suit us.” That is what they told us, but just as soon as we made the people un- derstand, and asked them to go and buy it and try it, they can’t sell those other goods at all. They have them and they are rotting on their hands, and so here and every other place you must be encouraged. We must be given a chance to introduce our own goods to our own people, and so the chances will be that when we get to grow it largely it will probably compen- sate us for what we will probably have to sell _ for less, but to introduce any new goods, no matter what it is, of the production of this country, it takes all a man can get out of it to place it. That is my experience, and unless we have some protection we will have a hard road to travel. Mr. Wilcox: Those who know our prunes know they sold very readily for 10 centsa pound up to two years ago; within the last year the highest quotation in our market has been five cents. That shows which way the wind blows, and those who intend to raise prunes largely, expect protection, if they need it. I think it safe to ask and receive protection for a limited time. Dr. Congar: It seems to me that in the first place that we should ascertain how much pure olive oil is imported to this country, and to ask Congress to pass a law to have inspectors so as: to know how much cotton seed oil we are using and how much real olive oil is brought to this country. I cannot find a bottle of pure imported olive oil in a drug store, nor grocery house, nor other places where it is supposed to be kept. I bought one bottle of olive oil from our presi-. dent, and I defy any person to go into any house in this city, or to any other place in Southern California and find an article that compares with it; in other words you cannot find any olive oil. Now ought we not to know how much oil we are receiving from abroad before we ask Congress to protect this cotton seed oil at the rate of $2 a gallon? Thatis what ought to be done. Congress ought to pass a bill to find out. the adulterations in the first place, and then we can legislate to protect that which should be protected. . Mr. Bettner: There seems to be a difference of opinion, and whatever action should be taken on this question, should go before the country as the unanimous expression of this convention. Now so far as the memorial refers to the Recip-- rocity treaty I believe that there can be but. one idea, and as a member of that committee,. so far as I am concerned, I am perfectly willing: that our reference to the other matters, except- ing as to the Reciprocity treaty in that memorial be withdrawn, and that we go before. the Senate and House of Representatives with the memorial referring to that Reciprocity treaty which undoubtedly is unjust, inasmuch as it 1s special legislation intended to benefit a certain set of our citizens at the expense of the other. Mr. Aiken: As to that, this matter was re- ferred to the committee and we had to deal with all this subject of prunes, raisins, olives etc. The committee, in starting out, thought that they would place it in the form that is present- ed before you. Just because one or two gen- tlemen have very strong ideas upon the subject, I do not see that that is any very good reason why we should abandon this great movement. All of us must admit that when we come in competition with foreign labor in the prepara- tion of these very things, we cannot raise them or prepare them or sell thenf in our markets. There is the matter of freights: we all know that two cents a pound would give us more than the foreigner receives or expects to receive for his fruit and they have cheaper freight than we do. Now, to come down to the raisin and the dried fruit: Put them in the market at 2 cents, and we would have to abandon our homes and take to the woods and go to logging. So far as the raisin is concerned, my friend Mr. Blowers said to me very lately: ‘‘I shall de- stroy my raisin*vineyard and put in alfalfa and go to raising hogs.” That is the situation he is. in. It is time now for us by main force to pro-- CALIFORNIA FRUIT GROWERS. 87 tect the horticultural industries in this country, and, as was very well said by Mr. Bettner, the agriculturists have asked very little and have received very little in this country. Our pro- tection is almost nominal, while every manu- factured article that the agriculturists use is protected. If that is the policy of this country, why not share in that protection? We cer- tainly ask but very little. They are giving us now one cent on prunes; we ask in addition one cent to build up this industry and to save three millions of money at home, and to keep up good prices for American labor. Now, the reason why the price of the prune was re. duced from 10 or 12 cents to five, was because the foreign prune raisers threw upon this coun- try a bankrupt stock of fruit last year. They had an excessive supply, and rather than dump those prunes in the ocean they sent them over here and sold them for whatever they would bring, and, of course, broke down our market. The protection of one cent a pound was nothing to them, owing to the cheapness with which they could raise them, and with the cheap rates of freight across the ocean, they utterly destroyed our prune market. The prunes of California ‘cannot sell in competition with foreign prunes at one cent protection, and I do hope this memorial may be at least adopt- ed by a large majority of this convention and given out to the world as the expressed opinion of the fruit growers of California. Dr. Kimball: Iam opposed myself to the Mexican Reciprocity treaty, but in regard to my friend of the Santa Cruz mountains, Mr. Aiken, I would like to give the convention the result of a little figuring. That is a prolific country where he is, and I think I