NADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly E THI$ PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE Vou. IV. PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AN: BUYERS IN THE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, ONT., JANUARY 4, 1899 dition, 20 pages} ioo rer year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday D DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 50. CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office : New York Lire INSURANCE BuILDING, MONTREAL. . a Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home . A 20-page journal, discuss- jally subjects pertinent to the year, $1.00. LUMBERMAN’S INSPEGTION BOOK =sem Containing Rules for the Inspection and Measuring of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of _ Canada and the United States. Em- bracing also many useful tables and calculations of everyday service to jumbermen. Prepared by the Editor of the * Canada Lumberman.” =eam Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 THe above is afac smilie of the title page of the latest and most complete Lumber and Inspection Book published. We shall be pleased to send you a copy on receipt of four 3 cent Ga- nadian postage stamps ° ° ° ° THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ;_12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m-on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. \V ANTED — 12x 12-30 f et White Pine Timber. THos. Myes’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE. By oe abba OR OTHERS WANTING Cedar Dimension Timber, Pavi g Blocks or Cedar Poles, will find it to their advantage to write us for quotations Mone & Ryan, Killaloe Station, Ont. FOR SALE. OCK ELM SQUARE TIMBER, ABOUT 8,000 cubic feet. Will deliver in G.T.R yard near Owen Sound. Also Rock Elm or Cedar Piling, any length. To be taken out this winter. Write J. E. Murpny, Hepwerth Station, Ont. BASSWOOD WANTED. OR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT, AIR DRIED, v.14" and 2” thick plump, square edge, rough, 12 long, 10% 10 long. ‘The 2’ Bass cotid be round edges, random widths and lengths. ‘' WHOLESALE LuMBER,” Box 862, Bangor, Maine. ——— ne WANTED. Ree MAPLE BLOCKS FOR MANGLE ROL- lers, car lots, sizes 26in. x 6%in , 22 in. x 6% in., 26 in. x 5% in., and 22in. x 5%4 in., first quality. State lowest prices loaded on cars, railway station ; immediate delivery ; state quantity. Box 222, CANADA LUMBERMAN. ENGINE FOR SALE. 120 revolutions per minute; it further particulars apply at once to the GUTTA Percua & RuBBER MANv- FACTURING Co. of Toronto, Limited, 61-63 Front street west, Toronto. ET FOR SALE be de pode POINT MILLS—IN THE VILLAGE of Young’s Point, namely, saw mill, shingle mill and planing fact'ry, all run te water power and in good order ; about 5 acres land adj: ining mill property, upon which are situate four dwelling houses, one black- smith shop, stables, etc.; saw mill has large circular saw, edger, butting saw, and power supplied by two 44-in. Giant wheels; shingle mill, one Perkins machine, two jointers and blccking saws, run by a 44-in. Giant wheel ; planing factory, one large pianer and matcher, one four-sided moulder, one splitting Saw, all iron; power supplied by two go-in Leffel wheels ; this pro- rty has a most desirable Jocation, being situate on the Otonabee River, on the route of the Trent Valley Canal, and five miles from the Village of Lakefield. For further particulars and terms of sale apply to Corne.ius You G, Young's Point, or to DANIEL O’ConNELL, Solicitor, Peterborough. aaa INFORMATION WANTED. Tne publishers of the CANADA LUMBERMAN have forwarded to lumber manufacturers throughout the Dominion a circular requesting certain information regarding the trade of the year 1898, the data being*required for the annual review to appear in our February num- ber. Persons receiving these circulars will confer a favor by returning same, with the re- quired particulars, to this office without delay. Readers are respectfully asked to assist us as far as possible by placing at our disposal their views regarding the trade of the year. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Although the lumber demand is quiet at present, as might be expected, the prospects are by no means discouraging, and lumbermen generally are preparing for increased business in 1899. Stocks aré below the average, and the building and manufacturing industries are in a prosperous condition, giving hope of a steadily growing consumption of lumber. Encouraged by these conditions, manufac- turers are operating in the woods on a scale equal to or larger than last winter, and are paying greater attention to the getting of stock suitable for the local market. An advance in the price of certain grades of pine is expected before the spring. Mild weather is interfering with logging operations in some localities. Dealers continue to receive orders for hatdwood lumber which cannot be filled, owing to inatility to find the stock. Basswood has been completely sold out, and there is no quantity of the other hard- woods to be found. ‘The scarcity has in- duced some manufacturers to operate their mills during the winter, but the quantity cut will not go far in supplying the demand. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Very little has transpired within the past week affecting the lumber trade of Quebec. No stock of any account is Mov- ing, and buyers have not as yet entered the market vigorously. A transaction of some importance is the purchase by Messrs. J. Burstall & Company of the rafts of pine timber of the St. Anthony Lumber Company now wintering at Cap Rouge, Quebec, the purchase price of which is said to be nearly $150,000. . The conditions of 1899 are yet uncertain, though prospects seem favorable. In New Brunswick and Nova Scotia the outlook has improved, but not to the extent as to induce manu- facturers to increase their operations in the woods. The stock of deals wintering at St. John is twenty-three million feet less than last year, which, with the de- creased production of this winter, will no doubt strengthen the market. We under- stand that British buyers have shown their hand, but shippers are believed to be holding for more favorable prices, a stand which is warranted to some extent by the improved prospects in South America, the West Indies and the United States. It is much to be hoped that the overproduction of last year will not again be repeated, and it would seem that manu- facturers and shippers alike are now alive to this fact. A larger profit on a smaller output is more desirable than the reverse. UNITED STATES. Not for many years has the lumber market of the United States closed with the same degree of strength. Nearly every class of lumber is regarded as good property, and there is not the slightest fear that present prices will not be main- tained throughout the winter. Stocks of pine at the leading manufacturing centres are much smaller than at the close of 1897, while retailers and consumers have only a moderate supply, and will likely continue to buy to a more or less extent during the winter months, more particu- larly as low rail rates prevail. The urgent demand for box lumber continues, nor- thern No. 4 boards being entirely cleaned up, and heavy sales of No. 3 having been made in order to supplement the lack of No. 4. It 1s encouraging to note that in the east the tendency is towards advanced prices. Our Buffalo correspondent points to the improved demand for pine, as well as for other woods, and forecasts a general shortage in many grades before the spring. This, we think, reflects the conditions prevailing at other wholesale points in the Eastern States. The year closed with broken stocks and a desire on the part of wholesalers to increase their holdings. The shortage in the supply of box lum- ber has resulted in basswood being sub- stituted to some extent by box manfac- turers, and as a result there is very little basswood to be found in the country. It is said that box manufacturers have paid $9.50 per thousand for cull basswood at Minneapolis. * Hardweeds generally are firm and scarce. In the north there has been a brisk demand for birch, to be used in furniture manufacture, and prices have advanced $2 per thousand. Maple, ash, and rock and soft elm are much inquired for by Buffalo dealers, who are paying 516 to $18 for thick 1st and 2nd soft elm, $28 to $32 for same quality white ash, and $17 to $19 for maple. Hemlock is held firmly, but the demand is backward. The spruce market is much in the same condition, although manufacturers are making a strong effort to maintain higher prices. FOREIGN. Australia is suffering from intense heat aud drought, and disastrous bush fires are threatening. In many parts of New South Wales rivers have dried up ; business has been interfered with and work suspended. There 1s practically no demand for lum- ber. Reports from Great. Britain tell of holiday quietude, although the market is firm, and buying is expected to commence very soon. Prices of Canadian woods are improving. STOCKS AND PRICES. It is stated that Albert Pack, of Alpena, Mich., is negotiating for mills and ex- tensive timber lands in Chippewa county, Michigan. The Menominee and Marinette mills, in Michigan, manufactured in 1898 408,- 200,000 feet of lumber, exclusive of lath and shingles. Several of the Ottawa lumbermen are commencing to get out a considerable quantity of cedar each year, taken off the limits where the pine has already been removed. J. W. Munro, of Pembroke, Ont., is lumbering quite extensively at Lake Wah- napitae, Ont., having 125 men and 25 teams in the woods. About 9,000,000 feet of logs have already been cut. The Indians on the Cope, Croker and Saugeen reserves, in North Bruce, Ont., have passed a resolution asking that the islands of Georgian Bay be put up at Il. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION January 4, 1899 auction, the proceeds to be applied toa trust fund. Some of the land involved contains large quantities of pine timber. It is stated that the Ontario Lumber Co. will start their mill at French River, Ont., as soon as logs can be obtained in the spring. The company have four large camps in the woods this winter. A movement is said to be on foot for the consolidation of the spruce saw mills in the New England States, and further to induce a number of the wills in New York state to enter the proposed com- bination. Mr. E. F. Stephenson, Dominion crown timber agent, Winn:peg, has re- ceived a return of the quantity of lumber imported into Manitoba from the United States dnring 1898. The amount was over 30,C00,000 feet. Pelton & Reid, of Cheboygan, Mich., have contracted with Munro & Gordon, of Pembroke, Ont., for 15,000,000 feet of logs, which are being put in on Lake Wahnapitae, and will come down French river to Georgian Bay, whence they will be towed across to Cheboygan. These logs are from Indian lands, which are not affected by the Ontario prohibitory law. Four timber berths were sold at the Crown lands office, Fredericton, N. B., last week, at the upset price of $8 per mile. They wereas follows: 2-mile berth on Four Mile brook branch of the Gul- quac river, to R. A. Estey; 2¥%-mile berth and 9-mile berth on Crystal brook, to Samuel Adams; 234-mile berth on Nepisiquit mill stream, to Sumner & Co., of Bathurst. Indications point to a heavy input of - northern pine logs this winter and a full running of the mills next season. In some localities, particularly the western Lake Superior and upper Michigan sec- tions, logging conditions thus tar have not been favorable, but there is sufficient time to get out a full stock of logs. In lower Michigan logging conditions aré pronounced ideal, and a good average crop will: be secured. A report comes from Skagway that lumber is greatly needed. There is no building lumber there, and construction - work on a half dozen buildings has been stopped in consequence. The dealers m the north had stocks at the beginning of winter which they considered ample. They did not anticipate that building would ‘continue during cold weather. According to reports, there has been little falling off in construction work, and all the lumber that can be sent north will be used. The Rat Portage Lumber Company, of Rat Portage, Ont., are greatly increasing their operations in the woods this winter. Their cut wi!l probably be in the neigh- borhood. of 50,000,000 feet. Graham, Horne & Co., late of Fort William, are logging 8,000,000 feet of pine for them on the American or Minnesota side of the Rainy river. This limit was purchased by the Rat Portage Lumber Company last summer from Congressmen Eddy, of St. Paul. Graham, Horne & Co. have an equipment of too men and 17 teams, the logs being banked on the ice on the Rainy river, over 3,000,000 now being skidded. Mr. Long, who operates with Mr. Hughes, of the Beaver mills, Brandon, is logging about 2,500,000 feet some {f00 miles up the Big Fork river, in Min- nesota. These operators had their entire drive of 2,000,000 feet hung up in the Big Fork river last summer. They expect that if the logs get down safely in the spring, they will have a busy season next summer. The lumbermen in the Rainy River district expect that the new Ontario & Rainy River Railway will make avail- able large tracts of timber on Rainy Lake. McKenzie & Mann’s surveying party is now camped near Mine Centre, Ont., and are engaged in surveying the line both ways. The lumber yard of the Sheppard & Morse Lumber Company, together with their dry- house and shaving shed, at Burlington, Vt., were totally destroyed by fire on the 24th inst. BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.] There is a continuation 6f the good feeling in the lumber trade, all on account of the stir in the east that has followed the earlier stir in the west. For a long ‘time, practically all the season, the west and south were demanding and paying a good advance over last year for the entire range of lumber, but the east held back so persistently that it was no use to ask more here, for if it had been done the stock would have been left on our hands. It is quite a different story now. The east has found that if it is to get lumber to sell again, it must pay the price, and it appears to have come to the conclusion that it is a good thing to have lum- ber on hand again. For a long time very small stocks have been held east. Whenever any- thing was wanted, it was bought hastily and ordered in as soon as it could be delivered. In this way the trade was kept up. There was no faith in the immediate future of the trace, and Jumbey on hand wag.held to be poor prop- erty. It turned out to be true for so long that not a few. members of the trade despaired of ever seeing a better price on their holdings here, though they were obliged to pay more for all they bought. Some of the eastern lumbermen who held the cut of southern mills were astonished to find that they could sell much of it westward to better advantage than they could east, and they knew that so long as this state of things lasted there was no use in trying to mass up stock at home. They have overdone their caution, though, for there is to-day very little that can be called better property than lumber. Practically all sorts and grades are higher than they were through the summer, and if the scarcity and lack of needed grades continues, the spring will see a still further advance. It is true that the east, including this market, is still afraid to stand out for the prices that should be asked, but there is a big change here already. We hear that there is more asked at mill centres than can be obtained in Bufalo, freight differences taken into account. It was re- ported that Memphis was asking $40 for four- inch ash, and even buyers say that it will be paid, but we are not yet getting a correspond- ing price. It isa fact, though, that anyone who has stuff of this sort, suitable for the agri- cultural and other machinery shops, can ask about what he likes. There is a scarcity of ash, elm and basswood, and in a less degree of poplar and maple, that is little short of alarm- ing. Some cautious dealers are saying that such reports ought not to be allowed to get into the trade journals, for the saw-mill man watches them much more closely than the ~ dealers and consumers do, and he will take too much advantage of the situation. Well, if that is the reason for the difference in the ability io grasp the situation, there is no reason for com- plaint. If the average eastern dealer leaves his lumber paper unopened,,or distrusts what he finds in it, let him be frank once in a while and confess that there are those who know how to use it to a purpose. There is about as great a shortage in pine as in hardwoods, for the grades are so badly broken that there will be nothing left of the scant ones by spring, and it now looks as though only cutting-up grades would be left anyhow, for both uppers and box are very hard to find. Tonawanda appears to be worse off than Buffalo, for almost every day. there is a call from there for something of which there is none too much here. The lakes did not close till very late, and lumber and shingles came in with the very last, something that usually does not happen. Strange enough, there was no damage to the_ lumber fleet at the last, in spite of the many losses to the grain fleet. It is said that the barge’ Fassett, of the Holland & Emery Company, which failed to get down on the November trip, and had to be unloaded while ashore on Lake Huron) will no doubt be released in the spring. On the next trip from Byng Inlet the same tow was caught in the ice and will not deliver its lamber till spring, unless it is shipped down by rail. This is about the whole of the lumber losses for the season with which this port had to do, The Holland yard, as well as the neighbor- ing one of C. M. Betts & Co., and the now abandoned one of the Arthur Hill Co., was flooded a few days ago by the overflowing of the canal, caused by leaving the Black’ Rock lock open. Many low piles were upset, the plank roads carried off, and much damage done by the mud and rubbish that was carried over the yards. The state will have to pay for the damage, no doubt. Speaking of the canal, it should be noted that the canal enlargement association, com- posed of the boating interests mainly, has about perfected a bill providing for the carry- ing on of the work of canal improvement, be- ginning with the enlargement of the locks, as should have been done at the outset. shipped 28,182,000 feet of lumber by canal during the past season and received 2,341,000 feet, Tonawanda shipped 184,710,000 feet. The receipts by lake were 183,932,000 feet in Buffalo and 479,060,000 feet in the two Tona- wandas. Both are considerably Jess than in 1897, partly on account of the cutting off of Canadian lumber by the tariff, and partly on account of the waking up to the need of stock after the lake freights had gone up. The firm of F. J. Underhill & Company is in straits on account of a land deal, and has but $2,000 to pay an indebtedness of $6,000. The creditors are lumber dealers, who will accept the offer rather than allow the firm to go into bankruptcy and pay nothing. The Buffalo Lumber Exchange will take a general stock list this month. There will be less than usual, as hardwood is very short, and there is no extra in pine to make it up. STOCKS AT LAKE SUPERIOR POINTS. The shortage of bulk stocks of pine at mill points on Lake Superior is one of the favorable features of the lumber trade of the United States. According to the Northwestern Lum- berman, there’is about 56,000,000 feet on the docks at Ashland, Bayfield and Washburn, of which 16,500,000 feet is sold, and approxi- mately 40,000,000 feet unsold. Thisis a much smaller amount than was supposed to be on the Chequamegan bay docks, but the figures are claimed to be authentic. The Duluth-Superior stocks show a decided shortage as compared with those of last year. The total amount of stocks on docks December I was 120,000,000 feet, of which amount 73,000,000 feet was for sale. On December I last year there was [25,000,000 feet on the docks, 109,000,000 feet of which was for sale. The amount of lumber manufactured by the Duluth-Superior mills during the sawing season of 1898 was 324,000,000 feet, while in 1897 the same mills cut only 290,000,000 feet. The total amount shipped during the year ending - December 1, 1898, was 333,000,000 feet, as compared with shipments amounting to 283,- 000,000 feet for the same period in 1897. Since December 1 there has been sold at Duluth and Superior between 5,000,000 and 6,000,000 feet, thus reducing the total of unsold stock to less than 58,000,000 feet. Norway is the only stock at the Duluth-Superior mills that shows an increase as compared with last year, and that increase is the insignificant one of 3,000,000 feet. The stock of No. 3 and No. 4 boards this year amounts to only a trifle over 15,000,000 feet, as compared with a total of over 26,000,000 feet a year ago. This com- prises all thicknesses from one to two inch. The supply of No. 2 and better is a trifle under 40,000,000 feet, as compared with 63,000,000 feet on December 1 last year. All details given above refer to unsold stock. = Owing to the fact that a much lower rate of freight is in effect by rail from Lake Superior points than was the case a year ago, it is be- lieved that a largely increased amount of stock will be sent forward by rail this winter, so that every indication points to a practical cleaning up of dock stocks at Lake Superior points be- fore any of the cut of next season is ready for market. SHIPPING MATTERS. The ship Coringa and bark Louisa are loading lumber at Yarmouth, N. S., for the River Platte. Owing to the change to be made in freight rates on pulp wood by the Canadian railway companies, the Niagara: Falls paper mills are said to be perfecting plans whereby all this class of freight will be handled by other roads. The plan is to have the wood taken across Lake Ontario to Charlotte or some other advantageous lake port, and then shipped by rail, either over the New York Central or thé Rome, Watertown, and Ogdensburg Railways, to Niagara Falls. Buffalo - R. Douglas and W, V. Bluemanchal have registered proprietors of the Rigaud Milling Co., lumber merchants, Montreal. FOR SALE. I". YOU WANT HARDWOOD LUMBER, TELE- graph Poles, Cedar Pests, Cedar Poles, or Railroad WM. FOSTER, 2 Lumber and Commission Merchant, Owen Scund, Ont. Ties, write to Manufacturers and Wholesalers of . - . VANCEBORO MFG, CO. Long and Short LUMBER and HARDWOOD INTERIOR and EXTERIOR FINI-+H WOOD TURNINGS and NOVELTIES Chas. B. Treat, Treas. - ENFIELD, MAINE. Correspondence Invited. Estimates Furnished. WANTED Black Ash. all thicknesses. 1-inch Red Oak. Ineh Butternut, Mill Run. Hard Maple, all thicknesses. State quantity and price. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS ~ 7 Crospy Square, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “ Sieveking,’ London. HESSLER & GO. Wood Agents West Hartlepool and Hull, ENGLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Hessler,’’ West Hartlepool. H_D. WICGIN 23st st. BOSTON, MASS. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for ~ LOG haa. Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. — W. K. Grarrrew,. + __ Managing Director. THE MONTREAL LUMBER CO. (Limited.) WHOLESALE LUMBER OTTAWA PINE A SPECIALTY Office and Yard: 208 Guy Street, Bell Telephone 8576. MONTREAL ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woo s, Including Mahogany A Specialty. . CORRESPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN Joun McKErcow, President. BUYERS: OF - WHITE PINE AnD HARDWOOD 5, PMS a WHOLESALE | SY ic ake OS” North s a. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MILL MEN— Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3’ seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Brown A’sh ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price — f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to > 3 . LAWRENCE & WIGGIN | Wholesale Lumber Dealers - 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. et IO Se ‘ pe ‘firsts and ] 1 r 4 | JANUARY 4, 1899 eee CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ith. LUMBER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way are as follows: Ottawa, Rockland, Hawkesbury and intermediate points to Toronto, ro cents per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Toronto, pine ro cents, hard- wood, rr cents; Ottawa to Oswego, $1.90 per M ft.; Ottawa to Syracuse, $2.20 per M ft, (3,000 Ibs. and under per M ft.); Ottavra to Montreal, 5 ; Quebec, ro; Arnprior to Montreal, 7; Quebec, x12 cts. per too Ibs. Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cents per too lbs. ; Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14 cents per ton Ibs. Ottawa to New York, track delivery 15 cents per 1oo lbs., lightered 17 cents per 100 lbs. Amnprior to New York, track delivery 17 cts. per too lbs., lightered 19 cts. per soo Ibs. Parry Sound, track, 20 cents, lightered, 22 cents per roo lbs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Boston’ and common points, local r5c.; exports 13c: per 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents ; export 15 cts. per 100 lbs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 21% cents, export 20 cts. per roo Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawato Burlington, 6c. pe 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, 10 cts. per roo lbs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12-cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per roo lbs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per too lbs, from Arnprior 15 cents, from Parry Scund 20 cents per roo Ibs.; Ottawa to St. John, N. B. and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N. S. and common points, 2x cents per roo lbs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 lbs., and rates quoted above are in cents per 100 lbs., except when quoted per M ft.; the minimum carload charged is 10 M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 lbs. to the M feet, Ottawa rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Hawkesbury. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Lumberfreight rates for pine onthe Grand Trunk Rail- way, according to the tariff issued 15th February, 1897, will be found below. General instructions in shipping by Grand Trunk are embodied in these words in the schedule: Minimum we ght 30,000 Ibs. per car, unless the marked capacity of the car be less, in which case the marked capacity (but not less than 24,000 Ibs.) will be the minimum weight. Exceptions—Cedar posts in box cars, dry basswood and light pine or cedar lumber, dry cedar shingles, charcoal and sawdust, which cannot be loaded up to 30,000 Ibs. or up to the marked capacity of car, will be carried at actual weight, minimum 24,- ooo Ibs. The rates on lumber in the tariff will not be higher from an intermediate point on the straight run than from the first named point beyond to the same des- tination. For instance, the rates from Orillia to Guelph, Brampton, Weston or Toronto, would not be higher than the specific rates named from Graven- hurst to the same points, The rates from Cargill and Southampton to points east of Listowel and south and west of Stratford will be the same as from Kincardine, and the rates from Hanover: or Hepworth would not be higher than from Wiarton to the same des- tination,’Lut in no case are higher, rates to be charged oe as per mileage table publfhed on page 15 of tariff. Rates from leading lumber points on pine and other softwood lumber, shingles, etc., are as follows: From Glencairn, Creemore, Aurora, Barrie and other points in group B to Toronto, 6%c.; Collingwood, Penetang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Sturgeon Bay, Victoria Har- bor, Midland, Fenelon Falls, Longford, Gravenhurst and other points in group C, to Toronto, 6%%c.; Brace- bridge to Toronto 7c.; Utterson, Huntsville, Navor- Emsdale, Katrine to Toronto, 7M4c.; Burk’s Falls, Ber- riedale Sundridge and South River, to Toronto, 8c.: Trout Creek, Powassen and Callender to Toronto, gc.; Nipissing Junction and North Bay, toc. Rate from Goderich, Kincardine, Owen Sound and Wiarton to Toronto, 64%c. These rates are per 100 lbs. Rates from Toronto east to Belleville are 7¥4C. per 100 lbs,; to Deseronto, 9c.; to Brockville and Prescott, roc.; to Montreal and Ottawa, 10c. The rates on hardwoods average about from rc. per roo Ibs, higher than on pine and softwoods, For rates 6n railway ties, mahogany, rosewood, walnut, cherry, and other valuable woods, application must be made to the district freight agent, On. spruce and balsam (partly seasoned) for pulp manufacture, the rate from Longford, Wiarton, Pene- tang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Victoria Harbor, Haliburton, Kinmount, etc.. to Toronto, is $2.20 per cord ; and to Merriton and Thorold, $2.60; Katrine, Callendar, North Bay, etc., to same points, $2.45 and 2.60 respectively: Beeton, Allandale, Orillia, ete, $2.20'and $2:60. On green spruce and balsam th= rate is 25 per cent. higher. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. The rates at present in effect on the Canadian Pacific Railway to Toronto and Hamilton are as follows: Pine and soft woods fom Klock, Mattawa, Bonfield, North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Cache Bay and Warren, 9 cents; from Sudbury Jct , Rayside and Chelmsford, 10 cents ; from Cartier and Geneva Lake, 10% cents; from Biscotasing, White Fish, Massey, Cutler, Spragge and Algoma, 12 cents per 100 lbs. The rates on hardwood are one cent per to» lbs. higher than those on pine. From Ott wa, Hull, Aylmer and Dechenes Mills, also Arnprior. Braeside and Pembroke, to Toronto the rate is to cents both on pine and hard- wood. The rates are based on a minimum of 30,000 Ibs. per car.” Summer rates to New York, via Albany and barge line, expired on November 28th, owing to closing of navigation on the Hudson river, and the usual all rail rates became effective, as follows: To New York, fof track delivery, and all points on the Hudson river, or the New York Central and West Shore railways, from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills 15€. per 1co Ib .; from Carleton Jun tion, 16c.; from Arnprior, Brae- side and Renirew, 17¢.; fron Eganvi.le and Pembroke, 18c. The rates to New York, including ith »rage within the free litherage limits of New York harbor, are 2 cents per 100 lbs additional. Summer rates to Montreal expired on November r5th, and the usual winter rates became effective as follows; From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer and Deschenes Mills, 5c.; Carleton Junction, 6c ; Arnprivr and Brae- side, 7c.; Renfrew, Eganville and Pembroke, 8c. The rate to Three Rivers is 4c. and to Quebec 5C. over the rate to Montreal. The car load in all cases where rates are computed ona weight basis is 30,000 lbs.; when on a measurement basis 10,0c0 feet B. M. The C P.R. also make the f.llow ing rates on seasoned pine lumber to West St. John, N B., for export : From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, Kast Temple- ton and buckingham, $3.75 per M feet; Carleton Junction, Braeside and Arnprior, $4. 0 per M feet; Renfrew, Douglas, Eganville and Pembroke, $4.5» per M feet. On lumber for local consumption at St. John, N B., and common points the rate is 20 cents from Ottawa, Hull and Aylm-r, and to Halifax 21 cents from same peints. On seasoned pine lumber the rate from Ottawa to Uswego, N.Y., is $1.99 per M fect, and to Syracuse, N.Y., $2.20 per M feet; from Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cents and to Detroit 14 cents per 100 lbs.; to Boston, Mass., and common points, 15 cents from Ottawa, Hull, Deschenes Mills and all points east there- of ; 16 cents from Carleton Junctiun ; 17 cents from Arnprior, Brarside and Renfrew, and 13 cents from Eganville and Pembroke, and proportionate rates from points further west on lumber or consump ion in the United States. The export lumber rate is 13 cents from Ottawa and Hull, 14 cents from Deschenes Mills, Aylmer and Carleton Junction, and 15 cents from Arnprior and Braeside to Boston. CANADIAN EXPORTERS 1°” WHOLESALERS 3 = WE WANT Winter-Sawed Stock is the Best. We commence eenan——_ 3 {inch Mill Run Basswood—svecial price for the season on January 2nd, and make a Specialty $ hiscateetbiock. d ann e f be of White Maple, Quarter Sawed Maple Mangle Rollers Brothers 3 Miah Ee as aie ian Sis LU MV BER w™ @ (Turned or Octagonal), Elm, Beech and Basswood : ‘ : Lumber, Etc. No correspondence neglected. ¥ wanted 1% and 2 inch Mill Run or Common , OWEN SOUND, ONT. and Better Beech, dry stock. SOHN HARRISON MANUFACTURER OF PINE AND HARDWOOD LUMBER _ Short and Long Dimension Timber, in “Pine, Hemlock, Cedar or Rock Elm. F) Contractors Supplied. Inside Finish, &c. Saw and Planing Mitls: QWEN SOUND, ONT. C. P. R. and G. T. R. Railways. ‘WW RITE FOR ESTIMATES. THe PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umes We are offering 1, 14%, 1% and 2” Shipping Cull and Box, Strips and Siding separate. We have a large quantily of mixed sizes Joists and Timbers on hand in White and Red Pine, also Ship Decking, cut 3x5” and3x 6”... Very reasonable. Write us for prices. . . } PEMBROKE, ONT. MOHR & RYAN . DEALERS«IN 2+ .°.. ee aee - KILLALOE STATION, ONT. Elm, Ash, Basswood and Maple Lumber; Cedar, Pine and Hemlock ' Dimension Timber ; Cedar Telegraph and Telephone Poles ; Railroad Ties and Fence Poles—all lengths. a oe FOR QUOTATIONS cLAURIN & MacLAREN | | Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHipMEeNTsS BY Rai_ or WATER. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLO Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EAST TEMPLETON, QUE. ORING Sheeting’ Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, GEILING @ J.S. FINDLAY, Owen Sound, Ont. = JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . ws MIDLAND, ONT. A.& P.WAITE Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock a a - PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ¢ WIKRTON MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Pine Lath, Cedar, and Pine Shingles. i Mills at Wiarton. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. | Make -a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling ss 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. FOREIGN EXPORTERS 4x” IMPORTERS SMITH & TYRER- - l4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . a i Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. : Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. § Ib Our Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the. . . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. 4 An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND a WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakndge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. continent handled to the best advantage. Shipments to any of the_principal ports in the United Kingdom or CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. t ets operating Cae OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H.B. Mussrn, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from. . . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESPURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, -TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton. Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. JANUARY 4, 1899 DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS -In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”* BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa end Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINCS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jorn, Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. _ Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Lancaster Machine Works, Lancaster, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Northey Mfg. Co., Toronto, Ont. Payette, P. &Co., Penetanguishene, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantiord. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. The Defiance Machine Works, Defiance, Ohio, U.S.A. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PULP MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Il, U.S.A. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. b., Boston, SS. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B Treatise on Care of Saws, Baidwin, Tuthill & Bolton. Grand Rapids, Mich. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Consulting Engineers, Tower & Wallace, New York. Ihinois Central R.R. Lumbemng Toois, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. The bradstre-t Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. (The quotations given below are, unless otherwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. ToRONTO, January 4, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. x inch dressing and M% 1% and inch cut Deiter sn. te een ns and better...... $32 00 $34 00 -giach picksand uppers 34 00 36 00 1x12 dressing and bet- ter, 607% 16 ft..... utxzo fine dressing and t inch siding common 11 00 « inch siding ship cull: 10 50 cinch siding mill culls 8 50 22 00 24 00 MBOMET, 6 fa okt Soe 22 00 24 00|{ Cullscantling........ 8 oo wxro and 12 Canadian cinch strips 4 in. to 8 ing and better 18 00 2000]! in. millrun...... + 13 00 x 1-2 and thicker cut- ‘ inch strips, common 11 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00 | ¢ 1-4 inch flooring.... 1 1-4 in. cut up and t t-2 inch flooring.... DeHEN eas een nee 33 00 35 00| XXX pineshingles, 16 axic and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00 Ghee ese axro and 12 common. 12 00 14 00|} XX pineshingles 16inch xxro and 12 mill culls 9 00 10 00| Lath, No.1......... inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00] Lath No. 2......... HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, rs and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 tozin..$26 oo $28 oo Cherry oe ‘ 24% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 60 00 ] i : $20 00 $22 00 t inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 I2 00 II 50 9 00 9 00 14 00 12 00 16 00 16 00 225 I 40 I 50 ris 1 to1rl$s0 00 $60 00 my 4 65 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm, soft 1 ‘' 134 14 00 15 00 gnds,1to 14%in....1700 1900/ “ “ 2 * 3,, 15 00 1600 Ash, black, ists and * yock x ‘* 1% 1600 1800 ands,2to4in...... 19 00 21 00 « «1% “ 3.. 20 00 22 00 Ash, M.R.1 “ 2.. 15 00 18 00| Hickory 1% “‘ 2., 28 00 3000 Birch, L 18 00 20 00] Maple x ‘* 1% 16 00 17 00 ee 14%“ 2., 20 00 2300 i 2 ‘*4.. 1700 1800 sars. 4x4 “ 8 x824 00 26 00 Oak,red,p'ns "1% 26 00 3000 Basswood, ists and $4 1h * 4.. 29 00 3200 ends, 1t01%in.... 1600 1800] ‘ white "1% 2800 3000 bras 1% 2.,.19 00 2000) * 4.. 3000 3500 “ mrt “1% 14 00 1600 © quart’d ‘© 2.. 4600 £000 Butternut 1 ‘ 14% 23.00 25 00} Walnut 1 ‘*3.. 85 00 10000 se 2 “< 3+. 25 00 28 00| Whitewood1 ‘‘ 2.. 3200 3600 Chestnut + 2.. 24.00 2 00 OTTAWA, ONT. OTTAWA, January 4, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... $31 00 3600] terstock...... Wtseee IL OO 12 50 Pine, gond strips,.... 25 00 27 00 | Pine,8&ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 25 00 | Pine, s.c. strips...... 8 00 1000 Pine, No. 1 dressing Pine, sc. shorts..... 650 859 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls....... 9 00 1000 PaStinetistre 7G «acai ecsiaie 15 co 18 00| Pine mill culls...... 752 900 Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath per M No.1... 160 110 SEVIDS, gesciamtateee 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M No. 2... 80 95 Pine, No. x dressing 1xro No, x barn.... 18 00 shorts, «.0--+6000 1200 14 00| 1x10 No.2 “ 16 00 Pine, 10 s.c. and bet- 1x8 & 9 No.1 ‘ 17 00 ter stock,.......... 13.50 15 00 | 1x8&Q No.2 “ 15 00 QUEBEC, QUE. QUEBEC, January 4, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. } cts. cts. Common and railroad, for interior and ordinary according to average, quality, etc., measured Off.........-.:0.++0eee005 21 @ 24 For 40 to 45 feet average, measured off ...........4sesseeee sees 26 8629 For good and good fair average, measured off...........-.-0+000 ag. = «93 First class os Rees cteisienlaee a. dere a iste 36 39 In shipping order sf GE Sak Chole isivistern lolifeleraielovare 35. 40 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average.........+4++ eevee 35 - 37 e s : 19 to 21 inch average.......--.+.++-+ 38 40 First class Michigan waney board, 18 inch average...........++ 40 43 ee ve gs “ ‘19 to 21 inch average......... 44 «46 RED PINE—'N THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality........... @... 22 28 Inshipping order, 35to45feet “© = = en we eee eceeecnese 38 40 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according toaverageandquality. . . .-. . 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. . 32 35 . u i "30 to 35 feet. .27 3c ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . . . 21 24 To.ayeragen6anch 2s oh G Hee ee & Be - 25 26 : BIRCH. RANCH AVErARE A) eae yen teense aos) se ts) Gt at ay Gere eee 18 Koleos Oe he cae plate PU em te” Se ce wer ae te ee eee Ea PU Be oad ee ee LL See ae cae | DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for 1st, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for 3rd, and $18 to $2z for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N. Y., January 4, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 40 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking. ..<<<0.-.0-% 44.00 5090 SPRUCE. GEOOIM a. 00s cewlecs 14 00 14 50| 10to12in.......... 16 25 17 00 Gt0 TAAL. car ov setae ate E4nnG? M5 75) Lath ...05-ccceecnee 185 195 CAAT she conceo oF 1575 16 25 HARDWOOD. tinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16...... ...-.--eeee--es 1% to 2 in. eacommenal, She Shee 1 inch, « Sott Elm, eRe eae ere eee ne xin and thicker, “ as +) 414 ee oe FidrdiMaple, {fc cn cise. canpcccte done s by c Basswood, BE o caaia wrerrTete aisle ia oMaln'e eiele sé i s Birch, Battles aio aya; inletojee tncaheee iets nie ae ‘« Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O. e a“ Soft Elm, “ce oe ae 5 “ce oe Hard Maple, it oe oe ce Basswood ae ii3 “ “ Birch, ” Lid if ALBANY, N.Y. AvBany, N.Y., January 4, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up.......-.-- $51 $53 | Dressing boards, narrow....$19 $21 BPG AM ss ofoio cin miaiie’cin(sieinleies 50 52| West India shipping boards. <4 16 © tO 2 Ns eh scale oi class «+++» 45 48] Box boards.. ............. 12 13 inch uppers ..........+++- 54 | 1o-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up : 44 | ro-in. common ............. 1315 - to.2in........ PAG ac 40 | 12-in, dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. and u 42 | Common, 1x12 .. 7... «22. 15 Bito Sales oes gorssien ee moe 6 38 | No. x barn, 1x12 22 No. 1 cut, 1 to 2inch....... GOl||) MEXO)o 7 taigieicis onthe 20 Weosas ets capers te male nae 25 me ESO atceeceieier tc 18 NO.3..----eeeeeeeeeeeee 20 | No. 2 barn, 1x12 17 No. 1 molding, 1 to 211 36 ENO ps a ag Wee's ew yee UN oko 16 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in 27 RpSiee cand cde woncossoscr 15 Stained saps.........--++++ 20 | Shaky or star clear, x to 2in. 21 Bracket plank .....,.. -.-- 3° (35 18 Shelving boards, 12-in. up... 29 31 15 LATH, Parle caceyata(civin cist ata nieieteleiaieims= 9 =°c BY 75 | SSPUEE acs cic crsies ate asses $2 75 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 .:..$5 5° 25 Clear butts.......... 3.00 3 25] Hemlock : Smooth, 6x18....... 5 00! 5 50| Spruce............000: : BOSTON, MASS Boston, January 4, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed SAC cise e cies tare $925 $950 boards 11-16 inch. nal, -Q00 g £0 Coarse No. 5 Sginch..... oe BOD B95 Refuse....... é Clapboards, sapext.. 4¢ 00 44 00 Onteniente Sapclear......... 33 00 35 00 Boxboards,1 inch... 10 00 ‘11 00| Sap, 2ndclear.... 30 00 31 oo PRMCH.... cccccene ere) 9 50 (Oy Bacsacernec 19 00 ©2300 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, x in........ $50 00@s52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 14%,1% and 2in.. 52 00 53 00| No. 2,1 in. Finecom. 29 0g 31 00 aNd: Fil. . 0.0.0 Ser Clear Batts: os. seteeee B35 WHITE PINE LATH, : NDS Give once aceon ete. ae 1 60 | No. 2......... pipes Ee Hemlock ....... sisiahe 1200 14 00| 1x10 No. 2 * 16 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 &gNo.1 ‘ 17 00 ter Stock, « a.\- = sie: 13.50 15 00|1x8&q No.2 “ 15 00 QUEBEC, QUE. QUEBEC, January 11, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts. Common and railroad, for mterior and ordinary according t average, quality, etc., measured off..........-.+++ =. 21 @ 24 For 40 to 45 feet average, measured off..... = Oe 36 39 In shipping order i DRE en Oe ACR ei 35 40 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average.......-+++e-20eeeeee B50 457 ¥ ete st BE 19 to 21 inch average........-..+++-. 38 40 First class Michigan waney board, 18 inch average........----. 41 43 Ce ee Us “© “19 to 2t inch average.......-. 4-4 Deane RED PINE—'N THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and UAC Ors co mmiece ueiae San 22 28 Inshipping order, 35to4sfeet “sence cette taanene 38 40 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to averageand quality. . . . 46 49. ELM. j By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 toso feet. . 32 35 “9 s be S90 to.g5 feetys. co 27: age ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality . ei ee To ayerape 16,1nehe.6 fees on cuat sae ae ee pues Anne 2s eee ¢ BIRCH. raitchaverage § . . & RASA SS. LR RERE 8 « 15 *- "28 1) a a ae Pee... aia roth ioe Semana Ae rs Je pelle on remem ay puree enema Tete aes a, DEALS. ‘ Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $2x for 4th quality. F.O.B.batteau. NEW YORK CITY. ; * New York, N. Y., January 11, 1899- ; WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber...... ~.$28 00 @ 40 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @37 00 , Deckmgs te. 2 wv. . 44.00 5090 ; SPRUCE. (iT eee Be 14 00 14 50|10to12iN..,...... £. 16) 25 .u0f7 GO 60,321. :- ced. fad 508 15 75] Lath. ....... %. mewn r 85. 1-95 Q OFBAN or Healt vols 15-75 16 25 HARDWOOD. zinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16 1% to 2 in. ce te “ee iad x inch, ts Soft Elm, : Yin and thicker, “ My LY 4l4 ge Hard Maple, ‘‘ : a s Basswood, ‘ ce ia e Birch, ee i ‘« Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O...,... Las ae Soft Elm, “ oe ee wo ** Hard Maple, * ee ‘« Basswood, ‘‘ ae isa Birch, te ALBANY, N.Y. Avpany, N.Y., January 11, 1899. PINE, Uppers, up... eee. $51 $53 | Dressing boards, narrow. ...$19 $2r EA Baca one Scrat Barca 50 52] West India shipping boards. <4 16 T LOL Ise ensainiwientera's% 45 48| Box boards.. ............. Iz 13 4 inch uppers .-......:....- 54 | 1o-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 244 in. up........-- 44 | to-In. COMMON «1... ee es seee 13°15 MLO aD is teiarege Foo 40 | 12-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in, andup 39 42 | Common, 1x12............ te 15 Sala Ts tuners neo eae 36 38] No. x barn, 1x12. 20 22 Ne. 1 cut, r to 2inch....... 25 930 ERLO cet ansians mes crate 18 20 2 Fe te og + 58.00 62 00 1%, 1%and 2in... 30 oc 32 00 Selects, 1 in.....--.. 44 00 45 00| No. rstrips, 4 to6in. 43 00 44 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00] No. 2..........-. 36 00 39 00 3and 4 in......... 3,00 56 00 No. 3.---.--se eee 28 06 30.00 Moulding boards, 8 to Gutspsy x ines sabia 20 00 32 00 zz in, clear...... 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 | Coffin boards.:...... 18 00 20 oc Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 00 | Common allwidths... 22 00 26.00 14%, 1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 | Shipping culls,1 in... 14 50 15 50 do t4% in: 15 50 16 50 SHINGLES. : : Spiced 26 cer sansa I 30 1 50 | Second Clear.. i SO a kate Cedarvextra. att 272... 2)50.,2.65 | Extra No. Ssis)...04015) 25 Axo Cleanmcasts »-« ASR 225 2 40], F t LATH, : Spiaice: peer asp re 4 | Pacateo....-<-2 5a ema es o- Leh (ol hice 1 80@ 2 00 |’ leis pete . Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up ’zin., 7 in. wide and up....:. 10°00 * No. 2 ho BUFFALO AND ° ee : WHITE Up'rs, 1, 1%, 1% and 2 | lads sereeecee «$46 00 48 00 2¥% and 3 in... 56 00 MD so -inss a arn siete yess 58.00 60 Selects, rin. ........ 41 00 42 00 1% toz2in.... 43 00 2% and 3 in 50 00 4) Ue ee rs eee 52 00 Fine common, 1 in... 36 00 37 00 1 and r¥ in..... 36.00 37 00 2M vanes ne seeeee 36.00 38 00 Ele eee Bri 45 00 a aes gansta 47 00 1% tO2 M.-.0010* 4 in wait No. 1, 1 in. 28 oo 0.2; Elles 20 dee eS Oe Common, r nd No. 2,1%, & 1% in 23 00 25 00| 1% a u ins, No. 3 1 & 1% in 17 00 18 00 2 bs Ks at WHITE ASH. 30 00 | 2% tog in........ 93°00") Strips. 2 een Com. and BLACK AND BROWN ASH. | rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 oo | Com. & good BIRCH, Ls gst &and,) &g tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 13% told nese. oe ist & and, 6 inch & up, red Com 28 90 3000 | 4 ELMS: «ug ist & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ast & ad, MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & ad. UPPERS AND wide....... neg emew nese $45 oc 1%, 14% and 2 in zigtand: 3 Wk 2. asian, . wo «a0 45 OO Uther sjeh 90 cieise ie estate teres 60 90 : E FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 34 00 | 2¥ d 134,055 and 2 ies one 35 00] 4in. B FINE COMMON OR NO. 3 rin,, 7in. and up wide..... '. 24 00] 2% £4, 156 aNd Sas cs «wees jo 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 00 xin, 4, Gtiphowithe. ties ie osteo eee 40 00 6 in, wid ‘ FINE COMMON OR Min, 45.5 1s Wide; \. cosas 29 00/1 ry in,, Oli. Wide: >< ose.nge. Seu SELECTED NO. I SHELVIN 1%in., 4,5, 6in. wide... .... 24 00/1 ; NO. I FENCING O rin., 4,-5and 710 2.15.05. = sin), Gates sagen Teabicg BLO NO. 2 FENCING tin., 4,5 and 7 inch ..... et, Yy 14 20 |. 0. 3 1 in., 6 inch ; : SHELVING. No. 1, rin, to inystocks.... 25 00 | No.2, 1 in 1in., ro in. and up wide... 26 00] tin pen Me nce ~ 29 OS tin., 12 in. st 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... rin. 1% and 2in., 8in. and up wide Shee. oa . 29 co | BARN BOARDS OR § 1g 00| 8 3 2 SHIPPING CULLS rin., 4 and 5 in. wide oe on 70 0G) Zale rin., 6in. wide..... aheneaeh « 10 00] 2 ‘ _. SHAKY CL 1in., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 20 00 | 1 in. Tif., 6 i. Wide... = «. 2. «ree 20 00] 14, ity No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... Nos2ecctwewsbienstnae eta wo in LD) TIMBER, JOIST AN) Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$ 9 50| B 18 ft Ss eee ne wne dececeeceeee IO 50 BO-ftys cesses SET Saal Hs 22 and 24 ft.........---.+. 12 50) . SHINGLES, | Country brands, XXXX..... 3 oo] Clear Butts..... res a3 2 00 | Waits cre, ace eons ee oe No.130 « " " » I 32 " " " No. 1 24 " "W " No. 228% " " . 2 30 " " " INO. 2 32 Ww "W W Mo. zie uo " " " " No.1 14 in. to14% in. kiln dried basswood heading, No.rr5 ou 16 " " Dl J No. 117% " " No.r18 » 18% wu " . T1978 " " ‘ ee og s No.16 0 No. 16% Ww Ww " a” ee TE A ops about 50 cts. per thousand less. No. 1 au, ingoiaeeel white ash staves, per No. 228% u nist " 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves . o. x Jo inch syrup barrel staves. , ‘If bent to shape, $2.00 per th Mud * WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} soo per vear { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN THE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN MARKETS. ANADA |UMBERMAN VoL.. TV. TORONTO, ONT., JANUARY 18, 1899 No. 52. CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire Insurance BuiLpIne, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly. medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Beathls- A 20-page journal, discuss- ing, fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the (amber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. #% Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of t5 cents per line each insertion. When four ~ Or more consecutive insertions are »rdered a discount of 25 per cent. will Le allowed. This notice shows the width ofthe line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch, Advertisements must be receivec not ~ later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. y ANTED — 12x 12-30 f ct White Pine Timber. Tu 5. Myzes’S ns, Hamilion, Ont. FOR SALE. WO CARS TWO-INCH DRY PINE, LOG Run. Reip Lros., Hepworth Station, Ont. WANTED. RDERS FOR HEMi.OCK LUMBER AND Vimber. Logs in stock from ten to thirty feet. Load at Wiarton, Addiess & RUWAN, Mar P.O., Ont. . FOR SALE. ~ORFPORATIONS ©R OTHER? WANTING C-dar Dimension Timber, Pavi g Blocks o: Cedar Poles, will find it to their advantage to write us for quotations Munk & Ryan, kKillalve Station, Ont. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. OR SALE OR EXCHANGE: A 12x14 EN- . gine: soft. of 22 in. Stack; a Mortise Wheel and Pinion, 5% in face, teeth Boand 22; a soin. Barber Water Wheel. Allin good working order. Will take Stave and Heading + achinery, or Heml ck Lumbe. Gro F. Wrerer, Creemore, Out. WANTED. Sut ELM, ROCK ELM, BLACK A’, TIRCH, i Tias-woo ', Ked Oak, and S f Maple Lumher, 1 to 31m. thick, and dry, or pr mpt shipment, I will con- tract for any oft is lumb.r to be cut to order for spring and summer delivery. Inspection at shippirg point. Terms cash. LE. C. Braveoxv, 72 Luhl Block, Detroit, Mich. ENGINE FOR ‘SALE. NE HEAVY DUTY HIGH SPEED ARMING. 7 ton & Sims pattern Automatic Cut-off Eng ne, Cylinder 10 in. diam. ter, stroke 30in. 6 n. steam con- ection, This engine is capable «f 2co horse power at Fo revdution~- primivue; it i- in gocd work- ing order, wal has heen replaced ly a_ heavier engine of great r capa ity lor further particulars app y atonce tothe GuTra Percua & RuBbeR Mavu- ( G Co. of Loronto, L mited, 61-6, Front s.reet F cr West, Toronto. FOR SALE OUNG'S POINT MILLS—IN THE VILLAGE of Young’: Point, namely, saw mill, s! ingle mill and planing fact'ry, all run by water power and in good onder ; about 5 acres land adj ining mill property, upon which are situate four dwelling houses, one black- smith shop, stables, etc.; saw mill has large circular saw, «dger, butting saw, and power supplied by two 44-in. Giant wheels; shingle mill, one Perkins machine, two jointers and blccki: g saws, run by a 4q-in. Giant wi eel ; planing factory, one large paner and matcher, one four--ided moulder, one splitting Saw, all iron; P wer supplied b_ two qo-in Leffel wheels; this pro- perty has a most desirable Jocation, being situate on the Otonabee River, on the route of the Trent Valley Canal, and five miles from the Village of Lakefield. For further particulars and terms of sale apply to Cornerits You c, Young's Point, or to DANIEL O'CoxNELL, Solicitor, Peterborough. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, While the quantity of lumber which has changed hands since the first of the year has not been large, the number of inquiries received has produced a strong feeling of hope among the trade. Present in- dications point to a large demand for hemlock for repairing barns and other cheap buildings ; the general building outlook is good ; stocks at the mills and in retail yards are light ; prices show a tendency to advance. These conditions are regarded as favorable to the manufac- turer. Not for many years has pine lumber held a stronger position than it does to-day, and this notwith- standing the duty on United States shipments. There isa marked degree of strength surrounding the shingle market, and the advance of last fall has been maintained. At Toronto XXX pine shingles, 16 inch, are selling at $2.25, although an effort is being made to obtain an advance of five cents on this price. The average price paid at the mill is about $1.90. Somewhat peculiar circumstances surround the hardwood industry. The competition in buying logs is very keen in certain sections, par- ticularly in western Ontario, and exorbitant prices are being paid by some mantfaucturers. Instances have occurred where, in the desire to secure a large stock of logs, buyers have not exercised that judgment which is essential to the management of every successful business. Just what the result of this will be depends entirely upon the course of the hardwood market. If, from any cause, prices during 1899 should weaken, these mill men who have paid excessive prices for logs will certainly do business on a very small margin of profit, if not ‘alized by buyers, at an actual loss. Should present prices be maintained throughout the season, they may be able to show a balance on the right side. The season thus far has been against a heavy production of hardwood logs. A number of operators have logs on the skids waiting for sufficient snow for hauling, and unless. the balance of the winter should be particularly favorable, the contemplated input will not be reached in many cases. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Wholesale dealers and manufac- turers in Manitoba and the North- west are experiencing the usual winter quietude. Apart from a few small orders for sorting-up purposes, no business is doing. The market, however, is firm, as there is every indication of a continuance in 1899 of the prosperous conditions which prevailed last ‘season. In anticipa- tion of this, every effort is being put forth this winter to secure a large crop of logs. In British Columbia trade is quiet, but there, as in Mani- toba, the outlook is favorable. For building purposes the lumber re- quirement promises to belarge; the box trade shows signs of reviving, and the foreign demand is increas- ing. It is expected that China will furnish a greater outlet in the future for British Columbia timber, and that an increased quantity will be placed in the British market, pro- vided the cost of transportation can be reduced. UNITED STATES. More lumber has changed hands during the first two weeks of Janu- ary than in any similar period for several years past. A heavy move- ment by rail from the mills indicates broken assortments in wholesale and retail yards, and there is a ten- dency to further advance prices. Since the close of navigation, low grade stock at the head of the lakes has been marked up 50 cents per thousand. At Buffalo, Tonawanda, Pittsburg and other eastern points stocks of pine are expected to fall short of the demand. This is re- who have en- deavored to augment their supplies. The eastern spruce trade seems to be gaining strength also. The manufacturers at Boston and vicinity, at a meeting held last week, agreed upon another advance, which places 10 inch frames at S155 and ro to 12 inch at $16. The chief interest at present centres around the hardwood trade. There has been no abate- ment in the consumption and conse- quent demand, and consumers are finding it difficult to obtain a suffi- cient supply to meet their require- ments until the new cut is available. FOREIGN. Circulars to hand review at some length the timber trade of Great Britain for the year 1898. There were imported into the United Kingdom during the year wood goods to the value of 420,594,494, against 422,978,842 in 1897. Al- though the consumption was large and the import less than in the previous year, the stock of Canadian timber of many classes is yet quite heavy. Particulars of the Glasgow market are given in another column. At London the importation of pine deals from the St. Lawrence was 1331,000 pieces, and of spruce deals 3,866,000 pieces. Thesefigures are considerably less than those for the previous year. In New Bruns- wick and Nova Scotia spruce, the falling off is even more noticeable, being 699,000 pieces in 1898, and 1,037,000 pieces in 1897. Of tim- ber, elm, ash, oak and red pine show a considerable increase. Elm timber has advanced, 2s 4d being paid for 50 cubic feet average. Large white ash timber is wanted, but smaller stock is plentiful. Red pine deals have been much enquired for and prices were firm throughout the year. Spruce prices continue to improve, and we understand that contracts are being entered into for spring delivery at a considerable advance over late quotations. At Manchester 2% inch by 7 inch Spruce battens are wanted by builders and wagon manufacturers. Some inquiries have been made at Glas- gow for spruce deals for spring delivery, and the Caledonian Rail- way Company are in the market for their annual supply of wagon oak planks, which amounts to over 100,000 cubic feet. Generally, the market is considered firm. A number of inquiries have been received by British timber merchants for battens and boards for export to Spain. Now that this market is improving, it should be possible for Canadian exporters to secure a por- tion of the trade. ‘The Australian market is quiet, but it is believed that more activity will be shown in the near future. II. STOCKS AND PRICES. The Alma Lumber Company, of Alma, N. B., are shipping deals to St. John this winter. Donald Fraser & Sons, of Fredericton, N.B., have just received a large order for box shooks from Glasgow, Scotland. Robert Moore has a gang of 300 men at work in the woods near Loch Lomond, N.B., getting out logs for the Mispec pulp mill at St. John. The Departinent of Interior, Ottawa, desires tenders by February 20th for a permit to cut timber on Berth No. 834, in the district of Al- berta, N. W.T. John L. Peck, of Hillsboro, N. B., has pur- chased the McRae property at Memel. Mr. Peck expects to get out over 600,000 feet of logs this winter. R. McLean, of Kaslo, B.C., has lately re- turned from a trip up the Kootenay river. While absent he contracted for 2,000,000 feet of logs for the Kootenay Lake saw mill. The Snider Lumber Company, of Graven- hurst, Ont., are taking out this winter, for next season’s sawing, 4,500,000 feet of hem- lock, 500,000 feet of pine, and 500,000 feet of hardwood. An Orillia exchange states that the Arthur Hill Company, of Saginaw, Mich., have pur- chased the timber limits of Doolittle & Cas- well, of Orillia, the consideration being in the neighborhood of $100,000. It is expected that the present season will be one of the best the lumbermen of Maine have experienced in several years. The cut on the Kennebec waters will be about 125,000,000 fect, an increase over that of 1897 of 24,000,000 eet. Messrs. A. McPherson & Company, of Longford Mills, Ont., have on hand about 1,300,000 feet of lumber at Ravensworth, and 1,700,000 feet at Longford Mills. The stock _of shingles at these two points is 723 M and 2,000 M respectively. The High Commissioner at London, Eng., has received a communication from a London ’ paper agent who desires to open up correspond- ence with Canadian paper and pulp mills. He has also received an inquiry from Dresden for the names and addresses of exporters of wood pulp. At a recent auction sale held by Foy, Mor- gan & Co., London, England, Canadian goods sold as follows: Spruce, ex Carham, from Quebec, 13-16 feet, 3x 9 inch, 4th quality, £6 . 155.3; 12 feet, 3x Q inch, £6 10s, Pine, ex Hazelmoor, from Quebec, 16 feet, 3 x 1) inch, Ist bright white, £18 Ios. From Bangor, Maine, comes the report that 140,000,000 feet of logs will be cut on the Penobscot waters this winter. This, with the - 30,000,000 to 40,000,000 feet being wintered over for early spring sawing, will give a stock sufficient for all demands. It is anticipated that there will be a considerable demand from Porto Rica and Cuba for second growth pine, known as shippers, as well as for spruce. Concerning the Liverpool market, our con- temporary, Timber, says: In harmony with the general expectation, the sheet issued on the 31st December shows that the consumption during December has been very good, being considerably more in most lines than the cor- responding month in last year, the two excep- tions being birch and spruce deals. In Quebec square and waney board pine the consumption has been 65,000 feet, against 55,000 feet last year, leaving the stock at 225,000 feet, a much lighter stock than at the same period of last year and 1896. In Canadian and United States ‘oak the consumption has been 156,000 feet, against additions to stock of 130,000 feet, thus reducing the stock by 26,000 feet during the month. In spruce deals the consumption has been 3,850 stds., as compared with the arrivals - of 1,750 stds., and the stock is 14,950 stds., against 20,958 stds. last year. In pine deals the consumption has been about the same as in the corresponding month Jast year, but the im- port has been several hundred standards in ex- cess of last year, and the stock is heavy. SST BUSINESS NOTES. The assets of W. I. Storey, lumber and planing mill, Ottawa, were advertised to be sold on the 16th instant. Jane and John Playfair have registered pro- prietors of the business of J. Playfair & Son, lumber merchants, Baldur, Man. Owing to the death of the late Robert Thomson, the firm of Robert Thomson & Co., Windsor, Ont., has been dissolved. The re- maining partner, Mr. William J. Pulling, has acquired the assets and good will, and will continue the business under the name of Wm. J. Pulling & Company. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE AUSTRALIAN LUMBER MARKET. Messrs Fraser & Company, of Melbourne, Australia, in their monthly report of the 15th ultimo, say: The demand has been fairly steady within the past few weeks, and business has been more or less arranged in mostly every class of timber which is shipped to this market, none of which is in short supply with the exception of good Baltic red deals, and which have been further dealt in ‘‘to arrive” at satisfactory prices from a cargo now fully due. Last valuations for other kinds have been about maintained, though latterly a slight downward tendency in prices has occurred 1n the descrip- tions more generally consumed, but as the trade are holders of fair stocks bought out of previous shipments, there is no desire at the moment to enter largely into further supplies even at lower rates. Therefore it has been necessary to place meanwhile into the storage yards some proportion of the cargoes which have arrived during the past four weeks. At the close of the year, buyer’s operations are not as a rule of an extensive character, but at the opening of a new year considerable im- provement in the demand is generally shown, and as there is every prospect of a busy season in all our productions during the next few months, country inquiries will probably be on the increase, and a material change for the better both in respect to the volume of business and values generally may be anticipated. Spruce AND BALtic WHITE DEALS.— Imports: 2,368,979 superficial feet. Ar rivals: Gratia, from St. John; Bayard, from Quebec ; Himalaya, from San Francisco. Buyers are almost fully stocked for the present, and efforts made to effect sales from the above shipments have not yet been successful. We quote 25d. to 2$d. per foot of 9 x 3 as full market value. With supplies “to arrive, ” stocks will be found ample to meet all wants for some time to come. OREGON Pine.—Imports: 2,569,961 feet super. Arrivals: Veritas and Gladys, from Chemainus, B. C.; Carrier Dove, from Puget Sound. The above-named shipments per Veritas and Carrier Dove have gone into the yards of the importers ; but the cargo per Gladys is being offered to the trade upon the basis of £5 10s. per 1000 feet for an average assortment of sizes, without, however, leading to operations being concluded. The bulk of the shipment is therefore being stored until such time as buyer’s stocks are reduced to a limit as will enable them to entertain further purchases. After the New Year business in Oregon is likely to be more active. TIMBER TRADE OF THE CLYDE. The yearly timber circular of Messrs. Edinis- ton & Mitchell, Glasgow, Scotland, reviews the timber trade of the Clyde at some length. It shows that during 1898 the total import was 312,000 loads, a decrease of 25,000 loads as compared with the previous year, while’ the consumption increased in 1898 by 57,000 loads. The circular says : The import of white pine logs is again con- siderably reduced, and every year the trade is tending more and more towards the use of sawn lumber, which has been largely imported, cut to all thicknesses. Oak, elm, ash and red pine are all somewhat in excess of recent years’ importation. In spruce the import has been extremely large, and has exceeded that of 1897 (which wasa record year) by about 5,000 stand- ards. This is largely owing to this commodity taking the place of Baltic white pine. Not- withstanding this, however, values have been well maintained throughout the year. WaneEY BoARDWooD.—Ist class—During the early part of the year the inquiry was very languid, but with the arrival of the fresh timber a considerable demand sprung up, and some large transactions took place. We are not able, however, to report any advance in price, and sellers, being eager to move their stocks while there was some chance, have been con- tent with very small margins of profit. Nine- teen-inch wood has been sold at 2s. 6%d. to 2s. 734d., and 20-in. at 1d. more. The con- sumption has exceeded the imports by 1,900 loads, and 30 per cent. of the stock is held by consumers. 2nd class—A large percentage of the remaining stock comes under this category, and the market will take a long time yet to recover from the overdose which it got three years ago. RED Prne.—The year began with no stock on hand, and owing to our railway companies being unable to secure their requirements in this timber, they have been using substitutes, with the result that sales have been somewhat disappointing, and there are still 460 loads available. The value of 48 to 50 cubic feet average wood is 2s. Several shipments of sawn logs brought from 12d. to 16d. Oak.—The import has exceeded that of the last two years by over 1,000 loads. The de- mand, however, has been fair, and although the stock carried forward to next year amounts to 2,900 loads, half of this is held by consum- ers. Timber to average 75 cubic feet per log has been sold at 3s. Really good wood is not too plentiful, but, on the other hand, all the large buyers are well stocked. ELM.—Throughout the year there has been a steady demand for good timber, and, despite an increased import, prices have advanced, and as high as 2s. 4d. has been paid for 50 cubic feet average. A large portion of the stock carried to next year is of inferior quality. BircH.—The import for the year from Montreal and Quebec amounts to about 700 loads, and from the Lower Ports 850 loads. Prices for Canadian logs have continued very firm throughout the year at from 1s. 3d. for 14- in. up to Is. 1od. for 18-in., but Lower Port logs have been difficult to move at anything over a penny aninch. The stock of Canadian birch in first hands is small, but there is a con- siderable quantity of Pictou wood on hand, which unfortunately includes a large proportion of inferior logs, making it difficult of disposal unless at low prices. A fair business has been done in planks, prices for which have ranged from £6 to £8 per standard. AsH.—The import amounts to about 1,400 loads, and consisted principally of small logs averaging about 14-in. On the whole, prices have been fairly steady at from ts. 6d. for small wood up to Is. 10d. for 16-in., but the consumption has been much interfered with by the strike in the furniture trade. Large white ash logs are wanted, but the stock of small stuff is quite ample for probable requirements. Quesec DeaLs.—The import of all kinds from Montreal and Quebec has been about 30,- ooo standards, being about 2,000 standards over last year, and the consumption has. been correspondingly good. Prices, however, have not been favorable to the shipper, a drop hav- ing taken place early in the year, which has not been recovered since. They are, however, firmer at the moment than in midsummer, and the prospects being good, they should improve a little before the advent of new supplies. Current values have been as under: ist pine, broads, £22 to £24; 11-inch, £20 10s. to £22; non-dimensions, £15 10s. to £18 10s.; ends, £15 to £18; strips, £12 10s. to £15. Second pine.—Regulars, £16 to £18; non- dimensions, £10 to £13. Third _pine.— Broads, £10 to £11 ; I1-in., £9 10s. to £10; narrows, £7 to 48; strips and ends, 26. 15S to £7 10s. Fourth pine deals have been sold as low as £6 3s. 9d. per standard for 11-inch and £5 15s. for narrows, but sales lately have been made at £7 and £6 per standard re- spectively. Red pine deals have been scarce throughout the year, and parcels arriving have met with a ready market at fair prices, 9 and L1-in. realising £9 to 410 10s., and narrower sizes from £8 to £9 perstandard. Pine sidings and boards have been done at 416 to £19 for Ist quality of good breadihs, and £12 10s. to £14 for narrows ; 3rd quality have been sold at £7 10s. to £9 per standard, according to specification. Lower Port PINE AND SPRUCE DEALS.— Imports of Lower Port pine and spruce are about 20 per cent. over those of last year, being about 22,000 standards spruce and about 5,000 standards pine. Prices have been fairly steady all year, pine ranging from £5 Los. to £6 5s. for narrows and 46 5s. to 47 for 11-inch; and spruce, £6 to £6 7s. 6d, for 7-inch, £6 gs. to £6 15s. for 8-inch, and £6 (5s. to £7 gs. for 9 and 11-inch. William Archer, carpenter and lumber dealer, of Toronto, is announced to have assigned to George Day. A meeting of credi- tors is called for January 23rd. The dissolution is announced of the firm of ~ S. Giilies & Son, who operated saw and plan- ing mills at Ailsa Craig and London, Ont., and Davison, Mich. S. Gillies continues at Ailsa Craig and Davison, and D. H. Gillies at London. WHITE PINE ano HARDWOOD January £8, 1899 J. A. Rice, lumber dealer, Foxwarren, Man., has sold out. FOR SALE. Tt YOU WANT HARDWOOD LUMBER, TELE- graph Poles, Cedar Pests, Cedar Poles, or Railroad Ties, write to WM. FOSTER, Lumber and Commission Merchant, VANCEBORO MFG. CO. Long and Short LUMBER and HARDWOOD INTERIOR and EXTERIOR FINISH WOOD TURNINGS and NOVELTIES Chas. B. Treat, Treas. - ENFIELD, MAINE- Correspondence Invited. Estimates Furnish WANTED Black Ash, all thieknesses. 1-inech Red Oak. . Ineh Butternut, Mill Run. Ineh Basswood. State quantity and price. JAS. G. CANE & CO., — 45 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Manufacturers and i Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WCOD AGENTS 7 Crossy Square, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “ Sieveking,’ London. ’ HESSLER & GO. Wood Agents West Hartlepool and Hull, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Von. Cable Address: ‘‘ Hessler,” West Hartlepool. H.D.WICGIN sostox, was BOSTON, MASS. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUA Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. W. K. GRAFFTEY, Managing Director. THE MONTREAL LUMBER CO. (Limited.) WHOLESALE LUMBER OTTAWA PINE A SPECIALTY Office and Yard: 208 Guy Street, Bell Telephone 8576. MONTREAL Joun McKeEercGow, President. Oe ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woo7s, Including Mahogany, A Specialty. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN BUYERS OF / WY, 9 KN hh t : “1 o } lirlhe lona wd Z CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MILL NEN— — Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Brown Ash ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to . LAWRENCE & WIGGIN Wholesale Lumber Dealers = - 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. Wholesalers of . . - 0 . ee Ss . ¥ 7 EEE rere, os co ns JANUARY 18, 1899 LUMBER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way are as follows: Ottawa, Rockland, Hawkesbury and intermediate points to Toronto, ro cents per roo Ibs.; Parry Sound to Toronto, pine ro cents, hard- wood, 11 cents; Ottawa to Oswego, $1.90 per M ft. ; Ottawa to Syracuse, $2.20 per M ft, (3,000 Ibs. and under per M ft.) ; Ottawa to Montreal, 5 ; Quebec, ro; Arnprior to Montreal, 7; Quebec, 12 cts. ; Pembroke to Mcntreal, 8c.; Quebec, 13c. per roo dbs.; Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cents per too lbs. Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14 cents per roo Ibs. Ottawa to New York, track delivery 15 cents per roo lbs., lightered 17 cents per 100 lbs. Arnprior to New York, track delivery 17 cts.; lightered 1g cts. per coo lbs. Pembroke to New York, track de- livered 18c., lightered 25c. per roo lbs. Parry Sound, track, 20 cents, lightered, 22 cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local 15c.; exports 13c. per 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents ; export 15 cts. per 100 lbs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 21% cents, export 20 cts. per roo Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawato Burlington, 6c. pe) roo lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, ro cts. per 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per 100 lbs, from Arnprior 15 cents, from Parry Sound 20 cents per roo lbs.; Ottawa to CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION SS uu St. John, N. B. and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N. S. and common points, 2x cents per roo lbs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 lbs., and rates quoted above are in cents per 100 lbs., except when quoted per M ft.; the minimum carload charged is 10 M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 lbs. to the M feet. Ottawa rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Hawkesbury. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates for pine onthe Grand Trunk Rail- way, according to the tariff issued 15th February, 1897, will be found below. General instructions in shipping by Grand Trunk are embodied in these words in the schedule: Minimum we ght 30,000 Ibs. per car, unless the marked capacity of the car be less, in which case the marked capacity (but not less than 24,000 lbs.) will be the minimum weight. Exceptions—Cedar posts in box cars, dry basswood and light pine or cedar lumber, dry cedar shingles, charcoal and sawdust, which cannot be loaded up to 30,000 lbs. or up to the marked capacity of car, will be carried at actual weight, minimum 24,- ooo Ibs. The rates on lumber in the tariff will not be higher from an intermediate point on the straight run than from the first named point beyond to the same des- tination. For instance, the rates from Orillia to Guelph, Brampton, Weston or Toronto, would not be higher than the specific rates named from Graven- hurst to the same points, The rates from Cargill and Southampton to points east of Listowel and south and west of Stratford will be the same as from Kincardine, and the rates from Hanover or Hepworth would not be higher than from Wiarton to the same des- tination, Lut in no case are higher rates to be charged than as per mileage table published on page 15 of tariff. Rates from leading lumber points on pine and other softwood lumber, shingles, etc., are as follows: From Glencairn, Creemore, Aurora, Barrie and other points in group B to Toronto, 6%c.; Collingwood, Penetang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Sturgeon Bay, Victoria Har- Ih. bor, Midland, Fenelon Falls, Longford, Gravenhurst and other points in group C, to Toronto, 6%c.; Brace- bridge to Toronto 7c.; Utterson, Huntsville, Navor- Emsdale, Katrine to Toronto, 7%c.; Burk’s Falls, Ber- riedale Sundridge and South River, to Toronto, 8c.: Trout Creek, Powassen and Callender to Toronto, gc.; Nipissing Junction and North Bay, roc. Rate from Goderich, Kincardine, Owen Sound and Wiarton to Toronto, 64%c. These rates are per roo lbs. Rates from Toronto east to Belleville are 7c. per 100 lbs.; to Deseronto, 9c.; to Brockville and Prescott, roc.; to Montreal and Ottawa, 10c. The rates on hardwoods average about from rc. per roo lbs. higher than on pine and softwoods. For rates on railway ties, mahogany, rosewood, walnut, cherry, and other valuable woods, application must be made to the district freight agent. On spruce and balsam (partly seasoned) for pulp manufacture, the rate from Longford, Wiarton, Pene- tang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Victoria Harbor, Haliburton, Kinmount, etc., to Toronto, is $2.20 per cord; and to Merriton and Thorold, $2.60; Katrine, Callendar, North Bay, etc., tosame points, $2.45 and $2.60 respectively; Beeton, Allandale, Orillia, etc., $2 20 and $2.60. On green spruce and balsam th2 rate is 25 per cent. higher. CANADIAN PACIFIC RATLWAY. The rates at present in effect on the Canadian Pacific Railway to Toronto and Hamilton are as follows: Pine and soft woods from Klock, Mattawa, Bonfield, North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Cache Bay and Warren, 9 cents; from Sudbury Jct., Rayside and Chelmsford, 10 cents ; from Cartier and Geneva Lake, 104 cents; from Biscotasing, White Fish, Massey, Cutler, Spragge and Algoma, r2 cents per 100 lbs. The rates on hardwood are one cent per 100 lbs. higher than those on pine. From Ott:wa, Hull, Aylmer and Dechenes Mills, also Arnprior. Braeside and Pembroke, to Toronto the rate is 1o cents both on pine and hard- wood. The rates are based on a minimum of 30,000 Ibs. per car.” Summer rates to New York, via Albany and barge line, expired on November 28th, owing to closing of navigation on the Hudson river, and the usual all rail rates became effective, as follows: To New York, fof track delivery, and all points on the Hudson river, or the New York Central and West Shore railways, from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, 15c. per 100 Ibs.; from Carleton Jun tion, 16c.; from Arnprior, Brae- side and Renfrew, 17¢.; from Eganville and Pembroke, 18c. The rates to New York, including lith=rage within the free litherage limits of New York harbor, are 2 cents per 100 lbs. additional. Summer rates to Montreal expired on November 15th, and the usual winter rates became effective as follows: From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer and Deschenes Mills, 5c.; Carleton Junction, 6c.; Arnprior and Brae- side, 7c.; Renfrew, Eganville and Pembroke, 8c. The rate to Three Rivers is 4c. and to Quebec sc. over the rate to Montreal. The minimum car load in all cases where rates are computed ona weight basis is 30,000 lbs.; when on a measurement basis 10,000 feet B. M. The C.P.R. also make the fullowing rates on seasoned pine lumber to West St. John, N B., for export : From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, East Temple- ton and Buckingham, $3.75 per M feet; Carleton Junction, Braeside and Arnprior, $ per M feet ; Renfrew, Douglas, Eganville and Pembroke, $4.5) per M feet. On lumber for local consumption at St. John, N B., and common points the rate is 20 cents from Ottawa, Hull and Aylmer, and to Halifax 2t cents from same points. On seasoned pine lumber the rate from Ottawa to Uswego, N.Y., is $1.90 per M feet, and to Syracuse, N.Y., $2.20 per M feet; from Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cents and to Detroit 14 cents per 100 lbs.; to Boston, Mass., and common points, 15 cents from Ottawa, Hull, Deschenes Mills and all points east there- of ; 16 cents from Carleton Junction; 17 cents from Arnprior, Braeside and Renfrew, and 13 cents from Eganville and Pembroke, and proportionate rates from points further west on lumber ‘or consumption in the United States. The export lumber rate is 13 cents from Ottawa and Hull, 14 cents from Deschenes Mills, Aylmer .and Carleton Junction, and 15 cents from Arnprior and Braeside to Boston. Sarees CANADIAN EXPORTERS 1” WHOLESALERS ‘eenan—— Brothers OWEN SOUND, ONT. 1OOOOOD: WANT Rock Elm and Black Ash Dimension Stock. Advise amount you would be able to supply if price is right. TOHnN HARRISON MANUFACTURER OF PINE AND HARDWOOD LUMBER Short and Long Dimension Timber, in Pine, Hemlock, Cedar or Rock Elm. Contractors Supplied. Inside Finish, &c. Saw and Planing Miils: OWEN SOUN D, ONT. C. P. R. and G. T. R. Railways. ‘WV RITE FOR ESTIMATES. THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umireo , We are offering 1, 14%, 1% and 2” Shipping Cull and Box, Strips and Siding separate. We have a large quantity of mixed sizcs Joists . and Timbers on hand in White and Red Pine, also Ship Decking, cut 3x 5” and 3 x 6”... Very reasonable. Write us for prices. . . } PEMBROKE, ONT. MOHR & RYAN - KILLALOE STATION, ONT. .«+...DEALERS IN...... Elm, Ash, Basswood and Maple Lumber; Cedar, Pine and Hemlock Dimension Timber ; Cedar Telegraph and Telephone Poles; Railroad Ties and Fence Poles—all lengths. a Wie Lo, Om QUOTATIONS cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SxHipMents By Rait or WATER. - fee. OTilbiE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS # Penetang, Ontario KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING SHEETING SMITH & TYRER~ - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EHAsT TEMPLETON, QUE. Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. GEILING @ Ceiling ne HARDWOOD LUMBER ~~ Winter-Sawed Stock for the season on January 2nd, and make a Specialty of White Maple, Quarter Sawed Maple Mangle Rollers (Turned or Octagonal), Elm, Beech and Basswood Lumber, Etc. is the Best. We commence No correspondence neglected. J.S.FINDLAY, Owen Sound, Ont. JAS Pica YY FALE .&5@@. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ° LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty ... we MIDLAND, ONT. A. & P. VAITE Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting. Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock - PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIKRTON MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. %@ Pine Lath, Cedar, and K Pine Shingles. Mills at Wiarton. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parru Sound Ru. 9 . - - Operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OveREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal Flooring from $12.00 10.00 . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinron, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Suiru, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. Burk’s Falls, Ont. FOREIGN EXPORTERS 4x” IMPORTERS 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL WRIGHT, GRAHAM & G0. .. Wood Agents... | Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. aie F ay” a 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Braknidge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. continent handled to the best advantage. ents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS in the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”’ BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. : Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa end Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S_, Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jorn, Toroito. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. __ Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., limited, Owen Sound, Ont. lancaster Machine Works, Lancaster, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Northey Mfg. Co., Toronto, Ont. Payette, P. & Co., Penetanguishene, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sheibrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Branttord. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. The Defiance Machine Works, Defiance, Ohio, U.S.A. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PULP MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meafcrd, Ont. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Eerry, Ont. - WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Out. Wiggin, H. De Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Uffice and School Furniture Co.. Preston, Ont. Consul ing Engineers, Tower & Wallace, New York. Iinnois Ceutrai R.R. Lumbering Toois, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Machine Knives, Pete: Hay, Gali, Unt. The raestre t Mercantile Agency, New foik and Toronto. Treatise on Care cf Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand kapids, Mich. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. (The quotations given below are, unless otherwise specified, the average selli: g prices qucted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. Toronto, January 18, 18c9. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1% 1% and 2 inch cut up and better..... 32 00 $34 00 better...........-/$20 00 $22 oo zinch picksand uppers 34 00 36 co] ¢ inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x12 dressing and bet- t inch siding common 11 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft..... 22 00 24 co| ¢ inch sidingshipculls 10 50 11 50 1x10 fine dressing and cinch siding mill culls 8 50 9 00 better..... 2+ see 22 00 24 oo | Cullscantling........ 800 9 00 1x10 and 12 Canadian t inch strips 4 in. to 8 P dressing and better 18 00 2000] in. mill run...... - 13 00 14 00 x1-2and thicker cut- cinch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00 | ¢ 1-4 inch flooring.... “16 90 13-4 1. cut up and t 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 DEED... cee n-ne 33 00 35 90| XXX pineshingles, 16 ixic and 12 millrun 16 00 1800] inch.............-- 2 25 1x10 and 12 common. 12 00 14 Co | XX pineshingles t6inch I 40 1x10 and 12 mill culls g 00 10 00} Lath, No. 1........- I 50 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00} Lath No. 2......-.. I 15 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2z in. .$26 00 $28 oo ; Cherry x to134$50 00 $60 od a * 2% 104.. 30 00 32 00 a 2 ‘*4.. 6000 65 00 Ash, black, sts and Elm, soft 1 ‘' 13 14 00 15 00 ands, 1to 1% in ... 17 00 19 00 eas 2 ‘£3.. 15 00 1600 Ash, black, rsts and “ rock 1 ‘f 1% 1600 18 00 ands, 2104 in....-+ 19 00 21 00 ee ee 1% ‘* 3.. 20 00 22 00 Ash, M.R.,1 ‘ 2.. 15 09 18 00 Hickory 1% “ 28 00 3000 Birch, I .. 18 © 20 00] Maple xr ‘'' 1461500 17 00 os 1% “ 2.. 20 00 23 00 ORPORATIONS OR OTHERS WANTING Cedar Dimension Timber, Pavi: g Blocks or Cedar Poles, will find it to their advantage to write us for quotations Mour & Ryan, Killaloe Station, Ont. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. OR SALE OR EXCHANGE: A 12x34 EN- gine ; 50 ft. of 22 in. Stack; a Mortise Wheel and Pinion, 5% in. face, teeth 80and 22; a soin. Barber Water Wheel. All in good working order. Will take Stave and Heading Wachinery, or Hemlock Lumber. Gro F. Wester, Creemore, Ont. WE WANT HARDWOOD LUMBER, MILL cuts. Must be able to ship by water. Corres- pondence solicited. V.H. Sweinnart &Co., 94 E. Washington St., Chicago. ENGINE FOR SALE. NE HEAVY DUTY HIGH SPEED ARMING- ton & Sims pattern Automatic Cut-off Engine, cylinder 19 in. diameter, stroke 3o0in., 6in. steam con- nection. This engine is capable of 200 horse power at 120 revolutions. per minute; it is in good work- ing order, and has been replaced by a_ heavier engine of greater capacity. For further particulars apply at once to the GuTTa Percua & RuBBER MANvu- FACTURING Co. of Toronto, Limited, 61-63 Front street west, Toronto. We have received an enquiry for the address of manufacturers of wooden butter plates. Persons in this line of trade will oblige by communicating with the publishers. of this journal. FOR SALE OUNG’S POINT MILLS—IN THE VILLAGE of Young's Point, namely, saw mill, shingle mill and planing factcry, all run by water power and in good order ; about 5 acres land adjvining mill property, upon which are situate four dwelling houses, one black- smith shop, stables, etc.; saw mill has large circular saw, edger, butting saw, and power supplied by two 44-in. Giant wheels; shingle mill, one Perkins machine, two jointers and blecking saws, run by a 44-in. Giant wheel ; planing factory, one large pianer and matcher, one four-sided moulder, one splitting Saw, all iron; power supplied by two 4o-in Leffel wheels; this pro- perty hasa most desirable location, being situate on the Otonabee River, on the route of the Trent Valley Canal, and five miles from the Village of Lakefield. For further particulars and terms of sale apply to CorneLius You G, Young’s Point, or to DANIEL O'ConngELL, Solicitor, Peterborough. SSSSSSSoqoq_q_qxaVau_j CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ; ONTARIO. The present open winter 1s causing operators in hardwood timber some anxiety. In western Ontario there is not sufficient snow for hauling purposes, and unless winter weather, accompanied by snow, should set in immediately and con- tinue steadily for a couple of months, th production of logs will be curtailed. Should this prove to be the case, it will have the result of reducing the lumber supply, and therefore of maintaining the strength of the market. With a favorable logging season this winter, the crop of hardwood logs would doubtless have been large, but nature seems likely to prevent the consummation of this probability. In regard to prospective business the outlook is very hopeful. Manufacturers report numerous inquiries for both green and dry stock. Consumers show a disposition to secure themselves by contracting in ad- vance of requirements, apparenily hiving little hope that prices will be any lower. There is a good demand for hemlock, which seems likely to advance before spring. A fair movement of pine lumber, for local consumption, is reported. Some of the lower grades have stiffened in price, owing to the stock being scarce. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Lumber manufacturers in Quebec and New Brunswick are looking forward to the season of 1899 as likely to te more prosperous than that of last year. The market has been strengthened by the position taken by the operators, who are refusing to contract except at prices which give a fair margin of profit. The quan- tity of stock available for shipment is by no means large, while the input of logs will be,as previously stated, very much re- duced. In many districts the winter has so far been unfavorable for logging, owing to the continued mild weather. As to actual transactions, it is announced that several mill cuts have been sold. For spruce deals, delivered at St. John, $10.50 has been paid and $11 asked, and at other ports $9.50 is the price reported. This is a considerable advance upon last year’s quotations, and it would seem as if the day had passed for selling spruce deals at the actual cost of production. UNITED STATES. If the reports received from certain dis- tributing centres of the United States reflect the general conditions of the coun- try, the position of the iumber trade at the present time is unusually strong. Even in the absence of much demand for lum- ber for building purposes, the trade of the past week has been of considerable vol- ume. Wholesale dealers and consumers have been looking about for stocks, and manifest a willingness to contract for large supplies to be delivered during the year. Were prices not held so firmly at the mills, more buying would certainly result, the tendency. being to wait until the season is further advanced in the hope that greater inducements to the buyer will be offered. From indications, how- ever, prices will not weaken before the early summer at least, and some contend that the present quotations will rule throughout the year. Reports from New York, Boston, Philadelphia and other eastern points indicate low stocks of hard- wood lumber, an urgent inquiry, and ad- vancing prices. For basswood and birch the demand is fully 25 per cent. greater than it has been for several years. In the south log hauling has been interfered with by excessive rains, and the produc- tion of lumber will be somewhat curtailed. In the east the red cedar shingle market is decidedly firm, and it has been possible to obtain higher prices. FOREIGN. In foreign countries the buying season has opened with the usual degree of ac- tivity. In Great Britain there has been considerable business done in wood goods from Norway and Sweden, and prices are,on the whole, firm. Some sales of Canadian pine and spruce have been made, and it is now generally believed that the opening prices will be fully as high as those of one year ago. Spruce delas have improved of late, and num- erous inquiries are in the market. Con- cerning the situation as to wood goods, the Timber Trades Journal says: ‘That the large consumption here is fully ap- preciated by the foreign shippers is evi- ‘denced by the elevation of free-on-board prices, for which they have some justi- fication in the eagerness of buyers to secure stocks in the face of a largely in- creased production. We ate more favor- able to an advance than a fall in prices, as a declining market would be almost a calamity at the present time. On the other hand, it is not our desire to encour- age hopes of profits that may never come. All we can say now is that the trade is full of life and energy, and certain people who have large stakes at issue will do their utmost to keep prices from wavering.” France and Belgium have purchased battens and deals quite extensively, and the market there is strong. STOCKS AND PRICES. McCall & Mason, of St. Williams, Ont., expect to take out this winter about 600,- ooo feet of logs. It is reported that J. D. Shier, of Brace- bridge, Ont. has purchased a large limit adjoining the township of Livingstone. There is unusual activity in logging in Emmet county, Mich. Elm timber, which in former seasons sold at $6 per M., is now selling at $8. The Standard Oil Company is reported to have made a considerable purchase of lumber from W. C. Edwards & Company, of New Edinburgh, Ont. The transaction is said to represent over $30,000. There will be cut this winter for the McLean Estate mill, at Chipman, N.B., about 4,000,000 feet of logs. A. E. Alex- ander, of Campbellton, will take out in the neighborhood of 7,000,000 feet. The manufacturers of packing boxes in the New York district have formed a com- bination for the purpose of advancing prices. These manufacturers are among the largest users of white pine box shooks. “Hardwood dry stock in everything except maple, says the American Lum- berman, is very scarce at Grand Rapids, Mich. There has been the marked ad- vance of $5 per M. in white ash and quarter sawed oak since last July, $1. to $2. in elm, and 50 cents to $1 in basswood.” Figures are to hand showing the extent of the importation of wood goods into Great Britain during the year 1808. There were imported in that year hewn wood and timber to the value of £4,900,- 618; sawn, dressed and planed timber, 415,047,810 ; staves, £646,075, and ma- hogany, £691,314. John Edgington, of Edgington, Ont., writes that the stock of both lumber and shingles in that vicinity is pretty well cleaned out. During the season about 1,500,000 shingles were sold. There is considerable work going on in the woods in the neighborhood, and prospects are considered good for spring business. The American Lumberman states that the mills at Cheboygan, Mich., will have a full stock of logs for the coming season. Pelton & Reed have cleared about 15,- 000,000 feet in the Georgian Bay district, cut from Indian reserve lands. McArthur II. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. eee Bros. are lumbering on the Beaverstone river, where they expect to take out 8,000,- ooo feet. M. N. Conlin, of St. Joseph, Ont., is getting out 1,000,000 feet of logs. Some fitty shanty teams were last week sent from Ottawa to Gilmour & Company’s limits at Canoe Lake. The present sea- son has been favorable for hauling logs, there being plenty of snow in the woods. For the last quarter of the year 1898 the New Brunswick lumber shipped from St. Jobn to the United States was valued at $53,784.89 while the quantity of Maine lumber sawn by St. John mills and shipped to the United States was valued at $156,- 670.38. In the last quarter of 1897 New Brunswick lumber represenied $83,688.05, and the Maine product $179,568.72. At ameeting of m:anufacturers of spruce lumber held at Boston, Mass., on January 3rd, it was agreed to adhere to the follow- ing prices: Frames, 9 inches and under, $15 ; 10 and 12-inch dimension, $16 ; I0- inch random lengths, $15; 2x 3, 2x4 and 3x 4 random lengths, $13; 2x5, 2x6 and 2x7 random lengths, $13.50; all other random lengths, 9 inches and under, $14.50; 156-inch laths, $2.15; 1/4-inch laths, $2; 6-inch and up merchantable boards, 1o feet and up, p.i.s., $12.50; 5-inch and up, out boards,, $10 ; bundled furring, p.i.s., $12.50; planing one side, 50c.; planing two sides, $1 ; planing 3 or 4 sides, $1.50; planing one side and grooved, $1 ; planing one or two sides and matched, $1; splines, $1. These prices are based on Boston rate of freight terms (one per cent. discount for cash on net in fifteen days from date of invoice) or not to exceed sixty days. EASTERN PRICE SITUATION. It is a gratifymg fact that not only has the volume of the eastern trade revived somewhat in fact and more in promise, but that prices, which for a long time were weak, have been put on what may be as- sumed to be a profitable basis, and give promise of a still further advance in the near futnre as the spring trade shall open np. This betterment in values, says the American Lumberman, is felt all through the eastern territory from Delaware and Pennsylvannia to Maine. In New England proper, and especially in the northern part of it, where genuine winter is pretty sure to prevail for three months to come, there is not much current demand, though there isa larger require- ment than for several years past at this season. But there is a buoyant tone to the market anda general anticipation of a goad business year, which is encouraging. Particularly is this the case in the manu- facturing towns outside of Boston. The textile industries are expected to be in a prosperous condition, which will warrant considerable expansion of town and village building. It is too early in the year to expect very marked indications as to what is to be expected later on, but already around New York there is a con- siderable amount of building under way. In a great many of the suburban towns, and particularly along the seashore, a heavy amount of construction is being done to be ready by Mayt. The indus- trial activity which is most noticeable in the iron districts is the prominent feature in many portions of Pennsylvania and New York, so that altogether the eastern trade seems well justified in its anticipa- tion of aheavy requirement for the year and in believing that the recent advances in price are to be maintained and others instituted. Every variety of wood is sharing in the improvement. Spruce is upa dollar or two in New England and New York, with some dimension showing a greater ad- vance. Hemlock, which, strange as it may seem, has been selling in the east at lower prices than west of the Alleghanies, has also advanced, while the record as to white, yellow and North Carolina pine is well known. It seems, therefore, that lumbermen may count safely upon not only a firm market such as has been ex- perienced in the last few months, but on still further price advances, which will put the industry on a profitable basis. CANADIAN TIMBER IN LIVERPOOL. Messrs. Smith & Tyrer, wood agents, Glas- gow, Scotland, in their annual wood circular, refer to Canadian woods as follows : SPRUCE DEaLs.—The heavy stock and low prices which existed at the commencement of the year, in the regular markets, has given place to a gradually improved position, the stock now being 15,156 standards, against 20,053 standards at the end of 1897, in this market, while in other markets the position is still better. Prices have improved fully 10p per standard. The extensive shipments to the east coast and continent, thus opening up new markets, while they helped greatly to maintain values, were looked upon very doubtfully ; but the quality and manufacture has proved much more satisfactory than was anticipated, and this outlet will be a permanent one. One excellent result is that it has shown the producers that this wood is capable of better things than has been displayed in the past, and they are begin- ning to take more pride and care in their pro- ductions. We hail this tendency with very much satisfaction, because we advocate strongly the principle that each production should be known for its individual merits, and not classi- fied with all shipments from the same port. The output of logs during the winter is expected to show a certain reduction as against that of last winter, and, so far, in many districts the season has not been a satisfactory one for logging purposes. The stocks at the shipping ports are smaller than last year, and not excessive. An improved demand is expected from the United States and West Indies, and, perhaps, also from the South American ports, OTHER CANADIAN Woops.—White Pine Deals, &c., have been imported largely, and the stock is 19,602 standards, against 17,729 standards in 1897. Inferior qualities have been difficult to place, and low figures have at times been accepted. Canadian tin-ber has gone well into consumption, and the stocks are moderate. Red Pine Deals have been im- ported more largely than during several years past, but a good consumption is maintained, and opening prices show an improvement upon those of last year. Birch has been difficult to place, and planks have changed hands in some instances at extremely low prices, which have necessarily left a considerable loss to the shippers. The prices current at Liverpool on of January were as follows : Quebec white pine timber: Square... i.e cece neces aces per cu. ft. Waney bee bce we ese esihweeene W St. John, 18 in. average ...... " Other ports... ...--. esses eeeee " Red pine... ....002seeeeees sees " (QF Raseain wlan su ococnat ns oueces . " " the Ist. o a ins a 4 4 mNODRODODOONNOFL WAS ive wie ynte a ate viatatfeln aleje esle)\alin'ala. © Sailers W Birch, St. John......:.2...-+-00« " Quebec... ee eens ese see rie " Nova Scotia, &c.......0505 3 " Spars, spruce......- " Quebec and Michigan pine deals : £-S. TStiquality.. c.sessns ones per std 21 o and quality.........-++-+++ " 16.0 grd quality .....:--+-2-.-s " 90 Red pine deals........-..-++-: " 8 o Planks, spruce, St. John.....- " 65 Nova Scotia, &c......+-+-- " 60 ——_— SALE OF CANADIAN PINE AND SPRUCE. Messrs. Churchill & Sim, London, England, held an auction sale of wood goods on January 11th and 12th, at which the following prices were realized for Canadian pine and spruce : Pine.—Ex Brazilian, from Montreal—6-11 ft., 1x3, G5 10s; 9 ft. 3 x 11-20, first quality pine, G19 10s; 9 ft., 3x 7-10 in., £16 10s 59 ft., 3x 4-6, £14 158; 6-8 ft., 3x 11-20, £18; 6-8 ft., 3x 7-10, £13 15s; 6-8 fl., 3x7-10, 413 1583 6-8 ft., 3x7-10, A1Z 15s; 6-8 ft., 3x0and 3x5, 413 583 6-8 ft., 3x4, £12. Ex Chatfield, from Quebec—II ft., 3 x 11,3rd quality pine, £8 5s. and £8 15s; 11 ft., 3x 1, £8 108; 9-10 ft., 3x 11-21, 48 Ios. Ex Belgium King, from Quebec—12-13 ft., 3x 10 in., 3rd quality pine, 47 158; 13 ft., 3x9, 47 10s; 12 ft., 3x9, £7 1583 13 ft., 3x8, and (2ift., 3x 8 75 13 fy 3% 7, ZOltss 5 uate 3x7, 47 and £7 5s. Ex Monarch, from Quebec—13 ft., 3 x 9-10 in., 4th quality pine, £6 108; 12-13 ft., 3 x 8, £6; 12-13 ft., 3x7, £6; 11 ft., 3x 9-10, £6 5s; 10 ft., 3 x9, £6 58; 10-11 ft., 3x 7-8, £0. Ex Greylands, from Quebec—12-16 ft., 3x6 in. dry 3rd quality pine, £7 58 ; 12-16 ft., 3x 5, £6 15s. Ex Ormiston, from Quebec—16 ft., 3 x 12-21 in. 2nd quality pine, £13 5s and £13 15s ; 13- 15 ft., 3 x 12-28, 413 1583 14 ft., 3 X 12-27, £14 5s; 10-16 ft., 3 x 8-23, £14. Ex Unique, from Quebec—12-14 ft., 3x 11, first quality pine, £22; 15 ft., 3 x II, L2G, WO it... 30% Uy £21. Ex Devona, from Quebec—i12-16 ft., 2 x 10-30 inch, first quality pine, £19 5s; 14-16 ft., 2x 8, £19 5s; 14-16"ft., 2x 8, £17/585 14-16 ft., 2x 8-32, £19; 14-16 ft., 2 x 7-8, 417 5s. Ex Darby, from Miramichi, N.B.(J. B. Snowball’s shipment)—12-13 ft., 3 x 11 in. HHH HHHNHHADH YE CHnnawoarononS th BU HH HHH NWHH DDH o o Hw ununodo AnwDoOUs nate rh SS 3rd quality pine, £6 §s ; 14-15 ft., 3 x 11, £6 5S; 10-11 ft., 3 x Il, £6 los; 12-13 ft. 5 3.x 9, £5 10s ; 6-8 ft.. 3x 11-17in., 2nd and 3rd quality pine, £5 10s; 3-5 ft., 3 x 11-16, b5 158 ; 6-8 ft., 3x9, 45 583 3-5 ft., 3 X 9-10, 44 158; 6-8 ft., 3x7-8in., £4 10s; 6-8 ft., 3x7, 641583 3-5 ft, 3x 7-8, 445s. Ex Krim, from Quebec—12-18 ft.,1 x 7 first clear, Lil 5s ; 13-18 ft., 1 x 6, 410 10s ; 12-18 ft., 1x6, £10 10s; 12-18 ft., 1x5 and 1x4, G10 5s; 6-11 ft., 1x 4-10, £7 55. Spruce. — Ex Chatfield, from Quebec—13ft., 3x Qin., first quality spruce, £8 15s 5 11 ft., 3 x 9, and 9-10 ft., 3x 9, £8 ;7-9 ft., 3 x 7-9, %7 tos. Ex Cameo, from Quebec—i2 ft., 3 x 9 in., first quality spruce, £9 ; 12-17 ft., 3 x 9-10, £958: 9-11 ft., 3x 9-16, £91583 12-16 ft., 3x 8, 48 10s; 9-11 ft., 3x 6-8, £8 10s ; 12-16 ft., 3 x 6-7 in., £7 10s. Ex Ker- riemoor, from Quebec—11 ft., 3 X 9 in., 2nd quality spruce, 47 ; 10-11 ft., 3 X9, 47 5% Ex Monarch, from Quebec—13-14 ft., 3 X 6 in. 3rd quality spruce, 46 ; 10-11 ft., 2 X 5-6 in., £5 15s. Ex Castlemoor, from Quebec—I10-13 {t., 3 X 9-16 in. 2nd quality spruce, £7. Ex Ormiston, from Quebec—12-16 ft., 3 x 9, un- assorted, £7 58; 13 ft., 3x9, £73 9-11 ft,, 3x9, £6 15s ; 10-16 ft., 3 x 8, £6 tos ; 9-16 ft., 3X7, £610s; 9-16 ft., 3x6, £6; 9-13 ft., 3X 4:5, £5 158 ; 10-13 ft, 3% 3-11, £0 5s; 5-8 ft., 3X 5-14, £5 158; 10-16 ft., 3-7- 10, 4th quality, £6 5s ; 6-13 ft., 2x 7-10, £6 15s 3 7-13 ft., .2-x4-6, £655, Ex Darby, from Miramichi, (J. B. Snowball’s shipment) —12-14 ft., 3 X 11, mixed quality, £7 5s; 12- 14 ft., 3X 9, £7, and £6 15s ; 9-11 ft., 3 x 8- 11, £6 £08; 10-24 ft., 2x8, £73; 9-24 ft., 24%x6%, £6 5s; 10-22 ft.,2x 7, Ts 10- 23 ft.,2x 6, £6 and £5 15s ; 10-22 ft., 2X4, £6 10s. Ex Hazelmoor, from Quebec—1z2 ft., 3X gin. 3rd quality spruce, £7 5s. Ex Krim, from Quebec—g-11 ft., 3X9 in., 2nd quality spruce, £7 58.3; I1-16 ft., 3X 9-17 in, un- assorted, £73; 11-15 ft., 3x 7-8, £6 15s.; 9- 14. ft. 236 S14 -Wee eG Oty ke Ons ft., 2X 4-6, £5 155.3 6-8 ft., 242x4-6, £5; 6-8 ft., 2x 7-11, £5 10s. Ex-Unique, from Quebec—12-16 ft., 3 X9 in., Ist quality spruce, £93 10-11 ft., 3X 9-11 in, £8 5s.; 10-14 ft, 3x8in., £7 10s.; 10-16 ft., 3xX6-7 in., £7 58.3 9-12 ft., 3X7-11 in., 2nd quality, £6 10s. ; 9-12 ft., 3X 9-11 in. 4th quality, £6 15s.; 6-12 ft., 3x 7-8in., £6 10s. Ex-Fernmoor, from Quebec—10-13 ft., 3X 9-12 in., 3rd quality, £6; 10-13 ft., 3X 7-8 in., £6 tos; 12-14 ft., 3x6in., £6 5s.; 14-16 ft., 3X5 in., £5 5s.5 10-11 ft., 3X 5-6 in., £6. Spruce palings, 4 and 4% x 3 X 3, ex-Darby, from Miramichi, sold at 5s. 6d. to 5s. gd. SHIPPING MATTERS. Coastwise freights have weakened slightly of late. Itis reported that the rate on lumber from St. John, N.B., to New York has dropped from $3.50 to $3. Free operations in sale tonnage are held in check by the reserve offerings of vessels. From Montreal comes the report that orders are in the market for the various trades and shippers in most instances are prepared to meet current rates, but the supply of vessels is limited and business is restricted in consequence. BUSINESS NOTES. The firm of Joseph Martin & Sons, lumber- men, Harriston, B.C., has been dissolved. A portion of the assets of W. I. Storey, lumber dealer, Ottawa, were sold last week. The Sheppard Lumber Company, of Orillia, Ont., has obtained charter of incor- poration. Callim & McDonough, lumber dealers, Rus- sell, Man., are announced to have assigned to Charles Burley. The sash and door factory of Phaneuf & Dore, at Outremont, Que., was destroyed by fire last week. The building and a greater part of the machinery are a complete loss. January 25, 1899 LUMBERMAN’S INSPECTION BOOK. Send four 3-cent Canadian postage stamps fora copy of the LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPECTION BOOK, containing rules for the inspection of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. VANCEBORO MFG, CO, wancscieccceo? Long and Short LUMBER and HARDWOOD INTERIOR and EXTERIOR FINISH WOOD TURNINGS and NOVELTIES Chas. B. Treat, Treas. ENFIELD, MAINE. Correspondence Invited. Estimates Furnished. WANTED Black Ash, all thicknesses. 1-inch Red Oak. Ineh Butternut, Mill Run. Ineh Basswood. State quantity and price. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 7 Crospy Square, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. ** Sieveking,’ London HESSLER & CO. Wood Agents West Hartlepool and Hull, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newpert, ‘ on. Cable Address: ‘‘ Hessler,’ West Hartlepool. H.D.WICGIN 89 STATE ST., BOSTON, MASS. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG aes Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Joun McKercow, W. K. GrarFrey. President. Managing Director. THE MONTREAL LUMBER CO. (Limited.) WHOLESALE LUMBER OTTAWA PINE A SPECIALTY Office ard Yard: 208 Guy Street Bell Telephone 8576. MONTREAL ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woo s, Including Meohogaw A Specialty. = CORRESPONDENCE INV!ITFD QUOTATIONS GIVEN BUYERS.OF WHITE PINE AnD HARDWOOD dy CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Do You Use Mahogany? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous . . [TABASCO MAHOGANY | Finest figured wood on the market ; is hard and takes elegant finish. Brings high- est prices in Europe, but we sell here about same prices as ordinary mahogany. Specially adapted for fine cabinet and interior finish c : LAWRENCE & WIGGI Importers and Manufacturers BOSTON, MASS. North mawan Ma ; I | | JANUARY 25, 189¢ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ila. LUMBER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way areas follows: Ottawa, Rockland, Hawkesbury and intermediate points to Toronto, 10 cents per too Ibs.; Parry Sound to Toronto, pine ro cents, hard- wood, 11 cents; Ottawa to Oswego, $t.90 per M ft.; Ottawa to Syracuse; $2.20 per M ft » (3,000 Ibs. and under per M ft.); Ottawa to Montreal, 5 ; Quebec, to; Arnprior to Montreal, 7; Quebec, 12 cts. : Pembroke to Mentreal, 8c.; Quebec, 13. per roo Ibs.; Ottawa. to Buffalo, 12 cents per too lbs. Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14 cents per too Ibs. Ottawa to New York, track delivery 15 cents per roo lbs., lightered 17 cents per roo Ibs. Arnprior to New York, track delivery 17 cts.; lightered 19 cts. per soo lbs. Pembroke to New York, track de- livered 18c., lightered 25c. per r00 lbs. Parry Sound, track, 20 cents, lightered, 22 cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local rsc.; exports 13c. per 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents ; export 15 cts. per too lbs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 2134 cents, export 20 ets. per roo Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., r5 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawato Burlington, 6c. pe) too lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, to cts. per roo Ibs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per too Ibs, from Arnprior 15 cents from Parry Sound 20 cents per roo lbs.; Ottawa to St. John, N. B. and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N. S. and common points, 2r cents per roo lbs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, * shingles, etc., is 30,000 Ibs., and rates quoted above are in cents per 100 Ibs., except when quoted per M ft.; the mi-iimum carload charged is 10 M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 Ibs. to the M feet. ‘Ottawa rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Hawkesbury. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates for pine onthe Grand Trunk Rail- way, according to the tariff issued rsth February, 1897, will be found below. General instructions in shipping by Grand Trunk are embodied in these words in the schedule: Minimum we ght 30,000 lbs. per car, unless the marked capacity of the car be less, in which case the marked capacity (but not less than 24,000 lbs.) will be the minimum weight. Exceptions—Cedar posts in box cars, dry basswood and light pine or cedar lumber, dry cedar shingles, charcoal and sawdust, which cannot be loaded up to 30,000 lbs. or up to the marked capacity of car, will be carried at actual weight, minimum 24,- ooo Ibs. The rates on lumber in the tariff will not be higher from an intermediate point on the straight run than from the first named point beyond to the same des- tination. For instance, the rates from Orillia to Guelph, Brampton, Weston or Toronto, would not be higher than the specific rates named from Graven- hurst to the same points. The rates from Cargill and Southampton to points east of Listowel and south and west of Stratford will be the same as from Kincardine, and the rates from Hanover or Hepworth would not be higher than from Wiarton to the same des- tination, Lut in no case are higher rates to be charged than as per mileage table published on page 15 of tariff. Rates from leading lumber points on pine and other softwood lumber, shingles, etc., are as follows: From Glencairn, Creemore, Aurora, Barrie and other points in group B to Toronto, 6%c.; Collingwood, Penetang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Sturgeon Bay, Victoria Har- bor, Midland, Fenelon Falls, Longford, Gravenhurst and other points in group C, to Toronto, 6%c.; Brace- bridgeto Toronto 7c.; Utterson, Huntsville, Navor- Emsdale, Katrine to Toronto, 7i4c.; Burk’s Falls, Ber- riedale Sundridge and South River, to Toronto, 8c.: Trout Creek, Powassen and Callender to Toronto, gc.; Nipissing Junction and North Bay, toc. Rate from Goderich, Kincardine, Owen Sound and Wiarton to Toronto, 64%c. These rates are per 100 lbs. Rates from Toronto east to Belleville are 7c. per 100 lbs.; to Deseronto, 9c.; to Brockville and Prescott, 1oc.; to Montreal and Ottawa, 10c. The rates on hardwoods average about from rc. per 100 lbs. higher than on pine and softwoods. For rates on railway ties, mahogany, rosewood, walnut, cherry, and other valuable woods, application must be made to the district freight agent. On spruce and balsam (partly seasoned) for pulp manufacture, the rate from Longford, Wiarton, Pene- tang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Vicioria Harbor, Haliburton, Kinmount, etc., to Toronto, is $2 20 per cord; and to Merriton and Thorold, $2.60; Katrine, Callendar, North Bay, etc., to same pOints, $2.45 and $2.60 respectively. Beeton, Allandale, Orillia, etc., $2.20 and $2.60. On green spruce and balsam th? rate is 25 per cent. higher. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. The rates at present in effect on the Canadian Pacific Railway to Toronto and Hamilton are as follows: Pine and soft woods from Klock, Mattawa, Bonfield, North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Cache Bay and Warren, 9 cents; from Sudbury Jct, Rayside and Chelmsford, 10 cents ; from Cartier and Geneva Lake, 10% cents; from Biscotasing, White Fish, Massey, Cutler. Spragge and Algoma, 12 cents per 100 lbs. The rates on hardwood are one cent per ton lbs. higher than those on pine. From Ott wa, Hull, Aylmer and Dechenes Mills, also Arnprior. Braeside and Pembroke, to Toronto the rate is ro cents both on pine and hard. wood. The rates are based on a minimum of 30,000 Ibs. per car.”’ Summer rates to New York, via Albany and barge line, expired on November 28th, owing to closing of navigation on the Hudson river, and the usual all rail rates became effective, as follows : To New York, fof track delivery, and all points on the Hudson river, or the New York Central and West Shore railways, from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills 15C. per 100 Ibs.; from Carleton Jun tion, 16c.; from Arnprior, Brae- side and Renfrew, 17¢.; from Eganville and Pembroke, 18c. The rates to New York, including lith rage within the free litherage limits of New York harbor, are 2 cents per 100 lbs. additional. Summer rates to Montreal expired on November 15th, and the usual winter rates became effective as follows: From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer and Deschenes Mills, 5c.; Carleton Junction, 6c ; Arnprior and Brae- side, 7c.; Renfrew, Eganville and Pembroke, 8c. The rate to Three Rivers is 4c. and to Quebec sc. over the rate to Montreal. The minin um car load in all cases where rates are computed ona weight basis is 30,000 Ibs.; when on a measurement basis 10,000 feet B. M. The C P.R. also make the fullowing rates on seasoned pine lumber to West St. John, N B., for export : From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, East Temple- ton and Buckingham, $3.75 per M feet: Carleton Junction, Braeside and Arnprior, $4..0 per M feet ; Renfrew, Douglas, Eganville and Pembroke, $4.5 per M feet. On lumber for local consumption at St. John, N B., and common points the rate is 20 cents from Ottawa, Hull and Aylm.r, and to Halifax or cents from same points. On seasoned pine lumber the rate from Ottawa to Uswego, N.Y., is $1.90 per M feet, and to Syracuse, N.Y., $2.20 per M feet; from Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cents and to Detroit 14 cents per 100 lbs.; to Boston, Mass., and common points, 15 cents from Ottawa, Hull, Deschenes Mills and all points east there- of ; 16 cents from Carleton Junction ; 17 cents from Arnprior, Braeside and Renfrew, and 13 cents from Eganville and Pembroke, and proportionate rates from points further west on lumber or consumption in the United States. The export lumber rate is 13 cents from Ottawa and Hull, 14 cents from Deschenes Mills, Aylmer and Carleton Junction, and 15 cents from Arnprior and Braeside to Boston. CANADIAN EXPORTERS «°° WHOLESALERS WANT Rock Elm and Black Ash Dimension Stock. Advise amount you would be able to supply if price is right. JOHN HARRISON MANUFACTURER OF PINE AND HARDWOOD LUMBER Short and Long Dimension Timber, in Saw and Planing Mills: QWEN SOUN D, ONT. Pine, Hemlock, Cedar or Rock Elm. ¢ C. P. R. and G. T. R. Railways. Contractors Supplied. Inside Finish, &c. WV TE FOR ESTIMATES. Tae PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umreo We are offering 1, 1%, 1% and 2” Shipping Cull and Box, Strips and Siding separate. Very reasonable. 1OOOOOD: OWEN SOUND, ONT. Write us for prices. . . } PEMBROKE. ONT. We have a large quantity of mixed sizes Joists and Timbers on hand in White and Red Pine, * also Ship Decking, cut 3x5” and 3x 6”... MOHR & RYAN ~- KILLALoz station, ont. ee...-DEALERS IN...... Elm, Ash, Basswood and Maple Lumber; Cedar, Pine and Hemlock Dimension Timber ; Cedar Telegraph and Telephone Poles . Railroad Ties and Fence Poles—all lengths. _ Mia. Ls TOR QUOTATIONS cLAURIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAST TEMPLETON, QUE. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS By RaiL oR WatTER. — T.L. BAILIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots, a 4 Wants to hear from mills having above woods to 4 offer for sale. ¥ Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. Winter-Sawed Stock is the Best. We commence for the season on January 2nd, and make a Specialty of White Maple, Quarter Sawed Maple Mangle Rollers LUMBER @ @m (Turned or Octagonal), Elm, Beech and Basswood Lumber, Etc. No correspondence neglected. J.S.FINDLAY, Owen Sound, Ont. oo JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ° LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty .. . A. & P. VAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock c PEMBROKE ONT SS ' . ROBERT WATT ° WIARTON ee ae ean Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER i Pine sninctes HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. 2a Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Joisting, CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton. OWEN SOUND, MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. : ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound RU. aera sest and Quickest Route trom . - - operating - - PRIOR, PEMBROKE, BARRY SooNDY ata are ’ . an OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALT. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. ‘ M. A. OverenD, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board W. P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. Trade, Montreal C. J. Smiru, General Traffic Manager, Ortawa, Ont. Flooring from $12.00 KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHEETING” FOREIGN EXPORTERS 4x” IMPORTERS i WOOD BROKERS) SMITH.& TYRER = - — 4 canada dock, LiveRPoOL io Se - . Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. GEILING @ Ceiling iM 10.00 Burk’s Falls, Ont. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Braknidge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwood - in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. iy. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”" BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. : Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa 2nd Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S , Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamulton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS s tandard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jobn, Toroxto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Lancaster Machine Works, Lancaster, Ont. Lloyd Manufactunng Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Northey Mfg. Co., Toronto, Ont. Payette, P. &Co., Penetanguishene, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. The Defiance Machine Works, Defiance, Ohio, U.S.A. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PULP MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Kingston Ont. PULLEYS The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Til, U.S.A. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St. John, N. B. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Consulting Engineers, Tower & Wallace, New York. Ilnois Central R-R. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. The bradstre-t Mercantile Agency, New f ork and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. (The quotations given below are unless oth erwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. Toronto, January 25, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. r inch dressing and better. 55 -.--c=-5-- $20 oo $22 t inch siding mill run 14 00 15 t inch siding common 11 00 12 t inch siding shipculls 10 50 11 t inch siding millculls 850 9 Cullscantling......-. tinch strips 4 in. to 8 in. mill run...... - 13 00 t inch strips, common 11 00 t 1-4 inch flooring.... t 1-2 inch flooring.... XXX pine shingles, 16 14% 1% and 2 inch cut up and better...--- $32 00 $34 00 zinch picksand uppers 34 00 30 00 1x? 2 dressing and bet- ter, 60% 16 ft..---- rxio fine dressing and better.....--++- -+- ixro and 12 Canadian dressing and better 18 00 1 1-2and thicker cut- ting up plank 1 1-4 in. cut up and better...--------- 33 00 ixrce and 12 mill run 16 oo rx1o and 12 common. 12 00 rx1o and 12 mill culls 9 00 BONG) Y ccee on inch clear and picks 28 oo Lath No. 2........- HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. 1 toz2 in. .$26 00 $28 oo | Cherry 1 to1r}Z$50 00 2% to 4-. 30 00 32 00 7 2. ** 4...60100 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm, soft “1% 14 00 ands, 1to 1% in.... Pe 3-- I5 00 Ash, black, rsts and ** 14% 16 00 3-. 20 00 2.. 28 00 ands, 2 to 4 in Ash, M.R.,x “‘ "18 16 00 4-- 17 00 1% 26 00 24 co 24 00 20 00 24 00 26 00 88838 885888 35 00 18 00 14 00 Io 00 30 00 oo 65 oo 15 00 16 oo 18 oo Ash, white, oe ee 17 00 1g 00 21 00 18 oo 20 00 23 00 26 co Basswood, 5 * ands, 1 to1% in..-- 18 00 ae 20 00 16 00 25 00 3.. 25 00 28 00 *2.. 24.00 2 00 *€ 3.. 85 00 100 00 I Whitewood 1 ‘‘ 2.. 3200 3600 a CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, January 25, 899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....--- $31 00 36 00 ) ter stock. Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8& ups.c. sidings 11 00 Pine, good shorts,..-. 17 90 25 00 Pine, s.c. strips. - Pine, No. x dressing ‘ine, sc. shorts sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls. Bn eee oF ee 15 co 18 00| Pine mill Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath per M No.1... 410 110 wats sine SOR 14 00 16 00| Lath per M No. 2... 80 95 Pine, No. 1 dressing ixro No. 1 barn...- 18 oo shorts, ...---+--+++ 1200 1400| 1x10 No.2 “ .... 16 00 Pine, 10 s.c. and bet- 1x8 &gNo.1 * ..-- 17 00 ter stock,....-.---- 13.50 15 00|1x8&aNo.2“% ..-- 15 90 QUEBEC, QUE. QueEseEc, January 25, 899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts. Common and railroad, for terior and_ordinary according to average, quality, etc., measured off...... top Ppe ess 21 @ 24 For 40 to 45 feet average, measured ES cone - ass 209 ag For good and good fair average, measured off....- Ae eee First class 4 meee a. ee In shipping order a Ae aeee Oe ee 35 40 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average...-.-------- Sed eater 35 37 Bd ee ‘© "39 to 21 inch average..----++--++-+-- 38 «4640 First class Michigan waney board, 18 inch average...---------- gee bas ay US “ ** ‘39 to 21 inch average.-.------ 44 «46 RED PINE—'N THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality.....---.-------- 22 «28 In shipping order, 35to45feet “we wneeeerereeeers 38 «40 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. =, « <=, “45 9 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .32 35 Le as « "30 to 35 feet. -27 3c ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . . - 2% . 24 To ayerage 16.mchs = ane 6 - = +) = eens 26 r BIRCH. 1ginchaverage.- - - - + = a i fo ss 16 ‘ a - ar =. br cee a Eee a8 *** cst Se, nS a a DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N. Y., January 25, 1899 WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber... .... $28 co @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking. ...-.---.-- 4400 5090 , SPRUCE. : 6 to gin 14 50| 10 to 12 in....------- 16 25 17 00 6 to 12in 15 75| Lath.....-.--..+---- 185 195 g o12in 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1 and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16 1% to 21n a7 co oc oe 1 inch, ss Soft Elm, as 14in and thicker, 5 a“ : 4l4 Hard Maple, “ “ ‘ Basswood, « ae ac oe Birch, oe a “© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O... ce oe Soft Elm, oe o Lad i *« Hard Maple, * “ “ Basswood, « “ “ Birch, “ ALBANY, N.Y. Avgany, N.Y., January 25, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up ------+--+- $51 $53 | Dressing boards, narrow... -$19 $2 Be eee 30 52| West India shipping boards. =4 16 EO 2 Ue ose noamee caceu ee 45 48| Box n= cece eens an mee 4 inch uppers ---------++--- 54 | ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 244 in. up...------- 44 | ro-in. common .........-+-- 13 15 EO BERS occ atic ste ne swel= 40 | 12-in. dressing and better... 23 34 Fine common, 2% in. andup 39 42 Common, 1X12 ....-. --+--- Tq 15 rto2in......- oe penecsre ae 36 38| No. x barn, rx12.........-- 20 22 No. 1 cut, x to 2inch....... 25 30 Se eo ete es oan ee 18 20 NNO. 2.....20 0p ccecennenee 20 25 Pt OCP ee en 16 18 No.3--------+0--- peteees 17 20| No. 2 barn, rx12.....------ 16 17 No. 1 molding, to21n..... 30 36 ERIG, «<0 -wccen «Sueewoeme 15 16 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2in..... 24 27 | _ 1x8.-----------++2+-+-7- 13 «415 Stained saps . 20 | Shaky or star clear, x to 2 in. 1G 21 nee sees 30 Ba Dressing ...005 sees eeeee 16 58 Ss, 12-in. up... 29 31 Common ....-...---+---: Ir 15 LATH. Pine <2 ieawce = eesemce+<~s-3 $1 75 | Spruce ..... jidiwien cance $x 75 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 25 Clear butts ....-..--- 3.00 3 25| Hemlock............-- 15 Smooth, 6x18.....-- 53 00 5 50| Spruce.........- ane 220 BOSTON, MASS Boston, January 25, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed % inch......--.-- $925 $950 boards .....+-+++ $10 50 1200] 11-16 inch........ 900 9 £0 Coarse No. 5.-----+ I5 00 615 50 fines ears - 8m 8 75 Refuse. ...-.-++++ 12 00 13 0| Clapboards, sapext.. 4¢ 00 44 00 Outs... cse2ecesee g 00} Sapclear....... -. 33.00 3500 Boxboards,1 inch... 10 00 14 00 Sap, 2nd clear.... 30 00 31 00 Yeinch..----+++-+ g co 95° ING. Teese ceuseene 19 00 =. 23, 00 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in..------ $50 00@52 oo | Fine com., zand 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2, rin. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 gand 4in....+--+++ 58 00 6200] 1%, 1% and 2in... 30 a 32 00 Selects, 1 in.....---- 4400 45.00 No. 1 strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 90 44 00 14, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 Noe o2 cece cem= . 36 00 39 00 3and 4 in.......-- co 5600] No. 3---------++- 28 00 30.00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, 1 in........ 20 00 3200 rz in. clear...... 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 0c Fine common, rin.... 40 00 4 00 Common allwidths... 22 00 26 00 1%, 14% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls,z in... 14 50 15 5° do 1% in. 15 50 16 50 SHINGLES. 1 50 | Second Clear..... Jeeee Ege 275 2 65 | Extra No. 2.......---. 125 1% 52 2 40 LATH. Leesa x 80@ x go Spruce....-+--eeeeee By car ..... eee a . 180@ 20¢ ba " uw No.1 14 in. to 4% in. kiln dried basswood " Up'rs, 1,14, 14 and 2 in $46 2% and 3 in.... "55 09 | Pi Nemes pt 58 oo Eee in. *...--+++ 41 00 I PS. eer ere rn: 2% and 3 in....... ¥ 2) Tk; “anuera owgewes in... 36 00 1% and 1% in..... 36 00 in. 2 In......-+.-+-+- 36 00 No. 2, ro in.. 3) Wie see xe No. 2, 12 in... ..-. Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. 28 00 1¥% to2 in.......-. 33 00 0. 2, XM. 2dr oh GO Ie No. 2, 1%, & 1 in 23 00 No. 3, 1% & 1% in 17 00 up, ELM. < 1st & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ist & 2d, soft, MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | 1st & ad, so 1in., 8 in. and up wide...... 34 00 | 2% and 1%, 1% and 2in Se eee I 35 00| 4in.. B FINE COMMON OR NO. © rin., 7in. and up wide..... 1%, 1% and 2in......---- STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR A 1¥% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 6 oe § nis widens hoes | 40 00 bin wid rin., 4, 5 in, wide. ....----- 1% in., 6 in. wide....-- ouee SELECTED NO. I SHELVING rin., 4,5 and 7 in tin., tin., 4,5 and 7 inch rin., 6inch ......---+------ ™4 21N No. 1, 2 in:, ro in. stocks.... 25 00 rin., ro in. and up wide... 26 00 No. 1, 12 in......+-+ EOIN, cvs ca ears seen gi.....-- peer the 8 and 7 in.....-.-- No. 2, 12in......- SOM coves Sanne ana ae 2 1 in., 4and 5 mm. wide... 1 in., 6 in. wide......--- rin., 7 in. wide and up.....- To CO] rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 20 00 ‘ 1 in., 6m. wide.... ....----- 22 00 No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 No. 2..--- wan fas saemmine - 17 00 Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$ 9 50 1B ft. .-.0.20se- ses eseeee2 FO 50 "SHINGLES Country brands, XXXX..... 3 00 Clear Butts......--sss00+-+ 2 OO} Nos fs. -ccccaes= scenes tena gh : PRICES OF COOPER - F. Suthe No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net No.130 " " nS n No. 1 32 " " " " No. 1 24 " w No. 2 28% " " No. 2 30 " " No. 2 32 " ce " No.224 " Nor15 ut " ou No. 117% " No.118 w 18% " No. 1 19% " " No. 1 19% " " " " Mill run heading %ct. per set less, No. 2 heading ret. p No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000 as 34 in. to 35 o. I 30 In "lf CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.oo per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN THE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., FEBUARY I, 1899 No. 2. CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire INsurANcE BUILDING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and - leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and - character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. WE WANT HARDWOOD LUMBER, MILL cuts. Must be able to ship by water. Corres- pondence solicited. V.H. SweinHart & Co., 94 E. Washington St., Chicago. WANTED. RDERS FOR HEMLOCK LUMBER AND Timber. Logs in stock from ten to thirty feet. Load at Wiarton. Address Pickarp & Rowan, Mar P.O., Ont. WANTED. HOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS AND Manufacturers who have lots of 50 to 200 M Lumber and Shingles for sale, should write me. Ad- dress, Joun B. Dog, Buffalo, N.Y. AND SAW MILL FOR SALE AT FORT William ; capacity of Mill, 40,000 feet in ten hours ; also Planing Mill. Property includes 500 feet frontege on Kaministiquia River, suitable for an ele- vator. For particu’ars apply to C. C. AssotT Assig- nee, Estate Graham, Horne & Co., Fort William Ont. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. OR SALE OR EXCHANGE: A 12x14 EN- gine; soft. of 22 in. Stack; a Mortise Wheel and Pinion, 5% in. face, teeth 80 and 22; a soin. Barber Water Wheel. Allin good working order. Will take Stave and Heading Machinery, or Hemlock Lumber. Gro F. WesTER, Creemore, Ont. WANTED. tang ROCK ELM, BLACK ASH, BIRCH, Basswood, Red Oak, and Soft Maple Lumber, 1 to 3 in. thick and dry for prompt shipment. I will con- tract for any of this lumber to be cut to order for spring and summer delivery. Inspection at shipping point. Terms cash. E. C. ~Braprorp, 71 Buhl Block, Detroit, Mich. FOR SALE. HE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND TWO and one-half million feet of Spruce Logs, lengths 10, 12, 14, 16 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26 feet and is prepared to manufacture same in any form desired having for this purpose a stationary saw mill equipped with gang edger, laner and shingle machine, with a capacity of -0,0o00 Rect perday. A purchaser is desired who would contract for the entire cut of mill. Correspondence solicited. a Me all Makinak (L.M.C. Co. Railway), ito! FOR SALE. eur HUNDRED ACRES TIMBER BIRCH and Hemlock ; Saw Mill, capacity 30 M. per day; two Boilers 1 oh.p.; Engine 85 h.p.; three Block Car- riage; one 60-inch. and oness-inch Saw; Jack, « ithlong chain, double edger, trimmer, slash chain ; 2 small cut- offs ; 2 Rip Saws rigged for chair bottoms. Allin good running order. =ou,000 ft. of Birch Logs in stock. A paying business ; good reasons for selling. Address, Box 111, CAxaDA LumBeRMaN, Toronto. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The last week of January witnessed more activity in the lumber business than the preceding weeks of the month. Some quite large sales of pine were made, particularly in the Ottawa valley, where it issaid manufacturers have con- tracted for a considerable proportion of the coming season’s production. In an- ticipation of a good year, wholesale dealers and exporters are buying liberally, and this fact may induce manufacturers to increase their operations in the woods beyond what was originally intended. Within the past fortnight several gangs of men have been sent to the logging districts. Theconditions on the Georgian Bay are somewhat similar. Although in southern Ontario there has been a lack of snow for logging, in the Muskoka and northern districts this difficulty has not been met with. It is yet too early to estimate the extent of building operations in 1899, but the amouut of work already arranged for produces a strong hope of a busy season. There will probably be more building in country districts than last year, when it was of considerable volume. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Manufacturers of spruce lumber are holding quotations reasonably high, and consequently shippers have not contract- ed very heavily. The low prices at which stock was purchased last year are being used by buyers to secure better terms for the coming season’s stock ; but manufac- turers seem to have resolved to make a fair margin of profit or cease business. The highest price yet paid at St. John for spruce lumber for spring delivery is $9.75, which is about $1.50 higher than the aver- age price last year. In shipping circles there is not much doing ; the rate on lum- ber to New York, from St. John, is lower, being $3. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, The lumbermen of Manitoba are pre- paring for the annual convention which takes place next week, and at which the at- tendance promises to be unusually large. There is some movement of lumber at the present time, although it cannot be said that spring trade has yet commenced. As building prospects are particularly bright, retailers will no doubt increase their stocks materially in the near future. In British Columbia the lumber trade is without any special feature, although the era of low prices is probably at an end, owing largely to the scarcity of logs. The foreign trade is quite brisk, and several vessels are loading. UNITED STATES, The past week has been one of conven- tions, and consequently lumbermen have not devoted the usual attention to the getting of business. Transactions have been on a moderate scale, and have been confined largely to immediate require- ments. Prospects, however, are of an encouraging character, and unless all signs should fail, there will be a brisk lumber trade in 1899. Eastern whole- sale dealers report numerous inquiries for quantities of different grades for spring delivery, which would seem to indicate that consumers anticipate higher prices in the near future. There is an excessive demand for box lumber, which is in short supply and likely to further advance. Manufacturers generally are firm in their asking prices, and wholesale dealers are not inclined to contract for stock at the quotations given them. These remarks apply particularly to white pine. Hem- lock lumber has made an all-round ad- vance of 50 cents per thousand feet. Hardwood stocks continue to be bought upclose to the saw. In Michigan soft and rock elm are bringing prices from $4 to $6 higher than those which ruled two years ago. Even beech, which has been considered an unsaleable lumber, finds a ready market. It is claimed that at northern mill points there is a pronounced shortage of lath, and sellers are asking $1.65 per thousand for white pine. Shingles are demanding some attention, and show no weakening in price. FOREIGN. British timber importers are contracting for goods for spring delivery only in a moderate way, as they believe that ship- pers’ asking prices are higher than the conditions warrant. It must be remem- bered, however, that stocks in the British market are lighter than those of one year ago, while the production of Canadian lumber is likely to be curtailed during the coming season. There is also the fact that prices of spruce, red pine, and sev- eral classes*of timber are strengthening. At London 3 x 11 and 3 x9 3rd spruce are selling privately at £7 7s 6d per standard, although similar goods can be purchased at auction at 5s below these figures. Last year spruce found its way into new fields, and consumers are said to be willing to again contract for a supply. Looking at all the conditions surrounding the spruce market, there would seem to be reason to expect advanced prices and a good season in 1899. The conditions of the lumber trade in France are about normal. It is expected that there will be a large consumption of wood during 1899, and that red pine will be maintained at higher prices. White pine joists, timber joists and hardwood also show signs of strengthening. STOCKS AND PRICES. Thomas Myles’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont., want I50 pieces 12x12, 30 feet, sound white pine timber, J. E. Harroun & Son, of Watertown, N.Y., want good white pine mill culls, 1% inch, resawed for large boxes. R. & T. Ritchie, of Aylmer, Que., have contracted to supply the Metropolitan Electric Company, of Ottawa, with poles, The Metropolitan Railway Company, of Toronto, are taking tenders for the supply of 65,000 cedar ties, 1,000 cedar telegraph poles and 300 cedar trolley poles. During the season of 1898 Messrs. E. I. White & Son, of Sand River, N.S., shipped to American ports 78 cargoes of piles and spars, aggregating about 55,000 pieces. The Exploits Lumber Company, of Bot- woodville, Nfld., will cut 10,000,000 feet of white pine lumber next summer, 5,000,- 000 feet of logs being now in the river. The manager of this company is George A. Fowler. George Upham, of Fredericton, N.B., returned recently from the lumber camps on the Tobique river. He estimates the cut on that river this winter at 18,000,000 feet, a decrease of 7,000,000 feet as com- pared with last winter. Mr. Upham has contracted for all of Senator Baird’s logs, about 1,500,000 feet. At the annual meeting of the share- holders of the Rat Portage Lumber Com- pany, it was stated by the manager that the compary had over 600 men cutting logs in the woods. Some 50,000,000 feet will be taken out, which, with the stock now on hand, will give a good supply for next season’s sawing. The annual report of the Board of Trade of Montreal gives the following statement of forest products exported from that port during the year 1898: Ashes, pot and pearl, $35,321 ; logs, pine, $150; logs, all other, $836 ; lumber, $5,574,114 ; timber, square, $126,599 ; other articles, The lumber production at Saginaw and Bay City, Mich., in the season of 1896 $26,723 ; total, $5,763,743. II. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. was 304,000,000 feet. This is the smallest output on the river since 1866, when it amounted to 309,000,000 feet. There were rafted to Michigan from the Georgian Bay district 238,843,624 feet, nearly all of which went to the Saginaw river. C. Desmairais, of Hull, has secured from the Bell Telephone Company a con- tract to furnish 2,000 cedar poles. The Bradley-Myles Lumber Company, of Hamilton, Ont., have received an order to supply the British Admiralty with 100 car-loads of oak dimension timber, for use in the ironclads. The stock will be de- livered at Liverpool early in the spring. The Rat Portage Lumber Company have purchased the stock of lumber of the estate of Graham Horne & Company, of Fort William. This company have ar- ranged with Graham, Horne & Co. to carry on the business in Fort William, which will be conducted under the same management as it has been for the past twenty-one years. Henry Hibson, of the firm of Hibson, Briggs & Cooper, lumber merchants, Saginaw, Mich., is making a tour of the Ottawa valley for the purpose of buying a quantity of lumber. He states that Cana- dian white ash and basswood are in great demand by the lumber dealers of Michi- gan, chiefly for making furniture and inside finishing. Seven timber berths were sold at the Crown Lands’ office, Fredericton, N. B., last week, as follows : 334 square mile block on White’s brook, Restigouche county, to Wm. Currie, at $151 per mile ; 2% mile berth on Nash’s creek, Resti- gouche, to Nathanial McNair, at $18 per mile ; 5% mile brook on Nictor lake, to T. B. Winslow, at $1.10 per mile ; two 9 mile and one 43 mile berth on White’s creek, Restigouche, to Wm. Richards, at upset price; 2 mile berth on Ten Mile creek, St. John county, to J. E. Moore, at upset price. Alliston Cushing, of St. John, N.B., returned recently from California, where he has been interested in quartz mines. It will be remembered that Mr. Cushing had the contract last year to furnish 8,000,000 feet of logs to Jerneagan & Fisher for the Electrolytic Marine Salts Company, at North Lubec. He had landed more than half of that quantity when the bubble broke, leaving him in a fair way to lose about $20,000 by the transaction. He, however, purchased all the logs and lum- ber in the plant No. 2, then partly con- structed, and now has a sawmill at work converting the logs into lumber. In Northwestern Ontario the winter has been very favorable for bush work, and a good deal of work is going on. The North Shore Timber Company, of which Jas. Whaien is manager, is getting out about 25,000 cords of pulp wood at Nepi- gon; Vigars & Co. are taking out a good stock of logs for their Port Arthur mull ; Alger, Smith & Co., who are operating extensively on limits 2 and 3, Pigeon river, are through their cutting, and haul- ing is progressing satisfactorily; while a large quantity of timber and ties is being taken out along the line of the new On- tario & Rainy River railway for use in the construction of that road. Graham, Horne & Co. are also getting out a large quantity of cedar culvert timber for the C.P.R. Work is plenty, and demand and wages for men are both good. OUTLOOK FOR CANADIAN TIMBER. Reviewing the lumber market, the Timber Trades Journal, of London, Eng., says :— The quantity of timber and deals which con- tinues to be taken into consumption is somewhat surprising, considering that we are supposed to be in the middle of the most inclement month of the year. Last January similar weather conditions prevailed, and the deliveries of the first two weeks of the respective years very nearly tally, with a slight advantage to the present one, but only in goods taken from ship’s side. In nearly all the districts which receive their supplies grom the docks and yards of the metropolis, building operations are on the same extended scale that has marked the course of the previous year. It is something new to find spruce prices improving coincident with a declining market for Baltic whitewood. The shippers are lamenting over the difficulty of getting the prices of Swedish and other north of Europe productions back to their former high standpoint, but they have no sympathisers on this side. The forests of Can- ada can supply all that our markets here re- quire, and colonial shippers have only to ad- just the lengths of the spruce cut to suit the de- mand to take a much larger share of the white- wood trade from their north of Europe com- petitors. The major portions of the arguments used in favor of the merits of Baltic white, are founded on old fashioned prejudices, and it is plain from the stiffening of spruce prices that those who substituted spruce last year, on account Of its cheapness, are ready to try the experiment again. Spruce is a most durable wood under many conditions, and now that it is being shipped in batten dimensions, if sup- plied in 6 to 26 feet lengths, would answer all the purposes of trade. We have aliuded before to the Canadian red pine, of which there is plenty to be had in the forests abroad. This is another building wood that seems to be unappreciated amongst the trade here, but only requires some alteration in the specification to bring it more under notice. 4, 3, 9 and 11 inch widths in good sound wood are scarce here, and likely to remain so, the tendency of the Baltic trade being toward the smaller dimensions. The pine market is quiet, and the business done is not satisfactory as far as prices go. In wholesale lines the top price for best bright seasoned regulars is £26, but we hear that the Quebec firms are expecting to get an advance on last years figures for the winter cut leading stocks. There does not appear to be nearly as much life now in this particular branch of the wood trade as formerly existed—at least in the London market. The enormous quantity of im- ported ready-made stuff, in the shape of doors and mouldings, in addition to the extension of the planed deals from the Swedish mills, may have had some exercising influence on the consump- tion of Canadian pine. At any rate, the prices now obtainable here, considering the high free- on-board cost and freight, are not sufficiently remunerative to encourage large importations in the legitimate way, and we fear all but the primest kinds of their class will be sent to market for shipper’s account. THE BARBADOS MARKET. Of the Barbados lumber market Messrs. Claremonte, Man & Co., in their report, say : Since last advices, we note ten arrivals with white pine and spruce, and dealers are fairly well supplied. Last sales were—white pine, $21.26 for first, and $15.26 for second quality ; spruce, $16.75 for first and $11.75 for second quality. Pitch pine—we note the arrival of four ordered cargoes for dealers’ account, con- tracted for at $23 and $24. The demand for Gaspe cedar shingles continues good, last sales at $5.06 @ $5.41. Last sales of spruce laying, $2.35 ; cedar laying, $2.76% ; cypress $8.50 and $6.50 for 6-inch, ‘hearts’ and ‘ saps’ ex Cora. Aarrivals: Brigt Boston Marine, from Tusket Wedge, 31 M feet white pine boards, $22.07 ; 10 M do plank $20.07; 41 M feet small boards $19.37 ; 11 M second quality do. $15.60; 6 M small second quality do. $14.07 ; 6 M feet spruce boards $17.60; 6 M small do. $13 ; 7 M scantling $19 07. Schr. Juanita, from Liverpool, N.S., 66 M ft. white pine boards $21.06 ; 6 M planed do. $20.01 ; 14 M second quality do. $15.01 ; 44 M second quality spruce $12.0). Brigt. Resultado, from Liverpool, N. S., 60 M white pine $21.- 06 ; 5 M second quality do. $15.07 ; 95 M feet spruce $17.07 ; 13 M feet hemlock scantling $12; 47 M spruce laying shingles $2.48. Schr. Syanara, from St. John, N. B., with 4o feet white pine $21.26 ; 32 M second quality do. $15.26; 75 M small do. $13.40; 3 M spruce $17.00 ; 20 M second quality do. $11.40; 10 M do. plank and scantling $15.00; 500 M shingles on dealers’ account. Schr. B. B. Hardwick, from Clemont’s port, N. S., with 11 M feet white pine $21.26; 13 M second quality do. $15.26 ; (37 M spruce $16.60 ; 3 M second quality do. $11.60 ; 2 M do. scant- ling $15.00. Schr. F. A. Rice, from Wey- mouth, N.S., with 49 M feet white pine $21.- 36; 18 M second quality do. $15.26 ; 71 M feet spruce $16.75 for first and $11.75 for second quality. Schr. Wapiti, from Yarmouth, 18 M feet spruce, 264 M shingles; shingles sold at $2.35. Schr. John A. McKie, from Wind- sor, N. S., 153 M feet white pine, 80 M second quality. Schr. Moss Glen, from Bridge- water, N. S., 73 M feet white pine, 41 M second quality, 15 M feet spruce scantling. Schr. A. S. Snare, from St. John, N. B., 97 M feet white pine, 54 M second quality. : Lee & Lentz have engaged in the lumber business at Tonawanda, N. Y. FEBRUARY I, 1899 WHITE PINE STOCKS. Statistics were published in a recent issue of the American Lumberman showing the pro- duction of lumber in 1898 and the stock on hand at the close of the year. Commenting thereon, this journal says : While the product of the year was 78,000,- 000 feet less than that of the previous year, the stock on hand at the close of the season. show- ed a much greater decrease than this, for the total stock reported from all the white pine and hemlock mills in Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota, along the Mississippi river and on Lake Erie, was but 3,494,739,000 feet, against 3,815,558,000 feet at the close of 1897; a de- crease of 321,000,000 feet. Thus the stock on hand has been decreasing in much more rapid ratio than the product, testifying to the sub- stantial character of the year’s business and its improvement over 1897, good as the latter part of that year was. But the figures on mill stocks do not tell the whole story. The stock on hand at wholesale points must be taken into consideration and in regard to that branch of the subject complete statistics are lacking. From some of the markets there are available and reliable reports. At Chicago there was quite a heave decrease in stock considering the volume carried—a little less than 10 percent. Most other markets of importance show similar figures with a decrease in some of them even greater than in Chicago. But the wholesale markets alone are not sufficient to gain an accurate view of the gen- eral situation. The stocks on hand in retail yards and in the hands of heavy consumers must be considered. The general impression is that stocks in the hands of retailers are lighter than ordinarily at this season. While there was some retailers who last fall bought quite heavily, particularly early in the fall, or in the late summer before the September advance in prices, most of the stock was pretty well exhausted by the end of the year and it is believed that the amount available for the winter’s trade is light. DUTY ON SPRUCE LUMBER. A cablegram has been received by the De- partment of Trade and Commerce at Ottawa from Commercial Agent Rennie, at Buenos Ayres, stating that on representations of the Dominion Government the duty upon spruce lumber had been reduced by the Government of Argentina by $2.40 per thousand. Large quantities of spruce lumber are annually shipped from Canada to the Argentine Republic, the Maritime Provinces and British Columbia be- ing the principal exporters. In September last the duty was increased by 10 per cent., but as a result of Mr. Rennie’s good work the duty is now less than it was six months ago. BUSINESS NOTES. The Burrill Lumber Company, of Forest- dale, Que., has obtained a charter of incorpot- ation. The Sheppard Lumber Company, of Orillia, Ont., has been incorporated, with a capital stock of $85,000. The Johnston-Ford Lumber Company, of Ahmic Harbor, Ont., is reported to have as- signed to J. C. Ford. SHIPPING MATTERS. The schooner Arthur N. Gibson has been chatered to load lumber at Apalachicola for Halifax at $7.00. Chartering is somewhat quiet, and a weak- ness in the market has developed. Two ves- sels have been chartered for first open water from Montreal to London, at 43s. 9d. From the St. John district tonnage is offering at 43s. gd., but charterers are diffident in offering more than 42s 6d. The planing mill of Matthew’s Bros. & Company, on Dundas street, Toronto, was destroyed by fire on Thursday last. Some lumber was also burned. LUMBERMAN’S INSPECTION BOOK. Send four 3-cent Canadian postage stamps fora copy of the LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPECTION Book, containing rules for the inspection of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. a a a | ST Manufacturers and VANCEBORO MFG. C0, wince cre Long and Short LUMBER and HARDWOOD INTERIOR and EXTERIOR FINISH WOOD TURNINGS and NOVELTIES Chas. B. Treat, Treas. - ENFIELD, MAINE. Correspondence Invited. Estimates Furnished. WANTED Black Ash, all thicknesses. 1-ineh Red Oak. Ineh Butternut, Mill Run. Ineh Basswood. State quantity and price. JAS. G. CANE & CO., A ‘ 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 7 CROSBY Square, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “Sieveking,’ London HESSLER & GO. Wood Agents West Hartlepool and Hull, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘‘ Hessler,” West Hartlepool. H_D.WICGIN 22st St. BOSTON, MASS. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Joun McKErcow, W. K. GraFFTEY, President. Managing Director. THE MONTREAL LUMBER CO. (Limited.) WHOLESALE LUMBER OTTAWA PINE A SPECIALTY Office and Yard: 208 Guy Street, Bell Telephone 8576. MONTREAL ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woo’s, Including Mahogany, A Specialty. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN BUYERS OF WHITE PINE ano) HARDWOOD CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MILL MEN— Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Brown Ash ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to LAWRENCE & WIGGIN Wholesale Lumber Dealers - 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. a FEBRUARY 1, 1896 LUMBER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way are as follows: Ottawa, Rockland, Hawkesbury and intermediate points to Toronto, ro cents per roo Ibs.; Parry Sound to Toronto, pine ro cents, hard- wood, rz cents; Ottawa to Oswego, $1.90 per M ft.; Ottawa to Syracuse, $2.20 per M ft, (3,000 lbs. and under per M ft.) ; Ottawa to Montreal, 5 ; Quebec, zo; Arnprior to Montreal, 7; Quebec, 12 cts. ; Pembroke to Montreal, 8c.; Quebec, 13c. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cents per too Ibs. Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14 cents per too Ibs. Ottawa to New JSork, track delivery 15 cents per roo lbs., lightered 17 cents per 100 lbs. Arnprior to New York, track delivery 17 cts.; ligntered 19 cts. per roo lbs. Pembroke to New York, track de- livered 18c., lightered 20c. per roo lbs. Parry Sound, track, 20 cents, lightered, 22 cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local 15c.; exports 13c. per 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents ; xport 15 cts. per roo lbs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 21% cents, export 20 ets. per roo Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawato Burlington, 6c. pe) 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, ro cts. per 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per 100 Ibs, from Arnprior 15 cents from Parry Sound 2o cents per roo lbs.; Ottawa to CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ITk. St. John, N. B. and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N. S. and common points, 2r cents per roo Ibs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 lbs., and rates quoted above are in cents per 100 lbs., except when quoted per M ft.; the minimum carload charged is 10 M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 lbs. to the M feet. Ottaw rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Ha « xesbury. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Lumberfreight rates for pine on the Grand Trunk Rail- way, according to the tariff issued 15th February, 1897, will be found below. General instructions in shipping by Grand Trunk are embodied in these words in the schedule: Minimum we'ght 30,000 Ibs. per car, unless the marked capacity of the car be less, in which case the marked capacity (but not less than 24,000 Ibs.) will be the minimum weight. Exceptions—Cedar posts in box cars, dry basswood and light pine or cedar lumber, dry cedar shingles, charcoal and sawdust, which cannot be loaded up to 30,000 Ibs. or up to the marked capacity of car, will be tarried at actual weight, minimum 24,- ooo Ibs. The rates on lumber in the tariff will not be higher from an intermediate point on the straight run than from the first named point beyond to the same des- tination. For instance, the rates from Orillia to Guelph, Brampton, Weston or Toronto, would not be higher than the specific rates named from Graven- hurst to the same points. The rates from Cargill and Southampton to points east of Listowel and south and west of Stratford will be the same as from Kincardine, and the rates from Hanover or Hepworth would not be higher than from Wiarton to the same des- tination, Lut in no case are higher rates to be charged than as per mileage table published on page 15 of tariff. Rates from leading lumber points on pine and other softwood lumber, shingles, etc., are as follows: From Glencairn, Creemore, Aurora, Barrie and other points in group B to Toronto, 6%c.; Collingwood, Penetang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Sturgeon Bay, Victoria Har- bor, Midland, Fenelon Falls, Longford, Gravenhurst and other points in group C, to Toronto, 64c.; Brace- bridge to Toronto 7c.; Utterson, Huntsville, Navor- Emsdale, Katrine to Toronto, 7%c.; Burk’s Falls, Ber- riedale Sundridge and South River, to Toronto, 8¢.: Trout Creek, Powassen and Callender to Toronto, gc.; Nipissing Junction and North Bay, roc. Rate from Goderich, Kincardine, Owen Sound and Wiarton to Toronto, 6%c. These rates are per 100 lbs. Rates from Toronto east to Belleville are 7%c. per 100 lbs.; to Deseronto, gc.; to Brockville and Prescott, roc.; to Montreal and Ottawa, 10c. The rates on hardwoods average about from re. per roo lbs. higher than on pine and softwoods. For rates on railway ties, mahogany, rosewood, walnut, cherry, and other valuable woods, application must be made to the distr t freight agent. On spruce and balsam (partly seasoned) for pulp manufacture, the rate from Longford, Wiarton, Pene- tang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Victoria Harbor, Haliburton, Kinmount, etc., to Toronto, is $2.20 per cord; and to Merriton and Thorold, $2.60 ; Katrine, Callendar, North Bay, etc., to same points, $2.45 and $2.60 respectively; Beeton, Allandale, Orillia, etc., $2.20 and $2.60. On green spruce and balsam th2 rate is 25 per cent. higher. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. The rates at present in effect on the Canadian Pacific Railway to Toronto and Hamilton are as follows: Pine and soft woods from Klock, Mattawa, Bonfield, North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Cache Bay and Warren, 9 cents; from Sudbury Jct., Rayside and Chelmsford, ro cents ; from Cartier and Geneva Lake, 10% cents; from Biscotasing, White Fish, Massey, Cutler, Spragge and Algoma, 12 cents per 100 Ibs. The rates on hardwood are one cent per ron lbs. higher than those on pine. From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer and Dechenes Mills, also Arnprior. Braeside and Pembroke, to Toronto the rate is 10 cents both on pine and _hard- wood. The rates are based on a minimum of 30,000 Ibs. per car.” Summer rates to New York, via Albany and barge line, expired on November 28th, owing to closing of navigation on the Hudson river, and the usual all rail rates became effective, as follows: To New York, fof track delivery, and all points on the Hudson riv er, or the New York Central and West Shore railways, from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, 15C. per 1co Ibs.; from Carleton Jun tion, 16c.; from Arnprior, Brae- side and Renfrew, 17c.; from Eganville and Pembroke, 18c. The rates to New York, including lith 2rage within the free litherage limits of New York harbor, are 2 cents per roo lbs. additional. Summer rates to Montreal expired on November 15th, and the usual winter rates became effective as follows: From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer and Deshcenes Mills, 5c.; Carleton Junction, 6c.; Arnprior and Brae- side, 7c.; Renfrew, Eganville and Pembroke, 8c. The rate to Three Rivers is 4c. and to Quebec 5c. over.the rate to Montreal. The minimum car load in all cases where rates are computed ona weight basis is 30,000 Ibs.; when on a measurement basis 10,000 feet B. M. _The C.P.R. also make the following rates on seasoned pine lumber to West St. John, N_B., for export : From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, East Temple- ton and Buckingham, $3.75 per M feet; Carleton Junction, Braeside and Arnprior, $ per M feet ; Renfrew, Douglas, Eganville and Pembroke, $4.5> per M feet. On lumber for local consumption at St. John, N B., and common points the rate is 20 cents from Ottawa, Hull and Aylmer, and to Halifax 2: cents from same points. On seasoned pine lumber the rate from Ottawa to Uswego, N.Y., is $1.90 per M feet, and to Syracuse, N.Y., $2.20 per M feet; from Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cents and to Detroit 14 cents per 100 lbs.; to Boston, Mass., and common points, 15 cents from Ottawa, Hull, Deschenes Mills and all points east there- of ; 16 cents from Carleton Junction; 17 cents from Arnprior, Braeside and Renfrew, and 13 cents from Eganville and Pembroke, and proportionate rates from points further west on lumber tor consumption in the United States. The export lumber rate is 13 cents from Ottawa and Hull, 14 cents from Deschenes Mills, Aylmer and Carleton Junction, and 1™5 cents from Arnprior and Braeside to Boston. CANADIAN EXPORTERS »” WHOLESALERS eenan——. Brothers OWEN SOUND, ONT. 1OOOOOn: WANT Rock Elm and Black Ash Dimension Stock. Advise amount you would be able to supply if price is right. JOHN HARRISON MANUFACTURER OF PINE AND HARDWOOD LUMBER Short and Long Dimension Timber, in Pine, Hemlock, Cedar or Rock Elm. Contractors Supplied. Inside Finish, &c. Saw and Planing Mills: OWEN SOUND, ONT. C. P. R. and G. T. R. Railways. — \V RITE FOR ESTIMATES. THE PEMBROKE LUMBER 60, umes We are offering 1, 14, 1% and 2” Shipping Cull and Box, Strips and Siding separate. We have a large quantity of mixed sizes Joists and Timbers on hand in White and Red Pine, also Ship Decking, cut 3x5” and3x 6"... Very reasonable. } PEMBROKE, ONT. Write us for prices. . . MOHR & RYAN ~- XILALoz station, ont. Renee, 2 »=DEALERS IN...... Elm, Ash, Basswood and Maple Lumber; Cedar, Pine and Hemlock Dimension Timber ; Cedar Telegraph and Telephone Poles; Railroad Ties and Fence Poles—all lengths. aa (OY LE: FOR QUOTATIONS cLAURIN & MaLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS T.L. BAIbDIE WHOLESALE — HARDWOODS 3 Penetang, Ontario KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHEETING: Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. _ Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EAST TEMPLETON, QUE. GEILING @ HARDWOOD LUMBE Winter-Sawed Stock is the Best. for the season on January 2nd, and make a Specialty of White Maple, Quarter Sawed Maple Mangle Rollers. @ @ (Turned or Octagonal), Elm, Beech and Basswood Lumber, Etc. We commenced No correspondence neglected. J.S.FINDLAY, Owen Sound, Ont. JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER » LATH ° SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty .. . A. & P.WAITE ~~ MIDLAND, ONT.’ Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock i a - PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Pine Lath, Cedar, and Pine Shingles. pi Mills at Wiarton. OWEN SOUND, MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parru Sound Ru. - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverenD, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling os 10.00 +... Shortest and Quickest Route from... OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY = &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. Burk’s Falls, Ont. RlahT, GRAKAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods continent handled to the best advantage. in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or FOREIGN EXPORTERS x” IMPORTERS , WOOD BROKERS! SMITH & TYRER - 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N. iv. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.’* BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. E Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS oe City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. ORY KILNS Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jobn, Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Lancaster Machine Works, Lancaster, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. . Northey Mfg. Co., Toronto, Ont. Payette, P. & Co., Penetanguishene, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. The Defiance Machine Works, Defiance, Ohio, U.S.A. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PULP MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. ‘SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. “TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Accountant and Auditor, Wm. M. Dunlop, Montreal, Que. Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N.B. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Consulting Engineers, Tower & Wallace, New York. Illinois Central R.R. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pike Poles, A. L. Cope & Sons, Wilberforce, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New york and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. (The quotations given below are unless otherwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. ToronTo, February 1, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. x inch dressing and better.........-.--- $20 00 $22 00 =% 14% and2inchcut up and better...... $32 00 $34 00 2 inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 co| Tt inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x) 2 dressing and bet- tinch siding common 11 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft....-. 22 00 24 00| cinch sidingshipculls 10 50 11 50 axxo fine dressing and t inch siding millculls 8 50 9 00 better.....--2.+:-++ 22 00 24 00 | Cullscantling........ 800 900 4x10 and 12 Canadian cinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 2000] in. mill run...... . 13 00 14 00 = x-2and thicker cut- 1 inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00 | t 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 =z 1-4 in. cut up and 1 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 5 p< sang iseeie 33 00 35 00| XXX pineshingles, 16 axxo and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00 NECheeecis ania olo-ished 2 25 zx1o and 12 common. 12 00 14 00| XX pineshingles 16inch I 40 axxo and 12 mill culls g 00 10 00| Lath, No.1......... I 50 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00] Lath No. 2......... I 15 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, rs and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2 in. .$26 00 $28 oo | Cherry 1 tox%%$s50 00 $60 00° pagt « 2% to 4-. 30 00 32 00 KS 2 ‘6 4.. 6000 65 00 Ash, black, ists and Elm,soft 1 ‘“‘ 14% 1400 1500 ands, 1to 1%in....1700 1900) “ “ 2 € 3.. 15 00 16 00 Ash, black, xsts and “ rock x ‘1% 1600 18 00 ands,2 to4in...... 19 00 2100| “ 1% *£ 3.. 2000 2200 Ash, M.R.,x ‘{ 2.- 15 00 18 00| Hickory 1% “‘ 2.. 28 00 3000 Birch, I .. 18 09 20 00}| Maple rt ‘**1% 1600 17 00 L 1% ‘© 2.. 2000 2300] “ 2 ‘*4.. 17.00 1800 © sors. 4x4 “ B x824 00 26 00 Oak,red,p'nr 1% 26 00 3000 Basswood, sts and AY 4., 29 00 3200 ends, 1 to1% in.... 16 00 18 00 white "7% 2800 3000 I “2 ..19 00 2000] ‘ 4... 3000 3500 “ mrx “1% 1400 16 00 “* quart’d “ 2.. 4600 5000 Butternut x “ 1% 23.00 25 00} Walnut x £*3.. 85 00 10000 = 2 ‘!3.. 25 00 28 00| Whitewoodr “‘ 2.. 3200 3600 Chestnut 1 ‘2.. 2400 2 00 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, February , 899- Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... $3r 00 36 00] terstock...... pais alee EE 00 12 50 Pine, gond strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 25 00 Pine, s.c. strips.----- 8 00 10 00 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts..... 6 5° 8 50 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls....--- 9 00 10 CO Nyetnds ieievt i iele,clottavale 1s 00 18 00| Pine mill culls. su. 759 9 00 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.1... 460 1 10 Stripsy cepts ee ens 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M No. 2... 80 95 Pine, No. 1 dressing ixro No, 1 barn...- 18 00 SHOXES;: sisleleiee nieieiniste 1200 14 00| 1x10 No.2 “ .... 16 00 Pine, 10 s.c, and bet- tx8 &gNo.1 $ 17 00 ter stock,.........- 13.50 15 00|1x8&q No.2 ss I5 00 QUEBEC, QUE. QuEBEC, February 1, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. : cts. cts. Common and railroad, for inferior and ordinary according to average, quality, etc., measured off........--2-eeererreeee 21 @ 24 For 40 to 45 feet average, measured Off ......0+---eeseeeseeeeeee 26 29 For good and good fair average, measured Off.....--0se+-eeeeeeee 29 «33 First class ef SO Seitesiones ote pale eisisielnie 36 39 In shipping order ae £6: . pamaialaistele Saie'm Raa ae 35 40 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average...---.-+++++- neha 35. a7 me ee «« "19 to 2z inch average..... wees QO. 42 First class Michigan waney board, 18 inch average.-..-- AT aeeAS “ ig ¢ « “yg to 21 inch average.-....--- 44 46 RED PINE—'N THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality. 28 In shipping order, 35 to 45 feet “ 40 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average andquality. .. .- + 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .32 35 We i Le se “30 to 35 feet. . 27 3¢ ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . .- .21 24 To ayerage 16 inch . PC ee oe OY .25 26 BIRCH. 14inch average . ~ . 15 18 6 caper 3 120 “25 18 “ “c Z 2 - 24 28 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for 1st, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for 3rd, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N. Y., February 1, 1899- WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking......---.. 44.00 5090 SPRUCE. 6 to gin 14 50| 10 to 12in....-..---- 16 25 17 00 6 to 12in.... 15 75 | Lath.......--++++e+- 185 195 9 o12in 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16...+++.-++++++seeeeres 30 00 1% to 21n oe ee me Ben Sipidie ofess eletety ate ele sesie oles = 31 oc x inch, iy Sott Elm, AE ake, Sens wats Minnniotet eye ries 22 00 1% in and thicker, ‘ ns OC ites eielalpemienee emia 23 00 4l4 ss s Hard Maple, ‘6 ----eeseeeeeeceeereees 22 00 ‘ sf : Basswood, Eos 3 saan biota telat ne slate 20 00 “ es BS Birch, SO | aeraee nat mae memnereeiae as «© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O Las “ Soft Elm, Lad oe oe oe “ Hard Maple, he “ec “ “ce oe Basswood ce “ . “ “ce Birch, , Las “ce ALBANY, N.Y. Axpany, N.Y, February 1, 1899. PINE, Uppers, 3 in. up .--+-.+-+-- $51 $53 | Dressing boards, narrow... -$19 $21 BU Aric Nerinninielaceineumenieinisnle 50 52| West India shipping boards. «4 16 EEG DAM owe vis eae selels 45 48| Box boards.. .........-+-+ 12 133 4 inch uppers ....-++- 54 | to-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up.-.------- 44 | ro-in. common .....-.------ 13.15 . to 2in.......- see teense 40 | 12-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 39 42 | Common, 1x12 ...-.. --+-++ 14 15 T £02 Wel tees veneer neue 36 38 | No. x barn, rx12.......---- 20 22 Ne. x cut, 1 to 2 inch «5 125 3° TRIO ese cla viacre reedinieeats 18 20 INO: 25th eecins= wes 20 25 TXB = Gotten eels hele taeveietans 16 18 No.3.-2205--eceeeeeerees 17 20| No. 2 barn, rx12 16 17 No. x molding, 1 to2in..... 30 36 IXIO. 16 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in....- 24 27 I 15 Stained saps....--+++++++- 20 | Shaky or star clear, 1 to 2 in, 1G 21 - Bracket plank ..... bee cece 30 35 Dressing ...... e+ eeeeeeee 16 58 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 29 31 Common ........+s+e+20+ II 15 LATH. Piner. ge eeaieseasclsniscleaa seme $1 75 | Spruce ....s-eseeeveesevece $1 75 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 25 Clear butts .....--+-- 3.00 3 25| Hemlock............-- 15 Smooth, 6x18.....-- 5 00 5 50| Spruce.....-.--++-+0+ 2 20 BOSTON, MASS) Boston, Febraury 1, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed % inch.....+++4-- $925 $950 boards ....-.+++ $10 50 1200| 11-16 inch........ 900) 69 £0 Coarse No. 5 I5 50 Yainch.........- . 80 8 75 Refuse 13 co| Clapboards, sapext.. 40 00 44 00 Outs g oo-| Sapclear......-.. 33 00 35 00 Boxboards,z inch... 10 00 11 00 Sap, 2nd clear.... 30 00 31 00 Yeinch....2eeeee g 00) =69 50|_— NO. Zs ee eee vee 19 CO =. 23: 00 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in....---- $50 00@52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%,1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2, 1 in. Finecom. 29 00 31 00 3 and 4iM.......+++ 58 00 6200] 1%, 1% and 2in... 30 oc 32 00 Selects, 1 in......-+++ 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 44 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 No. 2 oc ccecsccnce 36 00 39 00 gand 4 in........- 00 56 00 No. 3.--- . 28 co 3000 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, rin........ 20 00 32 00 rz in, clear...... 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 00 Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 00 Common all widths... 22 co 26 00 1%,1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 50 do z¥% in. 15 50 16 50 SHINGLES. Spruce.... ..+sssssesee x 50 | Second Clear.......... ~50 175 Cedar, extra... 2 65 | Extra No. 1........-- 7 2 252 59 2 40 LATH. fete Chin states «eeeee ¥ 80E@ I Qo 1 80@ z 00 a ——— FEBRUARY I, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. TonawanpA, N. Y., February 1, 1899. WHITE PINE, No. 3, 1% & 2in... | . _-+ 17 00 18 00 48 00| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. wee cereus 4€ 00 2% and 3 in..... +» 55 00 56 00 and up, 1 in...... 32 00@34 oo Als cepa see 58 00 6c oo] Dressing 14 in..... . 27 00 3000 Selects, rin. . 41 00 42 00 1\x10 aud Tay pan . 28 00 3000 1Y% to2 in......+-- 42 00 43 00 UG in. .scveeee sss» 28 00 3000 2% and 3 in....... 50 00| 2 IM wserenneeogece 29 00 34 00 A Meee secre ere eee 52 00| Mold st’ps,1 to 2 in.. 31 00 33 00 Fine common, x in... 36 00 37 00| Barn, No.1, 10& 12in. 22 00 23 00 1% and 1% in..... 36.00 3700] 6and 8 in......... 1800 21 00 2 Ms. s sees eee eeee 36.00 3800| No.2, 10in....... - 16 00 16 00 3 IMs ee ecee sores A 45 00 No. 2, 12 in. ~+» 17 00 18 00 FBS ee sa pana eed 47 00| No.3, 10im. ...... 13 00 13 00 Cut’g up, No. 1, rin. 28 00 29 00 No.3, 1210. secu 13 50 1400 1% toz in.......-. 33 00 34 00| 6and8in....... «+. IL 00 1200 IES ou Geen 15 00 16 00| Common, rin......-- 15 00 16 00 No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 23 00 25 00| 1% and Teli cosees 17 20 1800 No. 3,1% & 1% in 17 00 18 00] 2 IM... ---.++0e «. 18 00 20 0¢ ie WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, t inch, 28 00 30 00| 2% to4 in.....-...- « 34.00 i) TAZ tO PUNT a aia elelvrereie 31 00 33 00| Strips. ..--.--..++- . 18 00 2000. Com. and culls....... 10 00 12 Ou BLACK AND BROWN ASH. rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 o0| Com. & good culls... BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & ist &end,white, 6” &up, 18 00 19 oo up, red.....--+--- 28 00 30 00| Com & good culls..... 12 00 15 00 ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 : MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in.& up, 18 00 20 00 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. , Bay City, Mich., February 1, 1899. UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $40 00 MICE 'o cies sinietnp sini saalveia $45 oc| 1%, 1% andzin....... .-. 41 00 14%, 1¥and 2in.........-- 45 00 2% and 3 in... aa 24 and 3 iM.....---+++eee8 45 00) 4)lfles cwaeeeee A lilscaw cnet SORES Soa cco 60 90 FINE COMMON. — 4 . 34 00 | 24% and 3in., Bin. and up wide 45 00 35 00 | 4 Mh. a eee vem eee Soe aE OO B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide 24 00 | 234 and 3in., 7in. and up wide 37 oo 14%, 1% and 2in 30 00 | 4 IM.....---0- - ere STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1¥ in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 00| rin., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 34 00 1 in., 8 in. and up wide.. 14%, 1% and 2in 6 im. Wide... 6-6 eee eee ener 40 00 | 6 in. wide.......-.- waa n> AP:09 FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. .....---- 29 oo | 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide ........ 30 00 1¥ in., 6in. wide...-...---+ 34 00] in., 6in. Vase wessnsewn:33 00 SELECTED NO. 1 SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... --.- 24 00| rin., 4, 5,6 in. wide ........ 22 00 NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 in Satwiceen oe 16 oo | 14 in., 4, 5 and J Milaez cas va 1600 Lim., GiM.....eeeeeereereece 18 00 | 1% in., Gin. ..... Oveee'ss, F6.00 NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. tin., 4,5 and 7 inch semleinne 13 50 | 1% in., 4 to 7 inch .......... 14 00 rin., Ginch .....-++--eeee- 14 20 | No. 3 Fencing, x in., 6 inch.. 12 00 SHELVING. ; No. 1, 1 in., 10 in. stocks.... 25 00 No. 2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 19 00 rin., 10 in. and up wide... 26 oo tin., roin. stocks......... 21 00 tin., 12 in. stocks zg oo| 1in., 12in. stocks...,...-. 24 00 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 30 00] 1 1n., 10 in. and up wide... 22 00 rin. 14 and 2in., 8in. and rin., 13 in. and up wide... 25 00 up wide ......--++-+++++ 29 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 1, 12 iM... eee eee ener ree 21 00 | No. 2,9 in......++ «++-e+++ 13 50 LOU» oc ce enpaciecviesiignms 18 00 gin...--- .-. 18 00 8 and 7 in.... . 18 00 No. 2, 12in.....--- . 16 00 i Py See ee 14 00| Bi...eee eeeseereeeseeees I2 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4and 5 in. wide .......$10 00/1 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$10 50 rin., 6 in. wide....-..--+-+* ro 00 | 1%, 134 and 2 in., 7 in. and 1in., 7 in. wide and up...... 10 00 up wide..... Eeeeeenssa= 10 50°- SHAKY CLEAR. xin., 3, 4,5; 7,8 and gin. wide 20 00 | x in., 10 in. and up wide..... 19 00 rin., 6m. wide.... .--..++++ 20 00| 1%, 1% and 2 in., up WIdE... .ceecerccesesceee 20 00 COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, rin., 13in. and up.... 22 00 | No. x, mill culls........----. 9 00 Nata iio no nets x asaie ae 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse.......-.. 6 50 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$ 9 50 Hemlock, .2x4 to 10, 12 to FB GE cde ctsis ecceeies sams Io 50 16 feet cn neeeseee = 7 SO 20 ft... 2. n0ncnccccee . II 50] 2Xi2..... = Seen pepeenes =e ae 8250 22 and 24 ft 12 50 | Add $r to each additional aft. in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 00 Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts......----+++ +. 2.00 b.6.%.¢ 33 9 Re Clear Butts. ..<.s° WHITE PINE LATH. IN Oa is cisvaia noe eietete cm or ears ‘oR Sieger Renee ab ssinses a Hemlock ......-0sscnecsecess PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. F.o.b. carsat Fo Sutherland Innes Mills Wallace! No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000...-..$5 00 $5 00 No.130 W " ' " W aeewee 5 08 5 00 No, 1.32). " " " 1 wren ae 5 50 No.124 w " " " a temeie AED 400 No. 228% u " " " " drvacs, eae 3 25 No.230 w " " " tt Cosese oes (325 No.232 " " " Mt. p slerereten RE 373 No 224 w " " " Wo sesees 2.00 200 No.1 14 in. to14% in. kiln dried basswood heading,perset 3 wh No.r15 u 16 uw " " " 3 No. 117% " " " " 3% No.r18 ou 184% uw " " " 4 No. 1 19% " " " " 4 No. 1 19 " " 1 " S 5 Mill run heading %ct. per set less, No. 2 heading rct. per setless. No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000... 5 25 <" No. 16 ou " " " Wo nee 5 5. aS No. 16%u " " " 1 eeds OOO 5 ; No. 2 hoops about so cts. per thousand less. 3 4a No..1 .8% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 oo No. 2 28% u " " " Ws gas ° 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves ......-- Seas --18 co 17 00 No. 1 30 inch half syrup barrel staves, ...--- RSE se OES 16 oo “If bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) 4 CANADA | UMBERMAN _ WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $1.00 per vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN THE AMERICAN AND FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., FEBUARY 8, 1899 No. 3. CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire InNsurRANCE BUILDING, MoNTREAL. ‘ Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. . Lumberman, Monthly. A 2o0-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. &#@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. : 6 Wi —One second-hand Boss Shingle Ma- chine, in good repair ; also 40 to 50 feet turned 3- inch Shafting, with good heavy Bearings. GODERICH Lumser Co., Wiarton, Ont. WANTED—MILL CULLS. OOD WHITE PINE MILLCULLS, :4-INCH, resawed for large boxes. Can take a large quan- tity in single car lots. Prompt cash payments. J. E Harroun & Son, Watertown, N.Y. WANTED. HOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS AND Manufacturers who have lots cf 50 to 200 M Lumber and Shingles for sale, should write me. Ad- dress, JouN B. Dog, Buffalo, N.Y. AND SAW MILL FOR SALE AT FORT William; capacity of Mill, 40,coo feet in ten hours ; also Planing Mill. Property includes 500 feet frontage on Kaministiquia River, suitable for an ele- vator. For particu ars apply to C. C. ABBotT Assig- nee, Estate Graham, Horne & Co. Fort William Ont. FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. OR SALE OR EXCHANGE: A 12x14 EN- gine; soft. of 22 in. Stack ; a Mortise Wheel and Pinion, 5% in. face, teeth 80and 22; a soin. Barber Water Wheel. Allin good working order. Will take Stave and Heading Machinery, or Hemlock Lumber. Geo. F. Wegter, Creemore, Ont. WANTED. ~OFT ELM, ROCK ELM, BLACK ASH, BIRCH, Basswood, Red Oak, and Soft Maple Lumber, 1 to 3 in. thick and dry for prompt shipment. I will con- tract for any of this lumber to be cut to order for spring and summer delivery. Inspection at shipping point. Terms cash. E. C. Braprorp, 71 Buhl Block, Detroit, Mich. FOR SALE. HE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND TWO and one-half million feet of Spruce Logs, lengths 10, 12, 14, 16 .8, 20, 22, 24 and 26 feet, and is prepared to manufacture same in any form desired having for. this _ purpose a stationary saw mill equipped with gang edger, jlaner and shingle machine, with a capacity of 30,000 Feet perday. A purchaser is desired who would contract for the entire cut of mill. Correspondenee solicited. AMES a Makinak (L.M.C. Co. Railway), <0) a WE WANT HARDWOOD LUMBER, MILL cuts. Must be able to ship by water. Corres- pondence solicited. V.H. Sweinnart & Co., 94 E. Washington St , Chicago. FOR SALE. OUR HUNDRED ACRES TIMBER BIRCH and Hemlock ; Saw Mill, capacity 30 M. per day; two Boilers 1:0 h.p.; Engine 85 h.p.; three Block Car- riage; one 60-inch, and oness-inch Saw; Jack, withlong chain, double edger, trimmer, slash chain ; 2 small cut- offs ; 2 Rip Saws rigged for chair bottoms. Allin good running order. ~ou,coo ft. of Birch Logs in stock. A paying business ; good reasons for selling. Address, Box 111, CavapA LumBERMAN, Toronto. a CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. In all branches of the lumber trade business is quite as brisk as could reasor- ably be expected at this season of the year, when the spring movement cannot be said to have commenced. As to pros- pective trade, pine and hardwood manu- facturers agree that the outlook is brighter than it has been for a number of years. Stocks of pine lumber are light, prices advancing, and enquiries numer- ous. Again this year there is likely to be a large local consumption of the lower grades of lumber, one of the Conditions of vital importance to manufacturers. There would be a larger volume of trade in hardwoods if dry stock could be obtained. Consumers are showing a dis- position to contract in advance of require- ments, apparently fearing a scarcity of hardwood lumber owing to unfavorable weather for getting out logs. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. As a result of the improvement in the Eastern States, lumbermen in Quebec and New Brunswick are more hopeful of a satisfactory year’s business. The Ameri- can lumbermen with mills at St. John, as well as those in the Eastern States, are finding the home market much better, and consequently will pay less attention to export trade. These conditions are favorable to the Canadian producers of spruce. Logging in the Maritime pro- vinces has been retarded on account of in- sufficient snow, and along the St. John river and in sections of Nova Scotia work was discontinued by a few operators. A recent snow-fall, however, has improved conditions somewhat. On the St. John river the production of logs will be less than last year by perhaps 25 percent: In view of the light production, it is likely that all the lumber manufactured in 1899 will find a market at a reasonable price. Freight rates during the year are likely to be easier on account of the increase in tonnage. UNITED STATES. From the leading wholesale centres in the United States there comes the report of a satisfactory volume of trade and an unusual number of inquiries. Stocks have become greatly reduced, and dealers are looking round to replenish their supplies. This can only be done by paying the increased prices which are now asked by manufacturers. In order to meet this con- dition, it will be necessary to advance the price of lumber to consumers, and this is a step that will certainly be taken. On the Duluth docks there are only 15,000,000 feet of unsold lumber, against 125,000,000 feet one year ago. Practically all the No. 3 and No. 4 and mill culls have been sold, and contracts are being entered into for lumber to be cut next season. There has been no falling off in the demand for box lumber, and the eastern trade is buy- ing up stocks wherever they can be found. A steady improvement has char- acterized the spruce market of late. While quotations are yet unchanged, it is thought that they cannot long remain at the present basis. The scarcity of hardwood lumber is making it extremely difficult to fill orders, dry stocks being nearly exhausted. Thick white ash has been bought up by the manufacturers of agricultural implements, and is advancing in price. FOREIGN. While the lumber market in Great Britain is regarded as showing no signs of weakness, it cannot be said that buying is being carried on vigorously. Canadian shippers have visited the principal mar- kets, but just what business has been done has not yet transpired. The shippers are asking firm prices, which it is thought has had the effect of making buyers less will- ing to close than they were last year. A noticeable feature of the market is the good demand for spruce, and we would not be surprised if a substantial advance in the price of this lumber was made in the near future. It is competing favor- ably with Baltic whitewood for many pur- poses, particularly in deal and batten sizes, but is not generally liked for floor- ing. At West Hartlepool first and second pine deals are in light supply, but there is a fair stock of third pine. Shippers of red pine are asking high prices, but as yet very little stock has been contracted for. The present asking prices are about equal to those for the Swedish production, and it is frequently a question by consumers as to which will be given the preference. The French and German markets are said to be improving, and better prices are being obtained. Spruce is growing in popularity in France, and it is expected that a considerable quantity will be placed on that market this year. STOCKS AND PRICES. The city council of Winnipeg, Man., in- vites tenders up to February 15th for the supply of from 1,000 to 2,000 cords of cedar paving wood. S. A. Marks has made an estimate of the pulp wood on the Mississauga and Blind rivers, in Algoma. He figures that there are 8,000 cords. The ship Coringa sailed from Yarmouth, N.S., last week for Buenos Ayres, with I,!01,000 feet of lumber, the largest cargo that ever cleared from that port. Taylor & Hill, of Dartmouth, N.S., have about 60 men employed in the woods getting out logs. They will oper- ate a portable mill during the coming season. Geo. Sutherland, of Welland, Ont., is in the market for 500,000 feet of elm and basswood, 300,000 feet of white oak, I0o,- ooo feet of red oak, and 100,000 feet of pine, to be delivered on bank of canal feeder, Chippawa creek, and Niagara river. W. J. Bryce, Toronto, wants 2,100 pieces of flated timber, either elm, hemlock, tamarac or cedar, to square ten inches at small end, sixteen feet long ; also two hundred thousand feet, ten by ten, sawn, twelve to twenty-two feet. A report from Minneapolis states that dry elm staves are very scarce. Dealers are asking $7 per thousand, and but few purchases can be made at a less figure, There is but little movement in heading, although the market is strong at from 4% to 43% cents. Dry elm hoops are scarce, and range in price from $6.50 to $6.60. The following timber berths were sold at the Crown Lands office, Fredericton, N. B., last week: 3-mile berth at Young’s brook, branch of McCallum’s brook, to Alex. Gibson, at $270 per mile; 3-mile berth at east branch of Christopher’s brook, and 4%-mile berth on Gordan’s brook, branch of the Popelogan, to Wm. Currie, of Eel River, at upset price of $8 per mile ; 3 square miles, west of Bay du Vin river, to the Maritime Sulphite Co., at $8.50 per mile. A timber berth on an Indian reserva- tion in the Georgian Bay district is re- ported to have been purchased bythe Sagi- naw Lumber & Salt Company, the deal representing an investment of about $70,000. Some 10,000,000 feet of logs are being put in this winter. Pelton & Reid, of Cheboygan, have also pur- chased 15,000,000 feet of Indian logs in the Georgian Bay district, which are being put in this winter, and will be rafted to Cheboygan next season. The Central Lumber Company, of Saginaw, is lumber- ing on Blind river, Ont. The St. Anthony Lumber Company is putting in about 45,000,000 feet of logs at Whitney, and the Arthur Hill Company 20,- 000,000 feet at Midland. There was a quantity of Canadian logs cut by Ameri- It. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. can lumbermen last winter, which were hung up, and these do not come under the prohibitory act which went into effect on April last. At Saginaw, Mich., all kinds of lumber are said to be short of the requirements. Mill culls sell at $8, box lumber at $1o and 11, Norway at $9 and $10, and log run at $13 to $18. The most active demand for lumber in the Northern States pertains to birch, which the furniture manufacturers are using in place of quarter sawed oak. ~- The call for birch has become so great that the supply of dry lumber is nearly ex- hausted. Prices of firsts and seconds range from $22 to $25 a thousand. The demand for common and cull basswood is in excess of the supply, and the market in respect to-maple is rapidly gaining in strength. ——————_—_——— BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA. [Correspondence of the CanaDA LUMBERMAN. ] There is something like the usual winter quietness in the sale of pine lumber, though the price is strong and likely to remain so, on account of the activity in the east. Eastern dealers have lost money by not laying in a _ stock sooner, and now that the more wide- awake seaboard dealers are alive to the situa- tion, andare trying to buy on contract, our dealers refuse to sell on time. It is felt by all that there is more money in lumber than in long-time sales. This conclusion is the more plain from the fact thet one or two dealers have been caught in that way and are being held up as a terrible example. The rush is in hardwood. If there is a yard anywhere that has a lot of thick white ash in it, the fact has not been made known to the man- ufacturers of agricultural machinery. They have all been through this market and taken at sight everything in that line that they could possibly use. There was never such a demand for this class of machinery. The Johnston Harvester Works at Satavia have a force of 600 men, which is 50 more than it ever had before, and are working overtime at that. The same report comes from the Osborne Works at Au- burn. The Wagner car shops in Buffalo have lately put in electric lights, so that a night gang can be set to work. The shortage of cars has never been more marked than now. All car and locomotive works are on full time, and shippers are com- plaining all along the line that they cannot get cars enough to do their business. There is no prospect of anything but a rush of all sorts of business the coming season. Buffalo will profit doubly from this time on, as the Pan-American exposition is regarded by all as a certainty. Over a million dollars was subscribed for it in a week, and the amount is now past the $1,- 300,000 mark, when the million was all the promoters set out to raise. It is believed that another million can be raised by popular sub- scription, so that nothing will have to be raised by bonds. We are astonished at ourselves. The Buffalo Lumber Exchange met on the 4th inst., and voted in favor of reducing the tariff on all rough lumber to $1. It had prev- iously voted in favor of a partial reduction, but no distinction was made this time. The meet- ing was held at the request of some western lumbermen, presumably from Michigan, who have undergone a change of heart of late. The meeting was not largely attended, but the secretary had received proxies enough to make it certain that more than three-fourths of the members are in favor of the reduction. Iam not informed of the exact move made in Wash- ington in the interest of a lower tariff, but it seems that some influence is being exerted on the members of Congress to modify the lumber duty. Of course, the south and the northwest will fight against it. The meeting of the Lum- ber Exchange gave out some statistics of the past year’s business, of which the following ex- tract is made: Lake receipts, 185,752,000 feet ; rail receipts, 427,002,000 feet ; total, 613,754,000 feet ; shipped to customers with- out bringing here, 287,698,000 feet; grand total of year’s business, on the estimate that stocks are at least not larger than they were last winter, 900,631,000 feet ; on hand, Jan. 1, 163,352,000 feet ; shipped by canal, 28,182,000 feet ; by rail, 533,587,500 feet ; total, 561,- 769,500 feet. “This is a large amount of busi- ness, but it is not what the coming season will develop if the stock can be obtained. Quite a good many changes have taken place within the past few days. The Niagara Lum- ber Company is to move to Cairo, Ill., in the spring. Palen & Burns, who were the con- trolling owners init, have sold out to the other members E. C. Bradley, with whom is associated C. H. Foote, of Cleveland. Palen & Burns will remain actively in the hardwood lumber business, but will not open a yard here. They report an increased number of sales since the change was made. The H. M. Loud’s Sons Lumber Company will in May move from the Ohio Basin to lower Black Rock, having rented the yard of the Arthur Hill Company, which was driven out by the $2 duty. The Loud company is now for the first time classed as a hardwood con- cern. Rung Bros., lumber and furniture, with two large stores inthe city, have gone into the hands of a receiver, though on account of a per- sonal disagreement rather than any financial difficulty. A hasty inventory finds the firm’s assets much more than its liabilities. Asa forced sale of the effects has been ordered, it is feared that the assets will undergoa big shrink- age in process of liquidation. The hardwood firm of Pittman & James, with timber land and mills in Mississippi and principal office here, is in process of dissolution, H. S. Janes having bought out his partner, M. N. Pittman. Hehas not yet decided just what name he will operate under in future. It is probable that Mr, Pittman will still be con- nected with the business, while his son, Harry Pittman, has been engaged as foreman of the mills. Mr. Janes returns south again in a few days. The firm of Mead & Stewart has separated, C. C. Mead having sold out to Isaac Stewart. John McLeod, of the R. Laidlaw Company, was in New York last week, along with some of the Tifft Farm dealers, looking intoa lumber failure in which all are interested. It is not known yet what the outcome will be. Lumber carriers are saying that they expect a better season than the last was, and they are not trying to hold up rates by combining. The association did not better matters very much last season, and it created a large amount of disturbance. BUFFALO, Feb. 6th, 1899. je: CANADIAN LUMBER IN THE BRITISH MARKKET. At an auction sale held by Churchill & Sim, London, England, on January 25th, Canadian goods realized the following prices : PINE.—Ex Unique, from Quebec—12 ft., 3.x 11 3rd bright white pine, £8 5s; 12 ft., 3x 10-11 in, £8 5s. Ex Cervona, from Montreal—16 ft., 2x 4-7 bright white pine, 45 583 14-15 ft., 2x 3-7, £5 5s; 12ft., 2x4- 7 £5 10s; I2N., 2X27, 45 158; 02-06 ft., 1%x 0-18, £5 158; 12-16 ft, 1%x9, £45 15s; 12-16 ft., 1x6, £5 10s; 12-16 ft., 14 x 4-5, 45. Ex Hallgerda, from Miramichi (J. B. Snowball’s shipment)—1o-15 ft., 3x11 in. third white pine, 46 5s; 12-13 ft., 3x9, 45 10s; (4-15 ft., 3x9, 45 1583 9 ft., 3x 11 second and third quality, £6 103; 9 ft., 3x9, £5 tos; 9 ft., 3x7, 45 10s; oft., 2x 10-17, Asp oft., 3x7-8, £4 1585 Ont, 3x7, ge 158; 4-8 ft., 3x 12-17, £3158; 3-8 ft., 3x 11, £4 10s; 3-8 ft., 3x 7-9, £4 158; 6-22 ft., 1x7, £5 10s; 10-21 ft., 1x6, £6 5s. . Ex Monte Videan, from Quebec—11I ft., 3 x JI in. first quality pine, 420 10s; 10 ft., 3x11, Y20)55 5) Gitta) 3X Lily Ols 3) tay 3X 7 ENO 418 583 12 ft., 3x7-10, 418 tos: 14-16 ft., 3x6, £13 158; 12-16 ft., 3x 4-5, £14 553 9 ft., 3x 9-10, £16 158; 9ft., 3x 7-8, £14 15s; 9 ft., 3x 4-6, £13 5s; 6-8 ft., 3x 12-21, 417 10s ; 6-8 ft., 3x 11, £18; 6-8 ft., 3x6, £12 5s; 6-8 ft., 3x 7-8, 413; 6-8 ft., 3x 9-10, £13 ISs. eevee Ee Elektra, from Quebec—12-14 ft., 3x 6 in., second quality, £6 10s; 12 ft., 3 x6, £6 10s; 12-14 ft., 3x5, 46; 6-11 ft., 3x 5-9, 46 5s. Ex Hallgera, from Miramichi, N. B.—Io-15 ft., 3xI1in., first, second and third quality, £7 5s; 12-14 ft., 3x9, £7; 10- 2t ft., 2x8, £6 15s; 10-14 ft., 2x8, £6 15s; 12-14 ft., 244x7, £6 15s; 15-23 ft., 234 x 7, $6 15s 3 7-11 fe, 232% 7, AO 10s; 10-23), 2x7, 473 8-23 ft, 2x 7, 47; 12-14 ft., 25x 1, £6 583 12-24 ft., 24x 6, £6; 8-21 ft., 2x 6, LO585 0-2, 2x 5,, LO. 0-23 it. Leas £6 108; 9-21 ft., 1x 6, £6 5s. Ex Yola, from Quebec—12 ft., 3x8in., third quality, 46 10s; 12 ft, 3x8, 465s; 12-16 ft., 3x 7-8, 465s. Ex Arona, from Quebec—9-14 ft., 3 x 9, first quality spruce, £7 10s; 9-14 ft., 3 x 7-8, £7 ios. and £7 15s; 10-14 ft., 3x6, £7 Ios ; 9-14 ft., 3x5, AZ 10s; 10-14 ft., 3x 8in., second quality, £6 10s; 9-14 ft., 3x7, £6 15s; 10-14 ft., 3x6, £6 10s ; 10-14 ft., 2x 5, 465s. Ex Livonian, from Quebec—12 ft., 3 x 10 in., fourth quality, £6 10s ; 10-11 ft., 3 x 12-17, £6 §8 3 10-11 ft., 3x 10, £6 5s. | Ex Cervona, from Quebec—12-13 ft., 3x 8in., unassorted, £6 10s ; 12-13 ft., 3X7, £6 10s; 13, ft., 3X 11, 45 18s 39-13 tt., 3% 11-16, 5 15s 3 4-8 ft., 3x11, £6; 4-8 ft, 3x 4-8, £5 15s. Ex Ormiston, from Quebec—13 ft., 3 X 9, first, second and third quality, £7 and £7 5s. George B. Hughes has opened out in the lumber business at Tuelon, Man. DECISION OF THE UNITED STATES TREASURY DEPARTMENT. The United States Treasury Department has replied in the negative to the following ques- tion submitted by Senator Eugene Hale, of Maine, one of the representatives of the lum- ber interests of the state of Washington. “Can American lumber, manufactured in the province of New Brunswick by a corpora- tion organized under the laws of Maine and whose stockholders are American citizens residing in New Brunswick, be reshipped to the United States free of duty ; and how, if at all, will it affect the matter if some of the stock is held by persons who are not American citizens or by persons who, although American citizens, are not residents of New Brunswick ?” There was some doubt about the law con- tained in section 20 of the Dingley tariff act, which says : ‘The produce of the forests of the state of Maine upon the St. John river and its tribu- taries, owned by American citizens and sawed or hewed in the province of New Brunswick by American citizens, the same being otherwise manufactured in whole or in part, which is now admitted into the ports of the United States free of duty, shall continue to be so admitted, under such regulations as the secre- tary of the treasury shall from time to time prescribe.” Following its decision of 1886, when the free entry of lumber was sought by the Clark Brothers Lumber Company, the treasury de- partment answers Senator Hale’s question in the negative. The department says: ‘‘ Maine lumber manufactured in the province of New Brunswick by a corporation of citizens of the United States cannot be reshipped to the United States free of duty under section 20, act of July 24th, 1897, as a corporation is not, and cannot bea citizen of the United States, to whom such privilege is confined.” BUSINESS NOTES. Francis and Joseph Roy have registered pro- prietors of the sawmills of Roy & Frere at St. Jude, Que. The stock of Mantha, Lefebvre & Laper- riere, sash and door manufacturers, Montreal, was sold last week at 65 cents on the dollar. George W. Stevens, formerly manager of the Arthur Hill Lumber Co,, at Buffalo, has estab- lished himselfin the lumber business at Sag- inaw, Michigan. He has already purchased a considerable quantity of hardwood lumber at various points. The Burrill Lumber Company, of Forest- dale, Que., has been incorporated, with a capital stock of $30,000. The members are: William Mitchel}, of Drummondville ; David Mitchell, of Forestdale; Vivian Burrill, of Forestdale ; Charles Burriil, of Shawenegan, and Joseph Patrick, of Montreal. Samuel A. Skead, lumber exporter, Produce Exchange Building, New York, is announced to be financially embarrassed. Two judgments have been filed against him, one of $8,666 in favor of Noyes & Sawyer, of Buffalo, and the other of $1,666 in favor of the Swan-Donogh Lumber Co., of Tonawanda. Several Buffalo and Tonawanda concerns are said to be inter- ested. SHIPPING MATTERS. Chartering of lumber vessels is rather back- ward. Owners are holding out for the new form of charter, which the timber merchants refuse to accept. 43s 9d has deen paid for two vessels from the St. Lawrence to London ; 1,300 standards have been fixed, from Quebce to Glasgow, at 42s 6d, deals and battens, 10 per cent. boards. Two vessels have been chartered from Miramichi, N.B., to west coast England, at 45s, and another vessel of 1,200 standards at St. John, N. B., for east coast Ireland, at 42s 6d. There is a good delivery for tonnage from all the N.S. and N.B. ports at from 42s 6d to 43s 9d for regular sizes. Do You Use Mahogany ? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous FEBRUARY 8, 1899 FIRES. ; The lumber yards of J. C. Raynor and Mor- gan Fulton, and the box factory of ¥. C. Austin, in Chicago, were totally consumed by fire on the 3oth ult. The stock of lumber in the yards was valued at $300,000. The extensive factory of the North American Bent Chair Company at Owen Sound, Ont., was completely destroyed by fire on January 31st. The loss on building and plant is placed at $125,000, only a small portion of which 1s covered by insurance. Send four 3-cent Canadian postage stamps fora copy of the LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPECTION Book, containing rules for the inspection of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. 0 age 6c 00} Dressing 1% in...... 27 00 30 Selects, x in. -.....-- 41 00 4200| 1%x10and 12...... 30 LY, 10:2 Misyacc. =e 43 00| 134 im......--- 30 © 2% and 3 in. : 50 00] 2 IN .seeyeseeeeese 29 00 34 FRET Fee OI 52 00] Mold st’ps,1 to 2in.. 38 00 33 Fine common, x in. 37 00| Barn, No.1, 10&12in. 22 00 23 1% and 1% in..... 36 00 3700] 6and 8 in...... «+. 1800 2 2 IN ..---e-sseeeee 36 00 3800] No. 2, roin... 16 00 16 3 IM. 2. esse ee eeeee 45 00 No. 2, 12 in. 17 00 18 FBS Bree cj COE 47 00| No. 3, 10mm. ...... 13 00 13 Cut'g up, No. 1,1 in. 28 00 29 00| No.3, 12 1M........ 13, 50 4 TA 1tO 2 oo eee 33 6o 3400| 6and8in.....-.. +. IL 00 12 No. 2, Els. oe eee 15 00 16 00| Common, rin......-. 15 00 No. 2,1%, & 1% in 23 00 25 00| 1% andi¥in...... 17 90 No. 3, 1% & 1% in 17 00 18 00| 2 IN... «seeeeeeee 18 00 WHITE ASH. “a tst & 2nd, x inch, 28 00 30 00| 2% tog in........-++ 34 00 TY tog sense oe 31 00 33 00| Strips. ......-+.-+- . # is Com. and culls....... 10 00 © BLACK AND BROWN ASH. . i rst & 2nd, 6 inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 10 00 BIRCH. oh st & and, 6 inch & ist &and,white, 6” &up, 18 19 00 Tip) ER ic vere lerel 28 00 3000] Com & good culls..... 12 00 15 © = OF ELM. =e! - rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 MAPLE. i rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 0 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 oo BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., February 8, 1899. UPPERS AND SELECTS. vee 1in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $40 00 Wide, ee asee ese ae $45 oc| 1%, 1% andzin....... .-. 41 00 14%, 1% and 2 in 45 00 2% and 3in..... ois tate 35 OD? 2% and 3 in....- 45 00| 4iM......---- iiiganatee «eS 5" OS Gills omle essere siecaislarnslaleisialn 60 90 - : , FINE COMMON. 2 r in., 8 in. and up wide...... 34 00 | 2% andin., 8in. and up wide 45 00 — 14%, 1% and 2in... ...+.+++ 35, 00'| 4:30 sama nee ceveceescces 50 00 — B FINE COMMON OR NO. 1 CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 24 00 | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 37 co 14%, 1% and 2in........---- 30 00 | 4 Ise ve seenae ss deapaee nes QO OOF STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1¥ in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 00|1in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 34 00 6 IM. WIE... 2.02 sccenncccers 40 00 | Gin, wide...........++-+++-+ 40 00 FINE COMMON OR C. : rin., 4, 5 in, wide. .....-.-. 29 00 1 in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 30 00 1¥ in., 6in. wide.......---- 34 00] in., 6 in. wide............. 33 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. rin., 4, 5, 6in, wide... ...- 24 00 | 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ........ 22 00 NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING, rin., 4,5 and 7 in .....----- 16 oo | 1% in., 4,5 and 7im........ - 16 00 Tins, ON... .2-0cennesoereree 18 00° | TY{oins, 6 Mita se eet ain .- 18 00 NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. tin., 4,5 and 7 inch .....-.- 13 50| 1% in., 4 to 7imch .......... 14 00 rin., Ginch ......-+--s00ee- 14 20 | No. 3 Fencing, 1 in., 6inch.. 12 00 . ; SHELVING. : No. 1, 1 in., ro in. stocks.... 25 00 | No.2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 19 oo rin., 10 in. and up wide... 26 00] Ttin., roin. s exaeesces) 20 Oo tin., 12 in. stocks...;.---- 29 00 rin., 12 in. asses 24 00 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 30 o0| +1 in., ro in. and up wide.-. 22 00 rin., 13 in. and up wide... 25 00 rin. 14 and 2in., 8in. and up Wide .....--.-+++-+++ 29 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 2, 12 im... ..-2-2s- ee cece 21 00 | No. 2,9i 13 50 TO Ms ns ve ame wensmnuieeeien 18 00 13 50 Beare ois sir scenes eu elas ee 18 00 12 50 Band 7 in.......-+--+-+00% 18 00 12 00 No. 2, 121n......----22eeee 16 00 12 00 TT Re ete. 14 00 Bn. « Anca e eee tine > 5 «12 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. : rin., 4and 5 in. wide......- $10 00 j 1 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$10 50 rin., 6 in, wide........++--+ zo oo | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 7 in. and 1 in., 7 in. wide and up...... IO 00 UP Wide. = ..cmanress-00> O50 SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3,455, 7,8 and gin. wide 20 90 | x in., ro in. and up wide..... 19 00 1 in., 64%n. wide.... ..---++-- 20 00 | 14, 14 and 2 in., 8in. and up WIG. ssaceae BSS eRe Me COFFIN BOARDS. ’ No. 1, x in., r3in. and up.... 22 oo | No. 1, millculls...... Sawa) OOO LS (ne eee eene on onacecnccs 17 00 | No. 2, orred horse.......... 6 50 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$ 9 50 Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, I2 to | 18 ft Ie 50 bsp Ss Henge eerste, 8 RG 20 ft....+.0- IX 50| 2XI2..-.-+-+6 FCP OR Dee 22 and 24 ft 12 50 | Add $x to each additional in len: SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX....- 3 oo | Standard brands, river made, % Clear Butts......-.-+e0eees 2 00 p68. 0. CM) ace Eee Clear Batts. csces.scnesss0 2.25, WHITE PINE LATH. INO. face ci « srerccre cieimeisiee usta 1 60| No. 2...-.... Bea sc Cy ik) Hemlock... is<-ceeteassiaene, 1) Oy PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. F.o.b. cars at ee h.o.6.. Sutherland Innes Mills Wallaceburg No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000......$5 00 — i $5 °° No.130 " " " Wo Seseae 5 OO 50 No.132 = " " " 1 aeaeca ra ac No. 1 24 " " " " imme ee +i No. 2 28% " " " " " seeees 3 25 No.230 " w " nerne 325 No.232 " " " ir) a 395 a No. 2 -~ 200 224 " " " " " wenete No.1 14 in. to 1434 in. kiln dried basswood heading,perset 3 " Noor is 6) ar " uw 3% No. 117% " " " " an No.r18 w 18% w " " " 4% No. 1 19% " " " " 4 ; No. 119% ' " " " 5 . Mill run heading %ct. per set less, No. 2 heading rct. per set less, No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000.... 5 25 a) No.16 ou " " " I aniee 5 50! 5 No. 16% " " " Th dae: GFGo yi No. 2 hoops about so cts. per thousand less. ree No. 3 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 oe No. 2 28% " " " it oa) Grae ° 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves ...-....---++ «.+-18 co 17 00 No. x 30 inch half syrup barrel staves.......-. wasiminsekO OO 16 oo “If bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. CANADA |UMBERMAN Nor, V. ' CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire Insurance BuILpDING, MOoNnTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber producrs at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. LUMBERMAN’S INSPEGTION BOOK > Containing Rules for the Inspection and Measuring of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. Em- bracing also many useful tables and calculations of everyday service to lumbermen. Prepared by the Editor of the * Canada Lumberman.” ee Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 HE above is aiac smilie of the _ * title page of the latest and most complete Lumber and Inspection - Book published. We shall be pleased to send you a —GODU on receipt of four 3 Gent Ga- nadian postage stamps ° © © ° THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada a“. TORONTO, ONT. FEBRUARY 15, 1899 WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of ts cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed., This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. V ANTED-—Will pay cash for Ash, Flm and other Hardwoods. Address—M. E. Brarse, 62t Exchange Building, Boston, Mass. WE WANT HARDWOOD LUMBER, MILL cuts Must be ableto ship by water. Corres- pondence solicited. V. H. Sweinnart & Co., 94 E. Washington St., Chicago. ANTED —One second-hand Boss Shingle Ma- chine, in good repair ; also 40 to 50 feet turned 3- inch Shafting, with good heavy Bearings. GoDERICH Lumser Co., Wiarton, Ont. WANTED—MILL CULLS. OOD WHITE PINE MILLCULLS, :4%-INCH, resawed for large boxes. Can take a large quan- tity in single car lots. Prompt cash payments. J. E. Harroun & Son, Watertown, N.Y. WANTED. ~OFT ELM, ROCK ELM, BLACK ASH BIRCH, Basswood, Red Oak, and Soft Maple Lumber, 1 to 3 in. thick and dry for prompt shipment. I will con- tract for any of this lumber to be cut to order for spring and summer delivery. Inspection at shipping point. Terms cash. E. BRADFORD, 71 Buhl Block, Detroit, Mich. FOR SALE. ESSRS. DOBIE & CO. and DAVID GORDON, of Thessalon, are taking out 1,500,000 feet of Hardwood Lumber, and are open for offers. AND SAW MILL FOR SALE AT FORT William ; capacity of Mill, 40,coo feet in ten hours ; also Planing Mill Property includes 500 feet frontage on Kaministiquia River, suitable for an ele- vator. For particu ars app!y to C. C. Appotr Assig- nee, Estate Graham, Horne & Co. Fort William Ont. HE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND TWO and one-half million feet of Spruce Logs, lengths 0, 12, 14, 16 18, 20, 22, 24and 26 feet and is prepared to manufacture same in any form desired having for this purpose a stationary saw mill equipped with gang edger, planer and shingle machine, with acapacity of 0,000 feet perday. A purchaser is desired who would contract for the entire cut of mill. Correspondenee solicited. James Ritcuey, Makinak (L.M.C. Co. Railway), Manitoba. FOR SALE. OUR HUNDRED ACRES TIMBER BIRCH and Hemlock ; Saw Mill, capacity 30 M. per day; two Boilers 1:0 h.p.; Engine 85 h.p.; three Block Car- riage; one 60-inch and ones5-inch Saw; Jack, v ithlong chain, double edger, trimmer, slash chain ; 2 small cut- offs ; 2 Rip Saws rigged for chair bottoms. All in good running order. ~ou,c00 ft. of Birch Logs in stock. A paying business ; good reasons for selling. Address, Box 111, CAvADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. _FIRES. Dunn’s saw mill at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., has been burned. The dry kiln and lumberin the yard were saved. The loss is estimated at $4,000. The saw mill at Pine River, owned by T. A. Burrows, M.P.P., of Winnipeg, was destroyed by fire a few days ago. The plant was a valu- able one. Charles Hershey & Co. have engaged in the commission lumber business in New York. Marshall N. Smith, planing mill operator, Buffalo, has filed a petition in bankruptcy, Liabilities, $34,715.87 ; assets, $30,068.84. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The severe weather of the past week has prevented an expansion of the lumber trade which might otherwise have occur- red. Only lumber for immediate require- ments has been moved, but this has been sufficient to represent a fair volume of trade. That a good spring business is an- ticipated by retail dealers is shown by the number of enquiries for stock for early de- livery. This is evidence also that retailers are Carrying very light stocks, and fear that these will not be sufficient to supply the demand. A feature of the year, judging from present indications, will be the large number of farm buildings erected. From all parts of the province comes the report that farmers are preparing for the building of dwellings, barns and other outbuildings, and that there is a liberal demand for the common and coarse grades of lumber. In the cities and towns con- siderable building is also being arranged for. Lumber of all kinds is showing more strength. The lower grades of pine are advancing in price, and hardwoods are particularly firm. Buyers are more num- erous than for several years past at this season. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, Many of the lumbermen of Manitoba have, within the past week, taken part in the “bonspeil” at Winnipeg, and have not given the usual attention to business. The annual meeting of the Western Retail Lumbermen’s Association was held on the 8th inst., at which some important ques- tions affecting the trade were discussed. It was decided to take no action looking to the adoption of a telegraphic code and to the formation of a mutual lumber in- surance association. The honorary mem- bers, who comprise the largest firms manu- facturing for this market, pointed out that about 30,000,000 feet of lumber was brought in last year from the United States by the retailers of the province. This was looked upon as an injustice to the honorary members of the associa- tion. The milis in British Columbia are busy with orders, and look forward to the sea- son of 1899 as likely to witness a marked improvemont both in demand and prices. It is reported that an order for 160,000,- ooo feet has been placed with a provincial mill for timber for Chinese railways and naval posts occupied by Russia. The company are said to have been given six years in which to complete the con- tract. No. 4. UNITED STATES, Indications point to an unusually active demand for Jumber in the United States as soon as the weather shall permit of building operations and other outside work being proceeded with. Such in- dustries as are not affected by weather conditions are operating to their. full capacity, and are consuming no small quantity of pine and hardwood lumber. Stocks in all quarters are lower than for several years past, and consequently there are numerous enquiries in the market. Eastern wholesale dealers have purchased to some extent at northern manufacturing points, notwithstanding the high prices asked by holders. The seller is now in a position to dictate to the buyer, a condition which is-in strong contrast with that which prevailed one year ago. Not only in pine and hardwood is the im- provement noticed, but spruce, hemlock and cedar are also showing more strength. Reports from the hardwood trade are a reiteration of what has been said in _prev- ious issues. Demand is in excess of supply, and buyers are willing to contract for almost any kind of stock. FOREIGN. So far as can be learned, importers of Canadian lumber have not as yet met with much success in disposing of stock in the British market. For some reason, contracting has not been entered into as early as usual, although there is no reason to expect that the average quan- tity will not be marketed there. Thecon- suming industries are in a prosperous condition, and stocks are gradually be- coming reduced. There ‘s a good de- mand for elm and ash timber, and prices are firm. Birch is improving, and the stock is light. Since the first of the year pine deals have shown more strength, and particularly first quality. The Barbados market is _ heavily stocked with both spruce and pine, result- ing ina weakening of prices. Supplies in the Australian market are also ample, and until the present stock is reduced, there will be little demand. BUSINESS NOTES. Victor Langis has established a sash and door factory at St. Luce Station, Que. Wm. L. Lawson, a lumber dealer of Philadelphia, is reported to have assigned. A sash, door and planing factory at Ahmic Harbor, Ont., is offered for sale by the assignee, Geo. H. Clarke, of Orillia, Ont. The balance of the assets of the estate of W. I. Storey, planing mill, Ottawa, have been sold. II. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. STOCKS AND PRICES. . The Department of Public Works of Ontario desires tenders by noon of the 17th inst., for the supply of a considerable quantity of white pine and hemlock timber. : Donald Fraser & Son, of Fredericton, N.B., are reported to have purchased the timber prperty of the late James Miller at Temiscouata, Que. The property con- tains some 700 acres. The January price list issued by the British Columbia lumber manufacturers shows an advance of one dollar on four inch grained fir flooring. Three inch fir flooring and ceiling has been dropped from the published list. A number of Ontario lumbermen. in- cluding George -McCormack, M. P., Angus McLeod, and W. J. Sheppard, have gone to British Columbia. It is said that they have entered into a contract for taking out timber for the C. P. R. Mr. Joseph Tate reports that in the township of Anson, where A. McPherson & Co., of Longford Mills, Ont., are oper- ating, the snow is very deep. Notwith- standing, it is expected that some forty thousand pieces will be on the ice in a few days. The camp will probably break up early in March. Pelton & Reid, of Cheboygan, Mich., have closed a deal with Munro & Gordon, of Pembroke, Ont., for the purchase of 15,000,000 feet of pine logs which are be- ing put in this winter on Lake Wahnapitae. These logs are being taken from Indian ‘lands. Pelton & Reid are also getting out 10,000,000 ft. of logs in the upper penisula of Michigan. Mr. W. C. Herbert, of the Manhattan Car and Carriage Manufacturing Com- pany, of New York, has been making a tour of Ontario for jhe purpose of purchasing hardwood lumber. He states that the scarcity of cars of all classes is very great throughout the United States, and that the large manufacturers are crowded with orders for rolling stock. The lumber production of the State of Michigan in 1898 was 2,158,343,122 feet, about 200,000,000 less than the output in 1897. At the close of the manufacturing season, there was abaut 100,000,000 feet less in manufacturers’ hands than at the close of 1897. Last year the shingle pro- duction was 1,683.205,500, or about 400,- 000,000 more than was manufactured in the previous year. A feature of the pine trade of the northern States 1s th- scarcity of lath at all markets. The condition of the lath market is becoming so noticeable that northern wholesalers are getting out new lists, advancing the price of ath from ten to twenty-five cents a thousand, and it is expected that the selling price will shortly reach $1.75 for No. 1 white pine and $1.25 for No. 2, on a Mirneap- olis basis. The Paepcke-Leicht Lumber Company, of Chicago, recently purchased 12,000,000 feet of lumber from the Kirby:Carpen- ter Co., of Menominee, Mich., and about 3,000,000 feet from Duluth and other points in the Lake Superior district. The Edward Hines Lumber Company, of same city, have purchased the cut of the mill of the Garth Lumber Company, at Garth, upper Michigan, amounting to 28,000,000 feet. An exchange gives the following esti- mate of the quantity of logs to be rafted from the French river in the spring: Georgian Bay Lumber Co., Waubau- shene, 21,000,000 feet ; Victoria Harbor Lumber Co., Victoria Harbor, 2,000,000 feet ; Tanner Bros., Waubaushene, 5,000,- o00 feet; C. Beck Mfy. Co., Penetan- guishene, 4,000,000 feet; Chew Bros., Midland, 4,000,000 feet ; Holland & Em- ery Co., 20,000,000 feet; Hardy Lumber Co., 5,000,000 ft.; Fisher & Turner, 7,000-, ooo feet; Munro & Gordon, 12,000,000 feet. This makes a total of 119,000,000 feet. During the month of January there were shipped from the port of St. John, N. B., the following quantities of lumber : To Great Britain and Ireland, 3,238,212 feet of deals, etc. ; tothe United States, 3,313,- 636 feet of long lumber and 6,810,000 lath; to Buenos Ayres, 2,074,342 feet of boards and 2,018,000 shingles; to the Spanish Islands of Peneriffe, 278,848 feet of long lumber, 40,000 lath, 18,750 pickets, and 225,950 slats ; to Bermuda, 45,000 feet of long lumber and some lath, shingles, box shooks and spars; to Canarv Islands, 316,036 feet of long lumber,.218,500 lath and 29,975 pickets. ——$—$—$—$—_$_—_—_————_— THE GLASGOW MARKET. Messrs. Allison, Cousland & Co., in their monthly report, review the Glasgow market as follows : The amount of business transacted during February has been moderate. As shippers are asking advanced prices, values are steady and inclined to stiffer, but the larger buyers being well stocked, it may be some time before there is any improvement. Several shippers of Que- bec and Lower Port goods are here at present, but as yet no great business is reported. All consumers of timber are well employed, so there is good reason to expect that shippers ideas may be realized. Wuitr Pinz.—Waney.—Prime wood, 19 to 20 inch average, is quoted at 2s 5d to 2s 8d per cubic foot. 2nd class wood 15d to 2s per cubic foot. Square.—The demand has been very light. 1st class wood 35 to 40 feet aver- age is quoted at 2s 3d to 2s 6d per eubic foot G.F A. 18d to 20d per cubic foot. RED PINE.—There is no business to report, and prices remain unchanged at former figures, 14144 to 15 34d for 35 ft. average. ELM.—The demand has fallen off lately, but sellers are still very firm in their ideas of price; Ist class 45 to 50 ft. is quoted at 2s 2d to 2s 3d perc. ft,; 2nd class, 22d to 23d per ¢. ft. Oak.—The stock on hand is heavy, and little or no business has been transacted. Quotations. —1st class is quoted at 2s 6d to 3s; 2nd class, 22d to 2s 2d per c. ft. AsH.—The demand continues good, and prices are firm ; 15 to 16 inch is quoted at 21d to 23d per c. ft. BircH.—The stock in first hands is very limited and the prices are firm, 16 inch averrge being quoted at 19d to 21d per c.-ft. DEALS, BATTENS,AND BOARDS. —There has been a moderate demand, and a fair amount of business has been done, Prices on the whole are inclined to be stiffer. Pine.—Firsts are firmer in price for really prime deals. Broads are quoted at 42375. Od. to £24 15s. Undersized, £17 38. 9d. to £19 ss. per St. Pet. std. Seconds.—There has been a moderate demand, especially for narrow deals, which are now low in stock. Broad are quoted at £16 tos. to £19 5s. Under- sized, £13 1s. 3d. to £13 [5s per St. Pet. std. Thirds. —Regulars are firm in price, and under- sized, although not much asked for, have stif- fened considerably. Quotations. —Regulars, {1 in. and up, 49 12s. 6d. to £10 13s. Id. Undersized, £7 18s. 1d. to £8 its. 10d. per St. Pet. std. Fourths.—With the exception of a slight improvement in 11 inch prices are very low. Regulars are quoted at £6 17s. 6d, to £7 4s. 4d. Undersized at £5 16s. tod. to £6 10s. 7d. per St. Pet. std. Rep Ping:—There has been a very good demand, and prices have been firm at £8 gs. to £10 13s. 1d.,according to specifications. SPRUCE.—A moderate business has been done, the demand being principally for 9 in. Quotations. —£6 3s. 9d. to £7 11s 3d. for Thirds and £5 tos. to £6 Ios. 7d. for Fourths. N. B. Bircu.— In logs no business is report- ed. Pianks are in good demand and should improve. Planks are quoted at 10% to 114d perc. ft. N. B. Deas, BATTENS AND Boarps.—A moderate business has been done, but prices have been verylow, especially for wide deals, which are very hard to dispose of. Quotations. —£6 3s. 9d. to £7 11s. 3d. per St. Pet. std. N. B. SpRuCE.—A very moderate business has been done at fair prices. Quotations. —£6 3s. gd. to £7 11s. 3d. per St. Pet. std. for 2ud quality average. BARBADOS MARKET REPORT, Of the Barbados S. P. Musson, Son & Company : Arrivals have been as follows: Schr. Frances A. Rice, from Weymouth, N.S., 49m. shipping, 18 m, 2nd quality w. pine, 71 m. spruce; schr. Moss Glen from Bridgewater, N.S., 73 m. ft. shipping, 41 m. 2nd quality w. pine, 15 m. spruce scantling; schr. John A. McKie from Windsor, N.S , to selves, 152 m. shipping, 80 m. 2nd quality w. pine—lost part of deck load; schr. Alfaretta S. Snare - the Opal has 128 m., lumber market Messrs. from St. John, N.B., 97 m. ft. shipping, 70 m. small, 54 m. 2nd quality w. pine ; schr. Athlete from Windsor, N.S., 143 m. shipping, 62 m. 2nd quality w. pine, 21 m, spruce scantling 5 schr. Mercedese from Belliveau Cove, 120 m. shippers, 24 m. plank, .7 m. 2nd quality spruce; schr. Walter Sumner from Tusket Wedge, N.S., 34 m. merchantable, 25 m. small, 19 m. 2nd quality w. pine, 12 m. spruce boards, -10 m. plank, and 150 m. laying spruce shingles ; schr. Opal from Yarmouth, N.S., 25 m. spruce, 9m. w. pine, 14 m. hemlock, 128 m. laying-cedar shingles. The cargoes .of the Synara and B. B. Hard- wick, mentioned in our last, were sold, former at $21.10 shipping, $14.60 2nd quality, and $13.40 small white pine; $11.40 2nd quality spruce, $15 scantling 2 x 3; latter at $21.26 shipping, $15.26 2nd w. pine ; $16.60 shipping spruce. For the Frances A. Rice’s cargo we were able to obtain same rates, viz + $21.26 shipping, $15.26 2nd quality w. pine ; $16.60 shipping spruce. The. market was well stocked with these previous receipts, and the arrival of over half a million w. pine by the Moss Glen, McKie, and Snare, had a most de-. pressing effect. The first named, being a small cargo, was sold at $20.50 shipping, $13.50 2nd quality, cargo to be delivered at Speightstown and Bridgetown. The Snare’s and the McKie’s cargoes were placed at $20.10 shipping, $13.10. 2nd quality, and $15.10 small, deliverable at Bndgetown. The Ath- lete we despatched to Demerara under val- uation of $20 merchantable, $13 2nd quality, bond. All these arrivals have depressed deal- ers, who now anticipate a sharp break in the prices, not only for w. pine, but for spruce as well, and it was difficult to induce them to make any offer for the Mercedese’s cargo, which, however, we succeeded in placing at $16 for shipping, and $14 for plank. The Walter Summer’s cargo has been sold at $18.75 shipping, $12.50 2nd quality w. pine, $16 spruce boards, $12.50 plank ; and we learn that the Opal has gone to St. Vincent. Shingles—Long Gaspe—The S. S. Tay- mouth Castle brought 196 m., which have been sold at $5.53. In laying cedar the 500 m. by the Syanara were in part fulfillment of contract at $2. The Taymouth Castle has 500 m., which were also contracted for ; and which have gone on in vessel ; other lots are expected. In spruce laying the Wapiti, from Yarmouth, brought 264 m., of which we placed 200 m. at $2.35 5 the Walter Summer had 150 m., which were sold at $1.90. We have done nothing so far with the Cypress, ex Knowlton, and Saw yer, mentioned in our last. Leen AUSTRALIAN CONDITIONS. The monthly timber report of Fraser & Co., Melbourne, Australia, reviews that market as fcllows : : Operations during the past four weeks have been very important, due ina measure to the intervention of the holidays, and partly owing to the fact of the trade holding off from buying to any extent until after business has become more settled in the new year. With the ex- ception of flooring, lining, and weather-boards, there are practically no alterations in values to advise in other descriptions of timber, but in the lines just named quotations have been given for shipments shortly ‘‘ to arrive ” upon a re- duced basis, though, for the reason already mentioned, but few sales have been arranged. Since the resumption of business after the holi- days, a shipment of this class of timber just in port has changed hands in a line at prices not transpired, and it is the intention of the im- porters of the cargo per Fernanda, also lately arrived, to test the market to-morrow by sub- mitting this shipment to public auction, along with other kinds of timber importations now upon the market. It 1s probable that an increased consumption will be shown during the current year,and later on values of the lines chiefly in demand are more than jikely to improve, but at present, owing to near supplies appearing to be sufficient to meet requirements, we hardly anticipate any _ FEBRUARY 15, 1899 ee early change for the better, even though cost and freight prices at ports of shipment for many imyortant kinds have but recently advanced. Spruce AND BALTic WHITE DEALS.— Imports: 1,175,308 feet super. Arrival = Invermay, from St. John. Recent supplies — have been in poor enquiry, as the principal buyers of these lines are well stocked. Values are weak, and are nominally 2}4d. to 254d. per foot of 9 x 3. : r OREGON PINE.—Imports? "1,539,238 feet super, Arrivals: J. C. Potter, from Tacoma ; Novelty from Astoria. Lumber stocks have been dealt in to a slight extent only, but we understand that a portion of the Novelty ship- ment just arrived has been placed at about the market rate of £5 10s. per 1,000 feet super. for an average specification. The J. GC. Potters’ cargo has gone into the pard of the importers, no business being concluded while at the wharf. ——————— Manufacturers and VANCEBORO MFG, CO. wiriessicrs cr: Long and Short LUMBER and HARDWOOD INTERIOR and EXTERIOR FINI>H WOOD TURNINGS and NOVELTIES Chas. B. Treat, Treas. - _ ENFIELD, MAINE- Correspondence Invited. Estimates Furnished. - Blaek Ash, all thicknesses. 2 1-ineh Red Oak. Inch Butternut, Mill Run. — Inch Basswood. State quantity and price. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WCOD AGENTS 7 Crossy SguaRE, LONDON, ENG. ' Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. HESSLER & GO. Wood Agents West Hartlepool and Hull, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, \ on. Cable Address : “Hessler,” West Hartlepool. H.D. WIGCIN 89 STATE ST., BOSTON, MASS. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woovs, Including Mahogany, A Specialty. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN BUYERS OF WHITE PINE AND HARDWOOD \. AS SWAN -DONOGH LUMBER CO; Se, a PN “ECCEEOHLUMBER DEALERS. 8” Mri Tonawanda CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MILL VEN Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Brown Ash ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to 4 LAWRENCE & WIGGIN 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. Wholesale Lumber Dealers = - FEBRUARY 15, 189¢ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION LUMBER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way are as follows: Ottawa, Rockland, Hawkesbury and intermediate points to Toronto, 1o cents per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Toronto, pine ro cents, hard- wood, 1x cents; Ottawa to Oswego, $1.90 per M ft.; Ottawa to Syracuse, $2.20 per M ‘ft, (3,000 Ibs. and under per M ft.); Ottawa to Montreal, 5 ; Quebec, to; Arnprior to. Montreal, 7; Quebec, 12 cts. ; Pembroke to Montreal, 8c.; Quebec, 13¢. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cents per roo lbs. Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14 cents per zoo Ibs. Ottawa to New York, track delivery 15 cents per roo lbs., lightered 17 cents per 100 Ibs. Arnprior to New York, track delivery 17 cts.; lightered 19 cts. per soo lbs. Pembroke to New York, track de- livered x8c., lightered 20c. per 100 lbs. Parry Sound, track, 20 cents, lightered, 22 cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local r5c.; exports 13c. per 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents ; export 15 cts. per roo lbs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 214 cents, export 20 ets. per roo Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawato Burlington, 6c. pe) roo lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, ro cts. per roo Ibs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts»perroolbs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per 100 Ibs, from Arnprior 15 cents from Parry Sound 20 cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to IIi. St. John, N. B. and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N. S. and common points, 21 cents per roo lbs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 lbs., and rates quoted above are in cents per 100 lbs., except when quoted per M ft.; the minimum carload charged is to M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 lbs. to the M feet. Ottaw rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Ha sbury. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Lumberfreight rates for pine onthe Grand Trunk Rail- - way, according to the tariff issued 15th February, 1897, will be found below. General instructions in shipping by Grand Trunk are embodied in these words in the schedule: Minimum we ght 30,000 lbs. per car, unless the marked capacity of the car be less, in which case the marked capacity (but not less than 24,000 lbs.) will be the minimum weight. Exceptions—Cedar posts in box cars, dry basswood and light pine or cedar lumber, dry cedar shingles, charcoal and sawdust, which cannot be loaded up to 30,000 lbs. or up to the marked capacity of car, will be carried at actual weight, minimum 24,- ooo Ibs. The rates on lumber in the tariff will not be ‘higher from an intermediate point on the straight run than from the first named point beyond to the same des- tination. For instance, the rates from Orillia to Guelph, Brampton, Weston or Toronto, would not be higher than the specific rates named from Graven- hurst to the same points, The rates from Cargill and Southampton to points east of Listowel and south and west of Stratford will be the same as from Kincardine, and the rates from Hanover or Hepworth would not be higher than from Wiarton to the same des- tination, Lut in no case are higher rates to be charged than as per mileage table published on page 15 of tariff. Rates from leading lumber points on pine and other softwood lumber, shingles, etc., are as follows: From Glencairn, Creemore, Aurora, Barrie and other points in group B to Toronto, 6%c.; Collingwood, Penetang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Sturgeon Bay, Victoria Har- bor, Midland, Fenelon Falls, Longford, Gravenhurst and other points in group C, to Toronto, 6%c.; Brace- bridge to Toronto 7c.; Utterson, Huntsville, Navor- Emsdale, Katrine to Toronto, 7%c.; Burk’s Falls, Ber- riedale Sundridge and South River, to Toronto, 8¢.: Trout Creek, Powassen and Callender to Toronto, gc.; Nipissing Junction and North Bay, toc. Rate from Goderich, Kincardine, Owen Sound and Wiarton to Toronto, 6%c. These rates are per roolbs. Rates from Toronto east to Belleville are 7%c. per 100 lbs.; to Deseronto, gc.; to Brockville and Prescott, 1oc.; to Montreal and Ottawa, 10c. The rates on hardwoods average about from rc. per 100 lbs. higher than on pine and softwoods. For rates on railway ties, mahogany, rosewood, walnut, cherry, and other valuable woods, application must be made to the distr t freight agent. On spruce and balsam (partly seasoned) for pulp manufacture, the rate from Longford, Wiarton, Pene- tang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Victoria Harbor, Haliburton, Kinmount, etc., to Toronto, is $2.20 per cord; and to Merriton and Thorold, $2.60; Katrine, Callendar, North Bay, etc., tosame points, $2.45 and $2.60 respectively: Beeton, Allandale, Orillia, etc., $2.20 and $2.60. On green spruce and balsam th2 rate is 25 per cent. higher. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. The rates at present in effect on the Canadian Pacific Railway to Toronto and Hamilton are as follows: Pine and soft woods from Klock, Mattawa, Bonfield, North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Cache Bay and Warren, 9 cents; from Sudbury Jct., Rayside and Chelmsford, ro cents ; from Cartier and Geneva Lake, 10% cents; from Biscotasing, White Fish, Massey, Cutler, Spragge and Algoma, 12 cents per 100 lbs. The rates on hardwood are one cent per 100 lbs. higher than those on pine. From Ott wa, Hull, Aylmer and Dechenes Mills, also Arnprior. Braeside and Pembroke, to Torénto the rate is ro cents both on pine and hard- wood. The rates are based on a minimum of 30,000 lbs. per car.” Summer rates to New York, via Albany and barge line, expired on November 28th, owing to closing of navigation on the Hudson river, and the usual all rail rates became effective, as follows: To New York, fof track delivery, and all points on the Hudson river, or the New York Central and West Shore railways, from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills 15c. per 100 Ibs.; from Carleton Jun tion, 16c.; from Arnprior, Brae- side and Renfrew, 17¢.; fromm Eganville and Pembroke, 18c. The rates to New York, including lith srage within the free litherage limits of New York harbor, are 2 cents per 100 lbs. additional. Summer rates to Montreal expired on November 15th, and the usual winter rates became effective as follows: From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer and Deshcenes Mills, 5c.; Carleton Junction, 6c.; Arnprior and Brae- side, 7c.; Renfrew, Eganville and Pembroke, 8¢. The rate to Three Rivers is 4c. and to Quebec se. over the rate to Montreal. The mininium car load in all cases where rates are computed ona weight basis is 30,000 lbs.; when on a measurement basis 10,000 feet B. M: The C P.R. also make the fullowing rates on seasoned pine lumber to West St. John, N B., for export : From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, East Temple ton and Buckingham, $3.75 per M feet; Carleton Junction, Braeside and Arnprior, $4..0 per M feet ; Renfrew, Douglas, Eganville and Pembroke, $4.5 per M feet. On lumber for local consumption at St. John, N B., and common points the rate is 20 cents from Ottawa, Hull and Aylmer, and to Halifax 21 cents from same points. On seasoned pine lumber the rate from Ottawa to Uswego, N.Y., is $1.90 per M feet, and to Syracuse, N.Y., $2.20 per M feet; from Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 centsand to Detroit 14 cents per 100 lbs.; to Boston, Mass., and common points, 15 cents from Ottawa, Hull, Deschenes Mills and all points east there- of ; 16 cents from Carleton Junction; 17 cents from Arnprior, Braeside and Renfrew, and 13 cents from Eganville and Pembroke, and proportionate rates from points further west on lumber or consumption in the United States. The export lumber rate is 13 cents from Ottawa and Hull, 14 cents from Deschenes Mills, Aylmer and Carleton Junction, and 15 cents from Arnprior and Braeside to Boston. CANADIAN EXPORTERS 2°” WHOLESALERS 1OO00OD- OWEN SOUND, ONT. DRY STOCK WANTED Of any grade or thickness, for immediate shipment, also highest price paid for Roek and Soft Elm, green from the saw. State sizes and lowest cash price, and state station from which shipment will be made. JOHN HARRISON MANUFACTURER OF PINE AND HARDWOOD LUMBER Short and Long Dimension Timber, in Pine, Hemlock, Cedar or Rock Elm. Contractors Supplied. Inside Finish, &c. Saw and Planing Mitls: OWEN SOUND, ONT. C. P. R. and G. T. R. Railways. | eV RITE FOR ESTIMATES. THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umiren - Weare offering 1, 1%, 134 and 2” Shipping Cull and Box, Strips and Siding separate. We have a large quantity of mixed sizes Joists and Timbers on hand in White and Red Pine, also Ship Decking, cut 3x 5” and3x 6”... Very reasonable. } PEMBROKE, ONT. Write us for prices. . . MOHR & RYAN - DEALERS IN...... - KILLALOE STATION, ONT. Elm, Ash, Basswood and Maple Lumber; Cedar, Pine and Hemlock Dimension Timber ; Cedar Telegraph and Telephone Poles; Railroad Ties and Fence Poles—all lengths. oO hehhmhmemhW RITE FOR QUOTATIONGE cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock. or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS By RaIL OR WATER. - T.L. BAIDIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario 1OOOOD: KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SMeetny Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EFAstT TEMPLETON, QUE. Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling ss GEILING @ HARDWOOD LUMBER ~~ Winter-Sawed Stock is the Best. for the season on January 2nd, and make a Specialty of White Maple, Quarter Sawed Maple Mangle Rollers (Turned or Octagonal), Elm, Beech and Basswood Lumber, Etc. We commenced No correspondence neglected. J.S.FINDLAY, Owen Sound, Ont. JAYS) PiA Y BA TT Pde@O: Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty .. . A.& P.WAITE es MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock - PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT © WIKRTON MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER CoRRESPONDENCE SOlICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. %@ Pine Lath, Cedar, and i} Pine Shingles. Mills at Wiarton. MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussrn, Contracting Agent. M. A OverenD, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal 10.00 . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... “ OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. y W P. Hinton. Asst General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smitu, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND FOREIGN EXPORTERS °° IMPORTERS , WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Braknidge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwood in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. SMITH & TYRER- - I4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,”’ Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S, IV. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.’* BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. " Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. . BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jobn, Toroxto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Lancaster Machine Works, Lancaster, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Northey Mfg. Co., Toronto, Ont. Payette, P. &Co., Penetanguishene, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. The Defiance Machine Works, Defiance, Ohio, U.S.A. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PULP MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D. Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, ss. MISCELLANEOUS Accountant and Auditor, Wm. M. Dunlop, Montreal, Que. Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Consulting Engineers, Tower & Wallace, New York. Illinois Central R.R. : Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pike Poles, A. L. Cope & Sons, Wilberforce, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New york and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. (The quotations given below are unless otherwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets narned.) TORONTO, ONT. ToronrTo, February 15, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. x inch dressing and Better seis te csioeis o've $20 00 $22 00 t inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 tinch siding common 11 00 12 00 1% 1% and 2 inch cut up and better...... $32 00 $34 00 2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 00 1x) 2 dressing and bet- ter, 60% 16 ft....-- 22 00 24 00| 1 inch sidingshipculls 10 50 12 50 rxzo fine dressing and t inch siding millculls 8 50 9 00 better. «v oe< a0 + ssn 22 00 24 00( Cullscantling........ 800 900 xxro and 12 Canadian tinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 2000] in. mill run...... - 13 00 14 00 x 1-2and thicker cut- tinch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00| 1 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 1 1-4 in. cut up and t 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 oe ee 33 00 35 00| XXX pine shingles, 16 xxro and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00 rot UR SoopRepenorre: 225 1x10 and 1z common. 12 00 14 00 XX pineshingles r6inch I 40 rxro and 12 mill culls 9g 00 10 00 Eath; “Noid 2. Sen. s» I 50 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00} Lath INO: 2) neice 115 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 tozin..$26 00 $28 oo | Cherry xr toxrg$50 00 $60 00 “s «© " 2% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 Ss 2 ‘£4.. 6000 65 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm, soft 1 ‘‘ 1% 14 00 15 00 ands, 1to 1% in.... 17 00 19 00 Ae 84 2 ‘3.. 15 00 1600 Ash, black, xsts and * rock xr ‘“! 1% 1600 18 00 ands,2to4in....-- 19 00 21 00 SE ogtf S95. 206022500 Ash, M.R.,1 ‘f 2-. 15 00 18 00 Hickory 13% ‘‘ 2.. 28 00 3000 Birch, I _. 18 00 20 00| Maple 1 ‘* 1% 1600 17 00 xs 1% ‘* 2.. 20 00 23 00 ss 2 *4.. 17.00 1800 sqrs. 4x4 “ 8 x824 00 26 00 Oak,red, ‘nx ‘* 14% 26 00 3000 Basswood, xsts and ¢: i 29 00 3200 ends, 1to1%in.... 16 00 18 00 ‘ white 7% 2800 3000 1% "2 ..19 00 20 00 See 4.. 3000 3500 “ mrt “1% 1400 1600 ** quart’d © 2., 4600 5000 Butternut 1 ‘‘ 1% 23.00 25 00 Walnut rt ‘£ 3.. 85 00 10000 “ wet 25 00 28 00| Whitewood: ‘‘ 2.. 3200 3600 Chestnut 1 ‘2. 2400 2 00 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, February 15, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... $3r 00 36 00 ter stock......-.++. II 00 1250 Pine, gond strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 25 00 | Pine, s.c. strips.:.... 800 10 00 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts....- 650 850 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls.....-- 9 00 10 00 itliccrn alee aia linilels 15 co 18 00| Pine mill culls...... 752 900 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.1... 160 1 10 SETIPS, «. 02s cede 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M Ne. 2... 80 95 Pine, No. x dressing 1xro No, 1 barn...- 18 oo SHOTS) aie sisiiee eae 1200 14 00|1x10 No.2 “ .... 16 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 &gNo.1 ‘ ...- 17 00 ter Stock,....+..... 13 50 15 00|1x8&qNo.2“ ...- 15 90 QUEBEC, QUE. QuEBEC, February 15, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts. Common and railroad, fox interior and ordinary according to average, quality, etc., measured Offs civn.s. otb,nj0 o1hainjwn sisieleitinla 21 @ 24 For 40 to 45 feet average, measured off.... anise elaiVRwepistincs wTereieal 29 For good and good fair average, measured Off. ......2-+--eeeeeee 29 «6033 First class Ss BU ie siafale 36 ©6390 In shipping order aE AG Tamale eimieee 35 40 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average...---+-+++++-+++++* S547 Os “we «« "19 to 21 inch average....--++-+++++++ 38 40 First class Michigan waney board, 18 inch average.....-+---++++ AL Ad ss BS cs ‘« “r9 to 21 inch average.....---+ 44 46 RED PINE—!N THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality......+---+++-++- 22 «28 In shipping order, 35 to 45 feet “ | Sikte vin teiaie a erate 38 40 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average andqualiy. ....+ + 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. . 32 35 ss ge a sc "30 to 35 feet. . 27 3¢ ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . . .21 24 To Average’x6 inch. (<9: stueete) 0) eo Sis. ease 26 ; BIRCH. 14 inchaverage . +e é Fat a0: 18 ry i | Merce! es ob Coke Ge re <8 ee Meme yee Oo) 28 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N. Y., February 15, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber......- $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking.....--.-+++ 44.00 5000 SPRUCE. 6 tO QiM...-.-- veeeee 1400 14 50| 10 to 12in 17 00 6 to 121N...... .--0ss 14 50 15 75| Lath.........+----++ I 95 Q OLZIN....--eeeeee 1575 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1 and 2 Black Ash, ro to TG. sieiele oth ait lappy miele «.m . 30 00 r¥% to 2in 5 = a WELT Sic. ec pale ale le sit mee 3I oc x inch, s Soft Elm, f 00 1%in and thicker, “ * Be 00 als i | Hard Maple, ‘‘ 00 “ bi é Basswood, By P fore) ce ce o Birch, iii e oo Wo ‘© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O....... 00 ta it] Soft Elm, “ oe iad co ae *¢ Hard Maple, ‘* fore) Gs «© Basswood, “‘ I2 00 “ «Birch, + 14 00 ALBANY, N.Y. Axpany, N.Y , February 15, 1899. PINE, Uppers, 3 in. up .---- +--+: $51 $53 | Dressing boards, narrow... -$19 $2 2h IM... eee ce eee sere ceee 50 52| West India shipping boards. +4 16 TtO2 iN... ccccecceccecees 45 48| Box boards.. ........-. vow de tg inch uppers ...-+++++++00 54 | to-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up ae 44 | xo-in. common .........++- iB, 25 . to 2in......-- peeceeees 40 | 12-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 39 42 | Common, 1x12 ..... ania 14 15 TtOZIN.. cece peteveeeees 36 38 | No. x barn, rx12.. 20 22 No. 1 cut, 1 to 2inch....... 25 30° ERO. core delece 18 20 ING ab. caiea cle awiondt Bie’ 20 25|- IX8...-0e eee eeeee oe pe, EG. 30 No.3... eee ceeeee ese eeeee 17 20| No. 2 barn, rx12.....--.+- - 16 17 No. x molding, 1 to2in..... 30 36 TRLOs aie ssisjeisvee,e olnlelew Mates ™5 16 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 24 27 EER Bole cate civ aleinioleie slo pieisisia 13 15 Stained saps....---++++-0+ 20 | Shaky or star clear, 1 to 2 in. I¢ 21 Bracket plank see 35 Dressing ...... ++. seehntae 16 58 Shelving boards, 12-In. up .. 29 31 Common .....-..++++e008 i 15 LATH. PU. oo ceive waee eeieen te ere $x 75 | Spruce ......-++++ Seeioee - $1 75 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. Xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 25 Clear butts......-.-. 3 00 3 25 Hemlock. o:0,..000 cess 15 Smooth, 6x1 5 00 5 50| Spruce....-..--+--+++- 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, Febraury 15, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed YH inch......-++++ $925 $950 boards ...-+++++ $10 50 1200 11-16 inch........ 9g 00 9 50 Coarse No. 5..---++ I5 00 15 50 Heinch......+-++5 - 80 8 75 Refuse. .....2++-005 12 00 13 co| Clapboards, sapext.. 40 00 44 00 Outs......sceeeeeee 9 00 Sap clear 35 00 Boxboards,1 inch... 10 00 11 00 Sap, 2nd clear 3 31 00 Yeinch..-..eeeeee g 00 9 50 MOT eis kcwises = 23 00 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in.......-$50 00@52 00 Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2,1 in. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 3 and 4in.......+-+ 58 00 6200] 1%,1¥% and 2in... 30 0c 32 00 Selects, 1 in....-.+++ 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 44 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 Wor Vainiscndenaese 6 39 00 gand 4 in.....-..+ 53 00 56°00 iS foie PEP OURIODOHOG 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, 1 in 32 00 rz in. clear...... 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2 in.. 24 00 3800 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards.......- 18 00 20 00 Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 oo | Common allwidths... 22 00 26 00 1%,1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls,z in... 14 50 15 50 do 14% in. 15 50 16 50 SHINGLES. Spruce... ..--0eceer0e I 30 1 50| Second Clear 75 Cedar, extra.......---+ 250 2 65| Extra No.1...... 52 Clears ceca eee ereee 225 2 40 LATH. Spruces....siecceces had GALLO ae csiceccicieln sine x 80@ 1 90 By car 2... -sc0ee . 180@ 200 b FEBRUARY 15, 1899 GANA A LUMBER ee BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., February 15, 1899. WHITE PINE. Up'rs, 1,1%,14and 2 | No.3, 1% &zin... 17 00 18 00 I... sseeseccoeees 48 00| Shelving, No. x, 13 in. 24 and 3 in..... ++ 55.00 5600 and up,1in...... 32 00@34 00 cre Wasinee 58 00 60 00| Dressing 1% in.. 27 00 3000 Selects, rin. .....+- . 4100 4200] 1%x10and 12 30 00 - 1% to2 in...... se. 4200 4300| 1 in......-. 30 00 2% and 3 in....... 5000] 2 iM......0« sereee 29 00 3400 AMe eee eee e ee seeee 52 00| Mold st’ps,1 to 2 in.. 31 00 33 00 Fine common, 1 in... 36 00 37 00 Barn, No.1, ro& 12in. 22 00 23 00 1% andr 6 37 00| 6and 8 in......... 18 00 21 00 2 iM....0e- No. 2, ro in.....-- . 16 00 1600 3 in. ....-.- No. 2, 12 in.......- 17 00 1800 4 IM eceesceeevesee No. 3, 10 in - 13 00 1300 Cut’g up, No. 1, rin. 28 00 No. 3, 12 in 13 50 14 00 14 tO2 M.s-ee sees 33 00 34 00 6 and 8in.... . 1100 1200 No. 2, 1 in...... :+ 15 00 16 00 Common, rin..... «+. 15 00 16 00 No. 2, 1%, & 144 in 23 00 25 00 14% and1%in...:.. 17 90 18 00 No. 3,1% & 1% in 17 00 18 00] 2 in... «.---- ..++ 18 00 20 00 WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 28 00 30 00] 24% tog i.....+++++ « 3400 3800 14% to2in......... 31 00 33 00| Strips. ........ .-+-. 18 00 20 00 Com. and culls....... 10 00 12 & BLACK AND BROWN ASH. 1st & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 10 00 12 00 BIRCH. rst & 2nd, 6 inch & 1st &2nd,white, 6” &up, 18 00 19 00 up, red....+--.--- 28 00 30 00| Com & good culls..... 12 00 15 00 ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 - MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 6in.& up, 18 00 20 oo BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., February 15, 1899- UPPERS AND SELECTS. Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide dee ee 45 00| 2 and 3in........-----.+ 50 00 2 45 00| 4 iM....seeeee eoveeeeeeree 55 OO 60 90 FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 34 00 | 244 and3in., 8in. and up wide 45 00 1%, 14 and 21... ..++.+++ 35 00 (iil zspa eee we ove deem - 50 00 B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 24 00 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 37 00 1%,1% and 2in....... w-++- 30 00/[41N...... seve vevicce aes see mmemenee STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 A rin., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 34 00 6 in. Wide... 2s cece eee cere 40 00 | 6 in. wide... ..---+++++ee+++e 40 08 FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. ....----- 29 oo | 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide. ++ 30 00 1¥ in., 6 in. wide....---+--- 34 00| in., 6in, wide.........-++. 33 00 4 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. rU{in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... -... 24 oo | 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ........ 22 00 NO. I FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 in .....--..- 16 00 | 1% in., 4,5 and 7in......-.- 16 oo rin., 6in..... fads sere edad 18 00] 1 in., 6 im. ......-++++e0+e- 18 00 NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 inch Ase 13 50 | 1% in., 4 to 7 inch ....;....- 14 00 rin., 6inch .....--.eeee eee 14 20 | No. 3 Fencing, 1 in., 6inch.. 12 00 SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in., ro in. stocks.... 25 00 No. 2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 19 00 1in., ro in. and up wide... 26 00 tin., roin. s| Ra) ed tin., 12 in, stocks..... «s+. 29 00] 1in., 12 in. stocks..... 24 00 rin., 12 in. and up wide... 30 00/ rin., to in. and up wide.-. 22 00 rin. 1% and 2in., 8in. and rin., 13 in. and up wide... 25 00 Up Wide ....-.-eeeeeeeee 29 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. 0; 2) Dalles’. se $625 steamer eee 8 and 7 in.. 13 50 No. 3, 12 in. I2 50 TOM. ..eeeeee eee 12 00 QU... eee cece eeeeee 12 00 BM... oo cc sececseecrece + I2 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4and 5 in. wide .......$10 00 jr in., 13 in. and up wide.....$10 50 rin., 6in. wide.......--++-+ 10 oo | 1%, 134 and 2 in., 7'in. and 1 in., 7 in. wide and up...... 10 00 up wide........-. Os elie) SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3,455, 7,8 and gin. wide 20 00 | t In., ro in. and up wide..... 19 00 rin., 6 in, wide.... .---+++++ 20 00 | 14, 1 and 2 in., 8in. up WIlS,..3 conedocemas Sites. 20 00 COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 No. 1, millculls...... See - 900 Nocdiccestonsasasdnpstenteiay 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse........- < 50 Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$ 9 50 Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 18 ft fi 10 50 16feet...... sas Sewers = 50 20 ft. aware aie, SO BEA Jone «a Bee are a Ss 22 and 24 ft.. 12 50 | Add $r to each additional in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, KROES ce 3 oo | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts......--+++++++ - 200 KKK... cecesiencee woe 3 25 Clear Bttsi<.; Jccmencacee ss a WHITE PINE LATH. Noi disvddisicomvvnese arws 1 60 «ee IT 20 Hemlock ..... a Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 | THe above is afac smilie of the title page of the latest and most complete Lumber and Inspection Book published. _ We shall be pleased to send you a GODU on receipt of four 3 cent Ga- Nadian postage stamps ° ° © © _ THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of rs cents per line each insertion. When four Or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. yf hes UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND TWO and one-half million feet of Spruce Logs, lengths 10, 12,14, 16 18, 20, 22, 24 and 26 feet, and is prepared to manufacture same in any form desired, having for this purpose a stationary saw mill equipped with gang edger, planer and shingle machine, with a capacity of 0,000 feet perday. A purchaser is desired who would contract for the entire cut of mill. Correspondenee solicited. James Ritcuey, Makinak (L.M.C. Co. Railway), Manitoba. IMPORTANT TO LUMBERMEN FOR SALE BY TENDER. Valuable Saw Mill and Timber Limits in British Golumbia 549 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, VIRGIN 56. forests of Oregon Pine, Cedar and Spruce Limits in British Columbia as follows :— BLOGK 1. Lot 51, 23,600 acres, more or less, Sayward District, Vancouver Island. BLOGK 2, Lot 439 G., 29,280 acres, more or less, New West- minster District. Lot 50G., 6 720 acres, more orless, New Westminster, Chilliwack. Lot 55, 15,900 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. Lot 83, 1 042 acres, more or less, Chilliwack. The above limits were selected yearsago by competent cruisers at a time when every opportunity offered and was taken advantage of to secure the “‘ pick ” of timber lands, which have since become greatly enhanced in value. BLOGK 3. About 400 acres, more or less, of mill site and first- class farm lands, en bloc, situated on the north branch of the Fraser River about three miles east of New West- minster City. 200 acres, more or less, of this land is cleared, graded, drained and fenced in first-class man- ner, and been under cultivation a number of years. The mill located upon this site isa frame mill, about 455 x 72 feet, with T across tail end of main building about 176 x 60 feet. The whole structure from founda- tion up is built in the most substantial manner—well timbered and braced with knees, metal roof, three (3) engines of 300 h.p. each, and fitted throughout with special machinery for working up British Columbia timber of all dimensions, as well as for working up the refuse into lath, pickets, box shooks, etc.; also planers, matchers, etc. One large refuse burner; one large stone boiler house, metal roof, containing ten large tubular boilers, pumps, etc. Good frame office, boarding house, cottages, horse stables, machine shops and blacksmith shop. Ample booming ground, constructed in the most sub- stantial and convenient manner. The New Westminster branch of the C. P. Railway crosses this mill site; also has a switch graded to the mill and through the yard, giving this property first-class railway outlet, in addition to best facilities and ample water for loading large ocean-going vessels, giving the property unrestricted access to the markets of the world. Sealed tenders for the above property, either en bloc or each parcel or block separately, will be received by the Secretary of the undersigned at their office, r10 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ont., upto MAY 2orn, 1899, at twelve o'clock noon. All tenders to be marked ‘‘ Tenders for Maclaren- Ross B. C. Property.” Tenders to be opened by the President and Secretary at the above address. i Terms, 10% cash, 20% in thirty days, and balance in six; nine and twelve months, by secured notes at 5% per annum. The property to remain vested in the Company until notes are fully paid. ; The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All letters requesting further information to be ad- dressed to— “THE SECRETARY, ‘* Maclaren Ross Lumber Co.; Limited, “* 110 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont.” Ottawa, Ont.; 15th February, 1899. New Westminster, ANTED.—Dry Butternut, or Sycamore, 2-inch Plank. James Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. ANTED.—Dry Soft Elm, Basswood and Ash, for cash. Jas. Morrison, 552 Yonge St., Toronto. V ANTED-—Will pay cash for Ash, Elm and other Hardwoods. Address—M. E. BEARSE, 621 Exchange Building, Boston, Mass. FOR SALE. I f| ESSRS. DOBIE & CO. and DAVID GORDON, of Thessalon, are taking out 1,500,000 feet of Hardwood Lumber, and are open for offers. WANTED. fee CORRESPOND WITH PARTIES HAVING Lumber, Logs, and Standing Pine for sale, tribu- tary to Georgian Bay. A. P. Exerr, Pembroke, Ont. FOR SALE. Cue HUNDRED ACRES TIMBER, BIRCH and Hemlock ; Saw Mill, capacity 30 M. per day; two Boilers, 110 h.p.; Engine, 85 h.p.; three Block Car- riage; one 60-inch. and one 55-inch, Saw; Jack, withlong chain, double edger, trimmer, slash chain 3 2 small cut- offs ; 2 Rip Saws rigged for chair bottoms. Allin good running order. 300,000 ft. of Birch Logs in stock. A paying business ; good reasons for selling. Address, Box 111, CanaDA LuMBERMAN, Toronto, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, Enquiries received during the past week give rise to the hope that the spring trade will open up earlier than usual, and consequently retailers are stocking up with some liberality. In the Ottawa valley considerable lumber has changed hands of late, and on some grades prices have been advanced. United States buyers have made considerable purchases of box lumber, and at prices from one to two dollars higher than those which ruled one year ago. A singular feature of the market is the scarcity of mill culls. These have been practically cleaned out in the Georgian Bay district, and it is ‘said that as high as $8 per thousand has been offered. The steady demand throughout the winter has reduced stocks toa low point, and not for many years has white pine occupied as strong a position as it does to-day. The demand for hardwood lumber is unceasing, and the mills are constantly refusing orders owing to inability to supply the stock. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Beyond the shipment of shingles to the ‘United States, the movement of eastern timber products has shown no expansion. Some stock has gore forward from St. John by the regular liners to the British market, but the quantity has been less than in the corresponding period last year. It is learned that comparatively few contracts have as yet been placed for maritime province spruce deals. Manu- facturers and shippers are holding out for prices considerabiy higher than those of last year, while buyers are reluctant in acceding to their demands. The Quebec shippers of spruce have been more for- tunate than their eastern friends, and are reported to have succeeded in selling an average quantity of stock at a slight advance over last year’s figures. Freights for sailing vessels are about the same as last year, but steamers are holding out for stiffer rates. That they will be able to secure such is very doubtful. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The spring movement of lumber has commenced in a moderate degree, and dealers report an increased number of enquiries. The volume of building opera- tion in Winnipeg and in towns in Mani- toba and the Territories promises to be large, while considerable railway work will be carried out. Prices of lumber are rather uncertain, and it 1s probable that a new price list will be issued by the manu- facturers. The British Columbia mills are busy, and the outlook is good. UNITED STATES. Holders of stock in the United States continue to advance prices, and for certain lines of goods there seéms to be no limit. In some quarters buying has been deterred owing to the fear of a reaction after the mills shall commence to manu- facture. At the present time all kinds of lumber are firm. At Chicago there is a Pronounced shortage of No. 3 boards, No, 3 strips, and piece stuff ; at Bradford, Pa., No. I pine is in short supply, and at Philadelphia there is a decided shortage of 4/4 and 1%-1nch cutting up lumber. In the east the demand for shingles has been large, and the market is short of 16- inch white pine. It is thought that the supply of all kinds of shingles will be exhausted before the opening of lake navigation. Hardwood lumber continues to be sought after, and it is probable that some factories may be compelled to shut down for lack of raw material. In the south logging has been difficult, while in the north the season has been fairly favorable and the output of lumber will be a full average. FOREIGN. It is rather surprising that British im- porters have not contracted more exten- sively for Canadian goods. Much less stock has been placed than ata corres- ponding period one year ago, and some of the largest buyers are still standing aloof. One reason given for this situation is that large quantities of lumber have been disposed of at auction, a course to which many of the most reliable dealers take exception. Concerning this policy the Timber Trades Journal says: “The shippers sell as much as they canto the merchants here in the first instance, and afterwards bring forward cargoes in the market, which inevitably find their way II. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. into the auction room for realization at prices detrimental to the interests of those who have previously bought largely on f.o.b. or c.i.f. terms. Such a condition of things must find its level, and the present stagnation of first-open-water business can be traced to this cause. It seemsa pity that the Canadian firms do not combine with the object of regulating their business on similar methods to those of the North of Europe shippers.” At Liverpool the market is also dull, but some of the other ports are buying spruce quite liberally. A fair amount of business is being done in Ireland, and at prices slightly higher than those of last year. Red pine deals are especially firm, being in low stock and advancing in price. France and Germany are buying only moderately. The South American de- mand shows some life, but the West India market is overburdened with stock, and prices are depreciating. STOCKS AND PRICES. D. K. Bugisch, of Antwerp, Belgium, desires to correspond with Canadian lum- ber exporters. W. J. Barrett, of Thessalon, Ont., will probably get out this winter 5,000 cords of pulp wood. S. H. White, of Sussex, N.B., is taking out a quantity of hardwood timber for ex- port to England. William White, reeve of Tweed, Ont., wants tenders for the supply of pine plank and cedar scantling. R. J. Abbott, a contractor of Boston, Mass., was in Annapolis, N. S., last week with a view of purchasing lumber. Red cedar shingle manufacturers in the Western States have advanced prices. Clears are now selling at about $2.50 de- liveied on a 60 cent rate. D. M. Rennie, Canadian Commercial Agent in Agentina, writes that the lumber business has not been large, but stocks are light and the outlook for 1899 is ex- cellent. F. R. Gilchrist & Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, have made a large shipment of maple flooring to Peru, and have received an order for the same kind of material to go to Belfast, Ireland. At Saginaw, Mich., there is a general belief that prices will advance. Log run lumber is selling at $13 to $18, box lumber at $10 to $50, Norway at $9 and $10, and mill culls at $7 and $8. The Temiscouata timber property pur- chased by Donald Fraser & Sons, of Fredericton, N.B., and referred to in last issue, contains 700 square miles. The price paid was $90,000. The corporation of Welland, Ont., invites tenders up to February 27th for a supply of white oak and white pine timber. Address, C. H. Reilly, chairman Road and Bridge Committee. It is reported that Boston capitalists have undertaken the formation of a large lumber company to consolidate all the mills on the Machias river, and to pur- chase several townships which embrace valuable timber limits. D. L. White, jr., and James Playfair & Co., of Midland, Ont., are reported to have purchased twenty million feet of logs put in this winter by the Arthur Hill Co., of Saginaw. This stock will be manufactured at Midland, some of it for export. A. McPherson & Co., of Longford Mills, Ont., have just finished hauling their cut ot logs in Anson township. They have taken out 40,000 pieces. They state that the great depth of snow is making hauling very expensive. At their Ravens- worth mill, in Bethune township, they have a stock of two and one-quarter million feet. They also have in stock over two million of No. 1 and 2 16-inch pine and cedar shingles. Speaking of the lumber trade, Mr. E. C. Whitney, manager of the St. Anthony Lumber Company, remarked that this has been an excellent season for getting out logs in the Ottawa valley. The St. Anthony Company, whose limits are principally on the Madawaska, are taking out about the usual quantity of logs. The Booth Company are taking down to Ottawa daily a train load of about forty- five cars of pine and spruce logs, averag- ing from twelve to twenty feet long and about eighteen inches in diameter. At the Crown Lands office, Fredericton, N.B., the following timber berths were sold last week:—Head of Popelogan stream, Upsalquinch river, 43 miles, to James Reid, at upset price of $8 per mile; hardwood settlement, Bay du Vin, 2 miles, to Edward Sinclair, at $8.50 per mile ; east branch, Christopher’s brook, 23 miles, to A. Alexander at upset price; headwaters of Tattagouche river, 9 miles, to Sumner & Co., at upset price; Tattagouche river, above Third lake, 5 miles, to Sumner & Co., at upset pries; Gaspereau river, at mouth of Demon’s brook, 4% miles, to Geo. F. Baird, at upset price ; Gaspereau river, above Meadow brook, 2 miles, to Geo. F. Baird, at upset price; west branch Rockway river, 2 miles, to Milton Dayton, at upset price; head of east branch Christopher’s brook, 9 miles, to A. Alex- ander, at $8.10 per mile. Concerning an auction sale held by Churchill & Sims, London, Eng., on the 8th inst., the Timber Trades Journal says: Spruce went tolerably, and all we can say is, that if the whitewood market has an improving tendency,as some wish to make out, there are no signs of it in the auction realizations ; 2nd Quebec regulars selling at 67 Ios., and unsorted 5s. less, must be alosing game. The few lots of white pine went indifferently, and it seems pretty plain that the market for Canadian pine has no life in it, and only at sacrificial prices is the present stock realisable. 3rd Quebec have been hanging in the auction sales at £8 158. for some time past, and though some explanation is afforded for the depreciation on the score of quality, the damage to better kinds by these low sale values can be easily understood. The red pine boards, ex “‘ Nordcap,” were well competed for and prices fairly good. BASSWOOD BOARDS WANTED. A British importing firm write the CANADA LUMBERMAN as follows : ““We would be glad to know if any Canadian manufacturers can supply the following specifi- cation of basswood boards, to be cut from winter-sawed, perfectly white basswood :— Lengths, 1234”, 13%”, 14”, 15’, 16”, 16%”, and any width from 3’ and up, to be sound and per- fectly white, and free from knots. Sufficient number of each length, to make a board four feet wide, these to be jointed onedge and glued together, thus :— FOUR FEET LONG, Lengths of all these to be four feet long, and to hold up %” thick after being planed or sanded. Boards to be cased with 1” lun.ber, about 100 pieces in a case, and delivered free on rail, giving price per 1,000 feet superficial for these goods, and allowing a 60 cent rate per 100 lbs. from invoice, for freight. Two carloads a month required. We are also buyers of broom handles in large quantities, 50” x 114”. ‘It is a great pityjthat we cannot give Can- ada this business instead of the United States.” The name and address of the firm may be obtained upon application to this office, FIRES. A saw mill at Morbely, B.C., has been burned. The wood-working factory of Joseph Saun- ders, at Sunderland, Ont., was destroyed by fire on the 14th instant. It is reported that a saw mill at Cranbrook, B.C., in which James Mundie, of Winnipeg, is interested, has been destroyed by fire. The mill had a capacity of 30,000 feet per day. THE BRITISH MARKET. The lumber market at Liverpool, Eng., is thus reviewed by Messrs. Farnworth & Jardine in their circular dated February Ist : The arrivals from British North America during January have been 3,320 tons register, against 3,864 tons register during the corres ponding month last year, and the aggregate tonnage to this date from all places during the years 1897, 1898, and 1899 has been 15,132, 21,739 and 15,477 tons respectively. The business during the past month has been quiet ; the arrivals have been fairly moderate, but the deliveries have been small. Stocks are ample, and there is little change in values to report. Pine TiMBER.—Of waney the deliveries have been fair, and the stock is now reduced to a moderate compass ; prices are firm. For square there is little enquiry ; the stock is ample. Red pine .is in very limited request, and the stock is sufficient. Oak :—The de- mand continues very dull; prices are difficult to maintain, and the stock is large. Elm :-— The stock is small, and it is firmly held at ad- vanced prices. Ash:—The import consists of round wood from the United States; there is only a limited demand ; the stock is moderate and values unchanged. Pine deals remain in a very unsatisfactory position, the deliveries have been disappointing, prices rule low and the stock is far too heavy. Red pine deals are in strong demand, and the prices for next season are much higher ; the stock is light. New BruNsWICK AND NOVA SCOTIASPRUCE AND PINE DEALS. —The arrivals, amounting to 1,800 standards, have been by steamers from St. John and Halifax ; the deliveries have been unsatisfactory. Stocks are too heavy, but there is little change in value to report. Pine deals are in very dull demand and difficult to sell ; the stock is sufficient. Brrcu.—Cf logs there has been no import ; there is a fair demand, and stocks are not ex- cessive. Planks continue to arrive in moder- - ate quantities, but prices are lower and the stock is ample. Current quotations are as follows : Quebec white pine tinber: Squares vitae sm =e per cu. ft. Waney.. os cue ter eneensceene " St. John, 18 in. average....... " Dalhousie: G05. «:-1tsyhiew oem oes " Red pineia. .sjancanccne reer cates " Oaksiast quatty . sin en wears f " 2nd QUAIL Ye sos). eter oe aie es whmie " Im . & Ash rere ea eae " Birch, St. John. “e Quebec Nova Scotia, Birch planks Spars, spruce....... I Quebec deals: he Se ZZ. & TSE QUALI Fess oe vec ener per std 20 o to24 0 2NG Quality i: +05 00s alles "15 10 16 10 3rd quality 90 g 10 Deals, spruce : St. John, Bangor, &c....... " 5S 5 67 Nova Scotia, &c.......-.+- " 60 6 5 Boards, spruce, &c. ...:.+-.-- " 5 10 60 Of the London demand, Messrs. Churchill & Sim say: Pine deals have again been freely sold during the month with varying fortunes, dependent largely upon the quality of the par- ticular parcel, but on the whole, perhaps, at some shade of reduction on the levels of last autumn. Spruce has been rather disappoint- ing, for it has sold very freely in response to quite an eager demand. The stock is consider- ably reduced, comparing now very favourably with that of last year, and yet for wholesale quantities prices have been if anything rather lower than they were before the turn of the year. Birch, elm, and ash are in rather better retail demand ; there is no change to record in oak; white pine timber has been sold very cheaply during the month. ot 6 = aQow & HHH HN NWHHNNDY rm] eNO i] ” oowwoumnowood HHH HHHNHHADHY CO OWW DO O0NO a 4 Mead & Stewart, lumber dealers, Buffalo, have dissolved partnership. The Merryman Lumber Company, of North Tonawanda, N. Y., has been incorporated, with a capital of $25,000. Joseph Jacob, lumber merchant, of St. Henri, Que., is reported to have assigned, with liabilities of $45,000 and assets about same amount. Do You Use Mahogany? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous [TABASCO MAHOGANY | ; is hard and takes elegant finish: Finest figured wood on the market est prices in Europe, but we sell here about same prices as Specially adapted for fine cabinet and interior finish : . LAWRBNGB & WIGGI Importers and Manufacturers FEBRUARY 22, 1899 SHIPPING MATTERS. There are still very few transactions to re- cord in Canadian freights, says the Timber Trades Journal. The tendency is for easier freights from the timber shipping ports all round. The following transactions have taken place : —Quebec to Glasgow, 42s. 6d. f.0.w. 1,300 standards. Quebec to w.c, Great Britain, range 43s. 9d. f.0.w. 1,200 standards. Montreal to Liverpool, Fleetwood, Barrow, or Clyde at 42s. 6d. Liners are booking from Montreal to Liverpool at 37s. 6d.; London, 38s. 9d. and 40s.; Glasgow, 40s. ; Manchester, 41s. 3d., bds. 2s. 6d. extra. ——_—— A competent band saw filer desiring engage- ment may learn of a position by corresponding with the publishers of this journal. Manufacturers and VANCEBORO MFG, CO, winstescicrs or" Long and Short LUMBER and HARDWOOD INTERIOR and EXTERIOR FINISH WOOD TURNINGS and NOVELTIES Chas. B. Treat, Treas. - _ENFIELD, MAINE. Correspondence Invited. Estimates Furnished. WANTED Black Ash, all thicknesses. 1-inch Red Oak. Inch Butternut, Mill Run. Inch Basswood. State quantity and price. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 4 CrosBy SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “ Sieveking,’ London HESSLER & GO. Wood Argents West Hartlepool and Hull, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘‘ Hessler,” West Hartlepool. H.D.WICGIN 89 STATE ST., BOSTON, MASS. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woods, Including Mahogany, A Specialty. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN BUYERS OF WHITE PINE an) HARDWOO BY S0H-DonocH LumseR i) = Ss = 2 eX - CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Brings high- ordinary mahogany. BOSTON, MASS. i :n"' FEBRUARY 22, 189¢ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. mine LUMBER FREIGHT RATES, CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way are as follows: Ottawa, Rockland, Hawkesbury and intermediate points to Toronto, ro cents per roo Ibs.; Parry Sound to Toronto, pine ro cents, hard- wood, rr cents; Ottawa to Oswego, $1.90 per M ft. : Ottawa to Syracuse, $2.20 per M ft, (3,000 lbs. and under per M ft.); Ottawa to Montreal, 5 ; Quebec, zo; Arnprior to Montreal, 73 Quebec, 12 cts. ; Pembroke to Montreal, 8c. ; Quebec, 13¢. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cents per too Ibs. Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14 cents per zoo Ibs. Ottawa to New J ork, track delivery 15 cents per roo Ibs., lightered 17 cents per 100 lbs. Arnprior to New York, track delivery 17 cts.; lightered 19 Cts. per too lbs. Pembroke to New York, track de- livered r8c., lightered 20. per roo lbs. Parry Sound, track, 20 cents, lightered, 22 cents per roo Ibs. ; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local rsc.; exports 13¢. per 100 lbs.; _Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents ; export 15 Cts. per 100 lbs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 21% cents, export 20 cts. per roo Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawato Burlington, 6c. pe: 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Albany, 10 Cts. per roo Ibs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per 100 Ibs, from Arnprior x5 cents from Parry Sound 20 cents per roo lbs.; Ottawa to St. John, N. B. and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N. S. and common points, 21 cents per 100 Ibs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 Ibs., and rates quoted above are in cents per 100 lbs., except when quoted per M ft.; the minimum carload charged is 10 M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 lbs. to the M feet. Ottaw rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Ha sbury. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates for pine onthe Grand Trunk Rail- way, according to the tariff issued 15th February, 1897, will be found below. General instructions in shipping by Grand Trunk are embodied in these words in the schedule: Minimum weight 30,000 Ibs. per car, unless the marked capacity of the car be less, in which case the marked capacity (but not less than 24,000 lbs.) will be the minimum weight. Exceptions—Cedar posts in box cars, dry basswood and light pine or cedar lumber, dry cedar shingles, charcoal and sawdust, which cannot+ be loaded up to 30,000 lbs. or up to the marked capacity of car, will be carried at actual weight, minimum 24,- ooo Ibs. The rates on lumber in the tariff will not be higher from an intermediate point on the straight run than from the first named point beyond to the same des- tination. For instance, the rates from Orillia to Guelph, Brampton, Weston or Toronto, would not be higher than the specific rates named from Graven- hurst to the same points. The rates from Cargill and Southampton to points east of Listowel and south and west of Stratford will be the same as from Kincardine, and the rates from Hanover or Hepworth would not be higher than from Wiarton to the same des- tination, Lut in no case are higher rates to be charged than as per mileage table published on page 15 of tariff. Rates from leading lumber points on pine and other softwood lumber, shingles, etc., are as follows: From Glencairn, Creemore, Aurora, Barrie and other points in group B to Toronto, 6%c.; Collingwood, Penetang Coldwater, Waubaushene, Sturgeon Bay, Victoria Har. bor, Midland, Fenelon Falls, Longford, Gravenhurst and other points in group C, to Toronto, 6%4c.; Brace- bridge to Toronto 7c.; Utterson, Huntsville, Navor- Emsdale, Katrine to Toronto, 7%c.; Burk’s Falls, Ber- riedale Sundridge and South River, to Toronto, 8c.: Trout Creek, Powassen and Callender to Toronto, gc.; Nipissing Junction and North Bay, roc. Rate from Goderich, Kincardine, Owen Sound and Wiarton to Toronto, 6%c. These rates are per 100 lbs. Rates from Toronto east to Belleville are 734c. per 100 lbs.; to Deseronto, gc.; to Brockville and Prescott, roc.; to Montreal and Ottawa, 10c. The rates on hardwoods average about from re. per roo lbs. higher than on pine and softwoods. For rates on railway ties, mahogany, rosewood, walnut, cherry, and other valuable woods, application must be made to the distr t freight agent, On spruce and balsam (partly seasoned) for pulp manufacture, the rate from Longford, Wiarton, Pene- tang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Victoria Harbor, Haliburton, Kinmount, etc., to Toronto, is $2.20 per cord; and to Merriton and Thorold, $2.60; Katrine, Callendar, North Bay, etc., to same points, $2.45 and $2.60 respectively; Beeton, Allandale, Orillia, etc., $2.20 and $2.60. On green spruce and balsam the rate is'25 per cent. higher. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. The rates at present in effect on the Canadian Pacific Railway to Toronto and Hamilton are as follows: Pine and soft woods from Klock, Mattawa, Bonfield, North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Cache Bay and Warren, 9 cents; from Sudbury Jct., Rayside and Chelmsford, ro cents ; from Cartier and Geneva Lake, 10% cents; from Biscotasing, White Fish, Massey, Cutler, Spragge and Algoma, 12 cents per 100 lbs. The rates on hardwood are one cent per 100 Ibs. higher than those on pine. From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer and Dechenes Mills, also Arnprior. Braeside and Pembroke, to Toronto the rate is ro cents both on pine and hard- wood, The rates are based on a minimum of 30,000 Ibs. per car.” Summer rates to New York, via Albany and barge line, expired on November 28th, owing to closing of navigation on the Hudson river, and the usual all rail rates became effective, as follows: To New York, fof track delivery, and all points on the Hudson riv er, or the New York Central and West Shore railways, from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, 15c. per roo Ibs.; from Carleton Jun: tion, 16c.; from Arnprior, Brae- side and Renfrew, 17¢.; from Eganvilleand Pembroke, 18c. The rates to New York, including lith erage within the free litherage limits of New York harbor, are 2 cents per 100 lbs. additional. Summer rates to Montreal expired on November 15th, and the usual winter rates became effective as follows: From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer and Deshcenes Mills, 5c.; Carleton Junction, 6c.; Arnprior and Brae- side, 7c.; Renfrew, Eganville and Pembroke, 8c. The rate to Three Rivers is 4c. and to Quebec sc. over the rate to Montreal, The minimum car load in all cases where rates are computed ona weight basis is 30,000 Ibs.; when on a measurement basis 10,000 feet B. M. The C.P.R. also make the following rates on seasoned pine lumber to West St. John, N.B., for expoit From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, East Temple- ton and Buckingham, $3.75 per M feet; Carleton Junction, Braeside and Arnprior, $ per M feet ; Renfrew, Douglas, Eganville and Pembroke, $4.59 per M feet. On lumber for local consumption at St. John, N B., and common points the rate is 20 cents from Ottawa, Hull and Aylmer, and to Halifax or cents from same points. On seasoned pine lumber the rate from Ottawa to Uswego, N.Y., is $1.90 per M feet, and to Syracuse, N.Y., $2.20 per M feet; from Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 centsand to Detroit 14 cents per 100 lbs.; to Boston, Mass., and common points, 15 cents from Ottawa, Hull, Deschenes Mills and all points east there- of ; 16 cents from Carleton Junction ; 17 cents from Arnprior, Braeside and Renfrew, and 13 cents from Eganville and Pembroke, and proportionate rates from points further west on lumber for consumption in the United States. The export lumber rate is 13 cents from Ottawa and Hull, 14 cents from Deschenes Mills, Aylmer and Carleton Junction, and 15 cents from Arnprior and Braeside to Boston. CANADIAN EXPORTERS «°° WHOLESALERS eenan—. Brothers OWEN SOUND, ONT. 10O000r- DRY STOCK WANTED Of any grade or thickness, for immediate shipment, also highest price paid for Rock and Soft Elm, green from the Saw. State sizes and lowest cash price, ‘and state station from which shipment will be made. JOHN HARRISON MANUFACTURER OF PINE AND HARDWOOD LUMBER Short and Long Dimension Timber, in Pine, Hemlock, Cedar or Rock, Elm. Contractors Supplied. — Inside Finish, &c. Saw and Planing Mills: OWEN SOUND, ONT. C. P. R. and G. T. R. Railways. ‘er WW TE FOR ESTIMATES. TH PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. umes MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @e Write us for Quotations on all Bills@ye " MOHR & RYAN | PEMBROKE, ONT. KILLALOE STATION, ONT. «©» «2++DEALERS IN...... Elm, Ash, Basswood and Maple Lumber ; Cedar, Pine and Hemlock Dimension Timber ; Cedar Telegraph and Telephone Poles; Railroad Ties and Fence Poles—all lengths. WRITH FOR QUOTATIONS [cL AURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY Rait or Water. — T.L. BAIDIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario 4 © 2 2 2 ¥v KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHEETING: Has Basswood, Qak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Wants to hear from mills having above woods to Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EAST TEMPLETON, QUE. Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. offer for sale. GEILING @ HARDWOOD LUMBER ~~ Winter-Sawed Stock is the Best. for the season on January 2nd, and make a Specialty of White Maple, Quarter Sawed Maple Mangle Rollers (Turned or Octagonal), Elm, Beech and Basswood Lumber, Etc. J.S. FINDLAY, We commenced No correspondence neglected. Owen Sound, Ont. WAS UP ieATyY bh APRs CoO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty .. . A. & P. WAIT Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Joi es MIDLAND, ONT. = Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... sting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock - PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Pine Lath, Cedar, and Pine Shingles. i Mills at Wiarton. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G. Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. T.R. AND BY WATER CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. Overenn, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling sé 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY +. . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... , OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. WRicHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND FOREIGN EXPORTERS .x° IMPORTERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom - continent handled to the best advantage. , WOOD BROKERS! SMITH & TyRER l4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. ; ; Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S, Iv. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.’* BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. | F Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont ay Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Lancaster Machine Works, Lancaster, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N. Ss. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Northey Mfg. Co., Toronto, Ont. Payette, P. &Co., Penetanguishene, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxford Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. The Defiance Machine Works, Defiance, Ohio, U.S.A. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. | Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Accountant and Auditor, Wm. M. Dunlop, Montreal, Que. Axes, Campbell Bros., St. John, N.B. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Consulting Engineers, Tower & Wallace, New York. Illinois Central R.R. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pike Poles, A. L. Cope & Sons, Wilberforce, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. WHOLESALE PRICBS GURRBNT. (The quotations given below are unless otherwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. Toronto, February 22, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. r inch dressing and better....... ppadtt $20 00 $22 00 t inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 tinch siding common 11 00 12 00 1% 1% and 2 inch cut up and better...... $32 00 $34 00 2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 00 1x)2 dressing and bet- ter, 60% 16 ft....-- 22 00 24 00/1 inchsidingshipculls 10 50 11 50 xrxro fine dressing and t inch siding millculls 8 50 9g 00 Dekkers cei cscs nv0ns 22 00 24 00 | Cullscantling........ 8 00 9 00 1x10 and 12 Canadian tinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 2000] in. mill run...... - 13 00 14 00 11-2and thicker cut- t inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank.....-. 24 00 26 00 | 1 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 1 1-4 in, cut up and 1 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 better ....---..6-+5 33 00 35 00 | XXX pineshingles, 16 rx1o and 12 millrun 16 oo 1800] inch............... 2 25 rx1o and 12 common. 12 00 14 00| XX pine shingles 16inch I 40 1xzo and 12 mill culls 9 oo 10 00/ Lath, No.1......... I 50 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 Lath No. 2......... 115 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2 in..$26 oo $28 oo Cherry xr to1¥%$s0 00 $60 00 2D "2 to 4.. 30 00 32 00 sf 2 ‘4.. 6000 65 00 Ash, black, rsts and Elm, soft x ‘“‘ 134 14 00 15 00 ends, 1to 1% in.... 17 00 19 00 BE css 2 ‘* 34 15 00 i6)co Ash, black, rsts and “ rock x ‘* 1% 1600 18 00 ands,2 to 4in.....+ 19 00 21 00 Of a 388 1% ‘* 3.. 2000 2200 Ash, M.R.,1 ‘“‘ 2.. 15 00 18 00 Hickory 1% ‘‘ 2.. 28 00 3000 Birch, I 18 00 20 00 | Maple rt ‘* 1% 1600 17 00 ‘ 1% “ 2.. 2000 23 00 4 2 4.. 17.00 1800 ‘sqrs, 4x4 ** 8 x824 00 26 00 Oak,red,p'ns “7% 26 00 30 00 Basswood, 1sts and pees As ‘5 4.. 29 00 3200 ends, 1 to1¥%in.... 16 00 18 00 ‘© white * 7% 2800 3000 1% 2 ..19 00 2000] “ * 4... 30 00 3500 “ mr xr “ 1% 14 00 16.00 “ quart’d © 2.. 46.00 5000 Butternut 1 ‘* 134 23 00 25 00} Walnut zt ‘'3.. 85 00 10000 “ 2 ‘3.. 25 00 28 00] Whitewood: ‘‘2.. 3200 3600 Chestnut 1 ‘2., 2400 2 00 CANADA LUMBERMAN WE EKLY EDITION. FEBRUARY 22, 1899 Ne eee OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, February 22, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... $31 00 36 00 ter stock... .c..s00e Il 00 1250 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8&ups.c. sidings 11 00 13°00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 25 00 | Pine, s.c. stripS.....- 8 00 1000 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts..... 650 850 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls......- 9 00 10 00 Bl iaeeya ss wae sear zs co 18 00|-Pine mill culls...... 750 900 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.1... 100 1 10 SOLIDS; «0 cients esis 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M No. 2... 80 95 Pine, No. x dressing 1x1o No, 1 barn.... 18 00 SHOLtS | cisae age oie 1200 1400|1x10 No.2 “ 16 co Pine, ro s.c, and bet- 1x8 &gNo.1 ‘ 17 00 ter stock,.........- 13.50 15 00| 1x8&9 No.2 “ I5 00 QUEBEC, QUE. = QueEszEc, February 22, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts. Common and railroad, for interior and ordinary according to average, quality, etc., measured off..........--+-- AARP a 21 @ 24 For 40 to 45 feet average, measured off .. . » 2 29 For good and good fair average, measured o 33 First class “" : 39 In shipping order ‘f bl 40 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average.........-- 37 as & s¢ "19 to 21 inch average.....- 40 First class Michigan waney board, 18 inch average 43 SS & ss ‘* ‘19 to 21 inch average......-.- 44 46 RED PINE—'N THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality........,++--+.++ 22 «28 Inshipping order, 35to45feet “we teen eecneeeeees 38 40 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO, By the dram, according toaverage and quality. - . . + 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. . 32 35 sf ss gs 66” 30 to. 35) feet... 27. 3¢ ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . + + 21 24 To ayerage 16 inch . , Aer Pe SR ES Ee oe 25 26 : BIRCH. mg inCh aVera gens — vm eee os). 8 es eee ne aE 18 Gi Ch MI fore oy gi h'a He) ue, eras) 6 MW) ime clon ume tees =Bi ae s - en eo 24 ~ 28 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $2x for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N. Y., February 22, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 40 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking..........-- 44.00 5000 SPRUCE. 6 tO gin......+ eeeeee 14 00 14 50| 10 to 12in 17 00 6 to I21M.....- ee eee 14 50 15 75| Lath........--see0e- I 95 Q OIZIN...-.-seeree 1575 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16.-.-++.+++esreeseneeee 30 00 1% to 2in s fe & : Tae Seen ae nerite tan 3r oc x inch, e Soft Elm, iv 1in and thicker, “ “be als re ih Hard Maple, ‘‘ . Saal: Basswood, rs ce Lad “ce Birch, cc Bs «Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O. oe “e Soft Elm, “e ae ce a *¢ Hard Maple, ‘* s De 008 I4 00 GY ‘* Basswood, ‘‘ - © Seca 12 00 Ke Birch, A Misreistiret= 14 00 ALBANY, N.Y. Avsany, N.Y , February 22, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up...-- +--+ $51 $53 | Dressing boards, narrow... .$19 $21 ZU IN... eee een e seen cess 30 52] West India shipping boards. tq 16 © EO itis osette cues leo -0 45 48| Box boards.. .-+..ssessees iz X3 4 inch uppers ....++++++-++- 54 | ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up... 3 44 | ro-in. common ..........+++ x3) 25 1 tOZIN....cceeeee cence 40 | 12-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 39 42 | Common, 1x12 ...... -+++++ 14 15 1 tO 21M. cceaae owen esrnece 36 38| No. x barn, 1x12. 20 22 No. 1 cut, 1 to 2inch....... 25 30 rh 41s We Ce Ie sa 8 20 Worenciaecss ce ewer vise nnn 20 25 PEO SL. cpiein vise Kiklolw a ee 16 18 No. 3---2s0:sesececeseeee 17 20| No. 2 barn, 1x12..-+.++-+++ 16 17 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 30 36 ERIOs odes Sekai eel ee 15 16 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 24 27 ERBieccisiresitewiele sieves see grens Stained saps...-..++++++++- 20 | Shaky or star clear, x to 2 in. I¢ 21 Bracket plank ....-.-- ---+ 30 35 ID PSSHAG’ sa: vis.0 0 ernioe ean 16 58 Shelving boards, 12-in. up -. 29 31 Common... .ica50 sce eves re LATH, Pine ac ccc swe vs sistnateine «/s seeeSt 75 | Spruce ...--eeeeee sienna ey RES SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 25 Clear butts......--+- 3,00 3 25| Hemlock..........-.-- 15 Smooth, 6 x 18 5 00° 5 50| Spruce.....--seseeeee 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, Febraury 22, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed ¥%inch.....++- «--$9 25 $950 boards ...-+.+e5+- $10 50 12 00 11-16 inch......-. 900 869 50 Coarse No. 5 I5 50 Hainch. ... 020-06 7 Seo 895 Refuse. ....seeeeees a3 co| Clapboards, sapext.. 40 00 44 00 Outs... ..eesseees A g0oo| Sapclear..... 35 00 Boxboards, 1 inch... 10 00 11 00 Sap, 2nd clear 3I 00 %inch..... Madeaice 9 00 9 5° Sabie aie oh a Sle 23 00 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in....--- .$50 00@52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00] No. 2,1 1n. Finecom. 29 00 31 00 gand 4im......+++- 38 00 6200| 1%,1% and 2in... 30 0c 32 00 Selects, 1 in......++- 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to6in. 43 00 44 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 NMOn 2iscvus ae etereiets 36 00 39 00 zand 4 in......+-- 53 00 5600] No, 3----++e-e05 28 00 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, rin...... .. 20 00 3200 rz in. clear...... 37 00 39 00 Cut ups, 14 to2 in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 00 Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 oo | Common allwidths... 22 00 26 oo 1%,1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 50 do 14% in. 15 50 16 50 SHINGLES. Spruce... .ss+ses++ ,.. E30 1 50| Second Clear. wateeNRS OLS Cedar, extra.......---- 250 2 65| Extra No. 1.........- 2 25+ &.53 leary. s..s.c00n 2 edve 225 2 40 LATH. Spruce....secceseeees | By cargo......+0++++- ¥ 8O@ I go By Car ..2.-e0eees «. 180@ z00 : BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., February 22, 1899. WHITE PINE. ; Up’rs, 1,1%,1% and 2 | No. 3,1% & 2in... 17 00 18 00 Co gearinanecnare . $46 00 48 oo| Shelving, No.1,13in. 2% and 3 in....... 55 09 56 00 and up, 1 in...... 32 00@34 00 pe eag s+. 58.00 60 00| Dressing 14 in...... 27 00 30 00 Selects, rin. .....- +. 41 00 4200 Wxneaiil 23.0705) z8 00 30 00 1% tO2 iN....++++5 42 00 43 00 1G iN......42+++2+ 28 00 3000 2% and 3 in 50 00] 2 IN wawas auido ++ 29 00 3400 Sait Viatolewin 52 00| Mold st’ps,1 to 2 in.. 31 00 33 00 Fine common, 1 in 37 00| Barn, No.z,10&12in. 22 00 23 00 37 00| 6and 8 in......... 18 00 21 00 38 00| No. 2, roin.. 16 00 1600 r 45 00| No.2, 12 in.. 1700 18 00 4 in 47 00| No. 3, ro in. . 13 00 13 00 Cut 29 00] No.3, 12in........ 13 50 1400 1 34 00] 6and8in.... 0.4,°2 ina. : 16 oo} Common, rin........ 15 00 16 00 No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 23 00 25 00 1% and1¥in...... 17 00 18 00 No. 3,1% & 144 in 17 00 18 00| 2 in.....+-++++s+. 18 00 20 00 WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, x inch, 28 co 30 00| 2% tog in.........+- 34 00 3800 1% tozin.......- » 31 00 33 0o| Strips........... ... 18 00 2000 Com. and culls....... 10 00 12 o&% BLACK AND BROWN ASH. rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 10 00 12 °° BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & 1st &2nd,white, 6” &up, 18 00 19 00 Up, Ted... cceseeee 28 00 30 00| Com & good culls..... 12 00 15 00 ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in.& up, 18 00 20 oa BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., February 22, 1899. UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., x0 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $40 00 wide......- Jt teeneceases 45 0c| 1%, 1% andzin..... as peur (OO 14%, 1% and 2 in - 45 00 2% and 3in.... -. 45 00 AMM. ccc vcecess cncecececs 60 00 , ; FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 34 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in, and up wide 45 oo 1%, 1% and 2in... «..+--+s 35 00 |4in....7.5. Pere Seer B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 24 oo | 2¥% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 37 00 14%, 1% and 2in....-..-+-+- BO 00 | 4 I... cece ee were eeeeeensee 40 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 00 | rin., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 34 00 GAM. Wide... Jens cseccaeveses 40 00 | Gin. Wide......:-+eseeeeenes 40 00 FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. .....-.-+ 29 00 | 13 in., 4, 5 in. wide ......+. 30 00 1% in., 6 in. wide....--.--+- 34 00| in., 6 in. wide............- 33 00 - SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1Uin., 4, 5, 6in. wide... -... 24 00| 1 in., 4,5, 6 in. wide ........ 22 00 NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. __ rin., 455 and 7 in .....---.- 16 oo | 1% in., 4,5 and 7 im......... 16 00 I im., 6 itl....sercesecceees .. 18 00 | 1% 10., 601... =:..c0menee eee OD NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. tin., 4,,5 and 7 inch .......- 13 50| 134 in., 4 to 7 inch ....-.-.-. 14 00 rin., 6 inch ......eeeeeeeeee 14 20 | No.3 Fencing, 1in., 6inch.. 12 00 , SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in,, 10 in. stocks .... 25 00 | No.2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 19 00 rin., ro in. and up wide.,. 26 00 tin., 10in. stocks ......... 21 00 tin., 12 in, stocks.......+- 29 oo | 1 in., 12 in, stocks...,..... 24 00 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 3 i 4 f 1 in., ro in, and up wide... 22 00 rin. 1% and 2in., 8in. and i rin., 13 in. and up wide... 25 oo up Wide ....+++e+e+eeeee 29 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 1, 12 in.....-- fehwanvtcat 21 00 | No. 2,9 iM......+6 «see-00s TZ 50 LOM. 2 oe 00 ceececcsees ... 1800] 8and7in..... Cowes i3 SO Ges secs sve cn =e 18 00 | No. 3, 12 in..... Siaeaste 22 50 Band 7 in.....-.- eee enone 18 00 | IOIN.....+.e0e ceeeeseeees IZ 00 No. 2, 121M.....0seeeeeeeees 16 OO} QIN... - 62 ve eeeeeseeeeeeee IZ 00 FO Ms. cee ace ak ames I4 00 BANE mci eae We Dp ee ete. 22. 001 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4.and 5 in, wide....... $xo oo | 1 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$10 50 rin., 6 in. wide........+++++ 10 oo | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 7 in. an 1in., 7 in. wide and up....-- 10 00 Up Wide..:ci-cahessepen XO 50 SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 20 00 | 1 in., ro in, and up wide..... 19 00 1 in., 6m. wide.... .+--+++++ 20 00 | 14, 1% and 2 in., 8in, and up Wide... ...sscleeeeeekiee ss 20 00 COFFIN BOARDS. | No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 No. 1, millculls.........-... 900 INGOs dees caeweesos or 6kim-maian 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse........-. 650 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to x0, 12 to 16ft.$ 9 50 Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 18 ft Sailnet CRD Beacon ee WOfeCt.Scceeseuagescass 7 50° 20 fite.scesecees oe .. IX 50} . 2552 Un eeeekteeees ees 8 SO 22 and 24 ft.....-...+6+ ... 12 50 | Add $x to each additional 2ft. in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 oo | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts..... 0 cele vasa 2 00 XR. wes eseeecass S25 Clear“ Btise acess samen sons 2 25 WHITE PINE LATH. No. feccccccceccccescee « oe T 60] NO. 2... ...seeceneeseavecens I 20 Hemlock... 2. -snsed ssaeseeeee I 00 PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. ~~ F.o.b. cars at F.o.b. Sutherland Innes Mills Wallaceburg No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000..... $5 00 5 00 No.130 w " " " We veneee 5 OO 5 00 No. 132 " " " UL sept asene eee 5 50. No.124 w " " " " 400° No. 228% " u u " 3 25 No.230 Ww u" " " " “51 No. 2.32. 4 " " " " 3°72 - No. 2 24 " " " " " 200 No.1 14 in. to 1434 in. kiln dried basswood heading,perset 3 3 No.1r15 1 16 " " u " 3% 3% No. 117% " u " " 3% No.118 u 18% " " " 4% 4 No. 1 19% " 7 " " 4% 4% No. 1 19% " " " " : ee Mill run heading ¥4ct. per set less, No. 2 heading rct. per set less. ae No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000.... 5 25 — 5 40 Noxr6 wu " " " " 56s" No. 16% " " " ' 5 90 No. 2 hoops about so cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 oe” No. 2 28% " " " iT te ee ted ° 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves df nieiu in ela tian song, LS 100) 17 00 No. 1 30 inch half syrup barrel staves......+.++++++-++16 oo 16 08 |. ~ ‘If bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $1.00 per Year { The Lumberman THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROU BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Weekly Edition, every Wednesday GHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE . VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., MARGH 1, 1699 No. 6. CANADA [LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New Yor« Lire InsuRANCE BuILpING, MonTrEAL, Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and aioe domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber — and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of r5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines _ make one inch. Advertisements must be received not Jater than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. “eee UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND TWO and one-half million feet of Spruce Logs, lengths 10, _ 12,14, 16 8, 20, 22, 24and 26 feet and is prepared to ; 2 b : manufacture same in any form desired having for this _ purpose a stationary saw mill equipped with gang edger, planer and shingle machine, with a Capacity ot 0,000 _ feet perday. A purchaser is desired who would contract for the entire cut of mill. Correspondence solicited. James RitcHey, Makinak (L.M.C. Co. Railway), Manitoba. JANTED.—Dry Butternut, or Sycamore 2-inch Plank. James Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. ANTED.—Dry Soft Elm, Basswood and Ash, for cash. Jas. Morrison, 552 Yonge St., Toronto. WANTED.— \% Hard Maple—white, plain and 4 quarter-cut. James Morrison, 552 Yonge St., Toronto. . \V ANTED—Will pay cash fir Ash, Flm and other Har woods) Address—M. E. BEARSE, 62 Exchange Building, Bo ton, Mass FOR SALE. ESSRS. DOBIE & CO. and DAVID GORDON, M of Thessilon, are taking out 1,500,000 feet of Hardweod Lumber, and are open for offers. WANTED. O CORRESPOND WITH PARTIES HAVING Lumber Logs, and Standing Pine for sate, tribu- ‘tary to Georgian Bay. A. P. Enzrt, Pembroke Ont. WANTED. A, BOUT five hundred yards of second-hand, light Iron Rails, for tram track. Pickarp & Rowan, Owen Sound. ANTED.—One first-class band saw fitter and j millwright ; a good foreman to take charge of mill; also a shipper Apply to Tue Goprricu Lumeer Co , Wiarton, Ont. ee AJ ANTED.—Lumber Truck Wheels. for use on 3 tramway. State diameter, thickness of rim, h of flange. bore of axle, and net cash price per H. Carcitt & Sov, Cargill, Ont. IMPORTANT TO LUMBERMEN FOR SALE BY TENDER. Valuable Saw Mill and Timber Limits in British Golumbia LESS, VIRGIN 56 549 ACRES, MORE OR JU forests of Oregon Pine, Cedar and Spruce Limits in British Columbia as follows :— BLOGK 1. Lot 51, 23,600 acres, more or less, Sayward District, Vancouver Island. BLOGK 2, Lot 439 G2., 9,280 acres, more or less, New West- minster District. Lot 50G., 6 720 acres, more orless, New Westminster, Chilliwack, Lot 55, 15,900 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. Lot 83, 1 042 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. The above limits were selected years ago by competent cruisers at a time when €very opportunity offered and was taken advantage of to secure the ‘* pick ” of timber lands, which have since become greatly enhanced in value. BLOGK 3. About 409 acres, more or less, of mill site and first- class farm lands, en bloc, situated on the north branch of the Fraser River about three miles east of New West- minster City. 200 acres, more or less, of this land is cleared, graded, drained and fenced in first-class man- ner, and been under cultivation a number of years. The mill locate upon this site is a frame mill, about 455 x 72 feet, with T across tail end of main building about 176 x 60 feet. The whole structure from founda- tion up is buit in the most substantial manner—well timbered and braced with knees, metal roof, three (3) engines of 300 h.p each, and fitted throughout with special machinery for working up British Columbia, timber of all dimensions, as well as for working up the re‘use into lath, pickets, box shooks, etc.; also planers, matchers, etc. One large refuse burner; ore large stone boiler house, metal roof, containing ten large tubular boilers, pumps, etc. Good frame office, boarding house, cottages, horse stables, machine shops and blacksmith shop. Ample beoming ground, constructed in the most sub- stantial and convenient manner. The New Westminster branch of the C. P. Railway crosses this mill site, also has a switch graded to the mill and through the yard, g ving this property first-class railway outlet, in addition to best facilities and ample water for loading large ocean-going vessels, giving the property unrestricted access to the markets of the world. Sealed tenders for the above property, either en bloc or each parcel or block separately, wil! be received by the S.cretary of the undersigned at their Office, 110 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ont., up to MAY 2zorn, 1899, at twelve o'clock noon. All tenders to be marked “ Tenders for Maclaren- Ross B C. Property.” Tenders to be opened by the President and Secretary at the above address. Terms, 10% cash, 20% in thirty days, and balance in six, nine and twelve months, by secured notes at 5% per annum, The property to remain vested in the Company until notes are fully paid. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Allleiters requesting further information to be ad- dressed to— “THE SECRETARY, ** Maclaren Ross Lumber Co., Limited, ““yro0 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont.” Ottawa, Ont , rsth February, 1899. SS BUSINESS NOTES. Creditors of J. M. Rutier, Brome Corner, Que., have been notified to file claims. The Cumberland Coal & Lumber Comsof Albany, N. Y., has been incorporated, with a capital of $200,000. Callin & McDonagh, lumber dealers, Russell, Man., have dissolved partnership, A. B. Callin continuing. Frame & Verge, of Boston, Mass., have filed a bankruptcy petition. The firm assigned in May, 1898, with liabilities of $48,430 and assets of $5,840. Raemer Wigle has withdrawn from the Blind River Lumber Company, of Blind River, Ont. The business will be continued by the remaining partners, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The time has arrived when the spring movement of lumber should commence, when contemplated construction work] should cause dealers to stock up in antici- pation of the season’s requirements. Re- tail stocks were drawn upon to some ex- tent during the winter, and are by no means heavy, rendering replenishment a’ necessity. At the mills the quantity of unsold lumber is less than it has been for several years. These conditions ac- count, in part, for the volume of the trade of the past week, which was of a most satisfactory character. In the pine trade the chief transactions have been in low grade and common stock, of which the supply is rapidly becoming depleted, and before the new cut is available there will be little upon the market The de- mand for mill culls is almost unprece- dented, and manufacturers who held this class of stock for higher prices are now reaping the benefit. Considerable stock has changed hands in the Ottawa valley for shipment to the United States, and there, as in the west, the outlook is hope- ful. Much interest pertains to red pine, the British demand for which has become SO pronounced. Severel manufacturers have disposed of their 1899 cut, and it is learned that one manufacturer at least has sold his production for the season of 1900. This fact forcibly illustrates the strength of the market. It seems almost incredible that in sucha short space of time Canadian red pine should become so popular in the British market. Any reference to the hardwood trade must be almost a repetition of what has already been said. The market is strengthening, demand expanding, and stock becoming scarcer. Numerous orders are being refused for black ash and soft elm, the supply of which, it may be said, is exhausted, while of the other hard- woods it is difficult to find any consider- able stock. Mill men have grasped the situation, and those having any dry lum- ber are not backward in asking fancy prices. Birch is in greater supply than the other woods. Early in the year a word of warning was sounded to manu- facturers that prices might weaken in the spring, in view of the supposed heavy production of logs. Conditions have been changed somewhat by an unfavorable Jogging season, and it is not believed that the crop of logs secured has been more than an average one, while the winter season seems now to be at anend. With the prospects for a good trade, prices are not likely to depreciate to any extent. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. As the logging season draws to a close, it becomes more evident that the pro luc- tion of spruce logs will be limited. In Quebec the cut will be an average one, bnt in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia Operations have been much curtailed. Compared with last year spruce deals are considerably higher. Manufacturers are looking forward to a better demand, and resuse to contract excepting at prices from one to two dollars in advance of those of last year. The cedar shingle market is firm, there being a steady trade with the Eastern States, where this class of shingle 1s growing in favor. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, Bright building Prospects in Manitoba and the North-West Territories have caused Iumbermen to look forward to the season of 1899 as likely to be quite as Prosperous as that of the previous year. Already there is a considerable movement ~ of lumber, and plans are under way for several important buildings to be erected in the city of Winnipeg. Although the price lst has not yet been re-arranged, it is thought that very few lines will be offered at lower figures than those which ruled last year, In British Columbia the demand for lumber is unusually brisk, chiefly on ac- count of the activity in building opera- tions. Foreign trade is also of consider- able volume, and lumbermen are much encouraged at the outlook. UNITED STATES. It can truly be said that the lumber trade of the United States is in a flourish- ing condition. Whiie the spring move- ment has not yet commenced, the heavy purchases made during the past week show that wholesale dealers anticipate an active demand. Chicago dealers have closed for several mill cuts in the Duluth-Superior district, and have paid advanced prices for the stock. Eastern dealers, who showed a disposition to wait in the hope that prices would weaken, are now con- vinced that this will not be the case, and are stocking up quite liberally. The greatest scarcity pertains to low grade boards suitable for box-making. This grade of white pine is almost exhausted, and substitutes are being purchased in some instances, Spruce is improving. In New York 13-foot stock jis very scarce; there is practically none at the mills, and the II. stock on hand in Albany is the lowest in years. Prices of hardwood lumber have a ten- dency to further advance. Black and white ash and soft elm are much enquired for, and orders have been refused owing to inability to find the stock. In Wis- consin and Michigan logging conditions have been somewhat unfavorable, and as a result the output of basswood, elm, birch, maple and ash will not likely be as great as was expected earlier in the winter. The weather in the south has also been unfavorable, and a restricted imput is ex- pected. These conditions cannot but re- sult in strengthening the hardwood market. FOREIGN. The movement in Great Britain to- wards contracting for the season’s supply of lumber is still backward. One reason for this is that shippers are asking higher prices, which buyers refuse to pay until convinced of the absolute necessity of doing so. The market for white pine 1s steady, and stocks sold at recent sales have realized average prices. There is a brisk demand for red pine, which has practically passed out of first hands. Spruce is likewise enquired for freely, some sales having been made recently at prices which show a considerable advance. In France and Germany the trade of this year has not exhibited much life. For some reason buyers have not entered the market with the usual vigor. The South American market is improving. SS STOCKS AND PRICES. The Spanish River Lumber Company has decided to operate its mill at Spanish River the coming season. Chicago dealers have purchased most of the No. 4 boards on Lake Superior, paying therefor from $6.50 to $7.00 per thousand. Ata recent sale of Hodson, Mabbs & Co., London, Eng., 240 loads of first-class oak sold at 88s. to 97s., averaging 92s. 6d. per load. The J. B. Armstrong Manufacturing Company, of Guelph, Ont., want a quan- tity of basswood, % inch, 3% inch and I inch culls. Perley, Lowe & Co., of Chicago, have closed for the purchase of the Peshtigo Lumber Company’s mills at Peshtigo, Wis., amounting to 30,000,000 feet. The city of Brantford, Ont., wants ten- ders by March 2oth for the annual supply of lumber, cedar posts and oak planks. Particulars may be obtained from the city clerk. J. B. Kemp, of Pembroke, Ont., is in the market for 3,000 cords of green spruce, also for 15,000 railway ties, delivered on the line of the C.P.R. between Carleton Junction and Moore’s Lake. The Skillings, Whitney & Barnes Lum- ber Co., of Ogdensburg, N.Y., have just been given an order for 180,000 feet of one-half inch pine lumber, to be shipped to Porto Rico, to be used in making sugar boxes. The Emporium Lumber Co., of Buf- falo, is reported to have purchased from F. H. & C. W. Goodyear and the Penn- sylvania Canning Company, all of the hardwood on 7,000 acres of land in Cam- eron and Potter counties, Pennsylvania. The city council of Winnipeg, Man., has accepted the tender of T. D. Robin- son & Co. for the supply of from 1,000 to 2,000 cords of cedar blocks, at the price of $11.98 per cord. Other tenderers were: J. G. Hargrave, $12.14; Kelley Bros., $12.47. Mr. William Margach, crown timber agent at Rat Portage, Ont., reports that logging operations are being carried on extensively in that vicinity this winter. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. The quantity of ties, piles, telegraph poles and cedar posts cut during the season will be greatly in excess of any previous year. In the Duluth-Superior district there is only about 20,000,000 feet of last year’s production of lumber yet unsold, while is is estimated that over 90,000,000 feet of the 1899 cut has been contracted for at prices from $1 to $1.50 higher than quot- ations of one year ago. Messrs. Denny, Mott, & Dickson, of London, Eng., says regarding Canadian timber: ‘* Waney pine and oak have been little enquired for, but there has been a fair enquiry for elm. Prices re- main firm; as there is little anxiety as to the moving off of the present moderate stocks before new supplies can come to hand.” O. E. Konkle, of Hamilton Ont., will shortly commence to get out oak in the vicinity of Farmers and Morehead, Ken- tucky, having been given a contract to furnish oak for a number of British war vessels. The American Lumberman is authority for the statement that he in- tends to purchase 2,000 acres of oak lands, and that 5,000,000 feet will be re- quired for his purpose. Referring to the probable log supply of the Michigan mills for the coming sea- son, the American Lumberman says : “ The Siginaw Lumber and Salt Company has 15,000,000 teet of logs now in Sagi- naw river, and will get 10,000,000 feet more from Canada this year, the latter being cut on Indian lands. The mills of Pitts & Co., McEwan Bros. & Co., Wil- liam Peter, F. E. Bradley, and one or two others on the river, chiefly depend upon Canada for stock. Eddy Bros. & Co., are operating in Canada, but also in Michigan, and will have a partial stock for their mills. The Central Lumber Company depends upon Canada for a portion of its stock, and it will bea hard- ship if the 10,000,000 ft. being put in on the Blind River are not allowed to come over. Pelton & Reid, ot Cheboygan, have 15,- 000,000 feet of logs cut on Indian lands, which will be allowed to come over. It is also to be remembered that a consider- able quantity of Canada logs cut last win- ter were hung up by the sudden disap- pearance of snow, and these logs have mostly been purchased by Michigan mills.” ——— THE MAINE LOG PRODUCTION. A dispatch from Bingham, Maine, relating to the log input, says: The exceptionally fine season for lumbering, the fair outlook for an advance of prices for manufactured lumber and the improvements made by the Kennebec Log Driving Co. along the Kennebec river, have tended to cause each of the lumbering firms to incréase their expected cut, so that the year 1899 will see the largest cut of timber ever made and rafted in the Kennebec waters, it be- ing nearly one-third larger than the estimate given by the Associated Press at the beginning of the season. There is every reason to believe that manufactured lumber will be $2 per thousand more this year. Improvements along the Kennebec are such that driving will be practically easy compared with former years. A conservative estimate of the cut to date is as follows: In the Skowhegan section, 28,000,- 000 ; the cut in the Dead river regions, Berlin Mills, 9,000,000; Clark Bros., 1,000,000 ; Elias Thomas, 500,000 ; Elias Thompson & Co. on Bay Brook, 250,000 ; on the Carry, 100,000 ; Lawrence Newhall & Co. on the North Branch, 6,000,000 ; Lawrence New- hall & Co. on Moose river, 8,000,000 ; Elias Thomas on South Branch, 1,500,000; on Supton Brook, 2,000,000 ; Viles and Thomas on Black Brook, 1,000,000 ; Viles & Co. on Carry Pond, 500,000 ; Lawrence Bros. and Hollingsworth and Whitney Co. on the Spencer, 6,000,000. SALE OF CANADIAN LUMBER. At an auction sale held by Foy, Morgan & Co., London, Eng., on February 16th, the following prices were realized for Canadian goods : SpRUCE—Ex Souverain, from Dalhousie, N. B.—12x 17 ft., 2.x 6 in., unassorted, LGR I2 X16 ft., 2x6, £6; 9x 11 ft., 2x6, 45 17s 6d; 5x8 ft., 2x6, £4 17s 6d ; 9x 18 ft., 2x 5, £5 28 6d. Ex Iona, from Quebec— 13 ftz, 3x Qin. 2nd quality, £17 15s. Ex Madura, from Saguenay, Que.—12x 13 ft., 3 x 8 in., Ist quality, 47 10s ; 9x 16 ft., 3x8, £6 158 5 6x 18 ft, 3x7, 46 17s 6d ; 13x 16 ft, 3x8, 3rd quality, £6 15s ; 12x 13 ft., 3x8, £6 Ios 3 16x 18 ft., 3x7, 46108; 14x15 ft., 3x7, £6 tos ; 12x 13 ft., 3x7, 46 105; 9x It ft, 3x7 and 8in., £5. Ex Madeline, from Que- bec—13x 14 ft., 3x11 3rd quality, £7 10s ; 12 ft., 3x0 47 5: BritisH COLUMBIA PINE.—Ex Khorasan, from Vancouver—8 x 15 ft., 3x 3, 1s 3d per cubic ft. CORRECTION. A typographical error occurred last week in the advertisement of the Ross-McLaren Lumber Company on the first page. Block 2 should have read‘‘ Lot 423 G 2 ; 9,280 acres, more or less,” instead of 29,280 acres. ——_———_—_———— LUMBERMAN’S INSPECTION BOOK. Send four 3-cent Canadian postage stamps for acopy of the LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPECTION Book, containing rules for the inspection of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. ——————————— Martin Bros. & Co., have registered partner- ship in Montreal as box manufacturers. Arthur Ellison, saw mill, owner, Port Hanley, Ont., is reported to have assigned to A, J. Clark. Buffalo and Tonawanda lumber merchants are said to be interested in the failure of Samuel A. Skead, of New York. H. Shaver’s saw mill at Shaverton, near Tilbuy, Ont., was destroyed by fire on Sunday last. The loss is $5,000 and the insurance $3,000. The assignment is announced of Joseph Jacob, contractor, of St. Henri, Que., the liabilities being $45,870. The Montreal Lumber Company is a creditor to the amount of $1,500. The schooner H. B. Homan has been chart- eredto load lumber at St. John, N. B., for Grenada, at $5. The schooner Mercedes will load lumber and spars at Belliveau’s Cove, N. S. for Barbados. WANTED | Black Ash, all thicknesses. 41-ineh Red Oak. Inch Butternut, Mill Run. Inch Basswood. State quantity and price. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 4 CROSBY SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “ Sieveking,’ London HESSLER & GO. Wood Agents West Hartlepool and Hull, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘‘ Hessler,” West Hartlepool. H_D.WICGIN 237A St BOSTON, MASS. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Marcu 1, 1899 LUMBER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way are as follows: Ottawa, Rockland, Hawkesbury and intermediate points to Toronto, 10 cents per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Toronto, pine 10 cents, hard- wood, 11 cents; Ottawa to Oswego, $1.go per M ft. 5 Ottawa to Syracuse, $2.20 per M ft, (3,000 Ibs. and under per M ft.) ; Ottawa to Montreal, 5 ; Quebec, zo; Arnprior to Montreal, 7; Quebec, 12 cts. ; Pembroke to Montreal, 8c.; Quebec, 13¢. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cents per 100 Ibs. Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14 cents per 100 Ibs. Ottawa to New York, track delivery 15 cents per 100 Ibs., lightered 17 cents per 100 Ibs. Arnprior to New York, track delivery 17 cts.; lightered 19 cts. per £00 lbs. Pembroke to New York, track de- livered 18c., lightered 2oc. per roo lbs. Parry Sound, track, 20 cents, lightered, 22 cents per 100 Ibs. ; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local rsc.; exports 13c. per 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents ; export 15 cts. per x00 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Boston Portland and common points, local 21% cents, ex 20 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkes! to Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawato Burlington, 6c. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, ro cts. per 100 Ibs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per 100 lbs.; Guia to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per too lbs, from Arnprior 15 cents, from Parry Sound zo cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to St. John, N. B. and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N. S. and common points, 21 cents per 100 Ibs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 Ibs., and rates quoted above are in cents per roo lbs., except when quoted per M ft.; the mi-iimum carload charged is 10 M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 Ibs. to the M feet. Ottaw sate apply on shipments from Rockland and sbury. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates for pine onthe Grand Trunk Rail- way, according to the tariff issued 15th February, 1897, will be found below. General instructions in shipping by Grand Trunk are embodied in these words in the schedule: Minimum weight 30,000 lbs. per car, unless the marked capacity of the car be less, in which case the marked capacity (but not less than 24,000 Ibs.) will be the minimum weight. Exceptions—Cedar ts in box cars, dry basswood and light pine or cedar lumber, dry cedar shingles, charcoal and sawdust, which cannot be loaded up to 30,000 Ibs. or up to the marked capacity of car, will be carried at actual weight, minimum 24,- ooo Ibs. The rates on lumber in the tariff will not be higher from an intermediate point on the straight run than from the first named point beyond to the same des- tination. For instance, the rates from Orillia to Guelph, Brampton, Weston or Toronto, would not be higher than the specific rates named from Graven- hurst to the same points. The rates from Cargill and Southampton to points east of Listowel and south and west of Stratford will be the same as from Kincardine, and the rates from Hanover or Hepworth would not be higher than from Wiarton to the same des- tination, Lut in no case are higher rates to be charged ie as per mileage table published on page 15 of tariff. Rates from leading lumber points on pine and other softwood lumber, shingles, etc., are as follows: From Glencairn, Creemore, Aurora, Barrie and other points in group B to Toronto, 6%c.; Collingwood, Penetang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Sturgeon Bay, Victoria Har- — ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woods, Including Mahogany, A Specialty. ; CORRESPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN BUYERS OF ° WHITE PINE anD HARDWOOD ; i) B Wy DP SWAN-DONOGH LUMBER CO, fii CCERETTUMBER DEALERS. ' Neth Tone White CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Do You Use Mahogany? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous . .- [ TABASCO MAHOGANY | Finest figured wood on the market ; is hard and takes elegant finish. Brings high- est prices in Europe, but we sell here about same prices as ordinary mahogany. Specially adapted for fine cabinet and interior finish : - LAWRBNGB & WIGCI Importers and Manufacturers BOSTON, MASS. . ~~ Marcu.1, 189¢ @ bor, Midland, Fenelon Falls, Longford, Gravenhurst and other points in group C, to Toronto, 6%4c.; Brace- bridge to Toronto 7c.; Utterson, Huntsville, Navor- Emsdale, Katrine to Toronto, 7%c.; Burk’s Falls, Ber- riedale Sundridge and South River, to Toronto, 8c.: Trout Creek, Powassen and Callender to Toronto, ge.; Nipissing Junction and North Bay, roc. Rate from erich, Kincardine, Owen Sound and Wiarton to Toronto, 64%c. These rates are per roo lbs. Rates from Toronto east to Belleville are 7%c. per 100 lbs.; to Deseronto, 9c.; to Brockville and Prescott, 1oc.; to Montreal and Ottawa, 10c. The rates on hardwoods average about from re. per roo Ibs. higher than on pine and softwoods. For rates on railway ties, mahogany, rosewood, walnut, cherry, and other valuable woods, application must be made to the distr t freight agent. On spruce and balsam (partly seasoned) for pulp manufacture, the rate from Longford, Wiarton, Pene- tang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Victoria Harbor, Haliburton, Kinmount, etc., to Toronto, is $2.20 per cord; and to Merriton and Thorold, $2.60 ; Katrine, Callendar, North Bay, etc., to same points, $2.45 and = respectively; Beeton, Allandale, Orillia, etc., 2.20 and $2.60. On green spruce and balsam the rate is 25 per cent. higher. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. The rates at present in effect on the Canadian Pacific Railway to Toronto and Hamilton are as follows: Pine and soft woods from Klock, Mattawa, Bonfield, North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Cache Bay and Warren, 9 cents; from Sudbury Jct., Rayside and Chelmsford, 10 cents ; from Cartier and Geneva Lake, 10% cents; from Biscotasing, White Fish, Massey, Cutler, Spragge and Algoma, 12 cents per 100 Ibs. The rates on hardwood are one cent per ton Ibs. higher than those on pine. From Ott wa, Hull, Aylmer and Dechenes Mills, also Arnprior. Braeside and Pembroke, to Toronto the rate is 10 cents both on pine and _hard- wood. Therates are based on a minimum of 30,000 Ibs. per car.” Summer rates to New York, via Albany and barge CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. ITl- line, expired on November 28th, owing to closing of navigation on the Hudson river, and the usual all rail rates became effective, as follows: To New York, fof track delivery, and all points on the Hudson river, or the New York Central and West Shore railways, from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, 15¢. per 100 Ibs.; from Carleton Jun tion, 16c.; from Arnprior, Brae- side and Renfrew, 17c¢.; from Eganville and Pembroke, 18c. The rates to New York, including lith2rage within the free litherage limits of New York harbor, are 2 cents per roo lbs. additional. Summer rates to Montreal expired on November 15th, and the usual winter rates became effective as follows: From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer and Deshcenes Mills, 5c.; Carleton Junction, 6c.; Arnprior and Brae- side, 7c.; Renfrew, Eganville and Pembroke, 8c. The rate to Three Rivers is 4c. and to Quebec sc. over the rate to Montreal. The minimum car load in all cases where rates are computed ona weight basis is 30,000 Ibs.; when on a measurement basis 10,000 feet B. M. The C.P.R. also make the following rates on seasoned pine lumber to West St. John, N B., for export ; From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, East Temple- ton and Buckingham, $3.75 per M feet; Carleton Junction, Braeside and Arnprior, $ per M feet ; Renfrew, Douglas, Eganville and Pembroke, $4.5 per M feet. On lumber for local consumption at St. John, N B., and common points the rate is 20 cents from Ottawa, Hull and Aylmer, and to Halifax 21 cents from same points. On seasoned pine lumber the rate from Ottawa to Uswego, N.Y., is $1.90 per M feet, and to Syracuse, N.Y., $2.20 per M feet; from Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cents and to Detroit 14 cents per 100 lbs.; to Boston, Mass., and common points, 15 cents from Ottawa, Hull, Deschenes Mills and all points east there- of; 16 cents from Carleton Junction; 17 cents from Arnprior, Braeside and Renfrew, and 13 cents from Eganville and Pembroke, and proportionate rates from points further west on lumber or consumption in the United States. The export lumber rate is 13 cents from Ottawa and Hull, 14 cents from Deschenes Mills, Aylmer and Carleton Junction, and 15 cents from Arnprior and Braeside to Boston. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - Operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. Overenn, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. HinTon, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smitru, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN S.S. GO.’S Winter Sailings Between MILFORD HAVEN, PASPEBIAC and ST. JOHN’S, Nfld. Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight Agent A. & L.S.R.R. Co., Room 16 Board of Trade Bldg. For Further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial A gency, or to - Montague Yates 13 St. John St., - = MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS 2” WHOLESALERS eenan——. Brothers OWEN SOUND, ONT. OOOOOB: DRY STOCK WANTED Of any grade or thickness, for immediate shipment, also highest price paid for Rock and Soft Elm, green from the saw. State sizes and lowest cash price, and state station from which shipment will be made. We have a large quantity of Cedar Posts, all sizes. Call for prices. JOHN HARRISON - oweEN souND THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @e Write us for Quotations on all BillsQe PEMBROKE, ONT. MOHR & RYAN -— KILLALOE station, on. eon eee DEALERS IN...... Elm, Ash, Basswood and Maple Lumber; Cedar, Pine and Hemlock Dimension Timber ; Cedar Telegraph and Telephone Poles; : Railroad Ties and Fence Poles—all lengths. OU Uh LTE: FOR QUOTATIONS cLAURIN & MaLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SuipMENTsS By Rait oR WATER. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLO Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAsT TEMPLETON, QUE. ORING SHEETING” CriLING @ Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling ss J ALS. Pi AYEALR & CGO: Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH ° SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies se MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty .. . A. & P. WHITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIARTON wu Loan Bs = = HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton. OWEN SOUND, MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER hel, BAIbDIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario @ SAMPLES BY Malle SueGEet BROTHERS CO. urk’s Falls, Ont. Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. 1OOOOb: 10.00 — 7 FOREIGN IMPORTERS WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. h 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom ~- continent handled to the best advantage. SMITH & TYRER = {4 Ganada Dock, LIVERPOOL . . Wood Atgents . . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. e MARCH 1, 1899 SS DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”* BELTING Canadian Oak Tanned Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. | ; Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N. s. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. __ Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. _ Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Lancaster Machine Works, Lancaster, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Northey Mfg. Co., Toronto, Ont. Payette, P. & Co., Penetanguishene, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxford Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. The Defiance Machine Works, Defiance, Ohio, U.S.A. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. — Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D. Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D:, Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Accountant and Auditor, Wm. M. Dunlop, Montreal, Que. Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Consulting Engineers, Tower & Wallace, New York. Illinois Central R.R. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pike Poles, A. L. Cope & Sons, Wilberforce, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New york and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. WHOLBSALE PRICBS CURRENT. (The quotations given below are unless otherwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. ToronTo, March t, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. z inch dressing and DEREET: oa 'se ce meleie. ote $20 00 $22 00 14% 1% and 2 inch cut up and better...... $32 00 $34 00 zinch picksand uppers 34 00 36 00 | t inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x 2 dressing and bet- t inch siding common 11 00 12 00 . ter, 60% 16 ft....-- 22 00 24 00| inch sidingshipculls ro 50 11 50 rxro fine dressing and t inch siding millculls 8 50 9 00 Wetietaes acts ams « 1 6ceesicaaaene ates 1c 5.930 WALES sees citnranieetsd on bees awit 70,550 Intercolonial Railway.....cees+-seeseseces 15,840 Furness Withy & Co. ......00+-sseeeeeess 11 880 Dy Torrance Co: vsieiasis ancl voles ow seme 5,940 BM PBeMsOny as siecaen canter ae hale ne ae 3 060 Sundry shipments by railway companies... . 258,000 WROtal cies wee eee canal: cine oman 323 435, 66 Export Lumber Co. to River Plate, etc..... 11,444 776 Anderson, Mackenzie & Co. to West Indies. 549,148 Tata is civ a « ais es aleeginleinie sai iets 335.4 9 190 Export to U.K. ports in 1898......+.++.+-+ 3 3,435, 66 " " NT) {WEG Fiaiviaivivicletaters are 320,802,723 Total increase for 1898 U.K....... ies 62,032,533 CANADIAN DEALS IN THE BRITISH MARKET. At an auction sale held by Churchill & Sims, London, Eng., on February 22nd, Canadian spruce and pine realized the following prices : Spruce.—Ex North Flint, from Quebec— 12 ft. 3x 8in., 2nd quality spruce, £7 ; 10-12 ft. 3x 7-8, £6. Ex Emma, from Quebec— 12-15 ft. 1 x8, unassorted, £6; 12-14 ft. Marcu 8, 1899 a 1% x7, £6 and £6 5s; 10-15 ft. 14 x7, £6; 10-14 ft. 1% x6, £6; 10-16 ft. 14% x5, £5 15s; 10-14 ft. 14%x5, £5 10s. Ex Lady- Gladys, from Dalhousie, N.B.—16 ft. 3 x8 in., 3rd quality spruce, £6 10s; 10-13 ft. 3x8, £6 10s; 15-16 ft. 3x 7, £6 10s; 12-13 ft. 3x 7, £6 108; 9-13 ft. 3x7, £6.. Ex Jarlsberg, from Rimouski, Que.—14-16 ft. 3 x 8 in., 2nd quality spruce, £6 158; 9-11 ft. 3x 8, £6 58; 12-16 ft. 3x7, £6158; 9-11 ft. 3x7, £6 10s; 14-16 ft. 3x9, £7 1083 9-11 ft. 3x9, 47. Ex Adelgunde, from Maria, Que.—14 ft. 3 x 9, and quality spruce, £7 10s and £7 ; 11 ft. 3 x 9, £7. Ex Devona, from Quebec— 10-16 ft. Ix4in., Ist quality spruce, £6 6s; 10-13 ft. 1x 4, £6 6s; 9-13 ft. 1x 4, £6 9s. PINE.—Ex Montivedian, from Quebec—13- 14 ft. 3x 11 in., 4th quality, £7 5s; 13 ft. 3x 11,47 58; 12 ft. 3x 11,47 5s. Ex Fremona, from Quebec—16 ft. 3x11 in., ist quality pine, £22 158; 14 ft. 3x11, £235 15 ft. 3x 11, 422 158; 13 ft. 3x11, 424 Gsm Monarch, from Quebec—9-11 ft. 3 x 11, 21 in., WANTED Black Ash, all thicknesses. 1-ineh Red Oak. Ineh Butternut, Mill Run. Ineh Basswood. State quantity and price. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 4 CrosBy SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “ Sieveking,’ London HESSLER & GO. Wood Agents West Hartlepool and Hull, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” West Hartlepool. H.D. WIGGIN Ssstan" se BOSTON, MASS. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG aa. Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woo7’s, Including Mahogany, A Specialty. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN BUYERS OF WHITE PINE AnD HARDWOOD AS Ws "1 SWAN-DOKOGH LUMBER ay < CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Do You Use Mahogany? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous . . [TABASCO MAHOGANY | Finest figured wood on the market ; is hard and takes elegant finish. Brings high- est prices in Europe, but we sell here about same prices as ordinary mahogan Specially adapted for fine cabinet and interior finish ta LAWRENCE & WIGGI Importers and Manufacturers BOSTON, MASS. +4 ie A hed Marcu 8, 189¢ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 11k. 2nd quality, £73 10s; 9 ft. 3x11, £1355; 12-16 ft. 3x 7 and 8, £10 Ios; 9-11 a ATO TOs; 9-11 ft. 3x7 and 8, £9. Ex Ashanti, from Quebec—14-16 ft. 3x 10, un- assorted, £8 15s; 14-16 ft. 3x9, £0; 14-16 ft. 3x 8, £7 15s; 14-16 ft. 3x 7, £7 15S; 12- 16 ft. tx 8-12, £8; 12-16 ft. 1x 7, £83 12-16 ft. 1x6, £7 15s; 12-16 ft. PX 547 §8 5. 12- 16 ft. 1x4, £7 5s and £7. Ex Arona, from Quebec—16 ft. 3x 11 in. qth quality, £7 5s; 14-16 ft. 3x 11, £7 5s; 13 ft. 3x11, £7 Ios. ee ee HARDWOOD LUMBER WANTED. Mr. W. S. Fisher, of St. John, N. B., has received the following letter of enquiry from Messrs. Sharpe & Tylee, hardwood importers, Liverpool, Eng. *“We shall be glad to know if you can put us in communication with any reliable shipper of white ash, rock elm and rock maple in either log, cut to size, or planks and boards. ““ We have for the past five or six years been importing from Ontario, but the districts there are getting about cleared and we are given to understand there are fair quantities of above named timbers in your province. We are large importers of: Ash logs, 12 to 16 feet, 13 in. and up dia. at small end; white ash 5 ash scantlings, from 14 feet x 434 x 3% ;_ rock elm logs, 10 to 16 feet, 11 in. dia. and up; rock elm planks, all widths, 11%4 and = in, thick ; rock elm pieces, 4, 6 and 5 in. long (or multiples) x 2%x1%; rock maple logs, 14 to 15 feet, nothing less than 24 in. dia. at small end. E“‘All these would have to be of prime quality, clear, sound and straight grained, and if you can put us in communication with good, reli- able and safe shipper or shippers, we shall esteem it a great favor. We want at the present moment about 50 car loads of stuff.” SHIPPING MATTERS. The bark Cambria, which sailed from Mont- real for Buenos Ayres, encountered a severe storm, and had to jettison its deckload of lum- ber. There has been a good inquiry for tonnage, but it has not resulted in many fixtures. Per- haps one reason for this is that underwriters are asking increased premiums this season. The following charters are reported : Two vessels, of 1,000 to I,I00 standards, Three Rivers to w.c. Great Britain, 43s. 9d.; 1,200 standards, Montreal to w.c. Great Britain, 43s. 9d.; 950 standards, Montreal or Three Rivers to West Hartlepool, 43s. 9d. f.o.w.; 750 standards, Montreal to Bristol Channel, 43s. 9d.; 1,350 standards, Miramichi, N.B., to United King- dom, 42s. 6d., June-July sailing. Some large engagements have been made with the liners from Montreal to London at 4os., Liverpool 37s. 6d., Glasgow 4os., and Belfast 42s. 6d. Chartering from New Brunswick ports is fairly active, at 42s. 6d. to 43s. 9d., to U.K. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnbrior & Parry Sound Ru. - - ope OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OveREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smitu, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN S.S. GO.’S. Winter Sailings Between MILFORD HAVEN, PASPEBIAC and ST. JOHN’S, Nfld. S.S. “LAKE ONTARIO: ” PASreiac to Lonnon—oinecT March 15th, on or about Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight Agent A. & L.S.R.R. Co., Room 16 Board of Trade Bldg, For Further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial A gency, or to Montague Yates 13 St. John St., a MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS 2” WHOLESALERS eenan—_. Brothers °° OWEN SOUND, ONT. 100000> DRY STOCK WANTED Of any grade or thickness, for immediate shipment, also highest price paid for Rock and Soft Elm, green from tlhe saw. State sizes and lowest cash price, and state station from which shipment will be made, We have a large quantity of Cedar Posts, all sizes. Call for prices. JORN HARRISON - owEN soUND THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP : DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @OWrite us for Quotations on all Bills Qe PEMBROKE, ONT. MOHR & RYAN ~- KILLALOE station, ont. erdia a's 5 DEALERS IN..;... Elm, Ash, Basswood and Maple Lumber; Cedar, Pine and Hemlock Dimension Timber ; Cedar Telegraph and Telephone Poles; Railroad Ties and Fence Poles—all lengths. o_§£§| _—_ —_—__ WRITE FOR QUOTATIONS cLAURIN & MaLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RaIL OR WATER. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLO Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAsT TEMPLETON, QUE. ORING SHEETING” Cine @ Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling SS JAS. PLAYFEATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER « LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies =a MIDLAND ONT .- . Y + BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A. & P. WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ¢ WIKRTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER ® Pine shingles HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER hoki AlbIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario 3 SAMPLES BY MAIL Suet BROTHERS CO. urk’s Falls, Ont. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = ENS CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots, Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale, Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. OOOOb: 10.00 WRIGHT, GRAHAM & Go \ 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND FOREIGN IMPORTERS WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwood, in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom - continent handled to the best advantage. SMITH & TYRER~ - I4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S, IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”" BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. . Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jon, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Lancaster Machine Works, Lancaster, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Payette, P. &Co., Penetanguishene, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantiord. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. The Defiance Machine Works, Defiance, Ohio, U.S.A. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND FULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Tl, U.S.A. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Accountant and Auditor, Wm. M. Dunlop, Montreal, Que. Axes, Campbell Bros., St. John, N. b. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Oat. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Ilinois Central R.R. : Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. The Bra¢estreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. (The quotations given below are unless otherwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. Toronto, March 8, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 inch dressing and better....---..++++ $20 00 $22 00 t inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 cinch siding common 11 00 12 00 14% 1% and 2 inch cut up and better....-- $32 00 $34 00 zinch picksand uppers 34 00 36 co 1x 2 dressing and bet- ter, 60% 16 ft..-.- 22 00 24 00 | « inch siding shipculls ro 50 11 50 xxro fine dressing and cinch siding millculls 8 50 9g oo better....----++ s+ 22 00 24 00 | Cullscantling........ 800 9 00 xx1o and 12 Canadian cinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 20 00 in. mill run...... . 13 00 14 00 x1 1-2and thicker cut- t inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00 | ¢ 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 1 1-4 in. cut up and ( 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 better..--------+-- 33 00 35 00| XXX pineshingles, 16 ric and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00 AtiChys: seseine aces ale 2 25 1x10 and 12 common. 12 00 14 6O XX pine shingles 16inch I 40 rx1o and 12 mill culls 9 00 10 00 Lath, Noa. rt ..cesece 1 50 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00} Lath Woven eee 1 15 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2 in. .$26 00 $28 oo ; Cherry 1 to1l$s50 00 $60 00 ss « "244 to 4-. 30 00 32 00 oa gus 0 00 65 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm, soft 1 ‘‘ 1% 16 00 18 00 ands, 1 to 1% in.-.. 18 00 20 00 oe 2 ‘*3.. 17 00 19 00 Ash, black, xsts and © yock 1 ‘! 14% 18 00 2000 ands,2 to 4in....-- 20 00 22 00 ee oe 1% ‘“‘ 3.. 21 00 23 00 Ash, M. «i ‘' 24. 15 00 18 00 Hickory 1% “‘ 2., 28 00 3000 Birch, I 18 00 20 00} Maple xr ‘1% 1600 18 00 re 1% “* 2.. 20 00 23 00 J 2 ‘*4.. 17.00 1800 *« sqrs. uA “ 8 x824 00 20 .00| Oak,red,p'nr =‘ ty an 00 30 00 Basswood, ists and ed ~ " 4.. 29 00 3200 ’ . . = ands, 1 to1% in.... 17 00 19 00 2A white * 1144 2800 3000 “cc . oe a ei c 2-20 00 2: 00 3 a S 4-+ 30 00 3500 mr. I 1% 15 00 17 00 quart 2.. 4600 5000 Butternut. 1 “ 14 23 00 25 00] Walnut zr ‘* 3.. 85 00 10090 ss 2 < +» 25 00 28 00 Whitewood 1 ‘ 2.. 3200 3600 Chestnut 1 2.. 2400 2 00 OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, March 8, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m.....-+ $31 00 36 00 ter stock........+-- Il 00 1250 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8&ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 25 00 Pine, s.c. strips....-- 8 00 10 00 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts....- 650 850 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls...-..- 9 00 10 CO see ee seer ees 15 co 18 00 | Pine mill culls....-- 752 900 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.1... 160 1 10 (Strips, «+ -+-+-s020+ 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M Ne. 2... 80 95 Pine, No. 1 dressing ixro No, 1 barn...- 18 00 shorts, ....----+-++ 1200 14 00|1x10 No.2 “ .... 16 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 &gNo.1 ‘ ..-- 17 00 HEHISLOCK se s1-14/eis atare's 13 50 15 00|1x8&qNo.2 Soe aes 15 00 QUEBEC, QUE. QuesEc, March 8, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, .-------+ 30 32 **. good fair be af ACOA A NP Recaet eres 32 34 ‘« first class & sf a ead aa: caietnree <8 42 18 inch average according to lineal.. 36 «42 19 to 21 inch average Res + 38 44 19 to 21 in. average &size 43 «48 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. First class Ottawa waney, ce ce ac «© Michigan ‘‘ Measured off, according to average and quality.......-+++--- ey eee) In shipping order, se ss BO iat isla etpieinie re 2g | 27. OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average andquality. .- +. ++ = 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .32 35 ‘S os ge "~30to 35 feet. .27 3¢ ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. - - - + 2% 24 To average aOeincht mi meememrs) =! =) (=) kt oe NT We 25 26 . BIRCH. 14 inch average . Spee <5 18 16) § a |. Smee Soto eke |: 76) <8 St. . Ame iat Ole coc} 28 DEALS, Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for 1st, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for 3rd, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N. Y., March 3, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber......- $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking... -..«2+0-- 44.00 5000] ° SPRUCE. 6 tO Qin. ....-- eeeee 14 00 14 50| 10 to 12 MiW/aiarajarespiaueral 16 25 17 00 6 to reins. ctel aici 14 50 15 75| Lath.....--.---++++s 185 195 Q OI2iN....-+++-+ee 1575 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16 1% to 2in oe ce “ oe 1 inch, eo Sott Elm, ee xin and thicker, ‘ «s Ss 4/4 . ¢ Hard Maple, ‘‘ *S #8 ‘ Basswood, ss ce “ iii Birch, sf “© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, IM C.O) naw 14 00 ¥ ce Sof Him Be se ohare aeCG, Mi ‘¢ Hard Maple, “ = SS. © Pvetaceiats 14 00 “ ‘« Basswood, ‘“ pis Pe ee 12 00 “f «« Birch, L Soe Te i, Bo ee sie 14 00 ALBANY, N.Y. Avpany, N.Y , March 8, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up..---.----- $51 $53 | 1x12 inch shippers ..-.....- $ $16 ZU iM... ee eee eres terete 30 52 | 4/4 inch so mon saat 17 PTO 2 WMeccseaccc-sccevees 45 48 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” andup.. 12 13 4 inch uppers ...-++++++-+> 54 | to-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up..-------- 44 | ro-in. common .......-.-+-- 13 15 . to 2in........ pee cenees 4o | r2-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 39 42 Common, 1X12 ...--- -++ee ™] 15 XtOZIM.....200- seteceeees 36 38 | No. 1 barn, rx12.......---- 2I 23 Ne. 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch....-. 28 30| IXIO....-------eeeee eens 19 21 No. 2...2-.00eeeere cerns’ 20 25 19 No. 3.--2- 20-065 seeeeee 17 20 18 No. 1 molding, 1 to21n....- 30 36 17 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in....- 24 27 15 Stained saps...---+--+++-+-* 20 23 Bracket plank : 35 25 Shelving boards, 12-in. up -. 29 31 18 Dressing boards, narrow.... 19 21 Common ......00c0sccss0 Ir 15 uxrg inch shippers....+ --- 15 LATH. Pine sie sale erat sivieisle oiel=(a = ~ 201 $x 75 | Spruce ....--.sseeeeereeeee $i 75 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 25 Clear butts ......---- 3.00 3 25| Hemlock.............. 15 Smooth, 6x18....--- 5 00 5 50| Spruce.......-..-.+-- 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, March 8, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed ¥% inch....-+++++- $925 $950 boards ...-.+++++ 10 50 1200 11-16 INCH A eadatee 9 00 9 £0 Coarse No. 5..---+- 15 00 15 50 Cstel@macogauenc 8 9 8 75 Refuse....-.++++e++ 12 00 13 0| Clapboards, sapext.. 4¢ 00 44 00 Outs......-+ peeeeee 9 00] Sapclear........ + 33 00 35 00 Boxboards, 1 inch... 10 00 11 00 Sap, 2nd clear.... 30 00 31 00 Yeinch.....--+«+ g 00 9 5° noe eA iene c) 19 00 ©2300 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, x in..-.:-- .$50 00@52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2, 1 in. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 3and q4in.---+++++- 58 00 6200] 1%,1%and 2in... 30 oc 32 00 Selects, 1 in...-..+-- 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 44 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 NO..2saseisesisinaiae 36 00 39 00 gand 4 in........- 53 00 56 00 No. 3---- 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, 1 in 32 00 1x in. clear...... 37 00 39 00| Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 00 Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 00 Common allwidths... 22 00 26 00 1%, 1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls,1 in... 14 50 15 50 do 14% in. 15 50 16 50 SHINGLES. Spruce.... .-seeeeeeres x 30 1 50| Second Clear.......... 150 175 Cedar, extra....--.-+-- 250 2 65| Extra No.1.......-.-- 125 152 Clear eiascie comteee ee 225 2 40 LATH Spruce.....+-++ A | By cargo.....sccessess x 80@ 1 go By Car ...- ceeseees 1 80@ z oo Marcu 8, 1899 a BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., March 8, 1899. WHITE PINE. a 18 00 20 00 | No, 3, 2am...-...-- 48 00| Shelving, No. x, 13 in. 56 00 and up, 1 in..... + 32 00@34 00 ? 6c o0| Dressing 1% in...... 27 00 3000 Selects, rim. -.-..-.- 41 00 42 00 14x10 and Wesven 28 00 30 00 1% to2 in,....-+-- 42.00 4300| 1% im........+.- 2% and 3 in....... 50 00| 2 IM ...ceseececeee AM. eee e eee some 52 00| Mold st'ps,1 to 2 in.. Fine common, 1 in... 36 00 37 00| Barn, No.1, 12 in 1%, and 134 in 37 00| 6,8and 1oin...... 2 iM...see-eee 38 00| No. 2, roin 3 iM. --- eee eee SF 45 00 No. 2, 12 in. 4 iM..s eee esse eyes 47 00 No. 3, ro in Cut’g up, No. 1,1 in. 28 00 29 00 0. 3, 12 in 1% to2 in......+-- 33 00 3400| 6and8in.......... 00 No. 2, 1 in....-> :+ 15 00 16 00 Common, 1 in fore) No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 23 00 25 00 1% and1in...... 17 200 18 co No. 3,1% & 1% in 17 00 18 00] 2 Misa ea eaee 18 00 «20 oc WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, x inch, 28 00 30 00| 24 to4 in.........-- 34 00 38 00, 1Y% tozin.......-. 31 00 33 00| Strips...........-..- 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls....... 12 00 14 Oo | BLACK AND BROWN ASH. rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 oo” BIRCH. ist & and, 6 inch & | 1st &2nd,white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 co ~ fp, Fed cena 28 00 3000|Com & good culls..... 10 00 11 00 ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 f MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 00 © BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., March 8, 1899. UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $40 oo GIGE ae cide le se eeneeeeees $45 oc 14%, 14% and2in....... --. 41 00 1%, 14and 2 in........... 45 0c 2% and 3 in... Ne os oo 234 and 3 iN...--.-+++++00s 45:00} Aina» descr S3scent 55 GO AAD ve = oceania. oie sieiee otal 60 90 FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide 34 00 | 24 and 3in., Bin. and up wide 45 00 14%, 1% and 2in... ..-+-+++ 35 00) 4.10. oss. 2 aeeeeee $han Koc Se. OO B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 24 00 | 24% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 37 oo 1%, 1% and 2in...........- gO 00 | 4 IN... .0.0 nnn eee ae STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 oo | 1in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 34 00 6 in. Wide... ...eseeeeses eee 40 00 | 6 in. wide. .........++++«+-+ 40 00 FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4,5 in, wide. ..--.-.-- 29 oo | t in., 4, 5 in, wide........ 30 00 1% in., 6in. wide.......---- 34 00| in., 6 in. wide...... + 2 25 1x10 and 12 common. 12 00 14 00 XX pine shingles 16inch I 40 1x10 and 12 mill culls g 00 1000 Bath, (Noa. 5. csi. I 50 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00] Lath No, 2......--- I 15 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 toz in. .$26 00 $28 oo ; Cherry 1 to1r$s50 00 $60 00 cs "2% to 4.. 309 00 32 00 s 2 ‘*4.. 6000 65 00 Ash, black, ists and Elm, soft x ‘‘ 1% 16 00 18 00 ands, 1 to 1% in.... 18 00 20 00 ers 2 ‘'3.. 17 00 19 00 Ash, black, ists and “ rock 1 ‘* 1% 18 00 2000 ands,2to4in.....- 20 00 22 00 Le a 1% “‘ 3.. 21 00 2300 Ash, M.R.,1 ‘“‘ 2.. 16.00 18 00 Hickory 1% ‘‘ 2.. 28 00 3000 Birch, ey . 18 00 20 00| Maple 1 ‘* 1% 1600 18 00 1% “* 2.. 20 00 23 00 se 2 ‘*4.. 17 00 18 co “ sqrs. 4x4 ‘* 8 x824 00 26 00 Oak,red,p'nr 14426 00 3000 Basswood, 1sts and cee i 4.2. 29.00 3200 ands, 1 to1% in. ... 17 00 19 00 % white 1Y% 2800 3000 I ‘ te r0 SMT ISS ae eee ge Butternut 1 ‘“f 1% 23.00 25 00 Walnut 1 ‘f 3.. 85 00 10000 - ee 2 ca 3-- 25 00 28 00 | Whitewood r * 2.. 3200 3600 bestnut 1 2.. 2400 2 OO OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, March 15, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... $31 00 36 00 ter stock...... ei eitegaks OO 22 Pine, gond strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8&ups.¢. sidings 11 00 13 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 28 00 Pine, s.c. strips..---- 8 00 10 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts...-- 700 8 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls..-..-- goo 10 1) 7 AO ees ene ae, 15 co 21 00| Pine mill culls ...-.- 750 9 Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath per M No.1... rco ft SETUPS), 6 0.10 sjsienjanie 14 00 16 00 Lath per M Ne. 2.-- 85 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1x1o No. 1 barn...- 18 SHOFtS, <0 ccd aes se 12 00 14 00| tx10 No. 2 See eras 16 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 &gNo.1 * .--- 17 Per Stock) -\.0 serials 13.50 15 00|1x8&q No.2 Ce 15 QUEBEC, QUE. Quesec, March 15, 1899- WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ----- pein BO 32 ‘ goed fair a Bet TR aes San aka 32 134 ‘* first class s&s ye G : Waecsteae 8 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average according to lineal.. 36 42 Me ee us 19 to 21 inch average es ense 44 ue Michigan “ 19 to 21 in. average m6 & size 43 48 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality.....------+++-+: 22 26 In shipping order, rs FE BELT nee ey ictal eteraarments 2g 7, OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average andquality. - - ++ - 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 to5o feet. . 32 35 { s a « "30 to 35 feet. . 27 3¢ ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. .- - + + 21 24 Tovayerape 16. \0CDIpmeemeien: = 7°) <=) cede ica . 25 26 : BIRCH. i4inchiaverage’.. c wamemee “> <<) +) oie ie eae 15 18 nfs Oe Ci | ener Nor so 5- oo ce ES CO kes el < rior ay fy ONO OO A 28 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for 1st, $25 to $27 for and, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N. Y., March 15 1899 WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber......- $28 00 @ 40 00 | Building orders..... $27 00 @ 37 Decking.......-.+++- 44 00 5090 SPRUCE. i 6togin.......-++++- 14 00 14 50|10to12iM......-.-- 16 25 17 GitopT Zac es sie: viele 14 50 15 75| Lath........---+---- 185) = Q O12iN...--++---e- 1575 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1 and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16 1% to 2 in. oe oe ce “ce oo x inch, Soft Elm, Ge xin and thicker, ‘ Hs o 4l4 & c Hard Maple, “ f ue Basswood, CES “ce “ec “c Birch, “cc a «© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O oe oe Soft Elm, ce “ee oe Es ‘« Hard Maple, * rb ‘* Basswood, “* a iS Biren, fs ALBANY, N.Y. Avpany, N.Y , March 15, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up..---.----> $51 $53 | 1x12 inchshippers........- $ $16 2G IN... - 2s -eecrecnsesee® 50 52 | 4/4 inch SF ane Gs vcore cra 17 LOZ Mecesescccaanweress 45 48 | 4/4 Box boards, 6’ andup.. 12 13 4 inch uppers ....++++-+-++- 54 | ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up..-------- 44 | ro-in. Common .....-...+++- 1315 . to2in.......- pee ceeees 4o | x2-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. andup 39 42 Common; 1x2 <5 .2 2. 15 LtO 2 IM... reece wceecccenes 36 38 | No. x barn, 1x12 23 No. x cuts, F to 2inch.....- 28 30 ERLO lo orale ws sno nites etter 2 IS) Cope gong 20100 GbOD RNG 20 25 THB ac achcaiciciate states aera 19 IN ontgi ciate oblan sinister si <-> 17 20| No. 2 barn, rx12.. 18 No. x molding, 1 to2in..... 30 36 SRION segeieieiciatern 17 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in....- 24 27 >.< HDC e NUON OORCORAGOOrIC 15 Stained saps...----++++++-- 20 | Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4in...... 29 23 Bracket plank ....-. see cece 30 35 a wig el GH cs eramciery 25 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 29 31 IDressmp piles telscie eee 16 18 Dressing boards, narrow...- 19 21 Common ......-- esses Il 15 1x1g inch shippers..--- -+- 15 LATH. Pine seeie ie sielaiaisinlceleareis'ie1e(= >> am $1 75 | Spruce -..---eeeese sere eens $1 75 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 25 Clear butts.....-.-.-- 3.00 3 25 Hemlock........- = 15 Smooth, 6x18....--- 5 00 5 50| Spruce.....----.+++-- 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, March 15, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed ¥%inch.......+++- $925 $950 boards ...----+++ $r 12 00| 11-16 inch........ 9 00 9 5° Coarse No. 5 15 50 SHeinch.......--++ Boo 875 Refuse......- - 13 co | Clapboards, sapext.. 4¢ 00 44 00 Outs... ..02ceceeee g 00| Sapclear......... 33 00 35 00 Boxboards,1 inch... 10 00 11 00 Sap, 2nd clear.... 30 00 31 00 Yeinch.....--++++ 9 00 9 5° INGe02)- snc alerastainints 19 00 ©6223: 00 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in..------ $50 00@52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2,1 in. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 i +. 58 00 62 00 14%, 1% and 2 in... 30 oc 32 00 44 00 45 00| No. x strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 44 00 45 00 47 00) No. 2...-.e--+0ee 6 00 39 00 3 4 53 00 50600| No. 3..------ at 00 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, 1 in : 00 32 00 11 in. clear.....- 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 14% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards.......- 18 00 20 0c Fine common, 1in.... 40 00 41 00 Common all widths... 22 00 26 00 14%, 1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 5° do 1% in. 15 50 16 50 SHINGLES. Spruce.....-+++++++ ++ 1 30 1 50| Second Clear........-. 150 175 Cedar, extra...-..----- 250 2 65| Extra No.1.........-- I25 152 PE nunoecan’ Oaacs 225 2 40 LATH. Spruce.....+--eeeeee- ie CAXPO....cccncerees xy 80@ 1 go By car ...- seeeeeee 1 80@ 200 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. TonawanpA, N. Y., March 15, 1899- WHITE PINE. Up'rs, 1, 1%; 14% and 2 | No, 3, 2im...---.-+ 18 00 20 00 MS ninielsite seeeeceee $47 00 48 00| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 2% and 3 in......- 55 00 56 00 and up, x in....- « 32 00@34 00 IN. see eeeeseeeeee 58 09 6c 0o| Dressing 1% in...... 27 00 3000 Selects, rin. .-..--+- 41 00 42 00 14x10 and 12......- zB co 30 00 1% to 2 in.....---- 42.00 4300| 1% in 28 00 30 00 2% and 3 in....... 50 00] 2 in......... «. 29 00 34 00 4M... sees eens 52 o0| Mold st’ps,1 to 2in.. 31 00 33 00 Fine common, 1 in... 36 00 37 00| Barn, No.1, 12 Tr Beate 23 00 24 00 1% and 1% in 37 00 6, 8 and 1oin...... 19 00 21 oO 2 in 38 00 No. 2, ro in......- - 16 00 16 00 3 in. -... eee eee 45 00 No. 2, 12 in 17 00 1800 4, in . 47 00 No. 3, ro in 13,00 13 00 Cut’g up, No. 1,1 in. 28 00 29 00 No. 3, 12 in 13 50 1400 14% toz2 in..... --- 33 00 34 00 6 and 8in. Ir 00 1200 No, 2, t in....-- ++ 15 00 16 00 | Common, rin 15 00 16 co No. 2,1%, & 1% in 23 00 25 00 14% andi¥in...... 17 20 18 00 No. 3,1% & 1% in 17 00 1800] 2 STD pease Se ee 18 00 «20 o¢ WHITE ASH. rst & 2nd, r inch, 28 00 30 00| 2% to4 in...... ---- 34 00 38 00 Difto Zin. =e 31 00 33 00| Strips. -........---- 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls....... 12 00 14 & BLACK AND BROWN ASH. rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 co 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. rst & 2nd, 6 inch & ist &2nd,white, 6” &up, 18 oc zo oo Up; red sesese eins 28 00 30 00| Com & good culls..... 10 00 IL 00 ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 i MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 oo 20 co BAY CITY ANT) SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., March 15, 1899. UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., Sin. and up wite $43 co WIdE oo niacin pre nnessiasem $48 oc| 1%, 14 and2in....... «-. 43 00 1%, 14% and 2 in 48 oc| 24 and3in.......-.-- + 51 00 2% and 3 in...... 56 00 | 4 Ike... avcny oe emeemn ete 54 00 GAD. os cco cena en coterie 59 90 f ; ; FINE COMMON. tin., 8 in. and up wide...... 35 00 | 24% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 46 oo 1 and 1¥ in... ...-- +. 2 eee 35 00°} 4uint. see age oe eee 49 00 2 Wiesensas e ends ee 36 oo B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 26 oo | 244 and 3in., 7in. and up wide 39 oo 14% andr in......-..- estas 30-00!) 4 Mere eae eee LTR eG 40 00 2 UM cece ree e reese seen ee nnn - 32 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 oo | 1in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 35 00 6 in. Wide. .....0eceereree--s 40 00 | 6 in. wide. .....-.+.+++ aseee 40 00 FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. .....---- 30 00 | 1 in., 4, 5 in. wide ........ 32 00 1¥% in., 6 in. wide....--..--- 35 co | in., 6 in. wide....... aie ee 34 GD : SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... -.-- 26 oo! 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide .......- 22 co NO. I FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. vin., 4,5 and 7 in .....----- 18 oo | 1% in., 4,5 ana 7im......... 20 00 Leis, GMs ps a wicie el ae iensin 19 00 | 1% in., Git. 2.02 er een ne ene +. 21.00 NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. tin., 4,5 and 7 inch .......- 14 00 | 14 in., 4 to 7 inch ...., suaus/ 25 00 rin., 6inch ...-.....+++-+6- 15 20 | No. 3 Fencing, 1 in., 6inch.. 13 00 ; . SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in., 10 in. stocks .... 29 00 No. 2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 23 00 rin , ro in. and up wide... 32 00} Tin, to in. stocks......... 23 00 tin., 12 in. stocks...;.---- 33 00 1 in., 12 in. stocks......... 27 00 1 in., ro in, and up wide. -. 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 34 00 1 in., 13 in. and up wide... rin. 1¥% and 2in., 8in. and 29 00 up wide ......--++++-+5+ 31 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. WSlaviave /etatetstalarsbeaeme 22 00 | No. 2,.9 Wc. .stcclecsenaseenEs 50 no Oe nace eee 19 00| 8and7in.............-.-. 15 00 wae seihielalsiee” aia mate 18 00 NO. 3 12 10... 00s ceeeeeenene 13 09 Sw ss oben cee ah ae 18 00 TO IM. s eee e eee ceeeeeeeeee 12 00 waiaidie sine 16 OO} QIN... -. se eeeeeeeeseeees IZ 00 Set ons,< cata 15 00 Bi... .ac 0s cscestueshbecs 22 OO SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4 and 5 in. wide.....-- $x0 00 | 1 in., 13 mm. and up wide.....$10 50 rin., 6 in. wide.......+-+--- ro 00 | 1%, 144 and 2 in,, 7 in. and 1 in., 7 in. wide and up..... . 10 00 Up Wide: ch..-cepeurees 20.56 SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5) 7),8 and gin. wide 20 00 | x in. 10 in. and up wide..... r in., 6 in. oe [saa Seema 20 00] 1%, 1% and 2 ea and up ae Wide: ics achineaee Aas ec« ZO 00 COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 No. x, mill'culls: (ot. No. 2 24 u" " " u " ao No.1 14 in. to 1434 in. kiln dried basswood heading,perset 3 ; No.r15 ou 16 " " " " 3% No. 117% " " " " 3% No.118 » 18% u " " 4% No. 1 19% " " " " 4% No. 1 19% " " " " 5 Mill run heading ¥4ct. per set less, No. 2 heading rct. per set less. No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000.... 5 25 5 No.16 ou " W " Wo «eee 5 50 5 No. 16% " useee, 00a = w uw No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.- 6 50 No. 228% " " " Uvex (See 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves: ..< co cce es ccnece 18 00 17 Ne + 30 inch half syrup barrel staves....-- Peete «.+.16 00 16 ’ ent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) af eee Ore 8808 BRS weggge 8 = CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION Thé Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.o0 per vear { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS, VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., MARGH 22, 1899 No. 9% CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire Insurance BuILpinc, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. ‘LUMBERMAN’S — VEST-POCKET ~INSPEGTION | BOOK 2=ea Containing Rules for the Inspection and Measuring of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. Em- bracing also many useful tables and calculations of everyday service to lumbermen. Prepared by the Editor of the ‘ Canada Lumberman.” a Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 HE above isafac simile of the title page of the latest and most complete Lumber and Inspection Book published. We shall be pleased to send you a GOpU on receipt of four 3 cent Ga- Nadian postage stamps © © o » THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of r5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. WANTED. peour flve hundred yards of second-hand, light Iron Rails, for tram track. Pickarp & Rowan, Owen Sound. | ageod ae STEAM SAW MILL(JOHN ABELL make) for sale; 25 h.p. Boiler and Engine, boiler in good condition, engine slightly broken; also House and Orchard in connection. Willbesold cheap. Apply to GrorcE A. FLeminG, Hockley, P.Q. IMPORTANT TO LUMBERMEN FOR SALE BY TENDER. Valuable Saw Mill and Timber Limits in British Golumbia 549 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, VIRGIN 56. forests of Oregon Pine, Cedar and Spruce Limits in British Columbia as follows :— BLOGK 1. Lot 51, 23,600 acres, more or less, Sayward District, Vancouver Island. BLOGK 2. Lot 439 G2., 9,280 acres, more or less, New West- minster District. Lot 50G., 6 720 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. Lot 55, 15,900 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. Lot 83, 1,042 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. The above limits were selected years ago by competent cruisers at a time when every opportunity offered and was taken advantage of to secure the “‘ pick” of timber lands, which have since become greatly enhanced in value, BLOGK 3s. About 400 acres, more or less, of mill site and first- class farm lands, en bloc, situated on the north branch of the Fraser River about three miles east of New West- minster City. 200 acres, more or less, of this land is cleared, graded, drained and fenced in first-class man- ner, and been under cultivation a number of years. The mill located upon this site isa frame mill, about 455 x 72 feet, with T across tail end of main building about 176 x 60 feet. The whole structure from founda- tion up is built in the most substantial manner—well timbered and braced with knees, metal roof, three (3) engines of 300 h.p. each, and fitted throughout with special machinery for working up British Columbia timber of all dimensions, as well as for working up the refuse into lath, pickets, box shooks, etc.; also planers, matchers, etc. , One large refuse burner; one large stone boiler house, metal roof, containing ten large tubular boilers, pumps, etc. Good frame office, boarding house, cottages, horse stables, machine shops and blacksmith shop. Ample booming ground, constructed in the most sub- stantial and convenient manner. The New Westminster branch of the C. P. Railway crosses this mill site; also has a switch graded to the mill and through the yard, giving this property first-class railway outlet, in addition to best. facilities and ample water for loading large ocean-going vessels, giving the property unrestricted access to the markets of the world. Sealed tenders for the above property, either en bloc or each parcel or block separately, wili be received by the Secretary of the undersigned at their office, r10 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ont., upto MAY 2orH, 1899, at twelve o'clock noon. All tenders to be marked ‘“‘ Tenders for Maclaren- Ross B. C. Property.” Tenders to be opened by the President and Secretary at the above address. . Terms, 10% cash, 20% in thirty days, and balance in six; nine and twelve months, by secured notes at 5% per annum. The property to remain vested in the Company until notes are fully paid. ; The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All letters requesting further information to be ad- dressed to— “THE SECRETARY, | _ - Maclaren Ross Lumber Co., Limited, ** z10 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont.” Ottawa, Ont.; r5th February, 1899. FOR SALE. eT NING MATCHER, REVOLVING BED Surfacer, Re-saw, Band Saw and other Wood Tools—all in good working order. Address, ‘ Ma- CHINERY,” P.O. Box 43, Kingston, Ont. FOR SALE Saw and Shingle Mill, Sash and Door Factory With Dry Kiln complete, Machinery, Buildings, Out- Buildings, Dwelling Houses, etc., etc., located in the Kootenay District, British Columbia, with three thous- and acres best timber limits within five miles of mill. Timber can be drawn to mill for ten cents a thousand. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply for particulars to, and correspondence solicited, ROBERT F. SEGSWORTH, Barrister, 103 Bay Street, Toronto. a SSS CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, Snow storms in all sections of the pro- vince have interfered with the movement of lumber during the past week. The trade, nevertheless, is in a prosperous condition, and numerous enquiries con- tinue to be received for lumber of all grades. These enquiries are not confined to the home market, but come also from United States houses. There is a scar- city even of pine lumber, and some of the mills on the Georgian Bay have disposed of their entire dry stock. Since January Ist last prices of white pine have ad- vanced $1.50 per thousand, and Norway bill stuff $1 per thousand. Some manu- facturers have a small stock which they are holding for higher prices. The urgency of demand seems to pertain to common and low grade lumber, and par- ticularly such stock as is adapted for box- making. There are but few shingles which have not passed out of first hands. Laths are also low in stock and firm in price. Dealers are experiencing much difficulty in locating any quantity of dry hardwood lumber ; in fact, orders are being refused owing to inability to purchase the stock. This condition will be relieved to some extent when the mills resume operations, although it is not expected that the supply will equal the demand for most kinds of hardwoods. There were taken out in Western Ontario during the past winter a large quantity of maple logs, and there is a possibility that as these are manu- factured and the lumber placed upon the market, prices will weaken. Log-run maple is being held at $12 at the mill, a figure which we do not think will be maintained. In basswood, elm and ash there is no reason to expect any reduction in present prices, but on the other hand manufacturers should not expect to ad- vance quotations unreasonably. The mill men are offering their production as log run “and in some cases refuse to consider propositions for graded stock. It 1s learned that contracts have been entered into for mill cuts of the coming season at $I5. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Lumbermen in the province of Quebec are somewhat dissatisfied with the outlook for local trade. The season so far has been backward, and unless conditions 1m- prove, it will be difficult to advance prices, although present quotations leave a mar- gin of profit altogether inadequate. The larger manufacturers cutting for export trade hope to sell their production at Prices equal to those of last year. In New Brunswick trade prospects are im- proving, and the shipments to Great Britain, France, South America and the West Indies will likely consume the bulk of theseason’s production of export lumber. An average domestic trade is also looked for, as, in addition to the usual building operations, extensive harbor improve- ments at St. John are likely to be under- taken. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, The spring trade in Manitoba and British Columbia has not yet commenced in full force, yet the lumber market is very strong. Prices are advancing, and dealers are stocking up in anticipation of a large demand this year. Steps have been taken by both the manufacturers and dealers which are likely to result in plac- ing the trade on a better footing. The Rat Portage mills supplying the Manitoba market have made a 50 cent advance on No. 1 and No. 2 red pine, No. 3 finishing, 1,1 and 2 inch red pine selects, and No. 3 clear white pine. No. 1 and No.2 white pine have made the substantial ad- vance of $3.50, while laths are marked down five cents. The classification of boards has been changed so that ten to eighteen feet are now quoted at the same price all through. British Columbia sid- ing, ceiling and flooring were recently advanced $1, which places flooring $2 higher than last fall. British Columbia red cedar shingles are quoted at $2.25 for No. 1, and $2 for No. 2, delivered in Winnipeg. Some Washington shingles are being offered in Manitoba at $2.10, but they are said to be of no better quality than British Columbia No. 2. The retail dealers have taken similar action to that of the manufacturers, and have issued a new price list showing an Il. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. advance on various classes of lumber. They have also agreed to adhere closely to this list, and hope in this way to doa more profitable business. Last year cutting of prices was carried on to an un- reasonable extent, and consequently few of the dealers made a fair margin of profit. UNITED STATES. In the northern and eastern states the season has been backward, causing a delay of the usual spring call for lumber. Notwithstanding this, wholesale dealers have entered the market with a marked degree of liberality, and some large stocks of lumber have been contracted for. Eastern dealers have purchased freely in Wisconsin and on the upper lakes, the advanced prices asked by manufacturers seeming to have no deterrent effect. In the pine trade the chief interest pertains to box lumber, and it is a question diffi- cult’of solution as to where the stock will be obtained to keep the factories in opera- tion. Mill culls are selling at from $7 to $8, and holders show no anxiety to dispose of their stock even at these figures. Al- though during the past winter there was a heavy input of logs, it is unlikely that the production of box lumber will exceed the requirements before June or July, so that present prices will likely be maintained throughout the season. The spruce mar- ket has also a stronger tone, and short lumber is likely to witness a good spring demand. The call for shingles, lath and clapboards is likewise improving. Under a strong demand, hardwood prices are still strengthening, but as many mills will shortly resume operations, It 1s thought that the limit has about been reached. Large stocks of birch, elm, ash, maple and basswood have been put under contract. FOREIGN. Advices from the British market tell of an active consumption of wood goods and a slight improvement in prices for delivery to consumers. At several of the ports the stock of spruce and pine is becoming re- duced, and it is thought that importers will this month show a greater disposition to contract for new stock. When they realize that the production of lumber in Canada this year is likely to be slightly below the average in quantity, they will no doubt contract more freely for their re- quirements. ————— NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Prices of cedar shingles have again advanced, market quotations now being as follows, de- livered strictly on Boston freight rates : Extras, $2.85 to $2.90; Clears, $2.45 to $2.50; Saps and 2nd Clears, $1.90 to $2. The indi- cations now are much in favor of continued advances. The winter mills are practically cleaned out of all grades, and have already accepted enough orders to consume all that can be made before they are obliged to shut down ; in fact, a number of winter mill opera- tors are oversold, and are scurrying around amongst themselves in an endeavor to replace some of their accepted orders at figures that will allow them to escape without loss, but they are finding a great deal of difficulty in so replacing such orders. It is yet about two months before the summer mills can start. Before that time, there must be a great dearth of shingles, and operators who can supply the goods will then be able to get their asking price without questions. It will be unwise to accept orders, this year for anything but immediate delivery. en STOCKS AND PRICES. The High Commissioner in London, Eng., has received enquiries for addresses of Canadian shippers of wood pulp and walnut and birch logs. At Alpena, Mich., sales of black ash are being made at $17 per thousand, elm at $10, and hemlock at $8 and $9. Mill culls are selling as high as $9. J.D. McArthur’s men have finished cutting logs on the Bird Tail Creek limits to the north of Birtle, Man., and are now preparing for the drive. The logs will be cut at the Birtle mill. The Columbia River Lumber Co., of Golden, B.C., have had 2,000,000 ft. of logs taken out this winter at Blaeberry. These will be floated into the Columbia river by means of a chute. It is announced that F. P. R. Graves, of Saginaw, Mich., has contracted for the shingle timber on 10,000 acres of land near Spanish river, Ont., and that he will build a shingle mill at that point. Three timber berths on the Tattagouche river, in New Brunswick, aggregating 25 square miles, were sold at the crown lands office, Fredericton, N. B., last week, to Sunner & Co., at the upset price of $8 per mile. W. W. Harris, a pulp wood contractor in the Sudbury district, states that during 1898 he handled over 100,000, cords of wood, principally poplar. The supply of wood in that district, he says, is practic- ally inexhaustible. J. A. Christie, of Brandon, Man., had about 150 men at work this winter in each of his logging camps at Shell River and on the McLaren-Shields limit which he recently purchased. The logs cut on these limits will be sawn at his mill at Brandon. -J. D. McArthur, who has purchased the lumbering business of H. B* Mitchell at Selkirk, Man., will operate the plant on an extensive scale this winter. The pur- chase includes the mill at Selkirk, exten- sive timber limits on Lake Winnipeg, lum- ber on hand, etc. J. R. McConell, the well known lumber- man of Marysville, N. B., has finished operations on the Aroostook river. The cut in that vicinity was about 2,500,00 feet. Mr. McConnell has disposed of all his lumber to the Ashland Lumber Co., at a very satisfactory figure. The Department of Trade and Com- merce at Ottawa has received a communi- cation from Mr. W. Grey-Wilson, C.M.G., Governor of the Falkland Islands, asking for quotations for specified quantities of lumber, chiefly pitch pine and white pine. The quantity figures up to about 250,000 feet. J. E. McCollum, who has been lumber- ing on atributary of the Tobique river, in New Brunswick, estimates the produc- tion of logs on that river this winter at about. 18,000,000 feet, as against 24,000,- ooo feet last year. Most of this is spruce, although R. K. Beveridge, W. Reed and L. Reed got out a quantity of red pine. Inness, Homeon & Co. are cuting 1,000,000 feet of pulp wood for the Acadia Pulp Company, near Liverpool, N.S. G. A. Colp is getting out a million feet of pulp wood in the same neighborhood. D. C. Mulhall and J. A. Hunt are cutting a large quantity near Liverpool for them- selves and for the Acadia Pulp Company. The trade returns for the Dominion for the eight months ending February 28th last show an increase in the aggregate trade of the country of $11,640,441, as compared with the same period of last year. Produce of the forest was exported to the value of $20,292,289, as against $20,599,540 for the corresponding period one year ago. The Nova Scotia government has just granted a lease for 30 years of timber limits in Victoria and Inverness counfies, Cape Breton, N. S., to three American capitalists, Messrs. L. Sanborn and Robt. B. Blodgett, of Boston, and Daniel F. Emery, jr., of Portland, Me. The limits comprise nearly 1,000 square miles, and are leased for the purpose of converting the timber thereon into pulp and paper. The purchasers will form a company, to be known as The North American Paper and Pulp Co., Ltd. SHIPPING MATTERS. Below are given the current freight rates on lumber from British Columbia points : To Syd- ney, Aus., 41s. 3d. to 42s, 6d.; Melbourne or Adelaide, 50s. to 51s. 3d.; Port Pirie, 45s. to 47s. 6d.; Fremantle, 60s. to 62s. 6d.; Shang- hai, 52s. 6d. to 53s. 9d.; Tientsin, 60s.; Val- paraiso, f.o., 41s. 3d. to 42s. 6d.; South Africa, 62s. 6d. to 65s.; U. K. or Continent, 65s. The following vessels were chartered during Febru- ary: Ship Irby, 1,480 tons, Burrard Inlet to Fremantle, 62s. 6d.; Ship Maifio, Burrard In- let to Valparaiso, f.0., 45s.; Bark Orion, Che- mainus to Calcutta, 60s. LUMBER PRICES IN MANITOBA. The Western Retail Lumbermen’s Associa- tion of Manitoba and the Northwest have pre- pared a new price list for lumber, which shows a number of changes fiom the list issued one year ago. Generally, the prices are higher, although certain lines have been marked down, some of them as muchas $5. As compared with the old list, the changes are as follows : Dimension generally 50c higher, with some changes in classification ; cull plank, $1 higher; No. 1 cull boards, $1 higher ; stock boards, $1,50 extra, instead of $1 extra as per old list ; No. 2 box boards, $1 lower; red pine, Ist and 2nd siding, flooring and ceiling, $1 higher ; 4th siding, etc., $1 higher ; British Columbia No. 1 and 2 edge grain flooring, $3 higher ; No. 3 edge and No. 1 and 2 flat flooring, $1 higher ; No. 1 and 2° fir ceiling, 1 inch, $2 higher, No. 3, $1 higher; No. 1 and 2 fir ceil- ing, 54-inch, $4 higher ; No. 1 and 2-6-inch, $2 higher ; No. 3, 6-inch, $1 higher ; cedar ceiling, 54-inch, $2 lower ; ¥-inch, $2 lower ; spruce siding, flooring and ceiling, $1 higher ; shiplap, 6-inch pine, 50c higher ; {to 2 inch white pine finishing, Ist and 2nd clear, $5 lower ; selects, $3 lower; shops, $2 lower ; cedear finishing, $2 lower ; fir stepping, edge grain, No. 1, $3 higher ; No. 2, $2 higher ; No. 1 flat, $5 higher; No. 2, $3.50 higher ; fir finishing up to 12 inches, 50c higher, over 12 inches, $1.50 higher ; I-inch fir finishing, $1 higher ; 1st and 2nd white pine, No. 3 clear, $3 lower; B selects, $3 lower; clear cedar, $4 lower ; fir finishing up to 12 inches, soc higher, over 12 inches, $1.50 higher ; pine lath, No. 1, 25c lower, No. 2, 10c lower. THE PRICE LIST. The prices apply to stock at Winnipeg yards, and are subject to a cash discount of 2 per cent. for small orders. For $1,000 orders or up- ward, a cash discount of 5 percent. is allowed. The price list is as follows : DIMENSIONS AND TIMBER.—No. 1, 2x 4 to 2x12, 12, 14 and 16 ft, $19; 18 ft, $20; 20 ft, $21 ; 22 ft, $22; 24 ft, $23. 3x6 to 3x12, 4x4 to 4x 8, 6x6 to 6x 8, 12, 14 and 16 ft, $20.50; 18 ft, $21.50; 20 ft, $22.50; 22 ft, $23.50; 24 ft, $24.50. 8x8, 4x12 to 6x12, 8x 10to 12x12, 12, 14 and 16 ft, $22.50; 18 ft, $23.50; 20 ft, $24.50; 22 ft, $25.50; 24 ft, $26.50. 2x4, 10 ft, $21; 2x6, 10 ft, $19; 2x8 io 2x12, $20. No. 2 dimensions $2 less than No. 1. Dimensions, 26, 28 and 30 ft, $26; timber, 26, 28 and 30 ft, $28. $1 per M. advance on each inch over 12 inches in depth and width. Tamarac dimensions same priceas pine. Spruce dimen- sions at $2 per M. lessthan pine. Cull plank, all widths, at $13 per M. B.C. fir dimensions up to 32 ft at $28 per M.; 33 to go ft, $30; 41 to 60 ft, $36. $1 per M. extra for each 2 inches over 12 inches in width or depth. BoaRDs.—Ist common, red pine, $25; 2nd common, red and white pine, $18.50; 3rd common, red and white pine, $16.50; No. 1 cull, pine or spruce, $14; No. 2 cull, $9; spruce boards, $16.50. $1.50 per M. extra for stock boards, $2 per M. less for 6 to 8 ft and under. No. 1 box, 14-inch and up, $30; No. 2 box boards, 14-inch and up, $22; extra dressing, $2 per M. SIDING, FLOORING AND CEILING.—2nd, 4, 5 and 6-inch white pine, $36; 3rd, 4, 5 and 6-inch white pine, $28 ; st and 2nd, 4, 5 and 6-inch red pine, $31 ; 3rd, 4, 5 and 6-inch red pine, $25; 4th, 4, 5 and 6-inch red and white, $21; cull siding, red and white, $16; B.C. No. 1 and No. 2 edge grain flooring, 3, 4 and 6-inch, $35; B.C. No. 3 flat and edged mixed, 4 and 6 inches, $26; B.C. No. 1 and 2 flat grain flooring, 3, 4 and 6 inches, $26; 13, 1% and 2-inch, $1 per M. more than I-inch; B.C. No, 1 and 2 fir ceiling, 1-inch, $30; B.C. No. 3 fir ceiling, 1-inch, $26; B.C. No. 1 and 2 fir ceiling, 54-inch, $25 ; B.C. No. 3 fir ceil- ing, 54-inch, $21 ; B.C, No. 1 and 2 fir ceiling, 6-inch, $30; No. 3 fir siding, 6-inch, $26; B.C. spruce No. 1 siding, flooring and ceiling, - $36 ; B.C. spruce No. 2 siding, flooring and ceiling, $30; B.C. cedar siding, No. 1, 10 MARCH 22, 1899 es Le to 16 ft, $39; B.C. cedar siding, No. 1, 6 to 9 ft, $34; B.C. cedar ceiling, No. 1, 10 to 16 ft, $42; B.C. cedar ceiling, No. 1, 6 to 9 ft, $35; B.C. cedar ceiling, No. 1, 56-inch, 10 to 16 ft, $33 ; B.C. cedar ceiling, No. 1, 4-inch, 10 to 16 ft, $30; 4, 5 and 6-inch native spruce, $21; cull spruce, $16; $2 per M. advance for dressing on both sides. BEVEL S1pING.—No. 1 white pine, $26 ; No. 2 red and white, $23. SHIPLAP.—Pine, 6-inch, $18.50; 8 and 10-inch, $20; spruce, 8 and 10-inch, $19 ; 6-inch, $18; pine and spruce cull shiplap, 8 and 10-inch, $17 ; do., 6-inch, $14. SHINGLES.—B.C. cedar, per M., No. 1, $2.75; No. 2, $2.50; B.C. cedar dimen- sion shingles, $4; B.C. cedar dimension band-sawed, $5. LaTuH.—Pine lath, No. 1, per M., $2.75 5 No. 2, $2.40. ; FINISHINGS.—1 4%, 1% and 2-inch white pine, 1st and 2nd clear, $60; 3rd clear, - WANTED Black Ash, all thicknesses. 1-ineh Red Oak. Ineh Butternut, Mill Run. Inch Basswood. State quantity and price. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 4 CROSBY SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “ Sieveking,’ London HESSLER & GO. Wood Agents West Hartlepool and Hull, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘“ Hessler,” West Hartlepool, H.D.WICCIN {STAT ST. BOSTON, MASS. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG, Peas aa Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woods, Including Mahogany. A Speciality. a : CORRESPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE AnD HARDWOO PLLLA D es NESS AOE se Cable Address SwanDonoGH—TONAWANDA.” — Lumberman’s Code. Do You Use Mahogany? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous . . | TABASCO MAHOGANY | Finest figured wood on the market ; is hard and takes elegant finish. Brings high- est prices in Europe, but we sell here about same prices as ordinary mahogan ~~ Specially adapted for fine cabinet and interior finish : . . . . > LAWRENGB & WIGGI Importers and Manufacturers BOSTON, MASS . MARCH 22, 189¢ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. $55; selects, $42; shops, $34; red pine, clear, $40; selects, $32; B.C. cedar clears, up to 12 inches, $48; do., over 12 inches, $53; B.C. fir edge grain No. 1 stepping, $48; No. 2, $42; B.C. fir flat grain, No. 1, $42; No. 2 do., $36; B.C. fir finishing, up to 12-inch, $38; do., over 12-inch, $44; $5 per M. advance on 2¥/-inch and thicker, One-inch white pine, 1st and 2nd clear, $56; 3rd clear, $45; selects, B, $35 ; se- lects, C, $30; red pine clear, $40; selects, $30; B.C. cedar clear, $46; B.C. fir fin- ishing, up to 12 inches, $38; do., over 12 inches, $44. Oak.—Red and white, / sawed, $85 ; Ist and 2nd, $60 to $65 ; common, $40. MOULDINGS AND Base.--Parting strips, 100 ft lineal, 60c ; lattice, %x1%, 100 ft lineal, No. 1, 75¢; No. 2, 50c; %x 1%, 100 ft lineal, 85c ; window and door step, 1}4-inch lineal, $1.25; do., 2-inch lineal, $1.50; { round and % cove, 75c; 1%-inch mould, $1.50; 2-inch mould, $1.75 5 2%4- inch mould, $2; 3-inch mould, $2; 3%-inch mould, $2.50; 4-inch mould, $2.75 ; 4\- inch mould, $3; 5-inch mould, $3.25; 6- inch mould, $4; 5-inch window stool, 1 We $4.50; 6-inch window stool, 1%, $5.25 ; 4-inch casings, $2.25; 5-inch casings, $2.75; 6-inch casings, $3.25 ; 8-inch base, $4.25; 10-inch base, $5; 12-inch base, $7 ; hand rail, 2x 4, $5.50; wainscot cap, 2/- inch, $2.35; 3-inch, $2.75 ; paper mould, 60c. Mouldings made from 14 stock add 25 per cent.; 1%, add 50 percent. Hard- wood mouldings or mouldings to detail at special prices. All shop work at special net prices. —_—— THE GLASGOW MARKET, Messrs. Edmiston & Mitchell, of Glasgow, Scotland, review the lumber market as follows : Quebec shippers and others have been going their rounds, and this has occupied the atten- tion of brokers and buyers. Considerable bus- iness has been done, both on c.f. and f.o.b. erms, in Quebec white pine, red pine, elm, ash, and spruce, while lower port Spruce, although not bought so freely as last year, has neverthe- less been largely dealt in, The reduction of Baltic whitewood prices has prevented any business in Canadian spruce with the east coast of Scotland. Scotch shipbuilders launched 29,000 tons of shipping during February. This amount would have been considerably greater had it not been for the fact that it is next to impossible to get material out of the steel manufacturers’ hands, so great is the pressure of work. The amount of fresh work ‘booked is of the most meagre de- scription. This is accounted for by the fact that prices have advanced so much that owners will not increase their fleets at the figures de- manded. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - Operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OvEREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. .. . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... , OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN S.S. GO.’S: Winter Sailings Between MILFORD HAVEN, PASPEBIAC and ST. JOHN’S, Nfld. Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight evecht rede nek, Co,, Room 16 Board of Trade Bldg. For Further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial Agency, or to Montague Yates 13 St. John St., = MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS °°” WHOLESALERS eenan—— Brothers “ OWEN SOUND, ONT. 8OOOO OD: DRY STOCK WANTED Of any grade or thickness, for immediate shipment, also highest price paid for Rock and Soft Elm, green from the saw. State sizes and lowest cash price, and state station from which shipment will be made. i , We have a large quantity of Cedar Posts, all sizes. Call for prices. JORN HARRISON - owEN SOUND THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @*O Write us for Quotations on all Bills@/e PEMBROKE, ONT. MictaAu RIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RaiL OR WATER. = Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAST TEMPLETON, QUE. S It UOur Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHEETING Goiinc e WRIGHT, GRAHAM & G0. _ _ 7 Royal Bank Place, -GLASGOW, SCOTLAND An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the. . . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling oe 10.00 AS: PA Y PATR & OO: Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH » SHINGLES Contractors for Railway at hie 2a MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . Se A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND ° Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER 8 Pine snincies HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & C0. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER T.L. BAIDIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang,, Ontario @ SAMPLES BY MAIL et BROTHERS CO. urk’s Falls, Ont. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Joisting A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = a hl a! CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton. _ Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods tg offer for sale, * Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly, 1OOOOb: FOREIGN IMPORTERS , WOOD BROKERS SMITH & TYRER - Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private, Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom - continent handled to the best advantage. 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL . . Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”" BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Fleming, W.A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. " Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa end Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. _ Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Lancaster Machine Works, Lancaster, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Payette, P. &Co., Penetanguishene, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mig. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxford Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. The Defiance Machine Works, Defiance, Ohio, U.S.A. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D. Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H.D., Boston, ss. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Illinois Central R.R. 2 Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. WHOLESALE PRICES GURREBNT. (The quotations given below are unless otherwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. Toronto, March 22, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 inch dressing and better. .... 0.20200. $20 00 $22 00 t inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 cinch siding common rz 00 12 00 1% 14% and 2 inch cut up and better.....- $32 00 $34 00 2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 00 1x)2 dressing and bet- ter, 60% 16 ft....-. 22 00 24 00| inch sidingshipculls 10 50 11 50 xuxro fine dressing and t inch siding millculls 8 50 9 00 better.....---+-:-++ 22 00 24 00 Cullscantling........ 800 9 00 rxro and 12 Canadian tinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 20 00 in. mill run...... - 13 00 14 00 11-2and thicker cut- t inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank.....- 24 00 26 00 | t 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 x 1-4 in. cut up and 1 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 hetter..c..c2-seere 33 00 35 00 XXX pine shingles, 16 ixro and 12 mill run 16 00 18 00 INCHS once evinces 50 2 25 rxro and 12 common. 12 00 14 00 XX pine shingles r6inch I 40 zxro and 12 mill culls 9 00 10 00 Lath, No. 1.......+- I 50 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 Death INO: ieee. sce 115 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2 in. .$26 00 $28 00 Cherry I to 14$50 00 $60 00 Lid “ce 2 24% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 4.. 60 00 65 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm, soft x ‘ 14 16 00 18 00 ands, 1 to 1% in.... 18 00 20 00 SE ehh me ES LY OOD DEO Ash, black, xsts and “ yock 1 ‘' 1% 1800 2000 ands,2 to 4 iN...--- 2000 2200/ “ “* 1% ‘* 3.. 21 00 23 00 Ash, M.R.,r “‘ 2.. 16 00 18 00 | Hickory 1% ‘‘ 2., 28 00 3000 Birch, I .. 18 00 20 00} Maple x ‘' 1% 1600 18 00 “ ¥%* 2,, 2000 23 00 Oy 2 ‘f4.. 1700 1800 sqrs. 4x4 “ 8 x824 00 26 00 Oak,red, ‘nt ‘' 1% 2600 3000 Basswood, sts and RS 5 4.. 29 00 3200 ands, 1 to1% in...- 17 00 19 00 ‘¢ white “ 1% 2800 3000 1% "2 ..20 00 21 00 crust 4... 30 00 3500 ‘mig x “33 15,00, 27,00)| —— quart’d 9.. 46.00 5000 Butternut 1 ‘‘ 1% 23:00 25 00 Walnut xr ‘££ 3.. 85 00 10000 «& See ae 28 00 | Whitewood: ‘‘ 2.. 3200 3600 25 00 Chestnut 1 ‘2-- 2400 2 00 » w OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, March 22, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m...-.-+ $31 00 36 00 ter stock........+++ II 00 12 50 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 28 00 | Pine, s.c. strips....:. 8 00 10 00 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts...-- 700 850 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls....--- g 00 10 50 DMs es esses eee 15 co 21 00| Pine mill culls.....- 752 900 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.r.-.. 160 1 20 (Strips, -..-+s+e2++ 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M No. 2... 85 95 Pire, No. x dressing 1x1o No. 1 barn...- 18 00 skorts, ..----+.-+++ 1200 1400|1x10 No.2 “ ...-- 16 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 & 9 No.1 17 00 fer stockweeanaseras 13 50 15 00|1x8& gq No.2 es I5 90 QUEBEC, QUE. Quesec, March 22, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, 32 ‘ goed fair 3 Be a 34 ‘« first class se OY Fe 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36042 ‘ ins “ ‘© Michigan ‘‘ © & & size 43 48 Measured off, according to average and quality.......-+-++++-++ 22 26 In shipping order, fe ef BEG eeeeies/s ainereesieislm.sinis 23 29 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality). +. 16) =aee 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. . 32 35 Ly cS x ce “30 to 35 feet. . 27 3¢ ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . - - +2% 24 To average 16 1nch ., aewE) >) <<) > ->)e- Noten Senn 25 26 " BIRCH. r4inchaverage. . - + + > ee ~ 15 18 T6 i | | ere cece oS 25 day SS fo es aw ope 28 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for 1st, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N. Y., March 22, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber......- $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking.....--.-+-+ 44.00 5000 SPRUCE. F 6 to gin 14 50| 10 tO 12 IM..----+++e- 16 25 17 00 6to12in... 15 75 | Lath.....-.+-se+eeee 7 85 9x On 9 o12in 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 t0 16...000 eeereeeceeerses 30 00 14% to 2in ee ss gs £6 5 sient geile ela amas 31 oc 1 inch, s Soft Elm, BS 1in and thicker, a se 4l4 fe Hard Maple, “ ‘ fe F Basswood, ss . oe “cc “ Birch, ai a “© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O.. ce ce Soft Elm, its “e ce we «© Hard Maple, * Ne Be ceeiatais 14 00 eS ‘© Basswood, ‘* Be Les Sunsoc 12 00 “ Birch; ss - neprens £4U00 ALBANY, N.Y. Axusany, N.Y March 22, 1899. PINE. - Uppers, 3 in. up --+-- ++++-- 1x12 inch shippers .......+. $ $16 256 IN... 22 er enee 4/4 inch Sp iNitelste sietoin 17 TtOZiIM....e-ee eee rere 4/4 Box boards, 6” and up... 12 13 4 inch uppers ..--++++++--* ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up ro-in. COMMON ...-.----++++ 13 15 .to2in....--+. peeeeeess x2-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2%in. andup 39 42 Common, 1x12 ..... eer ane 14 15 Tto2in.....++- peeeeeenes 30 38| No. x barn, rx12.......---+ 2i 23 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 28 30 ERTO oe op erie alc cle vis'v/emie aie Ig 25 No.2...ecceeceenenceeee® 20 25 | XB... . eee eee ee eee ceeeee 17 19 No.3.-----+e* . 20 | No. 2 barn, IX12.....++-++ 17 18 No. x molding, 1 to21n 36 TRIO. minis on ole ce (eieiesiele esas 16 17 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 1n 27 TRBkisrersicin isleinieisielaie se eeeeee 14 15 Stained saps 20 | Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4 in 23 Bracket plank ....- pee sees 30 (35 =< SC nch 25 Shelving boards, 12-in. up -- 29 31 Dressing ......- eZ 8 _ Dressing boards, narrow..-- 19 21 Common... one first-class Band Saw Runner for new mill. Apply to J. H. Dansereau, Vercheres, Quebec. ORTABLESTEAMSAW MILL(JOHN ABELL Fr make) for sale; 25 h.p. Boiler and Engine, boiler in good condition, engine slightly broken; also House and Orchard inconnection. Willbesold cheap. Apply to Grorce A. FLeminG, Hockley, Ont. FOR SALE. IGHTNING MATCHER REVOLVING BED 'Surfacer, Re-saw, Band Saw and other Wood Tools—all in good working order. Address, “‘ Ma- -cuinery,” P.O. Box 43, Kingston, Ont. TO MILL MEN. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH >. to sell?) Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, Canapa LumMBERMAN, Toronto. ~ PULP AGENCY WANTED NGLISH FIRM, WELL CONNECTED WITH the paper makers in Great Britain, wants Agency Mechanical and Chemical Pulps. Established 30 years. Address, “ PAPER,” care Deacon's _ Advertising Offices, Leadenhall St., London, England. FOR SALE Saw and Shingle Mill, Sash and Door Factory th Dry Kiln complete, Machinery, Buildings, Out- ings, Dwelling Houses, etc., etc., located in the tenay District, British Columbia, with three thous- ad acres best timber limits within five miles of mill. mber can be drawn to mill for ten cents a thousand. factory reasons for selling. Apply for particulars ad correspondence solicited, . ROBERT F. SEGSWORTH, Barrister, a 103 Bay Street, Toronto. iq IMPORTANT TO LUMBERMEN FOR SALE BY TENDER. Valuable Saw Mill and Timber Limits in British Golumbia 56 54 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, VIRGIN ’ forests of Oregon Pine, Cedar and Spruce Limits in British Columbia as follows :— BLOGK 1. Lot 51, 23,600 acres, more or less, Sayward District, Vancouver Island. BLOGK 2. Lot 439 G2., 9,280 acres, more or less, New West- minster District. Lot 50G., 6 720 acres, more orless, New Westminster, Chilliwack. Lot 55, 15,900 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. Let 83, 1 042 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. The above limits were selected years ago by competent cruisers at a time when every opportunity offered and was taken advantage of to secure the ‘* pick” of timber lands, which have since become greatly enhanced in value. BLOGK 3. About 400 acres, more or less, of mill site and first- class farm lands, en bloc, situated on the north branch of the Fraser River about three miles east of New West- minster City. 200 acres, more or less, of this land is cleared, graded, drained and fenced in first-class man- ner, and been under cultivation a number of years. The mill located upon this site is a frame mill, about 455 x 72 feet, with T across tail end of main building about 176 x 60 feet. The whole structure from founda- tion up is buit in the most substantial manner—well timbered and braced with knees, metal roof, three (3) engines of 300 h.p each, and fitted throughout with special machinery for working up British Columbia timber of all dimensions, ¢s well as for working up the refuse into lath, pickets, box shooks, etc.; also planers, matchers, etc. One large refuse burner; one large stone boiler house, metal roof, containing ten large tubular boilers, pumps, etc. Good frame office, boarding house, cottages, horse stables, machine shops and blacksmith shop. Ample beeming ground, constructed in the most sub- stantial and convenient manner. The New Westminster branch of the C. P. Railway crosses this mill site, also has a switch graded to the mill and through the yard, g ving this property first-class railway outlet, in addition to best facilities and ample water for loading large ocean-going vessels, giving the property unrestricted access to the markets of the world. Sealed tenders for the above property, either en bloc or each parcel or block separately, wil! be received by the Secretary of the undersigned at their office, r10 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ont., upto MAY 2ortn, 1899, at twelve o'clock noon. All tenders to be marked ‘‘ Tenders for Maclaren- Ross B C. Property.” Tenders to be opened by the President and Secretary at the above address. Terms, 10% cash, 20% in thirty days, and balance in six, nine and twelve months, by secured notes at 5% per annum, The property to remain vested in the Company until notes are fully paid. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All letters requesting further information to be ad- dressed to— “THE SECRETARY, ‘* Maclaren Ross Lumber Co., Limited, *“z10 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont.” Ottawa, Ont.; 15th February, 1899. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The recent snowfalls have lengthened the logging season, and all timber cut will likely be gotten out of the woods. It is not yet known just how the past winter’s production of pine logs will compare with that of Jast year, although the opinion has been expressed that in the Georgian Bay district it will be slightly heavier, and that in the Ottawa valley there will bea reduced output. The backwardness of spring has affect- ed the volume of lumber moving, atlhough favorable reports continue to be received of the present and prospective demand. Several manufacturers in the Ottawa valley have disposed of their 1899 pro- duction, and the fact that probable buyers have of late been numerous leads to the Opinion that other transactions will soon follow. Low grade and common stock seems to be in most demand, some of the mills having closed contracts for 75 per cent. of their cut at an advance of from 15 to 20 per cent. on last year’s quotations. While the cheif interest per- tains to the lower grades, there is also a fair demand for good lumber. Dry stock does not cut any figure in the market, the quantity in first hands being very small. Manufacturers of hardwood lumber are adhering to their decision to sell their lumber as mill run. This is limiting the volume of business, as there is frequently a disparity between the value of log run stock as fixed by the dealer and that in the mind of the manufacturer. As an off- set to the increased price of raw material the furniture and chair manufacturers have advanced prices of finished goods. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Local trade in Quebec and New Bruns- wick has been rather backward, but an increased number of enquiries for lumber and shingles have been received from the Eastern States, and these are likely to be followed by orders. Buying for the British market is showing more life, and as the season advances and the actual extent of stocks becomes better known, a change of attitude will no doubt be shown. Some purchases of deals have been made at $9.50 per thousand f.o.b. Grindstone Island and St. John, N. B. This is an advance upon last year’s quotations, but still too low to leave a fair margin of profit to the manufacturer. The general opinion is that prices will advance, es- pecially if caution is exercised by both manufacturers and shippers. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, Dealers in Manitoba and the Terri- tories look forward to a good season’s trade, as tenders are being taken in Winnipeg and the larger towns on many new buildings. While the demand for lumber for immediate delivery is not large, the enquiries received indicate that dealers realize the necessity of increasing their stocks at an early date. Country trade has continued later than usual, but this will soon be terminated by the ap- proach of the seeding season. It is learned that three Uuited States houses this year have representatives in Winni- peg, these being the Pine Tree Lumber Co., the Crookston & St. Hillaire Lumber Co., and the Brainerd Lumber Co. In British Columbia the lumber trade is experiencing an active local demand on account of increased building operations, and prices are a trifle firmer. UNITED STATES, The recent cold weather and accom- panying snow falls greatly improved logging couditions in the Northern States, and it is probable that the input of both pine and hardwood logs will be nearly as heavy as was anticipated early in the season. In view of this, the movement of lumber from first hands has shown a falling off of late, as dealers believe that procucers’ prices are too high, and are deferring purchases until after the open- ing of the sawing season. From present indications, it does not appear that prices are likely to weaken, as magnitude of demand and scarcity of supply are strong features of the market. All-round advan- ces continue to be made on pine and hem- lock at mill points, and it is learned that two-inch hemlock is held at $7.25 and $8.25 f.0.b. Manistee, Mich. Box lumber 1s practically out of the market, and other grades are being purchased to meet the requirements of the manufacturers. Lath is very firm, white pine having advanced to $2 inthe Chicago market. FOREIGN. The transactions in Canadian wood goods in the British market have been more numerous of late. Building is active, and consumers are purchasing more liberally to meet their season’s require- ments. At London a considerable quan- tity of pine and spruce lumber has been disposed of at auction sales, which has had a tendency to depreciate values. Gener- ally, however, prices are firmer. Third quality spruce is held at £7 Ios, and in all probability another advance will be made before the. arrival of spring ship- ments. The holders of spruce at Liver- pool are asking higher prices, especially for favorite dimensions. A fair amount of being done on contracting for goods to arrive, and brokers are adopting a stronger attitude. The receipts on the Barbadoes market have shown a falling off, and consequently prices have a tendency to strengthen, Elsewhere will be found current quota- tions. II. ® CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. In the New England states the weather of the past week has been exceptionally disagree- able, and building operations are ata stand- still as aresult. In spite of the Jack of demand, cedar shingle values are said to be firmly main- tained asa rule, and quotations are as follows, delivered on Boston freight rates: Extras, $2.85 to $2.90; clears, $2.45 to $2.50; saps and 2nd clears, $1.90 to $2.00. The season for build- ing operations to commence with a rush is now near at hand, and it would seem that within a short time the usual spring demand for shingles will begin. It can safely be stated that whenit does begin, prices on all grades will rapidly climb to such figures as are satis- factory to the manufaclurers, and at which they are perfectly willing to dispose of their product, for the retailers are only lightly stocked and must have the goods. It is not believed that there is any variety of shingles made that can supplant the New Brunswick cedar in the New England market in any degree whatever until the latter has passed the basis of $3.25 for extras, There is, then, a strong hope that the manu- facturers will realize their full opportunity and avail themselves of it. For the last few years in shingles, as well as in all kinds of lumber, the buyer has unifoimly been able to dictate the price. To-day the reverse is true, and the manufacturers have almost full control. The indications are that they realize the strength of their position, and intend to have for one year at least a fair margin on their product. In this, shingles only sympathize with all other varieties of lumber in the United States markets, and retail dealers now so thoroughly understand that all lines are advancing steadily that they much more willingly accept advances and place orders immediately for their needs, when in want, for fear of continued advances. The shingle manufacturers, therefore, to avail themselves fully oftheir opportunity, should read the trade papers thoroughly, and keep posted from week to week as to the exact state of the market. When giving quotations, manufacturers should make them for immediate acceptance only, and should not allow commission whole- sale houses to foist orders upon them at less than the figures they have quoted. When receiving orders more rapidly than they are producing the goods, they should advance prices and hold firmly to the advance. This year it is a manulacturers’ market, and any reasonable advances all along the line are likely to be maintained. One unfortunate feature of this particular line of business in years gone by, has been the fact that the average manufacturer of shingles has depended very largely for his knowledge of market prices upon wholesale commission houses, who were supposed to represent the manufacturer, truthfully tell him the position of the market, and give him current quotations, as well as sell his'shingles. For these services such wholesale houses were supposed to derive as their ,remuneration a commission of 5 per cent. Asa matter of fact these commission houses, being in the business from pecuniary motives, frequently report a lower price than actual current figures, with the object of thereby being themselves in a position to quote a Itttle under their commission competi- tors, and secure more than their share of orders. In cases where they could easily secure full values and more than they had quoted as current figures, it was, and stillis, an easy matter for the commission house to pocket the difference (between price obtained and price allowed the manufacturer as market value) to add to their commission. The only feasible way, therefore, for a manufacturer to protect his own interest (and nobody will pro- tect it for him, certainly not his wholesale commission representatives), is to know for himself what his goods are worth, and then see that his wholesale friends pay for shingles accordingly, and that they are not left to sell goods for any price that suits themselves and is anywhere near market value, obliging the manufacturer to pocket the loss between what he actually received and what he should have received, and also at the same time breaking the market, and establishing a precedent for himself as well as others to follow in the future. Another abuse of confidence on the part of the wholesale commission house toward the manufacturer, has been the sending of orders that call for a greater or less arbitrary freight rate over Boston rates, to a manufacturer at Boston prices, or only a very slight advance on Boston prices and not enough to cover the extra freight. All manufacturers should say to their representatives : ‘‘ You are more familiar with arbitrary freight points and exira freight thereto than we can possibly be ; we therefore quote you prices on Boston freight rates only, and any arbitrary points will be covered by our invoicing to you at our quotations at Boston points, and we will allow you to deduct only Boston rates.” In this way the commission houses will be obliged to look out for them- selves, and they are perfectly capable of doing it. The outlook for the manufacturers this year is very bright, and if they will only take the full control of their sales into their own hands, we are sure they will be amply repaid therefore. STOCKS AND PRICES. At Saginaw, Mich., box lumber is sell- ing at $11.50 to $12.50, mill culls at $8.50 e $9.50, and Norway bill stuff at $9.50 to ite J. & R. McLeod, of Black River, N.B., manufactured with a portable mill over one million feet of deals during the past winter. A timber berth on the Restigouche river, in New Brunswick, was sold by the Crown Lands Department last week to F. B. Cole- man, at $75 per mile. It is probable that the saw mill of Wm. Peters at Parry Sound, Ont., will be oper- ated the coming season, and that the mill in Bay City which was run last year will not resume operations. It is estimated that about 10,000,000 feet of white birch spoolwood will be shipped from Bangor, Maine, this year to Great Britain. The greatest amount shipped in any previous year was 7,000,000 feet. It is reported that the St. Anthony Lumber Co., of Whitney, Ont., have sold several million feet of lumber at an ad- vance of $2 per thousand over the price obtained for the same grade of stock two months ago. The mill of the Conger Lumber Co. at Parry Sound, Ont., will probably resume operations this season. It is said that the company are negotiating for a contract to cut 10,000,000 feet of lumber, and that they will also cut 3,000,000 feet of their own logs. Very little lumber is in the hands of manufacturers at Manistee, Mich. As high as $12 has been paid for common inch, and lots of pine piece stuff have been sold at $11.25 to $11.50 for 18-foot and under. There are no Jath to be had, and probably $1.75 would be paid for good white pine on dock. American owners of Ontario limits are said to be making active preparations for cutting their logs inthe province. Accord- ing to report, Turner & Fisher, of Sagi- naw, Mich., have given a contract to Chew Bros., of Midland, Ont., to manufacture 15,000,000 feet of their cul of 24,000,000 feet, while James Playfair & Co., of same place, will manufacture the remainder. Hardwood lumber is selling on the Chicago market at the following prices : Dry basswood, firsts and seconds, $22 ; common and better, $18; log run, $14 ; soft elm, common and better, $16; red birch, $40 to $50; white birch, firsts and seconds, $26 to $28 for inch and $28 to $35 for thick; common and better, $20 ; thick ash, $45. As to pine prices, it is thought that the opening price for piece stuff will be about $11. Low grade boards are very scarce, No.3 being held at $10.50. Messrs. Bennetts, Limited, held an auction sale of lumber at Manchester, Eng., on March 16th, the prices realized being about as follows: Spruce scantlings, £5 15s. per std.; spruce boards, 1x5 and 6, £6 10s.; birch planks, £6 12s. 6d. to £6 15s.; 2nd quality Petersburg red boards, £9 15s. to £10; Ist quality Peters- burg red battens, 2344 x7, £10; Ist qual- ity log pine boards, in. to 2 in, thick, 1%d. per foot; 2nd quality log pine boards, various sizes, 1 44d. to 2d. per foot ; pitch pine boards, various sizes, 1 %d. to 14d. per foot. At an auction sale held by M’Dowall & Neilson, Greenock, Scotland, on March gth, the business done was as follows: 40 logs ist class waney boardwood, 860 feet per page, 2s. 2d. per cubic foot ; 40 logs Ist class waney boardwood, 700 feet per page, 2s. %d.; 20 logs Ist class waney boardwood, 1,320 feet, 2s. 544d.; 20 logs 2nd class waney boardwood, 1,040 feet, Is. 6%d.; 27 logs prime rock elm, 2s. to 2s. 3d.; 40 logs Mobile oak, Is. 63d.; 20 logs hickory, Is. 3d.; 606 logs sawn pitch pine, 500 to 700 feet, 11d. to 11%4d.; 571 3rd pine narrow deals, 1o$d.; 573 3rd pine ends, t1d.; 1,247 Ist pine deals, 11 in., 2s. 434d, to 2s. 544d., and about 5,000 pine and spruce ends, etc., from 63%d. to 83d. per foot. THE BARBADOS MARKET. From the market report of Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Co. the following particulars of the Barbados market are obtained : Receipts of lumber have not been heavy of late, which has had a tendency to strengthen prices. The schooner Florence A arrived from Calais, Maine, early in March, with 25 M ft. spruce boards and 22 M ft. 3x4 spruce scantling, the former being sold at $11.31 and the latter at $12.03 ; indications point to an improvement in spruce. The sale recorded is of 53 M ft. white pine boards at $19.34 shipping and $12.56 second quaiity. One or two medium sized car loads of first and second quality white pine would be saleable at about these prices. A quantity of cedar laying shingles have been sold at $2.85. The schooner Eureka recently arrived from Halifax, with 78,000 cedar shingles, which were sold at $3.16. The schooner Stella E from Lunenburg, N. S., carried 30 M shipping and 50 M second quality white pine, sold at $19.11 and $13,25 respec- tively. Send four 3-cent Canadian postage stamps fora copy of the LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPECTION BOOK, containing rules for the inspection of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. In our weekly issue of March Ist reference was made to the failure of Joseph Jacobs, a contractor of Montreal, and it was stated that the Montreal Lumber Company was a creditor to the extent of $1,500. This company have drawn our attention to the fact that by giving prominence to their name when many other creditors were also interested an injus- tice was done them, which was far from the intention of the publishers of this journal. WANTED Black Ash, all thieknesses. 41-inch Red Oak. Ineh Butternut, Mill Run. Inch Basswood. State quantity and price. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WCOD AGENTS 4 CROSBY SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. ‘« Sieveking,” London HESSLER & GO. Wood Agents West Hartlepool and Hull, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : '‘ Lessler,” West Hartlepool. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. wictl 89 STATE ST., will inspect at mili and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MILL M\EN—< Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and — seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” ; ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to LAWRENCE & WIGGIN | 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. Wholesale Lumber Dealers = - MARCH 29, 1899 LUMBER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way are as follows: Ottawa, Rockland, Hawkesbury and intermediate points to Toronto, 1o cents per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Toronto, pine ro cents, hard- wood, 11 cents; Ottawa to Oswego, $1.90 per M ft. ; Ottawa to Syracuse, $2.20 per M ft, (3,000 lbs. and under per M ft.); Ottawa to Montreal, 5 ; Quebec, 1o; Arnprior to Montreal, 7; Quebec, 12 cts. 5 Pembroke to Mcntreal, 8c.; Quebec, 13c. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cents per 100 lbs, Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14 cents per 100 Ibs. Ottawa to New York, track delivery 15 cents per 100 lbs., lightered 17 cents per 100 lbs. Arnprior to New York, track delivery 17 cts.; ligntered xg cts. per 100 lbs. Pembroke to New York, track de- livered 18c., lightered 20c. per 100 lbs. track, zo cents, lightered, 22 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local 15c.; exports 13c. per 100 Ibs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents 5 export 15 cts. per roo Ibs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 2144 cents, export 20 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to” Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawato Burlington, 6c. pei 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, 10 cts. per roo Ibs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. 100, Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, — N.Y., 13 cents per 100 lbs, from Arnprior 15 cents, from Parry Sound 20 cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to St. John, N. B. and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N. S. and common points, 21 cents per 100 lbs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 Ibs., and rates quoted above are in cents per 100 Ng except when quoted per M ft.; the mi-\imum carload charged is 10 M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 lbs. to the M feet. Ottava rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Hawkesbury. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates for pine on the Grand Trunk Rail- way, according to the tariff issued 15th February, 1897, will be found below. General instructions in shipping by Grand Trunk are embodied in these words in the schedule: Minimum we'ght 30,000 lbs. per car, unless the marked capacity of the car be less, in which case the marked capacity (but not less than 24,000 lbs.) will be the minimum weight. Exceptions—Cedar posts in box cars, dry basswood and light pine or cedar lumber, dry cedar shingles, charcoal and sawdust, which cannot be loaded up to 30,000 Ibs. or up to the marked capacity of car, will be carried at actual weight, minimum 24,- ooo Ibs. The rates on lumber in the tariff will not be higher from an intermediate point on the straight run than from the first named point beyond to the same des- tination. For instance, the rates from Orillia to Guelph, Brampton, Weston or Toronto, would not be higher than the specific rates named from Graven- hurst to the same points, The rates from Cargill and Southampton to points east of Listowel and south and west of Stratford will be the same as from Kincardine, and the rates from Hanover or Hepworth would not be higher than from Wiarton to thesame des- tination, Lut in no case are higher rates to be charged cea as per mileage table published on page 15 of tariff. e Rates from leading lumber points on pine and other softwood lumber, shingles, etc., are as follows: From Glencairn, Creemore, Aurora, Barrie and other points in group B to Toronto, 6%c.; Collingwood, Penetang, — Coldwater, Waubaushene, Sturgeon Bay, Victoria Har- ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woo%s, Including Mahogany, » A Specialty, CORRFSPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE and HARDWOO AP AS “CEOS TSTUMBER DEALERS. Noth Sena UUnWA Cable Address, SwanDonoGH—ToNAWANDA.” Lumberman’s Code. firsts and seconds Brown Ash Parry Sound, ; ¢ { * | » 5. . | MARCH 29, 1899 bor, Midland, Fenelon Falls, Longford; Gravenhurst and other points in group C, to Toronto, 6%c.; Brace- bridge to Toronto 7c.; Utterson, Huntsville, Navor- Emsdale, Katrine to Toronto, 73c.; Burk’s Falls, Ber- riedale Sundridge and South River, to Toronto, 8c.: Trout Creek, Powassen and Callender to Toronto, gc.; Nipissing Junction and North Bay, toc. Rate from Goderich, Kincardine, Owen Sound and Wiarton to Toronto, 64%c. These rates are per too lbs. Rates from Toronto east to Belleville are 7\éc. per 100 lbs.; to Deseronto, gc.; to Brockville and Prescott, 1oc.; to Montreal and Ottawa, 10c. The rates on hardwoods average about from rc. per 100 lbs. higher than on pine and softwoods. For rates on railway ties, mahogany, rosewood, walnut, cherry, and other valuable woods, application must be made to the distr t freight agent. On spruce and balsam (partly seasoned) for pulp manufacture, the rate from Longford, Wiarton, Pene- tang, Coldwater, Waubaushene, Victoria Harbor, ' Haliburton, Kinmount, etc., to Toronto, is $2.20 per cord; and to Merriton and Thorold, $2.60; Katrine, Callendar, North Bay, €tc., to same points, $2.45 and 2.60 respectively: Beeton, Allandale, Orillia, etc., 2.20 and $2.60. On green spruce and balsam the rate is 25 per cent. higher. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY. The rates at present in effect on the Canadian Pacific Railway to Toronto and Hamilton are as follows: Pine and soft woods from Klock, Mattawa, Bonfield, North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Cache Bay and Warren, 9 cents; from Sudbury Jct., Rayside and Chelmsford, ro cents ; from Cartier and Geneva Lake, 10% cents; from Biscotasing, White Fish, Massey, Cutler, Spragge and Algoma, 12 cents per 100 lbs. The rates on hardwood are one cent per too lbs. higher than those on pine. From Ott.wa, Hull, Aylmer and Dechenes Mills, also Arnprior. Braeside and Pembroke, to Toronto the rate is 10 cents both on pine and hard- wood. The rates are based on a minimum of 30,000 Ibs. per car.” Summer rates to New York, via Albany and barge CANALA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Il}, line expired on November 28th, owing to closing of navigation on the Hudson river, and the usual all rail rates became effective, as follows: To New York, for track delivery, and all pcints on the Hudson river, or the New York Central and West Shore railways, from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, 15c. per too Ibs.; from Carleton Jun tion, 16c.; from Arnprior, Brae- side and Renfrew, 17¢.; from Eganvilleand Pembroke, 18c. The rates to New York, including litherage within the free litherage limits of New York harbor, are 2 cents per 100 lbs. additional. Summer rates to Montreal expired on November 15th, and the usual winter rates became effective as follows: From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer and Deshcenes Mills, 5c.; Carleton Junction, 6c.; Arnprior and Brae- side, 7c.; Renfrew, Eganville and Pembroke, 8c. The rate to Three Rivers is 4c. and to Quebec 5c. over the rate to Montreal. The minimum car load in all cases where rates are computed ona weight basis is 30,000 Ibs.; when on a measurement basis 10,000 feet B. M. The C.P.R. also make the following rates on seasoned pine lumber to West St. John, N B., for export : From Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, East Temple- ton and Buckingham, $3.75 per M feet; Carleton Junction, Braeside and Arnprior, $ per M feet ; Renfrew, Douglas, Eganville and Pembroke, $4.5» per M feet. On lumber for local consumption at St. John, N B., and common points the rate is 20 cents from Ottawa, Hull and Aylmer, and to Halifax 2t cents from same points. On seasoned pine lumber the rate from Ottawa to Uswego, N.Y., is $1.90 per M feet, and to Syracuse, N.Y., $2.20 per M feet; from Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 centsand to Detroit 14 cents per 100 lbs.; to Boston, Mass., and common points, 15 cents from Ottawa, Hull, Deschenes Mills and all points east there- of ; 16 cents from Carleton Junction ; 17 cents from Arnprior, Braeside and Renfrew, and 18 cents from Eganville and Pembroke, and proportionate rates from points further west on lumber for consumption in the United States. The export lumber rate is 13 cents from Ottawa and Hull, 14 cents from Deschenes Mills, Aylmer and Carleton Junction, and 15 cents from Arnprior and Braeside to Boston. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. ~ = ope OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussrn, Contracting Agent. M. A. OvereND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Monveal >. . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Swirx, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN S.S. GO.’S Winter Sailings Between MILFORD HAVEN, PASPEBIAC and ST. JOHN’S, Nfid. S.S. DORSET Will Sail from Milford Haven for Paspebiac on or about March 2nd. Paspebiac for Milford Haven, on or about April 7th. Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight ACEI a olisS..ReR Co. Reon 16) Board of Trade Bldg ; William Keating, Freight Agent, 72 Yonge Street, Toronto. For Further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial Sailing A gent, or to Barlow Cumberland, Passenger Agent, 72 Yonge Street, Toronto. Montague Yates 18 St. John St., 2 MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS «” WHOLESALERS eenan——. Brothers OWEN SOUND, ONT. 1OO000n- DEY STOCK WANTED Of any grade or thickness, for immediate shipment, also highest price paid for Rock and Soft Elm, green from the saw. State sizes and lowest cash price, and state station from which shipment will be made. We have a large quantity of Cedar Posts, all sizes. Call for prices. JOFRN HARRISON - owen sounp THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umren MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @SO Write us for Quotations on all Bills@e PEMBROKE, ONT. [ic-AURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock. or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY Rat oR WarTER. - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAsT TEMPLETON, QUE. S Ib OUP Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHEETING Geinng e and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. $ An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling ce 10.00 SAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies ES, MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty La A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imober, Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = PEMBROKE, ONT. a ge ROBERT WATT + WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER 8 pine sninvies HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... CoRRESPONDENCE SoLIciTED. Mills at Wiarton. OWEN SOUND, MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER teks AILIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots, Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. OOOOB: FOREIGN IMPORTERS WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND » WOOD BROKERS | sMITH & TvRER - Cable Address; ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwood. continent handled to the best advantage. in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom - SS 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL - . Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. IV. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”' BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Torouto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Lancaster Machine Works, Lancaster, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Payette, P. &Co., Penetanguishene, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. The Defiance Machine Works, Defiance, Ohio, U.S.A. MACNGLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. Z The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A, Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Accountant and Auditor, Wm. M. Dunlop, Montreal, Que. Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Oat. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Illinois Central R.R. ; Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New york and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. (The quotations given below are unless otherwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. Toronto, March 29, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 inch dressing and Dbettetsen cee cles ai $20 00 $22 00 1% 1% and 2 inch cut up and better.....- $32 00 $34 00 zinch picksand uppers 34 00 36 oo | t inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x 2 dressing and bet- cinch siding common 11 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft....-- 22 00 24 00 | ¢ inch siding shipculls 10 50 11 50 xxro fine dressing and inch siding millculls 8 50 9 00 better....-.52++50° 22 00 24 00 { Cullscantling......-. 8 00 900 xxro and 12 Canadian inch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 2000) Jn. mill run...... . 13 00 14 00 x 1-2 and thicker cut- t inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank.....- 24 00 26 00 | t 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 1 1-4 in. cut up and t-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 Petter onc cscs ees 33 00 35 00 XXX pine shingles, 16 rxre and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00 Hits) oe eerie om cco 2 25 1x10 and 12 common. 12 00 14 00 XX pine shingles r6inch I 40 ixzo and 12 mill culls g 00 10 00 Lath, No. 1.....+-+- I 50 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 Lath No. 2.....«+++ 115 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2in. .$26 00 $28 oo ; Cherry x1 to1%$s50 00 $60 00 2 "2% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 e 2 ‘*4.. 6000 65 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm, soft x ‘“‘ 1% 16 00 18 00 ands, 1 to 134 in.-.. 18 00 20 00 te 2 3.- 17 00 19 00 Ash, black, xsts and “ yock 1 ‘f 1% 18 00 2000 ands,2to4in....-. 20 00 22 00 ee? 1% “‘ 3.. 21 00 23 00 Ash, M.R.,1 ‘f 2-. 15 00 18 00 | Hickory 1% ‘‘ 2.. 28 00 3000 Birch, I 18 co 20 00| Maple x ‘* 1% 16 00 18 00 1% “© 2.. 20 00 23 00 s ae ane 17 00 18 00 “ sqrs. 4x4 “ 8 x824 00 26 00 | Oak,red,p'nt ‘‘ 134 26 00 30 00 Basswood, sts and Ce is 4... 29 00 3200 ands, 1 to1% in.... 17 00 19 00 white “ 7% 2800 3000 13 Kg, zo 00) 2k.0c)| ns © 4., 30 00 3500 “© myx “1% 15 00 17 00 quart’d © 2.. 4600 5000 Butternut 1 ‘‘ 114 23.00 25 00 Walnut 1 ‘*3.. 85 00 10000 we 2 ‘3.. 25 00 28 00 Whitewood1 ‘f 2.. 3200 3600 Chestnut 1 ‘2.-. 2400 2 00 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. Ortawa, March 29, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... $31 00 36 00 ter stock....++-.+++ Il 00 1250 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 28 oo | Pine, s.c. Strips....-+ 8 00 10 00 Pine, No. dressing Pine, s.c. shorfs..... 700 850 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls...-.-. 9 00 10 50 Dimeeeerveeeeeees 15 co 21 00 | Pine mill culls...0e%. 752 900 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.1... 160 1 20 (StripS, «see eee sees 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M No. 2..- 85 95 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1x1o No, 1 barn...-- 18 00 Shorts, ...---+.+++- 12 00 14 00|1x10 No.2 “ 16 00 Pine, 10 s.c. and bet- 1x8 &g No.1 17 00 Reristorlc, mise. -6 a 13.50 15 00|1x8&aqNo.2 = I5 00 QUEBEC, QUE. QueEsEc, March 29, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. (cts Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ...------ go 32 *€ good fair ms ‘ NE Recently 320) oe “first class uw a as La bsteqos Om ene First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 42 ba ef “"’ yqto2rinchaverage “* “ “Michigan ‘‘ 19 to 21 in, average “© & size 43 48 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality....-.--++++++-+* 22 «26 In shipping order, M ee BE | as slate alalenapetele wieraiay? 23 «47 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . - «+ = 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 toso feet. . 32 35 ue st se sc "30 to 35 feet. . 27 3¢ ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . - . +21 24 To ayerage 16 inch OS anit 25 26 ; BIRCH. TAD CHAVEIAP Ey. arty) ied ce eR) 2a aes 15 18 6,5 ica Re es. ats =| Mee ane a x8) Ca aN eC rity 0 MII. Nor,” fal> Got amare ge nO ae 28 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N. Y., March 29, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 40 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking.........+++ 44.00 5090 } SPRUCE. 6 tO QIN... veers 14 00 14 50| 10 to 12iN...------+- 16 25 17 00 6 tor2in....--.++--- 14 50 15 75| Lath.......+--++++++ 185 195 Q OIZIN.....-se eee 15 75 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to Fe MOIR Ror ICE oat 30 00 1% to 2in ‘ ef ae ee ete neocon cor 3r oc 1 inch, ee Soft Elm, es 14in and thicker, cs Es 4/4 7 Hard Maple, “ Fe kis ‘ Basswood, os “oc “ “ Birch, iti Bs “Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O “ee “ce Soft Elm, oe “e ce A x «« Hard Maple, ** yi 0 eee 14 00 es ‘¢ Basswood, ‘‘ “s Spe mererarelte I2 00 A «) Birch; “ a ite ro 14 00 ALBANY, N.Y. Arsany, N.Y March 29, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up .- +++ eee e+ $51 $53 | 1x12 inchshippers.......-- $ $16 BAG Aidsaila See erie ieeleemiatas 50 52 | 4/4 inch Cog angie mers 17 TtOZ IM... eevee rere eee 45 48 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” andup.. 12 13 aes UPPEFS «+ eee sree ee eee 54 | to-in. dressing and better... 26 32 elects, 24% in. up 38 44 | ro-in. common ........+++++ 13.15 . to 2in....-..- see eeeees 40 | r2-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. andup 39 42 Common, 1X12 ...++- -eeeee ¢; 15 TtO ZIM. s.cens = peeeeeeees 30 38 | No. x barn, 1x12 23 Ne. 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 28 30 DRUG yoo) elvis sta arens ie 2 Wi dics annan nsernemene 20 25 Oeics Auiaiee ns See eeNR eee we 19 No.3--sceeceeeteeseertet 17 20| No. 2 barn, 1x12 18 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in....- 30 36 TTOp os sc (wioywsal eters eliiedecohmrar ate 17 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 In....- 24 27 Be Boe ton cneterare cro araaveterereinalese 15 Stained saps...---+++e++ee* 20 | Shaky clear, x 23 Bracket plank ....- mm auasetois 30 35 fs ss 2 25 Shelving boards, 12-In. up -- 29 31 Dressing 18 Dressing boards, narrow..-- 19 21 Common AS 1x19 inch shippers ...++ +++ 15 LATH. Pine ec ae aie dares eb acini leiaietvna's) $x 75 | Spruce ......++eseeeeeereee $x 75 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x 18 ....$5 50 25 Clear butts .....+--++ 3.00 3 25| Hemlock............-- 15 Smooth, 6 x 18 5 00 5 50| Spruce....+--+++eeeee 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, March 29, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed YHinch.....+-++-- boards... «1.60009 $10 50 1200 11-16 inch.. Coarse No. 5----+++ 15 00 15 50 PACH. «=a slalom ala Refuse. ..ssseeeeeee 12 00 13 ©o| Clapboards, sapext.. 4¢ 00 44 00 Qt: psi ntie nine oes g 00 Sap clear......... 33 00 35 00 Boxboards,1 inch... 10 00 11 00 Sap, 2nd clear.... 30 00 31 00 Je inch... esse g 00 9 5° 15, CO A eee 19 00 ©=—- 23: 00 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, x in...--.-- $50 00@s52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2, 1 in. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 gand 4in...-s+sees 58 00 62 oo 1%, 1% and 2in... 30 oc 32 09 Selects, 1 im.....-+++- 44 00 45 00| No. x strips, 4 to6 in. 43 00 44 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 INO. 2 cveivee ceo 36 00 39 00 gand 4 in.....-.++ 53 00 56 00 IOs, 3 yecisietersarair'a nis 28 00 3000 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, rin ......-= 20 00 32 00 rz in. clear.....- 47 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 14% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 00 Fine common, 1in.... 40 00 41 00 Common all widths... 22 00 26 oo 14%,1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 50 do rY% in. 15 50 16 50 SHINGLES. Spruce....--.sesse+ ++ x 30 1 50| Second Clear.......... 150 175 Cedar, extra.......-+-- 250 2 65| Extra No. 1....-..-.-+ 125 159 (OEE Ren qaeecocin sts 225 2 40 LATH. x 80@ 1 99 aa MARCH 29, 1899 . BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., March 29, 1899. WHITE PINE. Up'rs, 1,14, 14% and 2 | No. 3, 2in.-+++. _++ 18 00 20 00 pibereees sterecees 47 00 48 00} Shelving, No. z, 13 in. 2% and 3 in...... + 55 09 5600 and up, I in....-- 32 00@34 00 4 in.... 5 6c oo] Dressing 1% in.....- 27:00 3000 Selects, 1 in. ..... 4200| 1%x1oand 12...... 28 00 30 00 1% to2 in 43 00| 134 iM.... seers sere 28 00 30 00 2 and 3 in 50 00| 2 IN... see eeee sees 4 M.....-...- grees 52 00| Mold st’ps,1 to 2 in.. Fine common, x in... 36 00 37 00 Barn, No. 1, 12 in 1% and 1 Ditee e 36.00 3700| 6, 8and 1oin 2 IM ....sereee ones 36 00 3800] No. 2, roin BAM. wc. ee cceeesees 45 00| No.2, 12in 4M. see eee ee eee 47 00 No. 3, ro in Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. 28 00 29 00 No. 3, 12 in 1% to2 in.......-. 33 00 3400] 6and8in ae 2, 1 eer 15 co 16 00 baroper ay 0. 2,1%, & 1 in 23 00 25 00 1\% and1} No. 3,1% & 1% in 17 00 18 oof 2 IM... seeeeeeeee WHITE ASH. rst & 2nd, rt inch, 28 00 30 00| 24% to4 in.......-++- 34 00 38 00 1 tO.21Nsdasp- oes 31 00 33 00| Strips. ..--..+-++++- 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls......- 12 00 14 % BLACK AND BROWN ASH. rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 oo | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. rst & 2nd, 6 inch & ist &2nd,white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 00 Up; redo ener ears 28 00 30 00|Com & good culls..... IO 00 IL oO ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ast & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 PLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 6in.& up, 18 00 20 oo BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. : Bay City, Mich., March 29, 1899. UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $43 00 WIdE sca cieiers vite eeeee cece $48 oc| 1%, 1% and2in....... «++ 43 00 14%, rand 2 im.......-.+- 48 00 2% and 3 in, Pn cee ie foe) 23 and 3 in.~..-++++eeeree 56 00 4UNas os. cease =e «ean, Sao 41D. s.0cdene = oe 59 90 oh : y FINE COMMON. rin., 8 in. and up wide...... 35 co | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 46 oo 1 and 1% in... se. sees vee 35 00 | 4 IM... . eee eee cere ee eee +++ 49 00 Pie | Meee 36 00 B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 26 oo | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 39 oo 14% and 1% in 3X 00] 4 IM... -eeeene eae enene oscoue 40 09 S01) creestewee netdes a oe . 32 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 00| 1 in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 35 00 6 Im. Wide... ..- see eeesec rene 40 00 | 6 in. wide........-.+++ sweets 42 00 FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. .....---- 30 00 | 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 32 00 1 in., 6 in. wide.......--+- 35 oo] in., 6in. wide.........++++ 34 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1(in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... -... 26 oo! 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ......-- 22 00 NO. I FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 in 18 00 | 14 in., 4, 5 and J All. «= a x'ege ZOO K 1M) GAM so cee oss vores 19 00] 1 in., OM. .....4+0+eee-s+s 2E 00 NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. tin., 4,5 and 7 inch 14 00 | 1% in., 4to 7 inch ...., Seek oo rin., 6inch ......-+-ssee0e- 15 20 | No. 3 Fencing, 1 in., 6inch.. 13 00 SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in., 10 in. stocks.... 29 00 - 32 00 No. 2, r in., 7 and 8in. stocks 23 00 tin., ro in. SOCKS ix. meres on — II 50 Po ay . 850 a2 and 24 ft......2--++= ... 12 50 | Add $x to each additional ft. in len: SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 oo | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts......-.+++see0+ 2 00 SEE oe eee eee 3 25 Clear Brutts.... SaWcpe eins 2°25 WHITE PINE LATH. eaves) EO ter ep we) PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. F.o.b. cars at F.o b. Sutherland Innes Mills Wallaceburg $5 00 emlock rae VP No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000...... $5 00 No.130 " " " " cane OS 5 00 No. x 32 " " " " Mo tee - 5 25 5 50 No.r24 " " " nt Goeem + 400 4 00 No. 228% u " " " " sesve 3 25 3 No.230 wu " " " Mere cS 3 No.232 " " " fag aitate 375 3 Nona? Sw om i - 200 2 "W Ww Ww w No.1 14 in. to143/ in. kilndried basswood heading, perset 3 No.r15 0 16 " ' " " 3 No. 117% " " " " 3% No.r18 ww 18% " " " 4% No. 1 19% ” " " " 4% No 119% 4 " " " " 5 Mill run heading %ct. per set less, No. 2 heading ret. per set less. No. 1 53% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000---- 5 25 5 No.16 ou " " " UF ite B58 5 No. 16%" " " 1h) ajag AO 0GS 5 " No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 8808 BRS oseeM BBaG No. 2 28% 1 " " " Meme 4azs 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves .....----.- Berar ce) 17 No + 30 inch half syrup barrel staves. ...--++++-+++<+ -16 co 16 , bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) ———— abu ‘wn NADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per vear { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARL BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Y THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE Vou. V. TORONTO, ONT., APRIL 5, 1899 No. I1. CANADA L,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire InsuRANCE BUILDING, MonrTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween ian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 2o-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of luml er products. 4@F Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPEGTION BOOK =eoa Containing Rules for the Inspection and Measuring of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of | canada and the United States. Em- bracing also many useful tables and calculations ot everyday service to lumbermen. Prepared by the Editor of the Canada Lumberman.” @=eam Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 Tie above is afac simile of the title page of the latest and most complete Lumber and Inspection Book published. We shall be pleased to send you a copy on receipt of four 3 cent Ga- nadian postage stamps ° ° ° ° THE CANADA L.UMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 1s cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 2s per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. ANTED FOR SHIPMENT IN MAY, 20,090 feet Rock Elm Plank, 144 to 4% inches thick, 30 to 4o feet long. Tuos. MyLEs’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont. ORTABLESTEAMSAW MILLUJJOHN ABELL ‘ make) for sale; 25 h.p. Boiler and Engine, boiler in good condition, engine slightly broken; also House and Orchard in connection. Will besold cheap. Apply to Georce A. FLeminG, Hockley, Ont. IMPORTANT TO LUMBERMEN FOR SALE BY TENDER. Valuable Saw Mill and Timber Limits in British Golumbia 56 549 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, VIRGIN , - Z forests of Oregon Pine, Cedar and Spruce Limits in British Columbia as follows :— BLOGK lI. Lot 51, 23,600 acres, more or less, Sayward District, Vancouver Island. BLOGK 2. Lot 439 Gz., 9,280 acres, more or less, New West- minster District. Lot 50G., 6 720 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. Lot 55, 15,900 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. Lot 83, 1 042 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. The above limits were selected years ago by competent cruisers at a time when every opportunity offered and was taken advantage of to secure the “ pick ” of timber lands, which have since become greatly enhanced in value. BLOGK 3. About 400 acres, more or less, of mill site and first- class farm lands, en bloc, situated on the north branch of the Fraser River about three miles east of New West- minster City. 200 acres, more or less, of this land is cleared, graded, drained and fenced in first-class man- ner, and been under cultivation a number of years. The mill located upon this site is a frame mill, about 45572 feet, with T across tail end of main building about 176 x 60 feet. The whole structure from founda- tion up is bui.t in the most substantial manner—well timbered and braced with knees, metal roof, three (3) engines of 300 h.p each, and fitted throughout with special machinery for working up British Columbia timber of all dimensions, as well as for working up the refuse into lath, pickets, box shooks, etc.; also planers, matchers, etc. One large refuse burner; one large stone boiler house, metal roof, containing ten large tubular boilers, pumps, etc. Good frame office, boarding house, cottages, horse stables, machine shops and blacksmith shop. Ample booming ground, constructed in the most sub- stantial and convenient manner. The New Westminster branch of the C. P. Railway crosses this mill site, also has a switch graded to the mill and through the yard, g ving this property first-class railway outlet, in addition to best facilities and ample water for loading large ocean-going vessels, giving the property unrestricted access to the markets of the world. Sealed tenders for the above property, either en bloc or each parcel or block separately, will be received by the Secretary of the undersigned at their office, 110 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ont., up to MAY 2oTH, 1899, at twelve o'clock noon. All tenders to be marked “ Tenders for Maclaren- Ross B C. Property.” Tenders to be opened by the President and Secretary at the above address. ’ Terms, 10% cash, 20% in thirty days, and balance in six, nine and twelve months, by secured notes at 5% per annum. The property to remain vested in the Company until notes are fully paid. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All letters requesting further information to be ad- dressed to— “THE SECRETARY, . ‘* Maclaren Ross Lumber Co., Limited, “ 10 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont.” Ottawa, Ont.; rsth February, 1899. Wi pial ee) first-class Band Saw Fitter and one first-class Band Saw Runner for new mill. pply to J. H. DansEREAU, Vercheres, Quebec. FOR SALE. aXe UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND A large quantity of Cedar, and is prepared to manu- facture same in any form desired by purchaser. Wn. A. Pcayrair, Playfair, Ont. FOR SALE. IGHTNING MATCHER REVOLVING BED Surfacer, Re-saw, Band Saw and other Wood Tools—all in good working order. Address, ‘‘ Ma- CHINERY,” P.O. Box 43, Kingston, Ont. TO MILL MEN. AVE YOU ANY STQCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CaNapA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. © TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE—I HAVE for sale in Eastern Kentucky and West Virginia several tracts of Timber Land, principally White Oak ; in all about 60,0 0 acres. Apply to C. STARRaT, farmers, Rowen County, Kentucky. FORALL Saw and Shingle Mill, Sash and Door Factory With Dry Kiln complete, Machinery, Buildings, Out- Buildings, Dwelling Houses, etc., etc., located in the Kootenay District, British Columbia, with three thous- and acres best timber limits within five miles of mill. Timber can be drawn to mill for ten cents a thousand. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply for particulars to, and correspondence solicited, ROBERT F. SEGSWORTH, Barrister, 103 Bay Street, Toronto. an CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. “Yt is much more difficult to buy lum- ber than to sell it,” was the reply of a Toronto wholesale dealer to an enquiry as to the condition of trade. These words well illustrate the strength of the market, and are applicable to all kinds of lumber, with the exception, perhaps, of a few grades of pine. The demand is stéadily increasing, and there is a bouy- ancy in the trade which has not been experienced for several years. But for a backward spring, which has retarded out- door operations in the northern sections, there would be even greater activity. In Toronto the building season is further advanced than in the other cities, and architects are busy superintending the erection of, and preparing plans for, pro- jected structures. Indications point to a good local trade in lumber, and prices are stiffening. United States houses have done some buying during the past week. Owing to the improved demand and scarcity of stock in the Eastern States, they are turning their attention to this country for supplies, especially of box lumber. There is little change in the hardwood trade. Some of the mills have resumed operations and are shipping lumber close up to the saw. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. A number of vessels have been chart- ered to carry lumber from Montreal and Quebec to Great Britain, and the opening of navigation will witness about the usual activity. As will be seen by the quota- tions given elsewhere, reasonable rates are being given by the steamship com- panies. It is believed that more than an average quantity of tonnage will be offer- ing this year. Shippers of spruce deals have not succeeded in placing as much stock as they might desire, but are holding firmly to quotations, and expect that British importers will be more willing to contract even at higher prices later in the season. In New Brunswick and Nova Scotia there was but a light production of logs during the past winter, and should any proportion of these be hung up, the cut of lumber will be scarcely equal to the demand. In view of this possibility, it would seem to be a wise policy to contract for requirements at present prices. UNITED STATES. The condition of the white pine trade of the United States is of the most encour- aging nature. Never in the history of the business has so much stock been sold in the Duluth-Superior district for early shipment. The estimated season’s cut of the mills in that vicinity is 370,000,000 feet, nearly two-thirds of which has already been contracted for. In the east white pine stocks are low. New York is re- ported to have a shortage of stock on hand of 150,000,000 feet or more, Buffalo has little lumber, Tonawanda stocks are broken, and the supplies at Albany are much below the average quantity. Under these circumstances, and as the new stock will not be in condition for use for about three months, the market is naturally very strong. It is also worthy of note that thus far the demand for lumber has come almost entirely from manufacturing indus- tries ; but now that lumber for building purposes will shortly represent an import- ant factor, there will certainly be much scurrying around to locate stock to supply the wants of customers. The scarcity of box material has become more intense, and anything in the shape of low grade pine, basswood and poplar finds a ready market. The remarks as to the condition of the pine trade will in some degree apply to the spruce market. In New York spruce is particularly strong, and, encouraged by the improved _ busi- ness outlook, manufacturers and dealers Il. are asking higher prices. At Boston frames of 9 inch and under are held at $15, Io and 12 inch at $16, and random about $13 to $15. There has been no weakening of the hardwood market. In the northern dis- tricts the late favorable logging weather has permitted of a heavy input of logs, but this is offset by unsatisfactory condi- tions in the south, so that the production of hardwoods for the season is not likely to be unusually large. Some mill operat- ors in the north are refusing to considera lower price than $23 for log run oak at the mill, $14 to $16 for basswood, $14 for maple and $16 for soft elm. There is an unprecedented demand for basswood siding, and the supply seems inadequate. FOREIGN. There is little change to record in the position of the British market. Stocks are becoming reduced, and the tendency of the trade is towards greater activity. It is true, nevertheless, that importers have not disposed of as much stock as usual, buyers seemingly holding off in the hope of securing better terms. That these will be offered is extremely ,doubtful, as Baltic goods, the chief competitor of Canadian timber, are selling several shil- lings higher than Jast year. Spruce deals are in good demand at the leading ports, and recent shipments per regular liners from St. John and Halifax have been dis- posed of at good prizes for all sizes except 7X3, for which there is little demand. Pine prices are also held firmly, although the demand is not so active. Birch is steady, and at recent auction sales real- ized good prices. NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES, An active demand for New Brunswick cedar shingles has not started as yet, owing to the continuance of cold and inclement weather. In spite of this there is a sufficient movement of shingles to keep stocks very low at producing points, and actual consumption is sufficient to prevent any increase of stocks in retail hands. The maintenance of full prices by the manu- facturers shows the full strength of the market, and it can safely be stated that a period of warm weather and consequent increased de- mand will cause prices to advance rapidly. A few of the manufacturers who are financially able realize the terdency towards higher prices, and are holding their stock, figuring to get a considerable advance on present quotations in- side of another month or six weeks. We be- lieve this to be good judgment, for it will likely he two months before any considerable quantity of shingles will be available. Present quotations, on basis of Boston freight rate, are as follows: Extras, $2.80 to $2.90; clears, $2.45 to $2.50; clear whites and 2nd class, $1.85 to $1.90. STOCKS AND PRICES. R. P. Sorley, of Economy, N.S., has lately purchased a tract of timber land in ‘that vicinity from A. Y. Corbett. The city of Winnipeg, Man., is adver- tising for tenders for the supply of from 500,000 to 1,500,000 feet of lumber. Shingles are in strong demand at Buffalo, and the stock on hand is rapidly being depleted. There is a scarcity of 16 in. clear butt. y Wm. Creswell, foreman for M. M. Boyd & Co., of Bobcaygeon, is making arrange- ments for driving all the logs on the Burnt river this season. M. M. Boyd & Co. will bring down about 3,000,000 feet. Good logs are selling at Saginaw, Mich., at from $10 to $14. Manufac- turers whose supply from Canada has CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. APRIL 5, £899 been cut off are making every effort to secure a sufficient quantity of logs to keep their mills running this season. Mr. Eames, superintendent of lumber camps for D. E. Sprague, of Winnipeg, states that the log cut of the past winter has been the best since he has been - operating on Mud creek. The cut now banked amounts to 15,000 logs. James Hunter, of Glasgow, Scotland, has secured the contract for the season’s supply of Quebec spruce deals to the Singer Manufacturing Co. The contract for New Brunswick spruce deals for same firm has been secured by Robinson, Dunn & Co. The W. & A. McArthur Co., of Che- boygan, Mich., have completed logging operations on the Georgian Bay, their cut being 9,500,000 feet. Of this, 5,500,000 feet, cut on Indian reserves, will be rafted to Cheboygar, while the remainder will be manufactured in Ontario. On the Penobscot and Kennebec rivers, in Maine, the cut of logs during the past winter was about 250,000,000 feet, of which perhaps 50,000,000 feet will be for the supply of pulp mills. The cut on the Penobscot was about the same as last year, but on the Kennebec it was con- siderably larger. John E. Moore, of St. John, N.B., has purchased from Irving R. Todd, of Mill- town, the Todd property at Bonny river, Charlotte county, New Brunswick. The property consists of 84 square miles of timber lands, 4,000 acres of yranted lands,a sawmill, store, boarding house, etc., and the price paid is given as $25,000. It is said that Mr. Moore will commence operations on the property at once. At a recent sale held by Wm. Graham, Dublin, Ireland, the following prices were realized: Quebec spruce deals—12 ft., 3 x Il in., £11 5s; 12 ft.,9x3in., £11 12s 6d. St. John spruce deals—16-17 ft., 7 x, All 5s; (3-14 ft, 9x3 and 11x3 in, £11 12s 6d. Quebec red pine deals— 13-15 ft.. Iex gins, £15 1Ott, Oxaun., £16. Quebec white pine deals—First quality, 10-13 ft., 13x3 in, £35; second quality, 12-16 ft.,.15.X £36,583 12716 ft., 18xX3in., £31 15S; 32-15 ft, 21 x3 in., £31 15s. . A. F. & D. Mackay, of Liverpool, Eng., held an auction sale on Match 22nd, when 1,371 birch logs, from St. John, N. B., were disposed of. The prices ob- tained were as follows: 28 in. and up, 24d per foot ; 19-19% in., 21d ; ‘183 in., 20d ; 18 in., 194d; 17% in, 183d; 17-10, 18U%d; 164 1n., 184d; 16in., 8d; 15% in., 1734d; 15in., 17d; 14% in., 16} ; 14 in., 154d. A parcel of birch timber, containing 66 logs, averaging about 1534 in, from Halifax, N.S., was sold at 15 4d per foot, and another parcel averaging 154 in. at 1534d. It is reported that the Hawkesbury Lumber Co., of Hawkesbury, Ont., have sold the bulk of their 1899 production to W. & J. Sharples, of Quebec, and that Watson & Todd have secured the cut of Messrs. Hurdman, of Ottawa, which last year went to Dobell, Beckett & Co. J. Burstall & Co. are said to have purchased a portion of J. R. Booth’s deals, and H. T. Walcot a portion of Gilmour’s. The cuts of the Hull Lumber Co. and Gilmour & Hughson were coutracted for some time ago. It is understood that prices ob- tained are slightly higher than those of last year. MAPLE STRIPS WANTED. Mr. F. B. Budgett, the New York repre- sentative of the importing firm of Budgett Bros., London, Eng., writes that they desire to purchase from two totwenty carloadsregularly of maple strips, kiln or air dried, of good color, cut to 3xIin., 3xI}in., and 3x1 in., not dressed, lengths 2 to 10 ft., to be securely tied in bundles. Prices to be given f. 0. b. mills, guaranteed weight to be named, and freight rate to Mon- trealand Boston for export. Communications should be addressed to Mr. F. B. Budgett, 100 Maiden Lane, New York. G. G. Bryant’s sash and door factory at Sherbrooke, Que., was destroyed by fire on March 28th. The loss on building and ma- chinery is about $10,000. BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.] There is good evidence that the demand for jumber is not falling off, nor is the supply increasing. It is much of a race, especially on the part of the hardwood dealers, for the stock that consumers must have in order to keep business going. Even the pine sections are reporting that stock is not plenty, and it is no secret that a great part of the saw-mill interest of the west will not place any price on the cut until it is ready. They will book an order, they will tell you, and then if a price can be agreed on when the logs are sawed it is a sale— otherwise not. Of course, this means that there is not going to be any more low prices anywhere in lumber, unless they come from some dealer who is hard up or is not posted. Selling at a low price ought to be accepted as an evidence that the seller is somehow not ‘‘in it,” and small attention should be paid to him. A dealer in oak said to me yesterday that he was not able to get more than half as much stock as his orders called for, He is largely dependent on the south for oak, and like all others, asa rule, with southern connections and not much else, he finds that the oak sec- tions south are still suffering from six months’ yellow fever and ten months ofhigh water ina year. Very little lumbering has been done there of late. Itis always slow enough, but it was absolutely at a standstill most of last year, and has not recovered its normal condition et. ; The dealer is of the opinion that oak will need to advance in price much further than it yet has, and that when it gets to $60 for the best there will be a falling off in demand that will permit some accumulation of stock. ~ There is no-other-way to meet the demand. It is at present prices just as much called for as ever. Somehow the dealers have not had the courage to put the price up as the demand warranted, and the result is that they have let all their surplus get away from them, when by holding it for more the price would have gone up till the demand no longer so far exceeded the supply. There is not much trade in southern pine, on account of the scarcity of stock. This market has never bought this wood freely, and there is Jess prospect of an increase of the trade than ever. The difficulty in getting it is no less than formerly, and it is wanted for export from southern ports direct more than it was, so that thereis no need of seeking northern markets for working off the surplus. In real- ity, none exists. The only big contract for southern pine that has come under my notice for a long time is for the State armory, though that is a heavy one. It went to Litchfield sometime ago. The shortage of such hardwoods as elm, ash and basswood is quite as pronounced as ever. Coopers complain that they are entirely handi- capped, as they are not able to pay the prices for elm and basswood that lumbermen will offer, and are confined to such stock as the lumber trade is not able to use. The very sharpest buyers of these woods are fairly dis- couraged over the outlook. They should have held some of the stock they were slashing when the prices were solow. It is a fact that the price of all such stock has not advanced nearly as rapidly as it should have done. Dealers were not willing, some of them were not able, to shut up their yards and wait till the price had been forced up to a level that would com- pare with their needs in regard to more stock. Some of them had tried it in former years, and found that they had taken the wrong cue, which meant a double loss. So an inspection of the price asked here does not indicate the real condition of things. It is different in the saw mill districts, both west and south. No lumber goes out from there that is not bought at a sharp advance from last year, so that this market must make a further advance soon or sell at a loss. The east knows this, and will pay more if it has to. It is no longer willing to go without, as it seemed to be a short time ago. Our dealers are in the market for stock, and will buy more n Canada than they did ifthey can get it. But for the fact that all hardwoods are as scarce there as they are here, there would have been a brisk trade in everything but pine across the border right along. The Buffalo Lumber Exchange, at its annual election in March, chose the following officers: President, George P. Sawyer ; vice-president, M. E. Preisch; secretary and treasurer, Knowlton Mixer; executive board, J. B. Wall, Knowlton Mixer, George P. Sawyer, M. E. Preisch, C. W. Betts, E. D. Colie, M. S. Burns, James Fenton, ¥. W. Vetter, A. J. Elias, A. P. Strong. The Emporium Lumber Company was elected a member of the exchange. Lumber freights by lake are stiff at $2 from Duluth, with prospect of enough for the fleet to do as soon as the lakes are open, which must be very late now. There is more ice in Lake WANTED Black Ash, all thieknesses. 1-ineh Red Oak. Ineh Butternut, Mill Run. Ineh Basswood. State quantity and price. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co.. WOOD AGENTS 4 CrRosBy SQUARE, LONDON, ENG, Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. ‘* Sieveking,” London : HESSLER & GO. Wood Agents West Hartlepool and Hull, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : '‘ Lessler,” West Hartlepool. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WICGIN és statesr., will inspect. at-mill and PAY, CASH for, y & LOG Bw Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood — Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woods, Including Mahogany, A Speciulty. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE AnD HARDWOO (W001 Donoce Lanse 0, & = LMS AT Cable Address, ‘© SwANDonxoGH--TONAWANDA.” Lumberman’s Code. Do You Use Mahogany ? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous | TABASCO MAHOGANY | Finest figured wood on the market ; is hard and takes elegant finish. Brings high- est prices in Europe, but we sell here about same prices as ordinary mahogany. Specially adapted for fine cabinet and interior finish LAWRENCE & WIGGIN Importers and Manufacturers BOSTON, MASS APRIL 5, 189¢ CANALA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. II, Erie than there was a month ago, and it has been heavy all this year. A. J. Elias is active in politics, Buffalo creek improvements and Pan-American sites, not to mention lumber, in which he is of course a leading factor. He is urging the exposition people to locate on grounds not far from the yard of the firm on Buffalo creek, which is not abad place. There are so far nineteen com- peting sites, however, all offered free. Dealers in bill timber are wondering where they are going to get the material for building the exposition structures. A Buffalo dredging firm, wishing to get some oak for scows, sent a member to West Vi irginia, and he stayed at the mills till it was cut ‘out. There was no other way of making sure of it on quick time. Box makers are looking for a very busy sea- son at better prices, especially since the Klaus mill at East Buffalo went into retirement in bankruptcy court. This concern failed a year ago, paid nothing, and kept running just the same. BUFFALO, April 2, 1899. J.C. SHIPPING MATTERS. The following charters are reported: Sch. Syarina, St. John, N.B., to Las Palmas, $7 ; bark Avenire C, St. John, N.B., to Cork, 45s; bark of 600 tons, Dalhousic, N.B., to w. c. Great Britain or e. c. Ireland, deals, 45s ; bark of 400 tons, Pugwash, N.S., to Preston, deals, 45s 6d; brig. Resultado, 178 tons, Liverpool, N.S., to Berbice, lumber, private terms ; sp Stalwart, 1,591 tons, Tusket Wedge, N.S., Bnenos Ayres, lumber, $9. The Timber Trades Journal reports that in Canadian freights a large volume of chartering has been done at slightly reduced rates. The following charters have been effected : Three boats of 1,000 to 1,100 standards, Montreal to Hull, 43s 9d and 42s 6d, deals, and a goo standard boat at 45s, option half cargo of boards, with small quantity of timber at 65s ; Montreal to Hartlepool, Glasgow and Bristol Channel, four vessels, 42s 9d; Montreal to Sharpness or Bristol, 1,000 standards, 43s 9d ; Montreal to east coast, Great Britain, from 42s 6d to 43s 9d, according to port of discharge ; Montreal and Quebec to Dundee, timber, 70s, deals, 46s 3d ; Quebec to Liverpool or Green- och, timber, 65s, deals, 42s 6d ; Miramichi, N.B., to Glasgow, two vessels at 45s and one at 44s ; St. John, N.B., to w. c. Great Britain, 1,500 standards, April sailing, 38s. A saw mill at Clear View, Carleton County, N.B., operated by Wm. Adam and owned by G. Kitchen, of Fredericton, was burned last week. Send four 3-cent Canadian postage stamps fora copy of the LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPECTION BOOK, containing rules for the inspection of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parru Sound Ru. OTTAWA & NEW P YORK LUMBER Lie OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE use - Musssn, Contracting Agent. M. A. OveREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal Shortest and Quickest Route from... OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &e., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, W. P. HINTON, met t Gkinaeal Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN S.S. GO.’S Winter Sailings Between MILFORD HAVEN, PASPEBIAC and ST. JOHN’S, Nfld. S.S. DORSET Will Sail from Milford Haven for Paspebiac on or about March 22nd. Paspebiae for Milford Haven, on or about April 7th. Through. Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight Agent A. & L.S.R.R. Co., Room 16 Board of Trade Bldg ; William Keating, Freight Agent, 72 Yonge Street, Toronto. For Further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial Sailing Agent, or to Barlow Cumberland, Passenger Agent, 72 Yonge Street, Toronto. Montague Yates 13 St. John St., MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS «&” WHOLESALERS DRY STOCK WANTED eenan——. Brothers OWEN SOUND, ONT. NOOOOOR: Of any grade or thickness, for immediate shipment, also highest price paid for Rock and Soft Elm, green from the saw. State sizes and lowest cash price, and state station from. which. shipment will be made. We have a large quantity of Cedar Posts, all sizes. Call for prices. JOHN HARRISON - OWEN SOUND THE PEMIBROKE LUMBER CO. wren ‘ ; MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOJSTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @eWrite us for Quotations on all Bills@/e PEMBROKE, ONT. cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock. or Cedar. PINE DEALS SuipMEnTs By Rait or WATER. - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. East TEMPLETON, QUE. § It Your wish To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the... CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. $ An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted’’ JAS. PLA YHALR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH SHINGLES ~~. MIDLAND, ONT. Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P.WHITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting Car Sills, Gar Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ° WIKRTON MANUFACTURER AND e Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER @ Pine shingles HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Lang Pine, Cedar and Haniioek Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER T.L. BAIDIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario Mills at Wiarton. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. 1OOOOR: KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*EEI'NS ” ceitinc Flooring from $12.00 GEILING @ ceiling“ @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. 10.00 Burk’s Falls, Ont. WAIGHT, GRHHAK & G0. 7 Royal Bank Place, “GLASGOW, SCOTLAND yi FOREIGN IMPORTERS WO0D BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwood in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom ~- continent handled to the best advantage. SMITH & TYRER - ‘14 Ganada Dock, LIVERPOOL Wood /rgents . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO. Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. IV. CANAD A LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. APRIL 5, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS OTTAWA, ONT In the +4: Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.’* ee Pine, good sidings, per ng Orrawa, April 5, 1899- ; : APE ATESe ine, 8 s.c. Gasacian one Belting Co., Montreal, Que Pine, good ne ..+.$31 00 36 00 ter jk pes Tonawanpa, N. Y., April 5, 18 aay Ae ‘A., Montreal, Que. ; Pine, good shorts,.. -. 25 00 27 00 | Pine,8 &ups.c. sidi 0) 122052 UP) pi tt : ae Cag a Peek Que. Pine, No. 1 feeree paas:..28 00 Pine, s.c. strips 00 see sr red 32h, 174 and 2 | No. 3, 2in j E>, ine, S.C, StripS.--.+- a MN TA By ZUM eee ee eee Morarcne |. Cs, sete A Ea Hoyt’s Belting. sieNne, per M feet, ie sc. shorts...-- 700 8 ne 2¥ and 3 in....... $47 00 48 00 Shelving, No. gets 18 00 20 00 eran TK ‘¢ Go., Montreal and Toronto DiMeeeeceeseees 3 ine, box culls.....-- 00 4 i0.. 55 09 56 00 pia Mi ot 3 The watcouets oes a ottawa and Galt. . LG No. 1 dressing Bape 21°90 er mill: culls.....+ * 50 bid ee Selects, si uae ¢ 00 60 00| Dressing Es 32 00@34 00 oung, J.S. ar * (SEFIPS, vse ee sere ges per M No.1..- 1% to2i 100 4200 separ te GR B ae , Montreal. Pine, No. 1 dressing 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M No. 2..-- , 8s PEE als rid mui 42 00 43 00 aro and pita RASS CASTINGS A ee Spal ton iapc ane £2 00 14 00 pti big z barn.... 18 % Fit AA ae ae Sid oe oe Me in eis ee City Braes saad d 9 s.c. and bet- oO. 2 a ae 16 ine common, tI tae f 2 00 old st’ps tin “ra é ry, Hami ter stock, . 1x8 &q No.1 ‘ oo rin... 36 00 gt to 200.+ SE ee tes Magnolia Metal Co., New dian, Ont, BEI ade av agi 13 50° 15 00 | 1x8& a oe pace a 17 00 cea wif in. . os 36 00 7 bo ci aie 12 10...4+ 23 00 i ae KILNS 00 Gig rr 2 oe ee | eaten McEachren Heating & i rig ea ee ee 45 00| No ee ventiatl (ieee ee eeee epee <2, 121N---ss- ELECTRICAL Al Sere enien sir eh QUEBEC, QUE. city up, Na. x Tin, 28 00 9 60 ee ICAL APPARATUS ee, ee aS 33 00 + 3p 12 IMs - vee ee 0. 2 1 i 34.00| 6 and Bin... tes Electric Co., Montreal s WHITE PINE—IN THE ae BES ENS ire Re. 2, 1%. & 1% in » = pes Common, x Mepaeeeets 15 00 16 rr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S uae white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 f cts. cts. 0. 3, 1% & 1% in 17 00 3 a 1% and1¥in...... 17 90 38 2 LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES ‘ . mood me ra » 40 to 45 eet average, Magik aad oe ee 2 WD ssn cerevnaen ’ 38 oon eee ie class & a a vc? . TE ASH. Eckardt, H. P. & Co., T First class Ottawa waney, 18 i r 8 a “so nap 28 00 30 00 | 2% i " Gartshore, John ass Torones 6s ‘e rr} Ya 2 inch average, according to Tineal 6 42 A, tO ZIM. «se eeeee 31 00 33 00 eho ye 0) eee - 44 38 00 Park, Blackwell & C T “Michigan “ | xg to2rinchaverage arty sag Gi aed aie ee 20 00 2200 _— Rice Lewi 0.; oronto. 1g to 21 in. average Giga: 6 38 44 J ‘om. and culls oo Woods Se bttawhy O a Se eine —in Tete RAPE Resize 43 - 48. ant & aod, Ginch RLACK AND BROWN ASH seeeeee 12 00 14 08 , .W., wa, Ont easured off, ‘ 0 , Oinch up, 2 4 ! MACHINERY rae In shipping oder, ording to average and quélity.....-+-+- » 25 00 26 06 | Com. & good eallsa- Sa ~ Bell, Robt-, Jr., H ; Res het eee 22 26 ist & and, 6i SIRE es Bertram, John & eT elite B TIE oles Ce Sie | sed up, red. — 1st &and,white, 6” 7 BE ee ene sons, Dundas, Ones. y the dram, according to av D OHO. y TE... 2 s-eeeee 2800 34,00)\\Co nd,white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 00 Carrier ens ana Engine Co., Kingston ond gtoaverageandquality. . - - a . m. & good culls..... 10 00 II 00 Darling Bros., Montr evis, Que. Z By the dr: : ELM. -" 49 1st & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 2 ie Kenned vis real. am, according to aver: 3 3 2 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. ce ane ee haley Sound, Ont ; ¢ sealer Be fe _ bad sus 'BR4 182 xst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 o Sol ea » Soy Sa Se Leonard & Sons, E., L : aster, Ont. ‘ : ASH 35 feet. - 27 3¢ ; 0 20 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & ] Lioyd Manufacturin; We eee 14 inches and up, accordin j : » Soft, Sin. Ae aa oni Wi Bot Sues N.S. To average 16 inch. . eis Rte and quality... . 2% 2 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW Payette, P. & Co. ie are eater : De, PEE SID ee ieee o » MICH, ai Wm. Hamilton Mtg gas ee er BYES Cae aire UPPERS Bay City, Mich., April . . ‘ Re See) 0 aims AS . ies The Waterous Co. Brant ae ro”, Ont. ehh ee A lS ide ee ie ae Uppers; jeijao een oe 5y 1899. The Defiance Machine Werks, eee a by Ss. ee Eee meet FA? : ee 25 . inetd seit ease St $48 Pe a yu 8in. and up wide $43 00 MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL : , U.S.A. Brigty spruce, according to mill a ote i eT. deo sake ety 56 oo —— game ie: mejiies 7 - Magnolia Metal Co., ca eaeranies ‘or 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 ona $39 to $42 Bulg giv eit OD. ei eed es aes ata Rae Ge.00 PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS SRE EREE. sein dont B Se Tower & Wallace, N Ppa POR «nose oo | 234 and 3in., 8in. : . , New York. - NE gtd a . 35 00] 4in... ., 8in, and up wide 46 oo PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Ce ee el er The Jenckes Machine . ew York, N. Y., April rin., 71 . E COMMON OR NO. 1 CUTT Co., Sherb , April 5, 18 ., 7in. and ING. The Waterous Co., Brantford rooke, Que. Bridge timber.......$28 i at eh ea ane) 1% and ve ites apes 26 oo | 2% and 3in., 7i : PULLEYS ' Deckingacoeeaes ri eee = | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 a Wiis enttair . aes eee a) Rp tae. 7in. and up wide 39 00 Z Dodge Wood split P ul Pi eee Saag et a 32 00 | ae eeee PE res AOTEG The Domini ulley Co., Toronto. 6 togin......- SPRUCE. : STRIPS. A AND B (CLEA RAILROAD BRASSES. Board Co., Montreal, Que. Pre epedina ici: = oe pe 5° “ps aa Wet ele 16 25 1 rh eae 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 = I ae ori pe lLath 8 hv. oat Ame 7 00 Sw er ad Suis ani eae in., 4,5 and 7 in. wi Magnolia Metal Co., New York heap Be ell nse ee 185 195 i i ee °9 ‘ork. . Fy a INE COMMON 0 FSS cate alice oo s HARDWOOD. I in. RC. SAW MANUFACTURERS wy, rr in No. 1 and 2 Black Ash, to mae 1% ae = bi mem.” 30 00 | 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide 5, E. R., Saw Co., T t ; Bae LO 16 se saee seeenseereterss joc SELECTED NO. 1 35 00 | in., 6 in. aa reseeers 32 00 Ottawa Saw’ ., Toronto, Ont. 1 inch, MEE So “ag "et! Se 5 SELECTED NO. , » WIdEs <0 ce nnsnes es Shurly & Peo se at a Ale Ont. x1/in and thicker, ‘ os te pennee ude earaeeae 31 oc —-t4in., 4, 5, Oin. wide... -.- = Te FENCING STRIPS. a The James R D , Ont. 4l4 aE “ H | rin., 4, 5, 6 in. wid TURBINES es Robertson Co., Montreal, Que ‘ “f ; pord Maple, “ th a NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING i alte Oo 7 Re “ “ asswooe, 4 3 ares 4,5 and 7 BM sais bso 8 = ie ~ . Barber, C. “ te Birch, “cc 1 aC a ofa ae eS 1% In-y 45.5 and 7 in. Kennedy Pei LN ; ; : ‘f “ Black 2 Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C fo} ae seve 19 001 1% in., 6 in. ee Bei. = riaad cae Madison Williams Port rene eee Sound, Ont = nee Har 4 Een * « y M.C.Os. cece 34 oo in:, 4, and 7 inch . 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. > ee ia 2 . : Ts 7 ‘ +. i ins) 45.0 S08 7 ae = sa WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS #5 ts Basswoogh Lae s donee y e rin., 6 tal. ons aa neces = ts od in to 7 inch BAB 15 00 H irc! Whe A ae, Sa ee re : ‘ . 3 Fencing, z in., 6i 2 ae Suir, ae D. Tra ey Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. : erm Nemec OR 14 == No. 1, 1 in., 10 in. stocks Fe ae : ; ae a Wiggin, H.d., LS eh rin., ro in. and up wide... a = No. 2, r in., 7 and Sin. books 23 : i 3 L tin., 12 in. stocks a tin., roin. stocks 00 MISCELLANEOUS ALBANY, N.Y vie aki ond ceegneees 33 00] Tin. 121 pss ae 23 00 : “A . : up wide... 34 00 mre im. arlene one 2 Accountant and Audi Avsany, N.Y : 1%in. 13% and 2in., 8in. and : x in., ro in. and up wide. -. aes — io war Anat nin, A aay: Montreal, Que Uppers, 3 in. up PINE. , N.Y., April 5, 1899. Up Wide ...-.+ee reer eres 31 00 1 in., 13 in. and up > . = s, Jas. racic © is 5 (Bs : Nie 2 UP cece twa eee 1x12 inch shi BARN Canadian Photo Rupraving oor oe aye g* See Sate Gs bac 4/4 inch shippers eases $ $16 ae ai = STOCKS. Can. Office and School Fu ; ; oronto. TEI a eget sane ae 4/4 Box bo: Pe OR 17 O. 2) Q ID- eve anee ener Ca iaia Contral BR rniture Co., Preston, Ont ieee Ae See « eee ro-in m bpersss J and up... 12 13 19 oo a and 7 in. SRR Ee Lumbering Tools, Th F H , 274 in. UP lg Pee better... 26 18 00 | No. 3, 12 in. I , Thos. Pink, P' to 2i0...-+-+- 4 | ro-in, common ... « 32 18 00 mene Soke Peter Hay, eareroune Ont. Fine common, 2% in. i wabeey 4a = dressing and better... obs 6 pa) Lat. Pumps, Northey ae eee & Ayres, Lachute Mills No. pee eras prieice> Tae 36 38 ae te ae “4 at 5 3.) Sy ae The Brad acturing Co., Toront » Que. ©. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch . barn, IX12...... 3 2 SHIPPING CULLS T ‘adstreet Mercantile Agenc N 0. No.2... 3° TXIO J.ce 23 In., 4 and 5 in. wide $ ILLS OR BOX. reals, Siren. Saws, Baldwin oF aor ee, Nova. ic ease 25 | Bocce seeceee cos 23 Fins, 6 in. wide...,--20.-+- ro 00 | 14s 138 an and up wide... $10 5 , Mich. ’ olton, Grand No. 1 moldin; tees SEN cree a ae ga 19 Tin. 7 in. wide and up..... ; 4, 1% and 2 in ae Oo g,1toz2in. yp IXIZ...0006 up...+++ 10 00 A -y 7 Ine No. 2 molding Oe an ps2 36 eM CLE ic RNS 18 up wide.......--.. WHOLES Stained saps - ‘ ; ae 27 Ne cn cle ane 7 rin., 3, 4)5) 7,8 and gi 2 eee pF tog in. 24 77 | Shaky clear, x to 6/4in...... = in. i i (ihe mee PRICBS CU RRBENT Bracket plank oo oe 2 |S aditinaes = 6/4 in aS ce aie vin 718 and gin. wate Tee ae a ae specific ate ay ae 3 er eee g nal ones s Pane ome cea OE S 29 31 Dressing 2 inch.......s 25 pes} ae 2 in., 8in. and up 9 00 sale dealers : s quoted by whole- i pets sone TQ 2% omm: I : sesesnersseeeeseess 20 C rs at the different markets named.) es raxig ficiiebippers +++ Fe 15 oa 1S He. = x in., x3in. and up... r =o P Nor, mill culls a TORONTO, ON ‘ LATH. Be wsecieieians ob xisle te eee 17 00 | N ove a op a ’ T. Pine o. 2, or red . 9.00 fires ee $1 75 | Spru: ‘TIMBER, JOIS' jek: eee eeneee 6 50 Te ee PIUCE 6.2 sees seercceees Norw: , JOIST AND SCANTLING. 1% 13 and 2 inch cut CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 April 5, 1899- Santana SHINGLES. .. $175 18 ee to 10, 12 to 16ft.$ 9 50 | Hemlock, 2x4 to ‘up and better....-. $32 00 $ x inch dressing and Clear butt ex. XXXX..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x 18 set) pe ee 3: +> Tae 16 feet... Tory tanto eine picksand uppers 34 00 gacon | besters.. acca: as = fois doooraeed 300 3 25 Hemlock ,» 6x18 ....$5 50 25 eat ere ee |r 50| 2x12 isthe oF) 50 x 2 dvessing and bet- 34 36 00 | t inch siding er ee 2 3 2 mooth, 6x18.-----+ ee Ge Spice ans i ge 76 See “") 2 50 | Add $1 soo sce ey 8 so ter, 60% 16 ft...-- «inch siding com: noothy 6228 <:. - e A ed A : 3 * ie fine dressing and scales ae suing ship cule eA B i a BO ry Country brands, XXXX SHINGLES, side coat atten: ciate ie = . inch siding mill cul 5 : 55 Russ dard 1x10 aad oe eo siiaie 22 00 24 00 Cull scantlize: Ap ie s ; Be ; ie STON, MASS. Clear Butts....-+--+++++++* 2 — Srongea beanie river made, ressing and better 18 inch strips 4 in. to 8 Boston, Apri ebenvamanwcowe poe S x 1-2 and thicker cut- 18 co 2000] in. millrun...... . 13 00 14 00 Ordi EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD , April 5, 1899. re ae Clear Britts......-.c-+s00+ : = , ting up plank...--- 24 00 26 00 a7 ee common 11 00 = 00 ee pe % inch ; $ Syn See ec? ID | Nea 1 1-4 In. . 1-4 inch floori rdS ..seeceeee i ce aa 4, order parte Wie? ES Saag re oa BS 1-2 inch ascnae’. 16 00 +Coarse No. 5- a er Be a 3 11-16 inch...---.+ abS $9 os | Hemlock ssc2s2c2 seeeeeee I 20 rxre and 12 mill oan ah 00 ao es XXX pine shingles, of nae meee ceeeene ask 32e00) = 4 = a Pisa wee e 809 3 75 PRICE COOPER. 3 ae Se ety couancm,}ese0e iehee nets one NESace ees sagan Bap ae ards, gapext.. 4c 00 44 00 S OF COOPERAGE STO ; IXIO aa x2 mill culls 9 00 ape ew shingles r6inch : 4 ce ees i as oe? eh Si oo ea cee ie be) Syn : a CK. inch clear and picks 28 00 RON Oot ec etme cists ORCS ae ao” g 00 : Clear «wien 3O\ G2. oe peat yer jo oo} Lath N 1 50 g 50| No. r....++++5: 31 00 = No. 28% inch joi Sutherl i F.o b. HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET nae aaa 15 oy; . WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD Se Me es =e i ea dol staves ES oo oe | or sg Quality, 1s # tpetulessorh , Cee ppers, I im...---- .$50 00@52 00 Fine co S : No. 1 32 > pe ay " 1 > age ee $5 00 Ash, white, 1 to2 in $26 00 $28 ae erwise specified. tie and 2 in. 52.00 53 00 No. & meh aang 4 in 46 00 52 00 4 124 #0 ~ * " ee : fore] sh, whit ws a ‘3 ageism 8 . 2, rin. Finecom. 29 00 0. 2 28% " " i 5° 2¥% to 4-. 30 00 erry _-t_— to r}4$50 00 $6 Sel i 38 00 6200| 1%, 1% and 21 Ooo as ee N J " ry Ash, black 3 B2109 : eam 0 00 ects, I in...--:+++ 44 00 4, 1% and 2in... 30 % 32 00 No. 2 30 : " = 400 Mee cae mol ee, wee ge Mem le 8S i500 | Neva 406i BS ee Noa oe as , black, xsts and : Pee ein © Moulding boards, 8 to 53 00 5000] N itugeeabs ak oe 36 00 39 00 32:24. Bw w M < . z +. 17 00 ould oO. ~~ 5 bibs t Ping a Aan ee ee zOCO EZ ‘ad * rock iM “17% 18 00 BA sia ee mie 8 to ee ee — Roe eee: : = od = 00 a Pe acd 14% in. kiln dried hassdeedll beanie perset : us 3 -R.1 2.. 1600 18 : 3-+ 21 00 Sorecedtelean-. oo | Cut ups, 1%4 ins. ZS : : “ ut , 3 Birch, oa 18 oo | Hickory 1% 23 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 , 1% tozin.. 24 00 8 No. 1 173 " 3 18 00 2.. 28 00 Fi - 34 00 | Coffin boards. . she 77s " Me 3 “ 14 “* 2.. 20 00 2S pe i x ‘1% 16 00 3 zs 1, aul tin.... 40 00 41 00 Common alle (irene £809) (\20 00 No. 118 18% ‘ : 3 34 3% sqrs. 4x4 ' 8 x824 00 2 = et gs egioo! ae oo i, 1% and 2in... 40.00 42 00 Shipping cull dths... 22 00 26 00 No. 1 19% " " ‘ % Basswood ‘ 25 00 | Oak,red,p'ns if mie ulls, 1 in;.- 14 50 f o. 1 197 , um ' id ands, 1 to 1% phe irene 8 « 1% 26 00 30 00 do 1% in. 15 50 a ee Mill run heading het. " " ss 4% 4 A, tp pee ooh ew 4.. 29 00 3200 SHINGLES. 5 N . per set less No. 2 headi 5 « 9 white “ S Ss . Oo. 1 5% ft. 7 . 2 heading rct. s a Bee s 2 ..2000 2: 00 “6 “ 1% 2800 3000 Coake Paeekcueietenee oe I 30 1 50 Second Cl No. x16 — patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1 a . per set less. Butternut : : “ 1% 1500. 27602 “ quart’d more 35,00 Clee ee ara 1. 250 2 65 | Extra We at epee: 150 175 No. 16%" ‘ cs . ge zo = 2 “sc “ 1% 23 00 25 00 Walnut ack 46 00 5000 AGSD SRS CORN aa 225 2 40 ee ee 175 «5? No. 2 hoops abi Me wu " yee. $95 : song YE Ba | Mikerean RR Se a Ne beau pe pio 24 00 2 00 2.. 32.00 3609 SPFUCE..+aeeeeeees a. B No.2 alee B ‘ eh attics per net x0n0.5 6 3 0° By car .... -- EB sis 1 80@ 200 | Y CALZO. see eee eeeee es y 80@ 1 90 she to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves .. Pe Dyes 35 ° > 30 Inc: elf conpkgurel ies 3.00 3 25| Hemlock Smooth, 6x18.....-- 5 00 5 50| Spruce....--++++++-0+ 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, April 12, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed ¥% inch.....+++++- $925 $950 boards ....++0e TO 50 1200 11-16 inch.......- g 00 9g 50 Coarse No. 5..-++++ 1509 15 50 Sainch...- events 8 8 75 Refuse. .....eeeeeee 12 00 13 ¢o| Clapboards,sapext.. 40 00 44 00 Quts....eveseense ne g oo] Sapclear........ + 33.00 35 00 Boxboards, 1 inch... 10 00 1 00 Sap, 2nd clear.... 30 00 31 00 Jeinch.....++s00- g 00 9 50 Se erences Ig 00 ©2300 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in.....--- $50 00@s52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 14%,1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2,1 in. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 3 and 4in...... ++ 58 00 62 00 14%, 14% and 2in... 30 % 32 00 Selects, x in 44 00 45 00| No. rstrips, 4 to6 in. 43 00 44 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 NGA6?2 aalsennss . 36 00 39 00 zand 4 in........- 53 00 56 00 No. 3.-.--:- . 28 00 3000 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, rin........ 20 00 32 00 rz in. clear...... 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 00 Fine common, zin.... 40 00 41 00 Common all widths... 22 00 26 co 1%, 14% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 50 do r¥%in. 15 50 16 50 SHINGLES. Spruce.... s.22s-+e= s+ 1 30 1 50| Second Clear......-.-. 150 175 Cedar, extra...-...-.-- 250 2 65| Extra No.1.......-... £25 159 Clears dean orcenrerieie = 225 240 LATH Spruce..... Sheep aisles arcane SR Rae, weees F BO@ 1 Qo By Car ...- sseeveee 1 80@ z oo APRIL 12, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., April 12, 1299. WHITE PINE. Up'rs, 1, 14,14 and 2 | No.3; Zito aetee 18 00 20 00 UD siete a eieieiie's 00 tin., roin. stocks.-++..... 23 00 tin., 12 in, stocks...,...++ 33 00| 1 in., 12 in. stocks......... 27 00 x in., 12 in. and up wide... 34 00| in., 10 in. and up wide... 24 00 rin. 1¥ and 2in., 8in. and 1 in., 13 in. and up wide... 29 oo UP WIdEins oc co~ aniniecalete/e 3I 00 *% BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. 22 00 | No. 2, Ue ccs nees sonvcacee SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX, rin., 4 and 5 in. wide .ss+e+-$10 00 | 1 in., 13 In. and up wide.....$10 50 rin., 6in. wide............. 1o oo | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 7 in. an 1 in., 7 in. wide and up...... Io 00 Up Wide... setae ss 20.50 SHAKY CLEAR, rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 20 00 | x in., 10 in. and up wide..... 19 00 x in., 6M. wide... «p-eunsee 20 00 | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 8in. and up : WIGE, «i200 so sseeeeeeewes 20 O00. ; COFFIN BOARDS. No. x, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 | No. x, millculls............. Nos@iei senescence tee .++-. 17 00| No. 2, or red horse.......... 6 50 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.§ 9 50 | Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 8 Fy. eh emORP AE. eo Io 50 16 fett... .q0cheaannetean yeaO Prep | SAAS eer sacos TEGO) . BRIA 00 ene eee eso. 22 and 24 ft.......0cescecs 12 50 | Add $x to each additional aft. in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 00 | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts..... aera oe ete 2 Oe RRR. Coes Clear Betts. cpaneaasicuaes = WHITE PINE LATH. INGOs fslsteivetni= ir sae ain wise Bote 75°) Noomenaemctes as aine-nGiene Raise is.= | Hemlock saieieate eet pe reat PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. 2 F.o.b. cars at F.o.b. : ; Sutherland Innes Mills Wallacebui No. x 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000......$5 00 - $5 00 No.r30 " " " It eo-uee a ee 5 00 No. 132 " " " Wo acecee 5 25 5 50 No.124 " " " Wo seeeee 4 00 400 No. 228% " " " {! senenn 3 25 3 25 No.230 w " " " Wo weeece 3 25 325 No. 2 32 " " " " tf. ae.awee! »=375 372 No.224 wW " " " 1 ten tn a 2°00 No.1 14 in. tor4% in. kiln dried basswood heading,perset 3 a No.r15 wu 16 " " bis | " 3 3 No. 117% " " " " 3 3 No.118 184% " " " 4 i No. 119% " " " " 4% No. 1 19% " " " u 5 = Mill run heading %ct. per set less, No. 2 heading ret. per set less, No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000.... 5 25 5 Nor6 0 " " " " +++ 5 50 5 és No. 16% " " " 1 ao Ovoe 5 9° No. 2 hoops about so cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 00 No. 2 28% " " " ieee tas ° 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves ....--.-- +18 00 17 00 No « 30 inch half syrup barrel staves....... ans +»16 00 16 00 “bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) (ANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITIO The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} sioo per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., APRIL 19, 1899 No. 13. CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire INSURANCE BUILDING, MOonrTREAL. ee Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abrcead. , 4 Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lum! er products. &£@& Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion, When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. pxree BAND FILER OPEN FOR ENGAGE- ment May 1st; best references. Box 26, CANADA LuMBERMAN. ANTED.—Line of wooden articles on commis- sion by two salesmen guing through England and Germany, starting about May 3rd. Box 45, Canapa LUMBERMAN. OR SALE.—To be sold by Public Auction in front of Post Office, Campbellton, N.B., at 10 o'clock on April 27, 1899, Mill and Joinerwork Factory known asthe Reid Mil, near Dalhousie. For information, address Wm. GLOVER, Campbellton, N.B. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. 3 TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE—I HAVE for sale in Eastern Kentucky and West Virginia several tracts of Timber Land, principally White Oak ; in all about 60,0.0 acres. Apply to C. STARRAT, Farmers, Rowen County, Kentucky. AUCTION SALE Timber Berths In the Townships of Davis and Grant, District of Nipissing. The License for the undermentioned TIMBER LIMITS will be offered for sale by public auction on Wednesday, June 14th, 99, at 3 p.m. in the Rotunda of the Board of Trade Building, Toronto, subject to the terms and conditions to be set forth at fhe time of sale. The vendors reserve the right to one id — Lct 1.—Berth No. 3, Township of Davis, being lots 1 to 7, inclusive of concessions 4, 5 and 6. This berth has never been operated on, and 1s a virgin forest. Lot 2 —Berths c, 2, 3, 4, 5, Township of Grant. The timber on berths 1 and 2 has been partially damaged by fire and partly cut over. “For further particulars apply to Scott, Lees & Hob- on, barristers, etc, Hamilton, or to Peter Ryan, Toronto. ANTED FOR SHIPMENT IN MAY, 20,0c0 feet Rock Elm Plank, 144 to 4% inches thick, 30 to 4o feet long. THos Mytes’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont. Telephone Poles of eee UNDERSIGNED HAV= IN STOCK, AND are open for offers, f.0.b. cars, Killaloe Station, Ont.: 2,000 Telephone Poles 25 Feet Long. an a ’ 2,0cO 30 : I 00 ae ae ae ‘ oes cc ee 2 ae “ce ey kt at ae: 500 5° 300 “es ce 55 se ce 10,000 Fence Posts 2,000 Railway Ties. Quotations given by mail or wire, when requested, for car lots of any of the above GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. carr IMPORTANT TO LUMBERMEN FOR SALE BY TENDER. Valuable Saw Mill and Timber Limits in British Golumbia 56 549 ACRES, MORE OR LESS, VIRGIN , forests of Oregon Pine, Cedar and Spruce Limits in British Columbia as follows :— BLOOK I. Lot 51, 23,600 acres, more or less, Sayward District, Vancouver Island. BLOGK 2. Lot 439 Gz., 9,280 acres, more or less, New West- minster District. Lot 50G., 6 720 acres, Chilliwack. Lot 55, 15,900 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. Lot 83, 1 042 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. The above limits were selected years ago by competent cruisers at a time when évery opportunity offered and was taken advantage of to secure the “’ pick” of timber lands, which have since become greatly enhanced in value. BLOGOK 3. About 400 acres, more or less, of mill site and first- class farm lands, en bloc, situated on the north branch of the Fraser River about three miles east of New West- minster City. 200 acres, more or less, of this land is cleared, graded, drained and fenced in first-class man- ner, and been under cultivation a number of years. The mill located upon this site isa frame mill, about 455 x72 feet, with T across tail end of main building about 176 x 60 feet. The whole structure from founda- tion up is buit in the most substantial manner—well timbered and braced with knees, metal roof, three (3) engines of 300 h.p each, and fitted throughout with special machinery for working up British Columbia timber of all dimensions, as well as for working up the refuse into lath, pickets, box shooks, etc.; also planers, matchers, etc. One large refuse burner; one large stone boiler house, metal roof, containing ten large tubular boilers, pumps, etc. Good frame office, boarding house, cottages, horse stables, machine shops and blacksmith shop. Ample booming ground, constructed in the most sub- stantial and convenient manner. The New Westminster branch of the C. P. Railway crosses this mill site, also has a switch graded to the mill and through the yard, g ving this property first-class railway outlet, in addition to best facilities and ample water for loading large ocean-going vessels, giving the property unrestricted access to the markets of the world. Sealed tenders for the above property, either en bloc or each parcel or block separately, wili be received by the Secretary of the undersigned at their office, 110 Wellington Street, Ottawa, Ont., up to MAY 20TH, 1899, at twelve o'clock noon. All tenders to be marked ‘‘ Tenders for Maclaren- Ross B. C. Property.” Tenders to be opened by the President and Secretary at the above address. Terms, 10% cash, 20% in thirty days, and balance in six, nine and twelve months, by secured notes at 5% per annum. The property to remain vested in the Company until notes are fully paid. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Allletters requesting further information to be ad- dressed to— “THE SECRETARY, ‘© Maclaren Ross Lumber Co., Limited, “ y10 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont.” Ottawa, Ont.; rsth February, 1899. more orless, New Westminster, WANTED. yay SECOND HAND SWING SHINGLE MA- chine. Give particulars. H. SEAMAN, Woodford Ont. FOREMAN WANTED. PRACTICAL, COMPETENT SAW AND _ Shingle Mill Foreman wanted. Address im- mediately. THE Ratusun Co., Deseronto, Ont. WANTED. RICE ON MAPLE, BEECH, BIRCH, ASH and Elm, 5, 1 and 2 inches. Also Basswood %% and 1 inch, and pine 1 inch, all log run. Also on ae : inch, suitable for manufacturing boxes. uote also on pine squares 9x2x°, 29x24%x2\, +9X29%4x2%4, 29x3% x 3K. Quotations on cars at mill. Address, B. Souro & Co., .61 Front Street, New York. BOX SHOOKS WANTED. Messrs. Baker & James, 164 Corporation street, Birmingham, England, advise us that they are open to negotiate for regular supplies of Canadian box shooks and similar goods cut from spruce and pine. They will be pleased to hear trom manufacturers or exportees who can ship by regular steamers to English ports, and who are prepared to undertake deliveries the year round. Canadian manufacturers desirous of extending their trade in this direc- tion siould communicate with the above firm. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, In the pine districts of Ontario the lum- bermen are preparing for the drives, al- though in some sections the snow 1s still deep. Owing to the backwardness of the season, the logs may not reach the mills until later than usual, but this will not materially affect sawing operations, as a number of the mills have a small stock of logs available which were carried over from last season. Indications point to a season of unusual activity. There has been a considerable quantity of lumber contracted for in advance, the revival in general trade assures a steady demand, and in addition to these favorable circum- stances, contracts are being placed with mills on the Georgian Bay to cut logs for firms who formerly exported to Michigan. All the lumber produced is likely to finda market. It is also probable that present prices will, virtually, be maintained. Mill culls, the price of which is now out of pro- portion to the other grades, are almost certain to weaken. On the other hand, unless the demand should be checked by unexpected circumstances, we look for an advance in certain grades. Large pur- chases of box lumber are likely to be made by dealers in the Eastern States, owing to the scarcity of lumber in Michigan and the high prices asked there by holders of stock. There is no important change in the hardwood market. Some of the mills have resumed operations, and anticipate a good season. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. It is not expected that navigation on the St. Lawrence will open until about the 25th of April, which will be one week later than last year. There will then be a rush of lumber shipments, as the ex- ports from the St. Lawrence will likely be equal in volume to that of last year, al- though as yet contracting for stock has not been entered into as liberally as usual. In all probability shippers will, within the next few weeks, show a greater disposition to buy, as the stock of spruce deals in the British market has become reduced, and prices have strengthened in consequence. There is a good demand for oak, birch and elm timber. In the Maritime provinces the cut of logs during the past winter was less than im the previous season by about one-quarter. Reliable estimates place the cut of the St. John river at one hundred million feet, sixty million of which is American lum- ber, to be cut at St. John mills and shipped to the United States. In the Miramichi district the cut last winter was an average one, but in Nova Sco'iait was about one-third less than in the previous winter. It will thus be seen that the quantity of lumber to be marketed this season by New Brunswick and Nova Scotia manufacturers will not be large, and there should be no difficulty in dis- posing of it at the higher prices now asked. Ocean freights are about 42s 6d from New Brunswick ports to the leading markets of Great Britain. This is a few shillings higher than the average rate last year, but it is improbable that there will be any advance, owing to the number of steamers seeking freights. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The spring movement of lumber in Manitoba and the Northwest has com- menced, and building operations are now in full swing. In Winnipeg a number of large buildings have been arranged for, and in towns and villages there is more than an average amount of building. Stocks of lumber held by retailers are small, and the mills will be started as early as possible to supply the require- ments. The cut of logsin the woods has been greater than last season. In British Columbia manufacturers are experienc- ing a growing local demand, on account of increased building operations. Export trade is also extending, and within the past month an order was placed with one of the mills for a quantity of boxes for shipment to Australia. UNITED STATES. Firmness is still the predominant feature of the United States lumber mar ket. Navigation from Lake Superior is likely to open later than usual, and this has given increased strength to the eastern market. It is believed that the present prices of white pine will be main- tained throughout the season, and that some items may further advance. No. 2 boards are now commanding slightly higher figures, as this stock is being pur- chased freely as a substitute for the lower grades. In Chicago piece stuff is still selling out of the yards at $12.50, and the cargo market is likely to open on a basis of $11.50 per thousand. At Philadelphia stocks of dry white pine lumber are scarce, and box lumber has advanced during the past week from $15.50 to $16. Increased strength in the white pine mar- ket has also developed at Boston, Balti- more and other points. Tonawanda dealers report numerous orders for box II. and low grade stock, and their supplies have become diminished. The scarcity of dry hardwood lumber is still the feature of the market. Buyers are anxious to contract for stock to be cut, but in some instances manutacturers refuse contracts of this character, believ- ing that the limit of price has not yet been reached. At Tonawanda there is an increasing demand for basswood sidings, and in New York oak and ash hold strong positions. ; FOREIGN. Within the past week there has been a hardening of prices in the British market, owiny to the fact that stocks have become reduced and that some classes of timber have practically passed out of first hands. The stock of spruce deals in the public docks at London on March 31st was 935,000 pieces, as compared with J,220,- 000 pieces one year ago. Deals of third and fourth quality are quite firm, 3x9 thirds selling in small quantities at £8 per standard, while higher prices are probable before the first shipments arrive. Pine deals are in stock in about the same quantity as last year. The better quality are in good demand, at slightly higher figures, but in the lower grades there has been no improvement. The hardwood trade is showing more life. Birch timber and planks have sold freely, and the stock is smal]. A modern demand exists for elm and ash, while in waney and square pine the call has been chiefly for prime wood. Elsewhere are given detailed information of the Liverpool and Glasgow markets. It is expected that South America will this year import more lumber than usual. The harvest has begun, and promises an abundant yield, which will result in im- proved commercial conditions. The Australian market is dull, prices for Oregon pine being about 54 Ios per thousand feet. NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. The spring demand for shingles has at last struck in with full force, and the manufacturers who have the goods to furnish are in a very small minority. As a consequence, prices are soaring upwards, and there is no telling where they will stop. Some conservative operators express themselves as believing that quotations inside four or five weeks will touch a $3.25 to $3.50 basis for extras. The market to-day has a most decided bullish tendency, and the fact that very few shipments can be made before about June Ist adds materially to the strength of the situation. The fact is that the manufacturers are now in most absolute control, and it would appear that radical advances on present prices could be maintained without difficulty. Practically all of the wholesale trade are heavily oversold, and on promise of immediate shipments. They are struggling desperately to get their orders placed at some price or other for quick delivery, but are find- ing this virtually impossible, for the shingles in sufficient quantity are not to be had at any price. The bulk of the orders now being placed are taken on basis of Boston freight rates at: Extras, $2.90 to $3; clears, $2.50 to $2.60; 2nd clears and clear whites, $2 to $2.10. A considerable number of the best in- formed manufacturers are asking for June de- livery $3.25 for extras and corresponding figures for other grades. This latter price is not too high to afford a fair margin to the makers, and if they all have the courage of their convictions will be secured before June Ist. STOCKS AND PRICES. Messrs. George & McGregor, of Killa- loe Station, Ont., advertise for sale in this issue a large number of telephone poles, fence posts and railroad ties. Carswell & McKay’s saw mill at Cala- bogie, Ont., will not be operated this season, they having arranged to have their logs sawn at Cavanagh’s mill. H. C. Sharpe, of Houlton, N.B., has purchased from Fred. Moore his Medux- nekeag cut of logs, amounting to about go00,000 feet. Te price paid was $6,000. S. H. Black, of Orillia, Ont., has pur- chased fifty acres of timber land from the Tudhope Carriage Co., it being part of the estate of the late Geo. Wright, of Medonte, and timbered with maple, bass- wood, butternut and oak. Mr. Black has CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. APRIL 19, 1899 ‘given a contract to Aaron Stewart to saw the logs, and has disposed of the maple to the Orillia Export Lumber Co., and of the basswood tu the Tudhope Carriage Company. The Royal City Mills, New West- minster, B.C., has received an order from Australia for a sample shipment of 10,000 boxes suitable for shipping canned goods to Europe. The importations of Canadian lumber into London up to March 31st last were as follows : Quebec pine deals, 9,000 pieces ; Quebec spruce deals, 73,000 pieces 5 New Brunswick spruce deals, 9,000 pieces ; birch planks, 25,000 pieces. The returns of exports from the district of Ottawa to the United States for the quarter endiny March 31st last conta the following items: Lumber, $143,029.95 ; lumber (for export), $18.911.87; laths, $3,144.05 ; shingles, $3,079 68. From Manistee, Mich., the sale is re- ported of 400,000 feet of log run soft elm at $18.50 on dock, 500,000 feet inch maple at $5.50, $10.50 and $15.50 on dock, and 500,00¢ feet of maple at $8, $13 and $18.50. Beech is being inquired for by chair makers. A lumber manufacturer of Cumberland county states that there will be about 35,- 000,000 feet of lumber for shipment this season from West Bay, N.S., to trans-At- lantic ports. The cut throughout Cum- berland county has been lighter than for some years past. At Saginaw, Mich., box lumber 1s still scarce, and sells at $12 to $13. Canada log run brings $14 to $18 and Michigan $18 to $20. For Norway $9.50 to $12 Is offered. Mill culls are selling at $9 to $10, but quotations are likely to weaken when the mills start operation. Since the first of the year the export of lumber from St. John, N.B., to the United States has been about 20,000,000 feet of long lumber, 20,000,000 laths, 4,500,000 shingles and three cargoes of piling. Most of the sawn lumber was the product of Maine logs, cut in the American mills at St. John. Chicago agricultural implement and waggon factories are paying $40 to $50 for first and second ash, and $32 to $35 for inch ash. Yard prices for selected red birch are $40 for inch and $45 to $55 for thick. Plain birch is selling at $27 to $30 for inch first and second, and $32 to $35 for thicker. Soft elm, common and better brings $20 for inch and $22 to $25 for thick ; rock elm firsts and seconds, $28 to $30 for inch and $35 to $40 for thick, and common stock about $1oless. Basswood is in urgent demand, and sells at $22 to $23 for firsts and seconds inch, $24 to $26 for thick, $17 for inch common, and $18 for thick. Culls sell at $12. A public sale of pine and spruce deals was held at Glasgow, Scotland, on 5th inst., by Messrs, McDowell & Neilson. Ist Quebec pine deals, broads, sold at 2s 334d per cubic ft., and 8 in. to It in. at 2s 244d. For Ist ends, 6ft. to 9 ft., prices ranged from 2s to 2s 334d, and a lot of 1¥% in. pine planks bronght 2s. In Que- bec 2nd pine 15x 9x3 in. got Is 8d, and a lot of 7/10x 3, 1s 5d, while 7x 7/11 x3 ends were sold at 1s 6d. In 3rds one lot ot broads were sold at 1s 3d. and two lots of 4th quality broads at 1od and 103d. The demand for spruce deals was quiet, a large portion offered being sizes not in demand, and some shipments were passed over without effecting a sale. 6% x25 battens were disposed of at 11d per cubic ft.; 11x 3 deals (Quebec) got 8%d. In Lower Port spruce several lots, mostly without reserve, sold at 103d for 14x9x 33; 7/11 x3 at 94d, and 4/6x 3 at 8d. THE BRITISH MARKET. Timber circulars to hand review the respec- tive markets of Great Britain for the quarter ending March 31st. Ofthe Liverpool market Messrs. Duncan, Ewing & Co. say : White PINE TIMBER — The deliveries during March comprised only 10,000 feet of waney board wood, the stock of square pine remaining unchanged. Stocks are very moderate and values steady. RED PINE has been in fair demand, the deliveries amounting to 5,000 feet, but the stock is still ample for probable requirements. Oak Locs—The demand has been of a retail character, and the market remains un- changed. Erm—Stock is light, and this wood is in fair request at firm prices. BircH—Logs: The import during March amounted to 71,000 cubic feet. The bulk of this import has gone into consumption. Some parcels were offered by auction and met a strong demand at increased values, Planks: The import has again been heavy, but the Geliveries have been very satisfactory, and stocks are reduced by 24,000 feet, but are still excessive. Values continue low. PINE DEALS, SIDINGS, &c:.—The deliveries during March have been of a somewhat more extensive scale, but stocks are still too heavy in view of the near approach of the import season, and the market is not in a very satis- factory condition, Some 3rd quality deals were sold by auction during the month at £8 per standard. N. B. and N. S. SprucE DEALS—The de- liveries have again been satisfactory, and stocks are light. Parcels from St. John, N.B., have been sold at from £6 5/-to £67/6c. i. f., and values for contract cargoes are firm, Halifax deals are selling at about £6 3/9 to 46 7/6, ex. quay. - QUEBEC SPRUCE DEALS—Stock on hand is now only 890 standards, so that the new season’s imports should come to a good market. Values are steady. Wholesale prices at Liverpool are as follows : sd s.d TimBeER— white pine, Quebec, per cu. ft... 1 3to2 4 Waney board, Quebec, per cu. ft........ 2 oto2I0 Waney board, St. Johns, 18 inches. .... 1 6to2 2 Quebec red pine, per cu. ft............-. © Stor 9 Quebec oak, rst quality, per cu. ft...... 2 9to3 0 Quebec elm, per/cupft.e- ee ecm ey eee ries 2 oto2 2 Ouehec-ash, per eu, fi... fa ewe ens I 6to1i0 Quebec whitewood, per cu. ft..........- I 4to1i10 Quebec birch, per cu. ft................ © 3 tox’ 9 St. John, N.B., birch, percu ft .... .. ri 3toz 6 St. John, N.b., birch planks, per cu. ft.. 0 g too 10 Spars.—Spruce, per cu. ft..............-- o1tor o A aSid ae eS DeEats.—Que. pine, 1st qual., perstd.. 20 0 to24 o Quebec pine, znd quality, perstd.... 15 10 to1610 Quebec pine, 3rd quality, per std.... 9 o to g Pine, St. John’s, &c., N.B., perstd.. 6 5 to 610 S ruce, St. John’s, per std.......... 6 "5 “to Siro Spruce, Nova Scotia, &c., perstd... 6 o to 6 5 Boarps—Spruce, per std.............. 5,8. .to 5.5 LatrHwoop—Hemlock, per fathom.... 3126to 4 0 Oak StTaves—Quebec pipe, rst qual- ity, pernmalletaccets ..cetenee-eee es 6> to 65 Quebec pipe, 2nd quality, per mille.. 35 to 45 Quebec puncheon, rst qual., per mille 20 to 22 10 Quebec puncheon, 2nd qual., per millerg o to16 o From Messrs. Calder, Henderson & Living- ston we extract the following particulars of the Glasgow market : In reviewing the quarter just closed, we have to report a continuance of the activity which prevailed at the close of 1898, a remark which is applicable to both the timber trade and allied trades. Speaking generally, the market has been maintained in a healthy con- dition, although in certain items of Canadian stock there has been a decided weakening of values, The exceptionally heavy stocks of lower grade pine deals carried over from 1898 have been difficult to deal with, and keen competition has prevailed inthe endeavors to realize. This has to some extent been met by improving values in standard sizes of first quality. The all round amount of stock in both timber and deals that has gone into consumption has been very satisfactory. WHITE PINE.—WANEY—The demand has practically been entirely for prime wood of long average for shipbuilding purposes, and it has been selling at from 2s 6d to 2s 9d per cubic foot. There isa moderate demand for short girthy wood, at from 2s 3d to 2s 6d, but 2nd class wood is entirely neglected. It is quoted at 15d to 20d per cubic foot. Very little business in square timber has been done. Ths stock is small and the demand not large. ReD PinE—There has been a fair con- sumption, chiefly of prime wood of large average, which sells at 2s. to 2s. 3d. per cubic foot. HD. WICCI EL_M—There has been a good demand, and. the prime wood in the market has practically — now been all taken up at firm prices. The stock consists mostly of second class wood, — Prime wood is quoted at 2s. 2d. to 2s. 5d. for 45 feet average. Oak—There is very little movement to re- port in this staple. First class wood has been sold at about 2s. 8d. to 2s. 10d. for 70 cubic feet average, but several clearances have lately been made at much lower figures. Second class wood has been cleared out at 18d. to 19d. per cubic foot. AsH—Prices are quoted steady at 19d. to 22d. for 13 to 15-inch average. BircH—The import has been nominal and prices have advanced. They are firm at 18d. to 21d. for 16-inch average. ’ DEALS, BATTENS AND BOARDS—Consider- able business has been done, and prices as a whole have been steady. Any weakening of WANTED Rock Elm, eut to order. Soft Elm, all thieknesses. Black Ash, all thieknesses. State quantity you can supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 7 CROsBy SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. ** Sieveking,” London HESSLER & GO. Wood Agents West Hartlepool and Hull, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Lessler,” West Hartlepool. BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST.- will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LhOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woods, Including Muhogany, A Speciulty. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE ano. HARDWOOD IE 4 Wij | J WAN-DONOGH LUMBER CO: | a oS Zz US “TOEITSIUMBER WEALERS. ™, S r Neda “ : WA Cable Address, ‘‘ SwaNDoNoGH--TONAWAN _ Lumberman’s Code Do You Use Mahogany ? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous | TABASCO MAHOGANY | Finest figured wood on the market ; is hard and takes elegant finish. Brings high- est prices in Europe, but we sell here about same prices as ordinary mahogany. Specially adapted for fine cabinet and interior finish . 7 LAWRENCE & WIGGIN mporters and Manufacturers - . BOSTON, MASS APRIL 19, 1899 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Il). prices reported has generally been explained by the fact that the holders were clearing up stocks which they are anxious to close. In pine, first broad deals have been in more de- mand, and the prices firmer at £23 7s. 6d. to 424 15s. There is not much demand for t1- inch, and they have been cleared at £20 12s. 6d. to £22. Undersized have been sold freely at £17 3s. 9d. to £19 5s. A fair business has been done in good sidings, which for an 11-inch average have fetched £17 3s. 9d. to £18 tris. 3d. Strips 5 to 7-inch wide by 1%-inch, 1%4- inch and 2 inches are selling at £13 to 415 10s. In seconds the stock of broads is not large, but there has been little demand. They are quoted at £17 3s. 9d. to £19 §s., 11-inch at £I5 2s. 6d. to £17 17s. 6d. Undersized deals are hard to move, and have been sold at Ali 13s. od. to £13 15s. The demand for thirds has been good, regulars are steady at about 49 12s. 6d., but undersized are still weak at £6 17s. 6d. to £7 18s. 1d. per St. Pet. std. There are considerable stocks of fourths on hand that were bought at low figures in the later part of last year, and this has tended to keep values down. The demand has been moderate. Regulars are quoted at 46 17s 6d to 47 4s 4d, and undersized at £6 3s 9d to £6 10s 7d. Red pine is very much wanted, but there is practically no stock in hand. SprucE—A fair business has been done in Quebec spruce, and prices ‘are firm at £7 5s for 2nds, £6 17s 6d for 3rds, and £6 3s 9d to £6 tos for 4ths. Several shipments of New Brunswick spruce have come to hand by the winter steamers from St. John, and _ these have readily been taken up at full prices. The demand is good, and with the exception of 7 inch, prices realized were high. 9g inch deals are quoted at £7 11s 3d, with 7 inch, 8 inch, and 11 inch at approximate prices. There has been a moderate import of birch from St. John by the winter steamers, and it has readily been taken up at full prices. The demand is good. Logs 14% to 15 inches sell at 17d to 19d. There has also been a good enquiry for planks, and these have been sold at £7 4s 4d ex quay. The Timber Trades Journal reports the following fixtures : Montreal or Three Rivers to e. c. port, 42s 6d, deals, option 40% boards, excess of 10% at 46s 3d; Quebec to West Hartlepool, deals 42s 6d, timber 65s ; Mon- treal or Quebec to a small range U. K.., deals, 42s 6d, timber, 65s; Quebec to Cadiz, 300 standards, 52s 6d; Quebec to Seville, 450 standards, 55s; Quebec to Cardiff, 1050 stan- dards, 40s ;,Quebec to Avonmouth and Bristol, I100 standards, 40s and 43s 9d respectively ; Miramichi, N. B., to w. c. Great Britain, 950 standards, 43s 9d ; several small sailers, from New Brunswick ports to w. c. England and e. c. Ireland, 43s 9d to 45s ; West Bay, N. S., to Limerick, 950 standards, 42s 6d, June sailing. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OvEREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. . . . «. Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smirn, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN S.S. GO.’S Winter Sailings MILFORD HAVEN, PASPEBIAC, ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland S.S. DORSET Will Sail from Paspebiac for Milford Haven on or about April 25th. Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight Agent a. @& LS; RR. Co., Room. 16: Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal. For Further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial Railway A gent, or to William Keating, Freight and Passenger Agent, 72 MWonge Street; Toronto. Montague Yates = 18 St. John St., MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS 2” WHOLESALERS — - Brothers OWEN SOUND, ONT. 1OOOOOD: DRY STOCK WANTED Of any grade or thickness, for immediate shipment, also highest price paid for Roek and Soft Elm, green from the saw. State sizes and lowest cash price, and state station from which shipment will be made. We have a large quantity of Cedar Posts, all sizes. Call for prices. JOHN HARRISON - OWEN SOUND THE PEMBROKE LUMBER GO, tren MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER, @Oe Write us for Quotations on all Bills@e PEMBROKE, ONT. cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS By RaiL or WATER. - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EAST TEMPLETON, QUE. § It YOU Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*EC7NG ceitine ¢ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the... CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION $ An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. Ceiling Ss Ties Ay bP A Te aren Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH ° SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies =a MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P. WAITE | Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND © Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER # pine shingles . HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER T.L. BAILIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario Flooring from $12.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. 10.00 SES—— Burk’s Falls, Ont. Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods t offer for sale, “Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. 1OOOOB: WRIGHI, GRAHAM & OO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND t FOREIGN IMPORTERS W00D BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Yeents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom ~ continent handled to the best advantage. SMITH & TYRER - = 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL -. Wood Agents. . : Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO. Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.S. C ANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. APRIL 19, 199 Iv. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”' BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. 4 Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS a McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. 5 Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Lancaster Machine Works, Lancaster, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Payette, P. &Co., Penetanguishene, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboru , val. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. The Defiance Machine Works, Defiance, Ohio, U.S.A. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS D odge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A, Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. De Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Accountant and Auditor, Wm. M. Dunlop, Montreal, Que. Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N.B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Illinois Central R.R. § Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New xork and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRBNT. (The quotations given below are unless otherwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. ToronTo, April 19, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 14% 1% and zinchcut z inch dressing and up and better...... $32 00 $34 ov betterciememtetele i ster $20 00 $22 00 inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 co | « inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x 2 dressing and bet- inch siding common 11 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft.....- 22 00 24 00| inchsidingshipculls 10 50 11 50 uxro fine dressing and . inch siding mill culls 8 50 9g 00 better......2+++ see 22 00 24 0o( Cullscantling........ 800 9 00 rx10 and 12 Canadian cinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 20 00 in. mill run...... . 13 00 14 00 1 1-2and thicker cut- ‘inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00 | « 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 1 1-4 in. cut up and ( 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 better...-.-..--+-- 33 00 35 00 | XXX pineshingles, 16 rxzo and 12 millrun 16 00 1800] inch........-++-+;+ 2 25 rx1o and 12 common. 12 00 14 00 XX pine shingles r6inch I 40 rxro and 12 mill culls 9 00 10 00} Lath, Wiosexicerre aisis's\= I 50 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00] Lath NO: Zee enese 115 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 tozin..$26 oo $28 oo | Cherry 1 tor4$50 00 $60 00 “oe “ec e “ 2% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 2 4.. 60 00 65 00 Ash, black, ists and Elm, soft 1 ‘‘ 1% 16 00 18 00 ands, 1 to 1% in.... 18 00 20 00 CA Tee 2 ‘£3.. 17 00 19 00 Ash, black, rsts and yock x ‘' 1% 18 00 2000 ands,2to4in.....- 20 00 22 00 She GE gS ae 2 OD ag roo) Ash, M.R.,1 ‘‘ 2.. 16.00 18 00 Hickory 1% ‘ 2.. 28 00 3000 Birch, 1 .. 18 00 20 00| Maple x ‘* 1% 1600 18 00 as 1% ‘' 2.. 20 00 23 00 < 2 ‘'4.. 17 00 1800 sars. 4x4 “* 8 x824 00 26 00 Oak,red,p'n1 7% 26 00 3000 Basswood, ists and a ‘ 4.. 29 00 3200 ands, 1 to1%in.... 17 00 19 00 ‘* white “1% 2800 3000 1% ‘© 2 ..20 00 2r 00 ehia 8 © 4... 30 00% 3500 “ mrt “1% 15 00 17 00 “ quart’d © 2.. 46.00 5000 Butternut x ‘“ 1% 23 00 25 0o| Walnut r ‘** 3.. 85 00 10000 s 2 ‘3.. 25 00 28 00| Whitewood 1 © 2., 3200 3600 Chestnut 1 ‘'2.. 2400 2 00 OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, April 19, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... $31 00 36 00 ter stock.........+5 II 0O 12 50 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 28 00 | Pine, s.c. strips.....- 8 00 1000 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts...-. 700 850 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls.....-. g 00 1050 (emngea nieleiciels stetetee ate 1s co 2t 00 | Pine mill culls.....- 752 900 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.1... 1¢o 1 20 Saspty neoeeouerese 14 00 16 00| Lath per M No, 2... 85 95 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1x1o No, 1 barn..-- 18 00 Shorts, ...-+++-++++ 1200 14 00|1x10 No.2 “ .... 16 00 Pine, 10 s.c. and bet- 1x8 &gNo.r ‘ ..-- 17 00 EerStocks scmacic umes 13 50 15 00 1x8&qNo.2" ..-- I5 00 QUEBEC, QUE. QuEsEc, April 19, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, .....-«>- 30. 32 “© good fair be is BS ate nats aise 32 34 ‘first class ns ae ee See eos 8 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average according to lineal.. 36 42 fs be “"" zgtozrinchaverage ‘t “ “Michigan “ 19 to21in average & & & size 43. 48 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and qu ity....-++++e+e++-+* 22 26 In shipping order, ‘ S GP ernie Rerselel wipe isan 23° 47, OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average andquality. . .- ++ = 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .32 35 ef Gu ‘ " “30'to 35 feet «) 3127) 3 ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . . + 2% 24 To ayerage 16 anch,..< Gages © * © < Seo is » 25 26 A BIRCH. rainchiaverage:.. : “= cue © * + = 1% gl Gr ek eases 15 18 no Te. 3 Smee: et oc St 25 18 ‘f Ce . Marre iy cetegrn oo ch, 28 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $2x for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N. Y., April 19, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber. $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders. ....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking......-..+-- 44.00 5000 SPRUCE. 6 to gin....... sseees 14 00 14 50| 10 to 12 Mme ckescicse, 16 25 17 00 (Ato gne) Nemmeceeco bora 14 50 15 75| Lath.....+..-+ee-eee 185 195 Q O1ZiM...---++-eee 1575 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1 and 2 Black Ash, 10 to LG siciplaisicvnneetaeieisiste etetaterats 30 00 1% to2in es i ge Eo Sasso rete a blelae | aaaerniels 3 oc zt inch, * Sott Elm, Md 14in and thicker, ‘ eo es 4/4 ut ‘ Hard Maple, ‘‘ ee ef S Basswood, s “ “ “ Birch, “ ms “© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O. “ ce Soft Elm, “ce ce ae o tay Hard Maple, te “ce ee ‘¢ Basswood, ‘* a eee 12 00 " «Birch, is ane ie TO0C 14 00 ALBANY, N.Y. Avsany, N.Y., April 19, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up..++-.+-+-- $51 $53 | 1x12 inch shippers ........+ $ $16 2Y%in.... Gregiunt wisaaraleve 50 52 | 4/4 inch BE i ote aisles ate 17 rto2in.... .. 45 48 | 4/4,Box boards, 6’ andup.. 12 13 4 inch uppers ....++- Os 54 | ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up.------+-- 44 | ro-in. common .....---.++-+ 13 «15 . to 2in......-- senceeees 40 | 12-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. andup 39 42 Common, 1x12 ...... Ba Tk ae T tO ZIM. cucceesevessccess 36 38 | No. 1 barn, 1x12. No ae eae No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2.inch....-- 28 30 TRI sate one si eratelstatertaeaarars Ig 2£ NO.2.....-00eeeeeeseeeee 20 25 | 1X8....-e eee cere e cece 17 19 No.3.--2eeeeeereessecees 17 20| No. 2 barn, rx12.....-.--++ 17 18 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 30 36 | TXLO..- ee eeeeeesteereeeee 16 17 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 In..... 24 27 EXGoa ccaivewen eke yeeeenins 14 15 Stained saps....-- mee 20 | Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4in...... 20 23 Bracket plank : ais us ‘¢ ainch......... 25 Shelving boards, 12-In. up -. 29 31 Dressing... se carinenss 16 18 Dressing boards, narrow.... 19 21 Common .........s+s+0++ II 15 zx1q inch shippers..... «++ 15 LATH. Pine. sciccisis sialeieimerienmlnniaisne'«'* $x 75 | Spruce ..-.--sseeeeeeeeeeee $i 75 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 25 Clear butts .....+--+- 3.00 3 25| Hemlock.... 15 Smooth, 6x18.....+-- 5 00 § 50| Spruce......---+--+++ 2 20. BOSTON, MASS. Boston, April 19, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed ¥% inch...... 50 boards .....s+++ $10 50 1200 11-16 inch. : ro Coarse No. 5.--+++> I5 00 15 50 Seinch........--- 75 Refuse. ....:0+seee 12 00 13 co| Clapboards, sapext.. 40 00 44 00 (yep euedoeccor 20% 9 00 Sap clear.......-.. 33 00 35.00 Boxboards,1 inch... 10 00 11 00 Sap, 2nd clear.... 30 00 31 00 Yeinch.....+.000% 9 00 9 50 Noite eis ieelatentainss 19 00 ©6223, 00 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. 00@s52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 00 53 00| No. 2,1 in, Finecom. 29 00 31 00 oo 6200| 1%, 1% and 2in... 30 0 32 00 co 45 00| No. x strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 44 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 No. 2... .ceeeeeee 36 00 39 00 gand 4 in......--- 53 00 56 00 No. 3-+-+++- a8 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, 1 in ‘ 32 00 iz in. clear......- 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% tozin.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards.......- 18 00 20 0c Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 00 Common all widths... 22 00 26 00 1%,1¥% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 5° do 14% in. 15 50 16 50 SHINGLES. Spruce.....-cseeees ++ 1 30 1 50| Second Clear.....--... 209 210 Cedar, extra..--...-+-- 2 9c 3,00| Extra No.f.......-- 2.250% 59 Glearcivene suer eos 250 2 60 LATH Spruce...eeeseeeeeees "aa biejaemraturens. derdtetel + 80P@ 1 go By Car .... «see «es 180@ 200 No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000.... 5 25 5 No. 16 0 " u " " da, GE Se 5 No. 16% " th, Seen Goo = BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., April 19, 1299. WHITE PINE. Up'rs, :, 1%, 1% and 2 |] _ No. 3) 2iMenceseane 18 00 20 00 IN. sc ceececrencee $47 00 48 00| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 24% and 3 in...... + 55 009 56 00 and up, 1 in...... 32 00@34 00 4 Ise ee nceeeercece 38 00 60 0o| Dressing 1% in..... . 27:90 3000 Selects, rin. .......- 41 00 4200| 1%xroand12...... 28 00 30 00 1% to2 in,.......- 42 00 43.00| I iM. eeseeeeeeee 28 00 3000 2% and 3 in....... 5O 00] 2 IM ....aeeeseseee 29 00 34 00 AMeseeeecceeseees 52 00| Mold st’ps,1 to 2in.. 31 00 33 00 Fine common, x in... 36 00 37 00 Barn, No.1, 12in..... 23 00 24 00 1% and 1% in..... 3600 3700] 6, 8and roin...... 19 00 21 00 2 im......-- 36 00 3800| No.2, roin........ 16 00 16 00 3 in. .......- c 45 00 No. 2, 12 in.......- 17 00 18 00 4 Mee eee senses 47 00 No. 3, 10 in. ...... 13,00 1300 ape up, No. 1,1 in. 28 00 29 00 No. 3, 12 in 13 50 14 00 1Y toz2 iM.......-- 33 00 34 00 6 and 8in II 00 1200 No; 2,) Fite. ses ++ 15 00 16 00 Common, rin......-- 15 00 16 00 No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 23 00 25 00| 1% andr¥in...... 17.00 18 00 No. 3,1% & 1% in 17 00 18 oo] 2 IN... wseeeeeeee 18 00 20 o¢ WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, t inch, 28 00 30 00| 24% tog iM....... 000 34 00 38 00 T3QtOss Miaeancantee 31 00 33 00| Strips. .........++++ 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls....... 12 00 14 O& BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ist & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & | tst &2nd,white, 6” Sup, 18 00 20 00 Up, Fed oo. ssec cee 28 00 30 00| Com & good culls..... IO 00 II 00 ELM. 1st & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ist & ad, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 : MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 o0 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 00 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., April 19, 1899. UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $43 00 into RENE aoe $48 oc 14%, 1% and2in....... yee 00 14%, 14and 2 in........-.- 48 00| 23 and 3in.......... Peas es 24 and 3 in....-++++++++++ 56 00 4 Hl. oe ons one onlsialnarentetiata 54 00 7 ee aes 59 90 i : : FINE COMMON. rin., 8 in. and up wide...... 35 00 | 24 and3in., 8in. and up wide 46 oo 1% and 1% in..-....00+ wees 35.00) | 4 1D-bu.aeaneeees oes cepts QOnee BAM dieiclelsste inne, «isle mbeniy aces 36 09 B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 26 00 | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 39 00 1M and 1% in.....-++00s-0es 31 00} 4 Me... conc ne seen dae he OO EUR ee Rey cee cme es oc .. 32 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 oo| 1in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 35 00 Gin. wide.......0.eeeeeeeeee 40 00 | 6 in. wide........... seseneee GO 00 FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5 in, wide, .....---- 30 00 | 1% in., 4, 5 in. WIG A ikweres G2 OO 1X in., 6 in. wide.........-- 35 00 | in., 6 in. wide...........+- 34 00 : SELECTED NO. 1 SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1Uin., 4, 5, Gin. wide... -.-. 26 co! 1 in., 4,5, 6 in. wide ........ 22 00 NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 ii: ccetanexer 18 00 | 1% in., 4,5 and 7 im........ . 20 00 Pet Ot eran Sescnemc ont. 19 00 | 1% in., Gin. ....... pa ae ee NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. | Tin, 45.5 and 7 inch ........ 14 00 | 1% in., 4 to 7 inch ..... rin., Ginch ......---eeeeeee 15 20 | No. 3 Fencing, rin., 6inch.. 13 00 ; : SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in., ro in. stocks.... 29 00 No. 2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 23 oo rin., ro in. and up wide... 390 00 rin., 10in. stocks......... 23 00 vin., 12 in. stocks.....++-+ 33 00 1 in., 12 in. stocks...-..... 27 00 x in,, 12 in. and up wide... 34 00| 1 in., 10 in. and up wide... 24 00 rin. 1% and 2in., 8in. and 1in., 13 in. and up wide... 29 00 up wide .....+-+-eseeere 3I 00 : BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 1, 12 iM... see eeeee ee eeee 22 00 | No. 2,9 in......++ -++-+++++ 13 50 TO UM. sees eee eeeeeeeeeees 19 00] 8and7in.......-.-...- «=~ 5 00 Q iM. .seseeeeeee cee bepteiare 18 00 | No. 3, 12 i....--.--+ aa awse: XZ 00 8 and 7 in 18 00 TO IM..+- sees se eeneerveree IZ 00 No. 2, 12in 16 00} gin...... =e x te a eee . 12 00 OGM; en se ve ew ene weece BS OS Bites scar ao ake anne . 12 00 : é SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4 and 5 in. wide .....-- $10 00 | 1 in., 13 m. and up wide.....$10 50 1 in., 6 in. wide......-++++++ to 00 | 1%, ie and 2 in., 7 in. 1in., 7 in. wide and up...... 10 00 up Wide... 5... acthee sees, OL5O rin., 3,455,718 and gin. wide 20 90 rin., 6m. wide.... ..--+++++ 20 00 COFFIN BOARDS. No. x, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 | No. 1, millculls........:.... 9 00 NO. 22.6 2cccenees seceeerene 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse........- - 650 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$ 9 50 Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 18 ft - 10 50 TG feet ccccianadessanenan 99 SO PTs Beesecemopcrcodec a». BE50'| AKRto eee emee Reece 8. 5o a2 and 24 ft.......+-+++ ... 12 50 | Add $x to each additional aft. in length. SHINGIES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 oo | Standard brands, river made, _ Clear Butts.....+---+++++++ 2 00 XXXX......... ese eaegeey Clear, B-tts: cc. ot ses eames WHITE PINE LATH. 1 Tae Seer eee ee Re 73 | Oe ae ae I 20 Hemlock: «.. acaysisasamsieen se? PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. F.o.b. cars at F.o b. Sutherland Innes Mills Wallaceburg No. x 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000..... $5 00 $5 00 No. 1 30 i" " " " " a. 5.08 5 No.132 " " 1 +. NS sete eiaite Se 5 No. 1 24 " "W " " " seeeee 4 00 4 No. 228% " " " Ah. 0 ami bee 3 No.230 " " " 1h stele ee eae 2 No.232 wu " " " Ul ) We aera ane 3 No.224 " " " 1S eecmee 2 00 2 No.1 14 in. to 143% in. kilndried basswood heading,perset 3 No.r15 1 16 " " " " 3% No. 117% " " - " " 3% No.118 ww 18% u " " " 4% No. 1 19% " " " " 4% No. 1 19 u "W " " 5 Mill run heading %4ct. per set less, No. 2 heading rct. per set less. " " No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 uw B8o8 BRE upngun stad ses No. 2 28% " " (ee ee 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves ....c0.seeess eens 18 oo 17 No + 30 inch half syrup barrel staves......+.++-++++++ 16 00 16 ’ bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) , | a Pe « - - CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITIO The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.oo per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., APRIL 26, 1899 No. 14. CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u oi Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New Yorx Lire INsurANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. : : Lumberman, Monthly. A 2o-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing millmen and manufacturers of lumler products. 4 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ;_12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. > XPERT BAND FILER OPEN FOR ENGAGE- ment May rst; best references. Box 26, CANADA LuMBERMAN. ANTED.—Line of wooden articles on commis- sion by two salesmen going through England and Germany, starting about May 3rd. Box 45, Canapa LuMBERMAN. pee STEAM SAW MILL(JOHN ABELL make) for sale ; 25 h.p. Boiler and Engine, boiler in good condition, engine slightly broken ; also House and Orchardinconnection. Willbesoldcheap. Apply to GEorcE A.-Fieminc, Hockley, Ont. TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE. AK TIMBER LANDS FOR SALE—I HAVE for sale in Eastern Kentucky and West Virginia several tracts of Timber Land, principally White Oak ; in all about 60,00 acres. Apply to C. STaARRat, Farmers, Rowen County, Kentucky. AUCTION SALE Timber Berths In the Townships of Davis and Grant, District of Nipissing. The License for the undermentioned TIMBER LIMITS will be offered for sale by public auction on Wednesday, June 14th, 99, at 3 p.m. in the Rotunda of the Board of Trade Building, Toronto, subject to the terms and conditions to be set forth at the time of sale. The vendors reserve the right to one 1d -— Lot 1.—Berth No. 3, Township of Davis, being lots 1 to 7, inclusive of concessions 4,5 and6. This berth has never been operated on, and 1s a virgin forest. Lot 2 —Berths 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Township of Grant. The _ timber on berths 1 and 2 has been partially damaged by fire and partly cut over. Fox further particulars apply to Scott, Lees & Hob- son, barristers, etc., Hamilton, or to Peter Ryan, Toronto. \\J ANTED FOR SHIPMENT IN MAY, 20,000 feet Rock Elm Plank, 1% to 4% inches thick, 30 to 4o feet long. TxHos. Mytes’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont. Telephone Poles HE UNDERSIGNED HAV£IN STOCK, AND are open for offers, f.0.b. cars, Killaloe Station, Ont.: 2,000 Telephone Poles 25 Feet Long. 2,000 = 30 I 00 ce ae oe ce bes ee ce 3 “e ee 1,000 oe ce 45 ce ee 500 ae ae 50 “ce ce 300 te ce 5 ce ee 10,000 Fence Posts 2,000 Railway Ties. Quotations given by mail or wire, when requested, for car lots of any of the above GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. IMPORTANT TO LUMBERMEN FOR SALE BY TENDER. Valuable Saw Mill and Timber Limits in British Golumbia ACRES, MORE OR LESS, VIRGIN 56: 54 forests of Oregon Pine, Cedar and Spruce Limits in British Columbia as follows :— BLOGK lI. Lot 51, 23,600 acres, more or less, Sayward District, Vancouver Island. BLOGK 2. Lot 439 G2., 9,280 acres, more or less, New West- minster District. Lot 50G., 6 720 acres, more orless, New Westminster, Chilliwack. Lot 55, 15,900 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. Lot 83, 1 042 acres, more or less, New Westminster, Chilliwack. The above limits were selected years ago by competent cruisers at a time when every opportunity offered and was taken advantage of to secure the “’ pick” of timber lands, which have since become greatly enhanced in value. BLOCK 3. About 400 acres, more or less, of mill site and first- class farm lands, en bloc, situated on the north branch of the Fraser River about three miles east of New West- minster City. 200 acres, more or less, of this land is cleared, graded, drained and fenced in first-class man- ner, and been under cultivation a number of years. The mill located upon this site is a frame mill, about 455x 72 feet, with T across tail end of main building about 176 x 60 feet. The whole structure from founda- tion up is built in the most substantial manner—well timbered and braced with knees, metal roof, three (3) engines of 300 h.p each, and fitted throughout with special machinery for working up British Columbia timber of all dimensions, as well as for working up the refuse into lath, pickets, box shooks, etc.; also planers, matchers, etc. One large refuse burner; one large stone boiler house, metal roof, containing ten large tubular boilers, pumps, etc. Good frame office, boarding house, cottages, horse stables, machine shops and blacksmith shop. Ample booming ground, constructed in the most sub- stantial and convenient manner. The New Westminster branch of the C. P. Railway crosses this mill site; also has a switch graded to the mill and through the yard, g ving this property first-class railway outlet, in addition to best facilities and ample water for loading large ocean-going vessels, giving the property unrestricted access to the markets of the world. Sealed tenders for the above property, either en bloc or each parcel or block separately, will be received by the Secretary of the undersigned at their office, 110 Wellington Street; Ottawa, Ont., upto MAY 2orn, 1899, at twelve o’clock noon. All tenders to be marked ‘‘ Tenders for Maclaren- Ross B. C. Property.” Tenders to be opened by the President and Secretary at the above address. Terms, 10% cash, 20% in thirty days, and balance in six, nine and twelve months, by secured notes at 5% per annum. The property to remain vested in the Company until notes are fully paid. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. All letters requesting further information to be ad- dressed to— “THE SECRETARY, ‘* Maclaren Ross Lumber Co., Limited, **y10 Wellington St., Ottawa, Ont.” Ottawa, Ont 15th February, 1899. WANTED. f\, SECOND HAND SWING SHINGLE MA- chine. Give particulars. D. H. Seaman, Woodford, Ont. WANTED. SECOND-HAND SHINGLE MACHINE, suitable fora small country shingle mill. Ad- dress, Dominion Paper Company, Montreal. FOREMAN WANTED. PRACTICAL, COMPETENT SAW AND _ Shingle Mill Foreman wanted. Address im- mediately. THE RATHBUN Co., Deseronto, Ont. WANTED—WILL EVERY Lumberman getting out Hardwood Lumber please write us describing what you have and where, with rates to Buffalo. We can handle it from any section of the country. TAYLOR & CRATE, Butfalo, N.Y. es WANTED. pec: ON MAPLE, BEECH, BIRCH, ASH and Elm, 54,1 and 2inches. Also Basswood 3% and t inch, and pine x inch, all log run. Also on Spruce x inch, suitable tor manufacturing boxes. Quote also on pine squares .gx2xz, 29x24 x2, 29x 234x234, 29x3%x3%. Quotations on cars at mill. Address, B. souro & Cu., 161 Front Street, New York. INQUIRY FOR BOX SHOOKS. Messrs. Baker & James, 164 Corporation street, Birmingham, England, advise us that they are open to negotiate for regular supplies of Canadian box shooks and similar goods cut from spruce and pine. They will be pleased to hear trom manufacturers or exportees who can ship by regular steamers to English ports, and who are prepared to undertake deliveries the year round. Canadian manufacturers desirous of extending their trade in this direc- tion should communicate with the above firm. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, Fine weather has given a stimulus to building operations throughout Ontario. Much work is in progress and lumber is being purchased freely. Manufacturers and dealers report a brisk demand, on local account, for hemlock and the grades of pine and hardwoods used in the cheaper class of buildings. In Toronto the build- ing season thus far has been much _ better than last year, or in fact any season for several years past. Unfortunately, some differences exist between the contractors and the bricklayers, and unless a settle- ment is reached in afew daysa strike may follow, the result of which will be to cause capitalists to defer the erection of proposed buildings. While much lumber is being used in building work, the con- sumption in other departments of industry is proportionately large. The furniture and implement factories and all wood consuming industries are working to their full capacity, converting raw material into the finished product. Lumber prices in all districts are strengthening, but scarcely in due relation to the demand. Haidwoods have reached a fair price, owing to the scarcity of dry stock, but some grades of pine are still low. These, however, are likely to advance, and the dealer will act wisely who stocks up liberally at present quotations. A large percentage of the hardwood cut of 1899 has already been contracted for, and more would be but for the high prices which some manufacturers are asking. That these will be realized is somewhat doubt- ful, as it would seem that the limit for this season has about been reached. The hardwood industry of the Ottawa valley is to be developed, and thus the volume of production will be increased. Contracts have already been placed by New York houses for considerable quantities of birch, elm and ash to be manufactured in that district. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, The demand for lumber in Manitoba and the Territories is such that dealers are finding their stocks inadequate. For some grades, particularly those which enter most generally into building opera- tions, higher prices are being obtained. There is a vast amount of building under way in Winnipeg, but unfortunately a scarcity of building material, chiefly stone and brick, has developed, and the erection of some large buildings may, asa result, be delayed until next year. In the face of these conditions favorable to the iumber trade, it is learned that some cutting of prices has been indulged in by one or two dealers. Efforts are being made to secure adherence to list prices, which is certainly much to be desired. Some speculation is indulged in as to the successful tenderer for the annual supply of lumber for civic work in Winnipeg. The tenderers are the Rat Portage Lumber Co., D. E. Sprague and Dick, Banning & Co., and it is believed that the tenders range from $17 to $17.75 per M. The lowest tender submitted last year was $14.75. This is an illustration of the advance in lumber which has taken place. The mills in British Columbia are rushed with orders, and prices are consid- erably higher than they were twelve months ago. The price of logs has ad- vanced almost in the same degree, so that manufacturers are making little more profit. There is a boom in building at Vancouver and New Westminster, and consequently a steady call for lumber. A number of vessels are loading for foreign countries. FOREIGN. Buyers in Great Britain are show- ing a greater disposition to contract for Canadian timber, and consequently prices are strengthening. The spruce market has so far improved that c. i. f. quotations are now considered very satisfactory, first quality Quebec being held at £10 Ios, second quality at £7 2s 6d, and third quality at £6 15s. These prices are, of course, much in advance of those realized at the recent auction sales. For New Brunswick spruce quotations are from £6 7s 6d to £9 15s, the latter being obtain- able only for very desirable stock. Nova Scotia spruce 1s firm at about 5s per standard below that of New Brunswick. The white pine market is also firm, ana there is a good demand for broad firsts, particularly of long lengths, the quotation being about £25 per standard. Second quality sells at from £16 to 418, and third quality at from £9 to £10. In the timber trade elm and birch seem to lead. The former sells at 2s 4d to 2s sd for 50 cubic feet average, and the latter at 1s 6d IL. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. to is 7d for 16 inch average. For ash, oak and red pine the demand is only moderate. This is also the case with square and waney pine timber, the stock of which at several ports is too large. UNITED STATES. The demand for lumber in the United States is steadily iucreasing, and manu- facturers and dealers are looking forward to a season of great activity. Prices con- tinue to strengthen. The scarcity of box lumber is still the feature of the market, and substitutes are being sought for. It is not anticipated that prices will weaken before midsummer at least, and even then itis unlikely that there will be any ma- terial decrease. Tonawanda and Buffalo dealers report numerous enquires for low grade stock. There has been an unusual run on No. 3 barn, which is selling at from $14 to $15. No.2 barn is also much in demand, and the upper grades are scarce. Mill culls are selling in Michigan at from $9 to $10, and the quantity avail- able is extremely limited. In New York there has been an advance of $1 per thousand on box lumber, and Io-inch 13 foot boards are likely to bring higher prices. Spruce lath has advanced 4o cents within 1he past ten days, being held at $2.40 per thousand. The situation in hardwoods has been somewhat relieved by thenew cut. Bass- wood is getting dry and some of it has gone forward from the mills. Maple is slightly weaker, as the cut of the past winter was probably the largest ever known. NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. The situation of the shingle market to-day is exactly what we predicted. There are prac- tically no shingles in stock at producing points. On the other hand, the retail dealers are very hort of stock, and the net result is a flurry of very large extent. Those few manufacturers who have held their shingles up to the present time are receiving to-day, delivered at Boston, the following prices: Extras, $3 ; clears, $2.50 ; second clears and saps, $2. We believe that four times as many shingles as there are at producing points are sold for immediate shipment at these figures. It can be readily seen, therefore, that the market is entirely in the hands of the manufacturers. A great many of the latter are refusing to quote for shipment until after the summer mills start, say in June, believing that by such time shingles will be worth $3.25 or more. Weare inclined to think this view of the situation is correct, and would advise all manufacturers to wait until they have shingles to offer, making no quotations whatever, for the reason that they are absolutely sure at such time of getting present prices, and certainly stand a strong chance of realizing considerable more. STOCKS AND PRICES. Thomas Barber, of Keldon, Ont., has engaged a portable mill to cut about Io0,- ooo feet of soft elm lumber. The total cut of logs in Minnesota last winter is estimated at 640,000,000 feet. This is said to be the largest on record. The Ontario Lumber Company, of French River, Ont., recently shipped several car-loads of deals to Great Britain by United States ports. Spruce logs have recently been selling at Banyor, Maine, at $12 to $13 per thousand, which is about $2 higher than the prices quoted at same time last year. The city council of Guelph, Ont., have accepted the tenders of Robert Stewart for the supply of cedar lumber, at $11.50 per M, and of H. M. Clemens & Co. ior tamarac, at $12.94. W.R. Thompson has disposed of his stock of elm, basswood and maple at Belmore, Ont., containing in all about 200,000 feet, to the Union Furniture Company, of Wingham. Chew Bros., of Midland, Ont., have purchased from H. H. Cook the Upper Islands, extending from Moose Deer Point to Parry Sound. There is con- siderable timber on the property. The steady demand for shingles at Tonawanda has practically cleaned out that market. Prices have advanced, and are now from 15 to 20 cents a thousand higher than they were last fall. On 18 inch clear butts pine, quotations range from $2.50 to $2.65,and on 18 inch XXXX from $3.35 to $3.50 f.0.b. cars Tonawanda. At Saginaw, Mich., dry lumber is practically cleaned up. Log run is quoted at $14 to $22, box at $12 to $13, Norway bil) stuff at $9.50 and upward, and mill culls at $9 to $10. Shingles are quoted at $2 to $3 for white pine and 15 cents less for cedar. A Boston dealer reports that cargoes of wide random spruce are held at $17.50 to $18.50, while a special bill of wide stuff sold at $20. Bangor and St. John lath are in good demand at $2.25 to $2.40, which is the strongest opening price quoted for many years. Chicago dealers have sent out new lists advancing nearly all the items in low grade lumber from 50 cents to $1 per thousand. There is a shortage of common stock boards in 8 and Io inch widths. The stock of 12 inch boards 1s in better shape. In No. 2common boards an advance has been made of socents a thousand on 8, Io and 12 inch, 12, 14, 16 feet. On shingles an advance of 5 to Io cents has been made on both pine and cedar. There isa famine in lath, present quota- tions being $2.25 to $2.30 for white pine and $1.90 to $2 for mixed. On April r4th the following vessels were loading lumber at British Columbia ports: Ship Atlacar, at Vancouver, for South America; ship Alex. McNeal, at Victoria, for Adelaide, Australia ; ship Orion, at Chemainus, for Calcutta; barque Undaunted, at Chemainus, for Cape Town, SouthAfrica ; ship British General, at Chemainus, for Adelaide, Australia ; barque Sebastian Bach, at Chemainus, for Tientsin, China ; barque Burnel, at New Westminster, for Chile ; schooner Weatherwax, at New Westminster, for San Francisco. The ship Clan Galbraith, the schooner Hawaiian Isles, and the ‘ barque Star of France were also ready .o load. SALE OF CANADIAN WOOD GOODS.. Messrs Churchill & Sim, London, England held an auction sale of wood goods on April 12th, at which 3 x 9 third pine realized £7 10s, 3x8 £6 15s, and 3x7 £6 10s, while 3x8 first spruce made £7 15s. A line of two inch first spruce fell at £8 7s for seven inch, and 47 10s for four and five inch. A large parcel of oak sold at 92s 6d to 100s per load, and several lots of birch at 72s 6d to 77s 6d. De- tails follow : Spruce.—Ex Unique, from ~Quebec—12- 16 ft. 3xg and 21-2x6, £7. Ex Progess- ist, from Quebec—13-14 ft. 3 x 8 first quality, 47 158; 13 ft. and i2ft. 3x8, £7 1585 t2- 14 ft-3« 7, 4715s. Ex Henri, from Saguenay, Que.—12-14 ft. 3x 11 third quality, £47 10s ; g-11 ft. 3x 11, £7 5s. Ex Cameo, from Que- bec—12-13 ft. 2x 8, £8 5s. ; 12-13 ft. 2x7, 48 10s. and £8 5s. ; 12-13 ft. 2x5 £7 10s. ; 12-13 ft. 2x4, 47 10s. ; 10-11 ft. 2x 8, 47 155.5 1o-40 ft. 2x 7.) 28's 1O-110 ft. 2x GRe7 15s and £7 I0s ; 10-11 ft. 2x4 and 5, £7 Ios. Ex Latona, from Grindstone Island, Que.— 12-13 ft. 3x 9 unassorted, £7 5s; 4-20 ft. 2x 5-10, £6 5s. Ex Yola from Quebec—7-13 ft. 2x 8 third quality, £7 ; 12-13 ft. 2x6, £5 1583 7-11 ft. 2x5, A5 15s5-7-1sdt: Decay 47 5s. Ex Queensmore, from Montreal—6-9 ft. 3 x 8-11 first quality, 49; 7-12 ft. 3x6, £8 5s. PINE.—Ex Progressist, from Quebec—i4- 16 ft. 1 1-2 x 8-22 first quality, £17 5s ; 12-16 ft. 1 1-4x 7, 415 5s 3 12-16 ft. 1 1-4x 6, A14 10s ; 12-16 ft. I I-4x 5, 413; 12-16 ft. P1- 4x4, £13. Ex Monarch, from Quebec—o- 15 ft. 2x 12-24 first quality, £21 ; 16 ft. 2x11, 416 ; 12-15 ft. 2x 10, £16; 12-16 ft. 2x9, 417 10s 3 9-11 ft. 2x 8-10, £14 10s; 9-11 ft. 2x6and 7, £12 58; 9-31 ft. 2x5, £13 10s; 6-8 ft. 2x10, £15 5s; 6-8 ft. 2x8 anda, 413 158 ; 6-8 ft.2x7, £1255; 6-8ft. 2x6, All 10s ; 6-8 ft. 2x 5, £12 58; 6-8 ft. 2x 4, 4£95sand £10; 6-16 ft. 1 1-2x 12-23, £18 15s; 6-15 ft. 1 1-2x 11, £16 15s; 6-16 ft. I 1-2x10, £14 15s ; 6-16 ft. 1 1-2x9, £15; 6-11 ft. 11-2x7 and 8, £11 15s; 6-11 ft. I 1-2x 6, £10 15s ; 6-11 ft. 11-2 x 5, £10-10s; 6-11 ft. 1 1-2x4, £9 10s; 6-11 ft. 11-4x 11 and 17, £14 5s; 6-11 ft. I 1-4xg and Io, 413 los ; 6-11 ft. 1 1-4 xX 8, £10 15s ; 6-11 ft. 11-4X7, £10; 6-11 ft. 1 1-4x6, £9 15s; 6-11 ft. 1 1-4X5, £9 10s; 6-11 ft. 1 1-4X4, 49 and £9 5s. Ex Merino, from Quebec— 12 ft. 3X10 third quality, £7 10s; 12 ft. 3X9; 47 10s 5. 12 ft. 3x8, £61583 rote APRIL 26, 1899 3x7, £6 tosand £6 15s ; 13 ft. 3x9 third quality (Hurdman’s stock) £7 10s; 12 ft. 3X0, 217 5,13 tt. 7x oO tsse 12tteg xo, £61583 12-13 ft. 3x % £6 10s 11 ft. gx 9, and 1247 ; 10 ft. 3x9, 475s; 11ft. 3x8, £6 10s; 10-11 ft. 3x7 and 8, £6 10s; 6-8 ft. 3X 7-11 first and third quality, £8. Oak TIMBER.—Ex Fernmoor, from Que- bec—Seven pieces 18 inches and up, £5 per load ; six pieces, £4 17s 6d; 100 pieces under 18 inches, £4 12s 6d, £4 15s and £4 17s 6d. BIRCH TIMBER. —Ex Hazelmoor, from Que- bec—About 200 pieces, 18 inches and up, 43 12s 6d and £3 17s 6d per load. BEECH SQUARES WANTED. A Liverpool firm of timber importers and saw millers write to the CANADA LUMBER- MAN as follows : **Tt is possible that we might be able to use very large quantities of beech squares of the following sizes or multiples : 10 per cent....12144 x 2% square 25 PES este weeME OR 2G ee 25 “ce 94%xIkK oe 15 6 s 9% x2% “cc 5 sé a 9 x 1% ee 5 eM east Sea hs) a 5 Ecce 51a hb bee Dy 5 SC «ste 12) Xt FO square 5 “e .. 10 x 1% square. ‘* These would have to enter into competi- tion with English beech, and would necessarily have to be at a very low price, as birch planks are being largely shipped at a very low price. We have no doubt that beech could, if it grows plentiful enough, be cut and shipped at as low a price, or possibly lower. It would be necessary for these squares to be absolutely first quality in every respect, perfectly straight grained, free of knots and other defects, and it would also be necessary after the squares have been cut that they be immediately steamed in a boiler under pressure with live steam (a pressure of 10 to 20 lbs. to the square inch for some hours would be sufficient for this) to eject and kill the sap contained in the wood, and then before being shipped to be allowed to cool off and season a little. This is to prevent splitting upon the ends. The steam- ing need not necessarily be a costly process ; it isdone in our mill as soon as the wood comes from the saw, and it has most beneficial results.” Readers of THE LUMBERMAN wishing the address of this firm may obtain same by en- closing postage to this office. SHIPPING MATTERS. The Timber Trades Journal reports that very little chartering has taken place of late from Canadian ports, but that engagements have been made by liners to Liverpool from Montreal and Quebec at 35s per standard, June-July sailing. The following fixtures are recorded : Quebec to Bristol, steamer Ramleh, 42s 6d, June ; West Bay, N. S., tow. c. Eng- land, 1100 standards, 35s; St. John, N. B., to w. c. England, 1100 standards, 38s 9d ; steamer Russ, to w. c. England or Clyde, gos. The following additional charters are re- ported: Bark, 398 tons, St. John, N. B., to Ireland, deals, 55s ; steamer Manuka, Grind- stone Island, Que., to w. c. England, 4os ; bark, 400 tons, Miramichi, N. B., toe. c U. K., deals, 47s 6d ; bark Stadacona, Yarmouth, N. S., to Buenos Ayres, lumber $10. John Calcott’s saw mill, about three miles from St. Thomas, Ont., was destroyed by fire last week. The loss is $3,000, with no in- surance. Send four 3-cent Canadian postage stamps fora copy of the LUMBERMAN’s VEST-POCKET INSPECTION BOOK, containing rules for the inspection of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. , C. P. R. FREIGHT RATES. Mr. Geo. A. Fowler, Lumber Agent, C.P. R., Ottawa, furnishes the following schedule. of freight rates on lumber on that railway: To Toronto and Hamilton—from Klock, Mattawa, Bonfield, North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Cache Bay and Warren, g cents; from Sudbury Jct., Rayside and Chelmsford, 10 cents ; from Cartier and Geneva Lake, 10% cents; from Spanish Forks, Biscotasing, Massey, Cutler, Spragge and Algoma, 12 cents; from Dean Lake, Thessalon, Desbarais, and Isbester, 14 cents per 100 lbs. on pine and soft woods, the rate on hardwoods being one cent per 100 lbs. higher ; from Ott wa, Hull, Aylmer and Dechenes Mills, Arnprior, Braeside and Pembroke, to Toronto therate is 10 cents both on pine and hardwood. To Albany and points taking Albany rates—from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer and Deschenes Mills, 10 cents ; East Templeton, Buckingham, Calumet and Carleton Jct., 11 cents; Aruprior, Braeside and Renfrew, 12 cents ; Pembroke and Eganville, 13 cents per 100 Ibs. These rates are based on a minimum of 30,000 Ibs. per car. ‘ To New York, for track delivery and all prints on the Hudson river, or the New York Central and West Shore railways - from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Des- chenes Mills 15c. per 1co Ib-.; from Carleton Junction, 16c.; from Arnprior, Braeside and Renfrew, 17¢.; from Eganvilleand Pembroke, 18c. The rates to New York, including litherage within the free litherage limits of New York harbor, are 2 cents per 100 Ibs. additional. To New York via barge line from Albany—from WANTED . Rock Elm, eut to order. Soft Elm, all thieknesses. Black Ash, all thieknesses. State quantity you can supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WCOD AGENTS 7 CROsBy SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. ‘*Sieveking,” London HESSLER & GO. Wood Agents West Hartlepool and Hull, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Lessler,” West Hartlepool. H. D. WICGIN 2ostan.Mass. 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woods, Including Mahogany, A Specialty. CORRFSPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE ano HADWOOD North Ton Cable Address, ‘‘ Swan DoxocH—ToNawanDa Lumberman’s Code = MILL MNEN—— oe Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3" firsts and seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Brown Ash ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to LAWRENCE & WIGGIN Wholesale Lumber Dealers _—- 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. 7 v APRIL 26, 1899 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. It). Aylmer, Buckingham, Deschenes Mills, East Temple- ton, Hull and Ottawa, pine and shorts in lots of 50 M feet and upwards, $2.50 per M feet, under so M feet, $3-25 ; lath in lots of 250 M feet and upwards, so cents per M pieces, under so M pieces, 60 cents; hardwood in lots of 50 M feet and upwards, $4 per M feet, under 50 M feet, $4.25; from Carleton Jct., 25 cents per M feet Jumber and 5 cents per M pcs. lath higher than Ottawa rates; from Arnprior and Braeside, 50 cents and ro cents higher; from Renfrew, Eganville and Pembroke, 75 cents and 15 cents higher. Lumber and lath not to exceed 3,0co Ibs. per thousand feet pine, 4,000 Ibs. per thousand feet hardwood lumber, or 600 Ibs. per thousand pieces lath. Above rates include hghterage within regular lighterage limits in New York harbor, in lots of lumber so M feet and over, and lath 250 M pes. and over; under that amount subject to extra towage. Seasoned pine shorts under 5 feet in length will be charged so cents per M feet over rates named on seasoned pine lumber. To Cape Vincent, Clayton, Fulton and Oswego, N. Y.—from Ottawa, Hull and Carleton Jct., softwood $1.90 per M feet, lath 38 cents per M pcs., shingles 19 centspér M, hardwood 9% cents per roo lbs.; from East Templeton, Aylmer and Deschenes Mills, soft- wood $2, lath 4o cents, shingles 20 cents, hardwood ro cents; from Aroprior, Buckingham and Braeside, softwood $2.05, lath 41 cents, shingles 20% cents, hard- wood 10% cents; from Renfrew, Eganville and Pem- broke, softwood $2.30, lath 46 cents, shingles 23 cents, hardwood 11% cents. To Charlotte, Rochester, Rome and Utica, N.Y.— from Ottawa, Hull, and Carleton Jct., softwood $2.20 per M feet, lath 44 cents per M pes., shingles 22 cents per M, hardwood 10% cents per 1co lbs; from East Templeton, Aylmer and Deschenes Mills, softwood $2.50, lath 46 cents, shingles 23 cents, hardwood 11 cents ; from Buckingham, Amprior and Braeside, soft- wood $2.35, lath 47 cents, shingles 23% cents, hard- wood 1134 cents. From Renfrew, Eganville and Pem- broke, softwood $2.60 per M feet, lath 52 cents per M pieces, shingles 26 cents per M, hardwood 12% cents per 100 lbs. To Sacketts Harbvur and Syracuse, N.Y., rates on softwood, lath and shingles are same as to Charlotte, and rates on hardwood same as to Cape Vincent. Hardwood lumber rates will also apply on shipments of box shooks, bolts, chair stock (rough), clapboards, hoops, hoop and hop peles, lath, last blocks, posts and rails, shingles, staves and heading, wcod pulp, pulpwood, timber and wood ashes. Minimums: Softwood lumber carloads, 10,000 feet ; lath carloads, 50,coo pieces; shingle carloads, 100,coo shingles ; hardwood lumber carloads, 30,000 lbs. Summer rates effective April ist are: To Montreal and points taking same rates—from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, East Templeton and Buck- ingham, softwocd $r.0o per M feet, lath 20 cents per M pieces, hardwood cr dimension timber 4 cents per 1co Ibs.; to Quebec and Three Rivers—from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer and Deschenes Mills, softw: od $2 00, lath 40 cents, and hardwood and dimension timber 8 cents: from Carleton Jct., softwood 15 cents, lath 5 cents, and hardwoed and dimension timber x cent higher than Ottawa rates; from Arnprior and Braeside, softwood 50 cents, lath 10 cents, and hardwood and dimension timber 2 cents higher; from Renfrew, Eganville and Pembroke, softwood 75 cents, lath 15 cents, and hard- wood and dimension timber 3 cents higher. Dimension timber rates will apply on lumber over 3 inches thick and over 16 feet in length. To Boston and points taking Boston rates for local delivery—from Aylmer, Deschenes Mills, Ottawa, Hull and points east thereof in Ottawa Valley 15 cents, Carleton Junction 16 cents, Arnprior, Braeside and Renfrew 17 cents, Pembroke and Eganville 18 cents per tco lbs. To Boston, Mystic Wharf, East Breston, Mass , and Portland, Me., for export—from Ottawa, Hull and Buckingham 1x cents, Aylmer and Deschenes 12 cents, Arnprior and Braeside 13 cents per 100 lbs. Rates for export will ex Noy. 30th, 1899, unless sooner cancelled. To Buffalo, Black Rock and Suspension Bridge, N. Y.—from Ottawa, Hull and Aylmer 12 cents, Carleton Junction 13 cents, Arnprior and Braeside 14 cents, Pembroke and Eganville 15 cents per roo lbs. To Detroit, Mich.—from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer and ge ceonenes Mills 14 cents, Buckingham 15 cents per ico Ibs. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. OT: erating -- OTTAWA & NEW. YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OveREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’'t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru, General Traffic Manager, Ortawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN S.S. GO.’S Winter Sailings MILFORD HAVEN, PASPEBIAC, ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland S.S. DORSET Will Sail from Paspebiac for Milford Haven on or about April 25th. Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight Agent A. & L.S.R.R. Co., Room 16 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal. For Further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial Railway A gent, or to William Keating, Freight and Passenger Agent, 72 Yonge Street, Toronto. Montague Yates 13 St. John St., es a MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS 2” WHOLESALERS eenan——. Brothers - OWEN SOUND, ONT. NOOOOOR: WANTED 5/4 No 1 and 2 Winter Cut Hard Maple. Advise, Stating Price. We have a large quantity of Cedar Posts, all sizes. Call for prices. JOHN HARRISON - OWEN SOUND THE PEMBROKE LUMBER GO, wren MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. M@OWrite us for Quotations on all Bills@/e PEMBROKE, ONT. cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHipMEnTS By Rat or WATER. - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. BAst TEMPLETON, QUE. S It YOUr wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the... CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman rd Toronto, Canada. $ An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ JAS. PLA YHATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH » SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies =e MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty A.& P. WHITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ¢ WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER ® Pine shingles HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in,..... CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER T.L. BAIDIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario Has Basswood, Oak, Bireh, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. OOOOR: KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*&eTING” Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling fe GEILING @ 12.00 4 SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. Burk’s Falls, Ont. WRIGHT, GRAKAM & GO. 4 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND FOREIGN IMPORTERS WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Ygents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom ~ continent handled to the best advantage. SMITH & TYRER - [4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO. Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.s. Iv. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”* BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. 4 Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa end Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY CHIN! Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. 7. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N. Ss. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Mowry & Son, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND FULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, _Que. TURBINES Barber, C.. Meaford, Ont. _ Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A, Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. Ds Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Illinois Central R.R. : Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. f ; Mill Sites and Water Powers, Canadian Pacific Railway. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New fork and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. : Turned Woowork, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, WHOLBSALE PRICES CURRENT. (The quotations given below are unless otherwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. ToronTo, April 26, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. x inch dressing and 1% 1% and 2 inchcut mp Le better...... $32 00 $34 00| better....... Sainsine $20 00 $22 00 zinch picksand uppers 34 00 36 oo | «inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x2 dressing and bet- cinch siding common 11 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft....-- 22 00 24 00|1 inch sidingshipculls 10 50 11 50 rxro fine dressing and t inch siding millculls 8 50 9 00 better... .-+-++e250° 22 oo 24 00 / Cullscantling........ 800 900 ixro and 12 Canadian cinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 2000) In. mill run...... . 13 00 14 00 z11-2and thicker cut- cinch strips, common 11 00 12 [ole] ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00 | t 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 1 1-4 in. cut up and t 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 better.......---+-+ 33 00 35 00| XXX pine shingles, 16 ixie and 12 mill run 16 00 18 00 inch), . = eeeeecs . 225 1xzo and 12 common. 12 00 14 00 XX pine shingles 16inch I 40 1xzo and 12 mill culls g 00 10 00 Maths Nos caste cians I 50 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 Cath) SNowa nics ease en HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2 in. .$26 oo $28 00 Cherry 1 toxr¥%$so co $60 00 ss «2% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 cea 2 ‘*4.. 6000 65 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm, soft 1 ‘‘ 1% 16 00 18 00 ands, 1 to 1% in.... 18 00 20 00 ee 2 2 7. 17 00 I9 00 Ash, black, 1sts and - rock 1 14% 18 00 2000 ands,2to4in....-- 20 00 22 00 6 3% ** 3. 21 00) 23/00 Ash, PT ideas et0) 00) 25,00 Hickory 1% ‘' 2.. 28 00 3000 Birch, 18 00 20 00| Maple x ‘£ 1% 16 00 1800 “ 1% ‘* 2.. 20 00 23 00 ae ime 17 00 18 00 sqrs. 4x4 “ 8 x824 00 26 00 Oak,red,p'n “74% 26 00 3000 Basswood, ists and .. iS -. 29 00 3200 ands, 1 to1% in.... 17 00 19 00 white “1% 2800 3000 3 i Be 200920 00)|| -. *" “ 4.. 3000 3500 “ mrxr “1% 15 00 1700] “‘quart’'d ‘6 2.. 4600 5000 Butternut 1 ‘‘ 1% 23:00 25 00 Walnut r ‘*3.. 85 00 10000 ag 2 ‘3.. 25 00 28 00| Whitewood 1 “© 2.. 32.00 3600 1 Chestnut CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. Orrtawa, April 26, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... $31 00 3600] terstock........... It 00 12 50 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 oo | Pine,8&ups-c. sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 28 00 | Pine, s.c. strips....-. 8 00 10 00 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts..... 7.00 8 59 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls. . - 900 10 50 Ditecs. sees eeeee ces I5 GO! ar 00 Pine mill culls...... 759 900 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.1... 1co 1 20 sStrips, -...-...-... 1400) (26 00 Lath per M No. 2... 85 95 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1xrto No, 1 barn.... 18 00 Shorts, -oeersease 1200 14 00|1x10 No. 2 “ - 16 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 &g No.1 ‘ 17 00 Er ISCOCK, \ salar ale me 13.50 15 00|1x8&q No.2 “ 15 90 QUEBEC, QUE. QuEBEC, April 26, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts, cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ..--- ase 3O me ae ** good fair oF ee allied pbc eam: 92 ae ‘« first class ce oy LE Se Stine i 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average according to lineal.. 36 42 a ue : 1gtoz2rinchaverage ‘“ “ 38 44 «Michigan ‘“‘ 19 to 21 in average fyi OE &size 43°, 48 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and (Gu atyeonee ae cetera nt 22 26 In shipping order, ee isbeiie r anc oO ONAN Fish aay | OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according toaverage andquality. . - . + - 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 to 50 fedtin« inde. 435) 4 ff os se g0\to 35 feet... 2755 13e ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality . --...)= 21) 924 To! average*1601nch) 2) fo wemeeme =) ss Tol ole wee 25 26 f BIRCH. 14inch average . ao | Pe eae ees ag Sc 18 To) Be re . Meee Ce he 25 rp re | MMC Se ak ee | 2iy DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $2x for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N. Y., April 26, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders.....§27 00 @ 37 00 Decking...) a+ «ase 44.00 5090 SPRUCE. 6 to gin Seicccic) OCIOCEOU! I4 00 14 50| 10 to 12 TB rac ite Ay 16 25 17 00 Gt Taiiecteevele cleateals 14 50 15 75| Lath..........+seees x85 95 Q OIZiN...-..seeeee I5 75 16 25 HARDWOOD. tinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16.....+ .++++seeseeeree 1\& to 2in. & ss Be Sh San sie 1 inch, re Soft Elm, Ne erm Coo 4 14in and thicker, “ sg UB MEO ccd eeachiae- 4l4 ge Hard Maple, “6 os ceeeeeeeceeeeeeeeeee : hs s Basswood, FO) SE cise cae epee eee OY ss Me irch, Lee cr nna pode nmeccc ie ‘© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O. oe “ Soft Elm, “ce “ee “ce ee ‘¢ Hard Maple, ‘* * Ws ‘« Basswood, ‘‘ fs “ “ Birch, 2 ce oe ALBANY, N.Y. Avpany, N.Y., April 26, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up...-- «+--+ $51 $53 | 1x12 inch shippers $16 QUAM. oc nese neice cieenls 50 52] 4/4 inch ee 7 FE OS VAENs wraprelv wincntetavaretor nmin i 45 48 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” andup.. 12 13 4 inch uppers ....++++se+0+= 54 | ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 24 in. up.....----- 44 | ro-In. COMMON .......-.++++ 1315 U£0 2At seen water eis! sore 40 | r2-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. andup 39 42 | Common, 1x22 ...... --.+-- 15 TLO AL sere cia eieneiiaratercioreiejs’s 36 38] No. x barn, 1x12 23 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... 28 30 MELON ere emia sce ein 2c NO.2.. ce ceciecsccce 20 25 oe Oe laisiasiatersia alberta as 19 NO. 3.2202 cen wae eles) E7920 No. 2 barn, 1x12 18 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 30 36 TIE iet ante ala acs was 17 No. 2 molding, 1 to2in..... 24 27 i SOM eee ee 15 Stained sapS....--+e+eeeees 20 | Shaky clear, x to 6/ 23 Bracket plank ..... pee sees 30 35 e uy ne 25 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 29 31 WORESSIGE i atk vite ae xt eine 18 Dressing boards, narrow.... 19 21 Common ..... ications Il-15 rx1g inch shippers ..... +--+ 15 LATH. PING’ fate ce anane an eiaie eleisnie se $x 75 | Spruce ......esesevcesacece $x 75 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 25 Clear butts.........- 3.00 3 25| Hemlock............-- 15 Smooth, 6x18.....-- 5 00 5 50| SPruce......sseeeeeee 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, April 26, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed H% inch.....++.0+. $925 $950 boards .....+.+0 $10 50 12 00| 11-x6 inch........ 900 950 Coarse No. 15 00 15 50 S@inch......-..+6 800 875 Refuse.....++. ... 1200 13 co| Clapboards,sapext.. 40 00 44 00 Gitte sc ease sae aceas go0o| Sapclear........ + 33.00 3500 Boxboards,1 inch... 10 00 11 00 Sap, 2nd clear.... 30 00 31 00 Jinch.....++ a. ee 900: 9 50 INGOs itis sisretsye sesiarais Ig 00 623 00 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in...-.--- $50 00@s2 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00} No. 2, x in. Finecom. 29 00 31 00 zand 4in.......+ .» 58.00 6200 14, 14% and 2in... fore] Selects, 1 in....-.-++ 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to 6 in. 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 ORES sh lonrpeleateraiere 00 gand 4 in........- 53 00 56 00 No. 3.-.-- 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, 1 in : oo rz in. clear.....- 37 00 39 00| Cut ups, 14 tozin.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 00 Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 00 Common all widths... 22 00 26 00 14%,1¥% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls,1 in,.. 14 50 15 50 do r¥%in. 15 50 16 50 SHINGLES. Spruce.....-«csese+ «+ x 30 1 50| Second Clear......-... 2 00 Cedar, extra.....-.---- 3 00 | Extra No. 1r.......-... 125 159 CAL ane haasie nee 2 50 LATH. > SPIuce..sececeenreees lie aon stat efatu\steta)=)atacssels x 80@ 1 go By cceeoee . 180@ 200 APRIL 26, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., April 26, 1899. WHITE PINE. ; Up’rs, 1, 14%, 1 and 2 INO. 3,2 os aon 18 00 20 oo Isic neenis vie sina $. 48 00| Shelving, No. x, 13 in. 2¥% and 3 in. 56 00 and up, 1 in..... « 32 00@34 00 4 IN. pes eee 6c oo| Dressing 14% in...... 27 00 3000 Selects, rin. ....... 42 00 14% x10 and 12 +» 28-00 30 00 IY tO 21D. sesceee 43 00| 1% in...... - 28 00 3000 2% and 3 in wei GOOG) D2 EM) siiats dereeteccewiee 29 00 34 00 AM soar sccese eens 52 00| Mold st’ps,1 to zin.. 31 00 33 00 Fine common, x in... 36 00 37 00| Barn, No.1, 12 ith stain 2300 24 00 1% and 13 in oe 3600 3700| 6,8andioin...... 19 00 21 oo 2 AN .sesereeeeees 36 00 38 00 2 2; FONE lens - 16 00 16 00 3 IN... caenersces 45 00 No, 2)-0240... 20525 17 00 18 00 4 iM... se seeee see 47-00) JNo.i3; 10)... 13 00 13 00 Cut’g up, No. 1,1 in. 28 00 29 00| No.3, 12in........ 13 50 14 00 raioaas a ereer 33 00 am Pr se acalle wis eote ee II 00 1200 0. 2, I in :+ 15 00 16 00| Common, rin.... 15 00 16 00 No. 2,1%, & 1% in 23 00 25 00 1% and r¥ in.. ‘ PE 20 18 00 No. 3,1% & 1% in 17 00 18 00 BOND ele casi aw enol 18 00 20 o¢ WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, x inch, 28 00 30 00| 244 tog in......,000- 34 00 38 00 TI tO 2)Newes oo van 3 00 39-00) Btaps o.7c» eee are 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls....... 12 00 14 Ov PLACK AND BROWN ASH. rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 BIRCH. ist &and,white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 00 28 90 30 oe fo & good culls... 10 00 II 08 ELM. ist & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 . MAPLE. ie st & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 oo | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 o9 20 oo ist & 2nd, 6 inch & Py WOO. < viajeltisin «ete atee anne ' be FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 35 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 46 oo 1% and 1¥ in... guilty 2 Ss ears o * sea . 9 00 DAG Seacsia > «shila eeeeee B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide 26 oo | 234 and 3in., 7in. and up wide 39 oo 14 and1¥ in.......... +s 31 00))\4 Wine gees a PP ie: sbest: rae 2 WU vie cis ain into ian oenede a 32 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide... 36 oo 1in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 35 00 Ging WRG oleic vie oie eestoeiarseeere 40 00 | 6 in. wide........... one aweg) 4000 FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. .... é I r r 1% in., Gin. wide.......<0«s ig bidet ais _ a od SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1{in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 26 oo! 1 in., 4,5, 6 in. wide........ 22 00 NO. I FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 in .....-.... 18 oo | x in., 4,5 and 7im......... 20 00 Pe eae name ereeours - - o2.6 ee EQ) OO] 054, 10. gerne as ere ae NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. tin., 4,5 and 7 inch ........ 14 00 | 1% ib.) 4107 HICH «p< npumeeceks/O0 Fb irefe) Cel BME OAInG moore 15 20] No.3 Fencing, zin., 6inch.. 13 00 SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in,, ro in. stocks .... 29 00 | No.2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 23 oo rin., ro in. and up wide... 39 00 tin., roin. stocks..... ese 23 00 tin., 12 in. stocks......... 33 00 1 in., 12 in. stocks......... 27 00 zin., 12 in. and up wide... 34 00 y up Wi 1 in., ro in. and up wide... xin. 134 and 2in., 8in. and : 3 eed rin., 13 in. and up wide... 29 oo Up Wide <2... ccc emer nase 3I 00 , BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 1, t2 iD... cccereeseecens 22 oo | No. 2, 9 in...... 13 50 TO ie. .e ee eeeee reese reees 19 00| 8and7in. 15 00 Q iN... . se eeeeee aesneseees 18 oo | No. 3, 12in...... = 13 00 8 and JAN... ee eee e ee eee e ee 18 00 ro In 12 00 No. 2, 12i0.....2.seeeeerees 1660] ‘Qil.. a5 " 12 00 TO} tt ROMRRM CER riise aOnincs 15 °00'|” “Bits ese tessa sneeeee eeene SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4 and 5 in. wide....... $10 00 | 1 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$10 50 t in.j\64n; WIGes cs ca ween . 10 00 | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 7 in. and 1in., 7 in. wide and up...... 10 00 Up Wide! 0.5 dessspeaen a zGUSO SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5; 7,8 and gin. wide 20 00 | 1 in., 10 in. and up wide..... 19 00 I in., 6 in. a eet i fi ok =? 20 00] 1%, 1% and 2 in. Bin. and up 2 WIde. . 5 ac «xneoniete soave 20 00 ; : COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 | No. 1, millculls............. 9 00 Won d. ccs cu vure ss sate eetoae 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse......... : 650 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.§ 9 50| Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to EO fC. poses o arraetene ale’ sine Ic 50 TOfelt. Bristol Channel, 1,100 stds., 42s. 6d.; St. John, N.B., to Liv- erpool, 1,500 stds., 35s.; St. John, N.B., to w.c. Great Britain, two boats of 1,300 stds., 37s. 6d.; Miramichi, N.B., to Manchester and e.c. Ireland, 1,200 and 1,1oo stds. respectively, 45s.; Miramichi to Barrow, Fleetwood, 1,000 stds., 45s.; Bay Verte to w.c. England, 45s.; Shediac to w.c. England, 600 stds., 47s. 6d.; Preston,, 49s. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from.... OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- RIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &e., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. HinTon, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN 8.8. GO.’S Winter Sailings MILFORD HAVEN, PASPEBIAC, ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland S.S. DORSET Will Sail from Paspebiac for Milford Haven on or about April 25th. Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight Agent A. & L.S.R.R. Co., Room 16 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal. 3 For Further particulars and information as to Passengers and . Freight apply to any Intercolonial Railway A gent, or to William Keating, Freight and Passenger Agent, 72 Yonge Street, Toronto. Montague Yates 13 St. John St., <2 MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS »«” WHOLESALERS eenan—— Brothers OWEN SOUND, ONT. NOOOOOR WANTED 5/4 No 1 and 2 Winter Cut Hard Maple. Advise, Stating Price. : We have a large quantity of Cedar Posts, _ all sizes. Call for prices. JOHN HARRISON - OWEN SOUND | THe PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, tren MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN £ DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP 4 DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. y fe @OeWrite us for Quotations on all Bills@e Mictav RIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock. or Cedar. PINE DEALS 3 SuipMents BY RaiL or WATER. - PEMBROKE, ONT. Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Bast TEMPLETON, QUE. [sit your wish - . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SMeery. Wale, Gna ® GO. ,, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SCOTLAND An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. GEILING @ JAS. PLAYFHALTR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ¢ LATH ¢ SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies Se MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty .. . A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ¢ WIKRRTON MANUFACTURER AND ° %@ Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER i Pine shingtes. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER ‘tee: BAILIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario Flooring from $12.00 KNIGHT BROTHER : Ceiling fs 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL Burk’s Falls, Be % Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Has Basswood, Oak, Bireh, Maple, Ash, oft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods tg offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. AOOOOR: FOREIGN IMPORTERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom - continent handled to the best advantage. SMITH & TYRER - [4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO. Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.g. uEV: DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”" BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. : Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa end Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jobn, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. ACHINERY M Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. __ : Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Mowry & Son, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxford Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal,‘\Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnelia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Beronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. ; The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A, Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St. John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Illinois Central R.R. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Mill Sites and Water Powers, Canadian Pacific Railway. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. Turned Woowork, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, WHOLBSALE PRICES GURRBNT. (The quotations given below are, unless otherwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. Toronto, May 3, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. zr inch dressing and betters nutaa selsissiee $20 00 $22 00 14% 1% and2inchcut up and better...... $32 00 $34 00 2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 oo | 1 inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x)2 dressing and bet- t inch siding common 1z 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft.....- 22 00 24 00| 1 inch sidingshipculls 10 50 11 50 rxzo fine dressing and t inch siding millculls 8 50 9g oo etter ec mics are se 22 00 24 00/ Cullscantling........ 800 9 00 1xro and 12 Canadian tinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 2000] in. millrun...... . 13 00 14 00 zx 1-2 and thicker cut- tinch strips, common 11 00 12 00 «ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00 | 1 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 I 1-4 in. cut up and r t-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 Bettina wine se 33 00 35 00] XXX pineshingles, 16 1x1e and x2 millrun 16 00 18 00 MG Wa deyocs tenons 225 1x10 and 12 common. 12 00 14 00| XX pineshingles r6inch I 40 rxro and 12 mill culls g 00 10 00} Lath, No.1......... I 50 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00] Lath No. 2......... ae HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 tozin..$26 oo $28 oo ; Cherry zr toz¥%$so 00 $60 00 L «2% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 ff 2 ‘*4.. 6000 65 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm,soft 1 ‘* 1% 16 00 18.00 ands, 1 to 1% in.... 18 00 20 00 ein ht 2 3+. 17 00 19 00 Ash, black, rsts and rock x ‘ 1% 18 00 2000 ands,2to4in...... 20 00 22 00 6&8 S35. 2b.00) 29) 00 Ash, M.R.,r ‘‘ 2.. 16 00 1800] Hickory 1% “‘ 2.. 28 00 3000 Birch, I .. 18 00 20 00} Maple xr ‘* 1% 1600 18 00 ee 1% “ 2.. 2000 23 00 sf 2 ‘*4.,. 17.00 1800 *€ sqrs. 4x4 * 8 x824 90 26 00 Oak,red,p'nr “1% 26 00 30 00 Basswood, ists and bY £ 5 4.. 29 00 3200 ands, 1 tor¥% in.... 17 00 19 00 ‘¢ white *" 7% 2800 3000 1% 2 ..20 00 2: 00 eR aos © 4.2 3000 3500 “mir, 1 “x3 25 00° 17°00 ‘© quart’d © 2.. 4600 5000 Butternut 1 ‘“‘ 144 23 00 25 co} Walnut x ‘££ 3.. 85 00 10000 od 2 ‘'3.. 25 00 2800] Whitewoodr ‘‘ 2.. 3200 3600 Chestnut 1 ‘2.. 2400 2 00 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. ee OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, May 3, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- Mifeet, (bom; oan $3t 00 36 00] terstock........... II 0O 1250 Pine, gond strips,.... 25 00 27 00 | Pine,8&ups.c.sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 28 00 | Pine, s.c. strips.....- 8 00 10 00 Pine, No. 1x dressing Pine, sc. shorts..... 700 850 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls......- g 00 10 50 oe Se AP oy 15 co 21 00 | Pine mill culls...... 759 900 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.1... 1 co 1 20 Ld} sy annie ooo 6 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M No, 2... 85 95 Pine, No. x dressing 1x1o No, 1 barn.... 18 00 SOLES) |e) ostaleumureieie 1200 14 00|1x10 No.2 “ .... 16 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 &g No.1 ‘ 17 00 fer stock, jst coms cies 13.50 15 00| 1x8 & 9 No.2 “ 15 90 QUEBEC, QUE. QuEBEc, May 3, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, .......-- go. 32 “© good fair Us: A CE A Seip sists Esmee ‘« first class < bE eleanor a8 un vas First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36042 be As “© “19 to2zinchaverage ‘ “ = eS sizer ge 140 ‘« Michigan ‘‘ Ig to 21 in average RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and qu Hee ae ES OR aE A OO 22 26 In shipping order, uu a ae ence curstinn 23. «27 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according toaverageand quality. . . . + + 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .32 35 “ mA gs 6” g0\torgs feck. 27) ae ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . . .21 24 Tovayerage 16 Unc aeee ss) <) ie), ne, “ef eros meee 26 ; BIRCH. 14inchaverage . A ir ie ae en tepectge orci, ear, 18 16 f° es men amerees oe gk ERE et reat r,s ok eee 8 ee DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for 1st, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau, NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., May 3, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber.......$28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking ose 44.00 5000 SPRUCE. 6 tO QIN... 0.0. vaseee 14 00 14 50] 10to12in........... 16 25 17 00 (Orie) ee uhh aeneme noon T4 50) 15 75 | Lath. ....2censeecnee 185 195 9 0121... .onee-- ee 1575 16 25 HARDWOOD. tinch, No.1 and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16 1% to 2 in ie “ «ec s 1 inch, Soft Elm, 14in and thicker, “ rf es 4l4 “ se Hard Maple, ‘“‘ §& . Basswood, fe a3 “ “ Birch, af Le ‘© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O. iad iad Soft Elm, ce ce ae ee ‘¢ Hard Maple, ‘* Ks Bee ercieta oe I4 00 ce ‘« Basswood, ‘‘ es S eemeomneel tetoreia I2 00 a ‘| Birch, ie ce Se ae 14 00 ALBANY, N.Y. Avsany, N.Y., May 3, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up.........-. $51 $53 | 1x12 inchshippers......... $ $16 BEG Mie Mop elaiwetaiatate mia lstels a 50 52 | 4/4 inch SP Gaertn 17 MiG arise rere teeta ele see 45 48 | 4/4 Box boards, 6’ andup.. 12 13 4 inch uppers ....-++.+0+0+s 54 | 1o-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up.....-.--- 44 | ro-In. common ......... - 13-15 EO 2 erie <.dvesemess. IO 50 SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5) 7,8 and gin. wide 20 00 | x in., ro in. and up wide..... 19 00 EIN; POMS WIE as ccre = <1 nermee 20 00 | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 8in. and up Witle.ccne ae oeseeeeses 20 00 : COFFIN BOARDS. x No. 1, 1 in., r3in, and up.... 22 oo | No. 1, millculls............. 9 00 INO oi 2. cceics scabies heen 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse.......... 650 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to ro, 12 to 16ft.§ 9 50| Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 18 ft fi Ic 50 ROREEE. s wctsite viteemenen wf SO Zo firs. ccceccee sans II 50 2RIZT ces ane eee iar. O50 gaan: 24 fb. cus. cum diets ... 12 50 | Add $x to each additional aft. in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 oo | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts....... men «a6 2 00 XXXX..... otemene woe 3425 Clear Britts....+sssstvenes 2 25 = WHITE pas LATH. , (oe Ee ee cei onl 175 (Ou dale cistots a ERE ee. Hemlock . wrejeil ania ta es - PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. F.o.b.carsat Fob. Sutherland Innes Mills Wallaceburg No, x 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000.....,$5 00 $5 00 No.130 " " " " 5 00 No. 1 32 " "W " " " 5 50 No. 1 24 " " " " " 4 00 No. 228% u " " " " 3 25 No. 2 30 " " " " " 3 25 a No. 2 32 " " " " " seeeee 375 372 No. 224 " " ? " ~ uw eer 200 200 - . No.1 14 in. to143% in. kilndried basswood heading,perset 3 oe No.r115 wu 16 " " " " 3% 3% No. 1 17% " " " " 3% 3 No.r18 ow 158% 0 " " " 4% No. 1 19% " " " " 4% 4 No. 1 19% " W " " 5 5 Mill run heading %ct. per set less, No. 2 heading rect. per set less. No. 1 5% ft: patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000.... 5 25 5 40 No16 " " " wih | hance age 5 65 No. 16% " " " BAG fans eree ae 5 9° No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less, No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 oo No. 2 28% u " " " " 3 25 ° 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves ........-... nee. Whe ee 17 00 + No + 30 inch half syrup barrel staves............+... +16 00 16 00 ’ bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) - ee i) WEEKLY F DITION Thé Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.oorer year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN. THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. CANADA [UMBERMAN Vou. V. TORONTO, ONT., MAY 10, 1899 No. 16. CANADA LLUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire INsuRANCE BUILDING, MonTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, ney é A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermenm. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET | INSPEGTION BOOK =em Containing Rules for the Inspection and Measuring of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. Em- bracing also many useful tables and calculations ot everyday service to lambermen. Prepared by the Editor of the ' Canada Lumberman.” 8 Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 HE above is afac simile of the title page of the latest and most complete Lumber and Inspection Book published. We shall be pleased to send uou a copu on receipt of four 3 cent Ga- nadian postage stamps ° ° > ° THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more Consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch, Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, Canapa LumMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED—WILL EVERY Lumberman getting out Hardwood Lumber please write us describing what you have and where, with rates to Buffalo. We can handle it from any section of the country. TAYLOR & CRATE, Buffalo, N.Y. FOR SALE. LS 10,0 0 FEET OF 1% INCH SOFT AND Rock Elm—also 20,000 to 30,000 feet of Soft Maple; would cut to bill. STEELE & Gisson, Hum- berstone, Ont. WANTED. LOOR MANAGER FOR SASH AND DOOR Factory ; also for Box Factory. Must be first class, practical men. Apply, stating age, experience and salary required. Send references. Gitmour & -Co., Trenton, Canada. WANTED. RICE ON MAPLE, BEECH, BIRCH, ASH and Elm, %,1 andz2inches. Also Basswood % and r inch, and pine x inch, all log run. Also on Spruce 1 inch, suitable for manufacturing boxes. Quote also on pine squares gx2x °°, 29x2u%x2X%, 19x2%4x234, 29x3%x3%. Quotations on cars at mill. Address, B. Souro & Co., 16t Front Street, New York. Telephone Poles HE UNDERSIGNED HAVIN STOCK, AND are open for offers, f.0.b. cars, Killaloe Station, Ont.: 2,000 Telephone Poles 25 Feet Long. ‘ Oo ‘ 2,000 a 3 I 00 ce «ec “ce ce rae “ce ce oa ce ce 1,000 “oe ce 45 ce ce 500 ae ce 50 ce ce 3 10,000 Fence Posts. 2,000 Railway Ties. Quotations given by mail or wire, when requested, for car lots of any of the above. : GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. SHIPPING MATTERS. The brig. T. Harry Stewart is loading lumber at Digby, N. S., for the Cuban market. The barque Bessie Markham will load lumber at St. John, N. B., for Beunos Ayres at $9.50, if Rosaria $10.50. The ship Lennie Burrell will load at same port for Beunos Ayres. The lumber rate from Lake Superior points has opened at $2 per thousand to Lake Erie ports and $2.25 to Chicago. These are the highest rates known in years, and nearly 50 per cent. higher than those in effect one year ago. The Timber Trades Journal reports: the following charters: Steamer, 1,000 tons, Baie Verte, N. B., to Mersey, 45s; steamer, 500 tons, Pugwash, N.S., to w. c. Great Britain ore.c, Ireland, 47s 6d; steamer, St. John to w. c. Great Britain, 37s 6d; Quebec to London, 1,300 standards, 42s 6d, May-June ; St. John, N. B., to Limerick, 1,370 standards, 40s, May ; Bay of Fundy to w. c. England, 1,125 standards, 4os, May; Miramichi to Manchester, 1,885 standards, 45s, June. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, Most of the saw mills in Ontario have resumed operations, prepared for a steady séason’s work. Mills that remained idle for the last two or three years have been fitted up and put in motion, due to the prosperous condition of the lumber trade and of commerce generally. From every section of the province comes the report that lumber is selling freely, and at prices more satisfactory than have ruled for years. Not alone for the upper grades is the demand active, but the common gtades of pine and hardwoods are going into consumption rapidly, and users are compelled to keep constantly replenishing their stocks. Within the past three months there has been an all round advance in lumber values, but the prices are not yet high enough to afford a 1easonable margin of profit, when it is considered that the cost of labor and supplies to produce lumber has likewise increased. It is expected that considerable lumber cut in Georgian Bay mills will find a market in Michigan. .Already some sales have been made in that quarter, and others are almost certain to follow. For shingles and lath there is a steady -call and prices remain firm. The pro- duction this year will likely be heavy, the very satisfactory prices now ruling having a tendency to stimulate manufacturing. With the prospects of a good building season, however, there is little fear of the market being overstocked. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Disagreeable weather in Manitoba and the Territories has somewhat retarded sales of lumber, although a fair movement is reported. Retail stocks are larger than they were one year ago, and until they have become reduced orders will not be placed. A strike of carpenters in Winni- peg has taken place, causing disturbance to an otherwise promising building season. It is hoped, however, to effect a settlement at an early date. The mills in British Columbia are working to their full capa- city on local, eastern and export orders. UNITED STATES. There are no indications of weakness in the United States lumber market. Manufacturers have sold a considerable portion of their season’s cut in advance, and yet the most encouraging feature is the prices which have been obtained. In New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, and other Atlantic coast cities, stocks are short and prices advancing. At Tona- wanda box lumber has advanced during the past fortnight about one dollar per thousand, and thick lumber has under- gone a still further advance. When the new cut is ready for the market, it is an- ticipated that some grades will weaken slightly, but no general decline in prices is likely to take place. The box grades of white pine are so thoroughly cleaned up that present prices may be sustained throughout the season, but lower quota- tions will certainly be made on No. 3 and No. 4 stock, which are out of proportion to the other grades. The hardwood market has been relieved to some extent by the arrival at Eastern States points of hardwood lumber from the south. The demand, however, is more than equal to the supply, and prices are not weakening. Indeed, the require- ments for manufacturing purposes are such as will prevent any accumulation of dry stock this season, and oak, ash, elm and maple bid fair to hold their present position. There is a constantly increasing demand for lath, and manufacturers are putting forth every effort looking to a large pro- duction. There is little fear, nevertheless, of a material depreciation in prices. FOREIGN. The consumption of wood goods in the British market continues to be of satisfac- tory volume, and as no serious labor troubles are anticipated, a prosperous season is looked for. Spruce prices are steadily strengthening. At London 3x9 third quality deals are selling at £7 15s. per standard, and 3x11 at £8. Several parcels of 3 x 10 are offering, but this size does not seem to be popular. A slight improvement is also reported in pine, and at a recent auction sale broad first quality It feet in length brought £22, 3x11 £20 I5s. to £22, 3 x9 second quality 412, third quality £7 tos. to £8, and fourth quality 4615s. These prices show a slight ad- vance. There is a like firmness in the hardwood trade, and prices, while not ad- vancing, are being firmly maintained. NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. The shingle market continues very strong, and prices are firmly maintained, with a con- siderable tendency toward higher figures. Quotations are: Extras, $3 to $3.10 ; clears, $2.50 to $2.65 ; clear whites and 2nd clears, $2 to $2.15, on strictly Boston freights. There is not a shingle being offered to-day at less than $3 basis, and the larger manufacturers are holding at $3.10 to $3.15. They are not securing a large amount of business at these figures, but seem to feel that prices are sure to II. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. come to them, and as they already have a considerable number of orders on hand for the opening of the season, do not care to accept further business, unless at advanced figures. There is not too great margin in $3.25 shingles, with a heavy freight and 30 cents duty to pay, and the indications strongly point toward a realization of this basis before the market settles down for the season. There is one thing that may be said with full assurance, and that is, that no manufacturer need be afraid to ask his price for fear of not securing enough business at going prices, and being compelled to take less during July and August. The summer market will be firmly maintained this year, and lower prices are not to be feared in the least degree. STOCKS AND PRICES. C. T. White, of Apple River, N.S., will cut about 3,500,000 feet of lumber this summer. The Rat Portage Lumber Co. will, it is reported, cut 60,000,000 feet of lumber this season. At Manistee, Mich., pine shingles are selling at $2 and Extra Star cedars at $1.85, on dock there. The s.s. Greta is loading a cargo of deals at Montreal for the U.K., shipped by McLean, Kennedy & Co. H. Cargill & Son, of Cargill, Ont., have over 5,000,000 feet of logs cut and ready to float down the river to their mill. The Menominee River Lumber Co., of Marinette, Wis., has sold its cut, esti- mated at 20,000,000 feet, to A. S. Kibbee & Son, of Albany, N. Y. E. G. Filer, of Manistee, Mich., re- cently sold to Tonawanda parties 6,000,- 000 feet of pine, to be shipped to Ashland, Wis., as soon as possible. Shingles in all grades are very scarce in the Tonawanda market. The call for 18 inch XXXX pine shingles is pheno- menal, and many orders are turned down every day on account of the shortage of stock. At a recent auction sale of. Allison, Cousland & Co., Greenock, Scotland, 43 logs of small waney boardwood, prime quality, sold at Is. 5d., and a small quan- tity of 11-inch spruce deals, 12 to 17 feet long, at 93/d. to 104d. C. J. Willis & Co. have cleared the first steamer this season from Grindstone Island, Que, for a British port. She carried about 1,500,0co feet of lumber. This firm expect to ship about 50,000,000 feet from this section of country this year. The drives of R. A. Estey are all out in the main Tobique river, in New Bruns- wick, and are making excellent progress. The drives of John Kilburn are also coming along well. It is expected that all the logs on the St. John river and tributaries will be got out safely this season. The steamer Start is loading timber at the Sillery Cove, Quebec, on account of Dobell, Becket & Co. The Innishowen Head is loading deals at Indian Cove, Quebec, forthe U.K. The Rydal Holme is loading deals at the Louise Basin, Quebec, for H. R. Gooday & Son. The Charemonto is completing her cargo with deals on account of H. R. Gooday & Son. In the Chicago market basswood is selling at $22 for first and seconds, and $17 for common. Birch is in good de- mand, both white and red, the call being about equal for firsts and seconds and common. Cargoes of white pine have lately arrived in the Chicago market. One lot of piece stuff sold at $11.50 and a lot of inch mill run at $15.50. Mixed green lath is selling at $2. High prices are being obtained in Maine for logs. Geo. I. Westcott & Son, Penvbscot river lumbermen, have sold to Hastings & Stickland 750,000 feet of spruce logs at $12 per thousand, and 250,000 feet vine Jogs at $14. It is re- ported that Cornelius Murphy, of Old- town, has completed the sale of 4,000,000 feet at $13 per thousand. These prices are from $3 to $4 higher than were paid last year. The following rafts of timber have been entered at the office of the Supervisor of Cullers, Quebec: Mr. Charles Veillieux, St. Lawrence docks, birch, etc.; Mr. Geo. Madden, Louise embankment, birch ; Mr. Gharles Veillieux, Ste. Anne de Beaupre, birch; Mr. Nicholas Flood, Louite embankment, birch, etc.; Mr. W. E. Simpson, Simpson’s wharf, birch, etc.; the St. Anthony Lumber Company, Cap Rouge, pine; Mr. T. Bouchard, Louise embankment, birch. Commenting on a recent auction sale held in London, England, the Timber Trades Journal says: ‘‘The Quebec goods, especially the lots representing the balance of Sharples & Co.’s consign- ments, realized approximately good re- sults, and the regulars were apparently favorably treated. The heavy limes ot colonial goods put on the market does not help prices, and very likely some dullness in regular pine goods will pre- vail while the auction lots are being taken out of stock. The London de- mand, however, is a very elastic one, and the ab-orption of all these super- fluities will not take very long. Spruce stocks are not more than moderate, and prices may harden considerably before any serious additions are made to the present supply. There is evidently a much beiter feeling pervading the white- wood market now than a couple of months ago.” The West Hartlepool correspondent of the Timber News, Liverpool, Eng., says : “The shipments of spruce to West Hartle- pool and the Tyne show very conclusively that good quality spruce can be got, but that an interior quality is very prevalent. One thing is certain, that if spruce of long average and good quality be shipped, and more care taken to ensure regularity of manufacture, then the fight between America and Sweden for the whitewood trade will be very close. The inferior quality and manufacture of spruce shipped last year, in some cases, has prejudiced buyers unduly, particularly where the goods are required to be planed; still these are defects that doubtless can and will be remedied in the near future. The Swedish shippers, for their part, will no doubt con- sider the question of price, to meet the American competition, and so keep the hold on the east coast which they have had so long.” BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA. [Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN. ] There is a continuation of the good feeling in all branches of the lumber trade, unless it be the sash and blind industry, which is still too much overdone to make any money. Hard- wood is still taking the lead, though the pine dealers are very sanguine. ‘‘Business is moving along very nicely,” is the word from all sources. There is so little complaint that it may be said that a new atmosphere has pervaded the entire business. There is possibly one feature that is not so entirely satisfactory, and that is the sharp ad- vance in the price of certain woods and cuts that are necessary to construction work. Hem- lock is so high that some of the dealers are looking for a decline or a substitution of some cheap wood, like Norway, in its place unless it comes down. The Lehigh Valley Railroad Company has plans fora freight warehouse that will take about a million feet of lumber, but rather than pay the price for hemlock there is an effort to build it of white pine entirely. A dealer who is well acquainted with the Canadian trade expresses a fear that the extra production of shingles will bring down the price unless building springs up very fast. The demand is good for them, but the advance in price has set the mills to turning them out much more rapidly thanformerly. For a long time the price was low, with a good demand, so that the production was kept down. It is diferent now, and there is fear of over- doing it, especially as the tariff does not shut out Canadian shingles. Of course, there is grim smiling fover the squirming that certain lumbermen are doing on account of the failure to remove the lumber tariff. Even those who saw the mistake before it was made, and fought against it, are quite willing to smile over the predicament that the Michigan lumbermen are finding themselves in. There is no hope of relief now, much as it is needed. I learn from the Sullivans that they have about withdrawn from Canada, as they are not able to'find the hardwood lumber they handle, especially elm and ash, in sufficient quantity. Even the dealers in maple are re- porting sales of that wood back to Canada at better prices, sometimes, than they could obtain for it here. This may have been a mere special deal, but it shows that Canadian hardwood is not holding out any better than our own, to say the least. The Black Rock yard of the Holland & Emery Company is now about bare of lumber, though the Byng Inlet mills of the company will be started up this month. Most of the cut will be sold in Canada, though it is the intention to use the yard here for considerable handling, and duty will be paid on quite a largeamount. There is at least something m that trade now, and the outlook is for more before there is less. Everybody is looking fora large demand for lumber soon on account of the Pan-Ameri- can Exposition, though at present the hesita- tion over the selection of a site is holding opera- tions back. There is no lack of enthusiasm over the project, but some very perplexing questions have arisen. The desirability of a waterside site and the difficulty of adapting the only available one to the requirements is still puzzling the managers. It will probably all be settled within a week, however. Buffalo has gone ahead very much since the establishment of the steel plant was announced. In fact, it is quite a different city already, and if other projects of an industrial nature, now in the air, go through, there will be a new city here at once. One of these is the bridge across Grand Island ard the Niagara to connect the New York Central and the Canadian Pacific, which is now regarded as a certainty. The Buffalo Lumber Exchange took action last week, confirming the rule not to allow more than 1% per cent. discount on cash orders or accept notes of more than 60 days. This rule was made during the winter, but the Saginaw trade asked that it be reduced to signature, so this was done. It is the intention to cover the eastern pine trade in the same way. There is really no complaint of cutting prices by this method, but it was quite common during the dull times. The Buffalo lumbermen have arranged to hold a number of outings this summer, and at the jJast meeting of the Exchange, F. W. Vetter and A. P. Strong were made the com- mittee of arrangemenrs. The lake trade is opening up so very late that only about two cargoes of lumber arrived in April. The Loud Company was first in, but most of the first cargoes, the Wyoming and Ketcham, went to Tonawanda. There is much complaint that the goverment is neglect- ing thetrade, much to its disadvantage, by not putting down the buoys in Niagara river. So far not a stick has been displayed, and the boats are afraid to make the trip to Black Rock and Tonawanda. Dealers are complaining of the $2 lumber rate, but it is as little as the barges can live on, and ought to be held. The canal rate has opened at $1.75 to New York, and there is considerable business. There is not so much pine lumber in the upper lake yards for shipment by lake as there would have been ifthe price had .been lower, for it has been taken out all-rail to a great extent. Yards here are not in as much need of pine this spring as was feared, for the grades are quite generally all in yet. The great demand is for box lumber of all sorts, as the box trade has been brisk for some time and promises to remain so this season. The Hoo-Hoo cuntatenation came late this winter, but tt is over and all is well. Both Chicago and Boston wasin it this time. J. B. Wall is again the ruling Snark. The intention announced early in the winter to hold a con- catenation in Toronto appears to have been given up. BUFFALO, May gth, 1899. Jee © May 10, 1899 r ————————————— DEMAND FOR BROOM HANDLES. The United States consul at Birmingham, England, recently stated that there was a large demand in that town for American broomsticks, which appeared to be very scarce, partly owing to the fact that the broom handle wanted must be 42 inches long, 1% inches in diameter and the same size at both ends, whereas the Ameri- can handle is 38 inches long and %-inch in diameter at one end, tapering to 34-inch at the other. He also says that the English insist upon having spruce handles, and expect to pay from $15 to $18 a thousand, whereas the lum- ber from which these are cut is worth from $23 to $24 a thousand feet in the boards. The handles used in this country are mostly bass- wood or birch, but so far the attempt to intro- duce these into England has not met with success. —American Lumberman. The failure is announced of E. H. Barton & Son, timber merchants, London, Eng. No Canadian firms are believed to be interested. WANTED Rock Elm, eut to order. Soft Elm, all thicknesses, Blaek Ash, all thieknesses. State quantity you can supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WCOD AGENTS 7 CrosBy Square, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “*Sieveking,” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” West Hartlepool. HD. WIGCIN sostonatass: 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mili and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woods, Including Muhogany, A Specialty. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE ano HARDWOOD AN ‘DONOGH LUMBER C0. a Z ae Tale Cable Address, ‘‘ SwAN DonoGH—TONAWAND. Lumberman’s Code. MILL M\EN—_ Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Brown Ash ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price — f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to LAWRENCE & WIGGIN Wholesale Lumber Dealers = - 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. May 10, 189¢ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Tis; CANADIAN TIMBER IN THE BRITISH MARKET. The following prices were realized for Cana- dian goods at a sale by Churchill & Sim, Lon- don, Eng., held on April 29th : PINE.—Ex Fernmoor, from Quebec—12-14 ft. 2x 6 in. third quality, £7; 2x5, £7 5s. Ex Enna, from Montreal—6-8 ft. 3x8 first quality, £12 10s and 412158; 6-8 ft. 3x7, £12 15s. Ex Monarch, from Quebec—11 ft. 3 X 12-25 first quality, £22; 10 ft. 3x 12-24, £21 to A421 15s; 11 it. 3x11, 421 5s and £22; 10ft. 3x11, 421. Ex Cervona, from Quebec—11 ft. 3x 11 first quality, £20 15s; io ft. 3x11, 420 5d. Ex Bjorgvin, from Quebec—15 ft. 3x10 third quality, £7 15s; 13 ft. 3x9, 47 158s; 13 ft. 3x8 and 3x7, £7; lo-11 ft. 3x 10, £7 10s; 10-11 ft. 3x9, 47 158; 10-11 ft. 3x8, £6 15s; 10-11 It. 3x meets Ugiit. 3 x 9-10, 47 155; 13 ft. 3x Beene Geguit. 3x7, 46 15s. Ex Monte- videan, from Quebec—13 ft. 3x10 fourth quality, £6 15s; 13 ft. 3x 8, £6 and £6 Ios; 13 ft. 3% 7, 46 5s; 12-13 ft. 3x 7-10, PAG TAYE IO-II ft. 3x 9-10, £6 Ios; Io-11 ft. 3x7-9, £6 10s. Ex Assyrian, from Quebec—12 ft. 3x 10second quality, £11 15s; 12 ft. 3x9, Win wsane Ais. 12 it. 3x8, £12; 12 ft. 3x7, 410 15s. Ex Progressist, from Quebec —10 ft. 3 x 12-22 second quility, £13 10s ; 16 ft. 3x 9 third quality, £8. Ex Cameo, from Montreal—g ft. 3x 11 first quality, £20; 6-8 it axes ss; 0-0 ft. 3x 11, £10 15s. Ex Nordcap, from Quebec—12-18 ft. 4x 11 first quality, £16; 4x9. 415 15s; 2x8, £11 10s ; 12-18 ft. 4x9 second quality, £12 10s ; 10-18 ft. 2x 10, £10 Ss. Spruce.—Ex Belgian King, from Quebec —13 ft. 3x9 first quality, £48 and £7 15; II- 13 ft. 3x 8-9 fourth quality, £5 15s. Ex Eveline, from Batiscan, Que.—13 ft. 3x 8 third quality, £6 t5s; 14 ft. 3x10, 47 5s; 12 ft. 3x 10,47. Ex Monarch, from Quebec—13 ft. 3x gsecond quality, £7 15s. Ex Nordcap, from Quebec—13-16 ft. 3x 11 3rd quality, 47 15S; 12-13 ft. 3x11, £8; 12-16 ft. 3 x 12-16, 46; 12-15 ft. 3x 10, £7. SPRUCE PALINGS.—Ex Annie M. Smith, from Miramichi, N.B.—4}% {t. x 34 x 3”, 6s 6d per 100 pieces; 360 bundles q ft. x 3x 3”, 6s 3d. Oak TIMBER.—Ex Partehena, from Quebec —439 cubic feet at 97s 6d per load ; 477 cubic feet, 97s 6d ; 659 cubic feet, 95s. PINE TIMBER:—27-34 ft. 12-14 inch, 53s 5 20-24 ft. 12-13 inch, 5Is. E_m TrmMBErR.—Ex Yola, from Quebec—30- 51 ft. x 12-16 inch, 65s; 46-51 ft. X 11-13 inch, 758 3 38-47 ft. X 11-14 inch, 7os. THE BARBADOS MARKET. From the report of S. P. Musson, Son & Co. the following particulars of the Barbados lumber market are extracted : The Mecedese arrived from Belliveau Cove, N.S., with 162 M feet spruce. This was sold at $15 for shipping boards, $11 for second quality, and $12 for plank. There seems to be but little demand for spruce, the course of the market of late being disappointing. In white pine there have been no receipts, and the position is stronger. One or two small cargoes would bring about $20 for good shipping, with customary difference for second quality. In shingles there is a fair enquiry for the cheaper grades of cedar laying, which would sell at $2 or thereabouts. The Duart Castle brought some 300 M long Gaspe cedar, which were placed at $5.35, and a small lot of 6, 5, 4 and 3 inch sold at $6.55, $5.55. $4.55 and $3.55 respectively. While these shingles have been readily taken by some of the dealers, others are holding aloof, anticipating some- what lower figuresin the future; at the same time, much will depend on the extent of ship- ments, Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN S.S8. 6O.’S Winter Sailings MILFORD HAVEN, PASPEBIAC, ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight Agent A. & L.S.R.R. Co., Room 16 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal. For Further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial Railway A gent, or to William Keating, Freight and Passenger Agent, 72 Yonge Street, Toronto. Montague Yates 13 St. John St., os oa MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS 0” WHOLESALERS OWEN SOUND, ONY. 1OOOOOR WANTED 1% and 2” BASSWOOD, all Grades wanted, and especial price for winter cut stock, these sizes. Please Advise, Stating Quant.ty and Quality. THe PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umres MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. A@eWrite us for Quotations on all Bills@/®e PEMBROKE, ONT. MictA¥ RIN & MaLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock. or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, + Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Bast TEMPLETON, QUE. S It YOUr Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the... CANADA LUMBERMAN ¢ WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. $ An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H.B. Mussrn, Contracting Agent. M. A. OvereNn, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING . . . - Shortest and Quickest Route from.... OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &e., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. : W P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. }. Situ, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. SHEETING tand.. OEILING @ eo AS PivA Y HAT Ede CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH ° SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies 2a MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ° WIKRTON U = es MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER @ Pine shingles. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER ee. BAIDIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS : Penetang, Ontario Flooring from $12.00 KNIGHT BROTHER 5 Ceiling <“ 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL Burks ao BRE a Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. OO OOD: FOREIGN IMPORTERS WRIGHT, GRAHAM & OO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND t WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwood- in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. SMITH & TYRER =_—-_~—Cs«I4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.S. ‘Iv. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘“‘ The Canada Lumberman.”" BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto, McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Mowry & Son, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. ? The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal,.Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. _ Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A, Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. be Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Illinois Central R.R. E Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Mill Sites and Water Powers, Canadian Pacific Railway. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. Turned Woodwork, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, WHOLESALE PRICES GURRBNT. (The quotations given below are, unless otherwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. Toronto, May 10, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1% 1% and 2 inch cut r inch dressing and up and better...... $32 00 $34 00 2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 oo 1x 2 dressing and bet- cinch siding mill run 14 00 . inch siding common 11 00 ter, 60% 16 ft....-. 22 00 24 00 | t inch sidingshipculls 10 50 rxzo fine dressing and t inch siding mill culls 8 50 pettersedecacse« sie 22 00 24 oo{ Cullscantling........ 8 00 1x10 and 12 Canadian . inch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 2000] in. mill run...... + 13 00 t inch strips, common 11 00 « 1-4 inch flooring.... t t-2 inch flooring.... XXX pine shingles, 16 11-2 and thicker cut- ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00 1 1-4 in. cut up and ERLER ericrimenn eae 33 00 35 00 I ix1e and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00 pte) recap aenenor oc 1x10 and 12 common. 12 00 14 00| XX pineshingles 16inch rx1o and 12 mill culls g 00 1000} Lath, No.1r......... inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00} Lath No. 2......... HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 tozin..$26 00 $28 oo | Cherry r to1rg$50 00 oe ‘2% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 us * 4.. 60 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm, soft 1 ‘* 1% 16 00 ands, 1to 1%in.... 18 00 2000/ ‘ “ 2 3., 17 00 Ash, black, ists and “yock 1 % xi a8ico ands,2to4in...... 20 00 22 00 Eg wah’ 1% ‘* 3.. 21 00 Ash, M.R.,1 ‘! 2.. 1600 1809] Hickory 13% “ 2.. 28 00 Birch, I .. 18 00 20 00} Maple x * 99g a6%00 gs 1%“! 2.. 2000 23 00 Ky a ‘** 4.7, 2700 s* sars. 4x4 ‘* 8 x824 90 26 00 Oak,red,p'n x "1% 26 00 Basswood, ists and A *" 4.. 29 00 ands, 1to1&% in.... 17 00 19 00 ‘* white 7% 28 00 1% gl, -agioo! 2500). * ‘* 4.. 30 00 i wns «06 x th OO aqied “ quart’d *© 2.. 46 00 Butternut 1 ‘* 1% 23 00 25 00 | Walnut x ‘ 3.. B5ido ie 2 ‘'3.. 25 00 2800] Whitewood: ‘“ 2.. 3200 Chestnut 1 ‘2. 2400 2 08 Rettepade eso cue $20 00 $22 00 I5 00 I2 00 Ir 50 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, May 10, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... $31 00 3600] terstock..........- II 00 12 50 Pine, gond strips,.... 25 00 27 00 | Pine,8&ups.c.sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 0 28 00 | Pine, s.c. strips.....- 8 00 10 00 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts. 700 859 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls....... 9 00 10.50 UML de rain, 21)» ple nists eae 15 co 21 00] Pine mill culls...... 752 9 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath per M No.1... 1060 1 20 EXUDE) 3/00 «ais «cig ce 14 00 1600] Lath per M No, 2... 85 + 95 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1x10 No, 1 barn.... 18 00 SHOVES, jes cote aeee a 1200 14 00|1x10 No.2 “ .... 16 00 Pine, 10 s.c. and bet- 1x8 &g9 No.1 17 00 Her stock, asc uteeie 13.50 15 00| 1x8& q No.2 “ I5 00 QUEBEC, QUE. Quesec, May 10, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. Ctsi. icts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ....----- Zo. 32 ‘© goed fair S eS He Fae ayioatare 32. 34 ‘« first class Zc aS Se restate ame 8 | 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal. . 3642 “ec ‘ “ “ce Hate 19 to2zinchaverage ** ns BB 44 sf Michigan ‘‘ 19 to 21 in average oS size 43. 448 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and qu ity... p 26 In shipping order, BS cf te a craiatte natereteievep ia ol otate “7 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according toaverageand quality. . .- .. + 46 49 7 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 to 50 feet. . 32 35 2 fs EE sc” "g0:to agifect.. 9.127) ze ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . . .21 24 Tovayerage’16 inch. same 6 6 sss Ue) fe) in ea 26 4 BIRCH. a4qnGhaverages. + lM |= +) 5) ©) Vel gem seihres eo) | oh) asiunen us 18 Tomas Peet ey + 25 TO Ar as : Ue ~ 24 «628 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $2x for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau, NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., May 10, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber......- $28 00 @ 40 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking. .2 26 ene 44 00 50°90 SPRUCE. 6 tO GIN... .0.. veceee 14 00 14 50/10 to 12in........... 16 25 17 00 GIL E27 ME cine ley wv sisal 14 50 15 75| Lath............-... 185 195 Q OI2ZIN....---+-eee 15 75 16°25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1 and 2 Black Ash, ro to 16 1% to 21n iad ce “ce ia} 1 inch, th Soft Elm, a 14in and thicker, ‘ es * 4/4 e fs Hard Maple, ‘“‘ ‘ As s Basswood, ss od A sf Birch, Le REA OME Crary Rin eer 5c 23 ae “© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O....... 14 00 G3 ‘© Soft Elm, UB EN Se evmetitl 12 co We ‘¢ Hard Maple, “ ee Oe aren yaaa 14 00 a ‘¢ Basswood, ‘* uf Bens mapraeyatiai 12 00 'B «« Birch, 4 Se tare 14 00 ALBANY, N.Y. Avgany, N.Y., May 10, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up...-..-+--- $51 $53 | 1x12 inch shippers ZU UM... vec enceecese rece 50 52| 4/4 inch : COMM SS seer eae won es 45 48 | 4/4, Box boards, 6” andup.. 12 13 inch uppers ....+0+e+sre0s 54 | ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 ede 24 in. Up..----++++ 44 | Io-in. common ............+ 13 15 PROVE ios. dine als aise on + 40 | 12-in. dressing and better... 25 34 _ Fine common, 2% in. andup 39 42 Common, 112) ee ejae ee ssc 14 15 TE £0 2 iM... eee es wesw recess 6 38] No. x barn, rx12..... eos 21 23 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch or No.2......+- eebeceda 19 No.3..-+----+02-= seeceee 18 No. 1 molding, x to 2in 17 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in 15 Stained saps....---++--+0+ 23 Bracket plank ....- pee sees 30 35 : 25 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 29 31 Dressing wos (sts niacenieire 16 18 Dressing boards, narrow.... 19 2% COMIGH «sane < neo wens Lx. ks 1x1y inch shippers..... «-- 15 LATH. Pine .. 2... sccscwcserces se se $x 75\| Spruce .........0.00.seeece $1 75 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xXxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 25 Clear butts.......-.-- 3.00 3 25 sillopel RAPE 6 Mase Ses 15 Smooth, 6x 18.....-- 5 00 5 50| SPpruce......sseesneee 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, May 10, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed % inch,.......++- $925 $950 boards). 05.006 s' $10 50 1200 11-16 WCB y scm 9g 00 g £0 Coarse No. 5....--. 15 00 15 50 SHeinch.......... - 809 8 75 Refuse. .... 12 00 13 ..0| Clapboards, sapext.. 4¢ 00 44 00 ONES ociacnialatas Se : 9g 00 Sap clear. ~ «ca. + 33 00 3500 Boxboards,1 inch... 10 00 11 00 Sap, 2nd clear.... 30 00 31 00 © Std AIO oa Oo 9 00 9 5° UNOo ths a gratats oleieriate 19 00 623 00 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, x in.......- $50 00@52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%,1% and 2in.. 52 00 53 00| No. 2,1 in. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 3 and 4in.......+6 58 co 6200| 1%, 1%and 2in.. 32 00 Selects, 1 in.......-- 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to 6 in. 44 00 14, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00| No, 2......-.... 39 00 3and 4 in......... 53 00 56 00 No. 3.-.----+ Sr 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, in : 32 00 rz im. clear...<.. 37 00 39 00} Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 oc Fine common, 1in.... 40 00 41 oo | Common allwidths... 22 00 26 00 1%, 1% and 2in... 40 00 42 oo | Shipping culls, rin... 14 50 15 50 do rY¥%in. 15 50 16 50 SHINGLES. 1 50 | Second Clear ......... 200 215 3 00 3.10| Extra No.1...... teen S25 5a 250 2 65 LATH | By cargo........ milteceais xy 80@ 1 90 By Ger .ccdce eters » 180@ zoe May 10, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., May 10, 1299. WHITE PINE. ; Up’rs, 1,1%,1% and 2 | los’ 4, is se 18 00 20 00 Us seeesseccarson 48 00| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 24% and 3 in 56 00 and up,1in...... 32 00@34 00 IN. ees eeonee 6c oo| Dressing 1% in...... 27 90 3000 Selects, rin. ........ 41 00 42 00 txac dad ws SU eatte 28 00 30 00 gto ee ici alee 42.00 43.00] 134 In.......005055 28100 30.00 2% and 3 in....... 50 00) |: 02) AU ons ees nappa 29 00 34 00 Ae eee seaae 52 00| Mold st’ps,1 to 2in.. 31 00 33 00 Fine common, x in... 36 00 37 00| Barn, No.1,12in..... 23 00 24 oo 1% and 1% 1 eee 36.00 3700] 6,8andioin..,... 19 00 21 00 QIN eeseresecees 36 00 3800] No.2, roin....... + 16 00 16 00 BVM) - dee eimess aap 45 00| No.2, r2in 17 00 1800 4, Meese esse eeeeee 47 00| No. 3, roin 13 00 13 00 Cut’g up, No. 1,1in. 28 00 29 00) No. 3, 12 in 13 50 14°00 ‘1% tO2 I.-..e sees 33 00 34 00 6 and 8in Ir 00 1200 No.2; 2 ARs) s2. ++ I5 00 16 00 Common, 1 in 15 00 16 00 No. 2,14, & 1% in 23 00 25 00| 1% and1¥in...... 17.90 18 00 No. 3, 1% & 134" 17/00 38°00). 2M... sees. c er cn 18 00 620 oc WHITE ‘ASH. tst & 2nd, x inch, 28 co 30 00| 244 tog in........... 00 38 co tow ings ss... 31 60 939 oll Strips: ..-..... j bed 00 é 00 Com. and culls 1200 14 0 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. é ist & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6inch & | ist &end,white, 6” &up, 18 oc 20 oo UP BED. «of ewan sale 28 00 30 00|/Com & good culls..... TO 00 It oO ELM, 1st & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18:00 20 oo | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 00 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICII. ‘ Bay C ic! UPPERS AND pen ee Selects, rin., 8in. pa ¥ anda oe a nee ao i > oo 1%,1¥4and 2in........... 48 00| 2% and 3 im........... : e 0° 24 and 3 in + iehato a Aveaaeeaee 56 00 4 11.» won eeediar a esrnlgt ema eh HUG clic aiseeias > nce eh cee 59 90 ‘ ; FINE COMMON, 1 in., 8 in. and up wide 35 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 46 1% and 134 in.......... «1+. 35 00 | 4toae pee ‘ he Sao B Wis ste csiaieviniin aes deem eee 36 on B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 26 oo | 24% and 3in., 7in. up wid: , 1M and 1% IN..... 000 eo eee 3T OO'l 4°tnt sce anes diapin > Wo Se Pak WARAROMMER Gro nctonncc or. 32 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide... 36 oo| 1in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 35 00 6 Thy Wiser. 00 tin., roin. stocks......... 23 00 vin., 12 in, stocks.......-. 33 90 1 in., 12 in. stocks......,.. 27 00 rin., 12 in. and up wide... 34 00 1 in., ro in. and up wide... 24 00 rin. 1% and 2in., 8in. and 1in., 13 in. and up wide... 29 00 WP) WAGE piers oe tacoma mie 3I 00 ¢ BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. la lot sie ants eva oearste 22 .00°| No.2, 9/ini i... een peasy (50 DIN. see ence ees eeeee ee 19 00] 8and7in......... mariegigs 15 00 Q Ie wn eee erns on senecsins 18 00 | No. 3, 12 im......... seesenee 13 00 Sand 7 in.....---seeeeeeee 18 00| 10 i...c.65 sae reemeeseegs I2 00 No. 2, 121N.....2.222eeeeeee 16.00! “9h. wo. ian cee ee OD XO. «Cains aie @ ete laetats erento I5 00 BN, cain ae eeeeeeeeR ee eee OO ’ ; SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4 and 5 in. wide....... $10 00 | 1 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$10 50 min.;6in. wide, ....cs=- fess 10 00] 1%, i and 2 in., 7 in. and 1in., 7 in. wide and up...... 10 00 ip. Wide... 4... 2Saeeeepe F050 SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5, 7, 8 and gin. wide 20 90 | 1 in., ro in. and up wide..... 19 00 IiM., Hin. Wide... sodsaceen 20 00] 1%, 1% and 2 in., 8in. and up wide........ ssvsaesecees 20 00 , COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 | No. 1, mill:cullso225 3 meee Nosasicecnwauvts ahi eetaanvotetviate 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse...... TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING, Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.§ 9 50| Hemlock, 2x4 to to, 12 to 18 fi . a Io 50 16 feet s 20 ft. II 50 BRIZ, Oncaea aa eves 22 and 24 ft 12 50 | Add $x to each additional aft. in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... "3 co | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts.......2<05+ ieee Oe D o.O.6 Seer a eRe Clear” Battsinicceccmeceghek 2025 WHITE PINE LATH, ee SE ee eee, erelcients ae mee 78 | Rois ee I 20 emlo: Seeeee weet eeeeeeeee I 00 PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. F.o.b. carsat F.o b. Sutherland Innes Mills Wallaceburg No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000.. 5 00 $5 00 No. 1 30 " " " ON iad " . ++ § 00 5 00 No. 1 32 " " " " ee . 525 5 50 No.r24 " " " 0 Sateinceig eae 400 No. 228% u " " " t - osiaeee 3.25 3 25 No.230 wu u " " 1 | anne em Guess 3 25 No. 2 32 " " " " " «sf 0S 3 72 No.224 Lp " " fa) | otaetelaey 2 00 2 00 No.1 14 in. to14% in. kiln dried basswood heading,perset 3 3 No.r15 ou 16 " " " " 3% 3 No. 117% " " " " 3% 3 : No.r18 wu 184% 0 " " " 4% No. 1 19% " " " " 4% 4% No. 1 19% " " " " 5 5 Mill run heading %ct. per set less, No. 2 heading rct. per set less. No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000.... 5 25 5 40 No. 1 vn " " "wee. 5 50 5 65 No. 16% " HM Be Sie i OG 5 90 Ww " No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 oo No. 2 28% " " " ' 3.25 ° 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves ........ ee ee 48 00 17 00 No + 30 inch half syrup barrel staves..........--. sae Sey 16 00 * bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) { CANADA |UMBERMA WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $1.00 PER YEAR { Thié Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT. MAY 17, 1899 No. 17. CANADA [_UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire InsurANCcE BUILDING, MonTrREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. _ Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPEGTION BOOK =em Containing Rules for the Inspection and Measuring of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. Em- bracing also many useful tables and calculations of everyday service to lumbermen. Prepared by the Editor of the Canada Lumberman.” a Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 HE above is aiac simile of the title page of the latest and most complete Lumber. and Inspection Book published. | We shall be pleased to send you a copy on receipt of four 3 cent Ga- nadian postage stamps ° ° ° ° THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of rs cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CanADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED—WILL EVERY Lumberman getting out Hardwood Lumber please write us describing what you have and where, with rates to Buffalo. We can handle it from any section of the country. TAYLOR & CRATE, Buffalo, N.Y. WANTED. LOOR MANAGER FOR SASH AND DOOR Factory ; also for Box Factory. Must be first class, practical men. Apply, stating age, experience and salary required. Send references. GitmMour & Co., Trenton, Canada. WANTED. RICE ON MAPLE, BEECH, BIRCH, ASH and Elm, %,1 and2inches. Also Basswood % and t inch, and pine x inch, all log run. Also on Spruce 1x inch, suitable for manufacturing boxes, Quote also on pine squares gx2x-, 29x2U%x2\, 29X23%4x2%, 29x%3%x3M%. Quotations on cars at mill. Address, B. souro & Co., 161 Front Street, New York. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The reports from the mills throughout Ontario state that trade 1s unusualiy brisk, every grade and almost every variety of pine and hardwood being in demand. One manufacturer writes that he has not experienced as good a demand for thirteen years, and that prices are more satisfactory than for a long time. This is the universal opinion of lumber- men generally. Many of the mills have shipped out their entire holdings of dry stock, and are crowded with orders for this season’s production. Some manu- facturers bclieve that prices of some grades of pine will still further advance in the near future, but on this point the trade are by no means unanimous. Manufacturers of hardwoods are holding firmly to prices, and many of them have disposed of the bulk of this season’s cut at high figures. Shingles are in active demand and are being shipped as fast as manufactured. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The lumbermen of the eastern provinces are hopeiul of a more prosperous season than last year. Prices of square and waney timber are quite as good, and indications point to an advance in the near future, particularly in the price of first-class waney pine. Spruce deal prices are also strengthening. About $ro is the average quotation for deals delivered at St. John, N.B., and some large sales have been made at this figure. That this Price is yet too Jow js borne out by the fact that $8 per thousand is being paid by «he manufacturers for logs, leaving only $2 per thousand to cover the cost of manufacture and marketing. The drives are coming along well, and few logs are I'kely to be hung up. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The lumber trade in Manitoba and the Territories 1s not opening up as briskly as was anticipated. Country business has been interfered with by wet weather and bad roads, and in Winnipeg a strike of carpenters has caused delay in building Operations. Unless an early settlement of the trouble is effected, it may lead to the postponement of some contemplated building until next season. Notwith- standing these obstables, lumber dealers and manufacturers generally look for a large consumption of lumber this year. In British Columbia all the mulls are working to their full capacity, and the outlook is quite encouraging. A building boom at Vancouver and New West- minster 1s creating an unusually heavy demand for building material, and con- sequently prices are stiffening. UNITED STATES. Much speculation is indulged ing as to the course which prices will take. It might be expected, at this season of the year when the mills are resuming oper- ations, that a weakening tendency would be observable. This has not been the case as yet with respect to white pine, although it is believed that there will be a slight decline in prices of the lower grades in the near future. In hardwoods, oak and ash are likely to remain at present quotations for some time, but basswood, elm and maple are already easier, although there is no quotable change in prices. These woods are being placed on the market more freely, but still the supply is not equal to the demand. A specially favorable feature is the fact that not for many years has the future output been so generally contracted for. At Tonawanda thick pine uppers, se- lects and fine common are constantly enquired for, and prices on this class of stock are said to have advanced $2 per thousand within the past week. Shingles and lath are m good demand in all the eastern markets. The latter are selling at $2.25 for white pine. FOREIGN. The tone of the British lumber market is decidedly firmer. Sales of pine deals have been effected in Londcn at prices which reveal a healthier state of demand than was expected. First quality deals, particularly of broad dimensions, have realized good prices, while the market has also absorbed large quantities of under- sized third and fourth quality pine without any further weakening. For second and third quality, average size, the demand is not so active, but fourth quality are selling freely, 11 inch and up being quoted at £6 17s 6d to £7 4s 4d. Red pine deals maintain their strong position, and in the absence of an adequate supply, prices show a tendency to advance. There isa noticeable improvement in the spruce trade, and a large coast and continental business is being effected at better prices than could have been obtained in the earlier months of the year. Birch timber and planks are enquired for, but elm, ash and.oakcontinue somewhat dull. Thestock of waney pine is low and prices steady. First class square pine meets with ready sale, the present stock consisting princi- pally of small and inferior wood. Detailed particulars of the Glasgow and Liverpool markets will be found elsewhere. A number of vesssels have been char- tered to carry lumber from St. John, N. B., and other eastern ports to France, and it would appear that this market will consume a considerable quantity of the Canadian product. The South American demand is also expanding, calling for special bills and dimensions. NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES, The market continues very strong, prices ruling at Boston points being the same as quoted last week, viz: Extras, $3 to $3.10; clears, $2.50 to $2.65 ; clear whites and 2nd clears, $2 to $2.15. The higher figures are being readily Obtained for reasonably prompt shipment, orders at these figures being much more plentiful than a week since, showing a hardening tendency in the market. Stocks in retail hands are very low, and consumption is large. Very few manufacturers are running their mills as yet, and are all well provided with orders, so that it is safe to assume that prices will be at least no lower, and that a still further advance may shortly take effect. It is believed that the orders now in the hands ofthe manufacturers would, if equally divided amongst all, keep every mill in the business hard at work till after July 1st. This being the case, there ought to be no question as to prices being firmly maintained throughout the summer, CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED. By reference to our advertising pages it will be observed that Messrs. C. H. Glover & Co., box and packing case manufacturers, of Lon- don, Eng,, are desirous of importing Canadian spruce, pine, box shooks, ete., direct from the manufacturers. Those wishing to extend their trade in this direction should correspond with the above named firm. II. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. STOCKS AND PRICES. The tender of Patrick Burns has been accepted for the supply of cedar and plank to the city of Ottawa, Ont. The drive of the Wm. Richards Co. has arrived at the mill at Boiestown, N. B. About 3,000,000 feet will be sawn. Booth & Shannon, of Ottawa, are taking large quantities of square timber down the Ottawa river for shipment to Great Britain. The bark Ashlow cleared last week from St. John, N.B., for Buenos Ayres, with 510,749 feet of dry lumber, shipped by A, Cushing & Co. The steamship Bovaria sailed from St. John, N.B., for Liverpool, last week, with 2,036 standards of deals and timber, valued at $41,000. The shingle mill of the Parry Sound Lumber Co. at Parry Sound is about to resume operations. The daily output will be about 150,000 shingles. Lumber shipments from Ludington, Mich., for the opening three weeks of navigation have been greater than for the same period in ten years past. At Saginaw, Mich.; Canada log run is held at $14 to $17, and Michigan log run at $17 to $24. Box lumber is stiff at $12 to $13, and Norway at $9 50 to $12. The Holland & Emery Lumber Com- pany have started their two saw mills and a shingle mill at Byng Inlet, Ont., having a stock of 40,000,000 feet of logs to work on. The following figures show the stock of timber, deals, etc., in the. public docks at London, Eng., oa 3cth April for three years, and for the purpose of comparison, are interesting : ForeIGN Deals, in pieces Wainsent Logs, in pieces. Oak Timber, in loads Bir umber, eee ne ees CoLontaL Pine Deals and. Battens, in pieces Spruce Deals and Battens, in pieces *.......... (iaky Timbers inuloadsseeer sere ois Birch Timber and Planks, in loads. . Elm and Ash Timber, in loads White Pine Timber, in loads . Red Pineenrads te ee Unitep States Pitch Pine Timb-r in loads. Pitch Pine Deals, in pieces. ... * East I-p1a Teak, ‘in loads It is said that over 75 per cent. of the 300,000,000 feet of lumber that will be manufactured this year by the twenty one mills) on the Nenominee river, in Wis- consin, has aiready been sold. Of the eighteen sawmills at the lower end of the Saginaw river, in Michigan, eleven are in operation. The others de- pend upon Canadian logs, and will pro- bably remain idle this season. Cooperage stock has recently under- gone a considerable advance, as will be observed by reference to the pricelist else- where. Jointed elm staves and coiled elm -hoops -have advanced about 50 cents. Pelton & Reid, of :Cheboygan, Mich., cut a quantity of logs on Indian reserve lands in the Georgian Bay district last winter. These are now being driven down the bay, and will be rafted to the mill. The Fredericton Herald states that logs are in good demand at Springhill. A number of rafts have been disposed of at prices ranging from $7.50 to $8.10 per thousand for spruce, against $6.50 one year ago. Hemlock logs are worth from $3.50 to $4 per M. Attention is directed to the changes in the New York and Albany prices as given on page3. Black ashin New York is now quoted at $35, soft elm at $25, hard maple at $24, basswood at $25, and birch at $24. At Albany 4/4 box boards, 6 inch and up, are quoted at $13 to $14, and spruce lath at $2. The city of Vancouver, B.C., recently invited tenders for the annual supply of lumber. The tenderers were the Royal City Planing Mills Co., Tytler, Robertson & Hackett, and W. L. Tait, and the prices named in each tender were the same. Battens, HN CE-Nes oabe ten dek sokuebe Boards, in PIECES yeas tejetaiese mye orev rays The contract has been awarded !o Robert- son & Hackett. Up to May Ist there arrived at London, Eng., from the St. Lawrence, 11,000 pieces of pine deals and 73,000 of spruce deals, against 6,000 and 10,000 pieces re- spectively in 1898. From New Bruns- wick there arrived 9,000 pieces of spruce deals and 39,000 pieces of birch plank this year, against 145,000 and 32,000 pieces respectively in 1898. Since the rst of January the lumber exports from St. John, N.B., to United States ports have been as follows: Lum- ber, 32,000,000 feet; Jaths, 37,000,000 pieces; shingles, 13,000,000 ; piling, 2,- 271,000 pieces. Vessels other than winter port steamers have since the first of the year taken to British ports over 18,000,000 sup. feet of deals, etc., and there have also been shipments to South America, West Indies and Canary Islands. Douglas L. White & Co., wholesale lumber dealers, Albany, N.Y., write that stocks at that point are badly broken, and as yet very little lumber has been 1eceived from the west, In the course of two or three weeks lumber will be coming in freely, and the assortment will be much better. Common lumber has advanced from $1 to $3, and good lumber nearly the same amount over last year’s prices. 4/4 and 5/4 box is about cleaned out of the market. The American Lumberman says: ‘“‘New Brunswick white cedar 16-inch shingles are in active demand in New England, and command 25 cents per thousand more than the Michigan and Wisconsin pro- duct. It is not clained that New Bruns- wick cedar is of quality superior to the western growth, but the habit of long use 1899. 1898. 1897. asia te teat ate 979,000 1,156,000 895,000 Beare mits, nt 2,424,000 1,650,000 1,040,000 arian eneobnet 8,543, 000 8,340,000 7205 000 earn 767 «86 783 Brrr Sata 1,531 1,266 1,553 con Wb oeans 1,718 2,344 929 HeOaae ee 1,049,000 1,007,090 844,0co 726,cco 1,019,000 423,000 SiKciaisn riot ates 2,378 1,711 1,070 1,798 5,006 4,415 617 681 243 944 1,189 733 130 5 ere ca 9,415 14,391 39147 57,000 112,000 8c,,09 10,016 14,832 75308 has popularized the product to the extent that it )s hard to replace it in that section. Producers of western cedar shingles of really first class manufacture can do some successful missionary work in the east at the present time. From the last report of Clairmonte, Man & Co. the following particulars of the Barbadoes lumber market are ob- tained : There have been no recent arriv- als of white pine, and a better demand is reported, quotations being $20 to $2t. Spruce isin moderate demand. Last sale was made at $15.27 for first quality and $11.c7 for second quality. There is only a limited demand for shingles, and should they arrive in any large quantity, a break in prices is looked for. Sales of long Gaspe cedar have been made at $5.35, Halifax cedar at $3.16, cedar laying at $2.07, and spruce laying at $2.27 %. Tenders were recently invited by the Harbor Commissioners of Montreal for the supply of timber and planks. The following are the lowest tenders received: The whole of the contract, the W. H. Kelly Lumber Co., $26,690; all the tim- ber, without the planks, H. Dupre, $24,- 923.60 ; all the planks, without the tim- ber, Robert Acker and the W. H. Kelly Lumber Co., equal, $1,685. For each kind of timber separately—round hem+ lock, H. Dupre, Robert Acker and the W. H. Kelly Lumber Co., equal, $11,325; hemlock, faced, the W. H. Kelly Lumber Co., $7,150; round pine, Shearer & Brown Co., $1,568 ; flat pine, H. Dupre, $452.20; pine, faced, H. Dupre, $3 780; pine planks, Robert Acker, W. H. Kelly Lumber Company and the Shearer & Brown Co., equal, $12; spruce planks, H. Dupre, $157.50; hemlock planks, Robert Acker and the W. H. Kelly Lum- ber Co., at $8. The contract has not yet been awarded. LIVERPOOL MARKET REPORT. Duncan, Ewing & Co., of Liverpool, Eng., in their last monthly circular, say : Wuite Ping T1IMBER.—The consumption during April amounted to only 18,000 feet of waney and 1,000 feet of square pine. The market for square wood is very dull and prices low, but values of waney pine are steady. RED PINE.—3,000 feet have gone into con- sumption during the month, and the stock on hand is now only 5,000 feet. Prices are steady, but the demand is not brisk. Oak Locs.—The deliveries during the month have been on a moderate scale and the stock is excessive for this time of the year. ELM.—Two parcels have been imported during the month and have found a ready market at satisfactory prices. The stock on hand is light and the demand good; values have an upward tendency. BirCH.—The import for April amounted to 44,000 feet, and the deliveries to 56,000; the demand has been very satisfactory and prices are steady, St. Bag! wood realizing from 164d to 172d for 144 to 153 inches average ; Falta wood, 15% to 16 inches, at about 15d to 154d per foot. Of birch planks the import has exceeded the delivery, and stocks are very heavy, values running low. PINE Deas, Sipincs, ETC.—Stocks are still excessive, and the market continues in an unsatisfactory condition, sales being very difh- cult to make for forward delivery. N.B. anp N.S. Spruce DEeALs.—The im- port during April amounted to 3,024 standards and the deliveries to 3,785 standards. The stock on hand is small and there is a scarcity of the favorite sizes and iong lengths. Values are steady, St. John cargoes being worth about £4 7s 6d c.i.f,, and lower port cargoes about LO 58 ex quay. QueBec Spruce Dgars.—The deliveries during the month amounted to 318 standards, the stock on hand being now only 573 stand- ards. The demand continues good, but prices are lower in sympathy with the re- duced rate of freight from the St. Lawrence to Liverpool. Current quotations for Canadian goods are as follows : S. ds s2iGs TimpeER—White pine, Quebec, percu ft... 1 2to2 4 Waney board Quebec, per cu. ft........ 2 oto2I10 Waney board, St. Johns, 18 inches ..... ri 6to2 2 Quebec red pine, per cu. ft............. I 5tor 9 Quebec oak, rst quality, per cu. ft... ..2 9to3 0 Quebecvelim, pér cu. fl. 50 ties sates te 2 2to2 4 Quebec ash, jole gk ol a Leese rca ackvo.s 2g 1 6to110 Quebec whitewcod, per cu. ft. .. ..... I 4to110 Quehec birch, per’ cu. ft... ++.-2++:2-0s r gto tr, 5 >t. John, N. B., birch, per cu. ft......-+ Lt 3fon, oe St. John, N.B., bi-ch planks, per cu. ft.. 0 9 too 10 Spars—Spruce, per Oly Tey avenues via meme o1tor o A Sds poses Deats—Que. pine, rst qual., per std.. 20 09 to24 0 Quebec pine, 2nd quality, per std.:..15 10 to 16 10 Quebec pine, 3rd quality, per std. . 9 © to O° 5 Pine, St. John’s, &c , N.B. sper std. 65 to 670 Sp uce, St. John’s, per std.. 5 § to ‘6 50 Spruce, Nova Scotia &c., per std... € 0 to 6 5 Boarps—Spruce, per std......+....0% 5 6. fo ss Latuwoop—Hemlock, per fathom. . 3126to 4 0 Oak Staves—Quebec pipe, 1st qual- ity, per mille. ............22...05 60 0 to65 o Quebec pipe, znd quality, per mille.. 35 o to45 0 Quebec puncheon, 1-t qual.,per mille. 20 0 to 22 10 Quebec puncheon, 2nd qual., per mille = 14 °o to16 0 SHIPPING MATTERS. The bark Antigua has been chartered to load lumber at Bridgewater, N. S., for }3Buenos Ayres, at $10.50, or Rosaria at $11. 50. The steamers Treasury and Samantha will load deals at Miamichi, N.B., for Liverpool and Manchester, at 45s. The steamer Hills- craig is chartered at 43s 9d for same ports. The ship Vanloo will load a cargo of deals at Bathurst, N. B., for Marseilles at 55 francs. The bark Monte Moro will load at Halifax, N. S., for Marseilles or Cette, at 55 francs. The Grnnd Trunk Railway Company and the Canadian Pacific Railway Company will put into effect on June ist a new tariff on lum- Do You Use Mahogany ? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous . . | TABASCO MAHOGANY | Finest figured wood on the market ; is hard and takes elegant finish. Brings high- est prices in Europe, but we sell here about same prices as eer es scorn aa Specially eee for fine cabinet and interior finish’ ~. a f LAWRENGOB & WIGGIN Importers and Manufacturers May 17, 1899 ber, by which the rate will be incresed ¥ cent. per 100 lbs. The following vessels have been chartered to load Jumber at St. Johu, N. B.: bark Guisep- pina, for Las Palmas, Canary Islands, at 60 francs ; bark Ginila R., for Marseilles, 56 francs ; bark Vesuveio, for Marseilles, 60 francs ; ship Macdon, for Beunos Ayres, $9.75. LUMBERMEN’S INSPECTION BOOK. Send four 3-cent Canadian postage stamps foracopy of the LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPECTION Book, containing rules for the inspection of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. The planing mill and sash and door factory of A. Tessier, at Penetanguishene, Ont., was partially destroyed by fire last week. WANTED Roek Elm, cut to order. Soft Elm, all thicknesses. Black Ash, all thieknesses State quantity you can supply, with lowest prices. JAS, G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 4 CRrosBy SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. ‘*Sieveking,” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” West Hartlepool. HD. WICGIN Boston: MASS. 89 STATE ST. will inspect at milland PAY CASH for LOG hws Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CORRESPONDENCE Souicirep. ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER C0. - ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood ; Lumber Dealers Cabi» et Woods, Including Mahogany, A Speeiatty: CORRESPONDENCE. INVITED _ QUOTATIONS | ciel BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF. WHITE PINE «xo HARDWOOD Cable i ae “ Swan, DonocH--Tonawanpa , “Lumberman’s Code. BOSTON, MASS. May 17, 189¢ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. If]. MARKET CONDITIONS AT GLASGOW. The following particulars of the Glasgow market. are found in Edmiston & Mitchell’s monthy timber circular dated 30th April : WanEY Boarpwoop. — First Class. —We hear of a sale of prime deckwood amounting to about 200 logs, but price and size of timber have not yet transpired. Some further sales are also reported in joiner timber, and 17d was obtained fora parcel of, say, 23 ft. x 12in., and 19d was bid for short 18 inch wood. Second Class. —There is rather more enquiry for good 2nd class wood, but for inferior timber the only bid obtainable at auction for 50 c. ft. average was I5d. Rep Pine.—We have nothing new to re- port; and we hear of nosales. The stock is entirely composed of small and inferior wood. Prices are 14}ad to 152d for 35 ft. average. Oaxk.—Our railway companies continue to be fully supplied, and will require nothing until fresh arrivals. Some of the English buyers have been north picking up some special sizes. Ex_m.—The stock of ist class wood is now exhansted, “and buyers have to fall back on small and inferior quality, of which the market has an abundant supply. BircH. —Quebec.——The stock of logs in first hands is practically exhausted, and early arrivals should meet with eager buyers. Lower Port.—A small shipment of about 4o standards birch planks have arrived during the month from St. John, and were sold ex quay at about 47 per standard, it is reported. Several retail sales of Pictou birch logs have been made from stock at about 15d for 16 inch average. AsH.—The demand is very languid except for really first-class white ash about 16 inch average, of which there is none in stock. The value of 144 inch is about Is 7d. Deas, Erc.-—Business during the month has been quiet, but deliveries from the public yards have been fully up to the average. Prices are unchanged. Broad first quality pine deals, £22 to £25 10s.; 11 inch, £20 to 422. Ends and narrows, £15 to £18. Strips, £12 to £14. Second quality pine deals,— II inch and broads, £16 to £18. Non-di- mensions, £9 to £13. Scantlings, £8 5s to £9. Third quality pine deals.—11 inch and broads, £9 5s, to £11. Narrows, £7 to £8. Strips and ends, £6 2s to £7. Fourth quality pine deals. —11 inch and broads, £6 15s to £7 5s. Narrows, £6 to £6 Ios, First quality pine sidings and boards, £12 to £18 I0s., according to specification. Spruce Deals.—7 inch, £5 15s to £6 2s 6d.; 8 inch, £6 7s 6d to £6 17s 6d.; 9 inch and up, A7 25 6d to Ea TOs: Joshua Wheeler’s saw mill at Freelton, Ont., was destroyed by fire recently. M. A. Smirl’s sash and door factory at South Finch, Ont., was burned on the 12th inst. The loss is $1,500, there being no in- surance. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & t Parry Sound Ry. = operatt ng oad OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER oe OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER CANADA ATLANTIC FAST eR Oa LINE __H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M.A OVEREND, Foreign Freight Ageat, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &C., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, '&e. W. P. HinTon, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN 8.8. GO.’S Winter Sailings MILFORD HAVEN, PASPEBIAC, ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight Agent A. & L.S.R.R. Co., Room 16 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal. gers and For Further particulars and information as to Passeng Freight apply to any Intercolonial Railway A gent, or to William Keating, Freight and Passenger Agent, 72 Yonge Street, Toronto. Montague Yates 18 St. John St., =e MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS ©” WHOLESALERS eenan—— - Brothers OWEN SOUND, ONT. NOOOOOD: WANTED 1% and 2” BASSWOOD, all Grades wanted, and especial price for winter cut stock, these sizes. Please Advise, Stating Quantity and Quality. T# PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umreo MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER, @e Write us for Quotations on all Bills@/e [cLAURIN & McLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS Swrements By Ratt oR WATER. = Te Beemer VILE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario 1OOOOD: KILN- “DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SMEENEY.. cemine PEMBROKE, Onn. Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. East TEMPLETON, QUE. Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—eut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. GEILING @ IAS. PLA YHATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH ° SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies eS MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT + WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER & pine shingles HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Flooring from $12.00 KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Ceiling “ 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL Burk’s Falls, Ont. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock ~ CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. FOREIGN IL M PORTERS WRIGHT, GRAHAM & OO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND po WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwood in Log, Lumber and’ Dimension Stock.'' Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. C.H. GLOVER & CO., 1a Importers of ===, SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers Invited Wharves, Mills and Offices : ¢ HATCHEM, LONDON, S.E., ENCLAND SMITH & TYRER -__([4 Ganatla Dock, LIVERPOOL Wood Agents . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Ofice—-SMITH, TYRER & CO.; Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., § It your Wish To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Halifax N.S. and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the... CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. ¢ An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ IV. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.’' BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J, L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto, McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. . Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. _ Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Mowry & Son, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal,iQue. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. _ Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A, Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, Illinois Central R.R. : Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Mill Sites and Water Powers, Canadian Pacific Railway. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New ¥ ork and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. WHOLBSALE PRIGBS GURRBNT. (The quotations given below are, unless otherwise specified, the average selling prices quoted by whole- sale dealers at the different markets named.) TORONTO, ONT. Toronto, May 17, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. xz inch dressing and Better eee. case t inch siding mill run 14 00 t inch siding common 11 00 1% 1% and2inchcut up and better...... $32 00 $34 00 2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 co 1x) 2 dressing and bet- ter, 60% 16 ft..... 22 00 24 00] 1 inch sidingshipcullr ro 50 tx1o fine dressing and t inch siding mill culls 8 50 better, «sis «4 4200 22 00 24 0o/| Cullscantling........ 8 00 txro and 12 Canadian tinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 2000] in. millrun...... - 13 00 x 1-2 and thicker cut- t inch strips, common 11 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00] 1 1-4 inch flooring.... t 1-4 in. cut up and t 1-2 inch flooring.... NE ia tase ot wins 33 00 35 00] XXX pineshingles, 16 1xre and x2 millrun 16 00 18 00 ate aacomaeanaas 1x10 and 12 common. 12 00 14 60 | XX pineshingles r6inch 1x10 and 12 mill culls g 00 10 00} Lath, No. 1......... inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00!) Lath No. 2....:.... HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 tozin..$26 oo $28 oo { Cherry 1 to1r%$so 00 ig « 2% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 re 2 ‘*4.. 6000 Ash, black, ists and Elm, soft 1 ‘* 1% 16 00 ands, 1to 1% in.... 18 00 2000} “ “. 2 “35. 17 00 Ash, black, r1sts and rock, 3 “236 'xBioo ands,2 to4in...... 20 00 22 00 Se ee te eh gs, ao Ash, M.R.,1 ‘* 2.. 15 00 1800] Hickory 1% ‘‘ 2.. 28 00 Birch, I .. 18 00 20 00} Maple r ‘* 1% 16 00 Ze 1% “* 2.. 20 00 23 00 es Cah TBE po) * sqrs. 4x4 “‘ 8 x824 00 26 00 Oak,red,p'nr ** 14% 26 00 Basswood, ists and s° . 5 4.. 29 00 ands, 1 to14 in.... 17 00 19 00 *€ white 1% 28 00 15 ‘© 2 ..20 00 2: 00 ree ae ** 4.. 30 00 « mr. «, ™ 16 £560 | 17.00 * quart’d 2.. 46 00 Butternut 1 ‘ 14% 23 00 25 co | Walnut r % 3.. 8kice " 2 ‘£ 3.. 25 00 28 00| Whitewood: ‘' 2.. 3200 Chestnut 1 ‘2. 2400 2 00 $20 00 $22 00 I5 00 12 00 II 50 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. OrtTawa, May 17, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... $3x 00 36 00 fer SEOCK sae ceases II 00 12 50 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 | Pine,8&ups.c.sidings rr 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 28 00 | Pine, s.c. strips...... 8 00 10 00 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts..... 700 850 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls....... 9 00 10 50 Ditscies 5. 5. see eae I5 co 21 00 | Pine mill culls...... 750 900 Pine, No? 1 dressing Lath per M No.z... 160 1 25 SEFIPS, «0 .+40-000s 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M No. 2... 85 100 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1x10 No. 1 barn.. 18 00 ISROLESy winjataisit aay £2.00 14 00| 1x10 No. 2: “ 16 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 &9 No.1 £ 17 00 fer Stock, wines ee 13 50 15 00 | 1x8&q No.2 “ I5 90 QUEBEC, QUE. QuEBEC, May 17, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT, cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, 32 ‘© goed fair § oe cs one 34 ‘« first class E ae sf 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 42 “ aint, zg tozzinchaverage ‘“ no: (RRA, ‘* Michigan ‘f x9 to21in average « © &size 43 48 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and qu ity................. 22 26 In shipping order, : " BE orate laa tata eee ay 127 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according toaverageandquality. . . ... 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 toso feet. .32 35 77 “ ‘e 7 30 to 35 feet! os 27 3¢ ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . . .21 24 To ayerage 16 inch Re cs in 1s) sim jek, Meena en tan 25 26 t BIRCH. xpinchaverage. ..c.RMMM ss 1k, ps Pee ole) ee ee a roe ao ES, fo | Se as ZO) een - SMR Sth SZ Dy DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau, NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., May 17, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking... ..<65.006 44.00 5090 j SPRUCE. 6 togin...........+. Ig 00 14 50] xO 'tom2)In.-.2...0e ee 16 25 17 00 6tor2in............ DABSOS 15°75) || Meath twee siescigsienes 185 195 1) RANE ere ei tel ete er 15 75 16 25 |* HARDWOOD, xinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16.....+..s0ccccccererus 5 1\% to2 in. ag ms ? id pH ps tinch, — on Soft Elm, BS 14in and thicker, “ . oy als Oy ge Hard Maple, ‘‘ . ce Basswood, a : xg “ Birch, s 24 00 6 ‘¢ Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O....... 14 00 itd «Soft Elm, gs ee pee ata pote Iz co ES ‘« Hard Maple, ‘* bs BE NNT GAs + 14 00 us ‘* “Basswood, ‘“ ee wel eee . I2 00 uN 4 Birchy ae Et eas eee 14 00 ALBANY, N.Y. AusBany, N.Y., May 17, 1899. PINE, Uppers, 3 in. up.........-- $51 $53 | 1x12 inch shippers ep ATs asa Maisie aisternjscais 50 52] 4/4 inc ee RA COIOLT res = SRR AS See aa 45 48 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” and up .. AsMACH WP Pers le aletelelletsieie i= ier 54 | zo-in. dressing and better. . Selects, 2% in. up 44 | 10-In. common 14 15 utO2 I, 0.2 esas pre teneee 40 | 12-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. andup 39 42 | Common, 1xi2............ 14 15 TitOe erie cess no neeeceee 36 38:| No. a.barn, 2x82. occa eec0ss (Ze) 23 No, 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 28 32 TREON d's chic ete ae ee Ig 26 OvZeccbasenierescercsivess 20 25 DORs} vistatelee alsa) ai ienlgi cl eres 17 19 NO.3.. 000. 0's eejecesseeees 17 20] No. 2 barn, rxr2.......... 17 «618 No. 1 molding, 1 toz2in..... 30 36 NEOs’. oiatelcha faci Bedaeeotete 16 17 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 24 27 ERG as cyles et ap etkomelpaniee ‘15 Stained saps’... sect. sec coc 23 | Shaky clear, x to 6/4in...... 20 23 Bracket plank .....,.. ..-. 30 35 ay ete aie: : 25 Shelving boards, 12-in. up... 29 32 Dressing ....... hive waa 16 18 Dressing boards, narrow.... 19 21 Common ........... Rete Eye ES 1x1q inch shippers..... ... 15 LATH, Pirie .e yee ase Vinis« TeV Gat a acess ere + 180@ zoo MAY 24, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., May 24, 1899. WHITE PINE. Up’rs, 1,14,14% and 2 | INO. Seat once aee - 18 00 2 IN. .cecegecescens $47 00 48 00] Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. a 2% and 3 in.. + 55 09 56 00 and up, 1 in,..... 32 00@34 00 AS sets wes 58 00 60 00] Dressing 1% in...... 27 00 3000 Selects, rin. ....... + 41 00 42 00 14% x10 and I2...+++ 28 00 30 00 1% 10 2 IN, ...00ee 42 00 43.00 1% in...... ceseess 2800 3000 24 and 3 in...... s 5000 |). 2 iti aes poeuedee + 29 00 34 00 AM. .ceseeeee gence 52 00} Mold st’ps,1 to 2in.. 31 00 33 00 Fine common, 1 in... 36 00 37 00/ Barn, No.1, 12in..... 23 00 24 00 1% and 134 in Pear 3600 3700] 6,8androin...... 19 00 21 00 ce |: Weer 36 00 38 00| No.2, roin....... - 16 00 16 00 - ee fs tele atanaes 45 00 ag Sp EA Wis, ow sve 17 00 1800 Bey ey ee sieage 47 00 0. 3, 10 in at: Cut’'g up, No. 1, rin. 28 00 29 00] No, 4 12 in, : ie ps a is ad Ce 33 00 34 00 oo Sin... - II 00 1200 OF Fy DAN. av ese 15 00 16 00| Common, rin........ 1 16 00 No. 2, 1%, & 1 in 23 00 25 00 1% and1%in...... Fe ee No. 3,1% & 1% in 17 00 18 00] 2 in... ....eeseee 18 00 20 oc WHITE ASH. ust & 2nd, x inch, 28 00 30 00| 2% tog in......... oa 00 638 o Ae oar os Ol ee 31 00 33 00 Serips - abioucide pamae Bd 00 bbe Com. and culls....... 1200 14 oo ELACK AND BROWN ASH, ist & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... BIRCH. ist & and, 6 inch & ist &2nd,white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 00 tp, red ..... eee 28 00 pay 5 & poate IO 00 IL 00 ELM. ist & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 oo MAPLE. 1st & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 oo BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay Ciry, Mich., May 3 UPPERS AND SELECTS. eae Uppers, x in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $43 00 d 1, 1% andzin,...... ... 43 00 2)6 and! 30 .)easuyaess> «5X CO 2% 41M. . cee eeene oe seeneeeree 54 00 : FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 35 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 46 oo 1% and 134 iM.....+,++- -s00 35 00: | 45m... Jeena aa as Be Mish icls.s,. ves 5 «2 eee ee 36 on P : . B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. tin,, 7in. and up wide..... . 26 oo | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 39 00 FANG TIE IN; vy ese w eles ses 31 00°} 4 In.) s cena tvrneeraeted §0 OO 2 APL enecnne.3\ estate sneha alalaioe 32 00 Gin, PURE a ohn cc outs 40 00 | Gin. Wide... oN. 5. .eheegs aye aa 0G ; j : FINE COMMON OR C. 1in., 4; 5.1n, wide. .....-.«s 30 00 | 1 in., 4, 5 in. wide...,.... 32 00 1 in., 6in. wide........... 35 00'| in., 61m. \wideo jcc. eames 44 OO . SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1{in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 26 oo | 1 in., 4,5, 6 in. wide........ 22 00 NO. I FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7in.. 18 oo | 14 in., 4,5 and 7in......... 20 00 Ele, GML E I mnie pl viv naan 901 19 00 |: 134 insG4a. Yuck» aaa des». 22 GO NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. ~ tin., 4,5 and 7 inch ........ ‘14 00 | 1 in., 4 to 7 inch .......... 15 00 £30. AGNDER osiist cece 15 20 | No. 3 Fencing, x in., 6inch.. 14 00 : } SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in., 10 in. stocks.... 29 00] No. 2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 23 00 1in., roin. and up wide... 32 00] tin., roin! venssseee 23 00 vin., 12 in, stocks......... 33 00| Tin., 12 in. Fideecsce 27/00 rin., 12 in. and up wide... 34 00} 1 in., ro in. and up wide... 24 00 rin. 13 and 2in., Bin. and rin., 13 in, and up wide... 29 00 UP WIGE sass ssngn enna 31 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. INodirs ted Bits ololel ora als tate late 22 00 i Pol HEAR aa eC AC Fe Ig 00 Qudene aan: 18 00 8 and 7 in. 18 00 No. 2, 12in....... - 16 00 IGAB « vorineis sce aces eee 15 00 ; SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. 1in., 4 and 5 1n. wide....... $12 00 | 1 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$12 00 Wing Gin,, Wide... .0eseens . 12 00 | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 7 in. 1in., 7 in. wide and up..... . 12 00 Up Wide... .-«t-asesede 22 00 SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5) 7,8 and gin. wide 22 00 | 1 in., ro in. and up wide..... 23 00 TAN. OU: WIGE, ans! neces 22 oo | 1%, 14 and 2 in., 8in. and up Wide. Svs cao sr een 24 OG COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 | No. 1, mill culls........ Re stae O50 Nos2sies 2. naeseeretaeees 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse.......... 7 50 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.§ 9 50| Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to TB) ME. does. o)s/simacembleniale 10 50 r6feet....s.. nidessapactes, 8 CO ZO fits ais ala »'sjeisiataaia ns aeeee IX §0:| 2E02). 250 2 65 LATH Spruce...c.csseeeeces Vie <= Veceeens seeses F 80O@1 > By Cer + 180@ 200 MAY 31, 1299 Ee , BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., May 31, 1299. WHITE PINE. Up’rs, 1,1%,1%and 2 | “Ne.4 ams ieee iN.....s+++e++++$47 00 48 00 Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 2% and 3 in 56 00 and up, zin...... hi Maree 6c 00} Dressing 1 in...... Selects, 1 in. 42 00 14x10 and 12......« 1¥% to2 in 43.00) x% in.o... 2% and 3 in...... ~ 0°00 | 2 WD sien edercncele AM..-.- se eee geeee 52 00| Mold st’ps,1 to 2 in.. Fine common, x in... 36 00 37 00| Barn, No.1, 12 in 1% and r¥ in..... 36.00 3700] 6 8and ioin ZUM... eee eeee 36 00 3800] No. 2, soin. 3 in. ....eeeees “yt 45 00 No. 2, 12 in A OMe dere Pees ia eee 47 00 No. 3, 10 in Cut’'g up, No. 1, rin. 28 00 29 00 No. 3, 12 in. 14% to2 in..... .-- 33 00 3400] 6and8in......... No. 2, 1 in........ 15 00 16 00} Common, rin,.... anal No. 2,1%, & 1% in 23 00 25 00| 1% andr¥in...... No. 3,1% & 1% in 17 00 1800] 2 IN... .s--seeeee WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 28 00 30 00| 244 tog in......- 00s Pf t0!2 Meee 5-2 42 31 00 33 co| Strips. ........ Com. and culls...... BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ist & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 oo | Com. & good culls... BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & | 1st &and, white, 6” &up, 18 oo 20 UP, Ted. ..c0seccee 28 00 30 00|Com & good culls..... 10 00 11 00 a ELM. ist & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 0° BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay Crry, Mich., May 31, 1899. UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, ri. ee fred WIE |. ove clase sioner aiahes $48 oc ry Cy See ee ee oo 1%, rand 2 in....-.-00e 48 0c] 2% Re ty 2 2% and 3 iN....-++-.++++++ 56 00,| 44iD. aan jade Meeglewe ss 54 OC 4 WE 050 0 ee ee ieee 59 90 FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in, and up wide...... 35 00 | 2% andg3in., 8in. and up wide 46 co 1% and 1% in 4 Ulsine tenets Se er a ity. .estinds ae pase eee B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING, 7 ‘ rin., 7in. and up wide...... 26 oo | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 39 00 rY and 14 in......---+ e200 3I 00;|/¢:isTs:. ee eeennte Diab acen Ee wet 4G) DO 2 Wass oss 09 on cee oes 32 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1 in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 oo | 1in., 4 58 nd 7 in. wide..... 35 00 6 in. wide.......+- Seno SST On 40 00 | 6 in. wide........-..++++-+-- 40 00 ; kB FINE COMMON OR C. ‘ rin., 4, 5 in, wide, .....---- 30 00 | 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide. 32 00 1% in., 6 in. wide........-+- 35 00] in., 6 in. wide...... 34 00° ; SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... -... 26 oo! 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ........ 22 00 NO. I FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 in .....---+- 18 00 | 1% in., 4,5 and 7in......... Tim., Gi. cee e ener ne view, slate 19 00 | 1% in., 6 in. ...... Re aeeer = NO. 2 FENCING OR NC. 4 FLOORING. tin., 4,5 and 7 inch .......- 14 00| 1% in., 4 to 7 inch .......... 15 rims, O4MCh 6.2... Jer nses bee 15 20 | No. 3 Fencing, 1 in., 6 inch.. 14 SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in., ro in. stocks.... 29 00 No. 2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 2 1in., ro in. and up wide... 39 00 rin., roin. oS ree tin., 12 in. stocks...,...-- 33 00 1 in., 12 in. ae, 1 in., ro in. and up wide... 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 34 00 1 in., 13 in. and up wide... rin. 14 and 2in., 8in. ani 888838 88 NN up Wide ......-+-+++-005 3I 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 1, 12 in...... sisi 22 00 i TOM vw. v.s'o la acne e efeels Pea: 19 00 Qialivie sates ce Fach Rot ei thiad 18 00 Band 7.10.......-sq0c0sn0 . 18 00 No. 2, 121M... .2seeeeeeeeeee 16 00 TON cian vise oes inne a'ata, LOS Bina cecil ek cee Saws SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4and 5 1n. wide .......$12 00 | 1 in., 13 In. and up wide.....$12 00. rin., 6 in. wide.........-++ . 12 00| 14, 1% and 2 in., 7 in. and 1 in., 7 in. wide and up..... . 12 00 UP 'WIdE.W.cceeceeedkes- | I200 _ ,, SHAKY CLEAR. | / rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 22 00 | 1 in., ro in. and up wide..... 23 00 zin., 6 in. Wide.... ..++s+++- 22 00 | 1%, 1% and 2 in., Sin. and up : WIA Gy weitheaeeehtee eens’ 74007 : COFFIN BOARDS. _ 7 No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 | No. x, miulliqnllsoecaeeee- <= - 10.50 No, 2....+5» Berio hci: s+. 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse........-. 7 50 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING, Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.§ 9 50 ge 2x4 tO 10, I2 to S80 fee oc + sas OF iccateicicee Ie 50 FOLGER AcER Ce eceadeess. 8 CO 20 ft. k Ir 50 De ee ee ee 22 and 24 ft...... Pe in. 12 50 | Add $x to each additional oft. in length. : SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX....- 3 oo | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts: ,.cs0-aciee anes 2 00 Be. Ce oe? Se Gléar “BHR tere ans es 00 2 25ue WHITE PINE LATH. NO: £125 < 00-0 se= a0 0s saerrenears 2°00 | NO. 2.....sceseeeseeseseseses I 50 | rehateke 2277 PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. F.o.b. cars at - Sutherland Innes Mills don’s No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000..... $5 50 nies eee: > No.130 " " " W . sacceacee nee No. 1 32 " " [) eg " " No. 1 24 i "W " " " No. 228% " " " " No. 2 30 " u " " " No.232 " " " Woe quiln OG No.224 " t " 1) aetee ae ee OE No.1 14 in. to 1434 in. kiln dried basswood heading, perset 3% No; x15.) 16 an " " u 3% No. 117% " " " " No.r18 18% w " " " He 119% " " " Talis 4 oO. 119 " " " AKU 5 Mill run heading %4ct. per set less, No. 2 heading ret. per set less, No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000..-. 5 75 No16 ou " " " Tener No. 16% " " " wae ONS "W No. 2 hoops about so cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000... 6 50 No. 228% " " " 1 dees 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves @sccn~ cence ema 48 00 No + 30 inch half syrup barrel staves....-..+++-++ «+.+16 00 ’ Dent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) WEEKLY FDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. CANADA |UMBERMAN. The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $100 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., JUNE 7, 1899 No. 20. PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire Insurance Burtp1nc, MOonrTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4&8 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPEGTION BOOK ee Containing Rules for the Inspection and Measuring of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. Em- bracing also many useful tables and calculations of everyday service to lumbermen. Prepared by the Editor of the ' Canada Lumberman.” =em Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 Tie above is a fac simile of the * title page of the latest and most complete Lumber and Inspection - Book published. _ We shall be pleased to send you a U on receipt of four 3 cent Ga- ian postage stamps ° © © © THE CANADA LL.UMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada CANADA LumBERMAN WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of r5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. FOR SALE. OM PLETE SAW MILL MACHINERY, PLAN- ing, Sash and Door Machinery ; modern and in good condition. Can be seen at Toronto. Apply Peter Ryan, Toronto. Washington Timber Land For Sale. I HAVE A NUMBER OF TRACTS OF TIMBER Land in the State of Washington for sale; from 1,000 to 40,coo acres in each tract ; heavily timbered with Cedar, Fir and Spruce. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Tacoma, Washington. WANTED. LOOR MANAGER FOR SASH AND DOOR Factory ; also for Box Factory. Must be first class, practical men. Apply, stating age, experience and salary required. Send references. Gitmour & Co., Trenton, Canada. BOX BOARDS FOR SALE UT TO ANY DESIRED THICKNESS, AND lengths not exceeding 24” long, in Brown Ash, Basswood or Spruce. J. E. MURPHY, Hepworth Station, Ont. SAW MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE. HE COMPLETE MACHINERY OF A SAW Mill, consisting of a steam feed large carriage and frame, one rope feed ditto, double edger and trimmers, swing saws, automatic grinders, belts and saws in good order ; all made by Waterous, Brantford. cheap. Apply to J. K. Warp, Mona Mills, Montreal, Que. WANTED. RICE ON MAPLE, BEECH, BIRCH, ASH and Elm, %,1 and2inches. Also Basswood 3 and 1 inch, and pine x inch, all log run. Also on Spruce x inch, suitable for manufacturing boxes. Quote also on pine squares :9x2x7, 29x2%x2X, 29x 2%x234, 29x3%x3%. Quotations on cars at mill. Address, B. souro & Co., 161 Front Street, New York. NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. The cedar shingle market continues firm, and the supply is still inadequate to meet the de- mand, all the manufacturers being loaded with orders. The following prices are readily obtainable at Boston rates of freight : Extras, $3.10; clears, $2.65; 2nd clears and clear whites, $2.15. There is absolutely no signs of any lessening in prices later, and appearances would indicate that there may be still further advances before very long. FIRES. The planing mill of D. McCaffery at Hunts- ville, Ont., was burned on June Ist. Loss about $2,000, no insurance. The news has been received of the destruc- tion by fire of A. McNair’s saw mill at Hast- ings, B.C. Although full particulars are not to hand, it is understood that the loss is about $20,000. Two sawmills owned by Geo. St. Pierre & Co., of Fraserville, Que., were destroyed by fire iast week. The mill at St. Honore was a total loss of $8,000, with no insurance, while on that at Amqui the loss is $9,000 and the insurance only $1,000. Messrs. St. Pierre are rebuilding and expect to have the mills in operation again in two months. Will be sold: CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The first week in June has developed no important changes in the lumber trade of the province. Reports of a steadily increasing volume of business come to hand from dealers and manufac- turers, and a still greater trade would be done but for the scarcity of dry stock. From the Ottawa valley shipments of pine lumber are being made to the Eastern States, and the number of en- quiries received from that quarter are taken as an indication that wholesale dealers there are looking more to Cana- dian mills for stock. Ottawa valley manufactnrers have booked more orders so far this season than in the correspond- ing period for several years, and this is believed to be true of the provincial mills generally. Prices for some grades are strengthening, notwithstanding that the lumber cut early this season will soon be ready for the market. Pine shingles are still selling in Toronto at $2.40 for 16-inch XXX, and $1.50 for XX. In hardwoods there is a steady demand, although indi- cations point to a weakening in the prices of maple and birch. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Local trade in the province of Quebec is showing more activity, although as yet the improved demand has not resulted in prices advancing to a reasonable basis. Lumber is selling on a margin of profit too small to permit of successful business. Export trade is in a prosperous condition, all the shippers being engaged in loading vessels. There will be shipped from Quebec this season a greater quantity of waney white pine, red pine and birch timber than last year. Up to date there has been measured at Quebec 450,000 cubic feet of waney white pine timber, against 99,000 feet for same period last year. A considerable increase is also shown in the quantity of red pine and birch timber. Oak is represented by 99,000 cubic feet, while last year there had arrived at Quebec up to this date 289,000 cubic feet. Reports from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia reflect a degree of hopefulness which was not ex- hibited last year. The price of deals has been gradually climbing up, until to-day from $9.50 to $1o is being realized for deliveries at point of vessel loading. The outlook has not been so gocd for years, but freight rates are advancing and have a tendency to lower prices in a slight degree. Shippers are said to be ex- periencing some difficulty in securing vessels. Recent rains have facilitated log driving, although it is feared that some logs will be hung up. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The lumber trade in Manitoba is stead- ily improving, and since the settlement of the carpenters’ strike in Winnipeg there has been a considerable expansion of demand. The number of buildings about to be commenced in that city will alone provide an outlet for no small amount of lumber and other material, while railroad construction will represent a good volume of trade. The retail price list is being adhered to generally, but in one or two instances some cutting is reported. No material change has taken place in the British Columbia trade. The mills are working to their full capacity. UNITED STATES. In some respects the~lumber~trade of the United States during the past week has not been as buoyant as earlier in the season. The country demand has not been up to the mark, as a rather unfavor- able crop outlook in some districts has caused the farmers to proceed very cautiously with the erection of new build- ings. In the Eastern States there con- tinues to be a large consumption of lum- ber. Many eastern dealers have visited producing points, and, in the absence of dry stocks, have contracted heavily for the new cut, apparently with a firm belief that prices will not weaken. Spruce has fallen into line with pine and hardwoods, and has advanced 50 cents a thousand in the New York market during the past week. This makes spruce prices $2 per thousand higher than at a like period last year. The mills along the upper lakes have been in operation for about one month, and green piece stuff is com- mencing to move by lake. Some dealers fear that prices of piece stuff will drop $1 before the season clases, but this is not the general opinion. Mill culls are still very scarce, one Saginaw manufacturer asking $12 for No. 1. There is quite a large movement of the new cut of hardwoods. No weakness has as yet developed in prices generally, al- though there are indications that birch will weaken, as a considerable stock was carried over and the new cut is coming onto the market freely. Ash is scarce and wanted in all the eastern markets. FOREIGN. Cargoes of wood goods from Canada are now arriving quite freely at British ports, the greater portion, however, being Th. on contract. The market is steady, with a slight upward tendency, although gen- erally there is not as much activity in the movement of stock as might be expected at this season of the year. Importers have found difficulty in making sales at the prices which must be asked in view of the increased values on this side of the water. Notwithstanding, the conditions at the leading ports in Great Britain point to a steady trade and no weakening of prices. At Liverpool there are numerous orders in the market from contractors and other large consumers, and these orders must have a beneficial effect in the way of strengthening the position of holders of stock. In Canadian goods, spruce seems to be attracting the most attention. At Cardiff it is low in stock, and there is an absence of long lengths. At Bristol im- porters are offering full prices, and find difficulty in obtaming goods. In cases where lengths are not important, Quebec spruce deals of third quality are at present a little cheaper than New Brunswick deals. The stock of pine deals at many of the ports has also become reduced below the average, and the demand is fair.. Red pine deals continue to advance in price, and arrivals are readily taken up. In square and waney timber the market is firm, Quebec oak particularly being scarce. It is believed that Quebec timber will realize higher prices than last season, partly due to the increased freight rates. STOCKS AND PRICES. _ There is a good demand in Chicago for common inch lumber, with prices firm at $12.50 to S13, delivered. Robinson Bros., of Tonawanda, last week purchased 8,000,000 feet of pine from the Metropolitan Lumber Co., of Metropolitan, Mich. It is reported from Rainy River that a special timber agent has seized timber valued at about $20,000, said to have been illegally cut on government lands. Spruce is now selling in the New York market at $17 for 6 and 7 inch and $17.50 for 8, 9 and to inch, of merchantable quality. White pine is also high and scarce. The steamship Wilderspool sailed from Parrsboro, N.S., on May 26th, for Man- chester, with 1,247 stds. of deals, scant- lings and boards, shipped by William Mackay. Dry stocks of pine on the Saginaw river are exhausted, and the only trading is for stocks to be cut. Log run is held at $17 to $24, box lumber at $13, Norway bill stuff at $10.50 to $11 for 12, 14 and 16-feet lengths, and mill culls at $ $11. H. R. Goodday & Co., of Quebec, have already shipped quite a large quantity of lumber this season to Great Britain. Besides part cargoes already shipped by sundry liners, they are now loading their third ocean steamer, taking about three million feet of spruce deals. Recently in London, Eng., a few lots of specially unsaleable dimenson in spruce, viz.,3 x10 third quality, averaged £7 15s per std., whereas only a fortnight previous- ly similiar goods only realized £7. 3x9 deals are now selling at £7 15sto £8 according to length, while 3x11 planks command £8 5s per std. A report from San Francisco, dated June 5th, states that the Pacific coast lumber manufacturers have formed a combine, comprising all the Pacific coast lumber manufacturers in British Colum- bia, Washington ond Oregon engaged in the export trade. Under the new sched- ule lumber is said to have advanced $1 per thousand feet. Mr. A. F. Bury Austin, wholesale lum- ber and timber, Board of Trade Building, Montreal, has secured some large con- trit s to supply material for the construc- on of the Shawenegan Falls Water & CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Power Co.’s works at Shawenegan Falls, Que., and also contract to supply the ma- terial for the construction of bridges, etc., for the Great Northern railway now building from Hawkesbury to Quebec city. On Thursday, June Ist, there were offered for sale at the Russell House, Ottawa, about 180 square miles of timber berths owned by Thos. Mackie, of Pem- broke. The first lot, comprising No. 149, 150, 151 and 152 on the river Coulogne, Quebec, 156 square miles, brought an offer of $100,000, but was withdrawn. For the second lot, comprising 22% square miles in Butt township, Parry Sound, owned by Barnett & Mackie, no offer was made. A correspondent of the American lum- berman, writing from Saginaw, says: “ Lumbermen who cut logs m Canada ex- pecting to raft them to Michigan, and who did not make arrangements later to have them cut over there, are storing them in the hope that later in the season they will be able to bring them to this side. Chas. A. Eddy said the other day that his firm has 12,000,000 feet which will be stored. He believes that later on in the season some arrangement will be effected where- by the logs will come over. The Saginaw Lumber & Salt Co. has several million feet to bring to Saginaw, but it will have to store over there about 5,000,000 feet cut on crown lands.” BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA. [Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN. J There is a continuation of the activity in all sorts and grades of lumber, and there is pro- mise of a long and profitable run for the dealer as well as the producer. It is maintained generally that the margin of profit is not as great now as it was before the evil days of 1893, but that is still true of all business, and it may remain so. The amount is larger, so that the actual profit ought to be in the same neighborhood. As an indication of the change for the better, someone has estimated that a certain lumber business, of course one of the largest here, will gross on the same cut and handling not less than $75,000 more this year than was possible last year. This means everything to the trade, and it is often needed. No one out of lumber has much idea how it has dragged along, with so many other branches of trade on a paying basis again. It is always said that lumber is last to sympathize with a change, either up or down, and it has amply proved the saying this time. It is not pleasant to note that the sentiment here is much more against reciprocity with Canada now than it was before the Joint High Commission made a failure of the effort to come to an understanding, for somehow it seems to be agreed here that Canada wanted it all, and so long as that idea prevails with us there is not likely to be any relaxing of the tariff lines either way. Buffalois much more favorable to low tariff, lumber with other things, than formerly, and though Tonawanda was at one time high tariff and is likely to be somewhat of that persuasion still, it isnot so decided as formerly. For this reason ‘the re- gret occasioned by the failure of reciprocity is all the greater. ' There is considerable pine lumber coming in here from Canada this summer by water, as it is now felt that producers can pay the duty, however much they dislike to. The disap- pointment is in hardwood, which has become so scattering all through the Canadian districts formerly patroled from here that there is not much use in hunting any more. If thereis anything in hardwood on the other side of the line, please let the fact be known, and there is more than one dealer ready to take thenexttrain for the spot. All of which means that we are so short of hardwood that any length will be gone in order to get a supply. It is coming down the lakes ata greater rate this season than ever before, especially to the Black Rock yards. The Sullivans, who were last, to re- tire from Canada, have already brought down a number of cargoes and will continue through the season. They get red oak, elm, basswood, ash and the like, and if southern Michigan is laid under contribution white oak can be found, though it does not grow mnch_ north of Saginaw. Manager Graves, of the Holland & Emery Lumber Company, is in the lumber woods of the Byng Inlet, and has both of the new saw mills running. The cut will be large, not a little of it coming to the yard at Black Rock. In order to facilitate the business a partial re- organization has been effected. L. P. Graves remains manager of the Holland & Emery Company, but will not be interested in the big yard at lower Black Rock very directly. A new: firm, Holland, Manbert & George, has been set up, which will operate the yard and buy and sell mostly American lumber enough to keep it fully occupied. The members of the firm are N. C. Holland, son of Nelson Holland, A. C. Manbert and Henry George, long in the employ of the Holland interest. The lake season opened late, but Burfalo has received 22,829,000 feet already, against 24,864,000 feet last season to date, which was close to twice as long as this season has been so far. The two Tonawandas have fallen short of last season only 5,490,000 feet, and will soon be ahead of it, as is shown by the canal shipments, which are 23,219,000 feet, against 7,400,000 feet to date last season. Vessel men say that lumber freights by lake are firmer at the opening figure, $2 from Du- luth, than they were at the opening, and they expect steady business all the season at paying rates. The lumber yards of Buffalo entirely escaped the great strike that tied up everything else on the docks for more than three weeks. The shovers asked for more pay during the strike and obtained it, the dealers feeling committed to the advance on account of a promise that if business was good they would pay it. The existence ofa strike may have had something to do with the advance, which was on a basis of 5 cents from the 22 cents per thousand that has been paid several years on pine, other woods being in proportion, There is a good demand for shingles, and lath is very scarce. Hemlock lumber has lately advanced to $11 for 16 feet boards and under, which, considering that the price has been down to $8, shows that there is some demand for lumber in general. The box factories are very active, and it is reported that they are making a good margin of piofit, which was hardly the casea year ago. There is a large box business here. With ordinary demand for boxes, there would be such an overstock made that nobody could hope to make much profit. Southern woods, as poplar, yellow pine and cypress, sometimes a matter of indifference to this market, are in about as much quest as any other, and prices are very strong. The report, made some time ago, that n> sort of lumber was at all dull, is still more true now than it has been before in several years, if ever. BUFFALO, June 5th, 1899. sea: THE QUEBEC TIMBER TRADE. The following rafts have been entered up to date at the office of Mr. Jas. Patton, Super- visor of Cullers, Quebec: The Calvin Co., Ltd., at sundry coves, oak, elm, pine, etc. ; Shep- pard & Co,, at Cape Rouge, pine; J. Bur- stall & Co., at Montreal, birch ; Frank Perry, . at Sault. Ste. Marie, pine ; M. Dyment & Son, at Thessalon river, pine ; H. G. Buck, at Sharp- les Cove, Sillery, birch, ash, elm, &c. ; Hale, Booth & Co., at Cape Rouge, pine ; Hale & Booth, at Cape Rouge, pine ; J. R: Booth, at Dobell’s Cove, Sillery, pine ; A. Sharples, at Sharples’ Cove, Sillery, elm; N. McIntyre, at Union Cove, elm ; Booth & Shannon, at Cape Rouge, pine; Hale & Booth, at Montreal, pine; J. R. Booth, at Montreal, pine; H. Raney, at Dobell’s, Lower Sillery, ash, pine, etc. ; St. Anthony Lumber Co., at Montreal, birch, ash, maple, etc. A comparative statement of timber mea- sured and culled at Quebec up to June 6th is as follows : 1897. 1898. 1899. Waney white pine, cu. feet. 258,153 189,832 46c,138 White pine, cu. feet........ 183 107,073 21,119 Red pine, cu feet.......... 46 8,025 69,453 Oak} ico: fer Si S2s .emoteren 305,985 289 161 99,84¢ Blox, cu. feck gucci 170,926 115,367 116,412 Ash, cu. feet =a 18,267 14,204 Butternut, eu. feetss ccc ce) abies 795 60 Birch and maple, cu. feet... 139,171 95,849 200,928 The planing mill of Hughes & Long at Brandon, Man., was totally destroyed by fire recently. MILL MEN— Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description o ja stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to . LAWRENCE & WIGGIN 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. Wholesale Lumber Dealers = - June 7, 1899 SHIPPING MATTERS. ~ Charters are announced as follows: Str. Lauban, West Bay, N. S., tow. c. England, deals, 44s ; bark Maria Madie, Miramichi, N. B., to Las Palmas, Canary Islands, 64 franes ; Gloriana, Pugwash, N. S., to Manchester, deals, 45s ; bark Strahmuir, St. John, N. B., to e. c, Ireland, 47s 6d ; bark Lansfield, Pen- — sacola to Rio Janerio, timber, $14 ; Jeronea, St. John, N. B., to w. c. England, 45s ; schr. Blomidon, Hantsport or Annapolis, N. S., to Cape de Verde islands, lumber, $8; bark Thomas, 807 tons, St. John, N. B., to Cardiff or Newport, deals 46s 3d. WANTED Rock Elm, eut to order. Soft Elm, all thieknesses. Black Ash, all thieknesses. State quantity you can supply, with lowest prices. JAS, G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 7 CrosBy Square, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “«Sieveking,” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mili and PAY CASH for LOG RUN H. D. WIGGl Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CorRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. ~ Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woods, Including Mahogany, A Specialty. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large number of Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet; also Fence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. GEORGE & McG8EGOR, | Killaloe Station, Ont. BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE ano HARDWOOD ‘yp, ISWAN-DONOGH LUMBER CO. Cable Address, “* Swan DonoGH—ToNAWANDA i Lumberman’s Code. firsts and seconds Brown Ash JUNE 7, 189¢ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 11], TRADE IMPROVING IN IRELAND. Reviewing the lumber market of Ireland, the following comment is made by the corres- pondent of the Timber News, of London. Notwithstanding the very severe weather that has prevailed during the last fortnight, Irish trade, generally speaking, has been very fair, and imports all round the coast are look- ing forward to a good steady summer’s busi- ness. At Dublin, Belfast, Londonderry, Limerick, and Cork, Norwegian flooring cargoes, lately arrived, are receiving prompt attention at the docks in order to make room for steamer cargoes of Canadian deals now about due or on passage. The Glenarm Head, from Montreal and Quebec, for Belfast and Dublin, arrived at Belfast on the 24th inst., and the Innish- owen Head, with a full cargo of wood goods from the same ports, arrived at Dublin on the 24th inst. alsc, These are the first cargoes of Quebec goods to arrive this season. Several steamer cargoes of Miramichi spruce deals are now loading or on passage to the larger ports, Belfast claiming three, Dublin two, Cork one, and Limerick one. We do not hear of a solitary steamer cargo coming to hand fron St. John, N. B., this season, and only two small sailer cargoes to Dundalk. The scarcity of deals there and the prohibitive prices asked no doubt account for this, as Irish buyers as a rule prefer St. John, N. B., to Miramichi deals. Several of the smaller importers who re- fused to buy early in the season, when Mira- michi deals were offering at £6. 8s. 9d. and £6. Ios. c.i.f., would now cheerfully pay shillings more to get their requirements ; but the scarcity of small tonnage, and the small quantity of deals available at Miramichi and St. John, N. B., for prompt or even June-July shipment, make business difficult even at advanced figures. THE BARBADOS MARKET. Of the Barbados lumber market, Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Co., say : The only arrival to note since our last is the schr. Fauna, from Bridgewater, N. S., with 42m. ft. shipping and 86m, ft. 2nd quality white pine. The large proportion of 2nd quality greatly facilitated the sale, and as one of our dealers was very much in want of the cargo, it brought the outside rate of $22.30 shipping, and $16.30 2nd quality. Other dealers’ offers were very much below these figures. Schr. Grace Rice, from Calais, Maine, arrived to our address, on 13th, with 122m. shipping ft. white pine boards and plank, and 30 m. ft. second quality. Sold shipping white pine at $21.50, and 2nd quality at $15.50. Shingles—The Taymouth Castle did not bring any long Gaspe cedar, as we had anticipated. Prospects continue favorable for cedar laying ; ,neighbors offered a lot of 700 m. to be shipped, but we do not think that a sale has been effected. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parru Sound Ru. - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESEURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. M. A. Overenr, Foreign -Freight Agent,115 Board W. P. HinTon, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. Trade, Montreal. C. J. Smirx, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN S.S. GO.’S. MILFORD HAVEN PASPEBIAC | ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland Sailings Between Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight Agent A. & L.S.R.R. Co., Room 16 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal. For further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial Railway A gent, or to William Keating, Freight and Passenger Agent, 72 Yonge Street, Toronto. Montague Yates Board of Trade Bldg, Room !6 = MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS ©” WHOLESALERS eenan—— _ Brothers OWEN SOUND, ONT. 1OOOOOR: WANTED 1% and 2” BASSWOOD, all Grades wanted, and especial price for winter cut stock, these sizes. Please Advise, Stating Quantity and Quality. T# PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @Oe Write us for Quotations on all Bills@/e@ PEMBROKE, ONT. cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RaIL oR WATER. - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. BHAstT TEMPLETON, QUE. Tae. BAILLIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario 1OOOOD: KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*E&TING “ceiine ¢ Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. D282 ALY Bl Ack Rw W}). Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P.WHAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ° WIKRTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER @ rine shinsies HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. 2 Manufacturers of and Dealers in.,:... A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock ~ CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Flooring from $12.00 , KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Ceiling “ 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL Burks Balle, One WRIGHT, GRAHAM & OO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND t FOREIGN IMPORTERS W000 BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwood in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or - continent handled to the best advantage. C.H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of === SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers Invited Wharves, Mills and Offices : ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENCLAND SMITH & TYRER - = 14 Ganada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.S.. S Ii YOUr Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. IV. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”' BELTING — Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. : Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa end Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Torouto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. _ Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. — Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N. s. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Mowry & Son, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL New York. Magnolia Metal Co., PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP. AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY ; he Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal,iQue. RAILROAD BRASSES agnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW_MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. - Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houst T. & ouston, G. Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D. Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. De Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, Illinois Central R.R. ; Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Mill Sites and Water Powers, Canadian Pacific Railway. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New fork and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. WHOLBSALE PRICES CURRBNT. TORONTO, ONT. ToRONTO, June 7, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 inch dressing and ebtetsc meters $20 oo $22 oo 14% 1% andzinchcut up and better...... $32 00 $34 00 zinch picksand uppers 34 00 36 00 | 1 inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x) 2 dressing and bet- t inch siding common 11 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft...... 22 00 24 00| 1 inch sidingshipculls 10 50 11 50 rxxo fine dressing and t inch siding millculls 8 50 9 oo betteriancrie cote meres 22 00 24 00{ Cullscantling........ 800 900 rxzo and 12 Canadian t inch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 2000] in. millrun...... . 13 00 14 00 z1-2and thicker cut- t inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00 | ¢ 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 1 1-4 in. cut up and t 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 better...........-. 33 00 35 00] XXX pineshingles, 16 rxre and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00] inch............... 2 40 rxzo and 12 common. 12 00 14 00| XX pineshingles 16 inch I 50 1xro and 12 mill culls g 00 1000] Lath, No.1r......... x 60 inch clear and picks 28 00 3000] Lath No. 2......... I 25 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. ; Quality, ts and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 tozin..$26 00 $28 oo ; Elm rock, mill “ “e 24% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 pitlisgenade 1 to 1%"18 00 20 00 Ash, black, ists and Elm,rock, mill ands, 1to 1%in.... 2000 2200| run....... 14“ 3.. 21 00 23 00 Ash, black, r1sts and Hickory, ists ands,2 to 4in...... 22 00 24 00 and ends..14%"* 2.. 28 00 30 00 Ash, M.R.,1 to 2.. 17 00 19 00 Maple, sts Birch, iin. .. 1800 2000| andands..1 ‘' 1% 16 00 18 00 oe 1% “ 2.. 20 00 23 00} Maple _ Ists ‘* sqrs. 4x4 “* 8 x824 00 26 00 and 2nds.. 2 “‘ 4.. 17 00 18 00 Basswood, sts and Oak, red, p’n, ands, 1 to1% in.... 18 20 00 ssts & ands1 ‘ 1% 26 00 3000 Oak, red, p’n, 00 x 00 cere gt une 1% 15 00 17 00 ists & ands 2 4.. 29 00 3200 Butternut 1 ‘1% 23.00 25 00} Oak, white, Ae 2 ‘§ 3.. 25 00 28 00 ists & ands1 ‘f 14% 28 00 30 00 Chestnut 1 **©2,. 24 00 2 0o0| Oak, white, Cherry, 1sts ists & ands 2 ‘' 4.. 30 00 35 00 and 2nds.. 1 ‘ 1% 50 00 60 00| Oak quart’d, Cherry, ists ists&2nds1 “ 2.. 50 00 63 00 Walnut, ists and 2nds.. 1 3-- 85 00 10000 Whitewood, ists & ands r and 2nds.. 2 4.. 60 00 65 00 Elm, soft, mill 2.. 3200 3600 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. OTTAWA, June 7, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... 31 00 36 00 ter SEOCKs aniasteepielere II 0O 12 50 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 | Pine,8&ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 28 00 | Pine, s.c. SEYIPS.. +5 00 10 00 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts....-. 700 6859 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls.....-. 9 00 10 50 Hin Reet rae Meter 15 co 2t 00} Pine mill culls...... 752 900 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.1... 1co 1 25 SEIS) tnseaias eee 14 00 16 00| Lath per M Na. 2 85 100 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1x1o No. 1 barn. 18 00 HOPES s n.c\e cfe seins tte/ate 12.00 1400|1x10 No.2 “ . 16 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 &g No.1 ‘ 17 00 ten/stock,. = sss 13 50 15 00 | 1x8& q No.2 “ 15 00 QUEBEC, QUE. QUEBEC, June 7, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, -...-.--- 30) az “good fair a me TA oS iearan ate Mergen mat ‘© first class ul ue CO SE Race ete -8 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 42 5 r “« "rg tozrinchaverage “ “ 38 044 Michigan Ig to 21 In average & size 43 8 4 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and qu ity.....++-++++++-++ 22 2 In shipping order, ue * WN PN eiatecne ealateetate as 23. «47 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to averageand quality. . . . + + 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .32 35 ss Fs sf "30 tog5 feet. 27” 3 ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. “. 9. +25) 924 To ayerage 16 inch. . . = «- Pewee oe a 26 : BIRCH. 14 inch average . Ko a5 18 16n A Se: CMe ee tee tery ie a btwn ees sits), a 5 BENS oa: a arn, ee -DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for 1st, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., June 7, 1899. ; WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 40 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking... 6.0.00 44 00 5090 SPRUCE. 6 tOQIN... 2. se veers 14 00 14 50| 10tO12iN.......-+-. 16 25 17 00 Giger Ne sediqe once 14 50 15 75| Lath........-.eee-ee 0/85) an 05; Q OI2ZIN......+000ee 1575 1625 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16....++ sseeseessseeres 35 00 1% to2in eS ee e 66 eta caiete a Sula atRtates Ooere ete tarebas 36 oc xt inch, Be Sott Elm, LM Gk usarinutirn ote 25 0c 14in and thicker, “ Lae A (hs « cardiain et baboen siemens 26 00 4/4 ce My Hard Maple, “f ..seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeres 24 00 is £ Basswood, $8 Seis pays ae ae Oaeoters 25 as “ af Birch, LM ey Kantor iarcensoony Be “© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O. ce “ce Soft Elm, ce a oe cc oe Hard Maple, oe ce “ee “ce ce Basswood ce iti ‘ “ “ Birch, z “ “e ALBANY, N.Y. Axsany, N.Y., June 7, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up...-. «+--+ $51 $53 | 1x12 inchshippers......... $ $16 BSG The fe le tcis as Siete tech nn 50 52] 4/4 inch a 13” & up. 17 DO 2 Mths ar aielesini weassixinioies 45 48.| 4/4 Box boards, 6” and up.. 13 14 4 inch uppers ....-++++++0+- 54 | 1o-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up.....-.--- 44 | ro-in. COMMON .....-+++++++ 14 15 . toz2in:....... beereaees ’ 40 | 12-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 24%in. andup 39 42 15 TtO 12 Niece apnea ptteeseeee 36 «38 23 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 28 32 2 NO. 2... ccecctecceeecees 20 25 19 NO. 3.0 cess eeeeee este eens 17 20 18 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 30 36 17 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 24 27 15 Stained saps.......+++s+e+s 23 23 Bracket plank ..... bee cece 30 35 25 Shelving boards, 12-in. up... 29 32 IDLeSSIOP aie sine ce) eteeiele 16 18 Dressing boards, narrow.... 19 21 | Commom......+.++++++++ eee rx1q inch shippers.....-+++ * 15 LATH, Bisie stevetsiehdiateic aketerelateie.ste.e' =ie(ala $2 00 | Spruce ........ceeeeeeceees $2 co SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 25 Clear butts ......+.+. 3.00 3 25| Hemlock.............. 15 Smooth, 6 x 18 5 00 5 50| Spruce.......-.ssseee 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, June 7, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed Boxboards, 1 inch...$10 00 $11 00 boards.....5. $10 50 12 60 9 50 Coarse No. 5.....-. 15 00 15 50 9 50 REMISE ieee miso acai I200 13¢0 9 50 OUts.. scene nae snun 9 90 875 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in.......-$50 00@52 90 Fie com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 90 No. 2, 1 in. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 gand 4in......eees 58 00 62.00| 1%, 1%and 2in... 30 % 32 00 Selects, 1 im.......+. 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 44 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 INO. 6205 veiereateicine aim 36 00 39 00 and 4 IN...sccues 53 00 56° G0 No. 3--eeeeeeeeee 28 00 3000 Moulding boards, 8 to Cubups; @ 10k. esi 20 00 32 00 rr in. clear.....- 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% toz2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 0c Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 00 Common all widths... 22 00 26 oo 14%,1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 50 do 1W%in. 15 50 16 50 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra 4ftic cece sevesesceseee $30 00 | 2nd Clears........0seeeeeeee $25 00 GUAT SS e-vistessreie vie iia aia leioturolsinnace 28 ov SHINGLES. Spruce... a.sscecneres 1 30 1 50| Second Clear... ... . 200 215 Cedar, extra.........-. 3.00 3 r0| Extra No. &.......-.., 125 1 52 CGAY etaie'e.a(ts aetey et oe. 250 2 OF LATH. Spruce. viva cie eases ares oleh alae - 7 80@ 1 99 By car 2... -cesceees 1 80@ 20a JUNE 7, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., June 7, 1299. WHITE PINE. Up'rs, 1,144,144 and 2 | Nos 3) 2 een sce 18 00 20 00 IM... sceeeeeeceee $47 00 48 oo| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 2% and 3 in....... 55 09 5600 and up, 1 in..... + 32 00@34 00 4 IN..sesyeeeeeeees 58 00 6c 00 Dressing 1% in...... 27 00 3000 Selects, 1 in. ......+- 41 00 42 00 14x10 ana I2....3. 28 00 3000 1% to2 in,........ 4200 43.00| 234 Ue acccnsce seen 28 00 30 00 2% and 9°INss>. 203 gordo |" 2! Mb aaa eee eee 29 00 34 00 AM ccc ee eees = 52 00| Mold st’ps,1 to 2in.. 31 00 33 90 Fine common, r 37 00 | Barn, No.1, 12 in..... 23 00 24 00 1% and 1% Meee 37 00 6. 8 and soin 19 00 2I 00 ZAM ss seeereeeneee 38 00] No. 2, 1oin.. - 16 00 16 00 3 IM. wee eceeeeeees - 4500.) Wo. 2,120), 020s 1700 18 00 4 Meese eeceee tee 47 00)” (No, 3, GO1D.. ciewas 13 00° 13 00 oer up, No. 1,1 in. 28 00 29 00 Wo: 35a Wilt. ps0 13 50 1400 1% tO2 M.-.-+ +++ 33 00 34 00 Gand Sin. 2.2. se se Ir 00 12 00 Nong, Eodiisessss :+ 15 00 16 00) Common, RMN setae 15 00 16 00 No. 2,1%, & 1% in 23 00 2500] 1% andi¥in...... 17 90 18 00 No. 3,1% & 1% in 17 00 18 00| 2 iN... ...-.seee « 18 00 20 o¢ WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 28 00 30 00| 2% tog in........... 34 00 38 00 TU tO ia. s. cna 31.00 “33 00)| SHIPS. vo ee cde'ewe 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls....... 12 00 14 0 BLACK AND BROWN ASH, ist & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & | 1st &2nd,white, 6” Xup, 18 0c 20 00 MUP s EC clesoraietolaieja’s 28 00 30 00| Com & good culls..... TO 00 II 00 ELM. ist & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 0¢ : MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 09 20 00 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., June 7, 18¢9. UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, x in., ro n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $43 00 wide....... st teanececees $48 oc 1%, 1% and2in..... 1S oe LOD 1%, 1¥%and 2 in 48 00 | 234 anda in.owsseceammen » 51 00 2¥ and 3 in.....-. 56.00 | 4: int. ca. even een ae eee « 54 00 Age asieisieraaiee 5 59 90 : , FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 35 00 | 2% and3in., 8in. and up wide 45 oo rY% and 134 I... .0008 sper 3500-4 Wena, as ieee +) + as EE Be ACU e. Codes esaltas avatars 36 00 ; ; B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. . rin., 7in. and up wide...... 26 oo | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 39 oo rand 1¥ in... ..--eee eee es 30.00) | Rare ae eee es BAIN etvie oes oh ialeierancniarare = ce ores 32 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 00 rin., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 35 00 Gstra WAR aia acchara (eles aiatn) = pane 40 00 | 6 in. wide........--++++++4-- "40 00 : i . FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. ......--- 30 00 | r&% in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 32 00 1% in., 6 in. wide........-.- 35 00| in., 6 in. wide............ + 34 00 : SELECTED NO. 1 SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1{in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 26 o0| 1 in., 4,5, 6in. wide........ 22 00 NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7in.....-...- 18 oo | 1% in., 4,5 and 7in......... 20 00 Pen elo Pndeeriroroosomc. on 1g 00 | 1% in., Gin. ......----200s ++ 21 00 NO. 2 FENCING OR NC. 4 FLOORING. Tin, 4,5 and 7 inch ........ I4 00 | 1 hh Peers 5 ts ao rin, 6 inch .si-.---eeseeewe T5 20 o. 3 Fencing, x in., 6inch.. 14 00, : SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in,, ro in. stocks.... 29 00 | No.2, 1 im., 7 and 8in. stocks 23 00 rin., 10 in. and up wide... 32 00 tin., roin, stocks...... paan@anoo tin., 12 in, stocks... ; « 33 00 rin., 12 in, stocks...;..... 27 00 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 34 00 1 in., 10 in. and up le.-. 24 00 rin. 1% and 2in., 8in. and up Wide .......2+ss+050- rin., 13 in. and up wide... 29 00 3I 00 22 00 rin., 4 and 5 in. wide......- $12 00 rin., 6 in, wide.,...... 5 1in., 7 in. wide and up.....- SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5) 7,8 and gin. wide 22 00 | 1 in., ro in. and up wide..... 23 rin., 61m. wide.... -.-.++++s 22 00 | 1%, 134 and 2 in., 8in. and up WIDE, .%. 540 awe Re t-boneew 24 OO COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, rin., r3in. and up.... 22 00 | No. 1, millculls.........-. +. 2050 Nos Bk. dao s oreo een 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse.......... 7 50 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING, Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$ 9 50 Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to UB) Tire iiaicivieienialsiaeie Sernoe Ie 50 1Gfeet..2.s00cceneseauge 6 CO Ofelia alee osiawiciais gecge Keaae DXE2ouc eee eee Sana e a az.and 24 f€.....0,0+01s0+s 12 50 | Add $x to each additional aft. in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 00 Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts..... Benn owas «se 2/05 SRR Se eeeeee ieee at 3,95 Clear "Buttsiiteree- ce esa 225 WHITE PINE LATH. - INGOs Bivivis's:aiescioiace siento wea ie 2 00| No.2........ Per cel Hemlock? i stlec asa ces oan eae PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. 2 o.b. Stein- F.o.b. carsat hoff & Gor- : Sutherland Innes Mills don’s Mills. No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000......$5 50 $5 00 No.1r30 " " uw NH qcumes 5 50 5 00 No. 1 32 W W " W " sees 5 75 5 50_ No.124 wt " " " Wo weeeee 4 OO 400 No. 228% " " " Wo ewes om 3 50 “3 50 No. 230 " " " 1) onan 3 50 No. 232 w " " " W. Seewean 4 00 372 No.224 " " " tesa 2 00 200 No. 1 14 in. tor434 in. kilndried basswood heading,perset 3% 3 No.r15 ou 16 " " " " 3% 3% No. 117% " " " " 3% 394 No.118 18% " " " 4% mr 4 No. 1 19% " " " " 4% 4% No. 1 19% ' 5 Oo. 1 W " ' - " 5 Mill run heading %ct. per set less, No. 2 heading ret. per set less. No. 1 534 ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000..-- 5 75 5 40 No. 16 " " w uW " [oje} 5 75 No. 16% " " " " oe O25 5 90 No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 00 No. 2 28% " " " " 3 50 ° 34 in. to elm syrup bbl. staves 20 00 Ne + 30 inch half syrup barrel staves... 16 00 “bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. 4 VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., JUNE 14, 1899 No. 21. CANADA [LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire INsuRANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPEGTION BOOK =ema Containing Rules for the Inspection and Measuring of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. Em- bracing also many useful tables and calculations of everyday service to lumbermen. Prepared by the Editor of the ’ Canada Lumberman.” =eam Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 HE above is aiac simile of the title page of the latest and most complete Lumber and Inspection Book published. We shall be pleased to send you a copu on receipt of four 3 cent Ga- fadian postage stamps ° © © ° THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of t5 cents per line each insertion, When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. AN TED — Situation as Lumber Inspector, 4 Shipper and Culler. D. Squire, Hoath Head, nt. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CanNADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE. OMPLETE SAW MILL MACHINERY, PLAN- ing, Sash and Door Machinery ; mcdern and in good condition. Can be seen at Toronto. Apply Peter Ryan, Toronto. Washington Timber Land For Sale. HAVE A NUMBER OF TRACTS OF TIMBER Land in the State of Washington for sale; from 1,000 to 40,coo acres in each tract ; heavily timbered with Cedar, Fir and Spruce. CHARLES RICHARDSON, Tacoma, Washington. BOX BOARDS FOR SALE UT TO ANY DESIRED THICKNESS, AND lengths not exceeding 24” long, in Brown Ash, Basswood or Spruce. J. E. MURPHY, Hepworth Station, Ont. SAW MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE. HE COMPLETE MACHINERY OF A SAW Mill, consisting of a steam feed large carriage and frame, one rope feed ditto, double edger and trimmers, swing saws, automatic grinders, belts and saws in good order ; all made by Waterous, Brantford. Will be sold cheap. Apply to J. K. Warp, Mona Mills, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS LUMBER AND SHINGLE Mill, average capacity per day 35 M. feet lum- ber, 70 M. shingles, and 15 M. lath; situated in Hunts- ville, close tothe G.T.R. station, with sidings to mill; plenty of virgin pine. Also a first-class site for a tannery, plenty of tan bark. Will be sotd at a bargain. Apply to T. WHALEY, Huntsville, Ont. NEW LUMBER FREIGHT TARIFF. In answer to our enquiry Mr. Geo. A. Fow- ler, Lumber Agent of the C. P. R. at Ottawa writes : : ‘Taking effect June Ist some change was made in the rates on lumber from points on this line to points in Western Ontario, in most instances a general advance of 14 cent per 100 Ibs, having been made, therefore effective June Ist rates to Toronto and Hamilton are as follows : On pine and soft woods from Klock, Mattawa, Bonfield, North Bay, Sturgeon Falls, Cache Bay and Warren, 9% cents ; from Sudbury Jct., Rayside and Chelmsford 10% cents; from Cartier and Geneva Lake I1 cents ; from Biscotasing, White Fish, Massey, Cutler, Spragge and Algoma, 12% cents per too lbs., no change having been made in the rates on hardwood. The rate from Ottawa, Hull, Aylmer, De- schenes, Arnprior and Pembroke, 10 cents per too Ibs. Nochange has been made in the rates to Montreal and points in Eastern Ontario and Quebec, neither has any change been made in the rates to New York, Boston, etc. The rates from Ottawa to points on the Michigan Central, L. E. & D. R. R. and E. & H. Ry. have been somewhat changed, in some instances a higher and in other instances lower rates have been made.” CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The Mississippi Valley Lumberman sizes up the Canadian situation in this terse fashion: ‘“‘The fact that buyers from the eastern states have paid three dollars per thousand more for mill culls on Geor- gian Bay this year than during the days of free lumber, is a poor argument for the re- moval of the duty—from a Canadian standpoint.” Certainly the Ontario lum- ber manufacturer has at present little cause for complaint, notwithstanding the fact that a duty of $2 per thousand con- fronts him when seeking to enter the United States market. Under present conditions, when the demand equals, if not outreiches, the supply, this duty is not a serious hindrance to trade. Reports to hand during the past week go to show that Canadian low grade lumber is finding ready sale in United States market at satisfactory prices, while in the British market there is good demand for the highest grades. Companies who two or three years ago were being sympathized with on account of having on hand large stocks of dry lumber for which they could not find a market, to-day occupy an envi- able position in the trade. Stocks of such lumber are rapidly becoming exhausted. Our reports agree in stating that stocks at present are light. Medium grades, for which there has been least demand, are now beginning to be drawn upon, and an improvement in price may be looked for. The demand for shingles is particularly good. One hardwood manufacturer writes from the Georgian Bay district that stocks of hardwoods are being shipped out, in answer to local demand, almost as soon assawn. This correspondent mentions having recently received an offer from a manufacturing firm in Cleveland for 300,- ooo feet per year of maple, common and better, for a period of five years, at the price of $13 per thousand. “This,” says our correspondent, “looks as if the market would be all right for maple.” American owners of timber in the Georgian Bay district will probably find some difficulty under present circumstances arranging with Canadian mills to manufacture their timber, as mills in the Georgian Bay district are likely to be operated to their full capacity on owners’ account. An American journal states that this timber will be allowed to remain unmanufac- tured for the present, in the expectation that when the International Commission shall again meet,'the Ontario regulation prohibiting the exportation of logs will be done away with. Meanwhile, whether there is any probability of the fulfill ment of this expectation or not, Cana- dian manufacturers of lumber will no doubt take the fullest possible advantage of the present favorable condition of the markets at home and abroad. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The movement of timber from Mont- real and Quebec to British ports has just commenced, the first arrival at London from Quebec having been the steamship Montenegro, carrying a consignment of deals from Richard R. Dobell & Co. A raft of [1,000 pieces of square timber, selected rock elm and oak, 60 feet in length, cut in Michigan, passed down the St. Lawrence a few days ago for Quebec, where it will be loaded for Europe. The condition of the British market is such that unless shipments are made too rapidly and too large, satisfactory prices are likely to be realized throughout the season. Conditions m New Brunswick continue satisfactory. The curtailment in manufacturing throughout this province last year owing to the overplus stock and consequent low prices in the British market, left a much less quantity of stock than usual in the hands of manufacturers for export this season. The mills are reported to be in active operation and the bulk of the winter’s cut of logs has been successfully floated to the mills. Coast freights remain firm, while ocean freights have advanced considerably. New Brunswick shingles are finding ready sale on the Boston market at prices ranging from $3.10 to $3.15, as compared with $2.60 to $2.65 for Michigan and Wisconsin shingles. The Boston corres- pondent of a new York lumber journal states that this difference in price in favor of New Brunswick shingles 1s attributable tothe superior methods of manufacture employed in this province. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. There has up to the present been a brisk demand throughout Manitoba and the Northwest for lumber, briefly inter- fered by the recent strike at Winnipeg. This difficulty, however, is now removed. Harvesting operations will © commence shortly, when a temporary slackening of demand is likely to be felt. There is, however, every indication that the harvest of the present year will be an abundant one, resulting in a still greater degree of prosperity to the farmers of this west- ern country and leading to the carrying out of improvements for which large quantities of lumber will be required In British Columbia lumber conditions II. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. are satisfactory. There has been a rapid growth in the local demand consequent upon the stimulus given to all depart- ments of trade by mining development. There has also been a growing demand from the European, Australian and other foreign markets. The cedar shingle in- dustry has recently been conducted on a more profitable basis. The extensive demand for red pine shingles has re- sulted in a rise in prices, and the red cedar shingle has also benefitted there- by. The shingle manufacturers in Wash- ington territory, with whom manufactur- ers in this province have been obliged to compete in price, have recently organized themselves into county and state associa- tions, with the object of maintaining prices, regulating weights, and guarantee- ing the quality of their product. This step should prove beneficial to the manufactur- ers of shingles in British Columbia, re- gardless of whether they connect them- selves with the American organization or not. UNITED STATES. The reports from all the principal mar- kets throughout the United States agree in stating that the demand for most classes of lumber is exceptionally active at the present time; in fact, there has not been seen for many years such an active condition of the market for almost all kinds of stock. In the case of hard- woods there is the greatest uncertainty regarding prices, owing to the difficulty of obtaining the required stock, and this uncertainty is said to be interfering to some extent with the developments of trade. The manufacturers in the north- western States are advancing prices, and the statement is made that considerably higher figures are being asked by some of these manufacturers than old stock is being sold for by the Albany dealers. The unusual prosperity now prevailing in all departments of industry through- out the country has greatly increased the demand for unskilled labor. Owing to this circumstance, higher wages are being demanded by the workmen at the mills. To this, coupled with the extraor- dinary firmness of the demand, is prob- ably due the demand of the manufac- turers for higher prices. Hemlock has advanced 75 cents, and is now selling at the highest price ever known, viz., an average of $13.25. Quartered oak sells readily ir. the Boston market at $70 to $75 per thousand for the highest grades. The peculiar fact is noticed in connec- tion with this class of stock that the price, which was formerly below that of plain sawn oak, is now considerably higher, and constantly advancing. Re- ports from Baltimore state that there is a good demand for white pine, and that prices are advancing. The rafting of logs cut in the Georgian Bay district by Michigan limit holders and mill owners prior to the enactment of the Ontario prohibitory law is about to commence. The quantity of such logs to be brought over this season is estimated at 75,000,- ooo feet. The interesting statement is published that, according to statistics compiled and presented at a recent meeting of prominent lumber manufac- turers of Georgia, the timber supply of that state will become exhausted in six years if the present rate of manufactur- ing be continued. FOREIGN. The return of “Derby” week, as usual, demoralized trade conditions to a con- siderable extent. Reports from London state that the importations have thus far been much lighter than usual. If the average season’s standard is reached, there must shortly be a rush, with con- sequent confusion on the docks, and delays in delivery to buyers. Freights from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia have advanced from 4os to 45 and 46s, and it is not improbable that they may go still higher. What effect this will have on the volume of imports cannot be definitely stated as yet, but in view of the Importers’ Association have memoralized the Town Council protesting against the increased dock rates imposed by the Dock Committee on wood goods con- signed to the port of Avonmouth. At an auction of wood goods by Messrs. Chur- chill & Sim, London, there was but a small attendance of bidders, owing to the counter attraction of the “ Derby” already referred to, Low prices were obtained for small lots of common spruce, and best bright prime short ends flooring and matching realized fair values. More than usual activity prevails at Liverpool, and spruce deals, notwithstanding heavy imports, are finding ready sale. For the month ending June Ist the stocks at this port were as follows: Quebec pine, 46,000 cu. ft., as compared with 86,000 cu. ft. for the same month last year; waney pine, 63,000 cu. ft., as against 168,000 in 1898. Quebec pine deals are slightly in excess, and spruce deals at the same as last year. At Glasgow, hard- woods are exceptionally scarce, particular- ly elm, ash and birch. Stocks of British Columbia and Oregon pine are small, and fresh arrivals should find a good market. CN a THE BRITISH MARKET. Messrs. Farnworth & Jardine, of Liverpool, in their monthly review of the market, dated the rst inst., say regarding Canadian woods : For WANEY PINE there is a fair demand, stocks are light and values steady. SQUARE. — The demand is limited and stocks are sufficient. Rep Pine,—There is little enquiry, but stocks are now small. St. JOHN.—A parcel of very prime quality has just arrived. Oax.—There has been no arrivals ; the deliveries have been small, and the demand continues very dull ; stocks are sufficient, but there is little change in value to report. ELM.—There has been more enquiry, and Prime Fresh Wood is wanted ; the stock is light and values have im- proved. AsH.—There is little enquiry ; but stocks are getting bare. PINE Deats.—The arrivals have been large, the deliveries unsatis- factory, and there is no improvement in values to report ; stocks are much too heavy. RED Pine DEALS are in steady request, and prices rule firm. The arrivals of NEw BRUNSWICK AND Nova SCOTIA SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS have been very heavy, amounting to about I1,- 600 standards, against 1,726 standards same month last year ; with a steady demand there has been a good consumption, and stocks, al- though increased, are not excessive. There is little change in value to report, but shippers are asking higher rates to meet the advance in freights. PINE DEALS are dul] of sale. ST. JouN Bircu has been imported more freely, and the deliveries have been satisfactory; values are firm, and the stock is moderate. PLANKS have not met with so ready sale, and prices have declined slightly ; stocks are heavy. The circular issued by Messrs. Allison, Caus- land & Co., of Glasgow, says: There is no special feature of interest to report during the past month. Prices have improved in most cases, but the larger buyers had so many op- portunities of purchasing at such very low prices that they will not yet give the ad: vance asked for, preferring to hang off for the present and watch how the market may turn. Several shipments per liners have ar- rived, the bulk of which is on contract for local merchants. Shipbuilding and housebuilding trades continue brisk, and the wood bookec is ample for a considerable time. Hardwoods are exceptionally scarce at present, the supply not being equal to the demand. Provided im- ports are moderate a satisfactory business should be done, but the result of such heavy consignments during the last two years have still a depressing effect on the market. Re- garding stocks and prices of various Canadian woods in the Glasgow market this circular says : YELLOW PrINnE.— Waney.—The stock of prime wood is now small, and prices are firm. There is very little demand for inferior wood, the stock of which is very heavy. Quotations— ist Class, 19 to 20 inches average, 2s 6d tu 2s gd. 2nd Class, 15d to 2s perc. ft. Square— The stock of prime wood is of very small aver- age, for which there is only a very limited de- mand. RED Ping.—Seldom enquired for, except for large girthy wood. ELM. --Demand moderate, and prices keep very firm. 1st Class, 45 to 50 feet average is quoted at 2s 2d to 2s 4d. 2nd Class, 22d to 2s perc. ft. OAK,— Demand very limited, and little business re- ported. AsH.—In good request, prices firm, broad deals has been good, and prices are much improved. Undersized, if of long aver- age, are wanted. Short undersized are heavy in stock, and are little asked for. Quotations— broad, £24 1s 3dto£2415s. Undersized, ay. 3s gd to £19 5s per St. Pet. Std. Seconds.— The enquiry is very light, and few sales are reported. Broad are quoted at £16 tos to £19 ss. Undersized, £13 1s 3d to £13 15s per St. Pet. Std. Thirds.\—The demand has been moderate, and principally for regulars, which are not heavy instock. Undersized are very slow to move, except at very low prices. Quotations.—Regulars, £9 5s 7d to £10 6s 3d. Undersized, £7 4s 4d to £8 5s od. per St. Pet. Std. Fourths. —Although prices have improved, business is very slow. Regulars are quoted at £6 17s 6d to £7 11s 3d. Under- sized £6 3s 9d to £6 10s 7d per St. Pet. Std. Rep Ping.—There is no stock in first hands. Early shipments will meet with a ready sale. SpRUCE.—Some recent shipments are report- ed sold ex quay at fair prices. Quotations. — £6 3s 9d to £7 11s 3d per St. Pet. Std. Brrcu.—There has been a good business done both in logs and pianks at satisfactory prices. Logs are quoted at 14d to 15d for 16 inch average. Planks, 10d to 11d per cubic foot. DEALS, BATTENS, AND BOARDS. — Prices still keep very low, and the demand has been practically for narrow deals. Quotations. — £6 3s 9d to £7 11s 3d per St. Pet. Std. Spruce.—The demand keeps good and a satisfactory business has been done. Quota- tions. —£5 16s 10d to £8 5s per St. Pet. Std. THE AUSTRALIAN MARKET. Concerning the Australian lumber market, Messrs. Fraser & Co,, of Melbourne, say : Stocks on hand have not been dealt in to any material extent, no improvement in this direction having been shown within the past month, though as landings at the wharf and supplies to arrive are not of importance there has been a desire to secure better rates, and in several descriptions of timber slightly higher prices are now being asked, and must ultimate- ly be obtained, not only in the smaller but also in the larger operations which may be concluded in the near future. Although the trade, asa whole, are now in possession of fairly good stocks, we are inclined to the belief that an increased enquiry will be experienced ere long for present holdings, and more es- pecially when it is recognized that existing quotations for mostly all the leading lines are below those at which these could now be laid down at. The irregularity of values among the distributing mills has of late in a great measure prevented prices for importations being fixed upon a fair and proper basis, but we understand that more unanimity is now being shown, which should help to at least some extent in improving the position of those interested here and abroad in cargo operations which are made to this market from time to time. SPRUCE AND BALT.c WHITE DrEats.—Im- ports: 892,946 feet super. Arrival: Osberga, from St. John’s N.B. A little further business has been done from stocks in the yard. A small portion of the above shipment has also been placed. Prices range from 244d to 23¢d per foot of 9 x 3 for an average specification. OREGON Pine.—Imports, Nil. Stocks in the yards of importers have not been in much demand,® but in sales concluded prices paid show no alteration upon late rates, viz., £5 15s for sizes 11 x6 and down, and £5 5s for 12x6 and up, or anaverage of £5 10s per 1,000 feet super. Some business ‘‘ to arrive ” has been done upon this basis. Holders are, however, firm, and it is probable that a slight increase will shortly be required. The extensive saw mill of Alfred Dickie at Lower Stewiacke, N. S., was totally con- sumed by fire on Wednesday, May 31st. The fire originated from a spark from a passing engine and consumed the mill, several million feet of lumber ready for shipment, dwelling June 14, 1899 houses, barn and cook house. Two vessels were loading lumber at the port, and a thirp was discharging ballast preparatory to loading. The loss is heavy. WANTED Rock Elm, cut to order. Soft Elm, all thieknesses. Black Ash, all thieknesses. State quantity you can’supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 7 CROSBY SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. ~ ‘*Sieveking,” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS. BND. SHIP. BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. H_D. WIGCIN sosrat auAss- 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woods, Including Mahogany, A Specialty. CORRESPONDENCE INVITED QUOTATIONS GIVEN TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large number of Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet ; also Fence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. WANTED FOR EXPORT All kinds of Logs and Lumber Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, MOTT & DICKSON - LONDON, ENG, BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE au HARDWOOD © ‘YY; AY sh North enawandaNe Cable Address, ‘‘ Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA Lumberman’s Code, Do You Use Mahogany? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous { TABASCO MAHOGANY | Finest figured wood on the market ; is hard and takes elegant finish. Brings high- est prices in Europe, but we sell here about same prices as ordinary mahogany. Specially adapted for fine cabinet and interior finish 3 ‘ z LAWRBENGB & WIGGIN Importers and Manufacturers BOSTON, MASS. at 22d. to 2s. per cu. ft. for 15 to 16 inches wood. Bircu. —Stock very limited. Sev- eral parcels sold ex quay at satisfactory prices. Quotations. —18d to 19d for 15 to 16 inch average. PiNE.— Firsts. —The demand for activity of the demand in this market for many kinds of lumber, the increased carrying charges are not likely to severly check shipments. The Bristol Timber JUNE 14, 189¢ CANADA LUMBERMAN THE QUEBEC TIMBER TRADE. Following is a comparative statement of timber, measured and culled, to the 13th inst., at the Supervisor of Cullers’ office, Quebec : 3 f 1897. 1898. 1899. Waney white pine, cu. feet.. 600,000 405,€11 620,'4 White pine, cu. feet........ 64,822 112,680 €0,cos Red pine, cu feet..... .... 55,932 41,115 73,752 Oak, cu. feet 471,978 405,267 110,985 Elm, cu- feet... 170,9 6 187,436 236,973 Ash, cu. feet 21,582 18,793 40,085 Bntternut, cu’ feet.......... 795 60 Birch and Maple, cu. feet... 139171 95,045 223,409 A PROTEST. A firm of lumber manufacturers in the Georgian Bay district write: ‘‘We might ple have treated us most unfairly in their new tariff in the matter of rates on cedar. They raised rates on all other kinds of lumber 4 and I cent per 100 lbs., of which we make no com- plaint, but on cedar lumber and posts they raised the rate 3c and qc per 100, making it almost prohibitive. They can only have the one object, and that is, to stop the shipping of cedar altogether on their lines, so that they can get it at their own price. We have, along with the other mill men in this section manufactured many thousands of dollars worth for them in the past, but for the last two years their manner of inspecticn and shipping has grown to be so unsatisfactory, that we find it impossible to do business with them and have Jooked for other markets, hence we Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OvereNnD, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. mention that the Grand Trunk Railway peo-- WEEKLY EDITION. 11. presume their latest move. There is great in- dignation among the mill men. It is undoubt- edly one of the most high-handed tricks ever perpetrated by any corporation. There isa great deal of cedar handled here and it is par- ticularly hard on us all, as a very large pro- portion of what we cut they could not, and would not handle themselves.” SHIPPING MATTERS. The ship Charles, now repairing at Halifax, will load a cargo of deals for the west coast of England at 46s. 3d. Barquentine Sunny South has been chartered to load lumber at Annapolis, N.S., for Buenos Ayres and Rosario at $10.50 and $11.50. Schooner Sirocco has cleared from Halifax for New York with a large cargo of lumber, Viz., 171,133 feet deals and 1,071,000 laths, shipped by Miller & Woodman. A dispatch from Tonawarda says: Never in the history of the Tonawanda canal port have rates on lumber to Albany and New York been so low as at the present time. The rate now being paid to Albany ranges from 95 cents to $1.05 a thousand, while the general rate to New York is $1.55. Only a few carriers are getting much more. point reached in rates to Albany and New York was $1.25 and $1.75 respectively. Few boatmen are willing to load at the existing rates, ard consequently a large number of boats are tying up to await better prices. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,., MONTREAL, TOBONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smitu, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Last season the lowest” Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN S.S. GO.’S | MILFORD HAVEN Sailings Between {| PASPEBIAC ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight Agent A. & L.S.R.R. Co., Room 16 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal. For further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial Railway A gent, or to William Keating, Freight and Passenger Agent, 72 Yonge. Street, Toronto. Montague Yates Board of Trade Bldg., Room 16 + MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS «&” WHOLESALERS *@/O Write us for Quotations on all Bills@/e Dimension Timber in White PINE DEALS SHIPMENTs BY RAIL OR WATER. - (eto bIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario - S Ii OUP Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY OOOOb: or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. ure MANUFACTURERS. AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP E ND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. PEMBROKE, ONT. cLAURIN & MacLAREN - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. BAst TEMPLETON, QUE. Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspendence Solicited and answered promptly. An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING SPEEtNG CEILING @ df AsS >A YY PACE Rae. CO: Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH ¢ SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies a“ MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIKRTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER @ pine shingles. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. sv” ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Flooring from $12.00 KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Ceiling se 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL Burk’s Falls, Ont. FOREIGN IMPORTERS WRIGHT, GRAKAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND t continent handled to the best advantage. the Manufacturer. Offers Invited From now we intend buying DIRECT from WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or C.H. GLOVER & CO., tia Importers Of SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. Wharves, Mills and Offices: ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENCLAND SMITH & TYRER - [4 Ganada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.S. O~——_ IRVIN & SELLERS———_~©® Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. ALSO DEALERS === BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and all HARD and FANCY WOODS BUYERS OF === POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS Vv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. JUNE 14, 1899 SS DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS OTTAWA. ONT. BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”" ' ec d Orrawa, June 14, 1899. Tonawanpa, N. Y., June 14, 1899. Pine, good sIciney) per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- WHITE PINE. eet, b.m.....-. 31 00 36 00 ter stock........++ II 00 12 50 , Fi s BELTING Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 | Pine,8 &ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 00 =e " 1, 1%, 1% and 2 5 = oo: 3, - seeeeee 4+ 18 00 20 00 Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Pine, good shorts,.... 17 90 28 00 Pine, s.c. strips....-- 8 00 10 00 A ae ata tatesoae a et vot 0. 3, 13 iD. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts..... 700 859 4 in. 2. coi} Dress up, 1 in.:.... 32 00@34 00 Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. | sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls......- 9 00. 10°36..> ee alacteannine =. 50s Bes ap aa 14 TB sis aro 27 90 30 00 Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt's Belting. (yiaWesgcipepe: noe 15 co 21 00| Pine mill culls...... 752 9 00 BI eS $n (ade ee and 12...... 28 00 30 00 McLaren, J. C., Belting Cop montics gan To Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath per i Nova. 2col Tass 2% i oe ee ps Pa Ta MDs veececernene = p z= = McLaren, D. K., Montreal awa and Galt. SELIPS i+ «es eth weal 14 00 16 00 | Lath per Nas aac Bs xO eee oe eye Ae ke |g The Waterous Co.. Brantford. Pine, No. 1 dressing 1x10 No, 1 barn.... 18 00 Pacem eae a 5 ae = st Young, J. S., Montreal. pens em | eR ce 174 in 19 00 21 oo BRASS. CASTINGS Hamilton, Ont ter stock,........+% 1350 15 00|1x8&QNo.2“ ...- 15 00 3 ae = a = ee ity ' ’ cS ri Magnolia Metal Co., New York. 41 1300 13 00 Cut g, : 350 14 00 TY, tO2 Wee see seoe 00 WH Siaees bee ; DRY KILNS.» neating & Ventilating Go, Galt, Ont. QUEBEC, QUE. shoe ns yee Renee Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. QUEBEC, June 14, 1899. ie 2,1%, & 1% in 23 00 25 00| 1% and r4%in..... - 1700 18 WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. i y i 1 ELECTRICAL APPARATUS cts. cts. Os 9 TAS tire Bt 37 te aha eee ae +++ 18 00 20 a : Oya: ectric UO., . . m : ; es John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. Se poy ae meses BE, 40;fa 5 ee te Ee Bes fe a th tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 28 00 30 00| 2% to4 in........ ses 34.00 38 00 LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES _“ first class ve = O6say RA ea uee tee <8 42 1% to2in.......- . 31 00 33 00| Strips...-..... re 20 00 22 00 Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 42 Com. and culls...... . 1200 14 x Gartshore, Jobn, yet t ‘< Witchteqmet 19 ie zrinchaverage == ees 38 x ELACK AND BROWN ASH. I Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. ichigan x9 to2rin average =“ size 43 48 ast & ond, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00| Com. & . me Lewis Son an (ont RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. ‘ aia =e m. & good culls... 12 00 14 00) oods, Jas. W., wa, ‘ M d off c A s c MACHINERY Me ae to average and qu ity... ++.e2eeeeee eee 5B - ist & and, Giuch & : 1st &and, white, 6” up, ree aoe Pisin Mieke on aoa ae e up, r sceaasceee 20:90 30 00 m Bisa 00 Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. i : ELM. —— eal att Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. By the dram, according to average and quality. . « «© «= 46 49) SE & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ast & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. ELM. ' om Darling Bros. Mowm., Limited Owen Sound Ont By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 te 50 Has agers 35 1st & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 00 ? “9 2 , . soto apie 7 = 3 Leonard & Sons, E., London Ont. f Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. 3 ‘ ASH : BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. ‘ Mershon, W. B. & Co Saginaw, Mich 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . + «21 24 pee * : Mowry & Son, Gravenhurst, Ont ; To average 16 inch MRED a on as a te 28) urvess an Gee Mich., June 14, 1899. a 2 ~ > s : . he Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co. Peterboro’, Ont. BIRCH. ve : The Waterous Co.. Brantford. 2 agin average. 7)KRaE- °° > hee amc 1200 ©. No. 1, r in., 10 ine stones 29 00 | No. 2, 2 in., 7 and Bn. stocks 23 00 Co ee eS eee 14 0Q rin., ro in. and up wide... 33 00 tin., roin. stocks......... @ISCELLANEOUS vin., 12 in. stocks......-++ 33 00| xin., x2 im. stocks........ ‘Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. 1 in. 12 in. and up wide... 34 00] 1 in., ro in. and up wide ‘ Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt Ont. 4 e as rae 3 In., TO In. p wide.-. 24 00 Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. ALBANY, N.Y. a ae = — . = : ba 31 00 cis 13 ee eee Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Avsany, N.Y., June 14, 1899. . Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, PINE. Pan ee BARN Pom on ora Da eee thos Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Uppers, eihiehal Deenopade,- $51 $53 | 1x12 inch shippers rere $ $16 10 Tee ie *. 19 00 Saal eR, (8 : Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram Toronto, Ont 2% in, 50 52 | 4/4 inch 13 & up. 17 QT. ss coc as sees —eiee cee 18 00 | No. 3, 12 in. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. : s atozin 48 | 4/4 Box boards, 6’ and up .. 13 14 Band 7 in.....-+++eeeseeee 18 00] TO M....+.00e0-n0e Mill Sites and Water Powers, Canadian Pacific Railway. Es te ae FongssaO 4 om cae and better... ae > Nose ri Wermarrrio te. bs Pe ea oo =a “ a ry . UP... es eeee 4 IN. COMMON sie. everccws ce Th AU5iee eelO Dihes omnis eee eee sree eee eaeeee eule and bape Eerie rarely rer ale Mills, Que. 6 tO 2iM...+.--- seeeeeees 40 | 12-in. dressing and better... 25 34 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency New York and Toronto Fine common, 2% in. and up 39 42 | Common, rxa2 + ..++ «++++5 1 15 1 in., 4and 5 in. wide $x2 00 | 1 in., 13 1m. and id The Bie on care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand No y cuts, 1 to inch... -. ge Sb No. lee, as ae a 23 yin, Ogu wide 2K ie and stag 9 Seat Rapids, Mich. Novsristrersesssson ae a Rarer f = = 1in., 7 in. wide and up...... 12 00 Up Widen. sese cen sia ae Oe geiceis ne tie silos nse 17 20 0. 2 barn, IXI2........00 17 «18 SHAKY CLEAR, g No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 30 36 THIS oar wavle veias anew sine 16 1 rin., 3, 4,5) 7,8 and gin. wide 22 00 | x in., ro in. and up wide..... 23 00 WHOLESALE PRICES GCURRBNT. No, 2 molding, x to 2 in. waa 27 ERG nee ee ob iaiatase swiaisisios I : I in., in. wide na onlin ein a mag 22 00 i, 1% and 2 in,, 8in, and up _ TORONTO, ONT Stained sapS...-.+--++++++5 23 | Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4 in. WIE... 0. 0+ eeeeeeeeeeeee 24 00 2 TROnONTE Fanexg hie Bracket plank ..... pooner - 30 35 Re «2 inch. . COFFIN BOARDS. q CAR OR CARGO LOTS i 4x T2909) Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 29 32 Dressing No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 No. 1, millculls............. 10 50 . : Peer Dressing boards, narrow.... 19 21 Common No.2 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse 1% 1% and2z inch cut I inch dressing and are ao shippers : “= is a Bevweseennia se o\sieh sie saa em 7 a 2y Seccensess JF 50 up and peti: Sapeleae $32 00 $34 00 nee teens ee .$20 00 $22 00 ea a 3 ai TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. ginch picksand. uppers 34.00 36 co|/ t inch siding mull run 14 00° 15/09 ; t to 16ft. Heml 4x)2 dressing and bet- t inch siding common 11 00 12 00 Pine their siciicanaicle's neelslisancs ...$2 oo | Spruce ........ re ae e i r Se 3 a ie git + 7 rere : be he Pa re 8 athe ds 16 ft...-- 4 22 ICON ZA CON aes Speen pene 5 50 II 50 SHINGLES. i. Ise A geet: nch si : each additi ee ae a 22 00 24 00 Cull etal ae 8 on ; = Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x 18 ....$5 50 ge AE gta: weeeseT@ 00 16 Metts yrs 2 ‘§ 3.. 17 00 19 00 By car .... eeeeeee 1 80@ 2 oo pent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) CANADA |[UMBERMAN WEEKLY F DITION ~ The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.oo per veak {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN. THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., |JUNE 21, 1899 No. 22. CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office : New York Lire Insurance BvuILpING, MOonrTREAL, Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 427 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00, : LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPEGTION BOOK 2=ea Containing Rules for the Inspection and Measuring of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. Em- bracing also many useful tables and calculations of everyday service to lumbermen. Prepared by the Editor of the * Canada Lumberman.” > Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 “HE above is afac simile of the title page of the latest and most complete Lumber. and Inspection — Book published. We shall be pleased to send you a CODY on receipt of four 3 cent Ga- fhadian postage stamps ° ° © ° ‘THE CANADA L.UMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada WANTED AND FOR SALE Adyertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of r5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m: on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. AN TED — Situation as Lumber Inspector, Shipper and Culler. D. Squire, Hoath Head, Ont. H AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH tosell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, Canapa LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE. ( pe ee MINES EUG ing, Sash and Door Machinery; medern and in good condition. Can be seen at Toronto. Apply Peter Ryan, Toronto. FOR SALE. NE CARLOAD BASSWOOD, CUT ¥%-INCH thick, 5 to 7 feet long, 4 to 5 inches wide, dressed if desired to 34-inch thick. PateENr CLOTHBOARD Company, Parry Sound, Ont. SAW MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE. HE COMPLETE MACHINERY OF A SAW Mill, consisting of a steam feed large carriage and frame, one rope feed ditto, double edger and trimmers, swing saws, automatic grinders, belts and saws in good order ; all made by Watevous, Brantford. Will be sold cheap. Apply to J. K. Warp, Mona Mills, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS LUMBER AND: SHINGLE Mill, average capacity per day 35 M. feet lum- ber, 70 M. shingles, and 15 M. lath; situated in Hunts- ville, close tothe G.T.R. station, with sidings to mill ; plenty of virgin pine. Also a first-class site for a tannery, plenty oftan bark. Will be sold at a bargain. * Apply to T. WHALEY, Huntsville, Ont. TO LUMBER DEALERS HE NEWFOUNDLAND IRON ORE CO., Limited, of Workington, Newfoundland, invite tenders for the delivery at Old Perlican, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, of a large quantity of [2 AND 10 INCH SQUARE SPRUCE SAWN TIMBER Specifications may be obtained at the office of this paper. The Company does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. S. HERBERT WILLIAMS, Superintendent. TTS SRE IER ET NST ET TIMBER SALE. Owing to the death of Mr. Thos. Hale, the business of Hale & Booth is to be wound up, for which purpose it is announced that an auc- tion sale of timber limits belonging to the estate will take place at the Russell House, Ottawa, on September 6th. These berths are situated on the north shore of Lake Huron, in the township of Butt, Serpent river, Vermillion river and the township of Spragge. With these limits will be sold shanty plant. Lumbermen requiring the services of a good shipper can obtain the address of one who is open for engagement by addressing this office. -manent for some time to come. : CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS, ONTARIO, The reports to hand during the past week all go to show that lumbermen are not suffering from anxiety regarding ocut- lets for the sale of their products. On the contrary these reports indicate that stocks are being disposed of rapidly and at most satisfactory prices. Even better than this is the prospect that these con- ditions are likely to continue for some time to come, if indeed a further improve- mentin prices does not take place. As stated last week stocks of all kinds are becoming very small, especially low grades, which have found an unusually good market in the United States. The action of the Mississipi Valley Lumber- “men’s Association in advancing prices of white pine would go to show that the United States demand is likely to be per- This ad- vance amounts to an average of 50 cents per thousand, the lowest advance being 25 cents on laths and the highest $1.50 on 4 inch No. 2 16 feet, with $t on several other kinds of stock. Asregards the con- dition of stocks in Ontario, the representa- tive of an American firm who has been visiting the mills since early in February, states that he succeeded in purchasing less than 6,000,000 feet, while in -ormer years a similar effort would have produced ten times that amount. He is satisfied that the reports of large stocks of unsold lumber in Ontario are totally unfounded. Our own reports coincide with this state- ment. active and all classes of hardwoods, even cordwood, are selling better than for many years. We are advised that production in this line will not equal the demand for some time to come. In many instances stocks are entirely sold out. The Ontario government are watching the various out- Jets in the Georgian Bay district to see that the law prohibiting the export of logs to the United states is not being violated. Mr. Williams, of Peterboro, who recently visited the district with this object, re- ports that there is not likely to arise any difficulty. Some of the American firms are storing their logs in the vicinity of Manitoulin Island inthe hope that some change may be made in the Ontario re- gulations, while others have apparently taken it for granted that this regulation will stand, and are making arrangements to have their timber cut in Canada. A delegation of lumbermen met Senator Fairbanks, chairman United States High Commission at Minneapolis and protest- ed against any lowering of the American lumber tariff. The Pacific coast lumber- men in a conference at Tacoma, expressed themselves in a similar manner. They urged that a reduction of 20 percent. on rough lumber be considered as the ulti- matum of the American members of the joint High Commission to their Canadian associates, and that no concession be made on dressed lumber such as laths, staves, clap boards, pickets, shingles, etc. If as a leading American lumber journal states, the supply of white pine is being concentrated in few hands and that there will never again be a marked decline in The shingle market is particularly | past. value, Canadian lumbermen need have no cause for serious alarm on the tariff ques- tion. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Reports from mills throughout the province of Quebec indicate that the de- mand for spruce, shingles and lath and the lower grades of white pine is unusually active—shingles and spruce being in greatest demand. Orders for above classes of stock are in some instances booked ahead. Some spruce deals were held over from last year, but are now nearly all sold. This applies also to rail- way ties. The tendency of prices is re- ported to be strong and upwards, particu- iarly on lower grades. Export business is becoming more active, but is being re- stricted by want of vessels and conse- quent high carrying charges. The local demand is also satisfactory. A consider- able amount of timber will be required for the erection of elevators and the carrying out of the harbor improvements at Mont- real. The exports from St. John during the month of May were valued at $424,- 267, as against $177,271 for the same month last -year.--The-increased. value this year is partly due to higher valuation. Shipments to Great Britain have thus far come considerably short of the same period last year, stocks in the hands of manufacturers being much smaller and vessel charges considerably higher, two causes tending to reduce shipments. The spruce market is very firm. The prospect at present is that most of the logs cut will be brought to the mills, but the- quantity is believed to be less than last year; this applies particularly to Nova Scotia. It seems certain, there- fore, that there will be no weakening of the market, but on the contrary there is the possibility of prices going higher. MANITOBA AND. BRITISH COLUMBIA, The market for lumber throughout Manitoba and the Northwest continues active. There is a large requirement for new buildings in course of erection and to be erected in Winnipeg, where build- ing operations are being carried on on a much larger scale than for many years There is also a_ considerable amount of building being done in the smaller towns throughout the country. The announcement which has been re- cently made regarding the greatly in- creased area of lands placed under cul- tivation this year should also be signifi- cant of a greater demand for lumber for elevator construction and other purposes. Trade conditions in British Columbia continue to be in most respects satisfac- tory. There is a large foreign demand, which ‘is, however, being hampered to some extent by lack of suitable vessels. Lumber freights are firm at higher rates, recent charters being as follows: British Columbia or Puget Sound to Sydney, 4os. to 41s. 3d.; Melbourne or Adelaide, 48s. 9d. to 50s.; Port Pirie, 46s. 3d. to 47s. 6d.; Freemantle, 60s. to 61s. 3d.; Shanghai, 51s. 3d. to 52s. 6d.; Tientsin, 6os. to 61s. 3d.; Valparaiso, f.o., 42s. 6d. to 45s.; South Africa, 62s. 6d. to 65s.; U.K. or Continent, 62s. 6d. to 65s. The II. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. manufacturing capacity of the province is being rapidly increased to meet the requirements of trade. The Victoria Lumber & Manufacturing Co., of Che- mainus, for example, have doubled their capacity. This company are now handl- ing 80 cars per day and employing 300 men. The shipments of lumber from this province during the last year are given as follows: From Vancouver, valued at $102,919; from Chemainus, $160,351 ; Cowichan, $9,300; Salt Spring Island, $8,200; New Westminster, $5,796 ; Moodyville, $119,135, making a total of $405,701, shipped to Australia, China, South Africa, the United Kingdom, Mexico and South American points. Judging by the following statement pre- sented to Senator Fairbanks at Tacoma by the lumibermen of Washington terri- tory, aS an argument in favor of the present tariff on lumber being main- tained, British Columbia manofactur- ers are an aggressive and formidable element in the trade on this coast: ‘British Columbia manufacturers ship- ped no lumber to California previous to the passage of the Wilson tariff act, but immediately after it went into effect, they commenced to compete with us in our home market, down went our prices, and lumber business on the Pacific coast became demoralized. It was only a question of who could stand the tre- mendous losses longest. Mills were shut down, men were thrown out of employ- ment, and those who did work, worked short time and at reduced wages. Old established lumber manufacturers, who had been in business for years, were forced to stop,and their plants and busi- ness were placed in charge of receivers. Many properties were sold out and changed hands at nominal prices and at a great loss to original owners and their creditors.” UNITED STATES, The most important event affecting the market for lumber in the United States during the past week was the meeting at St. Paul, Minn., of the Mississippi Valley Lumbermen’s Association, at which about thirty five of the leading white pine manu- facturers of the Northwest were repre- sented. The meeting was called to con- sider the report of the price list committee. The chairman of this committee stated that in order to arrive as nearly as pos- sible at the actual condition of the market a circular had been issued hy the com- mittee to the trade requesting answers toa seriesofquestions. Theinformation receiv- ed in answer tothese questionsshowed that there is a shortage in stocks amounting to 400,000,000 feet as compared with last year, while all the answers went to show that the prospects of trade are better than for years past. After a full consideration of this report the association decided to advance prices all round by 50 cents per thousand. This advance to take effect on the 2oth inst. Statistics have also been collected regarding building operations, and these go to show that the extent of operations is greater by 100 per cent. than in 1898. The relative value of new build- ings in twenty of the principal cities of the Union is as follows : 1898, 14,048,190 ; 1899, 29,111,084. Notwithstanding the approach of the harvest and vacation sea- son and the advent of the new cut of the mills, prices remain unaffected and firm. The demand for hemlock is particularly active and Pennsylvania prices were re- cently advanced $1.00 per thousand. The hardwood situation remains about the same as reported last week. Red cedar shingles are likely to advance in price from 10 to 15 cents per thousand as the result of the decision of the mills in Washington territory to close down during the first part of July. Prices for spruce remain firm with aslight advance in price of lath. FOREIGN. There appear to be several influences at work tending to maintain the present satisfactory condition of prices in the British market. One is the largely in- creased home demand for almost all kinds of American timber products. This is having the effect of restricting exports. A New York lumber journal states that a large number of British and Continental lumber buyers who came to the United States on a purchasing tour have returned home greatly disappointed. It is said that not only were they unable to open commission accounts, but were discour- aged by the high prices asked for stock on an f.o.b. vessel basis. The increased demand from South America and the West Indies is also lessening the amount of the exports from the United States to Great Britain and the Continent, In ad- dition to this, so far as Great Britain is concerned, there must be taken into account the active demand existing in the French and German markets. The difficulty of securirg vessels to carry lum- ber is also having its effect in restricting exports. It is not surprising, therefore, to learn that with an active consumption for building and other purposes in the British market, timber cargoes in the majority of instances are contracted for in advance of arrival, and on leaving the vessel go into consumption immediately. British buyers find much difficulty in estimating the future conditions of supply and demand, and are conducting their operations cau- tiously. Caution is also being exercised by shippers on this side of the water, in view of the scarcity of vessels and high carrying charges. The import of spruce deals at Liverpool and Manchester bas been considerable, yet not in excess of the demand, and prices continue vety firm with a disposition to advance at Man- chester. The stock of waney and square pine at Liverpool is said to be about ex- hausted. There isa good demand in this market for fresh birch logs; a parcel of timber of this character arrived there recently from St. John, N.B. STOCKS AND PRICES. Mr. Peter’s mill at Parry Sound has commenced operations, a large stock of logs having arrived there a few days since. G. D. McArthur will cut about 4,000,- ooo feet of logs at his mill at Selkirk, Man., which is about to begin opera- tions. Senator E. B. Buchanan is_ reported to have sold to the Rat Portage Lumber Co. 4,000,000 feet ‘of logs and his logging outfit on Rainy river. The Conger Lumber Company’s drives have reached Georgian Bay. They will be towed to Parry Sound and there cut into lumber at the company’s mills. The first raft from Canada to Michigan reached Tawas for Saginaw, recently, consigned to the Saginaw Lumber & Salt Co. It contained nearly 3,- 000,000 feet, logs being cut from Indian reserve lands. The Rathbun Company’s drive of logs, which passed through the Trent Canal recently, is the largest in twenty-five years, being about 25 miles inlength. The logs are said to be of good size. A raft con- taining about 65,000 logs reached Messrs. Chew Bros.’ mill at Midland a few days ago. It is estimated that 3,000,000 feet of lumber can be produced therefrom. THE BRITISH MARKET. Messrs. Edmuston & Mitchell, of Glasgow, in their monthly circular of date May 3i1st say: Business during the past month has been, as is usually the case about this time, rather quiet, the buying being of a retail nature, in anticipa- tion of the new season’s arrivals. Several steamers are to hand from Montreal with large quantities of deals, etc., principally on con- tract, and it is expected that, until the grain shipments commence, the import of wood goods will be considerable. Of old stock there has been considerable depletion, notably, in ist, 2nd and 3rd pine deals, pine sidings, red pine and spruce deals, etc., and the statistical position of these is favourable and prices firm. Deliveries of logs and lumber have been of an average amount during the month. We learn of no important sales of deckwood recently, but the tendency of prices is decidedly firm. Joiner wood has been sold at from 2s 3d to 2s 5d per cubic foot, in ponds. No de- mand for inferior woods. Shippers of first- class ash will meet with a ready market. There is a satisfactory demand for 15 and 16 JUNE 21, 1899 inch and larger birch logs. Some demand for first-class white ash. Messrs. Churchill & Sim, in their monthly circular of June 2nd say: From the St. Law- rence the importation is, pine deals, 98,000 pieces, against 80,000 pieces in 1898 ; spruce deals, 137,000 pieces, against 78,000 pieces in 1898. From New Brunswick, etc., pine deals, nil pieces, against 2,000 pieces in 1898 ; spruce deals, 14,000 pieces, against 210,000 pieces in 1898; birch planks, 74,000 pieces, against 42,000 pieces in 1898. There is nothing to report of moment in this market for Canadian wood, The first steamer shipments are arriv- ing, but as usual with these early parcels they go direct overside in fulfilment of contracts. The market sales of pine and spruce deals here consists of remnants and re-sales from the 1898 importation, and for these no change of quota- tion is apparent during May. hardwood that shows even a retail improve- ment. Birch, elm, ash and yellow pine tim- ber all tend to rather lower figures, the first on an incoming supply of fairly ample proportions, and the three latter from lack of demand. From the circular of Messrs. Wright, Graham & Co., of Glasgow, it is learned that square pine is in fair request. 35 to 40 feet, average quoted at 2s 3d to 2s 6d; smaller average and poorer quality at 1s 5d to 1s 9d per cubic foot. Prime large red pine isin demand. Smaller average and poorer quality is selling at from 1s 3d to 1s 6d per cubic foot. The demand for oak logs is moderate ; first-class large wood quoted at 2s 6d to 3s, poorer average and quality at 1s 9d to 2s 3d per cubic foot. First- class elm logs are in demand; price 2s 2d to 2s 4d, smaller size and poorer quality Is 9d to 2s per cubic foot. The market is in want of large average ash logs, and early arrivals of same will meet with ready buyers; price Is 10d to 2s for 15 to 16 inch average; less average at 1s 6d to Is 9d per cubic foot, ac- cording to quality. Large prime birch logs are keenly competed. for, and early arrivals are being quickly picked up. 16-inch average is quoted at 1s. 8d. to ts. rod. A small parcel brought as high as 2s. 14 to 15-inch average is quoted at Is. 5d. to 1s. 6d. per cubic foot. There has been good inquiry for rock maple logs, and several parcels sold at Is. 10d. to 2s. 2d. per cubic foot, according to size and quality. Large logs are specially asked for. Consignment parcels of hickory logs are finding ready buyers. Prime second-growth logs are selling at 2s. 3d. per cubic foot, poorer quality at Is. gd. to 2s. per cubic foot. There is a fairly good demand for Quebec white pine boards. SHIPPING MATTERS. The steamer ‘‘ Peerless ” has been chartered to carry deals from St. John to the w.c. of England at 455s. The steamer ‘‘ Aldersgate” has been char- tered to carry lumber from West Bay, N.S., to Manchester at 44s. . The following charters are announced: From Quebec 45s to London, for June-July loading also 47s 6d for a June boat to Hull. : A Vancouver despatch says that they are now loading at Portland four vessels which will carry away from that port over 9,000,000 feet of lumber. The bark ‘‘ Medura” has been chartered by H. J. Crane to load lumber for South America at Annapolis. Other vessels loading at this port as follows: Brig ‘‘ Moss Glen,” Hire, sailed on Saturday for Grenada, loaded by T. S. Whitman, with 150,000 feet. The schooner ‘¢ Pearline,” Berry, is now lying in the stream with a cargo of 180,000, loaded by Pickles & Mills. The bark Mary A Law is now loading lum- ber at Annapolis, N. S., for South America for Messrs. Blackadars & Co. She will ship 850,000 feet. Rates for deals are well main- tained at St. John, N. B., but shippers are re- fusing to bid more than 45s for additional tonnage. Shipping to South America is very active. Freights range from $9 to $9.75. Oak is the only - An enquiry has been received at the offices of the Canadian government in London, Eng., for suitable timber cut to size for pyramid butter boxes, sufficient for from fifty to one hundred thousand boxes. WANTED Roek Elm, cut to order. Soft Elm, all thieknesses. Black Ash, all thicknesses. State quantity you can supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 7 CrosBy SguarE, LONDON, ENG, Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. ‘* Sieveking,” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. - Cable Address : ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. HD. WICCIN Boston mass: 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ORILLIA EXPORT LUMBER CO. ORILLIA, ONT. Wholesale Pine and Hardwood Lumber Dealers Cabinet Woods, Including Mahoga ‘A’ Specialty. ee CORRESPONDENCE INVITED S whet ee bt QUOTATIONS GIVEN TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large number of Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet; also Fence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. WANTED FOR EXPORT All kinds of Logs and Lumber Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, MOTT & DICKSON - LONDON, ENG. BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE avo HARDWOOD NUMBER DEALERS. Cable Address, ‘‘ Swan DonoGH—-TONAWANDA . Lumberman’s Code. Cas @| WHOLESALE SeRe MILL NMEN— Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Brown Ash ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to LAWRENCE & WIGGIN Wholesale Lumber Dealers - 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. JUNE 21, 1895 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. lll. ThE WEST INDIES. Messrs. Clairmonte, Man & Co’s circular dated May 27th, says: Since our last advices there have been no arrivals with lumber. White pine, moderate supply, the cargo of the Grace Rice, reported in our last, was sold at $21.50 for first and 15.50 for second quality; spruce, demand continues good, last sale $15 for first quality. Pitch pine in supply, last sale $21.11 for merchantable, $15.5 for refuse, and $13.51 for second quality. The damage done to houses by the hurri- cane in September last has been repaired, and should shingles now arrive in any large quantity, we look for a sharp break in prices. Last sales of long Gaspe cedar : ex New Do- minion, at $3.50 @ $4.66 per M, as to quality ; cedar laying $2.07 ; spruce laying $2.27% ; cypress sales ex store $8.50 6-in. hearts, saps $6.50. May 17th: Schr New Dominion, from Hali- fax, with 700 M Gaspe shingles. —250 M large sold $4.56, 50 M extra large $4.66, remainder, small, $3.50. The circular of Messrs. S, P. Musson & Co. states: There have been no further receipts of either white pine or spruce. A small lot of the latter 36 m. ft. has been sold to arrive from a neighboring port at $15.25.. With regard to white pine, the absence of arrivals is having a healthy effect, and one or two cargoes would do well; especially with a good pro- portion of 2nd quality. In shingles the Tay- mouth Castle brought to our address some 400 m. long Gaspe cedar, for which we were forced te accept $3.50, as stocks were accu- mulating. For a few 6in., 5 in., and q in., we obtained $6.61, $5.61 and $4.61, respec- tively. The demand for this class of shingles is becoming very slack,—inquiry continues for cheaper grades of cedar laying shingles. No late receipt of pitch pine. Nothing to report in either shooks or wood hoops. THE QUEBEC TIMBER TRADE. Following is a comparative statement of timber, measured and culled, to the 2oth inst., at the Supervisor of Cullers’ office, Quebec : 1897. 1898. 1899. Waney white pine, cu, feet.. 670,037 590,423 689,238 White pine, cu. feet........ 69,449 259,585 87,373 Red pine, cu feet.......... 55:980 42,642 73,752 Q@ak, cu. feet. .cccccuse ches 514,903 432,436 168,370 Bilpr cue feeb. J ae seat onesies 235,577 217,084 289,598 BSI CU Eel on ci searing 65,010 18,971 40,872 Basswood, cu. feet ......... 25 795 Butternut, cu" feet..........++ 247 60 Birch and Maple, cu. feet... 147,922 106,042 226,683 Rafts entered at the Supervisor of Cullers’ office since last report : The Calvin Co., Ltd., at sundry coves, oak; The McArthur Bros. Co., Ltd., at New Liverpool Cove, oak, elm, etc.; Dyments (drams), at Sharples’ Cove, Sillery, waney pine; Blanchards (drams), Sharples’ Cove, Bridgewater, oak, etc.; The Calvin Co., Ltd., Rings End Cove, oak and pine ; Archie McArthur & Son, New Liver- pool Cove, pine, ash, maple, etc. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverReND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESEURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TOBONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinron, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smirn, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN S.S. GO.’S | MILFORD HAVEN Sailings Between | PASPEBIAC ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight Agent A. & L.S.R.R. Co., Room 16 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal. For further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial Railway A gent, or to William Keating, Freight and Passenger Agent, 72 Yonge Street, Toronto. Montague Yates Board of Trade Bldg., Room 46 == MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS #? WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umrreo MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER, Me Write us for Quotations on all Bills@/e PEMBROKE, ONT. AcLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EKRaAst TEMPLETON, QUE. T.L. BAIDIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario 1OOOOD: Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. § It Your Wish - - _ To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*EETNG Gemine @ An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the... CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. GPSS PhAY PAT Ra CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH « SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies =e MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT +« WIKRTON a ala ara Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER & pine shingtes HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Flooring from $12.00 ceiling." 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. FOREIGN IMPORTERS WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND , WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. in continent handled to the best advantage. _ Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or C.H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of ===, SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers Invited Wharves, Mills and Offices : ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S. E., ENGLAND — SMITH & TYRER - — (4 Ganata Dock, LIVERPOOL. .. Wood Agents. . , Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. : Halifax, N.S.,Office-—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.S. Oe IRVIN & SELLERS———~© Cable Address: “ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS Of == POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS ALSO DEALERS N= BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and all HARD and FANCY WOODS. IV. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”* BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D.K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., = Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., ‘Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon, W. B. & Co., Saginaw, Mich. Mowry & ‘on, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mig. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND FULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MiLL MACHINERY Hensall, Ont. The jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS D odge Wood Split Pulley Co., The Dominion Leather Board Co., RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Saw C Burns, E. R., o., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. _ Kennedy & Sons, Wm., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS. Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Nl, U.S.A, Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS : Axes, Campbell Bros., St. John, N.B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, Iinois Central R.R. ‘ Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Will Sites and Water Powers, Canadian Pacific Railway. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. - Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New york and Toronto. Treatise on Care of Saws, Baldwin, Tuthill & Bolton, Grand Rapids, Mich. WHOLESALE PRICES GURRBNT. TORONTO, ONT. ToRONTO, June 21, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. x inch dressing and Toronto. Montreal, Que. 14% 1% andz inch cut up and better...... $32 00 $34 00] Dbetter.....-.,.-++5 $20 00 $22 00 z2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 oo | ¢ inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x) 2 dressing and bet- . inch siding common 11 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft....-- 22 00 24 00 | t inch sidingshipculls 10 50 x1 50 xxto fine dressing and t inch siding mill culls 8 50 9 00 etter... scuclesetanncr 22 00 24 00 | Cullscantling........ 8 00 9g 00 axro and 12 Canadian cinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 20 00 in. mill run...... . 13 00 14 00 z11-2and thicker cut- « inch strips, common II 00 12 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00| ¢ 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 i 1-4 in. cut up and t t-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 hetter.c.-. ssaacne- 33 00 35 00 XXX pine shingles, 16 1x1e and 12 mill run 16 00 18 00 yet) TRE ee Roriie ri 2 40 rx1o and 12 common. 12 00 14 00] XX pine shingles 16 inch I 50 1x10 and 12 mill culls g 00 1000 Gath, Nowr cn 1 60 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 Cath’ N0:.2).0=.crnews I 25 HARDWOODS—PER jy. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2 in..$26 oo $28 oo ; Elm rock, mill ns “2% to 4.. 30 00 3200] run....... 1 to 1%"18 00 20 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm,rock,mill ands, 1 to 1% in.... 2000 2200} run....... 144‘* 3.. 21 00 23 00 Ash, black, ists and Hickory, 1sts ands, 2 to 4in....-- -22 00 24 00| and 2nds..1%“‘ 2.. 28 00 30 00 Ash, M.R.,r to 2-. 