en | evetab ancy ert te : m peng ia per he moet *Perrhetinee ean Spade sehebthdeglooenameanmiaan Lenentbeaeabhaasoseceebiekemenn soomeatepeineene ayn ot bn 2588s sy tert bop otto sane Rie se hareleitin le se eve © ser ree Pele Op Owe win elele T ORONTO, DA EEKLY MONTREAL AND WINNIPEG, JANUARY FDITION - 4,1905 ERMAN [NB The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 40 pages} $1.00 rer vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUS ACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. ————_—_—__——— No. 49 \NADA LUMBERMAN 5. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’y ___ 0f Toronto, Limited deration Life Building - TORONTO. p> Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MoNTREAL 20-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 2t GREAT ST. HELEN’s, Lonpon, E. C. pe oS. eekly Lumberman — Published every sday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- of market conditions and tendencies in the lpal manufacturing districts and leading stic and foreign wholesale markets. A ly mediuni of information and communica- et n Canadian timber and lumber manu- and exporters and the purchasers of tag at home and abroad. pnth'y Lumberman— A 32-page journal, sing fully and impartially subjects perti- the lumber and wood-working industries, is interviews with prominent members of , character sketches and portraits of lumbermen, etc. Its special articles on (land mechanical subjects are especially ‘type; 1z2lines make oneinch. Ad- sments must be received not later than 4 K p. m.on Tuesday to insure insertion in current week’s issue 2 i. NITED — 800 NORWAY PILES FOR tly spring delivery. For particulars Box 12, Vineland, Ont. xX”. 6/4”, 2” SOFT ELM. 1’, 2”, 3”, 1’ Wormy Chestnut. 1’, 6/4”, 2”, 3”, Soft Maple. 1”, 6/4”, 2” Beech 1’, 2”, vite Ash. 1’, 2”, 3”, 4” Red and Write Oak. Squares. R. E KrInsMAN, Hamilton. i aaa 1D, POSITION BY GENERAL OF- _ fice man, age 31, having both mechanical siness experience in lumbering and lum- iecticiny. sawmill and railroad con- m, Ar. references,—Address with particu- 180, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, = a) SPOR SALE. E DIMENSION CUT TO RE. JIRED sizes. Also two parcels of stand- ber, nearly all White Pine,good quality, UMBER C9., Pine Ont., near Cartier. E—-TWO CARS OF ELM LUMBER thick, one car Red Oak 1’ to 4” thick, and Bas wood lumber. We have large W. Oak trees besides a lot of ide which we intend to get out and winter, large trees would average in m 15” to 25’ square and 25/ to 45/ long* NJ. SHERK & Son, Sherkston, Ont. \W MILL AND TIMBER FOR SALE , HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES OF od timber, birch, maple and hemlock. t a million and a half of logs. elling, other business to look after. NADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. €s of Hardwood Land in Antigonish , close to railway sidings. The Tuns through the centre of 1,250 J. S. O'BRIEN, Pe y Antigonish, N. S, A XCELSIOR WOOD WANTED — PEELED basswood ‘or clear spruce.. RANKIN AND Co., Dundas street, Toronto, Telephone, SS YVANTED — AN EXPERIENCED AND energetic man to sell British Columbia Shingles and Lumber in Ontario EXport Lum- BER & SHINGLE Co., LiMiTED, Vancouver, B.C. | Siow SALE—6o H.P. HORIZONTAL RETURN . ,_lubular Boiler, good as new, bargain for quick turn-ov:r, Address ALFRED RUBBRA, 22 Victoria Square, Montreal, Que. WANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrImcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, H AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH You wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, FOR SALE Fruery THOUSAND FEET SOFT MAPLE cut 2,3 and 4 inches thick; it is well sea- soned ; also I will have for 1905 one hundred thousand feet each of hard maple, soft maple and elm tosell, Apply toc. W. TAYLOR, Both- weil, Ont. CRE For Sale FIRST CLASS STAVE AND HOOP MILI, in good state of repair, and with it or not at option of purchaser, the stock of Staves and hoops on hand together witha quantity of stand- ing timber, Also horses, harness, trucks, wag- gons, etc. For all particulars bona fide pur- chasers may apply to “Staves,” in care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE I Second-hand Engine, cylinder 9’ dr., 12” stroke, heavy belt wheel Sidra for 8” belt, Box Bed, all overhauled - and refitted with new brasses, Price BOP Bist: Johi,-N. Be. eS $175.00 1 Second-hand Exeter Engine, cylinder to” dr, 20” stroke with Belt Wheel 8’ dr. for 14” face belt, Tangy Bed, all overhauled in good order. Practically new. Price F.0. B. St, John, N. B. $322.00 x Second - hand Horizontal Compound Engine, 9’ H P. Cylinder, 18” 1. Pp, Cylinder, 12” stroke with fly wheel 2 .ai) Price, BO! -B. St? John, N I. B.. eer ak yaa e oly $200 00 Immediate delivery. Apply to Sr. JOHN IRON Works LTD., P. O. Box 39, St. John, N. B. ES THE LocaTors—W. B. Herbert,General Man- ager. The largest and oldest exclusive Business Brokersinthe West. Address THE LocaTors, 63 Merchants’ Bank Building, Winnip-g. Cordwood.—Two hundred thousand cords of Spruce, Tamarac and Fir, for twenty thousand, Profit clear one dollar per cord, figure what that means, Can be bought for Twenty Thous- and with reasonable cash payment. Mill, store and everything needed for doing business. Tne LOcaTors. Saw Mill complete, with four lots well situated, for Three Thousand Five Hundred, Two Thous- and cash. About two hundred miles from Win- nipeg. everything complete, Lots of timber to cut. THE LocaTors Mill, Hlevat r, Warehouse, etc. Twenty Four thousand buys this, Mill capacity one hundred and sixty barrels. Everything complete and in running «tder. Will either sell or take partner with half interest. Cash payment arranged. THE LocaTors. No doubt you are thinking of coming West ~ and going into business for yourself. If sO, con- sult. THe Locators. For any further particulars address THE LOCATORS, 63 Merchants Bank Building, Win- nipeg. ANTED— SOFT ELM AND BASSWOOD Lumber, 3’ thick, dry. Address Box 186, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. SS ANTED--A FEW CARLOADS EACH wry” and 1%” firsts and seconds Black Ash; State condition, price and where delivery would be made. Address Box 185, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Lannea aie) ANTED—ONE MILLION PINE PICKETS, size 1 x1” square, 24” to 48” long. To be cut this winter, not dressed, by mills in Ontario, Address Box 187, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toron- to, Ont, OR SALE— SAW MILI, MACHINERY — Modern Saw Mill Machinery, by best American Manufacturers. Used but’ short time, at very low prices, owing to failure of log sup- ply. Immediate delivery. Detailed description and prices upon application to DETROIT LuM BER COMPANY, Detroit, Mich., U.S.A, LL yeh SALE — 150,000 FEET OF 1%” AND 1%” Birch, 30,000 feet of one inch Bass- wood, 200,000 feet of Hemlock at $10. F. O. Bis Two cars of sidings, For particu- -_ MILLS AND LIMITS FOR SALE BY the undersigned: A large lumber mill, ca- pecity in5M por per day: anda long timber mil! capacity 35 per day, allin fine condition ; guar- anteed ready for work ; situated at Little Cur- tent, Georgian Bay. If not sold soon will be willing to contract for sawing. Also Timber Berth, Township Harrow, 36 miles, and Town- ships Thompson, Bright and Bright Additional, 47 Sq. miles, Terms of sale part cash, time for balance, 6°/,. For further particulars apply to J. & T. Conton, Thorold, Ont. SS eS SSR HARDWOOD LUMBER DZALERS if CAN BUY FOR YOU AND CUT THIS winter 200 tosooM of Red Oak and Bass- wood, alsosmaller quantities of other hardwoods. Address ‘‘Hardwood,’’ care CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. WANTED Beveled Siding... We want de- livered prices in car lots on Beveled Siding in Pine and Cedar. Pre- sent or Spring delivery. HALEY & SON - St. Stephen, N B. AT FERNIE, B. C. SAW MILL PLANT AND TIMBER LIMITS 182 ACRES ONE AND A QUARTER 7 miles from Fernie, B. C.. heavily timbered with Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Tamarac, easily accessible for logging purposes both in summer and winter: : . Saw Mill. Waterous Mill with capacity of 40 thousand feet per day, with planers, lath mill, etc,, all complete. ; Stables, dwelling houses, store. smithy and logging camp all substantially built and ready for occupation. : The limits are held under Crown Grant and purchaser can enter and begin operations with- out any delay. bs For further particulars, address PH. VIBERT, ESQ., Manager Union Bank of Canada, Lethbridge, N. W T. or H. B. GILMOUR, ESQ. Molson’s Bank Building, Vancouyer, B,C, price, terms, etc., Fok SALE—DIRECT ACTION PORTABLE Saw Mill, now running, Box No. 4, Both- well, Ont. Oe. Vee TO BUY, A GOOD SECOND- HAND Band Saw Mill. Must be in good tcpair. Apply Box 233, Goderich, Ont. ANTED—1”. AND 2” PINE, HEMLOCK and Basswood, and Ontario Shingles, 16 and 18”, Address P. O. Box 213,Almonte, Ont. ANTED—1” BLACK ASH; ALSO FOR Sale, the following : 6,500 6xo0-6’ 8” Red Oak Ties ; 150,000’ 2” Dry Indiana White Oak . 50,000’ 2” Dry Indiana Red Oak.McCLURE LuUM- © BER Co., Detroit, Mich, Re ANTED— PARTY HAVING PORTABLE Saw-Mill, capacity about 10,o00M per day, to cut by the thousand, Temiscaming. Address “‘Portable,’’ care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, Tor- onto, Ont. ; : THE LUMBER TRADE IN 1904. The February number of the CANADA LUMBERMAN will contain the usual annual review of the lumber trade, for which the statistics are now being collected. Many manufacturers have supplied the informa- tion asked for in our circular letter, and We hope that those who have not respond- ed will do so at once. We shall also be glad to receive from any of our readers statistics as to produc- tion or shipments covering their district which would assist us to make our report as complete as possible. — CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Few lumber salesmen are on the road. Manufacturers and dealers are taking inventories and closing up the business for the past year. The movement of lumber, therefore, is comparatively light, although larger than at the corresponding time one year ago. Taken as a whole, the trade is in a very satisfactory condition. Stocks of the upper grades of white pine are fairly - heavy, but this is offset toa large extent by the small stocks of the lower qualities. The demand for mill culls was brisk throughout the entire year, with the result — that manufacturers are now almost com- p'etely sold out. pition that the early spring will witness an active demand for white pine, and it is expected that in some grades there may be an advance. The average of prices will probably be higher than in rgoa, but this will depend upon later developments. Red pine has declined considerably during the past twelve months and seems to be slow to recover. The hardwood market is two-sided. Some dealers have contracted for large blocks of stock and believe that the ten- dency is distinctly upwards, whereas, on the other hand, there are ample stocks for nearby requirements, and most manu- facturers are willing to accept orders at There is general antici- — It. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION current prices. Itis known also that afew large consumers are fairly well stocked and will not be in the market for some time. As compared with one year ago, the supply of basswood is perhaps heavier than ary other lumber. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. There have been few transactions in spruce lumber on which to base a predic- The Quebec shippers are not urging sales. Within the however, conditions have improved and prices have advanced. Whether the improvement will be carried further will depend largely upon develop- ments in the British market. There is little or no profit in manufacturing deals and selling them at current prices, and unless the return to the manufacturer shall tion as to future prices. past month, be greater in the future, the production is likely to be much curtailed. There has been quite a recovery in clapboards, which declined from $6 to $8 per thousand feet during the past summer. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, This is the dullest period of the year for the lumber trade of the West, the demand being confined almost exclusively to small lots of finishing stock. Dealers in the country districts are buying nothing worthy of note, and the next two or three weeks will be given up to maturing plans for the coming season. The outlook is uncertain. The consumption of lumber will probably be as great as during the past year, although building operations in Winnipeg may show some falling off. Prices should experieuce some recovery, but until condi- tions in British Columbia manufacturing circles improve, not much progress in that direction is likely to be made. UNITED STATES. The close of the year finds the lumber business of the United States in a healthy condition. No one is trying to-urge sales and such orders as are being booked are largely for actual requirements, although some dealers are contracting for the new cut. Stocks of most kinds of lumber are moderate. It is estimated that there is only 90,000,000 feet of all kinds on the docks at Duluth, and of this amount less than 50,000,000 feet is unsold. No. 3 shop and better is bringing from $18 to We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. D. FERGUSON, LONDON, ONT., for Ontario. RED DEER LUMBER CO., WINNIPEG, MAN., for Manitoba and Territories. AGENTS $21 on dock at Duluth, No. 1 Common $19, and No. 2 Common $17, while No. 3 Common is strong at $15. In Chicago there is a scarcity of 2x12 dimension stock, on which the price has advanced from $18.75 to $20 within the past few weeks. The position of southern pine is very favorabie. The curtailment of pro- duction has resulted in a short supply and a recovery in price. It is said that the price on car stuff has advanced from $4 to $6 a thousand, and yard stock from $1.50 to $3. The mills have plenty of orders for the new year anda further enhancement of values is looked for. The hemlock market is quiet but steady. Prices in the Siginaw Valley rule at $12 and $12.50 for piece stuff and $13 for boards. The move- ment of hardwoods is somewhat light, but the undertone of the market is firm. Quartered oak is still dragging, while plain oak sells as fast as it can be found, being in very light supply. Rock elm and birch are in some demand, with more enquiry for 2 inch than for the thinner sizes. Maple does not appear to be very strong, ‘and estimates of 30,000,000 to 40,000,000 feet of dry stock carried over from last year have influenced sentiment somewhat. The maintenance of present prices of this lumber is about all that is expected. It is some years since white pine lath have been so scarce and holders are able to get almost any price they ask. The recovery in the price of red cedar shingles does not seem to have held in all instances | but asthe mills are still shut down, it is not easy to advance any good arguments in favor of lower prices. GREAT BRITAIN. Business in lumber is not expanding very rapidly, and despite the improvement which has taken place within the past month or six weeks, there is apparent on all sides a tendency towards conservatism. This may gradually pass away as the spring ‘approaches, especially if the Russian-Japanese war should come to an early termination and money become easier. The tightness of money is doubt- less exerting an influence upon the trade at the present time. There is much satisfac- tion in knowing that stocks of lumber on the British market are light and not likely to be greatly increased during the winter months. This condition should lay the foundation for a healthy demand as soon as new building operations are commenced. There seems little prospect of a decline in prices of white pine or spruce for future delivery, but it is still doubtful whether the increased prices which shippers are asking will be realized. As to the spruce situa- tion the Timber Trades Journal says :— ‘“‘Tn spruce the rise has been more rapid than we anticipated, and for a large s'eamer cargo from Miramichi, with about the usual large percentage of sevens and eights, shippers were recently asking £7 for the usual West Coast range. We think it would have been better if the ascent from about £6 2s. 6d. had been through more graduated stages, and had taken more time in the process. While the Liverpool market is more than amply stocked, and there are fears that consign- ments during the winter may be heavy, for which purpose the liner services would be available, in London values have been kept down by the low prices ruling for competing shipments of whitewood from Riga. In the Bristol Channel there are still considerable portions of the earlier and cheaper cargoes unsold, and the prices obtainable for spruce in the Mid- lands are [Soflow that material advances must take place before a fair profit upon the prices shippers are now asking for cargoes can become apparent.” Hard- woods are feeling the effects of a lack of demand from the cabinet trade and prices are’ no more than steady. Pfain oak planks are in favor and early shipments — will likely bring good prices. STOCKS AND PRICES. The Boston Last Company are buyiug large quantities of logs in the Vicinity ae ‘ Richmond, Que. + T. A. Burrows has purchased Shaw Fay Bros. timber limit on the west end of the ‘i Riding Mountain, N. W. T. The North-Eastern Railway Company, — i of Newcastle, England, have just placed — an order for 500 loads of Quebecoak. _ Alex. McBeath is shipping a consider- aq able quantity of hardwood lumber from , ys C.S. POWELL& CO. Lumber Fxporters — Sea 604 Temple Bidg., TORONTO — and at NEW ORLEANS, LA. OO a Cash buyers all kinds hardwoods- To Millmen We solicit corresnaaa=aiay a a Planing, Matching, Resawing, a In Car Lots. ae Manufacturer of ' ~ Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings *. 8 HARDWOOD FLOORING — A SPECIALTY, Iumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. rs J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont: : Correspondence Solicited. Lor *Phone No. | SH aut End-Matched and Bored . . 5. - : — he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF e eit Lumber Co. . Of Ontario, Limited MILLS at SPRAGGE, Algoma has Ont., © on **Soo” Branch C.P.R. Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES a ge Building, Montreal nd at Mills at Spragge. | White and Red Pine | Lumber and Lath _ Water Shipments 7 Cnt —— - - CEDAR LUMBER AND POLESFORSALE — I can saw out to your order, during the winter months, ie S bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. 2 Correspondence Solicited. A ae J. S. FINDLAY, WOODS & SPICER, Limited ‘a cP cu? BS MANUFACTURERS OF ......- BRITISH COLUMBIA RHD CHDAR SHINGLES Capacity 100 Million a Year. OWEN SOUND, ~ ONT: = 4 is (= oa _ ie VWire Your Orders at ouR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, Bo. af gia eR eer RO YU cen WW Wee vie Ee KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, REMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply oc native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquirie- At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS ORILLIA PLANING MILL Near G.T.R. Station PLANING, MOULDINGS, vee FLOORING, RESAWING, SIDIN Done any quantity. Write for price. S. POMEROY, 39°"* 311 BULMER, McLENNAN & CO. Basswood, Birch, Hard Maple, Rock | and Soft Elm Lumber ~— Office and Yard—571 Dorchester Street, MONTREAL, PQ. WANTED: Telephone Man 368, Send for Catalogue wt & Samples by Mail ’s Falls. AS ‘e 2 ac oo co mi ay per he MASON, GORDON & WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & ‘Tanai o Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied “ex rem Correspondence cm aaa 2 _ January 4, 1905 Yi ee. Ont., to the Massey-Harris Com- ~e. McDonald i is logging in the vicinity of ‘Temperance Vale, N. B., for George e He expects to take out about : Eddy Bros. & Company, of Blind River, Ont., have about 9,000,000 feet of lumber a Huff & Carter, of Edmonton, N. W. T., # have secured a contract to supply the ES Canadian Northern Railway with 100,000 = railway ties, to be delivered at Battleford during the coming summer. They have _ secured limits west of Edmonton on which they expect to secure the necessary timber. _ E. H. Lemay, of Montreal, has con- tracted with McLachlin Bros., of Arnprior, Ont., for the white pine lumber to be cut ‘em during the coming season. Some of the lumber is intended for export to the United States and will be handled through Wz M. Cromble & Company, of New as L. J. Tweedie, Acting Surveyor General, Fredericton, N. B., will receive tenders up ae to January 11th for a license to cut timber on two square miles of timber lands situ- L ated on the Miramichi Portage Road and Five-Mile Brook Branch of Cross Creek. The applicant is John Gibson, and the up- i e D. SHIER LOMBER CO0., LIMITED be : BAS VOEBRIUGE, ONT. Beis ~ LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES * ‘Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. ~All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. "e GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY - ROBERT WATT WIARTON, ONT. Manufacturer and Dealer in _ Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, _ Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. -_ _ SPECIAL : About 7o M feet of 1” Basswood, One car load of 3x4 Hardwood Hearts suitable for Car Stakes, One car each of 3” and 4x4 Cedar. iz Prices upon application. THE AING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS Pc HEADQUARTERS HaRDWoop _ Citizens’ Buildin Distributing Yard Cleveland, 50: McMinnville, Tenn, We buy and selt Pine in Car and Cargo Lots 7 B. Farwell & Son tag ee oe CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS 1b ee Ganadian Gedar T ele- PA oe ae Bh 150,000 feet 1 x @ ‘CALENDAR. Both Good. 100,000 feet 1 x 4 and 5 Mill Run _.. Write for Prices, also for my 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION set price $20 per square mile in addition to stumpage. BROOM HANDLES. If an enterprising man with supplies of cheap Spruce, Basswood or Poplar care to put in several machines to work broom handles we can take his output. Write in first instance to Empire, care of CANADA LUMBERMAN. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From St. John, N.B.: Steamer Indrani, for Glasgow, 152,403 ft. deals, 1,902 ft. scantling, 1,925 ft. ends, 30 ft. boards. Steamer Orinoco, for Bermuda, 192 bdls. onion crate ends, by J. Roderick & Son; 33,000 onion crate shooks, 20,000 laths, 17,000 ft. spruce boards, plank and scant- ling, by G, & G. Flewwelling Mfg. Co. For Antigua—1oo,o000 shingles, by L. G. Crosby, 25,000 shingles, by T. H. Esta- ee THE BARBADOS MARKET. Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Company’s report of December 17th gives the follow- ing information regarding the Barbados market : The fortnight under review has been brooks. Steamer Lake Michigan, for barren of arrivals of white pine and spruce, London, 145,648 ft. deals, 36,000 bdls. in consequence of which the market shows shooks, 268 bdls. pulp, 824 pcs. maple a firmer tendency, and although there is a lumber. Steamer Sicilian, for Liverpool, fair stock of second quality white pine in 45,206 ft. spruce plank, 11,681 ft. dealers’ ends. spruce yards, merchantable is being enquired for and moderate arrivals of this quality would do fairly well. Spruce is in light stock, and one or two cargoes would meet with remunerative prices, as the crop Season is now approaching, when there is a good demand for this class of lumber. The steamer Dahome brought down 400 bundles of Cedar Laying Clear shingles, which were imported for a dealer, and the Blenheim from Gaspe is about due and brings a cargo of both Long and Laying, which will meet with a rather dull market, as in consequence of the drought there is not much demand, and although the stock of Long Cedar is not large it is sufficient for present requirements. Laying Cedar are still in full supply. Shooks,—The steamer Dahome brought From Halifax, N.S.: Steamer Briar- dene, fer British West Indies, 16,449 ft, hemlock lumber, value $165 ; 62,560 ft. spruce lumber, value $927 ; 16,000 ft. pine lumber, value $360, by Pickford & Black, agents. Steamer Manchester Im- porter, for Mahchester, 310,606 ft. spruce deals, value $1,249, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. Steamer Gulf of Ancud, for London, 10,994 ft. hemlock deals, value $990, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. Steamer Sicily, for Liverpool, 318,192 ft. spruce deals, value $3,647 ; 77,339 ft. hemlock deals, value $773, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. e 69 e SAW AND PLANING All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo. Registered Cable Address, — Head Office, Chilliwack, B, C. Mills at Harrison Bay. a British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles Band - Gang A SPECIALTY Circular Nothing Else Manufactured | cacue Bay, ont. Cc. P.R. 26 miles West North Bay —— @ —— B.C.Perfections,Eurekas,Clears Shingles made from bolts cut out of standing timber on our own Timber Limits. & ——— @--—— Dunbar Machines. Saw Jointers. Large Kilns—Slow drying Process. Experienced and skilled white labor. THE QHARLEMAGNE & LAG QUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway, “' Pinewood.” Hl. down 441 bundles one trip which had been previously sold to dealers, and stocks of all descriptions are sufficient, with a cargo now due from Portland to fill requirements. Wood Hoops.—We understand that a cargo of French is due here early in the new year, which will meet with a rather dull market, as present stocks are about all that will be required, lotting rates remaining nominal at $20.50 for long and $18 for short. I, Dean Holden, Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. A.F. Holden, Vice-Pres, E.C, Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Piné Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. ——SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LimiTeD G.MILLS, WARREN, OnT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. Héad_ Office, TORONTO, CAN. “American. Lumbernian” Telecode. C. A. LARKIN WHOLESALE PINE LUMBER 40 Confederation Life Building, TORONTO, ONT. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. _ Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE UMBER AND LATH CACHE BAY PLANING MILL Co, ee e MANUFACTURERS OF... MOULDINGS GBILING FLOORING WAINSGOTING SHEETING All kinds of Dressed and Pine Lumber. SAWN AND DRESSED LOMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations, Shipments by rail or water. Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION January 4, 1905 __ ee: Cedar Cove Mill, Vancouver, B.C. E. H. HEAPS & CO., Ruskin Mill Ruskin, B. C. Vancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Ete. SPECIALTIES : i AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. ~ i Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels * Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. ee W. J. SHEPPARD ERSOIEnT Waubaushene, On 7 j. G. SeETes Prdiiieset MANAGER RS ver, Pacific Coast Lumber Co. LIMITED VANGOUVER, B.C. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Liimber: “Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. High Grade Red Corr Series Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, ee D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. 112 Mail Building, TORONTO. J. E. YOUNG, Cashier. The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. Manufacturers f * HN ® White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sane. Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work Dealers in Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Head Office: CEDAR: POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC Tie RAT POTRAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber, We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Worked and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. ie ; THOS. KIRKPATRICK, MANUFACTURER OF 63> Red Cedar Shingles Mills at Hastings and New Westminster Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Telephone B 1425 Daily Capacity, 250,000 Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Ontario Representatiee: W. J. SMITH, Fergus. Export Lumber & Shingle Co. Wholesale Dealers Limited British Columbia Lumber and Shingles The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market prices. : Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED VANCOUVER -_ BRITISH COLUMBIA COOKE & TAIT MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF B.C. FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER AND SHINGLES Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Shingle Mill: False Creek, Vancourel B.C. WRITE FOR PRICES. i Hazelmere Lumber ro = HAZELMERE, B.C. FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER — CLEAR CEDAR AND FL OORING a Our Specialty. £ Long Distance Telephone. ae #y : UW Cc. WELLS— s PALLISER, B. C. PS 3.3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. - ? HE January 4, 1905 Ne ed 4 % = Ss es = FN ae re % THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We have just completed a new list of all our Pine and Spruce Lumber and Dimension Timber, and will be pleased to send you a copy on appli- D> cation. SOLICITING YOUR ORDERS. _ DELAPLANTE - - McBURNEY LUMBER 60., 4 < WHOLESALE White Pine, Hemlock, Lath,: Shingles Stocks in at aS aes Powassan Cartier Callander Ontario nd Whitney Sturgeon Falls North Bay _* Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries FOR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Se _ Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer ae one all winter. & HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO., imitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. & Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. Be BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of _ Ontario enous, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. = and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch : Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch iy and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. ; 2 JAMES J. MURPHY, * gh ieee QUEBEC e _ BOOTH & SHANNON, siscorasine, ont. MANUFACTURERS OF "Pine Lumber, Lath and Shingles it A, BRENNEN & SOV: MANUFACTURING (0, LIMITED Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep Millis at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH Both Railway Delivery and Water The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited oe 2 Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. Head Office : HAMILTON, ONT. AUGER & SON - Quebec PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. - Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and Lumber.—Write Us. es “ idinfactirers of and er pec Dealers in all kinds of _\__ A. F. BURY AUSTIN _ WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA FI n k of Ottawa Building, 224 St James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA IALTIES: Railway ' ridge Timber and ali’kinds of/Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White fe Dimension Timber, Norway ‘ ar Suis, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and ewood, Planed and Rough Lenin British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &C.; Birch Flooring, ow back, end butted. aa _ Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Company, Limited, Barnet, B. C. Ss Douglas Fi: Timber in any size or length up to go feet long, Timber Sor face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. ; pesos oflarge capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar : . WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. : CANADIAN N MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS — = HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED. CaNAbA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v —_ —— R. LAIDLAW LUMBER Co. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR., D. l,. WHITE. PLAYEFATR & WHITE Manufacturers and Whouesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Sees MID: AND ONT = , BILL TIMBER a Specialt A. & P. VAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joistino Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE ONT. F. M°CIBBON & SONS, peste Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and eae Lumber, Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & C0. oraz OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, ATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a “pewualty of gee Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff We ship by C. P. R., G. T, R., and by- Water, Tee Lumber Co., timitea MANUFPAGTURE RS ——mmmey LUMBER « a“ LAGHA Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. a> eee of and Dealers i and dealers in Cordwood D, D. FLANNER Ww. REEVES FLANNER & REEVES Manufacturers and Wholesalers of WHITE AND NORWAY PINE LUMBER | LATH AND SHING CAR AND CARGO MIDLAND, ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close Price THE SEAMAN KENT COo., Limited 160 Bay St., Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. ROBT. STEWART LIMITED CUELPH, ONTARIO MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Stairs, Hardwood Flooring, Etc. ES Canadian and American Hard and Soft Woods of all co SPECLIALTIE YELLOW PINE AND OAK TIMBER Sole Canadian Represenative of the SOUTHERN CYPRESS LUMBER (SELLING COMPANY New Orleans, VI. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) St. JouHNn, N.B., December 31st, 1904.— Since last writing very little of importance has taken place in the local lumber mar- ket. Shipments of all kinds have been light during the past month, particularly shipments by schooner to New England ports, but not more so than usual at this time of year. The lack of stimulus which always accompanies the holidays is very noticeable in both the American and Eng- lish markets, Very little is being done by any of the local firms in either of these directions, either in selling or delivering. While the quiet season lasts in the Eng- lish market any change in price is improb- able, as there is not enough demand to cause an advance and offerings are so light that the probabilities of a drop are practically void. On account of these conditions any at- tempt to use the prevailing figures as an indication of what will prevail in the Eng- lish markets in the near future would be ill-advised. Just what conditions will be predominant when the winter lethargy has been dispelled from this market it is not possible to positively state. A decidedly optimistic feeling is prevalent among the manufacturers and dealers in these parts. They are looking forward to next season, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION confident that it will show a great im- provement over this season in prices and demand. In regard to prices of English deals, it would be svarcely correct to say that there has been any general advance dur- ing the last month, but it is certain that a specification containing the usual percent- ages of widths and ofan ordinary average length could not be bought, f.o.b. steamer St. John, less than $12.50 per M s,ft., two-thirds price for fourths and ends. Shipments of English deals have been quite as heavy as is usual at this time of year. Although no cargo made up entire- ly of lumber has has gone forward during that time, there were several large parcels shipped per the winter port steamers, and as there will be practically none manufac- tured in these parts for the next three months, there is no doubt that, when the time comes to resume sawing, it will find the wharves entirely cleaned up. Since last writing lath have shown a further decline. As mentioned in my let- ter of December rst, lath had dropped, following heavy receipts in New York and vicinity, from $2.35 to $2.10 per M, f.o.b. St. John. A drop of from 10 cents to 15 cents has now occurred, and Provincial lath can be bought at St. John for $2.00 per M. Stocks are not at all heavy for this time of the year, there being probably from four and one-half to five millions of lath distributed about the different wharves in this vicinity. In view of the decline in price mentioned above, it is altogether probable that the much greater part of these will be wintered in the hope that they will command a better figure in the early spring. WHITE PINE PRODUCTION AND STOCKS. The white pine mills at Duluth, Minn., manufactured during 1904 approximately 285,000,000 feet of lumber, this being a falling off of 104,000,000 feet when com- pared with the production in 1903. Of the entire cut the stocks on dock at Duluth and Superior towards the close of Decem- ber aggregated only 51,301,000 feet. The American Lumberman gives the following statistics of the production and stocks at January 4, 1905 the head of the lakes for the past eight years: Total amount. Totalamount Total amount lumber lumber on unsold on Year manufactured - dock Dec. 1 dock Dec. 7 1904.... 285,000,000 96,000,000 51,000,000 1903.... 389,000,000 105,000,000 48,000,000 1G02.... 443,000,000 119,000,0Cc0 59,000,000 1901.... 426,000,000 139,000,000 41, 000, 000 1900.... 416,060,000 168,000,000 126, "000,000 1899.... 426,000,000 120,000,000 37,000,000 1893.... 324,000,000 120,000,000 73,000,000 1897.... 290,000,000 129,000,000 19,000,000 THE LATH DEMAND. | White pine and nerway lath are exbibit- ing exceptional strength in value. There is an absolute shortage of this item. At the head of the lakes this conditioa is especially noticeable and it is commanding full list prices at all other points. The Miss- ssippi Valley Lumbermin says the situation c2nnot be remedied, but is calculated to become intensified with the advance of the building season. The mills are short of this stock and they cannot increase their _ Output within time to meet the -_require- ments of the demand. THE MENZ LUMBER GOMPANY Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER RED CEDAR SHINGLES ~~ We Solicit Your Inquiries. J. FE. FOSS, Manager. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Mat UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS j THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE. HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS | BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE GHARLOTTE HABBERLE Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 ~ - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... z H. D. WIGCI will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YBRLLOW: PINE We are in position to-give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. WANTED BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. Muskegon, Mich. ACME LUMBER CO. Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A. Wholesale Hardwoods Hard Maple and Rock Elim our Speciality. We invite correspondence whether you wish to buy or sell. ONB DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YBAR J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER CO. 94 Pearl Street Grand Rapids, Mich. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS or YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty IND. =~ 5/8 Inch Quartered Canadian Spruce and Thick Birch a _ a é Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. : INDIANAPOLIS, i l ene ers > - 2 4 ~ = Correspondence Solicited. \e\e.e\e.e.e . ou ~~ . Pe BURY & NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspo idence Invited on All Hardwoods. FRANK CG, BURY MASON A. NOBLE WHOLESALE MICHIGAN vil. 2 J ens «| Sept CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ays BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ’ ‘Faruworr & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER - 14 Titan ste, LIVERPOOL a [Wood Brokers and Measurers .- WOOD AGENTS.. | 4 Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. _, Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ENG, | Halifax, N.S., Office—SmitH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bldg é, = = Hollis St. Halifax, N.S ——<.— =» e .. Sree .F. A. Lightbody & Co.) Edmiston & Mitchells 8 Gordon Street -. | GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ee ORS TIMBER BROKERS "Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AN : e E AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. | Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’? GI. 3 & = handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Rida Cen aience OF ed, pa ts 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW 9 5, LS tsa a EXPORT DEPARTM ENT Cable address: ‘‘Dundonian, Dundee.” = Correspondence solicited with exporters of B E R G OL S O N atte women foods, es = one el Timb d d Pul ? @) _ ‘Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt imber and Wood Pulp = of Billof Ladingat Toronto. European House, _ Agents and Brokers o2 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW ©) SAMUEL SONS & BENJAMIN DUNDEE, SCOTLAND Cc Me ; : . Contracts made between Shippers and Importers able Address : ““ TECTONA” Glasgow. 16 Philpot Lane, London, Eng. Correspondence solicited At and A B C Codes used. 2 EE! ee ee eee : ouls BAMBERGER, * “iticx' sc" | CHORCHILL & SIM os MPORTER OF ——aaammmmer Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London,’ } ; ; Pine, Spruce and all Cialan Wood Goods TI M B iB R B R O K E R S ] ’ SS RS SE ; Cable Address: ‘‘CHURCHILL’’ London. 29 Cl] ;ments Lane, London, E.G. Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS | Cable Address: ‘‘INVIGORATE”’ Liverpool. Albert Suildings, 12 Preesons Row, Liverpo ol, En I STE I SR I GES SS SE an Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’? ZEBEACODE A. B. C. CODE DIRECTORY CODE 1 Or Wish... 2 "caortomsw 'GCELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. WEEKLY EDITION A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER Bs dptnry Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, a Wood Agents and Brokers SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Se LU Dernian. Cable Address : “' GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Graecechureh St. London, E.C. Englan LONDON CABLES, DOORCHEEK, LONDON STORES: | FRo Manufacturers and We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- Importers of ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. Seats, and ait kinds ofready made joinery. “A : 158, Leadenhall Sg ree E.C. | JOIN ERY -FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Ashton & Petiord | JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND - Lumber Importers Bishop ee uNcranp Sat 2. 2 alia, TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS_OF t e Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and ’ Invite offers from Lumbermen for’. . . BOX SHOOKS AND EXCELSIOR BI J Y K RS O H Staves and Heading, WWandies =. a Fe ee Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pin Veneers a Specialty Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels ; Broom Handles, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any | Invite correspondence from manufacturers who - Woods Suitable for English Market. are in a position to exvort. _— dll a aa a lasaaisssasilenssisnisidiecse We are inthe Market for ; : MANCHESTER. Cable address ‘‘ Shooks,” Hull, A.B.C. code Pa Address: FELBER Ma na ris Logs and Boards, Pine Deals and 7 9 e Ww £ ing. hite Ash Planks, bsst quality, in long lengths Oak Planks, best quality, in long lengths Ti ber Im orters Rock Maple Logs and Planks, White Oak Logs m p All clatses of Manufactured Wood Goods Rock Elm Logs, Waney Birch Logs Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’? Liverpool, Eng. poe cee ee oe whee you : SMe SU aN RG ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY A WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS _ BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY Address : SS eee Cena Practica, INFORMATION THE CANADA LUMBERMAN Toronto Liverpool and London Chambers a LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND

82 | x2-in. dressing and better... 40 42 zoos a see eo mew: . 26 a9 I tO 21M... see eens wees 70 72 | Box, IXI0-IN. ...-.-+-+0--+ 20 17 “ . Pai ai pala ieee ; Fine common, 2% in. ‘and up 72 75 | Box, 1x12..... eelatnieielsteene 2 13” “ : : 3 61 | No. x barn, rx12.... ...... 29 30 7 Ras os $y, | [SSA 55 ole Grease 25 26 ae 45 |p Roeae see ome scr co icocwek| ord OTTAWA, ONT. No.3. 35 | No. 2 barn, 1x12........-.. 26 27 MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, ae I Sold 45 2 {KIO oo on celsenccsnecuccns) 23 24 bamn.. - o. 2 molding, 1 to 2 1n..... 35 TEE yan ae 22 2 meg 00) sidings 's ee. 2 21700 Stained etn rete 32 40 phaky. opaal ee 6/4 in. 292 3 rin: xB in andup. 39 00 4200 ate & oN. 4 tapes 1900 Bracket plank ...--.+- +++» 35 45 inch.. . 38 40 are sain. x 48 00 50 00 iE Nora vides es at Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 35 40 es aa eves 29 a5 ‘ux Bin. and up. §0 00 55 wal Pine Shorts 6 to x8” 15 co Dressing boards, narrow.... 26 ~ Common «+ ++-sseessenee peras 1x1Qq inch shippers +. +++. teen Ad pl ; J C Oe a ee Wize - ~ ts «ore = . a. - at 3 f ‘ > s : uae a i OF 3 WHITE PINE AND ee ae LATH AND SHINGLES amma WIARTON, OWT. Through the Spruce Forests of | Mountains—between Quebec an [ WatTeER-PoweErs, TIMBER LIMITS AND. E PowER FOR SALE. IpEAL PuLp-MiLt Si Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. MONTREAL =~ General Supt. ‘LATH. $3 40 | saosin Pine Se weet ee oe wee eeee ¥ . SHINGLES. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x38. seeeeees 3.50 3.75| Hemlock. KIB ....0.. 4.50 4 75 | Spruce... Ss a wed Pire ex. Clear bu. Smoot - BUFFALO AND pi WHITE PINE. | (Wholesale selling price.) U; pers, 1,1%,1¥%and2 2 4 Peer: 78 O0 Shela , No. 1, 13 in oy and 3 Ws coe wa 85 09 up, 1 in.. ae Wee seiecve weave 8 oo | No. x Mold'st’ps 1 Selects 1 in......-.+ 68 col] — Miaiisc seen TUtO0a Is seaman 70 00| No. 2 Mou!ding Strips 2% and 3 in....... 78 co EtOAdNing aces nee 4A Meee eee eee ey 80 00 Fine common, 1 in. 55 00 1% and 2% in..... 58 00 ey Coen eR ori. 60 00 ase 5 oe eae 73 00 AY se hate soeese 75 00 cay up, No. x, 1 in. 38 00 4 and 1% in....- 50 00 x be | in Saree 3a 0. 2,1%, & 1% in 00 No. 3,14, 1% and ATES feprapecec 25 00 Dressing 1% in...... 36 00 14%x10 und 12...... 40 00 IG AM. ct vec cigenee 36 00 The following quotations on hardwoods: represen price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; WHITE ASH. 23 00 35 00 an toa Ts «= 39 00 4I oo| Strips .. ~ | Com. and tst & 2nd, x inch, 14% to2in | BLACK AND BROWN ASH. Ist & 2na, 6 nch up, 31 00 33 00 | Co: IRCH. ist & 2nd, 6insh & ~ [ast Gani eine up, red....+.4-+-+ 36 02 3800 Com. & good culls. ELM. 1st & 2d,rock,6in &up 26 co 28 oo | xst & 2d, seit Common and ‘culls .. 15 90 17 00 Common and c MAPLE. — -.. 21 00 23 00 rat &and, soft 130? la oo | Comman and ist & 2nd hard.. Common and culls BOSTON, MASS. — ’ White Pine Uppers, 1 to 2inch .. Selects, 1 to 2inch....... mid, We C's mae line Common, 1 inch pis sted 1% tozinch......... No. 1 Cuts, r inch 1¥% to 2 inch. No. 2 Cuts, 1 inch 1% to2 inch.. Barn Boards,No. I...... eas - cyastor te seeee eee No. Spruce, 10 and 12 in. dimension..... pie seas g iu. and under ......-.---.+- -.--00: ro and 12 in. random lengths, ro ft. and up REE ac 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2X6, 2x7 and 3x4 random length Ost. ANd WP... 2. staes awe ee eapanees ees Allother random lengths, 9 in. and under, 10 ft And Wg. 5). be ack tw aee ae 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8ft.& up, Out Spruce boards, p. 1s 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1s clipped and pundied - = NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR Seo: Clears. .2<. 22 < Stoo wi fatbrsinte'e Delain Second clears . Clear Whites Extra 1s (Clear whites out). ata bate aed the areiS acs fetus Extra Is (Clear whi iteSim)......seeeeeee seer ees eee : BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. Red ca Extras, 6 in, Eurekas, 8 in, -rfection 2. boa eae BUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go") Of Toronto, Limited _ Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. .. 5 .— Branch Offices: 38. ALLIANCE BUILDING, MoNTREAL t 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 21 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, LONDON, E. C. weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timbet and lumber manu- na exportets and the purchasers of ~The Mon’ Lumberman— A 32 page journal, ects perti- Ba ¥ ee Sa, > ee ements will be inserted in this depart- ‘ Pay ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. _ When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent, will be allowed. his notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- _ yertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue ae WANTED — S00 NORWAY PILES FOR _. VV early spring delivery. For particulars sg: > address Lock Box 12, Vineland, Ont. : FELXSELSIOR WOOD WANTED — PEELED _ I basswood or clear spruce. RANKIN AND __‘€o., Dundas street, Toronto. Telephone. FM - Shee SALE —1". 6/4”, 2” SOFT ELM. 1”, 2”, 3”, iat Eee DISH. 2 1” am isy Chestnut. 1’, 6/4”, 2”, 3”, “1% ca ard and Soft Maple. 1”, 6/4”, 2” Beech. 1”, 2”, 3” White Ash... 1”, 2”, 3”, 4” Red and Write Oak. Cedar Squares. R. E KINSMAN, Hamilton. so Ss < % FOR SALE. ' PED PINE DIMENSION CUT TO RE- # UIRED sizes. Also two parcels of stand- ing Timber, nearly all White Pine,good quality. _ PINE LuMBER Co., Pine Ont., near Cartier. _ SAW MILL AND TIMBER FOR SALE INE HUNDRED AND FIFTY ACRES OF _ good timber, birch, maple and hemlock. ill cut about a million and a half of logs. ason for selling, other business to look after. Box 188, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. _ FOR SALE 2'000 acres of Hardwood Land in Antigonish nty, N.S., close to railway sidings. The es River runs through the centre of 1,250 J S. O'BRIEN, Antigonish, N. S. For Sale ¥ — Bs CLASS STAVE AND HOOP MILL in good state of repair, and with it or not ‘option of purchaser, the stock of staves and Op: 1 chill together with a quantity of stand- ‘timber. Also horses, harness, trucks, wag- s, etc. For all particulars bona fide pur- asers may apply to “Staves,” in care of ADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. 7 ; : ~ WEEKLY FDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 40 pages} $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. THIS PAPER. REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINGIPAL LUMBER MANUS ACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT &RITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL AND WINNIPEG, JANUARY Il, 19C5 No. 50 Free SALE—DIRECT ACTION PORTABLE Saw Mill, now running. Box No. 4, Both- well, Ont. ANTED TO BUY, A GOOD SECOND- HAND Band Saw Mill. Must be in good repair. Apply Box 233, Goderich, Ont. ; ANTED—1” AND 2” PINE, HEWLOCK and Basswood, and Ontario Shingles, /i6 and 18”. Address P. O. Box 213,Almonte, Ont. ANTED — AN EXPERIENCED AND energetic man to sell British Columbia Shingles and Lumber in Ontario ExPpoRT LUM- BER & SHINGLE Co., LIMITED, Vancouver, B. C, OR SALE—60 H.P. HORIZONTAL RETURN Tubular Boiler, good as new, bargain for quick turn-over. Address ALFRED RUBBRA, 22 Victoria Square, Montreal, Que. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrmcozE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED--A FEW CARLOADS EACH 1",14%” and 1%” firsts andseconds Black Ash; state condition, price and where delivery, would be made. Address Box1$85, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, : : : ANTED—1” BLACK ASH; ALSO FOR sale, the following: 6,500 6x9-6’ 8” Red Oak Ties ; 150,000’ 2” Dry Indiana White Oak ; 50,000’ 2” Dry Indiana Red Oak.McCLURE LUM- BER Co., Detroit, Mich. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE 1 Second-hand Engine, cylinder 9% dr., 12” stroke, heavy belt wheels’ dr., for 8” belt, Box Bed, all overhauled and refitted with new brasses. Price ren. ster foun. Ne Bs.terr cence. . $175.00 1 Second-hand Exeter Engine, cylinder to” dr., 20” stroke with Belt Wheel 8 dr. for 14” face belt, Tangy Bed, all overhauled in good order. Practical'y new. Price F.O. B. St. John, N. B. $32:.00 x Second - hand Horizontal Compound Engine, 9” H P. Cylinder, 18” L. P. Cylinder, 12” stroke with fly wheel 7. (ar. aces. -O.. By St, | Journ, REE OTE SY ST ES THE LOCATORS—W. B. Herbert,General Man- ager. The largest and oldest exclusive Business Brokers inthe West. Address THE LocaTORS, 63 Merchants’ Bank Building, Winnipeg. Lumber Business — Seven thousand, three quarters cash, also handles coal, This price in- cludes lumber sheds, atid dwelling house, abont two hundred and thirty miles from Winnipeg. Good opportunity for live man, THE LOCAToRS, Lumber and Machinery—Price ten thousand, half cash, annual turnover sixty thousand, net profit six thousand, population eight hundred, go6d town, this business has been established Since 1898, splendid buy. THE Locators. Timber Limit—About a hundred miles from Winnipeg, at a snap. Limit containing about twa hundred thousand cords of wood, what offers. THE LOCATORS. Saw Mill, at six thousand six hundred, annual output over two million feet, mill is built on H. B. land leased by year, one blacksmith shop, three-quarters section timber land with five million feet, This isa good investment for any lumberman. THE LOCATORS. , Any further information regarding the above or any other business will be gladly given. Address THE LocaTorRS, 63 Merchants Bank Building, Winnipeg. Send for our free book of “Business Opportunities.” ANTED— SOFT ELM AND BASSWOOD Lumber, 3” thick, dry. Address Box 186, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ANTED — POSITION AS BAND SAW filer for coming season. Best of references, Saw maker by trade. Box 488, Galt, Ont. OR SALE— SAW MILL MACHINERY — Modern Saw Mill Machinery, by best American Manufacturers. Used but short time, at very low prices, owing to failure of log sup- ply. Immediate delivery. Detailed description and prices upon application to DETROIT LUM- BER COMPANY, Detroit, Mich., U.S.A. Fok SALE — 150,000 FEET OF 14%” AND 1%” Birch, 30,000 feet of one inch Eass- wood, 200,000 feet of Hemlock at $10 F.O.B., 2x6 to 2x12,10 to 16 feet. Two cars of sidings, 50,000 feet of Pine 1”, 1%” and 2”. For particu- lars apply to the HARcoURT LUMBER Co., Harcourt, Ont. GAy, MILLS AND LIMITS FOR SALE BY the undersigned: A large lumber mill, ca- pacity 115M per per day, anda long timber mill capacity 35 per day, allin fine condition ; guar- anteed ready for work ; situated at Little Cur- retit, Georgian Bay. If not sold soon will be willing to contract for sawing. Also Timber Berth, Township Harrow, 36 miles, and Town- ships ‘‘hompson, Bright and Bright Additional, 47Sq. miles, Terms of sale part cash, time for balance, 6°/,. For further particulars apply to J. & T. Conton, Thorold, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER DEALERS ] CAN BUY FOR YOU AND CUT THIS winter 200 to 500M of Red Oak and Bass- wood, also smaller quantities of other hardwoods. Address ‘‘Hardwood,” care CANADA LUMBER- Man, Toronto. WANTED Beveled Siding. We want de- livered prices in car lots on Beveled Siding in Pine and Cedar. Pre- sent or Spring delivery. HALEY & SON - St. Stephen, N. B. AT FERNIE, B. C. SAW MILL PLANT AND TIMBER LIMITS 1827 ACRES. ONE AND A QUARTER 7 miles from Fernie, B. C.. heavily timbered with Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Tamarac, easily accessible for logging purposes both in summer and winter. : z Saw Mill, Waterous Mill with capacity of 4o thousand feet per day, with planers, lath mill, etc., all complete. ; Stables, dwelling houses, store, smithy and logging camp all substantially built and ready for occupation. The limits are held under Crown Grant and purchaser can enter and begin operations with- out any delay. c For further particulars, address PH. VIBERT, ESQ., Manager Union Bank of Canada, Lethbridge, N.W T price, terms, etc., or H. B. GILMOUR, ESQ.. Molson’s Bank Huiiding, Vancouver, B.C. a The Poulin Lumber Company, Limited, of Ottawa, has assigned, and the assets are to be sold. THE LUMBER TRADE IN 1904. The February number of the CANADA LUMBERMAN will contain the usual annual review of the lumber trade, for which the statistics are now being collected. Many manufacturers have supplied the informa- tion asked forin our circular letter, and we hope that those who have not respond- ed will do so at once. We shall also be glad to receive from any of our readers statistics as to produc- tion or shipments covering their district which would assist us to make our report as complete as possible. en ae tnrnreny CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. © ONTARIO, Weather conditions do not permit of much activity in lumber circles, but in- quiries are sufficient in number to encour- age the hope that the spring will witness a revival in the demand. The feeling is distinctly optimistic, and at the present time thereis scarcely a cloud en the lum- ber horizon. While some manufacturers are ‘carrying considerably .more 1umber than one year ago, the bulk of it has been sold and is awaiting shipment. Other manufacturers claim that their ’stocks are fully 50 per cent. less than one year ago. Although there has been no general advance in prices, nor would such seem reasonable at this period, a few manu- facturers who sell direct to the retail trade are asking an advance averaging $1 per thousand. No.1 cuts and better is per- haps the weakest item in the white pine list. Logging conditions are excellent. Haul- ing is making good progress and is likely to be completed earlier than usual. The cut in the Georgian Bay district is esti- mated at 75 per cent. of that of last year. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The statistics of stocks of timber win- tering at Quebec show that the continued advance in the price of waney pine has affected the export. The stock is 1,268,- 937 cubic feet, as compared with 406,038 cubic feet one year ago. The stock of square pine, on the other hand, is the lightest on record, being only 347,067 cubic feet. Notwithstanding the large stock of waney, the trade are not antici- pating a decline in price, as the cost of production is very great. The result will probably be a marked reduction in the quantity manufactured during the present winter. Oak timber is also in greater supply, but elm shows a reduction of about 100,000 cubic feet. The lighter export of spruce deals is also responsible for a heavy wintering stock of that lumber, The logging season has been favorable II. in the Eastern Provinces and all manufac- turers are likely to be able to bank the estimated quantity of logs, although the total cut will be much smaller than last year. There will be a reduction in cedar as well as spruce, as the manufacture of shingles has not been profitable of late. Extras are still selling for Boston delivery at $3.25, and Clears at $2.80, with a rela- tively better demand for the latter. UNITED STATES. The present seasonable dullness in the lumber trade is expected to give place to more activity in the near future. Buyers are already visiting the producing points for the purpose of contracting for the new stock and picking up any dry lumber that is still unsold. Rail shipments from the Lake Superior district are increasing and the present supply of white pine is likely to be shipped out before spring, Eastern wholesale dealers are anticipating another reduction in the quantity of pine lumber produced and are therefore fortifying themselves as far as possible against a possible shortage by keeping their yards well stocked. In low grade pine this is not possible, for the supply is very light. Chicago dealers report a scarcity, of 12- inch boards and 12-inch dimension stock. The shortage of white pine piece stuff is being largely replaced by hemlock and southern pine and prices all round are very firm. The spruce situation is decid- edly in favor of the manufacturers, some of whom are turning down orders. Yard dealers in Boston are offering $17 for 2x3 and 2x4 and $18 for 2x8. Of the-hard- woods, oak and birch continue to lead. Plain oak is sold almost up to the saw, whereas quartered stock is accumulating. The position of white pine lath is such that a sharp advance may take place at any time. Dealers who have any are not Selling at present prices and it is the rule to offer a premium to secure stock. GREAT BRITAIN, The shipments of spruce deals by the regular liners have been smaller than anti- cipated. This has been beneficial to the British market and the improvement re- cently reported has been fully maintained. There is no indication thus far of next season's prices, but at the time of writing We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to ‘Quality. D. FERGUSON, LONDON, ONT., for Ontario. RED DEER LUMBER CO., WINNIPEG, MAN., for Manitoba and Territories, YWvire Your Orders at OUR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVE AGENTS CANADA LUMBERMAN ‘WEEKLY EDITION the prospects are more hopeful than they have been for some time. An increase in the consumption is reported. The de_ cline in the price of cotton has had a stim- ulating effect throughout Lancashire and it is said that a number of new cotton mills are to be built this year. Stocks of Canadian pine and spruce have now reached the point where they make a fav- orable comparison. Taking the port of Glasgow as an example, it is found that the supply of Quebec first pine deals is nearly a third less than one year ago. Second pine is about half, thirds are only a little more than half, and fourths about a third less. There is also a considerable reduction in. pine planks and boards. Spruce deals are 2,000,000 feet less, the present Glasgow stock being about 18,- 000,000 feet. The stock of red pine deals is slightly greater. A STOCKS AND PRICES. J. H. Conn expects to take out 600,000 feet of logs this winter in the vicinity of Franktown, Ont. C. J. Brown, City Clerk of Winnipeg, Man., is asking for tenders up to Tues- day, January 24th, for the supply of four carloads of tamarac piling. The St. Anthony Lumber Company, of Whitney, Ont. manufactured 45,000,000 feet of lumber last season and have only about 3,000,000 feet on hand. The Murphy Lumber Company, of Marksville, Ont. expect to cut about 3,000,000 feet of lumber during the coming summer. This will consist of hemlock, cedar and hardwoods. G. D. Campbell, who has purchased the property of the Sissiboo Pulp & Paper Company at Weymouth, N. S,, expects to” take out 7,000,000 feet of logs this win-» ter, which will be used for the manufac- ture of lumber and pulp. The Northwest Lumber Company, of Ponoka, N. W. T., are carrying over 1,500,000 feet of logs from last season and © will take out about a similar quantity this winter, thus giving them 3,000,000 feet to saw during the coming season. The Edward Hines Lumber Company have 10,000,000 feet of logs in the water CHE ONOY G at Duluth, Minn., left over from last year, and have just sold the lumber to be cut from them for delivery next spring. -No. 3 boards are worth $15 in the Duluth market. 4 The license for cutting timber on the eastern side of Nepisiquit, southeast of Gloucester Junction, N. B., a block of seven square miles, was sold by the Sur- veyor General last week to the Sumner Company, of Moncton, at $20 per mile, which was the upset price. L. J. Tweedie, Acting Surveyor Gen- eral, Fredericton, N. B., will, on January 18, sell a license to cut timber on a three mile timber berth on McCollum’s Brook, fer which the Alexander Gibson Railway & Manufacturing Company is the appli- cant. PRICES OF CEDAR POSTS AND POLES. The Northwestern Cedarmen’s Assoc- iation, ata meeting held at Milwaukee, Wis., on January 3, adopted the follow- ing pricelist of cedar posts, peles and piling, f.0.b. cars Hermansvil'e, Mich. : CEDAR POSTS. 7 to 9 inch quarters, 7-foot, 7c. 5 inth halves, 7- -foot, 7c. CEDAR LUMBER AND POLESFOR I can saw out to your order, during the winter months, — bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to soft. Correspondence Solicited. SS: FINDLAY, WOODS & SPICER, Limited -MANUFPACTURERS a a woes BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CHDAR SHING cs Capacity 100 Million a Year. " KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Send for Catalo vt 2% Samples by Keenan Bros., Limite Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOUD, REMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply or native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquirie. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS d ORILLIA PLANING MILL Near G.T.R. Station PLANING, MOULDINGS, MATCHING. S FLOORING, RESAWING, SIDIN Done any quantity. Write for price. S. POMEROY, pore BULMER, McLBNNAN & GO. Basswood, Birch, Hard Maple, F ~ and Soft Elm Lumber — Office and Yard—571 Dorchester Street, MONTREAL, WANTED Telephone Man 368. ‘inch round i ae 23¢. ; ( oe oe BIG i 14-foot, 27e. “ Sw gBe cas “ce - * oS {6 “Stee 16-foot, 40c. “6 45c. cS er rocks “ “ee 58c. 18-foot, 50c. “cc ‘ “ce 6oc. “cr . “ce “ Pe 20-foot, 55¢. “ec - 6 oc. 80c. i of i aa Lumber kiln Dried in Any | Q 4 “ “< ““ 4oc, 7, R, EATON = Sees ss <— *G5c. Correspondence Solicited. — OWEN ogue KNIGHT BRO: : Burk’s Falls. — ‘ MASON, GORDON & WHOLESALE TI Montreal, Que Easter Agents The B.C. Mills, Timi ; Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size és n WRITE FOR PARTICULARS 4ND QUOTAT Para The annual timber circular of Edmiston & Mitchells furnishes the following. par- : ticulars of the Glasgow market : % 2 Waite Pine Locs.—The total import -, for 1904 amounts to 7,840 loads, of which 7,195 loads fall to be classed as waney boardwood and 645 loads’ square. Throughout the year it has been dis- heartening to find so languid a market this once highly favored timber, but the further advance in prices demanded syear leaves no other alternative but ) seek elsewhere for substitutes. d oubt this further advance was justified by the greatly increased value of standing white pine, but a point has now been “reached affecting consumption to such an alarming extent that unless prices can be Petomnptly reduced the days of Canadian white pine logs are numbered. It is - pleasing to note, however, that the quality ee the shipments which came forward . ~ from Quebec gave general satisfaction. ae The consumption shows a falling-off from last year of nearly 10 per cent., and is 22 Sa per cent. short of 1902. We have now on - “hand to start the New Year a combined tz stock of waney and square timber of 8,614. loads, 81 per cent. of which is waney nd made up largely of 2nd quality and : RED Pine Locs.—By a reference to iY ‘the annexed stock statistics ample proof will be given of the diminishing trade in y ‘D SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED 4 BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. B ‘8 ie MANUFACTURERS OF _ LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES et Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and aes Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired ie End Matched Flooring a Specialty. boon PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY ROBERT WATT os ; WIARTON, ONT. a! “Manufacturer and Dealer in _ Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, 34g Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. PECIAL: About 70 M feet of 1” Basswood, car load of 3x4 Hardwood Hearts suitable ee Car Stakes, One car each of 3” and 4x4 Cedar. ¥ ae es es upon application. HE KING AND BARTLES NBER C0 PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS DQUARTERS HaRDWoopD ‘Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard rsd Cleveland,O. McMinnville, Tenn. We one wei sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots. - aA ” | No» CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION red pine logs. Fer several years past the manufacturer of logs has much preferred to sell his timber for conversion into deals, the result being that only 38 loads found their way to this market. It is quite probable that owing to the unsatisfactory position of the red pine deal market, makers. of timber may be tempted to make some this winter. Exim Locs.—The statistical figures are interesting, and the import for the year shows a falling off of 63 per cent. as com- pared with last year. Throughout the year first-class rock elm has been ex- tremly scarce. There was little made or wintered at Quebec last year, and ship- pers had but little to offer, and what they had was at extremely high prices. It will be noticed that the consumption has been quite fair, and has removed quite a quantity of the soft elm from the market. The stock of 1200 loads of elm still with us consists chiefly of this latter wood, and there is really very little first-class rock of good average girth and length. It almost looks as if this class of timber was within measurable distance of becoming a thing of the’past. Oak Locs.—We started the year witha heavy stock, not only in the Clyde but also in Quebec, and therefore had every prospect of our stock being further in- creased. Fortunately, the import was moderate, but our chief consumers—viz., the railway companies—have, owing to aE SS sR ee) UIMAGK SHING e 9 e — @—_- Head Office, Chilliwack, B. C. Mills at Harrison Bay. | se British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles A SPECIALTY Nothing Else Manufactured eee B.C.Perfections,Eurekas,Clears Shingles made from bolts cut out of standing timber on our own Timber Limits. ——@—— Dunbar Machines. Saw Jointers. Large Kilns—Slow drying Process. Experienced and skilled white labor. s + Oil, Ont, and Oswepo, N.Y. T MIDLAND ; 100,000 feet 1 x 4 52 * 150,000 feet 1 x 6 CALENDAR. Both Good. Write for Prices, also for my 1905 and 5 Mill Run Ill. depressed trade and poor traffic returns, been doing all they can to economize, which greatly affects the consumption of oak. BIRCH.—The import of logs from Mon- treal and Quebec amounts to about 1030 loads, which is rather less than half ot last year, and from the lower ports about 500, against 2000 loads in 1903. With the demand always outpacing the supply, prices were firm throughout the year, and as stocksare exhausted early shipments will meet with an eager demand at, it is safe to say, full values. The arrivals of planks amounted to 2468 loads (chiefly from Halifax), as compared with 3400 loads in 1903, and met with fairly brisk demand at from 47 to £8 10s. per standard. The stock on hand is quite unusually low, and prospects for new ar- rivals are favorable. AsH.—The import of logs from Canada is 370 loads, and from the States about 650 loads, which compared with 240 and 1530 loads respectively in 1903. As has been the case for some years past, the demand for Canadian ash has been very slow, partly owing to the dulness of the furniture trade, and partly because buyers find so much difficulty in securing good logs of nice colour. The demand for States ash has also been very languid as compared with the past few years, and prices can hardly have proved satisfactory to shippers. Though the stock on hand is small, there is nothing in the situation to encourage shipments. QUEBEC DEALS AND BoARDS.—The im- port from the St. Lawrence has amounted to about 7500 standards pine and 10,000 standards spruce, being a decrease of 8000 standards on the previous year, and (Continued on page VI.) L. Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen'l.-Mgr. A.F. Holden, Vice-Pres. E.C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. —— SARNIA, ONT. THE [IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LimiTED SAW AnD PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo.” Registered Cable Address, “' 2 eee Pinewood."’> BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, EN. Head . Office, TORONTO, CAN “American Lumberman” Telecode. ri te ee ee te ete eS Se ee ee ee a “ee eo Ke R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. C. A. Kent, Sec’y. R. S ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERS V7 LUMBER AND SALT ; Mills at Sandwich, Ont eh A AAA AAA aaa AAA aaaanananannns : CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. - Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED Band - Gane Sircular CACHE BAY, Ont. GPE 26 miles West North Bay and WHITE PINE UMBER AND LATH CACHE BAY PLANING MILL Co. + MANUFACTURERS OF.,., 4, a %, MOULDINGS GBILING FLOORING WAINSGOTING SHEETING All kinds of Dressed and Pine Lumber. THE GRARLEMAGNE & LAG QUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway, SAWN AND DRESSED LUMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations, Shipments by rail or water. Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION January ae. ae “i “om EB, H. HEAPS & 0O., “uae Wancouver, B. C. oo “Lumber Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. a SPECIALTIES : ie AAi HIGH GRADE Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels — oi Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. ‘ alice Balusters, etc. WwW. Jj. SHEPPARD cir tlt ah Waubaushene, Pacific Coast Lumber Co 4 LIMITED VANGOUVER, BG. CEDAR SHINGLES. ii ig re 4.+6. SCOTT, GENERAL manscen ncouver, a ey . a ra Pas | ap =< MANUFACTURERS OF Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, te. S High Grade Red Cedar sim Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, ~ D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. 112 Mail Building, TORONTO % ws aia ry P 7 ha J. E. YOUNG, Cashier ey The Rat Portage Lumber og Lt : Manufacturers f = * * ® White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work ¥ amis CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING = auneee Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Head Office : hee? "> ~ ee RAT POTRAGE, Ontario — ‘ s A K . », . é. . Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber, We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Worked and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. /HOS. KIRKPATRICK, MANUFACTURER OF «se Red Cedar Shingles Mills at Hastings and New Westminster Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Telephone B 1425 Daily Capacity, 250,000 Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Ontario Representative: W. J. SMITH, Fergus. Export Lumber & Shingle Co. Wholesale Dealers Limited British Columbia Lumber and Shingles The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current Teneo prices. ; Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other inioemonen re- garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED . VANCOUVER - BRITISH COLUMBIA | CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. COOKE G TAIT MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF : i e = B.C. FIR AND GEDAR LUMBER AND SHINGLES Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Shingle Mill: False Creek, Vancouver, B.C. niay ay = WRITE FOR PRICES. (i MTL ¥ 3 Hazelmere Lumber Co. ‘ HAZELMERE, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF 3 (3 3 os . FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER CLEAR CEDAR AND FLO ORING ‘ Our Specialty. Long Distance Telephone. ~mlSSs C. WELLS — @ | PALLISER, B. c 7 $ 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 p= =f High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. THE PENBI PEMBROKE LUMBER CO PEMBROKE, ONT. We have just completed a new list of all our Pine and Spruce Lumber and ‘Dimension Timber, and will be pleased to send you a copy on appli- cation. SOLICITING YOUR ORDERS. DELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER CO, a WHOLESALE _ White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles ‘ Stocks in, aey ae Risers Powassan Cartier Callander Ontario nd Whitney Sturgeon Falls North Bay - Te ~ ice, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries % ; ‘FOR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, ae ies, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior + Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try oH HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer id one all winter. ‘ HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. rr: _R HODES, CURRY & CO., cimitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. val ¢ ards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. ss _ BUILDING “MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of “Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. are Amherst, N.S. — and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, ‘etc, ; _ JAMES J. MURPHY, °° shining" QUEBEC - BOOTH & SHANNON, siscotasine, ont. MANUFACTURERS OF "Pine Lumber, Lath and Shingles ii M. BRENAEN SONS, MANUFACTURING GO. LIMITED oe. _ + ‘Saw Mills at ae RAINY LAKE, Ontario. Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. 4 THE NIPISSING LUMBER GOMPANY, Limirep Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. 3 “ 5 : ke “sepaecareg of an rote LUMBER AND LATH “ xo _ Both Railway Delivery aud Water The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited 2s a Correspondence Solicited. Head Office : HAMILTON, ONT. AUGER & SON - Quebec PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. _ Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and ' Lumber.— Write Us Se F. BURY AUSTIN OLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE 3ank of Ottawa Building, 224 St James St., = MONTREAL, CANADA ECIALTIES: Railway Pridge Timber and all'kinds A ye ; Ship Decking, Norway and White ne, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, ‘hollow back, end butted. - _ Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Company, Limited, Barnet, B. C. : ee Fir Timber in any size or Jength up to go feet long, Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch: "1 Kilas of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS ERS and WHOLE! WHOLESALERS | D. D. FLANNER CanabA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION je oS RE ART CO RE Se SS ES SEER R LAIDLAW LUMBER CO: JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. Ll. WHITE. PiAY BAT RR '& Wri Manufacturers and Whoiesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES TRC OrS. for Reliway eg eeHee MIDLAND, ONT ER a Special ahanabsctatets of and Fs & P.WHIGE wx Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE ONT. F. M°CIBBON & SONS, gy 2 ONT. Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Ree Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. OWEN SOUND, ONTABIO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, JATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Syeualty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stufl. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water, § exe Lumber Co., timitea MANUFAGTURERS LUMBER a LAGHA Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. r a W. REEVES FLANNER & REEVES ‘Manufacturers and Wholesalers of WHITE AND NORWAY PINE LUMBER TH AND SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St., Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. CAR AND oenec ROBT. STEWART LIMITED CUELPH, ONTARIO. MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Stairs, Hardwood Flooring, Ftc. Canadian and American Hard and Soft Woods of all descriptions SPECIALTIES YELLOW PINE AND OAK TIMBER Sole Canadian Represenative of the SOUTHERN CYPRESS LUMBER SELLING COMPANY New Orleans, vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION the smallest import since 1900. The con- sumption has also been on a moderate scale, totalling about 20,000 standards, as against 24,000 standards last year. Stocks of all qualities of pine goods are lower than they have been for some years, and spruce is about the same as last year. Prices, owing to the moderate imports, have kept fairly steady, and, with the exception of red pine, are firm at the close. ‘Current values are as under :—Broad ficst pine deals, £32 to £34; £29 to £31; ends and non-dimensions, £22 to £24. Second pine deals, 11-inch and up, £17 to £19; ends and ‘non-dimen- sions, £13 to £14. 10s. Third pine deals, II-inch and up, £11 to £14; ends and non-dimensions, £9 tos. to £10 10s. Red pine deals, 9 and 11-inch, £10 to Lr narrows,47 to £8 10s. First pine sidings and strips, 9 to 10-inch, £23 to £14¥; 11 to 12-inch, 425 to £26; 13 to 14-inch, [£27 to £28. Spruce deals, 9-inch and up, £8 to £8 tos. ; 7 8-inch, £9 15s. to £7 10s. N. B. PINE AND SpRuUCE.—The import has amounted to about 27,800 standards, being practically the same as in the previ- The consumption has_ been 11-inch, ous year. exceedingly good, being about 28,000 standards, as against 27,000 in 1903. Prices fell away considerably during the year, but, we think, have now reached their lowest, and may be expected to firm Up again soon. Values are, 9-inch and up, 47 10s. to £8; 7-inch and 8-inch, £6 5s. to £7. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA L,UMBERMAN.) OTTAWA, January 4th, 1905. — While there has been as yet no appreciable effect on the market quotations, a more hopeful feeling pervades the lumber offices as regards both the Ameri- can and British markets, and it is expeet- ed that 1905 will see an early increase in business. The long open season in the States worked an improvement in the shingle market, the continuance of building oper- ations creating a brisk demand. Cedar shingles, XXXX, 18 inch, are quoted at $3.25, and this is the lowest figure. Other lines, however, show no change, From the limits comes word of contin- ued activity in log cutting operations. A recent thaw worked to the improvement of the roads, packing down the snow, and making an early start on log hauling pos- sible. The fall was an ideal one for log cutting, and on nearly all the limits the work in this branch will be continued until the middle of this month. While some of the firms have taken an Ottawa \ ‘off’ year and suspended operations, others are increasing their output of logs. Amongst the firms that are maintaining en increased number of camps are J. R. Booth, Shepard & Morse, Fraser & Com- January 11, 1905 square and waney-timber, The firms up the line, pany, and A. & P. White, are getting out their usual stocks of logs. On the Rouge and other Lower Otiawa streams no de-— the Pembroke Lumber Com- pany and McLachlin Bros. Mr. Booth crease is noticeable. “4 is paying attention to the production of = z pulp wood as well as logs, a large supply ; of the. former being required for his new THE OUTLOOK FOR HEMLOCK. Whe pulp and paper mills. The fact that such firms as McLachlin Bros. and Shepard & Morse are increasing their log output is indicative of the fact that the future of the lumber market is not giving any cause for alarm. Of the firms that are out of the business this year, only one, the Hull Lumber Company, manufactured logs. The others, Edward Moore, Robert Hurdman and R. H. Klock & Company, confined their attention to the manufacture of The hemlock situation remains un- changed. There is a holiday quiet about the trade and new developments cannot be expected until the middle of January. The present condition is one of shortage at all milling points in the east. trade has kept the stocks from accumulat- ing and at no point is there a desirable assortment. The Michigan situation is The — eins not much better and the Wisconsin mills are not overburdened withavailable stock. — The market is now free from ie ~ THE MENZ LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND . CEDAR LUMBER RED CEDAR SHINGLES — We Solicit Your Inquiries. J. F. FOSS, Manager. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man: | UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS ree CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS RAI BY L,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE CHARLOTTE HABBERLE Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale H. D. Wiccl will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd CoRRESPONDENCE SoviciTEp. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. WANTED 94 Pearl Street. dbs ROBERT H. BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. Muskegon, Mich. Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A. Wholesale Hardwoods © Hard Maple and Rock Elm our Specialty. We invite correspondence whether you to buy or sell. ONE DO LLAR Will pay your subscription to the Canapa LUMBERMAN for See ONE YBAR Grand Rapids, Mich, JENKS LUMBER co. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND phils eh Yellow Pine ‘Tinsbare a Specialty a ~— 7 ACME LUMBER C0. _ 5/8 Inch Quartered Canadian Spruce and Thick Birch — J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER CO. Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. = Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e\e\e se ere INDIANAPOLIS, IND. + Veneers ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, ‘CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY. TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspoidence Invited on All Hardwoods. BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE FRANK C, BURY MICHIGAN LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. WHOLESALE January 11, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil, ae RP ~ and all holdings are in strong hands. The situation is therefore firm and an air ot expectancy is felt which indicates that Aa advances upon present prices are not im- ‘probable very soon after the first of the year. The demand for hemlock boards is ex- -ceplionally strong. The items of number two and three boards are very scarce. ~The supply of uppers is better but the de- _ mand for them is active. Dimension is 5 meeting with a steady demand, which is keeping a large volume of this item mov- ing. . A strong feature of the market is the persistent inquiry for quotations upon large amounts. Some large orders are reported to have been placed, shipments upon which are to commence early in January. Everywhere on this market there is the atmosphere which presages coming events and present holders of stock are regarding them with strong hopes of increased margins within the next ninety days.—Mississippi Valley Lumber- man, George E. Bryan, lumber dealers, In- nisfail, N. W.T., is anuounced to have assigned to G. W. West. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. scantling. Steamer Tritonia, for Glasgow, From Halifax, N.S. : SteamerfKydonia, 309 Le eee by ah 82, PALF deals, 1 5536 ft. ends 073 boxes 223 bdls. for London, 7305759 ft. hemlock deals, shooks, 24,646 deals, 231 tons timber. value $5,900 ; 652,606 ft. spruce deals, value $6,550 ; 722 cords spruce firewood, value $1,445. ‘Steamer Ulunda, for Liver- pool, 636,913 ft. spruce deals, value $8,480, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. From St. John, N. B. : Steamer Kastalia, for G slasgow, 170 tons birch timber, 104,469 ft. birch plank, 9,888 ft. ends, 32 pcs. white pine timber, 30,028 ft. deals. Schooner Strathcona ,for City Island, 169,906 ft. deals, 81 823 ft. boards. Steamer Etolia, for Cape Town, 47,772 ft. lumber. For TO HOLDERS OF BIRCH LIMITS. Delagoa Bay—24,6r10 ft. lumber, For Can you cut birch into Squares, etc. Port Elizabeth—6s5,018 ft. lumber. For We can also take birch cut on the sweep Durban, 14,800 ft. lumber. Schooner With a jigger or small band saw, Large Margaret J. Sumner, for New Your quantities required. Write in first in- stance to ‘* Finance,” BERMAN, care CANADA Lum- 385,001 ft. spruce plank, 15, 156 ft. spruce ‘3 | BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS [CARNWORTH & JARDINE [Wood Brokers and Measurers| ~ Cable Address Cable Address “Farnworth, " Liverpool. a Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ee F. A. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street’ - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND fe WOOD BROETRS _ Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. ~ Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete Shipments handled to the best advantage to all eee eandled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, [ous samc BAMBERGER, * *awicr's'c Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ ‘Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS =e; . a ZEBRA CODE A. B, C., CODE DIRECTORY CODE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood / gents and Brokers ‘Cable Address : t “ GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England LONDON STORES: ‘> i ie CABLES, DOORCHEEK, LONDON We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- . ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. Seats, _ Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, [aoe all kinds of ready made joinery. _ EXPORT DEPARTM ENT. “FELBER, JUCKER & CO. ie mber Importers “MAN CHESTER ENGLAND _ Invite offers from Lumbermen for?. . aah ruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pin Ptosmeg 8, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels dies, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Wools Suitable for English Market. xp Pevamphle a FELBER MANCHESTER. ORMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND ____ TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS O Oak, Bech, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elim Staves Heading, Handles of all description Veneers a Specialty . ‘THOMPSON, BLOIS & K BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW Correspondence solicited with expor wooden goods, such as Sanitary aa Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, ete, Payments made on receipt | of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL SONS & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, London, Eng. CASH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST SHIPPING DOCUMENTS Locke’s Wharf, Edmonton, N. 158, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. OSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID, | Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. SMITH & TYRER ~ (4 titheban street, LIVERPOOL -- WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmITH, TvRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘“ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW ‘GANT & KEMP 9 TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Sauare, GLASGOW ©) be 0 K F 4 S CHURCHILL & SI ~ TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘CHURCHILL’’ London. 29 Cl] -ments Lane, London, E. Cc. Cable Address: ‘‘INVIGORATE’’ Liverpool. Albert Suildings, x2 Preesons Row, Liverpool, Eng. Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY We are in the Market for Black Walaut Logs and Boards, Pine Deals and White Ash Planks, best quality, in long lengths Oak Planks, best quality, in long lengths Rock Maple L Logs and Planks, White Oak Loge All cla‘ses of Manufactured Wood Goods Rock Elm Logs, Waney Birch Logs Send full particulars of what you have to offer, with prices. 5 OFFICES: Timber Importers ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS a LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND “ DOBLE LIVERPOOL, PE ° Liverpool and London Chambers - CABI,K ADDRESS JELLGREN——— ALL KINDS OF LUMBBR AND LOGS HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E. C. BRANCH OFFICE Brook |, HAMBU! ¢ ” VIit. THE ONTARIO — ware pine Umber, LaTH EO. G. GLADMAN wre AND SHINGLES. WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK 1 LUMBER AE LIMITED How enale 4% jdingl ORONTO, Ont. pratihy . LATH AND SHINGLES em. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Mill , Water Shipment Only. reat ge yo PP ARRY SO UN. D, ON -, Mitts: North Bay. C.P.R. and G.T.R. Delivery. HEAD OFFICE: 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. JAS. LUNNY & CO., "LLIAMSON © MORRISON HE MOITON LINGER MNEAIRNG "a Mills at Worienal, Ont. LU Mi 5 E R : — Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in— _ > | Pine, Hemlock 3Hardwood Lum WHOLESALE HINTONBOURG, ONT. H PMI asa ELM, BASSWOOD, PINE, SPRUCE Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles ave for Sale (qnp HEMLOCK IN QUANTITIES meg nlclian pe Eastern Agents--B. C. Shingles and Douglas Fir, all dimensions Can dress to 24x30. B. C. Cedar ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN OF ONE YEAR YIN = SRE suo. MONTREAL for CURRENT LUMBER PRIGES- WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. I inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 to 10in.,1 to16ft. 15 00 16 00 cuts & better...... $44 00 $46 00 | 2x4 to 10 inch, 8ft.. 16 00 17 00 \ % to2inch No. 1 Clear inch B. C. cedar, cuts and better.. 43 00 59 00 kiln dried .........+: 50 00 1 inch No. 3 Pine Clear inch B. Cc. cedar utsand better.... 38 00 40 00 air dried boat lumber 55 00 to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension “eujtsa and better.... 42 00 44 00| timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension better shorts 24 00 26 00 timber, .0 to 35 feet 31 00 6and 8 common 1:8 00 19 02|1% in. No. ‘I 4ft. Pine yX4, ccmmon....,. 19 50 2000] Tath.........-s.0+0. 3 20 3 30 x+x1tO commion...... 21 00. 22 00] 1% in. No. 2 4 ft. Lath 262 270 yX120 common...... 20 00 21 00} 1%” No.1 32” pine lath I 50 2X10 common...... 21 00 22 ov| 1%” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 2 59 3xXInd 3x12 common. 22 00 23 00 XXXX Pine Shingles 290 300 3410 inch box and - XX PineShingles .. 210 2 20 yXcommon ........-- 20 00 2: co| X Pine Shingles .. I 00 ‘nchmillr 0 sidings 21 00 22 00] XXX Cedar Shingles 280 290 » in, mill run.....- . 20 00 21 00 B. C. Shingles X10 and 12 millc lls 15 co 16 00| XXX 6 butts to2 in. 2 60 a mill cull Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 2 80 Se MEN ae ei oye's| os 15 00 16 00| XXXXX 5 to2 in. . 3.15 4 SSPE. cull sidings 12 00 13 00 | XX No, 2, 6 to2in.. } tao inch Feoring .. 2600 27 0c| XX “ 6to 23-16 in. emlock,1x4 to Sin. 1400 15 00' XX ‘ 5toain. 2 50 HARDWOODS—PER 1. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, 1s and 2s unles: =therwise specified. Asb White, 1 toz in ae rock, mill ists and 2nds...... $23 00 $36 00] _run.....-. 1to 1{"24 00 28 00 Ah, back, 1sts and Elm Rock mill and, rto1%in.. .. 27 00 29 00] TUN.....+- 14%4"' 3.. 29 00 31 00 Bi ch M.R. rin. .. 24 00 25 00 | Hickory, rsts i! 1%" 2.. 25'co co| and 2nds..1%4"' 2.. 36 00° 38 00 ** sqrs. 4x4 ‘' 8x8 29 00 30 00 Maple common Basswood, Common and better 1 1% 22/00 24 00 and better 1 to1%in 27 06 29 00 | Maple, sts > Basswood, 1% toz.. 30 32 00| and ands..2 ‘ 4.. 25.00 27 oC i. mr. 1 1% 26 00 «8 00 | Oak; red, p'n, Cherry, 1st ists & ands 2 “ 4.. 39 00 4200 and 2nds.. 1% 60 00 70 00 | Oak, white, Cherry, xsts ists &2nds1 “ 13% 33.00 4200 and 2nds.. 2 ‘' 4.. €5 00 75 00 | Oak, white, . Bi soft, pail xsts & ands 2 “' 4.. 42 00 45 00 sean “4% 25 00 27 00 | Oak quart’d, Him, soft, mill’ ists & 2nds © 2.. 65 00 70 00 ce ace ae 28 oo | Walnut, xsts - and 2nds.. 1 ‘' 3-. 85 00 10900 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. cts. Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,...--.-++ 45 First class Ottawa waney, x8 inch average, according to lineal... 65 19 to20inchaverage “ 4 ee lo RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. easured off, according to average and quality bas lease Gaia since a 33 ipping order I i a cee cee ga GO OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . aoe 50 «65 ELM. Ry the dram, according to average and quality 40 to 45 feet fo 30 to 35 fet. 48 ASH. 10 itches and up, capes to arerane and Sanat +6 yerage 16 incb . . . A a BIRCH. a 14 Inch ‘ ee 5 23 17 Ls 28 3t ad Li 18 Whe ty 3a 34 OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, ne, Z00 sidings : H 1x10 No. 1 barn.. 21700 xin. x8 in and up. 39 00 42 00|1xroNo, 2 “ .... 19 00 14% in. and 1% in, x x8 TL Sarbed ei 19 00 in, and up «+.++++« 48 00 50 00 | 1x8 & g No.2 “ 17 00 15 co ‘ux 8in, and up. §0 00 §5 0o| Pine Shorts 6” to 1x8” ed CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.” ‘ . nee : A. P. HBER MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimensio « Write for quotations , piitde THE NEW ‘LINE | Through the Spruce Forests of NO RTH ERN Mountains—between Quebec and | Water-PowErs, TIMBER Limits AND 1 RAILWAY PowER FOR SALE. IpgaL Putp-Miu Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec H . y , P.ne good strips : Pine shorts 5/ to 11’x10” 16 00 LATH. | co 34 00 | Pine, 8ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 cO Pi tks 38 00 | Pine s. c.-strips...... 13 00 15 00 IME ween ee eeee oe seneeeee $3 40 | Spruce...“ ve Neeser ee canes ee in. andr i 38 00 | Pine, s.c, shorts...-. 12 00 14 00 { mat < 00 00 Pine, box boards.... 00 14 50 Ss 00 28 00| Pine mill culls..... 13 00 14 co a wed Ph € ex. ae 50 $4. 75 |" 00 00 Pine, good shorts: TAM... 600 ceee eens 23 1¥ in. and 1% in. .. 28 35 00 | Lath, per M Clear bu. - 380 395) Yh ieee A aoebe : 34.00 3800| No.xwhitepine..: 240 2 60 Smoot +. 450 475 Sau coh ine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine: .. 200 2 25 —V [ea Se siding, per M feet, Spruce, m'Ilrun..... 200 2 15 < bem, ......--. :- 2000 25 00 Red Pine, millrun.. 200 2 15 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, Pine, No. 1 dressing Pine Shingles - StYIPS...... eeeee +» 18 00 24 00] XXXX, 18 inch.....-++ 300 3 25 WHITE PINE. le eta Pine No. . dressing Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 Y y Shortsicc.tsceehh oat 10 20 co} xx 8 inch........... 1 40 160 (Wholesale selling price.) _ Pine, tos. ¢ and bet- Cedar Shingles ; Ux pers, 1, 1%; rM¥and2 _ _ ter stock, 22’ to 16’ 18 2000] XXXX. 18 inch......0. 3 15 3 25 IN. saeecencenrea 8 00 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- Clear Butt,18 inch..-- 2 50 2% and 3 ive oD ter stock, 12’ to16/. 16 1g900| xx, 18inch.....-..-. 60 170 ne ee Re 85 00 Selects 1 im........-- 68 co] Be oe BAY CITY AND. SAGINAW, MICH. Be Seg ETS fehl ale UPPER AND SELECTS. me {halos stem aioe Cee Uppers, 1 in., ro in, and u Selects, rin., 8in. and up metas e ine common, 1 in. 55 00 Oe he eeomae oo 1%, 1% arid iniuacce Secon 1% and 2% in..... = 1Y% 1% and 2in........00. 75 00) 234 and 3 iM... sesee+eeeeee 75 s 2 UM ceeeeecrenesee 2 and 3in....-.-+sse10. 80 00 Arde.» scarsisisinieconnsiejesicinainsisin dg doo 3s seeeee 73 A Mid yohced veeia.s. de oes iets O20) c ee nea 75 FINE COMMON. aug Ne rt oe bah se in., 8 in. and up wide...... 54 00| 2% and 3in., 8in, and up wide 78 00 No. 2, x in. be ¢ 25 and DIG IMs o sice vcis ois eels 37 00 | 4 IN. .ee sees enen coenccencene 78 00 No. 2, ae & 134 in 8 Tide boplade ake «salem coerce ee No. 3, 1%, 1% and ; B FINE COMMON OR NO 1 CUTTING: ‘ Py) See <5 ,7in. and up wide...... 36 00 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 63.00 ~=Dressing 1% in. 1X and 1% cutting... 2... 48 CO] 4 iM..cecseeee cer ecneeeneeee 68 00 14x10 and 12. Ain \tontaiconbiiecuctnaet «ss 50 00 TAM. ceeesasine 36 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). The following quotations on haxdwiiods, represent 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 50 00 rin., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 48 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; 1igx6 in, Wide... ec sesecceeee 52 00| Gi. WIGE......0-2eeeeseeeee 5O 00 WHITE ASH. FINE COMMON OR C Ist & 2nd, 1 inch, 33 00 35 00 rin., 4, 5 in, wide. .......++ 44 00 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide ...-.+++ 47 00 1% to 2in . ceseeses 39 00 41 00 1% in., 6 in. wide.......-.-- 50-00 in,, 6 in. wide...-.+0.+++++ 50 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. ~ BLACK AND BROV rKin., 4,5, 6in wide... .... 30 00] rim., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ......-. 26 00 Ist & ana, 6 nch up, 31 00 33 00 | Com 8 BARN BOARDS OR STOCK: BIRCH. No. 1, 12 IN. .ceeeeeee eee eee 29 of Enea eee 22 co ist and, 6foch & 36 es Se LO-dihe ce corscrseis sown yes cen 24 00] DUONG, KAM cae neer> denarii at OO pee ey eer 2 anaes QIN... .seeveeee seeeeeeees 23 02 TO Ie seeeeeeeeceeeeeseees 19 00 3 and 7 in........ Soames 23 00 | QiN.... 2s seceeeecerceseee 28 00 ist & 2d,rock,6in &up 26 00 woo | st No. 2, 12iN..-.eeceeees wocee 2400] Bin..coee 19 co Common and culls .. § 00 17 00 mmon TOWEL ok ue nbino pebicccewe se a2 00l) fe SROw eile isis 1900 eg No, 2,9 iteescecee ce ceceee 2200] IEAs.ceeveeee vereee eesee 16 00 MAPLE. aoe stenie SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. st & and hard.. .. 21 00 23 00 1st &and,soft.....+ g Common andculls 1302 14 00 Common an s e rin., 4 and 5 in. wide .....:.$15 00| 4 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$17 00 mre I in., 6 in. WIdE. cv ceccevecee I7 CO| 1% 1g and 21 in., 7 in, and — ST a 1in., 7 in. wide and up...... 17 09 ap wide......--..+++++. 18 00 BOSTON MASS. of SHAKY CLEAR. —~ ae | White Pine TS 1to2inch ...... Bo. ‘ rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. vide 32 00 ais ro in, and up wide..... 34 00 = arsed i BEN nap tipple toate 1 in., 61n, wide.... ...-+++-+ 33/00 1%, 1% and 8 ip, and up fine Common, 1 inch........6. eeeeeeee rene WIGE. 2.0 ee eeereeereeees 35 00 1% to 2INCH........0e cee eee SHINGLES, 18-IN. No. 1 Cuts, aan Wit rer ag ukie P Pine, XXXX.eseceseeeeeeeee 4 00 | Cedar, XXXX, 18 in....-.-44 3 50 a a ied? Clear Butts.......++« 3 00 | Clear Butts......-.0+0+s+02-+ oad No. 2. Cuts, LADGM. .- «-onese-nns sees 1¥ to2inch...... LATH. Barn Boards,No. 1.....+--+++++ No. 1 White Pine..:. 3 20 es er White Pine ........... 2 £0 No. 2.....--- “- Hlemlocx’. viccsscccccesccoocss 2 50 INO, 3... eee eee ween eens weveveswe 3 Spruce, ro and 12 in. Sims wild ie aces oe ? gin. and under ..... nO nse ALBANY, N.Y. - to and 12 in, random len 3, 10 ft. ‘and up ..... 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, ile ro ft. and up..... a a 4 3 Uppers, 3 in. ... -. «+++. 83 85 | 1x12 inch shippers Meise et — All other aa a lengths, 9 ‘in. ‘and under, 10 2Ug iM. .eeeeeecseceveeees B3 85 4/4 inch ees ft, ANG UP... -- <> oy anenaee) senses Ph injsebaae TOW Moe sp sewe ve creeinis .- 78 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6’ andup.. 19 5 in. and up merchantable-boards, 8 ft. & uppis | 4 inch Uppers «++ +++eseee+ ss 88 go | zo-in. dressing and better... 30 Out Spruce boards, Pe US ceeees cotenece sensanee Selects, 24 in up-..-++--: 77 82 | r2-in. dressing and better... 40 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1s clipped ‘and bundled me Sto 2 illcewstpeakenceesbelge Faso, IXIO-M, |... corcevexcon é Fine common, 2%in. and up 72 75 | BOX, 1x12.... weeeee voreee NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHIN 1tO2in.scsseee ceceseeeees 69 6% | No. x barn, 1x12... «++--. 29 seen beeere es No. x cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 53 55 BRO «2+ ath sense ae é siaieiaietotalh aiehe =5%0 cs No. 2.cceccceccceecccesee 35 45] IKB.cccceceeecreee sarees 23 Second clears .......050+ eeeeee Noghicr hacarwarsateces 30 35 | No. 2 barn, IXI2.seeedseues . Clear Whites .........- Same ae No. x molding, 1 to2in..... 45 48 | 1X10.-.+.seeeereneertneee 23 ” Extra 1s (Clear whites out). : No. 2 molding, 1 to2in..... 35 ©8| 1xB......sseeereseccecees 22 — Extra Is (Clear whites in).... ioeiraeseneneneess Stained sapS...-+++-+seeee+ 32 40 Shaky clear, x fo 6/4in...-.. 32 y Bracket plank .......+ -+++- 35 45 Meh cd cesses 40 28 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 35 Bicakindie ts ie acaeee 24 Dressing boards, narrow.... Common ..,y-ee5 ee peeeee Ix1Q petesniey ws, 21 22 Aer Le a *) v4 . ba See te ae he 5 ee ae Re aareed 2 : : \ * “< ie iw a . . Se | PWene Rh: ' woe ~ : a ‘ ‘The -Lumberman Monthly TORONTO, MONTREAL AND WINNIPEG, JANUARY WEEKLY FDITION Edition, 40 pages} $1.00 Per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. ‘THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. 18, 1905 ‘ The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’y ~~ of Toronto, Limited . . ete: eat - Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Ph ea! Branch Offices: eed ie ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL ee BA «| U1. ; ~ 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. sh wee me GREAT St. HELEN’s, Lonpon, E. C. Ley 2 The Weekly Lumberman — Published every ‘Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ope a oF alse conditions and tendencies in the ae ipal manufacturing districts and leading hed ic and foreign wholesale markets. A skly medium of information and communica- fween Canadian timber and lumber manu- ae urersand exporters and the purchasers of ae | : : peomeee at home and abroad. fhe Monthly Lumberman— A 32-page journal, i sing fully and impartially subjects perti- to the lumber and wood-working industries. tains interviews with prominent members of ee. character sketches and portraits of ling lumbermen, etc. Its special articles on C nd mechanical subjects are especially PAs eke wid ees ssl. ai er pis a pe vertisements will be inserted in this depart- t at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. four or more consecutive insertions are a discount of 25 cent. will be allowed. e shows the width of the line and is set areil type; 12lines makeoneinch. Ad- sments must be received not later than 4 ck p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in h > current week’s issue XCELSIOR WOOD WANTED — PEELED basswood or clear spruce. R SALE. — One MacGregor Gourlay 36” i circular resaw, first class order, with saw and ccunter shaft complete. JamEs HARRISON'S q NING MILL, Burlington, Ont. Rt re) 's ALE—1’ 6/4”, 2” SOFT ELM. YY’, 2", 3", A Bt Hs Birch. x’ Wormy Chestnut. 1’, 6/4”, 2”, 3”, _ 4” Hard and Soft Maple. 1”, 6/4”, 2” Beech 1’, 2”, (3 White Ash. 17”, 2”. 3”. 4” Red and Write Oak. | 3 f * Cedar s uares, R. E. KInsMAN, Hamilton. ‘joe a Daan . Ss ok FOR SALE. au R= PINE DIMENSION CUT TO RE- IN QUIRED sizes. Also two parcels of stand- __ ing Timber nearly all White Pine,good quality. aoe PINE LUMBER Co., Pine Ont., near Cartier. = pw FOR SALE wwmill, capacity 50,000 feet in ten hours, and its containing over 200,000,000 feet of stand- timber. To the person with money this is of the best propositions in the interior of . For further information address * H.C.” NADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. 2'000 acres of Hardwood Land in Antigonish N.§S., close to railway sidings. The River runs through the centre of 1,250 A to —_ J. S. O'BRIEN, Antigonish, N. S. | FIRST CLASS STAVE AND HOOP MILL ~in good state of repair, and with it or not tion of purchaser, the stock of staves and oops on hand together with a quantity of stand- Also horses, harness, trucks, wag- For all particulars bona fide pur- LUMBERMAN, Toronto, RANKIN AND $ may apply to “Staves,” in care of Fo SALE—DIRECT ACTION PORTABLE Saw Mill, now running. Box No. 4, Both- well, Ont. WANtED TO BUY, A GOOD SECOND: . HAND Band Saw Mill. Must be in good repair. Apply Box 233, Goderich, Ont: YVANTED — AN EXPERIENCED AND * energetic man to sell British Columbia Shingles and Lumber in Ontario. Export Lum- BER & SHINGLE Co., LIMITED, Vancouver, B. C, FoR SALE—60 H.P. HORIZONTAL RETURN _ Tubular Boiler, goodas new, bargain for quick turn-ov:r, Address ALFRED RUBBRA, 22 Victoria Square, Montreal, Que, Wy aeeey — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SImcoE Woop AND. LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED—1” BLACK ASH; ALSO FOR Sale, the following: 6,500 6x9-6' 8” Red Oak Ties ; 150,000’ 2” Dry Indiana White Oak ; 50,000’ 2” Dry Indiana Red Oak.McCLuRE LuM- BER Co,, Detroit, Mich, ; FOR SALE. TApou LIKE PRICES ON SOFT ELM and Soft Maple Lumber, .. Hayve..fram-one to three huudred thousand feet, to be sawed this winter. Would be loaded:on cars at Petrolea, Ont. Enquire Box 78, Dresden, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER DEALERS CAN BUY FOR YOU AND CUT THIS winter 200 tosooM of Red Oak and Bass- wood alsosmaller quantities of other hardwoods. Address “‘Hardwood,” care CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. ‘ FOR SALE 1 Second-hand Engine, cylinder 9” dr., 12” stroke, heavy belt wheel 5’ dr., for 8” belt, Box Bed, all overhauled and refitted with new brasses, Price ror BeSt, john, N. BY..38./cmee..: 1 Second-hand Exeter Engine, cylinder to” dr , 20” stroke with Belt Wheel & dr. for 14” face belt, Tangy Bed, all overhauled in good order. Practically new. Price F.O.B. St. John, N, B. $325.00 AT FERNIE, B. C. SAW MILL PLANT AND TIMBER LIMITS 182 ACRES ONE AND A QUARTER | miles from Fernie, B. C.. heavily timbered with Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Tamarac, easily accessible for logging purposes both in summer arid winter. : Saw Mill Waterous Mill with capacity of 4o thousand feet per day, with planers, lath mill, etc., all complete. Stables, dwelling houses, store, smithy and logging camp all substantially built and ready for occupation. — The limits are held under Crown Grant and purchaser can enter and begin operations with- out any delay. x For further particulars, address PH, VIBERT, ESQ., Manager Union Bank of Canada, Lethbridge, N. W T. or H. B. GILMOUR, ae 4 Molson’s Bank Building, Vancouver, B,C, price, terms, etc., ~ TIMBER FOR SALE. Fok SALE—BRITISH COLUMBIA’S VALU- able cedar, fir and spruce timber in selected tracts on the sea coast, within easy reach of Vancouyer city. MATHEWS & BREMNER, 417 Hastings street, Vancouver B.C. \ K JANTED — POSITION AS BAND SAW filer for coming season. Best of references. Saw maker by trade. Box 488, Galt, Ont. OR SALE — 150,000 FEET OF 14%” AND 1%” Birch, 30,000 feet of one inch Bass- wood, 200 ooo feet of Hemlock at $10 F.O.B., 2x6 to 2x12, 10 to 16 feet. Two cars of sidings, 50,000 feet of Pine 1”, 1%” and 2”. For particu- lars apply to the Harcourt LUMBER Co,, Harcourt, Ont. — j } AW MILLS AND LIMITS FOR SALE BY the undersigned: A large lumber mill, ca- pacity 115M per per ey and a long timber mill capacity 35 per day, allin fine condition ; guar- anteed ready for work ; situated at Little Cur- rent, Georgian Bay. If not sold soon will be willing to contract for sawing. Also Timber Berth, Township Harrow, 36 miles, and Town- ships Thompson, Bright and Bright Additional, 47s8q miles. Terms of sale part cash, time for balance, 6°/,. For further particulars apply to J. & T. Conton, Thorold, Ont. SE SN AAA OR I TE CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. © Lumber conditions in Ontario are much the same as one week ago. Consumption is at the mmimum, with no prospect ‘of _ an improvement within the next month. There are some enquiries for pine lumber for future delivery, but the unwillingness of manufacturers to give concessions to effect sales is limiting the volume of orders which is being booked. It is believed that buyers will come into. the market early, and when contracting for the new cut is once commenced there is likely to be con- siderable activity and a display of confi- dence which is not now visible. Ottawa advices this week are quite optimistic. Another good building season in Toronto is almost assured, and dealers are antici- pating even a larger consumption of lumber locally than in 1904.. Given a satis- factory United States trade, which is altogether probable, there seems no reason to expect a decline in the price of either white pine or hardwood lumber. This remark may be applied with greater emphasis ‘to shingles, for present prices are low and an advance of some propor- tions might easily be brought about. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The demand for spruce lumber is not heavy, but the conditions are such that prices are easily maintained. The plans of the operators for a limited input of logs are being carried out.and it is quite certain that there will be a reduction, as compared with a year ago, in Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. British specifications will figure less prominently in the lumber production of the year and more attention will be given to the Ameri- can market. ° There has been a slight improvement/in New Brunswick cedar shingles, although it has not been sufficiently pronounced to warrant a change in our quotations. It is understood that some Extras have béen contracted for at $3.25 and Clears at $2.85, for Boston delivery. UNITED STATES. Under the ‘influence of unfavorable weather, the lumber business in the Unit- ed States has not expanded during the past week. _Some dealers are picking up stock at what they consider satisfaciory prices and there is a general feeling that the spring trade will open up earlier than usual and probably be larger than that of 1904. White pine is not meeting with as severe competition from southern pine as when the prices of the latter were con- siderably lower, and in such grades as are scarce'an advance may take place in. the near future. The committee on values of the Southern Lumber Manufacturers’ Association advises the members that prices on finishing stock, flooring and ceiling can be advanced $1 to $1.50 a thousand. All rough finish and dressed and matched lumber is in short supply. Coarse inch lumber in white pine is re- ported to be exceptionally scarce at Chi- . cago, with an active demand fur No.4 and No. 5. The former grade is reported to be selling at $15 for delivery in that city. The statistical position of hemlock in. Michigan is considered sufficiently strong to warrant an advance of 50 cents, and many manufacturers have raised their prices accordingly. Stocks in hand are moderate. Hardwoods are firm, with activity confined to plain oak, white ash, soft and rock elm, maple and _ birch. There is plenty of basswood offering and so far there has been little improvement in the demand. i Some dealers have endeavored to acquire a supply of lath for the spring trade, but Lave met with little success. White pine lath is practically out of the market. There is an average supply of spruce lath, which is selling in the Boston market at $3.40 for 15 inch and $3.10 to $3.15 for 1% inch. Shingles are no more than holding than own. Some of the mills in Washington have advanced the price of red cedars five cents, but this is about the limit. GREAT BRITAIN. * The publication of the figures showing the quantity of lumber on the public docks at the leading importing centres of 4Jreat Britain has exerted a beneficia! influence upon the trade, as the comparison with last year is most favorable to holders of It. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION lumber. At the close of the year the stal stock of Baltic deals and Canadian white pine and spruce deals and boards is about 4,000,000 pieces less than one year ago, which is computed as equal to 60,000,000 feet. Although the shortage at other ports is not correspondingly large, it is sufficient to strengthen the belicf in a firm market for some time to come. Whether prices will further ad- vance will depend in large measure upon the course of consumption, but it seems reasonable to expect that any change in values will be towards a higher level. Spruce deals are showing considerable strength, the relatively low price having slimulated the consumption. Quebec square and waney pine is not moving actively, as owing to the high price substitutes are being purchased to a considerable extent: Elm and birch have appreciated in price and are statistically in a strong position. STOCKS AND PRICES. Pugsley Bros., of River Hebert, N.S., are operating in the woods this winter on a limited scale. No. 1 white pine lath are selling at Calumet, Mich., at $3.50 a thousand, the highest price known in that district. The Morgan Lumber Company, of Blind River, Ont., are announced to have sold their stock of norway lumber, amounting to upwards of 4,000,000 feet. The Seaman-Kent Company, of Mea- ford, Ont., are supplying the hardwood flooring for the new departmental store of the T. Eaton Company in Winnipeg. The total receipts of lumber by vessel at ‘Bay City and Saginaw during the season of 1904 were 126,602,039 feet, also 23,581,- ' 600 pieces of lath and 5,403,139 pickets. Over 20,000,000 feet of lumber was cut . last year by the four companies operating _ at Prince Albert, N.W.T., and it is prob- able that the output of this year will be still larger. Slack cooperage stock is quiet and some of the cooperage mills have shut down for the winter, First-class elm flour barre ' staves are quoted by jobbers at Buffalo at $9 to $9.50, first-class basswood heading at 6% to 7 cents, and coiled hoops at $9.25 to $9.75 for 6-foot. BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CHDAR SHIN Ga We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. D. FERGUSON, LONDON, ONT., for Ontario. PSS RED DEER LUMBER CO., WINNIPEG, MAN., for Manitoba and Territories. : Wire Your Orders at OUR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVE KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING qq | ORILLI AGENTS KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., A license to expire August 1st, 1905, for cutting timber on a two-mile timber berth on the Miramichi Portage Road and Five Mile Brook, Bea of Cross Creek, was sold at auction at the Crown Lands Office, Fredericton, N.B., last week. It was bid in by the applicant, John Gibson, of Fredericton, at the upset price of $20 per square mile. The Inglewood Pulp Company some time ago purchased the timber limits of Knight Bros. in St. John, Queens, Kings, and Charlotte Counties, N.B. A large portion of this property was swept by fire and the standing timber partially de- stroyed. The Inglewood Company have therefore decided to cut the timber as quickly as possible and the present win- ter’s cut will probably be in the neighbor- hood of 20,000,000 feet. Messrs. Denny, Mott & Dickson, of London, Eng., say of oak : ‘‘ Oak has been very much handicapped by competi- tion with the cheaper American article, and whether the production of Quebec oak is small or large, the quality has too much fallen off of late years to enable it to justi- fy its claim to fetch much higher prices than other descriptions of oak ; the out- look is, therefore, a poor one unless its cost at the shipping ports can be radically cut down.” Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Company review the Barbados lumber market as follows : ‘* The schooner Lewanika to our ueighbors brought a mixed cargo of white pine and spruce, of which they offered and sold 25,000 feet of merchantable and 7o,- ooo feet of second quality white pine at $26.50 and $20.53 respectively, the spruce being in fulfilment of a contract made in September at $22.50 and $18.50 for ship- ping. and second quality ; a small lot of 13,000 feet of spruce ex. Blenheim was sold at $17 round. As advised in our last, the market for second quality white pine is fairly well stocked, but merchant- able description is inquired for and mod- erate shipments will do well. Spruce is not in heavy supply and one or two small cargoes would meet with a ready sale. The barque Blenheim from Paspebiac, Que., arrived during the fortnight with a cargo of shingles. . The Long Gaspe was sold by our neighbors at $5.50 per thous- and, while for a small lot of same to our- selves we obtained $5.67. For 500,000 Laying Cedar by same vessel the con- signees obtained $2, at which price 850,- ooo by Lewanika were placed, and we also sold 100,000 ex. Ocamo at the same rate. One hundred and fifty thousand Clear Cedar Laying ex. Lewanika, not realizing consignees’ ideas, were stored. Our market is now well supplied with all descriptions and we must look for lower values for next arrivals.” LUMBER AND SHINGLES AT TONAWANDA. The quantity of lumber and shingles received at Tonawanda for each of the past thirty years is given as follows : Year. Lumber, feet. Shingles, pieces. (hele: Sawin ER 144,754,000 10,822,500 1875...:.%.. 155,384,805 13,088,509 rite tr, han Ain yy ai 207,728,227 18,907,500 TS77 obra boas 221,897,007 23,249,200 These MG An Ae 206,655,122 — 21,435,500 1879..... . 250,699,043 30,122,000 TSB0.", curses 3239379814 22,920,000 LOST hvala 415,070,913 24,271,000 TBB2). ala nsenets 433)241,000 38,312,000 bate a Ie 9 398,871,052 © 55)817,000 Thstey APA Dac 493, 268, 223 66,285,000 betel preyernocac 2 498,631,400 52,004,000 1886 .._...- 505,425,000 52,825,000 T8870 (enero 501,237,850 53+435,000 1888.0 mie wes 269,522,200 64,903,000 1889.....-+: 676,017,200 68,712,000 TSQ0jsackeeiens 718,650,900 52,232,300 1891.6 4s 505,512,000 53,501,000 ES G2. 0 chateearas 498,005,000 42,809,300 ESOZ sib laieheteneih 430,249,000 359257,400 1894 nsaeeiae 406, 538,000 31,478,700 hese jpsmoinicenipac 421,372,500 41,310,650 TBOGO Hessidioreits 489,675,500 35,822,750 TBOT ke cae ae 601,376,450 48,501,200 TSGS vio yu otek 479,066, 136 78,674,700 1899.-.---- 541,579,959 14,491,461 TQRO EUR interes 409,728, 3/7 551764,000 LOOT ico fares 451,596,420 16,821,750 LQOZ He) hue 406,922,933 _ 12,969,000 1903: 42-8+% 458,555,122 22,438,000 IQOA. > Voids 414,806,949 22,533,000 I can saw out to your order, during the winter ‘months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 5° ko, Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, os WOODS & SPICER, Limited . -.ees MANUFACTURERS poll Poe hi Capacity 100 Million a Year. Limite Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, REMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER ‘We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquirie. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine Rane here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS vt vw Samples by Near G.T.R. Station PLANING, MOULDINGS, MATCHING FLOORING, RESAWING, SIDIN NG Done any quantity. Write for price. S. POMEROY, jee BULMER, McLBNNAN & GO. Basswood, Birch, Hard Maple ; and Soft be es a WANTED: Send for Catalogue A PLANING MILL If an enterprising man with choles . cheap Spruce, sing ne or Po se A to put in several machines to bi broom handles we can take his output. Write in first instance to Empire, care eh Sr arge LUMBERMAN. ¢. 5. POWELL “08. Lumber Fxporters ; rer we rge er To Millmen We solicit correspondence, Planing, Matching, Resaw Manufacturer of _ ; - Doors, Sash, Mouldings, soso HARDWOOD FL and Bored A SPECIALTY, — Lumber Kiln Dried in Any , J. R. EATON - Correspondence Solicited. — Toronto Di wees : KNIGHT BRO ae Agents The B. c. Mills, Tinted ‘aucouver, ena pougLas FIR Timber in any size or le WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUO _ prices reigning the year previous. ‘only a small lot, however, and the big end we es ruary. n=) + A ca v _ hopeful one. - future cuts of deals and other lumber for » January 18, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE OTTAWA VALLEY. ” (Correspondence of the CANADA LLUMBERMAN.) Ottawa, Jan. 9th, 1904.—The outlook in the Ottawalumber market is a decidedly Usually the contracts for- the British market are made in November, _ but on account of the unsettled state of _ the foreign market, this business was put off this year till February. Watson & Todd secured one lot of deals from the . Robert Hurdman Estate and manufactured at Fraser & Company’ s.new mill in No- vember at a decline of 5 per cent. on It was of the business was postponed until Feb- Discussing the move, a leading _ local manufacturer said to-day that the English buyers will find next month that it would have paid them better to have. fol- lowed the usual plan and made their con- tracts in November. Conditions have so _ changed, according to this authority, that the manufacturers will be justified in hold- ing out for better prices next month. ' There is a good, healthy outlook and con- ditions are improving in both the Amer- ican\and British markets. From another reliable quarter it was learned that one of the leading. firms of the Ottawa Valley had closed out their next summer's cut of high grade white pine to an American concern at a deilar advance on the prices ruling a year back. A Tonawanda lumber buyer, who was in Ottawa this week, said that stocks across the line were so low that heavy and early spring buying of Canadian white pine would have to be resorted to. The American dealers were apprehensive about the future of both the buying and selling ends of the business and only pur- chased in lots sufficiently large to satisfy immediate demands. They have nostocks of any sizeto meet future business, and will have to buy soon and in liberal quan- tities in order to be able to handle spring business. Here is to be found one of the chief reasons for the optimistic feeling in the Ottawa district. According to general report, the cut of square timber this winter will amount to a million and a half cubic feet, as compared with two anda half million feet the year previous. The principal firms engaged in manufacturing square timber this sea- son are Thomas Mackie, ex-M. P., Pem- broke ; Graham & Ferguson, Ferguson & McFadden, Munro & Coxford and Mason & Gordon, all of North Bay. J R. Booth is also cutting square timber on the Butt limit, while the other concerns mentioned are working in the Nipissing country on the limits purchased from the Ontario Government a year ago. In addition to the million and a half being manufactured there is about half a million cubic feet of square timber left over on the limits from last season. This belongs to Edward Moore, Ottawa, R. H Klock & Com pany, Fraser & Company and the Robert Hurdman Estate, none of which concerns are making square timber this season. The Hull Lumber Company and the Rideau Lumber Company are also out of this branch, and J. R. Booth is working on a reduced scale. From the limits comes the report that log drawing is well advanced. While some of the firms are finishing up log making, others will continue it on through the winter. Natural conditions are satis- factory. Thecost of log production should be less thisseason than in the two pre- vious years. Wages are lower and the men are doing more and better work. Team hire is also an easier proposition, showing a decrease of twelve per cent, Provisions all round are easier, for while flour is higher than last year, porkis low- er in price. The situation on the whole should show at least a slight reduction in the cost of log production, and there should be more money in the business for the manufacturer. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. W. A. Avery, of Detroit, Mich., reports the sale of 20,000,000 feet of standing white pine in Minnesota at $8 a thousand stumpage. The McClure Lumber Company, of Detroit, Mich., adyise us that they have % D SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF _LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and and Ceilings, Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired 4 iad Matched Flooring a Specialty. =" fe COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY R OBERT WATT .WIARTON, ONT. Manufacturer and Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, ‘Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. SPECIAL: About 70 M feet of 1” Basswood, One car load of 3x4 Hardwood Hearts suitable for Car Stakes, One careach of 3’ and 4x4 Cedar. _ ‘Prices upon application. i AING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS HaRDWOOD Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, ‘Oo. McMinnville, Tenn, We buy and sedi Pine in Car and Cargo Lots J. B. Farwell & Son oe CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN. ~ Ganadian Gedar T ele- tn Telephone and Electric Light Poles 100,000 feet 1 x 4 and 5 Mill Run cy 150,000 feet 1 x 6 Write for Prices, also for my 1905 CALENDAR. Both Good. MUIWACK SaNGL ® ‘9 e —— Head Office, Chilliwack, B.C. Mills at Harrison Bay. ——o—— British Columbia Red Cedar Shingles A SPECIALTY Nothing Else Manufactured Puy aaerl B.C.Perfections,Eurekas,Clears Shingles made from bolts cut out of standing timber on our own Timber Limits. ——+- Dunbar Machines. Saw Jointers. Orillia, Ont., and Oswego, H.Y. tncge Klins—Slow dying Process. $$ nares 8 lil, purchased 5,000 acres of timber on the Black Warrior river, in Hale and Green counties, Alabama. The tract contains about one-half oak and the balance hickory, pine, gum and cypress. They have also purchased a site for a mill and have con- tracted for the building and installing of a band mill which will cut 30,000 feet of hardwood daily. I. Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. A.F. Holden, Vice-Pres. E.C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. —— SARNIA, ONT. THE |MPERIAL-LUMBER CO, LIMITED SAW AND PLANING, MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo, Registered Cable Address, “* Pinewoou,”’ BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG pieced Office, TORONTO, CAN. “Ameriean Lumberman’ ’ Telecode. C. A. LARKIN WHOLESALE PINE LUMBER 40 Gontederation Life Building, TORONTO, ONT. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE eSircuiar | UMBER CACHE BAY, Ont nay dew AND’ L ATH CACHE BAY PLANING MILL CO. « MANUFACTURERS OF... Cc & MOULDINGS GBILING FLOORING WAINSGOTING SHEETING All kinds of Dressed and Pine Lumber. THE QHARLEMAGNE & LAG OUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. SAWN AND DRESSED LOMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations, Shipments by rail or water. iV. ‘ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ~"".. E. H. HEAPS & CO., ™ a q Vancouver, B. C. lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : | AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Ne Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber ‘up to 85 feet in pp ke sn W. J. SHEPPARD PRESIDENT ; J. G. SCOTT, GE Genel Waubaushene, Ont. LIMITED VANGOUVER, BG. MANUFACTURERS OF ze Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned wa : High Grade Red Cedar pam: oAg Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, os 112 Mail Building, TOF e 'D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. _ WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J. E rae, The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. . ~ TYAS tr: White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ‘So | Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work — ice peatesin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING - Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Head peti Sarin RAT rovRace, Our Vancouver Mill cute High-Grade Cedar, Fi ir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruée: Lun We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Worked and Boxes.. Correspondence solicited at all four p THOS. KIRKPATRICK, COOKE S TAI T MANUFACTURER OF | res com Red Cedar Shingles | MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Mills at Hastings and New Westminster | B.C. FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER AND SHIN Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Shingle Mill: False Creek, Vancouver, WRITE FOR PRICES. Ontario Representative: W. J. SMITH, Fergus. i te ne Lumber ¢ Export Lumber & Shingle Co. HAZELMERE, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF 3 3 3 Wholesale Dealers Limited i FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBI sR British Columbia Lumber and Shingles CLEAR CEDAR AND F LOORID The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in | Long Distance Telephone. Our Specialty. manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- | ——_ ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. C. WELLS —= We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market 3 : idel e@ PALLISER, B. : om Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- oe" garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. Daily Capacity, | 250,000 3 Se,8 ie navecanass Of StF AM bee YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED © __ High Grade Some thet Cede VANCOUVER BRITISH COLUMBIA TDs hh hee CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITES Mi THE PEMBI PEMBROKE LUMBER CO PEMBROKE, ONT.. 1 ae We have just completed a new list of all our Pine and Spruce Lumber _ and Dimension Timber, and will be pleased to send you a copy on appli- cation. SOLICITING YOUR ORDERS. DELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER CO., WHOLESALE _ White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles Stocks in t Coline mood Powassan Cartier Callander Ontario ® idlan Whitney shurgeoli Falls North Bay * Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. a | ‘CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS +™ ve + ot eee et Send us your enquiries _ FoR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, * Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try _ JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer ta One all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, RHODES, CURRY & CO., imitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of a sings carried in stock. We are buyers of hk ccmaies Basswood, Elm and P Amherst, N.S. Gown and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch | ‘Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, *”" gi" QUEBEC . _ BOOTH & SHANNON, siscorasine, ont. MANUFACTURERS OF - Pine Lumber, Lath and Shingles Tk M. BREANEN & SONS MARUFAGTURING CO, LNITED Saw Mills at _ RAINY LAKE, Ontario. Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON, ONT. _RUGER & SON - Quebec s PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. he aad Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and Chi Lumber.—Write Us. ‘nd - Manufacturers of and ages 4 _. Dealers in all kinds of . _ Both Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. _A. F. BURY AUSTIN ANADA Bank of Ottawa Building, a St. James ay - - MONTREAL, CANADA ve ‘SPECIALTIES: eer aes Timber and ali'kinds o a ih eH ; Ship Decking, Norway and White a“ ina Timber, Norway ‘ ar Sus, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and 4 RTE -_ foe | Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &e.; * Birch Flooring, a 8) Sole Bd Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Company, Limited, Barnet, B. C. : pare Fir coreg hos any size or length up to go feet long, Timber ae face up to 24 inch x 30 inch: Kilas of large ca hoog and Dressed Lunber, Di Douglas Fir and Ced: WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. OWEN SOUND, ONT. CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v a tT IE em 4 —— R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR, D. L,. WHITE. PLAYEFATR & WHITE Manufacturers and Whoiesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH » SHINGLES Centers for Railway cuppiies MIDLAND ONT LL TIMBER a Specialit A. & P. VWAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, ; PEMBROKE ONT. F. MCIBBON & SONS, acadeiat aie Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Ama Lumber, and a in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice, MAITLAND, RIXON & C0, crac” ONTARIO. Manufacturers aad Dealers LUMBER, ATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Sonpanlty of pte Pine, Cedar and Honilock Bill Stufi. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. & Rauch om Lumber Co., timitea a> Manufacturers of and Dealers in MANUPAGTURERS—s LUMBER “’ LAGA Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. D. D. FLANNER H. W. REEVES FLANNER & REEVES WHITE AND NORWAY PINE LUMBER LATH AND SHINGI, CAR AND CARGO 5 tb vou wish... To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY i ROBT. STEWART LIMITED GUELPH, ONTARIO fash ibecling ONTARIO — an rh toto in the ‘Wanted’’ And ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a mei or Seller, a he case may ddress, The conace Lumberman, ¢ © MANUFACTURERS. OF Doors, Sash, Mouldings, - Stairs, Hardwood Flooring, Ftc. Canadian and American Hard and Soft Woods of all descriptions SPECLALTIBS YELLOW PINE AND OAK TIMBER Sole Canadian Represenative of the SOUTHERN CYPRESS LUMBER SELLING COMPANY New Orleans, iTISH COLUMBIA LETTER. respondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) VANCOUVER, B. C., JANUARY. 9TH, 1905. —As far as prices are concerned things the new have proceeded quietly since schedule was issued by the British Colum- bia Lumber and Shingle Manufacturers’ Association on the zoth ultimo. Every one is satisfied, with the exception perhaps of the consumer, and he has to be. The cuts which were made in the figures were directly in favor, and since the regular rates have been resumed, while the mill- man and contractor are better pleased, the consumer has-to pay more for his lumber. The general reduction, though, operates in his favor. Discounts off the new list are small, only 5 per cent. being offered on large lots. There seems to be no diminution in build- ing. The year just closed was a busy one, and the value.of permits issued in Van. couver totalled within a hundred or two of $2,000,000. Already this year many appli- cations have been made, and extensive operations will be carried on in all parts of the city. Foreign trade has seen something of the old time activity during the past week or two, when three departures were made, leaving two vessels loading at the Hast, ngs mill. The Pallas left for Callao, the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Lottie Bennett for Iquique, and the British ship’ Falklandbank for Greenock. The County of Dumfries is loading for London, and the German bank Osterbek for Callao: The Sayward Company, of Victoria, shipped on one of the Kosmos liners last week the first consignment of lumber to Mexico. Some 200,000 feet were sent, and it is hoped that this is the beginning of a large trade. Business has. not amounted to much between Mexico and British Columbia in regard to lumber, though ships have carried various kinds of timbers to Santa Rosalia, on the Lower Californian peninsula. Americans are dealing largely in British Columbia timber, with the idea of holding it until prices are better, because of larger demand. They recognize that this prov- ince will be one of the last resorts for lumber on the continent, and some of the best timber is being taken up. In the interior among those from south of the border who hold extensive areas are the Mundy Lumber Company, of Bradford, Pa. ; Otis Staples, of Stillwater; the Mc- Goldrick syndicate, of Minneapolis’; the Elk Lumber and Manufacturing Company, composed of Minnesota people, and others. Recently on the coast was the large pur- chase of the Atland syndicate, of Detroit, and as a direct result other Michigan peo- ‘January 18, 1905 : i ple are now negotiating for tracts, larger than have ever before been disposed of in one deal. They are after 400,000 acres, but further than that details are not obtain- able. Company, on the ground that it was an attempt to secure timber for speculation cheaply, and that the timber was mostly fir and cedar, and not suitable for pulp purposes. A petition to have this license cancelled is now in circulation. The loggers also favored the placing of a duty — on lumber entering Canada from = : United States. The Canadian Pacific Pulp and | ae : Company has announced its intention to erect right away a saw mill of about | 40,000 feet daily capacity, anda sulphite pulp plant which will turn out from 35 to. 40 tons per day of the best quality. Ship- ments are expected to be made within a year. ae Loggers of the mainland coast have reorganized thei association, which has been allowed to lapse since the disastrous season of the fall of 1903. New officers appointed were : J. S. Emerson, president; H. Gilley, vice-president ; W. J. Paterson, secretary-treasurer ; committee, W. H. Higgins, Capt. Magnesen, D. Esson, C. T. Moore, H. Whitaker, Nels Moran and D. McKinnon. It is the attention to maintain a schedule of prices, and effect ; other objects of organization. At the meeting on Thursday last a protest was sent to the Government at Victoria against granting land to the Pacific Coast Pulp and Paper The assets of the Poulin Lumber Com- pany, of Ottawa, were to have ties sold by the assignee on Monday last.. THE MENZ LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES Meee FOSS Menewer. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man J. F. FOSS, Manager. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGGIN 225%2%."4s: | ACME LUMBER co. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A. Wholesale Hardwoods Hard Maple and Rock Elm our Specialty. THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. ‘WHOLESALE HAR DWOODS| ST.LOUIS | | | BY | RAIL,MAI WIRE OR. "> AONE GHARLOTTE HABBERLE Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE, and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in. . . Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stook and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- | NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GAN Y, MAPLE, OAK, POPAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ’ Office and Yards: 520 te 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspondence Invited on All Hardwoods. We invite correspondence whether ge CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. wish to buy or sell. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- : ments. Mills in Alabama LUMBERMAN for = Mississippi and Arkansas. ONE YBAR- MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. ) 5/8 Inch Quartered Canadian Spruce a4 ANTED and Thick Birch J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER CO. 94 Pearl Street Grand Rapids, Mich. " HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER co. CLEVELAND, OHIO \ MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND. HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty ONE DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the CANADA Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. : Veneers Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e ee eee BURY & NOBLE MASON A, NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE MICHICAN t - January 18, 1905 CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Bear River, N.S. : Barque Carrie _L. Smith, for Buenos Ayres, cargo lum- 5 ther. “ From Annapolis, N. S. : Schooner Mar- garet May Riley, for West Indies, cargo lumber. : From Halifax, N. S.: Steamer Evan- gelire, for London, 56,034 ft. hemlock _ deals, valne $560, by Furness, Withy & & Co., agents. Steamer Manchester Trad- er, for Manchester, 299,062 ft. spruce _ deals,-value $3,889, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. erpool, 55,320 ft. spruce deals, value $508; Steamer Pretorian, for Liv-- CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION 61,232 ft. birch deals, value $1, es by S. Cunard & Co. From St. Jobn,N.B.: Str. Lakebenitehe for Liverpool, 3,000 bdls. shooks, 632,486 t. deals, 2,606 ft. scantling, 2,134 ft. ends, 28,820 pine squares, 1,500 pcs. - maple blocks, 7,384 pcs..oak lumber, 2,718 maple lumber, 1,432 bdls. maple flooring, 2,154 maple blocks, 6,252 pcs. walnut lumber, 1,783 pcs. hardwood lumber,t 2,025 Short timber blocks, 2;131 doors. Schooner R. D. Spear, for Pawtucket, 50,260 ft. boards, 500,000 ft. 750 cedar shingles, 567,000 spruce laths. Steamer Oruro, for Bermuda, 3,095 sup. plank, 938,- | ft. spruce boards, 19,000 onion crates, by G. & C. Flewelling Manufacturing Co. ; .74 bdls, slats, by Intercolonial Railway. Steamer Hestia, for Glasgaw, 82,658 ft. deals, 192 tons birch timber, 16 pkgs. pine lumber, 49,335 ft. deals. Steamer Pretor- ian, for Liverpool, 17,280 ft. deals, 3,208 it, ends. Steamer Manchester Importer, for Manchester, 832 bdls. pulp boards, 5399 bdls. shooks,350 bdls. wash boards, 264,934 ft. deals, 2,163 ft. scantling, 2,221 ft. ends, 235 blocks, 600 bdls. flooring, 12 bdis. and 800 single doors. Steamer Munic, ‘for’ Limerick, 609,476 ft. deals, 80,160 ft. scantling, 21,284 ft. ends. vil. BUSINESS NOTES. Churchill & Sim, lumber importers, Liverpool, England, announce the remova of their offices to 2 Exchange street east, same city. Gaim Robinson, wholesale lumber deals er, Springfield, Mass., has removed his office to more commodioys quarters, Suite 24, 25 and 26 Strong’s Ruilding, 118 to 122 Main street. The saw mill of C, N. Stacey, situated near Burk’s Falls, Ont., was destroyed -by fire last week, BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS Le ARNWORTH & JARDINE ae [Wood Brokers and Measurers| - Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, fan. SLL A RE I TS _F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKHERS > Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B. C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. ents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the nited Kingdom. IS BAMBERCER, [a IMPORTER OF =a Hardwoods in Log, Ete Correspondence Solicited, 2. Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ _. Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods a ae pe a ca A A SE EES Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS SN, ES SS Pa SSS TORS ZEBRA CODE DIRECTORY CODE -GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO.. Wood 1 gents and Brokers Cable Address : “ GELLICHT,” LONDON GABLES, DOORCHEEK, LONDON _ We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- Seats, _ Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. and all kinds of ready made joinery. _ FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for). . 8 Truce ‘Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pin y Fi eget Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels Broom 8, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable’ for English Market. ) _ Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England LONDON STORES: Locke’s Wharf, Ediangon, N. SMITH & TYRER Cable Address ;: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. Cable Address : ““ TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codesiused. **CHURCHILL’’ London. ‘“*INVIGORATE’’ Liverpool 5 Cable Address : Cable Address : OFFICES: 158, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Ladingat Toronto, European House, SAMUEL SONS & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, London, Eng. JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND ss TIMBER MERGHANTS fal Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Birch Staves and BUYERS O yy HOMPSON, CASH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST HIPPING DOCUMENTS Heading, Veneers a Specialty BLOIS & KJELLGREN———— ALL KINDS OF LUMBBR AND LOGS. Handles of al! description BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Liverpool and London Chambers HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. CABILK-ADDRESS “ 4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL -- WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Halifax, N.S., Office—SmITH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Liverpool. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW “CANT KEMP ¢ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW ° BROKERS CHURCHILL & SIM TIMBER BROKERS ag C]-ments Lane, London, E. C. Albert Suildings, 12 Preesons Row, Liverpool, Eng Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY Weareinthe Market for saa Walnut Logs and Boards, Pine Deals and White Ash ‘Planks, bsst quality, in long lengths Oak Planks, best quality, in long lengths Rock Maple’ Logs and Planks, White Oak Logs All classes of Manufactured Wood Goods Rock Elm Logs, Waney Birch Logs Send full pertichlare¢ of what you have to o with prices. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND DOBLE LIVERPOOL ” BRANCH OFFICK Brook {, HAMB >» VIII. eee a Se THE ONTARIO LUMBER G2 suns ss North Bay. C.P.R. and b. T.R. Delivery. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: 80 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES, bun Life 4 + s2ng TORONTO, Ont, Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON — LUMBER JAS. LUNNY & CO.,, HINTONBURG, ONT. | ASH, ELM, BASSWOOD, PINE, SPRUCE Have for Sale {ann HEMLOCK IN QUANTITIES Eastern Agents--B. C. Shingles and Douglas Fir, all dimensions B. C. Cedar ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA Can dress to 24x30. LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES--WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR.CARGO LOTS. 1 inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 to 10 in.,1. to 16ft. 15 00 16 00 cuts & better...... $44 00 $46 00 axa to 10 inch, 8 ft.. 16 00 17 00 ¥% to2inch No. 1 Clear inch B. C, cedar, E cuts and better.. 48 00 5000] kilndried .......... 50 00 _1 inch No. 3 Pine Clear inch B. C, cedar uts and better.... 38 00 4000| airdried boat lumber 55 00 1% ¢ 9 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension cy Sand better. .. 42 00 44 00 timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension better shorts 24 00 26 00 timber, ,0 to 35 feet 31 00 6and 8common :8 co 19 09 | 1% in No. 1 4ft. Pine common...... I9 50 2000 DUCTS BRS ae ey ei ki tee ee comnion...... 21 00 322 00 wi in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 269 2 70 common...... 20 00 21 00| 1%” No.1 32” pine lath 1 50 common...... 2100 22 ov| 1%” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 2 = yximd 3x12 common. 22 00 23 0o| XXXX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 ‘gato inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 2 20 Icoummon ........-+ 20 00 21 co| X Pine Shingles .. — 100 x nchmill ron sidings 2: 00 22 00| XXX CedarShingles 2 80 2 90 in. mill run...... - 20 00 21 00 B. C. Shingles" XI0 and 12 millc¢ lls 15 00 16 oo | XXX 6 butts to2in. 2 60 sen mill cull Sid- XXXX 6to 23-16in. 2 80 Bree eas etal aeets not 15 00 16 00 | XXXXX 5to2in.. 315 nse fiead cull sidings 12 00 13 oo | XX No. 2, 6to2in.. aio ich Feoring .. 2600 2700} XX ‘ 6to ge 8 in, - milock,1x4 to Sin, 1400 15 00' XX ‘ Stoa2in. 250 HARDWOODS—PER {, FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, xs and 2s unless =therwise specified, Ash White, x to2 in Elm,rock, mill ists and 2nds...... $33 00 $36 00} run..... 1 to ene co 28 00 Ash, black, x1sts and Elm rock, mil and, rtorMin.. .. 2700 2900] run,..... § 3.. 29 00 31 00 Birch M. R.,rin. +. 24.00 25 00 | Hickory, ae 2.. 25 00 co and ands..134'' 2.. 36.00 38 00 ** sqrs. 4x4 “ 8x8 29 00 30 00| Maple common Basswood, Common and better1 134 2200 24 00 and better 1 to1¥%in 27 00 29 00 | Maple, Peay Basswood, 134 toz.. 30 32 00| and 2nds..2 ‘ 4.. 2§ 00 27 oc m. Fr. 1 1% 2600 28 00| Oak;red,p’ ae Cherry, 1st xsts & 2nds 2 “! 4-» 39 00 4200 and 2nds.. 134 60 00 70 00] Oak, white, Cherry, ists ists & ands x “ 13% 38 900 42 00 and ands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 65 00 75 00] Oak, white, mie, soft, aa rsts & ands 2 ' 4+. 42:00 45 00 waves t '' 13 25 00 27 00 | Oak. quart’d, Him, ject inal rsts&onds“! 2.. 65 00 70 00 Malia a #69. 06 28 oo | Walnut, rsts and z2nds.. 1 ‘* 3.. 85 00 10900 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. ¢ Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,........ 35 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to pipes « "19 to20inchaverage “ ie ° RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. easured off, according to average and seat, nipceiaa eyaiatuiateisia lala ey RS ipping order 4 sisfole cin, Seeeye Layee MEM al a) OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO, By the dram, according to average and quality. . ' 50 5 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality 40 to 45 feet fo 30to35fet. 48 ASH. 10 inches and up, ccording to average and quality. <6 verage 16 inc’ By ey Nie 2¢ BIRCH, a 14 Inch 20 ag 6 “* 4 : Sab: 17 4 ‘ me 28 3t es ms . . 32 «34 OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, ne, goo sidings : = 1xro No, 1 barn.... 21100 zin.x8 in andup. 39 00 4200 ix1oNo, 2 Bae. 19 00 74 in. and 1% in. x cad So fte, barns: 19 00 in. and up .....s6. 4800 §0 00}1x8& No.2" ..,. 17 00 ‘ux Sin, and up. So 00 '§5 00 Pine Shorts 6’ to r1‘x8” 15 co MANUFACTURERS Mills at Smith’s Bay | Township of Carling eer ae PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, A. P. BHR MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingle Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimer WIARTON, OWT. THE NEW LINE WwHoLHsaAaALe Write for quotations Pine shorts 6/ to 11’x10” P;ne| good strips : 16 00 IN. seeree aeeeeecee 30 CO 34 00) Pine, 8 ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 cO 14 in. andr in.... 35 00 38 oo} Pine s. c. strips...... 13 00 15 00 CI eer eee 36 00 38 00] Pine, s.c. Shorts..... 12 00 14 00 ne, good shorts: Pine, box boards.... oo 14 50 TAM. ee ee ceeeseee 23:00 28 00 Pine mill culls..... 13.00 14 00 1X in. and 1% in. .. 28 00 35 oo | Lath, per M BAD, veeeseeneese e+ 34 00 3800] No.1 white pine..: 2 40 2 60 ine, No. I dressing No. 2 white pine; .. 2.00 2 25 siding, per M feet, | Spruce, millrun..... 200 2 15 DM) .v sees 20 00 25 00 Red Pine-millrun.. 200 2 15 Pine, No. x dressing | Pine Shingles Strips.........4. -- 18 00 24 00 XXXX, rBinch........ 300 3 25 Pine No. : dressing A Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 shorts ......-..+, +» 20 00 xx 18 inch........... 1 40 1 60 Pine, tos. ¢ and bet- “| Cedar Shingles ter stock, 12’ to 16/ 18 20 00 XxXxX, 18 inch........ 3 15 3 25 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- 08 Clear Butt,18 inch..-. 2 50 ter stock, 17 to16/. 16 19 00|° xx, 18inch.......... 1 60 170 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPER AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in,, 10 in. and up Selects, sin, | 8in. and up wide $65 0? WIdE voce eee yereecweeee-S75 00] 1%, 1 in, aniOgvo® 1% 136 and 2in........... 75 00| 2 end gan. 2» 75 02 24 and 3 in. ...........+. 80 00 7D Se Hit AMER EMSS TINO, wy I files: HIM. . cee ccecce cecesevees GO 20 fINE COMMON. in,, 8 in. and up wide...... §4 00-| 236 and gin., 8in, and up wide 73 00 Mand re imiccoccccevecee 57 ODP MiMisccceccceee secccsouses . 78 co MN, site cfMioleh-ofeiety wigteie © ohne tain oo > P page aes es. wee CUTTING. : ae: n., 7in, and up wide i oo | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 63 oo 1% and 13 cutting. . $8.00: Ih Benes acas? ad sp -tonn ap ee eRe QIN vcccnvvcsceccenssvccses 50 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 50 00| xin., 4,5 and 7 in, wide..... 48 00 1% x6 in. Wide.....,..00e025 52 00 | 61M. WIdE......e-seneeeeee+s 50 00 FINE COMMON OR C 1 in., 4, 5 in, wide. ......... 44 00 1% i in., 4, 5 in. wide ...-.... 47 00 1¥% in., 6 in. wide........... 50 0o| in., 6in. giders.. serties 50 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING: STRIPS. - 1in., 4, 5, 6in wide,...... 30 00] 1 in., 4, §, 6°in. wide ........ 26 00° _ BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. 29 00 Band 7in......s...s+.0+-5 22 00 . 24 00 | No. 3, 12 in. Stes 21 00 «-/23 04] 1oiN... 19 00 i 23 00 gin. x8 00 No. 2, 12in...... 24 00 lary 19 co TO i... ss eree oe += 22 00 19 00 No. 2, 9 Mev ccvcesi ce sascens at ae 16 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. 1 in., 4nd 5 in, wide .......$15 00 | 1 o in. and up ‘wilt «++-$17 00 I in., 6 in. wide...........0. 17 co} 1% ii and 2 in., 7 ee rin., 7 in. wide and up.......17 00 "ap WIDE. Ne ccskedarscas CS SHAKY CLEAR. 1in., 3) 4:5) 7,8 and gin. vide 32 00} x in., ro in. and up wide..... 34 00 1 in,, 6 in. wide.... se..+0++ 33 00| 1%, 136 and 8 = ana up WIS e'sicr0 ain s\erpinis hE cle SS. SHINGLES, 18-IN. Pine, KXKXK viscvicorcegocses : 00 oai| Cedar, XXXX, 18 in......-,. 3 50 Clear Butts.....+--0« Clear Butts........+...-----. 2 50 oo LATH. No, 1 White Pine... 3 20] No. 2 White Pine ........... 2 50 He vee aneweens +e. 2 50 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Capes 3, Ut Jose fe co'csioe 8 1x12 inch shippers ......... $ "hy: a ad Bolewreis iH 4/4 inch pig 13” & up. Ps I ib 2in.. 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” nl up.. 19 20 4 inch uppers . ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 x2-in. dressing ant Boeee =: Box, 1X1o-in. .... Box, 1x12..... No. 1 barn, 1x1 > ate owsene No. a barn, 1x12. SE EOawinvinisic ovina TX. ww eeeeecevveves paheet te e : Common ........ seendione | Selects, 24% in up. ; 40 Fine common, 2% and ‘up 72 140. @EN> pd ciealsie/oaaceipe dish Y No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch. NO.9: 60. cveues NO. 3.0 se secceecere No. 1 molding, 1 to 2in No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in Shelving boards, x2-in. up : s aan boards, narrow.,.. 1x19 inc Regree a1 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION r EO. G. GLADMAN ‘PARRY so UND,. ONT. PowER FOR SALE. A. J. GORRIE, s a Wed Pine ex, pte yt 50 $4 75, é Uppers l, 1h 1h ond 2 oa MANUFACTURER Cnt ar! OF ———ammn a3 wt WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUI LATH AND SHINGLES mm. Corn TE WOODSTOCK LUMBER MANUFACTURE 60," = ——Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in— ; Pine, Hemlock *Hardwood sre ry Through the Spruce Forests of. Moumame—betwece Quite IDEAL Puce -h Unexcelled Export Facilities at Que MONTREAL General Supt. ‘ters, | ae PINE we eeseeees oo weawsae er SQQn | Spruce....... ‘SHINGLES, Bound butts, ¢ Spruce Hs £) Clear bu. Smoot » pedis a a0 ag SORRSEE XIBp cans» 4 SOT ae ee WHITE wri “3 (Wholesale selling ead 2 in A Ai er 78 00 aX and 3 7S. ie 85 00 a. Wee eee 85 00 | No. Selects 1 in,....,.... 68 co]. TY to 2in......... 70 cO 2% and 3 in....... 78 00 A Meee esse ee ee gee 80 00 Fine common, r in. 55 00 1% gnd.alpd Misia ‘58 00 2 AM wy eevecereeeee - = ae sees oeenceeee Cut! up, No, 1,1 in. 38 00 pa ¥ in..... 50 00 No. 2, 1 in......-- 25 00 soe 2,1%,&1% in No. 3, ae 1% and MM eo nein contin’ 25 00 Dressing 1% in 36 00 14x10 and 12. 4° 00 TOE Ls «adie ciieeiee, 36 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; WHITE ASH, Ist & and, 1 inch, 33 00 35 00] 2% tog i 1% tozin ........ 39 00 41 0o| Strips. Com. BLACK AND op Fy ASH. ia Paka 6 nch up, 31 00 33 oo | Com. & 00d calls. & ond, 6 inch & ere Y sical itl Ist 2n io up, fred. .!. v< sa.cbt S61Oa so | Eom Ease ELM. ~ 1st & 2d,rock,6in &up 26 00 28 co ist & ce Common and ‘culls .. 15 00 17 00 1st & 2nd hard.. see 21 00 23 00 a ca Common and culls — 130? 4 Py Common | ‘end'calls. BOSTON MASS. White Pine Uppers, Saks Se Pe nr Selects, 1 to 2inch.......... . tine Common, rinch.. 1 to 2 inch. eer ey oe No.1 Cuts, 1 inch ...... Pe ers. ig 4" 1¥ to2inch...... Sra) No. 2 Cuts, rinch...... + a aaene 1% to 2inch.. Faceee shes Barn Boards,No. 1 see e ree nene Spruce, 1o and o in. dimension. SaaS gin, and under . ‘ ro and 12 in. random-leng 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2X6, 2X7 an DG fe ARG Pete = oc « elo gil edie fen All other aindotn lengths, 9 in. and “under, | 10 At, ATA WP waste Sein ssaihaie nto ght J cree iol oye 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ‘ft. & up,p.1 s Out Spruce boards, p.1S........ 1x2 and 1x3 fare P 18 s clipped ‘and bundied - hs, roft.andup ..... 3x4 random eae Py See eens ON Cee ee eee ee ee eeaee i cd Be Pate nae 5 NADA LUMBERMAN "aa ee _ PUBLISHED BY H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y - Of Toronto, Limited ion Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: ~ 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MoNTREAL 720-721 Union BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. REAT ST. HELEN’S, Lonpon, E. C. 23 y Lumberman — Published every y, contains reliable and up-to-date re- market conditions and tendencies in the manufacturing districts and leading and forei wholesale markets. A ‘medium of information and communica- en Canadian timber and lumber manu- jand exporters and the purchasers of oducts athotheandabroad. ~ / Lumberman— A 32-page journal, ly and impartially subjects perti- lumber and wood-working industries, views with prominent members of aracter sketches and portraits of nen, etc. Its special articles on mechanical subjects are especially \ND FOR SALE i will be inserted in this depart- ¢ of 15 cents per line each insertion. gore consecutive insertions are unt of Spe cent. will be allowed. s the width of the line and is set pe; 12lines make oneinch. Ad- aust be received not later than 4 on Tuesday to insure insertion in ‘k's issue IOR WOOD WANTED — PEELED ood or clear spruce. RANKIN AND street, Toronto. Telephone. f 6/4", 2! SOFT ELM. 17, 2", cle ormy Chestnut. 1”, 6/4”, 2”, 3”, } Maple. 1”, 6/4”, 2” Beech 1’, 2”, 1”, 2”. 3”. 4” Red and W! ite Oak. R.E KINsMAN, Hamilton, acity 50,000 feet in ten hours, and hing over 200,000,000 feet of stand- ‘othe person with money this is st propositions in the interior of rther information address ‘‘ H.C.” ERMAN, Toronto, Ont. 7 ACRES ONE AND A QUARTER miles from Fernie. B. C heavily w . Fir, Spruce and Tamarac, poeple, for logging purposes both in 11 Waterous Mill with capacity of 40 tf per day, with planers, lath mill, complete. eiling houses, store. smithy and camp all substantially built and ready nits are held under Crown Grant and ‘r can enter and begin operations with- 4 patticulars, price, terms, etc., - PH. VIBERT, ESQ.,__ Manager Union Bank of Canada, 2 PSS Lethbridge, N. W T. ILMOUR, ESQ. n’s Bank Building, Vancouver, B,C. ae T he Lumberman Monthly Editio WEEKIY FDITION © n, 40 pages} $1.00 Per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANU? ACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER: FOREIGN MARKETS. —— OR SALE—DIRECT ACTION PORTABLE -Saw Mill, nowrunning: Box No. 4, Both. well, Ont. ANTED — AN EXPERIENCED AND energetic man to sell British Columbia Shingles and Lumber in Ontario. ExPoRT LUM- BER & SHINGLE Co., LIMITED, Vancouver, B. C. FoR SALE—60 H.P. HORIZONTAL RETURN _ Tubular Boiler, good as new, bargain for quick turn-ov'r. Address ALFRED RUBBRA, 22 Victoria Square, Montreal, Que. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Srmcok Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED—1” BLACK ASH; AESO FOR sale, the following: 6,500 6x9-6’ 8” Red Oak Ties ; 150,000’ 2” Dry Indiana White Oak ; 50,000" 2” Dry Indiana Red Oak.McCLuRE LuM- BER Co., Detroit, Mich. FOR SALE. OULD LIKE PRICES ON SOFT ELM A and Soft Maple Lumber, Have from one to three huudred thousand feet, to be sawed) this winter, Would be loaded on cars. at Petrolea, Ont. Enquire Box 73, Dresden, Ont. CAN BUY FOR YOU.AND CUT THIS winter 200 to‘ooM of Red Oak and -Bass- wood also smaller quantities of other hardwoods. Address ‘‘Hardwood,” care CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. FOR SALE I Second-hand Engine, cylinder 9” dr., 12” stroke, heavy belt wheel 5! dr., for 8” belt, Box Bed, all overhauled and refitted with new brasses. Price Dike Col RS) aslo: ala py 5 ei ie 1 Second-hand Exeter Engine, cylinder to” dr , 20” stroke with Belt Wheel 8 dr. for 14” face belt, Tangy Bed, all overhauled in good order. Practically new. Price F.O, B. St. John, N. B. $325.00 $175.00 NOB. eters fiecnie $200 00 Immediate delivery. Apply to St. JouN IRON WorKS Ltp., P O. Box 39:1, St. John, NB. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber In Central Ontario THE PROPERTY OF THE CANADIAN LAND. AND IMMIGRATION CO., OF HALIBURTON, (LIMITED). This company has a large tract of well timbered land about 125 miles northeast of Toronto, There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Bassw od, Cherry, Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine. Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two rail- roads, The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 acres or more if desired. There are several good mill siteson the pro- perty. This would be a good opportunity for ieee who are at present cut out and looking or a ne~ location. Ade Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H, LOCKHART GORDON, ' Managing Director, TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, JANUARY 25, 1905 SSE? No, 52 HARDWOOD LUMBER DEALERS _ opportunities ready. 157 Bay Street, Toronto. . TIMBER FOR SALE. Fok SALE—BRITISH COLUMBIA’S VALU- able cedar, fir and spruce timber in selected tracts on the sea coast, within easy reach of Vancouver city. MATHEWS & BREMNER, 417 Hastings street, Vancouver B.C. ANTED — POSITION AS BAND SAW filer for coming season. Best of references. Saw maker by trade. Box 488, Galt, Ont. ANTED, 300,000 FEET WINTER: CUT Basswood, Common and Better in quality, 1 1/16” thick when dry, Addres; Box 189, care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, ; MICHIGAN HARDWOODS. OR SALE—CHOICE DRY ROCK MAPLE, beech, soft elm and. basswood, all thick- nesses. Low prices.—BROWNLEE & CoMPANY, Detroit M chigan: FOR SALE. 90 HORSE POWER PORTABLE'SAW MILL, complete, price $650.00, Waterous make; also a 40 horse power stationary saw mill, Gagen edger, 3 sawyer; all new machinery three years ago, cost $2,800.00, will sell for $1,800,00 in spring, a bargain. E.-TODD, -13 Brant.street,. Brantford, FOR SALE. 97;000 feet. 2” x 4” and. up, Norway (umber, . Log Run. , 86,000 feet' 1” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. ; 43,000 feet Mill Culls, etc. \ _Also the product of two million feet good white pine logs to be cut next summer, Corres- pondence solicited. PINE LUMBER COMPANY, Pine, Ont. (near Cartier.) FOR SALE 2,000 acres of Hardwood Land in Antigonish County, N.S., close to railway sidings. The James River runs through the centre of 1,250 acres. Apply to J. S. O'BRIEN, Antigonish, N. S. For Sale FIRST CLASS STAVE AND HOOP MILL, in good state of repair, and with it or not urchaser, the stock of staves and A at option of _ hoops on hand together with a quantity of stand- ing timber. Also horses, harness, trucks, wag- gons, etc. For all particulars bona fide pur- chasers may apply to “Staves,’’ in care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. THE LocaToRS.—W.B Herbert, General Man- ager. The largest and oldest exclusive Paaaees Brokersinthe West. Address THE LocaTors, 63 Merchants’ Bank Building, Winnipeg. Lumber and Coal—This business is located on the Souris branch about eighty-five miles from seaaicee, Annual turnover twenty thousand. Annual net profit ten per cent, this is safe. Population sic hundred, five elevators and grist mill established ten}years. Price seven thou- sand, five thousand cash balance arranged to sujt purchaser THE LOCATORS Lumber and Machinery.