have heard the gentlemen himself state that he has had very young trees that bore in the neighborhood of 600 pounds of prunes. I have figured on the basis of 300 pounds to the tree and 127 trees to the acre, and that will give the as- tounding result of 38,100 pounds of green fruit per acre. You all know that prunes dry down about three to one, and that would give us about 12,700 pounds of dried fruit per acre, which, at two#cents a pound, would amount to the sum of $254; and if the people of California cannot live on the profit of $150 per acre, throwing out the balance, they had better stop business. Prune orchards are one of the best paying things in this State, even at four cents a pound, and the idea that we should inform the whole American people, where they are not able to raise prunes, that we must throw upon them the penalty of having to pay an excessive price of two cents more a pound for prunes for the purpose of putting additional benefits into the hands of growers of prunes in California, who have already became rich atit, I think it essen- tially a wrong idea. In regard to my friend Mr. Milco, who be- lieves in a high duty on olive oil, I wish to make the suggestion, or the inquiry rather, as to how long he thinks it will take for the peo- ple of the United States to become great olive oil consumers if they have to pay a duty of two dollarsa gallon. If there is a protection of two dollars a gallon on all the olive oil imported, there is no such thing as a reformation which will result in using olive oil largely in this coun- try, and we shall all die of starving before that time will come. It is well enough to be satis- fied with a good thing, and the profits of the people of the Hast are much smaller than ours. Notwithstanding you receive small profits on the production of the orange, yet wisely managed and wisely conducted, there are profits in your orange orchards, there are profits in your grape and raisin interests, for the consumption of your fresh grape and of your raisin is immense and it is increasing. It seems to me that the policy of the people of the State of California should be to furnish the largest amount of good fruit at the cheapest possible price, instead of hunting about and rendering it more difficult to obtain it, and that this should be the purpose of every one engaged in this business in Cali- fornia. Mr. Rice: As the gentleman said a few min- utes ago, the real estate agent has his toma- hawk and scalping knife, and is figuring the probable profits he can made on an orchard. I am very sorry he gave the figures of the profits in growing prunes. A few years ago a gentle- man from San Francisco—Mr. Pixley—was down here, and he sawa gentleman who had just sold his oranges off of one - tree for $10. Mr. Pixley figured up and _ said 100 trees to the acre would yield a $1000 per annum, and that on a small place of just 160 acres, a section of land, his in- come for the year would be $160,000. It was not a very big farm, either, and the oranges were just commencing to bear, so in afew years it would be much larger, and every real estate agent in this country (there is only a few of them, by the way) have been using the figures ever since, and the latest bulletin I have seen from the real estate office is doubling on it, be- cause the trees are growing a great many more oranges. This argument may be good to a cer- tain extent. We are making a fortune out of our prunes and olive oil, and so on, in some in- stances. I know one gentleman this year who has got five acres of Muscat grapes, and he has got the coin in his pockets—$1250 for that raisin crop; $250 per acre, That is a very handsome profit, but those are not the figures of the whole raisin crop of Southern California or of this county for this year. I am afraid when the balance sheet is made up of the raisin crop this year, it will not show much more than $25 profit per acre, and, by the way, one firm that has 50 acres of raisins out in this range, is not going to make a big profit on it, and on the whole there is not so much profit. I know a gentleman that did not make a cent out of it; in fact, he lost money. It must be an isolated case that can make large gains. It is true that we view this tariff question by our own opinion, and our local ideas and our political predilections, and we want to stand by them through thick and thin; but I would like to see the farmers stand together on something, even if it is no more than to protect our interests here in California. I hope we will all stand to- gether on this home memorial. I would like to see it adopted unanimeusly. Dr. Chubb: I think that there are reasons why we can ask for this additional aid in a cer- tain direction aside from the Mexican Recipro- city treaty. Now, we have been discussing here the best fruit for profit to grew in this State, and we have got all the information pos- sible as to whether the prune is a profitable fruit, in the opinion of the men wno have gone thus far in its cultivation. It is with very great difficulty that we even get a recommenda- 88 FIFTH ANNUAL CONVENTION tion to plant the prune, and why? They say it is very doubtful whether it will prove a profit- able crop in the State. We, in the southern part of the State, do not know much about the prune crop but we do know about the raisin crop, and if the raisin crop were as pro- fitable as some men seem to imagine, the real estate agents of this and every other city in the State of California would not need any other inducement to bring any amount of immigration into this country. The, gentlemen, that while there are exceptions to all rules, the raisin industry is nota profitable industry at this present moment. There are a great many drawbacks to that as well as to the other fruit ‘industries