17 00 19 00 Maple, sts Birch, tin. .. 18.00 2000| andands..1 ‘‘ 1% 16 00 18 00 ae 1% ‘f 2.. 20 00 23 00 Maple, ‘sts © sqrs. 4x4 ‘* 8 x824 00 26 00 and ends.. 2 ‘* 4.. 17 00 18 00 Basswood, ists and Oak, red, p’n, : ands, 1 to1% in.... 18 00 20 oo! ssts&endss ‘f 1% 26 00 3000 1% to 2 ..2i 00 22 00 Oak,red, p’n, “ mr. 1 “1% 15 00 17 00| -1sts& ands 2 ‘ 4.. 29 00 3200 Butternut 1 “ 1% 23 00 25 00| Oak, white, « 2 * 3.. 25 00 28 00 ists & 2nds 1 ‘' 1% 28 00 30 00 Chestnut 1 %.,. 2400 2 00| Oak, white, y Cherry, 1sts ists & ands 2 ‘f 4.. 30 00 35 00 and ands..1 ‘ 1% 50 00 60 oo | Oak quart’d, Cherry, ists ists & ends 1r ‘f 2.. 50 00 60 00 and onds.. 2 ‘' 4-. 69 00 65 00 Walnut, 1sts Elm, soft, mill and 2nds.. 1 ‘‘ 3.. 85 00 10000 ENG <1 aAaie x * 1% 16 oo 18 00} Whitewood, Elm,soft,mill ists&2nds 1 ‘' 2.. 32 00 3600 TOMS mew si0 2 ‘* 3.. 17 00 19 00 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. OTTAWA, June 21, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- feet, b.m....+.- $31 00 36 00 ter Stock... +anavnes I1 00 1250 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 90 28 00 Pine, s.c. strips....-- 8 00 10 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing Pine, sc. shorts..-.- 700 «68 59 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls.....-- g 00 10 50 bimigassacr Bes ge ee rs 0 21 00| Pine mill culls)....45 752 9 00 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.1... 100 7 25 SEPIPS, oc ie eicie view = 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M No. 2... 85 100 Pine, No. 1 dressing ixto No. 1 barn...- 18 00 SHOVES ta aise wae ee 1200 14 00| 1x10 No.2 “ .... 16 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 &g No.1 17 00 ter Stock, pueer eso 13 50 15 00|1x8&qNo.2 ie I5 00 QUEBEC, QUE. QUEBEC, June 21, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, --...---- 30 32 “good fair FE re CD errr 32. 34 _‘* — first class ee ee ren bts “8 a2 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 42 z oe « “x9 to2rinchaverage “ © .2 38) 44 ‘© Michigan ‘‘ 19 to 21 in average i 60) (& size. 43° 48 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and qu ity.....---++++++-+- 22 26 In shipping order, a Sia Se mureciccr a Cite WY: OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO, By the dram, according to average and quality. - - - 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. . 32 35 ee ny es " -g0\to gp fects. - 27° Be ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality =.» (5 «2 24 To ayerage 16 inch eer Fe es ae 25 26 : BIRCH. 14inchaverage. - 5 ARs 15 18 by ake Cres . oem iran tents eames ree t* i 3) , frre he IS: 28 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for 3rd, and $18 to Sar for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. 2 New York, N.Y., June 21, 1899. i a WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders....,$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking.......-+0+- 44 00 5000 é 4 SPRUCE. 6 tO QIN... sees eevee 14 50| 10 to 12 in....+--+--- 16 25 17 00 6 to 121m. 15°75 | Lath.......+++e- ree 185 195 Q O12IN...-.seeeee 16 25 HARDWOOD. zinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to TO%s cece ate ce oe ae 35 00 1% to2in v ree eR Oe es a ee oO 36 oc rinch, “t Sott Elm, CRORE iss e PRO (C= 25 oc 14in and thicker, “ £ SE NA nF ee «4 Cysnst 26 00 4/4 eg pe Hard Maple, “cs eeeeeseeeerereeeness 24 00 o at Basswood, CODD 8 rae ate moe riage netaistane 25 00 by ad oe Birch, OF" 92 od coe en 24 00 ¢¢ «Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M. 14 00 $f * Soft Elm, es J . 12 co * ‘« Hard Maple, ‘* - sf re o>) ue : Basswood, “* es Se rete 12 00 oo Birch, BS ie aes Ta 00 ALBANY, N.Y. Ausany, N.Y., June 21, 1899. PINE, Uppers, 3 in. up..--+-.++-+- $5r $53 | 1x12 inchshippers ........- $ $16 2% in...- . 50 52 | 4/4 inch 4 13 & up. 17 rto2in..... . 45 48 | 4/4 Box boards, 6’ and up.. 13 14 4 inch uppers ..-.- ie 54 | ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up-.-------- 44 | 1o-iN. COMMON .....-.+++-++ 14 15 . to 2in........ Appeouond 40 | r2-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 39 42 Common, 1X12 ...002 eee Pay ee Ef0 2 Me giveg ae cave ens ... 30 38| No. x barn, 1x12....+.+--.. 2% 23 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 2B 32 | IXIO.. 1. verve eeecees Teen ey Le NOs dincs vetnele neil sisi 20 25 LHGipa. c/s wreiv oe ape =a aloe ae 272 20 INOl3.n ccscrees as egensses 17 20| No. 2 barn, 1X12....---+++ - 17 18 No. x molding, 1 to2in..... 30 36 ERIOs = slater s anon (ce eet wea EO" 27 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 24 27 MEBe aacewivisisie Merce wicks Hee sce 15 Stained saps...-++--+++++++ 23 | Shaky clear, x to 6/4in...... 20 23 Bracket plank ....- ae ae 30 35 Ee LOR SE yriste aseeah F 25 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 29 32 Dressing =. 0055 cece sates thr ae Dressing boards, narrow.... 19 21 Common ........+ Pubaa bias x9 ang zx1q inch shippers..... +++ 15 LATH. (Pimedseny abiseicleheie ofeie's ore eas ..-$2 00 | Spruce ....-.++++ Baeenas «. $2.0 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. Xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 25 Clear butts .....-++.- 3 00 3 25| Hemlock.......++-++-- I5 Smooth, 6x18.....-- 5 00 § 50| SPruce....-.+e+eeeees 2 20. BOSTON, MASS. Boston, June 21, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed Boxboards, 1 inch...$10 00 $11 00 boards ..c-....5 10 50 1200 Yinch........ ves G00) O50. Coarse No. 5..----+ 15 00 15 50 % inch.... sae MOP2S 9 50 Refuse.....+ eee 1200 1360] 11-16 inch........ g 00 9 5° (OTS aerigranmosdos g 90 Seinch.......-- a. 809” SUS WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 im...---++ $50 00@52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%,1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 90 No. 2, 1 in. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 zand 4iM...-...++- 38 00 6200] 1%, 1% and 2in... 30 «& 32 00 Selects, 1 in......--. 44 00 45 00 No. x strips, 4 to6 in. 43 00 44 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00, 47 00 Nioaaiereiies. ea 36 00 zand 4 in....-...- 53 00! 56 00 Woe 3h acrans Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, 1 in zz in. clear...... 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 24 00 38 co 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards....... . 18 00 20 00 Fine common, 1in.... 40 00 41 oo | Common allwidths... 22 00 26 00 1%, 1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 5° do 14% in. 15 50 16 50 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra 4 ft and ClearS....sseereeeescees $25 00 Clearsacschsinarceceas scseinm SHINGLES. Spruce.....--.seeeeee 1 50 | Second Clear... ..... 200 2 15 Cedar, extra.. ; 3 10 | Extra No. 2...-..4---+ 125 I 52 Clear..... eae utter 2 65 ; LATH. [ey one RO Jetaicien an x 80@ 1 9? 1 80@ 200 — Da a oe 7 y _— ea ' BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. _ ‘Tonawanpa, N. Y., June 21, WHITE PINE. + Up's, 1, 14,14 and 2 [Shoe gyezitee a mens 18 00 20 Dog ested poeisn ae $47 00 48 00| Shelving, No. x, 13 in. ct 2¥ and 3 in....... 55 00 56 00 and up, 7 im...... f inc Ashe er ... 58 00 6c 0o| Dressing 14 in...... Selects, rin. ......++ 41 00 42 00 PP pe PF tanto 1% to2 in.....-++. 42 00 4300[ 1% iM...sseeeeaeee 28 00 2% and 3 in 50 00] 2 IM ....eeeeee sees 29 OO © ASA OE CECE 32 00| Mold st’ps,1 to zin.. 31 00 : Fine common, x in... 36 00 37 00| Barn, No.1, 12in..... 23 00 1% and x .. 3600 3700] 6. 8and roi 2 in..... 36 00 38 00 3 in. 45 00 4 in sepe nies 47 00 be up, No. 1, rin. 28 00 29 00 1% to2 in.......-. 33 00 34 00 No. 2, x in........ 15 00 16 00 No. a he 23 00 25 00 136 WM. «scale gh ‘No. 3,1% & 1% in 17 00 18 00 aael Bis Cae eee WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 28 00 30 00| 244 to4 in.....-...-+ LAZO tO;2 Lik. caten ce . 31 00 33 00| Strips. ........ Com. and culls..-..-. 12 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. : rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 co 26 00 | Com. & good culls. . BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & ‘ | ist &end,white, up, red ...-...<+5 28:00 30 00|Com & good > ELM. . rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, Bay City, 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 35 00|2 1% and 1% in.....--+++ +++ 35 00 Pa ee a OE Sa 36 on B FINE COMMON OR NO. Tt rin., 7in. and up wide...... 26 co rY andr im....-.-+-+ eee gr o | 4in.. TBO NYE te eters aselnie-ai mle steaala'® 275g 32 00 | STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR t¥ in., 4, sand 7 in. wide... 36 00 | rin, | Gi Wide. os 2) seemren Paes 40 00 | 6 in, v : os A FINE COMMON 0} rin., 4, 5 in, wide. ......+-- 30 00 | 1% i 1 in., 6 in. wide.....-.--.- 35 00 |» i ; SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FE r(in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... -.-- 26 co! 1 in., 4, rin., 4,5 and 7 in .....----- 18 00 rin., 6im.....++s seewesemme gree NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. tin., 4,5 and 7 inch ....-.-- 14 pt rin., Oinch ...--eeeee seen ee 15 20] Mg SHELVING. > No. 1, rin., 10 in. stocks.... 29 90 i 1in., ro in. and up wide... 39 00° tin., 12 in. stocks......+-+ 33 00 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 34 00 rin. 1% and 2in., 8in. an up wide ......----+++ +. 31.00 . BARN BOARDS OR No, 1, 12 iM... +--+ ve adenew ce Sas IO IM...65 + 19 00 QTE aw ainlniierei . 18 co Band 7 in.....-+-+eeeeeeee TS OO} No. 2, 121M... +e ee ereee ress 16 00 LOAD oe wee. 0 a Jats cme Vows ae Se i SHIPPING CULLS OR rin., and 5 in. wide .......$12 00 | i rin., 6 in. wide......-- «» 12 00| 1%, 1in., 7 in, wide and up.....-. 12 00 V __ SHAKY CLEAR. 1in., 3, 4,5) 7,8 and gin. wide 22 00| 12 in., 1 in., 6m. wide......-+-+-++- 22 00 ‘ F COFFIN BOARD: No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 m Noastavidvineesnnwelh (hes += a Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$ 9 so| B EB PEs sc. tes pinie oinio-vis's'o arian Meee 20 ft.....00--0+s Bere z a2and 24 ft.....-+-++e+0+- 12 SHINGIES, I Country brands, XXXX....- 3 00 Clear Butts.....+-+-- +. 2 00 sie wicwle Wepewiavaing shaia) enna No. £..-. No. x 28% inch jointed elm staves, p No.130 " Woe ' No.132 " " " No.124 " " " No. 228% " " " No.230 ww " " No.232 " " " " No.224 " " " a) | SPaeaee ‘No.1 14 in. to14% in. kilndried basswood heading, perse No.r15 mn 16 " " " Cri No. 117% " " " No.r18 1 18% " " No. 1 19% " " 7 " No. 1 19 " " " “ ; Mill run heading %ct. per set less, No. 2 heading rct. per set No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000-..- 575 No.r6 ou " " " 1 eee OROe No. 16% 1 " " " eu sanee 28m No. 2 hoops about so cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. No. 2 28% " " " ‘1a 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves No + 30 inch half syrup barrel SEAVER. Go cet nesitaaiet - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverENnD, Foreign Freigh: Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. . ... . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESEURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. ). Smiru, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN S.S. GO.’S | | MILFORD HAVEN Sailings Between | PASPEBIAC _ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight ACHE Wee cme, SakkeiCo-w Room 16 Doardiok Trade Bldg., Montreal. For further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial Railway Agent, or to William Keating, Freight and Passenger Agent, 72 Yonge Street, Toronto. Montague Yates Board of Trade Bldg., Room $6 + MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS «.” WH OLESALERS te PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umireo MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @e Write us for Quotations on all BillsQ@ye@ PEMBROKE, ONT. AcLAURIN & MaLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHipmMenTs By Ratt or WATER. - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EAstT TEMPLETON, QUE. THE BAIbDIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario S It JOUP Wish - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY 160OOb: KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING StEETING Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the... CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. GEILING @ JAS. PLAY FATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH © SHINGLES BIMEMMIMBER & Sleds ne eM DLAND, ONT. Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lat A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = a OLEH, Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIKRTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER Pi pine shinctes CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Flooring from $12.00 KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Ceiling sf 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL Burk’s Falls, Ont. FOREIGN ITMPORTERS WRIGHT, GRAM & Go. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND t continent handled to the best advantage. the Manufacturer. From now we intend buying DIRECT from Offers Invited..... WOOD BROKERS able Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or -C.H. GLOVER & CO., ria Importers of === SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. Wharves, Mills and Offices: ( HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENCLAND SMITH & TYRER - _— (4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL - . Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office--SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.S. Micergocenmumoree > oh HARDIOOD IMPORTERS Forge Street, Bottle, LIVERPOOL, ENG. {CP Svea Cable Address ; ‘‘ Primus Liverpool.” WAN ED » MAPLE SQUARES—Free of knots, splits and defects, and three parts dry, of the e following sizes; large quantities could be used; Price to be c.f.i. Liverpool; quality guaranteed : ro per cent. 1244x214 square; 25 per cent. 1214 x 2¥e"square; 25 percent. 94 x1% square ; 15 per cent. 9% x24 square; 5 per cent. 9x134 square; 5 per cent. 9x (3g square; 5 per cent. 12x17 square; 5 per cent. 12X 115-16 or 2square; 5 per cent. 10% x 1%, or multiples of these sizes, 1Ve CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY E DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘ ‘ The Canada Lumberman.”' BELTING | Fleming, W.A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. ; Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D.K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jokn, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. ‘Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mowry & Son, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxford Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL New York. Magnolia Metal Co., Ne PAPER AND FULP MILL ENGINEERS 7 York. ower & Wallace, New PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLE YS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. - The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal,iQue. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, .Que. TURBINES arber, C., Meaford, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H.D., Boston, Mass. ELLANEOUS MISCELI! Campbell Bros., St. John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Il, Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Mill Sites and Water Powers, Canadian Pacific Railway. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. WHOLESALE PRICES GURRBNT. TORONTO, ONT. TorRonTO, June 28, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. x inch dfessing and better......-.0+50- $20 00 $22 00 1% 1%and2 inch cut up and better...--- $32 00 $34 00 2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 oo | t inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x2 dressing and bet- rinch siding common 11 00 12 00 ter, 607% 16 fis ara 22 00 24 00|1 inch siding ship culls 10 50 11 50 rxro fine dressing and r inch siding millculls 8 50 9 00 better... -.----s02508 22 00 24 00 | Cull scantling.......- 8 00 9 00 rxro and 12 Canadian tinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 20 00 in, mill run...... . 13 00 14 00 x 1-2and thicker cut- tinch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank.....- 24 00 26 00 | «1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 1 1-4 in. cut up an 1 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 better ..-----2+-++- 33 00 35 00| XXX pine shingles, 16 xxro and 12 mill run 16 00 18 00 inchs: «26 ees ee 2 40 ax1o and 12 common. 12 00 14 00 XX pine shingles 16 inch I 50 ‘exro and 12 mill culls 9 00 10 00 Lath, No. 1.....-.-+ 1 60 jnch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 Cath No.2. .ccnee= I 25 Ash, white, 1 to2 in. .$26 oo $28 oo “ce “ 234 to4-. 30 00 3200) _ run... ..-. 1 to 1%"18 00 20 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm,rock, mill ands, 1 to 1% in.... 20 00 22 00 rUN....+++ 14%" 3.. 21 00 23 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Hickory, ists ands,2 to 4in...++- 22 00 24 00| and ands..14“ 2.. 28 co 30 00 Ash, M.R.,1, to 2-- 17 00 19 00 | Maple, sts Birch, rin. .- 18.00 2000 and 2nds.. 1 *f 1% 16 co 18 00 ae ri“! 2.. 20 00 23 00 Maple, ists « sqrs, 4x4 ‘* 8 x824 90 26 00| and ands.: 2 ‘f 4.. 17 00 18 00 Basswood, sts and Oak, red, p’n, ands, 1 to1}4 in..-- 18 00 2000 rsts& ends1 ** 1% 26 00 30 00 1% to 2 ..21 00 22 00 Oak;red, p'n, Sree Foe 24075) 00. 27C00 ists & ends 2 *! 4.. 29 00 3200 ‘Butternut 1 ‘ 17% 23 00 25 00 Oak, white, vE 2 “ 3.. 25 00 28 00 ists & 2nds1 ‘ 1% 28 00 30 00 ‘Chestnut 1 ‘© 2.. 2400 2 00| Oak, een — he: sts ists & ands 2 +. 30 00 00 pe 5..1 * 1% 50 00 6000 Oak quart’d, +p 3 Cherry, xsts ists & ands rt ‘' 2.. 50:00 6200 and 2nds.. 2 ‘* 4- 60 00 65 00, Walnut, ists Elm, soft, mill and 2nds.. 1 ‘© 3.. 85 00 10000 Tun .. ++: 1 “ 1% 16 00 18 00 Whitewood, Elm,soft, mill ists &2ndst ‘f 2.. 32 00 3600 KUN ..-.-:: 2 * 3.. 17 00 19 00 OTTAWA, ONT. DITION. Leen Orrawa, June 28, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, bis aaeeeae $31 00 36 00 ter stock.....-..++5 It oo 12 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8&ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 Pine, good shorts,..-. 17 00 28 oo | Pine, s.c. strips....-- oo 10 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts....- 700 8 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls.....-- g 00 10 METI Se eet nie ) see e eee or 15 18 Olen CO oe EE RE So sate eelts ao 25 78° Cet | ern oc ene ee oh 28 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for aes $25, to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $2r for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., June 28, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber.....-. $28 00 @ 40 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking......---++ 44 00 5090 . SPRUCE. 6togin.....-- sfelayetaie 14 00 14 50| 10 tO 12 1N..+--++--+- 16 25 17 00 6 to 12iM....++ «sees 14 50 15 75| Lath.....-+.++++-ees 185 195 Q O1ZiN...--+seeeee 15 75 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16 ...600.eeeeeeereeerces 1\% to 2in Lg i. iia i ec 1 inch, @: Sott Elm, fs ain ete 1/in and thicker, “ Re ue 4l4 a We Hard Maple, ‘6 ..seeeeeeeteceeess i Rt : Basswood, OSS oe Us Ks st Birch, HS) capiavalarataie ete aie Saseraters 24 00 ts “© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, Ne ClOle sass I4 00 fs «Soft Elm, im & ee 12 co Sf «© Hard Maple, ‘ se cies area I4 00 ee ‘© Basswood, “ At Emr aearareie Iz 00 ee E> Birch; # © Aesoo 14 00 ALBANY, N.Y. Asany, N.Y., June 28, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up .----+-++-> $51 $53 | 1x12 inch shippers .......-- $ $16 2MG iN... reese eee eesti 50 52 | 4/4 inch 2 13” & up. 17 TtOZIM....eeeee reer sree 45 48 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” andup.. 13. 14 4 inch uppers ...+++e+++eee+ 54 | xo-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 214 in. up..-+---++- 44 | ro-in, COMMON ..-.+..++-++s 14 15 COSA Abin, emt esate es 40 | 12-in. dressing and better... 2% Fine common, 2% in. andup 39 42 Common, 1X12 «..+05 seeeee 14 15 E tO 2iMsnsessaes peeeeeeees 36 38 | No. x barn, rx12.....++++-- 2I 23 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch. . 28 32 TXEO Lae dread oem ete 1g 2¢ Noiaeca case ecealice= . 20 25 OF CR SARC Merc Chasen 17 19 No.3.-0-eeeeeensrsteete 17 20| No. 2 barn, 1x12...------ ony ae No. 1 molding, 1 to2in....- 30 36 IXIO.. 16 17 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in....- 24 27 TG oes eh ete wee 15 Stained sapsS...---+++++++++ 23 | Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4in...... 20 23 Bracket plank ...-- pee ceee ee ie ne i 25 Shelving boards, 12-in. up -. 29 32 Dressing .....- Savane Oe 16 18 Dressing boards, narrow..-. 19 21 Common .....+--sseeeeee 13 «15 1x1q inch shippers ..--. +++ 15 LATH. Pitiets «xicorats wieieloieciere cio winimi= elem $2 00 | Spruce ....eeeeeeeeeeeeeees $2 co SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. XxXxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 ... -$5 50 25 Clear butts .....+--+- 3.00 3 25| Hemlock.........++++- 15 Smooth, 6x18...---- 5 00 5 50 Spruce ....-+++++see+- 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, June 28, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed Boxboards, 1 inch...$10 00 $rx 00 boards ...-+++++: 10 50 I2 00 Feinch.....+s0+e g 00 9 5° Coarse No. 5. 1300 15 50) W%Ainch...-----+++ 9 25 9 50 Refuse.....:es+eees 1200 13¢o| 11-16 inch.......- g 00 9 5° @utsee as vse eneieincs 9 00 SYeinch....--2+-00 8 8 75 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in........$50 00@52 00 Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2, rin. Finecom. 29 00 31 90 gand 4in..s..+eees 58 00 62 00 1%, 1% and 2in... 30 oc 32 00 Selects, 1 in.....,+-+ 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to6 in. 43 00 44 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 INO. G2. ape ate cieiein ote 36 00 39 00 gand 4 in......--- 3.00 5600| No. 3... .. 28 00 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, rin........ 20 00 32 00 1x in. Clear.....+ 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 14% toz2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards.......+ 18 00 20 00 Fine common, 1in.... 40 00 41 00 Common all widths... 22 00 26 oo 1%, 14 and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 5° do 1\% in. 15 50 16 50 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra 4 ft....eseceee eee e rene $30 00 | and Clears....----sseeeeee+ $25 00 CléarSccies cee ececne sissisinn em 28 00 SHINGLES. Spruce... .-+eseeeeree x 30 1 50| Second Clear.. eos de es) Cedar, extra.......-+-- 3.00 3 10| Extra No. 1...-.: A ea ie get) Clear...... e-0+ eee 250 2 65 LATH. Spruce...esseecereees 9? | Be congas: -A-se as x 80@ 1 By Gar ..e- eens 1 80@ 200 JUNE 28, 1299 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y Tonawanpa, N. Y., June 28, 1899. WHITE PINE. Up’rs, 1, 1%, 14 and 2 | No. 3, 2in..--- 1.12 18 00 20 00 Giles cnsee amen «acne $47 00 48 00| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 2% and 3 im....-+- 55 00 56 00 and up, 1in...... 32 00@34 00 @ Wlesasomalaniss Foire 58 00 6c 00 Dressing 1% in. 27 00 30 00 Selects, rin. ...+++ « 41 00 42 00 14x10 and 12. 28 09 30 00 1% toz in......--- 42 00 43 00 14% iM...--4<- 28 00 3000 2% and 3 in.....-- go 00] 2 IM .seeeeeeee sere 29 00 34 00 ANU dalsareged aris vais aie 52 00| Mold st’ps,1 to 2 in.. 31 00 33 00 Fine common, 1 in... 36 00 37 00 Barn, No.1, 12 in....- 23 00 24 00 14% and 1 in..... 36.00 37 00| 6 8and 10in....-.. 19 00 21 00 Pig): sR Ret reo 36 00 38 00 No. 2, 10 in........ 16 00 16 00 eile tine arstoiais ao eisai 45 00| No.2, 12in-...++- . 17 00 18 00 AM eee ash 47 00 No. 3, 10 in. ...- + 13.00 1300 Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. 28 00 29 00 No. 3, 12 in.....--- 13 50 1400 1Y toz in......--- 33 00 3400| 6and8in Ir 00 1200 No. 2, f 1N...-++2- 15 00 16 00| Common, rales 15 00 1600 No. 2,1%, & 1% in 23 00 25 00 1% andx1¥ in.. 17 20 18 00 No. 3, 1% & 1% in 17 00 18 00 @ Ubssa «se cess ee SER OO) (amen WHITE ASH. ist & 2nd, t inch, 28 00 30 00| 2% to4 im........--++ 34 00 38 00 1 to2in....--++- 31 00 33 00 Strips sinc. wc acle'e ote 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls 14 PLACK AND BROWN ASH. 7 . rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6inch & | ist &end,white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 00 up, red ....++-+++ 28 00 30 00| Com & good culls..... 10 00 1 00 ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ast & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 00 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., June 28, 1899. UPPERS AND SELECTS. . Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $43 00 PAASiscrswiewewesn swanmers $48 oc| 1%, 1} and2in.....-. «++ 43 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. . 48 0c bE ee Pies 2% and 3in...-.-- 56 00| 4iM.....----- a theaseeeee” 5400 GUDs. cee renecee cocoescere 59 90 FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide....-. 35 00 | 24 and 3in., 8in. and up wide 46 00 1% and 1% in.....-- ae ehey 35 00| 4 iM....---2 eee des Tee eue he. 90 Pe CRE earn iae ok et 36 09 B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. ie rin., 7in. and up wide...... 26 00 | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 39 00 1M and 134 in... . +e ee ee eee 31 00 | 4 iM... sewers cnet Ot eae IO QAM aoe eelee cere oe weenerrinags 32 00 c STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS, _— pg, Oct 1% in., 4; 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 00| xin., 4, and 7 in. wide..... 6 in. wide... .--+eeeesee eres 4o 00 | 6 in, wide......+-++seeseee-* 40 00 Feb. FINE COMMON ORC. | : rin., 4,5 in, wide. ...-+++++ 30 00 | 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide... ...-+. 32 00 14 in., 6in. wide....--+-+++ 35 00 in., 6 in. Wide.....+2++++++ 34 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. rU{in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... ---- 26 00! 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ........ 22 00 NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 45.5 and 7 in ...---++++ 18 00 | 14 in., 4, 5 and 7 i.~..<-+++ 20 00 rin., Oin.....eeeeeeeeeeees . 19 00| 1% in., Gin. ....-.+e eevee es 2E OO NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. ; rin., 4,5 and 7 inch ......-- 14 00 | 1 in., 4 to7 inch ......++++ 15 00 rin., 6 inch ...--+-+++++% "<5 20 | No. 3 Fencing, z in., 6inch.. 14 00 SHELVING. . ‘ 7 2 No. 1, 1 in., ro in. stocks.... 29 00 No. 2, 1 in,, 7 and 8in. stocks 23 00 1in., roin, and up wide... 32 00 tin., roin. stocks...---.++ 23 00 tin., 12 in, stocks......+++ 1 in., 12 in. stegesees 27 00 1 in., r2 in. and up wide... 34 00] 1 in., 10 in. and up «++ 24 00 rin. 14 and 2in., 8in. and 1in., 13 in. and up wide... 29 00 up wide ....---2++++00* 31 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 1, 12 in... J eresaosee emme 22 00 i OWE an voles Fans vviee cee 1g 00 QIN... csescceee conencence 18 00 Band 7 im.....-e- eee rere ee 18 00 No. 2, 12iM...--eeeeeeeeseee 16 00 re ne ar en 15 00 ee: SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. 1in., 4and 5 1n. wide....--- $12 00 | 1 in., 13 1n. and up wide.....$12 00 rin., 6 in, wide.....+--+++- "x2 00 | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 7 in. 1in., 7 in. wide and up....-- I2 00 up Wide.......--.++++++ 12 00 . SHAKY CLEAR. . soe zin., 3,4, 5) 7, 8 and gin. wide 22 00 | 1 in., 10 In. and up wide..... 23 00 rin, teen ee cS 22 00 | 1%, 1% and 2 in., Sin. and up ; WIdEe. .. 2. ee scnnceceeeces 24 00 COFFIN BOARDS. — No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up..-- 22 00 No. 1, millculls.......+++++- 10 59 INOsoccaceste cn mien Pete. 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse...-.+++-+ TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. 9 50| Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to Ic 50 z6fect. eben ess BO Ir 50 Pe ee eee ao eae Add $x to each additional aft. . in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX...-- 3 00 | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts....-+-+++++e8+* 2 00 XXXX...- Be Seon 25 Clear Britts......++ee++-20 2 25 WHITE PINE LATH. Noe: i ais oveinitie- ora: tereinjenes ue Sipe r e e Hemlock .....++se2eeeeeeeeee I 25 PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. .o.b. Stein- F.o.b. cars at hoff & Gor- Sutherland Innes Mills don’s Mills. No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000.+++« .$5 50 $5 00 No.130 " " " We eeatewe GO 5 00 No.132 " in " U — seenveie eS go 5 50 No.124 " " " 1 eeecee 4 00 4 00 No. 228% " " " We Chale ace ae ee 3.50. No.230 " " " NN weamele By 5O 3 5°. No.232 " " " Gates Bie No.224 " " u senses 2 00 2 00 No.1 14 in. to 1434 in. kiln dried tasswood heading,perset 3 3 No. 1 159 n 16 " " " " 3 3 No. 117% " " " " 3% 3% No.1318 1 184% w " " " 4% 46 No.1194% - " " " " pt No. 1 19 " " " sat 5 = Mill run heading ct. per set less, No. 2 heading xct. per set less. No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000..-- 5 75 5 40 No.16 00 " " " shia DOS 575 No. 16% " " es i seceper ay 5 9° “No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 00 No. 2 28% " u " G! isu ee SO wf ° 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves 20 00 No + 30 inck 16 00 * bent to shape, The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $1.00 PER YEAR { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED. STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VOL. V. TORONTO, ONT., JULY 5, 1899 . No. 24. CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire Insurance BuILpING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. ; Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. y &@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. ANTED — Situation as Lumber Inspector, Shipper and Culler. D. Squire, Hoath Head, Ont. FOR SALE, EDAR, 8x10, rox10, 12x12, from_1o to 24 feet long. Apply to W. A. Prayrair, Playfair, Ont. FOR SALE. OMPLETE SAW MILL MACHINERY, PLAN- ing, Sash and Door Machinery; modern and in good condition. Can be seen at Toronto. Apply PETER Ryan, Toronto. SAW MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE. HE COMPLETE MACHINERY OF A SAW Mill, consisting of a steam feed large carriage and frame, one rope feed ditto, double edger and trimmers, swing saws, automatic grinders, belts and saws in good order; all made by Waterous, Brantford. Will be sold cheap. Apply to J. K. Warp, Mona Mills, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS LUMBER AND SHINGLE Mill, average capacity per day 35 M. feet lum- , 79 M. shingles, and 15 M. lath ; situated in Hunts- ijle, close tothe G.T.R. station, with sidings to 11; plenty of virgin pine. Also a first-class site for a tannery, plenty oftan bark. W4jll be sold at a bargain. Apply to T. WHALEY, Huntsville, Ont. SAW MILL MAGRINERY FOR SALE ARGE SAW AND SHINGLE MILL AT LONG Lake, capacity 30,000 ft., complete with first class machinery. Engine 22x26, 4 Boilers, Shafting, Belt- ing, etc. ALSO VALUABLE SHINGLE AND PONY SAW MILL in the Village of Port Sydney, a Boarding House and 4 Lots adjoining. Excellent situation for buying Tim- ber and Shipping. Must be sold at once. THE UTTERSON CO., Limited. Toronto, Ont. (Sian CLASS BAND FILER OPEN FOR engagement. Best references. Box 100, CANADA - LuMBeRMaAN, HA YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement-in this department. Address, Canapa LuMBERMAN, Toronto. WE ARE IN THE MARKET AND WILL PAY cash for Rock Elm for Hubs, sizes from 4 inches and up., Maple, White Ash and Cherry. Basswood for crating. Fifty’ thousand feet of each. Address, “J. W.S ,” care of the Canapa LUMBERMAN. WANTED: he ae QUANTITIES OF SOFT ELM,x INCH, 1% inch, 1% inch, 2 inch, % inch and 3 inch thick, 6 inches and up wide, .0 to 11 inches average, to to 16 feet long. Address, with full particulars, **B.B.,” Canapa LUMBERMAN. WANTED—DRY BASSWOOD. -)RESSED TWO SIDES TO 3% THICK, CUT to dimension sizes. for export. ' This will prove an excellent outlet for common and cull basswood. Elm Strips, Rock Elm or Soft Elm (latter preferred) Strips, 1%X2,'1%x1, and %xr; all lengths 6 ft. and up— Car-loads for export. For full particulars, address “EXPORTERS,” P.O. Box 1040, New York City. -~-Auetion Sale TIMBER LIMITS Owing to the death of Mr. Thomas Hale, and to wind up the business of Hale & Booth, the following valuable TIMBER LIMITS will be offered for sale at public auction at the Russell House, in the City of Ottawa, on Wedoesday, the 6th Day of September Next, at the hour of 2 o'clock, viz. : PARCEL 1.—Berth No. 82, North Shore of Lake Huron, area 36 miles. This berth is considered second to none on the Georgian Bay. PARCEL 2.—Berths 2, 3 and 4, Township of Butt (situated contiguous to the line of O.,A.&P.S. R’y.), 1334, 12 and 1134 miles respectively. PARCEL 3.—Berths Nos. 136 and 136, Serpent River, area 36 miles each. PARCEL 4 —Berth No. 1, Township of Hanmer, Ver- million River, area 734 miles. (If not previously sold. PARCEL 5.—Township of Spragge, area 28 miles. The stocks of Shanty Plant, rigging and supplies which have been used in connection with the operations on each parcel or lot, and whether or not actually stored upon the limit, to be taken by the purchaser at a fair valuation. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale, Further particulars as to the proper- ties may be had on application to JAMES H. BURRITT, Barrister, Pembroke, Ont. Or to J. R. BOOTH, Ottawa. ee a ee a ee FIRES. A sawmill at Osnabruck Centre, Ont., owned by H, P. Alguire, was destroyed by fire on Saturday last, together with a quantity of lumber. The loss is upwards to $3,000 and the insurance small. The digester building, sulphite tower and sulphur burning department of the Laurentide Pulp Co.’s works at Grand Mere, Que., are reported to have been destroyed by fire. The loss is estimated at $30,000. Attention is directed to the advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted and For Sale Department” of this issue requesting communications from manufacturers having for sale rock elm, maple, white ash, cherry and basswood. the past two weeks. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The remark is heard on all sides that the lumber trade of Ontario is ina most prosperous condition. Usually at this season of the year the demand shows a falling off, but this year the mills are sold so far in advance that there will be no interruption to business by the summer holidays. Although the price lists gener- ally cannot be marked higher, there is no disputing the fact that certain grades have undergone a still further advance within At Ottawa the saw- mills have commenced night work in order to keep up with the demand. Ship- ments of deals to the British market were heavier last month than in May, with prices slightly on the advance. Hardwoods are maintaining their strong position. Dealers are buying stocks svherever they can be found, and usually the price does not enter into the transac- tion to any extent, buyers being willing to pay good prices for good stock. Manu- faturers report numerous enquiries for shingles, and notwithstanding the in- creased production this year, the supply is not likely to more than equal the demand. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Country trade has now fallen in line ‘with that of the towns, and retail dealers generally report an active demand for Jumber. The country yard trade is par- ticularly good, showing that farmers are engaged in the erection of necessary buildings. Prices are firm, and the list is being adhered to excepting in one or two instances. In British Columbia the build- ing trade is active, and the saw mills are unable to pile up any quantity of lumber in advance of the requirements. The Chemainus mills are sending large quan- tities of lumber to North China, and the export trade of the year promises to be unusually heavy. UNITED STATES. There is no better indication of the trend of the lumber trade of the United States than is found in the fact that the price lists at different markets continue to be advanced. Following the advance made by the Mississippi Valley Associa- tion, comes the report of a slight advance on lower grades of pine at Duluth, of a further advance on hemlock at New York, and of a like step being contemplated at other markets. The eastern trade is in good condition, including almost every- thiag in the lumber line. A statement of sales made at the head of the lakes shows that Buffalo and Tonawanda dealers have purchased considerable stock, although it is said that they have been unable to in- crease their holdings to any extent, due to the fact that lumber is being shipped east as fast as it can be loaded. At Duluth No. 4 boards are selling at $8 per thous- and. Just what this price represents may be understood when it is stated that a few years ago the highest price obtainable for this grade of lumber was $5.25. Mill culls are selling at $10, box lumber at $13, and Norway dimension at $10 and $11. Some of the leading markets report a slight curtailment in the demand for hard- wood lumber, but the requirement is still in excess of the supply of drystock. The Central Lumber Co., of Saginaw, Mich., recently sold a quantity of ash at $ro. Ash is particularly scarce throughout the Eastern States, it being almost impossible to obtain 3 and 4 inch in dry stock. There is also an increasing demand at Boston, Tonawanda and Buffalo for bass- wood, elm and poplar. FOREIGN. There has been a further hardening tendency in the British timber market, and some recent f.o.b. sales have been effected at a substantial advance on open- ing prices. Large cargoes of Canadian goods are being received at the leading ports, but the bulk of the imports are going direct into the hands of consumers. As the season advances the opinion is gaining ground that present prices will be maintained, The spruce market at Liv- erpool is remarkably firm on the basis of £6 12s. 6d. c.i.f. for St. John and similar shipments, with Nova Scotia deals at the customary reduction. The consumption continues good, the only drawback being the lack of boats to take the goods up the canals. Much of the square timber land- ing is being sent direct into consumers’ hands. There are numerous inquiries in the market for square timber and deals, and the few transactions that have taken place have been at advanced rates. The South American market is in good condi- tion, and since the first of the year prices have advanced about $2 per thousand feet. Spruce is now selling at Rio de Janeiro at $25.50 to $26.50. LUMBERMEN’S INSPECTION BOOK. Send four 3-cent Canadian postage stamps fora copy of the LUMBERMAN’s VEST-POCKET INSPECTION Book, containing rules for the inspection of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. : II, STOCKS AND PRICES. It is said that W. B. Mershon & Co., of Saginaw, Mich., have purchased a large quantity of lumber at mills on the Geor- gian Bay. Alexander Fraser, of Ottawa, Ont., has just taken down the Coulogne river one of the largest square timber rafts that has ever been taken out of the Ottawa valley. The sale is reported of a tract of timber land in the vicinity of Chester Basin, N. S., of which D. C. Butterfield is part owner. New York capitalists are believed to be the purchasers. The tender of the Keewatin Lumbering & Manufacturing Company, for 300 cedar telegraph poles, 300 feet long and 7 to 8 inch top, at $2.50 each, was accepted by the Winnipeg city council. E. T. Carrington, of the Spanish River Lumber Co., says that only about 60,000,- 000 feet of logs will come down the Span- ish river this season. The mill of his company is running steadily. The shingle trade at Tonawanda prom- ises to open up briskly in the near future, and prices are consequently in- creasing on this stock as on lumber... The H. M. Loud & Sons Co. and the H. M. Tyler Co. have a considerable supply. Messrs. Hughes & Long’s planing mill at Brandon, Man., destroyed by fire on May 3oth, is again in operation, only fifteen days elapsing from the time of the fire until it was again running. Their loss was small and will be more than re- covered in their new location. We under- stand they are adding more machinery. Three cargoes of waney board pine were shipped from Ashland, Wis., on June 27th, for Quebec, en route to Eng- jand. The timber belonged to S. A. Mc- Call, of Simcoe, Ont., and contained 47,- 000 cubic feet. It was the second fleet to clear from Ashland this. season; and cleared up all the dry timber of this variety there. Pelton & Reid, Cheboygan, Mich., are reported to have purchased 3,000 acres of Canadian pine timber land of an Indian reserve. They will commence logging operations about August Ist, and will put in enough logs to supply their mill at Cheboygan next season. The firm has now about 12,000,000 feet of logs in the French river, ready to be towed to Che- boygan. The timber establishments of Hon. A. Dickey and associates at Sheet Harbor and Mosher river, N.S., have been very successful in getting in large drives of logs, and will doubtless manufacture a large amount of timber this season. Itis said that all these valuable holdings are under bond to capitalists, at a good figure, who have an eye on the pulp making facilities they present. At arecent sale of wood goods held by Foy, Morgan & Co., London, Eng., oak timber ex Yola, from Quebec, sold as follows : 10 logs 1334 x22" x 18-39’, £5 2s 6d per load ; 9 logs 12% x 18%" x 20-39’, £4 17s 6d ; 10 logs 13x 20%" x 20-38’, £5 2s 6d; 1ologs 13% x 22%" X 20-45, £5 2s 6d ; 9 logs 134 x 19" x 24-30’, £5 3 9 logs 11% x20" x 28-45, £5 58; 9 logs 123% x 20” x 28-49’, £5 7s 6d. Following 1s a comparative statement of timber, &c., measured and culled at Quebec to 4th July, 1899 : 1897. 1898. 1899. Waney white pine, cu. feet.. 817,991 672,021 872,132 White pine, cu. feet......-- 82,148 435,432 263,971 Red pine, cu. feet......---- 56,630 77,450 87,429 Oak, cu. feet ...- 676,739 492,492 334,064 Elm, cu. feet «+ 277,338 294,558 312,680 Ash, cu. feet sees 74955L 22,375 43,533 Basswood, cu. feet .....---- 25 Butternut, cu. feet .......-- 293 795 60 Birch and Maple, cu. feet... 149,917 106,480 229,867 Wm. Creswell, foreman for M. M. Boyd & Co., of Bobcaygeon, Ont., stated last week that his large drive of 70,000 pieces had been at the head of Cameron lake for almost a week. About 30,000 pieces belong to the Boyd Co., and the balance to Messrs. Parkin, Carew and Rathbun Co., of Lindsay. The Parkin logs came from Wilberforce, in Cardiff township ; the Boyd logs were stored in Bark lake, Glamorgan ; Carew’s are from various points in Glamorgan and Mon. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. mouth ; and the Rathbun Co.’s logs were driven from Devil’s, White and Black lakes, tributaries of the Burnt river. Mr. Creswell says the Parkin timber is the best he has seen come from the north country for some years. A second drive belonging to the Rathbun Co. is being floated from Haliburion district. BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA. [Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN. ] There is a rush in the lumber business that, though a long way behind iron, is still surpris- ingly strong and promising of a long period of activity. The worst of it is there is a limit to the supply, much more apparent than in the case of iron. Lumber is slowly giving out. What is to be done about it? Of course, there is to be lumber always, for it will be raised when the trade comes to a sense of the necessity of such a step, but there are to be many expedi- ents tried before that slow process is put to trial in earnest. Buffalo is receiving much larger amounts of lumber by lake than for a long time. To the end of June the lake receipts at Buffalo were 57,380,000 feet, as against 43,910,000 feet to date one year ago. * Shingles are only 26,831,- 000, to 38,370,000 to date last last year, the falling off being apparently on account of the dock strike here, which tied up the package freight liners solong. There is a much larger handling of shingles all rail than formerly, to all appearance, though there are no figures to be had. The report of Tonawanda receipts is not in yet, but the activity at that port is also very great, as is shown by the advertising for men late last week by tne Eastern Lumber Company, the heaviest concern south of Tonawanda Creek in the south village. This company alone re- ceived over 6,000,000 feet of lumber last week by lake. It promises steady work all the sea- son for good men. The lumber trade is very curious to learn the outcome of the late fiasco on the part. of George H. Damon & Co., of ‘Tonawanda, which mortgaged its lumber to a local bank and then sold it to other firms in that market. When the firms found that the lumber was mortgaged they fell on it and carried it all out ina night, more than 1,000,000 feet in all. Someone capped the climax by taking the office also. Now the question is, whether the bank can recover. - it is generally thought that it will not be able to. An effort has been made to bring the prices of pine in the markets of Buffalo and Tonawanda into line and make them uniform, in some cases advancing them. The range is from $65 - for 16/4 uppers to $12 for 4/4 mill culls. It has all along been held that the prices of pine in these markets has been too low this year, not even trying to keep pace with the prices at producing points. In some cases we are sell- ing pine at very close to the price that would have to be paid for it. Thisis all right if there is nothing in view but the holding of eastern trade, but it is entirely wrong when we remem- ber the losses that were sustained when the prices went down. There was no holding them up then in order to get out of them what had been put in. Ifit is to be got at all, now is the time. There is a better range of prices in hardwood. The prices at producing points went up more sharply than was the case with pine, and the great difficulty in getting stock has convinced everyone that the thing to do is to get a good price for it or hold it. The demand for oak and ash leads, but maple, elm and basswood are excellent sellers, with birch, chestnut, cherry and walnut in less demand. As they are all hard to find the lack of demand is wel- “come. The big jump has really been made in hem- lock, it having advanced twice during June, selling at wholesale for $11.50 for 16 feet and under and $10.25 for cull boards. A year ago the price was less than $9. An effort has been made to bring down hemlock by lake, but not with much success, as Michigan mills are ask- ing more, freight and all, than the above price of the Pennsylvania cut. Something was done in Michigan. hemlock early, but freights are stiffer now and prices quite inflexible. The Goodyears have lately lost quite a large lot of hemlock logs in their Pennsylvania dis- trict by fire. They had bought a quantity and the fire got into them at skidways, where they were to be loaded on cars. The Sullivans are still doing something in Canadian elm and birch, but are turning their attention more to the lakes, which are furnish- ing them some elegant elm and other hard- woods. The amount obtained from that direc- tion is really surprising. Mr. T. Sullivan is away on a long vacation, which is expected to be permanent toa certainextent. He has been active far beyond most men of his years, and not now being in the best of health, will try to take life easier hereafter. Donald 'Y. Leslie is getting considerable pine lumber and shingles from Canada this season, and is doing a good business. He is also in the jobbing door, sash and roofing trade quite extensively. The Laidlaw yard shares the appearance of not a few pine yards in running down some- what in stock since the opening of spring, on account of heavy sales. When I was there last week it was reported, though, that several boats were on the way down for the firm, which would replennish the stock very mater- jally. It isacommon thing now for pine as wellas hardwood to go out as soon as it ar- rives and never be put into pile here. The thousands of feet of continuous lumber dockage is kept pretty full of lumber from the boats, but the canal or the cars get most of it direct. Nelson Holland has sold his barges, tbe Curtis and three consorts, to the Tonawanda Iron & Steel Company, so they will no longer make trips to Byng Inlet for lumber. The Parry Sound Company is sending the Seguin down with cargoes, taking soft coal back to Depot Harbor. The first-summer outing of the Buffalo Lum- ber Exchange occurs July 11th by special car to Chatanqua, witha lake ride in the arrange- ment. Business is business this summer, but the attendance is expected to be general for all that. Following is the new price list for the Buffalo and Tonawanda market: Uppers, 3” and up, 4/4, $515 5/4) $51 5 6/4, $513 8/4, $525 10/4, $60; 12/4, $60; 16/4, $65. Selects, 8” and up, 4/4, $45; 5/4, $45; 6/4, $453 8/4, $465 10/4, $555 12/4, $55 3 16/4, $60. Fine common, 8" and up, 4/4, not to exceed 20% 12” and over wide, $38; 1x10, $38; 1x13, $41; 1X13 and up, $45 3 5/4, $39 5. 5/4 x 10 or 12, $40 ; 6/4, $38 ; 6/4 x 10, $38 5 6/4 x 12, $40 ; 8/4, $40; 8/4.x 12, $42; 10/4, $50; 12/4, $50; 16/4, $55. No. 1 cuts, 4/4, $30; 5/4, $355 6/45 $36 ; 8/4, $37 5 10/4, $45 3 12/4, $455 16/4; No. 2 cuts, 4/4, $183 5/4, $26 ; 6/4, No. 3 cuts, 5/4, $22 ; 6/4, $22; 8/4, $22. No. 1 moulding strips, 4/4, $343 5/4, $35, 6/4, $33, 8/45 $34. No. 2 moulding strips, 4/4, $27; 5/4, $28; 6/4, $27; 8/4, $27. Stained saps, 4/4, $23 3 5/4, $23; 6/4, $23, 8-4, $23. No 1 shelving; 1X12, $34; 1x13 and up, $35. No. 2 shelving, 1 x 13 and up, $27. No. 1 dress- ing, and No. 1 shelving, 1 x 7 to 11, $24 ; 1x 4, $24 3 1x6, $25; 1x8, $25; 1.x 10, $27; 1x12, $29; 1x13 and up, $30 5 5-4, $30 ; 5-4 xX 10 and 12, $32 ; 6-4, $29 ; 6-4 x 10 and 12, $30; 8-4, $30 ; 8-4x 10 and 12, $32. No. 2 dressing, 1x4 toll, $18; 1x6, $20;1x8, $19; 1x10, $20; 1x 12, $25; 1x 13 and up, $25; 5-4, $23; 5-4 x 10 and 12, $25; 6-4, $21 ; 8-4, $25 ; 12-4, $28. Shaky clear, 1x4 to11, $26; 1x6, $28; 1X10, $29; 1x 12,$31; 1x 13 and up, $31; 5-4, $30; 6-4, $28; 8-4, $315 10-4, $353 12-4, $35; 16-4, $40. No. 1 barn, 1x4, $20; 1x6, $22; 1x8, $21; 1x 10, $22; 1x12, $253 5-4x 10 and 12, $26; 6-4x 10 and 12, $26; 8-4x 10, $26; 8-4 x 12, $27. No. 2 barn, 1 x4, $15; 1x 6, $17.50; 1x8, $17; 1x10, $18; 1 x 12, $195 5-4 X 10 and 12, $20; 6-4x10 and 12, $20;2x 10 and 12, $20. No. 3 barn, 1x 4, $14; 1x 6, $16; 1x8, $15; 1x10, $15; 1X12, $15.50 5 5-4x 10and 12, $16.50; 8-4 x 10 and 12, $16.50 ; 5-4, $16. Shippers, 1 x 12, $15.50 1x13 and up, $16. Coffin boards, 1 x 13 and up, $19. Box, 1x6 and up, $14; 1x6, $14; 1x7, $14; 1x65, $14 51x 9, $14; 1x 10, $14.50; 1X 12, $14.50; 1 X13 and up, $15 35-4, $16; 5-4x 10 and 12, $16 ; 6-4, $16; 8-4, $15. Mill culls, 4-4, $12; §-4, $13 36-4, $13; 8-4, $13. Stan- dard lengths 1o ftx 16 ft., about 5% 16 ft. For special lengths advance to be con- sistent with expense involved. BUFFALO, July Ist, 1899. pC. Jury's, 1899 | ANA “THE COOPERAGE MARKET. ; The conditions existing in the cooperage trade are thus reviewed in the National Coopers’ Journal by Messrs. Sutherland, Innes & Co., of Chatham, Ont.: Fair weather, warm winds and sunshine, which promised to gladden the hearts of the cooperage stock manufacturers through Ohio, Indiana, Ontario and parts of Michigan and Wisconsin, have been scarce lately. Ifit were not for these unfavorable conditions, mill men would now be beginning to catch up with their orders. Prices of staves still continue at the top notch, and we cannot see how there can be any reduction for some time to come, the de- WANTED Rock Elm, eut to order. Soft Elm, all thicknesses. Black Ash, all thicknesses. State quantity youcan supply, with lowest prices. — JAS. G. CANE & CO., = 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 4 CROSBY SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “ Sieveking,” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. H. D. WICGIN 2oston ass: 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large number of Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet; also Fence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. GEORGE & McGREGOR, Kil'aloe Station, Ont. WANTED FOR EXPORT All kinds of Logs and Lumber Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, MOTT & DICKSON - LONDON, ENG. BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE ann HARDWOOD UMBER DEALERS. -_ Nrthe tinuwa Wie Cable Address, ‘‘ SwAN DonoGH—ToNAWANDA : e Lumberman’s Code. PAIL S\N —aom Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Brown Ash ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to LAWRENCE & WIGGIN Wholesale Lumber Dealers - 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. JULY 5, 1895 _CANADA-LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 111. mand being greater and likely to continue great- er than the supply. '_ In the northwest, No. 1 staves are quoted at ~ $7.50 to $8.50 per net M. on board cars Min- neapolis, while round lots have been sold a high as $9.00; in fact, for good dry staves on the spot it is not a question of price with the coopers, but to get the staves at any price. Medium quality staves that the coopers would reject under ordinary circumstances have been picked up eagerly at $7.50, and the coopers were surprised to find that staves with the appearance of having been sandpapered were not necessary to make a good sound flour barrel. While jointing of staves in the open is going on in a limited way, mills with kilns are still running their kilns to full capacity, kiln dried staves bringing a much higher price thanair dried staves in comparison to the cost of kiln drying. Despite the fact that the Sugar Trust is using wire hoops instead of patent hoops for 50 per cent. of its requirements, patent hoops are higher at the present time than they have been for months, as, while the consumption has de- creased, the production has decreased still fur- ther, and at present it looks as if there would not be 50 per cent. of last year’s production made this year. The stocks of heading bolts and logs put in at the.different mills have been small, and con- tracts for this year have been made at an advance of Ye. to Mc. per set over last year’s prices. We have made a careful estimate of the logs and bolts put into different mills owned by our company, or in which we are interested ; we have also received reports from most of the other mills throughout the country, and we learn that on an average 20 per cent. of their requirements is an outside estimate of the stocks put in. Trucking cannot commence until July to any extent, so that some mills are already out of logs, and over 50 per cent. of the mills will have cut out their raw material by the end of this month, Some mills will be able, as soonas the woods are passable, to keep their mills running steadily, others, intermittent- ly, while others are closing down for the year. At the present time everything looks favor- able for a good apple crop. Apple packers are beginning to realize that in the event of there being a good apple crop, there will not be enough cooperage stock obtainable to make the barrels, and are turning their attention to boxes to a very large extent, so this year we look toa very large percentage of the apples being packed in boxes instead of barrels. Carbray, Routh & Co., of Quebec, report few transactions in marine chartering. Nomi- nal rates are 45s for deals and 67s 6d to 70s for timber. An advance is asked for August ship- ments. From St. John the following charters are reported : Bark Silenzio, to Cardiff or New- port, 46s 3d; bark Lauretta, for Buenos Ayres, $10 ; bark R. Morrow, for Buenos Ay- res, lumber, $9. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. . A. OvEREND, Foreign. Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. = . .. . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESEURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass't General-Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smitu, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN 8.8. GO.'S MILFORD HAVEN PASPEBIAC ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland Sailings Between Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight Agent A. & L.S.R.R. Co., Room 16 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal. For further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial Railway A gent, or to William Keating, Freight and Passenger Agent, 72 Yonge Street, Toronto. Montague Yates Board of Trade Bldg., Room {6 = a MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS ©” WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER GO, wien MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ° DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP 4e® Write us for Quotations on all Bills@/e@ , AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. PEMBROKE, ONT. AcLAURIN & MaLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemloek, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. = Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. BAst TEMPLETON, QUE. T.L. BAIDIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario 1QOOOR: Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments, Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. § Ib YOUP Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be, Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. $ An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ rac 2, Ay PEALE Soo Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH:* SHINGLES ‘SR TIMBER a Specanyere’s «== MIDLAND, ONT. Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = PEMBROK E, ONT ROBERT WATT ¢ WIRRTON M e SN CS ia ae laa Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER 2 pine shingtes HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Joisting, CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*eTINY. ceiine ¢ Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling s @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. 10.00 Burk’s Falls, Ont. ————— WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ? FOREIGN IMPORTERS WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwood in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. C.H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of ===, SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers Invited..... _ Wharves, Mills and Offices : ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S. E., ENCLAND 6 ~ POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and ————— SMITH & TYRER - = [4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.S. IRVIN & SELLERS Cable Address; “‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS OF gy ALSO DEALERS 1N === BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS IV. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS {n the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.’* BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. $ Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa end Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S , Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. ORY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jobn, Torouto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. __ Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mowry & Son, G:avenhburst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co.. Brantford. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N. Ss. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal,{Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, (Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A, Shier, J. D. Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, C. s, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Mill Sites and Water Powers, Canadian Pacific Railway. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. TORONTO, ONT. ToronTo July 5, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. zt inch dressing and =4% 1% andz inch cut , up and better...... $32 00 $34 oo better. seaesesccecs $20 00 $22 00 zinch picksand uppers 34 00 36 00/1 inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 rx) 2 dressing and bet- t inch siding common 11 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft....-- 22 00 24 00} inch sidingshipculls 10 50 11 50 axxo fine dressing and rt inch siding millculls 8 50 9.00 better.......060 0205 22 00 24 00 | Cullscantling........ 800 9 00 ax1o and 12 Canadian t inch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 20 00 in, mill run...... . 13 00 14 00 a 1-2 and thicker cut- t inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank.....-. 24 00 26 00 | 1 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 < 1-4 in. cut up and t 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 better J-j2acsciee «nie 33 00 35 00 | XXX pineshingles, 16 uxic and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00 itd See emo neod <5 - 2 40 =xzo and 12 common. 12 00 14 00| XX pineshingles 16 inch I 50 ax1o and 12 mill culls 9 00 10 00| Lath, No.1......... 1 60 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 Gath “Noni2izneaeeee I 25 HARDWOODS—PER wy. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 tozin..$26 oo $28 oo Elm,rock, mill ss 6 2% to4.. 30 00 3200] run....... 1 to 1%"18 00 2000 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm,rock, mill ands, 1to 1% in.... 2000 2200) run.,..... 144‘! 3.. 21 00 23 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Hickory, 1sts ands,2 to 4in...... 22 00 2400] and ands..1%“‘ 2.. 28 00 30 00 Ash, M.R.,1_ to 2.. 17 00 19 00 Maple, sts Birch, rin 18 00 20 00 and 2nds.. 1 ‘‘ 1% 16 00 18 00 We 1% “* 2.. 20 00 23 00/ Maple, Ists “ sqrs. 4x4 ‘ 8 x824 00 2600] and znds..2 “ 4.. 17 00 18 00 ®asswood, ists and Oak, red, p’n, ands, 1 to1% in.... 18 00 20 00 ssts& 2nds1 ‘‘ 1% 2600 3000 1% to 2 ..2z 00 22 00} Oak;red,p’n, “ mor. 1 “ 1% 15 00 17 00 ists & 2nds 2 ‘' 4.. 29 00 3200 Sutternut 1 ‘' 114 23 00 25 00| Oak, white, Ls a “* 355 25.00 28 00 ists & ands 1 “ 1% 28 00 30 00 Chestnut 1 ‘§2.. 24.00 2 00] Oak, Bite Cherry, ists ists &2nds 2 “‘ 4.. 30 00 00 pang ie 1 “ 1% 5000 60 00} Oak quart’d, ere ze Cherry, ists ists&ends1 ‘' 2.. 50 00 6900 and 2nds.. 2 ‘‘ 4.. 60 00 65 oo, Walnut, msts Elm, soft, mill and 2nds.. 1 ‘* 3.. 85 00 10000 UD .. 5005. 1 ** 1% 16 00 18 00} Whitewoor, Elm,soft,mill ists& aalcints w victories 29 00 2% and 3 in 55.00)) Zin a ncasincnreee 4in 60 00} Mold st’ps,1 to zin.. Fine common, x in... 38 00 43 co Barn, No. 1, 12 in. 14% and 1% WO sienirc 39 oo| 6, 8 and soin.. ZUM ee cseereeeeeee 40 00 No. 2, ro in. 3M. reece eee eee 50 00 No. 2, 12 in 4 IM sees eoeeee 55 00| No. 3, 10 in Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. 30 c0| No. 3, 12 in 1% to2 in.......-. 35 00 37 00| Common, rin...... INGA2,°2 Maat ae 18 00| 1% and1% in No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 26:00]! s I U9s veeetn oe No. 3,1% & 1% in 22 00 WHITE ASH. rst & 2nd, 1 inch, 28 00 30 00| 24% to4 in 00 14% tozin....... x0 3% (00) 33 00)|(Sitipe < J5c25 avin =; 00 Com. and culls....... 12 00 14 Ou PLACK AND BROWN ASH. j ist & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 oo | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. st & 2nd, 6 inch & ist &end,white, 6” &up, 18 oc 20 oo heyy pyc lenes seme on 28 00 30 00| Com & good culls..... 10 00 11 00 “ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 x MAPLE. : ist & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 oo BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. : Bay City, Mich., July 5, 1899. UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $43 00 AV ACLE uate atu.sloshisl eines ie aia $48 oc| 1%, 1% andain....... ... 00 14%, 1¥%and 2 in.. s+ 48 00 | “256 arid’ igee seen “eS 2% and 3in........ 56.00 |. 4ilty «eae SA ee DIE ae cone deere eee waters 59 90 : , : : FINE COMMON. rin., 8 in, and up wide...... 35 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 46 oo 1% and 1% in.......++- a2) 35): 00)) ge oameees eee ome 2 AED» oon Roe Oe enn eee 36 090 - 4 . B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide..... . 26 oo | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 39 oo 1M and 134 in... sss sees eee 31 00 | 4.10, tina n ccanel eee ieee eae GO BUD vceculetaisle cape eee 32 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 oo | rin., 4 5 and 7 in. wide..... 35 00 6 in. Wide... ...2eeeereeeeree 40 00 | 6 in. wide......--...e+++e5-- 40 00 : . FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. ......--- 30 00 | 14 in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 32 00 1% in., 6 in. wide..........- 35 00] in., 6 in. wide............- 34 00 . SELECTED NO. 1 SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS, rUin., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 26 oo! 1 in., 4,5, 6 in. wide........ 22 00 NO. I FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 in ......-... 18 00 | 1% in., 4,5 and 7im......... 20 00 Ds) Olean osama aspen 19 00 | 2% in., GI, «...csseccavaae 2k OO NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. ¢ FLOORING. —_ tin., 4,5 and 7 inch ........ 14 00 | 1% in., 4to 7 inch .......... 15 00 rin., 6inch, .. sows semen oe 15 20 | No.3 Fencing, 1 in., 6.inch...14 00 SHELVING. : df No. 2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 23 rin., roin. s peeapeene 24 1 in., 12 in. oe eee | 1 in., 10 in. and up wide... 24 1 in., 13 in, and up wide... 29 No. 1, 1 in., ro in. stocks.... 29 00 1in., ro in. and up wide... 39 00 tin., 12 in. stocks 33 00 1 in., 12 in, and up wide... 34 00 rin. 1% and 2in., 8in. and UP Wide .....0.eeeee eens 31 co BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. 22 oo | No. 2, 9 in.. Ren, 03 50 +». 19 00] 8and7in... +++ I5 00 18 00 | No. 3, 12 Ieee seeeee reer cree 14 00 18 00 TO INoas oes coe Feace'npeanee EZ OO +1600] 9gin...... Ae Gienas 2.00 Or: ee Sr eee caser £5 60 Gites eas sie reeeee ee, RE OO SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. 1in., 4and 5 in. wide....... $z2 00 | x in., 13 in. and up wide.....$12 oo rin., 6 in. wide...........++ 12 00| 1%, ar] and 2 in., 7 in. rin., 7 in. wide and up...... 12 00 Up WIRE. ..cteeskeeess- E200. SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5) 7,8 and gin. wide 22 00 | x in., 10 in. and up wide..... 23 00 rin., 6 in, wide.... ...--++++ 22 oo | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 8in. and up wide... <0. 2esne Drei cvis.. 24: 00 COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 oo | No. x, millculls...... xieeey Z0(50 QU eased cieielnenee ss Baro 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse......-... 7 50 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.§ 9 50 Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to To. St.< soars! ioneeiesieents nee 20°50: 16 feet..... ca ieese cae. 8 Gd. 20 ft... +00.-% oe °ED §0)| 2Ei2ees eee Eeeee ness 9050 22 and 24 ft........+-+-0+- 12 50 | Add $x to each additional aft. in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 oo | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts..... neers Pree me) KK vase ce ecisacaie ave 3 25 Clear Butts.% (cfvcoaas- san 2 25; WHITE PINE LATH. ING, Ke pcreiemiaias oi olnicdeisinel = le 2 00 | No. 2.... 2.06 a Uesi eden ates SO Hemlock s cccceseertsaerene © 25 PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. — z F.o.b. Stein- o.b. cars at Sutherland Innes Mills No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000..... $5 50 $5 00 No. 1 30 " " " " " senses 5 50 5 co No. 1 32 W " " " " seeeee 5 75 5 50 No.124 " " " weenie OG! 400 No. 228% 1 " " " " 3 5° No.230 w " " a, oa 350 No. 2 32 " " " " " 372 No. 2 24 " " " " " 2 00 No.1 14 in. to143% in. kiln dried basswood heading, perset 3% 3 No. nrg 6 " " " " 3% 3 No. 117% w " " " 3% No.118 u 18% 0 " " " 4 it No. 1 19% " " " " 4% 4 No. 1 19 " u " a 5 5 Mill run heading ct. per set less, No. 2 heading rct. per set less. No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000.... 5 75 5 40 No.16 " 7 " Wo ease See 5 75 No. 16% u " * a MW seals 5 go No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less, No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 oo No. 228% eel " " " 3 50 ° 34 in, to 35 in. elm syrup bbl Staves: ici cccecwennee .. £8 00 20 00 No * 30 inch half syrup barrel staves..... RAE Pre eae 16 00 16 00 “bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) (CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} st.00 per Year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., JULY 12, 1899 No. 25. CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire Insurance BuILpINc, MOonrTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and commurtication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. _ Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. &# Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. ~ -BUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPEGTION BOOK =em Containing Rules for the Inspection and Measuring of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. Em- bracing also many useful tables and calculations. of everyday service to lumbermen, Prepared by the Editor of the ’ Canada Lumberman.” 8 le * Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 HE above is afac simile of the title page of the latest and most complete Lumber and Inspection Book published. We shall be pleased to send you a Copy on receipt of four 3 cent Ga- -Mladian postage stamps ° ° © © THE CANADA LLUMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of r5 cents per line each insertion. When four Or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. IRST CLASS BAND FILER OPEN FOR engagement. Bestreferences. Box 100, CANADA LuMBERMAN. ; FOR SALE. Cea 8x10, rox10, 12x12, from ‘oto 24 feet long. Apply to W. A. Prayrarr, Playfair, Ont. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CanADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE, OMPLETESAW MILL MACHINERY, PLAN- ing, Sash and Door Machinery ; modefn and in good condition. Can be seen at Toronto. Apply Peter Ryan, Toronto. WANTED. | Be QUANTITIES OF SOFT ELM,1 INCH, 1% inch, 1% inch, 2 inch, % inch and 3 inch thick, 6 inches and up wide, o to xz inches average, to to 16 feet long. Address, with full particulars, ‘*B.B.,” Canapa LUMBERMAN. WANTED—DRY BASSWOOD. PRESSED TWO SIDES TO % THICK, CUT to dimension sizes, forexport. This will prove an excellent outlet for common and cull basswood. Elm Strips, Rock Elm or Soft Elm (latter preferred) Strips, 14%X2,1%x1, and %x1x; all lengths 6 ft. and up— Car-loads for export. For full particulars, address “EXPORTERS, P.O. Box 1oq0o, New York City. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS LUMBER AND SHINGLE Mill, average capacity per day 35 M. feet lum- ber, 70 M. shingles, and 15 M. lath; situatedin Hunts- ville, close tothe G.T.R. station, with sidings to mill ; plenty of virgin pine. Also a first-class site for a tannery, plenty of tan bark. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to T. WHALEY, Huntsville, Ont. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine ico h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x too ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber near by. For. particulars, address ALLEN CRESSMAN, Berlin, Ont. TO LUMBER DEALERS HE NEWFOUNDLAND IRON ORE CO., Limited, of Workington, Newfoundland, invite tenders for the delivery at Old Perlican, Trinity Bay, Newfoundland, of a large quantity of I2 AND 10 INGH SQUARE SPRUCE SAWN TIMBER Specifications may be obtained at the office of this paper. yn The Company does nct bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender. S. HERBERT WILLIAMS, Superintendent. H. F. Eaton & Sons’ saw mill at Milltown, N.B., is announced to have been destroyed by fire on July 5th. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. What was said in our last report re- Barding a mid-summer lull in the lumber trade is fully borne out by the reports to hand this week. As yet there are ro Signs visible that the demand will slacken during July, while on the other hand re- tail dealets are said to be taking steps to Stock up for fall trade earlier than is usual, It is the generally expressed Opinion that present prices of pine and hardwood will be maintained throughout the summer at least. At the present time all kinds of lumber are being bought lip, and where in less prosperous years the lower grades would be dull of sale, they now find a market almost as readily as lumber of better quality. Inthe pine trade, if one class of lumber sells quicker than another, it is red pine deals, for which the demand is exceptionally strong. Contracts have been placed for. next sea- son’s Cut of some of the mills, this in itself showing the strength of the market. The shingle production does not seem to be of sufficient volume to supply the demand. This may be due in part to the fact that few shingles are being manufactured in Michigan, and consequently dealers in the Eastern States are looking more to Ontario for their supply. Prices are firm, with a tendency to advance. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The great demand for building material in Winnipeg and throughcut the North- West is creating a scarcity of sand and brick. Some buildings have been delay- ed on this account, but notwithstanding there is a brisk movement of lumber to all parts of the west. Dealers state that trade has seldom been better at this sea- son of the year, which, considering the backward season, is very satisfactory. The mills on the Lake of the Woods are operating day and night, but still stocks are moved almost as rapidly as they are taken from the saw. There is no abatement of demand in Brit- ish Columbia, and it would appear as though the trade in that province had en- tered upon a new era of prosperity. There is a general tendency to advance prices. UNITED STATES, The shipments of lumber from Minne- apolis during the month of June were the largest in the history of that market, being nearly 50,000,000 feet, while for the previous month they were 44,000,000 feet. These figures reflect the urgency of de- mand, particularly when it is remembered that prices advanced during the last two months. Trade in the Eastern States is equally buoyant. There is a good de- mand from retailers, a large consumption of lumber in building operations, and an all-round firmness in prices. Stocks are still badly broken, dealers finding it im- possible to add very much to their sup- plies. It is impossible to purchase much stock in Michigan, as the extraordinary local demand is consuming nearly all the lumber manufactured. Log run is held at Saginaw at $15 to $24, and from $12 to $13 1s asked for box. Norway, for which there 1s a good demand, is selling at $10.50 and upwards. At Buffalo the demand for white pine is ia excess of the supply. This is especially noticeable in the box trade, for which Norway is largely being substituted. Favorable reports are received of the spruce market, sales being made at the following prices: Frames, 9 inch and under, $16 ; 12 inch and up, $17 ; 2x3 and 2x4, $13.50; merchantable boards, $13; mill random, $14 to $15. Although spruce was last to improve, it now ap- pears as though it had fallen strictly in line with the other classes of lumber. Hardwood prices have as yet shown no weakness, nor is there any slackening off in demand. There is an exceedingly heavy demand for dimension, car mater- ial, etc., and wholesalers who have lumber in shipping condition experience no trou- ble in finding buyers willing to pay top prices, especially for oak and ash. At Boston brown ash is quoted at $38 to. $40 for one inch firsts and seconds, and $40 to $42 for thicker. FOREIGN. The tone of. the British wood market continues firm, and a steady consumption is reported. Up to June Ist the import of wood goods into Great Britain exceeded that of 1898 by some 92,000 loads, the in- crease being chiefly from Norway and Sweden and the Maritime Provinces of the Dominion. Notwithstanding this in- creased import, stocks are becoming re- duced, and recent arrivals have met with ready sale. The slight improvement in spruce prices has been maintained, and we would not be surprised if still higher prices would be realized before the close of the season. Some dealers are buying at present prices and storing the stock away, in the hope of making large profits later in the year. Red pine deals are in good demand, and Quebec shippers are asking higher prices. Square timber in elm and oak meets with ready sale. - Late reports to hand state that a much II. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. needed rain has fallenthroughout the South Australian colonies, and agricultural pros- pects are brighter than they have been for many years past. This will give an im- petus to the commerce of the country, in which lumber will no doubt share. ——_$_—_ STOCKS AND PRICES. A raft of square timber comprising ninety cribs, and owned by Wm. Mackey, passed through the slides at Ottawa last week. The Dominion government is calling for tenders for the construction of a telegraph line from River Romaine eastward to Baie Chateau, Strait of Belle Isle. The str. Veva sailed from Parrsboro, N. S., on July 5th, for a British port, with 2,099,474 feet of deals and 226,458 feet of ends and scantling, shipped by M. L. Tucker. The str. Cheronea sailed last week from St. John, N. B., for Cardiff, with 1,672 standards of deals. The Anna Moore sailed for Dublin with 1,067 stand- ards of deals. By the breaking away of the boom at the mills of F. X. Gosselin, at Biae St. Paul, Que., a large quantity of logs passed out to sea. The loss is estimatéd at $25,000, but it is hoped that some of the logs may yet be recovered. Last week L. C. Slade purchased 2,000,- ooo feet of lumber from Pitts & Co., of Bay City, Mich., cut from Canadian logs. Mershon & Co. also bought 1,500,000 feet from the same firm, these being the only sales of any consequence reported. There are few shingles being manufac- tured in Michigan this season. Not much shingle timber was put in during the winter, and only one or two firms on the Saginaw river are making shingles. The price is $2 and $3 for pine, and 25 cents less for cedar. The North-Western Hemlock Manu- facturers’ Association have issued a new list. on hemlock, based on $9.50 for short piece stuff, on Wausaw, Wis., rate of freight, with one.-dollar_higher for.the longer lengths; 12 inch boards are quoted at $11.50, and 6, 8, and 10 inch at $10.50. The eastern hemlock list, which is based on a Philadelphia rate of freight, is $13.50 on short piece stuff, and one dollar ad- ditional for 18 and 20 feet. Ottawa capitalists, including Messrs. Geo. Perley, Fred Avery and Charles E. Reid, have purchased the saw mills of Alex. Baptiste at Calumet, Que., together with 640 square miles of timber lands. The limits have been cut for white pine for a number of years, but there is a large quantity of spruce yet standing. It is understood to be the intention of the new proprietors to erect a pulp mill. The following charters are reported: Bark Silenzio, 701 tons, St, John, N. B., to Cardiff or Newport, deals, 43s 9d; str. Cheronea, St. John, N. B., to Cardiff, deals, 41s 3d, August loading ; barque Mark Twain, 765 tons, Tusket Wedge, N. S., to Beunos Ayres, lumber, $9.50 ; str. Mendota, 1,656 tons, Miramichi to Man- chester, pulp wood, 15s; Rockcliff, 1,497 tons, Bay of Fundy to w. c. England, deals, 44s 6d ; Sayer, 1,618 tons, Quebec to London, deals, 45s. Following 1s a comparative statement of timber, &c., measured and culled at Quebec to July 11th, 1899 : : j 1897. 1898. 1899. Waney white pine, cu. feet.1,033,230 808,256 950,798 White pine, cu. fests ons 190,229 520,462 266,664 Red pine, cu. feet......... 64,991 98,580 87,429 Oak, cu. feet.......sesseee 9775855 543,900 352,058 Elm, cu. feet......-..-.+-- 366,738 344,712 396,879 Ash, cu. feet.....--...... 78,629 25,773 521740 Basswood, cu. feet .......- <5 Butternut, cu. feet ......-. 639 795 60 Birch and Maple, cu. feet.. 173,828 106,480 231,575 AMAYAC 400s sa snas eames 415 The following rafts of timber have been entered at the office of the Supervisor of Culler’s, Quebec, since last report : Alex. McCall, at Upper Sillery, oak, etc ; D. McMillan, at Indian Cove, oak ; G. Blan- chard, at Bridgewater Cove, oak ; N. Mc- Intyre, at Dobell’s Cove, elm, etc ; A. Mc- Call; at Upper Sillery, waney pine ; Gillies & Son, at Lower Sillery, elm. It is interesting, too, to watch the ar- rival of spruce cargoes to the East Coast. Those who have thought that the Cana- dian article has not come to stay should keep an eye on Newcastle, West Hartle- pool, and the Humber ports, and they should also note who the receivers are. We think they will find that many an im- porter of Baltic wood is now going strong for the spruce. When we think of the cheap price, the advantages of special lengths—so easily arrangeable with Cana- dians and so impossible with the Baltic shippers—we cannot wonder that spruce seems to be gaining ground.—Timter News, Liverpool, Eng. Of the lumber trade at St. John, N.B., the Maritime Merchant says: “The pros- pect is that lumber will be scarce and prices higher,” said a leading St. John shipper last week. He pointed out that less than 100,000,000 sup. feet of logs will come through the Fredericton booms this year, compared with 131,000,000 feet last year and 165,000,000 feet the year before, The export from West Bay he figured at 28,000,000 feet, compared with over 40,- 000,000 feet last year; while the ship- ments from other ports up the bay, and along the straits from Shediac to North- port, would not exceed fifty per cent. of last year’s. There are no deals offered here from outside points, because all avail- able supplies have been bought up. Deals cut in the city mills are worth $11 to-day, which is $2.50 to $3 above last year’s prices. Reports from the United States show that maiket to be very firm at a sharp advance over last year. ————_—_— TT THE AUSTRALIAN MARKET. The last monthly timber report of Fraser & Co., Melbourne, Aus., thus reviews the lumber market : But little animation has been shown in timber dealings during the last few weeksy though a few fairly large transactions have been carried through, and in these sales some- what better rates have been secured than were ruling at the date we issued our last report.’ In some classes of timber which are not so largely consumed (notably American shelving, and clear pine) lower prices have heen ac- cepted,-and.for these lines the market is, and will be for.some time, in an unsettled state, owing to the heavy stocks on hand, and to the desire of some shippers to arrange further business at a reduced c.i.f, basis of cost. Out* side, however, of the kinds we refer to, values of most other timber are more likely to svat than otherwise ; but as the demand is some what inactive at this time of year, we hardly look for any marked improvement to be mani- fested until about the commencement of the spring season, when trade operations should also be much increased, and business be ex- perienced of a more regular character than has been the case for some time past. SpRUCE AND BALTIC WHITE Deats.—Im- ports: 114,840 feet super. Arrival ; Silas, from Grimstadt. The above lot of Baltic White was sold ‘‘ ex wharf.” Canadian stocks have been in poor demand, 24d per foot f 9x 3 is market value for an average specifica- tion. OREGON PINE.—Sales have been made out of stocks in the yard at slightly better than £5 12s 6d for an average assortment. Busi- ness ‘‘ to arrive ” has been concluded at about the same basis. ¥ Neen El LAKE OF THE WOODS LOG SUPPLY. Some figures are to hand of the log supply this season for the mills at Rat Portage and Keewatin. There was cut on the Canadian side, for the Rat Portage Lumber Company, 24,000,000 feet. Of these 35 to 40 per cent, was white pine, and the remainder principally Norway, a small portion being spruce. There was 23,640,740 feet cut on the American side for the Rat Portage Lumber Company, and 11,310,000 for the Keewatin Lumber & Mant- facturing Company. The cut of the large firms was as follows: Stitt & Howe, 7,600,000 ft.; Buckman, about 4,000,000 ; Samuel Noden, 880,740; H. C. Mead, 2,960,000 ; Graham & Horne, 7,400,000; Kehl & Deary, 11,082,- 000 ; Frank Pelland, 365,000 ; W. L. Keiver, 174,000 ; Louis Stellar, 158,000; R. Dearing, 103,000; and Wm. Kennedy, 228,000 ; mak- ing a grand total of 58,850,740 feet, not to speak of piles, ties, cedar poles and posts and piling, as accurate figures are not yet available for these items. They form a considerable item in the operations of Rat Portage concerns, The logs cut on the American side for the Rat Portage market are on the Little and Big Forks and the Rainy River, principally the operations ‘of the lumbermen extending into Bettrami, Itasca and even St. Louis counties. THE BARBADOS LUMBER MARKET. Concerning the Barbados lumber market, Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Co. in their last report, say: There have been no receipts of white pine for about six weeks, and we can only repeat our advices that one or two cargoes would do well, especially with a good propor- tion of second quality. We value first receipts at about $22 for first and $16 for second quali- ty. In spruce the only arrival has been the Etta E. Tanner, from Meteghan, N. S., which cargo was placed at $16.30 for ship- ping. Stocks are almost nil, but demand at this time is small; a couple of cars would sup- ply requirements for some little time. In shingles the Neva, from Paspebiac, Que., brought 1,095 M long Gaspe cedars, the bulk of which lot was sold at $3.50. A small par- cel of very superior quality, ex Nellie Morrow, was placed at $5.40, and the diamond brought 120 M from Gaspe, which are now for sale. Deeg Eee SOME HARDWOOD GONSIDERATIONS. A man who poses as a lumber trade prophet, and who abounds in philosophical observations, delivered a private lecture the other day on the future of the hardwood market. His argument was about as follows: Dry stock is exhausted, and consumers are buying from hand to mouth, and by the use of dry kilns fitting green stock for consumption. In the meantime there is the northern cut of hardwoods, which was last winter the largest on record, and throughout the country a big lot of lumber is going on to sticks. A few months hence this lumber which is being piled at the mills will be in condition for shipment, and there suddenly will be a large amount of hardwood on the market, and then the market will break, and the fency prices obtaining at this time will be a thing of the past. This argument, however, does not find favor with the majority of the trade, and seems fully counterbalanced by other considerations. Lumber is being bought green simply because consumers have exhausted the supplies of dry. To a certain extent their purchases at the present time are of stock, but no smal] amount of the green lumber that is going into hands of consumers is for immediate consumption. While the output is large, the consumptive re- quirement is so nearly on par with it that it is impossible in some woods to increase the stocks, and thay can be increased but slightly in any variety. : It is not only possible but probable that there ” will be a readjustment of the hardwoods price list, but that there will be any substantial de- cline or that anything that can be called a break in the values of hardwoods can take place is altogether beyond the probabilities. It should not be forgotten that there will be for a long time to come a stocking-up require- ment which, as yet, has hardly begun to be satished. During the period of business de- pression following the 1893 panic, manufactur- ers generally allowed their stocks to reach a very low point. This they could do with some safety under conditions then prevailing, because the stocks that they themselves lacked could always be found in any desired quantity and for immediate delivery. This kind of policy, how- ever, cannot be depended upon in the long run, and with more prosperous conditions lumber consumers are desirous of carrying normal stocks. They will not cease buying, therefore, until their supplies shall be replenished to a point which will enable them to be temporarily independent of outside stocks. of replenishment will not soon be reached, for the demand for manufactured commodities con- tinues large and shows no sign of abating. Lumber is moving out in the shape of goods about as fast as it can be secured, dry or green; so the stability of the market seems assured for practically a year to come. —American Lumber- man. a Edwin Athya & Co., timber importers, 9 Gracechurch street, London, E.C., have -ad- mitted Mr. Phillip Thompson as a partner, the style of the firm remaining unchanged. But the point | JuLy 12, 1899 J Deal freight rates fron: Montreal rule about as follows: To Liverpool, 35s to 37s 6d; Glasgow, 42s 6d to 45s 5 London, 42s 6d ; Bristol, 45s ; Leith, 50s ; Aberdeen, 50s; Bel- fast or Dublin, 42s 6d to 45s ; Manchester, 45s. WANTED Rock Elm, cut to order. Soft Elm, all thicknesses. Black Ash, all thicknesses. — State quantity you can supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 7 CROSBY SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. ** Sieveking,” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WICGGIN go staresr. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for _ 1.0G RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large numter of © Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet; also Fence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. WANTED FOR EXPORT All kinds of Logs and Lumber Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, MOTT & DICKSON - LONDON, ENG. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are cpen to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear frem holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR =F WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fres| BIRCH LOGS of large dimensicns. BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE ano HARDWOOD “ Swan Donocu--ToNAWANDA Cable Address, Lumberman’s Code. eee ee Do You Use Mahogany? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous [ TABASCO MAHOGANY | Finest figured wood on the market ; is hard and takes elegant finish. Brings high- est prices in Europe, Specially adapted for LAWRENGBE & WIGGIN Importers and Manufacturers but we sell here about same prices as ordinary mahogany. fine cabinet and interior finish : = 2 BOSTON, MASS. JULY 12, 189¢ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 11I. LONDON TIMBER SALES. Following is the result of a recent sale of wood goods held by Messrs. R. Martin & Co., Dublin, Ireland : QUEBEC SPRUCE—I2 ft 9x3 in., £11 12s 6d, £12 and £12 2s 6d; 12 ft 11x3, £12; 12 ft 9x3 second quality, £12 10s ; 10-14 ft 9x3, £12 7s 6d; 12 ft 11x3, £12 12s 6d; 12 ft 9x3 first quality, £15 15s; 12 ft 7-11x3, fourth quality, £ 10. QUEBEC SCANTLINGS—II-16 ft 5x2, £10 12s 6d ; 6-8 ft 5x2, £9; 12-13 ft 5x2, £10 12s 6d; 12 ft 5x3, AIO §s; 11-16 ft 6x3, £10 12s 6d. ST. JOHN SPRUCE—8 ft 9x3 in, £10 5s; II ft, £11 7s 6d; 14 ft, £11 12s 6d to £11 17s 6d; 15 ft, £12; 17-19 ft, 411 17s 6d; 21 ft, £12 15s; 15 ft 11x3in, £12 5s; 19-20 ft, £12 7s 6d; 16-17 ft 7x3, £11 7s 6d ; 18-19 ft, ATI 5s; 21-23 ft, £12 7s 6d; 13-14 ft 7x2 in, ATI 583 15 ft, Al 5s; 16 ft, £11 10s; 17-21 ft, A11 15s to £11 17s 6d; 8-11 ft ox2 in, All 10s; 11 ft, £12 5s; 12-13 ft, £11 17s 6d ; 17-20 ft, £12 7s 6d ; 9-25 ft 10x2 in, £12; 9-20 ft 11x2, £12 5s ; 12-23 ft 6xq in, £11 5s; 8-20 ft 9x4, £12 123-6d ; 8-18 ft 1x4, £12 yee II-15 ft 9-14x3, £10 Os; 6-12 tt 15x3, IO 10s ; 10-16 {t 5x5, £10 2s 6d. DALHOUSIE PINE—10 109 ft, 7-9x3 in, first quality, 418 10s ; 16-19 ft, 9-113 in, £23 12s 6d; 10-20 ft, 7x3, £16 $s ; 10-20 ft 8x3, £17; 10-20 fi I1-15X3, second quality, £19 ; 10-20 ft 7-9x3, third quality, £12; 10-19 ft 10-14x3, £12 10s. QUEBEC RED PINE DEALS—16-23 ft 11x4, 416; 12-22 ft 9-10X2-4, £17 158; 10-24 ft 11x3, £16; 11-22 ft 9x2 1-2, £16; 10-22 ft 3x2, £16; 10-26 ft 7x4, £16; 10-26 ft 7x6, £16; 11-21 ft 5x2, £15 10s ; 10-16 ft 4x2, £15. Messrs. Churchill & Sim, London, Eng., held an auction sale on June 28th, at which Canadian goods sold as follows : SpRucE—Ex Hazelmoor, from Quebec, 6-8 ft 3x8 in, second quality, £6 15s ; 6-8 fl 3x6-7 in, £6 10s. Ex Iona, from Quebec, 13 ft 3x9, second quality, £8. Ex Hurona, from Que- bec, 13 ft 3x8 unassorted, £7 10s; 12-13 ft, 3x9, 47- PINE—Ex Monte Videan, from Quebec, 9 ft 3x9, first quality, £13 10s; 9 ft 3x7-8, 413 583 13-16 ft 3x8, second quality, £10. BircH PLANKS—Ex Halifax City, from Halifax, N.S., 0-15 ft, 4x11I-12, Is per cubic ft; 8-14 ft 4x9-10, 11d; 4-15 ft 4x8, Is; 4-15 ft 4x7, 9 I-2d; 9-14 ft 3x10-12, 10 1-2d; 10-17 ft 3x9, 10 1-2d; 10-16 ft 3x8, 9d; 9-15 ft 3x7, 9d ; 5-16 ft 2 1-2x9-13, 11 1-2d ; 5-17 ft 2 1-2x7, 11d ; 4-14 ft 4x10-12, Is Id; 5-15 ft 4x9, IS ; 4-15 ft 4x8, Is 5 4-12 ft 4x7, 9d ; 4-14 3X10-12, Is; 6-15 ft 3x9, 11d; 5-15 ft 3x8, 9 1-2d; 3-17 ft 3x7, 9d; 5-13 ft 2 1-2x9-12, 18; 5-15 ft 2 1-2x6-8, 11d. The Conroy mills at Deschenes, Que., were totally consumed by fire a few days ago. Messrs. Conroy place their loss at $135,000, on which there is an insurance of about $60,000. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. SE t a OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverenpD, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... ., OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESEURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smitu, General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Short Line to Great Britain The GANADIAN 8.8. GO.’S MILFORD HAVEN PASPEBIAC ST. JOHN’S, Newfoundland Sailings Between Through Bills of Lading issued to and from all parts in Canada and Western States by G. H. Pugh, Foreign Freight Agent A. & L.S.R.R. Co., Room 16 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal. For further particulars and information as to Passengers and Freight apply to any Intercolonial Railway A gent, or to William Keating, Freight and Passenger Agent, 72 Yonge Street, Toronto. | Montague Yates | Board of Trade Bldg., Room 16 - MONTREAL Please mention the CANADA LUMBERMAN when corresponding with Advertisers. CANADIAN EXPORTERS a”? WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER GO, ume MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN @Mewrite us for Quotations on all Bills@/@ DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP Es SAND: ALL/KNDS OF HOUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. — hie ¢ PEMBROKE, ONT. A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. [ic-AURIN & MatLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. — Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EBAst TEMPLETON, QUE. tf.) BAIbvIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS : Penetang, Ontario 1OOOOR- KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SME100. ceiine ¢ Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling ss JAS. PLAYFEATR & CO. , Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers | LUMBER * LATH ° SHINGLES (Contractors for Rallway supplies "MIDI AND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ¢ WIRRTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and WHOLESALE LUMBER ®! pine shingtes. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Joisting, A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock - CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Mills at Wiarton MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. crc” ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. 10.00 Burk’s Falls, Ont. FOREIGN IMPORTERS WRIGHT, GRAHAM & 0. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND t WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. C.H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of = SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers Invited Wharves, Mills and Offices: ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENC LAND SMITH & TYRER -_—‘[4. Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . ‘ Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Ha lifax N.S. IRVIN SELLERS 5 HRI) LADIES Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL, ENG. Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus Liverpool.” WANTED » MAPLE SQUARES—Free of knots, splits and defects, and three parts dry, of the « following sizes; large quantities could be used; price to be c.f.i, Liverpool; quality guaranteed : ro per cent. 1234x214 square ; 25 per cent. 1234 x 2% square; 25 per cent. 94% x17% square}; 15 per cent. 94 x2¥% square; 5 per cent. 9x14 square; 5 per cent. 9 x Pa square; 5 per cent. 12x17 square; 5 per cent. 12X1 15-16 or 2square; 5 per cent. 10)4x1%, or multiples of these sizes. IV, DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘“‘ The Canada Lumberman.”" BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. 4 Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa end Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S , Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toro to. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. _ Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mowry & Son, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxford Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, iQue. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson €o., Montreal, :Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A, Shier, J. D. Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. De Boston, ss. ELLANEOUS MISCELL/ Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Mill Sites and Water Powers, Canadian Pacific Railway. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. ‘The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. WHOLESALE PRICGBS CURRENT. TORONTO, ONT. Toronto July 12, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 inch dressing and ethers... sacs an $20 00 $22 00 14% 1% and 2 inch cut up and better.....- $32 00 $34 00 z2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 00} inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x) 2 dressing and bet- tinch siding common rr 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft...... 22 00 24 00| inch sidingshipculls ro 50 x11 50 xxro fine dressing and rt inch siding millculls 8 50 9g 00 better......2e0e sees 22 00 24 00| Cullscantling........ 800 900 4x10 and 12 Canadian t inch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 20 00 in. Wal rum... ea. . 13 00 14 00 a 1-2and thicker cut- t inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00 | 1 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 1 1-4 in, cut up and t 1-2 inch flooring... . 16 00 better...--...-056: 33 00 35 00 | XXX pineshingles, 16 a axzo and 12 millrun 16 00 1800] inch............... 2 40 ux1o and 12 common. 12 00 14 00 XX pine shingles 16 inch I 50 1x10 and 12 mill culls g 00 10 00 Lath, Now receenenee 1 60 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00! Lath No. 2......... I 25 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, rs and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 toz2 in. .$26 00 $28 00 ; Elm rock,mill “ "2% to 4.. 30 00 3200) run....... 1 to 1%"18 00 2000 Ash, black, 5 ands, 1 to 1% 1n.... Ash, black, 1sts and 20 00 2200] run....... 144“ 3.. 21 00 23 00 ands, 2 to 4in....-- 22 00 24 00 28 00 30 00 Ash, M.R.,1_ to 2.. 17 00 19 00 Maple, sts Birch, rin 18 00 2000] and ends..1 ‘1% 16 00 18 00 ss 1% ** 2.. 2000 23 00| Maple, Ists «© sqrs. 4x4 “‘ 8 x824 00 26 00 and 2nds.. 2 “‘ 4.. 17 00 18 00 Basswood, 1sts and Oak, red, p’n, ands, 1 to1% in.... 18 00 20 00 ssts& ands 1 “‘ 1% 26 00 3000 1% to 2 ..2: 00 22 00 Oak, red, p’n, “ mr. xr “ 1% 15 00 17 00 ists & ands 2 “' 4.. 29 00 3200 Butternut 1 ‘ 1% 23 00 25 00! Oak, white, a 2 ** 3.. 25 00 28 00 ists & ands1 ‘f 1% 28 00 30 00 Chestnut 1 *£2,. 2400 2 00} Oak, ue: Che rsts ists & 2nds 2 ‘* 4.. 30 00 oo pad epaas. 1 * 1% 5000 60 00 | Oak ard, a a Cher ists ists&ends1 ‘* 2.. 50 00 60 didtcnda.' 2 ‘ 4.. 6000 65 00, Walnut, ists : ty and 2nds.. 1x ‘ Whitewood, ists&endsr ‘ 2.. 32 00 3600 * 3.. 85 00 100 00 Elm,soft,mill CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. OrTawa, July 12, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b-m....... $31 00 36 00 ter stock, 2). J .s.06e0 It 00 12 50 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8&ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 28 00 Pine, s.c. strips...... 8 00 10 00 Pine, No, x dressing Pine, sc. shorts. 700 859 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls....... 9 00 10 50 DiMeeeer eee ee eee 15 co 21 00| Pine mill culls...... 752 900 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per,.M No.1... 1c0o 7 25 (SEFIPS, «60+ seer sees 14 00 16 00| Lath per M No. 2... 85 100 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1xto No, 1 barn.... 18 00 shorts, .....++.++++ 12 00 14 00| 1x10 No.2 “ .... 16 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 &g No.1 ‘ 17 00 ter stockyo-neeeneee 13.50 15 00|1x8&q No.2“ 15 00 QUEBEC, QUE. QUEBEC, July 12, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, 32 ‘goed fair 9 us - be 34 ‘« first class ba "s Ss 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 42 a ty « “19 tozrinchaverage ‘“ “ eGo ed 19 to 21 in average & © & size 43 48 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. “ce ‘© Michigan Measured off, according to average and qu ity. 26 In shipping order, a < 27 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality - = = 5 6 + Gig ee oe 15 18 TO" Oe Sw ke vee. vit eens Coleen he Lea x8. $6 eet Re Fala! cil EE DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $2x for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., July 12, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking... ......000+ 44 00 50:90 SPRUCE. 6 to gin.....-- seers 14 00 14 50| 10 to 12in 6.£0 T2AM 6 oo nies wieinie 14 50 15 75| Lath......++--+--eee Q OIZIN...-+eeeeeee I5 75 16 25 HARDWOOD. 1 inch, se Soft Elm, ce rin and thicker, ‘ ae i als £5 Md Hard Maple, ‘6 ...eseeeees Reese 24 00 . a U Basswood, bg lew He Pie cia et pie Alte.) AG af ff Birch, ~ De assis bstaisain, corer wincese,s 65h ARE U3 ‘© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O....... 14 00 66 “Soft Elm, ‘*! Fe ue AN 12 co A ‘« Hard Maple, ‘* ss Se ent prevetans « 14 00 Ge ‘* Basswood, ‘* . SPR Ree I2 00 a «Birch, sty Lo ; te en 14 00 —_——_ ALBANY, N.Y. ¢ AvBany, N.Y., July 12, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up.-.-+ «+--+ $510$53 | 1x12 inch shippers......... $ $16 BIZ inde sb ddow dele bicteawes 50, 52 | 4/4 inch ss 13 & up. 17 TtO QIN. ....-eeeeeeeeeee 45: 48 | 4/4 Box boards, 6’ and up.. 13. 14 4 inch uppers ....++6++eeees 54 | ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up..-.------ 44 | 10-in. Common ......-.-++++- 14 15 WHO Bate yon ae ote inpmiesie os )40 | 12-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. andup 39 42 | Common, 1x12 ....-. -.+-+ « eS TL tO 2 iM. ccs vnce cenccsscers 36° 38 | No. x barn, rxz2...... sim pe® dal No, 1 cuts, r to 2inch...... 28, 32 TRIO: ere sees een eee 21 No. 2......e eee ceeee ee 20° 25) IXB.. cece eree cee ee vere es 19 No.3... cccceeeetereceeeee 17 20 | No. 2 barn, 1x12. 18 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 30 § 36 TBE; |. da teiets « 17 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 24° 27 BRON aise te oe ae 15 Stained saps...----+++++5+ 23 | Shaky clear, 1 to 6/ 23 Bracket plank ....-+-+ +++» 30° 35 ug 0 wayincGh a aig aanten 25 Shelving boards, 12-in. up -. 29 32 Dressing) ais « ota areare siete 16 18 Dressing boards, narrow.... 19. 21| Common......-.+++++.++ 13 «15 1x1qg inch shippers..... -++ at LATH. Pine seen wer eisctes s+ te woe $2 00 | Spruce .. ee esereeeeeereseee $2 co ‘SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 25 Clear butts ........++ 3.00 3 25| Hemlock.........-.++- 15 Smooth, 6x18.....-- 5 00 5 50| SPLUce....-.s+eeeeeee 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, July 12, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed Boxboards, 1 inch...$r0 00 $11 00 boards ...0.00s0s $10 50 200 Utila: Pe eroor Been 9 00 9 5° Coarse No. 5. -. I5 00 15 50 Yinch........00 9 25 9 50 Refuse. .....4++ . 1200 130 11-16 inch........ 9 00 9 50 OGtseeatas serena g 00 Feinch.... 050 seve 2 BOD 8 75 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD, Uppers, 1 in...-..-- $50 00@52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%,1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2, rin. Finecom. 29 090 31 00 gand 4in........++ 58 00 62:00] 1%, 1% and 2in... 30 oc 32 00 Selects, 1 in...-..++- 44 00 45 00| No. x strips, 4 to6 in. 43 00 44 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 INO. 92)..6% c0 ean dime 36 00 39 00 gand 4 in.....--.- 53 00 5600] No. 3.-.-.-+++++ee 28 00 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cue Ups, Dn ..c ens 20 00 32 00 rz in. clear...... 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 00 Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 oo | Common all widths... 22 00 26 oo 1%,1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls,1 in... 14 50 15 50 do r\¥% in. 15 50 16 50 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra 4 ft....:.+eeseeeereees $30 00 | 2nd Clears......+eseeeeenees $25 00 Clears sere ciaisteiee sais ae oeisie 28 ov SHINGLES. Spruce... .-seeeses ++ 1 30 1 50| Second Clear... ..... 200 2 15 Cedar, extra.......-+-- 3.00 3 10| Extra No.1........... ape 52 (ClSAKE tes ceup ciate ie ao. 2.50 2 65 LATH. Spruce......-++ | By cargo..... oles ates x 80@ 1 97 By car ....-..5- we. 180@ 200 JULY 12, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., July 12, 1899. WHITE PINE. | No. 3, 2im....+0006 22 00 52 00| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 60 00 and up, x in..... - 35 00 65 00] Dressing 1% in.. 30 00 45 00| 14%x10 and 12., 30 00 32 00 46 00 1% M...... eee 29 00 3000 ee) Me te! epee sesees 29 00 34 00 AML. e eee ee cress 60 00} Mold st’ps,1 to 2in.. 31 00 33 00 Fine common, 1 in... 38 00 43 co Barn, No.1, 12in..... 23 00 25 00 1% and x in BR se 39 00] 6,8and roin...... 21 00 22 00 ZAM ..speeserevee ss 40 00| No. 2, roin....... - 16 00 18 co on P aaenaetatas eerd 5° 00 hie 12in........ 18 00 19 OO eee 55 00 0. 3, 10 in. 15 00 Cut’g up, No. 1, x in. 30 00| No, 3, 12 in. 2 50 1% to2 In.... 37 00 | Common, rin.. 15 00 16 00 IN Op:2; SEs ace 18 00| 1% and1% 17 20 «18 00 No. 2, 14%, & 1% in ZB"OON, (ACSI we cnet 18 00 20 o¢ No. 3,1% & 1% in 22 00 : WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, r inch, 28 co 30 00| 2% to4 in..... wale oo 38) > 1¥% to2in........ - 31 00 33 00) Strips. ...2..2.4. ee 2a : Com. and culls....... 1200 14 00 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. 1st & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 oo 14 00 BIRCH. . ist & 2nd, 6 inch & ist &end,white, 6” Xup, 18 00 20 oo Wp, Fed sae ee 28 90 siecle © ocd alee TO 00 IL 00 ELM. : 1st & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 MAPLE. : rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 00 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay Crry, Mich., July 12, 1899. UPPERS AND SELECTS. r Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, ee i) AE esis a dlarilp « Main « sige age $48 oc 1%, BID. eaes ace fore) 14%, 14% and 2 in, aX and q.ib airtel : = 00 2 and 3 in....--.+++eeeee Pe Re ee ert cea eit, ie enon aes: ; : ; : FINE COMMON, 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 35 00 | 24 andgin., Sin. and up wide 46 oo 14 and 134 in........++ +: oe 35 00 |p Mths s.nsheenicon maemo + 49 00 BM To Baie svav on che cetera 36 00 |” ‘ ev. : . B FINE COMMON OR NO. 1 CUTTING. = tin., 7in. and up wide..... . 26 oo | 2 and 3in., 7in. and up wide 39 00 14% and 1% in 31 00 QD nerreenerrserenersrnweste 32 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 13% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 oo| rin., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 35 00 4 UMg cece eee cere eceneresee 40 00 6 in. wide........++ | ere 40 00 | 6 in. wide.......-.+++++++2-- 40 00 : roe FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4,5 in, wide, ......--. 30 00 | 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 32 00 1¥ in., 6in. wide.......-.+- 35 00| in., 6in. wide............. 34 00 SELECTED NO. 1 SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 26 co! 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ........ 22 00 NO. 1 FENCING OR NO, 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 in eeeeseeees 18 00| 1% in., 4,5 and 7 in......... 20 00 KM ay 6S AU ainisto oni ee 19 00| 1% in., Gin. ....2--0-e0estes 2E OO — NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. ie rin., 4,5 and 7 inch .. «. 14 00 1% in., 4 to 7 inch ....,.:... 15 00 rin., 6inch .......¢.ss.0s05 5 60 No. 3 Fencing, z in., 6 inch.. 14 00 SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in., ro in. stocks.... 29 00 | No. 2, x in., 7 and 8in. stocks 23 00 rin., ro in. and up wide... 39 00]. tin., ro in. : Peaeiees 23 00 tin., 12 in. stocks........- 33 00] 1 in., 12 in. stocks 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 3 7 up Wi 1 in., 10 in. and up wide... rin. 1 and 2in., 8in. and i rin., 13 in. and up wide... 29 00 up wide....... ee re . 31 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 1, 12 iM... +e seers reese 22 00 | NO. 2,9 Ws-s.csee cauntaens FS 50 TOiN....+.--+- 8 and 7 in...... Scstetens ae 25 08 QIN. e sees eeeee we eeeee one No. 3, 12 IN... .+++e222++++2+ 14 00 8 and 7 in... FO Mis .)ee ts eee ses a OO No. 2, 12in... Oy as er ear” ese LONG o ids ee Clear Britts......++++++0++ 2 25 WHITE PINE LATH. b Wo wiivinsteiscarennts e's) sceininel ine 2 00 | NG. 2ivia.sanviennairmentsioimamen= it" SO Hemlock... seaneseeesaaned) T 25) PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. F.o.b. cars at ete) Sutherland Innes Mills don’s Mills. . 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per met 1,000.--+- $5 50 $5 00 No. 1 30 it " " " tt senews 5 ae 5 00 No.132 #0 " " " " Sntcg No. 1 24 " " " " " = — oof No. 228% 1 " " " " 3 50 No.230 w " " " " 3 Bom No. 2 32 " " '" " " 37 2 No.224 " " uw tt), 2hisempen eaee 2 00— No. 114 in. to 1434 in: kilndried basswood heading,perset 3% Eh Norms 16 w " " " 3% - 3% No. 117% " " " " 35% No.r18 ow 18% " " " 4% 436 No. 1 19% " " " " 4% Ye No. 1 19% " " ' " 5 si Mill run heading %4ct. per set less, No. 2 heading rct. per set less. No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000...- 5 75 5 40 No.16 ou " " " ieee 22 (Oog 575 No. 16%" " " " Tt Mesese Os 5 90 No. 2 hoops about so cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 0° No. 228% " " " fii co 350 ° 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves .....- PchUtotoc 48 00 20 00 No + 30 inch half syrup barrel staves.....-+ asiigare ossieinin ZOGOO 16 00 bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) CANADA | UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} sioo rer vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vor. V. TORONTO, ONT., JULY 26, 1899 No. 27. CANADA LLUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire INSURANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. ‘Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. : Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent_to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading Jumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. #27 Subscription price for the two editions for one vear, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not Tater than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable ‘buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. ‘Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE. OMPLETE SAW MILL MACHINERY, PLAN- ing, Sash and Door Machinery ; mcdern and in -good condition. Can be seen at Toronto. Apply Peter Ryan, Toronto. PINE FOR SALE. M FT. GOOD PINE LUMBER, 12 and 14 45 ft. long, 2, 1%,1% and rin. thick—sawn in May. At Baird’s Mill, five miles from Markdale. J. Rit- CHIE, Glascctt, Ont. LUMBER FOR SALE. M FEEL IN. BASSWOOD; 10M FEET 1 6 in. Ash; 60M feet1, 2and 3in Birch; 5M feet Maple. Mill run on cars at Huntsville. S. H. Jacors, Hu-tsville, Ont. RAILWAY TIES FOR SALE CYPRESS TIES, DELIVERED AT 95,00 Murray Bay or Quebec. For particu- lars apply to Lecterc & LETELLIER, 104 and 106 St. Paul Street, Quebec. WANTED—DRY BASSWOOD. “\RESSED TWO SIDES TO % THICK, CUT to dimension sizes forexport. This will provean -excellent outlet for common and cull basswood. Elm Strips, Rock Elm or Soft Elm (latter preferred) Strips, 1%X2,'%xX1,and %xr; all lengths 6 ft. and up— Car-loads for export. For full particulars, address ** Exporters,” P.O. Box 1040, New York City. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS LUMBER AND SHINGLE. - Mill, average capacity per day 35 M. feet lum- ber, 70 M. shingles, and 15 M. lath; situated in Hunts- ‘ville, close tothe G.T.R. station, with sidings to mill ; plenty of virgin pine. Also a first-class site for a tannery, plenty of tan bark, “Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to T. WHALEY, Huntsville, Ont. AUCTION SALE, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1899 Will be sold at Auction, by order. of the Supreme Court, under the direction of Austin B, Fletcher, Esq., Receiver, on Depot Square, at White Plains, N.Y., on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 71TH, 1899, at 11:30 a.m., the Lumber and Coal Yard for- merly owned by the John W. Young & Sons Company, at White Plains, N.Y., the County Seat of Westchester County. Population 8,000 to 10,000, on the line of the New York & Harlem Railroad, 22 miles from Grand Central Depot, New York City. Two-Storey Frame Office Building, Iron Clad Elevator (capacity 35,000 bushels), Large Brick and Frame Planing Mill and Wood- Worker, ample Coal and Lumber Sheds, abundant Trackage, Wagon and Track Scales, located on two sides of the Square at the Station. Will be offered in parcels and as a whole. Also, at the same time and place and under the same order, the Lumber and Coal yard lately owned by the same Company, situate at the Station at Tuckahoe, also on the New York & Harlem Railroad, 16 miles from Grand Central Depot. A smaller yard than the former, but very complete in its appointments ; Office Building, Coal and Lumber Sheds, comparatively new, in good order; side track, scales, etc. Two grand opportunities for alive man. For maps giving full particu- lars, terms of sale, ete., apply to AUSTIN B. FLETCHER, Receiver, 32 Liberty St., New York City. odl6 01 TIMDEF LIGGNSES PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK or W. B. TIBBITS, Auctioneer, White Plains, N.Y. There will be sold at Public Auction, at the Crown Land Office, Fredericton, on WEDNESDAY, 30TH AUGUST, A.0., 1899, and following days, the vacant unlicensed Crown Lands in the Province of New Brunswick. 573 berths will be offered, ranging from 2 to Io square miles each. Upset price $8.00 per square mile. The present regulations provide for licenses to be renewed each year fora period of 18 years from Ist August, 1900, at a rate of $4.00 per square mile, in addition to stumpage. Further information of Sale can be obtained from Crown Land Office, Fredericton, N B. A. T. DUNN, Surveyor General. SAW MILL FOR’ SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine 1o h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30 100 ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber rear by. For particulars, address ALLEN CRESSMAN, Berlin, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, Lumbermen in Ontario are much en- couraged by the inquiries forstockthat have been received from all quarters. It 1s be- lieved that when the mills shall close down for the season there will be very little unsold stock in the yards, and deal- ers who do not secure their winter supp'y during the next couple of months will in all probability be obliged to pay higher prices, and they may find it impossible to obtain stock at any price. A correspond- ent in the Georgian Bay district writes that the present activity in trade has not been equalled for many years. Mill culls which two years ago sold at $5 per thous- and now meet with a ready sale at an ad- vance of $2.50 upon that figure, and none of the manufacturers have any large stock for sale. The lumbermen are al- ready giving some attention to preparing for operations in the woods next winter. lt is hoped that manufacturers will exer- cise precaution and restrict the log pro- duction. Although the market is strong, it would be a mistake to increase the pro- duction to any extent. The policy of each manufacturer should be to cut an average stock and obtain for it a remunerative price. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. In another coJumn will te found a state- ment of timber measured at Quebec up to 25th July for three years, by which it will be observed that the receipts of waney white pine this year are about the same as last season, while square pine shows a large decrease. There has also been a slight decrease in the receipts of red pine and an increase in birch and maple. Nothing has transpired within the past week to cause the market to fluctuate, and prices generally are steady, with a moderate de- mand. The proposed harbor works at Montreal will require a large quantity of timber. Although the government has only granted $750,000 for these works, it is expected that over $2,000,0co will Le expended before they are completed. The local demand for lumber is being re- stricted on account of the scarcity of structural iron, as work on large buildings has been suspended until next season. bi I Foreign trade is active and many vessels are loading. Favorable reports continue tc be re- ceived from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, where much of this season’s cut of deals has been contracted for. New Brunswick cedar shingles are stiffening in price. Some of the mills are said to be asking $3.20 and $3.25 for extras, $2.75 and $2.80 for clears, and $2.40 to $2.50 for second clears. Even at these prices many of the yards are still in want of shingles, as the mills have contracts in advance and are unable to fill new orders. UNITED STATES. Reports from every section of the United States are peculiarly unanimous as to the strength of the lumber market. Some of the northern operators are de- clining to consider orders for a time, hav- ing more business than they can properly look after. Although prices usually weaken during the months of July and August, this year the reverse has been ex- perienced. Minneapolis manufacturers have just made an advance of 50 cents per thousand on lumber and 25 cents on lath, and a further advance is said to be very probable.’ In Chicago, short piece stuff is selling from the yards at $14, while a few years ago from $9 to $10 was about the average price. Eastern wholesale dealers report numerous orders which they are unable to fill on account of scarcity of stcck. At Buffalo practically all stocks are low, and particularly low grade cut ting-up pine. Box makers are using Norway to make up for the scarcity of white pine. No material change has taken place in the spruce market. A meeting of manu- facturers was held at Boston last week, at which an advance in prices was discussed, but beyond adopting more s‘ringent terms of payment, no action was taken. The hardwood situation has not been relieved to any extent. Stock is moving, from the mills as fast as manufactured, and dealers are unable to stock up in preparation for the fall trade. There is a brisk demand for all sorts of shingles and lath, the latter especially being very scarce. The prices adopted at Buffalo will be found elsewhere. FOREIGN. The general tone of the Bnitish trade is good. Building work is proceeding with unusual briskness, and there is a heavy retail demand for sawn and planed lum- ber. Merchants have so little stock to offer f.o.b. that few of them. can quote prices. A writer in the Timber Trades Journal remarks that he never recollects a similar state of the market, and the general opinion is that next year prices will be even stronger than at present. The difficulty of getting good 3x9 and 11 inch Baltic deals is assisting the pine and spruce market. The official returns published by the Board of Trade present some interest- ng figures. During the six months end- ing June 30th this year, the quantity of sawn and hewn wood goods imported into Great Britain was in excess of that of last year by 1,460,213 loads, valued at $1,825- 889. From Canada there was imported during this period 368,611 loads of sawn timber and 25,744 loads of hewn timber, against 222,850 and 14,490 loads respec- tively in the first six months of last year. The total from all countries this year was CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDiTION. 3,987,093 loads. Notwithstanding this heavy import, the stocks on hand at the present time are little in excess of those held at the same time last year, which shows the great volume of consumption. In France trade is also active, goods having been sold during the past month at prices which have not been equalled in the memory of those engaged in the trade. STOCKS AND PRICES. John Dewar & Sons, of St. George, N. B., have loaded eleven vessels with lumn- ber this season. W. T. Quickfall, of Glen Allan, Ont, has just shipped a car-loud of basswood lumber to Havre, France. It isthe intention of Alger, Smith & Company to continue operations next winter on their Pigeon river limits. The Huntsville Lumber Co. have pur- chased from J. J. Long, of Collingwood, berth No. 8, Finlayson, paying $74,500 for the limits. On July 14th the spruce manufacturers met at Boston and advanced the price of lath ten cents, making prices $2.35 for 1% in., and $2.50 for 15 in. The Mikado Gold Mining Co., of Rat Portage, Ont., wants tenders for the de- livery before the close of navigation of 2,500 cords of tamarac and jack pine cord wood. A report from Quebec states that owing to the carrying away of bridges and the breaking of booms at St. Joseph and St. Francois, goo cords of pulpwood are adrift. G. O. Buchanan, of Kaslo, B. C., pur- poses establishing a saw mill at Duncan City. Hehas been given a contract to cut 2,000,000 of bridge timber for bridges along the Kas!oand Slocan railway. Howard & Craig, of Sherbrooke, Que., have recently purchased 6,000 acres of choice timber lands in the counties of Beauce and Dorchester. The timber will be floated down the Chaudiere river to their mill at Beauce Junction. The steamship Labura cleared from Parrsboro, N.S., on July 17th for Man- chester, with 3,447,496 feet of deals, ends and scantlinys, shipped by M. L. Tucker for W. M. Mackay. This is the largest cargo of lumber ever shipped from Nova Scotia. At Boston brown ash of the better grade is in good demand, and the supply is practically nil. Firsts and seconds bring $38 to $40. Very little thick elm is offered, and 3-inch Is particularly scarce. I-inch is quoted at $28 to $30, and thicker at $32 to $33. There is an extraordinary demand in Michigan for cedar. It is almost impos- sible to get hold of the stock, in spite of the largest output last winter ever known, and prices have nearly doubled. The telegraph and telephone companies are using it in large quantities. The steamer Morven sailed from Mon- treal on Saturday last for Glasgow, having on board 1,617 standards of deals and timber, consigned by McLean, Kennedy & Co. The steamship Hildawell is load- ing a cargo of timber and deals for U. K. on account of same firm. Since last report the following rafts have heen entered at the office of the Supervisor of Cullers, Quebec: By Mc- Arthur Bros., oak, pine, ash, etc., at New Liverpool Cove ; Gillies Bros Co., square and waney pine, at Bridgewater Cove ; McLeod & McNeil, waney pine, at Sharp- les Cove ; James McBurney & Co., waney pine, at Upper Sillery. In other seasons, considerable business has been done in Northern Wisconsin in the sawing of deals for export to Great Britain, but there has nothing whatever been done in white pine deals this season. The only transaction on foreign account has been 600,000 feet of Norway, which was cut to specified dimensions for a Canadian concern on Liverpool account. This is due to the prosperous domestic trade. Shipments of lumber from St. Jobn, N.B., tothe United Kingdom and con- tinent during the first six months of 1898 aggregated about 46,000,000 feet of spruce and 451,000 feet of birch. During the same months of this year, the spruce shipped to the United Kingdom alone amounted to 67,762,544 feet, and the birch to 2,603,674 feet. Following 1s a comparative statement of timber, &c., measured and culled at Quebec to July 25th, 1899 : 1897. 1898. 1899. Waney white pine, cu. feet.1,710,512 ",100,134 1,168,534 Square white pine, cu. feet. 447,653 759,770 276,935 Red pine, cu feet........ 107,188 133,329 88,351 Oak jicus feet. /...50 0a te eee 1,038,466 £89,401 429,559 Elm, cu. feet........ eee 479,841 345487 475,824 Ash, cu. feet... .-- 44 86,085 «5,826 54,146 Basswood, cu. feet ........ 15 Butternut, cu. feet....-... 673 795 60 Birch and Maple, cu. feet.. 183,093 106,480 231,575 STA AXAC. 15 00 15 50 % inch... 9 25 9 50 Refuse. ....:e-eeees 1200 13:0 11-16 inch.. sae NONOO 9 50 Qutss.cse-emeee r= 9 290 SYeinch..-...++-++ 8 09 8 75 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in....----$50 00@s52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%,1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2, 1 in. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 gand 4in...-..++++ 58 00 6200] 1%, 1% and 2in... 30 & 32 00 Selects, 1 in...-- s+++ 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 44 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 ING.. 2 vices np aemine 36 00 39 00 and 4 in......+-+ 53 00 56 00 No. 3--2--eeeeees 28 00 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, 1in.......- 20 00 32 00 iz in. clear.....- 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 00 Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 00 Common all widths... 22 00 26 00 1%, 14% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 5° do 1¥% in. 15 50 16 50 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra 4 ft... ..cceceeeene eres $30 00 | znd Clears......++++sseeeees $25 00 Glears.:. .ocsesees yee ees ewes 28 ov SHINGLES. Spruce.... .-sseeeee e+ 1 30 1 50| Second Clear... ..... 200 2 15 Cedar, extra.. . 3.00 3 10| Extra No.1...... Ca es, ea CAT oc disse ween ss 219 250 2 65 LATH. : Spruce.....« | By cargo....- aintereietateine’ 1 80@ 19 By car 1 80@ zoe Jury 26, 1899 4 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., July 26, 1899 WHITE PINE. Up'rs, 1,14, 1% and 2 | eNom ee M 22 00 Ie cseeseeeeeees 51 00 52 00| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 2¥% and 3 in....... 58 00 60 00 and up, rin..... 35 00 4 Whoops eleven andi 62 00 65 00| Dressing 1% in 30 co Selects, 1 in. ....-++- 43.00 45.00| 1%x10 and I2..s+++62 30 00 32 00 14% tO 2 iN....+-0e- 45 00 46:00] 136 IN. 7. .ee~s. +. 29 00 3000 2% and 3 in....... SpiOO) 92, Whe. eee ae eee 29 00 34 00 A Meveeeecaee reece 60 00| Mold st’ps,1 to zin.. 31 60 33 00 Fine common, 1 in... 38 00 43 co Barn, No.1, 12in..... 23 00 25 00 1% and 1% in..... 39 00| 6 8androin...... 21 00 22 00 40 00| No. 2, to in. 16 00 18 oo 00 00 No. 2 y me 2 ho BY i a= 2. Whine oe ae 18 00 20 oc WHITE ASH. : rst & 2nd, 1 inch, 28 00 30 00| 2% to4 in......,.... 34 00 3800 LY tO BAN. ase en ae 31 00 33 00| Strips. ...-...+ss0e- 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls......- 12 00 14 Ow BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ‘ rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. st & 2nd, 6 inch & 1 ite, 6” up, red Tae Bet 28 20 3000 te gpa te ba — a af eo ELM. ist & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 oc é MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 on BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., July 26, 1899 UPPERS AND SELECTS. a x ; Uppers; rin., 10 n, and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $43 oc WIE wc cece eer ren ree eenee ‘ 14%, 1% and2in.:..... .., 43 oc 14%,1¥%and 2 in........--- 48 00 2% and 3 it; ocneeee : = oo 2¥% and 3 in sin lo aa aaleteatee 56 00 4.10. Joes eee Rcote £4 or “gid ioe seiieas 3.0 ees ee 59 20 =n ; , 4 a FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 35 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 46 oc 1% and 1 in.....-++0+ +++ 35°00:|'4 Bi. oe a-we mee . he 4 BAT ccs wen ew sip eewima's aa 36 00 : ; ; B FINE COMMON OR NO. 1 CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 26 00 | 244 and 3in., 7in. and up wide 39 oc 1 and 1% in OY aol 3100 | 4 INL cv cee wee = ates alee wens Weel o> 2 AM slain pion wlbie'sai aoa .. 32 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 00/1 in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 35 oo 6 in, Wide... .- ese eee eee eeee 40 00 | 6 in. wide.......----+++- +s. 40 00° : F : FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4,5 in, wide. .....-+-- 30 00 | rf in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 32 00 1 in., 6in. wide.......--.- 35 00| in., 6in. wide,..........-- 34 OO : SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. rYin., 4, 5, 6in. wide... ..-- 26 co! 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ........ 22 00 NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 Ohl, < spin aoe 18 oo | 1% in., 4,5 and 7 im......... 20 00 T iW, OWN vane os anes semn 19 00] 1% in., 61m. ....---.----- -~ 21 oo NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. tin., 4,5 and 7 inch .....-.-. 14 00 | 1% .a., 4 to 7 inch .......... 15 oo rin., Oinch .....++-+-ee+ees 15 20 | No. 3 Fencing, x in., 6inch.. 14 00 SHELVING. No. 2, x in., 7 and 8in. stocks 23 00 rin., 10 in. si a mip sce SRL 1 in., 12 in, stocks...,...-- 27 00 1 in., to in. and up wide... 24 00 :in., 13 in. and up wide... 29 00 No. 1, 1 in., 10 in. stocks...- 29 00 1in, 10 in. and up wide... 32 90 1 in., 12 in. stocks 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 3 rin. 14% and 2in., Sin. and up wide ......--2++++5-s 31 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 1, 12 iM... .- eee reece eee 22 00 | No. 2,9 in.......+ --+-+---+ 13 50 i Ig 00 8 and 71 I5 00 18 00 | No. 3, 12 in. 14 00 -- 18 06 10 in 12 00 «> 16 00') ~ Balienre. = «sustains hatealate Sees - 12 00 MOM Mes cheers sls weceee T5 00] BiN.e seve cess eeceseseeees 12 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. : 1in., 4and 5 1m. wide..,...- $12 00 | 1 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$12 oo rin., 6in. wide......---++- . 12 00 | 1%, 1% and 2 in, 7 in. 1in., 7 in, wide and up.....- 12 00 Up Wide v2... .--uanes er (72 OO. SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3,4) 5) 7,8 and gin. wide 22 00} 1 in., 10 in. and up wide..... 23 00 1in., 61m. wide.... ---+++++- 22 00 | 1%, 1% and 2 in., Bin. and up WIde,...02 0s 2-00 005 2 fan et 2d OD. COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 No. 1, mill culls..........-.. 10 52 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse......-..- 7 50 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2X4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$ 9 50 | Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, FO KES oe awa eon ene Ic 50 16 feet.... 12 to wees teeeee Pan | ee Reesor II 50 ASIA s -~¥ oan Bees » 8 50 22and 24 ft....--+--seeeee 12 50 | Add $1 to each additional aft. in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, SORE: ee 3 co | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts.....-++++-005++ 2 00 Bey Bone Eero i 3 25 Clear. Bittiss ¢.2ekeusaies= 2 25 WHITE PINE LATH. No, f...eeereeeees cesses «ae 2 00) Novae. vu dvudcGusees ners; X50 Hemlock. ....ccccessncueens 29957 — PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. ~ F.o.b. Stein- F.o.b. carsat hoff & Gor- Sutherland Innes Mills don’s Mills. No. x 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000...++. $5.50 $5.00 No 130 " " " " " Bee 5 00 No.132 0! " " " " 5 50 No. 1 24 " " " " " 400 No 225% 7 " " " 3 50 No. 2 3° " " " " " 3.50 No 2 32 " " " ” " 3°72 No 224 " " " W " ovwetwe 2 OO 2 00 No. 1 14 in. to 143 in. kilndried basswood heading, perset 3% re No.r1r 0 16 w " " " 3% 3% No. 117% " " " " 3% 3% No.118 w 18% w " " " 4% 4 No. 1 19% " " " " 4% 4 No. 1 19 " " " " 5 5 Mill run heading %ct. per set less, No. 2 heading ret. per set less. ; No. 15% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,009.... 5 75 5 4° No. 16 wu " " " " oe fob) 5 75 No. 16%" " " " [ih ance OO 5 go No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000... 6 50 0° No. 228% 11 " " " " 350 ° P 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup Dbl. Staves wsc.cenccewesses 48 co 20 co Neo > 30 inch half syrup barrel staves......-20+--005+ 16 00 16 00 * bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) a CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} soo per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., AUGUST 2, 1899 No. 28. CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire INsuRANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries, Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. LUMBER BUYER AND SHIPPER PEN FOR ENGAGEMENTT; COMPETENT to take charge of yard, if desired ; experienced. Box 22, CANADA LUMBERMAN. LUMBER FOR SALE. M FEET: IN. BASSWOOD; 10M FEET 1 6 in. Ash ; 60 M feet 1, 2and 3in. Birch; 5M feet Maple. Mill run on cars at Huntsville. S. H. Jacoss, Huntsville, Ont. RAILWAY TIES FOR SALE 95 00 CYPRESS TIES, DELIVERED AT 9 Murray Bay or Quebec. For particu- lars apply to Lecterc & LETELLIER, 104 and 106 St. Paul Bereet, Quebec. WANTED. AR LOAD LOTS OF DRY SOUND OAK AND Soft Elm Boards, 1, 14 and 134 inch thick, 7 and 14 feet lengths, 14 to 26 inches wide or wider; quote lowest prices c.if. London. Also Spruce Pulpwood, full steamer cargoes; quote free on board, or c.i.f. Manchester. Apply ‘X.Y.Z.,” care Canapba Lum- BERMAN. FOR SALE y.4 FIRST-CLASS LUMBER AND SHINGLE Mill, average capacity per day 35 M. feet lum- ber, 70 M. shingles, and 15 M. lath ; situated in Hunts- ville, close tothe G.T.R. station, with sidings to mill ; plenty of virgin pine. Also a first-class site for a tannery, plenty oftan bark. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to T. WHALEY, Huntsville, Ont. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine 1co h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x roo ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber near by. For particulars, address ALLEN CRESSMAN, Berlin, Ont. AUCTION SALE, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1899 Will be sold at Auction, by order of the Supreme Court, under the direction of Austin B. Fletcher, Esq., Receiver, on Depot Square, at White Plains, N.Y., on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1899, at 11:30 a.m., the Lumber and Coal Yard for- merly owned by the John W. Young & Sons Company, at White Plains, N.Y., the County Seat of Westchester County. Population 8,000 to 10,000, on the line of the New York & Harlem Railroad, 22 miles from Grand Central Depot, New York City. Two-Storey Frame Office Building, Iron Clad Elevator (capacity 35,000 bushels), Large Brick and Frame Planing Mill and Wood- Worker, ample Coal and Lumber Sheds, abundant Trackage, Wagon and Track Seales, located on two sides of the Square at the Station. Will be offered in parcels and as a whole. Also, at the same time and place and under the same order, the Lumber and Coal yard lately owned by the same Company, situate at the Station at Tuckahoe, also on the New York & Harlem Railroad, 16 miles from Grand Central Depot. A smaller yard than the former, but very complete in its appointments ; Office Building, Coal and Lumber Sheds, comparatively new, in good order; side track, scales, etc. Two grand opportunities for alive man. For maps giving full particu- lars, terms of sale, ete., apply to AUSTIN B. FLETCHER, Receiver, 32 Liberty St., New York City. op W. 8B. TIBBITS, Auctioneer, White Plains, N.Y. A Saleof Timber Licenses PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK There will be sold at Public Auction, at the Crown Land Office, Fredericton, on WEDNESDAY, 30TH AUCUST, A.0., 1899, and following days, the vacant unlicensed Crown Lands in the Province of New Brunswick. 573 berths will be offered, ranging from 2 to 10 square miles each. Upset price $8.00 per square mile. The present regulations provide for licenses to be renewed each year fora period of 18 years from 1st August, 1900, at a rate of $4.00 per square mile, in addition to stumpage. Further information of Sale can be obtained from Crown Land Office, Fredericton, N. B. A. T. DUNN, Surveyor General. FOR SALE. OMPLETE SAW MILL MACHINERY, PLAN- ing, Sash and Door Machinery ; modern and in good condition. Can be seen at Toronto. Apply PETER Ryan, Toronto. Auction Sale TIMBER LIMITS Owing to the death of Mr. Thomas Hale, and to wind up the business of Hale & Booth, the following valuable TIMBER LIMITS will be offered for sale at public auction at the Russell House, in the City of Ottawa, on Weduesday, the 6th Day of September Next, at the hour of 2 o'clock, viz. : PARCEL 1.—Berth No. 82, North Shore of Lake Huron, area 36 miles. This berth is considered second to none on the Georgian Bay. | PARCEL 2.—Berths 2, 3 and 4, Township of Butt (situated contiguous to the line of O.,A.& P.S. R’y.), 1334, 12 and 113% miles respectively. ___ PARCEL 3.—Berths Nos. 136 and 136, Serpent River, area 36 miles each. : PARCEL 4 —Berth No. 1, Township of Hanmer, Ver- ae River, area 734 miles. (If not previously sold. PARCEL 5.—Township of Spragge, area 28 miles. The stocks of Shanty Plant, rigging and supplies which have been used in connection with the operations on each parcel or lot, and whether or not actually stored upon the limit, to be taken by the purchaser at a fair valuation. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale. Further particulars as to the proper- ties may be had on application to JAMES H. BURRITT, Barrister, Pembroke, Ont. Or to J. R. BOOTH, Ottawa. Cen SHIPPING MATTERS. The following charters are reported: Bark John Gill, West Bay, N. S., to w.c. England, 50s ; bark Cordillera, St. John, N. B., to w. c. England, deals, 48s 9d ; str. Anna Moore, St. John, N. B., to w.c. England, deals, 45s ; bark Florence B. Edgett, 491 tons, Wey- mouth, N. S., to Buenos Ayres, lumber, $10.- 50, if Rosario, $11.50; str. Royalist, 2,024 tons, Batiscan, Que., to London, deals, 46s od, August loading ; steamship 1,119 tons, same ports, 50s; str. Mandota, St. John, N. B., to Glasgow, deals, 47s 6d ; two sailing vessels, from Grindstone Island, Que., and Sheet Harbor, N. S., for U. K., deals, 45s. The following additional charters are re- ported by the Timber Trades Journal: Str. 1,100 standards, deals, 20 per cent. boards, Quebec or Montreal to Hull, 47s 6d ; 1,000 standards, deals, 30 per cent. boards, Sague- nay, Que., to Garston, 55s; 1,300 standards, IO per cent. boards, St. John to Liverpool, 48s 6d ; 600 tons register, Cape Tormentine to w.c. England, deals, 55s; Miramichi to Greenock and Glasgow, 50s, all August load- ing. PULP WOOD WANTED. A British firm writes that they are desirous of importing large quantities of spruce pulp wood, to be in 6 ft. lengths, 4 in. and up in diameter, clean of bark, and sound fresh wood in every respect. They state that they would take complete cargoes. Parties in a position to supply the above will oblige by sending their address to this office. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. It is a question with buyers of lumber where the stock can be obtained rather than the price which is to be paid for it. At present dealers are visiting every likely point in search of the same class of stock which two years ago was a drug upon the market. There has been a wonderful re- vival of trade in the United States, and an almost unprecedented demand for box lumber. This box requirement has af- fected other lines, which have been pur- chased to some extent as substitutes for box-making. The duty of two dollars has but little effect on prices on this side of the line, the consumer almost invariably paying the tax. Itis a singular fact that in the Georgian Bay district prices seem to be firmer and conditions generally better than in the Ottawa district. The improved conditions in the hard- wood trade have caused a greater develop- went of that industry this year, but not- withstanding an increased production, it has been found impossible up to the present to locate any quantity of dry stock. The demand has been quite equal to the supply, and dealers have been obliged to buy the lumber in the log in order to secure it. From present indi- cations there will be no weakening of the market this season. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. During the past week there has been some improvement in the demand for lumber throughout Manitoba and the Northwest, and dealers are showing a disposition to stock up for fall trade. There is a possibility that prices will advance later in the season, although this advance is likely to be confined to the classes of lumber which are used most largely for finishing purposes. In British Columbia the mills are taxed to their utmost capacity, and in some _ sections building operations have been delayed on account of the scarcity of lumber. On July 15th the saw mill owners of East and West Kootenay formed a combine for mutual benefit, and eventually with the object of obtaining more remunerative prices for their products. It will be several months, however, before the com- bine 1s in working order. UNITED STATES. There does not appear to be a weak spot in the United States lumber market. The urgency of demand is well defined by our Buffalo correspondent, who points out that in that market there is no stock of any account excepting of barn boards. -The Buffalo dealers have adopted a new price list, which will be found in another column. Altough eastern dealers are said to have contracted for consider- able stock to be delivered this fall, it is learned that several of them are now in the upper lakes district, in the hope of contracting for further supphes. They are also turning their attention to Ontario, prices having now reached a point which will permit of buying Canadian stock and paying the duty. One dealer reports that Canadian pine will go into Buffalo freely, and that he is prepared to handle it in quantity. Itis yet too early to properly gauge the fall trade, although all indica- tions point to a continuation of good busi- ness. Some manufacturers even go SO so far as to predict a famine in lumber late next fall and during the winter. Their views are based on the fact that the lum- ber demand so far this season has been from railroads, for construction work, and for manufacturing purposes. The country trade has been of little account, but now that crop prospects promise favorably, a considerabe demand from that quarter is likely to be experienced. It is also point- ed out that retail dealers hold no stocks of any account, their purchases having passed almost immediately into the hands of consumers. The hardwood market is quite as stong as it was one month ago. Excepting in maple and basswood, prices have stiffen- ed. These show a slight weakening. Ash and oak are being shipped green rom the saws, and it 1s difficult even to buy green stock CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. FOREIGN. The tendency of lumber prices in the British market is to harden, in con- sequence of higher freights. Both pine and spruce are improving in value, and the bulk of the c.i.f. business is arranged up to August. Importers are busy re- ceiving their cargoes, and there is very little buying, partly due to the fact that shippers are unwilling to make further sales except at considerably higher prices. In the Lonkon market 11 inch spruce deals are very scarce. Importers and consumers are awakening to the fact that "the available supply of Canadian spruce this season will not be large, and it is anticipated that there wiil be exhibited a strong desire to contract for fall cargoes. It would be no surprise if an advance of 10s per standard would be paid for spruce deals before the season is over, and some merchants even anticipate that this price will be exceeded. At Liverpool con- sumption continues good. Prices are much firmer, and the stock has become reduced. At Sunderland prices have been so high that importers have refused to buy, but now they are realizing that they have to pay somewhat higher for their goods in order to secure them. The market for square timber is rather weak, and evidences are seen each day that this class of timber is gradually being super- seded by deals and boards. ES STOCKS AND PRICES. The South River Lumber Company is shipping 85 car loads of board pine to Montreal, en route to Great Britain. W. H. McCual has purchased from the Bank of Ottawa the balance of the stock of lumber of William Mason & Sons, Ottawa. There is a great scarcity of lath at Michigan points, and the price has nearly doubled within a year. No. 1 white pine sells at $2 to $2.25, and No. 2 at $1.75. A. E. Alexander, of Campbellton, N. B., desires to purchase 10,000 railroad ties, 8 ft. long, 6 in. thick, and 7 in. face, load- ed on cars on any station on the Inter- colonial railway. At Boston white, ash 1 inch, 1s selling at $42 to $44, and 2 in. at_ $48 to $50. Brown ash holds its own at $39 to $41 for I in., and $43 to $45 for thicker. Elm is selling freely at $30 to $32 for 1 in., $32 to $34 for 1%, 1% and 2 in., and $35 for 3 in. In maple some shading of prices is reported, 1 in. sells at $26 to $28, 14% and 15 in. at $28 to $30, 2in. at $29 to $30, and 3 and 4 in. at $34 to $36. The wholesale lumbermen of Chicago last week advanced prices on white pine from 50 cts to $1 per thousand. Finishing lumber, 12 in. stock boards, box boards and flooring strips were advanced $1 per thousand ; No. I common boards, 8, 1o and 12 in., 50cts per thousand ; No. 212 ft. boards, 8, 10 and 121n., 50cts per thousand ; No. 2 boards, 10 and 14 ft. 7, 10 and 12 in, Sr per thousand. Extra cedar shingles were advanced to $2.50, white pine lath to $2.90, and mixed lath to $2.75. Following 1s a comparative statement of timber, &c., measured and culled at Quebec to August Ist, 1899 : ; c 1897. 1898. 1899. Waney white pine, cu feet.1,986,932 112,043 1,237,183 Square white pine, cu. feet. 448,091 751,073 438,437 Red pine, cu feet. 1. 107,227 132,329 ‘Fto,649 Oak, cu. feet.. . 1,038,466 £99,884 442,240 Elm, cu. feet. cess 530,289 395,324 405,852 Ash, cu. feet.....---++5+- 86,236 27,923 54,146 Basswood, cu. feet -...---- 25 Butternut, cu. feet .....--- 673 887 60 Tamaracy. once ess se cel 415 Birch and Maple, cu. feet.. 183,093 106,538 231,946 Messrs. John Mitchell & Company, of Leith, Scotland, held an auction sale of wood goods on July 18th, at which a large quantity of waney board pine, pine deals, etc., were disposed of. The waney board pine sold at 2s 9d to 3s 2d per cubic foot for large sized logs, and 2s 6d to 2s 8d for the smaller logs. A parcel of birch logs was disposed of at 1s 8d to Is 11d per cubic foot. First quality white pine deals, broad and long, sold at 3s 334d, whilst ro and 11 feet broad deals and 14 to 16 feet 11 x 3, of similar quality, sold at 2s tod, and deal ends of broad dimensions at 2s vd, with 11x at 28 42d. First quality white pine boards, 14,1/2,1%, and 2 in. 2s 6d, and 4to6x 3 sold at 2s 5d to sd for 12 to 16 feet strips brought 2s lengths. ————————— BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA. {Correspondence of the CaANaDA LUMBERMAN. ] ‘« The price of pine lumber has now advanced so far that we are bringing it in from Canada right along, and pay the duty,” said a Buffalo lumberman this week. This is the first note of the change of base, though there has all along been more or less receipt of lumber, es- pecially hardwood, from the other side of the line ever since the two dollar tariff was enacted. It is not denied that the heavy tax on import- ed lumber is to be paid with reluctance, but it is becoming something of a necessity, for it is a very hard task—and growing harder every day—to get a sufficient supply of any sort of lumber here. It used to be thought, and pro- bably was the idea still when the Dingley tariff was put on, that we were not in any particular need of Canadian forest products, and could take them or leave them as we liked, The consumption of lumber has sud- denly increased and is still increasing at a rapid rate. Prices have bounded up all along the line, and it is now found that, even in midsummer, it is impossible to increase the stocks very materially. What is to be done? Every dealer who comes back from the Jake pine district reports that he is not able to buy any dry lumber, and that he must take it not even sawed if he gets any. So he buys in the log, with the saw mill man as indifferent to the deal as though he were asked for an opinion on the weather. He can sell all he can produce for a long time and he well knows it. So it is in line to go across the line for help. Let Canada send vs her poorest cuts if she likes, as used to be the com- plaint. Box lumber is the scarcest, and it is selling as high as $16 for thick cuts. We want all sorts, There ia said to be nothing in pine that can be called really plenty but barn boards. As to hardwood, the demand for oak is still at its highest, with no material increase _1n the supply. So many hardwood dealers have of late made oak a specialty that the whole country has been practically laid under contri- bution, and yet there is not enough. The Scatcherd mills at Memphis are running strong, the Buffalo Hardwood company, Tay- lor & Crate and H. S. Janes are getting sup- plies from the Yazoo delta country in Missis- sippi, the Empire Company has lately bought a tract in Arkansas and will have a mill running there in a week or two, with another to follow the Sullivans are getting large lots from Michi- gan by lake, and G. Elias & Bro. are looking for a tract to buy, finding that they cannot pick up lots already sawed fast enough to keep them supplied. The McLeans have a sort of monopoly in Indiana and are stocking up some. Scatcherd is still in Canada for elm and ash, but the search for oak there appears to have been about given up. The demand for strictly southern woods, yellow pine and cypress, is not very strong, especially as mill men there are also indifferent to northern customers, the ocean trade being so strong. There is a good demand for poplar, with small supply, though it is not so scarce as it was in the spring. Has Canada any surplus shingles and lath ? Both are very scarce and growing scarcer, according to the general report. Even red cedar shingles, which were at one time rushed in here from the Pacific coast at a rate that no market could stand up under, are as scarce as, anything. As it stands now there is nobedy ” disposed to stop off and cut out much of a stock of either shingles or lath, There is larger business in hand. ‘Che Buffalo and Tonawanda dealers have this season held several meetings and discussed grades and prices, with the result that new price lists have been issued, but the latest meeting was with representatives from Sagi- naw and Cleveland added, anda general list has been issued, which I send you. The re- port of credits is most satisfactory. The doubt- WANTED FOR EXPORT AvuGusT 2, 1899 ful creditor is no longer plenty. It has been a long time since payment was so prompt. Receipts of lumber by lake are large, espec-. ially at Tonawanda, which is able to boast as high as 30,000,000 feet in a single week. Buffalo received over 11,000,000 feet in a week in July, at present doing a great part of its lumber business all rail. Notwithstanding the heavy re- WANTED Rock Elm, eut to order. Soft Elm, all thicknesses. Black Ash, all thicknesses. State quantity youcan supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. oS Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WCOD AGENTS 4 CROSBY SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. ‘ Sieveking,” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. H_D. WICCIN sostou mass: 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large number of Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet; also Fence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. All kinds of Logs and Lumber ~ Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, MOTT & DICKSON - LONDON, ENG. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBE R, and will be glad to hear frem holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensi: ns.. a BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF | WHITE PINE ano HARDWOOD SWAN-DONOGH LUMBER CO. 4, 4 Pa MESS A WHOLESALE | * Noth Sona WHAM Cable Address, “*‘ SwAN DonoGH—TONAWANDA Lumberman’s Code. MILL PX EN —_om Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3° firsts and seconds Brown Ash ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to LAWRENCE & WIGGIN Wholesale Lumber Dealers - 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. AUGUST 2, 189g CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. IIT. ceipts there is no accumulation of stock yet. The Buffalo Lumber Exchange is taking some enjoyment in a body thissummer. On the 11th of July it made a trip to Chatauqua Lake, going fifty strong and filling the special car en- gaged for the purpose, and giving up a whole day to the occasion. The second trip is set down for August 8th, which will be spent at the Bedell House on Grand Island, which 1s the old stamping ground of the exchange. Manager A. P. Strong, of the Superior Lumber Company, who is at the head ef the entertain- ment committee, is an excellent travelling host and sees that nothing is wanting. James T. Hurd and Knowlton Mixer are on western trips, looking into the pine situation up the lakes. The planing mill and sash and blind firm of Dohn & Fischer at Black Rock, which does considerable business in Canada when tariff permits, has taken a new partner, G. W. Beyer, who will represent the Fischer estate in the firm without changing the capital invested. Pan-American will not require much lumber this year, unless the fence is built this fall, which will be of hemlock. Following is the new price list f.o.b. cars Buffalo in the rough : Uppers 8in. and up—q 4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, $51.50; 10-4, $60 ; 12-4, $60 ; 16-4, $65. Selects 8in. and up—q-4, 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, $45.50 ; 10-4, $55 ; 12-4, $55 ; 16-4, $60. Fine common—4-4, not over 20 per cent. 12 in. and up, $38.50; 1x10, $38 50; 1x12, $41.50 ; 1 x 13 and up, $45.50; 5-4, 7 in. and wider, $39.50 ;5-4x 10 or 12, $40.50; 6-4, 7 in. and wider, $38.50; 6-4x 10, $39. 50; 6-4 x 12, 8-4, 7in. and wider, $40.50 ; 8-4 x 12, $41.50 ; 10-4, $50; 12-4, $50 ; 16-4, $55. No. 1 cuts—4-4, $30; 5-4, $35.50; 6-4, * $36.50 ; 8-4, $37.50; 10-4, $45; 12-4, $45 ; 16-4, $50. No. 2 cuts—4-4, $18.50 ; 5-4, $26.50 ; 6-4, $26. 50 ; 8-4, $28. No. 3 cuts—1f in., 1¥% in, and zin., $22. No. £ moulding strips, 4 in. to 9 in. in- clusive—4-4, $35.50; 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, $37.50; 5-4, piazza flooring, $40.50. No. 2 moulding strips, 4 in. to 9 in, in- clusive—4-4, $30.50 ; 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, $31.50. Stained saps—4-4, $24.50; 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, $25.50. No. I shelving—1 x 10, $30; 1x12, $34.- 50; 1x 13 and up, $35.50. No. 1 dressing and shelving—1 x 7 to r1, $25.50;1x4, $25.50; 1x6, 1x8, 1x10, $26. 50. No. 1 dressing—1 x 12, $29.50; 1x 13 and up, $30.50; 5-4, $30.50; 5-4x 10 and 12, $32.50 ; 6-4, $30.50 ; 6-4 x Io and 12, $32. 50; 8-4, $31.50 ; 8-4 x 10 and 12, $33.50. No. 2 dressing—1x4 to 11, $18; x6, $21 ;1x8, $20; 1x10, $21; 1x12, $24; I x 13 and up, $25 ; 5-4, $23 ; 5-4 x 1oand 12, $25 ; 6-4, $22 5 8-4, $25 3 12-4, $28. Shaky clear—rix4 to 11, $26.50; 1x6, $28 ; 1x 10, $29; tx 12, $31; 1x 13 and up, $31 5 5-4, $30; 6-4, $28; 8-4, $31; 10-4, $35 3 12-4, $35 ; 16-4, $40. No, 1 barn—1x4, $21.50; 1x6, $22; Ix 8, $21.50; 1x 10, $22; 1x 12, $25 ; I x 13 and wider, 5-4 x 1oand 12, 6-4 x 10 and 12, 8-4 x 10, 8-4 x 12, $26.50. No. 2 barn—1x4, $17.50; 1x6, $18 ; 1x8, $17.50; 1x10, $18; 1x12, $19.50 ; I x 13 and wider, $20; 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, $19.50; 5-4 x Io and 12, 6-4 x 1oand 12, 8-4 x 10, $20; 8-4 x 12, $21. No. 3 barn—1 x 4, $15; 1x6, $16;1x8, $15.50; 1x10, $16; 1x12, $16.50; 1x 13 and wider, $16.50 ; 5-4x 10 and 12, $17.50; 8-4x10 and 12, $17.50; 5-4, 6-4 and 8-4, $16. 50. Shippers—1 x 12, 1x 13 and up, $16.50. Coffin boards—1 x 13 and up, $20. Box—1x 4, $13; 1x6 and up, I x6, 1X7, 1x8, 1x9, $14.50; 1x10, $15;1 x 12, $15; 1x13 and up, $15.50; 5-4, $16; 6-4, $16 ; 8-4, $15. és Mill culls—q-4, $12 ; 5-4, 6-4, 8-4, $13. BUFFALO, July 31st, 1899. ae EE ENQUIRY FOR BOX SHOOKS. An importing firm in Great Britain desires to be placed in communication with some reli- able manufacturers who can handle large ordérs for spruce or white pine box shooks. They state that they are also in the market for a considerale quantity of oak and soft elm boards. Canadian manufacturers desirous of negotiating for this trade may obtain the ad- dress of our correspondents at our office. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OvereND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... , OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiruw General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. SPOT CASH BLACK ASH, SOFT ELM and BIRCH LUMBER Either for immediate or future delivery, lake points preferred. Write full particulars. If quantity warrants will send Inspector. H. HERMANN LUMBER CO., 368 Broome St., New York City CANADIAN EXPORTERS «” WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER GO, tmren MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. ye Write us for Quotations on ail BillsQ@/e PEMBROKE, ONT. A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order, Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. cLAURIN & MaLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemloek, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EBRAsST TEMPLETON, QUE. Tee, bribe WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario 1OQOOB: Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*&27!NG cemine ¢ JAS a Ay ALLA es, Coy Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH ° SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A. & P. WHITE ws MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ¢ WIRRTON MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER 3 HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Pine Lath, Cedar, and Pine Shingles. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling ss 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. FOREIGN IMPORTERS WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND t WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s; A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwood- in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. C.H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of == SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers Invited Wharves, Mills and Offices: ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENGLAND SMITH & TYRER- 14 Ganada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘“‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.S. Cable Address; ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS IRVIN & SELLERS ae) Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. ALSO DEALERS [N= BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and all HARD and FANCY WOODS IV. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”* BELTING | Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. ‘ Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINCS City ity Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS M cEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jobn, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mowry & Son, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxford Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL M New York. agnolia Metal Co., PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD -BRASSES agnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, tll, U.S.A, Shier, J. D., Bracebridge Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Il, Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co. Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. WHOLBSALE PRICES CURRENT. TORONTO, ONT. ToronToO, August 2, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. x inch dressing and Betterec ccs nceed $20 00 $22 oo t inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1% 1% and 2 inch cut up and better....-- $32 00 $34 00 zinch picksand uppers 34 00 36 00 1x)2 dressing and bet- rinch siding common 11 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft....-. 22 00 24 00 | t inch siding shipculls 10 50 11 50 1xro fine dressing and t inch siding millculls 8 50 9 00 better... .-.202s 2200 22 00 24 00 | Cullscantling........ 800 900 ixzo and 12 Canadian tinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 2000| in. mill run...... - 13 00 14 00 11-2and thicker cut- t inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00 | 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 1 1-4 in. cut up and r 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 better....-------+- 33 00 35 00| XXX pine shingles, 16 ix1o and 12 mill run 16 00 18 00 ita ne aS seccnedncariee 2 40 ix1o and 12 common. 12 00 14 00 XX pine shingles 16 inch I 50 rxzo and 12 mill culls 9 00 10 00 Lath, No. 1.......+ 1 60 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 Lath No. 2......... I 25 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 toz in. .$26 oo $28 00 ( Elm rock,mill ss “« " 23% to4.. 30 00 3200 THM seca 1 to 1%"18 00 20 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm,rock, mill ands, 1to 1% in.... 2000 2200] run......- 1144"* 3.. 21 00 23 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Hickory, 1sts ands,2to4in...--- 22 00 24 00 and 2nds..1%4‘' 2.. 28 00 30 00 Ash, M.R.,1_ to 2-- 17 00 19 00 Maple, 1sts Birch, rin. 18 00 20 00 and 2nds.. 1 ‘' 1% 16 00 18 00 = 14 ‘* 2.. 20 00 23 00 Maple, ‘sts « sqrs. 4x4 ‘ 8 x824 00 26 00| andends..2 ‘Sf 4.. 17 00 18 00 Basswood, ists and Oak, red, p’n, ands, 1 tor in.... 18 00 20 00 mts & 2nds1 ‘“‘ 1% 2600 3000 1% to 2 ..2r 00 22 00 Oak; red, p’n, mie, xt * 3% 15,00" 3708 ists & 2nds2 *' 4.. 29 00 3200 Butternut 1 “ 1% 2300 25 00| Oak, white, s 2 ‘* 3.. 25 00 28 00 ists &ands1 ‘' 1% 28 00 3000 Chestnut 1 *2.. 2400 2 00| Oak, white, Cherry, ists rusts & 2nds 2 “ 4.. 30 00 35 00 and 2nds.. 1 ‘* 13% 50 00 60 00 Oak quart’d, Cherry, 1sts ists &ands1 ‘‘ 2.. 50 00 6900 and 2nds.. 2 ‘* 4-. 60 00 65 00 Walnut, sts Elm,soft,mill | and 2nds.. 1 ‘f 3.. 85 00 10000 FUN 22.220 1 “1% 16 00 18 00 | Whitewood, Im, soft, mill ists &2ndst ‘f 2.. 32 00 3600 (Nl 2 Bis nie'e:« 2 ‘* 3.. 17 00 19 00 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. Ottawa, August 2, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... $31 00 36 00 ter stock........+- II 00 12 50 Pine, gond strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8&ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 28 00 | Pine, s.c. strips...... 8 00 10 00 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts..... 700 850 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls......- g 00 10 50 Bias eisieereocoeee 1s co 21 00| Pine mill culls...... 7529 900 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.1... 100 J 25 SEripSiis fee seine coms 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M No. 2... 85 1 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1x1o No, 1 barn.... 18 00 SOLES, 9 0:06 0 a's wins wie 1200 1400|1x10 No.2 “ .... 16 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 & 9 No.1 ‘ 17 00 fer'stock,°..\2s-c.> 13.50 15 00|1x8&q No.2“ 15 00 QUEBEC, QUE. QueEsEc, August 2, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts, Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ....----- 30 «32 ‘© good fair oe Me 6 ateialpeten ee 32-34 ‘« first class Ke ‘- CE IN, Ceitesbete 4 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 42 ss nS «1g to2rinchaverage ‘* “ 1g to 21 in average RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. ‘* Michigan ‘‘ © & size 43. 48 Measured off, according to average and qu ity......+-+-+++-+0+ 22 26 In shipping order, i Ese rr Son 23. 39 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to averageandquality. . . .- - 46 =49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 to s5ofeet. . 32 35 r is uo «30 to.35 feet. < 27 Seae ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . - «2 24 To average 16 Inch “semseeabS S60 <: be 2) = 2) eae 25 26 i BIRCH. 14 inch average ee se ee ES) 6 Se pets 2m 25 ro. ¢ ae aes ee DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for 1st, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for 3rd, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau, NEW.YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., August 2, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 40 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking. ..-.-. PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. A F.o.b. cars at hoff & Gor- : Sutherland Innes Mills don’s Mills. No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000,.... »$5 50 $5 00 No.130 " " " 1 seevee 5 50 5 00 No.132 " " " . Sa eee 5 50 No.124 " " " Wo seeeee 4 00 4 00 No. 228% " " " lo adesee @ Sp 3 50 No.230 1 " " " 1 vgn op cee 3 50 No. 2 32 " " " " " siote's) a OS. 372 No. 2 24 " " " " " cndaite ee 200 No.1 14 in. to143/ in. kiln dried basswood heading,perset 3% 3 No.r15 ou 16 " " " " 3% 3% No. 117% " " " " 3% 3 No.118 ww 18% 0 " " " 4 4 No. 1 19% " " " " 4% 4% No. 1 19 eget " " ~ 5 5 Mill run heading 44ct. per set less, No. 2 heading xct. per set less. No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000.... 5 75 5 40 No. 16 -1 " " " rs 575 No. 16%" " " " iM oooh ay 5 9° No. 2 hoops about so cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 oo No. 2 28% " " " " 3 5° ° 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbisstaves sc.esenee eee ees 18 00 20 co No + 30 inch half syrup barrel staves.......- Ar cee ee 16 00 bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) (CANADA The Lumberman Monthly THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFA WEEKLY FDITION UMBERMAN Edition, 20 pages } st.oo rer vekr {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday } BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE VoL. V. CANADA LLUMBERMAN The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire Insurance Buitpine, ONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly. medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abr Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lum and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen., Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. £@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00, ———————————— WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of rs cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. LUMBER BUYER AND SHIPPER - 2 FOR ENGAGEMENT; COMPETENT to take chirge of yard, if desired; experienced. ” Box 22, Canapa LuMBERMAN. FOR SALE. OMPLETE SAW MILL MACHINERY, PLAN- ing, Sash and Door Machinery ; mcdern and in good condition. Can be seen at Toronto. Apply PETER Ryan, Toronto. DO YOU WANT A BOOKKEEPER? OMPETENT-AND RELIABLE, WITH EX- perience and References. Address * CASHIER,” c/o CANADA LUMBERMAN, ‘WANTED. e.. LOAD LOTS OF DRY SOUND OAK AND Soft Elm Boards, 1, »% and 14 inch thick, 7 and “14 feet lengths, 14 to 26 inches wide or wider; quote lowest prices c.if. London. Also Spruce Pulpwood, full steamer cargoes; quote free on board, or c.i.f. Manchester. Apply ‘‘X.Y.Z.,” care CanaDa Lum- BERMAN, FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS LUMBER AND SHINGLE Mill, average capacity per day 35 M. feet lum- ber, 70 \'. shingles, and 15 M. lath; situated in Hunts- ville, close tothe G.T.R. station, with sidings to mill ; plenty of virgin pi e. Also a first-class site for a tannery, | lenty oftan bark. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to T. WHALEY, Huntsville, Ont. BOX SHOOKS WANTED. Canadian manufacturers who are in a_posi- tion to supply spruce or pine box shooks for the British market are asked to send their address to this office. We have an enquiry for a considerable quantity of such stock. TORONTO, ONT, AUGUST 9, 1899 No.. 29. AUCTION SALE, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1899 Will be sold at Auction, by order of th Austin B, Fletcher, Esq., Recéiver, on Depot Square, at White Plains, N.Y., on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1899, at 11:30 a.m.; the Lumber and Coal Yard for- merly owned by the John W. Young & Sons Company, at White Plains, N.Y., the County Seat of Westchester County. Population 8,006 to 10,000, On the line of the New York & Harlem Railroad, 22 miles from Grand Centtal Depot, New York City. Two-Storey Frame Office ra Iron Clad Elevator (capacity 35,000 bushels), Large Brick and Frame Planing Mill and Wood- Worker, ample Coal and Lumber Sheds, abundant Trackage, Wagon and Track Scales, located on two sides of the Square at the Station. Will be offered in parcels and as a whole. Also, at the same time and place and undef the same order, the Lumber and Coal yard lately owned by the same Company, situate at the Station at Tuckahoe, also on the New York & Harlem Railroad, 16 miles ftom Grand Central Depot. A smaller yard than the former, but very complete in its appointments ; Office Building, Coal and Lumber Sheds, comparatively new, in good order; side track, scales, etc. Two grand opportunities for a live man. For maps giving full particu- lars, terms of sale, ete., apply to AUSTIN B. FLETCHER, Receiver, 32 Liberty St., New York City. Supreme Court, under the direction of W. B. TIBBITS, Auctioneer, White Plains, N.Y. odlé ol Timber Licenses PROVINCE OF NEW BRUNSWICK or There will be sold at Public Auction, at the Crown Land Office, Fredericton, on ee aehion WEDNESDAY, 30TH AUGUST, A.D., 1899, and following days, the vacant unlicensed Crown Lands in the Province of New Brunswick. 573 berths will be offered, ranging from 2+to I0 square miles each. Upset price $8.00 per square mile. The present regulations provide for licenses to be renewed each year fora period of 18 years from 1st August, 1900, at a rate of $4.00 per square mile, in addition to stumpage. Further information of Sale can be obtained from Crown Land Office, Fredericton, N B. A. T. DUNN, Surveyor General. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Dealers who have visited the saw mills of Ontario report that there is’ very little dry Jumber to be purchased—some small stocks of pine and less of hardwood. For the season of the year the available supply of pine is much below the average, most of the manufacturers having ‘sold their cut at. very ~ satisfactory figures. Some shipments are being made to the United States, and British orders are also receiving some attention, but the present -situation is due in no small degree to increased local consumption. During the past week, while all grades of pine have been in good demand, there has been a noticeable increase in the movement of finishing lumber, as many large buildings commenced early- in the spring are now eating completion. Buyers from the Eastern States are’ visit- ing hardwood points in Ontano in search of stock, but with little success, as the bulk of the cut has already been con- tracted tor. There is a great scarcity of lath and shingles, and: higher prices are predicted before the close of the seasor. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. In the province of Quebec the condition of the lumber trade has improved of late, due to an expansion of building operations and to a larger export business. Manu- facturers who have stock for sale show no anxiety to dispose of it except at high prices, being satisfied that there will be a scarcity of stock in the fall, and a conse- quent advance in values. In hemlock and spruce boards and cedar shingles a considerable trade is doing with the Eastern States. Freight rates from Quebec, as well as from the Maritime Provinces, have stiffened within the past week, and shippers have acceeded to the demands of vessel owners only when urgency compelled. Present indications, ‘however, point to continued firmness in freights. The spruce stocks in New ‘Brunswick are very low, and inasmuch as the cut of some of the mills for the balance of the season is contracted for, there is not likely 10 be much stock available for purchase this fall. Advanced prices are almost certain to rule. UNITED STATES. The lumber market of the United States is bordering on the sensational, and but for the knowledge that the im- proved conditions are based on a solid foundation, there would be reason to be- lieve that a speculative boom had struck ‘ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. the lumber business. On July 2oth the wholesale dealers‘ at Minneapolis made an all-round advance of 50 cents per thousand on pine. This, in the midst of the summer season, was a surprise, but ten days later a further advance of $1 on lumber and 25 cents on lath, ~effective August rst, was announced. This ad- vance places lumber on an actual selling basis of $13.50 for short piece stuff, a gain of $3 since the first of the year. The de- cision of the wholesalers was arrived at in order to have some lumber for the winter and spring trade, or, in other words, to keep off buyers. Eastern dealers are still in search of stock of all kinds, but particularly box lumber and mill culls. At Ashland, Wis., $8.75 per thous- and is being offered for pine mill culls, buteven this price fails to secure any quantity of stock. In Michigan nearly all the lumber manufactured is being con- sumed by local industries. In New York work on buildings is being abandon- ed on account of the great cost of build- ing material, including lumber. Con- siderable stock is being received at Buffalo, but dealers report their inability to get anything ahead, so great is the de- mand. The box makers there expect a good season’s trade ; they are now turn- ing down orders, sometimes owing to scarcity of box material. There is still a pronounced shortage in hardwoods, and prices are as firm as ever. Prices of maple, which last week showed signs of weakening, are now firmer and expected to remain at about the present basis. The great scarcity. pertains to oak and ash. ; FOREIGN. Reports from the British market state that the imports of wood goods during July were unusally light, and the whole- sale market is ata standstill on account of lack of supplies. The stock arriving is largely contracted for, a feature of the trade which is responsible in no small degree for the present strength of the market. The greatest activity pertains to spruce, which is steadily gaining ground and advancing in price. At London 3 x9 third quality spruce has lately become much firmer, while pine of first quality commands high figures. At Tyne ports prices remain firm for all classes of timber and deals, 11in. being in great demand and by no means plentiful. The South American trade has so far this season been unusually active, large shipments having been made from tke eastern provinces. West India orders also represent a considerable volume of business. STOCKS AND PRICES. . A recent sale of No. 4 boards was made f.o.b. mill in northern Wisconsin at $10.50. The Amherst Lumber Co. will saw 2,- 000,000 feet of lumber this season at their mill at Tangier, N. S. An exchange says that J. & T. Charlton shipped their first raft of logs to the Unit- ed States last week. They have still a lot of logs which must be cut in Canada. J. T. Horne has purchased from the Bank of Montreal the mills situated on the Kaministiquia river, at Fort William, and formerly owned by Graham, Horne & Co. The firm of Clarke Bros., of Bear River, N. S., will this season ship between 8,000,- 000 and 9,000,000 feet of lumber, which is nearly double that shipped in any previous year. They have already loaded a num- ber of vessels for South America. Mr. A. D. Cameron, of Ridgetown, Ont., has purchased a timber limit of 2,- 200 acres in Algoma, together with saw mill. It is estimated that there is on the limit 15,000,000 feet of timber. The Fredericton Boom Couipany have rafted 21,066 joints at Douglas boom during the season, containing 6 637,200 feet cedar, 1,858,740 feet pine, and 48,- 669,646 feet spruce, a total of 57,165,586 feet. The Saginaw Lumber & Salt Company are having some logs manufactured at the mill of the Spanish River Lumber Co, at Spanish River,-Ont. The Jumber bas been sold at good figures, the buyer pay- ing the duty. The spruce manufacturers throughout the Eastern States are holding firmly to prices. Itis expected that, owing to the decreased production, another advance will be made next month. Many of the small mills are closed down on account of the low water. The Trout Creek Lumber Co., under the name of Buckel, Bechtler & Burk, have completed their season’s cut at Trout Creek, only reserving. a few extra long logs for special orders. Trussier Bros., at same place, have about finished sawing for the season. Nearly 12,000,000 feet of lumber was exported from St. John, N.B., in the two weeks ending July 22nd. Of this, 8,500,- ooo feet was for British ports, 2,845,000 for the United States ports, and 450,000 feet for Santa Cruz. To United States ports went also 8,500,000 lath, 2,869 pieces of piling and 530 cords of wood. The bark Douglas sailed from Yar- mouth, N.S., last week for Buenos Ayres, with 555,000 sup. feet of lumber ; the Es- peria, from Tusket Wedge for Oran, with 380 standards of deals ; and the Missis- sippi, from Yarmouth, with deals, to west coast of England. The following rafts have been entered at the Superviser of Culler’s office, Quebec, since last report: Hon. J. K. Ward, at Cape Rouge, pine; Wm. Mackey, at Cape Rouge, pine; Fraser & Ca, at Bridgewater Cove, pine; Thos. Mackie, at Cape Rouge, pine ; Perley & Klock, at New Liverpool Cove, pine ; A. Sharples, at Sillery Cove, pine, oak, elm, etc. . . Following 1s a comparative statement of timber, &c., measured and culled at Quebec to August 8th, 1899 : 1897- 1898. 1899. Waney white pine, cu. feet.2,672,441 1,291,193 1,381,753 Square white pine, cu. feet. 574,530 951,004 520,232 Red pine, cu. feet......-- 127,153 155,57f 141,810 Oak, cu. feet.......++++++- 1,038,416 638,8 0 465,779 Elm, cu. feet.....-..-.+-+- 5571177 410,785 415,497 Ash, cu. feet...-..-+++-+ 87,403 78,838 55,304 Basswood, cu. feet ......-- 5 Butternut, cu. feet ......-- 673 887 60 Tamarac, cu. feet ......-.- 415 Birch and Maple, cu. feet.. 184,348 105,592 231,946 A gentleman who visited the Rainy River district reports that he found the log cut on the Rainy river= list winter 64,000,000 feet, of which 40,- 000,000 was cut on the American side of the river and 24,000,000 on the Canadian side ; that in addition 250,000 ties |were cut. Of these, 150,000 were cut on the American side and-100,000 on the Cana- dian. The logs were all shipped to Rat Portage, excepting about 5,000,000 feet, which are being local mills on the Canadian side of the Rainy river. Of the ties, 116,000 were cut for the Ontario and Rainy River Railway. There is a steady demand for all classes of cooperage stock at Buffalo, dealers still finding slack barrel hoops so scarce that no quotation 1s proper, as the price paid is largely a matter of dicker. Thec 1] for apple barrel stock is strong, as at least a fair crop is looked for. The supply of basswood is larger than formerly, though it cannot be called plentiful by any means. It now looks as though there would be material enough to carry the trade through the season, which is better than was pre- dicted early. Hoops are coming into market more freely, and ought to be in usual stock soon. There is less than the average movement of flour, but: other commodities demanding barrels, vespec- ially cement and sugar, are strong. Job- bers quote No. 1 flour barrel staves at $6.75 per thousand; log run, $5.25 to $5.50, and No. 1, $4.50 to $4.75. Bass- wood heading, 4% cents per set. THE AUSTRALIAN MARKET. . Of the Australian lumber market Messrs. Fraser & Co., Melbourne, say : Business during the past month has been chiefly confined to stocks in the yards, in which period fairly good sales have been carried through, principally to meet the requirements of contracts arranged for building operations fixed within the town and suburban districts, where distinct improvement has been shown of late. Enquiries from the country outlets are still of no great importance, and not until the demand increases from that quarter can we accurately gauge the probable position of the market for the near future. The continuous rains which have fallen within the past two months have, doubtless, militated against large supplies being sought for from the internal parts of the colony, but we are hopeful that in the coming spring season a better consumption will be experienced in the country districts owing to the great benefit that must ensue from the late and present rainfall. - At the moment stocks on hand, in conjunc- tion with Shipments shortly ‘‘ to arrive,” appear equal to méet all demands likely to be made upon them for the next few months, while as a fair number of fixtures have been concluded from the customary sources of export, we there- fore judge that supplies in the future will not be below the wants of the market, even though an increased business be manifested in the colony generally- With the exception of Oregon, which has meantime slightly advanced in value, prices otherwise are practically unaltered, and are not likely to advance to any serious extent for the present, as business does not usually brighten in the winter months, and for the reason that most of the distributing mill firms hold fair supplies of such timber which is in most con- sumption here, purchased at rates under exist- ing laid down cost of the same. Until these stocks are about exhausted, we can scarcely look for any material improvement to be shown, so far as market values are concerned. SPRUCE AND BaLTic WHITE DEALS —Im- ports, nil. Several thousand pieces of Cana- dian deals have been placed for local wants. Values are from 24d. to 25d. per foot of 9 x 3. OREGON PixE.—Imports, 1,856,000 feet super. Arrival: Hawaiian Isles, from Che- mainus. About 1,200,000 feet have been jlaced during’ the past two niontlis ‘“to arrive,” rom the above cargo. AN OSWEGO BRANCH. The H. Herrman Lumber Co., of New York City, advise us that they have_recently es- tablished a plant at Oswego, N. Y., with excellent facilities for receiving lake shipments, and that they are handling large quantities of black ash, soft elm and birch, either on grades or log run. They are willing to pay spot cash for all lumber, and will send an inspector to look over the stock, taking the entire run of the log except mill culls. Their announce- ment will be found on another page of this issue. LUMBER AND COAL YARDS FOR SALE. In the ‘‘ Wanted and For Sale” department of this issue will be found an advertisement offer- ing for sale two valuable lumber and coal yards recently owned by John W. Young & Sons Co., but now in the hands of a receiver. One of these yards is situated at White Plains, N.Y., the county seat of Westchester county. It comprises a two-storey frame office building, iron clad elevator, large brick and frame WANTED Mill Culls FOR CASH Jotin F. Stengel “serrate, wy” AuGusT 9, 1899 planing mill and wood-working factory, coal and lumber sheds, wagon and track scales, etc. The other is situated at Tuckahoe, on the New York and Harlem Railroad, and is a smaller yard than that at White Plains, but very complete in its appointments. Per- sons contemplating an investment in this direc- tion should attend the sale on September 7th. WANTED Rock Elm, cut to order. Soft Elm, all thicknesses. Black Ash, all thicknesses. State quantity youcan supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 7 Crossy SQuARE, LONDON, ENG. i Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “ Sieveking,” London - : = HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. H. D. WIGCIN éssratest. 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CorRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large number of Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet; also Fence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. WANTED FOR EXPOR All kinds of Logs and Lumber Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, MOTT & DICKSON - LONDON, ENG. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensicns. ; BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE ano HARDWOOD Cable Address, ‘‘ SWAN DoxoGH—TONAWANDA : Lumberman’s Code. Do You Use Mahogany? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous . - ~ [TABASCO MAHOGANY | Finest figured wood on the market ; is hard and takes elegant finish. Brings high- est prices in Europe, but we sell here about same prices as ordinary mahogany. Specially adapted for fine cabinet and interior finish 3 - LAWRBNGEB & WIGGI Importers and Manufacturers PAS BOSTON, WASS ay AuGustT 9, 189¢ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. A SHORTAGE IN SPRUCE. With a view to advising British timber mer- chants, the Timber News publishes the follow- ing regarding the spruce supply : It seems as if at last merchants were begin- ning to realize that a shortage of spruce deals is an assured fact, and the few cargoes which are being offered find ready purchasers at improv- ing prices. The Liverpool market does not for the moment respond so eagerly to this con- dition of things as the markets around the coast, because, several large cargoes having recently arrived, there is some desire to meet the demand. Fleetwood is short in stock, and cargoes are greatly wanted for Garston and the Canal. Large lower port cargoes can now be sold at £6 15s. c.i.f., with an advance for St. John deals ; but even at such figures for later loading sellers are gaining very little advantage over earlier sales. Freights are higher, 48s. gd. having been paid for steamers from St. John and 50s. to 52s. 6d. for fair-sized sailers from some of the Nova Scotia and New Bruns- wick ports. The tendency of steam freights seems toward a further rise, and the small supply.of sailing vessels should prevent any serious fall in freights for such tonnage: In- surance rates will shortly begin to mount up, and as the terms for sailer cargoes for October sailing touch 10 guineas per cent., or, say, IOs. to 12s. 6d. per std., there is very litle induce- ment for business except at a considerable-ad- vance upon present prices. The stock abroad available for shipment is admitted to be extremely light. At St. John several of the mills have shut down, and it is reported that the further cut there will not much exceed 10,000 stds. In Nova Scotia there is very little obtainable, and elsewhere the quantity of lower port deals offering is only small. From the St. Lawrence there is a greater supply on the market, but such speci- fications are only suitable for certain districts. Altogether the season promises t> close with considerable scarcity and higher prices. It is 111. probable that should such prove the case, the production during the coming winter will be greatly stimulated, and the merchants should watch carefully all indications in this direction, as experience teaches that the tendency is to go from one extreme to the other, and for a small production to be followed by an ex- cessive output. The South American and West Indian markets continue important buyers, and this demand. is likely to increase rather than otherwise. SHIPPING MATTERS. The following charters are reported: Steani- ship Thornhill, St. John, N.B., to w.c. Eng- land, 50s; Nyassa, 1,786 tons, Hopewell Cape, N.B., to w.c. England, 50s, if Bristol, 52s 6d; bark Trinidad, Annapolis, N.S., to Buenos Ayres, lumber, $10.50, option Rosario, $11.50; bark Treacle, St. John to Glasgow, box shooks, £800 lump sum; str. Anaxo, St. John to w.c. England, deals, 50s; str. Basuto, 1,839 tons, Miramichi to Greenock or Glas- gow, deals, 50s, August ; str. Mendota, 1,656 tens, St. John, N. B., to Glasgow, 47s 6d. LUMBER FREIGHT RATES, CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way, according to the summer schedule effective April st, are as follows: Ottawa, Rockland, Hawkesbury and intermediate points to Toronto, 1o cents per too lbs.; Pariy Sound to Toronto, pine ro cents, hard- wood, 11 cents; Ottawa to Oswego, $1.90 per M ft.; Ottawa to Syracuse, $2.20 per M ft, (3,000 Ibs. and under per M ft.); Ottawa to Montreal, $1.00 per M feet, lath 20 cents per M pieces ; Quebec, $2.03 per M feet, lath 4o cents per M pieces ; Arnprior to Montreal, $1.5u per M feet, lath 30 cents per M pieces; Quebec, 1z cts.; Pembroke to Mcntreal, $1.75 per M ft., lath 35 cents per M pieces; Quebec, $2 75 per M ft., lath 55 cents per M pieces; Ottawa to New York, $3.00 per M ft., lath 55 cents per M pieces; Arnprior to New York, $3.50 per M ft , lath 65 cents per M pieces ; Pembroke to New York, $3.75 per M ft., lath 70 cents per M pieces ; Parry Sound to New York, $4.09per M ft., lath 80 cts per M pieces; Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14 cents per 109 Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local 15c.; exports r1c. per 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents, export 15 cts. per 100 lbs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 21% cents, export 20 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawa to Burlington, 6c. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Albany, 10 cts. per toc lbs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany 17 cts. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, Y., 13 cents per too Ibs, from Arnprior 15 cents, from Parry Sound zo cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to St. John, N.B. and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N.S., and common points, 21 cents per roo lbs Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 lbs., and rates quoted above are in cents per 100 lbs., except when quoted per M ft.; minimum carloads 10 M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 lbs. per M ft.; lath 50,000 pieces, not exceeding 600 lbs. per M pcs. Ottawa rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Hawkesbury. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. { - - operating - - , OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. Overenpr, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board ‘Trade, Montreal. . al . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c: W P. Hinton. Ass’t ‘General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. SmirH General Traffic Manager, Ortawa, Ont. rs SPOT CASE BLACK ASH, SOFT ELM and BIRCH LUMBER Either for immediate or future delivery, lake points preferred. Write full particulars. If quantity warrants will send Inspector. H. HERRMANN LUMBER CO., 368 Broome St., New York City CANADIAN EXPORTERS 2” WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umes MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP EE! G, AND ALL_KINDS.OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. - = 24868 @e Write us for Quotations on all Bills@e PEMBROKE, ONT. A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. ~ Red‘and White Oak Billa cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce,. Hemlock. or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. - Cedar Shingles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. East TEMPLETON, QUE. T.L. BAILIE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Penetang, Ontario NOOOOD- KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING P21. ceminc @ Has Basswood, Oak, Birch, Maple, Ash, Soft Elm—cut to order, in car-load lots. Wants to hear from mills having above woods to offer for sale. Pays Cash for all shipments. Correspondence Solicited and answered promptly. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, JAS. PLA YHATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH ° SHINGLES ” BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A. & P.WHITE Contractors for Railway Supplies ws MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joistin bs Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Large Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ¢ WIKRTON MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER #8 HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Pine Lath, Cedar, and Pine Shingles. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling cS 10.00 FOREIGN IMPORTERS , WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. SMITH & TYRER @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS co. Burk’s Falls, Ont. 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL Codes Used ; Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwood- in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. C.H. GLOVER & CO., tia Importers of = SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. Wharves, Mills and Offices: ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S. E., ENCLAND From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers Invited. . .. Wood Agents. . 3 “ Cable Address—“‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S.,Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.S. IRVIN & SELLERS 4 HAWN) IMPORTERS Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL, ENG. [ on see Cable Address; ‘‘ Primus Liverpool.” WANTED » MAPLE SQUARES—Free of knots, splits and defects, and three parts dry, of the « following sizes; large quantities could be used; price to be c.f.i. Liverpool; quality guaranteed : ro per cent. 12}4x 2} square; 25 per cent. 1234 x 2% square; 25 per cent. 9 x1% square; 15 per cent. 94 x2% square; 5 per cent. 9x134 square; 5 per cent. 9X 1% square; 5 per cent. 12x 17% square; 5 per cent. 12x 1 15-16 or 2square; 5 per cent. 10% x 1% » or multiples of these lengths. IV. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”* BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. ‘ Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa end Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. ORY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jobn, Toroxto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mowry & son, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mig. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co.. New York. PAPER AND FULP MiiL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New Yor PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES agnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES B arber, C., Meaford, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A, Shier, J. D. Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. Des Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N.B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, Lumbering Toois, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont, Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co. Toronto. i The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New york and Toronto. WHOLESALE PRICBS GURRBNT. TORONTO, ONT. — Toronto, August 9, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. rt inch dressing and 14% 1% and 2 inch cut betters... cee $20 00 $22 00 up and better.....- $32 00 $34 00 2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 oo | cinch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x) 2 dressing and bet- t inch siding common 11 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft....-- 22 00 24 00} 1 inch sidingshipculls 10 50 11 50 rx1o fine dressing and cinch siding millculls 8 50 9 00 better... ...+-0+ 505 22 00 24 00/ Cullscantling........ 800 9 00 xxro and 12 Canadian t inch strips 4 in, to 8 dressing and better 18 00 20 00 in. mill run...... . 13 00 14 00 x 1-2and thicker cut- t inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00 | £ 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 1 1-4 in. cut up and t 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 PELLET sce s ose aseviee 33 00 35 00| XXX pine shingles, 16. uxro and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00] inch...........-.55 2 40 axxo and 12 common. 12 00 14 00| XX’pineshingles 16 inch I 50 rxizo and 12 mill culls 9 00 10 00] Lath, No.1..,...... 1 60 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00! Lath No. 2......... I 25 HARDWOODS—PER mM. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2 in. .$26 00 $28 00 ( Elm rock,mill - "2% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 rat Weer 1 to 1%"18 00 20 00 ‘Ash, black, 1sts and Elm,rock,mill ands, 1 to 14 in.... 2000 2200] run....... 1% "' 3.. 21 00 23 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Hickory, 1sts ands,2to4in.,...- 22 00 2400] and 2nds..1}4‘‘ 2.. 28 00 30 00 Ash, M.R.,1 to 2.. 17 00 19 00 Maple, ists Birch, iin. .. 18.00 2000] andands..1 ‘‘ 13 16 00 18 00 ee 1% ‘* 2.. 2000 23 00| Maple _ Ists “ sqrs. 4x4 “ 8 x824 00 26 00 and ends.. 2 “* 4.. 17 00 18 00 Basswood, sts and Oak, red, p'n, ands, 1 to1% in.... 18 00 20 oo! ssts&e2nds1 “f 1% 26 00 3000 1% to 2 ..2: 00 22 00| Oak,red,p’n, “ mr. 1 “ 1% 15 00 17 00 isis & ands 2 * 4.. 29 00 3200 Butternut x ‘ 14 23 00 25 00| Oak, white, ss 2 ‘' 3.. 25 00 28 00 ists & nds ‘f 14% 28 00 30 00 Chesrnut 1 *£2.. 2400 2 00] Oak, ue = Che sts ists & ands 2 “* 4.. 30 00 00 ted dade 1 “ 1% 5000 60 00} Oak quart'd, 3 ae Cherry, 1sts ists& ands x “f 2.. 50 00 6000 and ands.. 2 ‘f 4.. 60 00 65 oo Walnut, sts Elm,soft,mill and 2nds.. 1 ‘‘ 3.. 85 00 10000 Fin ......- 1 1% 16 00 18 00 | Whitewood, lm, soft, mill ists&zndst ‘f 2.. 32 00 3600 USL sare ks 2 ‘* 3.. 17 00 19 00 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. Ortrawa, August 9, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m.....-- $31 00 36 00 ter stock.....s0000 It 00 12 50 Pine, gond strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8&ups.c.sidings 11 900 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 28 00 | Pine, s.c. Strips?) os. 8 00 10 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing Pine, sc. shorts...-- 7 00 8 59 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls....... 9 00 10 50 Meee 2 es era e vite 15 co 2 00| Pine mill fie) aa 752 900 Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath per M No.1... 100 1% 25 SELIPSE sas ae edee 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M No. 2... 85 100 Pine, No. x dressing ixzo No. 1 barn.... 18 00 shorts, .....2+.-.i. 12 60 14 00| 1x10 No.2 “ .... 16 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 &g No.1 17 00 ter stock#9...0. 20.22 13 50 13 00 | 1x8&q No.2“ 15 00 QUEBEC, QUE. Quessc, August 9, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, 32 ‘* good fair ‘ af ~ 34 ‘«- first class ss ty us nap ier ret 8 43 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average according to lineal.. 36 42 ie nt “19 to2tinchayerage “* cs 38 44 ‘© Michigan “ aay aE & size 43. «48 19 to 21 in average RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, accordin: 22 26 In shipping order, : ag) “409 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. ....- 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. . 32 35 ER b S. 30 to'gs feetie 27) 7 36 ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . . «21 24 ‘To average’ 16 wich .e ee «ee ) te ee 25 26 . BIRCH. SEIICIAVEIACE Gals > eee. pe *) at ee en 18 76 (Stee SD to Bete oe Bes are eee x8‘ O 7 e. Rome ek. 5 Bee ge Bek 2h ee DEALS, Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42:for 1st, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., August 9, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking.....--..+-- 44.00 5090 5 SPRUCE. 6 tO QIN... +++ seeeee 14 00 14 50| 10 to r2in (Sy fo 3b C2) 1 eerie tape 14 50 15°75 | Lath........++-+-+0 Q OTZIN.....0seeeee 1575 16 25 HARDWOOD. 1inch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16 1% to 2in “ce ce wo “ee I inch, Soft Elm, ib 1%in and thicker, “ ss a als re ss Hard Maple, ‘‘ J bid f Basswood, a, ce oe co Birch, in3 as ‘© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O.... oe “e Soft Elm, oc iad zy “oe ss ‘* Hard Maple, ‘ ES «« Basswood, | ‘‘ “ “e Birch, oe ALBANY, N.Y. Avsany, N.Y., August 9, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up 1x12 inch shippers ...... ...$ $16 DEM aials clceslenin scissile 4/4 inch e 3 & up. 17 Tto2in,.....:5.. 4/4 Box boards, 6” and up... 13 14 nes uppers : ro-in, dressing arid better... 26 32 elects, 24% in. up IO-IN, COMMON ...-..-+++0+ err . to 2in 12-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 39 42 | Common, 1x12 ........... = 14 15 Tip? lies see ‘ 36 38 23 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch .. 28 32 aL Qa Raiginnys Wid Toverare ves 20. 25 19 ING. dun cccocccscccsscres - 17 20|' 18 No. 1 molding, x tozin..,.. 30.36 17 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2in..... 24 27 1x8. 15 Stained saps......+++++++++ 23 | Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4in...... 20 23 Bracket plank ........ «+++ go “ageiiie (6) 2 inchbsry chee ; 25 - Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 29 32 Dressing ......+-- eas Eo ae Dressing boards, narrow.... 19 21] Common...... Soe “cic tc 1x1g inch shippers..... «++ 15 LATH. Pile wick dak nol sabe cpenem =e $2 o0| Spruce ....,. SPO er = $2 co * SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x28 ... -$5 50 25 Clear butts ......-+.+. 3.00 3 25| Hemlock.........-.+++ : 15 Smooth, 6x18....... 5 00 5 50| SPruce....-..+sssaeee 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, August 9, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. ack ge ee Boxboards, 1 inch...$10 00 .$rx 00 b x 10 50 1200 Finch... .+..+++ » goo 9 50 1500 3550, %inch........... 9 25 9 50 1200 13¢0 11-16 inch........ g 00 g 5° 9 00 Seinch........-- - 800 875 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in....----$50 00@52 00 Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 0o| No. 2, xin. Finecom. 29 00 31 00 3and 4in.........- 58 00 6200] 1%, 1 and 2in... 30 oc 32 00 Selects, 1 in.......-- 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to6in. 43 00 44 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 No. “anyon: ee ae 36 00 39 00 3and 4 in......--. 53 00 5600] No, 3....---+++0+ 28 00 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, 1 in....... » 20 00 3200 rz in. clear...... 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2zin.. 24 00 38 oo 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 0c Fine common, 1in.... 40 00 41 oo | Common all widths... 22 00 26 00 1%, 1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls,1 in... 14 50 15 50 - do 1Y¥ in. 15 50 16 50 : SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra dit. csreserenccesseune $30 00 | .nd Clears.........+++++++-- $25 00 Glearss...c.cbeseeersreccees 28 00 SHINGLES. Spruce....--s.e..0+ «+ 1 30 1 50| Second Clear... ..... 200 215 Cedar, extra.......-+-+ 3.00 3 10| Extra No.1f...... Te. nee 25 eS Clear co aeisic ss prvsp esi 250 2 65 LATH Spruce......--+-++s r | By cargo....-seeeeeers x 80@ 1 90 By car ....seeeceee 1 80@ z 00 AvGuUST 9g, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N. Y., August 9, 1899 WHITE PINE. 14x10 and 12....., 30 00 32 $51 00 5200] 236 IM. Fa wse sree ee 3 50 oe a 60 00 ZIM ws seeeeeeeeeee 31 50 33 52 65 00| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 45 00 46 00 and up, 1 in..... . 35 5° 55 00| Mold st’ps,1 to 2in.. 3 00 33 00 AM. sees eeeeeeeere 60 oo| Barn, No.1, 12in..... 25 50 Fine common, 1 in.,up 6 8and roin..... + 2100 2200 to 12 in, wide. «++ 38 00 41 50 No. 2, roin....... a 18 co 1% and 1% in..... 39 50 40 50 No. 2, 12 if... 5-5 19 50 ZAM os .400-ee- cere 40 50 41 50| No. 3, roin. as 16 co BVAlh s esaioe ae 9 oo so co| No. 3, 12in. 16 50 A ADs saeNecdag terse 55 00| Common, rin........ 1660 Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. 30 00| Box, 1x4..... ; 13 00 1% toz in.......-. 35 00 37 50 1x6to12in, 14 50 No. 2, 1 in...... os 18 50 1x10 to 13 in 15 5° No. 2,14, & 1% in 26 00 28 00 1\% and 14 in 16 00 Re 3,1% & 1% in 22 09} Mill Culls, 1, 1 Op thy 2 earcins cine 22vw and 2in..... ieee ) Dressing 14 in...... 30 oO me ae : WHITE ASH. ist & 2nd, x inch, 28 00 30 00| 2% tog in........... 34 00 3800 1Y% to 2in.......66 31 00 33 00 | Strips. ....... 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls....... 12 00 14 Ow BLACK AND BROWN ASH. rst & 2nd, 6 inch up, 25 co 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 08 BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & rst &and,white, 6” &up, 18 oe up, red ...... een 728 08 See. cookie ae Heat ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 MAPLE. . rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 06 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & ip, 18 00 20 oo BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., August 9, 1899. ; UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $43 00 WIdE 5. osc -vsoepriaes d ..$48 oc | 1%, 1% and2in....... ... 1%, 14 and 2 in : 2% and 3 in......+-.-+-. ae 2% and Zin.......... ; BaY.. ova dover wean seo SD Fie H gat cares oe ee sessed §9 90 ; aia r 23 FINE ‘COMMON, A : 1 in., 8 in. and up wide..... +35 00 | 2% andgin., 8in. and up wide 46 o 1% and 05G 1N?; --:4 epee ane 35 90 ee Ss aap ae a “es a Piirmecna pi sable eee “+. 36.00 : B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 26 00 | 24% and 3in., 7in. ‘ wit 5 ad! nip, Ting ond wp wie Le ala ene sr ial Wen eae os 2: cicls + 32 00 i ; STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 oo| 1in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 35 00 Gin. WIdG.. 0000950 cess aan 40 00 | Gin. wide.........++ anion. CD : hat. FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5in, wide. .....+.-- 30 00 | r&% in., 4, 5 in, wide........ 32 00 1Y in., 6 in. wide........... 35 00] in., 6in, wide............. 34 00 { SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1Yin., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 26 oo! 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide........ 22 00 NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7im.......... 18 00 | 1% in., 4,5 and 7in........, 20 00 Tihs Olls cee cs nates an ree 19 00 | 1% in., Gin, ......- ee en) ; NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. tin., 4,5 and 7 inch .....+.. 14 00 | 2% in., 4 to.7 inch .......4.. 15 00 1 ing, 6 inchta oh SC: a2 and 24 ft..........+ goo. 1250 Add $x to each addii in length. 3 SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX...., 3 oo| Stand Clear Butts.......... AP I a WHITE PINE LATH. © > NoOscfiwvasccewenvewecscvwnme: 200i) DOs 2aeintinnn eania sani aie nee Hemlock .. ee py ee ee PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK: _ : Fio.b. Stein- F.o.b.carsat __—_—hoff & Gor- Sutherland Innes Mills don’s Mills. No. x 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000......$5 50 $5 00 No.130 " " " Mt . sanene SoBe 5 00 No.132 0 " " " Wo eeeeee 5 IS 5 50 No.124 wu " " " 1) > wed tana er 4.00 No. 228% u u " " 18 pies 3 50 3 50. No.230 wu " " " | bhilgce SRO 3/50 No.232 " " " Uy 0s oes 4 00 372 No 224 " ' " " ny > Swace 2 00 200 No. x 14 in. to 14% in. kiln dried basswood heading, perset 3% 3 No.r15 wu 16 " " " " 3% 3% No. 117% " " " 3% 3H No.118 ww 18% wu " " " 4 i: No. 1 19% " " " " 4% 4% No. 1 19 " " " " 5 5 Mill run heading %ct. per set less, No. 2 heading rct. per set less. No. 15% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000.... 5 75 5 4° No.16 0 " " " NT oo ce) Mae 5 75 No. 16% " " " ee 5 go No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less. No. 1 -8% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000.. 6 50 00 No. 228% " " " " 3 50 ° 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves ...----++++++-+- 48 00 20 00 No + 30 inch half syrup barrel staves....-..+-+-++ «2.16 00 16 co * bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.o0 per year (The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. ee Vot. V. TORONTO, ONT., HUGUST 16, 1899 No. 30. CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire INSURANCE BUILDING, MOonrTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00, WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; x2 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CanaDa LuMBERMAN, Toronto. : FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS LUMBER AND SHINGLE Mill, average capacity per day 35 M. feet lum- ber, 79 M. shingles, and 15 M. lath; situated in Hunts- ville, close tothe G.T.R. station, with sidings to mill ; plenty of virgin pi e. Also a first-class site for a tannery, | lenty oftan bark. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to T. WHALEY, Huntsville, Ont. WANTED. GOOD SAWYER TO RUN A CIRCULAR saw_in a dimension mill. Apply to A. & P. Wuite, Pembroke. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine co h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30X 100 ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber: ear by. For particulars, address ALLEN CressMAN, Berlin, Ont. Auction Sale TIMBER LIMITS Owing to the death of Mr. Thomas Hale, and to wind up the business of Hale & Booth, the following valuable TIMBER LIMITS will be offered for sale at public auction at the Russell House, in the City of Ottawa, on Wednesday, the 6th Day of September Next, at the hour of 2 o'clock, viz. : PARCEL 1.—Berth No. 82, North Shore of Lake Huron, area 36 miles. This berth is considered second to none on the Georgian Bay. PARCEL 2.—Berths 2, 3 and 4, Township of Butt (situated contiguous to the line of O.,A.&P.S. R’y.), 1334. 12 and 11% miles respectively. PARCEL 3.—Berths Nos. 136 and 136, Serpent River, area 36 miles each. PARCEL 4 —Berth No. 1, Township of Hanmer, Ver- million River, area 734 miles. (If not previously sold.) ; PARCEL 5.—Township of Spragge, area 28 miles. The stocks of Shanty Plant, rigging and supplies which have been used in connection wi-h the operations on each parcel or lot, and whether or not actually stored upon the limit, to be taken by the purchaser at a fair valuation. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known at the time of sale. Further particulars as to the proper- ties may be had on application to JAMES H. BURRITT, Barrister, Pembroke, Ont. Or to J. R. BOOTH, Ottawa. AUCTION SALE, SEPTEMBER 7TH, 1899 Will be sold at Auction, by order of the Supreme Court, under the direction of Austin B. Fletcher, Esq., Receiver, on Depot Square, at White Plains, N.Y., on THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 71TH, 1899, at 11:30 a.m., the Lumber and Coal Yard for- merly owned by the John W. Young & Sons Company, at White Plains, N.Y., the County Seat of Westchester County. Population 8,000 to 10,000, on the line of the New York & Harlem Railroad, 22 miles from Grand Central Depot, New York City. Two-storey Frame Office Building, Iron Clad Elevator (capacity 35,000 bushels), Large Brick and Frame Planing Mill and Wood- Worker, ample Coal and Lumber Sheds, abundant Trackage, Wagon and Track Scales, located on two sides of the Square at the Station. Will be offered in parcels and as a whole. Also, at the same time and place and under the same order, the Lumber and Coal yard lately owned by the same Company, situate at the Station at Tuckahoe, also on the New York & Harlem Railroad, 16 miles from Grand Central Depot. A smaller yard than the former, but very complete in its appointments ; Office Building, Coal and Lumber Sheds, comparatively new, in good order; side track, scales, etc. Two grand opportunities for a live man. lars, terms of sale, ete., apply to AUSTIN B. FLETCHER, Receiver, 32 Liberty St., New York City. For maps giving full particu- W. B. TIBBITS, Auctioneer, of White Plains, N.Y. WESTERN CANADA AND EXPORT EDITION. The publishers ofthe CanaDA LUMBERMAN are completing arrangements for the publica- tion, about the 1st of October next, ofa special number, to be known as the Western Canada and Expert Edition, and to be devoted parti- cularly to the lumber interests of Manitoba, the Northwest Territories and British Columbia, and to the export lumber trade of this part of Canada. It isthe purpose to place a copy of this number in the hands of every saw mill retail dealers and Western Canada, and also to distribute a large number of copies amongst the timber importers and others interested in Great Britain, South America, China, Japan, South Africa and Australia, to which countries British Columbia timber products are exported. By this means it is sought to better acquaint foreign con- sumers with the timber resources of our western owner, wood-workers in provinces, and with the possibilities of obtain- ing supplies in Canada. There are many manufacturers in the Dominion’ who are in- terested in supplying the lumber requirement of the countries named. To these the oppor- tunity is given of being represented in this number. Information regarding prices for advertisements will be gladly furnished upon application. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, Lumber trade conditions in - Ontario viewed from any standpoint, are of a de- cidedly hopeful character. The volume of trade is satisfactory, prices firm, and the prospective demand the most pro- mising. The trade of the past week has served to substantiate what was predicted earlier in the season, namely, that there would be no perceptible midsummer lull in business this year. All the mills, pine and hardwood, are working to their full capacity, and many of them are behind with orders. In the Ottawa valley British trade is said to be quiet, but for other lines there is a remarkably brisk demand. Stocks of box lumber are practically ex- hausted. The movement of the lower grades generally is such that higher prices have been paid in some instances. Sales of mill culls are reported at $9 while one year ago it would be difficult to obtain $6 for similar stock. There are no heavy pine stocks held either in the Ottawa valley or the Georgian Bay districts, and the universal opinion 1s that the fall will witness a shortage in many _ grades. Although it is yet too early to predict, the present indications are that next year lumber prices wi!l be even higher than they are at the present time. The completion of buildings is creating a larger demand for shingles, which have been moving moderately all season. Dealers are unable to secure any stocks in advance of orders. Both pine and cedar meet with ready sale. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The lumber requirement in Manitoba is now confined largely to building opera- tions, which continue very brisk. A heavy movement of material in Winnipeg is reported, and the outlook for fall trade is good. Crop prospects throughout Manitoba and the North-west are favor- able, and when these have been harvest- ed the farmers will turn their attention to erecting new buildings and carrying out needed improvements. The saw mills in British Columbia are busy on orders both for the home market and for export. Railway construction is providing an out- let for much timber, a number of contracts having recently been let. Arrangements are being perfected to form an organiza- tion to control the lumber business of the Kootenay and Slocan Lake district. UNITED STATES. Minneapolis is looked upon as the baro- meter that shows the condition of all the markets in the north-western pine dis- trict. For this reason the figures show- ing the shipments have additional inter- est. For the first seven months of this year the shipments from that market were 274,900,000 feet as against 194,400,- ooo feet for the corresponding month of 1898. The demand has been such that very little unsold stock is now on the market and wholesalers are advancing prices in the hope of being able to retain what stock they have to supply the late fall and winter trade, when it is believed that even higher prices will be realized. The position in the east corresponds to some extent with that in the Lake Superior district. The call for lumber is stead- ily expanding, and notwithstanding quite heavy purchases made by wholesalers, there is no great supply of any kind of Jumber in the yards. It is singular that in the midst of the receiving season there are many grades of which the supply is decidedly short. At Buffalo and Tona- wanda No.2 and No. 3 cuts are very scarce. Mill cull stocks have practically passed into the hands of box-makers, who have been unable to secure an ample supply of pine and are looking around for substitutes. At Tonawanda there are many enquiries in the market for box material of promiscuous widths, but dealers refuse to quote prices, not knowing where Il. to obtain the stock. No.3 barn Ix 12 is selling at $17 to $17.50. Reports from the eastern markets tell of the continued firmness of hardwood _ prices, and there seems reason to believe that there will be no appreciable weaken- ing of prices before the winter at least. An expansion is reported in the demand for maple, especially cuts suitable for flooring, which sell at Buffalo at $20 for firsts and seconds and $15 for common. Elm, ash and basswood are also much enquired for. FOREIGN. The lumber which has reached British ports of late has to large extent been sold before its arrival, and consequently mar- ket quotations have not been influenced thereby. The tendency of prices on near- ly all lines of wood goods is towards an advance. The stocks at London and Liverpool show a favorable comparison with those of one year ago. At London the stock of pine and spruce deals is some two thousand pieces less, while at Liverpool it is about equal to that of last year. At both London and Liverpool however, there 1s much smaller quantity of square timber in public docks, that at Liverpool, for instance, being less than one-third of what it was at same time last year. With a steady consumption, this is likely to be somewhat reduced even before the close of the import season. Waney pine is firm at at 2s 6d and 2s 9d for 19 and 20 inch average. There is a specialy good demand for large sized logs of red pine, birch, ash and elm, but the smaller sizes are little enquired for. Im- porters are now showing a strong disposi- tion to contract for fall goods, tut are realizing that there is very little Canadian stock to be obtained, and that for this they must pay a high price. Taken alto- gether the position of Canadian timber is very satisfactory. Considerable shipments continue to be made to South America and the West Indies, where the demand seems to be steadily expanding ; prices are also show- ing increased strength. Ae ES STOCKS AND PRICES. Tenders are wanted by the city of To- ronto for the supply of oak and elm lum- ber. The date limit is August 24th. Box lumber is selling at $12 and $13 at Saginaw, Norway at $9.50 to $12, mill culls at $8 to $10, and the log run at $15. Donald Fraser and Sons, of Frederic- ton, N. B., are filling an order for 1,- 600,000 box shooks for the British market. Johnson & Beveridge, of Parry Sound, Ont., have been given a contract for 5,- 000,000 feet of logs, to be taken out during the coming winter. The Ontario & Rainy River Railway Company are asking for tenders for the construction of 100 miles of road. Plans are on view at the company’s office in Toronto. The Nova Scotia Carriage Co., of Kent- ville, N. S., want tenders for the supply of 20,000 feet of 1 and 1% inch basswood, 8 inches and up wide, to be delivered by October ‘oth. White ash is quoted at Buffalo at $50 to $60 for firsts and seconds, and $28 to $35 for common. Thick basswood sells at about $26, and $26 to $30 is about the average quotation for elm. Messrs. Graham, Horne & Co., of Fort William, who became financially embar- rassed about one year ago, have again secured control of the mill from the Bank of Montreal. It is the intention to operate it next year, and with that end in view -7x2¥% in, 103d ; 13 \ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. eS logging operations will shortly be com- menced in the woods. It is stated that Messrs. McCormack & McLeod, who are extensive loggers in the Georgian Bay district, have secured the contract for building five miles of spur lice from the Ottawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound Railway to the town of Parry Sound, and also the contract for building twenty miles of the James Bay Railway north of that town. Referring to the shingle market at North Tonawanda, a correspondence of the American Lumberman states that in the past conditions have not warranted the dealers there in laying in a stock of them. Now, however, the demand has increased to such an extent that everyone is looking around for a supply. Buyers from the east report that they cannot find a sufficient quantity to supply their wants. There has been a great improvement in the demand for hemlock lumber within the past three months, and frequent ad- vances have been the result. The base price at Buffalo is $11.50 for thick and $12 for boards, which is $3 more than ruling quotations six months ago. At Philadelphia prices are $13.50 and 16 feet and under, $14 for 18 and 20 feet, with 20 cents additional for every two feet ad- ditional for every two feet additional in length. Following is the result of a recent sale of Canadian deals, etc., held by Calder, Henderson & Livingstone, at Glasgow, Scotland, on August 2nd: Quebec first pine deal ends, 8 ft. 11 x 3 in, 2s 5d per cu. ft;7 ft. 7-10x3 m., 2s 2d; Quebec pine deals, 8 16 ft, 9-16 x 3 in., Is 2%d; second pine deals, 12-16 ft., 12-18 x 3 in., 2s 2d ; Quebec pine scantlings, 12-16 ft. 3-6x31n., 10% and 11d ; Quebec red pine deals, 9x2¥% in., 1s 3d; Bathurst pine deals, 9-19 ft. 14-20x 3 ft., 1s 4d ; 16-19 ft. 9 x 3, 104d ; Quebec spruce deals, 11 16 ft. 12-15 x3 in, 11%d; 10-16 ft. 10 x 3, 11d; 12-16 ft. 11x3, 11d; 14-16 ft. Qx 3, 11d ; 12-26 ft. 7-11 x 3, Iod ; 13 ft. 6x 3, 934d ; Quebec spruce battens, 13 ft. ft. 5-16x 2, 1o¥44d; 1oft. 5-12 x2, 104d : II ft. 5-6 x 2, 104d; 79 ft. 5-12 x 2, 9%d; Bathurst fourth quality spruce deals, 15-23 ft. 7x 3,84d; 9-14 ft. 7 x 3, 84d. The: annual sale of unmarked and mixed logs rafted during the season by the Fredericton Boom Co. took place at Fredericton, N. B., on August 7th. Among the prominen! lumbermen present at the sale were J. A. Morrison, R. A. Estey, Donald Fraser, jr., of Fredericton ; B. Jel Babbitt, of Gibson; C. F. Woodman, Henry: Hilyard, W. H. Murray, Fred Mills, and E. L. Jewett, of St. John, and Parker Glasier, M.P.P., of Lincoln. The prices realized were as follows: 125,259 feet spruce deals, 96,883 feet spruce battens and 32,326 feet con- demned spruce, E. L. Jewett, at $9.25 per thousand ; 10,120 feet of pine, T. ee Babbitt & Sons, $6.90 per thousand : 48,- 200 feet cedar, William Minue, $8 per thousand; 6,150 feet hemlock, R. A. Estey, $3 per thousand. At last year’s sale spruce brought $6.70 per thousand, pine $5, cedar $3.45 and hemlock $2.25. LONDON AND LIVERPOOL STOCKS. According to Churchill & Sims wood circular, the stock of timber, deals, etc., in public docks at London on July gist last was 15,127,000 pieces, against 13,961,000 pieces in 1898 and 14,248,009 pieces in 1897. Following is a comparative state- ment for two years : 1899. 1898. .. 1,210,0 01,185,0co . ... 2,828,000 2,092,000 - + 9,536,c00 8,5 0,000 Foreign deals, in pieces... Battens, in pieces .... Boards, in pieces..... Wainscot logs, in pieces.......... 651 720 Oak timber, in loa s...........-- 2,082 1,483 Fir timber, in Joads.............. 1,247 1,840 Colonial pine dealsand battens, in pcs. 850,000 1,174,000 Spruce ditto, oc jcccieiersacar's sivisininisis : feo 546,000 874,000 Oak timber, in loads............. 1,997 1,708 Birch timber and planks, in loads. 1,687 45155 Elm ard ash timber, in loads..... 368 576 White pine timber, in loads. ..... 594 619 Red pine timber, in loads........ 57 147 United Statespitch pine timber, inlds. 4:234 15,867 Pitch pine deals, in pieces.......... 107,000 126,000 East India teak, in lads........... 8,234 13,060 The deliveries for the seven months of this year were 21,639,000 pieces, an in- crease over the two previous years. The following table shows the import, consumption and stock of Canadian wood goods at Liverpool up to July 31st for two years : AuGuST 16, 1899 225 m., also ex ‘‘ Golden Hind,” of fine quality C. R. C., sold at $5.27. The ‘* Ad- vance,” from Campbellton, also brought 524m. Extra No. 1 sawn cedar laying, which sold at 1898. 1899. 1898. 1899. 1898. eye 2 Import. Consumption Stock on 3 st July. Quebec square pine, cubic feet...-.--+-+++++++++ 5,000 26,000 79,000 35,000 Quebec waney pine, cubic feet..........-+ereeee 357,0cO -353,0c0 —- 362,0c0 485,000 263, 00 84,000 St. John’s pire, cubic feet.......--eeee eee sees 1,000 5,000 il. 7,000 1,0co Nil. Other ports, cubic feet......0.eeeeeeecneee cree Nil. 3009 2,000. 3,000 3,000 2,000 Red pine, cubic feet....--. ereererecsetres rere 8,coo 10,000 g,0 0 20.002 7,0 5,000 Oak, Canadian and American, cubic feet........ 233,000 158,000 155,000 197,C00 238,coo 161,0c0 Oak planks, cubic feet... -.2.++-++0ereeees .12+1,061,000 1,155,000 1,105,0 0 1,139,00~ 000 94,000 Elm, cubic feet..... 0.1226 0s reece eee es . 55,000 4 000 42,000 50,000 25,000 B rch, logs, cubic feet.......--. 320,700 88,002 310009 76,000 81,000 Birch planks, cubic feet.... 268,0c0 = 277,0:0 432,C00 87,000 7 000 Ash cubic feet.........++-+- 151,c0OO 114,0C0 148,000 30,c00 2 ,000 Quebec pine deals, ptg std.. 14,817 32,4c0 155224 Quebec spruce, ptg std... +. +-seeeeere resets nee 5,642 22,890 29,451 1,360 1,102 N.B., N.S., &c., spruce and pine deals, ptg std.. 29,139 52,030 36, oI 47,082 12,950 19,198 _————— THE BARBADOS MARKET. Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son& Co., in their last report, review the Barbados lumber market as follows : The ‘* Moss Rose ” bas arrived from Liver- pool, N. S., with 1om. ft: Shipping, and 165 m. 2nd. quality white pine. This cargo coming toa virtually bare market, brought good prices, $23. 60 for shipping and $17. 30 for 2nd quality. The shipping was such a small quantity that it cannot be cunsidered asa criterion for the sale of cargo lots, but we would consider fair valu- ation for a couple of cargoes,say, about $22 for shipping, and $16 or thereabouts for second quality. In spruce there have been no further receipts ; one or two cargoes would likely bring from $16 to $17. In long Gaspe cedar shingles the market has been variable, and sales have been at various prices as to quality. A speculator has come in during the past few days and taken some of the later shipments, as we have been pointing out that we did not be- lieve that the receipts would be heavy during the remainder of the season. Arrivals have been ex ‘‘ Ceylon,” from Gaspe, Que., with 165 m. of superior quality, sold at $5.21 ; ex «‘ Advance,” from Campbellton, N. B., 131 m., sold at $3.03. The speculator referred to pre- viously has taken bulk of ‘* Golden Hind’s” cargo, some 760 m., at $3.83. A small parcel of dimension shingles, 5, 6 and 7 inch, have beeh placed at $5.40, $6.40, and $7.40; WANTED Rock Elm, eut to order. Soft Elm, all thicknesses. Black Ash, all thicknesses State quantity you can supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large number of Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet; also Fence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. GEORGE & McGREGOR, Kilialoe Station, Ont. | D W | HH | BOSTON, MASS. = 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WV AIN’T Mill Culls FOR CASE ; Jon F. stenge No. 928 Ellicott Square, BUFFALO, N.Y. $2.60 The spruce laying, 100m. ex ** Alli- ance,” referred to in our last, brought $2.40. Since writing the above the schooner ‘* Rose- neath” has arrived from Jordan Bay, N. S., with 100 m. feet white pine, which sold at $24.12 for shipping, as the market is quite bare. ——— VALUABLE INFORMATION. Each. week the advertising pages of our Weekly Edition contain information of value to lumber manufacturers and buyers. They tell where stock can be obtained, and at same time contain inquiries for lumber perhaps just the class of stock of which a manufacturer has a large supply. Subscribers will find it profit- able to watch the advertising pages carefully. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WooOD AGENTS 7 Crospy SquaRE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “«Sieveking,’” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. WANTED FOR EXPORT All kinds of Logs and Lumber Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, HOTT & DICKSON - LONDON, ENG. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH: OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBI R, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensi: ns. BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE ano HARDWOOD i, aE APTI Pe 4 SY Cable Address, “‘ SWAN DoxsoGH—TONAWANDA : Lumberman’s Code. SS M\ILL ANE Nm Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” - ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of firsts and seconds Brown Ash stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to LAWRENCE & WIGGIN Wholesale Lumber Dealers = - 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. Ul vy = ho AuGUST 16, 189¢ THE GLASGOW MARKET. Messrs. Wright, Graham & Co., in their monthly timber report, dated jist July, review the Glasgow market for Canadian timber as follows : Business during the month has been con- siderably interfered with by the annual holidays; but notwithstanding this, a fair amount of stock has changed hands at firm prices. Clyde shipbuilding returns show 21,022 tons of new tonnage launched this month, as compared with 12,720 tons in July last year. WANEY BoARDWooD.— Prime parcels are in request. Price 2s 6d to 2s gd. Second class wood is selling at 1s 5d to 2s per cubic foot. SoQuARE PINE.—Parcels of prime wood, 35 to 40 average, are asked for. Price 2s 4d to 2s 6d ; parcels of less average and poorer quality at 1s 5d to 1s _ 11d per cubic foot. RED PINeE.—The demand has _ been specially good for large average. Price Is 1od to 2s; smaller average at 1s 3d to 1s 6d per cubic foot, according to quality. Oak Locs.—Selected parcels of large average are in demand. Price 2s 7d to 3s per cubic foot; ordinary quality is selling at 2s to 2s 3d per cubic foot. Ex_m Locs.—First class wood of large average is specially sought after. Price 2s 2d to 2s 4d; smaller average and second quality at from 1s 9d to 2s per cubic’foot. AsH Locs.—There is a steady demand for prime wood; 14 to 16 inch average is selling at 1s 9d to 2s per cubic foot. BircH LoGs.—Prime wood is selling readily. Price, 16 inch, 1s 8d to 1s 10d; 14 to 15 inch average at 1s 5d to 1s 7d per cubic foot. Rock MAPLE LocGs.—Several consign- ment parcels sold at 1s 10d to 2s per cubic foot. Only first-class logs are wanted. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 111. Hickory Locs.—The demand is fair. Sales have been made at Is 10d to 2s per cubic foot. QUEBEC WHITE PINE DEALS.—Quota- tions are as follows: 1st quality, broad, #24 1s 3d to £25 8s od per std.; 11 in., H21 6s 3d to £23 7s 6d; 7 in. to ro in. and ends, £16 10s to £19 5s. 2nd quality, broad, £18 4s 4d to £19 58; 11 in., 15 16s 3d to £17 38 9d; 7 in. to 10 in., S12 7s 6d to £13 15s. 3rd quality, broad, £10 6s gd to 411; 11 in., $9 12s 6d to £9 19s 4d; narrows, £7 4s 4d to £8 ss. 4th quality, broad, 47 11s 3d to £8 5s; 11 in., £6 17S 6d to £7 4s 4d; narrows, £6 35 od to £6 Ios 7d. Rep Pine DEALs.—These are in request, and shipments meet with ready sale. Prices are about as follows: g and 11 in., #8 18s od to £10 13s 1d per St. Pet. std.; narrows, £8 to £8 ris tod. QUEBEC WHITE PINE BoaRDs.—The de- mand for first quality has been fair, and prices on the whole are much the same as last month: First quality, 2 in. thick, 12 in. to15 in. wide, £17 3s 9d to £19 58; 1% in. thick; 12 in. to 15 in. wide, £16 10s to #18 18s 1d; 1% in. thick, 11 in. to 13 in. wide, £16 10s to £18 11s 3d; 1 in. thick 10 in. to 12 in. wide, £15 to £16 108; 1% and 2 in strips, 4 in. to 7 in. wide, £14 8s gd ta £16 10s. Second quality, 2 in. thick, 12 in}to 14 in. wide, £13 Is 3dto £15 93 4d; 1% and 1¥% in., 12 in. to 14 in. wide, £12 7s 6d to £14 8s 9d; 1 in., 10 in. to 12 in. wide, 411 6s 10d to 127s 6d. Third quality, 21n., Il in, to 15 in. wide, £818s 9d to £11; 1, 1% and 1% in., 10 in, to 14 in. wide, £7 4s 4d to £9 12 6d. QUEBEC SprRUCE DEALS.—There has been a good consumption going on. Prices, £6 3s od to £7 11s 3d for third quality ; and 45 16s Iod to £6 14s for fourth quality. N. B, anpd N.S. Pine DeEais.—Prices qnoted, £5 16s 10d to £8 5s per St. Pet. std. SPRUCE DEALs.—(2nd quality average), £6 3s 9d to £7 11s 3d per St. Pet. std. Bircu Locs.—Large average is in demand. {4 to 15 in. average is selling at 1s 5d to 1s 7d ; 16 to 18 in. average at 1s 8d to 1s 10d per cubic foot. BIRCH PLANKS are in moderate request. Prices, £6 17s 6d to £7 18s 1d per. St. Pet. std. The assignment is announced of Z. Bourassa, sash and door manufacturers, Three Rivers, Que. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A, Overenn, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... , OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. SPOT CASH BLACK ASH, SOFT ELM and BIRCH LUMBER Either for immediate or future delivery, lake points preferred. Write full particulars. If quantity warrants will send Inspector. H. HERRMANN LUMBER CO., 368 Broome St., New York City CANADIAN EXPORTERS «°° WILOLESALERS mw: PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umes MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP a Eee ee DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. - @e Write us for Quotations on all Bills@y@ PEMBROKE, ONT. A. A. SCOTT. COOKE & SCOTT WM. COOKE. MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES MeceGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RaiL OR WATER. - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HRAst TEMPLETON, QUE. S It your Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING S*eT NG and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the... CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. $ An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ GEILING @ JAS. PLAY FATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER » LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P.WAITE ws MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, ‘Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Lavge Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock < PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ° WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber Pine Lath, Cedar, and i Pine Shingles. A Quantity of Cedur Posts for Sale on the Sho e of the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron, also 6x6 CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Cedar Vies 8 Feet Long. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling “6 10.00 ONTARIO. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. Burk’s Falls, Ont. FOREIGN IMPORTERS WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND t Codes Used’: Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. C.H. GLOVER & CO., 1a Importers 0f——_—_ SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from Offers Invited..... the Manufacturer. WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Wharves, Mills and Offices: ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENGLAND SMITH & TYRER-- IA Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL - . Wood Agents. . : Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.S. O~ Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool BUYERS OF == POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS IRVIN & SELLERS ~) Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. ALSO DEALERS IN === BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and all HARD and FANCY WOODS Iv | CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. AUGUST 16, 1899. SEE ne DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”" BELTING | Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. 3 Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J.S , Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS City Brass Foundry, Magnolia Metal Co., DRY KILNS McEachren Standard Dry Kiln Co., ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jobn, Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. Hamilton, Ont. New York. Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Indianapolis, Ind. - Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. : Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Kentville, N.S. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Mowry & Son, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mig. Co., Peterboro’, The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxtord Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL w York. Magnolia Metal Co., Ne ENGINEERS Ont. PAPER AND PULP MILL Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., The Dominion Leather Board Co., RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw ©o., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Til, U.S.A, Shier, J. D. Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Oat. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Toronto. Montreal, Que. Ont. Ill, WHOLBSALE PRIGBS CU RRBNT. TORONTO, ONT. ToronTo, August 16, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1% 1% and 2 inch cut x inch dressing and up and better.....- $32 00 $34 00 | better....... ees $20 00 $22 00 zinch picksand uppers 34 0° 36 00 | ¢ inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x? 2 dressing and bet- . inch siding common 11 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft...-- 22 00 24 00| « inch sidingshipculls ro 50 1x 50 x10 fine dressing and t inch siding millculls 8 50 9 00 better......-+++ s+ 22 00 24 00 | Cullscantling........ 800 900 1xzo and 12 Canadian cinch strips 4 in, to 8 dressing and better 18 00 2000] In. mill run...... . 13 00 14 00 11-2and thicker cut- t inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank....-- 2400 26 00/1 1-4 inch flooring... 16 00 1 1-4 in. cut up and « 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 better .....--.--++: 33 00 35 00 X XX pine shingles, 16 xxrc and 12 mill run 16 00 18 00 AAG hire syesetereatelete rite 2 40 1x10 and 12 common. 12 00 14 oo | XX pine shingles 16 inch I 50 1xzo and 12 mill culls g 00 10 00 Lath, No. 1.......-- 1 60 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 Lath No. 2........- I 25 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2 in. .$26 oo $28 oo; Elm rock, mi ae Ki) BG. tog = 30100 32/00) UNine ais 1 to 1%"18 00 20 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm,rock,mill muds, (Tito’ 134 1. -<= 20001. 22 100)| MUR eae 3... 21 00 23 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Hickory, 1sts ands,2to.4in....-- 22 00 24 00| and ands..1}4“ 2.. 28 00 30 00 Ash, M.R.,1_ to 2-- 17 00 19 00 Maple, sts Birch, 1in. _. 18 00 20 00 and ands.. 1 “! 13% 16 00 18 00 Rs 1%‘ 2.. 20 00 23 00| Maple Ists “© sqrs. 4x4 “ 8 x824 00 26 00 and 2nds.. 2 ‘‘ 4.. 17 00 18 00 Basswood, xsts and Oak, red, p’n, ands, 1 to1% in.... 18 00 20 oo! ssts&znds3r ‘f 1% 2600 3000 1% to 2 ..2: 00 22 00 Oak,red, p’n, « mor. 3 ‘1% 15 00 17 00 isis & ands 2 ‘* 4.. 29 00 3200 Butternut 1 “1% 23.00 25 00 Oak, white, ae 2 ‘§ 3.. 25 00 28 00 ists & ands 1 ‘* 134 28 00 30 00 Chernov! 1 fa. 24 00 2 00 Oak, white, Cherry, 1sts ists & ands 2 “‘ 4.. 30 00 35 00 and 2nds.. 1 ‘ 1% 50.00 60 00 Oak quart’d, erry, 1sts sts &2nds 1 ‘f 2.. 50 00 6000 and 2nds.. 2 ‘* 4.. 60 00 65 oo , Walnut, ists lm, soft, mill and 2nds.. 1 ** 3.. 85 00 100 00 PUD cos 1 *£ 1% 16 00 18 00 Whitewoor, 1m,soft, mill ists & ands: ‘f 2.. 32 00 3600 PUN cia bors 2 ‘' 3.. 17 00 19 00 OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, August 16, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m.....-. $31 00 36 00| ‘ter stock...... Jtyeoa IE OO (12 50 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8&ups.c. sidings 11 00 13 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 90 28 oo | Pine, s.c. strips...--- 8 00 10 00 pine, No. dressing Pine, sc. shorts....- 700 859 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls...+.-- g 00 10 50 Dimiecceeeeeeee ges 15 Go 21 00| Pine mill culls...... 759 9900 Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath per M No.1... 160 } 25 UStYIPS, oss eeeee eyes 14 00 16 oo | Lath per M No. 2... 85 100 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1xto No. 1 barn...- 18 00 shorts, ...+-+++++++ 1200 14 00| 1x10 No. 2 Pore 16 00 Pine, 10 s.c. and bet- tx8 & gNo.x § 17 00 ter Stock, »..s-1.<- 14s 13.50 15 00 | 1x8 & qg No.2 ¥ 15 00 QUEBEC, QUE. Quesec, August 16, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. ’ Cts. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ---+---+- go) ag ** good fair &: a CS el nae ee ae 32 = 34 _‘* first class 4 se sf Siac nae 8 + 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average according to lineal.. 36 42 FE eek «x9 tozrinchaverage ae Rec) 2! “Michigan ‘f 19 to 21 in average & 66 & size 43 «48 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and qu ity...---+-++++++-** 22 26 In shipping order, f Ee bey PE gala wntes wore aig) 5 297 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average andquality. . + + 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 to 50 feet. . 32 35 Ly ag ce ‘30 to 35 feet. . 27 3¢ ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality . 21 ae To ayerage 16 inch _ SR ee Merce ec Fc » 25 26 : BIRCH. t4inchaverage. . - ee feat 4s) 18 TOs Liege 5 2 20 as =e aes .24 28 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for and, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., August 16, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking........+++- 44.00 5090 SPRUCE. 6 tO QIN. «+++ ee we veee 14 00 14 50| 10 to 12 AD pi sesso ated 16 25 17 00 6 to r2in...... «+++ 14 50 15 75| Lath.....---+eeereee 185 195 Q O12ZiN...---++-0+s 1575 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to £6 scacsesaveiance oa «sr Meo 1% to 2 in. ss 55, 06 1% to2 in.......-- 37 5° 1x6torzin.....-- 14 50 No, 2, 1 in : 18 50 IX tO13iM...... 15 0D 15 50 No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 26 00 28 00| 1% and TIGIN, «oes 16 co No. 3,1% & 1% in 22 03| Mill Culls,1, 1%, 1% No. 3, 2in.....++++ 22.¢e and 21ff...--+-«s 1209 13 02 Dressing 1% in..... : 30 oc - WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, x inch, 28 00 30 00| 24% to4 in.....-..-+ . 34.00 38 00 1% tO ZN. ww serene 31 00 33 00| Strips. ...-..--.-++- 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls....... 12 00 14 Ov BLACK AND BROWN ASH, rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 | BIRCH. rst & 2nd, 6 inch & | 1st &2nd,white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 00 UP LEG. aie on sie sore 28 00 3000] Com & good culls..... 10 00 11 00 ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20/00 22 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 3 MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 0° BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., August 16, 1899. : UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $43 00 wide......- coun ga nieiolelginiens $48 oc| 1%, 1% andzin....... ++» 43 00 1%, 1% and 2 in 48 0c| 2 and 3 in......+-.---- ig 2% and 3 iM.....----+- 56 00] 4iM....+-+ Bn cme 54 00 A MMe isos dre saree aniadaea® 59 90 : : : f FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 35 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 46 oo 1% and 1% in.......0++ ++ 35 00 | 4iM......-+een0 oes ey eB BANG «65 Srradiatelss arent sn aint 36 09 , ; B FINE COMMON OR NO. 1 CUTTING. : rin., 7in. and up wide...... 26 00 | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 39 co 14% and1¥ in......- + BT 00] 4 IM... ese eee wep ee eaesenene 40 00 DEAN shelte ain cnn ale wets ae Nana 32 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 00 | 1in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 35 90 6 in. Wide. .....-++sessseeeee 40 00 | 6 in, wide. ....+-.++++++4+-- 40 00 : ee FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. .....--.- 30 00 | 14 in., 4, 5 in. wide ...5<¢s.a,32 00 1¥% in., 6 in. wide.....-...-- 35 0o| in., 6 in. wide......---.+-- 34 00 , SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1Uin., 4, 5, 6in. wide... -.-. 26 oo! 1 in., 4,5, 6 in. wide ........ 22 00 NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. ; rin., 4,5 and 7 in ......-..- 18 00 | 1% in., 4, 5 ana 7 in.......-. 20 00 Line; OM vate sve e wee 19 00| 1% in., 6in. ...... er ee NO. 2 FENCING OR NOC. 4 FLOORING. tin., 4,5 and 7 inch .. . 14 00] 1% in., 4to7 inch ....,..... 15 00 £1M., OINCH: Ls cece cnn ew sense 15 20 | No. 3 Fencing, rin.,6inch.. 14 00 : ; SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in,, x0 in. stocks.... 29 00; No.2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 23 00 rin., ro in, and up wide... 39 00 tin., roin. stocks......... 23 00. tin., 12 in. stocks......-+- 33 00] xin. 12 in. stocks......... 27 00 x in., 12 in, and up wide... 34 00| 1 im., 10 in. and up wide... 24 00 14in, 14 and 2in,, Sin. and 1 in,, 13 in. and up wide... 29 00 up wide ......---+++++++ 31 00 : BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 1, 12 im... .--eeeeeeeeeee 22 00 | No. 2,9 iM..s.+-0+ e-e--++-- 13 50 TO UN... eee eee renee neces i 15 00 gin....- i 14 00 8 and 7 in. = oo No. 2, 12in..... : in s2ctae 12 00 IO DDiies\nniaainicinime ‘ipaecia [ncaa See Cp eee I2 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4and 5 in. wide.. ...--$12 00 | 1 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$12 00 rin., 6in, wide.........--- . 12 00 | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 7 in. and 1in., 7 in. wide and up...... 12 00 up wide.......--.....-. 12 00 SHAKY CLEAR, Tin., 3,455) 728 and gin. wide 22 00| 1 in., ro in. and up wide..... 23 00 1 in., 61n. wide.... ...--+++- 22 oo | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 8in. up WIdé, ... «= savurwease==t «124 OO COFFIN BOARDS. - No. x, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 No. 1, mill culls........ sasx~ 2050 No; 2s.c002 so seee ea sceean .. 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse......---. 7 50 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$ 9 50 Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to EB five vwcivcinn enn nes sb gue Io 50 76 feet. oo. ce (tt eee 8.0 - 32/50] axuacespneal phe) Le A 5° BARE oi nece ceo 12 50 | Add $x to each additional 2ft. ‘ in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. shes 3 00 | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts......----05++++ 2 00 KX ote ee 3 25 Clear Brutts......- ietaioe 225 WHITE PINE LATH. Ni Gs kciaiaislaisciemincineicnoue Ss 2 so |e bse Hemlock PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. .o.b. Stein. F.o.b. cars at hoff & Gor- Sutherland Innes Mills don’s Mills. No. x 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000.-..- $5 5° $5 00 No. 1 30 " " " " " seeeee § 50 5 00 Norr32 u " " " | aman eee 5 50 No. 1 24 " " " " 1\ = jada ona oo 400 No. 228% u " " " It, }oanteee ase 3 5° No. 230 w " " " Neer tir ue ane: 3 50 No.232 " " " iy’ ote 4 00 372 No 224 " " " " it, | eee eee 2 00 No.1 14 in. to143% in. kiln dried basswood heading,perset 3% 3 No, rs ot) 26> om " " " 3% 3% No. 117% " " " " 3% 3 No.118 u 18% u " " " 4% 4 No. 1 19% " " " u 4h. 4 No. 1 19} " " " a 5 ae Mill run heading %4ct. per set less, No. 2 heading rct. per set less. No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000.... 5 75 Bo) No.16 " " ' ih «+. akQreg 575 No. 1 6% " " " Th) a0 0 WON 5 90 No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000. - 6 50 00 No. 228% " " " " 3 50 ° 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves .....cseeceeeees 48 co 20 00 Ne + 30 inch half syrup barrel staves.......+-- 28s alelaye EfV 10 16 co bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} s1.oo per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire INsuraNcEe BurLpInc, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. ‘ LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPEGTION BOOK le Containing Rules for the Inspection and Measuring of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. Em- bracing also many useful tables and calculations of everyday service to lumbermen. Prepared by the Editor of the ’ Canada Lumberman.” =eam Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 THE above is afac simile of the title page of the latest and most complete Lumber and Inspection Book published. _ We Shall be pleased to send you a GOpU on receipt of four 3 cent Ga- Nadian postage stamps ° © o o THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada TORONTO, ONT., AUGUST 23, 1899 No. 31. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of ts cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is ‘set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. WANTED. OT OF THIRTY OR THIRTY-TWO INCH » Pine Lath; quote lowest cash prices. J. F. STENGEL, Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. WANTED. GOOD SAWYER TO RUN A pa pe saw in a dimension mill. Apply to A. & WuitTeE, Pembroke. : AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CanaDa LumMBERMAN, Toronto. WANT TO CORRESPOND WITH MANU- facturing companies building Wood-Working Ma- chinery regarding the building of machines which cost about Three Hundred Dollars. “J. F.,” care of Canapa LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS LUMBER AND SHINGLE Mill, average capacity per day 35 M. feet lum- ber, 70 M. shingles, and 15 M. lath; situated in Hunts- ville, close tothe G.T.R. station, with sidings to mill ; plenty of virgin pine. Also a first-class site for a tannery, plenty oftan bark. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to T. WHALEY, Huntsville, Ont. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine 1co h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x zoo ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber near by. For particulars, address ALLEN CRESSMAN, Berlin, Ont. BASSWOOD WANTED HE UNDERSIGNED INVITE TENDERS for supplying Twenty Thousand Feet of 1-in. and 1-in. First Quality BASSWOOD (from 8 inches and upwards in width), for cash. Price to be quoted delivered at Kentville, N.S., and delivery to be not later than 10th October next. THE NOVA SCOTIA CARRIAGE CO., Limited. Kentville, N. S. BUSINESS NOTES. Haley Bros. & Company, planing mill, St. John, N.B., have dissolved, Robert G. Haley continuing. F, Gagnon & Fils, lumber and general store, Baie St. Paul, Que., are offering to comprom- ise at 25 cents on the dollar, H. H. Rovicheau, who has a saw mill at Meteghan, N.S., has effected a settlement with his creditors at 27 cents on the dollar. A meeting of the creditors of J. & P. Nadeau, lumber and general store, Grand Cascapedia, Que., who assigned recently, was held on August 21st. The Shipe Mfg. Company, of Toronto, has been incorporated, with a capital of $20,000, to manufacture a patented machine for the manufacture of skewers. WESTERN CANADA AND EXPORT EDITION. The publishers of the CANADA LUMBERMAN are completing arrangements for the publica- tion, about the 1st of October next, of a special number, to be known as the Western Canada and Expert Edition, and to be devoted parti- cularly to the lumber interests of Manitoba, the Northwest Territories and British Columbia, and to the export lumber trade of this part of Canada. It isthe purpose to place a copy of this number in the hands of every saw mill Owner, retail dealer and wood-worker in Western Canada, and also to distribute a large number of copies amongst the timber importers and others interested in Great Britain, South America, China, Japan, South Africa and Australia, to which countries British Columbia timber products are exported. By this means it is sought to better acquaint foreign con- sumers with the timber resources of our western provinces, and with the possibilities of obtain- ing supplies in Canada. There are many manufacturers in the Dominion who are in- tefested in supplying the lumber requirement of the countries named. To these the oppor- tunity is given of being represented in this number. Information regarding prices for advertisements will be gladly furnished upon application. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS, ONTARIO. A number of buyers from the Eastern States have visited Ontario manufacturing points during the past week. Some of them were prepared to purchase either pine or hardwoods, but they have been unsuccessful in securing any quan- tity of stock. In some _ instances, however, orders have been placed for lumber to be manufactured this fall. The general report from the mills is that the demand is greater than the supply, and that lumber is being shipped green from the saw. There is a particularly brisk demand for dressed lumber and mill culls. Preparations are being made in the Ottawa valley district for the winter’s operations in the woods. It is probable that the production of logs will be greater than last winter, although the quantity may be restricted by the scarcity of labor and consequent high wages. A branch of the lumber business that is particularly prosperous is the cooperage trade. Few mills have any slack barrel stock on hand in shipping condition, while stocks in the process of seasoning are very small, and are held at a high figure. This refers to staves, hoops and heading, but more especially to hoops. The average prices are, we believe, slightly higher than those quoted on the fourth page. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Retail dealers in Manitoba and the Northwest are stocking up for fall trade, and consequently there is a large move- ment of lumber from wholesale yards. Prices generally are being adhered to. The mills in British Columbia are enjoy- ing a brisk trade, export, local and eastern business being in good shape. The local consumption this season has been greater than ever before, while there has also been a slight improvement in prices. The new mill of the British Columbia Mills, Timber & Trading Co., at Hast- ings, is about to commence operations. This will increase the output considerably. UNITED STATES. The United States lumber market is quite as firm as when last report was written. At some points trade is quiet only on account of the limited quantity of stock for sale. Prices at western pro- ducing points have been firmly main- tained, while in the east dealers have felt compelled to make further advances in order to equalize the additional cost of the stock in the west and the advancing lake freights. On August 14th Tonawanda dealers issued a new price list, advancing all kinds of stock by from one to two dollars per thousand. This market re- ports a brisk export trade and a strong demand for 14-inch boards, orders for which are being turned down on account of the scarcity of stock and high prices asked. Buffalo is short of low grade cutting-up pine. At Boston pine has ad- vanced about one dollar per thousand in the last two weeks, and there is a slight increase in the demand from many sources, The hardwood market remains un- changed, excepting that as the season ad- vances the opinion is gaining ground that prices of several kinds of hardwood will go still higher. There is a shortage of basswood in the Buffalo and Tonawanda markets, and prices are advancing almost daily. Thick white ash is exceedingly scarce at Boston, three and four-inch bringing $60 to $65; 1%, 1% and 2- inch is quoted at $49 to $51, and 1-inch at $42 to $44. Elm is in good de- mand at $30 to $33, and maple is steady at $27 to $30 tor 1-inch, $29 to $31 for 1} and 13-inch, and $32 for 2-inch. FOREIGN. The conditions in the British market have been improved by exceptionally favorable weather for building work. There continues to be an active consump- CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. AvucusT 23, 1899 Il. f EDITION: 0 eee . tion of wood goods and a gradual strengthening of the market. Lately some sensational values have been ob- tained for choice specifications. A parcel of Archangel planks sold at $20 per stan- dard, while Quebec white pine of first quality is selling at $26in London. This is a much better price than has ruled for some time. The market is cleared of II inch spruce, and common whitewood of this width is not easily picked up. Re- ports from nearly all the importing centres tell of an improvement in spruce. Im- porters expect to realize still better prices, and are therefore not forcing the market. The heavy receipts of pine and spruce at Hull last year has resulted in an expan- sion of the market for Canadian goods. A boat bas been fixed from Montreal to Hull at 47s 6d for August loading, against 46s 3d for July. At Glasgow a fair de- mand exists for pine deals, with the ex- ception of third quality, which are rather dull of sale. The Barbados market remains steady and the stock is none too heavy. In South America there is a fair demand, but prices are low. A cargo of spruce was sold recently at $25 cif. Rio de Janerio. Pitch pine sells at $25.50 to $25.75 c.if. ET STOCKS AND PRICES. The bark Veronica sailed last week from Portland, Me., for Buenos Ayres, with a cargo of 1,022,862 feet of spruce lumber. The Hawkesbury Lumber Co., of Hawkesbury, Ont., last week sent a gang of 80 men to their limits in the Temis- camingue district. The total shipments of lumber out of Lake Superior this year to August 15 were 511,000,000 feet. This is 160,000,- ooo feet more than to the same date last year. Alger, Smith & Co., of Detroit, Mich., are filling a government contract for square timber to be used at Buffalo. Be- tween four and five million feet will be re- quired. The Department of Interior at Ottawa is inviting tenders up to September 18th for a permit to cut timber ona 4o-acre limit in British Columbia, being. berth No. 212. According to the Board of Trade re- turns, the import of wood goods into the United Kingdom for the seven months ending July 31st last totalled 4,176,846 loads, valued at 49,508,036. In 1898 the import was 3,547,279 loads, valued at £8,267,031. The Mersey Docks and Harbor Board at Liverpool, Eng., through their agents, Messrs. Duncan, Ewing & Co., invite tenders for the supply of 4,000 feet waney board pine, 4,000 feet rock elm and 2,000 feet red pine timber, 30 standards of spruce deals, flooring boards, etc. Canadian lumber imported into Boston, Mass., amounts annually to about 60,000,- 000 feet of spruce, 50,000,000 feet of white pine, 160,000,000 cedar shingles, and Io,- 000,000 feet of hemlock. The bulk of the pine is imported by the Skillings, Whit- neys & Barnes Lumber Co., and much of the spruce by Stetson, Cutler & Co. There is a strong inquiry for lumber in. Michigan. C.C. Barker, of Saginaw, is cutting 3,000,000 feet tor a Canadian firm, which is about the only lot of unsold stock in the market. The sale is reported of 1,000,000 feet of thick plank, to go to Batavia, Ill., at an advance of $4 per M. feet over last year’s prices. Box lumber is much inquired for at $12 and $13. Following are the average quotations for timber at Irish ports: Miramichi deals, £12 10s per Irish standard of 3,- 240 feet ; St. John (N. B.) deals, £12 10s; ditto ; Quebec 2nds, £13 Ios, ditto ; Que- bec red pine deals, £11 per std. Waney pine logs, Is 1od to 2s per foot ; Nor- wegian and Swedish floorings, Ios 6d per square ; pitch pine, 1s 3d per cubic foot ; birch, 2s, ditto ; prime quality American onk logs, 2s 9d to 3s per foot ; ditto, ash logs, 2s to 2s 2d ; ditto, elm logs, 2s 3d ; ditto, whitewood logs, 2s 4d. Following is a comparative statement of timber, &c., measured and culled at Quebec to August 22nd, 1899: : 1897. 1898. 1899. Waney white pine, cu, feet.3,138,001 1,478,264 1,561,489 Square white pine, cu. feet. 629,768 1,018,957 523,582 Red ping, cu, feet........: 137,971 174,50 159,341 Oak, cu. feet....00...--45 1,221,717 753,964 466,452 Elm, cu. feet......+-++++++ 649,989 449,303 446,408 Ash, cu. feet........+++5- 122,498 31,801 56,514 Basswood, cu. feet .......- 25 Butternut, cu. feet.......- 673 955 60 Tamarac, cu. feet ........- 317 4t5 Birch and Maple, cu. feet.. 225,948 105,592 231,940 Neen en; EEE WHITE PINE VALUES. For the first time in the history of the white pine trade for many years, if perhaps ever, the white pine manufacturers and jobbers of a large portion of the state of Michigan, notably of Saginaw and Bay City, of Toledo, Cleveland and Buffalo and Tonawanda, have agreed on a current price list for white pine lumber. These prices have been gradually formulating all dur- ing the season, and were practically agreed upon by nearly the entire element of the mar- kets mentioned during the latter part of July, to take effect on August 1. As far as the Lum- berman can learn, by a reasonably close canvass of central aud eastern markets, these prices are being very closely adhered to. Values have been made to absorb some slight inequalities of freight from the various distributing points, and are based on a price delivered at Pittsburg, Pa. The prices are made $2.50 higher to cover New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore and Washington and points taking these rates. Pittsburgh price current for uppers I to 2 inches in thickness is $53.50; 10 and 12-4 uppers $9 higher, and 16-4 $14 higher. 1 to 2 inch selects are quoted at $48.50, with a corre- sponding increase for 10, 12 and 16-4. 8 inch and up, fine common, I to 1% inches in thick- ness, is quoted $41.50, 8-4 at $42.50, 10 and 12-4 at $52.50, and 16-4 at $57.50. 1 inch shop 1s rated at $30.50, 5 and 6-4 at $37-50,; 8-4 at $38.50, 10 and 12-4 at $44.50 and 16-4 at $46.50. No. 2 shop in inch is quoted at $20.50, 5 and 6-4 at $28.50, and 8-4 at $29. 50. Thick No. 3 shop is listed at $23.50. No. I inch. molding boards are quoted at $37.50 and thick at $40; No. 2 inch at $32.50 and thick at $33.50; inch stained saps at $26.50 and thick at $28.50. No, I base and casing boards are listed at $38.50 for 4- inch and $39.50 for 5 to g-inch ; No. 2, 4-inch, at $31.50, and 5 to g-inch at $32.50. Shaky clear is quoted, according to width and thick- ness, at from $27.50 to $32.50. No. 1 shelv- ing, according to width, from $32.50 to $37.50; No. 1 dressing from $27.50 to $35.50, accord- ing to width and thickness, and No. 2 dressing from $23 to $27. Six-inch beveled siding is quoted as follows: Clear, $24.50; No. I, $22.50; No. 2, $19.503 No. 3, $16.50; stained sap siding, $13.50. Prices of No. I barn range from $23.50 for 4-inch to $27.50 for 12-inch and thick; No. 2 barn from $19.50 for 4-inch to $22.50 for 12-inch ; No. 3 barn at from $17.50 for 4-inch to $18.50 for 12- inch ; No. 4 common from $15.50 for 4-inch to $17.50 for 12-inch. The price of 13-inch and up and of thick in the foregoing grades ranges about $1 higher than 12-inch,—Ameri- can Lumberman. aad THE BARBADOS MARKET. Reports to hand dated August 5th give the following particulars of the Barbados lumber market : The demand for white pine and spruce con- tinues good. The Roseneath, from Jordan River, N.S., arrived on July 26th with 100 M feet shipping white pine, which was sold at $24.12. The Rhoda, from Liverpool, N.S., arrived on July 28th with 80 M feet shipping and 127 M feet second quality white pine, sold at $23.53 and $17.30 respectively. The last arrival was the Trader, from Shelburne, N.S., with 124 M white pine boards, sold at $23 for shipping and $17.60 for second quality. Un- less receipts are heavy in the near future, fair prices should be maintained. The stock of spruce is small, but the demand at this season of the year is not heavy. If the price of second quality white pine keeps up it will assist the sale of spruce. SHINGLES.—In shingles the only receipts have been 530 M Jong Gaspe cedar, per Duart Castle. Of this stock only 33 M dimension, 4, 5 and 6 inch, have been disposed of, the prices realized being $4.50, $5.50 and $6 re- spectively. The balance of the stock has been stored in the hope of being able to obtai better prices later on, BRITISH COLUMBIA SHIPMENTS. The following cargo shipments of lumber, etc., were made from British Columbia up to July 31st last, all of which went to foreign ports : Month, Lumber, Ft. Lath. January....-.-eseeeeeeeeeee 1,097,076 188,000 February......:+eseeeasdees 25324,055 veers : March ..-+ssseseesecneenees By 'E2y753 essere April... 6... ceceeseeeneeees 5yBIT,014 tte May Sein ateiaiela ne cies aia)a raion 5,2731340 satan June... cecece screener ensene 3,650,522 56,970: July... s cece cece ne ee ene eeee 3,590,262 172,620 the month of July, 1899 : Lumber, Ft. S.S. Dalny Vostok, to Port PATENUE «:. wise 1,452,876 Bark Guy C. Goss, Taku.....+++++0++++ 1,134,648 "Totalic.sievs.a sius'se vie amen 2,587,524 The shipments of the Moodyville Land & Saw Mill Company for the month of July con- sisted of the bark Adderley, to Sydney, N.S. W., with 1,002,738 feet of lumber and 172,620 lath. ES SHIPPING MATTERS. From Montreal deal rates rule about as follows : To Liverpool, 40s. to 45s. ; Glasgow, 45s.; Bristol, 40s. to 45s.5 Cardiff, 47s. 6d.; Manchester, 45s.; London, 47s. 6d.; New- castle, 50s.; Leith, 47s. 6d.; Aberdeen, 50s. ; Belfast or Dublin, 45s. z Recent charters include the following : Str. Salopia, Grindstone Island, Qiie.,.. fo w.c. England, deals, 52s. 6d.; str. Charles, St. John, N.B., to w.c. England, 51s. 3d.; str. Marion, Cape Termentine, N.B., to w.c.- Eng- land, private terms; str. Dettford, 1,673 tons, Miramichi to Dublin, deals, 55s.; bark Way- farer, 610 tons, Miramichi to Glasson Loch, deals, 57s. 6d. The Timber Trades Journal reports the fol- lowing charters from Canadian ports : Montreal to London, option of Hull, deals, 48s od ; Montreal and Quebec to London, 2166 tons, deals, 49s 6d; St. John or West Bay to w.c. England, 1200 stds., 50s ; Hopewell Cape, N. B., to Liverpool, Barrow, Dublin or Man- chester, 1000stds., 52s 6d, September loading ; Miramichi to London, two boats of 600 tons, 51s 6d and 53s; Shediac, N.B., to Mersey, 500 tons, 50s. WANTED | Roek Elm, eut to order. Soft Elm, all thieknesses. Black Ash, all thicknesses. State quantity youcan supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large number of Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet; also Hence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. H_D. WIGGIN 2ostou mass 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WASTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH Jonn F. stenge No. 928 Ellicott — BUFFALO, N.Y LUMBER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way, according to the summer schedule effective April ist, areas follows: Ottawa, Rockland, Hawkesbury and intermediate points to Toronto, 10 cents per 100 lbs.; Parry Sound to Toronto, pine 10 cents, hard- wood, 11 cents; Ottawa to Oswego, $t.90 per ‘M os Ottawa to Syracuse, $2.20 per M ft, (3,000 Tbs. aud under per M ft.) ; Ottawa to Montreal, $1.00 per M feet, lath 20 cents per M pieces ; Quebec, $2.00 per M feet, lath .40 cents per M pieces ; Arnprior to Montreal, $1.50 per M feet, lath 30 cents per M pieces; Quebec, 1z cts.; Pembroke to M $1.75 per M ft., lath 35 cents per M pieces; Quebec, $2.75 per M ft., lath 3 cents per M pieces; Ottawa to New ork, $3.00 per ft., lath 55 cents per M pieces ; Arnprior to New York, $3.50 per M ft., lath 65 cents per M pieces ; Pembroke to New York, $3.75 per M ft., lath 70 cents per M pieces ; Parry Sound to New York, $4.00 per M ft., lath 80 cts. per M pieces; Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14 cents per roa Ibs,; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local 15c.; exports 11c. per 100 Ibs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents, export 15 cts. per 100 lbs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 2134 cents, export 20 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawa to Burlington, 6c. per roo lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, 10 cts. per too lbs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per roo lbs, from Arnprior 15 cents, ~ from Parry Sound 20 cents per 100 Ibs. ; Ottawa to St. John, N.B. and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N.S., and common points, 21 cents per 100 Ibs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 Ibs., and rates quoted above are in cents per 100 bs., except when quoted per M ft.; minimum carloads 10 M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 lbs. per M ft.; lath 50,000 pieces, not exceeding 600 Ibs. per M pes. Ottawa rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Hawkesbury. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 4 CROSBY SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. * Sieveking,’ London , HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. WANTED FOR EXPORT All kinds of Logs and Lumber - Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENRY, HOTT & DIGKSON - LONDON, ER. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensicns. BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE AND HARDWOOD Up Ga ae Neth Tena wha Cable Address, ‘‘ SwAN DonoGH—TONAWANDA Lumberman’s Code. Do You Use Mahogany ? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous . . TABASCO MAHOGANY , 4 Finest figured wood est prices in Europe, but we sell here about same Specially adapted for fine cabinet and interior finish LAWRENCE & WIGGIN Importers and Manufacturers on the market; is hard and takes elegant finish. Brings high- prices as ordinary mahogany. ~ BOSTON, MASS. AUGUST 23, 189¢ TIMBER MARKET REPORT. The following particulars of the Glasgow market are given in the last report of Messrs. Edmiston & Mitchell : The work on hand in all directions continues large, and a heavy demand for all classes of wood goods is assured for some considerable time. Buyers are now beginning to realize that they will have to pay advanced prices ere long, and already the market has further stiffened in several directions. This season’s import of Quebec timber to date has been 20 per cent. less than last year, while pine and spruce deals, from Quebec and Montreal, are II per cent. less. Lower port deals are, however, in excess of last year’s import by about 22 per cent. Shipments by the liners from America have been on a-large scale. House building continues with unabated energy, and there is a large amount of first- class work on hand. Large quantities of spruce deals are being consumed in the new rgor Exhibition buildings, which are already well under way. WANEY BoaRDwoop.—First class. —There have been no arrivals during the month, but two steamer cargoes are at hand. Deliveries from the ponds have been exceedingly quict. Prices for long timber remain very firm, and are likely to advance in sympathy with the rise of value in Canada. Short joinerwood is hardly asked for, and the stock is ample for all requirements. Second class.—There has been one or two inquiries, but we bear of no busi- ness resulting yet. RED PINE.—Most of this year’s import bas already been disposed of, and further consign- ments would meet with ready sale, as the stock of first class timber is small. Oaxk.—One of our railway companies was in the market. So far as we can learn, they have only bought one parcel. The stock is heavy and the inquiry, unfortunately, very limited. ELM.—All the fresh imports have been dis- posed of at remunerative prices. There are CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. several good inquiries in the market, and early consignments on contract are eagerly awaited for. BIRCH.—The import from Montreal and Quebec for July is about 300 loads, consisting principally of small wood 13-14 inch average, for which the demand has rather slackened of late. Value of this average is about 15d to 16d, but several lots have gone into store recently, indicating a weaker tone. There is a fair demand for large timber 17 inches and up, which has been sold at from 1s 8d up to 2s 3d per cubic foot for 20 inch average. AsH.—The import for July from Montreal and Quebec consists of about 75 loads, all of which was small average sized wood, and some of it of indifferent quality and of bad color. Is 7d to 1s 8d have been about the ruling prices for 13-14 inch average, while 16 inch has brought 1s rod. PINE DEALS, Erc.—Business during the month on account of the holidays has been quiet. Prices, however, are firm, with an up- ward tendency. Broad first quality pine deals are-selling at £22 to £25; 11 inch, £21 to #22; ends. and narrows, £14 10s to £19; Second quality pine deals—1r inch and up, 11]... £16. to £18; non-dimensions, £11 to Pee Third quality pine deals—11 inch and up, £9 Ios to £11; narrows, £7 to £7 15s; ends, £7 to £7 10s. Fourth quality pine deals—r1 inch and up, 47 5s to £7 10s; narrows, £6 Ios to £6 15s. Red pine deals—g and 11 inch by 3 and 4 inch, 410 to £11}; narrows, 48 5s to £8 5s. First quality pine sidings— 417 to £20 10s, according to specification. SPRUCE.—12 inch and up, 48 to £8 10s; 10/11 inch, £7 5s to £7 10s; g inch, £7 to 47 58; 7/8 inch, £6 to £6 tos. A saw mill at Wilbur, near Kingston, Ont., owned by W. C. Caldwell, of Toronto, was burned recently. FIRES, The lumber yard and planing mill of John Hillock & Co., Queen street east, Toronto, were damaged by fire recently to the extent of $3,000. ; About 125,000 feet of lumber in the yard of the C. Beck Manufacturing Company, at Pene- tanguishene, Ont., was destroyed by fire on August 12th. The loss is about $1,600. The large factory of the Ontario Box Co., at Hamilton, Ont., together with about 1,000,000 feet of lumber and 23,000 boxes, was destroyed by fire on the 20th inst. The loss is placed at $30,000, and is said to be covered by insur- ance. Mr. J. J. C. Thompson is president of the company. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - operating - - : OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. HinTon, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smitu General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Sr Se SPOT CASE BLACK ASH, SOFT ELM and BIRCH LUMBER Either for immediate or future delivery, lake points preferred. Write full particulars. If quantity warrants will send Inspector. H. HERRMANN LUMBER CO., 368 Broome St., New York City CANADIAN EXPORTERS «°° WHOLESALERS m# PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umiren MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP _ DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @ewWrite us for Quotations on all Bills@/e@ PEMBROKE, ONT. A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. = Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EHaAst TEMPLETON, QUE. S It YOUP Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHEETING: and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. $ An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ GEILING @ TAS. PLAYFAIR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A. & P. WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, ws MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A Lavge Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock = SSA OEE MNS BE A A lta PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIRRTON MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber Pine Lath, Cedar, and % Pine Shingles. A Quantity of Cedar Posts for Sale on the Sho e of the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron, CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. also 6x6 Cedar Ties 8 Feet Long. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling ef 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. urk’s Falls, Ont. FOREIGN TMPORTERS WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ? WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. C. H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of—==__a_» SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers Invited Wharves, Mills and Offices: ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S. E., ENCLAND SMITH & TYRER- - ———— 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL - «Wood Agents. . ; Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.S. @Q~ Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS IRVIN & SELLERS—¥— ~2) Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. ALSO DEALERS [N= BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and all HARD and FANCY WOODS IV, $$$ DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.’' BELTING | Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. P Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa end Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BR ASTINGS ASS CAST Foundry, Hamilton, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Sea John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. __ Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mowry & Son, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. The Oxford Foundry & Machine Co., Oxford, N.S. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New Yor: PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS ower & Wallace, New Yo PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co. Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co. , Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. BINES TUR Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Til, U.S.A, Shier, J. D. Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. ELLANEOUS MISCELL! Campbell Bros., St, John, N.B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. TORONTO, ONT. ToronTo, August 23, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. x inch dressing and 1% 1%and2 inch cut bettergsen tae ciee $20 00 $22 00 up and better...... $32 00 $34 00 zinch picksand uppers 34 00 30 00/1 inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x12 dressing and bet- tinch siding common 11 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft.....- 22 00 24 00] r inch sidingshipcullr 10 50 11 50 rxzio fine dressing and t inch siding mill culls 8 50 9 00 better......++-+ -... 22 00 24 00| Cullscantling........ 800 9 00 rxro and 12 Canadian rinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 20 00 in. millrun...... - 13 00 14 00 z11-2and thicker cut- r inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank....-.- 24 00 26 00] 11-4 inch flooring . ooh 16 00 x 1-4 in. cut up and 1 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 better......-.+-++- 33 00 35 00| XXX pineshingles, 16 xxzo and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00] inch.........++.+++ 2 40 rxro and 12 common. 12 00 14 00 XX pine shingles 16 inch I 50 1x10 and 12 mill culls 9 00 1000 Lath; No, or J0.-on r 60 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 Rath) Nodaicncesiewite I 25 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 toz in. .$26 00 $28 00 ( Elm rock,mill “ “e 2% to 4.. 30 00 3200] _ run....... 1 to 1%"18 00 20 00 Ash, black, xsts and Elm,rock, mill ands, 1 to 14 in.... 2000 2200] run....... 14%4‘' 3.. 21 00 23 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Hickory, ists ands,2to4in....-. 22 00 2400| and a2nds..1¥4“* 2.. 28 00 30 00 Ash, M.R.,1_ to 2.. 17 00 19 00 Maple, ists Birch, tin. .. 1800 2000] andands,.1 ‘‘ 1% 16 00 18 00 Ss 1% “© 2.. 20 00 2300] Maple, Ists « sqrs, 4x4 “ 8 x824 00 2600] and ands.. 2 “ 4.. 17 00 18 00 Basswood, ists and Oak, red, p'n, ends, 1tor%in.... 18 00 2000! ssts& ands x ‘© 7% 26 00 30 00 1% to 2 ..2: 00 22 00 Oak;red, p’n, “ mer. 1 “ 1% 15 00 17 00 ists & ands2 *' 4.. 29 00 3200 Butternut 1 ‘1% 23.00 25 00] Oak, white, He 2 ‘* 3.. 25 00 28 00 ists & ands x *f 1% 28 00 3000 Chestnut 1 © 2,. 24.00 2 00] Oak, white, Cherry, ists ists & ands 2 ‘‘ 4.. 30 00 35 00 and ends.. 1 “ 1% 50 00 60 00| Oak quart’d, erry, sts ists& ands 1 “ 2.. 50 00 6900 and ends.. 2 ‘! 4.. 60 00 65 00, Walnut, ists lm,soft, mill and 2nds.. 1 ‘' 3.. 85 00 10000 FUN os n en 1% 16 00 18 00 | Whitewood, lm,soft,mill ists&2nds 1 ‘' 2.. 32 00 3600 19 00 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, August 23, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... $31 00 3600] terstock..........+ Pine, gond strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, 8 &ups.c. sid Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 28 00 Pine, s.¢. strips.....- 8 00 10 00 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts....- 700 850 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls......+ 9 00 10 50 Diteeescccesereees 15 co 21 00| Pine mill culls...... 7502 9 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath per M No.1... 100 5 25 (SUFIPS, ve eee sees 14 00 *16 oo | Lath per M No, 2... 85 100 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1xro No. 1 barn.... 18 00 Shorts, ....+++-+++% 1200 14 00|1x10 No.2 “ 16 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 1x8 &gNo.x ‘ 17 00 ter-stock,< Licked Melbourne: : °:/.-). 1,914,665 Altcav ion ceaan ccnuineiiatiat Moodyvilles .\.4%. sacs Car Flooring Red and White Pine and Spruce Deals Cedar, Tamarack and Hemlock Railway Ties ; Supplies of all kinds. Write us for Quotations. apiece Euwagcs 40 00 Bl geass cine nein: wees 32 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1 in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide... 36 00| zin., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 35 00 6 in. wide.......+ Betis 40 00 | 6 in. Wide... ...+0eeseeeeeees 40 00 2 i ® FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. ....-.+-+ 30 00 | 1% in., 4, 5 in. WIGES « «nux<+ 3200 1¥ in., 6in. wide........--- 35 00] in., 6 in. wide......+.+++++ 34 00 ; SELECTED NO. 1 SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS, 1Y%in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .¢.. 26 oo! rin., 4, 5, 6 in. SRS NO. I FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 in .....-- .. 18 00 1% in., 4,5 ana 7 in. eee «+2 20 00 Tin,, O1N...... 00000 seseees 19 08} 1% in., Gin. ....---+-se Are a NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. tin., 4,5 and 7 inch - .. 14 00] 1% in., 4 to 7 inch ....;..... 15 00 rin., 6 inch .....-.seeeeeeee 15 20 | No. 3 Fencing, x in., 6inch.. 14 00 SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in, 10 in. stocks.... 29 00 | No.2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 23 00 zin., 10 in. and up wide... 39 00 tin., roin. s Wrenn ase tin., 12 in. stocks...... «ss. 35) G2 1 in., 12 in. st Dah ative = (29. OO 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 3 up wi 1 in., ro in. and up wide... 24 00 rin. 1 and 2in., 8in. and i i rin., 13 in. and up wide... 29 00 up Wide ........e02see8 31 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. x, 12 ini... ..008 Slee aia 22 00| No. 2, 9 IN..-. +200 eeeeeeees TZ 50 TONG See cae veceee 19 00) Sand 7iM.......2+-2+e-04+ 15 00 gin.... ve 18 00] No. 3, 12 IM... ...0eeeeeeees TG 00 Band 7 in.......- +e cree ee 18 00 10 in..... (isso bamabeaeee 2a GO No. 2, 12in.. ws 16.00) © Olfscs nan a Sacra RE eats OOD TOs se sneer es oe I5 00 Pin. ccss aca eeeaeeenaes, 12 OO 5 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. 1in., 4and 5m. wide .......$12 00 | 1 in., 13 m. and up wide.....$12 00 rin., 6 in. wide......---+ ... 12 00|1%, 14 and 2 in., 7 in, and 1in., 7. in. wide and up...... 12 00 Up Wide.......s+eeeeees SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5) 7,8 and gin. wide 22 00 | 2 in., 10 in. and up wide..... 23 00 zin., 6m, wide.... ..-++++++ 22 00 | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 8in. and up Wide}. sc~sethewewerssce 24 OO COFFIN BOARDS. ‘ No. 3, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 22 00 | No. 1, mill culls........0.05. 1059 INONayizi2et ess sae ... 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse. TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$ 9 50 Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 18 ft.. Ria sherman Sune I2 00 1z to 6 feet... cseceerecreces 8 20 ft...+0' © IL §0 | 2Xi2...sceecneccmneere eres 8 50 22 and 24 ft....-..+++-- ... 12 50 | Add $x to each additional 2ft. — in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 00 Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts.....+-.+ss+e+ . 200 pee. OF Se eG scm 3905 Clear. Brittaaiviceespan 002! 25 WHITE PINE LATH. ee oy Hie whl ee eS oe H No. £... ’ emlock .. Maree No.224 wu " " " oe No.1 14 in. to143 in. kiln dried basswood heading, perset No.r15 ou 16 " " " " No. 117% " " ' " No.118 ou 184% 0 " " " No. 1 19% " " " " No. 1 19% " " " a osiapieere 5 Mill run heading 1714”, $3.75 per 100 sets ; No. 2, $3.50. A No. 1 4% ft. patent elm hoops, per net 100...-+..+++++ ots os Gana S No. 1 si ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per Met 1,000 «+++++-++++++s 6 50 No.16. 0 " i" " " 9. a eeteone No. 16% " " " " «saan oe No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000 ..... 7 No. 228% " " " it Rastiee 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bblestaves sc.ccesesesae aie “ No 1 30 inch half syrup barrel staves ....--- i wales aa 059 Ace (If bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $1.00 PER YEAR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Von V. TORONTO, ONT., SEPTEMBER 6, 1899 Z 9 ww rae CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New Yor«k Lire Insurance BUILDING, MonrTrEAL, Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad, Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and Rerettially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPEGTION BOOK 2=ea Containing Rules for the Inspection and Measuring of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. Em- bracing also many useful tables and calculations of everyday service to lumbermen,. Prepared by the Editor of the * Canada Lumberman.” =e Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 HE above is afac simile of the «title page of the latest and most complete Lumber and Inspection Book published. We shall be pleased to send you a coOpu on receipt of four 3 Gent Ga- ‘ hadian postage stamps ° © ° © THE CANADA LLUMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada _ WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. WANTED. ta OF THIRTY OR THIRTY-TWO INCH Pine Lath; quote lowest cash prices. ijisene STENGEL, Ellicott Square, Buffulo, N.Y. ANTED FOR CASH—AIl kinds of Hardwood Lumber. James Morrison, 532 Yonge Street, Toronto. q Shae SALE IN PARRY SOUND, ON SUUTH River, near Trout Creek, 8¢0 Acres Good Soil, timbered with Pulp Wood and Birch. LuMBERMAN. Box 30, CANADA HAY YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, Canapa LumBERMAN, Toronto. WANT TO CORRESPOND WITH MANDU- facturing companies building Wood-Working Ma- chinery regarding the building of machines which cost about Three Hundred Dollars. ey H).,. Garey af Canapva LuMBERMAN. FOR SALE. IRCH FLOORING, KILN DRIED, HOLLOW backed, butted and bundled—suitable for factor- ies, workshops, etc. The Knicut Bros. Co., Burks Falls, Ont. ry FOR SALE. gS RIGHT TO CUT ABOUT THIRTY MIL- lion Feet Hardwood—Birch, Oak, Ash, Maple and Elm—convrniently situated. For particulars address, “ Harpwoop,” Canapa Lumserman, To.onto. WANTED TO BUY. ys SAW MILL PLANT THAT IS IN GOOD running order and will be sold at’ a Bargain, with plenty of Timber near Mill—something under $8,000.00 (Eight Thonsand Dollars)—in or east of Peterborough County, Ontario. Address, ‘‘ Buyer,” care CANADA LumBermaAn, Toronto. FOR SALE aN, FIRST-CLASS LUMBER AND SHINGLE Mill, average capacity per day 35 M. feet lum- ber, 70 M. shingles, and 15 M. lath; situated in Hunts- ville, close tothe G.T.R. station, with sidings to mill; plenty of virgin pine. Also a first-class site for a tannery, plenty oftan bark. Will be sold ata bargain. Apply to T. WHALEY, Huntsville, Ont. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers r20 h.p., Engine 1co h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30X too ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber rear by. For particulars, address ALLEN Cressman, Berlin, Ont. FOR SALE. ya\ FIRST-CLASS HARDWOOD SAW MILL. Can easily cut an average of 20,000 feet Hard Maple per day, and more of Elm, Birch, Ash, etc. The Mill is located south-east of Cadillac, Mich., in a good hardwood country. Machinery is in first-class*condi- tion. Long tramways, laid with iron T-rail tracks, convenient to handle lumber from edger to piles and from piles to cars. Side track from main line railway runs past the tramways and Mill, A bargain for some one having capital to buy timber and operate the plant. Particulars and reason for selling will be given by C. C. BrapForD, 71 Buhl Block, Detroit, Mich. —_———SS Prouty & Miller have formed partnership as lumber dealers at Roxton Falls, Que. Saw Mill for Sale Well situated in the rapidly growing CITY OF VANCOUVER, BaGas consisting of valuable freehold property, with modern well equipped Mill, having a capacity of about 75,000 feet per day of ten hours. Also about 10,000 Acres of good Lapa ber Lana dce INCLUDING DOUGLAS FIR, SPRUCE and RED CEDAR Easy of access and can be cheaply logged. For price and terms apply to The BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND & INVESTMENT AGENCY, Limited, eS SS See CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Shipping of lumber from Ontario points is quite brisk, giving evidence that the fall trade has commenced to move. For the next two months the demand on local account 1s expected to be quite heavy, as retail dealers and consumers hold light stocks. While the British trade is a little quiet at present, this has been offset by unexpected orders from the United States. Buyers are quite numer- ous, and the tone of the market is de- cidedly firm. Even at this early date some consideration is being given to the requirements of next year, and contracts will no doubt be made for the cut of some of the mills within the next few weeks. The log production during the coming winter will probably be heavy, although it may be restricted on account of the scarcity of labor and high wages. In the Ottawa valley shantymen are being offered as high as $28 per month, and some operators report great difficulty in securing men. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. There have been no important changes in the Quebec trade during the past week. A satisfactory business is doing, and mill owners are by no means discouraged at the outlook. freight rates from the St. Lawrence and from maritime province ports has taken place. Deal rates from St. John to west coast of England are now quoted at 50s, while a charter is reported from Boston to Buenos Ayres at $8.50 for lumber. Most of the large New Brunswick lum- bermen attended the sale of timber limits held at Fredericton last week, but from what can be learned it would seem that an understanding had been arrived at not to compete against each other. The lum- ber shipments from St. John are quite heavy. During July and August 54,- 875,000 superficial feet of deals, etc., cleared for British ports. This is an A slight weakening in_ VANCOUVER or VICTORIA, B.C. average of over 1,000,000 feet for each working day. Inthe last two weeks the exports to the United States were 2,- 387,000 feet of long lumber, 10,135,000 shingles, 6,190,000 lath, and 1,100 pieces of piling. To Buenos Ayres went 1,- 704,000 feet of boards, etc. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Farmers are now busy with harvesting operations and are buying very little lumber. Retail dealers have put in quite a heavy stock on the belief of a good fall trade. Quotations for British Columbia shingles have been advanced to $2.35 per M for No. 1 stock. The mills in British Columbia are still unable to handle all the orders that are being placed. The result is a slight hardening of prices, although not to the extent that might be expected. UNITED STATES. Lumber prices in the United States continue to show an upward tendency. Some of the eastern wholesalers seem to fear that they may be advanced to such a point as to check building operations, in which case a break in the market might take place. For this reason they are watching developments with much _in- terest. This view of the situation is by no means the most general, as the ma- jority of persons in the trade believe that present prices will be maintained at least for some time to come. Their opinions are in part based upon the fact that in the Upper Mississippi valley district, covering about seventy-five mills, the shortage of lumber in pile on August 15th, as compared with that of one year ago, was nearly 400,000,000 feet. The spruce market, while not as firm as that of pine, is in a very satisfactory condition, the recent advance in the New England territory having been maintained. Substitutes for the high-priced hard- woods are being sought for, but with little success. Throughout. the Eastern States one kind of hardwood lumber is about as scarce as another, Maple is being substituted as far as possible for Il. CANADA LUMBERMAN ash, which has been in great demand of late. FOREIGN. Buyers in Great Britain have now become convinced that, owing to in- creased freight rates, the price of wood goods to arrive this fall will be higher than the shipments which came to hand earlier in the season. There is, conse- quently, a strong demand for lumber. Some large transactions have lately taken place in pine and spruce deals, and the prices realized indicate quite clearly that the market is a rising one. The prices ruling now are fully 15s per standard higher than those current last spring. Pine deals are very firm. The sale is reported of a quantity of the Hawkesbury cut, first quality 3x II, 12 to 13 feet in length, at £25 I5s per standard. Notwithstanding heavy re- ceipts, spruce is also improving. 3x1I in all qualities is scarce and commands good prices, while a line of second quality, 12 to 13 feet, recently sold at £9 per standard for 11 inch and £8 5s for 9 inch. There is said to be a scarcity of sawn spruce suitable for box making. An active demand is reported at Glasgow and other ports for red pine deals, which are by no means plentiful. a T STOCKS AND PRICES. Wm. Swan & Son, of Wentworth, N. S., are furnishing 90,000 feet of lumber for a smelter to be built at Pictou. The barque Harry Stewart sailed last week from Digby, N. S., for Cienfuegos, Cuba, with a cargo of lumber. Donald Fraser & Sons, who have just started their new mill at Temiscouata, have 8,000,000 feet of logs to be sawn this fall. The bark Terso Olivari sailed from St. John, N. B., last week for Buenos Ayres with a cargo of lumber, shipped by A. Cushing & Co. The steamer Nyassa last week finished loading at Hopewell Cape, N. B., for the United Kingdom. She had on board 1,470 standards of deals. Munroe & Ebert, of Little Current, Ont., are preparing to start a logging camp at McGregor Bay. They purpose taking out a large quantity of logs this winter. The St. Anthony Lumber Co., of Whitby, Ont., are reported to have sold a tract of timber in the Ottawa district to Canadian parties, the consideration being about $100,000. J. & T. Conlon, of Little Current, have sold a cargo of lumber to Fred Wilson, to be used in the construction of the To- ronto Rubber Company’s factory at Port Dalhousie. Ritchie Bros., of Aylmer, Que., return- ed last week from the Arnprior district, where they purchased 10,000 logs in ad- dition to the 40,000 purchased some weeks ago. The city of Toronto has given a contract to Bryce & Co. to supply the following lumber : 8,000 feet of softelm at $35 per M ; 9,000 feet rock elm at $45 ; 1,700 feet white oak at $54. It is said that the Parry Sound Lumber Company purpose operating their mill at Parry Sound next season, and that about 20,000,000 feet of logs will be taken out during the coming winter. At last account the jam of logs at the Cascades, on the Gatineau river, was still unbroken. Gilmour & Hughson, Mc- Laren & Co., the E. B. Eddy Co., and the Hawkesbury Lumber Co. have logs in this jam. Dickie & McGrath, of Tucket, N. S., have just loaded the bark Montea for Marseilles. They are now loading the barque Topdal with deals for w.c. Eng- land and the barque Mark Twain for Buenos Ayres. Chas. Reynolds, who has charge of the lumbering operations of Glover & Cash- ien, of Bay City, Mich., is putting in four camps of Ioo men each on limits in the vicinity of Webbwood, Ont. Wages are about $26 per month. A.B. Copp, of Sackville, N. B., will offer for sale by public auction on Satur- day, October 7th, 7,500 acres of timber lands in the parishes of Shediac and Sackville, N. B., the limits being watered by the the Aboushagan river. A rumor has been current in Ottawa that the W. C. Edwards Lumber Co. were negotiating for the purchase of the ex- tensive limits of the Hull Lumber Co. The limits are situated on the Kippewa river and are sail to be very valuable. A. F. Bury Austin, wholesale lumber and timber, Montreal, has obtained a con- tract to supply the lumber and timber re- quired for the construction of the works ofthe Dominion Iron & Steel Company at Sydney, C. B. A large quantity of material will be required. The steamer Anatolia sailed from St. John, N. B., last week for Liverpool, with a cargo of deals, shipped by W. M. Mackay. The steamer Rosa cleared for Limerick, Ireland, with a cargo of 580,- 038 feet of deals. The barque Toecle cleared for Bristol with a cargo of deals, shipped by Donald Fraser & Sons, of Fredericton. On August 23rd a sale of wood goods was held by Foy, Morgan & Co., London, Eng., at which pine deals, ex Memnon, from Montreal, sold as follows: First quality—12 ft., 3x 12-21 in., £7 15s 5 sii tes 3x 12-24 in., £16 158; 14-15 ft.. 3x 12- 22 in., £1658; 16ft., 3x 12-24 in., Bator; g-11 ft., 3x 12-23 in, £12 1585 12 ft. 3x 11 in., £15 §8;13 ft. 3x11 im, £15 5s; 14-16 ft., 3x 11in., £14 ; 9-11 ft., 3x11 1n., £14 ; 12-13 ft., 3x 10 in, Aig) stat ft:, 3x9 im, £1355; 14-17 ft, 3x9-10 in. £13 los 312-16 ft, 3x8m., £IT; 12-16 ft.. 3x7 in. S10 15s ; 12-16 ft. 3)x 6 1n., £9 tos ; 12-16 ft., 3x 4-5 in., £9; 9-11 fey 3x8-10 in. £11 15s. Second quality— 12-13 ft.. 3x12 in., All; 14-11 ft. 3x 12- 21 in., £10 15s 59-11 ft., 3 x12-25 in., SIO e 12-13 ft, 3x10 im, £12 55; 14-17 ite, 3x11in. £12; 9-11 ft, 3x11 in, PAT 2: 12-17 ft, 3x10 in, AIT 10s; 12-17 fi, 3x9 in., £12 ; 12-16 ft., 3 x 8 in., £8 158 ; 12-16 ft., 3x7 in., £8 158 ; 12-16 ft., 3x 4- 6 in., £7 158; 9-11 ft., 3x 6-10 in., £9583 6-8 ft., 3x 11-23 in., £9 55; 6:8 ft., 3x 5- 10 in. 48. Third quality— 12-16 ft., 3x 12-23 in, S7 IOs ; 12-13 ft., 3x11 in., £8 ; 9-11 ft., 3 x 11-20in., 47 55 5 12-716 ft., 3x9Qin., 47 ; 12-17 ft.. 3x7 m., £6 158 ; 12-16 ft., 3 x 4-6 1n., £6 Tos ; 9-11 ft., 3 x6- 10 in., £6 158; 6-8 ft., 3x 7-21 in., £6 12s 6d. SS T MILL PROPERTY AND LIMITS FOR SALE. The British Columbia Land & Investment ney. of Vancouver and Victoria, are offer- in, ur Sale alarge sawmill situated in the city of Vancouver. The mill is thoroughly equip- ped and has a capacity of 75,000 feet per day of 10 hours. Some £0,000 acres of timber limits, of Douglas fir, spruce and red cedar, are also in the market and may be secured by the purchaser of the mill, which makes the property particularly desirable. Parties con- templating an investment in this direction should obtain particulars from the above firm. A: ————— el SALE OF NEW BRUNSWICK TIMBER LIMITS. According to announcement, a sale of the unlicensed timber lands in the province of New Brunswick took place at Fredericton on Wed- nesday, August 30th. Thesale was advertised to take place at 11 o’clock, but owing to some dissatisfaction among the lumbermen as to the manner in which the limits were offered, an ad- journment was made until 2.30 p.m. In the meantime the lumbermen held a meeting, the result of which was that the government was asked to cancel the sale, but to this they would not agree. The lumbermen pointed out that much of the land put up was of little value at the present time, and would only be purchased under pressure for the purpose of protecting other lands under lease. The government, on the other hand, argued that the lumbermen should have presented their views at an earlier date. Mr. E. H. Allen officiated as auctioneer. There was very little competition for the limits, and few of them reached more than the upset price of $8 per mile. Of the total 3,877.34 square miles, less than one-third, or 1,268%4 miles, were sold, the aggregate proceeds being The $123 per mile for a7%- $24,290, an average of $20 per mile. highest price paid was mile limit on the west branch of Portage river. This was purchased by J. J. F. Winslow. The WEEKLY EDITION. Co., $8,000; Adams, Burns & Co., $2,900 ; A. Cushing & Co., $2,700; George Moffatt, $2,000; A. F. Randolph, $1,600. ‘A list‘of the berths which brought over $50 per square mile is as follows: Tracy brook, 9 miles, to George Moffat, at $53; Pabineau river, 10 miles, to Adams, Burns & Co., at $52; Pabineau river, 10 miles, to Adams, Burns & Co., at $52 ; Pabineau river, 9 square miles, to Andre Cushing & Co., at $75 ; head of Little river, 64 miles, to Adams, Burns & Co., at $71 ; head of Pabineau river, 3 miles, to Adams, Burns & Co., at $76; Nine Mile brook, branch of Nepisiquit river, 9 miles, to Adams, Burns & Co., at $56; Nine Mile brook, branch of Nepisiquit river, 7% miles, to Andre Cushing & Co., at $55; Nine Mile brook, nine miles, to Andre Cushing & Co., at $65 ; Forty Mile brook, nine miles, to A. Cushing & Co., at $66; head of Forty-four Mile brook, six miles, to Adams, Burns & Co:, at $56; west branch of Portage river, 7% miles, to J. J. F. Winslow, for P. Hennessey, at $123 ; east of Lower North Branch Little Southwest Miramichi river, nine miles, to_T. B. Winslow at $51; North Pole and Indian Brook, 9 miles, to Wm. Richards Co., at $543 head of Gordons’ brook, branch of Cain’s river, 6 miles, to W. T. Whitehead, at $101; south of Cain’s river, 6 miles, to Wm. Richards Co. at $85 ; head of Little Forks, Green river, 5% miles, to Hon. A. F. Randolph, at $54. Other purchases included the following : Head of Pimouet branch and Green river, 8% sq. miles, to A. F. Randolph, at $34.50 per mile ; west of north branch Gounamitz river, 2 miles, to Wm. Richards Co., at upset price ; Gounamitx river, 9 sq. miles, to W. Richards Co., at upset price ; north-east of Gounamitz, 3 miles, to Wm. Richards Co., at upset price ; south of Falls brook, 2 miles, to E. B. Wins- low, at upset price ; Restigouche river, 8 miles, to M. Mowatt, at upset price ; Kedgewick river, near mouth, 23 miles, to Wm. Richards Co., at $50 per mile ; Kedgewick river, east of Macdougall brook, to Geo. Moffatt, at upset price ; Patapedia river, at mouth of Pallard’s brook, 10 miles, to Geo. Moffatt, at $47 per mile ; Patapedia river, 10 miles, not sold ; Patapedia river, 8 miles, to Geo. Moffatt, at WANTED Rock Elm, cut to order. Soft Elm, all thicknesses. Black Ash, all thieknesses. State quantity youcan supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO.,; 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large number of Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet ; also Fence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. H D W | CGIN BOSTON, MASS. » Ue 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for TOG aes Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WY AND es Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH . Join F. Stengel “°serraco.wyo” SEPTEMBER 6, 1899 ini SS upset price ; Tracey’s Mills, 9 miles, to Geo. Moffatt, at upset price; Tracey’s brook and main Restigouche river, 9 miles, to George Moffatt, at upset price ; White’s brook, 9 miles, to Wm. Curry, at upset price ; White’s brook, Restigouche river, 2 miles, withdrawn ; head White’s brook, 2 miles, to Geo. Moffat, at $25; main Five Finger brook, 3 miles, to William Richards Co., at upset price. ——$—_$_ ————————— BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA. [Correspondence of the CANADA LuMBERMAN.] It will not be necessary for me to announce a boom in the lumber trade at this date, for our dealers who cross the border bring back the re- port that the prices are just as stiff there as they are with us, which is quite enough tosay. The market is more or less crazy and some of the members of the irade are more than a little un- easy over the situation. The fact is that they consider prices to high. The actual value of the material will not warrant $75 for quartered white oak or $60 for thick white ash. Vet these prices are not only obtained, but it is ex- pected by everyone that still more will be paid before the top is reached. It is there that the . trouble comes in. What is to be done when the price cannot be urged any further ? This market is not to blame for the condition of things, and the eastern consumer is, of course, not to blame. It is the saw millman. He saw the beginning of the boom last year in the west and at once began to put up his prices. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 7 CROSBY SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. * Sieveking,” London ee HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. WANTED FOR EXPORT All kinds of Logs and Lumber Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, HOTT & DIGKSON - LONDON, ENG WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies - of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to ofter WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. ‘ BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE ANd HARDWOOD “ Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA Cable Address, ' Lumberman’s Code. Do You Use Mahogany ? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous . - | [TABASCO MAHOGANY | Finest figured wood on the market ; is hard and takes elegant finish. Brings high- est prices in Europe, Specially adapted for LAWRBNGB & WIGGIN heaviest purchasers were: Wm. Richards & Importers and Manufacturers to but we sell here about same prices as ordinary mahogany. fine cabinet and interior finish : f BOSTON, MASS: SEPTEMBER 6, 189g CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. The demand from that direction, stimulated by big crops, was so great that the producer was so independent of the slower eastern demand that he turned up his nose at us and-asked prices that were away out of proportion of any- thing that could be obtained in the east. The east tried to hang back, but the result was that it got no lumber, and when the boom in gen- eral business set in there, it was necessary to have lumber at some price, and so the demand of the mills was met. Buffalo and Tonawanda did not know what to do at the outset. To join the western and southern mills was to see a good deal of the eastern trade go by us to the producer direct, and to cater to the low price demanded east was to lose money when there was so much money in the business ; so a sort of middle course has been taken. Still lumber is high here all the same. A dealer mentions selling a lot within a few days at prices $6 more than it would bring last fall, and yet he is not so sure that he made as much over the western asking prices as he would have done then. It is common to get that much advance. The worst of it is that Canada is not going to help us out to any extent in anything. Pine dealers made a rush in that direction when the prices.went up awhile ago, but they have not obtained much comfort. The Canada price is as high as ours. A dealer lately figured on a large lot, but found that the price was about $2 more than the home price, counting duty, and he threw it up. He has since learned that it was sold at the asking price. The hardware dealers are still looking for elm and black ash in Canada, but we are ship- ping oak in that direction right along, though probably not in large quantities. There has never been such a feeling of ex- hiliration in trade generally as there is to-day. It does not go through all branches, for a long period of over-production is holding a few in- dustries, like flour milling, back as yet, but lumber is as wildly panicky as iron or steel. II, There are those who are beginning to be scared already. They do not look for a standstill for a considerable time yet, never, in fact, till a halt is called in sending steel and its manu- factures abroad, but this pace is enough to make the levelest head dizzy. It is predicted that three years of this, with the enormous produciton of silver and gold, will enable the United States to finance the world. Nobody thinks of boasting. This is the prospect, pure and simple. The local lumbermen are spending a good deal of their time getting together and putting up prices. Now it is white pine, now Norway, and now shingles and lath. The price of lath is up the stiffest, for it is fairly out of market in spite of all effort to obtain it. The price is now $3.25 for No. 1 white pine and $3 for No. 1 Norway. The prices of shingles has also been put up and is at present $4 for 18-in xxxx and $3.55 for 16-inch same. There is no such thing as getting ahead with hardwood supply. A dealer said this week that there was not a yard in Buffalo that was increasing its stock, and this is the time when the supply is supposed to run up if ever. Pine is not very much more in evidence, and dealers are wondering where their winter stock is com- ing from. It is a strange condition of things. Buffalo received 40,575,000 feet of lumber and 34,829,000 shingles, and Tonawanda, both ports, 57,030,000 feet of lumber and 100,000 shingles during August. This is an increase for Buffalo, but a falling off for Tonawanda. So much is crowding into the line of direct business that there is hardly space for general or personal mention. Dealers are watching the situation with the keenest interest. They know there is no danger, but it will not always be so. The death, on August 15th, of William H. Gratwick, closed a most successful career in the lumber business. When the Gratwick, Smith & Fryer Company went out of business some years ago, it was in the lead as producer and seller in the east, and Mr. Gratwick has always stood as high personally as did the firm in business. He was 60 years old and lived in Buffalo, though the company was established in Tonawanda. BUFFALO, September 4th, 1899. On September 4th fire broke out in the lumber yard of Price Bros. & Co., at Amqui, Rimouski county, Que. Several million feet of lumber is reported to have been destroyed, together with seven buildings. The loss will reach $75,000. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverenD, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal, . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TOEONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &e. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. SPOT C 1A io BLACK ASH, SOFT ELM and BIRCH LUMBER Either for immediate or future delivery, lake points preferred. Write full particulars. If quantity warrants will send Inspector. H. HERRMANN LUMBER CO., 368 Broome St., New York City CANADIAN EXPORTERS 2” WHOLESALERS TH PEMBROKE LUMBER GO, umren MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @eWrite us for Quotations on all Bills@/e PEMBROKE, ONT. A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence » cited from British Importers. cLAURIN & MacLAREix Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SuipmMentTSs By Ratt oR WATER. - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Bast TEMPLETON, QUE. Manufacturers and OBERT THOMSON & CO. Wholesale Dealers in_ Dimension Timber of all sizes, Car Flooring Red and White Pine and Spruce Deals Cedar, Tamarack and Hemlock Railway Ties ; Shingles and Lath. Mills at Chelmsford. slsin)s.a:0. fae eePetaw'| Spruce coe saa se elie +. $2.c0 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 5 Clear butts.......... 3.00 3 25| Hemlock...........++. 15 Smooth, 6x18......- 5 00 5 50| Spruce..+..--.-+.0+e | 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, September 6, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed Boxboards, 1 inch...$10 00 $11 00 boards .....+.++ $10 50 1200| Hinch......+..+- 900 950 Coarse No. 5. ss 15.00) 15950 % inch.....-+++-+ 9 25 9 50 Refuse.......++ . 1200 13co] 11-16 inch........ 9 00 9 5° Ovitsieesseeee men 9 00 FAINC ow. ace eve Boo 875 ‘ WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in........$50 00@52 00 Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%,1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2, rin. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 3 and 4in......+++ . 5800 6200] 1%,1%and 2in... 30 oc 32 00 Selects, 1 in......+-+ 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 44 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 Nor ite cee wares 36 00 39 00 and 4 in......-.-+ 53 00 56 00 No. 3.-----ee00ee . 28 00 3000 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, 1 im........ 20 00 32 00 rz in. clear...... 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 14% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 00 Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 oo | Common all widths... 22 00 26 00 1%,1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 50 do 14% in. 15 50 16 50 ; SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra 4 ft... .ceeecee ee eeeees $30 00 | and Clears........22++ee sees $25 00 Clearss sss seneesnereeweccess 28 ov SHINGLES. Spruce.... .-.sse00+ 2s 1 30 1 50| Second Clear........-. 200 2 15 Cedar, extra.......-+++ 3.00 3 10| Extra No.1...... AEC SRL wie) CAL. wc cee cece oe ws 2) 50) (205) LATH. Spruce. Steals aie : POND rhe So it ae By Car 2.02 -ceserees t 80o@ 200 _ SEPTEMBER 6, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N Y., September 6, 1299. WHITE PINE. Up’rs, 1,14%,1%and 2 14x10 and 12...... 30 00 32 50 IL. se ewaeceene 20§52 00 5200| 234 IN. -sscwewcewee JO 50 32 50 2% and 3 in. 60 00 GAD a sco Ee as 3% 50) 33.53 es a are geereee _ 65 00| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. Selects, 1 to 2 in..... 45 00 46 00 and up,1in..... a 35 59 24% and 3 in..... rae 55 00] Moldst’ps,1 to 2 in.. 31 00 33 00 4M. ee eee segecees 0 oo | Barn, No.1, 12in..... 25 50 Fine common, 1 in. ,up 6,8 and 10in...... 21 00 22 00 to 12 in. wide.... 38 00 41 50 No. 2, 10 in......% ; 18 co 1% and 1% in..... 39 50 4050] No.2, 12in........ 19 59 ZAM cineceseccnses 40 50 41 50|. No. 3, z0im. ..... 2 16 00 3 in........ Sie Feie EO O00) | 1. ING: 3) 124 esp o95 16 50 4, in wee 55 00| Common, rin......- - %5 00 16¢o Cut’g up, No. 1, x in. 30 00| Box, 1X4...... 13 oc £4 LO\S My oia'eies a 35 00 3750| 1x6toxzin 14 50. W012; Xe 5 eater 18 50| 1x 10to13in. 15 06> 15 50 No. 2,14%, & 1% in 26 00 2800] 14% and1in...... * 16 oo No. 3,1% & 1% in 22 02] Mill Culls,1, 1%, 1% No. 3, 2iM.......+- 2260 and 21n....3... . 1203 23°62) Dressing 14 in..... : go oc oan ee ‘ WHITE ps tst & 2nd, x inch, 28 00 30 00| 24% tog in...... «+ 34 00 t 1% to2in........ + 31 60 33 00] Strips........ : ae othe’ Com. and culls...... - 12 90 14 Oo BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ist & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00| Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH, i ist & 2nd, 6 inch & 1st &2nd,white, 6” Xup, 18 00 20 oo Mp axed eee eran _28 20 30 00 Com & good culls..... 1o 00 11 00 ELM. 1st & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 s MAPLE. ist & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 oo BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., September 6, 1899. ; UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, x in., ro n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $43 00 WI re. agin «cea aemeete $48 oc| 14%, 1% andzin,...... ... 43 00 14%, 1¥and 2in.......-.-- 48 oc 2if and 3 iecetcsceeeane Se on 2% and 3in.......-.++.+- 2 50 00)|| oA tivavhs ase seen Ree ee Ae Fit po saenae Jeno a ae sees. 5900 cay te 5 - FINE COMMON. : 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 35 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 46 oo 1% and 1% im.......++5 « aoe 35 O0W#s Mi sa aeem : ae IB MBacaininivio oivicigha'e va late Stee mare 36 00 ‘ : : B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 26 oo | 234 and 3in., 7in. and up wide 39 oo 1 and 14 in... ss esse vee ee 31) 00/].4iin. eae sia'ciale, 5 aS ctaaalom tase ens oman . saws sia) dic'slays «Sing elas 32 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1¥% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 36 oo | rin., 4, 5 and 7-in. wide..... 35 00 Gitte WIGE So. sin: s'e nine a'ele oviaiviy 40 00 | Gin. wide.......-.sseeeeee++ 40 00 ; ale FINE COMMON OR C. , rin., 4, 5 in, wide. ......... 30 00 | rf in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 32 00 1% in., 6 in. wide........... 35 00] in., 630. widerr.saueee eae ge Oe : SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1Uin., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 26 oo! x in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide........ 22 00 NO. I FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. 1in., 4,5 and 7in.......-.- 18 oo | 1% in., 4,5 and 7im......... 20 00 ep Lo tele eer LAW: 19 00: | 134i... O00. «0 aa eee eee NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. ¢ FLOORING, tin., 4,5 and 7 inch ........ 14 00 | 1% in., 4 to. 7 inch .......... 15 00 FW Elsy 0 MEH | oe oreo ala stele aie 15 20 | No. 3 Fencing, rin., 6inch.. 14 00 ’ 4 SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in., ro in. stocks.... 29 00 | No.2, in., 7 and 8in. stocks 23 00 rin., ro in. and up wide... 39 00 rin., roin, fae als we t ins, yam. Stocks... evs <9 33 00| 1in., 12 in. stocks..... 27 00 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... ; rin. 14 and 2in., 8in. and Mp WIGS ver ce ae ae wim 1 in., 10 in. and up wide... 24 00 1 in., 13 in. and up wide... 29 00 31 00 gi 8 and 7 in No. 2, r2in bos eee acre SEE BIDnaere aciietaaie selena: SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4 and 5 in. wide.... ..$12 00 | 1 in., 13 1m. and up wide.....$12 00 rin., 6 in. wide........ +e, 12,00 Mie and 2 in., 7 in. , 1 in., 7 in. wide and up...... 12 00 BP. WIE, . 5s sina aoscadelax EAC SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 22 00 | 1 in., 10 in. and up wide..... 23 00 1 in., 6 in. wide.... .....-+-+ 22 00 | 14, 1% and 2 in., 8in. and up WIE. ..<¢ ssc sCee! OO)”: : : COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, rin., r3in. and up.... 22 oo | No. x, millculls............. 1050 ING2 oe dak occa tc acc elereismptel eva 17 00 | No. 2, or red horse.......... 7 50 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Boreas 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$ g 50 | Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to I t : UB Saget yee =e Io 50 r6feet...... 8 «co (ot | SRO E II 50 BENT. nce ceweiteeeateaasis Sel agiand 26 ft. cases vee ... 12 50 | Add $x to each additional aft. in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 oo | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts..... ee 2 00 XXXX.. Si oaeea 28° Clear (Batis 0, Sencteeee on? 25 WHITE PINE LATH. NO, £250 s00ecs een sald 2 00] Nor 2.. eke ee eeseeccensennn E50. Heemlode. 5 cacecaisinas snes ie ade _ PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. F.o.b, cars at No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net =. No.130 uw " " " ao 95 No. 1 32 " " " " z co No.124 wu " " " Wo eeeb enema 2 oss eS No. 228% " " " cor se No.230 uw " " " Wn peo SEE ene ta «. 400 No. 2 32 " " " " " coe oa demre gel ‘ No.224 ile " " 1 a +e 2 00 No.1 14 in. tor4% in. kiln dried tasswood heading,perset ... 3 No.r15 w 16 " " " Ni > ‘Vevey No. 117% " " " i | Sine No.r18 0 18% wu u er ee aie No. 1 19% " " " We. ope eae No. 1 19% " " " “ 43 Mill run heading 17%", $3.75 per 100 sets; No. 2, $3.50. A No. 1 4% ft. patent elm hoops, per net 100.......... NOH 4 60 No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000 ... - 650 No.16 " " " VME corer orice <4 75 No. 16% " " " 102% CFLS Gas - 7 00 No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less. J No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000 .........--. 6 75 No. 2 28% 11 " " " Be sath Atle ack S95 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staveS ....2- +00 ee ee ners cere ress . £8 00 No 1 30 inch half syrup barrel staves ......+..++-.-- dae Soe ge SEARO (If bent to Shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) ’ a CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $io0 per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., SEPTEMBER 13, 1899 No. 34. CANADA [,uMBERMAN WANTED AND FOR SALE PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire INsuRANCE BuILDING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. ing fully and impartially lumber and wood-working A 20-page journal, discuss- subjects pertinent to the industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. a a ‘price for the two editions for one 1.00. year, LUMBERMAN’S VEST-POCKET INSPEGTION BOOK 2=2eam Containing Rules for the Inspection and Measuring of Pine and Hardwood Lumber in the leading markets of Canada and the United States. Em- bracing also many useful tables and calculations of everyday service to lumbermen. Prepared by the Editor of the Canada Lumberman.” 8 Toronto, Canada C H. MORTIMER, Publisher 1895 Tite above isa fac simile of the title page of the latest and most complete Lumber and Inspection Book published. We shall be pleased to send you a CODY on receipt of four 3 cent Ga- Nadian postage stamps ° © © © THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada , Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of t5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. ree SALE IN PARRY SOUND, ON SOUTH River, near Trout Creek, 800 Acres Good Soil, timbered with Pulp Wocd and Birch. Box 30, CANADA LuMBERMAN. } AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH tosell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, Canapa Lumsperman, Toronto. WANTED. ITUATION AS LUMBER INSPECTOR, Buyer and Shipper Undeistands scaling logs. Address Box 732, Owen Sound, Ont. ] WANT TO CORRESPOND WITH MANU- facturing companie: building Wood-Working Ma- chinery regarding the building of machines which cost about Three Hundred Dollars. “J. F.,” care of Canapa LuMBERMAN. WANTED. ere OF BASSWOOD OR SPRUCE BOLTS, six inches and up in diameter, forty inches long. Quote lowest cash prices. J. F. STENGEL, Ellicott Square, Buff.lo, N.Y. FOR SALE. IRCH FLOORING, KILN DRIED, HOLLOW hacked, butted and bundjed—suitable for fa: tor- ies, workshops, etc. The Knicut Bros. Co , Burks Falls, Ont. WANTED. A COMPETENT MAN TO TAKE CHARGE of a sash factory. Must be capable of figuring on estimates for work. Applicants will please siate age, experience, and give references. Address “ Factory,” care of Canapa LumeBerman, To onto. FOR SALE FIRST-CLASS LUMBER AND SHINGLE Mill, average capacity per day 35 M. feet lum- ber, 79 M. shingles, and 15 M. lath; situatedin Hunts- ville, close tothe G.T.R. station, with sidings to mill; plenty of virgin pi e. Also a first-class site for a tannery, } lenty of tan hark. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to T. WHALEY, Huntsville, Ont SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mil! worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine co h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x 100 ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of g»0d Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber: ear by. For particulars, address ALLEN Cressman, Berlin, Ont. FOR SALE. FIRST-CLASS HARDWOOD SAW MILL. Can easily cut an average of 20,000 feet Hard Maple per day, and more of Elm, Birch, Ash, etc. ‘Ihe Mill is located south-east af Cadillac, Mich., in a good hardwood country. Machinery is in first-cla-s condi- tion. Long tramways, laid with iron T-rail tracks, conyenient to handle lumber from edger to piles and from piles to cars. Side track from main line railway rans past the tramways and Mil. A bargain for some one having capital to buy timber and operate the plant. Particulars and reason for selling will be givea by C. C. BrapForD, 71 Buhl Block, Detroit, Mich. a Paradis & Jobin have been appointed curators for J. & P. Nadeau, general store and lumber, Cascapedia, Que. Saw Mill for Sale Well situated in the rapidly growing CITY OF VANCOUVER, B.C.; consisting of valuable freehold property, with modern well equipped Mill, having a capacity of about 75,000 feet per day of ten hours. Also about 10,000 Acres of good ere Derr mira tS INCLUDING DOUGLAS FIR, SPRUCE and RED CEDAR Easy of access and can be cheaply logged. For price and terms apply to The BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND & INVESTMENT AGENCY, Limited, OO — —— CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Lumber of all kinds is moving very actively, without regard to grades. Ifone grade is more inquired for thar. another, it is mill culls in pine, for which there has been an almost unprecedented demand this year. To such an extent has this been the case that the yards are actually cleared of dry stock. Where the supply for the late fall and winter trade is to come from is a question which is giving dealers and consumers some concern, particu- larly as buying for the United States market is now being done very freely. Even Michigan dealers have visited Georgian Bay points in search of stock. The hardwood trade occupies a position guite as strong as that of pine. There has been no slackening in the demand during the past week and no material change in prices. That commodity to which dealers are giving most attention at the present time is lath. Almost instantly it has been discovered that there is a great shortage in the pine lath supply of the United States, and buyers have endeavored to augment their stock from Canadian mills. In this they have in some measure been successful. Within the past two weeks several car loads of lath have been pur- chased in Ontario and shipped to Mis- sourl and Kansas, costing laid down there about $5 per thousand. This in- stance alone illustrates the strength of the lath market. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Prices for Quebec timber remain un- changed, excepting birch of 18-inch aver- age, which is now quoted at 27 to 30 VANCOUVER or VICTORIA, B.C. cents per cubic foot. There has arrived at Quebec so far this year, in comparison with last year, about the same quantity of waney pine, but only about one-half the quantity of square pine. The deal market is strengthening, and manufacturers who have stock for sale are asking advanced prices, but the high freight rates are re- tarding business both in Quebec and New Brunswick. Lumber orders to the River Platte are quite freely offered, but tonnage is scarce at the figures submitted by ship- pers. The latter offer $10.50 from out- ports in the provinces to Buenos Ayres, $9.50 from Portland, and $9 from Boston. UNITED STATES. About the only change in the United States lumber market is a disposition on the part of dealers to postpone buying more than for immediate requirements. There ts a feeling that prices have reached the top notch, and that nothing can be lost by waiting, while there is a chance that some graces of lumber will weaken during the winter months, to advance to the present basis again in the spring. The only danger in adopting this course is that dealers may be unable to locate the stock when they are ready to buy. From present indications there will be a lumber famime on a small scale be- fore the spring of 1900 is reached. Deal- ers 10 the Eastern States are much _in- terested in the freight rate situation. Vessels are very scarce, and rates have advanced so that the lowest figure from Lake Superior points to Lake Erie ports is $3.25, with quotations being made as high as $4. This condition is likely to reduce the quantity of white pine which will find its way to the eastern trade, Il. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. and as a result dealers are turning their attention to Canada in the hope of aug- menting their stock from this quarter. Low grade stock continues to show the greatest degree of strength, and Theis almost impossible to name a market price for box stuff. A correspondent in Michigan explains the situation in these “High prices for. logs, high freights, and good old Republican times make our business the best we have had for the past seven years.” Prices at Michigan producing points have now reached almost the highest mark ever known, as will be observed by reference to our quotations on page 4. Even $15 is being paid for box lumber, which is an advance of $5 per thousand since last spring. The hardwood market has not changed, there being no visible falling off in the demand. White and brown ash is quoted at Boston at $42 to $45, quartered white oak at $70 to $72, and thick oak at $72.50 to $76. Elm and maple meet with ready sale at advanced quotations. words ;: FOREIGN. The difficulty in securing tonnage is strengthening the British timber market. Prices of lumber generally are improvirg, although Canadian pine does not seem to participate in the improvement to the extent it should. The Timber Trades Journal believes that this is due to in- ferior shipments, coupled with the inordi- nate quantities of oddments in pine speci- fications, which has disorganized values. From what can be learned, however, pine deals are likely to advance consider- ably in the near future. At London Que- bec pine deals of first quality are selling at {£20 to £24 per standard, second quality at £15 ros to £16 Ios, and third quality at £9to £9 tos. There continues to be a steady improvement in spruce deals and planks. The railway contract- ors have now entered the market and are purchasing large quantities of first, second and third quality. Sales are reported at £10 for 9 inch first quality deals, £8 ros for second quality, and £7 15s for third quality. These prices are for the Quebec production, New Brunswick deals being quoted at slightly lower figures. There is a good demand for square and waney pine timber of first-class quality, but the stock of second quality 1s suffi- cient to meet immediate requirements. Elm and birch timber are strong, the former selling at 2s 4d to 2s 6d for first class of 40 to 45 feet average. Ash timber is firm and the stock light. Red pine deals are low in stock and wanted. EN THE SHINGLE AND LATH MARKET. There is a scarcity of shingles and lath throughout the Eastern States. Buffalo dealers have recently issued a new price list, making a 30 cent advance upon the former price, quota- tions now being as follows : WuitEe Ping.—18 inch XXXX, $4; 18 inch clear butts, $3.75 ; 18 inch sound butts, $1.80; 16 inch, XXXX, $3.55 ; 16inch extra *A*s, $2.75; 16inch *A*s, $2.70; 16 inch XX, $2.65 ; 16 inch 6 inch sapy clear butts, $2.30; 16 inch sound butts, $1.80; 16 inch culls, $1.55. CEDAR.—18 inch XXXX, $3.70; 18 inch clear butts, $2.85 ; 16 inch XXX, $3.10; 16 inch extra *A*s, $2.70; 16 inch *A*s, $2.45; 16 inch clear butts, $2.20; 16 inch culls, $1.55- At Saginaw there has been a remarkable advance in Jath, No. 1 white pine being now held at $3.50 and No. 2 at $3, against $2 and $1.50 as the prevailing price six months ago. At Buffalo lath is now quoted at $3.25 for No. 1 white pine, both 1 and 1% inch. Cedar shingles are not as much inquired for as one month ago, the price at Boston being $3.10 for extra quality. STOCKS AND PRICES. The vessel Johnson sailed last week from Little Curent, Ont., for Chicago, with 600,000 feet of lumber. The barque Reform sailed last week from Y..inouth, N.S., for Buenos Ayres, with avout 700,000 feet of lumber. ‘Lhe barque Walter G., sailed last week from St. John. N.B., for Buenos Ayres, with a cargo of lumber, shipped by A. Cushing & Co. The Turner Lumber Co. are engaging a large number of men to go to the lumber woods. Their lim‘ts are in the Parry Sound district. David Sword, of Christie, has been given a contract by the Parry Sound Lumber Co. to get out 3,000,000 feet of logs during the coming winter. R. Connolly, of Eau Claire, Nipissing district, has put in a logging camp on the Little Sturgeon river. He expects to make a larger cut than last year. The schooner C. J. Woods is now loading props at Ganges Harbor, B.C., for Santa Rosalia, on account of a Mexi- can firm. The schooner is capable of carrying 900,000 superficial feet of lum- ber. The Giimour Co., of Trenton, Ont., are taking a considerable quantity of timber from their limits in Harvey and Galwey townships. It is reported that the com- pany will cut the logs at Pigeon lake, but the report is not confirmed. In the Saginaw valley common log run pine is held at $16 to $18, and good log run at $20 to $24. Norway piece stuff is scarce and sells at $12 to $14 for short lengths and up to $18 for long stuff. Mill culls are quoted at $12. J. Dewar & Son, of St. George, N.B., are reported to have purchased 25,000 acres of timber lands, with a wharf privilege, from Daniel Gilmore. The limits have not been cut over for many years, and are said to contain some ex- cellent timber. Messrs. Dewar expect to cut about 5,000,000 feet of logs on the property th:s winter. Hardwood, of Chicago, reports that the Lutcher & Moore Lumber Co., of Orange, Texas, is about to close a con- tract with the British government for 500,000,000 feet of yellow pine lumber. The contract calls for the delivery of the lumber at gulf ports, and the impression is that part of it is intended for South Africa and part for the British West Indies. Should the report prove correct, it will take all the mills of Texas a year to cut the lumber for this contract. Following 1s a comparative statement of timber, &c., measured and culled at Quebec to September 12th, 1899 : 1897. 1898. 1899. Waney white pine, cu. feet. 3,662,359 - 789,026 1,747,098 Square white pine, cu. feet. 781, 51 1,056,356 581,24! Red pine, cu feet......-. 143,295 217,310 159,708 Oak, cu. feet......++-..00- 1,289,400 948,007 522,178 Elm, cu. feet.......-. =... 661,734 471,939 45° s841 Ash, cu. feet...-.---0+0+ 129,021 34,694 56,546 Basswood, cu. feet -. Pris 15 Butternut, cu. feet... 673 955 60 Tamarac, cu. feet ........+ 348 4°5 Birch and Maple, cu. feet... 271,174 106,592 244,530 SS WESTERN CANADA EDITION. The publishers of the CANADA LUMBERMAN are completing arrangements for the publica- tion, about the Ist of October next, of a special number, to be known as the Western Canada Edition, and to be devoted particularly to the lumber interests of Manitoba, the Northwest Territories and British Columbia, and to the export lumber trade of this part of Canada. It isthe purpose to place a copy of this number in the hands of every saw mill owner, retail dealer and wood-worker in Western Canada, and also to distribute a ‘large number of copies amongst the timber importers and others interested in Great Britain, South America, China, Japan, South Africa and Australia, to which countries British Columbia timber products are exported. By this means it is sought to better acquaint foreign con- sumers with the timber resources of our western provinces, and with the possibilities of obtain- ing supplies in Canada. There are many manufacturers in the Dominion who are in- terested in supplying the lumber requirement of the countries named. To these the oppor- tunity is given of being represented in this number. Information regarding prices for advertisements will be gladly furnished upon application. SALE OF TIMBER LIMITS. OvER $430,002 REALIZED FOR Four PARCELS. As announced in the CANADA LUMBERMAN, the sale of timber limits belonging to the late firm of Hale & Booth took place at the Russell House, Ottawa, on Wednesday, September 6th. Mr. Peter Ryan, of Toronto, officiated as auctioneer. There wasa large at- tendance of lumbermen, including Thos. Pitts, Bay City, Mich.; John Charlton, M. P., Lyne- doch; A. E. Dyment, M. P., Thessalon ; J. B. Klock, M. P.. Klock’s Mills ; James Play- fair and D. L. White, Midland ; E. Sparrow, Houghton, Mich.; C. McCool, Thos. Mackie and Alex. Barnett, Renfrew ; C. McLachlin, Arnprior ; M. Quinn and Hon, Peter White, Pembroke, and many other Ottawa Valley lumbermen. The bidding for the limits was quite keen, the result being that for 13734 square miles there were realized over $430,000. Parcel No. 1 proved the greatest attraction. It comprised berth No. $2 on the north shore of Lake Huron, an area of 36 square miles. The buyer was Mr. Thos. Pitts, of Bay City, Mich., at the price of $315,000. Parcel No. 2, being berths 2, 3 and 4 in the township of Butt, contiguous to the line of the Ottawa, Arnprior and Parry Sound rail- way, containing 13}, 12 and 11% miles re- spectively, was sold to Mr. John R. Booth for $75,00c0. Parcel No. 3, berths 136 and 137 on the Serpent river, area 36 miles each, was sold to Mr. John Charlton, M. P., for $30,000. Con- siderable timber has been cut on these limits, but there is still a considerable quantity stand- ing. ; Parcel 4, berth No. 1, township of Hanmer, Vermillion river, area 734 miles, was sold by private sale previously to Booth & Shannon, of Pembroke. Parcel 5 was a 28 mile limit in the township of Sprague, which was sold to R. Brewder, of Ottawa, for $10,300. WANTED Rock Elm. cut to order. Soft Elm, all thieknesses. Black Ash, all thieknesses State quantity you can supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large number of Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet; also Fence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. H D W | HH | N BOSTON, MASS. ae 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WANTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F, Stenge No. 928 Ellicott Square, BUFFALO, N.Y. SEPTEMBER 13, 1899 ae oe SHIPPING MATTERS. Following charters are reported: Str. Ben- tala, 1,793 tons, Richibucto, N.B., to Liver- pool, deals, 55s, September loading ; bark Antilla, Bridgewater, N.S., to Buenos Ayres, lumber, $10.50, if Rosario, $11.50 ; str. Rose- neath, Miramichi, N.B., to w.c. England, deals, 60s; bark W. W. McLaughan, Anna- polis, N.S., to South American port, private terms. Mr. Arthur White, divisional freight agent of the C.P.R., has sent out the following official circular announcing an advance in lumber freight rates: ‘‘I beg to advise you that, commencing on November 15th, an advance will be made in lumber, forest products and cordwood local tariffs of one-half cent per 100 Ibs. I thought it better to give you this early information, although, after the consultation I had with the lumber- men generally last spring, it will, no doubt, be borne in mind that after we compromised on the advance of one-half cent. per 100 lbs., I very clearly led: everyone to feel that an increase of one cent per 100 tbs, should have been made in May, but acting under the advice of the gentlemen who composed the lumbermen’s committee, we only advanced the rates one-half cent in order ndt to hamper the then expanding trade, until it had become clearly established that the improvement in the lumber business was likely to be of a per- manent nature for some time to come, and this is certainly now the case. We shall drop the hardwood column from our tariff G.N. 14 altogether.” Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 7 Crossy SquaRE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “Sieveking,” London ; HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. WANTED FOR EXPORT All kinds of Logs and Lumber Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, MOTT & DICKSON - LONDON, ENG WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBI R. and will be glad to hear frem holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT. in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensicns. BUYERS AND EXPORTERS OF WHITE PINE ano HARDWOOD AETREEHUMBER DEALERS. g Nth Sona Wht Cable Address, ‘‘ Swan Don eae ee umberman’s e. MILL MEN —__ Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Brown Ash ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to LAWRENCE & WIGGIN Wholesale Lumber Dealers ; 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. SEPTEMBER 13, 189¢ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. MT. THE GLASGOW MARKET. The following particulars of the Glasgow timber trade are given in the monthly market report of Allison, Cousland & Co., dated September 2nd : There has been a marked improvement in business during the past month. Imports have been very moderate. Buyers are now practi- cally convinced that the market is steadily rising ; good sales have been made ex quay, and yarded stocks are now being rapidly re- duced. Prices are very firm, and there is no inclination on the part of sellers to force any class of goods Provided trade continues in the satisfactory condition it is at present, the prospects of higher prices are very bright, as there will be a decided scarcity in some items. Waney Wuite Pine.—There has been a better inquiry, and prices for ist class wood are firm. 2nd class wood is gradually being worked off, although prices are still low. Quotations—tst class, 19 to 20 inches average, - 6d to 2s9d. 2nd class, 15d to 2s per cu. t. SQUARE PINE.—Very little business is re- ported, the demand being limited, and the stock consisting mostly of wood of small aver- age. ; RED PiInE.—There is little enquiry except for wood of large average girth. E_M.—The demand has been exceptionally brisk, and prices are very firm. Ist class wood, 45 to 50 ft. average, is quoted at 2s 4d to 2s 6d ; 2nd class at 2s per c. ft. Oak.—The import has been considerable, and very little business has been done outside of railway requirements. AsH. —Stocks are light, and prices for fair sized wood are very firm at 23d to 2s per. c.ft. Brrcu.—The stock is normal, and for the most part in consumers’ hands. QUEBEC DEALS, BATIENS AND BOARDs. — Imports, with the exception of spruce, are con- siderably lighter than last year, and prices are advancing all round. PINE. —Firsts.—There has been a good de- mand for Ist deals of all sizes, and prices are firmer. Broad are quoted at £24 15s to £25 8s od. Undersized, £17 3s 9d to £19 Ss per St. Pet. std. Seconds are seldom enquired for. Broad deals are quoted at £17 17s 6d to 419 5s. Undersized, £13 15s to £14 8s od per St. Pet. std. Thirds.—Regulars continue in good demand, but undersized are seemingly not wanted. Quotations—Regulars, £9 12s 6d to £10 6s3d. Undersized, £7 11s 3d to 48 5s per St. Pet. std. Fourths,—Prices have improved, and are now firmly held at £7 7s od to £7 Its 3d for regulars. Undersized, 46 10s 7d to £6 17s 6d per St. Pet. std. RED PINE.—Stocks are very low, and shij)- ments are readily disposed of at good prices. QUEBEC SPRUCE.—Business continues ina satisfactory condition, and prices have an up- ward tendency. Quotations.—£6 10s 7d to 47 11s 3d per St. Pet. std. N. B. BircH.—Prices are firm. inch wood is quoted at 17d to 18d. 10d to Is per c.ft. N. B. Dears, RBATTENS AND BOARDS.— There is a fair demand, and prices have im- 15 to 16 Planks, proved considerably. Quotations. —£6 10s 9d to £8 11s 10d per St. Pet. std. N. B. Sprucr.—Business is active, and prices firm. Long lengths of 9 and 11 inch are scarce, and would fetch good prices, Quo- tations. —£6 tos 7d to £8 18s gd per St. Pet. std. for 2nd quality average. The following figures show the imports to the Clyde from America from Ist January to 3Ist August, for four years : Deals, Battens & Boards Pi_ces. 2,221,490 2,965,137 3,027,789 3,530,842 White Red Quebec Year. Pine Pine Oak Logs. Logs. Logs. 1896 13,009 1,795 1,290 1897 6,662 554 1,343 1898 4,265 653 1,251 1899 8,743 1,342 2,302 Elm Logs. 2,514 1,520 1,565 T,55' Birch Logs. 6,354 7,098 25479 7,282 Ash 3309 1,165 1,759 1,463 FIRES. A shingle mill at Merrickville, Ont., owned by Mills Bros., was burned recently. The planing mill of John Monkhouse at Markham, Ont., together with a quantity of lumber, was destroyed by fire on the 6th inst. Loss is about $3,000 and insurance $1,000. Two pulp mills at Riviere au Pierre, on the line of the Quebec and Lake St. John Railway, controlled by the International Paper Co., of New York, are reported to have been destroyed by fire a few days ago. The assignment is announced of Wm, Allen, saw mill owner, Farewell, Ont. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, fArnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverenD, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... , OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TOEONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinron, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. SmitH General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. re SPOT CASH BLACK ASH, SOFT ELM and BIRCH LUMBER Either for immediate or future delivery, lake points preferred. Write full particulars. If quantity warrants will send Inspector. H. HERRMANN LUMBER CO., 368 Broome St., New York City CANADIAN EXPORTERS 2” WHOLESALERS we PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umes MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP EN EE EE NE ET DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. Oe Write us for Quotations on a}l Bills@/@ PEMBROKE, ONT. A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS ‘HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RaIL oR WATER. OBERT THOMSON & Dimension Timber 22" Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. East TEMPLETON, QUE. Fi ies ee Car Flooring Red and White Pine and Spruce Deals Cedar, Tamarack and Hemlock Ra‘lway Ties ; Shingles and Lath. Contractors for Railway Supplies of all kinds. Write us for Quotations. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mowry & :oa, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND FULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Waliace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. : SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. : The James Robertson Co., ‘Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. De: Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Oat. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Unt. Emboss-d Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, Lumbering Toois, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New xork and Toronto. WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. TORONTO, ONT. Toronto, September 13, 1899. CAR OR CaRGO LOTS. x inch dressing and 14% 1% and z inch cut betters... itera: $20 00 $22 00 up and better...... $32 00 $34 oo zinch picksand uppers 34 00 36 00} | inch siding mill run 14 00 15 00 1x 2 dressing and bet- ‘inch siding gommon 11 00 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft...:.. 22 00 24 00| 1 inch siding shipculls 10 50 11 50 1xto fine dressing and cinch siding millculls 8 50 9g oo hetteris. «cise ees ss 22 00 24 00| Cullscantling........ 800 9g 00 rxro and 12 Canadian cinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 20 00 in, mill run...... - 13 00 14 00 x 1-2and thicker cut- t inch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank.....-. 24 00 26 00 | « 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 1 3-4 in. cut up and . 1-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 etter 6 jasc s ances 33 00 35 00] XXX pineshingles, 16 1x1o and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00 rit) NERS A eee since 2 40 1x10 and 12 common. 12 00 14 00] XX pineshingles 16 inch I 50 1x10 and 12 mill culls g 00 10 00| Lath, No.1.......-- 1 60 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00} Lath No. 2......... I 25 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, rs and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2 in. .$26 00 $28 oo Elm rock, mill oe ‘© " 2% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 Pati cia con Aan 1 to 1%%18 00 20 00 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm,rock,mill ands, 1to 1% in.... 2000 2200] run.....++ 1%‘‘ 3.. 21 00 23 00 Ash, black, “xsts and Hickory, 1sts ands,2to4in....-- 22 00 2400| and 2nds..1%‘ 2.. 28 00 30 00 Ash, M.R.,1_ to 2.. 17 00 19 00 Maple, sts Birch, rin 18 00 2000] and a2nds..1 “‘ 1% 1600 18 00 f 1% ‘© 2.. 20 00 23-00] Maple ists “ sqrs. 4x4 ‘* 8 x824 90 26 00 and znds.. 2 *f 4.. 17 00 18 00 Basswood, sts and Oak, red, p’n, ands, 1 to1% in.... 18 00 20 oo! ssts&2nds1 “* 13% 26 00 30 00 1% to 2 ..2: 00 22 00 Oak, red, p’n, ‘“ mr. 1 “ 1% 15 00 17,00 ists & ands 2 “‘ 4.. 29 00 3200 Butternut 1 ‘© 134 23 00 25 00} Oak, white, rs 2'‘* 3.. 25 00° 28 00 ists & nds ‘‘ 1% 28 00 30 00 Chestnut 1 *©2.. 2400 2 o0| Oak, white, Cherry, 1sts ists & ands 2 “* 4.. 30 00 35 00 and onds..1 ‘ 13% 5000 60 00} Oak quart’d, Cherry, -1sts ists & ands « “‘ 2.. 50 00 6900 Walnut, isis and 2nds.. t Whitewood, sts & ands ¢ and 2nds.. 2 E\m,soft, mill ** 3.. 85 00 10000 2.. 32 00 36 00 TUM «canes 2 3-- 17 00 OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, September 13, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per M feet, b.m....... $31 00 36 00 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 27 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 28 00 Pine, No. x dressing sidings, per M feet, Jr tara ances oslo I5 CO 21 00 Bb eed Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.1... 1 co 1 25 SECIS 3 mise etsteins cts 14 00 16 00 | Lath per M No. 2..: 85 100 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1xto No. 1 barn...- 18 00 Shorts, ’s\.ee nner 12.00 14 00| 1x10 No.2 “ .... 16 00 Pine, 10 s.c. and bet- 1x8 & g No.1 ‘ 17 00 ter stock, .ccnie > dee 13.50 15 00 | 1x8&q No.2 ig 15 90 QUEBEC, QUE. QueEssc, September 13, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, 32 “* good fair : br Ng whe 34 c first class “cr “ “ 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average according to lineal.. 36 42 a oe «« "19 to 21 inch average “ ee 4 “Michigan “‘ 19 to 21 in average s& 6 & size 43 48 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to|average and qu ity.......-..-+-- ssid: S26 In shipping order, z COG ae tins MRSC Se 23° 47 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . . . + - 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. . 32 j 35 4 Es Co S30 to.35 fect. . 27 36 ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. « « « «21 24 To ayerape 16: anchicmers < * + * se) ks as 25 26 ‘ BIRCH. rainchaverage).: “)aeqeee 3 ss 08 es) os ly 18 Gis ae. PI ee ee ee en 2 25 ne. < o oe cs fe ee oe Bs ae Be ee 3° DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for 1st, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $2x for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., September 13, r£g9. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking.....--.200, 44.00 5090 SPRUCE. IG:tOrQiIN.). see ensel se 14 00 14 50| 10to12in.......--.. 16 25 1%7 00 6to1in.......-.-+- 14.50 15 75| Lath........-.++-++- 185 195 Q O121N........---- 1575 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1and2z Black Ash, 10 to 16...... -.-+++e+++ee-es 35 00 1% to2in eS V4 tH COMET ORME RSet 8. 5 5 36 oc 1 inch, ce Sott Elm, Ce De a toe ee 25 00 14% in and thicker, “* ge Cal Sie eae a 3 26 00 4l4 ss We Hard Maple, ‘6 ..--sesereeecerestceee 24 00 f se ' Basswood, be “ce “ Birch, a3 : “© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O. ee «© Soft Elm, ne BS wy < ose) E20 ts ‘« Hard Maple, ‘* es SE AEM alee 14 00 ue ‘« Basswood, ‘‘ of pe a Se 12 00 H ‘Birch, . S A ae 14 00 ALBANY, N.Y. Avsany, N.Y., September 13, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up...-..---+- $51 $53 | 1x12 inchshippers......... $ $16 BAZAN ee co eieisietle «ara ie 1M and 1 in... ..--+++ +++. 44 50 41D. 2. scn0 oe te ae Se eee eg) OC! ZUM sccossevvseseceveveses 42 50 B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide 30 50 | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 45 39 1% andr in.........- -+ 35 ©O) gat. ote geese eee ister 50-59 AD. hele « «aso arsine dhe eee 37 5° f : STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). +4 1% in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide... 46 00 rin., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 40 00 Oiins Wier - . see a ne rae 48 00 | 6 in. wide.......-.2--+++2++-- 48 00 , i=: FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4,5 in, wide. ........- 32 00 | 1 in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 35 00 1% in., 6m. wide...-......5 36 50] in., 6in, 36 oo : SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. f r\in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 30 oo | x in., 4, 5, 6 in. aes, 25 005 NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. : rin., 4,5 and 7in .....-.... 21 co| 1% in., 4,5 and 7in.......-- 23 50 Pat Regis | Mimee icra aamcr csc 2 20 5 | 1% Wy OM aa cerameraned nn 2h 5 NO. 2 FENCING OR NC. 4 FLOORING. . & tin., 4,5 and 7 inch ........ 18 so| 1% in., 4to 7 inch .......... 70 00 E11. ,cO)MCh yaa. Ae 2o eee ee 18 57 | No. 3 Fencing, x in., 6 inch.. 17 00 SHELVING. 7 No. 1, 1 in., ro in. stocks.... 29 00 1in., ro in. and up wide... 34 00 tin., 12 in. stocks........- 34 50 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 35 59 rin. 1% and zin., 8in. and No. 2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 25 50 tin., roin, stocks......... 25 50 rin., 121n. s ineaesesice 309.59 1 in., 10 in. and up wide... 27 oo 1 in., 13 in. and up wide... 31 59 _ UP WIE 6 ese se nisewiene > 31 CO BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. zs No. 1, 12 in 25 52 18 506) TO in......+- -2, 2E 5S 18 50 Qin... ...00e « 20 50 17 50 8 and 7 in 2U 52 17 0O No. 2, 12in -. 22.00 17 00 IO 1.2 soe 24> ses eee 17 00 : SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. , 1in., 4and 5 in. wide....... $13 59] 1 1n., 13m. and up wide.....$15 5> Qin, One Widepussee>eeeeed 14 50|1%, ae and 2 in., 7 in, and 1 in., 7 in. wide and up...... 15 00 UP WIE... 20 .c=<. es 8 a ‘ SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 27 50, 1 in., 10 in. and up wide..... 30 00 — 1in., 6m. wide..........--- 29 00 | 1, 1% and 2 in., 8in. and up ‘ WIdE. 51 Soom Penh demas go OF COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 26 oo | No. 1, mill culls............. 13°50) ING.2inic ae Es cemas tastes 22 00 | No. 2, or red horse..-...-... 1010 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$13 00 | Hemlock, 2xq to 10, 12 to . TB! tetera: « lg iahe: » ne ate ae 15 co 26 feet... a ceaah ae <~e 2 GO ae dg Sea Ok Wire ss sam eedemea tena: E8°8D rae! ee 16 50 | Add $x to each additional aft. in length. SHINGLES, 18-1N. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 25 | Standard brands, river made, a ‘Clear Butts... qasa0nccsheee 275 CSRS. Stee a Sor Clear ‘Bittsl fesse neeenas 3 00 WHITE PINE LATH. ~ Monien sents So ch tee tees 3 50 Or 360 Hemlock... .:.\scieneeeeeeon2 75 PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. “ob. carsat... Sutherland Innes Mills. No.-1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000 ....,-.-«.++- ete es No. 1 30 " " " Mt, 3h eS cveee we! by TS No. 132 7 " " " 1 naa Sees . 4% No.r18 18% w " " " ots a ae 4% No. t 19% " " " Tos ait ee oon 4h No. os F a o 119 3 " " " ‘ Mill run heading 1734", $3.75 per 100 sets ; No. 2, $3.50. A No. 14% ft. patent elm hoops, per net 100....-....++-+.+++ 4 60 No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000 ......--.- sma 5e No.r6 ow " u " OS ee es 6 75 No. 16%u " " " fi Mee) ee. See 7 00 No. 2 hoops about 0 cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000 .......+.+-+ 6 75 No. 2 28% " aK? " Te oncierenie 2 75 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves No 1 30 iach half syrup barrel staves ....--.+++s-+ seen rece (If bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY F DITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per yeak {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, everg Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., SEPTEMBER 20, 1899 No. 35. CANADA [LLUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire INSURANCE BUILDING, MonrTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of t5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpayeil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. OR SALE IN PARRY SOUND, ON SOUTH River, near Trout Creek, 800 Acres Good Soil, timbered with Pulp Wocd and Birch. Box 30, CANADA LuMBERMAN. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH tosell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CaNADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED. O BUY A GOOD SECOND HAND SAW MILL of capacity about zo,o00 feet per day. Apply to GopeErIcH LumBER Co., Goderich, Ont. WANTED. OT OF BASSWOOD OR SPRUCE BOLTS, six inches and up in diameter, forty inches long. Quote lowest cash prices. J. F. STENGEL, Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. FOR SALE. IRCH FLOORING, KILN DRIED, HOLLOW backed, butted and bundled—suitable for factor- ies, workshops, etc. The KnicHt Bros. Co., Burks Falls, Ont. FOR SALE. WO CARS OF ROCK ELM HAME WOOD, 1% in. x2 in. and 2 in. x 2% in., a in. long, about equal quantity of each size. Address, Hoath Head P.O., Ont. TIMBER WANTED. OPLAR, COTTONWOOD, BEECH OR White Pine ; dimensions, full, 3’ lengths or mul- tiple, i.e., 6’ and 9’, by 5”, 6” or 7’ wide, and full 3” thick. Address, Geo. Perry & Co., Limited, Cam- den Row, Dublin, Ireland. WANTED TO BUY. SAW MILL PLANT THAT IS IN GOOD running order and will be sold at a Bargain, with plenty of Timber near Mill—something under $8,000.00 Eight Thousand Dollars)—in or east of Peterborough county, Ontario. Address, ‘‘ Buyer,’ care CANADA LuMsERMAN, Toronto. > SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine 1co h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x too ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber rear by. For particulars, address ALLEN CRESSMAN, Berlin, Ont. FOR SALE. FIRST-CLASS HARDWOOD SAW MILL. Can easily cut an average of 20,000 feet Hard Maple per day, and more of Elm, Birch, Ash, etc. The Mill is located south-east of Cadillac, Mich., in a good hardwood country. Machinery is in first-class condi- tion. Long tramways, laid with iron T-rail tracks, convenient to handle lumber from edger to piles and from piles to'cars. Side track from main line railway runs past the tramways and Mill, A bargain for some one having capital to buy timber and operate the plant. Particulars and reason for selling will be given by C. C. Braprorp, 71 Buhl Block, Detroit, Mich. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE Timber Berths AT THE ROTUNDA OF THE BOARD OF TRADE, TORONTO, ON Tuesday, October 24th Next. AT 2P.M. Timber Beiths Nos. 94, 98, 99, and {02 (North Shore of Lake Huron District), and known as the Townships of Trill, Ermatinger, Foster, and Nairn on the Spanish River and tributaries. TRILL and ERMATINGER will be sold in single Berths of 36 square miles each, and FOSTER and NAIRN in g square mile parcels of N.W. %, N.E 4, S.W. %, and S.E. 4, respectively. These Berths have never been operated on, and are heavily timbered with supericr PINE AND OTHER WOODS. For terms of sale, maps and other particulars apply to E. R. C. CLARKSON, Ontario Bank Chambers, or to PETER RYAN, Toronto. THE LATH MARKET, Although a considerable quantity of lath has been purchased during the past week, the demand does not seem to have moderated. It is said that $4 is not an extradordinary price for No, 1 white pine lath at Chicago, while No. 2 white pine and No, 1 hemlock and Norway has been sold at Duluth as high as $3.75. This isan advance of over 200 per ceni. in prices in a little more than one year. At Buffalo white pine lath sells about $3.25, although one firm is said to be asking $4. TIMBER LIMIT SALE. The attention of our readers is directed to the advertisement announcing a very import- ant auction sale of virgin timber berths on the Spanish river. They are known as the Comstock limits, and are said to be amongst the most valuable in the province. Mr. Peter Ryan, acting under instructions from Mr. E. R. C. Clarkson, the well known trustee, will con- duct the sale at the Board of Trade Room, Toronto, on October 24th. Saw Mill for Sale Well situated in the rapidly growing CITY OF VANCOUVER, B.C.; consisting of valuable freehold property, with modern well equipped Mill, having a capacity of about 75,000 feet per day of ten hours. Also about 10,000 Acres of good Pesooyal= pe tb senke= DOUGLAS FIR, SPRUCE and RED CEDAR Easy of access and can be cheaply logged. For price and terms apply to The BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. What has been said in previous issues regarding the prosperous condition of the lumber trade of Ontario is equally applic- able at the present time. The mills are busy with orders, have little stock in pile, and many of them sold largely in ad- vance. On local account an increased volume of business has been done during the past week, indicating that the fall trade has commenced to move. The number of inquiries from the United States indicates that trade in that direc- tion is also expanding, and altogether a further hardening of prices is looked for. Two Michigan dealers last week visiteda Georgian Bay mill for the purpose of purchasing 8,000,000 feet of boards, but when they arrived they found that 5,000,- ooo feet of the stock had in the meanttme been sold for the Buffalo and Tonawanda markets. The balance of 3,000,000 feet was purchased at a price said to be in the vicinity of $16 per thousand. This is an indication of the urgency of the demand. There is a very strong enquiry for common and cull lumber, which has steadily risen In price, but in the higher grades, which are always saleable, the advance has not been so marked. In the Ottawa Valley prices have advanced about $2 per thous- and within the past few weeks. Good sidings are now quoted at $32 to $40, good strips at $25 to $30, No. 1 dressed sidings at $17 to $24, and strips at $16 to $18. Lath has made an advance of from 15 to 25 cents, quotations being $1.35 to $1.50 for No, 1, and $1 to $1.10 for No. 2. Shingles are good stock and find ready sale. & INVESTMENT AGENCY, Limited, VANCOUVER or VICTORIA, B.C. A large local consumption of hard- woods has prevented any weakening in prices. In the Wiarton district rock elm is being sold at $20, soft elm, common and better, at $14, and maple of same grade at $15, and at these prices there is very little stock to be had. It is improbable that prices will show any material de- preciation during the fall or early winter, although a large output of logs next winter might have the effect of lowering prices. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The high freight rates are likely to re- sult in reducing late fall shipments of Jumber from the St. Lawrence and mari- time province ports. Ship owners are now asking 52s. 6d. from St. John to east coast Ireland and west coast England, but shippers are reluctant to advance their ideas above 50s. It 1s not believed, how- ever, that there is any great quantity of stock yet to go forward to the British market, and shippers are not likely to be seriously handicapped by the higher rates. Considerable lumber is finding a market in the United States and in South Ameri- ca, several cargoes having gone forward to the latter country within the past month. The lumber operators are making pre- parations for their winter’s workin the woods. In view of the position of the wood markets of the world generally, it is probable that the cut this winter will be slightly larger than for several seasons past. Wages this year are from $18 to $20 per month, while last season the average was about $16, MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The mills supplying lumber to Mani- toba and the Northwest Territories are said to be now behind with orders. The UM CANADA LUMBERMAN farmers are just finishing harvesting op- erations, and the fall demand for lumber has only commenced. With a scarcity at the present time, it is to be expected that prices will advance in the near future. It is understood, however, that retail dealers are carrying quite liberal stocks, in the expectation of a brisk fall trade. The Rat Portage Lumber Co. are reported to have sold 6,000,000 feet of lumber within the past two months. Building and min- ing operations in British Columbia are moving very freely, calling for a large quantity of material. A few days agoa meeting of the saw mill men in the interior of southern British Columbia was held to discuss the amalgamation of the mills. This was not effected, however, although there is some prospect of it being accom- plished in the near future. UNITED STATES. A firm market and somewhat weaker demand explains the condition of the white pine trade cf the United States. Prices have now reached a point where retail dealers and consumers refuse to buy except for immediate requirements. They believe that prices will go no higher. On the other hand, there are some who predict that before the open- ing of navigation next spring there will be a famine in white pine lumber. Another condition which has checked the demand is the most unprecedented high freight rates. From Duluth to Lake Erie points the rate is now $4, the re- sult being that no sales can be made to the eastern trade for this year’s delivery. From the above remarks it must not be premised that prices show any tendency to weaken. Dealers in the Buffalo and Tonawanda markets report prices as very firm, with a prospect of a further ad- vance. From the Saginaw valley comes the same report. In that district mill culls are selling at from $12 to $14, and log run at from $16 to $24. Spruce lumber is selling readily at recent quo- tations, $17 being paid for frames. The hardwood market displays many elements of strength. Every variety is in short supply, while there does not seem to be any abatement in the de- mand. At Buffalo sales of cull elm and basswood have been made at $17, and thick elm is quoted at $32. A sale of low grade logs for boxes is reported, which 1s another indication of the scarcity of ordinary box lumber. FOREIGN. The position of foreign markets gener- ally is satisfactory. From Great Britain comes the report of a steadily increasing demand and a tendency towards higher prices. Spruce deals particularly are im- proving, and sales of large cargoes have been made at 4615s c.1.f. London and Liverpool. Atthe latter port there was received during the month of August 21,211 standards, the deliveries being 22,- 252 standards, or upwards of one thousand standards in excess of receipts. The packing case makers are very busy, and building operations in the. cheaper class of houses, in the construction of which spruce deals and battens enter so largely, have not been so active for some time. The advance in pine referred to in former reports has been maintained, the high rates of freight contributing in some measure to thisend. The stock of wood goods in London docks this year shows a shortage of about 18,000 standards, the exact figures being 17,339,119 pieces, against 18,014,260 pieces in 1898. All classes of goods, with the single exception of flooring, is in lighter stock than last year. In timber, birch, either in the log or plank, is very scarce, the stock at Liver- pool at end of August being only 150,000 feet, as compared with 314,000 feet in August, 1898. In view of this condition an increase in price is looked for. The trouble in South Africa does not appear to have any influence on the wood trade of Great Britain. Merchants there are buying all they can of stock on which the South African demand might have some effect, and it is only in respect to next year’s business that the question is brought under consideration at all. STOCKS AND PRICES. Mill culls are selling at $1c a thousand at Ashland, Wis., No. 3 boards at $11.50, and No. 2 boards, 6, 8, 10 and 12 feet, at $13 to $13 50. The ship Guilia R sailed from St. John, N.B., last week for Marseilles, France, with 1,168,157 feet of deals, shipped by W. M. Mackay. Wm. Allen, of Perth, Ont., has pur- chased the Muirhead property in Beck- with township, and will take out about 1,000,000 feet of logs this winter. At Midland, Ont., the schooner Geo. Westley loaded lumber last week for Bay City, the United Lumberman for Tona- wanda, and the Ellen Murton for Buffalo. J. L. Reaume & Co., of Essex, Ont., have bought the timber on lots 14 and 15, of the 14th concession of Colchester North, also that on a 50 acre berth and a 30 acre berth in Maidstone. The Hull Lumber Co., of Hull, Que., again started their mill last week, which had been shut down for a fortnight owing to scarcity of logs. The company have now 150,000 logs floating down the river. The R. Laidlaw Lumber Co. are hand- ling a considerable quantity of Canadian pine through their Buffalo yard. The businsss card of this firm, whose head office is in Toronto, appears in this issue. The Dominion government is about to construct a telegraph line from Dig Rou- maine, Que., to a point in Labrador, a dis- tance of 315 miles. The contract for supply- ing thenecessary poles has been given to C. J. Bickerdike, of Montreal. Lumbering operations in the vicinity of Owen Sound are very brisk. Maitland, Rixon & Co. estimate their cut this year at between 4 and 5 million feet. Pickard & Rowan will cut over 2,000,000 fee!, Henry Pedwell 1,500,000 feet, and es. Findlay 3,000,000 feet. Pelton & Reid, of Cheboygan, Mich., have just received a raft of Canadian logs coniaining about 4,000,000 feet. They have still two other rafts on the Georgian Bay, but having all the logs they can cut this season, will not take them over to Michigan until next spring. In this issue Messrs. Geo. Perry & Co., packing case manufacturers, Dublin, Ire- land, ask for quotations for the supply of poplar, cottonwood, beech or white pine timber. If suitable for their requirements, as regards price and quality, they are pre- pared to purchase very large quantities. The C. Beck Manufacturing Co., of Pene- tanguishene, have three camps in the woods, and will make a large cut during the coming winter. The Holland & Emery Co., Byng Inlet, have two camps in, and will putin others. Pelton & Reid, of Cheboygan, Mich., have one camp on the Indian Reserve. At arecent sale held by Foy, Morgan & Co., London, Eng., Canadian spruce, ex Highfield, from Quebec, sold as follows: 9-15 ft. 3x10 in. first quality, £10 tos; 12-18 ft. 2x7 in., £8 58; 6-11 {ti 2x7 in, £8 * 12-17, ft-..2 x7 in. unas; sorted, £7 108; 18 20ft.2 x6, £7583 104 16 ft.2x4, £6155; 10-18 ft. 24x 63, £6 15s; 9 ft.3x9, £6 7s 6d. Following 1s a comparative statement of timber, &c., measured and culled at Quebec to September 19th, 1899 : 1897. 1898. 1899. Waney white pine, cu. feet. 3,894,933 ,815,975 1,774,208 Square white pine, cu. feet. 798,665 1,060,634 587,070 Red pine, cu feet.......-. 151,865 217,708 159,937 Oak, cu. feet...-sesseerees 1,320,163 948,044 522,178 Elm, cu. feet....--0-s+s++5 662,547 474,194 456,841 Ash, cu. feet.....-.++0+5 131,964 34,735 56,546 Basswood, cu. feet ric 25 955 Butternut, cu. feet......- 673 60 Tamarac, cu. feet .......++ 348 415 Birch and Maple, cu. feet.. 271,174 112,500 244,530 Homan & Puddington, in their circular of September 9th, review the New York lumber market as follows: ‘‘ During the last week several cargoes of spruce ran- doms were sold on our market at good prices. Demand is good and likely to be better. We quote 10 and 12 inch at $18 to $19 ; 9, 1oand 12 inch, $17 to $18 ; 6, 7 and 8 inch, $15 to $16.50; and scantling, 2x4 and 2x 4, Io to 20 feet long, $14.50 to $15. Laths have had quite a flurry— WEEKLY EDITION. SEPTEMBER 20, 1899 Se EEE about 15,000,000 came in, and about all sold at all kinds of prices, ranging from $2.25 to $2.75, but $2.50 is the cargo price at which bulk of receipts were sold for. We think present prices can be keld for balance of season, unless shipments are greatly increased.” The result of the action of the pro- vincial legislature in prohibiting the ex- portation of saw logs has been to revive the lumber industry in the Parry Sound district. Camps are already in operation in many sections. It is said that the Parry Sound Lumber Co. will take out 25,000,000 feet, of which 10,000,000 feet has already been contracted for. The company will put in two camps at Deep Bay and Blind Bay, both in the township of Carling. In addition to these two camps, the company will let contracts to a number of jobbers. Wm. Peters has four camps in operation, two in Christie township and two in Spence. He will take out about 20,000,000 feet of logs. The Conger Lumber Co. have two camps in operation in Conger township, employ- ing about 130 men. Their cut has been placed at 11,000.00 feet of logs. It is a little early yet, says the Frederic- ton Gleaner, to make a definite estimate as to the cut this coming season upon the St. John river in New Brunswick, but the following may be considered a pretty accurate forecast of the amount to be cut upon the upper St. John river: W. J. Nobles and Robt. Nobles, for Cushing, to to [2 million feet ; Guy McCallum, for C. F. Woodman, 5 to 6 million; John Kilburn, for W. H. Murray, 8 to Io mil- lion; Silas Dickie, for Stetson, 5 to 6 million ; John Stévens, for E, L. Jewett, 2% to 3 million; J. A. Morrison, 3% to 4 million ; Cunliff & Sons, 7 to 8 million ; Neil McLean, 3 to 4 million; John R. McConnell, for Ashland Lumber Co., 10 to 12 million; F. H. Hale, 8 to 10 million; WANTED Rock Elm, eut to order. Soft Elm, all thicknesses, Blaek Ash, all thicknesses. State quantity you can supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. "TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large number of Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet ; also Fence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. H D W | HH | BOSTON, MASS. ads 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. W ANTE D Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASE Jolin F. Stengel * goreatony" R. A. Estey, 4 to 5 million ; Adam Bever- idge, 2 to 2% million; Geo. Baird, 2 to 3 million; D. McKeswick, 2 million ; various other small operators, 10 million. MANY REPLIES. Mr. Silas H. Jacobs, saw miller, of Hunts- ville, Ont., gives his opinion of the WEEKLY LUMBERMAN as an advertising medium in these words: ‘‘I was flooded with letters in answer to the advertisement I placed in THE LUMBERMAN.” No better proof is wanted that the advertising pages are carefully read. BUSINESS NOTES. W. Barrill, sash and door manufacturer, Montreal, is reported to have filed consent of assignment. On September 7th the lumber and coal yards of the John W. Young & Sons Co., at White Plains, N. Y., was sold by auction, the pur- chaser being N. M. Smith, of New York, and and the purchase price $32,700. The lumber and yard of the same company at Tuckahoe, N. Y., was sold to Chas. Dusenberry, jr., for $12,250. The saw mill of Robert Prestly, at Ashton, Ont., together with the lumber yard, was completely destroyed by fire on September 11th. The loss is estimated at $18,000, with no insurance. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WCOD AGENTS 7 CrosBy SguaRE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “ Sieveking,” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. WANTED FOR EXPORT All kinds of Logs and Lumber Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, HOTT & DIGKSON - LONDON, ENG. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities o9o HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensicns. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dres:ing Lumber in Transit. —_ | AZ ‘DOKOGH LUMBER C0. rs Ly TP NESS AE, EES Cable Address, ‘‘ Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA Lumberman’s ie. Do You Use Mahogany? If so don’t buy until you have seen or inquired about our now famous . . [TABASCO MAHOGANY | Finest figured wood on the market ; is hard and takes elegant finish. Brings high- est prices in Europe, but we sell here about same prices as ordinary mahogany. Specially adapted for fine cabinet and interior finish : = LAWRENGB & WIGGIN Importers and Manufacturers . BOSTON, MASS. SEPTEMBER 20, 189¢ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. INT, GLASGOW PRICES. Messrs. Wright, Graham & Co., Glasgow, quote the following prices for Canadian deals and boards : Quesec WuiteE Pine DeEats.—ist quality, broad— £24 15s to £26 2s 6d, per St. Pet. std.; 11 in., £21 13s to £23 14837” to 10’ and ends, £16 Ios to £19 5s. 2nd quality, broad— A18 48 4d to £19 55; 11 in., £15 16s 3d to 4l7 38 9d; 7 in. to 10 in., £12 7s 6d to 413 15s. . 3rd quality, broad—£10 63 3d to £11; Il in., £9 12s 6d to £9 19s 4d; narrows, £7 4s 4d to £8 5s. 4th quality, broad—£7 11s 3d to £8 53; 11 in., £6 10s 7d to £7 4s 4a; narrows, £6 3s 9d to £6 Ios 7d. Rep PinE DeALs.—g and 11 in., £9 to Alt per St. Pet. std.; narrows, £8 to £8 tos. QuEBEC WHITE PINE Boarps. — First quality—2 in thick, averaging 12 in. to 15 in. wide, £17, 10s to £19 11s per St. Pet. std.; 1% in., 12 to 15 in., £16 16sto £19; 1% in., II to 13 in., £16 tos to £18 11s; 1 in., 10 to I2in., £15 2s 6d to £16 10s; 1% and 2 in. strips, 4 to 7 in., £14 8s 9d to 16 tos. Second quality—2 in. thick, 12 to 14 in. wide, £13 Is 3d to £15 9s 4d; 1% and 1% in., 12 to 14 in., £12 78 6d to £14 Ys gd; 1 in., 10 to 12 in., Al 13s 9d to £12 14s. Third quality— 2in., 11 to15in., £8 18s 9d to £11; 1, 1% and 1% in., 10 to 14in., £7 484d to £9 12 6d. Spruce DEALS.—The import 1s large, but the demand continues good, and prices keep firm. Prices quoted—£6 3s 9d to 47 11s 3d for third quality; and £5 16s 10d to £6 14s for fourth quality. St. Joun, N. B., PINE DEaLs.—£6 3s od to 48 18s 9d per St. Pet. std. SPRUCE DEALS.— (2nd quality average), £6 3s 9d to £7 18s rd per St. Pet: std. Bircu Locs.—ts 4d to 1s 9d per cu. foot for 14 in. and up average. BircH PLANKs.—£6 17s 6d to £8 58 per St. Pet. std., according to specification. Cameron’s saw mill at Petitcodiac, West- morland county, N. B., was burned recently. The cooperage shop of W. Lyons, of Luck- now, Ont., was destroyed by fire last week. SHIPPING MATTERS. From St. John, N. B., we learn of the follow- ing charters: Str. Bogstad, 1,981 tons, Lis- combe, N. S., to Cardiff, 50s ; bark Nord- strand, 1,085 tons, Campbellton, N, B., to w.c. England, deals, 42s 6d, October loading ; bark Queen of the East, 1,135 tons, St. John, N. B., to Rotterdam, deals, 45s, No- vember loading ; bark Glenafton, Annapolis, N. S., to Buenos Ayres, $10; bark Golden Horn, Musquash, N. B., to w.ce England, deals, 45s. Concerning the freight market Messrs. R. P. Rithet & Co., of Victoria, B. C., say: We make no change in our lumber quotations, but the figures given may be taken as nominal, owing to the scarcity of vessels, The usual lumber carriers are nearly all under charter for months tocome. From British Columbia or Puget Sound points rates are as follows: To Sydney, 45s to 46s 3d; Melbourne or Ade- laide, 52s 6d to 53s 9d; Port Pirie, 50s to 51s 3d ; Freemantle, 63s 9d to 65s; Shanghi, 53s gd to 55s ; Kiao-Chau, 55s to 56s 3d ; Tient- sin, nominal ; Valparaiso, f. 0., 50s to 51s 3d; South Africa, 63s 9d to 65s: U. K. or Con- tinent, 70s to 72s 6d. Sydney Wood’s saw mill at Digby, N. S., was destroyed by fire on the 17thinst. The loss is $7,000, and the insurance $2,500. SPOT CASE BLACK ASH, SOFT ELM and BIRCH LUMBER Either for immediate or future delivery, lake points preferred. Write full particulars. If quantity warrants will send Inspector. H. HERRMANN LUMBER CO., 368 Broome St., New York City CANADIAN EXPORTERS 1X” WHOLESALERS R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DEALERS Head Office"TQRRONTO- 7° King st. west. “———-WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTING vARDs AT SARNIA anv BUFFALQO————»- ‘TH PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umren MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. M@*SWrite us for Quotations on all Bills@@ A. A. SCOTT. PEMBROKE, ONT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES WAS. PLAY HMA FPR a5 CO: Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P. WHITE ~s MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. A-Layge Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock - PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ° WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber Pine Lath, Cedar, and % Pine Shingles. McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. McbAu RIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS By Rait or WATER. PoBERT THOMSON & Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAstT TEMPLETON, QUE. CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Dimension Timber °:' Car Flooring Red and White Pine and Spruce Deals Cedar, Tamarack and Hemlock Railway Ties ; Shingles and Lath. ( Mills at Chelmsford. Timber Lands and Limits and Logs for Sale Head Office : 141 Stuart Street, HAMILTON, CANADA KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*E&TING GeitinG e Supplies of all kinds. Write us for Quotations. * 0s tes su) orl sane Mca ge 15 18 Ont 55 poce ta oa» ~ ac varorrg eo hcdiepla ele ine elds mts nperelain io manne aaa 25 me) ff Pe. 5 wouhot a oes ace oidpeelegemn .27 30 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $ar for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., September 20, 1299. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders..... $27 00 @ 37 00 Decking........+ «e+ 44.00 5000 SPRUCE. 6 tO Qin... 2 eee eevee 14 00 14 50| 10to12in.......--+- 16 25 17 00 6 to T21M....-. ceeeee 14 50 15 75| Lath.......-.s++++ee 185 195 Q OLZIN....-eeeeee 15 75 16 25 HARDWOOD. xinch, No.1 and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 0G, chs sleunre w blna.e a)» carries 1% to 2 in. es y Ue TE rp wice als seems ao eee tinch, | se! Sott Elm, CG a oe icehn a eae ale eemene ale 1%in and thicker, oS GC T Riateiavatiele wn cioee ieee ame 4l4 . ss Hard Maple, ‘ ..csseeereeeeerseeees S se Basswood, Ce ia avaiswrdelainnie $5x $53 | 1x12 inchshippers......... $ $16 QUIN. .c essen ceeeeer sees 50 52 | 4/4 inch cs 13” & up. 17 THO DAL. viele,s cle(enietee even 45 48 | 4/4. Box boards, 6” and up.. 13° 14 inch uppers ...-++e+++eeee 54 | ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 24% in. UP...---+++e 44 | ro-in, COMMON .......+-+-++ 14 15 REGS sn eee genio 40 | 12-in. dressing and better... 25 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 39 42 Common, 1X12 «+6005 seeeee 14 15 YEO 2 UM scence venecsemeee 36 38 | No. x barn, rxz2..... Pr 2I 23 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... 28 32 2 No. 2.... cece cece cece 20 25 19 INO, Be :sieisiele Bete oienini «= ses . 17 20 18 No. x molding, 1 to2in....- 30 36 17 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 24 27 15 Stained saps....-----+++0+s 23 23 Bracket plank .......- «+++ 30 35 25 Shelving boards, 12-in. up -- 29 32 Dressing ...... sssesssose 16 18 Dressing boards, narrow.... 19 21 Common .....-..s+seeeee 13 15 1x1g inch shippers..... -- ; 15 LATH,. PARE co wt hes bain soe nes eieeeeme $2 00 | Spruce ......+eseeeeeeecece $2 co SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 5 Clear butts........«. 3.00 3 25 Hemlock’... ssc vise we 15 Smooth, 6x18.....-- 5 00 5 50| Spruce....--++eeeeeee 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, September 20, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed Boxboards, 1 inch...$10 00 $11 00 boards........++ $10 50 12 00 %inch.....s+e00- 9 00 9 50 Coarse No. 5..----. 15 00 15 5° ¥% inch....---.+++ 9 25 9 50 Refuse. ....seseeeee 1200 130 11-16 inch........ g 00 9 50 Outs... 2. tek oe oe's 9 00 Sginch......0-+06 0 8 75 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in....---+$50 c0@s2 oo | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2, 1 in. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 gand 4in.......+-- 58 00 62 00 1%, 14% and 2in... 30 oc 32 00 Selects, r in......+++ 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 44 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 NOG) Ziacieh qereeoeiea 36 00 39 00 zand 4 in.......+- 53 00 56 00 No. 3 ---+-s+e0s- 28 00 3000 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, rin........ 20 00 32 00 rx in. Clear...... 37 90 39 00 | Cut ups, 14% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards.......- 18 00 20 co Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 00 Common all widths... 22 00 26 00 1%,1% and 2in... 4000 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 50 do 1Y% in. 15 50 16 50 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra gftsccs eee. ses coven $30 00 | znd Clears.......-seeeen sees $25 00 Clears. oie e ne ees cn we sac 28 oo SHINGLES. Spruce......++2--e+)- x 30 1 50| Second Clear... ....-. 200 2 15 Cedar, extra.........+- 3.00 3 10| Extra No.1t..... Richter 125 1*53 Cleats isco ian mig see )eie 250 2 65 LATH Spruce....ceseeeeeees | By cargo......eeeeceee x 80@ x go By Car ..0.-.sesenee 1 80@ 200 SEPTEMBER 13, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N Y., September 20, 1299. Up’'rs, 1,1%,14and 2 MRL aioe eens alates $51 00 2% and 3 in....... Pip nacre Dae Selects, 1 to2 in..... 45 00 2% and 3 in...... 2 AME esses ae ae Fine common, 1 in. ,up to 12 in. wide.... 38 00 1% and 1% in..... 39 50 2 in....- c +. 40 50 BAe alae 3 r¥ to2 in.......- . 35 00 3750) xx6torzin.. Wo: 2, BL ys oncess 18 50 1x 10 to 13 in. No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 26 00 28 00 1Y and 14in...... No. 3,1% & 1% in 22 00| Mill Culls,1, 14%, 1% No. 3, 2iM.....+-++ 22.0 and 21N......+«. 1209 13 9. Dressing 1% in..... A 30 oC z WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, x inch, 28 00 30 00| 2% to4 in. 1% to2in........ « 31 00 33 00| Strips........ ‘ Com. and culls....... 12 90 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 BIRC 14 00 H. ; 1st &and,white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 00 ist & 2nd, 6 inch & Com & good culls..... 10 00 11 00° up, red 28 00 30 | o ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 APLE. } rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 co BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. ~ Bay City, Mich., September 20, 1899. A. : . UPPERS AnD re ppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up elects, rin., 8in. and up wide $47 wide ....... aries aie 5ed eee 1% and 2in,....+. TBAT, a 1%, 14%and 2 in.........+- 53 30| 234 and 3 im.......-..---.+ 58 50 2% and 3 in... ve 62 50| FM. ceeeeece seserenncree 59 50 4 IDG. eee we re cne sone siomsgeOg ae ® ; Z ‘ FINE COMMON, r in., 8 in. and up wide...... 39 50 | 244 and3in., 8in. and up wide 54 50 1 and 134 im... ..--00e vee 4% 50 AUN. o ese c scene te ewceeeesen 59 OO Pil Cee aa Secor coe. a 42 59 : E ’ B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. 1in., 7in. and up wide...... 30 50 | 214 and 3in., 7in. and up wide 45 30 1 and 134 in... ...eeee eens 35 CO] 4 IMs secceeee coneeencrseees 50 50 2 VED. o/e's » dias «ce eho ei winters 37 5° STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 46 00 rin., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 40 00 6 in, Wide... ..++e+eeees seeee 48 00 | 6 im, WIdE.. ..+ 0s eee sereeeeee 00 ' aed FINE COMMON OR C. d rin., 4, 5 in, wide. ......--- 32 00| 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 35 00 1% in., 6in. wide......-.-+- 36 50| in., 6 in. wide............. 36 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1%in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... -... 30 oo! 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. cease 25. o NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and PAD 9 ocean 21 pea in., 4,5 and 7im......... 23 50 _rin., 6 in ee «. 21 50| 1% im., Gin. .......eeee nese e 24 50 NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. . d tin., 4,5 and 7 inch .....+-- 18 50| 1% in., 4to 7 inch .......... 20 00 rin., 6 inch ......-ss0s08e «+ 2850 ©. 3 Fencing, rin., 6inch.. 17 00 : “ SHELVING. : No. 1, 1 in., ro in. stocks.... 29 00 No. 2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks rin., ro in. and up wide... 34 00] 11in., Toin. Piereses- 255m tin., 12 in, stocks.......-- 34 5° rin., 12 in. “See x in., 12 in, and up wide... 35 50] 1 in., ro in. and up wide... 27 00 1in. 1% and 2in., 8in. and rin., 13 in. and up wide... 31 50 up Wide ......-.eeeeeeee 31 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. NNO. 2, O12 2s. ces eee sass0- 18 8 an ro in gin. SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. va r rin., 4and 5 in. wide .......$13 50 | 1 in., 73 In. and up wide.....$15 50 rin., 6in. wide......- . 14 50| 1%, 1% and 2 in., 7 in, and 1in., 7 in. wide and up...... 15 00 UP Wide........-.c000+. 15 50) SHAKY CLEAR. : rin., 3, 4,5) 7,8 and gin. wide 27 50| 1 in., ro in. and up wide..... 30 0 1 in., 6 in. wide........ ..... 29 00| 1%, 134 and 2 in., 8in. and up wi COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, 1 in., r3in. and up.... 26 00 | No. 1, mill culls. ,,..,.<001 «2000 £3) 58 22 00 | No. 2, or red horse........-. 10 €O TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. } Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to r6ft.$13 00 Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to Pe Seer as oe I5 co TOI cedenneerceccess TREC Ey | See ae 5 50 | 2X12..-te000- zn ; 22 and 24 ft...... Sean ... 16 50 | Add $1 to each ad SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX.... ee brands, river made, _ Clear Butts.......+--++- SRE ae cect, i Clear Britts..s..s6t.seses 3 Gt WHITE PINE LATH. = Wositi. con vosaae ens ic ete 3 50 | No.2..-.-. 5 cain s eee «a-Si Hemlock - 0.5. sence eeshsawene 217 PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. i F.o.b. carsat : ies Sutherland Innes Mills. No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000....++----- Bie eeG Ze No.130 ww " " " 1 @anereatioat saps 5 75m No.132 w " " " 1 sitesi le wala neat exes O-Ca No. 1 24 " " " " " No. 228% u " " " "oS No. 230 " " " " No. 2 32 1" " " " NM Seca ieee No. 224 0 " " " go en eee No.1 14 in. tor4% in. kilndried tasswood heading,perset .... No.115 0 16 " " " " No. 117% " " " " No.r118 wu 18% u " tt " No. 1 19% " " t " No. 11 A " " " a Mill run heading 1734", $3.75 per 100 sets; No. 2, $3.50. A No. 1 4% ft. patent elm hoops, per net 100... .+--sssersssrees No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000 . No.16 1 " " '" it No. 1 6% W W " " " No. 2 hoops about so cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000 --..++....++ No. 228% " u " Vee ardor sc 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup Bb Shaves. ie cde ee Niele e's tateleniate No 1 30 inch half syrup barrel staves .-.+++s+++s++ 00000 wah ASE. aA GO (If bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) CANADA | UMBERMAN. WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $i.00 per year { The Lumberman Weekly: Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., SEPTEMBER 27, 1899 No. 36. CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y oi Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: — New York Lire Insurance BuiLpinc, MonrTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, puplished every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber produccs at home and abread. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. &@ Subscription price for the two editions for one vear. $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of rs cents per line each insertion, When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CanaDa LumBeRman, Toronto. WANTED. O BUY A GOOD SECOND HAND SAW MILL of capacity about 20,000 feet. per day. Apply to GopericH Lumser Co., Goderich, Ont. WANTED. OT OF BASSWOOD OR SPRUCE BOLTS, six inches and up in diameter, forty inches long. Quote lowest cash prices. J. F. STENGEL, Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. FOR SALE. IRCH FLOORING, KILN DRIED, HOLLOW hacked, butted and bundled—suitable for factor- ies, workshops, etc. The KniGHt Bros. Co., Burks Falls, Ont. FOR SALE. WO CARS OF ROCK ELM HAME WOOD, 14% in x2in. and 2in. x 2% in., 9 in. long, about equal quantity of each size. Address, BonNELi Bros., Hoath Head P.O., Ont. FOR SALE. M FT. 1 INCH BEECH ; 40M FT. 1% INCH 0 Beech; 8 M ft. 2 inch Beech, common and better, cut last winter. Delivery on cars at Shallow Lake and Wiarton. Write J. E. Murpny, Hepworth Station, Ont. TIMBER WANTED. OPLAR, COTTONWOOD,. BEECH OR 4 White Pine ; dimensions, full, 3’ lengths or mul- tiple, i.e.. 6’ and 9’, by 5”, &” or 7” wide. and full 3” thick. Address, Gro. Perry & Co., Limited, Cam- den Row, Dublin, Ireland. WANTED TO BUY. A SAW MILL PLANT THAT IS IN GOOD £2 running order and will be sold at a Bargain with of Timber near Mill—something under $8,000.00 t Thonsand Dollars)—in or east of Peterborough ty, Ontario. Address, ‘‘ Buyer,” care CANADA Lumserman, Toronto. ? OR SALE—CEDAR BARK. App'y R. THowu- son & Co., 14 Stuart Street West, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. SAW MILL FOR SALE. A ER SNE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine ico h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer’gond as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x 100 ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber» ear by. For particulars, address ALLEN CrEssman, Berlin, Ont. EXTENSIVE ACRES Spruce Lumber Lands at Liscombe, N.S. 3200 Dh ite sae WILL BE RECEIVED BY THE undersigned up to and including the 2grH DAY OF OCTOBER for the lumber lands and interest in lumber lands on Liscomble River, in the County of Guysborough, in the Province of Nova Scotia, owned by the heirs of the late James Miller, consisting of about 7,00 acres owned outright, and an undivided interest from half to three-quarters in about 25,c00 acres, all conveniently situated, heavily timbered, and together constituting one of the most extensive and valuable lumber properties now on the market. Tenders are to be addressed ‘‘ Miller Tender,” care “% Barnhill, Solicitor, 39 Princess Street, St. John, The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, and the property may at any time be withdrawn and all tenders declined. Further particulars may be had on application to the undersigned. Dated this 21st day of September, 1899. A. P. BARNHILL. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE Timber Berths AT THE ROTUNDA OF THE BOARD OF TRADE, TORONTO, ON Tuesday, October 24th Next, AT 2P.M. Timber Berths Nos. 94, 98, 99, and 102 (North Shore of Lake Huron District), and known as the Townships of Trill, Brmatinger, Foster, and Nairn on the Spanish River and tributaries. TRILL and ERMATINGER will be sold in single Berths of 36 square miles each, and FOSTER and NAIRN in 9 square mile parcels of N.W. %, N.E YY, S.W. ¥, and S.E. Y, respectively. These Berths have never been operated on, and are heavily timbered with superior PINE AND OTHER WOODS. For terms of sale, maps and other particulars apply to E. R. C. CLARKSON, Ontario Bank Chambers, or to PETER RYAN, Toronto. Saw Mill for Sale Well situated in the rapidly growing CITY OF VANCOUVER, B.C.; consisting of valuable freehold property, with modern well equipped Mill, having a capacity of about 75,000 feet per day of ten hours. Also about 10,000 Acres of good Sede iaeq 6, ey Taeeetses INCLUDING DOUGLAS FIR, SPRUCE and RED CEDAR Easy of access and can be cheaply logged. For price and terms apply to The BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND & INVESTMENT AGENCY, Limited, FOR SALE—STEAM SAW MILL, ITH PLANER AND SHINGLER, IN operation, near C.P.R. line to Labelle, P.Q. Capacity 12,0 0, Plenty of Spruce and Birch available at lowest prices. Good local trade. Everything first class. Apply c/o E. Dessarats ADVERTISING AGEN- cy, Montreal. FOR SALE—CEDAR, WHITE PINE AND FIR S200000 Vie eae and Fir in British Columbia, averaging 75 per c=nt. Cedar, 15 per cent. White Pine, and ro per cent. Fir. Above stumpage is located in solid body on navigable water tributary to Canadian Pacific Railway, and can be sold in FEE sImpLE, being exempt from usual Crown dues. Write us for full particulars. James D, Lacry & a 1209 Old Colony Building, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.A. re S CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, Beyond an increase in the number of inquiries for shingles and lath, the lumber market has not changed since last issue. Pine stocks of all grades are being con- tracted for, and before the sawing season of 1900 shall open, there will be very little stock in the hands of manufacturers. This opinion, now common, is causing oper- ators to direct their efforts towards secur- ing a large production of logs this winter. The Georgian Bay mills will be operated to their full capacity next season, and it is possible that new mills will be erected by Michigan lumbermen owning limits on the Georgian Bay. A report from Sagi- naw states that many of the Michigan lumbermen are making arrangements to put in camps on their limits in Ontario, and if not allowed to export the logs, will manufacture them on this side. The Central Lumber Co, have already sent men to the Blind river, notwithstanding that they now have about 10,000,000 feet of logs stored on the river. Some of the hardwood mills are closing down for the season, having cut their supply of logs and disposed of their pro- duction. Dealers report that there is actually no hardwood lumber of any ac- count to be purchased. VANCOUVER or VICTORIA, B.C rp QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The high freight rates from Canadian ports have had an effect upon lumber chartering, and it is probable that some goods intended to be shipped this fall will be held over for spring shipment. The insurance rate is now equal to about Ios per standard, and at present prices for lumber it is almost impossible to pay this, together with other charges, and make a reasonable profit. There is a considerable quantity of lumber which must go forward from the St. Lawrence during October, and this will engage the attention of shippers almost exclusively for the balance of the season. Local trade in Quebec is rather quiet, but some shipments are being made to the Eastern States. In New Brunswick and Nova Scotia the trade is in a prosperous condi- tion. More than the usual number of vessels have loaded at Nova Scotia ports for South America, and last week a cargo of lumber was shipped from St. John to Australia. In another column will be found the figures showing shipments of lumber from the port of Miramichi up to August 31st. It will be seen that all classes of lumber compare favorably in quantity with the shipments of last year. The total shipments from the province, however, have been considerably heavier this season, as last year more vessels lum- ber laden sailed from Miramichi than for several years previous, while the ship- ments from St. John and from the pro- vincial ports generally showed a sub- stantial falling off as compared with previous years. There is some Jumber yet to forward to Great Britain, but the quantity is not large. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Reports from Manitoba, the Territories and British Columbia tell of a steadily increasing trade in Inmber and of difficulty in keeping pace with orders. In addition to large building operations, there are under construction in the province of Manitoba over three hundred miles of railway, which is consuming a large ut: CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. quantity of material. The only change in prices is an advance of Io cents per thousand on all thicknesses of British Columbia shingles. The demand this season has been heavy, and the manu- facturers felt that with the increased cost of shingle bolts, the conditions warranted the advance made. UNITED STATES. For the first week for several months no advance in the price of lumber has beer made in any market. While some grades of lumber may advance during the winter months, the general opinion is opposed to a further advance at the present time. The movement of lumber from the upper lakes to the Eastern . States has been restricted on account of high freights, $4 being the ruling quota- tion from Duluth to Buffalo and Tona- wanda. At Buffalo there is a continued scarcity of all grades of cutting up pine, while mill culls sell at the exceptional figure of $15.50. The lath trade is im- proving, and dealers are selling plenty of stock at $3.90 for 13-inch No. I white pine, $3.75 foc mixed No. 1 and No. 2, and $3.50 for straight No. 2. Inch sells at $3.75. The stock of hard- woods has practically passed out of first hands, and, judging from present indica- tions, there will be a shortage for manu- facturing purposes. FOREIGN. As the autumn approaches the lumber market in Great Britain shows an upward tendency. Prices are strengthening, and holders of stock report a heavy demand. All advices are to the effect that spruce prices are likely to go considerably higher, and that there is a scarcity of that lumber. St. John deals are selling in the Liver- pool market at about £6 15s c.i.f., but as high as £7 has been paid at the out-ports. At London several sales of third quality spruce have been made at 5s to Ios advance upon earlier contracts. Pine deals are slightly stronger, but for some reason the improvement in these bears little relation to that which has taken place in spruce. It may be expected, however, that owing to high freight rates prices will harden considerably in the near future. In Scotland Canadian goods are becoming more in favor. A cargo of Quebec red pine deals, 9 x 4, is reported to have been sold at Glasgow at 18d per cubic foot, while some 7,000 spruce deals, 9x 11x3, have been contracted for at Greenock at £8 8s per standard. An improved demand is reported from Australia. This country was a few years ago a large consumer of Pacific coast lumber, and from present indications a large volume of trade may be expected from that quarter in the near future. From South America comes the report of renewed activity in building and an increased consumption of lumber. STOCKS AND PRICES. No. 1 lath is quoted at Michigan points at $3.75 and No. 2 at $3.50. Rhodes, Curry & Co., of Amherst, N. S., have just received a cargo of hard pine from Richmond, Va. The barks Trinidad and W. W. Mc- Lauchlan loaded lumber at Annapolis, N, S., last week for South American ports. J. I. & Freeman Goodman, of Hope- well Hill, N. B., have just finished sawing a brow of logs containing 1,300,000 feet. The steamer Mimac sailed recently from Parrsboro, N.S., for Liverpool, Eng., with 2,391,765 feet of deals, shipped by W. M. Mackay. This season Senator Wood has loaded with lumber twelve vessels, six at Cape Tormentine, three at Shediac, N. B., and three at Gaspe, Que. The first steamer to load lumber at Richibucto, N. B., is now taking on a cargo of deals there. She will carry about 1,300 standards. The Conger Lumber Co., of Parry Sound, Ont., last week loaded the vessel Ed. Kelly with 1,200,000 feet of lumber, for shipment to Philadelphia. The ship Akershus cleared from St. Jobn, N.B., lor Melbourne, Australia, with a cargo of over 1,000,000 feet of lumber, shipped by A. Cushing & Co. Gunter Bros., of Fredericton, N. B., expect to cut about 3,0c0,000 feet of logs this winter upon the New Brunswick Railway Co.’s lands on the Restigouche river. Walker & Dockwook are about to en- gage in the manufacture of hub blocks at Tweed, Ont., and are prepared to pur- chase 16,000 oak blocks 10 inches in dia- meter and upwards. D. S. Collins, manager of the Fossil Flour Co., Bass River, N. S., is reported to have purchased a lumber property in West Virginia, and purposes sending sone Nova Scotia parties to superiniend operations. The Golden Lumber Co., of Golden, B. C., have decided to operate their Cedar creek timber limit, on which there is some of the finest timber in the province. The company will also have a camp this winter on their limit at Spilimachene. It is reported that Clarke Bros., of Bear River, N. S., have purchased a valuable timber: property in the Annapolis valley. This firm have just chartered two vessels to load lumber, one for Buenos Ayres and the other for Cienfuegas, Cuba. They will shortly ship a cargo to Trinidad. Following 1s a comparative statement of timber, &c., measured and culled at Quebec to September 26th, 1899 : 1897. 1898. 1899. Waney white pine, cu. feet.4,0c9,856 ,815,975 1,774,268 Square white pine, cu. feet. 821,0c6 1,060,634 587,070 Red pine, cu feet........ 153,228 217,708 159,937 Wak, teu feekoe. savy een 1,369,206 948,044 522,178 lhe Ory ea dnonooEn 1 Oa5 662,547 474,194 456,841 Ash, cu. feet....5- .. 132,0¢9 34,735 50,546 Basswood, cu. feet - 25 955 Butternut, cu. feet .. ue 673 60 Tamaracweu. feet. wkwni acre 396 415 Birch and Maple, cu. feet.. 271,174 112,500 244,530 At Fredericton, N. B., last week six timber berths were soll by the Ciown Lands Department, as follows : Kedge- wick river, above Clearwater brock, 2 miles, sold to A, E. Alexander, at upset price ; Black brook, branch of Rockwell stream, 2 miles, to John Barry, at $23 per mile; head of Thorn’s and Ride1’s brooks, 2 miles, to John E. Moore, at $8.25 per mile ; north branch of Cain’s river, 3 miles, to W. R. McCluskey, at upset price ; south-east of Gaspereaux river, 3 miles, to Daniel Duffy, at upset price; Big Forks, Salmon River, 2 miles, to Daniel Duffy, at $8.50 per mile At a recent auction sale held by Churchlll & Sim, London, Eng., birch planks, ex London City, from Halifax, N. S., sold as follows : 9-15 ft., 4x 10-12 in., Is 1d: 4-15 ft., 4x7, 10%4d ; 8-19 ft., 35 x 7-16, 104d ; § 15 ft., 3x 10-13, IS ; 4-17 ft. 3x 8, 10%d; 6-16 ft., 2% x 12-14, IS; 7-17 ft., 24x 10, 7d; 4-15 ft, 2% x8, o$d ; 4-17 ft.. 2x 10-12, Is 2d3 4-15 it, 2x8, 1s Id ; 8-16 ft., 2x 6-7, 1s. A small quantity of pine, ex Yola from Montreal, sold as follows ;: 11-16 ft., 3 x 5-10 in. first and second quality, £8 5s; 10-16 ft., 3x10 third quality, £8 5s; 9 16 ft., 3x 8, £7 10s ; 10-16 ft., 3x 7, 47 tos. Writing under date of September 9th, Messrs. Douglas L. White & Co., of Albany, N. Y., say : We enclose quota- tions as adopted at a meeting of dealers held this week. A further advance may be looked for before close of season on account of the scarcity of boats and cars and advanced freight. To cover cost of replacing stocks at prevent high prices and high freights at Western and Canadian mills, advanced prices are necessary. The increased consumption and urgent de- mand for lower grades of pine and spruce for immediate delivery present any accu- mulation of stocks, and advanced prices of the better grades arerequired toreplace old stocks. The difficulty of moving lumber from Michigan and Canada is increasing all the time, owing to the rush in shipments of pulp, ores, iron and all products. The lumber market at Boston has not changed since last issue. Spruce and hemlock are firm, and spruce shingles are in particularly good request. Prices are as follows : Spruce frames, nine inches and under, $17 ; 12 inches and up, $18 ; 1o and 12 inch randoms, Io feet and up, $17.50;2x 3 and 2x4,2x5,2 Xi Oped Ks and 3 x 4, 10 feet and up, $15 ; other ran- doms, $16.50 ; merchantable boards, $14; out boards, $12 ; extra spruce clapboards, $29 to $31; clear, $27 to $28 ; second clear, $24 to $26; laths, 1% in., $2.65 ; laths, 1% in., $2.50; eastern hemlock, $13.50 to $14.50, with ususal advance for over 16 feet ; eastern boards, $13 to 15 ; No. 1, $12 to $13 ; planed one side and matched, $15 to $16 ; extra cedar shingles, best brands, $3.10 to $3.25 ; clear, $2.75 to $2.85 ; second clear, $2.25 to $2.40 ; clear white, $2; extra No. 1, $1.50; extra pine clapboards, $34 to $36; clear, $30 to $33 ; second clear, $28 ; less than carloads, $1 to $1.50 more. SALE OF CANADIAN LUMBER. Messrs. W. & L. Crowe, Dublin, Ireland, held their annual sale of wood goods on Wed- nesday, September 13th. The bidding for Miramichi spruce deals ex Platea was very brisk, and all the lots were sold at salisfactory prices. Quebec spruce was also in good de- mand, but there were very few bids for floor- ings and matchings. The prices given below are per Dublin standard of 120 pieces, 12 ft. 9 x 3, or 3,240 superficial feet. SECOND QUEBEC SPRUCE.