—About ten thousand stock, established fourteen years. Turnover sixty thousand, net profit six. thousand. Price ten thousand, half cash, balance one year at 7 percent. Situated »bout forty miles from Winni- peg Excellent buy THE LocaTors. Lumber.—About two hundred miles from Winnipeg. Stock about seven thousand, good country, making twenty per cent. net _Good terms. Enquire about this. THe LocaTors Sash and Docr Factory —About four hundred miles fromm Winnipeg, this isa snap and will not be long going. Made sixteen thousand in two years. Enquire atonce. THE LocaTors. Weare just getting our new book of business Write for one, it will explain things to you. THE LocaTors. ANTED—1” BLACK ASH, 1” CULL BASS- WOOD, 6/4 Cull Basswood... McCLuRE LUMBER Co., Detroit, Mich. Pe W4NTED-ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP- WOOD Companies to look up page 7, monthly issue, which is bound to interest you, ANTED — BY LIVE EXPERIENCED Lumberman. stock of lumber to handle on commission. Box 190,CANADA LUMBERMAN. \ ANTED—VOUNG MAN WITH: KNOW. . LEDGE of office work and experience in selling lumber, one with knowledge of Ottawa grading preferred. Apply giving references to ore c/o CANADA LUMsERMAN, Toronto, nt. Y ANTED—AN EXPFRIENCED MILL-. WRIGHT for’ Band Mill near Quebec. Must be first class man. References required, Tae Rives OVE LE PULP & LUMBER Co., St. Pacoine, P. Q. f ; FOR SALE. Pp eeae AND SAW-MILL BUSINESS ON C.P. R. Main line, Mill in gooa running order. Daily sawing 20to 25M. feet. ‘Timber convenieut to mill, Address A.B.C., CANADA LUMBERMAN. SS CURRENT- TRADE CONDITIONS: ~~~ ONTARIO, The developments of -the past “week have strengthened the belief that lumber’ prices will harden as the spring approach- es. There have been a few important. transactions and a substantial increase in. the number of enquiries. The opinion is becoming more general that there will be. considerable activity in lumber circles during and that, unless unexpected developments arise, the | demand will be brisk. The production of white pine lumber cannot be as large as in 1904, for it will be governed by the in- put of logs this winter, which has been considerably curtailed. With a moderate demand for lumber there should be no- difficulty in obtaining satisfactory prices, even if the British market should not ab- sorb as much of our lumber as in other years. The higher grades of pine, which were somewhat neglected last year, are now showing a better tone. For 2-ineh No. 2 cuts and better, for instance, $44 at the mill is being asked. United States buyers have been looking over the Ontario stocks and have purchased one or two large blocks. Hardwoods do not seem to be exhibiting as much strength as pine, © although there is not much pressure to_ sell, the high cost of production being an incentive to manufacturers to persistently oppose any reduction in price. The strength of the Jath market is shown by the fact that some Georgian Bay manufacturers have disposed of their com- ing season’s cut at $2.75 for No. x and 2.25 tor No. 2 at the mill. Other trans- actions could be closed but for the un- willingness of manufacturers to accept these prices. They apparently believe the spring, II. that the situation warrants $3 for No. 1 and $2.50 for No. 2, and have fixed their quotations accordingly. No. 1 Norway lath is being held at $2.65 and $2.75, and No. 2 at $2.15 to $2.25. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Since the first of the year a number of building permits have been taken out in Winnipeg, and indications point to another active season and a large consumption of lumber. There is not much activity at the present time, but dealers are getting their stocks in shape for the spring trade. The annual meeting of the Western Re- tail Lumbermen’'s Association in Winni- peg was the feature of the past week. The outlook in British Columbia is a little brighter, two or three of the largest mills having resumed operations. Orders are more plentiful but prices are very low and there is little profit in either lumber or shingles. The log market is showing unexpected activity and rumors of a corner are heard. It appears that a Vancouver dealer has been steadily increasing his log holdings, with the result that he is now said to con- trol the market at a time when the de- mand is improving. \ UNITED STATES, The movement of lumber is not sufficient to influence prices to any extent, but there is every indication that there will be more activity in the near future. It is believed that there will be a large consumption of lumber for various purposes during the year, and as this fact is generally accepted dealers are keeping closely in touch with the conditions and will no doubt become buyers when there are indications of an fh ' advance. From Buffalo and Tonawanda ae comes the report that market prospects are decidedly better and that a scarcity in some of the barn and higher grades of pine is developing. The low grades are. very firm, but have shown no change in price for some time. Conservative dealers are opposed to an advance unless it should be actually forced upon them by the manufacturers, as they fear that it might discourage building and bring about a decrease in the consumption. One thing is certain, namely, that if prices do not advance there will be no cutting in any ot We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION the grades, and consumers may feel cer- tain that they can make no mistake in buying at present prices. The outlook is for a decreased production of pine and spruce lumber this year, but there will probably be an average quantity of hard- woods manufactured. At advance in the price of plain oak is expected. It is figured that it should sell around $50 be- fore it will strike the proper relation with the quartered stock. The statistics of the white pine lumber product of the States of Michigan, Wiscon- sin and Minnesota, which appear in this - issue, show that there was a decrease of 600,000,000 feet in the cut of 1904 as com- pared with 1903. Notwithstanding this decrease, the stock at the mill is about 300,000,000 feet greater than one year ago. GREAT BRITAIN. The British lumber market is showing some hesitation and there is not likely to be much contracting for stock nntil the course of the general trade of the country can be more definitely determined. Last year the importers did not cluse contracts before April or May, which was later than usual, anda similar disposition to defer business is shown this year. As very _ little lumber is being received from Can- ada, and asstocks are light, the recent recovery in prices is easily maintained. There is not a large demand for pine deals, but considering the ‘decline in the North of Europe lumber, they continue re- latively firm. At the moment the possible effect of the disturbances in Russia is be- ing freely discussed, but few are prepared to venture an opinion. STOCKS AND PRICES. et MGESRES soy “Burtis; of opieesalon™ ‘Ont., who cut upwards of 17,000,000 feet of lumber last season, has only 5,000,000 feet on hand. He also cut 4,300,000 pieces of lath. The Edward Hines Lumber Company, of Chicago, are reported to have con- tracted for all the lumber to be cut this season by the Carney Lumber Company, of Massey, Ont. Pitts & Charlton, of Toronto, have sold to an American firm all the lath to be manufactured by them at Victoria Harbor during the coming season. The price is understood to be $2.75 at the mill, and they expect to cut between three and four million pieces. TO HOLDERS OF BIRCH LIMITS, Can you cut birch into Squares, etc. We can also take birch cut on the sweep’ with a jigger or small band saw. Large quantities required. Write in first in- stance to ‘‘ Finance,” care CANADA LuM- BERMAN. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) St. Joun, N. B., Jan. 16th, 1905. — The stagnation usual at this time of year in lumber circles is very apparent just now in this vicinity. Shipping to the west- ward by waterhas entirely ceased and scores of vessels are tied up for the winter at this port. is the shipping now and then of miseellan- “eous lots of deals by the winter port steam- ers. * In looking over the stocks on the differ- ent wharves one characteristic which is very prominent in most of them is the large quantity of spruce boards. The past season has been remarkable for lack of demand in this line in the American market, in which the mutch larger part, in fact nearly all of the spruce boards manu- factured in New Brunswick are disposed of, whether products of this province or of Maine. Tendollars per M. ft. for dut- iab!e inch spruce boards has been during the last four or five years the standard price, which figure was subject to very little fluctuation, and when any change did occur it invariably meant a higher “price. But during the past season a large CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FOF I can saw out to your order, during the winter mon The only activity apparent part of the sales made were er than the figure na _ above. ; ments were much lighter than usual the prices realized ranged from $9.5 0 $9.75: ? The (otal stocks of spruce boar on the wharves at this port “wo bably sum up to 600,000 to 700 Rarely is there more than, one-h 4 amount and usually not more than third at this time of year. | It could scarcely be said that “there been any general change i in prices ¢ the last month in any line; The; little being done in New Brunswic ducts in either the U.S. or Great that the prices paid can scarcel indicative of what figures will the early spring. The most that can be said the English market is (to q ion of several interested and ties) that the gereral tone is [ indications point to a resumy ness under a higher sched le ¢ but to any more than giiess thos is impossible. Ady The American wie the same uncertainty. Bu AG quiet. Arrivals have beer V ing the last few weeks, ha not at all pronounced. — Prices of shingles are quoted with little Se improvement. fers are Correspondence solicited wooden goods, such as San v Broom Handles, Fork zee : Turned Goods, etc. Pay of Bill of Lading at Toronto, SAMUEL Sons & sae ire, > eerie = Je eee bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. == Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to. so ft vz Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, WOODS & SPICER, ‘Limited Capacity 100 Million a Year. AGENTS D. FERGUSON, LONDON, ONT., for Ontario. RED DEER LUMBER CO., WINNIPEG, MAN., for Manitoba and Territories. + vire Your Orders at OUR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOU KIEN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. poenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. EAROWOOD, HEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquirie. ; At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS — ‘v vt Samples by ORILLIA PLANING MILL Near G.T.R. Station PLANING, MOULDINGS, ATC RIne. FLOORING, RESAWING, SIDING Done any quantity. Write for price. S. POMEROY, 3ipere 311 - DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH awe BULMER. M°LENNAN & COMPA MONTREAL, QUE. Office and Yard, 571 DORCHESTER ST. Send rae Catalo ana nea Outen | e KNIGHT BROT il Burk’ te Montreal, Que’ Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, igs Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or lengt th WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND Guns te dock in New York ae » tor es & 00, are plentiful at the latter figure. <- __ Reports from logging operators on the i headwaters of the St. John and its tribu- _ taries tell of a busy and satisfactory season todate. Conditions that tend to this end = dex: _ have been all that could be desired since _ the beginning of operations early last fall. Throughout the winter there has been just _ enough snow for yarding purposes and not enough to cause any inconvenience in 7 a _ ether respects. LUMBER PRODUCTION AND STOCKS. The usual annual statistics relating tu ; - Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota ap- pear in the last issue of the American ‘Lumberman. It is shown that there was _ a decrease of 600,000,000 feet in the white pine cut of 1904, which again emphasizes “the fact that the pine production is de- ‘. - clining. | The total cut last year was - 4,219,840,000 feet, the smallest since 1878. The largest cut was made in 1890, _ when the total wasi8)597,623, 300, or more than 100 per cent. greater than: that of _ the past year. The figures for the past thirty-two years are as follows : ] Feet. a ee 4,219,840,000 foo >. 2a 4,791,852,000 “0 50 Siegen 53294,395,000 ~-19¢ 51336,448,000 a D. SHIER LUMBER C0., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF ie - LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES _ Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings _and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. pest coop PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Peas OR OBERT WATT WIARTON, ONT. ~ Manufacturer and Dealer in _ Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, - Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. SPECIAL: About 70 M feet of 1’ Basswood, ~ One car load of 3x4 Hardwood Hearts suitable for Car Stakes, One car each of 3 and 4x4 Cedar. Prices upon application ll i KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS , ied cineces HaRDWOOD Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, 5 OF McMinnville, Tenn, fe We ee and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots - od. B. Farwell & Son . : CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN. ~ Ganadian Gedar Tele: raph, Telephone and ‘Electric ‘Light Poles Orillia, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. Se AT MIDLAND ; 100,000 feet 1 x 4 and 5 Mill Run 150,000 feet 1 x 6 _ the lumber production of the states of Write for Prices, also for my 1905 CALENDAR. Both Good. g CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION MQO OM cpartats sr vie eta ok 5,485,261,000 Ae, LAS te See 6,050,508,000 HOQGap eae A ayieh ootine rs, abee 3,494,739,000 TRGB aos enewteasiriesged 6,155)300,000 | 31915558, 000 WSO Tarcrespe pera wee) As aba ake 6, 233,454,000 1896... 5. ......0.4. 4)953)9375435 ma Cee 5.725,703,035 US esate: me azaltees se + 4, 180, 360,700 NSE SE HAS Roem Ue 7,050,669, 235 1894s eevee eee eee 31944,842,304 EEO ater See ee the 6,821,516,412 1893... seer eee eee 3,646,469,07 1 MeO Ge et ote 7,326, 263,782 USQ Zeer aces sates lass yseihs 39119; 320,245 page’ dee x es 8, 594,222,802 LPO Mee BrMetatatss a helenae 39338,700,221 (oS SS SN ae 7,879,948, 349 TSQO MMe wate oes T, 160,331,050 1 a eee 8,597,623,000 T3SGae ere oe ek 1,038,751,000 (is a2 Rete Eee eS 8,183,048,000 \ ee NI PORTO SINAC 823, 386,200 MOU Gat ek Semele oe 8,254,291,000 id Soe 2,986,912,445 Sa «eR 7,7575916,784 PESO mated, BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG Head .Office, TORONTO, CAN ‘“Americatt. Lumbernian”™ Telecode. C. A. LARKIN WHOLESALE PINE LUMBER AO Goniederation Lite Building, TORONTO, ONT. CACHE BAY LUMBER. INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular ‘CACHE BAY, Ont. 26 miles West North Bay c. P. R. Gane UMBER. anxD LATH CACHE BAY PLANING MILL Co. « « « MANUFACTURERS OF... ra e MOULDINGS GBILING FLOORING WAINSGOTING SHEETING All kinds of Dressed and Pine Lumber, THE QHARLEMAGNE & LAG QUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. SAWN AND DRESSED LOMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations. Shipments by rail or water, / www, Made SRE Ra cle Sook et - al ‘ 4 OEP a ee 2 SY oy ores x: 3 Mn , we) ie 6 ; Oe aa ; ite oe : : —— ae . % Iv. : CANADA a. stil EDITION | at expansion of over 200,000,000 feet, being FIRES. “signee, was destroyed by. fire” last week. } Kingdon; perme May I 1,043,835,000 feet last year, 799,734,000 The ‘sash and door factory of ‘nea The loss i is about $12,000. - es Bade ‘River, NS NS. to" in 1903, and 730,315,000 in 1902. There » Caron at Nicolet, Que., was burned a few Ree ee PS a “fuegos ; eckoodes Brooklyn, Dig 1 was on hand at the close of the year days ago, the loss being quite heavy. * ‘ nor ae eae aK! to Cienfuegos. s. BARE es : 4 number of lumber charters are re- ‘The barque Robert * 399,450,000 feet, as compared with 273, The saw mill at Fredericton, N. B., be- ported from Ue “Mi nsiane Pbadiaceduck ray te sae io oes s 889,000 feet in 1903 and’ 125,551,000 feet longing to'the estate of R, A. Estey & private terms, including the following : Tusket Wedge, N.'S., to: bree cnt at $7.50. — re -| ACME LUMBER co. and Thick Bircham = J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER CO, LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A. Wholesale Hardwoot Hard Maple and Rock Elim our Special ity. We invite rapa a hether you | _ Wish to 2a or sell. & - 55S, ONE DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the Canapa : LUMBERMAN for ONE YBAR - Quartered Canadian Spruce Grand Rapids, Mich. AND WHOLESALERS - or aes * IND. & NOBLE MASON A CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION 2,600 cases shooks, 18,241 pes. “lumber, 2,000 ft. doors. Steamer Alcides, for Glasgow, 164 tons birch timber, 51,180 feet deals, 54 boxes shooks, 249 pieces ultimately at the expense of Swedish deals. The consignments have been limited in num- ber, because the markets here at no time LONDO CABLES, DOORCHEEK, LONDON STORES: tax % "We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- ‘" ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. Seats, _ Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, ~ and all kinds of ready made joinery. * San P AYERS ST ‘FEL, JUCKER & CO.| ASHTON & PETFORD a _. Lumber Importers 4 "MANCHESTER ENGLAND : Invite offers from Iumbermen for... 8 | Boneh Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pin Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels + Broom les, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any a oods Suitable’ for English Market. a Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. ‘JAMES: WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS UYERS OF sak Sirch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Staves Heading, Handies of all Veneers a Specialty BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a po:ition to export to Great Britain, Cable address, **Shooks,” Hull. Codes—A, B. C. 4th Edi:ion and Zebra. Elm description Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS | | Every_lumberman. wants . es die Locke’s Wharf, Edmonton, N. 158, Leadenhall Street, London, E.G. Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. T BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St;, MANCHESTER . Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW ASH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST | SHIPPING DOCUMENTS THOMPSON, BLOIS & KJELLGREN-— ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AND LOGS. SMITH & TYRER 14 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. » : Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyrER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’* Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW DANT & KEMP g TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW © © BROKERS ‘ og Me rece Srese eee apaseasioe 22 CO up, EL ae ee te 36 02 38 00 Com. & good culls. a ac , white, DEN. s eee eaccseseens aay bai eiatae ; ihe ; Chery, a Pe Mae eet ee andon “1% 40 00 44 00 GIN. ce saseceen anegsis 2302| xoin.... : ELM, — andands.. 2 '' 4.. 65 00 75 00| Oak, white, Sand 7 in........s.eeeeeee 23 00] Qin...... 1st & ad,rock,6in &up 26 00 28 00 st & 1d, of Sin Be mis, soft, mill ists &2nds2 ‘4. 4400 4700 No.2, 12in............ 2400} 8in.. Common and culls .. 15 00 17 00 | Common and a fecense 1 ‘' 1% 25 00 27 00 | Oak, quart’d, IO Weesesven anncvane 22 00 idee iniheiied \ Elm, soft, ill ists&ends ‘' 2... 7000 8200 No.2,9in...... a vss 22 00 | 1x4... : p a pe fiat... 3. 26 78 oo | Walnut, xsts M3 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. i Spe rel Sate a BS = oa Sona s and 2nds.. 1 3-- 85 00 109 00 er in., 4 and 5 in. wide. ..-$15 00| £ in. in, and up wide. -+ss$17 00 orn om aseseese 78 80] 4/4 Box boards 6” andup.. 19 20 5 in, and up merchantable “boards, 8 ft. & up,p.1 Ss BIRCH. 4 inch uppers .. seers 88 go | ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 © Out Spruce boards, p.rs. . 14 Inch 20 g2~S(é ects, 234 in ap... see's ge Mem a in. dressing — sweet «+ 40 42 1x2 and 1x3 furring p.1s clipped and. bundled . te ; = Us Ce Aaah we etie dante «72 ga Ry MEAG, 6. a deee cacead 20 16 a sh 23 Fine common, 2% in. ‘ant up 72 75 Box, Se ae mete: 21 ‘NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. BA : “ S 35 LP tO DIM. ceeeeeeeeeeeeeees 69 61 | No. x barn, rx12.. 29 30 9 Sg ler ; 3a 34 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 53 55 = Mackin ately . 25 26 OTTAWA. ONT. » 35 45 IXG...eee +,°23 «25 3. . 30 48 | No. 2 barn, xx12 27 Clear Whites .,..... MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, No. 1 mold Z,1to2 45 48 1X10... 4. scnescerasececs 23 24 Extra 1s (Clear whites oat): ats : Plc, goo sidings : 1x12 No. z barn.. No. 2 molding, 1 toz2in..... 35 8) 1x8........ececssceseeens 22 23 Extra 1s (Clear whitesin).........0....sessee t rst in and up. 39 00 4200| 1x10No. 2 21700 Stained sapS....ce«seseees 32 40 Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4in...... 32 38 < LES. ; ; d 1% in. x 1x8 & 9 No ee * 59/00 Bracket plank .......+.+--. 35 45 ies oistelaheint 40 RITISH COLUMBIA SHING i Ae viesaree 48.00 §0 00| 1x8 & 9 No.2 “ re > Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 35 40 Dressing «...-¢ singepnocesnaeueas Red Cedar Extras, ae seyus toa in. 3 ‘ux 8 in. and up. 50.00 §5 00| Pine Shorts 6’ to rex8" iates Dressing bosids, Re DWre | = Common ..csscccereeveme 25 : Bi “. es i ; 2 z igh A mS ie 7 oe / = . . * * iad a / = UP ae, ns” eee ae, = Vou. XIII. WEEKLY TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, FEB CANADA LUMBERMAN AND. WOOD WORKER EDITION ~Canapa LuMBERMAN The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’ of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. Ag 21 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, LonpDon, E. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the Z : reae manufacturing districts and leading ~ lomestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- acturers and exporters and the purchasers of imber ucts at home and abroad. The Month'y Lumberman— A 32-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and -working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen, etc. Its 1 articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially valuable. WANTED AND FOR SALE Se = Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of sed cent, will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 1zlines make oneinch. Ad- vi ‘ its must be received not later than 4 o’clock p, m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in + the current week’s issue ; fe FEXSELSIOR WOOD WANTED — PEELED . or clear spruce. RANKIN AND Co., Dundas street, Toronto. Telephone. SOR SALE—1", 6/4”, 2” SOFT ELM. 1”, 2”, 3”, Birch. 1’ Wormy Chestnut. 1”. 6/4”,2”, 3”, 4” Hard and Soft Maple. 1”, 6/4”, 2” Beech 1”, 2”, 3” White Ash. 1”, 2”. 3”, 4” Red and Wt ite Oak, Cedar Squares. R. E KinSMAN, Hamilton. FOR SALE ‘ fay '§ containing over 200,000,000 feet of stand- ¥ ing timber. Tothe person with money this is one of the best propositions in the interior of B.C, For further information address ‘‘ H.C.” _ CanaDA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Py AT FERNIE, B. C. SAW MILL PLANT AND TIMBER LIMITS ACRES ONE AND A QUARTER miles from Fernie, B. C._ heavily timbered with Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Tamarac, easily accessible for logging purposes both in ‘summer and winter. é i . ill Waterous Mill with capacity of 40 , all complete. i les. dwelling houses, store, smithy and camp all substantially built and ready a ‘Torecey ation. ge The limits are held under Crown Grant and ' urchaser can enter and begin operations with- t any delay. 5 Ee Maxthic: particulars, price, terms, etc., _ bij PH. VIBERT, ESQ., i” Manager Union Bank of Canada, = , Lethbridge, N. W T. or H, ia ESQ y : olson’s Bank Building, Vanicouyer, B,C, ill, capacity 50,000 feet in ten hours, and = OR SALE—60 H.P. HORIZONTAL RETURN __ Tubular Boiler, good as new, bargain for quick turn-ov r. Address ALFRED RUBBRA, 22 Victoria Square, Montreal, Que. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs, SimcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. \ ANTED—1” BLACK ASH; ALSO FOR sale, the following: 6,500 6xg-t’ 8’ Red Oak Ties ; 150,000’ 2” Dry Indiana White Oak ; 50,000’ 2” Dry Indiana Red Oak.McCLuRE LuMm- BER Co., Detroit, Mich. RY HEMLOCK LUMBER, CUT LAST season, good‘sound stock, and will manu- facture 60 M ft. 2” plank, 90 M ft. 1 x 8 and I X Io in. stock and 1 in. siding Price nett, = apeire R. R. DRYSDALE, Lavant Station, nt. FOR SALE. \V OULD LIKE PRICES ON SOFT FLM and Soft Maple Lumber. Have from one to three huudred thousand feet, to be sawed this winter. Would be loaded on cars at Petrolea, Ont. Enquire Box 78, Dresden, Ont, Fok SALE, — SAW MILE MACAINERY, nearly new. capacity 15,000 ft., oo M feet hardwood logs, 200 M feet hemlock logs, three million feet hemlock and hardwood timber, 1,000 cords bark. 30.000 cords wood complete logging outfit, quantity shingle bolts at mill and in bush. Nodues. Close o G.T.R_ Good tim- ber locality. Reason for selling, failing health. For price and terms apply to Box 194, CANALA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER DcALERS CAN BUY FOR YOU AND CUT THIS winter 200 tos0ooM of Red Oak and Bass- wood. also smaller quantities of other hardwoods. Address ‘‘Hardwood,’”’ care CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. FOR SALE. 700,000 ft. dry pine, 1’, 2” and 3”; 350,000 ft. dry hemlock, 1’ and 2”. Also a large qnantity of ist and 2nd class cedar shingles. We will have by spring 75,000 cedar ties and 100,000 cedar posts piled on shore. During the summer we will saw 25.009 cedar ties and a large quantity of cedar timber, boat lumber, etc. For further particulars apply to MCALLISTER Bros., Cockburn Island, Ont. “FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber In Central Ontario THE PROPERTY OF THE CANADIAN LAND AND JMMIGRATION CO., OF HALIEURTON, (LIMITED). This company has a large tract of well timbered land about 125 miles northeast of Toronto, There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Bassw od, Cherry, Birch Maple, also considerable Pine Elm and Ash on thistract. It is well strved by two rail- roads. The company are prepared to sell this timberin blocks ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 acres or more if desired. There are several good mill siteson the pro- perly. This would be a good opportunity for atties who are at present cut out and looking Fer ane. location ; Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. ——- TIMBER FOR SALE. OR SALE—BRITISH COLUMBIA’S VALU- able cedar, fir and spruce timber in selected tracts on the sea coast, within easy reach of Vancouver ci'y. MATHEWS & BREMNER, 417 Hastings street, Vancouver B.C. ANTED — POSITION AS BAND SAW filer for coming season. Best of references. Saw maker by trade. Box 488, Galt, Ont. VW sae 300,000 FEET WINTER CUT Basswood, Common and Better in quality, 1 1/16” thick when dry. Addres- Box 189, care of CANADA LUMBERMAN. ANTED.—A SECOND HAND FOR A small pl. ning mill, Apply, stating ex- ferience and wages exnected, to the MONTREAL CotTtTov Co, Valleyfield, P.Q. OR SALE —1”", 6/1”, 2” HARD MAPLE, 1’ soft elm, 6/4”, 2” rock elm culls, 1” soft elm culls, 1’ basswood culls, 1’, 6/4”, 2” pine, 17 cherry, 1” black and white ash, 6/4” white ash, vy’ soft maple aud 1” birch. Write for prices. THE W. R THOMPSON Co., Teeswater, Ont. MICHIGAN HARDWOODS. foe SALE—CHOICE DRY ROCK MAPLE, beech, soft elm and basswood, all thick- nesses. Low prices.—BROWNLEE & COMPANY, Detroit M chigan. FOR SALE. HORSE POWER PORTABLE SAW MILL, 9 complete, price $650 00, Waterous make ; also a 40 horse power stationary saw mill, Gagen edger, 3 Sawyer; all new machinery three years ago, cost $2,800.00, will sell for $1,800.00 in spring, a bargain, E. TODD, 131 Brant street, Brantford. FOR SALE. 397,000 feet 2” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. 86,000 feet 1” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. 43,000 feet Mill Culls, etc. WISE Also the product of two million feet good white pine logs to be cut next summer. Corres- pondence solicited. PINE LUMBER COMPANY, Pine, Ont. (near Cartier.) For Sale FIRST CLASS STAVE AND HOOP MILL in good state of repair, and with it or not at option of purchaser, the stock of staves and hoops on hand together with a quantity of stand- ing timber. Also horses, harness, trucks, wag- gons, etc. For all particulars bona fide pur- chasers may apply to “Staves,” in care of CaNnaDA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, THE LocaToRS.—W.B Herbert, General Man- ager, Winnipeg. The largest and oldest exclu- sive Business Brokers inthe West Address THE LocaTor., 63 Merchants’ Bank Building, Winni- eg. Baamees and Coal—In good town on Souris branch about eighty miles from Winnipeg. Stock of seven thousand five thousand cash, or less to a good man, balance easy. Population six hundred, nocompetilion, THE LocaTors. Lumber and Machinery.—Five thousand han- dles, business doing sixty thousand a year, es- tablished six years, in growing country, net pro- fit yearly six thousand. THE LocaTors Lumber Business and Buildings —At a snap, on the Lenore branch hundred and seventy five miles from Winnipeg. Four thousand handles. Enq sireab ut this. THe LocaTors. _ aw Mill —One hundred and thirty milesfrom Calgary Annual turnover two million, Includ- ing blacksmith shop and % section of land containing five million feet, price six thousand and six hundred, good terms. Apply at once. THE LOCATORS We are just getting out our new book of busi- ness opp >rtunities and you should write for one, Address THE Locators, Merchants’ Bank Byild- ing, Winnipeg. RUARY 1, 19°05 The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 Per year +{The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUS ACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. No. 1 ioe PILES FORISALE. FOR PARTIC- ulars apply to Sims LUMBER Co., LIMITED, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. ANTED—1” BLACK ASH 1” CULL BASS- WOOD, 6/4 Cull Basswood. McCLurE LUMBER Co., Detroit, Mich. OR SALE. 80,000 FT, 1’ HARD MAPLE,M.R. 100,000 ft. if Birch, M. R. Write Box 102 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. V ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP- WOOD Companies to look up page 7, monthly issue, which is bound to interest you. ANTED — BY LIVE EXPERIENCED Lumberman., stock of lumber to handle on commission. Box 190,CANADA LUMBERMAN. \ 7ANTED — FILER FOR BAND SAWS. Must be reliable. State salary expected, etc. Address Box i91, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ANTED, CONTRACT OF SAWING LATH ¥ ANTED—VYOUNG MAN WITH KNOW- LEDGE of office work and experience in selling lumber, one with knowledge of Ottawa grading preferred. Apply giving references to TIMBsR, C/o CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ANTED—AN EXPFRIENCED MILL- WRIGHT for Band Mill near Quebec. Must be first class man. References required. THE RivEa OUELLE PULP & LUMBER Co., St. Pacome, P. Q. ANTED, A MARKET FOR CUTTINGS from ehoice hardwood. viz: oak, white Give cimensions, dress P.L.C., care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, FOR SALE. UMBER AND SAW-MILL BUSINESS ON Cc. P. R. Main line. Mill in good running order. Daily sawing 20to25M feet. Timber convenient to mill, Address A.B.C., CANADA LUMBERMAN. WANTED Party with timber limits to form Company with a party who has a modern saw miil plant, capacity twenty million, on North Shore Georgian Bay. Address Box 193, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, That the lumber market is gradually strengthening is plainly evident. The num- ber of enquiries regarding the new cut which are being received by the manufac- turers is very encouraging and an evi- dence that dealers are disposed to pur- chase stock. This is further empasized by one or two important contracts which have recently been closed. Business can be done whenever the manufacturer is willing to accept the prices of the early winter, but in some quarters advances have been made, causing buyers to look around in other directions in the hope of II CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION finding lumber which hasnot been brought into line with the increase. Nevertheless, those who are asking higher prices be- lieve that there is strong ground for their position and that the developments of the spring will be favorable to the holder of lumber. The report comes from Otiawa that despite the’ slight decrease in the cost of log production, the Ottawa Valley mill men will hold out for last season’s prices. Hardwoods are firmly held and im- the buying movement shows some provement. The supp'y of hardwoods, however, is likely to prove equal to the demand and no important change in price is anticipated in the near future. The de- velopments in the lath market are being watched with considerable interest. A wholesale firm in Western Ontario have been heavy buyers of late and now control a considerable percentage of the available supply. The suggestion of a corner, how- ever, is not considered seriously. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, There is as yet very little activity in lumber circles throughout Western Canada, bnt many are confident that the present year will witness some recovery from the low prices which have prevailed. There is certain to be a large consump- tion of lumber, timber and ties in connec- .. tion with railway extension and improve- ments undertaken by the Canadian Pacific ‘and Canadian Northern Railway, and while building in Winnipeg may not be as active as during the past year, there is reason to believe that a large quantity of lumber will be required for that purpose. The present low price of lumber should stimulate consumption. The statement has been published that the Mountain Lumber Manutacturers' Association pro- pose to establish retail yards throughout the Northwest, but we shall defer a dis- cussion of this question until more definite information as to the intention of the manufacturers is to hand. UNITED STATES, Climatic conditions in the United States have been opposed to any increase in the movement of lumber and nothing more than a normal trade has been done. The demand from the country districts is light» but this is attributed largely to the diffi- culty of handling lumber at this season of the year. The demand from this quarter will make itself felt upon the first sign of spring and a heavy trade is anticipated, Inquiry is active and there are no weak spots in the white pine market. The in- creased stocks in Minnesota are confined chiefly to small mills in the interior and will be consumed without perceptible effect upon prices. Low grade boards have lost none of their recent strength, while the better quality of pine is exhibit- ing a stronger tone than for some months past. Itis stated that mill culls sold in Duluth last week at $14 and scoots at $9.25. Spruce is maintaining its strength and some manufacturers have declared their intention of holding their stock at an advance of 50 cents per thousand. Hem- lock was never in better position. Among the hardwoods, maple, birch and elm are selling freely, while basswood lags be- hind both in price and demand. There has been a sharp advance in lath at Chicago, the current prices being $4 to $4.25 for No. 1 white pine and $3.50 to $3.75 for No. 1 mixed. Spruce lath have been but little affected by the strength in white pine, as they continue to sell in Boston at $3.40 for 1 5-8 inch and $3.15 for 134 inch. GREAT BRITAIN. The year has opened with a much im- proved outlook for lumber in Great Brit- ain. As we have previously stated, stocks at London and Liverpool are unusually light and the consumption is showing signs of being considerably larger than last year, the shipbuilding and other con- suming industries being in a more pros- perous condition. There are still some influences against any substantial im- provement, but these, it is hoped, will be removed before the importing season has been reached. So far as can be learned, British importers have not yet contracted for their regular supply of Canadian pine and spruce, but we believe they are pre- pared to admit that more favorable terms could have been obtained in December than at the present time, for the improve- ment in the United States market has en- couraged our manufacturers to hold out for firm prices for British specifications. The present tendency of prices on this side of the water is upward, and if British importers want our lumber they must be prepared to meet the American competi- tion. It is understood that the railways in Great Britain are likely to consume a considerable quantity of oak this year, and the outlook is favorable for higher prices for that timber. THE BARBADOS MARKET. The following report of the Barbados lumber market is furnished by Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Company: “The arrivals of lumber have been as follows: Schooner Laura C, from Liver- pool, N. S., with 286,000 ft. white pine, principally second quality; E. A. Post, from Tusket Wedge, N.S., 184,000 ft. white pine, spruce and hemlock; Leah A. Whidden, from Halifax, N.S., 205,000 ft. white pine and hemlock. Of the above the Laura C, failing to obtain an offer, went on to Demerara. The white pine ex E, A. Post was sold at $25.76 mer- chantable, $19.56 second quality and shipping spruce at $22.26. The cargo of the Leah A. Whidden was sold at $24.50 merchantable, $18.50 second quality, and $19. for hemlock. The Briardene, from Halifax, also had 53,000 ft. spruce and hemlock, for which $22.08 was obtained for former and $19 for latter description. Our market is now heavily stocked with white pine, especially second quality, as late cargoes have consisted principally of this, and we were fortunate in placing a cargo to arrive shortly, which was repre- sented as really good, and consisted of 145,000 ft. merchantable and 35,000 ft. second quality, at $26.00 and $21.00 re- spectively. There are reports of other vessels on the way here, and we fear that prices may decline somewhat. Spruce is not in heavy stock, but with cheap white pinein their yards, we expect deal- ers will not show much anxiety to buy. No arrivals of shingles to note, and it is reported that the schooners Calderwood he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited MILLS at eT AASCE Algoma pats **Soo”’ Branch C.P.R. Ont. © . Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES, Coristine Building, Montreal Aud at Mills at Spragge. February 1, 1905 and Utility bringing both long and laying cedar have been lost. Stocks of these, however, are ample to meet the demand, which is very slack. Some sawn Cypress ex. Adonis, which we reported in our last as having being imported for a dealer, were evidently rejected, as consigners offered them for sale, and accepted $3.25 for 4x 18, and $4.50 for 6x 18 and 6 x 24.” J. B. Farwell & Son «. CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN .. Ganadian Gedar Tele- (raph, Telephone and Electric Light Poles Orillia, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS 1K Woskly Canada Lumberman Winnipeg} Toronto Montreal MANUFACTURERS OF Water Shipments WOODS & SPICER, Limited crf MANUFACTURERS pit Sith Sg tait BRITISH COLUMBIA RHD CHDAR SHINGLES Wire Your Orders at ouR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, B.C. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Capacity 100 Million a Year. We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. Limited Owen Sound, Ont. NARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINT ORILLIA PLANING MILL Near G.T.R. Station PLANING, MOULDINGS, MATCHING, FLOORING, RESAWING, SIDING Done any quantity. Write for price. S. POMEROY, Fpoenre Send for Catalogue & 2 Samples by Mail ; : KNIGHT BROTHERS co Burk’s Falls. MASON, GORDON & co. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, K DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER ~ DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH BULMER, M°LENNAN & COMPANY - MONTREAL, QUE: Office and Yard, 571 DORCHESTER ST. = P. 0. BOX 116 | White and Red Pine | Lumber and Lath — a i a il -- February 1, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION BROOM HANDLES. If an enterprising man with supplies of cheap Spruce, Basswood or Poplar care to put in several machines to work broom handles we can take his output. Write in first instance to Empire, care of CANADA - LUMBERMAN. HARDWOOD PRICES AND STOCKS. The annual meeting of the Hardwood Mauufacturers’ Association of the United States was held at Nashville, Tenn., on Tuesday, January 24th, at which an official price list was adopted. The prices fixed are given in part below: Sort ELmM.—1 in. log run, $20; 1% to 2in., $20. SorrT MapLe.—1 in. log run, $18; 1% to 2 in., $20. Asu.—No. 1 and 2, 1 in.; $40; 1% to 2 in., $43.50 ; 234 in., $53 3 3in., $55; 4 in., $58. No. 1 common, t in. $27.50; 14 to 2 in., $29.50; 234 in., $35; 3 in., $373 4 in., S40. No. 2 common, 1 in., $18; 14 to 2 in., $20; 2% to 4 in., $22. MM. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 303 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, Lo.don, Eng. a SR SS Ss THE K NG AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS Har DWOOD Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, ren McMinnville, Tenn, We buy and seli Pine in Car and Cargo Lots PLAIN WHITE OAk.—No. 1 and 2, 1 in., $42.50; 1% and 134 in., $44.50; 2/in., $45.50 3 234 in. $50 ; 3 in., $55; 4 in. $60. No. 1 Common, 1 in., $30; 1% and1% in., $32 ; 2 in., $33; 2% in., $38; 3 in., $40; 4in., $45. No. 2 Common, 1 in., $18; 1% and 1%, $20; 2 in. $22; 2% in., $23; 3 in., $24; 4 in., $25. No. 3 Common, 1 in., $15; 1% and 1% in., $16; 2 in., $18. Plain red oak to be same price as plain white oak, QUARTERED WHITE OAK.—No. 1 and 2, % in., 6 tog in., $40; 1% in., $47; 5 in., $55 ; 56 in. 12 in. and up, $85; % in. 6109 in., $62.50; 1 in., 6 tog in., $70; 1 in., 10 and 11 in., $85; rin. 12 to 14 in., $110: 1in. 15 in. and up, $160; 1% to 2 in., $73; 2% in., $80 ; 3 in., $85 ; 4 in., $90. Nor Common % in., 6 to gin., $25; % in., $30; % in., $35; 3 in. 6 tog in., $40; 1 in., $45; 14 to 2 in., $48. The statistics complied by the secretary showed stocks on hand January 1, 1905, of 436,261,000 feet, as compared with 359,322,000 feet on July 1, 1904. It may be explained, however, that a larger num- ber of mills reported at this meeting and that the comparative statement o! those who reported July I, 1904, shows a de- ROBERT WATT. WIARTON, ONT. Manufacturer and Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. SPECIAL: About 70 M feet of 1” Basswood, One car load of 3x4 Hardwood Hearts suitable for Car Stakes, One car each of 3” and 4x4 Cedar. Prices upon application C.S. POWELL & CO. Lumber Fxporters— 604 Temple Bidg., TORONTO and at NEW ORLEANS, LA. Hi Cash buvers all kinds hard woods- To Mil!men We solicit correspongesce. . .. AT MIDLAND 100,000 feet 1 x 4 and 5 Mill Run 150,000 feet 1 x 6 Write for Prices, also for my 1905 CALENDAR. Both Good. J. D. SINGLAIR Vancouver Cedar Mills VANGOUV BR B.C. IDOOOOOSS FOR High Grade Cedar THE MENZ LUMBER GOMPANY Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH COLUMBIA PG ee Ui AN DD CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SH!INGLES We Solicit Your Inquiries. J. F. FOSS, Manager. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FOR SALE I can saw out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, o or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, OWEN SOUND, ONT. crease in the amount of stocks on hand of 30,090,000 feet, or 1234 per cent. The following table shows the quantity of each kind of lumber on hand : July 1,1904 Jan. 1,1905 ASH iS Aye tenidts.« 6,985,000 7,728,000 Basswood ...... 24,292,000 19,748,000 Beech. es asia 27204,000 4,262,000 Birche-f G.F.goe: 13,832,000 10,853,000 Butternut....... 238,000 257,000 Chetry sanroteer- 542,000 1,665,000 Chestnuts... 10,265,000 14,871,000 Cottonwood..... 24,220,000 33,320,000 CY Presse? aie 10,126,000 7,682,000 Rock Elm...... 3»394,000 1,930,000 Soft Elm . 7,258,000 9,410,000 Gumi. 2eG rece 34,984,000 43,853,000 Hickory,3 a cro. 1,263,000 1,619,000 Soft Maple...... 1,395,000 25,730,000 Hard Maple .... 22,003,000 34,v29,000 Plain White Oak 24,915,000 48,315,000 Plain Red Oak.. 16,649,000 19,598,000 Otd. White Oak. 17,016,000 37,148,000 Otd. Red Oak.. 3,220,000 7,047,000 Poplar, Rough..115,066,000 115,553,000 Poplar, Worked. 15,794,0co 6, 156,000 Pecans. aero 47,000 60,000 Sycamore.......s. 899,000 3,984,000 Walnutzra., ..ae ie »715,000 4,413,000 Totals... + 359,322,000 436,2€1,000 I,. Dean Holden, Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. A.F, Holden, Vice-Pres, H.C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. —— SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimiTeD SAW AND PLANING: MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER. By Carload or Cargo, Registered Cable ‘addreseiss ae Pinewood.” we BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. “Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. > American .Iaumberman”: Telecode.. . is SVVSVVVVSVSUCVVSVSwTTVTS VSETESVSVSTVBVVIS®O R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. ¢ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R, S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERS uF LUMBER AND SALT. Mills at Sandwich, Ont. CVBVSOSVSVSSSSVSVVSEVVSVVSSATVSEVSEUSUSUTUEUSBO J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY THE QWARLEMAGNE & LAG OUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete. In Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HAROWO000 FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - _ Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. "Phone No. 54. SAWN AND DRESSED LUMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations, Shipments by rail or water. CACHE BAY LUMBER. § INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - @wirecular CACHE BAY, Ont. Cc. P. R. Gane 26 miles West North Bay UMBER and LATH CACHE BAY PLANING MILL CO. « MANUFACTURERS OF... MOULDINGS GBILING FLOORING WAINSGOTING SHEETING i'l &ials of Dressed and Pine Lumber. mo | CanaDA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION February 1, 1905 | Nanpoevar, 2c, tag” ae HEAPS & CO... aaa Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES: Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. W. J. SHEPPARD st = ghaie aubaushene, ‘ Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. j. G. Soon WRdretrliy Pg Pacific Coast Lumber Co. LIMITED VANGOUVER, B.C. Fir, Cedar and Spruce. Lumber, . Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. High Grade Red Cedar meee Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, ~ 112 Mail Building, ree! D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J. E. YOUNG, Cashier. The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. Manufacturers of % HR Se & White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work Dealers in Mills at RAT PORTAGE and CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Head Office: RAT POTRAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Worked and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. LOS? MAA KR Pao MANUFACTURER OF é3 Red Cedar Shingles Mills at Hastings and New Westminster Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Daily Capacity, 250,000 Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Ontario Representative: W. J. SMITH, Fergus. Export Lumber & Shingle Co. Wholesale Dealers Limited British Columbia Lumber and Shingles The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market prices. Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re-) garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFU LLY SOLICITED VANCOUVER - BRITISH COLUMBIA Telephone B 1425 COOKE & TAIT. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF B.C. FIR AND GEDAR LUMBER AND SHINGLES Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Shingle Mill: False Creek, Vancouver, B.C. WRITE FOR PRICES. Hazelmere Lumber Co. HAZELMERE, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF 3:3 3 FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER CLEAR CEDAR AND FLOORING Our Specialty. Long Distance Telephone. Cc. WELLS —» PALLISER, B. c. 3 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 High Grade Spruce, Fir, Codie and Lumber of all Descriptions. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ‘- 2 a oo? a Vl cilia eat A D, D. FLANNER . W. REEVES FLANNER & REEVES Manufacturers and Wholesalers of WHITE AND NORWAY PINE LUMBER CLE AND SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close Price THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited 60 Bay St., Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. CAR AND AE ROBT. STEWART LIMITED CUELPH, ONTARIO © MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Stairs, Hardwood Flooring, Etc. Canadian and American Hard and Soft Woods of all descriptions SPECLALTIEBS YELLOW PINE AND OAK TIMBER Sole Canadian Represenative of the SOUTHERN CYPRESS LUMBER SELLING COMPANY New Orleans, La. Vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ~“. -February 1, 1905 NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) St. JoHn, N.B., January 31st, 1905.— The lack of life in all branches of the lum- ber industry is still the predominant feature as regards this part of the country. The coming season is attracting the attention of the local lumbermen to a much greater extent than the small transactions of the present month. The stocks of English deals on the local wharves are decreasing slowly but surely. Several shipments, ranging in quantity from 25 to 125 standards, have gone for- ward since January 1st by the liners which make this port their winter terminus. The sum-total of all holdings of English at this port would range from 7,500,000 sup. feet to 8,500,000 feet, the latter figure being the outside estimate. The much greater part, in fact practically all, of this quantity has been secured and is now held by local commission houses. It is probable that the bulk will not be put upon the market before the end of three months, and not then if the indications apparent at that time warrant the holding of it still longer. As far as can be learned (and this quot- ing the best local authorities), the volume of business in the English market is so small that ‘the prevalent prices could scarcely be named as general nor yet as indicative of what figures will prevail a month hence. But it is conceded on all sides that at the present moment all con- ditions tend to an improvement with the resumption of trade; the dealers on the other side of the water are carrying small stocks, the prospects point to an excellent business in the building line and shippers seem to be in no haste to put their goods upon the market. In the United States the prospect for New Brunswick spruce deals seems parti- cularly good, Here, too, stocks are very light and arrivals few and the indications point to a boom in building. For boards and scantling the outlook in this direction is not so bright. Last sea- son business in these lines was very dull, the demand deing at all times small when the supply is considered. At this stage there is no sign of improvement that could be called unmistakable. While the receipts from New Brunswick of this line of goods in the United States market have been very light during the last four months, prices have not rallied nor is it considered that there is any prospect of their doing so in the immediate future. The price of spruce lath continues to fluctuate. Since last writing there has been an improvement of 25 cents per M. New Brunswick product lath are now quoted at $2.10 and American at $2.35 per M. f.o.b. St. John. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) VANCOUVER, B. C., January 23rd, 1905. —Prices of logs are very firm and an ad- vance is looked for within the next month or two. It means that the corner attempted ‘by Mr. J. S. Emerson has been sucessful. Several months ago when depression existed in the logging industry, Mr. Emer- son quietly went to work and bought up as much of the available supply as was possible. The mills were closing down because of slow demand, and to make the usual repairs, and having logs on hand they didnot augment their supply. Lately some of the mills have started again, and spring orders are beginning to come in, with the result that logsare wanted. The price goes as high as $7.50 at present, and wil] probably continue at top-notch figures until nearly June. It is expected there will be an increase of about $1 during the next 30 or 60 days, andanother rise after that. Then the price will be the highest ever known in British Columbia. There will be considerable disappoint- ment if no duty is placed on lumber enter- ing Canada from the United States, for in anticipation of this action of the Dominion Government, all the mills are preparing for a big cut during the coming summer. Particularly in the interior, large amounts of logs are being taken out, and the mill- men there confidently hope that the limited Canadian market will be reserved for Canadians. Settlers in the Territories will get their lumber cheaper this year than ever before. The move anticipated a couple of months ago of the whole of the lumber manufacturers of this province withdrawing from the Western Retail Lumber Dealers’ Associatoin, has been taken, and the western mills will establish depot yards in the Territories. Thus lumber will be sold to the consumer direct, and the profit of the middleman will be saved. If no dutyis placed on lumber, there is no use denying that condi- tions will be serious. ‘‘ If the Government does not grant protection, it may not be improbable that there will be a price war,” a well knownlumberman said, ‘‘ for the retailers will be supplied by American mills, and the lumber manufacturers of Canada will have their ownyards, Every effort, though, will be made to stave this off.” Mr. John Hendry, president of the B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Company, wil leave to-day for Ottawa, in connection UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. “WHOLESALE. HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE GHARLOTTE HABBERLE Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - McGLURE LUMBER GO. Cedar Street,“NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. Wholesale Dealers in . Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale H. D. WicGl will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. WANTED BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. Muskegon, Mich. ACME LUMBER CO. Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A. Wholesale Hardwoods Hard Maple and Rock Elm our Speciality. We invite correspondence whether you to buy or sell. ONB.DOLLAR. Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YBAR 5/8 Inch Quartered Canadian Spruce and Thick Birchza=e_— J. F.. QUIGLEY LUMBER CoO. 94 Pearl Street Grand Rapids, Mich. HE-ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND. HARDWOOES Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, + Veneers Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e\e\e\eseXe IND. ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hic kory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Orres»)» ndenco Invited on All Hardwocds. BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE FRANK GC. BURY WHOLESALE MICHIGAN LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. f February 1, 1905 with the duty matter, and will join the large deputation which will meet the Government on February 7th. Mr. ' Hendry is president of the B. C. Lumber & Shingle Manufacturers’ Association, and also vice-president for British Columbia of the Canadian Manufacturers’ Association, and will confer with the officials of the latter organization in Toronto before pro- ceeding to Ottawa. Japanese are buying up small shingle and lumber mills in this vicinity and a!so on Puget Sound, preparing for the demand which is expected to follow the develop- ment of the Orient after the war. The British ship Nelson and the Ameri- CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION can schooner Wilbert L. Smith are loading lumber at the Hastings mill, the tormer for Europe, and the latter for Osaka, Japan. a, CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From St. John, N.B.: Steamer Mont- calm, for Montreal and Bristol, 1,046 bdls. pulp board, 104,656 \ft. deals, 1,113 ft. ends, 75,178 ft. birch deals, 99 ft. birch scantling, 4,288 ft. ends, 2,171 doors, 1,478 bdls. maple flooring. Steamer Parisian, for Liverpool, 71,498 ft. deals, 170 ft. scantling, 167 ft. ends, 28,288 ft. birch plank, 1,321 ft. birch ends. Steamer Mount Temple, tor London and Antwerp, 133,595 ft. deals, 9,000 bdls. shooks, 2,506 doors, 24,534 pcs. lumber. Ship Savonia, for Buenos Ayres, 716,177 ft. scantling, 469,026 ft. boards. Steamer Montrose, for London and Antwerp, 240,118 ft. deals, 3,373 ft. ends, 27,000 bdls. shooks. From Halifax, N.S.: Steamer Parisian, for Liverpool, 104,888 ft. hardwood lum- ber, value $1,214, 109,907 ft. hemlock deals, value $1,200, by S. Cunard & Co., agents. Steamer Dahome, for St. Vin- cent, B.W.I., 19,344 ft. spruce boards, value $268; for Demerara, 13,000 ft. pine boards, value $200, by Pickford & Black, agents. » From Bear River, N.S.; Barquentine Ethel Clarke, for Buenos Ayres, lumber. Vil. for Buenos Barque Carrie L. Smith, Joseph L. Ayres, lumber. Schooner Hay, tor West Indies, lumber. From Digby, N.S.: Barque Vanadis, for Buenos Ayres, lumber. Cable address: “Dundonian, Dundee.” BERG & SON, Timber and Wood Pulp Agents and Brokers sDUNDEE, SCOTLAND om Be Contracts made between Shippers and Importers Correspondence solicite ae —- @ ° Wood Brokers and Meastrers ARNWORTH & JARDINE ° ° Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 71 Regent Road BIOTLE LIVERPOOL ENA, F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A.B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. | OUIS BAMBERCER, IMPORTER OF —— Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London,’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ZEBRA CODE A. B, C. CODE DIRECTORY CODE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers Cable Address : “‘ GELLICHT,” LONDON CABLES, DOORCHEEK, LONDON We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- Seats, Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. and all kinds of ready made joinery. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for... Spruce Deais and Battens, Spruce and Pin Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels Broom idles, Chair stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. 57 Gracechurcech St. London, E.C. England LONDON STORES: ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘Shooks,’”’ Hull. Codes—A. B. C, 4th Edi ion and Zebra. JRKMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS “Oak Birch Staves and BUYERS O Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Heading, Veneers a Specialty Handies of all description ~ BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS SMITH & TYRER - Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. Cable Address : “ TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. Every lumberman wants it BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID, Timber Importers a Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bidg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW fee ee cr Y BROKERS 55 cents buys it Soribnér's LUMDEF L090 Book Address : THE CANADA LUMBFRMAN Toronto Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY We arein the Market for pia Pieces Logs and Boards, Pine Deals and in White Ash Planks, best quality, in long lengths Oak Planks, best quality, in long lengths Rock Maple Logs and Pianks, White Oak Logs All cla-ses of Manufactured Wood Goods Rock Elm Logs, Waney Birch Logs — full particulars of what you have to offer, with prices. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS. Liverpool and London Chambers CABI,R ADDRESS "DOBLE LIVERPOOL ”’ | CASH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST SHIPPING DOCUMENTS THOMPSON, BLOIS & K BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW JELLCREN—-— ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AND LOGS HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. - . LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND BRANCH. OFFICE Brook {, HAMBURG . Vill. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION . February 1, 1905 THE ONTARIO LUMBER Css a tah North Bay. C.P.R. and b. T.R. Delivery. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. 35 and 36 HINTONBURG, ONT. (ASH, ELM, BASSWOOD, PINE, SPRUCE Have for Sale {ayn HEMLOCK IN QUANTITIES Eastern Agents--B. C. Shingles and Douglas Fir, all dimensions B. C. Cedar ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA Can dress to 24x30. LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR . MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES, Home Life Building L ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Ba Water Shipment Only. : ILLIAMSON & MORRISON ——LUMBER WHOLESALE JAS. LUNNY & GO., Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling Write for quotations RAI LWAY EO. G. GLADMA WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER PARRY SOUND, ONT. Tne WOODSTOCK LUNBER & MANUFACTURING G0, —Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in—— Pine, Hemlock *Hardwood Lumber ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, A. P. PBART MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, _ Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock WIARTON, OWT. THE NEW LINE Through the Spruce Forests of the Laurentian Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesbury. WatTER-PoweErs, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELECTRIC IpzAL PuLp-MiLt Sires. A. J. GORRIE, oe UFACTURER LATH AND SHINGLES osm, PowER FOR SALE. Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. MONTREAL General Supt. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED Wo:dstock, — Ontario. GUY TOMBS G, BGT A. 4 GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES--WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 inch No, 1 Pine cuts & hetter...... 1% to 2 inch No. Ae 00 $48 oo | 2x4to 10 inch, 8 ft. Clear inch B. C. cedar, cuts and beeer - 50 00 52 00 Meike Cried ofc ctnes 50 00 1 inch No. 3 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar cuts and better.... 40 00 42 00 air died boat lumber 55 00 1% 192 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension cvts and better .. 44 00 4600 timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 rin Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension and bettershorts 2400 26 co timber, o to 35 feet 3I 00 1X4, 6and 8common 18 co 19 00/1%in No.1 4ft. Pine ’ Ix 1© ccmmon...... Ig 50 2000] Lath................ 25 3 40 IX I12common...... 2100 22 00/1% in. No. 2 4ft, Lath 279 2 80 ax10 common...... 20 00 21 00| 1%” No.1 32” pine lath I 50 3X10 common...... 21.00 22 ov| 1%” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 2 50 1 and 3xr2 common. 22 00 23 00| XXXX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 1xiu inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 220 common .........- 20 00 21 co| X Pine Shingles .. I co Tinchmill run sidings 2: 00 22 00| XXX CedarShingles 2 80 290 1 in, mill run...... - 20 00 2I 00 B. C. Shingles 2x10 and 1amillc ll: 15 00 16 00 | XXX 6 butts to2 in. 2 60 Se mill cull Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 2 80 Lea ais a oie I5 00 16 00| XXXXX 5toz2in.. wgllS I ies ideal cull sidings 12 00 13 0) | XX No. 2,6 to2 in.. \ op 1% inch Fl oring .. 2600 2700) XX ‘' 6to 23-16in. Hemlock,1x4to 8in. 1400 15 oo 'XX ‘ 5Sto2in... 2 50 HARDWOODS—PER I. FEET CAR LOTS. Quality, rs and 2s unles: -therwise specified. Ash White, 1 to2 in Elm,rock, mill : ists and 2nds...... $33 00 $35 00] run....... 1 to 1%"26 00 29 00 Ash, black, rsts and Elm rock, mill and, 1to 1 in.. .. 27 00 29 00 EAE siete 134 3.. 32 00 - 34 00 Birch M.R.1in. .. 23 00 24 00 | Hickory, 1sts oy 1% ‘ 2.. 2400 2600] and 2nds..1%'' 2.. 36 00 38 00 ** sqrs. 4x4 ‘' 8x8 32 00 36 00 | Maple common Basswood, Common and better: 13422 00 24 00 and better 1 to 174i 24.00 25 00] Maple, sts ms Soe Ha 1% to2.. 25 2600| andands..2 “* 4., 27 0a 29 oc 1 1% 2200 274 00 | Oak;red,p’n, Ghee ane ists & ands 2 ‘' 4.. 44 00 4600 and 2nds..1 ‘* 14% 6000 79 00| Oak, white, Cherry, ists ists &2andsx ‘' 1% 4200. 44 00 and ands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 65 00 75 00| Oak, white, Elm, soft,mill ists & ands 2 ‘' 4.. 45 00 go oo Tun.......1 ‘' 1% 24 00 26 oo | Oak* quart’d, Elm, soft, mill ists&znds ‘‘ 2.. 70 00 8) 00 Mad dcers fee a0 28 oo | Walnut, xsts and 2nds.. 1 ‘* 3.. 85 00 109 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white pine, measured off, 39 to 40 feet average,.... + BR... 35 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 1g to 20inch average RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. easured off, according to average and neers RPI Dn Sy ema} ioping order oe co de CES e 3 40 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . , 50 «65 ELM, By the dram, according to average and quality 40 to 45 feet 60 30to35fet. 48 ASH. to iiches and up, cadet. to a aversEe and aiility . 26 Average 16 inch . =. 30 BIRCH. oH 14 Inch 20 3 565 F “6 29 17 4 . 28 3r - u 18 3a 34 OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Piie, goo sidings : | x10 No, 1 barn.. airoo rin.x8in andup. 39 00 a 00|1x10No. 2 19 00 1% in. and 1% in. x 1x8 &9 No.1 barn. 19 00 in. and up ........ 48 00 50 00|1x8&qNo.2" . 17 90 ‘ux Bin. and up. §0 00 55 00| Pine Shorts 6’ to 11 x8” 15 co 2x4 to 10 in.,r2 to 16ft. 15 00 16 00 16 00 17 00 P, ne good strips : Pine shorts 5’ to 11’x10” 16 Go pia x's a letausantalatetatetete 30 CO 34 00| Pine, 8 ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 co 14 in. and1% in.... 35 00 38 oo | Pine s. c. strips..... - 13 00 15 00 Se ica) ete oe 36 00 38 00 | Pine, s.c. shorts..... 12 00 14 00 ne, good shorts: Pine, box boards.... 00 14 50 WAMS «gece: eae 23.00 28 oc | Pine mill culls..... 13 00 14 co 1¥Y in.and 1% 28 00 35 oc | Lath, per M Bie seinetslniatsiel ore 4.00 38 00 No. 1 white pine..: 240 2 60 ine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine: .. 200 2 25 siding, per M feet, Spruce, mill run..... 200 215 ip 20 00 25 00 Red Pine milirun.. 200 2 15 Pine, No. I dressing Pine Shingles SUXEPS ou /ctersieitatelarstlag 18 00 624 00 xxxx, 18 inch........ 300 3 25 Pine No dressing Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 SHONES) «aieaieis) wich 16 20 oc xx rBhinchs.c wanes - 140 1 60 Pine, 10s, ¢ and bet- Cedar Shingles ter stock, 12’ to 16’ 18 20 00 xXxxx 18 inch....... « 9 55 14.25 Pine, 8 s.c. and het- Clear Butt,18 inch... . 2 50 ter stock, 12’ to16/. 16 19 00 EX,x8iinch.....-s-.0 2 60° f JO BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPER AND SELECTS. Uppers, 1 in., 10 in. and up Selects, rin., re and up wide $65 c° WIELG Gist gintern exe panmesielera ote $75 00| 1%,1% and in...... a, Bae oe 1%1% andtalinds fetes. 75 co| 234 and 3 in......e.sssenas 75 09 2% PUG aniescinieam nia aia iol) BACON MI AUNIN sonal alsi inal unin ninial ear +» 77 00 Py Oe iste bibl otale mictceer dlrs 90 90 : FINE COMMON. in., 8 in. and up wide...... 54 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 73 00 4 and 1% in.. a eleindatincese «co aretet Se 7 Co MRI INE a iafafe. ots hse al atalijateeteta etal 78 00 nate Alerts hajsin sikis,a:n « ofe e am CCS B FINE COMMON OR NO I CUTTING. n., 7in. and up wide...... 36 oo | 244 and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 63 oo 1% and 1% Utne. Cot. AB CO | 4uhliaileg cite apiaeds cua aie as «OBL! AUN s eaasieel isinje.oe ele ee eae - 50 00 a STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4; 5 and 7 in. wide... 56°00 1in,, 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 48 00 1x6 in. Wide.....siseeeeees 52°00 | Gin. wide.,.......+-ss0000++ 50 00 ‘ FINE COMMON OR C I in:, 4, 5 in, wide. — - 44 00] 1 in., 4, 5 in, wide...-.... 47 00 1% in., 6 in. wide...... Benes HOGG | M0. CAN. WIKE.ncicaasselsnee SOl00 *. SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1\%in., 4,5, 6in wide... .... 30 00| 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide........ 26 oo BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. ° Ly PeR ae) RoASnoricdGanennere 29 00| 8and7in.......... onions 22 co LOM s an Galvan 9 secceseee 24 00] No. 3, 12 iM......000-0e. eas 21 00 Dit dee «ie ersroine male gee signe 23500 IO IN.....+ sees cceccereeee 19 00 Sand 7 in.......esseeeeeee 23 00 ON see ow ps etcetera Se OO No, 2, 12in..... eine samen 24,00 B30 sia loal sie: a renga ED Ce TO IN. .ss seen vee eeeee setae) 22°00 TRO ersin seieteiern siete iereleiniemieng 19 00 No. 2, 9 in....... Dawe nas ox eas TERY cis, ci niere suse eee ateeee 16 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. 1 in., 4 and 5 tn. wide ....... $15 00 | « in., 13 in. and up wide.....$17 00 rin., 6 in, wide..........++ + 17 co 3441 and 2 in., 7 in. and rin, 7 in. wide and up...... 17 00 AP AWIC a. cersie «nithaa ores 18 00 SHAKY CLEAR. 1in., 3, 4,5) 7,8 and gin. v ide 32 00 | 1 in., 10 in. and up wide..... 34 00 Pin 8 Wn, WIGEwe nk. neiases son SSO sagt - aa 8 it, auu up WAGE, oa a0 «onic s vie ok ee TSO SHINGLES, 18-I1N. Pirie, KO hc cbiseee once ‘ 00 | Cedar, XX XX, 18 in......-.. 3 50 Clear Butts......... . Clear Butts........0.0ssc0000 2 50 LATH, No.1 White Pine.. . 3 20 La No. 2 White Pine........... 2 50 FLOMIGCE Ty. ce acele sss eeeeee ea SO ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Uppers, 3 ins woe .. 2% 83 85 | 1x12 inchshippers......... 24 234 IM... 2.055 ee 83 85 | 4/4 inch Y 3" & on 25 a tO AAilh oie t stores ore arava te 78 80 | 4/4, Box boards 6” aa up.. I9 20 4 tnchiuppers.«: 52. oie - 83 90 | ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Selects, 24 in up........ : 77 82 12-in. dressing and better... 40 42 T: £0. 2) thd: oa'cnie teal 7Q 72} Box, Ixto-in. ............4 20 Fine common, 24in. andup 72 75 Box, Ch 1 a ee meets © Cee 21 POS Ihe 6 ld-s wis Sees eee 69, 61 | No. x barn, 1x12.... ...... 29 «30 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... 53 55 0 a Leh ee Se 25 26 PN Oia diay isan acaWe taal eaters 35° 45 25 )s Pohe RACER CC ONeme een 30 «635 27 No. 1 molding, 1 tozin...2. 45 48 24 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 35 £8 23 Stained saps.......seseseee 32 40 Shaky clear, 2 ie 6/4in...... 32 38 Bracket plank ..... eee sooo 35 45 MeHoen ices +» 38 40 Shelving boards, 12-in, up... 35 40 Dressing)... c06 vs snecanan 2h 125 Dressing boards, narrow.... 26 28} Common....... aves Wine a5 1x1q inch shippers......... 21 LATH, mn Perr See $3 40° [Spruce?. .avreswecwnen $3 40 SHINGLES, ‘ Sawed Pire ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 ieang butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 555 Clear bu > sie. sc .5.0g 50° 3175 ceeseenveasson 223 Smoot EIB aseanss & SOUS Spence onon anne 225 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Uj pers, 1, 14%, 14and 2 2. Uh s:itdaglapeatneltietete ieee - 78 00 —_ , No. r, 13 in. 2% and 3 in....... 85 00 up, 1in...... pas. aes ole hata 85 00 | No. x Mold sp xo Selects I im........+. 68 00 Ks - The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 PER YEAR {Thé Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE Vor. XT | Canada LUMBERMAN The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’y OF Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: . g8 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL _ 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. _. * at Great St. HELEN’s, Lonpon, E. C. _ Mae Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday; s reliable and up-to-date re- - ports of me litions and tendencies in the neipal manu g-districts and leading ‘ pee and foreign wholesale markets. A a weekly medium of information and communica- 4 tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- 4 fabturers and: e: and the purchasers of 4 “timber ab ge at home and abroad. _ The erie cds tenant A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nentto the lumber and ibd. working industries. Contains interviews with prominent members of the trade, character sketches and portraits of leading lumbermen, etc. Its special articles on technical and mechanical subjects are especially . valuable. _ 5 WANTED AND FOR SALE Fa _ Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- Bs ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion, - When four or more consecutive insertions are - | , ordered a discount of 35 Bre cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set a in Nonparéil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- a vertisements must be received not later than 4 _. @elock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in : the current week’s issue Sc WOOD WANTED — PEELED basswood or clear spruce. RANKIN AND Co., Dundas stfeet, Toronto. Telephone. OR SALE—1", 6/4”, 2" SOFT ELM. 1’, 2”, 3”, Birch. x’ Wormy Chestnut. 1”, 6/4”, 2”, 3”, 4” Hard and Soft Map ie. 1’, 6/4”, 2” Beech. 1’, 2”, - 3” White Ash, 1”, 2”, 3”, 4” Red and Write Oak. , Cedar Squares. R. E KINSMAN, Hamilton. FOR SALE Sawmill, capacity 50,000 feet in ten hours, and ss Mimi ex Z Over 200,000,000 feet of stand- > ing tinibers hs oe person with money this is = ‘one of the best propositions in the interior of B.C. For further information address “ H.C.” CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. 4 - AT FERNIE, B. C. - AND TIMBER LIMITS 4 82 7 ACRES ONE AND A QUARTER from. Fernie, B. C.. heavily timbered with Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Tamarac, easily accessible for logging purposes both in -_summer and winter. ; 5: Saw Mill. Waterous Mill with capacity of 40 a nd feet per day, with planers, lath mill, complete. ; ables, dwelling houses, store. smithy and y caip all substantially built and ready = (Pr fees tctd under Crown Grant and ser can enter and begin operations with- fo particulars, ‘ price, terms, etc., -_—s«épH VIBERT, sO, liters ot im ee): ef. | _ -Molson’s Bank Building, Vancouver, B,C. Bas = SAW MILL PLANT Vy See 0g M. FEET OF 1” FULL MILL tun Soft Elm, willtake it green or dry. Apply Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. OR SALE—60 H.P. HORIZONTAL RETURN Tubular Boiler, das new, bargain for quick turn-over. 22 Victoria Square, Montreal, Que. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SImMcoE ‘Woop AND L,UMBER Co., ‘52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. RY HEMLOCK LUMBER, CUT LAST season; good’sound stock, and will manu- facture 60 M ft. 2” Plank, 90 M ft..1 x 8 and I X to in. stock and 1 in, siding. Price, nett, oe. fo.b. R. R, DRYSDALE, Lavant Station,, mt. ° FOR SALE. OULD LIKE PRICES ON SOFT ELM \ and, Soft Maple Lumber. Have from one to three huudred thousand feet, to be sawed this winter. Would be loaded on cars at Petrolea, Ont; - Enquire Box 78, Dresden, Ont.” - LUMBER YARD FOR SALE ETAIL YARD AT DARLINGFORD; MANI- toba, annual turnover about 30 car loads: Progressive growing town. First class farming country surrounding. i About $5,000 stock on hand in good condi- tion, and good office and lumber shed. Corres- pondence solicited. J.H. BorTon, Darlingford, Manitoba, ° ;. OR SALE. — SAW MILL MACHINERY, néarly new. capacity 15,000 ft., 100 M feet hardwood logs, 300 M feet hemlock logs, three million feet hemlock and hardwood timber, 1,000: cords bark, 30,000 cords wood. complete logging outfit, quantity shingle bolts at mill and in bush. Nodues. Close 10 G.T.R Good tim- ber locality. Reason for selling, failing health. For price and terms apply to Box 194, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, FOR SALE. 700,000 ft. dry pine, 1’, 2” and 3”; 350,000 ft. dry hemlock, 1” and 2”. Also a large quantity of ist and 2nd class cedar shingles. We will have by igs 75,000 cedar ties and 100,000 cedar posts piled on shore. During the summer we will saw 25,000 cedar ties and a large quantity of cedar timber, boat lumber, etc, For further particularsapply to MCALLISTER Bros., Cockburn Island, Ont. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber In Central Ontario THE PROPERTY OF THE CANADIAN LAND AND IMMIGRATION CO., OF HALIBURTON,, (LIMITED). This company has a large tract of. well timbered land about 125 miles northeast of ' Toronto, There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Bassw:od, Cherry, Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. . It is well served by two rail- roads. The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. There are several good mill-siteson the pro- perty. This would be a good opportunity for arties who are at present cut out and looking or’a néw location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be | had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, | : Managing Director, “157 Bay Street, Toronto. £ Address ALFRED RUBBRA, No opposition in-town. . BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATE8, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Ip eR RSE RE STS SSS ES) TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, FEBRUARY 8, 1905. ORWAY PILES FOR SALE. FOR PARTIC- ulars apply to Sims LUMBER Co.; LIMITED, Sault Ste, Marie, Ont. V ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND _PULP- WOOD Companies to look up page 7, monthly issue, which is bound to .interest you. ANTED — BY LIVE EXPERIENCED Lumberman, stock of lumber to handle on commission. Box 190,CANADA LUMBERMAN. \ JANTED — FILER FOR BAND SAWS. ’ Must be reliable... State salary expected, etc, _ Address Box 191, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. F FOR SALE ONE “BOSS” POWER SHINGLE MACHINE. Four Drake hand shingle machines, Apply G. B., care CANADA I,UMBERMAN, Toronto. - TIMBER FOR SALE. OR.SALE—BRITISH COLUMBIA’S. VALU- able cedar, fir and spruce timber in selected tracts on the. sea coast, within easy. reach of Vaneouver city. MATHEWS & BREMNER, 417 Hastings street, Vancouver B.C. ANTED, 300,000. FEET WINTER CUT + Basswood, Common and Better in quality, 1 1/16” thick when dry. Address Box 189, care of CANADA. LUMBERMAN, OR SALE:—1”,6/4”, 2” HARD MAPLE, 1” soft elm, 6/4”, 2” rock elm culls, 1’ “soft elm culls, 1” basswood culls, 1’, 6/4”, 2”'~pine, 1” cherry, 1” black and white ash, 6/4” white ash, x’ soft-maple and 1” birch. Write for prices. THE W.R THOMPSON Co., Teeswater, Ont. MICHIGAN HARDWOODS. OR SALE—CHOICE DRY ROCK MAPLE, beech, soft elm and basswood, all thick- nesses. Low prices.—BROWNLEE & COMPANY, Detroit M‘chigan. FOR SALE. 397,000 feet 2” x 4” and up, Norway (umber, Log Run. 86,000 feet 1” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. 43,000 feet Mill Culls, etc. ie Also the product of two million feet good white pine logs to be cut next summer. Corres- pondence solicited. d PINE LUMBER COMPANY, Pine, Ont. (near Cartier.) THE LOCATORS.—W.B. Herbert, General Man- aget. The largest and oldest exclusive Business Brokers in the West. Address 63 Merchents’ Bank Building, Winnipeg. Lumber and Coal.—Thisis an excellent pro- position doing twenty thousand yearly, and can be bought ona cash payment of five thousand. Established 1%93. Has exclusive agency for coal. Bighty-five miles from Winnipeg, popula- tion’six hundred. Lumber and Machinery.—Doing a turnover of .sixty thousand yearly and making good profit, stock.ten thousand, half cash, balance one year; this'is a splendid business, most firmly and well established and is very worthy of attention. THE LocaATORS. ; Lumber.—Small stock in the Territories, price one thousand, doing twenty-five thousand a vear, clearing five thousand, thisis your oppor- tunity. THE LocaTors. Lumber.—Another yard cheap for cash, four hundred buys, doing seven thousand, clearing fifteen hundred, in good spot The Territories, you should enquire about this, itisa snap, THE LocaToRsS Lumber and Factory — Well located in the Territories, four hundred miles from Winnipeg, doing a hundred and. twenty thousand a:year, cleared last. year over eight thousand dollars. Has stock of about eighteen thousand, and a plant of about the same value. Encumbrance eight thousand, twenty-five thousand cash buys outright, this. gives the purchaser a clear profit to start on of over three thonsand dollars. THE LOCATORS. page Write for our free book of ‘Business Oppor- tunities,’’ Address THE LocaToRS, 63 Merchants Bank Building, Winnipeg. : No. 2 W AntED. CONTRACT OF SAWING LATH ? ,_ by the thousand in mill. I guarantee sat- isfaction and can give reference if required. Address G, R., Box 5, Chemsford, Ont. ANTED—AN EXPFRIENCED’- MILL- WRIGHT for Band Mill near. Quebec. Must be first class man. References required. THE RIVER OUELLE PULP & LUMBER Oo. Ste Pacome, P..Q. , VV ARTED, A MARKET FOR CUTTINGS from ehoice“hardwood, viz: oak, white ash, maple and hickory. Give dimensions. Ad- dress P,L,.C., care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, c j H*A%2 YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. . FOR SALE. f Pa AND SAW-MILL BUSINESS ON C. P. R. Main line. Mill in good running order. Daily sawing 20to-25 M. feet. Timber convenient to mill. Address A.B.C.,; CANADA LUMBERMAN, WANTED Party with timber limits to form Company with a party who has a modern saw mill plant, eapacity twenty million, on North Shore Georgian Bay. Address Box 193, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. While the consumption of lumber is quiet,’ enquiries for future delivery are more numefous and the market~continues very firm. Everybody is looking forward to an active spring trade, and as stocks carried by the retail dealers are not large, the buying movement may commence earlier than usual. It is probable that be- fore the mills are put into operation for the season’s work, the stock in the yards will have been largely sold out. The new cut is now engaging the attention of buyers, and the indications are that the manufacturers will realize prices quite as high as one year ago. Within the past two months all grades of white pine have been marked up, but the greatest advance has been in the upper grades which suf- fered a © material-decline last summer. Everything above No.3 cuts and better has been advanced about $4 per thousand. For inch No. 1 cuts and better $47 at the millis being asked,and fors 4 to2 in.,$50. No. 3 cuts and. better are held at $35 to $36. Inch dressing and better shorts are worth $24 at the mill, box and common’ shorts.