of this State, which are only discov- ered when the man thinks he is going to make a fortune and starts in making raisins. The for- eign crop of raisins is produced in a country where on a general average the labor is only 10 cents a day, andit is not the poor man there that makes the profit. Itis the system that cramps him down to that and keeps him there, and the dealers who take the raisins off his hands at those prices are the men who make the money off of it. We do not propose that our American labor shall be reduced to that situa- tion. We hope to offer inducements to Ameri- can labor to produce these things that are so largely consumed in our own country, and these industries for which we ask protection to-day are not California industries specifically; they are American industries, they are a part of the interests of this great commonwealth and must be protected if they need protection. The idea that it is an additional burden to consumers in the Kast, I believe should be looked at in this way: We are consuming the products of East- ‘ern labor which have had protection for years and which is still planning for protection, and we are only asking a reciprocal advantage for our industry. The very fact that we might add 2 cents to raisins or to prunes is not going to be an observable item in the consumption of these articles upon the American continent. It is not that it adds tothe expense of the con- sumers, but that it is so much more of a pro- tection against the introduction of foreign fruits. The question comes then, with this additional import duty upon foreign fruits, that with all their advantages and cheap labor can afford to flood this country with foreign fruits to the dis- advantage of our own. That is the point we are endeavoring to make out: it is not that we want to oppress the Eastern consumer by adding to the price of consumption, but that we want to shut out to a certain extent the profits given to foreign pauper Jabor and to foreign capital- ists upon foreign fruits to the disadvantage of ourown. All we ask is that we have the same free, generous support in the development of these interests that our Eastern friends on the Atlantic shore have had to like industries for years. Mr. Wilcox: I am proud to represent that section where the prune industry seems to be most extensive. In Santa Clara valley it is a serious question now about the future of the prune. There was a prune excitement a few years ago, and everybody who had ground paid all they asked for the trees and put out the prune. The highest the prune will bear, that I know of, is 600 pounds—full-grown trees— and the ground was irrigated. Now, when a prune tree gets of a certain hight it does not grow well, It bears om the ends of the himbst and will exhaust itself im time, and that is a matter that should be takem into consideration. I remember when prunes sold for $1 a pound; they came down gradually, but were high until California brought the prices down, and it is us that the Eastern consumers have to thank that the prices are what they are now—so I aay it is safe to give usa little protection at this time. Mr. Hixson: Thereis no doubt, whether we get additional duty on prunes or not, that this is one of the great industries of the State, and it is not going down even if we do not succeed in getting more protection. I do not pretend to say but what a cent more a pound would help us; but suppose we do not get it? I don’t want the people who read these proceedings. here to think we are going to become paupers. if we do not get it. I have received a letter since] have been in this city, of the sale of some of Dr. Kimball’s prunes at eight cents a pound. There is no trouble at all about our raising prunes and selling them for enough to give usa profit. All you have got to do is to raise good fruit and put it up in good shape. We can put it up as well as the French, and they don’t expect less than 124 and 15 cents a pound; and when you get good prunes, like Dr. Kimball raises, they will sell. If you will just. prune your trees alittle more I will guarantee to sell the fruit. I don’t want it understood that I am not in favor of this memorial, but I want you to understand that if you do not get it, there is still a chance for people to make a living without it. Mr. Kimball: I move an amendment to that memorial to strike out all except what refers to the Reciprocity treaty. The amendment of Dr. Kimball.was lost. Upon motion the memorial was unanimously adopted. Mr. Bettner offered the following resolution, which was adopted unanimously : Resolved, That it is the unanimous sense of the Fruit-Growers of California here assembled, that the Mexican Reciprocity treaty, and all other Spanish- American treaties now before Congress, are opposed to the fruit interests of California, and other great agricultural interests of the United States, and that any legislation tending to carry them into effect should be opposed by every delegate to the Congress of the United States from this State, and that the secretary of this convention be instructed to forward a copy of this resolution to every member of that delegation. True Labels. Mr. Webb offers the following resolution which is adopted unanimously: Resolved, That Congress be requested to so amend the revenue laws so as to require every article im- ported, whether dutiable or free, intended for human consumption to contain a true label of its contents; it be subject to confiscation by default. Adjournment. Dr. Chapin: I move that the convention ex- press its thanks to Los Angeles Pomological Society and its obliging and efficient committee for the kind attention and valuable services they have rendered the fruit-growers of the State during the sessions of the convention, and also to