—12 ft., 9x 3, £13 and £13 2s. 6d.; 13/ft., 9x3, ain A ft., Ox 3, £03 1Oses) Pz it. i x3; £13 105. ; 10 ft., 8x 3, 412 7s. 6d.; 10 ft., 7 x 3, fiz 7s. 6d.; 12 ft., 7x3, Al2 108.5 13 fte,8 Faxes £12 tos.; 14 ft., 7x3, £12 t2s. 6d. THIRD QUEBEC SPRUCE.—12 ft, 9x3, Zi2 7s, 6d.; 11 ft., 9x3, 41275. Od.; 13 ft., 9x 3, £12 55.3 14 ft., 9x 3, 42 12s. 6d.; 12 ft., II x 3, 412 10s. First QUEBEC SPRUCE.—12 ft., 9x 3, A17 S. : First QUEBEC PINE.—12 in. x 3 in., £40; 13 in. x 3 in., £40 7s. 6d.; 18in. to 27 in. XZ in., £46 5s. MIRAMICHI SPRUCE. —10 ft. and 11 ft., 9x 3, £12 7s. 6d.; 12 ft., 9x5, £1275, adi; 13 ft., 9x3, L12 7s. 6d.; 14 ft. to 19 ft., 9x 3, £12 12s. 6d.; 20 ft., 9x 3, 413 12s. 6d.; 20 WANTED Rock Elm, eut to order. Soft Elm, all thicknesses. Black Ash, all thicknesses State quantity youcan supply, with lowest prices. JAS. G. CANE & CO., 35 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, Ont. TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large number of Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet; also ence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. . GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. H D W | C Cl BOSTON, MASS. o Wa 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. VW AN TED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR © AtxSsrz John F. Stengel *seeracoeye PILL S\N —_m Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price eee eee SEPTEMBER 27, 1899 . ft., 9x 3, L155 22 ft. to 24 ft., 9x 3, £15 108.5 26 ft., 9x 3, 415 158-3 26 ft. to 28 ft., 9x 3, 7 7s, 6d.; oft. and 11 ft, 11 x 3, £12 10s. 5 12 fl. to 15 ft., 11x 3, Giz 155.5 16 tt. to 18 ft., 11 x3, £12 12s. 6d.; 19 ft., 11x 3, £12 158.3 20 ft., 11x 3, 413 55-5 11 ft. to 14 ft., 4% 3, 412 58.3 18 {07 3s £12 32s. 6d; 21 ft. to 25 ft., 7x 3, £13 2s. Od.; 12 ft. to 20 f{t., 6x3, 412; 10 ft. to 15 ft., 7 x 2, 412 2s. 6d.; 16 ft., 7x 2, S12 10s.; 18 ft. to 24 ft., 7 x 2, £2 1§s.; 10 ft. to 12 ft., 9x 4, 135 39 fe and 14 ft.,9x4, £13 7s. 6d.; 16 ft., 9x4, £13 10s.; 15 ft. and 16 ft., 7x 4, 4135 2mte to 24 ft., 7x4, 414 55. eee NEW BRUNSWICK SHIPMENTS. The following figures show the shipments of wood goods from the port of Miramichi, N. B., up to the end of August, and a comparison with last year : 1899. 12898. 68 ships. 76 ships. 75,098 tons. 74,211 tons. pcs. pes. Deals. --.0+++eeereeee 76,883,479 74;841,9¢7 Scantling... ...c0re.«. 843,198 2,897,415 Binds nice c een see semen’ 3,093,494 392773927 Boards 3,783 6:7 5,625,037 Palings wees 4sO38;87% 173,100 Spoolwocd.......-+++ 4,312,088 1,136,039 Dennen nnn INQUIRY FOR BUTTER DISHES. We have received an inquiry for the address of a manufacturer of butter dishes, made in one piece and scooped out of the timber. Manu- facturers of these will confer a favor by sending us their business card. Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 4 CROSBY SQUARE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “« Sieveking,” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cakle Address: ‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. WANTED FOR EXPORT All kinds of Logs and Lumber Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, MOTT & DIGKSON - LONDON, ENG. WANTED | MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd... of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMB: R, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. , PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. TaN os WHOLESALE /} = Za MBER DEALERS. Nrtt Sena Wht Cable Address, “ Swan DonoGH—ToNAWANDA Lumberman’s e. firsts and seconds Brown Ash f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to LAWRENCE & WIGGIN Wholesale Lumber Dealers = - 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. SEPTEMBER 27, 1899 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 11I, BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. The British Columbia Shingle Manufactur- ers’ Association have issued a new price list on red cedar shingles, making an advance of 19 cents per thousand on No. 1 quality. The quotations delivered to dealers in Ontario are as follows: No. 1 shingles, six butts to two inches, $2.65 ; No. 2, five inch clear, $2.25 ; No. 1, six butts to 233, inches, $2.80 ; No. i five butts to two inches, $3.05. For plain dimension shingles add to above prices 50 cents, and for fancy butts $1. ————— SCARCITY OF COOPERAGE STOCK. As the season advances the scarcity of cooper- than $7.25. We should say that $7.25 is the market price in Minneapolis at the present time, but it is a question if there will be many sellers at this figure. While the coopers claim they can obtain elm hoops at $6.75 to $7, we believe that $7.50 is about the market price for hoops at Minneapolis. These figures also apply to the head of the lakes. “* The eastern trade has brightened up very much of late, the demand for apple barrel ma- terial being very heavy. Apple barrel staves are quoted at Buffalo from $5.75 ro $6, $6 being about the market price for small lots, and $5.75 for carload lots. ** Patent coiled elm hoops have gone almost out of sight on the eastern market, $8.50 to $9 being the price of 6 foot hoops at Buffalo, with other sizes in proportion. “* Heading has also taken an advance on the eastern market 4c. per set, and the only trouble is to supply the coopers with all the stock they want. It is difficult to say to what price hoops will go this season. We should not be surprised to see 6 foot hoops at $10, on the basis of Buffalo prices. Apple barrel staves are getting scarce, as the quantity manufactured was only very small, and they are likely to go very much higher in price. “The market at the present time is a rising one on all classes of cooperage material in the slack barrel line, and it is a question where the prices will go before the end of the season, as manufacturers are very cautious about selling anything ahead at present, as they are doubtful about being able to get the stock to fill orders for future delivery.” FIRES. The shingle mil] of Alexander Johnson, near Cloverdale, B.C., is reported to have been destroyed by fire. The saw and planing mill of the Digby Manufacturing Co., at Digby, N.S., was burned a few days ago. The mill contained a rotary saw and a complete equipment of plan- ing and moulding machinery. It was owned by Mr. Sydney Wood, who will probably rebuild. age stock becomes more apparent. Writing of the prevailing conditions in the United States and Canada, the Sutherland-Innes Com- pany, of Chatham, say : “The millmen have not been able to get ina supply of logs during the summer months for to keep their mills running. The consequence is that the majority of the mills are closed down for lack of raw material, and their stecks of manufactured material have almost entirely vanished. “In the Northwest the prices on staves and hoops have advanced considerably during this month. While the price on No. 1 elm staves is nominally $7 per net M f.0.b. cars Minnea- polis, we know of $7.15 per net M having been refused for No. 1 2814 inch staves during this week. The buyers were willing to pay $7.15, but the sellers were not willing to sell at less (a ee SPOT CASE BLACK ASH, SOFT ELM and BIRCH LUMBER Either for immediate or future delivery, lake points preferred. Write full particulars. H. HERRMANN LUMBER CO., 368 Broome St., New York City If quantity warrants will send Inspector. CANADIAN EXPORTERS «” WHOLESALERS R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head Ofice—-TORONTO-— 70 King St. West. 4———_WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTING YARDS AT SARNIA anv BUFFALO———- tHE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP ~ — DECKING, AND ALL-KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. CO Write us for Quotations on all Bills@ye PEM BROKE, ONT. COOKE & SCOTT WM. COOKE. MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. \/cL-AURIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. SuipmenTs By Rait or WaTER. EKAsT TEMPLETON, QUE. Manufacturers and PoBeRT THOMSON & CO. ‘wisesces.., > Dimension Timber °' Car Flooring Red and White Pine and Spruce Deals Cedar, Tamarack and Hemlock Railway Ties ; Shingles and Lath. Contractors for Railway Supplies of all kinds. Mulls at Chelmsford. Timber Lands and Limits and Logs for Sale Write us for Quotations. “) Shower ai i Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound RY. onriawt eer enaguickest Route from . OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. &c,, MONTREAL, TOEONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- C j FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. SmirH General Traffic Manager,-Ottawa, Ont. Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling ss 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... A Lage Quantity of Dry Lumber in Stock S a a Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. FOREIGN IMPORTERS Wn, GH’ GL 4, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwood- in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. C.H. GLOVER & CO., ra Importers of———_ SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from Wharves, Mills and Offices : the Manufacturer. Offers Invited . . ] HATCHAM, LONDON, S. E., ENCLAND OCG SMITH & TYRER - = 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL - » Wood Agents. . ; Cable Address—“‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S,, Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax N.S. Gy IRVIN & SELLERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS OF —mgy POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS ALSO DEALERS IN Sy BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and all HARD and FANCY WOODS Iv CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS in the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.”* BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa end Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S , Montreal. BRASS CASTINCS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jorn, Torouto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mowry & :05, Gravenhurst, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MACNCLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND FULP MILL ENCINEERS T York ower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. TURBINES Barber, C., Meaford, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Ferry, Ont. _ WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. Dd, Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N.B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pulp and Paper Felts, Hamelin & Ayres, Lachute Mills, Que. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. WHOLBSALE PRICES CURRBNT. TORONTO, ONT. ToronTo, September 27, 1899. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. x inch dressing and 1% 154 and 2 inch cut bettekaec ssi ere eke $20 00 $22 00 up and better...... $32 00 $34 00 2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 oo | c inch siding mill run 15 00 16 00 1x) 2 dressing and bet- ( inch siding common 12 00 13 00 ter, 60% 16 ft....- 22 00 24 00| inch sidingshipculls rr 00 12 50 rxro fine dressing and t inch siding mill culls 9 00 9 50 better.......+++ s+ 22 00 24 0o| Cullscantling........ 850 900 ixro and 12 Canadian cinch strips 4 in. to 8 dressing and better 18 00 20 00 in. millrun...... - 14 00 15 00 11-2 and thicker cut- cinch strips, common 11 00 12 00 ting up plank.....- 24 00 26 00 | « 1-4 inch flooring.... 16 00 1 1-4 in. cut up and ( t-2 inch flooring.... 16 00 hetter'. pi. v-eeievas 33 00 35 00| XXX pineshingles, 16 ixze and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00 MEIGS ayaps ale sits eee 2 60 1x10 and 12 common. 12 00 14 00 XX pine shingles 16 inch I 70 1x10 and 12 mill culls 10 00 10 50 ath, NO. 1c aipamtints 2 60 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00! Lath No. 2......... 175 HARDWOODS—PER m. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, rs and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2 in. .$26 oo $28 oo | Elm rock, mill ss « "2% to4.. 30 00 3200] Trun....... 1 to 1418 00 20 co Ash, black, ists and Elm, rock, mill ands, 1to 1% in.... 2000 2200] run....... 134°‘ 3.. 21 00 23 00 Ash, black, rsts and Hickory, 1sts ands,2to4in.....- 2200 2400| and 2nds..1¥4“' 2.. 28 00 30 00 Ash, M.R.,1_ to 2.. 17 00 19 00 Maple, sts Birch, zin 18 00 2000| and 2nds..1 ‘‘ 1% 16 00 18 00 aS 1% “ 2.. 2000 23 .00/ Maple ists sqrs. 4x4 8 x824 90 26 00| and 2nds.. 2 4.. 17 00 18 00 Basswood, sts and Oak, red, p’n, ands, 1 tor4% in.... 18 00 20 00 rsts& ands “f 1% 26 00 3000 1% to 2 ..2: 00 22 00| Oak,red, p'n, “ mer. 1 “ 1% 15 00 17 00 ists & 2nds 2 ‘ 4.. 29 00 3200 Butternut 1 ‘ 14 23 00 25 00| Oak, white, ts 2 ‘© 3.. 25 00 2800 ists & znds1 “‘ 14% 28 00 30 00 Chesrnui 1 *°2.. 2400 2 00| Oak, Bl Che: rsts ists & ands 2 ‘* 4.. 30 00 oo sy Gee x ‘1% 50 00 60 00} Oak quart’d, ae ae Cherry, ists ists &2nds 1 ‘f 2.. 50 00 69 00 and 2nds.. 2 ‘! 4.. 60 00 65 00, Walnut, rsts Elm, soft, mill and znds.. 1 ‘ 3.. 85 00 10000 TUN... ss 1 1% 16 00 18 00 | Whitewood, Elm,soft,mill ists&2nds« “ 2.. 32 00 3600 Por beam edi 2 “€ 3.. 17 00 19 00 OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, September 27, 1899. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....... $32 00 40 00 fer SHOCK. « cysiees sae 13 00 15 00 Pine, good strips,.... 25 00 39 00 Pine, 8 &ups.c sidings 11 00 14 90 Pine, good shorts,.... 17 00 30 00 | Pine, s.c. strips....-. 10 00 12 00 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts 7.00 10/0 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls....... 10 00 If co Ete aiiraietn feeeyeire ie 19 Go 24 00| Pine mill culls...... g9 09 10 00 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M No.x... 1435 1 50 (Strips, ...++.0e+e06 16 00 18 00| Lath perM No.2... 100 1 10 Pine, No. x dressing 1x1o No. 1 barn.... 20 00 SHONCS eee eee 1200 15 00|1x10 No, 2 “ .... 18 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- ‘ 1x8 &gNo.x ‘ 19 00 ter Stock) scsi eee 14 00 17 00 | 1x8& a No.2“ 17 90 QUEBEC, QUE. Quebec, September 27, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ------- cud? a 3S ‘ good fair ag “4 i. “ae. | 2 32 «34 ‘* first class cE : ah eee. WAR re: .8 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average according to lineal.. 36 42 “ ‘ . “ -- 38 44 (St @size43 48 19 to 21 inch average 1g to 21 in average RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and qu ity In shipping order, KG ee oe 6 Michigan 26 77 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality:.6 4 2 Ss 4s 46 «649 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 to5o feet. . 32 35 es YY ye « — 30ito.35 feet. «27 3G ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . . . 22 24 To) average 16°nchi;) eee, =) ee . 25 26 : BIRCH. r4Zinchaverage!. s)2) eee 8 eS Pad a Rem 18 m(epnct LE 6 EE in ss. oh Ree el pik ec es Ce mi po 1 2 x.y ie ee ce, Say allie woe ey a DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for 3rd, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., September 27, 1&99. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking... acceso 44 00 5000 ’ SPRUCE. 6 tO QiN......- eeveee 14 00 14 50| 10to12in......-.--- 16 25 17 00 Gite rains... we tent 14 50 15 75| Lath.......-..+++--- 185 195 Q OIZIN......sseeee 15 75 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1and2 Black Ash, 10 to 16...... -seeeseseeeeres 14% to 2in. i. : ee os 4 Bes acet é r inch, oe Sott Elm, Be Roy Sane 14in and thicker, “ BS Ls 4/4 ES ‘a Hard Maple, “C ....sesereeeeseeeecees s u Basswood, a we ts Birch, (Se ie ia Resch ete eet ates ee ‘© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O. isi “ce Soft Elm, “ee ce ce 2 ‘© Hard Maple, ‘* a Ss ‘« Basswood ae Ee its Las Birch, : ee e ALBANY, N.Y. Avpany, N.Y., September 27, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up...-..+-++- $61 $63 | 1x12 inchshippers......... $ $19 QE AN... cna cewcarecrecnee 69 62 | 4/4 inch Ss 13 & up. 20 LEO SUMacieweitjsisieeeeeceinteion 48 50| 4/4 Box boards, 6’ andup.. 16 17 4 inch uppers ....++++++e+0+ 65 | ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up.....----- 55 | ro-in. common .......+-++++ 17 NtO@ Wai anenann once 43 | 12-in. dressing and better... 30 34 Fine common, 2% in. andup 45 50 Common, 1X12 ...26 5 eens 17 T LO Waals cfateie © alec ohisterniclais 38 40] No. x barn, rx12.......---- 23 25 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... 28 35 PRT yerctd wat tae eee 23 No.2. ic .ecss Cintatercc aes a ae EBs do nie oleceebpeiirinls mao 20 IN Ges crectecasterictais stoic = 20 | No. 2 barn, 1x12 2 No. x molding, 1 to2in 36 20 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in 27 1x8. 18 Stained saps....-...++++++ 28 | Shaky clear, x to 6/ 30 Bracket plank .....-.- «+++ 30 35 ss al inc 30 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 32 35 HOPESSING cis sci nelspiecacemne 25 Dressing boards, narrow.... 25 25 (Common ssiece as os ast en 17 rx1rg inch shippers..... «++ 18 LATH. Pilea ce igs Gia ae eats inies siarn) $2 50 | Spruce ....-+++eeeseeeeeeee $2 50 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 5 Clear butts........-- 3.00 3 25| Hemlock............+- 15 Smooth, 6x18....--. 5 00 5 50| Spruce....-..+-.++s05 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, September 27, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed Boxboards, 1 inch...$10 00 $11 00 boardsiseekar soe $10 50 +1200 TENG in 2 wimp vidiniak g 00 9 5° Coarse No. 5 1500 15 50, %imch........++. 9 25 9 50 Refuse......-- I200 13.0 TIPO MCD. jc «si 9g 00 9 5° Outs ese cone esecse 9 00 Heinch.........+. 8 09 8 75 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, z in....-+++ $50 00@s2 oo | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00| No. 2, x in. Finecom, 29 09 31 00 3 and 4in...-..++++ 58 co 62 00 1%, 1% and 2in... 30 oc 32 00 Selects, 1 in....--+-- 44 00 45 00| No. 1strips, 4 to6 in. 43 00 44 00 1%, 11% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 ING.) 2ieciewrein(oe'slalnin 36 00 39 00 zand 4 in.....-.-+ 53 00 56 00 No. 3--- .. 28 00 3000 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, in....... . 20 00 32 00 rz in. clear.....- 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2 in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 00 Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 oo | Common all widths... 22 00 26 00 1%,1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Siipping culls,r in... 14 50 15 50 ° 14% in. 15 50 16 50 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS, Extra 4 ft......ssceeceseeees $30 00 | 2nd Clears.......+.+++seees- $25 00 GIGar Soret tise wets etaietarn pina’ 28 ov SHINGLES. Spruce.....-.ssse0+ «= I 30 1 50| Second Clear é Cedar, extra.........-. 3.00 3 10| Extra No.f.......--+- learns. csc teniasilels.cler 250 2 65 LATH Spruce......se006 Ao a Pee tamale x 80@ 1 90 By car .... cee-eees 1 80@ 200 SEPTEMBER 27, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N Y., September 27, 1299. WHITE PINE. 1Y¥x10 and 12.....- 30 00 32 59 $51 00 52 00 Lp Ass oes anwrele Zo 5u 92 53 Gow: | LZ AIM ache canes ee + 31 50 3352 65 00] Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 45 00 46 00 and up, 1 in....-. 35 52 55 00| Mold st’ps,1 to zin.. 31 00 33 00 60 oo| Barn, No.1, 1zin..... 25 50 n 6. 8and ‘oin...... 21 00 22 00 to 12 in. wide.... 38 00 41 50 No. 2, 5O40s « sesoy ° 18 co 1% and 1 in..... 39 50 40 50| No.2, 12in........ 19 59 41 50 No. 3, to in aoa 16 00 50 co| No.3, 12in....... F 16 50 55 00| Common, rin........ 15 00 16:0 30 00| Box, 1X4.....++.- = 13 0c 97 50| @xb to xz in....,.. 14 50 18 50 1x19 to1zin. 15 09 15 50 28 00| xY%andrYin...... 16 co y 22 02| Mill Culls,1, 1%, 1% No. 3, 21M...-..045 2206 and 2:8fha: vcwieme 120? 1302 Dressing 1 in...... 30 WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 28 00 30 00| 2% to4 in T4t0:2 Mas one 'e = 31 00 33 00 | Strips . Com. and culls BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ; rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 co 26 oo | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 ’ BIRCH. : , ist & 2nd, 6 inch & | 1st &2nd,white, 6’ &up, 18 00 20 oo Up; Ted! 5.5 aeci-s 28 00 30 00]Com & good culls..... IO 00 If oO ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ist & ad, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 00 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., September 27, 1899- i UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $47 50 Wide’. ses wawscl anata Med $53 5¢ 14%, 1% and 2in.. cen eee ° 1%, 1%and 2 in.......---- 53 3¢| 23 and 3in...... a -% a aig and 3i0s......cceree= 62-50)) “ig ineievees eee rr RAIN e)s'o) oie 9 avel aioe orotate 67 «0 FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 39 50 | 2% and3in., 8in. and up wide 54 52 1 and 134 IM... ...-00e 2 aee 4 50) 4s eatae erate eee 59 00 BRTLS cp cjg crates vo Neoawteer eeaeele 42 50 B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. 1in., 7in. and up wide...... 30 50 | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 45 30 14% and rin... -.--.5 oo - =e 45 00 (GMD. . ea net eal ee ee soos Be Oe AIAN din Mass Hecate oe ss : 37 50 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 46 00] 1in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 40 00 Gin. Aides fois ae ais ie oto et ee 48 00 | 6m. wide. i... see dnate see EOD F , : FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. ....-.--- 32 00 | 4% in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 35 90 1% in., 6 in. wide........--- 36 50] in., 6in. wide,............ 36 00 f SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1{in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... -... 30 oo | rin., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ........ 25 00 NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 in ....... «- 21 co | 1% in., 4,5 ana 7im......... 23 50 Fin) Olen ewes ee cee sete at co | 1% in., OM, 6.22 -sedeeeeee 24 50 NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. ‘ tin., 4,5 and 7 inch .......- 18 50 | 1% in., 4to7 inch .......... 26 00 © IMO she eee eae 18 50 | No. 3 Fencing, 1in.,6inch.. 17 00 d SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in., 10 in, stocks.... 29 00; No. 2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 25 50 1in., ro in. and up wide... 34 00 tin., ro in, stocks. saves. ss 25 59 tin., 12 in. stocks........+ 34 50 1 in., 12 in, stocks...,...-. 30 59 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 2 up wi 1 in., 10 in. and up wide... 27 00 rin. 14% and 2in., 8in. and 1 in., 13 in. and up wide... 31 59 ANP se ataveral nels = alain 31 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 2, 9:18 -a-1enee Estero eae ee OO SO 8 and 7 in......-+++++++++ . 18 50 No. 3, 12 in....-.--- cape e750 TO IN. .++++ eee nee meas t7 20 gin. use 17 6O SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX, 1 in., 4and 5 in. wide.......$73 50 | 1 im., 13 in. and up wide.....$15 50 I in., Guin. Wide... coats 14 50 Ye and 2 in., 7 in. and 1in., 7 in. wide and up.....- 15 00 up. wide.........- nen civet, GED SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5) 7, 8 and gin. wide 27 50| 1 in., ro in. and up wide..... 30 00 rin., 6 1n. wide.... .....+++ 29 00 | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 8in. and up WIKE: nna apiece mate tat SOO COFFIN BOARDS. No. x, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 26 oo | No. 1, mill culls....... Saene eyo INO, Zaccs aac iiees acee ae estes 22 00 | No. 2, or red horse........- . 10 co TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$13 00 Hemlock, 2x4 to to, 12 to 18 ft ft 6 See cisco es I5 co feet... . ** good fair es Bs a re 34 ‘« first class ae a he Z 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average. according to lineal.. 36 42 a S ms 19 to 21 inch average ‘i 38 4044 My Michigan 19 to 21 in average & size 4 8 9 3 4 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and qu ity.....---.+++++ ++ 22 «26 In shipping order, : 7 7 eae ge spaln ote 23° Boy OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality... «=» = 46 49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. . 32 35 eg s e “30 to 35 feet. . 27 3¢ ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . - +21 24 To. ayerage 16.imch Upe > -) 20s =p Rees - 25 26 i BIRCH. L4H AVETABC (0) eee meme =): Le siren ar) 2 alee 15 18 ores SS ees a oe ee hee oe Geel, tae emia 25 ee Ch ge RES th, ae Malek Sar Gh gol et Mav tee 27a ae DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $2x for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., October 4, r&99. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders..... $27 00 @ 37 00 Decking. ...---- 0s. 44.00 5090 SPRUCE. 6tO gin... 2... reese 14 00 14 50| 10 to12in.....-...-. 16 25 17 00 15 75 | Lath........-.---++- eS wr gS 16 25 HARDWOOD. 1inch, No.1 and 2 Black Ash, 10 to EO siesniaitie) nearer 35 00 1% to 2in ig coe» = Be Ae Pamientcleme es ae Cee aera 36 oc petal id Sott Elm, Ss 14in and thicker, ‘ ue os 4l4 se ¢ Hard Maple, ‘“‘ : s i Basswood, fe “ “ Birch, “ “© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O..... dp ia “ Soft Elm, ce iad co rn Sh ‘© Hard Maple, ‘ ae ‘« Basswood, ‘‘ Birch, ALBANY, N.Y. Avsany, N.Y., October 4, 1899. PINE. 1x12 inch shippers ......,-. $ $19 4/4 inch es 13” & up. 20 4/4 Box boards, 6” and up.. 16 17 4 inch uppers ....++++++-+++ 6s | x0-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up...-.----- 55 | r0-in. common 17 N £0 2M Lea kinies e pisieiele meas 43 | 12-in. dressing and better... 30 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 45 50 | Common, 1x22 «+++ «+--+ 7 T tO 21M. pe ceee cece seecees 38 40| No. x barn, rx12......-..-- 23 «25 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... 28 35 EEO Ne eer cle ias wistamtistee alas 23 ING 2 raeiclateisie sins atelace nlel> 20 25 EEO Se ec ce heretic or ne at 20 INO: 3) siecle annie = ssisienie 17 20| No. 2 barn, 1x12....--.++++ 2U No. x molding, 1 to 2 in. 30 «36 TR TOs ars. ian oie ai eislatnnatanaie 20 No. 2 molding, x to 2 in 24 27 ERB eieln cleie ele nein) oom eet 18 Stained sapS....-.---+++++ 28 | Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4in...... 25 30 Bracket plank .....-.+ -++- zo 35| ‘ ‘* @inch......... 30 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .- 32 35 Dressing ....-- : +. 20 25 Dressing boards, narrow..-.. 25 25 Gommion * «2. «a.sacane dns 16 17 rx1g inch shippers..... --- 18 LATH. Pine isd aolasiiee cin tees asroerre $2 50 | Spruce ......sseeeeeeeeeees $2 50 SHINGLES. F Sawed Pine, ex. Xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 5 Clear butts .......... 3,00 3 25 Hemlock.......+. az 15 Smooth, 6x18.....-- 5 00 5 50| Spruce ......---+++e0+ 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, October 4, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed Boxboards, 1 inch...$10 00 $r1 00 boards ......ss05 $10 50 1200 %inch....+++++++ g 00 9 50 Coarse No. 5..-++++ I5 00 15 50 34 iInch......-20s0 9 25 9 5° Refuse... os 10ers 1200 1360 TI-16 mch).......5 g 00 9 50 (Oe Sacco nooS : 9 00 Heinch......-.-+- 8eo 6875 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in....----$50 00@52 00 Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2,1 in. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 gand 4in.......++- 58.00 6200] 1%,1%and 2in... 30 0c 32 00 Selects, 1 in..... sess 44 00 45 00 No. 1strips, 4 to6in. 43 00 44 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 NOs 29sec ae ere 36 00 39 00 gand 4 in.......-- 53 00 56 00 No. 3---+-eeeseee 28 00 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, Pin ........ 20 00 32 00 rz in. clear...... 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 0c Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 oo | Common all widths... 22 00 26 00 14%,1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 50 do 14% in. 15 50 16 50 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra 4 ft... ..sesseeeeee eens $30 00 | 2nd Clears.......-++-++e+0+> $25 00 IGIGAES. eisne cine escieivalsp a dee 28 oo SHINGLES. Spruce.....--+-+e+++ ++ 1 30 1 50| Second Clear... ..- 220 2 35 Cedar, extra.......-+++ 3.15 3 25| Extra No. f........--+ a5 SL 5o Clea ic witiee seins 270 2 80 LATH Spruce......2-eeeeee: | By CArgO lene vc a snvinigs sie x 80@ 1 go By car ..-- seeeeees 1 80@ z0o OCTOBER 4, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N Y , October 4, 1299. WHITE PINE. Up’rs, 1,14, 1% and 2 1Y%x10 and 12.....- 30 00 32 59 Wl. anes ecesrecess $51 00 52 00 E35, Whos cence ndaemn 3- 56 32 5? 2% and 3 in....... 60 00) | 12 IM woes on wane 3 50 33 52 Fle rir v wheal - 65 00] Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. Selects, 1 to 2 in 45 00 46 00 and up, 1in...... 35 52 2% and 3 in 55 00| Mold st’ps,1 to z2in.. 31 00 33 00 4M...e eee 60 oo} Barn, No.1, 12 in 25 50 Fine common, .,up 6 8and ‘oin 22 00 to 12 in. wide.... 38 00 41 50 No. 2, 10in.....-+ 18 co 1% and 1% in..... 39 50 40 50| No.2, 12 in. 19 59 2 in....-. aisisiaels 40 50 41 5° No. 3, to in 16 oo 3 iM... cece eevee 50 CO No. 3, 12 in......-. 16 50 4 ieee seeeeee eee 55 00| Common, rin..... ae. 15 OF 100B Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. 30 00| Box, 1x4....- t: ee 13 Oc 1% toz2 in..... .-. 35 00 37 SO 2X6t0.12 iN.,-.05- 14 50 ING 2,00 Mors. =- 1B so| 1x1>to1371N...... 15 02 15 50 No. 2,1%, & 1% in 26 00 28 00| 1% and yas een e 16 co No. 3,1% & 1% in 22 o2| Mill Culls,1, 1%, 1% 1 Pole Me oS > 2206 and 2 if... 00sme 120) 130) Dressing 1% in...... 30 a WHITE ASH. 7 tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 28 00 30 00|2% tog in.......--- . 34.00 38 00 1% to 2 iN... sen 31 00 33 00| Strips. ...-..-..+- -. 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls......- 12 00 14 & BLACK AND BROWN ASH, rst & 2nd, 6 inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. ; st & 2nd, 6 inch & e | rst &2nd,white, 6’ &up, 18 oc 20 co Upy ved m evernaesig 28 00 30 00| Com & good culls..... 19 00 11 00 ELM. ; rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 APLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 00 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. - Bay City, Mich., October 4, 1899. : UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., ro n. and up Selects, rin., Sin. and up wide $47 50 wide......- nese sem arene $53 5c| 1%, 1% and2in....... «.. 47 50 14%, 14and 2i,....-.++-- 53 50| 2% and 3i 58 52 2% and 3in....--.+++++++: 62 50| 4in.. 59 59 HMMs vec en ase cee sey sam 67 £o F ; ‘ FINE COMMON. rin., 8 in, and up wide...... 39 50 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 54 5>__ 1M and 1 im.....-++4+ sees AL 50] 4 IM... ce eeecee coneseeeseee 5G 00 Pi eee eer eee 42 50 ; f B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 30 50 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide 45 32 1% and 1% in bs cthals Ree eee 35-0 04 Sie pee Be AR eg 2 AD nse wees ohne oe ee 37 5° STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 46 00 | rin., anne 7 in. wide..... 40 00 6 in, Wide... 22. eee cece eens 48 00 | 6 in. wide.......--++++++-+-. 48 00 , mB FINE ge OR c. rin,, 4, 5 in, wide. ...-..-++ 32 00 | 1¥ in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 35 00 14% in., 6 in. wide........-++ 36 50 ih., 6 ia Witleude Sears «5 36 oo : SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. r&in., 4, 5, 6in. wide..:..-. 30 oo! 1 in., 4,5, 6 in. wide........ 25 00 NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 ror rang gee yo 2160 | 1% in., 4,5 ana 7im.......-. 23 50 Tim., O1N.....--eeseeeers ... 21 50] 1% in., Gin. .......------s «. 24 50 NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. tnd tin., 4,5 and 7 inch. settee 18 50 1¥% in., 4 to 7 inch .......... 20 00 Pin, OinGh «co cwrecaw swans 18 so | No. 3 Fencing, 1 in., 6inch.. 17 00 : : SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in,, ro in. stocks .... 29 00 No. 2, 1 in., 7 and 8in, stocks 25 50 rin., ro in. and up wide... 3400] tin., roin. stocks...... Ee 25 Sa vin., 12 in, stocks... ... +» 34 50] Zxin., 12in. stocks......... 30 5? 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... ; rin. 1¥% and 2in., 8in. and up Wide .........+eseees 31 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. rin., 10 in, and up wide... 27 00 rin., 13 in. and up wide... 31 50 0. 2,9 iN....---- 18 50 8 and 7 in...... aaah 18 50 No. 3, 12 in....--+-- 17 5° 10 in..... a eawhenia 17 00 QA acm er ee eo SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. 17 00 rin., 4and 5 in. wide .......$13 50| 1 in., 13 n. and up wide.....$15 5° rin., 6 in. wide......-.-++++ 14 50| 1%, 12 and 2 in., 7 in. and 1in., 7 in. wide and up...... 15 00 UP Wide.......--eee00+- 15 50 SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 27 50 | 1 1n., 10 in. and up wide..... 30 00 I in., 6 in. sag Pesan gor. 29 00| t%, 1% and 2 in., 8in. and up Wide... 0% 0 ss ene wishine x0 GO OO COFFIN BOARDS. i No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 26 oo| No. x, mill culls........ See eo Wok 2. sack wan oss ee oe 22 00 | No. 2, or red horse........-- 10 co TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$13 00 Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to | fi I5 co THe eee neste kie os ac0. EZ 15 50 34 ee DiGkatshsiewaons » La SW ... 16 50 | Add $x to each additional aft. in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. ‘ Country brands, XXXX...-. 3 25 Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts. ....+.00 oe 26 3 BIRCH. 14 inchaverage . See Tra EES, Se “ce “ 16“ Tc Sean SMMREUI Ts, 20S oe aa 25 18 SS Se eh eae ae ee DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $2x for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., October 11, 1299. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 co @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking:....<....... 44.00 5000 4 SPRUCE. 6 to gin...... 14 50) | TO\tO £2 isco eee ome 16 25 17 0O 6 to r2in 15) 75) || Leath.2y.wcien nema 185 195 g o12in 16 25 HARDWOOD. 1rinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16....6. «sseeeeeeeeeree 1% to 2 in. “ ee “ “ 4 1 inch, ds Soft Elm, 60) Nae di reign ve 1\in and thicker, ‘ “ Re GotetaLetele siete 4l4 “ ee ard Maple; “oe cceesis cme ‘ ef 4 Basswood, FOU Te Dain akelitacidta eee aerate Ee 4 Birch, SS conten) ete aceon ae ‘* Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O....... 14 00 es “Soft Elm, ae ce Solvay ds kachoee Iz co “8 *¢ Hard Maple, ‘* se ye ina wan ah OD i ‘¢ Basswood, ‘* by Ora Giana I2 00 bu iS Birchy 9 sf i Boge oF her ALBANY, N.Y. Avpany, N.Y., October 17, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up.........-- $6x $63 | xx12 inchshippers......... $ $19 FAT Based ed Oo BSD ROGSHUr: 69 62} 4/4 inch se 13” & up. 20 TtOZiM... 2... ee eeeeeeeee 48 50 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” and up.. 16 17 4 inch uppers ......+--++-0+ 65 | 1o-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 24 in. up.......... 55 | ro-in. common ...........-. 17 x COMM. oferneiy ses tone ee 43 | 12-in. dressing and better...30 34 Fine common, 2%in. andup 45 50| Common, 1x12 ...... ..... 17 TikON2 EN ciel vical = beteees «.. 38 40| No. x barn, 1x12 25 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... 28 35 MLO Greig nivlall amt ielas 23 INGiaheamacciesteieec .. 20 25 ERB ete claccsistars taleteieaaers eis 20 NO.3.- ++ eee er eee s ences 17 20| No. 2 barn, 1x12. 2 No. x molding, 1 to2in..... 30) 36!) IxLO;. «4 . 20 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 24 27 MGs alae s evaisaltin ameieetaisatate 18 Stained saps........++-+e++ 28 | Shaky clear, x to 6/4 30 Bracket plank ........ «+++ 30 35 ie S” 21nc 30 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 32 35 Dressing ..... on 25 Dressing boards, narrow.... 25 25 Comiion. aioe oe oe eee 42 50 : B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide..... . 30 50 | 234 and 3in., 7in. and up wide 45 30 1% and 1¥ in «Sends gree akin 35:¢.0;|\.4 Hilo wew eee ee eke ss SQ’ Som ZUIN lot akieek «steak eo See 37 50 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 46 oo| 1in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 40 00 6 In. WIdE. «0-2 6s. ecereeeeeee 48 00 | 6 in. wide, ....smueedrunensacs 48 100 ; es: FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4,5 in, wide. .......-- 32 00 | rf in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 35 00 1% in., 6 in. wide..........- 36 so| im., 6 in. wide............. 36 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1{in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 30 00 | 1 in., 4,5, 6 in. wide ........ 25 00° NO. 1 FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 in .....---.- 21 co 1% in., 4,5 and 7in......... 23 50 1 ins, Gime «05 rabid od 9 Seen 25 50 | 134 dni, Gime sob eees sees les 2RSOn NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. - ol , rin., 4,5 and 7 inch ...... «2 18 50 | 1% in., 4to 7 inch .......... 20 00 Eif., Ginch) .. oa oe -ueene 18 50 | No. 3 Fencing, 1 in., 6inch.. 17 oo SHELVING. No. 2, 1 in,, 7 and Sin. stocks 25 50 tin., 10 in. stocks .. wae 25 500 1 in., 12 in, stocks......... 30 59 1 in., 10 in. and up wide.-. 27 00 rin., 13 in. and up wide... 31 50 No. 1, 1 in., ro in. stocks.... 29 00 zin., ro in. and up wide... 34 00 tin., 12 in. stocks...... +++ 34 50 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 35 50 rin. 1% and 2in., 8in. and up Wide ......c0scencere 31 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. > mene. - 25 50| No. 2,9 in........ --.--.--- 18 50 a Ore oe datanainiy ates atarclacalt 21 50 8 and 7 In.. vee 3TS. Sar QD 12,6 afslaiee oe ieee seal aera 2t 50 | No. 3, 12 in.. me ERS see 2t 50] TOM....-.eeeeeeeeseeesee 17 00 seeeeee 29 00 QU. e eee cece eeeeeeeeeeee 17 00 Series patel ae ececeneys, 1050 | GUtibla signee aneies vies sees 2c SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. ‘ rin., 4and 5 in. wide.......$13 50 | 1 in., 13 m. and up wide.....$15 50 rin., 6 in. wide......--.0-- . 14 50| 1%, 1% and 2 in., 7 in, and 1in., 7 in. wide and up...... I5 00 Py et ne ee 15 50 _. SHAKY CLEAR. | j rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 27 50| 1 In., ro in. and up wide..... 30 00° xrin., 6 in. wide.... ...+.-+-- 29 00 | 1%, 134 and 2 in, 8in. and up wide: 75 /aetrae=eewgens 30 OOM COFFIN BOARDS. _ : No. 1, 1 in., 13in. and up.... 26 00 | Nok x, xt cg og aineenistnen. L350) ING. 2: oc nn ccc eae aes _ 22 00 | No. 2, or red horse.......... 10 CO. TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. : Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.$13 00 » 2X4 to 10, 12 to Pt | See Pa ba FR Se an nc een WSC wiekatasansen se T2KO AOE a o.0y0 2 ae rales pee odes SEREe ARIS, occ cenvechsncsesere. I2 50 22 and 24 ft../..c2sens0s ... 16 50 | Add $x to each additional aft. in length. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 25 | Standard brands, river made, _ Clear Butts......-... ee ty, XOREE et dee eee So. 3/50 Clear, B2ttsnent jeans ans= 6) 9) Po! . WHITE PINE LATH. = Nox & cider ea ar ras ose Oe ee 3 50 | Ness eee es ee Hemlock +; 2 aeugseweeee a = 277 5am PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. i F.o.b.carsat Sutherland Innes Mills. — No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000......-.-++++++.+$5 75 No.130 0 " " " Wows ~ 5 75 No. 132 " " " We aeeaeeenee 6 co No.124 " " " ee ey eK Freie Wee No. 228% u " " " UW swaere sees 4:00 No.230 w " " " Wo wees Pe icay a: No. 2 32 it " " " " + Chlbodaa seeks eS No 224 " " " " " teens teers 2 00 No.1 14 in. to143{ in. kiln dried basswood heading,perset .....,.... 3h No.r15 mn 16 w " " " sececesees BE No. 117% u " " " 4 No.118 18% wu " " " 4 No. 1 19% " " " " 4h o. 1 19 " " " t . 5 Mill run heading 171%", $3.75 per 100 sets ; No. 2, $3.50. A No. 1 4% ft. patent elm hoops, per net 100........+..+++5 60 No. t ah ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000 5° No. I 6 " Ww " " uw 75 No. 16% " " " '" 00 No. 2 hoops about 50 cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000 ...... Beoee (a No. 2 28% 1 " " " NG GG ach api 375 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup HL SHAVES! Secaaakiee ap Seka cee ele ates 48 00 No 1 30 inch half syrup barrel staves ...-+-ss++-++00+ nha «alain eis RCE (If bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) (CANADA |UMBERMAN: WEEKLY FDITION The Lumbérman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} sioo pcr veaR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., OCTOBER 18, 1899 No. 39. CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire InNsuRANCE BUILDING, MonTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4#@ Subscription price for the two editions for one vear, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. OR SALE.—A few thousand set of Basswood Heading, No 1, millrun, and No. 2, 17%. For rticulars apply to Geo. M. Everest, Arkona Basket ‘actory. FOR SALE. IRCH FLOORING, KILN DRIED, HOLLOW : backed, butted and bundled—suitable for factor- - ies, workshops, etc. The KwnicHt Bros. Co., Burks Falls, Ont. FOR SALE. 60 M FT. 1 INCH BEECH ; 40M FT.1% INCH A Beech; 8 M ft. 2 inch Beech, common and better, cut last winter. Delivery on cars at Shallow Lake and Wiarton. Write J. E. Murruy, Hepworth Station, Ont. WANTED. OT OF BASSWOOD OR SPRUCE BOLTS, six inches and up in diameter, forty-eight inches Tong. Quote lowest cash prices. J. F. STENGEL, Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. - FOR SALE—STEAM SAW MILL, ITH PLANER AND SHINGLER, IN operation, near C.P.R. line to Labelle, P.Q. Capacity 12,0°0. Plenty of Spruce and Birch available at lowest prices. Good local trade. Everything first class. Apply c/o E. Desparats ADVERTISING AGEN- cy, Montreal. FOR SALE < ——$— ORONTO LUMBER BUSINESS AND PLAN- ing Mill, Dry Kiln, etc. Splendid complete outfit, arge busines now done. ‘Substantial part of purchase money may remain in- vested if desired by purchaser. Apply, Denton, Dunn & BoutTBEE, Solicitors, Temple Building, Toronto. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS . Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine ico h.p., Iron Saw ame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in od running order, run tbis season ; size of Mill, 30x ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, , €tc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also h ousands of acres of timber near by. For particulars, ddress ALLEN CRESSMAN, Berlin, Ont. WANTED. O BUY A GOOD SECOND HAND SAW MILL of capacity about 20,000 feet per day. Apply to GopericH Lumssr Co., Goderich, Ont. FOR SALE. AND RE-SAW, DOUBLE SURFACER AND Matcher, Four Side Moulder, Sash Sticker, 50 h.p. Boiler and Engine allin good repair. Toronto MacuHinery Suppty Co. Tor nto. WANTED. “~ORDWOOD, BEECH, MAPLE, OAK OR Ash, dry , and Hardw od Slabs; Lath, Shingles and Lumber. Address, Nortusipe LumBER & COAL Co., 860 Greenwood Avenue, Detroit, Mich. WANTED. HE UNDERSIGNED INVITES CORRES- pondence from Canadian manufacturers who can supply in large quantity Canadian Pine Doors and Windows. Goods must be of first-class quality as to material and manufacture. Address, Harry G. Boyce, Atheneum Chambers, 7: Temple Row, Bir- mingham, England. PINE AND HARDWOOD WANTED N ENGLISH FIRM WHO ARE LARGE buyers of Pine, Oak and Soft Elm, 1-inch boards, 6% or 7 foot lengths, invite quotations from Canadian manufacturers, free on board win:er port, for the following : 12 in. wide at one end, tapering to’ ro in. at other end. 13 W " W II W W 14 " " " 12 " " 15 wt it " 13 " WW Must be dry, first class, clean grade wood, free from splits, shakes, etc. Address, Box 109, CANADA Lum- BERMAN. AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE Timber Berths AT THE ROTUNDA OF THE BOARD OF TRADE, TORONTO, ON Tuesday, October 24th Next. AT 2P.M. Timber Berths Nos. 94, 98, 99, and {02 (North Shore of Lake Huron District), and known as the Townships of Trill, Ermatinger, Foster, and Nairn on the Spanish River and tributaries. TRILL and ERMATINGER will be sold in single Berths of 36 square miles each, and FOSTER and NAIRN in.g square mile parcels of N.W. &%, N.E Y, S.W. \%, and S.E. ¥, respectively. These Berths have never been operated on, and are heavily timbered with supericr PINE AND OTHER WOODS. For terms of sale, maps and other particulars app'y to E. R. C. CLARKSON, Ontario Bank Chambers, or to PETER RYAN, Toronto. BY INSTRUCTIONS FROM BARNET & MACKIE At the termination of the sale of the Comstock Timber Berths I will offer for sale Timber Berths Nos. 5 and 6, Township of Butt, being 1114 and rt Square Miles re- spectively, in one lot. The logs from these Berths can be driven to the Georgian Bay by the Magnetawan. For further particulars apply to A. BARNET, Reafrew. PETER RYAN. Saw Mill for Sale Well situated in the rapidly growing CITY OF VANCOUVER, B.C.; consisting of valuable freehold property, with modern well equipped Mill, having a capacity of about 75,000 feet per day of ten hours. Also about 10,000 Acres of good Timber Limits INCLUDING DOUGLAS FIR, SPRUCE and RED CEDAR Easy of access and can be cheaply logged. For price and terms apply to The BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND & INVESTMENT AGENCY, Limited, OR SALE.—Saw and Planing Mill, 40 h.p , doing a good local and shipping trade. The above will be sold at a reasonable figure. KNECHTEL & YOUNG, Turtle Lake, Parry Sound District. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. So far October has been an active month in the lumber business, but there are signs that the trade is settling down to a winter basis. Someof the mills are closing down, while others will operate for some weeks yet. Reports are but a repetition of low stocks, so that no weakening of the market is likely to result from a falling off in demand. The winter requirement for local manufactur- ing purposes is certain to be quite up to the average, if indeed it is not con- siderably greater. The position of stocks in the Eastern States is such that a demand from that quarter is assured, particularly for low grade lumber, of which there is a great scarcity. Under these conditions, it is the general opinion that the sawing season of 1900 will open with stocks of pine lumber lower than they have been for years. The hardwood situation has not changed; stock is scarce and difficult of purchase. Com- plaint is made, not without foundation, we believe, that the margin between the manufacturer’s price and that which can be obtained from the consumer is too lim- ited ; in other words, the manufacturer has taken every advantage of the improved demand, while the dealer has had great difficulty in educating the retailer and consumer as to the full extent of the ad- vance in prices. It is a question if prices of hardwood lumber have not in some instances been advanced too rapidly. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. An event of more than usual interest to the lumber trade of Montreal was the awarding last week of the contract for the timber required for proposed harbor im- provements to be carried out next year. . Tke contract is one of the most important which has been given out for some time time, representing a figure well up to one VANCOUVER or VICTORIA, B.C. hundred thousand dollars. The competi- tion was quite keen, the successful tend- erers being the Shearer & Brown Com- pany, who submitted a bulk tender. Apart from this contract, trade is generally quiet. A few vessels are loading and under charter for the British market, al- though the quantity which will go forward between now and the close of navigation will be small. The month of September showed a falling off in shipments of lumber from Montreal of $407,143, as compared with same month in 1898, the value for the two months being $1,321,436 and $914,293 respectively. Reports from New Bruns- wick state that there is very little stock in the hands of manufacturers. Such stocks of British deals as are still held on this side are in the hands of shippers, who may possibly hold them over for spring ship- ment on account of the scarcity of vessels and high freights. The rate from St. John to the west coast of England is 52s 6d to 55s. Two steamers have been chartered at the latter figure, which is the highest rate paid so far this season. There is good enquiry for lumber tonnage from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick to the West Indies and South America. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. A brisk movement of lumber is reported from Manitoba and the Territories. A number of new buildings and improve- ments have just been commenced, and most of the finishing work wil! be done during the winter months, thus keeping up the demand for lumber. The mills in British Columbia are so busy with local and eastern trade that, with one or two exceptions, export business is receiving little attention. Several of the mills are shipping lumber to Cascade City and other northern points to be used for building purposes. Shingle manufac- turers are likewise experiencing a heavy demand for their product. UNITED STATES. The movement of lumber in the United States has shown a slight falling off dur- If. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. ing the past week. This has been due to two causes, first, the indisposition of - retail dealers to stock up at the present prices, and second, the high freight rates ruling. There appears to be an opinion among retail dealers that prices will weaken during the winter months, but in contravention of this it is pointed out that so far as white pine is concerned, the mills are receiving enquiries for stock to be delivered next season at the prices prevailing at the present time. Freights from Duluth to Buffalo have advanced from $4 to $4.50, and as a consequence the dealers are only bringing down such lumber as must be moved. The feature of the pine market 1s the active demand for the coarser grades. That most en- quired for at Buffalo, Tonawanda and other eastern markets is 1x lo and 1X12 inch box and No. 3 barn. The scarcily in the east of cheap cutting-up stock is such that sash, door and blind manufac- turers may be forced to use higher priced lumber. There is also a reported scarcity of spruce, and manufacturers are realizing high prices. It is impossible to point out any material change in the hardwood trade. The demand has not abated, while stock is getting scarcer. Prices are stationary, and if any advances are made, they are likely to be of a moderate character. The shingle market is firm, with some possibility of an advance in the near future. New Brunswick cedar shingles of No.1 quality are selling in Boston at $3.25: FOREIGN. The wood trade of Great Britain is now giving some attention to next year’s ship- ments, although as yet little business, if any, has been concluded. Shippers are said to be asking higher prices, and there are indications that deals will be higher, while battens will remain about the same. It is expected that a large amount of business will be transacted before the close of the year. Within the past fortnight there have been several advances in pine and spruce deals. At London 3x11 first pine is sellmg at £26 to £26 fos per standard and 3X 11 first spruce at £14, while 3 x II third spruce makes £9, and 3x9 £8 Ios. These are the prices paid by retail dealers and large consumers. Thereis a scarcity of broad first pine deals in brokers’ hands. One parcel of four inch, prin- cipally 15 inches wide, is reported to have been sold at £28 17s 6d per standard. Long lengths of spruce deals, 18 feet and up, 9X3, are also scarce. Waney and square pine timber is rather quiet, al- though prices remain firm. The de- mand for Quebec oak and elm is good. STOCKS AND PRICES. No. 1 pine lath is now quoted at Min- neapolis at $3.75. The Pembroke Lumber Co. will get out about 40,000 logs on their Dumoiiie limit this winter. A cargo of spruce deals has just been purchased at £7 per standard delivered at a Lancashire port. It is reported that the cut of logs in the state of Maine during the coming winter will be unusually large. The steamer Manitinea sailed from St. John, N. B., last week for a British port, with 2,621,000 feet of deals, shipped by W. M. Mackay. The Dickson Co., of Peterboro, pur- pose operating this winter on the old Scott limits north of Bail lake, employing nearly 500 men. S. A. Marks, of Thessalon, Ont., wants offers for taking off and delivering on bank of Thessalon river 160,000 feet pine timber, 8,000 ties, and 250 cords of wood. It was recently reported that Mont- gomery Bros. & Co., of Buffalo, had pur- chased 20,000,000 feet of lumber at Mid- land and other Georgian Bay points. A later report states that the quantity was only 9,000,000 feet. Joseph Turner, of Bay City, Mich., is having 25,000,000 feet oi lumber manu- factured in Ontario this season, and ex- pects to cut 50,000,000 feet of logs this winter. He recently sold 1,000,000 feet of mill culls to the Michigan Manufactur- ing Co. at $8, which, with the freight and $2 duty added, made the cost $12 f.o.b. Bay City. The Bell Telephone Co., through Mr. F. G. Walsh, superintendent at Winni- peg, are asking for tenders for the supply of 4,000 cedar poles, 25 feet in length, with 7-inch tops, delivered between Port- age la Prairie and Winnipeg. Lath are quoted at Saginaw, Mich., at $3.75 and $4 in wholesale lots and $4.50 in car lots. Lumber prices have an up- ward tendency. An offer is noted of $13.50 for mill culls, but the lot must have been above the average in quality. The schooner Ella Sayer sailed from Quebec on October 13th for London, with a cargo of deals, shipped by H. R. Goodday & Co. The bark Rebekah Crowell sailed on the same, day for Yar- mouth, England, with a lumber cargo, shipped by Dobell, Beckett & Co. The steamship Abbey Holme is loading a wood cargo at Quebec for the United Kingdom. An important lumber contract was awarded in Montreal last week, i being for the annual supply of timber for the harbor works to be constructed during the year 1900. The successful tenderers were the Shearer & Brown Co, at $92,- 726.32. The W. H. Kelly Lumber Co. tendered at $79,185.19, or $13,541.13 lower than the Shearer & Brown Co., but an accepted cheque did not accompany the tender, and on this yround it was ruled out. Several timber berths were sold at the crown lands office, Fredericton, N. B., last week, to the following parties: J. E. Moore, St. John, six births on Magua- davic river, Shin creek, Rickelegan river and Kedin lake, at upset price ; Hugh McLean & Tate, two mile berth on South Salmon river, $21 per mile; A. C. Esta- brooks, two mile block in Farnham, Sun- bury county, at $20 per mile ; Timothy Lynch, two mile berth at head of North- west Branch Little S. W. Miramichi, at upset price ; Frank Todd, two mile block on West Magaguadavic river, at $8.10 per mile. A meeting of hardwood lumber manu- facturers was held at Traverse City, Mich., recently, to complete the reorganization of the Michigan Hardwood Lumber Associa- tion. It was generally agreed that the following prices for hardwood lumber should rule: Log run—t-inch, $14; grades, mill culls, $6; shipping cull, $7.50; common, $12.50; firsts and sec- onds, $17.50; 1%-inch, $18; 1%-inch, $19 ; 2-inch, $20; 23-inch, $21 ; 3-inch, $22.50; 3%4-inch, $23; 4-inch, $24. Com- mon—1%-inch, $12; 14 inch, $12.50; 2-inch, $13.50; 24-inch, $14; 3-inch, $15; 34-inch, $15.50; 4-inch, $16. Of the Barbados lumber market Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Co. say: There have been two arrivals of white pine, the Harold Borden, from Annapolis, N.S., with 142 M. ft., and the sch. Josie, from Calais, Me., with 90 M. ft. merchantable anl 1o M. ft. 2nd quality white pine boards. This cargo was sold there, and re-sold here at $22 for shipping and $17 for 2nd quality. In spruce we continue our valuation of $17 or thereabouts. The Blenheim has arrived from Paspebiac with 1,200,000 long Gaspe cedar shingles, a small portion of which have been placed at $3.75; balance of cargo is being stored. The Josie also brought 724 M. cedar laying shingles, which were re-sold at $2.70. A lot of 200 M. have since been placed at $2.60. WOOD STOCKS AT BRITISH PORTS. The figure§ of the stocks of wood goods at some of the leading British ports on September 30th, in comparison with same date one year ago, shows that in nearly every line the supply is lighter. At the public docks at London the figures for the two years, respectively, are as follows : 1898. 1899. Pine deals and battens, pieces..... 1,697,000 1,469,000 Spricerdittowgs \feais dade tater oe 1,647,000 17,187,coo Oak timber, loads... 00005. sm- ne 2,492 25379 Birch timber and planks, luads.... 4,223 3,166 Elm and ash timber, loads........ 1,749 943 Yellow pine, loads........-s0+e005 1,473 872 Red pine, Joads.....++.+--+.see0) 183 19 It will thus be seen that at London the stock of Canadian deals and timber of every class is less than one year ago, The figures for the ports of Liverpool, Birk- enhead, Garston, Saltport and Runcorn are as follows : 1898. 1899. Quebec square pine, cubic feet....... 82,000 61,003 Quebec waney pine, cubic feet........ 238,000 143,000 Red’ ping, culbic feet..... ccsneeeenss 17,000 5,000 Oak, Canadian and U. S., cubic feet.. 249,000 2c3,000 Oak planks, cubic feet 103,c00 99,000 Elm, cubic feet .. 25000 24,C00 Birch logs, cubic feet... 395,000 215,0cO Ash, cobic feet acvac elegans amie 27,000 28,coo N.B. etc., ee deals, qn 4 } ascys 20,808 Quebec deals; per'std,. c.b.5 01.000. 19,859 17,667 These show tha this year the stocks of square and waney pine, red pine, oak, elm and birch timber and New Brunswick and Quebec pine and spruce deals are less, and only in ash timber is there an increase. The following figurr's show the stock of timber and deals in the Clyde on September 30th, 1898 and 1899: 1898. 1899. 1st pine deals, standards............+. 2,436 1,178 and pine deals, stdS........++se+e+e++ 916 52 3rd pine deals, stds.........-..-2.--- 4,760 2,460 4th pine deals, stds.......---.-+-.«+% 35719 2,899 1st pine ends, stds............5 sree 821 360 and pine ends, stds......2...--++++++ 116 16 grd pine ends, stds........csse-eeeeee 74 60 4th pine ends, stds........+--++.-+-0> 439 9 Unassorted pine deals, planks and boards, stds ........ 1,866 1,476 Red pine, etc , stds 261 214 Quebec spruce deals and boards,stds.. 3,893 5,708 Lower port spruce, stds........-..+.- 7,050 6,874 Lower port pine, stds.........-....+- 1,868 1,146 Oak planks and boards cubic feet..... 30,258 64,454 Birch planks and beards, cubic feet ... 87,556 58,505 Quebec waney and square pine, cu. ft.883,307 850,706 Quebec elm, cubic feet.............- 143,883 106,289 Quebec red pine, cubic feet.........-- 44,139 94,245 Quebec oak, cubic feet..... .......-- 194,725 233,96c Ash, cubic feet. : oi..0- vcctens arses ae 67,123 11,944 Birch—logs, cubic feet......... «++... 46,518 69,493 In nearly every class of Canadian deals the stocks are considerably less than last year, al- though Quebec spruce deals and boards show an increase. Square and waney timber and elm, red pine, oak and ash timber are less in quantity, but birch logs show an increase of about 50 per cent. THE GLASGOW MARKET. Messrs. Wright, Graham & Co., in their last monthly report, review the timber market at Glasgow as follows : A good consumption of most kinds of wood is going on. Stocks are moderate and prices on the whole are very firm. Shipbuilding re- turns show that the amount of new tonnage launched on the Clyde during this month is a record one, viz., 54,904 tons. New orders are reported placed for about 26,000 tons. TELEPHONE POLES The undersigned have in stock a large number of Telephone Poles, all lengths, 25 to 60 feet; also Fence Posts. Quotations given promptly by mail or wire when required. GEORGE & McGREGOR, Killaloe Station, Ont. H D WICGI BOSTON, MASS. o We 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for iOG EA ais Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. VW ANTE D Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F. Stengel ** serrate ny" BUFFALO, N.Y. ANIL ANE Nem. Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and — seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Brown Ash ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of — OcTOBER 18, 1899 DE Waney Boarpwoop.—The demand is improving and prime wood is being held for ad- vanced prices. Sales reported at 2: 6d to 2s 10d for large average ; smaller average second class — soldat Is. 5d. to 2s. 3d. per cubic foot. SQUARE PINE.—Only large prime wood is enquired for. Price 2s 4d to 2s 7d ; smaller average and poorer quality 1s 5d to 2s per cubic foot. j Rep Ping.—The demand keeps good for large average wood. Price 1s 10d to 2s; smaller wood at Is 3d to Is 6d per cubic foot. OAK Locs.—Large selected logs have been in demand. Price 2s 9d to 3s per cubic foot ; smaller and poorer quality 2s to 2s 3d per cubic foot. : ; Ex_m Locs.—There has been a specially good demand for large prime wocd. Price 2s 3d to 2s 5d; smaller averages and second class at ~ Is 10d to 2s per cubic foot. ; AsH Locs.—The demand keeps active for prime parcels. 15 to 16 inch average Is 10d to 2s ; smaller average at 1s 8d to 1s 9d per cubic foot. BircH Locs.—They are in fair request. Price, 16 inch average and up, Is 9d to 2s ; 14 to 15 inch average at Is 5d to 1s 7d per cubic foot. Rock MapLe Locs.—There is no de- mand. Price 1s gd to 2s per cubic foot. Hickory Locs.—There is good stock of ordinary quality on hand. Only selected second growth logs are wanted. Price 2s to 2s 3d per cubic foot. Ordinary quality is selling at Is 8d to Is 10d per cubic foot. Quesec WHITE Ping DEaLs.—The import has been moderate and sellers are holding for Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 7 CrosBy SguaRE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. “« Sieveking,” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. WANTED FOR EXPORT All kinds of Logs and Lumber Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, HOTT & DICKSON = - LONDON, ENG. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities o09 HARDWOOD LUMBI R, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensicns. PLANING MILL ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. — 7 EIEETTUMBER DEALERS. Cable Address, ‘‘ Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA Lumberman’s Code. stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to LAWRENCE & WIGGIN 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. Wholesale Lumber Dealers - % Neth Sone WNW OcrToseER 18, 1899 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. LI. advanced prices. Broad firsts are scarce and shipments meet with ready sale. Prices rule as follows : Ist quality broad, £24 15s to £26 2s 6d; 11 in. broad, £22 to £23 14s 4d; 7 in. to 1oin. and ends, £17 3s od to £19 5s; 2nd quality broad, £18 4s 4d to £19 5s; 11 in. broad, 415 16s 3d to £17 3s 9d. ; 7 in. to 10 in., £13 15s to £14 158 7d; 3rd quality broad, 410 6s 3d to £11; rrin. broad, £9 12s 6d to 49 19s ad ; narrows, £7.48 4d to £8 5s; qth quality broad, £7 11s 3d to £8 5s 3 11 in., £7 4s 4d to £7 11s 3d ; narrows, £6 10s 7d to £6 17s 6d, RED PINE.—There is an exceptionally good demand, and consignments meet with ready sale at advanced prices. Prices are: 9 and Ir in. by 3 in, £10 68 3d to £12 7s 6d; narrows, £8 18s 9d to £9 12 6d. QuEBEC Wuite PINE Boarps.—The de- mand is improving and prices are firmer. Qvotations are as helow : First quality,2 in. thick, 12 in. to 15 in. wide, 417 17s 6d to #19 11s ; 1% in. thick, 12 in. to 15 in. wide, £17 3s 9d to £19 5s ; 1¥ in. thick, iI in. to {3 in. wide, £16 16s to £18 IIs 3d ; rin. thick, 10 to 12 in. wide, AIS 16s 3d to £16 16s; 1% and 2 in strips, 4 in. to 7 in. wide, £14 15s 7d to 416 tos. Second quality—2 in. thick, 12 in. to 14 in. wide, £13 8s Id to £15 os 4d; 14 and 1¥% in. thick, 12 in. to 14 in. wide, £13 1s 3d to £14 8s od ; Iin. thick, 10 in. to 12 in. wide, £12 to £12 14s. Third quality—2-in., 11 in. to 15 in. wide, £9 5s 7d to £11; 1, I} and 1¥% in., 10 in. to 14 in. wide, £7 11s 3d to £o 12 6d. QUEBEC SPRUCE DEALS.—The demand has been good, and prices are firmer. Prices quoted— £6 10s 7d to £7 11s 3d for third quality ; £5 16s 10d to £6 14s per std. for fourth quality. St. JoHN, N. B., Pine Drats—Are in better request, and prices have advanced, Prices quoted—£6 14s 2d to Lo 5s. St. JOHN Spruce Deats (2nd quality av- erage).—There is a good consumption. Prices are advancing, and are quoted at £6 10s 7d to £8 18s od per std. St. Joun Bircw Locs.—The market keeps firm. Prices quoted—is 5d to 1s od per cubic foot for 15 in. average and up. ST. JOHN BircH PLANKS.—There is agood is a specially good demand for 34 by % in. an demand. Prices—£6 17s 6d to £8 5s per St. 34 by rin., also 42 to 44 by 1 in. Current Petersburg standard, according to specifica- prices are: Canada butts—54 ft. by 3 in. thick, tion, Zl15 to £125 per mille; 54 ft. by 24 in. WHITE Oak STAVEs.—The market keeps firm, and prices are well maintained. There JAMES COOKE & CO. WOOD BROKERS NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, ENGLAND thick, £90 to £95 per mille ; 53 ft. by 2 in. thick, £67 to £72 per mille. Cab‘e Address, “‘ Woodgoods,” Newcastle-on-Tyne. Representing A1 Canadian and American Lumber Shippers. SPOTCASH BLACK ASH, SOFT ELM and BIRCH LUMBER caller iahe cede eeDnR Either for immediate or future delivery, lake points preferred. Write full particulars. If quantity warrants will send Inspector. H. HERRMANN LUMBER CO., 368 Broome St., New York City CANADIAN EXPORTERS 1” WHOLESALERS R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DEALERS Head Office-TQRONTO--700 King st. West. “I———_WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTING YARDS AT SARNIA AnD BUFFALO———». THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @O Write us for Quotations on all Bils@ye A. A. SCOTT. PEMBROKE, ONT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. [icLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS By RaIL OR WATER. Dimension Timber PoBeRT THOMSON & Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAsT TEMPLETON, QUE. ET jas, Car Flooring sizes, Red and White Pine and Spruce Deals dar, Tamarack and Hemlock Railway Ties ; Shingles and Lath. { pees ’ Timber Lands and Limits and Logs for Sale Head Office : 141 Stuart Street, HAMILTON, CANADA KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING StEETING “CrtNG e Mills at Chelmsford. 62 | 4/4 inch is 13” & up. 20 TKO aay a areeversis «fe eavaipntate 48 50 | 4/4, Box boards, 6’ andup.. 16 17 ane UPPEFS ..- eee eeeeeeee 65 | ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 elects, 24% in. up...------+ 55 | ro-in. common .........-+++ 17 RitO ZiT se cevenlseaereree rare 43 | 12-in. dressing and better... 30 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 45 17 T COZ lic ou safes + cineisieiels le mie 38 25 No. 1 cuts, x to 2inch...... 28 23 Nos 2s aie. sues «ele «tele si 20 20 Nig ive de cnaletsc secant 17 2t No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 30 Ba No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 24 18 Stained sapS...--++-seeeees 30 Bracket plank ...-..-. «+++ 30 30 Shelving boards, 12-in. up -. 32 25 Dressing boards, narrow.... 25 17 rx1g inch shippers.....---- LATH. 1) CLRARH EE DHA D So aee od ommtia: $2 50 | Spruce ......+eseeeseseeeee $2 50 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 = Clear butts ...... . 3.00 3 25| Hemlock.........-+.-- 15 Smooth, 6 x 18 5 00 5 50| SPruce.......+.++0eee 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, October .8, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed Boxboards, 1 inch...$10 00 $r1 00 boards <<» se snes $10 50 1200 VN el anon rc oAeOd 9 00 9 50 Coarse No. 5..---++ I5 00 15 50 % inch’..........- 9 25 9 50 Refuse....eseeeeees 1200 13¢o| 11-16 inch.. » 9 00 9 5° Outs. etter Mia's wie 9 00 Seinch.......--6 Bee) 8 75 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, x in...--.-- $50 00@s52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2, rin. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 zand 4in...-..sees 58 co 62 00 14%, 1% and 2in... 30 0% 32 00 Selects, 1 in...-..+-+ 44 00 45 00| No. x strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 44 00 1%,1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 ING. 2s siapeeie sine nies 36 00 39 00 gand 4 in.......-- 3.00 5600| No. 3..+--+-+-++s 28 00 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cutiups, nie. =. + 20 00 32 00 rz in. clear.....- 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 14 to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 0c Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 oo | Common all widths... 22 00 26 00 1%,1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls,1 in... 14 50 15 50 do 14% in. 15 50 16 50 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra 4ft...c.cceseseeverens $30 00 | 2nd Clears.....-+-sseeeereee $25 00 Cl eaKsoc ieee aaeitie winewinvin ees 28 oo SHINGLES. Spruce....--s+eeee+ ++ 1 30 1 50| Second Clear... ... -. 220 2 35 Cedar, extra... 3 25 | Extra No.1...... pamon ge, 25m Se ear..cee : 2 80 LATH Spruce SP aienae eae Gaaocane weeeee F 80O@ I Qo By car ...- «e--eee . 180@ 200 ; ; to ; OcTOBER 18, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Tonawanpa, N Y., October 18, 1299. WHITE PINE. Up'rs, 1, 1%, 14and 2 1¥%x10 and 12.,.... 30 00 32 50 We yc ees eo rice $5r 00 52 00| 1 iM.sseeeeseeees 3> 50 32 50 24% and 3 in....... 60 00 Ai AIL b Ave aad Nae es 31 50 33 5? A MU caresawacpunisticain stars 65 00| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. Selects, 1 to 2 in..... 45 00 46 00 and up, 1 in...... 35 5? 2% and 3 in....... 55 00| Mold st'ps,1 to 2in.. 31 00 33 00 gM. 5 WE ts eae 60 oo} Barn, No.1, 12in..... 25 50 Fine common, 1 in. ,up 6 8and toin...... 21 00 22 00 to 12 in. wide.... 38 00 41 50 No.2; ses 18 co 1% and r¥ in....- 39 50 40. 50| No.2, 12in........ 19 52 41 50 No, 3, 10'ln, ...:-- 16 00 50 co No. 3, 12 in......:- 16 59 55 00 Common, rin.......- 15 00 16.0 30 00] Box, 1X4-.-s-0eee oe 13 0G 37 5° {6 tO TAN. ee seas 14 50 18 50 1x19 to 13in.. 15 02 15 50 No. 2,1%, & 1% in 26 00 28 00 1% and rwin...... 16 oo No. 3, 1% & 1% in 22 02| Mill Culls,1,1%,1% INL, 2a cise 22 66 ABG GAs x05 ace 120) 13 02 Dressing 1% in...... 30 % : WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 28 00 30 00/24 tog in........--+ 34 00 38 00 nis) OYE onsen 31 00 33 00| Strips. ....... - 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls....... 12 00 14 Ou BLACK AND BROWN ASH. rst & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 oo | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. rst & and, 6 inch & | ist &2nd,white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 oo ply KEM) cca cede 28 200 30 00| Com & good culls..... 10 00 11 00 ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in.& up, 18 00 20 oo BAY CITY ANP SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., October 18, 1899. ; UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $47 50 WIR. soe zaiaveln ree ee $53 5¢ 14%, 1% and2in....... ae Oo 1%, rand 2 in.......--+- 53 530| 2% and 3 in...........- pees 2% and 3 in.. -« 62 §0]| Allien «seis made ania ate GUM. cece receece ceeee sence OF £8 FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 39 50 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 54 50 1M and 14 in... ..--2+ vee QU" 50 fig Mike sano oe tcramiete sia: 2's oS BAD s.a Diafervietatalnlalennje oe ers aie 42 50 B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 30 50 | 244 and 3in., 7in. and up wide 45 30 rY and 134 in......--++ +++ 35 CO| 4 I... .senwes vere cue pose a Op, OO WATT (2 See ele ease ian sees 37 50 : STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). . 46 00] rin., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide 6 in. wide........-+ Greets eae 48 00 | 6 in. wide...... 5 5 ao eo FINE COMMON OR C. r&% in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 35 00 1 in., 4, 5 in, wide. 1X in., 6 in. wide....- in., 6 in. wide....-....-..- 36 00 : SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... ...- 30 00 | x in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide........ 25 00 NO. I FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 SRE, SAE See 21 co| 1% in., 4,5 and 7in........- 23 50 Ee, OI. ewe n es sere enacn 2x 50| 1% in., GIN. ....-eee--ne stee 24 50 NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. tin., 4,5 and 7 inch. a. en 18 50 | 1% in., 4to.7 inch .......... 20 00 rin., Oinch ........+0essnee 18 50 | No. 3 Fencing, x in., 6 inch.. 17 00 SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in., ro in. stocks.... 29 00 1in., ro in. and up wide... 34 00 tin., 12 in. stocks 1 in., 12 in. and up wide... 35 5° rin. 1% and 2in., 8in. and up wide .....--2-+2+-0+5 3I 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 2, 9 iM. -esecee eevee ee ee 18 50 8 an No. 2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 25 5° tin., roin. stocks......--. 25 52 1 in., 12 in. ES 1 in., ro in. and up wide. rin., 13 in. and up wide... 31 59 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. 1in., 4 and 5 nm. wide......- $13 50] 11in., 13 1m. and up wide.....$15 5° rin., 6 in. wide.......+++-+ « F459 and 2 in., 7 in. and 1 in., 7 in. wide and up...... 15 00 up wide.......-- Bast: __ISHAKY CLEAR. | 1in., 3, 4,5, 7, 8 and gin. wide 27 50| 1 in., ro in. and up wide..... 30 00 rin., 6m. wide.....-.++++++ 29 00 | 1%, 1 and 2in., 8in. and up WIGGu nn n20chn gna OF COFFIN BOARDS. ; No. 1, rin., 13in. and up.... 26 00 No. 1, millculls............. 13 50 Wo... cecenns cat sere man z2 00 | No. 2, or red horse........-. 10 CO TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to r6ft.$13 00 Hemlock, 2x4 to 10, 15 50 12 to 18 fhives jtte cog s «acne - 215 co r6feet...... wre £20 2G. bs Geta ths n= See en ve Poem ee cane BEN a sm sine siete age ae Eee ASO 22 and 24 ft........-0e-eee 16 50 aaa to each additional aft. in lei SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX....- 3 25 | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts......---ssseeee 275 bo 6S CE «Tie pees GO Clear Britts.....0-.«« <'s., erekaeeaiaiese WwW w No. 2 hoops about so cts. per thousand less. No. 1 28% in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000 No. 228% " " " " 34 in. to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves .-.-.- aOR ao No 1 30 inch half syrup barrel staves .-..-++++++++ 5000+ mately jig aca ROL © (If bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) WEEKLY FDITION The Lumbérman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.oo per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. CANADA [UMBERMAN VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., OCTOBER 25, 1899 No. 40. CANADA LLUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office : New York Lire InsurANcE BUILDING, MonrTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts ‘and leading. domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00, WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. OR SALE.—A few thousand set of Basswood Heading, No. 1, millrun, and No. 2, 17%. For particulars apply to Geo. M. Everest, Arkona Basket Factory. FOR SALE. IRCH FLOORING, KILN DRIED, HOLLOW backed, butted and bundled—suitable for factor- ies, workshops, etc. The Knicut Bros. Co., Burks Falls, Ont. FOR SALE ORONTO LUMBER BUSINESS AND PLAN- ing Mill, Dry Kiln, etc. Splendid complete outfit, large business now done. Substantial part of purchase money may remain in- vested if desired by purchaser. Apply, Denton, Dunn & BoutTsEE, Solicitors, Temple Building, Toronto. WANTED. O BUY A GOOD SECOND HAND SAW MILL of capacity about 20,000 feet per day. Apply to GopericH Lumber Co., Goderich, Ont. WANTED. O CONTRACT FOR LARGE SUPPLIES OF S_ft Elm Boards from 1 to 3 inches in thickness, ist and 2nd quality; also Chair Stock—by foreign buyer now in Canada. Reply by letter to “ Alpha,” c/o CANADA LUMBERMAN. WANTED. PRUCE BOARDS, 1ST QUALITY, WANTED, 50 Standards ; sizes 1 in. (full) thick by 3 in. wide; 1X in. by 3% in., and 1% in. by 3% in., or double above widths. Prices delivered Liverpool or Man- chester to Ryrey’s BittiarD Works, Accrington, England. WANTED. “ORDWOOD, BEECH, MAPLE, OAK OR Ash, dry , and Hardwcod Slabs; Lath, Shingles and Lumber. Address, NorTHstp—E Lumper & CoaL Co., 860 Greenwood Avenue, Detroit, Mich. WANTED. HE UNDERSIGNED INVITES CORRES- pondence from Canadian manufacturers who can supply in large quantity Canadian Pine Doors and Windows. Goods must be of first-class quality as to material and manufacture. Address, Harry Boyce, Atheneum Chambers, 71 Temple Row, Bir- mingham, England. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine tco h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season 3 size of Mill, 30x roo ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acresof timber near by. For particulars, address ALLEN CRESSMAN, Berlin, Ont. PINE AND HARDWOOD WANTED N ENGLISH FIRM WHO ARE LARGE buyers of Pine, Oak and Soft Elm, 1-inch boards, 6% or 7 foot lengths, invite quotations from Canadian manufacturers, free on board winter port, for the following : 12 in. wide at one end, tapering to 10 in. at other end. 13 " i " II W " 14 " " 12 W " 15 " " " 13 " Must be dry, first class, clean grade wood, free from splits, shakes, etc. Address, Box 100, CANADA Lum- BERMAN. : Saw Mill for Sale Well situated in the rapidly growing CITY OF VANCOUVER, B.C.; consisting of valuable freehold property, with modern well equipped Mill, having a capacity of about 75,000 feet per day of ten hours. Also about’10,000 Acres of good Timber Limits INCLUDING DOUGLAS FIR, SPRUCE and RED CEDAR Easy of access and can be cheaply logged. _ For price and terms apply to. The BRITISH COLUMBIA LAND a & INVESTMENT AGENCY, Limited, VANCOUVER or VICTORIA, B.C. "ikea SALE.—Saw and Planing Mill, 40 h.p , doing a good local and shipping trade. The above will be sold at a reasonable figure. KnECHTEL & YOUNG, Turtle Lake, Parry Sound District. WANTED. 60 MILLION FEET SPRUCE LATHS, 2 TO 5 feet long. Full particulars on application to “G.A.M.A.,” clo CaNaDA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE. AND RE-SAW, DOUBLE SURFACER AND Matcher, Four Side Moulder, Sash Sticker, 50 h.p. Boiler and Engine, all in good repair. Toronto Macuinery Suppty Co., Tor nto. SUCCESSFUL SALE OF TIMBER LIMITS. The announcement that a sale of timber limits would be held in the Board of Trade building on Tuesday of this week was respons- ible for one of the largest and most representa- tive gatherings of lumbermen that has as- sembled in Toronto for some time. Those present included a number of well known The limits offered for sale were known as the Comstock limits, and Michigan lumbermen. were originally purchased from the Ontario government some years ago by Comstock & Company, of Michigan. ago they were purchased by Peter Ryan and E. R. C. Clarkson, of Toronto, by whom the sale was conducted. The limits comprise berths No. 94, 98, 99 and 102, and known as the townships of Trill, Ermatinger, Foster and Nairn, on the Spanish river and tributaries, comprising a total of 144 square miles. . The townships of Trill and Ermatinger were offered in single berths of 36 each, and the two other townships in 9 square mile parcels. The township of Ermatinger was withdrawn by the auctioneer, Mr. Peter Ryan, at a bid of $125,000. For the balance, 108 square miles, there were realized a total of $679,500, or an average of nearly $6,300 per square mile. The highest price paid was $132,500 for a 9-mile berth in the township of Foster. Mr. W. L. Churchill, of Alpena, Mich,, was a purchaser to the extent of $282,- 500. The result of the sale is regarded as most satisfactory, and indicative of a growing ap- preciation of the value of timber limits. About two months square miles Following are the figures in detail : Parcel No. 1—Township of Ermatinger, 36 square miles, withdrawn at $125,000. Parcel No, 2—Township of Trail, 36 sq. miles, sold to C. Beck Manufacturing Co., Penetanguishene, Ont., for $160,000. Parcel No. 3—South-west quarter of Foster township, 9 square miles, sold to W. L. Churchill, of Alpena, Mich., for $82,500. Parcel No. 4—South-east quarter of Foster township, 9 square miles, sold to J. W. Munro, of Pembroke, for $21,000. Parcel No. 5— North-west quarter of Foster township, 9 square miles, sold to W. L. Churchill, for $132,500. Parcel No. 6—North-east quarter of Foster township, 9 square miles, sold to W. L. Churchill, for $67,500. Parcel No. 7—South-west quarter of Nairn township, 9 square miles, sold to Victoria Harbor Lumber Co., Toronto, for $80,000. Parcel No. 8—South-east. quarter of Nairn township, 9 square miles, sold to Victoria Harbor Lumber Co., Toronto, for $51,000. Parcel No. 9—North-west quarter of Nairn township, 9 square miles, sold to Ferguson & McFadden, of Ottawa, for $33,000. Parcel No, 10o—North-east quarter of Nairn township, 9 square miles, sold to J. W. Munro, of Pembroke, for $52,000. There were also offered for sale berths Nos. 5 and 6 in the township 92f Butt, being 114 and II square miles, the property of Barnet & Mackie. No satisfactory bid being received, these limits were withdrawn. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The week has been an eventful one in Ontario lumber circles. Timber limits to the value of over one million dollars have changed hands, and at figures which augur well for the future of the Jumber in- dustry of this province. These high prices also reflect the condition of the lumber market, which 1s_ decidedly stronger than it has been for years. From conversation with various lumbermen at- tending the sale in Toronto, it was learned that stocks at the mill are well nigh ex- hausted, and that it is now common to re- fuse orders on account of inability to sup- ply the stock. At the present time the inquiries are not so numerous as during the summer and early fall, but still there is a steady movement of pine lumber and a light trade in hardwoods. In the latter business is restricted on account of almost the entire production of this season having passed into the hands of the consumer. Reports from the Georgian Bay and Ottawa valley districts tell of arrange- ments being perfected by the various Operators for a heavy production of logs this winter. Or the Georgian Bay many of the Michigan as well as Canadian lumbermen will operate extensively, and if not allowed to export the logs, will manufacture them in the province. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Notwithstanding the high freight rates, we note the charter of two vessels to sail from Quebec this fall with timber for the United Kingdom. The cargo of these vessels is probably wanted to fill contracts entered into earlier in the season. Ship- pers have experienced difficulty this season in fulfilling their contracts, owing to the scarcity of tonnage and high freight rates. The exports from St. John to the Unit-. ed States for the three months ended September 30th show the value to be $320,256.69, as against $281,696.68 for same period last year. There was, how- ever, a falling off of $14,000 in the value of exports of provincial lumber, stock cut from Maine logs being responsible for the increase. To Great Britain and South America the shipments have been con- siderably heavier than last year. Prices at the present time are very firm and stocks low. I, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OCTOBER 25, 1899 ee —————————————————————————eeeee_ UNITED STATES. There has been no tendency towards lower prices of lumber within the past week. Atthe large pine producing centres the season’s cut of the mills has been practically disposed of, and the stock to be carried over the winter will be mainly that which is held at the mills because of high freights. The east is still buying lumber liberally, and the wholesale dealers at Albany, Buffalo, Tonawanda and other points anticipate a shortage in the supply of some grades before the opening of lake pavigation next spring. In view of the increased cost of bringing lumber to these wholesale centres, a conference of lumber- men was held in Detroit a day or two ago, at which it was expected that the prices on all grades would be advanced by from $1 to $3 per thousand. At Tona- wanda the stock of cutting up lumber 1s much lower than it was a few weeks ago, but there is a large stock of inch and inch and one-half fine common. Buffalo dealers report a very Satisfactory trade. There has been a_ wonderful improvement in spruce within the past fortnight. In New York, for instance, it is almost out ofthe market, which 1s something phenomenal. Hardwoods generally are firm. There is an opinion that the supply of basswood lumber will very soon be exhausted, and consumers will then have to look around for substi- tutes, as the cut of 1900 will not be ready for market before May or June. At Boston white ash is selling at $45 to $47 for I- inch, $51 to $53 for 13-inch and 2-1nch, and $55 for fine thick common. Owing to a scarcity of I-inch common ash, a greater quantity of elm is being used. There has been no weakening in the shingle and lath market. Best 18-inch pine shingles sell at Buffalo at $4, and lath at $3.25. At Saginaw lath is firm at $3.25 to $4.50. FOREIGN. From what can be learned spruce seems to be acquiring a firm footing in many of the markets in Great Britain. There is a growing demand, and as stocks have become somewhat reduced, dealers are holding firmly to prices. Ata recent sale in London 700 pieces 3x9 inch, 12 to 13 feet in length, reached the price of £11 Jos, the third quality selling at £8 15s. These prices are much better than could be obtained earlier in the season. There has also been some improvement in pine, and notwithstanding the large summer importation, the stocks on hand are not large. All classes of red deals are in strong request. As yet no con- tracts have been placed with Canadian shippers for next season’s goods, although it is learned that a buyer in Holland has closed a contract with a Sodderhamn firm for 4,000 standards of whitewood for f. 0. w.shipment on the basis of £7 tos per 9 inch deals and £6 12s 6d for battens. A sale of Sundswall whitewood has also been made to France, on the basis of 190 francs, or about £7 55, for 3 x 9 unassorted. There are indications that prices for early spring cargoes will be quite as high as those ruling this year. STOCKS AND PRICES. Lath is selling at Duluth, Minn., at $3.50. Sanderson’s saw mill at Prince Albert, N. W. T., has closed down for the season, having cut over 2,000,000 feet of lumber. G. L. Black & Son, of Sackville, N.B.; have purchased 7,000 acres of timber Jand near that place for the sum of $11,010. The Delta Lumber Co., of Detroit, have decided to operate quite extensively this winter on the Georgian Bay, taking out cedar ties, posts, etc. M. M. Boyd & Co., of Bobcaygeon, Ont., have, for several past weeks, been shipping out three-quarters of a million feet of lumber per week. The Saginaw Lumber & Salt Co., of Sagainaw, Mich., have started four camps in the Georgian Bay district, on limits exempt from the Ontario legislation. Capt. R. L. Graham, of Wiarton, has pnrchased a ‘saw and shingle mill on Manitoulin island. He intends putting in a large stock of logs during the coming winter. Following are the prevailing prices for lumber at Ashland, Wis: Short 2x 12, $i1.50; 18 foot of same length, $12.50; 2x4 to 2x10, 1 inch, Io to 16 ft., $10.50; mill culls, $10.50 ; No. 4 boards, $11.60 ; No. 1 12 inch white pine boards, $19. Mr. D. C. Cameron, manager of the Rat Portage Lumber Co., states that the cut of logs in the woods south of the Lake of the Woods this winter will be about 100,000,000 feet. This will be the largest cut yet made, and about 40,000,000 feet greater than last year. The McMaster property at Kingston, N. S., including a saw and grist mill, sash and door factory, and extensive timber lands, has been acquired by Clarke Bros., of Bear River. It is their intention to erect aportable mill on the property to cut about 1,500,000 feet annually. The largest sale of lumber ever made on Chequamegon Bay was closed last week. The Keystone Lumber Co., of Ashland, Wis., sold the entire cut of the mill for the season of 1900 to the Edward Hines Lumber Co., of Chicago. The sale will approximate 50,000,000 feet, and in value will represent over $600,000. Logging on the Tobique river, in New Brunswick, is being pushed vigorously. James McNair has four camps, J. Hale five camps on the Little Tobique, and R. A. Estey, a large crew on the Gunquac. Geo. Upham is preparing for extensive operations on the Wapskyhagan, and J. E. McCollum has two camps on the Manakezel stream. J. H. McNally has purchased the in- terest of his partner in the business of Flett & NcNally, lumber manufacturers, Desbarats, Ont. It is Mr. McNally’s in- tention to cut next season 100,000 feet of oak and birch, and between 300,000 and 400,000 feet of pine. He purposes cutting the hardwood during the winter, besides doing his custom sawing. Following 1s a comparative statement of timber, &c., measured and culled at Quebec to October 24th, 1899: 1897. 1898. 1899. Waney white pine, cu. ft. 4,310,682 1,903,148 1,780,485 White pine, cu. feet..... 832,557 1,062,157 592,¢88 Red pine, cu. feet...... 210,704 239,512 159,937 Oak, cu. feet; ...... 2. 1,448,960 1,¢72,588 600,882 Elm, cu. feet.. 662,577 474,194 456,841 Ash, cu. feet... an 132,435 35,164 56,546 Basswood, cu. feet...... 5 Butternut, cu. feet...... 673 955 60 Tamarac, cu. feet....... 396 415 Birch and Maple, cu. feet 271,176 112,500 244,530 ES SHIPPING MATTERS. The steamer Benedict has been chartered to load lumber at St. John, N. B., for w. c. Eng- land at 55s. The steamer Lecurne bas been fixed at same rate. The schooner Ravola is chartered to load lumber at Halifax for New York at $3.25. The schooner Bessie Parker has been _charter- ed to load lumber at King’s Ferry for Bermuda at $7.50. Following are current rates on lumber from British Columbia ports: To Syndney, 45s to 46s 3d ; Melbourne or Adelaide, 52s 6d to 53s od ; Port Pirie, 50s to 51s 3d ; Fremantle, 63s 9d to 65s ; Shanghai, 53s 9d to 55s ; Kiao-Chau, 55s to 56s 3d ; Tientsin, nominal; Valparaiso, f.0., 518 3d to 52s 6d ; South Africa, 65s to 67s 6d; U. K. or Continent, 75s to 77s 6d. a FIRES. Smith’s sawmill at Gardner’s Creek, St. John county, N.B., was destroyed by fire last week, at a loss of $1,000. The large planing mill and sash factory of Geo. W. Murray, at Winnipeg, Man., was totally destroyed by fire on Oct. 19th. The loss is about $15,000 and insurance $6,000. The steam saw mill of Joseph Bedard, situ- ated about one mile from the town of Rich- mond, Que., was burned last week, together with about 60,000 feet of lumber. It is said that there was no insurance. a Lumber manufacturers in Canada desirous of having a representative in Great Britain may obtain the address of a party willing to act in that capacity by communicating with this office. First class references are offered by our corre- spondent. ADVERTISING THAT PAYS. Mr. James Murphy, Hepworth, Ont-, writes THE LuMBERMAN as follows: ‘‘ Please re- move small ‘ad,’ for sale of beech lumber. I am flooded with inquiries for it, and it is sold —thanks to your ‘ad.’” SPRUCE LATHS WANTED. In the ‘‘ Wanted and For Sale ” department of this issue appears the announcement of a party desirous of purchasing 60,000,000 feet of spruce laths, from 2 to 5 feet long. This enquiry is worthy the attention of manufacturers of this stock. ——————[$—S$S—S— TIMBER LIMIT PURCHASE. At the Ontario government sale of 1892, Mr. G. W. Pack, of Alpena, Mich., purchased a 36-mile timber berth in the township of Morgan for the sum of $373,650, the highest price ever paid for a berth of that size. With- in the past few days Mr. Peter Ryan, of To- ronto, has sold this limit to the Michigan Land & Lumber Co. for a sum said to be con- siderably larger than that originally paid by Mr. Pack. The exact amount has not been made public. — SUSPENSION OF COASTING LAWS. In view of the prevailing sentiment regard- ing the action of the Dominion government in suspending the coasting laws for the balance of this season, we publish below a letter on the, subject from a well known firm of vessel own- ers and lumber manufacturers : THOROLD, OnT., Oct. 23rd, 1899. To the Editor of the CanaDA LUMBERMAN : DEAR SiR,—In reply to your request for our opinion on the suspension of the coasting laws by our government and permitting American vessels to engage in the Canadian trade, we would say that if a sudden disaster overtook and demolished half of our Canadian fleet the surprise would be no greater, and probably the results from the disaster would be less damag- ing to Canadian vessel owners. In that case the lost vessels would be replaced, but if American vessels, retaining the whole of thelr trade, are allowed equal terms with us in our Canadian trade, there will be few people in this country so foolish as to invest money in Canadian vessels. The government should at least have given us reasonable warning. We should have been allowed, say, one year of the Globe’s ‘‘growing time,” so that Canadian vessel owners might get back some of the money which they lost while American vessels were carrying 90 per cent. of our Manitoba grain to Buffalo. When a delegation representing the Lum- bermen’s Association asked the Dominion government to place a duty on United States lumber coming into Canada, they advised us that before reaching a decision in the matter they wished tohear the other side of the question. Why, we ask, did they not do the same thing in this case and give the Canadian vessel owners an opportunity of presenting their views? Had the government authorities done this, we cannot think that the action re- H_D. WICCIN Boston etAss: 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for BOG ers Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. W AN TED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F. stenge No. 928 Ellicott Square, BUFFALO, N.Y. garding the suspension of the coasting laws would have been taken. Unfortunately, Canadian vessel owners are few in number, and under the new law they will be fewer. They are not a very important body when compared with the railway magnates, even though the latter charg far more for carrying grain than we do. During this season, up to the 1cth of October, Canadian vessels were frequently obliged to leave Fort William and go to Duluth and elsewhere for cargoes, and at the present time we are told there are less than two million bushels of grain at Fort William, while there is elevator capacity for somewhere between six and eight million bushels. Not- withstanding the statement (certainly not in accordance with facts) that there are four Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WOOD AGENTS 7 CrosBy SquaRE, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : Branch at LIVERPOOL. **Sieveking,” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. WANTED FOR EXPORT All kinds of Logs and Lumber Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, MOTT & DICKSON - LONDON, ENG. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies- of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBE R, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘CasKET,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. PLANING MILL ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. i ISWAN-DONOGH LUMBER C0. *TOULETIUMBER WEALERS. e * MNrth Tena white Cable Address, ‘‘ Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA Lumberman’s Code. PNTLL S\N em Who have desirable lots of 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Soft Elm and 1 to 3” firsts and seconds Brown Ash ready for immediate shipment, will please send full description of stock, stating dryness, lengths and widths, with best cash price f.o.b. cars and freight rate to Boston, to LAWRENCE & WIGGIN Wholesale Lumber Dealers = - 55 Kilby Street, BOSTON, MASS. OCTOBER 25, 1899 Car 4LbA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. I{T, million bushels of grain at Fort William, we are certain that there are plenty of Canadian vessels to carry the grain, and the rates are from one half te one cent less to the Georgian Bay than to Buffalo. -It is well known that a lot of Canadian grain vessels are at present engaged in carrying lumber at better rates than can get for Fort William grain. Why should we be expected to carry grain cheaper than other cargoes ? The lumber rates from Georgian Bay to Buffalo during the past month have been $3 to $3.50 per thousand feet, while grain rates from Fort William to Georgian Bay ports were from four to four and one-half cents per bushel. There- fore, the lumber rates are the better, and the trouble is not a scarcity of Canadian vessels, but a lower rate on grain than on other cargoes, and we think the government should not allow themselves to be imposed upon by interested railways and grain dealers and in- duced to give away to the Americans the grain trade of Manitoba and the North-west that rightly belongs to Canadians, and especially in this, the first year in many that the Cana- dians could clear enough to pay insurance. Canadian vessel owners have always been favorable to reciprocity in the coasting trade, but the Americans have not been, and even shut us out from carrying grain from an Ameri- can to a Canadian point unless it was for ex- port. Twenty years ago we had a good Cana- dian fleet of vessels, but owing to a refusal of the Americans to allow us reciprocity in coast- ing, the number of our vessels has been stead- ily decreasing, and row, when our Manitoba grain trade is openin~ up and there is an in- ducement to enlarge our fleet again, the Americans who refuse 1s the coasting privilege are allowed to come in and take the work that Canadian vessel owner: have all aleng con- sidered exclusively Canadian. This looks like a transportation quest un with a vengeance, and we trust your influential journal will not allow it to pass unnoticed, We have heard a great dcal as to the neces- sity of unity in building up the country, but it looks as if the vessel men and the lumbermen are not included. Apparently the lumbermen must struggle along under the handicap of a two dollar duty on lumber, and the vessel men take a second or third place in the trans- portation question. Sincerely yours, J. & T. Conton. ————— ee TIMBER FOR MONTREAL HARBOR IMPROVEMENTS. In last issue it was stated that the contract for the supply of timber for harbor improve- ments at Montreal had been awarded to the Shearer & Brown Company, at $92,726.32. It has since been learned that the following firms tendered : Shearer & Brown Company, Mont- real; J. & B. Grier, Montreal; Owens Lum- ber Company, Montreal ; W. H. Kelly Lum- ber Company, Buckingham, Que.; Forester, Brunelle & Benoit, St. Johns, Que. The speci- fications call for the following quantities : Round hemlock timber, 455,000 feet ; hemlock faced timber, 12 x 12 inches, 16 to 20 feet in length, 130,000 lineal feet ; round pine timber, 71,636 lineal feet; flat pine timber, 14 feet long, not less than 8 inches in thickness, 14,000 lineal feet ; pine face timber, 10x 12 inches, 16 to 20 feet in length, 50,000 cubic feet ; red pine or tamarac piles, 44 to 50 feet long, 200 pieces, 9,200 lineal feet ; red pine coping, sawn, 10x 12 inches, and not less than 18 feet in length, 20,000 feet B.M.; hemlock planks, 12 feet long by 3 and 4 inches thick and 10 inches wide, 600,000 feet B.M ; spruce planks, 13 feet long by 2x 10 inches, 40,000 feet B.M. ee TOCA SE BLACK ASH, SOFT ELM and BIRCH LUMBER Either for immediate or future delivery, lake points preferred. Write tull particulars. If quantity warrants will send Inspector. H. HERRMANN LUMBER CO., 368 Broome St., New York City : CANADIAN EXPORTERS »” WHOLESALERS R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head Office-"TCQIRON TO 700 King St. West. #t——_ WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTING YARDs aT SARNIA anv BUFFALO————»: THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. Oe Write us for Quotations on all Bills@y/e@ PEMBROKE, ONT. A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT * MANUFACTURERS HARDWCOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. cbAu RIN & MaLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RaIL OR WATER. - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Hast TEMPLETON, QUE. OBERT THOMSON & CO. Dimension Timber Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Car Flooring of all sizes, Red and White Pine and Spruce Deals Cedar, Tamarack and Hemlock Railway Ties; ShinglesandLath. Contractors for Railway Mills at Chelmsford. "2 ern 40m AS ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .32 35 f © se "30 to 35 feet. . 27 3¢ ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . - - .21 24 To -ayerage 16) mch)s Sele 3 os ok slo) ie tn ae 26 4 BIRCH. reinch average » 20 20 NO. 3.0 see eeeeeeesee esse 17 2 No. 1 molding, 1 to21n..... 30 20 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 24 8 Stained sapS...--+--++e+ee+ 30 Bracket plank ......++ +--+ 30 35 E 30 Shelving boards, 12-in. up -- 32 35 Dressing pawatew es an asasae@O. 2m Dressing boards, narrow.... 25 25 Common’ ss... 2 menses 16 17 1x1g inch shippers .....+-- < 18 LATH, PUM ee lteisia'ssisieee envie aisles -0)% $2 so | Spruce ........+06 siseteulere ate $2 50 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. Xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 5 Clear butts ......-..+ 300° 3.25 Hemlock. Dimension Timber “2 Car Flooring Red and White Pine and Spruce Deals d Hemlock Ra!lway Ties ; Shingles and Lath. Sanmilon of all kinds 3 Timber Lands and Limits and Logs for Sale Head Office : 141 Stuart Street, HAMILTON, CANADA KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*EE™ING Ceiing e Mills at Chelmsford. rin., 4 and 5 in. wide ....... 12 50| 1 in., 13 1m. and up wide.....$15 50 I in., Gins widess<.: samen - 14 50| 1%, a and 2 in., 7 in. and zin., 7 in. wide and up....-- 15 ¢2 UP Wide.....2.c-se2<0-. 15 50 : SHAKY CLEAR. . rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 27 50} 1 in., 10 in. and up wide..... 30 00 rin., 6 1n. wide........+-+++ 29 o- | 1%, 1% and 2 in., 8in. and up Wider car. ane aa dee ean OO COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, 1 in., r3in. and up.... 26 00 | No. 1, mill culls Seeced L350 Nov 2eqcas ssecntinenewhe wees 22 00 | No. 2, or red horse.......... 10 00 TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Norway, 2x4 to 10, 12 to r6ft.$13 00 He.nlock, 2x4-to 10, 12 to 5G MEA cow... .Wieeion,aa enone - 15 co r6feet..... Vitter eelewen ICO Beviats, cictcre) Sals'sceis Ane aden SS) BR 2RA set Gwin ari Pose sess £250 az.and 24 ft......2--s- ... 16 50 | Add *z to each additional 2ft. in length, SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 25 | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts. cece ne esas -2795 be aE rR - 350 Clear Batts. . iewences- 5 3-00 WHITE PINE LATH. oa Neafics serene ee = See 3°75 | NOca* sace came Sean eee gree 2, AB Hemlocx ..... ae ieee éometate > pe Sh. 7S, PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. F.o.b. cars at l oe Sutherland Innes Mills. No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000.....+-.+++++++- «$5 75 No. 1 30 " " " " " ee No.132 " " " Ue enlsinte emma Trt) o. No.124 wu u " " " gis omakopeae Oe No. 228% " " " " .4> 132,435 35,164 58,212 Basswood, cu. feet...... x. 25 Butternut, cu. feet...... 673 955 60 Tamarac, cu. feet....... 396 45 Birch and Maple, cu. feet 271,176 112,500 254,604 A letter in the Bangor News says: “ Never in the past several years was lumber so scarce or in so great demand as at. the present time. Nearly every wharf along the river here 1s stripped, and James Murchie & Sons, H. F. Eaton & Sons and H. F. Todd & Sons have already made the sale of more lumber than can be sawed before the water freezes. More logs will be cut this winter than has been cut in any one winter for ten years past. Everyone who has timber lands will be able to sell stumpage at a good figure.” Following are the shipments of lum- ber, etc., from St. John, N.B., for the week ending November 4th: Per sch. Fanny, for Boston, by Sumner & Co., 1,200,000 cedar shingles ; per sch. Alice Maud, for New York, by Miller & Wood- man, 700,000 laths ; per bark Artisan, for Buenos Ayres, by A. Cushing & Co., 75,442 spruce boards, 179,492 planks, 755.407 scantling ; per sch. Domain, for Salem f.o., by Stetson, Cutler & °Co., 114,410. plank, 5,895 scantling ; per sch. Ada G. Shortland, for Fall River, by Miller & Woodman, 25,500,000 cedar shingles; per sch. Ina, for Milton, by A. Cushing & Co., 20,000 boards, 63,932 plank, 45,501 deals, 18,891 scantling ; per sch. Nellie Watters, for Boston, by A. Cushing & Co., 98,041 plank, 20.436 deals; per sch. Stella Maud, for New York, by Randolph & Baker, 725,000 laths; per sch. C. R. Flint, for City Island f.o., by Stetson, Cutler & Co.. 321,670 deals; per sch. Ayr, for City Island f.o., by Stetson, Cutler & Co., 835,600 laths ; per s.s. Benedick, for Liverpool, by A. Gibson Railway & Manufacturing Co., 1,566,401 feet deals and battens, 25,989 feet scantling, 12.476 feet ends, 109,537 feet boards, 17,069 feet birch planks, 972 feet birch scantling, 1,590 feet birch ends, 682 feet birch boards ; per sch. Maggie Miller, for Beverly, by A. Cushing & Co., 23,250 feet boards, 18.934 feet plank, 345,500 laths ; per sch. Wm. L. Elkin, for New York, by Hilyard Bros., 89.708 feet deals, 15,667 feet plank ; per sch. Abbie G. Cole, for City Island f.o., by Stetson, Cutler & Co., 1,670,700 laths ; per sch. D. Gifford, for New York, by L. M. Jewett, 250,872 feet deals ; per sch. Allen A. McIntyre, for. Barbados, by Jarvis Wilson, 10,547 feet pine plank, 92,516 feet boards, 23.051 feet plank ; Merritt Bros. & Co., 105,400 feet pine boards, 345,000 cedar shingles, 90,000 spruce shingles ; per sch. Susie Prescott, for New York, by Stetson, Cutler & Co., 688,200 laths. PROPOSED SALE OF TIMBER LIMITS. The Ontario Crown Lands Department has decided to offer for salecertain timber areas in the Algoma, Nipissing and Rainy River dis- trlcts, their disposal being rendered necessary by forest fires which occurred during the past summer and the influx of settlers in some of the townships. Part of the timber is so damaged as to require that it should be cut this winter. THE BARBADOS MARKET. Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Co., in their circular of October 28th, review the Barbados lumber market as follows : There have been four arrivals of lumber, as follows: Edward D, from Liverpool, N.S., 148 M feet merchantable, 33 M feet 2nd quality white pine boards ;' sold at $23 merchantable, $17 2nd quality—bond, delivered at Demerara. Moss Rose, from Port Hebert, N.S., 93 M feet shipping, 81 M feet 2nd quality white pine buards ; sold at $22 shipping, $17 2nd quality. Priscilla, from Liverpool, N.S., 80 M feet shipping, 60 M feet refuse white pine boards, sold delivered at Demerara, Moss Glen, from Liverpool, N.S., with 57 _M feet shipping, 45 M feet 2nd quality, 48 M feet refuse white pine boards, on offer. The dealers are all fairly supplied, and demand is abnormally light. There has been no arrival of spruce since Dixon Rice’s cargo, noted in our last. Nothing has been done with the cargo per Maiden City ad- vised as offered. In shingles there have been no further receipts of Gaspe cedar. A lot of 880 M cedar laying, per Taymouth Castle, soid at $2.45 Shooks—We have had the St. Thomas, from Portland, with 12,300 New R. O., contraeted-for,and: 1,900 bundles from New York, which: were soldat $1.20 to arrive. LONDON PRICES FOR WOOD GOODS. At an auction sale held by Churchill & Sim, London, Eng., on October 26th, Cana- dian pine and spruce sold at the following prices : Ping.—Ex Memnon, from Montreal—13 ft., 3x 12-21, first quality, 417 3 13 ft., 3x II, L16 and £16 158; 12-13 ft., 3x9, £14 1583 12-16 ft., 3x 10, second quality, £10 Ics ; 12- 16 ft., 3x9, 4123 9-11 ft., 3x 4-10, £10. Ex Kinsale, from Quebec—12-15. ft., 3x9, first quality, £17 5S; 9-11 ft., 3x 5-11, L143 9-12 ft., 2x 5-14, £13 10s; 12-14 ft., 3x 9-11, second quality, 414 58; 9-14 ft, 3x 5-11, Ail 583 9-11 ft., 3x 5-9, £9 10s; 10-12 ft., 2x 5- I1, 410 §s; 6-11 ft., 3 x 7-8, third qualily, 47 10s ; 7-11 ft., 37, fourth quality, £6 15s. Ex Cromwell, from Quebec—9-15 ft., 3 x 7-11 in., second quality, £8 15s; 10-13 ft., 3x 6-11 in., third and fourth quality, £7 5s. Ex Amyl, from Quebec—9-12 ft., 3 x 7-17 in., first qual- ity, 422 158; 6-8 ft., 3x 7-13, 415 583 9-12 ft., 3x 11-20, fourth quality, £8; 12-14 ft, 3.x 7-10, A7 583 9-11 ft,, 3x 7-115 47. Ex Vola, from Quebec—15-16 ft, 3x 12-19 in.,- first quality, £23 10s; 12-14 ft, 3.x 12-22, £22 1§8; 10-11 ft., 3x 12-21, £22 10s; 12-16 ft., 3x 11, 424 583 9-11 ft., 3x 11, 421 10s; 15-16 (t., 3x10, £19 10s; 12-14 ft., 3.x 10, £19 10s; 15-16 ft., 3x9, £18 15s; 12-16 ft., 3x 8, £16 10s; 12-16 ft., 3x 7, 416 5s; 12-16 ft., 3x6, £14 15s; 12-16 fu., 3x5, 41435 12- 16 ft., 3x 4, 414 10s; 9-11 ft., 3x9, £16 10s; g-11 ft, 3x 6-8, £14 15s; 9-11 ft., 3x4+5, £14; 6-8 ft., 3x 11-9, £15 10s ; 6-8 ft., 3 x7- to, £15; 6-8 ft., 3x 3-6, 413 15s; 16 ft., 3x 11, third quality, £9 10s; 12-15 ft., 3x11, 49 15s; 10-11 ft., 3x 11, 49 158; 9-15 ft, 3x 12-19, 84 10s; 12-16 ft., 3 x 10, £8 1583 15-16 ft., 3x9, 48 10s; 12-16 ft., 3x8, £7 15s ; 12-16 ft., 3x 7, 47 1583 12-16 ft., 3 x 5- 6, £7 10s; 9-11 ft., 3x 9-10, £8 58; 9 ft, 3 x9, £8; 911 ft., 3x8, £7 1583 911 ft., 3x 4-7, 47 583 6-8 ft., 3x 11-20, £8 1585 6-8 ft., 3x8, £7 10s; 6-8 ft., 3x3-7, 47- SpruceE.—Ex Canadia, from Quebec— 12-14 ft., 3x7 in., first quality, £10 55; 9-11 ft., 3x9, H9 1583 13-15 ft., 3x9, 10 5s; 11 ft., 3x9, second quality, £8 5s and £8 10s; 12 ft., 3x7, third quality, 47 15s and £8; 13 ft., 3x7, 48; 9-11 ft., 3x7, £7 10s; 16 ft., 2%x9-11, unassorted, £7 158; 12-14 ft., 244x411, £7 10s. Ex Kin- sale, trom Quebec—12-14 ft., 3x 10,11 in., first quality, 412 10s; 10-11 ft., 3x 7-8, £49; 12-14 ft., 3x10, second quality, £9 10s ; 9-14 ft., 2x 7-10, £8 5s; 9-14 ft., 2x 6, £7 10; 12-14 ft., 2x 4-5, 47 583; 8-11 ft., 2x 4-8, 473 9-14 ft., 3x 9-14, third quality, £8 10s. Ex Morven, from Montreal—12- 13 ft., 2x 8-11 in., first quality, £10" 15 ; 12-13 ft., 2x 5-7, 49 583 6-11 ft., 2x 8-11, £9 1583 6-11 ft., 2x 5-7, 8 105; 12 ft., 3 x9, 410 108; 13 ft., 3x9, F10 158; 10-11 ft., 3x 9-16, £10; 6-8 ft., 2x 4-12, £8 los. Ex Holywell, from Quebec—9g-11 ft., 3x9 in., first quality, 10; 9-13 ft., 3x 8-31, second quality, £8 10s ; 10-13 ft., 3 x 6-11, third quality, £8. Ex Mount. Royal, from Quebec—12-13 ft., 3x 9 in., second quality, £8 10s. Ex Montauk, from Montreal— 10-14 ft., 3x 6-8 in., first quality, £9 ; 11-14 ft., 3 x 5-6, sccond quality, £7 15s; 9-14 ft., 3x 6-9, third quality, £8; 11-15 ft., 3x 5-9, fourth quality, 475s. Ex. Ashanti, from Quebec—11-14 ft., 3x 9-15 in., third quality, $9 tos; 11-13 ft., 3x 7-13, fourth quality, 47 15S. Birch planks from Halifax, N.S., 4-15 ft., 4x8 in., sold at 1s 1d per cubic foot. NOVEMBER 8, 1399 The attention-of persons having for sale telegraph poles, cedar, tamarac and ‘hemlock ties, is called to the advertisement on front page of this issue, soliciting this kind of stock for the foreign trade.” BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGGIN o statesr. will inspect at'mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WANTED @ , Mill Culls : (All Thicknesses) a ror CASH = John F. Stengel “serrate, wy.” Sieveking, Podmore & Co. WCOD AGENTS 7 CrosBy Square, LONDON, ENG. Cable Address : _ Branch at LIVERPOOL. ‘« Sieveking,” London HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS RAD ShIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND | Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. ; Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. WANTED FOR EXPORT All kinds of Logs and Lumber Payment by Montreal Bankers. DENNY, MOTT & DICKSON - LONDON, ENG. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER : ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, esr gn or any Woods suitable for English et. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies _ of large quantities ofp HARDWOOD LUMB:R, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, p!anksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensicns. SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with | us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- - niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUICHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, “Casket,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. zal SWAN-DONOGH LUMBER CO. Tome UMBER WJEALERS. 7 Noarth lonawnta Cable Address, ‘‘ SwAN DonoGH—TONAWANDA = Lumberman’s Code. ek a * NOVEMBER 8, 1899 a _____ BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA. (Correspondence of the CANADA LuMBERMAN ] I am in some doubt whether I can at this writing impart any information that will add to the sum total of knowledge that the Cana- dian lumberman has of his business, We are of the opinion on this side of the line that he already knows too much. We are sorry about it. Why could he not have remained child- like and mentally undeveloped till we could have gone over there and made off with the best of his season’s cut of lumber? It would have added to our regard for him as a neigh- bor, and would have made our pockets bulge still more than they do. When the price of lumber, and especially of pine, began to race up the scale, it was found that the western saw mill man on our side was entirely without reason. He wanted about as much for his stock as we in the middle of the trade, geographically, could get from the sea- board consumer. - We were’ ata loss what to - do, for to set up prices at the rate they were advancing in the west was to shut off the con- servative easterner and reduce the bulk of trade. The result would be also that the east would get into the bad habit of going around us and buying of the producer direct— a fatal iashion. So it was- agreed, each man with himself, that the thing to do was to go over into Canada, take it for granted that the country was mostly asleep, and pick up all the available lumber and shingles before it wakened up. The thing was tried so thoroughly that for a considerable Cart 4DA LUMBERMAN time every man that came back from the Geor- gian Bay district reported all the woods full of our lumbermen, looking for stock. Well, they got some, just as they are still getting some here and there at home, but it was not long before the report was that Canadian prices were as high as our own, and it was not of the least use to go there after lumber unless there was danger of the home cut giving out en- tirely. Since that time there has been considerable buying of pine in Canada, but unless a lot can be discovered in the back district where the owner doesn’t take the papers, or where the particular cut is more exactly adapted to the buyer’s wants than any other that he can find, he is about as well off at home. The Canadian lumberman is generally awake these days. For a time there was considerable buying of shingles in Canada, for they have been scarce here right along, but it is now reported of the Canadian shingle maker, as well as of our own, that it has been found more profitable to make other lumber than shingles, and that a great part of the shingle mills are shut down. This will keep the price of shingles up, especi- ally since it has been found impossible to get a full supply of red cedar shingles for winter. The orde:s have been sent in for them, but there have been so many calls for cars that only a part of the orders could-be filled. The producer of hemlock is making the largest percentage of profit on his’ business, supposing that he was making a living before the advance. At old prices hemlcck was WEEKLY EDITION. wholesaling at less than $9 here, but the de- mand soon sent prices up, till the base price is now $14, withso much prospect of more de- mand right away that New York city has been advised by authority that it will have to pay $20 before spring. The price is $16.50 there now. There is considerable pine coming down from Georgian Bay this fall, especially to the Holland yard at Black Rock, and the Mont- gomery’s are getting ready to bring down their recent purchase at Midland, though it is not expected that it will all come this fall. Fora while the cut in rail rates made by the Grand Trunk considerably demoralized the carrying trade, but that has been fixed up again. The September meeting of the pine interests here, following the more general meeting in Detroit, again resulted in higher prices, the ad- vance in some cases being $3, in spite of the already high price all round. Box and mill- - cull grades are so. scarce that-they- had to go up with the rest, though they had already been advanced a larger percentage than anything else in pine. The box factories have never done such a rushing trade as they have during the past summer, and they are still very busy, though the biggest customer, the canned-fruit industry, is about out of the rush for the season. The hardwood dealers are very confident of a continuation of the good prices now enjoyed, especially on account of the general scarcity ‘of stock. They are all buying timber tracts and looking to them closely, but there is no accumu- lil. lation of stock. Angus McLean, of Hugh Mc- Lean & Co., is almost continually at the Indiana mills of the firm of late, urging the cut forward. The Buffalo Hardwood Co. has again sent T. II. Wall to Memphis for the winter, to be on the spot where the oak owned by the com- pany comes in. F. W. Vetter, of the Empire Company, has come back from the company’s Arkansas tract for a breathing spell, with the third mill already going up there since he went to the tract in the summer. UH. S. Janes will return to his new tract on the Yazoo delta of Mississippi in a short time. Scatcherd & Son and Taylor & Crate are increasing their oper- ations in the south-west. All are sorry that the nearer-by hardwood districts of Canada have given out. T. Sullivan & Co. are lake shippers this season, and are just now rejoicing in the receipt of a big lot of elegant white ash, thick as well as thin, something that is getting to be very hard to find. The event of the month is the preparation of the Superior Lumber Company to retire from business. This company is an auxiliary of the Keystone Lumber Company, whose mills are at Ashland. Till now a great part of the cut has been sent. here for sale, ever since A. P. Strong established the yard at the Tifft Farm, Buffalo, in 1890, but the cut has now been sold in alump in Chicago, and _ there is no longer need of the Buffalo yard. The company will close upin the spring, and the yard will no doubt go into other hands, as it is a fine one. BUFFALO, November 6, 1899. ie GC CANADIAN EXPORTERS 2” WHOLESALERS R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head ofice-TORONTO-—7° King St. West. & WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTING YARDS aT SARNIA 4ND BUFFALO———- THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umes MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP "~~ DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. Oe Write us for Quotations on all Bills@/e PEMBROKE, ONT. A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. \/cLAURIN & MaLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. = Dimension Timber ROBERT THOMSON & CO. Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EAstT TEMPLETON, QUE. Manufacturers and = Wholesale Dealers in * Car Flooring of all sizes, Red and White Pine and Spruce Deals Cedar, Tamarack and Hemlock Railway Ties ; ShinglesandLath. Contractors for Railway Mills at Chelmsford. cee mC. be: 2% 25 a" Ah np er ES 9 ea) a eee ee . 27 30 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for 3rd, and $18 to $2x for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., November 8, 1299. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber. $28 00 @ 49 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking.....- +. 44.00 5090 SPRUCE. ‘ 6 tO QiN....-+- veeeee 14 00 14 50| 10 to 12iNn.....--.++- 16 25 17 00. 6 to 1ZIN...... se eee 14 50 15 75| Lath......-.-++e+eee 185 195 Q OIZIN....-++e+e0e 1575 16 25 HARDWOOD. rinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16....++ s+e+++rseeeeres 35 00 14% to 2in. . ss ES ite te serccce erone oes 36 oc 1 inch, iy Sott Elm, Be iaiete so a0.0\<\chaee aa ee 25 00 rin and thicker, “* ss Chie | Se ticioina en a cele bias mrs 26 00 als me u Hard Maple, “6 ..-eeeeereeeereeeeeers 24 00 Y 4 : Basswood, 6 eens eee eee ees pisis)siareiaiaraigt 25 00 ms as Birch, Contin ari t pieere ie ciheepieaanen “© Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O...... “ce “oe Soft Elm, ce “ce oe a 7 “ee oe Hard Maple, int “e ac ; iti ce Basswood sc “ce ‘ Ww “« Birch, ent ye LO ann ALBANY, N.Y. Avpany, N.Y., November 8, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up...--.---++ $61 $63 | 1x12 inchshippers........ -$ $19 AROAY iaiatarsvslereramiaieiaietalalarers 69. 62 | 4/4 inch “a 13 & up. 20 Tt. We one ce acannexne ce 48 50 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” andup.. 16 17 inch uppers .... 65 | ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 elects, 24 in. up.. = 55 | 10-in. Common ......+.+-+++ 17 MMEOL2/AELaets Betaine ae sew 43 | 12-in. dressing and better... 30 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 45 50 | Common, 1x12 .....+ -++++- 7 TtO DAG «crieies sie neiesas'e stata 38 40 | No.1 barn, rxz2.. 25 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 28 35 BRED ite’ Yo dehy dada mine peewee 23 Nig. deci cetvcaie ni noinpeleceie 20 25 Ricoh ce sce se Ren kroner 20 NOi 3. cones cscs snaiciains 17 No. 2 barn, 1x12 21 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 30 20 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 24 18 Stained saps....-.-- Ae 30 Bracket plank ... Pncuerse ois : 30 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 32 35 Dressing sires, s:e;s\aieine sims 20 25 Dressing boards, narrow.... 25 25 Common ........... Rabie et ileal 4 rx1q inch shippers.....---- 18 LATH. Pitre cgi cielo pieivize nie nin 9 sinieicins sin $2 50 | Spruce .......... Bese melee paso SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 5 Clear butts ......-.+- 3.00 3 25| Hemlock 15 Smooth, 6x18.....-- 5 00 5 50| SPruce......-.+sseaee 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, November 8, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed Boxboards, 1 inch...$10 00 $1 00 boards ......+.+: 10 50 1200 %inch....... s 19,00: 9 5° Coarse No. 5..-+-++ 15 00 15 50 Hinch.....-- Boer Wea 9 50 Refuse.....:eeeeess I200 13 ¢o 11-16 inch 9 00 9 5° Oise semen ser =i g 00 SYeinch.......+-+ =, 8109"). (Bas WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in.....- ..$50 00@52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%, 14 and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2, 1 in. Finecom. 29 00 31 00 gand 4in........++ 58 00 62.00| 1%, 1¥and 2in... 30 0 32 00 Selects, 1 in...-..+-- 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to6in. 43-00 44 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 No. 2... .se-008 +. 36.00 39 00 gand 4 in......--- 53 00 56 00 No. 3 -eeeeeeereee 28 00 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, rin........ 20 00 32 00 11 in. clear...... 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 24 00. 38 oo 60 per cent. clear....32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 oc Fine common, 1in.... 40 00 41 00 Common all widths... 22 00 26 00 1%, 14% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 in... 14 50 15 50 do 14% in. 15 50 16 50 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra 4 fits. .cccerseeiee sever $30 00 | znd Clears....-.-++++seeeees $25 00 GIEAIS. tee seen ah edie slnidieiair ate 28 oo : SHINGLES. Spruce.... .--+00-0+ ++ 1 30 1 50|Second Clear... ..... 2 20 2 35 Cedar, extra.......-..- 3.75 3 25| Extra No. ¥...--..---. 125 2% 59 Gledr i ierste sartaceras 270 2 80 F LATH t Spruce.......-e-eeee: [Pe i re ra By car 252. denen et 1 80@ 2 00 _ No. 228% u NoveMBer 8, 1899 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. | Tonawanpa, N Y., November 8, 1299. WHITE PINE. Up'rs, 1, 1%, 14%and 2 Dressing ns Foe 33 5° AILS Viste atet ate be olviate 57 50 58 50 14x10 and 12...... 35 5° 2% and 3 in....... 66 50] 1% in..... 35.52 4 Me sisinisen ¢ peeees ri 7150) 2 in..... Hog aris 36 50 Selects, 1 to 2 in..... 50 50 51 £0| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 2% and 3 in...... r 61 50 and up, 1 in...... 38 50 A Meee sees besceee 66 50| Mold st’ps No. 1 to 2 Fine common, 1 in.,up RN Re ae seeeee 38.00 43:00 to 12 in. wide.... 38 50 45 5° Barn, No.1, 12in..... 28 50 1% and 1% in..... 41.50 45 50| 6, 8androin...... 23 5° 2 UM we seeeeeeecees 4050 44 .50| No.2, roin.......+ 2t 50 3 in..... ‘ 56 50| No.2, 12in........ 23 03 4 im... eee ee ee 6r 50 No. 3, 10 and 12 in. 20 50 Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. + 33 50] Box, £X4...2-ee0 os 17 06 1% to2 in.....,.-. 39 50 40 50 1x6to12in....... 19 co Nos 2, DADs knees 22 00 Ix 10tO13iN.....- 20 09 No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 32 50| 1% and 1¥in..... Z 20 00 0. 3,1% & 1% in 26 ¢o| Mill Culls,1, 14%, 1% INO.) 3) 2S os one 26 5 and) 2ANs is, Anes - 15 00 1650 ; WHITE ASH. . : rst & 2nd, 1 inch, 28 00 30 00 | 2% tog in....... «sss 34.00 38 00 1% to2in.......+. 31 00 33 00| Strips. ....... seeees 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls......- 12 00 14 Ov BLACK AND BROWN ASH. : ist & 2nd, 6 inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & ist &znd,white, 6” &Xup, 18 oc 20 oo Hp pred Se see 28 20 YG & good culls See 10 00 It oo ELM. ist & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 oo 20 00 : “MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 oo BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. _ Bay Crry, Mich., November 8, 1899. - UPPERS i , x ate: Eee pp2rs, 1 in., 10 n, and up elects, rin., 8in. and up wide $47 50 wide ....... is ates cons $53 5c| 1%, 134 andzin....... ... si 5° 1% tW%and 2 in.......--+-. 53 50] .2% and 3im.........--- ~» 58 59 2% fd 3 in... ..eeeees eres 62 50] 4 IMs. eeeeeees ee avers 1s 59-50 MNgess cages og cowl yew ele cae . 67 so . : : FINE COMMON. r in., 8 in. and up wide...... 39 50 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 54 so 1% ani r¥ in......--.. * alee QUT BO |g’ UM, » ves oe sala eee rare Bit oie Oleg Ces naling ieee 42 50 : ; B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide..... . 30 50 | 234 and 3in., 7in. and up wide 45 30 ry and 13 in... ...--2e veer 35 CO | 4 lite tawsduberen sadPecsepicutiaw GO 50 Pint empceer Gemcranarc ue. 37 50 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4,5 acd 7 in. wide... 46 00| x1 in., 4, 5.and 7 in. wide..... 40 00 Gin, Wide... ..crscsscececens 48 00 | 6 in. wide...... ows emits eee > 140 OD 4 ; ; " FINE COMMON OR C. ; ae rin., 4, 5 in, wide, ........- 32 oo | rf in., 4, 5 in. wide ........ 35 00 1¥ in., 6in. wide.......-..- 36 50 | in., 6in. wide............. 36 00 . SELECTED NO. 1 SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1{in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 30 co | x in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ........ 25 00 NO. I FENCING OR NO. 3 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 iM ene aeons 21 co | 1% in., 4,5 and 7 in........- 23 50 GMb OMe eels es Seana 21 50| 1% im., O iM. ...------eeees es 24 50 NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. 4 FLOORING. rin., 4,5 and 7 inch Rsplamnes 18 50 | A ee civ erage” pies Dine, O toch. on seo. scene 18 50 . 3 Fencing, x in., 6inch.. 17 00 SHELVING. No. 1, 1 in., 10 in. stocks.... 29 00 No. 2, 1 in., 7 and 8in. stocks 25 50 rin., 10 in, and up wile... 34 00 tin., ro in. s! Test vanws 25.50 tin., 12 in. stocks.....++++ 34 50 rin., 12 in. stocks......... 39 59 1 in., 12 in. and up wile... 35 50| 1 in., ro in, and up wide... 27 00 rin. 14 and 2in., Bia. and rin., 13 in. and up wide... 31 up Wide .:......--.-+00- 3I 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS, “SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4 and 5 in. wide .......$12 50 | 1 in., 13 1m. and up wide.....$15 1in., 6 in. wide.......-- . 14 59| 1%, 1% and 2 in., 7 in. and 1in., 7 in. wide and up...... 15 ¢? Up: Wide. 5. ia. sesear emo TsHAKY CLEAR. 15 Tin. 3) 455) 718 and gin. wide 27 59; 1 in., ro in. and up wide..... 30 00 zr in., 6 in, wide.... ....ss00 29 o. | 1%, 14 and 2in., 8in. up WIG, aincaqc ape geeeninck sO 00 -COFFIN BOARDS. No. 1, 1 in., r3in. and up.... 26 oo | No. x, mill culls........ Seni, 23/50 INO. 220 hoes ee eines ... 22 00| Nod. 2, or red-horse........-. 10 co TIMBER, JOIST AND SCANTLING. Nees 2x4 to 10, 12 to 16ft.§13 00 | Fle.nlock, 2x4 to 10, 12 to I t hte oF occas ee «. 15 CO 16 feet....... me 2 CO Ch | SACO ; «20 15 5 2X ice ee ieee £2 5S a2 and 24 ft........-.+0+- 16 50 | Adj ¢z to each additional aft. i length. SHINGLES, 15-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 25 | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts......0.-.s0.005 275 po @, een ee a. Glear Butts:5. dex ecusene 3 00 N WHITE ra LATH. ~ (O.Konmeeas a ade laie aieiat nae Se 3°75.) Mogan ace RE | Hemlocs, is a= aperes ter a PRICES OF COOPERAGE sTOCK. Sath tad Lance Mill. ather! i No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000.....,..-- a ; et 75 No.1r30 w " " " " esneeee 5 75 No. 1 32 " " " " et beas eee ee No.124 " " " " scoevonnse f 08 No. 2 28% " " " " " seeeecereee 4 00 No. 230 0 eS " " " No. 2 32 " " " " i? Ssas5e eee »Not22%¢ ow wel m:> eee Preepe Ww " " " No.1 14 in. to 143 in. kilndried basswood heading,perset .. No.1 1 16 " " " '" No. 117% " " " " No.118 ww 18% u " " " No. 1 19% " " " " No. 1 19% i au uw we . Mill run heading 17%", $3.75 per 100 sets; No. 2, $3.50. A No. 1 4% ft. patent elm hoops, per net 100...-..+++++seeeseenee No. 15% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per net 1,000 ..... aguas Se 6 50 No16 " t " ee ors 6 75 No. 16%" " tt! Likphepegees Ww " No. 2 hoops about so cts. per thousand less. . 1 2834 in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000 rT ce eee | Thi. " 34 in, to 35 in. elm syrup bblostavesr 0: ocsacaanitn sens eee No 1 3¢ inck half syrup barrel staves .......++++ Bcc eer (If bént to shape, $2.00 per thousand. more. ) ae ae + ‘ 59 . WEEKLY FDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER ‘FOREIGN MARKETS. CANADA [UMBERMAN The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 Per Year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., NOVEMBER 15, 1899 No. 43. CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire INsuRANCE BUILDING, MontTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets, A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. . Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the umber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00... -— ~~ WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. ene AUCTION SALE ‘Timber Berths DEPARTMENT OF Crown LANDS (Woods and Forests Branch), Toronto, November 1st, 1899. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT, UNDER authority of Order-in-Council, TimpeR BERTHS as hereunder mentioned inthe ALGOMA, NIPISSING ard RAINY RIVER Districts, viz., the Townships of Bowell, Foy, Harty, Lumsden, Ryan, and part of Moncrieff, in the District of Algoma ; the T»wnship of Norman, part of Cabreol, Berth No. 4 Davis, and the morth part of the Township of Widdifield, all in the Di-trict of Nipissing, and certain small areas in the District of Rainy River, will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the Department of Crown Lands, Toronto, at the hour of one o'clock p.m. on Wednesday, the Twentieth Day of December Next < 7 ___ Sheets containing conditions and terms of sale, with jon as to Areas, Lots and Concessions com- prised in.each Berth, will be: furnished on application 1 lly or by letter to the Department of Crown ; ands or to the Crown Timber Offices at Ottawa and _ Rat Portage. x "ment will be E. J. DAVIS, Commissioner of Crown Lands. N.B.—No unauthorized publication of this advertise- paid for. pe SALE CHEAP.—SHINGLE MILL, Steam Power. Apply to R. Murpocu, Hep- worth, Oat, OR SALE.—40.000 FEET DRY HEMLOCK, 2X6 inches, 12 feet. Write Reip Bros., Hep- worth Station, Ont, OR SALE.—TAMARAC, SAWED ANY SIZE or leng h, Cedar and Tamarac Ties, and Cedar Asa Write Younc & Lestiz Bros., Owen Sound, nt. OR SALE.—THE CUT OF 2,00 ARPENTS of Hardwood Limits, only 22 miles from Montreal and on G.T.R. aud IC.R. “B.,” care of P.O. Box 268, Montreal. WANTED. 60 MILLION FEET SPRUCE LATHS, 2 TO5 feet long. Full particulars on application to “G.A.M.A.,” c/o Canapa LuMBcRMAN. F IT IS A LUMBER BUSINESS YOU WANT, write me. I have for sale several Saw Mills in good timber localities ; also large and small Timber Limits and Lands. Joun DRUMMER, 142 Jarvis Street, Toronto. TIMBER LIMITS 7] IMBER LIMITS, FINE WATER POWER, Saw Mill, Houses etc. fors le. Most advantage- ous for pulp manufacturing, asthe pulp wood is prac- tically inexhaustible. Apply to H. M. Simpson, 29 Canada Life Building, Montreal. Telephone, Main, 3344+ SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine co h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x too ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber ear by. For particulars, address ALLEN CRESSMAN, Berlin, Ont. FOR SALE NEW SAW MILL AND TIMBER LIMITS In the Parry Sound District, on the Cannda Atlantic Railroad. AVING DECIDED TO OFFER FOR SALE our Saw Mill and Timber Limits, consisting of about one thousand seven hundred acres of Pine, Hem- lock, Beech and other valuable 'T mber, which are con- veniently situated to water and Mill. Would sell out- right or would retain any interest to suit purchaser. Good reasons for selling. > For further particulars address Sound, Ont. CANADIAN HARDHOOD LUMBER ILLMEN AND OTHERS HAVING FOR sale please quote for : Box 331, Parry Soft Elm, 1’ to 3” thick x 6’ and wider, 14%" x14’, 1” x13” and wider. Coffin Specifications, first-class stuff. Prime Hard Maple, 1”, 1%", and 144” x 6” and wider. Also Prepared Flooring and Roller Block. State quantities offered, when available for ship- ment, prices f.o b. winter ports and Montreal for first open water. Cash in New York against railroad bills of lading. Address ‘‘Spor Casu,” care of CANADA LuMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED. H OGG FOR CUTTING WASTE FROM SAWS; give particulars and price. THe FixsTBRooK Box Co., Limited, Toronto. FOR SALE. Be FLOORING, KILN DRIED, HOLLOW i hacked. butied and bundled—suitable for factor- ies, workshops, etc. The Knicut Bros. Co., Burks Falls, Ont. COOPERAGE STOCK FOR SALE. 60 M FT. DRY RASSWOOD LUMBER, ¥%’; short lengths 3/ to 7'x4".. 50 M Elm Hoops, 1/5", 5'x1%"x3"”. Patent CLorHBpoarD Co., Parry Sound, Ont, MACHINERY FOR SALE. WELVE-INCH BUZZ PLANER, 2;-INCH ~urface Plane-, 8 hp. Upright Engineand Boi er, and Fvur Side Sticker; all modern and in first-class condition. Toronto MACHINERY SUPPLY Company, Toronto. WANTED. TS CONTRACT FOR LARGE SUPPLIES OF S ft Elm Boards from x to 3 inches in thickness, ist and and quality; also Chair Stock—by foreign buyer now in Canada. Reply by letter to “ Alpha,” c/o CANADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE. M's AND MILL SITE IN: PARRY SOUND District ; eight square miles of Pine, Hemlock and Birch Timber; two good Houses; good Stable and Sheds, and Railroad siding connecting with Grand Trunk Railway. For further particulars, address Box 150, CANADA LUMBERMAN. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The movement of lumber by rail has been seriously handicapped by a shortage of cars. This is about the only uniavorable feature in the lumber trade of the province. Dealers are turning their attention to ob- taining supplies for next season, and _ al- ready some contracts are reported to have been placed with manufacturers. Prices of pine lumber remain steady, with a slight advance on the lower grades. In the Ottawa valley box and mill culls have undergone an advance of about one dollar per thousand within the past two weeks, Pine lath is also higher, No. 1 being quot- ed at from $2 to $2.50 and No. 2 from $1 to $1.50. Hardwoods remain stationary. The cooperage stock market is quite as promising as that of lumber, there being an active demand and but a limited sup- ply of stock. Jointed elm staves are now quoted 75 cents higher than they were two months ago, while a 50 cent advance has been made on coiledelm hoops. An advance of one-half cent per set is quoted on kiln-dried basswood heading. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Considerable shipments of clapboards, shingles and laths are being made from the eastern provincesto the United States, but trans-Atlantic shipments are practi- cally over for this year, excepting, of course, small lots of stock which will go forward to Great Britain by the regular winter steamers from St. John. The spruce market strengthens as the season advances. The high price of spruce has resulted in a falling off in building oper- ations, but this will be only temporary, as upon the approach of spring projected buildings will be proceeded with. It is not expected that prices of lumber will be lower next spring than at the present time, as the increased cost of log produc- tion cannot but have an influence in the direction of higher prices. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Favorable conditions continue to char- acterize the lumber trade of Western Canada. Retail dealers are stocking up freely in anticipation of a considerable de- mand for lumber during the winter months, and in this they are not likely to be disappointed, inasmuch as _ building Operations are likely to be continued throughout the winter to as great an extent as it is possible todo so. There is also ‘the additional fact to be reckoned with that lumber prices are likely to be higher next year, owing to increased cost of sup- pliesand the advance in wages. The Rat Portage Lumber Co. and the Keewatin Lumber Co. will operate quite heavily this winter. In British Columbia manufacturers are encouraged by the orders for lumber from new fields. Shipments to foreign countries promise to be very active for some time tocome. At the present time a large fleet of vessels is taking on cargoes at Hastings, Moodyville and Chemainus. Ship owners report an active enquiry for lumber tonnage. The trade in this pro- vince view with favor the action of the Washington Red Cedar Shingle Manu- facturers’ Association in closing down. their mills for a period of sixty days from November 11th. In all about 200 mills have been closed down. UNITED STATES. Mills closing down, stocks in mill yards practically cleaned out, retail stocks low, and a moderate enquiry for lumber. These are the conditions of the lumbering industry of the United States, and they augur well for the immediate future of the trade. There will be more winter sawing than usual, but this will not be a large factor inthesupply. There is little possi- bility of white pine prices weakening be- fore the spring at any rate, while some authorities. predict that there will be further advances on low grade stock. The efforts of dealers to obtain a supply of hardwood lumber seem to have met with some success, although it is not anti- cipated that the availabie stock will more than meet the demands of the next two or three months, and after that a famine in hardwood lumber is predicted. Black and white ash is more enquired for at Buffalo and other eastern points than any other lumber, and prices are especially firm. Reports are still common of a scarcity of lath and shingles. At Chicago No. 1 white pine lath retails at $3.50 to $4.75, and at Saginaw quotations are $4 and $4.50. All classes of shingles are wanted in the Eastern States, the Buffalo market being bare of 18 inch ofall woods. Prices ‘Il. there rule at $4 for pine, $3.75 for red cedar, and $3.50 for white cedar. FOREIGN. The timber trade of Great Britain does not seem to be affected 1o any extent by the South African war. Some shippers of wood goods believe that upon the ces- sation of hostilities a very lively demand forlumber for South Africa will be wit- nessed. For next season’s shipments high prices are being asked, and there is little fear regarding the maintenance of present values. Some contracts have been placed for Baltic goods at figures which are re- garded as very satisfactory to shippers, while the demand for Canadian lumber has improved to such an extent during the past month asto place it in a condition fully as strong as that of continental lum- ber. Stocks of both pine and spruce are gradually becoming reduced. Of first quality pine the stock of broads is low and prices firm, and undersized of long lengths are also wanted. Second quality is not much in demand, but an increased demand and higher prices are reported for third quality. Long lengths of spruce find a ready market. Quebec spruce sells at £6 10s 3d to £7 11s 3d per St. Petersburg standard. The stock of red pine deals is low, and high prices are being realized. The enquiry for square and waney pine has not been very brisk, but the railway ccmpanies are now entering the market for a considerable quantity of stock ; first-class waney, 19 to 20inchss average, is quoted at 2s 7d to 2s 9d, and second class at 17d to 2s per cubic foot. Elm timber is advancing in price, being quoted at 2s 6d to 2s 6d for first quality, 40 to 50 feet average. STOCKS AND PRICES. Fred Heimbecker, of Hanover, has purchased 100 acres of timber land from D. Norton, of Brant. The North Shore Timber Co., of Port Arthur, Ont., expect to take out 15,000 cords of pulp wood this winter. Hemlock lath is retailing at Ludington, Mich., at $4.50, which represents an ad- vance of more than 150 per cent. since last year. The schooner Beaver sailed from St. John, N.B., last week for Philadelphia, with 1,315.300 laths, shipped by J. H. Schamell & Co. H. J. Crowe, of Annapolis, N.S., recent- ly purchased a Jarge block of timber land in Queen’s county, and will operate a portable mill all winter. A lot of about 4,000 000 pine shingles is due to arrive at Buffalo shortly from the Georgian Bay district, on which a freight of 35 cents was paid. McM:llan Bros., of Beaverton, Ont., have purchased a 300 acre tract of land in Mara township on which ,there is a quantty of hardwood timber. It is announced that F. A. Dudley, the New York tepresentative of Sheppard, Farmer & Co., of Boston, recently pur- chased 4,000,c0o feet of white pine in the Ottawa valley. Chas. McPhersen, of the Orillia Stave Factory, has purchased a hardwood limit in Nerth Orillia, on which there is said to be suffiient timber to keep his mill run- ning lor the next five years. S:hueite & Company, of Bay City, Mich, who recently purchased 2,000,000 feet of lumber at Midland, Ont., will not move the stock untti next spring. It was stated that Joseph Turner, of Bay City, Mich:, intended to put in 50,- 900,000 feet of logs in the Georgian Bay disir«t this winter. It 1s now reported that Mr. Furner is operating for the Bank of Toronto. The Ottawa Lumber Co., of which Mr. E. C. Grant is manager, have commenced operations ‘on their limit on the Rouge river, and expect to take out from five to six ov lien feet’ of spruce and hardwood timber th s winter. Tuo timber berths were sold at the Crown lands office at Fredericton, N B., last week, one of three miles on Gis- pereau river to W. T. Whitehead, at $28 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. per mile, and the other of two miles on Calamingo brook, Kings county, to Huestis & Mills, at $35.50 per mile. The firm of Black & Thompson, of Cumberland County, N.S., expect to cut about 5,000,000 feet of logs this winter, and have set up their mill at Musquodo- boit river. They have contracted to supply a large quantity of lumber to the Dominion Iron & Steel Co., of Sydney, CE: Receipts of lumber at Tonawanda in the month of Ociober of this year were the largest in the history of the port for any one month, nearly 100,000,000 feet having arrived. The receipts at North Tonawanda exceeded those for the cor- responding month of 1898 by 17,000,000 feet. It 1s reported that J. W. Munro, of Pembroke, Ont., has sold the board tim- ber to be taken ott by him this winter. Mr. Munro has given a contract to Thos. Pickard, of Sudbury, to take out a large quantity of logs oo his limit in the town- ship of Nairn which he recently pur- chased from Peter Ryan. A partnership has been formed between Wm. Carter, of Orillia, and Hudson and Bryan Bucknam, of Severn Bridge. They have purchased a 35 mile timber limit in Nightingale township, in the north-east section of Haliburton county, adjoining Nipissing district. It is the attention to operate on the property this winter. The largest timber deal ever made in Tova Scotia is reported to have just been consummated, Young Bros, having sold for $300,000 their property at St. Mar- garev’s Bay, consisting of 80,000 acres of timber land. The. purchaser is Peter Ryan, of Toronto, who is understood to be acting for Michigan and Chicago Capitalists. Tne British Columbia Mills, Timber & Trading Co. have been yiven a contract to supply nearly 1,000,000 feet of timber for the sbipbuilding firm of Cramps, of Philadelphia. The timber is to be used foc building war ships for the United States government, and will be specially selected steck, much of it bemg deck material. It will’be from 8 feet to 100 feet in length. The barque Katie F. Troop is now loading the cargo at the Hastings mill. PROPOSED SALE OF TIMBER BERTHS. As intimated in our last issue, the Depart- ment of Crown Lands of Ontario has announced an auction sale of timber berths to be held in the Parliament buildings, Toronto, at 1 o’clock p.m. on Wednesday, December 20th, 1899. The limits to be offered consist of 39814 square miles, situated in the, Algoma, Nipissing, and Rainy River districts. The conditions of sale state that the purchaser shall be entitled to cut the pine timber only, and that berths including mining locations already patented, or which may hereafter be patented, will be sold subject to the rights of the patentees to take what tim- ber they may require for mining purposes. It is also provided that all timber cut on these limits shall be manufactured in the province. The limits will be offered in parcels as follows : ALGOMA DISTRICT. Township of Bowell—Berth No. 1, 7% sq. miles ; berth Nu. 2. 9 sq. miles ; beith No, 3, 13% sq. miles. Township of Foy—area 36 tio! 5 42 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average according to lineal.. 36 42 ce c “cc . “ 19 to 21 inch average ‘« Michigan ‘‘ 19 to 2: in average f. 88 & Size: 43) A= RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and qu ity.......--e+e0esee 22 «626 In shipping order, . ag Oe eT ptaceial ew atahelata ata otal 23 «27 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according toaverageand quality. . . . + - 46 «49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 to 50 feet. .32 35 ee sf ae «¢ 30 to 35 feet — «27 3¢ ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . .».2t 2 To ayerage 16 inch). “s2 i - . 0. « SS ee : 25 26 : BIRCH. P4aUCIMAVETARE Ts «Wl ey MRe eels so ny Ue) ws eed een 18 Gms 1 2 5 ecm ci os yeh Me C8 Ne NEE ce Say 6 Be ee ee DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for 1st, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau NEW YORK CITY. New York, N.Y., November 15, 1899. WHITE PINE TIMBER. Bridge timber....... $28 00 @ 40 00 | Building orders.....$27 00 @ 37 00 Decking...........- 44.00 5090 SPRUCE. 6tOQIN...-..- woven 14 00 14 50| 10 to 12in (Give eit eepeon coconn 14 50. 15 75 | Lath........--.e000- Q O1ZIN......00000- 1575 1625 HARDWOOD. zinch, No.1and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16........- 35 00 1% to 2 in. a ee e fos ee tnett 1 inch, ¢ Sott Elm, os 1%in and thicker, ‘* es ce teers aly ss cs Hard Maple, ‘S.... § ef ‘ Basswood, ee “cc oe Birch, “ee ; ‘* Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O...... oe “ce Soft Elm, “e “cc “ My ** Hard Maple, ** ee FE Te can eioias 14 00 a ‘« Basswood, ‘“‘ ss : Ae WC) s “*« Birch, a ne Mes Maas Wiefeyete 14 00 ALBANY, N.Y. AvsBany, N.Y., November 15, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up.......-eee $61 $63 | 1x1? inchshippers......... $ $19 2% ingadhaleiese seceeeese 69° 62 | 4/4 inch ce org’ & taps 20 TiEO 2 Aes sete sc nisi sinte ols'a winiacs 48 50 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” and up.. 16 17 inch uppers .....+++++eee+ 65 | 1o-in. dressing and better... 26 32 elects, 244 in. UP...++-+++ 55 | ro-in. common ........... ae 17 Mayne as eo ae eis ee 43 | 12-in. dressing and better... 30 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 45. 50 | Common, 1x12 ...... ..-+-+ 17 TtO VM. oe -v one pe eeeee .-. 38 40| No. x barn, rx12........... 23 25 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... 28 35 IRRETOsafevata cus ou vicleia mints leaner 23 ; 25 FETED a veiwe's aisles siec ee snisie oe 20 3 20 | No. 2 barn, rx12.......... “ 2U No. 1 molding, 1 to 2 i1 ZOTION| REO clef eetels m= ieee Z 20 No. 2 molding, 1 to2in..... 24 27] 1x8........+00e- 18 Stained saps.......---+e+ 28 1 to 6/4i 25 30 Bracket plank ..... viele) sem 30 35 2 inch.. 30 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 32 35 Dressing .......... 20 25 Dressing boards, narrow.... 25 25 Common.......... en ak CO rx1q inch shippers.....-... 18 LATH, Pine ..... GRSaies cis niefe a1s'aitars mete Saigolliepruce'y. . .0< = sacs ae eeanien $2 50 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 5 Clear butts..... +» 3.00 3 25] Hemlock.......... 15 Smooth, 6x18....... 5 00 5-50| Spruce........... 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, November 15, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. Ordinary planed Boxboards, 1 inch...$10 00 $11 00 boards....... «+. $10 50 1200 Binch......+6656 9 OO 9 50 Coarse No. 5....+++ I5 00 15 50 MH inch........ Tae Gees 9 50 Refuse....... . 1200 13,¢0| 11-16 inch....... - 900 950 Outsaeentee 9 00 Meinch......... -» 800 875 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD, Uppers, 1 in........$50 00@52 00 | Fine com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00| No. 2, xin. Finecom. 29 09 31 00 Eien oe saci seees 58.00 62 00 14%, 14 and 2in... 30 oc 32 00 Selects, 1 in.....,--- 44 00 45 00] No. x strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 44 00 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 No. 2...++.++++. 36.00 39 00 gzand 4 in.......+- 53 00 56 00 No. 3 --eeseceeeee 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, rin... 32 00 rz in, clear......- 37 00 39 oo | Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 24 00 38 00 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards........ 18 00 20 00 Fine common, rin.... 40 00 41 00 Common all widths... 22 00 26 00 1%, 1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 | Shipping culls,r in... 14 50 15 50 do r¥in. 15 50 16 50 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra 4 ft... ..ccscsess nace $30 00 [ .nd Clears:........ Appodeunes ees) Clears... ccc cece reese stcce 28 ov SHINGLES. Spruce....---- seeeesee I 30 1x 50| Second Clear... ...... 220 2 35 Cedar, extra,......- +. 3.75 3 25| Extra No.2.........0. 1 25 1 59 Cleaes. ci... (Sse eave, (2 ba LATH. Gag hess ata oe x 80@ 1 go t 80@ 200 By Car ...0 -scoerees BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Burra.o, N.Y., November 15, 189g WHITE PINE. (Wh: lesale selling price.) Up'rs, 1,14, 14% and 2 Dressing 14% in...... 33 50 IN.. ereceedees «.+$57 50 58 50| 1%xz0and 12 35 50 2% and 3 in....... 66 so| 1% in... 35 59 se fet ¢so rei ptseeee 7t go) 2 90.2.0. eed aa ore 36 50 Selects, 1 to 2 in..... 50 50 51 +o} Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. fa 2% and 3 in....... 61 50 and up, 1in,.... d 38 50 A Me csesecerseeees 66 50] Mold st’ps No. 1 to 2 Fine common, 1 in. ,up ip se pa pn si see» 38 00 43°00 to 12 in. wide.... 38 50 45 50| Barn, No.1, 12in..... 28 50 1% and 1% in..... 41 50 45 50| 6 8 and ioin..... 23 50 44:50) No.2, za ms spe ane 21 50 n 56 50| No.2, 12 1M.,..... , 23 02 BIOs sais vioicinles « eras 6t 50| No. 3, roand 22 in. 20 50 Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. 33.50 | Box, 1 dsiveieasss see 17 0c 1% toz2 in.......-. 39 50 4050] xx6torzin....... 19 co Nova, x) Ins. op ee 22 00 Ix fo 1Z1n.....+ 20 09 No. 2,1%, & 1% in 32 50| 1% and r4in...... 20 00 0. 3,1% & 1% in 26 co| Mill Culls,1, 14%, 1% (Mie Bae ee aera 265 and 21m........ - 15 00 16 50 The following quotaticns on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying price at Buffalo and ‘Tonawanda: WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 28 00 30 00| 24% tog in........... 34 00 P EY tO 2s cae. . se 3T 00 33 00. | Strips.) 4. essen +s+++ 2000 22 00° Com. and culls....... 12 00 14 06 es BLACK AND BROWN ASH. " , ist & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 oo | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & 1st &2nd,white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 oo up, 7 ea ae ee 28.00 30 00] Com & good culls..... 10 00 II 00 ELM. ist & 2d,rock, 8in.&up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 APLE. rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 00 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. Bay City, Mich., November 15, 1899. a ’ " UPPERS se ppers, t in., 10 n. and up elects, rin., 8in. and up wide wide’...- Bae, . .553 5¢ : nd 2 in. . ¥ $47 se 1% 1%and2in.. - 53 5° 2% ‘nd 3in......... .. 62 50 FG ee Rene erm 67 so _* 4 a FINE cok 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 39 50 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 14% and EMGUIIS« die aes sila wra'ete 42°50)) Gillie. cee ; ecomes * = + Fad 2 Wie. aoe eee BY SBA PA at 42 50 , , B FINE COMMON OR NO. I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 30 50 | 234 and 3in., 7in. and up wide 45 30 1% and 1} in..... igeronte vials 35-00 | 4 Doss. ssawon sae ee eea Seer FAD conescccsicengescnenmnn 37 5° ‘ ‘ STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide... 46 00 1in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 40 00 6 Ith WIGE, «20500500 Ba dhe IH 48 06 | Gin. Wide... 15 ..0-enesaeeeen i) : : -f FINE rere OR c. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. .......+« 32 00 | 1 in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 00 1% in., 6 in. Wide xa... length. SHINGLES, 15-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 25 | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts......-..+++ sous 295 Ret S.5 EE es Clear Brits... cesesnn came 9100 = WHITE — LATH. 4 1D. Made eleleh a ate oars 6 sie areal > 375| No.2. . a Be | Fomanade 2 ate 4 “4 PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. F.o.b. cars at cee Satherland Innes Mills. No. 1 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000. $6 No.130 uw " " " ty hg No. 132 " mn " ite 3 No.124 " " " 1 Veecescccsnec esse @ OD) No. 228% u " " " Wo seeccescseveceees 4 75 No.230 " " " er ee So No. 2 32 " " " " TH ‘ae:aiecaty/o¥erazotehstsi pis alts REE No.224 ou " Wee sesenecees sexse 3 GO No.1 14 in. to14% in. kiln dried tkasswood heading,perset .......... No.r1rs ww 16 " " " " ails heme No. 117% " " " " Bi 5 No.r18 ww 18% w " " 7 Pee. 5 No. 1 19% " " " " sav hee No. 1 19 " w “ " eos osteo Mill run heading 174%”, $4.09 per 100 sets ; No. 2, $3.50. A No. 1 4% ft. patent elm hoops, per net 100....... ve cee ck eset ene No. 1 5% ft. patent coiled elm hoops, per nef 1,000 ......«+« No16 w« " " " " Birch; ee ss m Lota 4. Cae ALBANY, N.Y. Asany, N.Y., November 22, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up...-- «+--+ $ $70) 1x12 inch shippers......... $ $22 Fai GORD AAO UC EEO Oo 70 | 4/4 inch ‘“ 13” & up. 22 TCO QUAL s oe .apeisieins nae e ais 55 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” and up.. 18 20 inch uppers .-.-.++-eeeees 72 | xo-in. dressing and better... 26 32 elects, 244 in. up.-----++-+ 60 | 1o-in. common.........- HES 20 . to2In...... pias n'a fu uae 45 | 12-in. dressing and better... 30 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 50 | Common, 1x12 ....- Be the + 20 FLO AT ss iasibied ae win swisia we» 38 42 | No.1 barn, 1xX12...-.++-+6+ 26 27 No. x cuts, x to 2 inch.. 28 26 ON2 ttc mcs <6 lop a 22 24 NO.3.2-csccceece csc eeees 18 24 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 30 24 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 24 22 Stained sapS....+-++s-ereee 30 Bracket plank .......+ +--+. 30 35 30 Shelving boards, r2-in, up .. 32 35 Dressing ...-+..++ ith reen 25 30 Dressing boards, narrow...- 25 25 Common ......22ssse¥e . 18 20 1x1g inch shippers.....-+++ 22 LATH. Pine os asin 0 sce ack ~ eee $3 00 | Spruce ......s+seeeseeeeeee $3 00 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 5 Clear butts .......+-- 3.00 3 25| Hemlock..........++++ 15 Smooth, 6x18.....-+ 5 00 5 50] Spruce....-++e++eeees 2 20 BOSTON, MASS. Boston, November 22, 1899. EASTERN PINE—CARGO OR CAR LOAD. sen ‘i = Ordinary planed Boxboards, 1 inch...$10 00 $11 00 boards...... $10 50 12 00 % inch evel eepateena + 900 9 5° Coarse No. 5.- . 1500 15 50 34 inch....-++++++ 9 25 9 50 Refuse....sseeeeeee i200 1360 11-16 inch........ g 00 9 5° Guts ec onacns shieeayere 9 00 Sinch.... 2.208 : 09° 8 75 WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 im....---- $50 00@52 00 | Fine’com., 3 and 4 in 46 00 52 00 1%, 1% and 2 in.. 52 00 53 00 No. 2, 1 in. Finecom. 29 00 31 00 gzand 4in.....+sees 58 00 62 00 1%, 1% and 2in... 30 0G 32 00 Selects, 1 in......--. 44 00 45 00 No. 1 strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 44 90 14%, 1% and 2 in.. 45 00 47 00 No, 2...ccccesses 36 00 39 00 gand 4 in.....-.-. 53 00 56 00 No. 3 -eseeeeeeeee 28 00 30 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, rin........ 20 00 32 00 rz in, clear..... . 37 00 39 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 24 00 38 oo 60 per cent. clear... 32 00 34 00 Coffin boards......+ . 18 00 20 00 Fine common, 1in.... 40 00 41 00 Common all widths... 22 00 26 00 1%,1% and 2in... 40 00 42 00 Shipping culls, 1 ins.. 14 50 15 50 do 1% in. 15 50 16 50 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra 4 ft... cecsceeeeeteenes $30 00 | znd Clears....-.seseeeeecees $25 00 Clears sia ina niascce sera isienev | Seietatee 28 oo SHINGLES. Spruce.... .eseeeeeeres 1 30 1 50| Second Clear... ....«. 2 20 2 35 Cedar, extra......+-++ 3.15 3 25| Extra No.t.. err eee ey Clear? tp fasts ths eae eo LATH. Spruce....seeeeeeeees bahia ad sae eSiata ct atecais' ele x 80@ 1 90 By car ..24 -ss0ee0e . 180@ 200 NOVEMBER 22, 1899 _ BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. BurFato, N Y., November 22, 189¢ _ WHITE PINE. (Whrlesale selling price.) Up'’rs, 1, 14,14 and 2 Dressing 1%in...... 33 50 IM. vcr eegeesee 90957 50 58 50 14x10 and 12.....- 35 5° 24% and 3 in 66 50 TYG Men eceweccesce 35:50 ‘ JE 50] 2 IM vevsvececeenee co) Selects, 1 to 2 in.. 51 50| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. ‘ ; 2 61 50 and up, 1 in...... 38 50 4 66 50| Mold st’ps No. 1 to 2 Fine common, 1 in. ,up WO ae etic ves eainecine, 3D OCh eae to 12 in. wide.... 38 50 45 5° Barn, No. 1, 12 in. 8 5° 1% and 1¥ in.... 45 50| 6, 8and 1oin. 23 50 ZUM. eseeeeeeeee 44.50| No.2, roin... 21 50° 3M. see eeee neces 56 50| No.2, 12in-.....++ 23 4 WD vere sccdedeses 6r 50| No. 3, 10 and 12 in. 20 Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. 33 50| Box, 1X4.-+se0eee ++ 7 116 0 2 IMs s.-2se+e 39 50 40 50| xx6tor2in,...... 19 leaky Pe avis 22 00 eek See 20 0 0. 2,1%,&1% in 32 50 1% and 14yi...... 20 0 No. 3, 1% & 1% in 26 co| Mill Culls,1, 14, 1% No.4; 2a , subject to the conditions which will be announced at the time of sale, TIMBER BERTH NO. |, MONTEITH (Being about 16% square miles), inthe Parry Sound District. ; This berth is one of the best in the province, and is very handy to operate It i: within 2 miles of Seguin Falls Station, 9n the Parry Sound Railway. The license includes all the timber on the berth. j For maps and other particulars apply to PETER RYAN, Toronto, \ ANTED—10 MILLION FEET OF SPRUCE o1 Red Pine Laths, 2 to 5 feet long, one inch wide by 2/:6-inch thick, ‘‘Gama,” c/o CANADA LUMBER- MAN. MACHINERY FOR SALE. WELVE-INCH BUZZ PLANER, 24-INCH Surface Planer, 8 h.p. Upright Engineand Boiler, and Four Side. Sticker ; all modern and in first-class condition. Toronto MacHInery SuppLy Company, Toronto. WANTED. OR JUNE, 1900.—50 M FEET CUBIC FLAT Tamarac, 50 M feet cubic Round, Flat or Square Pine, for which cash will be paid on delivery at Sorel, Que. For further particulars, address Jas. SHEPPARD & Son, S rel, Que. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS, ONTARIO. The number of new buildings that have been commenced late this season is much larger than has been known for some yéars past. The result of this cannot but be beneficial to the lumbertrade. It will assist in maintaining a steady demand for lumber throughout the winter months, During’ the past week the -market has shown no signs of weakness. Buyers report great difficulty in locating desirable stock, as manufacturers have very little unsold lumber in their yards, and many of them have sold far ahead. It is almost an impossibility to purchase any quantity of box lumber, and box makers who have not purchased in advance of immediate requirements will find them- selves in an uncomfortable position before spring. The advance in tke price of box lumber has been followed by higher’ prices for boxes, the increase being about 50 per cent. The lath situation has not been re- lieved to any extent. No. 1 lath ranges from $3.50 to $3.75 wholesale in Toronto, and No. 2 is quoted at $2.75. Although no change has been made in our quota- tions on shingles, we believe the prices which manufacturers are asking would warrant a still further advance in whole- sale prices. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Extensive preparations have been made in the eastern provinces to obtain a large supply of logs for next season’s operations, and it is probable that the production of pine, spruce and hardwood lumber next season wil] be larger than in the past sea- son. The condition of the trade at the present time is such as to encourage an increased cut. The manufacturers, with scarcely an exception, have disposed of their season’s production, and are being offered contracts for next year at very satisfactory prices. It is expected that the British demand will remain firm throughout next season, while an in- creased market in the Eastern States may ~ reasonably be looked for. The shipping returns of the exports of lumber to the United Kingdom and con- tinental ports from Montreal show a de- crease of over 41,000,000 feet as compared with the season of 1898. It 1s possible, however, that while the exports of Montreal were smaller, this fallling off may be more than made up by increased shipments from other ports. UNITED STATES. The position of the lumber business of the United States is one which is causing buyers much concern. Prices are ad- mittedly very high, and the question for the dealer to decide is whether he should contract for supplies for next. year at present quotations or wait until the spring in the hope of being able to make more favorable terms with manufacturers. In the case of white pine, it is believed that the better grades will not weaken next year, but competition from the southern production may bring down the present prices of mill culls and low grade stock. This is not expected, however, until after sawing operations have been commenced and the dry lumber comes on the market. In hardwoods the situa- tion is a little different. Usually there is a considerable quantity in the wholesale yards and at the mills, but this year the production has gone into consumption almost as rapidly as it was ready for shipment. This will probably be the experience next year. Nor can the southern woods take the place of many of thenorthern hardwoods. Considering these facts, the prospect is that, with a continuance of the present activity in general manufacturing lines, the hard- wood market will lose none of its strength next season. The demand for both pine and hard- wood lumber has fallen off slightly during the past week, but short stocks are still the rule. In the lower grades of pine and in oak, ash and basswood this short- age is most pronounced. There is a good demand for maple, but the supply is more plentiful than that of many of the other woods. Spruce continues to strengthen as the weeks go by, and prices are being firmly maintained. The clap- board market is dull and lifeless, but shingles and lath are constantly enquired for and advancing in price. FOREIGN. The wood market of Great Britain is extremely firm. Most descriptions of I ee ee eee BUSINESS NOTES. timber are from 20s to. 30S per standard higher than they were last spring. Sales of cargoes for first open water delivery have been made at advanced quotations. Finnish whitewood, 2x6%, has been sold at £6 15s f.o.b. on the north- east coast of England. The reports from all timber producing countries are that shippers are asking prices higher than were paid one year ago, and that they show no disposition to weaken in their prices. Both spruce and have lately undergone an th ore seems to be an opinion next year’s deliveries are to be difficult to purchase any desirable specifications. At Irish ports, particularly Dublin and Belfast, the market is practically bare of spruce, and merchants are now asking £15 per standard of 120 pieces 12 X9X 3. Long lengths in spruce are much en- quired for. A moderate trade is reported in waney and square umber, although this class of goods has not advanced in price to the same extent as deals. The Timber Trades Journal reports a scarcity. of ash. Se STOCKS AND PRICES. Parker & Howe, of Dixville, Que., are getting in a good supply of hardwood logs this winter. F. E. Neale, of Chatham, N. B., ship- ed this season 62,000,000 feet of lumber, chiefly to Great Britain. In Chicago white pine lath is quoted out of the yards at $4.50 and $4.75, and mixed hemlock about 25 cents a thousand lower. A recent rain enabled the St. John Sul- phite Pulp Co. to get to their mills at Mis- pec, N. B., 3,000,000 feet of logs which had been hung up. Wm. O'Neill, of St. Martins, N.B., will operate four rotary mills during the winter, and expects to cut between four and five million feet of deals. At the crown lands office, Fredericton, N. B., a berth of 2% miles, located at Clarendon, Charlotte county, was sold to Smith Bros. at $151 per mule. D. Bailey, who operates a saw mill near Columbia, B. C., has been given a con- tract to saw 1,500,000 feet of lumber for a flume to be built in connection with the Granby smelter. J. L. McKay, of Golden, B. C., is taking out 4,000,000 feet of first-class larch and fir. Next year he will operate a shingle mill in connection with the At- halmer saw mill. Alexander Fraser, of Ottawa, is report- ed to have sold his timber limits on the Coulonge river to Gillies Bros., of Brea- side, Ont. The transier involves 200 sq. miles of first-class pine limits. Hemlock shingles are selling in the Boston market at $2.50 for 16 inch. White cedars are quoted at 35 cents less than pine shingles. In Boston Washing- ton red cedars sell at $3.10 to $3.25 and California red cedar shingles at $3.40. The saw mills of the Rat Portage Lum- ber Co. have closed down, after cutting 50,000,000 feet of lumber. Last winter the company took out 55,000,000 feet of logs, and it is expected that the cut this winter will exceed this amount by twenty- five per cent. The Montreal Star gives the following figures as showing the shipments of lum- ber from Montreal to the United King- dom and continental ports by the chief shippers: Watson & Todd, 55,779,- 706 feet ; Dobell, Beckett & Co. 53,- 421,275 feet ; W. & J. Sharples, 52,180,- 549 feet ; R. Cox & Co., 35,732;949 feet : Ti Burstall & Co., 26,887,315 feet ; Mc- Arthur Bros., 24,368,952 feet. —————————— AGENCY WANTED FOR SPRUCE DEALS. Mr. A. Couspeire, 8 Rue Drouot, Paris, France, desires to represent some Canadian manufacturers for the sale of spruce deals in France. Je wishes to obtain an agency for a Quebec firm and also for one or two New Brunswick firms, and would be pleased to have an interview with manufacturers who may visit Paris. pine deals in stock advance, as that before hand it will quantity of CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA. [Correspondence of the Canapa LumBERMAN.] There is no letting up in the firm condition of the lumber market, as nobody should know better than the Canadian lumberman. Every report from that side of the line is to the effect that the asking price there is stiffer than our most inflexible mill man dares to put on his cut, and, moreover, the position is backed up by a dock that is bare of any lum- ber but the greenest, and in some cases so much of even that sold that no more sales will be booked. It looks as though the $2 tariff not did kill the lumber trade of Canada after all. There is a great scarcity of box lumber yet, and from all reports it is not Canada that is likely to help us out on that line, for the Standard Oil Company, which runs its big box factory in Oswego mainly on Canadian box lumber, is said to be very short and obliged to buy of its local competitors. This is not to say that our box companies are short, for such is not generally the case. They looked out for themselves, and the result is that they are about the only ones who are well fixed in that direction. Still, even they are not feeling so very easy over the situation, for it is not disclosed where they are to get the next supply, nor how much they are to pay for it. Another source of uneasiness is the fact that they have made most of their season’s profits on lumber that did not cost nearly as much as it would now, so there must be a very material pushing up of the price of boxes before there can be a continuation of this sea- son’s profits. We are looking to Canada anxiously’ for shingles, but the supply of them is not what it ought to be anywhere, and Canada is not ap- parently any better off on them than we are. So many shingle mills are idle or have been set to sawing out straight lumber, as being more profitable, that it 1s impossible to keep the stock of shingles up. All sorts are short. There is still a more easy state of things in the hardwood yards than in pine, and all be- cause the hardwood dealer became alarmed over the conditions and was obliged to go to buying his own timber. He was willing to go to Canada for hardwood and pay the duty, and did so just as long as there was any to be had, but the hardwood men have all left that section now and, for a wonder, the pine men, who were driven out by the tariff, are back there again, eager for anything in the shape of lumber. Considering the amount of condescension this indicates, there really ought to be less stiff- neckedness on prices. We were awfully sorry, too, to note that the Canadian mill man was aware of the advance in prices as soon as we were, so that there was no chance for any neighborly buying on the quiet over there before the situation got out. Well, there is no more tariff talk. That is some consolation, and if some of the people who went out of the business here because their interests all happened to be in Canadian timber are not sorry they gave it up, then most folks are mistaken. One thing is sure, some of those who did very little for a time, the Holland & Emery Company, . for instance, are hard at work now, developing their timber and apparently doing well. There is some talk of a decline in pine lum- ber, but it all comes either from the consumer or the dealer, who holds that prices are higher than they should be and thinks that he could do better if they had not gone so high. Itisa clear impossibility t2 come down now, or at all for that matter, unless business generally slows down a good deal. There is demand enough to keep lumber moving and it will continue until other branches of business are injured in some way. And this is not looked for. This market is going into winter with a full stock, except that it is likely to turn out that some sorts and grades are not up to the aver- age. Nearly all the Norway is in a few hands and the low grade pine is not plentiful. Shing- les cannot be made to carry us more than barely through the winter, and in hardwoods there is a great scarcity in ash and basswood. The shortage is made up somewhere, for Tona- wanda is calling attention to her big stock, and it looks now as though Buffalo would have quite as much as last winter. There is nothing very novel in the situation here. The retirement of the Superior Lumber Company marks the only change of late. So far no one appears to be ready to take the company’s yard off its hands. At Tonawanda the consolidation of Swan & Donogh and Calkins & Co. into the Swan- Donogh Lumber Company has been followed by the setting up of a box factory by the com- pany in the Calkins mill, which was for some time till lately occupied by F. I. Alliger in the same business, the latter having not long ago moved into a box factory of his own. The R. Laidlaw Company has now made definite arrangements to move from the Erie basin to the Ohio basin, where there will be more room, turning the old yard over to Montgomery Bros. & Co., who had a very muck smaller yard than they needed. The Laidlaw yard is not so full of lumber as it was last fall, though the amount is liberal. The prospect of moving and the high freights in- duced the company to leave quite a large amount in upper lake yards till spring. Haines & Co. are congratulating themselves on the big lot of shingles they bought in the Midland district late in the season, the last, a cargo of about 4,000,000, being just in. From that same district comes the report that lath is held for $3.25 at the mills, a price that sets people to wondering how houses can be built any more. Quite a large delegation of our hardwood dealers went to the National convention at Memphis, Messrs. Scatcherd, Vetter and others remaining afterwards to look after their timber and mills beyond that city. BUFFALO, Dec. 4, 1999. ———_—_— TT THE BOSTON MARKET. [Correspondence of the CANADA LuUMBERMAN.] SpRUCE.—The market for spruce lumber holds firm, with very little change in prices. The arrivals of cargoes of late have been small, which makes the car lumber in better demand, and we look for a brisk demand through the winter for all grades of spruce. The combina- tion prices are being adhered to as the demand aks is larger than the supply. We quote : Frames, 9 inch and under....-+-++++1rrsss00ee* $17.00 ro and :2 in. dimensions......0:.--+sseereereee 19.09 ro and 12in. random, 10 ft. and up long.....-..- 18.50 »X3, 2X 4,2%5,2x6,2x7 and 3x 4, 10 fcet nh Regen pe poe ee series 15.00 All other random, g in and under ......-+++---+ 16.50 Merchantable boards planed one side..:--...-++ 15 co ONE SIGE... cece ne wceecer neers rees 13.0¢ to $13 50 There is a good demand for hemlock boards and prices are good : Matched hemlock boards $16.50 to $18 00 Pennsylvania....--+++++ «++ 15 00 *§ 16,00 Waster os ccpoecsccsssrcee cama renin aman 14.50 ** 15.50 CLAPBOARDS.—The market for clapboards is not as good as it has been, as few are being used, but there is a feeling that they will sell at better prices in the spring : Pine, extra, 6 im.....- essere eee eee ees $40.00 to $42.00 Pine, clear. 6 in... --sseeeeeereeereees Pine, 2nd clear, 6 M....- veeeeeeeeeees Pine extra No. 1...-+-e errs seer nce ens 20.00 ** 25.00 All 5% inch ef the same grades will sell at about $5.00 per thousand lower than above prices. Spruce, extra, 6 in....--seeeeees eens $28.00 to $29.00 Spruce, clear, 6inch... 26.00 *‘ 28 00 Spruce, 2nd clear...... 22.00 ** 24.00 Spruce, Ex. Nc. 1..-+.--++ All 5% inch of these same grades are ‘selling at $5.00 per thousand less. SHINGLES.—Shingles hold prices well, as they have keen scarce all the season, and no quantities of them have accumulated, but there has been a good many of the California red- wood shingles shipped to this market, and that has kept the prices on cedars from going very much higher : Extra clear, best brands.....-..-++++++> $3.10 to $3.25 Clear cedar....ssscsceecneee tersereces 2.€5 F 92.75 and clear cedar......+eeeeeeeeeeeenerees 2.10 “* 2.25 tuxtra No. ri. cece cece weet eer eee enenes T5Oiaze75 LatH.—Laths are firm, with good demand for them at $2.65 to $2.70 for 15% inch, and $2.40 to $2.55 for 1% inch. Boson, Dec. 4th, 1899. Deen SHIPPING MATTERS. The lumber freight rate from St. John, N.B., to New Vork is now $3.25. The rate on laths has dropped to $3. Very little tonnage 1s available for lumber cargoes for South America. Freights are on the basis of $9 from Boston to Buenos Ayres, $9.50 from Portland, and $10.50 from New Brunswick and Nova Scetia ports. The barque Alexander Black gets $10 on lumber from Boston to Rosario. : Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denn, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. ¥ : DECEMBER 6, 1899 Pugsley Bros., saw mill owners, River He- bert, N. S., are reported to have dissolved. partnership. ~ be James Cant has acquired the interests of the late J. C. Kemp in the business of Cant & Kemp, timber brokers, Glasgow, Scotland. © Mr. Cant is now the sole owner of. the busi- ness, which will be continued onder the name of Cant & Kemp. ———————— H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. .- MONTREAL, CANADA BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WICGCIN sostatesr. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for yrOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPUNDENCE SOLICITED. WANTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) +5) FOR CASH John F. Stengel °-SopRALO, WA. HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : ’‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepoo’ FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers i MANCHESTER - ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, ee ep or any Woods suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. WANTED SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensicns. SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with ‘us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Construetional and Fur- _ niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, “‘ CasKET,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Tra “CEETRUMBER DEALERS. e North Jono Wnt Cable Address, ‘Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA, Lumberman’s Code. (oe a v7 4 DECEMBER 6, 1899 Car? 4DA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. If. LATHS WANTED. In the “* Wanted and For Sale ” department will be found the advertisement of a party who desires to purchase 10,000,000 feet of spruce or red pine laths, 2 to 5 feet long, 1 inch wide and ye-inch thick. This specification is worthy of the attention of Canadian manufacturers, Let- ters are to be addressed to ‘‘ Gama,” at this office. MICHIGAN VIEW OF THE LOG DECISION. The Saginaw correspondent of the American Lumberman thus refers to the decision of Jus- tice Street in the suit brought by the Michi- gan lumbermen against the Ontario govern- ment : There is much feeling expressed over the ad- verse decision of the Canadian court in the suit brought to test the constitutionality of the On- tario log embargo act. It is understood the matter is to be appealed to the Privy Council. It is also likely that a strong effort will be made to influence the Joint High Commission to'reach an adjustment of the matter. It will bear heavily upon Saginaw river lumbermen who have started camps in Canada and are putting in logs in the expectation that there would be some arrangement reached which would enable them to bring their logs over. Unless this is brought about in some way, the only logs that will come over next season will be stock cut on Indian reserve lands and from deeded Jands over which the Ontario govern- ment has no jurisdiction. This year there has been only about 75,000,000 feet rafted across, and some of these were old logs cut before the law prohibiting rafting was operative. CANADIAN EXPORTERS and WHOLESALERS R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DEALERS Head Ofice-TOQORONTO- 700 King St. West. <4————-WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTING yARDS aT SARNIA 4ND BUFFALO————»- THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umiren MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP a eA DIES, wut DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @/e Write us for Quotations on all Bills@e PEMBROKE, ONT. A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RaIL oR WATER. ows Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EHAst TEMPLETON, QUE. MOHR & RYA KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for... DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. aspecialty. . . Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling cs JAS. PLA YPALR. £& GO: Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH » SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty ... A. & P.WHITE ws MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber Pine Lath, Cedar, and % Pine Shingles. . A Quantity of Cedar Posts for Sale on the Sho e of the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. - = operating OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. : M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board Trade, Montreal, 10.00 ONTARIO. Bh DA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa, C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. urk’s Falls, Ont. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING StEETING—cEinKg e 3 BRITISH IMPORTERS WRIGHT, GRAHAM & OO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND a W00D BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. PEVERY & VINCENT aw—SQOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RHD PIN | (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORFESPONDENCE INVITED SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Crosby Square, Lonpow, ENG, SELLING AGENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . aR Se) Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Cc Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. .. . BUDCETT BROS. 70 and 71 Bishopsgate Street Within, LONDON, E.C. SMITH & TYRER’- 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . ; Cable Address—‘“‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ONE DOLLAR will pay your subscription to the weekly and monthly CaNADA LuMBERMWAN for ONE YEAR @O~ Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool BUYERS OF —=agy POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS IRVIN & SELLERS ~~) Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. ALSO DEALERS IN === BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and all HARD and FANCY WOODS (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. DECEMBER e 1899 | eee DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS OTTAWA, ONT. BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Burrato, N.Y., December 6, 189. Orrawa, December 6, 1899. iti ce 3 eee In the Monthly Edition of ‘¢‘ The Canada Lumberman.”’. Pine, good sidings, ae Pine, 8s.c. and bet- (Wh Miles td ae 38 00 | _ ter stock........++- 13 00 15 00 ; clesale selling price.) BELTING Pi : 29 00 | Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 13 00 = 50 Up 4 1,1%,14and2 Dreseng IY in. ..00e 33 50 ine, good shorts,.... 19 00 30 00 Pine, s.c.’strips...... 12 00 1200 Pins cheer “ae 50 58 50] 14x10 ANG 12....-- 35 5° Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. ge No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts..... g9 00 1050 i = a 66 50] 1% Mes seeseeveeee 35 50 Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls.....-- 1100 1300 Selects, 7 t02 im... Te SO) ceca Wala i ul 5° Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. Pine, No. 1 dressing merges oo | Pins ene SSCS ee 2% ag ak eae Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. ine, No.. x dressing 1x10 No, x barn... 20 00 a ee se and up, in...... 38 50 McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. (SUYIPS, oe eee see enee 16 00 1800|1x10 No.2 “ ...- 18 00 Fit BEM osgia elarwiGs stein 66 50| Mold st’ps No. 1 to 2 The Waterous Co., Brantford. Pine, No. x dressing 1x8 &gNo.r ‘ «--- 19 00 Ine COBLIOR, 5 Mar ee ey Young, J. S., Montreal. a re sreeree pos 14 00 16 00 = ed es Forces 17 00 to 12 in. wide.... r ee a 5° Barng Noss: i2in..... 28 $0 5 Ce et- th per Op Zecs 2.00 2:50 o 5° , Sand roin...... 2 BRASS CASTINGS ter stock,...--.++++ 15 00 17 00| Lath per M No.2... 100 1% ag 4° 5° pr Ss ip 2, 10M... sees a 5° Magnolia Metal Co., New York. : 6x fat aig a s= , 50| No. 3, 10 and 12 in. 20 §0 DRY KILNS QUEBEC, QUE pets a ) ri 39 50 4050} 1x6to See ae Bes tee & aeons as ’ bork Ont. QueEszc, December 6, 1&99 2200) 1X10 copa, NS a on ard Dry o., Indianapolis, Ind. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT fe 32 50| 1% and 1in...... 20 00 : 26 so| Mill Culls,1, 1%, 1 Pe i eteer areal AP PARATUS ; Square wines pines measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, .-.------ 2 a The followi tat Fe Z oad aes in. ee fi +++ 1500 16 so 4 ectric Co., Montreal. g air : ‘ Re oe eater = wing quotations on bardw j ying Start, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. - “ sist ince ‘ “ és pase : 3 Hs price at Buffalo and Tonawanda: s represent the jobber’s buying irst class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES ass Once WATEY! Wg to ax inch average ing to lineal. 38 47 st & and, x inch, 28 00 ooo | mete i ’ “ Michigan * 19 to21in aver ie isk . s . , to 4 in cape ee L. Cope s Falls, Ont. 8g 9 age &size 43-48 % to Zin..+-e-e+s 31 00 33, 00 | Strips ardt, H. P. o., Toronto. RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Com. and cull Gartshore, John, Toronto. Measured off, accordi i ‘ Park, Black fi : sures A r in to average and qu ITY... cece ee ce scence 22 26 ¥ BLACK AND BROWN ASH. “4 ee ews me aane Ce aaa In shipping order, f : ieee sitter ie 2s & and, 6inch up, 25 co 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 : Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. s BIRCH. a By the dram, according to average and quality 6 zat & and, 6 inch & ist &and,white, 6” &up, 18 oo 2 a soe on Jr., Hensall, Ont ELM. sehen ca essa seen 28 00 30 00| Com & good Sala <8 10 00 11 pa 5 aia ; F ; ; ELM. ; are am, ja ice sons, Bae Out: By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 ie 50 = . 4.32 35: 1St & 2d,rock, Bin.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ast & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Kingston, Ont. ‘ += AER ~ 13 MAPLE, ‘ Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. ; ’ oe st& od i 4 3 Darung Bree & Co., Ler 4 x4 inches and uP; according D acccace and nual 2 r ad, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 00 ndianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Fag ic RT Leonard & Sons, E., London Ont. BAY CITY AND SAGINAW. ICH. Lloyd Manufacturing Co-» Kentville, N.S. iginchaversee - beg 7 a xe x8 Bay City, Area Deca 1899. ershon & Co., W. B., Saginaw, Mich. I ee 62.) Se *. ae ; UPPERS AND SELECTS. The Wm. Hamilton Mig. 00, Peterboro’, Ont. 18 “ oe oS ee pe ce” ea a anne Selects, rin., Sin, and up wide $47 50 e Waterous Co., Bran ord. se 2! Os ioe wide ......+: Sac dares Me $53 sc| 1%, 1% an 2in. ¢ : DEALS. 1% Mand 2in........... 53 5° ‘ i a MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 t0 $43 15 16 Ps Nica aif ‘add ks. - sec sence 00m $9 275 a 5 ee oe Magnolia Metal Co., New York. ‘or 2nd, $22 to $25 for ard, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau 4 Wis dees Been aera 1». 67 £0 as"? 59 5° b FINE COMMON PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS 1 in., 8 in, and up wide...... 39 50 |2% and 3in. 8 we Tower & Wallace, New York. . NEW YORK CITY. 1H and r¥ in 4 2 pee 25 ae Latatel elves 42 50 PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY — _ Naw Yous, Nees December 6,199: iin, aad dp wilenenner oo 2/2 at The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. Bridge ti “dine rin., 7in. and up wide...... 30 50 | 2% and i wide The Waterous Co., Brantford. OM Teekay behead = ° ae o | Building antes =e ae ae elt -- Soa way ee ‘ins ee ew 50 30 a 37 5° 3 s PULLEYS SPRUCE. STRIPS. A AND B ( : ; f TRIPS. CLEAR AND SELECTS ; Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. me 5° ae Baie cocoons 16 25 17 00 1% in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide... 46 oo|1in., 4,5 and 7 = wide.. 40 00 The Dominion Leather Board Co. , Montreal, Que. ) bs CMBRBInr ena toner 185 195 61m. wide......++++++ Se 48 00 | 6 in. mF peepee Sete 48 00 RAILROAD BRASSES HARDWOOD. 1 in., 4, 5 in, wide TOD Oe ee ; : * in, wide. .....--+- 32 00/1 in. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. i ae No. 1 and 2 Black Ash, 10 to 16-..++. -s2+ss0eeer0 - 35 00 1% in., 6 in, wide........+-- 36 50 ‘ th Rota ae 4 po rons 0 i oe towing ee eaten oe eee 36 oc 7 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING 0) SAW MANUFACTURERS a: ee - 30.22 3fin., 4, 5; 6in. wide. =. -+-» so co | 5 i 4) aot, WORE es a burns, 2 R., ae os 5 Toronto; Ont. als oc “ard Maple, ; __NO, I FENCING OR NO, 3 FLOORING. P aw Works Co., wa, Ont. ‘ “ ‘ Bewood a a 1in., 4,5 and 7 in.....----- 21 co| 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. . Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. ee A a 1 er Tin, 64nsases soe | Pa TOE ee 2 SO The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que «“ Birch, Es Me ees ar 50 | 17 im, 6 it, -4-2 ~c--5-a-- 5-5 94 \50 a 7 . r a Black Ash, Com. and Shipping Cull, M.C.O....... : _ NO. 2 FENCING OR NO. ¢ FLOORING. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS con ne eearmmarees . ae ee rca tito g,Sand 7inch o-oo 38 3 | Neg Fencing, stm Sindh #7 oo Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. ee a otitis a mA . : ieiteies gO rin., 6inch ..... ning Raia . 18 50 .3 Fencing, x in., 6 inch.. 17 00 Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. “ Birch, cp" “ agen aera 12 03 No, 1,5 itp 0 EE ee : Wiggin, H. D., Boston Be ce |. ie eee . 14 00 1, 1 in., x0 in. stocks.... 29 00 | No.2, x in., 7 and 8in. stocks 2 : : 9 . . zin., ro in. and up wide... oo ti re aa 5 5° 2 : 34 in., to in. stocks... 25 50 MISCELLANEOUS i ain, cate ee 1 in., 12 in, stocks.......-. 39 50 Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. ALBANY, N.Y. Wi. aa ao pe Bin pes = wigs yf wae 27 9° Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Avsany, N.Y., December 6, 1899. up wide ..... . ae ae a a ae 2 3 a Pa a PINE. . Canadian Photo Eng ata Toronto. BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. Can. ol Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. in. Up ...-..-+ i i in.. 50 Can. Office ana dings, Boynton & Company, ee: a p28) 3 in. up Mic oy $70 | 1x12 inch shippers ...-..... $ $22 wees 25 50 | NO. 2,9 iN...s.-ce wceeeenee 18 50 70 | 4/4 inch 33” & up. 22 i . 21 50| San Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. i ; i Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink Pembroke, Ont et i 55 | 4/4, Box boards, 6” and up... 18 20 Bee oO «++. 2t 50 | No. 3, 12 in... die Mabe are a are ; 4 ch uppers ..--+++++eee0e 72 | xo-in, dressing and better... 26 32) yo 7 21.50) Tom Machine Knives, Peter Hay Galt, Ont ua 4 tate Za ar 60 | r0-in. common ...-....++.+ 1 Zo Now 25 2M. .-ee ee eee vise. 2200] gin. Pumps, Northey Manu Partin a a5. meant eS © 2IDs..-c0n gas: ¥s : 45 | 12-in. dressing and bett: ; AOL. 36 8 ig ose The Bradstreet Mercantile A I c ine common, 2) in. and UP, 50 | Co ne eee : ae ile Agency, New york and Toronto. LtO.2 IM. oc vice nc nscncenvece 38 42| No.1 barn, 1x12 i 26 SHIPFING CUMS es No. 1 cuts, r to 2 inch...... 28 35] xxz0.. = ee re ae 1 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$15 50 WHOLBSALE PRIGC Ney Edis) oon ae See eb aie ae 30'| MaxBPa. och oe tee 24 ths np ttle, 7 Ue al On Zee cncececereescenees 18 25 | No. 2b a: UP WORE asters T BS GU RRBNT. ne I malas rto2in..... 30 ce ike eee - a SHAKY CLEAR. is —_———_ o, 2 molding, x to 2 in...s. 24 27 ee é rin., 3, 45) 7,8 and gin. wide 27 50| 1 in., 10 in. and up wid Toronto, December 6, 1899. Stained saps...--.0++++e+++ 30 | Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4in...... 25 1 in., 6m. wide.... ..--..+++ 29 0. | th, % and 2 i. des aa. ema TORONTO, ONT. Bracket plank ....---- «++ gorge) ** ef eeraiinchg wide, z Be 12°60 00 62 00| No. 2, x in, Finecom. 29 or 36 00 Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. ‘ ter, 60% 16 ft..... 22 00 24 00| ¢ inch siding mill culls 10 09 10 50 Set DG AUD sic seeee 70.00 72.00). 1%hy 14% and 2in... 36 o 38 00 Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. txzo fine dressing and Cullscantling....-.-- 00 69 50 ects, Ein Oe ae 54 00 | No. x strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 48 00 McLaren, J. C., Beltin; Co., Montreal and Toronto. Betterieenc mores cee 22 00 24 00| 1 inch strips 4 in. to 8 Thy is weil 35 00}. No.2 ti s.s-sae 7 ee McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. txro and 12 Canadian in. mil] run.....- . 15 00 15 5) Ma i 4 bam Reais 64 00 oan E Mie J) 3a OO" 340 The Waterous Co., Brautford. dressing and better 18 00 20 00| « inch strips, common 12 00 13 00 Ome ree s, 8 to me ups, 1 in....:+.+ 24 00 36 00 Young, J. S , Montreal. 1 1-2and thicker cut- t 1-4 inch flooring... 17 00 6 ni, Ste, S ea piece? i ORT Cet tes to 2 in.. 28 09 40 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00| ¢ 1-2 inch flooring.... 1700 oR 9 per cent. clear... 39 00 42 00 | (omhn ards... --- 2 22D OO BAEC BRASS CASTINGS ixie-and ‘12 millrun 16 00 18 00 | XXX pinesbingles, r6 ee 4x 00 | Common ee as Magnolia Metal Co., New York. IXIO 2 12 cone 13 00 15 00 eh = olan istuemien aiken 2 65 145 by and, 2AN-. 50\0G" 42.90 ae baeede =e _ 9 = x10 and 12 mill culls 11 00 x11 50| X pine shingles 16 inch 175 X 5 ; 5 a DRY KILNS inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00| Lath, No.1....----- 3 50 ro and 12 inch dimension. . 2.02... 5+ 60. S290 ee ee $19 00 McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. inch siding mill run 15 00 16 00! | ath: INoz 2i cae onene coi sanree wip aw vere J ands, 1 re 1% in.... 20 00 22 00 ie 1%" 3.. 21 00 23 00 Bundled furring, random lengths.....----+----++ «+ = foe eee 5 ay oO LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Ash, black, rsts an Hickory, 1sts 2 SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Cope & Sons, A. L., Cope’s Falls, Ont. ands, 2 to 4 in...--- 22 00 24 00| and ands..1¥‘ 2.. 2800 3000 8©Extra att, foo Sa $28 00 $29 00 | ond Clears...-.--.--- $24 0> $25 00 .P. ., Toronto. Ash, M.R.,1_ to 2.. 17 00 19 00 Maple, sts Clears tecesouiss ee 6 rs a3 : Eokarkt, Ht recoutn. Birch, A .. 18 00 20 00 noe ands.. x ‘' 1% 17 00 18 00 ae sates phe SS Baan I AB ‘ & Co., Toronto. £s 1% ‘* 2.. 20 00 2300] Maple Ists 3 E es sets - dhe “ sars. 4x4 8 x824 00 2600| and ands.. 2 “‘ 4.. 18 00 19 00 ees ESS TESS |S. = Aas ae ag sep 2p era ee aa W bitewa, ont. Basswood, iss Sd Oale red, pm fey e 3 ee Wee Se ee 3 zs 3 = xtra No. 1.5.) -.cea9aK5O 12°75 i 7 ends, 1 to1% in.... 18 00 20 00 vers ards en sG-26%d0 "130/000 ern ee MACHINERY 1% to 2 ..2: 00 22 00| Oak,red, p’n, g = LATH. | Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. tS Mays.) 2 boo Oe rats & ands 2‘ 4.. 29 00 3200, PRU ( seer e722 7 | 1% in h...---++-+- «++. 2 €0@ 2 65 Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Butternut 1 “ 1% 23.00 25 00| Oak, white, r¥%-inch... ..--+++: 27> 780 Canadian Locomotive and arnt Co., Kingston, Ont. ee " @ Sige «i265 00 a 00 ager 1 ‘ 134 28 00 30 00 ; ; Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. esau, ye ca. 24 aot 6 onll Oale,, Qutes BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y, s., Montreal. Cherry, ists ists & 2nds 2 ‘f 4.. 30 00 35 00 ¥ ote Pepa Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. 5 oe ands..1 ‘ 13% 50<0 60 00| Oak Cece ; : Burrato, N Y., December 13, 1895. ‘ard & Sons, E., London, Ont. erry, xsts rsts & ands « “‘ 2.. 55 00 65 00 WHITE PINE. Lioya Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. and znds.. 2 “‘ 4.. 60.00 65 oo) Walnut, rsts ; (Whrlesale selling price.) Mershon & Co., W. B., Saginaw, Mich. a Elm,soft,mill as Z a ands... 1 ‘3.. 8500 10000 UP rss 1 1%, 1% and 5 a a na 14 M.- sees 33 5° The Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co. Peterboro’, Ont. iin te . r “xy 16100 18 o9 itewood IN. sree ee ee-++$57 50 58 50 14xxo and 12 35 50 The Waterous Co., Brantford. ; Elm, soft,mill rsts & ands tr *£ 2.. 32 00 3600 2% and 3 in......- 66 50 In.. 35 5° FU) scaisinars 2 ‘' 3.. 17 00 1900 IN...eeeee peeeeee 7t 5° 2 in. .. 36 5° MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL ’ Selects, i t0 oo Bde os 50 50 st 50 Shiebeinis No. x, 13 in. a Magnolia Metal Co., New York. QUEBEC, QUE” ss #&, FS ieee eo ar we. 6 le se Wes Je See de ko 2 66 50| Mold st’ps No. x to 2 Quessc, December 13, 1899. Fine common, rin. ,up fn a Det bee seseeees 38 CO 43 00 PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS WHITE PINE—IN THE Ag oe to 12 in. wide. .. 38 50 45 50| Barn, No.1, 12in..... 28 50 Tower & Wallace, New York. Diy cts. cts. 1% and 134 in..... 41 50 45 5° 6, 8and 10 in.....- 23 50 Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, -.------- te) 2 2 MM eoawoerenecces 40 50 44 .50| No.2, 101M-..-+-+- 2t 5° PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY “© good fair “ «“ Se eee a 3 in 56 50 No. 2, 12 in...... = 23 00 The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. ‘first class (a “ eee a oR 38 «42 4, ins... --e- wae 6t 50| No. 3, xo and 12 in. 20 50 The Waterous Co., Brantford. First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 42 Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. 33 50| Box, 1X4.-.;+00++ ++ 17 00 « ey «"’ ygto2zinchaverage ‘“ “ a Br 1% to2 in...-.---+ 39 50 40 50| xrx6tor2in... 19 co PULLEYS ‘ r enc One ae Michigan = 19 to 21 in. average a “« & size 43 48 No. 2, I IM...--+-+ 22 00 IX 10 tO 13 1N..-++- 20 00” pone Wood Srlie’ See ee eo. oO ane RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. bie 2,1 - Py re 1¥% in 32 50 wt au 1M in...... 20 00 e Dominion Le a) ’ . Measured off, according to average and qu ity......+++seess-+e 22 «26 No. 31% & 1% in 26 :o| Mill Culls, 1, 1%, 1% RAILROAD BRASSES In shipping order, hi ‘ ME ee cada I ert aaa 6, 3), 2IM. 6. +--+ ; 265 and 2in......... 15 09 16 50 aly The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber's buyi < OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 5 J ying Magnolia Metal Co., New York . t Buffalo and T da ; en) oP. 7 By the dram, according to average and quality. .. - 46 «49 price at Buffalo and 1 onawanda » TURERS ELM. : 1 WHITE ASH. | : SAW MANUFAC Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. . 32 35 tst & 2nd, x inch, 28 00 30 00| 2% tog in...--+-.+ 34 00 38 00 atank Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. “ or “ Ste epito.qadeek- Nova Scotia, €tc....-seeereees 1s 2dto1s 6d u planks... ..- sere ee eee ei eeneee os 11d tos od Per Std. 4.5: ee 20 oto024 9 16 oto17 0 10 oto 10 10 7 woto 7 15 7 oto 7 10 615to 7 © Deals, Quebec, white, 1st quality.....- " ” " and quality oreoe " " " 3rd quality seeee Spruce deals, St. John, Bangor, etc.... " uw | Nova Scotia, etc.....-.-- we boards, €tC....seecseseeceeeree ES THE BARBADOS MARKET. Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Co. review the Barbados lumber market as follows: The only arrival to report is the cargo per Allen A. McIntyre, from St. John, N. B., with about 130 M feet merchantable, 55 M small and 2nd quality white pine, and 22 M feet hemlock. We sold merchantable at $22.20, small $17, and quality $16, hemlock $16. She had also 345 M cedar laying and go M spruce shingles (extra quality), sold former at $2.55 and latter at $2.35. In spruce lumber we continue our valuation at $17 or thereabouts, and repeat that demand will shortly be setting in for re- quirements for the coming crop. The Duart Castle did not bring any Gaspe shingles and there is no change to note in the position of Long Gaspe. pn Fk LS TIMBER BERTH WITHDRAWN. Mr. Peter Ryan offered for sale by auction at the Queen’s Hotel in Toronto, on December zoth, timber berth No. 1 in Monteith town- ship, Parry Sound district. The berth com- prises 16} square miles of virgin timber, and was purchased from the Ontario government some years ago when the dues on pine timber was $1 per thousand feet instead of $1.25 as at present. The license includes all the tim- ber on the berth. Bidding was started at $2,000 per mile and reached $7,000, but there being no advance, it was withdrawn by the auctioneer at the request of the owners. HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : ‘* Hessler,” Westhartlepoo™ FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers ~ MANCHESTER z ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, eco See or any Woods suitable for English Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and A Se leeab lc ne ere bie pec POPLAR and , in logs, planksand boards, a’ i BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. 5 gees Please mention this journal when correspond- — ing with advertisers. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. Le YW, [SWAN DONOGH LUMBER CO. SeTaHUMBER WEALERS. Cable Address, ‘‘Swan DonocGu—TonawanDa. Lumberman’s Code. aa DECEMBER 20, 1899 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. lll. CANADIAN EXPORTERS and WHOLESALERS R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DEALERS Head ofice-TOQORONTO- 170 King St. West. SARNTA— -weorrsace DISTRIBUTING YARDS BUFFALO THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umrreo MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @ Write us for Quotations on all Bills@e PEMBROKE, ONT. A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES Moc Gregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. [cL AURIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EAST TEMPLETON, QUE. page Oe aero Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock. or Cedar. PINE oS SHIPMENTS By RaIL oR WarTER. MOHR & RYAN » Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season ae oe _ DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar bh ia and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. a specialty. _ - . Contractors for - Red Pine Piling Timber + Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*ETING —cernng Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling ws JAS. PLAY EHATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH » SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Ponce aes MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A. & P. VWAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber % Pine Shingles. A Quantity of Cedar Posts for Sale on the Shore of the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Wee eee and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of vone Pine, Cedar and Hamikcek Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER 5 It your wish - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Manufacturers of and Dealers in Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. ‘* Wanted ’’ For Sale’’ Department of the . . . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION $ Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the n Advertisement in the and ‘‘ case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. urk’s Falls, Ont. BRITISH IMPORTERS DUNGAN, EWING & GO. WOOd Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. Hl, GUM é Gl. WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SC SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge, Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. PYVERY & VINGENT =——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RED PIN =F (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. ”? Glasgow. sie, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Crosby Square, London, Ene, SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . . Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. .. . BUDGETT BROS. - 3 Om Bpers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Street Within, 3 LONDON, E.¢, ARNWORTH & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,’ Liverpool. 2 Dale Street and9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. SMITH & TYRER - — [4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL - Wood Agents . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—- SMITH, TYRER & CO. , Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. , Halifax, N.S. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. IRVIN & SELLERS “ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. Cable Address : ALSO DEALERS IN POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . - TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, “‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. ALFRED DOBELL & Co, fe LIVERPOoOL, ENGLAND ——- Seiling Agents For.., CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS. : Cable Address, ‘“ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND -LUMBER IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. THE BOSTON MARKET. [Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.] up to better proportions than has usually been the case in the early winter. Prices rule as Oregon shingles range from $2.30 to $3.15, as to grade and quality. DECEMBER 20, 1899 SOUTH AFRICA Pine.—Western pine is in much_ better follows : Paepata se are segues As prices have demand than usual at this season, with prices Frames, 9 inch and under........+++++++ess++ 17.00 advanced 30 to go cents: I %-inch, $2.90 to = well sustained : ; ro and 12 in. dimensions......-.++-.:+++seeeees hed $35 1 ¥-inch, $2.80 to $2.90. Millmen throughout Canada Uppers, 1 its... so sees eset eee e eee eeee $58.00 to $60.00 ex ee Sree the ant Baer ie nek 18.50 Boston, Dec. 18th, 1899. are invited to correspond with 434 CO ZAIN... sees eee ee eee eee eee 60.00 ‘* 62,00 Hy 4 f * 2 < . FURR ane. paeon eimeeS ee eae ee p00 tine iy the us and give particulars of the Selects, 7. to 41m so.00 {68.00 ‘Merchantable boards planed one sides .f21lil 1500 yy ee Se ats igs a woods whieh they ean supply Fine common, 1 to 3 Mes hewn esiniole nb ere 47-00 Mi 2:00! i Gubhéards planedionesides. te Mita. oesccniaesr , edium sized vessels from boston to buenos ia eae 3. ayer iene go.00 “56.00 Furring, Aen eye nd vs red 12.00 5 Nes are quoted at $9, Portland $9.50, and oi Constructional and Fur Pe ee a ee coma asice One SLE: reg a Aha rea 13.09 to $13.50 Maritime province ports $10 to $11. niture purposes. : ets CLAPBOARDS. — Clapboards are meeting On Saturday last fire was discovered in the i Harpwoops.—Hardwood lumber is 1M with a limited demand : Jumber yard of the James Shearer Co., corner MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & C y - 3 good request for the season : ‘Ach evupsthenaie told Aes Spruce, extra......sseee eee eeee ee es $28.00 to $29.00 Shearer and St. Patrick streets, Montreal. The CAPE TOWN, S.A. ee a é Bee Spruce, eer. koh ica aca emer ++ 26:00 27 00 two dry kilns, together with a quantity of lum- Cable Address, “Casket,” Cape Town. Maple .......0-00seseerseeeeeee recs A 40.00 Pine atic: — et ee eee $36.09 ber, were consumed, at a loss of about $25,000. A.B.C. Code used. Sycamore, quartered inch......+++-- 49.00 50.00 Pine, clear... oF hi taeetese ls es i Sees 30.00 ae Be ee ee Walnut .....6.seeeeee eer seeeeneses 100.00 130.00 Pine, and clear....-.+.0.-ese reer eereee 28.03 f Spruce.—The market on spruce lumber Less than carloads, $« to $z.50 more. CANADA ATLA NTI Cc RAI LWAY ee holds firm. favorable to building thus far, and jobs that The open weather has been SHINGLES.—Shingles are little changed, Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from .... with a fair demand for the season : ae ‘ther . ic ng -- would otherwise have been ‘‘hung up” till California redwood.........0esseereee $3.25 $3.40 OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE Lumb t spring have been continued, making a better Extra cedar, best brands, sic. carvielecte ei 3.10 to 3.15 OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE YORK, CO OIT, Bere ee ee ? call for spruce than was generally expected. Be ee vee aaa 2.65 “ ae Sec a . ae FREIGHT LINE Be MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, i i : : us H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. : - : 4 This extra call, added to the very brisk Clear white .......++++. 2.00 M.A. OVEREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board W.P. Hinron, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. demand in the early fall, has kept the demand _ wxtra No. 1...... Bp ee ata sooch hilo: Trade, Montreal. C. J. SmirH General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, BOSTON, MASS. Boston, December 13, 1899. Toronto, December 13, 1899. TORONTO, ONT. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman.’* : CAR OR CARGO LOTS. ee! 1% 1% ands inch oH e I ba dressing at cae WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. up and better...... 32 00 $34 00 etter... eee seers 20 OO $2 ° 7 Z BELT zinch picksand uppers 34 00 36 oo | t inch siding common 13 00 74 oo big i eines ae — bY vo com., 3 and 4 in 52 00 60 00 Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. ix 2 dressing and bet- inch siding shipculls 11 50 12 00 2 coal , and 2 in.. 60 00 62 00} No. 2, x in. Finecom. 29 09 36 00 Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. 4 ter, 60% 16 ft.....- 22 00 24 00| 1 inch siding mill culls 10 00 10 50 are zee ie wae de (O58 Te re wi 144 and 2in... 36 oc 38 00 Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. 1xzo fine dressing and Cullscantling.....--- 900 9 50 Ft We wy I strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 48 00 McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. Bettetss isa eelstasies . 22 00 24 00| r inch strips 4 in. to 8 = baad No, Zeveesereseae 40 00 43 00 McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. 1xro and 12 Canadian in. mill run...... . 15 00 15 50 4 OS O. Zruetccenrees 32 00 34 00 4 Cc The Waterous Co., Brantford. dressing and better 18 00 20 00| 1 inch strips, common 12 00 13 00 1 a ups, I iN....+... 24 00 ¢ 00 Young, J. S., Montreal. 11-2 and thicker cut- 1 1-4 inch flooring...- 17 00 6 xan. ee seee+ 44 00 47 00 rag 1% to2in.. 28 oo °o CASTINGS ting MB pave wie 24 00 26 00 cate Somme 4 17 00 Bie ion oa 39 00 - los eee math waa as we! = = n 1x10 and 12 millrun 16 00 16 00 pine shingles, 1 - aa pee rl BRASS olia Metal Co., New York. 1x10 and 12 common. 13 00 15 00|__ inch..:......++- ae 2 65 1,14 and 2 in... 50 00 42 oo | Shipping culls, in... 16 50 20 50 ie ; txro and 12 mill culls 11 00 11 50] XX pineshingles 16 inch I 75 do 1% in. 18 50 22 50 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 Lath. No, 5 -ccsaaan 375 10 and 12 inch dimension.......-..-++ Ces. see enact ane $19 fore) DRY KILNS n Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. 1 inch siding mill run 15 00 16 00 Lath No. 2-a0s-3-=- 3.00 g inches and under (frames). ....-.~.--+--.-++ ae +S eS McEachre ting : A d 12 inch dom | fe te Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. g HARDWOODS—PER y. FEET CAR LOTS. | rie a Lane sor ee ee pa ee u oe = we wality, 1s and 2s unl,,s otherwise specified. , , , , : s . ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Ash, white, pr in. .26 00 $28 007 Elm rock,mill . . a eee lees ee. and One es and up....-.+. Fd 50 Royal Electric Co., Montreal. 2% to 4.. 3000 3200] run....... 1 to 1%"18 00 20 00 » & feet ANd UP. .+-s-.0n5 stoners | Stat John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. Ash, black, xsts and Elm,rock, mill Out spruce boards... -+-+0+0scererererss esr sseee ioe’ Sino karen =a ty Oo ’ ’ ; PLIES iilde, 1 t01246 i van 20 OBN 22 00 | NB... sns 14 3.. 21 00 23 00 Bundled furring, random lengths.....-..---.--+ » a Ohare cntee,, Bray LUMBERMEN’S SUP Ash, black, xsts and Hickory, 1sts SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. - fina Cope & Sons, A. L., Cope’s Falls, Ont. ands,2to4in...... 22 00 24 00 and 2nds..134‘‘ 2.. 28 00 30 00 $28 00 $29 00 | 2nd Clears......+....$24 09 $25 00 Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Ash, M.R.,1_ to 2.. 17 00 19 00 Maple, ists |, 26 00 27 oo| Extra No. r.........16 00 18 00 Gartshore, John, Toronto. Birch, in. "38 00 2000| and ands..1 “f 134 17 00 18 00 ‘ Park Blackwell & Co., Toronto. us 1% ‘© 2.. 20 00 23 00| Maple, sts : see oe Rice Lewis & Son Toronto. sqrs. 4x4 “ 8 x824 00 2600] and nds. va ff 4.03800! SDt00) #) ea eee ee eee apa & Ean N ear... ..0.-. 215 2 25 Woods, Jas. W. Ottawa, Ont. Basswood, sts and Oakredip'n,) =. eS ee 3 bi 3.25 xtra No. £....-.+-05. I 50 I 75 4 , ends, 1 to1% in.... 18 00 20 00 oes giloeté 26°00" 30100, ae uae ec eae 205 275 MACHINERY " 1% tonzi-22 2e 22 00 | Oak;red, p’n, 3 S LATH. — ; Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. mr. 1% 15 00 1700] sts&znds2 ‘ 4.. 29 00 3200 oie sl igg ; | r4-inch..s..scccecsees 2 60@'2 65 Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. _ Butternut x ‘© 11% 23 00 25 00| Oak, white, 1¥%-inch....... 272 280 ; ian Locomotive and Engine Co. Kingston, Ont. S: 2 ‘ 3.. 25 00 28 00| _x1sts&2nds z “ 7% 28 00 30 00 é eo Taine & Co., Levis, Oi: : : Chesrnut 1 **2.. 24.00 76 00] Oak, white, BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y Darling Bros., Montreal. Cherry, 1sts rsts & ands 2 ** 4.- 30 00 35 00 9 IN. Ye Indianapolis Excelsior Mig. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. z ae ends.. 1 “ 1% 50co 60 00| Oak eel 1 : Burrato, N.Y., December 13, 1895- Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. erry, sts ists & ands 1 ‘* 2.. 55 00 65 00 WHITE PINE. _ - 4 Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. and 2nds.. 2 ‘ 4.. 6000 65 oo, Walnut, ists ’ (Whclesale selling price.) _ eon & Co., W. &. 5 Saginaw, Mich. Elm, soft, mill and ands.. x *f 3.- 85 00 x0000 © Upp ts, 1, 14%,1%and2 ressing 1% in.. 33 5° The Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. GUD). eae x ‘1% 16 00 18 00 | Whitewood, IN. see eecseeecees $57 50 58 50| 1%xx0and 12.. 35 5° The Waterous Co., Brantford. Elm, soft, mill ists & ands x *f 2.. 32 00 3600 24% and 3 in.....- : 66 50 1% in...... a 33 35 50 Yi kidieiatelaraate 2 . 17 00 19 00 4 M...eee tepeeeeee 7t 50 2 ID .s neces annem 30 50 MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL 3 9 ser & 4 2 in..... 50 50 5: s0| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. > ; 2% and 3 in....... I 50 and up, 1 in...... 38 50 Magnolia Metal Co., New York. QUEBEC, Ce Pe OMmr git 5 = in, 5.5 Bese eee 66 50] Mold st’ps No. 1 to 2 . ine common, f in., in «1.55. cau pereae - 38 PAPER Ae Oe MILE ENGINEERS WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. ‘ : L. 12 ee es 38 50 45 50| Barn, No.1, x2in..... _— Br se ower allace, cts. cts. 1% and 1 in..... 41 50 45 50| 6,8anduioin...... 23 50 Square white pine measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, .. 32 i a : PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY unr sie yin mesnfed Oa > tee et 38 s 23 The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. _** first class Cri Lee Se 42 50 an ce The Waterous Co., Brantford. First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 42 so |\Box; ximige, :ashhne iets 17 00 - i ce: a 1g to 2 inch average a Mee + 38 44 5° rx6tor2in....... 19 co PULLEYS Michigan 19 to 21 in, average &size 43 48 oo| £xxdito 33in Nees sarod Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. i so| 1 and xin...... 20 00 © The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. Measured off, according to average and qu ity.....-+-++++++s0- 22 26 No. 3,14 & 1% in 26 50| Mill Culls,1, 1%, 134 RAILROAD BRASSES In shipping order, : Se Se a ESSE Lite eee ce ey) No. 3, 2M + esse eee ; 26 50 and 2in....... +. 15 00 16 50 : OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber's buying Magnolia Metal Co., New York. By the dram, according to average and quality;. i .°.» 1, 46 49). Bpeciat Buffalo and Tonawanda : — : ELM. J WHITE ASH SAW, MANUFACTURERS saison coor ewenutiiady gueta = 3 “gmiuhn tm relge a Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. 30 to 35 feet. . 27 3¢ 1% to2in..... +++ 31 00 33 00 caecial hn t. ASH. ‘ 14 06, The tye Pe nartiin Os: montreal, Que. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . + + 2% 24 3 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. To iayerage 16)InCL. nwa colony hss eseeaa 26 rst & and, 6inch up, 25 00 26 oo | Com. & good culls... 12 00 oo WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Cs pinch, ae sch ¥ Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. aa SVEHEE ++. «eR See ee 1 Oe ee sy 6 inch & : fe Sans wie ee 18 00 2000 Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. « ee ae up, red....+..-.+5 28 00 30 00 | Com. & goo secon ESO IT Ga Wiggin, H. b., Boston, Mass. ae aes ; ELM. rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ist & 2d, soft 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 ; DEALS. ree , eQnes 7 MISCELLANEOUS, Bros., St. John, N.B.. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for xst, $25 to $27 MAPLE. . Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. for 2nd, $22 to $25 for 3rd, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau rst & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 oa Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. : Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. ALBANY, N.Y. PRICES OF COOPERAGE STOCK. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Ill, A NESE b 3 + Fuotbsbaas at Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. LBANY, N.Y., December 13, 1999. Sutherland Innes Mill lp Seb ed een bg eg i Re Uppers, 3 in. up.......---+ $ a x12 inch shippers ......--- $ $22 No. x 28% inch jointed elm staves, per net 1,000...+++-++++-+s++ «$6 50 A ; - F ? . BGAN. ctr tai fs /4 inch ey & up. 22 No.130 " " " " Seer aih ee eee Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. ayes 7° | 4/4 Bee honel end P. 5 eke |b x < # A Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Tto2iM....-+-+- 55 4/4. ox boards, 6 and up .. 18 20 No. Jae howe 7H 9 Pusnpe, Ravine Mamataciag Co sont ang moronte. SHOE gs Ble emma er Meas ea : PEOUAMM dso wleies ste te siae'ere 45 fae dressing and better... 34 Ne 7 go. Ot " " " " 2 475 i in. and Sarat E O. 2 32 " " " " " . 5 ao WHOLESALE PRICBS CURRBNT. Bin common, a4 thy a0 eae ete aie tee a TR ge ne et al 1.2 aie koe aps No. x cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 28 35 TXIO). 020 ivees 26 No. r14 in. tor494in. kiln dried basswood heading,perset -..... OTTAWA, ONT. ING. atte eee mecca 22 \go| _IX8..ceasanes S 24, NOwE x5. 260 oy " u " 53 adahteare L Orrawa, December 13, 1899. NO: 3. cocccecccicsecccces 18 25 | No. 2 barn, rxr2. 24 No. 1 17% " " " ho nena eaaee : 2 ; N Iding, x to 2in.. Oy nas waenee ee 2 No.r18 ou 18% " " " ainsi etnias F ee : 5 " " " " " eek aeweeede wee pe “ ACR 18 CO 24 00 Pine mill culls...... 9 50 21 00 mxxq inch shippers a No. 16%" " " " Wh semen seaweese 7 Fs Pine, No. x dressing rxro No, x barn 2000 ‘sae No. 2 hoops about so cts. per thousand less. Gis, ee 18 00 | x10 No. 2 “ a8 oo INO sey ctetars sina = nips aisle) =\as/<' Ser $3 00 | BOGE wns onde itisinnianes $3 00 No. 7 2834 in. jointed white ash staves, per net 1,000 ......-..+-+ 7 00 Pine, No. x dressing 1x8 &QNo.r * «.-. 19 00 2 SHINGLES. No. 2 28% « " " " eee cee shorts, «...++22002% 14.00 16 00|1x8&QNo.2“ .... 17.00 Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 6 25 , 34in, to 35 in. elm syrup bbl. staves «.-+2--ee eee 8 Pine, 10 s.c. and bet- Lath per M No.1... 250 300 Clear butts.......... 3.00 3 25| Hemlock...........++- 215 No x 30 inch half syrup pepe eee ee ter stock,....sses0- 15 00 17 00| Lath per M No.2... 200 225 Smooth, 6x18....++- § 00 5 50| SPruce...sseeereeneee 2 20 (If bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITIO The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vor. V. TORONTO, ONT., DECEMBER 27, 1899 No. 49. Canapa LuMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire Insurance BuILDING, MONTREAL. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of r5 cents per lineeach insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. ANTED.—LOWEST CASH PRICE PER M., f.o.b., in car lots, for best dry, second-growth Hickory, Rock Elm and White Ash; fit for hammer handles. State shipping point and R.R. Address, Tayior & Lount, Whitevale, Ont. SITUATION WANTED. S SUPERINTENDENT, FILER, HAM- merer, Inspector, Mill-Wright or Sawyer; thor- oughly competent—Lumber or Shingles. Engage now for next season. Box 800, CANADA LUMBERMAN. WANTED. : N AUTOMATIC HEAD TURNING MA- chine. Must bein good running condition and cheap. Parties having one to dispose of may finda cash purchaser by addressing Gro. M. Everest, Arkona Basket Factory, Arkona P. O., Ont. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers rzo h.p., Engine ico h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x roo ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber near by. For: particulars, address ALLEN CRESSMAN, Berlin, Ont. Sia TENDERS, addressed to the undersigned, marked “‘ Tenders for Railway Ties, &c.,” will be received until noon on FRIDAY, THE 29TH INST., for the followmg Railway Ties, Sawlogs and Pulp- wood, namely :— 5,000 Cedar Railway Ties. 10,000 Cedar Posts (8 ins. and over and under 8 ins. in diameter.) 1,000 Cedar Logs. 300 cords Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood, which will be taken out during the present winter by the Indians of Manitoulin Island, unceded, and deliv- ered on the shore of Lake Huron at convenient points of shipment; also 2,000 Cedar Railway Ties and 100,000 ‘feet B. M. of Black Ash, to be taken out by the Indians of Sucker Creek Reserve during the winter and delivered on theshore of Lake Huron, at different points for shipment. i Tenders should state the: price that will be paid in cash for these Ties, P.sts, Logs, Pulpwood and Ash. The successful tenderer will be required to make reason- able advances to the Indians as the work progresses. An accepted cheque for two per cent. of the total value, made payable to the order of the undersigned, should acc -mpany each tender, which will be forfeited in the event of failure to carry out the contract. The highest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. J. D. McLEAN, Secretary. Department of Indian Affairs, Ottawa, 12th December, 1899. OR SALE.—40,000 FEET DRY HEMLOCK, 2X6 inches, 12 feet. Write Reip Bros., Hep- worth Station, Ont. \ ANTED—10 MILLION FEET OF SPRUCE o1 Red Pine Laths, 2 to 5 feet long, one inch wide by 2/16-inch thick. MAN **Gama,” c/o CanapA LUMBER- We HAVE 2c0,c00 TO 300,000 FEET OF VERY V good Beach Logs which we wish to cut to order. Signed, Joun Harrisoy & Sons Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. OR SALE—Sawmill—complete, in good order, with a capacity of 25,000 feet per day; also a quantity of Boom Chain. Would move the mill and take contract to cut lumber by the thousand. Box 233, Barrie. WANTED. OR JUNE, 1900.—so M FEET CUBIC FLAT Tamarac, 50 M feet cubic Round, Flat or Square Pine, for which cash will be paid on delivery at Sorel, Que. For further particulars, address Jas. SHEPPARD & Son, Sorel, Que. BOX SHOOKS DVERTISER DESIRES TO COMMUNI- cate with Saw Mills favorably situated to Mont- treal, Portland or St. John, to ship Spruce and Pine Box Shooks to Scotland. Apply Canans LumpeRMA office for name and address. SAW MILL MACIIINERY FOR SALE. HE COMPLETE MACHINERY OF A SAW Mill, consisting of a steam feed large carriage and frame, one rope feed ditto, double edger and trimmers, swing saws, automatic grinders, belts and saws in good order; all made Ly Waterous, Brantford. Will be sold ’ cheap. Apply to J. K. Warp, Mona Mills, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE. 36 FOOT 8 INCH PRESCOTT FEED STEAM Jump Saw, 40 to 56 inch saw; three block girder steel Carriage, opens 40 inches, Boss dogs, good setworks ; Endless Log Haul Up hundred feet chain, could be lengthened ; a number of Engines, Boilers and Mill Machinery taken on new machinery. WaATEROUS, Brantford, Canada. AUCTION SALE OF Saw Mill Property, Mill Plant, Village Lots, Lumber, Etc. HERE WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE BY public auction, at the Village of Young's Point, County of Peterboro’, on TUESDAY, JANUARY QTH, 1999, at 1c o'clock a.m., the property of Cornelius Young, consisting of the following: Saw Mill, equipped with large circular saw, butting-off saws and edgers, operated by two Giant water wheels; Shingle Mill, equipped with one Perkins machine, two jointers and blocking saws, driven by Giant water wheel; Planing Factory, containing one large planer and matcher, one four-sided moulder and one iron-framed re-saw, driven by two Leffel wheels; about 300 Boom Chains, one patent Capstan one Hoisting Derrick, quantity of Boom Timber, Pike Poles, Peevies, Horses, Waggons, Sleighs and other chattels used in connection with mill property ; quantity of Shingles ; about 200,000 feet of Pine and Hardwood Lumber; quantity of house finish- ing Moulding ; two car loads of Cedar; also 15 Village Lots situated in the villageof Young’s Point. The mill property and other real estate will be offered subject to a reserve bid. The terms cf sale of real estate will be ro per cent. at time of sale, balance within thirty days. All purchases of chattel property under $ro to be cash, balance within three months. JOHN HAGGART, Auctioneer. INFORMATION WANTED. Timber manufacturers who have received circulars from the publishers of this journal asking for information to assist us in the pre- paration of our annual review of the lumber trade, will confer a favor by supplying the data at as early a date as convenient. é CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Activity still pervades the lumber trade of Ontario. So much lumber sold weeks ago still remains in the mill yards that shipments will be made by rail through- out the entire winter. It is said that some mills have several million feet yet to move. Numerous enquiries for stock are being received, but in some instances orders have been rejected owing to in- ability to supply the lumber required. For next season’s production business is progressing very favorably. It was re- ported that Watson & Todd had _ pur- chased the cut of W. C. Edwards & Co.’s mills in the Ottawa valley. It is now learned that the purchase includes all of the first, second and third quality white pine deals and 7o per cent. of their red pine. The same firm are also re- ported to have purchased next season’s production of white and red pine deals of the Hull Lumber Co. and A. A. Buell & Co., as well as the red pine deals of the Pembroke Lumber Co. and A. & P. White, of Pembroke. Manufacturers report numerous enquiries from Great Britain for red pine, and the prospects are that the price of this lumber will be higher next year than in the past season. The lath situation remains unchanged, the available supply being far short of the demand, and prices gradually stiffening. In hardwoods some contracting for next season’s production has taken place, and, as far as can be learned, the prices represent a slight advance over the figures paid for similar stock last summer. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, It is little wonder that the lumbermen inthe eastern provinces are increasing their operations in the woods this winter, as they have been given every encourage- ment by the course which prices have taken during the past two months. The mills are cleaned out of dry stock and manufacturers are daily refusing orders for coarse pine, spruce and hemlock boards. Spruce clapboards are the only stock that 1s not constantly enquired for. These are low in frice and difficult of sale. Next season’s production of several of the large mills in Quebec have been purchased by the shippers, Dobell, Beckett & Co. and W. & J. Sharples figuring prominently in the transactions. The prices represent an advance on last year’s figures, one sale being reported of 3x9 thira spruce, for first open water shipment from Quehee, at about 35s advance upon last year’s quotations. This, however, is an excep- tional figure, and, notwithstanding the strength of the market, is a greater ad- vance than manufacturers should expect. Early shipments will be the rule next spring, as some mills will saw during the winter as soon as there is sufficient snow to get logs out. Up to one week ago unfavorable weather had been experienced in some parts of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, thus increasing the cost of logging. Notwithstanding this, we judge from reports to hand that the production of logs this winter in the Maritime pro- vinces will be fully one-third greater than last season. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The higher prices on white pine lumber, as announced by the Lake of the Woods manufacturers some weeks ago, have been firmly maintained. By the new list all timber and dimension stuff was advanced $1 per thousand, and boards, shiplap, flooring, ceiling, siding and fencing $1.50 per thousand.. It is said that dealers have also been informed that no mote orders for No. 2 dimension white pine can be taken by the mills for immediate delivery. Lath is quoted in Winnipeg at $2.75 retail, but the tendency is towards higher prices, and it is predicted that $4 will be reached before the spring. Dealers throughout Manitoba have been notified of an ad- vance of $1 per thousand in the price of British Columbia shiplap, fir and cedar. The demand for lumber at this season is remarkably good, and orders for next year’s delivery are being booked. From this it would appear, that retailers and consumers do not expect that lower prices will rule in 1900, There 1s every pros- pect of a large production of white pine logs this winter, and it is probable that operations will be commenced on some of the limits in the Rainy River district purchased last week from the Ontario government. UNITED STATES. The general shortage of lumber n the United States has induced some manu- facturers to inaugurate’ winter sawing, but as the lumber so cut will not be ready for the market until late in the spring, winter prices are not likely to be affected. The great shortage in stock applies chiefly to low grade pine boards. It is said that sales of No. 4 boards have been made at Duluth on the basis of $12 per thousand. No. 3 boards have sold as high as $13.50 for next season’s delivery. At Tonawanda there is a great scarcity of I x 8-inch, Io-inch and 12-inch box and No, 2 and No. 3 barn, and prices have ad- vanced from $1 to $2 per thousand feet. Dealers are putting forth every effort to purchase I x Io inch and 12 inch stock, to be shipped in by rail during the winter. Lately the demand for cutting up stock has improved, and prices are likely to advance. There is a good stock of inch fine common and shaky clear, and on these grades some shading of prices is reported. The lath market is as firm as ever. In Chicago No. 1 white pine lath is selling at $4.50 and $4.75, and No. 2 about 25 cents less. The demand for hardwood is rather quiet, as manufactur- ing plants have shut down for the holiday season. White ash is scarce and very firm in price. Sales of maple have been made at Buffalo at about $22 for inch and $25 for thicker. FOREIGN. One question under discussion in British lumber circles is where the present ad- vance in prices is going to end. Each day the price of some class of timber is marked higher, and in comparison with the prices of one year ago, there is a con- siderable difference in favor of those now ruling. Prices for spot goods have strengthened in sympathy with the high prices asked by shippers for next season’s II. production. In London it is predicted that 3x9 second quality spruce deals will command £11 Ios in the early spring, with thirds 20s less. The packing-case and box manufacturers, who are the largest consumers of spruce, are very busy with orders. At Glasgow several sales of pine and spruce deals are reported at most satisfactory prices. Broad first pine deals and broad sidings are particularly scarce. For first open water shipments shippers in Russia and Sweden are asking excep- tionally high figures, but it is said that they have been successful in disposing of a large quantity of stock. ee STOCKS AND PRICES. The Morris, Field Rogers Co., of Lis- towel, Ont., are in the market for large quantities of hardwood lumber. The ship Rose sailed from Moodyville, B.C., last week for Fremantle, West Australia, with 800,000 feet ot lumber. H. J. Crowe, of Bridgetown, N.S., is operating ten portable saw mills, and ex- pects to cut 10,000,000 feet of lumber this winter. John Gardner & Co., of Rat Portage, Ont., have secured a contract from the C.P.R. for 50,000 ties, and have put ina camp on Sturgeon lake. Geo. Cook, of Urbania, N.S., has taken a contract to get out 1,000,000 feet of lumber this winter near Tatamagouche lake, in Colchester county. The Goderich Lumber Co., of Goderich, Ont., are prepared to let a contract to cut, © skid and deliver on beach at Stokes Bay the saw logs and cordwood on from 50 to soo acres of land. The Department of Railways and Canals at Ottawa will receive tenders up to Wednesday, January roth, for the sup- ply of timber required by the Welland canal and its branches for the year 1900. Lumbering in the vicinity of Parrsboro, N. S., is being carried on extensively. D. A. Huntley has and will cut 2,500,000 feet of logs, and David Roberts is cutting 1,500,000 feet at Moose River for M. L. Tucker. At the Crown Lands office at Frederic- ton, N. B., three timber berths were sold last week, as follows: No. 25 on the Cocagne river, Kent county, to G: E. Lockhart, at upset price; No. 56, in parish of Musquash, to Daniel Newman, at upset price; No. 57, on Salmon river, Kent county, to Richard & Quinn, at $38 per mile. The log production of Maine this winter will be considerably heavier than last sea- son. Onthe Penobscot the cut will be about 180,000,000 feet, against 140,000, - ooo feet last winter. On the Kennebec the cut will probably reach 150,000,000 feet, while the average in recent years has been little over 100,000,000 feet. Log prices rule at about $6.50 per thousand feet. The Engl:sh Land Co. have sold to Mc- Cormack & McLeod, of Orillia, Ont., the cedar timber on their property in the township of Harcourt, Haliburton district. The contract for cutting the timber and manufacturing it into ties, poles and shingles has been given to Gillespie, Ormsby & Co., of Wilberforce, who agree to cut all the timber within three years. ———_————— ENQUIRIES FOR WOOD PRODUCTS. The following were among the enquiries relating to Canadian trade received at the office of the High Commissioner for Canada in London, Eng., during the two weeks ended December 15th: 5. An enquiry comes from the Midlands for plasterers’ laths (either machine or hand riven), and quotations are desired delivered c.i.f. Liverpool and Glasgow. 6. The addresses of a few Canadian houses who are ina position to ship wood pulp are asked for by an Antwerp firm. 7. A Welsh firm who import fir props for mining purpores, chiefly from Norway, Sweden and the Baltic ports, enquire if Canadian shippers could supply large quantities to the Mersey and Bristol channel by steam or sailing vessel. Canadian manufacturers may open up correspondence with any of the firms two camps at Lakelands. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. making the above enquiries by addressing a letter to the publishers of the CANADA LUMBERMAn, by whom it will be for- warded. When writing refer to the number of the enquiry. ee THE BOSTON MARKET. [Correspondence of the CaNaApDA LUMBERMAN.] During the past week the Boston market has shown no signs of weakness ;_ on the other hand, reports tell of a heavier volume of trade than was anticipated. Building has also ex- - ceeded expectations, and intending builders, evidently convinced that present prices of lumber are to continue for some time, are going ahead with plans that have been held in abeyance. WESTERN PINE.—The firmness of western pine is yet a feature of the situation. Buyers are eager purchasers and are understood to be scouring the west for connections for the ensuing year. The position, however, is fully realized by manufacturers. Prices rule as follows : Uppers, rim..cee ee eeee eee eecetenees $58.00 to $60.00 TH tO ZiN....-eeeer eres ... 60.00 ‘* 62,00 gand 4in.......+5- .. 70.00 ‘* 72.cOo Selects, 1 to qin...... . 50.00 ** 68.00 Fine common, x to 3 in 48.00 ‘* 62.00 Sheathings.......-- 40.00 ‘* 56.00 Barn boards. . Ro ena ena 22.00 ‘* 300 Coffin boards.......++eseeeeee eee eeeee 20.00 “* 25.00 SprucE.—The market on spruce lumber is reported firm. It is very difficult to get orders filled at the mills by reason of lumber scarcity, low water and a positive shortage of logs. It is now known that the amount of spruce logs to be carried over this winter will be much less than was formerly estimated, while the con- templated cut may be reduced by lack of snow. Agreement prices are being well maintained as follows : Frames, 9 inch and under......++++++seeeeeeees $17.00 ro and 12 in. dimensions...+-+-+-+-4+ser errs 19.00 ro and :2in. random, 10 ft. and up long.......-- 18.50 2X3, 2X4,2X5,2X6,2x7 and 3x 4, to feet ATIG SUP oan =< sre 0) erecole wqein are evan w)clvieisiata8 «15 (eleaiaiaie 15,00 All other random, g in. and under ......----+--- 16.50 Merchantable boards planed one side....-.----- 15 00 Out boards planed one side....-.+.-++seeereeses 12.00 Furring, 1x2, 1x24 and 1x3 planed ONE SIde....- eevee cerees ere ecese 13.00 to $13.50 Harpwoops. — There 1s still a good demand for hardwood lumber, stock being taken almost as quickly as offered, at firm prices. Ash is fairly active at $45 for 1 inch, $50 to $52 for 14%, 1% and 2 inch, and $60 to $62.50 for thicker. Maple sells at $32 to $42, although the demand from manufacturing enterprises is only normal. Birch is active and realizes good prices. CLAPBOARDS.—There has been a slight im- provement in clapboards, but as yet the market is by no means active : Spruce, extra.....e+eeeereeeet ee esrees $28.00 to $29.00 Spruce, clear.......+..++eeeeeseeeeees 26.00 ‘* 2700 Spruce, 2nd clear....++.sssseeeeeeerees 24.00 ‘* 25.00 Pine, extra... ceccceeeesecseeesescees 34.00 to $36.00 Pine, clear.....++-.-+ceeessreecees ses 30.00 ** 33 00 28.00 SHINGLES.—Cedar shingles are more en- quired. for than any other class. California redwood shingles are selling very well. Quotations rule as below : California redwood......--+++-++++te00+ $3.25 to $3.40 Extra cedar, best brands.......-+++--++> 3.10 *f 315 Clear cedar...... BR enc BaoT ce Te 2.65 ‘© 2.70 and clear cedar.....sseeeeeeereeeeteeees 2.10 ** 2.25 Clear white ........cceceeeeseeeeenceeee 2.00 Extra No. Tivscceccereererecnececenene? 1.50 Oregon shingles range from $2.30 to $3.15, as to grade and quality. LaTH.—An advance of about 15 cents has taken place in the price of laths. 15 inch sells at $3 to $3.25 and 1} 1nch at $2.90 to $3. Boston, DEc. 23rd, 1899. ——— THE OTTAWA VALLEY. [Correspondence of the CANADA LuMBERMAN.] Despite the fact that lumbering operations on the limits are being carried on ex- tensively this season, there is a possibility that the large mills in and about Ottawa will be short of logs when they open in the spring. Wanted for EXport ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY KONTREAL BANKERS Dennw, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. . the Manufacturer. The mild weather is held accountable for the prospective shortage. Ex-Mayor Samuel Bing- ham, of this city, who for many years has super- intended the distribution and transportation of logs on the upper waters of the Gatineau and Ottawa, states that the absence of snow in the woods and ice on the rivers will interfere with the cutting operations on the limits. Although the timber cutting is well advanced, few of the logs have been got out of the woods to the rivers. He states that the situation is so alarming that choppers have been called off heir regular work, to strengthen the gangs getting the logs out. Mr. Bingham has left on a trip up the Gatineau, where he will make arrangements for the transportation of the logs. Should the winter continue an open one, the results will be even worse, and but a small proportion of the logs cut will be floated to the mills. In Mr. Bingham’s opinion the mills may not have such a steady run next season as they had last, owing to the scarcity of logs. Should this be the case, the price of lumber will advance still higher, as the supply will not equal the increased demand. From Ot- tawa alone 6,000 men were sent to the differ- ent lumber shanties. The agents of the differ- ent companies are hiring many more teams than last season, but until the lakes freeze they will be unable to get them to the seat of oper- ations on the limits. The office staffs of the various Ottawa mills are now busily engaged compiling the statistics of the past year’s busi- ness. Inquiries are coming in about next season’s cut, part of which has already been contracted for at advanced prices. As lumber is still being shipped by rail in large quantities, the car famine is still felt. The Hull Lumber DECEMBER 27, 1899 ———— ee Company is being retarded considerably on this account. Owing to the continued high prices in the lumber market, the prospects for next year’s building operations in Ottawa are not as bright as they otherwise would be. Local contractors also complain of a dearth of building material. ‘As an indication of the general advance made in all lines of lumber manufactured in and shipped from Ottawa, a prominent mill owner cited the quotations on cull deals. Last spring these sold at from $5 to $6.50 per thousand, whereas they now sell at $12 per thousand, with prospects, he states, of going up to $14 before the spring. The average increase in prices all round has been about 15 per cent., but this has been followed by a demand for increased wages, and the mill owners’ bonanza has been reduced. Probably few classes of Jaborers look to their interests as close as the mill hands and others engaged in the lumbering, and as a result every increase in lumber prices or rise in the market is followed by a demand for a corres- ponding increase in wages. Orrawa, December 23rd, 1899. ———X—“ehee THE AUSTRAIAN MARKET. The monthly timber report of Fraser & Co., ‘Melbourne, reviews the Australian market as follows : Business in timber during the past four weeks has not been so active as in the pre- ceding month, thuugh some fair sized oper- ations have been carried through. There has been much caution shown ere concluding sales, owing to the necessity of importers re- (Continued on page 4.) Gear foie sate Re Se JAMES COOKE & CO. WOOD BROKERS Cable Address, “ Woodgoods,” Newcastle-on-Tyne. Representing At Canadian and American Lumber Shippers. CG. H. GLOVER & CO., xta. Importers of SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, EI. Wharves, Mills and Offices : ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENGLAND From now we intend buying DIRECT from Offers Invited ..--- JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Buys Spruce and Pine Deals, Ends and Boards, Floorings, Moulds, Sashes, Doors, Shooks, Birch, Poplar, Walnut. PRIME OAK PLANKS _——— H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUGHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA Be rr P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. H_D. WIGGIN fsSrav MASS. 89 STATE ST. - will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WT PT EI Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F. Stengel “serrate we NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, ENGLAND HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepoo” FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER - ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks,. Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Weasidlee or any Woods suitable for English Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. WANTED Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and Ee pa heag Pabia poset POPLAR and , in logs, planksand ds, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. : sé > Please mention this journal when correspond- ing with advertisers. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. SWAN ‘DONOGH LUMBER C8, “ESTICLUMBER DEALERS. Pa IN Cable Address, ‘Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA.- Lumberman’s Code. MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of © ates DECEMBER 27, 1899 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. lI. CANADIAN EXPORTERS and WHOLESALERS TH PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umren MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @We Write us for Quotations on all Bills@e PEMBROKE, ONT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT ANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES cGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. MictaAu RIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EAST TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION : ONT. A. A. SCOTT. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS By RaIL oR WatTER.- “ MOHR & RYA Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for . . . DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . . Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . . Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. . . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. S It YOUP Wish . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY n Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the . . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. | MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling sf KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHEETING—SinRe BRITISH IMPORTERS R. LAIDLAW LUMBER Go. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head ofice-TOQORONTO--70 King St. West. SARNIA—wuoresate DISTRIBUTING varos—_ BU FFALO JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies =e MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A. & P. VWAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber 4% Pine Shingles. A Quantity of Cedar Posts for Sale on the Sho e of the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. urk’s Falls, Ont. 10.00 DUNCAN, EWING & GO. WOOd Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. MOM & Gl. 4, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods i n Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. PPEVERY & VINGENT a=—SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND | RED PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO ‘SevEKG PODMORE & CO. SALES AGENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND Sell before shipment and look ‘ iss (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) after Shippers’ interests. All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. ee > Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution ad of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. .. . 6 BU D F ETT R 4 0 S . /0 and 71 Bishopsgate Street Within, LONDON, E.C. . - . i a * = fs - >» ee tes ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. SMITH & TYRER - — (4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL - - Wood Agents. . F Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth, ’ Liverpool. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. IRVIN & SELLERS——~9 Cable Address ; ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS OF = ALSO DEALERS Ny POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY Woops Sg ca PANE WOODS JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . - TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. ALFRED DOBELL & Co. we TV ERPOOL, BHINGILAN D —_ Seiling Agents For.., CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER IV. quiring higher rates than have of late been ruling, due to the increased f.o.b. and freight costs which they have been obliged to pay for the chief classes of timber which have been, and will shortly be, brought upon this market. The slight slackness in the demand is, how- ever, only of a temporary character, as it is generally recognized that the consumption is on the upward grade, and that it will there- fore be necessary for the trade to purchase more freely for stocking purposes during the next few months, in order to be in a position to cope with the early increased requirements which are justly anticipated from both the the town and country districts. Sales have been made ‘‘to arrive,” and from late ship- ments to hand in flooring, lining, and weather- boards, Oregon spruce deals, and other timber, at prices fully maintaining late valuations, while in some instances for particular sizes enhanced rates have been asked and secured. OREGON PINE. — Imports : 799,218 feet super. Arrival : Chehalis, from Puget Sound. Out of the above named shipment, about 150,- 000 feet has been placed, and a similar quanti- ty from a shipment now due. Late quotations have been well maintained, viz., £7 for an market : report were: DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In the Monthly Edition of ‘‘ The Canada Lumberman BELTING | Fleming, Goodhue, J. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ww. A., Montreal, Que. L. & Co., Danville, Que. : Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J. C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa end Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Standard Dry Kiln Co., ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Cope & Sons, A. L., Cope’s Falls, Ont. Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY ell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Canadian Locomotive and Engine Co., Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. 4 . Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon & Co., W. B., Saginaw, Mich. The Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS D odge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H.D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St. John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Company, Chicago, Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Indianapolis, Ind. Kingston, Ont. Ill, average assortment of sizes, hither rates being wanted for square sizes. Larus AND PicketTs. — Imports + 80,000 pieces ; pickets, 14,130 pieces. rival : Chehalis, from Puget Sound. in good enquiry, been made on spot and ‘‘to arrive” at 375 6d for the former, and at £8 to 48 5s per 1000 pieces for the latter. a on 7th November, Laths, were placed at $3.50 Ar- _ stored. i Both are laying; $2.35. and wanted. Sales have We quote ex store, reta English and French, There has been no arrival with lumber to during the fortnight. White pine at $22.20 for first quality and $17 for second quality ; for first quality and $13.50 Yards are rather bare of spruce, are now about laying in supplies for the coming crop se spruce boards, Maiden City, arrived in distress, here on private terms. SHINGLES.—Gaspe cedar are in supply. New york and Toronto. WHOLBSALE PRICES GCURRBNT. OTTAWA, ONT. Orrawa, December 27, 1899. Pine, good sidings, sat Pine, 8s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m....--- 33 00 38 00] ter SEOCM se aise. « penese 13 00 Pine, good strips,.... 27 00 29 oo | Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 13 00 Pine, good shorts,...- 19 00 3° 00 Pine, s.c. strips....-- 12 00 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts..... 9 00 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls.....-- II 00 sDihssne's s'e noe wan eae 18 co 24 00| Pine mill culls....-- 9 5° Pine, No. x dressing 1x10 No, 1 barn...- strips, ...++s++ee0s 16 00 18 00|1x10 No.2 “ i Pine, No. x dressing 1x8 & 9 No.1 shorts, .----+--+++* 14 00 16 00 | 1x8& 9 No.2 Lh ae Pine, 10 s.c. and bet- Lath per M No.1... 2 5° ter stock,...---++++ 15 00. 17 00 Lath per M No, 2... 2 90 I5 00 15 50 I2 00 10 50 13 co II 00 ason. about 650 M feet, ex barque SPRUCE FIRM AT BARBADOS. Thomas, In their circular of December 9th, Messrs. tober, with 12,272 bdls. Clairmonte, Man & Co. say of the Barbados $1.27. Last local sales season. spruce at $17.50 for second quality. and dealers The cargo of narrow. OTTAWA & NE OTTAWA & BOSTON has been sold CANADA ATLANTIC Trade, Montreal. per CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. We note the importation of 835,000 ex Neva about one-half of which ; remainder Cedar laying rule at $2.50; spruce Woop Hoops.—The season proaching when dealers lay 1 nes assorted sizes ; foundland coiled, last sale at 45c. SuHooxks.—We note the arrival of the St. from Portland, Me., on 22nd Oc- , sold to arrive at Dealers are now about laying in further supplies of both shooks and staves for the next CANADA Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. erating YOR Toronto, December 27, 1899- TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 14% 1% and2inchcut x inch dressing and up and better....-. $32 00 $34 00| better.....-------- $20 00 $22 00 2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 oo | t inch siding common 13 00 14 00 ix 2 dressing and bet- Linch siding shipculls 11 59 12 00 ter, 60% 16 ft....-- 22 00 24 00| t inch siding mill culls 10 09 610 50 rxx1o fine dressing and Cullscantling......-- 00 69 50 Detters: » amlacas se 22 00 24 00| 1 inch strips 4 in. to 8 1x10 and 12 Canadian in. mill run...... . 15 00 15 59 dressing and better 18 00 20 00/t inch strips, common 12 00 13 00 1 1-2and thicker cut- 1 1-4 inch flooring... - 17 00 ting up plank.....- 24 00 26 00| 1 t-2 inch flooring.... 17 00 txie and 12 mill run 16 00 18 00 XXX pine shingles, 16 x10 and 12 common. 13 00 15 00 Hiro Me ormee Soden 2 65 rxro and 12 mill culls 11 00 11 50 XX pine shingles 16 inch 175 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 Lath, No. 1.....-+++ 375 inch siding mill run 15 00 16 00 Lath No. 2....-.-+ 3 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, xs and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 tozin..$26 00 $28 oo { Elm rock,mill ee “2% to4.. 3000 3200] run....... rto 1%"18 00 20 00 Ash, black, xsts and Elm,rock, mill ends, 1to 1% in.... 2000 2200) run.....-- 1%'' 3.. 21 00 23 00 Ash, black, xsts and Hickory, 1sts ands, 2 to4in...--+ 22 00 2400| and an s..1%** 2.. 28 00 3000 Ash, M.R.,1_ to 2.. 17 00 19 00 Maple, sts Birch, iin. .. 1800 2000] and ands.. x “7% 17 00 18 00 oe r&% “f 2,. 2000 23 00 Maple, sts € sqrs. 4x4 ‘* 8 x824 90 26 00 and ands.. 2 *' 4-- 18 00 19 00 Basswood, ists and Oak, red, p’n, ands, 1 to1% in.,.. 1800 20 00 ists & 2nds1z ‘' 1% 26.00 3000 1% to 2 ..2: 00 22 00 Oak, red, p’n, “ mr =«1 “ 1% 15 00 17 00 ists & ands 2 “! 4.. 29 00 3200 Butternut 1 “ 1% 23 00 25 00| Oak, white, S 2 “ 3.. 25 00 28 00 ists & ands x ‘f 1% 28 00 30 00 Chestnut 1 *©2.. 24 06 76 00| Oak, white, Cherry, ists ists & ands 2 ‘f 4.- 30 00 35 00 and ands.. x “ 1% 50 co 60 00 Oak quart’d, Cherry, 1sts ists & ands 1 ‘ 2.. 55 00 65 00 and ends.. 2 ‘' 4.. 60 00 65 00 Walnut, sts Elm, soft, mill and 2nds.. 1 ‘* 3-- 85 00 100 00 Fo). Ass 1 ‘§ 1% 16 00 18 00 Whitewood, Elm,soft, mill ists& ands ‘f 2.. 32.00 3600 ribingh mace 3-. 17 00 19 00 QUEBEC, QUE. Quesec, December 27, 1899. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, --------- 30) 232 ** good fair be a Le asiieeloserr: 32k ‘© first class fe ‘a GE acactrnmeltnyt ae Natnte erste 38042 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 42 ‘a € « “zg to 2x inch average Se a 38. 44% “ Michigan ‘“‘ 19 to 24 in. average & 6 & size 43 48 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and qu ity..-..+.-++e+reeee 26 In Shipping order, rs bi HME ldean as 27 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality . 46 «49 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. . 32 35 ss es fe 6S 30 to a5 feCtne a7 ee ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality . Ais 24) Tovayeraze 10 soch .! eens) = Urea 25 26 BIRCH. ‘ 14inch average - See Ife ED TONS. pares 22 23 t9 Sen 2. Gq oscte 26 «27 1B a oe) 30 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $39 to $42 for rst, $25 to $27 for 2nd, $22 to $25 for 3rd, and $18 to $21 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau ALBANY, N.Y. Avpany, N.Y., December 27, 1899. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up .-+-- +--+ $ $70 | xx12 inch shippers ......--+ $ $22 QUIN. wae e sree ceeen ee eees 70 | 4/4 inch Ee & up. 22 rto2in.....--- 55 | 4/4 Box boards, 6’ andup.. 18 20 4 inch uppers 72 | x0-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up..-----+++ 60 | ro-in. COMMON .....---++e+0+ 20 RUE Zhen «a's cise nee a cietsipe 45 | x2-in. dressing and better... 30 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 50 | Common, 1x12 «+ +++ +++ : 20 LtO 2 iN.sseveee er eeeeeeeee 38 42| No. x barn, 1x12...-. oeesiae 26 27 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 28 35 TXIO sce wvw vlewclanewestaisls 26 INO: aiiesteesiccts asin lee 22 30 TRS a ce. cleeise misleise a a\aaine™ 24 No.3. cece eeeecsesseeeee 18 25 | No. 2 barn, IX12...+-++-++- " 24 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in....- 30 36 EXE. oliiokae «2 eereewneee 24 No. 2 molding, x to 2 in....- 24 27 ERBscdierciaiclowvaveleeGiarwiee a eile 22 Stained saps....-- . : 3o | Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4in.....- 25 30 Bracket plank 35 us = WHEM eee cnieine 30 Shelving boards, 12-in. 35| Dressing......--+-- aes 25s dO) Dressing boards, narrow.... 25 25 Common ....-.-+ esses 18 20 1x1g inch shippers..-.- -++ 22 LATH. PINE... ccee cewcceveereceninenn $3 00 | Spruce ....--++eeeeeereeeee $3 00 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 6 25 Clear butts ......-+++ 3.00 3 25 Hemlock.....- ajetere ae 215 Smooth, 6x18.....+-+ 5 00 5 5° Spruce ....--+ Pee 2 20 M n fresh supplies. at $21 for both K LUMBER LINE LUMBER LINE FAST FREIGHT LINE | H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OveREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board DECEMBER 27, 1899 SOUTH AFRICA — Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘ Casket,” Cape Town. ‘A.B.C. Code used. is DoW ap- New- . ATLANTIC RAILWAY | . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON PORTLAND " YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, / : oo &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c W.P. Hinron, Ass't General Freight Agent, Otta C. J. Smira General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, | « e r : BOSTON, MASS. Boston, December 27, 1899. SPRUCE. WESTERN PINE—BY CAR LOAD. Uppers, 1 in Fine com., 3 and 4 in 52 00 6000 1%, 1% and 2 in.. No. 2,1 in. Finecom. 29 09 36 00 3 and 4in... 1%, 1% and 2in... 36 oc 38 00 Selects, x in No. 7 strips, 4 to 6 in. 43 00 48 00 1%, 1% « No. 2 sceee vadcaad gogo 43 00 3 and 4 in.....-+.- 64 00| No. 3.-seeeee ase 32,00 34 00 Moulding boards, 8 to Cut ups, 1 in....-- .. 24 00 3600 iz in. clear.....- 44 00 47 00 | Cut ups, 1% to2in.. 28 00 40 00 60 per cent. clear... 39 00 42 00 Co ards....-. «+ 20 00 24 00 Fine common, r1in...- 41 oo | Common all widths. .. 26 00 34 00 1%,1% and 2in... 50 00 42 co Shipping culls, x in... 16 50 20 50 do 1% in. 18 50 22.50 ro and 12 inch dimension... ...+.+++seesse +++ ag g inches and under (frames)... 2+ e+ene seen neececerenes oo aie Parra Bo) zo and 1z inch, random lengths, 10 feet and Up... ---.+.+se-e5 Josaet 1H 50. 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2X6, 2X7 and 3x4 random lengths, o ft. and up. 15 co Allother random lengths, 9 inch and under, 10 feet and up..... 4a. ib"50 5 inch and up merchantable boards, 8 feet and up..--.--..-+ Ridver 5 Ob. Out spruce boards......+++++-++-- Bundled furring, random lengths..... SPRUCE CLAPBOARDS. Extra 6 ft......-.++-- $28 00 $29 00 | 2nd Clears... vaeeress+$24 09 $25 CO Clears: v2: cr- «3+ 26 00 27 00 | Extra No. r......+-. 16 00 18 00 SHINGLES. Spruce.... --+ereese os 1 40 1 60| Second Clear... ....-. 215 2 25 Cedar, extra.......--- . 3 10 3 25| Extra No. Len see tener SOs, D JS. Clear... oso ies oo eae 265 275 OB: : LATH. ° = Spruce......-+esee09- | 124 intacs ayaa r¥%-inch...-...+-+55 272 289 ; : BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Burrato, N.Y., December WHITE PINE. (Whclesale selling price.) Dress! 27, 189¢- Up’rs, 1,1%, 14 and2 ing I 33 5° Ht «2-0 Be mate mae $57 50 58 50| 1%4xx0 and 12. 35 5° 2% and 3 in.....- . 66 5° TGs aadle « 35 5° nie sey 0 Ban ator 7U50| 2 iM se eesereenense 36 50 Selects, 1 to 2 in...-. 50 50 51 50 Shelving No. 1, 13 in. 2% and 3 in...-.-- ; 61 50 and up, 1 in...... 38 50 @ 10) po ene ieee 66 50| Mold st’ps No. 1 to 2 Fine common, 1 in.,up in ve 14. ee ee Se BO As° 00 to 12 in. wide.... 38 50 45 50| Barn, No.1, 12in....« - 28 50 14% and1¥ in....- 41 50 45 5° 6, 8 and 1oin...... 23 5° 2 ini. tel. ames .. 40 50 44 50| No.2, 30 ida ee els “20 50 Ee eeteee on 56 50| No.2, 12 in-...-.-+ 23.09" = A sane he ene sianins 61 so| No. 3, ro and 12 in. 20 50 Cut’g up, No. x, x in. 33 50| Box, 1X4.-+seeer esse 17 098 1Y to2 im......--- 39 50 40 50 rx6to 12 in......- 19 co No. 2, 1 in....-.:- 22 00| rx 10to13ZiN...... 20 00 No. 2,1%, & 1% in 32 50|_ 1% andz}in...... 20 00 No. 3, 1% & 1% in 26 «Oem (If bent to shape, $2.00 per thousand more.) _ WEEKLY FDITIO The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. ‘VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., JANUARY 3, 1900 No. 50. CANADA L,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New Yor«k Lire InsurANCE BUILDING, MOonrTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday- Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4&2 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of ts cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. FOR SALE. FOOT 8 INCH PRESCOTT FEED STEAM 36 Jump Saw, 4o to 56 inch saw; three block girder steel Carriage, opens 40 inches, Boss dogs, good zetworks ; Endless Log Haul Up_hundred feet chain, could he lengthened ; a number of Engines, Boilers and Mill Machinery taken on new machinery. WATEROUS, Brantford, Canada. ‘ BOX SHOOKS DVERTISER DESIRES TO COMMUNI- A cate with Saw Mills favorably situated to Mont- treal, Portland or St. John, to ship Spruce and Pine Box Shooks to Scotland. Apply Canapa LUMBERMAN office for name and address. AUCTION SALE Saw Mill Property, Mill Plant, Village Lots, Lumber, Etc, HERE WILL BE OFFERED FOR SALE BY public auction, at the Village of Young's Point, County of Peterboro’, on TUESDAY, JANUARY H, 1939, at 1 o'clock a.m., the property of Cornelius oung, consisting of the following: Saw Mill, equipped with large circular saw, butting-off saws and edgers, operated by two Giant water wheels ; Shingle Mill, €quipped with one Perkins machine, two jointers and blocking saws, driven by Giant water wheel ; Planing Factory, containing one large planer and matcher, one four-sided moulder and one iron-framed re-saw, driven ° by two Leffel wheels; about 300 Boom Chains, one patent Capstan one Hoisting Derrick, quantity of Boom Timber, Pike Poles, Peevies, Horses, Waggons, Sleighs and other chattels used in connection with mill perty ; quantity of Shingles ; about 200,009 feet of ine and Hardwood Lumber; quantity of house finish- ing Moulding ; two car loads of Cedar; also 15 Village Lots situated in the village of Young's Point. The mill property and other real estate will be offered subject to areserve bid. The terms cf sale of real estate will be zo per cent. at time of sale, balance within thirty days. All purchases of chattel preperty under $10 to be cash, balance within three months. JOHN HAGGART, Auctioneer. OR SALE.—40,000 FEET DRY HEMLOCK, 2X6 inches, 12 feet. Write Rerp Bros., Hep- worth Station, Ont. \ ANTED.—POSITION AS MANAGER OR Superintendent with a lumber firm. Have had twenty years’ experience. Address, F. A. Hatt, Kootenay Lumber Co., Comaplix, B.C. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CanADA LuMBERMAN, Toronto. OR SALE—Sawmill—complete, in good order, with a capacity of 25,000 feet per day; also a quantity of Boom Chain. Would move the mill and take contract to cut lumber by the thousand. Box 233, Barrie. ANTED.—LOWEST CASH PRICE PER M., f.o.b., in car lots, for best dry, second-growth Hickory, Rock Elm and White Ash; fit for hammer handles. State shipping point and R.R. Address, Tayior & Lount, Whitevale, Ont. SITUATION WANTED. Fe SUPERINTENDENT, FILER, HAM- merer, Inspector, Mill-Wright or Sawyer ; thor- oughly competent—Lumber or Shingles. Engage now for next season. Box 800, CanADA LUMBERMAN. ANTED.—FOR DELIVERY IN SUITABLE parcels during season, 25 to 50 standards Spruce Strips, to be 4 feet and up in length, sawn to 1 in. x1 in. exact to steel gauge, and to be free from sap and rough knots; C.I.F. North Docks, Liverpool. Ad- dress, Box 40, CANADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE. 55,000 feet Reck or Soft Elm... 6/4-4/4" 40,009 1 Soft Maple. ...... 6/4-4/4" BG,coon 1 BASH. dea see 4/4" 13,000 | White Ash......... 6/4-7/4” } 4,020 « White Oak....... 4/4” or thicker STEELE & Gipson, Humberstone (20 miles west of Buffalo. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. eye 32-INCH DIRECT STEAM DRIVEN Gang ; one heavy circular Saw Frame; one heavy 4-block Carriage, coupled with track to cut 52 feet ; fractional set; steam feed; Rhodes’ Swage; Covel Gang Sharpener Above practically new, used only three years. Address, Box 76, CANADA LUMBERMAN. SAW MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE. HE COMPLETE MACHINERY OF A SAW Mill, consisting of a steam feed large carriage and frame, one rope feed ditto, double edger and trimmers, swing saws, automatic grinders, belts and saws in good order ;-all made by Waterous, Brantford. Will be sold ae Apply to J. K. Warp, Mona Mills, Montreal, ue. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine roo h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x too ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber near by. For particulars, address ALLEN CRESSMAN, Berlin, Ont. GRAND OPENING FOR A CHAIR OR FURNITURE FACTORY NA FIRST-CLASS RAILWAY TOWN THAT will grant exemption from taxation and take up con- siderable of the stock. The promoters have suitable buildings, power, two saw mills, and a large quantity of standing hardwood timber, and more can be ob- tained. We invite the purchase of $15,000 to $20,000 of stock, by a practical man preferably. Address, Box 60, CANADA LUMBERMAN, \ XJ E HAVE 200,000 TO 300,000 FEET OF VERY good Beach Logs which we wish to cut to order. Signed, Joun Harrisov & Sons Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The holiday season does not seem to have had the effect of checking the de- mand for lumber. Rail shipments to local points and the Eastern States are still quite active. The only branch which has shown any falling off in demand is the building trade, as the recent cold weather has to some extent caused a cessation of out-door work. Manufacturing establish- ments are operating to their full capacity, and consequently there is a steady call for hardwoods and such lumber as is adapted for manufacturing purposes. There is still a scarcity of Jath and shingles, al- though enquiries for these have not been sO numerous within the past week. The weather has been favorable for work in the woods. From all accounts there will be a large production of logs. According to estimates received by the Commissioner of Crown Lands, there will be taken out this winter in the neighbor- hood of 800,000,000 feet of logs. Last winter the cut was only 570 million feet, which shows an increase of over 200 million feet this winter. This large pro- duction of logs will mean a considerable increase in the quantity of lumber placed on the market next season, but unless very unexpected conditions arise, the de- mand is likely to be equal to the supply. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. ¥ The tendency of lumber prices in the Quebec market is to advance, in sym- pathy with the small stocks carried over this winter. The stock of square and waney pine, red pine, oak, elm and ash timber wintering at the port of Quebec is lessthan one year ago. In square pine the difference is slight, but in waney pine the stock is nearly one and one-half million cubic feet lessthan in the winter of 1898. Birch is the only timber of which the quantity wintering shows an in- crease, but even this is represented only by 3,331 cubic feet. For the best quality of white pine the quotation 1s from 37 to 43 cents, while waney board, 19 to 22 inches average, is quoted at 43 to 47 cents. Pine deals are very firm and are quoted at $120 to $130 for first, $85 to $95 for second, and $45 to $55 for third quality. First quality spruce deals average about $43 per standard. Figures to hand show that 128,000,000 feet of lumber were shipped last season from the Miramichi to trans-Atlantic ports, 27,000,000 feet from Dalhousie and 19,000,000 feet from Campbellton. From West Bay, in Nova Scotia, the trans- (Atlantic shipments were 30,000,000 feet. ‘As has been before remarked, lumber stocks in the Maritime provinces are well cleaned up, and a brisk demand for the spring cut will likely be experienced. More favorable weather for logging oper- ations has been encountered during the past week, and every effort is being put forth by lumbermen to get a large supply of logs for next season’s sawing. } ) \ I MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, There is still a liberal distribution of lumber throughout Western Canada. Manufacturers on the Lake of the Woods, as well as those in British Columbia, re- port that the past year was one of the most successful inthe history of the trade, the sales representing an increase of fully 50 per cent. over those of the previous year. The recent advances on certain grades are being maintained, and we would not be surprised if still higher prices ruled during the coming year. The outlook for trade is very promising. There is likely to be a considerable amount of railway construction and general building. UNITED STATES. Notwithstanding that the lumber cut of the Upper Mississippi river district in the season of 1899 was 594,370,000 feet, as against 469,701,000 feet in the previous year, the stock of lumber on hand at the close of the year shows.a decrease, as compared with 1898, of nearly 27,000,000 feet. The decrease in the stock of shingles is 21,000,000, and in that of lath 10,000,000. These figures reflect the situ- ation at other producing points and are an indication of the satisfactory condition of the lumber trade of the United States throughout the year just closed. Although the demand at this season is not particu- larly active, prices are being well main- tained, and it is said that in the east the conditions were never better for a con- tinuance of high prices. Eastern retail yards are almost bare of stock, and a large amount of new building isin sight for the spring. The scarcity of box lum- ber becomes more acute as the weeks go by. At Tonawanda box lumber and No. 2and No. 3 barn is held at a premium, and it is difficult to buy any fIo-inch or 12-inch No. 3 barn at less than $22 per thousand. Very few dealers can fill an order representing any great quantity of stock. In inch fine common and _ shaky clear the situation is different, as many of the yards have quite a surplus and prices are slightly weaker. A Buffalo dealer is reported to be holding his stock of box lumber at $20. The statement has been made in some quarters that hardwood prices are weaken-. ing, but this report is denied by the lead- ing dealers in the Eastern States. It is admitted that the demand for hardwood lumber is not brisk, but the situation has caused no alarm. There jis a great scarcity of the lower grades of maple, and basswood is much enquired for. FOREIGN. The advanced prices of wood goods in Great Britain have in no way checked the demand, as in every department of trade activity prevails. There seems to be a marked degree of confidence in financial circles, notwithstanding the war, and this confidence is nowhere more visible than in timber circles. At recent public sales prices have been realized such as have not been known for many years. Im- porters are contracting quite liberally, chiefly for early goods. A slight advance in the price of square timber is reported. STOCKS AND PRICES. W. E. Dryden, of Hillsboro, N.B., ex- pects to cut 3,000,000 feet of lumber this winter. The Alma Lumber Co., of Alma, N.B., are now shipping birch lumber from St. John, N.B., to Great Britain by winter steamers. At Duluth, Minn., as high as $14 is being asked for No.3 barn, but $13 is about the average quotation. Log run brings from $16 to $18. The barque Freeman sailed from Tusk- et Wedge, N.S., last week for Buenos Ayres, with 872,000 feet of lumber ship- ped by Dickie & McGrath. The South River Lumber Co., of South River, Ont., are this winter taking out a large quantity of pine logs, some hem- lock, and 100,000 cubic feet of waney board pine. The Newville Lumber Co., of New- ville, N.S., expect to take out this winter 4,500,000 feet of logs. Nearly all their next season’s production of lumber has been sold for shipment to Great Britain. J. J. Wheelock, of Connors, N.B., ex- pects to manufacture 30,000,000 shingles during the coming season, as well asa quantity of long lumber for the local trade. He has amill at Connors, N.B., and anotber at St. Francis, Maine. It is understood that the C. Beck Manu- facturing Co., of Penetanguishene, have commenced logging operations on the two limits in the Nipissing district pur- chased at the government sale a fortnight ago. The W. & A. McArthur Co., of Chey- boygan, who recently purchased the Mc- Kinnon & Welsh saw mill at Little Cur- rent, Ont., are putting in 30,000,000 feet of logs, and will likely operate the mill day and night next season. One year ago dry white pine lath could be purchased in Chicago at about $2.15 per thousand, while they are now selling at $4.50 f.o.b. cars. In the local trade there white pine lath sold during De- cember at from $5 to $5.50 per thousand. Of late there has been some easing off in CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. II. quotations, although the shortage 1n the supply has not been relieved to any marked degree. TT THE BOSTON MARKET. [Correspondence of the Canapa LUMBERMAN.] SpRUCE.—The spruce market is quiet, with little change. The financial flurry has had some effect on the situation, with builders cramped in one or two instances. Orders are still slow about being filled at the mills, with the water low and logs scarce. Reports from the spruce lumber regions mention a lack of snow for hauling, with one of the winter months gone and almost nothing done. A big cut has been yarded, but unless snow comes very soon and continues in good shape, the cut of logs cannot be hauled. The chances are that what was planned for a very large cut of spruce may turn out to bea smallone. Of provincial lumber there were arrivals of six cargoes for the week, with 651,983 feet of lumber, 196,000 laths, and 980,000 shingles. Prices are unchanged : Frames, 9 inch and under......++++ee++ssereees $17.00 ro and 12 in. dimensions......+++-seereeeereees ro and 12in. random, ro ft. and up long....-..-- 2X3, 2X4,2X5,2x%6,2x7 and 3x 4, 10 feet AUG Ups /o.cion sda sie oe cerns ¢ Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber ee Se ee An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the. . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling 2 R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DBALERS Head Ofice-TQRONTO-—e King St. West. : SARNIA WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTING YARDS BUFFALO Srfriatrecimishe rr eee eee TAS. PLAYFAITR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ° LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies MIDL AND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty - - A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ccc c ee UE ap=EEP=ES=EEES=pTar ene ROBERT WATT ° WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pi : Wholesale Lumber Pine sun i A Quantity of Cedar Posts for Sale on the Shoe of the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. Manufacturers of and Dealers in..... ‘ CorRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. osrssrc”” 5 a ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. 10.00 Burk’s Falls, Ont. b _ the Manufacturer. JANUARY 3, 1900 ENQUIRIES FOR WOOD PRODUCTS. The following were among the enquiries relating to Canadian trade received at the office of the High Commissioner for Canada in London, Eng., during the two weeks ended December 15th : 8. Buyers of birch and maple dowels of the following sizes ask to be placed in communica- tion with Canadian exporters of these goods, 3", 38", x’ and 3¢” in diameter, length 32” and 36”. Prices should be c.i.f. London. Canadian manufacturers may open up correspondence with any of the firms making the above enquiries by addressing a letter to the publishers of the CANADA LUMBERMAn, by whom it will be for- CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Ili. warded. When writing refer to the number of the enquiry. The steamer Needles has been chartered to Carry a cargo of lumber from Vancouver to Port Arthur, Japan. The Needles has a carrying capacity of 3,600,000 feet of lumber, JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Buys Spruce and Pine Deals, Ends and Boards, Floorings, Moulds, Sashes, Doors, Shooks, Birch, Poplar, Walnut. PRIME OAK PLANKS HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address: ‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepoo™ FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, ees or any Woods suitable for English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities o0o HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to ofter WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensicns. A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. BRITISH IMPORTERS Cables: “ Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. DUNGAN, EWING & GO. WO0d Agents and Brokers Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. SIEVEKINC, PODMORE & CO. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) LIVERPOOL, ENG. SALES ACENTS: Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ? WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman's, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. continent handled to the best advantage. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOoO@D BROKERS 27 Union Street F. Fe. Lishtbody & Go. - GLASGOW 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH Wood Importers and Merchants Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. FYVERY & VINGENT =——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RED PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORFESPONDENCE INVITED C. H. GLOVER & CO., 11a Importers of=——aa SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from Offers Invited..... Wharves, Mills and Offices: ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENCLAND ot Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . - » Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms, . . BUDCETT BROS. 70 and 1 Bishopsgate Street Within, i LONDON, E.C. ii ea) Dy eee”. aa ARNWORTH & JARDINE e Cable Address, ‘ Farnworth,’ Liverpool. | Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . - TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, “ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. Cable Address: 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW ““ALLISIN,”’ Glasgow. A LUSIN, COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” Glasgow. Codes: Atand A BC. GLASGOW OANT & KEMP 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address: ““TECTONA” Glasgow. Ax and A B C Codes used. TIMBER BROKERS sat doers Sieleinin (aati aS LO LS DEMCE ais «sche eetse cian $3 00 up, red.....:..... 28 90 30 00 Com & good s+++ TO 00 TE ¢ pe oft,mill and 2nds.. 1 3-. 85 00 100 00 SHINGLES. : 7 9 eg he = - coy anes 1 ‘© 1% 16 00 18 0c] Whitewou , Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 tae 50 6 25 xst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | t & 2d, soft, Bin. | up, 18 00 2 mri ft,mill ists& nds: ‘ 2.. 32 00 3600 Clear butts «0%: ..20.. 3100 ghas emlock....... a Atte ie ? Se APLE, = a FUN esaaber 2 “* 3.. 17 00 19 00 Smooth, Bee aaa =e 5 50 ‘Spruce ..... > A220 ens 2d, ha in 0 | oft, 6in. & up & fs a dian 5) ii =a >4 . ee at CANADA [UMBERMA\ WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } si.oo per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., JANUARY 10, 1900 No. 51. CANADA [LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire Insurance BuILpING, MonTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and Resin wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. : WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. Wesco Maple Squares. 6% in. x 6% in.,12 feetand up. Cash on delivery at any * station in Ontario or Quebec. Box 24, CANADA Lum- BERMAN Ws HAVE 300,000 FEET OF VERY GOOD Beech Logs which we wish to cut to order. Signed, Joun Harrisov & Sons Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. FOR SALE. EDAR SAWED ORIN THE ROUND. Reip 5 Bm Hepworth Station, Ont. Correspondence olicited. MASTS FOR SALE. N= TORONTO, UP TO o0 FEET IN length. Apply to W. A. Mine, Brown’s Cor- ners, Ont. PINE TIMBER LIMITS. HREE SMALL LIMITS FOR SALE IN THE Township of Gibson; all fronting on the Georgian Bay, and close to Midland and Penetanguishene. Apply to THe Muskoka Mitt & Lumser Co., Ltd., Toronto. FOR SALE. 36 FOOT 8 INCH PRESCOTT FEED STEAM Jump Saw, 40 to 56 inch saw; three block PGarice opens 40 inches, Boss dogs, good setworks ; Endless Log Haul Up hundred feet chain, could be lengthened ; a numbe of Engines, Boilers and Mill Machinery taken on new machinery. WaTEROUS, Brantford, Canada. FOR SALE THREE THOUSAND ACRES OF TIMBER LIMITS A ASO SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, SAW, Shingle and Lath Mills, complete, with large Dry Kiln attached, Buildings, Stables, Shops, Dwelling Houses, etc., four miles trom the limits, located in West Kootenay, British Columbia. \achinery all up to _ date and only run one season. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply for particulars to T. H. DECEW & SONS, Correspondence solicited. Fenelon Falls, Ont. \ ANTED.—POSITION AS MANAGER OR Superintendent with a lumber firm. Have had twenty years’ experience. Address, F. A. Hatt, Kootenay Lumber Co., Comaplix, B.C. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH tosell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CanADA LumBERMAN, Toronto. OR SALE—Sawmill—complete, in good order, with a capacity of 23,000 feet per day; also a quantity of Bobm Chain. Would move the mill and take oo to cut lumber by the thousand. Box 233, arrie. ANTED.—LOWEST CASH PRICE PER M., f.o.b-, in car lots, for best dry, second-growth Hickory, Rock Elm and White Ash; fit for hammer handles. State shipping point and R.R. Address, Tayior & Lount, Whiteva'e, Ont. FOR SALE. Cae ROUND OR SQUARE. Apply to Rep Bros., Hepworth Station, Ont. Corres- pondence Solicited. FOR SALE. HE MILLING CO.’S PLANING AND SAW Mill; doing good business. Reason for selling, other engagements. Stock about $2,000; machinery nsplendid order. Address, J. W. Cutt, Mitchell, Ont. ANTED.—FOR DELIVERY IN SUITABLE parcels during season, 25 to 50 standards Spruce Strips, to be 4 feet and up in length, sawn to x in. x 1 in. exact to steel gauge, and to be free from sap and rough knots; C.I.F. North Docks, Liverpool. Ad- dress, Box 40, CaNaDA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE. £5,000 feet Reck or Soft Elm... 6/4-4/4’ 40,000 1 Soft Maple. ...... 6/4-4/4” TBicoo, Wa. ASD... sos cae. oe 4/4” 13,000 11 White Ash......... 6/4-7/4” 4,000 ' White Oak....... 4/4” or thicker STEELE & Gisson, Humberstone (20 miles west of Buffalo. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Oe 32-INCH DIRECT STEAM DRIVEN Gang ; one heavy circular Saw Frame; one heavy 4-block Carriage, coupled with track to cut s2 feet; fractional set; steam feed; Rhodes’ Swage; Covel Gang Sharpener Above practically new, used only three years. Address, Box 76, CANADA LUMBERMAN. SAW MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE. ae COMPLETE MACHINERY OF A SAW Mill, consisting of a steam feed large carriage and frame, one rope feed ditto, double edger and trimmers, swing saws, automatic grinders, belts and saws in good order ; all made by Waterous, Brantford. Will be sold ae Apply to J. K. Warp, Mona Mills, Montreal, ue. SAW MILL FOR SALE. eae eke HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine 1co h.p., Iron Saw - Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x roo ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber near by. For particulars, address ALLEN Cressman, Berlin, Ont. BUSINESS NOTES. Samuel Hawes, planing mill and builder, St. Thomas, Ont., is advertising his business for sale, A. M. Stetson & Co., lumber dealers, Boston, Mass., have made a voluntary assign- ment. The liabilities are reported to be $250,- 000, but it is said that a settlement is likely to be effected. The firm has property in New Brunswick, - Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, Although in the midst of the winter season, there continues to be a heavy movement of lumber by rail. There would also be more business done were it possible to obtain the stock desired. Re- ports to hand state that not for many years has the stock of low grade pine lum- ber been so thoroughly picked up. To such an extent is this the case that some of the manutacturers have for the first time inaugurated winter sawing. The quantity of stock placed on the market as a result, however, will not be large, and will not likely affect prices, particularly as the demand between now and spring will more than take care of the supply. Busi- ness for the year is opening up very favorably. A number of the Ottawa valley manufacturers have disposed of their cut, and we understand that several mill Owners in the Georgian Bay district ex- pect to close negotiations at an early date for considerable of their next season’s production. The Midland cut of the Arthur Hill Company, to be sawed at Playfair’s mill and amounting to 20,000,- 000 feet, has been contracted for by W. B. Mershon, of Saginaw, Mich., at a price which is regarded as very satisfac- tory to the manufacturers. There are numerous inquiries in the market for hardwoods, and from present indications prices will not weaken during the next few months at least. Consumers, recognizing thesituation, are showing a disposition to contract for their require- mefits in advance. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Writing to the CANADA LUMBERMAN, a manufacturer in Quebec states that all grades of lumber have been picked up this winter closer than he has ever known before, and that many contracts are in the hands of mill men for new stock to be cut as soon as there is enough snow for logging. These remarks reflect the situ- ation throughout Quebec, New Bruns- wick and Nova Scotia. Enquiries for lumber are numerous, but the supply of dry stock is almost exhausted. Prices in 1900 promise to be even better than last year, as several manufacturers have sold their output of British spruce deals at an advance of from $1.50 to $2 per thousand over the prices realized for the 1899 pro- duction. This increased price will not, however, give a greater margin of profit to the manufacturers, as the cost of pro- ducing logs this winter will be consider- ably greater than last season. UNITED STATES, The first ten days in the new year have not witnessed a large demand for lumber, although the business done during the holiday season was above the average. The market still remains firm. There is a general shortage of dry stock in pine, spruce and hardwoods, more pronounced in the lower grades of white pine than in any other class of stock. Of the stock on dock at Ashland and Duluth it is said that there is not to exceed 20,000,000 feet unsold at each place, while a cos:derable percentage of next season’s production has been contracted for. The eastern wholesale markets are fairly well supplied. The stock of white pine in Buffalo yards is estimated at 120,000,000 feet, of which 20,000,000 feet is Canadian stock. The outlook for building operations in the eastern cities during the coming season is considered good, and this fact is having an influence upon prices. In New York city there is almost a famine in box and low grade lumber, ane higher prices are predicted. The quotations on hardwood lumber are being maintained, the diffi- culty of buying at western points at a reasonable price assisting to this end. The supply of basswood lumber has be- come almost exhausted, and a famine is expected before the new cut shall be available for shipment. Michigan manu- facturers of maple have endeavored to secure a corner on that lumber and have advanced prices by $2 per thousand. This brings prices up toa basis of $9, $13 and $18. Red birch is selling in Buffalo as high as $42 for inch, There has been no change in shingle prices. Best 18 inch red cedars and white pine are selling at Buffalo at $4. This price has caused consumers to look around for hemlock shingles, which sell at about $2,50, but there is no large supply in the market. FOREIGN. Prices for spot goods in Great Britain continue to strengthen owing to reports of high prices asked for timber products in producing countries. Tosuch an extent have prices been advanced that some pre- dict that the volume of business during the year 1900 will be restricted on this account. On the other hand, the outlook for the year, judged from the orders now in hand, seems to be particularly bright. At London several transactions have lately taken place in third and fourth quality spruce, third quality selling at £9 5S per standard and fourths at £9; second quality brings about {9 IIs. From Liverpool comes the report that contracts have been made at £8 per standard c.i.f. for cargoes or large parcels by liners for specifications containing about 80 per cent. of 7 and 8 inch. From this may be gauged the value of 9 and 11 inch. Pine deals are steadily improving, and while until two months ago £24 15s was the maximum, recently $28 3s 9d has been reached for first quality. The stock in first hands is about one-half that carried over at same time last year. Red pine deals are selling at £12 7s 9d and there is very little stock that is not in the hands of consumers. In nearly all classes of square timber the stock is light, but there is a decided scarcity of ash. SHIPPING MATTERS. The barque Kelverdale has been chartered to carry lumber from Boston to Buenos Ayres at $9.25. The ships Marie Madre!B and Vanloo have been fixed to load deals at Bathurst, N.B., for Marseilles at 62 francs. A partnership has been registered under the name of Bissel, Ross & Co., lumber dealers, Sherbrooke, Que. Il. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY STOCKS AND PRICES. The Gillies Bros. Co., of Braeside, Ont., have 13 shanties in the woods this winter. It is reported that a Chicago firm has sold to eastern parties 8,000,0000 feet of white pine lumber, the consideration being $160,000. In northern Michigan hemlock logs are bringing $7.25 per thousand, which 1s about the price that pine logs sold at a few years ago. Pickard & Rowan, of Owen Sound, Ont., have 1,500,000 feet of logs on the skids at Lion’s Head, Ont., and about 400,000 feet at Mars. First class elm flour batrel staves are being sold by jobbers in Buffalo at $9. The former price for patent hoops, $13, is strong, but hickory hoops sell slowly at $6.50, with basswood heading scarce at 53% cents. The supply of elm promises to improve, but basswood 1s not expected to. Yard quotations in Chicago are $53 for uppers, $47 for A selects, $42 for B selects, and $39 for C Selects, in thick- nesses from 1% to 2 inches. Common stock boards range from $15.50 for 1 x8 No. 3 to $21.50 for 1x 12 No.1. For 2 x 4 10 foot piece stuff $16.50 is asked and for lengths above 18 feet from $16.50 to $17.50. THE BRITISH MARKET. Calder, Henderson & Livingston, in their annnal timber market report, review the Glas- gow market as follows : Wuite Pine.—Waney.—The demand has been fairly steady, and, the import having been moderate, there is now carried over a stock of rather under the average. The con- sumption of prime wood for shipbuilding pur- poses has fallen somewhat below the average of the past few years, but prices have been maintained at from 2s 7d to 2sQd._ First- class short girthy wood is firm at 2s 4d to 2s 7d. Second-class wood has met with a better demand than has been the case for the two preceding years. Low prices were accepted to clear out some old parcels, but now prices are firm at from 19d to 23d. Square.—Any first-class wood imported has been readily taken up from ships’ side on arrival. 35 to 45 feet average is now quoted at 2s 2d to 2s 5d perc. ft. G. F. A, has been in fair demand at 18d to 22d, according toaverage. Common wood is rarely now inquired for. Rep PINE,—There has been a fair import of first-cless wood,” together with an average consumption. Stock carried over is largely in excess of that of the previous year, and is mostly composed of first-class. Quotations range from 21d to 2s Id. ELM.—The import has been on a moderate scale, the demand exceptionally good, and prices have steadily advanced month by month till now prime wood is held firmly by met- chants at 2s 9d to 2s 11d perc. ft. The stock is light. Oak.—The import has been about the aver- age, and stock in hand is practically on a level with the carry over of 1898: Quotations are 2s 8d to 2s 10d for prime wood 65 to 75 cubic average. Secondclass wood is little inquired for, users of this class preferring the U. S. pro- duction. AsH. —Import has been unusually light, and being late in coming forward the stock crrried over was practically cleared before fresh wood arrived, and prices made a sharp advance, which has been maintained. Recent sales have been made at 2s to 2s 3d for 15 to 16 inch average. There is no stock in first hands. Brrcu.—There has been a light import and a good demand. Large sales were made im- mediately after the cabinetmakers’ strike col- lapsed, and prices went up as the stock de- creased. Prices are now steady at 20d to 21d for 16 inch average. Stock in hand is barely one fourth of the average of the past three years. DEALS, BATTENS AND Boarps.— While the year opened with the stock of Ist, 3rd, and 4th pine somewhat in excess of an average of the three years preceding, prices were held on a firm basis by most of the importers, although others, taking rather a pessimistic view of the prospects, cleared large lines at reduced values. In the early months of the import season arrivals were comparatively light, and buyers became more anxious to operate. Prices ruled steady until September, when a_ stronger ‘position was taken up, in keeping with prices ruling on the other side. The import is over 500,000 pieces less, and the censumption fully 1,100,000 more than in 1898, consequently the new year commences with deal stocks in a very favorable position all round. PinE—Firsts.—The import of broad deals has been moderate and the demand good. EDITION. JANUARY 10, 1900 tN Prices have improved steadily, £24 to £24 15s being the maximum till within a couple of months ago, and recently £28 3s 9d has been touched. In 11 inch there has been little doing. Undersized have met with a good demand, 14 to 16 ft. lengths making a good price. Stock in first hands is about half _ that carried over in comparison to last year. Quotations—Broad, £24 to £28; 11 inch, £22 to £2378 6d; undersized, £17 17s 6d to £20 128 6d; 1%, 1% and 2 inch sidings, I! to 12 inch average, £17 389d to £19 10s; strips, 5 to 7 inch, 413 (for shorts) to £16 Ios. Seconds.—Import moderate. Demand rather better than the previous year, but prices much ona level. The stock is light, but sufficient for requirements. Quotations—Broads, L17 3s od to £20 12s 6d ; 11 inch, £15 tos to £18 11s 3d; undersized, £12 17s 6d to Zs Dy5 Thirds. —The year opened with a considerably larger stock than usual, and sales were being freely made at £9 12s 6d to £10 for regulars, and £6 17s 6d to £7 15s for undersized. The clearance of the yarded stock was speedy, and for new importations a firmer attitude was adopted, and gradually improved upon tll £11 ex quay was got for regulars and 49 58 for undersized. The stock is light and firmly held. Fourths.—Were heavily held at the beginning of the year, and consumers also carried large stocks. With a light import early in the season, and a rapidly increasing consumption,{a strengthening ofvalues resulted. Regulars opened at about £6 17s 6d and undersized at about £6 10s, while in October sales were freely made at £8 10s and yas (Continued on page 3-) Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. CANADIAN EXPORTERS and WHOLE THe PEMBROKE LUMBER GO, tmreo MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ° DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @/eWrite us for Quotations on all Bills@y/e@ A. A. SCOTT. PEMBROKE, ONT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. ct A¥ RIN & MaLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. = MOHR & RYAN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Bast TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for . . DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. a specialty. § ii our wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*&¢!S)— CEILING ¢ Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the. . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be, Address, The Canada Lumberman : ° R. LAIDLAW _ . Faweett Hartland ~ TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St, James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. : DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. H_D. WICGIN 2osrou ass: 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WANTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F. stendel NO OFFALO, W. _ PLANING MILL ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. lip SWAN-DONOGH LUMBER C8. TTaTUMBER LYEALERS. Cable Address, “Swan eeeae Bee S umberman’s Code. SALERS LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DEALERS Head orice -TORONTO-—-° King St. West. Ss ARNI A—Wwroresate DISTRIBUTING YARDS eich FAS. PLAYFHAITR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH * SHINGLES BUFFALO BILL TIMBER a Specialty - - MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber CorRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Toronto, Canada. Flooring from $12. Ceiling ef 10. Contractors for Railway Supplies A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, doisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, ~~ MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in.....-. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ¢ WIARTON Pine Lath, Cedar, and ¥% Pine Shingles. A Quantity of Cedar Posts for Sale on the Shore of the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER ONTARIO. 00 KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. oo @ SAMPLES BY MAIL SMT eee eralls, Ont JANUARY I0, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 11], 3d respectively. There isa fair stock held in first hands and held firmly. RED PInE.—The import has been moderate, and the demand exceptionally strong. Prices have gradually moved up as the season ad- vanced, and £12 7s 6d was as easily got at the close as AQ IOs was at the opening. Very little stock held, and mostly all in the hands through the season the demand has been satis- factory, with a gradual hardening tendency in values, The stock now being carried over is a very moderate one, and long average, 9 and II x 3, are eagerly inquired for. Sales recent- ly reported are at £9 to £9 5s ex quay. 7 in. are not in great demand, and £6 17s 6d to £7 5s is quoted for a fair specification. HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : '‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepoo” WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities ofp HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh of consumers. QUEBEC SPRUCE.—There has been a large import, and a correspondingly large consump- tion. There isa considerable stock carrying over, but the demand is fair at present. Quo- tations are—£8 5s to 48 10s for seconds, £7 Its 3d to £8 §s for thirds, and £6 17s 6d to 47 5s for fourths. New Brunswick SprRuce.—The import has been on a reasonable scale, and all JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Buys Spruce and Pine Deals, Ends and Boards, Floorings, Moulds, Sashes, Doors, Shooks, Birch, Poplar, Walnut. PRIME OAK PLANKS BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen or... Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, eon Handles or any Woods suitable for English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. “Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. Cables BRITISH IMPORTERS DUNCAN, EWING & CO. WOOd Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Crosby Square, Lonpon, Ens. SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . . WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Ml, GMI & OD. 4g, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, A: and Lieber's Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. ae! OOK ERS 27 Union Street - GLASGOW F. Fe. Lightbody a Go. 8 Gordon Street LU GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ‘ Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. SS Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH Wood Importers and Merchants Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, ard St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &c. PYVERY & VINGENT =——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RHD PIN & (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORFESPONDENCE I VITED C.H. GLOVER & CO., ra Importers of=——aar SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from Wharves, Mills and Offices : the Manufacturer. Offers Invited é HATCHAM, LONDON, S.£., ENCLAND aa Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUDCETT BROS. - 10 and 11 Bishopsgate Street Within, a LONDON, E.C. ARNWORTH & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . + TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ““ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Address, ‘ Farnworth,’ Liverpool. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON”? Glasgow. Cable Address: **ALLISON,’’ Glasgow. LLISON, COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” Glasgow. GLA SGO Ww GANT & KEMP « TIMBER BROKERS 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW (0) BS Cable Address : ‘‘TECTONA” Glasgow. Mf Atand A B C Codes used. ks SMITH & TYRER - 14 Canada Dock, LV: P00. .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. IRVIN & SELLERS Cable Address; “‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. oF ~&) BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and all HARD and FANCY WOODS BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS ALFRED DOBELL & CO. eT OVERPOOL, ENGLAND —- Seiling Agents For.., CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER tV. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. [Correspondence of the CanapA LUMBERMAN.] Ottawa furnishes an indication of the in- creased extent of the lumbering o erations this ; : z Spruce, extra....seseererseererererees $28.00 to $29.00 season, as compared with those B flast year. The to the fact that the timber if left standing pro- Spruce, clear; ...+..--ssssssssss8e07" 26.00 ‘27 00 _ BELTING P sinless ly to the work carried on in north: muses to bring in better financial returns than Spruce, 2nd Clears .fianeeesee wear sae 24.00‘ 25,00 Fleming, W.A., Montreal, Que. pa Ppply : : if cut and sold at present high prices. Pine, extra... ..ecccecseeeensteseneees 34.00 to $36.02 Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. : estern Quebec, western Ontario and parts of O a : a Who! Pine, Clear....--.0.ceeeereeeeeseecees 30.00 © 3300 Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s the newer Ontario. The comparison applies ttawa contractors and retail and whole- Pine, andclear......-.+. 0 css0-ss000* 28.09 Belting. ‘ sale lumber dealers continue to find Less than carloads, $1 to $1.50 more. McLaren, Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. directly to the number of men sent out to the various limits from Ottawa, a recognized labor bureau in the business. Mr. C. D. Chitty, of tke fi itty & Co., sta i : : pe hg of Chitty & Co., Saar his om cut, prefer to hold it for the outside markets. Extra cedar, best brands....--+.+++++++: $3.10 to $3.15 8RASS CASTINGS e August last has hired 2,600 men, wie : Clear cedars... c10 eas -yaree ese acre 2.65 2.70 Magnolia Metal Co., New York Ihave been sent over the above mentioned Box Lone ay ree ee es and clear cedar....++ssseserreceeseeeres ER Pepi af 20 ne base vdoidaiiit Spt districts to work for the leading Canadian aaid Woene quoted at high figures, while aay are Clear WISI C a's Seatac Sd ce DRY KILNS Wiedcan Gros. For in great demand. The introduction of me- extra No. 2. ccee cern e se neenacceneiness 1.50 the lumbering opera- tions a year back only 1,600 men were sent, the increase thus being 623 per cent. Mr. Chitty also states that the area of limits being worked this year is much more extensive than it was last. This year men were sent to points as far west as Lake Superior not touch- ed before, and six more American and Cana- dian firms were supplied with men. The firm started hiring men last August, but the great jority i Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. aa were sent out in the last three months. [Correspondence of the Canaps LUMBERMAN.] Messrs. T. H. DeCew & Sons, of Fenelon Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. ages, which atthe startranged from $16 to $32 The market on spruce lumber is little chang- Falls, Ont., offer for sale in this issuea valu- ~ per month, have been forced down as _ the ed € P 8- able timber property in British Columbia, con- 4ASHINERY great demand for men was satisfied, and the present rate is $16 to $22. Chitty & Co. also expect to send one thousand men up for the spring drives, which last about 40 days, and bring the men $2 to $2.50 per day. Gangs of men and teams are still being for- warded to North Bay, Webbwood, and a score of western points. This firm does the ‘bulk of the business, but smaller concerns have had their hands full, and altogether from rorand! 12/n. \diMenslODE os el pote Mr. John A. Bertram, lumber inspector and MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL ’ roand 2in. random, 19 ft. and up longs. ireatiere 18.50 = 4 F Magnolia Metal Co., New York. Ottawa close on 4,000 men were sent. The 2x3, 2x4,2x5,2x6,2%7 and 3x4, 10 feet shipper, of Toronto, is about to open an in- authorities in Hull state that about about 900 andtpss. ives: arrest Dees ie aaa By00 spection office for the coming season at Little PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS men and boys have left that city for the A Ee eae copaned eset Bears 6 0° ped Current, Ont. He will be in a position to Tower & Wallace, New York. shanties since August last. Although the firm Out boards planed Oe cide, <3 codes 15> assist buyers in securing stocks at Georgian Mr. Chitty 1,000 teams were forward- Ottawa firms, J. R. only shipped about 200 teams, states that close on -ed to the limits by the Booth, Hull Lumber Co., Gilmour & Hugh- movement only moderate, however : - PULLEYS -son, E. B. Eddy, W. C. Edwards, McLaren “‘Uppersyxinees.cfe- avec ntti natemnes $58.00 to $60.00 U Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. & Co., and ia Bros., of Buckingham. By, = zin Stein Rilo ite niece es ais em 60,00 re 62.00 SO TH AFRICA The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. Speaking of che peti, ot ne ee ee ee i « Hee 3 veaputs i ste - Fine common, 1 to 3 iN....+-++eee reer 48.00 ‘* 62.00 * agnolia Me o., New York. — tions will prove a serious drawback, the lack Sheathings.......-sesesereeereeeerees 40.09 ‘* 56.00 Millmen throughout Canada j of frost and snow hindering work on the Barn: boards .s-'ien iets «ois aetna ies 22,09 ‘* 30 00 are invited to correspond with 3AW MANUFACTURERS Coffin boards.....-.s+eeeeeeeeeeee ~ afte} 120,03 25.00 Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. limits. He expects a record breaking cut of pine, but states that the quantity of square 2 : : : i Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. Pmber taken out will be below the average, winter quiet, and yet there 1s a fair movement. woods which they ean supply ohn peed retrich, Galt, Get. iveal Que. as only the more remote limits yield thig Quartered oak continues firm, with the supply for Constructional and Fur- ‘class of timber now. ‘Mr. Chitty also draws limited. Plain oak and ash are in quiet re- niture purposes. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEA a 7 : ape ~ quest. There is a better demand for maple + ‘ Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. attention to the marked activity of the Ameri Shier, J. D. Bracebridge, Ont. , can firms, which, on account of the recent oe Be ia teamee . .1+.$ 70.00 to $ 80,09 MOFFAT HUTCHINS & co Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. =" degislation, are cutting more extensively Om A miiOme cs. ttewes +) tae 3 es ee LU ; 4ISGELLAN ous their limits. 38.00 to $ 46.00 CAPE TOWN, S. A. Axes, Campbell Bros St. 7 N.B é. Mr. David McAuliffe, of the firm of W. H. 7590) Cable Addhess, “(Casmen,” Cate Teme Axes, Jas, Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. McAuliffe & Co., lumber dealers, Ottawa, has Caper A.B.C. Code used. Babbitt Metal, Syracuse Smelting Works, Mont- weturned from Burlington, Vt., where he passed the holidays and transacted business with the American trade. eit ioe Cee A ag wrk i _ . . . Shortest and Quickest Route f Sie ving Calks, James 8. Ne ericton . a eRe of the Ottawa, Arnprior & Parry Sound Ru. rina eT ad Outer ROE ORY, ARN: Embossed Mouldings, Boynton 06, Chicago, 1, awa company OF tne. rst Canadian con in- - - operating - - RIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Legal, Denton, Dunn & ultbee, Toronto, Ont. gent, now in South Africa, 1s Allan Gilmour, OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. son of Mr. John Gilmour, of the firm of Gil- OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, Lumber Inspector, John A. Be , Toronto, Ont. mour & Hughson, the well known mill owners CANADA ATLANTIC FAST FREIGHT LINE &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. f Ott § : H. B. MusseEn, Contracting Agent. FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co. Toronto. aes awe: M. A. OVEREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 115 Board W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Mr. E. Harper Wade, Quebec representa- Please mention THE CANADA LUMBERMAN when corres- CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION: tive. of McArthur Bros., was in Ottawa this week on private business. Mr. Wade states that his firm will not cut so extensively on their limits this season as heretofore, owing great difficulty in securing the necessary sup- plies of lumber from the mill owners, as the latter, if they have notalready sold their standing tallic shingles and roofing, however, has -cur- tailed the demand for the product of the shingle mill, and the price has not advanced as rapidly as in the case of lath, indispensable in building operations. The higher grades of lumber for both the English and American markets show little advance. OuTAWA, Jan. 5tk, 1900. ——_————_——__$<_$—$_—————————— THE BOSTON MARKET. It is possible that where a mill can start up sawing and is in want of orders prices might be shaded. But there are very few of such mills, the low water and lack of logs keeping them idle. There is now more snow in the woods and hauling has commenced in good earnest. Agreement prices are still the rule, and yet something is sold occasionally for less : Frames, 9 inch and under....-.seeeereeeeceeees $17.00 ONE SIMGs «eee oes ceca ecen cee smile 13.0: to $13.50 Western pine yet holds very strong, with the Hardwood lumber is in the midst of the Some of the princi- they shall sell Clapboards are firmer. pal manufacturers declare that no more at present prices : Cedar shingles are in quiet request at un- changed prices : Oregon shingles range from $2.30 to $3.15, as to grade and quality. Latu.—Laths continue very firm : 1% inch, $3 to $3.15 5 14 inch, $2.90 to $3. BosTON, Jan. 6th, 1900. —————— TT TIMBER PROPERTY FOR SALE. sisting of 3,000 acres of timber limits, toge- ther with a complete saw milling and wood- working plant. As the limits are understood to be valuable and the machinery modern, this property is worthy the attention of prospective investors. ee LUMBER INSPECTION OFFICE. Bay points, and offers his services in this capacity. us and give particulars of the CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY __ Trade, Montreal. Ottawa, Ont. QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. Pine, good sidings, per “6 —— id PY JANUARY I0, 1G00 DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. es McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Cope & Sons, A. L., Cope’s Falls, Ont. Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfz. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon & Co., W.B., Saginaw, Mich. The Wm. Hamilton Mig. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. teal, Que. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau. Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Toronto. OTTAWA, ONT. Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- ponding with advertisers. a cts. ‘M feet, b.m.....-. 33 00 38.00| terstock........+-. 13 00 15 00 = Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, = Pine, good strips,.... 27 00 29 00 Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 13 00 15 5° . aoe teed _ ‘ a : pH tig Boog Lape. 19 00 30 00 = S.C. toon ae ID 00 1200 : c : x ine, No. ssiny ine, s.c. Shorts...-- WHO LBSALE PRICES GU RRBNT. First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal... 37. 42 sidings, BS M fe, Pine, nae ee aR B 7 “a pa we : 1g to2zinchaverage |, 1 38 44 ibe viele’ vecssesse 18 GO 24 00| Pine mill culls...... 9 50 =© 00 TORONTO, ONT. “© Michigan ‘ 19 to 21 in. average &size 43 48 Pine, No. x dressing ixro No. 1 barn.... 20 00 : y _. RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. strips, ...-.+.+..++ 16 00 18 00 | rxr0 No, a0 ieege 18 00 CAR OR CARGO LOTS. Mes off, according to average and qu ity.....sessecees «+ 23 = Pine, No. x dressing 1x8 & gNo.r ‘ .-4- 19 00 i i . a “iinishipping‘order,, } "0 gay Wee ci ean ona = 2A horts, 5. <0 -o=500== 14 00 16 00 | 1x8& q No.2 “ 3 17 00 <% 1% and 2 inch cut x inch dressing and Hts ee SN OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO Sets ae ore 7 oe . G P nee - ser ‘up and better...-.- $32 00 $34 00] better.....---+---- $20 00 $22 00 By the dram, accor ding to avetapeandquality ... - > ss “6 Mee eS eles c. and bet: af. a ee per Lpoe ro. 25a 3.00 z inch picksand a aed 34 00 36 00/T mee ate oo 13 00 14 00 ae S| Re oee bop rice) 17 per OQ. 2... 200 225 aigeiphlOu) a DI NCE Ts were aera $3 00 up, red.....++++++ 28 90 goon Sane Se TO 00 II 00 Elm,soft,mill and 2nds.. 1 ‘* 3-- 85 00 10000 | SHINGLES. : : . run...:2:.1 { 1% 16 00 18 00 Whitewood, Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 6 25 rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 Elm,soft,mill ists & ands 1 “f 2.. 32 00 36 00 Clear butts ......--.- 3.00 3 25 Hemlock ....-.sseeeee 215 : d MAPLE. : ; , Pernice’ att 17 00 19 CO Smooth, 6x18...-.-. 5 00 5 5° Spruce ....-+++++ st 2 20 xt & 2d, hard, 6in. & up 18 00 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 oo 20 00 ? d y “ ; oo ail — ee —— CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITIO Thé Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si00 per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. V. TORONTO, ONT., JANUARY 17,1900 No. 52. (CANADA [LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G..H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire Insurance BuILpING, MoNTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. VSS oe Maple Squares, 6% in. x6% in., 12 feetand up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. Box 24, CANADA Lum- BERMAN Wé HAVE 300,000 FEET OF VERY GOOD Beech Logs which we wish to cut to order. Signed, Joun Harrison & Sons Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. FOR SALE. ee SAWED ORIN THE ROUND. Rei Bros., Hepworth Station, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. MASTS FOR SALE. Ne TORONTO, UP TO go FEET IN length. Apply to W. A. Mitne, Brown’s Cor- ners, Ont. PINE TIMBER LIMITS. Le SMALL LIMITS FOR SALE IN THE Township of Gibson; all fronting on the Georgian Bay, and close to Midland and Penetanguishene. Apply to THe Muskoka Mit & Lumser Co., Ltd., Toronto. SAW MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE. ae COMPLETE MACHINERY OF A SAW Mill, consisting of a steam feed large carriage and frame, one rope feed ditto, double edger and trimmers, swing saws, automatic grinders, belts and saws in good order ; all made Ly Waterous, Brantford. Will be sold a Apply to J. K. Warp, Mona Mills, Montreal, ue. FOR SALE THREE THOUSAND ACRES OF TIMBER LIMITS LSO SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, SAW, Shingle and Lath Mills, complete, with large Dry Kiln attached, Buildings, Stables, Shops, Dwelling Houses, etc., four miles from the limits, located in West Kootenay, British Columbia. \iachinery all up to date and only run one season. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply for particulars to T. H. DECEW & SONS, Correspondence solicited. Fenclon Falls, Ont. \ ANTED.—POSITION AS MANAGER OR /V Superintendent with a lumber firm. Have had twenty years’ experience. Address, F. A. Hatt, Kootenay Lumber Co., Comaplix, B.C. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE. HE MILLING CO.’S PLANING AND SAW Mill; doing good business. Reason for selling, other engagements. Stock about $2,000; machinery nsplendid order. Address, J. W. Cutt, Mitchell, Ont. FOR SALE. 55,000 feet Reck or Soft Elm... 6/4-4/4’” 40,000 1 Soft Maple.. ...... 6/4-4/4” MBicoown BerAshiiaies 32 ane. 4/4" 13,000 1 White Ash......... 6/4-7/4” 4 4,000 1 White Oak....... 4/4 or thicker STEELE & Gipson, Humberstone (20 miles west of Buffalo. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN. Ore 32-INCH DIRECT STEAM DRIVEN Gang ; one heavy circular Saw Frame; one heavy 4-block Carriage, coupled with track to cut 52 feet ; fractional set; steam feed; Rhodes’ Swage; Covel Gang Sharpener Above practically new, used only three years. Address, Box 76, CANADA LUMBERMAN. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine 1co h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x zoo ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber near by. For particulars, address ALLEN CRESSMAN, Berlin, Ont. UG ‘HOME RULE,” NOW in winter quarters at Ambherst- burg, Ontario. British register ; Tug length, over all, 80 feet; beam, 17 feet; hold, x2 feet; high pressure engine, 22x24; allowed 130 pounds of steam; with fuel draws 19 feet ; can trim to 9 or 11 feet; built in 18903; hull sheathed with steel; classed At%4 in Lloyd’s Canadian Register. Has been well kept up. For price and other particulars apply to F. B. HACKETT, Owner, Amherstburg, Ont. for Sale CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. There is a feeling of unrest among the lumbermen of Ontario, due to the mild weather and the absence of the necessary snow for logging operations. Reports re- ceived from different districts state that the situation is anything but encouraging. A large cut of logs has been made, but as yet no hauling of any extent has been done. If, however, sharp winter weather, accampanied by snow, should now set in and continue for the next two months, it would be possible to get most of the logs to the banks of the streams. Naturally, the possibility of a short log crop has given increased strength to the lumber market. Some of the Ottawa valley manu- facturers are reported to be holding out for a price which the shippers have not as yet shown their willingness to give. Buy- ers from the United States can now be found in all parts of the province for the purpose of buying dry stock and contract- ing for their season’s requirements. A quantity of the pine lumber cut in western Ontario next season will find a market in - logging season. Michigan, the production in that state now being less than is required for manu- facturing purposes. This is in contrast with the conditions existing before the enactment of the mannfacturing clause, when lumber sawn in Michigan from Georgiar Bay logs was marketed in west- ern Ontario. Within the past week com- mon lumber has advanced in the Toronto market about one dollar and mill culls about fifty cents per thousand. There is one feature of the hardwood market which differs from that of pine. While no heavy stocks of pine are held in the province by the manufacturers, dealers or consumers, there is a liberal stock of hardwoods in the hands of consumers, such as furniture and implement factories, wag- gon factories and wood-workers generally. The result of this will be that these indus- tries will not be in the market for supplies early in the spring. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Business is opening up this year in a manner that is very satisfactory to the spruce manufacturers of the eastern pro- vinces. The price of British deals has bse advanced by from $2 to $4~ per thousand feet. That shippers are meeting this advance is borne out by the fact that large contracts have been entered into. We do not think that manufacturers will make a mistake in adhering firmly to their asking prices, particularly in view of the fact that the production of spruce logs this winter is not likely to be as great as was anticipated at the beginning of the The weather thus far has been unfavorable and there has been a scarcity oflabor and teams. It is prob- able that the demand will readily absorb the cut, and that present prices will be maintained, if not advanced. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The absence of snow is causing the lumbermen in the west some anxiety. Reports from the woods are to the effect that hauling 1s somewhat at a stand-still. This condition has further strengthened lumber prices, as it is quite probable that the log production this winter will be less than was contemplated. The mild weath- er has also permitted of out-door work being carried on almost without interrup- tion, and thus the consumption of lumber has been increased. The Lake of the Woods mills put into effect on January Ist a new price list making certain ad- vances. This list will be published in our next issue. In British Columbia the local lumber market is a little quiet, but several en- quiries on foreign account are receiving the attention of manufacturers, and alto- gether the outlook is hopeful. UNITED STATES. Statistics of white pine stocks at the mills in the United States show that a shortage exists of over 750,000,000 feet as compared with one yearago. In Michi- gan there is very little stock that is not in the hands of dealers or consumers. The greatest shortage of stock 1s, of course, in the lower grades, No. 4 and No. 5 boards being especially scarce. Asa result of this condition the manufacturers in the Mississippi and Wisconsin valleys have advanced prices of common boards by from 50 cents to $1.50 per thousand. While the demand for lumber is not par- ticularly active, there is scarcely a weak spot in the United States market. Those who predicted that prices would weaken towards the spring now hold a differ- ent view, inasmuch as logging opera- tions in the northern woods have been seriously retarded by lack of snow, and the log crop this winter is not likely to be any greater than it was last year. Good building weather has stimulated the con- sumptive demand in the east, and build- ing promises to be brisk in the cities and larger towns during the coming summer. Spruce prices are very strong, with an upward tendency, and the supply of lum- ber is below the requirement. In hard- woods there is very little doing, although prices are being firmly maintained. A scarcity of basswood is reported, with pros- pects of a famine in that lumber before spring. White ash and maple are also enquired for to some extent, while elm is moving only very moderately. The lath situation is somewhat uncer- tain. The supply is not equal to the de- mand, but as the unusual strength of the lath market is almost certain to stlmulate production this year, there is some doubt as to how long present prices will be main- tained. At Minneapolis $4.25 is being asked by manufacturers for No. 1 white pine, and $4 for mixed. FOREIGN. _ The Board of Trade returns show that in the season of 1899 there were imported into the United Kingdom 6,429,019 loads of timber and lumber, against 8,834,250 loads in 1898 and 9,972,733 loads in 1897. The import was, therefore, about 600,000 loads more than 1898 and 500,000 less than in 1897. The condition of stocks is favorable to a satisfactory trade during the coming year, while Prices are at the highest point which has been reached for many years. Spruce is being offered in the London market at £8 17s. 6d. for Bi 9 second quality and £8 7s. 6d. for third quality. There is a great scarcity of 3x 11, which commands a high figure. Im- porters have been forced, by the high prices ruling in producing countries, to advance their asking prices considerably. Quebec spruce deals of poor quality are announced to have been sold on the basis of £8 per standard delivered on dock at Liverpool, and New Brunswick spruce is understood to have been purchased at 47 17s. 6d. delivered on dock at same port. These prices, although high, are not regarded as representing the highest values that will be reached during the year. The South African war has strengthened the value of deals, particu- larly 3 x 11 and 3 x9 pine and spruce. ——— eee The steamer Seguin has been chartered to carry lumber from a Georgian Bay port to Montreal, two trips, ata reported rate of $3. 50, The schooner Eric has been chartered to load lumber at Annapolis, N. S., for New York at $4. The barque Culdoon will load lumber at Weymouth, N. S., for Buenos Ayres, at $11, or Rosario at $12. If. NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. There are very few eastern shingles moving at present writing. The retail dealers are largely busy in stock-taking and figuring out jast year’s business, and, of course, actual con- sumption is light. On the other hand, the average crop of small winter mill operators are busily at work and as usual are anxious to sell each carload produced just as soon as they can get it to the railroad. Their usual course of procedure when ready to sell is to write a dozen different commission houses, offering the same shingles to all and accepting the first orders they get. Meantime, each commission dealer is offering these same shingles to the trade, and the net result of so many offering the same little lot of shingles is that the im- pression is created that shingles are in most abundant supply. The facts in the case are different, for at the close of last season the manufacturers -were thoroughly well cleaned out, and all the small winter mills in the busi- ness running full blast for the next ten weeks, and piling up their product, cannot produce as many shingles as will be wanted for actual consumption during April and May next. There is, therefore, absolutely no reason for any weakening of prices by standard mills; they are sure to get last season’s closing figures or better if they stand firm during the next six weeks. If, on the other hand, they once com- mence to make any material cut in prices, they will only accelerate the downward tendency, and by giving the retailers the idea that prices have reached the top and are going down, will actually get less business than if they hold firmly to their price. People are never so ready to buy ona falling as on a rising or steady market. The best course of procedure, therefore, is for the larger operators to stand firm and allow the more irresponsible and smaller mills to market their production, after which a firm market and steady prices will rule. The indications for business along general, and more especially house build- ing lines, the coming season, are most ex- cellent, and after the shingle trade really starts, which is usually about April Ist, the consump- tion ought to keep even pace with the produc- tion. Boston quotations are about as follows for strictly standard brands : Extras, $3.10 to $3.15 ; clears, $2.70 to $2.75 3 2nd clears, $2.15 to $2.25. Unknown brands are quoted probably 10 cents less on two best grades. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. __Canapa LUMBERMAN WEE Oe ee WHITE PINE PRODUCTION AND STOCKS. Valuable statistics of the white pine lumber production and stocks are furnished by the last issue of the American Lumberman. The statement covers the states of Michigan, Wis- consin and Minnesota, and includes reports from nearly 900 mills. The total output for 1899 was 6,056,508,000 feet ; 1898, 6,155,- 300,000 ; 1897, 6,233,454,000 3 1896, 725,- 763,035. Last year, therefore, the production was about 100,000,000 feet less than the output of 1898. The decresse as compared with 1897 is 177,240,000 feet, but the figures for last year show an increase over 1896. In 1895, however, the output was 1,000,000,000 feet greater than in 1899, and for the latter year the total is 2,000,000,000 feet less than the average output for the prosperous years previous to 1892. The total stocks of white pine at the mills on December 1, 1899, amounted to 2,728,- 271,000 feet, as against a total on the same date a year previous of 3,494,7 39,000 feet. On December 1, 1897, the total stocks at the mills amounted to 3,915,558,000 feet, or larger than the stock last year by 1, 187,287,000 feet. In 1895 the total stock was 4,180, 360,000 feet. Going on back through previous years, it ap- pears that the stock on hand December Ist last was the lightest known in any year since 1890. Of the total stock, the west holds by far the greater portion, the amount of stock on band in the Chicago district and in Michigan being only 477,000,000 feet. The shingle cut at the mills in the same district was 2,899,310,000 in 1899, 3,039,- 815,000 in 1898, and 2,360,771,000 in 1897. The stock on December 1 last was 694,- 302,000, against 762,698,000 in 1898 and 461,734,000 in 1897. The figures regarding lath show a curious condition. While the output has been steadily increasing for the last three years, the stock on hand on December 1 of each year shows a steady decline. The cut was 1,062,837,000 last year, 949,666,000 in 1898, and 924,- 047,000 in 1897. The stock on hand on December 1 last was 226,780,000, against 353,731,000 in 1898 and 412,811,000 in 1897. —— The Pasco Lumber Co, has been incorpor- ated in New York city, with a capital of $250,- 000. The Post & Emerson Co. have been incor- porated, to carry on a umber business at Oswego, N.Y. STOCKS AND PRICES. From Buffalo comes the report of the sale of 1,000,000 feet of box lumber, 8-inch and wider, 4-4 and 5-4, at $20, also a large lot of log ‘run shorts, 4 to 8 feet, at $17. Graham, Horne & Co., of Fort William, Ont., are understood to have been given a contract to supply 4,000,0000 feet of lumber for the Ogilvie flour mill and elevator to be built at that place. The corporation of Winnipeg desires tenders by Wednesday, February 7th, for the supply of 1,000 cords of cedar paving wood. Particulars may be obtained from C. J. Brown, city clerk. The Saginaw Lumber & Salt Company recently purchased 5,000,000 feet of logs cut on deeded land in the Georgian Bay district. These will be taken to the com- pany’s mill at Saginaw. In Chicago trade in flour barrel stock is quieter than tt has been, but prices re- main about the same. Elm staves sell at $7 to $8, and heading at 5 to 53% cents. Coiled elm hoops are a trifle weaker. Wm. Schuette & Co., of Saginaw, have contracted with Joseph Turner for 5,000,- ooo feet of lumber to be cut early next spring at Midland, Ont. The above firm have 12,000,000 feet of lumber in the yard at Saginaw, 10,000,000 feet on the mill docks on the Saginaw river, and 2,006,000 (Continued on page 3) — Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF [Locs AND LUMBER PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. | a CANADIAN EXPORTERS and WHOLESALERS re PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN F ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DIMENSION TIMBER 0 DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. Write us for Quotations on all Bills@/e& PEMBROKE, ONT. WM. COOKE. AA SCOTT AROQKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. HOOPS AND or, Ont. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. STAVES yctav RIN & MaLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. = MOHR & RYA Are prepared to fill limited orders DIMENSIO aspecialty. . § it Jour Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SECIS? “CEILING ¢ Cedar. Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Bast TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. during the winter season {Ob Cable Address ; “‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—“‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH Wood Importers and Merchants Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &c. PYVERY & VINGENT =_——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RED PIN (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORPESPONDENCE INVITED ONE DOLLAR wrill pay your subscription to the weekly and monthiy CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR oo Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms... . : BU D F ETT B R 0 S 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Street Within, | LONDON, E.C, a ¥ rr | ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street andg Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. Cable Address, “‘ Farnworth,’ Liverpool. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS TIMBER IMPORTERS Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitcheils TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ALLISON,’’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW ae : Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Ae areas as es 4 Au Ie. GLA SGO WwW GANT & KEMP « TIMBER co ti EE BROKERS . Wood Agents . . 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW oe & TYRER - {4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Monease Bidg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. IRVIN & SELLERS Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SORT ELM, PLANKS: and : BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. ee—TOVERPOOL, HBNGLAND— (Ghee Cable Address : ~©) Agent ; Seiling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER IV. herst, N.S., for $23,000. There is a well equipped saw mill and several hundred acres of timber lands. The schooners Pearline, B. B. Hard- wick and Foster Rice sailed from Annapo- lis, N.S., last week for Porto Rico, WIG ora : : Sif 8d d Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. ers g logs. In some sections this lack of to 15d ; 1899, 16d to 20d. , D 4 lumber, shingles and clapboards. The snow is really very serious. The loggers are Eim.—First class, 1898, 2s 2d to 2s 3d; er ee & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s schooner Orona sailed for Trinidad with 150,000 feet of lumber. The Goderich Lumber Co., of Goderich, Ont., are reported to have purchased a ‘saw mill at Owen Sound and a timber limit near Lion’s Head, comprising 1,950 aes : ro and 12 in. dimensionS.....++es+ sees ee eeeeee 19.09 1899, 2s to 2s 3d. acres, and containing a large quantity of joand i2in. random, xo ft. and up long......... 18.50 PInE DEats.—First quality broad, 1898, ; ORY KILNS Co., Galt, Out hemlock, basswood and maple timber. 2X3, 2X4,2X5,2xX6,2x7 and 3 x 4; 10 feet £22 to £24 Is 3d per standard ; regulars McEachren cere tla ore og , Ont. Th : f Londerneed andipy.c aes _odidioe tele eats See een 15.00 < ; » Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, ind. e€ prices for common boards xed Dy All other random, 9 in. and under.....---+++++++ 16.50 £20 12s 6d to £21 6s 3d; 1899, £26 16s 3d T the Mississippi and Wisconsin valley Merchantable boards planed one side. 1500 to £28 35 9d ; regulars, £24 15s to £26 6s 6d. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Out boards planed one side.....++.e++eeeeeeeees 12.00 broad, 1898, £16 tos to £18 Royal Electric Co., Montreal. manufacturers are as follows : No. I—13- in. and wider, 12 ft., $20.50 ; 12-1n., IO fie, $21; 12 ft., $20; Io-in., Io ft., S19, 12 f ees ; a : : 13s 1d ; 1899, £11 to £12 7s 6d. Cope & Sons, A. L., Cope’s Falls, Ont. ft., $18; 8-in., 10 ft., S15 3. 12 ft., $17. little offering. Full agreement prices, or even QumsEc 2 Aion Duals.—Third quality, Sokandt, HP. & Co., Toronto. No. 2—13-in., 12 ft., $16; 12-1n., 10 ft., above, are the rule: 408, £6 ees arwiage S » Gartshore, John, Toronto. $18.50; 12 ft., $17 ; 10-1n., Io ft., $16.50; Matched hemlock boardS......e+00-+-+ $16.50 to $18 00 reoes 3s gd to 47 IIs 3d 5 1999, i= Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. 12 ft.. $16; 8-in., 10 ft $14 - 72 ft $15 Pennsylvania ....+-++serr seer eeeeeese 15.00 ‘* 16.00 4d to £8 11s 10d. d Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. No 3 - ae 16 aad 5 ft "$15 50: aS. Basterne-s - s-seb ooestetn Peek ei Pe 14.50 *€ 15.59 New BrRuNSWICK SpruCE.—Second quality, Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. Dee rita ot ) . ; S with the usual advance for over 16 ft. . in., 10 and 12 ft., $14.50 16 and 8in., 10 Eastern boardS..0..:-.e0enesseneeecuns 14.00 uf 16,00 Bee me a BEF oy 3d 5 1899, 48 5s at apa Bae jee ‘ E 2 Qe. Da esu oieiehe jeje eles einsdatore Sarasin w\elaraheLarnae 13.00 14.00 % €. obt., jr. ens: nt. and 12 ft., $13.50 ’ mixed widths, $13.50. Pianed one side and matched.........- 16.00 ‘f 17.00 ———— Bertram, ‘an & Sons Dundas, Ont. No. 4—mixed widths, 10 and 12 ft., $12. Pennsylvania boards, No. 1,8, 10 and ‘ Carrier, Laine & Co. Levis, Que. x2 in 16.00 ‘f 17.00 There is some enquiry for deal and timber Darling Bros Montreal. ” : ale eivin eho ewe wien letaiele aap wie. man lsceis ben A . m . . : Hes ore ee Bane are No. oe Seer a eer tt 2 tonnage Fea Gueber a Montreal at 45s for Indianapolis Excelsior Mfz. ——— 1 we learn a . Knetchtel, o an- aned and matched.......++++++-+085 16.50 17-50 . eonar ons ., London ° ener Ont., has obtained a sup ly of lum- Pine.—Western pine is in good shape, with deals and 65s for timber. A steamer has been Yjoya Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. ’ 4 p . P g Pe, chartered for first-open-water to carry 1,150 Mershon & Co., W.B., Saginaw, Mich. ber considerably greater than one year ago. The Knetchtel Furniture Co., in Uppers, rin......-..s.e+r ee . -$58.00 to $60.00 Britain, at 45s. There has been cousiiéable = eae Co., Brantford. which he is a large shareholder, have on ae SE air, pas us coe chartering of sail tonnage from New Bruns- MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Rea at een cee Pees feet of Selects Coan ek 52,00 4 68.00 wick and Nove Scotia pete at 45s ae od Magnolia Metal Co., New York. ardwood lumber, while at the same ine common, I to 3 1n.....-+- . 48.00 “ 62.00 for spring shipment. e steamship Marian period last year their stock was less than Barntoatda,....(0.0:1.c+--ccgrseoe eam ve S009 has Pre ero load deals at Cape Tormen- PAPER AND) ERS ESS 1,000,000 feet. Last summer this com- Coffin beards Se eee "+ 22-09 4 326. tine, N.B., for west coast England at 47s 6d, - Tower & Wallace, Soa pany bought over 2,000 acres of hardwood CLAPBOARDS.—Clapboards are firm, though and another has been fixed to load at Pugwash PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY timber lands on the Bruce peninsula and a saw mill near Stokes Bay, which they are now operating. They expect to get Spee ee ofan eaine ols ois alessio ges ae Dade Waomnea PULLEYS, Pa : : ; pruce, and clear....+1sseeessreeeeeee : 5. odge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toron x out this winter for this mill },500,000 feet Pine, extra.......s.eetececees essere 34-00 to $36.00 SO ‘ TH AFRICA The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. of logs. Mr. Knetchtel is also largely in- Eanes aa ginin aioe) aia) nie insnveemlaine aja ae 30.00 ‘* 33.00 4 ferested in the Southampton Manufactur- Er iced ica. gaged, 4500 RAILROAD BRASSES ing Co., of Southampton, and the Sieling Second grade......-.-.++s.sesereee>: 40.00 ** 42.00 Millmen throughout Canada Magnolia Metal Co., New York. Furniture Co., of Walkerton, and informs us that both these factories have more than double the quantity of lumber on hand that they had one year ago. He estimates that about 1,000,000 feet of logs will be obtained this wimter for each of these mills. In Mr. Knetchtel’s opinion, there is a probability that prices of hard- wood lumber will weaken towards the spring. FIRES. A saw mill at Old Fort, Ont., owned by J. McDermott, was burned recently. Loss, $2,500 ; no insurance. The stave mill of H. C. Rees at Woodslee, Ont., was destroyed by fire on January 4th. The loss will probably reach $3,000. The saw mill of F. Hatfield at Tusket Wedge, N.S., was destroyed by fire on Janu- The loss is $3,000, with no insurance. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. THE BOSTON MARKET. [Correspondence of the CaNnADA LUMBERMAN.] SprucE.—Spruce lumber is in fair winter demand, but there is still a good deal of trouble about filling orders, by reason of low water at the mills and on account of a lack of snow fer at work, but under great difficulties, and if more snow does not fall very soon the cut will be a very small one that will reach the mllls. Full agreement prices are still the rule on spruce : Frames, g inch and under. .....ceccccuscesveves $17.00 Furring, 1x2, 1x 2% and 1x3 planed ONE SIGS. cos bois vis totes wee ea et ee 13.00 to $13.50 Hemiock.—Hemlock is very firm, with a fair winter demand : trade is seasonably dull : Spruce, extra... sees e sees eee e ee eees $28.00 to $29.00 Latu.—Laths are a little easier : 156 inch, $3 to $3.15 5 Iyinch, $2.90 to $3. BosTon, Jan. 15th, 1900. ——— COMPARISON OF GLASGOW PRICES. The following figures, compiled from Al- lison, Cousland & Co.’s annual timber market reports, will be interesting as showing a com- parison of the prices ruling in the Glasgow market on December 31st, 1898 and 1869 : Wanery WHITE PINE.—Prime wood, 1898, CANADA ATLA - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. 2s 2d to 289d ; second ; 1899, 19d to 2s 2d per 2s 4d to 2s 7d ; 1899, class, 1898, 15d to 2s cubic foot. Square PINE.—First class large average, 1898 ; 2s 3d to 2s 6d ; 1899, 2s 6d to 2s 8d. RED PINE.—35 foot average, 1898, 14/24 1899, 28 9d to 3s. Oaxk.—Prime wood, 1899, 2s 8d to 2s 10d. BIRCH.—16 inch average, 1899, 20 to 23d. AsH.—16 inch average, 1898, 2s 6d to 353 1898, 18d to 20d; 1898, 21d to 23d ; Second quality 11s 3d; 1899, 418 IIs 3d to £20 12s 6d. Third quality. broad, 1898, £9 5s 7d to £10 standards from Montreal to east coast Great for same destination at 48s. are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘CasKET,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. NTIC RAILWAY . . . « Shortest and Quickest Route from.... OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W.P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. SmitH General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. JANUARY 17, 1900 J DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. Seen Sn BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montrealand Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D. Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. Dz; Boston, 8. #iSCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. —— re Syracuse Smelting Works, Mont- real, Que. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Cordage, Independent Cordage Co., Toronto, Ont. Driving Calks, James S. Neill, Fredericton, N. B. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co., Chicago, Ill, Legal, Denton, Dunn & oultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, r Hay, Galt, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. abate Mercantile Agency, New York and oronto. ary 7th. QUEBEC, QUE. OTTAWA, ONT. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. Please mention THE CANADA LUMBERMAN when corres- Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8s.c. and bet- n s ; ponding with advertisers Pe oe cts, Cts. M feet, b.m.....-- $33 00 38 00| _ terstock...... passe X3:00, 55,00) Square white eines measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, --.-+-+-- 30 32 Pine, good strips,.... 27 00 29 00 Pine, 8 & ups.c. sid: : good fair. "nM Gs BSS Com toe Giger eae 33) ) «a Pine, good shorts,.... 19 00 30 00 | Pine, s.c. stri ¢ ¢ . ? > 5:0 i WHOLESALE PRICES CURRENT. _{ first class eB eT eauenaaee 32 Eine eoad hore ee First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch averse, according to lineal. . 3 42 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls... ees 1g to 21 inch average : 23 44 Bums este. venue . 18 co 24 00| Pine mi ey TORONTO, ONT. “© Michigan “ rg to2rin.average “ &size 43 48 Pine, No. x dressing 4 00 | ae > _RERPINESIN THE RAET: SEMDS) esac . 1600 18 00|1x10 No.2 “ CAR OR CARGO LOTS. Measured off, according to average and qu ity...-.++eseeerenes a3 27 «Pine, No. x dressing 1x8 &gNo.1 ‘ 1% 1% and2inchcut x inch dressing and Inshippingiorder, |" " \g ae ee ee eee aa selsise - 24 28 Shorts ese eee 14.00 16 00|1x8&qNo.2“ .. up and better.....- $32 00 $34 00] better.....-.--.+++ $20 00 $22 00 Heed di Kage eee AND OHIO. Pine, ro s.c. and bet- Lath per M No.1... 250 309 zinch picksand uppers 34 00 36 00] 1 inch siding common 13 00 14 00 By the dram, according to averageand quality. . . ++ = 46 50 ter stock,........+5 153 00 17 00|Lath perM No, 2... 20¢ 2 25 axe iar ape Bee : Gee sige ship cat ee coy eae By the dram, according to ai@tioenna quality 45 to 50 feet 35 40 ter, 60% 16 ft....-- 22 00 24 00| 1 inch siding mill culls 10 50 11 00 a , i nob ea Jp = xrxzo fine dressing and Cullscantling........ 900 950 : y : go to 35 feet. - 32 37 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. Wetterierasmpaeaiiae 22 00 24 00| r inch strips 4 in. to 8 ae : Boe 2 WHITE PINE. rxro and 12 Canadian in. mill run...... , as 00 15 50 ene es and up, mecordine to average and quality. . . + + 23 26 (Wholesale selling price.) i ; dressing and better 18 00 20 00| 1 inch strips, common 12 00 13 00 To: average: 26. inch s+) “iis Renate (0 Ss oO gee Up’rs, 1,14, 14% and 2 Dreane Yin 11-2and thicker cut- r 1-4 inch flooring.... 17 00 oe aR CEs aan cee ere $57 0 5850| 1x10 = =p) ee 33 5) ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00| x t-2 inch flooring.... 1700. Ta ibehiaveresee Ca: a ee Ma's 2% and 3 in..... 3 6 so] 1% in ey 35 56 rxro and 12 millrun 16 00 18 oo | XXX pineshingles, 16 a cc TS the RMR 2 ai em Be ae UT s ietetere'e= 8 a 71 50| 2 in nage z Pe 1x10 and 12 common. 14 00 15 00 inch, .... eco tense Se 2 65 af ee at = incre area eae 2 2 Selects, 1 to 2 ". so so 5 50| Shelving, No. x, 13 in 5 rxro and 12 mill culls 11 00 12 09| XX pine shingles 16 inch 175 a Le Oe ee ie ae Wek 37 23% and 3 in % 6 50 and up = . 8 ae pe yh es ay oe aC oe pany a. Se he a 3 a Bright spruce, according to mill eeeieation, $40 to $44 for rst, $28 to $30 5 PES : 66 50| Mold st'ps ‘No. x to 2 a apni stein arate oe ee 3 for and, $25 to $28 for ard, and $21 to $24 for 4th quality. F.0.B. batteau. Finecommon, 11n.,up in ...cssserrgeresss 38 00 43 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. va ee wide.... 38 50 45 5° ou phe 12in.=... 28 50 Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. ALBANY, N.Y. a sinh. ; ee i 2 ia = be os Tides eas ee a Ash, white, 1 to2in..$26 00 $28 00 Elm rock, mill PINE. : aiilin sno 56 50] No.2, r2im....... 23 0 ef “2% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 athens BOE 1 to 1%"18 00 2000 Uppers, 3 AWM, (UP > 0 0.0/0 wialste vale $ $70] 1x12 inchshippers.......-+ $ $22 Fes eearigg@ tx S00 6r 50| No. 3, 10 and x2 in. 20 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm,rock, mill QUIN... eevee sercerenece 70 | 4/4 inch a 13 & up. 22 Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. 33 50] Box, 1X4.... 500.0 ¢ 17 OC ands, 1 to 1% in.... 20 00 22 00 abv leo 144" 3.. 21 00 23 00 Eta MUL oie fe c's ajatera(erarnieys) 55 | 4/4 Box boards, 6" and up .. 18 20 1Y% to2 in.......-- 39 50 40 50| xrx6tore ISLS wewalee 19 © Ash, black, xsts and Hickory, 1sts 4 inch uppers ....++++eeee+e 72 | 1o-in. dressing and better... 26 32 No.2, 0 Wiese « 22 00| Ix 1otO13ZIM...... 20 © ands,2to4in.....- 22 00 24 00| and ands..1¥%‘‘ 2.. 28 00 30 00 Selects, 2% in. up.....----« 6o | ro-in, COMMON ...++- see eres 20 No. 2,1%, & 1% in 32 50|_ 1% andrin...... 200 Ash, M.R.,1 to 2.. 17 00 19 00 Maple, sts RQRQEDS celase cicis eat stein 45 | r2-in. dressing and better... 30 34 No. 3, 1% & 1% in 26 50| Mill Culls, 1, 1%, 1% Birch, 1in. .. 18.00 2000 end ands.. ‘1% 17 00 1800 Fine common, 2% in. and up 50 ama EXD sare diaoie Va seie s/o 20 No.9; 20Ree 5 «rvs 26 5 and 2in..... sees 15.09 16 50mm 3 1% ‘' 2., 20 00 23 00 aple, Ists EtO DAM. ccceess ernecewsees 38 42 0. x barn, IX12.....++++-+ 26 27 < . + . nee “ sqrs. 4x4 ‘* 8 x824 00 26 00 and ands.. 2 “‘ 4.. 18 00 19 00 No. 1 cuts, r to 2 inch...... 28 35 EXIO).js05 « esipeer/sisse roms 26 nie apes quotehens ane represent the jobber’s buying Basswood, ists and Oak, red, p’n, IN eBags cc lantsieleie'e e oie siate’s ais 22 30 THB vcd wionle Siaya wtolatere ay eeniaiabers 24 : mds, 1 to1% in.... 18 00 20 00 rsts& 2nds1 “‘ 1% 26 00 3000 GRE seme peep maemer cee. 18 25| No. 2 barn, 1x12...-..++++s 24 WHITE ASH, q 1% to 2 ..21 00 22 00 Oak;red, p’n, No. 1 molding, 1 tozin..... 30 36 TRIO. 2 cieiarehe are ietwe ie. cies 24 ist & 2nd, 1 inch, 28 00 30 00| 2% to4 in....... sees 34 00 38 00 " mer. 1 “ 1% 15 00 17 00 ists & ands 2 ‘' 4.. 29 00 3200 No. 2 molding, x to 2 in 24 27 PRBS dpe cer sistent eeninen'a 22 rY to 2iN....-2006 31 00 33 00| Strips...........-.+6 20 00 22 00 Butternut 1 “ 1% 23 00 25 00| Oak, white, Stained saps 30 | Shaky clear, r to 6/qin...... 25 30 Com. and culls....... I2 00 140 of 2 zs 3-. 25 00 28 00 ists & ands x “ 1% 28 00 30 00 Bracket plank .. sages ae = tate! Baers. 30 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. Chesrnut 1 *©2.. 74.00 26.00] Oak, white, Shelving boards, .up.. 32 35| Dressing......-+.++++--- 25 30 4st & end, 6inchup, 25 00 26 oo| Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 Cherry, 1sts ists & ands 2 ‘* 4.. 30 00 35 00 Dressing boards, narrow.... 25 25 Common ....-..- e+ eseeee 18 20 and ends..1 ‘ 1% 500 60 00| Oak quart’d, ; 1x1g inch shippers.....---« 22 : Pees ee Cherry, 1sts Semana Migs. BELOOMROSROO DATH ist & 2nd, 6 inch & ist &2nd,white, 6” Xup, 18 oo 20 00 | and ends.. 2 ‘f 4.. 60 00 65 00, Walnut, ists Pine ejsea eiattiae lorena oie $3 00 | Spruce ......+sseeeee seers $3 00 up, red...+-+++++s 28 00 30 00| Com & good culls..... 10 00 rr 00 Elm, soft, mill and 2nds.. x ‘* 3.. 85 00 100 00 SHINGLES. x. Bi Ere z F Pile ces 1 “1% 16 00 18 00 | Whitewood, Sawed Pine, ex. Xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 6 25 ° xst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 09 Elm,soft, mill ists &2nds 1 ‘f 2.. 32 00 3600 Clear butts.......... 3.00 3 25| Hemlock....... Rrasmiciee 215 APLE. i Atiiageene 2 ‘' 3.. 17 00 19 00 Smooth, 6x18.....-- 5 00 5 50| Spruce....-..++ereees 220 rst &2d, hard,6in. & upr8 co 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft,’6in. & up, 18 00 20 00 < . : me are 5 ' - £ — —) Zz = CANADA TUMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITIO The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $1.00 per year { Thé Lumberman Weekly Edition, every THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURE. BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Wednesday RS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE VoL. VI. TORONTO, ONT., JANUARY 24,1900 WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. PINE TIMBER LIMITS. et SMALL LIMITS FOR SALE IN THE Township of Gibson ; all fronting on the Georgian Bay, and close to Midland and Penetanguishene. Apply to THE Muskoka Mitt & LumBER Co., Ltd., Toronto. ——————— SAW MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE. Te COMPLETE MACHINERY OF A SAW Mill, consisting of a steam feed large carriage and frame, one rope feed ditto, double edger and trimmers, swing saws, automatic grinders, belts and saws in good order ; all made by Waterous, Brantford. Will be sold oa Apply to J. K. Warp, Mona Mills, Montreal, ue. FOR SALE THREE THOUSAND ACRES OF TIMBER LIMITS At SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, SAW, Shingle and Lath Mills, complete, with large Dry Kiln attached, Buildings, Stables, Shops, Dwelling Houses, etc., four miles from the limits, located in West Kootenay, British Columbia. Machinery all up to date and only run one season. Satisfactory reasgns for selling. Apply for particulars to T, H. DE CEW & SONS, Correspondence solicited. Fenelon Falls, Ont. SALE OF Valuable Timber Limits BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT TORONTO By C. J. Townsend & Co., 28 King Street West. ON THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1900 Sa ON LAKE NIPISSING. No. 212, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 5, in Township of Patterson. Area, 2514 square miles, more or less, ON FRENCH RIVER. No. 214, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 16, Township of Falconer, sale of October 22nd, 188s, known as No. rr, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Area, 36 square miles, more or less. ON VERMILLION RIVER, A BRANCH OF THE SPANISH. No. 215, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 22, Township of Dowling, sale of October zend, 1885, known as No, £7, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of sale. Easy terms tu purchasers who may be deemed responsible by the vendor and who may arrange therefore prior to sale. The abovetimber berths are exceptionally easy of access. Supplies can be placed at very low cost on any of the berths, either during the winter or summer months. The average haul is very short. The berths are well timbered wiih white and red pine. On berth No. s, Patterson, there is also a fine cut of ‘many millions of large hemlock logs and railway ties. Berth No. 6, Township of Falconer, has never been cut on. Each berth will be s>ld separately. Explorers can reach Townships of Patterson and Falconer in a few hours from either North Bay or Sturgeon Falls. Township of Dowling can be reached front Larch- wood or Onaping, on C. P.R., which traverses this berth. For further particulars apply to ALEXANDER FRASER, the vendor, at 74 Nepean Street, Ottawa, Ont. \ ANTED.—POSITION AS MANAGER OR Superintendent with a lumber firm. Have had twenty years’ experience. Address, F. A. Hatt, Kootenay Lumber Co., Comaplix, B.C. WE HAVE 300,000 FEET OF VERY GOOD Beech Logs which we wish to cut to order. Signed, Joun Harrisov & Sons Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. ANTED-—Second: hand Shingle Machine and Jointer, Lath Machine, Double Edger without Trimmers, Endless Log Haul and 500 yards light Track Rail. Box A,” Desbarats, Algoma. : LUMBER FOR SALE. Aras 20,-00 FEET DRY 1% INCH ROCK Elm; 40,000 feet dry 114 inch Maple ; 10,0 o feet dry 134 inch Beech. Address D. KNECHTEL, Hanover, Ont. FOR SALE. Ore SAW MILL CARRIAGE WITH THREE blocks, with saw frame and rope feed, suitable for cutting ties and medium sized logs. Apply Box 75, Canapba LuMBERMAN. FOR SALE. Ve MILLING CO.’S PLANING AND SAW Mill; doing good business. Reason for selling, otherengagements. Stock about $2,000 ;_ machinery nspiendid order. Aaaress, j. W. CULL, Mitchell, Ont. FOR SALE. IMBER LIMIT, 36 SQUARE MILES, IN Township of Drury, on north shore of Lake Huron, traversed by the C P. R., Sault line and the Spanish River. Heavily timbered with Spruce and Tamarac; also about 5,000,000 feet of Pine. Good chance for man with Portable Mill. For further par- ticulars apply Box 55, CANADA LuMBERMAN. SAW MILL SITE Com SAW MILL SITE ON SOUTH END of the Georgian Bay, near Midland ; extensive Lumber Docks, Houses, Store Buildings, etc., water power. THe Muskoka Mitt anp LumBeR Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers r20 h.p., Engine 1co h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season 3 size of Mill, 30x 100 ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber near by. For particulars, address ALLEN CRESSMAN, Berlin, Ont. ————————— UG ‘‘HOME RULE,” NOW in winter quarters at Ambherst- burg, Ontario. British register ; Tug length, over all, 80 feet ; beam, 17 feet; hold, r2 feet; high pressure engine, 22x 24; allowed 130 pounds of steam; with fuel draws 15 feet ; can trim to 9 or 11 feet; built in 1890; hull sheathed with steel; classed Ail in Lloyd’s Canadian Register. Has been well kept up For price and other particulars apply to for F. B. HACKETT, Owner, Sale Amherstburg, Ont. +2 1 ES Se ere ee WANTED—YELLOW AND RED PINE jE aoe PRICES C.I.F. UNITED KINGDOM 4 safe ports for following pine. Delivery usual early spring shipment, specifying termsand full Particulars. Reliable houses only dealt with, and goods to be sub- ject to inspection and approval before shipment. 150 stds. 3rd quality, 3 in. yellow Quebec Pine Deals, 25 stds. 2nd quality, 3in. ~ ‘ se OS G 11 in, and up. too stds. 1st quality yellow Quebec Pine Sidings. 25 stds. end quality ‘ o ue G 109 stds. rst quality Red Pine Deals, Address Box 25, Canapa LumbEeRman. No. 1. FOR SALE. ipa rand 2, CHIEFLYINCH, 100 M. Address, Tue Knicut BroruHEers Co, Burks Falls, Ont. \ K JANTED—Green Hard Maple Squares, 6% in. x 6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. BERMAN ee FOR SALE. J pee LUMBER, ALSO HEMLOCK. Those in need kindly apply to Tue Knicut BROTHERS Co., Burks Falls, Ont. SS FOR SALE. es SAWED ORIN THE ROUND. Rep - Bros., Hepworth Station, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. SS MASTS FOR SALE. PA eos TORONTO, UP TO go FEET IN length. Apply to W. A. MILNE, Brown’s Cor- ners, Ont. Box 24, CANADA LuM- WANTED FOR CASH. OFT AND HARD ELM LUMBER AND Logs, Ash, Maple, Oak and Basswood and other Hardwood Lumber. Address “ Merchant,” care Can- ADA LUMBERMAN. LOGS \ K JILL PAY CASH FOR LOGS OF PINE, Beech, Oak, Spruce, Tamarac, Ash, Hemlock, Elm, Maple, Cedar, Bass, Birch, Poplar. State lengths, diameter, kinds, when cut, where located and price per thousand loaded on cars. T. M. KirkKwoop, 76 Madi- son Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The weather of the past week has not brought any relief to the logging situation in Ontario. Reports from the various districts are, almost without an exception, to the effect that work in the woods is be- ing very much handicapped by the mild weather and lack of snow. Many of the operatorss which usually have a large part of their stock of logs on the bank by this time have not yet commenced to haul. It is very probable that the supply available for the sawing season will be considerably less than was anticipated, and unless the weather of the next two months should be accompanied by heavy snowfalls there will be insufficient water in many of the streams in the spring to permit of floating the logs. The lack of snow will affect the production of hardwood logs quite as much as that of pine. The demand for lumber so far this win- ter has kept up unusually well, and the indications are that there will be a large consumption during the present year if exorbitant prices do not cause investors to delay proposed undertakings. The number of building permits issued in the larger cities since the first of the year augur well for a good building season, while the large wood-working industries have orders on hand which cannot be completed for months to come, and which will consume a large quantity of lumber. Some of the lumber required is now in stock, but this will be consumed before the spring. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. As each week goes by indications come to light of still higher prices for spruce lumber. The British market may be reckoned on to require quite as much in the coming season as in 1899, while the building outlook in the Eastetn States points to a larger demand from that quarter. There is now some doubt whether as much lumber will be produced this year as last season, owing to the impossibility of getting logs to the mill. The mild weather has interfered with logging opera- tions in the eastern provinces as in On- tario and the west. It is our opinion that while manufacturers may be justified in contracting for their season’s production at the prices now offering, there can be nothing lost in waiting for a week or two before disposing of their cut. There is likewise a strong market for shingles. A Quebec manufacturer reports the sale of fifty cars for future delivery at a price equal to $2.25 per thousand f. o. b. cars at mill. UNITED STATES, Peculiar conditions characterize the lumber trade of the United States, the tendency of which is to maintain the pres- ent high prices. Logging Operations are being seriously interfered with by unfavor- able weather. Manufacturers are refusing to contract for stock to be cut unless at very tempting figures. At Duluth they are asking $12 for No. 4 boards, $14 for No. 3 boards, and $18 foc log run stock to be cut next season. All things point towards continued firmness in white pine prices. At Boston white pine uppers are said to be particularly scarce. A report from New York states that spruce is as firm as ever and that there 1s little fear of a weakening in prices at least for some monthsto come. In the Eastern States the price of hemlock lumber has been advanced one dollar per thousand. Of the hardwoods, basswood seems to be the most active. Prices are steadily advancing, and it is certain that there will be a shortage in this lumber in the near future. There isa growing demand for elm and maple. Prices of the latter at the mills in Michigan have been advanced to $9, $13 and $18 for culls, common and firsts and seconds respectively. The supply of 18 inch white pine shingles in the eastern market is so small that cedars are being used in their stead. There is an increased demand for both Washington red cedar and New Bruns- wick white cedar shingles. The Wash- ington production sell in the Boston market at $3.15 to $3.25 for clears. FOREIGN. Statistics are now to hand of the import of wood goods into the United Kingdom during the year 1899. Of sawn lumber there were imported 6,635,754 loads, and of hewn timber 2,667,049 loads, against 6,363,357. loads and 2,331,755 loads respectively for the preceding year. From Canada there were imported 1,751,453 loads of sawn lumber and 114,794 loads of hewn timber, these figures, as with the total imports, showing a slight increase over the year 1898. The present strength of the market, in the face of this large import, is due to the fact that during the year the consumption of lumber in Great Britain increased neacly 50 per cent, thus reducing stocks at the close of the year to to a lower point than at the corresponding period one year previous. The present tendency of prices is to further harden. At London first quality pine sells at £27 for 3X 1I, and spruce is selling to arrive at £9 for 3x9 second quality, and £8 Ios. for third quality. At the recent public sales prices have been well maintained, 3X11 first pine, II inch and up, and 12 ft. in length, selling as high as £25 1cs., and 3x11 third quality pine at £10 10S. ; second quality Quebec pine brought from fio to £1410s., the latter figure being realized for a lot of 2x9 inch, 12 feet and up. Quebec spruce made as high as £10 15s. for first quality, and £9.10s. for a m1x- ed lot of firsts and seconds. Fourth spruce from St. John, N.B., made £9 for 3X11, and £8 5s. for 3x7. Square pine timber sold at from 778.6d. to 80s. per load, birch planks from Halitax, N.S., at 1s.1d. per cubic foot, and birch timber from Quebec at 87s.6d. to 97s.6d. per load. It will be observed by a report published elsewhere that the Australian market 1s improving, and that better prices are likely to be realized in the near future. ——— STOCKS AND PRICES. Thos. Boland, of Markdale, Ont., is offering $7 to $8 per thousand feet for hardwood logs. A timber property at Porter’s Lake, N. S., owned by Alfred McElImon, is under- stood to have been purchased by Alfred Dickie, of Lower Stewiacke, N.S., for $20,- 000. J. W. Munro, of Pembroke, is reported to have purchased from T. W. Murray a timber limit of 64 square mills in Widdi- field township which the latter purchased at the recent Ontario Government sale. A Saginaw lumberman who recently visited the Georgian Bay district estimates the log input this winter at 450,000,000 feet. Of this quantity less than 50,000,- 000 feet will be available for the Michigan market. There is said to be a slight weakening in the lath market. The supply has be- SS eee ee CANADIAN EXPORTERS and WHOLESALERS come no greater, but holders of stock fear that as the spring approaches prices may recede a trifle. This has resulted in an increase in the offerings. Geo. St. Pierre & Co., of Fraserville, Que., have sold 10,000,000 shingles to be manufactured this year. They expect to make in all 20,000,000 shingles, and have now in operation 13 machines, working night and day. This firm recently ob- tained a contract from the Dominion government for the construction of a pier at Cacouna, Que., at a cost of about 46,- 000 R. P. Rithet & Co., of Victoria, thus refer to the British Columbia lumber in- dustry : The lumber industry has been unusually active, and the mills engaged in the export trade had all the orders they could handle at remunerative prices, some of the larger mills having had to keep their machinery going night and day for a large portion of the year. The volume of business has been some- what curtailed, for some months back, by the want of tonnage, but, even with this drawback, a very satisfactory trade has been done. The prospects for the future are good ; many of the mills have orders in hand to keep them going for probably half the year. Indeed, new business will hardly be entertained for earlier loading than July or August. The export price of lumber has recently been increased to a basis of $10 per M feet. II CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. H. Fawcett Hartland ——— NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. There is little change to report in the cedar shingle trade. Consumption is not expected to be anything but light at this season, and orders are therefore not numerous. In regard to future prices, there is food for thought in the action of the Michigan and Wisconsin Cedar Association a few days since. This Association has held prices firmly to list in the past, and has now advanced two better grades 16 inch shingles loc. per thousand. The Ore- gon, Washington Territory and British Colum- bia shingle products are also being held very firmly. Stocks on hand in retail yards are only fair, the tendency of the dealers being to wait until re PEMBROKE LUMBER GO. wT MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DIMENSION TIMBER OF ED LUMBER. DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESS @yeWrite us for Quotations on all Bills @y/e A. A. SCOTT. COOKE MANUFA' HARDWOOD LUMBER, PEMBROKE, ONT. WM. COOKE. & SCOTT CTURERS HOOPS: AND STAVES regor, O Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. cta¥ RIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, PINE DEALS Hemlock, or Cedar. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. umber Manufacturers dy Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Bast TEMPLETON, QUE. SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. = MOHR & RYAN . KILLALOE STA TION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for.. - DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, a specialty. - § it wour Wis - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING SEES. cemIne ¢ Galings "10.00 HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. : Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. F Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber — An Advertisement in the ‘© Wanted ’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the .- - CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. é JANUARY 24, 1900 assured that prices will go no lower before stocking up. After another month or six. weeks, during which, owing to light consump- tion, slow ‘business and scanty orders must prevail, if the manufacturers should mark up prices a little, all dealers would make haste to get under cover; and a rush of orders for spring trade would result. Reports now in the hands of the writer as to the winter’s operations, would seem to indicate that there is something of an increase in the number of small winter P. D. GORDON & Co. operations. On the other hand, several large WHOLESALE TIMBER manufacturers, one of them one of the largest in the business, report that their cut of logs Montreal, Quebec this winter will be considerably smaller owiNE prastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading to inability to secure labor. Generally speak- Co., Vaucouver, B. C. A : ing, it would appear that all the shingles to be DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. i WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. made in 1900 will be required for consumption, 1 D W | CCIN BOSTON, MASS. s We and that the prices. to be realized will be fixed 89 STATE ST. TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUGHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA by the manufacturers rather than by the retailer or commission man, especially after the spring trade opens. _ Present Boston quotations are : Extras, $3 to $3.10; clears, $2.65 to $2.75 5 and clears, $2.15 to $2.25. Extras show the slowest movement. ; will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WwW ANTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH Jotun F. Stengel No. peal, wy. —————— ee Wanted fOr EXDOPD PsNNe.MML an aos ALL KINDS OF ee __ BUSINESS NOTES. Andrew Calahan, lumber dealer, Glencoe, Ont., has assigned to C. B. Armstrong. A meeting of creditors will be held on the 26th inst. F. D. Irvin has been admitted as part- ner in the firm of Irvin & Sellers, wood brokers and dealers, Liverpool, England. He is a son of David Irvin, the} senior member of the firm. Nees Te SSF sa Ny, [LOcS AND LUMBER | +7 gl SWAN-DOKOGH LUMBER C6. PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS shy Ait eamcik a Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. i North Tena wna Cable Address, “SWAN DoNoGH—TONAWANDA Lumberman’s Code. a R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DEALERS Head ofice TORONTO King St. West. Ss ARNI Aso DISTRIBUTING YARDS BUFF ALO sAnnN SS JAS.- PLA YFAIR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies qe, MIDLAND ONT y . BILL TIMBER a Specialty - +: A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. — PEMBROKE, ONT. eS ROBERT WATT ° WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber & Pine Shingles. AQ uantity of Cedar Posts for Sale on the Shore of the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED- HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER P’ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Manufacturers of and Dealers in....-- Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. JANUARY 24, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. III. SHIPPING MATTERS. The steamer Marion has been fixed to load 61s. 3d.; South Africa, 65s. to 67s. 6d.; U. K. or Continent, 77s. 6d. to 80s. HESSLER & CO. WANTED ~ deals at Campbellton, N.B., in July for the west coast of England at 48s 9d. A steamer will carry deals from Pugwash, N.S., to west coast England in June at 48s. The ship Trojan gets 50s on deals from St. John, N.B., to west coast England. The assignment is announced of E. Bar sawmill owner, St. Jean des Chaillons, Que. The assets are given as $6,230 and liabilities $5,040. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Invites offers 0f_—! Prime Oak Planks and Pine 6 to 8 feetx11x3 *The following are the current freight rates on lumber from British Columbia ports : To Sydney, 47s. 6d. to 50s.; Melbourne or Adel- aide, 55s. to 56s. 3d.; Port Pirie, 52s. 6d. to 53s. 9d.; Fremantle, 65s. to 66s. 3d. ; Shanghai, 58s. od. to 60s.; Kiao-Chau, 60s. to 6Is. 3d.; Tientsin nominal ; Viadivostock, 55s. 56s. 3d.; W. Coast, Pisagua Range, 57s 6d. to 60s.; W. Coast, Callao Range, 58s. 9d. to | WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : '! Hessler,” Westhartlepoo” FELBER, JUCKER & CO. A. KENNEDY Lumber Importers 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND MANCHESTER ENGLAND Buyer of 0. Invite offers from Lumbermen or... Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, ee causes or any Woods suitable for English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: ‘“Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. BRITISH IMPORTERS DUNGAN, BWING & GO. Wood Agents and BPOKerS Cable ‘Adtees. ** Ewing,” Liverpool. LIWVE RPOOL, ENG. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Crosby Square, LonooN, ENs. SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . Wnicil, GRIN E CO. 4, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & GO. Wa CROKE RS 27 Union Street - GLASGOW =f Fe. Lightbody KL Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS [iCable Address ; “‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ‘‘ Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. — Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAI NSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH Wood Importers and Merchants Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. ee eee PYVERY & VINGENT ==_——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RHD PIN # (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORPESPONDENCE INVITED ONE DOLLAR will pay your subscription to the wreekly and monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR — Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. ... BUDCETT BROS. - and Bee Set a a F ‘ tae ia ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers JAMES WHEELDON & SONS .- TIMBER IMPORTERS. . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MAN CHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Address, ‘* Farnworth,’ Liverpool. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ ALLISON,’ Glasgow. LLISON, COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. VWincent St., GLASGOW Calder, Henderson & Li vingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” GI ; Glasgow GLASGOW Codes: Atrand A BC. Cable Address : ““TECTONA” Glasgow. B R 0 K - PR S Ax and A B C Codes used. .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW SMITH & TYRER = 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. IRVIN & SELLERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. ALSO DEALERS N= POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. fee OV eRPOOL, BHNGLAND=-™ Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool IN LOGS AND LUMBER O~ EV. (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. THE BARBADOS MARKET. The last circular of Clairmonte, Man & Co. contains the following reference to lumber under. $1 per M advance for dressing both sides. 1 and 1¥% in. flooring $1 per M ad- vannce over 1 in. Bevel siding, No. 1, ¥% in. OREGON PinE.—Imports: 1,814,575 feet super. Arrivals: Sonoma, from Port Towns- end ; Carrollton, from Tacoma. An active de- JANUARY 24, 1900 DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. eee SS shipments : x 6in., $21 ; No. 2, % in. by 6in., $18. mand has been experienced. The cargo per There have been two arrivals with white FINISHING.—1%, 14 and 2 in. first, second Sonoma, with the exception of a small quan- BELTING pine and spruce lumber during the fortnight. Last local sales were: White pine, $16.77 @ $17.65 per M asit runs, no allowance ; spruce, $18.61 for first quality. Our yards are rather bare of spruce, and dealers are now about lay- ing in supplies for the coming crop season. Shingles—Gaspe cedar, in supply ; we note and third clear white pine, $45 3 134, 1% aud 2 inch. select white pine, $35; 14, ly and 2 in. shop, $30. $5 per M advance on 23 in. andthicker. 134, 1} and 2 in. clear red pine, $31 3114, 14 and 2 in. select, $26.50. in. first and second clear white pine, $47.50; 1 in. third white pine, $36.50 ; B select white pine, tity’still to sell, has been quitted upon the basis of £7 per 1,000 feet super. for an assorted specification. The other arrival per Carrollton was placed in three hands, and the bulk of the shipment will not come upon the local market, being required for manufacturing orders. Following is a comparative table of imports: Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. _ Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s elting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montrealand Toronto. McLaren, D. K., Montreal, Ottawa and Galt. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS the importation of 835,000 ex Neva, about $30; C select white pine, $25. No. 1 stock , vd 1898. 1899. ‘ half of which were placed at $3.50 per Mj; white pine, 12 in., $41.50; 8 and 10in., $39.- one 24 lining and weather i ; aoe Magnolia Metal Co., New York. : : . : : Z oardss .:.vbleine oans/oaie ie sOrTy 24,12! t. remainder stored. Cedar laying, $2.40; 50. No.2 stock white pine 12 in., $36.50 $ (aj ae a ee a Ei aaben Ae DRY KILNS spruce laying, $2. 33- ae 8 and 10 1n., $34.50. No. 3 _white and red Spruce and Baltic white deals 7,176,575 3872,006 “‘ McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Arrivals: Schr “‘L. B. Currie,” from West ee 12 in., $29.50 ; 8 and . in, wile I os ee is E. avaeetiae ee e700 913031584 “Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. - < : j - Lip. i a NE pees eee eeeeee sees 33 307,424 * Dublin, N.S., on deck 9 M feet spruce, $18.30, clear red pine, $31 ; I in. select red pine, $2 White pine shelving ae Be eee ELECTRICAL APPARATUS 170 M spruce laying shingles $2.20 ; in-board, 16 M feet spruce, $18.61; 12 M hemlock, $16.46. Schr ‘“‘E. A. Stimpson,” from St. John, N.B., 103 M feet white pine, 908 M shingles for this port; 111 M feet white pine for St. Lucia. Local sales—792 M sawn cedar lay- ing shingles, $2.40; 66 M spruce do., $2.33 5 50 M shaved cedar do., $2.90; 102 M feet white pie boards, sold in rafts from $16.77 @ $17.65, as it runs, no allowances. LUMBER PRICES IN MANITOBA. The lumber manufacturers in the Lake of the Woods district put into effect on January Ist last a new price list on lumber, for delivery at Winnipeg, La Salle, Morris, Rosenfeld, Al- tona, Gretna, Otterbourne, Dominion City, Emerson, Rosser, Stony Mountain, Stonewall, Portage la Prairie and Brandon. The quota- tions are as follows : TIMBER AND DIMENSION.—Timber—4 x10 and 12, 6x 10 and 12 and 8x 8 to 12x 12, 12, 14 and 16 feet long, $19; 6x6 to6x8, 4x4 to 4x 8 and 3x 6 to 3 x 12, 12, 14 and 16 feet long, $17,50. Dimension—2 x 4 to2 x 12, 12, 14 and 16 feet long, $16.50;2x4, 10 feet long, $17 ;2x8to2x12, 10 feet long, $16.- 50;2x6, 1ofeet long, $15.50; 2x 4 to 2x 12, 6 and 8 feet long, $14. Cull planks—all widths, $11 ; re-sawn, $11. $1 per M ad- vance on each inch. over 12 in. in depth and width. $1 per M advance on each 2 feet over 16 feet. Roarps.—Red pine—First common boards, 10 to 18 feet, $22.50 ; second, $17.50 ; third, $16.50 ; culls, $14.50. 34 inch sheathing S. Selected widths, $2 per M extra. Moutpincs.—Parting strips, per 100 lineal feet, 40c ; window stops, 50c 3, door stops, 75c ; quarter round and cove, 50c; 4 inch casing, $1.60 ; 5 in. casing, $2 ; 6 in. casing, $2.40 ; 8 inch base, $3.25 ; 10 in. base, $4. All other mouldings 50 per cent. discount off universal moulding list. Lath, per M, $3.50. Pine shingles, 6 in. clear butts, per M, $1.75. a a AUSTRALIAN MARKET REPORT. Timber operations, say Fraser & Co., of Mel- bourne, have shown considerable activity with- in the last few weeks. . Not only have buyers been purchasing freely from mostly all classes of imports, Fut the large and quick deliveries taken from arrivals at the wharves go to prove that sales made ‘‘to arrive” were greater than we think was generally anticipated. Nearly all importations have been well dealt in of late, not more than perhaps two or three lines be- ing the exception. Of more importance is the fact that in the bulk of business concluded some slight margin of profit to those interested here and abroad has been shown, and which has not generally been the case during the greater part of the year now drawing to a close. Values are also likely to be maintained, at least with- out any material alteration being shown one way or the other for some time to come. But should the actual consumption improve, which is not improbable, it is more than possible that in nearly all description of timber steadier if if not better rates may be manifested. The export and freight quotations of the principal shipping markets to which we look for supplies Leen ETE PUGET SOUND LOG PRICES. The members of the Puget Sound Lumber- men’s Association have agreed upon the follow- ing price for logs : Length 40 feet and less—merchantable logs, per thousand, $6 ; select merchantable logs, $6. 50. Merchantable long timber—42 to-50 feet in- clusive, $7; 52 to 60 feet inclusive, $8; 62 to 70 feet inclusive, $9 ; 72 to 80 feet inclusive, $11 3 82 to 90 feet inclusive, $13 ; 92 to 100 feet inclusive, $15; 102 to 110 feet inclusive, $17 ; 112 to 120 feet inclusive, $19. Mixed quotations—Flooring logs, per thou- sand, $7.50; long decking logs, 36 to 50 feet inclusive, $9.50; common cedar shingle logs, $6 ; spruce logs, the same as fir logs ; hemlock logs, the same as No. 2 logs ; boom sticks, $5 each ; chains, $10 each ; swifters, $5 per pair. ———$—$—$— TS The barque Ashlow has been chartered to load lumber at Tusket, N.S., for Buenos Ayres at $10.50, Rosario $11.50. SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply. for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S, LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Cope & Sons, A. L., Cope’s Falls, Ont. Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. ~ Indianapolis Excelsior Mfz. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. : Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon & Co., W.B., Saginaw, Mich. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. __ PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS I. S., $13.50. Second common stock, 12 in., are on the upward grade, and to successfully $19 ;8to 10 in., $18. No. 1 wide BOxboards, cope with the same it would appear that it will Ping 5. TA ielige, Uae seer $27.50 ; No. 2, $20. $2 per M less for 6 and __ be necessary to eventually secure higher rates, MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, S. 8 feet. Re-sawing boards $1 per M extra. SHIPLAP.—8 and 10 in., $18.50 ; 6 inch, $17.50; culls 8and r1oin., $16 ; 6in., $13. $2 per M less for 8 feet and under. FLOORING, SIDING, AND CEILING.—Floor- ing and siding—8 and 1oin., $19.50 ; 8 and 10 in, culls, $16. Flooring, siding and ceil- ing—4, 5 and 6 in. first white pine, $35.50 3 second, $31.50; third, $24.50; 5 and 6 in. first and second red pine, $27 ; 4 in., $25.50; 5 and 6 in. third red pine, $22 ; 4 in., $2155 and 6 in. fourth red and white pine, $19 ; 4 in., $17 ; 4, 5 and6 in. culls, fourth red and white so as to enable results being obtained of a more satisfactory character in the coming year than has been experienced as a whole in the present one. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘ CasKET,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. ne CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. Overenn, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board . . . « Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. HinrTon, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. “*ISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St. John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont Babbitt Metal, Syracuse Smelting real, Que. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Cordage, Independent Cordage Co., Toronto, Ont. Driving Calks, James S. Neill, Fredericton, N. B. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co. , Chicago, Ill, Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. _ The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and jorks, Mozxt- Toronto. pine, $15. $2 per M less for 8 feet and Trade, Montreal. C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Please mention THE CANADA LUMBERMAN when corres- QUEBEC, QUE. OTTAWA, ONT. | 2 ; d : WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- : ponding swith adveriicess: Dinie Cts. Bete. M feet, b.m....... $33 00 38 00 ter stock......+.-+ - 13 00 15 00 Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, Sige dete 30 32 Pine, goodstrips,.... 27 00 29 00 | Pine,8&ups.c. sidings 13 00 15 50 - goed fair Pe - enema 0°50 33 36 Pine, goodshorts,.... 19 00 30 00 | Pine, s.c. strips...... 12 00 12 00 WHOLBSALE PRICBS CURRENT. pit aacbuaw . eect: 32 #2 Pie, No. x dressing 11 "00 0 so 4 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 37 42 sidings, per M feet xz 00 13 00 i ie "1g tozrinchaverage = 38) 44 fei tite a eli on'h "18 co 24 00 9 50 11 00 TORONTO, ONT. “ Michigan “ x19 to2rin.average “ “ &size 43 48 Pine, No. x dressing rxto No, x barn.... 20 00 sp RED EINE IN LEE aE Shrines. aoe cea . 1600 18 00|1xro No.2 “ .... 18 00 CAR OR CARGO LOTS. Measured off, according to average and QU itye--se sees seeeenee 23 27 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1x8 &gNo.r ‘ .... 19 00 1% 1% and2inchcut x inch dressing and Knishipping order,” § °C § 50h Maen oe cee Cane ae 2428 shorts, ...-+++s-++: 14 00 16 00|1x8&qNo.2“ .... 17 00 up and better...... $32 00 $34 00] better..........--. $20 00 $22 00 Ped ai cceme ar OHIO. é Pine, 10 s.c. and bet- Lath per M No.1... 250 309 z2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 00| t inch siding common 13 00 14 00 By the dram, according to av oe eae ALY +p eae cas etre eee 5° ter stock,....-.0 5» 15 00 17 00| Lath per M No.2... 20¢ 2 25 on 60% 16 at i 22 00 24 00 E inch age mab sa 4 a ii °o By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 to 50 SoA « regSeu a 42 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y ‘ 1xzo fine dressing and : Cullscantling........ 900 9 50 As 30) tO 95 ESE ase wp pase better......2--+s20 22 00 24 00| 1 inch strips 4 in. to 8 5 . WHITE PINE. re i i : 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . . .23 26 . - . rxro and 12 Canadian in, millrun...... SC Se) i a fe ee A eon Eee ; (Whe lesale selling price.) dressing and better 18 00 20 00/t inch strips, common 12 00 13 00 age Up'rs, 1, 1%, 14 and 2 Dressing 14in..... ¢ 33 50 ax-2 and thicker cut- t 1-4 inch flooring.... 17 00 Mehaverage ‘ eS RI «eres -$57 50 58 50| x14%xzoand12....... 35 50 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00| x t-2 inch flooring. ... 17,00 4NC ion cj oe sal -o 2% and 3 in....... 66 so] 1% in..... Salata 35 5° rx1o and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00 tei pinpabiaelsss 16 s a oO Lae H 3 a4 Sane. wetss nes Wt ee a - ore 1x10 and 12 common. 14 00 15 00| inch..... rene cess : 2 65 g « 3r ‘Selects, x to2 in..... 50 50 51 50| Shelving, No. x, 13 in. 1xzo and 12 mill culls 11 00 12 09 es pine shingles 16 inch 7s ee eee <—~o 2% and 3 in....... 61 50 and up, x in.....- 38 50 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00| Lath, No. r,.....--. 375 é = : mais in 65 so| Moldst’ps Ni t - ; “di : Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $40 to $44 for rst, $28 to $30 Gi ORO REA ICD: 5 : adem) = 1 inch siding mill run 15 00 16 00° Lath No. 2.......-- 3 00 ferand, $as to $08 for ard, and $2x to $24 Ge 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. Wipe commonyan/e is eee SS a 38 00 43 pe REE Oe a as cox ors. z 14% and 1¥ in..... 41 50 45 50 6. 8 and io in.. e~ 23 50 Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. ALBANY, N.Y. ET ote 4o 50 44.50] . No.2, roin...... FS 21 50 Ash, white, 1 to2in..$26 00 $28 oo; Elm,rock,mill PINE. ZuaIS .. wayne View 56 50 No. 2, 12 in...... x 23 00 gS 2% to4.. 30 00 3200] run ves ees Eto 1%"18 00 2000 Uppers, 3in. up.------++++ $ $70 | xxx2 inchshippers ..-...--- $ $22 ain eee gels 6r 50|_ No. 3, ro and x2 in. 20 50 Ash, black, 1sts and Elm,rock, mill 2 IM... cee seercecesecece 70 | 4/4 inch bis 13” & up. 22 Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. 33 50| Box, 1X4.....+++4-+ 17 00 ends, 1to 1% in.... 2000 2200] run....... 144" 3.. 21 00 23 00 Fi, 2a) 1 ae Ae ae ea 55 | 4/4. Box boards, 6” and up .. 18 20 14% to2 in...... 1.2. 39 50 4050| 1rx6tor2in..... 19 co Ash, black, xsts and Hickory, 1sts inch uppers ....-++eeeeeee 7z | ro-in. dressing and better... 26 32 IN0.:2, Mpall. Gaines 22 00 1x 10 to 13 in 20 00 ands,2to4in...... 22 00 2400| and 2nds..144“ 2.. 28 00 3000 Selects, 2% in. up 60 | 10-in. common 20 No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 32 50|_ 14 and 1in...... 20 00 Ash. M.R.,1 to 2-. 17 00 19 00| Maple, ists EO DUM eee dee wreersieteeane r2-in. dressing and better... 34 No. 3,1% & 1% in 26 so| Mill Culls,1, 1%, ; ; 7 9 p 45 d 21s X¥hs Birch, iin. .. 1800 2000| andands..1 ‘‘ 1% 17 00 18 00 Fine common, 2% in. and up 50 | Common, 1X12 --++++ e+++=* 20 No.3; 21... -.«0 265 and 2 10:>.2se=es 1509 16 50 “ 1% ‘* 2.. 20 00 23 00} Maple, Ists 1 to 2iM...+.0- sepenseeeess 38 42 | No. x barn, 1x12-----.- : ay, The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying “ sars, 4x4 “ 8 x824 00 2600] and 2nds.. 2 “ 4...18.00 19 00 No. xcuts,1to2inch...... 28 35 UXO 2.06 cece eee neeee 26 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda : Basswood, ists and Oak, red, p’n, Nii ide. dees » 4 4 Lt, \ n . (CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITIO The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $1.00 PER YeaR { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vo. VI. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four r more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. PINE TIMBER LIMITS. HREE SMALL LIMITS FOR SALE IN THE Township of Gibson; all fronting on the Georgian Bay, and close to Midland and Penetanguishene. Apply to THe Muskoka Mit & Lumser Co., Ltd., Toronto. SAW MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE. HE COMPLETE MACHINERY OF A SAW Mill, consisting of a steam feed large carriage and frame, one rope feed ditto, double edger and trimmers, swing saws, automatic grinders, belts and saws in good order; all made by Waterous, Brantford. Will be sold ann Apply to J. K. Warp, Mona Mills, Montreal, ue. FOR SALE THREE THOUSAND ACRES OF TIMBER LIMITS LSO SASH AND DOOR FACTORY, SAW, Shingle and Lath Mills, complete, with large Dry Kiln attached, Buildings, Stables, Shops, Dwelling Houses, etc., four miles trom the limits, located in West Kootenay, British Columbia. \achinery all up to date and only run one season. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Apply for particulars to T. H. DE CEW & SONS, Correspondence solicited. Fenelon Falls, Ont. SALE OF Valuable Timber Limits BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT TORONTO By C. J. Townsend & Co., 28 King Street West. ON THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1900 At 2 o'clock P.M. The following Timber Licenses : ON LAKE NIPISSING. No. 212, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 5, in Township of Patterson. Area, 25% square miles, more or less. ON FRENCH RIVER. No. 214, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 16, Township of Falconer, sale of October 22nd, 188s, known as No. rr, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Area, 36 square miles, more or less. ON VERMILLION RIVER, A BRANCH OF THE SPANISH. No. 215, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 22, Township of Dowling, sale of October 22nd, 1885, known as No, §7, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of sale. Easy terms to purchasers who may be deemed responsible by the vendor and who may arrange therefore prior to sale. The abovetimber berths are exceptionally easy of access. Supplies can be placed at very low cost on any of the berths, either during the winter or summer months. The average haul is very short. The berths are well timbered wi h white and red pine. On berth No. 5, Patterson, there is also a fine cut of many millions of large hemlock logs and railway ties. Berth No. 6, Township of Falconer, has never been cut on. : Each berth will be sold separately. Explorers can reach Townships of Patterson and Falconer in a few hours from either North Bay or Sturgeon Falls. Township of Dowling can be reached from Larch- wood or Onaping, on C. P.R., which traverses this berth. For further particulars apply to ALEXANDER FRASER, the vendor, at 74 Nepean Street, Ottawa, Ont. TORONTO, ONT., JANUARY 31, 1900 No. 2. Ws HAVE 300,000 FEET OF VERY GOOD Beech Logs which we wish to cut to order. Signed, Joun Harrisov & Sons Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. ° RAJ PN EED Second hand Shingle Machine and Jointer, Lath Machine, Double Edger without Trimmers, Endless Log Haul and 500 yards light Track Rail. Box ‘‘A,” Desbarats, Algoma. MASTS FOR SALE. NES TORONTO, UP TO 90 FEET IN length. Apply to W. A. MiLne, Brown’s Cor- ners, Ont. LUMBER FOR SALE. BOUT 20,-00 FEET DRY 1% INCH ROCK Elm ; 40,000 feet dry 1% inch Maple; 10,0 0 feet dry 1% inch Beech. Address D. KNECHTEL, Hanover, Ont. FOR SALE. NE SAW MILL CARRIAGE WITH THREE blocks, with saw frame and rope feed, suitable for cutting ties and medium sized logs. Apply Box 7s, Canapa_LUMBERMAN. LOCKS OF 1,000 ACRES AND UPWARDS of Hardwood Timber Lands wanted. Must posi- tively be principally Maple of good size; state price and location, proportion of Maple and full particulars. Box 45, CANADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE. IMBER LIMIT, 36 SQUARE MILES, IN Township of Drury, on north shore of Lake Huron, traversed by the C P. R., Sault line and the Spanish River. Heavily timbered with Spruce and Tamarac; also about 5,000,000 feet of Pine. Good chance for man with Portable Mill. For further par- ticulars apply Box 55, Canapa LUMBERMAN. SAW MILI SITE OOD SAW MILL SITE ON SOUTH END of the Georgian Bay, near Midland ; extensive Lumber Docks, Houses, Store Buildings, etc., water power. THe Muskoka Mitt anp Lumber Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine 1co h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x 100 ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber near by. For particulars, address ALLEN CRESSMAN, Berlin, Ont. UG “HOME RULE,’ NOW in winter quarters at Amherst- burg, Ontario. British register ; Tug length, over all, 80 feet; beam, 17 feet; hold, 12 feet; high pressure engine, 22x24; allowed 130 pounds of steam; with fuel draws 19 feet ; can trim to g or 11 feet; built in 18903 hull sheathed with steel; classed At¥4 in Lloyd’s Canadian Register. Has been well kept up. For price and other particulars apply to F, B. HACKETT, Owner, Amherstburg, Ont. WANTED—YELLOW AND RED PINE fr CWESE PRICES C.I.F. UNITED KINGDOM safe ports for following pine. Delivery usual early spring shipment, specilying terms and full particulars. Reliable houses only dealt with, and goods to be sub- ject to inspection and approval before shipment. 150 stds. 3rd quality, 3 in. yellow Quebec Pine Deals, 25 stds. 2nd quality, 3in. ‘* G oF 56 11 in. and up. 100 stds, 1st quality yellow Quebec Pine Sidings. 25 stds. 2nd quality ‘‘ ‘ Re ¢ 109 stds. rst quality Red Pine Deals. Address Box 25, Canapa LumBERMAN. for Sale FOR SALE. B IRCH, 1 and 2, CHIEFLY INCH, too M. Address, Tue Knicut Broruers Co, Burks Falls, Ont. ANTED-—Green Hard Maple Squares, 634 in. x 6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. Box 24, CANADA Lum- BERMAN FOR SALE. Bo LUMBER, ALSO HEMLOCK. Those in need kindly apply to THe Knicut BroTHERS Co., Burks Falls, Ont. FOR SALE. (7 epar SAWED ORIN THE ROUND. Reip Bros., Hepworth Station, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. WANTED FOR CASH. gout AND HARD ELM LUMBER AND Logs, Ash, Maple, Oak and Basswood and other Hardwood Lumber, ADA LUMBERMAN. LOGS We PAY CASH FOR LOGS OF PINE, Beech, Oak, Spruce, Tamarac, Ash, Hemlock, Elm, Maple, Cedar, Bass, Birch, Poplar. State lengths, diameter, kinds, when cut, where located and price per thousand loaded on cars. T. M. Kirkwoop, 76 Madi- son Avenue, Toronto, Ontario. Address ‘‘ Merchant,” care Can- CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, A report comes from the Muskoka dis- trict that there has been a liberal fall of snow, astnuch as nine inches in some districts. Should this snow-fall prove to be havebeen general throughout the north- ern district of Ontario, it will cause lum- bermen to take a more hopeful view of the outlook for logging operations. It 1s doubtful, however, whether the total quan- tity of logs reckoned on can now be banked. Elsewhere an estimate is given of the contemplated production of pine logs in the province this winter. Well- informed persons predict that this estimate will not be reached owing to the difficulty of hauling the logs in the woods. The future snow-fall will not only bear an 1m- portant relation to logging operations, but will also determine to a large extent the course which prices for lumber will take. With an abundance of snow for the bal- ance of the winter season, prices of pine and hardwood lumber will be likely to weaken towards the spring, but if the fall of snow should be light and insufficient for expeditious logging, we would not be surprised if still higher prices should rule. The present movement of lumber is of satisfactory volume. Wholesale prices at Toronto remain unchanged, but at Ottawa shipping cull strips have advanced about $1.50 per thousand, the price now being $12 to $13.50. Lath is also higher, No. 1 selling at from $3 to $3.25, and No. 2 at from $2.50 to $2.75. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Reports to hand from the logging dis- tricts of Quebec and the Maritime prov- inces are more encouraging than they were last week. In some sections the continued “scarcity of snow is still interfering with operations, but in other districts the situa- tion is more favorable. On the Tobique, Nashwaak and Miramichi rivers, in New Brunswick, very good progress has been made in the woods, but in the southern portion of Quebec some of the large oper- ators have not yet commenced to haul their logs. Where there is sufficient snow every effort is being put forth to get logs to the streams, but there is a scarcity of labor which may result in a reduced input. The market remains firm, enquiries for stock are numerous, and prices generally are tending upwards. Many of the mills are preparing to cut on specifications for the South American market, as the returns frem stock shipped to that market last year was quite as good, if not better, than from trans-Atlantic shipments. There will also be a large quantity of lumber cut for the United States market. The ship- pers to Great Britain are showing much willingness to contract for stocks, particu- larly for early shipment. One shipper alone is said to have contracted for up- wards of 100,000,000 feet in New Bruns- wick and Nova Scotia. The average price for deals at St. John is about $12 per thousand. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The demand for lumber in Manitoba and British Columbia during the past month has been such as to augur well for an active season. Building operations are Opening up favorably, and architects report a large amount of prospective work. It is believed that lumber prices in the spring will be little if any lower than they are at the present time. The price lists issued show some important changes. No. 1 lath is now selling in Winnipeg at $4.50 per thousand retail, as against $2.75 one year ago. The best quality of shingles brings $3.25. The planing mills are so busy that an advance in the price of sashes and doors is looked for early in the spring. UNITED STATES, Owing to higher freight rates, pine prices have been advanced by Minne- apolis wholesalers about 25 cents per thousand. This is about the only change which has taken place in the pine market, although in respect to hemlock a con- siderable advance has been made. At New York the base price of hemlock is now $20 and at Buffalo $16, with every prospect of a further rise before long. The report from wholesale markets is that eastern retailers and consumers have been holding off and demanding lower prices, but there is now evidence that the east is preparing to buy at such prices as it can ob- tain. The situation thus far this winter is opposed to any break in prices, while there is a possibility that they may go still higher. At Buffalo shop lumber is selling at $39.50, and at Boston pine uppers are worth $60 to $6z for one inch and $62 to $65 for 1%, 14 and 2inch. Lath and shingles are in strong demand. No 1 white pine lath is selling in the Buffalo and Tonawanda markets at $3.75, and is very scarce at this figure. Extra white cos shingles bring $3 and second quality 23255 The hardwood demand is fully equal CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. > a JANUARY 31, 1900 oe eee 9 the visible supply, and prices are more likely to advance than weaken. Quarter- ed oak has been marked higher at Boston, ash is scarce and moving steadily, and the supply of dry maple 1s almost com- pletely exhausted. Elm moves more slowly than the other hardwoods, and there does not seem to be any prospect of an immediate revival of demand. FOREIGN. The British timber market remains firm, with a tendency towards higher prices. It is predicted that there will be an advance of Io per cent. on the better qualities of pine deals, and 25 per cent. on the lower qualities. Quebec first pine now sells in the Liverpool market at £20 to £24 per standard, second quality at £15 10s. to £16 tos., and third quality at £9 § £10. Quebec spruce brings about £7 15s., and New Brunswick spruce from £7 to £753 The quotations for waney board pine are 2s. 6d. to 2s. 10d. per cubic foot for large average, and Is. 8d. to 2s. 2d. for second- class wood. Square pine is quoted at as. 6d. to 2s. 8d. for first quality, and Is. 8d. to 2s. for second-class. Birch timber is scarce and sells readily at Is. gd. to 2s. for 15 to 17 inch average, and Is. 6d. to 1s. 8d. for 13 to 14 inch average. The demand for elm is also good at 2s. tod. and 2s. 2d. respectively for first and sec- ond class timber. ET THE ONTARIO LOG PRODUCTION. From information gathered from various sources we are enabled to place before our readers a fairly accurate estimate of the con- templated production of logs in Ontario this winter. The reader will bear in mind, how- ever, that the quantity of logs which will reach the mills may be considerably less than that cut owing to unfavorable logging conditions and the probability of low water in the streams. The figures would seem to indicate that the cut of pine on Crown lands in Ontario wiil be in the neighborhood of 800,000,000 feet, which is a considerable increase on last year’s operations. Taking, first, the north-western section of the province, we find that the cut of pine timber in the Rainy River district will probably reach 40,000,000 feet. There will also be taken out about 900,000 ties for the Canadian Pacific Railway and 500,000 ties for the Rainy River Railway, in addition toa considerable quantity of telegraph poles and cedar posts. It is learned that the demand for cedar is increasing inthe west. In the Thunder Bay district the cut in the woods will be in the vicinity of 25,000,000 feet, the chief operator in this district being Alger, Smith & Co., whose intention at the beginning of the season was to get out 15,000,000 feet ; but it is understood that this quantity may be curtailed owing to a scarcity of labor. In the western Algoma district the production of pine will beinthe neighborhood of 80,000,000 feet, of hardwoods from 3,000,000 to 5,000,000 feet, of spruce pulp wood 50,000 cords, and of railroad ties probably 50,000. According to a correspondent of the Toronto Globe, the cut of pine logs in the eastern division of Algoma will be about 100,000,000 feet, compared with 30,000,000 feet last year, making a total of 180,000,000 feet for the Algoma district. The most important district in Western Ontario is that of Parry Sound and Muskoka, in which the cut of pine timber will be approxi- mately 200,000,000 feet. In this district the Holland & Emery Co., of Byng Inlet, the Parry Sound Lumber Co., Wm. Peter, of Parry Sound, the Arthur Hill Lumber Co., and the Bank of Toronto, working the Turner & Fisher limits, are the largest operators. The produc- tion of these five firms will probably reach 125,000,000 feet. The Parry Sound Lumber Co. are understood to be taking out a quantity of board pine. The output in the Peterboro district is likely to be in the neighborhood of 100,000,000 feet. The Rathbun Co., of Deseronto, and Gilmour & Co., of Trenton, are the largest operators. Michle, Dyment & Son are reported to be taking out about 100,000 cubic feet of board timber. Coming to the Ottawa valley, a reliable estimate would seem to place the output on the Ontario side at 175,000,coo feet of pine. Of this about 75,000,000 feet will be taken out in the district between the Petawawa and Mississippi rivers, and the balance in Nipissing and the district adjacent to the Mattawa river. There will probably be taken out in districts not covered by the above review in the neigh- borhood of 75,000,000 feet, which brings the total pine production of the province up to 795,000,000 feet. This estimate, of course, only includes the timber cut on Crown lands. H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. H_D. WICCIN costo ass: 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WANTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F. Stengel “°strravo. wy” PLANING MILL and BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. Throughout the province the production of railway ties, cedar posts and telegraph poles is being increased, but there seems to be a diminution in the production of board timber. The probable production of lumber in the Ottawa valley in the coming season is a matter of some interest. Should all the logs cut reach the mills, it is probable that the mill output will be about 20 per cent. larger than last season. Of this increase 10 per cent. will be attributable to an increased cut of logs and 10 per cent. to the fact that a quantity of last season’s logs did not reach the mills, owing to low water in many of the smaller streams tributary to the Ottawa, and are now a reserve for the sawing season of 1900. ——_—$—_— STOCKS AND PRICES. A timber limit at Riverside, on Nine Mile River, N.S., has been purchased by James G. Kerr, of Guysboro. The Southampton Lumber Co. are sup- plying the timber for the harbor improve- ments at Port Elgin, Ont. The steamer Victorias is loading lumber at Chemainus, B.C., for the Fiji Islands. She will take 1,500,000 feet. The Sheet Harbor Lumber Company, of Sheet Harbor, N.S., expects to cut about 6,000,000 feet of deals during the coming season. The city of Hamilton desires tenders by Tuesday, February 6th, for the annual (Continued on page 3.) Wanted for Expor ALL KINDS OF LOGS AND LUMBER ~ es = | | PYLLA -DONOGH LUMBER CO. PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS = 1 ca MBER 1 FALERS. Denny, Mott & DICKSON 7 F* Att Znauand able Address, “‘Swan Don _T. LONDON, ENG. re A ON OGH: ONAWANDA Lumberman’s Code. ty aa CANADIAN EXPORTERS and WHOLESALERS rut PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umren MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN IMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL Sl _ 7 TEMRELY DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @ye Write us for Quotations on all Bills@Qye A. F. BURY AUSTIN LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE WHOLESAL Room 441, Board of Trade Building SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Whitewood, Planed hollow back, end butted. AA SCOTT” QOQKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES regor, Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southein Pine, &c.; PEMBROKE, ONT. - MONTREAL, CANADA Norway and White Ties, Oak and Birch Flooring, WM. COOKE. yceav RIN & MaLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. - MOHR & RYA or Cedar. Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Bast TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for . . . DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. aspecialty. - Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S"©!'0?—ceiinc ¢ R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head ofice-TORONTO-7° King St. West. S ARNI A—-wnoresaLe DISTRIBUTING varvs—_ BUFF ALO ndatossssiniatichanessmtie Sart ibe SU TAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers 2 LUMBER * LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies . MIDLAND, ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty Pe A.d& P.WAITE stem Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, ar Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ° WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber Q& Pine Shingles. A Quantity of Cedar Posts for Sale on the Shore of the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. _ Mills at Wiarton MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. cxrania™ y s ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Flooring from $12.00 Flooring from #1299 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL” <™iSeT eral ont er, i 2 - JANUARY 31, [900 supply of lumber required by the Board of orks. Duncan Fraser, of Winnipeg, has secured a contrrct to supply 4,000,000 feet of tim- ber for the Ontario & Rainy River Rail- way. H. A: Clemes & Co., ot Guelph, Ont., have just purchased a timber limit in Mus- koka, on which they will commence log- ging operations at once. A. Larocque, of Montreal, has pur- chased from J. A. Renaud, of Joliette, his interest in the Mastigouche Lumber Co. Mr. Larocque now becomes sole pro- prietor, The mills are situated at St.Gab- riel de Brandon. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. At the Crown Lands office, Frederic- ton, N.B., several timber berths were sold last week at the upset price of $8 per mile. John E. Moore bought three berths on Canaan River, aggregating 1534 square miles ; John Dewer & Sons bid in a two- (Continued on page 4.) JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Invites offers of_— Prime Oak Planks and Pine 6 to 8 feet x11x3 HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : '‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepoo’ FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen or .. . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Se es or any Woods suitable for English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. ELT. MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: “ Brrcu,” Glasgow. Ccdes: ABC and Zebra. BRITISH IMPORTERS DUNCAN, EWING & GO. WO0d AGGNtS and Brokers Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, ENG. _ GIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) SALES AGENTS: Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ? WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, At and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & GO. ee SOK H RS 27 Union Street - GLASGOW F. R. Lightbody & Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS fCable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ‘‘ Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, ard St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &c. PEVERY & VINGENT =——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF. . RED PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORFESPONDENCE INVITED C.H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of=—==a SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from Wharves, Mills and Offices : the Manufacturer. Offers Invited. .%.. ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S. E., ENCLAND _ Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . » . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms, .. . : B T D c ETT B R 0 S m4 70 and 71 Bishopsgate Street Within, a LONDON, E.C. Ta) ; —=_ S| ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,’ Liverpool. 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS .- TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON”’ Glasgow. Cable Address: fee ; 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW ““ALLISON,”’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” Glasgow. Codes: Atand A BC. GLASGOW OANT & KEMP 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : “‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. TIMBER BROKERS SMITH & TYRER~ - 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. Qn Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool BUYERS OF gy POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS IRVIN & SELLERS——_~© Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. ALSO DEALERS [N= BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & Co. eT VERPOOL, HNGLAND— Selling Agents For.. CANADIAN and AMERICAN woops Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool IN LOGS AND LUMBER IV. mile berth on Magaguadavic River, anda two-mile berth on the southern side of the Restigouche River, went to the Estate of J. P. Mowatt. Howard & Craig, of Sherbrooke, Que., are reported to have purchased from the Quebec Government some 6,000 acres of virgin timber limits of the Chaudiere river. This gives them about 20,000 acres of timber on that stream. The Liscombe timber property of 7,000 acres and an interest in 25,000 acres more in Nova Scotia, owned by the heirs of the late James Miller, of St. John, have been sold to Louis F. Hill, of Dartmouth, N.S3 for $21,000. The mill property of S. T. King & Sons, recently offered for sale, has not ye! been sold. The Wisconsin Hardwood Lumber- men’s Association have adopted a new price list on hardwoods showing a consid- erable advance on late quotations. _ Both red and white oak are placed at $35 for firsts and seconds f. 0. b. Wausau. Soft elm is quoted at $24 for inch firsts and seconds, $17 for log run, and $20 for com- mon and better. Maple is listed at $14 for log run, $20 for 1 to 1% inch firsts and seconds, $22 for two inch and $24 for 2% inch and thicker. Inch basswood, 5 toll inches wide, is advanced to $23, 1x12 inch $27, 1x13inch and wider $30, 14% and1¥% inch $25, and 2 inch $27. —_—_—_ TT OTTAWA VALLEY MARKET CONDITIONS. [Correspondence of the Canapa LUMBERMAN.] The lumber business in Ottawa is at present quiet, though somewhat brisker than for the corresponding month last year. Messrs. El- mitt & Hurdman report a good trade in hard- woods with the United States. Prices are also considerably higher in sympathy with the lumber business thoughout. Ash brings $18 per thousand, an advance of about 30 per cent. over last year’s prices. Basswood and elm show an advance of about 20 per cent. Only the smaller mills are cutting the hard- woods, as the large mill owners do not find it in their best interests to make a bid for this branch of the business, the natural disadvan- tages in the acquirement of a supply of hard- wood logs being considerable. The statement of exports of forest products from the consular district of Ottawa is in- teresting as showing the extent of the increase in shipments. During the year there were exported to the United States timber products to the value of $2,8¢8,134-.82. For 1898 the fizures were approximately $1,500,000 and for 1897 $2,500,000. Thus it will be seen that Jast year there was an increase in value of nearly $1,300,000 over the previous year and of almost $300,000 over 1897. It will be remembered, however, that there was a great rush of lumber shipments to the United States in the first half year of the year 1897, in order to escape the payment of the duty which went into effect in the summer of that year. The exports of last year, therefore, make a more Please mention THE CANADA LUMBERMAN when corres- ponding with advertisers. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. favorable showing than appears at first glance. Following are the figures in detail for last year, divided into two sections : Exports From ConsuLar DIsTRICT OF OTTAWA. Half Year Half Year Ending Ending Articles. June 30. Dec. 31. Basswood......-- 456.22 $ 699-19 Lumber......--+: 930,104.21 1,242,086.20 Lumber (in bond) 137; 340-84 134,256.92 Dati se oi tele seen 17;863-23 20,3 39-00 Match blocks.......+++- 5 4,990.92 11,590.83 PicketsS....--acsesearvsee=s 175775-02 9,852.33 Poles (cedar).......+e++++08 3;011-75 500.00 Posts onic sia civics cnet sen eee ens 152.50 Pulp wood......++---++e+5 1,409.20 Railroad ties.......+-++++« 1,69 3-13 15,424.83 Ship planking.......++-+++- 1,992.95 989-11 Shingles......----e+s seers 16,374.72 15,906.86 Sulphite pulp.........+++++ 542-19 9,754-3° Telegraph poles......-.+-+-+ 993-80 613-45 White Pine deal ends....-- 131-74 Vellow wood boards....--+- 1,542.80 Total...) cn. a7 $1,134,912.62 $1,763,222.2¢ All the mills in the Ottawa valley will be oper- operated, if possible, to full capacity this sea- ‘son. Inthe Gatineau valley and Black river dis- tricts the snowlies deep and logging operations are being rushed. The recent cold snap has aided the hauling operations in other districts, and all the men that can be put to work are hauling out logs. A new and well equipped shingle mill has been erected at Whitney on the line of the Canada Atlantic Railway. The mill, which has been built by Buckham & Carter, has a daily capacity of 80,000 shingles. Chitty & Co., of this city, sent a gang of 44 men to Metagama last week to work on the limits of the Georgian Bay Lumber Co. Smaller gangs were sent earlier in the month to this and nearby points. The first car load of British Columbia fir arrived in Ottawa last week. It will be used in the construction of the two new govern- ment dredges, and was planed and cut in suit- able sizes before being shipped. Although the Ottawa Wholesale and Retail Lumbermen’s Association has been formed but a short while, its beneficial effects are already being felt, there now being litte or no cutting of prices as in former seasons. Nevertheless, the dealers are wary and prices continue un- settled. There is little business being done in laths. Prices range from $3 to $3-25 per thousand wholesale. Pine s.c. strips have also advanced, the present prices being $11 to $13.50 per thousand. Though the build- ing prospects are good, the retail dealers and jobbers are not buying in large quantities, the mill owners preferring to hold their stocks. Speaking about the prospects for the sale of the coming summer’s cut, 4 prominent mill owner stated recently that an all round ad- vance of about 20 per cent. was noticeable in the offers being made for the cut of the various mills, Prices did not advance last season till many of the mill owners had closed their con- tracts. It is expected that the advance will be a still more favorable one and the mill owners are holding off. Orrawa, Jan. 29th, 1900. —_ LUMEER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way, are as follows: Ottawa to Oswego, $1.go per M ft.; Ottawa to Syracuse, 10% cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Montreal, s cents per roo Ibs.; Quebec, 10 cents per 100 ibs. ; Arnprior- to Montreal, cents per 100 Ibs. ; Quebec, 12 cts. ; Pembroke to Montreal, 8 cents per 100 Ibs.; Quebec, 13 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to New York, 15 cents per 100 lbs ; Arnprior to New York, 17 cents per 100 Ibs.; Pembroke to New York, 18 cents per 160 lbs.; Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cts. per roo lbs.; Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14c. per x00 Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local 15c., exports 13¢. per 100 Ibs. ; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents, export 15 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 21% cents, export 20 cts. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawa to Burlington, 6c. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, ro cts. per 100 Ibs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per too lbs, from Arnprior 15 cents, from Parry Sound 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to St. John, N.B., and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N.S., and common points, 21 cents per 100 lbs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 Ibs.- artes quoted above are in cents per 100 Ibs., except when quoted per M ft.; minimum carloads 10 M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 Ibs. per M ft. Ottawa rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Hawkesbury. Cee Re The cheese box factory of Samuel Bickell, at Peterboro’, Ont., was destroyed by fire a few days ago. The loss was $3,000. SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Construetional and Fur- « niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘ CasKET,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. eee ee CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. ' A. OVEREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. WHOLBSALE PRICBS CURRENT. . . . « Shortest and Quickest Route from.... OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &e. W.P. Hinron, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. SmitH General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. QUEBEC, QUE. . ae JANUARY 31, 1900 DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue. J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. raat me & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Z. - McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. , Montreal and Toronto. The Waterous Co., Brantford. dns Thos. Forrester Co., Montreal, Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal RASS Ci ASTIN ORY KILNS McKachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Cope & Sons, A. L., Cope’s Falls, Ont. Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. * ACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. ‘ Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfz. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon & Co., W.B., Saginaw, Mich. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Mowry & Sons, B. R., Gravenhurst, Ont. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Polson Iron Works Co., Toronto, Ont. __ PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. AW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D. Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Ss. s(SCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St. John, N.B. Galt, Ont. it, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. - bei: manne Mercantile Agency, New York and ‘oronto. , Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. -OTTAWA, ONT. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- , Sat cts. CLS. M feet, b.m......-.$33 00 38 00 ter stock........... 13 00 15 00 Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feck AVEMEEEy sae csan 3° 32 Pine, good strips,.... 27 00 29 90 Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 13 00 15 50° good fair be em I2908 33. «36 Pine, good shorts,.... 19 00 30 00 Pine, s.c. strips...... 12 20 13 50 e first class Lo taateeees 38 42 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts 9 00 10 50 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 37. 42 bidings; per M feet, Pine, box culls. . . I1 00 13 00 1g to 21 inch average 18 co 24 00 | Pine mill-culls...... TORONTO, ONT. ‘« Michigan “‘ 19 to 21 In. average “© & size 43 48 Pine, No. x dressing 1xro No. 1 barn.... 20 00 _ RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. SELIpSye + «p0.osaseh 16 00 18 00|rxro No.2 “ .... 18 00 CAR OR CARGO LOTS. Beagred off, Beery to average and qu ity....+++-seeeecees 23 ed Pine, No. x dressing ix & ONG Teo ack. 19 00 1% 1% and 2 inch cut x inch dressing and nishippingiorder, >). gia oe sea a i 2 shorts, ..+++++2+0+- 14 00 16 00|1x8&qNo.2“ ...- 17.00 p Andibetters nace: $32 00 $34 00| better......---+++- $20 00 $22 00 hea di OAR eee aa OHIO. 6 Pine, 10 s.c. and bet- Lath per M No.r... 3.00 3 25 2inch picksand uppers 34 00 36 00} t inch siding common 13 00 14 00 By the dram, according to a Sty =)i2s sh rarae eas 32 ter stock,........9 15 00 17 00|Lath per M No.2... 259 2 75 .. 2 dressing and bet- t inch siding shipculls-12 00 12 59 4 ° 5 ter, 60% te ifeniee= 22 00 24 00| t inch siding mill culls 10 50 Ir co By thejdrar) ascoy links e er ae ana “ bs ee SS on a be BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA N.Y. rxro fine dressing and Cull Sue eee 900 9 50 Poe 3 35 ee 37 aéhiae Jae oat) Z betters..n0 stds. rst quality Red Pine Deals. Address Box 25, CANADA LUMBERMAN. for Sale FOR SALE A very Desirable and Well Equipped SHINGLE MILL in Vancouver, British Columbia, together with TWO THOUSAND ACRES of Excellent Timber Limits (principally Cedar). further particulars, terms of sale, etc., apply to “SHINGLE MILL,” P.O. Box 735, Vancouver, B.C. for ANTED—Green Hard Maple Squares, 6% in. x 6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. Box 24, CANADA Lum- BERMAN FOR SALE. IRCH, 1 and 2, CHIEFLYINCH, 100 M. Address, Tue Knicut Broruers Co, Burks Falls, Ont. FOR SALE. OX LUMBER, ALSO HEMLOCK Those in need kindly apply to THE KniGHT BROTHERS Co., Burks Falls, Ont. FOR SALE. EDAR SAWED ORIN THE ROUND. Reip Bros., Hepworth Station, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. WANTED FOR CASH. OFT AND HARD ELM LUMBER AND Logs, Ash, Maple, Oak and Basswood and other Hardwood Lumber. Address ‘‘ Merchant,” care CAn- ADA LUMBERMAN, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Lumbermen are in good spirits on ac- cuunt of the recent fall of snow-and- cold weather. Logging operations are being rusted, and by employing additional teams and men it is hoped to make up ina measure for the time lost earlier in the season. It does not seem _ probable, nevertheless, that there will be secured the full stock of logs anticipated at the commencement of operations. There have been no important changes in the pine trade during the past week. Prices remain firm, although the local demand has fallen off slightly, due no doubt to the suspension of outdoor work. Retail deal- ers have not yet commenced to stock up for spring trade, nor ts it expected that the volume of business from this direction will be large during the month of February, as a disposition has been shown to defer the placing of orders in the hope that prices would weaken. In the leading cities of Ontario an average amount of building is insight. In Toronto the building permits issued during the month of January were considerably larger in value than in the corresponding (month one year ago. As rentals have advanced sharply within the past twelve months, it is not likely that the greater cost of building materials will have much deterrent effect upon building operations. Hardwood manufactiirers report that jobbers are asking exceptionally high prices for logs. This cannot but have an influence in maintaining prices of lumber at their present basis. Should there bea backward movement of hardwood prices, it might result disastrously to mill men who have paid fancy prices for logs. Therefore there should be united effort to sustain present values. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Lumbermen are now rushing logging operations to the utmost extent, a suffi- cient quanity of snow having fallen throughout nearly all the lumbering dis- tricts of the eastern provinces. Never- theless, the ‘situation is still somewhat critical, as operators find it almost im- possible to greatly increase their forces owing toa scarcity of labor. It is said that there are but few men looking for work. In view of this,and the fact that for severel weeks the absence of snow caused a cessation of operations in the woods, it is doubtful whether the quan- tity of logs to reach the mills will be very large. Manufacturers who have not already sold their stock show an indis- position to contract very heavily lest they should be unable to meet their obli- gations on account of the shortage of logs. The shippers are making very tempting offers, particularly for deals for spring and summer shipment. United States specifications are rather quiet, although no weakening in prices is reported. Clap- boards remain inactive. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. A number of new buildings in Western Canada are already projected, and the indications are that there will be a lively spring demand for lumber. The only change in quotations made during the week is an advance of Io per cent, in the price of British Columbia cedar doors and * sashes. The feeling in the trade is one of increased firmness. It is reported that the lumber and shingle manufacturers of British Columbia have entered into a combine, to be known as the British Co- Jumbia Lumber and Shingle Manufactur- ers’ Association, the main object being to memorialize the Dominion government to impose a duty on United States lumber and shingles imported into Canada. UNITED STATES. Although the lumber trade of the United States cannot be characterized as active, the market has not yet developed any signs of weakness. The shortage in white pine stock is becoming more pro- ° nounced each week. There 1s an avetage supply of No. 1 common inch and of piece stuff, but the other grades are very scarce. No. 3 and No. 4 boards and strips are practically out of the market. At Duluth manufacturers are asking $12 for short piece stuff. As a result of the heavy demand for low grade inch, No. 3 boards have advanced in the Chicago market until they are selling within $2 of No. 1 boards. In that market short piece stuff is quoted on a $16 basis. The east is still refraining from buying to any extent, inthe hope that wholesale prices at Buffalo, Tonawanda, Albany and other centres may weaken. The dealers at these points are satisfied that prices will not be lower, owing to the high prices now asked at producing pvints. At Tonawanda box lumber, 1x4 to 1x13 and over, is held at $22 to $25 per thousand, for delivery on a New York rate of freight. At Boston box boards are particularly strong at $21 to $22. The hardwood market is a little less active than it has been, but holders of stock are offering no concessions in price. It is reported that log run bisswood is being held in Michigan at $18. Elm 1s selling moderately, as is also ash and maple. FOREIGN. There is much speculation in Great Briiain regarding the durability of the present prices of wood goods. Some in IL. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. the trade hold that areaction will take place in the near future, but this is not the general view, as even if projected under- takings should be delayed on account of the high cost of materials, it is improb- able that the market so far as prices are concerned would suffer toany great ex- tent. The shortage of logs in Sweden is pointed to as one of the most reliable factors in the substantiation of present values. The reverses of the British army in South Africa have had no visible in- fluence on business enterprises, and al- though discount rates are high, there is no lack of money. There are indications that freight rates will this year be as high, if not higher, than in 1899, one cause for which will be the high price of coal. Canadian spruce continues to ad- vance in price in all the leading markets. In London it is said that £9 tos is being paid for third quality,and that the quanti- ty of 11 inch in the market is very small. Pine prices are also very firm. The de- mand for timber is fair, elm being more enquired for than the other classes of wood and selling as high as 2s Iod per cubic foot. a a ST NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. The past week has been one of snow and cold weather, and as a result out-door building operations are at a stand-still and no shingles are entering into consumption. There are, however, a few orders being placed, some ex- ceptional yard dealers showing themselves will- ing to purchase as against their future needs when they can do so on the basis of the very lowest quotations of to-day, say at $3.00 for extras on Boston freight. These orders are be- ing accepted by the commission ‘houses for account of the small mills who are unable to hold their product untilthe spring trade opens. We learn from manufacturing districts that the few orders being placed are of sufficient volume to keep the product of the little mills well cleaned up, and that standard brands are firmly held by all the larger manufacturers in the full expectation of realizing considerably better prices when actual consumption commences in the spring. These manufacturers are present- ing such a united front, and seem to be so sure of the strength of their position, that the pro- babilities point most strongly to their ultimate success and to an advancing market later on. A strong factor in support of this theory is the recent advance of ten cents per thousand on Washington cedars. These are now quoted at Boston at $3.20 to $3.30, and as the New Brunswick shingles are preferred in the New England trade at equal prices, or even in most cases at slightly higher figures, it is plainly apparent that our manufacturers are holding the point of vantage and will secure full prices for their product if they have patience to await the demand before endeavoring to market their goods. Figures generally asked by all stand- ard mills are: Extras, $3.10 to $3.15 3 clears, $2.70 to $2.75; 2nd clears and saps, $2.15 to $2.20. As stated above, inferior and unknown brands are being sold at ten cents off from these figures, but $3 seems to be the minimum limit for straight cars of extras. ish «64 aS STOCKS AND PRICES. A Nova Scotia paper states that 60,- 000,000 feet of logs will be cut this winter in the counties of Lunenburg, Digby and Annapolis. It is reported that all the contracts for the erection of the Ogilvie mill and ele- vator at Fort William, Ont., have been cancelled. M. Brennan & Sons have secured the contract for the annual supply of lumber for the city of Hamilton, at $16.14 per thousand for plank. At Fredericton, N.B., a three mile timber berth at the head of Burnt Brook was sold last week to Wm. Richards & Co., at $51 per mile. The Italian bark Elicar sailed from Vancouver, B.C., last week for Callao, South America, with 978,268 feet of lum- ber, valued at $9, 100. Wm. Thexton, of Millbrook, Ont., has purchased 80 acres of timber land at Brunswick and is getting out a large stock of logs for his mill. Barn boards are selling in the Tona- wanda market at the follawing prices : 1x6to 1x12 No.1 barn, $26; 1x4 to 1x12 No. 2,$24to $26; 1x4 to I x12 No. 3, $22 to $25 ; 1% x12, 14x12, 2x 12 and 3x12 No. 3, $26 to $27. The Caledonian Railway Co., of Glas- gow, Scotland, have placed their order for oak planks required during the year, dividing it bétween James Kennedy & Co., Edmiston & Mitchell, Singleton, Dunn & Co., Allison, Cousland & Co.; and Brownlee & Co. The aggregate amount is 150,000 cubic feet. BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA. (Correspondence of the CANADA LuMBERMAN.] Snow is coming down and there is a more hopeful feeling in the pine lumber yards. It is quite possible that before this letter is in print there will be sleighing all through the Canadian woods, which will make a wide differ- ence in the outlook. All winter so far there has been the general complaint that there was no snow, and that if it did not come soon there would be a great shortage of logs and that prices would go up nobody knows how high. This market is fighting against a further ad- vance, and though it now looks as though it would have to be made, it will not need to be so sharp if the logs cut isall got to the mills. It is so strange to hear that there is not snow enough in the Georgian Bay district to make sleighing, but such seems to have been the case untilnow. The Holland & Emery Company reports that the outlook till now has been en- tirely against getting any logs, and much con- cern is manifested everywhere. Duluth lum- bermen are sending letters kere complaining that the winter is so far gone now that there is small prospect, even with snow through Febru- ary, of getting a full cut to the mills. How (Continued on page 3.) Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOCS AND LUMBER PAYMENT BY MO REAL BANKERS Depan Mo: & Dickson *“ND' i~ ENG, FEBRUARY 7, 1900 H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. H_D. WICCIN 2ostou Mass: 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoo CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. . WwW ANTEHD Mill Culls All Thicknesses) rOR CAtE PLANING MILL Ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. Lumberman’s CANADIAN EXPORTERS and WHOLESALERS THe PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, tmiteo MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @ye Write us for Quotations on all Bills@yea A. -WHOLESAL Room 411, Board of Trade Building PEMBROKE, ONT. F. BURY AUSTIN LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and allkinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Te : k Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, Whitewood, hollow back, end butted. ere a ea ee “4 S°OT™ GOOKE & SCOTT Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and WM. COOKE, : MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, McGregor, Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. MctaY¥ RIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. Cedar Shingles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Bast TEMPLETON, QUE. | HOOPS AND STAVES Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head ofic_TORONTO-7° King St. West. S ARNI A—wnoresate DISTRIBUTING varvs—_ BUFF ALO sARNIORe TAS. PLAYEFAIR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers : LUMBER © LATH * SHINGLE Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . - - we MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... a A.& P.WAITE oe | Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT - WIRRTON MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber Pine Lath, Cedar, and Pine Shingles. A Quantity of Cedar Posts for Sale on the Shore of the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, SHIPMENTS BY Rait OR WATER. = MOHR & RYAN KILLALOE STATION ONT. | Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for... DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*®&TX°—ceiane ¢ MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling . “ 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL AMPLES BY MAIL LES BY MAIL ENGST eee = Stuff. FEBRUARY 7, I900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. if. much of this is in the interest of price booming will not be known till buying begins again. Our dealers are holding off. They patrolled the Canadian and northwestern woods early in the winter season with some idea of buying then, but they found nothing but prices to look at. There was very little stock in sight, and this so added to the strength of the mill- man’s position that he was asking about any price that he happened to light on. So the buyers came home and waited. They are wait- ing yet, really not knowing what to do, for the east is saying as hard as it can that it is not going to pay even the present prices, let alone the smart advance that will have to be paid if this market is made to pay more for what it gets for next season’s stock. In the hardwood yards there appears to be some indication of greater quiet than was appar- ent early, and there is no talk of an advance, unless it be in maple, which is very hard to find. Basswood is going out of market, appar- ently. Neither lumbermen nor coopers can find enough of it to meet the demand, and some other wood will have to be used in place (Continued on page 4.) HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address ; ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. JAMES W. SOUTHERN | FELBER, JucKER & Co. MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Invites offers of —= Prime Oak Planks and Pine 6 to 8 feet x11x38 MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen or... Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, fae Handles or any Woods suitable for English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for r of large quantities of HARDWOOD 1 will be glad to hear from holders y, A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: “ Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. BRITISH IMPORTERS DUNGOAN, BWING & CO. WO0d rdents and Brokers Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, ENG. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENG, SELLING AGENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . . WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND t Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cdn Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, At and Lieber's Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & GO. ieee es te OI Re S 27 Union Street F. Fe. Lightbody & Go. - GLASGOW 8 Gordon Street WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ‘‘ Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. SS ee Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—“‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW, BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. PRVERY & VINGENT a=—SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF .. RHD PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORFESPONDENCE INVITED S It YOUP Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the . . CANADA LUMBERMAN. WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. $ An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ “Sue Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution . of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. » . » Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . . BUDCETT BROS. 70 and 71 Bishopsgate Street Within, so LONDON, E.C. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,’ Liverpool. > 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . - TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, “ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON”’ Glasgow. Cable Address: ALESON. 154 St. Vincent 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW *“ALLISON,”? Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers St... GLASGOW Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” Glasgow. Codes: Atand A BC. GLASGOW GANT & KEMP 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW {Cable Address : ““ TECTONA” Glasgow. Ax and A B C Codes used. TIMBER BROKERS SMITH & TYRER- - 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. (Oven Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool BUYERS OF gy POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS IRVIN & SELLERS Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. ALSO DEALERS IN =e BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. eV ERPOOL, ENGLAND —= Selling Agents For.., CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool} IN LOGS AND LUMBER IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. FEBRUARY 7, 1900 i i i NDON AU 5 i : 2 : : ; oft, ney PU acactat LT ee eens Tea per enbic foot; 204 pes. 3 r-2xtr13, ts 145 DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS ing through producing districts after it, most of them cutting their own timber. There has been an unusual amount of certain hardwoods shipped in here from the American shore of the lakes, but dealers say that the ask- ing price for it this winter is such that they cannot do anything with it and may have to return southward for supplies. They add that outside of white oak, basswood and black ash there is likely to be sucha supply of hardwoods from the lakes that the possibility of pushing the prices up very much is not apparent. This market is against any further advance of the price, either in hardwoods or pine, but hi it will h to b e es ere: tee ares SS ae Ios ; 1 1-4x4, £15. Ex. Cervona, from Que- ending tgth January : ELECTRICAL APPARATUS the builder is afraid to touch any sort of build- bec—16 ft. 1 1-2x7, first quality, £16 10s 5 9. Enquiry comes from Dublin for the Royal Electric Co., Montreal. ing material and is waiting, either for prices to come down or rents to goup. The prospect is will be light till that building, at least here, uF 5 A : Sarr : 18; 12-13 ft. 1 1-4x8, £16 15s; 12-13 ft. I 40. An enquiry has been received fornames Cope & Sons, A. L., Cope’s Falls, Ont. some adjustment 1s made. Sofarthere ismo 74.7 £16 10s; 1 1-4x6, Li6 5s; 1'1-4x5, of lumber merchants who can guarantee sup- Eckardt, H. P. & Co-, Toronto. | immediate prospect of that. ; ; lies of birch in fairly straight round logs, 4 to Gartshore, John, Toronto. Th d d in hemlock i another £15 3 I 1-4x4, £14 15s; I 1-4x3, 414 IOs. piles'© Z ren 10 uf A g SS) 4 = Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. e steady advance in hemiloc S Ex. Melrose, from Quebec—9-13 ft. 3x1I-19 8 feet in length and 18 inches and upwards in Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. factor in the case. It is now $16 for base jn, third quality, £10; 12-13 ft. 3x8, £8 5s; diameter. The wood is required for cutting Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. price, fairly twice what it oct ni Seong rise y2 ft. 3x7, 48 10s; 9-11 ft. 3x8, £8 585 3x7, veneers and quotations must be at a very low *ACHINERY set in. There is complaint that thereisno 8 jos, figure. stock of hemlock anywhere and that it is sure to remain scarce, no matter if the price goes to $20, which is freely predicted. ‘The Goodyears appear to be preparing to add to their output of hemlock for a consider- able time yet, for they have just bought a large tract in the vicinity of their Pennsylvania head- quarters, all of which is to be made tributary to their mills at Austin, Pa. F. H. Goodyear is off on a European trip, having sailed for the Mediterranean on the 27th of January. Other travelling Buffalo lumbermen are Alfred Haines and W. W. Reilly, also bound for southern Italy. The hardwood fraternity somehow sticks to business. J. B. Wall, F. 2x5-6, 49 10s; 9-11 ft. 2x8-12, £105 2x7, 49 W. Vetter and H. S. Janes are in the south- 10s ; 2x5-6, £9.58; 6-8 ft. 2x5-11 in, second : Tis Waterous Go. Brantford. b iad west, all looking after timber tracts that they quality, £8 1583 12-13 ft, 2x6-9 in. first qual- Polson Iron Works Co., Toronto, Ont. are urging into the market. Good reports ity, £9 10s ; 12-16 ft, 2x6-7 in. second quality, SOUTH AFRICA PULLEYS come from the Arkansas tracts of Scatcherd & £8 ‘Seg 12-13 ft. 2x6, £8 1085 7-11 ft. 2x6-9, J Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. — Son and the Empire Lumber Company. Mr, 48 10s. Ex. Halifax City, from St. John, The Dominion Leather Board Co. , Montreal, Que. Scratcherd has just sold a lot of cottonwood timber to the McCormick Reaper Company of Chicago, which he estimates will cut at least 35,000,000 feet. He says that if he could sell the standing gum at as good a figure as he did the cottonwood he would be willing to let it go that way. The other woods, oak, ash and poplar, he will cut of himself. Buffalo and Tonawanda lumbermen are get- ting together this winter on general principles, “feeling, apparently, that there is more than the usual need of co-operation. Two joint meet- ings have been held in Buffalo this winter, but nothing was done but compare notes in a gen- eral way and endeavor to post each other on the situation, which will be peculiar till it is known’ whether the price is to go up again. There is about the usual amount of stock here. Tonawanda reports 800,000 feet more OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE Lumber Contras, 20 DEON TOR ANY, Pies ak TF om LB r<-ay ie Ont ° AL’ 2 i e than es ee but Buffalo has not completed CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co. qaponta. sinh each fan H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. fala pets Mercantile Agency, New fork and Messrs. Churchill & Sim, London, Eng., held an auction sale of wood goods on Wed- nesday, January 24th, at which Canadian deals and timber sold as follows : PINE.—Ex. Tantallon, from Quebec, 10-14 ft. 2x9-11 in. second quality, £145 14 ft. 2x8, Lil 1583 12-13 ft. 2x8, L123 12-15 ft, 2x7, L123 13-15 ft. 2x6, £10 15s; 12 ft. 2x6, £10 10s ; 12-14 ft. 2x5, 49 15s: 10-11 ft. 2x8, £10 158; 10-11 ft. 2x7, £10 58; 10-11 ft. 2x6, £9 15S ; 9-11 ft. 2x5, 49 583 6-8 ft. 2x4, £8 10s. Ex. Memnon, from Quebec—12-16 ft. 1 1-2x7, first quality, £16 5s; 12-16 ft. 1 1-2x5, 416 583 12-16 ft. t 1-2x4, £15 15s. Ex. Mount Royal, from Quebec—12-16 ft. 1 1-4x7, first quality, £16; 1 1-4x6, L163 1 1-4x5, 415 12-16 ft. 1 1-2x6, £16 10s ; 12-16 ft. 1 1-2x4-5, 415 10s; 12-13 ft. 1 1-4x12-20, £20 158; 12-13 ft. 1 1-4xI1, 421 10s ; 12-13 ft. 1 1-4x10, Spruce.—Ex. Zanzabar, from St. Thomas, Que.—12 ft. 3x9, first quality, 411 10s; 11 ft. 3x9, 410 583 9-10 ft. 39, Lio 58; 12-13 ft. 3x8, 410; g-1f ft. 3x8, £9 tos. Ex. Mel- rose, from Quebec—9 ft. 3x5, first quality, £93 6-8 ft. 3x5, £93 9 ft- 2x7-9, 49 583 9 ft. 2x6, £8 158; 9 ft. 2x5, £8 158; 6-8 ft. 2x7-9, £93 6-8 ft. 2x6, £8 158; 6-8 ft. 2x4-5, £8 Tos; 9 ft. 3x5-9, second quality, £8 15s; 6-8 ft. 3x56, £8 5s; 9 ft. 2x7-9, £8 158; Qift. 2x6, £8 10s; 9 ft. 2x5, £8 10s; 9 ft. 2x4, £8; 6-8 ft. 2x7-9, £8 1583 6-8 ft. 2x6, £8 5s; 6-8 ft. 2-5, £48 10s; 6-8 ft. 2x4, £83 12-13 ft. 2x8-12, first quality, £11 583 2x7, 49 1583 N.B.—1 --28 ft. 3x7 in. first, second and third quality, £8 15s; 16-28 ft. 3x7, £8 158; 13-28 ft. 3x7, £8 1585 3-5 ft. 3x7, 47 5S Oak TIMBER.—Ex. Hazelmoor, from Que- bec-Logs 18 in. and up average, 662 cubic feet at 105s per load of 50 cubic feet ; 734 cubic feet at 105s per load ; 745 cubic feet at 110s ; 333 cubic feet at 105s. Logs under 18 in. aver- age, 637 cubic feet at 92s 6d per load ; 655 cubic feet at 97s 6d; 405 cubic feet at 95s 5 653 cubic feet at 102s 6d; 585 cubic feet at 100s. Bircu PLanKs.—Ex. St. John City, from Halifax, N.S.—75 pieces, 3 3-4x7:-12, Is 2d 259 pcs. 3 1-2x9-10, IS; 201 pcs. 3 1-2x7-8, Is; 210 pcs. 3 I-4X13, 11}¢d; 219 pes. 3 1-4x7-8, 11d 5 137 pcs. 3x11-14, 11d ; 190 pcs. 3x9-10, 11d ; 361 pcs. 3x6-16, 11d; 197 pes. 2 [-2X10-13, I1d; 230 pcs. 2 1-2x9, Is tas 270 pes. 2 1-2x8, Is Id 5 429 pcs. 2 1-2x7, IS. Ex. London City, from Halifax—103 pes. 3 I-4x10-12, Is 1d5 186 pcs. 3xI1-17, Is 1d. ES ENQUIRIES FOR WOOD PRODUCTS. \\ The following were among the enquiries relating to Canadian trade received at the office of the High Commissioner for Canada in London, Eng., during the week names of Canadian exporters of railway square sleepers. 141. A Paris house asks to be placed in touch with large exporters from Canada of spruce wood and white pine. 12. A party desiring to import wood powder in quantities of 5,000 to 10,000 tons per annum wishes to get into communica- tion with Canadian producers. Canadian manufacturers may open up correspondence with any of the firms making the above enquiries by addressing a letter to the publishers of the CANADA LUMBERMAN. When writing refer to the number of the enquiry. Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes: MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. - CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘CasKEt,” Cape Town. ; A.B.C. Code used. TS CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board . .. - Shortest and OTTAWA, ROCKL PRIOR, PEMBROKE, uickest Route from... . DD, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PARRY SOUND and other W. P. Hinron, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal 5 Goodhue, J. L. &Co., Pantie, Que. mee rome dg & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Cy McLaren, f. .C., Belting Co. ,Montrealand Toronto, The Waterous Co., Brantford. Thos. Forrester Co., Montreal, Que. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co. Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, ind. Starr, John, Sons & Co-, Halifax, N. s. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES j Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfz. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Leonard & Sons, E., London, Ont. 4 4 Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon & Co., W.B. Ge mg Mich. The Wm. Hamilton Mig. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. } Mowry & Sons, B. R., Gravenhurst, Ont. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS - Tower & Wallace, New York. . PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY magnons Mn eee 20 13 50 WHOLBSALE PRICES CURRENT. : first class ‘ = ees 42 pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts..... 9 00 1050 First class Ottawa waney, 2 ae rode pene = to lineal.. 3 aa sidings, per M feet, ‘ pie, pare Sapiess Iz 00 13 00 pee Jaae Mien ee ceceecaaase 18 co 24 00 | Pine culls ...... 9 50 11 00 TORONTO, ONT. «Michigan ‘ oe a9 to aS Es “ © &size 43 48 Pine,, No. x dressing — IxIO Na, x barn.... =o : eaaind Strips, noe I 18 00 | rx10 No. 2 cas 18 00 : CAR OR CARGO LOTS. aes off, according to average and gu itys...sseseeeee nese 33 = Pine, No. 1 dressing 1x8&gNor ' ... 19 00 1% 1% and 2 inch cut x inch dressing and nshippingorder;, “on SRM bie 8 Roses eens 4 shorts, ...+--+2++++ 14 00 16 00| 1x8&aqNo.2* .... 17 00 up and better....-- $32 00 $34 00| better.......--++-- $20 00 $22 00 nad di weg Bret ey eet oa Pine, ro s.c. and bet- Lath per M No.r...- 3 00 -3 25 ginch picksand uppers 34 00 36 00 | r inch siding common 13 00 74 co By the dram, according to average and quality - 46. 50 ter stock,-.....++++ 153 00 17 00|Lath perM No.2... 250 275 1x)2 dressing and bet- t ined siding ahip an 12.CO 1250 BY the dram, according to Eat ond quality, 45 to 50 feet oe ian ] ; ter, 60% 16 ft....-- 22 00 24 00| t inch siding millculls 10 50 11 00 ’ , : Aan rxro fine dressing and Cull scantling.. -» 900 950 e : ef «« “30 to 35 feet. - 32 37 _ BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. better....sseseesse8 22 00 24 00| cinch strips 4 eas, Pea di ee é WHITE PINE. rxro and 12 Canadian in. mill run....: iRRNOO eT) SOM oh 2 INERES and up, according to average ane qua’ ney” = 23S Whalesale selli A . . . To average 16 inch. . s+ ++ + ss et . 26 28 (Wholesale selling price.) | dressing and better 18 00 20 00) t inch strips, common 12 00 13 00 Up'rs, 1, 1%, 1% and 2 Dressipg. 13¢ in. p--2 33 5 31-2 and thicker cut- t 1-4 inch flooring.... 17 00 eZ BIRCH. at : $57 50 58 50 2 : Wea ‘ 14 inchaverage .« 4 ame 5 A «°) 57 5 5 14X10 and I2...++- 35 ting up plank.....-. 24 00 26 00| ¢ 1-2 inch flooring.... 17 00 6 « Fe, 66.500 136 Miasenss Ben 35 50 rxxro and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00 XXX pine shingles, 16 BD 6s we ae an 71 0| 2 -leeseanenumeaae 36 50 rx10 and 12 common. %4 00 15 00) inch... .. jeeeacecs ze 2 65 af fr BUA se ee eS Z 50 50 51 50| Shelving, No. x, 13 aris? > rxro and 12 mill culls 1r 00 12 09 Se a 16 inch 175 PS Sonatina” 5 ser 2 ns eoitia aes 3 i éx 50 pe eae ae 38 5 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00] Lath, No. t....+-+- 375 7 é hs See 66 Mold st’ps N. = : : <4 - Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $40 to $44 for xst $28 to $30 4 IM. wee cece rgeeees 50| Mold st'ps No. x to 2 x inch siding mill run 15 00 16 00 Labbe Nga teee~~ ee 3 00 for 2nd, $25 to $28 for ard, and $21 to $24 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. Finecommon,1im.,Up 0 te ere 00, 43) 00% HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. ae ae 38 e 45 z iit I21M...++ 28 4 : Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. ALBANY, N.Y. Sta oe 5 6 pe a a No. 2, cca? ea Z = = f Ash, white, 1 to2 in. .$26 00 $28 oo ; Elm rock,mill : PINE. q . 3 ID. ccacveeenses 56 50| No.2, 12in......-- 23 09 s “2% to4.. 30 00 3200) _ Tun-...... 1 to 1%"18 00 2000 Uppers, 3 in. up......-e022$ $70 | 1x12 inch shippers ..--.-+-- $ $22 AeA. sin see EERE 6r 50| No. 3, ro and x2 in. 20 50 Ash, black, xsts and Elm,rock, mill QIAN. ose ec cecnacncs caste 70 | 4/4 inch ©. ‘xgi.Gcup. 22 Cut’g up, No. 1,1 in. 33 50] Box, 1X4.--;-+-++ ++ + 17. 00) ands, 1 to 14 in.... 20 00 22 00 rai} RoR eG 144" 3.. 21 00 23 00 T £0.2 We vic ss ches aewehcnae 55 | 4/4, Box boards, 6” and up.. 18 20 140 PaaiINs c\acatay ce 39 50 40 50| xx6tor2 ime =u - 19 co Ash, black, xsts and Hickory, 1sts 4 inch uppers ...--++++eeeee 72 | 10-in. dressing and better... 26 32 0. 2, XE IN....e0s- 2200| xx totorzin...... 20 00 ands,2to4in....-- 22 00 2400] and 2nds..1}%4‘‘ 2.. 28 00 30 00 Selects, 2% in. up...-.----- 60 | ro-in. ComMoON .....-+-e+e 20 No. 2,1%, & 1% in 32 50| 1% andrin...... 20 00, Ash, M.R.,1_ to 2-- 17 00 19 00 Maple, sts wihO Zed «cvieselnmiminemelanie b 45 | x2-in. dressing and better... 30 34 No. 3,1% & 1% in 26 50| Mill Culls,1, 14, 1% “ Birch, tin. .. 1800 2000] and ands..t ‘©3114 17 00 1800 Fine common, 2% in. and up 50 | Common, 1X12 «+ ++++ eeeeee 20 No. 3, 2im....---+> 265 and 2in.......e0.« 15 00 16 50- ce i . . . . f : am 20 oo 2300| Maple, ists |. TtO2ZiN....see0- penseeeees 38 42| No. x barn, 1x12. - 26. 27 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying \ sqrs. 4x4 ‘© 8 x824 00 26 00 and 2nds.. 2 4.. 18 00 19 00 No. 1 cuts, 1 to2inch.....- 28 35 : 26 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda: : Basswood, ists and Oak, red, p'n, Mo. ds «Hosen cme msecunsiemeae 30 24 onds, 1 to1% in.... 18 00 20 00 ists& 2nds1 “' 1% 26 00 3000 ING: 33s ceaetenomcsere = sae 18 25 24 WHITE ASH. 1% to 2 ..21 00 22 00 Oak; red, p’n, No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 30 «36 24 ist & 2nd, x inch, 28 00 30 00| 234 to 4 in “* mr. 1 “ 1% 15 00 17 00 ists & ands 2 ‘' 4.. 29 00 3200 No. 2 molding, x to 2 in..... 24 27 22 1Y% to2in.....s++- 31 00 33 00| Strips....-...- Butternut x “ 13% 23 00 25 00| Oak, white, Stained sapS....--+-+++++-+ 30 30 Com. and culls “ 2 ‘* 3.. 25 00 28 00 ists & ands 1 “ 1} 28 00 30 00 Bracket plank ...-- soe tees 30 35 30 PLACK AND BROWN ASH. Chesrnut 1 *2.. 24.00 26 00| Oak, white, Shelving boards, 12-in. up -. 32 35 Dressing ». 1.24 eseeeeeeee 25 3° ist & 2nd, 6 inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 Cherry, ists ists & ands 2 ‘* 4.. 30 00 35 00 Dressing boards, narrow.... 25 25 Common .....++-+ sseeeees 18 20 4 and ends.. x ‘© 13% 50 co 60 00| Oak quart'd, 1x1q inch shippers....- es 22 ‘er auid. ¢ iach & BIRCH. Send, white, 6” & 7 Cherry, 1sts ists&ends x ‘f 2.. 55 00 65 00 LATH. . ist & 2nd, 6 inc le = = st up, 18 00 20 00 and 2nds.. 2 ‘f 4.. 60 00 65 00 Walnut, ase “ Pine sete cvu dich sc tninselss cia $3 00 | Spruce ....+--+eeeeeererees $3 00 up, red....ese++++ 28 co 30 goa om & good culls..... 10 00 Tt 00 Elm, soft, mill and 2nds.. 1 3.- 85 00 10000 SHINGLES. : S f i TMi visinees x “1% 16 00 18 00| Whitewood, Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 6 25 rst & 2d,rock, 8in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ast & 2d, soft, 8in. & up, 18 00 20 00 Elm,soft,mill sts & ends « ‘ 2.. 32 00 36 00 Clear butts ..... . 3.00 3 25| Hemlock........+++++- 215_ . MAPLE. F ~~) ie FUN seen 2 ‘§ 3.. 17 00 19 00 Smooth, 6 x 18 5 00 § 50| Spruce ...--++++eeeee s 2 20 rst & 2d, hard,6in. & upr8 © 2000 | 1st & 2d, s 6 . , J k wo iin a — ' eee CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY F DITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. VI. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of r5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. Ws HAVE 300,000 FEET OF VERY GOOD Beech Logs which we wish to cut to order. Signed, Joun Harriso. & Sons Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. PINE TIMBER LIMITS. WO SMALL LIMITS FOR SALE IN THE Township of Gitsen; all fronting o1 the Georgian Bay, and close to Midland and Penetanguishene. Apply to THe Muskoka Mitt & Lumser Co., Ltd., Toronto. WANTED. Ax ENGLISH FIRM ENQUIRES IF ANY shippers could supply fir or spruce pros for mining purposes in large quantities c i.f. Tyne, Hartle- 1 or Hull, by steamers or sailers. Further particu- Es as to sizes, etc., by addressing ‘“* Timper Mer: CHANT, "’ care of this paper. MILL SITES HE CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY IN- vites corresp ndence from anyone having in view the erection ofa Wood-Working Mill. A number of excellent locations can be pointed out for Hardwood Mills where a very large supply of Birch, Elm, Ash, Maple, etc , is available, with a ready market reached quickly and cheaply. Address, W. P. Hinton, A. G. F. A., Ottawa. SALE OF Valuable Timber Limits BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT TORONTO By C. J. Townsend & Co., 28 King Street West. ON THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1900 At 2 o’cloek P.M. The following Timber Licenses : ON LAKE NIPISSING. No. 212, cf season 1899-1900, being berth No. 5, in Township of Patterson. Area, 2544 square miles, more or less, ON FRENCH RIVER. No. 214, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 16, Township of Falconer, sale of October 22nd, 1885, known as No, rr, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Area, 36 square miles, more or less. ON VERMILLION RIVER, A BRANCH OF THE SPANISH. No. 2t5, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 22, Township of Dowling, sale of October 22nd, 1885, known as No. £7. as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 872. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of sale. Easy terms tu purchasers who may be deemed responsible by the vendor and who may arrange therefore prior to sale. The above timber berths are exceptionally easy of access. Supplies can be placed at very low cost on any of the berths, either during the winter or summer -months. The average haul is very short. timbered wi h white and red pine. On berth No. s, Patterson. there is also a fine cut of many millions of large hemlock logs and railway ties. Berth No. 6, Township of Falconer, has never been cut on, hs Each berth will be sold separately. Explorers can reach Townships of Patterson and Falconer in a few hours from either North Bay or Sturgeon Falls. Township of Dowling can be reached from Larch- eg or Onaping, on C. P.R., which traverses this The berths are well For further particulars apply to ALEXANDER FRASER, the vendor, at 74 Nepean Street, Ottawa, Ont. TORONTO, ONT., FEBRUARY 14, 1900 No. 4, 2 OR SALE.—Dry 1, 2 and3inch Birch. JazZEs Morrison, 552 Yonge Street, Toronto. Were FOR CASH.—Dry Pine, Ash, Elm and Basswood. James Morrison, 552 Yonge Street, Toronto. FOR SALE. NE SAW MILL CARRIAGE WITH THREE blocks, with saw frame and rope feed, suitable for cutting ties and medium sized logs. Apply Box 75, CanapDa LUMBERMAN. LOCKS OF 1,000: ACRES AND UPWARDS of Hardwcod Timber Lands wanted. Must posi- tively be principally Maple of good size; state price and location, proportivn of Maple and full particulars. Box 45, CANADA LUMBERMAN. SAW MILI. SITE OOD SAW MILL SITE ON SOUTH END of the Georgian Bay, near Midland ; extensive Lumber Docks, Houses, Store Buildings, etc., water power. THe Muskoka Mitt anp LumserR Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine ico h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws’ Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x too ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber rear by. For particulars, address ALLEN Cressman, Berlin, Ont. WANTED 15 TO 200 STANDARDS SAWN WHITE Beech staves and headings, full edged and free from knots or other defects, for delivery in parcels of 50 to 60 standards, put up in bundlcs, in seasoned ccn- dition, from May to August, 1900. Staves—143{ to 274 in. long, 2 to3 in wide, % in. thick. Headings— 10% to 14 in. long, 4 to 6 in. wide, 7/15 in. thick. De- tailed specifications on application. Offers per stand- ard to be sent to ‘‘ Beecu,” THe Canapa Lumser- MAN, Toronto. WANTED—YELLOW AND RED PINE pit ak PRICES C.I.F. UNITED KINGDOM safe ports for following pine. Delivery usual early spring shipment, speci'ying terms and full particulars. Reliable houses only dealt with, and goods to be sub- ject to inspection and approval before shipment. 150 stds. 3rd quality, 3 in. yellow Quebec Pine Deals, 25 stds. 2nd quality, 3in. ‘ 4 f CS 1z in. and up. tco stds. rst quality yellow Quebec Pine Sidings. 25 stds. 2nd quality ‘‘ 8 = s to stds. 1st quality Red Pine Deals. Address Box 25, Canapa LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE A very Desirable and Well Equipped SHINGLE MILL in Vancouver, British Columbia, together with TWO THOUSAND ACRES of Excellent Timber Limits (principally Cedar). further particulars, terms of sale, etc., apply to “SHINGLE MILL,” P.O. Box 735, Vancouver, B.C. for V ANTED—Green Hard Maple Squares, 6% in. ¥ 6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. Box 24, CANADA Lum- BERMAN FOR SALE. B IRCH, rand 2, CHIEFLY INCH, roo M. Address, Tue Knicut Broruers Co, Burks Falls, Ont. FOR SALE. OX LUMBER, ALSO HEMLOCK. Those in need kindly apply to THz KnicHt BROTHERS Co., Burks Falls, Ont. FOR SALE. EDAR SAWED ORIN THE ROUND. Rep Bros., Hepworth Station, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. VALUABLE TIMBER LIMIT By Public Auction At the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on TUESDAY, APRIL 10, at 2 p. m. The undersigned has been instructed to offer for sale, at the above time and place; subject to the conditions which will be announced at the time of sale, Timber Berth TOWNSHIP OF MACKENZIE Being about 80 Square Miles. This township is one of the best timbered berths in the province, is well watered, and easily operated. For further particulars, apply to the Detta Lumper Com- PANY, Detroit, or to PETER RYAN, Toronto. AUCTION SALE Important and Extensive Sale by Auction of VALUABLE Timber Berths, Ete. On the Ottawa River and its tributaries in the Pro- vinces of Quebec and Ontario ; at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, at 2 p.m., TUES- DAY, APRIL 10TH, rgoo. R. H. Klock & Co., of Klock, Ont., will offer for sale by public auction, at the above time and place, subject to the terms and conditions which will be an- nounced at the time of sale, the following timber berths under license from the Crown ; said licenses in- clude the right to cut all timber on the berths subject to the regulati ns of the Crown Lands Department of the respective Provinces, namely :— QUEBEC. 226% miles, and composed of berths Nos. 176, 177, 444, 445, 446, 447- Block A— Quinze Berth, 61% miles ; No.5 Ranger. Block A, Quinze Berth, 150 miles, composed of berths Nos. 5, 6, 7, range 3. All the above limits are in the Province of Quebec, as shown on the official map of that Province. North Temiscamingue, Indian Reserve, Province of Quebec. Area about 60 square miles, as shown on official map of the Province of Quebec and held under license from Dominion Government and subject to timber regulations of Department of Interior. 3 ONTARIO. Deep River, 1c¥% miles, held under license 178, 1899-1g00c. Chalk River, 19 miles, held under license 177, 1899-1900. Rocky Farm, Ottawa River, 1co square miles, held under liceise 176, 1899-1900. For further particulars apply to R. H. KLOCK & CO., Klock, Ont., and JOHN GRAY, Room 100, Canada Life Building, Toronto, Canada. Kippewa Berth, ANTED IN CAR LOTS, NORWAY PINE 5/4, dry, first and second quality ; quote price. Address Tue Canapa Lapper Co., Limirep, Leam- ington, Ont. WANTED FOR CASH. OFT AND HARD ELM LUMBER AND Logs, Ash, Maple, Oak and Basswood and other Hardwood Lumber. Address ‘‘ Merchant,” care CAN- ADA LUMBERMAN. WANTED. A SECOND HAND FLOUR BARREL HOOP machine complete, including Coiler, Lapper, Plan- er, and Cutter. Address THE TiLtson Company, Lrp., Tilsonburg, Ont. To Limit | Holders HE TOWN OF MANITOWANING, ON THE inside channel of Grand Manitoulin Island, in direct and easy water communicaticn with the timber limits of Algoma, offers superior inducements to lumber companies intending to establish works in this part of Canada. _The best natural advantages obtainable any- where. Further information upon application to W. J. Tucker, Secretary Citizens’ Committee, Manitowan- ing, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Some important transactions in the lum- ber business have taken place within the past week. Thecut of the Gilmour & Hughson mills at Hull has been purchased by an American company, after consider- able competition between United States and British buyers. The Hull Lumber Company and W. C. Edwards & Com- pany are also said to have disposed of their coming season’s productions to a Brit- ish firm, but this statement lacks confirm- ation. It is known, however, that nego- tiations to that end are in progress. In the Georgian Bay district the sale of an entire mill cut is announced to have been made, and large contracts have been given to mill owners for the sawing oflogs. As the spring approaches a strong disposition is shown by buyers to contract for stock, as it Is very improbable that prices of lum- ber will be lower than at present at least before midsummer. Prices of common and cull pine lumber have been gradually gaining in strength, until it has been con- sidered advisable to advance our quota- tions on this class of stock about one dol- lar per thousand. Common, IxIo and 12 inch, sells in Toronto at wholesale at $15 to $16, and mill culls at $12 to $13. Inch siding common brings $14 to $15, ship culls $13 to $14, and siding mill culls $11 to $12.’ No change has taken place in hardwood quotations, although, in view of unfavorable logging conditions, the mar- ket is decidedly firm. Wherever dry lumber can be found it is being purchased for the local and United States trade. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Logging operations in the eastern pro- vinces are progressing favorably, and it 1s now believed that an average supply of logs will be obtained. Almost everything pertaining to the lumbering business is advancing in price, so that there is little reason to expect a decline in the quota- tions of lumber. Spruce logs are selling for delivery at the Miramichi booms at $1.50 per thousand above the price one rs CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. year ago, and wages in the woods are about $22 per month for men and $35 to $45 forteams. It is probable thatin Nova Scotia the cut this season will be increased toa greater extent than in New Bruns- wick. Several manufacturers have already sold their entire produciion oflumber. In the Quebec market some advance in prices have taken place. First class waney pine, 18 inch average, is quoted at 37 to 45 cents, 14 inch ash at 23 to 28 cents, and 16 inch at 26 to 30 cents. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Trade in lumber in Manitoba and the Territories is growing steadily, and when spring operations shall open out in full force an active movement will certainly result. Manufacturers and dealers are preparing for a season of as great activity as that of 1899. Like conditions prevail in British Columbia. Many new build- ings have already been commenced, and there are indications of absolute faith in the lumber demand. It is expected that in future better returns will be secured from an equal volume of business, the accomplishment of this being one of the objects of the formation of the British Col- umbia Lumberand Shingle Manufacturers’ Association. UNITED STATES. Eastern wholesale dealers have con- tracted for a considerable quantity of stock to be cut at upper lake mills during the coming season, and the prices paid give little encouragement to those who hope for a decline in quotations. Some of these purchases are referred to in another column. An average of $12.50 per thousand for No. 4 boards is almost unprecedented, while it is predicted that before the opening of navigation these boards will sell at $13 and No. 3 boards at $25 on dock. Tonawanda and Buffalo dealers report moderate sales and numer- ous inquiries, from which it is deduced that the east is short of lumber and must enter the market for active buying in the near future. There is an improved de- mand for good lumber, and te Starra1ny pom au chi dasa “5 ne grades an advance in price has been put on sh ace ari into effect. Box lumber is still wanted in excess of the supply, and the probability is that this class of stock will be scarce throughout the summer. Attention is directed tothe changes in our Buffalo and Tonawanda quotations published else- where. The hardwood market is in a healthy condition. Some dealers at Buffalo are asking $28 for inch maple of first quality, while others quote as low as $25. Inch- basswood is being held at from $26 to $28. At Boston inch maple of good qual- ity brings from $28.50 to $30, 1%, 1% and 2 inch, $32, and 3 and 4 inch $36 to $38. Elm is in moderate request at $32 for one inch, $33 for 1% and 1% inch, and $34 for 2 inch. FOREIGN. A large consumption and firm prices are the characteristic features of the British wood market. In sympathy with the high prices asked by shippers, the prices at which brokers and importers are offering stock are considerably higher than one year ago. So far as Canadian and United States trade is concerned, the British buyers realize that if they are to secure their average quantity of stock it can only be done by meeting the advanced prices, which are now firmly established. In the Liverpool market spot goods are selling liberally at £20 to £24 for first quality Quebec pine deals, £16 Ios to Li7 tos for second quality, and £10 tos to £11 tos for third quality. These figures show an advance within one month of £1 in the price of second quality and £1 5s in third quality. New Brunswick spruce has advanced about Ios, now selling at £7 15s to £8. In square and waney timber the most important changes have been in respect to waney board pine and elm. Quebec waney has advanced to an average of 2s 6d, while elm sells at from 2s 4d to 2s 1od per cubic foot. Thee latter is an advance sinceds- i . or January Ist of about 6d. Birch ‘also slightly higher. ? ES O- Daniel Sullivan, saw mill and general store, Redbank, N.B., has been burned out. NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. There has been during the past week a slightly increased inquiry for shingles. Not many orders are being placed, but dealers are awakening from their winter lethargy and are showing some degree of interest as to prices and market conditions. The manufacturers are manifesting absolutely no anxiety as to spring prices, perceiving that as soon as con- sumption awakens, remunerative prices will be in vogue. There is no reason to question this judgment, as competitive varieties of shingles, such as Michigan and Ontario white cedars and Washington and British Columbia red cedars, are in extremely scant supply and pro- mise further price advances. With a fair spring demand and a united movement amongst the New Brunswick manufacturers prices on N.B. extras could be raised to a basis of $3.25 on Boston freights without giving up the market in any degree to Western produc- ers, for as stated in our article of last week, New Brunswick shingles are invariably given the preference over the western products by purchasers in the Eastern States at equal or even slightly higher figures. Washington shingles are now quoted at $3.20 to $3 30. The general prosperity now prevailing in the United States and the extreme scarcity of dry lumber, with the high prices such lumber is commanding, must inevitably have a sympa- thetic influence upon all wood goods. Confi- dence is abroad in the land, and considering all conditions we believe in firmly maintained quotations for the present, and advances just as soon as shingle consumption begins. There is absolutely no change in quotations from last week, The assets of the estate of Andrew Clana- han, lumber dealer, Glencoe, | Ont., were sold recently at 42 cents on the dollar. ~~ FEBRUARY 14, 1900 2 aaa eee STOCKS AND PRICES. The St. Anthony Lumber Co., Whitney, Ont., expect to cut about 50,000,000 feet of lumber this year. It is estimated that the log cut on the Penobscot river, in Maine, this winter will be 200,000,000 feet. Wm. Argue is taking out over 1,000,- ooo feet of logs on Moon Island fora lumber company at Midland. Halcombe Bros., of Thessalon, Ont., have about 700,000 feet of logs cut and ready for drawing to the mill. C. M. Betts & Co., of Buffalo, are re- ported to have purchased a lot of 10,000,- 000 feet of pine at Marinette, Wis. It is learned that Toner & Gregory, of Collingwood, have been given a_ contract by Playfair & White, of Midland, to cut (Continued on page 4.) Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOCS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS ” Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. Manufacturers of and De ¢IPP Mills: SYCAMORE SIDING EN & SCARFF alers in All Kinds o. —————— : HARDWOOD LUMBER Pp. 0. TILBURY, ONT. Lake Erie & D. R.R. R. WOOD AND SLABS FOR SALE CANADIAN EXPORTERS and WHOLES Tue PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ures MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER, @ye Write us for Quotations on all Bils@ye A. F. BURY AU PEMBROKE, ONT. STIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER WADA PINE Room 4411, Board of Trade Building = MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES ; Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Whitewood, hollow back, end butted. “4 S°OTT EOQKE & SCOTT Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Souther Pine, &c.; Ties, Oak and Birch Flooring, WM. COOKE. MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES ceGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. seAv RIN & MaLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. - MOHR & RYA Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Bast TEMPLETON, QUE- KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for .. DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Cedar Telephone and a specialty. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*©¢!t>-cEIine ¢ Atlantic Railway. . . Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber R. LAIDLAW ALERS LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE DBALERS Head orice TORONTO King St. West. SARNIA—wrorrsst# DISTRIBUTING YARDS BUFFALO sane JAS. PLAYS CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER - LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty - «- - A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lum Car Sills, Car Flooring, «<« MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... ber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. Ne ROBERT WATT * WIAKRTON MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber Pine Lath, Cedar, and ¥ Pine Shingles. A Quantity of Cedar Posts for Sale on the S Shore of the Georgian Bay and Lake Huron. CoRRESPONDENCE SoLicITED. MAITLAND, RIAU LUMBER, LATH, TIES, HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. RIXON & CO. Mills at Wiarton ‘OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. rs and Dealers : POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. Flooring from $12. es 10. Ceiling WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER 00 » SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Wholesale Prices February 14th, 1900. TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. x inch dressing and «4% 134 and 2 inch cut up and better....- -$32 00 $34 00 2inch picksand uppers 34 00 tx 2 dressing and bet- ter, 60% 16 ft....-. rxzo fine dressing and better.......-++.+++ 22 00 22 00 txro and 12 Canadian dressing and better 18 oo 4-2and thicker cut- ting up plank..... . 24 00 ixre and 12 millrun 16 00 rxzo and 12 common. t5 00 txro and 12 mill culls 12 00 inch clear and picks 28 00 tinch siding mill run 15 00 Ash, black, tsts and 36 00 24 00 24 00 20 00 26 00 18 00 16 00 13 00 30 00 16 00 ands, rto 134 in.... 20 00 22 00 Ash, black, rsts and ands,2to4in...... 22 00 Ash ae to 2.. 17 00 as)” * sqrs. 4x4 “ 8 x824 00 od, xsts and in.... 18 00 24 00 Ig 00 20 00 23 00 26 00 20 00 22 00 17 00 25 00 28 00 26 00 60 00 65 00 18 00 1g 00 better.....-. $20 00 x inch siding common 14 00 1 inch siding ship culls 13 00 1 inch siding mill culls 11 50 Cullscantling..... Boos (ysl tinch strips 4 in, to 8 in. mill run.. 15 00 rt inch strips, common 13 00 1 1-4 inch flooring.... r 1-2 inch flooring.... XXX pine shingles, 16 wees inch : XX pine shingles 16 inch Lath, No. r Lath No. 2......-+. HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS, Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2 in. .$26 00 $28 oo me 2% to 4.. 30 00 32 00 Elm rock, mill run.....+. 1 to 14/18 00 Elm,rock , mill TOD|. ses ..1%"' 3.. 21 00 Hickory, rsts and 2nds..1%‘ 2.. 28 oo Maple, sts and 2nds.. 1 ‘* 1% 17 00 Maple Ists and ands.. 2 “* 4.. 18 00 Oak, red, p’n, sts & ands1 ‘f 134 26 00 Oak, red, p’n, ists & 2nds 2 ‘‘ 4.. 29 00 Oak, white, ists &ands1 ‘' 134 28 00 Oak, white, rusts & ands 2 ‘* 4.. 30 00 Oak quart’d, ists &ends t ‘f 2.. 55 00 Walnut, rsts and ands.. 1 ‘* 3.- 85 00 Whitewood, ists&eznds “ 2.. 32 00 $22 00 15 00 14 co 12 00 10 00 15 50 14 00 17 00 17 00 2 65 175 375 3 00 20 00 23 00 30 00 18 00 1g 00 30 00 32 00 30 00 35 00 .65 00 100 00 36 09 QUEBEC, QUE. ; WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. ; cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ...-.-. 4730: 32 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 37 45 Oe tr « "zg to2xinchaverage ‘ “ gs Aw “Michigan ‘‘ 19 to 21 in. average f 6 & size 43.48 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and Qualify, cece 6 == Zz. 27. In shipping order, ve fe ey Savaaietae toate elereeiatete 24 28 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average andquality. ...-- 46 50 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .35 4° s ss tabs st "30 to 35 feet. .32 37 : ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . - .23 26 To ayerage 16 inch. . eos, vistas oe Sar vs, eee, iO. BIRCH. 14 inch average « 17. 19 55) re a ee an 5. Ci ecg nC. <2 ome Sch, rig) Ue (Hl ol iF Oe: ac. oCh kasama 26 «86.28 18 ¢ ee LS ee ) Ee Meeiene eat mes 32 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $40 to $44 for xst, $28 to $30 for 2nd, $25 to $28 for 4rd, and $2x to $24 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. y ALBANY, N.Y. Uppers, 3 in. up 1x12 inchshippers..-...-.- $ $22 EAs ea cecoe eno 4/4 inch up. 22 TCO Ue wists) «cleisle iri 4/4 Box boards, 6” and up .. 18 20 4 inch uppers ....----- naaae 72 | to-in. dressing and better... 26 32 Selects, 2% in. up...-.----- 60 | ro-in. common ........----+ 20 WEOUF IM.» ccteties sion oeunine 45 | 12-in. dressing and better... 30 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 50 | Common, 1x12 ....-- ---- 35 20 TOLOIA AD eis icieie HRB OC MES 38 42| No. 1x barn, 1x12..-.....--- 26 27 No. 1 cuts, 1 to2inch.... . 28 35 Ppa inadomonabocooeuse ac 26 DN Gea ee cistsiale oe claisie-incsintenie's 22 30 DKS lovee istatsie ets sbunodonabe 24 INO: 3.02002. eb rereiataveicteiate 18 25 | No. 2 barn, tx12..-....---- 24 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 30 36 EXON) sree tebsie crests, 2m 24 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in...-.. 24 27 TOU emakerteretatetventate 22 Stained saps....--.--++++-+ 30 | Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4in...... 25 30 Bracket plank .......- ---- 30 35 Ff 0 Sorvino conorec 3° Shelving boards, 12-in. up .- 32 35 Dressing’....0.«+ss0++ ++ 25 30 Dressing boards, narrow.-.. 25 25 Common)... -2-- se =~ S28) 2a) 1x1g inch shippers..-.- --- 22 : LATH, ln O eeperodgancoronosdDm soc $3 00 | Spruce ......-+++++---+---- $3 00 ; SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ...-$5 50 6 25 Clear butts.......-.. 3 00 3 25 Hemlock .........-++-+ 215 Smooth, 6x18.....-- 5 00 5 50] Spruce....-..-.--.--- 2 20 SUPPLEMENT TO CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OTTAWA, ONT. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m.....-. $33 00 38 00 LETISEOCK: 5 ainsi = slave 1300 15 Pine, gond strips,.... 27 00 29 00 Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 13 00 15 Pine, good shorts,.... 19 00 30 00 Pine, s.c. strips.....- 12 20 13 Pine, No. x dressing Pine, sc. shorts. . g 00 10 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls....... 11 00 13 pextesereiidalel-i=(--1s 18 co 24 00 | Pine mill culls...... g 50 It Pine, No. x dressing 1x10 No, 1 barn.... 20 SEFIPS, .»..0e2+se00 16 00 18 00| 1x10 No.2 “ .... 18 Pine, No. 1 dressing 1x8 &gNo.1 ‘ .... 19 SHOrES esses 14.00 16 00|1x8&qNo.2“ ...- 7 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- Lath per M No.1... 300 3 LEV SEOCK) oils ence nn 13 00 17 00 | Lath per M No. 2... 250 2 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Up’rs, 1,1%,1%and 2 | Dressing 1%in...... 33 HiipaotaoshoadsoTe $57 58 00 14x10 and 12...... 35 2% and 3 in....... 66 oo 1% in.......------ 35 LGfisinnaane One 200C0 qroo| 2 IM....---.-2-+-- 35 Selects, 1 to 2 in..... 50 00 | Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 2% and 3 in... 60 00 and up, 1 in...... 36 J Mrlgemaqacnagasocs 66 co| Mold st’ps No. x to z Fine common, rin. ,up rie ones aseanogdo 32 00 40 to 12 in. wide.... 38 00 42 00| Barn, No.1, 12 Miser 28 1% and 1% in....- 4ooo 4200] 6, 8and 10 Fitna ne 22 B, Hel. caeoodnnne san 40 co 42 00| No. 2, 10 Ate cone sere 20 Pulls tei yosrise ersten 55 co| No.2,12in... ...- 22 Are ANU ebete nese )= =P 60 00| No. 3, 10 and 12 in. 20 Cut’g up, No. 1, rin. 30 00| Box, 1X4....----- E 17 14% toz2 im.......-- 30 00 1x60. 12.1n...- 206 19 No.2, 01sec 22co| xrx10t01ZiN...... 20 No. 2, 1%, & 1% in jo oo| 14% and1in...... 20 No. 3, 1% & 1% in 26 co| Mill Culls,1, 1%, 1% INonay 2 lien ele 26 Oo and 2in........- 15 00 16 WHITE ASH. ist & 2nd, x inch, jo 00 32 00| 2% tog in...... ..-. 34 00 38 1Y% to2in.......-- 34 00 36 oo] Strips. ........----- 20 00 22 Com. and culls.....-.. 12 00 14 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ist & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & 1st &2nd,white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 up, red ...--+.-+ 28 00 30 00|Com & good culls..... IO 00 12 ELM. ist & 2d,rock, 6in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ast & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 20 00 22 MAPLE. rt & ad, hard,6in. & upr8 > <4 ER separa eml nL Te Stes zh y $ re het +% @ i. a 3 vA 7 } ek me * ry Hin ge tal =| 4 ays apy 8 , a ee | say ns oS, gy Lo ee WI i (oe )in ’ Sat da bal fies = TT 2 ‘*# : ; A ie ne be eae he J.) Ay ae ) oe aD en ges tae ae das ats re OO 5 tae ete oe dad | waa | > ‘A P +} Pe Tt ha eli ey * ie % er F (cw 40 eth uf és corn i vine aie ; gee ine Tike pee ten ry ~ > a. iat 7 Coad Oe 6 age la § On tv “il, hae vi §@ ps OROT od — ise rp Te cease ibn) -_ ou Aa’ mt - Wed “<—re ner yee ) i CUES, paLER © Pict. Cecet at ty i Pine Bins ww a yy - res FEBRUARY 14, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 111. BRITISH WOGD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS | DUNCAN, EWING & GO. Wo0d Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. SIEVEKINC, PODMORE & CO. SALES ACENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. rrr rrr rrr WRIGHT, GRAHAM'S GO. 4, WOOD BROKERS 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B. C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Aecah for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods n Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or eGubhak handled to the best advantage. Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. Glasgow. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. eo D BROKERS 27 Union Street - GLASGOW Es Fe. Lightbody KK Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKEHRS Cable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. _ Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Risdon. Correspondence Solicited. Se See Telegraphic Address—‘* WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. PYVERY & VINGENT 2——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RED PIN FE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORPESPONDENCE INVITED C.H. GLOVER & CO., 1a. Ltd. Importers ofa, SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from arves, Mills and sre the Manufacturer. Offers Invited..... ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S. E., ENGLAND WANTED FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Cums er Importers eer AMpPOrters SSRS. JOSEPH ‘OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for ee supplies MANCHESTER ENGLAND of large quantities of HARDWOOD ER, and Invite offers irom Lumbermen or .. . will fe glad to hear fom holders who ba veo oe Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine HICKORY, POPLAR and UT, in logs, pianksand past, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensio A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of . BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers or shipment by regular liners Cables: “ Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. ee ey Mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers ————————————— ee HESSLER & CO. ‘WOOD AGENTS AND. SH. BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : “‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. ~ Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mould ings, Dow Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for Ruelich Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. JAMES W. SOUTHERN Invites offers of —_ Prime Oak Planks and Pine 6 to 8 feetx11x3 Try an Advertisement in the “Wanted and For Sale” De- partment of this paper. ee x ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,’ Liverpool. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS .- TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCH ESTE R, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitcheils TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Address: ‘‘EDMISTON”’ Glasgow. Cable Address: **‘ALLISON,”’’ Glasgow. LLISON, COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW ALSO DEALERS IN a POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & Co. wee LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND —_o Selling Agents For.., CANADIAN and AMERICAN Woops Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool IN LOGS AND LUMBER Cable Address: ‘‘ REDWOOD,’: “* Zebra”™* Code, W. J. DAWSON & CO. Wood Brokers and Commission Agents BENTHAM BUILDINGS, SIDE, Invite offers from Lumbermen for. . . NEWCASTLE-O N-TYNE FIR, SPRUCE, PINE or Any Wood Goods Suitable for the English Market. ( ae Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. - - . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUDCETT BROS. - °@" Bishopsgate Street Within, LONDON, E.C. INE CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Rat Portage Lumber Co. superintending operations. It is reported that Dickie & McGrath, of Tusket, N.S., have been given a con- tract to supply 5,000,000 feet of lumber for shipment to Bord. aux, France. The W. H. Sawyer Lumber Co., of Buffalo, recently purchased 8,000,000 feet of white pine lumber to be manufactured this season by the Rittenhouse & Embree Co., of Ashland, Wis. A. McCall, of Simcoe, Ont., has given a contract to Hubbard & Vincent, of Duluth, to saw 5,000,000 feet of logs this spring. Kimball & Barber will also saw 12,000,000 feet for Mr. McCall. The road committee of the Montreal city council has accepted the following tenders for supply of lumber : White pine, T. Prefontaine & Co.; tamarac floats, j.& B. Grier and Shearer, Brown S&Go:; spruce, J.T. Marchand ; yellow pine, E. H. Lamay ; tamarac planks, J. T. Mar- chand. The Gash Point Lumber Co. are erect- ing a mill at Gash Point, on Rainy lake, and expect to saw from three to four million feet of timber for the Ontario & Rainy River Railway. The company will get out something over 1,000,000 feet on Rainy lake, while T. Fraser has a gang of 4o men at work on Little Canoe river, getting out 2,000,000 feet of logs, to be sawn at Gash Point. The Canso & Louisburg Railway Co., af Port Hawkesbury, C.B., Invites pro- posals for furnishing all or part of 200,000 sleepers and 3,300 telegraph poles, to be delivered before July Ist next, 1m Cargo lots, at shipping ports along the south coast of.Cape Breton. The sleepers are to be 8 feet long, 7 inches thick, flatted, 6 to 8 inches minimum face, and of cedar, hemlock, hackmatac and yellow birch ; the telegraph poles to be 25 feet long, 5 inches minimum diameter at top, of sound -cedar. J. T. Horne is Leen al WRIGHT, GRAHAM & CO.’S MARKET REPOR FOR JANUARY. The Glasgow market is in rather a stagnant condition at present, the merchants buying only sufficient to cover immediate requirements. The shipbuilding trade continues to prosper. Quite a number of large contracts have been placed this month, and the work on hand ap- proximately amounts to 464,000 tons. The new tonnage launched during January amounts to 32,950 tons, as comparee with 42,000 in January of last year. The housebuilding and cabinetmaking trades are very quiet. Waney BoaRpDwoop—The demand is steady and prices are firm. Prime large average is quoted ar 2s. gd. per cubic foot ; smaller average and second class wood at from Is. 10d. to 2s. 6d. per cubic root. SQuaRE PINE has gone well into consump- tion. Price, for long prime wood, 2s. 5d. to 2s. 7d. ; smaller average and poorer quality at Is. 6d. to 2s. 1d. per cubic foot. RepPIneE.—Enquiry is fairly good. Prices quoted from 1s. 10d. to 2s. for first-class wood ; small average and second quality at from Is. 6d to Is. 8d. per cubic foot. Oax Locs.—For first-class wood of large average the demand continues. Price—2s, rod, to 3s. 3d. per cubic foot ; smaller average and second quality at 2s. to 2s. 3d. per cubic foot. Eim Locs.—The good demand continues, and prices are firm. First-class wood of large average is quoted at 2s. 9d. to 35.5 smaller average and second-class wood at 2s. to 2s. 6d. per cubic foot. AsH Locs.—There is a good demand. Stock in first hands is practically nil. Price— Is. 8d. to 2s. Id. per cubic foot. Bircu Locs.—The stock is small, and a Price good demand exisis for prime wood. quoted for 14 to 17 inch average 1s from Is. 7d. to 2s. per cubic foot. Rock Map.E, Locs.—There is enquiry for prime fresh timber for early spring shipments. QueBEC WHITE PINE DEALS.—On account of high prices now being asked, only a very limited amount of business has been done this month. ist quality, broad, £12 2s. 6d. to £28 3s. 9d. per standard ; Il in., £23 7s. 6d. bo oh at Ja oe. and ends, £17; 17s. 6d. to. £21 6s. 3d. 2nd quality, broad, £18 19s. 1d. to £415 98. 4.5 IL in., £16 tos. to £18 4s. 4d.; 7 in. to Io in., £13 8s 1d. to £15 9s. 4d. 3rd quality, broad, £11 13s. od. to £13 1S. 34.5 IL in, £10 13s. 1d. to £11 6s. 1od.; narrows, 47 18s. 1d. to £8 11s. 10d. 6th quality, broad, £8 18s. 9d. to £9 12s. 6d.; 11 in., £7 18s. 1d. to £8 11s. 5d.; Narrows, £6 17s. 6d. to £7 11s. 7d. Rep Pine DEALS are still in strong demand. The stock on hand is _princspally held by con- sumers, Prices quoted are about—g and II in. by 3in., £412 7s 6d to £13 8s 1d per Standard ; narrows, £10 6s 3d to £11 7s. : QursEc WHITE PINE Boarps.—The con- sumption has deen good, and advanced prices are being asked for new shipments. First quality—2 in. thick, averaging 12 in. to 14 in. wide, at £18 18s 1d to £20 12s 6d per standard ; I 1-2 in. thick, averaging 12 in. to 14 in. wide, £18, 11s 3d to £20 5s 7d; 1 1-4 in thick, averaging 11 to 13 in. wide, £17 7S 6d to £18 18s 1d; 1 in. thick, averaging 10 in. to 12 in. wide, £16 10sodto £17 17s 6d; I I-2 and 2in. strips, averaging 4 in. to 7 in. wide, £15 165 3d to £16 16s 10d; second quality, 2 in. thick, averaging 12 in, wide, £14 8s gd to £15 98 4; 1 1-4 andi 1-2 in., averaging 12 to 14 in. wide, £13 8s Id to 414 15s 7d; 4 in. thick, averaging 10 to 12 in. wide, £12 7s 6dto £13 1s 3d; Third quality 2 in. thick, averaging II to 14 in. wide, £9 12s 6d to £11 6s 10d; 1, 1 1-4and1 1-2 in. thick, averaging 10 to 14 in. wide, £8 5s od, ON Sis SPRUCE DeEaLs.—A good consumption is still going on, and prices are very firm. Prices quoted—£7 5s to £8 §s for third quality ; £6 17s 6d to £7 11s 3d for fourth quality, per St Pt old: N. B. Pine DEats,—Higher prices are de- manded, There is a fair demand. N. B, Spruce Deats (2nd quality average) —The demand continues, and long lengths, 9 and I1 by 3, are still in strong request. Prices quoted—Z6 17s 6d to £9 557d per St. Pt. ~ Stn. N. B. Brrcu Locs.—There is a satisfactory demand, and prices keep firm. Prices quoted —rs 6d to 1s 10d per cubic foot, according to average girth. N. B. Bircu PLanxs.—There is a good demand and cousignments will find ready sale. Price quoted—£7 4s 4d to £18 18s 9d per Std. Wuite Oak Staves.—Canada Butts—§ 1-2 ft. by 3 in. thick, at £115 to £125 per mille ; 5 1-2 ft. by 2 1-2 inches thick, £90 to 495 per oe ; 5 1-2 ft. by 2 in. thick, £67 to £72 per mille. ———$—$—$—$_—$_ FIRM PRICES AT BOSTON. {Correspondence of the Canapa LUMBERMAN.] Ata meeting of the spruce manufacturers held in Boston on February 11th, it was voted to maintain the combination prices made in the fall on all sizes of spruce, and to raise the price on laths, 13 inch to $3.15, and 14 inch to $3.00. Reports from all ‘the spruce-pro- ducing sections indicate that the cut of logs will not be as large as was anticipated, owing to the poor conditions for logging and lack of snow. Until within a short time there has been but very little snow in the northern section of Maine, New Hampshire and Ver- mont, and these conditions must necessarily make a short season and smaller stock of logs. The trade from the retail yards in this section is very light. They are only buying what stock they need for an assortment, and the most of them are carrying very small stocks. The outlook for building is not very encouraging, as there is but very little new work in sight, which will result in a light trade for the next two months. What few mills that are sawing this winter are disposing of their output at good prices, and the feeling is general that with the open- ing of spring the trade will start up ona good basis of prices and a good demand. Prices rule about as follows : HEMLOCK. Matched hemlock boards....--+++1 +05 $ to $20 00 Pennsylvania dimension. .....++++++-+- 16.00 ‘ 17.00 FBaastern... ccc cers cere rterenseceesese “* 16co with the usual advance for over 16 ft. Eastern boards...-.--e+eeesseeeeereres 16.00 ‘* 17.00 ING: he siccke Dicieie vlasniole elela\e pustantuelnincarainiwinrs 1450 “* 15.50 Pianed one side and matched....-.-.. 17.09 “* 18.00 Pennsylvania boards, No. 1,8, 10 and Ted AIR tvsc¥aynlorl ele are aPofolecle: w/e (efatetayaye\s"eIeTeel 19.00 ‘f 20,00 No. 1, 10 feet ...--. +2 cess ere eee eeees 17.00 Planed and matched.......++-++-+++55 18.00 “* PINE Uppers, 1 ite... cee ce cere ener ee seee $58.00 to $60.00 194 tO ZUM. seeeeecre rece ec eeeeeeees 60.00 *§ 62.00 Zand 4in...-.-.teeeeee ee veneer eres 70.00 ** Selects, 1 tO qi... eis ee eee e eee eee sees 52.00 ‘f 68.00 Fine common, I tO 3 1M... . +++ e seer ees 48.00 ‘* 6200 Sheathings.....ssenreeecseeeereeceres 40.02 ‘* 56.00 Barn boards....sseeeeec sees cere cneres 30.02 '* 32.00 Coffin boards. .....0++eeeereerneee nee 26.09 ** CANADA ATLANT - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OvereND, Foreign Freight Trade, Montreal. Agent, 414 Board SPRUCE. Spruce boards are especially firm, with $22 mentioned as the price for planed one side and matched : Frames, 9 inch and under....-.+++s++eseesreres $17.00 ro and 12 in. dimensionS.....--.eeseeeere erence 19.09 ro and 12in. random, 10 ft. and up long.....-..- 18.50 2X3, 2X 4,2x5,2%6,2x7 and 3x4, 10 feet ANA Up «> vce «felsinietn/ojelevainld ole elaisvele etm \n)¥is/niajele vy 15-00 All other random, g in. and under .....----+-+++* 16.50 Merchantable boards planed one side.....---.-+ 15 00 Out boards planed one side. .....+.++-eereereeee 12.00 Furring, 1x2, 1x 2% and 1x3 planed OME SIGE... 0s edavevessecsereoucee 13-02 to $13.50 HARDWOODS. Whitewood, one inch......+.+++-+++ $ to $ 37.00 Mhicker Wipe eeeais's fe sels Matta eter 41.00 CVA CEMA NOACe maura depcrutbocs 34.00 Saps, inch.....0.+2-++ ees ceeeees 28.00 30.00 Comunion i086 Pi cies 2 clvine ot aa aioe 25.06 28.00 Quartered oak........-+++eeese seers 70.00 80.00 Fancy Oak......2.scceceessrerceers 100.00 Plain Odes. s.ccacinia «cance om) eylae ere 35.09 45:00 Aish 5,5 Bevaie ete geld sola ctoialesetaiatey Melony $ to $ 46.00 Cherry... so dsc cence c cece eestenenes 90.00 130.00 Maple........«- PnGe sobnoesorcrans 30-00 40.00 Sycamore, quartered inch.....-...--- 40.00 50-00 Wallautt occ ceieiecs sis nines civeie saline oes 100.00 CLAPBOARDS. Clapboards are in quiet request, with the market steady : Pine, clear........ .sscessees Pine, 2nd clear. SHINGLES. Shingles are firm, with eastern manufac- turers asking higher prices : Extra cedar, best brands.......-+++0+++5 $ $3.15 Clear cedar. .......ccssacces coscesrnes mos “* zo and clear cedar......+--sseeeseenerereee 2.10 “* 2.25 Clear white ....c00.ceccnceccecnectarers 2.00 xtra Nosed waite vic ee een eteedmeecnsy 1.50 Oregon ...--seeee creer sseeeraeaeneee 2.50 ‘* 3-50 Latu.—Laths are steady : 15% inch, $3-153 1d inch, $3. Boston, Feb. 17th, 1900. —— Mr. E. M. Allen, of 72 Trinity place, New York, has been appointed agent in America for Messrs. Irvin & Sellers, importers of timber products, Liverpool, England. ———_—_—_$—_ H. Fawcett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, nCs DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. | WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. HD. WICGIN sosrau tess 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WY AN Te Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F. Stengel “°strraco, ye” WANTED TO PURCHASE Abandoned Sawmills Boilers, Machinery or other Scrap Iron Market is now on top and a good time to realize on old outfits. Write me particulars. JCHN WILCOCK, 1S oa MONTREAL iC RAILWAY . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TOEONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W.P. Hinton. Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smirn General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. FEBRUARY 21, I1§00 ——— SOUTH AFRICA 4 Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they can supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, “‘ Casket,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. 1 lee a PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY © Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. | Neth Tone VOUNWMS Cable Address, ‘‘ SwAN DonoGH—TONAWANDA. Lumberman’s Code. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘* Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. ; BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. we, & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s elting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montrealand Toronto. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Thos. Forrester Co., Montreal, Que. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. ORY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. ; Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Cope & Sons, A. L., Cope’s Falls, Ont. Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. 7 ACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Kentville, N.S. Saginaw, Mich. Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Mowry & Sons, B. R., Gravenhurst, Ont. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY The Jenckes Machine Co. , Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Polson Iron Works Co., Toronto, Ont. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES ; Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS E.R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. . Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. “ISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont Cordage, Indep*ndent Cordage Co., Tor nto, Driving Calks, James S. Neill, Fredericton, NB Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co. , Chicago, I \ Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, On Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. , Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York Toronto. | ; 7 Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Burns, CANADA [UMBERMA WEEKLY FDITIO BERMAN. lL The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.oo per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vo.. VI. TORONTO, ONT., FEBRUARY 28, 1900 No. 6, WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of t5 cents per line each insertion. When four Or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. AND SAW FILER OPEN FOR ENGAGE- ment. Best references. Box 333, CANADA LuM- SAFES FOR SALE OR TRADE HE UNDERSIGNED HAS TWO LARGE Herring Safes; one is extra large, fitted with steel ‘burglar proof vault. Will sell for cash or trade for Lumber, Shingles or Lath. Address, M. M. Smitu, North Tonawanda, N.Y. FOR SALE. ACRES MIXED TIMBER, INCLUD- 1,40 Cedar and Elm, for sale, Township of Monmouth, near Tory Hill Station, on the Irondale, Bancroft & Ottawa Railway For price and further particulars apply to J. J. GARTSHORE, 83 Front Street West, Toronto. MILL SITES HE CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY IN- vites correspondence from anyone having in view the erection ofa Wood-Working Mill. A number of excellent locations can be pointed out for Hardwood Mills where a very large supply of Birch, Elm, Ash, Maple, etc , is available, with a ready market reached quickly and cheaply. Address, W. P. Hinton, A. G. F. A., Ottawa. 2 SALE OF Valuable Timber Limits BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT TORONTO By C. J. Townsend & Co., 28 King Street West. ON THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1900 At 2 o’cloek P.M. The following Timber Licenses : ON LAKE NIPISSING. No. 212, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 5, in ‘Township of Patterson. Area, 2534 square miles, more or less. : ON FRENCH RIVER. No. 214, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 16, Township of Falcorer, sale of October 22nd, 1885, known as No. it, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Area, 36 square miles, more or less. ON VERMILLION RIVER, A BRANCH OF THE SPANISH. No. 215, of season 1899-1g00, being berth No. 22, Township of Dowling, sale of October 22nd, 1885, known as No. £7, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, .872. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day ofsale. Easy terms tu purchasers who may be deemed responsible by the vendor and who may arrange therefore prior to sale. 4 The abovetimber berths are exceptionally easy of access. Supplies can be placed at very low cost on any of the berths, either during the winter or summer months. The average haul is very short. timbered wi h white and red pine. On berth No. 5, Patterson, there is also a fine cut of many millions of large hemlock logs and railway ties. Berth No. .6, Township of Falconer, has never been cut on. q Each berth will be s-Id separately. Explorers can reach Townships of Patterson and Falconer in a few hours from either North Bay or ‘Sturgeon Falls. Township of Dowling can be reached from Larch- wood or Onaping, on C. P.R., which traverses this The berths are well For further particulars apply to ALEXANDER FRASER, the vendor, at 74 Nepean Street, Ottawa, Ont. ? ANTED IN CAR LOTS, NORWAY PINE, 5/4, dry, first and second quality ; quote price. Address THe Canapa Lapper Co., Limitep, Leam- ington, Ont. SAWYER WANTED T QNCE. ONE ACCUSTOMED TO CUT- ting hardwood lumber and staves and heading. Apply to J. E. Murrxy, Hepworth Station, Ont. SAW MILI. SITE OOD SAW MILL SITE ON SOUTH END of the Georgian Bay, near Midland ; extensive Lumber Docks, Houses, Store Buildings, etc., water power. Tue Muskoka Mitt anp LumBer Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine ico h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x too ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shop, House, Barn, etc.; 400 acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber near by. For particulars, address ALLEN CrEssmAn, Berlin, Ont. Valuable Timber Berth BY AUCTION TOWNSHIP 139, NORTH SHORE OF LAKE HURON The undersigned has received instructions to offer for sale by auction, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on THURSDAY, MAY 3RD, 1900, im- meuiately after the sale of Cook and Brothers’ limits, Timber Berth 39. north shore of Lake Huron (being 36 square miles, more or less). For terms and conditions of sale, and for all par- ticulars, apply to Geo. H. Perley, Ottawa. PETER RYAN, Toronto. AUCTION SALE Timber Berth Nos. 124, 125 and .182 (86 square miles each), North Shore of Lake Huron, Province of Ontario. I have been instructed to offer for sale by auction the above Timber Berths, in single berths, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Torcnto, on Wednesday, April 48th at 2.30 p.m. Terms :—Half cash at the time of sale, and the balance in six months, with intere-t at six per cent. Berths 125 and 132 are excellent Pine Limits, and are also heavily timbered with other valuable woods. Berth 124 has been cut over, but has considerable Pine and a large quantity of other standing timber. PETER RYAN, Toronto, \ X JANTED—Grezn Hard Maple Squares 6% in. x 6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. BERMAN Box 24, CANAvA LuM- \ KJ ANTED—25 M FEET B M; CLEAR $TOCK, maple squares, 1” x 1x 42”; must be free from knots, rot, heart, black marks, shake or check put up in bundles of 25 tied with lath yarn. Quote f.o.b shipping point. N. B. Wiikes, Brantford, Canada. WANTED. es ENGLISH FIRM ENQUIRES IF ANY shippers could supply fir or spruce props for mining purposes in large quantities c.i.f. Tyne, Hartle- pool or Hull, by steamers or sailers. Further particu- lars as to sizes, etc., by addressing “* TimpeR Mer- CHANT, ” care of this paper. VALUABLE TIMBER LIMIT By Public Auction At the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on TUESDAY, APRIL 10, at 2 p. m. The undersigned has been instructed to offer for sale, at the above time and place, subject to the conditions which will be announced at the time of sale, Timber Berth TOWNSHIP OF MACKENZIE Being about 80 Square Miles. This township is one of the best timbered berths in the province, is well watered, and easily operated. For further particulars, apply to the Detta LumBer Com- PANY, Detroit, or to PETER RYAN, Toronto. AUCTION SALE Important and Extensive Sale by Auction of VALUABLE Timber Berths, Ete. On the Ottawa River and its tributaries in the Pro- vinces of Quebec and Ontario ; at the Rotunda of the Board of Tiade, Toronto, at 2 p.m., TUES- DAY, APRIL 10TH, 1g00. R. H. Klock & Co., of Klock, Ont., will offer for sale by public auction, at the above time and place, subject to the terms and conditions whi h will be an- nounced at the time of sale, the following timber berths under license from the Crown ; said licenses in- clude the right to cut all timber on the berths subject to the regulati ns of the Crown Lands Department of the resp-ctive Provinces, namely :— QUEBEC. Kippewa Berth, 226% miles, and composed of berths Nos. 176, 177, 444, 445, 446, 447- Block A— Quinze Berth, 6134 miles ; No. 5 Rangex. Block A, Quinze Berth, 150 miles, composed of berths Nos. 5, 6, 7, range 3. All the above limits are in the Province of Quebec, a~ shown on the official map of that Province. North Temiscamingue, Indian Reserve, Pr vince of Quebec. Area about 60 square miles, as shown on official map of the Province of Quebec and held under license from Dominion Government and subject to timber regulations of Department of Interior. ONTARIO. Deep River, 1¢¥% miles, held under license 178, 1899-190. Chalk River, 19 miles, held under license 177, 1899-1900. Rocky Farm, Oitawa River, 1co square miles, held under lice se 176, 1899-1900, For further particulars apply to R. H. KLOCK & CO., Klock, Ont., and JOHN GRAY, Room 100, Canada Life Building, Toronto, Canada. WE HAVE 300,000 FEET OF VERY GOOD Beech Logs which we wish to cut to order. Signed, Joun Harrisov & Sons Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. PIANOS OF THE BEST MAKES FOR SALE GHEAP ~AN MAKE SHIPMENTS DIRECT FROM factories Will sell for cash or trade for equal value in any kind of Lumber, Lath or Shingles. Ad dress, FRANK D. Ross, 738 Trumbull Ave., Detroit Mich. To Limit Holders HE TOWN OF MANITOWANING, ON THE inside channel of Grand Manitoulin Island, in direct and easy water communication with the timber limits of Algoma, offers superior inducements to lumber companies intending to establish works in this part of Canada. The best natural advantages obtainable any- where. Further information upon application to W. J. Tucker, Secretary Citizens’ Committee, Manitowan- ing, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. That white pine lumber prices will re- main at the present basis well into the summer months is the view generally ad- varced by the Inumber trade of the Georgian Bay district. Manufacturers in attendance at the annual meeting of the Lumbermen’s Association last week were almost unanimous on two points, first, that prices have now reached their height, and, secondly, that there will be no gen- eral reduction in prices for at least three months to come. After that time no one would predict what course the trade might take. Price lists of the new cut have been compiled, and compare very closely with the prices now asked for dry stock. It has been learned that in Algoma the weather has been less favorable for logging operations than in other parts of Western Ontario. The report from the Ottawa Valley is that very good work is being done in the woods. Prices in that district are unchanged excepting mill cull stock, which has advanced about one dollar per thousand. Exception has been taken to the prices given in last issue at which certain grades of pine were being sold in the Toronto market. It should be explained that these figures were intended as the maximum prices, which could only be obtained for the grades of some of the large t Georgian Bay mills. Mill cull sidings, for instance, were Said to be selling at $14.50, and inch mill cull stocks at $15.50. The average quotation for these grades, however, is perhaps fiully one dollar less than these figures. It is impossible to give quotations which will represent the price at which all manufacturers sell certain grades, as, owing to the absence of uniform inspection the grade of one manufacturer may be much higher than that of another, and consequently a higher price will be paid for his stock. Since last issue we cannot learn of any weakening in prices of pine or hardwood lumber, shingles or laths. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The purchase by a Montreal shipper of the entire cut of white pine of a well- known manufacturer is the most import- ant event of the past week. Although the actual figures have not been made Ee public, it is generally admitted that the price is a further substantiation of the strength of the market. Manufacturers in Quebec and the Maritime provinces report enquiries for stock from the Eastern States, and liberal offers are being made. Clapboards, which have long been lifeless, are showing some improvement, extra spruce bringing $29 to $30 and clear spruce $27 to $28 on Boston rate of freight. A correspondent, in the monthly edition, gives interesting information regarding the production of lumber in New Brunswick. It it shown that the cut by portable mills will be considerable, but that manufacturers generally are looking for higher prices. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, The annual meeting of the Western Retail Lumbermen’s Association being held in Winnipeg last week, most of the dealers put business aside for the time being. Reports go to show, however, that there is a considerable demand for lumber at good prices. Snow has fallen in the Lake of che Woods district and through- out Western Manitoba. This has facili- tated work in the woods and stimulated trade generally. The British Columbia mills are pressed with orders. It is said that fifteen vessels have been chartered to load lumber at the Chemainus mills for foreign destinations. The higher prices put into effect recently are being freely paid. UNITED STATES. Retail dealers and consumers in the Eastern States have not yet commenced to buy for their spring requirements, but it 1s admitted that ere long they will be compelled to yield. It is not believed that there will be any decline in lumber prices for several months tocome. The eastern wholesale dealers are apparently reconciled to this view, as quite heavy purchases have been made by them at upper lake producing points. In the upper Mississippi district the log crop is likely to be 25 per cent. less than was anticipated at the beginning of the season. Of the prospective lumber production in the Duluth district, there has been sold Over 100,000,000 feet, or about 25 per cent. of the total production. The buik of the sales made consists of low grade stock, and much of it is for shipment to eastern distributing markets. Prices have ruled about as follows: No. 4 boards, $12; No. 3, $14; No. 2, $16; No. 1, $18; D stock and better, $30 to $31 ; No. 1 stock and better, $33 to $35. Buffalo and TonaWanda dealers held a joint meeting on the 17th inst., but it was decided to take no decisive step on the price question as yet. It seems to be generally under- stood, however, that there will soon be an advance in the price of low grade pine. Hardwood prices remain at about the same basis. In Michigan the hardwood production for the present winter will be about 75 per cent. of what it was one year ago, divided as follows: Ash, 40 per cent.; elm, 70 ; basswood, 60 ; birch, 75; maple, 75; red oak, 60 ; and beech, 125 per cent. On the other hand, it is estimated that in Wisconsin the cut will equal if not exceed that of one year ago. ; Lath prices keep firm. In Chicago No. 1 dry white pine lath sells at $4.50, and at Buffalo and Tonawanda from $4.50 to $5. In the New England States spruce lath is quoted at $3. Although the demand for shingles is not active, prices are steady. The stock of shingles in Michigan at the present time Is not believed to exceed 25 per cent. of that of one year ago, this being true of both 16 and 18 inch pine and cedars. FOREIGN. Prices of wood goods in the British market have shown no important changes within the past week. The stock of deals and battens at the leading importing centers is steadily becoming reduced, but there is some fear that the present high prices may result in a falling off of con- sumption. At recent auction sales prices have been well maintained. Consumers are each day becoming more convinced that the present prices are likely to rule for some time to come, and as a result are (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. showing a greater disposition to contract for their requirements. s Lumber is in good demand in the West Indies. At Barbados white pine is selling at $22.50 per thousand for first quality, and $17 for second quality. Spruce of first quality brings $19.50, and spruce scantling $14. Gaspe cedar shingles are quoted at $3.50, cedar laying at $2.40, and spruce laying at $2.27. NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. The New Brunswick shingle market remains unchanged. There are a few sales being recorded at standard values. There is some little inquiry awakening in the country districts, mostly for the lower grades. The city dealers are still quite lethargic. There is no doubt as to the firmness of the market. The fact that the manufacturers have gone through two such quiet months as the last without any price cutting shows very clearly that they are abso- lutely determined to maintain present prices, and it is also a strengthening element of the situation. Spring trade is apparently going to be slow in starting this year, for the reason that the majority of the dealers bought quite largely last autumn, and have as a consequence fair stocks on hand. The early demand, therefore, will likely be for clears and 2nd clears for the country trade. As the Pacific coast shingles are firm at $3.20 on Boston rates New Bruns- wick cedars are sure to have the call when business opens. Quotations are as follows, delivered at Boston: Extras, $3.10 to $3.15; clears, $2.65 to $2.75; 2nd clears, $2.15 to $2.25; saps, $2.10 to $2.20, 1m mixed cars. Straight cars of extras are being sold at $3.00, but we hear of absolutely nothing lower. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. [Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.] There is a lull in the lumber business in this center at present, but the lumbermen are confident that they are approaching a season of great activity. No further large sales are reported, and it is understood that the mill owners are holding off for even higher prices, beleiving that the cut of some of the mills will be short, as the winter operations are restricted by the recent unsatisfactory weather. Should this be the case, foreign buyers will be com- pelled to raise their figures, and the mill owners now holding out will profit by the position they have taken. Although the winter on the whole has been a rather poor one for lumbering operations, reports from various limits would indicate that the work of getting out the logs is progressing favorably. Many of the mills last season cut all the logs in stock, so that they must neces- sarily depend on the supply now being taken off the limits. A reliable authority places the probable increase of the coming’summer’s cut over last season’s at 20 per cent., or about 1,000,000 feet. J. Kk. Booth, Gilmour & Hugh- son and other extensive manufacturers worked their mills to their utmost capacity last year, and cannot increase their cut this year, hence the increase will not be as great as present indications might seem to show. One proof of the extent of the present bush operations is seen in the fact that the Hull Axe Company is unable to keep up with orders. The output of this factory is 12 dozen axes per day, but this does not more than partially satisfy the extra demand made by the Ottawa firms. Ottawa dealers in lumbermen’s supplies, clothing, provisions, etc., also report a greatly increased trade with the camps. Mr. A. E. Dyment, M. P., of Thessalon, Ont., has arrived in the Capital for the session. Mr. Dyment, who represents Algoma, states that the lumbering operations in the Georgian Bay district are unusually active. From another reliable source it is learned that the increase is even greater than it is in the Ottawa valley, amounting to fully 4o per cent. The output of square timber by Ottawa firms for the English market this coming season will, according to official figures, be only 400,000 cubic feet. In 1889 the amount sent over was 5,000,000 feet, showing in eleven years the surprising decrease of 92 per cent. Ottawa lumbermen now find it much more profitable to manufacture the square timber in their own mills into board lengths and sizes. The Eng- lish trade in these has increased in proportion to the decrease in the demand for square timber. Gilmour & Hughson, a firm that formerly cut a large quantity of deals for the English market, will this year cut none, con- fining themselves to cutting thinner stock. In manufacturing the timber into board sizes themselves, the Ottawa mill men find there is little or no waste, while the English market can be supplied with even more satisfaction. McKee & Co., of Ottawa, dealers in mill men’s supplies, report that inquiries based on the coming senson’s operations are numerous, indicating the probability of increased activity. _Mr. E. C. Grant, of the Ottawa Lumber Company, has just returned from a prolonged visit in the British Isles. Mr. Grant reports that the prospects for an increased trade with the British market were never better. As yet few American or English buyers have put in an appearance in Ottawa, but it is expected they will shortly arrive. Hurdman & Elmitt, the Rideau Lumber Co., and other firms interested in the wholesale lumber business, report that the market remains firm, with no marked demand for any special lines. Pine box culls have advanced from $13 to $14 per thousand for best stock, and pine mill culls have advanced from $11 to $12 for best grade. Lath, sidings and strips show no advaace, the same applying to hardwood. J. O. D. Latour & Co., a firm operating a line of towing and passenger boats on the Kippewa, are endeavoring to sell out the business, which is a flourishing one. OTTawa, February 26th, 1900. LARGE LUMBER PURCHASE. Mr. E. H. Lemay, wholesale lumber mer- chant, of Montreal, has just closed a contract with McLachlin Bros., of Arnprior, Ont., for the purchase of their entire production of white pine to be cut during the ensuing season. It is understood that this will be about 65,000,000 feet, and the transaction represents a consider- ation of about $1,000,000. The lumber manufactured by McLachlin Bros. is second to none in Canada or the United States, and is noted for its fine appearance, smooth sawing, and the splendid way in which it is butted. These considerations have made for it name in the British market. The above firm have also gained a reputation for the careful manner in which they handle their lumber and protect it from the weather. The bulk of the pine pur- chased will be exported to Great Britain and the United States. As previously announced, Mr. Lemay has secured the pine deal contract for the road de- partment of the city of Montreal. The deals required for this work are all t1 inches wide, and will probably reach in quantity about 2,000,000 feet. THE LIVERPOOL MARKET. The arrivals from British North America during the past month, says Farnworth & Jardine, of Liverpool, have been 5,070 tons register, against 3,320 tons register during the corresponding month last year, and the aggre- gate tonnage to this date from all places during the years 1898, 1899 and 1900 has been 21,739, 15,487, and 15,752 tons respectively. The business of the past month has been steady, with little fluctuation in values to report. The arrivals have been fairly moderate, the de- liveries gencrally satisfactory, and stocks all round are comparatively light. Owing to the strong advance in values demanded for Cana- dian woods little progress up to the present has been made in contracting for next season. Pine TiMBER.—Of WaANEY the deliveries have been fairly satisfactory, and the stock is now very light. Values are firm, and for next season much higher prices are quoted. SQUARE continues in limited request, and the stock is sufficient. RED PINE: There is little enquiry; the stock is small. Oak: There has been rather more enquiry, and values are firmer; the deliveries have been fair, but stocks, though not heavy, are sufficient for present requirements. ELM is in a strong position, prices high, and the stocks light. Asu is in limited demand and there is very little in stock. PriNE DEaLs have moved off more freely, there has been more enquiry, and considerable sales have been made from yarded stocks at improved values. The stock, how- ever, is still large, but consists chiefly of odd- ments. Rep Ping Dsats continue in good request at firm prices. New Brunswick AND Nova SCOTIA Wanted lor Export ALL KINDS OF LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. FEBRUARY 28, 1g00 SprucE AND PINE DEALS.—The import amounts to 1,800 standards, about the same as corresponding month last year. The deliveries have been fairly large, and stocks being further reduced, are now in a moderate compass. There is no change in value to report. As shippers’ ideas are very firm, contracting in this market has been slow, though a few con- tracts have been negotiated. PINE DEALS have improved in value ; stocks are fair. Bircu.—From St. John, N.B., by steamer, has been imported freely ; there has been a good consumption at steady values, but the stock has increased, and is now sufficient. PLANKS: There has been a large import, but coming on practically a bare market, has met ready sale at fair prices. Stocks are not large, but further supplies are about due. The sales during the past month have been as follows: BircH TIMBER.—ST. JOHN 14% inches average, at 1834d. per cubic foot ; 1 1/4 inches average, at 181/2d. per cubic foot. PLANKS at about £8 12/6 per standard c. i. f. QueBEc PINE DgaLs.—3rd quality Odd- ments at £8 14/- per standard. SPRUCE DEALS.—ST. JOHN, £7 15/- to 48 per standard c.i.f. Following are current quotations : Per Foot. White pine, Quebec square wood..... 1s 3dto2s 4d us Waney board.......-...- 2s 2d to zs 10d 1 St. John, r8-in. average.. 18 6dtozs 2d " 1 Dalhousie, etc.......-- . is odto1is 4d Red pine..... ofa « « teckel 1s 5d to 1s rod Oak, rst quality. . 2s gdto3s od 2nd qualit 1s 6d to 2s Wilgis sence as 5d to 2s 10d Ash . Sc. . 1s 6dtoz2s od Whitewood . xs 4dto1s1od Birch, St. Job. «:). 1 in., 4,5 acd 7 in. wide... 46 00] x in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 40 00 GR AWideseev-mcnysamenae ln. 51. 48 oo | 6in. wide. ............... 48 00 ; FINE COMMON OR Cc. rin., 4, By iWAS Gv. .< 32 00/ 1} in., 4,5 in. wide........ 35 00 Wein wOlne Widens te 36 50 InsghONe Wider ean ean 36 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. r\in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 30 oo | rin., 4,5, 6 in. wide ........ 25 00 BARN, BOARDS OR STOCKS. UN Ou xis GLIA E areele craysiesaters) isc ale. ISIC FIC INEM ORAM RENE oe Meee ToS Vin Sey. Ondo uth SonOMOeN Sand gins. 26) <0- QUI leresloneisinleye) tetas ele) os0.0 = INOW Tekst cena eee eee 8 and 7 in FE O[ Lin cales sleveinints eee tere No. 2, 12in Hl Gomer anaes nin aie MOV h eteiar eter © 6 on + Bites ferelalvatsisiira Sores mnie or SHIPPING CULLS OR EOX. tin., 4 and 5 in. wide «...... $16 00 | 1 in., 13 m. and up wide..... $17 50 rin., 6in. wide............. 16.o|1%,1% and in., 7 in. and tin., 7 in. wide and up...... 17, c? Up wide.n....<. Parma ake 17 59 i _, SHAKY CLEAR. tin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 25 00 | 1 in., 10 in. and up wide..... 28 00 PUM OMT WIC. e1c:<) cic erence 27 co| t&%, 1% and in., 8in. and up WAG Cio ctcteteyntatefayeraisiaiesrainicia 28 oo SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 25 | Standard brands, river made, GEA Bubs. csc cccocotence 275 3.0.0, i seein een Nig 3 50 CleareRcitts wey nee ae 3 00 WHITE PINE LATH. INOnti eeprom eee Oe. ems ING: ‘2a shhcs Spe Meee 3 25 Edemloce jincive eae eee 275 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE, Uppers; gutteple esate $ $70] 1x12 inchshippers......... $ $23 EAT BER cork nets See ag 70 | 4/4 inch cs 13” & up. 23 AOA hagen cape 55 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” and up .. 20 4 inch uppers ...... 72 | r0-in. dressing and better... 28 34 Selects, 2% in. up 60 | r0-In. common ............- 21 AO Ra We cet bad on -nepacer 45 | 12-in. dressing and better... 32 36 Fine common, 2% in. and up 50 55 | Common, rxi2............ 21 REO 2M Nien cragvia-oe etree 40 46] No. 1x barn, rx12 30 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch 37 THILO wetclalcelaiaisissteieis ote ae 27 32 LMA an ae em ee 25 26 | No. 2 barn, 1x12 25 40 EXIO} = oratniainte stele cisteniete wie 25 31 LE ic SoA POPE ESOS IADR EA 23 34 | Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4in...... 28 32 35 oF fo 2 ICH tease 34 Shelving boards, 12-in. pi -5 32) 36 Dressings «so rschenne he Zieh as Dressing boards, narrow. 25 Commonay..s sete eee 22 22 1xrg inch shippers......... 23 é LATH. AME Waele. ee ciate aoe ee 3;'S0) [KSpruce’s see. a7 acae eee $3 50 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 6 25 Clear butts .......... 37003 25) |"emlock- itchy ecccwe 215 Smooth, 6x18....... 5) 00) (5 SO bSpriice!./..,2 noanetene 2 20 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Up’rs, 1,14%,14%and 2 Dressing 1% in...... 33 00 Il cine eeitow nee $57 58 00 14x10 and 12...... 35 00 2¥% and 3 in....... CI) Greil | acre ART AR We Nee ln * 35 co qe vai siete vss degedood TiEWOO) | OSAMA re sale arcle oreca seas 35 60 Selects, 1 to2 in..... 50 09] Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 2% and 3 in....... 60 00 and up, zin...... 36 09 AAD ictessiteincre ecspeieternyo 66 co| Mold st’ps No. 1 to 2 Fine common, 1 in.,up Ni eee a Ae aa eee 32 00 40 00 to 12 in. wide.... 38 00 42 00 Barn, No.1, 12 in..... 28 00 14% and 1¥ in..... 40 00 42 00 6, 8and roin...... 22 00 i 42 00| No. 2, roin........ 20 50 55 co Not 2yir2tinse eee 22 09 i 60 00 No. 3, 10 and 12 in. 20 50 Cut’g up, No. x, 1 in. 30'00)|" Boxy, TK Asian cents Mee 17 00 WA TOE Slanear Asod 30 co i X/O}LO 2M. eee 19 co OMe Si eonca aT 22 co DSOLGVEOuE QI snare 20 00 No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 3000! «izYWandi1¥in...... 20 00 No. 3,1% & 1% in 26 co! Mill Culls, 1, 1%, 1% INO} inten 26 Oc andi 2tines| stpiee T5 00 16 50 LATH. 1% inch No. x white pine ....$5 00 1% inch No. x Norway....... 4 09 OS ML MNEOY corde cee omacloe 4 50/1 1 No. 1 whitr pine .... 4 00 1% inch N». 2 white pine ....$4 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying price at Buffalo and Tonawanda : WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, x inch, : 309 09 32 00 5 34 00 38 00 1 OVA iam Gone B4O0 | FORGO Ottipsi sense eee 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls....... I2 00 14 ou ‘ BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ist & and, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & ist &2nd, white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 00 py hed eter alte. 28 90 30 00| Com & good culls..... IO 00 12 00 ELM. 1st & 2d,rock, 6in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | ast & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 20 00 22 co : MAPLE. tt & ad, hard,6in. & upr8 co 2000 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in.& up, 18 00 20 00 GG OAR ARAM ecin tine mann me nn inane nnn nennannmenndnnwensnanednnarcuansonseddaccceaceon, imei \ RE. ONTARIO HARDWOOD LUMBERMEN'S ASSOCIATION To Hardwood Manufacturers and Dealers : 1. Are you in favor of a Hardwood Lumbermen’s Association for the province of Ontario ? 2. Would you attend a meeting for this purpose to be held in Toronto at a convenient CMe Beat. ‘ f Suggestions Kindly fill in this form and return immediately to the The CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont Publishers of — ‘ —j Ee 3 e+ . . . a2. J Woe a at 4 r ye e of i a “* a ! ary . a ee 4 i | =. ‘ ‘ 4 ; d a y a . ' a a ‘ = ¥ ?. < - in, , wanna ROSH ERA RAAT seo eye SS ee SP eee eee ee % ir’ pa Pv. ee oe b non ahee assaamaesr 3 o'" 3 > Va —) - ess CARER EAS She ee ag ADP rel or EE as » = ~~ s i} ¢ : : _ fin ee me t : | | ieee E: eee ean renner ree wen ee, er ee ee A SS SS SS SS SS SS SSS SSS SS 2 CANADA |UMBERMAN. WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} st.oo per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. VI. TORONTO, ONT., MARGH 7, 1900 No. 7, WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of t5 cents per line each insertion. When four ‘or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. tia SALE—A quantity of 1, 2 and 3 inch Birch. Geo. Epcincton, Edgington, Ont. AND SAW FILER OPEN FOR ENGAGE. ment. Bestreferences. Box 333, CanaDA Lum- BERMAN. . . SAFES FOR SALE OR TRADE HE UNDERSIGNED HAS TWO LARGE Herring Safes ; one is extra large, fitted with steel Will sell for cash or trade for burglar proof vault. Lumber, Shingles or Lath. Address, M. M. Smitu, North Tonawanda, N.Y. FOR SALE. ACRES MIXED TIMBER, INCLUD- 1,40 ar and Elm, for sale, Township of fonmouth, near fom fy Station, on the Irondale, Bancroft & Ottawa Railway. For price and further oe anole to J. 4 Gartsuore, 83 Front Street est, Toronto. : WANTED. OWELS, (BEECH, MAPLE AND BIRCH) 32 in. x 2/8 in., 15/3> in. and 8/16 in. 36 in. x 8/16 in., 9/x6in., 5/8 in. and 3/4 in. Address, stating price per 1,000, to “* DowEL,”’ CANADA LuMBERMAN, Toronto. SALE OF Valuable Timber Limits BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT TORONTO By C. J. Townsend & Co., 28 King Street West. ON THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1900 At 2 o’clock P.M. The following Timber Licenses : ON LAKE NIPISSING. No. 212, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 5, in Township of Patterson. Area, 2514 square miles, more or less. ON FRENCH RIVER. No. 214, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 16, Township of Falconer, sale of October 22nd, 1885, known as No. 11, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Area, 36 square miles, more or less. ON VERMILLION RIVER, A BRANCH OF THE SPANISH. No. 215, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 22, Township of Dowling, sale of October 22nd, 1885, known as No. 87, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of sale. Easy terms to purchasers who may be deemed responsible by the vendor and who may arrange therefore prior to sale. The above timber berths are exceptionally easy of access. Supplies can be placed at very low cost on any of the berths, either during the winter or summer months. The average haul is very short. timbered a white and red pine. On berth No. 5, Patterson, there is also a fine cut of many millions of.large hemlock logs and railway ties. Berth No. 6, Township of Falconer, has never been cut on. Each berth will be s-ld separately. * _ Explorers can reach Townships of Patterson and Falconer in a few hours from either North Bay or Sturgeon Falls. we Township of Dowling can be reached from Larch- wood or Onaping, on C. P.R., which traverses this The berths are well For further particulars apply to ALEXANDER FRASER, the vendor, at 74 Nepean Street, Ottawa, Ont. ANTED IN CAR LOTS, NORWAY PINE, 5/4, dry, first and second quality ; quote price. Address THe Canapa Lapper Co., Limirep, Leam- ington, Ont. SAWYER WANTED T ONCE. ONE ACCUSTOMED TO CUT- ting hardwood lumber and staves and_ heading. Apply to J. E, Murpuy, Hepworth Station, Ont. To Limit Holders HE TOWN OF MANITOWANING, ON THE inside channel of Grand Manitoulin Island, in direct and easy water communication with the timber limits of Algoma, offers superior inducements to lumber companies intending to establish works in this part of Canada. The best natural advantages obtainable any- where. Further information upon application to W. J. Tucker, Secretary Citizens’ Committee, Manitowan- ing, Ont. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HIRTY-FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS BUYS Saw mill worth double this amount, if taken at once; 2 Boilers 120 h.p., Engine ico h.p., Iron Saw Frame, Three Block Carriage, 2 good Saws, Double Edger and Trimmer good as new, Slash Chain, all in good running order, run this season ; size of Mill, 30x zoo ft.; good Boiler House, Blacksmith Shep, House, Barn, etc.; 4oo acres of good Birch and Hemlock, also thousands of acres of timber near by. For particulars, address ALLEN Cressman, Berlin, Ont. Valuable Timber Berth BY AUCTION TOWNSHIP 139, NORTH SHORE OF LAKE HURON The undersigned has received instructions to offer for sale by auction, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on THURSDAY, MAY 3rD, 1900, im- mediately after the sale of Cook and Brothers’ limits, Timber Berth 139, north shore of Lake Huron (being 36 square miles, more or less), For terms and conditions of sale, and for all par- ticulars, apply to Geo. H. Perley, Ottawa. PETER RYAN, Toronto. AUCTION SALE Timber Berths Nos. 124, 125 and 182 (86 square miles each), North Shore of Lake Huron, Province of Ontario. I haye been instructed to offer for sale by auction the above Timber Berths, in single berths, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on Wednesday, April 18th at 2.30 p.m. Terms :—Half cash at the time of sale, and the balance in six months, with interest at six per cent. Berths 12s and 132 are excellent Pine Limits, and are also heavily timbered with other valuable woods. Berth 124 has been cut over, but has considerable Pine and a large quantity of other standing timber. PETER RYAN, Toronto. WE. HAVE 300,000 FEET OF VERY GOOD \ Beech Logs which we wish to cut to order. Signed, Joun Harrison & Sons Co., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. } must be free from knots, rot, heart, black marks, shake or check, put up in bundles of 25 tied with lath yarn. Quote f.o.b shipping point. N. B. Wiixes, Brantford, Canada. PIANOS OF THE BEST WAKES FOR SALE CHEAP C¥ MAKE SHIPMENTS DIRECT FROM factories Will sell for cash or trade for equal value in any kind of Lumber, Lath or Shingles. Ad arses) FRANK D. Ross, 738 Trumbull Ave., Detroit ich, VALUABLE TIMBER LIMIT By Public Auction At the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on TUESDAY, APRIL 10, at 2 p.m. The undersigned has been instructed to offer for sale, at the above time and place, subject to the conditions which will be announced at the time of sale, Timber Berth TOWNSHIP OF MACKENZIE Being about 80 Square Miles. This township is one of the best timbered berths in the province, is well watered, and easily operated. For further particulars, apply to the Detta Lumber Com- PANY, Detroit, or to PETER RYAN, Toronto. AUCTION SALE Important and Extensive Sale by Auction of VALUABLE Timber Berths, Ete. On the Ottawa River and its tributaries in the Pro- vinces of Quebec and Ontario ; at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, at 2 p.m., TUES- DAY, APRIL 10h, 1900. R. H. Klock & Co., of Klock, Ont., will offer for sale by public auction, at the above time and place, subject to the terms and conditions which will be an- nounced at the time of sale, the following timber berths under license from the Crown ; said licenses in- clude the right to cut all timber on the berths subject to the regulations of the Crown Lands Department of the respective Provinces, namely :— QUEBEC. 226% miles, and composed of berths Nos. 176, 177, 444, 445, 446, 447. Block A— Quinze Berth, 6144 miles ; No.5 Rangex. Block A, Quinze Berth, 150 miles, composed of berths Nos. 5, 6, 7, range 3. All the above limits are in the Province of Quebec, as shown on the official map of that Province. North Temiscamingue, Indian Reserve, Province of Quebec. Area about 60 square miles, as shown on official map of the Province of Quebec and held under license from Dominion Government and subject to timber regulations of Department of Interior. ONTARIO. Deep River, 1c}Z miles, held under license 178, 1899-1900. Chalk River, 19 miles, held under license 177, 1899-1900. Rocky Farm, Ottawa River, 100 square miles, held under lice se 176, 1899-1900. For further particulars apply to R. H. KLOCK & CO., Klock, Ont., and JOHN GRAY, Room 100, Canada Life Building, Toronto, Canada. Kippewa Berth, PROVINCE OF QUEBEC DEPARTMENT OF LANDS HURESTS AND FISHERIES WOODS AND FORESTS QUEBEC, 27th January, 1900. Notice is hereby given that, conformably to sections 1334, 1335 and 1336 of the consolidated statutes of the province of Quebec, the timber limits hereinafter men- tioned, at their estimated area, more or less, and in their present state, will be offered for sale at public auction, in the Department of Lands, Forests and Fisheries, in this city, on WEDNESDAY, THE 28th DAY OF MARGH NEXT, At Eleven 0’Clock a.m: ° Urrer Orrawa.—Block A, range 6th; % N. No. 1, 25m.; % S. No. 1, 25 m.; % N. No. 2, 25 m.; %S. No. 2,25m.; %N No. 3,25m.; % S. No. 3, *5m.; % N. No. 4. 25 m.;%S. No. 4, 25 m.; 4% N. No. 5» 25 my % S. No. 5,25m.; % N. No. 6, 25 m.; % S. No. ,25m. Block A, range 5: % N. No. 3,25 m ; %S. No. ay 25m.; % N. No. 4,25m.; %S. No. 4,25m.; %N. No. 5, 25 m.; %S. No. 5, 25 m.; % N. No. 6, 25 m.; ¥y S. No. 6, 25 m.; % N. No. 2, 25 m. Block A, range 4th: % N. No.1,25m.; %S. No. ts 25m.; %N. No. 2, 25 m.;%S. No. 2,25 m.; % N, 3,25m.; %S. No. 3, 25 m.; 4% N. No. 4, 25m.;% S, No. 4, 25 m.; 4% N.No. 5, 25m.; % S. No. 5, 25 m.$ ¥%N. No. 6,25 m.; % S. No. 6,25 m.; 4 N. No. 75 25 m.; 4S. No. 7, 25 m. Block A, range 3: %S. No. 12,25m.; % N. No. 12, 25 m.; Range 2: %4N. No. 12, 25 m. Orrawa RiveR.—No. 98, 50 m.; No. 99, so m. 3 No. -o0, 50 m.; No. ror,50 m.; No. 596, 1g m.; No. 57, Stag Creek, 8m.; No. 400, Lake Temiscamingue, 12% m.; No. 428, Lake Temiscamingue, 25m.; No. 366, Black River, 9 m. GaTINEAU RiverR.—No, 626, 35 m.; No. 622, 30m. ; No. 618, 46 m. ; No. 617, 56 m. ; No. 616, 3514 m. ; No. 625, 424% m. ; No. 624, 42% m. ; No. 623, 4634 m.; No. 621, 39% m. ; No. 620, 32m.; No. 619, 41% m. All that portion of limits Nos. 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 14, 22, 16, 43, 47s 52, 54, §5, Covering an area of about 245 miles, specially indicated on a mapof record in the Depart- ment of Lan‘s, Forests and Fisheries, copies of which are deposited in the Crown timber office at Hull. River Gatineau, 87 A, 11 m. Lower Orrawa.—Riviere du Lievre Branch N. E., No. 7, 3144 m. ; Riviere du Lievre, Branch N. E., No. 8, 27% m.; Lake Nemiskachingue, 25 m. ; township Wentworth No. 4, % m. Sarint Mavurice.—Marouan A. S. 50 m.; Rear Manouan A. S. 40 m. ; Rear Vermillion 7 N., 40 m.; Rear Vermillion B. N., 45 m. ; Rear Saint Maurice C., 25 m., Rear Saint Maurice D., 42 m. ; Rear Saint Maurice E., 50 m.; Rear Flamand x North, 26 m.; Rear Flamand 2 North, 50 m.; Rear Manonan, 2 South, 44 m. ; Manouan 3 North, 35 m. ; Rear Manouan 3 North, 30m. ; Rear Manouan 4 North, 30 m.; Manouan 4 North, 50 m.; Manouan8 South, so m.; Manouan 9g Scuth, 35 m. ; Rear Manouan C North, 50 m.; Rear Manouan D North 50 m. ; Pierriche x East, 25 m.; Bostonaais Islan?, ro m.; half Bostonnais 2 North, 25 m.; Bostonnias 3 North, 41 m.; River Saint Maurice No. 12 East, 40 m.; River Saint Maurice No. 13 East, 73 m.; River Windigo, No. 1 East, 50 m.; No. 2 East, 50 m.; No. 3 East, 50 m. ; No. 4 East, som. ; No. 5 East, 6214 m.; No. 1 West, 42 m. ; No. 2 West, 54m. ; No. 3 West, 55 m.; No. 4 West, 57 m. ; River Grande Pierriche No. 1, 42 m.; River Petite Pierriche, No. 1, 20 % m., River Petite Pierriche, N». 2,50m.; River Windigo branch N. E., No. 1, 47% m.; River Windigo, branch N. E., No. 2, 40 m.; River Trenche No. 3 West, 50 m.; N . 4 West, 50 m ; No. 5 West, 62 m. ; No. 6 West, 50m.; No. 3 Bast, om.; No. 4 East, 50 m,; No. 5 East, 59 m. , No. 6 East, 50 m. ; Riviere Croche, No. 5 West, 46 m. ; Riviere Croche, No. 5 East, 50 m. ; Riviere Croche 6, 1644 m. ; Rear Mattawin No. 3 South, 50 m. Gaspe CenTRE.—Rear Dartmouth North, 35 m.; blocks 12 and residue of ro, rr, 14 and 15, 22 m.; residue 1G eS — of blocks 15 and 17, 10 m.; blocks 13, 23 and 24, 10% m. ; block 21, 8m. ; block 22, 8m. , blocks 25 and 26, 1034 m.; block 27, 8 m.; block 28, 8 m.: block 29, 8 m. ; block 30, 8% m. ; blocks 35 and 36, 1034 m.; residue of blocks 34 and 39, 14 5/32m ; block 33, 8 m.; blocks 37, 47 and 48, 11 1/5 m.; residue of block 41, 5m. ; residue of blocks 49, 50, 51, 45, 49 and 52, 14m.; residue of blocks 59, 60, 61 and 62, 16 m.; residue of blocks 56, 57 and 58, 16 m.; Gaspe Bay South, 11 m.; township York No. 1, 10 m. ; township York No. 2, 36 m. BoNAvVENTURE West.—River Escumenac North No. r,12m.; Lake Patapedia, 33 m. ; River Nouvelle No. 1,50 m., River Nouvelle No. 2, 50 m. ; River Nouvelle No. 4, 16 m.; River Nouvelle No. 5, 11 m.; River Nouvelle No. 6, 15m. ; Grande Cascapedia No. 1, 14% m.; No.2, 21 m.3; No. 3, 21 m.; No. 4, 18 m. ; No. 5, 3034 m.; No. 7, 18 m.; Turner’s Brook, 32 m. ; Joshua Brook. 27 m.; Petite Cascapedia No. 1, 15 m. ; No. 2, 28 m.; township Mann No. 1, 4% m. ; No. 2, 3% m.; No. 3, 3% m.; No. 4,4%m.; No. 5, 6 m.: Clarke's Brook No. 2, 4 _m.; Flatlands Brook No. 2, 33% m. 5 township Restigouche, 2 7/10 m. ; River Andre, West branch No. 2, 336 m.; Little River, west middle, 11% m. ; Stuart Prook No. 1, 17% m. ; No. 2, 10% m. ; River Skimenac, west branch, 514 m. ; River Skimenac, south branch, 9% m.; township Angers No. 2, 8 m.; Mann Brook east, 7_m., township Carlton No. 5, 334_m.3 township Nouvelle No. 2 west, 77s m.; River Pata- pedia, No. x east, 28 m.; Tom Ferguson’s Brook, 33 m.; Indian Brook, 56 m. ; Red Pine and Chamberlain Brook, 38 m. Lake St. Joun CENTRE.—Township Caron No. 1, 5 m.; township Caron No. 2, 8% m. ; township Taillon No. 44, 2734 m. 3; township Dequen, No. 152, 8 m.; township Dequen No. 153, 16 m. Lake Saint JoHN WeEST.—2nd range: No.5, 35 m.’ No. 7, 2334 m.; No. 8, 25 m.; 3rd range: No. 5, 34 m. ; No. 6, 30 m.; No. 9, 26% m. ; township Charlevoix No. 1, 12% m.; township Dolbeau No. 1, 18 m. ; Peri- bonka River, No. 125, 40 m.; Peribonka River No. 127, 50 m. Lake Saint Joun Nortu West.—1st range: No. 17 4 m. ; 2nd range: No. 2, 22 m. ; 3rd range: No. 2, 19 m.; 4th range: No. 1, 35 m. Lake Saint JouN East.—Township Laterriere No. 1, 4 m.; No. 18, South of Kenogami Lake, 16 m.: township Boileau, 22 m. Gasrr West —Township Duchesney East, 30 miles ; township Duchesney West, 37 miles ; township Christie East, 23% miles; township Christie West, 31 miles; township Tourelle East, 42 miles; township Tourelle West, 32 miles. Rimouski East.—Township Saint Denis, 14 m., township McNider, No. 4, 54 m. ; township Matane, No. 3, 62/5 m. GRANDVILLE.—Township Chabot, No. 1, 114 m. ; township Chabot, No. 2, 6m.; Black River, No. 47, a3 m. Montmacny.—Township Mailloux, No. 2, 2 7/10 m.; Rolette and Roux south, 8 1/5 m.; township Bellechasse, 8 m. Gasper East.—River Port Daniel Centre, 12. m.; seigniory of Pabcs, 10 m.: township Rameau No. 2, 21 m. BoNAVENTURE East.—River Bonaventure No. 3, 50 m. ; Rear River Bonaventure No. 1, 28 m. ; Rear River Bonaventure No. 2, 32 m Rimouski WEstT.-Township Neigette, No. r, rz m. ; téwnship Neigette, No. 2, 8 m.; Rear Metis river east, 1814 m.; Rear Mistigouche, 35 m.; township Macpes, No. 4, 134 m.; township Macpes, No. 5, 44 m.; town- ship Macpes, No. 6, 7 m.; township Bedard, No. z, 16% m.; township Bedard, No. 2, 27 m. ; township Chenier, No. 1, 40 m.; township Chenier, No. 2, 45 m.; river Jean Levesque, B, 17% m. Mararepia VaLtey. — McNider, No. 5, 2 m. ; Humqui river, A, 18 m.; Indian Brook, C, 18 m.; Milnikek brook, D, 10 m.; Meadow brook, E, 18% m.; * Meadow brook, F, 1834 m.; Meadow brook, G, 26 m.; Meadow brook, H, 16 m.; Humqui township, No. 1, 74 m.; Humqui township, No. 2, 24 m. * Sarnt CHARLEs.—Little river Pikauba, 104 m.} rivers Cyriac and Boisvert, 35 m.; river Pikauba or Chicoutimi, 240 m. SauGENAY.—Township Arnault, 30 m. ; township Iberville, No. 2, 2m.; River Amedee, 50 m.; Rivers a la Chasse et aux Anglais, 34 m.; Saint Laurent West jo m.; Rivers Mistassini and Sheldrake, No. 1, 323% m.; River Saint Nicolas, 30m.; River au Bouleau, No. 1, 32 m.; No. 2, 20 m.; No. 3, 26 m.; No. 4, 28 m.} No. 5, 30 m.; No. 6, 29 m.; River Tortue, No. 1, 26 m.; No. 2, 18 m.; No. 3, 28m.; No. 4, 30m.; No. 5; agm.; No.6,79 m.; No. 7, 76 m.; River Saint Jean .No. 5,20 m.; No. €, 20m.; No. 7. 12m.; No. 8, 12 m.; River Saint Jean, East Branch No. 1, 22 m.; River Saint Jean, East Branch, No. 2, 18m.; River Saint Jean, East Branch, No. 3, 22 m.; River au Saumon, No. 1, 34 m.; River Chambers, No. 1, 44 m ; River Portneuf, No. 1, east, 50m.; No. 2 East, 50m.; No. 3 East, 50m.; No. 4 East, 50m.; No.1 West, 50 m.}; No. 2 West, 50m.. No. 3 West, 50m.; No. 4 West, 50 m.; River Manicougan, No. 3, 24 m.; No. 4 27 m.} No. 6, 58 m.; Saguenay West, No.1 A, 10 m; river Roumaine, 400 m.; river Mingan, 250 m.; river Mani- tou No. 3 East, 32 m.; river Pigou No. 1, 26 m.; river Pigou No. 2, 26 m.; river Magpie No. 1, 32 m.; No. 2, 32 m.: No. 3, 32 m.; No. 4, 32 m.; No. 5, 32 m.; No. 6, 32 m.; No.7,32m.; No. 8, 32m.; Jupitagan, 24 m river au Tonnerre, 24 m.; river Malbaie, No. 2, 16 m.; No. 3, 30 m.; No. 4, 31 m.; No. 5, 30 m.; No. 6a, 22 m.; No. 7a, 40m.; No. 8, 33 m.; No.9, 30 m. CONDITIONS OF SALE. No limit will be adjudged at less than the minimum price fixed by the department. The limits will be adjudged to the highest bidder on payment ofthe purchase price, in cash or by cheque accepted by a duly incorporated bank. Failing pay- ment, they will be immediately re-offered for sale. The annual ground rent of three dollars per mile, with fire tax, is also payable immediately. Those timber limits, when adjudged, will be sub- ject to the provisions of all timber regulations now in force or which may be enacted hereafter. Plans of limits offered for sale are opened for in- spection in the Department of Lands, Forests and Fisheries, in this city; and at the office of the Crown lands and timber agents in the different agencies in which said limits are situated, up to the day of sale. N. B.—No account for publication of this notice will be recognized, if such publication has not been ex- pressly authorized by the department. S. N. PARENT, Commissioner of Lands, Forests and Fisheries. o * ’ : ee eT, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The movement of lumber during the past week has been restricted by inclem- ent weather. The roads have been almost impassable, and no retail trade of any account has been done. This, how- ever, is but a temporary cessation, as 1s borne out by numerous enquiries for stock which continue to be reported by manufacturers and dealers. United States buyers have been among the most urgent seekers of stock, their attention having apparently been diverted to Ontario by the high prices asked in the Lake Su- perior district. The cut of the mills of Gilmour & Co., of Trenton, is reported to have been sold for shipment to the United States market. In recent years this firm manufactured largely for the British market. Prices of pine lumber, shingles and lath are without any material change. Hemlock lumber appears to be stiffening in price, and that material promises to be more generally used in the future. This is evidenced by the fact that last year the hemlock production of the United States was 200,000,000 feet more than in the previous year. Hardwood manufacturers are holding prices firmly, and there is an apparent disposition to sell their stocks log run. This feature has probably limited, in a slight degree, the transactions in_hard- wood stocks. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, Lumbering operations in Quebec are being pushed with the utmost vigor, but it has been found almost impossible to obtain sufficient teams and men, although high wages are being offered. This is alsothesituation in the maritime provinces. The work of hauling logs has been much more expensive than usual. On the head waters of the St. John river, and on the Miramichi and Restigouche rivers, in New Brunswick, there has been plenty of snow, but on the bay shore and in Nova Scotia serious delays have been experienced. Deal prices have shown no ‘advance during the past week. Shippers are meeting with some difficulty in secur- ing tonnage. Several steamers have been taken at 49s 6d per standard from St. John to west coast of England. This is at least 1os above the rate of February, 1899. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, Reports from the western provinces are favorable to a large trade in lumber this year. Country dealers have been placing large orders with mills in the ex- pectation of an active building season throughout the farming districts., In Manitoba prices of white pine timber, di- mension, and third common boards are 50 cents higher than the list issued in January. Hardwood prices have also ad- vanced in sympathy with the higher price; ruling for that lumber throughout Canada and the United States. UNITED STATES. Retail dealers and consumers in the Eastern States have not yielded to the demands of the west in respect to prices. The prices asked at upper lake producing points areso much higher than the east seems willing to pay that wholesale deal- ers at Buffalo, Tonawanda and other points are at a loss to know what prices to ask.\ The opinion prevails, however, that as soon as the spring demand shall present itself, the east will be compelled to give way. At present retail trade is quiet, but there isa continued active de- mand for lumber for manufacturing pur- poses. Box lumber is consumed almost as fast as it leaves the saws. The most important changes in price have been made in Chicago, where an advance aver- aging about $2 per thousand feet has been made on everything but siding, ceiling and piece stuff. The price of 5 lath has been advanced from $5.25 to $5.50, 3% remaining at $4.50 for white pine and $4.25 for mixed. Hardwoods are moving moderately, maple and birch showing the most ac- tivity. The feeling is confident, and there is no prospect of a decline in prices. The shingle demand generally is rather slow. At Buffalo some sales of hemlock shingles have been made at $2.25 whole- sale, while best white pine shingles bring $4, with white cedars slightly less. FOREIGN. The high prices asked by shippers is restricting trade in Great Britam, and as yet it is said that comparatively little stock has been sold to arrive from the St. Lawrence. The freight market is a dis- turbing feature, steamship owners show- ing little disposition to enter into con- tracts ahead. Apart from these aspects of the market, the outlook for Canadian lumber is promising. Pine and spruce stocks are. low, and spot goods are realizing high prices. At arecent public sale Quebec spruce of first quality sold at £11 15s, and second quality at £9 15s and £10. A line of unassorted narrow battens brought £8, which 1s near the price of Baltic whitewood of equal di- mensions. STOCKS AND PRICES. The corporation of Kingston, Ont., will shortly call for tenders for the annual supply of sidewalk lumber. The Harbor Commissioners of Quebec want tenders by the roth inst. for the supply of dimension lumber, deals, etc. Watson Bros., of Etobicoke, Ont., have purchased 400 acres of standing timber near Hepworth, Ont., and will establish a saw mill there. The retail values of white pine at Phila- delphia are: 12 inch, No. 1, $35 ; No. 2, $30.50 ; No. 3, $27.50; sap, 12 inch, $20; Io inch, $18.50. H. Saunders, of Walsingham, Ont., has secured a contract to supply 100,000 feet of hard maple to the Bain Waggon Works, Brantford. The tender of T. D. Robinson has been accepted by the Winnipeg city council for the supply of 1,000 cords of cedar paving wood, at $10.25 per cord. The W. H. Sawyer Lumber Co., of Buffalo, have purchased 10,000,000 feet of lumber from the Rittenhouse & Embree Co., of Minneapolis, Minn. F. E. Woodworth, of Centreville, N.S., has been given a contract by R. C. Irvin, of Shubenacadie, to saw over 1,000,000 feet of hardwood for the British market. T. Sullivan & Co. of Buffalo, are buying maple and elm in Ontario for export to Germany. The logs are cut into planks three inches or more thick and about a foot wide. The G. & G. Flewelling Co., of Hamp- ton, N.B., expect to get out seven million feet of spruce and pine logs this winter, which will be manufactured chiefly into box shooks, onion crates, etc. The O’Neil Lumber Co., of St. Mar- tin’s, N.B., expect to cut 6,000,000 feet of lumber during the coming season. This company recently purchased the Rourke property, on the Irish river. Hilyard Bros., of St. John, N.B., are carrying on extensive . lumbering oper- ations in the parish of Burton. They have also purchased a considerable stock of logs from small operators. The Swan-Donogh Lumber Co., of North Tonawanda, have just secured the contract for 7,000,000 feet of lumber to be supplied to two large manufacturing concerns with headquarters in Chicago and Buffalo. It is their intention to Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. ) MARCH 7, 1900 double the capacity of their mill at Tona- wanda at once. Rhodes, Curry & Co., of Amherst, N.S., have received a contract to supply about 250,000 feet of lumber for the transport Monterey, which will carry the Strathcona Horse to South Africa. A report states that the cut of logs on the Kennebec river, in Maine, this season will be the largest ever known. There is now 155,000,coo feet ready to be landed, which exceeds the cut of last year by nearly 20,000,000 feet. The following prices are quoted for timber products on the Saginaw river: Cedar ties, 42 cents; hemlock ties, 26 cents ; tamarac ties, 30 cents; telegraph poles, from $1.25 for 25-foot poles to $6 for 45-foot poles ; fence posts, Io cents. THE BOSTON MARKET. [Correspondence of the Canapa LuMBERMAN. The feature of the present spruce lumber market is the fact of a good many orders for forward delivery, extending well into the~ spring. The feeling is that the spruce situa- tion is firm; that bad weather and too much snow in February, together with a lack of snow early in the winter, will reduce the volume of logs that will be got out fully 25 per cent. Full agreement prices on spruce are reported to be the rule, and in some cases even better prices are noted : Frames, 9 inch and under....... neha Sn aise wie I 7400 ro and 12 in, dimensions.......-.+--++- Seat niosins 19.00 zo and 12in. random, ro ft. and up long......... 18.50 2X3, 2X 4,2x5,2x6,2x7 and 3x 4, 10 feet and up... .0c..aecens eceebccesweNeedasass« 25.00 All other random, 9g in. and under........ wade: 16:50 Merchantable boards planed one side.........-- 15 co Out boards planed one side......-. oialeoens ee ie Furring, 1x2, 1x 234 and 1x3 planed one side.... 13-03 to $13.50 Western pine is well held, with the request somewhat improved : Uppers, rin.....- DS eee PAE pout $58.00 to $60.00 1% to 2iM.....- senahie tn 60.00 ‘* 62.00 3 and 4 Ie.. cs encessesss ‘* 72.c0 © 68.00 Fine common, 1 to 3 in..... *€ 62.00 Sheathings........... oem *€ 56.00 Barn boards..... Past AAD, “> : ** 32.00 Coffin boards......- sab aca obs delice nemae.Gnh 528.00 Hardwoods are in quiet demand. The exceedingly stormy weather is against their being moved : Quartered oak..........- seceeceesss$ 70,00" $ 80.00 Fancy Oak........- ee ++ 100.00 Plain’ Oak. o.- +05 ane te cae oe 45:00 ae # vedavscesacesccile gail canis spgesto 0! 40,50 ce. sake ee ics tee : 99.00 130.00 Maple.........-- RP ol 30.00 40.00 Sycamore, quartered inch...... ++ 40.00 50.00 ‘Walnut’... i: cc. cme wnles Pe es a Shingles are in quiet request, with prices little changed : California redwood.......-.++++seeeess «$3 40 to $3.50 Extra cedar, best brands..........++ ae 3-15 Clear cedar... . S27. 4a SRG. Ue mae eee bn 2070 and clear cedar. ... STEEN eee See eee Se Se $29.00 to $30.00 PUGECIEAE yan cane, coc 27-00 “* 28.00 23.00 “* 25.00 - 40.00 to $45.09 35.00 ** 40.00 3o.0c *f 32.03 42.50 ‘£45.00 49.00 ** 42.00 The small supply of hemlock continues to be-the feature, with the market very firm. Matched boards and floorings are yet par- ticularly firm : Matched hemlock boards.........,.... $ to $22 00 Pennsylvania dimension............... 16.00 ** 17.00 - »2°3 88 eee eee 15.00 ‘€ 1600 with the usual advance for over 16 ft. PREPeSMBOATISC.. 06... T.- 6. seca ss, 18.00 ‘* 19.00 PIERS ena es oe oo ciel + au cildinidlcie els 15.50 “* 16.50 Pianed one side and matched.....__.. 18.00 ‘£ 20.00 rd ais) plano 656s nis, we ccoiais os 2 « 19.00 ‘* 20,00 Lo TEs Me Ee Orr 17.00 Planed and matched.................. 19.00 “ 20.00 _Laths are unchanged : 1% inch, $3.15; I} inch, $3. Boston, March sth, 1900. BRITISH PRICES FOR CANADIAN DEALS. The following prices for Canadian deals, etc., were realized at an auction sale held by Churchill & Sim, of London, England, on February 22nd ; SPRucE.—Ex Amyl, from Quebec—12-14 ft., 2x6, third quality, £7 I5s per standard ; 13-17 ft. 2x6, £7 15s; 12-14 ft. 2x5, £7 583 12-14 ft. 2x4, 48; 10-11 ft. 2x5-6, 47 158; O-It fieaee ne pecs 5) 6-11' ft; 2x4-5, 47 58; 10-11 ft. 3x11, first quality, £12 10s; 10-14 ft. 3x7, 49 15s. Ex Iona, from Quebec—13 ft. 3x9, second quality, £9 15s. Ex Zanzibar, from Quebec—12 ft. 3x9, first quality, 411 I5s ; 9-11 ft., £10 15s and £10 10s; 12 ft. 3x 8, £10 5s ; 9-16 ft. 3x8, £10 10s, Ex Kinsale, CANADA LUMBERMAN from Quebec—12-14 ft. 2x7-II inch, first quality, 410; 12-14 ft. 2x6, £9 10s ; 12-14 ft, 2x5, £7 158; 6-8 ft. 2x5-9, £6 5s. Ex Tan- tallon, from Quebec—12-15 ft. 21-2x6, unassort- ed, £8; 12-16 ft. 2 I-2x5, £7 10s; 6-11 ft. 2 I-2x4-6, £7 10s; 12-14 ft. 2x7-9, £7 nos 2 ft. 2x7, £8 15s ; 12-15 ft. 2x6, £8; 12-14 ft. 2x6, £8 and £7 15s; 12-14 ft. 2x5, 47 158; Q-11 ft. 2x6; £7 1583 9-11 ft. 2x5, 47 108: 6-8 ft. 2x5-6, £7 5s. PIngE.—Ex Monte Videan, from Montreal—9 ft. 3x6-18 inch, first quality, £20; 6-8 ft. 3x1I-12, £16 10s; 8 ft. 3x7-10, £16 15s and 4173 6-7 ft. 3x9, £16 15s. Ex Forest Holme, from Botwoodville, Newfoundland. —3-5 tt. 3XII-16 inch, third quality, £6 10s. Ex Tan- tallon, from Quebec—12 ft. 3x6, third quality, £8 tos ; 12 ft. 3x5, £8 10s. TO SQUARE TIMBER OPERATORS. THE CANADA LUMBERMAN desires to open up correspondence with persons getting out square red birch timber of large size. Opera- tors are asked to send their addresses to this office, LUMEER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way, are as follows: Ottawa to Oswego, $t.90 per M ft.; Ottawa to Syracuse, 10% cents per 100 lbs. Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Montreal ee eee CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverenD, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. IIT, H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading 0., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. WANTED TO PURCHASE Abandoned Sawmills Boilers, Machinery or other Serap Iron Market is now on top and a good time to realize on old outfits. Write me particulars. JOHN WILCOCK, 15 Basin Street, SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Construectional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘Caskert,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. WEEKLY EDITION. 5 cents per roo lbs.; Quebec, 10 s. ; Arnprior to Montreal,- 7 cents per 100 Ibs.; Quebec, x2 cts. 3 Pembroke to Montreal, 3 cents per too lbs.; Quebec, 13 cents per roo lbs.; Ottawa to New Y ork, 15 cents per 100 Ibs. ; Arnprior to New York, 17 cents per 100 Ibs,; Pembroke to New York, 18 cents per 1colbs.; Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14c. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local sc. ) €xports 13¢. ver 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents, €xport 15 Cts. per roo lbs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 21¥% cents, export 20 cts. per roo Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawa to Burlington, 6c. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Albany, To cts. per too lbs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, -Y., 13 cents per too Ibs, from Arnprior rs cents, from Parry Sound 20 cents per too lbs.; Ottawa to St. John, N.B., and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N.S., and common points, 2z_cents per too Ibs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 lbs.- artes quoted above are in cents per 100 Ibs., except when quoted per M ft.; minimum carloads to M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 Ibs. per M ft. Ottawa rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Hawkes- ury, cents per 100 a The Timber Trades Journal reports the fol- lowing charters of sailing vssels: Shediac, N. B., tow. c. England, 450 tons, 51s 3d per standard; Richibucto,N.B., to Bristol Channel, 190 standards at 57s 6d and 200 standards at 52s 6d; Avonport, N.S., to Sutton Bridge, 520 tons, 57s 6d; Sheet Harbor, N. S., to Liverpool, England, 500 tons, 53s 6d. .. . . Shortest and Quickest Route from. . . Fs OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. ’ W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. =- CANADIAN EXPORTERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umrren MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @OeWrite us for Quotations on all Bils@y/e PEMBROKE, ONT. __A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PIN Room 411, Board of Trade Building = MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES ; Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed hollow back, end butted. WANTED and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, SS 2’ Common Pine Plank, 6’ to 12’ wide, 12 to 16 ft. long, and 4x 4 Scantling, 10 to 16 ft. State quantity and lowest cash price. We are also open to contract for 3 to 4 million feet of same kinds, say 3 million 2 in. and 1 million4x4 new cut 1900, delivery byrailor water... .. A. A. SCOTT. ESPLANADE + REID & CO., toners WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order, M{cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS By RaIL OR WATER. a MOHR & RYA Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAsT TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for... DIMENSION TIMBER _ Sawn to Sizes in PINE, Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . , - + Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. a specialty. SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*8279—carmy « R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head ofice-TORONTO- 70 King St. West. Ss ARNI A—\-wno esate pistrisutiNG yarvs-—_ BU FF ALO JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINGLES ~s MIDLAND, ONT. Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A. & P. VAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT - WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND ) Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber 8% Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CoRRESPONDENCE SoriciTEp. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton MAITLAND, RIXON & C0. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER kK IFPEN &-SEARPE Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Joisting, Manufacturers of and Dealers in All Kinds Of ec HARDWOOD LUMBER Mills : SYCAMORE SIDING P. 0. TILBURY, ONT. Lake Erie & D.R.R. R. WiO@D AND SLABS MOE SAE @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS co. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling ss 10.00 - Cables: ‘‘Brrcu,” Glasgow. IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BRITISH. WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. SALES ACENTS: Sell before shipment and look Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. SIEVEKINC, PODMORE & CO. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. wn, Gs GL, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOY, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. A BC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD. BROKE a= 27% Union Street - GLASGOW F. Fe. Lightbody KR Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ‘« Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. * Shipments hardled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. —ee Telegraphic Address—“‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. ee — PRVERY & VINGENT =——SOQUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF..- RED PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORPESPONDENCE INVITED C.H. GLOVER & CO., tta. Importers 0f—_y SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from Wharves, Mills and Offices: the Manufacturer. Offers Invited .....- 7) HATCHAM, LONDON, S. E., ENCLAND WANTED FELBER, JUCKER & CO. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Lumber Importers MESSRS. $ Liverpool, Eng., : MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen or... Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. es es ee i a ee 48 aie ney NNER ene JAM ES W. S 0 UTH ER N Buyer of... MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Is open for... MAPLE FLOORING 3-PLY VENEER Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester, A B C Code. ee BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Codes: ABC and Zebra. Nene e eee Mention this paper when with advertisers a HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. Try an Advertisement in the “Wanted and For Sale” De- partment of this paper. MARCH 7, 1900 ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address, ““Farnworth,’ Liverpool. 2 Dale Street and Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . » TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ALLISON,” Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St... GLASGOW Aton ___:154 St. Vincent 5¢.. Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” GI e able ae A asgow GLA SGO Ww des: Arand A BC. Atand A B C Codes used. BROKERS Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpoo 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW SMITH & TYRER - [4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole ae. Hollis St., Halifax, N.S, SOMOS .. Wood Agents. . iennidnatid eterna ear riae ne STs efestvlale eMeastatttayer® 13.0 to $13 50 Spruce flooring......+++++eeeeeseeeeee 20.000 22.0 Hemlock is yet very firm with little offering : Matched hemlock boards.........: «+++ $ to $22 00 Pennsylvania dimension. Eastern oy wisvsine lait a cis awnepistasset5 CO 16 09 with the usual advance for over 16 ft. Eastern boards........0++0seeeseeeenes 18.00 ** 19.00 iS hie GIRpneOReosueanD kh do-cosune sags 1550 “* 16.50 Pianed one side and matched......... 18.00 “ 20,00 Pennsylvania boards, No. 1,8, oand RED PA RTs < c. gceicin nies cre eis ste almereralnintevmieretags ei 19.00 ‘f 20,00 No. 1, 10 feet ....-.6- cess eeeeee eens 17-00 Planed and matched......+.+«++--+++- 19.00 “* 70,00 Western pine is very steady, with coarse boards and box boards particularly firm. The supply of eastern box boards is reported short, with a small cut of logs this winter. Western pine is quoted firm : Uppers, rims... e cece seer eet eeeenees $58.00 to $60.00 13 tO DUM. eceececcreereeeereee ree 60.00 ** 62.00 Zand Git... ..ceereeeeecsreeeeerees 70.00 ** Selects, 1 to qin..... [cea eee eeeeenees 52.00 “* 68.00 Fine common, I tO 3 iM.....:-+eeeeeees 48.00 ‘f 62.00 Sheathings.........+++ - *€ 56.00 Barn boards..... * 32.00 Coffin boards.... 28.00 Hardwoods are mainly steady in prices, with a fair demand : Quartered oak........e+eeseeeeeeees $70.00 $ Plain Oak 38.09 to 45-00 Ash, rfinch .......0sseeese eee renee $ 45.00 to $ 47.00 1% 1% and 2 inch.....--.+-+++0++ 50.00 52.00 2¥ and 3.inch.....-.e-seeerereeees 60.00 Maple, 1 inch. ...+...eeeesece eee ee 29-00 31.00 Clapboards are moving rather better, with a steady market : Spruce, extra... see eeeeseeeeeeeeerees $29.00 to $30.00 Spruce, clear...... ade «28.00 Spruce, 2nd clear .. 23.00 ‘f 25,00 Pine, extra...... . 40.00 to $45.00 Pine, clear... ..+2+.sceceeeseeeeeeceees 35.00 ‘* 40.00 Pine, 2nd clear... ....seee cee eeeeeeeeee 30.00 ‘f 32.09 California redwood, clear.......+++++++ 42.50 “f 45.00 Second grade.......-sseeeerereeeeeees 40.00 ** 42.00 Shingles are showing a little firmer tone ; Extra cedar, best brands $3.15 Clear cedar... -.+sseeeeeeeee 2.65 to 2.70 and clear cedar 2.10 ** 2.25 Clear white ......ce cece centr eee en eens 2.00 tuxtra No. Lic ceceseer erences venccunsees 1.50 Laths are rather easy and selling for less than agreement prices : Five-eighth inch, $2.95 to $3 00 3 %-inch, $2.75 to $2.90. Boston, March 12th, 1900. BRITISH COLUMBIA LUMBER PRICES. . Following is the price list which the timber manufacturers of British Columbia have put into effect on fir and red cedar lumber for de- livery to dealers throughout Manitoba and the Territories, at all 50 cent freight rate points on the Canadian Pacific Railway : FIR. Finish S. 1S. or S. 2. S.—No. 1 Clear Steeping, 14, 14 or 2 in. x 10 or 12 in. Edge Grain, $40; No. 1 Flat Grain, $35; No. 2 Clear Steeping, 14, {} or 2in. x 10 or 12 in. Edge Grain, $35; Flat Grain, $30; No. 1 Clear Steeping, 1, 14, 1} or 2 in. up to 12 in. wide, $31; from 14 in. to 20 in. wide, $36 ; No. 2 Clear Steeping, 1, 14, 14 or 2in. up to 12 in. wide, $28.50; from 14 to 20 in. wide, $33.50. No. 1 and 2 Clear Dimension, 2 x 3, 2x 4,2x6and2x8in., $28.50; 4x 5in., $31;5x5in. and6x6in., $33.50; No. 1 and 2 Rabitted Door and Window Jambs, $31. Above in lengths of 12, 14 and 16 ft. Finish ordered all one of above lengths, $1.50 per M. extra. Odd lengths, 8 to 24 ft., $1.50 per M. less. Add $1 per M. for each additional 2 in. over 20 in. in width. Edge Grain Finish same price as Edge Grain Steeping, but only in widths up to 12 inches. Casing and Base—No. 1 Clear, 4, 5 or 6 in. Casing, moulded any pattern, $33.50; No. 1 and 2 Clear, 4, 5 or 6 in. Casing, } round or O. G., $31 ; No. 1 Clear, 8, 10 or 12 in. Base, moulded any pattern, $32; No. 1 and 2 Clear, 8, 10 or 12 in. Base, } round or O. G., $30. In lengths of 12, 14, or 16 ft. Casings and Base ordered all of one of above lengths, $1.50 per M. extra. All Casing and Base, Lin. in thickness. Odd thickness, $5 per M. more. Ship Lap—8, 10and 12 in. Common, $19; 3% x 8, 10 and 12 in. Common Fir Boards, S. 1 S. (Finished 4 in.) $15. Flooring—No. 1, 1 x 4 or 6 in. Edge Grain, $32; Flat Grain, $27.50; No. 2, 1x4 in. Edge Grain, $29 ; 1x 6 in. Edge Grain, $27 ; 2 or 6 in. Flat Grain, $25 ; No. 3, 4 or 6 in. Edge and Flat Grain mixed, $23. Flooring 18 feet long, $2.50 per M. extra. 14, 13 and 2 in. Flooring, $1 more than-r in. per M. Above in lengths of 12, 14 and 16 ft. Floor- ing ordered all one of above lengths, $1 per M extra. Ceiling—No. 1, 1x4 or 6 in. Beaded or “Vv” Joint, $27 ; No. 2, $25; No. 3, $22.50; No. 1, 2x4 orGin. finished } in. thickness, $22 50; No. 2, $21; No. 3, $17. Above in lengths 12, 14 and 16 ft. Siding — No. 1, 1 x 6, Drop Siding, Ros No. 2, $25; No. 3, $22.50. No. 1, 3x 6 in. Bevel, $21 ; No. 2, $18.50. Dimension, S. 1 S. and E.—2x 4, 2x6 in. up to 32 ft. long, $22 ; 2x 8, 2x 10, 3x 4, 3x 6 in., up to 32 ft., $22.50; 2x 12, 4x4, 4x6, 6x6 in. up to 12 x 12 in., up to 32 ft., $23.50; 2x14 in. to3x 14 in. up to 14 x 14 in., up to 32 ft., $24 ; 2x 16 in. to 3x 16 in. up to 16x 16 in., up to 32 ft., $24.50; 2x 18 in. to 3 x 18 in., up to 18x 18 in., up to 32 ft., $25; 2x 20 in. to 3x 20 in. up to 20x 20 in., up to 32 ft., $25. Above in lengths 33 to 40 ft. add $2 per M; 41 to 45 ft., $2.50; 46 to 50 ft., $3.25; 51 to 55 ft., $4.25; 56 to 60 ft. $5.50; 61 to 65 ft., $7 ; 66 to 70 ft., $o. Lath—# x 12 x 4 ft., bundled in 50’s, $3.50. RED CEDAR. Finish, S. 1S. or S. 2S.—No, 1 Clear— 1x 8 to t2in., 10 12, 14 and 16 ft. long, $37; Ix 14 to 18 in., $39.50; 1x20 to 24in., $44.50. 14 and 1d in. more than I in, $1 per M. ; 1% and 2 in., $2; 3 in., $3; 4x 8 in. to 12 in. less than 1 in., $5.00. Odd lengths 8 ft. to 24 ft., $2 per M. less; when widths are specified, $2.50 per M. more ; when lengths are specified, $2.50. Clear Squares—-3 x 3 in. and 4x 5 in, 7 to 16 ft., $38.50; 5 x5 and 6x6 in., $40.50; 7x7 and 8x Io in., $42. When ordered all of one of above lengths, $5 per M. extra. Siding—No. 1 Clear—1x6 in., 10, 12, 14 and 16 ft., $32.50; 1x6in., 6, 7, 8 and 9 ft., $27.50; 4x6 im, 10, 12, 14 and 16 ft. Bundled, $20; }x6in., 6to8 ft., Bundled, Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. ‘and g ft., $27,50; x 3, 4 or Gin., 10, 12, 14 MARCH 14, I¢0o° $16. When ordered all of one of above lengths, $2.50 per M. extra. Ceiling.—No. 1 Clear—I x 3, 4 or 6 in., Io, 12, 14 or 16 ft., $35; 1x 3, 4 or 6in., 6, 7, 8 and 16 ft., $30 (Finished gin. thickness.) 3 x 3, 4 or 6 in., 10, 12, 13 and 16 ft., $28 (Fin- ished 4 in. thickness.) When ordered all one of above lengths, $2.50 per M. extra. Casing and Base—No. 1--4, 5, 6 in. Casing, 10 to 16 ft., $47.50; 8, 10 and 12 in. Base, 10 to 16 ft., $47.50; 4, 5, 6 in. Casing, under 10 ft., $37.50; 8, 10, and 12 in. Base, under 10 ft., $3 .50. When ordered all of one of above lengths, $2 per M. extra. Dimension—2z x 4 in. to 8 x 8 in. up to 32 {t., $22.50; No. 1 Common Boards, S. 1 S. to {3-16 in., $17. Ship Lap—8, 10 and 12 in., $19. Door Stock—Dressed two sides and cut to dimension, $32.50. Lath— x 13 in., 4 ft., $3.50. _ Shingles—No. 1, $2.35; No. 2, $2; Dimen sion, $2.75 ; Dimension Band Sawn, $3.25. THE LIVERPOOL MARKET. Farnworth & Jardine’s wood circular of ist as reviews the Liverpool market as fol- OWS : The arrivals from British North America during the past month have been 2,048 tons” register, against 2,999 tons register during the corresponding month last year, and the aggre- gate tonnage to this date from al] places during the years 1898, 1899, and 1900 has been 33,704, 26,448, and 28,605 tons respectively. The business of the past month has been on the whole fairly satisfactory. The arrivals generally have been moderate, the deliveries have more than kept pace, and stocks, with few exceptions, are light. There is little change in values to report, and the advanced prices are being fairly maintained, CANADIAN Woops.—Pine Timber — Of Waney the deliveries have been small, but the stock has been reduced to a very moderate compass, and prices are firm ; strong advance in prices is being quoted for next season’s ship- ment. Square: There is only a limited enquiry, and the stock is sufficient. Red Pine: There has been rather more enquiry for large wood for future requirements; the stock is almost exhausted. Oak shows some improve- ment in value, and the deliveries have been fair, but the stock, although not heavy, appears to be sufficient for the present. Elm continues in good request at full prices, and the stock is very light. Ash: There is a moderate demand for large wood, values are steady ; the stock is small. Pine Deals: There has been more enquiry and the deliveries have again been fairly satisfactory ; values have improved. The stock is being reduced, but it is still heavy, however, largely composed of oddments. Red Pine Deals are in good demand at firm prices. : y New Brunswick AND Nova SCOTIA SPRUCE AND Ping DEALS.—Thearrivals show - a decline on the same month last year, viz.-:— 1,070 standards, against 2,060 standards ; the deliveries have been fair and the stocks are not too large, Prices continue steady, and more H.D. WIGGIN ss" Un 89 STATE ST. | will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WANTED Mill Cull (All Thicknesses John F. Stengel “*ferrato, wy” PLANING MILL ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. | ATZE ‘DOKOGH LUMBER CO. 5 s cCREUMBER IJEALERS. * Marth Tonawanda. Cable Address, ‘‘Swan DoNoGH—TONAWAN DA Lumberman’s Co -~ 4 ~~ J 4 Za - Cedar Telephone and T 2 Wholesale Prices botece wWonadonae 3 25 ING siete co vice slcie!siete a ata 3 50 O. 2. eeeees 5 FenMloek sec sccccapedcecsae 275 WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. Pi eis: a sitet 2 = Square white pine, soeseess oe 40 to eee rie ohne Z a ALBANY, N.Y. i t waney, 18 inch average, n * PINE! ; ree: - ne First class Ottawa ree 19 to 21 inch average a “ + 38 44 Dippetsy sy Mey erstststaaiel+leiar< $ $70 | 1x12 inch shippers rapaees § $23 h 14th, 1900. 8 ppers, 3 Mirch 14th, 19 “ Michigan “ 19 to 21 in average & size 43 4 ean ome 70 | 4/4 inch & up. 23 Racnntmncidooreane 7 4 E oe RED PINE—IN THE ae en a a TEL aisle cise ae ore aoe 55 ee ene ied and nD) BA cording to average and quality.......-.++++++++ 5 4 inch uppers ......++++++++ Fe Bagge IDE B06 MEME 2 gs re te, ieaune oe « S fe Pee ap ore ae Ze 8 Selects, 2 in.) UP. a cles - a> ie i ee pee aT ice me —MICHIGAN AND OHIO. VIO aneoendsbasaacscn -in. oF CAR OR CARGO LOTS. __ OAK— aad 46 50 ; SA eat RTCA STIRIOEAA cos : 17 19 Bracket plank ..... Bop oat 30 35 “cia. ee 27 32 : hizen outs r 1-4 inch flooring.... 18 vo 14 inch average . a 22 24 Shelving boards, 12-in. up... 32 36 PRESSE aye cis nin) as/de.eev eine a 1” ate ek 24 00 26 00| x t-2 inch flooring.... 19 90 16‘ Chie a eH Tessie oss one ae Ger ay ey Pe ease 2 ra i ch clear Beir pete oS Om 3 00 /p0 70 Inch No. 2 Lach, . 3 2 Lael “ 32 1x1g inch shippers..... --- 23 a and 12 common. t5 00 16 00] 134 inch No. 2 eiuee 3 ef ibs aes. mai ao d ree re hcl: 5 ati i Sete) Geel | SPS «3A Socogonnepeneos 3 ox aie eae 18 00 Sana pine shingles B Bright spruce, according to mill specification, he to $44 a ei Pies se doe eae aseeae pees 2x8 common......... : : th quality. F.O.B. . : : = ape 8 = nie aS clear cane 175 jforiand, Sap towyse for ard, aa 2 Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound Ess 6x18 ....$5 50 2 ee cain... 27 00 6 ‘whi ine Clear DUS). cic ena 3.00 3 25] Hemlock.............. oo | XXX white pine San ayronee : a a5 3x10 common........ 17 shingles .. .......- 2 65 ICH Smooth Gx x8 aeeee: 5 00 5 50| Spruce......-.-++- ara x6 co won | BC. chingles Gio 2 in. 2 75 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, M ; fiiieedize will culls 14 50 | B.C. shingles 5 to in. 2 85 UPPERS AND SELECTS, BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. SESS a ae aia ae ince Ogee sites me anuep $55 oc B57, Be cad is cn +++ 50 00 WHITE PINE. : ; i idee eee A, t¥e and in.... ie ii, ee Quality, xs and 2s unless otherwise sles My ee and 2 in.. . 55 00| %% and 3 in........+--- en : 2 ; ea (Wholesale selling 2 My Oe es Ash, white, 1 to2in..$26 00 $28 oo ; Elm pou es nia hey coe 2g ANGS IMs cee ae sarees re se (iB Aomonond.cadesccc Up cs 15 17ha a ate 7 8 .00| 1Mxzoand12...... 35 50 “ SR 2% to <5 30 00 32 00 Ela cook "A, GUM ec cecneveees cesenseres a ! tae RE Paee Y seine 35 <0 Ash, black, tsts an 3.. 21 00 23 00 AO eee : 3 Cnet Shed 71 50 2 WD desc sicerriee 5° Sc lalla Bric eee ‘ : in., 8 in, and up wide...... 39 50 | 27% and 3in., 8in. and up pe Selects: BOA Tals ine 50 50| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. : Ash, black, xsts and Hickory, 1sts ie tin., 8 in. ar P wee Ae Pad RY Ae SPN IR TE Se 59 00 : Pier aes Bail ae eee 38 50 gs i in 22 00 24 00 and ands..1%‘* 2.. 28 00 30-00 1Y\%anix in...... fe 2 4 aian Gy isachorns oF oe Wnihaee ee Gia 32 tO4IN...--- le, sts UTD aise) siele (eliinertie isis wie dee. aininaleie 4 Messe ee eeeeenees s 8 50 39 50 -R.jx_ to 2.. 17 00 19 00/ Maple, “ 8 f oS) ee Cie. Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . » » Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. ... BUDCETT BROS. - 10 and 71 Bishopsgate Street Withio, LONDON, E.C. eee we ioe ae CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITIO Thé Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per vear { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., MARGH 21, 1900 No. 9. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of r5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. Pe SALE—A quantity of 1, » and 3 inch Birch. Geo. Epcincron, Edgington, Ont. AND SAW FILER OPEN FOR ENGAGE. ment. Bestreferences. Box 333, CaNnaDa Lum- BERMAN. SAFES FOR SALE OR TRADE HE UNDERSIGNED HAS TWO LARGE Herring Safes; one is extra large, fitted with steel burglar proof vault. Will sell for cash or trade for Lumber, Shingles or Lath. Address, M. M. Situ, North Tonawanda, N.Y. FOR SALE. | 40 ACRES MIXED TIMBER, INCLUD- ’ ing Cedar and Elm, for sale, Township of Monmouth, near Tory Hill Station, on the Irondale, Bangpoft & Ottawa Railway For price and further particulars apply to J. J. GARTSHORE, 83 Front Street West, Toronto. FOR SALE. 90 ACRES HARDWOOD BUSH, EXCEP- tionally heavy timbered. Close to lake. If not sold, would give job of sawing to practical mill man, with g cd portable mill. Apply, Box 876, Owen Sound, Ont. SALE OF Valuable Timber Limits BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT TORONTO By C. J. Townsend & Co., 28 King Street West. ON THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1900 At 2 o’clock P.M. The following Timber Licenses : ON LAKE NIPISSING. No. 212, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. s, in Township of Patterson. Area, 2514 square miles, more or less. : ON FRENCH RIVER. No. 214, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 16, Township of Falcorer, sale of October 22nd, 188s, known as No. rr, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Area, 36 square miles, more or less. ON VERMILLION RIVER, A BRANCH OF THE SPANISH. No. 215, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 22, Township of Dowling, sale of October 22nd, 1885, known as No. £7, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of sale. Easy terms tu purchasers who may be deemed responsible by the vendor and who may arrange therefore prior to sale. The abovetimber berths are exceptionally easy of access. Supplies can be placed at very low cost on any of the berths, either during the winter or summer months. The average haul is very short. timbered wi h white and red pine. On berth No. 5, Patterson, there is also a fine cut of many millions of Jarge hemlock logs and railway ties. Berth No. 6, Township of Falconer, has never been The berths are well cut on. Each berth will be s -ld separately. Explorers can reach Townships of Patterson and Falconer in a few hours from either North Bay or Sturgeon Falls. ; . Township of Dowling can be reached from Larch- om or Onaping, on C. P.R., which traverses this rth. For further particulars apply to ALEXANDER FRASER, the vendor, at 74 Nepean Street, Ottawa, Ont. OHN HARRISON & SONS CO., LTD., OWEN Sound, Ont., offer the following specials: 5 cars No. 1 White Pine Lath and 6,coo Cedar Posts, 8, 9 and 12 feet long. ANTED—Green Hard Maple Squares, 6% in. x 6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Onario and Quebec. Box 24, Canapa LuMBERMAN. \ K JANTED—2s5 M FEET B.M; CLEAR STOCK, maple squares, 1” x1” x 42”; must be free from knots, rot, heart, black marks, shake or check put up in bundles of 25 tied with lath yarn. Quote f.o.b shipping point. N. B. Wiikes, Brantford, Canada. FOR SALE SECOND HAND MOTOR, 2: h.p., DIRECT current, 250 volts. Has been in successful opzra- tion for 22 months, and is being disposed of becau e owner requires a 50 h.p. alternating motor. Address GEO. H. THIBAULT, Valleyfield, Que. SPRUCE LIMITS WANTED ITH WATER PRIVILEGE. STATE EX- actly location, number of acres, and all other necessary particulars. Address ELS wT hy Office of Canapa LuMBERMAN, Toronto, Canada. Valuable Timber Berth BY AUCTION TOWNSHIP 139, NORTH SHORE OF LAKE HURON The undersigned has received instructions to offer for sale by auction, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on THURSDAY, MAY 3rp, 1900, im- mediately after the sale of Cook and Brothers’ limits, Timber Berth 139, north shore of Lake Huron (being 36 square miles, more or less), For terms and conditions of sale, and for all par- ticulars, apply to Geo. H. Perley, Ottawa. PETER RYAN, Toronto. AUCTION SALE Timber Berths Nos. 124, 125 and 132 (36 square miles each), North Shore of Lake Huron, Provinee of Ontario. Ihave been instructed to offer for sale by auction the above Timber Berths, in single berths, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Torcnto, on Wednesday, April 48th at 2.30 p.m. Terms :—Half cash at the time of sale, and the balance in six months, with interest at six per cent. Berths 125 and 132 are excellent Pine Limits, and are also heavily timbered with other valuable woods. Berth 124 has been cut over, but has considerable Pine and a large quantity of other standing timber. PETER RYAN, Toronto, } AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, Canapa LumBERMAN, Toronto. PIANOS OF THE BEST MAKES FOR SALE CHEAP “AN MAKE SHIPMENTS DIRECT FROM factories Will sell for cash or trade for equal value in any kind of Lumber, Lath or Shingles. Ad hed FRANK D. Ross, 738 Trumbull Ave., Detroit ich. VeaEUABLE TIMBER LIMIT By Public Auction At the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on © TUESDAY, APRIL 10, at 2 p. m. The undersigned has been instructed to offer for sale, at the above time and place, subject to the conditions which will be announced at the time of sale, Timber Berth TOWNSHIP OF MACKENZIE: Being about 80 Square Miles. This township is one of the best timbered berths in the province, is well watered, and easily operated. For further particulars, apply to the DeLtta Lumber Com- PANY, Detroit, or to PETER RYAN, Toronto. AUCTION SALE Important and Extensive Sale by Auction of VALUABLE Timber Berths, Ete. On the Ottawa River and its tributaries in the Pro- vinces of Quebec and Ontario ; at the Rotunda of the Hoard of Trade, Toronto, at 2 p.m., TUES- DAY, APRIL torn, 1g00. R. H. Klock & Co., of Klock, Ont., will offer for sale by public auction, at the above time and place, subject to the terms and conditions which will be an- nounced at the time of sale, the following timber berths under license from the Crown ; said licenses in- clude the right to cut all timber on the berths subject to the regulations of the Crown Lands Department of the respective Provinces, namely :— QUEBEC. Kippewa Berth, 22614 miles, and composed of berths Nos. 176, 177, 444, 445, 446, 447. Block A— Quinze Berth, 6114 miles ; No. 5 Rangex. Block A, Quinze Berth, 150 miles, composed of berths Nos. 5, 6, 7, range 3. All the above limits are in the Province of Quebec, as shown on the official map of that Province. North Temiscamingue, Indian Reserve, Province of Quebec. Area about 60 square miles, as shown on official map of the Province of Quebec and held under license from Dominion Government and subject to timber regulations of Department of Interior. ONTARIO. Deep River, 1034 miles, held under license 178, 1899-1900. Chalk River, 19 miles, held under license 177, 1899-1900. Rocky Farm, Ottawa River, 100 square miles, held under license 176, 1899-1900. For further particulars apply to R. H. KLOCK & CO., Klock, Ont., and TOHN GRAY, Room 100, Canada Life Building, Toronve, Canada. Ses er The King saw mill property at St. John, N.B., was offered for sale by: auction recently, but was withdrawn at $13,000. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, Considering that there has been little spring weather to stimulate outdoor Operations, the movement of lumber dur- ing the past week has been satisfactory. The outlook for export business 1s promis- ing, but it cannot be said that the local trade is opening up very hopefully if we take asa criterion the building permits issued in the larger cities of Ontario. These show a falling off in comparison with the same period of last year. The cause of this is found in the increased cost of lumber and other building materials. This being the case, it is satisfactory to learn that lumber prices are not only maintaining their strength, but that in some instances slight advances have been made. In the Ottawa valley pine sidings are now quoted at from $35 to $43, and good strips from $27 to $30. Shipping cull stock has also advanced about one dollar per thousand. The quotation for box culls is $12 to $14, while mill culls are quoted from $12.50 to $16. Itis a strange comcrdence that the price of mill culls should be higher than that of box culls. There has been an exceptional demand in the Ottawa valley for both these grades, but particularly the former, and mill culls are being used by the box manufacturers where box culls ‘were formerly employed. It is said that three inch mill culls which formerly brought about $7 per thousand are now being purchased, for delivery during the coming season, at $10. Itis not expected, how- ever, that these prices will rule throughout the entire season. Prices of dry lath are held as firmly as ever, although the quota- tion for lath to be cut this season is from $2 to $2.50 at the mill. But even this price is greatly in excess of the average quotation of last year. No changes have been made in hardwood quotations. Hemlock is selling moderately at satisfac- tory prices. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Theres still an abundance of snow in the eastern provinces to permit of logging operations, and it seems likely that most of the logs cut will reach the streams. Altogether, the outlook for the season’s sawing operations is more favorable than it was one month ago. More than the usual quantity of lumber will be shipped to the United States, as it is understood that Boston dealers have already contracted for considerable stock. The demand for cedar shingles has fallen off lately. This has had an influence upon prices gener- ally. Freight rates are a trifle easier. The rate from: St. John to west coast of England is 50 shillings, Rosario $11 to $12, Buenos Ayres $10 to $11, and Bar- bados $6 to $6.50. Coastwise freights have declined to $3 to New York and $2.25 to Boston. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, Manufacturers and dealers report a good enquiry for lumber, sales thus far being in advance of the business of last season. The movenient of sashes, doors, etc., is very active for this season of the te year. A number of important buildings are projected in Winnipeg, and in the rural municipalites the outlook 1s favor- able. In British Columbia the lumber business is fairly active. The mining in- dustry is recovering and a good season is expected. UNITED STATES. There has been an increased movement of lumber during the past week, but as yet the spring demand has not presented itself. The feeling in the trade, however, is that there will be a considerable move- ment of stock upon the approach of spring. The manufacturing demand for lumber is still holding out, and heavy construction material is moving moderately. It isnot expected that prices generally will advance, although on doors and mill work and white pine shop lumber it is predicted that there will be an advance within 30 days. Buffalo and Tonawanda dealers re- port a fair trade. The coarse stock has been nearly cleaned out of the market, and enquiries are becoming more numer- ous each day. Good lumber in all thick- nesses is moving actively. Spruce is in a strong position, and the cut of the com- ing season will no doubt be restricted by the unfavorable weather of the past winter. Hardwoods remain unchanged. FOREIGN. No important change in the British market can be recorded. Buying is still quiet, while prices are maintaining their full strength. The reports of wood brokers give practically the same quotations as one month ago, although it can truly be said that pine and spruce, selling from the yards, is a little higher. For broad first quality Quebec pine deals as high as £28 per standard has been paid, and indica- tions point to even higher values. In Norway and Sweden the winter has not been favorable for logging, fewer logs than usual have been taken out, and a re- stricted cut of lumber this year is expect- ed. So it seems that nearly all the wood producing countries will be short in ex- port stock, as the home consumption is naturally catered to first. Prices of Baltic woods are so high that it isassisting thesale ofspruce. A large quantity is reported to have been sold for delivery to a port on the north-east coast of England at an average of £8 tos. Auction sale prices have also kept up well. The Hawkesbury winter cut of pine, ex “ Ramillies,” sold at a recent sale, brought £25 per standard, second quality £18 15s, and the fourths broad £8153. It is said, however, that the stock was by no means a good sample of the production, otherwise higher values would have ruled. Red pine, mostly odd sizes, realized £11 5s for 2x9, £9 15s for 3x7, £10 for 2x10, and £5 for 2x7 unas- sorted. Square-timber 1s moving moder- ately. Some birch logs from St. John, N. B., have been sold wholesale at 18d to 184d per foot for 14 inch average. For current prices the reader is referred to a report in auother column. ———$—$—$—$—$——————— LT NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. There is beginning to be considerable in- quiry for shingles, and quite a few orders are being placed. Weather conditions are decid- edly against any pronounced demand as yet, however, March having been exceptionally cold and stormy. Prices seem to be a shade weaker as a logical result. Extras are offered at $3 to $3.15, and clears at $2.60 to $2.75, the bulk of the sales being made at the lower figures. All lower grades are holding their own extremely well. At present writing the prospects for speculative house-building in New England this season are not all that was expected earlier in the year. The trade gen- erally, however, are hoping for a different appearance of things within another month and with the opening of spring. STOCKS AND PRICES. Walter & Humberstone, of Strathcona, N. W. T., will this year cut 3,000,000 feet of lumber. Boyd Bros., of Flesherton, Ont., are taking out a considerable quantity of square timber. The Morris, Field, Rogers Co., of Listowel, Ont., are in the market for one inch basswood lumber. The Sheppard Lumber Co., of Maple Lake, Ont., have about 1,000,000 feet of logs yet to draw to the water. The ship Errol sailed from the Hastings mill, Vancouver, B. C., last week for Plymouth, England, with over 1,000,000 feet of lumber. The steamer Briardene is loading 1,800,000 feet of deals for Glasgow, Scot- land, on acconnt of Alfred Dickie, of Lower Stewiacke, N. S. It is estimated that the cut of C. T. White at Sussex, N. B., will amount to nearly 9,000,000 feet, one-third of which is now ready for shipment. The city of Winnipeg desires tenders by April 11th for the annual supply of lumber. Particulars may be obtained from C. J. Brown, city clerk. George E. Jackson, of Buffalo, has sold 35,000 feet of pine for the new elevator to be built at Quebec by Chapman & Co., of Buffalo. The order was filled from the Ottawa valley. It 1s announced that the greatest nor- way pine producing point in the United States, Ashland and vicinity, wil turn out probably 35 per cent. less than its normal output of pine, though increasing Its ag- gregate lumber output by probably 25 per cent. The tender of the McArthur Bros. Co., of Quebec, has been again accepted by the Admiralty authorities of London, Eng., for timber. Foy, Morgan & Co. are the brokers, and H.C. Walcot, ot 17 Gracechurch street, E. C., is agent for the shippers. The Michigan Hardwood Lumber As- sociation, at a meeting held at Traverse City on March 8th, decided upon the following prices for hemlock lumber : Short piece stuff, $10.50; piece stuff 18 and 20 feet long, $11.50; boards $12; 6 and 8 feet merchantable, $8 ; culls, short $6, long $6.50; boards $6 ; hemlock bark, $6.75 f. 0. b. rail or vessel. D. E. Sprague, of Winnipeg, has pre- sented a claim to the city council for $696.30, being a charge of $2 on 348,015 feet of lumber delivered in excess of con- tract. The charge is based on the advance in price of lumber since the con- tract was entered into, the price at that time being $19, as against $21 at present. —_—— EE CONDITIONS IN AUSTRALIA. The monthly timber report of Fraser & Co., Melbourne, thus reviews the Australian market : The market has been active during the past few weeks, buyers recognizing the necessity op entering more fully into stocks, evidently hav- ing taken into consideration the increasing c.1. f. values shown from almost every source of supply from which we obtain our requirements. The mills abroad appear to have large orders on hand for many parts of the world, and as tonnage is not very plentiful at the present time, it is quite likely that we shall see higher rather than lower rates ruling during the greater portion of the present year. Up to now, our market has not responded in regard to values as well as might have been antici- pated, for, although in some classes of impor- tation better rates have been manifested, prices for other and more important descriptions have remained stationary, while even slightly lower figures have been accepted than when we issued our last report on the 15th ult. We are, however, of the opinion that the next few | months will show some improvement in values generally, for there is no indication of a decline in shipping costs in the near future, while it is quite possible higher prices will be required, and it will be found necessary to bring local rates more in touch with the increased laid- down prices as soon as these are shown. F.o.b. and freight quotations for shipments re- cently fixed are upon a higher basis than those supplies now on the water, and when the former are being operated upon, the necessity for securing better rates will doubtless be, duly reeognised by both sellers and buyers. OREGON Pine—Imports: 2,191,527 feet super. Arrivals : Oregon and Big Bonanza, from Puget Sound. These cargoes have been fairly well dealt in. Late values have scarcely been maintained, as a considerable quantity was disposed of at £6 5s. The balance of sales was effected at £6 10s, at which figure the market closes firm, as a demand for export to the Sydney market has lately been experi- | — eee eee CCANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. enced, and a good quantity has been placed for that port. Further sales to there are antici- pated shortly. _————— ENQUIRIES FOR WOOD PRODUCTS. The following were among the enquiries relating to Canadian trade recently re- ceived at the office of the High Com- missioner for Canada in London, Eng.: 19, A merchant in Cape Town asks to be referred to Canadian exporters of tim- ber, cereals, dairy produce, etc. 20. Enquiry has been received from a Glasgow firm for names of producers or exporters of wood meal (wood powder) from Canada. 21. A large furniture firm at Antwerp importing different kinds of hardwood lum- ber would like to be placed in communica- tion with a Canadian house. Canadian manufacturers may open up correspondence with any of the firms making the above enquiries by addressing a letter to the publishers of the CANADA LUMBERMAN. When writing refer to the number of the enquiry. Lee PRICES AT GLASGOW. This year has opened very quietly in the timber trade, and though there is now more activity than in January, still buying is not at all on a large scale, which is no doubt ex- plained by the high prices ruling, buyers seeming to be afraid to commit themselves too far. However, this fear seems to be wearing off, and buyers are now more inclined to ac- cept the fact that high prices are going to be the rule this year. Deliveries from the yards are fairly satisfactory, and there is every evi- dence of the market being in a healthy condi- tion. Quebec shippers are on the spot fixing up contracts for next season’s delivery, and a fair amount of business has been done at high prices, it is reported. This is the review of the Glasgow market offered by Messrs. Edmiston & Mitchells, who say regarding prices : WaneyY Boarpwoop—Only a few unim- portant sales have been made during the past month, at prices round about 2s 9d per cubic foot for 70-feet average. In second-class boardwood there have been a fair number of sales, at from Is 7d to 2s, according to size and quality. Rep PiNe—There is practically nothing doing, and prices, which are only nominal, are about Is 10d to Js 11d for 45-feet average. The stock is quite ample for all likely require- ments for some time to come. OaK—A small order for about 5000 cubic feet was placed by one of the railway com- panies during the month, but price has not transpired. Values range from about 2s 7d to 3s 4d. per cubic foot, according to size and quality. ELM—A number of sales are reported at prices ranging from about 2s 9d to 2s 10d for 45 and 50-feet average. The quantity in stock is not large and is very firmly held. BircH—A few sales have been made during the past month at prices ranging from ts 7d for 15-inch up to 2s for 17 44-inch. The stock of Quebec timber on hand is now reduced to a very small compass. The demand is fair. In Lower Port birch there have been several sales made at about 17d to 18d per cubic foot ona basis of 15-inch, and the stock is now considerably reduced. Planks have been done at from £8 5s to £9 “‘ ex quay.” Asu—The stock on hand is unusally low for this time of year, and, consequently there are no sales of importance to record. Value of 14%4-inch is about Is 11d to 2s, and 15-inch 2s to to 2s 1d. There is a moderate demand only. DEALS—A satisfactory business has been done during the month, and deliveries from the various stores have been considerable. Wanted for EXpOrt ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY KONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. MARCH 21, 1G00 Stocks of first, second, and third pine deals in first hands are practically exhausted, and prices for all kinds are firm and likely to harden. Current values are as follows: First Pine Deals—Broads, £25, to £28 per standard ; iI-inch, £23 to 424 10s; ends and non- dimensions, £17 to £22. Second Pine Deals —11-inch and up, 417 to £20; non-dimen- sions, 413 to £15. Third Pine Deals—1I- inch and up, 411 10s to £13 ; Narrows, £8 5s to £9 10s; ends, £7 10s to £8 10s. Fourth Pine Deals—11-inch and up, 48 5s to £95 narrows, £7 10s to £8. Rep Ping DEALs—g to 11-inch by 3 and 4 inch, £12 10s to £14 10s; narrows, £10 to 2, First QUALIIY inch average, £17 58 to inch average, £18 10s to £21 10s 5 inch average, £22 to £24. Spruce DEALS—7 to 8 inch, £7 10s to £8 58; 9 to 11 inch, £8 10s to £9 55 —$—$—— ——— THE BARBADOS MARKET. Of the Barbados lumber market Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Co., in their circular of March 3rd, say : We have had the “‘ Mercedese” from Belliveau Cove, N.S., with 165 M. ft. spruce, which we placed at $20.50 for shipping, $18.55 for plank and $15 for second quality. The market is bare and next receipt will probably fetch similar rate. We continue our valuation of $23 or thereabouts for first arrival of white pine. Shingles—A lot of 275 M. laying cedar, ex ‘ Tiber,” has been sold mainly for ex- port at $2.20 to $2.25. In pitch pine there has been three arrivals; two ordered car- goes, and we have had the “Wm. F. Campbell,” from Wilmington, N. C., with 150 M. ft., and have placed same at $26, $20 and $18 for 1st, 2nd and 3rd quality, respectively. — Since compiling the above, the ** Gab- rielle” has arrived from Portland, to our address, with 7,438 bdls. shooks. ———————————————————————— THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) The lumber business in Ottawa at present is almost at a standstill. Scarcely any ship- ping is being done, but extensive operations in this direction will be resumed before the end of the month. Shippers have been noti- fied that navigation will open on the Hudson on the 26th inst., and the large stock that has been wintered over in Otttawa_will then be PinE SipIncs—8 to 9 £18 10s; 10 to Il 12 to 13 rushed by rail and water to New York, Al- bany and other points for distribution by the American owners. Operations on the limits are being carried forward satisfactorily, and the mill men have recovered most of the ground lost by the un- favorable weather of the early winter months. A feature of the work on the limits this season is the fact that some of the small mill owners are cutting hardwoods instead of pine as here- tofore. This is to accommodate the increased nt HD. WICGIN Ssh 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG tas Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WANT Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH Jolin F. Stengel “serrate wy PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. Y 4A Wj Ny less ‘SWAN “DONOGH LUMBER CO. TIUEETIUMBER WJEALERS. Ss Noth dena nite Cable Address, ‘‘ Swan DonoGH—ToNAWANDA. Lumberman’s Code. 4 MARCH 21, 1900 . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. III. demand for hardwoods American buyers. Although the supply of pine logs will bea fairly good one, the cut at the mills promises to be considerably below the average. This is particularly true in the case of deals, which in former seasons have been cut in large quan- Utes for the English market. The explan- ation of this change of front is seen in the Mereased and higher prices ruling in the American market for board lumber, and more particularly the common grades. The mill Owners, taking advantarge of this, are bidding for the trade, believing that it is going tobe anything but a short lived one, However, though prices have advanced materially, lum- bermen state that as wages and the cost of supplies have aided in increasing the cost of manufacture, their profit will not be as great as would appear at first sight, Almost all the Ottawa mill owners have sold their coming summer’s cut. A conserva- tive figure given by a leading Jumberman shows the advance on last season’s contract Price to range from 16 to 20 percent.” W.C. Edwards & Co. have closed with Watson & Todd, of Liverpool, Eng.; the Hull Lumber Co. have also made a deal with the same firm. J. R. Booth has made satisfactory ar- rangements with Robert Cox & Co. and Bristol & Co.; and the McLaren mills, of Buckingham, Que., will cater to the first mentioned firm, Robert Cox & Co. The Hawkesbury Lumber Co. have contracted with W. & J. Sharples, of Quebec, and Gilmour & Hughson, as previously annnounced, have closed with a leading American firm. Prices in the Ottawa market continue to show a steady advance all round. Pine sidings are now bringing as high as $42 per M, and good strips $30. Mill culls have advan- ced to $16 and box culls to $14 per M. There is no lath in the market, and buyers are waiting anxiously for the new cut, part of coming from the which is already being contracted for at $2 to $2.50. Itis expected, however, that this figure will be reduced as the season advances, though other lumber lines promise to hold firm in price. Davidson & Thackery, proprietors of Ottawa’s leading sash and door factory, intend erecting a new saw mill on their limits on the Coulonge river next season. The mill will give employment to 75 men, and will have an output of 8,000,000 feet a season. This lum- ber will be used in the firm’s large factory in Ottawa, where over 100 hands are employed. The mill will be built on the Coulonge near the junction with the Ottawa river, and about a mile from the village of Fort Coulonge. Back of this point the firm has limits 75 Square miles in area, which, though already partly worked over, will yield large quantities of first class lumber. The retail lumber dealers of Ottawa com- plain that the high price of lumber and other building material has put a damper on their prospects. Very little building will be done in Ottawa this season, though had prices re- mained normal a fair sized boom would have been experienced. Ottawa mill owners and lumber dealers look for the termination of the war in South Africa to open up a new market there. It is expect- ed that lumber shipments to Australia, parti- cularly in the manufactured lines, will also in- crease. All of Eddy & Co.’s machinery will, before the close of the year, be operated by electri- city, power being secured from the Conroy Milling Co., whose lumber and grist mills are situated on the Ottawa river about three miles above the Eddy establishments. Construction work is now being carried on, and it is expect- ed fully 8,000 h.p. will be supplied by the in- creased water power. Bronson & Weston’s large saw mill, which was shut down last season to permit of the erection of a large calcium carbide factory, will not 'resume operations this season at least. The firm owns extensive limits, and hence it is thought the Ottawa mill will be fitted out with new machinery and cutting Operations resumed. The calcium carbide works will be opened in about two months. They will have an initial capacity of 25 tons and will give employment to about 70 men working night and day. A second son of Mr. John Gilmour, of the well known lumber firm of Gilmour & Hugh- Son, Ottawa, has gone to the war, enlisting in Strathcona’s Horse. No less than four repre- sentatives of the Cameron family, also well known in the lumber business, have enlisted in two different contingents. OTrawa, March roth, tg00. nr One Dollar is the subscription price of the CANADA LUMBERMAN (weekly and monthly editions). Send in your order to- day. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. Overenn, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smit General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St, - MONTREAL, CANADA P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any Size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. BOOM CHAINS For Sale Give particulars what you want. 15 Basin Street, JOHN WILCOCK, = MONTREAL SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Construetional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. Cable Address, ‘‘CasKeEt,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS a PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umes MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. @@ Write us for Quotations on all Bills@@ PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Room 411, Board of Trade Building 2 MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. 2” Common Pine Plank, 6” to 12” wide, 12 to 16 ft. long, and 4x 4 Seantling, 10 to 16 WANTED : State quantity and lowest cash price. We are also open to contract for 3 to 4 million feet of same kinds, say 3 million 2 in. and x million 4x4 new cut 1g00, delivery by rail or water . AYO Ve A. A. SCOTT. ESPLANADE ; REID & CO., toronto WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White br Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock. or Cedar. PINE DEALS SuipmenTs sy Rait on WATER. - OHR & RYAN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EAST TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER 3awn to Sizes n PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. edar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. Specialty. . . Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHECTING—cainKy e ‘ Flooring from $12.00 Ceiling cs R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head Ofice—-TORONTO—70 King St. West. SARNIA—\wnrortsare DISTRIBUTING varos-—_ BU FFALO JAS. PLAY FATR & CoO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ° LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P. VWAITE aa MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIRRTON MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber Pine Lath, Cedar, and % Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CoRRESPONDENCE SoLiciTEp. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. “WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Manufacturers of and Dealers in All Kinds a Ka EEN on SGA REF HARDWOOD LUMBER Mills: SYCAMORE SIDING P. 0. TILBURY, ONT. Lake Erie & D.R.R.R. WOOD AND SLABS FOR SALE 10.00 urk’s Falls, Ont. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. CANADA LUMBERMAN > Soe WEEKLY EDITION. MARCH 21, 1900 © BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNOAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. SALES AGENTS: Sell before shipment and look Cable Address, '‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. SIEVEKINC, PODMORE & CO. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. ——— sr Wnill, GRMN 3.6L 4, WOOD BROKERS 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakndge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoor's in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, At and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD BEBO = 247 Union Street - GLASGOW 8 Gordon Street F. Fr. Lightbody & Go. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: “Zebra” and Private. CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Agents for Shipments Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. ee nnn PLVERY & VINGENT ==—SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RED PIN FE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED § it your Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. KENNEDY GLASGOW, SCOTLAND An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the. . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen or .. . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Flooring; Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handiee or any Woods suitable for English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. A. 48 West Regent Street - MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Is open for. . MAPLE FLOORING 3-PLY VENEER Cable Address: LIGNU WM, Manchester, A B C Code. Buyer of .. - BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: “‘Bircu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. Mention this paper when corresponaing with advertisers Seen HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS Try an Advertisement in the JAMES W. SOUTHERN ARNWORTH & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers JAMES WHEELDON & SONS .. TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ ALLISON,” Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW jo N, Glasgow. CG Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS ci ioe ea GLASGOW 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW 5 Ki 0 KE ) Cable Address : “ TECTONA” Glasgow. Atand A B C Codes used. Piss SMITH & TYRER 4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOO .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. IRVIN & SELLERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY Wood Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. 7 ALFRED DOBELL & CO. m—DIVERPOOL, BHNGLAND— Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool IN LOGS AND LUMBER Cable Address: ‘‘ REDWOOD,” “Zebra” Code, W. J. DAWSON & CC Wood Brokers and Commission Agents BENTHAM BUILDINGS, SIDE, Invite offers from Lumbermen for... - NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE FIR, SPRUCE, PINE \ or Any Wood Goods Suitable for the English Market. (oe Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distributio of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. “Wanted and For Sale” De- West Hartlepool, ENGLAND ; partment of this paper. Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. .. . BU D C FTT a 0 S = 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Street Withit LONDON, E.C. = CANADA TUMBERMAN Each berth will be sold separately. i WEEKLY FDITIO The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS, IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vot. VI. TORONTO, ONT., MARGH 28, 1900 No. to, WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of ts cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. Por SALE—A quantity of x, 2 and 3 inch Birch, Geo. Epcincron, Edgington,. Ont. GENERAL STOCK OF SEASONED HARD- wood for sale, will sell to consumers only. Apply to Tuos. BoLanp, Markdale, Ont. b tui, BOOKKEEPER WANTED. Zee IRST CLASS BOOKKEEPER FOR FIRM IN Ottawa. Must understand and have experience in lumber business and can furnish references. None other need apply. Write ‘‘Orrawa,” Canapa Lum- BERMAN office. blues FOR SALE. ¥ Arr HAVE A FEW THOUSAND FEET OF BASS- wood Heading for sale yet, 1714 No. 2 last season’s make, which I will dispose of at reasonable figures to make room for this season's cut. Apply to Geo. M. Everest, Arkona Heading & Basket Factory. FOR SALE. ACRES HARDWOOD BUSH, EXCEP.- 90 tionally heavy timbered. Close to lake. If not sold, would give job of sawing to practical mill man, with goed portable mill. Apply, Box 876, Owen Sound, Ont. SALE OF Valuable Timber Limits BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT TORONTO By C. J. Townsend & Co., 28 King Street West. ON THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1900 At 2 o’elock P.M. The following Timber Licenses : ON LAKE NIPISSING. No. 212, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 5, in Township of Patterson, Area, 2514 square miles, more or less. ON FRENCH RIVER. No. 214, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 16, Township of Falconer, sale of October 22nd, 1885, known as No, 11, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Area, 36 square miles, more or less. ON VERMILLION RIVER, A BRANCH OF THE SPANISH. No. 215, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 22, Township of Dowling, sale of October zend, 1885, known as No. 87, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of sale. Easy terms tu purchasers who may be deemed responsible by the vendor and who may arrange therefore prior to sale. ’ The abovetimber berths are exceptionally easy of access. Supplies can be placed at very low cost on any of the berths, either during the winter or summer months. The average haul is very short. _ timbered with white and red pine. On berth No. 5, Patterson, there is also a fine cut of many millions of large hemlock logs and railway ties, Berth No. .6, Township of Falconer, has never been cut on The berths are well Explorers can reach Townships of Patterson and Falconer in a few hours from either North Bay or Sturgeon Falls. _ Township of Dowling can be reached from Larch- * wood or Onaping, on C. P.R., which traverses this For further particulars apply to ALEXANDER FRASER, the vendor, at 74 Nepean Street, Ottawa, Ont. ’ OHN HARRISON & SONS CO., LTD., OWEN Sound, Ont.. offer the following specials: 5 cars No. 1 White Pine Lath and 6,-09 Cedar Posts, 8, g and 12 feet long. ANTED—Green Hard Maple Squares, 6% in. x 6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in On ario and Quebec. Box 24, Canapa LuMBERMAN. SAW MILI. SITE Coe a MILL SITE ON SOUTH END of the Georgian Bay, near Midland, extensive Lumber Docks, Houses, Store Buildings, etc.; water power. THE Muskoka Mitt anv Lumeer Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. AUCTION SALE Timber Berths Nos. 124, 125 and 132 (36 square miles each), North Shore of Lake Huron, Province of Ontario. I have been instructed to offer for sale by auction the above Timber Berths, in single berths, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Torcnto, on Wednesday, April 18th at 2.30 p.m. Terms :—Half cash at the time of sale, and the balance in six months, with interest at six per cent. Berths 125 and 132 are excellent Pine Limits, and are also heavily timbered with other valuable woods. Berth 124 bas been cut over, but has considerable Pine and a large quantity of other standing timber. PETER RYAN, Toronto. SS AUCTION SALE Important and Extensive Sale by Auction of VALUABLE Timber Berths, Ete. On_the Ottawa River and its tributaries in the Pro- vinces of Quebec and Ontario 3 at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, at 2 p-m., TUES- DAY, APRIL ror, rgoo. R. H. Klock & Co., of Klock, Ont., will offer for sale by public auction, at the above time and place, subject to the terms and conditions which will be an. nounced at the time of sale, the following timber berths under license from the Crown ; said licenses in- clude the right to cut all timber on the berths su bject to the regulations of the Crown Lands Department of the respective Provinces, namely :— QUEBEC. Kippewa Berth, 226% miles, and composed of berths Nos. 176, 177, 444, 445, 446, 447. Block A— Quinze Berth, 6144 miles ; No. 5 Range xz. Block A, Quinze Berth, 150 miles, composed of berths Nos. 5, 6, 7, range 3. All the above limits are in the Province of Quebec, as shown on the official map of that Province. North Temiscamingue, Indian Reserve, Province of Quebec. Area about 60 square miles, as shown, on official map of the Province of Quebec and held under license from Dominion Government and subject to timber regulations of Department of Interior. ONTARIO. Deep River, 10% miles, held under license 178, 1899-1900. Chalk River, 19 miles, held under license 177, 1899-1900. Rocky Farm, Outawa River, 1co square miles, held under license 176, 1899-1900. For further particulars apply to R. H. KLOCK & CO., Klock, Ont., and TOHN GRAY, Room 100, Canada Life Building, Toronio, Canada. H AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this departmenr. Address, CanaDa LuMBERMAN, Toronto. Valuable Timber Berth BY AUCTION TOWNSHIP 139, NORTH SHORE OF LAKE HURON The undersigned has received instructions to offer for sale by auction, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on THURSDAY, MAY 3RD, 1900, im- mediately after the sale of Cook and Brothers’ limits, Timber Berth 139, north shore of Lake Huron (being 36 square miles, more or less). For terms and conditions of sale, and for all par- ticulars, apply to Geo. H. Perley, Ottawa. PETER RYAN, Toronto. VALUABLE TIMBER LIMIT By Public Auction At the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on TUESDAY, APRIL 10, at 2 p. m. The undersigned has been instructed to offer for sale, at the above time and place, subject to the conditions which will be announced at the time of sale, Timber Berth TOWNSHIP OF MACKENZIE: Being about 80 Square Miles. This township is one of the best timbered berths in the province, is well watered, and easily operated, For further particulars, apply to the Detta Lumeer Com- PANY, Detroit, or to ‘ PETER RYAN, Toronto. ae ENQUIRIES FOR WOOD PRODUCTS. The following were among the enquiries relating to Canadian trade recently re- ceived at the office of the High Com- missioner for Canada in London, Eng.: 22, Broom handles, hoe handles, and shovel handles are required, basswood, and white pine. Canadian shippers are requested to quote prices per car-load. 23. Enquiry has been again made respecting the demand for hop poles from the Maritime Provinces of Canada. Canadian manufacturers may open up correspondence with any of the firms making the above enquiries by addressing a letter to the publishers of the CANADA LUMBERMAN. When writing refer to the number of the enquiry. = ee eee It is understood that John McConnell, of Marysville, N.B., has purchased the King saw mill property at Kingsville for $14,000, and that the mill will be operated this season. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The weather of the month of March has been greatly in favor of the lumber- men, logging operations having been con- tmmued almost incessantly. This has somewhat augmented the prospective log crop, and it is probable that the logs left in the woods will after all represent but a small proportion ofthe total production. Everything points to an unusually active Sawing season in the Georgian Bay dis- trict and an average season in the Ottawa Valley. The present outlook is that lumber prices will remain at the current basis until the rush of spring trade shall cease; after that lower prices may reasonably be expected. One feature which will tend to maintain the strength of the market is the almost certainty of an unprecedented firmness in vessel rates. Charters are now being made on the basis of $3 per thousand feet from Duluth to Buffalo. There is understood to be a de- cided shortage in lumber tonnage. A result of this may be that buyers in the Eastern States will endeavor to increase their purchases of lumber in Canada, and particularly at points where they may secure favorable rail rates. The spring trade is opening up slowly, but a week or two of good weather would stimulate buying, as there are a number of enquiries in the market. It seems prob- able that the consumption of lumber in building operations will be less than last year, but this may be offset by an increas- ed demand for lumber for manufacturing purposes. The quotations on pine lumber remain unchanged. In our hardwood price list black ash, thick basswood and oak have been advanced by about one dollar per thousand. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, There has been a considerable move- ment of lumber in Montreal during the past week, and the outlook for spring trade is regarded as favorable. The pro- posed harbor improvements and grain elevators will require a large quantity of timber. The contract for piles and lumber for the elevator to be built by the Conners Syndicate will shortly be award- ed, and local dealers are looking forward to the result with some interest. Archi- tects report a fair amount of building in sight in Montreal and Quebec. _ The event of the past week in respect to the market has been the formation of an association of shingle manufacturers of the provinces of Quebec and New Brunswick and the State of Maine. This association Il. decided that in future the commission to be allowed wholesale commission dealers shal] be five per cent. of the net amount of sales, instead of on the gross amount as inthe past. It has also been decided to advance the price of shingles to the following figures: Extras, $3.25 ; Clears, $2.85; Second Clears, $2.35; Clear Whites, $2.25 ; Extra No. 1, $2.85. These prices are to take effect on April 1st, and are based on Boston rate of freights. UNITED STATES. The lumber market of the United States has developed a slight weakness during the past week. From nearly all the markets comes the report that prices of piece stuff are being shaded a little, while at Duluth No. 3 boards are somewhat easier. It is also stated that in the Chicago market long wide joists are not bringing as high prices as one month ago. The lack of yard demand is responsible for this easing off in prices. Retail dealers, fear- ing that thehigh prices may retard building operations, are stocking up very cautious- ly. While yard trade is quiet, the demand from manufacturing sources is quite heavy, and promises to be a strong factor in the situation throughout the season. Orders for box lumber continue to be re- fused on account of a shortage in the supply. At Saginaw there isa scarcity of Norway pine, which is held at from $14 to $14.50, and log run pine ts quoted at from $18 upwards. Buffalo dealers re- port numerous enquiries for stock from the east, but these enquiries are rarely followed by orders. This seems to indicate that the eastern buyers are still expecting a drop in prices. Owing to the high price of pine there has been a considerable sale of spruce at Buffalo at from $20 to $22. Hardwood lumber is selling moaer- ately. In New York ash ranges from $42 to $45. There is likely to be a large pro- duction of maple in Michigan this season, and some predict considerably lower prices for this class of lumber. Lath prices are holding up well for this season of the year. At Saginaw the quotation is $4 to $4.50 on cars. White pine shingles are moving rather slowly, but dealers an- ticipate a short supply, as, owing the high price of box and mill culls, it is said that some manufacturers will not operate their shingle mills this season. FOREIGN. A slight feeling of uneasiness exists 1n Great Britain in regard to the timber market. It isnow admitted that the en- hanced cost of building materials will restrict building operations to some ex- tent, with a consequent falling off in the demand for lumber. The present high prices ruling for new goods are the main support of the spot market. In Canadian pine there seems to have been some im- provement of late. Buyers have become ronvinced of the shortage of the winter- _ng stock on this side, and also of the fact that several important mill cuts which have for some years past been marketed in Great Britain will this season go to the United States. The outlook for third and fourth quality pine is said to be better than for the higher qualities, as the prices for the latter have been affected by com- petition from American whitewood, Firm- ness characterizes the spruce market. Contracts have been made for 3x9 spruce in second and third qualities for delivery at London about midsummer at £8 I5s CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. and £8 7s 6d, while shippers are said to have sold nearly all their 3x11 stock. The spruce deals per winter liners from St. John and Halifax have been sold at £7 15s to £7 178 6d. In square timber the greatest activity pretains to elm and birch. First class elm timber is selling at from 2s 10d to 3s per cubic foot, and small average in second class wood at 2s 3d. Birch timber is quoted at from 1s 7d to 2s 1d per cubic foot. —_—_— TT NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. The past week has witnessed a marked n- crease in the number of inquiries for cedar shingles made by the retail dealers, and has also seen a decided stiffening among the manu- facturers, All shingles are in scant supply, and with a reasonable demand prices must be forced higher. Probably the following quota- tions will represent about the average figure being asked to-day: Extras, $3.15; clears, $2.75 ; 2nd clears and whites, $2.15 to $2.25, all delivered Boston freight rates. Manufac- turers are now allowing the commission trade five per cent. on the net instead of the gross value of shipments. ——_——_————— STOCKS AND PRICES. The city of Quebec is taking tenders for the annual supply of deals, lumber, etc. The city of Kingston has accepted the tender of the Rathbun Co. for the supply of lumber, at $16.85 per thousand. Pitts & Co., of Bay City, have purchas- ed 8,000,000 feet of Canadian logs from Booth & Co. They were cut on Indian reserve lands and will be rafted to Bay City or Saginaw. J.W. Munro & Son are reported to have sold to W. &. J. Sharples, of Quebec, all their waney and square timber made this season in the townships of Widdifield, Nairn and McKinnon. It :s reported that Dickie & McGrath, of Tusket, N. S., have cut 12,000,000 feet of lumber during the past winter. They have fourteen vessels chartered for the summer, two of which will carry lumber to South America. They are said to have an order from Bordeaux parties for 5,000,- ooo feet. At Saginaw cedar telegraph and tele- phone poles have advanced 20 yer cent. in the last ten days: 25-foct poles, 5 inches at top, are quoted at 85 cents on car, and six inches at top at $1.10; 30- foot poles, six inches at the top, are worth $1.25. Oak ties are quoted at 45 cents and cedar at 38 cents. Four X cedar shingles are quoted at $3 and clear butts at $2. It 1s learned that in the Eastern Crown Timber Agency of Algoma the sawlog out- put will be about 90,000,000 feet. In addi- tion, there will be taken out about 170,000 cubic feet of square timber and from six to eight thousand cords of spruce pulp wood. Ofthe above amounts 38,000,000 feet of logs and the square timber will be rafted from the north shore of the Geor- gian Bay, between Beaverstone on the east and Lacloche village on the west, and 52,000,000 feet, together with the pulp wood, will be assorted and rafted from the Spanish boom at the mouth of the Spanish River. There will be assorted at this latter point probably between one hundred and one hundred and twenty- five million feet. nl CANADIAN SPRUCE AND PINE. The following remarks, bearing upon the market for spruce and pine deals, are reprinted from the Timber Trades Journal, of London, Eng.: SpRUCE.—The spruce market is particularly firm ; we learn that shippers have sold all their 3x11 for the season at 42 per standard advance, and we believe under surrounding conditions and the great demand for 11 in., that shippers could have got even more, All other sizes have likewise been going well, and from the latest reports the sales have been effected right up to the end of the season ; in fact, from what we understand, nobody could con- tract for spruce to-day unless it was for the whole of the season’s shipment, which, to our mind, is a strong insurance of a solid market ae OEE — ee declare.that they shall hold for stronger prices : for the whole of the year. The government demand is one reason for this, and even should the South African war terminate earlier than expected, it will make no difference to the demand, which will continue on the same ex- tensive scale, as_ stores, ammunition, etc., must be shipped to the Cape and Natal for months to come. Pine.—Pine is gradually moving up ; it has taken time to convince the buyers here of the shortage of the wintering stock on the other sides, and now as it is an assured fact that the whole of Gilmour’s new cut has been sold to the United States, it makes the market stronger than ever. As to first pine regulars, we think the prices that the shippers are asking are really dangerous, considering that American whitewood is now a strong com- petitor with Canadian pine, and can be bought at very much less prices. Second quality pine regulars are undoubtedly very scarce, but at the prices we hear that they have been sold to arrive there will bea great difficulty experienced in getting a profit for the same reason, viz., the competition with American whitewood. Coming to third and fourth quality pine of the orthodox dimensions, the question isa different one altogether ; the prices obtained for wintering stock, which are from £2 to £2 10s per standard more than last year, the market can afford to pay, as although American whitewood may be in competition with first and second pine, it cannot compete with the lower qualities, which even at the advance stated are much the cheaper, these commoner qualities being largely in use for cabinet purposes, where anything of a sound nature will do, knots not being taken into account. We consider, therefore, that the prices of third and fourth quality pine regulars will keep up, at any rate throughout the pre- sent year. ——$—$—$—$_——————$—$—— THE BOSTON MARKET. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) The spruce lumber market is fairly steady, though it is in the midst of the quiet season. Something is doing in the way of house frame orders, but not much yet. The mills are generally pretty firm. One of the principal manufacturers of spruce lumber on the Kenne- bec writes his agents here that he has all the business he can attend to and at full prices, and will not book any business ahead except at full prices. Still the general belief here is that there will be lumber enough as soon as Spruce is steady at the mills get started. agreement prices : Frames, 9 inch and under ro and 12 in. dimensions......+-++--sseeeersees roand in. random, ro ft. and up long.......-- 18.50 2X3, 2X4,2X5,2x%6,2x7 and 3x 4, 10 feet ANG UP... ---eccseceersensnerecsmarecces te 15-00 All other random, 9 in. and under Merchantable boards planed one side. . Out boards planed one side....-.+.+seererereres F 4 Furring, 1x2, 1x2 and 1x3 planed ONE Side... ... eee enevereseccesonncs 13-50 to $15.00 Spruce flooring....+.e+e++eeeerseeeere 20.00toO 23.CcO Western pine is in steady request for the season, with prices firm : Uppers, 1 ins. ..e esse cere eee eeeeeers $58.00 to $60,00 WZ tO VIM. cece renee eccseeeneo ees 60.00 ‘* 62.00 Zand 4in.......eeeseeeeesseeeeeees 7o.0o ‘* 72.00 Selects, 1 to qiM.-.-. seen cece eeeeeeee 53-00 ‘* 68.00 Fine common, 1 tO 3 iM.....-+++eeeeeee 48.00 ‘* 62.00 Sheathings....-.....0eseeeeeeeeeeeees 40.00 ‘* 56,00 Barn boards.......eeeeeeeeeeeeeceeees 28.00 ‘f 32.00 Coffin boards........seeeecceeseeenees 26,00 ** 28.00 Clapboards continue very quiet. Reports from manufacturers state that clapboards have not advanced along with other lumber, and Wanted lor Export ALL KINDS OF [ LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers Invited . . vs 3 MARCH 28, 1G¢00 Shingles are in fair request, but it is sug- gested that the market may be shaded a little : Extra cedar, best brands....--+--++++-+° $ $3.15, Clear cedar......secrersccee seserecens 2.65 to 2.70 and clear cedar.....--e+eereseeereceeers 210. * “2/48 Clear white ......-.seeseeeeeecereeeeres 2.00 tuxtra No. I...cee cece erence er ereeeneres 1.50 Oregon ....-eeccccccrerenrecccseesanece 2.50 ** 3.50 Matched hemlock boards Pennsylvania dimension To Whos ine canoe scetasls bp alee heme (are las 20 No. 1, 10 feet ...-..e0 ceeeeeereeseeee Planed and matched...-.-+++-++++e0e v, Laths are quoted as follows : One and five- eighth inch, $3 to $3.10 ; 1% inch. $2.80 to $2.90. Boston, March 26th, 1900. ——$_—_ LUMEER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way, are as follows: Ottawa to Oswego, $1.90 per M ft.; Ottawa to Syracuse, 9% cents per_ 100 lbs. Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Montreal; 5 cents per roo lbs.; Quebec, 10 cents per co Ibs. ; Arnprior to Montreal, 7 cents per 100 Ibs.; Quebec, 12 cts. ; Pembroke to Montreal, 8 cents per 100 lbs.; Quebec, 13 cents per too ‘Tbs.; Ottawa to New York, t5 cents per 100 Ibs ; Arnprior to New York, 17 cents per too lbs.; Pembroke to New York, 18 cents per 1co lbs.; Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cts. per roo Ibs.; Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14c. per roo Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local 15¢., exports 13C. Der TOO Ibs. ; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents, export 15 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 21¥% cents, export 20 cts. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., 15 cts-; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Or- tawa to Burlington, 6c. per roo lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, ro cts. per 100 Ibs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per too lbs, from Arnprior 15 cents, from Parry Sound 20 cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to St. John, N.B., and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N.S., and common points, 2x cents per roo lbs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 Ibs.- artes quoted above are in centsper 100 lbs., except when quoted per M ft.; minimum carloads ro M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 lbs. per M ft. Ottawa rates apply on shipments from bury. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGGIN so state sr. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG eae Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WANTEH® Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASE John F. Stengel **gereatorx" a PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY. Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. uy i 24, ak Spe Ss SS SWAN ‘DONOGH LUMBER C8. LEMS AOS WHOLESALE UMBER y EALERS. % * Noth dna tnt Cable Address, “‘SwAN Do ae umberman’s Code > __UONDON, ENG Oe C. H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers 0f = SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. Wharves, Mills and Offices : ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENGLAND Rockland and Hawkes- © he A oh Wl SUPPLEMENT TO CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Se Fo Wholesale Prices March 28th, 1900. TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1% 1% and 2 inch cuts and better... . $32 00 $34 00 | 1 inch siding common 15 50 1%, 1% and 2 inch 1 inch siding ship culls 14 50 picks anduppers... 35 00 36 00] 1 inch siding mill culls 13 50 tinch Canada dress- Cullscantling........ 12 00 ing and better..... 22 00 24 00! 1 inch strips 4 in. to 8 tx1o and 12 Canadian in. mill run...... + 15 59 1600 dressing and better 24 00 26 00| r inch strips, common 14 50 14 and thicker cut- 1 1-4 inch flooring... . 18 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 oo] 1 1-2 inch flooring... 19 00 1 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 14 inch No. x Lath.. 3 75 1xro and r2 common. 15 00 16 00] 114 inch No. 2 Lath. 3 00 2X4 and 2x6 common 15 co| 134 inch Norway lath. 3 50 2x8 common......... 16 00] X white pine shingles 85 2x10 common........ 17 00} XX white pine shing- 3x12 common.. 18 00 | _ les, 6 in. clear butts. I 75 2x.o common.. 5 17 00/ XXX _ white pine 3x12 common........ 18 00] shingles... ........ 2 65 «xze and 12 millrun 16 00 18 00| B.C. shingles 6 to 2 in. 275 rxro and 12 mill culls 14 50 | B.C. shingles 5 to2 in. 2 85 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, rs and 2s unless otherwise specified. A h, white, 1 to2 in run.......2 ‘£ 3.. 17.00 19 00 tsts and 2nds...... $26 00 $28 00 Elm, rock, mill Ash white 2% to 4in WU seh odes 1 to 1%"18 00 2000 istS and ands... .. 30 00 32 00 Elm,rock, mill Ash, black, 1sts and RUM alae 134“ 3.. 21 00 23 00 ands, 1 tor in.... 21 00 23 00 Hickory, 1sts . h, black, rsts and -.134"' 2.. 28 00 30 00 ands, 2 to4in...... 23 00 25 00 Maple, ists ,M.R.,1 to 2.. 17 00 19 00 Birch, tin. .. 18 00 2000] Maple, ists ee 1% “* 2.. 2000 2300] and 2nds.. 2 “* sqrs. 4x4 ‘ 8x8 24 00 26 00 Oak, red, p’n, Basswood, ists and ssts& ends1 “‘ 1% 28 00 30 00 ands, 1 to1¥% in.... 18 00 2000 Oak; red, p’n, 1% to 2 ..22 00 2400] ists&ends2 “ 4-. 31 00 3300 “mr. x “ 1% 16 00 17 00 Oak, white, Butternut t ‘1% 2300 2500] 1sts&endsx “ 1% 29 00 33 00 Ly 2 ‘ 3.. 25 00 28 00] Oak, white, Chestnut 1 *£2.. 24.00 2600] 1sts&e2nds2 “ 4+. 32 00 3600 Cherry, sts Oak quart’d, andands..r . 1% 50co 6000| 1sts&endsr “ 2.. 69 00 65 00 Cherry, ists Walnut, tsts ‘ and 2nds.. 2 “‘ 4.. 6000 65 00| and ends..1 * 3-- 85 00 10000 Elm, soft, mill Whitewood, A as ae t “1% 16 00 18 00 ists& ends t ‘' 2.. 32 00 36 00 m,soft,mi OTTAWA, ONT. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- M feet, b.m.. $35 00 43 00] terstock........... 13 00 15 00 30 00 | Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 15 00 18 00 30 00 | Pine, s.c. strips...... 13 cO 16 00 Pine, sc. shorts..... 11 00 14 00 sidings, per M feet, Pine, box culls....... 1200 14 co b.m........+..+-.-. 18 co 24 00| Pine mill culls..... + 12 50 16 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing tx1o No, 1 barn.... 20 00 Strips, ............ 16 00 18 00| 1x10 No. 2 Pine, No. x dressing 1x8 &gNo.1 ‘ shorts, ............ 1400 16 00|1x8&qNo.2 |... Pine, ro s.c. and bet- Lath per M No.1... 3 00 3.25 LCA 17 00 20 00|{ Lath perM No.2... 250 2 75 WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ......... Bouma) First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 37 45 t as f 1g to2tinchaverage ‘“ « “Michigan “19 to ar in. average RED PINE—IN THE RAFT, Measured off, according to average and quality In shipping order, s < se as 3 mM & size 43-48 _ OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to averageandquality. .... , 46 50 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet . . 35 40 ne < ss "30to35 feet. . 32 37 ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . . .23 26 To ayerage 16 inch. . ..... . rte ee ey . 28 30 BIRCH. WINNARE NE 6 to Gag trey ea re ONG.) br 78 Be) ro? °! 6 =p. casa. nS) an aden. ies 7 py ly a M6. 0 A Sf ee rc rene 5B ene 18 “oe o A 32 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $40 to $44 for rst, $28 to $30 for 2nd, $25 to $28 for 3rd, and $21 to $24 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau. BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPERS AND SELECTS, Uppers, 1 in.; 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $50 00 id a $55 co 14%, 1% UG! MN banbcoda, ob + 50 00 1% 1% and 2 in C5\| BA eile coodnopsconsaue 58 50 24 ON | eA MAIN sforeruiayerevols cibevere cPeisiatere. fete 59 50 Api s'sielwials's ars Adit OSD seeee 67 FO FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 39 50 | 2% and 3in., 8in, and up wide 54 so CANA TIA. cwcceece esc AO Soni Aulnen vee cca tstasatescanetata cereeta oe 59 00 ZIM 66 sje ODS DAC EOL OBE ene 42 50 B FINE COMMON OR NO rt CUTTING. , rin., 7in. and up wide...... 30 50 | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 45 30 DM AN ODIG ADs se cists ciclo es 37, COMPARM fersccleisye'siaiey tale visio eters ate icles 50 50 DUN Oat eieeetererats sl ofotel stove evoke a sve 37 50 STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS), — 1¥ in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide... 46 oo| x In., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 40 00 Gin Wey seimiateisiele setoceisisin ss ASLCOMMON TDR WAC ed inlay cjarsiavcrsievns - 48 00 FINE COMMON OR Cc. | j Malia g AppopiLley WAGs Ans cls ccs vc 32 00 | 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 35 00 1% in., 6in. wide...... Denno eeiitey|| she Gitk tees Gade e ano hane 36 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 30 00 | rin., 4,5, 6 in. wide........ 25 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. Noda ea ttisseciets sissnjece eicvecee 25 00| No. ,Qgin....... LO) Tedeefelsla\siaie s aisles ng Scenes 2200] 8and7in....... OPP ornanosadece se 2 2 OOH MIN Os ay ay insonnar encore eee. 8 and 7 in........ SIC! LOT ossndccod vooneon aod Nowe ratty oc sa ceienien sere. 2200] gQin-......,, doracoeen ses 18 00 TOO remereisla eats eases ce ee ZOTOCNLGPEN or cistalotistsvela;elatniesecvee miare's 18 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR EOX. : rin., 4 and 5 in. wide....... $17 00{ 1 in., 13 in. and up wide..... $17 50 1in., 6in. wide......... +» 17 CO|1%,1¥%and in,, 7 in. and 1 in., 7 in. wide and up . 1700 UPL WIGE ss teloys\acsiecireine.< 17 50 SHAKY CLEAR. — ’ 1in., 3, 4,5, 7, 8 and gin. wide 28 00 | 1 in., ro in. and up wide..... 30 00 Lin., 6 im. wide............. 29 co| 1%, 1% and in., 8in. and up WAG emraciany teinister tier cies eo 30 00 SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 25 | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts. ice ssc cecucees 275 ae. S. Gane CINHOORO) Gon 375 Glearaibrii tare eninanny nis 3 00 fe bieisjetetoetafamiantst tein are BuSOuMNOn oil eee Aone Heseecees 3 25 Elemloce mentee acne ee 295 ALBANY, N.Y. i f PINE Uppers, SUM eaten Gare $ $70 1x12 inch shippers........, $ $23 BPGNIN Ie Nea cteeeters naan 70 | 4/4 inc os ” & up. 23 MOAN Boat canHoooone nh 55 | 4/4, Box boards, 6” and up.. 20 4 inch MIPPELSIaleieyerslavie sialon ete 72 | to-in, dressing and better... 28 34 Selects, ES ANGE Up anene dues 60 | r0-in. common............. 2 LAB Sone meds dw Soanpe 45 | 12-in. dressing and better... 32 36 Fine common, 2%in. andup so 55 Common, rxiz...... ...... 2 OE chomp gaunbodnmne Zien V1 ||INGManlse tis, Sea.) non mele 27 30 alu vtell fule/sterstatelnelelate,aiec 27 b 25 No.3 25 No. 1 25 a 23 Stained saps 32 34 A 32 Dressing boards, narrow. 25 Commoneescne serene 20 22 Ix1g inch shippers......... 23 J LATH. The CS cpar cae ARISE i samncree Gale S3usolliSpruceriaccckc hence erent $3 50 ‘ SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx. -$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 6 25 Clearbuttsincn eee 3100) (3725) sMemlocki 4 essere ne 215 Smooth, 6x18....... Se OOE-SSOil| Sprucee nen semaine seas 2 20 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Up'’rs, 1, 1%, 14% and 2 ressing 14 in...., 33 50 Mid svete tohohe pideisialeisvs.e $57 58 00 14x10 and 12...<.. 35 50 2 and 3 in....... OG5.50)| Fras inl 5 eee nee 35 so AUTEN wales ets eeeeee 7 50 Le WRAP ne Connccae 34 50 Selects, x tg2in..... 5° 50] Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 2% and 3 in... ... o 61 50 and up, rin...... 38 50 A Meee. ee teens 66 50| Mold st’ps No. x to 2 Fine common, rin.,up Nelenbagoacconsonasn 38 50 39 50 to 12 in. wide.... 4t 50| Barn, No.1, 12in...,. 28 50 1% and r¥4 in..... 41 50] 6, 8androin....., 23 50 Bi hl donesqradneoor 44 50 Novi rolineey nes 21 50 3} HMlogceacdsansoocn 56 50 INos2)r2iineseeenne 23 00 4 Meee eee 61 50 No. 3, ro and 12 in. 20 50 Cut’g up, No. 1, rin. 3341501) BOX x4aee ener 17 00 WALA Ml oaapaane 39/501) “DP oax6itomonmnese ee 19 co Noa ineneeee 2200] 1x10to13in....., 20 00 No. 2, 14%, & 1% in 32 00 33 00 tY and r¥in...... 20 00 No. 3,14 & 1% in 28 50/ Mill Culls, 1, 1%, 1% INOS By Mls oodsoon 26 50 andeziiner sees 16 50 LATH. 1¥% inch No. 1 white pine ....$5 00 1¥% inch No, 1 Norway....,.. 400 TZ aie TIMxXed. shiek see ee 4 50/1 No. x whitr pine 4 00 1% inch No. 2 white pine -- $4 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying price at Buffalo and Tonawanda : WHITE ASH, tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 30 00 32 00| 24% tog in.........., 34 00 38 co Sat Orziinnet ener 84000) 536) loa)| Ofripsseesee ye ‘+222 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls....... I2 00 14 ou BLACK AND BROWN ASH, tst & end, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH, tst & 2nd, 6 inch & | 1st &2nd,white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 00 We), EE sacar acon 28 00 30 00] Com & good culls..... IO 00 12 oo ELM. 1st & 2d,rock, 6in. & up, 20 00 22 00 | ast & ed, soft, 6in. & UP, 20 00 22 00 MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard,6in. & upr8 co 2000 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 09 : o Re EI ~~ wm sala a wt oe Poe Marcu 28, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. ll. POSTPONEMENT OF GOVERNMENT SALE. The sale of timber limits advertised by the Quebec Government to take place on March 28th has been postponed to Wednesday, the 30th of May next. This step was considered advisable in order to enable intending parchas- ers to explore the limits. ——————— SHIPPING MATTERS. The Montreal Trade Bulletin reports that freight engagements for deals have been made by the regular steamship lines at 45s. to 47s.6d. from Montreal to Liverpool and Glasgow, and 45s. to 50s. to London. Tramp steamers are not to be had at any price, as high as 60s being offered and refused. The Timber Trades Journal reports the fol- lowing charters : Boat, 1,450 standards, Hali- fax, N.S., to Liverpool, 51s.3d.; steamer, 850 tons register, Dalhousie, N.B., to Gibralter, 50s; 520 tons register,St. John, N. B. ,to Galway, 57s.5d.; 1,200 tons register, east coast of Nova Scotia to west coast of England, 50s. ; steamer, Halifax to west coast of England, 51s.3d.; 450 tons register, Shediac or Tormentine, N.B., to west coast of England, 57s. 6d. The following charters are reported : Steam- er Ardova, Halifax to Liverpool, deals, 51s.6d. ; bark Wildwood, Boston to Buenos Aryes, lum ber, $9.50.; steamer Heldaswell, deals, from Montreal to United Kingdom, 51s., two trips.; a British steamer, Montreal to United Kingdom, deals, 5o0s., three trips.; barks Olive Mount and Merinda, Dalhousie to Barcelona, deals, 60s.; Francesco R, St. John to Cork, deals, 55s.; steamer Matinea, St. John to Lim- erick, deals, 53.9d.; a steamer, August loading at St. John, for w.c.E., deals, 49s. S. M. Breed & Co., lumber dealers, Lynn, Mass., are reported to have gone into bank- ruptcy. The liabilities are given as $426,000. H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading 0., Vaucouver, B.C, DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. BOOM CHAINS For Sale Give particulars what you want. JOHN WILCOCK, Basin Street SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Construetional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘ Casket,” Cape Town. A.B C. Code used. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS ,..MACNOLIA ANTL-FRICTION METAL In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS York. Tower & Wallace, New Yor. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. ows, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s ‘The Waterous Co., Brantford. elting. Polson Iron Works Co., Toronto, Ont. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montrealand Toronto. eee a The Waterous Co., Brantford. ___ PULLEYS Thos. Forrester Co., Montreal, Que. Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. Young, J. S., Montreal. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. BRASS CASTINGS RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. Magnolia Metal Go., New York. DRY KILNS Saw MANUFACTURERS F : Burns, E. Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co. Galt, Ont. y .% “ i Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. House WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Cope & Sons, A. L., Cope’s Falls, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. ; MiSGELLANEOUS Gartshore, John, Toronto. Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Cordage, Independent Cordage Co. , Toronto, Ont. M 1 CHINERY Driving Calks, James S. Neill, Fredericton, N. B. Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton &Co., Chicago, Ill, Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Darling Bros., Montreal. : Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfz. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Mershon & Co., W.B., Saginaw, Mich. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’ , Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and The Waterous Co., Brantford. Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont ee er ir aoe CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... , OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TOEONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smitu General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Mowry & Sons, B. R., Gravenhurst, Ont. - Operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal, CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBHOKE LUMBER 60, umes MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. - 8 Write us for Quotations on all Bils@e@ PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CAITADA PIN Room 411, Board of Trade Building SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kind Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Fl - MONTREAL, CANADA S of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White ooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. WANTED ac eee 2’ Common Pine Plank, 6” to 12” wide, 12 to 16 ft. long, and 4x 4 Seantling, 10 to 16 ft. State quantity and lowest eash price. ESPLANADE hid Moke - aren ee aet for 3 ms) 4 x million feet of same kinds, say 3 million 2 in. and 1 million 4x4 new cut 1900, uy TORONTO delivery byrailor water ..... ab | A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. [{cL-AURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemloek, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RaIL oR WarTER. - Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. ERaAst TEMPLETON, QUE. MOHR & RYA KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. aspecialty. . . Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S&&TINs—caiine e R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DBALERS Head Ofice—TORONTO-700 King St. West. SARNIA—worocttsate DISTRIBUTING varos—_ BUFFALO JAS. PLAY FHATR & CoO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ° LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies 2a MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty .. . A.& P.WHAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT -« WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND ) Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber Ma Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton MAITLAND, RIXON & CO, ex=so™ ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER KIPPEN e-SGAREE Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Joisting, Manufacturers of and Dealers in All Kinds ee HARDWOOD LUMBER Mills: SYCAMORE SIDING P. 0. TILBURY, ONT. Lake Erie & D.R.R.R. WOOD AND SLABS FoR SALE Flooring from $12.00 KNIGHT BROTHER . Ceiling es 10.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL Burk’s Falls, ae a IV. CANADA LUMBERMA N WEEKLY EDITION. ee ia) MARCH 28, 1900 ON Eee ciliata en BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. ble Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENG. SELLING AGENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . . wal, Gu Gl, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOYW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Braknidge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoors in Log, L imension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. umber and Dim continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, At and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD BROKE a. “9” Union Street - GLASGOW e 8 Gord St t Fort: Lightbody Ss Go. Me GLASCONT: SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ‘‘Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegrapliic Address—‘‘ WAI NSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. PEVERY & VINGENT | ==_——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RHD PIN E th Sierras) (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) GCG, LBARYS 6e Wood Agents and Brokers eS 4 Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. WANTED FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies uantities of HARDWOOD ele te and MANCHESTER ENGLAND o f large q Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . - ill be glad to hear from holders who have to otter Spruce Deal n 5 weLTE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and P eals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broa Aan or any Woods suitable for English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. JAMES W. SOUTHERE MAPLE FLOORING 3-PLY VENEER Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester, ABC Code. SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand b ds, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of .. - BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by.regular lin ers. Cables: ‘‘ Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. WOOD AGENTS AD. SHP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon, Cable Address : ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. Try an Advertisement in the “Wanted and For Sale” De- partment of this paper. pr & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers e Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. 2 Dale Street and g Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. WHEELDON & SONS JAMES .. TIMBER IMPORT... . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. “Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE __ Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS | 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW —————— Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. * Cable Address: -“ALLISON,’’ Glasgow. ALLISON, COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW ___154 St. Vincent = Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” Glasgow. GLA SGOW Codes: Ala os ;, GANT & KEMP « TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW ij R 0 K E RS Cable Address : “‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. Ata 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL SMITH & TYRER-- .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpoo ‘le Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. a o~ IRVIN: & SELLERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpo Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOT ELM, PLANKS and | BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. AS 0 ee ALFRED DOBELL & CO. eee TV ERPOOL, ENGLAND SOMOS Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool} IN LOGS AND LUMBER ———— Cable Address: “ REDWOOD,” ** Zebra’’ Code, W. JU. DAWSON & CO. Wood Brokers and Commission Agents BENTHAM BUILDINGS, SIDE, F \ NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE — FIR, SPRUCE, PINE or Any Wood Goods Suitable for the English Market. Invite offers fram Lumbermen for’. < a ‘Sax: Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . - 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Street Within, LONDON, E.C. BUDGETT BROS. - (CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pagés } $1.00 per year (The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS, IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vo.. VI. TORONTO, ONT. APRIL 4, 1900 No. iI, WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of rs cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue, FOR SALE. HAVE A FEW THOUSAND FEET OF BASS- wood Heading for sale yet, 17% No. 2 last season’s make, which I will dispose of at reasonable figures to - make room for this season’s cut. Apply to Gro. M. Everest, Arkona Heading & Basket Factory. ‘Valuable Timber Berth BY AUCTION TOWNSHIP 139, NORTH SHORE OF LAKE HURON The undersigned has received instructions to offer for sale by auction, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on THURSDAY, MAY 3rv, 1900, im- 4 i after thesale of Cook and Brothers’ limits, Timber Berth 139. north shore.of Lake Huron (being * 36 sq miles, more or less). -_ For terms and conditions of sale, and for all par- ticulars, apply to Geo. H. Perley, Ottawa. PETER RYAN, Toront SALE OF Valuable Timber Limits BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT TORONTO By C. J. Townsend & Co., 28 King Street West. ON THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1900 At 2 o’clock P.M. The following Timber Licenses : ON LAKE NIPISSING. No. 212, of season 1899-1990, being berth No. 5, in Township of Patterson. Area, 2544 square miles, more orless, ~ ON FRENCH RIVER. No. 214, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 16, Township of Falcorer, sale of October z2nd, 188s, known as No, 11, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Area, 36 square miles, more or less. ON VERMILLION RIVER, A BRANCH OF THE SPANISH. No. 215, of season 1899-1909, being berth No. 22, Township of Dowling, sale of October 22nd, 1885, known as No. £7. as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Hvron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July icth, 872. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day ofsale. Easy terms tu purchasers who may be deemed Seriasile by the vendor and who may arrange therefore prior to sale. The abovetimber berths are exceptionally easy of access. Supplies can be placed at very low cost on any of the be.ths, either during the winter or summer months. : The average haul is very short. The berths are well timbered wi h white and red pine. : On berth No. «, Patterson there is also a fine cut of many millions of large hemlock logs and railway ties. Berth No. 6, Township of Falconer, has never been cut on. Each berth will be s Id separately. Explorers can reach Townships of Patterson and Falconer in a few hours fiom either North Bay or Sturgeon Falls. ~— Township of Dowling can_be reached: frcm Larch- wood or Onaping, on C. P.R., which traverses this berth For further particulars apply to A.wxaNDER FRASER, r, at 74 Nepean Street, Ottawa, Ont. Lex HARRISON & SONS CO., LTD., OWEN Sound, Ont.. offer the following specials: 5 cars No. + White Pine Lath and 6,coo Cedar Posts, 8, 9 and 12 feet long. ANTED—Green Hard Maple Squares, 6% in, x 6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Onario and Quebec. Box 24, CANADA LuMBERMAN. (ae YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, Canapa LumBerman, Toronto. FOR SALE CHEAP. @ ae CAR 1% INCH CULL MAPLE, ONE car mixed 1¥% inch cull Maple, Beech and Birch. Rerp Bros, Hepworth Station. AUCTION SALE Timber Berth Nos. 124, 125 and 132 (36 square miles each), North Shore of Lake Huron, Province of Ontario. I have been instructed to offer for sale by auction the above Timber Berths, in single berths, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Torcnto, on Wednesday, April 18th at 2.30 p.m. Terms :—Half cash at the time of sale, and the balance in six months, with interest at six per cent. Berths 125 and 132 are ‘excellént Pine Limits, and are also heavily timbered with other valuable woods. Berth 124 has been cut over, but has considerable Pine and a large quantity of other standing timber. PETER RYAN, Toronto, VALUABLE TIMBER LIMIT By Public Auction At the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on TUESDAY, APRIL 10, at 2 p. m. The unders‘gned has been instructed to offer for sale, at the above time and p'ace, subject to the conditions which will be announe.d at the time of sale, Timber Berth TOWNSHIP OF M!CKENZIE Being about 80 Square Miles. This township is one of the best timbered berths in the province, is well watered, and easily operated. For further particulars, apply to the Decra Lumper Com- PANY, Detroit, or to PETER RYAN, Toronto. ANTED—A Competent Sawyer, Filer, and Saw Hammerer; constant employment. JAMEs RircHry, Makinak, Manitoba. MILL TO HIRE. EW 30 M PER DAY CAPACITY PORTABLE LN saw mill; will contract to saw from 2 to 5 millions ener Address, J. G. E-perxin, Port Greville, N. WANTED. NGAGEMENT TO REPRESENT IN AUS. tralia or Afri a responsible lumber shipper, by a reliable and experienced man: ege 44. Address, ‘“LUMBERMAN,” Box 12, Kaslo, B.C. FOR SALE. 90 ACRES HARDWOOD BUSH, EXCEP- tionally heavy timbered. Close to lake. If not sold, would give job of sawicg to practical mill man, with good portable mill. Apply, Box 876, Owen Sound, Ont. Ze MON a PROVINCE OF QUEBEC. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS, FORESTS AND FISHERIES. WOODS AND FORESTS. QUEBEC, 23rd March, 1g00. Notice is hereby given that the sale of timber limits advertised to take place«n 28th March instant, has been postponed to Wednesday, the 37th May next. S. N. PARENT, Commissioner of Lands, Forests and Fisheries, SSS et BUILT-UP LUMBER WANTED. A British firm desires to import from Canada large quantities of three-ply lumber, made in thicknesses of about one-eighth of an inch. It should be of birch or basswood, and must be reasonable in price. Manufacturers will be furnished with the address of this firm upon request, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The logging season being now closed, various estimates have been made of the quantity of logs that has reached the streams. An cfficial estimate, given by the Crown Lands Department, places the quantity at 800,000,000 feet, which is prob- ably not far from the mark. March was an exceptionally. favorable month for logging, and consequently many more logs were banked than was anticipated earlier in the winter. Reference to the log and jumber production will be found n another column. It is now certain that the cut of lumber in Ontario this year will be very large, but it is encourag- ing to learn that the greater portion of the production has already been contracted for at prices which will have a tendency to maintain the strength of the market. Prices of low grade stock are held firmly by manufacturers, and this notwithstand- ing that the percentage of low grade lum- ber manufactured this season promises to be large. While a drop in the price of box and niill cull stock is almost a fore- gone conclusion, it is not expected that this will occur before midsummer at least. This is substantiated by the fact that manufacturers are not disposed to take a large contract for mill culls at the present prices, having no doubt as to their ability to dispose of the stock, and preferring to wait untilthey are certai as to what quantity they will have to offer. Prices of hardwood lumber are showing signs of weakness. Log run maple, dry, is being offered at $12 at the mill, and black ash at $15.50. Dealers are buying sparingly in the hope of being able to arrange better terms later in the season, and relying upon the large cut of logs as their salvation. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The only change in the timber market is a greaver enquiry for birch square tim- ber. It is probable that this stock will command considerably higher prices be- fore the seasen closes. Some purchases of square and waney pine have been made at current quotations. In lumber there has been an average movement for local consumption and for export to the United States and Great Britain. Manufacturers have shown no weakening in their asking prices, believing that the market will con- sume the entire production ; in fact, the bulk of the séason’s cut has already been contracted for. Freight rates are very high, vessel owners asking $3 on lumber to Boston, while the rate on lightering deals to West Bay has gone up to fo cents per thousand. Shippers are experiencing difficulty in obtaining sufficient cars to move their stock, and it is said that there are hundreds of cars loaded with lumber at St. John and Halifax waiting for steamers, MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The spring movement of lumber has been rather slow in commencing, but manufacturers and dealers are satisfied that the season will be an active one. In the city of Winnipeg a number of im- portant buildings are projected. Prices are unchanged, although an advance of from 25 to 5c cents is expected in the price of British Columbia lath, for which there has been an increased demand of late. Cedar shingles are firm at $2.35 delivered at 50 cents freight rate points in Manitoba. The mills in British Colum- bia are unusually busy. Export trade is being interfered with by the lack of lum- ber tonnage. Rates have advanced about Is 3d all round over Jast month’s figures. UNITED STATES. Spring trade in the United States has been somewhat backward, and lumber manufacturers and wholesalers are show- ing a slight weakness in respect to prices. Concessions are made in some lines, chiefly piece stuff, but it is not expected that there will be any serious break in prices generally. There is a decided shortage in the supply of common inch, which is high in price, and which is likely to be produced this season ina greater quantity than usual. Buffalo dealers re- port very little trade in pine, the east still holding off. The scarcity of white pine box and cutting up lumber is such that {I. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. even if the demand should fall off to some extent, prices are not likely to weaken. The spruce market has strengthened, owing to the general belief that the cut will fall considerably short of the usual production. In New York city orders are being taken for future delivery at $22.50 for merchantable spruce. Lath and shingles have not changed. In Chi- cago dry white pine lath is selling ona $4.50 basis, but it is not to be expected that this price will hold out throughout the season. The slow movement of all sorts of lumber eastward is having its effect upon hardwood prices, and the trade are be- ginning to fear a considerable reduction in values when the sawing season 1s in full swing. At Boston one inch elm brings $32, and tbree inch $34 to $36 ; maple, one inch, $28 to $29, one and one-quarter inch $29, one and one-half inch $30, two inch $31, three inch $34, and four inch $36 ; white ash, one-inch $46 to $48, one and one-quarter to one and one-half inch $50, two inch $52 to $54, and three inch $60. FOREIGN. The only unfavorable factor in the British market is the decreased consump- tion. In other respects the outlook for the season’s trade is hopeful, and prices are maintaining their strength. At a recent auction sale first quality pine, 3 x 11x12, sold at £ 24. Third regulars brought £10 5s to £10 Ios, and second quality spruce £10 5s. Considerable spruce has been sold to east coast buyers, where it is competing favorably with whitewood. The price of 3x8and 3x7 second quality Riga whitewood (equal to third spruce) is £8, delivered at Humber port, while £11 Ios to £12 is the asking price for 3x11 inch delivered at Hull. Concerning the Liverpool market, a cor- respondent of the Timber Trades Journal says: ‘‘ The spruce market continues to be as firm as ever for future delivery, and those who hold stocks here and at the adjacent ports should be in good position to make profits. So far as can be gather- ed, prices are likely to be maintained at about their present level for some time to come. The parcels of spruce per liners from Halifax and St. John, with irregular specifications, are readily sold on the basis of £7 17s 6d c.i.f. Operations in the Bristol channel are on 4 parity with this, for we hear of 700 standards from Annapolis, N. S., having been placed at £7 178 6s c.if.,and a quantity from Halitax at £7 17s 6d to £8. Shippers from Miramichi are asking £8 5s c.i.f. for cargoes for spring shipment. For Irish ports, with the usual large preponderance of 3 x 9, such prices have been paid as £8 tos and £8 12s 6d per standards, and these for sailers running up to 700 stand- ards in capacity. TT STOCKS AND PRICES. E. Brownell, of Sheet Harbor, N. S., took out about 5,000,000 feet of logs dur- ing the past winter. The S. S. Stevens Co. cut this winter two and one-half million feet of lumber south of Kingston, N.S. A.H. Hough, of Renfrew, Ont., has had 20,000 logs taken out for him by jobbers. He has also purchased a quantity of logs from farmers. The steamer Wrestler recently sailed from Victoria, B. C., for Melbourne, Aus- tralia, lumber laden. The Creedmoor left same port for the United Kingdom. The Orillia Export Lumber Company have just started their saw mill at Orillia, Ont., and will cut 500,000 feet of hard- woods and a quantity of pine, hemlock, etc. The contract for piling for the Connors’ elevator at Montreal has been secured by J. & B. Grier and James Shearer & Co. The contractors for building the elevator are Stewart & Co. D. J. Buckley, of Rogersville, has a portable saw mill on the Canada Eastern railway, between Chelmsford and Black- ville, in New Brunswick, and will saw about 1,500,000 feet of birch’planks. It is estimated that there has been taken ‘out during the past winter, on the Ontario Peninsula, north of and adjacent to Wiar- ton, about 40,000,000 feet of logs, chiefly hardwoods. The six mills at Wiarton alone have taken out from 16,000,000 to 18,000,c00 feet. ——_—_ TT LOG AND LUMBER PRODUCTION. LoGcinc OPERATIONS OF THE PAST WInTER.— Prospective Outrrur or THE MILLs. Statistics have been collected by a Saginaw correspondent of the American Lumberman bearing upon the extent of the log production in Ontario during the past winter, and the pros- pective lumber cut for the coming season. Al- though the figures cannot be taken as exact, they are of some interest to the trade. According to the figures published, the quantity of logs that will be taken to Michigan this season will not exceed 60,000,000 feet. It is estimated that about 20,000,000 feet,will be rafted to Cheboygan by Pelton & Reid ; 8,000,000 feet, bought of Booth & Company, will be taken to Bay City by Pitts & Company; the Saginaw Lumber & Salt Company will take over 20,000,000 feet, and the Hitchcock Lumber Company about 7,000,000 feet. Several Michigan firms will this year manu- facture on the Ontario. The W. & A. Mc- Arthur Company, of Cheboygan, purchased the McKinnon & Walsh saw mill at Little Current, Algoma, and have 20,000,000 feet of logs for the season’s work. The Moulthrop Lumber Company, of Bay City, have purchas- ed the old Moiles saw mill on John’s Island, in Georgian Bay, and will operate there. E. Hall, of Detroit, is removing the old Minor saw mill from Alpena to the Spanish river, and expects to cut 10,000,000 feet of lumber this season. The Edmund Hall Lumber Company, of Detroit, have commenced the erection of a saw mill at Sarnia, Ont., and ex- ect to commence sawing operations by the middle of July. The cut this year, if expecta- tions are realized, will be 12,000,000 feet. Of logging operations the writer says: Joseph Turner has put in 25,000,000 feet and has bought 10,000,000 feet. The Central Lm- ber Company of Saginaw has 10,000,C0o feet of old logs put ina year ago and about as many put into Blind River the present winter. The »Arthuc-HillGempany has put in 20,000,000 feet, which Aré to be manufactured at Mid- land ; J. & T. Charlton are handling 32,000, - 000 feet from the Spanish river, Wahnapitae and White Fish; Pitts & Charlton, from the White Fish, 12,000,000; Saginaw Lumber and Salt Company, from the White Fish, 15,- 000,000 feet ; Thomas Pitts, from Spanish river, 12,000,000 ; the Spanish River Lumber Company, from that stream, 18,000,000 feet ; John Waldie, Victoria Harbor Lumber Com- pany, from the Spanish and French rivers, 30,000,000 feet ; The Georgian Bay Lumber Company, from the Wahnapitae and French rivers, 35,000,000 feet. There will be 19,000, - 000 feet to come out of the Misseauga river, 5,000,000 from the Thessalon, 14,000,000 from Root river and other points in the Sault region. The following estimate of the probable out- put of the mills for the season is given : Feet. Cutler & Savidge Lumber Co., Cutler..... 22,000,0° 0 Cook Bros., Limited, Sprague.........-- . 2 ,0C0,000 Spanish River Lumber Co., Spanish River.. 18,coc,o00 Moulthrop Lumber Co., Johns Island...... 20,0. 0 900 Blind River Lumber Co., Blind River...... 10,0 0,0co N. Dyment, Thessaloniic cies sis meesicns 10,000,000 Conlon Bros., Little Current.......+++ +++ 18,000,000 W &A. McArthur, Little Current......-- 20, 00,000 E. Hall, Spanish River.......-- ssesseees Ic,’ 00,' CO Ontario Lumber Co., French River. ...... 35,000,000 Holland-Emery Lumber Co., Byng Inlet .. 40,000,f00 Wm. Peter, Parry Sound..........-- 25,000 000 Conger Lumber Co., Parry Sound.... 27,00C,000 Slush & West, Parry Sound........ 8,000,000 E. Hall Lumber Co., Sarnia.............- 12,00C,0°0 Parry Sound Lumber Co., Parry Sound.... 25,000,eco Mills at Midland.......-..seeeeeseeeeeee 67,000, 000 Victoria Harbor mills... ........-+00 e200 50,000,000 Waubaushene mills.....-...-22e see eee 36,000,009 Beck Lumber Co., Penetanguishene....... 2£,CO0,C09 J. & T. Charlton, Collingwcod ......-..+ 15,000,0c0 Toner & Gregory, Collingwood.......-.-. 10,°.00,°00 D. G. Coope . Collingwood........--++++ r 4,000,000 Collins Inlet Lumber Co., Collins Inlet..... 25,000,c00 Petals adele ism sn ell>s sis mista 515,000,000 It will be observed that the cuts of several large firms, such as Mickle, Dyment & Son, M. Brennan & Sons, the Huntsville Lumber Company, and others, are not given in the above table. 4 Regarding the market for the lumber, it is stated that W. B. Mershon & Company,| of Saginaw, have purchased the logs of the Arthur Hill Company, about 20,000,000 feet, and that this stock will be manufactured at Midland and taken to Saginaw. William Schuette & Company, of Saginaw, have pur- chased 5,000,000 feet from Joseph Turner, and L. C. Slade has purchased 2,000,000, of the Midland stock, all of which will be takem to Michigan. The Brewer Lumber Company, the Booth & Boyd Lumber Company, and Bliss & VanAuken, all of Saginaw, are said to have made purchases in the Georgian Bay district, so that probably (25,000,000 feet of the Georgian Bay cut will go to the Saginaw river, The cut of the Peter mill will be taken to Toledo, and the Holland & Emery cut to Buffalo. Coming to the Ottawa Valley district, the following estimate is given: The J. R. Booth Company expect to cut 110,000,000 feet of lumber this year, which exceeds by ten million feet the cut of last year. One-third of this season’s cut will be sold for domestic consump- tion, and the balance exported in about equal proportions to the United States and Europe, The W. C. Edwards Company will cut 60,- 000,000 feet, 15,000,000 feet of which is for home use, 20,000,000 feet for export to the United States, and 25,000,000 feet to the British market. Last season this firm cut 70,- 000,000 feet. The Hull Lumber Company expects to cut 40,000,000 feet, an increase of 15,000,000 feet over last year. Twenty per cent. will be for domestic use, twenty-five per cent. for the American market, and the re- mainder for trans-Atlantic shipment. Gilmour & Hughson will cut about the same quanuity as last season, 30,000,000 feet, which has been sold to an American company. The Hawkes- bury Lumber Company will cut 50,000,000 feet, which is the same as last year, and has been sold for export. The cut of McLachlin Bros., of Arnprior, will be 65,000,000 feet, . which has been purchased by E. Lemay, of Montreal, and the bulk of which will be ex- ported to the United States and other foreign markets. The Ottawa Lumber Company will manufacture 12,000,000 feet, of which 50 per cent. will be exported to Europe and the balance in equal proportions for domestic use and export tothe United States. This is a decrease of about 3,000,000 feet as compared with last year, but the company have contract- ed for several lots of sawn lumber. The Gillies Bros. Company, of Braeside, will manufacture about 35,000,000 feet, which is an increrse over last year of about 20,000,000 feet. Most of the output of the Ottawa Valley mills is now in second hands, having been sold in advance of sawing—probably 50 per cent. for the British market, and the balance, largely box and box lumber, such as 6, 8 and 10 inch boards, for the United States and local trade. —_—_—_— ©—X SSeS eo ENQUIRY FOR HICKORY SQUARES. The publishers of the CANADA LUMBERMAN would be pleased to learn of Canadian manu- facturers who are in a position to supply hickory squares for the British market. The dimensions of these squares should be 44”x 74" x %". The stock must not be too springy, and must recover its straightness after bending. Manufacturers in a position to supply the above are asked to send their andress to this office. ——_———— THE BARBADOS MARKET. The market report of Clairmonte, Man & Co., dated March 17th, thus refers to the Bar- bados lumber market : There has been one arrival with spruce lumber during the fortnight, which met a good market, and realized $20.61 for first quality. There has also been one arrival of white pine, which sold at $22.57 for first quality, and $16 for second quality. Our yards are rather bare of both white pine and spruce, and dealers are now laying in supplies of spruce for the crop season. SHINGLES.—Gaspe Cedar in supply—held Wanted for EXpOr ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. J. D. SHIER, - America, 57s 6d to 60s; Pisagua APRIL 4, 1g00 at $3.75 per M for small; we value good quality Jong shingles at $4 to $4.50 per M. Cedar Laying, last sale at $2.20 ; spruce, $2.05 ; cypress—we note the sale of $2 M ex Wm. F. Campbeil from Wellington, N.C,. at $8.50 for 6-inch hearts, and $6.50 for 6-inch saps. The arrivals were: Brigt ‘1. V. Dexter,” from Liverpool, N. S., with 123 M feet white pine, $22.70: 18 M feet spruce, $20.50;4 M hemlock, $16. Scbr. ‘* Herbert Rice,” from Meteghan, N. S., 15 M white pine, 58 M shingles. Schr. **F. A. Rice,” from Wey- mouth, N. S., 139 M_ feet spruce, sold at $20.61. SS. ** Duart Castle,” from St. John, N. B., 65 M iong Gaspe cedar shingles, stored ; 48 M do., 6-inch, $6.51 ; 22 M do., 5- inch, $5.51; 18 M do., 4-inch, $3.60 ; 10 M do., 3-inch, $2.60. ——— SHIPPING MATTERS. Sail tonnage for lumber to the River] Platte continues to be enquired for, but current rates are not sufficiently attractive to call forth any considerable offerings. Shippers would pay $13 to $13.50 from the Gulf to Buenos Ayres, $11 and $12 from outside provincial ports, $10 from Portland and $9.50 and $10 from Boston. Following are current freight rates on lumber from British Columbia points: Sydney, 535 5 Melbourne or Adelaide, 58s 9d to 60s; Port Pirie, 56s 3d to 57s 6d ; Freemantle, 68s 9d to 7os ; Shanghai, 60s to 61s 3d; Kiao-Chau, 61s 3d to 62s 6d ; Tientsin, 67s to 68s 9d ; Vladivostock, 55s to 56s 3d; w. ©. South Range and Callao Range, 58s 9d to 61s 3d ; South Africa, 72s 6d to 75s; U. K. or Continent, 80s to 82s 6d. —_ In the New York market there is an un- usual ‘scarcity of spruce ceiling lath. Two cargoes sold recently on the market therefor $3.40, while the price one year ago was $1.80. J. F. Stengel, of Buffalo, is said to have pur- chased about 8,000,000 feet of pine in Ontario, and is also buying considerable hardwood. He does not maintain a yard, shipping direct to customers. = 2 Bde a The Saginaw river lumber market, accord- ing to the American Lumberman, cis dull in wholesale lines, no transactions having been recorded... during..the. past_w 2 making some contracts ast eee and interior mills are being visited and contracts _made for stock to be cut. Prices are steady, ranging from $17 to $20 for log run, $14 and $15 for box lumber, and $12 to $14 for piece stuf, Hemlock piece stuff is quoted at from $10 to $12. Mill culls are worth $12 and some are asking still higker prices. HD. WIGCIN Boston tase. 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WANTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F. Stengel **gereato, wer" PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit MN ‘ 7 ; x aS Cable Address, ‘“‘Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA: “4 ‘ Lumberman’s Code BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. » MANUFACTURER OF ..« = ____ Lumber, Lath and Shingles A million feet of Hardwood to offer. 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to ordet if contracted for early. APRIL 4, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. ILI, NEW BRUNSWICK EXPORTS. Mr. Ira B. Myers, United States Consul at St. John, N.B., furnishes the following state- ment of lumber shipments from the ports of St. John and Fredericton, N.B., for the quarter ended March 31st, 1900: FROM ST, JOHN, N.B. Value Lumber (American logs) ....... $114,714.61 Laths es SEE teres: 17,589.75 Shingles $2 ee slgnne Rieke 4,540.00 Shooks Mt ceo iced 5 648. 12 j $137,492.48 Lumber (Canadian logs) ....... 23,468. 37 Laths COO Eee 13,270.00 $174,230.85 FROM FREDERICTON, N.B. Value Lumber (Canadian logs) ...... $170.00 Clapboards sf a iris cw 1,165.00 Shingles (American) _....... 2,987.00 MOC At es = ey. iss $178,552.85 The following charters are reported: Ship Columbus, 1,750 tons, St. John, N. B., to Carditf, Newport or Swansea, deals, 50s ; bark Florida, 1,145 tons, same voyage, 53s; steamer Ardova, Halifax, N.S., to Liverpool, deals, 5Is; sailers, 600 tons, Shediac, N. B., to east coast Ireland, 55s; 405 tons, Richi- bucto, N. B., to w. c. England, 60s ; 1,000 tons, Miramichi to Londonderry, 57s 6d ; 500 tons, St. John, N. B., to Irish port, 57s 6d; and several other small sailers at from 50s to 57s 6d. The portable saw mill of D. P. Lewis, of Westbrook, Cumberland county, N. S., was destroyed by fire a fortnight ago. H. Fawcett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS, BOOM CHAINS For Sale Give particulars what you want. JQHN WILCOCK, Basin Street, SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘CaskeT,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J.C. , Belting Co. ,Montreal and Toronto. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Thos. Forrester Co., Montreal, Que. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. ORY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Cope & Sons, A. L., Cope’s Falls, Ont. Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. M *CHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. ' Carrier; Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co. , Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon & Co., W.B., Saginaw, Mich. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Mowry & Sons, B. R., Gravenhurst, Ont. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co. , Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Polson Iron Works Co., Toronto, Ont. SULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. S1W MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. k., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. M'SCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Cordage, Indepsndent Cordage Co., Tor nto, Ont. Driving Calks, James S. Neill, Fredericton, N B. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co., Chicago, Ill, Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and: Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OveREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, AL ANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TOEONTO, ‘QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smirn General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. « CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS me PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. umireo 4 } . MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL” SIZES “AND’KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS; SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. Oe Write us for Quotations on all Bills@/e@ PEMBROKE, ONT. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DBALERS REIN 67 Head “Office TORONTO-—1-° King St. West. & ARNI A—-wnoresate DISTRIBUTING varvs-—_ BUY FF ALO A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE MONTREAL, CANADA Room 411, Board of Trade Building - SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southein Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. to 16 ft. long, and 4x 4 Seantling, 10 to 16 WI k N L ED ft.. State quantity and lowest cash price. + REID & CO., toronto WM. COOKE. 2” Common Pine Plank, 6” to 12” wide, 12 ‘We are also open to contract for 3 to 4 _ million feet of same kinds, say 3 million 2 in. and 1 million4x4 new cut 1900, delivery byrailor water . . . COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. cLAURIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. are A. A. SCOTT. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS EKAsT TEMPLETON, QUE. SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. - KILLALOE STATION MOHR & RYA ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER - Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Contractors for ‘Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*TNS—cernG ¢ JAS. PLAY FATR & CoO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ¢ LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies =e MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A.& P. VAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE, ONT. eS eSSSSEGSSEnssseerees ROBERT WATT - WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND J Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber 5% Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER ad & SC AREF Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Joisting, Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, | ONTARIO. Manufacturers of and Dealers in All Kinds ee HARDWOOD LUMBER Mills: SYCAMORE SIDING P. 0. TILBURY, ONT. Lake Erie & D.R.R.R. WOOD AND SLABS FOR SALE Flooring from $14.00 KNIGHT BR : Celling "12.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS Co CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. APRIL 4, 1900 Se —————————— — oOoeoeoqeoewwywyeaeaeaeaa———— ee” BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNOAN, BWING & GO. Wood Agents ald BrOKers Cable Address, SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) ‘« Ewing,” Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, ENG, SALES ACENTS: Sell before shipment and, look atter Shippers’ interests. All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. WRIGHT, GRAHRM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Codes Used : Watkin ane WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agen au s for the sale ele i erkal Midrash PINE AND Sr neet ce a to all sizes—and cp kinds Pd Hardwoods n Log, Lumber n Stock. shipment s to an e principal ports in the United Kingdom or arin t handle ae Site a Be: ne au Be age Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes, SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. Wo OD BROS 27% Union Street F. Fr. Lightbody & Go. - GLASGOW 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes ‘‘ Zebra” and Private Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE ae SPRUCE ; Hardwoods i in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports n the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited, Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. —————— PYVERY & VINGENT —— SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF. - RED PIN FE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CO RRESPONDENCE INVITED LBARY & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND: WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH owen # BONS, ta es ee earteee are n to treat for regular of lar: nant a HARDWOOD LUMBER, a 7a will WHITE. RSH ° WHITE "OAK SCALY BARK a . ECOND G Lal HICKOR Y, POPLAR WALNUT cae BIRCH LOGS Of lar aes Scuaen A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS dence fro om Man eae ers Cables: ‘‘ Brrcu,” Glasgov ABGia nd Zebra iS ee Mention this paper when corresponaing with advertisers HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : “‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from ae ee Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Biownes Shooks, Sashes, Mouldin ngs, Dowels, Broom Honitss or any Woods suitable tor English Telegraphic Addre : FELBER, MANCHESTER. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Is open for. . MAPLE FLOORING 3-PLY VENEER Cable Address: LIGNU M, Manchester, A B C Code. pees EES Try an Advertisement in the “Wanted and For Sale” De- partment of this paper. eae & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Addre nworth,” Liverpool. 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . . TIMBER IMPORTERS . . “Whitewood, Manchester. MANCHESTER, ENG. ‘Ned Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Addre: Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: "‘ALLISON,”’’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW kee ec SEE Calder, Henderson & Livingston Cable Address «‘ VALOREM,” Glasgow. GLASGOW 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable ae * Pelee fe nal SMITH 8 TYRER - {4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL . Wood Agents i% Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & CO. , Metropole ade., | Hollis St., Halifax, N. @ ©O~ IRVIN & SELLERS POPLAR, SOPT BLM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. WOOD: BROKERS se " BROKERS Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpoo Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. all HARD and FANCY WOODS ae IV EREPOOL, HBNGLAND—= Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool} IN LOGS AND LUMBER Cable Address: ‘‘ REDWOOD,’ **Zebra’”’ Code, W. J. DAWSON & CO. Wood Brokers and eT Agents BENTHAM BUILDINGS, SID Invite offers from Lumberme NEWGASTLE- ON-TYNE q FIR, ‘SPRUCE, PINE or Any Wood ‘Goods Suitable for the English Market. ——$—$—__ ey Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution ~ of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. | . Cofreepantiense Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . « BU DCETT BROS, - om Baum streat Within LONDON, E.C, The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $l.oo PER Year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. VI. TORONTO, ONT., APRIL tl, 1900 No. 12, WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. FOR SALE. HAVE A FEW THOUSAND FEET OF BASS- wood Heading for sale yet, 17% No. 2 last season’s make, which I will dispose of at reasonable figures to make room for this season’s cut. Apply to Gro. M. Everest, Arkona Heading & Basket Factory. Valuable Timber Berth BY AUCTION TOWNSHIP 139, NORTH SHORE OF LAKE HURON The undersigned has received instructions to offer for sale by auction, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, ““foronto, on THURSDAY, MAY 3Rp, :990,_im- meiiately after the sale of Cook and Br: thers’ limits,’ Timber Berth 39 north shore of Lake Huron (being 36 square miles, more or less). For terms and conditions of sale, and for all par- ticulars, apply to Geo. H. Perley, Ottawa. PETER RYAN, Toronto. SALE OF Valuable Timber Limits BY PUBLIC AUCTION AT TORONTO By C. J. Townsend & Co., 28 King Street West. ON THURSDAY, APRIL 19th, 1900 At 2 o’cloek P.M. The following Timber Licenses : ON LAKE NIPISSING. No, 212, of season 1899-1990, being berth No. 5, in Township of Patterson. Area, 2514 squure miles, more or less. ON FRENCH RIVER. No. 214, of season’ 1899-1900, being berth No. 16, Take of Falcorer, sale of October 22nd, 1885, known as No. 1x1, as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July roth, 1872. Area, 36 square miles, more or less. ON VERMILLION RIVER, A BRANCH OF THE SPANISH. No. 2t5, of season 1899-1900, being berth No. 22, Township of Dowling, sale of October 22nd, 1885, known a. No. £7. as laid down upon the map of the north shore of Lake Huron, published by the Depart- ment of Crown Lands, dated July 1cth, 872. Terms and conditions of sale will be made known on day of sale. Easy terms tu purchasers who may be deemed responsible by the vendor and who may arrange therefore prior to sale. f The abovetimber berths are exceptionally easy of access. Supplies can be placed at very low cost on any of the be.ths, either during the winter or summer months. The average haul is very short. The berths are well timbered wi h white and red pine. On berth No. , Patterson there is also a fine cut of many millions of large hemlock logs and railway ties. Berth No. .6, Township of Falconer, has never been cut on. Each berth will be s Jd separately. Explorers can reach Townships of Patterson and Falconer in a few hours fiom either North Bay or Sturgeon Falls. : Township of Dowling can_be reached frem Larch- wood or Onaping, on C. P.R., which traverses this berth. For further particulars apply to ALEXANDER FRASER, the vendor, at 74 Nepean Street, Ottawa, Ont. \ X JANTED—A Competent Sawyer, Filer, and Saw Hammerer; constant employment. JAMES Ritcuey, Makinak, Manitoba. ex HARRISON & SONS CO., LTD., OWEN Sound, Ont.. offer the following specials: 5 cars No. 1 White Pine Lath and 6,coo Cedar Posts, 8, g and 12 feet long. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, Canapa LumBeRMAN, Toronto. MILL TO HIRE. EW 30 M PER DAY CAPACITY PORTABLE saw mill; will contract to saw from to 5 millions lumber. Address, J. G, ErDerKIN, Port Greville, N. Ss. BOOKKEEPER WANTED. OMPETENT BOOKKEEPER; ONE CON- versant with the lumber business. Apply, giving age, qualifications and copy of references. Box 18, Canapa LuMBERMAN. FOR SALE. 90 ACRES HARDWOOD BUSH, EXCEP- tionally heavy timbered. Close to lake. If not sold, would give job of sawing to practical mill man, with goed portable mill. Apply, Box 876, Owen Sound, Ont. AUCTION SALE Timber Berths Nos. 124, 125 and 132 (36 square miles each), North Shore of Lake Huron, Provinee of Ontario. I have been instructed to offer for sale by auction the above Timber Berths, in single berths, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Torcnto, on Wednesday, April 18th at 2.30 p.m. Terms :—Half cash at the time of sale, and the balance in six months, with interest at six per cent. Berths r2s and 132 are excellent Pine Limits, and are also heavily timbered with other valuable woods. Berth 174 has been cut over, but has considerable Pine and a large quantity of other standing timber. PETER RYAN, Toronto. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber THR PROPERTY OF The Canadian L2nd and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited). This company has a larger tract of well timbered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There is a large quantity of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherry, Birch, Maple also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The Company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 10 © 000 acres, or more if desired There are several good mill sites on the preperty. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut out and are looking for a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to : H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. WANTED. | Bytes us TO REPRESENT IN AUS- ~ tralia or Africa responsible lumber shipper, by a reliable and experienced man: age 44 Address, ‘“LUMBERMAN,” Box 12, Kaslo B.C. TO CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS. epee es FIRM OF TIMBER IMPORTERS desire shipments from Canada of large quantities of doors and mouldings. Manufacturers are asked to send particulars, stating the quantity they can supply, to ox B30, CanaDA LUMBERMAN. WANTED. A CANADIAN MINING COMPANY WISHES to engage a manager to take charge of the cutting and marketing of its timber. Business located in On- tario. Address, stating age, experience, references and salary expected, Box 33, CanADa LuMBERMAN, Tor- onto, Ont. SAW MILI. SITE Ge00D SAW MILL SITE ON SOUTH END of the Georgian Bay, near Midland, extensive Lumber Docks, Houses, Store Buildings, etc.; water power. THE Muskoka MILL anp LUMBER Coy Ltd., Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE—DRY LUMBER, 1899 CUT White Pine and Red Pine Red Pine Log Run, Culls Out. 537,000 ft. B.M. rx 4/6 in. x12 ft. and up. 285,000 ft. B.M. 1% x 4/6 in. x 12 ft. and up. 200,coo ft. B. M. 1% x 4/6 in. x r2 ft. and up. Wh 'te Pine, Nice Dressing Quality. 127,000 ft. B.M. 1x8 in. x 12/16 ft. 90,000 ft. B M. 1x9 in. x 14/16 ft. Also a nice lot of “‘ Outs” from Good Strips and Sid- ings, suitable for factory work, cutting up purposes. 18 M ft. B.M. 1% in. Sidings, 8 in. and up, 12/16 ft. 33 M ft. B.M. 1% in., 4/7 in., 12/16 ft. 98 M ft. B.M. 1% in. Strips, 4/7 in. x 12/16 ft. 1x M ft, 1% x 4 in. and up, Shorts, 6/rrz ft. Apply to, A. F. BURY AUSTIN, Wholesale Lumber & Timber, 411 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal. SS DOORS AND MOULDINGS WANTED. There promises to be an increasing trade with Great Britain in Canadian doors and mouldings. In the ‘‘ Wanted and For Sale De- partment ” of this issue will be found the an- nouncement of a firm that is desirous of purchasing large quantities of these goods. The advertisers are, we believe, among the most re- liable firms of timber importers in Great Britain, and persons desirous of increasing their trade in this direction should place themselves in communication with them. ENQUIRIES FOR WOOD PRODUCTS. The following were among the enquiries relating to Canadian trade recently re- ceived at the office of the High Com- missioner for Canada in London, Eng.: 24. An English firm wishes to know the names of Canadian shippers of spruceboxes of which 250,000 are wanted ; also of spruce- bars, of which about 50 standards per week are required. Prompt reply asked for. 26. An English continental firm of good standing wishes to represent manufacturers of Canadian wood pulp, as their agents in the United Kingdom and on the continent, especi- ally France. - Canadian manufacturers may open up correspondence with any of the firms making the above enquiries by addressing a letter to the publishers of the CANADA LUMBERMAN. When writing refer to the _ number of the enquiry. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Lumber manufacturers appear to pos- sess a firm belief in the maintenance of present prices for some months to come. A large manufacturer in the Georgian Bay district, writing tothe CANADA LUMBER- MAN, states that he has no dry for sale, and that he has received enquiries for more stock than he can manufacture this season. Another manufacturer advises us that over 50 per cent. of his season’s pro- duction has been sold, and that he anti- Cipates no difficulty in disposing of the balance of his stock at prices quite as high as those ruling at the present time. Confidence seems to be firmly established, and this alone will tend to keep the market strong. The trade actually moving is not of large volume, as the spring demand has been rather slow in opening up. ‘Retail dealers are not absolutely in need of stock, and consequently they are disposed to wait until later in the season in the hope of being able to purchase at better terms. For dry stock prices are stiffening. One Or two changes have been made in our Toronto quotaticns, 1 x 10 and 12 common having been advanced by one dollar per thousand, and -a_ slight advance made on most of the lower grades. Hard- wood quotations have not changed, the demand being only normal. It is expect- ed, however, that prices will weaken slightly as soon as the dry stock of this season’s cut is offered to buyers. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Harbor improvements and bridge work in the eastern provinces will this season consume a considerable quantity of tim- ber, and with a moderate demand for building purposes, there should be a fair volume of trade. Numerous enquiries for stock have been received by manufac- turers from United States dealers, and the Prospect is that prices will be firmly sus- tained. The movement to form an asso- ciation of shingle manufacturers is looked upon as a step in the right direction, and should a successful organization be estab- lished, benefit to the trade will no doubt result. In New Brunswick there is still a con- siderable quantity of snow in the woods. This will be favorable to stream driving and lessen the danger of having logs hung up. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. A heavy movement of lumber js re- ported from Manitoba and British Colum- bia. Manufacturers are sold for months ahead, and some of them have refused {I. large orders for stock. There is an un- usually brisk demand for British Colum- bia cedar lath. In Vancouver and Vic- toria building operations are very active, notwithgtanding the high price of building materials. The export trade is good, but freight rates are unusually high. j UNITED STATES. The lumber market of the United States has developed no features of particular in- terest during the past week. The move- ment of stock is rather slow, and few sales from the cargo mills are reported. Retail dealers are showing an indisposition to stock up in the face of slow consump- tion. Piece stuff has weakened slightly. In Chicago the list was maintained during the winter on a $16 basis for short lengths, but wholesale dealers are now quoting this stock on a $15.50 basis. Common inch lumber is a trifle higher than it was one month ago. Buffalo dealers report that the white pine trade is in a peculiar con- dition. The east is not reconciled to the present asking prices, while there is no hope of wholesalers being im a position to offer them any concessions, as their stock could not be replaced at the prices at which it was purchased. Spruce Jum- ber is maintaining its strength and is held firmly at $22.50 in the New York market. The feature of the hardwood trade is an increased demand for maple, which is reported very scarce. The probability is that before dry stock is available maple prices will be further advanced. Elm, basswood, and black ash sell well. It is probabe that there will be a short- age in the supply of shingles this season and that prices will be marked up, as lumber has advanced in price more than shingles. At Buffalo the stock is estimat- ed at 20,000,000. Some dealers are hold- ing red cedar shingles higher than white pine. The demand is almost entirely for 16inch, which appear to be considered cheaper than 18 inch. FOREIGN. An uncertain feeling pervades the Brit- ish wood market. The consumption of lumber has been diminished by the en- hanced prices, and difficulty is being experienced in maintaining the present prices on account of the lessened con- sumption. On the other hand, the high prices asked by shippers strengthens the hands of holders of stock, who feel that they are not justified in lowering their asking prices. The spruce trade continues to flourish, and large quantities of this lumber are being purchased by the box- makers. In the London market third quality 1s selling at £10, and it is reported that nearly all the Riga whitewood for early shipment has been sold to France. This further brightens the outlook for spruce, inasmuch as the Riga whitewood is astrong competitor with Canadian lum- ber. At Glasgow there is a steady demand for first quality pine deals and planks. Spruce in that market is not moving with as much freedom as two weeks ago, but no depreciation- in prices is reported. Very little stock is being sold to Ireland. NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. The shingle situation in New Brunswick is decidedly mixed. So far as we can learn, the members of the new association are rigidly adhering to their price list. On the other hand, outsiders are selling on a basis of $3.00 to 3.20 for extras on Boston freights. The majority of shingle manufacturers do not seem to realize that there 1s such a thing as an association, and are willing to accept such figures, with $3.00 as a minimum limit, as their commission rep- resentalives may see fitto name. In some few isolated cases $3.25 has been readily obtained from the country trade, but the bulk of the orders have been accepted at about the follow- ing figures, delivered at Boston rates: Extras, $3.10 to $3-15; clears, $2.70 to $2.75; 2nd clears, $2.15 to $2.20; clear whites, $2.10 to $2.20. STOCKS AND PRICES. A scarcity of hemlock boards at Bostou is reported. No. 1 stock, 1oand 12 inch- es wide, is sold at $20. The property belonging to the estate of the late Thomas Keillor was sold at Dor- chester, N.B., last week. Some 340 acres of timber lands was purchased by C.S, & CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. J. Hickman, lumbermen, of Dorchester, for $8,190. Charles T. Monroe has purchased a mill at Douglastown, N.B., and will man- ufacture cedar shingles. J. H. Livingstone and J. W. Swan, of Wentworth, Cumberland county, N.S., have purchased 4 tract of timber land on the Midland railway near Windsor. The cedar market on the Saginaw river has not materially changed ; 25 ft. poles, 6 inches at thetop, sell at $1.25. Oak ties are quoted at 45 cents, cedar ties at 38 cents, and fence posts at 10 cts. Canadian shippers in a position to handle an order for log run black ash, 1”, 1%", 1%", and 2” thick, and of an average of 9 inches in width, with culls and centres out, for export to England, are requested to communicate with the pub- Jishers of this journal. Three timber berths on the Quisbis river in New Brunswick, aggregating 14 square miles, and a 2% mile berth on Siegar river, were sold at the Crown Lands office, Federicton, N.B., last week to Randolph & Baker, at the upset price of $8 per mile. The cut of logs to come down Salmon Creek to Melbourne, Que, is much smaller than usual, owing to an unfavorable winter. The Tourville Company, of Pierreville, have 40,000 logs, and Williamson & Crom- bie, of Kingsbury, 55,000 logs. Timber isin good demand. American buyers are offering $12 per thousand feet for good spruce butt logs, f.o.b. Kingsbury. WINNIPEG LUMBER PRICES. Following are wholesale prices, delivered at Winnipeg, for pine lumber : TIMBER AND DIMENSION—Timber 4x10 and 12, 6x10 and 12 and 8x8 to 12x12, 12, 14 and 16 feet long, $19.50; timber 6x6 to 68, 4x4 to 4x8 and 3x6 to 3x12, 12, 14 and 16 feet long, $18; dimensions, 2x4 to 2x12, 12, 14 and 16 feet long, $17; dimensions 2x4, 10 feet long, $17.50; dimensions, 2x8 to 2x12, 10 feet long, $17 ; dimensions, 2x6, 10 feet long, $17 5 dimensions, 2x4, 10 2x12, 6 and 8 feet long, $14.50; cull plank, all widths, $14.50; cull plank, re-sawn, $11.50. $1 per M. advance on each inch over 12 in. in depth and width. $1 per M. advance on each 2 feet over 16 feet. Boarps—First common boards, red pine, 10 to 18 feet, $22.50; second common, 10 to 18 feet $17.50; third common 10 to 18 feet, $17; culls, 10 to 18 feet, $15; 1-2 inch sheathing S. I. S., 10 to 18 feet, $13.50; second common stock, 12 in., 10 to 18 feet, $19; second com- mon stock, 8 to 10 in., 10 to 18 feet, $18 ; No. 1 wide box boards, 10 to 18 feet, $27.50 ; No. 2 wide box boards, 10 to 18 feet, $20. $2 per M. less for 6 and 8 feet. Re-sawing boards $1 per M. extra. SurIpLap—Shiplap, 8 and 10 in., $18.50; shiplap, 6 in., $17.50; shiplap, culls, 8 and 10 in., $16; culls, 6 in., $13. $2 per M. less for 8 feet and under. FLOORING, SIDING AND CEILING—Floor- ing and siding, 8 and 10 in., $19.50; flooring and siding, 8 and Io in. culls, $16; flooring, siding and ceiling, 4, 5 and 6 in., first white pine, $35.50; do., second white pine, $31.50; do., third white pine, $24.50; do., 5 and 6in,, first and second red pine, $27 ; do., 4 in., first and second red pine, $25.50; do., 5 and 6 in., third red pine, $22 ; do., 4 in., third red pine, $21; do., 5 and 6 in., fourth red and white pine, $19; do., 4 in., fourth red and white pine, $17; do. 4, 5 and Gin. culls, $15. $2per M. less for 8 feet and under, $1 per M. ad- vance for dressing two sides I I-4 and I 1-2 in. flooring, $1 per M. advance over I in. Bevel siding, No. 1, 1-2 in, x 6 in., $215 bevel siding No. 2, 1-2 in. x 6 in., $18. FINISHING—I 1-4, I 1-2 and 2 in. first, second and third clear whith pine, $45 ; do., select white pine, $35 ; do. shop, $30. $5 per M. advance on 24 in. and thicker. £ 1-4, I 1-2 and 2 in. clear red pine, $31; do., select red pine, 26.50; 1 in. first and second clear white pine, $47.50; do., third clear white pine, $36.50; do., B. select white pine, $30; do., C. select white pine, $25; No. 1 stock white pine, 12 in., $41.50; do., 8and Join., $39.50; No. 2 stock white pine, 12 in., $36.50; do., 8 and 10 in., $34.50 ; No. 3 white and red pine, 12 in., $29.50 ; do., 8 and 10 in., $27.50; 1 in. clear red pine, $31; do., select, $26. Selectee widths, $2 per M. extra. Mou.pincs. —Parting strips, per 100 lineal feet, 40c ; window stops, 50c ; door stops, 75¢; quarter round and cove, 50c; 4 in. casing, $1.60; 5 in. casing, $2; 6 in. casing, $2.40; 8 in. base, $3.25; 10 in. base $4. All other mouldings 50 per cent. discount off universal moulding list. Lath, per M, $3.50; pine shingles, 6 in., clear butts, per M, $1.75. THE AUSTRALIAN MARKET. The last monthly report of Fraser & Co. reviews the timber market of Australia as follows : The market generally has been in good con- dition during the past few wecks, almost every class of timber being in demand, and rates obtained in a great proportion of business fixed show some slight increase in values upon those ruling at the time our last circular was issued. Although some sales in business ‘to arrive ” have been done in Baltic flooring, lining, and weather boards upon the last basis of prices, local stecks of the same have been sold at in- creased figures, while Oregon is now firm at £7 per 1000 feet super, and it is probable that shortly higher rates will be required and paid for the latter lumber. For mostly other kinds of timber importations: prices have been more fully mantained, and as the markets from which we recieve our supplies indicate rather an up- ward than a downward tendency, both in re- spect to f.o.b. and freight quotations, and as the actual consumption appears to be on the increase in this colony, we feel justified in say- ing that the improvement now manifested will be continued during the course of the present year, TIMBER LIMIT SALE. The timber limits of R. H. Klock & Co., situated on the Ottawa river and its tributaries in the provinces of Quebec an Ontario, were offered for sale at the Board of Trade, Toronto, on Tuesday last. There was an average at- tendance of lumbermen from the Ottawa Valley and Georgian Bay district. Notwithstanding the persuasive powers of the auctioneer, Mr. Peter Ryan, the bidding was slow, and only one parcel was disposed of. This was a limit of 100 square miles on the Ontario side of the river and including the Rocky Farm, the pur- chasers being McLachlin Bros., of Arnprior, at the price of $105,000. The other limits were withdrawn. After this sale Mr. Ryan fut up a timber berth of 80 square miles in the township of Mackenzie, Georgian Bay district, the property of the Delta Lumber Company of Detroit. This limit was also withdrawn. BRITISH TIMBER PRICES. At a recent auction sale held by Foy, Mor- gan & Co., London, England, the following prices were realized for Canadian goods : Pinr.—Ex-Milwaukee, from Quebec—g ft. 3xILin., third quality, £10 15s ; 13 ft. x 3x9 in., third quality, £8 15s. Ex-Ailsa Craig, pe: Quebec—4-8 ft. 3x9 in., second quality, 12. Spruce. — Ex-Lady Gladys, from Trois Pistoles—12 ft. 3x9 third quality, 49 1583 13 ft. 3x9, 49 1583 9-14 ft. 3x9, £9 10s. Ex- Sylviania, from St. John—9g-18 ft. 3x10-14 In. first, second and third quality, £9 10s; 9-19 ft. 3x9, £9 10s; 9-19 ft. 3x8, £9; 9-19 ft. 3x 7, 4939-21 ft. 2%x7, £9; 3-8 ft. 24x7-9. £7 10s. Ex-Dalton Hall, from Quebec—12 ft. 3x g, second quality, £10 and £10 §s ; 13 ft. 3x9, second quality, £10; 15 ft. 3x9, £10; 10-13 ft. 3x9, Alos. Ex-Zanzibar, from Quebec—II ft. 3x9 in. first quality, £10 15s; 9-10 ft. 3x9, £10 15s. Ex-Werneth Hall, from Quebec— 12 ft. 3x9 in. third quality, £9 5s and £9 I5s; 9-16 ft. 2x5 in. third quality, £7 10s. Ex- Kinsale, from Quebec—13 ft. 3x9, second quality, £10. BircH PLanxs.—Ex-Halifax City—3o0 ft. 3x10 in., Is 2d per cubic foot. SHIPPING MATTERS. The Timber Trades Journal reports the fol- lowing charters: 1,000 tons, Pugwash, N.S., Wanted for EXpor’ ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. APRIL II, 1¢00 a to w.c. England or e.c. Ireland, deals, 52s 6d; 600 tons and 650 tons, Miramichi, N. B., to Londonderry, 57s 6d ; 600 tons, Miramichi to Cardiff, Newport or Swansea, 60s, half spruce, half birch; 600 tons, Shediac, N. B., to Mersey, 555 ; 600 tons, Campbellton, N. B., to e.c. England, 52s 6d; 570 tons, Miramichi to Drogheda, 60s; 250 tons, Richibucto to Khyl, private terms. In anticipation of the first-open-water, the initial sailings from Liver- pool are announced as follows: Dominion S.S. Co., Vancouver, April 14th ; Allan Line, Buenos Ayres, April 21st. The Leyland Line, which last year*hada regular weekly steamer for Liverpool, has withdrawn from the service, but will maintain the Antwerp Line. The Beaver Line (MacIver) has also with- drawn, so that for Liverpool there will only be four weekly stéansers, viz.: Allan, Jobnston, and Elder Dempster Lines from Montreal, and the Moss Line from Quebec. LUMEER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight ratesfon the Canada Atlantic Rail- way are as follows: Ottawa to Oswego, $1.90 per M ft.; Ottawa to Syracuse, 9% cents per 100 Ibs. Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Montreal, fer export only $1.10 per M ft., domestic 4% cents per 100 lbs; Quebec, $2.10 per M ft., domestic 84 cents per roo lbs.; Arnprior to Montreal, for export only $1.60 per M ft., domestic 6% cents per too lbs.; Quebec, ex- port $2.60 per M ft , domestic i034 cenis per 100 lbs. 5 Pembroke to Montreal, for export only $1.85 per M ft., domestic 7% cents per 100 Ibs ; Quebec for exp rt only 2.85 per M it., domestic 114 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to New York, all rail, 15 cents per 100 Ibs ; Arnp ier to New York, 17 cents per 100 lbs.; Pembroke to New York, 18 cents per 1co Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to New York and points within regular lighterage limits of New York Harbor. seasoned pine lumber, lots of co M feet and up, via Williams Barge line from Albany, $3.25 per M feet, lath 65 cents per M pieces, logs 25¢ M pieces and over; from Arnprior, seasoned pine lumber $3.75 per M feet, lath 7 scents M pieces; from Douglas, Eganville and Pembroke, seasoned pine lumber $ per M feet, lath 8. cents per M_ pieces, Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14c. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa, Rocklandand Hawkesbury to ton and common points, local 15c., exports 13¢. per 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cen! export 15 cts. per 100 lbs.; Parry Sound to Boston Portland and common points, local 21% cents, export 20 ets. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawa to Burlington, 6c. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, 10 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany. 17 cts. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per 100 lbs, from Arnprior 15 cents, from Parry Sound 20 cents per too Ibs.; Ottawa to St. John, N.B., and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N.S., and common points, 2x cents per 100 Ibs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 Ibs. Rates quoted above are in cents per 100 lbs.; when quoted per M ft., minimum carload will be 10 M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 lbs. per M ft. Lath minimum carload 50 M pieces, not exceeding 60c Ibs. per M piece. Ottawa rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Hawkesbury. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGCIN go staresr. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG hua Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. VW A SBS Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) 2 ron CAS Jolin F. Stengel **strraco. wy” PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit SWAN-DONOGH LUMBER C8. , Sw TE MESS AO Cable Address, “‘Sw,an DonoGH—ToNAWANDA. Lumberm an’s Code C.H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of=—— - SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers Invited ..... Wharves, Mills and Offices : ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENCLAND C ° : ' Wholesale W Prices vee HITE PINE— : ‘ ebruary 11th Fist 5 Ot sis , 1900 irst cl ae : ce y class Ottawa ae ONTO. tawa waney, 18 ff, 40 to 45 feet aa | % 4 ONT. o Michi he x nee average es 6 li i i es ae a soe 2 inch CAR OR CARGO LOTS - ichigan “‘ Ae feat inh eee te lineal... 37 .s i 14, 1% and aa .. $32 00 $34 t inch siding F ered off, accordi pe eee ia a ign aise 38 ia ee : I eae olka oo E a siding ee 16 52 17 00 ipping order, ng} tO avenaec aus quality... es nee : 3 : | ¢ 1 r: . : = i apap = Sie 2s By the dram, accordi OAK—MICHIG. i a ; 2% oes Upisancesawoies: Nie ah x = Rin: Gis : = vince ican an Bene gaee ae 4 RS ee ast auoceae ss, $70 | 1x12 inch shi ressing and an rinch strips 4 in, to & co y the dram . ality. . 3 inc TR eorcemre 25 | Box iso = ee = z ie ; : a : — case crt AGs = 50 Beles, 2% in. ‘up Me awaeebics Es 4/4 Box nae 6 nei! es $23 ea De 24 00 26 I merc anee common 16co 16 so ‘14 inches and “ quality, 45 to 50 feet Repeater a a ai he ee dressing and ‘et er. E et = se: : : ae ae 2 5 30 sCTo average a soreraine torav ASH. 30 to 35 feet . eB 40 Ne tee 2% in. and up so 42 | 12-in. apes tter... 28 3 2X4 mn. i sci « [ele} inch . era: ; O08 F g, # ute, x to 2 inch. : : 2x8 = 2x6 common 16 00 17 00 % inch No. x te 19 00 14 inch eh pert ek: ‘eg and quality . 37 No cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 4° ze Werke ee o : Pelee —- 15 co}, inch No. 2 Cath... pees ee a Ariens Nee ee pe pie 7s TP RRR ne Aes 16 13% inch Nor atb.. B75, P (ica IRCH. Bay... (Rea eae Pee 26 oN Ohana eae ccs “4 — : 3x12 common........ 17 oo | X white ine abt lath. aoa ine ‘ os DAO . ae oo 30 No. I molding eee at 4 3x10 COMMO a0. 2s 18 oo | XX wh'te pi shingles 3 50 1B a oescd be 1s oOo SA ame Stl ae Ree melee pEtozin..... : a : s _ = x0 yeaa tees. « ery OO 8 F a 19 ees saps ig, I to 2 in,. 33 25 axxo and ssp eeeee xx ee ie utts. Bri : onthe) OMe Diet Oe oon rks 24 ae eee : 1x10 and 12 mill run 17 00 18 00 shingl white pine by is pat spruce, accordi DEALS. — - . 26° 28 Shelvin; Blak renee 30 12 mill culls 18 00 | B.C abingie sesteee or 2nd, $25 to $28 ie an mill specificati a : i a = : A | i = a s ree ation, $40 t Ix19Q I ards, Beene 32 “2 an : 21 to $24 for 4th o $44 for 1st, $ inch shipper OW.... 32 —PER 2in. 75 4th quality. , $28 to $30 iat ae a 3 | sl z i _ pee y. F.O.B. Barton Mo muimelsen= 23 IMIG? seat ehaletas ats ae ists and 2n 210 erwise speci maga “ES i 4 i "3 ao .. ee. eo Uppzrs, ri eR RS SAGINAW, MICH Sawed Pin ' -...$3 50 | Spruce < see a ais ag in 1m, rock, mill 3.. 17 00, 19 00 mide in., 10 n. and up AND SELECTS. . Clear Sal SORE tah 02 $4.25 | Bou oo cee Rs 1sts ‘and 30 00 32 00 Elim rock sil 1 to 14%"18 ‘ 1% 1% suneheleien Sosndtes $55 oc Pe ened Ces : Seam . | = = : a | 2 — Bais ane : cc vA ogi zeta andi mies On Gs 2 eee 5.00 5 2 Es x18 ....$5 50 6 25 ands, 2 to 41 and Pe Eee. rats I i coe Reiss eee 2 vand 3 in... e eee. soca r sv “ Ash, M 4in.... ry, ists . 21 00 2300 ? ite et 50] 4in. We Mec alia vt 2789608 FYALO AND TONAWANDA, N. : . . BAe sh 23 fero} and 2n . . ae 67 5o ee Birch, aro 2.. 17 00 aa be Maple, po aber 2.. 28 00 1 in., 8 in. and . 200 14 00 x nd up...... 17 G° 14%, 1¥% and raed wide.....$17 1st & " tee ge a i tame 4 Ie poe = vis 345 5, 7,8 and gi SHAKY CL up “reece, 7 in. and 5° 1% andy Ses) Eerod WHITE ASH uying _— 3 TAS sn o No. peste .,O1n in, wid Spe ae a : _ : = ot aes , 6 in. wide. . e 28 00 | ri 4 17 50 +++ 34 00 2% to4 i s.c. and bet 400 16 00 | 1x8 gNo.x ‘ Hace cr meus e isa slate 5 asoun. and i “a ‘3 &oNo.2“ sees 00 ; g co] 14%,1%a nd up wide. — ise. Lath per Mt No ae Ze oa Count Brie ae in., 8in. and up 30 00 mace Sra xO mne. 00. 26.00 sn a Ee Wee gcd 3145 ee xXXXX Loe 1. la tease gooo 180 & er nade a ah aa 32 a : : | = faa ta nd bo mee BIRCH. good culls... 12 00 14 00 SNe a ty MUR 28 900 sig . i Juss white, 6” ae t & 2d,rock, 6in. & u ei : ca a oe - tee : Sein wicie, Io pe A oo | 1st & 2 i ee a d, soft , hard,6in. & ot ee .&upr8 «o 2000 eae ee | rst & 2d, soft, 61 , soft, 6in. & ui Pp, 18 00 20 fole} ter stock, eons. aeaks 7 00 20 oo | Lath per M No azn 2 50 275 age f = hs seen Y A i: eI Ris © we eae er eta AE ISR et a “ ‘ ‘ i, = osae ‘ ' 6 f ' - 1 ‘ 6 . TAK Sane e % ‘e 1 20% ‘ a a . a : . a i sf Ag TY ne 4 4 hy eo a, 1 ng i v "Sap a. = oh wie AWK VEIT? Whe ens a ve nee Segre ig n 2 — = te Stata 4 Resse aly ow i ‘ Bog OTe ae | Fe 1S a bao seid jase ors co) ARASH A ahs bee ’ F ow eee a wet oats * Set eee ae ee PM pre Sacisy ~, sii ee) ee ee By foe 3 ine 9 4 Chey ~~ Pxe'e Pe: / i ~ ¥ 4 bd a i re oa ah +: “ne ace + Rg ay ve! hog ta i paleo res seen agi nc he amusb ete ett * 2 ; vv ) v ? « ay way vy) sea PE be rere ; ni - ~! MS ee var gins cae A a tytn) fs pe eee if ES oy Ba. Hasna! on og: . og Og “tn 1 t ” , wth laterite 7 ve eax y abe * shee heh i! ping he eget, ; ots Sa Hee Weston oth OL oe an te cas ne if. _otl ele Ae Re ee toe eo f 5 1-40 <é Ls Chew 5-2 i es ae Ki . rt eee mics stuyv apes ol « PST . i _ a | 4 thd i Se ae Se a Lee | bean. i Bie , ae My APRIL II, 1900 a ee CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. MIS The saw mill of F. Tremblay, near the Lachine canal, Montreal, was burned a few days ago. The loss is $20,000 and the insur- ance $13,0c0. BOOM CHAINS For Sale Give particulars what you want. Basin Street, JCHN WILCOCK, = MONTREAL H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Construetional and f£ur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS | & C0. Cable Address, ‘“‘ Casket,” Cape Town. A.B C. Code used. a CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY ES vee Sly OPTAWA, ROCKLAND. HAWRESS TCE” ARN: OTTAWA, R A A , ARN- OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE Lumber Centres, TO aoa eae raha CANADA ATLAN YORK, DETROIT, TONAWAN A, ALBANY, aC TRANSIT COMPANY. &e., MONTREAL, TOEONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. M. A. OvEREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board W.P. Hinton. Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. Trade, Montreal C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J, L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. , Montreal and Toronto. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Thos. Forrester Co., Montreal, Que. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. ORY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Cope & Sons, A. L., Cope’s Falls, Ont. Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, M CHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon & Co., W.B., Saginaw, Mich. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Mowry & Sons, B. R., Gravenhurst, Ont. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRIGTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New PULP AXD PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. Polson Iron Works Co., Toronto, Ont. J Ss Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co. , Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. ®AILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. Saw MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, il, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. M'SCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Cordage, Independent Cordage Co., Torcnto, Ont. Driving Calks, James S. Weill, Fredericton, N B. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co., Chicago, Tl, Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering fools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New york and Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS Tw PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umes MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IN DIMENSION TIMBER OF ALL SIZES AND KINDS, JOISTS, CAR DECKING, CAR SILLS, SHIP DECKING, AND ALL KINDS OF ROUGH AND DRESSED LUMBER. WR Write us for Quotations on all Bills@/e PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Room 411, Board of Trade Building - . MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, N orway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southein Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, _ hollow back, end butted. ea at 2” Common Pine Plank, 6” to 12” wide, 12 | Fe ‘i ED to 16 ft. long, and 4x 4 Scantling, 10 to 16 . 13 i State quantity and lowest eash price. lion feet of same kinds, say 3 million in. and x million 4x4 new cut 1900, 4 | livery by rail or water . ¥ COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS ARDWO0OD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. ed and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. cLAURIN & MaLAREN Lumber Manufacturers We are also open to contract for 3 to 4 ESPLANADE =y TORONTO WM. COOKE. A. A. SCOTT. Dimension Timber in White PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS By RAIL OR WATER. = MOHR & RYA Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER awn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. edar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. specialty. Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock. or Cedar. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. y. DD. SHIER, #racesrivce, Bar Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EHAstT TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber + MANUFACTURER OF .., sve Lumber, Lath and Shingles | “COP 4N 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer, 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to ordet if contracted for early. ILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*2°1N9—cammy « Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling bi R. LAIDLAW LOMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head ofice-TORONTO-—70 King St. West. S ARNI A—-wuotesate pistriBuTiING yarvs-—_ BU FF ALO JAS. PLAY FATR & Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A. & P. WHITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, ~s MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT +¢ WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber Pine Lath, Cedar, and % Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CorRESPONDENCE SoLiciTEep. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO, HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. _ Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER * Manufacturers of and Dealers K BEN & SCARFF in All Kinds Of $e HARDWOOD LUMBER Mills: SYCAMORE SIDING P. 0. TILBURY, ONT. Lake Erie & D. R.R.R. DSLABS FOR SALE Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers, 12.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. urk’s Falls, Ont. IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. APRIL II, 1900 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & GO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. Econ PODMORE & CO. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENG, SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . . WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. WOOD BROKERS Sieee, ean Cable Address: Ewing,” Liverpool. Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. ‘* Brakndge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s , Zebra; Private. Aue s for the sale of cae Nala hid PINE ae SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods ate B, Lumbe: ension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or ent handle a to the She st Bas ntage. Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, At and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. VWYOOD, BE Ohta — 24% Union Street - GLASGOW F. Fe. Lishtbody a Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ‘‘ Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdo om. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. LL FEVERY & VINGENT ==_——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RED PIN FE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED LBARY & CO. Wood Agents and Soy WANTED FELBER, SUCKER & CO. SSRS. JOSEPH OwEN & SONS, Ltd... of Lumber Importers munORnerS ME oO epee ener open t for gular supplies MANCHESTER ENGLAND of lar pau Tee of f HARDWOOD Lt LUMBER, a nal Invite offers from Lu aS yrmen for... will be gla Iders who have er Spruce Deals and Batt WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and Flooring: Shooks, Seales, Mouliines, Boneless SECOND CkOwie nksand bons yeeros and Broom | Handles or any Woods suitable tor English Market LN BIRCH LOGS Hee ae edi imens! Tele egraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. KENNEDY GLASGOW, SCOTLAND A. 48 West Regent Street - MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Is open for... Invites Correspondence from Heo facturers MAPLE FLOORING for shipment by re regular Cables: ‘‘Bircu,” Glasgow. Codes: wABC an d Zebra. 3-PLY VENEER Cable Address: LIGNU M, Manchester, A B C Code. BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO eee TYE RPOOL, EBNGLAND— Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool} IN LOGS AND LUMBER Cable Address: ‘‘ REDWOOD,” **Zebra’’ Code, W. J. DAWSON & CO Wood Brokers and Commission Agents BENTHAM BUILDINGS, SIDE Invite offers from Lumbermen for . - NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE FIR, SPRUCE, PINE or Any Wood ‘Goads Suitable for the English Market. ( vat Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distributior of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . . BUDCETT BROS __ 10-and 74 Bishopsgate Strest With LONDON, E.C. (ANA WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.oa per year (The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES. AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. DA |UMBERMAN Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., APRIL 18, 1900 No. 13 WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions aré ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. Fe SALE.—>,090 arpsnts Boardwood Limits near St. Hilaire Station, only 22 miles from Montreal— Red Oak, Maple, Beech. Hilaire Station, Que: YS Competent Sawyer, Filer, and Saw JAMES Hammerer ; constant employment. Rircuey, Makinak, Manitoba. OHN HARRISON & SONS CO., LTD., OWEN Sound, Ont., offer the following specials ; No. 1 White Pine Lath and 6,coo Cedar Posts, 8,9 and 12 feet long. WANTED. be iernat Set otal TO REPRESENT IN AUS. tralia or Afri-a responsible lumber shipper, by a Address, reliable and experienced man: age 44 ‘‘LuwBesman,” Box 12, Kaslo B.C. TO CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS, Boo FIRM OF TIMBER IMPORTERS desire shipments from Canada of large quantities of doors and mouldings. Manufacturers are asked to * send particulars, stating the quantity they can supp!y, to Box 30, Canapa. LumBerRMAN. FOR SALE. ] HAVE A FEW THOUSAND FEET OF BASS. wood Heading for sale yet, 1714 No. 2-last season’s make, which I will dispose of at reasonable figures to make room for this season's cut. Apply to Gro. M. Everest, Arkona Heading & Basket F actory. Valuable Timber Berth BY AUCTION TOWNSHIP 139, NORTH SHORE OF LAKE HURON The undersigned has received instructions to offer for sale by auction, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on THURSDAY, MAY 3rp, 1900, im- mediately after the sale of Cook and Brothers’ limits, Timber Berth 139, north shore of Lake Huron (being 36 square miles, more or less). For terms and conditions of sale, and for all par- ticulars, apply to Geo. H. Perley, Ottawa. PETER RYAN, Toronto. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber THR PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited). This company has a larger tract of well timbered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherry Birch, Maple also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by , two railroads, one of which is about to be extended _ through the centre of the property. The Company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 10 10 090 acres, or more if desired There are several good mill sites on the property. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut out and are looking tor a new location. . aps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Torcnto. B. F. Campserr, St. } AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CanaDa LuMBERMAN, Toronto. MILL TO HIRE. EW 30M PER DAY CAPACITY PORTABLE saw mill; will contract to saw from to 5 millions lumber. Address, J. G. Eiperxin, Port Greville, N. St FOR SALE. OME MAPLE AND ELM LUMBER; ALSO 45 horse power Steam Mill, cheap; Foundry and Machine Shop to rent, very reasonable. J. C. Scrip- TURE, Colborne, Ont. : BOOKKEEPER WANTED. OMPETENT BOOKKEEPER; ONE CON- versant with the lumber business Apply, giving age, qualifications and copy of references. Box 18, Canapa LumMBERMAN. FOR SALE. 900 ACRES HARDWOOD BUSH, EXCEP- tionally heavy timbered. Close to lake. If not sold, would give job of sawing to practical mill man, with goed portable mill. Apply, Box 876, Owen Sound, Ont. FOR SALE—DRY LUMBER, 1899 CUT White Pine and Red Pine Red Pine Log Run, Culls Out. 537,000 ft. B.M. 1x 4/5 in. x12 ft. and up. 285,000 ft. B.M. 1% x 4/6in. x 12 ft. and up, 200,000 ft. B. M. 1% x 4/6 in. x r2 ft. and up. White Pine, Nice Dressing Quality. 127,000 ft. B.M. 1x8 in. x 12/16 ft. 90,000 ft. B.M. 1x9 in. x 14/16 ft. Also a nice lot of ‘‘Outs” from Good Strips and Sid- ings, suitable for factory work, cutting up purposes. “18 M ft. B.M. 1% in. Sidings, 8 in. and up, 12/16 ft. 33 M ft. B.M. 1¥ in., 4/7 in., 12/6 ft. 98 M ft. B.M. 1% in. Strips, 4/7 in. x 12/16 ft. 11 M ft. 114 x 4 in. and up, Shorts, 6/rr ft. Apply to, A. F. BURY AUSTIN, Wholesale Lumber & Timber, 411 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal. ————— CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. A strong feeling of confidence per- vades the lumber trade of Ontario. Manufacturers and dealers, almost with- out an exception, report numerous en- quiries for stock, while considerable of the season’s production of lumber has al- ready been contracted for. In pine the most active demand pertains to the lower grades, the supply of which has become very meagre. Unless the approaching season should be much less active than is anticipated, no great depreciation in prices is likely to occur. In the Ottawa valley good pine shorts have advanced recently abot one dollar per thousand Shipping culls kave been marked up abouut two dollars per thousand. Hardwood prices have not changed from our last quotations, but it 1s quite certain that the production of hardwoods this year will be heavy, and it is too much to expect that the prices now ruling will hold throughout the season. However, manufacturers are adhering firmly to prices, and this in itself will have a ten- dency to sustain the strength of the market. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Ih the city of Quebec there has devel- oped a scarcity of dry lumber, and con- tractors are finding some difficulty in carrying on building operations. Retail dealers have very little stock for sale, and this they are holding for higher prices. Dimension deals of ordinary lengths are selling at $11.50 per thousand feet. In the Maritime Provinces building opera- tions are not as far advanced as in Quebec, but nevertheless manufacturers and deal- ers report a satisfactory demand for lumber. Shippers have purchased very heavily for export. The shingle manu- facturers and dealers are watching with much interest the outcome of the meeting which is being held to-day to complete the organization of a manufacturers’ asso- ciation for Quebec, New Brunswick and Maine, to which further reference will be made next week. re UNITED STATES. Some slight alterations were made JIast week in the wholesale price list of lumber for the Minneapolis market. No. 4 fenc- ing, 4-inch, 6, 8 and 10 feet, was reduced $1; A and B siding, all;lengths, 50 cents ; inch selects, 50 cents ;and dimension and timbers, 23 feet and longer, $1. Yellow pine prices have also undergone a read- justment, the new list showing a reduction of from one to two dollars per thousand on all items, except heavy joist and tim- bers. These changes represent the chief features of the lumber market of the past week. Trade is not moving very lively, as spring building has been backward on account of unfavorable weather condi- tions. The market for white pine has exhibited a slight weakness in certain lines, especially piece stuff. Eastern wholesalers have large stocks on hand, and unless an active demand from the east shall develop, their purchases for some time to come will be very moderate. At Saginaw Canadian pine, log run, is worth $16 to $18, box lumber $12.50 to $14, Norway $14 to $14.50, and mill culls $12. Spruce prices have been maintain- ed, and owing to the high price of logs, lower values are not anticipated. Hard- wood stocks are stlll scarce. There is an excellent call for common and first and second plain red and white oak. White ash and basswood are firm, but in respect to maple there seems to be a feeling that that lumber may suffer :rom overpro- ducticn. FOREIGN, The unsatisfactory state of the building trade in Great Britain 1s causing holders of timber some uneasiness. Buyers hesi- tate to purchase in advance of require- ments, and if this condition prevails for some time it 1s feared that a break in prices may result. Some encouragement, however, is found in the fact that prices of Canadian lumber have not only main- tained their strength, but that in a few in- stances advances have been made. Com- parrd with one month ago, square pine is about one shilling per cubic foot higher at Glasgow. First quality Quebec pine deals are about six shillings per standard higher, third quality broad about seven shillings higher, while there has been an average advance on fourth quality of about seven shillings per standard. Quehec pine, 2-inch sidings, have advanced 10 shillings, and 14 inch six shillings. In the London market waney pine has ap- preciated in price, as has also elm, which is in very scant supply. At Liverpool first.quality are selling at £20 to £24 per standard, second quality at £16 tos. to £17 tos., and third quality at £10 to £10 1os. New Brunswick spruce is worth from £7 15s. to £8 per standard. British shippers are reported to have sold a considerable quantity of stock for ex- port to South Africa. TIMBER LIMITS WITHDRAWN. Timber berths Nos. 124, 125, and 132, on the north shore of lake Huron, offered for sale by Mr. Peter Ryan at the Board of Trade, To- ronto, on Wednesday, of this week, were with drawn. STOCKS AND PRICES. J.H. Dansereau, of Vercheres,Que., has secured a contract to furnish 8,000 boxes per month for export to England. F. E. Neale, of Chatham, N.B., has arranged for the shipment this year of about 50,000,000 feet of deals to Great Britain. E. B. Betts, of Wentworth, N.S., 1s operating a portable mill, and expects to cut aboul 1,500,000 feet of lumber this spring. Dr. Ickes, of Woodstock, is advertising for tenders for the supply of 5,000 ties for the Woodstock and Thames Valley elec- tric railway. A contract has been secured by F. Dennie, of Sudbury, Ont., to furnish 100,- 000 ties, to be used in construction work by the C. P. R. J. A. Shaver, of Ancaster, Ont., expects to cut this season about three-quarters of a million feet of lumber, nearly one-half of which will be elm. At River Hebert, N.S., Kelly Bros. expect to cut this season 4,000,coo feet of lumber, A. & E. Christie 1,000,000 feet, and Rufas Christie 900,000 feet. The Pembroke Lumber Co., of Pem- broke, Ont., have secured through J. & G. Grier, of Montreal, the contract to sup- {I. ply all the pine timber for the Inter- provincial bridge at Ottawa. At Bangor, Maine, from $14 to $15 per thousand feet is being paid for spruce logs. Thompson Smith’s Sons, of Cheboygan, Mich., put in 2,000,000 feet of logs in the Georgian Bay district the past winter. Graham, Horne & Co., of Fort William, Ont., have closed ther Rainy River camps, after cutting 13,000,000 feet of logs. First class elm flour barrel staves are selling in Buffalo at $9.25 to $9.50, coiled hoops at $11.25, and basswood heading at 6% cents. The Nova Scotia Lumber Co., of Sherbrooke, N.S., will this season ship 10,060,000 feet of lumber. from Liscombe and 1,500,000 feet from Economy. The Neibergall Stave and Lumber Co., of Staples, Ont., have now in their yard 2,000,000 feet of elm logs and 3,500 cords of bolts, as well as a quantity of oak and maple logs. The Eddy-Sheldon Co., of Saginaw, have contracted for about 7,000,000 feet of lumber to be manufactured by the Moul- throp Lumber Co., on Johns Island, Georgian Bay district. Perley, Lowe & Co., of Marinette, Wis., have sold 20,000,000 of lumber to the Skillings, Whitneys & Barnes (o0., of Boston, 3,000,000 feet to the Empire Lumber Co., of Pittsburg, and 11,000,000 feet to C. M. Betts & Co., of Buffalo. It is the intention of the Pembroke Lumber Company, of Pembroke, Ont., to cut 20,000,000 feet of stock this season and to operate their mill day and night. They have sold their cut of red pine to Watson & Todd, their white pine deals to Dobell, Beckett, & Co. and their squares to Robert Cox & Co. The Pem- broke Lumber Co. supply all sizes of dimension timber, joist, ship planking, etc. They had a successful winter’s operations, cuttiag 130,000 pieces _ of logs and dimension, 75 per cent. of which is dimension. Their drive has com- menced. Dd THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CaNnaADA LUMBERMAN.) _ Business in both wholesale and retail lumber circles in Ottawa is quiet at present, and will remain so till navigation opens and the mills commence operations. Owing to the lateness of the spring, the lumber firms are not hiring men for the drives in any great numbers as yet. The number required, however, will be in excess of last year’s demand, and fully two thousand men will be sent up from Ottawa alone, while five hundred or more will be required from Hull and the neighboring towns. The same condition of affairs holds good as did earlier in the season when shanty-men were being hired, as wages are in advance of previous years. Mill owners are offering from $30 to $40 a month for capable men, whereas the figures im past years were as low as $25. The reason for this is seen in the in- creased activity in other branches of the labor market, as well as that ruling in lumbering. It is difficult to get men and for the next month labor will be in great demand. For the past three weeks the shanty-men have been returning to Hull and Ottawa in large numbers, and all report the season’s operations to have been extensive. Lumber- men just returned from the limits state that there is more of an appearance of winter in the woods than there was in January. in some parts there is nearly two feet of snow, while on the rivers and lakes the ice is quite thick. On the Kippewa, Coulonge, Dumoine, Black, Snake, Qunize, and other lumbering rivers, the ice gives no indication of moving, and it will be ten days or more before the drives are started. It is expected that quite a few men will be sent to the Georgian Bay and Lake Superior districts from the vicinity of Ottawa within the next month, for the drives. The majority of the small mills within a radius of 100 miles of Ottawa which cut hard- wood, have shut down after a successful winter’s operations. Along the line of the Parry Sound branch of the Canada Atlantic Railway, and in other directions, many mills were operated this season for the first time, and the cut of hardwood is accordingly large. One Ottawa dealer who has covered much of the territory states that on a conservative esti- mate the hardwood cut will be three times as large as it was last year. Although this large cut was made to satisfy the demand for Cana- (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. dian hardwoods coming from dealers and manufacturers in the United States, it is not thought that many of the Conadian mill owners have as yet closed contracts for their winter’s cut, now piled awaiting the buyer. Although the ruling prices are very high, the mill owners are holding back for still higher prices, and in some places a slump in the hardwood market is predicted on this very account. Large quantities of ash, birch, maple, butter- nut, elm and basswood have been cut by the various mills) Wm. Mohr, of the firm of Mohr & Ryan, of Killaloe, states that the cut of this firm’s mills will be about 1,000,000 feet, the greater part of which is hardwood, The McKee Milling Company will have a cut of about 500,000 feet at its Wakefield mill, and Charlebois & Dumois, of Hull, who operate a mill at the same place, have a similar hard- wood cut. Prices have advanced from $3 to $4 per Mand now range from $18 to $22, according to quality and kind. A Boston firm offered to buy the McKee mill cut direct from the saw, not waiting till it was seasoned by piling. The middle men cannot touch the mill men’s prices, so high are they. McLachlin Bros.’ large saw mill at Arnprior, near Ottawa, bas been fitted with a new Allis band mill, witha capacity of 50,000 feet a day, and a pair of twin circular saws. The latter will be used in cutting railway ties and will have a daily output of 2,000 ties each. The new machinery for this mil! was supplied by the Waterous Company, of Brantford, and the Victoria Foundry, of Ottawa, McKee & Co. acting as agents. ; No new machinery has been installed in any of the Ottawa mills, all of which are being put in shape for the season’s cutting. J.R. Booth’s timber mil] has: been operated all winter, get- ting out timber for construction work on the Canada Atlantic Railway, and for use in the car shops principally. The logs have been hauled to the Ottawa mill over the Parry ’ Sound branch of the Canada Atlantic Railway. Hurdman & Elmitt, of Ottawa, have closed a contract with A. F. Chapman & Co., of Quebec, to supply 250,000 feet of lumber for the new elevator being erected in the ancient capital by the Great Northern Railway Com- pany. The Ottawa River Transporation Co. has a gang of men at work putting its large fleet of barges and tugs in readiness for the opening of navigation, when about 500 hands will be em- ployed by this company. The ice is nearly all out of the Ottawa river,-but navigation will not open till about May Ist, when the water will be let in the Rideau canal. j Ald. James Davidson, of the firm of David- son & Thackray, planing mill owners, of Otta- wa, was interviewed by a representative of the ‘Cimber Trades Journal, of London, Eng., on the occasion of his last visit to England. The interview, a lengthy one, appears in the latest special number of that journal. It deals hope- fully and intelligently with the Ottawa lumber interests, and is certain to be beneficial to the Canadian export trade, asit gives the Britishers a better idea of our resources. A project is on foot to establish a box factory in Ottawa, which is certainly a good center for such an industry, being a splendid base of sup- plies, and having good railway facilities’ and cheap labor and power. A new match fac- tory has been started in Hull, and all the wooden-ware departments in the E. B. Eddy Company’s business are putting out increased quantities of goods. Little building wijl be done in Ottawa this season, owing to the in- crease in the price of all building materials, in- cluding lumber. The lumbermen, however, look for a revival in the autumn. Mr, John Belford, bookkeeper for W. C. Edwards & Co., the well known mill and man- ufacturing concern, of Ottawa, who went to South Atrica asa member of D Battery, has been promoted to the position of No. I Ser- geant since arriving at the front. Lieutenant Lawless, another soldier of the Queen, who went with the first Canadian contingent, and who is well known in lumbering circles, has been mentioned by the newspaper correspond-. ents for conspicuous bravery at the battle of Paardesburg, when he led a small handful of daring Canucks in the charge on the Boers. Lieut. Lawless and his men fortunately escap- ed uninjured. The Hull Lumber Co. has sent ahout 50 men up to Ostobonia river above the Kippewa to assist in bringing down the drives. J. R. Booth has sent up about 150 men to Moore’s Lake and other points for the same purposes. English buyers are already making nego- tiations for the purchase of the cut of several of the Ottawa mills for 1901. The figures quoted compare favorably with those advanced for the present year’s cut, The indications are that the cut for 1901 will be equally as heavy as this year’s. Ottawa, April 14th, 1900. THE BARBADOS MARKET. Clairmonte, Man & Co. say: There have been no arrivals with white pine and spruce lumber during a fortnight—our yards are rather bare of both kinds. There is always a good demand for spruce during our reaping season, which extends up to June. Last sales were— white pine, $22.57 for first quality and $16 for second quality; spruce, $20.61 for first quality. SHINGLES—Gaspe cedar, in supply—held at $3.75 per Md.p. ex store for small; we value good quality long shingles at $4.00 @ $4.50 per M. Cedar laying, last sale at $2.- 20; spruce, $2,05. GLASGOW MARKET REPORT. Wanegy Boarpwoop. — The stocks are small, and prices firm in view of increased prices for next season’s shipments. Price— prime large wood, 2s. 9d. to 3s.; smaller average and poorer quality at from Is. 10d. to 2s. 6d. per cubic foot. SQUARE PINE.-The demand is light. Prime large wood is quoted at 2s 7d to 2s 9d; second- class wood at ts. 7d. to 2s. 2d. per cubic foot. Rep PInE is in good request. Price, Is. 6d. to 2s. per cubic foot. Oax Locsare in fair demand. First quality is quoted at 2s. 10d. to 3s. 3d.; smal] avarage and second quality at from 2s. to 2s. 3d. per cubic foot. Exim Locs.—The good damand at high prices continues. First-class large wood, 2s. tod. to 3s.; small average and second-class wood at 2s. 3d. per cubic foot. AsH Locs.—The demand is good for prime quality. Price—is. 8d. to 2s. 1d. per cubic foot, according to average girth. Bircu Locs.—There is very good enquiry, and prices are firm. Price—ts. 7d, to 2s. per cubic foot, according to average girth. Rock MapLe Locs.—There is fair demand for prime, round, fresh wood with bark on. Price—ts. 10d. to 2s. per cubic foot. QuEBEc WHITE PINEDEALS.—A fair amount of business has been done at advanced prices. Ist quality, Broad, £26 2s 6d to £28 11s 6d per standard ; 1st quality, 11 in., £23 7s 6d to £253 1st quality, 7” to 10” and Ends, £17 17s 6d to £21 13s; 2nd quality, Broad, £19 5s to £20 128 6d; 2nd quality, {1 in., £16 Ios to £18 4s 4d; 2nd quality, 7 in. to10in., £13 bs 1d to £15 9s 4d; 3rd quality, Broad, £12 7s 6d to £13 8s 1d; 3rd quality, 11 in., AIT to £11 138 9d5 3rd quality Narrows, 48 IIs 10d to £8 18s 943 4th quality, Broad, £9 5s to £9 12s 6d; 4th quality, 11 in., £8 11s 10d to £8 18s 9d ; 4th quality, Narrows, £7 11s 3d to £8 5s. Rep Prine Deats have been in good re- quest, and prices are firm. Prices quoted— 9 and 11 in. by 3in., £12 7s 6d to £13 15s per standard ; Narrows, £11 to 411 138 gd. Quepec WHITE Pine Sipincs.—The de- mand has been good. The stocks are low and prices keep firm. First quality—2 in. thick, averaging 12 in, to 14 in. wide, at £19 Ifs 10d to oe 6s 3d per standard ; 14 in. thick, averaging 12 to 14 in. wide, £18 18s 1d to £20 12s 6d; 1% in. thick, averaging 12 to 13 in. wide, £18 4s 4dto £18 18s 1d; 1 in. thick, averaging [0 to 12 in. wide, £16 16s 10d to £17 17s 6d; 14 and 2 in Strips, 4 to 7 in. wide, 415 16s 3d to £16 16s 10d; Second quality, 2 in. thick, averaging 12 to 14 in. fwide, at £14 8s 9d to £15 16s 3d; 14 and 13 n. thick, averaging II to 13 in. wide, £13 8s 1dto £14 15s 7d; 1 in. thick, averaging 10 to 12 in. wide, £12 14s 4d to £13 8sid. Third quality, 2 in. thick, 11 to 14 in. wide, £9 12s 6d to £11 6s 10d; 1, 1} and 1} in. thick, averaging 10 to 13 in. wide, £8 5s to £10 6s 3d. QuEBEC SpRUCE DEALS.—Prices remain firm. Third quality, £47 10s to £8 18s 9d ; fourth quality, 47 4s 4d to £7 18s Id per standard. Sr. Jou~n Ping Deas.—Prices keep steady at 47 17s 6d to £8 5s. Sr. Joun Spruce Degas (2nd quality average).—The demand keeps good. Prices quoted—{£7 18s 1d to £9 19s 4d per standard. | Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AKD LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG.? APRIL 18, 1500 Si. Joun Birch Locs.—There is a steady — demand and prices are firm. Sr. JoHN BIRCH PLANKS are in request. Brice—48 5s to £9 per standard. ; te THE BOSTON MARKET. | (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Spruce lumber is moving rather better, and the market is well sustained. This is for actual business, while commission men and those that have no mills are quoting all sorts of prices. Small spruce and randoms have to be sold a little under agreement prices, while large and full dimensions bring agreement prices or a little better: Frames, 9 inch and under....--+.++++++++s+00* $17.00 ro and 12 in. dimensions..-...--++-+-++++eeeee* 19.00 10 and :2in. random, ro ft. and up long.......-- 18.50 2X3, 2X 4,2x5,2x6,2x7 and 3x 4, 10 feet ANd UP... ce.ceencercsvesceccccessiecers cmne 15-00 All other random, g in. and under ..... 16.50 Merchantable boards planed one side. - * Out boards planed one side....- ++. -++-e+eeeeres Furring, 1x2, 1x 234 and 1x3 planed QUE'SIAE. i. ve cnsis anaes wlemuemane 13-50 to $15.09 Spruce flooring.......--sseeeeseeeees 20.0010 23.cO Hemlock is scarce, with virtually no dim- ensions offering, Boards are firm at $17@18 for eastern. There are a few Pennsylvania boards on the market and they bring 50, with $16 for 20s. and $12 for 14s. 4 Western pine continues firm with only a fair demand from this market. Uppers, rin..... cee eeeeseee eee reees $58.00 to $60.00 1% to-a'in. | fs cane soos 60.00 ** 62.00 Zand 410s... sccvcee- e+ senonenee 70.00 ** 75-00 Selects, 1 to gin......++--- ++» 5400 “* 68.00 “62,00 Fine common, 1 to 3 in.. Sheathings ane Barn boards. Coffin boards. Ash is holding its own, withyprices hovering about the same level as before; $44 for 1-inch, $48 for 1% and 14-inch, $51 for 2-inch, and $60 to $63 for 3 and 4-inch. Reports of the movements of white ash are somewhat conflict- ing and misleading, but a good fair demand is the general report. Brown ash is more plen- tiful in supply and brings $46 to $48 for I-inch and $50 to $52 for 2-inch. The great dearth of this stock is now apparently overcome in a measure. Clapboards are very quiet, with quotations nominally unchanged : Spruce, extra.....s0seeeere eee eee reese $29.00 to $20.00 Spruce, clear....--.--.+++ erate 27.00 ‘* 28.00 Spruce, 2nd Clear. i. ses == se00e thee =mae 23.00 “* 25.00 Pine, extra.....sessccceserneerncoeres 40.00 to $45.09 Pine, clear.........+eeeeereeccasencsne 35-00 ‘f 40.00 Pine, 2nd clear........2++ ee+ee-ereee* 30.0c “* 32.03 California redwood, clear.......+++-+++ 42.50 “45.00 Second grade........2++++eeeeees eves 42:00 “". 42.00 association quotations are at $3.25 for extra ; clear, $2.85; second clear, $2.35. These prices are for Boston, freight paid. The mar- ket here is firmer at : Extra cedar, best brands....«e«+--++--+> $3.00 to $3 15 Clear cedar.......eeeeeeeeee seeeeecets 2.65 to 2.70 and clear cedar......++-eeeenereeeeeeees 2.10 “© 2.25 Clear white ........0eeeeereeeeee creer 2.00 tixtra Now 2... ce cese cee nae vies Hewes orisinie 1.50 Laths continue very firm, with a positive shortage mentioned. New York reports a good demand, with the market firm: 15% inch, $3 to $3.15 ; 14 inch, $2.85 to $2.95. Boston, April 16th, 1900. H_D. WICCIN Sostou mass. 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods — CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. . W AN TED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) ri FOr CASH Jolin F. Stengel “serrate wy” PLANING MILL AnD BOX FACTORY Sepcial Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit RY yn Vy ae te WN \~ KG a ; a SWAN DONOGH LUMBER CO. “TEUETICHUMBER DEALERS. e Nrth Tena wna Cable Address, ‘‘Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA. Lumberman’s Code. APRIL 18, 1900 The assignment is reported of N. Bosquet & Co., planing mill and general lumber dealers, St. Johns, Que. Since 1894 the business has been carried on by C. H Besette. BOOM CHAINS For Sale Give particulars what you want. JOHN WILCOCK, H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MON TREAL, CANADA Basin Street, wee MONTREAL CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Ill, P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C, Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C, DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS, SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Construetional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. Cable Address, ‘ Casket,” Cape Town. A.B.C, Code used. pa CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY > - Operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY, H. B. Myssen, Contracting Agent. M. A. Overenp, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. 2 AN , &c,, MONTREAL, TOEONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- AX, ST, JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS n ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. ges saiee & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s elting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montreal and Toronto. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Thos. Forrester Co., Montreal, Que. Young, J. S., Montreal. 8RASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. _ORY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Cope & Sons, A. L,, Cope’s Falls, Ont. Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, M 4CHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon & Co., W.B., Saginaw, Mich. The Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co. , Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Mowry & Sons, B. R., Gravenhurst, Ont. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. Polson Iron Works Co., Toronto, Ont. (?] Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES York. Magnolia Metal Co., New SaW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. M'SGELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co. , Preston, Ont. Cordage, Independent Cordage Co., Toronto, Ont. Driving Calks, James S. Neill, Fredericton, N. B. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co. , Chicago, Il, Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroko , Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co. , Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. 2 Turbines, Madiso, Williams, Port Perry, Ont = — CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS me PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume WE EXPECT OUR MILL TO and will be glad to have enquiries for all size Dimension Timber, OPEN APRIL 24TH Joisting, Ship Planking. W wil havea large quantity of Sidings of this season's cut to dispose of. @SPlease let us have your Enquiries @y/@ PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Room 441, Board of Trade Building > MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c:; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. WANTED SS 2” Common Pine Plank, 6” to 12” wide, 12 to 16 ft. long, and 4x4 Seantling. 10 to 16 ft. State quantity and lowest eash price. ESPLANADE We are also open to contract for 3 to 4 B million feet of same kinds, say 3 million 2 in. and 1 million4x4 new cut 1900, ¥ je TORONTO delivery byrailor water ..... j ees a, COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. A. A. SCOTT. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. [ic-AURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTs BY RAJL oR WATER. ~ MOHR & RYA WM. COOKE. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAST TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. a specialty. J. D. SHIER, Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber BRAGCEBRIDGE, ONT. » MANUFACTURER OF .. ‘uve Lumber, Lath and Shingles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer. 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to ordet if contracted for early. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*e™NG———7e, R. LAIDLAW LOMBER GO. WHOLESALB DGBALERS Head ofice-TOQORONTO-7-0 King 35 West. S ARNI A—wuotesare DISTRIBUTING varvs-—_ BU FF ALO RG TEE ee eto ee JAS. PLAYFAITIR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ° LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies ‘BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A.& P. WHITE > -- MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT + WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber A FEW CARS OF 6 CorRESPONDENCE SoriciTep. Pine. Lath, Cedar, and Pine Shingles. : /4 MAPLE FOR SALE HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G. Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. T.R. AND BY WATER Manufacturers of and Dealers in All Kinds of c« IPPEN & SCARFF _ HARDWOOD LUMBER Mills: SYCAMORE SIDING P. 0. TILBURY, ONT. Lake Erie & D.R.R.R. YWOOD AND SLABS Mor SALE een Please mention this paper when Corresponding with advertisers. Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling se 12.00 urk’s Falls, Ont. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. ER APRIL 18, 1900 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNOAN, BWING & GO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, Cable Address, SIEVEKINC, PODMORE & CO. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. wi, Gat, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, fa alae Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. odes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private Agen te aoe the eal SFCANADIAN WaLTE. PINE ate viens sat to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods Hsia Shipments to pri ae ad n the United Kingdom or ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. ENG. SALES AGENTS: Sell before shipment and look atter Shippers’ interests. ir Chandleyt 5 the Rest 2 Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow... ABC, At and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & GO. Wl OGD i ae eee 27 Union Street - GLASGOW F. Fe. Lishtbody KL Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ‘‘ Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE a SPRUCE ; Hurdtoods. in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to a all ports in the United Kingdom Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. enn OO PYVERY & VINGENT —— SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF ..- REHD PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED LBARY & OO. Wood Agents and Brokers garg Se WANTED FELBER, JUCKER & CO. MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd... of Lumber Importers Liverpool, Eng., are open to tre at for regular pplies MANCHESTER ENGLAND of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and eis ee ill be ae holde WHITE A ASH, WHITE "OAK, “SCALY "BARK aa Spruce Deals and Battens, Sprece and Pip SECOND Bd cl HICKORY, HOPULAR and | Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dow WALNU and ae Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for Pugiish BIRCH Logs ler me edict nsicns Market. ‘“Owen, Liverpo Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Is open for... MAPLE FLOORING Cable addre ” A.B.C, Codeused. A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buye! BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Corr pees ee ms Fe for shi lias nt by regular liner 3-PLY VENEER Cables: ‘‘ Bircu,” Glasgow. Co des ABC a nd Zebra. | Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester, A B C Code. — Mention this paper when esponaing with adve rtis' HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND nch Office: Haagen meeps 25 Cable Addre ssler ” Westha rtlepool. | Try an Advertisement in the “Wanted and For Sale” De- partment of this paper. f ARNWORTH & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers JAMES WHEELDON & CONS” . . TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘Whitewood, Mancheste MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Address, ‘‘ Far worth,” Liverpool. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ALLISON,”’’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Auee N, —_—__———— ...0 aL Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Add Sey ape Y ‘able ee elon asgow. GLASGOW GANT & KEMP 2 TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Sauar, GLASGOW B R 0 K ' R S 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & CO. , Metropole aie . Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. a BUYERS OF === ALSO DEALERS N= Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. Selling Agents For... A BC Codes used. SMITH & TYRER-- . Wood Agents my Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpoo (Cig IRVIN & SELLERS ~2 Cable Address: “‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS en ALFRED DOBELL & CO. ae TIVERPOOL, HNGLAND— CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Sa Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool} - IN LOGS AND LUMBER aS Address: ‘‘ REDWOOD,’ **Zebra’”’ Code, W. J. DAWSON & CO. Wood Brokers and Comunsiasias Agents BENTHAM BUILDINGS, SID Invite offers from Lumbermen for . - NEWGASTLE- ON-TYNE FIR, SPRUCE, PINE or Any Wood oad Suitable for the English Market. eee ( Fae Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or sane Wood Goods. . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . . BUDGETT BROS. - 2" foment “Budlets, London.’ CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per year { The. Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., APRIL 25, 1900 No. 14. CANADA L,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New Yorx Lire INsurANcE BUILDING, MOoNnTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion, When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. OR SALE.—2,000 arpents Boardwood Limits near St. Hilaire Station, only 22 miles from Montreal— Red Oak, Maple, Beech. B. F. Camppe i, St. Hilaire Station, Que. OHN HARRISON & SONS CO., LTD., OWEN Sound, Ont., offer the following specials: 5 cars No. 1 White Pine Lath and 6,coo Cedar Posts, 8, 9 and 12 feet long. WANTED. NGAGEMENT TO REPRESENT IN AUS- tralia or Africa responsible lumber shipper, by a reliable and experienced man: age 44 Address, ‘¢ LUMBERMAN,” Box 12, Kaslo, B.C. TO CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS. RITISH FIRM OF TIMBER IMPORTERS desire shipments from Canada of large quantities of doors and mouldings. Manufacturers are asked to send particulars, stating the quantity they can supply, to Box 30, CaNnADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber THR PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited). This company has a larger tract of well timbered land about ies nix north-east of Toronto, There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherry Birch, Maple also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The Company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 to 10 000 acres, or more if desired. There are several good mill sites on the property. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut out and are looking for a new location. aps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Torcnto. ec t a AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CanaDA LuMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE. 877 PIECES OF CEDAR, FROM 16 TO so feet long, containing 148.484 feet B.M. Apply to Wm. Beatty Estare, Parry Sound, Ont. MILL TO HIRE. hee 30M PER DAY CAPACITY PORTABLE saw mill; will contract to saw from to 5 millions lumber. Address, J. G. E-DERKIN, Port Greville, N. FOR SALE. OME MAPLE AND ELM LUMBER; ALSO 45 horse power Steam Mill, cheap; Foundry and Machine Shop to rent, very reasonable. J. C. Scrip- TURE, Colborne, Ont. BOOKKEEPER WANTED. OMPETENT BOOKKEEPER; ONE CON- versant with the lumber business. Apply, giving age, qualifications and copy of references. Box 18, Canapva LuMBERMAN. SAW MILI. SITE OOD SAW MILL SITE-ON SOUTH END of the Georgian Bay, near Midland, extensive Lumber Docks, Houses, Store Buildings, etc.; water power. THE Muskoka Mitt anp Lumser Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Limits For Sale TOWNSHIP OF ARMAND, P.@. About 42 square miles in above Township, well timbered and well watered. Logs can be hauled partly to Temiscouata Railway, but the greater part can be driven to advantage into the St. John River. For particulars apply to H. M. PRICE & CO, Quebec. FOR SALE—DRY LUMBER, 1899 CUT White Pine and Red Pine Red Pine Log Run, Culls Out. 537,000 ft. B.M. 1 x 4/6 in. x 12 ft. and up. 285,000 ft. B.M. 11% x 4/6in. x 12 ft. and up. 200,000 ft. B. M. 134 x 4/6 in. x r2 ft. and up. White Pine, Nice Dressing Quality. 127,000 ft. B.M. 1x8 in. x 12/16 ft. go,oo0 ft. B.M. 1x9 in. x 14/16 ft. Also a nice lot of *‘Outs” from Good Strips and Sid- ings, suitable for factory work, cutting up purposes. 18 M ft. B.M. 1% in. Sidings, 8 in. and up, 12/16 ft. 33 M ft. B.M. 1X in., 4/7 in., r2/r6 ft. 98 M ft. B.M. 1% in. Strips, 4/7 in. x 12/16 ft. 11 M ft. 1{ x 4 in. and up, Shorts, 6/cr ft. Apply to, A. F. BURY AUSTIN, Wholesale Lumber & Timber, 411 Board of Trade Bldg., Montreal. Valuable Timber Berth BY AUCTION TOWNSHIP 139, NORTH SRORE OF LAKE HURON The undersigned has received instructions to offer for sale by auction, at the Rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, on THURSDAY, MAY 3rpD, 1900, im- mediately after the sale of Cook and Brothers’ limits, Timber Berth 139, north shore of Lake Huron (being 36 square miles, more or less). For terms and conditions of sale, and for all par- ticulars, apply to Geo, H. Perley, Ottawa. PETER RYAN, Toronto. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, There have been evidences during the past week that the pine market is not as firm as it has been, although as yet it cannot be said that prices “have receded. There does not seem to be much life to the market, from which it appears that consumers are not greatly in need of lumber. This may be accounted for by the backward spring and consequent delay in the commencement of building operations. Purchasers. of lumber seem to be in no hurry to have the stock shipped. A favorable feature of the mar- ket is the fact that several manufac- turers have already disposed of a large proportion of their season’s cut. Thus when the mills commence operations there will not be the usual quantity of stock thrust upon the market. It is generally admitted that present prices of pine and hardwood Iumber will not hold much longer, the question in doubt being as to how soon the break will occur. More enquiries are being received for box and mill cull lumber than for the other grades, and it is possible that prices of these grades will not recede for some time to come. The dry stock of mill culls at the mills has become completely exhausted, while the bulk of the production for 1900 has been sold ahead. There is also a good demand for Norway pine for export, and this stock is likely to hold its own for some time. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The spruce market has felt the effects of the alarming report from New York of a serious break in prices. Investigation proves, however, that nothing to cause alarm has occurred, and that the lower- ing of prices was the result of exceptional conditions and likely to be only tempor- ary. Local and export trade is fairly active, the most urgent demand pertain- ing to the lower grades of stock and dimension timber. Cedar shingles are holding firm in price, and some sales are reported on the basis fixed by the new association of manufacturers, name- ly, $3.25 for extras on Boston rate of freight. It is quite probable that this basis will be maintained, as the ultimate goal of the associat:on is understood to be $3.50. We question, however, whether these prices will be reached in the near future. Another meeting of the associa- tion was held on the 18th inst., at which arrangements were inaugurated to take over the stock of smaller manifacturers who wish to realize on their holdings. Should this be successfully accomplished it will no doubt strengthen the market, but there is just the danger that prices may be advanced to such a degree as to allow other classes of shingles to find their way into the natural market for cedar shingles, Spruce deals for export are selling at about the same prices as here- tofore. Many of the mills have already sold their season’s production. UNITED STATES. Reports from the United States lumber markets are in some respects disappoint- ing. The season has been backward and a slight reduction in price is being offered by holders of stock. Pine piece stuff shows more weakness than the other classes of lumber. There is a general shortage of inch lumber in nearly all the leading markets, as the box factories are still purchasing low grade pine in large quantities. The box trade is so brisk that it seems almost impossible to satisfy the demand for stock from that quarter’ Buffalo and Tonawanda dealers tell of light trade, and it is evident that the East is not purchasing to any extent. The spruce market has weakened slightly. This is largely due to the arrival in New York harbor of about thirty car- goes of lumber. Many of these vessels had been beating back and forth waiting until a change in the weather would make it safe to make port. The result was that prices were forced down from two dollars to four dollars per thousand, but it is said that the market is again recovering, and that spruce prices are likely to remain firm throughout the season. In the New York market eastern spruce of thirteen feet average is strong and active. Lath is quoted at $3.50 to $3.75. The hardwood market retains _ its strength. Offerings of white ash are re- ported to be more numerous, but to offset this is the announcement that the cut of northern hardwood logs was not excep- tionally heavy. At Buffalo and Boston an increased quantity of maple is making its appearance, but the demand is improving in a corresponding degree. Some of the manufacturing concerns are using thick maple in place of thick ash. Basswood is selling at $31 to $32 for inch No. one and two, $33 to $35 for one and one- quarter and one and one-half inch, and $35 for two inch. FOREIGN. It is a difficult problem to solve the British lumber market. The high price of lumber has no doubt materially de- creased the volume of consumption, and {I. (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. —————————————————— LL the basis of prices has only been main- tained by the firm’ position taken. by shippers. Whether they will be obliged to weaken:in their asking price is a ques- tion in doubt, but unless there should develop an exceptionally good demand from South Africa, France, and Germany, we would not-be surprised if lower prices would have to be met before long. Spruce and pine deals have, to our mind, reached their limit of value under present condi- tions. There seems to bea considerable enquiry for oak and elm planks, a desire being shown by importers to purckase more liberally from Canada than hereto- fore. But the fact has also been brought out that the importers have not regarded the prices quoted by Canadian shippers as offering much inducement. Reports from South American markets tell of favorable conditions and a moderate de- mand for lumber. STOCKS AND PRICES. Smith Bros., of Blissville, N. B., have taken out over 2,000,000 feet of logs dur- ing the past winter. The McKinley-Wood Lumber Co., of Parry Sound, Ont., expect to cut 1,000,- ooo feet of lumber this season. The Nelson Saw & Planing Mill Co., of Nelson, B. C., have purchased 4,000,000 feet of logs for the season’s supply. J. L. Reaume & Co., of Essex, Oat., have about two million feet of logs and 1200 cords of bolts in their yard for their season’s supply. They have also about five thousand logs in the woods waiting to be hauled to the mill. The W. H. Kelly Lumber Co., of Buckingham, Que., have sold their pro- duction of lumber this year to Alex Mc- Laren, of Montreal, the consideration being given as $300,000. The lumber will be exported to the European and United States markets. A correspondent at Wiarton writes that the production of hardwood logs in that district last winter was much below the estimate of 18,000,000 feet as given in a recent issue of this journal. He states that not more than 7,000,000 feet of hard- wood logs were taken out by the mill owners of Wiarton, and that much of the coming season’s production of lumber has already been contracted for. An important deal has just been con- cluded, by which the Michigan Land & Lumber Co., of Bay City, obtain control of the mills and stock of the Blind River Lumber Co. at Blind River, Algoma district. For the plant the company paid $28,000, and for the production of logs $26,000. The transfer of the property is looked upon as a direct result of the prohibition of the export of saw logs. Advices from the Aroostook river, flow- ing into the St. John, between Woodstock and Grand Falls, N. B., state that the winter’s cut will be about 40,000,000 feet, divided as follows: Hale, 10,00c,000 feet spruce, 4,000,000 cedar ; Hilyards, 7,000,- ooo spruce ; McCollum, 3,000,000 spruce ; Fraser, 3,000,00c spruce; Estey, 2,500,000 spruce, 200,000 birch timber ; Upham, 3,500,000 spruce; Beveridge, 2,000,000 spruce ; scattering along the shore, 3,000 - ooo feet. Alfred Dickie, of Lower Stewiacke, N. S., estimates that his cut of lumber for the present season will be about 40,000,000 feet, divided among the various mills as follows: Lower Stewiacke and St. An- drews’, 7,000,000 feet ; Tusket, 14,000,000 feet; Musquodoboit Harbor, 6,000,000 feet ; Ship Harbor, 5,000,000 feet ; Three Fathom Harbor, 2,000,000 feet ; Lands- downe, 2,000,000 feet ; Liscombe, 1,000,- ooo feet. Several portable mills and other operations not mentioned in the above list, 3,000,000 feet. Already this season Mr. Dickie has shipped five car- goes of lumber, two going to Glasgow, two to New York and one to New Haven. He has chartered about thirty- five vessels to carry cargoes of lumber this year. Manufacturers in a position to supply oak and elm planks, 12 inch and up wide, for ex- port to Great Britain, are asked to send their business cards to this office. THE BOSTON MARKET. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN-) The improvement in the demand for spruce lumber last noted. has been better than continued. Sellers report an excellent demand for large timber, 19x 12 and up, with orders that cannot be filled as soon as they are wanted. On this class of timber prices are very firm, with full agreement prices, or even a little better. On small dimensions the market continues easy, however, with full agreement prices not easy to get. This state of the market is easily understood when it is stated that housebuilding is not active, while factories and large construction are the present feature. Agreement prices are steady : Frames, 9 inch and under..... rere thers e\e Lote eke ee $17.00 ro and 12 in. dimensions.....-.-0+--.0+++0eeeeee zoand 2in. random, ro ft. and up long........- 2X3, 2X4,.2%5,2x6,2x7 and 3x 4, 10 feet ANd UP. see lee e eee e ene sence eens eee eees 15.00 All other random, g in. and under .....--.++--++ 16.50 Merchantable boards planed one side........--- 17 00 Out boards planed one side....... Aare tstasteel Oy 14.00 Spruce flooring...-.sseeeeseeeereeeeee 20.00tO 23.cO Furring, 1x2, 1x 2% and 1x3 planed OWME!SIGE.\~, i> «iv/e wisie wbjaw meinimvlelfeisiolels 13-50 to $15 09 Hemlock is yet scarce, with no dimensions offering. Boards are nominally very firm: Basterminsafiveeias tel cb oes epbsieleleiseiniciene $17.00 to $18 oo Pennsylvania..... 20.50 with 16 for 20s and $12 for 14s. The market on western pine is well sustain- ed, with a fair demand : Uppers, 2 IMs cee. snc reec vertices secvien $58.00 to $60,00 BIS YEnG) Pairip po anoL da .b0Gdd DUD 2 “OBC 60.00 ‘' 62.00 Zand 4 Merce. ce qeuser cnt cenacnnine 70.00 ‘* Selects, @ £0 41M vt. . este eciee re sree 54.00 ‘* 68.00 Fine common, I tO 3 iM.....+---esee ee 48.00 ‘f 62.00 Sheathitieswnis 0 secittic ste elsiste ss = -'s01 40.00 ‘* 56.00 Barn boards....... Balen oh ieee actos cesinte 28.09 ‘' 32.00 Goflint board sini sy icistaeteataleiets eintelete ie = 26,00 “* 28.00 Finishing hardwoods are in quiet request, with little change in the market : Whitewood) ine sits pies eels Sonu $37.00 to $39.00 Whitewood, thicker...........+...--- 38.00 “* 44.00 SAS) pTLCha se «efor ais lo) stude le! )=I{n\/nin)e vis)slete 28.00 ** 30.00 Gorimor vase tae oooh satan ae 25.00 “f 28.00 Quartered oak.........0.0.0ceeeeseeee ‘f 8c.00 LNevatcy AO E'S Sanqoensoabg 9 obmauaDo ociac go.oo ** 1¢0,00 PIA OAK satis sealed ties eteleied viet Biel le 35.00 ‘* TX2| Se Ges penned ewe oDeGnoaten Gasaoetoc ‘* 50,00 Ghlernynne scenectlacie one stetetalae teat ey 26 To average 16 inch. . . . . Silica) SoM ais) Me 141620" ae Ol BIRCH. ie inch average ei, Cue inte Se " a o re pgs iene: ay ae he ee ee - 26 28 iff) UG 5 See es RBS RT ey . 32 » DEALS, Bright spruce, according to mill specification $40 to $44 for rst, $28 to $30 for 2nd, $25 to $28 for ard, and $21 to $24 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau, BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPERS AND SELECTS. Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $50 00 WG ccante cane itis ++++-55 oc| 1, 1% and in........ .:. 50 co If Dgand ain... ....s.2. 55,60 VAGUE rh Soe areola es: + 58 50 Doe BUG 3 Miter ni siereisjers pietats G2\50) |giinneeisceeere marae eisai te 59) (50) US Sopele dems Seen Wiexass OF CO) }/mmy FINE COMMON. : rin., 8 in. and up wide...... 39 50 | 2% and3in., 8in. and up wide 54 50 1% anl 1% in......... Geelnes. 40:50: |caMminaireniars Sato bsabee Begala 59200 Zio congue naposnoo- SoocHeee 42 50] — B FINE COMMON OR NO 1 CUTTING. x tin., 7in. and up wide...... 30 50 | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 45 30 1% and 13 in...... SbeSOELD 37 CO'|' AiMiketelaeie mesial sliermieliele steleje'e S15 (50) 50 Bi astrte tects ecie caiclers as 37 50 STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR Anp SELECTS). ; 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in, wide... 46 oo| xin., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 40 00 Opitwidenene eilenatiens neue 48 00\] GOMGWIdG.. csc. oencct. ses. 48.00 FINE COMMON ORC. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. ......... 32 00 | rt in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 35 00 TZins, Olin Wider ces .s.- «090 SO | a Gunwidersnc.ce.. .. + 36 00 SELECTED NO, I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 30 00! 1in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ........ 25 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 1, 12 in...... seteeeesees 25 00| No. , 9 in,....... 20 00 LOM siete sister e/sinre isis elves). sess $22 OO)|| MCBOE Eee tea ee ad aolco gin. 5 seseesece. 2t 00| No. 3, 12 in..............-.. 19 CO Band 7 in,..........-.-.-» 22 00] TOID........05 18 00 INGs)a,) 29ers ess seeseee 2200] gin.. 18 00 RO Mee cleisistelciss wae wemisieteis 2 OO)! MIS ane 18 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4and 5 1n. wide.......$17 00 | 1 in., 13 n. and up wide.....$17 50 rin., 6in. wide............. 17 9] 1%, 1% and in., 7 in. and rin., 7in. wide and up...... 17. co|. up wide........-....... 17 50 » SHAKY CLEAR. wide 28 00 | x in., 10 d 30 00 so) Eis) Cle) % _ ist & and, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 WHITE PINE LATH. IM ele Tore moracacmeods salen 350)/PNOs20 sa Ondopsoancuosners) 2 Hemlocinea concen teas age e ALBANY, N.Y. i PINE. Uppers; gins up....-.-...-$ $70 | 1x1» inchshippers ........ -$ $23 2% in. 7° | 4/4 inch Sorat ens 23 § 60 | ro-in. common....... Rowand 21 tO ZIM... eee e en wenn ee 45 | 12-in. dressing and better... 32 36 Fine common, 2% in. and up so 55 | Common, 1x12 ...... 2... 2 TtO21N..........+.+.+.2-. 40 46] No. 1x barn, rx12..... Gpbaas. ch ee No. x cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... 30 37 TOM chs ale steie es 5 27 Order aeniasemabis vesinn 250 32 > eager 25 No. 3.. mslaieratsir > lelnie sialolee its 2t 26 No. 2 barn, rxr2........... 25 No. r molding, 1 tozin..... 34 40 ETO AeA seme elaie ecle aoscon 25 No. 2 molding, 1 to2in..... 28 31 WRG ret leitew sana creetciascsivicie 23 Stained saps... +++» 30 34 | Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4in...... 28 32 Bracket plank ..... ano pons ee) ee S PP PMEAMINCH | eof 34 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 32 36 Messing eiaicte ca cake te sc 27 (32 Dressing boards, narrow.... 25 Commoninemes -> eeeeee 20 22 1x1g inch shippers..... ... 23 E LATH, Eine ac socenseamseerercoe: $3 50| Spruce ..... slaterelejeltuat aie te $3 50. ‘ SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 50 6 25 Clear butts .......... 3.00 3 25 emlock..... a/eftle nice 215 Smooth, 6x18....... SNOONES TEGO) MPLUCE oom. cis ne cn oe 2 20 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. 5 WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Up'rs, 1,1%,1%and 2 Dressing 1% in...... 33 5° Ieee ec sense eee G57 58 00 1Y%xioand 12...... 35 50 2% and 3 in...... CRON dn pneooenae 35 5c Nine RROnnsoRdaae OBO eS a Ne ere hee se is sie 5° See xto2 in..... 50 50] Shelving, No. x, 13 in. “As 2% and 3 in...... 61 50 and up, rin...... 38 50 UAT aye rciaiets 66 50] Mold st’ps No. x to z Fine common, rin.,up Inyeweie Beptvaie ies - 38 50 39 50 to 12 in. wide.... 41 50] Barn, No.1, r2in..... 28 50 1% and 1% in..... 4t 50} 6. 8androin...... 23 50 aieeets 4450] No.2, roin....... i 21 50 neMeoas 56 50| No.2,12in... .... 23 00 wintocetdcanm aintetaate 61 50 0. 3, to and 12 in. 20 50 Cut’g up, No. 1x, rin. 39; Se OX red = ieee ois)» sone 17 00 © towinsccesaee 39 50] 1rx6tor2in....... 19 co No. 2gthminesesee 2200} xxr0to13in...... 20 00 No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 32 00 3300] 1% andr%in...... 20 co No. 3,1% & 1% in 20 50| Mill Culls,1, 1%, 1% Nosaiainennesecse 26 50 sand ino be 3 16 50 LATH. 1¥% inch No. 1 white pine ....$5 00 | 114 inch No. 1 Norway......- 400 1 SORMINI SE ster /0,c.ckis wee kies 4 50/1 uw No. 1 whitz pine .... 4 00 1¥% inch Nr». 2 white pine ....$4 co ; The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying price at Buffalo and Tonawanda: . WHITE ASH. 1st & 2nd, 1 inch, 30 00 32 00| 2% to4 in........... 34 00 38 00 1% to2in......... 34 00 36 oo/ Strips............... 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls....... 12 00 14 00 BLACK AND BROWN ASH, 2nd, 6 inch & a genet eee te LR ‘ ‘ rs a} af t a ‘ . ‘ i ‘ . ‘ ' “omc! csahiotien meg em se me OM . 5 «od parer* = ‘ eu, Live Sx rete Ge - 2. ' i ete é ee hs 3 ; t ee MY eae: RO ; ; ‘ ; ive ’ . ‘ . Z mrs | Aigkd WES Deacon 7 . = he oe ‘4 ' . “i? ‘ JK. e 2 bf c rn rt Sy 3 ae ry ay E, wl aor it, St eis i ' 4 *\. i ‘ eae | ‘ a on. pe att Se ee . A Bee hes os Ae & -qale lesa ‘atae ‘ ’ 3 eke Log. teem at eae jouaee ar » yaad’ waAw syapiads ; AGALAD ten: eae ec AUC ee ee a abe my rggicote: ate Oy ee vaca eg Bey ete fyi ay er 92 2 oe vrein® ad a . war 4 1 menkeah: < ie a s ra f ae a by : hy 7 sibaw oa as » - +" bf ie = Lae ai: F ae c= SD) S65. ae OP aid y te % ¥ oie see © 4 “1.00% » PRUE Mees P pi ss ch othe ot 5 a fms 4 ent: 4. ie tes “ tes des Saenes P ay : 5 ates SZ one} > ohm. a \ . a Sas Sd Ser Ha, Cas pares Sum te Lee east Oi Rue whee a oaks is ‘ (es a] ie: tee i % Wo eee ee G pao mer APRIL 25, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Ii, The steamship Fram has been chartered to carry deals from Montreal to Great Britain, on account of Watson & Todd. BOOM CHAINS For Sale Give particulars what you want. JOHN WILCOCK, ®*°2SSit ones H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St; - MONTREAL; CANADA CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY ger ne OTTAWA. ROCKLANG Sat eg oe pty: 2 ’ , A N- OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE ‘PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE ween ee pra a PORTLAND, NEW CANADA ATLANTI DET TONAWANDA, ALBANY, s 2 TRANSIT COMPANY. &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALT. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. M. A. Overenn, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. P. D..GORDON & CO. /” WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The, B.C." Mills, Timber & Trading o., Vaucouver, B. C. ' DOUGLAS FIR Tiniber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS | & CO. Cable Address, ‘‘ Casket,” Cape Town. A.B C. Code used. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. : BELTING Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J, L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. , Montrealand Toronto. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Thos. Forrester Co., Montreal, Que. Young, J.S., Montreal... BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. _ORY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Cope & Sons, A. L., Cope’s Falls, Ont. Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toroxto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, M aGHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Mershon & Co., W.B., Saginaw, Mich. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Mowry & Sons, B. R., Gravenhurst, Ont. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL ew York. Magnolia Metal Co., N PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Polson Iron Works Co., Toronto, Ont. “ULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. S iW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E.R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. M SCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St. John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bareau, Toronto, Can. Office and School Furniture Co. , Preston, Ont. Cordage, Independent Cordage Co., Toronto, Ont. Driving Calks, James S. Neill, Fredericton, N. B. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co. , Chicago, Ill, Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Toois, Thos. Pink, Pembroko » Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Turbines, Madisog Williams, Port Perry, Ont CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMIB:OKE LUMBER CO, waren WE EXPECT OUR MILL TO OPEN APRIL 24TH and will be glad to have enquiries for all size Dimension Timber, Joisting, Ship Planking. We wi! havea large quantity of Sidings of this season’s cut to dispose of. Please let us have your EnquiriesQ@@ PENMB ROR, ON. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER Room 411, Board of Trade Building - * MONTREAL, CANADA 2” Common Pine Plank, 6’ to 12” wide, 12 WANTED to 16 ft. long, and 4x 4 Seantling 10 to 16 ft. State quantity and lowest cash price. We are also open to contract for 3 to 4 million feet of same kinds, say 3 million 2 in. and 1 million4x4 new cut 1g00, delivery byrail or water . .... A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWCOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. [/cLAURIN & MaLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HaAsT TEMPLETON, QUE. SHIPMENTS BY RaIL or WaTER. - KILLALOE STATION MOHR & RYA oy Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS J. D. SHIER, BRAGEBRIDGE, et bi + MANUFACTURER OF. , tnave— Lumber, Lath and Shingles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer. 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to ordet if contracted for early, - KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING s*em™c——— + REID & CO., gises R. LAIDLAW SARNIA LOMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head Office—TFORONTC-70 King St. West. -WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTING varos—_ BUFFALO SAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINGLES BILL TIMBER a Specialty . MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber CoRRESPONDENCE Son iciTED. Mills: SYCAMORE SIDING Ven eers, Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling of 12.00 Contractors for Railway Supplies A.& P. VWAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. 2 a MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT - WIARTON Pine Lath, Cedar, and %; Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER ie EN: & SCARFF anufacturers of and Dealers in All Kinds ee HARDWOOD LUMBER Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. P. 0. TILBURY, ONT. Lake Erie & D. R.R.R. WOOD AND SLABS FOR SALE Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATFNT CLOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. urk’s Falls, Ont, DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers Cable Address, ‘« Ewing,” Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, ENG. ae & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street andg Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. iia, Gun G, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumbe rman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE Sup SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods n Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any o of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or eoatineat handled to the best Nig antage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & GO. WOOD, BRO ww]: 247 Union Street - GLASGOW 8 Gordon Street F. Fe. Lightbody & Go. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ; ‘* TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ‘Zebra’ and Pri Agents for CANADIAN “WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; aacawoods, eh Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to.all por orts in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘' WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. LS PYVERY & VINGENT ==——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RED PIN FE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED LBARY & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers aD eee 4. Lombard Court, Gracechurch Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS SS . WANTED FELBER, JUCKER & CO. MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd. of Lumber Importers Liverpool, Eng., are o treat for re suppli es | MANCHESTER ENGLAND large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, a nd Invite offersfrom ILumbermenifor will be gl: hear fi olders o ofte ca WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY B Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and zane who 4 fe RK and epee coon HICKORY, POPLAR dnd UT, i anksand boards, also pi me fres BIRCH LOGS of lar Pe e dimensions. Cable address, ‘Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Codeus ed. TE A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Corresp denbe vison, -Sisaiere a ers for sbipmen nt by regular liners. Cables: ‘‘ Bircu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC a nd Zebra. Mention this paper when correspon nding with advertisers HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. Flooring; Shooks, Sashes, Mouldin. Dow ngs, h | Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for Tnglish Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Buys Spruce and Pine Deals, Ends and Boards, Floorings, Moulds, Sashes, Doors, Shooks, Birch, Poplar, Walnut. PRIME OAK PLANKS Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester, A B C Code. ede ee eS Try an Advertisement in the “Wanted and For Sale” De- partment of this paper. APRIL 25, 1900 SMITH & TYRER - 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL . Wood Pegents - Cable Address—‘“‘ Walmer,” Liverpoo Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole eae. ” Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENG. SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . - JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . . TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Branch at LIVERPOOL,i ENGLAND. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: **ALLISON,” Glasgow. Bape COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers WOOD BROKERS GANT & KEMP « eat BROKERS ©~ 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Calder, Henderson & Livingston Cable babii A thee we paaee GLASGOW 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable BaF a gr Ni: 6b ae ries Sa IRVIN & SELLERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS ere ALFRED DOBELL & Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS en Aa Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool} IN LOGS AND LUMBER Cable Address: ‘‘ REDWOOD,” “* Zebra’’ Code, W. J. DAWSON & CO. Wood Brokers and ects Agents BENTHAM BUILDINGS, Invite offers from Lumbermen for. . - - NEWCA STLE-ON-TYN = FIR, SPRUCE, PINE or Any Wood bods Suitable for the English Market. ( Nic Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distributio of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . Correspondence Solicite d from Responsible Firms... . BU DCETT BROS. 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Street Within, - = i mie — London.” LONDON, E % Thé Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $1.00 Per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEA BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. LERS. THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE VoL. VI. TORONTO, ONT., MAY 2, 1900 No. 15, CANADA [LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y . of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire InsuRANCE BUILDING, MonrTrEAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4# Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. 4 WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion, When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. OR SALE.—2?,000 arpents Boardwood Limits near St. Hilaire Station, only 22 miles from Montreal— Red Oak, Maple, Beech. B. F. Campsext, St. Hilaire Station, Que. OHN HARRISON & SONS CO., LTD., OWEN Sound, Ont., offer the following specials: 5 cars No. 1 White Pine Lath and 6,coo Cedar Posts, 8, 9 and 12 feet long. DECKING FOR SALE. M FEET 3x3 25 TO 35 FEET B.C. PINE 58 Decking. edge grain, clear stock. THE Brap- LEY Company, Hamilton, Ont. TO CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS. RITISH FIRM OF TIMBER IMPORTERS desire shipments from Canada of large quantities of doors and mouldings. Manufacturers are asked to send particulars, stating the quantity they can supply, to’ Box 30, CanapA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber THR PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited). This company has a larger tract of well timbered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherry Birch, Maple also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The Company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 to Xo Ooo acres, or more if desired. There are several good mill sites on the preperty. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut out and are looking for a new location. aps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Torcnto. HAve YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CanapA LumMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED—Hard Maple Logs in lots of 30 M ft. board measure, and upwards, to be sawn to order ; whole product taken except culls, a large per- centage green. Address, R. E. Kinsman, Hamilton. FOR SALE. Se jeer MAPLE AND ELM LUMBER; ALSO 45 horse power Steam Mill, cheap; Foundry and Machine Shop to rent, very reasonable. J. C. Scrip- TURE, Colborne, Ont. £5 BOOKKEEPER WANTED. Gee TENT BOOKKEEPER; ONE CON- versant with the lumber business Apply giving age, qualifications and copy of references. Box 18, Canapa LumBEeRMAN. Limits For Sale TOWNSHIP OF ARMAND, P.@. About 42 square miles in above Township, well timbered and well watered. Logs can be hauled partly to Temiscouata Railway, but the greater part can be driven to advantage into the St. John River. For particulars apply to : H. M. PRICE & CO, Quebec. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The topic of conversation among lum- bermen is the fire at the Chaudiere, which destroyed a vast quantity of lumber and several mills and yards. It is difficult to estimate the effect of taking out of the market upwards of 150,000,000 feet of lumber. Much of this stock was sold for shipment to England and the United States, and the remainder was intended to supply the local demand. Other sources of supply will have to be found, and the result will likely be a decided stiffening of prices. In addition to the lumber burned, mills were destroyed, and thus the mar- ket will be relieved of a portion of the in- tended cut of these mills. Some of the logs will probably be manufactured by other mills, but the total cut of the Ottawa Valley for the season is certain to be considerably reduced by the fire. The lumber was dry stock, which at the present time is very scarce. In our opinion, there will bea general advance in the price of white pine, this advance to hold until the dry stock of this season’s manufacture is ready for shipment, which will not be until mid- summer at least. At the present time Contracts for new stock are being entered into very freely. There is an exception- ally good demand for export lumber, both of pine and hardwood. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Some of the Montreal and Quebec shippers were affected by the recent fire at the Chaudiere, and asa result export trade is somewhat unsettled. The de- struction of such a large quantity of lum- ber may possibly diminish the shipments from the St. Lawrence. The Quebec timber market is quite firm, square and waney pine showing a tendency to ad- vance in price. Square pine, 4o to 45 feet average, is quoted at 30 to 36 cents, and Ottawa waney, 19 to 21 inch average, from 38 to 47 cents. In New Brunswick and Nova Scotia the outlook for the sea- son’s trade is good, although it is feared that a considerable quantity of logs will be hung up in the streams. In Nova Scotia, River Plate specifications are sell- ing about $1.50 per thousand higher than last year, as the cut in some districts will be about 50 per cent. short of last season, on account of a scarcity of logs. Several vessels have been chartered to load at Yarmouth for Buenos Ayres. UNITED STATES. The peculiar position of the United States lumber market renders it difficult to give a review setting forth the actual conditions. It cannot be disputed that trade is by no means as active as it should be, although there has been some im- provement during April. Manufacturers in the west are holding firmly to prices, but as it is admitted that the present high values cannot rule throughout the season, some dealers have concluded that the time has come to reduce their prices. The white pine dealers of Buffalo held a meet- ing last week to discuss the price ques- tion, at which it was decided to hold to the present list. In the Albany market 2¥% and 3 inch uppers have been reduced to $65, 4 inch uppers to $70, 2% inch selects to $55, 24 inch fine common to $45 to $50, 1 by 10 and 12 shippers to $22, 1 by 12 No. 1 barn to $28, and 1 by 10 and 12 No. 2 barn to $24. From Bay City and Saginaw comes the report that prices are slightly weaker, 1 to 2 inch uppers selling at $54, and selects 8 inches and up at $49. A reduction of about $1 per thous- and has also been made in No.1 cuts, barn boards, inch box and shaky clear stock, The best grade of white pine shingles is quoted at Saginaw at $4.15, and C. B. shingles at $3.15. Cedar is worth $3.20 and $2.20 respectively, and lath is quoted at $4 and $4,50. The spruce market has recovered as a result of a meeting of spruce manufac- turers held at Bangor, Maine, on April 24th, at which it was agreed not to ship any lumber on the market, but to sell all cargoes before loading. A price list, pub- lished elsewhere, was also adopted. Although no break in hardwood prices can be reported, the market is somewhat weaker, particularly for the class of hard- woods used in building operations. For elm, basswood, and maple for manufac- turing purposes the demand is keeping up. At Boston maple sells at $30 for 1%4 inch, $31 for 2 inch, and $34 for 2% and 3 inch. FOREIGN, There is still a feeling of uneasiness in the British market, due to the high price of lumber and the consequent decrease in consumption at London and a few of the other leading ports. Inland buyers and builders are buying with the strictest economy, and unless the demand shall improve very considerably, some dealers anticipate lower prices. On the other hand, it is said that at the first sign of re- newed trade importers will show a strong desire to contract for the balance of their season’s requirements. It is reported that Sweden has 60,000 standards less for first-open-water shipment than last year, and that a limited quantity is expected from Finland. On the east coast of Eng- land spruce deals have been sold quite freely, and more enquiries have been made for this class of stock than has been ex- perienced before. Referring to spruce deals, the Timber Trades Journal says that if Canadian producers would try to meet the requirements of the east coast trade by accurate cutting to specifications, there is little doubt but that a footing in those markets could be established, not- withstanding the fact that Atlantic freights and insurances are much greater than from the Baltic. Plasterers’ laths are reported to be scarce in the British mar- ket, with correspondingly high prices. Birch planks also sell freely. Late ad- vices fron Madrid and Santiago, Chili, state that the demand there for Canadian lumber this season will be quite extensive, HICKORY SQUARES WANTED. A British firm write us that they are desirous of purchasing large quantities of hickory squares, 44 in. x 7% in., of perfect quality and cut to exact size. Persons in a position to supply such stock are asked to communicate with this office. ENQUIRY FOR BLACK WALNUT. A_ German firrg of timber importers write the CanaDa LuMBERMAN that they are in the market for black walnut, and that they can use any quantity in lumber as well as logs. We understand that there is a quantity of black walnut in Western Ontario, and would be pleased to open up correspondence with any person in a position to supply this class of timber. nn: CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. ¢ MAy 2, 1900 ——————— a SSS ee ei eee” STOCKS AND PRICES Chappel Bros., of Tidnish, N.S., have taken out 8,oco,o0o feet of loys in Hants County the past season. C. T. White has about 13,000,000 feet of logs ready to cut at his mills at Point Wolfe, Albert county, N. EB. The town of Toronto Junction, Ont., has let to A. H. Clemes the contract to supply 70,000 feet of lumber. A. & P. White, of Pembroke, Ont., have sold all their season’s production of red pine deals and sidings for export to Great Britain. The Winnipeg city council has accept- ed the tender of D. E. Sprague for the supply of from 500,000 to 1,500,coo feet of lumber. The first shore logs have arrivea at the Springhill booms, above Fredericton, N. B. Spruce logs are said to be worth from $8 to $8.50. per thousand feet. Fraser & Co. and Walter & Humber- stone have purchased the timber limits of Moore & McDowall, fifty miles up the Saskatchewan river from Edmonton, N. W. T. S. Gillies & Son, of Ailsa Craig, Ont., took out one and three-quarter million feet of logs last winter. Of this one million feet was soft elm, and the balance rock elm, maple and basswood. They have just finished shipping fifty cars of lumber. This season the cut of Mohr & Ryan, of Killaloe Station, Ont., will be about 2,000,000 feet, a portion of which has been sold at a considerable advance on last season’s prices. Theabove firm also took out last winter 6,000 telegraph and tele- phone poles. It is learned from A. F. Bury Austin, of Montreal, that his stock of lumber which was consumed by the Hull fire last week was fully covered by insurance. He wishes to advise the trade that the fire will not interfere with this season’s cut, as arrangements have been made with other mills to manufacture the logs, so that all contracts placed for the new cut will be filled promptly. THE OTTAWA FIRE AND THE LUMBER MARKET. (Correspondence of the CanaDA LUMBERMAN ) Ottawa’s lumber industry, in which was in- vested millions of dollars, and in which were employed thousands of men, suffered a severe blow by the fire which swept Hull and the western part of Ottawa on Thursday, April 26th. It is estimated that the loss will total $3,000,000 on the lumber destroyed. A lead- ing lumberman states that in the twelve hours in which the flames played havoc inthe im- mense reaches of lumber piles, at least 125,- 000,000 feet, representing all grades of lumber, were laid low in ashes. Over 2,000 men are temporarily thrown out of employment. At present it is possible to give but an ap- proximate idea of the individual losses. The heaviest loser is Mr. J. R. Booth, whose lum- bering operations have made his name a famil- jar one on two continents. Mr. Booth’s large mill was saved after a prolonged fight, but the greater part of his extensive yards are now nothing but anarea ofashes. In his five yards Mr. Booth had at least 80,000,000 feet of lum- ber, he states, and of this fully 55,000,000 feet were destroyed. This was all valuable lumber, worth at least $18 per M, making the loss almost $1,000,000. All the outbuildings, stables, workshops, etc., at Booth’s mill were destroyed, entailing a loss of at least $40,000. Over $60,000 was invested in the fitting up of the five yards. Mr. Booth’s handsome private residence was also destroyed, entailing a loss of $60,000. A row of twenty houses belong- ing to him were also burned. Mr. Booth’s total loss will probably be $1,200,000, on which no official insurance estimate can be secured. Itis said, however, by responsible parties, to be $550,000. The loss on the buildings, machinery, fin- ished products and lumber of the E. B. Eddy Company will total nearly $1,500,000. This company lost over 4,000,000 feet of lumber. The loss on finished woodenware, paper, etc., amounted to over $300,000, the stock of matches alone, consisting of 20,000 cases, being valued at $60,000. The insurance on the Eddy property is placed at $409,000. Over 1,200 men are thrown out of employment. The Eddy Company will probably rebuild on a smaller scale, and it will be at least four years “had assumed before the fire. before the works assume the proportions at- tained before the fire. In the extensive yards of the Export Lumber Company there were piled 45,000,000 feet of lumber, valued at $900,000, all of which was destroyed. This lumber was fully insured. The Hull Lumber Company was alsoa heavy loser. Its well equipped mill and yards of lumber, containing at least 10,000,000 feet, rolled skyward in smoke, entailing a loss of $260,000. About 300 men are thrown out of employment as a result of the visit paid by the fire fiend to this industry, With characteristic energy the members of the company promptly decided to commence cutting operations at once, in Bronson & Weston’s old mill and in Mason’s mill at Hintonburg. “As the Hull Lumber Company owns extensive limits, its mill will likely be rebuilt, probably on the old site. The insurance on this firm’s property is estimated at about $100,000. As yet, how- ever, the amount of the insurance has not been ascertained, as the insurance papers have not been arranged. Gilmour & Hughson’s well equipped mill and extensive yards at the east end of Hull had a close call, although situated over a mile from the scene of the first fire. As it was over 2,000,000 feet of lumber were consumed. A stern fight, successful in the end, was put up by the mill employees, assisted by 300 lumbermen employed at Bingham’s boom farther up the river. Most of the lumber destroyed was the property of English and American firms, and is well insured, The insurance was carried by the Ottawa firms as mentioned above, The English, Canadian and American firms who had bought the lumber were Watson & Todd, Robert Cox & Co., Sharples & Company, Dobell, Beckett & Company and the Standard Oil Company. It is estimated that nearly two-thirds of the extensive stock of lumber piled in and about Ottawa was swept away. J, Parr’s planing mill was also destroyed, entailing a loss of $10,000. Fraser Hamilton’s mill was reduced to ashes, loss $7,000 ; J. Oliver & Son’s furni- ture factory was swept away, loss $10,000 ; and the Ottawa Specialty Company will have to build anew. The loss in this case was $45,000. The fire may work a revolution in the lum- ber industry of Ottawa. It is doubtful whether it wiil again attain the proportions it The sister cities of Ottawa and Hull depended largely on the lumber industry to support their poorer popula- tion which is now thrown on the charity of the public. Many of the knowing ones saw in the recent decline of the Ottawa lumber business the beginning of the end. Others, however, J. R. Booth amongst the mumber, were equal- ly as positive that the lumber industry would for many years to come continue to support a large proportion of the population, and en- couraged by their predictions, all are hoping that the lumber industry, re-organized with better protection, will employ even more men than before. It is understood that the Hull Lumber Company, which also suffered from fire a few years ago, intended to enlarge their mill, and it is possible the present mill will be restored on more extensive plans. Already large gangs of men, under the per- sonal supervision of Mr. J. R. Booth,are engaged repairing platforms, tramways, etc., and the large mill will be in operation in less than a week after the fire. This mill lay in the path of the fire fiend, but it was saved, the success being in a great measure due to the admirable private protective system of sprinklers and waterworks introduced about four years ago by Mr. Booth. During the progress of the fire, the mill was saturated with water inside and out, and the floors were covered with it three inches deep. As a result, though the wind carried the flames in ard through the mill and piles in the vicinity, they could not secure a foothold, though stone buildings less than 100 feet away suffered the fate of the other estab- ments on all sides. Mr. Booth has many sym- pathizers in his loss, and the entire population of Ottawa and Hull shares his feeling of pride in the escape of his splendidly equipped mills. It is doubtful whether the shores of the Ot- tawa river within the limits of the suffering sister cities will ever again loom high and majestic in the long lines of lumber piles. The lumber, while always a source of pride, has by some been looked upon as a source of danger to the closely populated districts, and now that the Icng expected destruction has been done, the citizens express a firm deter- mination that the lumberman must find his piling ground outside the city gates. The problems confronting the lumberman will be the difficulty of transporting the lumber from the mills, and the still greater difficulty of se- curing new quarters. The problem will prob- ably be solved in part at least by direct ship- ment on car and boat from the mill, as is done in many large mills in the United States. The fire loss cannot be represented by the figures denoting the value of the lumber destroyed. It must be remembered in this connection that a marked shortage in the lum- ber supply has been caused by the fire, and prices are bound to advance accordingly. For building purposes in Ottawa and Hull little lumber is available,*and it is not likely there will be any large shipments to outside points. On the other hand, considerable lumber will have to be secured from other mills. The local market, for the present at least, is bound to be unsettled, and the disposal of the coming cut and the price thereof is a matter of con- jecture. Orrawa, April 30th, 1900, MEETING OF SPRUCE MANUFACTURERS, At a meeting of eastern spruce manufacturers held at Bangor, Maine, last week, an association was formed called the Eastern Lumber Manufac- turers’ Association, and the following scale of prices adopted : 10 and 12 inch dimensions per M, $20; 3 by 9 inch dimensions, $19 ; 8 inch and under dimension, $18; 10 and 12 inch random lengths, 10 feet and up, $18; special bills, 24 and 25 feet, 10 and 12 inch, $21 ; ran- dom, 3 by 9, $18; special bills, 24 and 25 feet, 3 by 9, $20; 2 by 3, 2 by 4, 2 by 5, 2 by 6, 2 by 7, and 3 by 4 inches, 10 feet and up, random, $16 ; 2 by 9, ro feet and up, random, $17.50. All other random lengths, 10 feet and up long, 8 inches and under wide, $16.50. The existing scale of prices adopted March 14 by the manufacturers’ association for rail shipments to Boston points, was adopted by this association for shipments to Boston points by water; terms on Boston shipments, the usual terms, viz., settlement in thirty days from date of delivery. It was further agreed not to ship any lumber on the market. All lumber is to be shipped on orders only and sold before loaded. It was reported that a committee for each river madea canvas of the situation in their re- spective districts to ascertain the amount of old logs and lumber now on hand and the amount of new logs that will be available for the supply of saw mills this season, with the following result : Old logs and lumber—Kennebec river, 5,000,000 old logs ; 1,000,000 old lumber. St. John river, 6,500,000 old logs ; 4,000,000 old lumber. Penobscot river, 19,500,000 old logs; 4,000,000 old lumber. Total, 31,000,000 feet old logs ; 9,000,000 feet old lumber. New logs, available some time in June and later, providing the drives are clean, for manu- facture into lumber for water shipment—Ken- nebec river, 40,000,000; Penobscot river, 55,000,000; St. John river (American logs), 86,000,000. Total, 181,000,000. Add to this 15,000,000 of Ashland Mfg. Co.’s output of 28,000,000 feet of lumber, to be shipped by water from Bangor, balance going by rail, and the grand total available, under favorable driving conditions, for shipment by water, is 196,000,000 feet of spruce, the esti- mates not including pine or hemlock, or pulp logs. This shows a shortage of spruce, as compared with the average of the past five years, approxi- mating 25 per cent. The steamer Ardova has been chartered to carry a cargo of dealsin June from St. John, N.B., toa British port. The bark Dilbhur has been fixed to load deals at same port for Barcelona, Spain, at 63s 9d. Wanted lor EXpor ALL KINDS OF LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. ENQUIRIES FOR WOOD PRODUCTS. The following were among the enquiries relating to Canadian trade recently re- ceived at the office of the High Com- missioner for Canada in London, Eng.: 28. The names of Canadian firms making ‘* 3-ply ” hardwood (i. e., one thick and two _ veneers cemented together) are asked or. 29. The same enquirer wishes to corres- pond with Canadian lumber merchants who can sell large quantities of spruce-wood boxes, planed and unplaned, cut to size and packed in bales. Canadian manufacturers may open up correspondence with any of the firms making the above enquiries by addressing a letter to the publishers of the CANADA LUMBERMAN. When writing refer to the number of the enquiry. The schooner Joseph Hay has been chart- ered to load lumber at Belleveau’s Cove or Weymouth Bridge, N.S., for Cuba, at $7. For 25 years Messrs. C. F. Denny, Frances D. Mott and James Dickson have constituted the firm of Denny, Mott & Dickson, timber importers, London, Eng. On March 3st last the business of the firm was transferred to a new company to be known as Denny, Mott & Dickson, Limited. Mr. C. F. Desny becomes chairman of the company, Mr. F. D. Mott vice-chairman, and Mr. James Dickson general managing director, while Messrs. M.S. Allan, Frank D. Mott, J. P. Dickson and Charles E. Denny, complete the board of directors. H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for ar supplies of large quantities ofp HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘“Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. H. D. WICCIN BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WANTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F. Stengel “*stvraco wy" PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Sepcial Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit \ 4 W s SWAN -DONOGH LUMBER CO. “TECERENUMBER DEALERS. °° Noth Imawa Ad Cable Address, “Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA. Lumberman's Code, ne C. H. GLOVER & CO., 1a ws Importers of=— SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers Invited ..... Wharves, Mills and Offices: é HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENGLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Glovers, Hatcham, London.” b May 2, 1900 _P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied, WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ‘AND QUOTATIONS, SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. IIT. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS n ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTIN Canadian Oak Belting Co, , Montreal, Que, Dixon & Co., F, E., Toronto, Ont. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que, _ Lewap, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s elting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montreal and Toronto. Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. _ ORY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Parmenter, Jas, S., Woodstock, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Montreal Royal Electric Co., Mo dl Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. MACHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co. , Kentville, N.S. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Mershon & Co., W.B., Saginaw, Mich. The Wm. Hamilton Mig. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRIGTION METAL » New York. Magnolia Metal Co. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York, PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. p Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co. , Toronto, Ont, The Dominion Leather Board Co. , Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. De Boston, Mass. M SCELLANEQUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N, B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont, Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Cordage, Indep=ndent Cordage Co. » Toronto, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton &Co., Chicago, Ill, Emery Wheels, Fairbanks Co., Montreal. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co. , Toronto, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York ana Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Petry, Ont BOOM CHAINS For Sale LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto, Gartshore, John, Toronto, Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto, Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, “Casket,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E.R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. Give particulars what you want. JOHN WILCOCK, 15 Basin Street, fee VMONTREAL CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS TH PEMBROKE LUMBER C0, umren We have a quantity of Ship Decking to offer. Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PIND Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. SS as ee ee, 2” Common Pine Plank, 6” to 12” wide, 12 WANTED to 16 ft. long, and 4x 4 Seantling, 10 to 16 ft. State quantity and lowest cash price. ied oe par nap - RE| D & C0 ESPLANADE dlivery yuilewaer” oF " TORONTO A. A. SCOTT, COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES Red and White Oak Bills cut to order, Correspondence Solicited from British Importers, McGregor, Ont [Y[cLAURIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. SHIPMENTS By Rai or Water. mt ERaAsT TEMPLETON, Que. KILLALOE STATION MOAR & RYA or. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty, . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. J. D. SHIE + MANUFACTURER OF, ., ‘wve— Lumber, Lath and Shingles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer, 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to ordet if contracted for early. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON nee omen,... > LUMBER 3O St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHEETING Song e WM. COOKE. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS ae BRAGCEBRIDGE, ONT. Mills at L'Orignal, Ont. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head Ofice—-TOQORONTO--70 King St. West. SARNIA— wuotesate DISTRIBUTING varosy—_ BUFFALO rane seers ge eg ape NE, OLIN JAS. PLAYFAIR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies a, MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . . A. & P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT + WIARTON Manufacturers of and Dealers in,..... MANUFACTURER AND J Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber MG Pine Shingles, A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CorRRESPONDENCE SoniciTEp. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. SEN Re ecto W nd St erage Manufacturers of and Dealers in All Kinds Of ———~- Mills: SYCAMORE SIDING P. 0. TILBURY, ONT. Lake Erie & D.R.R.R. SAY SAP ISG as yA Eig Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATFNT CLOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. Seo ._- . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- » PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW ETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALB OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE ANY, CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HaLy. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. Mgr Y=} M. A. OverEeNnD, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board W.P. HinTon, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. Trade, Montreal, C. J. Smit General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL AMEE BROTHERS Co. urk’s Falls, Ont, Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling “ 12.00 IV. DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Wood Adents and Brokers Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, ENG. FCARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers ana Measurers Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WRickT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND + 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, i ion Stock. Shipments to any of the pri i i Lumber an imension ‘continent handled to the best advantage Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ai and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, Se Set 247% Union Street F. A. Lightbody & the principal ports in the United Kingdom or DUNN, & CO. ROKERS - GLASGOW G O 8 Gordon Street e GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS a Cable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—* WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. PYVERY & VINGENT = SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS RED OF.--. PIN | (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) — Calder, Henderson & Li vingston Cable Addrese VALORES Rinevop: GL | SGO Ww 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW ©) B R 0 K F R S Cable Address : “TECTONA” Glasgow. Arand A B C Codes used. { 6~-———— IRVIN & SELLERS————~® Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER Cable Address: “ REDWOOD,” **Zebra’’ Code, W. J. DAWSON & CO. Wood Brokers and Commission Agents BENTHAM BUILDINGS, SIDE, Invite offers from Lumbermen for . NEWCA 3TLE-ON-TYNE FIR, SPRUCE, PINE or Any Wood Goods Suitable for the English Market- ee eT, a eT ee Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . « Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . « BU DCtTT BROS 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Street Within, ™ Cable Address LONDON, E.C. “Budlets, London.” 4 7 i lhl — CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION Thé Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} st.oo per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES::AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., MAY 9, 1900 No. 16 CANADA [LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire InsuRANCE BuILDING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 2o-page journal, discuss- ing illy and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on.technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 48 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set‘in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p-m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. ANTED.—A medium sized Alligator. Reply, stating age, conditions and price, to ‘‘ Locs,” c/o Canava LUMBERMAN. OR SALE.—2,000 arpents Boardwood Limits near St. Hilaire Station, only 22 miles from Montreal— Red Oak, Maple, Beech. F. CaAmpsBe.t, St. Hilaire Station, Que. DECKING FOR SALE, | | 58 M FEET 3x3 25 TO 35 FEET B.C. PINE | Decking edge grain, clear stock. Tue Brap- LEY Company, Hamilton, Ont. OR SALE.—30,000 feet of r in. and 2 in. Dry Birch Lumber ; could cut to order one million feet of Hemlock and Birch. Also for sale, Boiler and Engine ;_ size of Boiler, 37 in diameter inside plate, 33 tubes 3 inches, length of tubes 12 feet, good front double doors; size of Engine, ‘0x 17, Rocker valve, pa i build. Address S. M. Moorg, Falkenburg, nt. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber THR PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited). This company has a larger tract of well timbered land about 125 miles north-east of l'oronto. Thee are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherry Birch, Maple also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The Company are Prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 10 10 090 acres, or more if desired There are several good mill sites on the preperty. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut out and are looking for a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto, AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in this department. Address, CAanaDa LuMBERMAN, Toronto. ANAS UED Bard Maple Logs in lots of 30 M ft. board measure, and upwards, to be sawn to order; whole product taken except culls, a large per- centage green. Address, R E, Kinsman, Hamilton. FOR SALE. OME MAPLE AND ELM LUMBER; ALSO 45 horse power Steam Mill, che p; Foundry and Machine Shop to rent, very reasonable. J. C. Scrip- TURE, Colborne, Ont. Sues WANTED AS SUPERINTEND- ent or Foreman in Wood Pulp or Board Mill, by young Swede who has been engaged for 8 years in large mills in Sweden. Address, JoHANNES HEts, Sa dthorquai, Hamburg, Germany. WANTED. 30 TO 50 M CUBIC FEET OF RED SPRUCE, V ioin. and up; 759 to 1,000 pes. Red Hemlock, 12 in. and up, for month June, 1900. Cash on delivery. Address, Box 630, Sorel, Que. TELEPHONE POLES. HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOR SALE 5,coo Cedar Telephone Poles, all lengths, from 25 to.55 feet. A'so 5,000 Kence P. sts: Quotations. given by mail or wire. Grorce & McGrecor, Killaloe Sta- tion, Ont. . Limits For Sale TOWNSHIP OF ARMAND, P.q. About 42 square miles in above Township, well timbered and well watered. Logs can be hauled partly to Temiscouata Railway, but the greater part can be driven to advantage into the St. John River. For particulars apply to H. M. PRICE & CO, Quebec. Waterous List—Rebuilt Machinery We find it impossible to avoid taking machinery in trade. This we refit, guarantee in good working order an sell very low : 7% x 36 ft. Direct Steam Feed. 8 x 12 Cunningham Rope Feed. 11x 20 Cunningham Cable teed, 48x12 drum, 10 grooves, % cable. ‘ 3 Block girde: steel Carriage, 40 in. opening, steel faced, 14 in whee's. Boss Dogs run one year. 2 Block cast iron Hamilton 4o in. Carriage, ‘oss Dogs. 3 Block Sewry Carriage, 40 in. Boss Dogs, run one season. ; 7 Blok Stearns Carriage, Kine Dog, would make two carriages. All have rolled V and flat track planed. Waterous iron frame, Three Block Carriage, R. H. Sing’e Edger. Small wood frame atid Two Block Carriage. Kelley Kicker, Kline Loader, Steam Jump Saw, 60 in aw. 1 Waterous Shingle Mill. t Boss Shingle Mill. 3 Saw Hamilton Edger, Single Edger, Slabsaw. Endless Log Jack, spiked roll. 450 feet Conveyer Chain, 34 in. round, 2x 3% in. flat. Steel Conveyor Chain, 18 in. iro» flights. IIX1I5, 12X12, 12X14, 20x 24, Engines. 60x16 Boile’, forty-four 4 x 16 tubes. 60x 12 Builer, Seventy-eight 3 x 12 tubes. 48 x 14 Boiler, forty-four 12 foot tubes. Several sma ler boilers. 10, 12, 16 horse upright Boilers. 25 h.p. submerged tube Marine upright Boiler, good for 100 lbs, No. 5 Rotary Fire Pump, two 2% in. take offs, double geared, good as new. Several Hand Fire Engines; one 620 gallon Steam Fi e Engi e. 21 in. Little Giant Water Wheel with sun. 48 in. Leffel Water Wheel with sun. 1oin. Centrifugal Sand Pump, 320 feet of 2 guage delivery pije. 7 in. fuur-sided Moulder. 3, in. Chopper, 20 in. Chopper, 12 in. Jolietter Crushers. Circular Saws, 68, 64, 60, 5) and «4 in. 24 in. Champion Planer and Matcher. Several Marine Engines and Boilers. WATEROUS, BRANTFORD CANADA WANTED. ip aa INSPECTOR DESIRES SITUA- tion; has had experience on the road. Apply Box 28, CanapA LuMBERMAN. SAW MILI. SITE C008 SAW MILL SITE ON SOUTH END of the Georgian Bay, near Midland, extensive Lumber Docks, Houses, Store Buildings, ete.; water power. THE Muskoka MILL anp LUMBER Go, Ltd., Toronto, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Throughout the timber trade there prevails a tendency towards lower prices, The spring demand for lumber has not developed altogether satisfactorily, the high price of all building materials having retarded building operations to some extent. It is understood that in Toronto the erection of some important buildings has been deferred after the tenders for’ same were taken. Nor have en- quiries from the Eastern States been as numerous of late as might reasonably be expected. Much importance has been placed upon the fact that by the Ottawa fire upwards of 150,000,000 feet of lumber was taken out of the market, but it must be remembered that the bulk of this was export |lumber, and consequently the effect upon the local market will not be as beneficial as some may suppose. Of course, the fact must be reckoned with that the rebuilding of the burned districts of Hull and Ottawa will consume a very large quantity of lumber. A situation favorable to the maintenance of prices. may be brought about by the hanging’ up in the streams of a large quantity-of logs, as up to the present the progres§ made in rafting operations has been anything but satisfactory. It must also be remembered, however, that some logs were held over from last season, and that these will increase the lumber produc- tion. The hardwood manufacturers are holding very firmly to prices, but dealers are not buying with much liberality. They seem to prefer to wait in the hope of being able to purchase at lower values at a later date. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. News of a sharp break in prices in the New York market caused a feeling of uncertainty in the Jumber trade of the Eastern Provinces, but as the situation seems to have been brought about by exceptional circumstances, there has since been a partial recovery of confidence. The news had the effect of checking, to some extent, the shipments tothe Eastern States, Local trade is quite brisk, and as navigation on the St. Lawrence is now open, we look forward to the usual ship- ments to Great Britain and other foreign countries, The log drives are reported to be making considerable progress, and the lumbermen expect that very few logs will be hung up. The cut on the Nashwaak is given aS 25,000,coo feet, MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The farmers of Manitoba and the Terri- tories have been busily engaged in their seeding, and consequently of late there has not been a heavy movement of lum- ber on country account. Any falling off in this direction has been more than counterbalanced by increased building Operations in Winnipeg and_ other places. The present outlook is for an active building season and a continuance of.-a..strong demand for lumber... In British Columbia nearly every mill is working to its full capacity, and there seems little doubt but that the demand will take care of the entire production. Several vessels are loading for foreign destinations. UNITED STATES, Lumber dealers in the Eastern States have taken advantage of the Ottawa fire to maintain prices ona firm basis. Had it not been for this circumstance, it is quite possible that signs of weakness would have been visible before this time. The spring has been so backward that the usual quantity of lumber has not been consumed in building operations, while the lack of country trade has also had a deterrent influence. On the other hand, the manufacturing demand is holding up well, and mill owners are not offer- ing any concessions to dealers. Man- ufacturers claim that prices are not too high considering the increased cost of production, and as they have already dis- posed of fully 25 per cent. of their season’s production, they are in a position to feel independent for some time at least. Piece stuff only has shown weakness. At Saginaw log sun pine is quoted at $16 to $22, box at $14 to $15, Norway at $14 and $14.50, and mill culls at $12. In the Boston market white pine is selling at $45 for inch fine common, $53 for inch selects, $67 for uppers and $36 for inch No. 1 cuts. Fron: Boston again comes the report of scarcity of box and mill culls and cutting- up grades. Spruce lumber shows a remarkable steadiness, although the demand is by no means large. For New York delivery {I. the price for 10 and 12 inch boards 1s $20. Hardwood prices are not as firm as they were, but the conditions surrounding the trade are such that no serious decline is expected. At a recent meeting of the Michigan Hardwood Lumber Association reports were submitted from sixty per cent. of the hardwood manufacturers of Michigan. These showed the output of hardwood logs this year to exceed that of last year by only 5 per cent. Birch and maple are, if anything, slightly weaker. FOREIGN. Some uncertainty seems to exist in Great Britain as to whether the present prices for wood goods will be maintained when the new cargoes commence to arrive. Importers find great difficulty in keeping up prices owing to the lessened consumption, and unless the demand shall improve we would not be surprised to learn of a break in prices. At the present time, however, the market for Canadian timber is holding up remark- ably well. At many of the ports there 1s a scarcity of spruce. At London 3x9 third quality spruce in docks 1s held at £10 5s, and second quality ,at £10 10:. Pine deals also continue to sell at very satisfactory prices. The French market is now quiet, al- though reports from Great Britain state that by no means have sufficient goods yet been purchased for consumers’ needs. It is asserted that 150,000,000 feet of lumber has been consumed in construc- tion work in connection with the Paris Exposition. STOCKS AND PRICES The quantity of lumber lost by J. R. Booth in the recent given as 41,000,000 feet. Jacob Lawrence & Son, of Sarnia, Ont., have recently purchased a quantity of lumber from the Ontario Lumber Com- pany. It is reported that the Haliburton Lumber Co. recently purchased some timber mits from Mr. G. W. Yarker, of Toronto. Over 10,000,000 feet of dry stock has been shipped from Marinette, Wis., to Buffalo and Cleveland since the opening of navigation. Three million feet of logs cut in the vicinity of Loch Lomond, N.B., during the past winter for the Mispec pulp mill, will shortly reach their destination. It is estimated that W. & J. Sharples, of Quebec, will ship cut of Ontario this season over 300,000 cubic feet of square timber, principally elm, ash and birch. Rupp & Kerr and W. C. McClure, of Saginaw, Mich., who own a timber limit near Three Rivers, Que., are reported to have sold it, the consideration being $175,000. The Snider Lumber Company, of Gravenhurst, Ont., have secured a stock of 11,000,000 feet of logs for this season’s operations, and are running their mill day and night. Messrs. George & McGregor, of Killa- loe Station, Ont., offer for sale through the Wanted and For Sale Department of this issue 5,000 cedar telephone poles, from 25 to 55 feet in length, also 5,000 fence posts. Honorable A. Dickey and R. Brownell, of Truro, N.S., are said to have sold to the American Furniture Company, of Oxford, N. S.,asaw mill and 700 acres of timber land situated at River Philip, Cumberland county. The shingle manufacturers of Washing- ton have fiiled to agree upon 4 plan for reducing the output, anc. as a result prices of red cedar shingles are reported to be off in the Mississippi Valley territory from 12 to 20 cents per thousand. Ottawa fire is definitely — CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. W. Baird & Company, of West advise us that they Hartlepool, England, are in the market for a quantity of Canadian birch planks, 1§ to 16 feet in length and 2 to 2¥% inches thick, to be prime first quality wood, suitabie for cabinet work. J. W. Munro, of Pembroke, Ont., is reported to have sold his timber limits in the township of McKim to Toronto parties for the sum of $45,000. It 1s also stated that Mr. Munro bas purchased the Bron- son & Weston limits on the Upper Ottawa for a sum in the neighborhood. of $200,- 000. Duncan Brewer & Company, of Duluth, Minn., have sold of this year’s manufac- ture all their No. 4 and 5 boards and. lath and 1,500,000 feet of No. 3 and better. Merrill & Ring, of same place, have sold all their lath and shingles, 1,000,000 of No. 3 and 4 boards, and ‘10,000,000 feet of No. 2 and better. . The steamship Vancouver sailed from Montreal last week for Liverpool with 200 standards of deals, four cars of pulp, ten cars of blocks and ten cars of lumber. The steamer Ramore Head took on [50 standards of deals at Montreal, and 350 loads of timber and 600 standards of deals at Quebec, She sailed for Belfast on the 8th inst. The steamship Rydal Holme will load a full cargo of deals at Montreal for Newcastle. The Montreal representative of a British manufacturing firm desires to secure ten- ders from Canadian lumber manufacturers or dealers for one million feet of mill run inch lumber, undres;ed, to be delivered f.o.b. Glasgow or f.o.b. Montreal for re- shipment per Glasgow steamer. Delivery may be made according to convenience of shipper at any time during the season cf open navigation. This lumber is requirec for making crates and packing cases. Persons wishing to figure on this order may obtain particulars by communicating with this office. See ee ENUIRIES FOR WOOD PRODUCTS. The following were among the enquiries relating to Canadian trade recently re- ceived at the office of the High Commis- sioner for Canada, in London, Eng. 30. A timber house who are buyers of large quantities of mouldings and ready made sashes and frames, which might be worked from white pine, red pine, or bass wood, desire to corres- pond with large makers in Canada. Canadian manufacturers may open up correspondence with any of the firms making the above enquiries by addressing a letter to the publishers of the CANADA LUMBERMAN. When writing refer to the number of the enquiry. el CANADIAN RED PINE. In the Ottawa district of Canada there is an abundance of red pine that was at one time rofitable to ship ts the British market, but which, says The Timber Trades Journal, of London, England, since has suffered from com- petition with cheaper goods, until it has become hardly recognized as an article of import in the wood markets of Europe. Now that the prices of Baltic yellow deals have reached a level that would cover the cost of importing red pine and leave a margin of profit besides, the opportun- ity should not be lost of reviving the dormant market for the Canadian wood ; but to do this with any chance of success in the competition with the ordinary deals would necessitate a thorougk change in the methods of sorting and manufacture. Consumers here must have something in the nature of marks or brands on the deals that will signify the class to which they belong, and the lengths cut to the usual variety for them to select from, Red pine is in every way suitable for carpentering and joinery work, and to establish a permanent trade in it on this side of the Atlantic, in our opinion, only wants a little management on the other. The likelihood of Swedish or White Sea deals of the better class ever going back to the low prices of ten years ago is highly improbable from the lessened supply, which has been decreasing for years, To find some class of timber that will do in the place of the North of Europe yellow deal, that is equal in quality, at a lower price, is what consumers are looking for, and importers might profitably meet the desire by enlarging the trade in red pine. But the shippers, Or lumbermen, in Canada would have to cut the wood ina suitable way for the building trade, and mark or brand it as well. To both the im- porter and the consumer the distinguishing mark is of considerable utility as forming @ guarantee of quality that obviates ali disputes, besides facilitating sales amongst the building fraternity, who have not always the leisure or the ability to judge those essential points for themselves. At any rate, the suggestions we offer seem feasible, and we shall be glad to hear the opinions of those who have dealt in red pine as to any reasons that may stand in the way of its adoption as a cheap building wood of the future. ——— SALE OF TIMBER PROPERTY. Nearly five hundred square miles of timber limits belonging to the Cook Bros. Lumber Company, Limited, were offered for sale in the rotunda of the Board of Trade building, To- ronto, on Thursday, May 3rd. ‘fhe limits are situated on the north shore of Lake Huron, and consist of thirteen parcels of 36 square miles each and one parcel of 25 1-2 square miles, making a total of 493 1-2 square miles. There was a large attendance of lumbermen, but only one or two persons represented the Michigan interests. The sale was conducted by Mr. Peter Ryan. At the beginning the bidding was decidedly slow and the first five parcels were withdrawn. The sixth berth, No. 155, on the north shore ot Lake Huron, and containing 25 1-2 square miles, was pur- chased by the Victoria Harbor Lumber Com- pany, at $1,500 per mile. Berths No. 156 and_157 were withdrawn at $5,590 and $6,000 per mile respectively. Parcel No. 9, being berth No. 161, was purchased by W. J. Sheppard, of the Victoria Harbor Lumber Company, at $3,800 per mile. No, 10 and 11 were withdrawn, while No. 12, Berth No. 167, was secured by Brennan & Sons, of Hamilton, at $1,600 per mile. There wasno bid for parcel 13, but parcel 14, Berth No. 194, township of Otter, went to W. J. Sheppard, of the Georgian Bay Lumber Company, at $1,600 per mile. The saw mill property at Spragge and the side-wheel steamer ‘‘Meteor” were then offered, but no bids being received both were withdrawn. Mr. Ryan also placed under the hammer timber Berth No. 139 on the north shore of Lake Huron, the property of George H. Perley, Ottawa. This berth was also with- drawn. ———————_——— THE COOPERAGE MARKET. The American Lumberman thus refers to the cooperage market at Buffalo : There is already a casting about for apple- barrel stock, as the prospect of a crop is so far good. There will be no buying of second- class supply by barrel men as yet though, for there are plenty of chances to take between now and fall. The jobbers think they will be able to stand the demand, especially as the eastern call for flour-barrel stock is light, though most other industries needing barrels are active. The big decline of late is in coiled hoops, 6-foot lengths, selling at $9.50 to $10 and 53-foot at $875. Staves remain firm at $8.75 to $9 for first class dry elm flour-barrel stock, with basswood heading at 64 to 6} cents a set, all by carload lots. In tight barrel stock tierce staves bring $28 and hoops $13. Coopers are getting 38 to 40 cents for flour barrels and paying 6% to 7 cents for making. Tierces bring ‘from $1.25 to $1.35 and the maker gets 33 cents. There is the usual complaint of low prices and small profits in the barrel business, though jobbers appear to be doing pretty well. The growing scarcity of elm constantly increases the use of maple and other hardwoods for slack barrel staves. ——_————————————— The Laurentide Pulp Company suffered a loss of $0,000 by fire a few days ago, their pulp and wood-preparing mills at Grand Mere, ‘Que., being destroyed. Wanted for EXpOrt ALL KINDS OF | Locs AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, EN G.; May 9, 1g00 BRITISH TIMBER SALE. Following is the result of a sale of wood goods held by Churchill & Sim, London, Eng: land, on April 26th : Pine—Ex Ailsa Craig, 3x8 in. third quality white pine, £9 5 12 in. 3 x8, £9; 13 tt. 3x7, 493 12 ft. 3x7, £9 and £9 5s. Ex Leander, from Quebec—13 ft. 3x9 in. third quality white pine, £9 15s and £10; 11 ft. 3x9, £11 10s; 10 ft. 3x9, 49 108. Ex Yola, from Quebec—13 ft. 3x12-24 in. first quality, £18 15s ; 12-16 ft. 3x12-19, 4193 14- 16 ft. 3x11, £18 158; 12-13 ft. 3x11, £18 15s. Ex Castlemoor, from Quebec—11 ft. 3-11 im third quality, £10 5s; 11 ft. 3x11 in., £10 10s. Ex Forest Holme, from Botwoodville, Nfid. 6-16 ft. 2x8-16 in. second quality, £11 583 10-14 ft. 2x7, S10 5s; 8-16 ft. 1%4x8-13, All los; 6-18 ft. 14x4-6, £10; 7-18 ft. 14x 6, £9 3 12-16 ft. 3x13-16, £3 108; 6-11 ft. 3x12, £8 15s; 6-17 ft. 1x8, £8 158; 9-13 ft. 1x7, oi 15s 5 II-13 ft. 1x6, £8 585 11-14 ft. 1x5, Spruce.—Ex Ella Sayer, from Quebec—14 ft. 2x7, unassorted, £9. Ex Leander, from Quebec—10-11 ft. 3x9-14 in. second quality, £10; 10-16 ft. 3x9, £10 5s. Ex Canadia, from Quebec—13 ft. 3x9 second quality, £10 5s. from Quebec—13 ft SHIPPING MATTERS. Lumber freights are firm at $2 from Bay City and $2.12} from Saginaw to Buffalo and common points, and $1.75 to $1.874 respect- ively to Ohio ports. The following charters are reported: Str. Lady Inveagh, St. John, N. B., to e.c. Ire- land, deals, 52s 6d, ey sailing ; str. Pan dosia, St. John, N. B., to w.c. England, deals, 50s; str. Kromberg, 2,217 tons, St. John, N. B., to w.c, England, deals, 50s, June loading. The Timber Trades Journal reports the following charters: Steamer, 1,400 standards St. Margaret’s Bay, N.S., to Manchester deals, 52s 6d; 1,200 standards, Hopewel Cape, N.B., to Manchester, 55s; boat, 750 standards, Montreal to east: coast England, 50s ; 750 tons, Miramichi to Cardiff, 52s 6d 425 tons, Cape Tormentine, N.B., to Preston. 57s 6d. H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., 6 Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplie of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, an¢ will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR od WALNUT, in logs, pianksand BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘Owen, Liverpoo!.” A.B.C. Code used. H. D. WICCIN BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for — LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood: CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. VW ANTED 3 fare Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) 4 FOR CASE 4 Jotun F. Stengel “wérrato wy" PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTC Sepcial Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Tran , also prime fresh | SWAN Te ig Cable Address, ‘‘Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA. Lumberman’s Code _ SUPPLEMENT TO CANADA-L 7 ee toad: QUEBEC, QUE, WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT, . RED PINE—IN THE RAFT, 1° Measured off, according to ‘ z a 4/4 inch SR raw up. 23 sure Mewpar aid quality ssa... 23.0 27 : . 55 | 4/4. Box boards, 6” and up .. 20°58 In shipping order, « ‘ dentin beaacteneene meets Sooonsodacocnng 79 | Xo-In. dressing and better, _ + 28 34 OAK—MICHIGAN AND onto. elects, 214 in, bots nodeme 55 | to-In. common............, 21 i 77 00 By the dram, according to average and Bese ies arias S146 50 mutOlaiineh ns ecae Soo snaced 43 | Z2-in. dressing and better... 32 36 15 50 = ao in€é common, 2% in. and "P 45 58 | Common, 1x12 ...... 0.0 21 - = By the dram, according to ave{age and quality, 45 to so feet . be Zh = a eae aie a iichieee: Be oe ploee ary Perce cr ay a8 ts es : i pete ap feet ge Gy «Nei eens; rtp a inch 210. Se eee eee ee ASH, < areas 16 so 14 inches and Up, according to average and quality . +23 26 20) | Nes aibaray xia. a: os 24 ° 16 5 © average 16 inch , 3 1 i 40 Meh o boc Ia Sq onerens asin 24 I 15 00 Bi cathe Nevers Re Coreg, Te OE ACENCH RS pec 30 a 0,2 molding, 1to2in..... BBs ty Mian aany ae His ae 23 ’ 18 00 re : ' Niained!saps.0.2..._eaeu 3° 34 | Shaky clear, x to C/A ose een nea 19 00 v4 mnchvaveraze c SONS Sic og Tels OSAP dee Bracket plank ...._ |” Peacegougayli ce) sae tanicen Baan aye ae Pe 375 pace Oi RAP Oe ieee Sh ghee Ce ene CLG 0 ae a Shelving boards, 12-in, up.. 32 36 Dressings ese een ie 27 32 ’ 3 00 ze i in Cen as Fes seme a 2 Dressing boards, narrow... 25 OMIM ONT ee cere eee 20 22 Z| 2 oem nage txrQ inch shippers.,... 26 is 4 Bright spruce according to mill specification, $40 to $44 for rst, $28 to $30 A satete = 175 for 2nd, $25 to $28 for ard, and $21 to $24 for 4th daaen F.O.B. batteau, FIN skeet rn Ge ie ek aC $3 50 = 2 65 a + Sawed Pine, ex, XXXX..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18... -$5 50 6 25 ts 275 = . Clear butts........ Peccansn 25) |p emlock pr sam, hain b 215 7 2 Bs Fy BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. mooth, 6x18.....__ DECOM SDOWRSDIUCe ME 5.05. 2 20 ee ' : UPPERS/AND SELECTS, : SS = nd Uppers, r in., 10 n. and up Selects, zin., 8in. and u wide $49 00 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA N.Y. Re ‘de - ) In P 49 ’ P fate + & wide mieten closaletoletniclejelascinraiieisy OO 1K, ancbinyers ey. ae 49 00 WHITE PINE 3+» 17 00 19 00 1% 1% and 2 in.. 4 co and 3 in... 2 + 58 so a a ers a aoe 2% and 3 in. . poetmo! SO: Manny ate go teees 49 00 ' (Wholesale selling Duce) i 1"18 00 20 00 Poe pecs... G7 Eo Up'ts, 1, 1%, 1% and 2 ressing 1Y¥in...... 33 50 : ; y FINE COMMON MMe vere cree e ees $57 58 00 1%x1oand12,..... 35 50 , stared) 407 : Wo ‘te ik Pe ces , 2% and 3 in...... CGN Ci imea 4 ins: oem ialaa 35 5c om 5 Ss i rin., 8 in. and up wide....., 9) 50 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 44 co Ae ees Aromas SON ANTM oie, ce aes ide 34 50 be B co 30 00 1% ani x in.. POROS OS: oC. ASEM i irae a estes Gaare 49 50 Selects, 1 to 2 in... | 5° 50] Shelving, No. I, 13 in. . : AMA eh siaietarsloftinaccisiccts teeeeee 4E 00 2% and 3 in....... 61 50 and up, rin,..... 38 50 ¥ B FINE COMMON OR No 1 CUTTING, Qu IDG ction ae eetetetele 66 50 Mold st'ps No. x to z : tin., 7in, and up wide...... 30 00 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 44 co Fine common, TIn.,up Willen Sricdvoaios pais + 38 50 39 50 at Diet vandep ines: eee a ONE IOTEN PG Teno ae te oom dacnncons ++ » 49 00 to 12 in. wide... 41 50) Barn, No. x, 12 in 28750) ae tenia oh § ieseh ae rcly reas . 37 00 1% and 1% cose 4t 50! 6 8androin..,.. $ 23 50 7" ; STRIPS, A AND 3 (CLEAR AND SELECTS), Ss Fa Pa aies semua ee Ne e a He ee he oe ae oa ee) eae an rt ee Riel talenstmeeeps 5 S2 VEZ es inp 5 acd 7 in. wide... € s | bin fig and 7 In. wide...., 49 iy Penne tne eee don Orgs Nowa arciandics in. 20 50 BN 2 CC OC Orica trey ceri . 1S ATH CEO TIO CIE] 4 Cut up, No. I, rin 33 50 Box, 1x4 Dacha nae 17 oc - FINE COMMON OR c, pe ‘ BY toizhin’ 200s 39/50) exe 6 towrean) |) 19 co Walley Gooden ange 30 | “Aine ay 5 in, wide... ort SF Ca) 0. 2, P in... 22000) | rc rovtolrgin! do. 20 00 in. wile. . +++ 3650] in., 6 OBA Ee Meraiete ays ei. + 36 00 No. 2, 1%,.& 1% in 32 00 33 09/ | rM¥andiin.... 20 co SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS, 0.351% & 1% in 20 50} Mill Culls, z, 1%, 1% ,6in. wide... -... ae 00! rim, 4, 5, 6 in, Maidens... se 25 00 On epeiMonnance, O 26 50 Baudiatin tec .a : 16 50 ' BARN -ROARDS OR sTocks, F ATT * LAaTH. — : Se ees 00 | No + Pee nls 2000 +134 inch No. x white pine ., --$5 00 | 14 inch No, t Norway....,.. 4.005 1 eee ZOKcOn, GUE earnixed Lanne rm 450/r No. x whits Pine .... 400 18 50 1% inch No. 2 white pine ....$4 co 18 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying as 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda : 18 00 nd up wide. ....$17 55 d in., 7 in. and ; Oy Sac HH Ree 17 00 aid up wide..... 29 00 8in. and up +++» 29 00 UMBERMAN WEEKLy EDITION. eR Be Ri ete ne nk ase SoulLNon ail va) : Hheghe ss ; eee ee inci Hemlocn oe eran, e735 : Square white Pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ......... 30 32 = haw: cet First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 37 45 ALBANY, N, Y, may oth, 1900, ee ees rast tinchaverage ‘ « on eth 7 PINE, i Me “Michigan « 1gto2rin average % « &size 45 48 _ up, red t : ss PD AE AIL SO REET OIE FA PORN IE) CN ne re OS MPT: Bron WHITE PINE LATH, r No. c. Siehecie $ $65 IXxI> inch shippers ...... $ $22 5 WHITE AsH, tst & and, r inch, 3° 00 32 00 | 2% tog in..... Sie 38 00 1% to2in......... 34 00 36 00| Strips..... ae 2200 j Com. and culls. 1400 P , BLACK AND BROWN asy, 1st & end, 6inch up, 25 00 26 00 | Com. & good culls... 12 00 I4 00 ee BIRCH. 1st & 2nd, 6 inch & a ist &and,white, GiScup were oolzalea ( é 2 om & good ci bre nS heer Ghana, -ahereceecl kieul ae ae May 9, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. lI, DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘* Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading o., Vaurouver, B.C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS, SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Construetional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. Cable Address, “ CasKET,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. BELTIN Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Dixon & Co., F. E., Toronto, Ont. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, |.C., Belting Co. , Montreal and Toronto. Sad‘er & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York _ DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Parmenter, Jas. S., Wood:tock, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, M ‘CHINERY Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co. , Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co. » Kentville, N.S. Madison Wiliams, Port Perry, Ont. Mershon & Co., W.B., Saginaw, Mich. The Wm, Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRIGTION METAL New York. Magnolia Metal Co., PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. p _ PULLEY. Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co. , Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New Yor S4W MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Ottawa Saw Works Co. , Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. M SCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Cordage, Indep*ndent Cordage Co., Tor nto, Ont, Embossed Mouldings, Boynton &Co., Chicago, ill, Emery Wheels, Fairbanks Co., Montreal. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbe2, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont, Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co. , Toronto. Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co., Toronto, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont Scrap Iron The market is high anda good time to realize— Write me. JOHN WILCOCK, 15 Basin Street, eee—MONTREAL CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THe PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umren We have a quantity of Ship Decking to offer. Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PIN Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. to 16 ft. long, and 4x4 Seantling, 10 to 16 | - Wr N TED ft. State quantity and lowest cash price. > REID & CO., seeents WM. COOKE. SS 2” Common Pine Plank, 6” to 12” wide, 12 We are also open to contract for 3 to 4 million feet of same kinds, say 3 million 2 in. and 1 million4x4 new cut 1900, delivery by rail or water . i eg COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES cGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. [VicLAURIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. East TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. A. A. SCOTT. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY Rait or WATER. - MOHR & RYA Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. J.D. SHIE » MANUFACTURER OF. , :nve— Lumber, Lath and Shingles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer. 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to ordet if contracted for early. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON avons LUMBER 80 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*EcIINS—caaR, e an BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont.’ Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling ss R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DBALERS Head Ofice-TOQORONTO- 10 King St. West. SARNIA— wuotesats DISTRIBUTING varvos-—_ BUFFALO got eee eae a ee JAS. PLAYFAIR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies ~~ MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P.WHITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. . ROBERT WATT - WIFKRTON MANUFACTURER AND ) Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber % Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CoRRESPONDENCE SoLtciTEp. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Joisting, OWEN SOUND; ONTARIO. Mills: SYCAMORE SIDING P. 0. TILBURY, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER < in All Kinds ee WOQ@D A ND SLABS FOR SALE Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATF\T CLOTHBOARD CU., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. SS er CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - Operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal, YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TOEONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS co. Burk’s Falls, Ont. 12.00 Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. May 9, 1900 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNOAN, EWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers able Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. ENG. LIVERPOOL, ARNWORTH & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. 4 WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakndge,’’ Glasgow. s, Zebra; Private. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farn WRIGHT, GARR & OO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, econ es Used : Watkin’s, Scott's , A.B.C.; Lumberman’ Agen “its s for the pale of ‘CANADIAN ETE PINE AND see ut to all nee n Sto Shipments bine pri hse cn oe worth,” Liverpool. inds of Har: ‘dwoods cae ‘On ited Kingdom or mber ime eae ated iiliel bet adie ok Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. A BC, Ai and Lieber's Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & C9. WOOD PGK. 247% Union Street - GLASGOW ee Fe. Lightbody KK Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND VWOOD BROKERS Cable Addre: ““TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: “Ze bra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN “WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Berdweane in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage e to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—“ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. PYVERY & VINGENT ==—— SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF. .-.- REHD PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED LEAR Gece? Wood Aegents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, Ser rcart Rencesharal Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. "# Lonard Conrt, Grasochurch Strect (O80) Sg Manchester Timber Importers limite 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS ee for the English Market. Offers invited. “TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B C. and Zebra codes Cable Addre Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. “ A. KENNEDY FELBER, JUCKER & CO. 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Lumber Importers Buyer of . MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offer: a rece LeRNSre MOL suns BOX SHOOKS, ‘SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine tection oe Medes tion ian wfactur Flooring:, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles or any Woods su an Thi aes nt by'repular lin aba y suitable tor English Cables: ‘ Bircu,” Glasgow. Ccdes Beas d Zebra. ————— ee HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAN Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon Cable Address : ‘ Hessler ” Westha rtlepool. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants 1” planed, tongued and grooved Pine Boards, third quality or better. Also open for Spruce and Pine Deals, Doors, Mouldings. etc. Cable Address: LIGNU M, Manchester; A B C Code. SMITH & TYRER - (4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOO! . Wood Pegents eo Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpoo Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole ie ’ Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Croshy Square, LONDON, ENG. SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . . ee ee EE eee JAMES WHEELDON & SONS _. TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, EN G. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: ‘‘ ALLISON,” Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St... GLASGOW ys eames LUMBER WHOLESALE HEAD OFFICE: 80 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SREGTING CEILING @ Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling ce R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head Ofice-TORONTO- 7° King St. West. SARNIA—-wootesate DISTRIBUTING varos—_ BU FFALO JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies ee MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty .. . A.& P. WHITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT.. ROBERT WATT - WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND J Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber _% Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CoRRESPONDENCE SoLiciTED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATFNT (LOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec >: DIMENSION TIMBER :: Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY -- . . Shortest and Quickest Route from wiht ao OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW ETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &e., Te Gente QUEBEC, HALI- c. - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OveREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. Trade, Montreal. C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS co 12.00 Burk’s Falls, Ont. iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. May 16, 1900 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & OO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. e Be Brokers and Measurers b> Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. n Log orts in the United Kingdom or 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & OO. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. ur continent handled to the best advantage. @ 7 Royal Bank Place, He Sen ee Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal p Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. AB C, Ar and Lieber's Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD BPRORTR] 2" Union Street - GLASGOW Fe Lightbody a Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROEEES Cable Address : ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. ae Telegraphic Address—* WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. PYVERY & VINGENT — SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF. + - RED PIN | (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) ORPRESPONDENCE INVITED ermromen ee LEARY & OO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. ts Lombard Court, easecharsh S in, Chopper, 20 in. Chopper, 12 in. Jolietter Crushers. ircular Saws, 68, 64, 60, 59 and 54 in. 24 in. Champion Planer and Matcher. Several Marine Engines and Boilers. WATEROUS, BRANTFORD CANADA ANTED.—HFemlock, Spruce, or Red Pine, and 1 car 2x4 Cedar. Write, stating price F.O.B., R, J. Douvcatt, Hallville, Ont. ANTED,—St ck tocut. Have fifty horse new portable mill, Waterous make, at liberty after June fifteenth, possibly sooner. Tuomas Ho ttis, Damascus, Ont. YAP ANTED— Hard Maple Logs in lots of 30 M ft. board measure, and upwards, to be sawn to order; whole product taken except culls, a large per- centage green. Address, R E, Kinsman, Hamilton. WANTED. UMBER INSPECTOR DESIRES SITUA- tion; has had experience on the road. Apply Box 28, CanADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE. HREE CAR LOADS OF 35 IN. LONG, % IN. thick, basswood syrup-barrel staves. Address, G. W. MircHe tr, Warwick P. O., Ont. ITUATION WANTED AS SUPERINTEND- ent or Foreman in Woo! Pulp or Board Mill, by young Swede who has been engaged for 8 years in large mills in Sweden. Address, JoHannes HeEts, Sandthorquai, Hamburg, Germany. " WANTED. 3 TO 50M CUBIC FEET OF ROUND SPRUCE, 10 in, and up; 75> to 1,000 pcs. Round Hemlock, 12'in. and up, for month Juse,1go0. Cash on delivery. Address, Box 630, Sorel, Que. TELEPHONE POLES. HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOR SALE 5,000 Cedar Telephone Poles, all lengths, from 25 to 55 feet. Also 5,000 Fence Pi sts, Quotations given by mail or wee: Grorce & McGrEGoR, Killaloe Sta- tion, Ont. FOR SALE. y) HORSE-POWER ENGINE, 40 HORSE- Power Boiler, one 4-Side Moulder one 3-side Moulder, one 12-inch Janitor, one 24-inch Surface Planer, one 8 horse-power Engine and Boiler. Tor- onto Macuinery Suppty Co., Toronto. : DIMENSION TIMBER WANTED, A quantity of square White | ine, 12x 12, twenty- two feet long and upwards; also twenty and twenty- two feet 1 gs, White Piue, 14 inches diameter at small end. Must be sound. Moore & McGrvicuppy, Goderich, Ont. VALUABLE WATER POWER FOR SALE Within ten miles of North Bay; estimated strength 2,090 horse-power ; two hundred thousand cords pulp- wood within radius of ten miles; railway facilities convenient, For further particulars apply to Dr, J. B. CarruTuers, North Bay, Ont. FOR SALE. INE AND HEMLOCK LATH, AND CEDAR Shingles. Write for prices. Also Wh te Maple, Red Birch, Quartered Maple, Brown Ash, Basswood, Rock and Soft Elm, Maple. Have a few cars of 2 in. and in. dry Soft Elm on hand at present time. Write us. KEENAN brRos., Owen Sound, Ont. SAW MILI SITE ‘f~OOD SAW MILL SITE ON SOUTH END of the Georgian Bay, near Midland, extensive Lumber Docks, Houses, Store Buildings, etc.; water power. THE Muskoka MILL anp Lumper Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. - GOVERNMENT TIMBER SALE. The postponed sale of timber limits to be held hy the Quebec government will take place in Quebee on the 3oth inst. The limits to be offered cover an extensive area, and no doubt there will be a large attendance of lumbermen and other interested persons. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Dealers and manufacturers of lumber are putting forth every effort to prevent prices from depreciating, but with one or two exceptions the conditions seem to favor a weaker market. The movement of lumber is not nearly so active as might reasonably be expected, and if the demand does not improve in the near future, a readjustment of prices will be necessary. Building operations have been quite backward, and the manufacturing de- mand, while of considerable volume, has not expanded to the extent that was antici- pated afew months ago. The enquiries from the United States, instead of in- creasing as the spring advanced, have fallen off slightly. It seems that consum- ers of lumber have resolved that prices will go nc higher, and consequently they are purchasing only for immediate re- quirements, believing that when the new cut isin shape for marketing there will be a drop in prices. ‘As an offset to these conditions, there is the prospect of a con- considerable quantity of logs being hung up in the rivers in the Georgian Bay and Ottawa Valley districts. Should this be the case, the cut of lumber for the season will be curtailed, althoug’ not to the ex- tent of the logs hung up, as it is said that several Michigan lumbermen holding logs on this side of Lake Huron have been unable to make arrangements for the saw- ing of them. These would take the place to some extent, perhaps, of the logs hung up. Inthe Ottawa Valley the local de- mand for lumber has been stimulated by the recent fire. Hardwood prices do not show a general decline, but in one or two cases some weakness is reported. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, Lumber shipments from the eastern provinces to the United States are light for this season of the year. There is little demand for schooners, and freights show a declining tendency. It is said that recent shipments cf lumber to New York have not been en irely satisfactory, and that there is an inclination to wait until the demand there shall improve. Trans- Atlantic trade is more active, and an average ru nber of vessels has been char- tered to carry lumber cargoes. From Nova Scotia comes the report of a con- siderable demand from South America and the West Indies. The log drives are coming along more hopefully, some of them having already reached the mills, MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The demand for lumber in Manitoba and the Territories is steadly improving, with prices exceptionally firm. A strong market is also reported from British Columbia. Lumber freights have ad- vanced, but as many of the mills effected charters some months ago, they are now reaping the benefit of their action. Ex- port trade is very active, twenty-one ves- sels having sailed from British Columbia ports forforeign destinations up to May Ist of this year. Of this number nine were billed for the United Kingdom, six for Australia, and three for South America. UNITED STA'TES, The chief feature of the United States lumber market is the report which comes from Minneapolis, that owing to the absence of rain many of the mills will have to close down on account of a short- age of logs, while there is also a possibil- ity that a considerable quantity of logs will be be hung up inthe streams. This is an element likely to give strength to the market, but so far as the present situ- ation is concerned, it seems that it has been more than offset by the non-develop- ment of the consumptive demand. There is a feeling of uncertainty in the trade, and consumers and wholesalers are limit- mg purchases to immediate requirements. In white pine there has been a deprecia- tion of from 25 to 50 cents per thousand for piece stuff, and in hemlock the market is slightly weaker than it was one month ago. The east is still endeavoring to bring about lower prices, and in this they have been given some assistance by dealers at eastern wholesale centres, where it is thought that the prices asked at producing points are out of proportion to the retail price of lumber. At Saginaw. and Bay City, Canada log run pine is held at from $16 to $18, and box I:mber at $14 to $14.50. Hardwood prices are exhibiting a slight weakness, but no general decline can as yet be reported. In New York city ash is quoted at $43 for inch, and $49 for 1% to 2 inch. The tendency is towards lower prices for lath. This is evidenced by the action of the Wisconsin Valley Lumbermen’s Association on May 15th, when the entire price list of lumber was re-affirmed, but prices on lath were lowered to $3.50 for No. 1 white pine, $3 for No. mixed, and $2 for No. 2. FOREIGN. The opimion seems to be_ gaining ground in Great Britain that the importa- tion of lumber this season will be moder- ate, not only from Canada, but trom the {I. SHIPPING MATTERS. north of Europe countries as well. This feeling has already restored confidence in the market, as it has been admitted for some time that unless this circumstance was brought about, prices would be likely to weaken in view of the decreased con- sumption. The shipments of pine from Canada to Great Britain will doubtless be considerably less than last year. Within the past fortnight there has been a slight advance in the price of pine deals, and the demand for seasoned lumber is certain to improve in the near future. The posi- tion of the spruce market is set forth in the Timber Trades Journal as follows: “The spruce market is as firm as ever, and good prices are realized for all useful sizes. At the London auctions, 24%4X7 New Brunswick stuff fetched £9 5s, and 2x4, £8 103, prices that were never reached before, and not even dreamt of a couple of years ago. From what we can see there willbe a big demand all through the season. The small stock wintering has been sold long ago, and considering the big demand at the present moment, the first few cargoes that arrive —-which we understand will be rather late __will soon be swallowed up. We know, for a fact, that a great many of the out- ports have not purchased yet, and what with the high freights ruling there 1s very little possibility of prices falling. All 11- in. 1s very scarce, and this width at any thickness will, doubtless, fetch unusually high prices when they reach the market.” ——_—_—_—_ STOCKS AND PRICES At Springhill, N. B., as high as $10 per thousand is being paid for spruce logs, while the average price is $9.50. The schooner Fred J. Wood left Van- couver, B. C., last week for Kobe, Japan, with a cargo of 800,000 feet of lumber. The lumber exported from St. John, N. B., during the month of April was valued at $385.720, compared with $285,101 in April, 1899. On the Lake Huron shore, and at in- terior railroad shipping points in Michi- gan, ties are selling at 22 to 25 cents. The quotation on the Saginaw river is 38 and 4o cents. The cargo shipments of lumber from British Columbia during the first three months of this year totalled 13,110,620 feet, as compared wlth 6,534 404 feet for same period in 1899. Clarke Bros., of Bear River, N. S., ex- ect to cut at their two mills ¢his season about 8,000,000 feet of lumber. This firm own a considerable area of spruce and hardwood limits in Nova Scotia. The steamer Labuan is loading 3,500,- 000 feet of deals at Parrsboro, N.S., for Manchester, Eng., the cargo being sup- plied by M. L. Tucker. The steamer Lady Iveah is loading at the same port for the east coast of Ireland. At Buffalo cedar posts are quoted at 13 cents for 8-foot lengths, 3 to 4inch tops ; 15 cents for 4% inch tops ; 17 cents for 5 inch tops, 10 foot lengths, and 22 cents for 6 inch tops. Ties areona basis of 52 cen!s for firsts, while poles are not really quotable, as many sizes are wanted. Recent rains in Quebec have greatly assisted river driving, and the logs are making favorable progress. The Lauren- tide Pulp Co., of Grand Mere, took out about 900,000 logs last winter, about one-half of which is pine to be sawn into deals. The St. Maurice Co. have about 300,000 pieces to drive. Three timber berths were sold at the crown lands office, Fredericton, N. B., last week.. A six mile berth on Mersereau stream went to Hilyard Bros. & Co. at the upset price; a four and one-half mi e- block at the head of Salmon Brook, branch of Cain’s River, to Sumner & Co., at the upset price, and a two mile block on the west side of the Magaduavic River to John E. Moore, at $8.25 per mile. Penobscot lumber shippers are, it is said, standing by their recent agreement with relation to forwarding stock to the New York market, and in consequence a better condition of things is already in sight. Although not all of the eastern CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. shippers were in the agreement, it was believed from the first day of the cam- paign, which culminated in the meeting in Bangor, that the dealers would see the wisdom of standing by the understanding that no random shipments were to be made. ——— THE SITUATION AT MINNEAPOLIS. A leading manufacturer of white pine at Minneapolis, Minn., who is of the opinion that there will be no weakening in white pine prices this season, expresses himself regarding the situation as follows: Considering present market conditions we do not see that there is any reason to believe that there will be any reduction in the present values for white pine lumber. The log situa- tion in the whole territory manufacturing white pine at the present time is very serious. Practically all the drives are hung up and on some streams no attempt has been made to start driving. Ona few streams where water was held under storage the drives have been start-d, but are now either abandoned or are moving so slowly that the results promise any- thing but an early or regular supply of logs for the mills. This condition of affairs is not confined to any one locality, but is prevalent over almost the entire territory of Wisconsin and Minne- sota. In many districts the mills are already shut down and in others they anticipate an early shut down. Locally at Minneapolis the boom company figures that it will have logs enough to last from the 2oth to the 25th of this month, but in all probability all logs will b e turned through by the latter date. This would mean that every mill in Minneapolis would be closed down not later than June. The next drive coming from Brainerd under present conditions would not reach here to be available belore the middle or latter part of June. This would mean that if weather conditions do not change; and change radically, we would lose two to four weeks or longer right in the middle of the sawing season. The terrible fire at Ottawa, Canada, means that certain districts of the eastern states will have to look west for their supply, asa large portion of this lumber was to go into the New England territory. It means that all told from 400,000,000 to 500;000,000 feet of Jumber will be taken out of stock sheets when made up the end of the sawing season. Present prices of stumpage and-logs are on such a basis that a decline in present market prices for lumber would mean a serious loss to parties supplying their mills by logs bought in the open market, and the basis of values on logs means that lumber cannot be sold at less than present prices without an actual loss to the party manufacturing the logs. General conditions of trade throughout the entire country are good, perhaps not as good asa year ago, owing to the extended labor troubles, but the volume of business taken as a whole is enormous. Although the year 1899 was a banner year in the shipment of lumber, we believe that the shipments for the year 1900 from January I to May 1 inclusive, will nearly, if not quite, equal those of the corres- ponding period last year. The general con- dition of the farmers throughout the entire west is prosperous, and they have to-day an enormous purchasing power. Prices on all classes of agricultural products, with the excep- tion of wheat and oats, are high. Taking all these conditions as outlined above into con- sideration, we feel warranted in predicting that the year 1900 will asa whole maintain the present average price of white pine lum- ber. FIRMNESS AT BOSTON. Few changes of importance have developed in the Boston market during the past month, and the relation of supply to demand is prac- tically the same, offerings of dry lumber being light, and the views of holders as to the value of spot lumber decidedly firm. The con- trolling factor in the situation, says the Lum- bermen’s Review, seems to be the demand for factory lumber to be used in the construction, enlargement or repair of factory and mill buildings. Where the retail yard, by reason of its surroundings, is obhged to rely upon the builders for its outlet, complaint of slow and unsatisfactory trade is quite general. Quite frequently one sees or hears the report that the season is very backward, but the mere fact that the average temperature 1n April was decidedly low does not constitute a valid reason why the builder with a contract in-his hand should not proceed with the werk, for the frost has been out of the ground from four to six weeks, and where orders have been placed for new construction as a rule the build- ings are now well advanced. Investors and speculators are still laboring under severe apathetic pressure, and are planning very little inthe way of new construction, though they have seen the first rift in the dense cloud of unduly inflated prices for building material in that cut of $20 per ton in nails and the general tendency to shave off something from all classes of iron products. Factors to be reckoned with in summing up present and prospective conditions in the lum- ber market are strikes and politics. For some months past there have been rumors of im- pending strikes in the building trades, and May 1 was the date set for an uprising ; but, happily, a settlement was effected in a major- ity of cases before that date. An eight-hour day, with a uniform wage scale, formed the basis of the demands of the unions. The hardwoods are moving less freely, and a little more pressure is noted on the part af shippers to move their stock. This is particularly true of the varieties which originate in Canada, New York, Pennsyl- vania and Michigan, while oak, both plain and quartered, thin ash and poplar are in good demand and firm, where prompt de- livery of dry stock is called for. Mahog- any is still a free seller at top figures. Local manufacturers find the American market sufficiently broad and active to absorb all offerings of dry lumber, and as a result very little is being sent abroad. The following prices govern both rail and water shipments :—1o and 12 inch di- mensions, $19.00; 9 inches and under, dimension (frames, etc,) $17.00 ; yard or- ders cut on even feet to be same price as dimension. Above prices are based on lengths not over 28 feet, and for all lumber cut to specified lengths longer than 28 feet add $1 per M for every two (2) feet or fraction thereof. 10 and 12 inch random lengths, 10 feet and up, $18.50 5 2X3, 2X4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x7, and 3x4, random lengths, ro feet and up, $15.00 ; all other random lengths, 9 inches and under 10 feet and up, $16.50; 156 inch laths, $3.15; 1% inch laths, $3.00; 5 inch and up merchantable boards, 8 feet and up, p. 1}. s., $17.00; out spruce boards p. |. s., $14.00 ; bundled furring random lengths p. 1. s., $14.50 5 bundled furring clipped to same length in each bundle p. |. s., $15.00. Neen NEW YORK PRICES. Following is the schedule of prices for New York delivery as adopted by the Eastern Lum- ber Manufacturers’ Association at Bangor, Maine, on April 24th : 10 and 12 inch dimension, per M, $20; 3x g inch dimension, $19 ; 8 inches and under, dimension, $18; 10 and 12 inch, random length, 10 feet and up, $19 ; spe@ial bills, 24 and 25 feet, 10 and 12 inch, $21 ; random, 3x 9, $18; special bills, 24 and 25 feet, 3x9; $20; 2x3, 2x4, 2X5, 2x6,2x7and 3x4 inches, 10 feet up, random, $16; 2x9, 10 feet and up, random, $17.50; all other ran- dom lengths, to feet and up long, 8 inches and under wide, $16.50; planing one side, per M, 50 cents ; planing two sides, per M, $1; planing three or four sides, per M, $1.50; planing one side and grooved, per M, $13 planing one or two sides and matched, per M, $1; butting to exact lengths, per M, extra, 50 cents ; splines, extra, per M, not less than $1. Shipments to all Sound ports, fifty cents per thousand less than New York prices ; terms on Sound shipments as customary here- tofore. Wanted for EXpOrt ALL KINDS OF [LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denn, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. eae nnn EE CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - - operating -.- OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OvereND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. i_ A ——s May 23, 1900 ‘The following charters are reported : Bark Levuka, West Bay, N. 5., to w. c. England, deals, 535 9d; str. Westwater, 3 cargoes from St. John, N. B., tow. c. England, private terms ; str. Dalmally, Pugwash, N. S., to w. c. England, private terms ; str. Vimera, West Bay to w.c. England, deals, 5555 Carrsbrook, Pugwash to w.c. England, deals, 538 94; Samara, 1,790 tons, St. John, N. B., to Man- chester or Glasgow, deals at 55s, and timber at 23s 6d. Following are the the current rates on lum- ber from British Columbia points : to Sydney, 538 9d to 55s; Melbourne or Adelaide, 63s 9d to 65s ; Port Pirie, 57s 6d to 60s ; Fremantle, 68s 9d to 7os; Shanghai, 75s; Kiao-Chau, 70s ; Tientsin, 67s 6d to 685 9d; Viadivos- tock, 70s ; west coast South America, 62s 6d to 65s; Pisagua Range and Callao Range, 61s 3d to 62s 6d; South Africa, 70s to 72s 6d}; U.K. or Continent, 80s to 82s 6d. nee SS FIRES. Kippen & Scarff’s saw mill at Sycamore Siding, Ont., was destroyed by fire last week, at a loss of $2,500. The lumber yard of Geo. Wilson & Co., at St. Catharines, Ont., was partially destroyed by fire on Saturday last. The peg and last factory of John Lewis & Sons, at Lewiston, N.S., was burned recently. There was an insurance of $5,500. H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUGHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. ¢ Cable address, ‘“Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. Nene eee eee, AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanred and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGGIN so'state st. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. W ANTE D Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F. Stengel %0. OVAL. PLANING MILL AnD BOX FACTORY. Sepcial Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit Cable Address, “Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA. q Lumberman’s Code. . . .. Shortest and Quickest Route from.... OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW OR, PEE BSED UAE, HALE Cc. » : EBE - FAX, sT. JOHN. he. e , _P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ot C. J. Smitu General Traffic Manns: Giaenl One Eimsof mil Elm, soft, SUPPLEMENT TO CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Wholesale Prices May 23rd, 1900. TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. % ‘and 2 inch . cuts and better.... $32 00 $34 00 1% sae and 2 inch i uppers... 35 00 36 00 1 inch: ing and better..... 22 00 24 00 a 12 Canadian and better 24 00 26 00 K | thicker cut- See es plank...... 24 00 26 00 I miele lear and picks 28 00 30 00 cxto and 12 common. 16 00 17 00 2X4 and 2x6 common. 35 00 2x8 common........ ™ 16 Go 2x10 common........ 17, 00 3x12 common........ 18 co 2x ocommon..... aoe 17 00 3xt2common........ 18 00 axte and 12 millrun 17 00 =1& 00 1x10 and 12 15 00 ‘ inch siding mill run 16 50 x inch siding common t inch siding ship cull- t inch siding mill culls Cullscantling........ cinch strips 4 in. to 8 in. mill run...... . 1 inch strips, common r 1-4 inch flooring.... r t-2 inch flooring.... '¥Y inch No. 1 vath.. 1% inch No. 2 “ath.. inch Norway lath. white pine shingles XX wh te pine shing- les, 6 in. clear butts. XXX ~~ white pine shingles B C. shingles 6 to 2 in. B.C. shingles 5 to in. 16 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. sh, white, 1 to 2 in Merten Lan. EF 00 ands......$26 00 $28 oo zm ‘rock, mill Bee Ash white, at to de in IstS and 2) 32 00 23 00 23 00 25 00 19 00 20 00 23 00 26 00 Hin. |... 28 00, » sts ae _ 1to1 in. 20 00 24 00 17 00 25 00 28 oo 26 00 1%.50 co 60 00 ‘* 4.. 60 00 65 00 * 1% 16 00 18 00 1 to 1%"18 00 mateo. as 134" 3.. ..1%'* 2.. 28 00 e 2I oo 134 17 00 Thag prabicyate.) “14 28 00 and 2nds.. 2 Oak, red, p’n, ssts & ands 1 Oak, red, p’n, ists & ands 2 * Oak, white, ists & ends. 1 Oak, white, ists & ands 2 “* Oak quart’d, ists & ands 1 Walnut, sts and ands.. 1 ‘“f Whitewoor, ists & ands 1 4+. 31 00 “ 1% 29 00 4-. 32 00 * 2.. 69 00 3-- 85 00 ** 2,. 32 00 OTTAWA, ONT. Pine, sidings, per wa ey Bie 955 00 M feet, ae eae 18 co Pine, 8s.c. and bet- ter stock. I5 00 Pine, 8 & ups.c. sidings 15 00 Pine, s.c. strips...... 13 co Pine, sc. shorts..... 11 00 Pine, box culls....... 12 50 Pine mill culls ..... . 12 00 1xto No. 1 barn.... 1x10 No. 2 1x8 Satis. | x8 & o No. mabe 17 00 18 co 16 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. ‘cts. quare white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ......... ZO. 32 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average according to lineal.. 37 45 19 to2rinchaverage ‘‘ GOme a 44 at Michigan ‘‘ 1g to 21 in. average le Oe size 4548 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality. Sear inedaraleetaia mcs saxtei 23. «27 In shipping order, Srinsiectan as Reena) ers) OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according toaverageandquality. . ... . 46 50 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. . 35 40 30 to 35 feet. . 32 37 ASH. 14 inches and up, eeoeing, to Bree and uelltiys, anit her 23 ee 20) To ayerage 16 inch. . “i ; ERIE pe cont ci 30 "BIRCH. IAG AR ECAP REE E eet 5. cu a | See ae So en else ter me, a 7 19 10) ** EO shee atts eM ohh ca ls eee 2d te RRR tems: stan, MD, MO to Sees cs e202 ToS MOM Sh sicr See Meee ees maaan pe, bsiiy ely 32 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $40 to $44 for rst, $28 to $30 for 2nd, $25 to $28 for ard, and $21 to $24 for 4th quality. F.O. 'B. batteau, BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPERS AND SELECTS, Uppers, t in., ro n. and up "| Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $49 00 id Ty TBIANG Ii .ecclie is + 49 co Mar atel ea tho ae nae gOes = 58) 50) 7 Wllb dh onnieon nc MigoSOn nee ce 49 00 FINE COMMON, 1 in., 8 in, and up wide...... 39 50 | 244 and 3in., 8in, and up wide 44 00 TAZ Amd TOgeINe gainer sal (4p, «0 AOESO | leLeerearatetetote ehsttverasclarafelsiares 49 50 DANTA s aletors jal stately pareteiareta ist oralars a0 5 4t 00 B FINE COMMON OR NO I CUTTING. : tin., 7in. and up wide 30 oo | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 44 co 1 andz¥ in........ oi opeaceleeu fe) iinet ousce nec sonce soar see 49 00 ZWD Gc = octe ce ReaD 37 00 STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR AND SFLECTS). 1 in., 4, 5 and 7 in, wide... 46 00] x in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 40 00 6 in. wide... 2.5. Mite sie on 48:00: [OMe WIder: 6. aig elainte/s/enre =e . . 48 00 FINE COMMON dR (: 1in., 4, 5 in, wide. ......... 32 00 | 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 35 00 TZ iis, Oils Wiles. aemee s+ 36 50: |Mmameg GIT WAC Otley a)aictars'e'alere 36 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 30 oo | rin., 4, 5, 6 in. wide........ 25 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. WNC}: Tp RGut Mateiels Ureye civic.v s+ sie a 25 00 | No. , gin. TO iN. .+.++ -.4- Mir eals oipie's 21 00 8 and 7 in. SPL aerate sere isiviatareis sl -cieie: «ie 20 00 | No. 3, 12 in Sand 7 in.......-......++- 21 00 IO in...... No. 2, FON iy OOO Pen) 2) OG QIN. eee ve eceecereceenee 18 00 MOM a sein a caieie iste alee Bates. 3) 25100 CEES a e-Ohe oa, SCE oe CG 18 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. x in., 4 and 5 in. wide....... $16 00 | 1 in., 13 1n. and up wide..... $17 50 1in., 6 in. wide............ . 16.9|1%,1%and in., 7 in. and 1 in., 7 in. wide and up..... « 16,69 BAW IUG vluiiinttes =. sc ¢ « 17 00 SHAKY CLEAR, 2 2 rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin, wide 26 oo| 1 in., ro in. and up wide..... 29 00 I in., re a Pie gos es) 28°Co ||, 1% and in., 8in. and up VIC Ges elaine ait vis. cleisiax)e"s 29 00 SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country ppragds, XXXX..... 3 25 | Standard brands, river made, Clear Re eee sictoce. 2 75 SOK aa Perera ois s 375 . Clear Brtts...... Scie 3 00 WHITE PINE LATH. IN Os: Biscieyelere'= sizer Cre matete mies speioWes Ze. ahenecacanct cccoocedS 3 25 Hemloceity cs.ccnensemecetioe 275 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up IXI? inch shippers ......... $ $22 2B AN Nereis < aiei'ee 4/4 inch Ss 3” & up. 23 ENDS Msn score sasacanennc 4/4, Box boards, 6” aed up.. 20 4 inch uppers ... 7o | to-in, dressing and better... 28 34 Selects, 24% in. up.......... 55) | eLO=Eils (COMMON 15 s)stesieieste ene 2i =wEOI2M ws claeieye gor soouee 45 | 12-in. dressing and better... 32 36 Fine common, 2% in. and up 45 58 | Common, 1x12 2 EE OrBilMintoyaveteteloreie ete :o shee eters 40 44] No.1 barn, 1x12 27 28 No, 1 cuts, to 2inch...... 30 36 TRAD rails, decease eee 27 Osea ntsteyate: = a}sistoiclewmias,7/atfsccacla eee 20 00 22 Com. and culls....... 1200 14 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. 1200 14 ist & 2nd, 6inch up, 25 00 26 oo | Com. & good culls... tst & 2nd, 6 inch & up, red oe uate | BIRCH. Com & good cullss..2¢ IO 00 12 ELM. pole) 1st &2nd, white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 00 pole) ist & 2d,rock, 6in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 20 00 22 00 . MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard,6in. & upr8 co 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 0a 2000 ree CAV ESE QE aT AA eas Open teetieioy 7 OF jcc yatigvol eek «a « “ v4 ~ 7 ‘ ' * 4 > * L ; i porate ~ ee ss, Ph *; ; o_o ‘s ¢ &) i a Sse fig aay <> Ag 3) “Hh ool 2 at t® ‘si - : Wee - . ' at ‘ niki~ adhe fh aah sae ‘ / PSP) 8 ad a Ne “a s ll cael . oe. « is 4) i b y 4 oe Scop eee CEN : i a Merit y, 44, lh PE Tiles one bi re iy en aie ae La Ree wee Whe May 23, 1900 P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading o., Vaucouver, B. C. a DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘Casker,” Cape Town. ; A.B.C. Code used. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Dixon & Co., F. E., Toronto, Ont. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. 4 McLaren, J.C., Belting Co., Montrealand Toronto. Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co:, New York. _ ORY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Parmenter, Jas. S., Woodstock, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. ELECTRICAL APPARATUS Royal Electric Co., Montreal. Starr, John, Sons & Co., Halifax, N.S. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont. III. M \CHINERY WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Bell, Robt., Jr., Hensall, Ont. Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A, Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Shier, J. Bracebridge, Ont. D. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. M SCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bareau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co. , Preston, Ont. Cordage, Indep-ndent Cordage Co., Tor-nto, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton &Co., Chicago, Ill, Emery Wheels, Fairbanks Co. » Montreal. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co. , Toronto, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New forkand Toronto. : Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Madison Wiliams, Port Perry, Ont. Mershon & Co., W.B., Saginaw, Mich. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co. , Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRIGTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co. , Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Dodge Wood Split SORES cocky Ont. Portable Mill Wanted The Dominion Leather Board Co. » Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES York. I have 1,200 acres of land I want Magnolia Metal Co.. New cut over, Will an owner of port- ; able mill take the job to clear the paced $ AW MANUFACTURERS land. Sixty miles from Montreal. 7.43) tae JOHN WILCOCK, Ottawa Saw Works Co., Ottawa, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont ‘ 15 Basin Street, The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. @ee—MONTREAL CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umes We have a quantity of Ship Decking to offer. Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PIN Room 411, Board of Trade Building = MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. WANTED SSS 2” Common Pine Plank, 6” to 12” wide, 12 to 16 ft. long, and 4x 4 Seantling, 10 to 16 ft. State quantity and lowest cash price. ——$$————_— We are also open to contract for 3 to 4 million feet of same kinds, say 3 million 2 in. and 1 million4gx4 new cut Igoo, delivery by rail or water . ae A. A. SCOTT. ESPLANADE + REID & CO., torent, WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order, MicLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS By Rait or WATER. - MOHR & RYA Correspondence Solicited from British Importers, Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Hast TEMPLETON, QuE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. a specialty. .D. SHIER, - «+ « MANUFACTURER OF. . tuave~ Lumber, Lath 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer. All could be cut to ordet if contracted for early. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON =>LUMBER 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: ripia) Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber BRACEBRIDGE, ONT, and Shingles 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer WHOLESALE KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*&™\G—coom, o Flooring from ‘$14.00 Ceiling Ee RF. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DEALERS Head Ofice-TOQORONTO-70 King St. West. SARNIA—wuoresare DISTRIBUTING varvs-—_ BUFFALO ES La Oe ee JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH ° SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies > ee MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . SS A. & P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT + WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber Me Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CORRESPONDENCE SOLtciTED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & GO, orxsom ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff, WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Mills at Wiarton Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD +0., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. SS AUGER & SON - Quebec :: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. olemon & Bros. Mig. Go. - Wiarton, Ont. LUMBER MERCHANTS > MANUFACTURERS Large quantity of Maple on Sticks some time. Considerable 4/4 White Maple, Beech and Bireh Logs to eut to order. We ship by rail or water. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers, 12.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO, urk’s Falls, Ont. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. May 23, 1900 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNOAN, BWING & OO. Cable Add ress, ARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER (4 Ganada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . k Cable Address—“‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER &CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. a SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENG. SELLING AGENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS alld Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. | Wood Brokers and Measurers Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Branch at Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WRIcHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Codes Used :; Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberma' ? Agents fo in og, Lumber and Dimens continent handled to the best advantag Cable Ad SINGLETON, PVT ara ta BO) Ml = 2 Union Street F. W. Lightbody & WW Agents for Shipments handled to the best Telegraphic Address—“ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, PYVERY &. VIN CORRESPONDENCE INVITED cna rns LEARY & CO. C. 4 Lombard Court, Gracechurech Wood Agents and Brokers __4 Lombard Court, Graseshureh Stree LAD Manchester Timber Importers tmite 8 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOO suitable for the English Market. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. Please mention this paper whe A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCO TLAND Buyer of . . - BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Corre’ dence from Manufacturers egular | spondence for shipment by r iners. Cables ‘ Bircu,” Glasgow. Ccdes: ABC and Zebra. eT HESSLER & CO. W000 AGENTS. AND SHIP. BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. r the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut t og, L imension Stock. Shipments to any of the e. dress : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. A BC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. OOD BROKERS Cable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: “ Zebra” an CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardw advantage to all ports GENT ==— SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND RED PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimen LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . - JAMES WHEELDON & SONS _. TIMBER IMPORTERS . . MANCHESTER, ENG. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakndge, »? Glasgow. n’s, Zebra; Private. sizes—and all kinds of H | ports in the United Ki Cable Address, ° all ardwoods principa n gdom or DUNN, & CO. ROKERS GLASGOW 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: “ALLISON,” Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers Go. ALLISON, d Private. oods in Log, Ete. = in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. 154 St. Wincent St., GLASGOW ___154 St. Vince’ SS ees Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Addr “+ VALOREM,” Gl ; aa; ip en eee A ihe GLASGOW GANT & KEMP 2 TIMBER Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. 6 (©) <© sions) ———— Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. D GOODS Offers invited. A.B.C. and Zebra codes use: ress, d. n corresponding with advertisers. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER : ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Dea's and Battens, Spruce and Pine Flooring: Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, ee Handles or any Woods suitable tor English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW 5 R 0 K F R S and A B C Codes used. IRVIN &S Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New YorK. A L = LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND Selling Agents For... d AMERICAN WOODS Cable Add “ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER Wood Brokers and Commission Agents NEWCASTLE PRUCE, PINE Cable ae “TECTONA” Glasgow. ELLERS Cable Address: ‘* Pri BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS CANADIAN an Cable Address: “ REDWOOD,” ‘Zebra’? Code, BENTHAM BUILDINGS, SIDE, Suitable for the English Market. — -ON-TYNE Invite offers from Lumbermen for . FIR, S or Any Wood Goods ome eee: oS, JAMES W. SOUTHEAN ‘ Hy MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants 1 planed, tongued and grooved Pine Boards, third quality or better. Also open for Spruce and Pine Deals, Doors, Mouldings. etc. Cable Addres: ash Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distributio of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. C BUDCETT BROS. . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . « 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Street Withiz “2 en TOS London.” LONDON, E.( s: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. udl Thé Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., MAY 30, 1900 No. 19. CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: New York Lire Insurance BuiLpINe, MOonrTrREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. ~ 48 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. ; WANTED. Es FILER AND MILLWRIGHT FOR large mill in Newfoundland. State experience, wages, when could start. ‘‘WatrERous, BRANTFORD.’, Waterous List—Rebuilt Machinery We find it impossible to avoid taking machinery in trade. This we refit, guarantee in good working order and sell very low : 7% x 36ft. Direct Steam Feed. 8 x 12 Cunningham Rope Feed. 11x 20 Cunningham Cable Feed, 48x12 drum, 10 grooves, % cable. 4 ; 3 Block girder steel Carriage, 4o in. opening, steel faced, 14 in. wheels. Boss Dogs run one year. 2 Block cast iron Hamilton 40 in. Carriage, Ross Dogs. 3 Block Sewry Carriage, 40 in. Boss Dogs, run one season. 7 Block Stearns Carriage, King Dog, would make two carriages. All have rolled V and flat track planed. Waterous iron frame, Three Block Carriage, R. H. Single Edger. Small wood frame and Two Block Carriage. Kelley Kicker, Kline Loader, Steam Jump Saw, 60 in aw. 1 Waterous Shingle Mill. 1 Boss Shingle Mill. 3. Saw Hamilton Edger, Single Edger, Slabsaw. Endless Log Jack, spiked roll. 450 feet Conveyer Chain, 34 in. round, 2x 36 in. flat. Steel Conveyor Chain, 18 in. iron flights. IIX1I5, 12X12, 12X14, 20x 24, Engines. 60x16 Boiler, forty-four 4 x 16 tubes. 60 x 12 Boiler, Seventy-eight 3 x 12 tubes. 48x 14 Boiler, forty-four 12 foot tubes. Several smaller boilers. 10, 12, 16 horse upright Boilers. _ - 25 h.p. alee tube Marine upright Boiler, good for too lbs. No. 5 Rotary Fire Pump, two 2% in. take offs, double geared, good as new. Several Hand Fire Engines; one 600 gallon Steam Fire Engine. 21 in. Little Giant Water Wheel with sun. 48 in. Leffel Water Wheel with sun. to in. Centrifugal Sand Pump, 300 feet of 2 guage ” _ delivery pipe. 7 in. four-sided Moulder. 30 in. Chopper, 20 in. Chopper, 12 in. Jolietter Crushers. Circular Saws, 68, 64, 60, 59 and 54 in. 24 in. Champion Planer and Matcher. Several Marine Engines and Boilers. WATEROUS, BRANTFORD CANADA . ANTED.—St ck tocut. Have fifty horse new portable mill, Waterous make, at liberty after June fifteenth, possibly so ner. THomas Ho .uis, Damascus, Ont. WANTED, J Pua 50 TO 100 M. FEET OF MAPLE LOGS. Address Kerr & Harcourt, Parry Sound, Ont. WANTED. 4 pro SAW FILER AND MILLWRIGHT, FOR Australia. Year's engagement. Must have large experience and come thoroughly recommended. THE Warerous Co., Brantford, Ont. WANTED. 30 TO 50M CUBIC FEET OF ROUND SPRUCE to in. and up; 750 to 1,000 pes. Round Hemlock, 12 in. and up, for month June, rg00. Address, Box 630, Sorel, Que. Cash on delivery. TELEPHONE POLES. pe UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOR SALE 5,000 Cedar Telephone Poles, all lengths, from 25 to 55 feet. by mail or wire. tion, Ont. Also 5,000 Fence Pests. Quotations given GrorcE & McGrecor, Killaloe Sta- . WANTED. B Y A BRITISH IMPORTING FIRM, WANEY log pine boards. Canadian manufacturers hav- ing this class of stock to offer are invited to send par- ticulars and prices to Box 85,care of CANADA LUMBER- MAN, TORONTO. FOR SALE. 95 HORSE-POWER ENGINE, 40 HORSE- Power Boiler, one 4-Side Moulder one 3-side Moulder, one 12-inch Janitor, one 24-inch Surface Planer, one 8 horse-power Engine and Boiler. Tor. onto Macuinery Suppty Co., Toronto. DIMENSION TIMBER WANTED, A quantity of square White Fine, 12 x 12, twenty- two feet long and upwards; also twenty and twenty- two feet legs, White Pine, 14 inches diameter at small end. Must be sound. Moore & McGI.ticuppy, Goderich, Ont. VALUABLE WATER POWER FOR SALE Within ten miles of North Bay ; estimated strength 2,000 horse-power ; two hundred thousand cords pulp- wood within radius of ten miles ; railway facilities convenient. For further particulars apply to Dr. Ved 5, Carrurtuers, North Bay, Ont. FOR SALE. pis AND HEMLOCK LATH, AND CEDAR Shingles. Write for prices. Also White Maple, Red Birch, Quartered Maple, Brown Ash, Basswood, Rock and Soft Elm, Maple. Have a few cars of 2 in. and « in. dry Soft Elm on hand at present time. Write us. KEENAN Bros., Owen Sound, Ont. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited). This company has a larger tract of well timbered | land ab_ut 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Halsam, Basswood, Cherry, Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The Company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,c0O to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. There are seyeral good mill sites on the property. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at plesent cut out and looking for a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto, WANTED. } UMBER INSPECTOR DESIRES SITUA- tion; has had experience on the road. Apply Box 28, Canapa LUMBERMAN. HARD-WO0D MILL—GRIST MILL For a good hard-wood mill site and grist mill site, also large quantity of timber fit for wood flour, write L. ©. Armstronc, C. P. R. Colonization Agent, Montreal. FOR SALE. Co SAW MILL PLANT SITUATED IN Algoma, in hard wood and pine locality ; 70h. p. boiler, 65 h.p. engine,one circular saw, gang edgers, etc. Good lumber docks and railway sidings complete. Also two residences, stables, office and store. Price $8,0co. The business nets from $4,000 to $5,000 a year when properly run: The owner is retiring from business. Apply Box 888, Canapa LUMBERMAN. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Low water in the streams in the Geor- gian Bay district is causing lumbermen much anxiety, and it is feared that a con- siderable proportion of the winter’s cut of pine logs will be hung up. The failure to secure a supply of logs has already delay- ed the starting up of some of the mills. These mills, even if they should com- mence cutting almost immediately, will not be in a position to have dry lumber ready for shipment before August. The outlook, therefore, is that there will be no recession in prices before midsummer at the earliest. Although a fortnight ago it seemed that the market was on the verge of aconsiderable decline, the circumstances since that time have been such as to give little hope that prices will weaken in the near future. An increased number of enquiries have been received from the United States during the past week, and it is expected that there will be a consid- erable demand from this direction, which, with the local trade, will consume the en- tire production of lumber for these mar- kets. Inthe Ottawa valley there is, as might be expected, a strong demand for the lower grades of lumber to be employ- ed in rebuilding operations in Ottawa and Hull. Pine box culls are quoted at an average of $14.50 per thousand, and mill culls at $13, the range of prices being about one dollar below and above these figures. No. 1 pine lath is stil! selling at $3 to $3.25, but No. 2 has declined slight- ly in value, selling at $2 to $2.50. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, Recent rains in the eastern provinces have greatly improved the outlook for rafting operations. The. indications are that the entire cut of logs on the principal rivers in Quebec, and~on the St John and Miramichi rivers. in New Brunswick, will be gotten safely. to the mills., On some of the smaller streams driving work has already been completed. Most of the mills are in operation, and an average production of lumber is expected this season. In Quebec the home production of lumber promises to be above the average. There is a scarcity of dry lumber for building purposes, and con- tractors are paying about $5 per thous- and feet more than they did this time last year. For cedar shingles there is a moderate demand, and large manufac- turers are holding firmly to prices. UNITED STA‘’ES, The consumption of lumber in the United States is by no means as large as it should be. Strikes in the building trades are still handicapping the growth of demand, although it cannot be said that there has been no expansion during the past week. The east has improved, and there are indications cf more active trade in the near future. The chief inter- est in the lumber market pertains to the log supply and the present prospect that a considerable quantity of logs will be hung up in the streams in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan. At time of writing seventeen milis on the Mississippi river above Minneapolis are shut down for want of logs, and at other points similar conditions exist. As pointed out in an article elsewhere, it is not improbable that the cut of Norway and white pine may be reduced by from 15 to 25 per cent. This circumstance has already had the effect of strengthening the market, and holders of pine who showed a dispo- sition to Cut prices are now asking full list quotations. At eastern wholesale points pine and spruce are held at firm prices, although the movement of stock is slow. There seems reason to believe, however, that the eastern consumers will be com- pelled to yield, as buyers who have visited western producing points have not been able to purchase stock at prices lower than were paia for their present supply. In the New York market spruce is held at 518.50 to $21 for log run. The hard- wood market has undergone no important change. Buffalo dealers are said to be selling at the following quotations, in car lots f.0.b. Buffalo: Common and cull black ash, $31; inch black ash strips, $27 ; inch firsts and seconds, black ash, $39; 1 inch cull basswood, $20; 1 inch common maple, $19 to $21; inch firsts and seconds, soft elm, $27 ; 134 inch red birch, $45. At Boston 1 to 2 inch ash sells at $48 to $52, and three inch at from $55 to $60, Maple brings $29 to $31 for one {I. (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. inch, and $31 to $33 for 134 to 2 inch. Elm is quoted at $30 to $32, and bass- wood at $31 for 1 inch and $33 for thicker. Hemlock prices have declined about one dollar per thousand. FOREIGN. More favorable reports are to hand from Great Britam, and it now seems that prices, for Canadian deals at least, are not likely to weaken in the near future. The demand is improving and stocks are gradually becoming reduced. At Liver- pool pine deals have advanced in price within the past fortnight, and there is a likelihood of a further advance in Quebec spruce. Consumers of white pine, fear- ing a limited supply this season, are show- ing astrong disposition to purchase for their requirements. Third quality pine is being held as high as £15 per standard, and cargoes of New Brunswick spruce have been sold at £7 15s for delivery at Liverpool. Considerable stock has been sold for shipment to South Africa, and upon the termination of the war an im- portant demand from this source is ex- pected. In square timber elm-and birch seem to be most enquired for, and high prices are being realized for stock on hand. THE LUMBER SITUATION. It is believed that there will be a con- siderable shortage of lumber this year in the United States and Canada, brought about by the Ottawa fire, forest fires, and the prevailing drought. Mr. Chas. A. Stone, of the Nicola & Stone Lumber Co., Duluth, Minn., has set forth the situation in the following words : “ The continued drought and forest fires in the lumber-producing territory of the North-west are becoming a serious matter to the lumber-producing interests, as they are bound to add greatly to the shortage which existed at the beginning of the sea- son. “ A summary of all pine stocks on hand December 1, 1899, showed a shortage as compared with the same date of 1898 of 766,000,000 feet ; as compared with 1897, I,187,000,000. feet, and with 1895, 1,452- 000,000 feet, showing a large ratio of de- crease of product. It was expected, on account of the advanced values, that the production for 1900 would overcome a large part of this shortage for the present season by the stimulation of log output, but because of unfavorable logging condi- tions there has resulted an additional shortage of log production. The principal cause therefor was the lack of snow. Of this reduced log output a large proportion is still on the rollways of the rivers, be- cause the usual winter and spring floods did not occur to bring it out. The logs now hung up must in all probability re- main where they are for many months, and can probably only come out for the next season’s sawing, unless most usual flood conditions occur. But the season of floods is largely past, and it is a matter of interest that a prediction that this will be a year of unusual drought is at least being verified in the lumber-producing country of the North-west. Such rivers as the Brule, Nemadji, Amicon and the Iron, principally tributaries to Ashland and Duluth waters, have their rollways of logs still untroken. This will reduce the possible production of lumber by all mills except such as have rail facilities to supply logs, and must reduce the possible output of the Ashland and Duluth dis- tricts alone by over 200,000,000 feet. “ The territory west and north of Lake Superior will suffer more than Duluth anc Ashland, as it is almost entirely depend- ent on the rivers forraw material. Add- ed to this are the enormous losses of logs by forest fires, of the amount of which no accurate estimate is possible. “The Ottawa fire destroyed not alone 125,000,000 feet of sawn lumber, but in the burning thereof reduced their possible out- put for this year at least 200,000,000 feet more, which does not include 100,000,000 feet which will be required to replace the burned district. The markets depending on the Ottawa production will naturally look to their nearest source of supply, which is the Georgian Bay district, and this demand will largely remove that out- put from the available supply for the United States. “This summary of the situation shows a shortage in the Norway and white pine production this year as compared with last, in the North-western States and Can- ada alone, of about 1,900,000,000 feet, made up as follows : Shortage in stocks on hand at the beginning of the season, 766,000,000 feet ; hung up by drought at the head of Lake St. Superior, 200,000,000 feet ; hung up in the Missisippi valley and north of Lake Superior, 500,000,000 feet ; loss through the Ottawa fire, 425,- 000,000 feet. This shortage is about one- third of the entire cut of the year 1899. It follows that such a shortage must produce a heavy loss to the lumber producing in- terests, but more than this, all that can be produced this season can only beat a very largely increased cost, because of the increase in the cost of stumpage and a large advance in wages and the cost of supplies. ‘This condition of shortage in the pine available finds a parallel in other produc- ing fields, as in yellow pine, which shows a shortage of several hundred million fret, because of lack of water to float logs. “These facts show that instead of an 1n- creased production of lumber this year, as many predicted eariy in the season, there is bound to bea great shortage in the stocks available for the consuming mar- ket.” STOCKS AND PRICES, During last winter there were shipped from St. John, N.B., to trans-Atlantic ports 14,526 standards of deals, or about 29,000,000 feet. John Kilburn, of Fredricton, N. B., has 11,000,000 feet of logs from the Upper St. John in safe waters, but 3,000,000 feet have been hung up. Considerable lumber has been purchas- ed by the Botsford-Jenks Co., of Port Huron, Mich., for the construction of their new elevator at Midland, Ont. About one week ago seven large barques were loading deals at Halifax, N. S., for the United Kingdom. These ves- sels alone will carry over 5,000,000 feet. The Rat Portage Lumber Co., of Rat Portage, Ont., have just been given a con- tract to supply 1,500,000 jeet of lumber for new elavators to be built in Manitoba by the Ogilvie Milling Co. Lowther & Wood, of Oxford, N. S., have just purchased the Nix property at River Philip. They have about 400,000 feet of spruce sawn, and expect to have 2,000,000 feet ready for shipment by Aug- ust Ist. The Tracadie Lumber Co., of Tracadie, N.B., have completed driving operations, and have a stock of 10,000,000 feet of pine and spruce logs at their mill. The company have sold the greater part of their output for this year. The St. John Sulphite Pulp Co. have 3,000,000 feet of logs in the Mispec river en route to their mill at St. John. About the same quantity has been secured on the St. John river and a million more will go down the Mispec river in July. Messrs. Heidritter Bros., of Elizabeth, N. J., have secured control of the old Beland mill on the Jacques Cartier river near St. Gabriel, Que., and intend oper- ating it. The firm own extensive limits on the Jacques Cartier river and formerly operated a mill in Quebec, under the name of the Batiscan Lumber Co. The deal trade is likely to be an im- portant factor in the Penobscot lumber business this year, as several steamers have been chartered to load at Bangor, Maine, for the United Kingdom. Ship- ments to Europe from Bangor have gen- erally been from 5,000,000 to 7,000,000 feet, but this year’s exports are likely to reach 8,000,000 feet. The Port Hood Coal Co., of Halifax, N. S., want tenders for 70,000 lineal feet of spruce or hemlock wharf logs, not less than Io inches at small end under bark, not more than 20 per cent. to be 12 feet long, and 25 percent. to be 25 feet long, also 43,000 lineal feet of spruce or hem- lock ballast floor logs, in 12 feet lengths, not less than 5 inches at small end. General Alger has sold the last of his Ontario timber limits, 108 square miles on the north shore of Lake Huron, to Fer- guson & McFadden, of Renfrew, Ont., for $150,000. The deal was negotiated by Mr. Peter Ryan, of Toronto. General Alger is largely. interested in the Lauren- tide Pulp Company at Grand Mere, Que., who own large timber limits on the St. Maurice river. Mr. Pendennis White, of the firm of White, Rider & Frost, North Tonawanda, N.Y., thus refers to the lumber market : I can see no reason why there should be much reduction, or a permanent reduc- tion, in the selling price of lumber. The cost of production is not likely to decrease, but it is more hkely to increase. The value of stumpage is at least 50 per cent. higher than it was eighteen months ago, and will undoubtedly continue to increase, as the quantity is being rapidly dimin- ished by the amount of lumber being produced and also by the destruction of the small timber by turpentine manufac- turers. The seriousness of this last feature has been largely increased by the greatly increased price of turpentine and resin during the last few months. Another reason for s'umpage increasing in value is that timber lands are gradually going into the hands of a few holders who will be able to control the production of lum- ber. The rates of wages for labor have been advanced in ail lines, and are likely to be advanced still more, owing to the scarcity of labor, which is being felt every- where. The cost of mill supplies is not likely to decrease much, if any. So upon the whole there seems to be no reason- able ground for supposing that the cost of lumber will be less than at present, nor, so far as I can see, is there any reasonable ground for thinking that the demand - for lumber will be materially lessened. We may soon expect South Africa to bea large buyer, and this, with only a normal demand by the regular markets, will do much toward stiffening prices. BRITISH AUCTION SALES. At an auction sale held by Foy, Morgan & Co., London, Eng., on May 16th, Canadian timber sold at the following prices : PineE—Ex. Shakespeare, from Miramichi, N. B.—g-18 feet 3 x 14-19 in. fourth quality, £7, 10s 3 10-19 feet 3 x 12, £7 10s ; 10-16 feet Pee ee ae ene Wanted lor Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. MAy 30, 1g00 ET 3 x11, £8 30s; 10-17 feet 3x 10, £8 10:5 10-17 feet 3x 9, 48 5s; 10-17 feet 3x 9, £8 1os. Ex. Milwaukee, from Quebec—12-18 feet 6x 11 in. first quality, £17 10s; 12-18 feet 6x 9, £17. Spruce—Ex. Sylvanian, from St. John, N. B.—11-23 feet 3 x 11 inches, unassorted, £11 10s ; 10-18 feet 3 x 11, A1I 10s; 3-18 feet 3 x 11, £11 5s. Ex. Ailsa Craig, from Quebec— 13 feet 3 x 9, second quality, £19. PinE Doors—6o0 doors 6 feet 6 inches x 2 feet 6 inches x 1% inches, £2 10s per door. Atasale held by Hodson, Mabbs & Co., Lon- don, on May 17th, spruce deals sold as fol- lows :—Ex: Zanzibar, from St. Thomas, Que. —10 feet 3x 9, first quality, £11 and AII 5s. Ex. Erling, from Saguenay—1o-13 feet 3 x 8, second quality, £9 ros; 10-14 feet3x7, 49 Ios. Ex. Kinsale, from Batiscan, (Que.—12 feet 3 x 9, second quality, £10 5s and £10 10s. Ex. Devona, from Quebec—12-14 feet 3 x 9, third and fourth quality, 49 Ios. P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. " DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘“Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. —— nen H. D. WICCIN Boston mass: 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG Baas Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. o WY A N Ties Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASE Jon F. stenge No. 990 Ellicott Square, BUFFALO, N.Y. PLANING MILL Ano BOX FACTORY Sepcial Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit "J [SWAN-DONOGH LUMBER CO, ae 7 WHOLESALE i) : SS PE ae oat Cable Address, ‘‘“Swan DoNoGH—TONAWANDA. Lumberman’s Code. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverenpD, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Cc. H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of = SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers Invited Cable Address: ‘‘Glovers, Hatcham, London.” Wharves, Mills and Offices : ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENCLAND . delivery by rail or water CANADA LUMBERMAN _May 30, 1900 WEEKLY EDITION. lll, DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. SOUTH AFRICA 3 : BELTING Millmen throughout Canada Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. are invited to correspond with pee & or Fe ae aeraito Ont, us and give particulars of the Gooding J Lace, Gane OMe, woods which they ean supply Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s for Construetional and fFur- Belting. niture purposes. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montreal and Toronto. Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. Cable Address, ‘‘Casket,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. _ ORY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Parmenter, Jas. S., Woodstock, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W.. Ottawa, Ont, Try an advertisement in the “‘ Wanted and For Sale Department” of the Weekly Lumberman. MACHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’ , Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. The Dominion 'Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. M 'SCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto, Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont, Cordage, Independent Cordage Co., Toronto, Ont. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co. , Chicago, Ill, Emery Wheels, Fairbanks Co. » Montreal. eeeatee Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock, Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Oils, Queen City Oil Co., Toronto. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co. , Toronto, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS me PEMBROKE LUMBER (0, ume We have a quantity of Ship Decking to offer. Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE MONTREAL, CANADA Room 411, Board of Trade Building SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. to 16 ft. long, and 4.x 4 Seantling, 10 to 16 WF N T ED ft. State quantity and lowest eash price. + REID & CO., roecvto FOR S AL 5 cars 2 inch Log Run Soft Elm drv, = 9 Cars of inch Log Run Soft Elm dry, THE OLIVER LUMBER COMPANY oF Toronto, Limite, 34 CANADA LIFE BUILDING COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES McGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. [icLAURIN & MaLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. SHIPMENTS By RaiL or Water. = EHKAsT TEMPLETON, Que. KILLALOE STATION MOAR & RYA ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. J. D. SHIER, ersceericce, on + + MANUFACTURER OF. , ‘uve Lumber, Lath and Shingles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer. 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to order if contracted for early. 2’ Common Pine Plank, 6” to 12” wide, 12 We are also open to contract for 3 to 4 million feet of same kinds, say 3 million 2 in. and 1 million 4x4 new cut 1900, A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S#8&™G¢—carane e R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DBALERS Head Ofice—-TQRONTO-— 0 King St. West. SARNIA—-wuoresate DISTRIBUTING varosy—_ BU FFALO i ee a EN gE Fd JAS. PLAY FAIR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ¢ LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . s MIDLAND, ONT. A. & P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber A FEW CARS OF 6 CoRRESPONDENCE SoricitEp. Pine Lath, Cedar, and Pine Shingles. iH /4 MAPLE FOR SALE HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & G0. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, WE SHIP BY CPR, .G: Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. T.R. AND BY WATER ee et, Ash, Elm; Birch, Basswood—Clothb os V Box Bands and Rims. oards—Cheese THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD c0., AUGER & of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. SON : DIMENSION TIMBER : : Quebec Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. oiémon & Bros. Mig. Go. LUMBER MERCHANTS avo — - Wiarton, Ont. MANUFACTURERS Large quantity of Maple on Sticks some time. Considerable 4 i Maple, Beech and Bireh Logs to eut to order. sada We ship by rail or water. LE ee WILLIAMSON G MORRISON Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: Flooring from ‘$14.00 Ceiling ee 12.00 > LUMBER 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE P SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS co. Burk’s Falls, Ont. IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. ENG. LIVERPOOL, ee & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers Weil, GRIN EGO. 4, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods | | in Log, L Dimension Stock. Ship: umber an 5 ments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD 4BR.@ yaa 27 Union Street~ - GLASGOW Be Fe. Lightbody KL Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. Nee eee eee PYVERY & VINGENT m==— SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF ..--. RHD PIN | (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED LEAR Y¥ xo: ' Wood Agents and Brokers 4 Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. Manchester Timber Importers iinite 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, “‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used. |) Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. A. KENNEDY May 30, 1900 SMITH & TYRER - 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. ; Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. Dee SIEVEKINC, PODMORE & CO. SALES ACENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . . TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ ALLISON,” Glasgow. ALLISON, COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Wincent St., GLASGOW __ 264 86 eee Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ‘+ VALOREM,” Glasgow. GLASGOW 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW B a 0 K F R @-———-IRVIN & SELLERS ~—© : Arand AB Cable Address : ‘*‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. I d Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. ALSO DEALERS [N= POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity. Place, New YorK. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. eee TV RPOOL, ENGLAND —! Selling Agents For... } CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER ——————— Cable Address: ‘‘ REDWOOD,” **Zebra’’ Code, W. J. DAWSON & CO. 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of .. - BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for .. . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for English Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants 1” planed, tongued and grooved Pine Boards, third quality or better. Also open for Spruce and Pine Deals, Doors, Mouldings. etc. Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. Wood Brokers and Commission Agents BENTHAM BUILDINGS, SIDE, Invite offers from Lumbermen for... - NEWCASTLE-O N-TYN E FIR, SPRUCE, PINE or Any Wood Goods Suitable for the English Market. ES a One Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . « . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUDCETT BROS, = Stic. “Budlets, London.” CANADA WEEKLY FDITIO . -Jand ab.ut 125 miles north-east of Toronto. The Lumberman Monthly THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURE. Edition, 20 pages } si.o0 Per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. RS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE Vo.. VI. TORONTO, ONT., JUNE 6, 1900 No. 20. CANADA ].UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: ImperiaAL Buitpinc, Montreat. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets, A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. 3 Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading jumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. = 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $2.00, WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion n the current week’s issue. ORTABLE SAW MILL—The undersigned is Ee prepared to cut all kindsof Lumber. First-class work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Address W. E. RutLepcE, Hoult P. O., Ont. HARD-WOOD MILL—GRIST MILL For a good hard-wood mill site ad grist mill site, also large quantity of timber fit for wood flour, write L. O.. Armstronc, C. P. R. Colonization Agent, Montreal. FOR SALE, ~UMBER SAW MILL PLANT SITUATED IN i: Algoma, in hard wood and pine locality ; zoh. p boiler, 65 h.p. engine,one circular saw,gang edgers, etc. Good lumber d and railway sidings complete. Also two residences, stables, office and store. Price $8,0<0. The business nets from $4,000 t? $3,003 a year when properly run. The owner is retiring from business. Apply Box 838, Canapa LuMBERMAN. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limit+d). This company has a larger tract of weil timbered There are la ge quantities of Cejar, Hemlock, Spruce, talsam, Basswood, Cherry Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The Company are prepared to sell this timber in bloeks arcing from 5,000 to Ic,oco acres, or more if desired. There are several good ‘mill m the property. i parties who are location. W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. ANTED—Foreman for small Pulp Mill. Ac- knowledge of the French language preferred. Addiess ‘‘ Dominion,” Canapa LUMBERMAN, ANTED.—St ck to cut. Have fifty horse new portable mill, Waterous make, at liberty after June fifteenth, possibly so ner. THomas HOottis, Damascus, Ont. WANTED. pom 50 TO100M. FEET OF MAPLE LOGS. Address Ker & Harcourt, Parry Sound, Ont. SOFT and ROCK ELM and ORHAM Quotations for same in considerable quantities, shipped to England; continuous demand. EVERETT, 407 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. aes reece eee H AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanred and For Sale Department. Address, Canapa LuMBERMAN, Toronto. Re SALE—Old established Saw, Lath and Plan- ing Mills at Sault ste Marie, Ont., with all equip- ments and stock ; machinery nearly new throughnut ; concern doing a large annual business. Possessien given at onces Apply to W. G. Sms, Box 35, Sault Ste Marie, Ont. LL SENN WANTED, pes BOSS FOR BOX FACTORY, MIDDLE aged man, thoroughly capable of handling men and machinery and cutting lumber to advantage. State age, references and wages required. GILMOUR & Co., Trenton, Canada. SS WANTED. B YA BRITISH IMPORTING FI RM, WANEY log pine boards. Canadian manufacturers hav- ing this class of stock to offer are invited to send par- ticulars and prices to Box 85,care of CANADA LumBeEr- MAN, TORONTO. SS FOR SALE. 95 HORSE-POWER ENGINE, 40 HORSE- Moulder, Power Boiler, one 4-Side Moulder, one 3-side one 12-inch Janitor, one 24-inch Surface Planer, one 8 horse-power Engine and Boiler. Tor- onto Macuinery Suppiy Co., Toronto. ——— FOR SALE. pe AND HEMLOCK LATH, AND CEDAR Shingles. Write for prices. Also White Maple, Red Birch, Quartered Maple, Brown Ash, Basswood, Rock and Soft Elm, Maple. Have a few cars of 2 in. and in. dry Soft Elm on hand at present time. Write us. KEENAN BRos., Owen Sound, Ont. For Sale—Valuable Timb:r Lands ELEVEN HUNDRED ACRES SITUATED IN Bruce County, Ontario. Hemlock, M ple, Red Birch, Beech, Basswood, Klm and Cedar. Near good harbor with excellent shipping facilities. Price Ten Dollars per acre. Address H. Jupson Smiru, Brant- ford, Out. SAW MILI SITE ee SAW MILL SITE ON SOUTH END of the Georgian Bay, near Midland, extensive Lumber Docks, Houses, Store Buildings, etc.; water power. THE Muskoka MILL aNnp Lumper Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. Lumber carriers from British Columbia ports are still scarce, and tonnage brings high figures. The rates now quoted are as follows for British Columbia and Puget Sound loading : Sydney, 53s 9d to 52s ; Melbourne or Adelaide, 62s 6d; Port Pirie, 57s 6d to 60s ; Fremantle, 68s 9d to 70s ; Geraldton, 70s to 71s 3d ; West Coast, 62s 6d to 65s, Pisagua range ; Callao direct, 62s 6d to 63s 6d ; buenos Ayres, 70s to 71s 3d; Shanghai, 70s ; Kaichow, 70s ; Nagasaki, 67s 6d ; Port Arthur, 70s; Tientsin, 75s; Taku, 70s; Newchang, 70s; Vladivostock, 65s ; South Africa, 72s 6d to 75s ; United Kingdom, 82s 6d to 85s. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, Some rain has fallen during the past week, but not sufficient to materially assist driving operations on the’ rivers. The present outlook is that a quantity of logs will be hung up in the Georgian Bay, Algoma and Rainy River districts. The lumber demand 1s not developing sati;- factorily, and there are indications of a weakening in prices. There is no life to the United States trade. In Ottawa, where active building Operations were promised as a result of the fire, the builders’ Jaborers have gone on strike. In Toronte the building permits issued up to the first of June of this year show a falling off in value as compared with the same period last year. In the face of these conditions, whole- salers and retailers are buying -only moderately, while some manufacturers are showing eagerness to have the stock at their mills moved to provide piling ground for their new cut. It is difficult to size up the situation, but it would seem that if the demand does not improve in the near future, lower’ prices will be the result. There is no change in the price of pine lath, which, in view of its en- hanced value, was expected to weaken before this time. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Writing to the Canapa LUMBERMAN, a manufacturer on the south shore of the St. Lawrence, in Quebec, states that he has at present more orders for lumber on his books than he can execute for a considerable time to come. While this may not be absolutely true of all manu- facturers, it reflects the condition of the lumber market in that province. The local spring demand has been quite up to the average of last year, while export trades exceptionally good. The recent rains in the eastern provinces have raised the water in the streams. All the drives on the South-West Miramichi, in New Brunswick, have reached the corporation limits, and on the St. John river satis- factory progress is being made. UNITED STATES, Viewing the situation from the stand- point of demand, it cannot be said that the lumber market of the United States is particularly strong; but taking into consideration all the circumstances affect- ing the production, the more hopeful. Wholesale and retail dealers are buying with the utmost economy, while the c8nsumptive demand is by no means as heavy as it was at same time last year. Manufacturers, however, are holding their stock at high prices, and it would seem that the market is not likely to weaken for some time to come. The logging situation has not improved, and many of the mills on lake Superior are shut down owing to a shortage of logs: Spruce has weakened to the extent of one dollar per thousand feet on dimension. The spruce manufacturers evidently believed that such action might stimulate buying on the part of retailers. Hardwood prices are a trifle weaker, due no doubt to the report of a considerable increase in the supply of green lumber at the mills. At Buffalo there is a scarcity of inch maple, basswood and black ash. FOREIGN. Prices of Canadian deals in the British market appear to be holding exceptionally strong. The demand at London has improved, and it seems probable that prices will remain firm for some weeks to come, as the opinion is gaining ground that the imports this season will be light. It is admitted that a relaxation in freights might bring about a break in prices of spruce and pine deals, but at present there is Jittle indication that freights will become weaker. Ata recent sale held in London, first quality Quebec spruce, 3x9, realized £13 for 12 feet, sec- ond quality selling at £10 5s. A cargo of spruce oddments from St. John, N. B., brought exceptionally -high prices, the range being from £8 5s to £11. Some red pine, 3x 11,sold at £19. At Liver- pool several good orders have been book- ed for Quebec waney board pine at a substantial advance over the prices ruling last year. It 1s also reported that an ad- vance has taken place in the price of Quebec ash, which is reported to be un- usually scarce. A large speculative demand has sprung up from South Africa, which has had the effect of strengthening the British market. ee a ee STOCKS AND PRICES. Aan Cie Co Elderkin, of Advocate Harbor, N. S., expect to ship this season 5,000,000 feet of deals and several cargoes of piling. Stephens & Argue, of Norland, Ont., have secured a large stock cf logs and expect to have 3,000,000 feet of lumber sawn by August. It is teported that J. & T. Charlton have purchased Ramesbottom Spen- cer’s Jogs at Little Current, Ont., and that they will be taken to Michigan. Drives on the way down the Gull river from Haliburton county are: Shields, Cobokonk, 40,000 pieces; DeCew, Fenelon Falls, 25,000 pieces ; Rathbun Company, Lindsay, 60,000 pieces; Ellis, Fenelon Falls, about 40,000 pieces. Following is a comparative statement of timber measured and culled by the {I. (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Supervisor of Cullers, Quebec, up to June 5th of this year : 1898 1899 1900 Feet. Feet Feet. Waney White Pine..... 189 832 460,138 46,857 rea 19 7. es 9.453 192 OnE: ee eee 289,161 99,841 144,784 J Weoone 123010 JaaKata 115,307 116,412 173,939 y AS NEP atin 5 a ide 18,267 14,204 15,045 Butternut ....---+6+++ 799 60 92 Birch and Maple.....-- 95,849 200,928 227,701 A meeting of the Eastern Manufactur- ers’ Association was held at Bangor, Maine, on May 29th, at which, it is esti- mated, over 80 per cent. of the spruce manufacturers of the east were In attend- ance. According to an estimate made there will be a shortage of at least 25 per cent. in the log supply as compared with one year ago, but owing to the light de- mand for lumber it was decided that a gen- eral curtailinent of production of 50 per cent. should be made during July and August. Anew price list was adopted to remain in effect until September Ist, The new list is as follows: 10 and 12 inch dimension, $19; 9 inch and under dimension, $17 ; 10 and 12 inch random lengths, 10 feet up, $18 ; 2x9 inch, ran- dom lengths, Io feet and up, $16.50 ; 10X 12 inches, 24 and 25 feet lengths, $2 per M extra over 10X 12 inch dimension; 2x3, 2x4, 2X5, 2x0, 2X7 and 3x4, 10 feet and up, $15.50 ; all other random lengths, 9 inch- es and under, 10 feet up, $16.50; plan- ing one side 50 cents ; planing two sides $1; planing three or four sides, $1.50; planing one side and grooved, Sr ; plan- ing one or two sides and matched, $1 ; butting to exact lengths 50 cents per M extra ; splines not less than $1 per M ex- tra. Above prices are for New York de- livery, eastern survey. For Boston ship- ment by water, one dollar per thousand less than the price list of the railroad sys- tem was adopted, with the exception that price of 2x3, 2x4, 2X5) 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4, to feet and up, was made $14.50 per thousand. wt ee QUEBEC GOVERNMENT TIMBER SALE. The most important sale of timber limits yet held by the Quebec Government took place in the Parliament buildings at Quebec on June 30th. There were present over 300 per- sons, including some of the most prominent lumbermen in the Dominion, as well as a fair representation from the United States. The highest price realized was $143 per mile for a block of 500 miles on the Gatineau river, the purchasers being the W. C. Edwards Co., of Ottawa. The total sum realized by the sale was $260,000.00. A number of the limits were not disposed of, and it is understood that these will be offered for sale on June 26th. Following is the result of the sale in detail. UPPER OTTAWA DISTRICT. Leonce Rinfret :+ Block A, 25 miles at $61, 25 miles at $41, 13 miles at $46, total $3,148. OTTAWA RIVER. W. C. Edwards: Nos. 98, 99, 100, IOI, 596, 219 miles at $51, $11,169. E. B. Eddy : No. 57; Stag Creek, 2 miles at $61, $122. GATINEAU RIVER. Ww. C. Edwards: Nos. 626, 622, 618, 617, 616, 625, 624, 623, 621, 620, 619, 87a, 404 miles at $143, $66,352. LOWER OTTAWA. E. B. Eddy: River du Lievre, north E. branch Nos. 7 and 8, Lake Nemiskachingue, 84 miles at $101, $3,484. Wm. Williamson: Tp. Wentworth, No. 4, 334 miles at $201, $653-25- ST, MAURICE RIVER. H. Medville: River St. Maurice, No. 12 east and No. 13 east, 40 miles at $150, 73 miles at $144, $16,293. H. S. Holt : Grande Pierriche River No. 1, Petite Pierriche River No. 1, 42 miles at $102, 30% miles at $150, $8,821.50. Pierrie Rousseau : Petite Pierriche No. 2, 50 miles at $126, $6,300. H. Medville : Croche River No. 5 E, 50 miles at $116, $5,800. Alex. Baptist : Rear Mattawin, No. 3 S, 5° miles at $100, $5,000. GASPE CENTRE. Alex. McKinnon : Residue of blocks 34 and 39 ; residue of blocks 49, 59 51, 45> 46, 52, 14 5-32 miles at $25.25, 14 miles at $30.25, $788. 63. Calumet Lumber Co., Sydenham South : 11 miles at $40.25, $442-75: River BONAVENTURE WEST. J. D. Sowerby : Tp. Nouvelle, No. 2 W., 7% miles at $40.25, $322.97. LH. M. Price: Tom Ferguson’s Brook, Red Pine and Chamberlain Indian Brook, Tp. Metapedia No. 1, 33 miles at $75.25, 38 miles at $60.25, 56 miles at $50.24, 28 miles at $141, $12,534-75- LAKE ST. JOHN CENTRE. A. Neron: Tp. Caron No. 2, 8% miles at $30.25, $252.08. B. A. Scott : Tp. Taillon No. 44, 27% miles at $30.25, $331.87. LAKE ST. JOHN WEST. B. A. Scott: 2nd range Nos. $; 7s 8, 3rd range Nos. 5, 6; 95 8334 miles at $25.25, 90% miles at $30.25, $4,844-75:- Tp. Charlevoix No. 1, Tp. Ross No. 3; 12% miles at $25.25, 9 miles at $35-25; $626. 56. Pierre Potvin : Tp. Dolbeau No. 1, 18 miles at $115.50, $2,079. Arthur Tremblay : Tp. Ross No. 4, 21 miles at $40.25, $845.25. Alf. Gamache: River Ouiatchouianish No. I, 11 miles at $126, $1,386. LAKE ST. JOHN EAST. Alf, Tremblay: Tp. Laterriere No. I, 4 miles at $21, $84. Price Bros. : No. 18, $804. B. A. Scott: Tp. Tache and Tp. Bourget, 22 miles at $25.50, 27 miles at $25.25, $1,242.75- 16 miles at $50.25, GASPE WEST. A. S. Noble: Tp. Duchesney E, 30 miles at $50, $1,500. : Drouin Freres . Tp. Duchesney W., 37 miles at $50.25, $1,859.25. Wm. Power : Tp. Christie West, Tps. Tour- elle east and west, 31 miles at $31, 74 miles at $30.25, $3, 199-50. RIMOUSKI EAST. Price Bros. Co.: Tps. St- Denis and Matane No. 3, 11}4 miles at $40.50, 6% miles at $40.25, $727-37- Thos. Labelle : Tp. McNider No. 4, 4% miles at $41, $104. GRANVILLE. Florentin Soucy: Tp. Chabot No. 1, 11% miles at $47, $529- W. H. Murray: Black River No. 475 33% miles at $120, $4,020. MONTMAGNY. Price Bros..Co.: Tp: Mailloux No. 2, 2% miles at $10.25, $25.62. W. H. Murray: Tp. Roolette and Roux S, 8 1-5 miles at $50.25, $412.05. GASPE EAST. King Bros.: River Port Daniel and Seigniory of Pabos, 19 miles at $50.50, $959: 50: L. Cabot: Tp. Rameau No. 2, 21 miles at $25.50, $535:5% BONAVENTURE EAST. G. N. Warren: River Bonaventure No. 3, rear River Bonaventure No. 1, rear River Bonaventure No. 2,110 miles at $61, $6,710. RIMOUSKI WEST. Price Bros. : Rear Metis River E., 18% miles at $75.25, $1,392-12- ‘ METAPEDIA. Nap. Adam : Humaui River A, at $111, $1,998: : Price Bros. Co. : Indian Brook C, Mil- nikek Brook D, 18 miles at $111, 10 miles at $75-25) $2,750:59- Kilgour Shives : Meadow Brook, E, F, G, and H, 79% miles at $55-25) $4,378-50% Price Bros. Co. : Humqui Tp. Nos. 1 and 2, 6} miles at $125, $812.50. F. N. Morneau & Co.: Tp. Cabot No. 2, 11 miles at $46, $506. 18 miles SAGUENAY. Chas. Belanger: Tp. Iberville, No. 2, 2 miles at $105, $210. ; J. B. Renaud & Go. : River Amedee, 50 miles at $80.25, $4,012.50: Leon Bouchard: River St: 6 miles at $101, $606. W. Clark: River au Bouleau Nos. 1, 2; 3, 4) 5, and 6, 165 miles at $61.25, $10, 106.- Nicholas E, ow. Clark : River Tortue Nos. I, 2) 3) 49 5, 6 and 7, 19! miles at $40.01, $7,641.91. H. M. Price: River St. John Nos. 5 and 6, 40 miles at $41, $1,640. H. M. Price : River Chambers No. 1, 56 miles at $86, $4,816. E. Dube : River Portneuf No. 2 west, 50 miles at $76, $3,800. W. Clark: River Manitou No, 3 east, 32 miles at $30.25, $68. W. Clark: River Pigou Nos. 1 and 2, 52 miles at $50.25, $2,613. H. M. Price: River Magpie No. 1, 32 miles at $66, $2,112. Raymond Prefontaine : River Malbaie No. 25:3) 4) 5 Oa 74s 8 and 9, 232 miles at $71, $16,472. Chas. Belanger : West Sault au Cochon, part of Tp. Escoumains, 43% miles at $25.25, $1,098.37- ———_—_—_ Se TIMBER SALE AT DUBLIN. An auction sale of wood goods was held by R. Martin & Co. at Dublin, Ireland, on May 15th, at which Canadian spruce sold at the following prices : Third Quebec Spruce. —I1 ft. 9x 3in., A414; 12 ft., 415 5s to A15- Quebec Scantlings.—10/13 ft. 5 and 6x2 in., £12 Tos; 10/13 ft. 6x2 in., £13 108; 11/13 ft., £13 10s ; 9/13 ft. 9x 2 in., 415 5S Second Quality Quebec Spruce. —10 {t. 9x3 in., £153 11 ft., 415 $85 12 ft., £15 15s to £L15$58; 10/14 ft., £15 158 to L156 125 6d; 10/12 ft., £15 583 11/14 ft., £15 78 6d to £15 12s 6d; 14/15 ft., £15 7s od to £15 128 6d; 14 ft., £15 15s to #16; 12 ft. (1898 import), £14 2s 6d to £14 10. St. John Spruce.—18/20 ft.7x2in., £155 10/17 ft. 9x 2in., £15 to £15 286d; 12/13 ft. 7x3 in., £14 7s 6d ; 13/14 ft., 414 10s ; 15/16 ft., £14 10s; 17/19 ft., £14 12s 6d ; 18/19 ft., £14 15s ; 15/17 ft. 8x3 in., £14 15s to £14 128 6d; 11 ft. 9x 3in., £14 1583 12/15 ft., 4155 15/17 ft. Li5 58; 18 ft., £15 7s 6dto £15 10; 20/22 ft., £16 7s 6d; 16 ft. 11x 3in-, £15 583 17 ft, £15 55; 18/20 ft., £15 10s; 21 it. 6x4 in, 413 10S; 16 ft. 7x4in., S15; 18 ft, £15 286d; 21 ft. 8x4 in., 414 75 6d; 10/16 ft. 9x4 in., 415 25 6d; 17 ft., G15 7s 6d; 25 ft., £16; 19 ft. 11 x 4 in., £15 128 6d; 24 ft 7x2% in., G12 12s 6d. Bay Verte Spruce.—12 ft. 7x 3in., £12 2s 6d ; 10/11 ft. 8x 3 in., £1 5 12 ft., £12 7s 6d to £12 1085 12/14 ft., £12 128 6d; 14 ft., 12 1585 15/17 fs 4133 8/9 ft. 9/14 x3in., £12555 10/1! ft. 9x3in., £12 28 6d; 12 ft., 12 158: 10/14 ft. g and 10x3 in., 12 1ss3 14/15 ft. 10xgin., 413 28 6d; 10/14 ft. 11 X3 in, £13 28 6d; 19 ft. 4x4 in., £103 12/19 ft. 6x6, 5 and 6x2 in., H12 128 6d; 12/19 ft.6x4 and 3in., £12 12s 6d; 17 ft. 7x 2hin., Ail. a LONDON PRICES FOR DEALS. The following prices were realized for Cana- dian deals and planks at a public sale held by Churchill & Sim, London, Eng., on May 23rd: PinE.—4-1g ft. 4x4-TO, unassorted, £9 583 3-20 ft. 3x8-11, £9 15s 3 3-22 ft. 3x75 49 158; 9-21 ft. 3x4-6, £93 6-20 ft. 2x4-8, £9; 6-20 ft. 1x 6-8, £9 583 6-19 ft. 1x5, £8; 6-20 ft. 1x4, 47 1583 6-18 ft. 1x3, £7 15s. Ex Kin- sale, from Quebec—I2-14. ft. 3x7 in., second quality, 411 10s; 7-11 ft. 3x7-9, £14 I5s. Ex Ailsa Craig, from Quebec—6-10 ft. 1x8 in. red pine, 47 583 6-11 ft. 1x6, £8. Ex Tan- tallon, from Quebec—9-12 ft. 2x2-11 in. un- assorted red pine, 48 10s. Ex Cervona, from Quebec—13-16 ft. 14x12 in. first. quality, £20 [Os ; 13-16 ft. 14x11, £21 ; 13-16 ft. 14x10, £18 1583 12-16 ft. 12x9, £18 15s and £18 Tos ; 12-16 ft. 1x8, £16 10s. Ex Yola, LL Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY KONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. CANADA ATLANTIC - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. MussFn, Contracting Agent. M. A. OVEREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. JUNE 6, 1¢00 from Quebec—13-19 ft. 3x11 in., first quality, red, £18 155; £2-18 ft. 3x11, £19. Ex Mil- waukee, from Quebec—12 ft. 3x11, first qual- ity, £8 10s. SpRUCE,—I0-21 ft. 3%10 in. unassorted, £9 553 9-15 ft. 3x10, L109; 12-14 ft. 3x9, £10; 12-14 ft. 3x9, £10; 10-25 ft. 3x9, 410 583 9-17 ft. 3x9, 4105 9-19 ft. 3x12, A113; 12-14 it. 3x8, £9; 9-20 ft. 3x8, £9 583 12-14 ft. 3x 7, £9; 12-14 ft. 3X7, £95 9-27 ft, 3X7) £9; 10-17 ft. 3x7, £9 3 3-8 ft. 3x7, £8 5s 5 12-14 ft. 3x8, £9583 10-24 ft. 3x8, £9; 12-14 ft. 3x7, £9 583 10-24 fl. 3x7, £8 15s. Ex Ella Sayer, from Quebec— 14-16 ft. 3x9 in., first quality, £12 1583 12 ft. 3x9, 413. Ex Ailsa Craig, from Quebec—13 ft. 3x9 in. second quality, £10 10s. Ex Johannas, from Miramichi—6-22 ft. 3x9, 46 158 3 6-20 ft. 2x2-7, 46; 6-23 ft. 3x7) £6 10s. Ex Mary Park, from Quebec—11-13 ft. 2x7 in. second quality, £9 10s. See P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied- WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA _— FOR SAL , Timber Limits, » Water Power, and Mill in course of construction. A. mM. SIMPSON 2g Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, MONTREAL, QUE. MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. — Cable address, ‘“Owen, Liverpoo!.” A.B.C. Code used. ee H. D. WICCIN BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. w ANTED Mill Culls— (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F. Stengel “°strrato, wy PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Sepcial Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit “ig al VO Risk we ae 8 a PYLLA “DONO H LUMBER CO. *TEAUIUMBER DEALERS. x ’ North dona wna Cable Address, “Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA.- ‘ Lumberman’s Code. afta es nd Quickest Route from... . TTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBRO cE, 1 RRY SOUND and other Lumber Centre BOSTON, PORTL , NEW YORK, DETROIT, NAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTRE TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &. W.P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smrra General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. SUPPLEMENT TO CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Wholesale Prices June 6, 1900. TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1% 1% and 2 inch cuts and better... $3 00 $34 00 t inch siding mill run 16 59 1 inch siding common 14%, 1% and 2 inch 1 inch siding ship culls picks and uppers... 35 00 36 00] 1 inch siding mill culls I Has Canada dress- Cullscantling........ ing and better..... 22 00 24 00| r inch strips 4 in. to 8 txro and 12 Canadian in. mill run...... - 16 Co dressing and better 24 00 26 oo | 1 inch strips, common 1¥% and thicker cut- 1 1-4 inch flooring... ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00| 1 t-2 inch flooring.. x inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00| 1% inch No. x Lath.. rxco and 12 common. 16 00 17 00] 1% inch No. 2 Latb.. 2x4 and 2x6 common. 35 co} 1% inch Norway lath. 2.8 common......... 16 oo | X white pine shingles 2X10 common........ 17 00} XX wh'te pine shing- 3x12 common 18 oo} les, 6 in. clear butts. 2x10 common 17 00| XXX _~ white pine 3x12 common........ 18 00 Shingles............ Tero and 12 mill run 17 00 18 oo0| B.C. shingles 6 to 2 in. 1xxo and 12 mill culls 15 oo | B.C. shingles 5 to2 in. HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. . Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise oe Ge ~ Ash, wide, xr to2 in «$26 00 $28 00 Bia ,rock, mill sts and ands. . Ash white, 2% to 4in = ists and 2nds...... 30 00 Ash, black, xrsts and ands, rto1% in.... 21 00 » black, xsts and ands,2to4in...... 23 00 Ash, M.R.. to 2.. 17 00 Birch, tin. .. 18 00 Ly I a 2.. 20 00 sqrs. 4x4 “‘ 8x8 24 00 Basswood, ists and ands, 1 tor in.... 18 00 1% to 2 ..22 00 t “ 1% 16 00 Beran Se ae 7 OO run....... 1 to 14%"18 00 32 00 a mocks mill 23 00 25 00 19 00 20 00 23 00 26 00 20 00 24 00 17 00 25 00 28 00 26 00 60 00 65 00 18 00 Or ero 14“ 3..°21 00 Ako), sts and 2nds..134“* 2.. 28 00 Maple, sts and ands.. 1 ‘‘ 1% 17 00 Maple, sts and 2nds.. 2 ‘' 4.. 19 00 Oak, red, p’n, ssts & 2nds1 ‘* 1% 28 00 Oak; red, p’n, ists & 2nds 2 ‘' 4.. 31 00 Oak, white, ists & ends 1 “‘ 1% 29 oo Oak, white, ists & ands 2 ‘ 4.. 32 00 Oak quart’d, ists & ands 1 Walnut, rssts and 2nds.. 1 “‘ 3 Whitewood, ists & ands 1 ss 2.. 69 00 (2). « 32°00 OTTAWA, ONT. Butternut 1 ‘1% 23 00 “ 37. 25 00 Chestnut ji baer eer Yate) Che sts Beenie. 144 50 co Cherry, ists and 2nds.. 2 ‘' 4.. 60 00 Elm, soft, mill Pigeee est, ** 254 x6 00 Elm, soft, mill Pine, good sidings, per M feet, b.m.......535 00 Pine, good aaa 27 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 22 00 Pine, No. x dressing. sidings, per M feet, Seana dva= see. XS CO Pine, No. x dressing 7 ae 16 00 Pine, No. x dressing ; Pee oeeaesa =. - 14 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- 4 tex stock, <2... - 18 00 Pine, 8s.c. and bet- ts egescees X5 00 ter st 43 00 30 00 30 00 24 00 18 00 16 00 22 00 17 00 Pine, 8&ups.c. sidings 15 00 Pine, s.c. strips...... 13 ¢O Pine, sc. shorts..... 11 00 Pine, box culls....... 12 50 Pine mill culls...... I2 00 1x1o No, 1 barn.... EXIOGING. 250° <5... ta &gNo.xr © .... qx0.&q\No.2°*—.... Lath per M neue: 3 00 Lath per M No. 2... 2090 xx Cedar shingles, 18”... x 40 Pine Shingles, Clear ButtSseivies vi cesce's asi I go Pine Shingles, xxxx 2 40 20 3° 30 oo - 85 00 100 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT, cts. cts Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ......... 30 «+32 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 37 45 19 to2tinchaverage ‘‘ : Beit see “Michigan “‘ 19 to 2 in. average “ © & size 45) Ae RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality Eel eristatarertets left ares Piya In shipping order, ec Ce vg ee een’ 24 2 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according toaverageandquality. . ... . 46 50 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .35 40 30 to 35 feet. . 32 37 ASH. 14 inches and up, scoping: to gicwee and pe 6. 6. io es) ES To ayerage 16 inch. . ; ay iat ee aes 30 “BIRCH. PAnUCHAVeLAC ewan mE NEEEC) 6 see ws cee we OE | EO The Cel A fy ab oe. 0 Ge ne Seren, ery yee ePIC, oc le oa, bs ae a 2OL 28 mae ee RES, os cs, we Sc cae a 32 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $40 to $44 for rst, $28 to $30 for 2nd, $25 to $28 for ard, and $21 to $24 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau, BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPERS AND SELECTS. Upp2rs, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $49 00 id F a PULL tatcistetcltare e eravers ajc vera $54 oo! 1%, 1% mds ee + 49 00 14 1% and 2in........... Hatechhy ActGleprisonpoocouuas6 eu) bie 2% and 3 in. -....--.....4 62 5o7— 40... ee Age30 Aaoadhooodne 49 00 rivals orn bannces acer Obes 67 £0 FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 39 50 | 24% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 44 oo TO, TAT LTA Oecaieiy sfeiste: at) w ois'e TONG) | 71 tilgoramedearod oushopacoacs 49 52 ALAR omreiteaieivater a Tete eeselarsehe ss 4t 00) B_ FINE COMMON OR NO I CUTTING. 1in., 7in. and up wide...... 30 00 | 24% and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 44 co WANG AG Mine cee eice = selves BOSGOU AMIEL y violets -/creley ein leeterarinalnise (ome + 49 00 ALIN ievsrateveicumatersteiejateiarssvaicsiarats 37 00 STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... . 46 00| zin., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 40 00 (ith WG Chase coo bu cdee soeoge AS LOOAMONM. WIE, i). vier cleier veces 48 00 FINE COMMON OR C. 1 in., 4, 5 in, wide. ......... 32 00|| 1 in., 4, 5 in. wide r¥ in., 6in. wide...... Its) Oy WilG eterstseteletelsraieists SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1\4in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 30 oo! rin., 4,5, 6 in. wide........ 25 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. UNO sex ppt URIs sporetcserayates'aate's tee 25 00 BO) Wan Quod Gone aonnon tes 21 00 Gli laeno cnn OCHO Seton ODOOn 20 00 Sand 7 in.............++.. 21 00 IN fey 2p Waa aano eo meee hace ene (ley DPMLN at efatetefetaltstat (ater ie/s(e a’ asia 22 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4and 5 in. wide....... $16 00 | z in., 13 in. and up wide..... $17 50 1 in., 6 in. wide........ -. 16 co|1%,1%and in., 7 in, and 1 in., 7 in. wide and up 16 c2 Upiawidlelsame em aceraciciee 17 00 SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 26 00 | x in., ro in. and up wide..... 29 00 1 in., 6 in. wide.... . eee 28 co} 1%, 1% and in., 8in. and up WiC Garamtererstaretsy-tee'er cinta s: +» 29 00 SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 25 | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts. c.ccccc cece. 275 12,0, 0. 5 naacoboceoe6 woon 375 Clear RBattsca sic csied snes + 3,00 WHITE PINE LATH. No. 2. BYSONIGING:12. Maierarerewsiela's{aie- [alsieisis(a%sisie 2 Efemlockar tices cara 3 aS ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up $65 | 1xr2 inchshippers......... $ $22 24 iN....--...- 65 | 4/4 inch yo 3° & bl 23 HOE i soneucs 55 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” aed up. 20 4 inch uppers 79 | ro-in. dressing and better... 28 34 Selects, 244 in. up.......... 55 | ro-in. common............. 21 RE LOYD UM cre tess eid tare) ateleve 45 | 12-in. dressing and better... 32 36 Fine common, 2% in. and up 45 58 | Common, rx12..... 21 Ito2in.... 44 | No. x barn, rx12.. a 28 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch 36 Ranier nn.coounde aa 27 0.2 30 ty ote eer 25 INGORE loro RE CROC Ono Grnted 26 | No. 2 barn, rx12 24 No. 1 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 35 40 uae atenetatsierersie canta ates ocidan 24 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... Bir Qa ht -rxBhcnysec civictsnisive ce se aie 23 Stained saps............000 30 34 Shaky clear, I to 6/4in...... 28 32 Bracket plank ........ .... 30 35 ZinChtys ce ee 34 Shelving boards, 12-in. uP 538 36 Dressings sss sicca.s siajs.eienese 27 «32 Dressing boards, narrow. 25 ‘Common een eee Sane 20 22 1x1q inch shippers..... ... 22 : LATH, Pinesiasrrcstsarctelceirecroeo case Sousa) |pSprace cress erie: Gat cH EAD $3 50 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 oo $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 5 50 Clear butts). sseccse 3.00 3 25] Hemlock..... ooo oocned 225 Smooth, 6x18....... 450° 4 75)| SPKUCe sc cc5 as cess nes 225 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Up’ fs 1,1%,1%and2 Dressing 14% in..... 0 33 50 Mec erierinta erat aaTer $57 58 00 14x10 and 12...... 35 50 Aen a M21 a rrevers 66 50 a aD oecies cece 5 35 sc Ave Mieyetatey alors ferential 7 50 MO ears pciaccrs cereciate 34 50 Selects, x to 2 le ase 50 50 Sheloiie. No. I, 13 in. 2% and 3 in...... 5 61 50 and up, 1 inven : 38 50 Ag eretatetelstetatetstsiatetate 66 50| Mold st’ps No. 1 to z Fine common, zin-,p Hrteinnenpdecetaet 38 50 39 50 to r2 in. wide.. 41 50] Barn, No.1, 12in..... 28 50 1% and 1% in..... 4t 50] 6, 8 and roin...... 23 50 Pao Morente an cr ear 44 50 No. 2, ro in....... 4 2I 50 FOL, Riecaeecena seers 56 50 INow2sexzninentner ss 23 00 A Yt sesoopeeoeonas 61 50|_ No. 3, ro and 12 in. 20 50 Cut’g up, No. 1, x in. EF} efel|| dete fe o/b nedaonnace 17 00 Se oe Reese laure ‘ 39 50] 1x6torzin... 19 co Noman mbit cssise 22 co Ix 10to13in 20 00 No. 2, 14%, & 1% in 32 00 33 00 14% and 1%in 20 00 No. 3,14 & 1% in 26 so| Mill Culls,1, 14%, 1% Nonay2inbesr ss Ci 26 50 anduziDerr meee 16 50 LATH. 1¥% inch No. 1 white pine ....$5 1¥% inch No. 1 Norway....... 4 00 Tie) MIke! s-. sa seeemies 4 50/1 No. 1 whitr pine .... 4 00 1¥% inch No. 2 white pine ....$4 co The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; WHITE ASH, tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 30.00) 32 Goll 236 tog IMs... cence 34 00 38 co Tat OU2 Aha asetaten sterols B40) 26) 00)||SErIpSimaneisncieccee 20 00 22 00 Com. and culls....... 12 00 14 ou BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ist & and, 6inch up, 25 00 26 oo | Com. & good culls... 12 00 14 00 BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & 1st &2nd, white, 6” &up, 18 00 20 oo MPs) LEC ctepeteletelatetels 28 00 30 00| Com. & good culls..... IO 00 12 00 ELM. st & 2d,rock, 6in.& up, 20 00 22 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 20 00 22 00 MAPLE. 1st & 2d, hard,6in. & upr8 co 20 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 09 ene = . 7 4 uw? L 2 (Ro; : a a : z ig ; , eS te 1a) ee. EASES eer i ole 4c R See pet LX bis eat com . 6a + JUNE 6, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Il], SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Constructional and trur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘ Casket,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. Try an advertisement in the “ Wanted and For Sale Department” of DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. Ret TING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Dixon & Co., F. E., Toronto, Ont. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren. ].C., Belting Co.,Montrealand Toronto. Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co,, Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. ORY KILNS. McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Parmenter, Jas. S., Woodstock, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. ! Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. the Weekly Lumberman. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, M SHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F.J., Belleville, Ont. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfz. Co.,. Indianapolis, Ind. Ss. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock; N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRIGTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. pe Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que Si1W MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. k., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. M SCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co. » Preston, Ont, Cordage, Independent Cordage Co., Tor: nto, Ont, Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co., Chicago, Ill, Emery Wheels, Fairbanks Co., Montreal. Lar eagi Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock, B Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbes, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Oils, Queen City Oil Co., Toronto. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co., Toronto, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. RAILROAD BRASSES York. Magnolia Metal Co., New CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, unre We have a quantity of Ship Decking to offer. Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PIN Room 411, Board of Trade Building MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. to 16 ft. long, and 4x4 Seantling. 10 to 16 WF N T ED ft. State quantity = lowest eash price. + REID & CO., foutnts delivery by rail or water 5 cars 2 inch Log Run Soft Elm drv, F OR SAL 9 cars of inch Log Run Soft Elm dry. THE OLIVER LUMBER COMPANY oF Toronto, Limiteo, 34 CANADA LIFE BUILDING A. A. SCOTT. COOKE & SCOTT WM. COOKE. MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES MeGregor, Ont. Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. [VcLAURIN & MxcLAREN Lumber Manufacturers SSS 2” Common Pine Plank, 6” to 12” wide, 12 We are also open to contract for 3 to 4 million feet of same kinds, say 3 million 2 in. and 1 million 4x4 new cut 1g00, a ee Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock. or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY Rait or WarTER. = MOHR & RYA Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Hast TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. a specialty. ’ Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. J.D. SHIER, BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. » » MANUFACTURER OF. ,. ‘uve Lumber, Lath and Shingles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer, 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to order if contracted for early. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHEETNG—raR e | R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS _ Head ofice-TOQORONTO-—100 King St. West. SARNIA—wuoutsate DISTRIBUTING YARDS BUFFALO OAS PLAY HA PR-& Go: Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER » LATH © SHINGLES me cnivactersjfer Hallway Suppiiés’ yi). | MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . . A. & P.VWHAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ° WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND ) Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber M4 Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CorRESPONDENCE Son iciTEp. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton MAITLAND, RIXON & C0. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Joisting, Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. y Sound, Ont. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD cO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parr eS AUGER & SON - Quebec : + DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Siemon & Bros. Mig. Go. LUMBER MERCHANTS avo Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. - Wiarton, Ont. MANUFACTURERS Large quantity of Maple on Stieks some time. Considerable 4/4 Whi Maple, Beech and Birch Logs to cut to order. ns We ship by rail or water. ee ee eee Py ILLIAMsON G MORRISON > LUMBER 3O St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling ce 12.00 WROLESALE P SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS co, Burk’s Falls, Ont. IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN. WEEKLY EDITiON. JUNE 6, 1900 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & GO. Wood Agents alld Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address, ‘« wing,” Liverpool. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. im. Gut Gr, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, ite Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’ [ Ci odes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Age ae ae a sale oe CANADIAN wT Pep AND ase ut to all sizes—and all kinds a Hardwoods Lum m of ia Rice ea in the United Kingdom or an im te ondicd to thenentadee ntage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, At and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & GO. WOOD “Brea aa 247 Union Street - GLASGOW e 8 Gordon Street Fox. Lightbody c& Go. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROOK HRS Cable Addre “‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ‘‘ Zebra” and Private Agents for CANADIAN “WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; ardwouds in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports i n the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. EE PeVERY & VINGENT w==——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RED PIN FE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORFESPONDENCE INVITED LBARY & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. Manchester Timber Importers timita 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS Rete for the English Market. Offers invited. ‘© TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used. — Cb le Addre Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. A. KENNEDY FELBER, _ SUCKER & C0. 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ber Importers Buyer of ... vv aeeere ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . BOX SAOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS pie cae int ions. Spruce and eS J oorings ks, Sashes. ouldings Invites Correspondence from Man am ctu , nvi fo sbi mel at by regular lin Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for Daglish Cables: “‘Bircu,” Glasgow. Ccdes er ee nd Zebra. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. 0 JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants 1” planed, tongued and grooved Pine Boards, third quality or better. Also open for Spruce and Pine Deals, Doors, Mouldings. etc. Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND Branch Offices in Hull and Newport, Mon. Cable Address : ‘‘ Hessler,” Westhartlepool. 2 Dale Street andg Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. _ POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and : SMITH & TYRER - [4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL . Wood Pegents ae Cable Address—“‘ Walmer,” Liverpo: Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole ae, ‘Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. re SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENG, SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc... Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS. .. TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, “‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitcheils TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ALLISON,”’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS GANT & KEMP a sens" § BROKERS O~ F: Weve Cable ae <4 Re ge BE clesgey GLA SGOW 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW © Cable hes ess: “‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. IRVIN & SELLERS—W~® Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS ALFRED DOBELL & CO. ee TV ERPOOL, HNGLAND— Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, '‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER Cable Address: ‘‘ REDWOOD,”* ** Zebra’’ Code, W. J. DAWSON & CO. Wood Brokers and ——— Agents BENTHAM BUILDINGS, SID Invite offers from Lumbermen for NEWCA STLE- ON-TYNE FIR, SPRUCE, PINE or Any Wood ‘Gases Suitable for the English Market. —_—_—_——— ane Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUDGETT BROS, - ".!2"""tma te “Budlets, London.” . THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEA NADA [UMBE WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 Pages } $1.00 PER yeaR { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vout. VI. TORONTO, ONT., JUNE 13, 1900 KAMAN LERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 21, CANADA [LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: ImpeeRIAL Burtpinc, MontTrREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber producrs at home and abroad. ’ Lumberman, cater § A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working ‘industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading Jumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. Le #8 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. A WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of t5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type 3,12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. ORTABLE SAW MILL—The undersigned is P prepared to cut all kinds of Lumber. First-class work guaranteed. Prices reasonable. Address W. E. Rut_ence, Hoult P. O., Ont. HARD-WOOD MILL—GRIST MILL For a good hard-wood mill site and grist mill site, also large quantity of timber fit for wood flour, write L. O. Armstronc, C. P. R. Colonization Agent, Montreal. For Sale—Valuable Timber Lands LEVEN HUNDRED ACRES SITUATED IN Bruce County, Ontario. Hemlock, Maple, Red Birch, Beech, Basswood, Elm and Cedar. Near good harbor with excellent shipping facilities. Price Ten Dollars per acre. Address H. Jupson Smit, Brant- ford, Ont. as FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limit:d). This company has a larger tract of weil timbered land ab_ut 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quantities of Cejar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherry Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The Company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 to Ic,oco acres, or more if desired. There are seyeral good mill sites on the property. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at piesent cut out and looking for a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto, ANTED—Foreman for small Pulp Mill. c- A know!edge of the French language preferred, Address ‘‘ Dominion,” Canapa LUMBERMAN. WANTED, | Diet eis 50 TO100M. FEET OF MAPLE LOGS. Address Ker & Harcourt, Parry Sound, Ont. SOFT and ROCK ELM and ORHAM Quotations for same in considerable quantities, shipped to England; continuous demand. EVERETT, 407 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. OR SALE—Old established Saw, Lath and Plan- ing Mills at Sault Ste Marie, Ont., with all equip- ments and stock ; machinery nearly new throughout ; concern doing a large annual business. Possessier, given at once. Apply to W. G. Sims, Box 35, Sault Ste Marie, Ont. Bees BOSS FOR BOX FACTORY, MIDDLE aged man, thoroughly capable of handling men and machinery and cutting lumber to advantage. State age, references and wages required. Gitmour & Co., Trenton, Canada. WANTED. OR THE FOREIGN TRADE, A LARGE LOT of first grade Rock Elm Hub Logs (trees), for which cash will be paid by purchasers New York banks. Address replies to this advertisement to Box 25, CANADA LuMBERMAN, Toronto. CE FOR SALE, 95 HORSE-POWER ENGINE, 40 HORSE- Power Boiler, one 4-Side Moulder. one 3-Side Moulder, one 12-inch Janitor, one 24-inch Surface Planer, one 8 horse-power Engine and Boiler. Tor- ONTO Macuinery Suppty Co., Toronto. CS FOR SALE. Pee AND HEMLOCK LATH, AND CEDAR Shingles. Write for prices. Also White Maple, Red Birch, Quartered Maple, Brown Ash, Basswood, Rock and Soft Elm, Maple. Have a few cars of 2 in. and 2 in. dry Soft Elm on hand at present time. Write us. KEENAN Bros., Owen Sound, Ont. SS THE AUSTRALIAN MARKET. The last monthly timber report of Fraser & Co., Melbourne, says of the Australian mar- ket : The extraordinary demand for timber being shown in so many parts of the world at the present time has led to further increased values being secured at the markets of export, while freight rates have also improved at most places, and apparently will be maintained for some time tocome. Although our market has responded to some extent to the increase shown in f.o.b. and freight quotations, there is yet, however, room for improvement in this direc. tion, for there are several important lines which are shipped to here, more especially in Baltic imports, which should be advanced in price. Business within the past four weeks has been fairly brisk, but as arrivals have been of no magnitude, there has been little to offer ““ex wharf.” A better enquiry, it is antici- pated, will be experienced during the next few months, and as shipments of varied descrip- tions will shortly be to hand, there should be no trouble to obtain necessary requirements, though it is possible that importers will en- deavor to procure slightly higher figures for some kinds than have lately been paid, which for a time may have the effect of keeping buyers from purchasing any quantity more than would be necessary for early actual wants. OREGON PINE.—Imports: Nil. Stocks in first hands are limited, though holdings in the trade are sufficient to cover requirements until the first few shipments come upon the market, 48 per 1,000 feet super. is now quoted for small lots, though no business of importance has been done at this figure. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. A few dealers and manufacturers tell of a slight improvement in the lumber trade during the past week, but the more gen- eral report is that the demand is develop- ing very slowly. The month of June is generally characterized by considerable orders for stock, but in this respect the present month does not compare favorably with June of last year. ( onsidering the demand, prices are reasonably firm. In some instances a slight weakness has de- veloped. In the Ottawa valley shipping cull stock is a trifle lower, while lath 1s quiet and weaker. It is expected that lath will decline in price in the near future, as present prices are considered to be out of proportion to the actual value of the material. The trade has made a strong effort to prevent the prices of pine lumber from going lower, but it seems unreasonable to expect that present prices will hold throughout /he season. On the other hand, we do not anticipate more than a moderate reduction, as the cost of producing lumber has been greatly in- creased within the last year. Recent rains have increased the out- look for driving operations, but it is prob- able that from Io to 15 per cent. of the cut of pine logs will be hung up. In the Otta- wa valley a drive of 5,000,000 feet, taken out by a prominent manovfacturing firm, is hopelessly stranded. In some sections hardwood stocks are quite large, and manufacturers are show- Ing some anxiety to dispose of their hold- ings. Inthe Wiarton district summer cut basswood, mill run, has been sold at $15, and winter cut at $17. Elm has been held fairfy steady, but a decline in the price of this lumber is anticipated, as prices last winter were above normal. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. This spring has witnessed a marked re- vival in'building operations in Winnipeg and insmany of the smaller towns of Manitoba and the Territories. A number of important buildings are under way, and the season promises to be one of unusual activity,. The movement of lumber 1s consequently large,and dealers and manu- facturers report good business. In British Columbia the mills are busy. One mill has contracted to supply 22,000,000 feet of lumber for the foreign trade, and is said to have’refused a contract for 10,000,000 feet more. Another mill expects to ship 50,000,000 feet before November, a large portion of which will goto China. On the whole the lumber trade of the coast is in a very satisfactory condition. UNITED STATES, Labor trouble, dull building operations, and a feeling of uncertainty as to the market situation generally, are responsible for the inactivity which characterizes the lumber trade of the United States. The movement of lumber has for some time been below normal, and were it not that stocks are held in strong hands, a break in the market would have occurred before this time, The mill men are practically Carrying the stocks, as dealers and con- sumers are purchasing only for immediate requirements. The demand for box lum- ber has fallen off perceptibly, manufac- turers having purchased heavily early in the year. [tis not likely, however, that there will be any serious decline in the price of box material. Reports from the Eastern States are to the effect that there is no sign of a general break in vaiues, although in one or two instances lower prices are said to have been quoted. Lath, as was expected, has sold off, being about one dollar below the highest price cf Jast winter. The price of spruce lumber has not receded, but quotations for delivery next month are being made ata decline of about fifty cents per thousand from present quotations. Hardwood prices have shown weakness. Everything except poplar is slightly lower, and as a result enquiries for stuck are in- creasing. At Buffalo the demand for birch, maple and basswood continues strong. GREAT BRITAIN. Although the tone of the British timber market is quiet, there has been no decline in prices, and those,quoted are almost the same as the ruling prices one month ago. The market is, if anything, a trifle firmer, due to the impression that there will bea light import this season. The easiness in the money market 1s another favorable factor. Spruce and pine deals are mov- ing with some freedom, and stocks at the leading importing centres have become considerably reduced. At recent auction sales prices have been well maintained, notwithstanding that building has been retarded by the high price of materials. Importers are holding spruce at HO Colat Liverpool, and believe that this is none too high in view of the scarcity of tonnage and excessive freight charges. Itis said that the liners from Montreal have taken but a very small quantity of pine deals and boards, as there has been no dearth of freight for which better prices could be obtained. Concerning an auction sale held in London an exchange states that the St. John spruce sold very high, and that a capital price was realized for a very ordinary lot of Miramichi fourths. The unsorted parcel of floated spruce from Bay Verte realized £9 for 3x 13 inch, £8 5s for 3x7 inch and 3x 6 inch, and £8 for 3x 5 inch. STOCKS AND PRICES. The city council of St. John, N. B., will invite tenders for the supply of a cargo of deals for sidewalk purposes.. The German ship Arnold cleared last week from the Hastings mill, Vancouver, for Newcastle-on-Tyne, with a cargo of timber. The barque Amore is loading lumber at Granville, N.S., for Buenos Ayres. The schr. Edna and ship Maren are load- ing lumber at Annapolis for Havanna. It is reported that J. W. Munro, of Pem- broke, has purchased from the Merchants Bank a timber limit on the Mississauga river, Georgian Bay district, and that he intends operating on it the coming winter. The steamship Gladstrey took on 1,600 loads of timber at Quebec last week and {I. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. left for Three Rivers to complete cargo. The Isel Holme is loading a cargo of lumber at Indian Cove, Quebec, for Lon- don. Three of the fleet loading lumber up the Annapolis river were towed to Digby last week. They were the barque Lovosa, bound to Buenos Ayres, and the Ameri- can schrs. Navarino and A, R. Keene, for Havanna. The Lovosa took 835,594 feet shipped by H. J. Crow, and the Nav- arino took 400,000 feet shipped by T. S. Whitman. The Keen’s cargo of 398,000 feet was shipped by Pickles & Mills. The steamship Daventry is loading deals and timber at Montreal for the United Kingdom. The Riplingham is also loading a cargo of deals for the same destination. The Kinsale sailed last week from Montreal for Sharpness with a full cargo of timber and deals. The Rathlin Head sailed for Belfast, her cargo includ- ing 120standards of boards, 265 standards of deals, 65 loads of timber, and 650 bundles of staves. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CanapA LUMBERMAN). The export lumber business in and about Ottawa is quiet at present. A member of a leading firm of mill owners stated to-day that one reason for this falling off was the difficulty in arranging for ocean carrying facilities. The increase in other lines of shipping, and the demands made on the ocean bottoms by the War Department, are responsible for the dearth of vessels for the lumber trade. The shortage in the local supply of lumber caused by the recent fire has also been in part respon- sible, but it is expected that this stringency will soon be tided over. Mr. J. R. Booth’s mill is working night and day, and the Hull Lumber Company have two small mills running full time. Asa result the burned district is looming high with lumber once more, and shipments are being made by rail and water to American points. It is expected that a considerable quantity of lumber being cut now will be in shape for the English market before many months, although it will not class as well-seasoned stock. If the ocean carrying facilities show an improvement, the lumber business with Great Britain will in- crease in proportion, as there should be a sufficient supply to satisfy the demand. At present but little lumber is being shipped from Ottawa by water, owing to the fact that the yards nearest the river side, swept by fire, have not been restocked. ¥The greater part of the shipments are being made by rail. As might be expected, building operations are unusually brisk in Ottawa since the fire. Asa result the prices of culls, shinzles, laths, ard other lines of lumber required in the local market remain firm, and the jobbers report an improvement in business. The various sash and door factories are also working full time and consuming large quantities of lumber. Shipments of culls and the lower grades of lumber to the American market have fallen off considerably in the past month, and prices have declined slightly in odd lines. This is due to the fact that the American market is over-stocked at present in these particular lines. Shipments of the better grades to American points are large, however; both J. R. Booth and the Hull Lumber Company are shipping several carloads daily by rail. Much of this is being forwarded direct from the mill. The local mill owners report that the drives in several of the smaller streams running into the Ottawa, Gatineau, and other large rivers, have been interfered with by low water, as the spring freshets have all passed, and the streams are all reduced to normal level, in some cases even lower. No less than 37,000 logs belong- ing to Gilmour & Hughson have been stuck on the Tomacline river, a tributary of the Gati- neau. The blockade was caused by the break- ing of a large dam which lowered the water. The logs that were got into the larger streams early in the spring, however, are being rushed down to the Ottawa mills, and the river is at times covered with them. It has been remark- ed that, despite the destruction of the mills, the drives on the Ottawa and Gatineau appear as large as ever. At present there isa well-organized strike amongst the laboring classes in Ottawa, which has interfered considerably with the building operations, but as the carpenters have not joined in, the effect on the lumber market is not as great as it otherwise would be, A stringent fire by-law calls for the erection of fire-proof buildings only in Hull. This covers the entire city, and hence the demand for lumber is not as great as it would be were frame buildings allowed to be erected. Not- withstanding, several of the neighboring mills are working full time to supply lumber for local consumption in Hull and Ottawa. It is expected that Shurley & Dietrich, saw manufacturers, of Galt, will establish branch works in Ottawa to supply the market of the Ottawa Valley. About fifty hands will be em- ployed at the outstart. The site chosen is that on which the Ottawa Paper Co.’s mill stood at the Chaudiere. Work is progressing steadily about the prem- ises of the E. B. Eddy Company, and prepar- ations for rebuilding are well under way. The ‘match factory and paper mills will be running before the end of the year, but the woodenware and sulphite works may not be completed till, later. One of the first buildings to be com- pleted and fitted up will be the saw mill. Charlebois & D’Amour, whose planing mill and box factory on Brewery Street was destroyed in the recent Hull fire, have de- cided to rebuild. The new factory will cost about $8,o0c when fitted up. Neither Parr’s planing mill nor the Ottawa Specialty Works are likely to be rebuilt. These were amongst the leading woodenware industries. Geo. Daglish’s new match factory at Hull is now being operated. The first matches turned out were given over to the Relief Com- mittee and distributed amongst the fire suffer- ers. These matches were the first turned out in Hull since the fire. Up to this trme Hull, the situation of the Eddy Works, was the match centre of the world. The English war office has placed an order with the Walters’ Axe Company, of Hull, for roo axes of the type used by the Canadian lumbermen. The present is a trial order, the axes to be used in the army and navy. Many rivermen and lumbermen have re- turned to Ottawa from the drives and camps. They report the past season a busy and profit- able one on account of the high wages and plentitude of work. It has not yet been decided whether the Hull Lumber Company will rebuild its mill or not. During the past week over 75 men have left Hull and Ottawa to work in lumber mills at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. A similar number have left for Sturgeon Falls to work in the mills, and others have left for Michigan points, to resume work in the lumber industry. Many of the men were previously in the employ of the E. B. Eddy Company and Hull Lumber Company. Ottawa, June 12th, 1900. MARKET CONDITIONS AL LIVERPOOL According to Farnworth & Jardine’s_ wood circular of June Ist, the arrivals from British North America during the past month have been 9,872 tons register, against 29,300 tons register during the corresponding month last year, and the aggregate tonnage to this date from all places during the years 1898, 1899, and 1900 has been 105,694, 121,525 and 119,404 tons respectively. The business has been fairly satisfactory, but quiet. The im- ports, with few exceptions, have not been too large, the deliveries show some improve- ment, and there is little change in values to re- port ; stocks generally are light. Pine TimBer.—Of waney and square there is little change in the market to report; the first of the season’s shipments of waney pine has just arrived and will probably go largely direct into consumption ; the deliveries have been fair; the stock is light and values are very firm. Square is only in limited demand. Red pine has arrived more freely, but the de- mand is quiet. Oak: There has been a mod- erate import and the deliveries have been fair- ly satisfactory ; the demand has slightly 1m- proved and prices are firm ; stocks, however, are fairly large. Elm: One small parcel has arrived which should meet with ready sale, as the stock was almost exhausted ; prices are steady. Ash has been more enquired for and the stock is light. Prinz DraLs.—There has been a moderate import, and as the deliveries have more than kept pace, stocks are now reduced toa moder- ate compass, viz., 6,600 standards, against 12,700 standards for corresponding month last yrar ; values have improved but owing to the uncertainty as to what extent the recent fire at Ottawa will affect this branch of the trade, there has been little business negotiated re- cently. Red pine deals continue in fair de- mand, and prices are firm. New Brunswick AND Nova SCOTIA SPRUCE AND Ping DeAts.—The arrivals dur- ing the past month have been small, viz., about 1,500 standards, against £1,500 standards for corresponding month last year. The deliver- ies have been fairly satisfactory and the stock is now reduced to 7,200 standards ; there has been more enquiry and prices continue fairly steady. Pine deals have improved in value ; and stocks are light. BircH.—Of logs, Quebec has been import- ed moderately. The arrivals, however, have been chiefly from the lower ports. The de- liveries have been unsatisfactory and values are weaker; stocks are not too heavy. Of planks there has been a very large import, but the deliveries have been satisfactory and there is little change in value to report ; the stock is not too heavy, but caution should be exercised in consigning to a more moderate extent. Following are current prices for Canadian stock : Per Foot. White pine, Quebec square wood.:... 1s 3dtozs 4d " " aney board.......<=.... 2s 2dtozs 10d " » St. John, r8-in. average.. 1s 6dtozs 2d u. _ we Dalhousie, etc. . 1s odtoxs 4d Red pine.........- . 1s 5d to is rod Oak, rst quality. . 28 gdto3s od u 2nd quality . 1s 6dto2s od Bilin. (ab aft tae ee ere . 2s 6d to 2s 10d ASH) 50).53. 32°. ah’: alee feucte’etlo pie Metal is 6dtoas cd Whitewoed soca cv. ns since ace pape ens 1s 4d to 1s 10d Birch, Sts JOB ton v «osm ove> spec 1s 5dtois 8d 10h WOMEBEG ate, Te pees ane neon. a7 ee Ll a : Ten gered wd oe, - ‘ P vite pa ri De «ck ocd Fim meg aly ae , me = 5 a. aP of 8 Dy tetndniged hae 6) ‘*- caer ates r © ae Shi rpte SATS a hes Sadegy . ‘ - oh ry J “ i ud Eth we a a oot d me Ce a Mt a ce) (ae de ed oh i, E fies 10), eFts > phat ebnaiae 2b P 7 ay fia iv poe, med © <, P 3 > i. Pe See Pct a Aa, oe i SE Se a P ; ry TPR « run WEEKLY EDITION. lil. JUNE 20, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN SOUTH AFRIC A DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. y 8 Millmen throughout Canada Canadian Oak pdt as NG kat, Que. are invited to correspond with Dixon & Co., F. E., Toronto, Ont. us and give particulars of the ie ee lhe Ca Dain ote. bigs wnieh Pa yan supply Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s - elting. ry ps! oe" i e _ McLaren, 7c. , Belting Co. , Montreal and Toronto. Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. aan ee GRASS. CASTINGS CAPE TOWN, S.A. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. Cable Address, ‘‘ CasKET,” Cape Town. A ORY KILNS AEBICNCodeluced: McEachren Heating & Ventilating ea , Galt, Ont. Parmenter, Jas. S., Woodstock, Ont Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Try an advertisement in the “ Wanted Gao ie ae and For Sale Department” of Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. the Weekly Lumberman. Woods, Jas. W.. Ottawa, Ont, MACHINERY SAW MANUFACTURERS i ; Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Shurly & Dietrich, Gait, Ont. Darling Bros., Montreal. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. ‘ ie . Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co. , Indianapolis, Ind. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Sa Hisher, Wonistock, eis, | ie Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. € Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro , Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. M/SCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. » New York. | Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Magnolia Metal Co. Can. Office and School Furniture Co fa Preston, Ont. Cordage, Independent Cordage Co., Toronto, Ont. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Go. Chicago, i, Tower & Wallace, New York. Emery Wheels, Fairbanks Co., Montreal. Lairigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock, PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY N.B & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Bertram, John Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. PULLEYS Oils, Queen City Oil Co., Toronto. Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. ales pedi rte ber ew Co., Sor gne ne . The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York an RAILROAD BRASSES Toronto. Magnolia Metal Co., New York Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, men We have a quantity of Ship Decking to offer. Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CAITADA PINE Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. SS SS SSnSNSSESEEens 2’ Common Pine Plank, 6” to 12” wide, 12 to 16 ft. long, and 4x4 Seantling, 10 to 16 - ft. State quantity and lowest cash price. We are also open to contract for 3 to 4 a Ci of ets kinds, say 3 million iG Hn ft i D & C 0 ESPLANADE 2 in. and 1 million 4x4 new cut 1900, delivery byrailor water .....- - : ay TOR ONTO —————_—nwnwnk —=—=—=—=< a vo yo BASSWOOD >, imited A. A. SCOTT. WM. COOKE. COOKE & SCOTT MANUFACTURERS HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES cGregor, O Red and White Oak Bills cut to order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers. M{cLAURIN & MaLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Dimension Timber in White Cedar Shingles, or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, PINE DEALS Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. SHIPMENTS BY Rat oR WATER. BHRAst TEMPLETON, QuE. ae oe Tr 17) id MOAR & RYA KILLALOE STATION Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . - Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . . Red Pine Piling Timber aspecialty. . . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. SSP WEFS, wrcctencce. on. + MANUFACTURER OF... ‘wwe Lumber, Lath and Shingles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer. 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to order if contracted for early. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head ofice-TOQORONTO-7-° King St. West. SARNIA—wuaorzsare DISTRIBUTING varvs—_ BU FFALO JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER » LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty... ®*® |©MIDLAND, ONT. A.& P.WHAITE sen Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT + WIRRTON MANUFACTURER AND } Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber Ms Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CorRRESPONDENCE So..iciTEp. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese: Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD v0., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont.. SS SS AUGER & SON - Quebec :: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. oiémon & Bros. Mig. Go. - Wiarton, Ont. LUMBER MERCHANTS »» MANUFACTURERS Large quantity of Maple on Sticks some time. Considerable 4 i Maple, Beech and Birch Logs to cut to order. ie pate We ship by rail or water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. >| UJ NM B = it HEAD OFFICE: 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*8°TING—cerame @ Ramee S50 » SAMPLES BY MAIL KWIcHT Brommens co eee ys. a Burk’s Falls, Ont. IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING.& GO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE Wood Brokers ana Measurers a Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. nu, imc, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman sige ; Private. Agen’ Be s for the sale of Gaeta alt PINE en eal ‘i bee all si inte of Hardwoods mS) Seth Dimensi Shi ipa poet Tee On d Kingdo: ior c andled’t o the best eae ee Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, At and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. Wr BROKERS 27 Union Street - GLASGOW 8 Gordon Street Fs Fe. Lishtbody SL Go. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROEERS Cable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ‘‘Zebra Agents for - CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE ; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments ha ndled to the best advantage to all ports i n the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘ “WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. FYVERY & VINGENT ==——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF. ~- REHD PIN EF (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) ORRESPONDENCE INVIT i LEARY & OO. Wood Aegents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, ena, Gana Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. Pemba Gout, Graeett Manchester Timber Importers timite 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. ‘© TIMBER,” Manchester , England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. A. KENNEDY FELBER, JUCKER & CO. 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Lumber Importers MANCHESTER Invite offers from Lu vee rmen for Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and me Buyer of .. - BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE pee Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldi ings, Invites Correspondence from pom nufactu Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for Danetah for obi fone nt by regula Market “ Bircn,” Glasgow. Codes ABC a nd Zebra Teleewphiawaddee ENGLAND Cables : FELBER, MANCHESTER, _ JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Is open for offers of 1” P. T. and G. Boards, Pine, 3rds Beanch Ofices in Hull and Newport, Mon quality or Log Run, 5/7" wide eae Address : ‘‘ Hessler ” Westha rtlepool. | Cable Address; LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code HESSLER & CO. WOOD AGENTS AND SHIP BROKERS West Hartlepool, ENGLAND JUNE 20, 1900 SMITH & TYRER - | cadhai Dock, LIVERPOOL . Wood gents i, Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpoo Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bile, , Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. bemememennaebelas 505 623 TINS FAS: IRON ty 8 SIEVEKING, PODMORE & C0. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENG, SELLING AGENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce vefore Shipment. , Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc... Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . . TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, “‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address: ‘« EDMISTON”? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Address: ‘‘ALLISON,” Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Atteee Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Address * “VALOREM,” ’ Glasgow. GLASGOW GANT & KEMP ¢ TIMBER 525. tra sua, GLASGOW @ BR PAK EDC Cable era a Age d A BC Cod ——IRVIN & SELLER RS—___-9 mus Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOO Cable Address : ALSO DEALERS [N= POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. eee TOV ERPOOL,: ENGLAND Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, “DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER Cable Address: ‘‘ REDWOOD,” **Zebra’’ Code, W. J. DAWSON & CO. Wood Brokers and Cnn = Agents BENTHAM BUILDINGS, SID ‘ m Lumber NEWCASTLE- ON-TYNE FIR, SPRUCE, PINE or Any Wood ‘Goce Suitable for fe English Market. Invite offers fro Ne ‘ice Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood ape NI. . Cor BUDCETT BROS. - ce Solicited from Responsible oie 70 and m1 Bishopsgate Street Within, LONDON, E.C. Ca’ ble Address “Budlets, London.” CANADA |UMBERM WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} per vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. VI. TORONTO, ONT., JUNE 27, 1900 No. 23. (CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL Buitpinc, MoNnTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday: Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A . weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canadian timber and lumber manufacturers and ‘exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. « ‘ Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men ‘and manufacturers of lumber products. __ 48 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four ©r more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines _ make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p-m. on Tuesday to insure insertion n the current week's issue. VWW/ANTED—Foreman for small Pulp Mill. c-A knowledge of the French language preferred. Address ‘‘ Dominion,” Canapa LUMBERMAN. HARD-WOOD MILL—GRIST MILL For a good hard-wood mill site and grist mill site, also large quantity of timber fit for wood flour, write L. O. Armstronc, C. P. R. Colonization Agent, Montreal. FOR SALE NE MILLION FEET OF BIRCH, SOME Basswood, Ash, Oak, Elm, Maple, Hickory and Chestnut, also a complete stock of dry pine in all grades. Prices onapplicati:n. THE ORILLIA Export Lumser Co., Orillia. WANTED. YA BRITISH IMPORTING FIRM, WANEY log pine boards. Canadian manufacturers hav- ing this class of stock to offer are invited to send par- ticulars and prices to Box 85,care of CANADA LUMBER- MAN, TORONTO. WANTED THOROUGHLY COMPETENT SHINGLE saw filer and hammerer, and general all-round up- te-date all-round shi gle mill man, who can do mill- wright work and understands handling men. Steady employment. Apply, with references, age, etc., and Stating wages expected, to Spicer SHincie Mitt Co., Lrp., Vancouver, B. C. WANTED LEADING ENGLISH MANUFACTURING firm are cpen to treat with a respectable Canadiaa lumber manufacturer for a sample carload of Ash, etc., with a view to further business. Ash to be sawn into scantlings,3 x 3% by 5 to 8 feet long,4 x 4 by 5 to 8 feet long, shafts (slightly bent) 3% x 3% by 8% feet long, Oak spokes 114 x 24 by 28 inches long, sawn out of small trees of gcod quality, free from sap. The smaller scantling of ash and the shafts to be sawn from best quality logs, not exceeding 20 inches diameter. The 4x4 may be from larger trees, if of — quality. Payment in cash at Toronto bank. elivery at “Montreal. Suffolk, England. Address SmyTuH, Peasenhall, ANTED,—150 M feet 1-%"' and 1-4" Basswood, 20 M feet 2!' Basswood. TuHos. My.zs’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont. Pee TARE SAW MILL—The undersigned is prepared to cut all kinds of Lumber. First-class work guaranteed. Prices reasonab!e. Address W. E. Rutvepce, Holt P. O., Ont. WANTED. LANER, MOULDER AND TENONING MA- chine and other machines. Addres Box 89, Kag- awong, Ont. WANTED. COMPETENT SAW FILERS. NONE OTHER need apply. Apply to Box 20, CANADA LuMBER- MAN Office. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and Bor Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, oronto,. MILLWRIGHT WANTED D. FRASER & SONS, Casano, P.Q. SOFT and ROCK ELM and ORHAM Quotations for same in considerable quantities, shipped to England; continuousdemand. Everett, 407 Yonge Street, Toronto, Ont. ye SALE—Old established Saw, Lath and Plan- ing Mills at Sault Ste Marie, Ont., with all equip- ments and stock; machinery nearly new throughout ; concern doing a large annual business. Possessier. given at once. Apply to W.G. Sims, Box 35, Sault Ste Marie, Ont. WANTED. OR THE FOREIGN TRADE, A LARGE LOT of first grade Rock Elm Hu Logs (trees), for which cash will be paid by purchasers New York banks. Address replies to this advertisement to Box 25, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. BUILDING AND BRIDGE TIMBER FOR SALE 50,000 FEET PINE, to to 4o FEET LONG. Would cut to bill from 4x 6, 6x6, up to zo x10, any length up to 40 feet. Also 40,000 feet 1- inch Pine Miil Run, 12,000 feet 6/4 Elm, 5,coo feet 6/4 Red Oak, 6,000 feet Elm Plank, 4 inches thick. STEELE & Gipson, Humberstone, Ont. FOR SALE HARDWOOD LUMBER 3 cars rin. and x car 1% in. Beech. 2 n tin. M. R. Basswood. 5 1% in. Hard Maple. ton 1% in. Hard Maple. 2 " 1% in, White Maple, end dried. I u 2in. Hard Maple. zon in. M.R. Soft Elm. Prices on application. J. S. Frypray, Owen Sound, Ont. THE WEST INDIES. ; Messrs Edgar Tripp & Co. Port of Spain in in their Semi-Monthly Market Report of June 6th, say :—‘‘We have had no arrival of Lumber Stuffs during the fortnight. Nova Scotian White and Spruce Pine Boards continue want- ed.” Messrs. Gordon Grant & Co. in. their Comemrcial Review of same date state :— ‘‘We have no arrivals of Pitch Pine to report but several cargoes are shortly expected which are likely to fill requirements for a time. Handy sized lots of Nova Scotian as well as Spruce command full prices. ” 1 CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The lumber situation at the present time is the most peculiar that has been known for many years past. There are a number of causes, operating for and a- gainst a changein prices. Building oper- ations, except at Ottawa, are proceeding at a much slower rate than was anticipated earlier in the year. The outlook early in the season was very promising, but in- vestors appear to be holding off in con- sequence of the high price of materials and in the hope that prices may decline. Building operations in the principal cities of the United States, notably Chicago, have largely declined in volume as com- pared with last year, owing largely to la- bor disputes and strikes. This condition of affairs is having its effect upon the lumber market cending to weaken prices. The untavorable outlook for this season’s crops, due to the want of rain, is another influence adverse to the maintenance of prices. The demand from the farming community, under favorable conditions, is alarge one. Ifthe crops turn out badly projected improvements and repairs will not be undertaken,..and there will be in consequence, a considerable falling off from this source. As against these ad- verse influences there is the fact, already mentioned, that many of the rivers and streams used to float the timber to the mills have, owing to the drought, lessen- ed in volume to such an extent that it is not possible to get the timber out. The Spanish river, for example, is said to be 9 feet lower than in any previous year. The reduction in the cut-of the mills this season due to the above circumstance must act as an important factor in ‘ main- taining prices, more particularly in view of the fact that stocks in hand at the opening of the season were unusually light. It may possibly be that prices may slightly decline for a time, but manufact- urers are reported to be holding out for present figures. The manufacturers of packing boxes are said to be receiving very few orders, the reason for which is not yet apparent. A large amount of red pine boards and deals ranging from one inch and upwards in thickness, and from seven inches and upwards in width are said to have been sold at good prices to British buyers, and this is helping to ‘ steady the market. QUEBEC’ AND° NEW BRUNSWICK, The export trade continues to be ham- pered by high freight charges, and ship- pers are somewhat at a loss to understand from what direction relief may be expect- ed. The South African war, no doubt created a demand for vessels, but these should now be available for other pur- poses. Shipments tothe United States have fallen off greatly during the present season as compared with last year, and the customs returns for May show that lumber exports from the port of St. John amounted to only $198,828 as compared with $424,267 in May 1899. . There has, however, been a good demand through- out the season from the United States for spruce boards, for box stuff, prices ranged from $9 to $9.50 per thousand feet on the wharf at St. John. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The outlook for the sale of lumber to the farming community is) discouraging, in view of the unfavorable crop conditions at present prevailing throughout Mani- ‘toba, and ‘to some extent in the North West Territories also. While reports vary considerably, there is little question that the yield of grain'in the North West this season will fall very far below that of recent years. The blow will not fall so heavily upon the farmers as it would have done a few years ago, seeing that they are not entirely dependent, as formerly, upon wheat growing, nevertheless, the shortage will be such as tobe severe- ly felt, and will be the means of. restrict- ing the use of lumber for improvements. Fortunately, as stated last week, building ‘operations at Winnipeg have been un- ‘usually brisk, affording an outlet for a large quantity of lumber. There is no material change in the situation in the province of British Columbia. The statistics of the Pacific coast shingle industry show that during the first five months of 1900, 900 more cars of shingles were shipped than during the same period of 1899. During the month of May the Canadian Pacific railway is repcrted to have transported 75 cars of shingles from British Columbia. UNITED STATES. There appears to have come a sudden dullness of demand for lumber, the cause, apart from the great falling off in build- ing operations due to laLor troubles, ‘is not readily apparent, as business generally seems to be in a satisfactory condition. It is not improbable that already the presidential election may be affecting the situation. Itis a well known fact that business conditions are usually seriously disturbed for months previous to the time of the election. Many business men en- gage in politics at such times, often to the WIE (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. neglect of their business. The decline in the price of steel is taken as an indication, by some, that lumber prices will decline also. In support of this expectation, wholesalers point to the fact that last year when prices of iron and steel were ad- vancing lumber prices steadily advanced also in sympathy therewith. Against this theory it is contended that lumber is likely to benefit by the increased activity in building operations consequent upon a reduction in prices of iron and steel, which now enter so largely into building construction. The total stocks of lumber in hand throughout the country are said to be below the average. Ai circular, issued by the Mississippi Valley Lumber- men’s Association, calls attention to the fact that about twenty-five of the large mills on the Mississippi river and its trib- utaries have already closed down on account of the shortage of logs, due to the lowering of the water in the rivers. The circular says: “The lumber cut of the season is already greatly reduced and can- not be made up, even though heavy rains may fall soon. The rivers are falling an inch and more every day. These con- ditions must be reckoned with sooner or later, and are sure to exert a decided in- fluence on the market. The shortage of logs and lumber precludes the possibility of lower values in 1900.” Prices of hardwood have declined some- what compared with last winter. The cut is said to be heavier than last year and the supply fully equals the demand. Red cedar shingles have also declined some- what in the Boston market, while prices of New Brunswick shingles have gone up a little. GREAT BRITAIN. Trade has been temporarily at a stand- still owing to the holidays and rejoicings consequent upon the success of the British arms in South Africa. The market shows no sign of weakening however, and no change in values is looked for before the termination of the war, when it is not im- probable that prices of deals and battens may advance in response to the expected: demand from the Cape for material for the building of barracks and many other pur- poses. There is no present disposition manifested by importers to anticipate such an advance. Considerable shipments of red pine boards and deals have been made this year by some Canadian manufacturers and it is becoming more clearly evi- dent that a large and profitable de- mand is springing up in this market for this class of timber, The demand was heretofore supplied with Swedish goods, but the supply from this quarter, particu- larly of the larger sizes, is constantly dim- inishing, while prices have advanced more than 25 per cent. in consequence, and even higher figures are likely to rule before the close of the season. There is there- fore an opportunity for Canada to do a profitable trade in this class of timber. The difficulty of securing tonnage and the excessive freight charges is restricting im- portations to very moderate dimensions. A couple of cargoes of St. John spruce is reported to have been sold at Bristol the other day at £7 15s. c.i.f., which stand- ard it is believed will be maintained under present conditions. According to the brokers’ returns the import of spruce at Liverpool for the month of May, was only 1,520 standards, as against 11,588 stand- ards for the same month last year. STOCKS AND PRICES. Mr. John Kilburn has brought down a drive of 10,000,000 feet of logs from Que- bec to St. John. The rafting of the logs to the St. John, N.B., mills is said to be progressing more satisfactory of late. Messrs. Toner & Gregory, of Colling- wood, are manufacturing 8,000,000 feet of red pine deals for export. Common pine plank 4, 6 and 8 inches wide, recently sold at Huntsville at $13, 10 inch at $14, and 12 inch at $15. Some of the best selling hardwood are reported to have dropped $2 per M. in in price during the last three weeks. Mr. T. G. McMullen, of Ryans Creek, Hants county, Nova Scotia, will finish in about a month a cut of 800,000 feet. Owners of the mills on the line of the Kingston and Pembroke railroad are said to be obliged, such is the demand, to ship lumber green. A correspondent writes that he has American orders for large quantities of birch, but the prices asked by the manu- facturers on the Georgian Bay are too high to warrant purchasing. He would be willlng to pay $16 for selects and $11 for lower grades, but $20 and $14 are de- manded. He estimates that the stock of birch in the Georgian Bay district will reach 16,000,000 feet, and that it will not pass out of the owners’ hands unless more moderate prices are accepted. THE BOSTON MARKET. We quote the following from the Boston Herald : The spruce lumber market has re- ceived a setback in that the combination has put down prices about $2 per 1,000. This has really alarmed the trade, and resulted in no business. The verdict is that prices ought to have been put down early in April, and then building would have been encouraged. Users of spruce lumber say that to put down prices not that building has has been almost entirely stopped by high prices, simply amounts to killing what litte trade there is. The new agreement prices are : ro and 12 in. dimensionS......-.++-ee+eeeeeeeee $17.00 g in. and under........-++-..ee2ee eee eee e es 1500 zoand 12in.and uncer... --+eeeeee ees 16.50 2X3, 2X4,2x5,2x6,2x7 and 3x4 13-50 All other random, 9g in. and under..... 14.50 IHG LAS... soe cseccecsreccerns 3.0 M% laths.......00e eee eee eens 2.85 5 inches and up boards...... 74.00 Bundle furring.......... sees cere erence erences 13-00 Hemlock lumber is nominally easier, al- though there is still very little offering : Canadian and Eastern boards......-..-- $15.00 to $16 00 Pennsylvania, ..... csseeeeeee ser eeeee 19.00 with $14 for 20s and $11 for 14s. Western pine continues very easy : Uppers, rin...cecseceeceeeeneeeeeeee $56.00 to $58.00 WZ tO DAM.» oe ceee vc vecesciniaieiet ene 58.00 ‘* 60.00 ANG 4 IDs... cceeeeeceecreeccoeere 68.00 ‘' 72.00 Selents) TAO AD 'oio s/ohs 1 w\slele eelnle\niaie’eloiminre 52.00 *£ 64.00 Fine common, £ to 3 IN...-.--++ ee esses 45.00 ‘f 60,00 Sheathings.........eeseeeeeeeeeersees 38.00 ** 54.00 Barn boards....0csseccsesinscoeetecnee 28.09 ‘f 30.00 Coffin! boakds: sic. .s sec - seine vie elena 24.00 ‘* 26.00 steady prices : Strictly heart, 1 in......eeeee-seeeee $48.00 to $55.00 14%, 1% and 2 in - 5¢.00 to 57.cO i - 55-00 to 6c.00 60.00 to 65.90 FAG rie vetoes 0 TODO HOD NOD OOOOR GS Clear $3 less. Hardwood lumber is in quiet request, with the market easy, although little change in quoted prices : Whitewood, 1 in...-...e seer ee tees $37.00 to $39.00 Whitewood, thicker.........+++-++0+ 38.00 44.00 SG INCH «.- viaciece teeclrle ese sicseeanle ‘* 34.00 Saps, 20GB. css owes nines sn + ninins eso sisie 28.00 ‘* 30.00 Common Spiccccccee cet os sem eie meant 25.00 ‘* 28.00 Quartered oak.....-2..seeeeeeeeeeeees 7o.00 *f 8c.00 Fancy Oak.......s0eeess eeceeeeeeee ‘* 1¢0,00 Plain’ Oakes Gs cc eh de ew stocleele * eipsieln ie 35.00 ‘* 48.00 A ea aOemoerjoeanco de wo008 Dousenoge “* 50.00 Cherry... 22... 00sccece eecrccerecsers go.oo ‘* 130,09 Maple........ccecncncssneecetcnr cree 30.00 ‘* 40.00 Sycamore, quartered inch.......-+--+- 40.00 "£ 50.00 Woaltaataciiias. «src eolenis's, ova opine ats 100.00 ‘‘ Shingles are easy, with a very full supply : ESS fra™ 2 cisnc vides cobinpeisinainiaetats . .$3-00 to $3.10 Clear. 20s Deas cece 2.60 2.70 ZH ClCAY. .- |. \spni esieeie sae) s5O Oregon, $2.50 to $3.50, as to grade and quality. These prices are for Boston, freight paid. California redwood is quoted at $3.40 to $3.50. Clapboards continue very dull : Spruce, extra.....sseeseewereeeeereeee $28.00 to $29.00 Spruce, clear.......-.-eseeeseeseetces 26.00 ‘ 27.00 Spruce, 2nd clear... .+sssseeeereceseees 23.00 ‘* 24.00 Pine, extra....cceeceeeeseresvecsceres 38.00 “* 42.00 Pine, clear.........ceceececeeceesnrces 35.00 ** 40.00 Pine, 2nd clear........2++seeeeeeeeeres 30.00 “£ 32,09 California redwood, clear........+++++- 42 50“ 45.00 Second grade........sceeesccecseecees 49.00 ‘* 42,00 Laths are easy: 154 inch, $3; 1% inch, $2.85. BARBADOES MARKET. Messrs. Musson, Son & Co. report: There has been one arrival of spruce, the cargo re- ported by us as sold at $22 toarrive. In white pine there has been no arrivals, and nothing further reported since the cargo con- tracted for at $24.50 shipping, $2c seconds. In pitch pine no further transactions ;_ there is a cargo on the way to our consignment. There is nothing new to report in shingles, shooks or woodhoops. Messrs. Clairemont, Mann & Co. report: Both white pine and spruce are in great demand, as our yards are very bare of both kinds, particularly spruce, for which there is always a good demand during our reaping season. There has been one arrival with spruce, sold to arrive at $22 round. We also note the sale to arrive, of a cargo of white pine, at $24.50 round for first quality, and $20 for second quality. No arrival with pitch pine for some time; and it is now very much wanted. Shingles—Gaspe cedar, in supply, and mar- ket dull—there is a large lot in store unsold, principally small, for which $3.75 per M is asked, but less would be accepted to make a sale. No late arrivals of laying shingles. June sth: Schr. ‘‘F. A. Rice,” from Church Point, N.S., with 145 M feet spruce—Sold to arrive at $22 round. SHIPPING MATTERS. Shipments of lumber, lath, shingles and telegraph poles are heavy at present from Deseronto, Ont. Barkentine Antilla, which sailed from Bantry the other day, goes to Yarmouth to take in lumber for Buenos Ayres at $11, or if Rosario $12. The steamer Bridgewater is discharging a large quantity of pulp at Central wharf, Halifax, for shipment by the steamer Shel- drake, which will be due from Brennan next week. The British barque Lakemba of Glasgow and the American barque Sonoma are load- ing a cargo of lumber at the Hastings mill, Vancouver. The former is receiving a general overhauling and is being repaint- ed. LUMBER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way are as follows: Ottawa to Oswego, $1.90 per ft.; Ottawa to Syracuse, 9! cents per roo lbs Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Montreal, for export only $1.10 per M ft., domestic 4% cents per roo lbs; Quebec, $2.10 per M ft., domestic 834 cents per too lbs.; Arnprior to Montreal, for export only $1.60 per M ft., domestic 6% cents per too lbs.; Quebec, ex- port $2.60 per M ft , domestic 104 cents per 100 Ibs. 5 Pembroke to Montreal, for export only $1.85 per M ft., domestic 714 cents per 100 Ibs ; Quebec for export only 2.85 per M ft., domestic 1134 cents per too Ibs.; Ottawa to New York, all rail, 15 cents per 100 Ibs ; Arnprior to New York, 17 cents per 100 lbs; Pembroke to New York, 18 cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to New York and points within regular lighterage limits of New York Harbor, seasoned pine lumber, lots of so M feet and up, via Williams Barge line from Albany, $3.25 per M feet, lath 65 cents per M pieces, lots 25¢ M pieces and over; from Arnprior, Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. C. H. GLOVER & CO., 1a Importers of = SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers invited... Cable Address: ‘‘Glovers, Hatcham, London.” CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. JUNE 27, 1900 seasoned pine lumber $3.75 per M feet, lath 7 scents M pieces; from Douglas, Eganville and Pembroke, seasoned pine lumber $ per M feet, lath 80 cents per M pieces, Ottawa to Buffalo, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14c. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa, Rocklandand Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local 15¢., exports 13¢. per 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents. export 15 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 2134 cents, export 20 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawa to Burlington, 6c. per too lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, 10 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. per Too Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per 100 lbs, from Arnprior 15 cents, from Parry Sound 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to St. John, N.B., and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N.S., and common points, 2x cents per 100 lbs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is gers Ibs. Rates quoted above are in cents per 100 'bs.; when quoted per M ft., minimum carload will be 10 M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 Ibs. per M ft. Lath minimum carload 50 M pieces, not exceeding 600 |bs. per M pieces. Ottawa rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Hawkesbury. P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. H. Faweett Hartland TIMBER PROPERTIES BOUCHT AND SOLD Correspondence Solicited 207 St. James St. - MONTREAL, CANADA . Timber Limits, FOR SAL 1 Water Power, and Mill in course of construction. KA. M. SIMPSON 29 Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, MONTREAL, QUE. H. D. WIGCIN BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WANTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH Jotn F. Stengel “°vtrraro, wy. PLANING MILL AnD BOX FACTORY Sepcial Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit Cable Address, “Swan DoNoGH—TONAWANDA. Lumberman’s Code. Wharves, Mills and Offices: ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENGLAND . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... , OTTAWA, ROCKL. , HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. HinTon, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. | . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. III JUNE 27, 1900 | A DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS S O UTH AFRIC In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Millmen throughout Canada Dizon & Cone yg Co. Montreal, Rue. are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Construectional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘ Casket,” Cape Town. = A.B.C. Code used. SE Try an advertisement in the “ Wanted and For Sale Department” of the Weekly Lumberman. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. , Montreal and Toronto. Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont, The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York, _ DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Parmenter, Jas. S., Woodstock, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Eby, Blain & Co., Toronto, Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co. » Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W.. Ottawa, Ont, M AGHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex., Woodstock, N.B. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co. , Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co,, Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. M‘SCELLANEOUS _ Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, Wi. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, T Can. Office and School Furniture Co., F Conveyors, Geo. W. Reed & Co. Montreal, - Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co., licago, Il}, Emery Wheels, Fairbanks Co. » Montreal. : Lairigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont, Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. ‘ton, Ont, Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Oils, Queen City Oil Co., Toronto. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co. , Toronto. Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co., Toronto, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and The Dominion Leather Board Co. , Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Veteringry Remedies, Dr. A. A. McCann & Co., Mattawa, Ont. ————~ — CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umren We have a quantity of Ship Decking to offer, Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER MONTREAL, CANADA ; Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, W] ‘ N i i D to 16 ft. long, and 4x4 Seantling, 10 to_16 ft. State quantity and lowest eash price. $$ REID & CO Sa 2” Common Pine Plank, 6” to 12” wide, 12 We are also open to contract for 3to4 % million feet of same kinds, Say3 million 4 2 in. and x million4x4 new cut 1900, delivery by rail or water ¥ ESPLANADE sy TORONTO Wee. We « ers in wholesale Deal A. A. SCOTT. COCKE & SCOTT WM. COOKE. HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES cGregor, Ont. order. Correspondence Solicited from British Importers, M{cLAURIN & MacLAREN Lumber Man ufacturers Red and White Oak Bills cut to Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS Surpments sy Ratt or Water. - EHaAstT TEMPLETON, Quz. MOAR & RYA KILLALOB STATION Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc, a specialty. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Cedar Shingles, + Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. orem Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Atlantic Railway. SS ae ‘wwe Lumber, Lath and Shingles 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer, All could be cut to order if contracted for early. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head Ofice-TORONTO-7- King St. West. SARNIA—-wuouesate DISTRIBUTING varos—_ BU FFA LO ee ee JAS PLAYEHATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ° LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies ee MIDLAND ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty ... A.& P. WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. MANUFACTURER AND 1 Pi Lath, Wholesale Lumber M Pine Single an A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton ° MAITLAND, RIXON & GO, ozs. J a ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Manufacturers of and Dealers in Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. See AER é-SON== Quebec : = DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, _slémon & Bros. Mig. G0. - Wiarton, Ont, LUMBER MERCHANTS «7 MANUFACTURERS Large quantity of Maple on Stieks some time. Considerable 4/4 White _.) Maple, Beech and Bireh Logs to cut to order. Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. We ship by rail or water. LLIAMSON & MORRISON _> LUMBER Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. ; 80 St. Hoan eicoe MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SMEETINGGEILING @ Euitng® 2" 81400 4 SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS co, ——S—=—_——— Ceiling 12.00 Burk’s Falls, Ont. Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. x , WOOD BROKERS GL. ce ee aD Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumber: man’s, Zebra; Private. Ag se for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods n Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or cones en nt handled to the best advantage. Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. * Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WRAHl, Gua i Ob Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ai and Lieber’s. Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD ‘Be eka 27 Union Street . GLASGOW r. Fx. Lightbody KK Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. ———— PyVERY & VINGENT — SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RED PIN F (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED LBARY & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4, Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. Manchester Timber Importers sini 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. ‘© TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used. Cable Address Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. A. KENNEDY FELBER, JUCKER & CO. 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Lumber Importers Buyer of .. . MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for .. . BOX LUMBER 8O St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.O. P SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS co, WHOLESALE Burk’s Falls, Ont. Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. JULy 4, 1900 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. Hl, GRMN 8 GO. 4, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman'’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods 1 n Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address, '‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. AB C, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD -BRO hia 247% Union Street = GLASGOW F. Fe. Lightbody KK Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ‘* Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,’ GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &c. ——— aT PAYVERY & VINGENT =—— SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... 72D Teas (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED LBARY & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4, Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. Manchester Timber Importers simite 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS “suitable for the English Market. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. Offers invited. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used Se eS SS Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ; KENNEDY GLASGOW, SCOTLAND A. 48 West Regent Street - Buyer of .. - BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. les: “*Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘“Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. > FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER - ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Becomn eniiee or any Woods suitable for English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Is open for offers of 1” P. T. and G. Boards, Pine, 3rds quality or Log Run, 5/7’ wide Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . : Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. SALES AGENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . » TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW SMITH & TYRER” - Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ ALLISON,” Glasgow. LLISON, COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Calder, Henderson & Livingston Cable Address : “* TECTONA” Glasgow. Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS a OVERPOOL, BNGLAND—™ Ar and A B C Codes used. BROKERS ALSO DEALERS [N= Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. Selling Agents For... Cable Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” Mangos GLASGOW 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW IRVIN & SELLERS POPLAR, SOPT BLM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and ALFRED DOBELL & CO. CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS IN LOGS AND LUMBER Cable Address: ‘‘ REDWOOD,” ‘“‘Zebra’’ Code, W. J. DAWSON & CO. Wood Brokers and Commission Agents BENTHAM{ BUILDINGS, SIDE, Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE FIR, SPRUCE, PINE or Any Wood Goods Suitable for the English Market- Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. (“ash Buyers or Shippers ee of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. ae .Z. . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUDCETT BROS, - °°" inte tes a, # —_— > —_— CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumbérman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $1.00 PER YEAR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vo. VI. TORONTO, ONT., JULY tI, 1900 No. 25. CANADA LUMBERMAN The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: ImpeRIAL Burtpinc, MontTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday- Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- ween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. s , Lumberman, Monthly. A 2o-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Irs special articles on technical and mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. —__ 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. ANTED,—150 M feet 1-{"' and 1-44" Basswood, 20 M feet 2'' Basswood. Tuos. My xs’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont. ANTED—Foreman for small Pulp Mill. c-A knowledge of the French language preferred. Address ‘‘D »minton,” Canapa LuMBERMAN. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CAnaDA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. OR SALE—At Wiarten, about 30,090 feet 12X12 F in. and 30,0co feet 10x10 in. Cedar Timber, ro Also a smaller quantity cf 4x4 1In., feet and up long. PIcKARD 5x5 in.,6x6in., and 2 in, and 3 in. Cedar. & Rowan, Owen Sound. WANTED. IRST CLASS SALESMAN ON_ DOORS, V.neer Work, Boxes and Lumber. Thoroughly capable of figuring cn all interior finish. Middle aged active man, sober, with references; familiar with Eastern New York and Western. trade. Gitmour & Co., Trenton, Canada. HARD-WOOD MILL—GRIST MILL Fora good hard-wood mill site and grist mill site, also large quantity of timber fit for wood flour, write L. O. Armstronc, C. P. R. Colonization Agent, Montreal. . FOR SALE NE MILLION FEET OF BIRCH, SOME Basswood, Ash, Oak, Elm, Maple, Hickory and Chestnut, also a complete stock of dry pine in all grades. Prices onapplicatizn. THe OriLL1a Export Lumser Co., Orillia. 1 e XXX-XX and Shingles: %°%sx*e Ravensworth Station, P.S. R.; also Cedar and Pine Shingles at Washago, G.T.R. A. MCPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.0., Ont. CoerE ren LUMBER PILERS WANTED for mill in B.C, Address, stating wages, Box 789, CANADA LUMBERMAN. WANTED. a COMPETENT SAW FILERS. NONE OTHER need apply. Apply to Box 20, CANADA LUMBER- MAN Office, FOR SALE, i rksen CARS OF SOFT ELM COFFIN oards—two cars being very dry and cut to one inch thick—also a car of 2 inch plank. Can load at Creemore Station. W. J. Avair, Lavendar, Ont. VV ANTED—Competent man to take charge of large logging operations in B.C Must have experience in rcugh country. Adduess, stating ex- perience, Box 60, Canapa LUMBERMAN WANTED. A FIRST CLASS BAND SAWYER, TWO Setters, and one Power Feed, for Pacific Coast mill. State experience, references and wages—all particulars first letter. Box 666, Canapa LUMBER- MAN. SPRUCE LUMBER WANTED-RUN OF LOG CAR + INCH BOARD; 1CAR4x6; 2CARS 3%4; tcar 8xro. Send offers, spot cash, f.o.b. cars Montreal, Jomn Wixcock, 15 Basin St., Montreal. MILLWRIGHT WANTED D. FRASER & SONS, Casano, P.Q. WANTED \ K JANTED, IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, Green Hard Maple Squares, 614” x 6144”, 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. Address, Box 36, CANaDA LUMBERMAN. BUILDING AND BRIDGE TIMBER FOR SALE 50 000 FEET PINE, 10 to4o FEET LONG. ’ Would cut to bill from 4x 6, 6x 6, up to iox1o, any length up to 40 feet. Also 40,000 feet t- inch Pine Miil Run, 12,coo feet 6/4 Elm, 5,¢00 feet 6/4 Red Oak, 6,000 feet Elm Plank, 4 inches thick. STEELE & Gipson, Humberstone, Ont. FOR SALE HARDWOOD LUMBER 3 cars rin. and x car 1% in. Beech. 2° 9 in, Basswood, 5 " 4% in. Hard Maple. tow 1% in. Hard Maple. 2 " 1% in. White Maple, end dried. r 2in. Hard Maple. ton xin. M.R. Soft Elm. Prices on application. J. S. Frnpvay, Owen Sound, Ont. THE WEST INDIES. Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Co., Barba- does, in their market report dated June 23rd, have this to say regarding lumber conditions : The “ Alice ” has arrived from Liverpool with zoom. ft. White Pine; sold to arrive. The ‘Herbert Rice,” from Weymouth, 55m. ft. Shipping, 31m. ft. 2nd quality Spruce Boards, sold at $22.27 and $19.26 respectively ; also a small lot 7m. ft. Shipping, 28m. 2nd quality White Pine, at $24.57 and $24. 57. Pitch Pine—No arrival. No further receipts of Shingles, some Long Gaspe Cedar are reported on the way, and prospects for their disposal are unfavorable. Woodhoops. Nothing new in Shooks or CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The dullness which usually character- izes business in midsummer is beginning to be felt. It has become the rule for business men to briefly relax their chase of the golden dollar during the heated term. Heads of departments also look for a vacation, so that for a few weeks to come business will be conducted with les3 than usual vigor. Apart from this the concition of business appears on the whole to be very satisfactory. Bradstreets reports that while trade conditions are less buoyant than a year ago, the general situation is regarded as fair, mills and factories being well supplied with orders and collections good. Business failures number about the same as last year. The crop prospects have considerably improved, which has a tendency to further strengthen the situation. Lumber manu- facturers are manifesting their confidence in the stability of present conditions by holding firmly to existing prices, and we believe they are wise in so doing. Our Ottawa correspondent states that some contractors are delaying building opera- tions in the hope that prices will. decline. He expresses the belief, however, that in- stead of a decline an advance may be looked for. Shantymen who have lately returned from the woods confirm the re- ports that alarge number of logs are stranded inthe smaller streams of the Kippewa and Ostoboning districts. We do not know how well-founded is the re- port which comes from Sault Ste. Marie that owing to a scarcity of lumber in Ont- ario a supply has had to be imported from British Columbia. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, The government of Quebec has been appealed to on behalf of the lumber inter- ests of the Province to aid the establish- ment of transport facilities to Cape Colony, where it is believed that a large and profitable trade in lumber and timber products might be secured. This belief Seems to be borne out by the following figures showing the imports of lumber and wood products into Cape Colony during the year 1898 :—Wood, unmanufactured, $1,050,235 ; wood, plain or grooved, $657,- 780; wood, manufactured, other than furni- ture, $663,305; furniture and cabinet- ware, $1,767,400. The end of the war is apparently yet too far distant to admit of the hope that any business can be done in the South African market this year, but provision should be made to secure a share of the trade that will be forthcoming next spring. The situation in New Bruswick remains much the same as reported last week. The favorable business conditions pre- vailing may be guaged by the fact that the list of failures during the last six months has been funusually light. Apro- pos of the mention made last week of the movement to secure a fortnightly summer service from St. John to Great Britain. Messrs. Wm. Thomson & Son, managers of the Battle line of freight steamers, state that next year they expect to oper- ate a fortnightly service between St. John and Liverpool and.Manchester. An event of considerable importance to lumber shippers, was the strike of ship laborers at St. John last week, and the consequent advance of to cents per hour in wages, which the Messrs. Thomson state means an increase of from 70 to go cents per standard for handling cargoes of deals. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, The situation in British Columbia is: clearly and comprehensively set forth by one of the largest manufacturing com- panies, in a letter to the CANADA LumM- BERMAN, as follows: “Ifit were not for one thing the lumber export trade on the Pacific coast would be ina highly satis- factory condition, and that one difficulty is the lack of tonnage. Dating back as far as the American-Spanish war, there has been a shortage of lumber carriers on this coast, and freight rates have there- fore correspondingly advanced. It was anticipated, when this war was closed, that the vessels would come back to their old business again, but then came in the war in the Transvaal, taking up so many steamers, in whose places sailers were utilized in the trade in which they were running previous to becoming transports and, what is more of a local matter, the trade with Cape Nome and the Alaska gold fields has absorbed a large number of the steady lumber carriers, so freight rates have kept up, and are not only keeping up, but appear to be steadily advancing. The high rates of freight now ruling have a tendency to deter foreign purchasers from placing orders, and although all the mills are now running to their full capacity, there is but little new business offering, and they are working on orders taken previous to the advance in freights. ' The owners of timber limits on this coast, seeing how rapidly the limits in the East are being used up, are beginning to realize the value of their holdings, and have raised the price of stumpage. This has made a corresponding advance in the price of logs, which affects the price of lumber in turn. The log market on Puget Sound and British Columbia is firm, the supply being kept about equal to the de- mand, The export price of lumber is the best that has been for years, and every indica- tion is that there will be a further advance in the near future. The trouble in China has closed that market for a while. Australia has contracted well ahead, and from there cannot be expected much new business until there is some drop in freights, and the old contracts have been filled. South Africa, after it comes under British rule, will undoubtedly prove a great market, but here again the high rate of freights are working against the Pacific coast timber. Taking everything into consideration, the outlook for the lumber exporters on this coast is very fair. UNITED STATES, During the past week stock taking has been in progress and there has conse- quently been a lull in transactions. The holiday season is also at hand and is in- ducing quietness in the lumber trade as {I. (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. n all other departments of business. There is reported to bea slight improve- ment in demand, however, from the East- ern States market, which is regarded as an indication that wholesalers have reach- ed the point where stocking up must be done, and also that they have ceased to expect a dropin values. Bradstreet’s re- ports go to show that the business of the country is in a prosperous condition, there being fewer failures than for many years past. This fact coupled with the prospect of good crops in mest parts of the country and the resumption of build- ing consequent upon a settlement of the labor disputes which paralyzed oper- ations earlier in the season, should cer- tainly largely increase the demand and maintain the strength ofthe market. The consumption for the first six months of the year is far behind that of 1899, not- withstanding prices have not declined to any considerable extent. It is therefore reasonable to expect that with the strength- ening of the demand there will be no further decline. As a result of recent rains many of the logging streams in the North West have risen to an extent sufficient to allow of the drives being brought down to the mills, and manufac- turing operations have recommenced. For more than a month, however, many of the mills have been idle, so that there is certain to be a decrease in their output. The demand for hardwood for the export trade is improving, but for home con- sumption there is but little request, al- though it is not expected that prices will fall much below present figures. GREAT BRITAIN. The consumption of timber in the British market forthe first half of the present year shows a deficiency, as com- pared with the first six months of 1899, of 26,408 standards of sawn and planed goods, and 4,713 loads of floated timber. Notwithstanding the arrival of numerous vessels since the date of last report the market shows no sign of weakness. Deal sizes, especially 11 inch, are ususually scarce, and some merchants are obliged to buy at second hand and high prices from other dealers who were fortunate enough to lay in a stock early in the sea- son before tonnage became so difficult to secure. The market for spruce continues re- markably strong, many specifications call for 6 to 8 inch, of which the market is at present quite bare. Unless heavy shipments arrive late in the season there is little reason to anticipate a drop in values. Up to the present time the indi- cations point to a decrease in supply as compared with last year. At a recent auction sale in London of North Europe and Colonial deals there was keen com- petition among the purchasers. Many consumers are now taking stock for the first six months of the year. When this is completed the condition of demand will become mere clear. An auction sale of spruce and pine deals, comprising 150 standards of the former and 120 of the latter, forming a shipment from St. John, N. B., was held at Liverpool recently. The stock is said to have been of poor quality, being hard and knotty and irregular in thickness. 3x11 sold at £9; 3x10 at £8; and 3xgat 481s3d. 3x8 and 3x7 sold at £7 158; 234x7 at £7 per standard. L7 6s 3d was offered and refused for 3x7 and 3 x8 red pine deals, as was also a bid of £7 for 2x5 and 3x6scantling. Car- goes of 1,500 to 1,750 standards New Brunswick spruce deals, full specifications, are selling at £7 15s c.i.f. Liverpool. Floorings are reported to be selling well on the London market, the favorite dimensions being 1 inch and % inch. There is also a good demand for 34 inch matching. Tonnage is difficult to procure from Canadian ports, unless vessel owners’ demands are promptly agreedto. From the bay of Fundy 58s 9d to 60s is quoted, and from the St. Lawrence 60s to 62s 6d, The Fred Robinson Lumber Co., of Revel- stoke, B. C., is experiencing considerable loss through high water. Their Revelstoke mill will probably close down for a short time, being unable to get logs from the Wingham camp. THE GLASGOW MARKET. Messrs. Allison, Causland & Co., in their trade circular dated June 30th, say : ‘©The market during the past quarter has been in a sound condition, the amount of business transacted being considerable. Im- porters are well through their stocks. Arrivals have been light and chiefly on contract, and with the present high rate of freight, it is im- probable that there will be heavy consign- ments. On the other hand consumers still hold heavy stocks. The present outlook is not at all clear, as, with the high prices prevailing for coal and all raw material, general trade is no doubt falling away rapidly ; in fact, it is said that not one new shipbuilding contract has been booked in the Clyde during the past month. As will be observed from the tables, the stock compares very favorably with past years.” The condition of stocks and demand for Can- adian timber is given as follows : YELLOW P1iNE.— WANEY.— Prime wood, the demand is limited, but is firmly held. 2nd class timber has been more in request ; the reductions in the stock is largely in this grade. Quotations.— Prime wood, 19 to 20 inches average, 2s 8d to 23 10d. 2nd class, 18d to 2s 2d perc. ft. SQUARE.—The stock is almost entirely in importers’ hands. The demand is limited, and little business has been done. RED Prne.—Stocks are heavy, with little enquiry. st class is quoted at 22d to 2s 2d. F.A.Q. 17d to 19d per cubic foot. ELtm.—The stock is exceedingly small, Prices are very firm. Quotations—45 to 50 feet average, 3s 3d to 3s 6d per c. ft. Oax.—The stock is considerably reduced, but is still quite sufficient for the demand. AsH.—The stock of Quebec wood is prac- tically nil. BircH— The demand has been moderate. Several lines have changed hands at fair figures. Quotations—18d to 21d for 14 to 16 inch average. Ping. —Firsts—Stocks are small and prices very firm, but sales have been rather limited. Quotations. —Broad, £26 16s 3d to £29 IIs 3d. Undersized, 420 12s 6d to £22 13s od per Std. Pet. St. Seconds—There is little or no stock in importers’ hands. Quotations—Broad, £19 18s 9d to £22 1389d. Undersized—£15 16s 3d to £17 38 od per St. Pet. Std. Thirds —Are in moderate demand at good prices. Regulars are quoted at £12 7s 6d to £13 Is 3d. Undersized, £9 12s 6d to £9 19s 4d per St. Pet. Std. Fourths—Eleven inch and Under- sized are in more request than Broad, but all are firmly held. Quotations.—Regulars, £9 12s 6d. Undersized, £8 5s to £8 18s 9d per St. Pet. Std. Reps.—There is a good demand, but sales are limited owing to the high prices asked by sellers. Quotations—f15 2s 6dto £16 Ios per St. Pet. Std. Spruce.—There is still a fair stock, but much reduced since last quarter. Prices are good. Quotations—47 11s 3d to £9 5s 7d per St. Pet. Std. DrEaLs, BATTENS AND BOARDS.—There has been a good consumption, and values remain very steady at £7 11s 3d to £10 6s 3d per St. Pet. Std. BircH.—There has been practically no im- port of logs, but planks have come on freely, most parcels being sold ex quay. Prices how- ever are now somewhat weaker. SprucrE.—Any consignments meet with a ready sale at good prices. Quotations—£7 11s 3d to £9 19s 4d per St. Pet. Std. for 2nd quality average. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the Canapa Lum BERMAN.) Local lumber operations have assumed the energy characteristic of them before the dis- astrous fire, and shipping is becoming brisker. J. R. Booth’s mill is working night and day, and all available piling ground is being utilized. Considerable lumber is being shipped to American points by rail, but owing to a slow movement in building operations across the border this feature of the business is not as brisk as it otherwise would be. The Hull Lumber Company is cutting steadily in three mills, and shipping to American points by rail direct from the saw. Gilmour & Hughson’s steam mill is turning outa large cut, the W. C. Edwards Com- pany is cutting night and day, and Bailey’s mill in Aylmer is also being operated with two shifts. As yet no delay has been caused at the local mills by the non arrival of logs. Despite the fact that building operations in the burnt districts of both Hull and Ottawa are brisk, the local lumber market shows no bullish tendencies. In Ottawa several con- tractors look for an easier movement in prices, and hence the building operations in some quarters have been delayed. Prices will ad- vance, as the local and outside demand is bound to increase. Last week the first ship- ment by water was made from the Booth mill at the Chaudiere, the river yard having been filled with the cut. Men are engaged putting the large piling ground along the Quebec side of the river in shape to receive the new cut. Considerable lumber is being shipped to Hull from the small mills of the Gatineau, and building operations are much brisker in the Quebec city than in Ottawa. The fire by-law gives the ratepayers a year in which to make their buildings fireproof, and the city, with the exception of Main street, is being built up solid, with wooden shells, to be enclosed later in brick, ete. ; Ottawa isto have another new and large wood working establishment. The W. C. Edwards Company has secured control of the Capital Planing Mills and Ottawa Specialty Company. The premises in the latter concern were swept clean in the fateful fire, but the business, manufacturing office and bank fittings, etc., will be conducted in the large stone grist mill on the Edwards premises at New Edinburgh, which has been unoccupied for some time. The rougher class of work will be turned out in the Capital planing mill as before, but on a larger scale. The Ottawa Specialty Company did a large local and ex- port business and employed 50 hands. About 150 will be employed in the new establish- ment. Machinery to the value of $10,000 will be installed, and about $50,000 will be invested in the business altogether. The con- cern is to be one of the largest of its kind in eastern Canada. Large numbers of river and shanty men are returning to Ottawa from the drives. The clerks who have been working on the Hull Lumber Company’s limits have also returned. They report that many logs are stranded on the smaller streams of the Kippewa and Osto- boning districts. Recently Mr. J. R. Booth, the millionaire millowner of Ottawa, advanced the wages of his men, having in mind the losses they sus- tained in the recent fire. Building operations on the E, B, Eddy Company’s establishments are well advanced. The machine shop is completed, and work on the woodworking establishment and match factory is being pushed ahead. The paper mills are being rebuilt on a larger scale than before, ahd the foundations for the immense paper mills are being laid. The saw mill will also be built on a larger scale than before, and on the same site. secured by the E. RB. Eddy Company, and the wood-working and paper-making branches promise a larger output than before the fire. Considerable delay was experienced in re- moving the large amount of machinery and debris. Fully 500 men are now engaged about the works, The Ottawa city council at its last meeting adopted the fire by-law thrown out ata _pre- vious meeting. The clauses of the by-law limit the piling of lumber in residential areas to 500- 000 ft. and a distance of at least 10 ft. must be allowed for in the proximity of streets and build- ings. Inthe more thickly populated parts this distance is increased to 60 feet. The by-law Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Dennw, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. the Manufacturer. - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. Extensive limits have been & JULy 11, 1900 also provides that buildings must be made fire- proof, and roofs covered with fire-proof shingles or other materials. From advices received by Ottawa firms from their American agents, it would seem that there is a deadlock between the manufacturers and wholesale dealers and the retail dealers in building materials at American points. As a result business is slack, thus affecting the ship- ments and the local business in export lines. OTTAWA, July 9, 1900. SHIPPING MATTERS. The bark Launberga, 1,218 tons, arrived at Yarmouth to load lumber for South America, on April 17th, and did not get away until the 30th of June. The custom of the port only being 20 M. per working day, actually gave this vessel 55 lay days. The facilities for loading at Yarmouth are far behind the age, which makes it a very undesirable place for large vessels. P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. Special attention given to. . TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL a Timber Limits on the 3 Following Rivers :— du Lievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac Rivers,’ and Gecrgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson 29 Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3744. MONTREAL, QUE. HD. WIGGIN Boston, Mass: 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mili and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CorRESPOND! SoxiciTep. W ANTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CAS EL Jolin F. Stengel **steraco, wy PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Sepcial Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit Fs . WH 1 — AD S07 Donocn Lumber C6, e | TUUMBER DEALERS. 6° Nth tmawanda Cable Address, ‘‘Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA. Lumberman’s Code. C.H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of —_ SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from Offers invited ..... Cable Address: ‘‘Glovers, Hatcham, London.” CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Wharves, Mills and Offices: ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENCLAND . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from .... OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- AX, ST. JOHN, &c. S W. P. HinTon, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smitu General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT, Pine, measured off, tawa waney, 18 inch ae se roto lay inch average 19 to 21in average D PINE—IN THE RAFT, average and quality. Square white 0 to 45 feet a Fo tees 4 45 VErAge, «2.06.62. 3 ing to lineal., 3 : GAN AND OHI By the dram, accordin mon, 24% in. and up 45 . sees. 38 al afore 39 36 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 to so feet , No. 1 cuts, z to 2 in 30 to 35 feet . 14 inches and up, i ASH. Ing to average and qua © average 16 Bright spruce, accordin mill Specification, for 2nd, $25 tog: Rides eee 8 BoGoroogsen , and $21 to $24 for ; ne, ex. XXxx., ++ 300 3 25 ae 4 50:47 it BAY CITY AND SAGINAW UPPERS AND SELECTs, and up wide $48 00 Ste eeees aes 48 00 ttteeeees. 6 58 50 AME atciatels\ero c/s tteeseeeene. 63 00 FINE Common, wide....., 39 50 1 in., 8 in, and up 1% anli% ebanae LE OTS TO CeO r 2 and 3in., 8in, and up wide 44 00 in TPR ROSEO DEG SRT oar Heras aa) COMMON OR No tin., 7in. and up wid : 5 Yi ME ees esees COC CO OSM aD Opin SUN nial eisisialyia's eae oes . STRIPS, A AND B He a 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in, Tiers yp Bree oe ee: 48 00 | 6 in. \ FINE COMMON oR c, AND SELECTS ns, and 7 in. wide. .... CDi treo ee vec. » 5 in, Wiles soe: POMBE GWitlel cc. 5. SELECTED NO. 1 sHEL 6in. wide... ..., 30 Waders assis in, Wider Nccc arse. .! ‘NCING STRIPS, » 4,5, 6in. wide eisia w a7 he ie ERE on hardwoods represent the jobber’s wanda ; ; WHITE ASH, + SHIPPING CULLS 30 00 32 00 | 2% to $16 i tst & 2nd, _t inch, EANO 2 65 34 00 36 oo ; a. BLACK AND 1st & end, 6 inch up, 2 WHITE PINE Latu, Zs) -13)\¢o) Non ayo OCR SER 21 LATH, --$2 75 | Spruce SHINGLES, Bound butts, 6x 18 H ck $4 00 $4 5| BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. WHITE PINE, (Wholesale Selling Price.) 2 58 00 66 50 einen sew ore 5° 50| Shelving, No, I; 4I 50 Barn, N LATH, | 1¥% inch No. x Norway I iB SA pLaIS SSRIS Cal gl Waly alate: 12-in, dressing and ERA! Saisie secures Wy TEE foe cae ++-$5 25 5 50 14x10 and 12 on and up. 66 50 Mold st’ps in 0.1,12in...,, ANID HN, Seok aes 34 00 Strips .. Com. and culls. BROWN ASH, 26 00 | Com. & good cull bs Beecher PT eASieladilyicwcs 2U56) —————E— - " te ot at | gui be eae gee meinen —— oy : : a4 ee ‘ = % iv ’ ey ; - ahah a ' * Bye F “ Pe sys by ees ae =a > CANADA LUMBERMAN JULY II, 1900 DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Eby, Blain & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto, Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W.. Ottawa, Ont, MACHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex. , Woodstock, N.B. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co. , Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Dixon & Co., F, E., Toronto, Ont, Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. me Hes taig & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s selting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montrealand Toronto. Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. _DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Parmenter, Jas. S., Woodstock, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. WEEKLY EDITION. lI MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B, Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Gait, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Conveyors, Geo. W. Reed & Co. Montreal. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co. , Chicago, Ill, Emery Wheels, Fairbanks Co., Montreal. Larrigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock, Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Oils, Queen City Oil Co., Toronto. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co., Toronto, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Veteringry Remedies, Dr. A. A. McCann & Co., Mattawa, On. ———— —————— Mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont, The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES York. Magnolia Metal Co., New Yor SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co,, Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. joni CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS me PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umres We have a quantity of Ship Decking to offer. Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA FINE Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. to 16 ft. long, and 4x 4 Seantling, 10 to 16 WI k N H ED ft. State quantity and lowest eash price. REID & CO., toronto 2’ Common Pine Plank, 6” to 12” wide, 12 We are also open to contract for 3 to 4 million feet of same kinds, say 3 million “% 2 in. and 1 million 4x4 new cut 1g00, y delivery by rail or water . Ce ang wholesale Dealers ELM, ASH AND ec Co. mber A TE RHE PR. Fh. SCOTT - McGregor, Ont. MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES oe pottery ee é Correspondence Solicited. cLAURIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. SHIPMENTS BY Rait or WarTER. = HAst TEMPLETON, QuUE. KILLALOE STATION MOHR & RYA ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. J.D. SHIER, essceenivce, ont. » MANUFACTURER OF... :uave— Lumber, Lath and Shingles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer. 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to order if contracted for early. urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUFACTURER S——— LUMBER LATA Shipments by Rail or Water. e Midland, Ont. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*€&TINS—carng e Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling e R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head Ofice-TQRONTQ—7: King St. West. SARNIA—wootesate DISTRIBUTING varos—_ BU FFA LO J AS ee Ay BA Ee a" OO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER - LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies =e MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty .. . A.& P. WHITE | Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ————————————— ROBERT WATT e WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND J Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber i Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton MAITLAND, RIXON & C0. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT (LOTHBOARD cO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec :: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. _ Siemon & Bros. Mig. Go. - Wiarton, Ont. LUMBER MERCHANTS «© MANUFAGTURERS Large quantity of Maple on Sticks some time. Considerable 4/4 Whi Maple, Beech and Bireh Logs to cut to order. ; - We ship by rail or water. WULUAMSON G MORRISON Neonat... > LUMBER 80 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers, Pani @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO, Burk’s Falls, Ont. CANADA LUMBERMA N WEEKLY EDITION. JULY 11, 1900 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNOAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE + Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & OO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. , WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A-B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Ag ents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD Bite is 27% Union Street F. x. Lightbody & Go. - GLASGOW 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ‘‘ Zebra” and Private. Agents for Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—“ WAINSCOT,’ GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &c. a PYVERY & VINGENT ==——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF ..-. RED PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED MESA ROY sestoGe C. Wood Agents and Brokers 4 Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. _ 4 Lombard Coukh pameh rel et ee ee Manchester Timber Importers limite 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. Offers invited. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. KENNEDY GLASGOW, SCOTLAND A. 48 West Regent Street - Bayer of - ae BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. les: “‘ Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies f large quantities of HAR OD L 4 will be glad to hear from holders w SECOND GROWTH WALNU NUT, : BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER . ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for .. . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Brome ee or any Woods suitable for English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. , JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Is open for offers of 1” P. T. and G. Boards, Pine, 3rds quality or Log Run, 5/7" wide Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code SMITH & TYRER - 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . ; Cable Address—‘“‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. i e SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENG. SELLING AGENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc... JAMES WHEELDON & SONS .. TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: "* ALLISON,” Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Faas: __ 354 St. 4 68 er Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Addr <* VALOREM,” Gi ! able ress n asgow GLA SGO Ww GANT & KEMP 2 TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW 4 B 0) K E R S Cable Address : ‘* TECTONA” Glasgow. EE @~————- IRVIN & SELLERS——_——~© At and A B C Codes used. Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and : BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. ae TV ERPOOL, ENGLAND=|™ Selling Agents For... : CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER ee oe Cable Address: ‘‘ REDWOOD,” ** Zebra’? Code, W. J. DAWSON & CO. Wood Brokers and Commission Agents BENTHAM BUILDINGS, SIDE, Invite offers from Lumbermen for . N EWCA STLE-ON-TYNE FIR, SPRUCE, PINE or Any Wood Goods Suitable for the English Market. EERE ( es Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. .”. . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . « BUDCETT BROS. 10 and TA Bishopsgate Street Within, ™ Cable Address, LONDON, E.C. “Budlets, London.” Ae = CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITIO The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $1.00 per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTU. BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. RERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE Vou. VI. ‘ TORONTO, ONT., JULY 18, 1900 No. 26, CANADA [LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL Buttptnc, MonTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets, A weekly medium of information and communication be- ween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. i Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. I.s special articles on technical and mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men, and manufacturers of lumber products. mae 4 Subscription price for the two editions for one vear, $1.00, Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. ANTED,—1s0 M feet 1-(" and 1-4” Basswood, 20 M feet a Basswood. Tuos. Myres’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont. fag ah for small Pulp Mill. A knowledge of the French language preferred. Address ‘* Dominion,” Canapa LUMBERMAN. OOD DIRECT ACTING STEAM SAW MILL and 200 acres for sale, with several years’ supply of timber at hand. for particulars address T. A. Pickarp, Owen Sound. ~OMPETENT LUMBER PILERS WANTED for mill in B.C, Aduress, stating wages, Box 789, CANADA LUMBERMAN. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wan‘ed and For Sale Department. Address, CAnapa LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE NE 8 INCH 4 SIDED MOULDER, ONE O tenon machine No. 16, one mortise _ Machine. These machines were made by the best firms in Canada and are new and up-to-date, only used a short time ; also « ne 38 h. p. return tubular boi er, with foot front and fittings, only used a short time; can furnsh maker's guarantee. Willsell cheap for cash or exchange for a 35 b.p. portable boiler and 30 h.p. engine if as good as new. For further particulars apply to Joun R. McKay, Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N. S. FOR SALE NE MILLION FEET OF BIRCH, SOME O Basswood, Ash, Oak, Elm, Maple, Hickory and also a complete -stock of dry pine in all Tue OrILii1a Export Chestnut, ¢ rades. Prices onapplicati n. UMBER Co., Orillia. 7 e XXX-XX and Shingles: ¥*%>x* and Ravensworth Station, P. S. Ru: also Cedar and Pine Shingles at Washago, G.T.R. A. MCPHERSON & CO. _Longford Mills P.0., Ont. WANTED, 3 COMPETENT SAW FILERS. NUNE OTHER need apply. Apply to Box 20, CANADA LUMBER- MAN Office. WANTED. A FIRST CLASS BAND SAWYER, TWO Setters, and one Power Feed, for Pacific Coast mill. State experience, references and wages—all particulars first letter. Box 666, CANADA LUMBER- WANTED \ i JANTED, IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, Green Hard Map'e Squares, 6%” x64", 12 feet and up. Quebec, Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Address, Box 36, Canapa LumMBERMAN MORTGAGE SALE OCF VALUABLE TIMBER LIMITS AND MILL PROPERTY Under the Rrovisions of certain mortgages which will be produced on the day of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at Townsend’s auction rooms, 28 King street west, in the City of Toronto, on the 6th day of Auzust, 1900, at the hour of 12 o'clock in the forenoon, all the equity of redemption, estate, right, title and interest of the Holland & Emery Lumber Company, in and to their lands, timber berths, mil] Sites, mills, docks, warehouses, boilers, engines, plant, machinery, stock-in-trade, lugs, timber, lumber, booms, boats, horses, carts, logging railroad and equipment tools, appliances, and generally all the property and effects of the said company, in luding accounts receiv- able, situate within the Province of Ontario, as a going concern, including the steam tug Julien V. O’Briea. A detailed statement of the Property above referred to can be obtained upon application to the undersigned. The Holland & Emery Lumber C mpany’s mills on Bying Inlet are large mills of the most modern and improved type, and include Zengs, circular and band mills with dry kilns, electric light plant, boarding house, ccttages, store, buildings, etc. The mill has a capacity for cutting about 40,000 0 13,0°C 11,000 © Waney “ eseeeesaee 179,000 43,000 2 : 222,:00 156,000 St. John’s Pine........:+- aes il. 1,0¢0 7,c00 = Nil. 5,c0O 1,000 Other Port's Pine....... 3 5,000 il. Nil. 7,003 3,000 «= Nill. Red Pine.....++++++005 5,00 12,000 15,0co 4,000 5,c00 7,009 Oak, Canadian and U. S 176,coo 181,000 129,c00 162,0co 105,000 131,c00 “Planks. Ic5.000 87,c00 929,cco 15£,200 956,020 918,00 Elm.... 19,(00 2,0Cc0 33.000 37,000 42,c0> 20,000 Birchiss o:1oisfe:0'> -uie vley'sielne oan’ 165,000 160,000 544,002 71£,COO 502,002 696,000 Ash.. : 29,c00 16,000 129,000 162,0c0 140,000 157,000 N. B., Spruce and Pine Deals...:..c0»ses-5s St’d. 10,51m 13,130 34,824 25,768 30,485 26,279 Quebec Deals ...-..+++eee eres 16,653 7130 18,152 14,483 15,487 8,769 Current quotations at Liverpool are as fol- lows : 2 Per Foot. White pine, Quebec square wood..... 1s 4dto2s 4d " 1 Waney board.......-..+- 2s 3d to zs 10d " 1 St. John, r8-in. average.. 18 6d to 2s 3d Lower Ports Pine .......-++seeeseees s idtois 5d Red pine..... ny Oe eae nots sie Cites 1s sdtois od Oak, 1st quality.....--sseeeeeeeeeeee 2s 8dto3s od uw and quality......++s..+eeeeeeee 1s 6dto2s id BE Dys ho cle ate ols ef0' 4 os ole iutata clu sip ole» vies) \e 2s 6d to 2s 10d RSH ic csctes on aes sor icaiapiceteinleritiniat isle 1s 6d to 1s 1cd Hickory. ....sccescecsccsccscrsveces 1s gd to2s 6d Birch, St. John .....-..-sseeeee-eeee 1s 5dtois 8d ww Quebec ....... eee eeee cease 1s sdtoz2s od Ww planks ...ceseeeeceeeee ereece 1s odto1s 2d Spruce Spars.....esseeeeesseceeeeree osicdtoxs od Per Std. Los. CLs. Deals, Quebec, white, 1st quality...... 20 oto 24 00 " " " and quality eres 3rd quality ..... Ww " Spruce deals, St. John, Miramichi, &c.. " Nova Scotia, etc... - 7 1oto 715 boards, etc.........6+- .. 615tO0 7 00 Lathwood.....----+s+eseeeees -» 3 12to 400 ——_ STOCKS IN CLYDE PORTS. A comparative statement is given below of the stocks of wood goods in Clyde ports on Tune 3oth, 1899 and 1900: 1899. 1900. Cub. ft. Cub. Ft. Waney Boardwood.......-.++++- 557335 401,087 Yellow Pine, Square,....-.-++-+-- 22,171 35,458 Red Pine, Quebec.....--++-++e++ 48,2co 67,531 Pitch Pine, Hewn......----+++++- 44,950 106,296 ES SB Wi cays mpesete rota op> ints Tele 739,407 990,930 uA Planks and Boards.... 94,754 20,635 Oak, White, Quebec......-.+.-++ 15°;074 95559 Elm, Quebec.....---s+s+eeeeeeee 51,969 9,427 Ash CPT See a5 erat Zo- 171442 423 irchig 1 © eeandepece eevee cries 2,304 “ Lower Ports......«.++- F Pees 421244 Hickory, Square and Round 987 45429 Maple.......-eeeeee verre 1,042 4,604 Cherry, Oak, etc IO,14I 12,552 Whitewood. 1,535 15,776 Walnut ......56 cece ee eetereres 15440 6,840 Greernheart........0eeseeeeneees 103,9c6 107,063 Tigakk .... Ws vsiomae cule phmseee pera 492,659 3793779 “© Planks, etC.,-.--sseeeree eee 18,249 32:747 Bie are Pope ee 21,549 541363 itewood Lumber......-.-++++- 14,624 Walnut é nae: 2 Paes } cag 3,088 Oak, Maple, etc.,...+-++++eeeeeee 22,475 79,274 Kauri Pine........-+seeeeeeeeeee 160,794 122,475 Oregon Pine......--++++++seere ee 45,030 62,067 Sequoia....---.seeeeeseercernees 37,687 33,410 Deals, Quebec and Michigan— «Pine, rst Quality. ...-..++5++ 222,9¢8 81,537 2 ofan OP re set asens 73,980 21,930 5 %s 3rd W. BeAr 448,750 138,402 Ath = 8 nee e se cceee 251,740 223,191 cs “ Planks, Boards and Scantlings.......++++- 118,265 104,940 ‘¢ Red Pine....... 32,075 94,807 «© Spruce, Quebec.. 200,545 254,895 «Pine, Lower Port 124,924 253,057 «Spruce 6a et ati iIGID5 430,605 821,78 Leen En Emma Paris has registered proprietress of the business of Alfred Trottier & Company, Riviere Bois Clair, Que. The Holland & Emery Lumber Co. in this issue advertise for sale their mill at Byng Inlet, Ont., and extensive timber limits owned by the company. Wanted for EXpOrt ALL KINDS OF LOCS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. Jury 18, 1900 Heuser & Company are offering for sale their planing mill at Thornbury, Ont. The shingle mill of W. H. Johnson, at ape Ont., was destroyed by fire last week. P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading ., Vaucouver, B.C, ; DQUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. ‘Special attention given to. - TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, . 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL a Timber Limits on the FOR SALE: tities? Du Tievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac Rivers, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson 29 Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3:44. MONTREAL, QUE. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WICGIN 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WwW ANTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH Jolin F. Stengel “serrate, sxe” SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & A.B.C. Code iad: for Constructional and Fur- CAPE TOWN, S.A. ——————— PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY niture purposes. ; co. Cable Address, ‘‘ Casket,” Cape Town. Sepcial Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit e NMrth Tone WHOM Cable Address, ‘‘Swan DoNoGH—TONAWANDA. Lumberman’s . . .. Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY 5 &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W.P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa.. C. J. Smirn General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. JuLy 18, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. III _LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Eby, Blain & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Torouto, Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, M ‘CHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex., Woodstock, N.B. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co. , Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Parmenter, Jas. a Woodstock, nt. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. i . L. & Co., Danville, Que. sin ‘ oo & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s elting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montrealand Toronto. Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. Magnolia Metal Go New ONC PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS MISCELLANEOUS Tower & Wallace, New Yor PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Whe joovk Jenn peed ao ore Ont: 0 P e Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que, Conveyors, Geo. W Reed & Co. Mont The Waterous Co., Brantford. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co., 0 Emery Wheels, enone Co., osteo . Larrigans, Chas. D. Dickinson 0., Woodstock. Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. : , The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. ae Berens Ont. ' RAILROAD BRASSES Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. SAW MANUFACTURERS 0 Oils, Queen City Oil Co., Toronto. Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Silver Solder, P. W. Ellist& Co., Toronto, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York ana Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Veterinary Remedies, Dr. A. A. McCann & Co., Mattawa, On. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. Mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS me PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umreo We have a quantity of Ship Decking to offer. Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA FINE Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. i you have any 2” common Pine Plank, 6 to 12” wide, 12 to 16 ft. long, or 4 x 4 Pine Scantling—or logs to make them— you can find a cash customer for any amount. Can be shipped dry or green if price is right. Send word what you have got, with Lowest Prices, REID & CO., fszzrzcs polesale Dealers im ; sited s ASH” BASSW 000 of Toronto wee ELM, | umber Co. TH AND SHINGLES The oliver ¥ WHITE PINE LUN BER, LAY Solicited. ADA LIFE Pe. h&. SCOTT - McGregor, Ont. 34 CA MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES ee aT Ore, é Correspondence Solicited. quarter and plain cut. cLAURIN & MaLAREN : Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EKAST TEMPLETON, QUE. SHIPMENTS BY RaiL oR WATER. - KILLALOE STATION MOHR & RYA ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. J.D. SHIE » MANUFACTURER OF... ‘uve Lumber, Lath and Shingles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer. . 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to order if contracted for early. urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUFACTURERS LOMBER = LATH Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS RX, BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. Shipments by Rail or Water. ® Midland, Ont. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHEETINC—aank, e Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling ff R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DEALERS Head ofice-TORONTO-—70 King St. West. SARNIA—-wuoresare DISTRIBUTING varosy——_ BU FFALO JAS. PLAY FATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies pe’ MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT + WIARTON __ MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber % Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. svxseo ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboa rds—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT (LOTHBOARD vO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec :: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. Siemon & Bros. Mig.Go. - Wiarton, Ont, LUMBER MERCHANTS «© MANUFACTURERS Large quantity of Maple on Sticks some time. Considerable 4 i Maple, Beech and Birch Logs to cut to order. a We ship by rail or water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON ocean. LUMBER 80 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE Veneers, Hardwoods, Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers, @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. 12.00 urk’s Falls, Ont, Vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & GO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. 7 Royal Bank Place GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in L i i n Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD BH@a2 => 27 Union Street - GLASGOW aa Fe. Lightbody KK Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: “ Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘' WAINSCOT,’ GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. LL PeVERY & VINGENT ==——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RED PIN FE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED -LEBARY 6-0: Wood Agents and Brokers 4 Lombard Court, Gracechurch Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. Manchester Timber Importers init 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used ns Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. KENNEDY FELBER, JUCKER & CO. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Lumber Importers MANCHESTER Invite offers from Lumbermen for .. . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for English Market Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. A. 48 West Regent Street - Buyer of .. . ENGLAND BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: ‘‘Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. ——— EEE WANTED MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Is open for offers of 1” P. T. and G. Boards, Pine, 3rds quality or Log Run, 5/7’ wide Cable Address: LIGNU M, Manchester; A B C Code Cable address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. JAMES W. SOUTHERN JULY 18, 1900 SMITH & TYRER - (4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Argents. .« . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. SIEVEKINC, PODMORE & CO. SALES AGENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS .. TIMBER IMPORTERS. . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTE R, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ ALLISON,’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Wincent St., GLASGOW Ae N, Av and A B C Codes used. BROKER BUYERS OF ———mmggy ALSO DEALERS (Nay Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. Calder, Henderson & Livingston Cable ep oahes itl rte pe Beeigpat: GL A SGO Ww 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address: ‘‘TECTONA” Glasgow. IRVIN & SELLERS ~—~Q Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. 7 POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS A Le FRED DO BELL & CO. Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liv-rpool. _ IN LOGS AND LUMBER Cable Address: ‘‘ REDWOOD,”* **Zebra’’ Code, W. J. DAWSON & CO. Woou Brokers and Commission Agents BENTHAM BUILDINGS, SIDE, Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . - NEWCA STLE-ON-TYNE FIR, SPRUCE, PINE or Any Wood Goods Suitable for the English Market. [en Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BU D c PTT B R 0 S 70 and 71 Bishopsgate Street Within, | ™ Cable Address, LONDON, E.C, “Budlets, London.” A ‘CANADA [UMBERMA\ WEEKLY FDITION Thé Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vo. VI. TORONTO, ONT., JULY 25, 1900 No. 27. CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: ImperRiAL Burtpinc, MonTRKEAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- ween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. _ : 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one vear, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. ANTED,—150 M feet 1-4" and 1-%” Basswood, 20 M feet 2” Basswood. Tuos. My iss’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont. ANTED—Foreman for small Pulp Mill. A knowledge of the French language preferred. Address ‘‘ Dominion,” Canapa LuMBERMAN. OOD DIRECT ACTING STEAM SAW MILL and 200 acres for sale, with several years’ supply of timber at hand. For particulars address T. A. Pickarp, Owen Sound. WA caer man to take charge of large logging operations in B.C. Must have experience in rcugh country. Address, stating ex- perience, Box 60, CANADA LUMBERMAN. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, Canapa LuMBERMAN, WANTED ANTED, IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, Green Hard Maple Squares, 614” x 614”, 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. Address, : Box 36, Canapa LuMBERMAN’ FOR SALE Dio 8 INCH 4 SIDED MOULDER, ONE tenon machine No. 161, one mortise machine. These machines were made by the best firms in Canada and are new and up-to-date, only used a short time ; also one 38 h. p. return tubular boiler, with foot front and fittings, only used a short time; can furnsh maker’s guarantee. Willsell cheap for cash or exchange for a 35 h.p. portable boiler and 30 h.p. engine if as good as new. For further particulars apply to Joun R. McKay, Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N. S. [LONGFORD BRIDGE STONE, Ashlar, large and small Rubble and all kinds of Building and Foun- dation Stone, Window Sills, Steps, Etc. A. MCPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.0., Ont. id OMPETENT LUMBER PILERS WANTED for mill in B.C, Address, stating wages, Box 789, CANADA LUMBERMAN. ANTED.—Party having good Portable Saw Mill, to cut about 3 million feet of Pine and Spruce Timber cn Soo Branch C.P.R., close to R.R. Send particulars to Box 15, CANADA LUMBERMAN. WANTED. Fok IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT, SEVERAL cars of 1 in. to3in. Prime Rock Elm. OrTawa Lumser Co., Ottawa. FOR SALE. TO 2% MILES SECOND HAND 30-FT. Steel Rails and Fish Plates, in good condition ; also Vard Locomotive. Joun J. GARTSHORE, 83 Front St. West, Toronto. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE TIMBER LIMITS AND MILL PROPERTY Under the provisions of certain mortgages which will be produced on the day of sale, there will be offered for sale by public auction at Townsend’s auction rooms, 28 King street west, in the City of Toronto, on the 6th day of August, 1900, at the hour of 12 o'clock in the forenoon, all the equity of redemption, estate right, title and interest of the Holland & Emery Lumber Company, in and to their lands, timber berths, mill sites, mills, docks, warehouses, boilers, engines, plant, machinery, stock-in-trade, logs, timber, lumber, booms, boats, horses, carts, logging railroad and equipment tools, appliances, and generally all the property and effects of the said company, including accounts receiv- able, situate within the Province of Ontario, as a going concern, including the steam tug Julien V. O’Brien. A detailed statement of the property above referred to can be obtained npon application to the undersigned. The Holland & Emery Lumber C mpany’s mills on Bying Inlet are large mills of the most modern and improved type, and include gangs, circular and band mills with dry kilns, electric light plant, boarding house, cottages, store, buildings, etc. The mill has a capacity for cutting about 40,000 oco feet per season. The company is entitled to an equity of redemption in real estate in the Townships of Wallbridge, Wilson, Croft, Mackenzie, Dryden, Garson and Falconbridge, exceeding 7,500 acres. The following is a list of the timber licenses, the company’s interest in which will be offered for sale :— License Number 143, for 1899-1900, for the Township of Street, berth number 4o. License number 144, for 1899-1900, for the Township of Dryden, berth number 47. License number 146, for 1889-1900, for the Township of Garson, berth number 56. License number 147, for 1899-1900, for the Township of Falconbridge, berth number 48. License number 148, for 18,9-1900, for the Township of Cleland, berth number 46. Li ense number 149, for 1899-1900, for the Townships of Scadding and Maclennan, part of berths 41 and 40. License number 15. , for 1899-1900, for the Township of Kelly, part of berth number 2. License number 135, for 1899-1900, for the Township of Harrison. License nunber 136, for 1899-1920, for the Township Na! ala ; : ~ icense number 137, for 1899-1990, for the Townshi of Wallbridge. ace 3 License number 138, for 1899-1900, for the Township of Hagerman, berths 2, 4. License number 139, for 1899-1900, for the Township of Hagerman, berth 3. License number 141, for 1899-1909, for the Township of Croft. License number 142, for 1899-1900, for the south half of the Township of Brown. The interest of the company in all logs, boom timber and dimensicn timber cut upon the above-mentioned limits, and the lumber manufactured therefrom, aggre- gating upwards of forty million feet, will also be in- cluded in the property sold. The property will be offered for sale subject to a reserve bid. Terms :—Ten per cent. of the purchase money will require to be paid at the time of sale, and the balance within thirty days thereafter. For further particulars apply to NELSON HOLLAND, of the City of Buf- falo, office foot of Hertel avenue, in the State of New York, U.S.A., or BEATTY, BLACKSTOCK, NES- BITT, CHADWICK & RIDDELL, 58 Wellington street east, Toronto, solicitors for the vendors. Dated at Toronto this 13th day of July, 1900. ce SALE—At Wiarten, about 30,000 feet 12x12 in. and 30,000 feet 10x10 in. Cedar Timber, 10 feet and up long. Also a smaller quantity of 4x4 /in., 5x5 in., 6x6 in., and 2 in. and 3 in. Cedar, and 20,009 feet 12x12 in., 20 to 30 feet Hemlock. PickarD & Rowan, Owen Sound: TENDERS Tenders for the purchase of the Company’s Saw Mill and contents, situated at Coal Creck, B.C., will be received by the undersigned up to AUGUST 1s, 1900. This mill has a capacity of one hundred thousand feet per day, and is equipped with all the latest facilities for the handling of a large output, including :— Six 60 x 16 Steel Boilers, complete. One No. 3 Band Mill (Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co.) One pr. No. 9 Circular Husk Frame with top saw rig. One pr. of 20 in. x 24 in. Engines, complete. One 14x 20 Cunningham Ford Engine, steam feed complete. One Steel Refuse Burner, 70 feet high, 30 in. diameter. Three Wilken’s Steam Canters, complete Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Saws, Frictions, etc. In addition to the above there is also.a Planing Mill, fitted with Planers, Boring and Mortising Machines, etc. Detailed lists of the machinery can be seen at the mill, Coal Creek, B.C.; in the office of R. Marpole, General Superintendent, Vancouver; or the under- signed, Winnipeg, or will bz mailed on application. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms of settlement—Twenty-five per cent. cash, balance in equal payments in 30, 60 and go days on approved security. , JAMES OSBORNE, General Superintendent C.P.R. Winnipeg, Man. a CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. In the lumber trade the month of July has been the quietest month in the year so far as new business 1s concerned. Most of the white pine mills are busy on orders placed in the winter and early spring, and consequently there is very little complaint of dull trade from this quarter. Dealers, however, report a falling off in orders, while enquiries are less numerous than for some time past. Consumers have re- frained from making purchases, excepting for immediate requirements, and as most of the large furniture and implement manufacturers had considerable stocks on hand in the spring, their purchases have not been of large volume. Nor have te- tailers commenced to replenish their stocks for the fall trade. The enquiries for hardwood lumber, while not numerous, give some encouragement to holders of stock, and the most common opinion is that there will be a revival in demand during the month of August. From the Ottawa valley comes the re- port that a syndicate is being formed to regulate the market, and to prevent an oversupply of lumber. If harmoniously effected, this step should result in improv- ing the position of the lumber trade. fj QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, The Quebec timber trade remains un- changed, with the exception of waney pine of 18 inch average, which is quoted one cent lower. The trade situation is not altogether satisfactory, as shippers are ex- periencing much difficulty in securing tonnage for shipments, and local trade is not all that might be desired. In July of last year the freight rate on deals from Montreal to west coast of England was 45 shillings, while this year 60 shilllngs are being paid. From St. John there has been a corresponding advance. Ship- ments to trans-Atlantic ports from the eastern provinces will, itis believed, show a considerable falling off this year. The price of spruce deals has naturally de- clined. A correspondent writes from St. John that first class deals are selling at - $15 which in February last would have brought $22. The demand from the United States is also rather dull, with very little going forward. In the Boston market laths are firmer at $3 for 156 inch and $2.85 for 1% inch. Cedar shingles are selling at $3 for extra, $2.75 for clear, and $2.10 for second clear. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The lumber merchants in Manitoba and the Territories speak less hopefully of the outlook for trade than they did earlier in season. The crops promise less than the usual yield, and this has resulted in the postponement of projecte2 building oper- ations. Consequently, the demand for lumber is quiet. It is believed, however, that the crops may turn out better than is expected at the present time, and that next month will witness a more active movement of Jumber. In British Columbia the trade is in a different position. The export mills have sufficient orders ahead to keep them busy for the remainder of the season, while the local requirement has shown no falling off. Every logging camp is being worked to its full capacity, although some difficulty hase been exper- ienced in securing men to work in the woods. UNITED STATES. In the face of a quiet trade the lumber merchants of the United States are putting forth a strong effort to maintain’ prices. A conference of the price list committee of the Wisconsin Valley and the Mississippi Valley Lumbermen’s As- sociations was held at Minneapolis on July 18th, at which it was decided to make no changes at present in the price list. It was shown that the stocks of white pine were materially reduced as compared {I. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. with a year ago, and that the high prices which prevailed last spring were war- ranted by existing conditions, one of which is that there is no certainty of a steady log supply for the balance of the season. Notwithstanding the action at this meeting, the market, in the Eastern States at least, seems slightly weaker. At Buffalo prices are not as uniform as they were some time ago, although we have not considered it advisable to make any changes in our quotations this week. Our Albany list, however, shows a decline of about one dollar per thousand feet in moulding and shelving boards, shippers, box and barn boards, and twelve inch dressing and better. Pine and spruce lath have also been marked down to $2. Whether there will be any further decline is a matter of conjecture, but there seems to be reason to believe that the fall trade will shortly present itself. At present a better enquiry is reported, and statements are frequent that retail stocks are very low. There is also a prospect of in- creased building in the east. New York reports a better demand for spruce, but prices are. still weak and buyers are not disposed to question values as they did previous to the decline. A moderate volume of business is doing in hardwoods. Prices are steady, al- though in some cases mill men are said to be making concessions in order to move stocks which have been slow sale. Maple is strong in comparison with other woods. Elm, ash and basswood are not selling in large quantities, consumers apparently pursuing a hand to mouth policy. A slight improvement is reported in the hemlock trade, as prices are fully $2 per thousand lower than they were a few months ago. In New York city the base price is about $16 and at Buffalo $14. Hemlock shingles are offering in Buffalo at $2.25. GREAT BRITAIN. There has been little change in the position of the British wood market, and nothing calling for special mention, Per- haps the most interest pertains to freights, which are exceptionally high, and promises to limit the import of wood goods and keep the market firm. The scarcity of steamers is almost alarming,and some are even predicting that it will bring about much higher prices. But there is still dullness in certain channels of consump- tion, so that the inability to charter vessels is not felt as keenly as it otherwise would be. The receipts of spruce from the St. Lawrence have nearly all passed into the hands of consumers, and it is almost impossible to buy spruce in the docks. At Liverpool some birch timber was recently sold at prices ranging from 17 44d to 30d,the average price being 20/4d for 15 inch. Waney pine is reported to bo dull. ENQUIRIES FOR WOOD PRODUCTS. The following were among the enquiries relating to Canadian trade recently re- ceived at the office ofthe High Com- missioner for Canada in London, Eng.: 36. Enquiry has again been made for ex- porters of wood-flour by parties able to take large quantities of the commodity. Canadian manufacturers may open up correspondence with any of the firms making the above enquiries by addressing a letter to the publishers of the CANADA LUMBERMAN. When writing refer to the number of the enquiry. STOCKS AND PRICES. Geo. Gordon & Co., of Pembroke, have started up the Davidson & Hay saw mill at Cache Bay, Ont. Red cedar shingles of extra quality are quoted in the Minneapolis market at from $2 to $2.05, with clears holding at $2.35. The schooner New Dominion left Mid- land July 5th for Saginaw, Mich., with a cargo of lumber, but up to a few days ago had not been heard of. The Department of Marine and Fish- eries of Nova Scotia is asking for tenders for the supply of hemlock timber required for construction of breakwater at Parrs- boro, N. S. Samuel Bingham, of Ottawa, returned last week from a trip up the Gatineau river. He reports that this year’s drive of logs will be greater by one-third than that of last year, when it was 750,000 pieces. Men are being sent from the Ottawa valley to work in the lumber woods next winter. A gang left last week for Gillies’ limits on the upper Ottawa, and another gang is being gotten togethsr for Fraser’s limits on the Coulonge. A report from Kingston, dated July 21, states that two large rafcs of timber be- longing to the Calvin Company, of King- ston, were stranded on the rocks at the Cedars. It had been decided to cut loose the tow and let the timber float down the rapids. The steamship Sheppey Allison is load- ing timber at Sillery Love, Quebec, for England, on account of W. & J. Sharples. The str. Florida is loading timber and deals at Louise Basin for Dobell, Beckett & Company. Str. Nera is loading at Sillery Cove. The following steamers ieft the port of Quebec last week: Psyche, for London, with lumber ; Oarham, for w. c. England, with cargo of timber, shipped by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; Huelva, with lumber ; barque Orion, with lumber; Rydal Holme, for London, with deals; Nitocris, from Indian Cove, for Liverpool, with deals and timber. The ship Treasurer cleared from Parrs- boro, N.S., on July 11th for Sharpness, with 1,118,962 feet deals and 185,428 feet ends, shipped by M. L. Tucker for W. M. Mackay. Str. Eastry Carr cleared on 12th inst. for Manchester with 2,097,667 feet deals and 203,690 feet ends, shipped by M.L. Tucker for W. M. Mackay. Sch. Laconia cleared for Connah’s Quay on the 13th with 515,224 feet deals and 49,748 feet ends and scantling, shipped by Capt. Norby for Geo. McKean. The Hanbury Manufacturing Com- pany, of Bandon, Man., succeeded in getting down their logs early in the season, the cut amounting to 8,000,000 feet. The company have been running their mill day and night this season, turning out large quantities cf spruce of fine quality, tamarac, etc. They are now starting a gang of men to improve the Shell river and prepare generally for next season’s work, when they expect to take out be- tween nine and ten million feet of logs. Following is a comparative statement ot timber measured and culled at Quebec up to 24th July, as reported by the Super- visor of Cullers : 1898. 1899. 19co. Waney White Pine.... 1,100,134 1,168,534 747,764 White Pine 276,935_ 317,073 Red Pine....... 88,351 20,937 (CF Aap ano paca do jaa 429,559° 317,217 Plane ote ae Mare eateivie'e's 405,824 439,017 TASH) apjsle cieinceieie = nia 54,146 79,741 Basswood......--.++e+8 241 Butiternut.......-+.+0> 795 60 92 "Tamara «is o> ‘« ineal.. 36 45 — nts) 1 siding mi 2. in. 3 Ra i 1%, 1% and 2 inch 32 00 $34 00 | x inch siding on run 16 50 1700 Measured RED PINE Tee wm Bisize a oe ALBANY. Picks and uppers x inch siding ship culls 15 50 Inshipping tering to pe 3: feet 3S » NY, Rineh Canada dress. °° °° 36 00 x inch siding mill culls TE Go 1pping order, iG tO average and quality. cae Uppers, 3 in. u PINE, as ane Weitere... 42 60 2 Cull scantling.. . culls 1400 By the dram _ OAK—MICHIG One Pee eS 2am) 2% Re he. slsletate Yi alas e2 $ $63 | x12 inch shj 2 hoa ¢ - games 4 00/ rinch strips 4 in. to 8 12 50 » According to average ange OHIO, Sor DRO I Re z ee Pa teleoes Soe pela se she Cailasatact, shippers ..... $ ¢ and bett in. mill z uality. . Pte herpes eae ubcbodeds Ui con 20 aes an id thc ker aig 24 00 26 00! x inch seape conten 16 00 16 50 By the dram, according to ay ELM. 2 = 46 56 Selects, ot in es Boi nistelslelaray re a Hoe boards, 6” ga ve. = a ‘ 2) Sten I 1-4 inch floori 15 00 “ erage and quali . to 2in : ._" Gressing and bet rhe a 1 inch clear and picks 2400 26 00] 7 7-5; Ooring.... ee Ity, 45 to so fe Ties estates 55 | 10-in. com: ter... 28 : meas r 18 . “ SEs 3 ine c gee : TOE alors 3° asi cong 12 shel Es sal cotioed BE = Eee 19 ae Tr inches and up, accordin ASH. 30 to 35 feet. . Be a I to2 eee 274 in. and up 45 se Gan - dressing and better... 3. a olny e ac inch No. 2 fork. 350 20 average 16 inch, . ~ > “Verge and quality No. x cuts, x to 2 inch, 38 eee epee Inch Norw h. 2075 ; mae”. * Seem Bos RSD ARORE is AMET) 0.2 sea pi scene a = . : = pine hate 325 i¢ inchaverage , BIRCH, Sere. ae 5G wines CB air ieee aes wh te pine shi 85 “« post PRRs cast We Bee care coma ag” ZG Ne a pee ea ae ao oss 3xXT0 commo. 18 oo] | | fe pine shing- 17 “ eee es Coe te . : rm tees 22 Foot ces el 6 in. clear butts. 18 « Se ac Mey oe) Sar eee ee ea ip! Oty Agee. 2 MOMIME) rite ain,..5, ag fei) eI ae 1X10 and x12 mi 18 00 hi white pine t 75 Cac pIaIChe * et ea ers ee Cie ined saps 20) 230) Pemex Bure ca Nee as Imre and re ecnill run 17 00 18 00 shingles... _,.. ; SP: iol ak eae eee 26). 128 racket plank a She ee es 12 mill culls B.C. shingle: nate 26 Bright s ¢ DEALS, Sieur vs Shelving b laky Clear, 1 to 6/4i : I gles 6 to 2 in 5 Pruce, accord ‘ 32 boards, r2- 3° 35 co to 6/4 in 5 00 | B.C, shingles sto2 a 2) 9B for 2nd, $25 to$ B fone to mill specification Dressing boards, n in. UP .. 32 35 Drees 2 inch ~ HARDWOODS—pER : 2 bs 28 for ard, and $21 to $24 f 1 $40 to $44 for rst, $28 t 1x19 inch shippe arrow... | ae sooner onan Ash, whi uality, rs and 2s - FEET CAR Los, 4 for 4th quality. F.O.} © $30 Pers........, 2 ONTO DY ara eto saa eet pe as iz ton unless otherwise specified ee: eee -B. batteau. = Gy) 9 aa + SOO eecieonapors an B : as white, 2% 10 gia [olo} $28 co Pesea “ a eee BAY CITY bea ee MG eictetaie ayers POCAAC Ago tar $2 aah ists and ands... sae NAW, MI . PUUCE ee oh -_ emp ss a 3° 00 32 00 Elm,rock, mill to 1&"18 00 20 00 esti, UPPERS AND SELECTS ’ CHe Sayed Pine, eX. XXXX..$4 00 sSHINGLES. else ere siete $2 co 1% in.... TRA... Sra Aes TOW, ; EES PRS ac 4 2 Ash, black, ists and 21 00 23 00| Hickory a THK" ae wide : Slates up Selects, rin, 8; Smooth, 6x718.0°°7"" 3.00 3 a Hane patie, 6x38 ....$5 > 2nds, 2 to4i a » ISts 1% 1 and 2i Peis eelehe x $54 00 1% +, 8in, and Lae yo 4 50 OCR piss nls siearaydrete 5 5 50 4M...... 23 00 2 and ends. .114** 2% Ce 3-0 5s EOP re 4, 1% and in 49 00 4 75 | Spruce stele 22 Bach -R.z_ to 2.. 17 00 z = aple, eas 2.. 28.60 3000 ved and) giinte ssc me Bi aude tee eeinics SR arena Z ee rae My - .., 38.00 and 2nds.. x ** Melsleislajeia es Sivan aes Fe HID cece BUFF ry 20 oo} Mapl & 1% 17 Ge oles ei Sage OG aa SiCe ce cope maae ALO A ‘* sars. 4x4 sig 2th Er BS oandands..2 “4 18 00 1 in., 8 in. and up wid FINE COMMON , TONAWANDA, N.Y. |, asts and lak, red, p’n *- 1900 2000 IKanlriéi widely... 39 50 ae , TE PINE, 2 ands, x tor in.... 18 00 rts & sede Pee 2in..., ok ee eae eee eo za 2/4 and 3in., 8in, and up wi Up’rs, 1, x (Wholesale selling pri a 1% to 2 ..22 00 20 00 | Oak;red, p’n 1% 28 00 30 00 Cor ATO ROR Op An RDS Ome Geice GPU aiahesahsjoislois so) P wide 44 00 ae %,t¥%and 2 D & Price.) m. r, “oy 24 00} 1sts & ands . < B SoU odeaiecal. «|. SU iia s i as ami at 58 co ine oe SC HOnRbeDdG $. ressing 1¥/ j Butternut; « 4 16 00 17 00| Oak —— Sgn 3x oo uin., 7in. and up wid. FINE COMMON oR No 1 cy 2% and 3 in...... > 37 58 00] 1Y/x16 ae cage: 33 50 2“ % 2300 25 00/ ists & a; 3300 «1% andz¥ in eaves: 30 00 | 2% and gin., sim © Seiten ee OBEN Vs iii nice a8 uae 35 50 3+. 25 00 ends ai, ee Ge ouner Geoee é 3in., 7in, 2 elects) zifole antici. 7X fae OE RONO DOGO Sheseno v2 25 20 28 02 Z ivi Wie ad oak So 60 BInec oC Ona R RACE Ae ae/ eae - oo) Boe ieoe ae oe up wide. 44 co 2% and ire Pee a8 os Shelving Weis: 2 BS Ys ists & ands 2 * : ini en 1 BOGG0% {el ef) 4 In. 61 » No. 1, 13 E and 2nds ak gu: 2 4-. 32.00 36 1% in TRIPS, A AND B (CLE Pinte tse 5° and u atid ts : , 4, in. < 2 pitees P, rin. Cherry, rsts 1% 50 co 60 00 ee : a6" oie wide? - 7 in. wide... 46 A poy exe SELECTS), inecommon, zin.,up 66 50| Mold st'ps Nowy te; 38 ea and ands,.2 “4. 69 Walnut, rst 2.. 69 00 65 oo Hialste.wictstarsicsa's 5 48 00 | 6 in. 1p and 7 in. wide.... 1% In. wide... . WD ete tamincin he oe Elm, soft, mill ©0 65 00] and ands a _ inte ata eel NULGIS Ron Doe na ce at ye aes 40 00 eee 1% in..... bi 5°/ Barn, No.1, r2in. ||” 38 50 39 50 REND oi vin wa Whit i 3-. 85 00 v4 51n, wide. .., ONEORECHE mek Thais CODE © eet istelacitermaltanaar 50 6) Siande ances 28 =o . I ewood tooo §=—- t in, sieges cleisis ses : F ; ; toin...., 2 Elm, soft, mill % 16 00 18 00 ea ices 4) 5; 6 in. wide ...., CHLHES (penne eae 39 50] x rg ote Sera 17 Bs P; eet, bom... ...5 r Bae ee ak I OCOONCOGdAGE 25 ny OR STOCKs, +++ 25 00 No. 2,14, & 13f in a 2260 || os a6 rae Wlerstetaicts 19 co Blac! a Strips,.... 26 ns PX 00 | Pine, box ae II 00 16 00 Rar SEIN Salalwi wR ialebele ie 6,22 21 00 ae EAE ee 3,14% & 1% in PS Be oo} x1 and ena OF sae 20 00 : 3 00 | Pi x culls...... ; : a ae nd 7i AES De, Ree IS RN onan Pine, No. eee BEBO 30. 6c see = riers 3 a = a a a a ++. 20 00| No, 3, ae ice sue SpChaten a a May CN: 1,1%, 1% 20 00 rd Oe ° * ee ee es Fee ao as) 21 o e ° 7 CI ts eee 2 Bs, per M feet 1x10 No. 2 aro... Boren SRAM sats. uiann etal eleva’ o Seieiarc a zs a BSOUNArcetataincravete tere Price a lowing quotations on hard peer 16 50 Piua? We ae. 28 SO 24 00 x8 &gNo.r *§ |||” Hes 9 | alge SSR See con oon 23 00 em oe eae mec uffalo and Tonawanda : woods represent the jobber’s buyi ae Da dressin Ix8&qN cae ig tees 19 00 . moe emits | ECE ac roars : uying _Strips, ....... Ss Tagh O.2 fo. 1 in., 4 and 5 in. wi HIPPING CULLS OR RB : WHI Pine, No. x dressing 16 00 18 00! Lath air a aet's 3,00 4 ae rin., 6 in, ae oe Se $16 00 | rin., 13 Mana : oy oe ae 30 00 32 eee Shorts, ......, Pe Cadae shia. cap 2.92 2 5 tin., 7 in. wide and up... || 16 (0/1, 13 and in.) ide--+ $17 Spe anna 34. G0) 36 ag 274 to 4 in.. Pine, x0 s.c. and bet.” ™° °° | Cedar cvs aa vl Fue. eg Bepee-= 26c>|/ on wide....0.7 2 md Be SO See ann 34 00 38 0 ter stock, z B les, Clear ain CO ei ajc Oe enpadooedarned Onivandikcullee a ae 20 00 22 00 Pp Ae erences» 1700 UU Te ese eien in., 3, 4,5, 7, 8 and oj 2 KY CLEAR. 700 GUUS mare tae s.c. and bet- 7 20 00 Cedar Shige ee : = 225 tin, 6in. Pie gin. wide Bo 00 | 1 in., ro in. and up wid tst & 2nd, 6 inch up, Eee BROWN asu 1200 14 00 al PUN dha. s cing ‘in . AARC e pipe) SS es eee Collicg hes ) Wide... .. 20 00 Pine, 8&ups.c sidin 1400 16 00) Pine ce Aton aoe a %, 1% and ines Bin andi 25 00 | Com. & good culls... x2 Pine, s.c. strips 2515 08 18 00/ Butte ees Clear j = WAGES Iota sx P ist & 2nd, 6 inch & BIRCH, oi IBC sses2 13 CO 16 00! xxxx Pi fois asin eo aree I 6 Country brands, X HINGLEs, 18-1N, aise icWiains 20706 up, red. 1st &er . 5 ine Shingle OX 78 Clear B eee Ce 28 00 2nd, white, 6” & gles.... 275 3 00 AEN BUEES Rai o.oo, 3 25 | Standard brands, ri ; 30 00 | Com. & good cull up, 18 00 20 09 j tees 275 <5Xx a made, tst & 2d,rock, 6in. & up, 2 ELM. Deane TO 00 12 09 ee EAS ectoss. sc. 375 7 20°00 22 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 6in, & Be ta 300 1st & ed, hard,6in & upr8 MAPLE peut: SUP, 20 00 22 00 5 18 ¢o 2000] rst & od : » Soft, 61 t, 6in. & up, 18 00 20 aa ~ - sm pelt ry ” as 4 JULY 25, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. lf] LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Eby, Blain & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jobn, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘* Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Canadian Oak pining Co., Mont gents Que. Dixon & Co., F, E., Toronto, Ont Fleming, W. A. , Montreal, Que Goodhue, J, L. & Co., Danville, Que. M i GHINERY Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Belting. Darling Bros., Montreal. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montrealand Toronto. Sadler & ‘Haworth, Toronto, Ont, The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J.S., Montreal. Magnolia sie RASS CASTINGS Drake, F.J., Belleville, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex. , Woodstock, N.B. Indianapolis Excelsior Mf. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Madis»n Willams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock; N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Ey Galt, Ont. Parmenter, Jas. S., Woodstock, Ont Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. MISCELLANEGUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Conveyors, Geo. W Reed & Co. Montreal. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co., Chicago, Ill. PULLE Emery Wheels, Fairbanks Co. , Montreal. vent Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. Lairigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co vOgs OE t The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. Fege), Denn yon in te EOUEes Toron pat Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, ‘Ont. RAILROAD BRASSES Lumber Inspector, John 4- Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York Machine Kuives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Saw MANUFACTURERS Oils, Queen City 011 Co., Toronto. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Burns, E. R., aoronto, Ont. Shurly & Dicteich, “Catt. Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co., Toronto, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Nalontcoal, Que. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New york and WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Toronto. Houston, G. hicago, Ill PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New Y PULP AND «RAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, The Jenckes Machine Fes notebooks, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantiord. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Mattawa, Ont. Shier, J. D. *Sieeatiaee Ont. Veterinaty Remedies, Dr. ‘A. AMcCann & Co., Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. Mention this paper when corresponding with adver tisers CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume We have a quantity of Ship Decking to offer. Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. JED MOS SVS) DAMSDS BOM A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and "Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. ‘ie you have any 2” common Pine Plank, 6 to 12” wide, 12 to 16 ft: long, or 4 x 4 Pine Scantling—or logs to make them— you can find a cash customer for any amount. dry or green if price is right. with Lowest Prices, Can be shipped Send word what you have got, REID & GO., Fexswes "3 TORONTO to ence ue 34 CS NADALING PR. &. SGOTT - McGregor, Ont. ee MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES ‘re tee Ey emma é Correspondence Solicited. cLAURIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EAST TEMPLETON, QUE. SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WaTER. KILLALOE STATION MOAR & RYAN ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. a specialty. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE - mento Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. J. D. SHIER, sencesriccs, onr. . ete eon OF... ‘uve. Lumber, Lath and Shin oles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer, 5 million feet of Hemlock to Bore All could be cut to order if contracted for early. urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUFACTURERS —y LUMBER a“ LATH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING StEeTINGS——— GEILING @ R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DBALERS Head ofice—-TORONTO-—70 King St. West. SARNIA—-wroctesate DISTRIBUTING varvy—_ BU FF ALO JAS. PLAY FHATR & CoO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ¢ LATH « SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies ~~ MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P.WHITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. een ioe aaa eesti anleaiee aaeto ROBERT WATT - WIFRTON MANUFACTURER AND J Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber 4% Pine Shingles. A FEW CARS OF 6/4 MAPLE FOR SALE CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. xs~= ONTARIO Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of one Pine, Cedar and Hemieek Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT ae eee LOTR BOARD «0., of Parry sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont AUGER & SON - Quebec :: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar me bupwmood, siémon & Bros. Mig. Go. - Wiarton, On. LUMBER MERCHANTS 0 MANUFACTURERS Large quantity of Maple on Sticks some time. Considerable 4/4 White Maple, Beech and Bireh Logs to eut to order. W ship by rail or water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON vcceeee, LUMBER 380 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. Ylooring from $14.00 KNIGHT BROTHERS CO, Ceiling Oe 12.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL Burk’s Falls, Ont. v. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. JULY 25, 1900 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & GO. Wood Agents and Brokers Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers ® Cable Address, “« Farnworth,” Liverpool. 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. " 7 Royal Bank Place. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Ag ents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, At and Lieber’s Codes. SINCLETON, DUNN, & CO. WY! OGD Bi Cae Ee 247 Union Street F. Fx. Lightbody & Go. - GLASGOW 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,’ GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. DN PeVERY & VINGENT 2=—SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RHD PIN FE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED LBARY SOO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4, Lombard Court, Gracechurch Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. KENNEDY GLASGOW, SCOTLAND A. 48 West Regent Street - Buyer of .. « BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: ‘Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER - ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for .. . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Flooring: Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, £ Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Is open for offers of 1” P. T. and G. Boards, Pine, 3rds quality or Log Run, 5/7’ wide Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘CaskET,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. SMITH & TYRER - [4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . ‘ : Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Croshy Square, LONDON, ENG, SELLING AGENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc... JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . » TIMBER IMPORTERS. . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCH ESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: ** ALLISON,’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. | Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Dee Calder, Henderson & Livingston Cable sll di apshipis Piesgnt GL A SGO WwW 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW B R 0 A F R S Cable Address : ‘‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. @-————-IRVIN & SELLERS————~ © Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELE&©e. Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER , Manchester Timber Importers limite 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. - A.B.C. and Zebra codes used. EEE Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ee ——Ee————eeee ‘Gee Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. a .z. . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BU DCEIT BROS. 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Street Within, ™ Cable Address, LONDON, E£.C. “Budlets, London.” ANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITIO The Lumbérman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } s1.00 per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., AUGUST 1, 1900 No. 28, CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BuILDING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- ween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and €xporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and iecjartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen, Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. _ 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. OOD DIRECT ACTING STEAM SAW MILL and 200 acres for sale, with several years’ supply of timber at hand. For particulars address T. A. PickarD, Owen Sound. 1 Se ace man to take charge of large logging operations in B.C. Must have experience in rcugh country. Address, stating ex- perience, Box 60, CANADA LUMBERMAN. ANTED—Three Ply stock, 3-16 in. thick, about 24x 20in., 40to 50M feet permonth. Any cheap hardwood willdo. Clear of defects. Send sample and price to Joun W. Hussey, No. 1 Broadway, New York. FOR SALE. T= HARDWOOD LUMBER—150,000 FEET 1 in. soft Elm, 80,000 feet 1 in. brown Ash, 150,000 feet plain and quartered red and white Oak, 100,000 feet 1 in. and 2 in. hard and soft Maple, 40,000 feet 1, 14%, 1%, and 2inch clear Chestnut. For particulars apply Lonpon LumsBeErR Co., London, Out. WANTED V ANTED, IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, Green Hard Maple Squares, 634” x 614”, 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. Address, Box 36, CanapDa LuMBERMAN’ FOR SALE i so 8 INCH 4 SIDED MOULDER, ONE tenon machine No. 161, one mortise machine. These machines were made by the best firms in Canada and are new and up-to-date, only used a short time ; also one 38 h. p. return tubular boiler, with foot front and fittings, only used a short time; can furnsh maker’s guarantee. Willsell cheap for cash or exchange for a 35 h.p. portable boiler and 30 h.p. engine if as good as new. For further particulars apply to Joun R. McKay, Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N. J ONGFORD BRIDGE STONE, Ashlar, large and small Rubble and all kinds of Building and Foun- dation Stone, Window Sills, Steps, Etc. A. MCPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.O., Ont. OMPETENT LUMBER PILERS WANTED for mill in B.C, Address, stating wages, Box 789, CanaDa LUMBERMAN. WANTED. OR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT, SEVERAL cars of 1% in. to3in. Prime Rock Elm. Orrawa Lumser Co., Ottawa. FOR SALE. TO 2% MILES SECOND HAND 30-FT. Steel Rails and Fish Plates, in good condition ; also Vard Locomotive. Joun J. GARTSHORE, 83 Front St. West, Toronto. OR SALE—At Wiarten, about 30,000 feet 12x12 in. and 30,000 feet 10x10 in. Cedar Timber, 10 feet and up long. Also a smaller quantity of 4x4 In., 5x5 in.,6x6in., and 2 in. and 3 in. Cedar, and 20,009 feet 12x12 in, 20 to 30 feet Hemlock. Pickarp & Rowan, Owen Sound. SAW MILI. SITE G08? SAW MILL SITE ON SOUTH END of the Georgian Bay, near Midland; extensive Lumber Docks, Houses, Store Buildings, etc.; water power. THE Muskoka Mitt anp Lumper Co., Ltd., Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE A yery valuable timber limit, seventeen square miles, consisting of the following timber :—12,000,000 Birch, very fine; 5,000,000 Hemlock ; 2,000,000 pine: a variety of Black Ash, Spruce, Basswood, Little Elm and Oak. Also lots of Maple and Beech. The advantages of this limit is in the fact that the furniture factory at the nearest mill takes every board of birch and ash. The limit is well watered and easily lumbered. All necessary creeks are improved and need little repairs. Price $35,000. Address Gro. F. Ricu, 401 Can. Atlantic Hotel, Parry Harbor. TENDERS Tenders for the purchase of the Company’s Saw Mill and contents, situated at Coal Creck, B:C., will be received by the undersigned up to AUGUST 15, 1900. This mill has a capacity of one hundred thousand feet per day, and is equipped with all the latest facilities for the handling of a large output, including :— Six 60 x 16 Steel Boilers, complete. One No. 3 Band Mill (Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co.) One pr. No. 9 Circular Husk Frame with top saw rig. One pr. of 20 in. x 24 in. Engines, complete. One 14x20 Cunningham Ford Engine, steam feed complete. One Steel Refuse Burner, diameter. Three Wilken’s Steam Canters, complete Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Saws, Frictions, etc. 72 feet high, 30 in. In addition to the above there is also a Planing Mill, fitted with Planers, Boring and Mortising Machines, etc. Detailed lists of the machinery can be seen at the mill, Coal Creek, B.C.; in the office of R. Marpole, General Superintendent, Vancouver; or the under- signed, Winnipeg, or will be mailed on application. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms of settlement—Twenty-five per cent. cash, balance in equal payments in 30, 60 and go days on approved security. JAMES OSBORNE, General Superintendent C.P.R. Winnipeg, Man. ANTED.—Party having good Portable Saw Mill, to cut about 3 million feet of Pine and Spruce Timber cn Soo Branch C.P.R., close to R.R. Send particulars to Box 15, CaNADA LUMBERMAN. IMMEDIATE. WANTED-— Quotations, c.i.f., for export purposes, on Spruce, Pitch Pine, White Pine, Oak, Walnut and Poplar. Correspondece requested by first mails. Address—K Cripor, «42 East 37th St., New York. a _ FOR SALE. | UNAM AND DOWEL SQUARES OF ALL dimensions, manufactured from the finest White Birch. For particulars apply to Crark, SKILLINGS & Co., Newcastle, Miram chi, N. B. FOR SALE AW MILLS—One semi-portable, first class order, capacity, 8,000 per day ; one heavy mill, 40 h. p. boiler and engine, capacity 20,000 ft. Cheap for cash, or might exchange for timbered land at the north. Box 156, Thamesville, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Taking the province as a whole, trade in lumber is very quiet, but in some sections, notably Ottawa, a brisk local business is doing. The movement of stock from the mills is quite active, but most of this was sold early in the spring to be shipped out during the summer months. The situation im the Georgian Bay and Ottawa valley districts seems to be improving, and manufacturers are showing a strong disposition to maintain prices. It cannot justly be said that there has been any appreciable decline, as is evidenced by the sale of a large quantity of pine mill culls at $10 at the mill. Our Ottawa valley correspondent reports that the tendency is towards higher prices for lumber, and that the price of lath has advanced fifty cents per thousand. Visitors to the Georgian Bay district confirm the reports that a large percentage of the logs taken out last winter are hung up, with little prospect of getting them out for this season’s sawing, but it is expected that in the Ottawa valley nearly all the logs will reach the mills. Hardwood dealers tell of a satisfactory volume of trade during the month of July, but with a small margin of profit. Manu- facturers have been holding stock at firm prices, and the dealer in order to effect a sale has sometimes divided his profit with the buyer. Consumers are purchasing very meagrely, but they may be expected to buy more liberally in the near future, as there seems little hope of being able to purchase hardwocd lumber this season at prices much lower than those ruling at the present time. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The midsummer dullness in the lumber market has presented itself in a somewhat pronounced form. There are no ship- ments of any consequence being made to the United States market, and local trade is by no means active. Prices for spruce deals are weaker, although it cannot be said that there is any great quantity of dry stock unsold. The proposed harbor improvements at Montreal, which are to be commenced this month, will require considerable timber. Export trade has been seriously handi- “obliged to close down. capped by high freight rates. The with- drawal of steamers for transport service to China has caused a further advance in rates, and although tempting offers are made, few charters are being effected. The labor difficulty at St. John has been settled, the men returning to work last week. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The movement of grain by the farmers in Manitoba and the Territories is as yet light. Until after the grain is marketed trade in lumber on country account wiJl be unimportant, but this is being offset in a measure by a good demand in Winnipeg and the larger towns. Prices are steady and no reports of cutting are heard of. In British Coiumbia the mills are working to their full capacity. The loggers are taking steps to keep up the price of logs, and to protect themselves the manufarturers will be compelled to sell their lumber at present prices, if not slightly higher. The export mills have sufficient orders to tax their capacity for the season to its utmost. UNITED STATES, The actual trade in white pine lumber 1s very light, and the situation in respect to prices is difficult of solution. From some quarters it is reported that sales are being made at figures ranging from 50 cents to $1.50 below the list, while on the other hand, the largest manufacturers are understood to be holding firmly to list prices. The log supply seems to have had quite an effect in maintaining the strength of the market. It is feared that some of the mills w:ll not be able to get a full supply of logs for their season’s operations, and this, of course, will reduce the output of lumber for the season. The movement of lumber has been so back- ward that some of the manufacturers find their piling capacity taxed to its utmost, and unless the stock can be moved in the near future, they may be Eastern buyers have shown a little more disposition to contract for stock at upper lake points, as the freight rate from Duluth to Buffalo has been reduced to $2.25, as compared with $4.50 in the fall of last year. But in the absence of a brisk demand from retailers and consumers in the east, the buying by wholesalers has not been heavy. High grade stock is little asked for, box lumber seeming to be in most urgent demand. At Saginaw white pine is held at $16 and up for log run, $15 and $16 for box lumber, $14 te $17 for Norway, and $14 and $14.50 for mill culls. In hardwood circles a slightly improved trade is reported, bat the volume of busi- ness for the month of July was small. Prices are about nominal. A firm of hardwood dealers in Buffalo, writing to the CANADA LUMBERMAN, states that there does not seem to be any price list at the present time. Each firm appears to be governed by conditions which exist in its particular case, and that if prices were reduced even $5 per thousand, the volume of trade could not be materially increased. White ash seems to be in short supply, and as it 1s expected that {I. (CCANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. furniture factories will shortly go into the market to buy, prices of this stock are likely to keep up. Owing to high water the usual supply ofash and oak from the southwest is not forthcoming. The demand for spruce is better than it has been, and dealers are looking forward to a good fall trade in anticipation of in- creased building operations. Quotations at New York range from $18.50 to $20. Hemlock is lower in price, the minimum figures being $13 at Buffalo and $15 at Philadelphia and New York city. FOREIGN. Prices for lumber are firmer in the British market than they were at last report, due to the difficulty in making vessel charters. It is believed that if the freight situation is not relieved before the autumn, prices heretofore unheard of will rule. The prospect at the present time is that the import of wood goods into the United Kingdom this .season will be exceptionally light. There was an aver- age quantity of spruce received at London in the month of July, but it had no unfav- orable influence on prices. Third quality regulars are still quoted at £9 c. i. f., but “the bulk of shipments which arrived were sold in advance. Concerning the arrival of a cargo of Canadian deals, etc., the Timber Trades Journal says: ‘The pine deals are principally of broad dimensions and of first quality, and as the stock of this discription is probably the lowest on record, there 1s every likelihood of these parcels being disposed of ex ship. From the dressed pine boards landed a fair amount of deliveries from ship’s side are being made. Broad whitewood boards have been imported only to a limited extent of late, and, being in demand, the one or two parcels ex this liner should find purchasers ex quay.” Unfortunately the disturbances in China have closed, temporarily at least, a prom- ising market for the lumber of British Columbia. During the early part of this year large shipments were made to China, and Canadian lumbermen were looking forward to a growing demand from that quarter. But when that country is again opened to development an export trade of great magnitude may be expected. STOCKS AND PRICES. Last week the amount of lumber re- ceived at Buffalo by lake was 4,245,000 feet. The str. Ramleh is loading deals at Sillery Cove, Quebec, for Dobell, Beckett & Company. White pine shingles are quoted at Sagi- naw at $4.15 and $315, and cedar shingles at $3 and $2 respectively. The Nelson Saw & Planing Mills, of Nelson, B. C., have just received a boom of logs containing 600,000 feet. The Rathbun Company’s ‘saw mill at Tweed, Ont., closed last week, after cut- ting 240,000 feet of lumber, 47,000 railway ties, and 700 cords of slab wood. The str. Ailsa Craig sailed from Halifax on July 24th for Liverpool, with 1,554 standards of deals, .alued at $32,700, Chas. J. Wil'is & Company, of Sackville, N. B., were the shippers. Last week at Duluth, Minn., Saundry & Company sold a cargo of mixed lumber at the following prices: No. 2 and 3 shop, 2 inch, $25; 134 and 1% inch, $22; No. 3, 6 inches and wider, $14.50; 1% in. box, $15 ; No. 5, $10. The Saginaw Lumber & Salt Company last week received at Saginaw, Mich., a raft of 3,000,000 feet of loys from the Georgian Bay. This company is taking over 30,000,000 feet. The Charltons have also sent over a couple of rafts. Tke steamship Feronca is loading deals at West Bay, N. S., for the United King- dom. The str. Labuan cleared from Parrsboro, N. S., on July 25th, for Man- chester, with 3,452,507 feet of deals, scantling and boards, shipped by M. L. Tucker for W. M. Mackay. A correspondent writes from Alpena to the American Lumberman as follows: The condition of the Alpena market and the movement of lumber bears no com- parison to the conditions of one year ago. It is estimated that there is now on the mill docks from 25,000,000 to 30,000,000 feet of lumber, and one mill has shut down because the firm has no more piling room available. Another concern has 7,000,000 feet on the mill dock and will have to shut down the mill unless ship- ments increase. Following is a comparative statement of timber measured and culled at Quebec up to 3Ist July, as reported by the Super- visor of Cullers : 1898. 1899. * 1900. Waney White Pine.... 1,112,043 1,237,183 748,956 White Pine ........0%. 751,023 438,437 317,415 FREGHEIRE sje viecies) «aes 1323-9 ,110C49 20,973 Grill gas dodaaoanonaD |) 599,88£ 442,240 331,193 Palin). ais a0 ¢ 2 «> 395324 405,852 445,252 SUSE peta alae 27,923 54,146 73)55° Basswood... . 241 Buttternut... par 887 60 2 TRAMarac fe srsi> sfeiobniniepar 2 « 415 71 Birch and Maple....... 106,538 231,946 386,374 An estimate has been made of the probable output of the large Ottawa val- ley saw mills for the season of 1900, the total production being placed at 500,000- ooo feet. J. R. Booth will hkely reach the eighty million mark. The Hull Lum- ter Company, who are running the old Bronsen mill, will cut about 25,000,000 feet; W. C. Edwards, Ottawa, 30,000,- ooo feet; Rockland Mills, sixty to seventy millions ; McLaurin & McLaren, . 25,000,000; McLaren, of Buckingham, 30,000,000 ; Gilmour’s Hull mills, 40,000- ooo, and mills at Braeside, Arnprior and Pembroke, 100,000,000, Mr. R. H. Roys recently returned to Saginaw, Mich., from the Georgian Bay district, and states that fully 35 per cent. of the logs put into the streams last win- ter are hung up. Owing to this cause many mills started sawing late and a number of new mills which were built during the winter did not start early. He says the feeling 1s very strong as re- gards prices, and reports the sale of 2- 500,000 feet of mill culls to go to Ohio at $10. When the freight and $2 duty is added it brings the price up to about $14, which is a high figure for mill culls. Ac- cording to Mr. Roys, there is no accumu- lation of lumber, and it is not expected there will be much congestion in this re- gard. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the Canapa LUMBERMAN.) The local market furnishes the chief feature of interest at present. While export trade with the United States is only moderate, and that with Great Britain little better, the extensive building operations in Hull and Ottawa conse- quent on the fire has created a brisk demand for all lines of building lumber. Prices, with the exception of lath, have not advanced, how- ever, in the past fortnight. The figures show an advance of 20 per cent. over those ruling the same time last year. Lath have advanced 50 cents all round, the better class selling from $3.50 to $3.75, and second grade $2. 50 to $3.00. The local mills are all running full time,and planing factories, sash factories, etc., are rushed with orders. Prices which were high before the fire, took a jump shortly afterwards, and have retained their position with prospects of another slight move upwards. Aithough the yards are again piling high with lumber for export trade, the shortage caused by the fire will be felt for many months to come. Lumber is being shipped in quanti- ties by rail direct from the saw, and consider- able shipping is also being done by water in the green. The increased total demand has had its effect, depleting the supply otherwise destined to reach the foreign market. It has been rumored on the street that Ottawa lumber magnates were to come to an understanding and by concerted action protect themselves against the vagaries of the market. The proposed deal in short meant the for- mation of a company to regulate the output of the local mil's, and thus guard against an over- stocking of the market and’ a possible decline in prices. No definite action has been taken in the matter, and though prominent lumber men state such steps may not be taken for some time, the impression prevails that for mutual protection they will ultimately have to arrive at an understanding as to the placing of stock on the market. The first and probably the only raft of square timber to come down the Ottawa this season was piloted through the Chaudiere slides last week. The raft was formed on the Coulonge, having been cut off Gillies Bros,’ limits. It consisted of thirty-two cribs of timber, con- = AUGUST I, 1g00_ taining in all 40,000 cubic feet. To cover the distance to the destination, Quebec, the raft was floated a fortnight. Only ten years ago bétween fifteen and twenty such rafts were floated down to tide water, containing at least 1,500,000 cubic feet of timber. This year considerable square timber was shipped from the Upper Ottawa country by rail. Amongst others interested in the ship- ments were William Mackie, George Gordon, Allan Francis, Booth & Shannon, and Gillies Bros. Gillies Bros’. mill at Braeside, near Ottawa, is working full time at present, with prospects of a seasons’s output of 35,000,000 feet. The operations on the limits this coming season will be conducted on a large scale, though not as extensive as last season. Reports from the various log drives show that but few of the firms centering on the Ottawa and Gatineau have logs ‘‘tied up.” The last logs have just been moved out of the Dumoine for J. R. Booth and E. B. Eddy & Co. None of the mills have as yet experienced slack time on account of a scarcity of logs. The Ottawa Lumber Co.’s limits on the Rouge promise to be the scene of extensive operations again next season. Large quanti- ties of spruce taken out last season are being cut at the mill. Indications point to another season of all round activity on the limits, and the men will at no distant date be returning to their work. The wages are likely to remain as high as last season owing to the demand for labor. The W. C. Edwards & Co. have taken charge of the Capital Milling Co.’s plant and premises, both of which are undergoing a thorough overhauling. New machinery will be installed and increased facilities provided for the turning out of the heavier planing work. The finer branches office furnishings, etc., will be similarly treated in their Edinburgh headquarters. Recently an employee in Davidson & Thack- Messrs. Cowan & Co., of Galt, have, ow- ing to the increase of business in the province of Quebec, opened a wareroom at 302 and 304 St. James street, Montreal, which 1s under | the management of W. H. Fisher. K. Ctibor, who has been in Weymouth, N. S., for two years past acting as Nova Scotian buyer for F. Ctibor, Buenes Ayres, S. A., manufacturer of native woods and importers, left for New York a few days ago on his way to Europe for a few months on a business trip. Mr. Ctibor, whose advertisement appears in this issue, is asking for quotations on native woods of various kinds. He has been a heavy buyer of spruce hitherto in Nova Scotia. P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER i Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. Special attention given to. . TIMBER PROPERTIES — If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 09-310 Merchants Bank Building a 205 ¢t. James Street, MONTREAL . a Timber Limits on the a Following Rivers :— Du Lievre, Reuge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac Rivers, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson 29 Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3° 44. MONTREAL, QUE. ray’s planing mill met with an accident, ——EE7~ death ensuing in a couple of days. Although CCIN BOSTON, MASS. there was a rush of work on at the mill every H. D. WI 89 STATE ST. department was shut down and the employees attended the funeral in Hull ina body with the members of the firm. Sutherland & Holbrook have just been awarded the contract for the erection of a new paper finishing establishment for the E. B. Eddy Co. The new building will be a three story one, 500 feet long and 100 feet deep. The building will be a solid brick one and will be ready for occupation on Sept. 15th. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG yaa Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. W ANTE D Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASE John F. Stengel *’steraro, wy.” PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Sepcial Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit SALE OF CANADIAN LUMBER. Foy, Morgan & Company, London, Eng., held an auction sale of wood goods on July 18th, at which the following prices were realized for Canadian lumber :— Spruce—Ex. Greta Holme, from Quebec— 10-15 ft. 3x If in. unassorted, £9 10s; 12 ft. 3x Qin., £8 10s; 10-14 ft. 3x9 in., £8 10s; 10-14 ft. 3x 7-8in., 485s. Ex. Starlight, from Quebec—r10-13 ft. 3x9 in., £8 15s. Ex. Annie M. Smull, from Miramichi, N.B.— 9-22 ft. 3x II in., £6; 6-23 ft. 3 x 9 in. Sy : ny Yy 4 A558. 5 6-19) ft. 3 x 7-8 in., £4 17s 6d. Ex. ee. \ 4h =a Greta Holme, from Quebec—11-13 ft. 3 x 9-10 os x — in., third quality, £6 5s. PinE—Ex. Menmon, from Quebec—12-27 ft. 1% x7 in. unassorted red pine, £8 15s. 211} Ex. Abbey Holme, from Quebec—1i2-16 ft. za q 2X 7 in. first, second and third quality red [WHOLESALE MBER ) EALERS. pine, £10. Ex. Werneth Hall, from Quebec— 9-14 ft. 2x7 in. third quality, £9. Ex. Bede, from Quebec—4 ft. X 3-4 in. third quality, 44. * Nrth Tena Unwa Cable Address, ‘Swan DonoGH—ToNAWANDA. Lumberman’s Code. HARDWOOD DOORS Cheap as Pine # For Oil Finish Gilmour's Patent Lumber DOQRS tsi" Less in Price. Better in Quality. Guaranteed Superior to any other make of Door. Orders promptly, filled. Capacity, 1,000 Doors per day. Write or Cable for Samples. CILMOUR & GO., TRENTON, CANADA CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY | . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from . . . a OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW Loe NOTE TODAS eee c., ’ UEBE! = FAX, ST. JOHN, ‘&c. > es . P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight Agent, O C. J. Smiru General Traffic Maree Onna: Onet - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OvereND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. AUGUST I, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. III LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Eby, Blain & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co. , Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, M AGHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex. » Woodstock, N.B. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co. , Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. ‘ BELTIN Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Dixon & Co., F, E., Toronto, Ont. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co.,Montrealand Toronto, Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. 8RASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. ORY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Parmenter, Jas. S., Woodstock, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian ERC e BNET Avang peeats riebeteh "1 2 d School Furniture Co., Presto , Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, Coen oe W Reed & Co. Montreal. oo The Waterous Co., Brantford. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co., Chicago, Ill. By Emery Wheels, ae Co. (jae Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. Larrigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock. oe thee, Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbe>, Toronto, On Lumbering Tools, ee Pe ore, yor bs Lumber I t n 4. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. __ RAILROAD BRASSES lachine Mencee Be : Magnolia Metal Co., New York. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Oils, Queen City Oil Co., Toronto. SAW MANUFACTURERS Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co., Toronto, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York ana WHGLESALE LUMBER DEALERS & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Houston, G. T. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Veterinary Remedies, Dr. A. AMcCann & Co., Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Bertram, John Mattawa, Ont. SS Mention this paper when corresponding withadvertis er CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume We have a quantity of Ship Decking to offer, Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. SS {F you have any 2” common Pine Plank, 6 to 12” wide, 12 to 16 ft. long, or 4 x 4 Pine Scantling—or logs to make them— you can find a cash cusgomer for any amount. Can be shipped dry or green if price is right. Send word what you have got, with Lowest Prices, © REID & C0., tz i BASSWod Meat, nit er D ASH ae ae ELM, liver Lumb “UNSER, ATH wo SHIN The a WHITE PINE correspondence ip CANADA NG PR. %. SGOTT - McGregor, Ont. jesale Dealers in MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES queria teas (uel é Correspondence Solicited. [{cL-AURIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAsT TEMPLETON, QuE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS By Rat or WATER. - MOHR & RYA Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. a specialty. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, BMEEIE RR, cxro-osman on) - MANUFACTURER OF... ‘uve Lumber, Lath and Shingles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer. 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to order if contracted for early. Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Canada Atlantic Railway. urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUFAGTURERS LOMBER = LATH Shipments by Rail or Water. e Midland, Ont. GEILING @ KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHEETING- R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DBALERS Head Ofice-TORONTO-70 King St. West. SARNYI A—wuortsate DISTRIBUTING varos—_ BUFFALO _ SS RE ed a JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies ee MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A.& P. WHITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT - WIKRTON MANUFACTURER AND R Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber Me Pine Shingles, CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & C0. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC, Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Manufacturers of and Dealers in....., Mills at Wiarton Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD cO0., AUGER & SON - QO :: DIMENSION TIMBER :: Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Slémon & Bros. Mig. Go. - Wiarton, Ont. LUMBER MERCHANTS »» MANUFACTURERS Large quantity of Maple on Sticks some time. Considerable 4/4 Whi Maple, Beech and Bireh Logs to eut to order. t " W ship by rail or water. 2 a ee ILLIAMSON & MORRISON Mecuee,... LUMBER SO St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE of Parry Sound, Limited. Parry Cound, Out. Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. [RS Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers, Flooring from $14.00 KNIGHT BROTHER Celiing 12.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAil KNIGHT BROTHERS co, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & OO. Wood Agents and Brokers Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ? » Dale Street andg Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock, Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD BRO. 27 Union Street F. Fx. Lightbody & Go. - GLASGOW 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: Art ‘* Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—'' WAINSCOT,’ GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. LL PAVERY & VINGENT =——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RHD PIN FE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED LBARY & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4 Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. — sss A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of .. . BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers ‘or shipment by regular liners. Cables: ‘‘Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to ofter WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. EE ss. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for... . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings' Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Is open for offers of 1” P. T. and G. Boards, Pine, 3rds quality or Log Run, 5/7” wide Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.‘A. Cable Address, ‘‘CaskeT,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. AUvuGUS1 I, 1900 oo SMITH & TYRER - 14 Ganada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . Cable Address—“‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. Oil SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. SALES ACENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . . TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” - MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: "*ALLISON,’’ Glasgow. ALLISON, COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St... GLASGOW Q <© rT Calder, Henderson & Livingston Cable Addrats VALORES. hs Sia GLA SGOW 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW B R 0 K F R S Cable Address : ‘‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. 6-————-IRVIN & SELLERS——~-© Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. TTT ALFRED DOBELL & CO. Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER nnn Manchester Timber Importers timite 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. - A.B.C. and Zebra codes used. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. eee ae Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. .Z. . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BU DCETT BROS 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Street Within, ™™ Cable Address, LONDON, E.C. “Budlets, London.” CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumbérman Monthly :Edition, 20 pages} si.oo per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. VI. TORONTO, ONT., AUGUST 8, 1900 No. 29. CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BurLpING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- ween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. . ; Lumberman, So A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. | 4 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. “WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of _ 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines _ make oneinch. Advertisements must be received not _ later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. OOD DIRECT ACTING STEAM SAW MILL and 200 acres for sale, with several years’ supply of timber at hand. For particulars address T. A. PickarD, Owen Sound. - ANTED,—First class Stave Cutter. Apply, fa Davis & WuirTeE, Gooderham, Ont. TELEPHONE POLES FOR SALE ix TH UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOR SALE 2,500 Telephone Poles, all lengths, from 25 to 55 feet. Quotations given by mail or wire when requested. Grorce & McGrecor, Killaloe Station, Ont. FOR SALE. RY HARDWOOD LUMBER—150,000 FEET zr in. soft Elm, 80,000 feet 1 in. brown Ash, 150,000 feet plain and quartered red and white Oak, 100,000 feet 1 in. and 2 in. hard and soft Maple, 40,000 feet 1, 14%, 1%, and2inch clear Chestnut. For particulars apply Lonpon Lumser Co., London, Ont, WANTED ANTED, IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, Green Hard Maple Squares, 634” x 614”, 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. Address, Box 36, CanADA LUMBERMAN' FOR SALE Bie 8 INCH 4 SIDED MOULDER, ONE tenon machine No. 161, one mortise machine. These machines were made by the best firms in Canada and are new and up-to-date, only used a short time ; also one 38 h. p. return tubular boiler, with foot front and fittings, only used a short time; can furnsh maker's guarantee. Willsell cheap for cash or exchange for a 35 h.p. portable boiler and 30 h.p. engine if as good as new. For further particulars apply to JoHNn R. McKay, Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N. S. ONGFORD BRIDGE STONE, Ashlar, large and small Rubble . and all kinds of Building and Foun- dation Stone, Window Sills, Steps, Etc. A. MCPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.O., Ont. eras one having good Portable Saw Mill, to cut about 3 million feet of Pine and Spruce Timber cn Soo Branch C.P.R., close to R.R. Send particulars to Box 15, CANADA LUMBERMAN. MILLWRIGHT WANTED D. FRASER & SONS, Cazano, P.Q. FOR SALE. | oped AND DOWEL SQUARES OF ALL _/ dimensions, manufactured from the finest White Birch. For particulars apply to CLark, SKILLINGS & Co., Newcastle, Miramichi, N. B. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and ne Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, oronto. OR_SALE—At Wiarten, about 30,000 feet 12x12 in. and 30,0c0 feet 10x10 in. Cedar Timber, ro feet and up long. Also a smaller quantity «f 4x4 in., 5X5 in.,6x6in., and 2 in. and 3 in. Cedar, and 20,009 feet 12x 12 in, 20 to 30 feet Hemlock. Pickarp & Rowan, Owen Sound} FOR SALE AW MILLS—One semi-portable, first class order, capacity, 8,000 per day ; one heavy mill, 4o h. p. boiler and engine capacity 22,000 ft. Cheap for cash, or might exchange for timbered land at the north. Box 156, Thamesville, Ont. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as “‘ Mallock’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rope Feed, Edgers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. Connected with C.P.R. For particulars, address Geo. Mattock, Arnprior. TENDERS Tenders for the purchase of the Company's Saw Mill and contents, situated at Coal Creck, B.C., will be received by the undersigned up to AUGUST 15, 1900. This mill has a capacity of one hundred thousand feet per day, and is equipped with all the latest facilities for the handling of a large output, including :— Six 60 x 16 Steel Boilers, complete. One No. 3 Band Mill (Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co.) One pr. No. 9 Circular Husk Frame with top saw rig. One pr. of 20 in. x 24 in. Engines, complete. One 14x20 Cunningham Ford Engine, steam feed complete. One Steel diameter. Three Wilken’s Steam Canters, complete Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Saws, Frictions, etc. Refuse Burner, 70 feet high, 30 in. In addition to the above there is alsoa Planing Mill, fitted with Planers, Boring and Mortising Machines, etc. Detailed lists of the machinery can be seen at the mill, Coal Creek, B.C.; in the office of R. Marpole, General Superintendent, Vancouver; or the under- signed, Winnipeg, or will b= mailed on application The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Terms of settlement—Twenty-five per cent. cash, balance in equal payments in 30, 60 and go days on approved security. JAMES OSBORNE, General Superintendent C.P.R. Winnipeg, Man. The pulp mills of the National Paper Co., at Indian Lorette, Que., were burned recently, at a loss of $14,000. The sash and door factory of John McDon- ald, at Chatham, N.B., was totally destroyed by fire on August 1st. The loss is $15,000 and the insurance only $3,000. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. What improvement has taken place in the lumber trade of the past week has been along the line of more enquiries. Generally speaking, the movement of lumber is slow and below what was anti- cipated earlier in the season. From the Ottawa valley there has been, during the past two weeks, a slightly larger movement of deals to Europe, but shippers are still meeting with difficulty in securing vessel space for their stock. A large volume of building 1s in progress in the Ottawa vicinity, which is calling for all the low grade lumber which can be produced locally. Buying forthe United States market has been backward, but there are indications of improvement in the near future. Stocks in hands of retailers are exceedingly low, and some good buying must necessarily take place for the fall trade. The situation in hardwoods is not as strong as it has been. Stocks in several localities are considerably larger than a year ago. While prices are slightly easier, a sharp decline has been prevented by the action of the manufacturers, who are still maintaiming prices in the hope that the demand will improve when the holi- day season 1s over. Buyers have confined their purchases chiefly to the production of small mill owners whe have been anxious to realize and were willing to con- cede something in order to effect a sale. The prices of hemlock lumber have been well maintained. The statement was made last week, based on information from our Ottawa valley correspondent, that lath prices had advanced 50 cents per thousand. This was an error, and was intended to have read that lath prices had declined 50 cents. No. 1 white pine are now quoted in the Ottawa valley district at $2.50 to $2.75, and No. 2 at $1.50 to $2. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Our Quebec price list this week shows an advance in the price of square and waney white pine timber. Square pine, 40 to 45 in. average, is now quoted at from 40 to 47 cents per cubic foot, and first class Ottawa waney, I9 to 21 in. average, from 45 to 51 cents. The ad- vance in the price of square pine is no doubt due in part to the gradually de. creasing quantity of timber which is being taken out each year. The Jumber situation in the eastern provinces shows no material change. Although there has been some improvement in the demand, it cannot be said that trade is what it ought to be. Shipments to the United States are a little mere active, and some believe that the stagnation of the past month has been broken. None, however, expect more than a moderate demand from the United States this year, owing to the business disturbances consequent upon the Presidential election. Lath prices have declined. A large supply has resulted, it is said, in bringing down the price of lath at St. John to 75 cents per thousand. Cedar shingles, although dull, are selling at $2.85 to $2.90 for extra clear, and $2.50 to $2.55 for clear on Boston rate of freight. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, Wholesale lumber dealers in Manitoba and British Columbia report a fair trade. In Winnipeg some cutting in prices is reported, but the trade hope to be able to maintain the list figures. A report from Victoria, B.C., states that on account of the increase in the price of logs the dealers there have advanced the price of lumber to $9 a thousand. UNITED STATES, The downward tendency in the lumber trade seems tohave been checked, and indications point to a revival of demand in the immediate future and a moderate fall trade. At the upper lakes a more general enquiry is reported, although few actual transactions have taken place. Eastern buyers have visited producing points, but the purchases made amount only to a moderate figure. At Buffalo there is said to be a scarcity in certain low grade stock. Hardwoods are selling lower, our Luf- falo lists this week showing a reduction of one dollar all round as compared with the last one. At Boston stocks are reported low, with dealers buying from hand to mouth, For shingles the nominal price at Buffalo is $4 for best 18 inch white pine. GREAT BRITAIN, The scarcity of tonnage is now the feature around which theinterest of the tim- ber trade iscentred. Importers who have purchased wood goods fear that they may not be able to secure sufficient space for their stock, and are making an almost desperate effort to effect charters. They believe that freights will go higher during the autump. These conditions have naturally caused the timber markets to strengthen. The tendency is decidedly up- wards, and nearly all the receipts of pine and spruce deals are going direct into consumption. At Manchester there re- cently arrived seven cargoes of spruce deals, but no effect upon prices was visible. At a recent auction sale at London, 3x7 first, second and third quality spruce sold at £8 10s, and3 x9 at 49 15s per standard. The Timber Trades Journal calls atten- tion to a change which has taken place in the past year or two. While a short time ago small sizes were most wanted, there has lately arisen an active demand for deals. II. KS AND PRICES. Allthe log drives on the St. Croix river, in New Brunswick, have reached their destination. The quantity of logs rafted this season on the St. John river by the Fredericton Boom Company, of Fredericton, N. B., was 74,576,221 feet. The British ship Errol sailed from Van- couver for Falmouth, England, 138 days ago, with a cargo of British Columbia lumber. As yet no news has been receiv- ed of her arrival at destination. A report from Bangor, Maine, states that the log famine there has been relieved by the arrival of the east branch and Mat- tawankeag drives, and that the mills are now fully stocked, and most of them running. Recent sailings from Quebec included the following : Str. “Ramleh,” for United Kingdom, with timber and deals ; the “Manchester,” with timber and deals ; the “Monmouth” took on 500 standards of deals and proceeded to Montreal to com- plete cargo ; the “Forest Holme” is load- ing timber and deals at Louise Basin. The following figures show the value of lumber exported from Ottawa during the month of July : Basswood, $1,109 ; deals, $19,049 ; laths, $1,187 ; planks and boards, $100,906 ; shingles, $714 ; poles, $168 ; railway ties, $2,815 ; total $125,969. The above figures show a falling off in. com- parison with July of 1899, when the lumber exports totalled $336,410. The lumber business at Collingwood, Ont., is quite active this season. Up to the present 4,000,000 feet of lumber has been cut, and there still remains in the booms about 11,000,000 feet of logs. About half of these are owned by J. & T. Charlton and the balance by Toner & Gregory and D G. Cooper. The latter is cutting under contract for Playfair & White, of Midland. The extensive timber lands, comprising some 25,000 acres, belonging to the Estate Kidston, of Glasgow, and situated in Stoneham and Tewkesbury, on the Jacques Cartier river, province of Quebec, have been purchased by Wm. Power, of Quebec city These limits are heavily timbered with spruce, and it is said that Mr. Power will build a large pulp mill on the property. j The Fredericton Gleaner says: ‘Laths are so low in price at present that some of the mills are not sawing them, but are turning their slabwood into firewood in- stead. Those who are sawing laths are piling them up in expectation of a rise in price. The price per thousand usually ranges from $1.25 to $1.35. The latest offer received by a city dealer, who usually does a large business in laths, is 65 cents per thousand landed at St. John.” The property of the estate of Hugh McLean, of Salmon River, N.B., was offered for sale at auction in St. John on August 3rd. The property consists of 230 square miles of timber lands on the Salmon river, Queens county,anew gang saw mill, shingle and lath machines, gen- eral store, dwelling house, etc. The bid- ding started at $10,000, and the property was finally purchased by Geo. McKean, who was understood to be representing Mrs. McLean, atthe price of $31,750. _ Following is a comparative statement of timber measured and culled at Quebec up to 31st July, as reported by the Super- visor of Cullers : 1898. 1899. 1900. Waney White Pine.... 1,297,793 1,381,753 921,782 White Pine .....-+«+-- 951;¢64 520,232 348,302 Red Pine......... ---- 155,571 141,810 21,011 Ge epmnpapanson sbonnls 638,810 465,770 351,883 POU. sian caiaccletc ab is,0 410,785 415:497 445,252 Bish «i wisic o's, n slnyoranjes #1 28,838 551304 74,941 Basswood. ....++2+++++8 241 Buttternut......0-++6+ 857 60 92 Tamarac ....0-eees eens 415 71 Birch and Maple......- 106,592 231,946 386,374 A report from Bangor, Maine, reflect- ing the condition of the lumber market, says : “The deal trade continues to look promising, and steamers are being char- tered to carry several million feet to vari- ous points in the United Kingdom. A cargo of 1,500,000 feet left Bangor July 30 in the steamship Gladys for West Hartlepool, and the steamship Aberfeldy CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. P has just arrived to load for Newcastle-on- Tyne. Several cargoes of white birch spool bars have been shipped, and others are soon to go to English and Scotch ports. It is expected that 15,000,000 feet of deals and 8,000,000 feet of spool bars will be sent from Bangor to Great Britain this season. Deal freights are higher than for years, the steamship Aberfeldy getting 55 shillings per standard from Bangor to Newcastle-on-Tyne. Steam tonnage is very scarce, owing to the great demand for vessels to transport war material to Africa and Asia. Coasting freights are very low this year, $2.25 per thousand being the rate to New York, $2 to ports in Long Island Sound and $1.62 to $1.75 to Boston. Some special orders for dimensions are being filled in New York, and there is considerable de- mand for short lumber, but the market for random spruce is almost lifeless.” TIMBER LIMIT SALE. The extensive lumbering property of the Holland & Emery Company, consisting of large mills at Byng tnlet, Ont., and valuable timber limits adjacent thereto, was offered for sale at public auction in Toronto on Mcnday, August 6th. There was a small attendance of lumbermen, and the auctioneer, Mr. S. H. Townsend, failed to secure a bid for the prop- erty, which was consequently withdrawn. THE BOSTON MARKET. Lumbermen report that the first signs of im- provement in the spruce lumber market have been visible during the past week. Yard owners show more tendency to buy. While prices are not much improved, it is certain that there is less cutting going on, some of the lots that must be sold having been disposed of. Agreement rates are unchanged : ro and 12 in. dimensions... gin. and under...........-+++ ro and 12in. and under 2X3, 2X4,2xX5,2x6,2x7 and 3x4 All other random, g in. and under.........--.+-: 14.50 5 inches and up boards.......eeseeeeeeesee reese 4:00 Out spruce boards......-.+-+++ Moron cOnccacda 11.00 Bundle furring:....0.-.ssccceecccccaccevewsencs 12.50 On hemlock lumber the market shows little change : Canadian and eastern......seeeeeeees $13.00 to $15.00 Pennsylvania .....ccesscrsrecereceees 16.00 17-00 Western pine is {steadily held by shippers, with the demand here limited: Uppers, rite. cce cs cnccesnsececenene $56.00 to $58.00 1% to 21n........ ites - 58.00 ** 60.00 Beis! itrbhosaodus 68.00 ‘' Selects, 1 to 4in....... 52.00 ‘f 64.00 fine common, 1 to 3 in. 45-00 “* 60.00 Sheat itieSiats atejeiotsiefaeis)-jalatslatnlelsiciers aleininie 38.00 ‘* 54.00 Barn boards.....sscccercescsceetevecs 28.00 ‘* 30.00 Goffin boards. oric sfslelsiemsteisteletwiele’s obieteeie 24.00 ‘* 26.00 Whitewood is in quiet demand at steady prices : Whitewood, x in..........+-- aS ons $37.00 to $39.00 Whitewood, thicker..........-.+.0005 38.00 ‘* 43.00 FG ICH 5 aie 0\eie eine sieseineinjeinie vies siatnis’ale\nin 30..0 *f 34.00 Gaps, Mitel fivieiein'siaicte ateletetelelete -faletetalx'slaie 28.00 ‘* 30.00 CO MAION safes afele einssto inn elaieie y seeialePamiate 25.00 “* 28.00 Quartered oak.........++05 .. 65.00 ** 75.00 Fancy Oak... - 85.00 “* 5.00 Plain Oak... - 35.00 ‘f 48,00 Ashi. deretctele . §* 50.00 Cherry dic5/2)s (o)ttereiovareiefeio'6 min oie) cfalotela nlefe go.00 ** 130,00 Maple.......ccccccscccerceccsreccees 30.00 ‘* 40.00 Sycamore, quartered inch............. 40.00 "* 50.00 Walnut. sic.00 jcc ecierouieans eeiantien ass 100.00 *f Shingles continue dull and are very easy : FE XEVA. wicjeseropnfotsaistevoreie ole detevenpae infers ia iefeisie $2.85 to $2.90 (\EVEsasdbaodo tpocdvgpohossg. 400 wate 2:50 2.65 and clear .........-++ ore 2.00 7.10 Clear white into 1.75 2.00 BigtraINOstx siceleisiel-) -fentainislelslereraie . 1.50 Oregon, $2.50 to $3.10, asto grade and_ quality. These prices are for Boston, freight paid. California redwood are quoted at $3 to 3.50. Clapboards are also dull : Spruce, extra Spruce, clear.... $28.00 to $29.00 . 26.00 '€ 27.00 Spruce, 2nd clear aE Wore) Pine, extra...... 38.00 ‘f 42.00 Pine; Clear stare cis foie gayate rm wceleleseislelalele\aisisteia 35.00 ‘f 40.00 Pine, and see eeeeceeeee 30.00 ** 32.09 California redwood, clear........+..-++ 42.50 * 45.00 Second prade. hie cmjeni-ine clei seeenialies'« 40.00 '* 42.00 Laths are plenty and have to be sold at low prices : 05/4 LAELS wresc1aihetete:eleoiaralare’ointfelvielelelefalalalalats’= $2.85 to $3.00 T9G, VAEBS Sib oie wic's o's store! viaiele’s ctelstaieluve alolerers 2.60 2.85 Boston, Aug. 6th, 1900. ————————————————e THE BARBADOS MARKET, Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Co., in their market report of July 21st, say: The arrivals of lumber since our last have been the Mercedese, from Belliveau Cove, to our address, with 45 m ft. spruce boards, which we sold at $20.10 for shipping; 15 m. ft. 2nd quality, $16; 45 m. ft. plank, $18. A small steamer lot of hemlock, $14. Schr. Etta E. Tanner has also brought 30 m. ft. spruce—not yet disposed of. The New Do- minion, from Dalhousie, N.B., has alsoarrived with 50 m. ft. spruce boards, to our address, which we have placed at $20.29 shipping, $16.29 2nd quality. The demand for spruce is virtually over for the season, crop being closed. In white pine the Moss Rose has arrived from Liverpool, N.S., with 170 m. ft., sold to arrive. Another cargo is also expected. We sold a little lot ex. Mercedese at $24 shipping, $19 2nd quality ; but late prices will hardly be maintained. Shingles—The Suc- cess, from Paspebiac, Que., brought 1,125,- 000, of which sales were made of ordinary long Gaspe at $3.03, while extra quality were placed at $4.56 to $5.07. A small lot of dimension, ex Canadian stmr., were sold at $7.13 7 inch, $6.35 to $6.60 6 inch, $5.30 to $5.50 5 inch, $3.60 to $4.24 4 inch. The ew Dominion also brought 485 m. cedar laying—now on offer. We placed 44 m. spruce laying ex Mercedes at $2. LATH PRICES AT OTTAWA, (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) In my last letter I gave some figures re- garding the price of lath which were based on a misapprehension, and which I desire to correct. Instead ui advancing in price, as was stated, lath have declined in the Ottawa valley 50 cents, No. 1 pine selling at $2.50 to $2.75, and No. 2 at $1.50 to $2. It was predicted this product could not be retained at the pre- vailing high figure, and the prediction proved true. Although, on account of the extensive building operations, the local market for lath is good, this does not tend to keep up prices, as the lower grades alone are used. The dull- ness in the American market has brought about a falling off in lath shipments, and the very fact that prices were high proved a tendency in the same direction. Now that a normal level has been reached, the shipments may increase. Mr. J. R. Booth has puta large gang of men at work fitting up his yards on the Quebec side of the Ottawa river, knownas the Hull yards. The fire made such a clean sweep that bridges, platforms, and tramways, as well as piling floors, will all have to be rebuilt, at a large cost. . The E. B. Eddy Co. has nearly completed a large saw mill and two smaller pulp mills, being built to replace those destroyed in the fire. Already many men are being hired in Hull and Ottawa for work on the limits. The number hired for the Ottawa firms promises to exceed that engaged last year. The high wages offered to men engaging for the shanties next winter are: Log cutters, $26 to $28 ; teamsters, $24; general hands and road makers, $18 to $22 ; cooks, $40 to $45 ; loaders, $1 a day; foremen, $50 to $55 per month. Mr. Alex. Lumsden unsuccessfully offered $28 a month and board last week to a crew of men to work in his saw mill at Gordon Creek. The mill had to close down for a time owing to want of hands. Roy & Sevigny, lumber agents, will this week send a gang of men to Dyment & Co’s limits at Thessalon, Ont. Messrs. Chevrier & Limoges despatched 35 men last week fo J. R. Booth’s limits at HARDWOOD DOORS Cheap as Pine # For Oil Finish Cilmour’s Patent Lumber DOORS Guaranteed Superior to any other make of Door. Orders promptly filled. Capacity, 1,000 Doors per day. GILMOUR & GO. C.H GLOVER & CO., tta. Importers of=—_s- SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offersinvited..... Cable Address: ‘‘Glovers, Hatcham, London.” CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OveREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. AvucustT 8, 1900 Nipissing, and will detail another gang to-day for the Georgian Bay, to work for the Ontario Lumber Co. .Ottawa, Aug. 6th, 1900. P. D. GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. Special attention given to. . TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H, FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL FOR SALE: sts. = Du Tievre, Reuge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac Rivers, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson 29 Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, MONTREAL . Telephone main 3-44. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGCIN ss'staresr will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WANTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F. Stengel “serrate we” FALO, N. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Sepcial Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit PrN 4 CLOVATUMBER DEALERS. PSG e North Jena LLL Cable Address, “Swan DonoGH—TonAWANDA. Lumberman’s Code. Hard and Soft Woods. Less in Price. Better in Quality. Write or Cable for Samples. , TRENTON, CANADA .Wharves, Mills and Offices: ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENCLAND . . . . Shortest and Quickest R. : OTTAWA, ROCKLAND. HAWRESBULE “ARN: PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND NEW or ontaest, 1onsNt0 Wosbee ant . > : ¥ k, Sr JOHN, ’&e. TO, QUEBEC, HALI- . P. Hinton, Ass’t General Frei C. J. SmitH General Traffic I Mae Freeh ere OR CARGO LOTS. t inch siding mill run 16 50 1 inch siding common 1 inch siding ship culls oo | x inch siding mill culls Cullscantling........ tinch strips 4 in. to 8 in, millrun...... . x inch strips, common 1 1-4 inch flooring... 1 1-2 inch flooring.... 1¥% inch No. x Lath.. 1% inch No. 2 Lath... Ky inch Norway lath. hite pine shingles X wh'te pine shing- res 6 in. clear butts. XXX white pine shingles... . weeeeee B.C. eainalcs 6 to 2 in. B.C. shingles 5 to2 in. 16 co M. FEET CAR LOTS, * 4.. 19 00 " 1% 28 oo | ai Ae snge 100 7 00| Oak, white, 5 00] sts&endsx “ 13% 29 00 00 28 00| Oak, white, ists & ands 2 “ 4.. 32 0O | Oak quart’d, xsts & ands n “© 2,., 69100 Walnut, ists and 2nds.. 1 Whitewood, asts & ands 1 ‘2. 32 00 TTAWA. ONT. Pine, sc. shorts..... 11 00 42 00 | Pine, box culls. 65 30 00 | Pine mill culls. 2200 30 00 | 1x10 No. x barn... :ixto No, 2 wrotess 1x8 & 9 No.r ons x8 & g No.2 waiae Lath per Mt Now 2 50 Lath per M No, 2... : 50 xx Cedar shingles, 18. x 40 Cedar Shingles, hae Batt, 2.0. 2 00 Cedar Shing 2 50 xx Pine Shingles....... I 10 00} Pine Shingles, Clear 18 o SBUttSincs sc coekndad cscs) &60 16 00 | xxxx Pine Shingles... 2°75 esale Prices. August 8, 1900. ** 3.. 85 00 10000 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT, Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ......... 47 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal. . < 45 1g toztinchaverage ‘‘ Ancksy. ) easie “Michigan “© agtoa2tin.average ‘“ ‘ & size 48 50 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. 1700 Measured off, according to average and quality..............- an ey EO = In shipping order, tf WR topodhiveseo songnon ay 8) 5 50 15 00 _ OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 14.00 By the dram, accordingtoaverageandquality. . . .. . 46 50 12 50 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 fojsofeet'.) . 35 40) 16 50 30 togsifeet. . 32 37 15 00 ASH. 18 00 14 inches and up, pevardinig toaverage and quality. . . . .23 26 19 0a To ayerage 16 inc ape colt \b. Cae ie Cicer era 30 3 5° p BIRCH. 275 14inchaverage. . . RGN. sor Ne) cleric eeyttin Dye xO) 3025, (x6 a CR MMM. (0.04. 6) seb ate Memmeaek wow 85 ry < eer 4 cs eo) ame aag@e: aR Be ct Ce tes MMe Ss: sy sas ha batten all ye 32 175 DEALS. AGS Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $40 to $44 for 1st, $28 to $30 BAe for 2nd, $25 to $28 for ard, and $21 to $24 for 4th quality. F.O. B. batteau, 2 85 * BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. aes UPPERS AND SELECTS. 2000 Uppe2rs, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $48 00 Wines onooe ddeoscotoneceayaclul| | Eee 13% and in, ert Figo Wieiicl 23 00 1% Pree 2 sees panes 54 ce], 234 and 3 in.........-.-. ie) 58) 50: 2% and 3in... ROMOAREON ME AULD leo ssestatea aise einsie series 63) 00 36 co Ail oeecre ashe aca eakerde OZ SO : FINE COMMON. Skcaire © in., 8 in. and up wide...... 39 50| 24 and 3in., 8in, and up wide 44 oo gooo 14 and 234 ins. 2... pee Aes sOn | AAENe Loresaa oreieversia aie ae - 58 co Pine oc od eos nROnGpncecbodbon 7 Viele 30 00 B FINE COMMON OR NO 1 CUTTING. 1in., 7in. and up wide...... 30 ee 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 44 co 33 00 1M and 17 se sees ee seen OncOn| Anite...» Denno oaaaannes Aoation 713 Ce) PAN slate ater alts ol taicieietet reise si 37) oo 33 00 STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4,5 and 7 ih. wide... 46 00| zin., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 40 00 36.00 6 'in. wide........++++.+2+2++ 48 00| 6 in. wide...... coendad edeyeicenrd BUD 65 00 FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, 5 in, wide. .. aq 612 cal 1 in., 4, 5 in. wide. on 6 el 1¥ in., 6 in. wide..... Goesor Sia Gel! i AIG Gas Ge neariaene Atonde 43 G2 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 36.00 xXin., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 30 00! 1 in., 4,5, 6 in. wide........ 25 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. NO. 1, 12 1D... cs essences ee 25 00 | NO. Qin... ee es eeeeeseae 20 00 TOM... esc sesessseeeeeeee 24.00| Sand7in........... +. 20 co «. 20 00} No, 3, 12 in........ aa0 An esi Ge) «. 21 00 Toin...... A OPIBCHICN « 18 00 pre Zhaxele) gin...... Gere COB Ge ca msrenp 18 00 ree DPN; soooeeciohooaeanposoe wets) Berd roemretet Wi staistatatalssnteravesatarns . 18 00 18 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX, 1900 ©= r in., gaand 5 in. wide.......$16 00 | 1 vee in. and up wide.....$17 50 1700 ©=rin., 6in. wide....... .. 16 co| 14,14 and in., 7 in. and 275 tin.,7in. wideand up...... 16 c? up wide........-. noanee G7 Tela) 2 00 SHAKY CLEAR. t60 in., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 26 oo | rin., ro in. and up wide..... 25 00 Ba MaT og) ©) S0Ty) WAGE mtale) nial wiosuisini v= 28 co| 1%, 1% and in., 8in. and up oe RY ICLEN slain alors eya'e mista siawie\ state (ZOO 2 Re SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 25 | Standard brands, river made, I 75 GlParBB Nese tame erate olen 2 75, 2h oodnagsonbSE non 7s 3 00 Clear Bites eee nee coe 3 00 SUPPLEMENT TO CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. WHITE PINE LATH. 3i1co:|| Nios 2ierrarananes ts < Re oticsoc = 2°95 (clemlock:taerere foe an sscxia 2 50 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Wippers;ig lueiupheeletsleieatetsl $ $63] 1xr2 inchshippers......... $ 20 ETE benancsnoosoandtan ae 63 | 4/4 inch ep ” & up. oe St COZ 1s estar ale 55 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” andup.. 17 18 4 inch uppers 65 | 10-in. dressing and better... 28 30 Selects, 24 in. up.......... 55 | r0-in. common............ = 18. 39 Ri LOS Zilitlaaicrs'nrseeiaun eee aes 45 | 12-in. dressing and better... 32 34 Fine common, sen in. andup 45 50| Common, 1x1z2..........- - 18 19 1 to2in No. 1 barn, 1x12. 0 26 PP orig Sooncandonnonogs 25 BS eNO P RS COcie SOS 22 23 3 Not2\barny) 1x12 eee ne . 22 23 No. x mo ing,rtozin..... 35 38 TES hOdanceneoa eyoate ateietelere 22 23 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... ZBI ga) |!. weBreme amano eaten 20 Stained! sapseecenesteeneoen 25 3° Shaky clear, E s ce inane 27, 30 Bracketiplank! 32... sel een ee 5p tele ce”) gabinehin stats 230) .33 Shelving boards, r2-in. up . 35 DeeSStn Bictaic eine terete are 27 32 Dressing boards, narrow.... 25, Commons ences enna atic 20 1x19 inch shippers........ 5 20 : LATH, TW ahempeccidso Jondnnoosienas $2 00 | Spruce ..... Guat asccnae co $2 oo SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 5 50 Clear butts..... Sieleja's) 300) 9):251)| Elemlock s/c seictaine« duiac 2 25 Smooth, 6x18....... Ay 50) A075) || SPN eierare tate ra vais sisvete re 2 25 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Up'rs, 1, 1%, Haeed 2 Dressing 1% in...... 33 50 in. 5800] x1&%xr10and1z2..... 5 35 50 2% and 3 in.. : 66 50| 1 nvonéennnctis 35 50 fdas pe capcom FUG oa PLM ca evaretsiete ate le 34 52 Selects, 1 to 2 in..... 50 50 Shelving: No. 1, 13 in. 24 and 3 in...-+0. 61 50 and up, rin..... ‘5 38 50 2) Piece onwoon oaneo 66 50| Mold st’ps No. 1 to 2 Fine common, 1 in.,up Ile etesye eteleete sieces 38 50 39/50 to 12 in. wide.. 41 50] Barn, No.1, 12in..... 28 50 14% and d 274 inne 4150] 6, 8and 1oin.. 23 50 44 50 No. 2, ro in. 21 50 56 50 No. 2, 12 in.. 23 09 6r 50| No. 3, 10 and 12 in, 20 50 3850) |sOXe) nad eerie See kts ee EOS) 39 50)| 1x6 foxr2in...7..- 19 co” 22 co Tyorg elke) ee) goon 20 05 eae rar 32 00 33 0/|| rf and rin...... 20 00 No. 3,14 & 1% in 20 50| Mill Culls,1, 1%, 1% INonayeainine tcracnye 26 50 and tink. iiseasis 16 50 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying price at Buffalo and Tonawanda : WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 29 00 31 00 1% to 2 in ReaCHaO 6 6k) Ge) ai ee 2% to 4 in..... silete/efe) 33) 00) 137 Strips’... 0.6 ° - 19 00 21 Com. and culls....... II 00 13 : BLACK AND BROWN ASH. 1st & 2nd, 6inch up, 24 00 25 00| Com. & good culls... 11 00 13 BIRCH. tst & 2nd, 6 inch & up, red 27:90 29 00 | ist &and,white, 6” &up, 17 00 19 Com. & good CU Sy eee 9 00 15 ELM. 1st & 2d,rock, 6in.& up, 19 00 21 00 | ast & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 19 00 21 00 y MAPLE. ist & 2d, hard,6in. & upt7 co 19 oo | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 17 00 19 co co oo 60 co oo 00 74 ep) “ye BAG pert Gh fed baie usual ea gare OF +7 ne el = «ree sh bud anita ba* 2 x ad au saath OF itine oe giilsene ae hia deve meen ee a aE ~< oi ppt 2 HOM a. 6A TED CAT ne A. 2aars : i sGrw. 2 be ae aoe anlage ope Baap a on ai tie ait Bra Gee con ” is (cee - ‘.« bNhe eh Bete am 8 te a Para tid tts 4 chee ate cc WJepte< Tee, 0a rn bow be, .-< Siured cade Cl rer eee ey ieee « MO COMO AIM f show qu Ame wii hae? as | 96 Me vay sire Boy i os ae ; D8 BE wie PR te 8 ue pe ; e} t - . = -* on amr cy riers 5 a“ ; ¥ (. a rr krieag | 6913) @ Ginn Aes - oi ’ . live ol ¢ RS 023 .. ahi at hoe ee Pa PE Die d fou.Sy Vea aie Dah Halos a) ie ey ae a Gre wane iu { SE coe: nb hy BOR aes rae ‘ shew 2 ho Mee aes sie at Bp we 7 tht Taw iV a pee OC He ee : .. uhie el® as 1 loo og v..... abbet 28 2 lees! a we ‘ ag iM LOn RAE . ys ¥ née “Slee estan airs de ae t i om ty Va salen uae a pl pe “i o> oe ates ss Seated ti, TE ere ee ih dn po. ve ainsi evoke’ Cl Aree Tine tye 2 agT Kis oe tras wee ‘ ; ais pie or3.%. alvew asi ‘ “iy ; : i MI DA-® fia oh S63 Ou ‘eva. cadibe kiee aby tt te ecAra ~ gu bod i oe iobGa de alte: subg re a ry cil 0+ Dek cache ie ? a As ar wh! : ice =! Riied the ays olin By ie gic ays Seagal J pa ens ste ae Aucust 8, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. III DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS MISCELLANEOUS In ** Canada Lumberman’*? Monthly Eaition Bekarat, H. P, & Co., Toronto, Tower & Wallace, New York. Axes, Campbell Bros, st. John, N. B. P , i on nto. es, Jas. Warnoc 0., Ga’ nt. eSV=—=a—XxvVWWa Cee ce Norentore PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Eee ps Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. : BELTING Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. ‘ The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. Conveyors, Geo. W. Reed & Co. Montreal. ” panadian Oak Belting So. Montreal, Que. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, The Waterous Co., Brantford. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & ECO. Chicago, Il. a -» FL E. , Ont. s, Fairbanks Co., Montreal. Fleming, W. A‘, Montreal, Que. , -ULLEYS Taine \GlaueD, Higkinoos Ace , Woodstock. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. MACHINERY Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lome — & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. elting. 5 : treal. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montreal and Toronto. ee stale Renee Ont. p RAILROAD BRASSES Mackinac uiaea aon Hay, Galt, Ont. Saad ~ Haworth, Toronto, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex., Woodstock, N.B. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. Oils, Queen City Oil Co., Toronto. © Waterous Co., Brantford. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. SAW NUFACTURERS Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Young, J. S., Montreal. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. MANUFACTU Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co., Toronto, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New fork ana BRASS CASTINGS Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. Toronto. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. The Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. he James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. LE ia ectiteapeicnaas cen MMOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS «Tren, Hepes Prk ACE D on, cHachren Heatin entilating Co., Ga nt, n,G.T. 0., Chicago - Parmenter, Jas. S., Wood:tock Ont.’ oo” MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Shier, J: D., Bracebridge, Ont, SS — Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. Mention this paper when corresponding with adver tisers, ——$_<<$—$<<<—< ———SS CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS we PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. umre>| R. LAIDLAW LUMBER Go. We have a quantity of Ship Decking to offer, WHOLESALB DEALERS Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. Head Ofice—-TQRONTO —*° King st. West. PEMBROKE, Onvcr: SARNIA—wootesate DISTRIBUTING varos—_ BUFFALO | A. F. BURY AUSTIN JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers a FIN LUMBER « LATH ¢ SHINGLES Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railwa: Ties, Oak and Contractors for Railway Supplies Whitewood, Planed and Rough Dumber, British Columbia Pine, Sotthars Pine, acre Birch Flooring, BILL TIMBER a Specialty ... = MID LAN D, ON Tr; hollow back, end butted. F you have any 2” common Pine Plank, 6 to 12” wide, 12 to Manufacturers of and | 16 ft. long, or 4 x 4 Pine Scantling—or logs to make them— A. a ie WAITE Sap you can find a cash customer for any amount. Can be shipped Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, dry or green if price is right. Send word what you have got, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, with Lowest Prices, to REID & CO., Esplanade PEMBROKE, ONT. — wholesale Dealers in asswo0d ROBERT WATT Ld WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber Pine Shingles. ne CANADA LEE CorRESPONDENCE SoLiciTED. HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton $75 Sa grain OWEN SOUND, PR. ®&. SGOTT - McGregor, Ont. MAITLAN D, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO, MANUFACTURER Manufacturers and Dealers HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. A large quantity of Fruit Barrel Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. Staves ready for Shipping : ; Correspondence Solicited. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER ee Mi cLAURIN & MacLAREN Veneers, Hardwoods, seh. eine Lae Passwood—Clothboards—Cheese Lumber Manufacturers | raz PATENT CLOTHBOARD v0., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. Dimension Timber in White Cedar Shingles, Le ent ONE or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, A U - F R é& S O N PINE DEALS Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. " =z O ue b CE SHIPMENTS By Rait oR WATER. = HAST TEMPLETON » QUE. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for . . Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . . Contractors for S X B Mig 6 3 Wi f 0 i Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . . Red Pine Piling Timber l6Mm0on POS. e 0). lar Oll, ll e a specialty. . . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. LU M BER M ERCHANTS AND MAN UFACTU RE eS Bot RS , Large quantity of Maple on Sticks some time. Considerable 4/4 White es. ._. 4 | | = R ’ BRAGEBRIDGE, ONT Maple, Beech and Birch Logs to eut to order. : + » »« MANUFACTURER OF... W ship by rail or water. tuave- Lumber, Lath and Shingles =. 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer. 5 million feet of eect Rita ILLIAMSON & MORRISON All could be cut to order if contracted for early. Mills at L’Orignal, oe 2 [ U M R F i urner Lumber Co., timitea HEAD OFFICE: AS 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE MANUFAGTURERS Ld raat BE R ar FE A I A Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. Shipments by Rail or Water. ® Midland, Ont. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*€°TNS—cermy o Hegre" 800 5 SAMPLES BY MAL ENIGHT sRoTHERS co Burk’s Falls, Ont. V. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Aucusi 8, 1900 ——— BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WRIGH, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ? » Dale Street and Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, At and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WY OCD BEBO tam 27% Union Street F. Fx. Lightbody & Go. - GLASGOW 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; “‘TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A 1x ‘‘Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,’ GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS. AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &c. sss === PYVERY & VINGENT a==_——SOQUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RHD PIN FE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORFPESPONDENCE INVITED AY oie Soe Wood Agents and Brokers 4, Lombard Court, Gracechurech Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. KENNEDY GLASGOW, SCOTLAND A. 48 West Regent Street - Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers or shipment by regular liners. Cables: “Bircu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. ——— WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to ofter WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER : ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Is open for offers of 1” P. T. and G. Boards, Pine, 3rds quality or Log Run, 5/7” wide Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they can supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.‘A. Cable Address, ‘‘ Casket,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. SMITH & TYRER - ‘14 Ganada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents... Cable Address—‘“‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. SS SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENG, SELLING AGENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc... JAMES WHEELDON & SONS .. TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, “ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ALLISON,’’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Aiton, Calder, Henderson & Livingston case Kiera a GLASGOW GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW ©) 5 R 0 K E R S Cable Address : ‘‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. . Atand A B C Codes used. 6~————IRVIN & SELLERS——__~- Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. aT OV ERPOOL, HBNGLAND— Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER Manchester Timber Importers tinted 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ee ‘Crm Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution | of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. =. . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUDGETT BROS. = Stes." tomo ec “Budlets, London.” se : ern WEEKLY EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. CANADA |UMBERMA) The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per veak {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE VoL. VI. TORONTO, ONT., AUGUST 15, 1900 No. 30 | CANADA L,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office : ImpeRIAL Bur_tptnc, MoNTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- ween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. — | 4@7 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of rs cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ;_12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. DIRECT ACTING STEAM SAW MILL and 200 acres for sale, with several years’ supply of timber at hand. for particulars address T. A. Pickarp, Owen Sound. V ANTED,—First class Stave Cutter. Apply, Davis & Wuire, Gooderham, Ont. TELEPHONE POLES FOR SALE HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOR SALE 2,500 Telephone Poles, all lengths, from 25 to 55 feet. Quotations given by mail or wire when requested. Grorce & McGrecor, Killaloe Station, Ont. FOR SALE. RY HARDWOOD LUMBER—150,009 FEET x in. soft Elm, 80,000 feet 1 in. brown Ash, 150,000 feet plain and quartered red and white Oak, 100,000 feet 1 in. and 2 in. hard and soft Maple, 40,000 feet 1, 1%, 1%, andzinch clear Chestnut. For particulars apply Lonpon Lumper Co., London, Ont. WANTED V ANTED, IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, Green Hard Map!e Squares, 614” x 614”, 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. Address, Box 36, CANADA LUMBERMAN FOR SALE NE 8 INCH 4 SIDED MOULDER, ONE tenon machine No. 16:1, one mortise machine. These machines were made by the best firms in Canada and are new and up-to-date, only used a short time ; also cne 38 h. p. return tubular boiler, with foot front and fittings, only used a short time; can furnsh maker's guarantee. Willsell cheap for cash or exchange for a 35 h.p. portable boiler and 30 h.p. engine if as good as new. For further particulars apply to Joun R. McKay, Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N. S. LONGFORD BRIDGE STONE, Ashlar, large and small Rubble and all kinds of Building and Foun- dation Stone, Window Sills, Steps, BAC. A. MCPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.0O., Ont. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, EET ES SALE—At Wiarton, about 30,000 feet 12x 12 in. and 30,0co feet 10x10 in. Cedar Timber, 10 feet and up long. Also a smaller quantity: f 4x4 in., 5x5 in.,6x6in., and 2 in. and 3 in. Cedar, and 20,003 feet 12x12 in, 20 to 30 feet Hemlock. Pickarp & Rowan, Owen Sound. IRST-CLASS SAW MILL AND PLANER— fully equipped, with four acres of waterfront ; greatest opening in Canada fer a sash and door factory; demand unlimited ; in the fast growing Town of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; reasons for selling, ill-health. Apply, quick, to S. W. Fawcett, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. SAWYER WANTED. We cree go to Cape Town South Africa, first-class band mill sawer and hammerer, must be sober and industrious, single man preferred, con- tinuous employment ; wages $20 per week. Apply by pe THomaAs Morrat, 98 Dundas street, London, nt. FOR SALE s —* AW MILLS—One semi-portabie, first class order, capacity, 8,000 per day ; one heavy mill, 4o h. p. boiler and engine capacity 20,000 ft. Cheap for cash, or might exchange for timbered land at the north. Box 156, Thamesville, Ont. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as ‘‘Malloch’s Mills,’ conveniently situated on the Ottawa between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rope Feed, Edgers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. _ Connected with C.P.R. For particulars, address Gzo. MaLtocn, Arnprior. TENDERS Tenders for the purchase of the Company's Saw Mill and contents, situated at Coal Creck, B.C., will be received by the undersigned up to AUGUST 15, 1900. This mill has a capacity of one hundred thousand feet per day, and is equipped with all the latest facilities for the handling of a large output, including :— Six 60 x 26 Steel Boilers, complete. One No. 3 Band Mill (Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Cc.) One pr. No. 9 Circular Husk Frame with top saw rig. One pr. of 20 in. x 24 in. Engines, complete. One 14x20 Cunningham Ford Engine, steam feed complete. One Steel diameter. Three Wilken’s Steam Canters, complete Shafting, Pulleys, Belting, Saws, Frictions, etc. Refuse Burner, 70 feet high, 30 in. In addition to the above there is also a Planing Mill, fitted with Planers, Boring and Mortising Machices, etc. Detailed lists of the machinery can be seen at the mill, Coal Creek, B.C.; in the office of R. Marpole, General Superintendent, Vancouver; or the under- signed, Winnipeg, or will b= mailed on application The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Terms of settlhement—Twenty-five per cent. cash, balance in equal payments in 30, 60 and go days on approved security. JAMES OSBORNE, General Superintendent C.P.R. Winnipeg, Man. DEALS FOR SOUTH AFRICA. A gentleman now in Canada desires to obtain quotations from Canadian manufacturers on a cargo of red and white pine deals, prin- cipally 3x 9 and 3x 11, for shipment to South Africa. The name of the party may be ob- tained by communicating with this office. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Buying lumber, except for immediate requirements, has been out of the question during the past week. The excessive heat caused dealers to relax entirely their efforts for business; buyers and salesmen were taken off the road. The mid- summer quietude has almost reached the point of stagnation. Shipments are being made from the pine mills, but generally very little new business is being placed. Stocks at some of the mills are reported to be getting quite heavy, and if the fall demand does not prove of considerable volume, there may be carried over the winter more than an average quantity of stock. Manufacturers, however, are not worrying as to the future. They seem to regard the outlook as hopeful, and are not disposed to sacrifice prices. Some slight cuiting has been reported, but it has usually been in the case of a small manufacturer wishing to realize, and con- sequently has had but little effect upon the market. The largest producers believe in the maintenance of present prices. A denial has been given to the rumor regarding the formation of a lumber trust in the Ottawa valley. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Manufacturers in Quebec and New Brunswick report a slow trade and un- satisfactory market. The excessive freight rates have restricted the demand for British deals, and those who have not already sold their output may be compelled to accept lower prices. Two charters have just been effected from St. John to the western coast of England at 63s 9d and 65s. Several cargoes of spruce were last week shipped from St. John to Boston. Hemlock is selling there at $13 to{15. New Brunswick shingles are dull, the range of prices for No. 1 being $2.80 to $3. Nova Scotia lumbermen report trade about up to theaverage. A manufacturer writes that spruce lumber 1s in light supply and that he has been unable to secure snfficient stock to fill orders. Steady prices during the balance of the season are looked for. UNITED STATES. The lumber market of the United States is practically featureless. There has been asharp falling offin trade since June 30th, and the fall movement of stock has not yet commenced. The condition of the demand would warrant considerably lower prices, but there have been excep- tional influences tending to maintain the strength of the market. Asa result ofa short log supply and other causes, the production of white pine this season is almost certain to be less than last year. Compared with one month ago, pine prices are off about one dollar per thous- and. One dealer may be holding to list prices on a grade of which he has a short stock, while on another grade more heavi- ly in supply he may be offering a reduc- tion of $1.50 from the list. The result is that prices are considerably demoralized and practically nominal. At Bay City and Saginaw No.3 barn boards and narrow inch box boards have declined one dollar, and shaky clear in narrow widths about $1.50 per thousand. Eastern wholesalers have made but small purchases, and will probably go into the winter with lighter stocks than for a number of years past. The eastern retailer, it is said, is filling his requirements, as far as poss- ible, with southern pine, prices of which have declined sharply. Hardwoods are showing a little more life. Enquiries for stocks have increased. A scarcity of basswood at Buffalo is re- ported. White ash is selling thereat $45, and log run maple at $19. In the Sag- inaw valley log run is quoted at $18, bass- wood at $17 to $18, elm at $16, and maple at $14. The Jath trade is demoralized. No. 1 white pine is now selling at Saginaw at $2.50, No. 2 at $2, and hemlock at $1.50. These prices represent a marked decline in comparison with those ruling three months ago. GREAT BRITAIN. Timber circulars to hand contain much information bearing on the condition of the British timber market. It1s shown that during the month there were no changes of importance in the prices of square and waney timber and spruce deals. Quebec pine deals, however, are consid- erably higher than one month ago, the advance at Liverpool being of an average of £t per standard. First quality pine deals are now quoted at £23 to £26, second quality at £18 to £20, and third quality at £12 to £12 Ios per standard. The demand for lumber is not very active, but the peculiar conditions surrounding the trade are keeping prices firm, and lower values are not expected this year. Concerning a sale of wood goods held by Hodson, Mabbs & Company, an exchange says: “The Quebec fourth spruce, 3 x9, at £8 15s, seemed cheap, and the planks at Ios more would not have been dear a {I. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. another 5s. Still fourth quality is not so generally appreciated as it has been lately and we do not think sellers have any reason to be dissatisfied with the values realized, which are twenty shillings high- er than last year. With fourth spruce under the hammer commanding £8 I5s and £9, we may infer that the supply is still inadequate to meet the demand.” STOCKS AND PRICES. The Munro Lumber Company, of Pem- broke, Ont., are preparing to operate on their new limits just above the Mattawa. Tenders are invited up to August 29th for the supply of lumber required for naval purposes at Esquimalt, B.C.,for one year. The steamship Riplingham will sail this week from Montreal for Hull, with a cargo of deals, shipped by Watson & Todd There has been a decline in the price of red cedar shingles. This has had acorres- ponding effect on prices asked for cedar stumpage. The steamer Feronia cleared from Parrsboro, N.S., for Sharpness, on August 8th, with 2,398,248 feet of deals, ends and scantling, shipped by Geo. McKean. D. C. Mulhall, lumber merchant, Liver- pool, N.S., bas sold out his interest in the timber interests of Mulhall & Hunt to the Acadia Pulp & Paper Mills Co. The Department of Trade and Com- merce at Ottawa have received an inquiry from a Glasgow firm for clothboards, and inviting quotations from Canadian manu- facturers. The North-Western Hemlock Manu- facturers’ Association, at a meeting held in Milwaukee on August 7th, adopted a new price list, fixing the base price of hemlock at $9.75 for short lengths on a Wausau rate of freight. In the Chicago market short piece stuff in pine is selling on the basis of $15 to $15.50, and No. 1 boards from $19 to $20. Common inch averages about $15. The shingle market has shown a little more activity. Prices on eight-inch white cedar shingles are in the neighborhood of $2. Seaman & Company, of Port Arthur, Ont., have the contract for supplying the necessary timber for the construction of bridges, culverts etc., for the Ontario and Rainy River railway. Mr. Seaman states that low water has delayed operations, fully six million feet of logs being tied up. All fear of a shortage of logs for the Ottawa mills this season is said to be passed. The last of the logs from the Dumoine river, cut by J. R. Booth and E, B. Eddy, have been floated into the Ottawa. McLaren & Company and Ross Bros. & Company have 30,000,000 feet from the Du Lievre river. The steamships Akaka and Marylands are loading timber at Quebec for Great Britain. The ‘Dunmore Head” is load- ing deals and lumber at Indian Cove, Que., for Dublin. The “Forest Holme” is loading lumber and deals in Louise Basin. The “Raymore Head” sailed from Quebec for Dublin on the rith inst., with a cargo of deals and timber. Following is a comparative statement ot timber measured and culled at Quebec up to 14th August, as reported by the Supervisor of Cullers : 1898. 1899. 1900. Waney White Pine.... 1,478,264 1,537,284 1,278,222 White Pine ........... 1,018,957 523,323 502,248 Red Pine.... 174,501 141,851 69,736 COP Re 753,964 465,779 352,010 Elm. «55; 449,303 436,542 485,736 OS Ree 3 “se 31,801 56,479 76,274 Basswood 241 Buttternut 955 60 g2 Tamarac 415 qt Birch and Maple....... 106,592 231,946 387,379 The annual sale of unmarked logs, raft- ed by the Fredericton Boom Company, took place at Fredericton, N. B., on Aug- ust 8th. The bidding was quite brisk, particularly on spruce logs, which brought the highest price on record, namely, $10.80 per thousand. Hemlock, 46,810 feet, were bought by W. J. Davidson at $4.05 per thousand ; cedar, 145,340 feet, by J. A. Morrison at $5.80 per thousand ; pine, 21,360 feet, by T. E. Babbit & Sons at $8.05 per thousand; spruce 603,699 feet, by Geo. E. Barnhill at $10.80 per thous- and. IMPROVEMENT AT BOSTON. For spruce lumber there is a better call, although the market is yet far from being an active one. There isa fair enquiry from the yard people, they evidently having made up their minds that prices are down to the bottom. For lumber shipped by water there is a better demand, with a small supply. With all the mills sawing has been curtailed a good deal, till, now that the market is a little better, they have but little lumber at hand. Spruce boards are spoken of as particularly scarce, with better prices being obtained. Letters from several of the larger spruce manufacturers in Maine de- cline orders, and explain that they have orders on their books sufficient to last them till well into the fall, and that they do not care to ac- cept further business till prices are better. Although business has been dull, they have cut down on their sawing til] they have little lumber on hand, and do not care to use their logs on orders at present prices. Agreement quotations are being better adhered to : to and 12 in. dimenSionS.........--ssssesue>--~ 9 In aNd Nery... oye eye sree eiore sere Fiatapsie tele REI ale > ro and :2in. and under 2X3, 2X4,2X5,2x6,2x7 and 3x4 All other random, 9 in. and under ...... 5 inches and up boards.........-..-++-- cc Out spruce hoards: wo 05.0.5: ove sewas laine «=» Bundle farring.... cst c.s slvieccs= slelseite street: s!> = Hemlock Jumber is yet in small supply, but the demand shows more improvement : Canadian and eastern........0.....> $13.00 to $15.00 Pennsylvanian cits cleis sul as te anes 16.00 17-00 Rough Wboards:). \-,cr-lercieic'= »nishaaia/-/ols tas 12.50 Planted Boards va. v.ct soi «no ones 13.00 14 00 Western pine is in fair call, with the ship- pers pretty firm. Prices are a little changed : TUF PENS) MEAs cos ae Rts el eterel sae etait $56.00 to $58.00 SAMOS MMiv pines iietie’ crisis a aaeeaeaits 58.00 ‘* 60.00 NG Anidertaey win’ Gleoie vires . 68.00 ‘' 72.00 Selects, 1 to qin..... ap “64.00 Fine common, r to 31 ** 60.00 Sheathings.......... 37 < «© 54.00 Pau Hears Pee ciccrc ee <2 peigte cath aaine *€ 30.00 Goffin HOALAS hg: pwopis Siene'ah s pies eae ‘* 26.00 Shingles are dull and very easy : 1 Don CER cea DORA AR OUIIOO ARO OC $2.85 to $2.90 Clear iie oet ieee cna An ceewnee ame 2.59 2.65 PA Cele) (=k iat ts OM ARSE Cice cancCO Ic iro 2.00 2.10 Cl Gar Witte’. is.ufe os Actes Pirate ys ele 1.75 2.09 Bobyis Do nidir vaca hfaie beslSe ettvin tetera do tale 1.50 Oregon, $2.50 to $3.00, asto grade and quality. These prices are for Boston, freight paid. California redwood are quoted at $3 to 3.50. Clapboards are in extremely dull request, and the market is asy : Spruce, extra... 0c. csc wee ema cence $27.00 to $28.00 Spruce, clear... 0.0... cjenesee ene e ene 25-00 26 00 Spruce, 2nd clear........eeeeeseeeeeess 23.00 ‘* 24.00 Pine, extras . Jo. Fe. 1 oe ene we me 36.00 ** 38.00 Pinte; cleanser cet eicks e alnisclatary sateieta ate ela) =!= 33-00 ‘* 37.00 Pine, 2nd) clear.. ico seis «a/c nleielel= =)r\e)ini= 23.00 ** 30.03 California redwood, clear........-...-. 4250 ‘* 45.00 Second! grade... 5. ccpncs ers ces oceans 42.00 ‘* 42.00 Laths continue dull and easy : EHG Lats fase: ojerwie elo cic ibiete1 als" =| «\xlnywisheldinlerss) « $2.85 to $3.00 D6, VACHS ta njccjeccniein wio)etelsimimle’=>saimielessigias . 2.60 2.85 Boston, Aug. 6th, 1900. THE GLASGOW MARKET. Messrs. Edmiston and Mitchells, in their monthly timber circular of 31st July, review the Glasgow market as follows : Trade during the present month has been in- terfered with considerably by the annual mid- summer holidays, but, even apart from this, there has been rather a lull in business generally. The import so far this year from Montreal has been unusually small, and this has had the effect of maintaining values allround. In view of the high freights now ruling, the tendency would appear to be towards a still higher level of values, but it is difficult to get buyers to enter- tain this view. Buying is mostly on a restrict- ed scale, the general feeling being apparently against committing oneself too far ahead. Waney BoarDwooD (first class)—Occa- sional retail sales are reported at about 2s 9d to 2s 10d per cubic foot for 70 feet average, but there is not much demand, (Second class)—Prices range from Is 6d to Is 10d, but only a small amount of business has been done. Rep Pinz.—No sales are reported during the month, and the stock on hand is quite ample for likely requirements. Oaxk.—A few small retail sales are reported from time to time at from 2s 7d to 2s 9d per cubic foot, but there have been no transactions of importance. ELM.—There are numerous enquirers, and the stock is practically exhausted. Buyers are eagerly awaiting the new season’s arrivals, which will meet with a good demand at satis- factory prices. BircH.—Quebec—The import from Mon- treal during the month amounts to about 600 loads of logs and 60 loads of planks. A con- siderable proportion of the logs have had to be stored, the market being decidedly weaker, and it would be as well to stop consignments to this market temporarily. Lower Port— There has been no import this month, and the few sales from stock are on a basis of 1s 5d to 1s 6d for 161nchaverage. Planks—There isa fair demand at about Isto 1s 1d, and ship- ments of these can be recommended, AsH.—There have been several imports this month, all of which found buyers ex quay at satisfactory prices. Deas, &c.—Business has been much re- stricted during the month, owing to the fair holidays. The market, however, is firm, there being no alteration in prices. Current values are as under: Broad First Pine Deals—£27 to £30; 11-inch, £24 to £ 26; ends and non- dimensions, £18 to £22. Second Pine deals It inch and up, £21 to £21 10s; non-dimen- sions, £14 to £16. Third Pine Deals—11 inch and up, £12 15s to £14 ; narrows, £9 15s to £10 los; ends, £8 1os to £9. Fourth Pine deals—11 inch and up,.£9 10s to £9 15s; narrows, £8 to £8 1os. Red Pine Deals—g to 11 inch by 3 to4 inch, £13 to £15; nar- rows, £10 to £12 10s. First Pine Sidings—8 to Qinch average, £18 to £19; 10 to Il inch average, £20 10s to £2I 10s; 12 to 13 inch average, £22 to £24. Spruce Deals—7 to 8 inch by 3 inch, £7 15s to £8 5s; 9g toll inch by 3 inch, £8 15s to £10. SHIPPING MATTERS. The schooner Wanola has been fixed to load lumber at Weymouth Bridge, N. S., for Havana. The steamer Normanton, 1,600 tons, has been chartered to load deals at St. John for w. c. England at 65s. The steamer Blenheim gets 63s for same ports. Recent charters include the following : Str. Winnifred, St. John, N. B., to w.c. England, deals, 63s 9d ; str. Normanton, 1600 tons, St. John, N. B., to w.c. England, deals, 65s ; barque Friheden, Miramichi to Ayr, deals, 56s 3d; Glenrosa, Montreal to Rosaria, lum- ber, $12.50. The latest charters reported by the Timber Trades Journal are: 1,100 standards, Mira- michi to Glasgow, 65s; Shediac to w. c. Ire- land, deals, 58s 9d ; 1,300 standards, Montreal to Hull, deals, 65s, 25 per cent. boards, 5s ex- tra for boards in excess ; 700 standards, Mon- treal to Hull, 70s, 30 per cent boards. FIRES. The sash and door factory of J. Briggs & Sons, at Brockville, Ont., was destroyed by fire on August roth. The loss, $2,000, was fully covered by insurance. The lumber yards of Barker, Street & Stew- art, at Ashland, Wis., together with 50,000,000 feet of lumber, were burned on August 4th. The loss is estimated at $1,000,000, The saw mill of W. & D. Baillie, at Aylmer, Wanted lor EXpOrt _ ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. HARDWOOD DOORS Cheap as Pine & For Oil Finish Gilmour's Patent Lumber DOORS Guaranteed Superior to any other make of Door. Orders promptly filled. Capacity, 1,000 Doors per day. CILMOUR & CO. , TRENTON, CANADA . AUGUST 15, 1900 Que.. was totally destroyed by fire last week at a loss of $20,000. The mill had been saw- ing for Gillies & Company, of Arnprior, for some time past. y Of the market for birch timber, Alfred Dobell & Co., Liverpool, say: Logs have arrived in moderate quantities. | By auction a parcel of St. John, N.B., consisting of 644 logs, of 1554 inches foreign average depth, was sold at an average price of 20d per foot. Planks have arrived more freely, but values keep steady. MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Tradi ng Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. : Special attention given to. . TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H, FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL a Timber Limits on the g Following Rivers :— Du Tievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac Rivers, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson 29 Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, MONTREAL Telephone main 3244. , QUE. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGGIN go statesr. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG sia Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WANTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F. Stengel **sérraco nye” PLANING MILL AnD BOX FACTORY Sepcial Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit CEECTIUMBER IDEALERS. $ North Sona WN Cable Address, ‘‘Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA. © ; Lumberman’s Code. Hard and Soft Woods. Less in Price. : Better in Quality. Write or Cable for Samples. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY = - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OvereND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. re hs tie aie 3 Oey . . . « Shortest and Quickest Route Fe git OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, = PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW Loe PEE none Moshe TE ¥ UE. & Gi EE DOB cena ae . P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight C. J. SmitH General Traffic Macon Ce ee AUGUST 15, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Il DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES In ““ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. seg St ae ee ger hs a ~Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Bet TING i Canadian Oak Belting Co. r ee con aue. Becta. ee eee one ae , Ont, : E Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. ; MACHINERY Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montrealand Toronto. Hobie Gabe epee : ‘Ont. aeoet = Haworth, Toronto, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex., Woodstock, N.B. : : e Waterous ms Brantford. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. oung, J. S., Montreal. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. M lia M BRASS CASTINGS Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. agnolia Metal Co., New York. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilatin Co., Galt, Ont. Parmenter, Jas. S", Woodstock Ont. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. Eni PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS MISCELLANEGUS Tower & Wallace, New York. Axes, Campbell ree St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Gangtian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto, Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, Conveyors, Geo. W. Reed & Co. Montreal. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co. , Chicago, Il. p Emery Wheels, Fairbanks Co., Montreal, - ULLEYS Larrigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock. Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont, Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. 3 RAILROAD BRASSES Machine waiver: Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Magnolia Metal Co., New York. Oils, Queen City Oil Co., Toronto. : Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. SAW MANUFACTURERS Silver Solder, P, W. Ellis & Co., Toronto, Ont. Burns, BE. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. Toronto. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Veterinary Remedies, Dr. A. AMcCann & Co. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Mattawl, Gut. ? Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. ‘ Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. hl ee at oS ee ae Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. Mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume We have a quantity of Ship Decking to offer, Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER ; CANADA PIN Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southein Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. A SE SO ee you have any 2” common Pine Plank, 6 to 12” wide, 12 to 16 ft. long, or 4 x 4 Pine Scantling—or logs to make them— you can find a cash customer for any amount. Can be shipped dry or green if price is right. Send word what you have got, with Lowest Prices, © REID & C0., tx:272 LL Calder, Henderson & Livingston Codes: Arand A BC. Cable Address : ‘‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. 5 R 0 K - R S Ar and A B C Codes used. . Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. eee TV RPOOL, BNGLAND—! Selling Agents For... ad Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER ET Le... alla Manchester Timber Importers timite IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” Glasgow. GLASGOW 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW LL 6-————-IRVIN & SELLERS—__——~© POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and nnn EEE ESS inna ALFRED DOBELL & CO. CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS | 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used. — Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. eee ‘az: Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. .. . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BU DG ETT BROS 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Siroet Within, ™ Cable Address, LONDON, B.C, “‘Budlets, London.” CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $100 Per vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vot. VI. TORONTO, ONT., AUGUST 22, 1900 No. 31. CANADA [LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: ImpeRIAL Burtpinc, MoNnTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- ween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 48 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p-m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. OR SALE—At Wiarten, about 30,020 feet 12x12 in. and 30,000 feet 10x10 in. Cedar Timber, 10 feet and uplong. Also a smaller quantity cf 4x4 in., 5X5 in., 6x6 in., and 2 in. and 3 in, Cedar, and 20,00 feet r2x12 in, 20 to 30 feet Hemlock. Pickarp & Rowan, Owen Sound. TELEPHONE POLES FOR SALE HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOR SALE 2,500 Telephone Poles, all lengths, from 25 to 55 feet. Quotations given by mail or wire when requested. Grorce & McGrecor, Killaloe Station, Ont. FOR SALE. RY HARDWOOD LUMBER—150,000 FEET 1 in. soft Elm, 80 002 feet 1 in. brown Ash, 150,000 feet plain and quartered red and white Oak, 100,000 feet 1 in. and 2 in. hard and soft Maple, 40,000 feet 1, 14%, 1%, and 2inch clear Chestnut. For particulars apply Lonpon LumsBer Co., London, Ont. WANTED ANTED, IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, Green Hard Maple Squares, 6144” x 614”, 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. Address, Box 36, CanaDA LUMBERMAN FOR SALE NE 8 INCH 4 SIDED MOULDER, ONE tenon machine No. 16:, one mortise machine. These machines were made by the best firms in Canada and are new and up+o-date, only used a short time ; also one 38 h. p. return tubular boi'er, with foot front and fittings, only used a short time; can furnsh maker's guarantee. Willsell cheap for cash or exchange for a 35 h.p. portable boiler and 30 h.p. engine if as good as new. For further particulars aprly to Joun R. McKay, Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N. S. LONGFORD BRIDGE STONE, Ashlar, large and small Rubble and all kinds of Building and Foun- dation Stone, Window Sills, Steps, Etc. A. MCPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.0O., Ont. , AND FILER OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENT. Best references, Box 11, LUMBERMAN, OOD DIRECT ACTING STEAM SAW MILL and 200 acres for sale, with several years’ supply of timber at hand. for particulars address T. A. Pickarp, Owen Scund. IRST-CLASS SAW MILL AND PLANER— fully equipped, with four acres of waterfront; greatest opening in Canada f ra sash and dor factory; dem ind unlimited ; in the fast growing Town of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont.; reasons for s-lling, ill-health. Apply, quick, toS. W. Fawcert, Sault Ste. Marie Ont. FOR SALE AW MILLS—One semi-portable, first class order, capacity, 8,000 per day ; one heavy mill, 40 h. p. boiler and engine capacity 22,000 ft. Cheap for cash, or might exchange fr timbered land at the north. Box 156, Thamesville, Ont. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as ‘‘Malloch’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rope Fced, Edgers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. Connected with C.P.R. For particulars, address Geo, MaLtocn, Arnprior. FOR SALE ALUABLE TIM°ER LIMITS COVERED with Spruce, Pine, Cedar and Hardwoods, situated at New Mills, Restigouche County, N. B., known as Benjamin River. 129 square miles, together with Driving Dams, Store and Stock, four Houses, Tug, and a lot of other property. For particulars address C. & I. Prescort, Albert, Albert County, N.B. FOR SALE TEAM SAW MILL 200 FEET LONG, ENGINE 12x16 feet, boiler 4 feet by 12 feetlong. Good heavy Planing Machine (Cowan & Co., Galt, make), nearly new * two new s0 inch Saws, one Hoe make, one Simonds make. Mill will cut from 10,000 to 12,000 feet per day. Also two good Dwelling Houses with out- houses and gardens; 13 acres of choice land and an excellent Water Power, 32 feet head, giving p'enty of waterin dry season ; good chance to run a grist mill. Good reasons for selling. For further particulars and price address the undersigned or the publishers of the Canapa LUMBERMAN. URQUHART BROS., Courtenay, B. C. FOR SALE ALUABLE STEAM SAW MILL, CAPACITY thirty thousand feet per day, well equipped with Boile s, Engines and first-class machinery for manu- facturing Lumber and Shingles, situate at Pine Tree Harbor, Bruce County. With the mill property there are twenty Houses, Blacksmith Shop, Store with good stock of General Merchandise, doing a profitable busi- ness. Thisis one of the best mill sites in Western On- tario, having a first-class dsck, with trams, where lum- ber can be loaded very clreap, and the harbor is one of the best on Lake Huron. Inconnection with the mill offered for sale, large blocks of timbered lands, covered with choice Hardwood, Hemlock and Cedar, sufficient to stock the mill for 15 years. One of the best oppor- tunities for profitable investme t offering to-day. Kea- son for selling owners largely engaged in other lines. For particulars apply to SourHamP.oN LuMmBER Co., Lrp., Southampton, Ont. The steamers ‘‘Crewe” and ‘‘Tanagra” have been chartered to carry deals from St. John, N, B., to w. c. of England. The Timber Trades Journal reports the fol- lowing charters: Str., 800 standards, Mira- michi to Glasgow, deals, 67s 6d, August ; str, 1,040 standards, Miramichi to Glasgow, 67s 6d, 20 per cent. boards, August; ‘‘Normanton,” St. John, N.B., to Newcastle-on-Tyne, deals, 55 s August. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. It 1s difficult to clearly define the lum- ber situation in Ontario. The fall demand is developing very slowly, and enquiries for stock are not numerous. That lumber prices have not weakened ia any marked degree duriny the dull period of the past two months wou!d seem to be ground {for taking a hopeful view of the future in re- gard to prices. But unless there should be a more active movement of Jumber in the near future the market may possibly weaken. The large manufacturers are showing no disposition in that direction, but there are evidences that smaller manufacturers are in need of money with which to prepare for logging operations, and that they are anxious to realize on their present holdings of lumber ; and the smail manufacturer has become a factor in the market that cannot be entirely dis- regarded. In Toronto pine prices are a little easier ; 2x4 and 2x6 common are selling at $14, 2x8 at $15, and 2x10 and 12 at $16. Mill culls are worth about $12, and cull scantling $11.50. Inthe Ottawa valley there are a few slight changes, shorts and strips selling a little higher. Considering the demand for hardwoods, manufacturers are holding their stock particularly firm. Whether they will succeed in preventing a decline is a ques- tion in doubt. The fact must not be lost sight of that there are comparatively large offerings of hardwood lumber, and that there is no such scarcity of stock as exist- ed one year ago. Maple and birch are held in considerable quantities by dealers and manufacturers, while there is also a fair stock of elm. Two inch maple, firsts and seconds, can be purchased from the dealers in Toronto at $20, and ihe average price at the mill is about $14. There is no over-supply of basswood, which is held at firm prices. There has been a slight ad- vance in Western Ontario in hemlock lumber, and it 1s understood that the de- mand is exceeding the supply. Cedar shingles are reported to be moving quite actively. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The freight market is a little easier, but any advantage from this will be wiped out by increased insurance rates for fall ship- ments, so that the position of lumber ex- porters has not been materially improved. Several exporters will probably carry over until the spring a quantity of stock origin- ally intended for shipment this season. There is a little more life in the United States trade. Clapboards and shingles, however, remain dull. New Brunswick cedar shingles are quoted at a wilde range, from $2.80 to $3 for Nor on Boston rate 0° freight. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The lumber trade of Manitoba and the Territories promises to suffer as the re- sult of a partial failure of the crops. Whereas 40,000,000 bushels of wheat would be an average production for the acreage under cultivation in these pro- vinces, it is estimated that the yield this year may not exceed 20,000,000 bushels. There is hope, however, that the anal figures will show better results. Lumber is moving rather slowly, and very little has been doing outside of the city of Win- nipeg and larger towns. On the coast the prospects are much brighter, as local trade is fairly active and large shipments are being made to foreign countries. UNITED STATES. No substantial improvement in the lumber demand of the United States can be reported? Enquiries are more num« erous, but actual transactions are few. Eastern retailers are buying in the most conservative manner, and wholesalers are disposed to follow this course ; at least, they do not feel like putting m a heavy stock until they have some assurance of an improved demand. The call for build- ing lumber is slow, but the varieties used in general mill work are more active. Some sales of No. 3 and No. 4 boards have been made at Duluth at $14.50 and $11 respectively. Hardwoods have gained something in volume during the past week, and there is a more confident feeling in respect to prices. Birch and maple are dragging, but basswood is moving more freely. Pacific coast shingles are weak and the demand light. A few sales of pine shingles are reported from Buffalo, but on the whole the demand is quiet. GREAT BRITAIN. Freight rates continue to exert a strong influence on the British timber market. This is not surprising when it is remem- bered that rates are 50 per cent. higher than they were last spring. The result is likely to be that large quantities of stock purchased by the merchants will be wintered over at various shipping points. Owing to the certainty of a light import this season, prices are showing a further tendency to harden. The stock of white pine deals in London docks 1s very low. First quality regulars are selling as high as $30 per standard, seconds at £23 to {I £24, thirds at £14 to £15, and fourths at Alte tOumcore, . These, cf course, are about the maximum figures. Spruce deals are as strong as ever. There is a marked scarcity of first qualicy Quebec deals, but a larger supply of the New Brunswick and Nova Scotia production. Battens are gaining in favor, and it should be possible to export a greater quantity of these from Canada. The sizes most in demand are 2$x7, 2x7 and 2x8. Insquare timber Quebec elm seems to be most asked for, and the stock is scarce. For 45 to 50 feet average 3s 3d to 3s 6d per cubic foot can be obtained. A moderate busi- ness is Going in birch at 18d to 21d for 14 to 16 inches, and 22d to 2s for 17 to 18 inches average. STOCKS AND PRICES. At Marinette, Wis, No. 3 pine boards are held at from $14 to $15. The steamer “Dallmally” left Pugwash N. S., last week for Engfand with a cargo of deals. Up to August tst of this year, 151,268,- 050 feet of lumber was sawn at the Minne- apolis mills,as against 193,632,250 feet for 3ame period last year. Three vessels loaded lumber at Beck’s wharf, Penetanguishene, last week, two for Bay City and one for Jetroit, their cargoes being 1,000,000 feet. At the annual meeting of the Rouge Boom Company, held at Calumet a few days ago, it was stated that over 500,000 saw logs had passed through the Rouge booms this summer, and that there remained over 400,000 logs still to go through. The Saginaw Lumber and Salt Com- pany, of Saginaw, Mich., are having 12,- 000,000 feet of lumber sawed at Parry Sound. This lumber was sold early in the spring for delivery to eastern dealers: Another Parry Sound firm is reported to have sold 4,000,c00 feet recently to go east. The steamship “John Christie” is Joad- ing-a cargo of deals at Hochelaga, Mon- treal, for Preston, England, shipped by W. & J. Sharples. The “Riplingham” sailed last week for Hull, witha full cargo of deals, for account of Watson & Todd. The ‘‘Aladdin” 1s loading a cargo of deals for Great Britain, for McLean, Kennedy & Company. The steamship ‘“‘Tugela” sailed from Quebec last week for Greenock, with a cargo of timber and deals. The “Torr Head” sailed on 15th inst. for Belfast, and the “Dunmore Head” for Dublin, both with deal cargoes. The “Glenarm Head” is loading a cargo at Indian Cove, Quebec. Following is a comparative statement of timber measured and culled at Quebec up to 14th August, as reported by the Supervisor of Cullers : 1898. 1899. 19c0. Waney White Pine.... 1,478,264 1,561,489 1,362,382 White Presi. gen «ns 1,018,957 523,382 504,266 Red Pine 174,501 159,541 6 ,796 Oaks... 753,964 466,452 380,966 Elm... 4495303 446,4c8 = 542,077 Ash 31,801 56,514 80,907 Basswood 241 Buttternut 955 60 142 Tumatdee: =e eelet te ee 415 71 Birch and Maple....... 106,592 231,946 392,149 The Boston lumber market is not yet particularly active, but the Gemand con- tinues to improve steadily. For cargo sptuce there is renewed enquiry, with the supply small. Spruce boards are scarce, and asa result better prices are being obtained. It :s said that on other lumber the agreement prices are having more effect than has been the case since the mills formed a combine. Shingles are dull and easy and clapbeards are in much the same condition. Laths are also dull, with little business noted. Hemlock lum- ber is yet in small supply, but the demand shows some improvement. Quotations here are as follows: Spruce—io and 12 inch dimensions, $17 ; 9 inch and random lengths, 10 feet and up, $16.50 ; 2x3, 2x4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x7, and 3x4, Io feet and up, $13.50; all other randoms,9 in. and CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. under, Io feet and up, $14.50 ; 5 inch and up, merchaniable boards, $14 ; out Loards, $11 ; bundled furring, $12.50 ; extra clap- boards, $27 to $28; clear, $25 to $26; second clear, $23 and $24; laths, 15 inch, $2.85 to $3 ; laths, 1% inch, 2.60 to $2.85. Hemlock, etc.—Canadian and eastern, $13 and $15; extra pine clap- boards, $36 to $38 ; clear, $33 to $37; second clear, $28 to $30; extra cedar shingles, $2.85 to $2.90; clear, $2.50 to $2.65 ; second clear, $2 to $2.10; clear white, $1.75 to $2 ; extra Ne. 1, $1.50. THE OTTAW VALLEY. (Correspondencé of the Canapa LUMBERMAN.) Ottawa, Aug. 17th, 1900. Although there is a brisk export trade from the mills at present, dealers report local busi- ness quiet, Prices which were unsettled six weeks ago, have again steadied down. The American market is not as brisk as it was last year, the demand having fallen off. Lumber shipments by boat and rail destined for the British market are increasing in number now that the mills are in a position to cut and sat- isfy the shortage caused by the fire. The feature of the price list ruling on the Ottawa market is the advance in several different lines of pine. Sidings and shorts are both firmer. The demand for men for the limits is large and cannot be satisfied. Wages are even higher than last year and the prospects for activity on the limits are good. Last week the Hull Lum- ber Company sent 85 men up to their limits on the Ostobonina river and 60 to those on the Kippewa. J. R. Booth, Gilmour & Hughson and outside firms are also engaging large gangs. The sawmill of Messrs. W. & J. Bail- lie, situated at Aylmer, near Ottawa, was to- tally destroyed by fire a few night since, and it has not been decided yet whether the mill will be rebuilt or not. The mill has been sawing for Mr. Gillies, of Arnprior, for some time. The loss is $22,000, with an insurance of $10,- ooo, By the fire 120 men are thrown out of em- ployment. Richie’s mill near by will probably be operated day and night to finish the cut the ruined mill was working on. At present Ritchie’s mill is working overtime for the Hull Lumber Company, whuse mill was destroyed by fire. The Ottawa Lumber Company intend build- ing a large warehouse on its storage and ship- ping premises at Ottawa. The new building will have a capacity of 1,000,000 feet of hardwood lumber. This will be purchased throughout the country, and shipped to Ottawa, where it will be sorted and stored in the new warehouse. The lumber is intended for the foreign market. New houses and stables will also be built on the premises. The Ottawa Lumber Company has now well equipped premises, and a large trade is being done with the local and outside market. The spruce and pine lumber are shipped to Ottawa from the mill on the Rouge river, 160 miles distant, and sorted for sale, The company is doing a large business with the British market, and has a branch at Glas- gow in this connection. The German market has also been tapped, and the Canadian pro- duct is said to meet with much favor. Goodly shipments of pine and birch lumber and timber have been made, and recently a trial shipment of spruce boards was forwarded. The foreign dealers and manufacturers expressed satisfaction with the Canadian spruce, thus establishing a new market for it. Manager Grant, of the company, leaves today for Glasgow, where he will look after the lumber interests in the British market. He will be absent about a fortnight in Scotland. The mill on the Rouge river is cutting on spruce and pine. Mr. J. R. Booth, the lumber king, has pur- chased the water lots near his large mill upon which tne McKay Milling Co’s large mill stood before the fire. Mr. Booth has not yet an- nounced what use he will make of the valuable water power. He may, however, erect a large pulp mill or planing mill. The logs which will be floated down the Gatineau have been gathered at Maniwaki ready for movement down the river. There is no shortage of logs at the Ottawa mills and no further trouble trom “*tie ups” is expected. Owing to a slight accident to a water wheel, the Bronson & Weston m 1] at the Chaudiere, operated by the Hull Lumber Company, was shut down for a few days this week. The machinery has all arrived for the E. B. Eddy Company’s new saw mills, and cutting operatons will be commenced within a month. The wood-working establishment is also nearly completed and the machinery will be installed without delay. It is expected that the Eddy coocern will again be supplying matches to the trade before the end of next month. The first car load of machinery for the pulp mills has intended for the Ottawa mills — ¥ AUGUST 22, Ig00 arrived, and the massive paper machinery is expected shortly. Building operations, despite the continued wet weather,are far advanced on all the Eddy buildin-s. The death occured a few days ago of Henry Walters, an old resident of Hull, well and favor- ably known to the lumber trade. Deceased ran an axe factory for many years in Hull, and supphed the lumbermen of the Ottawa valley. Two sons, Harry and Morley, are now in active service in South Africa, The chances for the formation of a lumber trust or syndicate including all the lumber interests of Ottawa and the Ottawa valley, are now said to be very slight. It is said a local broker was responsible for the effort to form such a trust. A similar trust has just been formed among the milk men. All the saw mills along the O. A. & P. S. Ry, between Ottawa and Depot Harbor, includ- ing those of the St. Anthony Lumber Co. at Whitney, are working full time, and the ship- ments of lumber are heavy. LONDON TIMBER IMPORTS. Messrs. Churchill & Sim, wood brokers, give the following particulars of the London timber market ; From the St. Lawrence the supply has been: 1900. 1899. Pieces. Pieces. Pine dedls..aiwei or 408,000 551,000 Spruce deals.... ....1,159,000 1,153,000 From New Brunswick the supply has been : 19 Oo. 1899. ce el Pies Pitie, deals \:) 5) oar seen, aes 55,000 Spruce deals.......... 404,000 36,000 Bisehiplanksisnr..o4e'st 51,000 166,000 Pine deals have arrived more freely, but the dock stock remains the smallest on record for some years. Prices are very firm, and should go higher in sympathy with the cost of ship- . fing further supplies, and the scarcity of good stock available for shipment. The spruce murket continues steady with a good demand, and prices have quite recovered from the tem- porary easing off caused by shipments from the lower ports. The cost of fresh arrivals will be much enhanced by the high rates of freight. Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Dennu, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. GILMOUR’S PATENT LUMBER DOORS PINE OR HARDWOOD in Price. Better in Quality. Make of Door. Less Filled. GILMOUR & CO., TRENTON, CANADA C.H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of = SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from Offers invited Cable Address : the Manufacturer. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - - operating - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY, a B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board peers Montreal Hardwood for Oil Finish. Capacity, 1000 Doors per day. Write or Cable for Samples. “Glovers, Hatcham, London.” Oak, elm, ash and white pine have arrived more freely during the month, and will be wanted, as the stock was very short. MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec sag Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Tra aucouver, B,C. DouGLas FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS, Special attention given to. . TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 £t. James Street, MON FOR SALE: Pa Bg Du Tievre, Reuge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac Rivers, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson 29 Canada Life Building, i. Se James Stree Telephone main 3 44. TREAL, QUE. H. D. WIGGIN Boston. mass 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG 2a Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WANTED Mill Culls (All Thicknesses) FOR CASH John F. Stengel ** sorraro wy" PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Sepcial Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit : Wh \ ae SAR) Yh: Je ' x \ 7 x . REE AG A eam WE re EEUUEETIUMBER IDEALERS. " 7 @° Vth Ens tnt Cable Address, “Swan DonoGH—ToONAWANDA. . _ Lumberman’s Code. Guaranteed Superior to ‘any other As Cheap as Pine. Orders Promptly Wharves, Mills and Offices : ¢ HATCHAM, LOXDON, $.E,, ENCLAND Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- = PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, Me P. Hinton, fete: Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smitu General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. esale Prices ITS. 16 co 16 59 Oak, white, | ists & ands 2 Oak quart’d, | xsts & ands ¢ TAWA, ONT. 2 | Pine, sc. shorts... - ine, box culls....... 72.5) '5 5? Pine mill IB vrewciwey E200, 24) 50: . _ 4 3 - o fo ce) es, XXX.... 2.50 2 65 ingles......- iio) 1 2), be ingles.... 2.75 3 00 / SUPPLEMENT TO CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, .-------- 4OMmwATT First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average according to lineal.. 36 45 oY ae « "yg to2zinchaverage “ be “Michigan ‘¢ 19 to 21 in average t 66 & size 48 50 _ RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality.....----- Nemes 29° 129) In shipping order, of fe ake hase 20° 50 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average andquality. . . +» + = 46 50 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .35 4° e MG ce tt 30 fo gyteeh | 6 32) 37 ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. - - + To ayerage 16 inch. . oN Cw Wn Oo Oo aa eee eo WAPI etc onsen cre /e oes) eo ; : . 26 28 Se palcfen cers vs 32 tginchaverage. - - & RO) ue EN iste 5 “ 4 8 Wi a : : E y ; i ; : ‘DEALS. : Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $40 to $44 for rst, $28 to $30 for 2nd, $25 to $28 for ard, and $21 to $24 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteav, BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. } UPPERS AND SELECTS, Upp2rs, rin., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $48 00 Wide... ..ce5 bee ree eres «554 OC 1%, 1% and in,.....-- +++ 48 cc 1% 1% and 2in.........-. 54 60 2% and 3 in.....- -. . 58 59 2¥ and 3 im. ...+.-++++0- 62 50 | 4 iM. .e eee e ee cere e eee eres 63 02 AN. cece renee es cece eee =. 07 £0 FINE COMMON. rin., 3 in. and up wide....-- 39 50 | 2% and 3in., 8in, and up wide 44 00 rYanl rin ....seees vee 4¥ 50 iF: oan popbaoe Sebe006 sanoe Be GC) AllMseiaasacwnOn Sar nae aoe At 00 | ’ B FINE COMMON OR NO t CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 30 09 | 244 and gin., 7in. and up wide. 44 co rY and 1 in. .s eee ee eres 39 60] 4IMeeceseceee vee Sasaae nando Za Oe) ZA airieisinctie'= Seta cecil 37 00 STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECT: ). 1 in., 4,5a04 7 in. wide... 46 00] 1in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 49 00 6 in. Wide... ...seeeee seers 48 00 | 6 in. wide. .....-.+++++ Fei) 2148) CO) FINE COMMON ORC. | ; rin., 4, 5in, wide. ...----++ 32 00 | % in., 4, 5 in. wide.... 1% in., 6in. wile....-.-.--- 36 50| in., 6 in. wide......--.. SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. r%in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... ..-- jo 00 | 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide .......- 25 00 . BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 1, 12M... ceceseeeeenees 24 09 0. ,91N..-.-- shat teat yet 20 00 FOUN rae - +. 21 00 8 and 7 in........ becid LAO 20.0 Ole wwecreercee so 20 00| No. 3, 12 iM... ...e seer rere ee 17 90 Sand 7 in......seeeeesee- . 20 00 nA ae No. 2, 121M... .+e-e eee ee eee 21 00 TO AMaine alee eer eena 22) OOk SHIPPING CULLS OR POX. 1 in., 4and 5 in. wide. $15 00] 1 in., r3 in. and up wide. ....$17 09 rin., 6in. wide.... ..-----5 1319 1%, 1% and in., 7 in. and rin., 7 in. wide and up . 16 c> up wide......- eaabarote 17 00 A SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3,4; 5, 7,8 and gin. wide 25 00 | 1 in., to in. and up wide..... 25 00 zin., 61m. wide.... .--.+-++ . 26 co ¥% and in., 8in. and up TA, Ty SHINGLES, 18-IN. ; Country brands, XXXX...-. 3 25 Siar er, river made, Clear Butts......--+--+ eee) 75 seen Clear B-itts......------- oe : ? LATH. No. «. White Pine... ... .- 2 50| No. 2. White Pine .......-..- Zz 09 Hemloce ....--ceeereeeereee I 50 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up....-.-.---$£0 $63 | 1xx? inchshippers.......-- $ $20 2% in 60 63 | 4/4 inch fe 13 & up. 2 rtoz2in..... ae 500 55 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” andup.. 17 18 4 inch uppers és | ro-in. dressing and better... 28 30 Selects, 2% in. up.. 55 | ro-in. common ....+..+++++-+ 18 19 A ab ebconesaguae anoos- 45 | 12-in. dressing and better... 32 34 Fine common, 2% in. andup 45 50 | Common, exe tele sciiete) LO 29 TEOMA Mares leis shee tetas l=ininlaeb 38 42| No. x barn, 1x12.... airy. 20) No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... 30 36 TXIO\.--5 = 6 poLansedano 25 No.2... 30 TKO ale Setslets) ereiaie lel ialeseiote's 22 23 INIGegiocivecres ACES 26 | No. 2 barn, 1X12.....--++++ 22 23 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 35 38) IXIO.--++-+++-> Wa ieretalsye =a 22 23 No.,2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 2B 30 | _IX8..--2--eeeeceenes 20 Stained saps....- Brciate.o tee | 25 30| Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4 in 30 Bracket plank ......-- «+++ 30 35 es Ei) 2 inch) 32 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 32 35 Dressing ...... «+++ 32 Dressing boards, narrow...- 25 Common ....-.---+++++-+ 20 xx1q inch shippers..... --- 20 LATH. Pie) niciete nieieeiw eleieleietel= MANUFACTURERS Large quantity of Maple on Sticks some time. Considerable 4/4 White Maple, Beech and Bireh Logs to eut to order. W ship Ly rail or water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON vcore. LUMBER 3O St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WEOLESALE Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. Flooring from $14.00 Flooring from $14.00 » SAMPLES BY MAil KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Vv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. AUGUS1 22, 1900 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNOAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE Cable Address, “‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. | Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. Wnicit, GRMN G0. 4, WOOD BROKERS 7 Royal Bank P GL ASGOW, poeler: Oe Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Beents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods n Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or Bohtinent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, A1 and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. W OCD {Siete a. 27 Union Street - GLASGOW Fr. Fe. Lishtbody oa Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: Ax “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,’ GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &c. PeVERY & VINGENT ==_—— SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RED PIN & (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED LBARY & CoO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Is open for offers of 1” P. T. and G. Boards, Pine, 3rds quality or Log Run, 5/7” wide Cable Address: LIGNU W, Manchester; A B C Code SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘ CASKET,” at aps) B.C. Code used. KENNEDY GLASGOW, SCOTLAND A. 48 West Regent Street - Buyer of .. . BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. i ‘Bircu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. © WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SoBe, Ltd., 08 ool, Eng ., are open to treat for regular supplies she i seen of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to ‘offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. cable adres “Ore FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Raheriien RONG 9) ls and Battens, Spruce and rie vewwag ; are Sashes, Mouldings, Dowel Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for Gaetan Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER, ‘Cables: ‘ SMITH & TYRER - {4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL — . Wood Agents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,”’ Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bidg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Crosby Square, Lonnow, ENG, SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc... JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . TIMBER IMPORTERS . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCH ESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ALLISON,’’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Aue N, Calder, Henderson & Livingston Cable Address : “‘TECTONA” ci Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS aT RRPOOL, EHNGLAND—™ Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS WOOD BROKERS GANT & KEMP heen BROKERS Manchester Timber Importers iimitea suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Spee eee barge taint GL A SGO Ww 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW o-—___IRVIN & SELLERS—_—~® POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ee Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . . Cornespondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BU DCETT BROS. To and 14 Bishopsgae Sitet Within, = Cable Address, LONDON, E.C, “Budlets, London.” < Seen CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY F DITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VOR VI. TORONTO, ONT., AUGUST 29, 1900 No. 32. CANADA LUMBERMAN The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: ImpeRIAL BuiLtpinc, MonTREAL,. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. weekly medium of information and communication be- ween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. F ; Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw mill and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. —__ &® Subscription price for the two editions for one vear, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. OR SALE—At Wiarten, about 30,000 feet 12x12 in. and 30,0co feet 10x10 in. Cedar Timber, 10 feet and up long. Alsoa smaller quantity cf 4x4 in., x 5 in., 6x6 in., and 2 in. and 3 in. Cedar, and 20,000 eet 12x12 In, 20 to 30 feet Hemlock. Pickarp & Rowan, Owen Sound. TELEPHONE POLES FOR SALE HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOR SALE 2,500 Telephone Poles, all lengths, from 25 to 55 feet. Quotations given by mail or wire when requested. Grorce & McGreEcor, Killaloe Station, Ont. FOR SALE. D®* HARDWOOD LUMBER—150,000 FEET 1 in. soft Elm, 80,000 feet 1 in. brown Ash, 150,000 feet plain and quartered red and white Oak, 100,000 feet 1 in. and 2 in. hard and soft Maple, 40,000 feet 1, 1%, 14, and inch clear Chestnut. For particulars apply Lonpon LumBer Co., London, Ont. WANTED Bi ppenita IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, Green Hard Maple Squares, 614” x 614”, 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. Address, Box 36, CAnaDA LUMBERMAN FOR SALE NE 8 INCH 4 SIDED MOULDER, ONE tenon machine No. 16 , one mortise machine. These machines were made by the best firms in Canada and are new and up-to-date, only used a short time : also one 38 h. p. return tubular boiler, with foot front and fittings, only used a short time; can furnsh maker's guarantee. Willsell cheap for cash or exchange for a 35 h.p. portable boiler and 30 h.p, engine if as good as new. For further particulars apply to Joun R. McKay, Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N. S J _ONGFORD BRIDGE STONE, Ashlar, large and small Rubble and all kinds of Building and Foun- dation Stone, Window Sills, Steps, Etc. A. McPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.0., Ont. see. | AND FILER OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENT. Best references. Box 11, LUMBERMAN, (208 DIRECT ACTING STEAM SAW MILL and 200 acres for sale, with several years’ supply of timber at hand. For particulars address T. A. Pickarp, Owen Sound. WANTED. O GET CONTRACT TO CUT, PILE AND Load about one million feet lumber at our Owen Sound saw mill. GopericH Lumber Co., Owen Sound, FOR SALE oo MILLS—One semi-portable, first class order, capacity, 8,000 per day ; one heavy mill, 40 h. p. boiler and engine capacity 20,000 ft. Cheap for cash, or might exchange for timbered land at the north. Box 156, Thamesville, Ont. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as ‘‘ Malloch’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rope Feed, Edgers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. Connected with C.P.R. For particulars, address Geo. Mattocn, Arnprior. FOR SALE ALUABLE TIMPER LIMITS COVERED with Spruce, Pine, Cedar and Hardwoods, situated at New Mills, Restigouche County, N. B., known as Benjamin’ River. 129 square miles, together with Driving Dams, Store and Stock, four Houses, Tug, and a lot of other property. For particulars address C. & I. Prescopt, Albert,/Albert County, N WANTED St AGENCIES FOR THE UNITED Kingdom. A gentlemen whose lumber business has been established in London, England, 150 years is always open to represent, as sole agent for the United Kingdom,a first-class house engaged in the manufacture of wood goods, including doors, mouldings, boxes, water closet seats, etc., also lumber of every descrip- tion, on liberal commission. Outputs purchased on reasonable terms. Concessions entertained, free samples received and reported thereon. Address, PEMBROKE, C/o Canapa LuMBERMAN. FOR SALE STE 4AM SAW MILL 200 FEET LONG, ENGINE 12x16 feet, boiler 4 feetby 12 feet long. Good heavy Planing Machine (Cowan & Co., Galt, make), nearly new : two new 50 inch Saws, one Hoe make, one Simonds make. Mill will cut from 10,000 to 12,000 feet per day. Also two good Dwelling Houses with out- houses and gardens; 13 acres of choice land and an excellent Water Power, 32 feet head, giving plenty of water in dry season ; good chance to run a grist mill. Good reasons for selling. For further particulars and price address the undersigned or the publishers of the Canapa LuMBERMAN. URQUHART BROS., Courtenay, B. C. FOR SALE Dy AEUABEE STEAM SAW MILL, CAPACITY _. thirty thousand feet per day, well equipped with Boile.s, Engines and first-class machinery for manu- facturing Lumber and Shingles situate at Pine Tree _ Harbor, Bruce County. With the mill property there are twenty Houses, Blacksmith Shop, Store, with good stock of General Merchandise, doing a profitable busi- ness. This is one of the best mill sites in Wesrern On- tario, having a first-class dock, with trams, where lum- ber can be loaded very cheap, and the harbor is one of the best on Lake Huron. In connection with the mill offered for sale, large blocks of timbered lands, covered with choice Hardwood, Hemlock and Cedar, sufficient to stock the mill for ts years. One of the best oppor- tunities for profitable investment offering to-day. Rea- son for selling. owners largely engaged in other lines. For particulars apply to SourHampTon LUMBER Co., Lrp., Southampton, Ont. ANTED—A lot of 5/4 1s and 2s Soft Elm, also same grade White Birch, inch and two inch. F. STEnGEL, 999 Ellicctt Square, Buffalo, N.Y. FOR SALE. EN WHITE BIRCH LIMIT CONTAINING (15) fifteen square miles, situated on the Matapedia River, County of Bonaventure, Province of Quebec. oo all correspondence to Box 368, Campbellton, SAWYER WANTED. VV ANTED—To go to Cape Town, South Africa, first-class band mill sawer and hammerer, must be sober and industrious, single man preferred, con- tinuous employment ; wages $20 per week. Apply by letter, THomas Morrat, 98 Dundas street, London, WANTED 50 M feet x in. Basswood. 40 M feet 1% in. Basswood. 60 M feet 1% im Gl 30 M feet 2 in. be also 1, 14, 1%, 2, 3, and 4 inch Hard Maple; rand 14% inch Black Ash, and 14% and 2% inch Red Birch. Tuos, Myvegs’ Sons, Hamilton, Ontario. SCY CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The lumber buyer is still waiting for the manufacturer to lower his figures be- fore he enters into contract for any con- siderable quantity of stock. Influenced in his actions by the law of supply and de- mand, he does not feel that the situation at present warrants the purchase of but sufficient stock to supply his customers, while the manufacturer appears to have faith in the future of lumber prices and is offering little inducement to buyers in the way of lower prices. A quiet trade is the natural result of these conditions, and until the demand from consumers shall infuse more life into the trade, no im- provement can be expected. The large pine manufacturers report a satisfactory movement of stock at good figures, but few new sales, and the same may be said of hardwoods. The supply is much more plentiful than it was at the corresponding period last year, and yards that were then entirely cleaned out are now well filled with stock. The increased cost of production, however, would seem to justify manufac- turers in holding their stock at a rea- sonable figure, as at present there is but a fair margin of profit. High wages are being offered for men to work in the woods, and labor seems very scarce. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Throughout the lumber trade a slightly better feeling seems to prevail. Ship- ping to Great Britain is now quite active, and freight rates area little easier, It is reported that a raft of square and waney pine timber was sold last week at Quebec at 50 cents per cutic foot, an advance of about ten cents on the price obtained for similar timber last year. Ifthe figures are correctly reported, they reflect a strong market for pine timber. Prices of elm, birch, and ash are unchanged. Apart from European shipments the spruce market is quiet. In the absence of a good demand prices are unsettled. No materialimprovement islooked for until about the middle of September, by which time it is expected the fall movement of stock shall have commenced. Clap- boards and shingles have not recovered from their recent lethargy. UNITED STATES. The lumber situation in the United States has been strengthened by the statistics collected and just made public by the Mississippi Valley Lumbermen’s Association. These show the condition of white pine stocks in Wisconsin, Min- nesota and at points below on the Missis- sippi river. According to figures sub- mitted by manufacturers, and which are beleived to be correct, the stock of lum- ber on hand on August tst of this year was 1,625,808, 373 feet, a shortage of 224,- 680,048 feet as compared with August st, 1899. It wasalso shown that the cut of this year will be 485,850,000 feet less than last year. These figures have in- spired confidence in the future of the lum- ber business, and have had a tendency to strengthen prices, At the meeting above referred to, the question of advancing the price of white pine was considered, but it was decided to reaffirm the old list. Lumber buying is still backward, but the number of enquiries have created a strong hope of an active fall trade. The reduced prices of iron and steel have stimulated building operations in the Eastern States. The manufacturing de- mand, however, is not so strong as last year. Such orders as have been placed indicate a broken condition of retail stock, and as soon as trade shall pick up liberal buying will no doubt result. Hemlock lumber has weakened and is now said to be selling in Buffalo at $13. Spruce is quiet, but manufacturers are holding prices steady. At Boston, 9 inch and under is selling at $15, 10 and 12 inch at $16, and spruce boards, planed one side, at $14. Hardwoods have not 1m- proved within the past few days. Maple and ash are rather dull of sale, elm is in moderate request, and oak is called for to a considerable extent. GREAT BRITAIN. The receipts of Canadian lumber at British ports have been quite heavy of {I CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. AUGUST 29, 1900 late. But notwithstanding prices show a further upward tendency. F.o.b. trans- actions are reported at the following prices: Ist quality pine, 1: in. x12 ft. £26; 2nd quality, same dimensions, £18 to £19; 3rd quality, 432; 4th quality, £8. Several sales of 3rd and 4th quality have been made at the above figures. Ata recent sale held by Churchill & Sim, a parcel of Ist pine, 13 ft.x11 in., from Montreal, sold at £30, and two lots of 12 ft. to 13 ft., 3x7, dry, of the Hawkesbury cut, brought £21 5s per standard. There is likewise a splendid demand for spruce. The latest prices have been £9 12s 6d for 2nd quality 3x9, and £9 for 3rd quality, II in. of 2nd quality bringing £10 15s c.i.f. London. The docks contain a large quantity of slating battens, and it is said that the market in this line is likely to be overdone unless the consumption in- creases, Square and waney timber is steady but not particularly active. Waney pine has been sold at an advance of 6d per cubic foot on the price obtained for similar stock last year, but recent sales have shown a slight decline in the price of birch. This is said to be due to the action of certain merchants in placing too much stock on the market. Maple timber has been sold at auction at 163%4d per cubic foot elm timber at 19 34d, and ash timber at 19d. STOCKS AND PRICES. The “Scottish King” is about to load a cargo of lumber at Montreal for the U.K. R. & T. Ritchie, of Aylmer, Que., have contracted to saw 10,000 of Gillies Bros’. logs now lying in the Baillie boom. F. E. Sayre is reported to have pur- chased the lumbering property of the late Hugh McLean at. Salmon River, N. Bb. The British bark “ Brushels” has just sailed from Vancouver, B. C., for Cape Town, South Africa, with a cargo of lumber. The ‘Manchester Shipper” sailed from Parrsborro, N. S., on August 21st for Manchester, with a cargo of 3,494,632 feet of lumber, shipped by George McKean. A large quantity of lumber will be re- quired for the proposed harbor improve- ments at Port Colborne, Ont. The con- tractors estimate that they will use 4,000,- ooo feet this year. Thos. E. Stewart, of Upper Musquodo- boit, N. S., owns 900 acres of timber limits on the headwaters on the Musquodoboit and Moose river, and wishes to let the contract for logging same. During the month of July of this year there was received at Buffalo 15,552,000 ft. of lumber, against 34,574,000 feet in the corresponding month last year. In shin- gles there was a decrease of 6,981,000. Peter Wallace, of Midland, Ont., has secured the contract from the Georgian Bay Lumber Co. to take out 10,000,000 feet of logs during the coming winter. It is estimated that the company will make a large cut on the Blind River. The German ship “ Marie” sailed last week from the Moodyville, B. C., mills, for London. She carried 512,000 feet of lumber below decks. The “ Wilhelmina” is to load lumber at the Hastings mill, Vancouver for Delagoa Bay. The “ Lou- jana” and the “Lindfield” are both load- ing at the same mill for foreign destina- tions. The following is a comparison of the cargo shipments of lumber and lath from British Columbia during the first seven months of the years 1899 and 1900: Lumber Laths 1920 1899 1900 1899 January...... 2,792,002 1,097,776 117,270 183,000 February....- 5,090,554 2,374,055 TiGIRG7O)- ota /dle wise Matob vcmteest 5,048,064 3,112,573 GAaAdOW) ive cate April . «43022,033 *,811,0'4 298'500 2. vee May ss teense 6,130,380 6,200,317 708,000 June . +++7y165,890 3,650,522 ae $i58: WGA Fiore ahaa -»2,813,067 3,590,262 ....... 172,620 Total..... 33,071,590 25,786,519 1,799,670 355,620 A.F. & D. Mackay, of Liverpool, Eng., recently held an auction sale of birch timber from St. John. The sale was moderately well attended by local buyers, but bidding was dul], and prices ranged from 154d to 26d, the whole averaging 17%4d for 15% in. deep foreign. Early last month a parcel of the same average depth was disposed of at an average price of 20%4d per foot. This shows a decline of about 3d per foot, which is ascribed to the forced sales of timber. Following is a comparative statement ot timber measured and culled at Quebec up to 27th August, as reported by the Supervisor of Cullers : 1898. 1899. 1900. Waney White Pine.... 1,606,278 1,598,665 1,366,183 White Pine ........... 1,028,761 543,889 505,666 3a Sea yeaah ne dick 216,528 159,541 69,796 MD ateervameletaep eels avs oe ornie 844,206 487,604 429,302 Elm... ....+- Refetesie tiaiviese 471,077 446,4c8 586,031 WASTE ora stale as) ve is/> ates ay 34,532 £6,514 81,227 Basswood. /o. is 3.. 241 IBGELSEXONE emer doen 955 60 142 A IAY AC) fe deinivistalel viele ee 415 71 Birch and Maple....... 106,592 231,946 392,149 On Friday, August 1oth, Alfred Dobell & Co., Liverpool, held an auction sale of Halifax spruce deals ex Ailsa Craig. The specification was only fair, the bulk being of short lengths. The 16 ft. and up were well competed for, the 3 by 11 realizing £9 17s 6d, the 3 by 10 £8 7s 64, the 3 by 9 £8 6s 6d, and the 3 by 8 £7 15s. The shorter lengths, 9 ft. to 15 ft., sold at from £7 to £8 15s per std, the whole cargo realizing an average price of £7 Ios per std. Thescantlings £6 12s 6d and £6 15s, the deal ends £6 12s 6d, and about 25 stds. of boards £6 7s 6d per std. BRITISH AUCTION SALE. The following prices were obtained for Canadian lumber at a sale held by Churchill & Sim, London, England, on August 16th: PinE—Ex. Devona, from Montreal—12-16 ft. 1x10 in. dry, £11; 12-16 ft. 1x10 in., £10 15s. Ex. Oceano—12-13 ft. 2x8-17 in., £17 ; 12-13 ft. 2x7 in-, £16; 12-13 ft. 2x4 in.., £16 IOs ; 5-11 ft. 2x4-14 in., £14. Ex. Arnage, from Montreal—16 ft. 2x11 in. second quality, L133 13 ft. 2x11 in, A412 10s; 12-15 ft. 2x11, 413; 12-16 ft. 2x12-20in., £125 12-15 ft. 2x10 in:, L1I1; 15-16 ft. 2x9 in., 411; 12- 24 ft. 2x9 in., S11 10s; 15-16 ft. 2x8 in., £9 15S; 12x14 ft. 2x8 in., £10; 12-16 ft. 2x7 in., £9 10s; 12-16 ft. 14x16 in., £11; 12-13 ft. 4x9 in., £10; 12-16 ft. 14%8 in., £9 15s. SprucE—Ex. Cheronea, from Hopewell Cape,.N. B.—15-18 ft. 3x6 in., first, second and third quality, £7 15s; 12-15 ft. 3x6 in., 47 10s; 9-11 ft. 3x6 in., £7 15s. Ex. Greta Holme, from Quebec—g-16 ft. 3x6 in., first quality, 410 5s; 6-8 ft. 3x6in., £9 15s. Ex. Hildawell, from Quebec—13 ft. 3x9 in., second quality. £10 ros ; 6-8 ft. 3x9 in., £8 10s! 6-8 ft. 3x7 in., £8; 6-8 ft. 3x6 in., 47 15s; 6-8 ft. 3x9 in., third quality, £8 5s : 6-8 ft. 3x7 in., £8; 6-8 ft. 3x10in., £9; 8 ft. 3x9 in., fifth quality, £7 ; 6-8 ft. 3x7 in.-5, 46. Eight pieces of elm timber, 11 to 14 inches average and 36 feet in length, sold at £5 per load. THE BARBADOS MARKET. The following review of the lumber marke of Barbados is given by Messrs. S.P. Musson, Son & Co., in their circular of August 4th : There is still a fair demand for both white pine and spruce lumber. We note one arrival with white pine during the fortnight, which has been placed as follows—$23.08 for first quality, and 18.08 for second quality, Last sale of spruce $20.29 for first and $16.29 for second quality boards, and $18.00 for planks. Gaspe cedar shingles have arrived freely. We placed 187 M. large, ex Success, at $5.07 per M ; other sales ex same vessel have been made at $4.56 for large, and $3.03 for small ; cedar laying at $2.03 for a cargo of 485 M. ex New Dominion ; spruce layings at $2.00. FIRES. Fire recently destroyed Livingston’s saw mill and hoop and handle factory at Blythe, Ont. Doolittle’s saw mill on the fourth concession of Malshide, near Centreville, Ont., was burn- ed last week. The sash and door factory of Geo, Brad- shaw on St. James street, Montreal, has been damaged by fire to the extent of $5,000. The saw mill of Logan & Sutherland, at Musquodoboit Harbor, N. S., was destroyed by fire last week. The loss is about $20,000 and insurance small. The saw mill of R. B. Miller on the Red Mountain railroad, six miles below Rossland, C., was burned recently, together with 500,000 feet of lumber. The loss is estimated at $22,000, and there 1s no insurance. SHIPPING MATTERS. The current rates of freight to Buffalo are $2.25 from Duluth, $1.62} from Menominee, and $1.40 from Georgian Bay. The German ship Wilhelmina, which is loading lumber at Vancouver, B.C., for South Africa, gets 92s 6d, which is said to be the highest freight rate yet paid on lumber from the coast to South Africa. BUSINESS NOTES. P. J. McGuire & Company, timber jobbers, of Whitney, Ont., are said to be asking for an extension of time for three years. Messrs. Calder, Henderson & Livingston, wood brokers, Glasgow, Scotland, have moved from 109 St. Vincent street to 102 Hope street. LUMBER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way are as follows: Ottawato Oswego, $1.90 per M ft.; Ottawa to Syracuse, 94 cents per 100 lbs Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Montreal, for export only $1.10 per M ft., domestic 434 cents per 100 lbs; Quebec, $2.10 per M ft., domestic 8% cents per roo Ibs.; Arnprior to Montreal, for export only $1.60 per M ft., domestic 644 cents per too lbs.; Quebec, ex- port $2.60 per M ft , domestic 10% cents per 100 lbs. ; Pembroke to Montreal, for export only $1.85 per M ft., domestic 7% cents per 100 lbs ; Quebec for export only 2.85 per M 1t., domestic 1134 cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to New York, all rail, 15 cents fer 100 Ibs ; Arnp:ior to New York, 17 cents per too lbs.; Pembroke to New York, 18 cents per 1co Ibs. ; Ottawa, to New York and points within regular lighterage limits of New York Har- bor, seasoned pine lumber, lots of so M feet and up, via Williams Barge line from Albany, $3 per M feet, lath 60 cents per M pieces, lots 25¢ M pieces and over; from Rockland and Hawkesbury. Ons., sasoned pine lumber $2.85 per M, lath S;tts per M pieces ; from Arnprior, seasoned pine lumber $3.50 per M feet, lath 7o cents per M pieces; from Douglas, Eganville and Pembroke, seasoned pine lumber $3.75 per M feet, lath 75 cents per M pieces, Ottawa to Buffalo, t2 cts. per too lbs.; Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14c. per roo lbs.; Ottawa, Rocklandand Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local 15c., exports 11. per 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents. export 13 cts. per roo lbs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 21% cents, export 20 cts. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Wanted lor EXport ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawa to Burlington, 6c. per coo lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, 10 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per too Ibs, from Arnprior 15 cents, from Parry Sound 20 cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to St. John, N.B., and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N.S., and common points, 21 cents per too lbs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is #e,000 Ibs. Rates quoted above are in cents per roo lbs.; when quoted per M ft., minimum carload will be 1o M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 lbs. per M ft. Lath minimum carload 50 M pieces, not exceeding 600 |bs. per M pieces. Ottawa rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Hawkesbury. MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. Special attention given to. . TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H, FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL Timber Limits on the FOR SALE: Following Rivers :— Du Tievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac Rivers, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. JH. M. Simpson ag Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street ‘MONTREAL, QUE” Telephone main 3244. H. D. WICGIN ss srate sr. _ will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit ; ae ag 4 Nirth Tonawanda Cable Address, ‘“Swan DoNoGH—TONAWANDA. Lumberman’s Cod GILMOUR’S PATENT LUMBER DOORS PIN OR AARDWOOD Less in Price. Better in Quality. Make of Door. as Pine. Capacity, Promptly Filled. Hardwood for Oil Finish. 1000 Doors per day. Write or Cable for Samples. Guaranteed Superior to any other Almost as Cheap Orders GILMOUR & CO., TRENTON, CANADA © C.H. GLOVER & CO., ra. Importers of === SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers invited nite ideo Wharves, Mills and Offices : ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENGLAND Cable Address: ‘‘Glovers, Hatcham, London.” CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - : OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. -—™ wp ey. . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smitu General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. AUGUST 29, 1900 DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Canadian Rubber Co., Toronto, Ont. Fleming, W. a Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co. , Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co., Montreal and Toronto. Sadler & ‘Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J.S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York KILNS ORY McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ina. CANADA LUMBERMAN LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Eby, Blain & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, MACHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex.,Woodstock, N.B. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co. , Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. WEEKLY EDITION. ltl MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto, Can. Office and See enecure ee aig predon, Ont. Conveyors, Geo. ee 0. Montreal. a Jencks Macne Go, Sherbrooke, Que, Embossed Mouldings, Boynton &Co., Chicago, Ill. vi ‘ Larrigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock. UWLLEYS Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. LumberInspector, John A- Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machi , Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. RAILROAD BRASSES emg werd de oS a Magnolia Metal Co., New ¥ Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Roofing Material, Metallic Roofing Co., Toronto, SAW MANUFACTURERS Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co., Toronto, Ont. Burns, E.R., Toronto, The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Shurly & bictech, Galt. Ont Toronto. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER iBEALERS Veterinaty Remedies, Dr. A. AMcCann & Co., Houston, Chicago, Mattawa, Ont. Shier, J. Ks "Bracepdage Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, Vogel, Chas. H., rhereld. Pont PULP AND RAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume We havea quantity of Ship Decking to offer. Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. ee — PE VP ROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA FINE Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White ba Neos = Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and hitewood hollow back, end butted. DON'T CUT YOUR LOCS over the winter, but cut it into 2” We will pay you cash and ship as fast as_you like. LOWEST price, stating quantity, to REID & C0 , Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, into stuff that you will have to carry Plank and 4x4 Scantling. Quote Esplanade sy TORONTO cgrpotessie Deslets ELM, ASH A LIFE 34 CANAD TE DING R.A. SGOTT - McGregor, Ont. MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, A large quantity of Fruit Barrel Staves ready for Shipping : dat AND STAVES Correspondence Solicited. cLAURIN & Watanen Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemloek, or Cedar. PINE . pee SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAsT TEMPLETON, QuE. MOAR & RYAN KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. a specialty. J. D. SHIER, Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railw yay. BRACEBRIDGE, ONT, - MANUFACTURER OF... awe Lumber, Lath and Shin oles A million feet of Hardwood to ater, 5 million feet of Hemlock to ae All could be cut to order if contracted for early. urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUFACTURERS LUMBER “LATA Shipments by Rail or Water. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S#&eTNG—canKg Midland, Ont. GEILING @ R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DEALERS Head Ofice-—TORONTO-70 King St. West. S ARNI A—-wuotesaLe DISTRIBUTING varps-—_ BU FF ALO JAS. PLAYHATIR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH SHINGLES Contractors for Rallway Se eeuce >_> MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A.& P.WHITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber - 4% Pine Shingles. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in,..... Mills at Wiarton coe a a and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a doeeialiy of Long Ping, Cedar and Hoinlodk Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, ates —Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rim THE PATENT REG Be vO., of Parry Sound, aay, Parry Sound, Ont . : AUGER & SON - Quebec : DIMENSION TIMBER : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar ve Fulpwoad, olémon & Bros. Mid. G0. - Wiarton, On. — |LUMBER MERCHANTS «0 MANUFACTURERS Large quantity of Maple on Sticks some time. Considerabl Maple, Beech and Bireh Logs to eut to order. ge aka W ship by rail or water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON aeeume,. > LUMBER 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers, Flooring from $14.00 KNIGHT Ceiling 12.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL singe naeaes a CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS AUGUS1 29, 1900 DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. ENG. LIWERPOOL, ARNWORTH & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers a Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ai and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WW OOD SE ora 27% Union Street = GLASGOW F. Fe. Lightbody KL Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BRO EE Cable Address: ‘‘TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW, Codes: Ax Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,’ GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. i PYVERY & VINGENT ==——SOQUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RHD PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED LBARY & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4 Lombard Court, Gracechurch Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. ———————— se en 48 acne ghee JA MES W. S QUTHE R N Buyer of .. - Is open for offers of 1” P. T. and G. Boards, Pine, 3rds quality or Log Run, 5/7’ wide Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S~A. Cable Address, ‘‘CasKET,”’ Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: ‘‘ Bircu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. — WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. eee rE FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER - ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen fOt. ts Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for Englis Market Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER SMITH & TYRER - — /4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood /Argents. .« Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. ee SIEVEKINC, PODMORE & CO. SALES AGENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . . TIMBER IMPORTERS. . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ALLISON,’’ Glasgow. ALLISON, COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” Gl e able ress . asgow GLA SGCOW GANT & KEMP 2 TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW B R 0 K E R S Cable Address : ‘‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. a A Ce 6-———-IRVIN & SELLERS——__~-® Cable Address: “‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. wee TIVE RPOOL, EBNGLAND —! Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, '‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER Manchester Timber Importers tite 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used- ST Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. Dee Ox Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution | of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. : . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Street Within, LONDON, E.C. ™ Cable Address, “Budlets, London.” BUDCETT BROS. ‘ CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumbéerman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $100 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., SEPTEMBER 5, 1900 No 33 CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL Bur_pinc, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and Een wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- ween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 2o0-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains nterviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical 7nd mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw 1 .11 and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumbe. products. 48 Subscription price for the two editions for one vear, $1.00. , WANTED AND FOR SALE a Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. ANTED—A lot of 5/4 1s and 2s Soft Elm, also same grade White Birch, inch and two inch. J. F, STenGEt, 992 Ellic tt Square, Buffalo, N.Y. OR SALE—At Wiarten, about 30,000 feet 12x12 in. and 30,oco feet 10x10 in. Cedar Timber, 10 feet and up long. Alsoa smaller quantity cf 4x4 in., 5X5 in.,6x6in., and 2 in, and 3 in. Cedar, and 20,003 feet 12x12 in, 20 to 30 feet Hemlock. Pickarp & Rowan, Owen Sound. WANTED 50 M feet r in. Basswood. 40 M feet 1% in. Basswood. 60 M feet 14 in. AS 30 M feet 2 in. also t, 144, 1%, 2, 3, and 4 inch Hard Maple; 1and 1% inch Black Ash, and 1% and 2% inch Red Birch. Tuos. Mytes’ Sons, Hamilton, Ontario. WANTED ANTED, IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, Green Hard Maple Squares, 614” x 614”, 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. Address, Td Box 36, Canapa LuMBERMAN FOR SALE NE 8 INCH 4 SIDED MOULDER, ONE tenon machine No. 161, one mortise machine. These machines were made by the best firms in Canada and are new and up-to-date, only used a sh»t time ; also one 38 h, p. return tubular boiler, with foot front and fittings, only used a short time; can furnsh maker’s guarantee. Willsell cheap for cash or excha’ ge for a 35 h.p. portable boiler and 30 h.p. engine if as good as new. For further particulars apply to Joun R. McKay, Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N. S. [_ONGFORD BRIDGE STONE, Ashlar, large and small Rubble and all kinds of Building and Foun- dation Stone, Window Sills, Steps, ” Ete. A. McPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.0O., Ont. * 4 _ . | ae ene ere OOD DIRECT ACTING STEAM SAW MILL and 200 acres for sale, with several years’ supply of timber at hand. for particulars address T. A. PickarpD, Owen Sound. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as “Malloch's Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rope Feed, Edgers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. Connected with C,P.R. For particulars, address Geo. Matiocu, Arnprior. FOR SALE ALUABLE TIMPER LIMITS COVERED with Spruce, Pine, Cedar and Hardwoods, situated at New Mills, Restigouche County, N. B., known as Benjamin River. 129 square miles, together with Driving Dams, Store and Stock, four Houses, Tug, and a lot of other property For particulars address C. & I. Prescort, Albert, Albert County, N.B. FOR SALE TEAM SAW MILL 200 FEET LONG, ENGINE 12x16 feet, boiler 4 feetby 12 feerlong. Good heavy Planing Machine (Cowan & Co., Galt, make), nearly new * two new s0 inch Saws, one Hoe make, one Simonds make.” Mill will cut from 10,000 to 12,000 feet per day. Also two good Dwelling Houses with out- houses and gardens; 13 acres of choice land and an excellent Water Power, 32 feet head, giving plenty of water in dry season ; 360 feet frontage on the river: coal right to the land ; good chance to run a grist mill. Good reasons for selling. For further particulars and price address the undersigned or the publishers of the Canapa LUMBERMAN. URQUHART BROS., Courtenay, B. C. FOR SALE aie Hesse STEAM SAW MILL, CAPACITY thirty thousand feet per day, well equipped with Boile s, Engines and first-class machinery for manu- facturing Lumber and Shingles, situate at Pine Tree Harbor, Bruce County. With the mill property there are twenty Houses, Blacksmith Shop, Store, with good stock of General Merchandise, doing a profitable busi- ness. Thisis one of the best mill sites in Western On- tario, having a first-class dock, with trams, where lum- ber can be loaded very cheap, and the harbor is one of the best on Lake Huron. In connection with the mill offered for sale, large blocks of timbered lands, covered with choice Hardwood, Hemlock and Cedar, sufficient to stock the mill for ts years. One of the best oppor- tunities for profitable investment offering to-day. Kea- son for selling, owners largely engaged in other lines. For particulars apply to SourHampron LumBER Co., Lrp., Southampton, Ont. SS BRITISH TIMBER SALE. Following are the prices. obtained for Canadian deais, etc., at a sale held by Foy, Morgan & Company, London, England, on August 27th: SPRucE — Ex. Hildawell, from Quebec — 12 ft. 3X11 in., unassorted, £7 15s and £7 10s ; 12 ft. 3x9, 49 and £9 15s;'11 ft. 3x7, £8; 9-10 ft. 3x9, £7 10s ; 5-8 ft. 3x9 £7 6s; 9-12 ft. 3x8, 47 583 5-8 ft. 3x8, £7; 7-12 ft. 3x12-18 47 10s. Ex. Isel Holme, from Quebec—raft. 3x9, second quality, £10 10s, Ex. Mab, from Matane, 4-8 ft. 3x11, unassorted, 410; 4-8 ft. 3x9, £9 10s ; 4-8 ft. 3x8, £8 5s; 9 ft. 3x7, 49 55; 6-8 ft. 3x7, £9. Spruce slating battens, 6-17 ft. 3x2 in. un- assorted, sold at Is 5d to 1s 6d per 144 ft. run. The Ontario government have invited tend- ers up to October 15th for a license to cut the pine timber situated on lots 1, 2, 3, 4and 5, in the first concession of the township of Dana, district of Nipissing. Much of this timber has been damaged by fire. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Trade in pine lumber, although not altegether satistactory, is devoid of that life which usually characterizes business during the month of September. August was extremely dull in respect to local trade. Whether the current month will bring about much improvement is a mat- ter of conjecture. Mills in the Georgian Bay district are shipping quite largely to the Eastern States, and in the Ottawa valley export business is more active. While prices generally are firm, there has been, we believe, some slight cutting on certain grades of which a manufacturer has had alarge supply. The feeling, how- ever, is almost universal towards main- taining prices at their present basis. The outlook for hardwood manufac- turers does not seem to be altogether reas- suring. ~The demand is backward and manufacturers are carrying a considerable quantity of stock, The bulk of this stock is the present season’s production, and conse- quently unfit for shipping until well into the fall. But unless the demand shall improve materially manufacturers will be obliged to go into the winter with heavy stocks. The logs from which this stock was cut were purchased at what may be called an excessive price, and consequently there is a strong disposition on the part of some manufacturers to realize quickly. If they cannot do so at current quotations theyare likely to reduce their asking prices. Thus it will be seen that unless there should arise an enlarged consumption and improved demand for lumber, the market may be expected to weaken. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The lumber business in Manitoba and the Territories has been adversely affected by the weather of the past week. The outlook for fall business is only fair. In British Columbia trade is active and fair prices are being secured. Building in Vancouver is quiet, and it appears that the demand for residences has been satis- fied. A large export trade in lumber is doing, the manufacturers reporting orders from all parts of the world. It is es- timated that the Moodyville mills will export 12,000,000 feet between now and the end of the year. UNITED STATES. The lumber trade of the United States are still waiting patiently for the fall demand to present itself. Apart from a slight increase in the number of enquiries, rarely followed by orders, the situation has not changed. That there are reasons to expect a considerable improvement in business cannot be disputed, although a trade equal in proportion to that of last fall is considered out of the question. With prices getting to a bottom, retail stocks low, railroads planning improve- ments, and a prospect of a car shortage, consumers will surely show a disposition to stock up to meet their fall and winter requirements. There is, of course, on the other hand, the usual business un- certainty which always characterizes the year of a presidential election, but up to the present the commercial interests of the country do not seem to have suffered to any extent from this cause. There has recently been a better movement of lumber from the Lake Superior district, the orders being chiefly for bill stuff and dimension timber. In Chicago there is a scarcity of inch lumber, and several dealers have been resawing two inch to supply their customers. Spruce lumber is showing a little more strength, and an advance in prices is looked for in the near future. Hardwoods have held firmly at the lower prices recently established. At Boston ash sells at $40 to $42 for one inch, $43 to $45 for one to two inch, and $50 to $60 for three and four inch. A considerable quartity of elm has been purchased in Michigan by eastern dealers. GREAT BRITAIN. No advance has taken place in the United Kingdom in the price of Canadian lumber, but with equal accuracy it may be said that there has been no decline. The market is particularly firm, the higher qualities of stock showing more Strength than the lower grades. White pine deals of first quality are selling at from £28 to £30 per standard. Con- tractors and general consumers have now given up hope of a weaker market, and as a result an increased volume of building is under way. Trade at Liverpool is rather quiet, but at London more activity is reported. Some dimensions of spruce, such as 3xII in. in long lengths, fare wanted and meet with ready sale. In the timber trade waney board pine is most enquired for. Prices are well maintained, buyers seemingly having made up their minds to give the prices asked by holders of stock. No business of anv account for next seascn has been done. There is much uncertainty as 10 future prices, owing chiefly to the unsettled con- dition of the freight market. {I. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. SEPTEMBER 5, 1900 STOCKS AND PRICES. Sales of lumber at Duluth for the last week in August total 15,000,000 feet. A large fleet of vessels, carrying about 6,000,000 feet of lumber, arrived at Tona- wanda last week. New Brunswick cedar shingles are sell- ing in Boston at $2.85 to $2.95. Wash- ington cedars are held at $3. The steamer Winnifred sailed from St. John, N.B., last week for Newport, with a cargo of 1,051 standards of deals. The schooner Defiance is loading lum- her at Barnet, B.C., for Sydney, Australia, This is the first vessel to load at Barnet since the new mills there have been com- pleted. The ship Ruby cleared from West Bay, N.S., for Liverpool on August 29th with 1,028,488 feet of deals and 124,985 feet of deal ends, shipped by M. L. Tucker for W. M. McKay. A report from Ottawa states that there is a great scarcity of men for the lumber business. Ritchie & Co., of Aylmer, are unable to get sufficient men to run their mills day and night as intended. A combination of lumber interests has been formed by the representatives of the various saw mills in the Yukon district. The prices of lumber as agreed upon are as follows ; Rough lumber, $85 ; dressed, two sides, $120; four sides, beaded, etc., for ceiling and such purposes, $125. It is said that recently rough lumber was selling as low as $65, hence the combine. Adespatchfrom Kippewaregarding lum- bering operations says : The coming win- ter’s operations are already commenced in this district by the different lumber firms. A.A. Buell & Co. have about 125 men in on their Ostobomas limit ; the Hawkes- bury Lumber Co., about 50 on White Pine river ; the Hull Lumber Company, about 100 on Sunny Side limit ; McLaughlin Bros., about 60 on Wolfe lake, with two more gangs to go in yet. A Buffalo report says: There are a good many red cedar shingles reported coming east by the package-freight lake lines, but it has come to be so general to buy direct that most of the supplies that land here go directly through to eastern points. The use cf 18-inch cuts has been fairly given up, the consumer preferring a fairly good 16-inch for most purposes. White pine still leads slightly in_ price and for the best 16-inch the price is now about $3.33. Following is a comparative statement of timber measured and culled at Quebec up to 4th September, as reported by the Supervisor of Cullers : 1898. 1899. 1900. Waney White Pine.... 1,651,913 1,611,562 1,366,183 White Pine -. 1,047,395 544,181 505,666 Red Pine - 217,310 159,54 60,79 Oak.... 844,206 514,703 429,302 15) Resear soae 044 471,077 446,408 586,031 che atet eis unieeiep tpl: 34,532 56,543 81,227 Basswood.........cce 2A Butttermmut. .<.)05. ics 955 60 142 SE IARSC in wicca = olel-lslalo = 415 71 Birch and Maple....... 106,592 231,946 392,149 THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Your correspondent has obtained some in- formation regarding the cost of producing ljumber which may be of interest to readers of THE LUMBERMAN. A prominent wholesale grocer of Ottawa states that the all-round advance in provisions over last year’s prices is 1237. Japan teas have advanced 4 cents a pound or about 25%. Sugar has advanced } cent a pound or 1237. Molasses have advanced like sugar about 1237. Flour, pork and peas, however, are at the same figure as last year, and may be secured even a little lower. Codfish also remains at last year’s figure, but herring may be considerably higher. Baking powder and all canned 7oods, includ- ing vegetables, remain at the old figure accord- ing to Ottawa quotations. Raisins, currants and figs show a sharp advance of 123% and are likely to go higher, but prunes remain at the same prices quoted for last year’s supplies, Coal oil has advanced about 5%, and soap gone up fully 20%. Woodenware, pails, tubs, etc., also show a slight advance. Owing to tha advanee in the price of cotton, overalls, smocks, topshots, and all lines of duck and cotton clothing will be about 20% higher than last year. Coarse woolen goods, socks, shirts, etc., have declined in. price, and may go about 5% below last year’s prices. This includes heavy woolen clothing. Though thread has advanced 30°/., the supply of coarse wool looks tobe a large one, hence the decline. There is no change from last year’s prices in different lines of leather. Moccasins, shoe packs, and heavy boots have not advanced in price, while harness, covers, etc., are also quoted on the same terms as last year. The principal ad- vance in hardware and iron goods has been in axes, which are quoted at from 20% to 25°/° above the prices ruling last season. Cant hooks have advanced 10°/, and files the same. Saws, however, have shown no such move- ment, and are selling at the old figures. During the recent easy movement in iron, horse shoes have declined 10°/, in price, and nails are also quoted at a lower figure than lasi season. Stoves and stove fixtures and other iron goods do not seem to show any advance, The Jocal labor market is furnishing difficul- ties for the lumber kings. Work is plentiful on account of the recent fire and general activity, and even last year’s high figures are being eclipsed. An all-round advance of from 20°/, to 30°/, is in sight. The demand is greater than it was last year, and good men are commanding high figures. Foremen are being offered as high as $50 to $55 a month, log cutters $26 to $28, teamsters $24 to $26, road makers and shahty hands $20 to $23, loaders $1 to $1.25 a day, and cooks $40 to $45 a month. It is stated that some men were sent up last season who were unfit for the work, and hence a more careful selection is being made this year, which in itself has a tendency to advance wages. POSSIBILITY OF AN OVERSTOCK. The Timber Trades Journal, of London, Eng., publishes in its last issue the following as a warning to American shippers of lumber : The demand for American hardwood lumber has recently shown signs of slackening, and stocks are accumulating at the receiving ports. Prices, too, have given way on one or two descriptions. Prime qualities in logs and lumber maintain their position and always will do so, and the accumulation of stock consists mainly of lower qualities and neglected dimen- sions. Black walnut logs and lumber of good quality and useful sizes are low in stock ; in fact, there 1s not a prime log of walnut in first hands in London at the present moment. It has been stated that there are signs of a revival of the vogue of black walnut in the furniture trade of the States, which, if true, would prac- tically stop the export trade. Those best acquainted with the remaining forest supply think the revival of home consumption im- possible at the present day. The trees now growing are too scattered and too few to keep up the supply for a large regular consumption such as would be required for the American furniture trade. There has been a decline in the prices of hardwoods in the States during the past few months, as a result of the falling offin the demand. The inflated prices of the last year or two have had the same effect there as the present high prices are exercising here, that is, they cause a curtailment of the con- sumption. The drop in demand and prices may be only temporary, and a reaction from the feverish demand of last year; it is, how- ever, having its effect on the export trade, and it would seem that a period of indiscriminate consignments to this market has again set in, which in part accounts for the the accumula- tion of stocks alluded to. We hear that con- siderable stocks are awaiting shipment at all the export points on the Atlantic seaboard, as well as at the Southern ports. At Newport News quite recently there were over a hundred carloads of lumber which had been waiting over thirty days for shiproom. Even now shipments are being sent over more rapidly than the market can absorb them. In the Millwall Dock Co.’s last half-yearly report it was stated that the arrivals of American lum- ber had increased lately to such an extent that it had been necessary to hire barges in which to store it, for lack of available shore accom- modation. We would warn American shippers against the consequence of heavy consignments, and recommend them to ship on contract only, or the bottom will again be knocked out of the market, and disastrous consequences will en- sue. ————_————_— A fire in the lumber district of Montreal on August 31st damaged the sash and door fac- tory of Broulette and Aumond to the extent of $18,000, and the Inmber yard of Alex. Mc- Laren to the extent of $5,000. H. Lapointe & Son, lumber merchants, suffered a loss of $500, and T. Brousseau $100, KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*®"!NS—cemine ¢ THE AUSTRALIAN MARKET. The monthly timber report of Fraser & Co., Melbourne, reviews the Australian market as follows : There is practically no change to report in the condition of the market since the issue of our last report on the second inst. Supplies to hand have been of no important character, though within the next four weeks there will likely be some fairly considerable addition to stocks of those classes of timber which are in most consumption in this market, and then we shall be in a better position to more accurately gauge the near future course at this’ end, both in respect to the demand and values generally. An unusal continuation of rainy weather in this our winter season has affected trade in the country districts, the bulk of business having been obtained from the town and suburban quarters, where contracts for building require- ments have not been materially interfered with. Although the holdings in this city are by no means large, and while some importers have lately been endeavoring to sell various timber from cargoes shortly due, there has been but little disposition manifested, however, to buy just at present, although it is recognized that c.i.f. values are not likely to be lower in the near distant date. We do not look for improve- ment at this side vpon existing values in scarcely any description of timber, but with judicions care being shown in the handling of shipments now on the way, there should be no reason why prices as given below should be altered to any important extent, with, however, the exception of Oregon lumber, as we fear from recent local movements that the present price of £8 per 1,000 feet super. for spot stocks will not be sustained when shipments shortly ‘‘to arrive” are being offered upon the market. OREGON PINE.—Imports : 897,064 feet super. Arrival : Fresno, from Port Blakeley. About 300,000 feet of the above shipment was © placed at £8 per 1,000 feet super. previous to and upon arrival at wharf. Lower quotations are being named for supplies to arrive by steamers and sailers, but so far no business has resulted. Stocks on hand are not of importance, but owing to unexpected early shipments by steamers having been arranged, buyers are not at present anxious to operate. A small cargo for here per the Wrestler, put into Sydney dis- mantled, and was sold at that port. The schooner Transit has been chartered to load lumber at Chemainus, B. C., for Sydney, Australia, at 52s 6d. Spiece’s saw mill in Bayham, Ont., was de- stroyed by fire last week, together with 50,000 shingles aad 20,000 feet of lumber. Wanted lor Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AKD LUMBER PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. SHIPPING MATTERS, Trans-atlantic timber charters are still limited by the stiff rates, still quotable at 115s to 117s 6d gulf to Liverpool, ard to London 120s. Deal tonnage from the provinces is in request at 63s St. John to the west coast of England. Time boats are still in good demand with light - offerings. at 10s to 10s 6d. The Timber Trades Journal reports the fol- lowing charters: 1,200 stds., St. John to West Coast Britain, end Aug.; early Sept., 60s ; 1,200 stds., Dalhousie to Clyde, 62s 6d to 63s gd ; 1,200 stds., St. John to London, 62s 6d ; S00 stds., Quebec and a loading place to Cork, 67s 6d, deals 27s 6d per load timber; 1,200 stds., Miramichi to Glasgow, 67s 6d prompt ; 800 stds., Miramichi to Glasgow, 67s 6d prompt ; 605 reg., Miramichi to London, 62s MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading ‘o., Vaucouver, DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. Special attention given to. . TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 tt. James Street, MONTREAL FOR SALE: trates Du Tievre, Reuge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, C as capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac Rive 1s and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson ag Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3:44. MONTREAL, QUE. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. Wictl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG hae Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. PLANING MILL ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. Ww Law, Yy, Le \ \ Ses ON WIP SHAN -DONOGH LUMBER Co “ECCEEMUUMBER DEALERS. hrthTenawanda Cable Address, “Swan DonoGH—ToNnAWANDA. uumberman's Code. GILMOUR’S PATENT LUMBER DOORS PINB OR HARDWOOD Less in Price. Better in Quality. Make of Door. as Pine. Capacity, Promptly Filled. Hardwood for Oil Finish. 1000 Doors per day. Write or Cable for Samples. Guaranteed Superior to any other Almost as Cheap Orders GILMOUR & CO., TRENTON, CANADA CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OvEREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY : &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. HinTon, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa C. J. Smit General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, O nt.. Flooring from $14.00 » SAMPLES BY MAIL NIGHT BROTHERS CO. Ceiling baad P= i] aan 2 Burk’s Falls, Ont. SUPPLEMENT TO CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. _ Wholesale Prices August 22, 1900. TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS, 1% 1% and 2 inch cuts and better... 593 00 $34 00 c! 1%, 4 ao 2 in picks anduppers... 35 00 tinch Canada dress- ing and better..... 1 up wide..... Beets Fonda, $5) Cel SHAKY CLEAR. tin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin, wide 25 00 | 1 in., ro in, and up wide..... 25 00 t in., 61n. wide........... +. 26 co| 14%, 1% and in., 8in. and up bP AVIGE y islelciel sin hetveiefet dats 26 09 SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 25 | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts... .seccecnsees 2.75 Mopiads ey taiivekle cma 375 Clear Brtts..... bt arose a be 3 00 : ‘ LATH, No. «. White Pine... ... .. 2 50] No. 2. White Pine.... ...... 20) Hemloce wr inneseeccn eco I 50 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE, Uppers, 3 in. up........... $60 $63 | 1x12 inchshippers......... $ $20 Pal eielnjalelo/stata orolsia\systela ante 0 663 | 4/4 inch re 13” & up. 21 BSOPA Reannaacoenoguncon 53 55 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” andup.. 17 18 4 inch uppers .............. 62 65 | ro-in. dressing and better... 28 30 Selects, 24 in. up.......... 52 55 | 10-in. common............. 18 19 BLOLZTclessinse halal ele slerala'e el 45 | 12-in. dressing and better... 32 34 Fine common, 24% in. and up 45 so Common, 1x12 ..... Jadaose 18 19 TM POW2ATY ole) Carey esisies ++. 38 42] No.1 barn, rxz2...... Bee 26 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inc a5 Be) Eis TXT Obsrrelsntiamtelteteieiciiatt on 25 25 30 WE Siete s wisest s 23 21 26} No. 2 barn, x12 23 35 38 IXIO. 23 28 30 Soe i 20 25 30 aky clear, r to 6/4in...... ° Bracket plank . 30 a oe as a A Shelving boards, 12-in, up... 32 35 Dressing 32 Dressing boards, narrow.... 25| Common 29 1x19 inch shippers......... 20 : LATH, PING Haeisdae vc oranaeecaa sane S20) |/Sprnce nts .c aelde;e daeceroe a $200 SHINGLES, Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 5 50 Clear butts.......... 3).00\ 3) 25)! Hemlock). .).. occ nese 2 25 Smooth, 6x18....... 40h rae 7 5) Spruce ae calenee seen cee 2 25 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Up’rs, 1, 1%,1%and 2 Dressing 1% in...... 33 50 TB Hpmeveie neice $57 58 00 14x10 and 12...... 35 50 2% and 3 in....... 66 so TA oini ewes pears . 35 50 4 ictalele daeincae beta 71 50 ARAN foalle ise aceie chee 34 50 Selects, r to 2 in..... 50 50] Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 2¥% and 3 in....... 6r 50 and up, rin...... 38 50 7 apoccoseodeoo on 66 50] Mold st’ps No. 1 to 2 Fine common, rin. ,up ADfepeateisracen ere selec: 38 50 39 50 to 12 in. wide.... 41 50/ Barn, No.1, 12in..... 28 50 14 and 1¥ in..... 4t 50} 6.8androin...... 23 50 Cail shagduetnaccss 44,50: No. 2, roin...,...< 21 50 Bivdilsctninrsraraecerare alors 56 50 INGwzh rales eee 23 00 April sapter ter tetas 61 50] No. 3, ro and 22 in. 20 50 Cut’g up, No. 1, rin. SBNS5O)| Box axis mecileaen ne 17 Oc Teetorziine ee aenee $ 39 50] 1xx6torz2in....... 19 co Oni2sre ANiiileie dee 2200| 1x10to13iM.,.... 20 00 No. 2,1%, & 1 in 32 00 33 00/ 1% andr%in...... 20 00 No. 3, 1% & 1% in 20 so} Mill Culls,1, 1%, 1% ING Hay Ev Wanacageo 26 50 ANS 2e irl rye lshateiae 16 50 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 29 00 31 00 | 2% to4 in..... mraistele 33 00 37 00 MAN CIC WA Heennen 4300) 3500 | Strips). s\cstor lee = +. I9 00 21 00 Com. and culls....... II 00 13 00 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ist & 2nd, 6inch up, 24 00 25 00| Com. & good culls... 11 00 13 co BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & | st &and,white, 6” &up, 17 00 19 00 UP) LEM ialanin c/stolsista 27 900 29 00| Com & good culls..... 9 00 II 00 ELM. ist & 2d,rock, 6in.& up, 19 00 21 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 19 00 21 00 MAPLE. tst & ad, hard,6in. & upr7 co 19 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 17 00 19 00 wid ts iAd Per a e. ACLAMAC) OF ta Mane EI 4iher ae J0 ductaes toolpe ot be, thy brgnany- Hye ve eon: b {ht ao a” 4am aye 7 6 a 2 ytrOF’, i a6 shih agirt 7 as a etal Le eee sae es a sweoate fond pecs we wr « si ‘ AGA ee paeagcren “er gitthrurien rans peat 4 Eee ie mee weet a : abu ye beet. ot chelate ‘wi; REED ne ido yweuioé 2 GKA YT TAR pet. beet Hy “ iy wh sel wil ee vite is ae ven Se i : H + 24! % i, oo we x Sain Fe ae ?. wie an “> ier ae Ste yee (hem v us a stn 08 rie +4 ind eee reo a y raf - ye ten. onde ’ Pare a tas es ae itr t ce geet ps ha tes ye ere a, eRe A SEPTEMBER 5, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. lit LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Eby, Blain & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. RELTING Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, Canadian Rubber Co., Tordnto, Ont. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, ‘Que Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Belting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montreal and Toronto, Sadler & ‘Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J.S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. MACHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex. , Woodstock, N.B. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co. , Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentvill re N.S. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont Small & Fisher, Woodstock; N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. Wapresentiag Hoyt’s DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind, MISCELLANEOUS Axe Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock &Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto, Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Conveyors, Geo. W. Reed & Co. Montreal. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co., Chicago, Ill, Larrigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock, Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pumps, Northey_ Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Roofing Material, Metallic Roofing Co., Toronto. Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co., Toronto, Ont, The Brad street Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Veterinary Remedies, Dr. A. AMcCann & Co. F Mattawa, Ont. | i ec ce on SE no ARER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS ower & Wallace VYoren Chas. H. erenorela, Pont PULP AND RAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, The Jenckes Machine ee NBhat brooke: Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Sptit Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York Saw MANUFACTURERS Burns, E.R., cron, Ont, Shurly & Dietrick, Gait, The James Robertson Co., e Gntteal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER BEALERS Houston, Shier, J. A pBraccbilage, ane? Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. Mention this paper when corresponding with adver tisers CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS T# PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umes We have a stock list of our Lumber taken, and can fur- ‘nish on application. Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. Agents for B.C. Fir. @ PHMEBEROKE, ONT A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CAIN ADA PINE Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and "Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &e.; Birch Flooring, hollcw back, end butted. DON'T CUT YOUR LOGS “<2: will have to carry over the winter, but cut it into 2” Plank and 4x4 Scantling, We will pay you cash and ship as fast as you like. Quote LOWEST price, stating quantity, to REID & HT Esplanade sy TORONTO in wholesale pee" SH AND aaa < T pronto, ver af BER, olicited- pe oli a ii — pale ae 24 OTs AG PR. Rh. SGOTT - McGregor, Ont. MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, ei AND STAVES A large quantity of Fruit Barrel Staves ready for Shipping : Correspondence Solicited. MicbAu RIN & awl Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE —— SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. MOHR & RYAN Cedar Shingles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EKaAst TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. a specialty. J.D. SHIER, BRAGEBRIDGE, ONT, - MANUFACTURER OF... uve. Lumber, Lath and Shin gles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer, 5 million feet of Hemlock e offer All could be cut to-order if contracted for early. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. (,ODERICH LUMBER CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN LIMITED PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER PST ET PTET I IN a EER tT Hemlock and Cedar Bill Stuff a Specialty. Cedar Shingles, Cedar Posts, &c., &c. Mills at Goderich, Owen Sound and Red Bay.. Post Office Boxes ; Goderich, 235 ; Owen Sound, 671 ape, , I ee & GEO, THOMPSON, Manager. Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. Of Goderich and Owen Sound R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DEALERS Head Ofice—TORCGNTC-—7-° King St. West. SARNIA—\wnortsate DISTRIBUTING varvy—_ BU FFALO JAS. se Eb Avy) BUA R. a CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies ea MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT © WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND 99 Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber Me Pine Shingles. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Mills at Wiarton Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, eS TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Soecidity of Long Pine, Gadi: and Homioek Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Veneers, Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHROARD WOOD BROKERS Ax and A B C Codes used. BROKER POPLAR, SOPT ELM, PLANKS and 00D, LIGNUM, EBON Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. nnn EEE EEE EEE Calder, Henderson & Livingston Cable Address Apps iim ia GL A SGOW 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : “‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. IRVIN & SELLERS ~— Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS nnn ea Enna ALFRED DOBELL & CO. Selling Agents For... : CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER case sateen ponte ew ee Manchester Timber Importers limite 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. i ie Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUDGETT BROS, = otic" ion. ““Budlets, London.” CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITIO Thé Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.o0 per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALER BUYERS. IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. S THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE Vot. VI. TORONTO, ONT., SEPTEMBER 12, 1900 No 34. CANADA |,UMBERMAN The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BuiLDING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- ween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. 5 : Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains nterviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical 2nd mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw .11 and planing mill men and manufacturers of Jumbe: products. | 4 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of t5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. ANTED—A lot of ¢/4 1s and 2s Soft Elm, also same grade White Birch, inch and two inch. F. STEnGEL, 992 Ellic tt Square, Buffalo, N.Y. WANTED. HREE PLY GLUED UP STOCK FOR Boxes ; 3/16 in. thick, about 24” x20", 40 to 50 M feet per month. Anycheap hardwood wi!l do; clear of defects. Send sample and prices to JoHn W. Hussey, No. 1 Broadway, New York. WANTED 50 M feet t in. Basswocd. 40 M feet 1% in. Basswood. 60 M feet 14 in. eg 30 M feet 2 in. also t, 14, t¥%, 2, 3, and 4 inch Hard Maple; 1and 114 inch Black Ash, and 14% and 2% inch Red Birch. Txos. Mytes’ Sons, Hamilton, Ontario. WANTED ANTED, IN SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER, Green Hard Maple Squares, 614” x 614”, 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any station in Ontario or Quebec. Address, te Box 36, Canapa LuMBERMAN FOR SALE ONE 8 INCH 4 SIDED MOULDER, ONE tenon machine No. 161, one mortise machine. These machines were made by the best firms in Canada and are new and up-to-date, only used a short time ; also one 38 h. p. return tubular boiler, with foot front and fittings, only used a short time; can furnsh maker’s guarantee. Willsell cheap for cash or exchange for a 35 h.p. portable boiler and 30 h.p. engine if as good as new. For further particulars apply to Joun R. McKay, Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N. S SS SSS SE STOCKS OF PINE LUMBER AND Shingles for sale, at Ravensworth, Huntsville and Longford Mills. Also a few hundred M feet of Birch, Maple, Ash, Elm, Basswood and Spruce. Shingles are mostly 16’ Pine, except 200 or 300 M of 16” Cedar. A. MCPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.0O., Ont. WANTED. CAR 1% DRY SOFT MAPLE. Laxrine, Par- TERSON & Co., Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE Tee SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as ‘Malloch’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rope Feed, Edgers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. Connected with C.P.R. For particulars, address Geo. Mautocn, Arnprior. FOR SALE ALUABLE TIM®ER LIMITS COVERED with Spruce, Pine, Cedar and Hardwoods, situated at New Mills, Restigouche County, N. B., known as Benjamin River. 129 square miles, together with Driving Dams, Store and Stock, four Houses, Tug, and a lot of other property For particulars address C. & I. Prescort, Albert, Albert County, N.B. FOR SALE TEAM SAW MILL 200 FEET LONG, ENGINE 12x16 feet, boiler 4 feetby 12 feet long. Good heavy Planihg Machine (Cowan & Co.. Galt, make), Nearly new ~ two new 50 inc Saws, one Hoe make, one Simonds make. Mili will cut from 10,000 to 12,0c0 feet per day. Also two good Dwelling Houses with out- houses and gardens; 13 acres of choice land and an excellent Water Power, 32 feet head, giving plenty of water in dry season ; 360 feet frontage on the river: coal right to the land; good chance to run a grist mill. Good reasons for selling. For further particulars and price address the undersigned or the publishers of the Canapa LUMBERMAN. URQUHART BROS., Courtenay, B. C. FOR SALE ALUABLE STEAM SAW MILL, CAPACITY thirty thousand feet per day, well equipped with Boile s, Engines and first-class machinery for manu- facturing Lumber and Shingles, situate at Pine Tree Harbor, Bruce County. With the mill property there are twenty Houses, Blacksmith Shop, Store, with good stock of General Merchandise, doing a profitable busi- ness. This is one of the best mill sites in Western On- tario, having a first-class dcck, with trams, where lum- ber can be loaded very cheap, and the harbor is one of the best on Lake Huron. In connection with the mill offered for sale, large blocks of timbered lands, covered with choice Hardwood, Hemlock and Cedar, sufficient to stock the mill for 15 years. One of the best oppor- tunities for profitable investment offering to-day. Rea- son for selling, owners largely engaged in other lines. For particulars apply to SourHampTon Lumper Co., Lrp., Southampton, Ont. a CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, A problem which is now confronting lumbermen, and particularly white pine manufacturers, is the question of obtain- ing men for logging operations. Its said to be very difficult to secure good men for work in the woods, and as a result the standard of wages has advanced. Higher wages are being offered this fall than for many years past. Partly for this reason the producticn of logs during the coming winter will likely be smaller than last year, but as a considerable quantity of logs was this season hung up in the streams in the Georgian bay dis- trict, there will likely be a full stock for next year’s operations. Pine lumber is moving in moderate volume, although trade is much less active than in the fall of last year. Considerable Shipments are Leing made from the Georgian bay district to wholesale dis- tributing yards in the Eastern States. The freight rate to Buffalo, which has been $1.40 for some time, is now ten cents higher. In the Ottawa valley the trade shows signs of more activity. There has been a further decline in the price of pine lath, No. r now being quoted at $2 to $2.50, and No. 2 at $1 to $1.25. There is much irregularity in hardwood prices, the larger mills holding firmly to recent lists, and the smaller mills being willing to accept«onsiderably lower prices in order to effect sales. The demand has hot shown any visible improvement. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, Spruce lumber is feeling the effects of the excessive freight rates which have prevaile2 during the season. Manufac- turers have been unable to effect sales, not on account of any lack of demand for export stock, but for the -eason that shippers have not been able to make sales excepting for delivered stock: © This con- dition has caused ‘a slight weakening of the market, and will likely result in con- siderable stock intended for export being carried over until next spring. The Eastern States trade has been 4 little more active since the 1st of September, but is not taking any great quantity of stock. Cedar shingles are dull at about $2.95 for No. 1 on Boston rate of freight. Local trade is being benefitted by the harbor improvement work at Montreal. UNITED STATES. The lumber trade of the United States is improving, but slowly. The volume of business is much less than at the corres- ponding period one year ago. In the east a stronger disposition is shown to buy for stocking up purposes, but the opinion seems to be gaining ground that there will be no important advance in prices, and consequently dealers are in no hurry to place orders. Prices on some grades seem to have weakened. At Saginaw, for instance, uppers and selects are re- ported to be selling about one dollar lower, A and B strips $2 lower, and shaky clear stock from $2 to $3 lower than two weeks ago. It is probable, however, that in this particular market the stock of these grades is comparatively large. The situation at Buffalo has not changed. Lumber is believed to be selling at slightly lower figures than those quoted in our last list, but a determined effort is being made to prevent a general break, The high prices asked at producing points offer little inducement for eastern wholesalers to sacrifice their stock. In Chicago pine piece stuff is firmer, selling at $13 in cargo lots. Pine shingles are in short supply, selling at $2.30 to $2.40. No. 1 white pine lath brings from $2.50 to $3,and No.2 mixed $1.75, the demand being chiefly for lower grades. A larger demand for hardwood is re- ported. Prices are firmer, and a good fall demand would likely bring about a slight advance. Hemlock prices are weak. The base price at Buffalo Is about $13. GREAT BRITAIN. Somewhat unsettled conditions char- acterize the British lumber market. Im- porters are not disposed to entertain free- on-board quotations owing to the difficulty of chartering vessels, but are quite willing to pay current prices for stock delivered at a British port. It is yet too early to speak definitely of next season’s tirade, but an early termination of the South African war would be certain to greatly improve the outlook. In the face of rather unfavorable conditions, the market is holding steady. For spruce deals it is predicted that an advance of at least ten shillings per standard will be made before the end of the year, owing to the high rates of freight. A few sales of rst quality pine have been made at 430 per standard in docks. At recent auction sales pine and spruce have sold well considering the quality of the stock offered. Some first pine, 13 feet x 3x9 inches, Sold at Lon- don, brought £25 15s per standard, and 3x9 in. third quality spruce, from Quebec, £10. Spruce battens have sold at £8 15s for 3 x 7% in. second quality, and 48 for third quality, c.i.f. London. There is 4 good demand for waney pine timber and the stock is light. Birch timber is dull and about two cents per cubic foot lower than one month ago. ee STOCKS AND PRICES. The bark “Culdoon,” from St. John, N.B., with 330,000 feet of pine lumber, is reported ashore about 35 miles south of Miami. The barks “ Angelica” and “ Florida” sailed from St. John, N.B., last week, with cargoes of deals, for Cardiff and Newport respectively. The steamship “Vera” is loading a cargo of lumber at Hochelaga, Montreal, for the United Kingdom, on account of Dobell, Beckett & Company. Poupore &. Malone, contractors for harbor improvements at Montreal, have given a contract to the Empire Lumber Company, of Buffalo, for 1,250,000 feet of fi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. SEPTEMBER 12, I¢00 i ene oak timber. The stock, it is said, will be secured in Arkansas. M. Boyd & Company, of Bobcaygeon, Ont., are about to commence logging operations in Glamorgan tow nship. They expect to get out 6,000,000 feet of logs during the coming winter. Donald Fraser & Sons are reported to have 8,000,000 feet of lumber on wharves at Riviere de Loup and 2,coo0,000 feet in mill yards at Cabano, Que., being unable to ship the stock owing to scarcity of vessels. Following is the result of a sale of wood goods held by W. & A. L. Crowe, at Dublin, Ireland, on August 23rd: 2nd Quebec spruce, II ft. 9x3, £15 158; 13 ft. 9x3, £16 tos; 12 ft. 11x3, 416 I5s. 3rd Quebec spruce, 12 ft. 9x3, Al4 15s. Bay Verte spruce, 5x3, 6x3, 7x3 and 8x3, £12 to ests 9x3), 44 T5s_to AGS PiU: John spruce, 16 ft. 7x3, £153 10 ft. 9x3 to 12 ft. 9x3, 414 158; 14 ft. to 17 ft. 9x3, £15 25 6d; 18 ft. 9x3, £15 58 5 20 ft. 9x3, £16 6s 6d; 21 ft. 9x3, 416 75 6d ; 24 tt. and 25 ft. 9x3, £19 178 6d ; 11x3 up to 17 ft., £15 to £15 Ios. TT THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the Canada Lumberman.) The export lumber business, which has been rather slack for the past six weeks, promises to improve shortly, now that the fall shipments are near at hand. Prices will probably advance, as the demand for various lines will increase. At this season American dealers commence to stock up their yards for the winter's trade, and hence a greater call is made on the Otta- wa mills and shippers. Trade with Great Britain continues good, though shippers still complain of a dearth of ocean vessels, which has the effect of lessening and re- tarding shipments. Retailers report a steady, active local trade, the extensive building operations in Hull and Ottawa being accountable for this. All the planing mills and sash and door factories are rush- ed with orders. At W. C. Edwards & Co’s. mills a night gang is kept busy. The principal subject of discussion in the local lumber circles centres on the advance in wages paid for the various classes of labor on the limits. N. Page, of Hull, who has sent several large gangs from that city, is.offering $30 a month and board for teamsters, $27 and upwards for choppers, and from $40 to 50 for cooks. General hands are being offered $27 a month and upwards. So far goo men have been sent to Warren, Mattawa, and Temiscamingue for Mr. J. R. Booth. Chitty & Co. are engaging men for the South River Lumber Co. at South river, the Eddy & Jordan Co. at Blind river, the Pembroke Lumber Co. at Petewawa, and the firm of A. & P. White at Dieux river. So far about 500 men have been engaged. The scarcity of suitable labor is greater this season than ever. before, owing to the fact that high wages rule in the local labor market, where good workers are none too plentiful. As the different milly will run late this fall, it is not expected that relief can be afforded the lumber labour market for some months to come. A gentleman just returned from the Temiscamingve district states that first class choppers, able to manufacture square timber, are receiving $40 to $45 a month, and several of the mines in the neighborhood have had to shut down, as the men are leaving to work for Mr. J. R. Booth, getting out square timber. Ac- cording to the Ottawa gentleman, lumber- ing operations promise to be very brisk in the Temiscamingue country during the coming season. The present has beena particularly good season at all the mllls on the Ottawa river. Mr. Georgo H. Perley, who operates a large mill at Calumet, on the north shore line of the C. P. Ry., states that he ex- pects a cut of 20,000,000 feet this season. The mill is running night and day, with large gangs. A great part of the output is being shipped to the British market. Mr. W. C. Edward’s mills at Rockland are a scene of increased activity, and the cut there also promises to exceed last year's. McLaren & McLaurin’s mill at East Templeton, the McLaren and the Kelly mills at Buckingham, and the Owen mill at Montebello, will rank well up in the cut along the Ottawa river, It is now known definitely that Bailey's saw mill at Aylmer, which was recently destroyed by fire, will not be rebuilt. Mc. Bailey has purchased several mica mines, which will divide attention with his lumber and other interests. Mr. Bailey still believes that the fire which destroyed his mill was of incendiary origin, Last fall friction arose with certain labor leaders of Ottawa over the employment of a ma- chinist by Mr. Bailey. A strike resulted, which, however, was arranged satisfac- tory. Some hint that the old labor trouble had more than a little to do with the de- struction of the mill. It was stated to-day that the sum of $50,000 had been offered by American parties for Ayer’s Pulp and Woolen Mills at Lachute, on the north shore line of the C.P.R. Railway. These mills have lately been refitted with new machinery, and are now considered amongst the best in that section. The extensive buildings of the E. B. Eddy Co., at Hull, have been almost com- pleted, and several are ready for occupa- tion. The machinery for the large match factory has arrived, and is being installed this week. The machinery, which is of the most approved type, was manufactured in Barberton, Ohio. Part of the paper machinery has also arrived, together with the plant for the saw mill. Itis expect- ed that the buildings will all be completed in two months. In a month's time the match factory, saw mill and wood-working es- tablishment will be fitted up and ready for active operations. The buildings differ considerably in style from those de- stroyed in the fire, and all are being made as fire-proofas possible. The large addi- tion to the sulphite mills has also been completed, and is now being fitted with the latest machinery. Rey. Father Laniel, a missionary priest who works about Barriers Post, 200 miles north of the Gatineau district, states that the lumbermen have penetrated the northern wilds, and will carry on extensive operations for the first time during the coming season. The growth of pine, the missionary states, is very good, though rather stunted on account of the severity of the climate. Much ofthe timber, when cut down, although promising a good cut, is found to be defective, being decayed. Mr. W. C. Edwards, M.P., the well known lumber king, will again contest Russell County in the Liberal interests, with a good prospect of re-election. Mr. George H. Perley, another well known lumberman, may run in the Conservative interests in Argenteuil County. Mr. Wm. Bowden, bookeeper of the Hull Lumber Company, at Ottawa a gentle- man well and favorably known in lumber circles, was elected Provincial Prior of the Knights Templars, for the districts of Ottawa and Kingston at the convention just held in the latter city. Before elec- tion Mr. Bowden held the office of Grand Constable. Mr. W. H. McAuliffe, lumber merchant, of Ottawa, has established yards and office at the corner of Duke and Britannia sts., near the Chaudiere. Mr. McAuliffe’s former place of business was on Catherine street, near Bank street. Ottawa, Sepsember 1oth, 1900. _—————— THE GLASGOW MARKET. Allison, Cousland & Co.'s monthly timber market report of September ist reviews the Glasgow market as follows : Business during the past month has been in a satisfactory condition. Stocks in first hands are light. Imports have been mod- erate, and consisted largely of spruce. Most parcels were disposed of ex quay at good figures. Prices, all round, are very firm, and likely to continue, the only com- plaint being that some merchants do not take full advantage of their preseat posi- tion, and, having purchased cheaper earlier in the season, are content to sell to con- sumers at prices they may yet find it difficult to replenish themselves at. From all accounts the shipbuilding trade is now awakening from the last few months de- pression, and many new orders are re- ported. During the month 33,620 tons of shipping were launched, as compared with 37,816 tons last year, and the new work is estimated at 70,000 tons, as against 43,- ooo tons at this time last year. | KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*®&1NS serine ¢ Wanry WHITE PINE.—Owing, no doubt, to the absence of import, there has been, during the past month, much increased demand, and some fair lines have been placed. Stocks must now be considerably reduced. Pine wood is quoted at 2s gd to 3s; 2nd class, 18d to 2s 2d per c. ft. Rep Pine.—Small sales of F.A.Q. wood have been made at 17d to 18d per c. ft., and the stock on hand is ample for present requirements. OaxK.—There has been no business of any importance. E_m.—The stock must now be nearly exhausted. New arrivals should meet with a ready and satisfactory sale. Bircu.— Stocks are heavy, and the market is decidedly weaker. 15 to 16 inch wood is quoted at 17d to 20d per c. ft. AsH.—Several parcels have arrived per liners, and have been disposed of ex quay at good prices. PinE.—Firsts—There has been little im- port, most parcels have sold ex quay. Broad are quoted at £28 17s 6d to £30 18s gd. Undersized, £20 125 6d to £22 138 gd per St. Pet. Std. Seconds—There is practically no stock. Thirds—There is a moderate demand, and what has been sold has realized good figures. Quotations— Regulars, 11 inch and up, £13 158 to £16 10s. Undersized—1o 13s 1d to Alt St. Pet. Std. Fourths—The. demand is good, parcels arriving for the most part being sold ex quay. Regulars are quoted at G10 6s 3d to f11. Undersized, £8 11s rod to £8 198 9d per St. Pet. Std. SPRUCE.—The stock 1s very small, and anything arriving realizes good prices. Quotations—47 11s 2d to £9 5s 7d per St. Pet. Std. Rep PINE continues to sell slowly. Holders are firm in their ideas, however, and prices are unchanged. New BRUNSWICK BIRCH.—There has been fewer sales and prices are rather easier. 15 to 16inch wood is quoted at 17d to 18d perc. ft. Planks are in good request at 1s to 13d per cubic foot. Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. N. B. DEALS, BATTENS AND BOARDS.— There is a good demand, and prices are iy at £8 118 3d to £10 6s gd per St. Pet. td. ‘ N. B. SpRUCE.—The import has been considerable, but with an active demand good business has been done and prices well maintained at £7 118 3d to £10 6s 3d per St. Pet. Std. MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. ee Special attention given to - - TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H, FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 tt. James Street, MONTREAL FOR SALE: ttist'tiess Du Tievre, Reuge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac Rivers and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson ag Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3744. MONTREAL, QUE. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WICGIN 89 STATE ST. will inspect at-mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. PLANING MILL ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. 2 Kev. SWAN-DOWNOGH LUMBER CO. PMS ATS “EOAUMBER My ‘ees RS. ¢ * Marth na antluNe Cable Address, “Swan DoNoGH—TONAWANDA. : Lumberman’s Code. See GILMOUR’S PATENT LUMBER DOORS ES ES ET . PINB OR HARDWOOD Less in Price. Better in Quality. Make of Door. as Pine. Capacity, Promptly Filled. Hardwood for Oil Finish. Guaranteed Superior to any other Almost as Cheap 1000 Doors per day. Orders Write or Cable for Samples. GILMOUR & CO., TRENTON, CANADA C.H. GLOVER & CO., ta Importers of = - SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, we intend buying DIRECT from From now the Manufacturer. Offers invited .... Wharves, Mills and Offices : ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENGLAND Cable Address: ‘‘Glovers, Hatcham, London.” OOO CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, M. A. OVEREND, Trade, Montreal. Contracting Agent. Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Ceiling ‘ . . . . Shortest and ckest Route from .... OTTAWA, ROCKL , HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA ‘ALBANY = &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W.P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smitu General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont... Burk’s Falls, Ont. Flooring from ee Py SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. i 5 ee ————) SEPTEMBER 12, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Ill DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘* Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. ' BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Canadian Rubber Co., Toronto, Ont. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co.,Montrealand Toronto. Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. ORY KILNS | McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Eby, Blain & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Torouto, Park, Blackwell & Co., Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W., Ottawa, Ont, MACHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex.,Woodstock, N.B. _ Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. Vogel, Chas. H., Thorold, Ont. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Unt. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Wood Split Pulley Co., Toronto, Ont. The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E.R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto, Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Conveyors, Geo. W. Reed & Co. Montreal. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton &Co., Chicago, Ill, Lairigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A- Bertram, Toronto, Ont, Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Roofing Materia), Metallic Roofing Co., Toronto. Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co., Toronto, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, NewYork and Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Veterinaty Remedies, Dr. A. AMcCann & Co., Mattawa, Ont. a Mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER GO, wmrren We have a stock list of our Lumber taken, and can fur- nish on application. Write us for prices on Bill Stuff. Agents for B.C. Fir. @ PEMBROKE, ONT, A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Room 411, Board of Trade Building : MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine. Southern Pine, &c. ; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. DON'T CUT YOUR LOCS into stuff that you will have to carry over the winter, but cut it into 2” Plank and 4x4 Scantling. We will pay you cash and ship as fast as you like. LOWEST price, stating quantity, to REID & C0 Quote Esplanade 8y TORONTO “wholesale Dealers in ELM, ASH AND BASSW 000 of 7 Co. Lumber“ 4 ghe Olive: WHITE PINE ae Soi ABABA LE” Rk. A. SCOTT - McGregor, Ont. MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, A large quantity of Fruit Barrel Staves ready for Shipping : ; AND STAVES Correspondence Solicited. HOOPS MictAu RIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS By Rat oR WATER. - MOHR & RYA Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EAST TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. a specialty. J. D. SHIER, Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. BRAGEBRIDGE, ONT. + MANUFACTURER OF... ‘nave Lumber, Lath and Shingles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer, 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to order if contracted for early. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. GODERICH LUMBER CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN LIMITED Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER PB AS RES 20 Sr sag Hemlock and Cedar Bill stuff a Specialty. Mills at Goderich, Owen Sound and Red Bay. > Post Office Boxes ; Goderich, 235; Owen Sou 473 * a De a3 ‘ = *ed baer -S-5 7a eo - . =>. Cedar Shingles, Cedar Posts, &c., &e. GEO. THOMPSON, Manager. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DBALERS Head ofice—-TORONTOQO-—70 King St. West. SARNIA—\-wuouesate DISTRIBUTING varvsy—_ BUFFALO JAS. PLAY FATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ° LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A.& P.WAITE ~s MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Sawn and-Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT *- WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber CoRRESPONDENCE SoLiciTED HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Pine Lath, Cedar, and ‘i; Pine Shingles. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Veneers, Hardwoods, THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD CO., AUGER & ONTARIO. Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. cf Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. SON: Quebec :: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. Siemon & Bros. Mig. G0. - Wiarton, Ont. Lumber Merchants and General Sawmillers We have on hand @ considerable quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch, A:hand Red Oak im different sizes, in good sipping condition; also Cedar Posts and Timber, A trial order solicited. Shipment ky rail or water, ILLIAMSON & MORRISON Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: =>LUMBER 80 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WEROLESATLE urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUFAGTURERS—— LUMBER «x LATH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS SEP1EMBER 12, 1900 EDITION. ————S 7 DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Brokers and Measurers | Wood 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. , WOOD BROKERS Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. WRIcHT, GRAHAM & GO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, At and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD Bhar = 27% Union Street - GLASGOW F. Fe. Lightbody KK Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS “© TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: At “ Zebra” and Private. SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Correspondence Solicited. Cable Address : Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. —— Telegraphic Address—“‘ WAI NSCOT,’ GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. PYVERY & VINGENT == SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF .-- RED PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED curaroonncr wemee LBARY & OO. Wood /Argents and Brokers 4, Lombard Court, Gracechurech Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. JAMES W. SOUTHERN A. KENNEDY MANCHESTER, ENGLAND 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Is open for offers of 1” P. T. and G. Boards, Pine, 3rds quality or Log Run, 5 /7’ wide Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A BC Code SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they can supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, “Casket,” Cape Town, 1 A.B.C. Code used. Buyer of .. - BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: ‘‘ Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. ne WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planks and boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. Cable adress, “Owen, LN FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER Invite offers from Lumbermen for $h ae Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER ENGLAND C0. SMITH & TYRER - 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents . . ‘ Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. SALES ACENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. _ Ai kinds of A ee JAMES WHEELDON & SONS .. TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Sell before shipment and look atter Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: ** ALLISON,”’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Broker 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Wore 18 eee Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS ble Addr “* VALOREM,” GI : Cable dscae 0 con tem GLASGOW GANT & KEMP e TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW B R 0 K F R S | Cable Address : ““ TECTONA” Glasgow. Atand A B C Codes used. 6-———-IRVIN & SELLERS Cable Address: “ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS OF =? : ALSO DEALERS 1 POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS E all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. eS ALFRED DOBELL & CO. ee TV ERPOOL, ENGLAND — Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER ne | a Manchester Timber Importers tinted 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. - A.B.C. and Zebra codes used Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. i \ Cae Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. _ . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . - BUD GETT BROS. 70 and 71 Bishopsgate Strvet Within, ™! Cable Address, LONDON, E.C, . | “Budlets, London.” : : ~ 4 # er CANADA | UMBERM WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $t.oo penvear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vot. VI. TORONTO, ONT. SEPTEMBER 19,1900 No 35. CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BurLpInc, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- ween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains nterviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical end mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw .:l and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber: products. 4 Subscription price for the two editions for one vear, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. ANTED-—A lot of «5/4 1s_and 2s Soft Elm, also same grade White Birch, inch and twoinch. J. F. STEnGEL, 99> Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as ‘ Malloch’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rope Feed, Edgers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. _ Connected with C.P.R. For particulars, address Geo, Mattocu, Arnprior. WANTED 50 M feet t in. Basswood. 40 M feet 1&4 in. Basswood. 60 M feet 1% in. oe 32 M feet 2 in. ks also 1, 1%, 1%, 2, 3, and 4 inch Hard Maple; rand 1% inch Black Ash, and 144 and 2% inch Red Birch. TuHos. My es’ Sons, Hamilton, Ontario. FOR SALE ty 8 INCH 4 SIDED MOULDER, ONE tenon machine No. 161, one mortise machine. ‘These machines were made by the best firms in Canada and are new and up-to-date, only used a short time ; also one 38 h. p. return tubular boi'er, with foot front and fittings, only used a short time; can furnsh maker's guarantee. Willsell cheap fo: cash or exchange for a 35 h.p. portable boiler and 3 h.p. engine if as good as new. For further particulars apply to JoHn R. McKay, Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N. S. FOR SALE TE\M SAW MILL 200 FEET LONG ENGINE 12x16 feet, boiler 4 feet by 12 feetloiz. Good heavy Planing Machine (Cowan & Co., Gat, make), nearly new * two new 50 incb Saws, one Hoe make, one Simonds make. Mill will cut from 10,000 to 12,090 feet a day. Also two good Dwelling Houses with out- ouses and gardens ; 13 acres of chvice land and an excellent Water Power, 32 fzet head, giving p'enty of water in dry season ; 369 feet frontage’on the river: coal right to the land; good chance to run a grist mill. Good reasons for selling. For further particulars and Frcs address the undersigned or the publishers of the ANADA LUMBERMAN. URQUHART BROS., Courtenay, B. C. ANTED. — Situation as Lumber Buyer and Shipper. Address, Box 58, CanapAa LUMBER- N. WANTED 50 M. feet x in. Hard Maple. x Car tin. Soft hg x Car 1%in. “ ue Dry, 1899 cut. LakinG, Patterson & Co., Hamilton, Ont. Lumber For Sale 100,009 feet 4/4 Hard Maple ist and 2nd. 21,000 feet 8/4 ‘ ks s bs 9,000 feet 12/4 “‘ 100,000 feet 4/4 S ft Elm, good rst and 2nd. 30,000 leet 8/4 “ “e o oe “ Allin splendid shipping condition. J. E. Murpny, 7 Hepw rth Station, Ont. oe o Feirs CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. In another column will be found a report of 2 meeting of the Lumbermen’s Association of Ontario held in Toronto last week. ‘This meeting was called “for the purpose of considering. the mar- ket situation. The figures presented by the secretary showed that, from a statis- tical standpoint, the pine market’ may be said to be strong. Ona the other hand, it must be admitted that the demand is far from satisfactory, and that the quan- tity of stock purchased for fall and winter delivery 1s small. After a careful study of the situation, the conclusion was reached at this meeting to adhere to present prices. It seems to be the opin- 10n of manufacturers that the demand will improve at an early date, as the stocks held by retailers and consumers are light. At the present time there is a sort of dead- lock between manufacturer and consum- er. The former seems confident that present prices wil] ‘be maintained, while the consumer apparently believes that lower prices will rule, or at least is willing to await developments. In the face of these conditions, the dealer is practically doing nothing. Tne probabil- ity of any material break in -prices is, in our opinion, very remote, when the cost of producing lumber is considered. The position of hardwoods is not quite as favorable as that of pine, but a; the furniture and other factories using hard- wood Jumber as raw material are in a prosperous condition, an improved de- mand in the near future is anticipated. In Toronto, txto and 12 inch mill cull stocks are selling, wholesale, at $14-50, mill cull sidings at $14.00, and 1, 1% and 1% inch box at $15.50. Shingles are slightly weaker, No. 1 white pine selling at $2.50 to $2.60, and No. 2 at $1.60 to $1.70. No.1 lath, 14 inch, is worth from $2.60 to $2.75, No. 2 $2.25, and inch Norway $2.50. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The situation in respect to spruce lum- ber presents few new features from last week. Onthe whole, the outlook is a little more favorable, there being an in- crease in the number of enquiries from the Eastern States. Freight rates, how- ever, continue to cause the shipper much uneasiness, and the supply of tonnage has become no greater. New Brunswick cedar shingles are selling moderately at $2.75 for extras, and $2.35 to $2.50 for clears on Boston rate of freight. Lath are steady. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. _ A more hopeful view of the outlook for fall trade is now taken by lumber dealers, based on the fact that in Manitoba and the Territories the crop’ prospects are better than -had been anticipated, and that the damage by rain has not been serious. Building operations are proceeding favorably. In British Colum- bia the trade is in a prosperous condition, and the quantity of lumber exported this season promises to exceed that of any previous year. Fourteen vessels sailed for foreign destinations from British Columbia mills during the month of August, six being from Chemainus, five from Moodyville, and three from Hast- ings, carrying over 12,000,000 feet of lumber. Several vessels are ' chartered to load during September and Octobet, notwithstanding that freight rates are high. UNITED STATES. The strike of miners in the Pennsylvan- ia coal regions his not tended to improve the position of the lumber market, as it is feared that it may interfere with indus- trial development. For the present. con- sumers of lumber are going slow and purchasing only for the requirements of the near future. The downward trend of prices, however, seems to have been checked, and manufacturers and whole- sale dealers have decided to patiently wait for the fall demand, which they be- lieve will soon present itself. The stocks at manufacturing points are not large, and a fair demand would soon make in- roads upon the available supply. Inform- ation from Albany is to the effect that box and the cheaper grades of pine weakened slightly early in September, but that the better grades are firm. A slight weak- ness in lath is also reported. Spruce lumber, particularly of the coarser grades for building purposes, is strengthening, In New York city, 2-inch stock is held at a range of $14 to $16, and the 6 to 8-inch cargoes at $13 to $14.50, as compared with $12 to $14 one month ago. Spruce frames, Io and 12 inch, are held at $16 to SGP Hardwoods generally are reported to be dull. The supply has been steadily increasing for some time, and in the ab- sence of an active demand, the tendency of the market has been to weaken. Prices are governed entirely by the quan- tity of the different kinds and grades of stock which the dealer has in his yard, GREAT BRITAIN, The import of wood goods into the United Kingdom last year was unusually heavy, being for the first seven months 4,176,846 loads. For the same period this year the import has been 4,256,125 loads, or 79,279. loads. more.than last year. In’ the face of this large import and a rather quiet demand, it is a ques- ‘tion whether the market will maintain its current strength. The fact that freight rates are still climbing up is likely to be of advantage in keeping the market firm. A comparison of the figures showing the stocks at the leading ports indicates that the stock of Baltic deals, battens and boards is considerably larger than at the corresponding period last year, while Canadian pine deals and battens show a decrease of over 300,000 pieces at London and 8,000 standards at Liverpool. The outlock for pine deals has improved, and so far the supply has scarcely been ade- quate to meet the wants of the trade. In spruce deals the situation is different, the stock at London being 200,000 pieces, and at Liverpool 6,000 standards greater than on August 31st, 1899. Prices of spruce deals are slightly weaker, although it is believed that the market will recover as the winter approaches. Transactions are reported at about £7 7s 6d to £7 11s 6d c.f. Liverpool for St. John specification. Square and waney timber is not active. A Liverpool report refers to one or two good sales in waney and square pine tim- ber. At London oak and birch are be- coming scarce, and an improvement in the price of the latter may be expected. The bark ‘‘Alf” has been chartered to load lumber at Bridgewater, N.S., for Barrow, at 57s 6d. The bark ‘‘ W. W. Mclaughlin” has been chartered by Clarke Bros. to load lumber at Annapolis, N.S., for Buenos Ayres. The “Sunny South” will load lumber for same firm for Cuba, {I. CANADA LUMBERMAN ea eee WEEKLY EDITION. ONTARIO LUMBERMEN’S ASSOCIATION. At a meeting of the Lumbermen’s Associa- tion of Ontario, held a few days ago in To- ronto, when the statistics prepare by the secretary were read, it was unanimously re- solved that there was no present necessity to reduce prices ; that the retail stocks on both sides of the line were lower than ever reached for a number of years, and that while the demand may be delayed through political agitation, it will come later. The conclusion arrived at at a previous meeting, that there was a shortage of 240 million feet, was con- firmed, and it was shown that there is fully 300 million feet of a shortage in the Georgian Bay and including Eastern Michigan points, and taking the output of the mills of Eastern Michigan. Further, it was pointed out that the demand from the English market was active and likely to increase; that the conditions were never more favorable for an advance in price than at present. This applies to the Minnesota and Wisconsin district, as well as to Michigan and Ontario. Mr. Robert Watt, up the question of hardwood prices. From statistics presented, the opinion was arrived at that manufacturers’ present prices should be maintained. of Wiarton, brought —————————— STOCKS AND PRICES. Robt. Ervin is sawing logs for Logan & Sutherland at Musquodoboit Harbor, N.S. The steamship Boliviana has taken on 300 standards of deals at Quebec and is about to proceed to Montreal to complete cargo. The Bell Telephone Company, Quebec, are in the market for a quantity of tele- phone poles, 30 feet in length and not Jess than six inches at the top, The Fredericton Boom Company, which controls rafting operations on the St. John river, in New Brunswick, has rafted this season 43,714 joints, contain- ing 26 tons and 13 feet of timber, 54,460 feet of hemlock, 2,943,780 feet of pine, 10,902,460 feet of cedar, and 9,112,259 feet of spruce, making a total of 105,013,- 559 superficial feet of lumber. A correspondent sends the folfowing as the current wholesale quotations for lumber at Wiarton, Ort: Maple (com- mon and better), 1 inch, $13 ; 14 in., $13; 2in., $15; 3%. $16; 4im, $17; Ists and 2nds, 2, 3 and 4 in., $17; basswood, mill run, $14.50; soft elm, mill run, $15.50; birch, mill run, $14; common and better, 1 and 2 in., $18; beech, common and better, $11. Following are the current wholesale prices at mills at Huntsville, Ont., for pine lumber: 1x 10 in.common, $15 per M.; I x12 in. common, $16; 1x 1oand 12 in. box, $13; 1 x Io and 12 1n. mill culls, $12; mill cull sidings, $11; 2x10 and 12 in. plank, $14; 2x 4, 6 and 8 in. plank, $13 ; No. 1 shingles, $2.15 per M; No. 2 shingles, $1.25; No.1 lath, %x1% xIAittey $2.50. _A quantity of spruce lumber from Wolfe river, Quebec, was sold at auction in London on September 5th at the follow- ing prices : 12-20 ft. 3x15 in., first, second and third quality, £8 15s per standard of 1,980 ft.; 12-21 ft. 2x13 in., £8 Ios ; 15-24 ft. 3x7 in., £8; 15 20 ft., 3x7 in., £8 ; 9-11 ft. 3x7 in., £8 ; 9-20 ft. 2x9 in., £9 58 5 10- 22 ft. 2x8 in., £9 ; 9-22 ft. 2x7 in., £8 158; 9-21 ft. 2x7 n., £8 1583 9-24 ft. 2x6 in., £8 39-21 ft. 1x8-11 in., £7 55; 10x21 ft. 1x 7 in., £7 583 10 22 fl. 1x5 in., £7. Ata recent sale held by Foy, Morgan & Company, Londen, England, birch timber from Montreal sold at the follow- ing prices: Seven logs, 85x18 it. x 21-26% in., 778 per load of so cubic feet ; 7 logs g-15 ft.x 20-27 1n., 80s; 8 logs 7-13 ft. x 20-25 in., 80s ; 8 logs 9-12 ft. x 20-33 in., 85s; 8 logs 9-13 ft. x 24-27 in., 87s 6d; 7 logs 10-13 ft. x 19-27 in., gos ; 7 logs 9- 14 ft. x 21-25 in., 92s 6d ; 10 logs 0-19 ft. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SAECTINS-cEImING ¢ x 15-18 in., 775 6d ; 10 logs 11-17 ft. x 15- 19 1n., 778 6d ; 10 logs 10-17 ft. x 15-21 in., 80s; 10 logs 10-15 ft. x 15-18 in., 778 6d ; to logs 10-16 ft. x 15-19 in., 77s 6d; 18 logs 8-14 ft. x 14-18 % in., 778 6d. —————— THE LIVERPOOL MARKET. The arrivals from British North America during the past month, says Farnworth & Jar- dine’s wood circular, have been 62,505 tons register, against 67,025 tons register during the corresponding month last year, and the aggregate tonnage [Oo this date from all places during the years 1898, 1899 and 1900 has been 325,432, 359741 and 363,675 tons respectively. The business of the past month has been on an extensive scale, but owing to the restricted quay accommodation it has been conducted with great difficulty. The arrivals nave been heavy and the deliveries large, but stocks of some of the leading articles are. ac- cumulating, and recent sales show weakness. Freights rule high, and may tend to check im- ports, which is very desirable. CANADIAN Woops. — PINE TIMBER.— Waney has been imported moderately, and for the most part has gone direct into consumption. Prime wood is in good demand, prices are very firm, and stocks are light ; 2nd class has received more attention, but the demand is limited. Square has also been imported mod- erately, but there is little improvement in the demand to report, and stocks are sufficient. Red pine has arrived more freely, the demand is quiet, but stocks are not too large. OAK.— The arrivals consist chiefly of first class wood on contract ; there has been rather more en- quiry, prices are firm, and the stock is fairly moderate. ELM continues in request, and the import of about 350 loads goes largely direct into consumption ; values are very high, and the stocks are moderate. ASH. —There has been more enquiry, stocks are light, values steady. PINE Drats.—The arrivals have again been on a moderate scale, and the de- liveries have fairly kept pace ; stocks are re- duced to about 7,800 standards, as compared with 15,600 standards for the corresponding month last year ; prices are firm. RED PINE DEALS continue in fair demand at firm rates. New BRUNSWICK AND Nova SCOTIA SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS.--The arrivals during the past month have again been very large, viz., 27,700 standards, against 24,265 standards for the corresponding month Jast year ; there has been a good consumption, but the stock is now too heavy, and, notwithstanding high rates of freight, and difficulty in securing tonnage, sales are more difficult to effect, and the latest transactions have been at lower values. PINE DEALS—The demand has improved, prices are firmer and stocks are light. Bircu.—Of logs, chiefly from the lower ports, the arrivals have been too heavy, de- liveries have been fair, but stocks are sufficient and values lower. Planks have been imported much too freely, and, although there has been a fair demand, prices have declined and stocks are now ample. OREGON AND BRITISH COLUMBIAN PINE. __The market is still bare, though a cargo is shortly due which should meet ready sale. The sales during the past month have been as follows : QUEBEC Pr1nE—Waney, 2nd class, 18 in. x 23 feet lin. at 2s 3d per cubic foot. BircH TiMBER.—Quebec—17 in., at 19d per cubic foot. St. Jonn—By auction, 153 in. average, at 173d per cubic foot. Planks, from £7 15s to £8 per standard. Quersec Ping Deats-Chiefly or merchants’ account. Spruce DEALS—St. John, at about £7 7s 6d to £7 11s 3d per standard c,i.f., according to specification. Lower Port, by auction, at an average of about £7 10s per standard, ex quay. The current quotations are about as follows: Per Foot. White pine, Quebec square wood..... 1s 3dto2s od " » Waney board.......-.+-- 2s 2d tozs 10d " 1 St. John, r8-in. average.. 1s 6d to 2s 2d Lower Ports pine. ....-.eeeceres eres is 3dto s &d Red pine..... 6... cece e eee eee eens 1s 5d to 1s icd Oak, rst quality.......-.+se+eee renee 2s gdto3s od uw and quality......+see.rsereeeee 1s 6dto2s od Elm. .. PAR ADDO SUOMGDADOONERD a 2s gdto 3s od Aish sgriecwiecolt ctaes tau isieleoFep cia'sidee elaine is 6dto2s cd Hickory.....sseeeeececeen rece reeees 1s 4d to 1s 10d Birch, St. John .....----0eeeeeeeeeee 1s 4dtois 8d Ww Quebec ...eeeereeeeees ceeeee 1s 4dto2s od Foy planks... .. cues essen erence ens 11d to 1s od Masts, Red..... -seecesrreeereeeeere 1s gdto2s od White......csseceerceseeeecs 1s gdto2s 3d Spruce Spars...cseeesueesseeeeeeeees udtoxs od Per Std. h sd’ £ std 23 ooto26 00 Deals, Quebec, white, xst quality. . 18 ooto20 00 " u " and quality. u 3rd quality. 11 o oto12 100 i" " Spruce deals, St. John, Miramichi. 7 10 oto 7 150 " uw Nova Scotia, etc..... 7 76to 7126 boards, €fC...cescersesrs see 615 0to 7 90 Oars, Ash, per running foot...... 0 03t0 0 04 SHIPPING MATTERS. The Timber Trades Journal reports the following fixtures. 1,300 std. boat, St. John to w.c. U.K., deals, 655; 1,290 std. boat, Tormentine to Liverpool or Manchester, 70s ; “ Ramleh,” lump sum about £4,000 to bring salved cargo ex ‘‘Mareotis” from Cod Bay Harbor and St. John, Newfoundland, to Liver- pool ; several small sailers fixed from the lower ports, from 57s 6d to 62s 6d, according to destination, and one of 500 stds. from Miramichi to w.c. and Bristol channel, 67s 6d. ————— DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Canadian Oak Belting Co., Montreal, Que. Canadian Rubber Co., Toronto, Ont. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J, L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. , Montreal and Toronto. Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Eby, Blain & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jobn, Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W.. Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex., Woodstock, N.B. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL ~ Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. Vogel, Chas. H., Thorold, Ont. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. SULLEYS Dodge Mfg, Co., Toronto, Ont. RAILROAD BRASSES ~ Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A, Shier, J. D. Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N.B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and Schoo] Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Conveyors, Geo. W Reed & Co. Montreal. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co., Chicago. lm. Larrigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, -Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pulley Coverings, The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Que Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Roofing Material, Metallic Roofing Co., Toronto. Silver Solder, P. W. Ellis & Co., Toronto, Ont. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Veterinary Remedies, Dr. A. AMcCann & Co., Mattawa, Ont. Me eee GILMOUR’S PATENT LUMBER DOORS ee saaaBueseeseseeidifl PINE OR HARDWOOD in Price. Better in Quality. Make of Door. as Pine. Capacity, Promptly Filled. Less GILMOUR & CO., TRENTON, CANADA - Flooring from $14.00 4 SAMPLES BY MAIL NI Ceiling Nn Hardwood for Oil Finish. 1000 Doors per day. Write or Cable for Samples. SEPTEMBER 19, 1G00 Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AKD LUMBER PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. Special attention given to. - TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL s Timber Limts on the s Following Rivers :— ata, Cas- Du Tievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temisco' capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac Rivers and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson 2g Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3 44. MONTREAL, QUE. ae STOCKS OF PINE LUMBER AND Shingles for sale, at Ravensworth, Huntsville and Longford Mills. Also a few hundred M feet ef Birch, Maple, Ash, Elm, Basswood and Spruce. Shingles are mostly 16” Pine, except 200 or 300 M of 16” Cedar. A. McPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.0O., Ont. H.D. WICCIN cosa Ass: 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash,’ Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. SWAN ‘DONOGH LUMBER C8. THUMBER DEALERS. North.dena Wht Cable Address, “Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA. Lumberman's Code. Superior to any other Almost as Cheap Orders Guaranteed GHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. ara ¥ —— ts ee SUPPLEMENT TO CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Wholesale Prices September 19, 1900. TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1% 1% and 2 inch t inch siding mill run 16 50 17 00 aes 2cuts & cj ira 00 $34 00 | x inch siding common 14 00 , 1% and 2 inch 1, 1% and 1% in. box 15 50 ae and uppers... 36 00 38 00] x inch siding mill culls 12 00 zinch Canada dress- Cullscantling........ II 50 ing and better..... 22 00 24 00] r inch strips 4 in. to 8 txro and 12 Canadian in, mill run...... - 16 00 16 50 dressing and better 24 00 26 00] 1 inch strips, common 14 00 1¥4 and thicker cut- 1 1-4 inch flooring. . 18 00 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00| 1 1-2 inch flooring... 19 00 1 inch and picks 28 00 30 00| 1% inch No. x Lath.. + 275 1xto and 12 common. 17 00 19 00] 1% inch No. 2 Lath.. 2 25 2x4 and 2x6 common. 14 co} 13% inch Norway lath. 2 50 2x8 common......... 35 00} X white pine shingles 75 2x1o common.......- 16 90| XX white pine shing- 2x12 common:....... 16 so] les, 6in. clear butts. 160 1 70 3x10 common........ 17 00] XXX _~ white pine 3x12 common........ 17 50 SELES Eitan wa/sin ove 250 260 1x10 and 12 mill run 17 00 18 00} B.C. shingles 6to 2 in. 295 1x10 and x2 mill cull B.C. shingles 5 to 2 in. 2 85 TSECG Ieee fain nitisis,s «oe 14 50 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless atheros os raeey Ash, white, 1 to 2 in 3.. 17 00 19 00 ists and ands...... $26 00 $28 oo zm, real mill” Ash, white, 244 to 4in un....... 1 to 1%%18 00 20 00 xsts and 2nds...... 30 00 32 00 Rita rock rail Ash, black, rsts and Reni, 310 sw cs 144‘ 3.. 21 00 23 00 ands, 1 to 1% in.... 20 00 22 00} Hickory, 1sts , black, rsts and and 2nds..134‘' 2,. 28 00 3000 ands, 2 to4in...... 23 00 25 00| Maple, sts s I to 2.. 1700 19 00] andands..1 ‘‘ 1% 17 00 18 00 aa tin. .. 18 00 2000] Maple, sts 1% “ 2.. 2000 2200] andands..2 ‘ 4.. 19 00 20 00 sqrs. 4x4 “‘ 8x8 24 00 26 00 | Oak, red, p’n, Pecan ists and ssts& 2nds rt ‘* 1% 28 00 30 00 ands, 1 to1¥% in.... 18 00 20 00| Oak;red, p’n, 1% to 2 ..2000 2200} ists&2nds2 ‘! 4.. 31 00 3300 AP eerie Xs “ 1Y% 16 00 17 00| Oak, white, Butternut 1 ‘1% 2300 25 00| ists&ends1x “ 1% 29 00 33 00 a 2 *£ 3.. 25 00 28 00| Oak, white, Chestnut 1 “2., 24 00 2600] 1sts&ends2 ‘ 4.. 32 00 36 00 Cherry, 1sts Oak, quart’d, | _and ands... 1% 50 co 60 00 ists & ands 1 “ 2.. 60 00 65 00 herry, rsts Walnut, sts and ands,. 2 “‘ 4.. 60 00 65 00] and ands..1 ‘ 3.. 85 00 10000 appt : Whitewood, sseee+-t “ 1% 1600 18 00] ists&endst “ 2.. 32.00 3600 Elm,soft, mill OTTAWA, ONT. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, s.c. shorts..... II 00 15 00 M feet, b.m.......$31 00 42 00 Pine, box culls....... 12 50 14 50 Pine, good strips,.... 26 00 30 00| Pine mill culls...... 1x 00 14 30 en shorts,.... 22 00 32 00] 1x10 No. 1 barn.. 2I 00 No. x dressing EEKOW NO. 2k bcs. 18 00 ings, per M feet, 1x8 & gNo.r S eislatte 19 00 ee eet 18 co 24 00| 1x8 &qNo.2 ag 17 00 Pine, No. x dressing Lath per M ae os. 200 250 ttereseeeses 16.00 22 00} Lath perM No.2... 100 1 25 Pine, No. x dressing xx Cedar shingles, 18”. 1 40. 1 75 BiiNgemanessiescrs 14.00. 1600 ae Shingles, Clear Pempomcand bet | Butter, .sis... Faces eels) Paes terstock,.......... 17.00 2000 Cae Shingles, XXX.... 250 2 65 Pine, 8s.c. and bet- xx Pine Shingles....... Ito 125 ter stock........... 14 00 1500) Pine Shingles, Clear Pine,8&ups.c.sidings15 00 1700| Butts.......... Sano eMsey by A I5 00] xxxx Pine Shingles... 275 3000 Pine, S.C. Strips.....« 13 CO QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT, cts. cts, Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ’.....+.+. 40 47 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal... 6 45 19 to2rinchaverage ‘‘ . nas 5I ‘Michigan ‘f xgtoz2rin.average “ “ & size 48 50 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT, Measured off, according to average and quality, Weviosnndtinamadace 23 209 In shipping order, Miers clas oatalstatererevevors 26 30 _ OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, accordingtoaverageandquality. . ... . 46 50 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .35 40 30 to 35 feet. . 32 37 ASH. 14 inches and up, neeoreine to avemee and culty ho fot, Seen @ eA9) To ayerage 16 inch. . ay d ey Bee 30 BIRCH. WAMUCH Aveta CEMENT. Valle Mfc) isl ic Gime okt weve of et us, ae et av XG 19 x6u UMC tee, oe Pas cu shel nl Geo yess 122 Be Py ase nT Leeks) te ce cere ese ha eat a 320 28 18 ‘ en Mee Men: Titan (a Tet Gn ae foie ate vara 32 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $40 to $44 for rst, $28 to $30 for 2nd, $25 to $28 for ard, and $21 to $24 for 4th quality. F.O. B. batteau, BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $47 00 WAU Sr tciineeineleciean ++++-$53 00} 14%,1% andbitecece seine + 47 oc 1% 1% and 2 in. athe iae re 53 co} 2! and 3in...........- aca GO Sei 2% an 3 in. ae 61 50 AUS Usivtalsleieeieiege claisisiersileiele's 60 00 Pig tis aoa eae Riiaeerata «++ 66 00 FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in, and up wide...... 39 50 | 244 and 3in., 8in, and up wide 44 oo 1¥ and 1% in Kevan etteta reat SO SOM] | AULIN tpn! orale oia\ale ici mista 'aiersteisiciele 58 co alrite) atetenvtelae aa seponeondod 41 00 B FINE COMMON OR NO 1 CUTTING. rin., 7 in. Ta ep wide...... 30 00 | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 44 co 1% andi SOOCTIOBE Rees ONC OMA ITs sreteiars aelieiarsi= clo wisi seeeee 46 00 aitsdar. Ginn Deane ER Oeee 37 00 STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide... 44 00 1in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 40 00 6 in. wide...... no oncnidenognd 42 00'| 6 in. wide..,.......+.006 seve 42 00 FINE COMMON OR Cc. MeUT 4S in, Wil esmtens(a’e/elsitic’s 32 00 | 1 in., 4, 5 in. wide. ++ 35 00 1% in., 6in. wide........... 36 50| in., 6 in. Side han soins 36 00 SELECTED NO, I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1YUin., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 30 co! rin., 4, 5, 6 in. wide........ 25 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. IN Oip ta Lava ctetstaeraruikiels cieiecdisis 24 00| No. ,gin....... J gmOwSOUDAC 20 00 LOW s sles) ivi clues sielcsie'e| e's sia 20 On|! WBANGU IMI. «eee lala s sce eee sie 20 00 IQR tetera cetereretere Kinissciars eferas ZO: GON) INO3s EZ MMs o)r.0010 cs eee: nian no 17 00 3 and 7 ee ee... 21 00 OM Dierterelatelstelnieieteisicicve +. 17 00 INO} 25102 1etaijeseielsiclsinie'sv es = 2r 0O'}" gin...... do Scnoogpmnoaeco 17 00 ROVMS ee bb CanOOcCOn BOOS 22 00 (Citemence ‘< Miatitteneieteistel ers 17 00 ‘SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin,, 4 and 5 in. wide.......$15 00| 1 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$17 00 rin., 6in. wide............ - 15 co| 1,134 and in., 7 in. and 1 in., 7 in. wide and up...... 16 c2 tye Gi Eig aabaacedtooend 17 00 SHAKY CLEAR. 1in., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. wide 22 00 | x in., ro in, and up wide..... 25 00 I in., Gara Widelesiets) ciaieisieinic) oda quate a er be ee ' vi BA i te py tte t t wt. . < i goth wae Be bel » tolel> pagel « lf 7 ; “ a oe . i ss Ty ’ pcaete nl tal t x . pi dad cig at ‘ Wag wr % Be ic ere i 9 ~ \, Mt Seat) ' , om ae etre , : - oe ‘ ' 1+ ' 1 @ i & ‘ ate @ hes * th) Fail b he ? . gee ‘ ie eae 4 sr Th Scat mee, iby ine We i Ke a } + oa, a 7% va oa o ae } ‘a? a . i. % ‘ Tn vieve A ae bt ob pee 1 = a ~ : ‘ ‘ mye & oSw 9hy Ow tee dhe se rt M as ‘e 72.08 On oe ee # » na ‘ ~ AS r 12 Py FAR F245 ; . =e 3 ore ’ une ony se er 14 ao~Tk = ane J . ue * save ’ , r bag i - eee ts eo -“ a. ry ; asta y Poh y Ot sant ' A RE ta a a : coe? 5 ae SEPTEMBER 19, 1900 CANADA lea—aeS——qjQjww THE BARBADOS MARKET. S. P. Musson, Son & Co. say of the Bar- badoes market: There have been several arrivals since our last, the ‘“‘Frances A. Rice,” from Jordan River, N.S., with’ 83 M ft. ship- ping and 53 M ft. 2nd quality white pine, sold at $23 shipping, $16 2nd quality. The ‘‘Bar- tholdi,” from Annapolis, N.S., with 53 Mft. white pine 2nd quality, sold at $17, and 75M ft. spruce, sold at $20.26 shipping, $16.26 2nd quality. The “James W.,” from Perce, brought 75 M ft. spruce, sold at $20.10 ship- ping, $16.10 2nd quality; she had also a small Jot of white pine, which brought $23.17 and $17.17 for shipping and 2nd quality, respec- tively. The ‘Congo,” from Liverpool, N.S., LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 111 brought a cargo of 200 M ft. white pine, of BUSINESS NOTES. : which 160 M ft. imported for dealers ; the Frank Anderson has sold AS Ee as mill balance, about 40 M ft. 2nd quality, we placed at Leamington, Ont., to A. Siena a : The assignment is announced of Hodgkins at $17.37. F. Lloyd, Westholme, B.C.. has sold his saw mill to the Mount Sicker Mining Co. & Hall, lumber manufacturers, Bangor, Maine, with liabilities of $64,000 and assets of $40,000, The failure is said to have been caused by paying excessive prices for logs. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS te PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume We have better Dimension Logs this season than any former year; can give low quotations on all size Bill Stuff; have a nice lot of thin lumber on hand. Agents for B.C. Fir. @ Write us for Prices, PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHCLES ALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA. PIN Room 411, Board of Trade Building SPECIALTIES ; Railway Bridge Timber and a)) kind Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car FI Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, Britueh C hollow back, end butted. A. TAIT, President. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. = MONTREAL, CANADA S of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White coring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and olumbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., Limiteo We have in stock all grazes ——— HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH ano SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, per return mail, DON'T CUT YOUR LOGS over the winter, but cut it into 2” We will pay you cash wholesale Dealers 9 ELM, ASH“ and ship as fast as you like. LOWEST price, stating quantity, to REID & C0 > BASSWOOD — ao, of Toronto, er mye ghe ouve® © wT. PINE LUNBER) UN ——— into stuff that you will have to carry Plank and 4x4 Scantling. Quote Esplanade By TORONTO +mited Limited w AND SHINGLES gence SAC apa LIFE CorresPoP CAR UILDING i li a A.A. SCOTT - McGregor, Ont. MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, A large quantity of Fruit Barrel Staves ready for Shipping : : M{cLAURIN & MacLAREN Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RaiL or WaTER. - MOHR & RYA AND STAVES Correspondence Solicited. HOOPS Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAst TEMPLETON, QuE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, a specialty. SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. J. D. SHIER, BRACEBRIDGE, ONT, » MANUFACTURER OF... ime Lumber, Lath and Shingles 4 million feet of Hardwood to offer, 5 million feet of Hemlock to offer All could be cut to order if contracted for early. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers, GODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER Hemlock and Cedar Bill s tuff a Specialty. Cedar Shingles, Cedar Posts, £c., &c, Mills at Goderich, Owen Sound and Red Bay. Post Office Boxes : Gcderich, 235 ; Owen Sound, 67 a a © GEO. THOMPSON, Manager. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DEALERS Head Ofice—-TORONTQO— 700 King St. West. SARNIA—wnortsare DISTRIBUTING varvs—_ BU FFALO JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P.WHAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimensicn T, imber, ~s MIDLAND, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in....,, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT +» WIKRTON MANUFACTURER AND Wholesale Lumber CoRRESPONDENCE SoLicitED HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Pine Lath, Cedar, and % Pine Shingles. Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bili Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER ONTARIO. Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD Cco., AUGER & of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. SON |- Quebec : = DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. oiémon & Bros. Mig. Go. - Wiarton, Ont. Lumber Merchants and General Sawmillers We have on hand a considerable quantity of Maple, Beec h, Birch, Athand Red Oak in different sizes, in good shipping condition; also Cedar Posts and Timber. A trial order solicited, sh 4 ILLIAMSON & MORRISON =>-LUMBER 3O St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE :. Shipment by rail or water. WHOLESALE urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUFACTURER S———emmmmy LOMBER «+ LATH Shipments by Rail or Water. e Midland, Ont. $$ ne CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. - + Operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY, H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. Overenp, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal, : .. . Shortest and Quickest Route fromr is) 5. OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKE PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa, C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ot ta wa, Ont, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNOAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents aid Brokers Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WRHT, GHHHAN & GU. 7 Royal Ban’ GLASGOW, SCOTLAND 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakndge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or ABC, Ai and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD bho 27% Union Street F. Fr. Lightbody & Go. - GLASGOW 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: Art “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,’ GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &ce. De PYVERY & VINCENT ==— SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RED PIN FE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED LJ ESPATS Yi ee: Wood Argents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, Graceechurech Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. EE ——— nn A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of ..- BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: *‘ Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. ED WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. Cee eee, FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER - ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . - Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Flocrings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Is open for offers of 1” P. T. and G. Boards, Pine, 3rds quality or Log Run, 5/7” wide Cable Address: LIGNU M, Manchester; A B C Code SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘CaskET,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. SEP1EMBER 19, 1900 SMITH & TYRER - ‘14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Argents. .« ; Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. a SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Crosby Square, Lonoow, ENG. SELLING AGENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . . Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS .. TIMBER IMPORTERS. . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON”’’ Glasgow. Neen Cable Address: "‘ALLISON,” Glasgow. ALLISON, COUSLAND & CO. | Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St... GLASGOW Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” Glasgow. GLASGOW GANT & KEMP 2 TIMBER i) 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW @ BR R 0 K is R S Cable Address : “* TECTONA” Glasgow. At IRVIN & SELLERS ~Q and A B C Codes used. Cable Address: “‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and | BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and - BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS — Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, NEw YorK. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. meV HRPooL, BANGLA. Selling Agents For... A CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER ea ga Manchester Timber Importers limite 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. - A.B.C. and Zebra codes used Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. Cs Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUDGETT BROS, ~ S:2ic.-2°" “‘Budlets, London.” ~ " guarantee. CANADA |UMBERMA WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 perivear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES. AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. ‘ \ VoL. VI. TORONTO, ONT., SEPTEMBER 26, 1900 No 36. CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u oi Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BurLtpiInc, MonTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and endencies in the rig manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- ween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad, Lumberman, Menhiy. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains nterviews with prominent members of the trade, and character’sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical 2nd mechanical subjects ’ areespecially valuable to saw m.i:l and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. £27 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE a Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of t5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ;_12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. ANTED—A lot of 5/4 1s and 2s Soft Elm, also same grade White Birch, inch and two inch, F. STENGEL, 992 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. TRAVELLER WANTED, Oe ESTABLISHED LUMBER AND Shingle firm in B.C. want Agent or Traveller for Ontario who can Sell several cars per week, Address, Box 92, CANADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as ‘ Malloch’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa between Arnprior and Braeside, One, Cir- cular, Steam Rope Feed, Edgers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. onnected with C.P.R. For particulars, address Gzo. Mautocu, Arnprior, WANTED so M feet 1 in, Basswood. 40 M feet 1% in, Basswood. 60 M feet 1% in. AS 30 M feet 2 in. also 1, 1%, 1%, 2, 3, and 4 inch Hard Maple; 1and 1% inch Black Ash, and 1% and 2% inch Red Birch. Tuos, My es’ Sons, Hamilton, Ontario, FOR SALE Sys 8 INCH 4 SIDED MOULDER, ONE tenon machine No. 161, one mortise machine. These machines were made by the best firms in Canada and are new and up-to-date, only used a short time ; a ’ also one 38 h. p. return tubular boiler, with foot front and fittings, only used a short time; can furnsh maker's Willsell cheap for cash or exchange for a 35 h,p. portable boiler and 30 h.p. engine if as good as new. For further particulars apply to JouHn R. _ McKay, Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N.S. Lumber For Sale 100,000 feet 4/4 Hard Maple 1st and 2nd, 21,000 feet 8/4 “* i ee ss = 9,000 feet 12/4 “ 100,000 feet 4/4 S CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO, ovzxso™. ONTARIO. Mannufacturers:and: Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, SS 6S Manufacturers of and ° “ Dealers in.,,... j Mills at Wiarton Limited, Parry Sound, Ont, AUGER & SON - Quebec __?: DIMENSION TIMBER: : | Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. olémon & Bros. Mig. Go. - Wiarton, Ont, Lumber Merchants and General Sawmillers We have on hand a considerable quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch, Ashand Red Oak in different sizes,in good shipping condition; also Cedar Posts and Timber, A trial order solicited. Shipment by rail or water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON =>-LUMBER Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: sO St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WEHROLESALE urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUFAGTURERS LUMBER « LATA Shipments by Rail or Water. © Midland, Ont. Get our Prices PINE HARDWOOD LUMBER LUMBER Tue Orntia Exeort Lumeer Gp. LATH ORILLIA, ONT. SHINGLES CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE YO. T, TONAWANDA CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY, &e,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, 9 H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. M. A. OverenD, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board “OVE W. P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa ‘Lrade, Montreal. C. J. Smitp General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Oat, Iv. DUNOAN, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS EWING & GO.) SMITH & TYRER ~ - Wood Agents and Brokers. Cable Address, '‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers @ Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WRIGHT, GALAN i Gf. 4 7 Royal Bank Place. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. -. WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. A BC, Ax and Lieber's Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. YWooD BROKERS 27 Union Street F. Fr. Lightbody & Go. - GLASGOW 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address : «“TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW, Codes: At Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—“ WAINSCOT,’ GLASGOW, BUCHANAN & FRENCH _woopD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. PYVERY & VINGENT = SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF, --+ RED PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED LEARY & CO. G. Wood Agents and Brokers 4 Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. TS A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: ‘‘ Bircx,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. ——— WANTED WHITE ASH, WH : SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and Cable address) “Oven FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for. si. Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants ist quality Oak Planks; also 1st quality Pine, 12 and 13 x 6 x a7 Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; ABC Code, ‘SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘ CASKET,” Cape Town, A.B.C. Code used, SEP1 EMBER 26, 1900 . Wood Agents. - ' Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Blidg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. SALES ACENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. _ AI Kings of HARDWOODS does and tambon PINE and SPRUCE, _ JAMES WHEELDON & SONS _ . TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” : MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW. Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: ** ALLISON,”’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Y pmaaces : 384 86. ee Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Add ‘* VALOREM,” Gl F able ee ° lasgow GL A SGO Ww GANT & KEMP ¢ TIMBER = BROKER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW ~@ Cable Address : ‘‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. Arand A B C Codes used. 6-~————IRVIN & SELLERS Cable Address: ‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS ALSO DEALERS IN Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, NEw York. ‘ see MiB A a ALFRED DOBELL & CO. eee TYE RPOOL, ENGLAND —™ Selling Agents For... ; CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER wean hates "DOBLE," Lent LOS Manchester Timber Importers timita 8 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C, and Zebra codes used Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ——_——————_———— LTS a a 7 Os Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUDCETT BROS. ~ “mrs srt | oT | Cable Address, “Budlets, London.” A el ~ LONDON, B.C, 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL — j f ¥ 4 ‘ \ WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 peravear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES. AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. RMAN CANADA |UMBE Vou. VI.: TORONTO, ONT., OCTOBER 3, 1900 No 37. ANTED. — Situation as Lumber Buyer and QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 5x4, which sells at $17.50. The only CANADA [LUMBERMAN Page Se ee eserennt Hesisty CANADA LUMBER change in our quotations this week is in PUBLISHED BY The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BuI_pINGc, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical nd mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw 1.1] and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareiltype ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. TRAVELLER WANTED. LD ESTABLISHED LUMBER AND Shingle firm in B.C. want Agent or Traveller for Ontario can sell several cars per week. Address, Box 92, CANADA LuMBERMAN. WANTED. OOD, SMART, PRACTICAL SALESMEN to sell Gilmour’s Patent Hardwood and Piie Doors all over Unite 1 Stites and Canada. References required. Good commissions allowed. GitmouR & Company, LimiTeD, Trenton, Canada. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as ‘Malloch’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rope Feed, Edgers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. ‘onnected with C.P.R. For particulars, address Geo. Mattocu, Arnprior. WANTED 50 M feet t in. Basswood. 40 M feet 1% in. Basswood. 60 M feet 1% in. bf Iso 1, 1% i, wack h Hard Maph d 1% also 1, 14, 1%, 2, 3, and 4 inch Har aple; rand 1 inch Black Ash, and 1% and 234 inch Red. Birch. Tuos. Mytes’Sons, _ Hamilton, Ontario. FOR SALE Cy 8 INCH 4 SIDED MOULDER, ONE tenon machine No. 161, one mortise machine. These machines were made by the best firms in Canada and are new and up-to-date, only used a short time ; also one 38 h. p. return tubular boiler, with foot front and fittings, only used a short time; can furnsh maker’s guarantee. Willsell cheap for cash or exchange for a 35 h.p. portable boiler and 30 h.p. engine if as good as new. For further particulars apply to JoHN R. McKay, Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N. S. WANTED 50 M. feet x in. Hard Maple. x Car 1 in. Soft ns xCar 3%im. “ ° Dry, 1899 cut. Lakinc, Patrerson & Co., Hamilton, Ont. “ OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in* deep; located in Canada; price low. WICKES Bros., Saginaw, Mich. IRST-CLASS SEMI-PORTABLE SAW MILL for sale, capacity 12,000 to 15,000 ft. It came to us through a deal. We have no use for it and_will sell for much less than its valu:. THe Coteman SALT Company, Seaforth, Ont. SALES AGENT WANTED. E WISH TO CORRESPOND WITH SOME- ONE having a good connection with the lumber trade with a view to their acting as salesman for us in the East. Tue CaNnapDIAN Paciric LUMBER Company, Lrmitep, Port Moody, B. C. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. é ONTARIO. A light demand and firm prices con- tinue to charactetize the lumber market of Ontario. That prices hold strong under rather adverse influences is regarded as an argument in favor of higher prices eventually, and with a more active de- mard it is believed that pine prices at least will be advanced. Manufacturers on this side of the line feel encouraged by the decision of the lumbermen’s asso- ciations in the United States to adhere to present prices. For some time prices of pine lumber in Ontario have been stronger than in the United States, and it has been feared that a break there would cause prices on this side to respond sympathetically, but this danger has now been removed. A firm stand has been taken in respect to lumber values, and the trade will patiently await the expected improvement indemand. Manufacturers and dealers are carrying fair-sized stocks, but this cannot be said of retailers and consumers, who, with few exceptions, must very soon replenish their supply. No change in Ottawa and Toronto quotations have been made this week. Some sales of lath are said to have been made at a figure slightly below our quotations, but we believe that the average prices are $2.75 for No. t and $2.25 for No. 2. Attention is now turning towards log- ging operations. The difficulty in en- gaging woodsmen has not been relieved, and the cut of pine logs will likely be less, both in the Ottawa and the Georgian Bay districts, than last winter. Fewer hard- wood logs also will be placed on the market, as the prices are not likely to be so tempting as last season, when the competition among buyers of logs was so keen that excessive prices were paid. During the past summer the mill owners have realizec the folly of paying more for logs than they were really worth, and it may serve as a lesson for future opera- tions. In some respects the spruce situation has improved within the last week. There has been a better demand from the Eastern States, and prices there are firmer on the indication of a more active fall trade. Retail dealers are now begin- ning to replenish their depleted stocks. A moderate trade is doing in cedar shingles at unchanged quotations. Export business from the St. Lawrence has been given another blow by a sharp advance in insurance rates. The steam- ship companies at Montreal have just been advised that the rates have been advanced to 3 shillings 4 pence on steamers sailing from New York, and 17 shillings on steamers from Montreal. This discrimination: is likely to prevent any further chartering of lumber vessels this fall.. Some chartering for next year from the St. Lawrence has been done, two boats having been fixed from Quebec at 52s. 6d. but we understand that there are boats in the market on offer at 50s. Present rates from St. John, N. B., to west coast of England are about 67 shillings. UNITED STATES. A light trade in lumber continues throughout the United States. What improvement has taken place has been in the east, where some disposition is show, to stock up for fall and winter trade. The main strength of the market 1s in respect to prices, as at almost every point the authorized lists are being maintained. Following the meeting of Wisconsin manufacturers reported last week, the Mississippi Valley Lumbermen’s Associa- tion held a meeting in Minneapolis, at which it was decided to make no. reduc- tion in lumber prices. This decision was reached after making a careful study of the situation, which showed that stocks in the hands of manufacturers were some- what depleted, and that the outlook for business during the next year was promising. The only change was in the price of lath, which was reduced 50 cents, making the price f. 0. b. Minneapolis $3 for white pine and $2.50 for mixed white pine and Norway. In the Saginaw valley it is reported that common stock is a little lower, but that good white pine is scarce and held at firm prices. Log run stocks are worth $16 and upwards. At Buffalo box grades are firmer. The factories are working overtime, and there is a good demand for box lumber at $16.50, while some dealers are holding this grade at $17. There is a scarcity of the Albany list, barn boards being marked down about one dollar per thousand. The outlook for spruce is regarded as decidedly favorable. In New York prices have stiffened somewhat, from $18.50 to $19.50 being an average quotation for wide lumber, with special orders at $15 to $17. Hardwoods are showing a degree of strength, although, as with pine, the demand is light. Weakness in white ash is reported, inch firsts and seconds selling in the Buffalo market at $38. Birch is strong at $28. Dealers inthe Eastern States report a good movement of red celar shingles, which are selling at 50 cents less than XXXX 18-inch pine. The latter are quiet. GREAT BRITAIN. In London pine deals of first quality are selling at £32 per standard, second quality at £24 Ios, third quality at £14 ros, and fourth quality at £11 10s. These prices are the highest that have been reached for some years. Notwithstanding, the position of the market is such that an advance of from £1 to 3os is predicted before next spring. At auction sales first pine deals have averaged about £29 per standard. Spruce is equally firm, selling at £11 58 for 3x11 second quality, £10 2s6d for third, quality, and £9 tos for fourth quality delivered at London. There is considerably less stock of some classes in first hands than last year, and holders of such sizes as 3x9 and 3x11 inch in gocd qualities are said tocommand the situation. At Liverpool waney pine and elm are wanted, and enquities are also in the mar- ket for oak and square pine. Some good sales of red pine are reported. No business of any consequence has -een closed for next year, althoughimport- ers are feeling the freight market, and if reasonable rates can be secured, consider- able early business is expected. FOREIGN. Reports from South Africa state that prices of timber have recently advanced sharply. At Port Elizabeth the rise is from 8 to 12 cents per cubic foot. It is said that British dealers have sold about 50,000 standards to that market. This, we understand, has been chiefly Baltic stock. The Sayre & Holley Lumber Company, St. John, N. B., is applying for incorporation. It is reported that negotiations are abou completed for the purchase by a company o the extensive lumbering business of Geo Moffatt at Dalhousie, N. B. fi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. STOCKS AND PRICES. The base price for hemlock lumber in New York city 1s $15. Johnson & Beveridge, of Parry Sound, Ont., have again put in logging camps in the township of McKenzie. The Dickson Company, of Peterbor- ough, Ont., will make a large cut of logs in East Harvey township this winter. For the week ending September 26th, 9,548,000 feet of lumber and 3,525,000 shingles were received by lake at Buffalo. Haley & Son, of St. Stephen, N.B., have been given a contract by a Glasgow firm to supply 60,000 boxes per month for a year. The Allen Spool & Printing Company, of Mystic, Conn., wants 100,000 feet of good white birch spool wood, 1%, 1 3-16, or 14 inch square. On September 22nd and 23rd twenty- one lumber-laden vessels arrived at Tona- wanda, N.Y., whose cargo aggregated 15,000,000 feet. This is the largest quan- tity of lumber received at that port during any similar period of this season. Most of the lumber went into the yards for winter stock. At arecent auction sale held by Foy, Morgan & Company, London, England, pine deals of the Hawkesbury shipment, rst quality, sold at the following prices : 12 ft. 3x12-28in., £28 15s; 13 ft. 3xI1-26in., $29 ; 13 ft. 3x11-23in., £29 Ios. Spruce deals, unassorted, from Wolfe River,N.S., brought £9 5s for 9-21 ft. 2}x6 in., £8 $s for 10-21 ft. 3 7-11 in., and £8 5s for 10-20 ft. 3{x5 in. Following is a comparative statement of timber measured and culled at Quebec up to 29th September, as reported by the Supervisor of Cullers : : 1898. 1899. 1900. Waney White Pine.... 1,8 5,975 1,778,584 1,449,003 White Pine ........... 1,060,634 ~ 591,324 564,444 Red! Pirie). .....300 5 oat 239,349 159,937 63,780 Waa is sie eh as see 948,¢44 522,178 458,948 Folie. GET alate os 474,144 456,841 676,163 ASH by a chiod acc neeiisiele 349735 56,646 QI,701 BBASSWOOGs te 955 1isi0 p= a= 955 242 BeWttfer nyt, vis. secre oi 60 142 HEC: Cla NPIer Bacio Game 415 qi Birch and Maple....... 112,5CO 244,530 450,333 The ship Linfield has completed load- ing lumber at the Hastings mill, Vancou- ver, B. C., and will sail for London and Southampton. The cargo consists of over oneand one-quarter million feet of lumber. The large timbers make up the deck load and are consigned to the British Admir- alty to be used to replace the iron spars in the Queen’s Royal Yacht Victeria and Albert. Two of the spars are 32 inches square and 105 feet long, and two others 28 inches square and 90 feet long. PINE LUMBER Get our Prices BRITISH MARKET FOR DOWELS. There is a large market in Great Britain for dowels. We are in receipt ofa communica- tion from a large importing firm in London, in which they state that they are prepared io place orders for large quantities of these goods, and are anxious to learn of Canadian manufac- turers who would be willing to take up the matter. The following specifications of their requirements at the present time will give manufacturers an idea of the quantity, size and price : 4 GOODS TO BE CONSIGNED C.I.F. MANCHESTER DOCKS. uantit Size Price . 4 Per Gross 1,000 gross 30 in. long, 6/16 in. dia, 2s 4d roo. 6 **-—s«-730 in. long, 6 1/2/16 in, dia, 2s 5d 340 ‘* 32in. long, 7 1/2/16in. “* 2s 7d 60 © 36 in. long, 7 1/2/16 in, ‘* 289d 20 «« 36 in. long, 8/16 in. dia. 3s 2d 20 “ 36in, long, 9/16 in. 3s 7d 20 “32 in. long, 9/16 in. ** 3s 3d 100 «6 ‘*--—s«- 32 in. long, 10/16 in. “ 3s 5d 50 36 in. long, 12/16 in. * 4s 50 “36 in. long, 13/16 in. ‘ 4s 2d 50 “* 36 in. long, 14/16 in. * 4s 4d GOODS TO BE CONSIGNED C.1I.F. LONDON. uantit Size Price " i Per Gress 4oo gross 32 in. long, 7 1/2/16 in. dia. 2s 7d 200 ‘ 36in. long 7 1/2/16 in. dia. 2s 9d 200 ‘ 36 in. long 1/2 in. dia. gs 3d 200 ‘* 32in. long 1/2 in. dia. 2s 10d 200 ‘* 36in. long 9/16 in dia. 3s 7d 200 ‘f 36 in. long 10/16 in dia. 3s od 200 ‘ 36 in. long 3/4 in. dia. 4s The specifications provide for maple dowels, to be clean, sound, smooth and free from knots. The firm in question give some of the leading banks in Eng- land as references. Any manufacturer wishing to open up correspondence with the firm will be furnished with their name and address by communicating with this office. DEMAND FROM THE EASTERN STATES, At the present time, says the American Lumberman, the eastern part of the country seems to be producing the best results as far as the lumber trade isconcerned. Inquiry and actual shipments in the west are but moderate in volume, although fully up to and perhaps ahead of the ordinary season, but the contrast is so marked with the trade of last year that lumbermen are inclined to call it dull. The result is an easy condition of prices and a hand- to-mouth sort of business which is not particu- larly stimulating. The east, however, shows a decided im- provement. The demand is good and in- creasing. There is some disposition to stock up for the late fall and winter trade and prices are firmer. Not in many lines is there a quotable advance ; but the lists are for the most part being maintained and there is a HARDWOOD LUMBER Tue Oriwuia Export Lumeer Co. LATH ORILLIA. ONT. SHINGLES GILMOUR’S PATFNT LUMBER DOORS PINB OR HARDWOOD Less in Price. Better in Quality. Make of Door. as Pine. Capacity, Promptly Filled. Hardwood for Oil Finish. 1000 Doors per day. Write or Cable for Samples. Guaranteed Superior to any other Almost as Cheap Orders GILMOUR & CO., TRENTON, CANADA C.H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of ——_ SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers invited... Cable Address: ‘‘Glovers, Hatcham, London.” KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING SHEETINS—caiKG e Wharves, Mills and Offices: ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENCLAND hardening tone to values which is gratifying to all holders of lumber, and which is not object- ed to by buyers, inasmuch as it is caused by an improvement in conditions which beneficially affects all alike. There is less heard in the east about concessions in prices or anything of that sort than in the west, and this is true even in respect to white pine, though the white pine situation generally is a strong one, The eastern improvement 1s not confined to to any particular line. It seems to affect all sorts of lumber, whether for building or for manufacturing use. It would not be strange to find the east the leader in lumber values for some months to come, for that locality has a faculty of developing strength when least ex- pected, or on the other hand, of showing weakness when strength and activity charac- terizes the central and western part of the country. THE BARBADOS MARKET. CLAIRMONTE, Man & Co., in their cir- cular of September 15th, say: There is still a fair demand for spruce and white pine lumber, as our yards are moderately stocked. We note one arrival for the fort- night, sold for Demerara, at $26 for mer- chantable, and $22 for second quality. Latest local sales are: White pine, $23.37 for first quality, and $17.37 for second quality ; spruce, $20.10 for first and $16.10 for second quality. SHINGLES—Gaspe cedar are in full sup- ply ; we placed 187 M large ex Success, at $5.07 per M ; other sales ex same vessel were made at $4.56 for large, and $3.03 for small. The cargo ex Blenheim, in store from last season, has since been sold at $3 per M. Cedar laying, $2.03 for a cargo of 485 M ex New Dominion, spruce laying $2. The brigt. ‘Boston Marine,” arrived from Jordan River, N.S., on September stb, with 43 M feet white pine, sold at $26 ; 84 M second quality $22, deliverable at Demerara. Wanted for EXDOrt ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY HONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. Special attention given to. . TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H, FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL GTOCES OF PINE LUMBER AND Shingles for sale, at Ravensworth, Huntsville and Longford Mills. : Also a few hundred M feet of Birch, Maple, Ash, Elm, Basswood and Spruce. Shingles are mostly 16” Pine, except 200 or 300 M of 16” Cedar. A. MCPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.0., Ont. H. D. WICGI Bg STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling ss 12.00 OcTOBER 3, 1900 a Timber Limits on the 5 Following Rivers :— Du Tievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac R ivers and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson 29 Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3344. MONTREAL, QUE. PLANING MILL ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. ——— ‘SWAN-DOMOGH LUMBER CO. “CEO UMBER LY EALERS. 6° North Sena Cable Address, “Swan )+.) -¢-" > Pot n DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. SHITE, BELTING Canadian Rubber Co., Toronto, Ont. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J, L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montreal and Toronto. Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt,’Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W.. Ottawa, Ont, M&CHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J.,-Belleville, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex., Woodstock, N.B. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Payette & Co., P.; Penetanguishene, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mig. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co,, Brantford. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. ~~ Vogel, Chas. H., Thorold, Ont. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Oxit. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. — PHLLEYS Dodge Mfg, Co., Toronto, Ont. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New. York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E.R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, SS. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. aia Syracuse Smelting Works, Mon- real, Que. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Conveyors, Geo. W. Reed & Co. Montreal. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co., Chicago, Ill | Larrigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A- Bertram, Toronto, Ont, Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, ont. Pulley Coverings, The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Oue Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Roofing Material, Metallic Roofing Co., Toronto. a Mercantile Agency, NewYork and ‘oronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. P’ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO, Burk’s Falls, Ont. Wholesale Prices October 3, 1900. ; TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTs. 1% 1% and 2 inch t inch siding mill run 16 59 17 00 No. 2 cuts & better $32 00 $34 00 | 1 inch siding common 14 00 1%, 1% and 2 inch 1, 1% and 1% in. box 15 50 picks anduppers... 36 00 38 00] 1 inc siding mill culls 14 00 tinch Canada dress- Cullscantling........ II 50 ing and better..... 22 00 24 00] 1 inch strips 4 in. to 8 Icro and x2 Canadian in, millrun........ 16 co 16 50 dressing and better 24 00 26 00| x inch strips, common 14 09 13 and thicker cut- 1 1-4 inch flooring... 18 90 ting up plank...... 24 00 26 00] 1 t-2 inch flooring... 19 00 tiach ar and picks 28 00 30 00| 134 inch No. x Lath.. 275 1xto and x12 common. t7 00 19 00] 1% inch No. 2 Lath... 225 2x4 and 2x6 common. 14 co} 134 inch Norway lath. 250 2x8 common......... 15 00/ X white pine shingles 75 2x10 common........ 16 90] XX wh te pine shing- 2x12 common...... 16 50] les, 6in. clear butts. 165 1 7° 3x10 common. : 17 00/ XXX _ white pine 3x12 common........ 17 50 BUM PLES! vay, ne ce cid uc 250 260 1Xro and 12 millrun 17 00 18 oo| B.C. shingles 6 to 2 in. 275 1Xro and 12 mill cull ‘ B.C. shingles 5 to 2 in. 2 85 BURA actele sia'e'e's as 14 50| HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, rs and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to 2 in run....... 2 “ 3.. 17.00 19 00 tsts and ands......$26 00 $28 00 Elm, rock, mill Ash, white, 2% to 4 in run....... r to 1%"18 00 2000 ists and 2nds...... 30 00 32 00 Elm,rock, mill Ash, black, ists and run.......134'' 3.. 21 00 23 00 ands, 1 to 1% in.... 20 00 22 00 Hickory, sts h, biack, sts and and 2nds..134‘‘ 2,. 28 00 30 00 ands, 2 to4in...... 23 00 25 00 Maple, ists »M.R.,1_ to 2.. 17 00 19 00] and 2nds..1 * 1% 17 00 18 00 Birch, rin. .. 18 00 2000] Maple, tsts ne 1% “' 2.. 2000 2200] and ands..2 “ 4-. 19 00 2000 ‘© sqrs. 4x4 ‘ 8x8 24 00 26 00 Oak, red, p’n, Basswood, ists and sts & 2nds 1 ‘‘ 13% 28 00 30.00 ands, 1 tor in.... 18 00 20 00 Oak; red, p’n, 1% to 2 ..2000 2200] tsts&ends2 * 4+. 31 00 3300 “mr. 1 “ 1% 16 00 17 00 Oak, white, . Butternut 1 ‘f 1% 2300 2500] rsts&endsx 14 29 00 33 00 Me 2 ‘3.. 25 00 28 00] Oak, white, Chestnut 1 ‘€2.. 2400 2600] ists&ends2 “ 4+. 3200 3600 Cherry, 1sts Oak quart’d, and 2nds.. 1% 50 co 6000! ists&endsr “ 2,, 69 00 65 00 Cherry, sts Walnut, rsts and ands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 6000 6500] andends..1 “ 3-- 85 00 10000 Elm, soft, mill Whitewood, run.......t “14% 1600 1800] ists&endst “ 2.. 32 00 3500 Elm, soft, mill OTTAWA, ONT. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, s.c. shorts..... 11 00 15 00 M feet, b.m.......$31 00 42 00 Pine, box culls....... 1250 14 50 Pine, good strips,.... 26 00 30 00] Pine mill culls .. «see II 00 14 50 Pine, good shorts,.... 22 00 32 00/ 1xz0 No. 1 barn.... 21 00 = Pine, No. x dressing mzo No.2 © .. 18 00 aa sidings, per M feet, tx8&gNo.1 ‘ .... 19 00 a +News ssereeseeeees 18 CO 24 00/1xX8&QNo.2" ..., 17 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath per M No.1... 200 2 50 strips, ............ 1600 2t oo} Lath per M No, 2... 100 1 25 Pine, No. 1 dressing xx Cedar shingles, 18”. 1 401 75 OTES, -.+.++++-.-. £4 00 16 00] Cedar Shingles, Clear Pine, ro s.c. and bet- LET Dike oan eae 209 225 ter stock,.......... 17.00 2000] Cedar Shingles, xxx.... 2 50 2 65 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx Pine Shingles....... lio 1 2; Z ter stock........... 14.00 15 00} Pine Shingles, Clear Pine, 8&ups.c.sidings 15 00 17 00] Butts............. “ee 6a) x 76 Pine, s.c. strips...... 13 co 15 00| xxxx Pine Shingles.... 2 75 3 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. Cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ......... 40 47 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal. . 36045 e 4 “1g to2rinchaverage ‘“ “ co ti) aba “Michigan “ 19 to ar in. average ‘“ ‘ & size 48 50 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality................. 23. «29 In shipping order, é as Se Sean craneremateirae sieiseieisie 20) 50 _ OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to averageandquality. . . ... 46 50 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .35 40 Us es es "30 to 35 feet. . 32 37 ASH. 14 Inches and up, according to average and quality. . .. . 230 26) To ayerage 16 inch. ..... .« ajo at amet g chee as BAAR 30 BIRCH. munchaveraser 0. aeteet. DRAGS oid ace Gee] 19 mH ** SO ge: G23 Re No: .o. 3 ee se ra hyaep te 22 oe ry dee SC ee, | eg A coeele ies xB) af 2 %o.-2: FONG? cc. SIR aioe Gata SUR a 32 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $40 to $44 for rst, $28 to $30 for and, $25 to $28 for ard, and $21 to $24 for 4th quality. F.O.B. batteau, BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPERS AND SELECTS, Uppers, x in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $47 09 WIE ve ee see seeereeees +1553 OC} 14%, 1% and in........ 1% 23g, and a2iini.t.... 65. 53 00] 2% and 3in.... aie and ality , teu Vat Oe i 4 ae f eee maa tea ort 4. meh i YAR « a wy * »? eee oye ; . P . : ene oo Sy aN ra 2 he a ic ~ nbger *7' an =" ’ hey a is A ’ 7 a -. = i Ee r) “a ne Ar rl wi » Mt .e Ae 1) = at. | ; ae a Ae tua ee on A “4 Oo i h ws Ulery & ? ey ahh net oA +14 ole i - 'o wa 7 ele ae “ in = 4d * vent tee x OCTORFR 3, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. II] CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS me PEMBROKE LUMBER GO, ume Don’t forget that we are the People who cut the Best Bill Stuff, Dimension Timber, Car-Sills, Ship-Decking, ete., ete., on the Otta- wa. A nice lot of thin lumber, rough or dressed, always on hand. Write Us ror PRICEs. PEMBROKE, ONT. Agents for B. C. Fir and Cedar. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANES ECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods: Ship Decking, Norway and White sey Dimension Timber, Wonvay Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine. Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., Limitep We have in stock all grades cf meray HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH ayo « SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, per return mail. A. TAIT, President. into stuff that you DON'T CUT YOUR Locs will have to carry over the winter, but cut it into 2” Plank and 4x 4 Scantling. We will pay you cash and ship as fast as you like. Quote LOWEST price, stating quantity, to REID & C0 Esplanade #3 TORONTO wholesale D ASSW god imited ano B WOOP roronto, Limited ELM, ASH maber CO-~— a sHIneLes che oliver SUE pine LUNBER, LAT | R.A. SCOTT - McGregor, Ont. HARDWCOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES ealers 0 Solicited. IFE DAL CANS TLDING A large quantity of Fruit Barrel Staves ready for Shipping : : [\/jcLAURIN & MaLAR Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY Ratt on WaTER. - MOHR & RYA Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, ete. . aspecialty. . . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, EN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar. Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAsT TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Contractors for - Red Pine Piling Timber Canada Atlantic Railway. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. (,ODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER Hemlock and Cedar Bill stuff a Specialty. Cedar Shingles, Cedar Posts, &c., &c. Mills at Goderich, Owen Sound and Red Bay. Post Office Boxes : Goderich, 235 ; Owen Sound, 477 GEO. THOMPSON, Manager. HH. LAMA YT Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER ot all Deseription. New York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. Telephone Main, 2712. 5 It our Wish . . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the occei CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. he - R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DBALERS Head Office-TQ IRON TO —7c0 King St. West. SARNIA wuoresate DISTRIBUTING varosy—_ BUFFALO JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER > LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies a MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A. & P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimensien Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT +» WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pj Lath, : Wholesale Lumber {8 Pine discs ny CoRRESPONDENCE SoLiciTED HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. anufacturers and Dealers M LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Manufacturers of and Dealers in Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO. Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec :: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. Se slemon & Bros. Mig. 60. - Wiarton, Ont. Lumber Merchants and General Sawmillers We have on hand a considerable quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch, Ashund Red Oak in different sizes,in good shipping condition; also Cedar Posts and Timber, A trial order solicited, Shipment by rail or water. Se as aececemerennemt nee TR ILLIAMSON & MORRISON rie cnen,_.. > LUMBER 3O St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE "Poe Lumber Co., timitea MANU FACGTURERS——emmmmy Shipments by Rail or Water. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. LUMBER « LATH e Midland, Ont. Gro. Gorpon - - Rost. Bootu - - R. W. Gorpon }+ Pembroke, Ont. GHO. GORDON & CO. pe" RED and WHITE PINE LUMBER Slick Band. The Uniform Gang, and The Good Old-Fashioned Circular. Try our Lath. CACHE BAY, ONT. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY +. . . Shortest and Quickest Route from . KLAN PRODUCED BY { - - operating - - TAWA, ROC KESB RW. OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SounS ie oe OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE ek ye g Bt! PORTLAND, NEW , , ANDA, CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY, &e,, MONTREAL, TORONT 0. QUEBEC. ine, H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. M. A. Overenp, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board W.P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight A ent, Ottawa ‘Lrade, Montreal, C. J. Smitu General Traffic Manager, ttawa, Ont, Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNOAN, BWING & OO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. poate: & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. H, Guu 860. 4, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents a the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in og, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. e Cable Address, ‘* Farnworth,” Liverpool. WRIcHT, GRAHAM & GO. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, At and Lieber's Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD. BnoOk fee 2 Union Street - GLASGOW F. Fk. Lightbody &. 60. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: Ax “Zebra” and Private. Agents for GANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. nn Telegraphic Address—“ WAINSCOT,’ GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. PYVERY & VINGENT =—— SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF. ++ RED PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED cna it SY ee G, LBARY CO. Wood FArgents and Brokers 4, Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants 1st quality Oak Planks; also 1st quality Pine, 12 and 13 x 6 x it Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; ABC Code. SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. Cable Address, '‘ CASKET,” Cape Town. ‘A.B.C. Code used. se A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of . . - BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: ‘‘Bircu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. Cable address, “ Oven, FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber |! mporters MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for .. - Spruce Dealo and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for English Maricet. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER OCTOBER 3, 1900 SMITH & TYRER - “V4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. .« Cable Address—“ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. SALES ACENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. een a JAMES WHEELDON & SONS _. TIMBER IMPORTERS. . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. __ Ave Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW snd BED ESSE Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘*EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: ** ALLISON,’’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW A WOOD BROKERS = ascot © BROKERS BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Selling Agents For. -. 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND a |G! Calder, Henderson & Livingston Cable Address’. VALOREM’. coe. GL A SGOW 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. a Cable pease “TECTONA” Glasgow. IRVIN & SELLERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER Manchester Timber Importers timite IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. - A.B.C. and Zebra codes used Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ere rn ana (a Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUDCETT BROS. 10 and 74 Bishopsgate Surcet Within, ™ Cable Address, N “Budlets, London.” 5, as A , at e 4 gilt tf Sane. we (CANADA [UMBERMA: WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $1.00 peravear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vout. VI. TORONTO, ONT., OCTOBER 10, 1900 No 38. CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited , Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BuILpINc, MonTrREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber produccs at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical 2nd mechanical subjects . areespecially valuable to saw w .:! and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumbe: products. 48 Subscription price for the two editions for one vear, $1.00, « WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. ANTED. — Situation as Lumber Buyer and Shipper. Address, Box 58, Canapa Lumser- MAN. OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in deep; located in Canada ; price low. Wickes Bros., Saginaw, Mich. RSE CE ses SEMI-PORTABLE SAW MILL for sale, capacity 12,000 to 15,000 ft. It came to us through a deal. sell for much less than its valu, Company, Seaforth, Ont. WANTED. (a SOLID IRON PULLEY, 9 FEET diameter, 20 in. face, 6 to 634 in. bore. Box 64, CaNnapa LUMBERMAN. We have no use for it and will Tue CoLeman SAttr SALES AGENT WANTED. WE WISH TO CORRESPOND WITH SOME: ONE having a good connection with the lumber trade with a view to their acting as salesman for us in the East. THE Canapian Paciric LUMBER Company, Limirep, Port Moody, B. C. FOR SALE Bie SAW AND ‘PLANING MILLS KNOWN as *Malloch's Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rope Feed, Ed ers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. ‘onnected with C.P.R. For particulars, address Gro. Mattocu, Arnprior. FOR SALE Se A small mill at Orillia, Ont!, operated by the Orillia Export Lumber Company, was destroyed by fire last week. The company will rebuild. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The past week has brought about no material change in the lumber situation in Ontario. Pine lumber is firm, with hardwoods comparatively weaker. More activity in shipping circles is observable, due to a desire to move stock before the close of navigation. In the Ottawa val- ley red and white pine deals for the British market are in good demand, and In no grades are heavy stocks held. The tendency of prices generally is strong, with a slight weakness noticeable in the lower grades. From the Georgian Bay district considerable shipments have been made to Michigan, where, on account of the inability to obtain Canadian logs, very little lumber has been. manufactur- ed this year. The position-of the pine market seems to be improving. Stocks are by no means large, and the cut of logs during the coming winter will likely be less than last season, as the high cost of labor and supplies will prevent a cer- tain number of small operators from going into the woods. That hardwood prices are showing weakness cannot be disputed. Some of the smaller manufacturers have felt the necessity of realizing, and consequently have offered buyers concessions in the matter of price. The large dealers, on the other hand, are giving evidence of their faith in the ultimate strength of the mar- ket by refusing to lower theirasking prices, Should they adhere to this position, it is possible that the market may be sustain- ed after temporary weakness. The largest holders of stock in the Owen - Sound and Wiarton district are asking $13 to $14 for common and better maple, $13 for inch common and better birch, and $15 for common and better basswood. A heavy stock of maple in this district is reported. Hemlock lumber is showing more life than any other class. The de- mand is so brisk that sufficient stock can- not Le obtained to supply orders, and the tendency of prices on this lumber is upwards. Shingles are inactive, while there has been an increase in the number of enquiries for lath. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The weather in Manitoba and the Territories has been unfavorable for the lumber trade. Buildings commenced in the summer are nearing completion, and few new undertakings are heard of. The grain movement is light, and it seems doubtful that the farmers will this year undertake more than needed improve- ments to their buildings. a light demand, lumber prices are gener- ally firm, but in Winnipeg some cutting by one or two retail dealers is reported. The export trade from British Columbia is still hampered by chartering difficulties. Freight rates have reached the highest point attained for years without bringing into the market any number of vessels. UNITED STATES, The Presidential campaign is exerting an influence on the lumber business of the United States. Orders are being held back until after the election. There is not, however, the stagnation which usually characterizes Presidential years, as the outconie of the election is regarded as reasonably certain. On this account lumber is being held at firm prices, Some manufacturers in the Lake Superior district have been offering a concession in price equal to about one dollar per thousand rather than carry the stock over the winter. In the Duluth district the supply of unsold lumber of the lower grades is small, but the total stock is per- haps a little above an average. At Buf- falo the lower grades of pine are stronger, No. 3 boards selling at $16.50 and box lumber at $17. Box stock is said to be in short supply throughout the Eastern States, although box makers are fairly well supplied. A contrary condition seems to exist in the Saginaw valley, where box stock has weakened as a re- sult of the falling off in demand. Mill culls are selling in Ashland, Wis., at $10.50 to $11. There is a strong demand there for Norway pine, which has recently ad- vanced about fifty cents per thousand. The outlook for spruce is good, and firm- ness is noticeable in all grades. In New York city wide timber is quoted at $10. Hardwoods are moving satisfactorily. White birch brings $28 at Buffalo, and red birch $45 for inch firsts and seconds. Increased enquiries are reported for maple and basswood, while ash and elm are quiet, GREAT BRITAIN, The prospects for next season’s busi- ness are now being discussed in timber trade circles in Great Britain. The pre- sent high freight rates have thus far interfered with new business, and no contracts of importance are believed to have been placed. That prices are now comparatively high is also a factor which has caused importers to exercise precau- tion, as the effects of a declining market next year would be disastrous to purchas- ers of stock at the present basis. The In the face of opinion seems to prevail that prices next year will be no higher than those ruling throughout the season now drawing to a close, while a slight reduction in some lines is not improbable. Pine and spruce deals are holding firm, although the latter are not as strong as they were a month ago. The results of recent auction sales, when 3xII inch, 9 feet and up in length, brought £9 10s per standard, shows that the wider sizes are scarce and much in demand. At a recent sale in Liverpool St. John spruce sold on an average of £7 14s and 2d per standard, which is a fair price for the stock, which was not of the best quality. Birch timver sold at from 16d per cubic foot for 15 inch to 21d for 19 inch. PINE LATH. An improved demand has arisen during the past fortnight for pine lath. At the head of Lake Superior No. 1 lath is selling at from $2 to $2.25 per thousand, and No. 2 from $1.50 to $1.75, in cargo lots. On the lower Jakes No. 1 is selling at from $3 to $3.25. There has recently developed a scarcity in No. I lath. Not only is there a lighter stock than was expected, but it is actually so limited asto threaten a scarcity before next spring. The scarcity prevails on Lake Huron, Lake Michi- gan and to some ‘extent cn Lake Superior. The increased output of the past season was largely in No. 2 lath, which is now about fifty cents lower than No. 1. In the Chicago market No. 1 is selling in the neighborhood of $2.75, in Tonawanda $2.90, while in Toronto the quotation is $2.75 for No. 1 and $2.25 for No. 2 lath, with Norway selling midway between these figures. STOCKS AND PRICES. Cedar shingles are selling at from $2 to $2.10 for extras in the Chicago markets. The ship Monrovia sailed last week from Halifax, N.S., for River Mersey, with a cargo of 1,300,000 feet of deals, shipped by W. M. Mackay. The Red Cliff Lumber Company, of Ashland, Wis., recently sold to Vander- beek & Sons, of Jersey City, 1,500,000 feet of No. 3 boards at $13 per thousand. The C.P.R. have given a contract to G. H. Strevel, of Winnipeg, to supply 250,000 ties. A similar contract for 150,000 ties has been given to J. J. Egan, of Winni- peg. At Duluth lumber prices rule as fol- lows: No. 4 boards, {9.50 to $10.50 ; No. 3, $11.50 to $12.50; log run, No, 3 and better, $13.50 te $15 ; log run, No. 2 and better, $14 to $17, At Buffalo first-class dry elm flour barrel staves are selling at $8 to $8.50; six foot coiled hoops at $9 to $9.50 ; hickory hoops at $5 to $6; and_bass- wood heading at 6% to 6% cents. {I. CANADA LUMBERMAN aes 2. ee ee eS WEEKLY EDITION. The receipts at Buffalo this season up to October 1st have been 112,003,000 feet of lumber, 98,326,000 shingles, and 3,017,- ooo lath. The amount tc same period last year was 154,294,000 feet of lumber and 99,126,000 shingles. During September there was shipped from the Saginaw river only 2,065,000 feet of lumber. The shipments from the opening of navigation to October I were 7,242,000, while the receipts during the same period were 52,350,507 feet. The Fredericton Boom Co. has rafted thus far this season 51,073 joints of tim- ber, containing 123,477,179 feet. This included 107,833,259 feet of spruce, 3,418,- 880 feet ot pine, 12,163,810 feet of cedar, 51,230 feet of hemlock, and 35 tons of timber. The demand for Norway pine is said never to have been better in the Ashland market than at present. Only three or four operators have any quantity in stock. Prices sagged off about fifty cents two months ago, but they are now back at their old figures. - G. T. McNutt, of Lower Stewiacke, N.S., has purchased the timber on the Aspotogan Mountain. Much of this tim- ber was damaged by fire last spring, and it is Mr. McNutt’s intention to cut it immediately. He expects to get about 3,000,000 feet. Following are current quotations for shingles in the Tonawanda market: 16 in. pine clear, $2.40; 16 in. pine clear butts, $2.15; 16mm. piné’ Nov2, $1.15; 18 in. pine XXXX, $4.50; 18 in. pine C.B., $3.30 ; 16.1n. cedar clear, $2.55 ; 16 in. cedar *A, $2.20; 16 in. cedar ciear butt, $1.65 ; 16 1n. cedar No. 2, $1. Messrs. Robinsons, Limited, held an auction sale of deals at Dublin, Ireland, on Sept. 25th, at which spruce sold as follows: Cape Tormentine spruce—4 and 5x3, £13 58.3 6x3, 414; 7x2% Peale Jos. and £12 17s. 6d.; 7x3, 12 ft. £12 155, 13ft. £13 5s., 18 ft. £13 I0s., 19 ft. to 23 ft. £15; 8x3, 14 ft., £14; 9x3, 10 ft. to 15 ft., £14 103, 16 ft. £14 12s. 6d. to 15 2S. 6d., 17 ft. £14 12s. 6d., 18 ft. £1§ 1os., 19 ft. to 21 ft. £165 11x3, 14 ft. Ail4 158.) 15 ft. and 16 ft. £153 12x3, Erg f'13x3; £14 58.5 14%3, 4145 15X3, 414 58.5 16X3, £14 10s.; 3 to 5x1, 411 to £11 58.5 6x1, £13. Quebec spruce—7x3, £13 17S. 6d. 5 12 ft. 9x3, £14 5S- Spruce continues firm at Boston, with the tendency upward. Spruce boards are scarce and higher, matched 12 foot boards No. 2 being quoted at $17. Full agree- ment prices are being maintained through- out the list, which has now been in exist- ence three months. Ten and 12 in. dimensions are worth $17; 9 in. and under, $15 ; fo and 12 in. random lengths, 10 feet and up, $16.50, and merchantable boards, $15 and $16. Hemlock continues scarceand firm at $13 to $15 for Canadian. Shingles are quiet and easy at $2.60 to $2.70 for extra cedar and $2.25 to $2.35 for clear. Laths are firm and in very good demand at $2.60 to $2.75 for 1 5-8 in. and $2.25 to $2.30 for 1% in. 6-14 ft. 2x7-11 in., first SALE OF CANADIAN DEALS. Messrs. Churchill & Sim, London wood brokers, England, held an important auction sale of wood goods on September 27th, at which Canadian deals comprised the chief offerings. Following is the result in detail : PinE.—Ex. Bardsey, from Quebec—9 ft. 3x5 in. first quality, £15 10s. per standard ; 9 ft. 2x5-12 in., 4125, 68 ft, 3x5-6in., £145 6-8 ft) 2x5-11 in., Zro Tos. Ex. Turret Age, from Saguenay—9-13 ft., 3x12-17 in, third quality, 411 15s. ; 12-14 ft. 3X11 in., £133 Q-11 ft. 3xfI in., £12; 12-16 ft., 3x9 in., £10 gs. ; 12-16 ft. 3x8 in., £10 ; 12-17 ft., 3x7 in., L9 13S: 3 Q-1T ft. 3x9 in., £9 158-3 9-12 ft, 3x11-17 in. fourth quality, 410; 9-15 ft., 3x7-10, £9 10s.3 9-15 ft. 3x8-12 in. unassorted, £10; 6-16 ft. 3x7, £9 5s Ex. Simonside, trom Quebec—12-16 ft. 1x8-14 in., second quality, £13 58. 3 12-13 ft, 1 1/2x9 in. un- assorted, 410. Ex. Oceano, from Montreal— 12-14 ft. 3x8-23 in. first quality, 427 5 9-13 ft. 3x4-13 in., 4155 5-8 ft. 3x5-Uts £13 10s. Ex. Arnage, from Montreal—15-16 ft. 2x8 in., second quality, £10; 12-16 ft. 2x7, 49 ios. ; 12-16 ft. 1:1/2x11 in., 4143 12-16 ft. 1 1/2x9, £10 15s. Ex, Oceano, from Quebec— 10-13 ft. 3x5 in. second quality, £12 10s. 5 6-8 ft. 3x5-11 in., AIT 10s. ; 6-9 ft. 3x11 in. third quality, £11 5s. 5 12 ft. 3x6, G10 10S. 5 12-14 ft. 3x5, 49. 15s. 5 8-11 ft. 3x6, £9 155.3 8-11 ft. 3x5, 49 158-5 6-9 ft. 3x5-11 in. second quality, 48 10s.; 9-13 ft. 3x10, third quality, 49 10s. ; 9-13 ft. 3x4-6, £7 155 3 6:8 ft. 3x4-11, 47 15s. 3 10-13 ft. 3x1t in. fourth quality, £9; 10-13 ft., 3x10 in., 49: SpRUCE.—Ex. Simonside, from Quebec— 13 ft. 3x9 in. second quality, £10 5s. Ex. Huelda, from Quebec—9- 16 ft. 3x7 in. second quality, 48 10s. ; 9-14 ft. 3x6-8 in. third quality, £8 5s. 5 12-13 ft. 3x8 in., £8 10s. 5 12-13 ft. 3x7 in., 48 5s. 3 9-11 ft. 3x7 in., £83 12 ft. 3x7 in. unassoried, £8 5s. Ex. Bardsey, from Quebec—8-13 ft. 3x7-12 in. third quality, 410 15s. 3 6-13 ft. 3x9-12 in., £9 15s. 3 6-13 ft. 3x8 in., £8 tos. ; 6-16 ft. 3x6, 48; 6-13 ft. 3x9-11 in. fourth quality, Lo 5s. 3 9-14 ft. 3x8, £8 ss. ; 10-16 ft. 3x6-7 in,, £8 3 6-13 ft. 3x7-11 in. fifth quality, 47 10s. ; 10-14 ft. 3x9-12 in. unassorted, £9 158-5 10-17 ft. 3x8, £8 10s.; 10-12 ft. 3x7, £8 58-3 10-17 ft. 3x5-6, 47 158- Ex. Turret Age, from Saguenay—5-11 ft. 5/8x7 in. un- assorted, 47 158-3 5-17 ft. 5/Sx6 in., £8 108. ; 6-16 ft. 5/8x5 ins, £85; 5-16 ft. 5/8x4 in., 7 5s. and £7 10s. 5 5-17 ft. 5/8x3 in., 47 10s. 3 3-8 ft. 3xI-95 unassorted, £8 3 4-8 ft. 3x9, £8 15s. Ex. Montevidean, from Montreal—12-13 ft. 3x11 in. third quality, £10 158.5 8-13 ft. 3x10, 4103 6-13 ft. 3x9, 49 10S. 5; T1-12 ft. 2x7, un- assorted, £8; 11-16 ft. 2x8, 49; 11-16 ft. 2x9-12, £9 10S. Ex. Vera, from Quebec— quality, fil 15S 5 6-15 ft. 2x7-9 in. second quality, £9,108. ; 10-14 ft. 3xQ-I1_ in. unassorted, £9 10S. ; 10-14 ft. 3x8, 49 10S. 5 12-14 ft. 3x7, 48 tos. and #8; 10-14 ft. 2x7, 9 58-5 11-14 ft. 2x6, £8; 10-14 ft. 2x5, £7 108. ; 6-18 ft. 3x9-11 in. third quality, 48 10s.; 6-8 ft. 3x7-8 in., £8. Ex. Iona, from Montreal— 9-17 ft. 1x10 in. second quality, £11 ; 13-16 ft. 3x9, G10 58.3 6-16 ft. 3x8, 49 5s. Ex. Allendale, from Montreal—12-13 ft. 3XII in. first quality, 415 58-3 12-13 ft. 3x9, £13 58-3 12-13 ft. 3x6-8, LAT LSS.) meme Marian, from St. John, N. B.—10-28 ft. 3x7 in., unassorted, £8 and £8 5s. Ex. Ruth from Dalhousie, N. B.—14-23 ft. LUMBER Get our Prices HOUMBER- Tue Oeitia Exeort Lumaer Go. LATH ORILLIA. ONT. SHINGLES THO EE GILMOUR’S PATENT LUMBER DOORS ae PINE OR HARDWOOD Less in Price. Better in Quality. Make of Door. as Pine. Capacity, Promptly Filled. Hardwood for Oil Finish. 1000 Doors per day. Write or Cable for Samples. Guaranteed Superior to any other Almost as Cheap Orders GILMOUR & CO., TRENTON, CANADA KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SEEN —cemne ¢ 3x11 in, unassorted, L10 55. 3 13-22 ft. 3x10, 49 10S. Ex. Nedinia, from St. John—10-22 ft. 244x6 in., unassorted, £7 ; 3-8 ft. gx6-11, 45 158-5 7-21 ft. 1X3-11, £5_ 15S E_m TIMBER. — Ex. Simonside, from Quebec—1z2 pieces 29x36 ft. x 14-18 in., gss- per load of 50 cubic feet; 10 pieces 12-25 ft. x14-22 im-, 97S 6d per load; 11 pieces 12-22 ft. x13-17 iN-, 958-5 9 pieces 11x2t ft. x14-20 in., 95S. BircH TIMBER.—-Ex. Rydal Holme,from Quebec—1o pieces 22 ft. and up, 97s. 6d per load; 80 pieces from 20 to 22 in., 80s to 7s. 6d; 4 pieces 18 to 20 in., 82s. 6d. Forty-five oak logs from Quebec sold at g7s. 6d per load and some American doors at £3 8s. and £4 each. et SHIPPING MATTERS. The following charters are reported : Bark Hillside, Yarmouth, N. S., to Buenos Ayres, lumber $11, Rosaria $12; schooner Gypsum Emperor, Annapolis, or Bear River, N. S., to Buenos Ayres, lumber $11. The str. Active has been chartered by Dobell, Beckett & Company to load a cargo of lumber at Quebec for Cayenne. The str. Giacomo P has been chartered to load a cargo of timber and deals at Three Rivers, Que., for the United Kingdom, on account of McLean, Kennedy & Company. The rates on lumber from British Columbia and Sound mills now prevailing are as follows: Sydney, 51s. 3d.; Melbourne or Adelaide, 6os.; Port Pirie, 57s. 6d. to 60s. ; Fremantle, 70s.; Geraldton, 71s. 3d. ; West Coast, 62s. 6d., Pisagua range ; Callao direct, 61s. 3d. ; Buenos Ayres, 70s. to 71S. 3d. 5 Hong Kong, 62s. 6d.; Shanghai, 65s. ; Kaio Chow, 79S. ; Nagasaki, 60s. ; Port Arthur, 70s.; Tien Tsin, 75s.; Taku, 70s. ; New Chang, 70s. ; Vladi- vostock, 65s. ; South Africa, 755. 5 United Kingdom, 87s. 6d. The market is steady and firm all along the line, with an upward ten- dency in rates for South Africa. Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF [ LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & DICKSON LONDON, ENG. ———— ne MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B. C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. 2 DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. —— Special attention given to. . TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write: H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL ————— STOCKS OF PINE LUMBER AND Shingles for sale, at Ravensworth, Huntsville and Longford Mills. i Also a few hundred M feet of Birch, Maple, Ash, Elm, Basswood and Spruce. Shingles are mostly 16” Pine, except 200 or 300 M of 16” Cedar. A. McPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.O., Ont. ——— HD. WIGCIN sos eu 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling es 12.00 a SAMPLES BY MAIL XNIGHT BROTHERS CO. OcTOBER 10, 1900 ey ee ae s Timber Limits on the 5 Following Rivers :-— Du Tievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac Rivers and Georgian Bay. a % Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpso 29 Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3244.” MONTREAL, 5 PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. SWAN -DONOGH LUMBER CO. Cable Address, ‘‘Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA. Lumbermen’s Code r+ DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Canadian Rubber Co., Toronto, Ont. Fleming, W. A. Montreshetm Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., resen’ Belting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co.,Montreal and Toronto. Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, ‘Ont. : The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. — DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. : LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W.. Ottawa, Ont. M AGHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex. , Woodstock, N.B. Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co. , Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N. s. J Payette & Co., P., Penetanguishene, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MAGNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal 'Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. — + ag Vogel, Chas. H., Thorold, Ont. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, on The Jenckes Machine Co. . Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. — ’ PULLEYS Dodge Mfg. Co., Toronto, Ont. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, ‘Ont. ? The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, In, U.S.A Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. . Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N.B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Babb Bae Syracuse ‘Smelting Works, Mon- real, Que. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Conveyors, Geo. W Reed & Co. Montreal. Embossed Mouldings. Boynton & Co., Chicago. mi Larrigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram ; Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, ont. ie 8 Pulley Coverings, The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Oue rele - Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Roofing Material, Metallic Roofing Co., Toronto. The Bradstreet Mercantile Agency, New York and Toronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Burk’s Falls, Ont. OcTOBFR I0, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 1] CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume Don't forget that we are the People who cut the Best Bill Stuff, Dimension Timber, Car-Sills, Ship-Deeking, ete., ete., on the Otta- wa. A nice lot of thin lumber, rough or dressed, always on hand. Write Us ror PRICES. PEMBROKE, ONT. Agents for B. C. Fir and Cedar. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER ANADA FINE Room 411, Board of Trade Nm ilaiag - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, urcey Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and "Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine. Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. WM. TURNBULL, Secret: ry. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., LimiTeD We have in stock all grades ¢ f_——_—_easm HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH «0 i SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, per return mail. A. TAIT, President. ] R LOCS into stuff that you DON T CUT YOU will have to carry over the winter, but cut it into 2” Plank and 4x4 Scantling. We will pay you cash and ship as fast as you like. Quote LOWEST price, stating quantity, to REID & CO., Esplanade Dealers * wh clesale pA LIFE can ATLDING A. A. SGOTT - McGregor, Ont. MANUFACTURER HARDWOCD LUMBER, pec AND STAVES iw large quantity of Fruit Barrel Staves ready for Shipping : cLAURIN & aCRER Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Hast TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Correspondence Solicited. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock. or Cedar. PINE ees SHIPMENTS BY RaIL oR WATER. MOHR & RYAN Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. - + Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. (,ODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER Hemlock and Cedar bill Stuff a Specialty. Cedar Shingles, Cedar Pusts, &c., &c. : Mills at Goderich, Owen Sound and Red Bay. Post Office Boxes : Goderich, 235 ; Owen Sound, 673 GEO. THOMPSON, Manager. ES SSE RR HH LAEMAYT Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER ot all Deseription. Now York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL _Wnm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. Telephone Main, 2712. S It Your Wish - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ $ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the. . . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a aad or Seller, as the case may be, Address, The Canada Lumiberman Toronto, Canada. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DEALERS Head Ofice—TTQORRON TQ ~—7ee King St. West. SARNIA—wrcresate DISTRIBUTING varos—_ BUFFALO JAS. PLAYEHATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway alae =e MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A.& P. WHITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimensien Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT * WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber 4% Pine Shingles. CoRRESPONDENCE- SOLICITED HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Manufacturers of and Dealers in Mills at Wiarton MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. see Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedat and hema Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT pocctllieR cea as AS ALN CPA Eg CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec >: DIMENSION TIMBER :: Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. oiémon & Bros..Mig. Go. - Wiarton, Ont. Lumber Merchants and General Sawmillers We have onhanda considerable quantity of Maple, Beech, Bir ch, A:hand a in different sizes, in good shipping condition; also Cedar Pasta Tie A trial order solicited, Shipment by rail or water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON arenes, LUMBER 80 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE = Lumber Co., timitea Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. MANUFACTURERS ——ammmey LUMBER a LATA Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. Geo. Gorpon - - Rost. Booru - - R. W. Gorpon’ ‘ Pembroke, Ont. GHO. GORDON & CO. mengeowres REDand WHITE PINE LUMBER f The Slick Band. The Uniform Gang, The Good Old- Fackioned Circular. GAGHE BAY, ONT. 07 ‘CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY Shortest $4 uickest Route f; OTTAWA, ROCK M A KESBURY, “ARN PrRopucep py J Bie -.)-) (sheik ie Ofte ob oe - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE ste ; DET CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY, &e,, MONTREAL, {POBONTO, QUEBEGL ng H. ee ek popeecting Agent. 3 z FAX, ST. JOHN, M. VEREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board te P. Hinton, hele Genet Freight Agent, Lrade, Montreal. C. J. Smitx General Traffic Matdeer'; eo Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & OO. Wood Hagits aid Brokers ARNWORTH & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. ENG. Liverpool. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. wi, Guali ©, WOOD BROKERS 7 Royal Bank Place GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ai and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD BRO? aa 27 Union Street - GLASGOW F. Fe. Lightbody KK Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND VW OOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: ,A1x “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,’ GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. eee reer en ——— PYVERY & VINGENT =—— SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RHD PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED (5-EBAR Oe Wood Agents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. A. KENNEDY SMITH & TYRER’- OCTOBER 10, 1900 [4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Agents. . j Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENG, SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce pefore Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. .. Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS .. TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, *‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS — Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: W Weaitni 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW ** ALLISON,”’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” Glasgow. Codes: Arand A BC. GANT & 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Cable Address : “‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. Ax and A B C Codes used. Cable Address: “‘ Primus” Liverpool POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS KEMP —IRVIN & SELLERS GLASGOW TIMBER BROKER om Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. ALSO DEALERS I= BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of .. . BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: ‘‘Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. ———— WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of e open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and i holders who have to ofter SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. a FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for .. « Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Ploorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants 1st quality Oak Planks; also 1st quality Pine, 12 and 13 ook Cable Address; LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Construetional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. Cable Address, ‘‘ Casket,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. wee TV RPOOL, ENGLAND — Selling Agents For... . CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS > Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER ca mating 000 ie Manchester Timber Importers limita © 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. : A.B.C. and Zebra codes used Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. Ce Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BU DCETT BROS 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Stroet Within, ; a m= Cable Address, LONDON, E.C. “Budlets, Lond CANADA [UMBERMA WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 perwear { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. VI. TORONTO, ONT., OGTOBER 17, 1900 No 39 CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BUILDING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical end mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw «r .1l and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumbe. products. 4# Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. ee feet 1% inch winter sawn Bass- wo d. Tuos. Myzes’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont. OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in deep; located in Canada; price low. WuicKES Bros., Saginaw, Mich. FOR SALE 20 000 FEET INCH MILL RUN BLACK > Ash; 50,000 feet inch mill run Soft Elm. For further particulars apply to H. L. MerritT, Blenheim, Ont. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as ‘Malloch’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rope Feed, Edgers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. Connected with C.P.R. For particulars, address Geo. MaLtocn, Arnprior. FOR SALE NE 8 INCH 4 SIDED MOULDER, ONE tenon machine No. 161, one mortise machine. These machines were made by the best firms in Canada and are new and up-to-date, only used a short time ; also one 38 h. p. return tubular boiler, with foot front and fittings, only used a short time; can furnsh maker's guarantee. Willsell cheap for cash or exchange for a 35 h.p. portable boiler and 30 h.p. engine if as good as new. For further particulars apply to JoHN R. McKay, Lansdowne, Pictou Co., N. S. MERE Se BUSINESS NOTES. F. Larouche, lumber dealer, Taillon, Que., is said to be offering to compromise at 50 cents on the dollar. The Boston Lumber and Brick Company has been incorporated, with capital of $40,000 and head office at Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. On October 1st the Keewatin Lumber & Manufacturing Company, of Keewatin, Ont., took over the retail lumber business of Dick, Banning & Company in Winnipeg. The new business will be under the management of Mr. Geo. A. Lister. a a, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. If the Ottawa valley can be taken as the barometer of the lumber industry of the province, the outlook for pine lumber is decidedly promising. From that dis- trict an active movement of stock is reported, at prices slightly in advance of those ruling one month ago. One manu- facturer reports the saie last week of one million feet of lumber at the highest price of the season. Almost every grade of pine is moving, with a heavy demand for box stock and for dimension Io inches and up in width. The only weakness pertains to the lower grades, and chfs is far from approaching depression. Stocks in the hands of manufacturers are believed to be fully 25 per cent. less than at same period last year. In the Georgian Bay district there is a larger accumulation of stock 1n proportion to the production, but it cannot be said that the stock in any locality 1s excessive, and with a revival in demand, prices would be likely to ad- vance. In Western Ontario the fall trade has been backward. Some members of the trade do not expect much improvement until after the turn of the year. The statistical position of pine lumber, how- ever, is strong, and manufacturers have decided to take full advantage of the situation and keep up prices even in the face of a slaw demand. The stocks of retailers and consumers are known to be light, and sooner or later they must re- plenish their supplies. The hardwood market is in a somewhat uncertain position. The stock of hard- woods at the mills is larger than last year, while very little buying is being done. Perhaps the only exception to this is basswood, which is in light supply. The larger manufacturers have not receded from their position and are holding out for full prices. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, Recent rains in New Brunswick have interfered with the lumber business. Some of the railroads have been tied up, mak- ing it impossible to ship lumber. The spruce market, although not active, is showing a little more strength, due to an improved demand and firmer prices in the Eastern States. Most of the mills have disposed of their export stock, but much of it has not yet been moved owing to the difficulty which shippers have en- countered in effecting vessel charters at reasonable rates. As this stock is likely te be held over until the spring, there is considerable uncertainty as to the prices which will rule next season. It may be said, however, that spruce lumber is each year gaining a stronger foothold in foreign markets, and that if manufacturers guard against an over-production, there is little doubt but that the product of the spruce mills will always find a market at fair prices. White cedar shingles are selling at $2.75 on Boston rate ef freight. Some large orders have been placed, as there is a likelihood that this price will be ad- vanced in the near future. UNITED SVATES. The lumber transactions of the past week would seem to indicate that the result of the Presidential election 1s being dis- counted. There has Leen a noticeable revival in trade, and consuming industries which until recently kept out of the mar- ket are now buying with some liberality. For the first week in October the sales of lumber in the Duluth market reached 10,000,000 feet. A certain portion of lumber dealers and consumers _ will probably not enter the market to buy stock until after the election, but other buyers believe that lumber can _ be obtained cheaper at the present time than after the election, and are acting accord- ingly. Pine prices are firm, with the better grades inclined to advance slightly. Some weakness is reported in certain low grades. No. 1 barn boards, for instance, are selling one dollar lower in the Albany market. At Buffalo they are also in large supply and weak, while the stock of the better grades of lumber is not particularly large. In the Chicago market the greatest weakness pertains to low grade inch. It is said that some common inch has been sold in that market as low as $14.50, but about $15.50 is the average quotation. Reports from the Eastern States tell of firmness in the spruce market. In New York northern spruce has advanced one dollar per thousand, firsts and seconds sell- ing at $20, while eastern spruce is about $2 higher. Hardwoods are firm as the result of a better inquiry, but as yet there is no ncticeable improvement in demand. Plain oak and birch have been more enquired for. The position of the lath market is 1m- proving. No.1 white pine is selling in Buffalo at $3, mixed at $2.75,. and No. 2 at $2.50. In Chicago No. 1 is quoted at $2.75 and mixed from $2.40 to $2.50. An improvement is reported in the demand for shingles. A scarcity of red cedar shingles has developed, which has had an effect on the other grades. Some buyers are said to have been unable to find a sufficient quantity to meet their require- ments. GREAT BRITAIN. Statistics are to hand showing the stocks of timber in the public docks at the leading British ports on September 30th of this year as compared with the same period one year ago. Taken as a whole, the figures do not reflect a very satisfactory condition of the trade, inas- much as the stocks generally are larger than last year. The receipts of North of Europe timber have been very heavy. From Canada, however, there has been a light import, and the figures of this trade are more promising. In the London docks there is a heavier stock this year of spruce deals and battens, oak, birch, elm, ash and pine timber, but pine deals and battens show a decrease of nearly 500,000 pieces. At Liverpool the stock of pine and spruce deals is about the same as last year, but oak, elm, ash, and waney and square pine timber are in smaller supply. The Glasgow showing is more favorable. Quebec deals are about half the stock of Jast year, while waney pine, red pine, oak and elm timber are considerably less. The market is firm, and prices quoted by the leading brokers are almost without change. In timber, oak seems to lead in point of firmness, selling at about three shillings per cubic foot for first-class stock. Spruce prices, which receded slightly towards the end of September, have now recovered lost ground. Little new business for next season has been done, and it is difficult to forecast what the opening prices will be. .The selling season is likely to open later than last year. 2 STOCKS AND PRICES. Hurd bros., of Buffalo, last week pur- chased two cargoes of lumber at Mari- nette, Wis. The str. Scottish King sailed from Montreal for London last week with a cargo of lumber. C. H. Witthun & Co., of Wiarton, Ont., last week received a raft of 2,800,000 feet of logs from Little Current. Among recent sales of lumber at Duluth were the following: 500,000 feet of eastern No. 1 box at $13.50 ; 1,000,000 feet of No. 2 and better at $20 ; a lot of No. 3 4-inch strips at $10.35. Prices have ruled at about $12.50 for No, 3 except for spec- ial lots. The str. Ameland sailed from Quebec last week for a United K:ngdom port, with 3,200 loads of timber and 150 standards of deals, shipped by W. & J. Sharples. The bark Saga loaded timber and deals at Sil- CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OCTOBER 17, 1900 {I. ery Cove, Que., and left for sea on the ame day. Over 90,000 cords of pulpwood will be cut during the coming winter in the Ottawa valiey for the Riordan Pulp Com- pany’s mills of Hawkesbury, Ont. The Central Lumber Co., of Saginaw, Mich., expect to carry over this winter about 5,000,000 feet of lumber, This firm are having considerable stock manufac- tured by Georgian Bay mills. Stetson, Cutler & Co., of St.John, have purchased the cargo of lumber taken on board the ship Lennie Burrill at St John for Buenos Ayres some months ago. The steamer went ashore on the Nova Scotia coast and was taken back to St. John. Lumbering, says an exchange, will be actively carried on this coming winter at Bonny River and St. George, N. B. The Bonny River Lumber Co. will place a portable mill at Red Rock lake for the purpose of sawing birch plank. They expect to get out about 1,000,000 4 feet. The Australasian gives the following prices for timber at Melbourne, Australia: Red, 6x1%, 11s 6d; 6x%, 95 6d; 6x, 7s; 6x4, §8 3d; 4-out, 5s 9d; white, 6x1%, 98 ; 6x74, 78 9d; Ex, 75; Ox%, 4s od ; 4- out, 5s per too ft. lineal. Oregon has had business on a basis of £7 for an average specification ex wharf, and also at the same figure to arrive. Shelving has had small sales at £12. Laths are quoted at 32s 6d, and pickets at £8 to £8 5s per thousand pieces. Following is a comparative statement of timber measured and culled at Quebec up to 16th October, as reported by the Supervisor of Cullers : 1898. 1899. 19c0. Waney White Pine.... 1,880,746 1,780,485 1,504,625 White Pines cease 1,062,129 597,088 568,967 Red Pines... 05). os. 239,388 159,937 63,780 Dake d pistes uate aie 7,072,588 600,882 459,938 lnc vive cleanse mrenitaieh 474,194 456,841 .683,998 YE Nee ch oie, eatin ae 355164 £6,646 Q1I,701 Basswood... scans ee 241 Butttemit. i i500. ies 955 60 142 MaMa aG eee ace 415 qt Birch and Maple....... II2,5¢O 244,530 459,361 Following is a comparative statement of Canadian wood goods in the docks at Glasgow, Yorkhill, etc., on September 30th for two years : 1899 1900 Pieces Pieces. Quebec rst pine deals............-.... 83,188 44,339 Quebec ist pine ends............+.-.- 47,254 12,954 Quebec 2nd pine deals and ends....... 36,968 18,052 Quebec 35rd pire deals and ends..-...., 137,224 61,028 Quebec 4th pine deals and ends....... 150,798 46,920 Quebec pine planks and boards........ 183,014 165,699 Quebec red pine deals and scantlings.. 12,318 27,775 Quebec spruce deals,.........-.+.-+-- 370,642 91,15 N.B. and N.S. spruce deals.......... 416,737 420,661 N. B. and N. S. spruce planks, boards atid) baxtenst.|. . site cree ovteles aivice lew 131,832 46,812 N.B. and N.S. pine deals,.......-..--« 79,360 975313 PINE LUMBER Get our Prices THE GLASGOW MARKET. Messrs. Wright, Graham & Co. in their timber market review of 30th September, re- view the Glasgow market as follows : Since our last report trade here has been in a somewhat peculiar condition. The general impression has been that prices would fall during the summer, and we think this cer- tainly would have been the case had not freight room been so difficult to obtain, and rates so high, which have prevented many consigment shipments from being forwarded. As itis, prices for most descriptions of pine and spruce continue firm, imports having been only sufficient to cover early requirements. The demand is very limited on account of building trades being very dull. The high price of material and high wages have curtail- ed housebuilding to such an extent that prac- tically no speculative building is now being undertaken. Although there is a fair amount of work on hand in the shipbuilding yards, it is chiefly of the ‘‘tramp” steamer type, in the construction of which very little timber is used. The shipbuilders who build passenger boats and undertake Government work are very bare of orders; therefore the timber trade is not likely to benefit much in the near future by shipbuilder’s orders. Hardwoods are also very slow of sale, the cabinetmaking trade being very dull indeed ; so that we may say that although prices for most descriptions of woods keep fairly firm, the trade as a whole is in an unsatisfactory condition, as the volume of business doing is on a very limited scale in comparison to» what was done during the last few years. It is therefore very probable that should many heavy consignments be made they would oc- casion an unusually severe fall in values. Waney Boarpwoop.—The stock on hand is being held for high prices, and the demand is limited. Prime large wood is quoted at from 2s 9d to 3s; second-class wood at from 1s gd to 2s 2d per cubic foot. RED PiNE.—There is not much’ demand. First-class wood is quoted at Is 10d to 2s 2d; second-class from Is 6d to Is 8d per cubic foot. Oaxk.—There is a good stock on hand, and demand is quiet. Price—2s 10d to 3s 3d per cnbic foot for large prime wood; smaller and second quality at from 2s to 2s 4d per cubic foot. ELm.—The stock is light and firmly held, prime wood of large average being offered at 3s 3d to 3s 6d per cubic foot. AsH.—The demand has been good, and consignments have met with ready sale on arrival. Price—2s 2d to 2s 4d per cubic foot. BircH.—The import has been overdone, and in consequence prices have fallen, Sever- al parcels of 300 to 600 logs 15 to 16 inch average have sold at 1s 34d to 1s 4d per cubic foot, and quite a number of consignments have hadto be stored. Sales are only pos- sible at low prices, and shipments should be kept back. QueBEc WHITE PINE DEALS.—Prices HARDWOOD LUMBER Tue Oriuia Exeort Lumeer Go. LATH ORILLIA, ONT. SHINGLES GILMOUR’S PATENT LUMBER DOORS PINE OR AARDWOOD Less in Price. Better in Quality. Make of Door. as Pine. Capacity, Promptly Filled. Hardwood for Oil Finish. 1000 Doors per day. Write or Cable for Samples. Guaranteed Superior to any other Almost as Cheap Orders GILMOUR & CO., TRENTON, CANADA C.H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers. of === SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from Offers invited the Manufacturer. Wharves, Mills and Offices: ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENGLAND Cable Address : ‘‘Glovers, Hatcham, London.” KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S#€ CEILING .and.. TNC——. e keep firm, but the extent of business is limited. Ist quality, broad, £27 10s to £30 5s per St. Pet. Std.; 11 in., 424 15s to £26 2s 6d; 7 in, to1oin. and ends, £19 5s to £22 13s gd. 2nd quality, broad, 42t to £22 13s 9d per St. Pet. Std.; 11 in., £18 4s 4d to £20 12s 6d; 7 in. to1oin., £15 2s 6d to £17 3s od. 3rd quality broad, £14 18s 9d to 416 10s per St. Pet. Std.; 11 in., £13 1s to £13 8s 1d; narrows, 4,1013s4dto £11. 4th quality broad, £11 to £it 6s 10d per St. Pet. Std.; 11 in., £9 12s to £11; narrows, £8 5s to £8 18s 9d. Rep PINE DEALS.—Parcels have met with ready sale. Prices quoted are about—9 and 11 in. by 3 in. and 4 in., £13 15s to £15 2s 6d‘per St. Pet. Std.; narrows, £11 to £12. QvuEBEc WHITE PINE Sip1ncs.—The de- | mand for first quality has been good, but the high prices asked has restricted business to a great extent. First quality.—2 in. thick, averaging 12 in. to 13 in. wide, £22 to £23 7s 6d per St. Pet. Std.; 141n., 12 to 13. in. wide, £22 to £23; 14 in., 11 in. to 12 in. wide, £21 6s 3d to £22; 1 im., 10 in. to 12 in. wide, £16 1osto £18 11s 3d; 14 and 2 in. strips, 4 in. to 7 in. wide, £17 38 9d to £19 S. ; SpRuCE DEALS.—The demand keeps good, and prices are well maintained: Prices quot- ed—£7 11s 3d to £10 per St. Pet. Std. St. JoHN Pine Degats.—Consignments have sold readily, and prices are firm. St. JoHN Spruce Dears.—(2nd quality average).—Consignments have been chiefly sold on arrival. Price—£7 11s 3d to £10 per St. Pet. Std. , Bircu Logs are only saleable at very low prices. BircH PLaNKs.—The import has been small, and parcels arriving have met with ready sale. Price—£8 to £8 18s 9d per Si. Pet. Std. M. Watson, general store and saw mill, Kinmount, Ont., is reported to have assigned to J. H. Sootheran. The lumber yard of Alex, McLaren on Pap- ineau avenue, Montreal, was damaged by fire last week to the extent of $4,000. Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. Special attention given to. . TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL TOCKS OF PINE LUMBER AND Shingles for sale, at Ravensworth, Huntsville and Longford Mills. | Also a few hundred M feet of Birch, Maple, Ash, Elm, Basswood and Spruce. Shingles are mostly 16” Pine, except 200 or 300 M of 16” Cedar. A. MCPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.O., Ont. H. D. WIGGIN gostarest. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for HOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling ef 12.00 @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO a Timber Limits on the s Following Rivers :— Du Tievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac Rivers and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals ouly dealt with. . H. M. Simpson ag Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3 44. MONTREAL, QUE. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. Mirth Jenawandl Cable Address, ‘‘Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA.” Lumbermen’s Code, DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Canadian Rubber Co., Toronto, Ont. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. gig" a er & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’ elting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montreal and Toronto Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. ; The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W.. ottawa, Ont, MACHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex. , Woodstock, N.B. } Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Ken’ , N.S. " Payette & Co., P., enetanguishene, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS - Tower & Wallace, New York. Vogel, Chas. H., Thorold, Ont. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Mtg, Co., roth Ont. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. De Boston, SS. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Babbitt Metal, Syracuse Smelting Works, Mon: treal, Que. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, On Conveyors, Geo. W Reed & Co. Montreal. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton &Co., Chicago, Ill Larrigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A- Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pulley Coverings, The Dominion Leather Board* Co., Montreal. Oue Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Roof * Material, Metallic Roofing Co., Toronto. The Le) street Mercantile Agency, NewYork and ‘oro Turbines, | ” dison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Burk’s Falls, Ont. SUPPLEMENT TO CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Wholesale Prices October 17, 1900. TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1%, 1% and 2 inch r inch siding mill run 16 509 17 00 picks anduppers... 36 00 38 00} rinch strips 4 in. to 8 1% 1% and 2 inch in. mill run...... . 1600 16 50 No. 2 cuts & better $32 00 $34 00 | 1, 1% and 1% in. box 15 50 1 and thicker cut- 1x:o and 12 mill cull ting up plank...... 24 00 2600] stocks..........+.++ 14 50 1 inch clear and picks 28 00 30 00 | 1 inch siding mill culls 14 00 Ixzo and 12 Canadian Cullscantling........ II 50 dressing and better 24 00 26 00] 1 1-4 inch flooring.... 18 00 1inch Canada dress- x 1-2 inch flooring.... 19 00 ing and better..... 22 00 24 00] 1% inch No. x Lath.. 275 2x4 and 2x6 common. 14 00] 1% inch No. 2 Vatb.. 225 2x8 common....... ar 15 00 ¥ inch Norway lath. 2 50 2xjJo common........ 16 90 white pine shingles 75 2x12 common...... A 16 50} XX wh te pine shing- 3x10 common........ 16 00} les, 6in. clear butts. 160 1 70 3x12 common........ 16 50| XXX __ white pine 1xro and 12 common. 17 00 19 00 shingles... ...++..- 250 2 60 1 inch siding common 15 co| BC. shingles 6 to 2 in. 275 x inch strips, common 14 50 | B.C. shingles 5 to2in. 2 85 1xro and 12 millrun 17 00 15 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless pases specified. Ash, white, x to2 in enna Ake Et GO, x9 Ga 1sts and ands......$26 00 $28 oo Elm, rock, mill Ash, white, 24% to 4in seesees Eto 1%"18 CF 20 00 ists and 2nds...... 30 00 32 00 Tao xoek, jail Ash, black, rsts and run.......134"* 3.. 21 00 23 00 ands, 1 to 1 in.... 20 00 22 00 | Hickory, 1sts , black, rsts and and a2nds..1%‘‘ 2.. 28 00 30 00 ands, 2 to4in...... 23 00 25 00| Maple, ists 3 Ash, M.R.,z_ to 2.. 17 00 19 00] and 2nds.. 1 1% 17 00 18 00 Birch, Ea .. 18 00 20 co | Maple a Wy “ 5..2000 2200] andands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 19 00 20 00 “« sqrs. oad *© 8x8 24 00 26 00 | Oak, an Basswood, ists and ists & ands x “ 1% 28 00 30 00 ands, 1 to 14% in.... 18 00 20 00 | Oak;red, p’n, 1% to 2 ..2000 2200| ists&e2nds2 ‘ 4.. 31 00 3300 ‘“ omer 1 “ 1% 16 00 17 00| Oak, white, Butternut 1 “1% 2300 25 00] 1sts&endsx “ 1% 29 00 33 00 bod 2 “ 3.. 25 00 28 00} Oak, white, Chestnut 1 *§2.. 2400 2600] 1sts&ends2 ‘* 4.. 32 00 36 00 Cherry, sts Oak quart’d, _ and 2nds.. 1% 5000 6000] tsts&endsr ‘f 2.. 69 00 65 00 Cherry, sts Walnut, rsts and ands.. 2 “ 4.. 6000 65 00| and ands..1 ‘‘ 3.. 85 00 10000 Him, soft, ouly Whitewood, : eae 1% 16 00 18 00 ists&2nds x ‘f 2.. 32 00 36.00 Rineokaill OTTAWA. ONT. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, sc. shorts..... 11 00 15 00 feet, b.m.......$31 00 42 00 | Pine, box culls....... 12 50 14 50 Pine, good strips,.... 26 00 30 00] Pine mill culls..... . II 00 14 50 Pine, good shorts,.... 22 00 32 00| 1x10 No. 1 barn.... 21 00 Pine, No. x dressing ix1o No. 2 ‘ 18 00 sidings, per M feet, 1x8 &g No.1 ‘ 19 00 ii seaeeesee ze CO 24.00 | 1x8 & q No. 2 “ 17 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath per M No.1x... 200 250 Strips, .......+.... 1600 21 00| Lath per M No.2... too 1 25 Pine, No. x dressing xx Cedar shingles, 18”. 1 40 1 75 Shorts, ..-..++.++.+ 14 00 16 00 eka Shingles, Clear Pine, ro s.c. and bet- RCO le hee, cicceerevs atele 200 225 ter stock,.......... 17 00 2000 Gaus Shingles, xxx.... 2 50 2 65 Pine, 8s.c. and bet- xx Pine Shingles....... E10 1 25 ter stock........... 14 00 15 00) Pine Shingks, Clear Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 15 00 17 00 IERSSUESS acct oteisis 1p rari} 6.0 1 G0 175 Pine, s.c. strips...... 13 ¢O 15 00] xxxx Pine Shingles.... 2.75 3 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. cts. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average,......... 49 47 First class Ottawa waney, x8 inch average, according to lineal. . 3 45 19 to2tinchaverage ‘‘ avis Gp «Michigan ‘‘ 19 to 2 in. average © & size 48 50 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality: Weir talciaieveteteletsictensiate 23. «29 In shipping order, Paveeateaetental sets e201 50) OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according toaverageandquality. . ... .- 46 50 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 4 45 tosofeet. .35 40 30to35 feet. .32 37 ASH. 14 inches and up, according to aYeIAES and quaitey sync ee gota) 120 To ayerage 16 inch. .. . A oO ceo » 28 30 “BIRCH. t4inchaverage. . c . Olu 17 19 TGy. et sins Colare : : a 22 24 iy ee Dc ae SOR ae eo Ae on eer a0: (28 wei ees fo eae Ganka CoC cen mee 32 DEALS, Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $40 to $44 for 1st, $28 to $30 for 2nd, $25 to $28 for rd, and $21 to $24 for 4th quality. F.O. 'B. batteau. BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. : UPPERS AND SELECTS, Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in, and up wide $47 00 NCE la aleietereisiariale. vista $53 oc 14%,1% madhnaae te + 47 0c 1% 1% and 2 in... 53 co 24 and 3 iN... .s.sesee-sue 56 so 2% and 3 in. . (ie icte|| Zot \ecoonnoct:oeboouanorod 60 oo Jyiindece ansdomogharacce . 66 00 FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 38 00 | 2} and gin., 8in. and up wide 44 00 TO AN TG Teese sicicaiv’e os no 2h el 7 blsaoneacoodon Unocasansodh 58 co Ce GRC ne ORHE IO ORCE COROT 37 00 B FINE COMMON OR NO I CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 30 00 | 234 and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 43 co 1 and 134 in......0.. eee Ae feel | 7ueegopancdce dabanceric seeeee 46 00 CF is! AR QTIAG HOOCOOTOEC BOOS 36 oo STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS), 1¥ in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 42 00] 1 in., 4, 5 and 7 in, wide..... 38 00 6 in. wide..... ASAOOUSOD SHOAL 40 oo | 6 in. wide............ vieleisie)s) 40) 00) FINE COMMON OR C. rin., 4, é in, wide. ......... 32 00| tl in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 35 00 rXY in., Gin. wide........... 36 50] in., 6 in. wide............ « 36 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1\in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... .... 30 00! rin., 4, 5, 6 in. wide........ 25 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 1, 12 in......- dnccur dee BAA OOt [IN Ose stOUXl in etalatacehstar eiacarantel=i<\ei 20 00 i 21 00 8 and 7in.............6.- + 20 co ZONOG) |) ING, Jy L210 les claiele eee ivie aie I7 00 2too| xoin +. 2100] gin. 22 00 8in.. SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4 and 5 in. wide .......$14 00 | 1 in., 13 n. and up wide..... $16 o9 rin., 6 in. wide...... -. 15 ¢o|14%,1% and in., 7 in. and 1 in., 7 in. wide and UpP....+. 75 6? up wide........-.. ehetele | LONGO: SHAKY CLEAR, Tin., 3) 455) 7,8 and gin. wide 22 00 | rin., ro in, and up wide..... 25 00 2 in», 6 IN; WIE... .2cceesss 24 co| 1%, te) and in., 8in. and up WIG ene tniasteteyarettialelelele aierais . 24 00 SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 00 | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts..... oSeegd ieee 250 XXXX..... Gobipcon o6 5 FG Clear Britts..... osadeaadds 275 LATH. No. «. White Pine... ... .. 2 50| No. 2. White Pine........... 2 00 Hiemlorn poaratinels sefeteiais.« <7 I 50 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE, 1x12 inchshippers......... $ $20 4/4 inch up. 22 4/4 Box boards, 6” andup.. 17 18 4 inch uppers ......+++.++++ 62 65 | zo-in. dressing | and better... 28 30 Selects, 2% i hak tye ordasoo0 52 55 | ro-in. yyy sqangoeeoucur 18 47 a) Obes os honpnac connan 45 | 12-in. dressing and better... 32 34 Fine common, Ui in. andup 45 50| Common, 1x12 .....5 «+++ 18 17 EAC OMA NANetaln wtelals (ete) s)aleieie «ees. 38 42| No.1 barn, rxrz2..... Beiiiee 25u020 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... 30 24 INO; 2 icc eiels abaanvocoo2on 25 22 INTERNS aoonninonnGncoscsoocd 21 22 No. x molding, 1 tozin..... 35 22 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in,.... 28 20 Stained saps........++-+-++ 25 30 Bracket plank ........ .+.. 2 3 ZiNCR..0.ccece 30 32 Shelving boards, 12-in. uD 35 Dressing crefatateihe etarcreve\e/ataiale 26 32 Dressing boards, narrow. 25 Common ........+++5 aero 20 1x1q inch shippers.....---- 19 LATH, Pines ejerccletscls inves =iatalerere pombe $2 oo | Spruce ........ aelatinineetarsis - $200 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 5 5° Clear butts........ +» 300 3 25| Hemlock............-. 25 Smooth, 6x18......- 450 4 75 | Spruce.....-.eseeneee 4 25 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Une, 14%,14%and2 Dressing 1% in...... 33 5° Aner edoe: Ipaon $57 58 00 14x10 and 12..... 35 50 ax and 3 in.. onodo 66 50| 1% in...... aie 35 50 seonas sletetateletevers (pe ell dN aondecsenoos sn 34 50 Paice 7 to2 in.,... 50 50| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 2% and 3 in...... . 61 50 and up, I in..... z 38 50 /Uie\oncanogsdonsoud 66 50| Mold st’ps No. 1 to 2 Fine common, 1 in. ,up oh Mees cicayceronoesn 38 50 39 5° to 12 in. wide.... 41 50| Barn, No.1, 12in.... 28 50 r¥% and1¥ in..... 4t50| 6 8androin. 23 50 i iaapeaonoadoood 44 50| No.2, roin......+ 21 50 3 aa A Bedicoadeonhd ; 56 50| No.2, 12 in.......+ 23 09 Pevelale wbereioicterst=s 61 50 No. 3, 10 and 12 in. 20 50 Cut’ up, No. 1, rin. 33 50| Box, 1X4....-200 BEC 17 00 ug up, 3 IN..see eee 39 50 1x6to 12 in. pean 1g co No. 2, 1 in fi 22 00 ere ae chance 20 00 No. 2,14, & 1% in 32 00 33 00 and 1¥%in...... 20 00 No. 3, 1% & 1% in 26 so Mill’ Culls, 1, 1%, 1% NOH eh lod onbanoo 26 50 ANG 2)Miseele en ate 16 50 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber's buying price at Buffalo and Tonawanda : WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, x inch, 29 00 31 00 | 2% to4 in.......... « 33 00 37 00 1% to2in......... 33 00 35 00| Strips.............+5 19 00 21 00 Com. and culls....... II 00 13 00 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ist & 2nd, 6inch up, 24 00 25 00| Com, & good ERIE . II 00 13 00 BIRCH. P ist & 2nd, 6 inch & ist &2nd,white, 6” &up, 17 00 19 00 Up, red... ..ceees 27.00 29 c0| Com & good culls..... 9 00 II oo ELM. : rst & 2d,rock, 6in.& up, 19 00 2t 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6 in. & up, 19 00 21 00 MAPLE. ; rst & 2d, hard,6in. & upt7 co 19 00| rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 17 00 19 00 d £ ‘ — oJ a NOU L AGAAA) OF Rane —_ en coe wera eee aa eer ar ‘ ad ‘ sf ; OL 4 EEN Ee eke, ; : ‘ . t pomew Mell T is e's ] Mun ia J pu aries TY wele ta ae tere ,% at ovehon aegis ie vw 2 s ‘ ‘ ane i elas A ote > & . y ee ‘ wie e : eal Pea NL ae ’ are 2 . Yot au Be Ab we me ‘ t ast WE n'a : a as : ‘ ee SY an . amor erhegrer, | are v4 Pia ; d “ob aN eal nm ies 4 { n i ¢ ? * -& * . } * OCTORFR 17, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 1II CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER GO, umes Don't forget that we are the People who cut the Best Bill Stuff, Dimension Timber, Car-Sills, Ship-Deeking, ete., ete., onthe Otta- wa. A nice lot of thin lumber, rough or dressed, always on hand. Write Us For PRICES. P‘MBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN, WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA ES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White De atncseice inker, none Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and "Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &C.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Agents for B. C. Fir and Cedar. A. TAIT, President. WM. TURNBULL, Secret: ry. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBéR CO., Limitep : ; HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA We have in stock all gra7es ¢ f———__asmc WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH avo ° SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, per return mail. into stuff that you DON'T CUT YOUR LOGS ‘ries over the winter, but cut it into 2” Plank and 4x4 Scantling. We will pay you cash and ship as fast as you like. Quote LOWEST price, stating quantity, to REID & C0 Esplanade ay TORONTO Dealers sin ese ad ong w BASSWOOD eri ELM, ber ©: RB, LTH AND ee the Ol ATE PINE Le a susie = 3 ec 2% Ph. A. SCOTT - MeGregor, Ot MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES A large quantity of Fruit Barrel Staves ready for Shipping : cLAURIN & = cian Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAsT TEMPLETON, QUE. SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. KILLALOE STATION MOAR & RYAN ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. Correspondence Solicited. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE eS Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. GODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER Hemlock and Cedar hill stuff a Specialty. Cedar Shingles, Cedar Pusts, Cs, we. Mills at Goderich, Owen Sound and Red Bay. Post Office Boxes : Goderich, 235 ; Owen Sound, 677 GEO. THOMPSON, Manager. HE Lew Ay Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER otf all Description. New York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. 5 Ib Your Wish To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Telephone Main, 2712. An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the. . . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. . Address, | Fhe Canada Lumberman : Toronto, Canada. = nie R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE DBEALERS Head Ofice—TORONTO-—70 King St. West. SARNIA—\waoresate DISTRIBUTING varvsy——_ B JV FF ALO JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUIVIBER ° LATH ° SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty .. . A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimensien Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. ROBERT WATT ¢ WIARTON MANUFACTURER AND Pine Lath, Cedar, and Wholesale Lumber G Pine Shingles. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED as a] Manufacturers of and Dealers in HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. Mills at Wiarton a OL Yds and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Wen Pine, Cedar and Héinioek Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Ve neers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT cee Rt Oe I SEIE CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec :: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. oiémon & Bros. Mig. G0. - Wiarton, Ont. Lumber Merchants and General Sawmillers We have on hand a considerable quantity of Maple, Beech, cues Ast d im different sizes, oe im good shipping condition; also Cedar Posts and Timber, A trial order solicited. Shipment by rail or water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON wacom, LUMBER 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.O. WHOLESALE cae Lumber Co., timitea MANUFACTURERS Shipments by Rail or Water. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. LUMBER a’ LATA Midland, Ont. Gro. Gorvon - - Rosr. Booru -- R. W. Gorpon’ } Pembroke, Ont. GHO. GORDON & CO. mangers REDand WHITE PINE LUMBER The Slick Band. The Uniform Gang, The Good Old- cwashioned Circular. CAGHE BAY, ONT. CANADA oi eae ferrite - - Operating - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverenD,’ Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board rade, Montreal, PRODUCED BY { Miaye Ccr Ia th ae ST. JOHN V HINTON, Meare atta Freight Agent, O . J. Smite General Traffic Ma nager, ge 0. | = CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OCTOBER 17, 19O0 ° ——————= BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & GO. Wo0d Agents and Brokers C le Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, ENG. aah 8TH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers ana Measurers Pe Cable Address, ‘‘Farnworth,” Liverpool. 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & OO. 7 Royal Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND a 000 BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakndge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WW OO DiS ener 247 Union Street - GLASGOW F. Fx. Lightbody & Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: Ax “Zebra ” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. . Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT, GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e, PYVERY & VINGENT 2——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF... RHD PIN FE CORRESPONDENCE INVITED ® (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) G, LBARY & GO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. A. KENNEDY “48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: “ Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies f large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and ll be glad to hear from holders who have to offer HITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and COND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and ALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh RCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cabl address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. eS FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers ANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for .. . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Flooringe Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants 1st quality Oak Planks; also 1st quality Pine, 12 and 13 % 6x3” Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods whieh they ean supply for Constructional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & CO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Cable Address, ‘‘ CasKET,” Cape Town. A.B.C. Code used. SMITH & TYRER- Ww eaals Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Argents. . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S. SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. SALES AGENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. _ JAMES WHEELDON & SONS .. TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCH ESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. — Cable Address: *‘ ALLISON,’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Aieisn N, Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Add. “VALOREM,” GI f able ress oh asgow GL A SGCGOW 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW © IRVIN & SELLERS ~©) a LS Cable Address : “ TECTONA” Glasgow. . Cable Address: “ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. <© KEMP ¢ ieee BROKER POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and : BOXWOOD, LIGNUY, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. eee TV ERPOOL, ENGLAND== Selling Agents For... ™ CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER Manchester Timber Importers timitea 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. - A.B.C. and Zebra codes used Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. . - Ge Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. Mi 6 Soak . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUDGETT BROS, = os" too 2c “Budlets, Lond CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY - FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} s1.0oo peravear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES. AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., OCTOBER 24, 1900 No 4o. CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL Bur_pinc, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. : i Lumberman, Monthly. A 2o-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen, Its special articles on technical nd mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw ir.:! and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. —— 4 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. ANTED-—s0,coo feet 11% inch winter sawn Bass- -wocd. THos. Mytes’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont. OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in deep; located in Canada; price low. WickEs Bros., Saginaw, Mich. ANTED.—Lot of 5x5 and 6x6x 10 to 16 Soft Elm or Maple Squares, Common and Better, also 5/4 and 6/; Common Ash. J. F. STENGEL, 990 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. For Sale—Band Sawing Machine. (oe & CO., GALT; WHEELS 34 IN. DIA. Fast and loose pulleys, Ef in. dia., 4% in. face ; run two months. Cost $rs50, will sell cheap. Box 313, Thamesville, Ont. FOR SALE 200 000 FEET INCH MILLRUN BLACK ’ Ash; 50,000 feet inch mill run Soft Elm. For further particulars apply to H. L. Merritt, Blenheim, Ont. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and ae Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, oronto. Limits and Saw Mills FOR SALE ™ The proprietors having decided to retire from this business, offer their Valuable Limits and Mills for sale. The concern is well equipped in every respect and 1s in operation. The cost of operation is very moderate, having about 30 miles of railway (Lake St. John) run- ning through it. The Mill at Lake Edward is Circular Saw ; that at Pearl Lake is Steam Feed Circular and Gang. The Limits, about 280 miles, have considerable Spruce and Pulp Wood, also Bouleau and Birch. ‘These latter have exceptionable quality, and by judges con- sidered the best in the Province of Quebec. For terms, ‘etc., apply to j WHITEHEAD & TURNER, Quebec City. FOR SALE. A LARGE QUANTITY OF GOOD SOUND Tamarac ‘umber in standard sizes, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8,etc.; Dimension timber, 16 ft. long, 4x4, 4x6, 6x8, 8x8, etc. Also other sizes cut to order. Apply to Epwarp Luovyp, Limited, Sturgeon Falls, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The past week has witnessed no material change in the situation in respect to white pine lumber. An active movement of stock from the leading pine centres 1s re- ported. cars to move the stock has been met with, but this drawback has not been felt near- ly so keenly as it was last fall. The weak feature of the market is the lower grades. The daily press of the city of Ottawa an- nounce that prices of some classes of lumber have declined $3 per thousand during the past month. Information re- ceived at this office from the Ottawa val- ley seems to disprove this statement. The classes of lumber which have shown weakness have been pine strips, shorts and mill culls. These grades are selling about one dollar per thousand lower than they were towards the end of October. Good strips are quoted at from $26 to $28, shorts at $22 to $30, and mill culls at $11 to $13.50. Lath were also marked down last week to $2 to $2.50 for No. 1 and $1.50 to $1.75 for No. 2, but at these figures there is a good demand and no further tendency towards weakness. Shingles are firm. The hardwood manufacturers are still maintaining their views as to prices, al- though the demand has not improved per- ceptibly. Itis now so near the Presiden- tial election that there is a disposition to adhere firmly to prices in the hope that a policy of stocking up will be generally adopted by dealers and consumers within the next month. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. A healthier tone tothe spruce market is reported. Prices of spruce deals at Quebec range about $50 per standard for first quality, $35 for second quality, $32 for third quality, and $28 for fourth quality. Hemlock lumber is also firm, selling at $13 to $15 on Boston rate of freight. Cedar shingles are selling as low as $2.65 to $2.75 for extra, $2.30 to $2.40 for clear, and $2 to $2.10 for second clear. Lath are worth $2.65 to $2.75 for 15¢1nch, and $2.35 to $2.50 for 1% inch, on Boston freight rate. UNITED STATES. The sales of lumber thus far in October have been heavier than in the previous month, but it is still apparent that a policy In some instances a shortage of, of precaution wil! be exercised by lumber buyers until after the Presidential election. While white pine prices are comparative- ly steady, some cutting has been indulged in on low grade stock. Inthe Chicago market cull lumber is showing weakness; thé) demand has been quiet, while the production this season was quite equal to, if tot above the average. Cull inch 1s being offered‘in cargo lots in that market at $12.50. Eastern wholesale dealers re- port that hand-to-mouth buying is being followed by retail dealers and consumers in the New England and New York States. At Buffalo there is a fair quantity of the higher grades of pine in the hands of dealers, but box stock 1s mostly held by the factories. Spruce lumber is firm, and at Boston, spruce boards planed one sidé, are said to be selling from fifty cents to one dollar above the regular list. There is a comparatively light demand for the hardwoods. Sales of elm are being made in Buffalo at $26, with a slight tendency to cut below this figure, Basswood is scarce and steady. In Bos- ton elm 1s quoted at $31, and maple at $28 for 1 inch and $30 for 1%, 14and 2 inch. Basswood sells at about the same figures as maple. GREAT BRITAIN, The import of wood goods into London this season has been abnormally large. Based on this condition, peedictions have been made that the fall would witness con- siderably lower prices. This, however, has not been the case, and as the import season is now practically over, there is little reason to expect any fall in prices, and particularly of pine and spruce deals. It is now predicted that higher prices will be realized before next year’s shipments commence to arrive. Thestrength of the spruce market is well illustrated by the following, taken from the Timber Trades Journal: “Spruce deals, which went down in August owing to the heavy im- port, have recovered. We know of con- tracts being made from various New Brunswick and Nova Scotian ports at a good advance. Very little possibility ex- ists, as far as can be seen, for any other position than an increase in values until the opening of next season. The small quantity of 3x11 inch spruce to be had now is making the price of this dimension such as has not been known for many years.” At Manchester, Liverpool and other ports there is a scarcity of 3x11 inch and 4x9 inch spruce, for which high prices are being offered. There is much uncer- tainty as to the prices which will rule for early shipment next season, and it is not probable that much buying will be done until after the turn of the year. STOCKS AND PRICES. Thompson & Avery, of Sharbot Lake, Ont., have been shipping large quantities of lumber to the United States market. The German bark Silo, which took a large cargo of lumber from Chemainus, B.C., for Liverpool, England, arrived at her destination on October 6th. Lumber shipments from Montreal last week included 219 standards of deals by the steamer Bray Head, 80 standards by the Bengor Head, and 500 standards by the Manchester City. At Birmingham, Eng., St. John spruce deals are quoted at £9 for 3x7, £9 5s for 3x9, and £11 5s for 3x11in, First quality pine deals bring £30 per standard, and second quality from £15 to £23, the latter for wide sizes. At Ashland, Wis., No. 3 pine boards are selling at $13, No. 2 at $15, and No. I at $17. Norway piece stuff brings $10.50to $13. Star shingles are held at $2.25, pine lath at $2.25, norway lath at $2, and mixed at $1.75. It is stated that $5 per thousand feet is ‘being paid for hemlock logs at the mills in the western part of the northern penin- sula of Michigan. This is a sharp advance over the prices paid for hemlock logs a few years ago, and is indicative of. the growing popularity of that timber. In Chicago 12-inch No. 1 and 2 stock boards are scarce and firm in price, while low grade boards are weaker. Piece stuff is off $2 to $2.50 from the highest point, but there are no present indications of its going any lower. Lath area little firmer im price and a scarcity seems to be de- veloping. Five blocks of timber limits in the township of Dana, Nipissing district, have just been disposed of by the Ontario Government for the sum of $61,275. The lots comprise two and one-half square miles, of which one lot, or about one-half square mile, has been burnt over. The price obtained for the limits is regarded as very satisfactory. Concerning an auction sale held by Hodson, Mabbs & Company, London, England, the Timber Trades Journal says: The unsorted spruce planks at £11, con- sidering ends were prominent, was a re- markably good sale; but these were exceptions to the general result, which, taken altogether, was far from satisfactory tosellers. The prepared stuff seemed to be in better demand than the other sorts, flooring sizes realizing comparatively strong prices, 13x11 making 22s. per square, and others in proportion. Narrow matching, however, is still the weak place in the brokers’ specifications. Paul Stein, saw mill, Denbigh, Ont., is reported to have assigned. {I. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. a caine seared arterial aca iclae Rae Bore ee OCTOBER 24, 1900 THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CanapA LUMBERMAN.) There is a feeling of expectancy in the local lumber market, consequent upon the. approach- ing American elections. The presidential election interferes seriously with the export lumber trade from Ottawa, but not to the same extent this year as in former campaigns. Con- siderable lumber is being shipped by barge, and the railroads are also getting a share of the business. The selection of a president is looked forward to with interest by local shippers, for when this point is settled, business interests wil! regain the proper attention, and the work of stocking up the American yards for the winter trade will be taken up again with vigor. The prospects are good and shipments by rail will increase. There has been a slight decline in the prices of one or two grades of lumber. A number of American buyers were chary about stocking up at the prices that ruled all summer, and this, combined with the slack movement caused by the elections, has brought prices down a notch. However, the local shippers are confident that an upward movement will set in again. Pine strips, shorts and mill culls have declined in price, and lath is also easier. No change, however, has been experienced in the better grades. All the Ottawa mills will cut late this fall to satisfy the shortage caused by the April fire. Mr. J. R. Booth is piling on all his available ground, which includes the extensive yards refitted since the fire. Ex-Mayor Bingham, who controls the entire drive on the Gatineau, has got his logs down to the Ottawa without a hitch. Few of the logs were stranded, but trouble was caused early in the season by the high water. The drive of logs this season was the largest for some years back. There is no change in the labor market as affected by the lumber industry. Men are being sent from Ottawa to Brule Lake for the Shepherd Lumber Co., to Trout Creek and South River for the South River Lumber Co., and to the Georgian Bay district for the Saginaw Lumber Company. Mr. E. C. Grant, manager of the Ottawa Lumber Co., has returned from a business trip to Scotland and England. He reports prospects good for the Canadian trade. This company is also shipping to Germany. Report has it that Mr. J. Carling Kelly, the well-known company promoter of Ottawa, is about to float another scheme, this one affect-. ing the lumber interests. It is proposed to erect new saw works in Ottawa, where Swedish steel will be used exclusively. Mr. John Ferguson, M. P., of Renfrew, the isa son of Mr. N. Dyment, the well-known lumber man of Barrie, Ont. Machinery is arriving daily at the Chaudiere from American foundries for the E. B. Eddy Company. The paper and match making machinery is being installed with all speed, and it is expected that the works will be running full time before the end of the year. A large gang of men has been placed ,at work clearing up the site of the McKay Milling Co.’s mill at the Chaudiere. It is stated that Mr. J. R. Booth will build a planing or pulp mill on the sie, work on the building to be proceeded with this fall. Mr. George H. Perley, the well-known lumberman of Ottawa, has been nominated by the Liberal - Conservatives of Russell county, to contest the riding at the approach-* ing election. His opponent is Mr. W. C. Edwards, M. P., another of the Ottawa lumber kings. Ottawa, October 20th, 1900. ee THE BARBADOS MARKET. Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Company say of the Barbados market : There is still a good demand for both spruce and white pine lumber, as our yards are moderately stocked. Latest local sales, made over a month ago, were, white pine, $23.37 for first quality, and $17.37 for second quality; spruce, $20. 10 for first and $16.10 for second quality. The cargo ex Boston Marine, arrived sth inst., was sold for Demerara, at $26 for merchantable, and $22 for second quality, and the cargo per Harry has gone to Dem- erara. Gaspe cedar shingles are in full supply ; we placed 187 M large, ex Success, at $5.07 per M. Other sales ex same vessel were made at $4.56 for large, and $3.03 for small. The cargo, ex Blenheim, in store from last season, has since been sold at $3 per M. Cedar laying, $2.03 for a cargo of 485 M ex New Dominion. Spruce laying $2.00, September 27th: Brigt. “Harry,” from Yarmouth N. S., with 67 M feet white pine and spruce, 27 M shingles. Deed LONDON IMPORTS AND STOCKS. Up to September 30th of this year London imported from the St. Lawrence 927,000 pieces of pine deals, against 1,840,000 pieces in 1899; 3,034,000 pieces of spruce deals, against 2,731,000 pieces in 1899. From New ‘Brunswick the import of spruce deals has been 970,000 pieces, against 160,000 pieces last year. Of birch plank the import has been 178,000 pieces, against 294,000 pieces last well-known lumberman, has again been year. The stocks in the public docks were : nominated to contest South Renfrew in the 1902 1899 Liberal-Conservative interests in the coming Pine Deals and Battens Pieces 1,007,000 .. 1,469,000 election. Mr. Ferguson has already repre- pee is Pa Tage if 3 1,453,000 . 1,187,000 idi a umber ....--ee eres oads 2,012 .. 2,379 sented the riding for several terms. ‘ai Bircholinibenegalpladke als aes 3366 Mr. A. E. Dyment, M. P., has again been jim and Ash Timber.... “ 2,890 043 nominated to contest Algoma as the repre- White Pine “ .... FS 866 872 sentative of the Liberal party. Mr. Dyment Red Pine eg ou 207 -- 19 PINE G t P + HARDWOOD LUMBER et our rrices LUMBER Tue Orta Exeort Lumeer Oo. LATH ORILLIA. ONT. SHINGLES PATHS ee GILMOUR’S PATENT LUMBER DOORS arg EL PINES OR HARDWOOD in Price. Make of Door. as Pine. Capacity, Promptly Filled. Less Better in Quality. Hardwood for Oil Finish. 1000 Doors per day. Write or Cable for Samples. Guaranteed Superior to any other Almost as Cheap Orders GILMOUR & CO., TRENTON, CANADA CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OvEREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*t°'?- cerns ¢ . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. HinTon. Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. BUSINESS NOTES. John C. Elliott has started a saw mill at Shawyville, Que. Aumond & Carriere, sash and door manu- facturers, Montreal, have registered partner- ship. Carriere & Masson, same business, have dissolved. LUMBER FREIGHT RATES. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY. Lumber freight rates on the Canada Atlantic Rail- way are as follows: Ottawa to Oswego, $1.90 per M ft.; Ottawa to Syracuse, 9 cents per 100 Ibs Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Montreal, for export only $1.10 per M ft., domestic 4% cents per too Ibs; Quebec, $2.10 per M ft., domestic 834 cents per roo lbs.; Arnprior to Montreal, for export only $1.60 per M ft., domestic 614 cents per too lbs.; Quebec, ex- port $2.60 per M ft , domestic 1044 cents per 100 lbs. 5 Pembroke to Montreal, for export only $1.85 per M ft., domestic 714 cents per 100 lbs ; Quebec for export only 2.85 per M ft., domestic 114 cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to New York, all rail, 15 cents fer 100 Ibs ; Arnpsior to New York, 17 cents per too lbs.; Pembroke to New York, 18 cents per 1co Ibs. ; Ottawa, to New York and points within regular lighterage limits of New York Har- bor, seasoned pine lumber, lots of so M feet and up, via Williams Barge line from Albany, $3 per M feet, lath 60 cents per M pieces, lots 25¢ M pieces and over; from Rockland and Hawkesbury, Ons., sasoned pine lumber $2.85 per M, lath 57 cts per M pieces ;_ from Arnprior, seasoned pine lumber $3.50 per M feet, lath 70 cents per M pieces; from Douglas, Eganville and Pembroke, seasoned pine lumber $3.75 per M feet, lath 75 cents per M pieces, Ottawa to Buffalo, t2 cts. per too Ibs.; Ottawa to Port Huron and Detroit, 14c. per roo Ibs.; Ottawa, Rocklandand Hawkesbury to Boston and common points, local r5c., exports r1c. ver 100 lbs.; Arnprior to Boston and common points, local 17 cents. export 13 cts. per 100 lbs.; Parry Sound to Boston and Portland and common points, local 21% cents, export 20 cts. per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa, Rockland and Hawkesbury to Portland, &c., 15 cts.; Arnprior to Portland, 17 cts.; Ot- tawa to Burlington, 6c. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Albany, ro cts. per 100 Ibs.; Arnprior to Albany, 12 cts. per 100 lbs.; Parry Sound to Albany, 17 cts. per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to Scranton and Wilkesbarre, Pa., also Binghampton, N.Y., 13 cents per too lbs, from Arnprior 15 cents, from Parry Sound 20 cents per 100 lbs.; Ottawa to St. John, N.B., and common points, 20 cents per 100 Ibs.; Ottawa to Halifax, N.S., and common points, zr cents per zoo Ibs. Minimum carload weight for shipment of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., is 30,000 Ibs. Rates quoted above are in cents per 100 lbs.; when quoted per M ft., minimum carload will be ro M ft., lumber not exceeding 3,000 Ibs. per M ft. Lath minimum carload 50 M pieces, not exceeding 600 Ibs. per M pieces. - Ottawa rates apply on shipments from Rockland and Hawkesbury. Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AKD LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. Special attention given to. . TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL Building Stone Dimension, Bridge Ashlar, Crushing, Coursing, Large Rubble, Small Rubble, Window Sills, Door Steps, also Lum- ber, Shingles and Lath. A. MCPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.0., Ont. HD. WICCIN 22st0n Ass: 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG HOA Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. of all kinds, in the rough or dressed. Flooring from $14.00 4 SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. Ceiling ss 12.00 “Roo Timber Limits on the FO R SALE ; Following Rivers :— Du Lievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac Rivers and Georgian Bay. . Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson ag Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3344. MONTREAL, QUE. a ee PLANING MILL ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. SWAN -DONOGH LUMBER CO. Tuma UMBER MJEALERS. ¥ North Tone wna Cable Address, ‘‘Swan DoxnoGH—TONAWANDA.” Lumbermen’s Code. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘‘ Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Canadian Rubber Co., Toronto, Ont. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, fs Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. a ae Ye & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s elting. McLaren, J.C., Belting Co. ,Montreal and Toronto. Sadler & Haworth, Toronto, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. BRASS CASTINGS Magnolia Metal Co., New York. ORY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P. & Co., Toronto. Gartshore, John, Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W.. dttawa, Ont. MACHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Monti le Drake, F.J., Belleville, Ont. Dunbar & Sons, Alex. Ww , AB. Indianapolis Excelsior Mtg. Co. , Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Payette & Co., P., Penetanguishene, Ont. Madison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. Small & Fisher, Woodstock, N.B. The Wm. Hamilton Mfg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. MACNOLIA ANTI-FRICTION METAL Magnolia Metal Co., New York. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENGINEERS Tower & Wallace, New York. Vogel, Chas. H., Thorold, Ont. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co.. Sherbrooke, Que, The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Mtg. Co., Toronto, Ont. RAILROAD BRASSES Magnolia Metal Co., New York. SAW MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. : WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A, Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. D., Boston, Mass. MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St, John, N. B. Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. Be oe Syracuse Smelting Works, Mon- real, Que. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Conveyors, Geo. W Reed & Co. Montreal. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co., Chicago, Ill Latrigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A- Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pulley Coverings, The Dominion Leather Board Co., Montreal, Oue Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. + Material, Metallic Roofing Co., Toronto. street Mercantile Agency, NewYork and ” ison Williams, Port Perry, Ont. The B. Toro Turbines, Burk’s Falls, Ont. OcrorrR 24, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. lI CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THe PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umren Don't forget that we are the People who cut the Best Bill Stuff, Dimension Timber, Car-Sills, Ship-Decking, ete., ete., on the Otta- wa. A nice lot of thin lumber, rough or dressed, always on hand. WRITE Us ror PRICEs. PEMBROKE, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA FI Room 411, Board of Trade Building MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, ~hollow back, end butted. Agents for B. C. Fir and Cedar. WM. TURNBULL, Secretery. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., Limitep We have in stock all grades of. HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH aso 1° SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, per return mail. A. TAIT, President. ne J R LOGS into stuff that you DON T CUT Y will have to carry over the winter, but cut it into 2” Plank and 4x4 Scantling. We will pay you cash and ship as fast as you like. Quote LOWEST price, stating quantity, to REID & C0 Esplanade 83 TORONTO wholesale Dealers ° per © ~ E PINE (Ne BER, LATE LIFE Corres CANAD DING R.A. SCOTT - McGregor, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES A large quantity of Fruit Barrel Staves ready for Shipping : ; ctAu RIN & MaLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Hast TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS By Rart or WATER. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . aspecialty. . . . Contractors for - Red Pine Piling Timber Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. (GODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER Hemlock and Cedar Lill stuff a Specialty. Cedar Shingles, Cedar Posts, &c., Le, . Mills at Goderich, Owen Sound and Red Bay. Post Office Boxes : Goderich, 235 ; Owen Sound, 671 © GEO. THOMPSON, Manager. | EL. 1A Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER ot all Deseription. Now York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. THE BONFIELD LUMBER CO. "Are taking out a stock 7 ee Bill Stuff, cut to Telephone Main, 2712. Basswood (winter cut), Ash, Al order, any length, a spe- Elm and Birch, Dressed Birch [ “"S° } cialty. Flooring. Shingles. MILLS AT BONFIELD, ONT., ON C.P.R, — Cedar Timber and R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. WHOLESALB DEALERS Head Oficc—-TOQRONTO-70 King St. West. SARNIA—wuoresate DISTRIBUTING varos——_ BUFFALO TAS. PLAYFAIR &Co. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers r, oy LUMBER ° LATH ° SHINCLES —eeeaunnnueEeEeE———ee—eee——eS0703O0M5—yeyG—=0O0eeeeeeeeeeee eee Contractors for Railway Supplies =e MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A.& P. VWAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Jois ting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. MANUFACTURER AND Pj Ent: Wholesale Lumber ¥ Pine Sliee 4 . CorRESPONDENCE Sor.iciTED HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. anufacturers and Dealers M LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER — Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO. Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD CO.,.0f Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec :: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. siémon & Bros. Mig. 60. - Wiarton, Ont. Lumber Merchants and General Sawmillers We have on hand a considerable quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch, As>hand Red Oak in different sizes,in good shipping condition; also Cedar Posts and Timber. A trial order solicited, Shipment by rail or water. eae ILLIAMSON & MORRISON ecnen, > LUMBER 80 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE ener Lumber Co., timitea MANUFACTURER S——mnmmems LOMBER «= LATH Shipments by Rail or Water. @ Midland, Ont. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. Geo. Gorpon - - Rost. Bootn - - R. W. Gorpon_ }- Pembroke, Ont. GHO. GORDON & Co): moe. RED and WHITE PINE L UMBER The Slick Band. The Uniform Gang, and The Good Old-Fashioned Circular. GACHE BAY, ONT. pr JOAN P. NEWMAN &, Wiarton, Ont. MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER. Has for sale a quantity of Maple, Beech _ Birch, Basswood. and ‘Soft Elm. in good shipping condition. edar Shingles and Bill Stuff a Specialty, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED , PRODUCED BY 1 Sy our Wath. Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OCTOBER 24, 1900 a BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Noad Agents ald Brokers <= i ae LIVERPOOL, ENG. €_ le Address, Ewing,” Liver) vol. FARNWONTH & JARDINE 1 Wood Brokers and Measurers ‘ | 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. * Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. wre, Guim 360. , WOOD BROKERS 7 Roya! Bank Place, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin's, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of Hardwoods in Log, Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom or continent handled to the best advantage. ————<—— Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD BRO 24% Union Street e GLASGOW F. Fe. Lightbody SL Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: Ax “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. ee Telegraphic Address—‘ WAINSCOT,’ GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. FYVERY & VINGENT ==——SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND BUYERS OF ..-- RED PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED G, LEARY & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4 Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. Ss ieee A. KENNEDY | JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Wants 1st quality Oak Planks; also rst quality Pine, 12 and 13 x6 x 3” Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. SOUTH AFRICA Millmen throughout Canada are invited to correspond with us and give particulars of the woods which they ean supply for Construetional and Fur- niture purposes. MOFFAT, HUTCHINS & GO. CAPE TOWN, S.A. Buyer of ..- BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers for shipment by regular liners. Cables: ‘‘ Bircu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. a WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies UMBER, and Cabl_address) “Quen, (ie ————— FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER - Invite offers from Lumbermen for... Spruce Deals and Battens, sted and Pine ENGLAND Floorings Shooks, pant aie sapet a : bs pare ales or an oods su e for Englis eerket. Po " . Cable Address, “Casker,” Cape Town. n Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER A.B.C. Code used. SMITH & TYRER =~ _—_—s 4 Ganatta Dock, LIVERPOOL .. Wood Fxgents . . Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Sroshy Square, LONDON, ENG, SELLING AGENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for: Logs and Mill Produce pefore Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. - - Staves Box Boul Sith JAMES WHEELDON & SONS _. TIMBER IMPORTERS . . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” ' MANCH ESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. “_Ave pon for Offers of SPROOE, YELLOW a5 2 Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW ——— Hollis St., Halifax, N.S Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: ** ALLISON,”’ Glasgow. ALLISON, COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW et ee Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS le Addr “© VALOREM,” GI b Cable rene, asgow GLA S GO Ww des: Atand A BC. ; GANT & KEMP 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : ‘‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. Az and A B C Codes used. IRVIN & SELLERS—— ~® Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOXWOOD, LIGNUM, EBONY and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS all HARD and FANCY WOODS Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. eee ALFRED DOBELL & CO. a DLIVERPOOL, ENGI AND—™ Selling Agents For... = CANADIAN and AMERICAN WoopDs Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER Manchester Timber Importers limite 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, EN LAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘* TIMBER,” Manchester, England. : A.B.C. and Zebra codes used" Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. EET ( a Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . « Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUDGETT BROS. ~ S-LUMBER Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: SO St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUFAGTURERS LOMBER a LATA Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. R. W. Gorpon’ } Pembroke, Ont. Gate): GORDON & CoO. mongeowes RED and WHITE PINE LUMBER The Slick Band. The Uniform Gang, an The Good Old- aon Circular. GAGHE BAY, ONT: JOAN P. NEWMAN @&, Wiarton, Ont. MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER Has for sale a quantity of Maple, ee Birch, Basswood and Soft Elm, in good shipping condition. Ced r Shingles ‘and Bill Stuff a Specialty. GULRESFONDERCE SOLICITED Gero. Gorpon - - Rost. Boorn - - PRODUCED BY { Gyarotan Iya. ol < CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. OCTOBER 31, 1900 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. ENG. LIVERPOOL, ARNWO8TH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. "WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WRIGHT, GRNHAN & GO 7 Reval Bank Plac GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ‘« Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. ‘odes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman 's, Zebra; Private Agen mee s for the sale sr CANADIAN elated PINE ete ene ae ut to all s and all kinds of Hardw ape meee La n Sto Ship’ s to an } the pri eG n the United Kingdom Bkandleat piabasncara ae Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, As and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & G0. WOOD Sea 247% Union Street - GLASGOW F. Fe. Lightbody KL Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A x “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE ea SPRUCE; Hardwoods i = a ee Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports n the United Ki bedon Correspon e Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. PeVERY & VINGENT a==—SOQUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND RHD PINE (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CORRESPONDENCE INVITED “LE Lae eee Wood Agents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. ( ia? Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or a ea Wood Goods. e Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUD C ETT B P 0 S. pe TOS as Within, eal Bee tee tL OND ON, ee A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from pos es ctu for avapment by ve regular lin Cables: “‘Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes! ABC and Zebra. MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants 1st quality Oak Planks; also 1st quality Pine, 12 and 13 x6 By Cable Address: LIGNU™M, Manchester; A B C Code. JAMES W. SOUTHERN SMITH & TYRER - — /4Ganada Dock, LIVERPOOL . WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpoo Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Biden } Hollis St., Halifax, N.S SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. SALES AGENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Bratch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS .. TIMBER IMPORTERS. . Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *“‘ ALLISON,” Glasgow. LLISON, COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable Address “ VALOREM,” ,, Glasgow. — GLASGOW GANT & KEMP 2 TIMBER 52 - Enoch Sauare, cio °B R 0 K F R S = IRVIN & SELLERS~®© aA B C Codes Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS OF POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. eee TV Ee RPOOL, ENGLAND — Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WwooDs Ses ble Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER Manchester Timber Importers timit 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. ‘““TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used ae Cable Address, Please mention this paper ive corresponding with advertisers. THE BRITISH“°NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER COMPANY "*""> AGENTS FOR- oOo”: GRACE CHURCHES‘? ADVAN CES MADE @ ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. LONDON, E.C: TO SHIPPERS. CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumbéerman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.00 peravear { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. VoL. VI. TORONTO, ONT., NOVEMBER 7, 1900 No 42. CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL ButLpING, MoNTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and enasiatic subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical 2nd mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw «tr .:! and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four " or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the . width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. ANTED—s50,000 feet 1% inch winter sawn Bass- wo d. Tuxos. My tes’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont. OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in deep; located in Canada; price low. WicKEs Bros., Saginaw, Mich. \ K JANTED.—Lot of 5x5 and 6x6x 10 to 16 Soft Elm or Maple Squares, Common and Better, also 5/4 and 6/; Common Ash, J. F. STENGEL, 990 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. FOR SALE FEET CLEAR DRY BRITISH 150,000 Columbia White Spruce Siding, 134 in. x 8 in. and up 12 to 2: feet long. BRUNETTE SAW Mitr Company, Limirep, New We tminster, B.C. FOR SALE 200000 sir sojovo feet inch mill ran’ Soft Elm. For further particulars apply to H. L. Merritt, Blenheim, Ont. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH ; to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CanaDA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Limits and Saw Mills FOR SALE The proprietors having decided to retire from this business, offer their Valuable Limits and Mills for sale, The concern is well equipped in every respect and 1s in operation. The cost of operation is very moderate, having about 30 miles of railway (Lake St. John) run- ning through it. The Mill at Lake Edward is Circular Saw ; that at Pearl Lake is St am Feed Circular and ang. The Limits, about 280 miles, have considerable Spruce and Pulp Wood, also Boule u and Birch. These latter have exceptionable quality, and by judges con- sidered the best in the Frovince of Quebec. For terms, ¢etc., apply to WHITEHEAD & TURNER, Quebec City. AUCTION SALE = Ore Valuable Timber Limits, Saw Logs, Timber Lumber and Lumbering Appliances Pursuant to the powers contained im two ce tain agreements each made by Joseph Turner and Spencer O. Fisher, of Bay City, Michigan, trading in co-part- nersbip u-der the name of Turner & Fisher, and the Bank of Toronto, and to certain securities given under Section 74 of ‘Th: Bank Act,” and pursuant to all other rights and powers of the said Bank of Toronto thereun o them enabling, there will be offered for sale by public auction, at the auction rooms of C. J. Town- send, No. 28 King street west, in the city of Torento, on SATURDAY, THE EIGHTH DAY OF DE- CEMBER, 1g00, at the hour of 12 o'clock noon, all those certain timber berths or limits following : The entire Township of Wilson and Concessions Nine (9), Ten ( 0), Eleven (11) Twelve (12) Thirteen and Fcurteen (14), in the Township of Ferrie, in the Province of Ontario, being the berths covered by License No. 46, of the season of 1896-1897, and License No. 89, for the season of 1895-1896, and being covered by Crown Timber Licenses Numbers 44 and 45 of the season of 1900-1got. And also the timber limit known as Berth No. 53, on the north shore of Lake Hur om, in the said Province of Ontario, which was covered by Crown Timber License No. 145, for the season of 1895- 1896, and being covered by Lizense No. «6 for the sea- son of 190-191, together with all rights of the said the Bank of Toronto in and to the said licenses. Also all the saw logs and timber marked B. T., T. N. R.,and J. O.E., or any one or more of the said marks, and all wood and wood prcducts, including lumber, lath, shingles, the product%of such logs, in, upon or near the land and waters and premises known as timber berths Township of Wilson and Township of Ferrie, on the north shore of Lake Huron, in the Pro- vince of Ontario, and in, upon or near lands and waters adjacent to the said timber berths and in trans t in, up- on and near any lands and wate s between the said timber berths or either of them and the lands and waters at the mouths of the French River and of the Magnetewan River, or of either of said rivers, and in, upon or near the lands and waters at the mouths of the French and Magnetewan Rivers, an in either of said rivers, in said Province of Ontario, and in transit in, upon or near the waters and shore of Georgian Bay and Lake Huron, between the said mouths of the said French River and of the Magnetewan River, and of either of the said rivers, and the saw mills situate at or near the town of Midland, in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario, known as ‘‘Chew B os. Saw Mills,” ‘‘ James L. Playfair & Company Sawmill,” “Cameron & Playfair Sawmill,” and George Chew and Son Sawmill,” or any of the said sawmills, and in, upo> or near the lands and waters connected with or adjacent to the said sawmills or any of them, including the booming grounds, mill ponds, mill yards, piling grounds at or near the Town cf Midland aforesaid, to- gether with all the plant and appliances and camp equipage used upon and in connection with the lumber- ing «f said limits in the Townships cf Wilson and Ferrie, including all camp equipage, horses, wagons, sleighs, chains, lumbering tools and appliances of all kinds on said limits of Wilson and Ferrie, and on the Forsythe Farm, in the Township of McConkey, all store supplies and tools of all kinds at Turner’s store house at Trout Creek, all booms, boom chains, beats, rafts, and outfit for taking logs down the Pickerel and French Rivers, and all chains, boats, tools, horses, wagons and lumbering outfits the property of the said Turner & Fish r, or of the Bank of Toronto, used in connection with the lumbering operations of the said limits at the Town of Midland, or in transit from the said limits, and upon the waters and shores | ing between the said limits and the Town of Midland, in the County of Simcoe, a schedule of which logs, lum- ber, lath, equipage, supplies, etc., so far as known to the Vendors, can be seen at the office of Beatty, Black- st ck, Nesbitt, Chadwick & Riddell, 58 Wellington Street east, Toronto, Ont. ‘The said timber limits, hereinbefore referred to, will be sold subject to the claim or lien (if any) of Merrill, Ring & Company, and Green, Ring & Company against same. The entire property will be sold ‘‘en bleck.” The property will be sold subject to reserve bid. Terms of payment: 25 per cent. cash on day of sale to the Vendors or their solicitors, the balance within thirty days thereafter with interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum. Further terms and conditions will be made known on day of sa e, or may be ascertained upon application to Beatty, Blackstock, Nesbitt, Chadwick & Riddell, Vendors’ Solicitor:, 58 Wellington street east, Toronto. Dated at Toronto this 2nd day of November, A.D., 1900. Wanted—100,000 Feet Mill Cull Basswood Write, stating price, HuRpMaAN & Evmirt, Ottawa, nt. FOR SALE. GAw MILL, 45 H.P., ALL COMPLETE WITH docks and trams ; situate 35 miles from Sault Ste. Marie ; plenty of timber available. For further par- ticulars apply to Box N «. 8, Marksville, Ont. FOR SALE—DRY STOGK 150 000 FEET x IN. WINTER CUT BASS- J w od ; 225,000 feet r, 2 and 3 in. Soft Elm. Tue BrapLey Company, Hamilton, Ontario. pane LUMBER FOR SALE—ABOUT THREE million feet Dry Lumber ; all kinds, Joists, Scant- ling, Flooring, Plank and Stock B ards; in large or small quantities; by car load, to suit purchasers > write for prices and stock list. Hucu S. BRENNAN, 82 King William Street, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE. A LARGE QUANTITY Of GOOD SOUND Tamarac Lumber in standard sizes, 2x 4; 2x6, 2 x8,etc.; Dimension timber, 16 ft. long, 4x4, 4x 6, 6x8, 8x8, tc. Alsoother sizes cut to order. Apply to Epwarp Lroyn, Limited, Sturgeon Falls, Ont. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as ‘' Malloch’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa, between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rope Feed, Edgers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. Connected with C. P. R. For particulars, address Gro. Mattocu, Arnprior. HARDWOOD LUMBER 300 000 FEET HARD MAPLE, 20,000 FEET J Beéch, 50,0co feet Black Birch, vari us sizes, now ready for shipment, at Duck Island Dock, Lake Huron. Iam prepared to contract for Dimension Stock of Hard Maple, Birch, Balm, Tamarack and Spruce, for delivery summer 1901. Good ock and safe harbor for loading. Send specifications and prices to Joun Sage, Windsor, Ont., or to E. BEpForD, Duck Island, via Wiarton. SS rs CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, Immediately preceding a_ political election business is usually quiet, and lumber has been no exception to the rule during the past week. This branch of industry has been affected by the cam- paign in the United States as well as in Canada. Shipments to the Eastern States have fallen off, although there are enquiries in the market for lumber to be supplied conditional upon the return of the Republican President: These orders will now be filled, and should give a much improved tone to the market. The mill men are as firm as ever in their asking prices, being prepared to carry their stock over the winter if need be. Logging Operations are now in progress, but so far the season has been unfavorable in some districts. In the Algoma district, we understand, excessive rains have inter- fered with road making, and the work is far behind what it was at same time last season. A scarcity of men for the woods is still reported. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. From a ccntinental standpoint spruce lumber is strengthening. More encour- aging reports are to hand from the East- ern States, where the demand is reviving and prices showing improvement. Spruce lath has advanced in the New York market. New Brunswick shingles are also firmer, selling at $2.85 for extras on Boston rate of freight. The outlook for export trade in spruce 1s not so good. Advices from abroad are that prices are weakening, and there is uncertainty as to next season’s business. The fact that con- siderable stocks of deals are believed to be held en this side is having a weaken- ing tendency. UNITED S'VATES. General business has been so disturbed during the past week by the Presidential election that an active movement of Jum- ber was out of the question. There has been sufficient stock moved, however, to show beyond a doubt that dealers and consumers are carrying light stocks. Now that the financial policy of the Gov- ernment is to undergo no change, an improved demand for lumber may be looked for. The season is perhaps too far advanced to expect a large volume of business, but it is certain that orders which have been held back will now be placed, and that the tendency of prices will be upwards. The position of white pine lumber is favorable, stocks at the mills not being excessive. Eastern spruce is showing considerable strength, notwithstanding that recent rains have brought down large supplies of logs to the Maine mills. Hardwoods are unchanged. A dealer quotes the following prices f.0.b. Buffalo: Maple, $23; black ash, $36; basswood, $27, for inch firsts and seconds. In Boston brown ash, 1% and 2 inches thick, is reported scarce and selling at $42. A Letter movement of red cedar shingles is reported, while spruce lath has advanced 25 cents a thousand in New York city. GREAT BRITAIN. The British timber market is, to say the least, surrounded by much uncertainty. Some of the docks are crowded with wooa goods, while the consumption is still limited on account of high prices. Recent auction sales have shown a weak- ening in the price of New Brurswick and Nova Scotia spruce deals, a lot of 3x11 first, second and third quality selling as low as £9 per standard. Quebec spruce deals have shown more strength, although not as firm as they were one month ago. The prices for the better quality of pine deals are unchanged. It seems to be the general opinion that lower prices must rule for next season’s shipments, as some incentive will be necessary to encourage consumption. As far as can be learned, no transactions of any importance for next season’s production have taken place, and the indications are that business will be much later than usual. {I. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. STOCKS AND PRICES. J. & B. Grier and the Shearer & Brown Company are supplying the piles re quired in connection with the Connors elevator in Montreal. In Buffalo flour barrels are selling from 37 cents down, and fruit barrels at 30 cents; elm staves, $8.50 by the car-load; basswood heading, 64 cents; 6-foot coiled hoops, $8.75. The ship Bent Rickmers,. which sailed from Chemainus, B.C., on May 7th last, for Hull, with 1,820,956 teet of lumber valued at $17,000, arrived at her destina- tion on October 21st. Albert Newcomb, of Hopewell Hill, N.B., has suld a timber limit to Downey Bros. Stiles Bros., of Riverside, N.B., have sold some timber to W. Carnath, the consideration being $5,000. The Royal City Mills Company, of New Westminster, B.C., have secured the contract for the supply of lumber for the new Fraser river dredge now under construction by the Dominion Govern- ment. It has been estimated that the cut of logs on the St. Croix river, in New Brunswick - and Maine, will be 25 per cent. less than last winter. H. F. Eaton & Sons, of Calais, will cut about 8,000,000 feet, James Murchie & Sons about 6,000,000 feet, and F. H. Todd & Sons a like amount. The steamer Giacomo P is loading a cargo of timber and deals at Montreal for London, England, consigned by McLean, Kennedy & Company. The Rydal Holme sailed from. Montreal last week for Hull, England, with 7oo standards of deals, completing her cargo at Quebec. Three vessels sailed from British Columbia last week, lumber laden, for foreign destinations, as follows: Schooner Wilhelmina, with 1,400,000 feet of lumber, for South Africa; ship Ivy with a cargo for China; ship Nixie from the Moody- ville mills with a cargo for British port The shipments of lumber from the port of Montreal last week were as follows: Per str. Glen Head, 78 standards of deals, by W. & J. Sharples, 18% standards by Watson & Todd; per str. Rydal Holme, 381 standards of deals, by W.& J. Sharples; per str. Hong Haaken, 62 standards of deals, etc., by W. & J. Sharples, 10 standards by Dobell, Beckett & Co. The Barbados lumber market is thus spoken of by Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Company, in their report of October 27th: In our last report we noted the arrival of the “Priscilla” from Liverpool, N.S. Her cargo of 115 M feet of white pine boards was sold at $24 shippers, $18 $16 2nd quality. She had also a small lot of 12 M teet spruce boards, which were placed at $22 for shippers. The “Trade.” has since arrived from Jordan River, N.S., with 95 M feet of white pine, 27 M feet of sprace—sold delivered at Trinidad at $22 round. THE BOSTON MARKET. The spruce lumber market at Boston is stronger. It is suggested that frames could scarcely be placed at agreement prices, and would bring at least 5ocents more. The mills are shutting down and getting ready to shut down, and dealers here are daily being notified by leading millmen not to take any more orders. Prominent houses here are out of the market as to spruce frames. Boards continue scarce and firm. Agreement prices are better than fully sustained ; 10 and 12inch dimensions, $17 ; 9 inch and under, $15 ; 10 and 12 inch random lengths, 10 feet and up, $16.50; 2x3. 2x4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x 4, 10 feet “and up, $13.50 ; all other randoms, 9 inch and under, 10 feet and up, $14.50; 5 inch and up, mer- chantable boards, $15; matched boards, $17 to $17.50; out spruce boards, $12; bundle furring, $12.50. Eastern hemlock is particularly firm, with Pennsylvania steady ; eastern stock boards, $14 to $15; random, $13 to $14; Pennsyl- vania, $16 to $17 ; boards, rough, $12 to $13; planed, $13.50 to $14.50. Western pine is in fair demand, and the market reported firm: Uppers, 1 inch, $56 to $58 ; 134 to 2 inch, $58 to $60; 3 and 4 inch, $68 to $72; selects, 1 to 4 inch, $52 to $64 ; fine common, 1 to 3 inch, $45 to $60: sheath- KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SEIN “ceitinc ¢ ings, $38 to $54; barn boards, $28 to $30; offin boards, $24 to $26. Shingles are doing rather better with higher prices claimed : Extra cedar, $2.75 to $2.90 ; clear, $2.40 to $2.50; second clear, $2.10 to $2.25 ; clear white, $1.75 to $2. Clapboards are firmer. The trade seems to have become aware that the supply is a very small one, and better prices have been realized: Extra spruce, $29 to $30; clear, $27 to $28 ; second clear, $24 to $25 ; pine, extra, $36 to $38 ; clear, $33 to $37 ; second clear, $28 to $30. Sraths have continued to sell better, with the market in good shape: 156 inch, $2.65 to $2.75 ; 13% inch, $2.35 to $2.50. : MEETING OF HARDWOOD LUMBERMEN, A large and representative gathering of saw mill men met at Palmerston on October 23rd and formed an association, to be called The Huron, Bruce, Grey and Wellington Hardwood Lum- bermen’s Association. Mr. J. P. Newman, of Wiarton, was elected president. The object of the Association 1s to promote the interests of the mill men by keeping members of the Asso- ciation informed as to stocks on hand and general information as to the trade. The As- sociation find from reliable information that the stocks of hardwood lumber at the mills are not large, especially at this season of the year, and the trade believe that prices have reached bottom and are sure to advance. We also learn that the stocks of hardwood lumber held by the manufacturers are not as large as repre- sented. The Association believes it would be to the advantage of every mill man to become a member of this new organization. Any in- formation desired car be obtained by address- ing Mr. Robert Watt, secretary and treasurer, Wiarton, Ont. [oS PINE LUMBER Get our Prices a AUCTION SALE AT DUBLIN. Mr. Wm. Graham, of Dublin, Ireland, held an auction sale on October 18th, at which the following prices were obtained fort Canadian deals. The quotations are per Irish standard of 3,240 ft. Queb.c spruce deals, 2nd quality, 10 ft. 9x3, £14 17s 6d; 11 ft. 9x3, A14 10s; 12 ft. 9x3, 415 5sto £15 7s 6d; 13 ft. 9x3, 4153 14 ft. 9x3, £15 12s 6d; 12 ft. 9x2, £15; 12 ft. 9x2, £13 17s 6d; 12 ft. 11x2, £155 13x2 and 14x2, 414 10s. Unassorted Quebec spruce, 10 ft. and 11 ft. 9x3, £14 12s 6d; 12 ft. 9x3, 414 17s 6d; 13 ft. 9x3, 414 7s 6d; 14 ft. and 15 ft. 9x3, £14 17s 6d; 11x3, £15 to £15 2s 6d; ro ft. and rr ft. 5x2, £13; 12 ft, £13 28 6d; 13 ft., £13; 10 ft. 6x2, £12 15s; 12 ft. and 13 ft., 412 7s 6d; 10 ft. and r1ft. 8x2, £13. Spruce deals, ex ‘“Two Brothers” from Campbellton, N.B., 7x3, 12 ft. to 14 ft. £13 15s; 15 ft. to.18 ft., £14 2s 6d; 22 ft. to 24 ft., £173; 9x3 10 ft. and 11 ft.,413 17s 6d; 12 ft. and 13 ft., £14 12s 6d; 14 ft., £14 1585 15 ft., £14 10s; 16 ft. and 17 ft., 415; 20 ft., Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. HARDWOOD LUMBER Tue QOriua Exeort Lumser Go. LATH THOMAS PITTS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U.S. LYNEDOCH ORILLIA. ONT. JOHN CHARLTON, SHINGLES Ww. A. CHARLTON- ONTARIO. LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO Our Manufacture, Drying. Yards and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONS. GILMOUR’S PATENT LUMBER DOORS ETS TTS EE TTS EE PINE OR HARDWOOD in Price. Make of Door. as Pine. Promptly filled. Less Better in Quality. Hardwood for Oil Finish. Capacity, 1000 Doors per day. Guaranteed Superior to any other Almost as Cheap Orders Write or Cable for Samples. GILMOUR & CO., TRENTON, CANADA MORGAN, GELLIBRAND & CO. .. WOOD AGENTS... Established 1805. Cable Address : GELLIBRAND, London. 20 Bishopsgate St. Within, LONDON, E C. Depots: BARKING, LiverProoL, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, HULL AND PRISTOL 7 JONAS SMITH & CO. Telegraphic Address : Mourpinc, LonDoN # Timber Merchants and Importers. 92 to 98 Belvedere Road, LAMBETH, S. E. Moulding and Joinery Manufacturers, Ete, IMPORTERS OF .. - Pine Doors, Mouldings oe CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. Overenp, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W.P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smit General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling oe 12.00 e SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. NOVEMBER 7, 1900 £16 7s 6d; 22 ft. and 23 ft., £16 158; 25ft. and 26 ft., £17 155; £1x3, loft. to 12 ft.,?£14; 13 ft., £14 10s; 14 ft. £14 12s 6d; 25° it.; £14 15s; 16 ft., £14 17s 6d; 17 ft., 414 1585 2o'ft. and 21 ft., £17; 22 ft. to 24 ft., £18; 7x4 15 ft. to 18 ft., £14 15s; 8x4 15 ft. to 17 ft., £14 12s 6d; 9x4 Io ft. to 13 ft., £14 1585 14 ft. to 16 ft., £15 10s; 10x4, £15 2s 6d; 11x4 10 ft. to 15 ft., £15 2s 6d; 16 ft. to 20ft, £16; 5x2 10 ft. to 13 ft., £12 15s; 14 ft. to 17 ft., L12 17s 6d: 18 ft. to 23 ft., 414 58; 6x2 10 ft. to 14 fu, £413 128 6d; 15 ft. to 21 ft., £14 10s; 7x2 10 ft. to 15 ft., £14; 16 ft. to 23 ft., £14 7s 6d; 8x2, £14 2s 6d; 9x2, £14 178 6d; 11x2, £14 10s. Fresh Quebec birch sold at 2s per cubic foot, and first white pine sid- ings at $35 to $36 per standard. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities ofp HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be ylad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cabl address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER - ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Flooring; Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels See ee or any Woods suitable for English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER a MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER = Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading - * Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. Special attention given to. . TIMBER PROPERTIES If you wish to BUY or SELL, write H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL in the rough Building Stone ne rou Dimension, Bridge Ashlar, Crushing, Coursing, Large Rubble, Small Rubble, Window Sills, Door Steps, also Lum- ber, Shingles and Lath. A. MCPHERSON & CO. Longford Mills P.0., Ont. HD. WIGGIN 2osroumass- 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. : FOR SALE: #itvvinr'Rst.c2 Du T.ievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac River, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. of all kinds, H. M. Simpso ag Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3744. MONTREAL, QUE. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. te Neey iv ISWAN-DONOGH LUMBER C6. Ss Cable Address, ‘‘SSwan DonoGH—ToNAWANDA.” Lumbermen’s Code. Burk’s Falls, Ont. NOVEMRFR 7, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Il CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umren WRITE FOR OUR NEW STOCK SHEET meee Pembroke, Ont. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE MONTREAL, CANADA Room 411, Board of Trade Building SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., LimiteD HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA A. TAIT, President. We have in stock all grades cf as SUPPLEMENT TO CANADA L R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. SARNIA Thao BUFFALO LARGE STOCK—COMPLETE ASSORTMENT JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies ee MIDLAND. ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P. WHITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimensicn Timber, Joisting, Par Sille Par Flanrina. Shinales and I ath Manufacturers of and Dealers in UMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. . QUEBEC, QUE. ede LATH. O ‘e S a ‘ ll ig eS WHITE FINE —IN THE RAFT, No. . White Pine... ... .. 2 so] No. 2. White Pine ; c. cts. cts, Hemloc« November 7, 1900. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ......... 40 47 =e First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 45 ALBANY, N.Y TORONTO, ONT. “Michi ge ae ea ncn agerAce age AO te OE eA, CAR OR CARGO LOTS. lealgan 19 to 21 in average & size 48 50 : PINE. 1%, 1% and 2 inch cinch siding mill run 16 50 17 00 ___RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Uppers, 3in. up........... $60 $63 | 1x12 inchshippers......... $ $20 picks anduppers... 36 00 38 0o| r inch strips 4 in. to 8 Measured off, according to average and quality.............. aos Gey 9 Fe) 2M AM. e sees eee eeenee 60 63 | 4/4 inch e138 & up. 22 1% we aad = inch TMG Gagastid'1, together with all rights of the said the Bank of Toronto in and to the said licenses. Also all the saw logs and timber marked B. T., T. N. R.,and J. O.E., or any one or more of the said marks, and all wood and wood prcducts, including lumber, lath, shingles, the product of such logs, in, upon or near the land and waters and premises known as timber berths Township of Wilson and Township of Ferri, on the north shore of Lake Huron, in the Pre- vince of Ontario, and in. upon or near lands and waters adjacent to the said timber bert's and in trans t in, up- on and near any lands and wate s between the said timber berths or either of them and the lands and waters at the mouths of the French River and of the Magnetewan River, or of either of said rivers, and in, upon or near the lands and waters at the mouths of the French and Magnetewan Rivers, an in either of said rivers, in said Province of Ontario, and in transit ia, upon or near the waters and shore of Georgian Bay and Lake Huron, between the said mouths of the said French River and of the Magnetewan River, and of either of the said rivers, and the saw mills situate at or near the town of Midland, in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario, known as ‘“‘Chew B os. Saw Mills,” ‘“‘ James L. Playfair & Company Sawmill,” “Cameron & Playfair Sawmill,” and George Chew and Son Sawmill,” or any of the said sawmills, and in, upo? or near the lands and waters connected with or adjacent to the said sawmills or any of them, 1 cluding the booming grounds, mill ponds, mill yards, piling grounds at or near the Town. f Midland aforesaid, to- gether with all the plant and appliances and camp equipage used upon and in connection wi h the lumber- ing «f said limits in the Townsh’ps «f Wilson and Ferrie, including all camp equipage, horses, wagons, sleighs, chains, lumbering tools and appliances of all kinds on said limits of Wilson and Ferrie, and on the Forsythe Farm, in the Township of McConkey, all store supplies and tools of all kin's at Turner's store house at Trout Creek, all booms, boom chains, beats, rafts, and outfit for taking logs down the Pickerel and French Rivers, and all chains, boats, tools, horses, wagons and lumbering outfits the property of the said Turner & Fish r, or of the Bank of Toronto, used in connection with the lumbering operations of the said limits at the Town of Midland, or in transit from the -aid limits, and upon the waters and shores | ing between the said limits and the Town of Miiland, in the County of Simcoe, a schedule of which logs, lum- ber, lath, equipage, supplies, etc., so far as known to the Vendors, can be seen at the offi e of Beatty, Black- st ck, Nesbitt, Chadwick & Riddell, 58 Wellington str: et east, Toronto, (nt. ‘Jhe said timber limits, hereinbefore referred to, will be sold subject to the claim or lien (if any) of Merrill, Ring & Company, and Green, Ring & Company against same. The entire pr perty will be sold “‘en bl ck.” The property wiil be sold subject to reserve bid. Terms of payment: 25 per cent. cash on day of sale tothe Vendors or their solicitors, the balance within thirty days thereafter with interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum. Further terms and conditions will be made known on day of sa e, or may be ascertained upon aplication to Beatty, Blackstock, Nesbitt, Chadwick & Riddell, Vendors’ Solicitor -, 58 Wellington street east, Toro to. Dated at Toronto this znd day of November, A.D., 1900, Wanted—100,000 Feet Mill Cull Basswood atte: stating price, HurpmMan & Exmitt, Ottawa, fit. : WANTED. 300 00 FEET OF NO. 1 NEWLY CUT , Bassweod Logs. Address ‘HE WALKER- vILLE MatcH Co, Walkerville, Ont. WANTED. FEW HUNDRED THOUSAND FEET OF 3{ inch and 1 inch Basswood and Black Ash. Reply to “‘ Basswood,” care CANADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE. AW MILL, 45 H.P., ALL, COMPLETE WITH docks and trams ; situate 35 miles from Sault Ste. Marie ; plenty of timber available. For further par- ticulars apply to Box No, 8, Marksville, Ont. FOR SALE—DRY STOGK 150 00 FEET 1: IN. WINTER CUT BASS- ’ w od ; 225,000 feet r, 2 and 3 in. soft Elm. Tue Brapiey Company, Hamilton, Ontario. WANTED. IRST-CLASS MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF office books and general office supervisiun of lum- ber business. Apply immediately to Box 74, CANADA LuMBERMAN. WANTED. ~OMPETENT MAN AS SUPERINTENDENT of planing mill and yard trade. Only those who thoroughly understand the business need apply. Box 52 CANADA LUMBERMAY. [NE LUMBER FOR SALE—ABOUT THREE I million feet Dry Lumber ; all kinds, Joists, Scant- ling, Flooring, Plank and Stock B ards; in large or small quantities ; by car load, to suit purchasers ; write for prices and stock list. HucH S. BRENNAN, 82 King William Street, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE. A LARGE QUANTITY OF GOOD SOUND Tamarac Lumber in standard sizes, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8,etc.; Dimension timber, 16 ft. long, 4x4, 4x6, 6x8, 8x8, tc. Also other sizescut to order. Apply to Epwarpb Ltoyp, Limited, Sturgeon Falls, Ont. WANTED PRUCE PULPWOOD FOR EXPORTATION. Winter and Spring delivery. Wanted—Hardwood Lands in Ontario and Quebec. H. Fawcett Harrt- LAND, Investments, 3 9-310 Merchints Bank Building, 2cs5 St. James Street, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as * Malloch’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa, between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam R pe Feed, Edgers, |rimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. Connected with C. P.R. For particulars, ad iress Geo. MALLocH, Arnzrior. TO MILL MEN. Do you wish to be less dependent upon the Canadian and United States markets? If so, thismay be accomplished by cutting: some of your stock to the specifications required by the British market. Any of the brokers and im- porters advertising in THE LUMBERMAN will be pleased to furnish to mill men specifications and price lists, and will advance 75 per cent. of the value of the stock shipped. The British & North American Timber Com- pany, Limited, 57 Gracechurch Street, Lon- don, E.C., England, whose advertisement appears on fourth page of this issue, are agents for white and red pine, and are open for correspondence with parties in Canada selling Canadian hardwoods, also manufactured stock, such as chair seats and legs. They make ad- vances to shippers against documents, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. A most hopeful feeling regarding the outlook for lumber has been exhibited on all sides since the elections. The govern- ments both in the United States and Canada being sustained, assuring no change of policy, has infused new life into the commercial interests. Business will expand, and in the course of expansion will consume an increased quantity of lumber. Orders placed with manufac- turers and dealers during the past week give promise of considerable trade for the next few weeks. This will come from retailers and furniture, implement and other manufacturers. The building season 1S now nearly over, and the de- mand from that quarter will be confined largely to finishing lumber. The most encouraging prospects are in respect to next season’s trade. A heavy demand next spring is almost certain. Some of the Ottawa valley manufacturers have already contracted for their 1901 cut of English-deals, at-prices.similar to those ruling this season. This in itself is a most hopeful indication. Prices in the Ottawa valley are firm, the lower grades having recovered some of the ground Jost earlier in the season. Lath 1s alittle easier. Hardwood lumber is showing an increased movement. Black ash and basswood are in specially good demand, with a very light supply. Manufacturers are showing little pressure to sell, feeling certain that the demand will consume the entire supply. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Vessels are still loading lumber at St. Lawrence ports for trans-Atlantic destin- ations. The shipments this year are be- lieved to have been considerably lighter than last season. Manufacturers of spruce lumber are carrying in their yards more stock than at same time last year, and this may result in reducing the volume of operations in the woods this winter. The outlook for trade next year is somewhat uncertain. Itis expected that the East- ern States will take a considerable quan- tity of Canadian lumber. The most concern at the present time is in respect to British trade, the course of which is not very clear to shippers. UNITED S1ATES. Only one week since the presidential election, yet the lumber business of the United States has within that time shown an improvement. Buying orders came into the market immediately. A short period at least of active trade is now as- sured, but whether it will extend well through the winter months is a ques- tion in doubt. The tendency of prices is to advance, but the trade seems to be cautious about taking any step in that direction lest it should check con- sumption. It is improbable that prices will be marked up except in a few lines which are thought to be abnormally low. At Buffalo the stock of box lumber and the lower grades, except barn boards, is short of the averaye, while at Albany 1&%-inch box is particularly scarce. The position of spruce lumber is steadily im- {I. proving. At Buffalo some sales have been made at $23 for 12-inch boards, $22 for 10-inch, and $19 for 6-inch saps. Spruce and pine lath are advancing in price. No. 1 lath is quoted at Buffalo at $3.25, and No 2 at $2.75. There is a good movement of shingles, but prices are generally low. GREAT BRITAIN. Indications point to a late beginning of business for next season. The opinion of British importers as to prices is divided. With a stock at the London docks valued at over £1J,000,000, some authorities pre- dict that prices will break perhaps as much as £2 a standard. The results of recent sales seem to support this view, as prices of deals showed further weakness. At Liverpool there is a moderate stock of pine deals. According to Messrs. Farn- worth & Jardine’s circular, the prices of pine deals declined during the month of October about £1 per standard, first qual- ity now selling at from £22 to £28, second quality at £18 to £21, and third quality at £12 to £13 tos. No change in the prices of spruce deals is reported. Waney pine is firm, but there is little demand for square pine timber. There have been large receipts of birch planks at Liverpool, and prices are slightly easier. At Glas- gow, however, birch planks are said to be scarce and in good demand at £8 Ios to £9 Ios per standard. A cargo of Halifax spruce has just been sold at Liverpool at £7 10S. Ne ee STOCKS AND PRICES. J. G. Hayes, of Sundridge, Ont., is in the market for 10,000 cedar and tamarac railway ties. Following are the shipments of lumber from the port of Montreal for the week ending November roth: Per str. “Mexi- can,” 51 standards deals, etc., by Watson & Todd; per “Dominion’—150% stand- ards deals and ends by J. Burstall & Company; 270 standards deals, boards and ends by Robert Cox & Company. Per “Mennom”—77 stancards by Watson & Todd; 71 standards by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; Io1 standards by W. & J. Sharp- les; 62 standards by McArthur Bros.; 5 standards by Montreal Lumber Company. Per “Andoni”—1I00 standards of deals by McArthur Bros; 88% standards by J. Burstall & Company; 198 standards by Chan. Lumber Company; 28 standards by Dobell, Beckett & Company; 236 standards be Cox, Long & Company. a THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Now that both the Presidential and Federal elections have been made matters of history, the future has been made clear to’ the local lumbermen and shippers. The export trade promises to take on a brisk movement, and rail shipments will show a decided increase over those of past summers. Business promises to be brisk for some months to come, as the supply at American points for winter consump- tion is short of the demand. A letter was received by a local lumberman to-day from a New York gentleman extensively interested in the same business, in which the latter stated that 1901 would be one of the best years the American lumbermen have enjoyed. For some time past the American dealers have been resting on their oars, awaiting the result of the Presidential election, but orders from the United States will now be sent in quick suc- cession to Ottawa dealers and mill owners. The local men have already felt the revival as predicted, and enquiges are being received about stocks in goodly numbers. Continued prosperity will naturally have a buoyant effect on the Ottawa market, and business promises to continue brisk. Prices will rule themselves accordingly, and unless an unexpected feature intervenes they will stiffen rather than weaken. The present season’s cut at the St. Anthony Lumber Company’s mill at Whitney will be fully 12 per cent. less than last year’scut. The reason given by Mr. Whitney, the local man- ager, is the delay in receiving logs in the early part of the season. On this account the mill did not open as early as last year. ‘As the close of navigation is near at hand, it may be in place to review the season’s ship- ments by boat. Owing to the fire which at the very outstart of the season wiped out a large portion of the standing stock, there was but a fair movement by barge. It improved, how- (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. ever, as the cut of the mills increased the stock. The season’s shipments, it is learned on reliable authority, will be fully 30 per cent. less than in the previous year. The dearth of ocean bottoms and the increase in ocean freights also had their effect on the river shipments. There has been scarcely any change in prices in the Ottawa market during the past fortnight. Lath is somewhat easier, but all other lines remain firm. There 1sa growing demand for mill culls and other cheap lines, in fact, the supply falls short. Prices may reasonably be expected to advance in all the cheaper grades before long. The demand has come from both local builders and outside points, and promises to be permanent. There is no increased de-_ mand for higher grades, the market remaining firm at former prices. Operations on the limits controlled by both Ottawa and outside firms, including American companies, promise to be equally as brisk this coming winter as they were last. On a con- servative estimate it is agreed that fully 2,800 men have been sent to the woods from Ottawa and Hull. Large gangs are being sent to their respective limits by Gilmour & Hughson, J. R. Booth, Hull Lumber Company and W. C. Edwards. Gillies Brothers have sent men during the past fortnight to their limits on the Coulonge. The E. B. Eddy Company have had gangs forwarded to the Dumoine. Eddy PINE LUMBER Get our Prices & Jordan hired men through Johnson & Chitty for Blind River. The same firm sup- plied men for the Hardy Lumber Company at Trout Creek, and gangs were also forwarded for the South River Lumber Company. Wages continue high. Many men are going to the limits from the farms, while others who have been engaged for the summer in Ottawa and Hull building operations are also applying for work on the limits. The close of the Ottawa mills this month will also release many men and teams for the work on the limits, so that the supply of labor is increasing. Mr. Alex. Lumsden, M. L. A., who has charge of the extensive log drives on the Upper Ottawa, isin the city. Mr. Lumsden states that the present season’s drive was fully 25 per cent. greater than last year’s. As yet the num- ber of logs brought down has not been com- puted. Mr. Lumsden brought down logs from the Dumoine, Mattawa, and other Upper Ottawa tributaries for allthe Ottawa firms. He employed during the season 300 men. The prospects for the winter’s work on the limits, according to Mr. Lumsden, are excellent. The Ottawa mills will close this month after a busy season’s work. The fire interfered with the early operations in Mr. J. R. Booth’s mill, and owing to the destruction of the Hull Lum- ber Company’s mill that concern had to cut in other smaller mills, with a reduced output. HARDWOOD LUMBER Tue Orn Export Lumeer Co. LATH THOMAS PITTS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U.S. LYNEDOCH ORILLIA. ONT. JOHN CHARLTON, SHINGLES w. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO. LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO, Our Manufacture, Drying Yards and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White ana Red Pine Lumber and Lath Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, ? : : Gilmour’s PATENT Doors LUMBER Guaranteed Superior to any other make of door. Hardwood for Oil Finish, almost as cheap as Pine. CAPACITY, 1,000 ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WRITE OR WIRE FOR SAMPLES. OY “a a a et dp tid VWSEVSVSVSSSVSVSAVISBAVVSSVe GILMOUR & GO. VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. LESS IN PRICE PINE on HARDWOODS BETTER IN QUALITY DOORS PER DAY BWEVVOVBVVVVVVAE Limited TRENTON - CANADA eee MORGAN, GELLIBRAND & C0. .. WOOD AGENTS... Established 1805. Cable Address : GELLIBRAND, London. 20 Bishopsgate St. Within, LONDON, E.C. Depots: BARKING, LIVERPOOL, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, HULL AND PRISTOL JONAS SMITH & CO. Telegraphic Addressz:,Mou.p1nc, LoNDON # Moulding and Joinery Manufacturers, Etc. Timber Merchants and Importers. 92 to 98 Belvedere Road,: LAMBETH, S. E. IMPORTERS OF . «+s * Pine Doors, Mouldings C.H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of =_ SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, EITC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offersinvited..... Wharves, Mills and Offices : ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENGLAND Cable Address: ‘‘Glovers, Hatcham, London.” CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OveREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*&EnSSceitne ¢ . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from.... OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY ~ &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. HinrTon, Asst General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling ss 12.00 , 2 SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. NOVEMBER 14, 1900 The Ritchie mill at Aylmer was also destroyed by fire, and this will tend to reduce the total cut of the combined mills. Next season two new mills will likely be established at the Chaudiere. Mr. J. R. Booth, according to rumor, proposes to erect a large planing mill, while a pulp mill will be erected on the site of the Hull Lumber Company’s mill. Orrawa, Nov. 10th, 1990. Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies. of large quantities oo HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cabl address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER - ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels Lact? or any Woods suitable for English rket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. in the rough Building Stone or dressed. Dimension, Bridge Ashlar, Crushing, Coursing, Large Rubble, Small Rubble, Window Sills, Door Steps, also Lum- ber, Shingles and Lath. A. McPHERSON & GO. of all kinds, Longford Mills P.0., Ont. H. D. WICGIN ssstatesr. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG aay Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. A S » Timber Limits on the a Following Rivers :— Du Tievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac River, and Georgian Bay. _ Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. = H. M. Simpson ag Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, MONTREAL, QUE. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. ZY iy, See AK ISWAN-DONOGH LUMBER C0. a North LOWHWW EA Ma Cable Address, ‘Swan DonoGH—ToONAWANDA.” Lumbermen’s Code. Burk’s Falls, Ont. *9 F ‘i NOVEMRFR 14, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Ill CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS t# PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umires WRITE FOR OUR NEW STOCK SHEET mu Pembroke, Ont. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBE R and TIMBER : CANADA PI Room 411, Board of Trade Building MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White ine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. A. TAIT, President. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., Limitep Melee ia stsck-all (ded of HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH xo 1 SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, per return mail, Wholesale and Retail EID & GO. FR Dealers ing Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Cedar Posts Say what you want to buy. Office and Docks : Say what you have to sell. h Foot Berkeley St., Esplanade, TORONTO gee >» BASSW 000 oronto, ELM, ASH ee a SHINGLES Co. ° Lumber LATH The oliver WHITE PINE \ ae SONATA, i ee a FR. R&. SGOTT - McGregor, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES Limited A large quantity of Fruit Barrel Staves ready for Shipping : ; [icLAURIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. Hast TEMPLETON, QuE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SuipMENTs By Rai or WarTER. MOHR & RYAN Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for . . DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . . Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . . Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. . . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. en Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. (GODERICH LUMBER CO,, LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE: 42203 fc tosecig vrai, HH LewA yy Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER ot all Deseription. Naw York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. Telephone Main, 2712. ol. SAILIe Dealer in ————_eumay PEN&TANGUISHBNE, ONT. _ Basswood, Ash, Soft Elm, Birch and Maple Also Pine and Hemlock Lumber ‘Cash Paid on Shipment. ww Correspondence Solicited. Ph eS es eae R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. SARNIA LORONTO BUFFALO Write us for Prices. JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER » LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies =oq MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P. VWAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimensicn Timber, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. MANUFACTURER AND Pi L h, C d Wholesale Lumber i Pine Shingtes. ees CorRESPONDENCE SoriciTED HEMLOCK BILLS A SPECIALTY. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. anufacturers and Dealers M LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Manufacturers of and Dealers in Joisting, Mills at Wiarton OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO. Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont, ‘SSS So es | AUGER & SON - Quebec :: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. Siemon & Bros. Mig.60. — - Wiarton, Ont. LUMBER MERCHANTS 4*> MANUFACTURERS We have in stock Maple, Beech, Basswood in different thicknesses, also some Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON aseume,.. > LUMBER sO St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE fi ou Lumber Co., timitea MANUFACTURERS ——my Shipments by Rail or Water. e Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. LUMBER = LATA Midland, Ont. GEORGE GORDON & CO. - » Manufacturers of . . , Sawn Red and White Ping Lumber and Lath Aso Hewn Square and Waney Timber i” at cacue bay, owr, c.p.r, 23 miles west North Bay. JOAN P. NEWMAN Wiarton, Ont. eae ‘ MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER Has for sale a quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch, Basswood and Soft Elm, in good shipping condition. Cedar Shingles and Bill Stuff a Specialty. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED DUNOAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and BroKers LIVERPOOL, ENG. Cable Address, *‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. pee & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers e Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WnicHl, GHHINE CL 5, WOOD BROKERS 7 Royal Bank Place GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes in Log, Lumber and Dime sion Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in th continent handled to the best advantage. 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. ’s, Zebra; Private. —and all kinds of Hardwoods e United Kingdom or Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ais and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD BRORT— 24 Union Street = GLASGOW F. Fk. Lightbody SL Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION: ___ BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS SMITH & TYRER - a » poy lt f November 14, (900 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘* Walmer,” Liverpoo Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg 1. ., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S, iain biennium ae a ma | SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. SALES AGENTS: J 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND Sell before shipment and look , ia (uldan de Laverpaal, Rua after Shippers’ interests. All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. | _All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lantos), JAMES WHEELDON & SONS” _. TIMBER IMPORTERS... Cable Address, “‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. ___ Ave Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and! RED FUULIIIIIS Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: “‘ALLISON,” Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. ALLISON, : Wood Brokers Cable Address: ‘‘ TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: Ax “Zebra ” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. ae Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. PeVERY & VINGENT = SOUTHALL, LONDON, ENGLAND (Rough and Dressed, in all Dimensions) CO RRESPONDENCE INVITED imate LR AR oS — " Wood Agents and Brokers 4, Lombard Court, Gracechurch Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. caine’ ont, Grecectn eee Manchester Timber Importers 1imiei 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. THE BRITISH*°NORTH AMERI 57 GRACECHURCH ST.. LONDON, E.C. AGENTS FOR ~ -ALLKINDS OF LUMBER. KENNEDY GLASGOW, SCOTLAND A. West t Street - 48 West Regent Stree MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Buyer of... ; OX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS | Wants rst quality Oak Planks; ; also 1st quality Pine, 12 and 13 Invites Correspondence from Manufacturers = for shipment by regular iners. x6x 3 Cables: “Bircu,” Glasgow. © A.B C. and Zebra codes used JAMES W. SOUTHERN | CC odes: ABC and Zebra. | Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW . GANT & KEMP e TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW B R 0 KE R Cole Abie geomet Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW | Hl 8 Cable Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” Glasgow. Codes: Arand A BC. --IRVIN & SELLERS-~© Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. Cable Address: “‘ Primus” Liverpool BUYERS OF ===? POPLAR, SOFT BLM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS ALFRED DOBELL & CO. CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, '‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. - IN LOGS AND LUMBER Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. CAN TIMBER COMPANY TE: ADVANCES MADE §& TO SHIPPERS.§ ash Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution 9) of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. . . . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . « BUDGETT BROS. 10 and 74 Bishopsgate Stroet Within, LONDON, E.¢, Address, ™ Cable ; ‘Budlets, London.” A Ad (ie a ae ee ee (CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITIO The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vo. VI. TORONTO, ONT., NOVEMBER 21, 1900 CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL Burtpinc, MonTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical end mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw .il and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@ Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions areordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. ANTED—", 1% and2 inch Black Ash. Tuos. My es’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont. OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in deep; located in Canada; price low. WicKEs Bros., Saginaw, Mich. V ANTED.—Lot of 5x5 and 6x6x 10 to 16 Soft Elm or Maple Squares, Common and Better, also 5/4 and 6/; Common Ash. J. F. STENGEL, 990 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and a Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, oronto. FOR SALE FEET CLEAR DRY BRITISH 150,0 Columbia White Spruce Siding. 13% in. x 8ia and up i2to2 feet long. BruNETTK SAW Mitt Company, Limitep, New Westminster, B. C. -FOR SALE *AW AND SHINGLE MILL. PLENTY OF t mber in locality; will be sold cheap. For par- ticulars apply to proprietor at the mill, or by mail. Ep. Syxes, Lady Bank, Ont. Limits and Saw Mills FOR SALE The proprietors havi-g decided to retire fr-m this busiress, offer their Valuable Limits and Mills for sale. _ The concern is well equi »ped in every respect and 1s in operation. The cot of operation is very moderate, having about 30 miles cf railway (Lake St. Joh») run- ning through it. The Mill at Lake Edward is Circular Saw ; that at Pearl Lake is St am Feed Circular and The Limits, about 280 miles, have considerable Spruce and Pulp Wood, also Boule uand Birch. These latter have exceptionable quality, and. by judges con- sidered the best in the rovince of Quebec. Fr terms, etc., apply to . WHITEHEAD & TURNER, | Quebec City AUCTION SALE =o) — Valuable Timber Limits, Saw Logs, Timber Lumber and Lumbering Appliances Pursuant to the powers contained in two certain agreements each made by Joseph Turner and Spencer O. Fisher, of Bay City, Michigan, trading in co-part- nership under the name of Turner & Fisher, and the Bank of Toronto, and to certain securities given under Section 74 of “‘The Bank Act,” and pursuant to all other rights and powers of the said Bank of Toronto thereun o them enabling, there will be offered for sale by public auction, at the auction rooms of C. J. Town- send, No. 28 King street west, in the city of Toronto, on SATURDAY, THE EIGHTH DAY OF DE- CEMBER, 10990, at the hour of 12 0’clock noon, all those certain timber berths or limits following : The entire Township of Wilson and Concessions Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (tr) Twelve (12) Thirteen and Fourteen (14), in the Township of Ferrie, in the Province of Ontario, being the berths covered by License No. 46, of the season of 1896-1897, and License No. 89, for the season of 1895-1896, and being covered by Crown Timber Licenses Numbers 44 and 45 of the season of rgo0-rgor.. Andalso the timber limit known as Berth No. 53, on the north shore of Lake Huron, in the said Province of Ontario, which was covered by Crown Timber License No. 145, for the season of 1895- 1896, and being covered by License No. 46 for the sea- son of 1990-1991, together with all rights of the said the Bank of Toronto in and to the said licenses. Also _allthe saw logs and timber marked B. T., T. N. R., and J. O.E., or any one or more of the said marks, and all wood and wood products, including lumber, lath, shingles, the product of such logs, in, ‘upon or near the land and waters and premises known as timber berths Township of Wilson and Township of Ferrie, on the north shore of Lake Huron, in the Pro- vince of Ontario, and in, upon or near lands and waters adjacent to the said timber berths and in transit in, up- on and near any lands and waters between the said timber berths or either of them and the lands and waters at the mouths of the French River and of the Magnetewan River, or of either of said rivers, and in, upon or near the lands and waters at the mouths of the French and Magnetewan Rivers, an in either of said rivers, in said Province of Ontario, and in transit in, upon or near the waters and shore of Georgian Bay and Lake Huron, between the said mouths of the said French River and of the Magnetewan River, and of either of the said rivers, and the saw mills situate at or near the town of Midland, in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario, known as “Chew Bros. Saw Mills,” “ James L. Playfair & Company Sawmill,” “Cameron & Playfair Sawmill,” and George Chew and Son Sawmill,” or any of the said sawmills, and in, upo or near the lands and waters connected with or adjacent to the said sawmills or any of them, including the booming grounds, mill ponds, mill yards, piling grounds at or near the Town f Midland aforesaid, to- gether with all the plant and appliances and camp equipage used upon and in connection wiih the lumber- ing «f said limits in the Townships cf Wilson and Ferrie, including all camp equipage, horses, wagons, sleighs, chains, lumbering tools and appliances of all kinds on said limits of Wilson and Ferrie, and on the Forsythe Farm, in the Township of McConkey, all store supplies and tools of all kinds at Turner’s store house at Trout Creek, all booms, boom chains, boats, rafts, and outfit for taking logs down the Pickerel and French Rivers, and all chains, boats, tools, horses, wagons and lumbering outfits the property of the said Turner & Fish r, or of the Bank of Toronto, used in connection with the lumbering operations of the said limits at the Town of Midland, or in transit from the -aid limits, and upon the waters and shores | ing between the said limits and the Town of Midland, in the County of Simcoe, a schedule of which logs, lum- ber, lath, equipage, supplies, etc., so far as known to the Vendors, can be seen at the offi:e of Beatty, Black- st ck, Nesbitt, Chadwick & Riddell, 58 Wellington strcet east, Toronto, (nt. ‘The said timber limits, hereinbefore referred to, will be sold subject to the claim or lien (if any) of Merrill, Ring & Company, and Green, Ring & Company against same. The entire pr perty will be sold “en blcck.” The property wiil be sold subject to reserve bid. Terms ot payment: 25 per cent. cash on day of sale to the Vendors or their solicitors, the balance within thirty days thereafter with interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum. Further terms and conditions will be made known on day of sa e, or may be ascertained upon application to Beatty, Blackstock, Nesbitt, Chadwick & Riddell, Vendors’ Solicitors, 58 Wellington street east, Toronto. Dated at Toronto this 2nd day of November, A.D., 1900, Wanted—100,000 Feet Mill Cull Basswood 5 Write, stating price, Hurpman & Etmirt, Ottawa, nt, . WANTED. 300 000 FEET OF NO. 1 NEWLY CUT ? Basswood Logs. Address THE WALKER- VILLE Marcu Co, Walkerville, Ont. WANTED. A FEW HUNDRED THOUSAND FEET OF . 4 inch and x inch Basswood and Black Ash. R ply to “ Basswood,” care CaNADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE. AW MILL, 45 H.P., ALL COMPLETE WITH docks and trams ; situate 35 miles from Sault Ste. Marie; plenty of timber available. For further par- ticulars apply to Box No. 8, Marksville, Ont. FOR SALE—DRY STOGK 150 000 FEET x IN. WINTER CUT BASS- J w od ; 225,000 feet r, 2 and 3 in. Soft Elm. Tue BrapLey Company, Hamilton, Ontario. WANTED. Rites CeasS MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF office books and general office supervision of lum- ber business. Apply immediately to Box 74, CANADA LUMBERMAN. WANTED. Cee TENT MAN AS SUPERINTENDENT of planing mill and yard trade. Only those who thoroughly understand the business need apply. Box 52 Canapa LuMBERMAN, PRs LUMBER FOR SALE—ABOUT THREE million feet Dry Lumber ; all kinds, Joists, Scant- ling, Flooring, Plank and Stock B ards; in large or small quantities ; by car load, to suit purchasers ; write for prices and stock list. HuGH S. BRENNAN, 82 King William Street, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE. A LARGE QUANTITY OF GOOD SOUND Tamarac Lumber in standard sizes, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, etc.; Dimension timber, 16 ft. long, 4X4, 4x6, 6x8, 8x8, etc. Also other sizes cut to order. Apply to Epwarp Luoyp, Limited, Sturgeon Falls, Ont. WANTED Y A YOUNG LADY—POSITION AS STENO: grapher and to work on Books in a Lumber Office, in Yard or at Mill. Four years’ experience as Steno- grapher. Address ‘‘C. H. M.” care Canapa Lum- BERMAN. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as “Malloch’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa, between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam R pe Feed, Edgers, Irimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. Connected with C. P. R, For particulars, address Geo. MALtocn, Arnprior, HARDWOOD LUMBER 300 000 FEET HARD MAPLE, 20,000 FEET j Beech, 50,00 feet Black Birch, vari us sizes, now ready for shipment, at Duck Island Dock, Lake Huron. Iam prepared to contract for Dimension St'ck of Hard Maple, Birch, Balm, Tamarack and Spruce, for delivery summer 1901. Good ock and safe harbor for loading. Send specifications and prices to JOHN SALE, Windsor, Ont., or. to E. BEpForD, Duck Island, via Wiarton. I IE SO SE TR This is the time of the year to investigate the requirements of British lumber merchants, so that during the winter suitable logs may be taken out. Drop a line to any ofthe brokers or importers whose announcements appear on on page IV and they will gladly furnish you with particulars as to sizes, prices, etc, No 44 CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, Lumber shipments during the past week have been of considerable volume, although not approaching anything in the nature of a boom. The season is too far advanced to expect a large movement of stock this year, but the conditions are favorable to an active demand in the earlyspring. The extensive manufactur- ing works contemplated at Sault Ste. Marie, and the new railways to be built in north-western Ontario, will call for a very large quantity of constructive mater- lal, of which timber will comprise the greater portion. The improvements to Toronto harbor are in progress, and it is understood that the contractors are in the market for a quantity of hemlock and other timber required for the work, The the Toronto price list this week consist of a slight advance in the price of 2x4, 6 and 8 inch common lumber, for which an increased demand is reported; 2x4 inch selling at $14.50, and 2x6 inch and 8 inch at $15.50. Cull scantling are also marked up 50 cents. The quotations on laths and shingles have not been altered. We be- lieve that some sales have been made at prices slightly above those quoted, al- though orders are still being accepted at the figures of $2.75 for No. 1 and $2.25 for No. 2 lath. A marked difference exists in the prices asked by manufacturers for lath, making it difficult to arrive at an average price. The lath market, however, is showing strength, and prices are likely to advance, to be followed, probably, by skingles. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. As navigation on the St. Lawrence is drawing to a close, considerable interest is shown in the stocks wintering on this side. Although the figures are not yet aviilable, it is believed that the quantity of British deals to be carried over at the leading ports along the St. Lawrence will not be exceptionally large. In New Brunswick and Nova Scotia the stock is perhaps a little heavier than last year. Owing to the increased cost of produc- tion and the present somewhat unfavor- able outlook for spruce in Great Britain, itis believed that the quantity of logs taken out this winter will be curtailed ; in fact, advices from several districts confirm this opirion. The United States demand has become more active since the Presidential election. Extra cedar shingles are selling, on Boston rate of freight, from $2.75 to $3.00, clear at $2.50 and second clears at $2.25. Laths are selling well at $2.40 to $2.50 for 14 inch, and $2.75 to $2.80 for 154 inch. UNITED STATES, A number of large orders for lumber have been placed with United States dealers during the past week. Accord- ingly, the market has strengthened, al- though only in a few instances have prices been advanced. White pine is selling at former figures, the trade apparently be- lieving that it would be unwise to advance prices at this season of the year. What {I. alterations have been made are in the direction of making the list more uni- form and bringing manufacturers and dealers together. From Buffalo comes the report of a shortage in the cutting-up grades of pine, while at Boston there 1s a scarcity of upper grades in 2-inch. Eastern spruce manufacturers are said to have advanced their quotations one dollar per thousand. The larger sizes of spruce are particularly scarce. The hardwoods have shared in the improvement. The consumption is increasing, and the stock hand is not likely to be found more an sufficient for the winter and early spring trade. Maple, black ash, and basswood lead in point of strength. The lath market is just now engaging considerable attention. It is reported that eastern dealers have purchased all the stocks oflath at the mills in Duluth, in some instances paying an advance of 25 cents a thousand. Prices at Duluth are now $2.50, and at Chicago $2.85. Shingles are likewise firmer and in better demand. GREAT BRITAIN. We have before us the Board of Trade returns showing the imports of woo goods into the United Kingdom for the ten months ending October 31st, 1899 and 1900. The total import of hewn and sawn timber and lumber in 1899 was 8,025,285 loads, and in 1900 8,396,180 loads. From Canada, however, the im- ports of sawn lumber have been slightly less this year than in 1899. Owing to the high prices having limited consump- tion, stocks are generally heavier than at same period last year. There are pre- dictions of lower prices, but the import- ers who purchased early in the season at high prices are making a strong effort to prevent a break. No buying of any account for next season is reported. The shippers claim that in view of the in- creased cost of production and trans- portation, they cannot afford to lower their asking prices, which the importers are not disposed to pay in the face of present conditions. Some third quality Quebec spruce was recently sold at auction in London at £9 Ios per stand- ard. Battens have recently declinea about ten shillings per standard. From Liverpool comes the report that the Mersey Docks and Harbor Boards through their agents, Messrs. Duncan, Ewing & Couspany, are in the market for 7,000 cubic feet of rock elm, 1,000 cubic feet of Quebec birch timber, and 26 standards of spruce deals and flooring boards. STOCKS AND PRICES. Dickie and McGrath, of Tusket, N. S., have purchased large tracts of timber lands, in Digby county. During the month of October there was shipped from Chemainus, B. C., to Aus- tralia lumber totallying 5,480 tons meas- urement. Francis Murtagh, of Campbell’s Bay, Que., has purchased a 200 acre timber limit at Farrelton, together with saw mill attached, from John Rice. J. A. Ellis, of Lindsay, Ont., has pur- chased from the English Land Company the timber on goo acres in Guilford township, Haliburton county. S. H. White & Company have placed a portable mill at Bonny River, Charlotte county, N. B., where they will cut about 1,500,000 feet of lumber during the coming winter. Up to October gth of this year the trans-Atlantic shipments from the port of Miramichi, N.B., were 110,000,000 feet, as against {22,000,000 feet in same period last year. F. McGibbon & Sons, of Penetan- guishene, Ont., are shipping a large quan- tity of four inch deals to Cardiff, Wales. The C. Beck Manufacturing Company have also supplied considerable lumber this season for the British market. The Gilbert Blasting & Dredging Com- pany,of Lroquois, Ont., isin the market for 50,000 cubic feet of crib timbey, 12 x 12 KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING *" CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. inches, 16 to 30 feet lengths, also 50 feet run, flatted, 10 inches thick, 15 to 35 feet lengths, to be delivered at the Morrisburg canal. Mr. D. M. Rennie, commercial agent for Canada in the Argentine Republic and Uruguay, writes under date of July 14th that during the six months 106 cargoes of lumber were imported, of which 15 were spruce, 18 white pine and 73 pitch pine. The market then was depressed. Atthe Crown Lands office, Frederic- ton, N.B., a two-mile timber berth on Cain’s river, above Ten Mille Brook, was sold to Wm. Russell, at $50.50 per mile, and a ten mile berth on Gounamity river, near the head of Little Forks, to W. T. Whitehead, at $8 per mile. An estimate of the Ottawa Valley lum- ber cut for the present season places it at 500,000,000 feet, of which about 100,000,- ooo was the product of the mills of J. R. Booth. This is a decrease of about 50,- 000,000 feet as compared with last year, due to the fact that several saw mills were destroyed by fire last spring. The Fredericton Boom Company has finished rafting operations for the season, having rafted the following quantities of lumber: 120,044,270 feet of spruce, 13,816,107 feet of cedar, 4,181,830 feet of pine, 106,490 feet of hemlock, and 57,406 joints, a total of 138,192,900 feet. This is an increase of nearly 67,000,000 feet over the season of sa The Harbor Commissioners of Mon- treal last week opened tenders for the annual supply of timber for next year. There were three tenderers, all local firms, as follows: Shearer & Brown Company, $59.235-81; J. & B. Grier, $57,- 875.46; W. H. Kelly Lumber Company, $42,066.74. For the supply of hemlock alone there was one tenderer, Mr. Owens, whose figure was $11,971.62. The contract for the entire supply was given to the W. H. Kelly Lumber Company. During the coming -winter Williamson & Crombie, of Kingsbury, Que., will take out on Brompton Lake 450,000 _ pine, spruce and hemlock logs. The Pierre- ville Mills Company will take out be- tween 20,000 and 30,000 logs on Salmon Creek, which 1s Jess than half their usual quantity. The Eastman Lumber Co. will get out their usual supply for the East- man mills. Following are the trans-Atlantic lumber shipments from the port of Montreal for week ending November 17th : Per “Cam- broman,”—Grand Trunk Railway, 238 pieces maple planks and 528 pieces oak timber ; R. Cox & Company, 221 stan- dards deals, boards and ends. Per “‘Man- chester’—Charlemagne Lumber Com- pany, 3034 standards deals. Per “ Tre- mona”—Watson & Todd, 130 standards deals ; Charletnagne Lumber Company, Ito standards deals. Per “ Bellona’— J. Burstall & Company, [5 standards deals ; McArthur Bros. & Company, 17 standards deals and 676 pieces oak timber ; Watson & Todd, 337 standards deals, etc., and 47 standards lumber. Per “Sarmatian’—D. Cream & Com- pany, 25 standards deals; W. & Js Sharples, 110 standards deals ; Dobell, Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF — | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY KONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. PINE LUMBER Get our Prices HARDWOOD LUMBER Tue Qrivuta Exeort Lumeer Co. LATH THOMAS PITTS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. Ss. Our :Manufacture, LYNEDOCH ORILLIA. ONT. JOHN CHARLTON, SHINGLES w. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO. LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO, Drying Yards and Grades: are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. Doors pee ee ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WRITE OR WIRE FOR SAMPLES. eS Guaranteed Superior to any other make of door. Hardwood for Oil Finish, almost as cheap as Pine. CAPACITY, 1,000 DOORS PER DAY GILMOUR & GO. LESS IN PRICE PINE on HARDWOODS BETTER IN QUALITY Limited TRENTON - CANADA SEVEVSVVVSVSVVVGF VSVSVVSSSVSVAVVAVATVSSSTAS MORGAN, GELLIBRAND & CO. .. WOOD AGENTS... Kstablished 1805 Cable Addre : GELLIBRAND, London. 20 Bishopsgate St. Within, LONDON, E C. Cable Addre + Geuuisean GANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. ent. ir, ve Museen, Contra oe eight Agent, 414, Board Trade, Monveal : : ..and.. . . .. Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESPURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TOEONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinron, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa, : C. J. Smitu General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Oni, 12.00 EETING—ceTING @ Coling) ee SAMPLES BY MAIL ¥NI NOVEMBER 21, 1900 Beckett & Company, 22 standards deals. Per “Lord Charlemont”—Dobell, Beckett - & Company, 184 standards deals, W. & J. Sharples, 60 standards deals ; Mc- Arthur Bros, & Company, 162 standards deals ; Charlemagne Lumber Company, 69 standards deals. . WANTED Hardwood lands in Ontario and Quebec. Freehold lands suitable for Pulp manufac- ture in Quebec or the Maritime Provinces. As I give special attention to TIMBER PROPERTIES of every description I invite correspondence from Buyers and Sellers. H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL If You have any Spruce Pulpwood to Sell write io me. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensicns. Cabl address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpoo!.” A.B.C. Code used. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, ne acon: 2 or any Woods suitable for English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied- WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. McPHERSON & 60., » Longford Mills P.O., Ont. Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Pine and Cedar Shingles, Lath and Stone of all kinds for sale, also Saw- mill, etc., andLimits to dispose of. W tite for prices. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGGIN és 'stare sr. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. a Timber Limits on the g ©Following Rivers :— Du lievre, Reuge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac River, and Georgian Bay. ~ Mills and Water Poweys also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson ag Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3-44. MONTREAL, QUE. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. NZ RT A Up *y SENN Nee — ISWAN-DONOGH LUMBER CO. “EECEENSIUMBER DEALERS. Mirth Sona LLL LE, Cable Address, “Swan DonoGH—ToNAWANDA.” Lumbermen’s Code. Burk’s Falls, Ont. GHT BROTHERS CO. a | | ) | ———— —_-- Wholesale Prices November 21, 1900. TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1%, 1% and 2 inch tinch siding mill run 16 50 17 00 picks and uppers... 36 00 38 00} © inch strips 4 in, to 8 1% 1% and 2 inch in, millrun...... . 16 00 16-50 No. 2 cuts & better $32 00 $34 00] 1, 1{ and 1 in. box 15 £O 1% and thicker cut- 1x:0 and 12 mill cull ting up p! senses 24 00 26 00 stocks. .....02eeeer* 14 50 zinch clear and picks 28 00 30 00] I inch siding mill culls 14 00 1xro and 12 ian Cullscantling......-- I2 00 dressing and better 24 00 26 00/1 1-4 inch flooring... . 18 00 1inch Canada dress-* x 1-2 inch flooring.... * 19 00 ing and better..... 22 00 24 00 1% inch No. 1 Lath.. 275 2x4 common.....---- 314 50 | 114 inch No. 2 Lath.. 225 2x8 common. . - 15 50| 134 inch Norway Jath. 2 50 2x10 common. Ba 16 20 | X white pine shingles 75 2x12 common.....-+- 16 50| XX wh te pine shing- 3x10 common.....--- 16 00} les, 6in. clear butts. 1 62 1 70 3x12 COMMON.....+++ 16 so| XXX __ white pine ixco and.12 common. t7 00 19 00 shingles .. -.++++++ 250 260 x inch siding common 15 00 | B C. shingles 6 to 2 in. 275 x inch strips, common 14 50 | B.C. shingles 5 to2 in. 315 1xto and x2 millrun 17 00 18 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2 in Niece tenia) 8 -ae0 27 00' 19°00 sts and 2nds......$26 00 $28 oo Elm rock, mill Ash, white, 244 to 4in PItdser nee 1to 1%"18 00 20 00 astS and 2nds....-- 39 00 32 0° Elm,rock, mill Ash, black, xsts and Tilneecsne 14"! 3.. 21 00 23 00 ands, 1 to 134 in.... 20 00 22 00 Hickory, 1sts Ash, black, rsts and and 2nds..134‘' 2.. 28 00 30 00 ands,2to4in.....-. 23 00 25 00 Maple, sts Ash, M.R.,1 to 2.. 1700 19 00] and ands.. 1 ‘* 1% 17 00 18 00 Birch, zin. .. 1800 2000| Maple, ists ee % ‘ 2., 20 00 22 00 and z2nds.. 2 “* 4.. 19 00 20 00 sc sars. © 8x8 24 00 26 00 Oak, red, p’n, Basswood, sts and ists & ands ‘' 13% 28 00 30:00 ands, 1 to1% in.... 18 00 20 00 Oak; red, p’n, 1% to 2 ..20 00 22 00 rsts & ands 2 ‘* 4.. 31 00 3300 “ mr. 1 “ 1% 16 00 17 00| Oak, white, Butternut 1 “f 134 23 00 25 00 asts & ands 1 “* 1% 29 00 33 00 v3 2 “ 3.. 25 00 28 00 Oak, white, Chestnut 1 *2.. 2400 2600] sts &2nds 2 4... 32 00 36 00 erry, Ists Oak quart’d, and 2nds.. 1% 50 co 60 0c ists & ends 1 ‘' 2.. 69 00 65 00 Cherry, ists : Walnut, 1sts and 2nds.. 2 ‘* 4.. 60 00 65 00 and 2nds.. 1 ‘f 3.- 85 00 100 00 Elm, soft, mil Whitewood, cides {2 X34.16'00° 18'00 ists &2nds t “* 2.. 