-$14,.log run siding $17, and 1 X 6and 8 inch mill run $18. For 1 xX fo and 12 mill culls $14 is asked. In hemlock there has been an advance of from 50 cents to $1’per thousand, 2 x 6 to 12 irich, in 10 to 16 feet lengths, being held at $13 to $13.50. -There'has been no il CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION change in hardwood prices. The furni- ture and implement factories are buying a little more liberally. Lath prices have again advanced and manufacturers are now asking $3 as the minimum price for No. 1 white pine, with some mills holding out for $3.15. For No. 2 pine $2.40 to $2.50 is asked. Other kinds of lath have followed the course of white pine, 4-foot hemlock being now held at $2.50, and 32-inch at $1.25, as compared with $2.10 and 90 cents a few weeks ago. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The severe weather throughout Mani- toba and the Territories has been against any expansion in the demand. The early spring, however, is likely to witness con- siderable activity and the balance of opin- ‘ion seems to be in favor of some recovery in lumber prices. Itis believed that the quantity of lumber imported from the United States will be smaller than last year even under the same conditions, as the market across the line has improved and manufacturers may not find it neces- sary to ship surplus stocks into Canada to as great an extent as last year. If a duty should be imposed conditions will be equalized and the position of the Canadian manufacturer greatly improved. Present indications point to a large consumption of lumber for building purposes in British Columbia, as many new buildings are projected in Vancouver, Victoria and New Westminster. Railway construction also promises to be on a larger scale than us- ual. UNITED STATES. The past week has been comparatively quiet in lumber circles, a cold wave over all the northern and eastern states having restricted the volume of business. Such orders as have been booked have served to strengthen the opinion, now quite gen- erally held, that the improvement in the lumber business which occurred before the close of the year is likely. to be per_ manent. The improved tone has not been confined to any particular class of lumber, but has been quite general in character. Southern pine was perhaps the first to show pronounced strength, the basis of which was the curtailmen: in production. th’s was followed by white pine and hem- lock, and now the hardwoods have tallen into line. While the supply of dry white pine lum- ber appearsample to meet the expected demand during the spring months, there is a comparatively light stock of some of the lower grades. Buffalo and Tonawanda report a scarcity of box and mill culls, with prices inclined to advance. At Sag- inaw and Bay City mill culls are selling as high as $16 and $17. The famine in plain white oak has not been relieved. If there isan ample sup- ply anywhere, it must be in the hands of persons who are holding for a still further advance. The demand, apparently, is greater thar the supply. Quartered oak shows none of the activity of the plain variety. Of the cheaper hardwoods, birch is one of the quickest sellers and is com- manding a fair price, Soft elm and maple are in fair request, and maple flooring is meeting with a good demand at the ad- vanced price. Prices of Michigan hard- woods are about $20 for log run basswood and ash, $18 for birch and $14 for maple. GREAT BRITAIN. Almost every branch of the lumber busi- ness of Great Britain is. showing some improvement. Heavy orders have been placed with ship-builders: and the Lan- cashire textile trades are in a much better position than for some months past, fac- tors which are almost certain to benefici- ally’affect the timber trade. It does not appear that many importers have‘as yet contracted for their season's requirements, although a move in that direction has apparently been made. Baltic shippers have recently canvassed the leading im- porting centres and are said to havé been successful in closing some contracts, the Hernosand mills having accepted £6 5s for 244 x 6% and 7 whitewood for next summer's shipments. " The tendency is slightly upward and it is expected that contracts will soon be closed at an ad- vance of from 5s to 10s ‘per standard on this price. Reports recently received emphasize the improved position of spruce, The Manchester correspondent of the Timber News says: ‘‘Spruce deals are now much firmer, and very likely to still advance in price; 3 in. by 7 in. have gone up toa high figure during the past few February 1905 days, and f.o.b. prices for an average are stiffening considerably. At the present time we believe there are a score of new cotton mills being built in Lancashire. This, of course, has helped to harden prices of spruce deals, as each mill swal- lows on an average 100 standards of 1% in. by 7 in. flooring boards, besides a big quantity of 3 in. by g in., etc.” STOCKS AND PRICES. J. Tomlinson, of Vancouver, B. C., has started a logging camp in the vicinity of Serge Narrows. R. D. Little, of Amherstburg, Ont., is prepared to purchase 56 electric light poles for the town. { {James McBurney & Company, of Cal- lendar, Ont., are taking out this winter about 4,000,000 feet of saw logs. W. J. Trenouth & Bro. have just put into operation a small mill on their limits near Powassan, Ont., to saw birch, bass- wodd and elm. J. Morrison, of Fredericton, N. B., has closed a contract with the trustees of the R. A. Estey property to saw a quantity of cedar logs. M. D. Olds, of Cheboygan, Mich, is re- ported to have purchased 8,000,000 feet of white pine saw logs from Burton Bros., of Barrie, Ont. The J. E. Murphy Lumber Company, of Marksville, Ont., expect to cut during the coming summer about 3,000,000 feet of hemlock, cedar and hardwood lumber. A. O. Graydon, City Engineer of Lon- don, Ont., is asking for tenders up to Thursday, February 23rd, for supply of the lumber required by that city during the present year. The:following prices are being paid for logs in Michigan : Hemlock, $8 to $10; maple, $10 to $14 ; basswood, $10 to $16; birch, $8 to $13 ; ash, $10 to $15; oak, $10 to $20 ; pine, $15 to $20. L. K. Jones, Secretary of the Depart- ment of Railways and Canals, Ottawa, is asking for tenders up to Saturday, March 4th, for the supply of Douglas fir timber required for the Rideau canal this year. The Sumner Company, who lately purchased seven square miles of timber limits on the Neépisiguit river, in the vicinity of Gloucester Junction, N.B., have a number of men at work getting out saw logs and railway ties. ‘ The Yale-Columbia Lumber Company, of Nakusp, B.C., are cutting about 2,000,- ooo feet of logs above Rock Creek, which will be driven to the company’ s mill at Cascade in the spring. About 1,500,000 feet are being cut for the same company about four miles below Midway, on the American side. 4 John Millen, of Alger, Smith & Com- pany, Saginaw, Mich., recently sold 2,000,000 feet of timber at $22 on the JOHN P. NEWMAN Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer . Lumber, Square Timber, ‘Shing- les, Posts, eo : Pea Dee te for quotations on 1” and oF mea and 2” Birch and setetcehie J. 1B. Farwel & Son Ganadian Gedar Tele: graph, Telephoné and Electric Light Poles oi Ont., and os Me HELP! Can be obtained at t small cost by advertising in the Want Columns of THE WEEKLY CANADA LUMBERMAN. WOODS & SPICER, Limited | i ad! MANUFACTURERS a BRITISH COLUMBIA REHD CHDAR SHINGLES Capacity 100 Million a Year. We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Chis Wire Your Orders at our EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, B. 6. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING cq | ORILLIA PLANING MILL KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Limite Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, ENLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of. Hard_ woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled’ here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINT wv vf Samples by Near G.T.R. Station PLANING, MOULDINGS, MATCHING, FLOORING, RESAWING, SIDING Done any quantity. Write for price. Ss. POMEROY, aeons 3 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER - Send for Catalogue KNIGHT BROTHERS co — eee eee Hoh Burk’s Falls. fi MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE Tl ag Montreal, @uspec =e Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & ‘Trading , Vaucouver, B. C Es DouGLas FIR Timber i in any size or length U , WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND: aOR tae DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH BULMER, M°LENNAN & COMPANY — MONTREAL, = Office and Yard, 571 DORCHESTER ST. - P. O. BOX” February 8, 1905 cars at a mill 40 miles above Mobile, to go to the Transvaal, South Africa, to be used in the gold mines. The pieces were all 60 and 70 feet long and were taken out of the yard stock, netting a profit of about $12 a thousand. - Reports from New Liskeard, Ont., show that logging operations in that dis- trict are well advanced. The cut in the ‘Ottawa river country, from the Temis- _ kaming district southwards, promises to be a little larger than was.-at first estimat- ed. The cost of production will probably show a slight reduction as compared with ‘last year. M. P. McGrath, of Easton, Pennsyl- vania, is asking for tenders up to Febru- ary 25th for supply of 400,000 cedar, tamarac and hemlock ties for use in the construction of a railway between Ottawa and Montreal. Deliveries will be accepted at Ottawa, Hawkesbury, Lachute, Ste. ‘Agathe and Montreal, and the first delivery is to be made in May next.- The George McSweeney Company, of Moncton, N.B., who lately secured large timber areas at Canaan and Bishop's Land, are Jumbering quite extensively this winter and expect to get out about 2,000,- M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 403 Temple Building, Toronto. ; EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Sorres mdence solicited with exporters of = , such as Sanitary Woodenware, poi ad —. Fork and Shovel Handles, _ Co., 8,000,000 feet CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION III, 000 feet of logs, including spruce, hem- lock, red and white bireke and basswood. They will operate the Thurber & Small- wood mill at Canaan. ' Only nine sawmills were operated .on the Saginaw River in 1904, eight of them being located at the Bay City end of the river, The output was as follows: Pine, 21,732,734 feet ; hemlock, 31,592,682 feet; hardwood, 42,455,028 feet; . total, 95,- 780,444 feet. The output in 1903 was 97,- 140,000 feet and in 1902 it was 109,265,- 979. At the close of last year there was inthe hands of manufacturers 1,042,225 feet of pine, 15,281,259 feet of hemlock and 19,006,448 feet of hardwood lumber, a total of 35,229,933 feet. The quantity of lumber to be cut this season by the mills of the East Kootenay district, in British Columbia, is as follows : Wardrope Co., 5,000,000 feet; Fernie Lumber Co., 8,000,000 feet; Elk River Co., 8,000,000 feet ; Crow’s Nest Co., 10,- 000,000 feet ; McInnes mill, 3,000,000 feet ; Standard Co., 4,000,000 feet ; Ed- o!ph mill, 4,000,000 feet; Cranbrook Co., 2,500,000 feet ; East Kootenay Lumber ; Robinson & McKen- zie, 3,000,000 feet ; King Lumber Co., 6,- 000,000 feet ; North Star Lumber Co., 6,- ROBERT WATT WIARTON, ONT. Manufacturer and Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. 000,000 feet ; Staples mill, 6,000,000 feet; Carruthers mill, 3,000,000 feet. A. F. & D. Mackay, of Liverpool, England, held an auction sale of birch timber on Wednesday, January 25th, the prices realized showing a slight advance upon the last sale. The details: follow : 20 in. and upwards, 2s.; 19/194 in.,2034d.; 18% in., 20d.; 18 in., 19%d.; 17% in., 183¢d.; 17 in., 183/d.; 16% in., 183/d.; 16 in., 1834d., 15% in., one lot, 1734 d.; 15% in., another lot, 1734d.; 15 in., 163¢d.; 14% in.,154d.; 14in., 15Yd.; 13% in. and under, 143{d.; maple, 1534d.; beech, 16d.; ash and elm, 15%d. The new tim- ber went in one lot at 18% for 147% aver- age foreign. The average for the floated was 137%, and realized 17 34d. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From St. John, N.B.: Steamer Sicilian, for Liverpool, 669,479 ft. deals, 99,035 ft. scantling, 53,440 ft. ends, 202 tons birch timber. Steamer Lake Erie, for Liver- pool, 632,722 ft. deals, 63,082 ft. scant- ling, 13,054 ft. ends, 1,393 ft. birch plank, 1,600 doors, 3,127 pcs. hardwood lumber, 332 pcs. oak lumber, 64 elm logs, 41 ma- ple logs. Steamer St. John City, for Lon- don, 355,360 ft. deals. Barque Karen, for Buenos Ayres, 196,238 ft. scantling, 539,- 468 ft. boards, 8,000 bdls. (Continued on page 6) shooks. I. Dean Holden, Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. A.F. Holden, Vice-Pres, E.C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Piné Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. —— SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimiTeD SAW anp PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS Pinewood,”’ BRANCH Orricz, MANCHESTER, ENU. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. ‘American Lumberman”™ Telecode, C. A. LARKIN WHOLESALE PINE LUMBER 40 Gonfederation Life Building, TORONTO, ONT. | f Bill of Ladiag at Torouto. European ere ag ge a eed All kinds of 4 ts) ingat Toronto uropean House, oO of 3x4 Hatdw earts su e : Saas Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, for Car Staken, ie dar each of 3’ and 4x4 Cedar. SA if ae aad 2 ion, Eng. Prices upon application shegtedislieth ace a2 Actin) THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER (0, | ©. S: POWELL & CO. | ‘| Lumber Export oj ~ PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS umber * xporters famnwoot 604 Temple Bidg., TORONTO ; Tite Bling Distributing Yard and at NEW ORLEANS, LA. ; Cleveland, O. McMinnville, /Tenn. T Mill Cash buversall kinds hardwoods. We 7 and seli Pine in Car and Cargo Lots 0 | men We solicit corresponderce ay 100,000 feet 1 x 4 and 5 Mill Run ae. J. D. SHIBR LUMBER CO., LIMITED 150,000 eet Ix BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. a Write for Pri phase wil MANUFACTURERS OF : eee eer my tH0$ LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES 4 CALENDAR. Both Good. Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood ings ete, All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINCS A SPECIALTY THE GHARLEMAGNE & [AC QUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. FOR High Grade Cedar THE MENZ LUMBER COMPANY ~ Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES Me or FOSS Meneger, 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Mar. J. F. FOSS, Manager. CEDARLUMBER AND POLES FOR SALE I can saw out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 5o ft. . Correspondence Solicited. Fs Se S. FINDLAY, » bd Togs J.D. SINGLAIR Vancouver Cedar Mills VANCOUVER B.C. Rand - (*) Gircuiar CAOHE Seti Ont. “my & My $ WEES S OWEN SOUND, SY %G, ONT. Ss s ~ 26 miles West North Bay Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete. in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored CIALTY. Lumber itn per in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. *’Phone No. 54. SAWN AND DRESSED LUMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations. Shipments by rail or water. CACHE BAY LUMBER. INDUSTRIES. ee ee ee eee Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Gane UMBER anD LATH CACHE BAY PLANING MILL Co. ++ MANUFACTURERS OF... MOULDINGS GBILING FLOORING WAINSCOTING SHEETING All kinds of Dressed and Pine Lumber, ae Daily Capacity, . hie Biel We yh CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION February 8, 1905 oF demeeeran it. al H. HEAPS & Co., ast, BC Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Dols, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES: _ AAi HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Ss Reban ‘Siding, ‘Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, ee Newels Balusters, etc. oh we J. SHEPPARD! dip sols li Waubaushene. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet i in uieteye J. G. scorr, GENERAL MANAGER : ancouve Pacific Coast Lumber Co, LIMITED | VANGOUVER, B.G. MANUFACTURERS OF ~ Fir, Cedar and Sede Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Fre, | High Grade Red Cedar sre Ontario > Representative, me J: LOVERIN Gyn ee “pe cs - CAMERON, “President andi ‘idisecar: os waged ie one haa) WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary 112 Mail i Building, TORONTO ‘J. zB YOUNG, Cashier The Rat Portage Lumber ae White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, | : _ Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work PR oe CEDAR POSTS, POLES. and TAMARAC PILING RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, Sacielt “VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Head Office : Manin ediee of % KR Deslers in Mills at . RAT PORTAGE and. + 3 "RAT ‘POTRAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spiraea’ and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spree Lumber We also Manafacture all kinds’ of Mouldings; Sash, Doors, Turned Worked and Boxes. bay Ara (esesrsns at peta four re THOS. KIRKPATRICK, MANUFACTURER OF. _&& Red Cedar gfe tes. Mills at Hastings and New Westminster Hénad Office: Hastings, B.C. Orders Galicited and Correspondence Promptly. Attended to. _ Telephone B 1425 WwW. J. SMITH, Fergus. Ontario Representative :. ‘Lumber & Shingle Co. Ka ae f po a: & Wholesale Dealers i —sitish Columbia Lumber and Shingles i”, a “hie fhanageiiert of this company have had’a lengthy experience in manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the. requirements of the trade in those sections. We are ‘in’a position to make prompt shipments at current market Prices. ; “Garcsioadenes and inquiries for prices and other. information re- i parding. British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. - YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. | | VANCOUVER -- BRITISH COLUMBIA : I COOKE & TAIT MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF arn B C. FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER AND SHINGLES : Saw mitt, ys Mill and Shingle Mill: False Creek, Vanesa B. Ce - WRITE FOR ‘PRICES. “ihe ina Hazelmere Lumber Co. ~HAZELMERE, B.C MANUFACTURERS OF 3.3 3 _ FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER | CLEAR CEDAR AND FLOORING ie iain - a Long Distance Telephone. _ F ‘ P —— 6. c. WELLS —— PALLISER, B. C. eo 3 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3°33 High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar | and Lumber of all Descriptions. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. (iit. Aa Py & 3 ~ February 8, a 5 —S -_ = - eee + geese eemegicser perme seein urinate ah ee eee”. — RS SO eS PEMBROKE, ONT. We have just completed a new list of all our Pine and Spruce Lumber and Dimension Timber, and will be pleased to send you a copy on appli- cation. SOLICITING YOUR ORDERS. _-DELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER 00., WHOLESALE White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles Stocks i in at i EeBaewaod Powassan Callander “Ontario Midland Whitney North Bay Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries Cartier Sturgeon Falls po Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior ‘wa ’ Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try ae HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer By one all winter. HEAD: OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. ! RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea a LUMBER MERCHANTS. Neaeda at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of _ Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Eee Amherst, N.S. <= J = a “ ? Sawn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch, 3 and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES Jo. M URPH Y, *"*ghiang "" QUE BEC And ‘*For Sale’’ Department of the £. lb vour WIS aoe % CANADA LUMBERMAN nick | Fe Purchase or Sell as quickly as possibie s - WEEKLY EDITION y an Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ JA PART 1EULAR LOT OF LUMBER Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, a : A MILL PROPERTY he case Address, 3 = > SECOND-HAND IM BORINERY, a H. BREMEN & SONS 5 ACT LMT - £4 Saw Mills at THE MIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Line Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER co., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON, ONT. Patz R&SON - Quebec | PULP WOOD AND TIES | € Bought at Any Station. Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes Telegraph Fue and Lumber. —Write Us. The ge bln umberman, _ Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. 3 Manufacturers of and ala ir ag : eee ‘in all kinds of Both Railway Delivery and Water © Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. _. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and ‘TIMBER NADA = _Bank of Ottawa Building, “ee St James _ _ SPECIALT : Railway + Reig ligt Timber and ali'kinds ofj;Hardwcods; Ship Decking, Norway and White MONTREAL, CANADA ‘ Dissanion tewood, bm and and hough Lumber, =e Columbia Pine, a Pine, ers Birch Flooring, igo ait, be: Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Company, Limited, Barnet, B. c. ‘ Fi: Seis, size or oath up to go feet long. Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. "kilos of larg Ge ressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. ware For PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. ‘ oo 771 ENT ee. pO ae re = 4 CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS | and WHOLESALERS _ R LAIDLAW LUMBER 60 THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO: MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Dp. D. FLANNER ay ‘ ar Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak acd | . CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION : v. JAS. PLAYFAIR, D. L. WHITE. PiA TW EATR & WHITE Manufacturers and Whoiesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Had ae ag dl MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialt Mannfactsrers of and A.& P.WAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joistirg Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath PEMBROKE ONT. F. M°CIBBON & SONS, PENETANCUISHENE ONT. MBinuiacy Heke of Pine, Hemlock and a at Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. => OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. sg nh and Dealers LUMBER, .ATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Syeualty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stufl We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. a Ba Lumber Co., timitea MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER vr LAGK Shipifients by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. W REEVES FLANNER & REEVES Manufacturers and Wholesalers of WHITE AND NORWAY PINE LUMBER LATH aND SHINGLE CAR AND CARGO . Ses & ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled - . Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limitea 6o Bay St., Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont ROBT. STEWART LIMITED GUELPH, ONTARIO MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Mouldings, ~ Stairs, Hardwood Flooring, Etc. Canadian and American Hard and Soft Woods of all descriptions SPECLALTIES YELLOW PINE AND OAK TIMBER ‘Sole Canadian Represenative of the : SOUTHERN CYPRESS LUMBER SELLING COMPANY New Orleans, Vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Steamer Manchester Trader, for Man- chester, 2,800 bdls. box shooks, 316,505 ft. deals, 90,258 ft. scantling, 5,057 ft. ends, 90 bdls. pulp board, 462 bdls. floor- ing, Merchant, for Philadelphia, Steamer Concordia, for Glasgow, 38,479 ft. deals, 1,861 pcs. Steamer Ocamo, for Bermuda, 19,000 onion crates, by G. Flewelling Mfg. Co.; 30,000 laths, by Andre Cushing & Co. Schooner Har- ry Knowlton, for New York, 334,882 ft. Steamer Manchester 1,050,400 laths. walnut lumber. plank. From Halifax, N.S.: Schooner Bravo, for Demerara, 144,135 ft. pine boards, value $3,160, by A. B. Crosby & Co., agents. Steamer Sicilian, for Liverpool, 282,185 ft. spruce deals, value $2,8c5, by S. Cunard & Co., agents. From Portland: Steamer Ottoman, for Liverpool, 1,493 pes. maple blocks, by Grand Trunk Railway. Steamer Cer- vona, for London, 723 bdls. lumber, by Grand Trunk Rii lway. Steamer Hiber- ian, for Glasgow, 101 pes. timber, 7,903 bdis. shooks, by Grand Trunk Railway. -HARDWOODS IN NEW YORK. The lumber trade of the Metropolitan District, according to the New York Lum- ber Trades Journal, can be safely report- ed as in good shape at the present writ- ing, both as regards the amount of busi- ness being transacted as well as prospec- tive business. It is of course a little early yet for the dealers to get a line on just exactly how much business will be forths coming during the spring and summer, but suffice it to say that the movement of lumber in both wholesale and retail cir- cles during the past fortnight has been well up to normal fer this season of the year, with every indication of an improved and continuous activity from now until well through the summer. The holidays witnessed a lull in business which was but natural, and the inventory period being but just past, the dealers have hardly gotten into full swing again on new busi- ness. Hence while there is not a great deal of activity to be noted just at this time, the outlook is so excellent for a large business throughout the year, and the consensus of opinion being entirely in accord with that idea, everybody is feeling optimistic. Unless all signs fail, the vol- ume of business this year in the district in practically all lines will be a _ record breaker. As regards the situation in the various stocks, we note the following : From all that can be learned, the hard- wood buyers throughout the district, par- ticularly those who work up their lumber in various lines, have been buying but lightly since the early fall and not making purchases except for immediate wants, in the idea that prices were going off. In this connection the hardwood market has remained extremely firm, and many of the large users of hardwoods are reported to be in possession of only light stocks, and enquiries and orders have come out. for considerable lumber during the past fort- night. The general belief is that there will be an active call for pretty much all of the hardwoods between now and spring. This change has been brought about primarily by the fact that buyers of hard- woods are awakening to a realization of existing conditions at manufacturing points where, according to reports ren- dered by returning buyers and whole- salers, there is but a small amount, com- paratively speaking, of the better grades of hardwoods, practically all the stock on hand at mill points being the lower grades. Hence those buyers who must necessarily have stocks for their needs during the early spring months have come upon the market with very fair orders. That this condition is properly summed up is best evidenced by the fact that the holiday season usually sees the market a little off, but the last holiday period not only wit- nessed a firm market, but one which showed advances on several kinds of stock. Plain oak has advanced during the past thirty days in the neighborhood of $3. Poplar has moved up on increased de- mand to $48 to $50 for inch 1s and 2s for the better class of cuts. Ash is exceed- ‘ February 8, 1905 ly strong, and dry lumber is scarce and is selling very close to plain oak in price. Chestnut has been in good call, and prices are generally quoted $1 above what they were sixty days ago for orders of any size. Birch, basswood and maple are holding their own both as regards demand and price. F. Lavoie, saw mill, Lac Nantel, Que., is announced to have assigned. The barque Strathern has been char- tered to carry lumber from Boston to Buenos Ayres at $6.50. A saw mill near Ravena, Ont., owned and operated by Albert McKean, was de- Stroyed by fire last week. The loss is about $2,000. It is estimated that the Edward Hines Lumber Company, of Chicago, will Set out 200,000,000 feet of logs this winter in Ashland, Douglas and Bayfield counties, Wisconsin. Spruce lath is selling in the Boston mar- ket at $3.40 for 1 5-8 inch and $3.15 to $3.20 for 134 inch. Extra cedar shingles still range from $3.15 to $3.25, and clears from $2.65 to $2.75. } Kibbee & White, of Albany, N. Y., Jast week sold to the Edward Hines Lumber Company, of Chicago, the 1905 cut of the Dead River mill at Marquette, Mi , The stock.which will probably a 14,000,000 feet will be taken ‘s Chicago. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS hae ee kee Y OU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS aed Pe LOU) S RAIL.MAIL WIRE OR "PA ONE GHARLOTTE HABBERLE. Wholesale and. Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. | McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in . Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale | ) it . BOSTON, MASS, H. D. wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN. elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. : YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama Mississippi and Arkansas, MANN, WATSON &.CO. Muskegon, Mich. WANTED * ana ACME LUMBER CO. Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A Wholesale Hardwoods Hard Maple and Rock Elmour Specialty. We invite correspondence whether you ~ wish to buy or sell. : - ONB DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBERMAN. for ONE YBAR Quartered Canadian Spruce and Thick Bircham J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER CO. 94 Pearl Street Grand Rapids, Mich. THE ROBE RI H. JENKS LUMBER co. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS or YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \¢\e\e eee INDIANAPOLIS, + Veneers IND. ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT. COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY,, MAPLE, OAK, POPAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. MASON A. NOBLE BURY & NOBLE DETROIT FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE MICHIGAN LUMBER . Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. Correspoadence Invited on All Hardwoods. i e + February 8, 1905 ENQUIRY FOR HARDWOOD. A correspondent at London, Eng., writes to the CANADA LUMBERMAN as follows : ‘‘ Do you know of any Canadian ~ manufacturers of ‘‘ Orham’ wood suitable for making bedroom furniture, to be dressed and cut to dimensions; also of birch boards one-half, five-eighth, and one and one-quarter inch, about sixteen inches broad, dressed and ready for -use by manufacturers of chairs.” Persons in a position to supply such lumber and who may wish further particu- lars should send their address to the publishers of this journal. SPRUCE IN ENGLAND. It is somewhat early in the season, says the Timber Trades Journal, to phophesy what the prospects will be for the year 1905 in the spruce trade of the West Coast of England, but we think that the downward tendency which characterized the summer months of 1904 has received a check, and that everything tends to show a marked improvement in this market. Prices are ruling firmer, and to-day show a considerable advance. The shipment from St. John, N. B., and Halifax, N. S., by the winter liners up te the present time has been exceptionally light, and we CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil. have reason to believe that this same state will continue for the remainder of the winter season. This can only point in one direction to help holders of stocks to dispose of them at a better figure than they would if the imports were up to the normal quantity. Again .ae liners are de- manding higher rates of freight, and we hear that in one instance a boat first half of January sailing from St. John, N. B. and Halifax, N.S., had about 800 to 1,000 standards of space to spare, but would not carry any deals whatever un- less owners could get the rate of freight they demanded. We have not heard of agents having made any contracts on the West Coast for spring and summer ship- ments, as manufacturers are holding their stocks firm at enhanced prices, and ship- pers prefer to hold off until they can see more inducement to better prices. On the other hand, buyers seem to prefer to wait before making contracts, with the excep- tion of special specifications to fill their Present requirements. There has been practically no tonnage fixed to load f.¢.w. from N. B. and N. S. ports, and one fac- tor that must not be forgotten is that to- day steamers cannot be obtained at the same rates as this time last year. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS FARNWORTH & JARDINE ; [Wood Brokers and Measurers| ° : Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. s Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ENC. FP. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B. C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERCER, LONDON, E. C. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ —— IMPORTER OF Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS oko.) TERRA CODE — .— “3A. B,C. CODE © ~ ~ DIRECTORY CODE —-— GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and Brokeis Cable Address: “ GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England LONDON STORES: CABLES, DOORCHEEK, LONDON We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. Seats, Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, and all kinds of ready made joinery. ¢ FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pin , Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels .. Broom. dies, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS O Oak, fab, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP,LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a porition to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘Shooks,” Hull. Codes—A. B, C. 4th Edition and Zebra. ee Birch and description Staves Heading, Handles of all Veneers a Specialty Locke’s Wharf, Edmonton, N. SMITH & TYRER - I4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL -- WOOD AGENTS.. : Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmitH, Tyrer & Co., Metropole Bidg., Hollis St. Halitax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. OANT & KEMP 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : “ TECTONA” Glasgow. Ai and A BC Codes used. am Every lumberman-wants-it BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION dOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID. Timber Importers Cable Address '‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW a TIMBER <© =~ * BROKERS er “35 cents buys it Soribnér's Lumber Log Book Address : THE CANADA LUMBFRMAN Toronto Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY We arein the Market for Be ae Logs and Boards, Pine Deals ard Siding. White Ash Planks, b=st quality, in long lengths Oak Planks, best quality, in long lengths Rock Maple Logs and Planks, White Oak Logs All cla ses of Manufactured Wood Goods - Reck Elm Logs, ¥ aney Birch Logs Send full particulars of what you have to offer, with prices. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers CABI,K ADDRESS ‘* DOBLE LIVERPOOL aa BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW GAINST CASH ADVANCES MADE SHIPPING DOCUMENTS THOMPSON, BLOIS & KJELLGREN——— ALL KINDS OF LUMBER: AND LOGS HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. - _~ LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND BRANCH OFFICE. Brook {, HAMBURG what CanaDA LUMBERMAN, WEEKLY EDITION © Rebruary 85 1908 THE ONTARIO — wwe PINE LUMBER, LATH EO. G. GLADMAN ‘rerscrtese AND SHINGLES, loids and 6 s4ingl ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: Bn ag River, Georgian Ray Water _ eens ales LUMBER 6°, LIMITED Mu a ge Ba . and ————— ee G. T.R. brah ome . 3 oho setae = ase EXSTe Nes mass ILLIAMSON & MORRISON ~ LUMBER Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: 36 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P. Qo JAS. LUNNY & CO., HINTONBURG, ONT: ASH, ELM, BASSWOOD, PINE, SPRUCE WHOLESALE OF ——d WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK’ LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES om PARRY SOUND, ONT. | Wo dstock, THE WDODSTOCK LUMBER MANUFACTURING, "a Manufactufers of and Wholesale Dealers iti Pine, 1 Hemlock «Hardwood Lumber ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. AP EBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hafdwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Mill at Smith’s Ba Towsaniiiin of Calg ' CoRKRESPONDENEL SoLIciITtED | Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock Have for Sale { any’ HEMLOCK IN QUANTITIES Eastern Agents--B. C. Shingles and Douglas Fir, all dimensions Can dress to 24x30. B. C. Cedar Write for quotations ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR depen sane Pa f ’ THE NEW LINE Through the Spruce Forests of the Laurentian Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesbury. WateErR-PoweErs, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELECTRIC PowER FOR SALE. IpEAL PuLp-MILL Sites. - Unexcelled Export Facilittes at Quebec. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY OF A. J. GORRIE, GUY TOMBS Genetal Supt. MONTREAL G.PL.& PA. P.ne good strips : Pine shorts 7 tary Fae 16 60 © By ee WN iisie capo vain ee icreiare © co 34 6o| Pine, 8ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 co . : ' BER PRICES -WHOLESALE “ vi entese face: eGo aeGE | Pine s, €. triple! 78 13,00 15 OD Ping &, ifePadyact aos $3.40 | Spruce..... «..sse0ne $3 40 Pe ee aay :6 00 38 00 Cpa ni . I2 00 14 60 SHINGLES. eg ne ie shorts: ine, box rds. 00 14 £0 ne 2.0). ck 2300 23 « Pine. mill culls ..... “43 oo 14 co epee XxxXx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 5 $ TORONTO, ONT. ‘Yin and. % in. . . 28 oo 35 06 Lath, per M § oft ie wercece 359 375 Seber: fone ) | e4 CAR OR CARGO LOTS. “aCe A BeBe Hee 4 34.00 3800] No.1 white pine..: 240 2 60 mig BA Sieh «iat 4 50.4 75 V SPENCE Snes +. a ee ee ¢ . 6f 6 ine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine: 200 225 eas m5 1 inch No, I Pine 2x4 to 10 in.,toto16ft. 15 00 16 900 siding per M feet, Spruce, mm lron..... 2 oda Be c , , cuts & better...... $48 00 $50 00 | ax4to 10 inch, 8 pe 16 00 17 00 fit. e. iat 20 00. 35 00 Wed Pie: Guat Sera CON nea BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y. 1% to 2 inch No. 1 Clear inch B. C. cedar, Pine, No. 1 dressing Pine Shingles * \ cuts and better.. 51 00 53 00] kiln dried ....... re pp es StrIPSis cose vans . «. 1800 2400| XXXX, 18inch........ “3 oc 3 25 WHITE PINE. 1 inch No. 3 Pine : Clear inch B. C. cedar Pine No. dressing | Clear Butt, 18inch .. 2 40 2 60 % ; cuts and better... 37 00 38 00| airdried boat lumber 55 00 shorts ...... + 16 20 ext rSintht 525.7 a. 1 40 1 60 (Wholesale selling price) 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas se Pine, ros ¢ and bet- Cedar Shingles U) Pest, “if hy WH and 2 10 pkgs hacia ee cvts and better.... 38 00 39 00| timber, 25 to jo fee sence ter stock, 1’ to 6/ 18 2or0u'|'|, cxack \18auchaaieses 2 15 Sia. | eDeeeeceades aeaes 78 00 Shales A[2 r, 13 in. rin Pine Dressing Douglas paper a Pine, 8 s.c. and het- Clear Butt, 18 inch. 2 50 ay and 3 in......- 85 02 High An and better shorts 2500 27 00} timber, ,0 to 35 feet Bind ter stock, 12° to 16’. 16 19 00| xx, 18inch........-+ 160 1-70 4 iy Aes F 85 00 | No. r 1 Mold'st'ps t0a= 1X4, 6 and 8 common 18 co 19 02/14 eer 114 ft. Pes ie Selects 1 im.........- 68 co] | in Lik. eee Ix 10 ccmmon:..... 19 50 2000] Lath................ 3 ie ee * 3 Moulding S eT eh iako babel OAs Net 2 4ft. Vath 8) 2 $0 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. th be ee rope) Be iedun a ofl ied pa Meine 5 Oe 20 00 21 00 | 14” No. 32” pine lath tattets rh UPPER AND/SELECTS. er eae eee oo} Barn, No.1, r2in..... # eS 3XIO_common...... 21 00 22 ov| 136” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 2 8») saibiiis ‘cnt Rta ie sin. di wae $65 re Gis clinica’ ots 55 00|. 6, @and roin....-- y and 3x12 common. 22 00 23 00 | XXXX Pine Shingles 290 300 ppers, +) 10 P ’ ai 4 1M and 2% in..... 38 00 No. 2, 10 ine... 1xiu inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 2 20 wide Loe te ks ca $75 00) 1%, 1% and in, 65 ee ee 7 Friars jee Meahaaeate. ce a: o common ......---- 20 00 2: co| X Pine Shingles .. I 00 1% 1% ANd 2 IMeeweeseeees a5 oo 244 and 3 in. 3 in. —_— perenne 73 00 No.3, 1imd. ch, . Iinchmill r n sidings 2: 00 22 00] XXX CedarShingles 280 2 90 2M and 31M. s...eeeseeee BU OO] FMesciseeees ceeeeeeneees JZ OCB Uae nese nnn to 40 teet average, ........ 35 30. Ste! fa Se Ye ee, onde. Soi pwns seveeee 35 00 1¥f to. inch, A) G59. See. cree- nee 58 00 63 00 First class aint elimi x8 inch ne according to lineal.. SHINGLES, 18-IN - No. 1 Cuts : inchge.. .genig ovgnaeee aa verse 4200 43.00 “ 19 to 20inch average y . , oo ‘00 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Pine BGS Oe 7 So! Sane RnR 18 inet» Aes Ss No. 2 Cuts, 1 aang each ee os a oo oo 00 easured off, according to average and quality: Giaetea salle erarainatee ars ag! 4g. a ae 3 CCI Se g*-ste2 $ 1% to2inch os 4100 45 CO ioping order le TEM Ne EE. i a tolstainlatiatapimuspin st 35 40 ; PATE. 29 te Barn wears Con... cecare Tae Oe ES baseee $0 ot & 33,00 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHT0. No, 2 White Pings»: Ba eo White Pine «oe ie ce Nog ee er By_the dram, according to averageandquality . . Jar Spruce, 10 and 12 in. dimension.........-.-..+ ee ar £ ELM. im. and under ........00- 00. wesc eeeesees sa - Ry he dram, according to average and quality 40 to 45 feet 60 ALBANY, N.Y. to and ai in. tet Ae ae ae up hs; 20 50 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, engt ae i ASH sone plete we pee " hay and up we: oe ae ae 17 £0 ; Wippersy ain. koe & he 2 83 85 | «x12 inch Shitpaee ae 24 All other pap lengths, 9 in. and under, 10 ve 10 i whes and up, ccording to average and fealty, 26 ANG Milde «in deiestey i cae) BS BMA inch 3" & uP. 25 ft. andyupen.. sso. . ). Sesh pl eewiwrge & ole genie 18 50 ; Average 16 inch agp os . . « 30 TitOVAay AU «te «starts at 78 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” aad up... 19 20 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.t s 17 co BIRCH, 4 inch uppers . eS 4 to-in, dressing and better... 30 35 Out Spruce boards, p. 1S......-- -.-++-+ mak eae 14 00 ty Inen 20 a2 elects, 2% in “ap..s----e2 77 (82 mare ‘dressing ani better... 40 42 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and pundied . 17 00 ° Ps ie + Sawer 1K £0. FNM sc) whine we wattle +... 7a 74 Kj SRL» on. wiete eBod 20 6 Pe oS Ae et kta <5 oe > aoe a8 28 Fine common, 2% in. ae up 72 75 Box, BRIS AGS. ws terete C2 ar NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. ty aes f EONS icy oS a, on a ee 3&4 s(tolalin gtd netosdes coon ... 69 6F| No. 1 barn, rxr2....ss..-. 29°30 0 Extras ........-00. 00. Sy wad oo wae ioe eet So 3 25 : sit 2 32-34“ No, rents, rto2inch...... 53 55 ee es cheb ae Me arhes se. 25 26 leet a sails Be cauean eee Ye 27s = 35 45 1x8... 25 nd clears ........... Ren royr oe ose OTTAWA, ONT. Pg. 35 | No. 2 barn, rx12 ay Clearcwhites®y,, 5+. ui) ceieu seorteor erent euces 2 Io 2 20 MANPFUACTURERS’ PRICES, No. 1 mold zs rtozin..... 45 re 1X10, 24 Extra 1s (Clear ‘whites out). LS te ye Ar ES a 145 Pi di ixro N’ bar No. 2 molding, 1 to2in..... 35 TXB... 02s ccc enceccsveseve 22 23 Extra 1s (Clear whites in)..... ceMhaanccesievieesee i 1 65 ve, goo sidings ; D oO. 1 D. 2100 Stained saps 32 40 tin. x8 in and up. 39 00 4200|1x10No, 2 1900 Bracket pl RI Rasen ade 4s BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. 15 sad sees tx & 9 No.1 barn’. 19 00 Shelving boards, 12-8. up -. a Red Cedar Extras, 16 In. 5 butts tozin. ... .... 5m Dy SAE BP ras 2 OO. 50,00) see EG Mo. ” 17 00 Dressing boards, narrow.... 28 Eurekas, t ee 3 60 ox 8 in. and up. §0 00 §5 00| Pine Shorts 6 to r1'x8 1§ 60 9 inch shippers......-. 3% 38 “ Perfections, 5 butts to 28 ia. .... ee 4es le ate. Dir. Vot. XIII. CANADA LLUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’) of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’s, Lonpon, E. C. Weekly Lumberman — Published every weineniay. Contteivus reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the rincipal manufacturing districts and leading anki and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica: tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of 5p eae ene at home and abroad. The Month'y ‘umbermar— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. ‘When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of a5 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. “JG XCELSIOR WOOD WANTED — PEELED E basswood or clear spruce. RANKIN AND Co., Dundas street, Toronto. Telephone. ANTED—A MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF W a planing mill Must be competent to figure on work and get it out ata profit. Address MANITOU LUMBER Co., North Bay, Ont. OR SALE —1", 6/4”, 2” SOFT ELM. 1”, 2”, 3”, Birch.” x” Wortn Chestnut. 17”, 6/4”, 2”, 3”, 4’ Hard and Soft Maple. 1”, 6/4”, 2” Beech 1”, 2”, 3” White Ash. 1”, 2”, 3”, 4” Red and Wt ite Oak. Cedar Squares. R. E. K1INSMAN, Hamilton. ANTED-— POSITION BY FOREMAN W millwright, 30 years of age, married. Thoroughly conversant with the erection and operation of modern saw mull machinery. At references. Address Box 195, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED Party with timber limits to form Company with a party who has a modern saw miil plant, capacity twenty million, on North Shore Georgian Bay. Address Box 198, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE ths 14{ Red Pine Mill Run Seesiboe ace be} White Pine No. 2 ooo feet 1 Good Spruce Seco _ 1 Pine 2d qua. shorts 6/11 230,000 ‘* I * 2d qua. strips 12/16 7oo.o0oo “ 1 ** 53.C. shorts 6/11 400,000 ‘“‘ I S.C. strips 12/16 18,000 “ 14% ‘“ Cut up sidings 12/16 30.000 “ 1% ‘** Cutup sidings :2/:6 a1,o0o0 “* I Good Sidings 12/16 pply to H BourGoIN, 714 St. James street, Montreal, P.Q. : WEEKLY TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, FEBRUARY [5 10° 5 —— EDITION CANADA LUMBERMAN AND WOOD - WORKER The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 Per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REQULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. LSE _—_—_— No. 3 ANTED—500 M. FEET OF 1” FUL, MILL tun Soft Elm, will take it green or dry. Apply Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SImcozE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. . DX HEMLOCK LUMBER, cuT LAST season, good sound stock, and will manu- facture 60 M ft. gr go M ft. t X 8 and I X to in. stock and 1 in. siding. Price. nett, TAS fo.b. R. R. DRYSDALE, Lavant Station, nt. FOR SALE. UMBER AND SAW-MILL BUSINESS ON C. P. R. Main line. Mill in good running order. Daily sawing 20to 25M feet. Timber convenient to mill, Address A.B.C., CANADA LUMBERMAN, LUMBER YARD FOR SALE ETAIL YARD AT DARLINGFORD. MANI- toba, annual turnover about 30 car loads. Progressive growing town. First class farming country surrounding. No opposition in town. About $5,000. stock on hand in good condi-. tion. and good office and lumber shed. Corres- pondence solicited. J.H. BoLToN, Darlingford, Manitoba, OR SALE. — SAW MILL MACHINERY, nearly new. capacity 15,000 ft., Ioo M feet hardwood logs, 300 M feet hemlock logs, three million feet hemlock and hardwood timber, 1,000 cords bark, 30.000 cords wood complete logging outfit, quantity shingle bolts at mill and in bush. Nodues. Close o G.T.R~ Good tim- ber locality. Reason for selling, failing health. For price and terms apply to Box 194, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, FOR SALE. 700,000 fit. dry pine, 1”, 2” and 3”; 350,000 ft. dry hemlock, 1’and 2”. Also a large quantity of ist and 2nd class cedar shingles. We will have by spring 75,000 cedar ties and 100,000 cedar posts piled on shore. During the summer we will saw 25,000 cedar ties and a large quantity of cedar timber, boat lumber, etc. For further particulars apply to MCALLISTER Bros., Cockburn Island, Ont. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber In Central Ontario THE PROPERTY OF THE CANADIAN LAND AND IMMIGRATION CO., OF HALIBURTON, (LIMITED). This company has a large tract of well timbered land about 125 miles northeast of Toronto, There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Bassw od, Cherry, Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two rail- roads, The company are “be to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. There are several good mill siteson the pro- perty. This would be a good opportunity for arties who are at present cut out and looking or ane. location ; Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. ORWAY PILES FOR SALE. FOR PARTIC- ulars apply to Sims LUMBER Co., LIMITED, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. V ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP- WOOD Companies to look up page 7, monthly issue, which is bound to interest you. Wiese — BY LIVE EXPERIENCED Lumberman. stock of lumber to handle on commission, Box 190,CANADA LUMBERMAN. \ JANTED — FILER FOR BAND SAWS. y Must be reliable. Siate salary expected, etc. Address Box 191, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE NE “BOSS” POWER SHINGLE MACHINE. Four Drake hand shingle machines. Apply G. B., care CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Vee: 300 000 FEET WINTER CUT Basswood, Common and Better in quality, 1 1/16” thick when dry. Addres- Box 189, care of CANADA LUMBERMAN. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, ANTED, A MARKET FOR CUTTINGS from ehoice hardwood viz: oak, white ash, maple and hickory. Give dimensions, Ad- dress P.L.C., care of Canapa LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont ANTED—AN EXPFRIENCED MILL- WRIGHT for Band Mill near Quebec. Must be first class man. References required. THE RivEa OUELLE PuLP & LUMBER Co., St. Pacome, P. Q. OR SALE —1", 6/:”, 2” HARD MAPLE, 1’ soft elm, 6/4”, 2” rock elm culls. 1”, 6/4”, 2”, pine, 1” cherry,1” black and white ash, 6/4” white ash, 1” soft maple and 1” birch. Write for prices. THE W.R THompson Co., Teeswater, Ont. FOR SALE. 397,000 feet 2” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Ru 86,000 feet 1” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. 43,000 feet Mill Culls, etc. Also the product of two million feet good white pine logs to be cut next summer. Corres- pondence solicited. ; PINE LUMBER COMPANY, Pine, Ont. (near Cartier.) THE LocaTORS.—W.B Herbert, General Man- ager. The largest and oldest exclusive Business Brokers in the West. Address 63 Merchents’ Bank Building, Winnipeg. Lumber and Coal.—This is an excellent pro- pouition doing twenty thousand pearly: and can e bought ona cash payment of five thousand. Established 1°93 Has exclusive agency for coal. Eighty-five miles from Winnipeg, popula- tion six hundred. Lumber and Machinery.—Doing a turnover of sixty thousand yearly and making good profit, stock ten thousand, half cash, balance one year; this is a splendid business, most firmly and well established and is very worthy of attention. THE LOCATORS. Lumber.—Small stock in the Territories, price one thousand, doing twenty-five thousand a year, clearing five thousand, this is your oppor- tunity. THE Locators, ber.—Another yard cheap for cash, four hundred buys, doing seven thousand, clearing fifteen hundred, in good spot The Territories, you should enquire about this, it isa snap. THE LocaToRs Lumber and Factory —Well located in the Territories, four hundred miles from Winnipeg, doing a hundred and twenty thousand a year, cleared last i over eight thousand doilars, Has stock of about eighteen thousand, and a p'ant of about the same value. Encumbrance eight thousand, tw-nty-fiv thousand cash buys outright, this givesthe purchaser a clear profit to start on of over three thonsand dollars. THE LOcaTorRs. Write for our free book of ‘Business Oppor- -tunities,"” Address THE LocaTors, 63 Merchants Bank Building, Winnipeg. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The weather of the past week has not been propitious for the movement of lum- ber. Manufacturers are booking some orders for early delivery, but on the whole trade is seasonably quiet. The feeling in regard to spring business is optimistic, based largely upon prospec- tive building operations. The better grades of white pine are showing more strength and are going into the hands of dealers who believe that prices will be no lower and are disposed to take chances of an upward movement. The supply of hardwood lumber is considered ample for the spring requirements, but as the cut of logs this winter has not been heavy prices are likely to be maintained at their pres- ent basis. Predictions have been made of an advance in the price of maple. A large number of railway ties is being taken out this winter, the extent of rail- way construction work in sight having stimulated the production. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The dullness which has characterized the lumber trade of the eastern provinces for some months has been intensified by cold weather and heavy storms. The snow is now so deep that it is almost im- possible to handle lumber, In the mean- time the outlook for spring trade is im- proving and manufacturers are looking forward to a further advance in prices as soon as there are any signs of activity. Stocks of spruce lumber in the Eastern States are not large and the demand from that quarter will likely be considerable. The. expected advance in New Brunswick cedar shingles has not yet taken place, Extras still being obtainable at $3.20 on Boston rate of freight. The statement of a prominent lumber- nan, published elsewhere in. this issue, that the log production on the St. John river this winter will not be above 60,000,- ooo feet, will doubtless have a sustaining influence upon lumber prices. It is un- derstood that the cut in Nova Scotia has also been curtailed. UNITED STATES, Conditions are believed to be gradually getting into shape for an active spring trade in all branches of industry. There has been a marked revival in the 1ron and steel industry, while the statistics for Jan- uary show a remarkable increase in build- ing as compared with the corresponding month of 1904. In twenty-seven of the leading cities, permits were taken out for the construction of 5,187 buildings, invelv- ing a total cost of $24,964,651, against II CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION February 15, 1905 4,317 buildings, involving a total of $13,- 575,418 for the same month a year ago. This isan increase of 83 per cent. Activ- ity in lumber during the past week has been confined largely to the cities, as country trade has been practically at a standstill. A stronger inguiry for shop and better white pine is reported from Buffalo and Tonawanda, while at Sag- inaw and Bay City there is also a better feeling in respect to the higher grades. There is about 250,000,000 feet of pine in the yards on the Saginaw river, which is a fair supply. The price list committee of the Mississippi Valley Lumbermen’s Asso- ciation are expected this week to advance the price of No. 1 boards, which have become scarce. The hardwood market is showing slightly stronger tendencies in respect to some items. Rock elm and soft elm have been well bought, and prices are a little firmer on account of the light supply. Maple is also steadier and maple flooring is selling quite freely. In Northern Wisconsin and the northern peninsula of Michigan the snow is so deep that logging has been slow and ex- pensive and some operators have aban- doned the work for the season. Hickory has recently advanced about $5 per thous- and. GREAT BRITAIN. While there has been some improve- ment in the British lumber market during the past three months, buyers do not yet seem to have regained confidence, and very little business is being closed. It has-been announced that the Swedish Saw-Mill Owners’ Association will have 952,000,000 feet of lumber for first-open- water shipment, as compared with 964,- 000,000 feet one year ago. This small decrease is taken to mean that the policy of curtailment has not been. effective and that about the usual quantily of Baltic lumber will find its way to the United Kingdom. Representatives of Baltic shippers who have canvassed the leading importing centres are reported to have met with but meagre success. As against these unfavorable conditions, it may be pointed out that the stock of lumber in the Surrey Commercial Docks, London, on January 31st last, shows a shortage of Over 3,000,0CO pieces as compared with one year ago. Canadian white pine, red pine and spruce, all show a considerable decrease,and with the exception of spruce battens, the whole of the sawn and planed lumber of regular sizes now in the docks is less in quantity than at the correspond- ing period of 1904. The demand in the London market is largely for batten and board sizes in preference to deals, which have not been so readily marketable as the narrow widths, which | are consider- ably cheaper. - STOCKS AND PRICES. The Pacific Coast Lumber Manufactur- ers’ Association, at a meeting held at Seattle, Wash., on January 27th, advanc- ed the price of fir and cedar lumber and lath. Lumbering operations are being car- ried on quite extensively on the Sissiboo river, in Nova Scotia, this winter. It is estimated that the cut will be the largest on record. The log market in British Columbia continues firm with an upward tendency. Continued rain has not only interfered greatly with logging operations in pro- gress, but has also prevented many camps which were closed last fall from starting up again. At the annual meeting of the Wisconsin Valley Lumbermen’s Association held at Wausau on February 7th, the secretary reported that the volume of business hand- led during last year was most satisfactory, the total shipments being 503,024,000 feet, as compared with 511,795,000 feet in 1903. The log cut this winter in Minnesota for the Canadian mills is being considerably curtailed. The Rat Portage Lumber Company have two camps on the Big Fork river and are putting in about 4,000,000 feet. The Keewatin Lumber Company are putting in 10,000,000 on the Big Fork. The Rainy River Lum- ber Company have several camps on the same river and expect to have about 20,000,000 feet of logs, although they are not putting in a full stock this winter. The Merrill-Ring Lumber Company, of Duluth, Minn., recently sold 6,000,000 feet of No. 3 and better and the No. 4 and No. 5 boards out of 1,000,000 feet of logs, all at better prices than have been gen- erally obtained until very recently. A re- nominal import, markable sale madeat Duluth lately was a lot of No. 5 boards, not of unusually good grade, at $9.25 a thousand. This is consid- ered at least 75 cents above the market. There was manufactured in the state of Michigan last year 1,669,547,749 feet ot lumber, as against 1,945,373,031 feet in 1903 and 1,846,104,970 feet in 1902. The pine output last year aggregated 426,912,- 734 teet, as compared with 741,312,465 feet in 1903. The hardwood output was 618,938,333 feet, as against 475,453,066 feet_in 1903. The quantity of hemlock manufactured was 623,695,682 feet, as compared with 728,607,500 in 1903. There were 1,055,543,250 shingles manufactur- ed in Michigan last year, as compared with 1,380,165,co0 in the previous year. The lath production was _ 189,716,950 pieces, compared with 373,142,500 pieces in 1903. CONDITIONS IN LIVERPOOL. Messrs. Farnworth & Jardine furnish the following particulars of the Liverpool lumber market: In the business of the past month there is li'tle change to report but the slight improvement recorded in December has been fairly maintained. Imports have been on a moderate scale, the deliveries fair, and stocks on the whole are not too large, whilst some of the leading articles show a considerable reduction. Values are generally steady. PINE TIMBER.—Of waney the: import consists of about 6,000 feet by steamer, via St. John, N.B.; the demand’ continues very quiet, the deliveries have been small and stocks are ample; prices are Steady. SQuaRE PINE.—Very slow demand ; the stock is ample but prices are firm. RED PiINE.—The stock is very small, but there is very little demand, and only for a few special requirements. Oak Locs.—The demand is inactive, and the consumption has been unsatisfac- tory ; stocks are sufficient, but values are fairly steady. Ex_m.—There has been a fair enquiry for first class rock elm and values rule high ; the stock is low. Ash is seldom enquired for. PINE DEALS.—There has only been a but the deliveries have high prices been very disappointing, checking consumption, and stocks are too large. Red pine deals are dull of sale and stocks are ample. New Brunswick anp Nova ScorIA SPRUCE AND PinE DEALS, — The import during the past month to Liverpool, etc., and Manchester Canal has been moderate, viz., about 2,070 standards, against 6,030 standards corresponding time last year. The consumption, which practically re- presents six weeks deliveries (on account of extra time required for the annual stock taking), has been satisfactory, and stocks, although still ample, are being reduced to a more moderate compass. It is most desirable that shipments during the next few months should be very small; values are unchanged. BircH.—Logs from St. John, N. B., M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. £03 Temple Building, Toronto, EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, ete, Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot aa Loudon, Eng. McLellan Timber Land am Lumber G0., cimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter st. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. Sisco ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS IN W66KIy Ganada LUMD6rman Moatreal Toronto | Winnipeg WwooDs & SPICER, Limited MANUFACTURERS be eee BRITTS —L COLUMBIA RHD CHDAR SHINGLES Capacity 100 Million a Year. We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not a our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. Yvvire your Orders at ouR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, 8. c. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Limite KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING cj | ORILLIA PLANING MILL Owen Sound, Ont. NARDWOUD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINT 'S. POMEROY, Send for Catalogue 2 wt Samples by Mail KNIGHT BROTHERS CO Burk’s Falls. Near G.T.R. Station PLANING, MOULDINGS, MATCHING, FLOORING, RESAWING, Done any quantity. Write for price. *Phone 353i MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, @uebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH | BULMER, M'LENNAN & COMPANY MONTREAL, ea Office and Yard, 571 DORCHESTER ST. - P.O. Box 16 Creatas be ) — be 8 si R Ganadian Gedar Tele- a ee ea ee J.D. SINGLAIR February 15, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. have arrived moderately and there has Current prices are as follows : been a fair consumption ; values are TIMBER (percub.ft.) ££ sd. £ s. d, steady, and stocks are fairly moderate. pushes eaey wer pine Se a 2 Gj Planks have arrived more freely. The St. Johnpine, 18’ average 0 2 6 0 3 3 : Lower ports pine........ oO UIs jores-y98 consumption has more than kept pace, Quebec red pine.......... On ks 7° MOvr a eo and stocks are light ; values are a shade ey ibaactanesila et 6MPOM eG easier. . ihc ee, 5! A ce ie aO%af Be om 3 fr , 7 p--): SE Ge ee o BE o8 2-3 Following is a comparative statement of ' St. John birch............ Ge rts wore ro 5 Webee DITCH. wc cccccana OF I 05 CG mie ge the stocks on hand at Liverpool, Birken- Eee eats Riven Pare ote we head and Garston on January 31st, 1904 Birch planks....... +, 0.feOr TOR at o'. Xi Spruceipare vee ee ook ToLe vor t4o and 1905. 1904. 1905. DEALS (per standard) uebec Square Pine... 3 Cub. Ft. 115000 69000 Ist quality Quebec pine.. 23 9 © 33 © © 5 waury ane i2io0d r94000 and do Bo dot, AUT A. OR Obai22f 0. |, O St. gona and other Ports 3rd_ do do dol. . ki) 10) Gn 20 ianeo es a ae “ 2000. ~=CNil St.John, N.B.,&c.,spruce 6 12 6 7 O,\0 aad Pine 242) is Se “ 4000 2000 Lower ports spruce.,.... a 7 56 G6 Tan 6 Oregon Pine, Logs and Spruce boards............ se ie. OC 6 “ono PETES ke ce ee oe 531000 315000 Californian Redwood.... i 203000 228000 Danzig, &e, Hin... =“ ~— ss600 frooa.~- PRICES OF CANADIAN LUMBER IN Pitch Pine, pve ter os 91000 1.|3000 LONDON. OETA stare ssw se 783000 5438000 . 2 i, s Planks........ ‘287000 312000 The following prices were obtained for Oak, Canadian and U.S 4 194090 8.000 Cone ; d laeen at in “ Planks “ 184000 210020 anadian pine an spruce umbe “Baltic $ YO000... 7000 © 2) arn. , > MW & Com- Fie , ares geen auctiaa sale held by Foy, Morgan om Birch, ay cae = 46000 48000 =pany, London, Eng., on February Ist. : Planks. ni 56000 16000 " 20000 +8000 Pine.—Ex. Toronto, from Montreal— Rast India ‘Teak, Logs 12-18 ft. 2 x 6 in. rst quality red, £12 19s and Plankss...:...... eg 133000 115000 : Greenheart............... Ks 3 one Bgoce per standard of 1,980 superfivial feet ; = a oe ee dS Ij01 14780 5 ei pais oe oh aren oe 12-18 ft. 2x 5 in., Ail 158 ; 12-18 ft. 2x 4 N.B.,N.S ,&c , Spruce and S a r ice m Mon- Pine enti. STON, hen 2 a 13910 8020 in., £12 Los. Ex. Rampicant 1B Baltic Red Deals & ey a aS im treal—ro-20 ft. 4 x11 in. 1st quality red, P y lo) 4 Pie whieere y 4! ) oka | tage. 416-1583 10-20 ft. 4 ¥O in,, £16 585 10-20 ROBERT WATT WIARTON, ONT. Manufacturer and Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. SPECIAL: One carl ad of 3x4 Hardwood Hearts suitable for car stakes One car of 3” Cedar Plank. One car eachof XXXX and XXX Cedar Shingles. One half car each of XX and X Cedar thingles. Prices ou application. C.S. POWELL & CO. Lumber Fxporters 604 Temple Bldg., TORONTO ome | at NEW ORLEANS, LA. Gash buvers all kinds hardwoods. To Mil! men We solicit correspondence J.B. Farwell & Son .. CONTRAGTORS AND DEALERS IN .. (raph, Telephone and Electric Light Poles Orillia, Ont., and Oswego, 1.Y. AT MIDLAND 100,000 feet 1 x 4 and 5 Mill Run 150,000 feet 1 x 6 Write for Prices, also for my 1905 CALENDAR. Both Good. Vancouver Cedar Mills | High Gitade VANGOUVBR over Cedar TAG MENZ LUMBER GOMPANY Manufacturers and Wholesalers BeILISH COLUMBRA FAIR,n SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES ye eet FOSS. Manazer. 024-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man- J. F. FOSS, Manager. ‘CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FOR SALE I can saw-out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. _J. S. FINDLAY, “OWEN SOUND, ONT. ft. 3x 11in., £16 10s; 10-20 ft. 3 x 9 in., Als 15sHerg-23 ft. 3 xin m., 4615 1583 16-22 ft. 3x gin., £13 108; 12-16 ft. 3 x JI in., Ato isha 02-13 ft. 3x Sin., £15 15S; Ex. Oxonian, from Montreal — 12-21 ft. 4 xX 11 in. tst quality red, £16158; 12-21 tt.4xgin., £1655; 1o-20ft. 3x 11 in., 416 108; 12-20 ft. 3x gin., £15 158. Ex. Milwaukee, from Montreal—18 ft. 2x9 in. 3rd quality red, £9, Ex. Montreal, from Quebec—12-16 ft. 1x6 in. rst quality, £17; 14-15 ft. 1x 5in., £15 10s. Ex, Mount Temple, from Montreal—12-16 ft. 1% x 5 in. Ist. quality, £19 15s; 6-16 ft. 1 x 7 in., 419; 6-16 ft. 1x 6in., £17. Ex. Hektos, from Quebec—14-16 {t. 1x7 in. 1st quality, 418 158. Spruce.--Ex. Sir John Lawrence, from Bay Verte, N. B.—9-16 {t. 4X5 in. unas- sorted, £5 128 6d; 5-15 ft. 4x4, 45 5s; 6-15 ft. 3x13-16, £6 553 5-15 ft. 3x10, £6 10s ; 9-16 ft. 3x8, £6 178 6d; 5-9 ft. 3x7-8, £5 158; 5-17 ft. 3x3, £4; 6-16 ft. 2%4x5-7, £5. Ex. Drot, from Rimouski and Ma- tane, Que.—r4q ft. 3x9 in, unassorted, £9; 15-17 ft. 3x9 in., £6 5s. Ex. Cunaxa, from West Bay, N.S.—3-15 ft. 2x6 in. 1st, 2nd and grd quality, £6 5s; 5-23 ft. 2x5, £6 2s 6d. Fire in the lumber yard of Watson & Todd, Liverpool, Eng., on the 7th inst., destroyed a considerable quantity of Canadian pine and spruce deals, the damage amounting to $75,000. I. Dean Holden, Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. A.F. Holden, Vice-Pres. E.C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =—SARNIA, ONT. THE |MPERIAL LUMBER CO. Limiep SAW AND PLANING: MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds:of -) SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo,~ Registered Cable Address;- a Pinewood.” BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. iy, American Lumberm: an”’ Telecode. ¥~ Fe — mE = / CBCVESBVTTVTVECESTBESE WT OFT EU8S884O48489 R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. § C. A. Kent, Sec’y. R. S ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERS G7 LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. ee A Ae ee one ee ee ee Se ee te eo ee ee ® J, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and. Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY THE QHARLEMAGNE & LAG OUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd H ARNWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY, Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. "Phone No. 54. SAWN AND DRESSED Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations. Shipments by rail or water. CACHE BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE star oui | UMBER CACHE BAY, Onte ung Mew AND LATH CACHE BAY PLANING MILL Co, » « » MANUFACTURERS OF, MOULDINGS GBILING FLOORING WAINSGOTING. SHEETING All kinds of Dressed and Pine Lumber, Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION E. H. HEAPS & CO., Cedar Cove Mill, Vancouver, B.C. Wancouvyer, February 15, «g05 Ruskin Mill Ruskin, B. C. B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Motldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Balusters, etc. W. J. SHEPPARD by heh ard aubaushene, On CEDAR SHINGLES. Newels j. G. SEOs hy trian MANAGER nco ver, B.C. Pacific Coast Lumber Co. LIMITED VANGOUVER, BG. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. High Grade Red Cedar sian Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. 112 Mail Building, TORONTO ~ J. E. _E. YOUNG, Cashier. Cashier. The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. Manufacturers of % % % %& White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash; q Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work Dealers in Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Head Office: CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING RAT POTRAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Worked and Boxes. THOS. KIRKPATRICK, MANUFACTURER OF 69° Red Cedar Shingles Mills at Hastings and New Westminster Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Telephone B 1425 Daily Capacity, 250,000 Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Ontario Representative: W. J. SMITH, Fergus. Export Lumber & Shingle Co. Wholesale Dealers Limited British Columbia Lumber and Shingles The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market prices. Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED VANCOUVER - BRITISH COLUMBIA Correspondence solicited at all four points. COOKE S TAIT MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF B.C. FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER AND SHINGLES Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Shingle Mill: False Creek, Vancouver, B.C. WRITE FOR PRICES. Hazelmere Lumber Co. F HAZELMERE, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF 3 3 8 FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER _ CLEAR CEDAR AND FLOORING Our Specialty. Long Distance Telephone. C. WELLS —- e PALLISER, B.C. — 3 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. February 15, 19¢5 SS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. and Dimension Timber, and will be pleased to send you a copy on appli- cation. SOLICITING YOUR ORDERS. DELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER 6O., WHOLESALE White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles eer geeerss Callander North Bay Powassan Cartier Whitney Sturgeon Falls TORONTO OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers. Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries FoR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED | We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. } RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. arr and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, °° ghia” QUEBEC TS tt vOur WISH. . 9 To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY THE WM. BRAMEN & SONS MANUFAGTURING G0, LITE Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office : HAMILTON, ONT. AUGER & SON - Quebec PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. Also ~ 2 Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and Lumber.— Write Us. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER ANADA PINE Bank of Ottawa Building, “ihe St James St., MONTREAL, CANADA S; ridge Timber and ali‘kinds of, Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White tee pamencin nex, =< ‘way ar Suls, Ca: Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, “ak ard Whirewood, Planed and Rough Lumoer, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, els Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butte.. Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Company, Limited, Barnet, B. C. Douglas Fi- Timber in any size or cupih up to go feet long. Timber re face up to 24 inch x 30 inch: “Dry Kilas of large capacity. Beas and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar . WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. i ae tea te Til an Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ And ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Euyer # Sells a the case may be. Addr The Canada Lumberman, fe} Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. Manufacturers of and ah cin ge Dealers in all kinds of . Both Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. | lt i ta atti Ne | ie > - ——P oe t We have just completed a new list of all our Pine and Spruce Lumber CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS | R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. Ll. WHITE. PHLAYEFATR & WHITE Manufacturers and Whouesale Dealers LUMBER - LATH + SHINGLES Cont t SILL TIMBER a soos te ee es = MID: AND, ONT A. ce. P. W A | = Ee Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joistir g Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath PEMBROKE ONT. F. M&CIBBON & SONS, PENETANCUISHENE ONT. Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Pick ufacturers and Dealers LUMBER, LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. OWEN SOUND, SOUND, ONTARIO, Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff, MANUFAGTURERS I LUMBER a“? | AGA urner Lumber Co., timitea Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. D,. D. FLANNER H. W. REEVES FLANNER & REEVES Manufacturers and Wholesalers of WHITE AND NORWAY PINE LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLE CAR. AND CARGO res ONTARIO JOHN P. NEWMAN | THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer Bea ayers Timber, Shing- PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS les, Posts, Etc. HEADQUARTERS HarRDWoopD VYWiarton — Om caclo Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, O. MeMinnville,|Tenn. Write for quotations on 1’ and 3” Maple, 3” and 4x4 Cedar, 1” and 2” Birch and 3x Cedar Shingles We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots ROBT. STEWART LIMITED GUELPH, ONTARIO MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Stairs, Hardwood Flooring, Etc. Canadian and American Hard and Soft Woods of all descriptions SPECIALTIES YELLOW PINE AND OAK TIMBER Sole Canadian Represenative of the SOUTHERN CYPRESS LUMBER SELLING COMPANY New Orleans, Vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION February 15, 1905 BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) VANCOUVER, B.C., February sth, 1905. —There is a very appreciable increase in the price of logs, and Mr. J. S. Emerson is benefitting accordingly. They were $7.50 for the best, and now another dol- lar has been added. That is for cedar logs, for which there is an especial de- mand noticeable because of the stringen- cy. Unless conditions are very favorable, another rise in price is looked for before a supply comes in. Shingle prices are again down, and they are now cheaper than ever before. A month or so ago the B, C. Lumber and Shingle Manufacturers’ Association, of this city, issued a new price list in which shingles were -reduced from .$2.50 to $1.90, and another decrease has now gone into effect. Last week they were brought down to $1.50 for local trade, and $2 for the, Territories. ‘‘ While we might adopt the recourse of opening lumber depot yards in the North- "a prominent lumberman said to *“ we have ‘not de- west, ycur correspondent, cided upon that eourse, and only would do so as a means of self-preservation. To open such yards means practically to go into the retail business, and that would necessitate a very large capital, which just at this stringency especially the mill- men do not happen to have handy.” Balance sheets for 1904 do not show a very encouraging state of affairs among the mills, and every effort is being made to retrieve losses. Mr. A. C. Flumerfelt, who has large mining interests in the in; terior, and who is president of the Inter; national Coal and Coke Company, operat- ing measures at Coleman, Alberta, has taken permanent quarters in Vancouver and will pay direct attention to the affairs of the Hastings Shingle Manufacturing Company, in which he is largely interested, Millmen generally are preparing for a busy season, in anticipation of the duty being granted this year by the Dominion Government. ‘‘If it is not given this year,” was the remark of the manager of one of the large concerns in Vancouver this morning, ‘‘then I would not like to prophesy what will happen.” Trade on the whole is not of the best. Local busi- ness continues fair, and there is a little doing in the export. It is, however, an improvement on last fall, and should be at _this time of year. A further improvement is iooked for if conditions are favorable. News has arrived of the death of Mr. W. P. Sayward, the pioneer lumberman of the province, which took place at San Francisco last week. He came north at the time of the rush to the Cariboo gold fields and built a mill near Victoria in 1858. It has been running ever since, and is now conducted by his son, Mr. J. A. Sayward, who was at his father’s bed- side. Lumber manvfacturers are still talking of a mutual insurance asa relief from the high rates charged by the regular insur- ance companies. There is a rumor that action is to be taken very soon, Mr. Robert Weir, of the Weir Lumber Company, Orillia, is making his first trip to the west, and is visiting his cousin, T. W. Kerr, of Ladner. Messrs. J. E. Taylor and A. L. Clarke, of Texas, interested in the Vancouver Lumber Company, of which Mr. J. D. Moody, another Texan, is manager, are in the city in connection with the doubling of their capacity. This will entail an ex- penditure of $150,000. The mill was bought last summer. Mr. H. A. Wilson, of Stillwater, Minn., was here last week looking over possible sites, and investigating local conditions. He is said to represent capital of $400,- 000. ST. JOHN RIVER LOG PRODUCTION. Mr. William H. Murray, a prominent lumberman of St. John, N. B., in a recent interview, gave some particulars concern- ing logging operations on the St. John river this winter. Tae cost of bringing out logs, he says, has been a little lower than usual. Owing to the fact that the cut was greatly re- duced, fewer men were required, and the contractors were thus able to secure all the help they wanted at lower wagesthan in the past. Last year 138,000,000 feet of St. John river logs were actually rafted and deliv- ered to the mills, and another 30,000,000 feet are still in the booms, so that the total output for the past season was 168,000,000 feet, of which almost 40,000,- ooo feet were old logs which had been hung up, and the actual cut 128,000,000 feet. This season the cut is certainly not over 60,000,000 feet. There are in the booms 30,000,000 feet left from last year and ancther 18,000,000 will come down, having been hung up. Mr. Murray thus makes the total output at between 105,- 00c,000 and 110,000,000 feet, or not more than two-thirds of last year’s production, while the actual cut of new logs will be less than half of last year’s. Fewer American logs than usual, pro- portionately, have been cut. Dunn Bros.’ mill at St. John, it is stated, may mot run during the coming season. Warner is sawing more Canadian than American logs, and the same is true of the two Miller mills. Mr. Murray and Cushings are about the only large operators in American logs and they are not going in very heavily. John A. Morrison, of Fredericton, is bringing out a million of cedar, but this is the only item out of the ordinary in the cut, —— =a UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS BY RAIL.MAIL WIRE OR ‘PA ONE GHARLOTTE HABBERLE Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST NUT. COTTONWOOD, ‘CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAH GANY, MAPLE, OAK. POPAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SP' )KES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, mic Correspo1dence Invited on All Hardwocds. H. D. WiCGI will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN film, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YBRLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. WANTED BOSTON, MASS Muskegon, Mich. -| ACME LUMBER CO. 89 STATE ST. Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A. Wholesale Hardwoods Hard Maple and Rock Eim our Specialty. We invite correspondence whether you to buy or sell. ONB DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the ‘CANADA LUMBERMAN for - ONE YBAR 5/8 Inch Quartered Canadian Spruce and Thick Birchza=—_ J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER CO. 94 Pearl Street HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. Grand Rapids, Mich. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e ve \e se sexe FRANK C, BURY WHOLESALE BURY & NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT + Veneers - Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. MASON A. NOBLE MICHIGAN 5 eal February 15, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil. ling, 79,520 ft. ends, 44,746 ft. birch plank, 3,386 ft. birch ends. Steamer St. Helens, for Santa Cruz, 227,268 ft. spruce boards, 223,143 ft. scantling, 218,300 ft. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Portland, N. B.: Steamer Cor- nishman, for Liverpool, 33 logs, 1,995 pcs- lumber, 449 bdls. lumber, 11,623 maple blocks, 624 cases splints, 951 pes. planks, laths, 11,525 pickets, 159,941 ft. pine by Grand Trunk Railway. Steamer Hun- boards, 41,205 ft. plank. Steamer Wyan- lumber. garian, for Glasgow, 8,802 pcs. lumber, 107 pes. timber, 1,926 pcs. deals, 7437 bdls. shooks. Steamer Sicilian, for Liverpool, 50,854 pes. deals, 320 pes. lumber, by Can- adian Pacific Railway. From St. John, N. B.: Steamer Kas- talia, for Glasyow, 27,760 ft. pine deals, 31 pes. timber. Steamer Ionian, for Liv- erpool, 941,037 ft. deals, 100,034 ft. scant- dotte, for Cape Town, 8,220 pcs. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. The Shepard & Morse Lumber Com- pany, of Ottawa, are announced to have purchased from the Bronson Company of that city three timber berths on the Mon- treal river, in the Temiskaming district, containing 105 square miles. The berths are said to be heavily timbered with white pine, and the purchase price is given as $250,000. Thelimit is practically the last of the Bronson holdings in the Upper Ottawa country, although they still own a large limit on the Quinze river, which is being held for pulp wood. HELP ! Do you want to engage a mill superin- tendent, yard foreman, shipping clerk, sawyer or filer? An advertisement in the ‘* Wanted and For Sale”’ Department of this paper will supply your wants, and at small cost. BUSINESS NOTES. A demand of assignment is reported to have been made upon P. S. Hardy, gen- eral store and saw mill, Chambly Can- ton, Que. The creditors of the Wetaskiwin Sash & Door Company, Wetaskiwin, N.W.T., are requested to file claims with W. Forbes at that place before March 15th. H. W. Lightburne has commenced busi- ness in Liverpool, Eng., on his own ac- count as spruce broker. Under the style of H. W. Lightburne & Company, he will actas agent for John E. Moore & Com- pany, of St. John, N.B. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE Cable Address ‘‘Farnworth,” Liverpool. a Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL. aie F. A. Sea thody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled tc the best advantage to all ports in the TJnited Rariodam Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, * *toxoos,‘s"c. IMPORTER OF —~emmmmmmmer Telegraphic Fy ements London,’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ZEBRA CODE A. B, C. CODE DIRECTORY CODE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers “ GELLICHT,” LONDON Ete Address : 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England LONDON STORES: CABLES, DOORCHEEK, LONDON We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. Seats, Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, and all kinds of ready made joinery. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND * Invite offers from Lumbermen for. . Spruce Deais and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels Broom Handles, Chair ~tock, Seats, etc., or ary Woods Suitable for English Market. ‘Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain, Cable address, ‘‘ Shooks,’”’ Hull. Codes—A. B. C. 4th Edition and Zebra. BI TYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumbe, Elm Staves: and Heading, Han='es of all ecr ption : Specialty THOMPSON, BLOIS & KJELLGREN———— ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AND LOGS BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW CASH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST | SHIPPING DOCUMENTS SMITH & TYRER - [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address— ‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bidg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW OANT & KEMP ¢ 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW * BROKERS Cable Address: ““TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. =—ereas = ‘Every-Jumberman_wants_it— TIMBER 85 cents—buys: it ooridner’s Lumber and LO Book BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION a7 i sin ID Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. Liverpool and London Chambers CABI,K ADDRESS “ Address : THE CANADA LUMBFRMAN Toronto Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY We areinthe Market for Black Walnut Logs and Boards, Pine Deals and =. Siding ite Ash Planks, best quality, in long lengths Oak Planks, best quality, in long lengths Rock Maple’ Logs and Pianks, White Oak Logs All cla ses of Manufactured Wood Goods Rock Elm Logs. “aney Birch Logs Send full particulars of what you have to offer with prices. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND DOBLE LIVERPOOL ” BRANCH OFFICER Brook {, HAMBURG VIII THE ONTARIO LUMBER C2 swces Mitts: North Bay. C.P.R. and 6. T.R. Delivery. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION February 15, 1905 EO. G. GLADMA WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES sem PARRY SOUND, ONT. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED TE MOOOSTOGK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING 60, "i Ontario. ° —Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in Pine, Hemlock Hardwood Lombea ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. A. P. BBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, ASH, ELM, BASSWOOD, PINE, SPRUCE : Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock Have for Sale {ayp’ HEMLOCK IN QUANTITIES mi sbot ice Eastern Agents--B. C. Shingles and Douglas Fir, all dimensions = ‘ Can dress to 24x30. B. C. Cedar Write for quotations T A E N EW LI N LINE ONE DOLLAR Through the Spruce Forests of the Laurentian Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesbury. Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA WateErR-Powers, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELECTRIC LUMBERMAN for PoWER FOR SALE. IpgAL PuLp-MiLtt Sires. ‘ MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES, Hone) Life Building L ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON LUMBER 3sO St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE JAS. LUNNY & CO., HINTONBURG, ONT. aaa wth arcing: Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. ¥ A. J. GORRIE, GUY TOMBS O N Ee Y E A R General Supt. MONTREAL G.F.&P A, Bir kd good strips : Pine shorts §/ to 11’x10” 16 Oo LATH: HOLESALE u Deere oe 30 Co 34 00 Pe. 8up ae c. sidings oh = = a Pine ...... $3.50 | Spruce $3 40 =. 1% in, andr¥ in.- - 35 00 38 00| Pine s. c. strips...... I di lia ra ATR AP he ieee A :. 36 00 38 oo | Pine, s.c. ere: sees 12 00 14 00 SHINGLES. aay teen Ja: (Basins Pica be. jpes Saxed Pire ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 5 5° TORONTO, ONT. 1Y% in and 1% in... 28 00 35 oc | Lath, per M Clear hn tts.......... 3 50 3 75 | Hemlock........see0ee 225 ae Ro ates | Noo rwhite pine..: 240 2 60 Smooth 6 x18....... 4 50 475 ame 225 CAR, OF CARGO Las ine, No. ee 3 F No. 2 white pine? .. 200 2 25 . 1 inch No, 1 Pine 2x4 to 10in.,1 to16ft. 15 00 16 00 siding, per M feet, Spruce, mill ron..... 200 215 cuts & hetter...... $4 8 0 $50 00 | 2x4 to 10 inch, 8 ft. 16 00 17 00 a 20 00 25 00| Red Pine milirun.. 200 2 15 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY. 1% to2inch No. 1 Clear inch B. C. cedar, Pine, No. CF “dressing Pine Shingles cuts and better . 51 00 53 00 kiln dried ..........5 50 00 Riripaicacct tees 18 00 24.00 XXXX, 18 inch........ 300 325 WHITE PINE: 1 inch No. 3 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar Pine No. dressing Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 . y t uts and better.... 37 00 3800] airdried boat lumber 55 00 shorts'eiisssaaeticnne: I 20 00| xx 18 inch........... 1 40 1 60 (Wholesale one seve Sa 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension Pine, ros. ¢ and bet- Cedar Shingles U; pers, 1, 1,1 and 2 SPER Rt 38 00 cuts and better 38 00 39 00] timber, 25 to 30 feet Sonne ter stock, 12’ to 16’ 18 20 00] XxXxx 18inch........ 315 3 25 Mia alge ninja aise 78 00 Shelvin ae I, 13 in. tin Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- Clear Butt,18 inch. 2 50 2% and 3 in....... 85 00 RAS Ble acd * 40.00 and bettershorts 2500 27 00| timber, ,o to 35 feet 31 00 ter stock, 12’ to 16. 16 1900| xx, 18inch........+. “160 170 4 Miaisas « Cas «aon ae & 00 | No. : Mold'st'ps zto.a . 1X4, 6and 8common 18 oo 19 02 orn 1 4ft. Pine bts x0 ey | Oe Se Pig oe eee ode ool aa 2 Mout rs 48 00 Ix 1rO ccmmon...... I9 50 2000 Ath... ...--.-eseeee 3 1¥ to 2in......... o. 2 Moulding IX 12common...... = 00 2200] 1%in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 2 89 ; 90 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. wi auel Gia. jie oe rto2 in... as 35 00 3X © common...... 20 00 21 00 1S; No. I are pine ie. fat SS5 UPPER AND SELECTS. Fe cecsrectne erase Barn, No.z, 12in..... 3 00 7X10 common...... 2100 22 ov) 1 Dady Gu : : ° ine common, 1 in. oo] 6, 8and zoin...... cr) 1 and 3x12 common, 22 00 23 00| XXXXPineShingles 290 3 00 puss in., 10 in, and up ea ‘Sage ee ee up eaue oe 24 and 1% Aas: 3 pe cs man es 23 S rxiv inch box and XX. Pine Shingles. «+ 310" 2 a0 vf ak eua eee te : ae Jie aco Ny £5 Son aenocla tag Soe CCT akaeRerEr ete 60 00] No.2, 12 ine.....0. 00 common .......... 2000 2: co| X Pine Shingles .. I co ead 1 ee ea HAs eesti 3 ine een 73 00| No.3, 10in........ Soico tinchmil] runsidings 2: 00 22 o0| XXX CedarShingles 2 80 2 90 2 z ANG! S/ in. a teenies aan ee BAU vty istcvangajariel sins ural alas Fe ae 35.00 Na. saa _ 42 §¢ 1 in. mill run. . 20 00 21 co B. C. Shingles" G2. Se aenc one des ao 9 Cut’ up, No. 1, 1 in. §8 00] Box, 7x4...s0ckenres 17 50 2X10 ane-12 mill culls 15 00 16 oo | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 60 FINE COMMON. — A A 13 and 1% 134 in..... 50 00 1x6 @ Up... cccsae 19 Oo I ee mill cu‘l Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 280 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 54 00 | 234 and 3in., 8in. and up wide 73 00 No. 2, 1 in....++es 25 00 TEXO sda. 2 eee 19 50 See See ee 15 00 1600] XXXXX5to2in.. 315 and 1% in in 57 COMMA s ney wenn csin a va didicielp cine at PO) Ce No. 2, 1%, & 136 in 36 00 IE12)s2.5.. ee 21 00 ris. ae cull sidings 12 00 13 00 | XX No. panieheins Bay! aio” Ja 10. Soe pth «++ 58 00 No. 3, 1%, 1% and Eexg Sid pe cee 22 00 1% inch Flooring .. 26 00 27 00} KX = ** 6 to 23-16 in. B FINE COMMON ©R NO 1 CUTTING. PP oes “25 00 Y and 1% & 2in.. 20 00 Hemlock,1x4 to 8in, 14 00 15 o@| XX 5toain... 25° in, 7in. andup wide...... 36 00 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 63 00 _— Dressing 1%in...... 36 00 Mie Culls, 1, 1%, 1% 5 HARDWOODS—PER M FEET CAR LOTS. {Man 1% cutting... .... . oa 4 in. Feteecees ceveeees escecee 68:00 a % = and 2in...s.s.-s 17 co ; h Paskiy, pesiaugean Elmo A non: STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). The ale quetetons on berdros represent the jobber’s buying Asn Wh te, 1 to2 in m,rock,m1 . . price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; ists and ands...... $33 00 $35 00] _run....... 1to 1%"24 00 2600 1% 1 fs to sane 7 in. wale. se oe priate aan 7 in. wide..... £ i: visite As , black, rsts and Elm rock, mill 14% x6 in. wide.........00005. 5) ee aecensseccccecs and, 1 to 1% in.. .. 27 00 29 00 ae ae 134‘' 3.. 29 00 30 00 FINE COMMON OR C aoe Eby 3s = sognal Bt. scanaeen 43 02 = oe Bi-ch M. R.,1in. - 22 00 24 00 ickory, 1sts “a inp Wides wesc ove oo | 1% in. 5 in. wide ........ 47 00 {e) acai ntefal a pagponle: RS RRC ae S ‘ fe Bue '23/O0- 2500 aaa ands..134"' 2.. 36 00 38 oo 1 in Gig wide aSqnenGes Pa oo 4 et. Wide......e.+e0++ 50 00 Com. and culls....... 16 00 -19 00 -_ Seite ARAL (858 3200" (a5 00)|' Maple cominon VING OR FENCING STRIPS "BLACK AND BROWN ASH Basswood, Common and better: 1}4 21 00 22 00 pe Be SG tS STR EO 3 and better 1 to1%in 24 00 35 00 Mere gat 7 : 1in., 4,5, 6in wide....... 30 co | x in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ........ 26 00 Ist & 2na, 6 nch “Bi 3100 33 pith & good culls... 1§ 00 17 00 Bassw ; toz.. 2 26 oo and 2nds.. 2 4+. 25 00 27 oc ae. m. r shes 1% aa 00 24 00 | Oak;red, p’n, 7" BAEN sa 5 re in ae & and; 6insh & | 1st &and,white,€’ &up, 24 co 26.00 Cherry, isis xsts & ands 2 " 4.. 44.00 4600 No. 1, 12iM.....seeeeee ees 9 00 # EE kas Up, red.......2+2+ 3600 38 00 | Com. & good culls,.... 33 00 1400 © and 2nds.. 1 “ 146 55 00 60 00} Oak, white, Fs 3 IM. ecee venees Sa = a B. 4 am tn OEE AGE <<" Be E eae Seti 4... 60 00 70.00 Oaks at aie *i6 43; 985 20 8 3 and 7 in Be ooreincoAgnoDE BS 23 00] gin...... te casesccnsaaasa 28 O00 ist & 2d,rock,6in &up 26 00 28 00 | rst & ed, pes be & up, 4, 00 8 a ; 3 Elm, soft, mill rsts & ands 2 ‘' 4.. 45 00 50 00 No. 2, 12iM....++.eeeeeeeee 4 oq 2 tena ay sae pecaamen cee Figo Common and culls .. 75 00 17 00 | Common seceee I ae aaa © 1% 24 00 25 00 | Oak, quart’d, UiccMiANs - 2. nts eoatacauniata alot ciaanteielsie are ee Ceseuasea a pe noe Pe Ein. “soll, Mill ists&e2nds ‘' 2.. 70 00 8) 00 No. 2, 9 in....... mies devalael aie sin, a/acerelela| ai wall Sipe ihe Shida} obey no agl rat &andsoft. me) = Peevey 2 ‘3... 25 00 27 oo | Walnut, sts . SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. Connon aid atlas 1903 14 00 | Co. and'cullasA SuGniaaiatnd and 2nds.. 1 “ 3.. 85 00 10900, in., 4 and Sims wide .......$15 00] 2 jn 33 oe: up a 00 rin., 6 in. wide........ - 17 col 1% and 2 in, 7 in, an = So ye 1 in., 7 in. wide and up...... 17 00 Hp Wide... .cisticcseccsaes 1S 00 BOSTON, MASS. QUEBEC, QUE. SHAKY CLEAR. Whit to ¢ Pine U peel Se ane pode $85 00 WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. vide 32 00/1 in., ro in, and up wide..... 34 00 Selects, 1 to 2inch.. Senne ee 00 73 00 . ots. rin., 6 in, wide....-....+... 33 00/ 1%, 1% and 8 in, ana up Fine Common, 1inch....-..0++ ss .++- a nre ol sinieie spiel SCONES 00 Square white pine, measured off, 39 to 40 feet average,......... 35 45 WIDS: 4 = «in cis/cic oa <'el seine eae) 13/60 2 INCH dod aivwws «ps go qenenere cer aE 63 00 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch es according to yest &3 . SHINGLES, 18-IN. No. 1 Cuts, x inch ace 2 es 19 to 20 inch average Re LE ; Cedar, XXXX, 18 in......-.. 3 50 Ito 2 inch? ... Sos .ccsn.» scan ee esse Sages RED Soe ry me eee Pirie Resa fas 4 og Clear Rotts. icc.c ae I S No. 2 Cuts, fo proee AG on 30 - : Pa =4 M d off, acc din t verage and qua’ tes 3 0lC a Se eo eee OR ee oa TO re ae See ~ eM od bea ee aarti eee ee ee ee notte ‘ Shteping onder ae at et ae 40 : UATH Barn Beards, Na. Reasha wartetisetcieselt sence oes cceltle, ane 33 00 No.1 White Pine.. . 3 7s White Pine ........... 3 2% NOE 20 eines sintoins sisal aim ath wet ela ++ 25 00 oo "" OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO, WOMB CU. acchects eee aac stese 14,00 INO) 45 nc anata sees ca\e'srs aialetipaleiaine gna 26 00 By the dram, according to average and quality . . ‘ 50 56 . Spruce, ro and 12 in. “dimension... Sore SONIC - “a Oo ak ALBANY, N.Y spepiliiimemetiieg ieciiaanine ame ay Ry the dram, according to average and quality 40 to 45 feet . 60 7° ’ ace 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 aa a Pada lengths, ' goto3sfet. 48 o FE. ‘ Toft and ipl... 25. 44 Nee ee 17 50 ASH. 85 | 1x12 ac aaepaae aialaias ey Allother random lengths, 9 in. and under, 10 to inches and up, cemcing to ganorese and gpsliey, 2 26 85 | 4/4 inch ba 3” & up. 25 Ft: aid. wpiclen oe atk en ee ree 18 50 Average 16 inch. . . ice 30 80 | 4/4, Box boards 6” aad up.. I9 20 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up, D. Is 17 co BIRCH 4 inch uppers .........+-. - 88 90 | ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Out Spruce boards, p.1S..... 0. 0 wieeee ceeeceee 14 00 5 cH ; ED wath: Selects, 244 in up........ : 77 82 os dressing ani better... 40 42 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 18 clipped and bundied . 17 00 4 ote A Fa? ET, TS See A) Oe CEO RESP IAIN ond afc orale pala ciate a a x IxXro-in. See err ery 20 16 fa BT Abe hm el a avuahe Tareas ee nL 28 Reece, 2% in. and up bs tbe Box, rxi2. Pe sae 21 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. “7, iS te Rohe oi oat no ates. We, wel. tan ay a $20 31 Vio ahaa, Teese aes eee 61 | No. r barn, 1x12. ad veenanagh ao Fextrag) 50.0 svete aac the uOaaa Sapien reser ey 3 25 SOs “ Bie Gn Re, 5, RS NY +0) 32" ” 34 Ne, a cats, * tola)inch. 0.5 ce San Ieee Seno kiln kee en seve 25 26 WICAED. < \conicannncene Cooeeee iain asta ONS 2 85 ING: aoe. st eater teases -» 35 45 ES eee cue a sidalee/olecteweas) (aly Second clears: ...6iccevien’ sie eduelics ons 229 2 30 OTTAWA, ONT. Noa gindieissiesla sim eieieielcinitiae ~30 35 | No. 2 barn, rxz2........ wea) 20) 27 Clear bite oa aaa Ratan ar = ts tage: CC Mee No sashes teste. 8 bh ake ee ee ie, gocd sidings : tx10_ No, 1 barn.... 21 00 FeoenrscSeeecres et Shak clear 1 to 6/4in...... rin.x8in andup. 39 00 4200|1x10No. 2 “ .,.. 19 00 erp a algae oe 35 4 ¥ 4 2 in Hes ai 3 “a BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES, j r¥ in. and 1% in. x 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn.... 19 00 Shelving boards, i2z-in. up... 35 40 Preiein s else awhaee (th 2% Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 butts tozim. ... .... 330 Sin. and up ........ 48 00 50 00| 1x8& 9 No.2“ 17 00 = Dressing boards, narrow.... 28 I aoniawaneva cosines a5 * Etrekas, 18 Borin Pee 360 2in. x8 in. and up. 50 00 §5 00] Pine Shorts 6’ to 11 xB” 1§00 yy19 inch shippers......-. 23 33 : “ Perfections, 5 butts to 2% TR eee ae rif VoL. XIII. WEEKLY EDITION TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, FEBRU ARY 22, 1905 ANADA LUNBERMAN The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 per yeak {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. No. 4 CANADA LLUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’) of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, Lonpon, E. C. he Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the rincipal manufacturing districts and leading omestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly mediuni of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 pet cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue *XCELSIOR WOOD WANTED — PEELED basswood or clear spruce. RANKIN AND Co., Dundas street, Toronto. Telephone. ANTED—A MAN TO TAKE CHARGE OF \ a planing mill Must be competent to figure on work and get it out ata profit. Address MANITOU LUMBER Co., North Bay, Ont. OR SALE_—1", 6/4”, 2” SOFT ELM. 1’, 2”, 3”, Birch. x’ Wormy Chestnut. 1’, 6/4”,2”, 4’ Hard and Soft Maple. 1”, 6/4”, 2” Beech. 1”, 2”, 3” White Ash. 1”, 2”, 3”, 4” Red and Write Oak. Cedar Squares. R. E KINSMAN, Hamilton. big” fls — POSITION BY FOREMAN millwright, 30 years of age, married. Thoroughly conversant with the erection and operation of modern saw mill machivery. AI references. Address Box 195, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED Party with timber limits to form Company with a party who has a modern saw mill plant, capacity twenty million, on North Shore Georgian Bay. Address Box 193, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE 2,500,000 Laths 1%/ Red Pine Mill Run 1,:00,000 14% White Pine No. 2 7o,coo feet 1 Good Spruce Ico,cco ‘* I Pine 2d qua. shorts 6/11 230,000 ‘* I ** ad qua. strips 12/16 7oo,000 ‘“* I “« 3.C. shorts 6/11 400,000 ‘* I “ S.C. strips 12/16 18,000 “ 14% ‘ Cut up sidings 12/16 30,000 ‘“ 1% ‘* Cutup sidings 12/\6 21,000 ‘* I “ Good Sidings 12/16 Apply to H BourGoIN, 71A St. James street, Montreal, P.Q. c in bush. No dues. ANTED—500 M. FEET OF 1” FULL, MILL tun Soft Elm, will take it green or dry. Apply Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, RY HEMLOCK. LUMBER, CUT LAST season, good sound stock, and will manu- facture 60 M ft. 2” plank, 90 M ft. 1 x 8 and I X Io in. stock and 1 in. siding. Price, nett, aang fo.b. R.R, DRYSDALE, Lavant Station, nt. FOR SALE. UMBER AND SAW-MILL BUSINESS ON C.P. R. Main line. Mill in good running order, Daily sawing 20to 25M feet. Timber convenient to mill, Address A.B.C., CANADA LUMBERMAN, LUMBER YARD FOR SALE | ah oad YARD AT DARLINGFORD, MANI- toba, annual turnover about 30 car loads. Progressive growing town. First class farming country surrounding. No oppositionin town. About $5,000 stock on hand in good condi- tion, and good office and lumber shed. Corres- pondence solicited. J. H. BoLTon, Darlingford, Manitoba, OR SALE. — SAW MILL, MACHINERY, nearly new. capacity 15,000 ft., 100 M feet hardwood logs, 300 M feet hemlock logs, three million feet hemlock and hardwood timber, 1,000 cords bark, 30,000 cords wood, complete logging outfit, quantity shingle bolts at mill and Close 10 G.T.R_ Good tim- ber locality. Reason for selling, failing health. For price and terms apply to Box 194, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, FOR SALE. 700,000 ft. dry pine, 1’, 2” and 3”; 350,000 ft. dry hemlock, 1” and 2”, Also a large quantity of ist and 2nd class cedar shingles. We will have by spring 75,000 cedar ties and 100,000 cedar posts piled on shore. During the summer we will saw 25,000 cedar ties and a large quantity of cedar timber, boat lumber, etc. For further particulars apply to MCALLISTER Bros., Cockburn Island, Ont. se ee THE LocaToRsS.—W.B Herbert, General Man- ager. The largest and oldest exclusive Business Brokers in the West. 63 Merchants’ Bank Building, Winnipeg. Implements.—F. 41. Stock of five thousand a few miles north of Regina, doing thirty thou- sand yearly, splendid country, great chance for good business. Apply at once THE LocaToRS. Implements.—F. 40. We have one on the C.P.R. main line 250 miles from Winnipeg. Fine stock of four thousand, doing fifteen thousand yearly and clearing three thousand. Rent only fourteen dollars per month, This isa cinch, act at once. THE LOCATORS. Implements —F. 48. If you could get a $3,<00 stock which does thirty-eight thousand yearly, on a twenty-five hundred cash payment, would youtakeit? Very well, write THE LocaTors. Lumber and Coal.—We sent a man to buy this business with twelve thousand in his pocket, and he was turned down. Why? Because the owner wanted fourteen thousand. This must be a good busin ss? It is, the ptice includes a seven thousand dollar stock, and a large plant worth another seven thousand. Youcan have it on a cash payment of five thousand, and ycu geta money maker. THE LOCATORS, Lumber and Machinery.—The best business in the country with a stock of ten thousand, doing 60 thousanda year, and clearing six thousand, can be bought on a half cash payment, and if you get it you area lucky man, your fortune is made. THE LccaTors. Lumber Factory.—This is what you are look- ing for, on the C.P.R, main line near Moose Jaw. Price about thirty-eight thousand, can be bought on a cash payment of ten thousand. Doing a hundred and twenty thousand yearly turnover, will exchange for good city Real Es- tate. Thereis no doubt that thisis an Ar busi- ness, and well worthy of your investigation. THE LOCATORS. Onr new book is nearly ready, you should write for a copy. Address THE LOCATORS, 63 Merchants Bank Building, Winnipeg. ORWAY PILES FOR SALE. FOR PARTIC- ulars apply to Sims LUMBER Co., LIMITED, Sault Ste. Marie, Ont. V ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP- WOOD Companies to look up page 7, monthly issue, which is bound to interest you. \ 7ANTED — FILER FOR BAND SAWS, Must be reliable. State salary expected, etc. Address Box 191, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE ONE “BOSS” POWER SHINGLE MACHINE. Four Drake hand shingle machines. Apply G. B., care CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED, 300,000 FEET WINTER CUT Basswood, Common and Better in quality, I 1/16” thick when dry. Address Box 189, care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SiImcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. OR SALE. — FIFTY ACRES OF UN- culled good hardwood timber. Beech, birch maple, and basswood.—Address Box 197, CanaDa _LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. AVE YOU ANY STOCK. WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED, A MARKET FOR CUTTINGS from ehoice hardwood, viz: oak, white ash, maple and hickory. Give dimensions, Ad- dress P.L.C., care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, 3 OR SALE.—1", 6/;”, 2” HARD MAPLBE, 6/4”, 2” rock elm culls, 1” cherry, 1” soft maple and 1” birch. Write for prices. THE W. R. THOMPSON Co., Teeswater, Ont. WANTED TO PURCHASE *HORT LOG SAW; ALSO AUTOMATIC lathe for straight and tapered handles.— Address C. L, 38 Alliance Bldg., Montreal. OAK FOR SALE. PAN QUANTITY OF WHITE WHICH I CAN cut in ship bills or other construction work ; also a considerable quantity of piling and other hardwood timber. JoHN Hayne, Brigden, Ont. OR SALE AT PEMBROKE. — 2 PAIR Waterous oscillating twin engines, suitable for rope or steel cable ; 1 Waterous lath mill and bolter ; 160 ft. heavy conveyor chain with sprocket wheels and bunks, All the foregoing in good condition. Will be sold cheap. Write for particulars.—THE PEMBROKE LUMBER Co., Pembroke, FOR SALE. AW MILL, 40 HORSE RETURN TUBULAR boiler, good as new, with stack, front, in- jector, etc,; 30 horse power engine ; so inch saw with carriage; shafting, belting, shingle ma- chine, lath machine, pair frame set of choping stones. Will put on cars if necessary at Court- land ; price $400. Can be seen running any time within one month. BENJAMIN MABEgE, TMabee P.O., Ont. : FOR SALE. 397,000 feet 2” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. 86,000 feet 1” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. 43,000 feet Mill Culls, etc. Also the product of two million feet good white pine logs to be cut next summer. Corres- pondence solicited. PINE LUMBER COMPANY, Pine, Ont. (near Cartier.) Y car each 1%” and 2” hickory. 2” and 3” maple ; 2 cars head and stave bolts.—Send offers to Box CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Current trade in lumber shows no material change from last week, business being about the average for this time of the year. Several of the Toronto dealers report that they are doing a fair trade and that the consumption of lumber for build- ing purposes has been considerable even during the winter months. Country trade, however, is light, and shipments have been greatly retarded by the snow block- ades. Prices are holding firm and no break is anticipated in the near future, as stocks are not large and it will be several months yet before the new cut is in ship- ping condition. The buying movement in the Ottawa Valley has apparently com- menced, as within the past week several important transactions have been closed. While the actual prices have not been made public, it seems to be the opinion of the trade that the manufacturers have not considered any offers below the prices obtained one year ago. There is some speculation as to the probable course of hemlock prices. The production during the coming season is likely to be quite large, which may operate against an advance which might easily be engineered under more favorable conditions. Prices in Toronto are about $15, with an increase of $2 for lengths above 18 feet. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, The lumber business in Winnipeg is getting active and prices are stiffening, but it is improbable that there will be much change before spring. There is still considerable irregularity, however, some dealers quoting contractors 15 per cent. off last year’s prices, while a few are Said to be giving a still greater dis- White pine lath has advanced and is now selling at $5 50 for No. 1 in small lots, and at $5 for No. 2. The retail dealers have also the price of B. C. red cedar shingles, a few count, increased II ‘CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION : dealers asking as much as $4 for the best grade. ; UNITED STATES, Owing to the difficulty of filling orders on acconnt of freight blockades and snowstorms, dealers have not been push- ing out actively for business, and conse- quently sales have, if anything, fallen off in volume. The most influential market factor has been the publicat’on of the report of the secretary of the Mississippi Valley Lumbermen’s Association. Con- trary to general expectations, this report shows that the stock of white pine lumber on hand is considerably less than one yearago. The total stock on hand on January 1 of this year, as shown by the combined inventories of eighty - three manufacturers, is ),361,406,206 feet, as compared with 1,504,465,890 feet reported by eighty-nine manufacturers last year. This is a decrease of 143,059,684 feet ir the Mississippi and Wisconsin Valley territories. Shingles on hand show an increase of 14,000,000, and lath about 6,000,000 pieces. While less piece stuff was manufactured by the Mississippi Valley lumbermen during the year, the inventories show an increased stock, in- dicating the competition with hemlock and yellow pine dimension lumber. The largest increase inany item of inch lum- ber is No. 3 boards, of which there is 7 per cent. more on hand than one year ago. The new price list adopted by the Mississippi Valley Lumbermen’s Associa- tion makes an advance of $1.50 on C and better Norway flooring ‘and finish, and 50 cents on Norway siding and cer- tain sizes of fencing. No. 1 white pine lath is fixed at $3.75 at the mill, mixed at $3.25 and No. 2 at $2.75. Business in hardwoods has shown a slight improvement in the cities where quick delivery has been possible. Prices are strong in nearly all instances, with oak leading. GREAT BRITAIN. The improvement in the British market which begun towards the close of last year has been no more than sustained, and in some quarters dissatisfaction is expressed with the developments of the past two weeks. The building trade is reviving slowly, and importers still evince a desire to proceed very cautiously. There is, undoubtedly, a hopetul tone throughout the trade, but there is also a disposition to defer the placing of orders until the season is more advanced. The demand forg and 11 inch deals is quiet, as scarcely any shipments are being made to South Africa. The position of battens and scantling is considerably stronger and the consumption more active. Canadian pine and spruce lumber appears to be largely in strong hands. A Liverpool report states that the spruce market has still an upward tendency, and that some small shipments by the liners of the ordinary large proportion of 3x7 and 3x8 have changed hands upon arrival. Spruce has also sold well at the recent public sales, a quantity of 3x11 inch 1st, 2nd and 3rd guality from West Bay, N.S., bringing £8 per standard of 1,980 feet. Birch timber has also changed hands at a slight advance. STOCKS AND PRICES. Tenders are invited up to Monday, March 6th, for lumber required by the Waterworks Department of the City of London, Ont. The contract for the supply of lumber required by the Board of Works of the city of Hamilton, Ont , has been awarded to W. J. McAllister at $20.15 per thousand feet. The Wilmer Lumber Company, of Wilmer, B.C., expect to take out a large quantity of railway ties this year. The ties will be towed in booms to the mouth of the Columbia river and floated down to Golden. P. G, Keyes, Secretary of the Depart- ment of the Interior, Ottawa, will receive tenders up to Thursday, March oth, tora permit to cut timber on Berth No. 1,188, comprising theff north half of the north- west quarter of Section 3, Township 18, Range 10, Province of Manitoba. A. F. & D. Mackay, Liverpool, Eng., held an auction sale of birch timber on February 8th. The result follows: 18 in. and upwards, 21d; 17% in., 193d; 17 in., 194d; 16% in., 194d; 16 in., 183/d; 15% in., 17344; 15in., 174d; 15 in., 17d; 14% in., 164d; 14 in., 154%d; 13% in. and under, 14%d; maple, ash, &c., 16d. The result isa shade better—about Yd. per foot—than the previous auction, Calder, Henderson & Livingston held a public sale of pine and spruce deals at Glasgow, Scotland, on February 8th, when the following prices were realized : Ft. In. Cc. Ft. 1st Quebec Pine Deals 12/16 9/24 x 2% 4/3% 2nd as a ae 17/16 12/244K%3 2/11 4“ “ “ “ 10/16 7/10 x3 1/7 ot “3 " as 10/16 1=3 |e 3rd ae C he 16 7/1I0x3 y% 4th Bathurst a 10/20 10/21 x3 1/1% oe be ot 10/18 15x3 1/o% St. John Spruce Deals 15/28 9x3 1/034 “ “ “ “ 10/14 9x3 1/oy of “ “ “ 17/26 8x 3 11%d “ “e ae “oe 16 8 x 3 114d “ “ “ “ 11/15 8x3 1d M oy WY " 10/25 7x2% 11%d The quantity of pine lumber held by manufacturers and wholesalers in the Mississippi Valley, St. Croix Valley, Chip- pawa Valley and Northern Minnesota dis- tricts on January 1, 1905, was 1,059,457,- 075 feet, of which 625,508,647 feet was inch lumber and 433,949,608 feet dimen- sion lumber. The quantity on hand on January 1, 1904, was 1,177,397,908 feet, of which 757,987,775 feet was inch lumber ard 419,410,133 ft. dimension lumber. It will be seen that the percentage of di- mension lumber on hand this spring is considerably larger than one year ago. Concerning Miramichi lumbering opera- tions this year, it is learned that the Wm. Richards Company will cut 10,000,000 ft, a considerable reduction compared with former seasons. On the South-west Mira- michi 25,000,000 feet are looked for to come through the booms, while on the northwest about 18,500,000 feet will come out, 5,000,000 feet being old logs. At the lower end of the Miramichi the cut is es- timated as follows: J. B. Snowball, 15,- 000,000 feet; Tracadie Lumber Company, 7,000,000 feet; Thomas Gill, 3,000,000 feet; John Maloney, 3,000,000 feet. Burtt & Jones will cut 3,000,000 feet on the Keswick. Their mill at Burtt’s Corner resumed work last week. The following charters are reported : Steamer Sellacia, Hopewell Cape, N.B., to w.c. England, discharge at two ports, deals, 35s; steamer, Bathurst, N.B., to w.c. England or e.c. Ireland, 800 stan- dards deals, 39s, first-open-water ; steamer, Febfuary 22, 1905 SLL TELAT EEE: $< — ee Halifax, N.S., to w.c. England, deals, 39s od. , LE THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER 60. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS - Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland,O. McMinnville,/Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots JOHN P. NEWMAN Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer Lumber, Square Timber, Shing- les, Posts, Etc. , VYwiarton —- Ontario Write for quotations on 1’ Maple, 3” and Cedar, 1” Birch and 3x Cedar Shingles’ 4, HaRDwoop M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co £03 Temple Building, Toronto, EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters wooden goods, such as Sanita: Rpt toed Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Ha Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on Teceip of Bill of Lading at Toronto, European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, Lordon, Eng. ¢ McLennan Timber Land and Lumber Go., Limited Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. EN HELP! — Can be obtained at small cost by advertising in the Want Columns of THE WEEKLY CANADA LUMBERMAN. WOODS & SPICER, Limited hear Peck MANUFACTURERS OF ...... BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CHEDDAR SHINGLES Capacity 100 Million a Year. We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. + Yvire Your Orders at ouR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, B. C. KNIGHT BROTHERS CoO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINT 2 2 Samples by Send for ae aes KNIGHT BROTHERS CO Burk’s Falls. ORILLIA PLANING MILL | MASON, GORDON & CO. Near G.T.R. Station PLANING, MOULDINGS, MATCHING, FLOORING, RESAWING, SIDING Done any quantity. Write for price. S. POMEROY, Fpore WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading o., Waucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH BULMER, M°LENNAN & COMPANY MONTREAL, QUE. Office and Yard, 57: DORCHESTER ST. - P. O. Box 116 wt _ a , =) = = ; : ary 22, 1905 besa et ki THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Ottawa, February 12th, 1905. — The turn in the tide has been reached, and as has been predicted in this quarter for months past, lumber in the Ottawa district has become much firmer. The outlook is bright. Formerly the Ottawa district operators were wont to consider the United States and British markets apart from and above the Canadian or home market. This year, however, the local consumption promises to exceed all records and make it a matter of much greater importance. The prospects in the United States quarter are good, and the British market is looking much better. Usually the sales for the following summer's cutting, especially for the British market, are made in November and December; but the business was put off till this month this season. While actual figures are not obtainable, it is known, on indisputable authority, that the prices on which contracts are being made are equal to last year’s ruling, and in one instance an advance of a dollar a thousand is claimed, Gilmour & Hughson, of Hull, have again sold their coming cut to Skillings, J. B. Farwell & Son .. CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN.. Ganadian Gedar Tele- araph, Telephone and Electric Light Poles Orillia, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. beek ee Whitney and Barnes,of Ogdensburg. The same firm, it is understood, has also secured one half of the cut of the St. Anthony Lumber Company’s mill at Whit- ney, of next summer’s sawing. E. H. Lemay, of Montreal, has also secured the cut at McLachlin Bros. mill, Arnprior. Other deals for the American and British market are under way, and mill men are n every instance holding for their old prices. Discussing the future of the market, one of the leading manufacturers said, “Everything warrants a continuance of good times in Ottawa lumber circles. To-day there is less lumber unsold at the mills than at any time on record. This in itself insures good times.” Stocks in the American yards are short, and the Ottawa men, as has been said, are also figuring on a big Canadian con- sumption, so that lumber values can be reckoned on to advance. The feature of the local lumber field was the purchase made this week by the Shepard & Morse Company of one of the Bronson limits, the last in fact in the Ot- tawa district. The limit, which is situated on the Montreal river, Temiskaming country, is 105 miles in extent, and covers three: berths. The price paid is in the neighborhood uf $250,000. The limits are said to contain 180,000,000 feet of standing pine, and the estimate placed on it is $3 per thousand. This is considered one of the very best limits procurable, as ROBERT WATT WIARTON, ONT. Manufacturer and Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. SPECIAL: One carl ad of 3x4 Hardwood Hearts suitable for car stakes One car of 3” Cedar Plank. One car eachof XXXX and XXX Cedar Shingles. One half car each of XX and X Cedar shingles. Prices on application. C.S. POWELL & CO. Lumber Fxporters 6 Temple Bidg., TORONTO ood ‘at NEW ORLEANS, LA. Cash buvers all kinds hardwoods. To Mil!men We solicit correspondence... . For Quick Shipment goo cords dry Hemlock Slabs. 2 cars 5/4 Spruce. i ae 1 ‘* 5/4 and6/4 W. Pine, Mill Run,(good) J.D, SINGLAIR: Cedar Vancouver Cedar Mills VANGOUVBR B.C. FOR High Grade THE MENZ LUMBER GOMPANY Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH.COLUMBIA FIR;SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES We Solicit Your Inquiries. _ J. F. FOSS, Manager. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FOR SALE . I can saw out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, OWEN SOUND, ONT. i has not been cut over or affected by re. THE BARBADOS MARKET. Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Company repr as follows under date of January 28th : **The only arrival during the fortnight is the barkentine ‘‘Ich Dien” from Liver- pool, N. S., with the cargo ot white pine which, as mentioned in our last, we had sold to arrive at $26.50 for merchantable and $21.50 for second quality. Our market for this kind of lumber, although lightly stocked with merchantable, is fully sup- plied with second quality, and there are some further cargoes reported on the way. Spruce is being enquired for, and although cheap second quality white pine takes its place to some extent, yet we think that next arrivals should realize fair prices. Owing to the loss of the twe vessels re- ported in our last, the market for shingles has somewhat improved, and although there has not been much enquiry for either Long or Laying Cedar, yet we think that next arrivals of both descriptions will meet with a ready sale at remunerative prices. The schooner ‘‘ Margaret M. Riley ” arrived this merning from Annapolis, N.S., with 320,000 feet of spruce, white pine and hemlock—portion of cargo to selves, bal- ance to neighbors.” Manufacturers wishing to engage lum- ber salesmen, inspectors, bookkeepers, or THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, Lim SAW: AND All kinds'of : APT SAWN LUMBER % By Carload or Cargoy*> =) = : Registered Cable Address;.‘! Pi ~ ~~ SS ‘ages NG MILLS, WARREN)-ONT.--. ‘ RED AN D. WHI shipping clerks, or men for the responsible positions in their mills, should advertise their wants in the CaNnaDA LUMBERMAN Weekly Edition. Results are always satisfactory. I. Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. A.F. Holden, Vice-Pres. E.C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. m——SARNIA, ONT. ITED rE PINE DEALS. so BRANCH OFFICE,’ MANCHESTER, ENG, “Head, Office, TORONTO, CAN. American Ljunberman'? Telecode: C. A. LARKIN WHOLESALE PINE LUMBER A4O Goniederation Life Building, TORONTO, ONT. J. D. SHIER LUMBER C0., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY THE QHARLEMAGNE & LAC QUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P.- Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. In Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored A SPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ‘Phone No. 54. SAWN AND DRESSED LOMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations. Shipments by rail or water. CACHE BAY LUMBER. INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band = Cirewilatk CACHE BAY, Ont. c. P.R. Gane 26 miles West North Bay UMBER AnD LATH CACHE BAY PLANING MILL Co. « « e MANUFACTURERS OF... MOULDINGS GBILING FLOORING WAINSGOTING SHEETING All kinds of Dressed and Pine Lumber. IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION February 22, 1905 Cedar Cove Mill, Vancouver, B.C. Vancouver, E. H. HEAPS & CO., Ruskin Mill Ruskin, B. C. B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, CEDAR SHINGLES. Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. W. J. SHEPPARD PRESIDENT Waubaushene, Ont. J. G. SCOTT, GENERAL MANAGER Vancouver, B.C. Pacific Coast Lumber Co. LIMITED VANGOUVER, BG. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. High Grade Red Cedar Shingles . Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. a ee ee a WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. : 112 Mail Building, TORONTO > J. E. YOUNG, Cashier The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. zx White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work pom CHDAR POSTS, POLESand TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario _ WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Head Office: RAT POTRAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Worked and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. THOS. KIRKPATRICK, MANUFACTURER OF G3 Red Cedar Shingles Mills at Hastings and New Westminster Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Telephone B 1425 Ontario Representative: W. J. SMITH, Fergus. Export Lumber & Shingle Co. Wholesale Dealers Limited British Columbia Lumber and Shingles Daily Capacity, 250,000 The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements || of the trade in those sections. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market prices. Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- || garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED VANCOUVER S BRITISH COLUMBIA COOKE & TAIT MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF B.C. FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER AND SHINGLES Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Shingle Mill: False Creek, Vancouver, B.C. WRITE FOR PRICES. Hazelmere Lumber Co. HAZELMERE, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF 3:3 9 FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER CLEAR CEDAR AND FLOORING Our Specialty. ) Long Distance Telephone. C. WELLS —- PALLISER, B.C. | 3 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. P Pe | i a a a ae Both Railway Delivery and Water - aepank of Sua Building, 224 St} James Si. - ey: 22, i 5 SS SS a ee per mE oo eo THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We have just completed a new list of all our Pine and Spruce Lumber and Dimension Timber, and will be pleased to send you a copy on appli- cation. SOLICITING YOUR ORDERS. DELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER CO., WHOLESALE White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles Stocks in ,; { Collingwood Callander Ontario Midland North Bay Powassan Cartier Whitney Sturgeon Falls TORONTO OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers. Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior . Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS GOMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO.., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. ay and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, °° ghiting’"" QUEBEC § {t UOUr Wish. . 9 To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY an Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ And ‘For Sale’’ Department ot the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Puyer or ests a the case may be. Addre SECOND-HAND MACHINERY BR Canada Lumberman, THEW. BREANEN & SONS MANUFACTURING CO. LIMITED Plahing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Liiten Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON, ONT. meee Re & SON =" Quebec PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and Lumber.—Write Us. Manufacturers of and een Dealers in all kinds of . Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. A. F. BURY. AUSTIN ero En ALy LUMBER and TIMBER | CANADA PIN _ MONTREAL, CANADA Sole Eastern cs. for The North Pacific Lumber Company, Limited, Barnet, B. C. Fic Timber in any size or length up to go feet Ae Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch: pry Kilas of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. WRITE FOE: PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS, CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. ee ——are R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. PisA Ye ATR 8& WHITE Manufacturers and Whoiesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for vey aaa at MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialt ~~ A. & P. VWHIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. F. M°CIBBON & SONS, PENETANCUISHENE ONT. mabey OG of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Bienes turers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. Turner Lumber Co., timitea MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER a? | AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. Manufacturers of and Dealers in “OWEN SOUND, SOUND, ONTARIO, D, D. FLANNER H. W. REEVES FLANNER & REEVES WHITE AND NORWAY PINE LUMBER ATH AND SHINGLES CAR AND aren MIDLAND, ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited 60 Bay St., Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. ROBT. STEWART LIMITED CUELPH, ONTARIO MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Stairs, Hardwood Flooring, Etc. Canadian and American Hard and Soft Woods of all descriptions SPECLALTIES YELLOW PINE AND OAK TIMBER Sole Canadian Represenative of the SOUTHERN CYPRESS LUMBER SELLING COMPANY New Orleans, La. VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN. WEEKLY EDITION February 22, 1905 U0, NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) sudden rise in prices. It is an established fact that the stocks of Canadian woods in the important trade centres of Great Britain aggregate just a trifle more than half of what was available last year at this and with the local stocks only normal and no prospects of sawing any for two months yet, the local manufac- turers are not at all anxious to tie them- selves up in any way by contracts or by selling in advance any of next season’s cut, preferring to wait in the face of an almost certain improvement in conditions. But these indications and forecasts of better things have had their effect; a purchaser would find a substantial differ- ence in buying English deals in this city to-day from what would have been the case in doing the same thing two months ago. A lack of eagerness to sell would be very apparent, also the necessity to pay higher prices, this regardless of the fact that no definite advance has taken place in the English markets, It is improbable that any quotation on spruce English deals could be obtained less than $13.25 per M. sup. ft. (2/3 price for fourths and ends) f.o.b. steamer St. John, on a specification containing say 50 per cent. 7’s and 8's, 40 per cent. 9's and 10 per cent. 11’s. St. Joun, N.B., February 17th, 1905.— There is little doing as yet in lumber circles in this vicinity. Shipments of English deals have been fairly heavy during the present month for this time of year, but not large enough to be called important. These shipments by the liners, while usually small, have heen frequent all through the winter, and the result is beginning to show in a shrinkage of the stocks on the different wharves, two or three of which are already practi- cally cleaned up so far as English deals are concerned. Others again have shipped very little, but, taken on the whole, the complete holdings in this line by the local dealers and manufacturers would probably not aggregate more than 6,000,000 sup. feet, certainly not more than 6,500,coo feet. Of the shipments being made by the liners, most of them will in all proba- bility go on the market; the exceptions, which are small, being the tail-ends of 1904 contracts. Local dealers are very optimistic in regard to the immediate future in the markets of the United Kingdom, but so far their expectations have borne little fruit as far as actually selling at more favourable figures is concerned. It is simply a waiting game with the indica- tions all pointing to a substantial and time, The assets of the A. D. McRae Lumber Company, Hosmer, B.C., have been sold to A. Black. MINNESOTA AND WISCONSIN STOCKS. The secretary of the Mississipi Valley Lumbermen’s Association has compiled the following sumuary of stocks on hand in the Minnesota and Wisconsin valleys : LUMBER. 1905 904 Mississippi Valley.... 1,115,081,154 1,221 G7 608 Wisconsin Valley.,.... 246,325,052 "282,567,982 Totaliedicooreosee 1,361,4c6,206 1,504,465,890 SHINGLES, 1905 1904 Mississippi pes 218,817,4c0 181,244,250 Wisconsin Valley... 19,217,000 32,854,7 0 Total. 5ta.pae-6 ae 233,034,400 224,098,950 LATH. 1905 1904 Mississippi Valley.. 159,812,740 125,903,825 Wisconsin Valley..... 36,487,300 65,¢69 400 DLotallcicssves 196,300,040 190,970,025 Concerning the production the Secretary says: ‘‘In the white pine producing terri- tory asa whole, including those districts outside of this association, the total pro- duction during 1904 was approximately 4,500,000,000 feet, as compared with 4,800,000,000 feet in 1903. In 1890 the total production of Northern pine in Minnesota, Wisconsin and Michigan was 8% billion feet. Since that time there has been a steady decline. Where the pro- duction in the territory east of Chicago in 1890 was over two billions of feet, the cut last year was about 100 millions. The decline in our own territory took place principally among the mills on the Missis- sippi river south of Minneapolis, in Minne- apolis and in the Duluth district. Northern Minnesota showed an increase.” TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. The Ottawa Lumber Company, of Ot- tawa, are reported to have purchased from J. P. Logue & Company a timber limit comprising upwards of thirty square miles situated on the Ottawa river a short dis- tance above Lake Temiskaming. The limit contains a large quantity of virgin timber of excellent quality. The lumber property of Trites & Wood at Elkmouth, B. C., has been acquired by Ross Bros. & Company, of Whitemouth, Man. The deal includes the mill and tim- ber limits purchased by Trites & Wood from the Hayes Lumber Company. Ross Bros. have already started to cut logs and it is their intention to carry on active operations during the coming summer. The saw mill of Napoleon Gignac at St. Roch’s, Quebec, was burned a few days ago. The saw mill of T. W. Flett at Nelson, N. B., was destroyed by fire last week, together with a quanfity of boxes. The loss is about $18,000, about one-third of which is covered by insurance. UNITED STATES MANUFAGTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST. LOUIS BY RAILMAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE GHARLOTTE AHABBERLE Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY. TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspoadence Invited on All Hardwoods. H. D0. Wiccl will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN aim, Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd CorresPoNvENCK SOLICITED. YELLOW. PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. WANTED BOS70.4, MASS, 89 STATE ST. Muskegon, Mich. an ACME LUMBER CO. Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A. Wholesale Hardwoods Hard Maple and Rock Eim our Specialty. We invite correspondence whether you — to buy or sell. ONB DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YBRAR J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER CO. 94 Pearl Street Grand Rapids, Mich. 5/8 Inch Quartered Canadian Spruce and Thick Birch. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO » MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited ‘ee \e\e ee FRANK C, BURY WHOLESALE LUMBER - Send ie your: inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. + Veneers DETROIT MICHICAN BURY & NOBLE mason a. noste 7 February 22, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION VII. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From St. John, N.B. : Manitoba, for Liverpool, 2,154 timber bolts, 2,400 bdls. shooks, 117,963 ft. spruce deals, 50,126 ft. pine deals, 1,012 bdis. cut lumber, 517 pcs. maple plank, 2,773 maple blocks, 28 elm logs, 5,125 ft. ends, 732,317 ft. deals, 135,134 ft. scant- ling, 4,106 ft. ends, 450 bdls. white boards, 1,900 doors, 63 rock elm logs, 1,005 pcs. oak lumber, 867 pcs. deals. Steamer Pretorian, for Liverpool, 671,655 ft. ceals, 91,070 ft. scantling, 53,622 ft. plank, 63,- 035 ft. ends. Steamer Tritonia, for Glas- Steamer Lake gow, 675 bdls. hickory, 18 maple logs, 91 pes. birch timber, 7,866 bdls. shooks, 149,190 ft. deals, 48 box shooks. Steamer Heim, for Limerick, 749,516 ft. deals, 402,750 ft. box shooks. Schooner Lucia Porter, for Stamford, 170,863 ft. 125,004 ft. scantling, 9,326 ft. boards, 250,000 laths. Steamer David, for Phiiadelphia, 4,502 bales pulp wood. Steamer Manchester Corporation, for Manchester, 637,427 ft. deals, 74,353 ft. scantling, 42,429 ft. ends. Schooner Harry Miller, for New York, 306,813 ft. plank, 20,592 ft. plank, scantling. Steamer Manchester Merchant, 11,148 bdls, shooks, 792,495 ft. deals, 26.428 {t. scantling, 5,222 {t. ends. Steamer Lake Michigan, for London and Antwerp, 190 pkgs. for Manchester, pulp board, 27,000 bdls. shooks, 7,510 pcs. birch boards, 712 pes. chair seats, 168,642 ft. deals, 70 tons birch lumber, 477 pcs. flooring, 1,958 bdls. lumber, 2,040 doors. From Halifax, N.S.: Steamer Ionian, for Liverpool), 178,905 ft. hemlock deals, value $1,907 ; 58,878 ft. hardwood plank, value $675, by S. Cunard Co., agents. Steamer Kastalia, for Glasgow, 318,550 ft. spruce deals, value $3,796 ; 187,09 3 ft. hardwood deals, value $1,934, by Pick- ford & Black, agents. Steamer Preto- rian, for Liverpool, 91,171 ft. spruce deals, value $903 ; 26,680 ft. hemlcck deals, value $270, by S. Cunard & Co., agents. Steamer Gulf of Ancud, for London, 138,- 843 ft. spruce deals, value $1,805; 169,- 453 ft. birch deals, value $1,764; 153,774 ft. hemlock deals, value $1,384, by Fur- Withy & Co., agents. Steamer London City, for Liverpool, 141,496 ft. spruce deals, value $1,840 ; 493,024 ft. hardwood deals, value $5,424, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. ness, BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE [Wood Brokers and Measurers| SMITH & TYRER - l4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Cable Address ee Liverpool. Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ENG. = re F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B. C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Ranedont | OUIS BAMBERGER, IMPORTER Of =a, Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods a a Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS a ee ZEBRA CODE A. B, C, CODE DIRECTORY CODE CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood gents and Brokers Cable Address: “ GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England CABLES, DOORCHEEK, LONDON We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- Seats, Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. and all kinds of ready made joinery. stoxus: Locke’s Wharf, ee N. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber I mporters MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Flooringe, Shooks, ayes Mouldings, Dowels Broom idles, Chair Stock, Beats, etc., or aby Woods Suitable for English Market. =Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘Shooks,’’ Hull. Codes—A. B. C. 4th Edi ion and Zebra. Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. DANT & KEMP ¢ 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : ““TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW TIMBER * BROKERS Every-lumberman wants. it 55 cents buys it Soribner’s LUMDEF «L090 Book BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION Address : THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto a7 a Tm ID Timber Importers Cable Address *‘Owen Liverpool'’ Liverpool, Eng. Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Plauks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hitkory Logs. ALSO... All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND . ‘DOBLE LIVERPOOL ” JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS ee yh Sake Birch; Ash; Grey Elm Loge add Staves and Heading, Han-ies of all Specialty THOMPSON, BLOIS & KJELLCREN——— shane dened ALL KINDS OF LUMBBR AND LOGS 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. Liverpool and London Chambers - Lumber, Elm : CABI,K ADDRESS ecr ation CASH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST } SHIPPING DOCUMENTS BRANCH OFFICE Brook {, HAMBURG Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW vit. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ; February 22, 1905 THE ONTARIO = waite Pine Lumeer, tate (01 EO. G. GLADMAN sxrcrome | LUMBER (0 AND SHINGLES. WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LIMITED toalé Te Basin TORONTO, Ont, LATH AND SHINGLES sm. Mitts: North Bay. MILLs : rocen River, Georgian Bay Mills at Smith’ NT. COoRRESPO ’ 's Ba C.P.R. and 6. T.R. Delivery. Water Shipment Only. Township of Carling P A R R Y SO VU. ND, O me a ILLIAMSON & MORRISON THE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING GD,, “cus. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. LU Vi . F KH : —Manufacturers = and Wholesale Dealers in . Pine, Hemlock*Hardwood Lumber HEAD OFFICE: ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO.: 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE JAS. LUNNY & CO., A... EP. bb BE HINTONBURG, ONT. 3 ‘ ’ MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pi d Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Have for Sale oe Tomtees (a air cies Te Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock WIARTON, OWT. THE NEW LINE Through the Spruce Forests of the Laurentian Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesbury. Eastern Agents--B. C. Shingles and Douglas Fir, all dimensions Can dress to 24x30. B. C. Cedar Write for quotations ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA WATER-PoweErs, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELECTRIC LUMBERMAN for PowER FOR SALE. IDEAL PuLp-MiLt Sirzs. O N Ee Y = A R Z CANADA 5 Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. tyros A. J. GORRIE, GUY TO General Supt. MONTREAL G, P&P A. ee koe ct Pine shorts 6’ to 11’x10” 16 00 eee Pine, 8ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 co Q ; . GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES-WHOLESNLE “secs: gelSSPPSM he 98 res lee i 6 38 oo | Pine, s.c. shorts..... 12 00 14 00 SHINGLES. Pine, box boards.... 00 14 50 48s Dine’ mill eile 13 00 a Ey Sa ved Pire ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x18 ee$s 25 5 ss TORONTO, ONT. 35 oo | Lath, per M Clear bi tts..... eases 3,50 3 75) Hemlock... vee. ascummen 2 25 CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 38 00 No. 1 white pine..: 240 2 60 Smooth 6 x18....... 4 50° 4 75 | SPYUce ....cessccensume 225 ri i i No. 2 white pine? .. 200 2 25 1 inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 to 10 in.,1. to16ft. 15 00 16 00 WJ ay cuts & better...... $48 © $50 00 | 2x4 to 10 inch, ‘8 ft.. 16 00 17 00 siding, per M fect Spree mill ae Bo bac is 5 a B L 1% to 2 inch No. Clear inch B. C. cedar, Pit Nae pa 00 25 00 on ed Sore lrun.. 5 UFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y. cuts and peliex s 5I oo 5300] kiln dried ........... 50 00 % 1 inch No. 3 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar Ae eee Plaats 18 00 24 00 claw’ = pee PS dla rd WHITE PINE. «uts and better.... 37 00 38 00 air dried boat lumber 55 00 shorts .... Pa : sie 16 20 00 pags § inch. ah i oe x a x 60 (Wholesale selling price.) : 1% tg 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir denen Pine, 10s, ¢ and bet- Cedar Shingles Urees, 1,1%,1%and2 2 IN ss eanp eee 38 00 cvts and better. . 38 00 39 00 timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 Lexlatake Gar 6! 18 8 inch ; > Shel N x 8 rin Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension et Aaa auth 20 00} XXXX. 18 inch..«.. oe 315 39950 Me aes sees 78 00 | She’ ce 0. r, 13 in. and better shorts 2500 27 00| timber, ;0 to 35 feet 3I 00 ine, 8 s.c. and het- Clear Butt,18 inch... ane, 4 and 3 in...... : 85 00 up, 2in...... 48. 00 Tag ieee porencken®. cio pikGuoo!| x Ti: Week 4ft. Pine ter stock, 12’ to16/. 16 1900| xx, 18inch..... ween 6o kag =i IN... sees ceeesees bow Noss Maldatipas tas i Fe ’ slects ¥ im... . Jessa. CO] its. 2. sc sceuis cee ee ee OO Ix 1O ccmmon...... 9 50) 20/601) Lathe. cs staneeutele 340 350 ce - IX 12common...... 21 00 22 00 chal 2 af ft. ! rues 28) 290 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. im bk ate ha 4 se Nee Strips, wel x © common...... 20 00 21 oof I 0.1 32” pine lat geyo. 2 PEPE PO Ra a ee ee . seepeeeeee as ae ee 21 00 22 ov| 144” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 2 8> ; i UPPER AND SELECTS. . = AN sioin tale a6 segee 80 00 aa ee 12in..... ¥ oo y and 3x12 common. 22 00 23 00| XXXX Pine Shingles 290 300 Uppers, 1 in., 10 in, and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $65 c° me pore one x m. 55 00 N and ro in. oo 1xiu inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 220 hee mee. ..2+2575 00 4, 1% and in......« ss» 65 00 x4 28 1% in..... 8 on} ena =e oes common .........-- 20 00 2: co] X Pine Shingles .. I 00 1% I and 2 iM..eerseeees 75 00 2)y aNd 3 IM... eeeeeeearene 75 0° See ke spears = be ay 1inchmill runsidings 2: 00 22 00| XXX CedarShingles 2 80 2 90 234 “and! 3) In,\s es. s[e sistas OO! OO) | IMAI: oeeiaie nie ais smelt Caelestiee 77 00 3 zi wialateinn oi soeeene 2 es = _ pol coe pg I in, mill run...... . 20 00 2I 00 B. C. Shingles GMD wie ose oretaneracalatvi atonal’ a aie QO D0. | phere ermine enterepataenenigurtaenat ere Ries Del tent testes - By warner ' 2x10 and 12 mill culls 15 00 16 00 | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 60 Ae AS at Bas me Ss rin. = = sie nafs a 5° r oe mill cu‘l Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 280 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 54 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 73 oo NMR x eee Do snag 9 TOES... orn ven 15 00 1600| XXXXX5tozin.. 315 Yanixr% in 57 00 | 4 in Sica 0. 2, I IN... tse 25 90 IX 10 ....+5 «- eee 19 50 in. dead cull sidings 12 00 13 00| XX No. Be ci GAO Me | Zbl Ds aie ae Ce Vectra 58 oo SAR Ae area ti : No, oe an 36 00 igo ae ee seed Pe echt PEVOLME = oe aioe = ‘ “ain. in. AS B FINE COMMON OR NO I CUTTING. 2 27 Te seas 25 00| 1% and14% & 2in.. 20 00 a = TAgoe 25852 a In. 7in. and up wide...... 36 00 | 2 and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 63 oo Dressing 1% in...... 36 00| Mill Culls, 1, 1%, 1% HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. 1% andi cutting....... ASCO | Miitinieiisia «08 oot oon dein s ane «s+» 68 00 14jxI0 and 12...... 4° 00 and’ 2 Nf, te cents 17 co Quality, 1s and 2s unless ztherwise specified. OSS Oe eB OE 2 rnc ae ht 4 1 iM. veeseeeeeees 36 00 Ash Wh te, x to2 in Elm,rock, mill ; STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). The plowing qrotesiong on Lagat ar represent the jobber’s buying ists and 2nds...... $33 00 $35 00] run....... 1to 1%"74 00 2600 81% in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide... 50 o0| rin., 4,5 a 7 in. wide..... 48 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; ASi, black, 1sts and Elm rock, mill THQ XGIN. WIE. occ: seeccncs 52 00 |/GAi, WIKE. |. dirtsias Se stains ae ee 48 00 Ix 10 ccommon...... 19 50 2000] Lath.......-....++.. 340 350 a 1% to ain 154 ANC IM...- eee oes aia ea N. i oesesee * 4 Obs, ae 20 00 21 co| X Pine Shingles .. I 00 1% 1% and 2in.........-. 75 00 Bxiand ain. ..h.2l..ceoeec 75 0° ID ev cccccccevcce 00 0.2, 12 in... seen oo rinchmill rua sidings 21 00 =: pe XXX Cedar Shingles 2 80 290 2% and 3 in. .....--..ss. 80 00 ANAND «(a a/s'S 0 ofdlain sGs oinfete' slain 77 0° = a Steen rewenee see ro = LS - z a oo 1 in, mill run...... 20 00 21 00 B. C. Shingles AW eisiela sie alnets atta tab eel aiate 90 70 cut vp, No. a an ool 8 A see 2x10 and 12 mill culls 15 00 16 00 | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 60 FINE COMMON. P, ,Tm. OX, TX4.+00 seeeres 17 §° I inch mill cull Sid- XXX 15 00 16 00 Bees 5 i02 ae 315 Y and TIGilitcinaeents Cementers EF COMMAMTEL L sicite clak mahanndeeae amas 78 co No. 2, 1%, & 13% in 56 ao Pht a “Sate aI oo 1 in. Stead cull sidings 12 00 13 00 => No. aes een. 2 20 2taceeecs takes te ee eee 58 00 No. 3, 1%, 1% and 1x13 and up .. ? 22 00 Satta PF > a a XX ‘ sto a 250 7 B FINE COMMON @R NO 1 CUTTING. 2-27... ane 25 00 v4 and 1% & 2in.. 20 00 In. 7in, and up wide,..... 36 00 | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 63 oo Dressing Hi in.. ques 36 oo| Mill Culls, 1, 14,134 * HARDWOODS—PER M FEET CAR LOTS. 1% andr cutting....... ABiCO)) @ Ate natewins's afe > ME » Soiree oe » 68 00 we und 12..... < ) and 21D......... 17: co li s and 2s unless :therwise specified. 3 Rn 5° oo ? by: ee ee 36 00 Ash Wh te per ive a geock mill STRIPS. A AND 8 (CLEAR AND SELECTS). ; The following quotitiens on hardwoods tepresent the jobber’s ome ists and ands...... $33 00 $35 00] _run....... 1to 1%"24 00 2600 1%i tas 45 ent 7 in. wide. . 50 calla in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 48 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; A ca ge 9. 29 of a * coumiaten: oo Sia Pr MOREA, x inch, 53.00 48 co] shang nea Birch M. = a «. 22 00 24 00| Hickory, 1sts ee ee in. rdet - i%tozin ...... + 39 00 41 00| Strips..........0.++. 22 00 74 00 23.00 § 00| and ands..1%4‘' 2.. 36 00 38.00 Tun dy § te MiG ooo o0 2 HS de ie eS Com. and culls.:+:... 16 00 19 00 “ sqrs. ne ax8 32 00 36 00,| Maple common Basswood, 4 8 and better1 134 21 00 22 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. BLACK AND BROWN ASH. me and better 1 to1¥%in 24 00 25 00 Maps. Bag a : 1in., 4, 5, 6in wide....... 30 00 | rin., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ........ 26 00 Ist & ana, 6 nch up, 31 00 33 00 | Com. & good culls... 1§ oc 17 00 Basswood, “gle ie 36. Oats Bie Bee sZS\ OOF 27 0 BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. & and, 6 inch & CR ed eee : cance. ee ae ‘ ists & ands 2 4.. 44.00 4600 No. 1, 12 in..... Nataietereiatasielefere 29 00 Brand 7) iN... sien caeesmleninaine 22 co pal at, a “36 ont =8 ico Sue good culls. =P, A oo tert and ands.. 1“ 1% 55 00 60 00} Oak, white, Pry th sepat capa J00C0e Saco 24 00 | No. 3, 12 in.........--- -se. 21 00 hase celal ibs “ee 3 g pays 7 Cherry, sts ists & ands x “ 1% 4200 44 00 Q i.e ee seseeaee ceseaeeeee 23 02 IO IN..-.ss00e fF) almieteterpieiatet aia 19 00 ELM. re" and ands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 60 00 70 00| Oak, white, Sand 7 in.......-..2-eee0e 23 CO] Qill...... seccreccencocees x8 00 tst & 2d,rock,6in &up 26 00 28 oo | 1st & ed, soft, 6in Magis oe 3500 Elm, soft, mill ists & ands 2 * 4+. 45 00 50 00 No. 2, 12iM....0eeeeeeeeeees 24 00 Piraa ara cara wai ogetet Se RR 19 co Common and ‘culls .. 15 00 17 00 Common and culls...... 1.06 17 0@ \ te 1 ‘' 13% 24 00 25 00 | Oak, quart’d, TO IM. -se eee cen eereeeeeee 22 00 BOMIGL-c cs ciciv e aie 'elaiererseteteeteteet 19 00 1m, soft, mill ists&ends ‘2.. 7000 8) 00 No. 2,9 iMeeesesee oe sereee 22 00 | EKA 6 s'a\eieis 5°) tah reas eee 16 00 MAPLE. t fOn...... a ‘' 3.. 25 00 27 00 Walnut, xsts SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. } 1st & and hard...... 21 00 23 o@ { 1st &and,soft......... 19 0 21 00 and 2nds.. 1 ‘‘ 3.. 85 00 10900 1 in., 4 and 5 in, are $25.00] £ in., 33 in. and up wide $17 00 Common and culls— 1302 14 oo | Common and culls..,. 11 07127 00 ., 4and 5 in. wide .......$15 00 | s in., 13 in, and up wide..... 4 rin., 6 in. Wide.......22e00 17 co and 2 in., 7 in. and = _ * QUEBEC, QUE 1 in,, 7 in. wide and up...... 17 00 “up a eee oainiat 18 00 BOSTON, MASS. ; ’ . SHAKY CLEAR. % 5. WHITE FINE—IN THE RAFT ne Tiny 3) 415s hse 5 aided al | M id, anid Op Sle Re as eelecia fe pees penal NI at . wi - Square white pine, etal off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 35 45 oy Se = 3 Pi Chee Se nApROtc ise . roa 35 00 pig eee nae a ix ch a, eos. ee aes First class Ottawa waney, x8 inch average, according to lineal.. 63 65 8 i 1% to2inch ....... 58 00 63 00 19 to20inchaverage ‘ ‘ .. 69 «70 SHINGLES, 18-IN. No. 1 Cuts, 1 in + ie 41 00 43 00 sia abate? sibs ein ae: eRe 6 4 4. | ie 4 00 | Cedar, XXXX, 18 im... 44359 wo a cuts He De es M:asured off, according to average and quality Ayer bee ci Cente 27 33 } {Clear Butts.......... § 00 ‘s lear Butts........2.+2.-5 -» 2 §0 "1X to 2 inch 41 00 45 00 i Shipping AS SL ian in In i BE a a sale 35. 40 TATE: Barn Boards,No. 1... 30 00 3 co CAE MICHIGANVAND' OHIO! No.1 White Pine.. . 375 pene No. & White Pine ........... 3 25 fh 2. 25 00 = oo By the dram, according to average and quality . . o 50 56 PE rtaspaannencnneiig 328 Spruce, 10 aiid 12 0.3. “dimension. a £2 21 = ELM. ALBANY, N.Y a 9 in. poet onde a EE - - 19 00° d lit t fi 60 [oy > & to and 12 in. random lengths, 10 t. an up 20 50 By the dram, according to average and quality # & ok Hage e cle 3X3) 2%4, 7x5; Eg 2x7 and 3x4 random eaethe fake atest Uppers, 3 in. ... -......- 83 85 | 1x12 i“ shippers ......... $ 2% All other qandom ‘lengths, 9 in. and under, 10 ; : to inches and up, sicoeh ae to perenne and prinelty- la tee one 26 24G IM... cece ence eee ee eeee 83 85 | 4/4 inch sons! & op: 25 ftiandiape. osc ce. vite. > Mee al tee ts ae 18 50 Average 16 inch. . . er SB TCO AM setae siaene wi acaintale 78 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” andup.. 19 20 5in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.1s 17 co BIRCH. 4 inch uppers ....s+++00-+ = 88 90 ro-in, dressing and better... 30 35 Out Spruce boards, p.1S.... 0 6. 0 eee eee eeee eee 14 00 40 Inch a... a ene Le Se i eee et ame it <> at ops 7 ~ wk pee and better... 40 _ 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. t . clipped and bundled . 17 00 we. oad he lias Sok Sate Rn Cee an) (Seam * 28. Fine common, 2%in. andup 72 75 Box, Wid... kee 21 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. " =) “ er se, We he ten ge aed its a taka Tgeeseeeor aera 61 | No. x barn, rx12.... ...... 29 30 phe eS oar ee Waits in eate.e mic ei 315 = a taal. NO Nas al 0. 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 53 SS We REO veins oo cia neteneeraaen 25 26 CATA uiviangvons sane genes weinattn csecenesssce 9S 9S 2 Noreen Peter steve cess Te oy ts See it +. 23° (25 Second clears ........... «. Soi vereeeiee woreen Soom i = J ~2 30 OTTAWA, ONT. No. . epateinieeth eisieraloinie alm anise ge 35| No. 2 barn, rx12......,... ‘. 26 27 Clear White. is ocvens © san cyum Se, gRed Cedar Shingles |» 4 Fig ANDGEDAR LUMBER AND SHINGLES Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Shingle Mill: False Creek, bein B.C. iy ia Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Telephone B 1425 WRITE FOR PRICES. ‘om fe Ontario Representative: W. J. SMITH, Fergus. —_ TPES dias ik Lumber Co. 4 Export Lumber & Shingle Co. HAZELMERE, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF 323 3 J a Wholesale Dealers Limited ee FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER a, British Columbia Lumber and Shingles CLEAR CEDAR AND FLOORIN e or fe The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in | Long Distance Telephone. Ouenteaerns a manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. _C. WELLS —_ We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market prices. » PALLISER, B.C Cc. Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. VANCOUVER - BRITISH COLUMBIA CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. P 3$)3063:—~6C6Manufacturer of 3 3 3 SS —=—— a San LUMBER CO. | PEMBROKE, ONT. i We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- e aig _and solicit your suai tc. -DELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER 00, WHOLESALE White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles Callander North Bay Cartier Sturgeon Falls poinennae te OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers. "Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries Powassan Cary z Coane wood Onta at { idland Whitney SS 5 FOR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED _ We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. _ RHODES, CURRY a CoO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. | bs ‘awn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, °° shitting" QUEBEC MANUFACTURERS OF | White and Red Pine | Lumber and Lath Water Shipments he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. _ Of Ontario, Limited miLis - ieee ‘Algoma Dist., Ont. ‘Soo’? Branch C.P.R. ing Arcade, Toronto pomene| Sa Building, Moutreal Mills at Spragge. R LAIDLAW LUMBER U0) JAS. PLAYFAIR. « D.L. WHITE. PILAYEFHATR & WHLTE Manufacturers and Whoiesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH » SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT Contractors for Ballwey, 3 Bee BILL TIMBER a Specialty. Peni A. & P. WAIGE Sawnand Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... PENETANCUISHENE ONT. F. MCIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and es cah Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty | of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, MANUFAGTURERS LUMBER a? | AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. S Wegwed Lumber Co., timitea D, D. FLANNE H. W. REEVES FLANNER & REEVES Manufacturers and Wholesalers of WHITE AND NORWAY PINE LUMBER ll M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GD., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. a ES IEE Milas NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office : HAMILTON, ONT. ee Manufacturers of and a aac - Dealers in all kinds of . Both Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. AUGER & SON - Quebec - PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes Teleyraph Poles and Lumber.—Write Us. A. F. BURY AUSTIN "WHOLESALE } LUMBER and TIMBER WNADA PINE Bank of Ottawa Building, jou si James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA - SPEC ay Priage Timber and al)'kinds of, Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and white i. aed pate Der away Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and ss Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, follow back, end butted. ae Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Company, Limited, Barnet, B.C. re _ Douglas Fit Timber in a size or length up to go feet long. Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch- Dry Kilas ae coanpaiy. Sastgh and Tasos Lunia, Douglas Fir and Cedar. 5 ‘ > r ‘ WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. > A TH AND SHINGLES CAR AND even MIDLAND, ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited 60 Bay St., Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE MENZ LUMBER GOMPANY Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES We Solicit Your Inquiries. J. F. FOSS, Manager. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man- SESS CEDAR LUMBER ANDPOLESFOR SALE — I can saw out to your order, during the winter months, pills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, OWEN SOUND, ONT. . pa see ee. Si vi. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CanaDA LUMBERMAN.) St. JOHN, N.B., March 3rd, 1905.— Lumber business of all kinds is quiet in this direction. In some cases small gangs of men are at work on repairs at the mills, but little sawing will be done before the twentieth of April, In the woods at the head of the river Operations continue with much briskness. There is at present from two to three feet of snow, which is about the usual, and the operators expect to fill their contracts without difficulty. But in the lower coun- ties the snowfall has been so extremely heavy that many operators have been compelled to cease and to discharge their crews. While the local manufacturers and most of the larger ones along the the bulk of their logs from the extrem up-river districts and the cur- tailment of the crop in the lower counties does not affect them greatly, it will mean a limited sawing season for manv of the smaller plants and will also mean that river obtai CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION those who are depending upon local offer- ings for any part of their season’s con- sumption will be obliged to pay a higher price than was the case last year when spruce logs delivered at St. John netted from $8.50 to $9.50 per M, according to the percentage of battens. Little is being done in shipping circles as yet, but a large number of schooners are preparing to leave their winter quar- ters and their owners are looking for charters to U.S. ports. Two large sailers loaded with deals sailed yesterday and these have been the most important sailings to the westward during the last two months. These car- goes are bound for New York, consigned for sale. Business in the United States has been unusually dull and as yet there is little to be said in regard to the trade beyond the fact that indications point to a brisk de! mand as soon as the weather warrants a resumption of building operations. The winter has caused unusually rigorous lle practically a stand-still in all kinds of building, but on the other hand receipts have been infinitesimal and prices have not suffered. Stocks on the other end are reported to be much lighter than is usu- ally the average at this time of year, and in this city and vicinity the same fact ap- plies ; not more than 1,250,000 to 1,500,- ooo s. ft. of American deals being avail- able at present writing. The owners of these seem to be in no hurry to ship or sell and a purchaser would not be able to get any lower quotation than, f.o.b, St. John: All 1o and 12 inch, $17.00 to $18.00 per M. s. ft.; 9 inch, $16.00 to’ $16.50 per M. s. ft.; narrows, $14.00 to $14.50 per M. s. ft. Charters to New York are plentiful at $3.00 per M on long lumber. ——— CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From St. John, M.B.: Steamer Lake Champlain, for Liverpool,751,304 ft. deals, 37,131 ft. scantling, 32,931 ft. ends, 6,002 pcs. maple blocks, 2,359 pes. pine deals, March. 8, 1905 — —=— 233 pes. biroh lumber, 310 pcs. timber, 192 rolls white board, 26 pcs. elm logs, 4,095 doors, 1,675 pcs. oak lumber, 402 pcs. deals. Steamer Montcalm, for Bris- tol, via Liverpool, 250,605 ft. birch plank, 351844 ft. ends, 200,585 ft. deals, 20 pcs, birch timber, 624 ft. ends, 25. pcs. rock elm logs. Steamer Priscilla, for Boston, 148,490 ft. plank. Steamer Indrani, for Glasgow, 2,039 pos. pine deals, 5,127 bdls., 41 boxes shooks, 384,338 ft. deals, 46,146 ft. scantling, 87 ft. ends. Steamer Parisian, for Liverpool, 484,569 ft. deals, 5,403 ft. scantling, 5,943 ft. ends. From Portland, Maine: Steamer Eng- lishman, for Liverpool, 9,214 maple blocks, 188 pcs. plank, 400 cases splints, 824 bdls, handles, by Grand Trunk Railway. Steamer Dominion, for Liverpool, 98 logs, 96 pes. timber, 478 pcs. deals, 686 pcs. boards, 325 maple blocks. From Halifax, N.S.: Steamer Corin- thian, for Liverpool, 103,248 ft. birch planks, value $1,168, by S. Cunard & Co., agents. Steamer Manchester Importer, for Manchester, 208,132 ft. birch deals, value $2,290, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS| ST.LOUIS RAIL MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE GHARLOTTE HABBERLE Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in . . Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspo idence Invited on All Hardwoods. S It UOUP WISh.. To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY ? © an Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ And ‘‘For Sale’’ Department ot the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, a the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman, Torento BOSTON, MASS, H. D. Wwiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON'& CO. ~~ Muskegon, Mich: ONB DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YBAR ACME LUMBER CO. Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A. Wholesale Hardwoods Hard Maple and Rock Elim our Specialty. We invite correspondence whether you to buy or sell. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. : é ‘ . . ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. ‘Room s'o: = BOSTON, MASS. WANTE 5/8 Inch Quartered Canadian Spruce and Thick Birch J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER CO. 94 Pearl Street - Grand Rapids, Mich. (Bhs. ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO 2 MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS or YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. re Ne Ne Ne See FRANK GC. BURY LUMBER Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine WHOLESALE ¢ Veneers BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE - DETROIT MICHICAN ¥ ac > THE OUTLOOK. _ Under the above heading the American 5 Lumberman offers the following comment ~ the lumber situation : a _ Asa whole the lumbermen of the coun- try are well pleased with the outlook for trade during the remainder of the year. Stocks, notabiy those held by southern pine and hardwood producers, are below the average. In only one—the white pine section of the north—was there any con- ‘siderable accumulation and winter sales have absorbed a large amount of this sur- _ plus. Consumers, asa rule, limited their VII. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION purchases last year, buying for immediate requirements only and not as is generally the case systematically adding to their stock. As a result of this policy the amounts they now have are probably be- low those which are usually kept on hand and with the increased call for all kinds of merchandise incident to the better times undoubtedly will be a firm, consistent in- quiry for lumber supplies on the part of the lumber consuming factories of the country. The prospects for building are excellent. Money is cheap and from every district come optimistic reports of the contemplated amount of building to be done. The price level during tg05 will be higher than that of 1904 and _ this improve- ment should enable those sections where operations were not conducted satisfactor- ily last year to retrieve their fortunes and bring about a better state of affairs. No disposition to boom things is being shown, for which the cduntry may be thankful. Those interested in the variotis branches of industry are going quietly along to improve their facilities for manu- facture and their products as well, and it is this quiet determination on their part that is giving to the business the prdsper- ous aspect which it now presénts. It is much too early yet to say aiiy- thing in regard to the prospective crops except that the heavy snows have pro- tected the wheat belt of the northwest from the severe cold weather and should be instrumental in giving wheat a good start; If those in charge of the indus- tries of the country continue to maintain their equilibrium and to prefer permanen- cy of operation to mushroom growth there is no adequate reason why the pros- perity of the councry should not contiriue for many years. FARNWORTH & JARDINE il BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS J | Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, a S 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS ' Cable Address; ‘*TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., Ax, ‘‘Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. c ns o> Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. 4 | OUIS BAMBERGER, IMPORTER OF == Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. Sects Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ __. Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods a Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS aa aS EARN Se ee ZEBRA CODE A. B, C, CODE DIRECTORY CODE : CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. ge Wood A gents and Brokers - Cable Address : “‘ GELLICHT,” LONDON CABLES, DOORCHEEK, LONDON ings, Electric Wire Casings, and all kinds of ready made joinery. _ FELBER, JUCKER & Co. Fiber Importers _ MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . _ Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine 5 _ Floorin 8, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Doweis Broom dles, Chair stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. _ Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- wW.C. Seats, Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England sronus: Locke's Wharf, Edmonton, N. ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable rae ‘‘Shooks,” Hull. Codes—A. B. C. 4th Edition and Zebra. JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS THOMPSON, CASH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST SHIPPING DOCUMENTS b BUYERS OF Qak, Birch, pea eres Elm Logs and Lumber, Elm Specialty Han-'es of all e cr ption _| SMITH & TYRER - [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmITH, TyrER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW OANT & KEMP ¢ 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address: ““ TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. TIMBER BROKERS Every lumberman_ wants it cents buys _ it Soribner’s Lumber «Log Book BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION Timber Importers JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID. Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Liverpool and London Chambers CABI,K ADDRESS ° Address : THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Reck Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. ot ot A BS One 3 All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND “DOBLE ee. ERPOOL ’ BLOIS & KJELLGREN——— BRANCH OFFICES i 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers. GLASGOW HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AND LOGS BRANCH OFFICE Brook j{, HAMBURG ‘ PO RR EOS, Calta ete eh ee on a ee ee ‘ chee 3 yo AM A ee et ‘ 1 ie: ff gee ee ' y ie : CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Bigs ee, Sand Bi 81905 THE ONTARIO —warre Pine iumper, tata (7X EO. G. GLADMAN yemcom AND SHINGLES. l U Mv B ER 0°; LIMITED Hons Wee Fuitding 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mus: North Bay. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Mills at Smith’s Bay c.P .R. and G.T.R. Delivery. Water biccthacains Only. Township of Carling PARRY SOUND , ONT. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON THE HOIUG IMB ANFATORNG = Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. LU MV B F R —Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in— — an Pine, Hemlock :Hardwood Lumb ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. HEAD OFFICE: 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE JAS. LUNNY & CO, A. P. HEBERT HINTONBURG, ONT. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN | Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Po Have for Sale ian ae ae aineniie aE | Breve Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension | WIARTON, OWT. Eastern Agents--B. C. Shingles and Douglas Fir, all dimensions ’ ; Can dress to 24x30. B. C. Cedar Write for quotations ONE DOLLAR ontitee Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and’ Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for RAILWAY OF ONE YEAR aaah A. J. GORETE aot’ MORTREAL Page goed strips : Pine shorts 5’ to 11’x10” 16 00 tetas sensgeees 30 CO 34 00] Pine, 8ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 co j fate) a in. andr¥ i in.... 35 00 38 00] Pines. c. strips.. : ANG RBrine oeecao: sc 36 00 38 00 | Pine, s.c. shorts..... a good shorts: ‘ 4 La slag ae ‘i Me esese ceessees 2% 00 28 0c] Pine mill culls... TORONTO, ONT. 1% in.and 1% in... 28 00 35 00 | Lath, per M CAR OR CARGO LOTS. ee In. fee ars scutes 34 00 38 00 Ne I white pine..! 240 260 1 inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 to 10in.,1 to16ft. 15 00 16 00 aidan A iit Spree well a “ 2 be 3 a cuts & better...... $48 0 $50 00 | 2x4 to 10 inch, 8 ft.. 16 00 17 00 ae P WE a a5 Go Red Pine, sulk tens bon iia 7 1% to 2 inch No. 1 Clear inch B. C. cedar, Pine No. x dressing Pine Shingles ae cuts and better.. 51 00 5300] kilndried.......... 50 00 strips . ABiooenis tse a Briel ono 1% & 2in.No,2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar Pines Nol weedeecics Clear Butt: eS sabh., “aaalle, 68 cutsand better.... 42 00 4500| airdried boat lumber 55 00 Gerke g 16 oat bela Pde) mah, Fa 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension Pine ros. ¢ and bet- Gada Shingles Sea - evts and better.... 38 00 39 00 timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 tae oaks cahlgy AEP SB Seta VAY. scest ialt deo as ak tin Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension Bice. rege see Piaedt sd ao tae aig ay and better shorts 2500 27 oo timber, 50 to 35 feet 3I 00 ter aan: a to16’. 16 19 00 xs ik ich r Ga 298 1X4, 6and8common 18 00 19 00/1% ae 1 4ft. Pine wee 4a 4 ci , CONIC 7 Ix 10 ccmmon...... Ig 50 20)00 |) » Lathan neisiele ae 3 ——- IX 12commion...... s s 22 00 syn No 2 4 fi ft. seco he 0) 3 10 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. x O common.....- 20 00 21 oo|! 0.1 32” pine lat I 7o ate Renition asta aes 21 00 22 ov| 1%” No. ratt. hemlock lath 2 8 SA eae UPPER AND SELECTS. y and 3x12 common. 2200 23 00| XXXX Pine Shingles 290 300 Uppers, 1 in., 10 in. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $65 o° 1x1u inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 220 WAGE os/s.o s/s bisjo'enis ale «+.+-575 00] 1%, 1% and i in: aac ves «++ 65 0° RCM MNOG le wins plesels 20 00 2: co| X Pine Shingles .. I 00 1% 1% and 2in........... 75.00| 2% and 3in.........0- os. 75 0° Tinchmill runsidings 2: 00 22 00| XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 30 2% and 3 in. Scala iP ALR Rites OSU ALL a > iainsd, nin, aimalsieiaon macain notat 77 0° I in. mill run...... . 20 00 21 co B. C, Shingles" Ae AT enlciotan iat @ d's) aajpia aivjete we 90 0 1x10 inc 12 mill culls 15 00 16 oo | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 60 FINE COMMON. ve cb mill cull Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in, 280 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 54 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 73 oo LAPS... .-- veers zee 15 00 16 00 | XXXXX 5 to 2in. . 315) yw anil in........ pin ins ¢t UG OMAR isoio:3/ch ais a waa eee 78 co I in, ead pi sidings 12 00 13 00 aS No. phages Eley tla Wi Gee cae Fa Peta vee 58 00 1% inch Flooring .. 23 00 25 00 nd O 23-16 in. Boosork 1x4 to Bin. “Fi 50 2 5) US toasting ss 2 50 {RENE COMMONER ek CUMMING. 7 , In, zir. and up wide....., 36 00 | 24 and gin., 7in. and up wide. 63 00 HARDWOODS—PER M FEET CAR LOTS. 1% andi cutting....... 48 co}4in:.... Mane mass PAB SS pis ale BO Quality, 1s and 2s unless and 2nds.. 1 3r-)B5.99).t09 98 1 in., 4 and 5 in. wide ....... $x5 00 | 2 in., 3 1n. and up wide..... $17 00 rin., 6 in. GNIS nche ache cease 17 co | 1% ,1% ance Bi 7 aes and rin. 7 in, wide and up...... 17 00 UP WIdE.. cjssivicnsecusee . TSKOO QUEBEC, QUE. SHAKY CLEAR. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT rin., 3,4,5,7,8 and gin. v ide 32 00 | 1 in., 10 in. and up wide. .... 34 00 CES 1 in., 61n. wide............. 33 001%, 14% and 8 in. and up Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 35 «45 CR CRAB Reape rina tenes 35 00 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal... 63 65 Sarma eee Reike . 1g to 20inch average ° .. 69 70 ’ 2 =n Sa See Pine, ig Set sae AEA OL ApS = pase hte mi Anis nts ns 350 M :asured off, according to average and janaiiiny 1 sta las Sracnfate tis eothcoes ay 33 {iClear Butts.......... SAY DUES «oe ceeasederennse 2 50 Shioping order “s a cise Raaisle Mis plaka LATH, Cie IGHIG ANIA: No.1 White Pine... 375 eee awe Pine, sacen anaes 3 25 By the dram, according to average and quality. . Ace 50 «56 Uraede we ers ee oo rag ELM. Py the dram, according to av crage and quality 40 to 45 feet . 60 7° ALBANY, N.Y. 30 to 35 fet. 48 5. PINE. sian Uppers, 3 in. -.. ........ 83 85 | txre ae shippers ......... $ 24 10 inches and up, Repeling to average and sspaltty ‘ ae 26 Satin A Ne eels «e+ B3 85 | 4/4 inch ti ta" & ap. 25 Average 16 inch. . . : nay : be 30 PEDANTS sca does sats ee ee 78 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” and up.. 19 20 BIRCH, 4 inch uppers ....+.+.+ ++» + 88 go | ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Del f. Selects, 24 in up........: 77 82] r12-in. dressing ani better... 40 42 ae : Sethe yy: Pe ho Aerie an WAG PU cs ckeeane obbelae QA) BOX, XI, .. csc escesue 20 ; fe et oh ee i Ole ere gr pes Rene 28 Fine common, 2% in, and p72 FeO, THA... annua eae 21 Bas “ Sn en NCard CM Re EM Wane «pte gst . Peet 74 vie ee 69 61| No. x barn, 1x12.... s+... 29 30 7 “SAN MOD, ER iris © 2: aa iad Satay 8 34 No. x cuts, 1tozinch...... 53 55 MEO S niae)isieinjoialn «uel nonin 25 26 NOs 2 eteaicteis kas sleetr'e cisions / 35 45 PAGere iene aiteet ene ef cnet Se, 2925 OTTAWA. ONT. J. Re SRA Gener Ceecinerl:s 3° 35] No. 2 barn, rxz2........ ato 208 ae MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, me I molding, rto2in..... 45 - “oto peA Tone a 23 24 i ‘od sidings. inte No; x barnes (o..a molding, x £0:4)ine. 5.0835. BOI (ERGs sivinwin cpicwina ein ce eas sf inex 8 ra at up. 3900 4200|1x10No, 2" .... Soh Stained saps.....-..... sees 32 40 Shaky clear, 2 to 6/4 in. asa ae 1M in. and 1% in. x «x8 & 9 No.1 barn... 19 00 Shelving boards vain sen’ 35 38 Bin. andup ......-. 48 00 §0 00| 1x8&q No.2 ogy 17 00 ving bile diaper! 2in. x8 in. and up. §0 00 §5 0c| Pine Shorts 6’ to r1'x8” r§ oo Dressing boards, narrow... rx1g inch shippers ..++01— + ar THE NEW LINE - i 9 = > 4 i : H ys yf emt 5 wis Nee ae 4 we) Ae ” ‘ " - + hed =p vp Ras f > ans) 4 3 Through the Spruce Forests of the L Mountains—between Quebec and Ha: WaATER-PowErs, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELEC’ Bink” PoWER FOR SALE. IDEAL PuLp-MILL ‘Simms. ay Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. Wie € 4 f LATH, Pinenecere tere we celia sles, a ae Spi ee 7 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 Clear bitts.......... 3.50 375 Smooth 6 x18....... 4 50 4 75 Spruce «=. 255-2 , BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY, WHITE PINE. " (Wholesale re: price.) Ur pers, 1,1%,1¥%and 2 iil’ <* aeuiehine a ale an es Shelving, No Wee, 5 00 UP, 2 in....-e 8 oo | No. 1 Mold st'ps 1toa 68 \oo})" * in sitedeals deine 7° 00| No. 2 Moulding Strips, 8 co TitO2 M.ctas- eae 4 WD. cota ccvene see 0 CO Barn, No.1, r2in.... Fine common, x in. 55 00 1% and 1% in..... 58 0o| No.2, qOin. .iscbee 2) ADjsieaesncaen cele fs 60 00| No.2, 12 in.... 3 Is sccrovccnseces 73,00} No. 3, 10 iM...sseee Ieee ercee one 75 oo) “No.3; ee eee Cut’ up, No. 1,1 in. 38 00| Box, 1X4..eeceews-e ats Op 1 In..... 50 00| rx6&up........ INOd ay ac) IMs os wae 25 00 Poe No. 2,14, & 1% in 36 00 TELA 0552s Guana No. 3,14, 1% and rals ond UP . wsnce Eyes" Reece ‘ BAe ¥% & 2in.. Dressing 1% in...... 36 ms Mill éail 1,1%,1% 1%xx0 and 12....., 42 00 and 2 1N....seeee 1% in....... , The following Regents on hardwoods mons the jobber price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; WHITE ASH. vadar tog iN... esse eees 43 00 ae Stripe ons sazsccassec 22 24 00 Com. and culls....... so io ‘ BLACK AND BROWN ASH. “ Ist & ana, 6 nchup, 3% 00 33 00 | Com. & good cule... 1500, Ist & and, 1 inch, 1% to 2 in iceosese) 39.00 4% 100 BIRCH. ; ist & and, 6 in=h & ret and, white, &up, 24 00 6 0« 00 up, red........-.. 3609 38 00| Com. & aaah 00 : ELM. , 1st & 2d,rock,6in &up 26 00 28 oo podanden) ad, soft, 6in & up, 24 Common and culls.. 15 0c 17 00 and culls... ist & and hard...... 21 -0 23 08 Tek endsee aoe wane I OC Common and culls— 1302 14 00 | Common and ens Hon 12 ©O BOSTON, MASS. White Pine Uppers, 1 to 2 inch /..... .... «+++ $82 00 to Selects, 1, tO ZANCH.... wow vojeveades se veenveccceee Yine Common, 1 inch.. aie alelsinls ) «cle» wicks 0(elulSjety ae ie ens 14% to 2 iich 3. aku ae eee ie No. 1 Cuts, 1 inch ........ Rove.aie, dantath ole wi larais + ote 137 tO 2 NCH ea haan sivasfelatasiieiae No. 2 Cuts, rinch........ Codec ieeniate Demise pas sok TA Co DTC ene, ot eta) clete eos Barn Boards,No, 1....... YR 2 No. 2. INO, 3.0 s.nes ese nncin Spruce, ro and 12 in. dimension. Ee gin. and under ..., cc. san ssneces sce 7 10. and 12 in. random lengths, 1oft.andup 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, TOME VANE NI. 5.5 + [ss'sa onpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch, Ad- a ¢ must be received not later than 4 clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion In he current week’s issue ; PExcELsIon WOOD WANTED — PEELED eae or clear spruce. RANKIN AND c a “Co,, pusiaes street, Toronto. Telephone. Spt an A FIRM OF CONTRAC- E TORS, about 250,000 feet mixed building _ Jumber, in car lots, delivered at Winnipeg. For full particulars write ““E. A.,” P.O. Box 347, a” _ Winnipeg, Man. - ad Ror ES SS > a 7 = ~ * 3-oOR SALE-—1’, 6/4”, 2” SOFT ELM. area ar, a meh. 5 mis Chestnut. 1”, 6/4”,2”, 3”, ” Ward and Soft Maple. 1’, 6/4”, 2” Beech. 1’, 2”, 3” White Ash. 1”, 2”, 3”, 4” Red and WLite Oak. R. E KINSMAN, Hamilton. FOR SALE GOOD 20_H. P. PORTABLE SAW-MILL. Address Box .00, CANADA LUMBERMAN, ‘Toronto. _ Party with timber limits to form Company with a party who has a nodern saw mill plant, capacity twenty million, on North Shore Georgian Bay. Address Box 193, _ CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE = 2 : 2,500,000 Laths 1% Red Pine Mill Run ho Eee me iy White Pine No, 2 = Good Spruce Pine 2d qua. shorts 6/11 “ad qua. strips 12/16 * 3.C. shorts 6/11 “ $.C. strips 12/16 “ Cut up sidings 12/16 ‘© Cut up sidings 12/.6 Good Sidings 12/16 "Sa I 1 I “ e I . 1% 30,000 es a1o0o0 “I Montreal, P.Q. x > ‘The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go'y its will be ius part- of 15cents per line each insertion. c to-date Double or Single Cut Mil, Apply to. Bourcorn, 714 St., James street WEEKL ‘The Lumberman Monthty Edition, Y EDITION T | THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE OR SALR—300M F ¢ y EET SOFT be cut this spring. »Can be cut im er sions to suit pu RENCE, Watford, Gag” Apply Mary A, Law- My FOR SALE, i UBER AND SAW-MILL, BUSINESS ON - P. R. Main line, Mi L ill i pores tare ome 20 to 25 M teen “hmbes Penance il, Address A.B.C., CANADA = nearly new. caren, MILL M ardwoo ‘ efi aie d logs, 300 M feet hemloc 1,000 cords bark 0. ys cords Ww p + 30, logging outfit, quanti shingle bolts at mill and ty. Reas n 4 ealth. ~ “rat j ; ber locali Serna: for Selling, failing he ~ POSITION WANTED ANT TO ENGAGE FOR COMING SEA- SON as head Band Saw Filer, in large up where qualityand quantity of umber is an object ; have had long exnerience in some of the best and fastest mills in the United States and On- tatio, an expert on Double Cutting Bands, would take contract to file entire mill ; not par- ticular to location, expect good wages and will guarantee highest results, unquestionable ref- erence on application, Apply Box 323, Port Huron, Mich. FOR SALE An all year Water-Power Saw and Shingle Mill Plant, 120 ft. Head if required, 33 ft. in use, with capacity of 25,000 ft. per day. 3,500 acres, estimated 2% million Green Pine and Hemlock, Cedar Timber for 50,000 R.R. Ties, 500,000 to 800,000 posts, 12 to 15 million Shingles, 200 M. Spruce and Tamarack, 500 acres Hardwood ‘close to mill and Georgian Bay, 55 miles from Owen Sound, North West. A lake 2% miles long is water supply and means of conveying logs into mill, other ad- vantages, Mill and docks on Georgian Bay. Price and reasons for selling on application to RoBERT LYMBURNER, Dyers Bay, Bruce County, Ont., or care of HORACE LYMBURNER, Owen Sound, Ont. a IIE IE THE LOCATORS.—W.B. Herbert, General Man- ager. The largest and most exclusive business Brokers in Canada. Address 62 and 63 Mer- chants’ Bank Building, Winnipeg. Man. “Saw Mill for sale with annual turnover of Two Million feet, in Alberta, situated on the Battle River. Three Thousand Three hundied cash, balance of Three Thousand three hundred tO be arranged. Blacksmith im connection. Good timber Jimit, Write THE LocaTorRs. ‘Timber Limit and Saw Mill—Good stock of cord wood and timber, established thirteen years in Manitoba. Annual turnover $25,000. Capacity 10,000 feet per day. Terms, mill $2,500 \ Limit $10,000, terms to be in five payments bi For arrange Teams, horses, waggons, etc. fuller particulars write THE LOCATORS. ; Saw Milland Timber Limit in New Ontario. Mill capacity 35 to 40 thousand. Good timber. Two thousand five hundred cash and nine thous- and five hundred balance on easy terms or wlll sell half interest for $8,000, terms to suit. Write THE LOCATORS. Timber Limits and Saw MilJls—We have sev- eral sound propositions throughout Western Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Assiniboia, For full particulars write THE Lo- CATORS, 62 and 63 Merchants Bank Building, Winnipeg, Man. WARTED, 300,000 s I 1/16” (eee gee ahd Better of Canapa LUMBERMAN, ce) F fea ee HAVE FOR SALE 200 M Heaney. triste oa Timber, also a quantity of Ga - PICKARD BROs., Mar P, O., \ X JAN’ —_ Hat ond. Senn Woodson SAND CORDS of Slabs. Srmcox Woop: also same quantity - Yonge Street Arcade, Tarduth LUMBER Co., 52 OR SALE~A FEW CARS OF inapte Sint sft able and car of hand CANADA LUMBERMaN, arenta : eng aks ote Sa ca H4vz You any Montreal, Quebec. Se SSS OAK FOR SALE. A QUANTITY OF WHITE WHICH I CAN cut in ship bills or other construction work ; also a considerable quantity of piling and other hardwood timber. JOHN HAYNE, Brigden, Ont. * LOOK AT THIS” OR SALE—TWO GOOD WATER WHEELS, 40’ and 48”; also three run of stone, Smut- ter, elevators, etc., etc., for two hundred dollars. F. O. B. cars here if taken this month. Box 4, Bothwell, Ont. FOR SALE 115” Lathe, cakes 3 ft. 9 in. between centres with 3 jaw chuck, cone 3 steps for 134” belt, with countershaft with tight and loose pulley.......... I 15’ Screw Cutting Lathe, takes 3 ft. 9 in, between centres with 4 jaw inde- pendent chuck, cone 4 steps for 1%” belt, steady rest, countershaft with tight and loose pulleys 1 24” Screw Cutting and Turning Lathe, takes 16’ 6” between centres, bed 22 feet long, with 4 jaw independent chuck, 2 large face plates. Gap will swing 36”, cone 4 steps for 31%4” belt, with countershaft, tight and loose 181500 (CSR Ae eens arc Above lathes, suitable for saw mill or re- pair work, to be seen at SAINT JOHN IRON WoRKS LTD, St. John, N. B. ALSO 1 Second-hand:Exeter Engine, cylinder 10” dr., 20” stroke, with flywheel 8’ diameter for 14” face belt, Tangy Bed, all overhauled in good order. Practically new. Price F.O.B. St. John, No Bos ns. ses ened: a. + see one ++. $325.00 1 Steeple Compound Marine Engine, H. P. Cylinder 7” diam., L. P. Cylin- der 13” diam, Stroke 10”, built to stand a boiler pressure of 150 lbs. per square inch under Dominion Act of Inspection of Steamers. Air, Feed and Bilge Pumps work off crosshead. Crank Shaft solid forging with half coupling keyed on, thrust bearing on bed of engine Price F. O. B. St. JOHN, Boe. a. ccs seme ne welem we $400.00 SAINT JOHN IRON WORKS LTD., P, O. Box 391, St. John, N. B. $60.00 $80.00 $200.00 No. 2or, © ” 18%” x 36” x 26. ‘No. 7 W&4NTED—ALL PULP WOOD Companies monthly issue, MILLS AND PULP ; to look up which is bound to interest pad Foz SALE—25 H.P. HORIZONTAL ENGINE » In good running order. Very ALF 4 Square, Montreal, > RUB®R4, 22-24 Victoria MILL, CARRIAGE for immediate shipment. : Send dimensions and OR SALE — ry ; ; MBER, conftest eee rs best locality’ Welling heed without stock, Plenty of tim- Address “B, Toronto, Ont, U." Canapa LUMBERMAN, ENDERS WANT TF pore or less, ED EO . Ta good se i cee Or band, Duane 2% references and practical experience. Strictly temperate. Apply Box 347, CANADA LUMBER- MAN Office, Winnipeg, Man. CEDAR FOR SALE 10,000 PIECES ROUND CEDAR, 8-16 AND 25 feet long, on the Vermillion river. Can be de- liyered at Spanish boom. Also Cedar, Pine and Spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood on Cc. P.R. JAMES MCCREARY. BAND RE-SAW FOR SALE N BARLY NEW, COMBINATION MACHINE, can be used for either scroll or re-sawing. Well adapted for use in planing mill or furni- ture factory. For price, etc., address Box 199, Canapa LUMBERMAN, Toronto. — FOR SALE. 397,000 feet 2” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Ru n. 86,000 feet 1” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. 43,000 feet Mill Culls, etc. Also the product of two million feet good white pine logs to be cut next summer. Corres- pondence solicited. PINE LUMBER COMPANY, Pine, Ont. (near Cartier.) es ES CANADIAN TUCS FOR CHARTER FOR SEASON 1905 Tug Florence—Engine fore and aft compound Large Scotch Boiler 12 %4” x 11 ¥%” and easy steamer. Tug Home Rule—Engine High Pressure 22 4" x 24”. Fire Box Boiler 8’ x 14. : Tug Christian, S.J..(American}—Engine High Pressure 19” x 20”. Fire Box Boiler 634’ x 12’. For further information address HACKETT Tuc Line, Amherstburg, Ont. ee EE EE TSS An offer of 30 cents on the dollar has been made for the assets of Shepard, Farmer & Company, Boston, Mass. The J. R. & S. P. Kay Box Company, Rochester, N. Y., are announced to be in difficulty. A number of Tonawanda con- cerns are interested and one of them has offered to take over the business of the company and pay the other creditors 50 cents on the dollar. ALFRED RUBBRA, 22-24 Vic- ee a II This is already having a strengthening influence upon prices. The eastern mar- kets all report a good demand for white pine, and especially for the coarser CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The past week has been favorable for outdoor operations in Ontario and the lumber trade has benefitted thereby. grades. Our Bay City and Saginaw list nee i this week shows an advance in all No. 3 Activity is more general and an barn boards, which now range from a increase in country orders is reported. The Ottawa mills are experiencing a de- mand larger than usual at this season of the year and have marked up prices in some instances. Good strips are about $2 per thousand higher than at the beginning of the year. The position of hemlock is exceptionally strong. The stock in first hands is un- ‘usually light and wholesale dealers are finding it impossible te purchase any large blocks at a price which will permit them to turn the lumber over at a profit. Some dealers have been adding to their stocks for some months and are now in a,splen- did position to take advantage of the advance which is expected to take place before the new stock is in shipping con- dition. Hardwoods are just holding their ‘own, but the demand ‘s a little more active. Birch probably represents the largest volume of business, but there has also been some improvement in the de- mand for basswood. for 1x4 to $21.50 for t2-inch. The spruce market continues strong and it is predicted that prices for the new cut will open at an advance averaging at least 50 cents above last year's opening figures. Hemlock is a little irregular. The recent advance in Chicago of 50 cents on all items excepting 3 inch plank, timber and No. 1 and No. 2 strips is being maintained, while from Tonawanda comes the report of a shading of quotations, stock having been offered during the past week at 75 cents below the base price of $.6.50. In Boston hemlock is strong, Pennsylvania No. 2 bringing $16.50 and No. 1 boards $19 to $20. The supply of dry hardwoods is grad- ually decreasing, thus giving a strong tone to the market. Dry plain oak is still very scarce. In northern woods the most active is birch, which ‘is selling freely. Soft elm is in promising condition. GREAT BRITAIN. The recent reduction in the Bank of England rate islooked upon asa favorable factor, as it would seem to indicate cheap money for the business requirements of the country for some time to come. The developments in connection with the MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The number of building permits already issued this year by the Building Inspector of Winnipeg is indicative of another very CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION deferring the purchase of lumber until later in the season, when prices are more likely to be higher than lower. STOCKS AND PRICES. The Moyie Lumber & Milling Company, Moyie, B. C., are offering for sale their stock of lumber at a low price to a party who will take the entire block. The Woodstock Lumber & Manufac- turing Company, of Woodstock, Ont., have again contracted for the entire sea- son’s cut of the mill of Thomas Darling & Sons, Wisa Wasa, Ont. Detroit dealers have advanced the price of lath, which are now quoted as follows : No. 1 white pine, $4.50; No. 1 Norway, $4; No. 1 hemlock, $4, these prices being an advance of socts. Maple flooring has advanced $3. The Woodstock Lumber & Manufac- turing Company have secured a large stock of logs of good quality to be cut at their mill at Woodstock, Ont.,this season, consisting of oak, elm, maple, basswood, birch and beech. The demand for cooperage stock is quiet. At Buffalo prices are downto 40 cents for flour barrels. Jobbers quote the following reduced prices: First-class dry elm flour barrel staves, $9 to $9.50; first- class basswood headiag, 6% to 7 cents; 6 toot coiled hoops, $9.25 to $.9.75- The St. John River Log Driving Com- P. G. Keyes, Secretary Department of the Interior, Ottawa, will receive tenders _ up to Wednesday, April 5th, for a license” to cut timber on Berth No. 1,212, com-— ——— rl Ww. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury “ Ont. . . Manvfacturer of . - Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc. Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. an Red and White Oak,Maple and Eim Lumber. nae a : Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. mi ——— THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER 0. ; PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS ~ fe HEADQUARTERS HaRDWooD - a Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland,O. McMinnvi ¢,!Tenn. ya hd We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots 1? ~ ie x JOHN P. NEWMAN — j Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer ihe, Lumber, Square Timber, Shing od - les, Posts, Etc. My vriarton Ontario Write for quotations on 1” Maple, 3” and eS Cedar, 1” Birch and 3x Cedar Shingles. met; M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. , £03 Temple Building, Toronto. = EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with ri a ne wooden goods, such as pnp ea Al dhe Sooo Broom Handles, Fork and 1 Turned Goods, etc. Payments made Rg of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European SAMUEL Sons & ca ee 16 — — London, Eng. re ‘z rT.” active season and a heavy consumption of lumber. The dealers are now getting quite busy and are booking some good- sized orders. The country trade has not yet commenced to move. B. C. shingles of No. 1 grade are being laid down in about $2.10; and these are lumber and shingles. Where a buyer will take a large block of stock very favorable prices can be obtained. UNITED STATES, We are advised that, by reason of deep snow and the early break-up of winter the log input of the Northern States Has been curtailed 25 per cent., which will reduce the cut of both pine and hardwood. oth Parverpoot ara Uissgow. Japanese-Russian war have also been of a significant character as indicating the near approach of peace, although opinions on this point are somewhat at variance. Coupled with the activity in the ship~ building industry, these favorable in- e stocks of lumber are small and would soon be wiped out by an active consumption, but th ‘feeling of conservatism is too on to ; pect more than a very slight = ce ment during the next two sant The Canadian shippers havé not tel seit hie success in closing contracts, but ee nee no disposition to reduce Ing prices and the Prospective pany, Fredericton, N. B., will receive tenders up to noon of April 4th for the driving of logs between Grand Falls and Fredericton. The rate per thousand feet from Grand Falls to the boom limits is to be 20 cents, the tenderers to state the + nxlOunt thay will he willing to pav for the Herman H. Hettler pi onal WHITE and NO PINE LUMBER RWAY McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., cimiea Selling Ageney and Dealers haa “ae bags of er. rege: ee o, ed Manufacturers and Wholesalers of . . buyer would seem to have little to gain by _ KNIGHT BRO Burk’s sede ens Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOGK AND- PIE LUMBER woods, and about the same Owen Sound, and we should Agathe of Hardwood, He e able to interest you if in th WILL MAKE 5s BROKEN LOTS € market, PECIAL PRICES ON AT OUTSIDE POINTS : Office and Yard, | 57! DORCHESTER ¢ WOODS & we MANUFACTURERS tie BIA RHD oC Capacity 100 Million a Year, EXPENSE to Agents, “°_ KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING § Keenan Bros.. Limited | °RILLIA PLANING i ‘ LATH and pe Shipments by Rail or Water Send for Catal Jt vt Samples b Near G.T.R. Sta PLANING, FLOORING, ounce MATING, Done any quantity. _write for price. S. POME ROY, Fpone DOUGLAS Fin fi ES: Mills, Timber Trading aaa be: oe WHITE FOR PaRTiCULans ane guomenae es Ss. . ana MEROY. gw | ities cem EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND Te 4 DRESSED AND IN sr da so Limited i “ | or fia MILL MASON, GORDON Eastern Agents The B.C. . MOLENNA MIDLAND, Ont. = BO 3 IGHT eres «2: TOTES oi &C( 7 fe WHOLESALE TIMBER _ Montreal, Quebec a THE ROUGH N& COMPANY — QUE. _P me Box "6 prising 20 square miles, to be selected in not more than six blocks within a tract two miles in depth along the westerly shore of the north halt of Candle lake and Torch river, in District of Saskatchewan, N. W. T. ————=£E=*_"_=_=_=-=-_—_— THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the Canapa LUMBERMAN.) OTTawa, March 13th, 1905.—A glance at the market quotations on Ottawa lum- ber bears out tho statement that the tendency is towards improvement. Ad- vances are reported in some lines, while in others the maximum figure prevails and the minimum quoted tor some weeks past will not now be considered, Despite the car shortage the railways _ Feport a big movement of lumber to the States. and the manufacturing centers of Western Ontario. It is mostly all lower grade stuff that is going to the west end of the province, and the call promises to continue. American lumbermen_ in Ottawa last week reported everything as looking roseate, indications pointing to a big building season. With steel and iron firm, ia 7 —_—_ *- : - “*, a ch ‘ ¢ “ “a wa ‘ « a 1 ae - ae , oe, one 4 a) 4 ‘ ic _ woeds, but the following the situation: Elm, $20 to $22 per M; se oS bye 7 -_ y e % _ lumber is bound to hold good, being the third in the trio of most important actors in industrial activity. On account of the divergence in grad- ing, it is difficult to get a line on hard- Apout meets Basswood ard Ash, $22-to.$25; Birch, $18 to $20. As yet no sales of consequence of next summer's stock have been made for ths English market. Manufacturers IR ROBERT WATT | J. B. F ar well & Son aru auf WR durMALvE:, wae os CONTRACTORS ANTE Ganadian Gear Tele- (raph, Telephone and Electric Light Poles Orillia, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. are holding out for last year’s price, and some are said to be asking a five per cent advance. This the English buyers are not inclined to give. However, it is im- probable that they will be able to get any better terms, in view of the bright future of the American and Canadian markets, Reports from the limits show that the work of laying the logs at the streams is Progressing favorably and that the pros- pects are good for getting out the entire cut. Natural conditions on the whole were ‘good, although an excess of snow was complained of in some camps. ——>————__ THE GLASGOW MARKET. Messrs. Edmiston & Mitchells’ monthly timber circular furnishes the following particulars of the Glasgow market : WHITE PINE.—The import since the beginning of the year consists of about 200 loads. Enquiries have been few, and the little business passing has been chiefly in the cheaper qualities. Stocks are moderate but ample. Prices are steady. Oak.—There has been rather a better general demand during the mouth, chiefly in large Squares, and several small lines have been placed at fair prices. The stock is still heavy, both in Quebec and Southern ‘States wood. ELmM.—Enquiries during the month have been numerous for first class rock, and the stock of this class is now very low. Prices have firmed up considerably. Stock of soft elm is now moderate and is moving off freely. QUEBEC BircH.—There have been three ‘Shingles, Cedar Posts and ties ECIAL: One carl ad of 3x4 Berle Head 4 guia for eae since Gus. ca, SE Cea Deries. “G te half’ aS each of XX and X Cedar i . One ich o Saies. Prices on application. Lumber Fxporters ldg., TORONTO ahd oe ‘fw ORLEANS, LA. For Quick Shipment goo cords dry Hemlock Slabs. 2 cars 5/4 Spruce. oe A se I ‘ Vancouver Cedar Mills VANCOUVER oh B.C. ‘¢ 3/4 and6/4 W. Pine, Mill Run,(good) D. SINGLAIR: Cedar a CACHE BAY PLANING MILL CO. FOR High Grade . MANUFACTURERS OF... MOULD'NGS GBILING FLOORING SCOTING WN INSHEETING All kinds of Dreased and Pine Lumber. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION C.S. POWELL & CO. Cash buyers all kinds hardwoods. To Millmen We solicit correspondence... . shipments, consisting in all of about 400 logs, which came via St. John and Port- land, and were, in every case, disposed of from the ship’s side at Satisfactory prices, The prices made were at from Is, 1od., c.i.f, for 15-inch, up to 2s. c.i.f. for 16-inch, Only a trifling business has been done for summer delivery, buyers) fearing that the existing high prices will encourage ex- ports and so Over-supply the market, with a consequent Weakening of values, NEw Brunswick BIRCH.—A number of shipments of St, John birch logs have come to hand, and have been disposed of from the ship’s side at 18d, per foot for 14-inch average, In planks, several sales are reported, Bathurst having been done at £8 5s. and St, John at £7 tc. Gabfey these being for spring delivery, No business has so far been done for summer delivery. ASH.—There is nothing new to report, the stock of Quebec wood on hand being only trifling, and there is very little en- quiry for it. Of States Ash logs, there are several hundred logs in store and very little outlet tor them, DEALs, &C.—Business has been rather more active since the beginning of the year, and stocks of all kinds are being rapidly moved off. The import both of pine and spruce has been of a restricted character, and has been sold “ex quay.” Stocks of First and Second Pine, 7 to 10 inch by 3-inch, and Sidings are practically exhausted. Prices are firm. Current values are as under :—Broad First Pine Deals, £32 to 4343 11-inch, £29 to £31; Ends and Non-Dimensions, £22 to 624. All kinds of WN LUMBER oa By Carload or Cargo, Z Registered Cable Address, ‘t Pinewood. ——- - © t = " _ = zu “—e SAW AND PLANING a WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHIT Second Pine Deals—rt-inch and up, £17 to£1y; Ends and Non-Dimensions, 413 to £14 10s. Third Pine Deals—r1-inch and up, £11 to £14; Ends afid Non- Dimensions, £9 10s. to £10 10s. Red Pine Deals—g and 11 inch, £10 to £11; Narrows, £7 to £8 10s. First Pine Sidings and Strips—9 to fo inch, £23 to £24 ; 11 to 42j inch, £25 to (£26; 13. to 14 inch, £27 to £28, SPRUCE DEALS.—o-inch and up, 8 Ios. ; i : up, £7 10s. to £8; 7and 8 inch, £6 5s. to Lj. 7 —— ee LL. Dean Holden, Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen’l,-Mgr A.F, Holden, Vice-Pres, F.C, Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and F ir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =—SARNIA, ONT. PINE DEALS | BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. : Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. “American Lumberman" Telecode. 2 BVSEVeVetseste CTVVSVSVSCCVSESUETVUVUAVVUA R, H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. C, A. KENT, Sec’y. R. S, ABBOTT, Treas, SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERS ~3 LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, On. ES VUWVVTVVTVF . VVVEBO aw YS ns eas oO222008 J, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUPACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Floorings dwood and Hemlock i Gelinas “Sash anu Doors, Wood sane ate All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY THE. GBARLEAAGHE & [oA OUAREAU LUABER GO., LIMIT E 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. ne and Montcalm on “ara a Great ‘Northern Railway. 7 Band = Gane T ‘OM BE R ; 9G agen Mod | CACHE ie ae AND LATH Cc. P.R. w! 26 miles West North Bay Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. In Car Lots. nufacturer of Lore, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd ane Pete ASPECIALTY. d Iumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Correspondence Solicited. ‘Phone No. 54. SAWN AND DRESSED LUMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations. Shipments by rail or water. CACHE BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., HAROWOOD FLOORING Orillia, Ont. Sri +5" » Ph. ie yes ‘ et he 2 Cte i ee as, Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION : Ruskin Mill Tl ; . : | Ruskin B. C. coarcoret, B, H. HEAPS & CO. issus.: Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. 4 SPECIALTIES : | | | AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. i AE ox Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. : > of the trade in those sections. - PALLISER, B.C. . a Se OS Manufacturer of 3335. 3 YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar — We areina position to make prompt shipments at current market prices. Correspondence and inquiries for Prices and other information re- garding British Columbia lum ber conditions promptly answered. ‘ _ and Lumber of all Descriptions. - VANCOUVER 3 BRITISH COLUMBIA CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. P we: | ae es ete hy ‘ Poa z ash aia nS ee ee xr Xs - sa - ely . 5 : watt S . ‘ $ ; ae oe i “ P poe Pl te = gee yi Se eh he te ea —S-: Se. — a; March 15, 1905 _ ———— er CANADIAN MANUFACT "THE PEMBROKE L PEMBROKE, ONT We make a Specialty of Di and solicit your enquiries. UMBER CO, CO, imension Stock in Pine, aN . lock, OLES A White Pi ine, et ck, E. th, Stocks in a S hi Ontario at { Midisee ao? owassan Cartier nates £ TORONTO OFFICE : Ro itney Sturgeon Falls Mant nas om $03 Manning Chambers, ; "Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N.Y. wood, Lumber and Ti mb » Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Ssh ae ee ; ior Finish, y nis Eh Matched and Bored Hardwood F looring, etc., t ? ‘a | r w Mills running i - JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, summer and one all winter, We havea complete stock, two Sa OWEN SOUND, ONT. a, ahi Halifax, ed in stock. We are buyers of Amherst, N.S, oe PS wn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pj ine Boards and P} an d Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Saleh ios. ean b] _ JAMES J. MURPHY, *"* 2 danag?" QUEBEC oe Seok & Br-- _Of Ontario, Limited : MILLS at SPRAGCE, Algoma pist-, Ont. Soo” Branch P.R. | Lumber and Lath Water Shipments 5 anging ——e Toronto OFFICES Casting =o el want treal “igs at ‘mits at Spra: it M BREMNEN SONS NAKUFAGTURING 0, LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. : _ Saw Mills at ee in RAINY LAKE, Ontario. THe NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, LimiTED _ Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office : HAMILTON, ONT. we So Man ufacturers 0 ‘Dealers in all kinds of be Both Railway Delivery and Water Sy" Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. f and =— ACTURERS and WHOLESALERS Spruce and Hem- ee _ DELAPLANTE - " McBURNEY LUMBER 60., Send us your enquirie | White and Red Pine | AUGER & SON - Quebec _ PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and Lumber. —Write Se a A. F. BURY AUSTIN Vv WHOLESALE ] LUMBER and TIMBER NADA PINE ik of Ottawa Building, ae St James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA \CIALTIES: Railway Priage Timber and all'kinds pi nerdy ret ; Ship Decking, Norway and bite Pa geo Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Rallway Ties, ak a- i?ewood, Planed and Rough Lumper, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, w back, end butted. * Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific i unber Company, Limited, Barnet, B. C. size or length upt to of feet long. Timber Pienes. face up to 24,inch x 30 inch- ; Fir bp eae in an Dr Kile fare Bicity, Bough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar t : WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ANB QUOTATIONS. j — “' - | oe —_—-* pe i y Canaba LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vv. eee —— —— ——_—_————__. lll R. LAIDLAW LUMBER Co. 18.Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR, PLAYEAIR & WHITE LU M B and Whoie sale Dealers Contra Thee for R ie ER « aut __ SHINGLES ailwa me oe y, Suppl MIDLAND, ONT a Speciaity nit Flooring,-Shingles and tae r doisting F. M°GIBBON & SONS, = Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and H Hemlock Bills Sawn Ong PI Car Sills, Car Hoots Dimensi ° FEMETANGUISHENE Se Lumber, cut on short notice, ee eee a MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manofacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a beetalt y of Lon g Pile. Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff, We ship by C. B. ene By Wat and dealers in Cordwood “OWEN. SOUND. SOUND, ONTARIO, MMnnaxw I - LUMBER at LAGH | Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, On t. 3 D, D. FLANNER H. W. REEVES FLANNER & REEVES Manufacturers and Wholesalers of WHITE AND NORWAY PINE LUMBER AND SHINGLES CAR AND came: MIDLAND, ONTARIO HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 60 Bay St., Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE MENZ LUMBER GOMPANY Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man- ea CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FOR SALE 1 can saw out to your order, during the winter months, pills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. We Solicit Your Inquiries. J. F. FOSS, Manager. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, OWEN SOUND, ONT. Vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. Corresponcence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Vancouver, B.C., March 5th, 1905.— Prospects for the spring are bright. No changes in prices in lumber are reported, but the general indication 1s that they will be firm all season. Figures on logs are very stiff, and will likely remain so until ow reopening and starting Nine dollars is which is a the camps 0 can get in more supply. the highest price for logs, Mill stocks are not long yet, but cutting is actively going on, and all the plants are in operation. Altogether, the feeling is much better than a few months and those engaged in the industry Manufac- reccrd. ago, are beginning to take heart. turers are confident that the duty against the importation of American lumber will be granted this session, which will ensure the home market to them. A prominent millman stated the other day it would not mean an increase in price to the settler, but would tend to cause a decrease. The export trade so far this year has been very good, a marked improvement over the last few months of 1904. Since the first of January eight vessels have either loaded at the Hastings mill orat the wharves, the cargoes being mostly for the United Kingdom or Japan, with two for South America. The County of Dum- fries, which got away a week ago, had on board 90,000 feet more than she carried when here efghteen months ago. This is due to careful stowing. The German ship Neck, recently arrived, is the largest carrier which has been here for several months. The largest transaction of its kind for this part of the province is the contract for thirty million feet of lumber awarded to the Victoria Lumber and Manpfacturing Company at Ch emainus by the Canadian Pacific Railway. The Railway Company takes cars by barge to Vancouver island, and the lumber will give return freight. Local conditions are to be good again this year. In 1904 a great amount of building was done in Vancouver, and from the figures of the Building Inspector for the city it looks as if the industrial activity will continue. Permits for February amounted to $190,000. In the Interior, the mills of the Kam- loops Lumber Company and the Elk Lum- ber and Manufacturing Company, the latter at Fernie, are about ready for operations, and a new mill is talked of for Arrowhead. There will be few idle con- cerns this summer, and if prospects turn out as they look at present the sheriff will not be as busy next fall as he was last. Railway building in the Kootenay and the Territories is causing a good demand for ties and camps are in operation all through the eastern portion of the province and near Edmonton. Capt. F. Armstrong has taken over the portable mill of the Wilmer Lumber Company and has install" ed it on Johnston creek, where he will operate a camp all the year round to take out 300,000 ties during the next five years. _Mr. H. B. Gilmour, who places consid- erable Waterous machinery, has just re- urned from atrip to the eastern part of she province, and gives a very favorable report of conditions. deavor to make up for the results of the depression of last summer, and are lacking no effort in getting after what business there is. ture, now in session, fora removal of the export duty. months ago, and itis very Government will not take action this time. rush of orders received by the Burton Saw Works of this city, and a nnmber of ex- pert mechanics have been added to the staff. ing trade good and are taking out a large quantity of logs for the season’s cut. The market there is local. gan district is booming the country around the supply March 15,1995 Millmen are to en- Loggers are interviewing the Legisla- This was refused a few probable the ‘Another indication of activity is the The Hedley Lumber Company are find- The development of the lower Okana-— and bu Iding operations keep of lumber scarce. Messrs. E. H. Heaps & Company; have started the reconstruction of the dry kilns of the mill at Ruskin, which were burned three weeks ago. Penticton, "UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOU NN REACH THE BON ‘ SACK LUMBER CO. — EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATE8, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. ~ Canapa LumBerman The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’) Br. of Toronto, Limited : 4 Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. PUBLISHED BY we d ? ; ’ Branch Offices: a. “38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’s, LonpDoN, E. C. Dg = iS “= 4ne Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, cwateins reliable and up-to-date re- 4s ports of market conditions and tendencies in the incipal manufacturing districts and leading - sce and foreign wholesale markets. A oa ae os : ‘: Cla ; eekly medium of information and communica - tien between Canadian timber and lumber manu- . facturersand exporters and the purchasers of timber ucts at home and abroad. _-* The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- ment to the lumber and wood-working industries. , [ANTED AND FOR SALE 2 be inserted in this-depart- a the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. _ When four or more consecutive insertions are __ ordered a discount of 25 percent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set _. in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make oné inch. Ad- __—s-vertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue 4 Fe XcELSIOR WOOD WANTED — PEELED oe: basswood or clear spruce. RANKIN AND 4 -Co., Dundas sireet, Tororto. Telephone. = W AN TED,—SLIDE VALVE OR AUTOMA- tic engine, 100 to 150 h.p Address, Box 202, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. a ee CS egal bel A FIRM OF CONTRAC- - -¥V_- TORS, about 250,000 feet mixed building umber, in car lots, delivered at Winnipeg. For _ full particulars write “HE. A.,” P.O. Box 347, _. Winnipeg, Man. 2 F° OR SALE—1’, 6/4”, 2” SOFT ELM. 1’, 2”, 3” Ae Birch. y Wormy Chestnut. 1’, 6/4”, 2”. 3”, 4” Hard and Soft Maple. 1’, 6/4”, 2” Beech. 1”, 2”, 3” White Ash. 1”, 2”, 3”, 4” Red and Write Oak. Cedar Squares. R. E KINSMAN, Hamilton, et FOR SALE -- A GOOD 20 H. P. PORTABLE SAW-MILL. “k Address Box 00, CANADA LUMBERMAN, ‘oronto an, - WANTED _ Party with timber limits to form mpanhy with a party who has a saw mill plant, capacity enty million, on North Shore Georgian Bay. Address Box 193, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. i | FOR SALE Laths 1 Red Pine Mill Run is 14% White Pine No. 2 1 Good Spruce 1 Pine 2d qua. shorts 6/11 t ** 2d qua. strips 12/16 I «« 3.C. shorts 6/11 de I “* $C. strips 12/16 1% “ Cut up sidings 12/16 1% I TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, MARGH 22, 1905 ANTED— FROM ONE-HALF TO ONE i million feet pine logs. State price and where stock can be watered. Address, ‘‘ Pine,’’ CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont FOR SALE. 5 ithe cae aa AND SAW-MILL BUSINESS ON Cc. P. R. Main line. Mill in good running order. Daily sawing 20to 25M feet. Timber convenient to mill, Address A.B.C., CANADA LUMBERMAN. OR SALE. — SAW MILL MACHINERY, nearly new, Capacity 15,000 ft,, loo M feet hardwood logs, 300 M feet hemlock logs, three million feet hemlock and hardwood timber, 1,000 cords bark, 30,000 cords wood. complete logging outfit, quantity shingle bolts at mill and in bush. Nodues. Close to G.T.R Good tim- ber locality. Reason for selling, failing health. For price and terms apply to Box 194, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. POSITION WANTED Wanxtr TO ENGAGE FOR COMING SEA- SON as head Band Saw Filer, in large up to-date Double or Single Cut Mill, quality and quantity of lumber is an object; have had long experience in some of the best ‘and fastest mills in the United States and On- tatio, an expert on Double Cutting Bands, would take contract to file entire mill ; not par- ticular to location, expect good wages and will guarantee highest results, unquestionable ref- erence on application. Apply Box 323, Port Huron, Mich. FOR SALE An all year Water-Power Saw and Shingle - Mill Plant, 120 ft. Head if required, 33 ft. in use, — with capacity of 25,000 ft. per day. 3,500 acres, estimated 2% million Green Pine and Hemlock, Cedar Timber for 50,000 R.R. Ties, 500,000 to 800,000 posts, 12 to 15 million Shingles, 200 M. Spruce and Tamarack, 500 acres Hardwood close to mill and Georgian Bay, 55 miles from /Owen Sound, North West. A lake 2% miles long is water supply and means of conveying logs into mill, other ad- vantages. Mill and docks on Georgian Bay. Price and reasons for selling on application to ROBERT LYMBURNER, Dyers Bay, Bruce County, Ont., or care of HoRACE LYMBURNER, Owen Sound, Ont, FOR SALE. Large Tract of Timber in Central Ontario THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited.) This company has a large tract of well tim- bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toron- to. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hem- lock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherrybirch, Maple, also considerable Pine. Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads. one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The Company are repared to sell this timber in. blocks ranging tom 2,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. There are several good mill sites on the pro- perty. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut out and looking for a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to ; W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. N.B.—Several parties have lately made con- siderable money by purchasing blocks of this timber and selling over again at an advanced price. where > Wy eaten, 300,000 FEET WINTER CUT Basswood, Common and Better in quality, I 1/16” thick when dry. Address Box 189, care of CANADA LUMBERMAN. Fork SALE—WE HAVE FOR SALE 200 M feet of Cedar Timber, also a quantity of Pe ess Lumber. PICKARD BRos., Mar P. O., nt, ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. OR SALE—A FEW CARS OF SOFT ELM, Could cut to order. Apply Box No. 2oI, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ANTED—POSITION BY EXPERIENCED lumberman as manager or salesman of saw-milloperations, familiar with Canadian and United States market, Box 198 CANADA LuUM- BERMAN, Toronto, Ont. : H AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. £ ANTED—300,000 -FEET BOARD MEAS- URE 3%” x 4%"’x10 or 70 feet long, small knotted red pine, free from wane. Kindly give price f.o.b. Montreal, immediate shipment. Address WILLIAM SMITH, 393 St. Antoine St., Montreal, Quebec. * LOOK AT THIS” OR SALE—TWO GOOD WATER WHEELS, 40” and 48”, also three run of stone, Smut- ter, elevators, etc., etc., for two hundred dollars F. O. B. cars here if taken this month. Box 4, Bothwell, Ont. ITUATION WANTED — BY MAN AGED Forty, with 14 years experience in Estimat- ing Hardwood Bush, Logging, Running Saw- Mill, Veener Mill, Box Factory, Measuring Logs and Timber and Double Entry Book-Keeping. Reference furnished. Appiy Box 103 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. _ FOR SALE 115” Lathe, cakes 3 ft. 9 in. between centres with 3 jaw chuck, cone 3 steps for 134” belt, with countershaft with tight and loose pulley...... oH I 15” Screw Cutting Lathe, takes 3 ft. 9 in, between centres with 4 jaw inde- “pendent chuck, cone 4 steps for 1%” belt, steady rest, countershaft with tight and loose pulleys ....,....... $80.00 1 24” Screw Cutting and Turning Lathe, takes 16’ 6” between centres, bed 22 feet long, with 4 jaw independent chuck, 2 large face plates, Gap will Swing 36”, cone 4 steps for 334” belt, with countershaft, tight and loose pulleys....... Soar Png abo Scarce oer $200.00 Above lathes, suitable for saw mill or re- pair work, to be seen at SAINT JOHN IRON WoRKS LTD, St. John, N. B. ALSO ri Second-hand Exeter Engine, cylinder 10” dr., 20” stroke, with flywheel 8’ diameter for 14” face belt, Tangy Bed, all overhauled in good order, Practically new. Price F. O. B. St. Jon, NwBe or. 428 ideas ores = <9 6325.00, Steeple Compound Marine Engine, H. P, Cylinder 7” diam., L. P. Cylin- der 13’ diam, Stroke 10”, built to stand a boiler pressure of 150 lbs. per square inch under Dominion Act of Inspection of Steamers. Air, Feed and Bilge Pumps work off crosshead. Crank Shaft solid forging with half coupling keyed on, thrust bearing on bed of engine Price F. O. B. St. Jol Ns BR cathe oes ranean. $400.00 SAINT JOHN IRON WORKS LTD., P. O. Box 391, St. John, N. B. $60.00 ANADA LUMBERMAN AND WOOD-WORKER The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 Per veak {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. T+: : _- THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 8 V ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP WOOD Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which is bound to interest you ANTED — A MARKET FOR BASKET Bottoms, Spring Bed Sides and Broom Handles. Send dimensions and prices. Box 273, Huntsville, Ont. 4 ee WANTED TO CUT 400 M FT. more or less, mostly hardwood. Also ten- ders fora good second-hand saw mill, either circular or band. DURHAM FURNITURE Co., LTD., Durham, Ont. LOGS ANTED.—VENEER LOGS FROM 12 INCH up, birch, oak, ash, hemlock and bass- wood, delivered any railway station. ImPEeRIAL ' VENEER CO., LIMITED, Sundridge, Ont, hah ne Fae ae WANTED — THOROUGHLY competent man desires position as foreman or sawyer in modern saw-mill, fifteen years’ references and practical experience. Strictly temperate. Apply Box 347, CANADA LUMBER- MAN Office, Winnipeg, Man. CEDAR FOR SALE 10,000 PIECES ROUND CEDAR, 8-16 AND 25 feet long, on the Vermillion river. Can be de- livered at Spanish boom, Also Cedar, Pine and Spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood on Cc. P. R. James McCreary. : _BAND RE-SAW FOR SALE —_—~ NSS NEW, COMBINATION MACHINE, can be used for either scroll or re-sawing. Well adapted for use in planing mill or furni- ture factory. For price, etc., address Box 199, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ; FOR SALE 25,000 feet 4/4 dry elm, mill run, mill culls out. 40,000 ,, 4/4 ,, soft maple, common and bet- ter, culls out. 4,000 ,, 4/4 ,, oak, commen and better. 4,000 ,, 4/4 ,, B. ash, mill run, mill culls out, Also about 25,000 feet white oak timber and 25,000 feet elm, would cut to bill; 150 pieces white oak piles, 30 to 50 feet long. Apply, J. A. STEELE, Box 162, Humberstone, Ont. FOR SALE. 397,000 feet 2” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. 86,000 feet 1’ x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. 43,000 feet Mill Culls, etc. ‘ Also the product of two million feet good white pine logs to be cut next summer. Corres- pondence solicited. PINE LUMBER COMPANY, Pine, Ont. (near Cartier.) CANADIAN TUCS FOR CHARTER FOR SEASON 1905 Tug Florence—Engine fore and aft compound 18%” x 36” x 26. Large Scotch Boiler 12 1%” x 11 4’ and easy steamer. Tug Home Rule—Engine High Pressure 22 4’ x 24”, Fire Box Boiler 9’ x 14. f 4 Tug Christian, S.J.. (American}—Engine High Pressure 19” x 20”, Fire Box Boiler 634’ x 12’. For further information address HACKETT Tuc LINE, Amherstburg, Ont. FAGTORY SITES WANTED *LACK BARREL STAVE MANUFACTURER S watts site with suitable timber near, and in Ontario. , Basswood tract of land with Mill or Site and reasonable railway facilities. : 2 Large Paper and Pulp Site wanted with tim- ber tract and waterway. : ‘ Other Factory Sites and Buildings wanted everywhere in Canada for American industries who are about to locate, Cuas. F. ROLAND, Industrials, St. Catharines, Ont. II OR SALE.—CEDAR POSTS AND CEDAR telegraph poles, in car lots. Apply, Jno. BLANCHET, North Bay, Ont. AND FILER WANTS POSITION. — Ar man, capable of handling sawmill, sober and industrious, 11 years experience, best of references. Address, ‘‘Electrician,”” CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ya — SALESMAN WITH EXPERI- ence in Hardwood and Pine for Canadian and United States trade. Apply stating experi- ence and salary expected. Address “Timber,” care THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. \ ] ANTED.—GOOD PRACTICAL, MAN WITH a good mill, must be good rig, with double edger and trimmers; also lath mill preferred, to cut about a million ft. pine. Price paid, $3.00 for lumber, going price for lath. Address, W. B. McLEAN & Co., North Bay. WANTED eer ch ass WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE culler, must have thorough knowledge of grading required for English and American markets (deals and sidings). Apply, Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE H EMLOCK, SPRUCE, BALSAM AND BIRCH, 100,000 feet one and two inch hemlock, £0,000 feet one and two inch spruce and balsam, and 200,000 feet birch, cneandtwoinch. THE see HEXAL, VENEER Co., LIMITED, Sundridge, nt. THE LOCATORS W. B. Herbert, General Manager. Largest Exclusive Business Brokers in Canada. 62 and 63 Merchants Bank, Winnipeg. S W MILL AND TIMBER LIMIT—NEW J Ontario, two thousand five hundred cash < mine thousand five hundred, terms, purchases mill capacity 35 to 40 thousand ; limit thirty- five miles away, adjacent to running stream, included in price; quarter section, 65 per cent. white pine ; or wlll sell half interest for eight thousand, two thousand five hundred cash. Lo- cators, Winnipeg. a Sy MILI.—5o H.P. ENGINE, TWo 35 H.P. boilers, circular saw, saw edger, trimmer and all kinds of machinery for making and matching lumber, etc.; suitable terms to good purchaser ; thirty-seven hundred ; Western On- tario. Locators, Winnipeg. - ed MILL — THREE THOUSAND FIVE hundred ; two thousand cash purchases saw mill in Western Ontario; timber for ten mill site leased for twenty yeats at one » Pprics includes four town lots. peg. AW MILL—IN RISING ALBERTA TOWN : ‘annual turnover two million feet; three- Quarter section timber land; blacksmith in - connection ; six thousand six hundred ; terms ar- . ¥anged. - Locators, Winnipeg. : eee aasine SA MILL AND TIMBER LIMIT, MANI- toba ; annual turnover twenty-five thousand dollars ; price mill twenty-five hundred, in four payments ; limit 2co,000 cords, ten thousand, five thousand cash, balance six and nine months; Store in business; teams, horses, sleighs etc. Locators, Winnipeg. : ears; ollar ; Locators, Winni- Locators, 62 and 63 Merchants Bank Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba. WwooD BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CHDAR We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. . ciel A ANTED.—A' BAND SAW FILER FOR UP- to-dat= mill, must be first-class. App-y, TANNER BROs , Waubaushene, Ont. OR SALE.—25 M. FT. M.R. PINE SIDING, &’ to 16’, at $16 per M.; 60 M. ft. mill cull Pine s ding, 6’ to 16’, at $12; 25 M. ft. 1” No. ar pine dressing and better at $20, f.o.b. Clyde Forks. THE CLYDE ForRKS LUMBER Co., Cald- wells Mill, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, There is a heavier movement of all classes of lumber from the dealer to the consumer, the approach of the building season being responsible for increased activity. Neither dealers nor manufactur- ers make any complaint regarding the volume of business, while the outlook for the future seems to be quite promising. This does not mean that prices of lumber will advance, but rather that the supply will be absorbed at reasonable figures if no unforeseen developments should arise to curtail the demand. Given two or three weeks of favorable weather, there will doubtless be a noticeable increase in the domestic consumption. The building movement will soon be under way, and in Toronto it promises to be equal to last year. Railroad construction will also be a considerable factor and provide an outlet for large quantities of ties and other timber. Some difficulty is being experienced in executing orders owing to the scarcity of hemlock and low grade pine. The holder of lumber of this class is in a position to make almost’ his own prices. The supply ot dry hemlock has passed into the hands of a few dealers. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Eastern lumbermen generally are look- ing forward to a more prosperous season than last year, although the volume of business already booked is by no means large. - There promises tobe a good de- mand for lumber in Montreal, where a number of large buildings are about to be commenced. Quebec shippers are holding prices firmly, in the belief that all the lumber manufactured will find a market. On account of the depth of the snow, many operators in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia discontinued work in the woods earlier than usual and the cut is certain to figure out much smaller than one year ago. There has been a slight improvement in New Brunswick cedar shingles, although small lots of Extras are still being purchased at $3.20 tor Boston delivery. Clears are now in good demand and by no means in heavy supply. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Activity in lumber circles throughout Manitoba and the Territories has been more marked during the past week and dealers report a considerable increase in the number of enquiries tor lumber. The building season in Winnipeg is opening up very favorably and in many of the towns throughout the Northwest works of construction are proposed which will con- sume a vast quantity of lumber. Some of the shrewdest dealers are placing orders at current prices, believing that the pros- pective demand will bring about an ad- vance in buth lumber and shingles in the near future, The British Columbia shingle manufacturers are now said to be formu- ating a plan with a view to obtaining more remunerative prices for their pro- duct. Owing to a scarcity of logs on the British Columbia market, one or two manufacturers are reported to have pur- chased a considerable quantity in Wash- ington. One boom of 1,500,000 feet will, according to report, be towed from Puget Sound to Burrard Inlet, to be cut by the Canadian Pacific Lumber Company’s mill at Port Moody. During the past winter logging was not carried on to any great extent along the British Columbia coast to the north of Vancouver, principally be- cause last fall the market for logs was glutted and prices were forced down so that there was no profit in the business. The mills worked off their supply of logs and now there is practically no British Herman H. Hettler Lumber Gompany = Manufacturers and Wholesalers of . . Shipments by Rail or Water S & SPICER, Limited Capacity 100 Million a Year. . continues to exhibit strength and incre ‘Ottawa, Room 9, Ce PINE LUMBER coma LATH and SHINGLES ~~ SHINGI, Columbia timber in the water except that cut by the mills on their own account. _ a UNITED STATES.- = The lumber market of the Uuited States ed activity. Stocks at the mills are not unusually large and it is said that the new — cut of pine is largely contracted for, the re- ported shortage in the log production hav- ing induced dealers to contract somev liberally. At Buffalo and Tonawanda W. C. CRAWFORD ~ Tilbury Ont. Eni bm» Matilactiner Of. "Sees Re» Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, _ Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. an and White Oak,Maple and Eim Lumber. Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oa! Squares up A 38 in. long in ine quantities THE KING AND ARTES LUMBER. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS HaRDWooD Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland,O. McMinn (Tenn, We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots at ey pe Cee % 4 EXPORT DEPARTMENT. |. ee. Correspondence solicited with exporters of — wooden goods, such Papeerine Woodenware, cae a Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Han ee Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on : c McLennan Timber Land and — LUMDEF GO,, cites ae Selling Agency and Dealers kinds of Timber Lands. - Offiess: Quebec, 131 St. 1 TE 0 als ye ig Rs : J ,. a ta ce MIDLAND, ONT. —_ i - . ye ca 7ICN jh Wire Your Orders at ouR EXPENSE tO Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. K Burk’s Falls, Ont. ILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING J vt Samples by Keenan Bros., Limited |" Owen Sound, Ont. : HARDWOOD, MEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside ‘woods, points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in-the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS Near G.T.R. Station PLANING, MOULDINGS, MATCHING, FLOORING, RESAWING, SIDING Done any quantity. Write for price. S. POMEROY, Fpere 3il EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH Send for Catalogue KNIGHT BROTHERS co RILLIA PLANING MILL | MASON, GORDON &C Dp. - Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Tradin DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied Burk’s Falls. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec ‘o., Vaucouver, B. C, WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. rar" BULMER, M°LENNAN & COMPANY MONTREAL, QUE. ? r Office and Yard, 57: DORCHESTER ST. : PO. B x6 nd 5 boards are very scarce and the price those grades which replace themito acer- _ tain extent have advanced. The prices asked atthe mills for the lower grades _ show a wide range,as some manufacturers _ have sufficient confidence in thefuture to _ advance their quotations very materially. In the Saginaw valley mill culls are quoted _ at $15.50 to $16.50 and the'supply is light. _ Hardwoods show no indications of weak- _ ing on account of the near approach of the _ sawing season. Plain oak is being pro- "duced in large quantities but the supply is eadily absorbed. Quartered oak has : Be tea curtailed in production, which is having a strengthening influence on : values. Birch and rock and soft elm are oy pee quite liberally. The shingle mar- ket is quiet. The average quotation for 18-inch cedar shingles at Saginaw is $4.25. GREAT BRITAIN. ‘ _ While it is probably true that the volume of busines which has been closed with the _ British importers has not been large, it is quite evident that the trade generally re- _ gard the situation as greatly improved. The tew who have placed orders with Canadian shippers are in a happy mood, _ for it is almost certain that prices of both pine and spruce will show an upward ae oneeay during the next few months. _ Allthe spruce which has arrived recently has been promptly taken and there is a growing inquiry for early cargges. Good stocks of a fair specification can be readily sold at from £7 5s to £7 7s 6d per stand- ¥ ard c.i.f. London or Liverpool, and it is a ~ probable that £7 10s to £7 15s will be ~. about the Be prices this spring. Recent PL B. Farwell & Son _, . CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN. » ~ Canadian Gedar Tele: graph, Telephone and — Blectris Light Poles . oii, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION public sales have reflected the improve- ment, several lots of 3x9 inch second quality, 12 to 14 feet in length, bringing 49 10s, while 3rd quality has met with a ready sale at £9. It is expected that there will be heavy imports of spruce into Ireland this year, and a larger consump- tion of Quebec waney and square pine is also anticipated. In hardwoods, a few sales of birch and elm timber are reported. Birch planks are in light stock and likely to advance in the near future. There isa very quiet market for oak. STOCKS AND PRICES. The McClure Lumber Company, of Detroit, Mich., have purchas.d between 50,000,c00 and 60,000,000 offt. hardwood timber in Alabama. Tenders for the supply of timber for the Board of Works of the city of Ottawa, Ont., will be received by James Davidson up to March 2oth. The Newfoundland Timber Estates, of St. John, Nfld., expect to cut 35,000,000 feet of lumber this season. The New Land Lumber Company will cut 10,000,000 feet and ;the Exploits Lumber Company about 7,000,000. The Madawaska Log Driving Company have awarded the contract for log driving to Grand Falls to E. W. & L. W. Pond, who handled the drives last year. It is estimated that about 60,000,000 feet of logs will be brought over the falls this season—slightly less than last year. The annual meeting of the St. John River Log Driving Company will be held ROBERT WATT WIARTON, ONT. Matiufacturer and Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. SPECIAL: One carl ad of 3x4 Hardwood Hearts suitable for car stakes One car of 3” Cedar Plank. One car eachof XXXX and xxx Cedar Shingles. One half car each of XX and X Cedar shingles. Prices on application. C.S. POWELL & CO. Lumber Fxporters 604 Temple Bidg., TORONTO snd at NEW ORLEANS, LA. H Cash buvers all kinds hardwoods. To Millmen We solicit correspondence a E or Quick Shipment = ‘ goo cords dry Hemlock — - 2 cars 5/4 Spruce. gag 4/4,‘ a NB 1 ‘* 5/4 and 6/4 W. Pine, Mill Run,(good) ‘A D. SINGLAIR. = ee Vancouver Cedar Mills VANCOUVER B.C. FOR High Grade Cedar _ CACHE BAY PLANING MIL CO, . MANUFACTURERS OF.., MOULDINGS CBILING FLOORING WAINSGOTING SHEETING a: ' ill kinds of Dressed and Pine Lumber. at Fredericton, N. B., on April 5th, when the contract tor driving the logs put into the St. John and Aroostook rivers to the limits of the Fredericton Boom Company will be awarded. W. H. Murray,of St. John, who recently returned from a trip up the St. John river, states that the season’s cut on that river and tributaries will not exceed 80,000,000 feet, or about 60,000,000 feet less than last year. The operators have finished haul- ing and are making preparations for stream driving. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From St. John, N. B.: Schooner An- thony, for Salem, 37,026 ft. boards, 96,015 ft. plank. Schooner Lois V. Chaples, for City Island, 237,131 ft. deals. Schooner Win. L. Elkins, for City Island, 268,297 ft. deals. Schooner F. and E. ‘Gian, for Vineyard Haven, 107,811 ft. plank, 15,082 ft. scantling. Steamer Dahome, for Ber- muda, 20,000 laths, 4,030 onion crates, by A. Cushing & Co.; for Antigua, 10,000 shingles, by J. Roderick & Son; for Bar- badoes, 410 bdls. box shooks, by A. Cushing & Co. Schooner J, G. Walter, for New York, 301,216 ft. plank. Steamer Dunmore Head, tor Belfast, 946,803 ft. deals, 203 bdls. pulp boards, 10,500 bdls. box shooks. Schooner Ann Louisa Lock- wood, for New York, 1,362,500 laths. Schooner Norman, for City Island, 369,497 ft. deals. Schooner Morancy, for City Island, 112,323 ft. deals, 88,897 ft. boards. Schooner R. D. Spear, for City Island, 370,444 ft. deals. Steamer Concordia, for Glasgow, 67,220 ft. deals, 20 pcs. birch timber, 34,720 ft. deals, 150 tons birch timber. Steamer Manchester Trader, for Manchester, 2,200 bdls. shooks, 657 bdls. pulp board, 4,882 bdls. box shooks, 217,478 ft. deals, 85, 852 ft. scantling. Schooner Adelene, for City Island, 254,381 ft. deals. Schooner Clayola, for City Island, 181,727 ft. deals. Steamer Bavarian, for Liver- THE |MPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimiTep Ill. pool, 233,243 ft. deals, 3,216 ft. scantling, 9,610 ft. ends, 372,276 ft. boards, 314 pes. timber. From Halifax, N.S. : Steamer Bavarian, for Liverpool, 135,552 ft. birch plank, value $1,720 ; 109,486 ft. spruce deals, value, $1,246, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents, I. Dean Holden, Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen'l.-Mgr A.F, Holdén, Vice-Pres. E.C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =—SARNIA, ONT. JOHN P. NEWMAN Manufacturer and Wholesale Dealer Lumber, Square Timber, Shing- les, Posts, Etc. Wiarton = Oy Latics Write for quotations on 1’ Maple, 3” and 4x4 Cedar, 1” Birch and 3x Cedar Shingles. SAW anp PL ANING. MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo,” Registered Cable-Address,. ' Pinewwootl;””" BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN >“American Lumberman” Telecode. C. A. LARKIN WHOLESALE PINE LUMBER 40 Goniederation Lite Building, TORONTO, ONT. J, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY THE GHARLEMAGNE & [oA QUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITE 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARQWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. 54. SAWN AND DRESSED LOMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations. Shipments by rail or water. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE fe 4. UMBER ee ee? coe miles West North Bay AND ie A SF H ; Dee Be iam ae beds on he! 2 TR Oe ing PRB |: OY). OS Ce ee Eee Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION a March 22, s905 a “come. Ee H. HEAPS & CO., ™*S, 1. Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Fic. SPECIALTIES : . AAi HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels | Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. ae ay >, Ain ih es WwW. J. SHEPPARD ad padi J. G. scorr, GENERAL Mi Aang : Waubaushene, anc ouver, B. ; . Pacific Coast Lumber Com LIMITED VANCOUVER, BG. ed Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ft a High Grade Red Cedar —— a Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - 112 Mail Building, es The Rat Portage Lucas Co., Ltd 34 Monsters White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ‘Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work peatesin CHDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Head Office: RAT POTRAGE, Ontario. a Co Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Koxumntiog © 4 We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Worked and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. A E THOS. KIRKPATRICK, COOKE & TAIT ~ MANUFACTURER OF sae cs lls at eng de angles B.C. FIR AND GEDAR LUMBER AND SHINGLES Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Shingle Mill: False Creek, Vancouver, Bib 2 2 4 Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Telephone B 1425 WRITE FOR PRICES. ‘ ee ay Hazelmere Lumber Co. Export Lumber & Shingle Co. HAZELMERE, B.C Z MANUFACTURERS OF 3:3 3 Wholesale Dealers Limited FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER ae - + N 6 s e Are t British Columbia Lumber and Shingles CLEAR CEDAR AND FLOORI N Gc cs (SS SRS SSS SSS SS ** The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in Long Distance Telephone. , Gee Speier ) manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ee a4 ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements = ae of the trade in those sections. . WELLS — “4 We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market 7 prices. @ PALLISER, B.C. Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Er High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar A d Lumb f all D VANCOUVER - BRITISH COLUMBIA CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. a 3$)63h6USM—™C6OManufacturer of 3 3 3 March 22, 1905 —_—= THE PEN PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- uf lock, and solicit your enquiries. DELAPLANTE - -McBURNEY LUMBER C0., “s WHOLESALE _. White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles Stocks i Collingwood Ba Guitare: at { Midland whites. Poa Falls Worth Sy TORONTO OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers. _ Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquirie OR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try _ JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer aay one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. _ RHODES, CURRY & COo., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of . a Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. — and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch 3 Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch q and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. _ JAMES J. MURPHY, *”* $620" QUEBEC Ihe Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. - Of Ontario, Limited MILLS at (SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. é **Soo” Branch C.P.R MANUFACTURERS OF | White and Red Pine | Lumber and Lath Water Shipments us ning Arcade, Toronto _ OFFICES Goristing Building, Montreal at Mills at Spragge. MEM. BREMEN & OWS MANUFATURNG 0, LMT Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Tie NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limiteo Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. sence etme LUMBER AND LATH ia Both Railway Delivery and Water | The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited oF a Correspondence Solicited. Head Office : HAMILTON, ONT. RUGER & SON Quebec 4 PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes. wc pe Poles and Lumber.