the press of Los Angeles, which has made such thorough and complete reports of the pro- ceedings of the convention. The motion was carried, and the convention adjourned sine die. Meetings of the State Board of Horticulture. ‘Minutes of the Semi-Annual Meetings ofthe State Board of Horticulture for the Fiscal Year Commencing April 1, 1885. OFFICE STATE BoARD oF HORTICULTURE, April 23, 1885. } This being the regular day for the meet- ing the members of the board met at 11 o'clock A. M. There were present Messrs. Ell- wood Cooper, Wm. M. Boggs, A. F. Coronel, Dr. S. F. Chapin, Dr. E. Kimball, G. N. Milco, N. R. Peck, General M.G, Vallejo and A. H. Webb, secretary, being a full board ex- cepting the Hon. H. C. Wilson, who was ab- sent. President Cooper took the chair and called the board to order. The secretary then read the minutes of the preceding meeting, which were approved as read. President, Cooper then recommended an elec- tion of officers of the board, which was agreed to, and on motion Ellwood Cooper was unani- mously re-elected to the office.of president. Ono motion General M. G. Vallejo was unanimously re-elected to the office of treas- urer, and A. H. Webb was unanimously re- elected to the office of secretary. General Vallejo then moved that the board proceed to the election of the Inspector of Fruit Pests, which was agreed to, and the president de- clared nominations in order, whereupon General Vallejo nominated Dr. 8. F. Chapin, and G. N. Milco nominated Mr. Matthew Cooke. On motion of N. Peck the nominations were closed. President Cooper suggested the propriety of inviting candidates for Inspector of Fruit Pests to appear before the board and give their views as to the duties of that officer. This was opposed by Commissioners Boggs and Peck and advocated by Commissioners Kimball and Milco, and after a full discussion of the question finally agreed to, and at 12:30 P, M. the board took a recess for one hour. At 1:30 Pp. M. the board reconvened, all the members of the morning session being present, President Cooper took the chair and called the board to order. On motion of Dr. Chapin, Mr. Milco was requested to invite Mr. Matthew Cooke to appear before the board and give his views regarding the office of Inspector of Fruit Pests. Mr. Cooke then appeared, and upon being introduced, proceeded in a brief and concise manner, stating that if elected his whole time and attention would be given exclusively to the duties of the office and that he would strive to promote the best interests of the fruit-growers of the State. Mr. Cooke spoke of his large and valuable col- lection of insects, which in his long researches in entomology he had collected, and which, if elected, he would place in the office of the State Board of Horticulture. Upon the conclusion of Mr. Cooke’s remarks the board went; into executive session and then proceeded to ballot for Inspector of Fruit Pests with the following result: Dr. 8S. F. Chapin re- ceived five votes, Matthew Cooke received two votes and Ellwood Cooper received one vote, whereupon the president declared that Dr. 8S. F. Chapin having received a majority of all the votes cast, he was duly elected to the office of Inspector of Fruit Pests. Mr. Coronel then spoke of holding the next meeting of the board in the city of Los Angeles as being but an act of justice to the southern sectiou of the State, when Mr. Boggs offered the following resolution: Resolved, That the next meeting of the board shall be held in the city of Los Angeles at such time and place as shall hereafter be determined, and be it further R: solved, That there shall also be held at the same time and place, under the auspices and direction of this board, the Fifth Annual Fruit Growers’ Convention of California. Mr. Boggs and Mr. Coronel strongly urged this resolu- tion and it was unanimously adopted. The treasurer’s report was then read and ap- proved. A committee of arrangements for the holding of the next meeting of the board and the Fifth Annual Fruit-Growers’ Convention at Los An- geles was then appointed, consisting of Com- missioners Coronel and Chapin. The matter of appointing quarantine guar- dians for the different fruit sections of the Stato was then discussed at length, and also the effi- ciency and non-efliciency of the law to prevent the spreading of fruit and fruit-tree pests and diseases, approved March 9, 1885: some mem- bers holding that it would be impossible to get suitable and competent men who would care to assume the responsibility of informing on, and if necessary, proceeding to enforce the law against their own neighbors, while Mr. Milco thought otherwise, and urged the neces- sity and importance of immediate action by the board in the appointment of quarantine guar- dians, and a vigorous and determined effort made to enforce the law, that the people of the State might see that the board were endeavor- ing to do something in furtherance of the duties they were appointed to perform. This view of the question finally prevailed and the following appointments were made: Dwight Hollister for the Sacramento river district; J. W. Mansfield for road districts, Nos. land 2, Napa Co.; E. P. Foster for the fruit dis- trict comprising the town of Ventura in San Buenaventura Co.; W. W. Chapman for the fruit district contiguous to and including the town of Petaluma in Sonoma Co.; J.C. Wey- bright for the fruit district comprising Cal- istoga and vicinity; John H. Guill for the fruit district comprising Chico and vicinity in’ the county of Butte; Clinton King for the fruit district comprising Alameda valle}, Ala- meda county; Geo. D. Kellogg for the fruit district of Newcastle, Placer county; S. A. Wood for the fruit district including Penryn and vicinity, Placer county; A. T. Perkins for the Fruit