32 00 3600 Elm, soft,mill OTTAWA, ONT. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, sc. shorts....- I1 00 15 00 feet, b.m...+.-.$31 00 42 00 Pine, box culls...-.-- 12 50 14 59 Pine, good strips,.... 26 00 28 oo Pine mill culls...-.- II 00 13 50 Pine, good shorts,..-. 22 90 30 00 | Ixr0 No. 1 barn...- 21 00 ine, No. x dressing ix1o No.2 ‘f ..-- 18 00 sidings, per M feet, 1x8 &9 No.1 6 19 00 Wires asec sseeas.. X8'CO 24 00 1x8&qNo.2‘ ..-- 17 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath per M No.1... 200 25° Strips, ...++s+e+¢++ 16 00 21 00 Lath per M No. 2... 100 1 25 Pine, No. 1 dressing xx Cedar shingles, 18”. 1 40 175 shorts, ....++++-+++ 14 00 16 00 Cedar Shingles, Clear Pine, ro s.c. and bet- RBI Etreie sacle cholsivieio.e nie 200 225 ter stock,.......--. 17 00 20 00 Cedar Shingles, xxx.... 2 50 2 65 Pine, 8s.c. and bet- xx Pine Shingles......- I 10 1 25 ter stock.........+. 14 00 15 00 Pine Shingles, Clear _ Pine, 8 &ups.c. sidings 15 00 17 00 ButlSsercwse none yo. 1.60) 2:75 Pine, s.c. strips...... 13 ¢O 15 0° xxxx Pine Shingles... 2 75 3 00 WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFTs Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, ----- ee AOMn Nt A7, First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 45 a Se "19 to 21 inch average ie An CG TSE ‘© Michigan “f 19 to 2t in. average «© & size 48 50 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality. Beleaaiere Peeuseasen2ay) 29 In shipping order, s ss CRM ereeresscarcictasets tha 20 50 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average andquality. - + +=: °* 46 5° ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 to 50 feet. .35 4° vs ce ae "30 to 35 feet. - 32 37 ASH. 14 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . + + 23 26 To ayerage 16 inch. . OF MMB i olny eh i" se ‘28 ~ . 30 BIRCH. mannchaversceisys sects s 8 ss eee Sek 7 ey 29) sone! (cA MEN Se i stom iter sprig hE, 4 aM Se 22 24 ry ames Cee AB en cathy mete: NenptasyeR eae chs 26 28 + a yoo Zi SS 14% 1% and 2im......-++++ 53 00 2% and 3 in.....- neisiones . 56 50 2% and 3 im. --.-eerereers 6x 50| FIM. .eeeeeee cer eteeereee 60 00 ilies ce viele rowers nennee = 66 oo FINE COMMON. rin., 8 in. and up wide.....- 38 00 | 244 and gin., 8in. and up wide 44 00 1YU and 1% in... ..seeee veer 37 00 | 4 M..eeeereeeee ceeeeee Fe se) 5OACO Airiectneiielnmiee itemise nree ce” 37 00 B FINE COMMON OR NO 1 CUTTING. , rin., 7in. and up wide....- . 30 00 | 244 and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 43 co 1Y% and 1% in....++++- vee 35 CO | 4 in... RR eter areie Ronson ve) Cle ZiNie soe Svs eieietape faieiate i iainl® 36 00 STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4,5a0d 7 in. wide... 42 00|1in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 38 00 6 in. Wide... --sseeeeeererees 4o 00 | 6 in. Wide... +.+++++++ Ways 4000 FINE COMMON ORC. , . rin., 4,5 in, wide, ..+++++++ 32 00 | 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide... .... . 35 00 1% in., 6 in. wide...---+-++- 36 50| in., 6 in. Wide....ssessees . 36 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. r&{in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... -.-+ 30 00 | x in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ....--++ 25 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. No. 1, 12 iM.eseeeeerees veces 24 00 | NO. QIN-- cesses ce eree res « 20 00 IO in...-. iii... 2100| 8 and 7 in.... +» 20 CO Qin. .eeserceeee coeeertere 20 00 | No. 3, 12 iM... .++ee+ +++ . 17 90 8 and 7 in. vee 2. 00| TOM. ..ereeeee ners aenoas . 17 00 No. 2, 12im..+-+++++ F 2 COMMON sre « win siriee ries miniescisivirials 17 00 IO M.s serene es eee i olelers = 29 00| Bin...seeeeeee oaon aves 17 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. : 1in., 4 and 5 in. wide ......-$14 00| 1 1M., 3 in, and up wide.... »$16 09 1in., 6in, wide......--+-+- . 15 :0)1%, 144 and in., 7 In. and rin., 7 in. wide and up...--- 35 69 up wide......---++0+2+ 16 00 SHAKY CLEAR. , y ’ 1in., 3) 4559728 and gin. wide 22 00 | 1 in., To In. and up wide..... 25 00 rin., 6 in, wide.... -+-++++"" 24 co| 1%,1% and in., 8in. and up WIE... cece cece ccccccces 24 00 SHINGLES, 18-1N. Country brands, >, 0.8. pogo 3, 00 Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts....++-++--ss00° 2 59 KXXX.. 3 £0 p) ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up...--. 4. $60 $63 | 1x12 inch shippers ..--.--++ $ $e QUIN... eee see ree eeeereee 60 63 | 4/4 inch ss 13 & up. 23 TtOZ iM... eseee eee eeeree 53 55 | 4/4 Box boards, 6’ and up.. 17 18 4 inch uppers ....++++++--+> 62 65 | zo-in. dressing and better... 28 30 Selects, 2% in. up..---+--+-+ 52 55 | 10-iN. COMMON... -.-++- +++ 17 18 Re Cone irieiee ate sleretercinitsinale(at= 45 | 12-in. dressing and better... 32 34 Fine common, 2% in. andup 45 50 | Common, 1x12 «..+++ +--+ 5 up 2G TO ZIM. eccee ceeacee wee. 38 42 | No. x barn, 1x12..... ec hmce) 25 20 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... BO 30 | IXTO.-e+ eeeeeeseeeccers - 23 24 NOv2)c lacs ciiscseniecsicmas 25 30 TRB) elelalalei=!mialn Sach eletaiais 21 22 On Rn ralalale e eialata ain ace sian ar 26| No. 2 barn, IX12...-+-+--- “ 22 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... ai {3 2 No. 2 molding, 1 to2in..... 28 30 20 Stained saps....----- ocacdd 25 3° 30 Bracket plank .....-- 5 one <) € 32 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 32 35 32 Dressing boards, narrow...- 23 20 1x1q inch shippers....- «++ 19 BATH. Pine ....-eceee cece eee er ieee $2 50 | Spruce ....- souen O pH ScSONS $2 5 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 Bound butts, 6x18 ...-$5 25 5 5° Clear butts.....++-+ 3.00 3 25 Hemlock .....++++++0+ 2 25 Smooth, 6x18...---- 4 59 475 Spruce ....- senotioc outer 2 25 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Up'rs, 1, 1%, 1% and 2 Dressing 134 in....-- 33 5° rianannenodbasone $57 58 00| 14x10 and 12....-- 35 50 2% and 3 in....++- 66 so] 134 IM...eseeee ees é 35 sc hyppenooonnooued 7t 50| 2 IM .ssseeeeee cers 34 50 Selects, 1 to 2 in....- 50 50| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 2% and 3 in...... 2 61 50 and up, 1 in...... 38 50 finbonieecopenadnNcD 66 50| Mold st'ps No. 1 to 2 Fine common, rin. ,up iitegebacndonndo «..- 38 50 39 5° to 12 in. wide.... 4r 50| Barn, No.1, 12 hss 28 50 14% and 1% in 41 50| 6, 8 and 10 Thay saced 23 50 2 Moe sseoeene 44 50| No. 2, 10 rihepeoug 21 50 ay itrlo asyooboc nod 50 50| No.2, 12in....-.-+ 23 09 A A. cece vecensess 6x 50| No. 3, ro and 12 in. 20 50 Cut’g up, No. 1, rin. 33 50| Box, 1X4..-:- Ween 17 00 Be Soe eG 39 5° 1x6tO12iN......- 19 co No. 2, I in...++--- 22 00 1x 10tO131N.....- 20 00 No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 32 00 33 00 14% and 1in.....- 20 00 No. 3,1% & 1% in 20 5o| Mill Culls,1, 1%, 1% No. 3, 21M...-+++ = 26 50 and 21n,.....+-: 16 50 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; WHITE ASH. 1st & 2nd, 1 inch, 29 00 3t 00| 2% to 4 rWBorconsn bn + 33 00 37 00 1% to 2in......- +. 33,00 35 00 Strips ...... Sereeerecisis 19 00 21 00 Com. and culls.....-- II 00 13 00 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ist & 2nd, 6inch up, 24 00 25 00 | Com. & good culls... tr 00 13 co BIRCH. rst & 2nd, 6 inch & | ist &2nd,white, 6” &up, 17 00 19 00 up, red....--++-++ 27 00 29 00|Com & good culls..... 9 00 II 00 ELM. ast & 2d,rock, 6in.& up, 19 00 21 00 | ast & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 19 00 21 00 MAPLE. ; ust & 2d, hard,6in. & upt7 co 19 00 | xst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 17 00 19 00 2 I Re aa ‘ . . ‘ = - e ” rT . ‘ . * ” ae ae os eh oe Re a ee os Takia) Fel Gch tae) ae ements | a dames ' a. stent is STAIN SALE ni Ly Se RES e Oe oh § oes EF Bist vy a es & 5 as E os A a - - " = 4 . ' y a val Pg ba wa prs ‘ , Le A ay) , 4 ey ot Wiehe ES Bale tees afi : c ' ‘ ta be St Sule hw taste ¥ A a. cr Nee rat 1s g ; + Dy a a ‘ le u pais . hones . , oy fo eae ae ee 2 Seis ie 4 : Ces, Pi HESS) cee ; ‘ f a 8 au f re ny ie te Y copier Pe i Percas ; mi a ee se ee it Se eT ' . aE ieee aero fe | Ae RIT Ss vty oe + UR deen eee Op rm Cc ir Pe. ' . Hs ese ras 4 . “4 ny , 04 we a6 Qe Leas os eel i: eh “+ . . = te ft ; ; $ d\ a CSc Sas SS SS is ae at aD ' . ‘ ra ba 4 7s : ; "ee Hi reas t Ws Nee hy a. -. ‘ i) Poe acy 7 DSA aWet ie Marea < t a i i ¢ er — bears * Ja ii kn =_— NOVEMRFR 21, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. ul CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS we PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume WRITE FOR OUR NEW STOCK SHEET m— Pembroke, Ont. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE ; Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA hollow back, end butted. A. TAIT, President. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., Limitep paiedehee stick ol crates of HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH av « SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, per return mail. Wholesale and Retail REID & GO. Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Cedar Posts Office and Docks; P Foot Berkeleu St., Esplanade, TORONTO Font Berkeley St, Eapianade, TORONTO ae Basswood “of Toronte: ELM, per Co: p SHINGLES oliver LU™ BER, LATH A The watt Z CARD ILDING Say what you want to buy. Say what you have to sell. Pe. W&. SGOTT - McGregor, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES A quantity of 1 inch M. R. Black Ash in Shipping condition : : : [cL-AURIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAstT TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY Rait or WATER. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . . aspecialty. . . - . Contractors for Red Pine Piling Timber Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. (,ODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER Sa a SE EE FOR SALE ‘“ 40,000 fect LONG PINE TIMBER, 50 ° to 60 feet long, Suitable for Building and Dock Purposes. a LMA YS Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER otf all Deseription. Now York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. oe kL. DAILIE Dealer i. ——— PENBTANGUISHEBNE, ONT, Basswood, Ash, Soft Elm, Birch and Maple Also Pine and Hemlock Lumber Telephone Main, 2712. Cash Paid on Shipment. Correspondence Solicited. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. SARNIA Betle Neiat BUFFALO Write us for Prices. JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ° LATH « SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies =e MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A. & P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimensien Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Pine and Hardwood Flooring, Dressed Lumber resawn Robert Watt - Wiarton into Dimension Stuff sueh as Crating, Table Legs, MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALRR IN LUMBE R Chair Rungs, Ete. Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff Cut to Order. of all kinds, Pine Lath, Cedar Shingies and Posts. Shipment by Rail or Water. Correspondence Solicited. OWEN SOUND. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Billi Stuff. WE. SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER VJeneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE’ PATENT CLOTHBOARD CO:, 0f Parry Sound, ~Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec >: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. Slémon & Bros. Mig. G0. - — Wiarton, Ont. LUMBER MERCHANTS 4x> MANUFACTURERS We have in stock Maple, Beech, Basswood in different thicknesses, also some Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON >-LUMBER Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: 80 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE Tee Lumber Co., timitea MANUFAGTURERS LUMBER =? LATH Shipments by Rail or Water. e Midland, Ont. GEORGE CORDON & CO. . .. Manufactu ers of ... Sawn Red and White Ping Lumber and Lath Aso Hewn Sq are and Waney Timber =” at CacHe Bay, owr., c.P.r, 3 miles west’ North Bay. OAN P. NEWMAN <&,. Wiarton, Ont. MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER Has for sale a quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch, Basswood and Soft Elm, in good shipping condition. edar Shingles and Bill Stuff a Specialty. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. | > NOVEMBER 14, 1900 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & CO. — Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. Cable Add FAINWORT & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. Li ig Cable Address: ‘‘ ‘*Ewing,” Liverpool. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WAHT | GRIN i Ob. 4 7 Royal 1 Bank Pla GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Braet ’? Glasgow. odes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private gen = eer oy sale eee heer PINE aod ape ut to alls ane all kinds of Ha ie ods umber an im n Sto Shi Fie pri Bae: se n the United Kingdom or t ha stile d to the be ee van ek Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ai and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & C9. WOOD: Br OAs 27 Union Street - GLASGOW ae Fe. Lightbody KK Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ TNEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: Ax ‘‘Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE aN SPRUCE ; Hardwoods in TOE Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. Depots: BARKING, LIVERP ooL, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, HULL AND BRISTOL JONAS SMITH & CO. Telegraphic Address :;Moupinc, Lonpon # 92 to 98 Belvedere Road, LAMBETH, S. E. PORTERS OF .... Moulding and Joinery Manufacturers, Ete, Timber Merchants and Importers. # Pine Doors, Mouldings “LEARY & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4, Lombard Court, Gracechurech Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. Manchester Timber Importers tinite 8 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS Pig aes for the English Market. Offers invited. *‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B C. and Zebra codes used Cable Addre: ' AGENTS FOR > 57 GRACECHURCH ST.. SMITH & TYRER - . WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., ' Hollis St., Halifax, N.S, SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. SALES AGENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . . TIMBER IMPORTERS . . ‘“ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: **‘ ALLISON,’ Glasgow. LLISON, COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW ONT AG TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, Q Calder, Henderson & Li vind i Cable Address : ‘‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. Og Cable Address os Bacp pees ude peciees GL A SGCOW o~ IRVIN & SELLERS-~9 Cable Addre Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS OF “== POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROGE ELM and MAPLE LOGS Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO. ae TOY eRPOOL, BNGLAND— Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN Woops i “DOBLE,” Liverpool. TFEBRITISH™ NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER COMPANY ‘"©° Cable Address, IN LOGS AND LUMBER ADVANCES MADE , ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants tst quality Oak Planks; also 1st quality Pine, 12 and 13 x6 x 3” Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Inv’ ites ae komm Sanitacturers rere Ros r line “Cables: Bircu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. | Cable Address : ,LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. LONDON, E.C. JAMES W. SOUTHERN TO SHIPPERS. ‘Oe Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution f Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. e Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . 70 and 71 H Bishopsgate Siroet Within, mcs Aad LONDON, E.C, » Corresponden BUDCETT BROS. “Budlets, ts, eawion® 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL ANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITIO The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.00 per year. { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., NOVEMBER 28, 1900 No 45 CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BuILDING, MONTREAL. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of t5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. ANTED—*", 1% and2 inch Black Ash. Tuos. Mytes’ Sons, Hamilton, Ont. ‘OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in deep; located in Canada; price low. WuickEs Bros., Saginaw, Mich. ANTED.—Lot of 5x5 and 6x6x10 to 16 Soft } Elm or Maple Squares, Common and Better, also 5/4 and 6/; Common Ash. J. F. STENGEL, 990 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y WANTED. 300 0 FEET OF NO. 1 NEWLY CUT , Basswood Logs. Address ‘THE WALKER: VILLE Marcu Co., Walkerville, Ont. INE LUMBER FOR SALE—ABOUT THREE million feet Dry Lumber ; all kinds, Joists, Scant- ling, Flooring, Plank and Stock B ards; in large or small quantities; by car load, to suit purchasers ; write for prices and stock list. Hucu S. BRENNAN, 82 King William Street, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE “(SAW AND SHINGLE MILL. PLENTY OF timber in locality; will be sold cheap. For par- ticulars apply to proprietor at the mill, or by mail. Ep. “Sykes, Lady Bank, Ont. FOR SALE, LARGE QUANTITY OF GOOD SOUND Tamarac Lumber in standard sizes, 2x4, 2x6, 2x8,etc.; Dimension timber, 16 ft. long, 4x4, 4x6, 6x8, 8x8,«tc. Also other sizes cut to order. Apply to Epwarp Liovp, Limited, Sturgeon Falls, Ont. WANTED Y A YOUNG LADY—POSITION AS STENO- grapher and to work cn Books in a Lumber Office, in Yard or at Mill. Four years’ experience as Steno- Address ““C. H. M.” care Canapa Lum- Limits and Saw Mills FOR SALE The proprietors having decided to retire from this busiress, offer their Valuable Limits and Mills for sale, € concern is well equipped in every respect and 1s in eration. The cost of operation is very moderate, _ having about 30 miles cf railway (Lake St. John) run- “Bing through it. The Mill at Lake Edward is Circular Saw ; that at Pearl Lake is St am Feed Circular and The Limits, about 280 miles, have considerable Spruce and Pulp Wood, also Boule uand Birch. These Tater haye exceptionable quality, and by judges con- sidered the best in the Frovince of Quebec. For terms, etc., apply to P WHITEHEAD & TURNER, | Quebec City AUCTION SALE — OF — 2 Valuable Timber Limits, Saw Logs, Timber Lumber and Lumbering Appliances Pursuant to the powers contained in two certain agreements each made by Joseph Turner and Spencer O. Fisher, of Bay City, Michigan, trading in co-part- nersbip under the name of Turner & Fisher, and the Bank of Toronto, and to certain securities given under Section 74 of ‘“‘The Bank Act,” and pursuant to all other rights and powers of the said Bank of Toronto thereun o them enabling, there will be offered for sale by public auction, at the auction rooms of C. J. Town- send, No. 28 King street west, in the city of Lorento, on SATURDAY, THE EIGHTH DAY OF DE- CEMBER, 1900, at the hour of 12 0’clock noon, all those certain timber berths or limits following : The entire Township of Wilson and Concessions Nine (9), Ten (10), Eleven (11) Twelve (12) Thirteen and Fourteen (14), in the Township of Ferrie, in the Province of Ontario, being the berths covered by License No. 46, of the season of 1896-1897, and License No. 89, fur the season of 1895-1896, and being covered by Crown Timber Licenses Numbers 44 and 45 of the season of 1900-1901. And also the timber limit know as Berth No. 53, on the north shore of Lake Huron, in the said Province of Ontario, which was covered by Crown Timber License No. 145, for ihe season of 1895- 1896, and being covered by License No. 46 for the sea- son of 1990-1991, together with all rights of the said the Bank of Toronto in and to the said licenses. Also_all the saw logs and timber marked B. T., T. N. R.,and J. O.E., or any one or more of the said marks, and all wood and wood prcducts, including lumber, Jath, shingles, the product of such logs, in, upon or near the land and waters and premises known as timber berths, Township of Wilson and Township of Ferrie, on the north shore of Lake Huron, in the Pro- vince of Ontario, and in, upon or near lands and waters adjacent to the said timber bertts and in transit in, up- on and near any lands and waters between the said timber berths or either of them and the lands and waters at the mouths of the French River and of the Magnetewan River, or of either of said rivers, and in, upon or near the lands and waters at the mouths of the French and Magnetewan Rivers, an in either of said rivers, in said Province of Ontario, and in transit in, upon or near the waters and shore of Georgian Bay and Lake Huron, between the said mouths of the said French River and of the Magnetewan River, and of either of the said rivers, and the saw mills situate at or near the town of Midland, in the County of Simcoe and Province of Ontario, known as ‘‘Chew B os. Saw Mills,” ‘‘ James L. Playfair & Company Sawmill,” “Cameron & Playfair Sawmill,’ and George Chew and Son Sawmill,” or any of the said sawmills, and in, upo. or near the lands and waters connected with or adjacent to the said sawmills or any of them, including the booming grounds, mill ponds, mill yards, piling grounds at or near the Town cf Midland aforesaid, to- gether witb all the plant and appliances and camp equipage used upon and in connection with the lumber- ing of said limits in the Townships cf Wilson and Ferrie, including all camp equipage, horses, wagons, sleighs, chains, lumbering tools and appliances of all kinds on said limits of Wilson and Ferrie, and on the Forsythe Farm, in the Township of McConkey, all store supplies and tools of all kinus at Turner’s store house at Trout Creck, all booms, boom chains, boats, rafts, and outfit for taking logs down the Pickerel and French Rivers, and all chains, boats, tools, horses, wagons and lumbering outfits the property of the said Turner & Fish-r, or of the Bank of Toronto, used in connection with the lumbering operations of the said limits at the Town of Midland, or in transit from the :aid limits, and upon the waters and shores | ing between the said limits and the Town of Miuland, in the County of Simcoe, a schedule of which logs, lum- ber, lath, equipage, supplies, etc., so far as known to the Vendors, can be seen at the office of Beatty, Black- st ck, Nesbitt, Chadwick & Riddell, 58 Wellington street east, Toronto, Ont. ‘Lhe said timber limits, hereinbefore referred to, will be sold subject to the claim or lien (if any) of Merrill, Ring & Company, and Green, Ring & Company against same. The entire pruperty will be sold ‘‘en bleck.” The property wiil be sold subject to reserve bid. Terms 0: payment: 25 per cent. cash on day of sale to the Vendors or their solicitors, the balance within thirty days thereafter with interest at the rate of 6 per cent. per annum. | Further terms and conditions will be made known on day of sa e, or may be ascertained upon application to Beatty, Blackstock, Nesbitt, Chadwick & Riddell, Vendors’ Solicitors, 58 Wellington street east, Torouto. Dated at Toronty this 2nd day of November, A.D., 1900. \ X JANTED—20,000 feet B. M. Birch Chairwood Sawn to sizes for export. For specifications, etc., apply Canapa LuMBERMAN. Wanted—100,000 Feet Mill Cull Basswood Write, stating price, Hurpman & E_mitr, Ottawa, nt. OR SALE—2,000 arpents Boardwood LImits near St. Hilaire Station, only 22 miles from Montreal— Red Oak, 5 aple, Beech, B. F.CAMpBELL, St. Hilaire Station, Que. . ‘ WANTED. 75 000 FEET (FACE) ONE INCH, Rt- Sap sawed Pine, Spruce or Bassw0od; select mill culls. Please state figures f.o.b. Fenwick, Ont., also lengths, and time can deliver. Brown BroTtuers’ Co., Nurseymen, Limited. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as ‘ Malloch's Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa, between Arnpriorand Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rvpe Feed, Edgers, ‘lrimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. Connected with C. P. R. For particulars, address Gro. MALtocn, Arnprior. FOR SALE DRY HARDWOOD LUMBER 150 M. feet plain cut x inch Sycamore, wide stock. 200 M. feet choice x inch Soft Elm. too M. feet choice r inch Frown Ash. 200 M. feet plain cut 1 inch Red Oak. 175 M. feet quartered 1 to 2 inch White and Red Oak 250 M. feet 1 to 4 inch Birch, also 4 to 8 inch squares. Write for prices, etc. Lonpon LumpeEr Co., London, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The transactions in lumber during the past week have borne out the prediction made in our last issue that there would be no great volume of trade during the clos- ing weeks ofthe year. A goodly number of enquiries are being made, and some sales have been effected, but indications are not lacking that the trade ‘is settling down to a winter basis. Large purchases for spring delivery are not likely to be made until January or February. The probability is that the spring demand will present itself earlier than is usual. There is an unconfirmed rumor that large con- tracts have been placed with the Ottawa valley mills for their next season’s pro- duction of British deals. Pine mill culls are showing strength, and we would not be surprised if considerably higher prices for these would rule next season. Pine lath also give evidence of selling at higher figures. There is a scarcity of the better grades of basswood Jumber. Other lines of hardwoods remain unchanged, with the demand showing a slight improvement. A factor in the white pine market which should not be disregarded is the almost certainty of a decreased production of logs this winter. In view of the high cost of labor and supplies, logging operations in nearly every district are on a limited scale. Thereis much difficulty in ob!aining the necessary number of woodsmen. andshould weather conditions throughout the winter prove unfavorable, the production of logs may be even less than operatorsarereckon. ing upon. The prospects, therefore, are that less lumber will be manufactured next year than in the season now closing. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Shipping from the St. Lawrence being practically over for the season, the spruce lumber market is consequently quiet. Shippers on this side are waiting events in Great Britain before contracting with manufacturers for next season’s cut, and it must be said that the outlook for Brit- ish trade is none too promising. The United States market has shown more hfe and shipments have _ increased. Spruce clap-boards are selling, on Boston rate of freight, at $29 to $30 for extra, and $27 to $28 for clear, while the correspond- ing figures for pine are $36 to $38 and $33 to $37. Extra cedar shingles are stronger at $2.75 to $2,90, clears bring- ing $2.40 to $3.50. _MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Throughout Manitoba and the Terri- tories the movement of lumber is light. The retail dealers have sufficient stocks to carry them through the winter, and will not purchase for spring delivery until after theturn oftheyear. In British Columbia the local consumption of lumber continues to be of large value, and the shingle mar- ket is particularly firm. Vessels are now loading lumber at Chemainus for South Africa, and an increased export trade may be expected as a result. UNITED STATES. The lumber market of the United States has gained strength during the past week, with indications of slight weakness in re- spect to one or two classes of stock. The favorable features are a heavy movement of stock to the east, an increased number of enquiries for spring delivery, and high- er prices for certain grades. The Boston market has developed unexpected strength, dealers there reporting a marked increase in demand. Beffalo dealers also tell of an improvement in demand, with a light snpply of all grades above barn boards. Low. grade inch seems to be slightly weaker and in larger supply, although at Tonawanda there is said to be a scarcity of 1x12 inch, the price of which has been advanced by one dollar per thousand. The manufacturers of spruce are advanc- ing prices. At Bangor, Maine, narrow spruce is quoted at $16 to $17, wide at $17.50 to $20, scantlings at $15 to $16, and spruce boards, Io to 16 feet long, at $13 to $14. Basswood leads the hard- woods in point ofdemand. A large east- ern consuming firm is said to have made heavy purchases of 1% inch basswood in the Chicago market. Black ash is scarce, while maple is quite plentiful, with inch firsts and seconds selling the in Buffalo market at $22. Lath prices have been advanced 25 cents per thousand in Cleveland, Bangor, and several other markets. At Ashland, Wis., No 1 white pine lath is held at $2.50. GREAT BRITAIN, The reports from Great Britain tell of an unsatisfactory condition of the timber market. London seemsto be the centre {I. ——_—_—_—<—<—$_— a of the weakness, as stocks there are larg- er accordingly than at the other ports. A decided tendency towards lower prices has exhibited itself during the past fort- night. This is clearly shown by the result ofthe auction sale held by Churchill & Sim on the 14th inst., when near\y all class- es of deals sold from ten shillings to one pound per standard lower than at the previous sale. St. John spruce deals sold 20 shillings lower, and battens 10 shillings lower, but it is said that this:can be partly accounted for by the quality of thelumber. In contrast to other lines planed boards and flooring are showing strength. We are yet unable to report any pur- chases of next season’s goods. The market is in such a position that shippers are hold- ing back their quotations in the hope that the consumption and demandmay pick up, and that they may be able to effect sales at higher prices by waiting a few weeks. In our opinion the conditions are not favor- able to high prices for early spring ship- ments. ee eee STOCKS AND RICES. Thos. Wilcox, of Parry Sound, Ont., has transferred his logging contract at Hen- vey Inlet for Burton Bros. to John Ken- nedy, of Barrie. A report comes from Great Britain that large contracts for deals have been closed with importers in Spain at prices in advance of thoee paid last season. The Skillings, Whitney & Barnes Lum- ber Company, of Boston, Mass., are reported to have purchased the entire cut of mill ran lumber sawn by the Conger Lumber Company, of Parry Sound, during the past season. The Hawkesbury Lumber Company, of Hawkesbury, Ont., had about 40,000 logs heny up this season in the Black river. They are now building a canal from a small lake into Black lake to permit of bringing the logs down. The Dominion government invites ten- ders up to noon of December Ist for. sup- ply of timber and lumber required for the Quebec canals during 1901. Information may be obtained from Ernest Marceau, superintending engineer, 17C9 Notre Damestreet, Montreal. a En i a SSS STSSTSTSTT SST Get our Prices PINE LUMBER CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. The steamship Forest Holme sailed from Quebec last week for London, with a cargo of timber and deals. The steamer Norden sailed from St. John, N.B., for Velencia and Barcelona, with a cargo of lumber, shipped by A. Cushing & Co. F. E. Neale, of Chatham, N.B., has made his last shipment of lumber for the season. Thetotal quantity shipped was 33,000,000 feet, of which 22,000,000 feet was shipped from Miramichi and 11,000,- coo feet from Campbellton. Mr. Neale is the largest shipper of spruce deals on the north shore of New Brunswick. Six timber berths were sold by the New Brunswick Government last week at high prices, as follows : Rockwell Stream, three miles, to Alex. Burnette, at 54 per mile. North Branch Shikitobank river, two miles to C. E. Gallagher, at $8 per mile ; West Branch of South Branch of the Nepisiguit river, 57.9 miles, to W. T. Whitehead, at $101 per mile ; West Branch of South Branch of Nepisiguit river, 57-9 miles, to W. T. Whitehead, at $101 per mile; Big Tracadie river, at mouth of Lord and Foy’s brook, six miles, to Sumner & Co., at $52 per mile; Big Tracadie river, at mouth of Little South Branch, six miles, to Sumner & Co., at $51 per mile. The McCaskill steam saw mill at Little Narrows, N. S., was destroyed by fires last week. The loss is $2,000, and no insurance. A saw mill at Marysville, N. B., owned by Alex. Gibson & Sons, was destroyed by fire on November 26th. The mill contained gang and rotary saws, and cut about 35,000 feet of lumber per day. Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AXD LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. HARDWOOD LUMBER Tue Oritta Exeort Lumeer Go. LATH THOMAS PITTS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. Ss. LYNEDOCH ORILLIA. ONT. JOHN CHARLTON, SHINGLES W. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO, LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO, Our Manufacture, {[Drying:.Yards and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White ana Red Pine Lumber ana Lath Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. J. H. Still Mnfg. Co. Manufacturers of all kinds of HANDLES +> WOOD TURNED GOODS Pike Poles, Doubletrees, ete. Ineluding Cant Hook Handles, Established 1876. ro} MORGAN, GELLIBRAND & CO. .. WOOD AGENTS... Established 1805, Cable Addre : GELLIBRAND, London. Telegrams: ‘‘SPRUCE, BRISTOL.” ARTHUR BHACHAM (Manager to the late firm of Messrs. King Bros.) ~*~ WOOD BROKER ™~ - St. Thomas, Ont. Neek Yokes, Whiffletrees, Write for Price List. 20 Bishopsgate St. Within, LONDON, E C. Surveyor, Arbitrator and Valuer. OFFICES : 73 Queen Square, Bristol. % Avonmouth Dock and Bristol. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING SEELNS cercine ¢ The schooner Annie A. Booth has just been chartered to carry laths from St. John, N. B., to New York at 70 cents per thous- and. : The Keewatin Lumber and Manufacturing Company have taken over the planing mill of J. M. Taylor and the lumber business of Wm. Armstrong & Company at Portage la Prairie, Manitoba. WANTED Hardwood Lands in Ontario and Quebec. Freehold. Lands suitable for Pulp Manufacture in Quebee or the Maritime Provinees. As I give special attention to TIMBER PROPERTIES of every description I invite correspondence from Buyers and Sellers. H, FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL If You have any Spruce Pulpwood to Sell write to me. PINE WANTED. The undersigned will require for ‘delivery between the rst of May and the 1st of August; 19c1, about 500,000 feet B.M. of Pine Timber, in leng hs from 16 to 22 feet, 12 inches square; also a quantity’ 10 in. x 10 in. x 22 feet long. Parties having this class of material to dis- pose of please communicate with Pun & Co., Contractors Toronto Harbor Works, Torento, Ont. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities o0o HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cabl address, ‘Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for .. . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broo Hanes or any Woods suitable for English et. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER ose PATENT LUMBER 6 Doors ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WRITE OR WIRE FOR SAMPLES. SS - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal ZEBRA CODE the Manufacturer. Offers invited. ~~. Cable Address: ‘‘Glovers, Hatcham, London.” Flooring from $14.00 SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS Co, Ceiling “ Gilmour’s | Guaranteed Superior to any other make of door, for Oil Finish, almost as cheap as Pine. CAPACITY, 1,000 DOORS PER DAY GILMOUR & GO. TRENTON - CANADA SLCC OET 0088888 O8805884888U8 CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY A. B. C. CODE. CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers . ... Western Mail Chambers, CARDIFF C. H. GLOVER & CO., ria" Importers of = SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from NOVEMBER 28, 1900 MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS~ A McPHERSON & CO., Longford Mills P.O., Ont. Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Pine and Cedar Shingles, Lath and Stone of all kinds for sale, also Saw- mill, etc., andLimits to dispose of Write for prices. | H. D. WIGGIN s9sraumass- will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CorRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. s Timber Limits on the FOR SAL s Following Rivers :— Du Tievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac River, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson ag Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3244. MONTREAL, QUE. PLANING MILL ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit i, & Gy Ne f Vf! Sy: < QE aN SWAN. “DONOGH LUMBER CO. *ECREMTUMBER DEALERS. € *° Nth dnawanda Cable Address, “Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA.” Lumbermen’s Code. BSeVEVssse LESS IN PRICE PINE on HARDWOODS BETTER IN QUALITY Hardwood ; ; Limited . .. . Shortest and Quickest Rou OPTAWA. ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN. PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW ke. MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC. MALY. FAX, ST. JOHN, ’&e. See “7 . P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight A; C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manaced mee DIRECTORY CODE. | } i Wharves, Mills and Offices : ¢ HATCYAM, LONDON, S.E., ENCLAND Burk’s Falls, Ont. ph oe a NY NOVEMBER 28, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 111 CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume WRITE FOR OUR NEW STOCK SHEET m—— Pembroke, Ont. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PI Room 411, Board of Trade Building MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and "Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &e.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. A. TAIT, President. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., Limitep We have in stock all grades of ——-sesmemmmens HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH ano 1 SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, meer ee iad on application, per return n return mail. FREID & GO. = & GO. Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Cedar Posts Say what you want to buy. Say what you have to sell. Wholesale and Retail Dealers i 1) Office and Docks : h Foot Berkeley St., Esplanade, TORONTO “gt Dealers jn y Lumber ve K e Solicited: bes pe a WHITE PINE \N Eagle? nc caNADA HE See PA. R. SCOTT - McGregor, Ont. MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, ene AND STAVES A quantity of 1 inch M. R. Black Ash in Shipping condition ;: ; : [{cL-AURIN & mEERREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAstT TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Correspondence Solicited. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE a SHIPMENTS By RaIL oR WaTER. MOHR & RYAN Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, ete. a specialty. . . - Contractors for - Red Pine Piling Timber Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. GODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE: 40,000 feet LONG PINE TIMBER, 50 ag ee Suitable for Building a et TAA YY Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER of all Description. New York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. Telephone Main, 2712, 7. L. BAILIE Dealer i, mem PENGTANGUISHBNE, ONT, Basswood, Ash, Soft Elm, Birch and Maple pete Pine and Hemlock Lumber Cash Paid on Shipment. Correspondence Solicited. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER GO. SARNIA ia iomcdembes BUFFALO YOUR ENQUIRIES ANSWERED PROMPTLY JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Seennee =e MIDLAND ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimensicn T, imber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. Robert Watt - Wiarton Manufacturers of and Dealers in MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN of all kinds, Pine Lath, Cedar Shingies and Posts. LUMBER into Dimension Stuff such as Crating, Table Legs, Chair Rungs, Ete. Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff Cut to Order Pine and Hardwood Flooring, Dressed Lumber resawn Shipment by Rail or Water. Correspondence Solicited. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO, sresco Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of none Bie Cedar and Hamisck Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, me a Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rim THE PATENT ee eee ECARD CO., of Parry Sound, eae Parry Sound, Ont. en eens ee ee Ont AUGER & SON - Quebec >: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. oiemon & Bros. Mig.G0. + — Wiarton, Ont. LUMBER MERCHANTS 4x> MANUFACTURERS We have in stock Maple, Beech, Basswood in different thicknesses, also some Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON “~~ LUMBER 380 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WEHROLESALE por Lumber Co., timitea Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. MANUFAGTURERS LOMBER a LATA Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, ideas GEORGE GORDON & CO. - Manufacturers of , Sawn Red and White Pine Lumber and Lath Also Hewn Sq:are and Waney Timber “ e¢ CacHE Bay, owr., CPR, 23 miles west North Bay: JOHN Ps NEWMAN &,. Wiarton, Ont. MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER le a quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch, Basswood an oft Elm Hope en eine condition. Cedar Shingles ‘and Bill Stuff a Spent: CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. . 48 West Regent Street - iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. _____.CANADA-LUMBEIMAN WHER EDINON see BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & OO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG, ———— & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. Cable Address, ‘t Ewing,” Liverpool. Cable Address, “‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. = 5 MODE GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra ; Private. Agen atts a we at lite toed bak ieee PINE AND aes cut to all sizes—and all k inds of Hardwoods n Sto Shipments t f the pri eat ome n the United Ki meter or mber imens' tke Galed toatiatestadina ae Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD BROnT 27% Union Street - GLASGOW Fr. Fe. Lishtbody KK Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND VW OOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: Ax ‘Zebra and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Bogs Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. a Depots : BARKING, LIvERPOOL, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, HULL AND PRISTOL JONAS SMITH & CO. Telegraphic Address :tMou.pinc, Lonpoxn # 92 to 98 Belvedere Road, LAMBETH, S. E. Moulding and Joinery Manufacturers, Etc, Timber Merchants and Importers. IMPORTERS OF * Pine Doors, Mouldings Te A eee Wood Agents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. Manchester Timber Importers tinita 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS ee for the English Market Offers mre *‘TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra s used Cable Addre 5 ~ serpe ete Cop! yt RSMMAVOr: _ NOVEMBER 28, 1900 _ SMITH & TYRER - (4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL . WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpoo! Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bdge, | Hollis St., Halifax, N.S, SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. SALES ACENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS .. TIMBER IMPORTERS... Cable Address, ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE, Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ ALLISON,’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St... GLASGOW GANT & KEMP 2 TIMBER 52 5. Enoch Stare, GLASGOM oi BROKERS aide Hemera «& Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable sleet * “s Mieke SS aeieseee. GLA SGCOW rand A A o- IRVIN & SELLERS-~© Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS OF === POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & co. av ERPOOL, HNGLAND—™ Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER THEBRITISH*°NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER COMPANY!" ' AGENTS FOR ALL KINDS OF eck A. KENNEDY GLASGOW, SCOTLAND MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants rst quality Oak Planks; also 1st quality Pine, 12 and 13 x 6 x 3” “Cables: Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. | Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Corres for aan nt by regular liner: pondence pb sooll neering rapa ers “e 57 GRACECHURCH ST. R LONDON. E.C. ADVANCES MADE. | TO cialis dS et J AMES W. SOUTHERN oy Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution _ Lumber or mien factarea Wood Goods. . Correspondence Solicited from Responsible Firms. . . BUDCETT BROS, = "222" tom “Budlets, “London.” » = healt A ie ieee ee ee = a (CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION Thé Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 Pages } $1.00 PER YEAR { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURER, BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. 8 AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., DECEMBER 5, 1900 No. 46 CANADA [,UMBERMAN The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: ImPeRIAL Buitpinc, MontrKAat. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets, A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad, Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ng fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the tlamber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical nd mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw r..s1 and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 48 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. SS WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of t5 cents per line each insertion. When four Or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. ANTED—, 1¥% andz inch Black Ash. Tuos. Mvtes' Sons, Hamilton, Ont. OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in deep; located in Canada; price low. WiuckEs Bros., Saginaw, Mich. ANTED—20.000 feet B. M. Birch Chairwood sawn to sizes for export. For specifications, etc., apply Canapa LuMBERMAN. ANTED.—Lot of 5x5 and 6x6x10to 16 Soft Elm or Maple Squares, Common and Better, also 5/4 and 6/; Common Ash. J. F. STENGEL, 990 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. FOR SALE ~AW AND SHINGLE MILL. PLENTY OF a timber in locality; will be sold cheap. For par- ticulars apply to proprietor at the mill, or by mail. Ep. Sykes, Lady Bank, Ont. WANTED BR A YOUNG LADY—POSITION AS STENO- grapher and to work cn Books in a Lumber Office, in Yard or at Mill. Four years’ experience as Steno- grapher. Address “C. H. M.” care Canapa Lum- BERMAN, Limits and Saw Mills FOR SALE The proprietors having decided to retire fr>m this busiress, offer their Valuable Limits and Mills for sale, The concern is well equipped in every respect and is in operation. The cost of operation is very moderate, having about 30 miles cf railway (Lake St. John) run- ning through it. The Mill at Lake Edward is Circular ied that at Pearl Lake is St am Feed Circular and ang. The Limits, about 280 miles, have considerable Spruce and Pulp Wood, also Boule u and Birch. These latter have exceptionable quality, and by judges con- sidered the best in the t rovince of Quebec. Fr terms, etc., apply to WHITEHEAD & TURNER, | Quebec City OR SALE—2,009 arpents Boardwood LImits near St. Hilaire Station, only 22 miles from Montreal— Red Oak, Maple, Beech. B. F.CAmpBELL, St. Hilaire Station, Que. SS WANTED. 300 000 FEET OF NO. 1 NEWLY CUT ? Basswood Logs. Address THE WALKER- VILLE Matcu Co, Walkerville, Ont. FOR SALE. Za.o00 FEET RED AND WHITE OAK LUM. ber, 1, 2, 3 and 4 inches thick, also 60,000 feet of Pine, 1, 1% and 2 inch. For particulars address Cuas, AsHLEyY. Foxboro, Ont. i For Sale—Band Sawing Machine.' mores & CO., GALT; WHEELS 34 IN. DIA. Fast and Loose Pulleys, 14 in. dia., 4% in. face, run two months. Cost $150, willsell cheap. Box 31 “ Thamesville, Ont. Z a WANTED. WANTED: AFTER JAN. rsr., POSITION AS Manager or General Superintendent of Saw Mill, or to take charge of Construction of New Mill, or saw by the M, by man who can furnish unexceptional reference as to experience and ability. Address “P.O, Box 497, Ottawa Post Office, Ottawa, Ont.” 1 car 1¥ in. Common and Better Rock Elm, wee I q * Rock Elm, green or dry ; will pay a good price for high grade stock,—S. I. Witson LuMBER Co., Toronto. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as “ Malloch’'s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa, between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam R pe Feed, Edgers, ‘1 rimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. Connected with C, P. R. For particulars, address Gro. MAL Locu, Arnprior, 22s Si aaa el HARDWOOD LUMBER 300 000 FEET HARD MAPLE, 20,000 FEET . j Beech, 50,0:0 feet Black Birch, vari us sizes, now ready for shipment, at Duck Island Dock, Lake Huron. Tam prepared to contract for Dimension Stick of Hard Maple, Birch, Balm, Tamarack and Spruce, for delivery summer 1901. Good ock and safe harbor for loading. Send specifications and prices to Joun Sate, Windsor, Ont., or to E, BEepForpD, Duck Island, via Wiarton. FOR SALE DRY HARDWOOD LUMBER 150 M. feet plain cut x inch Sycamore, wide stock. 200 M, feet choice x inch Soft Elm. too M, feet choice 1 inch Frown Ash. 200 M. feet plain cut 1 inch Red Oak. 175 M. feet quarter: d t to 2inch White and Red Oak 250 M. feet x to 4 inch Birch, also 4 to 8 inch squares. Write for prices, etc. Lonpon Lumser Co., Lendon, Ont. SS TO MILL MEN. Do you wish to be less dependent upon the Canadian and United States markets? If so, thismay be accomplished by cutting some of your stock to the specifications required by the. British market. Any of the brokers and im- porters advertising in THe LumMBERMAN will be pleased to furnish to mill men specifications and price lists, and will advance 75 per cent. of the value of the stock shipped. ry Roy & Frere, saw mill, St. Jude, Que., have dissolved partnership, A saw and shingle mill at Kilworthy, Ont., owned by Jas. Hart, of Orillia, was destroyed by fire last week. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The past week has brought about no material change in the lumber situation in Ontario. Generally speakiny, trade is about normal for this season of the year, with prices firm and a decidedly hopeful feeling in respect to the early spring de- mand. No confirmation has been receiv- ed of the report that certain Ottawa valley manufacturers have disposed of their 1901 production of British deals, but there is reason to believe that contracts will be closed in the near future. The weather conditions in the Georgian Bay district have been unfavorable for logging oper- ations, being mild and rainy. As we go to press it is learned that there has been a fall of snow which will greatly faciliate work in the woods. Additional reports are to hand telling of the limited quantity of logs to be taken out this winter, the scarcity of men and high wages being the principal reasons. Besides, there was hung up in the northern pine districts of the province probably 200,000,000 feet of pine logs, which will likely be available for next season’s sawing. The expected advance in the price of lath has not yet taken place, but judging from the firm position of holders of this stock, higher prices seem to be assured. QUEBEC,AND NEW BRUNSWICK. | }That the past season has not been al- together satisfactory to the lumbermen of the eastern provinces is shown by a com- parison of the shipments of lumber from the port of Montreal to the United King- dom. The figures show a decrease, as compared with the previous year, of near- ly 60,000,000 feet. Taking the exports of tour of the leading shippers, we find a de- crease of nearly 50,000,000 feet. This de- crease, of course, may be accounted for in part by the Gre in the Ottawa lumber district last spring. Statistics of the east- €rn ports are not to hand, but we believe they also will show a falling off in ship- ments. At the present time business in lumber circles is quiet, and manutacturers are looking into the future with some eagerness. There has been a slight im- provementin the United States trade, with a tendency towards higher prices. It is expected that an advance of ten cents will be made in the price of cedar shingles, which are now selling, on Boston rate of freight, at $2.75 to $2.90 for extras, $2.40 to $2.50 for clears, and $2.10 to $2.25 for second clears. Lath are bring- ing $2.75 to $2 80 for 15 inch, and $2.50 to $2.60 for 1% inch. GREAT BRITAIN. The position of the British timber mark- et at the present time contrasts very strongly with the course of the market twelve months ago, when importers were eager to place orders at current quota- tions. Now no contracts for spring ship- ments are being placed, and it 1s said that some of the agents have not been sup- plied with their shipper’s stock shee's. There seems to be a feeling on behalf of the shippers that it is advisable to wait until after the new year, when some of the surp'us stocks will be worked off. The results of recent sales have not added strength to the market. The Timber Trades Journal, usually a reliable authori- ly, remarks that “there is no escaping from the fact that there is a general sink- ing of prices from the high level they lately occupied, and nobody can forsee when the bottom will be reached.” Shippers are being advised to lower their prices on deals about one pound per standard, and on battens ten to fifteen shillings, but we are inclined to the opinion, so far as Canadian lumber is concerned, that when the knowledge of the decreased produc- tion becomes more generally known, the market will pick up again, UNITED SYATES. The late tendency to cut prices of pine lumber is no longer reported. The mark- et has strengthened, and dealers and con- sumers alike appear convinced that the stock of pine lumber will be inadequate for the demands of the winter and spring. Sales have not been numerous, but there has been an active euquiry for spring de- livery. At Buffalo it is feared that a serious shortage in box lumber and cer- tain other grades will be experienced. Eastern spruce is firm, and higher prices are being asked. Hemlock is also selling in the Eastern States at good value. The most noticeable improyement, perhaps, has been in the hardwoods. The demand is decidedly stronger, while the position of the consuming industries is such as to forecast a heavy movement of stock in the spring. The piano manufacturers are pur- chasing considerable quantities of elm. In the Chicago market low grade inch pine is very dull, as is also cull stock, but No. t and No, 2 boards are exceedingly scarce and bring full prices. On the Pacific coast conditions have not changed. There is a disposition to curtail the pro- duction of red cedar shingles during the winter. STOCKS AND RICES. Over 30,000,000 feet of lumber have been shipped this season from the port of Parrsboro, N.S. : The Niebergall Lumber Company, of . Staples, Ont., are said to have 3,000,000 feet of lumber ready for shipment. The Saginaw Lumber & Salt Company, of Saginaw, Mich., has purchased 7,000,- 000 feet of Ontario logs to be manufac- tured in the spring at Parry Sound. The London Electric Company, of Lon- don, Ont., recently imported two carloads of red cedar electric light poles from Idaho, supplied by Firkins & Company, of Minneapolis. The ship St. David sailed from Chem- ainus, B.C., last week for Australia, with a cargo of British Columbia timber. The schooner Defender and the ship Great Admiral are loading at the same port. O. W. Sanders, of Duluth, Minnesota, has taken a contract from the Rat Portage Lumber Co., of Rat Portage, Cnt., for getting out abont 30,000,000 feet of logs on Sturgeon river. He will cut about Se 000,000 feet this winter. The Keewatin Lumber Co., of Keewatin, Ont., will get out about 4,000,c00 feet during the winter, {I. Rhodes, Curry & Company, cf Am- herst, N. S., have just been given a con- tract to build 600 tenement houses at Sydney, C. B., for the Dominion Coal Company. These will require about 4,000,000 feet of lumber in their construc- tion. The Department of Indian Affairs at Ottawa invites tenders up to Wednesday, 12th inst., for supply of the following : 33,000 cedar railwas ties ; 10,000 cedar posts, 8 inches and over and under 8 inches in diameter ; 500 cedar sawlogs ; 200 cords of spruce and popular pulp- wood. The following shipments of lumber were made from the port of Montreal for trans-Atlantic destinations during the week ending December Ist: Per str. “Green- jands”—62 pieces lumber by G A. Grier. Per “Etolia”—174 standards deals by Watson & Todd; 6% standards deals, etc., by Montreal Lumber Co.; 41 standards lumber by Dobell, Becket & Co.; 102 standards by McArthur Bros. Per “Lake Champlain”—30 standards lumber by McArthur Bros.; 200 standards lumber by R. Cox & Co.; 186 standards lumber by Watson & Todd ; 87 standards lum- ber by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; 1062 pieces oak lumber by C. P. Railway. Per “Ben- fore Head”’—22 standards deals by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; 11% standards boards by Watson & Todd ; 15 standards boards by R. Cox & Co.; 4 standards oak boards by McArthur Bros. DN el OTTAWA VALLEY TRANSACTIONS. Two transactions of much interest to the lumber trade have recently taken place at Ottawa. The interest of A. A. Buell in the Hull Lumber Company has been purchased by Geo. H. Perley, the amount involved be- ing given as $150,000. It is said that asa result of this change the Hull Company will. not rebuild their saw mills destroyed in the recent fire, but will float their logs down the Ottawa river to the mills of the Geo. H. Perley Company at the mouth of the Rouge river. The second deal comprised the transfer of Demour’s saw mills in vhe township of Wake- field to Poupore & Malone, contractors for the Montreal harbor improvements. The timber for the improvements will be manufac- tured at the above mills. During the winter it is proposed to cut 300,000 feet of square PINE LUMBER Get our Prices (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. ee hemlock timber 12 inches and up in diameter and averaging 30 feet in length, as well as 1,000,000 hemlock railway ties. In addition to this purchase the contractors have acquired an extensive area of timber limits on the Gati- neau river from Gilmour & Hughson, of Hull. The limit contains large quantities of spruce and hemlock timber. ST A BRITISH TIMBER SALE. The following prices were realized for Cana- dian deals at an auction sale held by Foy, Morgan & Co., London, on November 21st . Pine.—Ex. Florida—1z2 ft., 3 x 9 in. third quality, £11 $s 5 10-13 ft., 3x7-8, £10 ; 9-15 ft., 3x7 in. unassorted, £9 ; 6-13 ft., 3x7, £8 15s. Ex Florida, from Quebec--11-16 ft., 3x9 in. unassorted red pine, AL 10s 3 12-14 ft., 3x9, ZIT 10s ; 10-15 ft., 3x7, £9 10s ; 12- 17 ft., 234x9, 410 Los ; 9-18 ft., 2x6, 47 1583 13-16 ft., 2x5, £7 ; 10-12 ft., 3x9 third quality white pine, £7 10s ; (2 ft., 3x8, £10 5s and £10; 12 ft., 3x7, 410; 10-11 ft., 3x7, 49 15s. Ex Oceanea, from Montreal—13-18 ft., 4x9 in. first quality Ottawa red pine, £18 ; 12-18 ft., 4x9, second quality Ottawa red pine, £15 and Lig 15s ; 12-18 ft., 4x9 third quality Ottawa red pine, £13. Ex. Armage, from Montreal— 13-18 ft., 3x11 in. first quality Ottawa red pine, £17 10s ; 13-18 ft., 3x11 second quality, L15 ; 13-18 ft., 3x11 third quality, £13 10s. Spruce.—Ex. Hilda Well, from Quebec— 11 ft., 3x9 in., £9 5s and £9 10s ; 8-12 hte 3x9 in. first quality, 412; 10-14 ft. 3x9-11 second quality, £10 ; 9-14 ft., 3x7-8, first and second quality, £9 ; 11-12 ft., 3x11 in. third quality, £9 10s ; 9-14 ft., 3x9, 49; 9-14 ft, 3x8, £8 553 9-14 ft., 3x7, £53 10-14 ft., 3xg-11 in. fourth quality, £8 ; 11-12 ft., 3x1, 47 5835-7 ft-, 3x11 in. second quality, £9 ; 6 ft., 3x9 in., LQ and £8 15s 3 13-14 ft., 2x7 in. third quality, £47 15s and £8;9-11 ft., Wanted for EXpOrt ALL KINDS OF | LOCS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denn, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. HARDWOOD LUMBER Tue Oritta Exeort Lumeer Go. LATH THOMAS PITTS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. S. LYNEDOCH ORILLIA. ONT. JOHN CHARLTON, SHINGLES Ww. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO, LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO. Our Manufacture, Drying Yards and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Office: J. H. Still Mnfg. Co. ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. - St. Thomas, Ont. Manufacturers of all kinds of HANDLES +> WOOD TURNED GOODS Ineluding Cant Hook Handles, Pike Poles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Doubletrees, ete. Established 1876. roy Write for Price List. MORGAN, GELLIBRAND & CO. .. WOOD AGENTS... Established 1805. Cable Address ; GELLIBRAND, London. 20 Bishopsgate St. Within, LONDON, E C. Telegrams: ‘‘SPRUCE, BRISTOL.” ARTHUR BEACHAM (Manager to the late firm of Messrs. King Bros.) * WOOD BROKER >»: Surveyor, Arbitrator and Valuer. OFFICES : 73 Queen Square, Bristol. # KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*EERSS ceicine ¢ Avonmouth Doek and Bristol. DECEMBER 5, 1900 2x7, £7 108 ; 9-15 ft-, 2x7-8 in, fourth quality, £7 158 ; 12-16 ft., 2x7 in. umassorted, £7 15 5 7-11 ft., 2x5, £7 58 5 10-16 ft., 2x4, L7 5S Ex. Bravo, from Bay Verte—12 ft., 3x11 in. unassorted, £8 5s ; 13-16 ft., 3x11, £8 5 9-11 ft., 3x11, £7 15s 3 12 ft., 3x10, £7 los ; 13-16 ft., 3x10, 47 103; 9-11 ft., 3x10, £7 105 14 ft. 3x9, 48 and £7 1583 13 ft., 3x9, 47 158 5 12 ft., 3x9, 47 1585 9-11 ft, 3x9, 47 108 5 12-17 ft., 3x13-17 in., £7 10s 3 12-16 ft., 3x12, 47 10S 39-11 ft., 3x12-17, 47 108 ; 7-16 ft., 3x5, L615 512 ft., 2x7, 473 5-17 ftes 2x7-9, £0178 6d; 9-17 ft-, 24x6, £6 7s 6d ; 9-18 ft., 2%4x4, £6 58 5 9-16 ft., 5%x5-6, £7 108 ; 9-14 ft., 4x9, £85 9-17) 3¥7, 47 58 3 5-16 ft., 4x6, 47 ; 9-19 ft., 4x5, 6d ; 6-19 ft., 3x4, £7 583 3S ft., gx10-17, £6 tos , 3-8 ft., 3x9, 673 3°8 ft., 3x7, £6 128 ; 3-8 ft., 3x6-8, £6. WANTED Hardwood Lands in Ontario and Quebec. Freehold Lands suitable for Pulp Manufacture in Quebee or the Maritime Provinees. As I give special attention to TIMBER PROPERTIES of every description I invite correspondence from Buyers and Sellers. H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL If You have any Spruce Pulpwood to Sell write o ne. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensicns. Cabl address, ‘‘ Owen, Liyerpoo!.” A.B.C. Code used. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Lo a Ny or any Woods suitable for English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER CRTVBEVVVAAVVUB ; Gilmour’s ; | PATENT Doors LUMBER ORDERS PROMPTLY -FILLED. WRITE OR WIRE FOR SAMPLES. £6 128 Guaranteed Superior to any other make of door. for Oil Finish, almost as cheap as Pine. CAPACITY, 1,000 DOORS PER DAY GILMOUR & GO. Oy Ye 9 > a ed VBOVSSVSVVSVSSVVSBVVAVSsees MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. McPHERSON & CO., s Longford Mills P.O., Ont. Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Pine and Cedar Shingles, Lath and Stone of all kinds for sale, also Saw- mill, etc., andLimits to dispose of Write for prices. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WICGIN 23srou4s will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. s Timber Limits on the FOR SALE » Following Rivers:— _ Du J.ievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac River, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson 2g Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3:44. MONTREAL, QUE. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY. Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit WAN-DOKOGH LUMBER C0. Cable Address, “‘Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA.” Lumbermen’s Code. LESS IN PRICE PINE om HARDWOODS BETTER IN QUALITY Hardwood — TRENTON - CANADA CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M..A. OveREND, Foreign Freight Trade, Montreal Agent, 414 Board ZEBRA CODE GELLIBRAND, H A. B. C. CODE. . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW eg a ar 0 E FAK, Sr ees Hi , QUEBEC, HALI . P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight A, C. J. SmirH General Traffic Manse posing rh DIRECTORY CODE. EYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible |® it your wish - - A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Flooring from Ceiling =e $14.00 12.00 » SAMPLES BY MAl . ... Western Mail Chambers, CARDIFF An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted’? and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the. . « CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. L KNIGHT BROTHERS CO, Burk’s Falls, Ont. VEVTVVVSVSSIVSGO . : a ° 5 esale Prices vecember 5, 1900. TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTs. 1%, 134 and 2 inch picks and uppers... 36 00 t inch siding mill run 16 50 17 00 38 00} r inch strips 4 in. to 8 1% 1% and 2 inch in. millrun...... . 16 00 16 50 No. 2 cuts & better $32 00 $34 00] 1, 1% and 1% in. box 15 £0 1% and thicker cut- 1Xro and 12 mill cull ting up plank...... 24 00 2600] stocks......... wenn 14 50 1 inch clear and picks 28 oo 30 00 | 1 inch siding mill culls 14 Co Ixro and 12 Canadian Cullscantling........ I2 co dressing and better 24 00 26 00] 1 1-4 inch flooring... 18 00 tinch Canada dress- 1 1-2 inch flooring... .. 19 00 ing and better..... 22 00 24 00 1¥% inch No. x Lath., 275 2x4 common..... ead 14 50] 1% inch No. 2 Latb.. 2ieee 2x8 common..... as 15 50] 13 inch Norway lath. 250 2x10 common.. 16 90] X white pine shingles 75 2x12 common.. eS 3x10 common........ 3xt2common........ - 1x10 and 12 common. 16 oo 1 inch siding common 1 inch strips, common 1Xro and 12 millrun 17 00 16 50] XX wh te pine shing- 16 00] les, 6 in. clear butts. 165 170 16 50] XXX white pine 17 00 SOME LES ci es loconn 250 260 15 00| B C. shingles 6to 2 in. 275 14 50 | B.C. shingles 5 to2 in. 3 15 18 00 | HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS, Quality, 1s and 2s unless otherwise specified. Ash, white, 1 to2 in OU Warr 2 ‘§3.. 1700 19 00 tsts and ands......$26 00 $28 oo | Elm rock, mill Ash, white, 2% to 4 in NAL rec acts 1 to 1{%"18 00 2000 istS and 2nds...... 30 00 32 00 Elm,rock, mill Asn, black, ists and MAY (sists « 13“ 3.. 21 00 23 00 ands, 1 to 1% in.... 2000 22 00 Hickory, 1sts Ash, black, rsts and and ends..134‘ 2.. 28 00 30 00 ands, 2 to4in...... 23 00 sh, M.R.,: to 2.. 17 00 Birch, tin. .. 18 00 “s 1 “ 2.. 20 00 ‘* sars. 4x4 ‘ 8x8 24 00 » sts and ands, 1 tor%in.... 18 00 1% to 2 ..20 00 See inner (33f 16 ob Butternut t 1% 23 00 ze Zin v3ss_ 25 00 se ini. 24 Go erry, sts and ands. . 14 50 co Cherry, 1sts and ands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 60°00 Elm, soft, mill run.......r ‘* 1% 16 00 Elm, soft, mill 25 00| Maple, ists 19 00/ and ends.. x ‘‘ 1% 17 00 18 00 22/00) and ends.. 2 “* 4.. 19 co 20 00 26 00 | Oak, red, p'n, ists & ends 1 “ 134 28 00 30 00 20 00 | Oak, réd, p’n, 22 00/ xsts& ends 2 “! 4.. 31 00 33 00 17 00| Oak, white, 25 00/ xsts&ends1 “ 1% 29 00 33 00 28 oo | Oak, white, 2600] sts&ends2 “ 4., 32 00 36 00 Oak quart'd, * 60 00 tsts&endsr ‘ 2., 60 00 65 00 Walnut, sts 65 00 mere anes: t ‘* 3.. 85 00 10000 itewood, ists&znds rt ‘‘ 2.. 32 00 36 on OTTAWA, ONT. Pine, good sidings, per on feet, pos 3 00 ine, good strips,.... 26 00 Bine, good shorts, . +. 22 00 Pine, No. x dressing sidings, per M feet, — D.Mewee ser eeeeeeees 18 CO Pine, No. 1 dressing Ib se seeeeseses 16 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing ies ieeieels ec 5-4 00 Pine, ro s.c. and bet- ter si Maas ssivves I7 00 Pine, 8s.c. and bet- ter er eeceseee 14 00 Pine, 8&ups.c. sidings 15 00 Pine, s.c. strips...... 13 co agi @ Pine, sc. shorts..... 11 00 15 00 42 00 | Pine, box culls....... 12 50 14 50 28 oo | Pine mill culls..... + II 00 13 50 30 00 | rx10 No, 1 barn.... 2I 00 Teron NOs ae |. 18 00 1x8 &gNo.1 * ..., 19 00 2400|1x8&qNo.2" .... 17 G0 Lath per M No.1... 2 00 2 50 21 00| Lath per M No.2... too 1 25 xx Cedar shingles, 18”. 1 40 75 16 00 ed Shingles, Clear utt 20 00 | Cedar Shingles, xxx.... 2 50 2 65 xx Pine Shingles....... iro x 25 15 00) Pine Shingles, Clear 17 co Butts wsewecg cs vere 200 -r 75 15 00 | Xxxx Pine Shingles.... 2 75 3 00 » BEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT, Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, First class Ottawa i “ce waney, 18 inch average, according t ‘« “" 19 to 2x inch average 19 to 21 in. average RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality........... nine jet In shipping order, is ‘ OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality . By the dram, according to average and quality, ‘ . 14 inches and up, according to ave’ To average 16 inch , rage and quality. . . t4inchaverage. . 16 “e “ Bright spruce, accordin pecification, $44 to $46 for rst, $30 to $32 for 2nd, $28 to $30 for : i ard, and $24 to $26 for 4th quality. F.O.B. b BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH.: UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $47 id i 1% 1% and 2in aye andlgunstrs sane ae inch shippers ......... $ $21 Aa iat else seeeeee 60 63 | 4/4 inch fe 13 & up. 23 TP tO 2 e..cer ttsseeeeees 53 55 | 4/4 Box boards, 6’ and up.. 17 18 inch uppers ..... Re oticc -. 62 65 | ro-in. dressing and better... 28 30 elects, 2% in. up.......... 52 55 | 1o-in. common ........... pig io MUO2 We s fer. anita = AQ 45 | 12-in. dressing and better... 32 34 Fine common, 2% in. and up 45 50 Commons tea! ..6. ees sc we 17 18 Etolg eens OP pecaincontne 38 42] No. 1x barn, rx12........... 25 26 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 30 36 PRU a olets esis a.210, cre a0 23 24 ; 22 2I 20 30 30 32 Shelving boards, r2-in. up .. 32 35 Dressing esneeiaansss sce 20 3 Dressing boards, narrow.... 23'| Commion\y.c-5 46 + winiewjeie 20 1x19 inch shippers......... 19 LATH. PANG) sstosta nek viajseraeiacee 22.08 $2550) | (Sprite eaasteceeeee Ashore $2 5 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 5 50 Clear butts.......... 3700 35255) Hemlock csutsiamoaern 2 225 Smooth, 6x18....... 4 50 4 75 | Spruce....... meptanteelan 2 25 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Up’rs, 1,1%,1%and 2 Dressing 1%in...... 33 50 2 ta ia Boos $57 58 00 14% x10 and 12...... 35 50 2% and 3 in..... 40 GGUS) ee itlans near iccterste 35 50 2 Ninna decue, Rinietr 3 FESO Se 2AM Seis. asiele civic oe 34 50 Selects, 1 to 2 in..... 50 50| Shelving, No. I, 13 in. 2% and 3 in...... 5 61 50 and up, rin..... ; 38 50 7V hy some gocsceoee 66 50} Mold st’ps No. x to 2 Fine common, rin. ,up AU c. - loicte sere sietwivereia 38 50 39 50 : to 12 in. wide.... 41 50| Barn, No.1, 12in..... 28 50 1% and 1% in..... 41 50| 6, 8and ioin...... 23 50 DOIN avec oaaneeee 44 50| No.2, roin....... A 2I 50 BULLE aie eee cenac 56 50} No.2, 12in........ 23 00 Zi bh oornernosoaec 61 50 No. 3, 10 and 12 in. 20 50 Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. 33 50| Box, 1x4.........-.. 17 00 a pin a 39 50 1x6to12in....... 19 co INos2yersinies sare nos 22 co 1xXroto1zin...... 20 00 No. 2,1%, & 1% in 32 00 33 00 1% and r¥in...... 20 00 No. 3,1% & 1% in 20 50| Mill Culls,1, 1%, 1% INGE EF @Llasnn oaks 26 50 andeziin’) ga. sss 16 50 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying price at Buffalo and Tonawanda : WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 29 00 31 00 eee 4 in 37 ey fOV zine screen OO) 35,100) | SEIPSE oy oes ee iene cee Ig 0O 21 e a8 Com. and culls....... II 00 13 00 fe BLACK AND BROWN ASH, ist & 2nd, 6 inch up, 24 00 25 00 | Com. & good culls... rr 00 13 co BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & ist &end,white, 6” &up, 17 00 19 co Upptedanss cose +» 27.90 29 00| Com. & good culls..... 9 00 11 00 ELM. ist & 2d,rock, 6in.& up, 19 00 21 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 19 co 21 00 MAPLE. ist & 2d, hard,6in. & upr7 co 19 00| rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 17 00 19 00 - i DECEMBER 5, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Ce) — Lael CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS #e PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umrreo WRITE FOR OUR NEW STOCK SHEET. =——Pembroke, Ont. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA ees Room 41i, Board of Trade Building MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES ; Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and ' Whitewood, Planed and "Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southein Pine, &e.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. A. TAIT, President. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., LimiteD We have in stock all grates cf. HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA HITE PINE LUMBER, LATH avo 1 SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, per return mail. EID & GO. Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Cedar Posts y what you want to buy. y what you have to sell. Wholesale and Retail Dealers i) = Office and Docks : U St., Esplanade, TORONTO sy Foot Berkele polesale ed. a AND Basswood cer EL M, ASH = yp SRINGLES ELM, = Gumber 00:7" The OST WaiTe PINE WORE ee PR. R. SGOTT - McGregor, Ont. MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, nga AND STAVES A quantity of 7 inch M. R. Black Ash in Shipping condition : : : cLAURIN & “ewer Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EKaAstT TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Dealers * ar Correspondence Solicited. Dimension Timber in White Or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE Ss yemmmiaa _ Suipments sy Raitt or Water. Are prepared io fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. edar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. Specialty. . Contractors for - Red Pine Piling Timber - +» Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. GODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PiNE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER SS r OR SALE: 40,000 feet LONG PINE TIMBER, 50 to 60 Feet long, Suitable for Building fee CLI ACY Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER ot all Description. few York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL im. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. ve OOO =p Dealer it ————aaap PENBTANGUISHBNE, ONT. j Basswood, Ash, Soft Elm, Birch and Maple Also Pine and Hemlock Lumber Telephone Main, 2712. Correspondence Solicited. sh Paid on Shipment. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. SARNIA TORORRS BUFFALO YOUR ENQUIRIES ANSWERED PROMPTLY JAS. PLAY EHATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH ° SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies Se MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimensicn Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. Robert Watt - Wiarton i ea of and Dealers in MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN of all kinds, Pine Lath, Cedar Shingles and Posts. Dressed Pine and Hardwood Flooring, Lumber resawn into Dimension Stuff such as Crating, Table Legs, Chair Rungs, Ete, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff Cut to Order Shipment by Rail or Water. Correspondence Solicited. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER seers: Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT (LOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec >: DIMENSION TIMBER: : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. Siemon & Bros. Mig.60. - — Wiarton, Ont. LUMBER MERCHANTS #x> MANUFACTURERS We have in stock Maple, Beech, Basswood in different thicknesses, also some Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON >LUMBER OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO. Mills at L'Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESATE urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUFAGTURERS LOMBER a LATA Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, V2 eg GEORGE CORDON & CO. . » Manufacturers of . Sawn Red and White Pine Lumber and Lath Also Hewn Square and Waney Timber 9” 2¢ CACHE Bay, owr., C.P.A, 23 miles west North Bay. eJOAN ae NEWMAN & Wiarton » Ont. MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER sale a quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch, Basswood and Soft Elm Bosc Shipping condition. Cedar Shingles ‘and Bill Stuff a Speciation CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED . P ig’ , eon A RN eh ee Ae, IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. DECEMBER 5, 1900 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNOAN, BWING & GO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, mi WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. Agen ns for the lc aero werte PINE AND epee ut to all s and all kinds of Ha ee als ension Sto Shipments t Ee oa n the United Kin Cable Address, ni, GUL “Farnworth,” Liverpool. a ni solanaled touthebest Ave er i Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. AB‘C, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WoOD Br @rhire = 27 Union Street - GLASGOW re Fe. Lishtbody KK Go. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A x ‘‘Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE ee SPRUCE ; fardweots in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the Un ited Ki nda m. Correspondence Solicited. Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &c. Depots: BARKING, LiveRPooL, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, HuLL AND PRISTOL J ONAS SMITH & CO. : Moutpinc, Lonpon # 92 to 98 Belvedere Road, LAMBETH, S. “E. MPORTERS OF . legraphic Addre Moulding and Joinery Manufacturers, Ete, Pine Doors, Mouldings LEAR ieee: Wood Agents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, Gracechurch Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. Manchester Timber Importers init 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. ‘« TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes us Timber Merchants and Importers. g A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants 1st quality Oak Planks; also 1st quality Pine, 12 and 13 xb x3” Cable Address Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence from Man for Shipment hyve fecnlas Nine Cables: ‘‘Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra bagels : LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Cote. HE BRITISH NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER. COMPAN) 57 GRAGECHURCH STS 2 Roig LON DON,:-E.:. C: ; JAMES W. SOUTHERN oe Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distributior SMITH & TYRER - 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPC ) . WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpoo Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bde, ; Hollis St. , Halifax, N.§ SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Crosby Square, Lonnow, EN SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS — Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce vefore Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc... JAMES WHEELDON & SONS . . TIMBER IMPORTERS . . | Cable Address, ‘“ Whitewood, Manchester MANCHESTER, ENG. Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Braneh at i LIVERPOOL, ENGLA) Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ ALLISON,’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 - ial Blith: pipabie BROKER 0 Calter Herder & Livingston WOOD BROKERS AS Cable pple Dad dpagieys ing GE A SGO WV o-IRVIN & SELLERS Cable Address : “Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS OF == e _ POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ALFRED DOBELL & CO wee TYE RPOOL, ENGLAND Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN Wwoops Cable Addre: “ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER LIMITED. = ADVANCES MADE. | Sah TO SHIPPERS. | of Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. e Solicited from Responsible Firms, . . 70 and 74 Bishopssate Siroet Within Cable adie LONDON, EK. i Budlets, onlin.” . Corresponden: BUDGET BROS. - . me) j ce ae ipa hg a ee eee ~~. CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $1.00 PER YEAR { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., DECEMBER 12, 1900 No. 47 CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BuiLpinc, MonrTrREAL, Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. ° F Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical 2nd mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw tr 1] and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4 Subscription price for the two editions for one vear, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at he rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four ‘or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. \ K JANTED—20,000 feet B. M. Birch Chairwood sawn to sizes for export. For specifications, etc., apply Canapa LuUMBERMAN. . ANTED.—Lot of 5x5 and 6x6x10to 16 Soft Elm or Maple Squares, Common and Better, also 5/4 and 6/; Common Ash. J. F. STENGEL, 990 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. FOR SALE Saw AND SHINGLE MILL. PLENTY OF timber in locality; will be sold cheap. For par- ticulars apply to proprietor at the mill, or by mail. Ep. Sykes, Lady Bank, Ont. WANTED B* A YOUNG LADY—POSITION AS STENO- grapher and to work on Books 1n a Lumber Office, in Yard or at Mill. Four years’ experience as Steno- Address “C. H. M.” care Canapa Lum- - WANTED. 1 car 14 in.{Common and Better Rock Elm, i.e 2 8 - wi “Rock Elm, green or dry ; will pay a g price for high grade stock.—S. I. Witson Lumser Co., Toronto. Limits and Saw Mills FOR SALE The proprietors having decided to retire from this busiress, offer their Valuable Limits and Mills for sale. The concern is well equipped in every respect and 1s in operation. The cost of operation is very moderate, having about 30 miles of railway (Lake St. John) run- ning through it. The Mill at Lake Edward is Circular Saw ; that at Pearl Lake is Sttam Feed Circular and Gang. The Limits, about 280 miles, have considerable Spruce and Pulp Wood, also Boulezu and Birch. These latter have exceptionable quality, and by judges con- sidered the best in the Province of Quebec. For terms, etc., apply to WHITEHEAD & TURNER, Quebec City OR SALE—2,00 arpents Boardwood Limits near St. Hilaire Station, only 22 miles from Montreal— Red Oak, Maple, Beech. B. F.CampsELt, St. Hilaire Station, Que. FOR SALE. ieee FEET RED AND WHITE OAK LUM- ber, 1, 2, 3 and 4 inches thick, also 60,000 feet of Pine, 1, 14% and 2 inch. For particulars address Cuas. AsHLEy. Foxboro, Ont. WANTED, WANTED: AFTER JAN, ist., POSITION AS Manager or General Superintendent of Saw Mill, - or to take charge of Construction of New Mill, or saw by the M, by man who can furnish unexceptional reference as to experience and ability. Address “P.O, Box 497, Ottawa Post Office, Ottawa, Ont.” OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in deep; located in Canada ; price low. WickEs Bros., Saginaw, Mich. WANTED Cue HARD MAPLE SQUARES, 61x6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any sta- tionin Ontario or Quebec. Address Box 40, CANADA LuMBERMAN. - FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as ‘*Malloch’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa, between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rope Feed, Edgers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. Connected with C. P. R. For particulars, address Geo. MaLtocn, Arnprior. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. That the close of navigation on the upper lakes is draWing to a close is evi- denced by the rush of lumber shipments. Several vessels have loaded during the past week at Georgian Bay ports for Sagi- naw, Bay City, Buffalo, Tonawanda, and other distributing points. When the season’s shipments are over, the stock wintering at the mills will not be unusual- ly large ; in fact, some grades of pine are in light supply. Most of the mills in the northern districts have closed opera- tions for the season, but a few are still run- ning. By means of an unexceptional freshet logs that were supposedly hung up until next spring have now reached the mills. Our Ottawa correspondent is authority for the statement that one at least of the Ottawa Valley manufacturers has sold his Igor cut of British deals, while we under- stand that negotiations are under way look- ing to other purchases. The market is likely to remain quiet until after the turn of the year, when more activity and higher prices in some grades are looked for. Hardwood dealers report no rush of or- ders, but a satisfactory number of inquiries. Soft elm lumber is weak owing to reported cutting of prices by one or two dealers. Hemlock is in a strong position, as the production of hemlock logs during. the he winter promises to be unusually ight. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The season of navigation from the St. Lawrence is now closed, the last vessels having sailed a few days ago. As will be seen by the figures published in another column, the total shipments of lumber from St. Lawrence ports to Europe was approximately 227,000,000 feet, being a decrease of about 60,000,000 feet as com- pared with the previous year. The ship- pers are now laying out their plans for next season, when they hope to be able to maintain the prices of the past year. The spruce market is quiet. New Brunswick cedar shingles continue to show strength, and sales have been made during the past week at $2.85 to $2.90 for extras, and $2.50 to $2.6c for clears, on Boston rate of freight. For 15 inch lath $3 has been asked, and for 1% inch $2.85. UNITED STATES. Building lumber in the Eastern States is in greater demand, while the movement of stock to manufacturers has lessened. This latter condition is no doubt due to the desire to reduce stock to make in- ventories easier and to show a better cash balance. The number of enquiries in the market show that generally light stocks are held by retail dealers and con- sumers. There is a most hopeful feel- ing in regard to the prospective consump- tion of building lumber, as it is predicted on all sides that the building season of 1901 will be unusually brisk. Saginaw dealers report the movement of 15,000,000 feet of pine lumber since the election, and although quotations have not chang- ed, the market is conceded to be stronger. Log run lumber of good quality is worth $18, box lumber from $12 to $16, mill culls from $12 to $13, and Norway $16. At Buffalo some fear of a shortage in the cutting-up grades of pine 1s reported, while at Philadelphia the middle grades are weak, and the lower grades, especial- ly 6 inch strips and 12 inch boards, fairly active. The demand for spruce is strong, the quotations at Bangor, Me., being $16 to $17 for 6 to 8 inch, and $18 to $20 for f2 inch. Spruce lath is held there at $3 per thonsand. The improvement in the hardwood trade is confined to an increased num- ber of inquiries and greater confidence in the outlook, At Buffalo maple is firm- er at $22 for inch, while basswood is selling at $27 for firsts and seconds. Shingles are gaining ground, nearly all varieties being held at higher prices, with a somewhat meagre supply. GREAT BRITAIN. The British timber market is in a con- fused state, with conflicting views heard on all sides. The decreased consumption is one of the most unfavorable factors, as until the demand from the consumers shall become more active little improve- ment in the position of the market can be expected. Selling for next year has not yet commenced, although in the face of the prediction that prices for next year’s shipments will be lower than those ruling last spring, we hear that some sales of Swedish goods have been made on a basis ten shillings higher than one year ago. The specifications, it is said, have been exceptional, but nevertheless, these sales cannot but have a strengthening effect upon the market. That the mar- ket has declined sharply during the past two months cannot be disputed. In bat- tens the decline has averaged about 25 shillings per standard, while north of Europe deals have been marked down from one totwo pounds. Canadian deals have mostly been in strong hands, and consequently have not declined so sharp- ly. At a recent auction sale 3x9 Quebec spruce of second qualty sold at £9 10s per standard. STOCKS AND PRICES. J. W. Munro, of Pembroke, has already made 200,000 cubic feet of square and waney pine timber this fall on his Mattawa limits. Itissaid that he expects to take Out about 450,000 feet on this river, and 75,000 feet on the Vermillion river, as well as 17,000,000 feet of logs in the township of Capreol. At a recent sale held by Charchill & Sim, London, England, 48 logs of oak timber from Quebec sold at from 110 shillings to 117s 6d per load of 50 cubic feet, and 58 logs of elm timber at from Ioos to 120s per load, the latter price be- ing obtained for 8 logs 28-43 ft.x12-15 in. A small quantity of birch from Montreal, 10-18 ft. 3x6-18 in., sold at 1s 4d per cubic foot. For the week ending December Ist the following trans-Atlantic shipments of lum- ber were made from the port of Montreal: Per steamer ‘“‘Date’—208 standards of white and red pine deals and boards, and elm and birch !umber, by Dobell, Beckett & Company, Per steamer ‘‘Leafield”—277 standards white and red pine deals, spruce deals, pine boards and elm and birch lumber by Dobell, Beckett & Com- pany. Per steamer “Brayhead”—30 stan- dards deals by Watson & Todd, 25 stan- dards deals by Dobell, Beckett & Com- pany. Persteamer “‘Palaki’—152 standards deals and boards by Watson & Todd, 187 standards deals and boards by Mc- Arthur Bros. & Company. The steamer “Theano” and ‘“Monkshaven” with steel from Newport and Coneaut, Ohio, re- spectively, filled up at Montreal and Que- bec with timber and deals supplied by Dobell, Beckett & Company. BUSINESS NOTES. Mr. A. F, Bury Austin, the well known lumber merchani, Board of Trade building, Montreal, has been appointed sole eastern sell- ing agent for the North Pacific Lumber Com- pany, Limited, of Barnet, near Vancouver, B.C., and would be most pleased to quote prices on all kinds of B.C. Douglas fir, cedar and spruce, in the rough or dressed. The North Pacific Lumber Company’s mills are located at Burrard Inlet, and on the C.P.R., nine miles from Vancouver city, and have the best facilities for shipping either by rail or by vessel. All the lumber and timber is exclusively band sawn, their products in- cluding car sills, decking, siding and roofing, ship decking, timbers and spars, shingles, laths, pickets, box shooks, house flooring, siding and finish of all kinds, doors, sash and blinds, and moulding stock cut to sizes, also bridge timber of all kinds. They are also prepared to dress dimension timber, as their planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch, and the mills cut dimension timber up to 120 feet long. They have dry kilns of large capacity and are in position to furnish material promptly. {I. —_—— — THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) There is practically no change in the prices ruling in the Ottawa market, though inquiries from American points are being received in increasing numbers. Winter shipments by rail to American points promise to be brisk after the new year, but at present they are steady. To give direct correction to his large lumber yards at the Chaudiere, Mr. TI. R. Booth has had his railway line extended across Bridge street. Cars can now be loaded direct from the piles, while formerly the lumber had to be transferred on wagons. Mr. Booth will oper- ate the Perley mili all winter and will ship ex- tensively from his yards, all of which have been refitted since the fire. Part of the log supply will be brought in over the C. A. railway from points between Ottawa and Parry Sound. Winter ocean freights have gone into force, and no further shipments will be made till next spring. Gilmour & Hughson have con- tracted to supply deals to American and Brit- ish dealers at last year’s quotations, but no further business 1n this line can be learned of. All the mills along the Ottawa have closed after a steady season’s cut. Mr. David Gillies, of Carleton Place, mem- ber of the well known lumbering firm of Gillies Bros., Braeside, has been re-elected representative for Pontiac county in the Quebec House. Mr. Gillies operates on large limits in the northern part of the county. All the machinery has been placed in posi- tion in the E. B. Eddy Co.’s paper mills, and it is expected that the manufacture of paper will be started within ten days. The machin- ery has a greater capacity and is of a more modern type than that destroyed in the fire. Allan Gilmour, one of Mr. John Gilmour’s two sons who enlisted for service in South Africa a year ago, has returned to Ottawa after undergoing the hardships of a trying cam- paign. The Ottawa Transportation Company, which handles nearly all the lumber shipped from Ottawa by barge, purposes adding sever- al more barges toits fleet next season. Already it has 75 in commission. Owing to the fire there was a falling off in this season’s busi- ness. Word was received in the city to-day of the death of Mr. John Dickinson, foreman for Gil- mour & Hughson on their limits at the Desert, up the Gatineau district. The deceased gentleman was well known and possessed of deep knowledge of the lumber business. Two pairs of new gates are being built for t a , CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY construction work fir timber was brought from British Columbia. Ottawa, December 10th, 1900. ———_—_— ee LOGGING OPERATIONS ON THE RAINY RIVER. A correspondent at Rat Portage Ont., writes to the CANADA LUMBERMAN as follows: There will be between thirty and forty mil- lionfeet of pine timber cut in the District of Rainy River, upwards of one million railway ties for the Canadian Pacific Railway Co., and about the usual quantity of other timber, such as cedar posts, telegraph poles and and piles. This exceeds former years. There will like- wise be a large quantity of timber and ties used inthe construction of the Rainy River railway during the season, which will open up a large portion of territory which has not heretofore been accessible on account of the distance the timber would have to be driven to the Canadian Pacific railway. It willalso open up the market for timber that has not been merchantable timber. There has been no spruce cut in the district of Rainy River, not but what there are very large quantities of it, but it was not accessible heretofore, but w are looking forward to a very much larger business being done after the construction of the railway. It is not only going to provide ways and means for the transportation of the timber, but there is a great deal of good agri- cultural land to be opened up also. ———_—_$_$_—_—_—_——— VALUABLE TIMBER LIMITS SOLD. There was sold at public auction at the rooms of C. J. Townsend & Company, Toron- to, on Saturday, December 8th, under an agreement made between Joseph Turner and Spencer O. Fisher, of Bay City, Michigan, with the Bank of Toronto, the timber berth Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF [ LocS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Denny, Mott & Dickson he Rideau canal locks at Ottawa. For the LONDON, ENG. LUMBER Get our Prices Be OER 7 Tue Oriuia Exeort Lumaer Go. LATH ORILLIA, ONT. SHINGLES THOMAS PITTS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U.S. Our Manufacture, LYNEDOCH JOHN CHARLTON, WwW. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO. LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO. Drying Yards and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band ana Gang Sawed White and Red Pine Lumber ana Lath Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. J. H. Still Mnfg. Co. -_ §t. Thomas, Ont. Manufacturers of all kinds of HANDLES +> WOOD TURNED COODS Including Cant Hook Handles, Pike Poles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Doubletrees, ete. Established 1876. © Write for Price List. MORGAN, GELLIBRAND & C0. .. WOOD AGENTS... ' Established 18058. Cable Address : GELLIBRAND, London. 20 Bishopsgate St. Within, LONDON, E C. Telegrams: ‘‘SPRUCE, BRISTOL.”* AUR are BHA CH AM (Manager to the late firm of Messrs. King Bros.) ~*~ WOOD BROKER Surveyor, Arbitrator and Valuer. OFFICES : 73 Queen Square, Bristol. % KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SfEDNS ceinne ¢ Avonmouth Dock and Bristol. EDITION. No. 53, the entire township of Wilson, and the north half of the township of Ferrie, with all the logs cut from these limits, also logs and lumber and other products manu- factured at the mills at Midland, Ont., camp equipage and all other assets growing out of the lumber operations from these limits. The property was purchased by The Turner Lumber Co., of Midland, Ont., or $441,000. WANTED Hardwood Lands in Ontario and Quebec. Freehold Lands suitable for Pulp Manufacture in Quebee or the Maritime Provinees. As I give special attention to TIMBER PROPERTIES of every description I invite correspondence from Buyers and Sellers. H, FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL If You have any Spruce Pulpwood to Sell write io me. PINE WANTED. The undersigned will require for delivery between the rst of May and the 1st of August, 1g9c1, about 500,000 feet B.M. of Pine Timber, in lengths from 16 to 22 feet, 12 inches square; also a quantity 10in x 10 in. x 22 feet long. Parties having this class of material to dis- pose of please communicate with Puin & Co., Contractors Toronto Harbor Works, Toronto, Ont. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cabl address, ‘“‘Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. i FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, see Handles or any Woods suitable for English arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER CRRUTUTUTTUTVUSTSSSTSSTISSUSSSSSSOOSS Gilmour’s PATENT Doors LUMBER Guaranteed Superior to any other make of door. Hardwood for Oil Finish, almost as cheap as Pine. CAPACITY, 1,000 DOORS PER DAY F GILMOUR & GO. TRENTON - CANADA pe ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WRITE OR WIRE FOR SAMPLES. ow ee “a & ® & he eed I thetathattctithndthctintindtitoctctnthciaca CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal ZEBRA CODE Cc. H. GLOVER & CO., tta Importers of = SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from the Manufacturer. Offers invited... Cable Address: ‘‘Glovers, Hatcham, London.” P’ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling <5) 1220 A. B. C. CODE. GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers 0 _ DECEMBER 12, 1900 MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied- WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. McPHERSON & CO., s Longford Mills P.O., Ont. Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Pine and Cedar Shingles, Lath and Stone of all kinds for sale, also Saw- mill, etc., andLimits to dispose of Write tor prices. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGCIN so stare sr. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. FOR S ALE Timber Limits on the a Following Rivers :— Du Tievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac River, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale, Principals only dealt with. Z H. M. Simpson ag Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3244. MONTREAL, QUE. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTOR Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Cable Address, ‘‘Swan DoxoGH—TONAWANDA.” Lumbermen’s Code. LESS IN PRICE PINE on HARDWOODS BETTER IN QUALITY WEVA Vesoeese . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route f as OTTAWA, LOCKLAND, WKESBURY, * ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORE, | DEDEOM, fone) -aueeee sane ais is 0) = FAX, st. JOHN, &c. Soka r- : . P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, O o C. J. SmirH General ‘Trafic Mamareat Guan oan DIRECTORY CODE. . .. Western Mail Chambers, CARDIFF Wharves, Mills and Offices :_ ¢ HATCHAM, LONDON, S.E., ENGLAND Burk’s Falls, Ont. 7) DECEMBER 12, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. III CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS Te PEMBROKE LUMBER GO, umiren WRITE FOR OUR NEW STOCK SHEET me Pembroke, Ont. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PIN Room 411, Board of Trade Building MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. A. TAIT, President. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., LimiteD We have in stock all grades of. HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH so 1° SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, per return mail. em a EID & GO. Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Cedar Posts Say what you want to buy. Say what you have to sell. Wholesale and Retail Dealers i. Office and Docks: St., Esplanade, TORONTO syrclesale Dealers i" == zamnited font Berkeley St, Esplanade, TORONTO D ND ASSW 00 onto, ELM, ASH eae Co ip SHINGLES ~~. oliver 1 WHITE PINE LU BER, .) Pr. Ph. SCOTT McGregor, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES A quantity of 7 inch M. R. Black Ash in Shipping condition : : ; [icL-AURIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EAstT TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. th Foot Berkeley e Solicited: Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. - MOHR & RYA Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. .. Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . . Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. . . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. GODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED MANUFACTURERS ANDTDEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE A 40,000 feet LONG PINE TIMBER, 50 e ee Tice Pee Suitable for Building ert. Lev AY Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER of all Description. Now York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. Telephone Main, 2712. 7D OL. BAILIE Dealer in————m PENBTANGUISHBNE, ONT. — Basswood, Ash, Soft Elm, Birch and Maple Also Pine and Hemlock Lumber Cash Paid on Shipment. Be Correspondence Solicited. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. SARNIA TUS ONTO UFFALO YOUR ENQUIRIES ANSWERED PROMPTLY JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Benes MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A. & P. WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. =a Manufacturers of and Dealers in Joisting, MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN into Dimension Stuff such as Crating, Table Legs, PEMBROKE, ONT. Robert Watt Wiarton ' of all kinds, Pine Lath, Cedar Shingles and P ; LUMBER Dressed Pine and Hardwood Flooring, Vinaber ree Chair Rungs, Ete. Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff Cut to Orde Shipment by Rail or Water. Correspondence Solicited. OWEN SOUND. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese ms. Box Bands and Ri THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec >: DIMENSION TIMBER :: Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. Slém0n & Bros. Mig.G0. = - — Wiarton, Ont. LUMBE MECHANTS 4x> MANUFACTURERS We have in stock Maple, Beech, Basswood in different thicknesses, also som Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. ° Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON ‘iceman, LUMBER 80 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE Tae Lumber Co., timitea MANUFACTURERS — Shipments by Rail or Water. e Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. LOMBER x LATA Midland, Ont. GEORGE CORDON & CO. - . Manufacturers of . . . Sawn Red and White Pine Lumber and Lath Also Hewn Square and Waney Timber i at cacue say, owr., cpr, 23 miles west North Bay. eJOAN P. NEWMAN Wiarton, Ont. —___ MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER Has for sale a quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch Basswood and So i In good shipping condition. Cedar Shingles and Bill Stuff at Spore } CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. DECEMBER 12, 1900 ¥ BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, Be "4, WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SGT DARD Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. gen ne for the sale sf CANADIAN MEATS PINE ee epee ut to ae “5 mber on . Shi f the pri “ n ent handled t Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. Walt | GHIA a0) 7 Royal Bank Pla oods Se d Kingdom or —and all k Se eee he Uni (pe uest ava Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD BR@hitHir. 247 Union Street - GLASGOW e 8 Gord N) t F. Pr. Lightbody & Go. °°" Gtascow, scortanp WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: Ax ‘Zebra and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; pentane in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports i n the United Kingdom. Cor: ea de ae a Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. NG, LivERPooL, NEWCASTLE-ON HuLt AND PRISTOL JONAS SMITH & CO. egraphic Address : Mou.pinc, Loxpon. # 92 to 98 Belvedere Road, LAMBETH, S. E. Moulding and Joinery Manufacturers, Etc, Timber Merchants and Importers. IMPORTERS OF Pine Doors, Mouldings “LEARY & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4 Lombard Court, Gracechurch Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. Manchester Timber Importers init 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS Bese for the English MarR Offers invited. ‘« TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C, and Zebra c Cable Addre odes used SMITH & TYRER = -_—s'/4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL . WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpoo Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole mae | Hollis St., Halifax, N. = SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Crosby Square, Lov, Ee SELLING AGENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS — Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce vefore Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . . Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. JAMES WHEELDON & SONS _. TIMBER IMPORTERS . . ‘‘ Whitewood, Manchester.” MANCHESTER, ENG. “Are Open for Offers of SPRUCE, YELLOW and RED PINE. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS — Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW ss Cable Address: *‘ ALLISON,’’ Glasgow. ALLISON, COUSLAND & CO. ) Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW GANT & KEMP e TIMBER ~ 8 A Bags sisal ipa hi BROKERS Satan Homaarean & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Cable ae ae horns tigi: menage s: GL A SGCGOW : Arand A o-IRVIN & SELLERS~© Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle. LIVERPOOL. BUYERS OF =a ae SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. . ALFRED DOBELL & CO. ae TV ERPOOL, ENGLAND—™ . Selling Agents For... CANADIAN and AMERICAN WOODS Cable Address, ‘‘ DOBLE,” Liverpool. IN LOGS AND LUMBER ME BRITISHNORTH AMERICAN TIMBER COMPANY °"""*°. ! AGENTS FOR | 57 GRACECHURCH.: ST.. ADVANCES. MADE ALL KINDS. OF LUMBER. A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS | Wants 1st quality Oak Planks; Invites Comespondence from Manufacta also rst quality Pine, 12 and 13 for, shipmanbdna meses tit % 16 '* 3% Cables: ‘‘Brrcu,” Glasgow. Codes: ABC and Zebra. | Cable Address: LLIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. LONDON, E.C. TO. SHIPPERS. | J AM ES W. SOUTHERN Sa Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution Lumber or manufactured Wood Goods. Solicited from® Responsible Firms. . . BUDCETT BROS. = eas HOMOL BG “Budlets, fel honded. . Corresponden 14 a) ee ee. | FF Vie CANADA TUMBERMAN: WEEKLY FDITION I aS Te ee ee Thé Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } $i.oo PER YEAR { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., DECEMBER 19, 1900 No. 48 (CANaDA LUMBERMAN The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. . Branch Office.: IMPERIAL Burtpinc, MonTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets, A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. : : Lumberman, Monthly. A 2o-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical end mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw iv .:] and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. —__ 48 Subscription price for the two editions for one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. ANTED—2o,000 feet B. M. Birch Chairwood W sawn to sizes for export. For specifications, etc., apply CANADA LUMBERMAN. OR SALE—2z,009 arpents Boardwood Llmits near St. Hilaire Station, only 22 miles from Montreal— Red Oak, Maple, Beech. B. F.Campse t, St. Hilaire Station, Que. ANTED.—Lot of 5x5 and 6x6x10to 16 Soft ‘Elm or Maple Squares, Common and Better, also 5/4 and 6/; Common Ash. J. F. STENGEL, 990 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. WANTED. in. d Better Rock Elm, : ra = oe comer Rock Elm, green or dry ; will pay a good price for high grade stock.—S. I. Wi_son LumBeER Co., Toronto. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as “ Malloch’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa, between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam Rope Feed, Edgers, Trimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. Connected withC. P.R. For particulars, address Geo. Mattocn, Arnprior. Limits and Saw Mills FOR SALE The proprietors having decided to retire from this busiress, offer their Valuable Limits and Mills for sale. The concern is well equipped in every respect and 1s in operation. The cost of operation is very moderate, having about 30 miles of railway (Lake St. John) run- ning through it. The Mill at Lake Edward is Circular Saw; that at Pearl Lake is Sttam Feed Circular and Gang. The Limits, about 280 miles, have considerable Spruce and Pulp Wood, also Boulezu and Birch. These latter have exceptionable sidered the best in the Province of Quebec. etc., apply to quality, and by judges con- i For terms, WHITEHEAD & TURNER, | Quebec City OBIE & CO., OF THESSALON, HAVE DRY inch Oak and Maple in car lots. OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in deep; located in Canada; price low. WucKES Bros., Saginaw, Mich. FOR SALE | pass ORSIX MILLION FIRST-CLASS MIXED standing sawlog timber and a quantity of firewood timber, near railway, about 80 miles from Toronto. Box 10, LUMBERMAN. WANTED, BASSWOOD AND SPRUCE, 1”, 1% in,,1¥%in., 2 in. common and better, also 1 in. cull scft elm and basswood. R. E. KINsMaN, Hamilton. FOR SALE, A.c,ace FEET RED AND WHITE OAK LUM- ber, I, 2, 3 and 4 inches thick, also 60,coo feet of Pine, r, 1% and 2 inch. For particulars address Citas, ASHLEY, Foxboro, Ont. WANTED REEN HARD MAPLE SQUARES, 6%x6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any sta- tionin Ontario or Quebec. Address Box 40, CANADA LUMBERMAN. HARDWOOD LUMBER 300 000 FEET HARD MAPLE, 20,000 FEET ) Beech, 50,0co feet Black Birch, vari us sizes, now ready for shipment, at Duck Island Dock, Lake Huron. Tam prepared to contract for Dimension Stock of Hard Maple, Birch, Balm, Tamarack and Spruce, for delivery summer 1g0r. Good cock and safe harbor for loading. Send specifications and prices to Joun Sate, Windsor, Ont., or to E. BeprorD, Duck Island, via Wiarton. WANTED (THIS IS A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT.) [MMEDIATELY, A PARTY ABLE TO FIN. -bance the operations of a large spruce limit produc- ing four million feet a year of fully manufactured stock. Operations are now active. Capacity of plant is three thousand feet per hour. There are seven hundred thousand feet of seasoned lumber and one million feet of logs now on hand. Apply, stating terms and Interest, to ManaGer, Box 911, Makinak, Manitoba. FOR SALE DRY HARDWOOD LUMBER 150 M. feet plain cut 1 inch Sycamore, wide stock. 200 M. feet choice x inch Soft Elm. too M., feet choice 1 inch Brown Ash. 200 M. feet plain cut 1 inch Red Oak, 175 M. feet quartered 1 to 2 inch White and Red Oak. 250 M. feet 1 to 4 inch Birch, also 4 to 8 inch squares. Write for prices, etc. Lonpon Lumpser Co., London, Ont. ———___————— TRADE ENQUIRIES. The following were among the enquiries relating to Canadian trade received at the High Commissioner’s office in London dur- ing the week ending Nov. 3oth : Application has been received for the addresses of some of the most important wood pulp mills in Canada. A firm in the Midlands who are likely to be considerable buyers of casks made of beechwood desire to be placed in com- munication with Canadian makers able to meet their requirements. The names and addresses of the parties above referred to may be obtained at the office of the CANADA LUMBERMAN. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Considerable strength has been given to the white pine market by the intelli- gence that the deal production of the Ottawa Valley mills for 1901 has been contracted for by the shippers. The Hawkesbury cut, we understand, has been secured by W. & J. Sharples, Mc- Laren’s cut by R, Cox & Company, The Hull Lumber Company’s and W. C. Edwards & Company’s cuts by Watson & Todd, J. R. Booth’s cut by R. Cox & Company and J. Burstal! in equal pro- portions, while smaller cuts have been secured by R. Cox & Company. The basis of prices is believed to be practically the same as last year, which, in view of the lower values now ruling in Great Britain, and the uncertainty as to the future, should be very satisfactory to Canadian manufacturers. Now that these purchases have been made, it is probable that it will inspire confidence and lead te other transactions. Holiday quietness prevails throughout the lumber trade, salesman being mostly off the road. _Prices for both pine and hardwoods are fii, and ii is predicted that there will be slight advances on some grades towards the spring. Lath and shingles are particularly strong, although it has been thought inadvisable to make changes in quotations until the advance now asked by some dealers becomes more general. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. es The past week has brought about no change in the spruce situation. Montreal dealers are interested in the reported em- barrassment of a Liverpool house known to have been dealers in Canadian lumber, The report from the Maritime Provinces is that very little lumber is moving. Clap- boards are firm, but in light demand, sell- ing at $29 to $30 for extra spruce and $27 to $28 for second clear, on Boston freight rates. Operations in the woods are now well under way, and estimates will soon be forthcoming of the probable cut. Onthe St. Croix river it is expected that about 25,000,000 feet will be taken out. This is 10,000,000 feet less than last winter, and probably reflects the volume of operations on other streams. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Retail dealers report a light demand for lumber, with no expectation of an im- provement untilthe early spring stock shall commence to move. Prices are not altogether satisfactory, but it is hoped that recent changes which nave taken place will result in remedying the evil. In Brit- ish Columbia lumber circles considerable activity is shown at the present time. The manufacturers are taking steps looking to the removal of the discrimination made by American ship owners against Canadian ports, also to secure the continuance of the rebate on exported timber. It is under- stood that some large orders have been placed with British Columbia manufac- turers fortimber for shipment to foreign countries, one being by the German gov- , ernment for deck planking. Owing to the production of shingles be- 412 to 412 ing considerably greater than the demand, an arrangement has been effected by which one of the largest mills will be closed down and the owner thereof will act in the capacity of a broker for the other manufacturers, Should the arrangement work out satisfactorily, it will improve the condition of the red cedar shingle indus- try. UNITED SVATES. Reports from the head of Lake Superior show that the Duluth and Superior mills manufactured this year approximately 416,000,000 feet of lumber. Of this quantity 168,000,000 feet is still held by manufacturers, 129,000,000 feet of which is unsold. In 1899 the cut was 423,000,- 000 feet, the stock on hand 114,000,000 feet, and the stock unsold 22,000,000 feet. These figures make an unfavorable show- ing for this year, and reflect the lessened demand for lumber which existed during the year as compared with the previous season. lt is only fair, however, to point out that while one year ago wholesalers and retailers were heavily stocked, the reverse condition exists at the present time, and the prospect is that they will have an inadequate supply fcr the winter trade. While little business is doing, the market shows considerable strength. In the Chicago market sales of inch mill run have been made at prices $1 higher than before the election, while at Tonawanda there has been an advance of from fifty cents to two dollars per thousand on some of the coarser grades of 12-inch boards and No. 1,2 and 3cuts. Boston reports a scarcity of good stocks of white pine. Spruce is steadily advancing, and within the last fortnight quotations in New York have been brought up to $16 to $17 for narrow, and $18 to $20 for wide. There is very little buying of harwoods, with no material fluctuations in price. Shingles and lath are both firm, and as the season advances the certainty of a shortage in the supply becomes more apparent. In the east there is a strong demand for all kinds of lath. Extra cedar shingles are quoted at Boston at ane, clears at $2.50, and second clears at 2,10, GREAT BRITAIN, It is unfortunate that just at this time, when efforts are being made to prevent the British timber market from declining further, the failure of a large Liverpool lumber firm should occur. This failure, to which reference is made elsewhere, is un- derstood to have greatly unsettled the market. Inche face of the present con- ditions, it is not expected that there will be any immediate relief from the present de- pression; on the other hand, it would not be surprising if still lower prices should rule before the next two months are past. At most of the ports there is a heavy stock of boards and sidings, while the stock of other classes of timber is a little above the average. The firmof A. Dobell & Com- pany, Liverpool, quote first quality pine deals-at from £22 to £28 per standard, second quality £18 to £21, third quality Ios, and New Brunswick spruce £7 7s 6d to £8. Quebec square {T. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. pine is selling in Liverpool at 1s 3d to 2s 9d per cubic foot, waney pine at 25 3d to 2s tod, Quebec oak, first quality,at 2s 8dto 3s, and Quebec birch at ts 5d to 2s. Birch planks bring from rid to Is Id. el STOCKS AND PRICES. [t is said that the Central Lumber Com- pany, of Saginaw, Mich., will not operate this winter in the Georgian Bay district owing to their inability to export the logs to Michigan. H. H. Acorn, of Souris East, P.E.I., has been awarded a contract to supply about three-quarters of a million feet of timber for the Hillsborough bridge near Charlotte- town, P.E.I. The Lachine Rapids Hydraulic & Land Company, of Montreal, want tenders for the supply of 300 cedar poles, from 45 to 55 feet long, 8 inches at smaller end, to be delivered by April next. F. M. Sumner, of Moncton, and J. M. Barnes, M.P.P., of Buctouche, who have secured the contract for the building ofa telephone line from St. John to St. Stephen, N.B., are letting contracts for poles and other materials. The Schooner Gypson Emperor sailed from Digby, N. S., last week for Buenos Ayres, with a cargo of lumber. The bri- gatine Harry Stewart and the schooner Helen Sheffner are loading lumber at Bear River, N. S., for the West Indies. At the Crown Lands office, Fredericton, N. B., two timber berths were sold last week, as follows: A 2% mile berth on western side of Bartibog river, to James Russell, of Lower Newcastle, at $65.75 per mile ; and 2 miles on first Eel River Lake to E. Loudon, at the upset price of $8 per mile. The lumber shipments from the port of Dalhousie, N.B., for the season just closed totalled 24,090,224 superficial feet, and those of the outports of Campbellton 20,- 968,145, making a total of 45,028, 369 feet. There were 71 vessels in all, one of which went to Italy, one to Australia, four to Spain, two to Barbadoes, two to St. Pierre, and the balance, 61 vessels, to Great Britain. It is stated that McLeod & Irwin, of Bracebridge, who have the contract: from the Algoma Central Railway to cut the bill stuff off lots 6, 7,8 and 9, concession 1, Township of Dana, have sold out their plant and contract to the Victoria Har- bor Lumber Company, who purchased the adjoining five lots at the last govern- ment sale of timber. A large drive, prob- ably some ten or twelve million feet, will come down the Sturgeon river in the spring from that locality. The lumber cut on the St. Croix river, in New Brunswick, this year will be about 25,000,000 feet. The Murchies_ will cut about 8,000,000 feet, the Eatons about 10,~ 000,000 feet, the Todds 4,000,000 feet, and Granville Chase 1,500,000 feet. Late ad- vices from the St. Croix state that there is an over-abundance of snow. There is a strong demand at Barbadoes for spruce and white pine lumber. Recent sales have been made at the following prices: White pine, $25.02 for merchant- able and $21.02 for second quality ; spruce, $22.60 for merchantable, but a sale of stock to arrive is said to have been made at $22.80. The supply of Gaspe cedar shingles is ample. Cedar laying have been sold at $2.30 and spruce laying at $2.09. Nel THE GLASGOW MARKET. Concerning the Glasgow timber mar- ket, Messrs. Allison, Cousland & Co., in their last report, say : WANEY WHITE PiNE.—Business during the past month, has been brisker, and several large lines of mostly second class wood have changed hands. Quotations— Prime wood, 19 to 20 inch average, 2s 10d to 3s 1d. Second class woods 20d to 2s 2d perc. ft. In square pine there is no busi- ness to report. Oaxk.—Stocks are light and there has been a fair enquiry. E_mM.—Prices are very firm, but the demand is only moderate ; 45 feet average is quoted at 3s to 3s 3d per c. ft. Bircu.—Considerable lines continue to be placed at low figures, 16 inch wood at 16d to 17d, 17 inch at “18d to 1gd per c. ft. AsH.—The stock is small andis chiefly in second hands. Quotations.—zs 2d to 2s 6d for 13% to 14% inch average. Pine.—Firsts.—There is no doubt that prices are decidedly easier. Broad deals have arrived lately in fairly large parcels. Undersized, if good, are in fair request. Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER PAYMENT BY HONTREAL BANKERS Denn, Mott & Dickson LONDON, ENG. Sidings and boards have accumulated and are difficult to dispose of. Quotations.— Broad, £27 10s to £30 5s. Undersized, 420 128 6d to £22 13s gd. Sidings, £18 11s 3d to £22 per St. Pet Std. Seconds.— The stock is a small one and there is little demand. Thirds.—The stock, although not heavy, is ample, and prices are little changed. Quotations.—£13 1s 3d to £15 2s 6d for Regulars. Undersized, £11 to 411 13s gd per St. Pet. Std. Fourths are low in stock and getting scarcer. Regulars are quoted at £11. Undersized, 48 18s 9d to £y 58 7d per St. Pet Std. SprucE.—Stocks are small. Quotations. —£7 18s 1d to £9 55 7d per St. Pet. Std. Rep PineE.—There is little demand. Quotations-—£13 15s to 415 2s 6d per St. Pet. Std. : N. B. Bircu.—-There is no stock of logs in first hands. Planks are in good request at 124d to 134d per c. ft. N. B. DEALS, BATTENS AND BOARDS.— Business is fair and prices are well main- tained. Quotations.—£7 4s 4d to G10 13s id per St. Pet. Std. WANTED Hardwood Lands in Ontario and Quebec. Freehold Lands suitable for Pulp Manufacture in Quebee or the Maritime Provinees. As I give special attention to TIMBER PROPERTIES of every description I invite correspondence from Buyers and Sellers. H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL If You have any Spruce Pulpwood to Sell write io me, WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cabl address, ‘Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for .. . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowe , Sroun Aaya or any Woods suitable for Englilsh rket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER DECEMBER 19, 1900 This is the time of the year to investigate the requirements of British lumber merchants, so that during the winter suitable logs may be taken out. Drop a line to any ofthe brokers or importers whose announcements appear on on page IV and they will gladly furnish you with particulars as to sizes, prices, etc. MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. _ WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. McPHERSON & C0,, « Longford Mills P.O., Ont. Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Pine and Cedar Shingles, Lath and Stone of all kinds for sale, also Saw- mill, etc., andLimits to dispose of Write for prices. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGCIN go staresr. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG Bue Elm, Ash, Bass and. other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. F R S ALE s Timber Limits on the s Following Rivers :— Du Tievre, Reuge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac River, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson 29 Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3244. MONTREAL, QUE. PLANING MILL ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. able Address, ‘Swan Don oGH—TONAWANDA.” Lumbermen’s Code. i PINE LUMBER Get our Prices HARDWOOD LUMBER Tue Oana Exeort Lumeer Go. LATH THOMAS PITTS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. S. Our Manufacture, LYNEDOCH ORILLIA. ONT. JOHN CHARLTON, SHINGLES w. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO, LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO. Drying Yards and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band ana Gang Sawed White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. J. H. Still Mnfg. Co. - St. Thomas, Ont. Manufacturers of all kinds of HANDLES «> WOOD TURNED GOODS Including Cant Hook Handles, Pike Poles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Doubletrees, ete. Established 1876. co} Write for Price List. Telegrams: ‘‘SPRUCE, BRISTOL.” ARTHUR BHEACHAM (Manager to the late firm of Messrs. King Bros.) * WOOD BROKER * Surveyor, Arbitrator and Valuer. OFFICES : 73 Queen Square, Bristol. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHEETS cEitinc ¢ * Avonmouth Dock and Bristol. Gilmour’s PATENT Doors LUMBER Guaranteed Superior to any other make of door. VVVVECVEVVVVVTDE LESS IN PRICE PINE on HARDWOODS BETTER IN QUALITY Hardwood for Oil Finish, almost as cheap as Pine. FILLED. WRITE OR WIRE FOR SAMPLES. CAPACITY, 1,000 DOORS PER DAY ORDERS PROMPTLY 6 GILMOUR & GO. Limited TRENTON - CANADA VPOVVEVOVSVVSVSSDVISSVSSSVsSssesssessess CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. S ih your Wish - - To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling ss 12.00 > SAMPLES BY MAL . . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. ‘ W.P. Hinton, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smiru General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ $ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the. . .. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the “case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman B Toronto, Canada. L KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. é Wholesale Prices wecember 19, 1900. TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 14, 134 and 2 inch cinch siding mill run 16 50 17 00 picks anduppers... 36 00 38 oo| 1 inch strips 4 in. to 8 1% 1% and 2 inch in, mill run...... . 16 00 16 50 No. 2 cuts & better $32 00 $34 00] 1, 1% and 1% in. box 15 50 16 and Sicken cut- 1Xro and 12 mill cull ting u plank...... 24 00 2600] stocks........ 14 50 1 in:h clear and picks 28 00 30 00 | 1 inch siding mill culls 14 00 Ixro and 12 Canadian Cullscantling........ 12 cO dressing and better 24 00 26 00 | 1 1-4 inch flooring. coe 18 oo rinch Canada dress- 1 t-2 inch flooring.... 19 00 ing and better..... 22 00 24 00] 1% inch No. 1 Lath.. 275 2x4 common......... 34 50] 1% inch No. 2 Lath.. 225 2x8 common......... 35 50| 13 inch Norway lath. 2 50 2x10 common........ > 16 90] X white pine shingles 75 2x12 common........ 16 50} XX white pine shing- 3x10 common........ 16 oo] les, 6in. clear butts. 160 1 70 3xt2common........ 16 00} XXX _~ white pine r1xro and 12 common. 16 00 17 50 shingles... ........ 250 2 60 1 inch siding common 15 co| B C. shingles 6 to 2 in. 275 1 inch strips, common 14 50| B.C. shingles 5 to2 in. ars 1Xto and 12 millrun 17 00 1$ 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unless pibenrie specified. Ash, white, 1 to 2 in 2 3.. 17 00 19 00 tsts and ands...... $26 00 $28 00 Elm rack, mill Ash white, 2% to 4in flee niceie 1 to 14%"18 00 20 00 istS and 2nds...... 30 00 32 00 Elm, rock, mill Ash, black, 1sts and “ade aiaetcas 14“ 3.. 21 00 23 00 ands, 1 to 144 in.... 20 00 22 oo} Hickory, ists , black, rsts and and 2nds..134“* 2.. 28 00 3000 ands, 2toq4in...... 2300 25 00| Maple, sts ,M. R.,1_ to 2.. 1700 19 00| and 2nds.. r ‘© 114 17 00 18 00 Birch 7 rin. . .. 18 00 2000] Maple. sts «. 1%‘ 2.. 2000 2200] andands..2 “* 4.. 19 00 20 00 ** sqrs. 4x4 “ 8x8 24 00 26 00 | Oak, red, p’n, Basswood, 1sts and ssts& ands1 ‘* 1% 28 00 30 00 ands, 1 tor i in.... 18 00 20 00 | Oak,red, p’n, 1% to2..2000 2200] 1sts&2nds2 ‘' 4.. 31 00 3300 “ mr. 1 “ 1% 16 00 17 00| Oak, white, Butternut 1 “ 1l4 23.00 2500] 1sts&2nds1 “ 1% 29 00 33 00 “ 2 ‘' 3.. 25 00 28 00} Oak, white, Chestnut 1 " 2.. 74.00 2600| 1xsts&ends2 “ 4.. 32 00 36 00 Cherry, 1sts Oak quart’d, and ands. . 1% 50 co 6000] tsts&endsr ‘f 2.. 60 00 65 00 Cherry, 1sts Walnut, sts » and 2nds.. 2 ‘' 4.. 60 00 65 00| andands..1 “* 3.. 85 00 10000 Elm, soft, mill Whitewood, Seeidieaaserx 134.1600 00 ists& ands ‘' 2.. 32 00 3600 Elm, soft, mill OTTAWA, ONT. Pine, good sidings, per Pine, s.c. shorts..... II 00 15 00 feet, b.m....... $31 00 42 00 | Pine, box culls....... 12 50 14 50 Pine, good strips,.... 26 00 28 00 Pine mill culls...... 11 00 13 50 Pine, good shorts 22 900 30 00] 1x10 No, 1 bara. AAD 21 00 No. 1 dressing txro No, 2 Bnd 18 00 sidings, per M feet, tx8 &gNo.1 * .... 19 00 iameeedsscsss.-. 1800 24 00} 1x8&aNo.2" .... 17 00 rus. No. x dressing Lath per M No.1... 200 250 PS, .-..--+++++. 16 00 21 00/ Lath perM No. 2... 100 1 25 Pine, No. x dressing xx Cedar shingles, 18”. 1 40 1 75 25} Boonceeene +. 1400 16 00| Cedar Shingles, Clear’ Pine, 10 s.c. and bet- MSfilts Reel peedoonenees 200 225 ter stock,.......... 17 00 20 00| Cedar Shingles, xxx. 250 265 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx Pine Shingles....... Zio 1 25 ter stock........... 14 00 1500] Pine Shingles, Clear Pine, 8&ups.c. sidings 15 00 17 00 UTC LSE drgnar PApnan ae 160 175 Pine, s.c. strips...... 13¢O 15 00| XXxx Pine Shingles.... 2 75 3 00 - QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT, cts. Cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average, .......-- 40 «47 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 36 45 - 19 toztinchaverage “ pee a! Michigan “‘ igto2:in.average ‘ ‘“* & size 48 50 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality Hab oce DOCS OOALO 23 «29 In shipping order, _ OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . . ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .35 4° 30 to 35 feet. . 32 37 Bue re. 9 (40pue 50 ASH, 14 inches and up, mccorcee to premee and quality. . .. .23 26 To ayerage 16 inch 3 , PD BS ig oth 26 30 ¥ “BIRCH. mainchaverage’., «6 « « . - Me ogo onc oerien eC) Tope ic ides DE 0 o«vepe oo oO OtDRs cH 17 ‘ CS CLG ee co a 6 oe oer Ey xB ase Md, ase Pes. MO oo OOH 6 oo cue 32 DEALS. Bright spruce, according to mill specification, $44 to $46 for rst, $30 to $32 for 2nd, $28 to $30 for ard, and $24 to $26 for 4th quality. F.O. 'B. batteau. BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPERS AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $47 00 WN Gagacigaguannodooecd $53 0c| 1%,1% Anal LoS eae 47 oc 1% 1% and2in........... 53 00| 234 and 3im.........++-+.- 55 00 2% and gin. ..........+.. 62400 | <4 {tueeaieerieaisersidisielel='=(« 60 00 ASIN Bieta’ ats avajeieie’isieis!eiei»)sielare 65 00 FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in, and up wide...... 38 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 44 00 1% anl AMITIN iielalsle'e «(eucertisi= B7MOO),|\ 4 1 sralatemetetastelstaiceistaiay =) ARCs Pe ae Bless ne DS CHAAO CUD SH ACES 37 00 B FINE COMMON OR NO 1 CUTTING. 1in., 7in. and up wide...... 30 00 | 234 and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 43 co 1% and 1% in Pa adedmne ater. 35) CO | 41n. ee SCI AOOTeO pisses 40100 PAN tateialaleiclelatsTola’e’ ala) she/arsini=(s aie 36 oo STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide... 42 00 | 1in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 38 00 6 in. Bride eee Godecdsden 40 00 | 6 in. wide,......-.-.0++ see-« 40 00 FINE COMMON OR C, Wins, 4, 5 My Wide, . ae. e enon 32 00| 1 in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 35 00 1% in., 6 in. wide........... 36 50] in., 6in. wide............. 36 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1{in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... . 30 00! 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide........ 25 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. ae Poinoncoccbcoada 3 an 7 in No. 2, 12in TaN Barwenbocord anak OUeo SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. 1 in., 4 and 5 in. wide ......- $13 00 1 in., 13m. and up wide..... $16 09 1 in., 6 in. WIdE ss ore sicissn'ee . 144c0|1%,1% and in., 7 in. and 1 in., 7 in. wide and up...... 34 ¢? Up Wideseeeeiisee seen 16 00 SHAKY CLEAR. ‘ Tin., 3,45; 7) 8 and gin. wide 22 00 | x in., ro in. and up wide..... 25 00 1 in., 6 in. wide.... .....-+-- 24 co| 14%, 1% and in., 8in. and up Widesarreeiueiteretels sta focaes 24 00 A SHINGLES, 18-IN. Country brands, XXXX..... 3 oo | Standard brands, river made, Clear Butts..... meventetsisicle 2 50 ONG ataleteie cisiaicistai, ‘apse 3 50 lear )Baittismeswiec cers msie 275 4 SUPPLEMENT TO CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. LATH No. «. White Pine... ... .. 2 50 No. 2, White Pine ........-.. 2 00 Hemlock ......-scecee pepe cue ietk) ALBANY, N.Y. PINE, Uppers, 3 in. up..........- IxI2 ek shippers ..-....-+ $ $21 Seguin ales eisiiola= wows leita 4/4 inch 33” & up. 23 By Hee iqddeemooac Udon 4/4,_Box boards, 6” and up.. 17 18 fee MPETSioiatotas nleisieisials.o\6 ro-in. dressing and better... 28 30 elects, 24% in. up ro-in, COMMON .....-.+++++ 18 Ge sacocnonnne omeeS 12-in. dressing and better... 32 34 Fine common, 24% in. andup 45 52 | Common, 1x12........ z 18 Tito 2H. sos ee. 6 Snoncciad «.. 38 42| No.1 barn, 1x12... = 26 Neo. 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 30 36 PRAOU elspa rss cine am sales 24 INOsze nice ciaeiaeiciniaacie cies 252) eel | | Beans sn Coo mbucde, GSO soe 22 GRE Ce dponioneoSncedeOonE 21 26} No. 2 barn, 1x12 23 No. 1 molding, 1 tozin..... 35 38 uzrO PAE CaB soon Enos 22 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 26) 30) | WK Barc aleiein eielpl> ele ainiaricieieielaie 20 Stained |Sapsic . cciavcjeicne ne 25 30 Shaky races te 6/41 in. 30 Bracket plank ........ .... 3° 35 ch 32 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 32 35 Dressing ..... 32 Dressing boards, narrow.... 23 Common <1. sjcwnrescscce 20 1x1g inch shippers........- 20 ‘ LATH, RG ee sopnamcnodnougcocse oee$2 75 | SPruce ...cscececscccvcscce $2 75 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 5 £0 Clear butts .........- 3,00 3 25] Hemlock........... 600 25 Smooth, 6x18....... 4 50 4 75 | Spruce .......--seeeee 225 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Up’ ep 1,1%, ae and 2 Dressing 14in..... 5 33 5° 58 00] 14x10 al Se ecind 35 50 66 50 ER GUIIAG cisistaccin opielelnie 35 5c 71 50 ROSE, ‘aia xin esaiaie'e, esis 34 59 50 50| Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. 61 50 and up, I in...... 38 50 66 50| Mold st’ps ‘No. 1 to 2 Fine common, rin. sap Ceci 50030. S0RoeeS 38 50 39 50 to 12 in. wide.. 4x 50| Barn, No.1, 12in..... 28 50 1% and 1¥ in..... 4r 50] 6. 8 and 1oin..... c 23 50 Host bonnecueCHeEas 44 50| No. 2, roin.,...... 21 50 2 i BOOT RCO 7 “ 56 50| No.2, 12in........ 23 00 aap OAR OOO Aero 6t 59 No. 3, 10 and 12 in. 20 50 Cur’ 1 up, No. 1, x in. 33 50| Box, 1X4..... Fonte ne 17 00 1¥ toz in.......-. 39 50 1x6to1zin.. 19 co No. 2, sh eee 22 co a 20 00 No. 2,14, & 1% in 32 00 +33 00 and 1%in 20 00 No. 3,14 & 1% in 20 so.| Mill Culls,1, 1%, 1% INO ete itso 26 50 Audit selene 16 50 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, 1 inch, 29 00 31 00| 2% to4 in........-+- 33 00 37 00 1Y% to2in......--- 33 00 35 00| Strips. ............- 19 00 21 00 Com. and culls....... II 00 13 00 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. rst & 2nd, 6 inch up, 24 00 25 00| Com. & good culls... rr 00 13 00 BIRCH. ist & 2nd, 6 inch & ist &2nd,white, 6” &up, 17 0o 19 00 Wp, red... .20-+s 27.00 29 00|Com & good cullsseens 9 00 11 o2 ELM. 1st & 2d,rock, 6in.& up, 19 00 21 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 19 00 21 00 MAPLE. rst & 2d, hard,6in. & upt7 co 19 oo | rst & 2d, soft, 6in.& up, 17 00 19 00 / Piets ‘To t 7 wT E kouk gad Seed . + } a : c . » : ¥ ig ' a + 9 a Series: © ¢ 2 F vaalm 4 } P Riu ; Ln * g) ;% wel ‘ tsar — 7 ¥ 2 rs s i ‘ \ 4 "% ¢ : Z ‘ ’ ad ” ‘ : ¥ . yy) y ) r ‘ i 1 1 ) ‘ } Ape | Wh Aen 7 Te. ae ap ral ape yee : ’ nee Pe A 7 ae Ah ¢} Cy Ort ae ee i ot za Ofe OF awl 2 ' 1 & ap . meee eeeas ait Ok cit whe ae t ¥E.6.. # Ser i”. Gey ¥ L) See Cay . o> . . ' Ne . o LD te eg alee +i 3 ® : e “ : , re Oey at 5 Vem F ; i . ra ey ° f t WwW ¥ ft : J d oe vot 40 3 . Kel ee ele a) Bi « Robe ace Sid te eee » pd ; hw ord als 7 4 a - x “ ; ‘ , _ ee DECEMBER 19, 1900 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, unre WRITE FOR OUR NEW STOCK SHEET me Pembroke, Ont. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE JUMBER and TIMBER NADA FP Room 411, Board of Trade Building MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles » Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine. Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Co., Limited, Barnet, B.C., Vancouver. Douglas Fir Timber in any size or length up to 120 feet long, Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. Dry Kilns of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir, Cedar, Spruce. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., Limiten We ae in stock all grades cf. HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH ano 1 SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, per return mail. A. TAIT, President. Wholesale and Retail a & GO ; Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Cedar Posts Say what you want to buy. Office and Docks : Say what you have to sell. sy Foot Berkeley S Po Aas Jesale Dealers in : ELM, ASH ™ Basswood es og Toronto, r yp SHINGLES The OOF ere pe UNSER ae Se : cares CANAD DIN G A.A. SGOTT - McGregor, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES 12S sto, Limited e ee eg A quantity of 7 inch M. R. Black Ash in Shipping condition : : : cbAu RIN & MaLAR Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS EN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. HAST TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. SHIPMENTS By RAIL oR WarTeER. MORR & RYAN Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . . Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . . Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. . . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. GODERICH LUMBER CO. LIMITED MANUFACTURERS ANID DEALERS IN PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE “ 40,000 fect LONG PINE TIMBER, 50 e to 60 feet long, Suitable for Building and Dock Purposes. : oe aoe Ay Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER ot all Deseription. New York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. Telephone Main, 2712. Dealer inet PENBTANGUISHBENE, ONT, Basswood, Ash, Soft Elm, Birch and Maple Also Pine and Hemlock Lumber ‘Cash Paid on Shipment, Corr spondence Solicited. Of Goderich and Owen Sound | LUMBER SARNIA FORON EO BUFFALO MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty... ®*® MIDLAND, ONT. A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. Robert Watt Wiarton MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN of all kinds, Pine Lath, Cedar Shingles and P ids, osts. Dressed Pine and Hardwood Flooring, Lumber resawn into Dimension Stuff such as Crating, Table Legs, Chair Rungs, Ete, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff Cut to Orde Shipment by Rail or Water. Manufacturers of and Dealers in Correspondence Solicited, Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AWD BY WATER Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. PATENT (CLOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec >: DIMENSION TIMBER :: Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. oiémon & Bros. Mig. Go. Wiarton, Ont. LUMBER MERCHANTS «x» MANUFACTURERS THE -| We have in stock Maple, Beech, Basswood in different thieknesses, also some WILLIAMSON & MORRISON “acon: ==LUMBER 8O St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. fb ce Lumber Co., timitea LUMBER = LATH eee ee? ds ae Midian, One. GEORGE GORDON & CO. Sawn Red and White P Iné Lumber and Lath OAN P. NEWMAN & Wiarton, Ont. Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. WHOLESALE Shipments by Rail or Water. e Midland, Ont. Also Hewn Square and Waney Timber ot cacue Bay, owr., c.P.a, MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers Cable Address, ‘‘ Ew ing,” Liverpool. LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. ~ 5 WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, pee ee Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. odes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman s, Zebr ke vate. Agents for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, ee to all ane n Log, Unt mber imension Sto fhe xehie f the principa aheas es aoe Oni ea eankneul t handle at o the Be st advanta Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpoo ol. WRIGHT, | GUNN t Ob 7 Raval Bank Place, of Hardwoods Kingdom or Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, At and Lieber's Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. tN ae ne Ee, BROKERS 2% Union Street - GLASGOW F. A. Lightbody & Co. GLASGOW, SCUILAND 1, “Zebra” and Private. Cable Address: ‘“TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., A Agents ig CANADIAN WY BEE te edema SPRUCE; __Harawoods = Tor a Ship: andled to the best a t raphic Address— “ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. ING, LiveRroot, NEV ULL AND PRISTOL JONAS SMITH é& CO. ,Lonpon # 92 to 98 Belvedere Bap: LAMBETH, S. E. Moulding and Joinery eee Fiet (2 Vig ee ee Timber Merchants and Importers. Ly Pine Dasa Mouldings LEARY oe Ge. Telegraphic Address : Mout " Wood Aegents and Brokers 4, Lombard Court, Tee GEE Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. MORGAN, GELLIBRAND & (0. Established 180. 20 Bishopsgate St. Within, LONDON, EC. Cable Address : GELLIBRAN THEBRITISH™ NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER COMPAN ce 7 GRACECHURCH S7.. LONDON, E.C. AGENTS FOR - ALL KINDS OF LUMBER JAMES W. SOUTHERN Bcc Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale disteiharem A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants 1st quality Oak Planks ; also ist quality Pine, 12 and 13 x1OxK Be Cable Address Buyer of... BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites Correspondence fro’ ae * for sbipmen cece regular ie Cables: ‘‘Brrcu,” Gla: Directory, ABCa ah aded Wile siliic Codes : LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. i. ‘DECEMBER (19, 190D Se SMITH & TYRER -_—s/4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL . WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpoo Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole a ; Hollis St., Halifax, N.S, SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. SALES AGENTS: 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. — Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. | Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: “‘ALLISON,”’ Glasgow. ALLISON, COUSLAND & CO. | Wood Brokers 154 St. Wincent St., GLASGOW GANT & KEMP g TIMBER 528, Ens Sar, GLASGOW B R 0 K ic qi S able aie Pee sty parina’ Ris Gai Headeneas & Livingston WOOD BROKERS GLASGOW Cable seer “ doirpachengs BIngaW: i a wg OOS * At Eo Cable Address : Primus” Liverpool : Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL.- BUYERS OF =a POPLAR, SOFT BLM, PLANKS and BOARDS, BOGE ELM and MAPLE LOGS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. 1 sete BA a Manchester Timber Importers limite — 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS Rees for the English Market. Offers invited. able Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, En gland. A.B.C. co poet a Zebra codes used DIREC! TORY CODE. CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & 0. Wood Agents and Brokers _ Western Mail Chambers, CARDIFF ADVAN CES: MADE TO SHIPPERS. Ee or F manufactured Wood Goods. e Solicited from Responsible Firms. . « BUDCETT BROS. 70 and 71 ge te Sirect Within, i ee LONDON, E.C. “Budlets, ‘London. WEEKLY FDITION ANADA [UMBERMAN _ The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages } 1.00 per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vot. VI. TORONTO, ONT., DECEMBER 26, 1900 No. 49 OR SALE.—36 in, Wickes Gang, cutting r4in that the production of logs this winter in GREAT BRITAIN. Canaba LUMBERMAN Saas Gusinags Wiceo nase Ee ye a eee Georgian Bay district will be smaller Favorable weather during the past PUBLISHED BY The G, H. Mortimer ‘Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL Burtpinc, MontTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical oud mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw ir .i] and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4#@ Subscription price for the two editions or one vear, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion, When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m, on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. OR SALE—z,009 arpents Hardwood Limits near St. Hilaire Station, only 22 miles from Montreal— Red Oak, Maple, Beech. B.F.Campee t, St. Hilaire Station, Que. ANTED, BASSWOOD AND SPRUCE, 1, r¥ in,, 1% in., 2 in. common and better, also r in. cull :cft elm and basswood. R. E. Kinsman, Hamilton, FOR SALE, AW MILL, COMPLETE, CAPACITY SIXTY M feet per ten hours; local railway shipping facilities, British Columbia, Address T.R., care this WANTED. 1 car 1% = Common and Better _ cm green or dry ; will pay a good price for high grade stock.—S. I. Witson Lumper Co., Toronto. FOR SALE HE SAW AND PLANING MILLS KNOWN as * Malloch’s Mills,” conveniently situated on the Ottawa, between Arnprior and Braeside. One Cir- cular, Steam R pe Feed, Edgers, ‘Irimmers, Live Carriers, Lath Machine, &c. : For particulars, ad iress Geo. MALLocu, Arnprior. Limits and Saw Mills FOR SALE The proprietors having decided to retire from this ree al Hier their Valuable Limits and Mills for sale, Ihe concern is well equipped in every respect and 1s in operation. The cost of operation is very_moderate, aaving about 30 miles cf railway (Lake St. John) run- ning through it. The Mill at Lake Edward is Circular Saw ; that at Pearl Lake is St am Feed Circular and Gang. 2 3 The Limits, about 280 miles, have considerable Spruce and Pulp Wood, also Boule uand Birch. These latter have exceptionable quality, and by judges con- sidered the best in the t rovince of Quebec. etc., apply to For terms, WHITEHEAD & TURNER, a Quebec City. Connected with C, P. R. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE, d-9,000 FEET RED AND WHITE OAK LUM- ber, I, 2, 3 and 4 inches thick, also 60,000 feet of Pine, 1, 1% and 2 inch, Cuas. AsHLey. Foxboro, Ont. WANTED REEN HARD MAPLE SQUARES, 6%x6% _in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any sta- tionin Ontario or Quebec. Address Box 40, CANADA WANTED (THIS IS A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT.) fe ATELY, A PARTY ABLE TO FIN- tance the operationsiof a large spruce limit produc- ing four million feet a year of fully manufactured stock, Operations are now active. Capacity of plant is three thousand feet per hour. There are seven hundred thousand ,feet of seasoned lumber and one million fect of logs now on hand. Apply, Stating terms and Interest, to MaNnaGer, Box 911, Makinak, Manitoba. FOR SALE DRY HARDWOOD LUMBER 150 M. feet plain cut x inch Sycamore, wide stock. 200 M, feet choice x inch Soft Elm. too M, feet choice x inch Brown Ash. 200 M. feet plain cut 1 inch Red Oak. 175 M. feet quartered 1 to 2 inch White and Red Oak. 250 M. feet x to 4 inch Birch, also 4 to 8 inch squares. Write for prices, etc. Lonpon Lumser Co., London, Ont. SS SS CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. = Being within one week of the end of the year, and with navigation closed, not more than a limited movement of lumber could reasonably be looked for. Sales- men have been taken off the road, and lumbermen are devoting themselves to balancing up the business of the year. That orders continue to be placed in fair volume, notwithstanding these circum- stances, shows that lumber is wanted, and we think augurs well for an early spring trade. While stocks at the mills are no doubt heavier than at the same time last year, it may besaid with equal accuracy that the stocks of consumers and retail dealers are unusually light. The course of the spring trade would seem to be indicat- ed by the fact that Saginaw dealers have already bought heavily of Ontario lumber for spring delivery. It is estimated that For particulars address Mershon & Company have purchased. nearly 20,000,000 feet, and Schuette & Company about 16,000,000 feet, while other buyers have contracted for smaller quantities. From every section of the pro- vince encouraging reports are to hand of the prospects for spring trade, and un- der such conditions it is only reasonable to expect thatthe present prices will be maintained, if they are not advanced. Late information confirms the report that last year. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Lumber matters in the eastern pro- vinces are somewhat unsettled on account of the weakness of the British market and the consequent uncertainty as to next season’s’ business. The shippers have contracted with the mill men for a small portion of the 1901 cut, but it is under- stood that few, if any, sales have been made to British importers. Negotiations, however, are now under way, and early in the year contracts will no doubt be closed. It transpires that several Quebec and Montreal merchants are affected by the recent Liverpool failure, although they are not heavily involved. Locally, trade is fair for this season of the year. A contract has just been awarded for building a wharf at Sorel, Que., in which considerable timber will be consumed. Some enquiries for stock are reported from the United States, where the mar- ket is improving. New Brunswick cedar shingles are steady at slightly higher prices. UNITED STATES. There has been more buying of lumber during the past week than is usual at this season of theyear. This disposition tobuy is due in part to the belief that it will not b possible to obtain lumber at lower price than at present during the next few months, as the situation seems to favor an advance. A meeting of the manufactur- ers of pine lumber in the Mississippi val- ley is announced to be held this week, at which the list will be re-adjusted so as to advance the price of certain grades which are now scarce. In the Mississippi and Wisconsin valleys the stocks of pine lum- ber show a heavy shortage as compared with the average season, and a slight shortage ascompared withthe low stocks of one year ago. There isa scarcity of No. 2 and No. 3 boards. Already sales of stock have been made at Duluth for shipment eastward next spring ; the prices obtained have been very satisfactory. At Marin- ette, Wis., a sale of stock is reported at an advance of 15 per cent. over last year’s figures. Eastern spruce continues to gain in strength. In the New York mar- ket wide random spruces selling at about $19. What this price means will be understood when it is stated that the low water mark of last summer was $12. There has been a marked revival in the east in all branches of industry, and the outlook for lumber is regarded as good, A feature of the present month has been the almost unprecedented demand for sash and doors. the volume of orders has been fully 56 per cent. grerter than in any corresponding month in their history. While the future for hardwood lumber is regarded as satisfactory, the present movement of stock is light. Consumers do not wish topile up stock until aftertbe turn of the year. From different sections a scarcity of lath and shingles is reported. New Brunswick cedar shingles are selling a little higher. Wholesalers report that- fortnight has stimulated the lumber busi- ness in Great Britain. There has, how- ever, been no improvement in prices, nor is this looked for at this season of the year. At recent auction sales dressed boards showed weakness. Some lines of spruce, especially 7 and 8 inch unsorted battens, sold at lower prices. Little ad- vancement has been made towards mak- ing purchases for next year. The import- ers are still pursuing a waiting policy, as with plenty of lumber on the spot to meet requirements, the urgency of early con- tracting is removed. In some districts the feeling seems to be gaining ground that next year’s prices will be lower than those of 1900, this opinion being based, to some extent, upon the decline in coal and iron. It seems to be considered that the higher grades of pine and spruce deals will,under almost anycircumstances, bring fair prices, and that if depression should prevail the lower grades will suffer the most. It is reported that a number of contracts have been closed with France for next year’s shipments and that the sale of 8,000 standards has been made to South Africa. STOCKS AND PRICES. Sutherland & Baillie have cut 500,000 feet of lumber near McMullen’s dam, on Salmon river, N.S. The Dominion Government wants tend- ers for the supply of timber for the Wel- land canal, at St. Catharines, during the year Igol. A quantity of timber, consisting chiefly of basswood and ash, recently blown down by a storm in the Rondeau _ provincial park, has been sold by tender to J. B. Coates, of Ridgetown, Ont., for $5.50. Sims Bros., of Little Current, Ont., have purchased the Lippincott timber \imit on Whitefish river, which they are operating this winter with two camps of about 150 men. We understand that they have not yet made arrangements for the sawing of the logs. A correspondent at Day Mills, Ont., writes that logging operations in Algoma are in fullswing. Owing to heayy rains in the early fall the conditions were un- favorable for cutting and skidding logs. The Doherty Organ Company have fifty men in the woods getting out pine logs. They are operating on the Day limit pur- chased last season from James I. Harris, and will have their logs sawn at DayMills, The C.P.R. are taking out a large quan- tity of cordwood along their road between Blind River and Thessalon and are also buying from farmers. Hemlock logs are worth $5 to $7 per thonsand feet at local mills, birch $7, red oak $10, and pine $io. This is the time of the year to investigate the requirements of British lumber merchants, so that during the winter suitable logs may be taken out. Drop a line to any of the brokers or importers whose announcements aprear on on page IV and they will gladly furnish you with particulars as to sizes, prices, etc. [f. MONTREAL LUMBER SHIPMENTS. The Custom House returns at Montreal show that the statements of lumber from that port during the past season totalled 227,- 460,622 feet, divided among the shippers as follows : Feet. Watson & Todd........-..-ceeeeeei ees 56,993 035 Dobell, Beckett & Co 39,573,030 W. & J. Sharples 36,404,331 RvGox & C1... 6,658,912 McArthur Bros.....-.2eeeeee cee eee enes 19,26 3,7 6 Charlemagne Lumber COpattrtcinele Serer 15,655,816 J. Burstall & Co... sees cress renee es 14,109,293 Cox, Long & Co.s.see sees cece e eee e eens 6,303,230 McLaurin BrosS........00eeee eww ee teens 5,542,992 BH. Lemay. .). 555 sais «amet tanteteniiatatrin tel 33474,910 Di (Cream ©. .;..« cseicsen lee alate ee 955,526 Harold Kennedy....-s2.0sese2 0 see cone 613,800 The Robert Reford Co 524,708 Imperial Lumber Co 289,020 Montreal Lumber Co 224,730 Sundry shippers... 409,408 Dtalllscy ve orate ei lg sieterelecateyoteaeee aes 220,996,857 To South America, by Export Lumber Co.. 463,705 227 460,622 ES BUSINESS NOTES. Timber, of London, Eng., gives the fol- lowing list of creditors of the firm of Pierce, Watts & Company, whose finan- cial embarrassment was referred to in last issue: Pe HarrisonlétCo. 29.20. 2.2 a £13,698 A. F. & D. Mackay br eden, SHA at io 11,590 Priceras. hierce. cc. ee eee Ths hee 8,514 Wie ScaletShanplesins.jei els le eee 4,650 Eo Neale.ds Co, . s Acinic 4.387 (Acs Coltant dy Corysey- erate ee 3,842 Robert! Parker) 6 Cove spe ae 1,534 Kinet Brosiyecitiieids ‘tue poche heed 1,394 Sontthig Oacer ioc Ol. ny bey se ee eee 1,168 Wiatsoniag, Rodd tne chon nes 1,125 ET. wennedy, ay (Com «cease eee 972 Dunean, Ewing, 6 (Co. eee er 843 ie Barstall vetoes corer eet 751 Lumley, Lloyd &.Co....... «5.22. 690 Barosvortia) dc. Jardine sr ne. ee 656 James HalsallitsiSone ei. one 608 Harrison, Robinson & Co......... 430 QotkldspBanrelligsi@one: «tne iene 4.00 Jee: Moline 65 -Go.2n8-. 2 ance 390 Dobell, Beckett & Co............ 292 Thos. Rimmer & Son's. 2... .s))2. 193 ResjonesiaaGors eee sea o nae ts 101 BRITISH TIMBER SALE. Following is the result of an auction sale of Canadian deals, etc., held by Churchill & Sim, London, England, on December 12th: Spruce—Ex. Island, from Dalhousie, N.B. —— Te 20\ftar2_% 27) le unassorted, 46 15s. per standard of 1980 superficial feet ; 11-16 ft. 2 x 7, £6 15s and £7 5s; 9-16 ft. 2x 7, £7 Ios. Ex. Forest Holme, from Quebec—1o-15 i 3.x 9-12 in. unassorted, £9 10s; 10-14 ft. x ps 10-14 ft. 3.x 7, £8; 12-13) ft. Z : Doe é Brag mandice or any Woods suitable for Enghlsh 47 583 Jems tse rarx 15s; 9-14 ft. arket. x aS as x I1 in. coarse third quality, 48 58; 9-16 ft. LONDON, ENG. Telegraphic Address; FELBER, MANCHESTER a: sae AE hee Bins PINE = HARDWOOD Rete LUMBER Get our Prices LUMBER e VVVVVVVA SMe Ya “a e “a “a we ee et 9-16 ft. Py eo 8-12 ft. 3x 7, 47 1583 9-12 ft. 3 x 6, £7 tos. Ex. Arcturus, from Quebec— 68 ft. 3 x 10-11 in. first quality, £13 15s; 6-8 ft. 3 x 9-13 in. second quality, £10; 4-8 ft. 3x 10, £7 BSS; 3x 8, L7 15S; 3x 7-14 in. third quality, 47 16s; 6- '8 ft. 3x g-10. in. unassorted, See. EX: Orcadian, from Montreal — 9-13 ft. 3 x 11 in third quality, £8 10s ; 10-13 ft. 3 x 10, £8 15s and £9; 12 ft. 3x 6-7, £8; 8-14 ft. 3 x 7-11in., bat quality, £7 15s. Ex. Kronberg, from John, N. B.—11-16 ft. 3 x 11 in. unas- See £8 10s; 15-19 ft. 3x 9, £8 58; 10-17 Higa x 8, £7 158; 10-17 ft. 3 x 7, 47 fos. Pine-Ex. Strathnevis, from Montreal-12-13 ft. 3.x 7-11 in. second quality, £12 ; 12-13 ft. 3x 7-10 (discolored) £11 10s; 12-13 ft. 3 x 8- 10 (discolored), £9 15s. Ex. Turret Age, from Saguenay—4-12 ft. 3 x 7-£7 first quality, ZA17 58; 5-12 ft. 3 x 11-17 in. second quality, L16 158; 12-14 ft. 3 x 9, 414 583 12-16 ft. 3x7, £13.58; S10 ft. 3 x 7-10, £13, Ex. Bardsey, from Quebec—6- 8 ft. 3.x 11-22 in., second quality, Lia 10s.; 6 ft.3 x 11, £14 108.; 6-8 ft. 3 x9, All 10s; 6-11 ft. Gi Tats, £10 10s.; 6-8 ft. 3 x 7, G10 553 6-8 ft. 3 x 6, £10 1085; 6-8 ft. 3x5, 410-158; 9 ft. 2 X 5-11, Lirss; 6-8 ft. 2x 5-11, £9 10s. Ex, Yola, from Quebec—13-14 ft. 3 x 11 in. first quality, “£26 158; 12 ft. 3x 11, £273 g-11 ft. 3 x 11, 424 §83 9-13 tt. 3 x 12-21, £26 58; 10-13 ft. 3X 5, H16 583 9 ft. 3 x 5- 10, £16 108; 5-8 ft. 3 x 11, A18 15854-8 ft. 3X §-10, G15, 12-13 ft. 2X 9-13, A215 12- 13 ft. 2x 8, L175 12-13 ft. 2x 7, H135 12- 13 ft. 2x 6, £15 58; 12-13 ft. 2 x 4-5, #16 55.5 6-11 ft. 2x 9- 12, 416; 6-11 ft. 27-8, £15; Ex. Montreal, from Quebec—14-24 ft. 3 x 7 in. unassorted, red £9; 14-22 ft. 4x7, £9 155 Birch Timber—-Ex. Forest Holme, from Quebec—1g pes. 22 inches and up, 52s 6d per load; 12 pes. 20-22 in., 80s and 77s. 6d ; 24 pcs. 18 to 20 in., 628. 6d; 22 pcs. 16 to 18 in., 558. Ex, Isel Holme, from Quebec—18 pes. 20 in. and up, 87s 6d; 24 pes. 18 to 20 in., 67s 6d; 20 pcs. 16 to 18 in., 628 6d; 16 pes. under 16 in., 57s. 6d. Elm timber—Ex. Florida, from Quebec— 24-29 ft. 13 x 19 im., 758; 15-24 ft. 17-27 if, Wanted for EXDOrt ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS Dennw, Mott & Dickson Tue Oriuuia Exeort Lumeer Go. LATH THOMAS PITTS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. S. LYNEDOCH ORILLIA. ONT. JOHN CHARLTON, SHINGLES Ww. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO, LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO. Our Manufacture, Drying Yards and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White and Red Pine Lumber ana Lath Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. J. H. Still Mnfg. Co. - St. Thomas, Ont. Manufacturers of all kinds of HANDLES «> WOOD TURNED COODS Including Cant Hook Handles, Pike Poles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Doubletrees, ete. Established 1876. © Telegrams: Write for Price List. *‘“SPRUCE, BRISTOL.” ARTHUR BHACHAM (Manager to the late firm of Messrs. King Bros.) * WOOD BROKER Surveyor, Arbitrator and Valuer. OFFICES : KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING S#EET!NCCEInNG ¢ 73 Queen Square, Bristol. t Avonmouth Doek and Bristol. (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. , DECEMBER 26, 1400 ——————————— have not received a form, please advise us, so 758i 27-29 ft. 13-19 in. gos ; 33759 ft. 11-13 . that you may be supplied. in. 808, ; 20-25 ft. 11-13 in. 62s 6d; 12-20 ft. 18-25 in, 75S; 16-22 fl. 10-19 in, 62s 6d. A quantity of first-class waney pine tim- ber, ex. Assyrian, from Quebec, sold at 77s. 6d per load. A schooner has been chartered to load lum- ber at St. John, N.B.. for New York at $4. This is the highest rate that has been paid for years. MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. McPHERSON & CO., Longford Mills P.O., Ont. Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Pine and Cedar Shingles, Lath and Stone of all kinds for sale, also Saw- mill, etc., andLimits to dispose of Write for prices. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGGIN go statesr. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUSS Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. a Timber Limits on the » Following Rivers :— Du Tievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac River, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson 29 Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3 44. MONTREAL, QUE. PLANING MILL Ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit. TO LUMBER MANUFACTURERS Blank forms have been sent to Jumber manu- facturers requesting certain information re- garding the lumber trade of 1900, to be used asa guide in the preparation of our annual review to appear in the February LUMBER- MAN. It is hoped that every manufacturer will furnish the information asked for. If you WANTED Hardwood Lands in Ontario and Quebec. a Freehold Lands suitable for Pulp Manufaeture in Quebee or the Maritime Provinees. As I give special attention to TIMBER PROPERTIES of every description I invite correspondence from Buyers and Sellers. H. FAWCETT HARTLAND = 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 &t. James Street, MONTREAL If You have any spruce Pulpwood to Sell write .o me, PINE WANTED. The undersigned will anaes for delivery between the 1st of May and the 1st of August, ror 1, about 500.000 feet B.M. of Pine Timber, in leng hs from 16 to 22 feet, 12 inches square; also a quantity 10in x 1oin. x22 feet long. Parties having this class of material to dis- pose of please communicate with Puin & Co., Contractors Toronto Harbor Works, Torento, Ont. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to ‘offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. geen Cabl address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers ; MANCHESTER - ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowe , LESS IN PRICE Gilmour's | ,,,, jaanwoons PATENT Doors BETTER IN QUALITY LUMBER Guaranteed Superior to any other make of door. for Oil Finish, almost as cheap as Pine. CAPACITY, 1,000 DOORS PER DAY GILMOUR & Go. TRENTON - CANADA ~ SVVVVSVVSVSVSVVSVST Verececececesecececs CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY . . . Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, ee NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &e., MONTREAL, ‘TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &C. W. P. Hinron, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smitu General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. Hardwood ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WRITE OR WIRE FOR SAMPLES. AE oO - - operating - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H.B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OverENn, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Baia geo oe et cee ee ae Montreal |® It Your [5 it uur Wish - - An Advertisement in the ‘‘ Wanted ’’ $ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the. . . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A MILL PROPERTY A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER ‘ SECOND-HAND MACHINERY The Canada Lumberman Toronto, Canada. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Flooring from ee He Ceiling * DECEMBER 26, Tg00: CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 1u BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS DUNCAN, BWING & GO. Wood Agents and Brokers LIVERPOOL, ENG. ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, eS WOOD BROKERS Cable Address, ‘‘ Ewing,” Liverpool. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WRIGHT, GRAHAM & G0. 4 Royal Bank Place, eee: SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman s, Zebra ; Private. Age “5 ~~ ae sale areal WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; ut to “ills a all kinds of Hardwoods g, Lumber a a . Shipments to f the pri Seipalicida Bey n the Un ited Kingdom or im oe p= ent handle ae the ba St advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber's Codes. : | SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WY GO ID BROKERS 247 Union Street - GLA ALL ORS F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Ste GLASGOW, ry. BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes and Private. eee Ke CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND: ‘SPRUCE ; Hardwoods sae Fog; Ete: ingdo ts handled to the best advantage to all por Telegraphic Address—‘* WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &c. Derors: Barxinc, Liverroot, NEwcASTLE-oN-Tyne, Hutt anp PRISTOL JONAS SMITH & CO. Mou.pinc, Lonpon # 92 to 98 Belvedere Road, LAMBETH, S. E. IMPORTERS OF . . # Pine Doors, Mouldings “LEARY & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers ‘Telegraphic Address : Moulding and Joinery Manufacturers, Etc, Timber Merchants and Importers. * 4 Lombard Court, Gracechurch Street, LONDON, E.C., Be eet ES a MORGAN, GELLIBRAND & 60. . WOOD AGENTS. ablished 1805, 20 Bishopsgate St. fc LONDON, E C. ‘Cable Address : GeLiipranp, London. JHE BRE | AGENTS FOR. , ALL KINDS OF CUI KENNEDY GLASGOW, SCOTLAND A. 48 ch amie Street - JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants 1st quality Oak Planks; also ist quality Pine, 12 and 13 x GPx ae BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS ieee es an nufactur 4 Invites Ac ," shipme a Or 4 ’ “Cal Directory, A B Cand Zebra Telesraphic Codes % RACECHURCH Sak a “ON DON, EoCe Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. BUDCETT BROS. - SS SMITH & TYRER - — 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL . WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO. , Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N. Ss, SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Crosby Square, Lonvow, ENG, SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc... Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Branch at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON”? Glasgow. Cable Address: **ALLISON,’’? Glasgow. A Lison, COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW GANT & KEMP TIMBER Calder, Henderson & Livingston WOOD BROKERS Address ‘‘ VALOREM,” : Caute ee woe pape B trait GLA SG O W ©-IRVIN & SELLERS~» Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool OK Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS OF == POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM i MAPLE LOGS Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New Yor: Manchester Timber Importers tiniva 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Deer Offers invited. “*TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra Bie ae a EBRA CODE CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & 00. Wood Heats and Brokers Cable Address : “ GELLIBRAND, CARDIFF,” . . . Western Mail Chambers, CARDIFF “TO. SHIPPERS. ‘Ge. Buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale distribution of Lumber or Bigs a aie Wood Goods. e Solicited from Respon: 10 it 71 Bishopsgate Sircet Within, Cable Address LONDON, E.C ible Firms. ... “Budlets, London.” Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS Cae DECEMBER 26, [900° re PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umes WRITE FOR OUR NEW STOCK.SHEET = Pembroke, Ont. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER WADA FINE Room 411, Board of Trade Se uilaing. - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, Briush Columbia Pine. Southern Pine, &C.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Co., Douglas Fir Timber in any size or length up to 120 feet lorg, Timber Planers s face up to 24 inch x 39 inch. Dry Kilns of aigé capacity. Rcugh and Dresseu Lumber, Douglas Fir, Cedar, Spruce. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS Limited, Barnet, B.C., Vancouver. WM. TURNBULL, Secretzery. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., LimiTED : 4 HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA We have in stock all grades 0f ———-sssmsam WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH «v0 « SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, per return mail. A. TAIT, President Wholesale and Retail FREID & GO. Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Cedar Posts Office and Docks: H Foot Berkeley St., Esplanade, TORONTO wrolesale Dealers amit d Ash“ BASSW gov Rie wee a LM, se AND SHINGLES r © mber WA jhe o1uve® ae WHITE PINE (Wh BE, Gy ss Say what you want to buy. Say what you have to sell. the * ADA HEP Fk. kh. SGOTT - McGregor, Ont. MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES A few carloads of 7 inch quarter cut and a few carloads of 3/4” plain cut dry Sycamore for sale. = [cb Av RIN & MaLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. East TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION MOHR & RYAN onr. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season 16) Sadar DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . . Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. GODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN - Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE: 40,000 feet LONG PINE TIMBER, 50 to 60 feet long, Suitable for Building and Dock Purposes. Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER of all Deseription. Now York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. TL. BAIPgg PENBTANGUISHBNE, ONT. Basswood, Ash, Soft Elm, Birch and Maple Also Pine and Hemlock Lumber Correspondence Solicited. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock. or Cedar. PINE DEAL SHIPMENTS BY RAIL OR WATER. Telephone Main, 2712. Dealer in-——— Cash Paid on Shipment. Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER C0. SARNIA pohsinciatoinindin BUFFAL > WISHING YOU THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH ° SHINGLES — Contractors for Railway Supplies wee § MIDLAND, ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. Robert Watt - Wiarton Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN ; of all kinds, Pine Lath, Cedar Shingles and Posts. Dressed Pine and Hardwood Flooring, Tomber resawn into Dimension Stuff such as Crating, Table Legs, Chair Rungs, Ete. Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff Cut to Orde — Shipment by Ral or Water. Correspondence Solicited. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER 7 OWEN SOUND. ONTARIO. ee Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Bo x Bands and Rims. THE PATENT OLOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. =e SSeS AUGER & SON Caen >: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruee and Poplar Pulpwood. Siemon & Bros. Mig.G0. - Wiarton, Ot. LUMBER MERCHANTS 4x2 MANUFACTURERS We have in stock Maple, Beech, Basswood in different thicknesses, also some Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON omen LUMBER 80 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE — [ee Lumber Co., timitea Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. MANUFAGTURERS LOMBER a? LATA Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. GEORGE CORDON & CO. . Manufacturers of . Sawn Red and White Pine Lumber and Lath Also Hewn Square and Waney Timber =”! ot CACHE oan oe 23 miles west North Bay. OAN P. NEWMAN @&@, VWiarton, Ont. MANUFACTURER AND ) WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER Has for sale a quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch, Basswood and Soft Elm in good shipping condition. Ce dar Shingles ’and Bill Stuff a Specialty CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED: ‘ CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.oo per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., JANUARY 2, 1901 No. 49 CANADA L,UMBERMAN The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BurtpING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. ‘ : Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- jing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw tr il and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumbe: products. 497 Subscription price for the two editions or one vear, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. cutting 14 in. OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, WICKES deep; located in Canada ; price low. Bros., Saginaw, Mich. Wee split cedar shingles. price F.O.B. nearest shipping port. HORWOOD LUMBER CO., St. John’s, Newfound- land. OR SALE—2,00> arpents Hardwood Limits near St. Hilaire Station, only 22 miles from Montreal— Red Oak, Maple, Beech. B. F.CAmpseLt, St. Hilaire Station, Que. BASSWOOD AND SPRUCE, 1”, 1% in,, 1% in., 2 in. common and better, also zt in. cull soft elm and basswood. R. E. Kinsman, Hamilton. FOR SALE. AW MILL, COMPLETE, CAPACITY SIXTY S M feet per?ten hours; local railway shipping facilities, British Columbia. Address T.R., care this paper. FOR SALE. EDAR SHINGLES, XXX AND XX; ALSO cedar posts. For particulars address, HAR- RISON & HAWKE, Shallow Lake, Ont. OR SALE—SAW AND SHINGLE MILL, Poth stock of logs, also a comfortable dwelling and stables in « pgany. ped the ie oa i is i cash, write for particulars. Railway. This isa snap for eh eee Falding Ont. WANTED. 1 ANTED AFTER JAN. 1sr., POSITION AS Wana er or General Superintendent of Saw Mill, or to take awe of Construction of New Mill or saw by the M, by man who can furnish unexceptional reference as to experience and ability. Address P.0., Box 497 Ottawa Post Office, Ottawa, Ont. WANTED. AW AND PLANING MILL COMBINED, AT S Acton, Ont.; well equipped and machinery in rfectorder. Plenty of timber with which to operate = many years ; wood business in connection. Busi- ness well established and Peiieble. For further par- j d terms apply to the proprietor. — i PrAMES BROWN, Acton, Ont. WANTED Gf» HARD MAPLE SQUARES, 6%x6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any sta- tion in Ontario or Quebec. WANTED (THIS IS A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT.) MMEDIATELY, A PARTY ABLE TO FIN- dance the operations of a large spruce limit produc- ing four million feet a year of fully manufactured stock. Operations are now active. Capacity of plant is three thousand feet per hour. There are seven hundred thousand feet of seasoned lumber and one million fect of logs now on hand. Apply, stating terms and interest, to MANAGER, Box gtr, Makinak, Manitona. Limits and Saw Mills FOR SALE The proprietors having decided to retire from this busiress, offer their Valuable Limits and Mills for sale. The concern is well equipped in every respect and 1s in operation. The cost of operation is very moderate, aaving about 30 miles of railway (Lake St. John) run- ning through it. The Mill at Lake Edward is Circular aon ; that at Pearl Lake is St am Feed Circular and ang. The Limits, about 280 miles, have considerable Spruce and Pulp Wood, also Boule.u and Birch. These latter have exceptionable quality, and by judges con- sidered the best in the Province of Quebec. For terms, etc., apply to Address Box 40, CANADA WHITEHEAD & TURNER, Quebec City. oo So CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, “Inquiries for bills for next season are already coming in, and prospects for the season of Igol are considered very bright.” This is the manner in which a manufac- turer in western Ontario refers to the out- 100k for the lumber trade, ‘and his views are endorsed by other manufacturers from whom information has been received the past week. Some Georgian Bay ovills have already sold their coming seas- on’s cut of British deals, while an increas- ed inquiry for the lower grades is report- ed from all sections of the province. Without being too optimistic, it can be safely said that an active trade in lumber will characterize the early spring, and there is reasonable hope of higher prices at least for certain grades. Michigan con- sumers of lumber will, in all probability, obtain a greater portion of their supply in Canada this year than ever before, as the production of pine lumber in that State is now of no account. There are considerable stocks of hard- wood lumber in some districts, but it 1s not anticipated that there will be any gen- eral reductions in price, as this is scarcely possible unless sales are made at a loss, owing to the high prices paid for logs. It is expected that there will be a small pro- duction of hardwoods the coming seas- on. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The outlook for the lumber trade of the eastern provinces is brightening, although sales for immediate deliverv are few. For spring delivery, however, many en- enquiries are being made. During the past few months there has been little de- mand for spruce clapboards, the price of which has remained low. Enquiry has now become mote active, dry stocks are getting cleared out, and prices are show- ing a tendency to advance. British trade 1s quiet. Shippers are still unable to close contracts on account of the uncertainty of the European marker. New Brunswick cedar shingles are again a little weaker, selling as low as $2.80 for extras, $2.40 to $2.50 for clears, and $1.75 to $2 for sec- ond clears. UNITED STATES. While there was a falling off in trade towards the end of the year, all kinds of lumber give evidence of continued stabil- ity. An encouraging featureis the con- tinued volume of enquiry and the placing of many orders for early spring delivery. The end of the year found stocks at many manufacturing points badly broken. On the upper lakes there is said to be a short- age of 12-inch No. 1, 2 and 3 boards, Io inch No. 1 and 2 boards, and 2x12 piece stuff in 12, 14 and 16 foot lengths. Laths are also in short supply. A few sales of the cut of 1901 have been made at a slight advance on last season’s prices. In the saginaw valley manufacturers, with few exceptions, have little stock in their yards. Log run is quoted at $16 to $18, box lum- ber at $12 to $16, Norway bill stuff at $16 and upwards, and mill culls at $12 and $14. At Buffalo the stock of pine lumber is not heavy, and a general scarcity of the higher graaes is reported. Some efforts have been made by dealers to add to their supply from Ontario, but it 1s said that prices generally have been found too high. Spruce continues to gain in strength and advances are looked for early in the year. Although hardwoods are quiet, no weak- ness is shown. More than the usual number of enquiries are reported, and there has been some good buying for Jan- uary delivery. Plain oak has gone up another $1.50 in New York, now selling at $46 and better. Thetendency of shingles is strong. Buffalo dealers are finding more enquiries for red cedar shingles than for pine, the difference in price being 50 cents. On the Pacific coast cedar shingles have been advanced another 5 cents. GREAT BRITAIN. Advices from Great Britain tell of an unchanged condition of the lumber market. Importers are declining all overtures, and few sales of importance have been made. One report states that London importers have not yet pur- chased any deals and battens for next year, but several contracts for special goods, such as slating battens and weather boards, have been closed. There is yet much uncertainty as to the prices whcih will rule for spring shipments. Some Baltic manufacturers are said to have sold 11 and 9 inch deals at the same prices as ruled last season, and 7 inch battens 5 shillings lower. Prices for goods on spot are not improving. Notwithstanding the drop in spruce prices, there is little move- ment in the sale of deals and planks, and it would seem that consumers are expect- ing a further decline in prices. A few sales of third pine deals have been made at £11 12s 6d per standard for 3x9 in, 12 to 13 ft. in length. At an auction sale held by Hodson, Mabbs & Company, 3xi1 Quebec spruce brought only £9 5s, which is considered a little below market value. STOCKS AND PRICES. D. L. Mather, of Rat Portage, Ont., intends taking out 275,coo railroads ties this winter. The unsold stocks of lumber at Duluth and Superior at the close of the year amounted to 129,000,000 feet. The South River Lumber Company, of South River, Ont., have sold their 1901 cut of deals at prices about the same as last year. The bark St. James sailed from Che- mainus B.C., last week for Melbourne, Australia, with 1,200 000 feet of lumber, valued at $12,000. John Carew, of Lindsay, Ont., is get- ting out a large stock of logs and _ railway ties in North Victoria and Peterborough county this season. The Goderich Lumber Company, of Goderich, Ont., are taking out this winter only hemlock and cedar timber, for which they find a ready market. The Saginaw Lumber & Salt Company, of Saginaw, Mich., will, it is said, have 15,000,000 feet of logs for rafting to Michigan next season, these being cut on Indiana reserve lands. Seaman & Company, of Port Arthur., Ont., contracting lumbermen for the New Ontario and Rainy River railway, have let contracts for 250,000 ties to be taken out this winter between Port Arthur and Steep Rock Lake. They will employ 400 men. Several small saw mills along the line east of Sturgeon Falls will be moved to Seine river and Little Turtle lake, and several million feet of piling and bridge timber will be taken out. Sub-contracts have been let to the following : Bartley & Mosher, 5,000,000 feet of logs; Tier- ney & Fraser, 5,000,000 feet of logs, 25,- ooo ties, and a large quantity of piling ; Brownlea & Campbell, 30,000 ties, and about 50,000 feet of piling. The building of the road will involve the construction of two bridges across the Rainy River, one near Baudette and the other at Fort Frances. The failure is announced of the Alexander Timber Company. Limited, of Cardiff, Eng- land. Among the creditors are: Bunstall & Co., Quebec; R. R. Dobell, Quebec ; R. R. Dobell & Co., Quebec; W. & J. Sharples, Quebec; Farnworth & Jardine, Liverpool ; A. F. & D. McKay, Liverpool ; Pierce & Pierce, Liverpool. The tendency of the freight market is down- wards. Several steamers have been fixed from Miramichi to w.c. England at 52s 6d for first-open-water shipment and one of 1,500 standards at 52s 6d to Liverpool or Manches- ter. Four small sailers have been chartered, Bay of Chaleur to w.c. England, at 52s 6d, and two from Halifax to west coast at 50s 6d and 50s. From the river St. Lawrence chart- ers have been effected at 51 3d to 51s 6d. THE BOSTON MARKET. The spruce lumber market is steady and featureless. It is possible that the tone is just a shade easier, since one or twosmall mills have gone to sawing, but values are not chang- ed, with even more than agreement prices paid for frames, if wanted at once or within a few weeks: Ten and 12 inch dimensions, $18 ; 9 inch and under, $16; 10 and 12 inch ran- dom lengths, ten feet and up, $17; 2x 3, 2X A, 2X 5, 2x6; 2x7 and sixi4n lo feet and up, $14.50 ;all other randoms, 9 inches and un- der, 10 feet and up, $15.50; 5 inch and up, merchantable boards, $15; matched boards, $17 to $17.50; out spruce boards, $12.50; bundle furring, $14. Hemlock is very steady, with offerings lim- ited: Eastern stock boards, $14.50 to $15.- 50; random, $13.50 to $14. 50; Pennsylva- nia, $16 to $17; boards, rough, $12.50 to $13.50; planed, $14 to $14.50. Western pine is firmer, with shippers claim- ing a oe market: Uppers, 1 in. $58 to $62 ; 134 to 2 inch, $63 to $64; 3 and 4 in. $68 a eS selects, I to 4in. $52 to $64 ; fine common, I to 3in. $45 to $60; sheathings, $38 to $54 ; barn boards, $28 to $30; coffin boards, $24 to $26. Hardwoods continue in quiet request with little change. | Whitewood is in fair demand : One inch whitewood, $36 to $38; thicker, $38 to $42 ; 5% inch, $30 to $33 ; saps, inch, $25 to $30; common, $23 to $25; quartered oak, $65 to $75; fancy, $85 to $95 ; plain oak, $35 to $45 ; ash, $38 to $45 ; cherry $90 to $1303 maple, $30 to $40 ; sycamore, quar- tered inch, $40 to $50; walnut, $100 to $130. Shingles are considerably irregular. British Columbia shingles are in good request, with dealers behind with orders. | Eastern orders are irregular. .Dealers say that they are offer- ing a good many New Brunswick shingles at $2.75 for extras, without buyers. Other deal- ers say that the market is better cleaned up at CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. $2.85. It is certain that the present demand is light, and that building will have to be better than last year to take care of even a small cut : Extra cedar, $2.75 to $2.85 ; clear, $2.45 to $2.50, second clear, $1.75 to $2.10; clear white, $1.65 to $1.85 ; extra No. 1, $1.85; British Columbia, 16-inch, five butts to 2 in. $3.10 to $3.15. Clapboards continue in small supply, with a dull market : Extra spruce, $29 to $30 ; clear, $27 to $28 ; second clear, $24 to $25; pine, extra, $36 to $3%; clear, $33 to $37 ; second clear, $28 to $30; California redwood, clear, $42.50 to $45 ; second grade, $40 to $42. Laths are firm, but trade is quiet: 15-inch, $2.80 to $2.85; 1}4-inch, $2.60 to $2.70. Boston, Dec. 31st, 1900. The output of hemlock in Michigan this winter will be much less in quantity than last season, owing to the unsatisfac- tory condition of the hemlock market. Hemlock logs are said to be offering at $3.50 and $4.00. Wanted lor Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS DENNY, MOTT & DIGKSON, LIMITED LONDON, ENG. PINE LUMBER Get our Prices HARDWOOD LUMBER Tue Qentia Exeort Lumser Go. LATH ORILLIA. ONT. SHINGLES The North Pacific Lumber~ Co., Ltd., O~ FI. BARNET ; BRITISH COLUMBIA G6dar, SPFUCE (Gar and Gargo) A. F. BURY AUSTIN, Montrea, QUE., EASTERN AGENT. THOMAS PITTS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U.S. LYNEDOCH JOHN CHARLTON, W. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO. LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO. Our Manufacture, Drying Varad and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White ana Red Pine Lumber ana Lath Office: J. H. Still Mnfg. Co. ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. - St. Thomas, Ont. Manufacturers of all kinds of HANDLES 4 WOOD TURNED GOODS Ineluding Cant Hook Handles, Pike Poles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Doubletrees, ete. Established 1876. © Write for Price List. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. Overenp, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING SHEETING —cerine : Shortest and Quickest Route from... OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW bela DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- Pax, ST. JOHN, &e. W. P. Hinton, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. Smirn General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. GEILING @ TO LUMBER MANUFACTURERS Blank forms have been sent to lumber manu- facturers requesting certain information re- garding the lumber trade of 1900, to be used asa guide in the preparation of our annual review to appear in the February LUMBER- MAN. It is hoped that every manufacturer will furnish the information asked for. If you have not received a form, please advise us, so that you may be supplied. WANTED Hardwood Lands in Ontario and Quebec. Freehold Lands suitable for Pulp Manufacture in Quebee or the Maritime Provinees. As I give special attention to TIMBER PROPERTIES of every description I invite correspondence from Buyers and Sellers. H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL If You have any spruce Pulpwood to Sell write io me, JAMES W. SOUTHERN . MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants Ist quality Oak Planks; also Ist quality Pine, 12 and 13 xiO.x 3 Cable Address : LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities o09p HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE. ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and WALNUT GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of race dimensicns. 7 ‘ Cabl address, ‘‘Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, irae ge or any Woods suitable for Englilsh Telegraphic Address; FELBER, MANCHESTER JANUARY 2, 190 i ee oe A CORRECTION. Robert Cox & Company, of Montreal, send us corrected fiyures of the lumber shipments in 1900 from that port in which they are interested. Those of Robert Cox & Company were 26 826,629 feet, and of Cox, Long & Company 6,643,901 feet. JOHN ANDERSON WOOD AGENT 2 EDEN QUAY = - DUBLIN. Cable Address, ‘** Flooring, Dublin.” MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. HD. WICCIN Boston.mass- 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. FOR SALE: fiitwiceaves2 Du Tievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac River, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. H. M. Simpson 29 Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3°44. MONTREAL, QUE. PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit a Timber Limits on the er SWAN-DONOGH LUMBER C8 Cable Address, ‘‘“Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA.” Lumbermen’s Code. CRVTVVVVISVTVSVRYs Gilmour’s PATENT Doors LUMBER Guaranteed Superior to any other make of door. for Oil Finish, almost as cheap as Pine. BSEVSVVVSssseses LESS IN PRICE PINE on HARDWOODS BETTER IN QUALITY Hardwood we CAPACITY, 1,000 DOORS PER DAY ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WRITE OR WIRE FOR SAMPLES. GILMOUR & Go. TRENTON - CANADA » | SVVVSVSSVSVSSVSSSSST FSSVSSSSVSASSESBTEVSVESB Telegrams: “SPRUCE, BRISTOL.” ARTHUR BHA CEE Ae, (Manager to the late firm of Messrs. King Bros.) * WOOD BROKER Surveyor, BE EMPaLOF and Valuer. OFFICES : 73 Queen Square, Bristol. Avonmouth Dock and Bristol. C.H. GLOVER & CO., ra Importers of=——_aar SPRUCE, BOX SHOOKS, PINE, ETC. From now we intend buying DIRECT from Offers invited Cable Address : the Manufacturer. Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling “ 12.00 ene Mills and a ¢ HATCAM, LONDON, S.E., ENCLAND “Glovers, Hatcham, London.” P SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Gash Buyers CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED FROM RESPONSIBLE FIRMS, or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale Distribution of Lumber or Manufactured Wood Goods. . 2 $ roy Cable Address, “Budlets, London.” BUDGETT BROS. 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Sixcet Within, LONDON, E.¢. = as JANUARY 2, [901 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Il CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CQ, umireo WRITE FOR OUR NEW STOCK SHEET ma Pembroke, Ont. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods: Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, noreey Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southein Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Co., Limited, Paruet, B.C., Vancouver. . Douglas Fir Timber in any size or length up to 120 feet loi g, Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 39 inch. Dry Kilns of large capacity. Reugh and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir, Cedar, Spruce. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., LimiteD ; HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA We have in stock all gra 'es c f_—emmmemag WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH ano 1 SHINGLES Price List furnished on a pplication, per_return mail. A. TAIT, President. Wholesale and Retail FREID & GO. Dealers In =eETEY Lumber, Lath, Shingles and Cedar Posts Office and Docks: h Foot Berkeley St., Esplanade, TORONTO BASSWOOD Say what you want to buy. Say what you have to sell. wholesale Dealers 1° cLM, ASH AND Lim d £ Toronto, ed. FE DA LI AN OILDING R.A. SCOTT - McGregor, Ont. MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES A few carloads of 7 inch quarter cut and a few carloads of 3/4” plain cut dry Syeamore for sale. i ctAu RIN & MaLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. East TEMPLETON, QuE. KILLALOE STATION : ONT. icit ndence Sol * Corre SP Correspondence Solicited. Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock. or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS By RaIL or WATER. MOHR & RYAN Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . . Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie PoSts,ete.") .... Red» Pine Piling Timber a specialty. . . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. GODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE - 40,000 feet LONG PINE TIMBER, 50 e dnd Dake PafoseaCeMe Fo" Built nH. Dawa > Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER ot all Deseription. New York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. Telephone Main, 2712, eee SAILIE Dealer in——-emmmman PENBTANGUISHBNE, ONT, Basswood, Ash, Soft Elm, Birch and Maple Also Pine and Hemlock Lumber Cash Paid on Shipment. Correspondence Solicited. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. SARNIA one BUFFALO WISHING YOU THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON TAS yeMmAwWErATR 2.00) Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINGLES Centractore for Railway Supplies a MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . Se, A.& P.WAITE sete Dealers in... Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimensien T, imber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN into Dimension Stuff such as Crating, Table Legs, PEMBROKE, ONT. Robert Watt - Wiarton of all kinds, Pine Lath, Cedar Shingles and P. ; LUMBER Dressed Pine and Hardwood Flooring, Nihon ee Chair Rungs, Ete. Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff Cut to Orde Shipment by Rail or Water. Correspondence Solicited, OWEN SOUND. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO. anufacturers and Dealers M LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT (LOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. EE OO Quebec : DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. Siemon & Bros. Mig. G0. - — Wiarton, Ont. LUMBER MERCHANTS 4x» MANUFACTURERS We have in stoek Maple, Beech, Basswood in different thieknesses, also some Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON so ones, > LUMBER 8O St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE fice Lumber Co., timitea LUMBER = LATA CEORCE CORDON & co. - Manufacturers of . . , Sawn Red and White Pine Lumber and Lath Also Hewn Square and Waney Timber” at cache eay, owr, cpa 23 miles west North Bay. eJOAN P. NEWMAN m,. Wiarton, Ont. MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER Has for sale a quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch Basswood and Soft I in good shipping condition. Cedar Shingles ‘and Bil Stun 4 Specialty Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. > Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. JANUARY 2, 1901 BRITISH WOGD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. "4 MOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. odes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman s, Zebra ; Private. Agen ae for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to alls s—a ane all kinds of Hardwoods po et 08) nber and Dim n Stock. Shipments to any o' at the principa line rts in the United Kingdom or sie ra ndled t6 the be: pa iva ntage. Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. WRG, Gaul t OO 7 Royal Bank P Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ai and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOO LD BE Oat aS 27% Union Street - GLASGOW F. A. LIGATBODY & CO. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes A. B.C., Ax, ‘ Zebra” an a = CANADIAN WHITE PINE ae ‘SPRUCE; sige plo Be ‘Log, pate Ship s handled to the best advantage to all p Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &c. —————————— Depots: BARKING, LIVERPOOL, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, Hutt AND ERISTOL JONAS SMITH & CO. Telegraphic Address : Moutpinc, Lonvon # 92 to 98 Belvedere Road, LAMBETH, S. E. IMPORTERS OF... - Moulding and Joinery Manufacturers, Ete. Timber Merchants and Importers. Pine Doors, Mouldings “LEARY & CO. Wood Argents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. ORGAN, GELLIBRAND & (0. WOOD AGENTS. Established 1806. 20 Bishopsgate St. Within, LONDON, EC. A KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND sures BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites cain accep om on Manufacturers for spipment per regular liners. “‘Bircu,” Glasgow. Directory, A B C and Zebra Telegraphic Codes. Cable Address : GELLIBRAND, London “Burke, Belfast.” Codes: A. B. C., Zebra Unive rsal, Watkins, Scott’s, & Private Codes. JOHN “BURKE & SO. ; ood Brokers ormer ly H. Anprews & Co., Establis and Merchants BELFAST - IRELAND. Agents for Canadian white pine and spruce, cut to all sizes, and for all kinds of hardwoods in log, lumber and dimension stock. Shipments handled to the best advant- age at all ports in Ireland. Correspondence solicited. Consular Offices of Austro-Hungary, France, Italy, Portugal and Uruguay: SMITH & TYRER - — 14 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL . WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., | Hollis St., Halifax, N.S isn i SS eee SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Grosby Square, LONDON, ENG, SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc... Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Address: "*ALLISON,’’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW GATE TA i NPL, MAE © nS. ec A dA we C Codes use and Merchants. . Windsor Saw Mills, (Govan) GLASGOW. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF B. C. Code used. HARDWOODS AND PINE 6 IRVIN & SELLERS-9 Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Telegraphic address “Kauri Glasgow.” A.B Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS 0F === POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New Yorx. DIRECTORY CODE. CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers Cable Address : “ GELLIBRAND, CARDIFF," . Western Mail Chambers, CARDIFF Manchester Timber Importers timitea 8 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester r, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used JAMES COOKE & CO. WOOD BROKERS NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, ENGLAND Representing A 1 Canadian and American Houses. Cable Address, ‘‘ Woodgoods,” Newcastle-on-Tyne. ___ Consular Offices of Austro-Hungary, France, Italy, Portugal and Uruguay $$ THE BRITISH“°NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER COMPANY ‘> AGENTS FOR © ALL KINDS OF UMBERS 57 GRACECHURCH ST. ae MADE R LONDON, E.C. TO SHIPPERS. 4 ~The Lumberman Monthly Edition, WEEKLY FDITION 20 pages } $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER RFACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL.LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS. THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT. BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES. AND OTHER FOREIGN-MARKETS. Vor. VI. TORONTO, ONT., JANUARY 9, 190! No 50 CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED, BV The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office : ImperRtAL Bureotnc, MONTREAL. 4@F Subscription price for the two editions or one year, $1.00, R SALE ive inserti discount of or more consecutive insertions are ordered a 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ;_12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in. deep; located in Canada ; price low. WrcKES Bros., Saginaw, Mich. ANTED—s,09,coo split cedar shingles. ae ice F.O.B. nearest shipping port. HORWOOD LUMBER CO., St. John’s, Newfound- land. , OR SARR—a\00> arpents Hardwood Limits near F St. Hilaire Station, on!y 22 miles from Montreal— Red Oak, Maple; Beech. 5B. F.CampBELL, St Hilaire Station, Que. ANTED, BASSWOOD AND SPRUCE, *", 1% in,, 1% in., 2 in. common and better, also x in. cull :oft elm and basswood. R. E. Kinsman, Hamilto:. FOR SALE. AW MILL, COMPLETE, CAPACITY SIXTY M feet per ten hours; local railway shipping facilities, British Columbia. Address T.R., care this paper. FOR SALE. = R SHINGLES, XXX AND XX; ALSO part posts. _ For particulars address, HAR- RISON & HAWKE, Shallow Lake, Ont. SALE—SAW AND SHINGLE MILL, Foi stock of lags, also a comfortable dwelling and stables in conn ction. Near the Canada Atlantic Railway. This isa snap for a Fs ON Ee Falding Ont., SAW MILL FOR SALE. QUIPPED WITH BAND MILL, SHIN- gle Mill and Lath Machine ; capacity 35 M per day, with contract on hand for two years ; can be re- newed when runs out. Ship by water and rail, Ad- dress Box 555, CANADA LUMBERMAN. WANTED REEN HARD -MAPLE SQUARES, 6%x6% in.. 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any sta- tion in Ontario or Dottecs Address Box 42, CANADA LuMBERMAN. FOR SALE FEW SPARS OF DIFFERENT LENGTHS up to go feet ; als*a small quantity of dry 2 and 1% inch good soft pine. W. A.Mi tne, Brown’s Corners, Ont. FOR SALE. BOUT. 15 M FEET 1 1NCH ‘BASSWOOD cut in frast ; about 20 M feet r and 2inch Maple; 10 M feet 1 inch Soft Elm. This is all dry stock. J. Hicktinc, Maxwell, P. O. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to vrobable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wan‘ed and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, HARDWOOD LUMBER 300 000 FEET HARD MAPLE, zepoo FEET J Beech, 50,00 feet Black Birch, vari us sizes, now ready for shipment, at Duck Island Dock, Lake Huron. Iam prepared to contractfor Dimension Steck of Hard Maple, Birch, Balm Tamarack and Spruce, for delivery summer 1901. Good ock and safe harbor for loading. Send specifications. and: prices to Joun Sate, Windsor, Ont., or to E. Beprorp, Duck Island, via Wiarton. WANTED (THIS IS A PROFITABLE INVESTMENT.) MMEDISTELY, A PARTY ABLE TO FIN- ance the operations of a large spruce limit produc- ing four million feet a year of fully manufactured stock. Operations are now active. Capacity of plant is three thousand fect per hour. There are sever Fundred thousand feet of seasoned lumber and one million fect of logs now on hand. Apply, stating terms and interest, to MANAGER, Box 911, Makinak, Manitoba. Limits and Saw Mills FOR SALE The proprietors having decided to retire fr m this busiress, offer their Valuable Limits and Mills for sale. The concern is well equipped in every respect and 1s in operation. The cost of operation is very moderate, aaving about 30 miles of railway (Lake St. John) run- ning through it. The Mill at Lake Edward is Circular Saw ; that at Pearl Lake is St am Feed Circular and Gang. ‘The Limits, about 280 miles, have considerable Spruce and Pulp Wood, also Boule uand Birch. These latter have exceptionable quality, and by judges con- sidered the best in the | rovince of Quebec. For terms, etc., apply to WHITEHEAD & TURNER, Quebec City. BUSINESS NOTES. The Victoria Yukon Trading Company have sold their saw nill tothe Upper Yukon Con- solidated Ccempany, Limited. The McArthur Export Company, Jumber merchants, are applying for incorporation, with head office in Quebec city. It has been decided by the creditors of Pierce, Watts & Co., of Liverpool, England, that the estate shall go into bankruptcy. It is reported on’ reliable authority that the extensive lumber business and property owned by George Moffatt & Company, of Dalhousie, N. B., has been sold to a Boston syndicate. The transfer includes limits, saw mill, boom privileges, scows and steam tug, and the con- sideration is believed to be in the vicinity of $200,000 ; The barque Mermaid has been chart- ered tu load lumber at a British Columbia port for Chili. ‘Hardwoods are selling slowly, losing any strength. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The first few days of the new year brought more business to the lumbermen of Ontario than could reasonably be ex- pected. The open weather permitted of building operations being continued almost incessantly, while numerous in- quiries for stock have been received from United States dealers. The indications are that considerable lumber will be shipped from Ontario to the Eastern States during the winter months, as the rail rate from the Georgian Bay district to Buffalo and Tonawanda jis about $2.50, which is a fair.comparison with the aver- age rate by vessel during the season of 1900. As dealers. generally hold light stocks, they will no doubt keep adding moderately to their supply during the winter, so as to be in a position to handle the increased volume of trade which is expected early in the spring. Further re- ports of light stocks have reached us. A large manufacturer states that in his Opinion there is less pine lumber in the hands of manufacturersthan has been the case for fifteen vears,. Whilethis.may be an extreme view, it is in line with the reports of light stocks received from nearly every section of the province. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, The complete statistics of lumber ship- ments from the St. Lawrence for the year 1900 are not yet to hand, but those cover- ing the Maritime provinces are compiled in Snowball’s annual circular. It is shown that the trans-Atlantic ship- ments from nearly all the ports of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia were larger than in the previous year. From Muira- michi the shipments were 122,000,000 feet, and from St. John 236,000,000 feet, the latter showing an increase of 50,000,- ooo feet. The stock of merchantable spruce and pine wintering on the Mira- michi is 33,000,000 feet, as compared with 32,000,000 feet one year ayo and 4o,- 000,000 feet in 1898. . With the’ exception of 4,500,000 feet, the stock wintering is spruce. The course of the coming seas- on’s trad? is still uncertain. High prices are being asked for 1) x 3 inch deals, but generally the market is quiet. the Boston market at $2 75 for extras. UNITED STATES. The price list committee of the Missis- sippi Valley Lumbermen’s Association, at ameeting held on {January 3rd, adopted a new list, based onthestatistical condition of the pine market. No general advance in prices was made, the changes being for the purpose of evening up, according to the volume of stock heid at the mills. The reports submitted showed that in many grades light stocks are held. It 1s con- ceded that consumers of both pine and hardwoods arecarrying lighter stocks than usual, this condition applying particularly to the Eastern States. From reliable in- formation it is believed that higher prices will be demanded in the near future, as r without Cedar- - shingles have declined and are selling in there seems to be a disposition on the part of buyers to accept whatever prices are asked at the present time. Saginaw dealers who have been looking over the Duluth market report that holders of Jum- ber are asking an advance of fifty cents and one dollar per thousand. A lull in trade is reported from Buffalo and Tona- wanda, where there is a shortage of the better grades and also .12 inch boards in all grades. The call for spruce seems to be stronger than that for pine, and prices are stiffening. In New York city northern spruce is selling at $19 to $20. The demand for hardwoods is fair, but a much better trade is expected after mid- winter. Sales of shingles are light, as is also the supply, and an expansion in the demand would likely bring about higher. prices. GREAT BRITAIN. So far very little has been done by Brit - ish importers towards contracting for their regular supplies. The. business transacted has been confined chiefly to the eastern. and north-eastern coast. There appears to be a slightly better feel- ing in the trade, especially in respect to Canadian lumber. Messrs. Edmiston & Mitchells, of Glasgow, in their annual circular just issued, point out thit the year witnessed an advance in the price of Can- adian stock, with the exception of red pine and birch logs, the demand for which was less active. Waney pine timber is quoted at 2s 8d for 17 inch, and 2s 9d for 18 inch of first quality.. Red pine, 4o to 45 feet average, is selling at 214%4d to 22d per cubic foot, and 30 feet average about 19d. Quebec birch is worth 184 for 15 inch, and 21d for171n. Broad first pine. deals from Quebec are selling at £26 15s to £30 per standard; ir inch at £24 to £26. Second pine deals are held at £20 to £22, third quality at £13 to £14, and fourth quality at £10 5s to £10 15s for 11 inch and up. Quebec spruce is worth £9 to £10. and New Brunswick spruce £7 5s to £8 5s for 7 and 8 inch, and £8 tos to £9 Ios for 9 to 11 inch. STOCKS AND PRICES. The season thus far has been an ex- cellent one for lumbering on the Spanish ~ river. The cooperage market continues quiet. At Chicago hoops are quoted at from $10 to $12. Jobn Patterson has a portable mill at Goshen, N. B., where he expects to cut 500,000 feet of lumber. The quantity of logs exported from Ontario to Michigan during the season of 1900 was 45,850,485 feet. Ferguson & McFadden, of Ottawa, are operating quite extensively this winter on their limits on the Spanish river. Henry Epps, of Canard, N.S., has purchased timber property at Elmsdale, Colchester county, where he is operating this winter. Seaman & Company, of Port Arthur, Ont., have a large quantity of sidings taken from bridge timber which they will be prepared to dispose of during the coming summer. G. R. Jones, of Moncton, N. B., is lumbering on the Irishtown road, cutting spruce, hemlock and hardwood, which he 1s sawing with a portable mill. He ex- _ pects to get out 1,500,000 feet. The secretary of the Canaaian Manufac- turers’ Association, Toronto, has received a communication asking for quotations on 500,000 feet of lumber and on a quan- tity of box shooks for shipment to South Africa. Mershon & Company, of Saginaw, Mich., are announced to have purchased the entire stock of logs which the Arthur Hill Company are taking out this winter in the Georgian Bay district. The quan- tity is estimated at 20,000,000 feet. The logs will be manufactured at Midland, Ont., and the lumber shipped to Saginaw. At Buffalo dealers are taking orders for hemlock lumber at $13 and $13.50 as the base price. There is a good de- mand there for all cuts of cedar. Job- bers are selling 8 foot post with 3 to 4% inch tops at 12 cents; 4% to 5% inch, 13 cents; 6 inch, 16 cents; Io ft. with 5 inch tops, 21 cents; 6 inch tops, 24 cents. Cedar posts sell at 45 cents for firsts and 32 cents for seconds. Best 18 inch shingles are scarce at $3.25 ; 16 inch at $2.50 ; culls at $1 for 16 inch and $1.25 for 18 inch. Many things of interest to buyers and sellers of lumber will be found each week in the announcements of our advertisers. Note the changes from week to week an take advantage of the offers. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. THE BOSTON MARKET. On spruce lumber the market is very firm. The unusually mild weather without snow here has made a demand for spruce and spruce frames, although 1t may be small, that it 1s not easy to supply. Certain buyers are reported to be ready topiay almost’any price for suchan amount of dimension spruce as they want at once. But this is by no meansa general demand. Quotations, although nominally as follows, would have to be raised considerably to cover some small business done and bid for. Ten and 12 inch dimensions, $18; 9 inch and under, $16; 10 and12 inch random lengths, 10 feet and up, $17; 2x3, 2x4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3 x 4, 10 feet and up, $14.50; all other randoms, 9 inch and under, 10 feet and up, $15.50; 5 inchand up, merchantable boards, $15; matched boards, $17 to $17.50; out spruce boards, $12.50; bundle furring, $14. Hemlock holds steady, with a small demand and small offerings: Eastern stock boards, $14.50 to $15.50; random, $13.50 to 14.50; Pennsylvania, $16 to $173; boards, rough, $12.50 to $13.50, planed, $14 to $14.50. Western pine is firm and higher prices are asked both by shippers and on the market ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AKD LUMBER | PAYMENT BY KONTREAL BANKERS DENNY, MOTT & DIGKSOK, LIMITED LONDON, ENG. PINE LUMBER Get our HARDWOOD LUMBER Prices Tae Qaria Exeort Lumeer Go. LATH ORILLIA. ONT. SHINGLES The North Pacific Lumber—~ BARNET Co., Ltd., BRITISH CoLuMBIA O~Fir. G6dar, SPPUCE (Gar and Gargo) A. F. BURY AUSTIN, Montreat, QUE., EASTERN THOMAS PITTS, BETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. S. LYNEDOCH + JOHN CHARLTON, AGENT. W. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO. LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO. Our Manufacture, Drying Yards and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. J. H. Still Mnfg. Co. - > 5G Thomas. Ont. Manufacturers of all kinds of HANDLES «> WOOD TURNED GOODS Including Cant Hook Handles, Pike Poles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Doubletrees, ete. Established 1876. : 2° “Write for Price List. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY + operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. i 2 ye al in Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale Distribution g of Lumber or Manufactured Wood Goods i Ya Gash Buyers . . » Shortest and Quickest Route from... . SHEETING -.and., CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED FROM RESPONSIBLE FIRMS. GEILING @ here: Uppers, 1 in., $58 to $62; 134 to 2 in., $63 to $64; and 4 inch, $68 to $72; selects, I to 4 inch, $52 to $64; fine common, { to 3 inch, $45 to $60; sheathings, $38 to $54; barn boards, $28 to $30 ; coffin boards, $24 to $26. Shingles are-easy with* m6&t Séllers; fhough™ some holders still claim a fairly firm market : Extra cedar, $2.75 to $2.80; clear, $2.45 to $2.50; second clear, $1.75 to $2.10; clear white, $1.65 to $1.85; extra No. 1, $1.85; British Columbia, 16-inch, five butts to 2 inches, $3.10 to $3.15; California redwoods, $3 to $3.50. Laths are quiet: 15-inch, $2.80 to $2.85: 1%-inch, $2.60to $2.70. Boston, Jan. 7th, 1901. TO LUMBER MANUFACTURERS. Blank forms have been sent to Jumber manu- facturers requesting certain information re- garding the lumber trade of 1900, to be used as a guide in the preparation of our annual review to appear in the February LUMBER- MAN. It is hoped that every manufacturer PINE WANTED. The undersigned will require for delivery between the «tof May and the 1st of August, 19¢ 1, about 500,000 feet B.M. of Pine Timber, in lengihs from 16 to 22 feet, 12 inches square; also a quantity 10in x 10in.x22 feet long. Parties having this class of material to dis- pose of please communicate with Puin & Co., Contractors Toronto Harbor Works, Toronto, Ont. JOHN ANDERSON WOOD AGENT 2 EDEN Quay - - DUBLIN. Cable Address, ‘‘ Flooring, Dublin.” MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd.. of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities ofp HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cabl address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. JANUARY 9, Igor will furnish the information asked for. If you have not received a form, please advise us, so that you may be supplied. Hardwood Lands in Ontario and Quebec. Freehold Lands suitable for Pulp Manufacture in Quebee or the Maritime Provinces. As I give special attention to TIMBER PROPERTIES of every description I invite correspondence from Buyers and Sellers. H, FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL If You have any Spruce Pulpwood to Sell write io me. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WiGCl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. FOR SALE: fitz..t'sts.e Du I.ievre, Rouge, St. Maurice, Temiscouata, Cas- capedia (Great and Little), and the Escumenac River, and Georgian Bay. Mills and Water Powers also for sale. Asbestos, Chrome and Copper Mines for sale. Principals only dealt with. Z H. M. Simpson 29 Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Telephone main 3744. _ MONTREAL PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit Cable Address, ‘“‘Swan DoNoGH—TONAWANDA.” Lumbermen’s Code. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, tag borne or any Woods suitable for Englilsh arket. Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER JAMES W. SOUTHER MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants tst quality Oak Planks; also rst quality Pine, 12 and 13 x6 x 3” Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. CCVVTVVVVTVSVEVUESVSSVSSSSSSSESSEUSSSSSBISSSBO Gilmour’s PATENT Doors LUMBER Guaranteed Superior to any other make of door. LESS IN PRICE PINE on HARDWOODS BETTER IN QUALITY Hardwood for Oil Finish, almost as cheap as Pine. CAPACITY, 1,000 DOORS PER DAY ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WRITE OR WIRE FOR SAMPLES. GILMOUR & GO. _ TRENTON - CANADA ~ SBSOVVVSSVSSVVWSSSSSST 6828S 8E2228888E8S8ESBH Telegrams: ‘‘SPRUCE, BRISTOL.” ARTHUR BREACH AM (Manager to the late firm of Messrs. King Bros.) * WOOD BROKER >». Surveyor, Arbitrator and Valuer. OFFICES : 73 Queen Square, Bristol. t Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling s¢ 12.00 Cable Address, “‘Budlets, London.” Avonmouth Doek and Bristol. P’ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. Burk’s Falls, Ont. BUDGETT BROS. 70 and 74 Bishopsgate Street Within, LONDON, E.C. Ls eee ee ee L xsts & ands x o., 32 00 3600 . a . aes 00 e 1“ 3-858 100 00 Ki in., 6 in. wide.... -rin,, 6 in. Md eai miei asi) A360) QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT. = cts. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 40 to 45 feet average: banocnode 40 «47 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch: average, according to lineal. . 36 «45 19 to2ztinchaverage ‘‘ 45) (50 «Michigan “* sgto2rin.average ‘* ‘“ & size 48 50 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality. SEED OLICOmOOS Geno Ler Nese In shipping order, dsnekadood Ciena OMSO) - OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to averageandquality. . . .. . 46 50 - ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 tosofeet. .35 40 30 to 35 feet. .32 37 ASH. 14 inches and- up, according to average and quality. . . . .23 26 To ayerage 16 inch . PEPE: sa) se Wee ew 28) ZO. BIRCH. / cANnehlaveragel. <=. Al 4a) si aoe + 4s 6 De toe te Rf oe) marae OPT oo te oe 0 cual Ce Cs ear eae) 17, Af eth ro! (ano Se . Hao k ode . el pach eben din gp 3 oR) Se rier 32 DEALS, Bright Spruce), according to mill specification, $44 to $46 for rst, $30 to $32 for 2nd, $28 to $30 for ard, and $24 to $26 for oo quality. F.O. ie. batteau. BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPERS AND SELECTS, 14, 134 and in,....... «+. 47 cc 1% tah and 2 in.........-. 53 00 24f and 3 in. pooorec sOase 1 eG 2M, AUG) A WL veep cieeeees 69 OO}! AVIN. eve eee gene re ne ++.» 60 00 4AM eres renee ee ceeeeee ees 65 00 st Ae sade FINE COMMON. Uppers, 1 te ro n. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $47 00 Sa Wide vo eeeer veer eee s ss 553 oc ; ae Ms and up wide...... 38 00 | 234 and 3in., 8in, and up wide 44 oo 14 and 134 in.......05. ree CONAN. nays Se saree BbIDSbachagoot - 55 co Ch lyn gnenunict oo SOO OMOUDAELN DME YA Ce B FINE COMMON OR NO t CUTTING. rin., 7in. and up wide...... 30 00 | 244 and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 43 00 By gates met eins 50S O [PAULING ss c/o eisie eanincieejascee 46: 00 BIN cee vereecerccesereence 36 00 STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1 in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide... 42 00 rin., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 38 00 6 in. wi eee sumana sects: 40 00 | 6 in, wide................. . 40 00 FINE COMMON OR Cc. rin., 4, sin. wide, ......... 32 00 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide........ 35 00 +. 30.50 | sim, 6 in. Wide eu nae 36 00 _ SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. xXin,, 4; 5, 6in. wide... .... 30 00! rin., 4,5, 6 in. wide........ 25 00 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. .. 24 00| No. , Dieses : ah ee 3 # é 3 SUPPLEMENT TO CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. lesale e Prices January 9, got. vie. t LATH. No. c. White Pine... ... ... 2 75 | No. 2. White Pine........... 2 25 : Islay Former acoso nosnsoncan kis: ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. up...........$63 $65 | 1x12 inchshippers......... $ $22 BAT ae aese ner ci 63 65 | 4/4 inch See ait Satps 23 rto2in...... - 55 57 | 4/4 Box boards, 6” and up.. 17 18 qh uppers .... --. 65 67 | 1o-in. dressing and better... 28 30 elects, 2% in. up. Aerigandeo 55 | 10-In. common.......... red 18 REE O)Z Naive ce ratetee rene ste orate 47 | 12-in. dressing and better... 32 34 Fine common, 2% i in, andup 45 50| Common, 1x12...........-. 18 TAEOWZID sn ajeisielels nel acce Geeme3Oe 42) NODAL) Racka}|e «ja sielsinieie 25) 20) Non ee nas Frcenese cM, Bk eCiinnomrapcondoccmeaen es) EX! PEC aor era oat OAC er pacity 255 30. Po Glondonocone cepa coeate Ly 2a INOwtemcierne Ricgouenecee . 21 26| No. 2 barn, 1x12......... ata 23 No. x molding, 1 tozin..... 35 38 RL Opsitetaea 22 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2in..... 28 30 1x8... 20 Stained saps..... poned ey Ao) Shaky clear, x ‘to 4 26 30 Bracket plank ....... Sao 2 35 ZYANICH tel eletere We 30° 32 Shelving boards, r2-in. up.. 35 Dressing’. ciciayaiieleisinie o weera O09 4z Dressing boards, narrow.... 23 Conmmoninrctscristsiet mele uleltars 20 1x1q inch shippers......... 20 ; LATH. Pinetoe- BDonaLane noeanacaes $2 ers \liSpricetscien ta aiuieieleielcieiereteatein Sp2e7 et : SHINGLES. Sawed Pine, ex. xxxx..$4 00 $4 25 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 5 50 ee INAS pdagacnoa keer et Cell Leicilteyel aa naa bocaoucKe 225 ooth, 6x18....... 4 50 4 75| Spruce......... Ao tees 225 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) vee 1,14%,1%and 2 Dressing 14 in...... 33 5° piaetere ise 58 00] x1&%x1oand12...... 35 50 aig ad 3 i. anced (Byte b2°5 cinsrgosanacsan 35 so odbanoDoONcOE V2 Sa|) 2.18 contmnocoonsgs 34 50 Selecta: 1 to 2 in. 50 co Shelving, No. I, 13 in. 2% and 3 in....... 62 00 and up, rin...... 38 50 Yt fisoonacecotebgos ‘66 0o| Mold st’ps No. 1 to 2 : Fine common, rin.,up Ml cosmondaconandons sy Ger Bfteie to 12 in. wide.. 42 00] Barn, No.1, r2in..... 26 oo rY% and1% ined 42 00} 6,8androin...... 22 00 2 iN ...--.ces ose va 45 00 No. 2, 101m... anon 2I 00 ae ere are 56 oo] . No.2, 12 1n........ 23 00 Renata 62 co| No. 3, ro and 12 in. 19 09 Cut’ up, ‘No. 3,1 in, 33 00] Box, 2X4..+-.5002- 06 17 00 Sm Mencia 39 00 1x6 tor2in.. 17 co 18 co No. 2, Ses AG 22 co a Oi 00 Ne. 2,1%,&1 in 32 00 33 00 i 18 oo No. 3, mh 1% and Milt” cue Tn 1%, 1% Zito wooreioege 4. 24 CO 25 00 Andi 2 ils. sete Ig 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buying | price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; f WHITE ASH. tst & 2nd, x inch, 29 00 31 00 2 EO} 4 uIt)s\oiels\sisiela\= «16 33,00) 37700 SES IEA enehannee 25 CO 5 GON SEIPS s.4 eases see enins 19)00) 21400 é Com. and culls....... 11 00 13 00 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ~ rst & 2nd, 6inchup, 24 00 25 00| Com. & good culls... rr 00 13 00 BIRCH tst & end, 6 inch & | ast &end ;white, 6” &up, 17 00 19 00 up, red........... 2790 29 oo| Com. & good culls Koced 9 00 II 00 ELM. ist & 2d,rock, 6in.& up, 19 00 21 00 | 1st & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 19 00 21 00 APLE. ist & 2d, hard,6in, & upt7 ao 19 00 a ist & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 17 00 19 00 NN = A \ - : . FEE ' ad “ Fa a > et. o ond ¢ Seca git cow wea ‘ Poe tor ’ a a, ) ri ? as ¥ ° | j bi ' B OF, itn > iz hat é 6 t ' . e = roe > . ore Hie cme bd ' s = . £ Tr ay ‘ “ “= 4 .— hws: Ee s 3 Wy -_ ’ f: ne as one ‘. . > bf Tg} cue : DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. Siemon & Bras. Mig.G0. - — Wiarton, Ont. LUMBER MERCHANTS +> MANUFACTURERS We have in stoek Maple, Beech, Basswead in different thicknesses, also some Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. : Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON saceuee_ LUMBER 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE Ta Lumber Co., timitea MANUFAGTURERS Shipments by Rail or Water. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. LOMBER= LATA e Midland, Ont. GEORGE CORDON & CO. : . Manufacturers of... Sawn Red and White Ping Lumber and Lath Also Hewn Square and Waney Timber i at cacHe Bay, onr., c.p.r, 23 miles west North Bay. OAN P. NEWMAN &, Wiarton, Ont. MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER Has for sale a quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch, Basswood and Soft Elm in good shipping condition. Cedar Shingles and Bill Stuff a Specialty CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Iv | CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. JANUARY 9; 1901) BRITISH‘ wood BROKERS AND IMPORTERS [CARNWO: TH & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. + Woo BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. s, Ze bra ; Private. s—a one all kins Baraca noods n the United Kingdom ‘Cable Addre “Pari WRIGHT, (GRIN t OO. 7 Reval Bank Place; GLASGOW, Erg ead odes Used: Watkin Rey ay s, Scott's _A.B.C.; Lumberma Age ae for the sale <{ CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND Etat dete a te all's are Shipme' ny ait: cipa aipat rts of Lumber s andled'aG the s bes sia “adda pa ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. SINGLETON, DUNN, & GO. WY Oe tS BROKERS 27 Union Street - GLASGOW F. A. LIGHBODY & CO. 8 Gordon Steet, GLASGOW, SCOTLAND W OOD BROKEHRS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Az, ‘‘Zebra” and Private. Agents ne CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND etn SS __ Hardwoods ue Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to a all ports in the Uni ence Solicited Telegraphic Address— “ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &c. Depots : BARKING, LIVERPOOL, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, HULL AND V RISTOL JONAS SMITH & CO. # 92 to 98 Belvedere Road, LAM BETH, S. E. Moulding and Joinery Manufacturers, Ete. Timber Merchants and Importers. Telegraphic Address : Moupinc, LONDON IMPORTERS OF . t. - Pine Doors, Mouldings LEARY Shim ohare " Wood Aegents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, eee trae, Geabelnuser Street, LONDON EG: Eee eee E.C., ENGLAND. MORGAN, GELLIBRAND AND & CO. -\WwooD AGENTS. Established 1805. 90 Bishopsgate St. Within, LONDON, E C. ee ere eee A KENNEDY West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND suet BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites correspondeuce from Manufactory? wep spipmeee per eopular | liners. Cables ‘‘Bircu,” Glasgow y, ABC a Telegraphic Cable Address : GeLLIBRAND, London elegrams ; Belfast.” Codes One « atkin: a BE: a ice es. oo rokers J JOHN N BU R KE. & | 60. " and Merchants “BELFAST - IRELAND. Agents for : anadian white pine and spruce, cut to all sizes, and for all kinds of hardwoods in log, lumber and dimension stock. Shipments handled to the best advant- age at all ports i in Ireland. Corres spondence solicited. Consu'ar Offices of Austro-Hungary, France, Italy, Portugal and Uruguay: THEBRITISI E AGENTS FOR 7. ~s ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. Eee | SMITH & TYRER 7S |4 Canada-Dock, rs nay --WooD AGENTS .. Cable Address—‘* Walmer,” Liverpo Halifax, N. S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Hk Baika St., Halifax, N.S Salis: Sree ahs Vial elena aA Ce ee aL ie SIEVEKINC, PODMORE i. CO. SALES AGENTS: bi Crosby Square, . LONDON, ENGLAND (Branch at Liverpool, Eng.) All kinds of HARDWOODS (Logs and Lumber), PINE and SPRUCE. Edmiston & Mitchell TIMBER BROKERS ~— 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Sell before shipment and look atter Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: “‘ALLISON,” Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO... Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW _ ava a Tt aa Albee N, Ca ble 7s AB C Codes used. and Merchants. Windsor Saw Mills, (Govan) GLASGOW. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF HARDWOODS AND. PIN E Telegra apa addre Rigi B.C. Code >-IRVIN & SELLERS : Cable Address Forge S reet, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS O0F-—— POPLAR, SORT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK BLM and MAPLE LOGS © Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Ellas; New York. aa le “ Primus” Liverpool . DIRECTORY CODE. CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & GO. Wood Agents and Brokers Western Mail Chambers, CARDIFF cae Adress“ OELLTBRAND, CARDIFA = Western Mall Chambers, CARDS Manchester Timber Importers tim 83 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. ce Adan TIMBER, Nance, Engen A Ceo JAMES COOKE & CO. WOOD BROKERS NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, ENGLAND Representing A 1 Canadian and American igs Ss Cable Address, ‘‘ Woo dgoods,” « GELLIBRAND, CARDIFF,’ Cable Address : A.B.C. and Zebra codes used Newcastle-2n-Tyne. NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER COMPANY “> SOT GRACECHURCH: Tes LONDON, E.C. Pen CES MADE To SHIPPERS. CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY PDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} si.o0 peR year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., JANUARY 16, 190! No. 51 CANADA LLUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u oi Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BUILDING, MONTREAL. exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. vear, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in. deep; located in Canada; price low. WrckEs Bros., Saginaw, Mich. Wea. split cedar shingles. Quote price F.O.8. nearest shipping port. Add ess, HORWOOD LUMBER CO., St. John’s, Newfound- land. OR SALE—2,099 arpents Hardwood Limits near St. Hilaire Station, only 22 miles from Montreal— Rel Oak, Maple, Beech. B.F.CAmpsELt, St. Hilaire Station, Que. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanred and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, FOR SALE. AW MILL, COMPLETE, CAPACITY SIXTY M feet per ten hours; local railway shipping facilities, British Columbia, Address T.R., care this paper. FOR SALE. EDAR SHINGLES, XXX AND XX; ALSO ceiar posts. For particulars address, HAR- RISON & HAWKE, Shallow Lake, Ont. OR SALE—SAW AND SHINGLE MILL, with stock of logs, also a comfortable dwelling and stables in ee ee the eae ee iilway. is i cash, write for particulars. Railway. This isa snap for ast wih (or act Falding Ont. SAW MILL FOR SALE. QUIPPED WITH BAND MILL, SHIN- gle Mill and Lath Machine ; capacity 35 M per day, with contract on hani for two vears ; can be re- new-d when runs out. Ship by water and rail, Ad- dress Box 555, CANADA LuMB:RMAN. WANTED REEN HARD MAPLE SQUARES, 6%x6% in.. 12 feet ard up. Cash on delivery at any sta- tionin Ontario or Quebec. Address Box 42, CANADA LuMBERMAN. : FOR SALE FEW SPARS OF DIFFERENT LENGTHS up to go feet ; alsoa small quantity of dry 2 and 14% inch good soft pine. W. A. Mitnz, Brown’s Corners, Ont. WANTED FoR NEXT JUNE, 50 TO 75 M. CUBIC FEE1 S.C. sound round Spruce, ro inches and up, average lengths 30 feet ; 152to 200 M. feet b. m. sound round Hemlock, 12 inches and up, average length 7 feet; also 1,¢09,009 sawn 16 inch Cedar Shingles, X, XX and XXX. Delivery to begin next May. State prices c.o.d. Address Jas. SHEvparD & Son, Sorel, Que. Limits and Saw Mills FOR SALE The proprietors having decided to retire fr-m this busiress, offer their Valuable Limits and Mills for sale. Ihe concern is well equipped in every respect and 1s in operation. The cost of operation is very moderate, aaving about 30 miles of railway (Lake St. John) run- ning through it. The Mill at Lake Edward is Circular Saw ; that at Pearl Lake is St am Feed Circular and ang. The Limits, about 280 miles, have considerable Spruce and Pulp Wood, also Boule uand Birch. These latter have exceptionable quality, and by judges con- sidered the best in the Province of Quebec. For terms, etc., apply to WHITEHEAD & TURNER, ; Quebec City, FOR SALE. Large Tract of Timber THE PRORERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited). This company has a larger tract of well timbered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Beech, Cherry Birch, Maple, also consider- able Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 tO 10,030 acres, Or more if desired. There are several good mill sites on the property. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut cut and are looking for a new lozation. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managiug D rector, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. RS a SALE OF SPRUCE LUMBER. Messrs, Foy, Morgan & Company, Lon- don, Eng., held an auction sale of wood goods on January 3rd, at which the follow- ing prices were realized for spruce : Ex Klara, from Dalhousie. N.B.—6-8 ft. 3xg in. first second and third quality, £8 5s per standard; 6-8 ft. 3x7, 4715s. Ex Hovding, from Riviere du Loup, Que.—o- 22 ft. 2%x7-8 in. unassorted, £7; 9-22 ft. 214x6, £6 155; 9-20 ft. 2x8-11, £8 10s; 9-22x7, £7 10s and £7 158; 9-22 ft. 3x6, £7 555 3-8 ft. 3x10-11, £8155; 3-4 ft. 3x 9, £6 7s 6d; 3-4 ft. 3x8, £6 125 6d; 3-4 ft. 3x7, £6 25 6d; 3-8 ft. 21%4x6-10, £6 58; 9- 20 ft. 1x9-11, 47 108 ; 9-22 ft. 1x8, 47 5 12- 16 ft. 1x7, 47; 9-21 ft. 1x7, £7; 12-16 ft. 1x6, £6 17s 6d ; 9-23 ft. 1x6, £7; 9-24 ft. 1x5, 40; 9-21 ft. 1x4, £6. Ex Forest Holme, from Quebec—g-11 ft. 3x7 in., £5 17s 6d. Noah Skidmore, lumber dealer, Canaan, N.S., is advertising his property for sale. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Recent lumber transactions have been of considerable significance to the trade, as showing that, notwithstanding the slight depression in the British market, Canadian lumber is not likely to be affect- ed. A Montreal shipper has purchased the cut of McLachlan Bros., of Arnprior, most of the stock being intended for the British and United States trade. The stock of pine lumber at Collingwood owned by J. & T. Charlton has been sold to a Tonawanda house, while Pitts & Charlton, whose logs were sawn last sea- son at Victoria Harbor, have sold the entire cut to the Victoria Harbor Lumber Co. for their local trade, at what is report- ed to be a very satisfactory price. These transactions may be taken as an indica- tion of the course of trade, and in view of the light stocks held at producing points, the feeling is naturally one of confidence. There are, of course, some stocks of mod- erate size in the Georgian Bay district, but these will mostly be shipped out be- fore the new cut is available for the market. There is quite a boom in red pine, and deaiers are showing a desire fo make contracts for the coming season. Comparatively speaking, hardwood stocks are heavier than those of pine, but the feeling in the trade is equally con- fident. Itis believed that the inquiries which are now being received will result in a heavy movement of stock early in the spring, and that prices will be maintained. The fact that the production of hardwood logs this winter will be from 25 to 40 per cent. lighter than last season will be a strong factor in sustaining prices. There is a good demand for hemlock, which is selling around $9 per thousand. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The statement showing the stocks win- tering at the port of Quebec always has an effect upon the market. This year the report is favorable, as it is shown that the stocks of both timber and lumber are lighter than one year ago. The compara- tive figures appear in another column. The decline of the square white pine trade is noticeable. There is now at Quebec only about 1,500,000 cubic feet of square and waney pine, as against 2,200,- 000 one vear ago. Red pine, oak, elm, and ash timber are in lighter supply, while birch shows an increase of about 8,coo cubic feet. The stock of pine deals is nominal, but the quantity of spruce wintering is nearly twice as'yreatas in the fall of 1899, although smaller than in the two previous years. With a little caution on the part of shippers it should be pos- sible to maintain current prices of British stock. The mild weather has improved the demand on local account and from the Eastern States, where business is better than usual at this season of the year. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Retail dealers in Manitoba and the Territories report a very light demand for lumber. Some finishing material is be- ing called for. Winnipeg architects, how- ever, anticipate a lively building season in the spring, plans for a number of important buildings being already under way. British Columbia lumber manu- facturers are finding the market rather quiet. The trade is still in need of ves- sels, and it is reported that the Italian consul at Vancouver has gone to Italy to arrange for a fleet of Italian ships for use in connection with the British Columbia lumber industry. Several vessels are loading at the Chemainus mills for foreign destinations. UNITED STATES. There is a healthy tone to the United States market. The movement, of course, is not heavy, but the number of inquiries for future delivery is almost unprecedent- ed at this season of the year. Prices are firm, especially in the east, where the chief demand is for the better grades of pine suitable for cutting-up purposes. Inch boards of all widths are in demand at Buffalc and Tonawanda, with the sup- ply almost inadequate. Box lumber for the most part is in the hands of the box- makers, who have an average stock of box and mill culls. The condition of trade in the east causes dealers to -beheve that there will be no difficulty in maintaining present prices and in advancing certain grades which are in light supply. The spruce market 1s stiffening. Dealers at Tonawanda are getting from $1 to $2 more per thousand than one month ago. The immediate conditions surrounding the hardwood trade are not quite as fav- orable as in pine, but the outlook is prom- ising. It is expected that higher prices will rule in the near future for black ash, elm and maple, and as a result dealers are endeavoring to increase their whenever possible. There is not much life to the shingle trade. The stock on hand at North Tonawanda is reported to be from 40 to 50 per cent. greater than that held over last winter, but a scarcity of 18 inch white pine is reported. “ GREAT BRITAIN. |, The British market remains about the same as before the holidays. The con- sumption of lumber has shown no im- provement, and as the course of the mar- ket is a question of. supply and demand, higher prices are not !ooked for unless there should be a more active consump- tion. Very few contracts for first-open- water shipments have been entered into. Canadian stock appears to be holding more firmly than the Baltic production. Pine deals in London are in fair demand on account of the knowledge that stocks are light. In spruce deals the reverse is the casein respect to stocks, but not- withstanding this feature, there has been some recovery in prices of spruce deals and planks; 3x9 third spruce is now held at £9 15s and £10 per standard, as against £9 5sa few weeks ago. There is a large supply of 3 x 11 in. in first, sec- ond and third quality, and particularly of the New Brunswick production. The importers contend that Canadian ship- pers will be unable to obtain the high prices which are being, asked in some in- stances. Il. STOCKS AND PRICES. W. C. Irvin, of Dundalk, Ont., is putting in a stock of 1,000,000 feet of hardwood and cedar logs this winter. Kelsey & Gillespie, of Tonawanda, N. Y., are announced to have purchased the season’s cut of the J. &. T. Charlton Lumber Company at Collingwood. An important lumber deal has just been completed by which E. H. Lemay, of Montreal, secures the 1901 cut of white pine of McLachlin Bros., of Arnprior. The bulk of this lumber will be exported to Great Britain and the United States. Following is a statement of the stocks wintering at the port of Quebec on De- cember 31st for the past two years : 1899. 1900. Square pine........ 1,147,817 804,417 cub. ft. Waney pine........ 1,014,344 506,001 es Red pine ......--%. 142,078 85,880 AY Wak hers cctaleimaiten ere 615,520 303,413 by is ceccsssie vin 100,373 65,311 ik NSH oo viatalessalivaaremretete 2,950 2,211 4 iyo hepa bacdsues 3)331 11,486 sé Pine deals.......... 66,003 15,720 standards Spruce deals........ 516,160 504,863 os THE GLASGOW MARKET. Messrs. Cant & Kemp, in their last cir- cular, give the following particulars of the Glasgow market : QuEsec WHITE PINE WANEY BOoARD- woop.—The import has been very light this year, and has been almost wholly on contract. There has been a moderate de- mand with firm prices, and old stocks have been almost wholly cleared out, while the stock on hand is only about half as compared with last year. Quotations— Prime wood, 19 to 20 inches average, 2s rod to 3s second class wood, 1s 1od to 2s 2d per c. ft. QueBEC SQUARE WHITE PINE. — The PINE LUMBER Get our CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. import has been rather heavy, with a very limited demand, with the result that stocks have accumulated. Quotations are, first class, large average, 2s 4d to 2s qd. Se- cond class, 1s 6d to 1s 11d per c. ft. QuesBec RED Pine.—There has been a small import with liitle demand. First class wood, 50 cube average, is quoted at Is rod to 2s. Fair average wood, 1s 5d to is 7d per cubic foot. QuesBec ELm.— The import has been heavy, and stocks shows a considerable increase on last year’s figures. There has been a very fair demand with firm prices. Quotations—3s to 3s 3d per c. ft. for 50 feet average. QueBec OaK.— The import has been light, and excepting the demand from the railroad companies, which has been moder- ate, little other business has been done. Quotations—zs gd to gs 2d for first class parcels, and from 18 9d to 2s 1d for second class. BircH.—There has been a fair demand during the year, and the stock is light. Present quotations are, 16 in. wood, Is Wanted for EXpOrt ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | AYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS p DENNY, MOTT & DIGKSON, LIMITED LONDON, ENG. HARDWOOD LUMBER Prices Tue Orn Exeort Lumeer Go. LATH ORILLIA. ONT. SHINGLES The North Pacific Lumber~ Co., Ltd., O~ FI. BARNET BRITISH COLUMBIA Gear, SPPLCE (Gar and Gargo) A. F. BURY AUSTIN, Montreal, QUE., EASTERN THOMAS PITTS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. Ss. LYNEDOCH Our Manufacture, Drying Yards JOHN CHARLTON, AGENT. WwW. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO. LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO. and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White ana Rd Pine Lumber and Lath Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, ViIcT J. H. Still Mnfg. Co. A HARBOR, ONT. St. Thomas, Ont. Manufacturers of all kinds of HANDLES +> WOOD TURNED GOODS Including Cant Hook Handles, Pike Poles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Doubletrees, ete. Established 1876. co) Write for Price List. oc _ Etablished 76 CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M. A. OvEREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*EGING celine ¢ or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale Distribution oi Lumber or Manufactured Wood Goods . Gash Buyers . . .. Shortest and Quickest Route from... . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. ; W.P. Hinron. Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. SmitH General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED FROM RESPONSIBLE FIRMS. 534d to 1s 6d per cubic foot. 1s 3i4d to 1s 4d. ASH.-—There has been a considerable import during the year, which has consist- ed chiefly of United States wood. The de- mand has been very good, and prices have been firm. Quotations are from 2s 3d to 2s 6d per cubic foot for from 13% to 15 inch average. QueBec WuiTe Pine Deats.— In the early months of the year broad firsts were scarce, but consignments have arrived re- cently in large quantities. The stock of regulars and undersized has been limited, and they are in good demand. Quotations for broads are from 3s 4d to 3s 8d per cubic foot. Regulars, 3s 2d. Undersized, 2s 6d to 2s gd. Seconds.— Owing to the small import, little business has been done in this class of goods. Prices are firm and may be quoted at from 2s 6d to 2s 8d per cubic foot for regulars and broads, and from 2s to 2s 2d for undersized. Thirds.— The stock is moderate and prices are firm. Quotations are, regulars and broads, 1s 4d to 1s 10d per cubic foot, and for under- sized, 1s 3d to 1s 5d. Fourths.— There is little or no stock of this class, and prices have advanced gradually throughout the year, and they are now firmly held at 1s 4d per cubic foot for regulars and broads. Rep Pine DeAts.—The stock is large, with little business being done, ard prices are very firm. aa ait Wuitr PINE SipIncs.— The stock of JOHN ANDERSON WOOD AGENT 2 EDEN QUAY - - DUBLIN. Cable Address, ‘‘ Flcoring, Dublin.” MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, p!anksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensicns. Cabl address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. 14 in. wood, JANUARY 16, 1901 | ene these is considerable and prices are easier. There has been too many parcels sent for- ward on consignment. WANTED Hardwood Lands in Ontario and Quebec. Freehold Lands suitable for Pulp Manufacture in Quebee or the Maritime Provinees. As I give special attention to TIMBER PROPERTIES of every description I invite correspondence from Buyers and Sellers. H, FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, . 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL _— If You have any Spruce Pulpwood to Sell write io me. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. FOR SALE TIMBER LIMITS on the Geor- gian Bay and Lake Nipissing. Price moderate. A. M. SIMPSON 29 Canada Life Building, Montreal . 189 St. James Street, PLANING MILL ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit Cable Address, ‘‘Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA.” Lumbermen’s Code. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for .. . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Excom Bandloe or any Woods suitable for English arket. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants 1st quality Oak Planks; also 1st quality Pine, 12 and 13 xiG xa" Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. Gilmour’s PATENT. Doors LUMBER Telegraphic Address: FELBER, MANCHESTER : ——— ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WRITE OR WIRE FOR SAMPLES. Guaranteed Superior to any other make of door. for Oil Finish, almost as cheap as Pine. CAPACITY, 1,000 DOORS PER DAY GILMOUR & GO. DVPOVEVESesssess LESS IN PRICE PINE on HARDWOODS BETTER IN QUALITY Hardwood Limi TRENTON - CANADA CTVVSVSSVVVVASSSS DAESVSISSSSSSASVISFVSSASCGVSG elegrams: ‘SPRUCE, BRISTOL.” ARTHUR BHACHAM (Manager to the late firm of Messrs. King Bros.) ~*~ WOOD BROKER » Surveyor, Arbitrator and Valuer. OFFICES : 73 Queen Square, Bristol. # Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling “f 12.00 cog 3 © Cable Address, “Budlets, London.” P SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. BUDGETT BROS. 70 and 71 Bishopsgate Sircet Within, LONDON, E.¢. Avonmouth Doek and Bristol. Burk’s Falls, Ont. MOHR & RYAN a JANUARY 16, [901 ~ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Ill, CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, ume WRITE FOR OUR NEW STOCK SHEET m— Pembroke, Ont. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CAITNADA PIN Room 411, Board of Trade Building - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and - Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine. Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Co., Limited, Parnet, B.C., Vancouver. . Douglas Fir Timber in any size or length up to 120 feet lor g, Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. Dry Kilns of large capacity. Rcough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir, Cedar, Spruce. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. A. TAIT, President. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., LimiteD We have in stock all grades cf- HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH avo i SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, perZreturn mail. have a nice block of one inch m. c. stocks, also E W sidings, for sale, and a large quantity of No. 1 and No. 2 pine lath. Write for prices. REID & CO., ESPLANADE TORONTO. BASSWOOD oto, Limited per co: * : ASH ni \NGLES = oniver UN - pine ws BER, AT fi ghe watt Pe. Pe. SGOTT McGregor, Ont. MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES A large stock of Cement Barrel Staves, jointed and ready for shipment, wholesale Dealers » DA LIFE NAILDING = Write for quotations. Correspondence Solicited, MictaAu RIN & MacLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Cedar Shingles, Cedar Ties, Posts and Poles, Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. EKAsST TEMPLETON, QUE. KILLALOE STATION ONT. Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . Gedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . aspecialty. . . Dimension Timber in White or Red Pine, Spruce, Hemlock, or Cedar. PINE DEALS SHIPMENTS BY RarL OR WATER. . Contractors for - Red Pine Piling Timber Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. (GODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE: 40,000 fect LONG PINE TIMBER, 50 . 9 to 60 feet long, Suitable for Building and Dock Purposes. et ee er Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER ot all Description. New York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. fo A THe Dealer in———__ammemn PENBTANGUISHBNE, ONT. Basswood, Ash, Soft Elm, Birch and Maple Also Pine and Hemlock Lumber Telephone Main, 2712, Cash Paid on Shipment. i. Correspondence Solicited. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. SARNIA ee FFALO MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE CAREFUL ATTENTION JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH © SHINGLES Contractors for Rallway Supplies MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty ... A.& P. WHITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. Robert Watt Wiarton =a Manufacturers of and Dealers in MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN into Dimension Stuff such as Crating, Table Legs, U of all kinds, Pine Lath, Cedar Shingles and Posts. L MBER Chair Rungs, Ete, Dressed Pine and Hardwood Flooring, Lumber resawn Shipment by Rail or Water. Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff Cut to Order, Correspondence Solicited. OWEN SOUND. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT (LOTHBOARD CO., of Parry AUGER & SON - Quebec :: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. Siemon & Bros. Mig. Go. - — Wiarton, Ont LUMBER MERCHANTS x> MANUFACTURERS We have in stock Maple, Beech, Basswood in different thicknesses, also some Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON ‘arene, LUMBER 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.O. WHOLESALE To Lumber Co., timitea MANUFACTURERS ——eesy LOMBER = LATA Shipments by Rail or Water. ° Midland, Ont. GEORGE GORDON & CO. . . Manufacturers of . . . Sawn Red and White Pine Lumber and Lath Also Hewn Square and Waney Timber at cacne aay, owr., c.p.r, 23 miles west North Bay. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. eJOAN P. NEWMAN Cable i ia ee: “TECTONA” Glasgow. vo sate B = Codes use nS (ANDBELS, WILKIE & DOMMES, U Timber Importers Windsor Saw Mills, (Govan) GLASGOW. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Telegraphic address ‘‘Kauri Glasgow.” A. B.C. Code used. HARDWOODS AND PINE s~IRVIN & SELLERS-9 Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS OF gy POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. DIRECTORY CODE. CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & 00. Wood Mochi and Brokers “ GELLIBRAND, CARDIFF,’ Cable Address . Western Mail Chambers, CARDIFF Manchester Timber Importers timited 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, Epeiaad: A.B.C. and Zebra codes used JAMES COOKE & CO. WOOD BROKERS NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, ENGLAND Representing A 1 Canadian and American Houses. Cable Address, ‘‘ Woodgocds,” Newcastle-on-Tyne. Consu'ar Offices of Austro-Hungary, France, Italy, Portugal and Uruguay: : THE BRITISH*NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER COMPANY ®"""> ' AGENTS , ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. FOR « 57 GRACECHURCH ST. LONDON, E.C. “ADVANCES MADE TO SHIPPERS. © BROKERS: . and Merchants. . | CANADA |UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $100 per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VI. TORONTO, ONT., JANUARY 23, 190! No. 52 CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BUILDING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. : Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw .sl and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. —_ &@ Subscription price for the two editions or one year, $1.00, WANTED AND FOR SALE Tater than 4 o'clock p.m, on Tuesday to insvre insertion in the current week's issue. Bess . OR SALB—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in. F deep; een in Canada ;. price. low. WrcKEs Bros., Saginaw, Mich. ANTED—s<0,cco split ‘cedar shingles. Quote price F.O.B. nearest shipping port. Address, HORWOOD LUMBER CO,, St. John’s, Newfound- land. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable * buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, ‘FOR SALE. EDAR SHINGLES, XXX AND XX; ALSO cejar posts. For particulars address, HAR- RISON & HAWKE, Shallow Lake, Ont. OR SALE—SAW AND SHINGLE MILL, pos stock of logs, also a comfortable dwelling and stables in connection. Near the Canada Atlantic Railway. This isa snap for ap ae Fs eae Falding Ont, SAW MILL FOR SALE. QUIPPED WITH BAND MILL, SHIN: E gle Mill and Lath Machine ; capacity 35 M per day, with contract on hand for two years ; can be re- newed when runs out. Ship by water and rail. Ad- dress Box 555, CANADA LUMBERMAN. - WANTED Oe HARD MAPLE SQUARES, 6%x6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any sta- tion in Ontario or Quebec. Address Box 42, CANADA LuMBERMAN. OR NEXT JUNE, so TO 75 M. CUBIC FEE1 Fes. sound round Spruce, 10 inches and up, average lengths so feet ; 15>to 200 M. feet b. m. sound round “Hemlock, 12 inches and up, average length 2« feet ; also 1,c00,000 sawn 16 inch Cedar Shingles, X, XX and XXX. Delivery to begin next May. State prices c.o.d. Address Jas. SHeprarp & Son, Sorel, Que. , % FOR SALE FEW SPARS OF DIFFERENT LENGTHS up to go feet ; als) a small quantity of dry 2 and 1% inch good soft pine. W. A. Mitne, Brown’s Corners, Ont. FOR SALE. Large Tract of Timber THE PRORERTY OF _ The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited). This company has a larger tract of well timbered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Beech, Cherry Birch, Maple, also consider- able Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 to 10,090 acres, Or more if desired. There are several good mill sites on the property. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut cut and are looking for a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing D rector, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. [Se ee ee CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The movement of pine luinber is quite as large as could be expected in the month of January. The open winter. has made it possible to continue building operations, and the demand thus created has made heavy inroads on the stocks of retailers. It is expected that retail deal- ers may find it necessary to replennish broken stocks almost immediately, and that they will enter the market for liber- al buying early in the spring. Consider- able rail shipmeats are being made to the Eastern States, where wholesale stocks are light. Some sales of deals have been made by Georgian Bay manufacturers, and the usual quantity is likely to finda market in Great Britain this year. The cuts of the Ottawa Valley -milJs. have mostly been contracted for, and we are advised of the sale of a large cut - of spruce at an advance: of $1.25 per thous- and over the figures paid for similar stock lastyear, The hardwood demand is still a little backward, although manu- facturers are not weakening, but believe that all the available stock will find a mar- ket during the year at good prices. There is practically no movement of 16 inch pine shingle, and it is understood that some manufacturers havea considerable stock of these on hand. The production of logs this winter is - almost certain to be lighter than last seas- on, owing to unfavorable logging weather in some districts and the scarcity of men early in the season. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The outlook for spruce lumber has 1m- proved during the past week. A more hopeful feeling prevails in respect to the British trade, and it is thought that in the near future shippers will be able to close their usual contracts at about. the same figures as last year. The demand from the United States is showing more ac- tivity. Spruce dimension, 10 and 12 inch? is quoted at $18 on Boston rate of freight, and 9 inch and under at $16. Shingles are firmer at $2.75 for extra cedar, $2.50 for clear, $2.00 to $2.10 for second clear, $2.00 for clear white, and $1.85 for No. 1 extra. Laths are quoted at $2.80 to $2.85 for 154 inch, and $2.60 to $2.70 for 1% inch. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The demand for lumber throughout Manitoba and the Territories is quiet, with prices unchanged, but the trade aré looking forward to an active demand as soon asspring opens. In some dis- tricts logging operations have been retard- ed by lack of snow, but the situation is now more favorable. A moderate de- mand for lumber is reported by British Columbia manufacturers. The statistics of the export trade show that the year 1900 was 4 very satisfactory one, the shipments exceeding the previous year. = UNITED STATES, Important statistics have been com- piled of the lumber production in the Michigan, Wisconsin-and Minnesota dis- tricts. Last year the total cut of. pine in these districts was 5,485,261,000 feet, aS against 6,056,000,000 feet in 1809. The stock on hand at the mills on Decem- ber 31st last was 2,839,705,000 feet, as against 2,728,271,000 at the same date in 1899. The output of hemlock last year was 1,166,284,000 feet, showing an increase of 297,874;000 feet. Thestock of hemlock on hand, however, increased in still’ greater proportion, being 287,920,000 feet on December 1, 1899; and 622,312,000 on December 1 last. From a. statistical standpoint, therefore, the lumber market cannot be said to be particularly strong, but there are other features, such as the light stocks held by dealers and the promising outlook for building operations, which it 1s thought offset this condition. During the past week the railroads have placed orders freely, and there has been a demand for building lumber much in ex- cess of what is usual-at this season of the year. Action has been taken insome in- stances towards higher prices. A 50 cent advance On hemlock ‘boards has been made, and a new yellow pine list adopted by manufacturers making an average ad- vance of about one dollar per thousand. At Pittsbnrg a new price list on pine went into effect on January 15th, advancing prices from 50 cents to $1.50. Some improvement in hardwood prices is reported. At Boston 1 inch maple is quoted at $27 to $28 and 1% to2 inch at $29 to $31. Basswood is in good demand and brings $31 for r inch No. 1 and 2. An element inthe hardwood situation is’ the restricted operations in Wisconsin, where practically no oak is being put in. This is apparently the cause of the slump in hem- lock values, as a large proportion of the Wisconsin hardwood log crop comes out with the hemlock, and consequently the restriction of the one means restriction of the other. Hemlock logs are selling there at $3.25, while one year ago as high as. $6.50 was paid. GREAT BRITAIN. The 1eports from the British market are of a more cheerful tone. Market values, although practicaliy unchanged, seem to have reached bottom, and the prices real- ized at recent auction sales indicate that higher prices will rule. At a sale held by Churchill & Sim last week nearly 100,000 pieces of spruce deals and battens were disposed of at very fair figures. The 3-inch spruce from Dalhouse, N.B., sold at 48 per standard, an advance of 5 shillings over previous sales. Second quality 3 x Ir Quebec spruce brought fro 15s, and third quality £9 12s 6d. For a line of 2%x7 Inch first, second and third quality t. John spruce, only £7 5s was realized. The Quebec pine sold well, first quahty 3x11 bringing £27 and 3xg £20 Ios. Quebec red pine battens were rather weak, but on the whole the result of the sale was considered most satisfactory. In another column particulars of the Glasgow market aregiven. It is understood that some sales of pine have been made at high prices, and that the stock of these in first hands is low. Importers have not yet commenced to buy with any freedom. STOCKS AND PRICES. Michigan lumbermen are paying $6 per thousand feet for maple logs. The Ottawa Lumber Company recently sold 100,000 feet of hemlock lumber for local delivery. Sutherland & Bailie have moved their mill to Westchester, N.S., where they will cut 1;000,000 feet-of lumber. According to report the lumber cut this winter on the Sissiboo river in Nova Scotia will be the largest known for several years. The city of St. John, N.B., is about to invite tenders for the supply of 1,600 tons of hemlock timber for wharf construction. A. B. Calhoun, of Calhoun’s Mills, West- moreland county, N.B., will get out about 2,000,000 feet of logs at Beaver Brock, Al- bert county. The steamer Truna is loading lumber at St. John, N. B., for the Canary Islands and Ireland, the shippers being A. Cushing & Company. Henry Boone, of Rowena, Victoria county, N .B., has been given a contract to supply a Sydney building firm with 5,000,000 feet of lumber, to be delivered in two years, A. L. Wright & Co., of Salisbury, N. B., are getting out several million feet of logs on the Little River for their Coverdale mills. Humphrey & Trites, of Petitcodiac, are logging extensively on the North river. It has been estimated that the stock of lumber in wholesale yards at Albany, N. Y.. is 60,000,000 feet, composed of 45,000,- ooo feet-of pine and 15,000,000 feet of spruce. One year ago the stock was 70,- 000,000 feet. W. J. Trenouth & Bro., of Powassan, Out., have two logging camps in operation this season, but their cut is likely to be about 5,000 pieces less than last winter, owing to the scarcity of men in the early fall and too much snow. The steamer Caithness. was loading 3,000,000 feet of lumber at Everett, Wash., II. De when the wharf collapsed, and 700,000 feet of lumber was launched into the water. She is now loading 1,000,000 feet at the Moodyville mills, ‘Vancouver, B:. Cato complete her cargo. The Bonfield Lumber Company, of Bon- field, Ont., whose announcement appears in this issue, expect to have their mill in Operation next month, when they will be open to contract to cut bills of hemlock on short notice. There isa large quantity of hemlock in the vicinity. A British firm of timber merchants write us that they are desirous of securing im- portations of spruce and red and white pine from Canada, and are anxious to negotiate with reliable shippers who are willing to quote c.i.f. Newcastle-on-Tyne. The name and address of the firm may be obtained at this office. The Ottawa Lumber Co., of Ottawa, closed a contract last week for the sale of all the spruce to be cut this year at their Rouge mill, the greater portion of which will be shipped to the British market. The purchasers were the firm who secured their cut last year, and it is said that the price was $1.25 per thousand in advance. The quantity will be from four to six million feet, which will be cut largely into three ‘nch deals. ED THE GLASGOW TRADE. Reviewing the timber trade of 1900, F. A. Lightbody & Company, of Glasgow, say: In making our annual report of the timber trade for 1900 we have to chronicle a very satisfactory year’s trading both with regard to the volume of business done and the maintenance of high values. At the close of 1899 the stocks wére considerably below the average, and the ac- tivity of all branches of trade helped to keep PINE LUMBER Get our Prices CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. up the advance in prices which had been established all-round. This applies to all Canadian wood goods with perhaps the exception of birch logs. This advance in prices has been maintained throughout the whole year, which closes with stocks firmly held. The stocks of Canadian pine of both timber and deals arein a position which warrants holders taking up a firm attitude in regard to value. The shipbuilders’ out-turn for 1900 is a record for Scotland, amounting to 541,031 tons, as compared with 536,872 tons in 1899. The new work secured by Scotch builders amounts to about half a million tons, and this ensures activity in this important industry for the whole of the coming year. The house building trade the past year has been very brisk and the outlook for 1901 is good. Railway, carriage and wagon builders have also been very busy and have accounted for a large quantity of American oak being used. The imports from Montreal and Quebec during the season in pine and spruce have been very much less than‘for the last num- Wanted for Export ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS DENNY, MOTT & DIGKSON, LIMITED LONDON, ENG. HARDWOOD LUMBER Tue Ornua Exeort Lumeer Go. LATH The North Pacific Lumber-~ ORILLIA, ONT. Co., Ltd, seins coves O~ Fir, Gear, SPFUGE (Gar and Gargo) © A. F. BURY AUSTIN, MonTrEAL, QUE., EASTERN AGENT. - THOMAS PITTS, PETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. S. LYNEDOCH Our Manufacture, Drying Yards JOHN CHARLTON, WwW. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO. LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO. and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF PATENT : Band ana Gang Sawed White ana Red PineLumber ana Lath Lumses Doors BETTER IN QUALITY Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. Guaranteed Superior to rainy othox anes of door. Hardwood J. H. Still Mnfg. Co. | St. Thomas, Ont. PE ees G DOORS PER DAY G Manufacturers of all kinds of ORDERS PROMERLY ] LM OUR BL | O HANDLES “> WOOD TURNED COODS wire om wine Fs van Hasta SHINGLES . _ MANCHESTER - ber of years, and consequently prices have been very firmly maintained. The outlook for 1901 in all branches of trade—shipbuilders, house builders and all branches {where wood goods are used— is extremely bright, and prices are sure to rule about the present high rates all through the year. Following are the current prices at Glasgow:— WuitTeE Pine DEALS, 3 IncuEs THICK. Per Std. 4£sd. £5.d, First quality, 12 in, andup......--- 26163to29 61 do II eS. +. 23 26to25 70 do undersized 5 .. 19 84to 22184 Second quality, x2 in and up........ 2012 6 to 22 142 do E,W, Ok Wehr stoic 17 150 to 20126 do undersized .......- 15 60tor18 34 Third quality, 12 in, and up........ 1s 60to 16 100 do Ey es a oe aos aie 13 13to 13 168 do undersized ......-. TOIrStoOTL 35 Wuite Pine Boarps. First quality, 2in. thick, 12in av... 21 9 2to22184 ) 1% if -. 20126to22 18 do eae ey .. 18 11 8 to 20 126 do _ I rete Se kee .. H100to 7150 1¥% to 2 in. Strips, 4 to 7 in. wide.... 15 26to16 100 Rep Pine DEALs. g and 11 in. wide by3 and 4 in. thick 13 13 4to 41311 Narrows (0,05 pials » dois elo b nie ashi laisloicb nw ir 76 A. S. Kibbee, senior partner in the wholesale lumber firm of A. S. Kibbee & Son, of Albany, N. Y., has retired. The business will be continued under the form- er name, with William B. Kibbee as man- ager. JOAN ANDERSON WOOD AGENT 2 EDEN QUAY - - DUBLIN. Cable Address, ‘‘ Flooring, Dublin.” MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. o. WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to ofter WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, planksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cabl address, “‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used, FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens be a and Pine Floorings Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Breen Sane or any Woods suitable for Englileh arket. Telegraphic Address: Figiser, MANCHESTER JANUARY 23, 1901 _——$—— | The steamer C. I. White has been char- tered to carry lumber from St. John, N.B., to New York at $4. WANTED Hardwood Lands in Ontario and Quebec. Freehold Lands suitable for Pulp Manufacture in Quebee or the Maritime Provinees. As I give special attention to TIMBER PROPERTIES of every description I invite correspondence from Buyers and Sellers. H. FAWCETT HARTLAND ~ 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, > ; 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL If You have any Spruce Pulpwood to Sell write io me. H. D. WIGGIN: 2osrou mass will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. FOR SALE TIMBER LIMITS on the Geor- gian Bay and Lake Nipissing. Price moderate, A. M. SIMPSON 29 Canada Life Building, 189 St. James Street, Montreal. PLANING MILL ano BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit 2, SE Va . "5 SN =e Tie Cable Address, ‘‘Swan Do\oGH—TONAWANDA.” Lumbermen’s Code. rus. JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND | Wants rst quality Oak Planks ; also 1st quality Pine, 12 and 13 x6 x 3” iy ; Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. LESS IN PRICE PINE on HARDWOODS - TRENTON - CANADA Pw ve ee ee ee B08 8B Telegrams: ‘‘SPRUCE, BRISTOL.” Ineluding Cant Hook Handles, Pike Poles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Doubletrees, ete. Established 1876. fo} Enabled ser CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY . . . « Shortest and Quickest Route from . OTTAWA, ROCKLAND, HAWKESBURY, ARN- PRIOR, PEMBROKE, PARRY SOUND and other Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND, NEW YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA ALBANY, &c., MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- Write for Price List. - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. 3 M.A. OverEND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board W.P. HinTon, Ass't General Freight Agent, Ottawa. Trade, Montreal. C. J. SmitH General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING SAEELS Ceicing ¢ j ’ . s . }° Gash buyers or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale Distribution ; (Manager to the late firm of Messrs. King Bros.) + WOOD BROKER » Surveyor, Arbitrator and Valuer. OFFICES : 73 Queen Square, Bristol. ’ Avonmouth Doek and Bristol @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. BUDGETT BROS. Cable Address, 7() and 74 Bishopsgate Street Within, LONDON, E.€. Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling ss 12.00 of Lumber or Manufactured Wood Goods . CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED FROM RESPONSIBLE FIRMS. “‘Budlets, London.” JANUARY 23, 1901 CANADA LUMBERMAN .WEEKLY EDITION. 11, CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS wwe PEMBROKE LUMBER GO. ures R LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. We can offer a nice’ lot of Pine Joist—68,000 feet :2» 6x18 to 34 feet; 42.cco feet 2x8x18 to 35 feet; : t <18 to - 8 feet, and 77,000 feet 3 and 4 inch by 7, 8, 9 and 11 inch by 12 to 30 feet Outs Red Pine car va ‘areas ss other lumber and timber on hand. Write for prices. ; SARNIA TORONTO BUFFALO meee— Pembroke, Ont. WE GUARANTEE GRADES AND PRICES. A. F. BURY AUSTIN JAS. PLAYFHATR & CO. ER a TIMBER Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers ee ae LUMBER LATH « SHINGLES ANADA PINE Room 411, Board of Trade Pailding - MONTREAL, CANADA ee SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Contractors for Railway Su lies Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and BILL TIMBER a Spociatty ne F =a MIDL AND, ONT. Whitewood, Planed and "Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine. Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Co., Limited, Barnet, B.C., Vancouver. Douglas Fir Timber in any size or length up to 120 feet Jorg, * Timber Planers ‘face ‘up to 24 inch x 30 inch. Manufacturers Seni Dry Kilns of large capacity. Reugh and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir, Cedar, Spruce. e - Dealers in...... WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. f Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimensicn Timber, Joisting, A. TAIT, President. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer = _ Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. We have in stock fee 5 adage = ae enn CANADA < EE Selmer ree Le WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH a « SHINGLES | Robert Watt © Wianon E ™ = 7 M Price List furnished on application, per return mail. ANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN of an ans: ne Legh ies Shingles and Posts. : ; ssed Pine and Hardwoo ooring, Lumb E have a nice block of one inch m.c. stocks, also LU MBER foe manson Stuff such as Crating, Table Legs. paid 4 aliP Rungs Cc. ar an m i u irder. sidings, for sale, and a large quantity of No. I Shipment by Rail or Water. z nti Siar cpae an and No. 2 pine lath Write for prices. REID & GO., esetanaoe TORONTO. | MAITLAND, RIXON & CO, osc” Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cotar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. Ne SHIP Sree G.T.R. AND BY WATER eae = | Y oneeess gaviwends: Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT ai cea cml LOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. a a ae ee ell tah Mat AUGER & SON - Quebec >: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. siemon & Bros. Mig.Go. - Wiarton, Ont Re. FR. ~ SGOTT “ miccves, or MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES A large stock of Cement Barrel Staves, poe and ready for shipment. Write for quotations. = Correspondence Solicited. cLAURIN & MaLAREN Lumber Manufacturers Whi Cedar Shingles, or Red Bins, Sprace Hemlock, or Cedar. ly cedar ea Heats and Poles, e jU MBER LS ie MANUF ACTURERS PINE Ta keris Pine Lath, Ete., Ete. e ple, Beech, Basswood in different thicknesses, also some Suipments sy Rait or WATER. Hast TEMPLETON, Ques. spar, + aaa eg and Shingles. Corresp icnvtenes male M OHR & RYAN — KILLALOE STATION Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . . Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . . Red Pine Piling Timber ILLIAMSON & MORRISON Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. | UJ M B b R HEAD OFFICE: a specialty. . . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. sO St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE ODERICH LUMBER CO.,, LIMITED EE G MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound urner Lumber Co., Limited PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER deh tat le ae ; 40,000 feet LONG PINE TIMBER, 50 LaM BE R ary LATA FOR SA LE: na eae ae for Building | shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ons, mH. LAMA YT Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER of all Deseription. New York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. Telephone Main, 2712. The Bonfield Lumber Go. —MANUFACTURERS OF-- Basswood, Ash, S. Elm & Birch Lumber Hemlock Bill Stuff. All sizes cut to order a specialty. Pine and Cedar Shinglos. Dressed Lumber. Mills at BONFIELD, ONT., on the C. P. R. GEORGE GORDON & CO. . . Manufacturers of . . Sawn Red and White Ping Lumber and Lath Also Hewn Square and Waney Timber ” ot cacue say, ow, cpr. 23 miles west North Bay. OAN P. NEWMAN _WYiarton, Ont. MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER Has for sale a quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch, Basswood and Soft Elm? in good shipping condition. Cedar Shingles "and Bill Stuff a Specialty CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED 5 m IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. JANUARY 23, 1901 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measures Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. 1, Gain 4 WOOD BROKERS od ea reas Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman 8, Zebra ; Private, Agen = a inte sale of CANATUAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, ut to able all kinds of Hardwoods z, Li nber and Dimensi Shi any o atthe principa lence ae aire United Kingdom or cont t handle to the be st adva Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINCLETON, DUNN, & CO. WY OOD: be Oa 27 Union Street ~ GLASGOW F. As Lightbody & Co. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND 8 Gordon Street Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, d Private. peat aos CANADIAN WHITE ele a Spruce’ phonic ble Log, Exe, hipments handled to the best advantage to all p Telegraphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce,,&e, Depots: BarKING, LiveERPooL, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYN JONAS SMITH & CO. Telegraphic Address * 92 to 98 Belvedere Road, LAMBETH, S. E. Moulding and Joinery Manufacturers, Fte, Timber Merchants and Importers. Er, HuLL AND BRISTOL : Moutprne, LonDon PORTERS OF. . ! Pine Doors, Mouldings “LEARY & CO. Wood Argents and Brokers 4. Lombard ‘Court, Gracechurch Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. MORGAN, GELLIBRAND & 60. . WOOD AGENTS... Established 1805. 20 Bishopsgate St. Within, LONDON, E.C. A. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND "BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites correspondeuce from Manufacturers for shipment per poeter | liners. Cables: ‘‘Bircu,” Glasgow Directory, A B C and Zebra Telegraphic Codes Cable Address : GELLIBRAND, London. urke, Belfast.” Codes: A. B. Zebra Univ: JOHN BURKE & CO. erly H. ANDREws & Co., Established 1853) and Merchants BELFAST - IRELAND. Agents for Canadian white pine and spruce, cut to all sizes, and for all kinds, of hardwoods in log, lumber and dimension stock. Shipments handled to the best advant- age at all ports in Ireland. Correspondence solicited. Consular Offices of Austro-Hungary, France, Italy, Portugal and Uruguay: xsal, Watkins, Scott’s, & Private Codes. “Wood Brokers SMITH & TYRER - (4 Ganada Dock, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... ; Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S (SR SR RD SS SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. - 7 Groshy Square, LONDON, ENG, — SELLING AGENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for -Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . . Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON”’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Cable Address: ** ALLISON,” Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood ao 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW - ® BROKERS ALISON, il (Og Cable Address: ‘“TECILONA.” Glasgow. PAHS, NE DK Ts Windsor Saw Mills, (Govan) GLASGOW. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF HARDWOODS A ND PIN E «IRVIN & SELLERS-=s Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. _ Telegraphic address ‘‘Kauri Glasgow.” A. B. C. Code used. BUYERS OF =p POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK BLM and MAPLE LOGS. Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ZEBRA CODE A. B. C. CODE. DIRECTORY CODE. GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and: Brokers ° Ye a ce | Cable Address : “ GELLIBRAND, CARDIFF,’ . Western Mail Chater: CARDIFF Manchester Timber Importers umier 8 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. — Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used JAMES COOKE & co. WOOD BROKERS NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, ENGLAND Representing A 1 Canadian and American Houses. : Cable Address, ‘‘ Woodgoods," Newcastle-on-Tyne. THEBRITISH®°NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER COMPANY [= AGENTS FOR — 57 GRACECHURCH ST., ADVAN CES MADE | ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. LONDON. E.C. TO SHIPPERS. CANADA [UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} st.oo per vear { Thié Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday Wa THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VII. TORONTO, ONT., JANUARY 30, 1901 No. 1 ANADA |,UMBERMAN jPUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL BuILpDING, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical end mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw rr .:] and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. #8 Subscription price for the two editions or one year, $1.00. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in. deep; located in Canada; price low. WxCKEs Bros., Saginaw, Mich. WV ANTED=se0,c09 split cedar shingles. Quote price F.O.B. nearest shipping port. Address, HORWOOD LUMBER CO., St. John’s, Newfound- land. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, OR SALE—SAW AND SHINGLE MILL, with stock of logs, also a comfortable dwelling and stables in connection. Near the Canada Atlantic Railway. This isa snap for cash, write for particulars. 5s. A. RANKINS. Falding Ont. FOR SALE. 75. AND PLANING MILL COMBINED, AT Acton, Ont.; well equipped and machinery in erfectorder. Plenty of timber with which to operate or many years ; wood business in connection. Busi- ness well established and profiitable. For further par- ticulars and terms apply to the proprietor. JAMES BROWN, Acton, Ont. ANTED—A COMPETENT MAN, QUALI- fied to take charge of a Handle and Wood Turn- ing Factory. Address Box 307, LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE. EDAR SHINGLES, XXX AND XX; ALSO cedar posts. For particulars address, HAR- RISON & HAWKE, Shallow Lake, Ont. FOR SALE. OO M FEET HARD MAPLE, too M FEET B. Ash, and 50 M feet Red Birch. Will cut to order, summer delivery. T. H. DECEw & Sons, Fenelon Falls, Ont. FOR SALE OR TO LET. REMISES OF ONE OF THE OLDEST ES- tablished Lumber Yards in Hamilton, situated on York Street. Apply to JoHN THomson, George St.» Hamilt.n. FOR SALE FEW SPARS OF DIFFERENT LENGTHS up to go feet ; als»a small quantity of dry 2 and 1% inch good soft pine. W. A. MiLtne, Brown’s Corners, Ont. SAW MILL FOR SALE. HeQueEeD WITH BAND MILL, SHIN- gle Mill and Lath Machine ; capacity 35 M per day, with contract on hand for two years ; can be re- newed when runs out. Ship by water and rail. Ad- dress Box 555, Canapa LUMBERMAN. WANTED REEN HARD MAPLE SQUARES, 6%x6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any sta- tionin Ontario or Quebec. Address Box 40, CANADA LuMBERMAN. HARDWOOD LUMBER 300 00 FEET HARD MAPLE, 20,000 FEET ) Beech, 50,or0 feet Black Birch, vari us sizes, now ready for shipment, at Duck Island Dock, Lake Huron. Iam prepared to contract for Dimension Stock of Hard Maple, Birch, Balm, Tamarack and Spruce, for delivery summer 1901. Good ock and safe harbor for loading. Send specifications and prices to Joun SALE, Windsor, Ont., or to E. Beprorp, Duck Island, via Wiarton. WANTED HE FOLLOWING LOTS OF FIRST-CLASS rock elm : 5 pieces 14% x 6Y in., 45 ft. long. qo 8 6% x 6% in., 45 ft. long. 34 9% x5% in., go ft. long. 204 9% x 5% in., 35 ft. long. 20150055 8% x 6% in., 40 ft. long. aoe Bi 6Y in., 35 ft long. fej hy 10% x 4X in., -oft. long. Gor,“ 10 x 2Y in., 20ft. long. 14,000 feet, board measure, of 234 in. rock elm or tamarac, 8 in. to 10 in. wile. Quote price deliyered at Hamilton, Ont., naming time of delivery, Address HAMILTON BRIDGE WORKS COMPANY, Flamilton, Ont. Water Power for Sale. The Falls of St. Anne, within 24 miles of City of Quebec, and within a very short distance of the railway there and the famous shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre. Height of fall 194 feet, and estimated to give a mini- mum of 3,000 horse power. For particulars apply to H. M. PRICE & C0., Quebec, Canada. WANTED gk NEXT JUNE, 50 TO 75 M. CUBIC FEE1 S.C. sound round Spruce, ro inches and up, average lengths 30 feet ; 150to 200 M. feet b. m. sound round Hemlock, 12 inches and up, average length 2s feet ; also 1,000,000 sawn r6inch Cedar Shingles, X, XX and XXX. Delivery to begin next May. State prices c.o.d. Address Jas. SHEPPARD & Son, Sorel, Que. FOR SALE. Large Tract of Timber THE PRORERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited). This company has a larger tract of well timbered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto, There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Beech, Cherry Birch, Maple, also consider- able Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 acres, Or more if desired. There are several good mill sites on the property. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut out and are looking for a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing D rector, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The lumber trade for the month of Jan- uary has been of satisfactory volume. While it could not be called active, the demand has been sufficient to call for a considerable quantity of lumber, and to indicate that the stocks of retail dealers and consumers have become somewhat depleted. The prospect is that there will be a liberal spring trade. The figures regarding the production and stock of pine lumber submitted at the annual meet- ing of the Ontario Lumbermen’s As- sociation, and published in the report thereof, are of peculiar interest to the trade. The total production in the Geor- gian Bay district last year was 476,000,000 feet, an increase of 125,000,000 teet over the previous year. The stock on hand December 31st last was 216,000,000 feet, as against 120,000,000 feet one year ago. Of this stock 92,000,000 feet had already been contracted for, leaving but 124,000,- ooo feet of unsold lumber at the mills. This is less than the increased production of 1900, and indicates the extent of the demand during last year. When it is considered that at the close of 1896 the stock of lumber at Georgian Bay mills was Over 400,000,000 feet, it will readily be seen that the present supply is not large. The decreased production in Michigan is also a factor to be reckoned with. The estimated production of pine lumber in the Georgian Bay district this year 1s 500- 000,000 feet, but in the Ottawa valley a decreased cut is looked for. Operations in hardwoods are on a very limited scale. The statement was made at the meeting in Toronto that the output this season would not exceed one-half that of last year. Some manufacturers are taking out no hardwood logs this winter. The pro- _will stiffen. duction of hemlock will also be curtailed: The above facts lead to the conclusion that the lamber market is in a healthy condition, and that the demand 1s likely to be sufficient to consume the entire supply. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The situation in respect to export trad has not changed,and as far as can be learn ed the shippers on this side have purchas- ed a much smaller quantity of stock than usual, as they have been unable to close contracts with British importers. The local demand is a little more active, as dealers are commencing to stock up for the spring trade. The reconstruction of burned buildings in Montreal will call for a considerable quantity of lumber. Ced- ar shingles are firm, but the demand is light. Stocks are small, and with a more active demand prices would be likely to advance. Extra cedarsare quoted, on Boston rate of freight, at $2.75 to $2.80, clear at $2.50 to $2.60, and second clear at $2.00 to $2.10. GREAT BRITAIN. The position of the British market is practically unchanged. Importers are still holding off, and the opinion seems t- be that the prices which shippers are ask ing are higher than the conditions of trade will warrant. The consumption of lumber is of average volume, and.the out- look for the year iso a satisfactory c har acter, but the tendency of prices seems to be downward, particularly for the smaller sizes. Spruce deals in 11-inch widths are in good demand, but this is not the case with the narrow widths. One report states that within the next two months the price of battens, of which thereisa large stock, is likely to decline from ten to twenty shillinys per standard. At a re- cent London sale third quality Quebec spruce, 3x 9-11 inch, sold at £9 I5s per - standard, and 2 x 9-12 inchat £12 6s. UNITED STATES, The developments in the United States lumber market during the past week have been of a decidedly favorable char- acter. Eastern dealers visited producing points and made considerable purchases of lumber for shipment when navigation opens. The opinion is that while lumber prices may not advance to any extent, there is not likely to be any,weakening. The stocks of pine lumber at Tonawanda show a decrease cf 20 per cent. as com- pared with those of one year ago. The eastern trade seems to be quite promising, a heavy demand for building material be- ing looked for. At Buffalo there is a scarcity of the higher grades of pine and of 10 and 12 inch boards in almost all grades. The demand for hardwoods is more encouraging. White ash is being purchased by agricultural implement manufacturers, there is a better condition in the maple trade, and basswood ap- pears to be gaining strength. It is ex- pected that with a larger demand prices Shingles and lath are strong, with afair demand. It has been pre- dicted that lath prices will be very much higher within the next ninety days. II. The ship Alsterthal sailed from Moody- vile 'ast week for Valparaiso, Chili, with 1,467,071 feet of rough lumber, valued at $14,000. : The bark Bro okside sailed from Digby, N. S., on January 31st for Buenus Ayres, with 700,000 feet of lumber, shipped by Harry Crowe, of Bridgetown. The bark Ethel Clarke sailed from same port for Cuba, with lumber shipped by Clarke Bros. At an auction sale held by Foy, Morgan & Company, London, England, on Janu- ary 16th, birch timber from Montreal sold at the following prices: 8 logs, 18 to 23 inch, 10 to 15 feet long, 80s per load of 50 cubic feet ; 60 logs, 18 to 23 inch, 10 to 17 feet, 80s ; 7 logs, 19 to 28 in., 10 to 15 ft. long, 87s 6d; 16 logs, 154-19 in.,g to 15 ft., 7os; 16 logs, 15%-20% in., 10-16 ft., CANADA LUMBERMAN H.D. WICGIN ssstatesr will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. FOR SALE TIMBER LIMITS on the Geor- gian Bay and Lake Nipissing. Price moderate. A. M. SIMPSON 42s 6d ; 16 logs, 1534-23 in., 11 to 14 ft., Sy ae “a: z2s 6d. ag/Canada Life Buildings — 1) igmeveal, PINE - HARDWOOD LUMBER Get our Prices LUMBER Tue Oritia Exeort Lumser Go. LATH ORILLIA. ONT. SHINGLES The North Pacific Lumber-~ Co., Ltd., BARNET ee BRITISH COLUMBIA O~Flr. GGdar, SPFUGE (Gar and Gargo) EASTERN AGENT. H } BURY AUSTIN, 5°07 inal cicets of Canada Bldg. THOMAS PITTS, PETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. S. LYNEDOCH JOHN CHARLTON, W. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO, LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO. Our Manufacture, Drying. Yards and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White ana Red Pine Lumber ana Lath Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. J. H. Still Mnfg. Co. St. Thomas, Ont. Manufacturers of all kinds of F HANDLES +> WOOD TURNED COODS Including Cant Hook Handles, Pike Poles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Doubletrees, ete. Established 1876. © Write for Price List. CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M.A. OVEREND, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SMEEINS ceitine ¢ | FEREEAOLD PULP WOOD LANDS ! AND TIMBER LIMITS «<< MANUFACTURERS We have in stock Maple, Beech, Basswood in different thieknesses, also some Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON Moonee... LUMBER 80 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.O. WHOLESALE _ Lumber Co., timitea Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. MANUFACTURERS ———em LOMBER« LATA Shipments by Rail or Water. e Midland, Ont. GEORGE GORDON & CO. . . Manufacturers of . . . Sawn Red and White Ping Lumber and Lath Also Hewn Square and Waney Timber 9” at cache say, owr., c.r.r, 23 miles west North Bay. Wiarton, Ont. e___ ‘MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER as for sale a quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch Basswood and Soft Elm tn good shipping condition. Cedar Shingles *and Bill Stuff a Specialty CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED JOAN P. NEWMAN CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. JANUARY 30, 190r _ BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measures 2 Dale Street and g Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. orth,” Liverpool. rsa MOOD AION GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s , Zebra in oe sale Ae huge PINE AND SPRUCE, cu at to afl’ n Sto Shi oft e principa ag aor te all kinds of Hardwoods Age ne for a wine United Kingdom or m and ent ha dled oeotuieinestiadee ames Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. A BC, Ar and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & GO. WoonD BRO 247% Union Street - GLASGOW F. A. Lightbody & Co. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes ; : Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE ; _ Hardwoods pet Tee, Ete. Shipments han ndled to the best advantage to all ports in the Uni — rapbic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Bireh, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. Depots : BARKING, LIVERPOOL, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, HULL AND FRISTOL JONAS SMITH & CO. * 92 to 98 Perea: Road, LAMBETH, S. E. Moulding and Joinery Manufacturers, Ete. Timber Merchants and Importers. Telegraphic Address : Mou.pIne, LonpDoN MPORTERS OF . Pine Doors, Mouldings LEARY ax eeu aie ED) " Wood Aegents and Brokers 4 Lombard Court, MOTE. Graseatiiccl Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLA D: MORGAN, GELLIBRAND & C0. WOOD AGENTS. Established 1805 Cable Addre 20 Bishopsgate St. Within, LONDON, EC. meen A KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND or. BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites cone peageres Fie Mane forshipment per ey liners. Cables : GELLIBRAND, London “Bircu,” Glasgow Dire , ABC and Zebra Telegraphi Belfast.” Codes: A. B. C., Zebra Uni sal, Watkins, Scott’s, & Private Codes. JOHN BURKE & 60 “Wood Brokers acess * "= "§" and Merchants SELFAST - IRELAVD. Agents for Canadian white pine and spruce, cut to all sizes, and for all kinds of hardwoods in log, lumber and dimension stock. Shipments handled to the best advant- age at all ports in Ireland. Cor respondence solicited. France, Italy, Portugal and Uruguay: SMITH & TYRER - [4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL . WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘ Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—-SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St., Halifax, N.S ee ee EE See SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENG, SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce before Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. . . Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Braneh at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: "‘ ALLISON,” Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW ea pe ania | a ALLson, (Oe ©) ©) Bl Cable Adres ait At Boca s used. . and Merchants.. Windsor Saw Mills, (Govan) GLASGOW. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF HARDWOODS AND PINE Telegraphic addre ed IRVIN & SELLERS-~-9© Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS Of = POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS Agent; MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. ae asgow.” DIRECTORY CODE. CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Weis and Brokers . Western Mail Chambers, CARDIFF Manchester Timber Importers tinitea 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester , England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used JAMES COOKE & CO. WOOD BROKERS NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, ENGLAND Representing A 1 Canadian and American saci Cable Addre: Cable Address : * GELLIBRAND, CARDIFF,’ ““Woodgoods,” Newcastle-on-Tyne. Consular Offices of Austro-Hungary, Fr THE BRITISH“°NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER COMPANY able 7 GRACECHURCH 5ST. LONDON, E.C. ' AGENTS FOR - »ALL-KINDS OF LUMBER. ADVANCES MADE TO SHIPPERS. WEEKLY F DITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. CANADA [UMBERMAN | The Lumbérman Monthly “Edition, 20 pages} s1oo per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE Vou. VII. TORONTO, ONT., FEBRUARY 6, 190! No, 2 CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: IMPERIAL Buitpinc, MonTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical 21d mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw ml and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 48 Subscription price for the two editions or one year, $1.00, WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of t5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in. deep; located in Canada; price low. WrckeEs Bros., Saginaw, Mich. ANTED—s90,coo split cedar shingles. Quote price F.O.B. nearest shipping port. Address, HORWOOD LUMBER CO., St. John’s, Newfound- land. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH to sell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, Canap~ LuMBERMAN, FOR SALE. 00 M FEET HARD MAPLE, too M FEET B. Ash,‘and 50 M feet Red Birch. Will cut to order, summer delivery. T. H. DeCew & Sons, Fenelon WANTED bea NEXT JUNE, 50 TO 75 M. CUBIC FEET S.C. sound rouad Spruce, ro inches and up, average lengths 30 feet ; 15>to 200 M. feet b. m. sound round Hemlock, 12 inches and up, average length 2s feet; also 1,000,009 sawn 16 inch Cedar Shingles, X, XX and XXX. Delivery to begin next May. State prices c.o.d. Address Jas. SHEpparD & Son, Sorel, Que. mum of 3,000 horse power. For particulars apply to WANTED. MARKET FOR AFEW CARS OF SPRUCE Pulp Wood. Address Box 10, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. FOR SALE OR TO LET. REMISES OF ONE OF THE OLDEST ES- tablished Lumber Yards in Hamilton, situated on, York Street. Apply to Joun THoms n, George St. WANTED REEN HARD MAPLE SQUARES, 6%x6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any sta- tionin Ontario or Quebec. Address Box 40, CANADA LuMBERMAN. FOR SALE. Large Tract of Timber THE PRORERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of, Haliburton, (Limited). This company has a larger tract of well timbered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Beech, Cherry Birch, Maple, also consider. able Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The company are Prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 to 10,090 acres, Or more if desired. There are several good mill sites on the property. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut out and are looking for a new lozation. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing D rector, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. SS BOX SHOOKS AND HANDLE STOCK WANTED. A British firm desire to communicate with reliable Canadian manufacturers of pine and spruce box shooks and handle stock for brooms, axes, and like tools. The name of the firm may be obtained by communicating with this office. . =. SS eee TIMBER BERTHS FOR SALE, : The Department of Crown Lands of On- tario is calliug for tenders up to March 15th for some timber berths in Northern Ontario. The property offered includes three tor- feited berths, situated in the Townships of Digby, Sherbourne, and Utterworth, and a berth on the Ottawa river, containing 24 miles. There will also be offered timber in a part of the Township of Graham, and all of Cartier, Hart and Levack. Water Power for Sale. The Falls of St. Anne, within 24 miles of City of Quebec, and within a very short distance of the railway there and the famous shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre. Height of fall 194 feet, and estimated to give a mini- H. M. PRICE & C0, Quebec, Canada. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The lumber trade has shown more ac- tivity during the past week. Manufactur- ers are being urged to ship stock that was contracted for some time ago, but which has remained in their yards await- ing shipping orders. Retail dealers are stocking up to some extent, evidently in anticipation of a good local demand for building material as soon as weather con- ditions become favorable for outside work. Bridge timber is also more en- quired for. While from point of demand the pine market is not particularly strong, manufacturers are so united in favor of maintaining prices that buyers have little hope of being able to effect purchases at Icwer fizures ; consequently orders for spring delivery are expected to be placed earlier than usual. An increased num- ber of enquiries for basswood lumber 1s the only change in the hardwood situation. Orders are still light, while manufacturers are holding their stock firmly. Tue reports from the woods are gener- ally favorable. In some sections where deep snow and changeable weather had interferred with operations, the conditions are now more favorable, and an average input of logs is expected. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The comparatively small stock of spruce deals wintering at the port of Quebec has been of much assistance in effecting sales for the 1901 production. It is understood that the Quebec shippers have made con- siderable purchases, and that the prices realized by the manufacturers have been very satisfactory, in some instances a sub- stantial advance over those of one year ago. It seems to be the opinion that the production of deals in the pro- vince of Quebec will be somewhat cur- tailed this year, owing to the increased out- put of spruce logs for pulp wood and the possibility of a yreater production of lum- ber for the United States market. Ia New Bruaswick and Nova Scotia the weather has been favorable for logging Operations, and operators expect to be able to get out their estimated cut. The demand from the United States is quiet, but the number of inquiries for stock is increasing. Cedar shingles are selling at the following prices on Boston rate of freight: Extra cedar, $2.75 to $2.80; clears, $2.50 to $2.60; second clears, $2.00 to $2.10; clear white, $2.00; extra No. 1, $1.85. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, _ The winter has been very favorable for logging operations in the Rainy River district, and the manufacturers there who supply the Manitoba market are anticipat- ing a good demand for lumber in the spring. At the present time trade is quiet, and the chief interest is centred in the forthcoming meeting of the Western Retail Lumbermen’s Association. The shingle manuficturers of British Columbia expect bythe recent arrangement tobe able to better regulate .he supply according to the requirements of the murket, and thus prevent cutting of prices. Export business is quite active, -menced to move actively. UNITED STATES, There have been indications during the past week that spring trade is beginning. Manufacturers on the upper lakes report a number of sales toeastern dealers, the stock to be shipped immediately upon the opening of navigation. Prices in the Du- luth market are especially firm on No» 1, 2,and 3 common boards, but No. 4 and 5 boards are slightly weaker. Piece stuff is strong. Inch Norway is not show- ing the strength which characterizes the restof the market. Buffalo and Tona- wanda reports a fair movement of pine, al- though there has been some cutting of prices on the coarser grades, especially box and No. 2 and 3 barn. The higher grades are firm and showing an upward tendency. Hardwoods have not yet com- Some of the southern woods seem to be called for to a greater extent than birch, maple, elm and other northern woods. The excep- tion to this is basswood, which is showing much strength and which promises to be in excellent demand this vear. Rock elm is also showing a degree of strength, and white ash is being held by some dealers for higher prices. | Lath and shingles are firm. The best qualiiy of white pine shingles is selling in the Albany market at $4.25 to $4.50, and ciear butts at $3.25 to $3 50. GREAT BRITAIN. The British lumber market is showing signs of improvement. Sales have been made of third quality Quebec spruce deals at £8 5s, delivered at London. This is an advance of three shillings over the price of one year ayo, and indicates the strong position which Canadian deals occupy in the British market. Now that the long spell of delay in purchasing has been broken, it is expected that a much greater disposition to contract will be shown. Prices at recent sales have been satisfactory, 3xI1 spruce making £10 15s per standard. The consumption in Lon- don is improving, and there is a fairly active demand for the larger sizes of pine deals. STOCKS AND PRICES. The bark Swansea sailed last week from St. John, N. B., with lumber for Buenos Ayres. The Murphy Lumber Co., of Marinette, Wis., recently sold 4,000,000 feet of lum- ber to Buffalo parties. The town council of Port Hope, Ont., will receive tenders up to March st for the supply of 60,000 feet of pine and cedar scantling and plank. Pine deals brought the following prices at an auction sale held by Churchill & Sim, London, Eng., on January 23rd: 13 ft. 3x9 in. second quality, 414 15s and £15; 12-14 ft. 3x1to, 416; 13 ft. 3x8, £12 15s and £13 ; 12 ft. 3x8, £13; 13 ft. 3x7, £12 158 5 12-14 ft. 3x7, 413; 12-14 ft. 3x6, £10 158 5 12-14 ft. 3x5, S11 tos ; 10-11 ft. 3x9, Al4 15> 5 to-1r ft. 3x8, 411 tos; 10-11 ft. 3x7, Sit tos ; 9-11 ft. 3x5-11, S10 10s ; 6- 1g ft. 2x5-7, 410 55. The following prices were obtained for spruce deals from Bic, Que., at a recent auction sale held in London, Eng.: 10-16 Il. ft. 3x10-11 in. first quality, £13 1583 9-17 ft. 3x9 in., #12 55; 9-16 ft. 3x6 in., £F10 15S ; 10-17 ft. 3x7, G10 10S; 11-17 ft. 3x11 in. second quality, £10 55; 9-16 ft. 3x10 in., £10 ; 15-17 ft. 3x9 in., Fo 158; 14 ft. 3xgin., £10; 12 ft. 3x9, £10 5; 9-11 ft. 3x9, 9 158 3 12-14 ft. 3x8 in., Lio and £8 158; 12-14 ft. 3x7, £8 108 ; 9-17 ft. 3x7, £855 ; 12-16 ft. 3x11 in. third quality, £9 10s ; 6- 14 ft. 3x7-9 in., £8 5s ; 6-8 ft. 3xg-11 in., fifth quality, 47 5s. Some ash timber from Quebec sold at 67s 6d per load of 50-cubic feet. FOR SALE. A number of very valuable pine and other timber limits on the north shore of Lake Huron and elsewhere for sale. Also limits bought and sold on commission and estimates given. For particulars, apply to Se 6, 1901 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WICcGl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. FOR JSBLE TIMBER LIMITS on the Geor- gian Bay and Lake Nipissing. Price moderate. A. M. SIMPSON P. McDERMETT i Box 177, South River, Ont. snes se ees Street, Montreal, PINE 7 HARDWOOD LUMBER Get our Prices LUMBER Tue Oriuia Exeort Lumeer Go. LATH ORILLIA. ONT. SHINGLES THOMAS PITTS, ETROIT, MICHIGAN, U.S. LYNEDOCH JOHN SEL W. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO. LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO. Our Manufacture, Drying Verne and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON [Ivanu FACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White and Red Pine Lumber ana Lath Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. The River Lumber Co. NEW WESTMINSTER, B.C. Manufacturers of and dealers in, .. BRITO CULO wae? Currecaaderiee solicited. JAMES SHARPE, ES@Q., President .- as well as new. Burks Falls, Ont. CasL_e ADDRESS * BARNET.” Nua We FIR, CEDAR, SPRUCE Lumber and Timber ACIFIG. LUIyp LIMITED Wr BARNET, B.G. “Mills cn Eurrard Inlet ard Cane dian Facifie RaiJroad =. ree Y BAND Trial orders SPECIALLY solicited from our old Patrons SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. THOS. B. TAIT, ESQ., Manager New Westminster, B.C. Coprs Used Avs, AUB: Gy WATKINS Lumberman’ s Standard. | COMP ay ANy TIMBER PLANERS FACE UP TO ER op LUMEER Rough and Dressed. In all sizes and quantities. DIMENSION TIMBER, SHIP Decking, Timbers, Spat: _—— - ee oe ed A F. BURY AUSTIN, and TiMBER. Car and Cargo. og: x 3O. DRY KILNS of large capacity. CAR Sills, Decking, Siding and Roofing. Pr HOUSE Flocring, Siding and Finish of all kinds, EASTERN AGENT: 507 Merchants’ Bark of Canada Blda., KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SHEETING Cerne TOR SALE MONTREAL, Que. FREEHOLD PGOLP WOOD LANDS) AND TIMBER LIMITS <=6x18 to 34 feet; 42,0co feet 2x8«18 to 35 feet ; 20,0c0 feet ~x1o 18 to «8 feet, and 77,000 feet 3 and 4 inch by 7, 8, 9 and 11 inch by 12 to 30 feet Outs Red Deals. A large : ssortment of other lumber and timber on hand. Write for prices. mu Pembroke, Ont. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PIN Room 507, Merchants Bank of Canada Building MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. : Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Co., Limited, Parnet, B.C., Vancouver. . Douglas Fir Timber in any size or length up to 120 feet Jorg, Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. Dry Kilns of large capacity. Rough and Dresseu Lumber, Douglas Fir, Cedar, Spruce. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., LimiTED We have in stock all grades of es HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH avo SHINGLES A. TAIT, President. Price List furnished on application, per return mail. E have a nice block of one inch m.c. stocks, also sidings, for sale, and a large quantity of No. I and No. 2 pine lath. Write for prices. REID & GO., EsPLanape TORONTO. Oo. ELM, ASH \NGLES cuwaen, vA m2 SE WHITE PINE ' Dorrespondens® Pe — CANADA LIFE BUILDING FR. Wh. SGOTT - McGregor, Ont. MANUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES A large stock of Cement Barrel Staves, jointed and ., ready for shipment. Write for quotations. = MOH R & RYA N KILLALOE STATION _ Are prepared to fill limited orders dtring the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn to Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . . Contractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . . Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. . . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. (,ODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED b- MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER | 40,000 feet LONG PINE TIMBER, 50 FOR SALE & to 60 feet long, Suitable for Building and Dock Purposes. a oe LewA vy Wholesale Lumber Merchant {Buys and Sells LUMBER of all Deseription. New York Office, 81 New St.” Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. The Bonfield Lumber Go. —MANUFACTURERS C F—- Basswood, Ash, S. Elm & Birch Lumber Hemlock Bill Stuff. All sizes cut to order a specialty. Fine and Cedar Shu glos. Dressed Lumber. MNilis at BONFIELD, ONT., on the C. P. R. J. H. Still Mnfg. Co. St. Thomas, Ont. Manufacturers of all kines of HANDLES «> WOOD TURNED COODS Ineluding Cant Hook Handles, Pike Poles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Doubletrees, ete. © jesale Dealer 4 fb 2 scant wholesale P ano B psswoor ~¢ or onto, Lim! 4 Sg Lumbe Correspondence Solicited. Telephone Main, 2712. Established 1876. Write for Price List. R. LAIDLAW-LUMBER CO. SARNIA fees oleae BUFFALO WE GUARANTEE GRADES AND PRICES. JAS. PLAYFAIR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies = MIDLAND, ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty... A.& P.WAITE tte Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. Robert Watt - Wiarton MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN of all kinds, Pine Lath, Cedar Shingles and Posts. Dressed Pine and Hardwood Flooring, Lumber resawn into Dimension Stuff such as Crating, Table Legs, Chair Rungs, Ete. Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff Cut to Order. Shipment by Rail or Water. Correspondence Solicited. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. grace Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER eS Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. LLL ES AUGER & SON - Quebec >: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. SS Siemon & Bros. Mig.G0. - — Wiarton, Ont LUMBER MERCHANTS > MANUFACTURERS We have in stock Maple, Beech, Basswood in different thicknesses, also some Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON >-LUMBER Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: 3O St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE § ome! Lumber Co., timitea MANUFAGTURERS LOMBER = LATA Shipments by Rail or Water. e Midland, Ont. GEORGE CORDON & CO. . .. Manufacturers of ... sawn Red and White Pine Lumber and Lath Also Hewn Square and Waney Timber =” ot C40vE Bay, onT., C.P.R, 23 miles west North Bay, OAN P. NEWMAN 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Sell before shipment and look after Shippers’ interests. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *"*ALLISON,’’ Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW GANT & Kee aocea BROKERS Abson, Cable are ei “TECTONA” Glasgow. £3 in ining C Codes used. Timber Importers FES WILKIE & DOWNES, LID. ama merchants . . Windsor Saw Mills, (Govan) GLASGOW. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF Telegraphic address “Kar Glagom.” HARDWOODS AND PINE >-IRVIN & SELLERS-9© Cable Address: ‘‘ Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS OF gy POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New York. A. B. C. CODE, DIRECTORY CODE, GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Ayobis and Brokers . Western Mail Chambers, CARDIFF Cable Address : “ GELLIBRAND, CARDIFF,’ Manchester Timber Importers timitea 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. Cable Address, ‘‘ TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used JAMES COOKE & CO. WOOD BROKERS NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, ENGLAND Representing A 1 Canadian and American Houses. Cable Address, ‘‘ Woodgoods,” Newcastle-on-Tyne. THE BRITISH“°NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER COMPANY {™". - AGENTS FOR - S57 GRACECHURCH ST., ADVANCES MADE ALL. KINDS OF LUMBER. LONDON, E.C. TO SHIPPERS. aco ae er ome CANADA | UMBERMAN WEEKLY FDITION — The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $1.00 per veaR { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPE REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Vou. VII. TORONTO, ONT., FEBRUARY 13, 1901 CANADA L,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY? The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: ImpeRIAL BUILDING, MonTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen. Its special articles on technical 2nd mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw io.s1 and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. 4@f Subscription price for the two editions or one year, $1.00, WANTED AND FOR SALE Ss Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareiltype ; 12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in. deep; located in Canada; price low. Wrckes Bros., Saginaw, Mich. ANTED—s30,coo split cedar shingles. Quote price F.O.8. nearest shipping port. Addvess, ah LUMBER CO., St. John’s, Newfound- nd. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WISH tosell? Ifso, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, WANTED REEN HARD MAPLE SQUARES, 6'x6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any sta- tionin Ontario or Quebec. Address Box 40, CANADA LuMBERMAN,. . WANTED FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS BUILDING and Carpenter Work. . One who can run Sash and Door Factory preferred. Address, stating terms, ex- perience, &c., Lequime & Powers, Midway, B.C. WANTED. MARKET FOR A FEW CARS OF SPRUCE Pulp Wood. Address Box 10, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. ANTED—HEAD SAWYER, IMMEDIATE- ly, to take full charge of Sawmill. To competent man 6 months engagement. State wayes expected. M. M. Sunpy, Winger, Ont. FOR SALE. Large Tract of Timber THE PRORERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited). This company has a larger tract of well timbered land about r25 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Beech, Cherry Birch, Maple, also consider- able Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is avout to be extended through the centre of the property. The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 to 10,099 acres, Or more if desired. There are several good mill sites oa the property. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at preseit cut out and are looking for a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing D,rector, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. FRASER RIVER LUMBER COMPANY. The Fraser River Lumber Company have just completed their extensive shingle mills at New Westminster, B. C., the ca- pacity of which is 150,000 shingles per day ef ten hours. They are now ina position to supply all dealers who may require British Columbia red cedar shingles. The president of this company is Mr. James Sharpe, of Burk’s Falls, Ont., who has been connected with the lumber, shingle and mercantile business fora number of years, and who is well kaiown throughout Ontario, having sat in Parliament with Sir Oliver Mowat. The manager, Mr. Thom- as B. Tait, has had twenty-five years’ ex- perience as a manufacturer of and dealer in shingles in eastern Canada, doing a large business in both the Canadian and United States markets. The direction of the business of this company being in the hands of these gentlemen should be a suf- ficient guarantee to dealers that they will at all times be supplied with a first- class quality of shingles, and that they will receive fair treatment. The announce- ment of the company will be found on another page. Water Power for Sale. The Falls of St. Anne, within 24 miles of City of Quebec, and within a very short distance of the railway there and the famous shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre. Height of fall 194 feet, and estimated to give a mini- mum of 3,000 horse power. For particulars apply to H. M. PRICE & C0., Quebec, Canada. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, It is almost impossible to find a manu- facturer who has not implicit confidence in the future of white pine prices. It is this confidence, rather than any excep- tional demand, which is giving the present firm tone to the market. There is an average volume of stock moving, but the quantity is not abnormal. Reports from the Ottawa valley state that stocks at mill points are practically all sold, and that prices cannot be otherwise than steady. There is a marked scarcity of the smaller dimensions, such as 2x4 and 2x6, which have advanced in price from 50 cents to one dollar per thousand; 3x12 common is also strong. Hardwoods are moving more freely, with an urgent demand tor bass- wood and black ash. The stock of both these varieties has become almost ex- hausted, and higher prices are likely to rule before the new cut is ready for the market. A light stock of hardwood logs is being taken out this winter, and the quantity manufactured this season is cer- tain to be much less than last year. The lath market has_ been steadily gaining strength, until now $2.75 is be- ing asked at the mills for No. 1. The bulk of the supply has passed out of the hands of manufacturers, and is likely to be so controlled as to bring still higher prices before spring. Shingles are also showing a tendency to advance in price, with quotations somewhat varied. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, The spruce lumber market 1s showing some improvement, Random lengths are not as firm as the reyular sizes, but there has been no miaterial decline in price. On the other hand, deals of wide sizes are particularly strong and meet with ready sale. The hemlock market is firm and stocks light. New Brunswick cedar shingles are ex- periencing afair demand for midwinter, and stocks in the hands of mannfacturers are not large. The winter production this year has not been nearly as large as last season, and stocks, especially of the better grades, instead of accumu- lating since last fall, have been steadily decreasing, the winter demand having ex- ceeded the output. The result, it is thought, will be seen when spring trade Opens in a marked advance in prices. This opinion is so general as to establish a remarkably firm market for this season of the year. On Boston rate of freizht the quotations are: Extras, $285 to $3; clears, $2.60 to $2.65 ; second clears, $2.- 2.10 to $2.25 ;extri N». 1, $1.60to $1.85 ; clear whites, $2 to $2.25. There is no doubt but that an occasional commission house is shading these figures about ten cents per thousand, their action being the result of the ignorance of some smali ship- per as to actual conditions. The larger producers are firm im their convictions that shingles will bring more money be- fore May, $3.15 to $3 25 for extras being predicted. UNITED STATES. The white pine lumber market of the United States is showing evidences of spring buying. A large number of deil- ers from the east and Chicago visited Duluth last week and effected consider- able purchases. Notwithstanding the Opinion previously expressed, that white pine prices would not be advanced, it is said to be the purpose of the Mississippi Valley Lumbermen’s Association to re- vise the entire list at its meeting to be held next week. In the east there is an improved demand for box lumber. Ten- inch pine box is selling in Buffalo at $18. A scarcity of all cutting-up grades is re- ported from Buffalo and Tonawanda, while in the la'ter market numerous orders have been placed for pine for shipment to Great Britain. Spruce lumber is strong and dry stock getting scarcer. The de- mand for hardwoods is still light, but as the stock on hand is not heavy there is a disposition to stock up for a marked re- vivalin trade early in the spring. Bass- wood andash are particularly firm. There is an unusually good dewand for shingles and lath. A fair supply of red cedars has prevented a famine in shingles which it is thouzht would otherwise have occurred. Red cedars are selling in Buffalo at from 25 to 50 cents less than the corresponding grades of white pine. A Detroit firm is said to have cornered the lath market at the upper lake mills, and it is believed that a decided advance in lath will be witnessed in the near future. GREAT BRITAIN, A representative of a British timber journal is now in Sweden, and reports that the lumber market there is, contrary to €xpectations, very firm. Deals are particularly strong, and sales are being made at an advance over last year’s prices, while almost all the large shippers have sold more than one-third of their estimated production this year. This in- form ition has given strength to the British market and courage to buvers, and the outlook is more favorable than it was one month ago. Pine deals are quoted at £26 to £30 for first quality, and £20 to 4,22 pounds for second quality. Quebec spruce ranges from £8 to £10. Con- tracts have been entered into for 3x9 second quility at £8 15s; 3x11, £10 5s; and 3x11 thirds at £9 Ios, c.i.f. Lon- don. Ata recent auction sale 3 x 11 first quality pine brought £23 tos to £25, seconds selling at £16 tos. These prices, however, are lower than ruling quotations for good specifications. The timber mar- ket isa little more active. Waney pine is selliny at 2s rod to 3s 1d per cubic foot for 19 to 20 inch average ; red pine, 21s to 21s 3d for 45 to 50 feet average ; elm, 2s 11d to 35 3d for 45 to 50 feet average ; ash, 25 4d to 2s 7d for 13 to 15 inch. Sales of virch have recently been made at Is 6d to 1s 7d for an average of 16 inch, while birch planks from St. John have sold at £9 per standard. or ee eee It islearned that Mr. George Halley Thomson and Mr. Alfred W. Dunn have been assumed as partners in the old established firm of Singleton, Dunn & Co., timber brokers, Glasgow, Scotland. Itis over 20 years since Mr. Thomson ent red the service of the firm, and Mr. A. W. Dunn, whois a son of the senior, has been connected with the busivess for over eight years. Il. CANADA LUMBERMAN The T die Lumb Company, of Tee ee, cae ee AD. WICE winter 11,000,000 feet of logs, mostly pine, with a little spruce and hemlock. It is estimated that in the Pembroke district there will be taken out this win- ter 109,000,000 ft. b.m. of logs and dimen- sion timber, chiefly pine. There will also be taken out a large quantity of ties and telegraph poles, about 900,000, lineal feet of cedar, and about 725,000 cubic feet of i « square and waney timber. F R S A i. f FOR SALE. TIMBER LIMITS on the Geor- pee ia gian Bay and Lake Nipissing. A number of very valuable pine and other timber po. Price moderate. limits on the north shore of Lake Huron and elsewhere for sale. Also limits bought and sold on commission BH. mM. Ss l m PSO N will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for DOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. and estimates given. For particulars, apply to P. McDERMETT, ‘ Box 177, South River, Ont. a Ee geet rae Street, Montreal, PINE ; HARDWOOD LUMBER Get our Prices LUMBER Tue Orica Exeort Lumeer Go. ORILLIA, ONT. THOMAS PITTS, JOHN CHARLTON, W. A. CHARLTON, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U.S. LYNEDOCH ONTARIO. LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO. Our Manufacture, Drying Yards and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White ana Red Pine Lumber ana Lath Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. The Fraser River Lumber Co. NEW WESTMINSTBR, B.C. Manufacturers of and dealers in.... LATH ’ SHINGLES Trial orders SPECIALLY solicited from our old Patrons — SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. = B. TAIT, ESQ., Manager New Westmirister, BG, Correspondence solicited. as well as new. JAMES SHARPE, ESQ., President Burks Falls, Ont. ay Coprs Used: PACIFIC LUMBEp a LIMITED COMP gy y CABLE ADDRESS BARNET.” ‘3 ye BARNET, B.G. a\) Mills on Burrard Inlet and Canadian Pacifie Railroad FIR, CEDAR, SPRUCE TIMBER PLANERS EXOLUSIVEDY i BAND SA FACE UP 10 Lumber and Timber LUMBER Rough and a= and TIMBER. o4' x 30" n all sizes and quantities. Car and Cargo. _DIMENSION SION TIMBER. _ DRY KILNS of large capacity.” (oe ee :. CAR Sills, Decking, Siding and_ a Decking, Timbers, Spars. & i ecking, Siding an ocfing. She ues ot 2 HOUSE Flocring, Siding and Finish of all kinds | Vern. Kae EASTERN AGENT : "Sie Ua 7"F. BURY AUSTIN, 507 Merchants’ Bank of Canada Bldg., MONTREAL, Que. KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING S*EEDNS celine ¢ FREEAOLD PULP WOOD LANDS AND TIMBER LIMITS «< WOOD TURNED COODS Including Cant Hook Handles, Pike Poles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Doubletrees, ete. 2 Correspondence Solicited, Telephone Main, 2712. Established 1876. Write for Price List: | R. LAIDLAW LUMBER Co. SARNIA aise Lox FFALO NOW IS THE TIME TO STOCK UP YOUR YARD. JAS. PLAYFATR & CoO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH > SHINGLES | BILL TIMBER a Speciay ’’ ~*~ MIDLAND, ONT. Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Robert Watt - Wiarton MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN of all kinds, Pine Lath, Cedar Shingles and Posts. LUMBER into Dimension Stuff such Chair Rungs, Ete. Dressed Pine and Hardwood Flooring, Lumber resawh as Crating, Table Legs, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff Cut to Order. Shipment by Rail or Water. Correspondence Solicited. OWEN SOUND. MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. ONTARIO. anufacturers and Dealers M LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. : WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese. Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec :: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. Siemon & Bros. Mig.G0. - — Wiarton, Ont. LUMBER MERCHANTS 4*> MANUFACTURERS We have in stock Maple, Beech, Basswood in different thicknesses, also some Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON Mavens, LUMBER SO St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE j on Lumber Co., timitea MANUFACTURERS ———emy Shipments by Rail or Water. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. LOMBER = LATH @ Midland, Ont. GEORGE GORDON & CO. - » Manufacturers of « . Sawn Red and White Pine Lumber and Lath Also Hewn Square and Waney Timber” at cacne Bay, owr,, c.p.r, 23 miles west North Bay. JOAN P. NEWMAN Wiarton, Ont. ee ___ MANUFACTURER AND WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER Has for sale a quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch, Basswood and Soft Elm in good shipping condition. Cedar Shingles and Bill Stuff a Specialty CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. FEBRUARY 13, 1901 — BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS wale & JARDINE Wood Brokers and Measurers 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. ~ 4 MOOD BROKERS GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: eereee ’ Glasgow. Codes Used ; Watkin’s, Scott’s, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s , Ze bra; Pri Agen ae for the sale Lake eerr visi WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all ¢ oe mension ioe ents t y of the pri peat eG San Lei ate the best adva ‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. T a “GRUN t Ob. 7 Royal Bank Place, cae ki nds of Hardwoods sake United Kingdom or Cable Address: SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, At and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. WOOD BRO 2% Union Street - GLASGOW F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street SCOTLAND OOQ@d) Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., Ax, “ Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods a Log, pie. Shipments handled to the bes tage to all ports in the a GLASGOW, raphic Address—‘‘ WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. ee Depots : BARKING, LIVERPOOL, NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, HuLL AND ERISTOL JONAS SMITH & CO. Telegraphic Address: Moutpinc, Lonpon # 92 to 98 Belvedere Road, LAM BETH, S. E. Moulding and Joinery Manufacturers, Ete, Timber Merchants and Importers. IMPORTERS OF Pine Doors, Mouldings > Le oat | BE " Wood: Aegents and Brokers 4. Lombard Court, Met aitec, GES Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. MORGAN, GELLIBRAND & C0. “WOOD AGENTS. Established 1805. Cable Address : GELLIBRAND, London. 20 Bishopsgate St. Within, LONDON, E.C. a A. KENNEY West Regent Str - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND oF BOX SHOOKS, SPRUCE AND PINE DEALS Invites comesponsee re ion Manufacturers for Pee pe ce. liners. Cables: ‘‘BircH,” Glasgow Directory, A B C and Zeb a Telegra Codes e, Belfast.” Codes: A. B. C., Zebra Universal, Watkins, Scott’s, & Private Codes: JOHN BURKE & CO. : ‘WW¥ood Brokers (Formerly H. ANDREws & Co., and Merchants BELFAST - IRELAND. Agents for Canadian white pine and spruce, cut to all sizes, and for all kinds of hardwoods in log, lumber and dimension stock. Shipments handled to the best advant- age at all ports in Ireland. Correspondence solicited. Consu/ar Offices of Austro-Hungary, France, Italy, Portugal and Uruguay: THEBRITISH“°NORTH AMERICAN TIMBER COMPAN ; AGENTS FOR: 57 GRACECHURCH ST. SMITH & TYRER - [4 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL . WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘“‘ Walmer,” Liverpoo Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & CO., Metropole Bide, Hollis St., Halifax, N.S Ice ann en ere SN SIEVEKING, PODMORE & CO. 7 Crosby Square, LONDON, ENG. SELLING ACENTS FOR WOOD SHIPPERS Find Buyers for Logs and Mill Produce pefore Shipment. Logs, Deals, Flooring, Staves, Box Boards, Squares, etc., etc. .. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Branch at LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address: *‘ ALLISON,” Glasgow. COUSLAND & CO. Wood Brokers 154 St. Vincent St., GLASGOW GANT & KBNP g TIMBER. BROKERS SS Cable Bre Bee “TECTONA” ee asgow. 22 AB S Codes use Timber Importers PS PANDBELS, WILK i DOWNES, LID. and Merchants. . Windsor Saw Mills, (Govan) GLASGOW. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF HARDWOODS AND PINE 6-IRVIN & SELLERS-© Cable Address: ‘* Primus” Liverpool Forge Street, Bootle, LIVERPOOL. BUYERS OF = POPLAR, SOFT ELM, PLANKS and BOARDS, ROCK ELM and MAPLE LOGS Agent: MR. E. M. ALLEN, 72 Trinity Place, New YorK. Telegraphic address ‘‘Kauri Glasgow.” A. B. C. Code used. DIRECTORY CODE. CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Wits and Brokers Cable Address : “ GELLIBRAND, CARDIFF,’ Western Mail Chambers, CARDIFF Cale Are: * OELLTBRAND/CARDIFA «= Western Mail Chambers, CABDIF? Manchester Timber Importers timita 3 Cross Street, MANCHESTER, ENGLAND IMPORTERS OF WOOD GOODS suitable for the English Market. Offers invited. — Cable Address, “TIMBER,” Manchester, England. A.B.C. and Zebra codes used JAMES COOKE & CO. WOOD BROKERS _ NEWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, ENGLAND Representing A 1 Canadian and American Houses. Cable Address, ‘* Woodgoods,” Newcastle-on-Tyne. LIMITED. A ADVANCES MADE , ALL KINDS OF LUMBER. LONDON. E.C. TO SHIPPERS. WEEKLY EDITION BUYERS IN,GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. CANADA |UMBERMAN The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $100 per year { The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPE REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE Vou. VII. TORONTO, ONT., FEBRUARY 20, 1901 No. 4 (CANADA [,UMBERMAN The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: ImPERIAL Butitpinc, MONTREAL. Weekly Lumberman, published every Wednesday. Contains reliable and up-to-date market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and@ foreign wholesale markets, A weekly medium of information and communication be- tween Canaian timber and lumber manufacturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. d . Lumberman, Monthly. A 20-page journal, discuss- ing fully and impartially subjects pertinent to the Jumber and wood-working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, and character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen Its special articles on technical 2nd mechanical subjects areespecially valuable to saw i-.1] and planing mill men and manufacturers of lumber products. _ #27 Subscription price for the two editions or one year, $1.00, : WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the linc and is set in Nonpareil type ;_12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue. OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in. deep; located-in Canada; price low. WrckEs Bros., Saginaw, Mich. ANTED—s c0,coo split cedar shingles. price F.O.B. nearest shipping port. HORWOOD LUMBER CO., St. John’s, Newfound- land. ALESMAN WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED S Salesman to sell Hardwood Lumberin Toronto and Western Ontario ; must understand the inspection of hardwoods, and have the best of references. State age and salary expected. Box 114, CANADA LUMBERMAN. WANTED \ (ee HARD MAPLE SQUARES, 6%x6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any sta- tionin Ontario or Quebec. Address Box 40, CANADA LuMBERMAN. FOR Large Tract of Timber THE PRORERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited). SALE. This company has a larger tract of well timbered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, wood, Beech, Cherry Birch, Maple, also consider- able Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is about to he extended through the centre of the property. The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 to. 10,000 acres, or more if desired. ere are several good mill sites on the property. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are * at present cut out and are looking for a new location. aps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to 3 W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, : Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. * man 6 months engagement. WANTED. MARKET FOR A FEW CARS OF SPRUCE Pulp Wood. Address Box 10, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. ANTED—Position as Manager or Superintendent of Construction of new mill. Highest reference as to experience and ability. Address ‘“‘ LUMBERMAN,” . O. Box 497, Ottawa, Canada. sas) ANTED—HEAD SAWYER, IMMEDIATE- ly, to take full charge of Sawmill. To competent State wages expected. M. M. Sunpy, Winger, Ont. WANTED FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS BUILDING and Carpenter Work. One who can run Sash and Door Factcry preferred. Address, stating terms, ex- perience, &c., LEouime & Powers, Midway, B.C. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The quantity of lumber which has been sold since the closing down of the mills has made large inroads. upon the stocks in pile, and has brightened the outlook for spring trade. At the Georgian Bay mills the stock of unsold lumber is compara- tively small, and with an active spring demand the entire supply would scon be cleaned up. Somemanufacturers report an increased demand for mill culls, and sales are reported to have been made at $12 at the mill. The position of the pine market generally 1s regarded as firm, with the prospect of an advance in certain grades which are in light supply. A good car tradeis being done from some of the mills, A strong demand has arisen for hemlock, which is expected to sell at high- er prices this year. The supply of dry stock is practically exhausted, and a shortage in the log output is expected. Hardwoods are fairly active, although consumers are not purchasing with much liberality, apparently believing that prices will not advance. Nevertheless, the bulk of the hardwood lumber is in the hands of parties who will strongly oppose any de- cline in values, particularly as present prices do not represent more than a fair margin of profit. An increased number of inquiries is reported for shingles and lath. A Detroit party is announced to have purchased 35,000,000 lath in Detroit, Ashland, Duluth, Midland, Ont., and other lake ports, with the object of secur- ing a corner in that product. In Toron- to No. 1 lath is selling at $3.25 wholesale, and No. 2 at $2.50. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Although the demand for lumber from builders is small, the outlook is somewhat encouraging. Shippers on this side have received more_ hopeful news from their representatives in England re. garding the condition of the British mar- ket, and it seems probable that there will be an average consumption of Canadian spruce. The Quebec spruce is expected to bring prices equally as high as one year ago, but on the Maritime province production some shading is being done, equal, perhaps, to one dollar per thous- and. Although the freight market has not declined to the extent that was expect- ed, chartering is quite active. A number of vessels have already Leen engaged to load lumber at St. John, while it is an- nounced that twenty-three vessels are un- der charter to load at Halifax for the United Kingdom in May. There 1s a particularly good demand at the present time for South American specifications, which command high prices, The Unit- ed States market is steadily improving and pi.cesare firmer. ~The best quality of cedar shingles are selling in small lots at $2.85, but sales are reported slightly below this figure. The estimates which have been made indicate that the cut oflogs this year in New Brunswick will be considerably less than last year. The St. John river will produce about the same quantity, but on the Miramichi and Restigouche rivers it is estimated that the quantity will be little more than one-half that of last year. UNITED STATES. Recent snow storms have somewhat checked the demand for !umber in Certain sections of the United States, but the purchases by dealers have been sufficiently numerous to add to the confidence which has been exhibited by the trade for some time past. At Duluth and Ashland a number of important sales have been made at top prices, Chicago and eastern dealers being the principal buyers. At Chicago and Minneapolis there is a shortage of No. I, 2, and 3 boards, as well as some lines of dimension stuff, while the stocks there generally are by no means large. Advice has been received that some manufacturers have marked up their stock fully one dollar per thousand. In the east, particularly Buffalo and Tona- wanda, higher prices are being asked for No. 1 cuts and better and barn boards, while 10 inch pine box 1s selling at $18, 8 inch at $17, and 6 inch at $16.50. Mill culls are held at $15. Maple and basswood are the strong ’ features of the hardwood trade, which is not showing an improvement correspond- ing to that of pine and spruce. Inch maple is selling in Buffalo at $22, and seems to be much scarcer than the thick sizes. The opinion there is that the sup- ply of hardwood by lake this season will be less than in late years. Rock elm 1s a little stronger, selling at $21 to $23, and some dealers are asking an advance of one dollar over our quotations on white ash, but we do not think that the bulk of sales are being uiade above $34 for 1% to 2 inch and $36 for 2% to 4 inch. GREAT BRITAIN. Representatives of Canadian shippers are now canvassing the British market, and are reported to have been successful in effecting considerable sales. The un- certainty which existed among buyers as to the future stability ofthe market has given place to: more general confidence. Considerable sales of spruce are announc- ed to have been madeto Spain, The chief buying in Great Britain up to present time has been by London houses, and transac- tions have usually been for deal specifica- tions, the narrower widths being some- what negiected. At a recent sale held by Churchill & Sim, London, 3x11 first quality pine bought £28 5s per standard, second quality £19 15s, and.third quality Zl 15s. Spruce brought £12 ssto £12 15s 3x9 for firsts, £10 5s for scconds, £9 Tos for thirds, and £8 ss for fourths. Birch timber sold well, showing an upward tendency. Quebec rock elm also made fair prices. In Glasgow some sales of Quebec ash have recently been made at high prices, and the stock of that timber is becoming small. THE WHITE PINE SITUATION, A careful review of the conditions sur- rounding the white pine lumber market leads to the conclusion that the situation as a whole is particularly strong and singu- larly free from any disturbing elements. The building outlook throughout Canada and the United States is promising, the agricultural community is enjoying a fair measure of prosperity, the steel and iron industry is in a prosperous condition, and manufacturing industries generally are Operating to their full capacity. These conditions are favorable to an active con- sumption of white pine lumber. From a statistical standpoint the pine market is strong. There is but a small stock of unsold lumber at the Ottawa vyal- ley mills, while the bulk of the production of the coming season has already been contracted for. In the Georgian Bay dis- trict the stock is equally light and much less than at the corresponding period for the pastifew years. A gentleman who towards the close ofthe sawing season visited all Il. the lake mills, is authority for the state- ment that the stock of merchantable lum- ber at Cutler, Blind River, John’s Island, Little Current, French River, Midland, Collingwood, and the Parry Sound Lumber Company's stock at Parry Sound, did not exceed 40,000,000 feet, and since that time about 20,000,000 feet of this stock has been sald, ‘eaving but 20,000,000 feet of the stock then on hand still unsold. Late sawing operations would, of course, increase the quantity of unsald lumber to some extent, but would still leave the total This esti- mate, it should be stated, did not include Victoria Harbor and which are almost wholly including guantity comparatively small. certain stocks at Waubaushene, shipped by rail. last the stock of white pine lumber at the mills in Michigan, On December 3Ist Wisconsin aud Minnesota was 2,850,000, - ooo feet, which is slightly heavier than last year but much less than in the years 1894, 1895, 1896 and 1897, when the stock was about 4,000,000,000 feet. It is estimated that there will be required for consumption this year in the United States five and one- half billion feet of white pine, with a stock at the beginning of the year of one-half that amount. Another factor which must be consider- ed is the annual decrease in the quantity of white pine lumber manufactured the United States. From over8,500,000,000 feet in 1890, the product has declined to less than 5,500,000,000 feet last year, The Chica- go district, including both shores of Lake Michigan and the upper peninsula of Mich- igan, has decreased from a maximum of nearly 2,500,000,000 feet to a little over I,000,000,Goo feet. in Although the winter thus has been favor- able tor logging in Ontario, the output of white pine is not likely to be excessive. An estimate made a short time ago placed the output of the Georgian Bay and northern CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. districts at 500,000,000 feet, but this quan- tity seems likely to be reduced on account of the prevalence of smallpox in some of thelumbering camps. Orders have been issued directing that all the men in camps in certain districts shall be vaccinated. This may bring about a cessation of work fora time anda consequent falling off in the production of logs. | The stocks of lumber at Buffalo, Tona- wanda, Albany and other eastern markets retail dealers are British enquiries are not large, while carrying light stocks. are coming in more freely, and altogether, there seems reason to expect that the white pine market will gain in strength as the active building season approaches, with prospects for a year characterized by a large demand and _ satisfactory condi- tions. STOCKS AND PRICES. Reid & Co., of Toronto, are in the mar- ket for 4x4 cedar scantling. The city of Brockville, Ont., is about to invite tenders for supply of Jumber. The steamer Briardene is loading deals at Halifax, N. S., for the United Kingdom. Tenders for the supply of lumber for the city of Kingston will be asked for imme- diately. F. Carter, of Paisley, Ont., is paying $13 per thousand for maple logs delivered at his mill. The contract for building a breakwater at Summerside, P.E.I., to cost $55,000, has been given to McDonald & Moffatt. The Dominion government is calling for tenders for the construction of a large wharf at Cole’s Point, N. B., which will require a large quantity of timber. The Huntsville Lumber Company are reported to have purchased timber berth No. 1, in the township of Sinclair, con- taining 17 square miles, from the Robert Thomson estate. A. F. Fawcett is under contract to sup- ply 2,000,000 feet of spruce logs for Donald Fraser & Co., of Cabano, Que. He is logging onthe Horton branch of the Tamiscouata river, and expects to com- plete his contract about the end of March. PINE LUMBER Get our Prices HARDWOOD LUMBER Tue Oriuuta Exeort Lumeer Go. LATH Cas_e ADDRESS “ BARNET.” FIR, CEDAR, SPRUCE ORILLIA. ONT. PACIFIC LUMpey 22! LIMITED BARNET, B.G. __ Mills. on Burrard Inlet and Canadian Pacific Railroad SHINGLES Copves Used: Ar, A.B.C., WATKINS & “OMPgy ilroad oo TIMBER PLANERS L b EXCLUSIVELY umber and Timber BAND SAWN LUMBER FACE UP TO Rough and Dressed. and TIMBER. In all sizes and quantities. DIMENSION TIMBER. SHIP Decking, Timbers, Spars. Wisetstlnsy vise") SHOUSE Flooring, om Car and Cargo. 24' x 30° DRY KILNS of large capacity.} } CAR Sills, Decking, Siding and Roofing. Siding and Finish of all kinds. Eastern Acenr : 4. F BURY AUSTIN, 507 Merchants’ Bank of Canada Bldg., MONTREAL, Que. SS SC ee iad ah anne aaa nnnnnnnnnnnnnn) : Gilmour’s PATENT Doors ——_. LUMBER LESS IN PRICE PINE om HARDWOODS BETTER IN QUALITY Guaranteed Superior to any other make of door. Hardwood for Oil Finish, almost as cheap as Pine. CAPACITY, 1,000 DOORS PER DAY ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. WRITE OR WIRE FOR SAMPLES. GILMOUR & GO. TRENTON - CANADA mited SBOVTVSVVTTVSSVSSTD £O8FF8OFO88OS82SEES KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING SHEETING-ceiNG e ° D. E. Sprague, of Winnipeg, expects to float 8,000,000 feet of logs down the Roseau and Red riversthis spring. Last year a considerable quantity of the cut was hung up owing todry weather. During last year Charles J. Willis & Company, of Sackville, N. B., shipped for Curwen & Company, of Liverpool, Eng- land, 16,998,431 feet of lumber, employing fifteen barques and five steamers. A Montreal firm are desirous of corres- ponding with parties capable of contract- ing for the manufacture and delivery ofa large quantity of round, flatted and squared timber, either hewn or sawn, in the vicin- ity of Parry Sound. Their name and ad- dress may be obtained at this office. John Kilburn last week returned toFred- ericton, N.B., from the scene of his lum- bering operations on the Upper St. John river. He states that thus far the season has been favorable for logging. He esti- mates the total cut on the St. John river this winter at between 90,000,000 and 95:- 000,000 feet. His operations will represent about 10,000,000 feet, which will include 2,000,000 feet hung up last season. The cost of getting out logs has been much greater than for several years past. The estimated lumber cut on the Mira- michi river, in New Brunswick, this season will be fifty million feet, about one-half of the Miramichi cut of last year. The Resti- gouche cut of this season will be little over half last season’s, which was 47,000,000 feet, cut almost wholly in Quebec and on lands of the N. B. Railway Co. Practically no cedar will be cut on the Restigouche this season, as the shingle business was so very unsatisfactory last spring that the operators did not arrange to get out any considerable quantities of cedar. The importations of sawed lumber from Canada into the United States for the eleven months ending November 30, 1900, amounted to 501,490,000 feet ofanestimated value of $6,003,460. This was against a total importation during the same period of 1899 of 626,316,000 feet, valued at $6,459,- 290. During the eleven months of 1900 FOR SALE, A number of very valuable pine and other timber limits on the north shore of Lake Huron and elsewhere for sale. Also limits bought and sold on commission and estimates given. For particulars, apply to P. McDERMETT, Box 177, South River, Ont. GRAY & RAWSON, TIMBER ESTIMATORS, BUYING AGENTS AND CONTRACTORS Sudbury and Coldwater, Ont. Board Timber, Saw Legs, Pulpwood. Cordwood, Ship Knees, Telegraph Poles, Telephone Poles, Rail- way Ties, Tanbark, Accuraté and reliable estimates given on quantity, quality and cost of operating any of above departments of the timber business. Improve- ments necessary to driving rivers and streams, dam building, etc., etc. Address all correspondence to Coldwater, Ont. FEBRUARY 29, 190 there were 440,239,000 shingles imported, against’ 512,348,000 during the corres- ponding period of 1899. e—_—_—_—_—_————— LIVERPOOL TIMBER MARKET REPORT. During the month of January there was a fair consumption of both timber and deals at Liverpool, Eng., and with one or two exceptions prices kept fairly steady, but the stocks on hand, according to Alfred Dobell & Co., are ample for -the re- quirements of the trade. Se WaneEy BoOarRD AND SguarE Ping.— — Stocks are within moderate compass and prices firm. For square pine, values have an upward tendency. Oak.—There has been a fair demand without material change in quotations. ELM.—Values are unchanged. Bircu Locs.—There has been a small import, with a moderate consumption at firm figures. tinues heavy and values are unchanged. PINE DEALS AND BoarDs.—The arrivals have been very small, with a fair cousump- tion at firm prices. NEw Brunswick AND Nova ScoriA Spruce Deats.—The arrivals have been moderate, witha fair demand. WANTED Hardwood Lands in Ontario and Quebec. Freehold Lands suitable for Pulp Manufacture in Quebee or the — Maritime Provinees. As I give special attention to TIMBER PROPERTIES of every description I invite @orrespondence from Buyers and Sellers. H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL If You have any Spruce Pulpwood to Sell write io me, MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER: ~~ Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. FOR SALE TIMBER LIMITS on the Geor- gian Bay and Lake Nipissing. Price moderate. A. M. SIMPSON 2g Canada Life Building, Montreal eo THOMAS PITTS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U. S. LYNEDOCH JOHN CHARLTON, 189 St. James Street, W. A. CHARLTON, - ONTARIO. LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO. Our Manufacture, Drying Yards and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White ana Red Pine Lumber ana Lath Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. THE ONTARIO LUM BER C95 aren WATER SHIPMENT ONLY ¢ MANUFACTURERS OF WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. 35 and 36 Freehold Loan Building Mixts: French River, Georgian Bay. ¢ The Fraser River Lumber Go. NEW WESTMINSTBR, B.C. Manufacturers of and dealers in .... | nN Correspondence solicited. Trial orders SPECIALLY solicited from ourfold Patrons as well as new. JAMES SHARPE, ESQ., President Burks Falls, Ont. Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling ss 12.00 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. = THOS. B. TAIT, ESQ., Manager New Westminster, B.C. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. TORONTO, Ont. f The stock of planks con- — ? FEBRUARY 20, 1901 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Ill t CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS te PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, umn We can offer a nice lot of Pine Joist—68,000 feet 2x6x18 to 34 feet; 42,000 feet 2x8x18 to 35 feet; 20,000 feet 2x10x18 to 38 feet, and 77,000 feet 3 and 4 inch by 7, 8, 9 and rz inch by 12 to 30 feet Outs Red Pine Deals. A large assortment of other lumber and timber on hand. Write for prices. me Pembroke, Ont. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CAITADA PINE Room 507, Merchants Bank of Canada Building MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Co., Limited, Barnet, B.C., Vancouver. f Douglas Fir Timber in any size or length up to 120 feet Jorg, Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. Dry Kilns of large capacity. Rcugh and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir, Cedar, Spruce. : WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., LimiteD We have in stock all grades of ——emmey HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH avo 1 SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, per return mail. Viees have you got, or what can you make in A. TAIT, President. 4x4 Cedar Scantling this next season? State. quantity and lowest price to REID & GO., ESPLANADE TORONTO. yto b) Limite : yp SHINGLES LATH AND MBER; ndence Solicites a of Tore E PINE LUMEN. gape Lae FR. R&. SCOTT - McGregor, Ont. NUFACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES A large stock of Cement Barrel Staves, jointed and ready for shipment. Write for quotations. MOHR & RYAN Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn w Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . . Concractors for Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . . Red Pine Piling Timber a specialty. . . Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. GODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS IN Of Goderich and Owen Sound PINE, HEMLOCK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE . 40,000 feet LONG PINE TIMBER, 50 @ Pie pepe put tatle for Building m HH. LAMA Yy Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER ot all Deseription. New York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. Telephone Main, 2712, The Bonfield Lumber Go. —MANUFACTURERS OF-- Basswood, Ash, S. Elm & Birch Lumber Hemlock Bill Stuff. All sizes cut to ordera specialty. Pine and Cedar Shinglos. Dressed Lumber. Milis at BONFIELD, ONT., on the C. P. R. J.-H. Still Mnfg. Co. St. Thomas, Ont. HANDLES “> WOOD TURNED coops Including Cant Hook Handles, Pike Poles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Doubletrees, ete. : >) Write for Price List Correspondence Solicited. KILLALOE STATION ONT. _Established 1876. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. SARNIA haan ealy BUFFALO To do Business You must have Stock on Hand. Write us for Te:ms. JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER LATH © SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies =e MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty ... A.& P. WHITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. @e Robert Watt Wiarton MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN LUMBER of all kinds, Pine Lath, Cedar Shingles and Posts. Dressed Pine and Hardwood Flooring, Lumber resawn Shipment by Rail or Water, Manufacturers of and Dealers in into Dimension Stuff such as Crating, Table Legs, Chair Rungs, Ete. Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff Cut to Order, Correspondence Solicited. OWEN SOUND. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO. anufacturers and Dealers M - LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make: a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Yoneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Bireh, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec : | DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. lemon & Bros. Mig.Go. — - Wiarton, Ont. LUMBER MERCHANTS 4*> MANUFACTURERS We have in stoek Maple, Beeeh, Basswood in different thicknesses also som Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. : Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON go oee,,.> LUMBER SO St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE urner Lumber Co., timitea LUMBER = LATH CEORCE GORDON & CO. Sawn Red and White Pine Lumber and Lath Also Hewn Square and Waney Timber i! at cace say, owr, opp 23 miles west North Bay. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. JOAN P. NEWMAN are i 36 00 38 o0| r inch Se 4 in. to 8 F Wiad off, according to average and quality.......-.:scacues 23 29 Asif cea wale eeee me pe s, 6” 3 se aoe Mya a 2 1 eG OO oe cons + 16 00 16 50 n shipping ord : A Reena sera Sco ©! 30 Pha cde oleh A ole oN Si 2 board: *s [SAHA cuts & better $32 00 $34 00 | 1% and 114 ‘in. box mehen Pping order, Gis naccommhermorteeaat 3 t poe Dele ec 65 67 =a pe se better... 30 1% and Seki cut- F sien ae x2 mill cull By the dram, according to average and quality. . . + 4650 aN BO aio = ion dvasaian al eae ae " oA ting up plank...... 24 00 2600] stocks............-- 14 50 ei . 4 . dressing : en i . : ee 3 : 50 | Common, rxi@s.cseccecces | | EE aris Gace gut sgh ei eae ie 74 00 By the dram, according to average and quality, 45 to so feet. - 35 © 40 x to 2im.-.... + «sss +0. 43 | No. x barn, rxza ooaoe: 95.06 dressing and better 24 00 26 00} 1 1-4 inch flooring. . Be 18 00 ‘ 7 : ee tg. ga fect 5 See Pay oa 1 cuts, r to 2 inch... 36 + 23 24 is % Tats * k . y 5 i: CT one de ie anin sions aia 30 -2r 22 mjc” Canada dees px bees a ae 19 00 54 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . + + 23 26 Noig-cckaceans 26 23 ing and better..... 22 00 24 00| 1% inch No. 1 Lath.. 3 25 T 6 tach a8 a0" og Iai : 3 2x4 COMMON......+-- 15 00 1% inch No. 2 Lath.. 2 50 Oo ayerage 10 inch. .« «. «+ ‘oe oe en 6 eet vee Ne . okie : page secon Se ri ae ie te eeeee aa ae 56 i lath. i ; 5 , eee we aad b Bee Sant 6 2 white Mieciinstes ‘ oe itis PYEIARE ‘ aig 4 sd Up'rs, 1, 1%, 1% and $57 haa mi ps jolie = = Birch rin. .. 18 00 2000] Maple, sts 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 38 oo | 24 and 3in., 8in. and up wide 44 00 I. seeeeeeeeeeee o a : ow 1% “* 2.. 2000 22 00| andends..2 “‘ 4.. 19 00 20 00 1% and Ey MANA aia! ajo'sis sles caves 37 OO) ID. c secre veee ceccccenenen 55 co 2% and 3 in......- 66 00 1% in. 35 so sars. 4x4 ‘* 8x8 24 00 26 oo | Oak, red, p’n, QUI acalee a eitia in aise ss aly sions (smal 37 00 4 IN. scenes peteeee 72 00 Shelvi ne se sess 34 5° Basswood, ists and sts & 2nds1 ‘‘ 1% 28 00 30 00 B FINE COMMON OR NO 1 CUTTING. Selects, 1 to 2 in..... 50 co elving, No, x, 13 in. i ie ‘ ¥% and 3 in 62 00 and up, x in. 38 ands, 1 tor%in.... 18 00 20.00 | Oak;red, p'n, zin,, 7in. and up wide...... 30 00 | 244 and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 43 00 2 Sp Aen e'ainisinre 66 Mold at’ Py er 5° 1% to Bee 22 00 Pera *' 4.. 31 00 3300 3% and 13g im....-.--- e+e 35 00 | 4 Mes sie eecee cerennes pies aa et OO Bicone ane ne eo te stps No. r ee Ss con a amare, Gr 1% 1600 17 00 a white es Sa eh a a Aree non, 1 in., Fee, see areees ci Butternut ice 1% 23 00 25 00 asts & ands 1 "1% 29 00 33 00 ae ; cee ps 3 (CLEAR AND SELECTS) ee # * Ban Aiea ea = "a . s i 2 3 2 2 Ac wand 1% in....- A OiN....66 : 2 ‘t 3.. 25 00 28 ee Cake Traes| “ 200 3600 1% in. 4,5and 7 in. wide... 42 00|xin., 4, 5.and 7 in, wide..... 38 00 BAT, soak ath eer 45 00| Nowa, doaehs seme Stoo oo del j ac V4 eee Oak d fects 3 6 in. wide 40 00 | 6 in. wide 40 00 3 in 56 00 Noosa, 22a 23 09 Che ists ak quart’ « WIGE, .. cece ee eeeecerene WAGE, vc ccc cee ucne teeee De pecesesevovecs o By Was nee ee 1% 50 00 60 00 rsts & ands x “ 2.. 60 00 65 00 FINE COMMON ORC. | 7 Pe eee 62 co No. 3, ro and 12 in. 19 00 Cherry, ists Walnut, 1sts 1in., 4, 5 in, wide. ........- 32 00 | 1% in., 4, 5 in. WIS aisineis ce 35 00 one up, No. x, x in. 33 00| Box, 1X4..-.eeeee- 00 17 00 and FEES 2 ‘' 4.. 6000 65 00 ee anus 7 1 ‘f 3.. 85 00 10000 1¥ in., 6 in. wide..........- 36 so] in., 6in. wide.........+.-. 36 co cos anys “a TH seirets 39 = page os 17 co” = = Elm, soft, mi nee eo SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. Ayes Ue cies ES ae ee run... 1 ‘1% 1603 o> rsts & ands t 2.. 32 00 36 09 1{in., 4, 5, 6in. wide... ... a oo! 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide .......- 25 00 we 2; e. Se =| 32 00 33 00 nai Caine neces 18 co i ! 0. 3,1 I ni caer ————— N : BREN BOAR No ath yt GALE 24 co 25 00 and 2in...s.s-+s 15 00 COANE SMTA otathio cleidis.clora/vi e's 24 00 | No. , 9 in.....-+- ‘ 3 : : OTTAWA, ONT. SET HERE Sona bercee 20 00 ae and 7 in The lions anaes eee yiny represent the jobber’s buying A sas : MO tere ema eislalalet iste etoie lola) ia'= . 3, 12 in price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ‘ Pine, good sidings, per Pine, s.c. shorts..... II 00 15 00 feet : gt sit Pee M feet, b.m....... $31 00 42 00 | Pine, box culls....... 12 50 14 50 7a cepts ie cece ape 2G SOO Tabet tetas WHITE ASH. - A Pines 50 aetepe.¢4.26,00 28 00} Pine anillcullsy airs TESS Seon ee BREED Coens oA od Peae. Pre hkon hao tst & 2nd, x inch, 29 00 31 00] 2% to 4 in........+++ 33 00 37 00 Pine, Bond shoe 2-2 cee SO) OC ane: nue ee a tae A Nera Simla SHIPPING «<< TERE IanO 1% tozin........ . 33 00 35 00| Strips............-.. 19.00 21 00 a lc ee sec ea i as P ‘ ‘ ak ; : Com. and culls....... 1 00 13 00 sidings, per M feet 1x8 & g No.1 ‘ 19 00 rin., 4 and 5 in. wide .......$13 00 | 1 in., 13 m. and up wide..... $16 00 ; b Gi a Dtaettio ar "1B co 24 00|1x8&QNo.2“ .... 1700 «1 in., 6 in, wide.........+.++ 14 co| 1%, 1% and in., 7 in. and BLACK AND BROWN ASH. Pine, No. 1 dressing ae per wy) aver ope 275 tin.,7in, wide and up...... 14 69 up wide........-.. veees 1600 gst & and, 6inch up, 24 00 25 00| Com. & good culls... 11 09 13 00 StFIPS, ....-eeeeeee 16 00 21 00| Lath per 0.2... 200 @ 50 SHAKY CLEAR. i . x dressi xx Cedar shingles, 18”. 1 40 1 = in. wi in. in. and up wide..... : BIRCH, F ; bent 3 si Tiss 14 00 16 00 | Cedar Shingles, Cia ‘ sae 4 4)5)7,8 and sit wee ba on ts 7 Pie aad in, Bin, sal up 75 00 st & ES 6 inch & aie aa ee "7 a » oo Pine, xo s.c. and bet- Butt 2... cceeeceeeeee 200 225 eS ec em, ane 24 00 up, red......sesee ym. ones ter stock,.......-+- 17 00 20 00 | Cedar Shingles, xxx.... 2 50 2 65 0 ELM. . Pine, 8s.c. and bet- xx Pine Shingles... .... Tro 3 25 SHINGLE : xst & 2d,rock, 6in.& up, 2x 00 23 00 | 1st & ad, soft, 6in, & up, 19 00 2x 00 ter stock... .....005 14 00 15 00) Pine Shingles, Clear Coney ee » @ ©. S Ge, 3 00 ends, river made, we i .c. Sidi o| Butts....... cranes 160 1 lear Butts.....0-sseeeenee 250] KKXX..ccceceseeee one 3 50 ; Fine, BR upne wens oA 33 +4 oo xxxx Pine Shingles.... 2.75 3 3 Clear Brtts..........- wees 275 St &2d, hard,6in. & up, 17 co 19 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in. & up, 17 00 19 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—1IN THE RAFT. February (20, 1908 CANADA ATLANTIC RAILWAY - - Operating - - OTTAWA & NEW YORK LUMBER LINE OTTAWA & BOSTON LUMBER LINE CANADA ATLANTIC TRANSIT COMPANY. H. B. Mussen, Contracting Agent. M.A. Overenp, Foreign Freight Agent, 414 Board Trade, Montreal. DIRECTORY OF ADVERTISERS In ‘* Canada Lumberman ’’ Monthly Edition. BELTING Canadian Rubber Co., Toronto, Ont. Canadian Oak Belting Co., Brockville, Ont. Fleming, W. A., Montreal, Que. Goodhue, J. L. & Co., Danville, Que. _ Lewis, Rice & Son, Ltd., Representing Hoyt’s Belting. The Waterous Co., Brantford. Young, J. S., Montreal. DRY KILNS McEachren Heating & Ventilating Co., Galt, Ont. Standard Dry Kiln Co., Indianapolis, Ind. LUMBERMEN’S SUPPLIES Eckardt, H. P.’& Co., Toronto. Gartshore, Jobn, Toronto. Rice Lewis & Son, Toronto. Woods, Jas. W.. Ottawa, Ont. MACHINERY Carrier, Laine & Co., Levis, Que. Darling Bros., Montreal. Drake, F. J., Belleville, Ont. : : Indianapolis Excelsior Mfg. Co., Indianapolis, Ind. Lloyd Manufacturing Co., Kentville, N.S. Madison Willams, Port Perry, Ont. The Wm. Hamilton Mtg. Co., Peterboro’, Ont. The Waterous Co., Brantford. ’ W. B. Mershon & Co., Saginaw, Mich. OILS Atlantic Refining Co,, Toronto. Queen City Oil Co., Toronto. PAPER AND PULP MILL ENCINEERS Vogel, Chas. H., Thorold, Ont. No. «. White Pine... ... .. ickest Route from. . . . Shortest and . WKESBURY, ARN- OTTAWA, ROCKL. PRIOR, PEMBROKE, Lumber Centres, TO BOSTON, PORTLAND YORK, DETROIT, TONAWANDA, ALBANY, &c,, MONTREAL, TORONTO, QUEBEC, HALI- FAX, ST. JOHN, &c. W. P. Hinron, Ass’t General Freight Agent, Ottawa. C. J. SmirH General Traffic Manager, Ottawa, Ont. PULP AND PAPER MILL MACHINERY Bertram, John & Sons, Dundas, Ont. The Jenckes Machine Co., Sherbrooke, Que. The Waterous Co., Brantford. PULLEYS Dodge Mtg. Co., Toronto, Ont. . S4W MANUFACTURERS Burns, E. R., Saw Co., Toronto, Ont. Shurly & Dietrich, Galt, Ont. The James Robertson Co., Montreal, Que. The Ottawa Saw Co., Ottawa, Ont. WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALERS Houston, G. T. & Co., Chicago, Ill, U.S.A. Shier, J. D., Bracebridge, Ont. Wiggin, H. bz Boston, Mass. : MISCELLANEOUS Axes, Campbell Bros., St. John, N. B- Axes, Jas. Warnock & Co., Galt, Ont. ce ees Syracuse Smelting Works, Mon- treal, Que. Belt Clinch, John W. Bowden & Co., Toronto. Canadian Photo Engraving Bureau, Toronto. Can. Office and School Furniture Co., Preston, Ont. Conveyors, Geo. W Reed & Co., Montreal. — Cant Dogs, McFarlane, Neill Mfg. Co., St. Marys, N. B. Embossed Mouldings, Boynton & Co., Chicago, Ml, Electrical Apparatus, Canadian General Electric Co., Toronto, Ont. Files and Rasps, Globe File Mfg. Co., Port Hope. Larrigans, Chas. D. Dickinson & Co., Woodstock. Legal, Denton, Dunn & Boultbee, Toronto, Ont. Lumbering Tools, Thos. Pink, Pembroke, ‘Ont. Lumber Inspector, John A. Bertram, Toronto, Ont. Machine Knives, Peter Hay, Galt, Ont. Pumps, Northey Manufacturing Co., Toronto. Shoe Packs, J. S. Henderson, Parrsboro, N.S. The Pe rie Mercantile Agency, NewYork and ‘oronto. Turbines, Madison Williams, Port , Ont. Telephones, John Starr, Son & Co., i N.S. Too) Handles, Blyth Handle & Turning - Wire Rope, B. Greening Wire Co., Hamilton. LATH. 2 75| No. 2. White Pine........... 2 25 Hemloeg ; i. oc nnsesceeeeeee nD A WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 20 pages} $t.oo per year { Tie Lumberman Weekly Edition, every Wednesday THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. CANADA [UMBERMAN Vou. VII. TORONTO, ONT., FEBRUARY 27, 1901 No. 5 (CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u oi Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: ImpeRIAL Burtpins, MONTREAL. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this department at the rate of r5 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ;_12 lines make one inch. Advertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue. WANTED Market for— . tin. dry Soft Elm, mill run, culls out. . 1% in, dry Soft Elm, mill run, culls out. . 2in. dry Soft Elm, mill run, culls out. . rin. dry Hard Maple, mill run, culls out. 13,581 ft. 144 in. dry Hard Maple, mill run, culls out. 28,352 ft. 2in. dry Hard Maple, mill run, culls out. 27,784 ft. 3 in, dry Hard Maple, mill run, culls out. Prices on application. W. DOHERTY & CO., Clinton, Ont. ANTED—Position as Manager, Superintendent or Foreman of saw mill. Unexceptiona reference fnrnished as to experience and ability. Address P. O. Box 497, Ottawa, Canada. OR SALE- ONE CAR OF INCH DRY, 1ST and 2nds Hickory. Wits »N Lumper Co., Lrtp., Toront.. WANTED. MARKET FOR A FEW CARS OF SPRUCE Pulp Wood. Address Bo.10, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. ANTED — SOUND, (LEAR, WHITE S ruce, ¥% inch thick, in 10 or 16 foot lengths. Dry stock preferred. Address Mason & RuscH Piano Co., Lrp., 642 King street we:t, Toronto. ANTED—A FEW CARS OF DRY PINE lath, No. 1 or good No. 2 ; als> hemlock lumber —for spot cash—on C.P.R. points preferres. Box 17, LUMBERMAN. ITUATION WANTED- YOUNG MAN FROM Glasgow, Scotland, six years experience in the timber trade, wisbessituation in the lumber business. First-class book-keeper and practical measurer. H. Howat, 82 McGillstreet, Toronto. FOR SALE. Large Tract of Timber THE PRORERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited), This company has a larger tract of well timbered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Beech, Cherry Birch, Maple, also consider- able Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads, one of which is about to be extended throngh the centre of the property. The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 acres, Or more if desired. There are several good mill sites on the property. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut cut and are looking for a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to : W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, -157 Bay Street, Toronto. OR SALE.—36 in. Wickes Gang, cutting 14 in. deep; located in Canada; price low. WrcKEs Bros., Saginaw, Mich. ANTED FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT, rto 3 cars 4 ft. cull lath, also basswood and hemlock lath. Address with price, Box 21, North Tonawanda, N.Y. WANTED. PUMP LOGS, TAMARACK. Correspond with NE CAR OF Shipment in March or April. R. J. Doucatt, Hallville, Ont. ALESMAN WANTED—AN EXPERIENCED Salesman to sell Hardwood Lumberin Toronto and Western Ontario ; must understand the inspection o1 hardwoods, and have the best of references. State age and salary expected. Box 114, CANADA LUMBERMAN. WANTED FOR BRITISH COLUMBIA MAN WHO UNDERSTANDS BUILDING and Carpenter Work. One who can run Sash and Door Factcry preferred. Address, stating terms, ex- perience, &c., LEqguime & Powers, Midway, B.C. WANTED REEN HARD MAPLE SQUARES, 6%x6% in., 12 feet and up. Cash on delivery at any sta- tionin Ontario or Quebec. Address Box 40, CANADA LuMBERMAN. FOR SALE 30,cooft. 1% in. soft and hard elm. cut last June. 7,020 ft. 1% in. soft elm, cut last June. 6,000 ft. 4 in. elm yo H 10,000 ft. 144 and 2 in soft maple, cut last June. 20,020 ft. 1 in. soft maple, cut last June. 4 000 ft. 1% in. red oak, 5 cs 30,000 ft. hardwood, mill cul mostly, x in. and 1% in., cut last June. 50,000 ft. dry x inch pine, mill run and dressing and better, cut last June. Also a large quantity of dry cordwood and hard- wood slabs. Address STEELE & Gisson, Humberstone, Ont. Virgin Timber Berths BY AUCTION TOWNSHIP OF ‘‘ERMATINGER ” (North Shore of Lake Huron) The Timber Licenses for the above Township will be offered for sale by Public Auction, on Thursday, April 18th, 1901, at 2 p.m, A the Board of T. ude Rooms, Toronto, subject to the terms and conditions which. will be announced at the time of sale. Lot 1.—The South-East Quarter of the Township, 9 square miles, more or less. Lot 2.—The South-West Quarter of the Township, 9 square miles, more or less. Lot. 3.—The North-West Quarter of the Township, 9 square miles, more or less. Lot 4.—The North-East Quarter of the Township, 9 square miles, more or less, The Township of Ermatinger is one of the best berths in the province and can be cheaply lumbered. It has b en recently examined for the owners by James Barclay, Cheboygan, and the estimates will be furnish- ed to lumbermen who wish to examine the berths. Terms of payment.—One fourth in cash at the time of sale, and the balance in one, twoand three years with interest at 6 per cent. per annum, payable annuall . For further particulars and maps, apply to E.R. C. Clarkson, Ontario Bank Chambers, or to PETER RYAN, Toronto. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, A correspondent, writing from Ottawa, states that th: unsold stock of lumber in the Ottawa valley is almost nothing, and that he does not believe that there is any dry stock in first hands. This opinion bears out the statement made in our last issue that the stock of white pine is much less than at the corresponding periods of previous years. Manufacturers are con- stantly receiving orders for immediate and spring shipment, but the number of re- quests forearly shipment indicate that retail dealers and consumers are carrying light stocks. Within the next few weeks this demand 1s certain to be increased, as bills for buildings, bridge work, wharves, corporation supplies, etc., wili call for no small quantity of stock. The building season is opening up ina most Satisfactory manner, and seems to augur well forthe consumption of a large quantity of lumber. The hardwood de- mand is sti!l comparatively light, but manufacturers are holding prices firmly. A large number of inquiries for stock has been received from British importers, but as far as can belearned few transactions have taken place. The reason for this, we understand, is that manufacturers have refused to dispose of their better grades suitable for the English market at the prices offered. Shingles and lath are gaining in strength. Some dealers in Toronto are asking $2.75 for the best quality of pine shingles. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The outlook for British trade from the St. Lawrence is more hopeful than last year, owing to the expectation of lower freight rates. The excessive rates which ruled last season were a great handicap to the shipment of lumber, and made it dif- ficult for shippers to fulfill contracts with- out loss, The charters effected for early spring sailing have been on more reason- able terms. An average quantity of spruce and pine deals has been placed with British importers, andit is understood that the prices compare favorably with those received for last year’s production. The spruce of the lower provinces has not been taken as freely as might be wished for, but buyers are now showing a greater desire to close contracts. Operations in the woods have progressed very satisfac- torily, but just now some of the firms have been compelled to cease work on account of the deep snow. NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES.— There is not much change to report re- garding market prices for I.ew Brunswick cedar shingles. About the usual volume of trade for midwinter is reported, and prices if anything are hardening, in re- sponse to the demand of many of the pro- ducers that they be paid $3 or better for Extras and corresponding prices for lower grades. Upper grade shingles are cer- ainly in very short supply, and quantity in makers’ hands is depleting instead of increasing. The bulk of actual sales are made on the basis of Boston freights at the following: Extras, $2.85 to $2.90; Clears, $2.55 to $2.60; 2nd Clear and Clear Whites, $2.10 to $2.25. As stated above, the tendency of the market is to- wards higher prices, especially for Extras and Clears. The outlook would certainly indicate that manufacturers who are strong enough to hold their stock of these grades for six weeks would then easily realize their i7eas of values. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, Retail dealers in Winnipeg have given little attention to business during the past week, interest being centered in the annual meeting of the Western Retail Lumbermen’s Association. The reports submitted at this meeting show that cutting of prices by dealers has been quite prevalent, but negotiations are now under way which it is hoped will result in es- tablishing a more uniform price list. Wholesale prices are steady, and there is a good prospect fora large demand for lumber in the spring. British Columbia manufacturers report an average volume of trade. Shippers to foreign countries find it difficult to obtain suitable vessels for early loading. Two charters were made during January, one to Cork and the other to Callao, Burrard Inlet being the loading point. The freight rate to the United Kingdom is 85 shillings, Mel- bourne or Adelaide 60 shillings, Free- mantle 7o shillings, Tientsin 75 shillings, and Shanghai 65 shillings, UNITED STATES. The lumber trade of the United States is developing very satisfactorily. Apart from the districts that have suffered from severe winter weather, there has been an expansion in demand and a hardening ten- dency in prices. Large purchases have been made at upper lake mill points. In white pine there is reported a light supply of No. 2 dimension boards and piece stuff. The unsold stock on the docks is being rapidly cleaned up, and the new cut is being contracted for quite freely. The logging season, however, has been unusu- ally favorable, and a heavy cut of pine Il. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. lumber is likely to be made this year. Were it not for this feature, it is beleved that there would be a general advance in prices, as there is every prospect of a large consumption of lumber this year for building and other purposes. In the Saginaw valley Canadian stock is held at $15 to $18, and box lumber at $15. Light receipts of spruce at Boston and New York have strengthened that lumber. For 13-foot stock in firsts and seconds $19.50 to $21 is being asked in New York. Spruce lath 1s in excellent demand. Quo- tations at Bangor, Me., are $2.50 to $2.75. Dealers are booking orders more liber- ally for hardwoods. Basswood is much enquired for, and soft elm is moving moderately. The former is strong, and is expected to sell at higher prices before long. Box culls are selling in the Chicago market at $12.50, which represents an ad- vance of 50 cents over recent quotations. Hemlock is being purchased steadily in Buffalo and Tonawanda, chiefly for the Pan-American buildings. The base price is $13. GREAT BRITAIN. Considerable business has been closed recently in pine and spruce forthe British market. Agents of Canadian houses have made sales of spruce at the following prices, delivered on vessel at London: 3.x I1 second quality, £10 5s; 3x9 sec- ond quality, £8 15s; thirds, £9 10s and £8 5s; fourths, £8 5s and £7 155; 3x7 third quality, £7 15s. Such sales as have been made show a tendency towards high- er prices, but owing to the somewhat un- KILN-DRIED BIRCH FLOORING SEEING Cerne ¢ Get our Prices PINE LUMBER settled condition of the timber market buyers are not disposedto contract very heavily. A report from London states that pine and spruce are being placed quite freely, but 1t seems that the buying has been largely confined to London, as at Liverpool and other ports trade is quiet. At Glasgow there are occasional enquiries for fourth quality pine deals, which are scarce and strong on the belief that a very limited quantity will be im- ported this year. The freight market is fairly active, but there is every prospect that rates will be considerably lower than last year. The fixtures already made show a decline of about five shillings. STOCKS AND PRICES. The total receipts of lumber at the port of New York during 1900 was 1,246,014,604 feet. W. J. Kemp expects to ship 2,000,000 feet of lumber from Belmont, N. S., this season. There have been sold from mills around the Duluth bay 55,000,000 feet of the com- ing season’s cut of pine lumber. The city of Toronto is asking for tenders up to March 6th for the supply of cedar scantlings and “Norway pine scantlings. Smith, Fassett & Company, of North Tonawanda, N.Y., have just made a pur- chase Of 7,000,000 feet of white pine lumber from the Red Cliff Lumber Company, of Duluth. Tenders are asked by the city of King- ston, Ont., up to March 12th for the supply of 200,000 feet B. M. of 14, 2 and 3 inch pine plank, and 4o, 000 lineal feet of 5x4 inch cedar sleepers. Atwo mile timber berth on the north branch of the Yoho stream was sold last week by the New Brunswick Government HARDWOOD LUMBER Tue Oru Export Lumper Go. LATH CasLe ADDRESS “ BARNET.” THe ORILLIA. ONT. vgit PRI LUMBep LIMITED BARNET B.C. SHINGLES Coprs Used: Lumberman’s Standard. Mills on Burrard Inlet and Canadian Paeifie Railr FIR, CEDAR, SPRUCE TIMBER PLANERS metuS eee : i BAND SA FACE UP TO Rough ni alee ome Stace i . and Ti m H Ml ‘24’ x 30 In all sizes and quantities. DIMENSION TIMBER. SHIP Decking, Timbers, apa Car and Cargo. DRY KILNS of Jarge capacity. CAR Sills, Decking, Siding and Roofing. HOUSE Flooring, Siding and Finish of all kinds. Eastern Acent: A, F, BURY AUSTIN, 507 Merchants’ Bank of Canada Bldg., MONTREAL, Que. A | ‘ Gilmour’s PATENT Doors LUMBER Guaranteed Superior to any other make of door. LESS IN PRICE ° PINE on HARDWOODS BETTER IN QUALITY Hardwood for Oil Finish, almost as cheap as Pine. CAPACITY, 1,000 DOORS PER DAY ORDERS PROMPTLY) FILLED. WRITE OR WIRE FOR SAMPLES. Gash buyers GILMOUR TRENTON - CANADA SBCOSSD COSSSSSSSVVSSBDABASVESB Go. Limited or Shippers’ Agents for wholesale Distribution CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED FROM RESPONSIBLE FIRMS. ~ co) of Lumber or Manufactured Wood Goods. . 8 } A1, A.B.C., WATKINS to A. H. Hilyard & Company, at the upset price of $8 per mile. Cameron & Co., of Ottawa, are offering for sale a considerable quantity of white pine mill run boards, shipping cull shorts and dressing sidings, also some brown ash, soft elm, and basswood. The St. Anthony Lumber Co., of Whit- ney, Ont., will handle its own cut during the coming season, instead of selling the output to the Export Lumber Company, as was done for several years previous to 1900. A British firm are desirous of arranging with Canadian manufacturers for the ship- ment to England of large quantities of sash and doors and unfinished moulding stock. Persons interested are requested to com- municate with this office. A large timber deal was consummated at Halifax, N. S., on February 22nd last, when a syndicate, including W. D. Beard- more, of Toronto, Henry Patton, of Albany, N. Y., and H. R. Wells, of Canton, N. Y., purchased the extensive lumber property of the Young Bros.’ Company at St. Mar- garet’s Bay and Ingraham River, thirty miles from Halifax. The property includes timber limits on the Indian, Ingraham, East and Hubbard's rivers, and the large mills at Ingraham River, and is one of the most valuable in the province. The con- sideration is said to have been $250,000. The new company propose to carry on the business as at present, but will likely in- crease the output and establish other in- dustries. The following statement was presented to the Dominion Parliament showing the quantity of saw logs exported from Ontario to the United States during the season of navigation of 1900: Quantity Value Cedar, 15 1COrdS= te eee $ 105 Elm, 10,875,000 feet ........ . 86,070 Hemlock, 2,638,000'feet....... 12,985 Oak, 1#2;000'fGet. ooo sever ae 3,401 Pine, 30,672,000 feet......... 270,360 Others, 4,835,000 feet......... Flooring from $14.00 Ceiling $5 1200 MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMB®R Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber i in any size or length supplied. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. THOMAS PITTS, DETROIT, MICHIGAN, U.S. LYNEDOCH Our Manufacture, Drying Yards and Grades are Excellent. PITTS & GHARLTON MANUFACTURERS OF Band and Gang Sawed White ana Red Pine Lumber and Lath | Office: ROYAL VICTORIA, VICTORIA HARBOR, ONT. @ SAMPLES BY MAIL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO, JOHN CHARLTON, FEBRUARY 27, IcOL The tenders for timber limits in Algon district, covering 112 square miles, will be received by the Ontario Crown Lands Department upto March 15thnext. Offers will be received at the same time for some lots in the county of Victoria and the district of Nipissing. LUMBER TRADE ENQUIRIES. The following were among the enquiries” relating to Canadian trade received at the High Commissioner's officein London, Eng., during the week ending February 8th., 1901 Enquiry is made for the names of one or two reliable firms in Canada who are ina position to ship cut wood for fruit crates to the Canary Islands A manufacturer's agent in South Africa’ is desirous of taking up the representation of Canadian hardware, furniture, lumber, rubber and other goods. WANTED wag Lands in Ontario and uebee. ygpd Freehold Lands suitable for Pulp Manufacture in Quebee or the Maritime Provinees. As I give special attention to TIMBER PROPERTIES of every description I invite correspondence from Buyers and Sellers. H. FAWCETT HARTLAND 309-310 Merchants Bank Building, 205 St. James Street, MONTREAL If You have any spruce Pulpwood 1o Sell write:o me. FOR SALE. A number of very valuable eo 8 other timber limits on the north shore of Lake Huron and elsewhere for sale. Also limits bought and sold on commission and estimates given. For particulars, apply to P. McDERMETT, Box 177, South River, Ont. urk’s Falls, Ont. FOR Sate J TIMBER LIMITS on the Geor- pea Bay and Lake Nipissing. Price moderate. A. M. SIMPSON 29 Gem Life Buildane, Montreal, 189 St. James Street, W. A. CHARLTON, ONTARIO, LYNEDOCH OR TORONTO, ONTARIO, THE ONTARIO LUMBER C9. LIMITED WATER SHIPMENT ONLY The Fraser River Lumber Co. NEW WESTMINSTBR, B.C. Manufacturers of and dealers in .... Correspondence solicited. as well as new. JAMES SHARPE, ESQ., President Burks Falls, Ont. Cable Address, “Budlets London. Trial orders SPECIALLY solicited from our old Patrons SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. BUDGETT BROS. 70 and 71 Bishopsgate Street Within, LONDON, E.C. MANUFACTURERS OF , WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Freehicld Loan Building TORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay. THOS. B. TAIT, ESQ., Manager New Westminster, BS. . | FEBRUARY 27, [901 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Wd CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. ume We can offer a nice lot of Pine Joist—68,000 feet 2x6x18 to 34 feet; 42,0co feet 2x8x18 to 35 feet; 20,000 feet 2x1rox18 to 38 feet, and:77,000 feet 3 and 4 inch by 7, 8, 9 and 13 inch by x2 to 30 feet Outs Red Pine Deals. A large assortment of other lumber and timber on hand. Write for prices. me Pembroke, Ont. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CAINADA PINE Room 507, Merchants Bank of Canada Building MONTREAL, CANADA ALTIES : Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White ye Dimension imber, Nena Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine. Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Co., Limited, Parnet, B.C., Vancouver, , Douglas Fir Timber in any size or length up to 120 feet lor g, Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. Dry Kilns of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir, Cedar, Spruce. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. a . WM. TURNBULL, Secretary. O. D. TAIT, Treasurer HUNTSVILLE LUMBER CO., LimiteD - HUNTSVILLE, ONTARIO, CANADA We have in stock all grades of meme WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH ano 1 SHINGLES Price List furnished on application, per return mail. A. TAIT, President. Vyeer have you got, or what can you make in 4x4 Cedar Scantling this next season? State quantity and lowest price to REID & GO., ESPLANADE TORONTO. np SHINGLES + tee Solicite' IFE pA L CANTLDING ce onden CorresP » R.A. SGOTT - McGregor, Ont. FACTURER HARDWOOD LUMBER, HOOPS AND STAVES A large stock of Cement Barrel Staves, Jointed and ready for shipment. Write for quotations. MOHR & RYAN Are prepared to fill limited orders during the winter season for DIMENSION TIMBER Sawn w Sizes in PINE, SPRUCE, HEMLOCK and CEDAR. . Cedar Telephone and Telegraph Poles, Tie Posts, etc. . a specialty. . . Correspondence Solicited, KILLALOE STATION ONT. - Contractors for - Red Pine Piling Timber Mills at Wilno and Killaloe Station, Canada Atlantic Railway. GODERICH LUMBER CO., LIMITED Of Goderich and Owen Sound IME, HENLOGK, CEDAR AND HARDWOOD LUMBER dar Posts, Shingles, Etc. «eer HE A. LAA YS Wholesale Lumber Merchant Buys and Sells LUMBER ot all Description. New York Office, 81 New St. Office, Imperial Building, MONTREAL Wm. M. Crombie & Co., Selling Agents. Telephone Main, 2712. The Bonfield Lumber Go. —MANUFACTURERS OF-- Basswood, Ash, S. Elm & Birch Lumber Hemlock Bill Stuff. All sizes cut to order a specialty. Pine and Cedar Shiz glos. Dressed Lumber. Mills at BONFIELD, ONT., on the C. P. R. J. H. Still Mnfg. Co. St. Thomas, Ont. anufacturers of all kinds of HANDLES > WOOD TURNED Coops Including Cant Hook Handles, Pike Poles, Neck Yokes, Whiffletrees, Doubletrees, ete. o MANUFACTURERS AND DEAI ERS IN Established 1876. Write for Price List \ = Se. LUMBER R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. SARNIA tO BUFFALO QUR GRADES AND PRICES ARE RICHT. JAS. PLAYFATR & CO. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER » LATH » SHINGLES BILL TIMBER a Specane ee ek MIDLAND, ONT. A.& P.WAITE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension T, imber, Joisting, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE, ONT. Robert Watt - Wiarton MANUFACTURER OF AND WHOLESALE DEALER IN Manufacturers of and Dealers in of all kinds, Pine Lath, Cedar Shingles and Posts. Dressed Pine and Hardwood Flooring, Lumber resawn into Dimension Stuff such as Crating, Table Legs, Chair Rungs, Ete. Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff Cut to Order. Shipment by Rail or Water. Correspondence Solicited, OWEN SOUND. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO. anufacturers and Dealers M LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. WE SHIP BY C.P.R., G.T.R. AND BY WATER Veneers, Hardwoods, Ash, Elm, Birch, Basswood—Clothboards—Cheese Box Bands and Rims. THE PATENT CLOTHBOARD CO., of Parry Sound, Limited, Parry Sound, Ont. AUGER & SON - Quebec :: DIMENSION TIMBER : : Sawn to Sizes—Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Spruce and Poplar Pulpwood. Siemon & Bros. Mig.G0. - — Wiarton, Ont, LUMBER MERCHANTS 4*> MANUFACTURERS We have in stock Maple, Beech, Basswood in different thicknesses, also some Cedar, Cedar Posts and Shingles. Correspondence Invited. Shipping Facilities, Rail or Water. ——$___Stinisg retin aorwater P/ILLIAMSON G MORRISON se onnee._,.. > LUMBER 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE | apie Lumber Co., timitea _LOMBER= LATH r) Midland, Ont. ~ GEORCE CORDON & Co Sawn Red and White Pine Lumber and Lath Also Hewn Square and Waney Timber lee ee Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. JOAN P. NEWMAN Wiarton, Ont. a MANUFACTURER ANE WHOLESALE LUMBER DEALER Has for sale a quantity of Maple, Beech, Birch, Basswood and Soft Elm in good shipping condition. Cedar Shingles and Bill Stuff a Spac CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED IV, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION LUMBER TRADE CONDITIONS. The tenth annual meeting of the Missis- sippi Valley Lumbermen’s Association was held in Minneapolis on February i1gth. An exhaustive report was submitted by the secretary, from which we extract the fol- lowing bearing upon the condition of the white pine lumber market : The three conditions most strongly con- ducing to a season of heavy demand for lumber, making the maintenance of a firm and uniform price possible, exist to-day. They are, first, the general shortage of stock ; second, the general prosperity and purchasing power of the country; third, the unguestioned building activity of the coming season Stocks in the hands of the dealers throughout our distributing territory are much less than normal. This is but natur- al when the uncertain state of the market for the past year is taken into considera- tion. The dealers bought stock only as they needed it for immediate sale, as there was nothing to be gained by piling up lumber. Asa result retail stocks are gen- erally inadequate to take care of the con- sumption which will begin as soon as weather conditions are favorable for spring work, The indications point to a large amount of building during the year. The settle- ment of the strike in Chicago again brings that city into the market with last year's loss of time to be made up. It is predict- ed that Chicago will consume a larger amount of lumber this year than at any time in its history except the World's Fair year. The building of the St. Louis exposition is now assured, and for the next twenty- four months that city will absorb a very large amount of yellow pine. This will materially relieve our competition with the southern manufacturers in the southwest territory and will exercise a very strength- ening influence upon the whole yellow pine market. White pine has held, and during the com- ing year will continue to hold, its place at the head of the principal timber products of the country as the strongest factor in the market and toavery large extent in- fluencing the price of all other forest pro- ducts. The day will never come when northern pine will sell at the prices which it did three years ago. Thepresent price repre- sents the actual value of the product. The days of cheap lumber are past. The rapid and sure consumption of our standing tim- ber assures us of this, not totake into con- sideration the increased cost of manufac- ture in the past two years. The margin of profit between the price list and the cost of production is not sufficient to permit the reduction to the selling price of former years. We must not be deceived by the comparatively high average selling prices of the past two years. They by no means represent a proportionate gain in profits, for the increase in the cost of everything entering into the business of manufacturing lumber has increased in greater ratio than has the selling price of lumber. While it is not likely that there will be any material advances unless unforeseen conditions de- velop, there is no likelihood of any reduc- tion of the general range of prices. The annual inventories of the manufac- turers of the Mississippi and Wisconsin val- leys, covering stocks on hand January 1, 1901, which have been compiled under the auspices of the bureau of grades, show more lumber in pile than there was on January 1, 1900. Great care has been ex- ercised to get these statistics correctly, and we believe them to show very nearly the actual amount of lumber on hand. They include the inventories of eighty-two firms in the two territories mentioned, besides careful estimates of lumber, lath and shingles of thirty-one firms. They show a total of 1,772,003,626 feet, as com- pared with 1,661,084,827 feet a year ago. Last year there was a shortage over the stocks of January, 1899, of 376,479,409 feet, and the shortage of 1899 over 1898 amounts to 105,719,507. Hence the total shortage this year over stocks of January 1, 1898, is 371,280,117. It is therefore hardly to be expected that a very great shortage could develop this year. The apparent shortage of stocks does not exist in actual lumberin pile so much as it doesin lumber dry enough to ship. Many mills produced heavily late last seas- on, being closed down the fore part of the year on account of the scarcity of logs, and the weather conditions’ of the late fall and early winter were not such as to dry lum- ber very rapidly. Nearly every firm re- ports a shortage of certain items of lumber in shipping condition. ST. JOHN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. Following are the lumber shipments from the port of St. John, N. B., for the week ending February 23rd: Per str. Dagame, for Liverpool: 300 standards of deals, 300. loads of timber, go stds. of poles. Per Lake Superior, for Liverpool : 150 stds. of deals, 200 tons of timber, 20 stds. of poles, 25 stds. of box shooks, 550 bales of pulp. Per Manchester Trader, for Manchester: 50,316 feet deals, 42,378 feet deals and battens, 44,745 feet ends, 39,875 feet boards. Per Dahome, for London: 39,551 feet deals, and a quan- tity of ends and scantlings. Per Amaryn- thia, for Glasgow: 1,538 pieces pine deals, 548 pieces elm lumber, 271,664 feet deals and battens, 28,377 feet ends, by W. Water Power for Sale. The Falls of St. Anne, within 24 miles of City of Quebec, and within a very short distance of the railway there and the famous shrine of Ste. Anne de Beaupre. M. Mackay, Island: Murchie. Per Rosa Muller, for City 286,358 feet deals, by N. H. Per Abbie Ingalls, for Vineyard Haven: 1,005,600 feet lumber, by N. H, Murchie. Per Onward, for Fall River: 121,508 feet boards, by A. Cushing & Com- pany. Per Clifford C., for City Island: 125,519 feet deals, by Stetson, Cutler & Co. Per E. Merriman, for City Island: 1,584,000 laths, by Charles Miller. Per Walter Miller, for City Island: ‘172,022 feet-deals, by Stetson, Cutler & Co. Per Evolution, for St. Georges, Grenada: 178,358 feet pine boards, 140,500 cedar shingles, by A. Cushing & Co. Per J. D. VanHusen, for New York: 186,464 feet plank, 30,301 feet scantling, by A. Cushing & Co. Per Tric, for City Island: 173,939 feet deals, by Stetson, Cutler & Co. BRITISH TIMBER SALE. Messrs. Foy, Morgan & Co., London, England, held an auction sale of wood goods on February 13th, at which Cana- dian lumber brought the following prices: * SpRUCE.—Ex. Louisiana, from St. John: g-25 ft. 3x11 in. first, second and third quality, £8 5s per standard; 9-25 ft. 3x9, #8 1583 9-27 ft. 3x7, £8; 9-22 ft. 214-3x6- 11,47. Ex. Forest Holme, from Quebec : 13 ft. 2x6in., unassorted, 47 5s; 14 ft. 2x7, 47 108; 12-14 ft. 3x9, fourth quality, £8 1os. Ex. Hovding, from St. Etienne, Que.: (0-13 fl. 2x7 in., unassorted, £8 108; 10-14 ft. 2x6, £7 10s. Ex. Fram, from Wolf River: 12-20 ft. 3x11 in., first, second and third quality, £9 58; 12-16 ft. 2x7, £8; 12-21 tt. 3x13, 49. Ex. Hovding, from Riviere du: Loup, Que.;" 17 ft. 3x11 am, first, second and third quality, £9 5s; 18 ft. 3x9, £9 10s; 17 ft. 3x9, 49 10s; 14 ft. 3x9, 49 10s. Ex. Ruth, from Dalhousie, N. B.: 9-19 ft. 3x12 in., first, second and third quality, £8 108; 9-19 ft. 3x4-15, 48 10s. Ex. Greta Holme, from Quebec: 14 ft. 3x9, 49 158; 12 ft. 3x9, fourth quality, PineE.—Ex. Cromwell, from Quebec: 13 ft. 3x7 in., third quality, £11 and £10 15S; 10-11 ft, 3x7, £10 tos. Ex. Oceana, from Montreal: 10 ft. 3x11, third quality, Air 158 and £12; 9 ft. 3x11, S11 1585 12-18 ft. 3x11, first red, 418 5s; 17-18 ft. 4x11, second red, £16 5s; 14-18 ft. 3x11, Als tos; 17-18 ft. 4x11, third red, £15 55 ; 16-18 t. 3x11, S12 tos. Wanted lor EXpOrt ALL KINDS OF | LOGS AND LUMBER | PAYMENT BY MONTREAL BANKERS DENNY, MOTT & DIGKSON, LIMITED LONDON, ENG. FEBRUARY 27, 1901 The ship Aley Cibson, 2043 tons, sailed from Moodyville, B. C., last week for Cape Town, South Africa. Her cargo consisted of 1,434,000 feet of lumber, val- ued at $15,456. Mr. Harrison Watson, curator of the Canadian Section of the Imperial Institute, London, Eng., has received a request from a British firm for names of Canadian manu- facturers who can supply 500,000 pieces of oak, 15 x 15g x 7 1inches long, suitable for turning. Quotations are wanted c. i. f. Liverpool. JOHN ANDERSON WOOD AGENT 2 EDEN Quay - - DUBLIN. Cable Address, ‘‘ Flooring, Dublin.” WANTED MESSRS. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, Ltd., of Liverpool, Eng., are open to treat for regular supplies of large quantities of HARDWOOD LUMBER, and will be glad to hear from holders who have to offer WHITE ASH, WHITE OAK, SCALY BARK and SECOND GROWTH HICKORY, POPLAR and WALNUT, in logs, pianksand boards, also prime fresh BIRCH LOGS of large dimensions. Cable address, ‘‘ Owen, Liverpool.” A.B.C. Code used. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Flooring:, Shooks, Sashes, Mou dings, Dowels Broom Handles or any Woods suitable for Englilsh Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER JAMES W. SOUTHERN MANCHESTER, ENGLAND Wants 1st quality Oak Planks; also 1st quality Pine, 12 and 13 % 6 %3" Cable Address: LIGNUM, Manchester; A B C Code. H_D. WIGGIN Sostou mass: 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoods CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, PLANING MILL AND BOX FACTORY Special Facilities for Dressing Lumber in Transit Cable Address, ‘‘“Swan DonoGH—TONAWANDA.” . Lumbermen’s Code. Telegrams: ‘‘SPRUCE, BRISTOL.” ARTHUR BEACHAM™M (Manager to the late firm of Messrs. King Bros.) * WOOD BROKER HM PRIDE grb, anda _ownc cum Sem i ns “Avnmosth Dokab6Be FOR SALE! AND TimBeR Limits ccacne About 85,000 acres of Freehold Lands, all within 50 miles and west of the City of Quebec, along the lines of the Grand Trunk and Intercolonial Railways. ; All pulp wood can also be delivered by rail or driven by water to the River St. Lawrence and shipped thence by boat. ; ; These lands are most favorably situated as regards low rates or railway treight to all points reached by a above mentioned railways and their connections. Also 217 square miles of limits on the North Shore of the River St. Lawrence, below Quebec, and 155 square miles, the logs on which latter limits would go to the Bay des Chaleurs by the Restigouche River. Height of fall 194 feet, and estimated to give a mini- mum of 3,000 horse power. For particulars apply to _ For full information apply to H. M. PRICE @ CO. 3 Quebec, Canada FEBRUARY 27, [901 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. fi BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address, ‘‘ Farnworth,” Liverpool. 2 Dale Street and 9 Canada Dock, LIVERPOOL, ENG. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address: ‘‘ Brakridge,’’ Glasgow. Codes Used : Watkin’s, Scott's, A.B.C.; Lumberman’s, Zebra; Private. coe for the sale of CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE, cut to all sizes—and all kinds of eagecss Lumber and Dimension Stock. Shipments to any of the principal ports in the United Kingdom Rbatseoat handled to the best advantage. Cable Address : SINGLETONS, Glasgow. ABC, A1 and Lieber’s Codes. SINGLETON, DUNN, & CO. fee. DS reOK HRS 27 Union Street - GLASGOW F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE : Hardwoods in Log, Ete. ipments handled to the best advantage to all ports inthe United Kin dom Correspondence Solicited. * Telegraphic Address—“* WAINSCOT,” GLASGOW. BUCHANAN & FRENCH WOOD IMPORTERS AND MERCHANTS Albert Saw Mills, RENFREW, and St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW. Dealers in Birch, Walnut, Ash, Oak, Canary Whitewood, Pine, Spruce, &e. me SE | Depots: Barkinc, Liverroor, NEwWCASTLE-ON-TYNE, HULL AND FRISTOL , JONAS SMITH & CO. Telegraphic Address: Moutpinc, Lonpox # 92 to 98 Belvedere Road, LAMBETH, S. E. Moulding and Joinery Manufacturers, Etc, Timber Merchants and Importers. IMPORTERS OF Pine Doors, Mouldings mee A Fty & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers 4 Lombard Court, Gracechureh Street, LONDON, E.C., ENGLAND. MORGAN, GELLIBRAND & CO. .- VOOD AGENTS... Established 1805. 20 Bishopsgate St. Within, LONDON, E.C. Cable Address : GELLIBRAND, London. Tr. KENNEDY 48 West Regent Street - GOW, SCOTLAND mv BOX SHOOKS, SPRUGE AND PINE DEALS Invites Sige peeps fon Manufacturers for shipment per rogue represent the jobber’s buying A sai A Reo iion tian We cok epee es ‘© oo | No. 3, 12 in price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; A Pine, good sidings, per Pine, sc. shorts..... II 00 15 00 Cae ae 9 gen M feet, b.m... Se -.$31 00 42 00 Pine, box culls......- 72 50 14 50 Pe apd 755 a , ie me Eee es wnt sratite Eicaes WHS ASH: — Pine, gond strips,.--- 26.00 28 00 Bu _ gees mses: 2 SCOR. eae 19 CO} BiMersese epereerecgereees tst & and, inch, 29 00 3t 00| 2% tog in...... veeve 33 00 37 00 Pine, good shorts,.... 22 00 30 00 | 1x10 i 1 barn... a 00 se nc core iif to atlenare ve apie’ gq Tuan Strips 280s