— Write Us. SS A. F. BURY AUSTIN HOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER ANADA PINE of Ottawa Building, ner St} James St., LAr MONTREAL, CANADA TIES: Railway Pridge Timber and alllkinds of, Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Timber ee Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak aod itewood Planed and 1 Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, a back, end ad butte: Sole Eastern re for The North Pacific Lumber Company, Limited, Barnet, B.C. _ , Beulas Fir Timber in any size or length up to go feet long. Timber owned face up to 24 inch x 30 inch- Dry Kilas of lane as, ough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and | WHOLESALERS a a = Fa RAE OA A a Pee R. LAIDLAW LUMBER C0. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. lL. WHITE. PLAYEATR & WHITE Manufacturers and Whouesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES conantens for esa uneece MIDLAND, ONT BILL TIMBER a Spectalt A. & P. WHIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. => as ca of and Dealers i eeeere F. M°CIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and sind. Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood- Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers ' LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemloek Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R,, and by Water. MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER a“? | AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. |® It your wish. . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible dD, D. FLANNER . W. REEVES A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER FLANNER & REEVES A MILL PROPERTY Manufacturers and Wholesalers of SECOND-HAND MACHINERY WHITE AND NORWAY PINE LUMBER TH AND SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONTARIO ~ THE MENZ LUMBER GOMPANY Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES ve er FOSS, Maneser. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man- PENETANCUISHENE ONT. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, urner Lumber Co., timitea an Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’? And ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, a the case may be. Address, The seas es CAR AND ees J. F. FOSS, Manager. CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FOR SALE I can saw out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks, Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, OWEN SOUND, ONT. 5 Lp nay alt Re Sh has TR Bg oy VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION March 22, 1905 NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. St. Joun, N.B., March 16th, 1905.— There has been considerable activity in shipments from this port to the United States during the last fortnight, which shipments consisted almost entirely of deals and lath. There is practically nothing doing in the manufacturing line as yet and the outlook now promises that the mills will begin the sawing season with wharves entirely clear of all kinds of long and short lumber, barring probably some lots of merchantable inch boards, which have been very slow during the last six months and for which there does not seem to be any promise of a demand that could be called brisk. Beyond the de- pression in this line all indications are very encouraging. While the immediate future does not look so bright for cedar shingles as was the ease last year at this time, the manufacturers seem quite con- fident that when building operations have got fairly under way in the Eastern * date: States, the present lack of stimulus will be speedily replaced by more favourable con- ditions, Stocks in thisline are not at all heavy for this time of year ; from three and one-half millions to four millions would cover the amount easily and it is hoped that most of these will be disposed of before another month Fas passed and in ample time so that the regeneration of manufacturing will not cause any overplus of stock. At least one-half of the amount men- tiened above is made up of the lower grades, fer which, during the whole of last year, there was a brisk local trade, and the dealers are now depending upon a resumption of this business to work off their No. 1’s and 2nd Clears, The following prices for non-dutiable would be quoted to an inquirer at this Extras, $2.80; Clears, $2.35; 2nd Clears, $1.85; No. 1’s, 90 cents, all f.o.b. St. John. Dutiable Extras are worth $2.50 and Clears $2.05. No lower grades of dutiable shingles are offering for ex- port. Freight rates to Boston on shingles are quoted at 25 cents per M, with the prob- ability that the prevalent rate will be 22% cents in the near future. Stocks of lath have been materially re- duced during the past fortnight, the much greater part of the shipments being con- signed for sale. Stocks in this line also promise to be completely cleaned up in the next month ; from 2,750,000 to 3,000,000 would be certain to cover all the available in this line at present writing. The price of lath has, during the iast fortnight, taken a jump.of 25 cents per M, and dutiable slab lath (of which the much greater part of the holdings are made up) could not be bought today at this port less than $2.25 por M. f. 0, b. schooner. Freight rates to New York on lath are quoted freely at 60 cents per M. LONDON STOCKS AND CONDITIONS. According to Churchill & Sim, the demand for pine deals in London during February has been very small, and prices have dragged along just under the Jan- uary rates. For spruce there has been no change in London so far, prices having been kept steady by competition with Riga and Galatz whitewood. There has, how- ever, been some excitement among the lower port shippers, in consequence of the abnormal severity of the winter in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, which has not only hindered the transportation to the shipping ports of thesuppliesofspruce, birch, &c., cut for early shipment, but has also prevented the work in the forests on the production for shipment later in the season, so that contracts already made cannot be carried ont, and shippers are nervous about contracting again ahead. There is nochange to report in the pricés of oak or white pine timber in London, while for birch, elm, and ash prices have been a point or two down in February. For birch, at any rate, there is likely to be a prompt and sharp reaction. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL ‘PHONE GHARLOTTE HABBERLE Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE, and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y, McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, ‘CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspo idence Invited on All Hardwocds. SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER c¢@O. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LITTLE Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, LA., ALLENTOWN, La, H. D. WIGGI will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. ONB DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YBAR BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. Muskegon, Mich. ACME LUMBER CO. Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A. Wholesale Hardwoods Hard Maple and Rock Elm our Speciaity. We invite correspondence whether you wish io toy or sell, CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . . . : ADDRESS: CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. R : \Roam 5192 . BOSTON, MASS. WANTED 5/8 Inch Quartered Canadian Spruce and Thick Birch. J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER CoO. 94 Pearl Street Grand Rapids, Mich. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty. Correspondence Solicited. \e\e\e\e.\ere FRANK GC. BURY © LUMBER Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. WHOLESALE BURY & NOBLE ¢ Veneers MASON A. NOBLE DETROIT MICHICAN Oe Me ee Rees fe eis Cable Address : March 22, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION VI. THE WHITE PINE OUTPUT. The abrupt ending of the logging sea- son in many portions of the northern pine woods will have a decided effect on the output of white pine lumber during the coming season. Owing to a definite deci- sion the cutoflogs during the logging sea- son of 1903-04 was much below that ofthe previous years, and the output of lumber last year was correspondingly smaller. The sawing season at most of the mills ended last fall some time before the weath- er'conditions made it necessary, because of the short supply of available material. It was the intention of the mill men last fall to get out no larger a supply of logs than they did the previous winter, and for that reason operations were planned ac- cordingly. Nature has made it shorter than was intended, and the supply of logs for sawing during the coming season will be fully twenty percent less than intended. The mills along the Mississippi river will be especially short of supplies, for the number of logs carried over was smaller than in previous years. This supply has been dwindling for several years. Time was when nearly a complete season’s stock was left in the streams at the end of the sawing season. At the end of last year’s work at the mills, the total supply in the river was only about 187 million feet. While logging is still going on in the extreme northern the more southerly camps have been forced out of business, and many logs remain on the sticks in the woods, whence they can only be gotten out with great expense and diffi- culty, or where they must be left until the snows of next winter come. The indica- tions are now that the sawing season will open early. Under the influence of high sections, temperature and the action of the rising water in the streams, the ice is becoming soft and may commence to break up almost any day. An early start for the milis means an early shutdown in the fall because of the light supply oflogs. The white pine market .does not need this strengthening influence, but -if anything were needed to give stability to the mar- ket it could be found in the present out- look for a log supply.—Mississippi Valley Lumberman. The steamer Nedenaes will lcad deals at Sherbrooke, N. S., for west coast of England. ARNWORTH & JARDINE [Wood Brokers and Measurers| Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ENC. F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Lo Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Racca | OUIS BAMBERGER, IMPORTER Of ——eE a Correspondence So! Me 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. il Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ZEBRA CODE A. B. C. CODE DIRECTORY CODE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers “ GELLICHT,” LONDON CABLES, DOORCHEEK, LONDON We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- Seats, Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. and all kinds of ready made joinery. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for... Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Fioorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels ndles, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England sroxus, Locke's Wharf, Edmonton, N. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS SMITH & TYRER - 4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyrER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW DANT & KEMP ¢ 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : “*TECTONA” Glasgow. Atand A B C Codes used. TIMBER BROKERS Every lumberman wants it 55 cents buys iit SOPIDNGF'S LUMDEF «00 Book BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION OFFICES : 158, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘ Shooks,’’ Hull. Codes—A. B. C. 4th Edition and Zebra. JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND : TIMBER MERGHANTS Oak, Birch, Staves BUYERS OF | THOMPSON, CASH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST SHIPPING DOCUMENTS Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, and Heading, Hanties of ajl{descr iption Elim Specialty HULL, ENGLAND. JUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Address : THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. > ot a ADSO §.) os All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods Sultans for the English arket. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS | Liverpool and London Chambers CABI,K ADDRESS *' - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND DOBLE, LIVERPOOL ” BLOIS & KJELLCREN———— BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. ALL KINDS OF LUMBBR AND LOGS BRANCH OFFICE Brook j, HAMBURG Fe 4 ¥ yh oe 7 “ / y Ww ce eso, es gto aN ty Oras —“~ x vin. ) CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE ONTARIO — wuite Pine ‘Cumper, vata EO. G. GLADMAN ssemcrous OF — LUMBER (C0. AND SHINGLES. WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMB ER LIMITED Hon: Tive Beitding 1 ORONTO, Ont. LATH AND SHINGLES : hae Pies Bay. Mitts: French River, Georgian Ba‘ , CorREsPONDEXC! R. and 6. Takes Delivery. Water Shipment Only. rs aie Se rap P A RR Y SO UN. D, ON T. ° eracern x ILLIAMSON & MORRISON — THE HODSTOGK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING G0, "i Mills at L'Orignal, Ont. LU Vi 5 E R 3 — Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in— _ , Pine, Hemlock*Hardwood Lumb HEAD OFFICE: ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. 80 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE JAS. LUNNY & CO., A. PP. HB BRT HINTONBORG, ONT. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN ASH. ELM. BASSWOOD, PINE. SPRU Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles Pc Have for Sale { AND HEMLOCK IN QUANTITIES PE’| Broom Elandlea, and Bhatt eigsdiy od Dimension St ) Eastern Agents--B. C. Shingles and Douglas Fir, all dimensions WIARTON, ONT. Can dress to 24x30. B. C. Cedar Write for quotations THE NEW LINE righ? al O N E DO le he A R NORTHERN i Through ae aetee t= Laurentian ountains—between lebec a uwkpabary. Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA Water-Powers, TimBer Limits AND ELEcTRIC LUMBERMAN for RAILWAY PowER FOR SALE. IDEAL PuLP-MiLt Sirss. O N E Y Ee A R ne Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. : A. J. ea GUY TO) eneral Supt. MONTREAL G. es fee Pi.e good strips : Pine shorts6/ to 11’x10” 16 00 LATH be Tin....+2 aeeceeeee 33 CO 36 00] Pine, 8ups. c. sidings 16 §0 20 co Pi - «= 14 in. and1¥ in.... 36 00 38 00| Pine s. c. strips..... . 13,00 15 00 ING a ciniainvinmiais sietainwiacigiey IES | Spruce..... W000 warm pit ee tee Cesar. 38 00 40 00| Pine, s.c. shorts..... 12 00 14 00 SHINGLES; ne, good shorts: Pine, box boards.... oo 14 50 Titl...... .eseeee2 2§ 00 28 00| Pine mill culls..... 13 00 14 00 Sawed Pine ex. XXxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x18 veaeSs 25 Ss: TORONTO, ONT. 1¥ in.and 1% in. .. 28 00 35 00| Lath, per M Clear brtts.......... 3 50 3 75 | Hemlock.....s.sss0es CAR OR CARGO LOTS. BIN, 2.600.004 + 34 00 38 00 No. 1 white pine..; 2 40 2 60 Smooth 6 x18....... 4 50 475 SPruce .....¢e4--eeeen ond 1 inch oe: 1 Pine 2x4 to 10 in.,to to att. 15 00 16 00 ie pee Mr teee Seneca pine < fa : ns ‘ , t tter.....6. oo | 2x4to 10 inch, -8 ft.. 16 00 17 00 Fe ae eee) \ Sa odie ae aR , ‘ rigs kos. fetes inch BC, cedar, 1”) vipPoDagn tk coee ee) | Kel Eee en BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y. — cuts and better.. 51 00 5300] kiln dried.....,...... 50 00 a Rae are Brg hs Ge ae ce ae cic enad ; + . = 19% & 2in-No.2 Pine Clear inch B. ¢. cedar Pine No.” desta 401 Geer’ Butt, 18 iach -. 3 40 2 68 oe ey cuts and better.... 42 00 4500| airdried boat lumber 55 00 aware T 6ice a0 SS a eT G0 x60 (Wholesale selling price.) 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension Pi HOU S OOO Soe oe Ced - bi cee eae 4 a ; ’ cuts and better.... 38 00 39 00| timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 ie Sop ae ees cane SEEN Ur pers, 1, 14,1 and a 2 IM scene eee e sere 1n Pine Dressing Douglas Rediniodmonl ees stock, 12’ to 16’ 20 00 2200] Xxxxx, 18 inch........ 3 25 IMs ccc cieadee eae nels »No. 1, 13 in. © ‘ and better shorts 2500 27 00| timber, 50 to 35 feet 31 00 need 8 ma ae ve a te een 5° 24 and 3 in.....+. : 5 os nd up, 1 in... i 40 00 1x4, 6and 8common 18 00 19 00| 1% in. No. 1 4 ft. Pine er stock, 12 to16/. 17 00 1900| xx, 18inch.......... 1 60 1 70 é ae ded Fae 85 00 No. x Mold'st’ps xto + Bee IX 10 ccmmon...... 19 50 2000] Lath............ sees 350 3 60 = ee “75 mim sereseee © 68 00 aa is Sk 48 00 1X Iz2common...... 21 00 42 00} 1% in. No. 2 4 ft. Lath 3 09 3 Io BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. ened IDs ceceee ve 7° 00} No. 2 Mou ing Strips, \ IX.© common...... 2000 21 00| 134” No.1 32” pine lath I 70 z a and 3 in.....+. es 1 to2 in....-...+. code 1={0-comuion...-.. 21 00 22 ov| 154” No. r4ift. hemlock lath 2 80 p , UPPER AND SELECTS. a I. ceedereccerecs 80 oo} Barn, No.1, 12 in..... (32 00 and 3x12 common. 22 00 23 00| XXXXPineShingles 290 300 Uppers, 1in., roin. and up Selects, zin., a and up wide $65 co ine common, x in. 55 00| 6, Band TO iM...00e 26 00 1xieu inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 2 20 WIGE os necccnd Avene 's ony 5, OO 1%,1% and veloc» acs 65 00, 1% and 13% in..... SB 00 No. 2, LOUD ssseeee m4 oo common .........- 20 00 2« co| X Pine Shingles .. I 00 1% 1%, and 2 iM...sseeeeee 75 00| 234 and bes paca 75 00 ZAM vsseeeceeecees 60 00| No. 2, 12 in........ secre Inch mill runsidings 2: 00 22 00] XX Cedar Shingles 220 2 30 2% and 3 in. ....seeeeeees 80.00] 4 IMeeeeeeeeee vee ee ewwree poo 3A. oe reece secon 73 00) No. 3, 10 in...» e 20 co rit, millrun........ 20:00 21 00| B.C. Shingles (Mon ane FRE Scr Sin eRe le ote ae sess 75 00] No.3, 12 in.......- 22 $c I€10 wn! 12 mill culls 15 00 16 oo| XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 60 FINE COMMON. Bo ey, o. 1,1 in. 38 00] Box, 1X4.+++-0e0e-0e 17 50 ce mill cu‘l Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 280 1 in., 8 in, and up wide.. oo | 234 and 3in., 8in. and up wide 73 oo pea geeede 50.00], 226 SOP pees 7 egies 15 00 16 00 | XXXXX 5 to2in. . 3 15 Manis i om =P ees 3 00 ae 3 P ie No. 2, x ee 2§ 00)],") "IX TO!.. wins lamee ss 19 5 in, dead cull sidings 12 00 13 00| XX No. 2,6 to2in.. ley aN. dee de Bi es ae nO OO) BOSTON, MASE ? ; ah ga White Pine Uppers, r to 2 inch $82 Ohh ce hake cts tin. 3,415,748 and gin. v ide 32 00| 2 in. zo in. and up wide....- $400 Selects, 10 24MCH.. eee evuessen crereeseencees 68 6 Pista white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... a ae > ea wid) "ao Bh 1H, 1 and 8 in. Y and up agfaa Fine Common, f 1 inch Fs ee seen eeeeee a < irst class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to 1 araad 63 «65 er a ae 1% tozinch ......... - 19 to 20inch average : 70 a No. 1 Cuts, 1 x iat nage wea eae bh ee Pine, XXXX....--sceeeeeeee ‘ oo | Cedar, » 18 ine.c....65 3 50 « pisiaiiRiie's"5.0 fe a\5'e'ahhia's aati RED PINE—IN THE RAFT s easured off, according to average and quality... bailgssapesnulsretas a7). gg., CIES, Bat tate g es oo! Clear Botts..sc.ceasrseclus.s 2g. No. 2Cuts, Wh geosinn sevssnoneeenan re ipping order sea opticians Paces. 0 LATH. Barn Boards,No. f.........- ¢ sitis a siacw a6 'csto.0 Sslala eee ORE MICHIGAN AND O10. No.1 White Pine.. . 4.00 ix No. ; White Pine ........... 3 40 y a Zesseeeee seer cee enon ees — “By the dram, according to average and quality. . tte 50 556 Hemlock .....--2-s.00- se+- 300 Spruce, 10 and wea cdittedsion ct amt k 23 00 ELM. gin. And under ......6..ereee ene eneeecens By the dram, according to average and quality 4oto4sfeet. 60 70 ALBANY, N.Y. 1o and 12 in. random lengths, ro ft. andup...... zoto3sfet. 48 5 Pie 2X3) 774, 25; =? 2x7and 3x4 random lengths, PC, a een ae a me RM EE Te Bs ge Le Uppers, 3 in. ... -...-.-- 83 85 | 1x12 egies PETS .cccweces $ 24 All other Epaciom lengths, 9 in. and “under, 10 epg et ceording to average and Comet oo et inns 26 aie ith. ome 0S. Fa ae 83 85 | 4/4 inch i 33 & up. 25 ft. and up......... y, me 5S Soren tate awe i heme ee OO i cig Phi ie a, Mifeoia ins te ieesteisle eis oie winless 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” andup.. 19 20 5 in, and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.18 E BIRCH. 4 inch uppers .....-.. «+++ « 88 go] xo-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Out Spruce boards, Pp. 1S........ cceeeeee eseeneee 14 Inch so - eT ee ee Selecta, 2% in i fake i 77 82 pin. dressing ani better... 40 42 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and bundied . ih, Pera A ee See Aes ig A T tOlZAM. 6 Sais orem coos we 79 «#72 x, IKIO-iM. ...eeeeeeecee 20 a : pe trot a bahia - aan 2 a Fine common, 234i in. and up 72 75 | Box, 1x12.... ..... rer 21 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. . “ aha : : 32 + 1 tO 2iM.....ee0 ceeeseeesss 58 60] No, 1 barn, rx12.... ...... 29 30 Extras ....... a aiehm wi Wipes Greta f(a a sini Mia In ee ata ‘ No, x cats, x to's inch...... 53 55 = aaaeniee SAGs sse5 25 26 SORES a ds aes ro pena ee 2 O.daseer aisha Weele a vee 55: 45 wels'a Wala eea se adaeee cis, 2S an CLOMES <-> ~ FEXCELSIOR WOOD WANTED — PEELED basswood or clear spruce. RANKIN AND Co., Dundas street, Toronto. Telephone. at AN TED.—SLIDE VALVE OR AUTOMA- y tic engine, 100 to 150 h.p Address, Box 202, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. eke 2 ' ANTED TO PURCHASE—SECOND HAND V engine and boiler, 25 h.p., must be cheap _ and in good condition. RICHARD RALPH, Gol- denbus gh, Ont. f - 2 TOR SALE—1”", 6/4”, 2” SOFT ELM. 1’, 2”, 3”, “$3 Birch.’ ped Work Chestnut. 1’, 6/4”, 2”, 3” t 3” White Ash. 1”, 2’, 3”, 4” Red and White Oak. Cedar Squares. R. E. KinsMAN, Hamilton. a = - Serer = FOR SALE ‘ A GOOD 20 H. P. PORTABLE SAW-MILL,. _ SA Address Box 200, CANADA LUMBERMAN, i - Toronto. . ¥ Py WANTED — odern saw mill plant, capacity wenty million, on North Shore _ Georgian Bay. Address Box 193, _ CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ¥Y% Red Pine Mill Run 14% White Pine No. 2 Good Spruce Pine 2d qua. shorts 6/11 “ ad qua. strips 12/16 «« 5.C. shorts 6/11 “ S.C. strips 12/16 Cut up sidings 12/16 ooo Cut up sidings 12/16 ,0dp f°) wir “ Good Sidings 12/16 to H. BouRGoIN, 714 St., James street For 4” Hard and Soft Maple. 1”, 6/4”, 2” Beech. 1’, 2" WEEKLY AND WOOD-WORKER EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, MARGH 29, 1905 ANTED—A QUANTITY OF IRON RAILS fcr lumber tram cars, second hand. Ap- ply Box ‘‘E,” Gravenhurst, Ont. ANTED— FROM ONE-HALF TO ONE million feet pine logs. State price and where stock can be watered. Address, ‘‘ Pine,”’ .CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont SITUATION WANTED. DVERTISER, WITH GOOD CONNECTION in Toronto and district, desires to repre- sent a good firm of lumber dealers, highest references. Apply Box 206, CANADA LUMBER- MAN. : FOR SALE. UMBER AND SAW-MILIL, BUSINESS ON Cc. P. R. Main line. Mill in good running order. Daily sawing 20to 25M feet. Timber convenient to mill. Address A.B.C., CANADA LUMBERMAN, q OR SALE—SAW MILL, CAPACITY 12 M. per day, with 65 acres of land at the Village of Barrys Bay, Oat., on the line of C.A.R.; also 3,000 logs, hemlock and basswood,and 100 acres of standing timber, with camp, stable and out- fit, onj waters of Barrys Bay, five miles from mill. Good timber country. Price, $3,000. tticulars apply to N. D. Morrison, Dal- housie Station, Quebec. OR SALE. — SAW MILL MACHINERY, nearly new. Capacity 15,000 ft., oo M feet hardwood logs, 300 M feet hemlock logs, three million feet hemlock and hardwood timber, 1,000 cords bark, 30.000 cords wood. complete logging outfit, quantity shingle bolts at mill and in bush. Nodues. Close to G.T.R Good tim- ber locality. Reason for selling, failing health. For price and terms apply to Box 194, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, POSITION WANTED ANT TO ENGAGE FOR COMING SEA- SON as head Band Saw Filer, in large up to-date Double or Single Cut Mill, where qualityand quantity of lumber is an object ; have had long exverience in some of the best and fastest mills in the United States and On- tatio, an expert on Double Cutting Bands, would take contract to file entire mill ; not par- ticular to location, expect good wages and will guarantee highest results, unquestionable ref- erence on application. Apply Box 323, Port Huron, Mich. ~ FOR SALE. ‘Large Tract of Timber in Central Ontario THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of.Haliburton, (Limited.) This company has a Jarge tract of well tim- bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toron- . ‘to. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hem- lock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherrybirch, Maple, also considefable Pine Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The Company are repared to sell this timber in blocks ranging rom 2,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. There are several gcod mill sites on the pro- perty. This would be a good opportunity for pertes who are at present cut out and looking or a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be _ had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 187 Bay Street, Toronto, N.B.—Several parties have lately made con- siderable money by purchasing blocks of this timber and selling over again at _ an advanced price. ~ The» Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 Per ear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REQULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 9 ANTED, 300,000 FEET WINTER CUT Basswood, Common and Better in quality, 1 1/16” thick when dry. Address Box 189, care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SIMCOE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. OR SALE—A FEW CARS OF SOFT ELM, a few cars of soft maple and a car of hard maple. Could cut toorder. Apply Box No. 2or, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED—300,000 FEET BOARD MEAS- URE 3%” x 4%’x10 or 20 feet long, small knotted red pine, free from wane. Kindly give price f.o.b. Montreal, immediate shipment. Address WILLIAM SMITH, 393 St. Antoine St., Montreal, Quebec. “LOOK AT THIS” OR SALE—TWO GOOD WATER WHEELS, 40” and 48”, also three run of stone, Smut- ter, elevators, etc., etc., for two hundred dollars F. O. B. carshere if taken this month. Box 4, Bothwell, Ont, FOR SALE. ete CUT OF 300 M. FEET OF BIRCH, 90 M. basswocd, 50 M. soft elm, 25 M. black ash and 25 M. beech and hard maple. This isa well selected stock of No. 1 logs. Can be all cut to order. Address Box 04, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. 397,000 feet 2” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. : 86,000 feet 1” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. 43,000 feet Mill Culls, etc. J Also the product of two million feet good white pine logs to be cut next summer. Corres- pondence solicited. PINE LUMBER COMPANY, Pine, Ont. (near Cartier.) FOR SALE 115” Lathe, cakes 3 ft. 9 in. between centres with 3 jaw chuck, cone 3 steps for 134” belt, with countershaft with tight and loose pulley.......... 1 15” Screw Cutting Lathe, takes 3 ft. 9 in, between centres with 4 jaw inde- pendent chuck, cone 4 steps for 1%4” belt, mei rest, countershaft with tight and loose pulleys . 1 24” Screw Cutting and Turning Lathe, takes 16’ 6” between centres, bed 22 feet long, with 4 jaw independent chuck, 2 large face plates. Gap will swing 36”, cone 4 steps for 334” belt, with countershaft, tight and loose 1 POSES ech: Ae ee ene nie. ae f apaeage $200.00 Above lathes, suitable for saw mill or re- pair work, to be seen at SAINT JOHN IRON WoRKS LTD, St. John, N. B. ALSO 1 Second-hand"Exeter Engine, cylinder 10’ dr., 20” stroke, with flywheel 8’ diameter for 14” face belt, Tangy Bed, all overhauled in good order. Practically new. Price F.O B. St. John, N B : 1 Steeple Compoind Marine Engine, H. P. Cylinder 7” diam., L. P. Cvlin- der 13” diam, Stroke 10”, built to stand a boiler pressure of 150 lbs. per square inch under Dominion Act of Inspection of Steamers. Air, Feed and Bilge Pumps work off crosshead. Crank Shaft solid forging with half coupling keyed on, thrust bearing on bed of engine Price F. O. B. St. . John, N. Be... ieee eee es cae’ $400.00 SAINT JOHN IRON WORKS LTD., P, O. Box 391, St. John, N. B. $60.00 $80.00 V ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP .wWOOD Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which is bound to interest you ANTED — A MARKET FOR BASKET Bottoms, Spring Bed Sides and Broom Handles.’.Send dimensions and prices, Box 273, Huntsville, Ont. LOGS ANTED.—VENEER LOGS FROM 12 INCH up, birch, oak, ash, hemlock and bass- wood, delivered any railway station. IMPERIAL’ VENEER CO., LIMITED, Sundridge, Ont. CEDAR FOR SALE 10,000 PIECES ROUND CEDAR, 8-16 AND 25 feet long, on the Vermillion river. Can be de- livered at Spanish boom. Also Cedar, Pine and Spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood on Cc. P.R. JaMES McCREARY. WANTED yee WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE culler, must have thorough knowledge of grading required for English and American markets (deals and sidings). Apply, Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. CANADIAN TUCS FOR CHARTER FOR SEASON 1905 Tug Florence—Engine fore and aft compound 18%” x 36” x26. Large Scotch Boiler 12 4%” x 11 ¥%” and eaSy steamer. Tug Home Rule—Engine High Pressure 22 ¥%" x24’. Fire Box Boiler 8’ x 14. Tug Christian, S.J.. (American)—Engine High Pressure 19” x 20”. Fire Box Boiler 644’ x 12’. For further information address HACKETT Tuc Line, Amherstburg, Ont. FAGTORY SITES WANTED ~LACK BARREL STAVE MANUFACTURER wants site with suitable timber near, and in Ontario. Basswood tract of land with Mill or Site and reasonable railway facilities. Large Paper and Pulp Site wanted with tim- ber tract and waterway. Other Factory Sites and Buildings wanted everywhere in Canada for American industries who are about to locate, Cuas. F. ROLAND, Industrials, St. Catharines, Ont. PULP MILL FOR SALE The Gity of Saint John Offers for Sale That Valuable Property Known as the Saint John Sulphite Pulp Mill. The mill has a capacity of 180 tons per week ; ~ was built of brick in the year 1898, according to all the requirements of the Factory Insurance Companies of Providence (R.I.), and is fitted with turbine water wheels, developing 600 H. P., and an auxiliary steam plant of 300 H. P. It contains two steel digesters 14 x 45 feet, built by the Portland Company, Acid Depart- ment Milk of lime system, of abundant capa- city. Paper machine contains 21 Drying Cylin- ders, 100 inches by 4 feet. The situation is at the mouth of Mispec River, a stream ten miles in length, and is distant about seven miles by sea from the City of St. John. Barges carrying 700 tons of coal dis- charge at the mill. Schooners have frequently been loaded with pulp at the mill, whence they departed to New York. Sealed proposals, endorsed ‘‘ Tender for Pulp Mill,” will be received by H. EK. Wardroper, Esq., Common Clerk, at his office, City Hall, Saint John, NB., up to 12 o’clock, noon, of Wednesday, the 26thday of April, 1905. W. W. WHITE, Mayor, Chairman Board of Water and Sewerage. II OR SALE.—CEDAR POSTS AND CEDAR telegraph poles, in car lots. Apply, JNO. BLANCHET, North Bay, Ont. VA ne ca BAND SAW FILER FOR UP- 4 to-date mill, must be first-class. App'y, TANNER BROS , Waubaushene, Ont. W ANTED-—2 TO 5 MILLION PINE LOGS, delivered in the Georgian Bay. State price and number of logs to the M. Apply Box 205, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. SD AND FILER WANTS POSITION. — AI man, capable of handling sawmill, s-ber and industrious, II years experience, best of references. Address, ' ‘Electrician,’? CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. eel ANTED — SALESMAN WITH EXPERI- ence in Hardwood and Pine for Canadian and United States trade. Apply stating es peri- ence and salary expected. Address “Timber,” care THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. oe A eer .-—GOOD PRACTICAL MAN WITH a good mill, must be good rig, with double edger and trimmers; also lath mill preferred, to cut about a million ft. pine. Price paid, $3.00 for lumber, going price for lath. Address, W. B. McLEAN & Co., North Bay. POSITION WANTED. ON NA ee (AGE 30) DESIRES POSI- tioa, any kind of clerical work in lumber trade. Good references as to abllity and char- acter. Apply Box 207, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ay Gi MILL AND TIMBER LIMIT—-NEW Ontario, two thousand five hundred cash ; nine thousand five hundred, terms, purchases mill capacity 35 to 40 thousand ; limit thirty- five miles away, adjacent to running stream, included in price; quarter section, 65 per cent. white pine ; or will sell half interest for eight thousand, two thousand five hundred cash. Lo- cators, Winnipeg, Manitoba. SFr MILL AND TIMBER LIMIT, MANI- toba ; annual turnover twenty- five thousand dollars ; price mill twenty-five hundred, in four payments ; ; limit 2co,000 cords, ten thousand, five thousand cash, balance six and nine months; store in business; teams, horses, sleighs, etc. Locators, Winnipeg, Manitoba. ee us ha SAW MILI, AND TIMBER I1IMITS ,, throughout Western Canada write the Lo- F CATORS, Winnipeg, Manitoba. ‘ SELLING AGENTS FOR B.C. SHINGLES. Just as we go to press, it is learned that the Coast shingle manufacturers of British Columbia, at.a meeting held a tew days ago, appointed the Union Lumber Com- pany and the Expert Lumber and Shingle Company as their selling agents, sales to be apportioned. They also adopted the price listissued in March, 1904, less fifteen cents off number ones and five cents off a+ number twos. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Manufacturers and dealers alike agree that there are no signs of depression in the lumber trade. On the other hand, the outlook for business is good, and in To- ronto the season promises to be one of unusual activity. Every week permits are being issued for buildings representing a large expenditure, and, barring labor troubles, which do not now} seem prob- able, this is likely to continue throughout the summer season, The manufacturing industries which consume lumber are also working to full capacity and general prosperity prevails. A few large transactions in lumber have recently taken place which indicate con- fidence in present prices. It is the ex- ception rather than the rule to meet a person who is disposed to predict lower values, and any movement in that direction must therefore lack the assistance of pub- lic sentiment. It would jbe unwise, perhaps, to advise the indiscriminate pur- chase of lumber at current prices, but the picking up of marketable stocks at favor- able opportunities would seem to be a wise policy, as a firm lumber market for the next few months is altogether probable. There are many advocates of higher prices for hemlock, but until more definite information as to the log production of the past winter is obtainable, prediction is hazardous. There is but a small quantity of dry stock in first hands, and dealers have found it necessary to buy from each other to some extent in order to fill orders. So far as can be estimated there has been a slight falling off recently in im- ports of yellow pine. This is believed to be due to the advanced prices adopted by theSouthern Lumber Manufacturers’ Asso- ciation, making it more difficult to realize a margin on Canadian shipments. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. While the lumber trade in the Eastern Provinces is still quiet, the opinion is quite generally held that the season will be fairly prosperous. The manufacturers are receiving numerous inquiries” for lumber for shipment to the Eastern States, which trade ts likely to be greater than last year, when the P residential election induced a « sf * oo, 7 po P cos ape a iy”, disposition towards conservatism. The smaller production of logs and the im- provement which has already taken place in the British market are factors favorable to an advance in lumber prices. New Brunswick cedar shingles are exhibiting considerable strength and for the first time in many months sales of extras have been made for Boston delivery at $3.35. Competition with red cedars is quite keen, and were it not for this fact it is believed that prices would soon advance Io to 20 cents. The outlook, however, is more en- couraging than for a long time. UNITED STATES. Reports from the different districts more uniformly favorable than at any previous time this year. Since the mild wealther set in, the movement of lumber has steadily increased, until the volume now is in excess of that of one year ago, with indications of a further expansion in the near future. White pine, yellow pine, spruce and hardwoods are all showing renewed life, and conditions at the pre- sent seem to favor the holder of stocks. — There has been an improvement in gen- ~ eral industrial conditions and the outlook is for an active building season, circum- stances;which should have a strengthening effect open the lumber market. The Southern pine mills are operating to their full capacity to meet the orders, and the output in any instances is sold far in ad- vance. There is a steady demand for all kinds of hardwoods, whereas the supply of elm, ash and oak is none too great. Maple and basswood are to be had in larger quantities. Prices show no parlicular change from last week. Mill cu'ls are a little higher at Buffalo and Tonawanda, the scarcity of this grade making it an’ easy matter for Herman H. Hettler Lumber Gompany WHITE and NORWAY > PINE LUMBER “a LATH and SHINGLES Manufacturers and Wholesalers of .. Shipments by Rail or Water WwoOoDs & SPICER, Limited March 22, 1908 . - a dealers to advance prices. Pine uppérs. continue to maintain the improvement oe viously noted. _ Although the Pacific Coadl mills have endeavored.to adopt a uniform list on red z cedar shingles, prices are Still uncertain. + Clears are showing an improved torle. New Brunswick cedar shingles are firmer, extras selling for Boston delivery ‘at $3. 30 MS SSS eee ' ¥ W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury . Ont. ~, . Manufacturer of . . 7 Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. an Red and White Oak,Maple and EJm Lumber. Can supply Second Growth White or Red fi squares up to 38 in. long in large qua THE KING BND BARTLES mm we “ PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS — HEADQUARTERS oe Citizens’ Building, We buy and sell pe in Car and Cargo Lots — Cleveland, M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & a £03 Temple Building, Toronto. — EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with Fancae of Wa pg i such as Sani ri Broom panaien, Fork and indies, Turned etc. Payments made on receip s of Bill of Tadtneat Toronto. n House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 London, Eng. McLennan Timber Land a Lumber GO., timed Selling Agency and Dealers in a kinds of Timber Lands. rs Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Contest. ha lel MIDLAND, me ; ™ -MANUFACTURERS OF. BRUTE S EL COLUMBIA Fe -HiD CEDAR SHIN GLES Cepecity 100 Million a Year. We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. a Yvire Your Orders at ouR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, B ENIGHL FRQTEES © KTEN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING S¥&.cerad SOE aso Burk’s Falls, Ont. vt vt Samples by il Burk’s ot : - al r) s eee ORILLIA PLANING MILL MASON, GORDON & cl | eenan Bros., Limite wear G2 Sato WHOLESALE TIMBER mg PLANING, MOULDINGS, MATCHING, a a Owen Sound, Ont. FLOORING, RESAWING, SIDING Montreal, Quebec | Ba Done any quantity. Write for price. Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trad > "Ph =e ‘pOUSLAS EEN Tikes fas size or len h supplied : sz ) Ss. POM EROY, 3 So . WRITE FOR shemicocass am QUOTATIONS. 4 ke CE TE nan ne _—_——$$ $$ ig We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. EVERYTHING IN LUM BER AND TIMBER 7 ~ At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- | ; ; ‘. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH a Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. BU LM ER. M°LEN NAN & C0 M PANY : 5 WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON : a : MONTREAL, OU ee BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS Office and Yard, $71 DORCHESTER ST. otitis P.O. Bs - A rete 42 cas ps Te Sie a fate ae a hy oo z, £" by "Cites ; r ad Se, Pee AB i »t GREAT BRITAIN. There has not been much improvement in the demand for lumber in Great Britain, __ but there is no doubt that a more hopeful feeling exists. The tendency’ of prices is to harden, as stocks on hand are held at “e considerably lower figures than new sup- plies can be bought for. Representatives of shippers have closed some business, but a few of the largest buyers are holding off in the hope that they may yet be given some concessions. Thestatistical position of Canadian lumberis very strong. Stocks of first and second quality white pine on the East Coast of England are practically exhausted. There is a very satisfactory demand for spruce-deals and flooring, this trade being benefitted by the improvement Fe < in the cotton industry. The Liverpool correspondent of Timber says: ‘‘That H there will be an improved consumption tor _ 7n. by 3 in. spruce goes without saying, and as this size forms such a great pro- portion of every cargo, it behooves sellers to consider whether it be wise for them to go on disposing of them at about cost price or something less. This is what happen- ed all last year, and with what result? _The idea was to restore the balance by adding an extra price to the 9 by jin. ‘The result has proved to be that the bulk ; of the present holdings remain in 9 by 3in., - so that the desired return is still on paper, ' eh may possibly be never realized. Would it not have been better in every way to have reduced quotations for the 9 by ans and increased those for the 7 by Ue: in.? This would have brought them 3 J. B. Farwell & Son INTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN.. Canadian Gedar Tele- — Graph, Telephone and — Electric Light Poles Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. Be BA joyed i in the past. -__ Vancouver Cedar Mills nF ! eae B.C. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION nearer together and held out a more solid inducement for consumers to have taken more of the wider widths.” NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Stocks of cedar shingles left in manufac- turers’ hands at the beginning of the win- ter were small and the winter m production has been less than normal, as prevailing prices did not show much, if any, margin of profit. Orders accepted during the last month will virtually clean up all Extras, Clears and 2nd Clears left in Eastern Canada. The winter mills are now closing down and the summer mills cannot start before the middle of May, as th y have to wait for their logs to come down. Many of the operators have al- tready booked orders at advanced figures for May shipment. The market is, there- fore, now nearly bare, very few shingles can be cut before May 15th, and a portion of the May output is already sold. This constitutes an extremely strong situation and is sure to be emphasized as soon as the New England retailers shake off their winter lethargy and start in to replenish their now rapidly dwindling stocks. Trade prospects in the Eastern States are better than for many years, and unless abor troubles or some entirely unforeseen business calamities intervene, consump- tion will be very large throughout the entire building season. One large pro- ducer of shingles is building two addition- al mills, but the operators in general! have taken out no more logs than last year and in some sections the cut will be slightly ROBERT WATT WIARTON, ONT. Manufacturer and Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. SPECIAL: One carl ad of 3x4 Hardwood Hearts suitable for car stakes One car of 3” Cedar Plank One car eachof XXXX and xxx Cedar Shingles. One half car each of XX and X Cedar shingles. Prices on application. C.S. POWELL & CO. Lumber Fxporters 604 Fomels Bidg., TORONTO and at EW ORLEANS, LA. H Cash buvers all kinds hardwoods. To Mil men We solicit corresponaerce THE LONG LUMBER COMPANY | = The business formerly conducted by ‘Morris S. M. Long will hence- forth be carried on by The Long Lumber Company. _ cause Guy H. Long comes in as partner. We trust to merit a continuance of the good will and confidence en- Change name be- — HAMILTON — 3 J | D. SINGLAl R High Grade edar _ CACHE BAY PLANING MILL CO, « « « MANUFACTURERS OF... MOULDINGS GBILING FLOORING WAINSGOTING — SHEETING All kinds of Dressed and Pine Lumber. curtailed. Present indications would show that the spring demand will not be satis- fied before mid-summer and in the mean- time prices will rule very firm. It is a little early as yet for the placing of any large amount of business, but we believe shingles will be much sought for and orders very plentiful within three or four week. Orders for immediate shipment are very hard to place right now. Stand- ard brands are quoted for May delivery as follows, f.o.b. Boston points: Extras, $3.35 to $3.40; Clears, $2.90 to $3.00; 2nd Clears, $2.35 to $2.40; Clear Whites, $2.25 to $2.30. The scattered remnants of the small winter mill cut are being offered at 5 to 10 cents less, but there are very few left unsold. Clears are in least supply and best demand and are compara- tively stiff, although the entire list is now strong. It will probably be the part of wisdom for the manufacturers to re- frain from taking advance orders this spring at anything less than full market quotations. STOCKS AND PRICES. S. E. O’Brien, Secretary of the Ottawa Improvement Commission, Ottawa, will receive tenders up to April 11th for the supply of timber required by the Com- mission during the current year. J. J. Hale, of Woodstock, N.B., states that the logging operations at the head of the Tobique river the past winter amounted to only about half those of last season, Iil. White, Rider & Frost, of Tonawanda, N.Y., are reported to have puchased about ~ 35,000°000 feet of lumber to be shipped to their yard at Tonawanda Island upon the Opening of navigation. DeLaplante & McBurney have also secured a consider- able quantity of pine lumber to go to Ton- awanda this spring. + Twelve hundred pieces of rock elm square timber were taken out by William Clement near Traverse City, Mich., dur- ing the past winter for shipment to Quebec, I,. Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr A.F, Holden, Vice-Pres, E.C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, | Lath and White Pine Singles” Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =—— SARNIA, ONT. THE [MPERIAL LUMBER GO, LimiTeng SAW anp PLANING. MILLS, WARREN, ONT. ° RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS ff All kinds of By Carload or Cargo, Registered Cable Address, ‘* Pinewood.,’’> , BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG hes Office, TORONTO, CAN: ‘Amer ican Iaimberman” Telecode. roo ee ee ee ee te oe ee D> de a ee de 8 R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R, S. ABBoTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. CRVVSSSSSSSSSVUVSVAVVSUEVSEVTVSVSES BVUUABO J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIKITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc, All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURER{ OF ‘ae LUMBER AND SALT ee Mills at Sandwich, Ont. Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete a In Car Lots. 3 Manufacturer of ae Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings EBnd-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING © ; and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantit: J. R. EATON - Orillia, os i Apa Sil eos: Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. THE GHARLEMAGNE & [of QOUAREAU SoA AND eee LUMBER GO., LIMITED LUMBER — 404 Coristine Building, Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, ee MONTREAL, P. Q. Butter Boxes na Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Write us for quotations. , Rs,” Great Northern Railway. Shipments by rail or water. 2 CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. | Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Sin eee were U M B E R | eS RAGE ar t On, miles West North Bay AND L AT H i is garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. is Y pe a cre ala Shs eis ON Ta oc . 7) 2 A Ey 93 et Poe i Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION March 29, «905 “Yoon Ee H, HEAPS & CO,, "Mince Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Ete. SPECIALTIES : a AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. = Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels_ : Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. cae Bs bert BS = senrten yer : seg, syne cae 4 Pacific Coast Luiabad Cog = 4 VANGOUVER, B.C. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. High Grade Red Cedar news Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - m2 sn Building, TORONTO a D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. ~ ge E. YOUNG,. 4. YOUNG, Cashier J ‘The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. wets. White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sz Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work samen CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE ane RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Head Office: RAT POTRAGE, “Ontario : yee Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and ‘Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Worked and Boxes. — ; PT ee) One ee s ie ee be L " 2 aa ae a - Lae ae a : “ my ~ ) ai eee 43 2 4 te _* ag oy op des Saas h 29, 1905 7 THE PEMBROKE LUMBER C0.) PEMBROKE, ONT, = ‘We make a Roe of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ; D IELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER CO., WHOLESALE White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles - | Stocks. in g at { J Collingwood Callander oa _~ Ontari Midland North Bay Cartier Sturgeon Falls is TORONTO OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers. Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquirie a ere 2% ‘ — ee: Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, an Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior . Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try “ HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED ; We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer ae" one all winter. D OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES. CURRYS CoO.., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. : : “Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of ntario Basswood, Elm and Pine. ’ Amherst, N.S. Powassan Whitney : Sawn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch = Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. , AMES J. MURPHY, ® ier QUEBEC — ole ‘he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited . sdis at SPRAGGE, Aigoma Dist., Ont. 2 **So oo”? Branch C.P.R : Manning Arcade, Toronto Coristine Building, Montreal And at Mills at Sprazre. WEEN TK WAAR CL Saw Mills at - RAINY LAKE, Ontario. MANUFACTURERS OF | White and Red Pine | Lumber and Lath Water Shipments 7 = oreces( ~ Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Tie NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limite Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office : *: HAMILTON, ONT. ONT. Micitacthercs of and prvlenle Dealers in all kinds of . ia Manway Delivery and Water iG _ Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. ia aimerndion Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and ; Lumber.— Write Us. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WADA ; f Ottawa Building, es a, James = 9 = MONTREAL, CANADA ES : Railway Priage Timber and all{kinds ofj/Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White e! Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and d Planed anc and | Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, wis Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Company, Limited, Barnet, B. C. 2 space in size or length up to go feet long. Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch: p ough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. eS nice 3: iy Seance : me - = =) Se JGER & SON - “Quebec CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION — ve R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. Ll. WHITE. ie eee ART Ep 8a. OWE Manufacturers and Whouesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Rallway ae yale MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialt > A. & P. VAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joistirg Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... F. M°CIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Gordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON& CO. MERE and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine; Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. Pyros Lumber Co., timitea MANUPACTURERS LUMBER a? | AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midiand, Ont. PENETANCUISHENE ONT. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, HARDWOOD FLOORING. End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St., Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. D.D. FLANNER H. W. REEVES FLANNER & REEVES Manufacturers and Wholesalers of WHITE AND NORWAY PINE LUMBER LATH AnD SHINGILI CAR AND CARGO Poe 7 ONTARIO THE MENZ LUMBER GOMPANY Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES We eet LOSS, Munczer, 0624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Mat J. F. FOSS, Manager. CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FOR SALE I can saw out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, OWEN SOUND, ONT. ey > 5 ‘ wat CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION March, 29, 1905 Vi and thence to Liverpool. The timber THE EASTERN LUMBER MARKET. favor a strong shingle market as soon as’ parent expectation of buying stocks at the from 2< to 65 feet long and aver- The Boston correspondent of the Lum- the full force of the demand develops. beginning of this year at about the same Age pellets aaa a berman’s Review refers to the lumber Hemlock is very firm, though the de- price they would have paid in the summer ages 14 inches square. Thomas Denton, arket as follows : mand during the past month has been and fall of 1904. Their expectations are of Saginaw, is getting out about 50,000 Spruce has been very firm and brings moderate. Stocks are light at all points, doomed never to be realized. Light and with the selling price very firm ona stocks and unfavorable conditions for 7, cubic feet of elm and oak, also for the Quebec market. The annual meeting of the Southwest Miramichi Log Driving Company was held at Fredericton, N.B., on March alist. After the meeting Mr. Lynch, one of the contractors for the upper corporation drive, stated that the amount of logs to come through the booms this year would be be- tween 20,000,000 and 25,000,000, as Com-~ pared with 65,000,000 last year. Mr. Welch has given out the following estim- ates of the new and old logs to be driven on the Southwest Miramichi : stay neh rer eieerersrcte eats se ..« 7,000,000 pelieyed that the Eastern Provinces will 4 , ; IVES WH elehitye.c a sere Chevere olms '-2,0) stele 6,000,000 have scarcely a normal amount of spruce The conclusion of the American “Lum- gtock eight months ago, but in addition a Richards Co.......-+++:- _.... 8,000,000 tg send over the line to the New England berman 1s that the outlook for hardwoods reasonable advance. Hutchinson.......----++ . 1,500,000 and New York markets. The lath mar- is very promising, as in the last issue we Evidently consumers have concluded to Jas. Fairley... - 62-220) .03- 5° 300,000 ket is also very firm ona basis of $3 40 for find the following remarks: Needs of con- charge up to experience the difference W.R. McCluskey...-.++++++ 600,000 the 154” size and $3.25 for the 134”, and sumers are sufficient to absorb practically between prices they are now paying for Parties on Cains river..-.-.++> 5,000,000 {there is a great scarcity of lath at all all the hardwood lumber that canbe pro- their stock and those at which it could Parties on Renous river ...---- 12,009,000 points. The writer, while in the office of duced and at this time, owing to the stimu- have been secured last fall and are laying © = one of our largest retailers, learned that , lated demand from all quarters, a prospec- in supplies for future requirements. At Totialicmicwuaseo iss teal 49,400,000 he had orders on his books for lath tive call for hardwood stocks in excess of east the consistent buying by the large , the amount available for immediate use is _ysers, which is general with the possible x The Cook & Bros. Lumber Company, of Toronto, have just sold nearly 34,000,- ooo feet of lumber to the Herman Hettler Lumber Company, of Chicago. The transaction includes all the dry lumber that is unsold now on the docks at Spragge, Ont., estimated at between 3,c00,000 and 4,000,000 feet, and the lumber to be sawn this year, estimated at 26,000,000 feet of white pine and 4,000,000 feet of norway. The consideration is announce to have been between $600,000 and $700,000. full figures for both large and small lots. All of the Eastern mills have been booking orders freely, and in several cases import- ant shippers are sold well toward the middle of the year for everything they can produce, and the market has toned up wonderfully and is to-day very firmly fixed upon a basis of $19.00 for timber under 9” and $21.00 for all stock running 9” and over. It is generally understood now that lumbermen in the North and East havecaught every log possible dur- ing the past winter and will have a full supply with which to meet this season's demand. The English market for spruce has been toning up steadily and itis now which would not only take all he had in the yard, but all he had bought® and that he had bought every lath offered within the last three months and actually sent out inquiries in an effort to locate supplies for his spring trade, East- ern cedar shingles are iust about steady on a basis of $3.25 for extras and $2.85 to $2.95 for clears, with the latter grade in strong demand and well sold up. There is a fair supply of extras on hand at pres- ent, but an early Spring opening will basis of $16;:00, the outlook for a steady market is regarded as exceptionally good. The hardwoods show little change dur- ing the month. P.ain oak, either red or white, is about the strongest item on the list, though mahogany has come to the front again and is finding ready sale at full prices. Quartered oak, which has been a trifle druggy during the past six or eight months, is showing somewhat more tone, with most quotations for 1” Is and 2s ranging from $76.00 to $80.00, In other respects the market is unchanged. THE OUTLOOK FOR HARDWOODS. to be anticipated. As will be remembered by those who keep in touch with this department of the lumber industry, stocks at the end of 1904 were relatively lighter than at the corresponding time in 1903. This condition was not only true with respect to manufacturers of hardwoods but with the consumer also. Evidently consumers thought to impose the burden of carrying stocks through the winter months on the manufacturer,with the ap- operating throughout the hardwood pro- ducing territory especially have created a sho tage in the supply which will not be made good at a very early date. Many of the larger manufacturers with a better appreciation of the situation than have some of the consumers who are imbued with the idea that supplies will be forth- coming indefinitely, took a chance on the outcome a few months ago, and while they could have sold quarter sawed oak, for instance, at from $65 to $68 last fall, they held for higher prices which they to- day are securing. Notjonly have they been able to demand and receive the price for which they were willing to part with their exception of the furniture factory districts, lends color to the be‘ief that the consumer is out fer all the hardwood stock he can get provided prices are within reach of his bank account. Itfis scarcely possible that hardwood values will dip below their present level during the re- mainder of the year and the shortage throughout the country may result in an agreeable manner to the producer who has the material to market. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS Y | RAIL.MAIL ‘Pi WIRE OR | | ‘ONE | GHARLOTTE HABBERLE Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - McGLURE LUMBER GO. Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. Wholesale Dealers in... H. D. WICGl will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. ONB DOLLAR LUMBERMAN for ONE YBAR BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood Muskegon, Mich. Will pay your subscription to the CANADA D WHOLESALERS NE ————————————————————— ACME LUMBER C0. Grand Repids, Mioh., U.S,A. We invite correspondence whether you wish to buy or sell. z CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED bec. A : * ADDRESS : ‘Room sige = BOSTON, MASS. THE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO, CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OP a YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \@\e\eeee Wholesale Hardwoods Hard Maple and Rock Elm our Specialty. : t . a ) 4 rf i i We solicit consignments of long” and short lumber from the Mari-~ time Provinees and are prepared — to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que=" CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. Hardwood Lumber + Veneer Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, GCHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspondence Invited on All Hardwoods. BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern ¥ FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE MICHICAN v - Pe) - ' for London and Antwerp, 751 elm logs, ew OPA . March 29, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION VIL. 42 pes. birch lumber, 383 bdls. pine boards, 4,165 pes. deals, 27,000 bdls. shooks, 88 elm logs, 22§ pcs. walnutlumber. Steamer Lake Erie, for Liverpool, 190 bdls. pine boards, 184,895 ft. deals, 146 elm logs, 3,675 maple blocks, 45 pes. birch lumber, CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Halitax, N. S.: Steamer Ionian, for Liverpool, 38,641 ft. hemlock deals, value $2386, 30,397 ft. birch deals, value $291, 47,156 ft. spruce deals, value $545, by S. Cunard & Co., agents. Schooner 25 birch logs, 3, 462 pes. deals, 142 pcs. Colabria, for: New York, 1,454,000 ft. ends, 444,636 ft. deals, 88,672 ft. scantling, spruce laths, value $3,272, 127,000 ft. 5359 ft. ends, 231 pcs. oak lumber, 30 maple logs, 23 pcs. birch timber, 27 pcs. round timber, 3,145 maple blocks, 4,221 timber bolts. Schooner Avis, for New Haven, 73,816 ft. boards, 331,000 laths. Schooner Rebecca W. Huddell, for City Island, 258,195 ft. deals. Schooner W. H. Waters, for City Island, 156,445 ft. deals, 10,172 ft. scantling. Schooner Ravola, for City Island, 192,440 ft. deals. hemlock scanting, value $1,143, by C. F. Longley & Co., agents. From St. John, N.B.: Schooner Rewa, for New Haven, 178,938 ft. plank, 2317.09 ft. scantling. Schooner Lena Maud, Boston, 59,296 ft. deals, 65,591 ft. apa ling. Schooner Abbie Keast, for City Island, 714,700 laths. Steamer Montro = Steamer Kastalia, for Glasgow, 12 maple logs, 12,000 ft. oak lumber, 91,223 ft. deals, 20 pcs. birch timber, 249,583 ft. deals, 6,657 ft. ends, 25,113 ft. scantling, 117,459 ft. birch plank, 24,581 ft. birch ends, 93 tons birch timber. Schconer Melville, for Cape Town, 3,385 ft. lumber, 1,098 pkgs. doors, 5,300 pes. lumber, 428 bdls. lumber, 112,204 ft. lumber. Steamer St. John City, for London, 82,627 ft. birch plank, 10,831 ft. birch ends, 93,458 ft. deals. Schooner Lotus, for Fal) River, 66,803 ft. plank, 77,692 ft. scantling, 4,309 ft. boards. Schooner Roger Drury, for City Island, 1,051.300 laths, 151,176 ft. deals. Schooner Three Sisters, for New York, 1,476,000 laths. Schooner Georgia, for City Island, 348,139 ft. deals. Schooner Genevieve, for Stamford, Conn., 15,187 ft. plank, 60,416 ft. scantling, 515,000 laths. Schooner Pardon G. Thompson, 146,634 ft. plank, 33,178 ft. scantling, 6,460 ft. boards. Schooner Annie A. Booth, for City Island, 219,020 ft. deals. Cable address: BERG & SON, Timber and Wood Pulp Agents and Brokers DUNDEE, SCOTLAND Contracts made between Shippers and Importers Correspondence solicited “Dundonian, Dundee.” BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE [Wo Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ENC. F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. oe & = CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. the best advantage to all ports in the United Binedans Correspondence Solicited. 0 UJ 2 Broad Street Building, IMPORTER OF = IS BAMBERGER, * “zenscx’ sc Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods / {x 10 common...... Ig 50 20 00 ETS Five 2 ie ate ate are 50 3 60 1x 12 commion..--.- 2 50.22 00| 1140, No. 2 4 ft, Lath 3.09 3 10 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. 1x O common...... 20 00 21 00] 14%” No.1 32” pine la I 70 1xIO common...... 21 00 22 ov| 1%” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 2 89 UPPER AND SELECTS. and 3x12 common. 22 00 23 00 XXX Pine Shingles 290 300 Uppers, rin., roin. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $85 co rxie inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 2 20 Widen. ca cieene ena seisias $75 00) 1%, 1% and i Mas pec «++ 65 00 common ......---- 2000 2: co| X Pine Shingles .. I 00 1% 1% and2ina....-. we. 75 00) 234 and 3 in.....+.--0-+ ee+ 75 00 Ich mill runsidings 2¢ 00 22 00| XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 30 2% and 3 in «+» 80 00 AMivsiccecee cerseeeeenee 77 00 Tir. mill run...... . 20 00 21 oo B, C. Shingles 4 Dee eeeyee sees wane eeees + gO 90 Ie10 and 12 mill culls 15 00 16 oo | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 60 FINE COMMON. me = mill cu‘l Sid- Z ae “pe au8 in. 2 80 oe oS a and up wide .. §5 00 | 234 and 3in., 8in, and up wide 73 oo Sido diy, eels alana sis 15 00 16 00 5 to2in.. 3415 81D! PIG Miwa csc cise «SU OGIM A UNAS si ccels welts noe amaanis epee ee I in. ed cull sidings 12 00 13 00 | XX No. 2,6 to2 sey, ao a STA Tipels wigs’ hevals Pelee Miata, 58 00 1% inch Flooring .. 23 00 25 00 xx a 6 to 23-16 in, B FINE COMMON @R NO 1 CUTTING. Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 14 59 15 5»| XX 5tozin... 25° in. 7in, andup wide...... 36 00 | 2 and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 83 oo HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. 1% and 1% cutting. ae eees = ee 4 Aighitelerels, > ¢ ee wee esene weeeae oo : eer ified. BUT eters ste enh “creas 2g Aaee 5 Asn Wh te, x eee 1s audi anal Elm ean : STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). ’ Er a to 1%"24 00 26 00 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 50 00| zin., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 48 00 ists ie 00 Wiki tool ail, si Hi r@x6 in. PWAd Eon reno. 52 00 | 6 in. wide..........-+ esse enap/5O100 As}, black, we and ee pee hee 144' 3.. 29 00 30 00 FINE COMMON OR C and, rto14 in.. .. 27 00 29 00 | Hickory, rsts 1in., 4, 5 in, wide. ......... 44 00 | 134 in., 4, 5 in. wide... .-.... 47 00 Bicch M. ar xin ee FA a6 ie Sen aor 2.. 36 00 38 00 1% ee in. wide...... «sss. 80 00| in, 6 in. wide. ..¢cseeeeee+ 50 00 “ sars. 4x4 Bx8 32 00 36.00] andbetterr 134 21 00 22 00 SELECTED NO. 1 SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. Basswood, Common Maple, sts r&in., 4, 5, 6in wide... .... 30 00| 1 in., 4, 5, 6 in. wide ........ 26 00 and better 1 toxin 25 00 2600] and 2nds.. 2 § 4.. 25 00 27 0c HEN OMS TON STORES: Basswood, 1% to2.. 26 27 00 | Oak;red, p’n, ata m. r. 1 1% 73 00 725 00 ists & 2nds 2 5 4.. 44 00 4600 No. 1, 12 in....- eee aR tes 29 00 Band 7 in......-.-..- acwan 22706. Cherry, 1sts Oak, white, TO IMs. seeeeeeeee aasleeierapets 24 00 | No, 3, 12 iM....eeesseee. eee 20 50 and 2nds..1 ‘‘ 1% 55 00 60 00 asts ands x "3% 4200 44 00 Qi. - ere evees eeeeeeeee 23 02 ro in Vote esa seeve. 20 60 Cherry, sts Oak, white, Sand 7 in.....seeseeeeeeee 23 00 gin...... ninth casita uielaieinipe anes and ands.. 2 ‘ 4.. 60 00 70 00 ists &2nds 2“ 4:. 45 00 50 00 No. 2, MQ: cuss sade ww ot wn 25 00 as hin ele i iefe oil Ceitaed ee fibirab a 19 50 enon soft, mill Oak, quart hal TO IN. ccecece cececvee ocece, 22 00 b> < ene ey I9 50 WE 1 '' 1% 24 00 25 00 vata Range: "© 2.. 70 00 8) 00 No. 2, 9 in Jdcstseie ween aanoe TEAs ces nivie «ti ebieci nee el in soft, mill Walnut, rsts : SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. SLA 20. 2 ‘3.. 25 00 2700] and2nds..1 ‘' 3.. 8500 10000, in., 4and 5,in, wide.... .. $16 oo | « in., 13 in. and up wide..... $17 00 1 in., 6 in. NHL Gia siw'aiel=dieieis aie - 17 00| 3%, unth 2 in,, 7 in, and rin, 7 in. wide and up...... 17 09 up wide...,...-.. Eealsie 18 oo QUEBEC, QUE. SHAKY CLEAR. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT na rin., % 4555 Lg and pia, vide 32 00 nm : 4 in. ee up ite sees 34 00 . 1 in., GI. WIdE. 22. seceeeeee oo | 1%, 1 an in, and up Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.....-.... 35 45 4 s wldlers. v0.2 te oere tees 35 00 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch rie according to to lineal... $3 65 SHINGLES, 18-1N. t : E ° Pe seme Re eke Dy Ps Pine, XXXX.... eee eee e eee ‘ 00 eee ee 1-8 | See wae) easured off, according to average and aay se alaice omnes aiator lena 27 33 } {Clear Butts......-... SEL pt ae ICT tothe a5 ipping order ee MOR creme c 40 LATH. ee OS, No.1 White Pine... 4 00 | Hen 2 White Pine ........... 3 40 By the dram, according to average and quality. . ‘ 50 «56 REUOGE senses Nantes oes nad Om ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality 40 to 45 feet . 6o 70 ALBANY, N.Y 30 to 35 fet. 43 PINE. ASH 4 Uppers in. 12. se .eeees 83 85 | rxx7 inchshi os: Te os to inches and up, boring to average and equality: - iets 1 26 Ay, in. , BP ooh ae cae = 83 8 4/4 inch tP 3" & ee es Average 16 inch ° . a) era ones M30 Rit Od Mavens sale acai setae 78 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” aad up.. I9 20° BIRCH. 4 inch uppers .....+++++---- 88 gO ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Teich i Selects, 244 in up.....--. : 77 82 | x2-in. dressing and better... 42 re ue 3 oe TAC AAN: Suid pert elias 70 «72 | Box, 1xro-in. . 20 7 "“ : : a 28 Fine common, 2%in. andup 72 75 | Box, 1x22.... .. : 21 thes “ , vue ae. - Mr tom hited meters etna t ... 58 60 | No. x barn, rx12 29 30 ea es oP al - + 32 34 Wo. xcuts,1to2inch...... 53 55 ate ee 25 26 mg" ‘ Ondo c eo Macaw sche tress 5 a EAS. . ecm vine nis 23 OTTAWA OMT my RR ee eae ret ata ates 30 35 | No. 2 barn, rx12.. 26 MANFUACTURDPRS’ PRICES, x a Moe acs * fo epee < ana 33 Pine, gocd sidings: : raexg Soles barn... ohiae o, 2 molding, to 2in....- 35. TB i craie's ated niainet Melman ee 1inx8in. and up 39 00 4200 catabee 5 19 00 Station Se nae ELIS Stay deci pe Galha oie tM in «1% io. x 1x8 feo Now barn 19 00 Shelia srisainlee ROI sie 35 Sin. sia toe, oth os 50 00 54 00| 1x8 & q No.2 «37 2 Dress sing in md ry 2in. x8in. and up §2 00 56 oo fe Shorts 6’ to tn x8” {15 00 rx19 sng inch shipper 3 es ¥ " Pes “i> ; a! “a ¢ x ; Ser se see Si < Sawed Pire ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 e _ _ ba —_ Through the Spruce Forests of the La is, Mountains—between Quebec and Somme phen gh IpEaL PuLp-MILL Sires. Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. — MONTREAL he 4 General Supt. LATH. $3 50 [Sprnennases _ SHINGLES, ATIC! eles ue bates Melee Meare Clear butts.......... 3 50 3 75 Smooth GOXBe cas cee 5° 475 seen eeee Spruce ....++++-seeee * ie BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, Ny. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Uy pers, 1, 1%, 1% and 2 2 iD -.eeseveeeeese ps en ae Ex Shelvi Bon. 13 in, 2% and 3 IN.....+- 5 09 aD igs.5 4 Pe eae ae 85 00 io eB ae 4 ee Selects I in..... A 68 co] | teled tg tess 1% to 2in.......-. yo 00 | No, 2 Moulding :. 2% and 3 in..... sje ' 1toz in... -...e 4 Meee eee eens wee Fine common, 1 in. “55 oo] "6, Band to in... i: 1% and 1% 3 We sas 58 00| No. 2, 10in........ 60 00} No. 2, 12 in-...+.-s 73 00| No. 3, 10in.....000 No. 3, 121 = 99. aneateae 25 00 and 14 & Dressing i Mey pas ae 36 00 Meal Ty 1, 136 14x10 and 12.....- 40 00 ns sina 3 2 3) DIGS. «i een asine vce 36.00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the fobber's be price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; gine wi WHITE ASH, ~ Ist & and, 1 inch, 33 00 35 00 to 4 in.. 1% tozin ........ 39 00 Se eee bea ose S5s00,. ae Com. and calls, 2.2. 16 00 ~Renen BLACK AND BROWN ASH. Ist & 2nd, 6 nch up, 31 00 _33 00 | Com. & good culls. 15 BIRCH. ke tie rst &and,white, 6’ & 24 00 26.0 36 09 38 00 ‘Com. & good culls. .. ELM. Ist & and, 6in=b & up, red st & 2d,rock,6in &up-6 00 28 oo | 1st & ed, soft, 6in Common and culls.. 15 0¢ 17 00 | Common and MAPLE. ist & 2nd hard...... 21 00 23 00 ee ere Common and culls— 130 o2 14 00 | Common and. BOSTON, MASS. White Pine ‘Pppcers 1 iS pee ¥ Peco wee +1 $82 00 Selects, 1 to 2 inch wee 6800 = line Common, 1 inch......4.+. + ‘ 1% to 2inch,...... No. 1 Cuts, 1 inch ..... aif anche ot 1% to2inch....... No. 2 Cuts, rinch........ nae No. Spruce, 10 and [2 in: dimension... nent 7 gin. and under .......+--- 05 ereeceeees Si to and 12 in. random lengths, 1oft.andup ... 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, ro fl. and u All other random lengths, 9 in. “and under, 10 ff. Ang WD i.e ce ae te en - bee ae : 5 in, and up merchantable boards, 8 it. & MPPs ae Out Spruce boards, p. 1S......-- ..-+-+ 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1s clipped and bundied . NEW BRURHWACE CEDAR SHINGLES. Extras .. Clears...... Second clears Clear Whites . : Extra ts (Clear ‘whites out). Extra cd (Clear whites in). “a i = ))* Vor. XIII. Canapa Lompermay. PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y ¢ of Toronto, Limited _ Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. eS } ise Branch Offices: ? 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, Lonpdon, E. C. ports of market conditions and tendencies in the “ rincipal manufacturing districts and leading oa Romestic and facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. The Monthly Lumberman— A jones journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- _ nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. —_ ~ = WANTED AND FOR SALE _ Advertisements will be. inserted in this depart- ‘ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. _ When four or more consecutive insertions are _ ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. _ This notice shows the ith of the-line and is set . in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 -_ g’clock p. m.’on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue zee WOOD WANTED — PEELED : - basswood or clear spruce. RANKIN AND _ Co., Dundas street, Toronto. Telephone. a WANTED.—SLIDE VALVE OR AUTOMA- << - tic €ngine, 100 to 150 h.p. Address, Box 202, CANADA L.UMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, = TVOR SALE—1”, 6/4”, 2” SOFT ELM. 1", 2”, 3”, Birch. 1’ Wormy Chestnut. 1”, 6/4”, 2”, 3”, ; 4’ Hard and Soft Maple. 1”, 6/4”, 2” Beech. 1’, 2”, “4 3” White Ash. 1”, 2”, 3”, 4’ Red and Wkite Oak. _ (Cedar Squares. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton. % ‘ ro) i F 1%” dry Maple and 4 - a ANTED.—GOOD PRACTICAL MAN WITH a good mill, must be good rig; with double edger and trimmers; also lath mill preferred, to cut about a million ft. pine. Price paid, $3,00 - for lumber, going price for lath. Address, W. _ -B. McLeAn & Co., North Bay. \ oe ARD WOOD LIMIT FOR SALE — ALL kinds of Hardwood, including some Pine _ and Hemlock, about 3,000 acres, 7 miles from __ Parry Sound on shores of Georgian Bay. Esti- _ mated at about sixteen millions of all kinds _ deedediand. Noduestopay. For further par- a aid address C. A. PHILLIPS, Parry Sound, + nt. / FOR SALE 2,500,000 Laths 11 Red Pine Mill Run . “1,:00,000- “ + 11f White Pine No.2 ° Good Sidings 12/16 me tek Apply to H. BourGcorn, 714 St., James street Montreal, P.Q. THIS PAPER REACHES RE 7o,000 feet 1 Good Spruce Ico,c00 “‘ 1 Pine 2d qua, shorts 6/11 _ 230,000 “* x. ‘ 2dqua.strips12/16 - | ~ 700,000 “ ~1° “ 5,C, shorts 6/11 490,000 “S o1- “ S.C. strips 12/16 ; 2 ooo “ 1 ““. Cut up sidings 12/16 ° - 30,000 ‘ 1% “ Cut up sidings 12/16 WEEKLY EDITION 2 | The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 Per Year ={The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, APRIL 5, 1905 3 Vy antes QUANTITY OF IRON RAILS = for lumber tram cars, second hand. Ap- ply Box “ E,’’ Gravenhurst, Ont. ANTED—1 CAR BLACK ASH, MADE UP of 1”, 14%" and 1%”. -Apply THE PATTER- SON-TILLEY Co., Hamilton, Ont. ANTED— FROM ONE-HALF TO ONE million feet pine logs. State price and where stock can be watered. Address, ‘‘ Pitte,"’ CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont.- © FOR SALE. UMBER AND SAW-MILL BUSINESS ON Cc. P. R. Main line. Mill in good running order. Daily sawing 20to 25M. feet. Timber convenient to mill, Address A.B.C., CANADA LUMBERMAN. OR SALE—SAW MILL, CAPACITY 12 M. per day, with 65 acres of landat the Village of Barrys Bay, Ont., on the line of C.A.R.; also 3.000 logs, hemlock and basswood,and 100 acres of standing timber, with camp, stable and out- fit, on] waters of Barrys Bay, five miles from mill. Good timber country. Price, $3,000. For particulars apply to N. D. Morrison, Dal- housie Station, Quebec, OR SALE. — SAW MILI, MACHINERY, - nearly new, Capacity 15,000 ft., 100 M feet hardwood logs, 300 M feet hemlock logs, three million féet henilock and Hardwood titater, 1,000 cords bark, 30,000 cords wood, complete logging outfit, quantity shingle bolts at mill and in bush. No dues. Close to G.T.R:» Good tim- ber locality. Reason for selling, failing health. For price and terms apply to Box 194, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ' FOR SALE For Immediate Shipment 3coM ft. winter cut Basswood 1”, “ec oe 200 B. Ash, 1” and 2”, 500 bg = “ S. Elim; 1% 100 a i ‘* “H. Maple, 1’, 300 fs ag ** Red Birch, 1”, 2”, 3” and 4’, and Squares. Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE. ‘Large Tract of Timber in Central Ontario THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited.) This company has a large tract of well tim- bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toron- to. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hem- lock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherrybirch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads. one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The Company are repared to sell this timber in blocks ranging » from 2,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. , _ There are several gcod mill sites on the pro- perty, This. would be a good opportunity for - parties who are at present cut out and looking or a new location. “Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to : ‘ W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, ghee si “Managing Director, Soy 157 Bay Street, Toronto. N.B.—Several parties have lately made co2- siderable money by purchasing blocks of this timber and selling over again at an advanced price. MBERMAN AND WOOD-WORKER @ULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. WyAaree. 300,000 FEET WINTER CUT Basswood, Common and Better in quality, 1 1/16” thick when dry. Address Box 189, care of CANADA I,UMBERMAN. \ ANTED-2z TO 5 MILLION PINE LOGS, delivered in the Georgian Bay. State price and number of logs to the M. Apply Box 205, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Simcok Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. - AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. AND FILER WANTS POSITION. — Ar man, capable of handling sawmill, ssber and industrious, 11 years experience, best of references. Address, ‘‘Electrician,’? CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. M. FT. INCH DRY BASSWOOD. Write Box 58, Smith’s Falls, Ont, TOO “LOOK AT THIS” s:TGOR SALE—TWO GOOD WATER WHEELS, 40” and 48”, also three run of stone, Smut- ter, elevators, etc., etc., for two hundred dollars . O. B. cars here if taken this month. Box 4, Bothwell, Ont. ty FOR SALE. E CUT OF 300 M. FEET OF BIRCH, 90 M. basswood, 50 M. soft elm, 25 M. black ash and 25 M. beech and hard maple. This isa well selected stock of No. 1 logs. Can be all cut to order. Address Box 204, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED. THOROUGHLY CAPABLE ALL-ROUND Man to take full charge of a planing mill in Manitoba. Must be able to draw plans, esti- mate_on all kinds of factory work; able to handle men and must be strictly sober. Position atonce. Give references, and state age, ex- perience and ‘salary wanted. “Apply Box 208, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. 397,000 feet 2” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run 86,000 feet 1” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. 43,000 feet Mill Culls, etc. Also the product of two million feet good white pine logs to be cut next summer. Corres- pondence solicited. PINE LUMBER COMPANY, Pine, Ont. (near Cartier.) FAGTORY SITES WANTED *~LACK BARREL STAVE MANUFACTURER wants site with suitable timber near, and in Ontario. Basswood tract of land with Mill or Site and reasonable railway facilities. Large Paper and Pulp Site wanted with tim- ber tract and waterway. Other Factory Sites and Buildings wanted everywhere in Canada for American industries who are about to locate, pA ee F. ROLAND, Industrials, St. Catharines, nt, - V ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP WOOD Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which,is bound to interest you ANTED — A MARKET FOR BASKET Bottoms, Spring Bed Sides and Broom Handles. Send dimensions and prices. Box 273, Huntsville, Ont. LOGS ANTED.