Vale fruit district, Alameda Co.; H. G. Ellsworth, for the Niles, Mission, San Jose, Irvington and Centerville fruit districts, Alameda Co.; W. H. Robinson, for the fruit district adjacent to and including the city of Stockton, San Joaquin Co., and Dr. G. Hisen for the fruit district including the town of Fresno, Fresno Co. In the matter of quarantine guardians for the city of San Francisco it was assigned to the : STATE BOARD OF HORTICULTURE. Inspector of Fruit Pests and the advisory com- mittee for future action. A committee consisting of Wm. M. Boggs and Dr. Kimball was appointed to draft suita- ble resolutions on the death of the late W. H. Jessup, which was unanimously adopted with a standing vote, and the secretary directed to forward to the bereaved family and the press a copy of the same. On motion the board ad- journed to 8:30 the following morning. Friday, April 24, 1885, 8:30 a. m.—The board met at the hour appointed, all the members of the previous day being present. President Cooper took the chair and called the board to order. After reading the reports of the various committees, on motion of Dr. Kim- ball an advisory committee was appointed cun- sisting of Ellwood Cooper, Wm. M. Boggs and Dr. Kimball, to act during the recess of the board in the consultation and direction of such matters as they may deem necessary, Ellwood Cooper being chairman of said committee. The board then appointed John R. Sweetzer quarantine guardian for the supervisorial dis- trict, comprising the town of Novato, Marin county, when on motion the board adjourned to meet at their next regular meeting. The November Meeting. The board met in the exhibition hall in the city of Los Angeles, at 1 Pp. M., on the 19th day of November, 1885. There were present Messrs. Ellwood Cooper, H.C. Wilson, Wm. M. Boggs, Dr. E. Kimball, Dr. 8S. F. Chapin, G. N. Milco, and A. H. Webb, secretary. Absent, General M. G. Vallejoand N. R. Peck. A letter was received from General Vallejo stating that he was pre vented from attending the meeting of the board on account of sickness in his family, and ex- pressing his regrets. President Cooper took the cbair and called the board to order. The secretary then read the minutes of the preceding meeting, which were amended and then approved. The president then called for the reports.of committees. The committee appointed to make arrangements for the Fifth Annual Fruit Growers’ Convention, consisting of Dr, Chapin and Mr. A. F. Coronel, then made a verbal re- port through Dr. Chapin, and that portion of the report referring to the employment of a stenographic reporter by Messrs. Boggs, Chapin and Milco, when on motion of Dr. Kimball the board adjourned to 12:45 o’clock to-morrow. November 21, 1886, 12:45 p. m.—The board met as per adjournment. President Cooper ‘in the chair. Present, Messrs. Cooper, Kimball, Coronel, Milco, Chapin and Boggs. The President called the meeting to order, when Mr. A, K. Whitton, the stenographic re- porter, appeared before the board and stated that the work of reporting the proceedings of the convention was more than he had antici- pated, and that he would be compelled to charge for the work in proportion to the amount to be done. After a full discussion of the subject, it being conceded that the work was greater than had been anticipated, it was finally moved by Mr. Milco, seconded by Mr. Boggs, that Mr. Whitton be allowed for his services in report- ing, transcribing and preparing for the printer the entire proceedings of the convention, the sum of $265, which was accepted by Mr. Whitton. A proposition in writing was then handed in by Messrs. Dewey & Co. of the Rurat Press of San Francisco, proposing to publish in pamphlet form the report of the State Board of Horticul- ture for the year 1885, including the proceed- ings of the convention, free of charge to the board and in addition to give the board 1000 copies of said report free of charge, in consider- ation of the privilege asked for, and on motion of Mr. Boggs the proposition was accepted by the board. The president then suggested a course of action in regard to the preparation and examin- ation of essays for the forthcoming report, when on motion the board adjourned to 4:30 P. M. The board convened at 4:30 Pp. m., President Cooper in the chair, and all the members of the morning session present. The president called the meeting to order, when Mr. Wilson moved to declare the office of Inspector of Fruit Pests vacant, which motion was seconded by Mr. Boggs. After a discussion of the subject the president put the question and directed the secretary to call the roll, and the members to vote as their names were called. On calling the roll the vote resulted as follows: Those voting aye were Messrs. Boggs, Kimball, Milco and Wil- son. Voting nay, Cooper. Not voting, Messrs. Coronel and Chapin. The president then declared the motion car- ried, and the office of Inspector of Fruit Pests vacant. On motion of Dr. Kimball, the board then adjourned to to-morrow at 2p. M. Saturday, 21, 1885, 2e.m.—The board met as per adjournment. President Cooper took the chair and called the board to order. There were present Messrs. Cooper, Boggs, Coronel Kimball, Chapin, Milco and Wilson. The president declared nominations for the office of Inspector of Fruit Pests then in order, whereupon Mr. Boggs nominated Dr. Lots- peitch, Mr, Wilson nominated Wm. M. Boggs, Dr. Kimball nominated Matthew Cooke, Mr. Coronel nominated Alexander Craw, and Dr. Chapin nominated John Britton. On motion, the nominations were then closed. The president directed the members to pre- pare their ballots, and the secretary to act as teller. The first ballot resulted as follows : Dr. Lotspeitch, 1; Wm. M. Boggs, 1; Alexander Craw, 2; Matthew Cooke, 2; and Hllwood Cooper, 1. Second ballot—Dr. Lotspeitch, 1; Wm. M. Boggs, 2; Alexander Craw, 1; Matthew Cooke, 2; and John Britton, 1. Third ballot—Wm. M. Boggs, 3; Alexander Craw, 1; Matthew Cooke, 2; and John Britton, 1g, Fourth ballot—Wm. M. Boggs, 3; Alexander Craw, 2; and Matthew Cooke, 2. Fifth ballot—Wm. M. Boggs, 3; Alexander Craw, 1; Matthew Cooke, 2; and John Brition, 1 Sixth ballot—Wm. M. Boggs, 4; Matthew Cooke, 2; and John Britton, 1. Whereupon the president declared that Mr. Boggs, having received a majority of all the votes cast, was duly elected to the office of Inspector of Fruit Pests. On motion of Dr, Kimball the board ad- journed, A. H. Wess, Secretary. ’ —.-:-. & => — ee ee ee The Fruit Pest Law. . An Act to prevent the spreading of fruit and fruit tree pests and diseases, and to provide for their extirpation (approved March 9th, 1885). —The people of the State of California, repre- ne in senate and assembly, do enact as fol- Ows: Sec. 1. It shall be the duty of every owner, possessor or occupier of an orchard, nursery, or land where fruit trees are grown within this State, to disinfect all fruit trees grown on such lands infested with any insect or insects, or the germs thereof, or infested by any contagious disease known to be injurious to fruit or fruit trees, before the removal of the same from such premises for sale, gift, distribution, or transpor- tation. Fruit boxes which have been used for shipping fruit to any destination are hereby re- quired to be disinfected previous to their being again used for any purpose; all boxes returned to any orchard, storeroom, salesroom, or any place used or to be used for storage, shipping or any other purpose, must be disinfected with- in three days after their return; and any and all persons failing to comply with the require- ments of this section shall be guilty of misde- meanor, All packages, known as free pack- ages, must be destroyed or disinfected before being again used. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the owner, lessee or occupier of an orchard within this State, to gather all fruit infested by the insects known as the codlin moth, peach moth, red spider, plum weevil, and kindred noxious insects, their larve or pup, which has fallen from the tree or trees, as often as once a week, and dis- pose of and destroy the same in such a manner as to effectually destroy all such insects, their larve or pupe. It shall be the duty of the In- spector of Fruit Pests, or the quarantine guar- dian, to inspect fruit packages, and all trees and plants, cuttings, grafts and scions, known or believed to be infested by any insect or in- sects, or the germs thereof, or their eggs, larve or pup, injurious to fruit or fruit trees, or in- fested with any disease liable to spread con: tagion, imported or brought into the State from any foreign country, or from any of the United States or Territories, and if upon inspection such fruit or fruit packages are found to be in- fested or infected, it shall be a misdemeanor to offer the same for sale, gift, distribution or transportation unless they shall be first disin- fected. Sec. 3. Every person shipping fruit trees, Scions, cuttings, or plants, from any orchard, nursery, or other place where they were grown or produced, shall place upon or securely at- tach to each box, package, or parcel containing such fruit trees, scions, cuttings, or plants, a distinct mark or label, showing the name of the owner or shipper, and the locality where pro- duced. And any person who shall cause to be shipped, transported, or removed from any lo- cality declared by the State Board of Horticul- ture to be infested with fruit trees or orchard pests, or infected with contagious diseases in- jurious to trees, plants, or fruits, unless the same shall have been previously disinfected, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Disinfection shall be to the satisfaction of the S:ate Board of Horticulture, or the Inspector of Fruit Pests. When disinfected, the fact shall be stamped upon each box, package, or separate parcel of fruit trees, scions, cuttings, or plants ; and any person who shall cause to be shipped, trans- ported, or removed, any such box, parcel, or package, from a quarantine district or locality, not bearing such stamp, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor, and may be punished by fine, as pro-. vided in Sec. 6 of this Act. Any person who shall falsely cause such stamp to be used, or shall imitate or counterfeit any stamp or device used for such purpose, shall be guilty of a mis- demeanor. Src. 4. It shall be the special duty of each member of the State Board of Horticulture to see that the provisions of this Act are carried out within his respective horticultural district, and all offenders duly punished. Src. 5. All fruit trees infested by any insect or insects, their germs, larve or pupa, or in- fected by disease known to be injurious to fruit or fruit trees, and liable to spread con- tagion, must-be cleaned or disinfected before the first day of April 1885, and on or before the first day of April of every succeeding year thereafter. All owners or occupants of lands on which fruit trees are grown failing to comply with the provisions of this section, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and fined as provided for in section six of this Act. All fruit, pack- ages, trees, plants, cuttings, grafts and scions that shall not be disinfected within 24 hours. after notice by the Inspector of Fruit Pests, or aduly appointed quarantine guardian, or any member of the Board of Horticulture, shall be liable to be proceeded against asa public nuisance. Src. 6. Any person or corporation violating any of the-provisions of this Act, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall, on conviction thereof, be punished by a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100 for every offense. FOUND AT LAST! Just the Thing for Nurserymen. THE MOST COMPLETE AND PRACTICAL DEVICE OUT. CARROLL'S PATENT j) It at Plant Trans slater, Timothy Gaol or xan of Anaheim, Los Angeles County, has invented, and obtained patents through Dewey & Co.’s Patent Agency, for a Tree Transplanter that is destined to work a revolution in the old-fashioned methods of taking up trees for transplanting. It works to a charm; a compact mass of earth around the roots, ready for sacking to ship or to set out. With this device one man can easily take up 1000 trees in a day. With the large size two men can take up 2000 trees, and with the small size 3000 trees i) ! / i i} 1 i eosen eee Meas fone Asi Lg wai oY hy Bye? Vad | Ra et Ble Hes ie e be Aba ¥ tek ii 4 bY Ht rel ! i f- [ HSE que For PARTICULARS, ADDRESS are 4 = fue aaa. BOOTS <= Timothy Carroll, Inventor and Patentee, ANAHEIM, LOS ANGELES CO., CAL. ANAHEIM EVERGREEN NURSERIES 200 Yards West of Railroad Depot, Anaheim, Los Angeles Co., Cal. TIMOTHY CARROLL, Proprietor. EVERGREEN TREES A SPECIALTY. + All Trees in boxes taken up with Transplanter, and ready to set. No Trowell or knife needed. Each plant separate and ready to set. is easily handled; anyone can use it. It leaves ~ rie “THE RIPE FRUIT CARRIER.” Similar to the Egg Carrier, but Ventilated, Adjustable, etc. . y Irs TRUE TO NAME, . For init RIPE Oranges, Peaches, Pears, delicate Apples, Tomatoes, Japanese Persimmons, Figs, Etc., are conveyed in perfection. ALL WRAPPING, DRYING-HOUSES, SIZING MACHINES, Etc., are DISPENSED WITH. IT CLASSES THE FRUIT, MAKES IT UNIFORM THROUGH THE CRATE, and, each specimen being in a cell to itself, acts as a brace; so that a slatted crate is strong and stable,even with lighter head pieces than are used in ordinary packages, ORANGE CRATE With One End Unslatted. Showing Cover .. Upturned. Contains 8 Fillers . and Two Covers, Fillers made with Cells of any size. Bushel Crates are recommended for all Fruits except Oranges, and can be made at “| home of three-quarter #fi\or inch plank, and '#| common laths. Oe tT G FRUIT MUST FIT : TIGHTLY IN ks We also recommend (a CELL. f\ ¢ that Every Shipper or Packer put his own address on every package.) PRICE OF FILLERS, $27.50 per 1,000, including 250 Covers, making 125 Cases, hold- ing 200 bushels. . &@ ‘THE RIPE FRUIT CARRIER” has conveyed RIPE Tomatoes more than 1,000 miles in perfect order i they remain so more than 10 days after delivery. And IN IT ONLY have RIPE Peaches been successfully shipped . from the United States to Europe WITHOUT ICE. Rey aa SEND FOR CIRCULAR AND PROOF. . JENKINS, McGUIRE & CoO., . BALTIMORE, UNITED STATES. ‘ GRAPE VINE TWINE, Made Especially for Tying up Grape Vines. Put up in 4-lb. Balls. TUBBS -& cc. 611 &618 Front St., San Francisco. SunGer S ~~ Se SS Set ae Bi One of the most important labor and time- saving implements that inventive genius has enabled the Nurseryman to call to his assist- ance is the TREE DIGGER, The machine will do the work of twenty men, and do it better, quicker, and more satisfactorily, getting better and more roots than is possible with a spade. The roots are smoothly cut (not haggled with a spade), and of an even length, which makes packing into cases and bales much easier and more =n Se uxica® economical. For sale by Hawl Bros. dware Co., Sole Agents for California. Adriance “Buckeye” Mowers and Reapers. Hodge’s Headers. Perkins’ Windmills, Etc, SEND FOR CATALOGUE. NURSERYMEN! WHITNEY'S TREE DIGGER. Windmills, Horse-Powers, Tanks, Pumps, —AND ALL KINDS OF— PUMPING MACHINERY. Manufacturing Works and Office: 51 Beale Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. F. W. KROGH & CO., Inventors, Patentees, Manufacturers and Sole Proprietors. =P ~ 4 Fa Se = Se => SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE & PRICE LIST, Vineyard Singletree. Is a sure preventive against damage to Trees or Vines by care- less driving, and will save its cost every day it is in use, besides relieving all anxiety for the safety of the bark. A glance at the accompanying illustration fully explains the principle of this new and novel Singletree. Any common set of wagon traces can be used, which are hitched to a hook, and passing through a loop of iron (open at bottom to facilitate hitching) around the end of a Singletree. they furnish the protection so much needed in plowing an orchard. To see one will convince the most skeptical that for simplicity and effective- ness this Singletree is the best made. Made out of Best Seasoned Hickory. Price, $1 each, or $12 per dozen. For Saez by all Country Dealers, or J. T. RICHARDSON, Dealer in Agricultural Implements, 235 and 237 N. Los Angeies St., Los Angeles, Cal + FRUIT DRIER ON EXHIBITION. One of the Meeker Sun Fruit Driers, with all the latest improvements sug- gested by the experience of last season, is now on exhibition at the factory, 5th and Bryant streets, on and after Monday, January 25th. As now arranged we consider it much the most perfect and economical of any of the various Driers to which the attention of fruit-growers has been called. Its various productions are the perfection of purity and excellence, and at the same time the most economical in cost of production. Fruit- growers are invited to examine and test the Drier and the fruit prepared in it. Those using this drier last season realized handsome profits on their fruit. GEORGIA STREET POULTRY YARD 18 Georgia St., Los Angeles, PRICH LIST OF BIRDS AND EGGS: Kinp oF Fown. Eggs. | Price. Eggs. | Price, Eggs. | Price. EL ymtO GH PEO 32 haste cis atoneisi e/a cloister okt los Scie. sl sebaraeethe e 13 $3 00 26 $5 00 65 | $10 00 IDEOWM CP HOLN. sdaletain ct tlanidel saci ne actons 13 3 00 26 5 00 65 10 00 VINE 1 BGT 10) 9) 1S ae eee aaa EMC ra bE sere 183 3 00 26 5 00 65 10 00 TANCIEG EI NOP Sig toe De eUn putomO re een OO mor ote 13 3 50 26 6 00 65 12 50 W. F. Black Spanish 13 3 50 26 6 00 65 12 50 Croad Langshans...... fe 13 3 50 26 6 00 65 12 50 Light Brahmas ......... 3 3 50 26 6 00 65 12 50 Set ap EteA DUNS icf acu, sie cieleciars/ aie lalelsiace 13 3 50 26 6 00 65 12 50 BlacksHamburese). to. be. . ee adceeees 18 3 50 26 6 00 65 12 50 ROH ZOM DUNK OVER cle stelel acy cearnatalther Retna Mierdiccnitiet va aee(a Lier siure cele 9 4 00 18 7 00 &# Single Birds, from $3 to $8. Birds, per pair, from $5 to $12. Trios, from $10 to $20. R. J. TRUMBULL. CHARLES W. BEEBE. R. J. TRUMBULL & CO, he GROWERS, IMPORTERS »-.---AND DEALERS IN...... SEEDS, TREES AND PLANTS. a 419 and 421 Sansome Street, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. Between Clay and Commercial, DY ESTABLISHED 1863. THOS. MEHERIN, Importer, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Secdas, Trees’ Piants A Large Stock of AUSTRALIAN PERENNIAL RYE GRASS at Reduced Rates. EVERGREEN MILLET, ALFALFA, RED AND WHITE CLOVER, Timothy and Orchard Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass, Hungarian Millet Grass, Red Top, ete. Also a Large and Choice Collection of FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES, BULBS, ROSES, MAGNOLIAS, PALMS, Etc., AT REDUCED PRICES. fa Budding and Pruning Knives, Greenhouse Syringes, Hedges and Pole Shears, (P. 0. Box 2089. THOS. MEHERIN, 516 Battery St., 8. F. far Price List Mailed on Application. && AGENT FOR R. D. FOXS NURSERY. FLOWER SEEDS. ‘SHAUL LING Booth’s Sure Death Squirrel Poison For Squirrels, Gophers, Birds, Mice, Etc. f#ayFndorsed by the Grange and Farmers wherever used. Rh The Cheapest and Best. Put up in 1-pound, 5-pound, and 5-gallon Tins. Every Can Warranted. } This Poison has been on the market less than two years, yet in 4 this short time it has gained a reputation of ‘‘Sure Death,” / equaled by none. By its merits alone, with very little advertising, Z it is now used extensively all over the Pacific Coast, as well as im Australia and New Zealand. SEND FOR TESTIMONIALS. MANUFACTURED BY Patented Jan, 22d, 1268. A. R. BOOTH, San Luis Obispo, Cal. For Sale by all Wholesale and Retail Dealers. Special Terms on Quantities in Bulk. SARLAUVUEL BHRECE, SUCCESSOR TO Geo. EF’. Silwester, IMPORTER AND DEALER IN GARDEN and VEGETABLE SEEDS, Alfalfa, Timothy, Red and White Clover, Millet, Flax, Red Top, Blue Grass, Lawn Grass, Orchard and Rye Grass, Bird Seeds, etc. Imported Red and Blue Gum and French Mangel Wurzel and Sugar Beet Seed. 8 No. 317 WASHINGTON STREET, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, CARBOLIC SHEEP WASH, 80 Per Cent Strong. POWDERED CAUSTIC SODA, 10-Pound Tins, 98 Per Cent Strong. —For Sale by— T, W. JACKSON & OO., Manufacturing Agents, 804 California Street, San Francisco, Cal. etd amar | | HAAS peer st : BROS. | 100 c& 102 CALIFORNIA STREET. Importers and Wholesale SAN FRANCISCO. SOLE AGENTS ON THE PACIFIC COAST FOR AMERIGAN LYE COMPANY'S LYE. Webber’s High Class Centrifugal Pumps. GREGORY’S Spraying Pump. The above represents the oNLY Pump which has been adopted by the State Horticultural Society. It is of CALIFORNIA manufacture and entirely different intern- ally from a light Eastern Pump which resembles it very closely externally. The GREGORY Pump is the only one which will stand the corrosive action of the alkalies in the various insecticide mixtures. RT These Pumps are designed for water supply, Irrigating and Draining land, and all places where a large body of water has to be elevated to a moderate hight quickly, cheaply and ef- fectively. It is absurd to presume that the same pump will do equally good work at high or low lifts; therefore, several varieties of these pumps are manufactured, especially constructed for the hight the water is to be raised and the work re- uived. The Webber is unquestionably the HIGH- EST CLASS CENTRIFUGAL PUMP IN THE WORLD. 4 Send for full Illustrated Catalogue and Price List to the Pacific Coast Agents. mam F.CREGORY & Co. 2 and 4 California Street. S. F. 2) \ a C17 | . ee a 1885 AN 28 181) aa Copy 1 ——— icaiaaiitiaaaaiaiiaa ra roe ia -~ ST WHAT I'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR! _ NEW BRADLEY VINEYARD PLOW, Price, with one extra share, $15.00. Especially adapted for cultivation of VINEYARDS and ORCHARDS. This is one of the ‘atest things out, and is the most com plete tool of its kind in the market. It has crooked stan- dard and shifting bandle, so that it can be run close under the vines without breaking or injuring them. There has been a large num- ber placed in Cal. ifornia during the past season and all Gave the Best of Satisfaction. NEW McCORMICK No. 2 MOWER. APHX HARRO w, The Best Tillage Tool. Indestructible. 3 4 | THE BEST FOR VINEYARDS AND ORCHARDS. It saves the use of a plow. Every one guaranteed, Sent on trial, if not satisfactory may be 4] Feet Cut.......0... cesses eee Upper: | returned. Price, $40.00. ; Se Beet Cat eocirsse. ea ee eee a | er TEE Y GDHAD THE Www pts ae ace: sue , : A R =i Bi: v { . hi oe vil yt x me) U athe wi wig an came rn ABET Hu Se: i AS ti ee Hit NA cee a Yea mea Qe rnin ti ae Le Mink ly) ee ae McC k Daisy R Bi pA ae cCormic aisy Reaper. |New MeGortalale Steel Binder. CANNOT BE EXCELLED, IMPROVED FOR 1886. qt B Meet’ Cates: occas oe eee $175 CO | 6 Feet, $250 00..............65. 7 Feet, $260 00 aie THE MILBURN WAGON. MILBURN HOLLOW IRON AXLE WAGON, Lightest, Strongest and Cheapest Wagon in the World. 4# Agents for David Bradley Manufacturing Company. A full stock of Plows, Cultivators and Harrows on hand. Also, a full line of Extras. Or- ders will have prompt attention. low fronA _——— Is cuarantesa: BUY IT. (Zsa er. Lean