— VENEER LOGS FROM 12 INCH up, birch, oak, ash, hemlock and bass- wood, delivered any railway station. IMPERIAL VENEER Co., LIMITED, Sundridge, Ont. CEDAR FOR SALE 10,000 PIECES ROUND CEDAR, 8-16 AND 25 feet long, on the Vermillion river. Can be de- livered at Spanish boom. Also Cedar, Pine and Spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood on C.P.R. JAMES MCCREARY. CANADIAN TUCS FOR CHARTER FOR SEASON 1905 Tug Florence—Engine fore and aft compound 18%” x 36” x 26. Large Scotch Boiler 12 4” x1 ¥%" and easy steamer. Tug Home Rule—Engine High Pressure 22 ¥%" x 24”. Fire Box Boiler 8’ x 14. Tug Christian, S.J., (American)—Engine High Pressure 19” x 20”. Fire Box Boiler 6%’ x 12’. For further information address HACKETT Tuc LIne, Amherstburg, Ont. AW MILL IN VANCOUVER, ANNUAL turnover fifty thousand dollars, for sale; price twenty six thousand; terms can be ar- tanged and fullest particulars given by THE Locators, of Winnipeg, Manitoba. IMBER LIMIT FOR SALE IN BRITISH _ Columbia, eight square miles, fifty per cent. cedar, 25 per cent. firand pine and 25 per cent. spruce. Limit situated on Columbia River, with a frontage of ten miles; one hundred and twenty fivelmillion feet. Level ground, Full- est particulars on application to THE LOCATORS, Winnipeg, Manitoba. AW MILL AND TIMBER LIMIT IN Manitoba for sale, yielding annual turn- over of $25,000. Price of Saw Mill, $2,500, in four payments ; limit 2co,000 cords, $10,000, $5,0co cash, balance easy ; teams, horses, sleighs etc. THE LocaTors, 62 and 63 Mer- chants Bank Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba. PULP MILL FOR SALE The Gity of Saint John Offers for Sale That Valuable Property: Known as the Saint John Sulphite Pulp Mill. The mill has a capacity of 180 tons per week ; was built of brick in the year 1898, according to all the requirements of the Factory Insurance Companies of Providence (R.I.), and is fitted with turbine water wheels, developing 600 H. Pp., and an auxiliary steam plant of 300 H. P. It contains two steel digesters 14 x 45 feet, built by the Portland Company, Acid Depart- ment Milk of lime system, of abundant capa- city. Paper machine contains 21 Drying Cylin- ders, 100 inches by 4 feet. : : The situation is at the mouth of Mispec River, a stream ten miles in length, and is distant about seven miles by sea fromthe City of St. ohn, Barges carrying 7oo tons of coal dis- charge at the mill. Schooners have frequently been loaded with pulp at the mill, whence they departed to New York. Sealed proposals, endorsed ‘‘Tender for Pulp Mill,” will be received by H. E. Wardroper, Ksq., Common Clerk, at his office, City, Hall, Saint John, NB., up to 12 o’clock, noon, of Wednesday, the 26th day of April, 1905. W, W. WHITE, Mayor, Chairman Board of Water and Sewerage, II CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Weather conditions could not be more favorable for the lumber trade. Building operations are active and in many cities promise to be considerably greater than last year. During the past three months the building permits granted in the city ot Toronto represented an approximate value of $1,186,768, as compared with $477,675 for the corresponding period in 1904. During the month of March permits for buildings were issued in Hamilton to the value of nearly $300,000, and in London and other cities and towns in Western Ontario there is a corresponding measure of activity. Under such conditions there is certain to be a large consumption of lumber and strong market. Reports from the Ottawa Valley are equally favorable, and prices of both pine and hardwoods continue firm. The decline in the price of basswood which occurred during the win- ter months has resulted in an increased consumption, and the market is now firm on the basis of $23 to $25 for mill run f.o.b. cars Toronto. The feature of the past week has been an advance in British Columbia shingles. For Ontario delivery prices are now mark- ed up about 30 cents, and it is believed that the condition of the shingle industry is such that these prices can be main- tained. BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. There is a better feeling in respect to the outlook for B.C. shingles. The ex- periences of the past year have shown manufacturers the utter futility of endeav- Oring to keep prices up in the face of an abnormal supply, and the movement which has now beencommenced to regulate the production and obtain a fair price is likely to be more earnestly and univers- ally supported than any previous plan. A few manufacturers have already sold their output for some months in advance, and it is expected that there will be no difficully in maintaining the new price list. UNITED STATES. There have been no unfavorable de- ve'opments duiing the past week to im- pair the strong tone of the lumber market. The demand is good and prices in many instances are showing a hardening ten- WOODS & SPICER, Limited ee BRITIS EL COLUMBIA F-Bi-D CEDAR SHINGLES We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. Wire Your Orders at ouR EXPENSE tO Agents, or to us At VANCOUVER, B.C. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING ORILLIA PLANING MILL | MASON, GORDON & CO. — KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION dency. The shortage in the log produc- tion, on account of the early break-up of winter, is not likely to prove quite as great as was anticipated a few weeks ago and most of the mills will have a fair supply of logs for the season’s work. In the Saginaw Valley there is a strong de- mand for material for conversion into box shooks, and mill culls have been sold as high as $16.50. Fine common is also strong in that market. Buffalo and Tona wanda dealers are doing a satisfactory trade and predictions are made of higher prices for white pine. At the monthly meeting of the White Pine Association held on March a2tst, it was stated that the shading of prices was over and an agree- ment was reached to sell nothing. below the full list price. Activity in hardwoods is more marked than at any previous time this spring. Dealers are refusing orders for plain oak, which is particularly scarce in inch and 1% inch. Elm and birch come next in order in respect to demand, followed by maple. Basswood is selling much more freely than in the winter, but prices are still a little weak in comparison with the market of a year or more ago. All kinds of shingles are in better de- mand. White pines are being sold in Buffalo and Tonawanda at 25 cents be- low red cedars. Lath prices are stiff. GREAT BRITAIN, There is no doubt that the prospects for the lumber trade in Great Britain are steadily improving. To the fine weather is due in part a heavier consumption, and this is expected to continue. In view of the low condition of stocks, the result has been to bring about an advance in the price of such lumber as is now on hand. Dealers are disposed to purchase at pres- ent values and are also considering’ offers of Canadian lumber which a few months ago would have been regarded jas” exorbi- At the recent auction sales the bid- ding has been more lively and slightly higher prices have been realized. Several lots of Canadian pine were recently sold under the hammer at Liverpool, bringing £12 per standard for 3 x 11 in. 3rd qual- ity and £19 for 2nd quality, 14 to 16 feet. Spruce deals are still advancing. Where- as six weeks ago the highest price ob- tant. tainable for a specification containing 70 per cent. narrows, balance g in. and up, was £6 17s. 6d. c.i.f., parcels are now changing hands at an advance of fully 12s. 6d. on these prices. Brokers are ob- taining £7 5s. for 3 x 7, £7 17s. 6d. for 3 x 9, and £8 17s. 6d. for 3 x 11, with a prospect of a further rise during the pres- ent month. As shippers are not unduly pressing sales, the outlook is much brighter than it has been for some time. STOCKS AND PRICES. The Dominion Lumber Company cut during the past winter about 8,000,000 feet of logs on their Labrador limits. The tug Mary C recently’ arrived at Vancouver, B.C., with a boom of Ameri- can spruce logs for the Pacific Coast Lum- ber Company. It is estimated that the quantity of logs to be driven down the Kennebec river, in Maine, this year will be 25,009,000 feet less than last year. The Ottawa Lumber Company have secured the contract for the annual supply of lumber required by the Board of Works of the City of Ottawa, their price being $9, 307.50. The Toronto Junction Lumber Company have secured the contract for supply of lumber for the town of Toronto Junction, Ont., their price being $19 per thousand feet for pine and $18.50 for cedar. A dispatch from Dauphin, Man., states that Theo. Young, forest ranger, has seized 10,000,000 feet of lumber cut in the Swan River district by portable mills. The timber was taken off lands on which the Government allows no timber to be cut. The Huron Lumber Company, Spanish Riyer, Ont., expect to have’ 18,000,000 feet of logs to cut this season, ‘The Moul- throp Lumber Company, John’s: Island, have secured about 20,00v,000 feet, and Eddy Bros. & Company, at Blind River, Ont., will probably have 15,000,0c0 feet. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Company have put in 20,000,000 feet. The steamer Briardene sailed from Hali- fax, N. S., last week, for Liverpool, with 1,584,988 feet of spruce deals and 15,226 feet of birch timber. MANUFACTURERS on er ei Capacity 100 Million a Year. Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOUD, EMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS Send for Catalo vt Samples by Near G.T.R. Station PLANING, MOULDINGS, gare FLOORING, RESAWING, SIDING Done any quantity. Write for price. S. POMEROY, Zpere EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER ‘ DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH BULMER, M°LENNAN & COMPANY MONTREAL, =. Office and Yard, 571 DORCHESTER ST. ogue KNIGHT BROTHERS co J ee ye mh a ey Ee > oe . a ae ‘ — is a 7 a > ae hams: ia W. C. CRAWFORD q ~ Tilbury “ Ont. Manvfacturer of . . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading ene Red and:White Oak,Maple and Elm Lumb Can supply Second Growth White or € Oak squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER 60. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS HaRDWwoop - = Citizens’ Building, ie an Yard Cleveland,O.. McMinnville,/Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto. 7 EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with ‘wooden goods, such as Santas Broom Handies, Fork and S Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on J of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane London, Eng. McLennan Timber Land and — Lumber GO., cimitea Selling Ageney and Dealers in all J kinds of Timber Lands. - ca Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. ADVERTISE. YOUR vans We —W6GKIY Ganada Lumbertan : Toronto Montreal + Winnipeg ‘ Burk’s oe . WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec — - Beas Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading _“ ., Vaucouver, B.C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in 4ny size or length supplied | c WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. = - P.0." Bs x 16 “ =e + a 5 5°) PS ~ ae Ae fap elt * eS a “a A It oe ‘ - _ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE BARBADOS MARKET. The only arrival since our lastreport, say _ S. P. Musson, Son & Company under date of March ith, is the schooner “Bravo”, from Halifax, with 125,000 ft. white pine, which was sold at $26.10 for merchant- ‘able, and $18.50 second quality. Our market is well supplied with this de- scription of lumber, especially in second quality, of which there isa rather heavy stock, and dealers are not prepared to in- crease their holdings exceptatmuch lower prices. Spruce on the contrary is wanted, stocks of merchantable being almost nil, and a couple of cargoes would do well. We have nothing further to-report about shingles, as with the usual light demand at this time of the year, dealers have not reduced their holdings very much, but we think that in the next month or two a better feeling will set in, when moderate shipments of both Long Gaspe and Cedar Laying would meet with a ready sale at remuneralive prices. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CanaDa LUMBERMAN.) _ Vancouver, B.C., March 27th, 1905.— This_is the season of the year when the lumber trade is good if it is good at all, and the present demand and the antici- pated trade of the coming summer is _ keeping the mills busy. The depression of last year'was severely felt, and the effect is still apparent. In Vancouver some of the large concerns had to dip into capital account, and financial stringency is still ~ reported in more than one instance. Ifthe duty is imposed, as asked, for, everything will turn out all right, but if not the com- petition may drive a few more to the wall. In Vancouver city the resumption of oper- ations by the mills has brought back good times. January and February were two of the worst months in local business and money circles for a long time, but with the starting of the mills prosperity is fair. Stocks are beginning to pile up in the yards, but local trade and outside de- mand are preventing them from becoming too heavy. Prices continue firm in all lines, no deviations being yet reported from the price list inaugurated three months ago. This will be the largest year of building in this city and the mills pill benefit accordingly. The latest in connection with the old Ross-McLaren mills at New Westminster is that Mr. L. David, the manager, has returned from San Francisco, having com- pleted ali arrangements for the re-opening. Sixty-five experienced hands are to be brought in, and special attention is to be paid to export trade. Heretofore, the shipment of lumber to foreign ports has been done by the British Columbia Mills, Timber & Trading Company on the main- land and principally the Chemainus mill on the island. The Pacific Coast Lumber Company is developing a boat building industry in connection with its operations, Last week what will be the largest tug in B. C. waters was launched, and _ construc- tion has commenced on the hull of a dredge which is to operate in the Yukon ‘ Ill. and willbeshippedin‘‘knocked down.” The building of scows and boats is brisk in the yards of A. Wallace, adjoining the mills of Messrs. Robertson & Hackett, who supply the large quantity of lumber neces- sary. { Mr. S. H. Bowman has organized the Bowman Lumber Company, which pur- chased the interests of the Empire Lumber Company at Revelstoke and Comaplix. Apart from the business transfer, it is not improbable that the methods carried on successfully by Mr. Bowman in the States may be introduced here. The Company has about 60 retail yards and offices in difterent parts of the country south of the line, and handle their own lumber from the ownership of the limits to the distribution of the lumber to the consumer. Lumber- men in the eastern portion of the province, particularly, are discussing the establish- ment of retail yards in the Territories, and Mr. Bowman may put his experience into practical operation. The action of the Elk Lumber & Manu- facturing Company, of Fernie, will be watched with interest by other lumber companies in the west. It has entered suit against Mr. Stewart, contractor for the Great Northern railway, for damages done to their property last June by the big forest fire. The case will come up at the spring assizes in Nelson, The assets of P. S. Hardy, general store and saw mill, Chambly Canton, Que., have been sold. J.B. Farwell & Son «. CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN. Ganadian Gedar Tele- grap, Telephone and Electric Light Poles Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. d. D. SINGLAIR Vancouver Cedar Mills VANGOUVBR B.C. ROBERT WATT WIARTON, ONT. Manufacturer and Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. SPECIAL: One carl ad of 3x4 Hardwood Hearts suitable for car stakes. One car of 3’ Cedar Plank. One car each of XXXX and xxx Cedar Shingles. One half car each of XX and X Cedar shingles. Prices on application. C.S. POWELL & CO. Lumber Fxporters 604 Temple Bidg., TORONTO and at NEW ce) ‘LEANS, LA. H Cash buyers all kinds hardwoods. To Millmen We solicit correspondence... . THE There is only one way to make and KH A M | LTO N LONG Goode aieier egoods ities’ —ASPECTRTOR LUMBER iii ing ran, and we are sia eas COMPANY we stuck to it. 4 : ONTARIO FOR High Grade Cedar Herman H. Hettler Lumber Gompany WHITE and NORWAY Manufacturers and Wholesalers of. . PINE LUMBER LATH and SHINGLES Shipments by Rail or Water -MIDLAND, ONT. FIRES. The saw mill of R. Horwood at Speed- side, Ont., was burned last week. The saw mill of W. W. Shaw at Hart- land, N. B., was burned recently ; loss $4,000, insurance $2,600. The saw mill of Emilien Lup‘en, of Wickham Station, Que., was destroyed by fire last week, the loss being about $4,000. Leonidas Villeneuve, lumber dealer, Montreal, has registered his business. I. Dean Holden, Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr A.F, Holden, Vice-Pres, F.C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. , Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Piné Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =—SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LIMITED SAW aNp PLANING MILLS, WARREN, OnT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo, Registered Cable Address, “* Pinewood,”? BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG: ‘Head . Office, TORONTO, CAN: Fy “CA meri ican. Iaunberman” ' Telecode.: < “ B.C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES ~ ~ Several cars now in transit, hence can give prompt delivery. SEND C. A. LARKIN IN YOUR ORDERS 2 Toronto J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY THE QHARLEMAGNE & LAG OUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED, 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc In Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings EndMatchd HARNWOOD FLOORING and Bored x ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - _ Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. ~ SAWN AND DRESSED LOMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations. Shipments by rail or water. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE nna Se re, U M B EF R CACHE BAY, Ont an hw AND LATH IV; CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION E. H. HEAPS & CO., Cedar Cove Mill, Vancouver, B.C. Lumber, Lath, AA1 HIGH GRADE Wancouver, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. : SPECIALTIES : Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels > Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. 3 Balusters, etc. w. J. SHEPPARD PRESIDSny, aubaushene, Ont. Pa cific Coast Launnber Co. LIMITED attire Mec B.C. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete, High Grade Red Cedar Pega | Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, as D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. LAN Sh ee eee The Rat Portage Lumber Co. Lidg.#4, 4 White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work param CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Manufacturers of * BS Me Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Worked and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. THOS. KIRKPATRICK, , MANUFACTURER OF Red Cedar Shingles Mills at Hastings and New Westminster Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Telephone B 1425 Daily Capacity, 250,000 Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Ontario Representative: W. J.. SMITH, Fergus. Export Lumber & Shingle Co. Wholesale Dealers British Columbia Lumber and Shingles The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market prices. Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED VANCOUVER --— BRITISH COLUMBIA WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. Limited | - t —— wi > - . ~ - ae o> aca ; Pi * B ga. he a ees bare J i Sx Area eis rs us | . Dll ty z a » = fe Ma ages 7s, « ea af ve er Cait wae yee Fest eae ro" 7 - , aah fee SA | gad ¢ 3 y 7 roan brass Ts April 5; «905 Ruskin Mill nae B. 7 5 B. C. CEDAR SHINGLES. J 4 © %, j. G. ge nbeditey MANAGER ¢ Vancouver, B.C. 112 Mail Building, T ORONTO- j. E. YOURS, Cashier Sash, Head Office: RAT POTRAGE, Ontario ¥ COOKE & TAIT MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS. OF B.C. FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER AND SHINGLES Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Shingle Mill: False Creek, Vancouver, B. c. WRITE FOR PRICES. Hazelmere Lumber Co. HAZELMERE, B.C. | MANUFACTURERS OF 3 :3 3 FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER ~ CLEAR CEDAR AND FLOORING a _ Our Specialty. - Long Distance Telephone. ae W. Cc. WELLS —_ 7 PALLISER, B. Cor | 3.3 % Manufacturer of 3 3 3 High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. - CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. an yr | Apri 5) 1905 ——— SS SS THE PEI PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. _DELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER 6O., WHOLESALE White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles ace in at {$ Spuiuewoed Powassan Cartier Callander _ Onta dland Whitney Sturgeon Falls North Bay. NOReEIG OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers. E Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquirie — FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer ery one all winter. ‘HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. _ RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. _ BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers o Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. f its and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch _ and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, °° shine" QUEBEC he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited ius ac SPmMCGE, Algoma Dist, Ont - | White and Red Pine z “Soo” Branch C.P.R.” | Lumber and Lath Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES ye Building, Moutreal d at Mills at Spragze. Water Shipments CANabA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS _ a M. GRENNEN & SONS MANUFAGTURING CO., LIMITED Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. Head Office : H "| HAMILTON, ONT. ONT. TAUGER & SON - Quebec PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and Lumber.—Write Us. Manufacturers of and ee Dealers in all kinds of . : _ Both Railway Delivery and Water = A. F. BURY AUSTIN , WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Bank of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA a Se ALTIES: Railway Pridge Timber and ali'kinds ot;Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and | Tiered Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, w back, end butted. Sole Eastern Agent for The North Pacific Lumber Company, Limited, Barnet, B. C. ry Kilts 0 Fi; Timber in any size or length up to go feet long. Timber ont. face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. y Kilos of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. a - ue Es PES “ S 4, ‘ t fo ei 2 oak i antl : - Pie se a ke be Te US R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. Ll. WHITE. JP AY EAST RR 8 WELL Manufacturers and Whoiesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH © SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supeiles MIDLAND, ONT BILL TIMBER a Spectalt A. & P. VAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE ONT. => Manufacturers of and Dealers in F. M°CIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. | MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., .R., and by Water. r[urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUPAGTURERS LOMBER a | AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited 160 Bay St., Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. PENETANCUISHENE ONT. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Make D.D. FLANNER - W. REEVES FLANNER & REEVES WHITE AND NORWAY PINE LUMBER CAR AND CARGO. THE MENZ LUMBER GOMPANY BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES ve SF. FOSS, Manager. 024-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man: J. F. FOSS, Manager. CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FOR SALE I can saw out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, OWEN SOUND, ONT. VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ee TTT Eee Oe ee ae WESTERN CANADA LUMBER CONDITIONS. A representative of the CANADA LUMBER- MAN recently interviewed Mr. W. P. Dutton, of the Red Deer Lumber Com- pany, Winnipeg, in regard to lumber conditions in Western Canada. He said: “T believe that the coming year is going to be a prosperous one among lumber manufacturers and retailers throughout Manitoba and the North-West Territories. Market conditions south of the line are getting in much better shape than they have been for quite a while. Pine prices are stiffening and the curtailing of the output by the southern and western mills is beginning to have its effect. This means that the manufacturers the United States are going to find a-ready market for their product, at such prices that it will not be necessary for them (o ship into Canada in order to protect their own market. It is common knowledge that these mills have sold lumber in Can- ada at lower prices than they were willing to sell in their own country, in order to not demoralize their market, This has been a hardship to lumber manufacturers on this side of the line. “The Red Deer Lumber Company had no trouble in dispesing of practically the entire cut of the seasun of 1904. We have been obliged to take our travellers off the road until we can get caught up in with our orders and see what we have left in our stock after orders now in have been filled. We look for a brisk spring trade, since country stocks are low with the exception of some of the line yard companies. We are preparing to saw between twenty-five and thirty million during the coming summer. The new extensions on the Canadian Northern and the Canadian Pacific Railroads are open- ing vp some magnificent farming lands, all of which require’a certain amount of lumber as the new settlers come in. These extensions are well iocated so far as our company is concerned and as the demand increases in this new country, we expect a steadier market with better prices.” Mr. Dutton expressed himself as being sanguine that something would be done by the Government towards the relief of those lumber manufacturers who are not located near their market, and said, ‘‘I think that any system by which the Ameri- can manufacturer can be kept from ruin- ing the Canadian market while he is protecting his own, will be acceptable to lumber manufacturers on this side of the line. I believe that the Canadian manu- facturer can make lumber as cheaply as the American. The objection to allowing American ‘lumber to come free into this country lies in the fact that the American manufacturer can make money in selling his high grade stock, while, at the same time, he is sacrificing his low grade stock in order to get rid of it. The Canadian manufacturer who isnot fortunate enoughto manufacture any high grades is obliged to selllow and middle grade stocks ex. clusively. If these grades are being sacrificed in his market by the American manufacturer, it stands to reason that when conditions get bad enough the Canadian manufacturet is going to be ruined. I have heard men say that if the Canadian cannot manufacture as cheaply as the American, he better go out of busi- ness, but such expression of opinion only shows a man’s ignorance of the true conditions. ‘The number of offers which we have had of British Columbia timber and mills go to show the desperate condition in which the British Columbia manufacturer is placed. There are a great many mills on the coast and in the mountain district the proprietors of which have bought timber cheap and who are manufacturing ds cheaply as could be expected, but who have nevertheless been ruined by Ameri- . can competition, in the past two or three years. These men have become discour- aged or their mills have gone into the hands of assignees, and they not only need the protection which they have asked of the Government but they further have a right to expect such protection. ” UNITED S April 5, 1905 The men who control the Red Deer Lumber Company are also putting upa plant at Fernie, B. C., where they expect to turn out thirty to ferty millions a year. When our correspondent suggested that the erection of this mill might indicate to some people that his utterances and ac- tions were not consistent, Mr, Dutton replied: ‘‘The fact that we are erecting this large mill in British Colombia goes to prove that what I have said is correet. A couple of years ago, we bought four to five million feet of timber near Fernie. With this timber, we purchased a mill which had a capacity of thirty to thirty- five thousand feet in ten hours, expecting for the time being’ to manufacture with this mill only. After a year’s operation, we found that, manage things as well as we could, the mill would make us no money. The mill was as good as the average mill of the same capacity, but market conditions were such that the stuff which was turned out could not be sold for enough to pay us to run it, We were ACME LUMBER CO. Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A. Wholesale Hardwoods Hard Maple and Rock Eim our Specialty. We invite correspondence whether you to buy or sell. TATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS | YOU REACH | CAN THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS . BY RAIL,MAIL ‘PHONE GHARLOTTE Wholesale andi Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - NABBERLE Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. McGLURE LUMBER [GO. Wholesale Dealers in. . . Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK. POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, | Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING | PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. | Correspoierce Invited on All Hardwoods. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. Wwiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other. Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . . . . ADDRESS: CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. ss7Mik'S, - BOSTON, Mass. SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER WHOLESALE ¥Y ELLOW ST. LOUIS, co. PINE MANUFACTURERS MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LITTLE BAy, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, LA., ALLENTOWN, LA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e\e ese ee FRANK G. BURY BURY WHOLESALE LUMBER & NOBLE - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. MASON A. NOBLE MICHIGAN / + Veneers Litas” at ps “anettnentele April 5) 1905 3! CANADA LUMBERMAN. WEEKLY EDITION Vil. therefore placed in a position where we “were obliged to manufacture more cheap- _ly and turn outmore lumber or else shut down our mill and hold our timber until market conditions became better. We took the former alternative and now expect to have a plant which will turn out en- ough lumber and at a cost which will first mill could have made money, but up here he receives no protection from the Government and has no association which controls prices, and is therefore placed in a very unenviable position when markets on the other side begin to sag and the American begins to dump his lumber into the Canadian market.” Clarke’s. Brook, Bonaventure County, Que., together with a miil at Champion's Siding. The price was about $7,000. sold to G. W. Henderson, wholesale lum- ber merchant, of Halifax. Mr. Hender- son has made arrangements to operate the property on a large scale. paid was $38,750. At Liverpool, N.S., a few days ago, there was sold by the sheriff, under mort- gage foreclosure proceedings, forty-five thousand acres of timber lands in Shel- The price (aieicieianapdaaiaanieemnaiie meres eel "give us the profit which we had reason to expect. - “Tn the United States, wherethelumber- man is protected from outside competition and where he is closely associated with ‘other manufacturers, a mill the size of our TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. S. S. Harrison and W. H. Miller, of Campbellton, N.B., have purchased from McKenzie & Flett and William Richards & Company 18% miles of timber limits on burne and Queens counties known as the Jordan River tract, lately the property of the United Lumber Company. The sale included besides the land, the mills, stores, offices and houses at Jordan River, with all, river and booming privileges. After some spirited bidding the property was McLean Bros. have been incorporated at North Tonawanda, N. Y., with a capital stock of $250,000, to deal in lum- ber, etc. The directors are Hugh Mc-— Lean, Donald McLean and Morris N. Bingham, ot North Tonawanda, and Donald McLean, of Philadelphia. | PARNWORTH & JARDINE " Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, i, F. A. Soe ticdy & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS “Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. _ Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. 4 Shipments handled to the best advantage to all __nhipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, ‘[ ouls BAMBERGER, * “tenon s°s IMPORTER OF =e ee a Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ a Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYB ZEBRA CODE A. B, C. CODE DIRECTORY CODE CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood 1 gents and Brokers “ GELLICHT,” LONDON Wi head ’ Cable Address : 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England ~S _ ; LONDON GABLES, DOORCHEEK, LONDON STORES: _ We are Buyers of Pine Doors. and Mould- ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. Seats, Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, and all kinds of ready made joinery. AVERS 158, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. _FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Gente Importers _ MANCHESTER ENGLAND __ Invite offers from Lumbermen for . _ Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine eg Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels dles, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any _ Woods Suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elm Staves and Heading, Handles of all descriptions A Specialty ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. _ Cable address, “*Shooks,”” Hul!. Codes—A. B.C. 4th Edition and Zebra. THOMPSON, BLOIS & KJELLCREN——— ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AND LOGS BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW ASH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST HIPPING DOCUMENTS Locke’s Wharf, Eumonton, N. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS SMITH & TYRER - l4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW OrINT & KEMP 9 TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : “‘TECTONA” Glasgow. Ar and A B C Codes ted. * BROKERS Every lumberman wants it 55 cents buys it SOriDnérs LUMDEF 100 Book BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION OFFICES : dUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD, Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Address : THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. ALISO .. All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers CABLE ADDRESS “* HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND DOBLE LIVERPOOL, ” BRANCH OFFICE Brook {, HAMBURG a Vit". THE ONTARIO LUMBER 0°. LIMITED ad: tes Bay P.R. and &. T.R. Delivery. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. ome Life Fuilding 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION EO. G. GLADMA WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES ms PARRY SOUND, ONT. MANUFACTURER Of — CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED ILLIAMSON & MORRISON — LUMBER WHOLESALE Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. JAS. LUNNY & GO., HINTONBURG, ONT. — (ASH, ELM, BASSWOOD, PINE, SPRUCE Have Tor Sale (AND HEMLOCK IN QUANTITIES Eastern Agents--B. C. Shingles and Douglas Fir, all dimensions B. C. Cedar Write for quotations ONE DOLLAR. Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR Can dress to 24x30. eS GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA THE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO, —Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in Pine, Hemlock*Hardwood Lum ber ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. A. P. HBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock WIARTON, OWT. THE NEW LINE a Warer-Powers, TIMBER Limits AND ELECTRIC PoWER, FOR SALE. . A. J. GORRIE General Supt. Wondstoc, nate - \ = Through the Spruce Forests of the Lpeeatind : Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesbury. IpEAL PuLp-MILL SiTEs. Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. MONTREAL ovy TOMBS G.F.& PA, Pine a) teeta Pee Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 Clear butts.. H Smooth 6x18....... 450 475 LATH. | . LBs $34'50' 4! Spruces:..ct eects SHINGLES. Bom butts, 6x18 iss 25 “sh 2 see 35° 3°75 Spruce J... .c0ceeseste BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y.~ WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Pixe Epa Strips : Pine shorts6’ to 11’x10” 16 00 Or ERR ee eae + 23 co 36 00] Pine, 8ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 00 as rH | in. and1% in.... ~6 00 38 oo | Pine s. c. strips...... 13 00 15 00 Pa Ages O00 36 38 00 40 00| Pine, s.c. shorts..... 12 00 14 00 as can shorts: Pine, box boards.... 00 14 50 AMM siale tae si 25 00 28 oo | Pine mill culls.,... 13.00 14 00 TORONTO, ONT. 1m i in. and 1% i in. |. 28 00 35 oo Bails per M ; 5o Jobe Ae 34 00 38 00 o. x white pine..: 240 2 60 : acre waa Pine, "No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine; .. 200 2 25 1 inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 to 10 in.,1.to16ft. 15 00 16 oo siding, per.M feet, Spruce, mill run..... 200 215 cuts & better..-... $4 0 $50 00] 2x4 to 10 inch, *8 ft.. 16 00 17 00 Ted sca, AIG 2000 25 00 Red Pine, millrun.sa'c0e. 2 15 1% to 2 inch No. 1 Clear inch B. C. cedar, Pine, No. 1 dressing Pine Shingles cuts and better.. 51 00 53.00] kiln dried............ S009 strips.........+..+. 18.00 2400| XXXX, 18 inch........ 300 3 25 1% & 2in.No,2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar Pine No. : dressing Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 cuts and better.... 42 00 4500) airdried boat lumber 55 00 shorts's. oss set9 16 00 2000] xx 18 inch........... 1 40 160 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension Pine, 10s, ¢ and bet- Cedar Shingles evts and better.... 38 00 39 00| timber, 25 to 30 feet 30500 ter’ stock, 12’ to 16’ 20 00 2200| XxXxX, 18 inch........ 3 25 in Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- Clear Butt,18 inch... 2 50 and better shorts 2500 27 00| timber, 30 to 35 feet oaks) ter stock, 12 to1#’. 17 00 1900| xx, 18inch.......... 160 170 1x4, 6and 8common 18 0o 19 00 V4 ath No. 1 4ft. Pine_ Tad 66 WSS ee ° mon....-. Ig 50 2000 ALL. cis enicng 3 “ = eaiandad Lehaee # = 22 00 | 1% in. No. 2 4 ft. Lath 302 3 10 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. IX O common...... 20 00 21 00 sk ae. I 3x Fine ene fees : ba UStER: ANDISELEGTS, waste Ioo 22 00/1 oO. 1 emloc 2 , ‘ Teme goer caer BS 00 a5 oo | XXXX roars Shingles 290 300 Uppers, 1 in., ro in. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $65 co 1xiu inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 220 Wide ...-..,sseseee+++-575 00| 1%, 13 and in...... ++ 22+ 65 00 common .....---+: 20 00 21 co} X Pine Shingles .. 1 00 1% 1% and 2 in... te eeeeee 75 00) 234 and 3 in.......-..++e«+ 75 00 Inch mill runsidings 2¢ 00 22 00| XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 30 2% and 3 im. ...-+s.sseees 80 00] 4 IMs es eeseeee wees seeecees 77 00 1 in. millrun...... . 20 00 -21 00 B. C. Shingles" 4Nsssees Saapiniiessmapabie cae OO. IKIO and 12 mill culls 15 00 16 oo | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2.90 FINE COMMON. aides mill cu'l Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 310 fin, 81 Ly and up wide...... 55 00 2% and 3in., 8in,’ and up wide 73 00 TG-G Seer epoctonagooc 15 00 16 00| XXXXX 5to2in.. 345 4an Gives ce Bec adirc Mich BUNOD | Caaktee cine Seley bac cht ite ane 78 00 1 in. ata cull sidings 12 00 13 00| XX No. 2, 6 to2in.. a) 240. 210-...0e vee etrietansisyayeesi els 58 00 : 1% inch Flooring .. 23 00 25 00 xx a 6 to 23-16 in. B FINE COMMON @R NO 1 CUTTING. Hemlock,1x4 to Bin. 1450.15 521 XX 5to2in.. 27° 40:'to.gs fet) + 48 PINE. ASH. Uppers, 3 in. ... .. IxI2 inch shipper: nine ait ote $ 24 to inches and up, seprding to a iepae and isinality. is ‘eeu 26 BGAN was - osc ene « 4/4 inch i; nee & up. 25 Average 16 inch. . . ; ow 30 1to2in.... 4/4 Box boards 6” and up.. 19 20 inch uppers ...... he ro-in, dressing and better... 30 35 BIRCH, é 3 h elects, 24% in ap Me sia Wia Ie : 77 82 | x2-in. dressing ani Baty: 4° 42 Br inc i ee ste Z£0, SUT s sleltte A ore 70 73 Hox; EXIO-IM, ..esecceeseece: + 20 17 “ aa 5 Fine repeat 244i in. andup 72 75 Ky IXAZ ee eeeeee veeeee 21 . “ F ee en RY See 3 T £0 2iN.sccccee cvccneee --- 58 60 | No. x barn, rxr2.... ...... 29 30 ' - + 32 34 No, rcuts, 1 to 2 inch. 53 55 = : , Go erence scinmiay OTTAWA. ONT. He He nos tara, sare ee MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Idi f4 rele 4 IXI0. Pine, good sidings: 1x10 No, 1 barn.... 21 00 ied wba m0 2 40 Shaky clear : to 6/4 I in.x8 in. and up 39 Qo 4200|1x10oNo. 2 “ .... 19 00 TS eebeer plastic on sce s : = Mae ae ttn oe eee 19 00 Shelving boards, 12 4° eae 8 in. and up. ee oe: 54 00 | 1x8 & g No.2 “ 7.00 ds, % 28 ro in, x8 i d Ps 6 Pine Shorts 6’ to 11”x8” fs Dressing boards, narrow.... f ommon .... a Bh, QUAD BA O9 See? ne eae om Ee 15.00 1x19 inch shippers ...00. 20. ar 29] % f t. ve ras ¥ ¥ Ed. rect. o ; = ; CaS. Font Wy en Te ee Ne Uy pers, 1, 1%, 1% and 2 = 2) in, dereas eee SET TY j Artest = ogi aia aie 78 00 | Shelving, No. r, 13 in. q — ¥ pe and 3s Wa cigiatene 85 00 an up ip EAs Sins oo > waded spina aatie 85 00 No. 1 Mold'st’ps sto Se sets ut Bea 68 co re one eee I ain’: cases 70 00 ae oulding 2% and 3 in....... 78 00 Lt ae el 4M... eee seeedee 80 0o| Barn, No.1, 12in..... Fine common, 1 in, 55 00 6, 8 and 10 Ri se. heep 1% and 13 in..... 58 00| No. 2, 10in......06 2 ID .cseveceeecoes 60 00] No.2, 12 in-....+.- , ins Dietdintaieiate Aviesee 73 00| No. 3, 10 ins....+- Scenes - 75 00| No. 3, 12im.....+.- Cut’ tp, No. "t, rin. 38 00| Box, 1X4..0..eee0-08 tug up, Na % in..... 50.00, rx6&up.. sc. < No. 2, 1 in........ 25 00 IX NO... daca epee ag 2,1%, & 1% in 36 00 IEIZ siecccs siondus No. 31th 1% and IxXI3 and up ...... ect acscnlerea 2500] 1% and1% & 2in.. Dressing rin. 36 00} Mill Coley 1,1%,1% : 14xx0 and 12. 40 00 and 2in...s.s.ss = oF MOM AE Se so assuwiaielatuio eh 36 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the a baying price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; WHITE ASH. 1st & 2nd, 1 inch, 33 00 35 00 2% to 4 in...eeeeseee 43 00° i%tozin ....... 39 00 4I oo| Strips.... «=. 22 00 Com. and culls. +. 16 00 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. Ist & 2na, 6 nch up, 31 00 33 00 | Com. & good calie Je 3$ ¢ °° BIRCH. tst & 2nd, 6 in=h & ist &2nd,white, *’ &up, 24 oo 26 up, red........... 36.09 38 oo | Com. & good seee IZ snes ) ELM. sara rock,6in &up 26 00 28 oo | rst & 2d, soft, 6in Simp Nye a5, Common and culls .. I§ 0° 17 00 Common and Is....4. 16 00 17 00 = MAPLE. 2. ist & and hard....:. 21 co 23 00, 1st &and,soft...... ... 19 00 21 O0 Common and culls. 1300 14 oo | Common and culls:.... 11 00 2 BOSTON, - MASS. of om White Pine U aa whee eae cesses sees eeeeee$82 00 to $85 0 Selects, 1 to 21NCH...caspece sesecees cacscnseceeess OS 00 rae Fine Common, 1 inch. Sieh ote ale at ete tes: sueeeeeeses 55 00 1% to2inch owes ogact, sanmineste gael ge go ; No. 1 Cuts, 1 inch slaique wesherwiete Sone 0.0 eisieyels cei cleo SORTED ote de aid olaedt anaes Bote, dia luge win fa pC No. 2 Cuts, rinch....... sas viele! ye ee be a hoo evs ama CONOR 1% to 2 inch.. 2 oieteliie’ o/jaie ct Wipe mere seeeeeee GE 00 Barn Boards,No. 1 Di uve ceesties tore Soc acae sinjgeine san AO ee No. taal gede seve ace esiams «s+ 25 00 NO, 3.2020 e esse eeeeee wasmeinre Beer Sc 23 00 Spruce, 10 and 12 in. dimension...... ae nceannoass > g in. ANG WES. is eo udiscns oe ialecient eareD, yf 10 and 12 in. random lengths, 10 ft. and up 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 an 3x4 random lengths, a / 1o ft. and up.. mS oie All other random ‘lengths, 9 ‘in, and under, we. HE, ANG WP aoe ate Sete bce ds ein aed Sinisa Sate -= 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.1 sf! Se Out Spruce boards, p. : 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. I A ‘clipped and bundled . NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. FOMEEAS ocaihapeaie tan ci velar tae auiah Se wen aa Boros n Glears. cae sae dp sees Gadi caatslapal ose Eee ee Second clears . PS tahoe tie. aot icle his Settles aa Clear’ Whites”. cc. . cscs, ras ves Deaee eae gine sas SOS Extra 1s (Clear whites ‘out). Soe unl lames erate eae mE a Extra 1s (Clear whites inm)...........-..ceeeeeeees 1 §0 BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. a Pribtaito ten splaaivepe Seige us aon Sa ss Perfections, 5 butts to ain. .... ...- 390 @ A iy > a 4 Ri > The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pares} _ $10 WEEKLY EDITION O PER-YEAR = {Thé Lumberman Weekl" Edition every week. zs THIS PAPER REACHES REQULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE ca - Vox. XIII. BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATE8, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, APRIL 12, 1905 No, 11 P ' CANADA LumBERMav. The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y 4 of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 2 22 GREAT ST. HELEN's, Lonpon, E. C. ss weekly medium of information and communica- tion Detween Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturersand exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. bs The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- _ nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. een eer fT WANTED AND FOR SALE a ¥ q four or more consecutive insertions are a): a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. "| This notice shows the — of the line a is et : in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. - a ents must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in © current week’s issue . ny Mat ; 1 7 FexcEnsior WOOD WANTED — PEELED basswood or clear spruce. RANKIN AND } Co., Dundas street, Toronto. Telephone. __-‘\\TANTED.—SLIDE VALVE OR AUTOMA- a tic engine, 100 to 150 h.p. Address, Box _ 202, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Y ys. ‘Cedar Squares. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton. * FR SALE—250,000 TO. 300,000 FEET OF } a Maple. Rough ed, 6 to 16-ft. in length. Piled, hears: will be sold cheap. For par- ticulars, apply to WM. THomson, Orillia, Ont. 4 ne Be ANTED.—GOOD PRACTICAL MAN WITH . a good mill, must be a rig, with double _ edger and trimmers; also lath mill preferred, __ tocut about a million ft. pine. Price paid, $3.00 for lumber, going price for lath. Address, W. _ B, McLean & Co., North Bay. : Via 42 WOOD LIMIT FOR SALE — ALL [i kinds of Hardwood, including some Pine and Hemlock, about 3,000 acres, 7 miles from Parry Sound on shores of Georgian Bay. Esti- _ mated at about sixteen millions of all kinds deeded land. Noduesto pay. For further par- / Heulars address C. A. PHILLIPS, Parry Sound, FOR SALE 2,500,000 Laths 1% Red Pine Mill Run 7 ooo “ 1Y% White Pine No. 2 Good Spruce Pine 2d qua. shorts 6/11 *« 2d qua. strips 12/16 8.C. shorts 6/11 S.C. strips 12/16 be "70,000 feet 1 100,000 E 1 I ek “ m% “ Cut up sidings 12/16 fe 1% ** Cut up sidings 12/16 a1, er? ix ** Good Sidings 12/16 pply to H. BourGorn, 714 St., James street dry Maple and Beech, principally . Wy Anke QUANTITY OF IRON RAILS for lumber tram cars, second hand. Ap- ply Box “ E,’’ Gravenhurst, Ont. ANTED—1 CAR, BLACK ASH, MADE UP of 1”, 1%" and 1%”. Apply THE PATTER- SON-TILLEY Co., Hamilton, Ont. wee — FROM ONE-HALF TO ONE million feet pine ig State price and where stock can be watered. Address, ‘‘ Pine," CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. c FOR SALE. UMBER AND SAW-MILL BUSINESS ON Cc. P. R. Main line. Mill in good running order. Daily sawing 20to 25M. feet, Timber convenient to mill. Address A.B.C., CANADA LUMBERMAN. SITUATION WANTED DVERTISER, WITH GOOD CONNECTION in Toronto and district, desires to repre- senta good firm of lumber dealers, highest references. Apply Box 206, CANADA LUMBER- MAN. OR SALE. — SAW MILL MACHINERY, nearly new, capacity 15,000 ft., 100 M feet hardwood logs; 300 M feet lock logs; three million feet hemlock and hardwood timber, 1,000 cords bark, 30,000 cords wood, complete logging outfit, quantity shingle bolts at mill and in bush. Nodues. Close to G.T.R. Good tim- ber locality. Reason for selling, failing health. For price and terms apply to Box 194, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE For Immediate Shipment 300M ft. winter cut Basswood 1”. ‘ oe 200 ‘* B. Ash, 1” and 2”, 500 “ “ COaRGes Elm, Vv, 100 ne oe ‘* —H. Maple, 1”. F0:) tee - «Bed wBiren, oi, 276. 4" and 4”, and Squares. Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE. Large Tract of Timber in Central Ontario THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited.) This company has a large tract of well tim- bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toron- to, There are large quantities of Cedar, Hem- lock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherrybirch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads. one of which is about to be extended through the centre of the property. The Company are repared to sell this timber in blocks ranging rom 2,000 to Io,000 acres, or more if desired. There are several good mill sites on the pro- perty. This would be a good opportunity for pane who are at present cut out and looking or a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. N.B.—Several parties have lately made con- siderable money by purchasing blocks of this timber and selling over again at an advanced price. OR SALE—ONE BOSS AND ONE CLIP- PER Shingle. Machine. Apply HunTs- VILLE LUMBER Co., LTD., Huntsville, VV A soeivee FEET WINTER CUT Basswood, Common and Better in quality, 1 1/16” thick when dry, Address Box I89, care of CANADA LUMBERMAN. We TO 5 MILLION PINE LOGS, delivered in the Georgian Bay. State price and number of logs to the M. Apply Box 205, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, sy pcre = — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SIMCOE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. AND FILER WANTS POSITION. — Ar man, capable of handling sawmill, sober and industrious, 11 years experience, best of references. Address, ‘‘Electrician,” CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. M. EFT. INCH DRY BASSWOOD. 100 Write Box 58, Smith’s Falls, Ont. FOR SALE 40M ft. Hard Maple, now in the log. Could cut to order. ; 7M of 14%” Beech. A mixed car of 1’ Elm, Basswood and Butter- nut. Apply to W. Swan, Bright, Ont. FOR SALE. tee CUT OF 300 M. FEET OF BIRCH, 90 M. basswood, 50 M. soft elm, 25 M. black ash and 25 M. beech and hard maple. This is a well selected stock of No. 1 logs. Can be all cut to order. Address Box 204, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED. THOROUGHLY CAPABLE ALL-ROUND Man to take full charge of a planing mill in Manitoba. Must be able to draw plans, esti- mate on all kinds of factory work; able to handle men and must be strictly sober. Position atonce. Give references, and state age, ex- perience and salary wanted. Apply Box 208, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. 397,000 feet 2” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, g Run. 86,000 feet 1” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Lon Run. . 43,000 feet Mill Culls, etc. Also the product of two million feet good white pine logs to be cut next summer. Corres- pondence solicited PINK LUMBER COMPANY, Pine, Ont. (near Cartier.) FOR. SALE Cedar Poles as follows : 331—25 ft. 6” up top. 227—30 “ yt Ty wes wl “ =o a ee pus ac a “a aaeae, “ 7 MW a“ These poles are a good sound lot and reason- ably straight; will be soldin bulk, at the Hep- worth Station. For price apply to KNECHTEL FURNITURE Co., LTD. Hanover, Ont, ya N fellow ob iv wee ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP WOOD Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which is bound to interest you 6 ACRES TIMBER LAND IN PARRY OO sound district ; birch, hemlock, elm and spruce; well timbered ; good public road through lots ; short haul to station. For par- ticulars apply Box 186, Orillia. LOGS ANTED.—VENEER LOGS FROM 12 INCH up, birch, oak, ash, hemlock and bass- wood, delivered any railway station, IMPERIAL VENEER Co., LIMITED, Sundridge, Ont, CEDAR FOR SALE 10,000 PIECES ROUND CEDAR, 8-16 AND 25 feet long, on the Vermillion river. Can be de- livered at Spanish boom. Also Cedar, Pine and Spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood on C.P.R. JAMES MCCREARY. : CANADIAN TUCS FOR CHARTER FOR SEASON 1905 Tug Florence—Engine fore and aft com 18%" x 36” x 26. Large Scotch Boiler 12 ¥" and easy steamer. SUA Tug Home Rule—Engine High Pressure 22 1%" x 24”. Fire Box Boiler 8’ x 14. Tug Christian, S,J., (American)—Engine High Pressure 19” x 20”, Fire Box Boiler 634’ x 12’. For further information address HACKETT Tuc Linz, Amherstburg, Ont. und u“ xI ote MILI, IN VANCOUVER, ANNUAL turnover fifty thousand dollars, for sale; price twenty six thousand; terms can be ar- ranged and fullest particulars given by THE Locators, of Winnipeg, Manitoba. IMBER LIMIT FOR SALE IN BRITISH Columbia, eight square miles, fifty percent. cedar, 25 per cent. firand pine and 25 per cent. spruce. Limit situated on Columbia River with a frontage of ten miles; one hundred an twenty five|million feet. Level ground. Full- est particulars on application to THE LocaTors, Winnipeg, Manitoba. AW MILL AND TIMBER LIMIT IN Manitoba for sale, yielding annual turn- over of $25,000. Price of Saw Mill, $2,500, in four payments ; limit 200,000 cords, $10,000, $5,000 cash, balance easy ; teams, horses, sleighs, etc. THE Locators, 62 and 63 Mer- chants Bank Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba, PULP MILL FOR SALE The Gity of Saint John Offers for Sale That Valuable Property Known as the Saint John Sulphite Pulp Mill. The mill has a capacity of 180 tons per week ; was built of brick in the year 1898, according to all the requirements of the Factory Insurance Companies of Providence (R.I.), and is fitted _ with turbine water wheels, developing 600 H. P., and an auxiliary steam plant of 300 H. P. It contains two steel digesters 14 x 45 feet, built by the Portland Company, Acid Depart- ment Milk of lime system, of abundant capa- city. aie machine contains 21 Drying Cylin- ders, 100 inches by 4 feet. The situation is at the mouth of Mispec River, a stfeam ten miles in length, and is distant about seven miles by sea from the City of St. John. Barges carrying 7oo tons of coal dis- charge at the mill. Schooners have frequently been loaded with pulp at the mill, whence they departed to New York. Sealed proposals, endorsed ‘‘Tender for Pulp Mill,” will be received by H. EK. Wardroper Esq., Common Clerk, at his office, City Hall, Saint John, N.B., up to 12 o'clock, noon, of Wednesday, the 26th day of April, 1905. W. W. WHITE, Mayor, Chairman Board of Water and Sewerage. sat ‘ ‘ j Di DA LUMBERMAN AND WOOD-WORKER " 7. es ' ; ee Fe ey i i S II FO et Tap) ae ov Ales Peas Riles i abrir Se ae ia" 5 z ae ~ ins CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION MUST BE SOLD 10,000,000 ft. Good Sawlog Timber, 75 H. P. Mill, good site, water and rail facilities, timber very convenient, $20,000. Address Box 70, Thessalon, Ont. FOR SALE IVE HUNDRED ACRES TIMBERED and deeded, covered with 700,000 to 1,000,000 Birch, 200,000 Hemlock, bes des other timber. Three miles from railroad siding. Snap forasmall mill man. Write first to Box 209, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronco, Ont. FOR SALE ~PLENDID PORTABLE MILL SITE, BARN, Two Houses and Mill Frame, and roo acres Deeded Land, covered with Birch and other Timber. Any quantity of birch logs can bs bought in locality, Small mill men do not overlook this. Write first to Box aio, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, The trade in lumber continues to ex- pand with the advance of favorable spring weather. Navigation on the upper lakes is now open and water mills are actively shipping out lumber to provide piling ground for the new cut. Those manu- facturers who carried over logs from last season are starting their mills, while others who are obliged to wait for the drives will not be able to resume operations for amonth or more. During the past week there has been more evidence of a dis- position on the part ef manufacturers to meet the buyers’ ideas with a view to closing transactions and reducing the quantity of stock in mill yards. The tone of the market, however, is still firm, and while small price reductions are being made in some grades, these are offset by advances in others. The strongest grade in white pine is mil] culls, which are held at $13 to $14 at the mills. For 10-inch and wider dead culls $11 is. being asked. These prices are strong evidence otf the comparative scarcity of low grade pine. Ten inch box and common is worth $17.50 at the mill, and 12-inch $18.50. Hemlock continues exceptionally strong and the few manufacturers who have any quantity of 12-inch for sale are asking $14. : Hardwoods are moving in moderate volume. Dealers are not buying as liber- ally as might be expected at this season of the year, but on the other hand manu- facturers are nct forcing stock upon the market. In Eastern Ontario the stock of hardwood logs is larger than for many years, and in the West the supply will probably be found to be sufficient to meet the market requirements. A decline in prices of hardwood lumber is improbable, as logs have been costly and the margin of profit is not large. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, The lumber market of Eastern Canada ia quiet and steady. There has lately been a larger movement in Montreal, where building operations are getting quite active, with prospects of a very busy sea- son. Ottawa waney pine is a little easier, as will be seen by reference to our quotations, while elm timber is firmer. Spruce prices are showing strength, and in view of the light production of logs, are likely to further advance before many weeks. The estimated cut on the St. John river the past winter is 100,000,000 feet, as compared with 170,000,000 feet last year. The quantity to be driven on the Restigouche is placed at 45,000,000 feet, against 65,000,000 feet last year, while the Tobique cut at 18,000,000 feet shows a falling off of 13,000,000 feet. This is a total reduction of over 100,000,000 feet exclusive of the Miramichi figures, which will doubtless show a decline. New Brunswick cedar shingles are sell- ing quite freely at $3.35 for extras, Boston delivery. UNITED STATES. The changes in the lumber market dur- ing the past week have been in the di- rection of improvement. Many grades of pine are stronger, consequently a revision of our price list has been made. Four inch uppers have been marked up to $90 at Buffalo and Tonawanda, and 4-inch selects to $85, each representing an ad- vance of $5 as compared with previous quotation. No. 1 barn boards have been advanced one dollar at Saginaw, and A and B strips are raised $2. These grades have been selling at the higher prices for some time past, but a few dealers, who have now fallen into line, were accepting orders at the old figures, Navigation on the upper lakes now being open, lumber is commencing to move by cargo. The tone of the spruce market is. very firm and higher prices are predicted in the near future. The consumption of hard- woods is large and the trade prosperous, Basswood is the only lumber that is re- sponsible for any disappointment, and considering the extent of the decline in price, it does not improve as was gener- ally expected. Elm and ash are scarce in many districts, and both are in good demand. Maple is a little higher at Saginaw, with maple flooring up about $2. Birch continues to be a good seller. GREAT BRITAIN. The tendency of the British lumber market is doubtless.to improve, but the report which has. gained currency, and which seems to have some foundation, that a Manchester importing firm is in difficulties, has caused a feeling of un- easiness in some quarters. Apparently, the effects of last year’s unprofitable business are still felt quite keenly by those who were unfortunate enough to buy heavily before the drop came. The deal market is not yet all that could be de- sired, as the South African demand is de- ‘veloping very slowly, but in other respects conditions are healthy. There has been an increased call for narrow widths, which sell more readily than 11 inch. A Liverpool report says of spruce: ‘‘ Spruce is still very firm, and the small parcels that come forward by the liners are being sold at high figures. Ordinary specifica- tions with the usual 60 to 70 per cent. of CONVENIENT TRAINS leave ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS every morning and evening via WISCONSIN CENTRAL RAILWAY Pullman Sleepers Free Reclining Chair Cars Meals a la Carte Jas. C. Pond, G.P.A. Milwaukee, Wis. . SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. Manufacturer of . . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading, and and White Oak,Maple and Eim Lumber. Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oa squares up to 38 in. long in large acon: THE ING AND BARTLES LUMBER tL PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS 7 md HEADQUARTERS Hanpwooo \ Ci s’ Building, Distributin: i, 1 Cleveland,O. McMinnville,/Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. i Correspondence solicited with of ‘wooden goods, such as Sanita Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, — Turned Goods, etc. Payments made ad receipt — of Bill of Lading at Toronto. Eumees n House, Philpot > patie f London, Eng. a McLennan Timber Land ant 4 Lumber GO., Limited Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. — Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. — HELP! Can be obtained: at smal cost by advertising in the Want Columns of THE | WEEKLY CANADA]. LUMBERMAN. | WOODS & SPICER, Limited _— MANUFACTURERS ed bio Ducati BRITISH COLUMBIA REHD OH DAF SHINGLES Capacity 100 Million a Year. We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. a , ‘ VWvire Your Orders at OUR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, B.C. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. RARDWOOD, HEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS Send for Catalo & s Samples by ORILLIA PLANING MILL Near G,T.R. Station PLANING, MOULDINGS, pkg y bo FLOORING, RESAWING, SIDING Done any quantity. Write for price. S. POMEROY, Fpere EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER R DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH BULMER, M°LENNAN & COMPANY: MONTREAL, aeg Office wail Yard, 571 DORCHESTER ST. KNIGHT BROT omits ous ROT HEME £ Burk’s F, MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Euan Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trad , Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length sup WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. - P.O. Bs = 16 mia ee Gai. fu s cc. , en Res April 12, 1905 A _— . a 7in. and 8in. have been sold at £7 12s. 6d. At this price contracts have been made to arrive when the regular season sets in. Some stocks on the Miramichi side have already been sold out for this season's shipment. The position looks strong for the future, for as the regular Summer business is opened, freights are sure to go higher than the rates now ruling.”” Hemlock deals are in more ac- tive demand consequent on the improve- ment in spruce. STOCKS AND PRICES. An extensive sale of timber limits is be- ing held at Fredericton to-day by the New Brunswick Government. The Scott Lumber Company, of Fred- __. ericton, N. B., expect to have 20,000,000 feet of logs to supply their Victoria mills this season. . Lombard & Rittenhouse, of Cheboygan, _ Mich., have bought 400,000 cedar ties in "the upper peninsula of Michigan and Canada this year. The Edward Hines Lumber Company, of Chicago, which logged 125,000,000 feet in Wisconsin during the past season, put in less than 90,000,000 feet this winter. A. McBeath, of Kippen, Ont., has se- cured about half a million feet of hardwood logs for this season’s operations.’ They consist principally of soft and rock elm and basswood, most of which were bought at about last year’s prices. Mr. McBeath reports that the mill yards in that part of the province are well stocked with logs. EJ. B. Farwell & Son . - CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN. ~ Canadian Gedar Tele- ea, Telephons and -Blestrlo Light Poles Banco ony? and Oswego, N.Y. LUMBER the long run, PMP ANY we stuck to a a D. SINGLAIR: Vancouver Cedar Mills VANCOUVER B.C. Manufacturers and Wholesalers of . Shipments by Rail or Water Tie Glas tae ee (Rta Gi | pan vig Sia Ss Sy oN AY aah, tah TTR ee Sah dete rl Fe Ae f - CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Hollister, Amos & Company, of Oshkosh, Wis., were the successful bidders for the purchase of Menominee Indian logs sold at Washington April 3. They secured 20,000,000 feet of pine, hemlock and other timber for $331,000. The averageis over $15 a thousand feet, whereas twelve years ago the price realized was less than $6. Last year it was $12.84. THE BARBADOS MARKET. Under date of March 25, Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Company review the mar- ket as follows: The only arrival during the fortnight is the Schooner ‘‘ Marguerite,” from Meteg- han, N.S., to ourselves, with 40,000 feet of white pine and 60,000 feet of spruce, which we sold at $26.30 and $18.80 for merchantable and second quality white pine, and $22.70 and $16.85 for shipping and secend quality spruce, while a small lot of spruce plank and scantling in same cargo brought $22.70 and $16.07 respec- tively. Our market for white pine is still well supplied, but further arrivals in spruce, which is scarce, would do well. “The remains position of the shingle market as last advised, and with no arrivals of either Long Gaspé or Cedar Laying, dealers are gradually reducing their holdings, which somewhat improves the prospect for next arrivals. “*Since writing the above the Schooner ‘*Basutoland”’ has arrived from St. John, N.B., with 244,000 feet of white pine and spruce, which was sold at $26.10 for mer- ROBERT WATT ; WIARTON, ONT. Manufacturer and Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. SPECIAL: One carlcad of 3x4 Hardwood Hearts suitable for car stakes. One car of 3” Cedar Plank. One car eachof XXXX and XXX Cedar Shingles. One half car each of XX and X Cedar shingles. Prices on application. C.S. POWELL & CO. Lumber Fxporters 604 ee Bidg., TORONTO and at NEW ORLEANS, LA. . Cash buyers all kinds hard ds. To Millmen We solicit Sicueefatioce THE There is only one way to ae and t+ A M | LTO N Heian ti LONG goods-—deliver the goods. Itcosts SPECTATOR like smoke at times, but it pays in BUILDING and we are glad ~~ 3 = ONTARIO FOR High Grade Cedar ¥ - Herman H. Hettler Lumber Gompany WHITE and NORWAY PINE LUMBER LATH and SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT. chantable, $18.10 for second quality white pine ; $22.30 for shipping, and $16.20 for second quality spruce.” a ere | DEMAND FOR NARROW SPRUCE. While 7in. and 8in. in a spruce cargo was looked upon more or less as a drug, to get rid of which it was necessary to sell these sizes practically below cost and to realize such profits as were practicable up- on other sizes, their relative cheapness has resulted, says the Timber Trades Journal, in the development of a demand for these sizes, which has ensured for them to-day a regular if not brisk demand. As 55 to 60 per cent. of an average spruce cargo trom St. John now consists of 7in. and 8in., it is obvious that the seller, if he is to realize anything out of the spruce trade at all, must make these widths carry a little more profit. Concurrently with the growth in the use of these widths, there appears to be some falling off in the call for gin., and wider and where 11in. was once a plum, the percentage of which was carefully inserted in the contracts, and delivery rigidly insisted upon, now this size is inclined to hang fire, and has declined relatively in value. We hear that £7 10s. has been refused this week by shippers for a 1,000 standards prompt cargo of Miramichi spruce, close on three- fourths of the cargo consisting of 7in. and 8in. Ifa cargo of this kind was costed out on something like the relative differ- ences in the value formerly existing be- tween the different sizes, it would be seen Ill. — 7. —— that spruce has appreciated in value to an extent which is not at all represented by the mere difference in c.i.f. quotations. The Horwood Lumber Company, St. Johns, Newfoundland, recently suffered loss by fire. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. — SARNIA, ONT SAW anpD PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo. Registered Cable Address, as ““ Pinewood,” BRANCH OFricr, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head Office, TORONTO, “American Lumberman" Telecode. CQVCSCESESEEVSEVVETVSTSVSEESUSESSESVSECUSSVGBO R. H. ROYS, Pres, RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R, S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. | MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. CRVVOEVSSSCVCVCVCVVVSSVSESSVSVSEVSVSS - VVUVOHB J. D. SHIER LUMBER C0., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc, All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY THE GHARLEMAGNE & LAG QUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED, 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc In Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd and Bored ASPECIALTY. Iumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - _ Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54, SAWN AND DRESSED LGMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Lathes, ; Butter Boxes Write us for quotations. Shipments by rail or water. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. ie acl ele tt ht am eh Oe A alate Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular ies haem Bax» Ont. Gane 26 miles West North Bay UMBER AnD LATH THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LIMITED HARDWOOD FLOORING — ; [yi POS ee TAL eT A. © Oe “J Lo ‘ . SS RNR rs oc ne 7 ; A aan eth oe ¥ ya, Pew ee eto Te < 4 . - . 4 ee , 5 ; : . 4 : , yas, ae | ae z iy Ss Ne Iv. CaNADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | April 12, egos ‘vas Ee H. HEAPS & Co., re Bishi, BC c Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Ete. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, iver Newels q Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. ao =| aa Sa Ravettic Coast Lumber Co. VANGOUVER, BG. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. ‘ High Grade Red Cedar —— a Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - 112 Mail Bees TORONT: Oo D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J. E. YOUNG, Cashier : See SS a 4 The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. mone White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, | | Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work | Destrsin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT POTRAGE, Ontario 4q Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber 4 f We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Worked and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. 7 COOKE S TAIT. MANUFACTURER OF MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF Red Cedar Shingles |p ¢ F1p AND CEDAR LUMBER AND SHINGLES. Daily Capacity, Mills at Hastings and New Westminster Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Saw Mill, Planing Mill pedi toe Vancouver, B.C. Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Telephone B 1425 Ontario Representative: W. J. SMITH, Fergus. Export Lumber & Shingle Co. Wholesale Dealers Limited British Columbia Lumber and Shingles The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market | — prices. | Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED — VANCOUVER -- BRITISH COLUMBIA THOS. KIRKPATRICK, Hazelmere Lumber Co. . HAZELMERE, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF Ss so: 5 FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER _ 4 CLEAR CEDAR AND FLOORING ~ Our Specialty. Long Distance Telephone. C. WELLS —— @ PALLISER, B. Cc. ¥ / 3 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. — CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Lo we Apel 12, 1905, ee ee flock, and solicit your enquiries. CaNabA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ; ~ CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS "THE PEM PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- 18 Toronto Street, Toronto " DELAPLANTE - -McBURNEY LUMBER 60., WHOLESALE White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles br : Stocks in 4. at { See te 4 Powassan %& _ Ontario wea Cartier Callander Whitney Srurgeou Falls North Bay . TORONTO OFFICE : Room §03 Manning Chambers. _ Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquirie FOE, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try : “i HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer te one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. _ RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. q < Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. _ BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. iss and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch _and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, ®" 3" QUEBEC he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. Ontario, Limited ; Of € mits at ee Algoma Dist., Ont. Soo” Branch C.P.R. MANUFACTURERS OF ] Lumber and Lath Water Shipments \ wy Manning Arcade, Toronto - OFFICES e Building, Montreal a rig ‘Mills at Spragge. 3 : Tt M. BREMEN 3 SONS MANUFAGTORNG LIMITED Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. Head Office : HAMILTON, ONT. AUGER & SON - Quebec PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. a f _ Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes Telegraph Poles and : Lumber.— Write Us. « -. a “ Manufacturers of and Pe “s Dealers in all kinds of Both Railway Delivery and Water A. F. BURY AUSTIN HOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER | CANADA PINE Kain of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., |ALTIES: Railway Briage Timber and an kinds of Hardwoods; Ship rar A meee and White Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Ra: way Ties, Oak and Vand hou gh Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &e.; Birch Flooring, MONTREAL, CANADA agias Fic Timber in an size oF fg se up to go feet long, Timber Planers ye up to 24 ticki x 30 inch. of large capacity. essed Lumber, Douglas Cedar. ough and ir and WRITE pe PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS, A White and Red Pine \J. S. FINDLAY, PLAY FATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Rallway Supplies MIDLAND, ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty A.& P. VWAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. i Manufacturers of and Dealers in PENETANCUISHENE ONT. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, an Advertisement in the '‘Wanted’’ And ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN — WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address. The Canada Lumberman, 5; Torento ; F. M°GIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood. Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pies Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R . T.R., and by Water. urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER a? | AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled A few cars of selected Maple spdinGekuehe ane Hardwoeds at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. [® Ib your Wish. . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES ye eset OSS, Meneger. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man- I can saw out to your order, during the winter months, in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. OWEN SOUND, ONT. VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION April 12, 1905 NEW..BRUNSWICK. LETTER. Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) St. JOHN, N.B., April 4th, 1905.—An important feature in lumber selling in this section was the sale and shipment of several lots of 1 inch merchantable spruce boards which went to the United Kingdom. The demand in this line in that direction has developed during the last few weeks in a way thatis veryencouraging to those who have Provincial spruce boards in stock, which isthe case with practically every manufacturer in the city, as mentioned in previous letters. The sales mentioned total well up to 600,000 s. ft. and were made at figures which will leave from $10.00 to $10.25 per M s, ft. on the wharf atSt. John. The quantity spok- en of above cleans up the much greater part of the holdings in this line. In other lines the outlook for N.B. wood products in the U.K. is very encouraging and the feeling among the local dealers is ‘proportionately optimistic. all information obtainable, there seems to be a tendency among the dealers in the U.K. to refrain from buying or contract- ing as long as possible rather than resume business upon a schedule at higher prices, a circumstance which is quite usual and natural after a period of depression and low prices. On the other hand, the manu- facturers and dealers on this side show their confidence in the future by their According to , willingness to wait rather than tie them- selves up by selling any important quantity or by contracting at even better figures than prevailed at the beginning of the winter slackness. In the meantime the volume of business actually being trans- acted is small, apparently only sufficient purchases being made to fill orders for immediately delivery. The quantity of English deals available for immediate shipment could scarcely be called important, 700,000 to 800,000 s. ft. would cover the amount, which is divided among half a dozen concerns. With the beginning of the manufacturing season, which will bein full swing by May rst, this quantity will be rapidly augmented, but it will be five or six weeks later before . any one manufacturer has any important quantity to offer. The lowest quotation available on Eng- lish spruce deals at this date, f.o.b. St. John, would be $12.75 to $13.25per M.s.ft., (2% price for Fourths and Ends,) on a specification like or equal to the following: 50% 7’s and 8’s; 40% 9's; 10% wides. No cargoes made up entirely of lumber have been shipped from this port to the U.K. since December last, but freight rates are quoted until June 1st at 35s per standard to the West Coast. Since last writing the price of cedar shingles have advanced from 10 to.15 cents per M all round. Quotations are being given to-day in this line as follows, f.o.b. St. John:— Non-dutiable—Extras, $2.95; Clears, $2.45; 2nd Clears, $190; No. 1's, $0.90 Dutiable—Extras, $2.65; Clears, $2.15. Laths have shown a further advance and none are obtainable at this date less than the following figures, f.o.b. St. John: Dutiable, $2.60; non-dutiable, $2.85. MEETINGS OF LOG DRIVING COMPANIES. The twentieth annual meeting of the St. John Log Driving Company was held at Fredericton, N.B., on April 5th, when the following directors were elected: A. H. F. Randolph, John E. Moore, N. H. Murchie, Henry Hilyard and Donald Fraser, jr., with J. Fraser Gregory sec- retary-treasurer. At a subsequent meet- ing the directors re-elected John E. Moore as president. Two tenders in writing were made for the corporatiom driving, one from Robert Aitken at 21 cents per thousand, the other from George Moore at 20 cents per thousand. John A. Morrison also made a verbal proposition to do the work at 24 cents per thousand, to include lumber now in booms, The contract was awarded to Mr. Moore. The stipulations were that the tenderer must name bondsmen who are ready to enter into a bond with him for the sum of $10,000 for the due per- tormance of the contract. The limits of the drive are from Grand Falls to the upper limits of the Fredericton Boom Company and include the St. John River and Aroostook River lumber. The drive this year will be made up of about 100,000,000 feet, while last year it amount- ed to 170,000,000 feet. It was decided to give a bonus of 2% per cent.to the con- tractor on the amount driven to the booms. The annual meeting of the Tobique Log Driving Company was also held at Fred- ericton on the 5th inst. The contract for driving the logs for three years was given to Archie Fraser. The quantity of lumber to be driven on the Tobique and tributaries this season was estimated at 18,000,000 feet, against 31,000,000 last year. The following were elected. directors : Senator Baird, N. H. Murchie, Henry Hilyard, R. A, Estey and Donald Fraser, jr. Senator Baird was elected president, and J. C. Hartley, secretary-treasurer. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Halifax N.S.: Steamer Gulf of AnGud, tor London, 67,464 ft. hemlock deals, value $608, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. Steamer Salicia, for Glasgow 207,022 ft. spruce deals, valué $2,468; 227,667 ft. birch deals, value $2,824, by UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOU CAN REACH | | BOSTON, MASS. H. D. wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YELLOW PINE CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- We are in a a give bec. . = ‘ 3 THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. Se pieces Eeenpe age mer : af ments, Mills in Alabama, CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS [RESHipinmnnnnE NEC TMT CULT ST.LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL | | | | : WIRE \ | | | | | ‘PHONE — ONB:- DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YBAR ACME LUMBER CO. Grand Rapids, Mich., U.S.A. Wholesale Hardwoods Hard Maple and Rock Elm our Specialty. We invite correspondence whether you wish to buy or sell. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVHLAND, OHIO HABBERLE LUMBBR CO. Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE. and OAK TIMBER MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty ‘i Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. _, All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 ~ - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. In d iana Lumber & Veneer Co . t i e Mc GLU RE L OMB ER GO. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspoience’ Invited on All Hardwoods. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty ~ Correspondence Solicited. \e\e\e\e see + Veneers FRANK C. BURY MASON A. NOBLE BURY & NOBLE DE TROW Southern VY WHOLESALE MICHICAN LUMBER Seud us your inquires for oF. f ‘ April 12,. 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil. Pickford & Black, agents. Steamer Ocamo, for Trinidad, B.W.I., 15,826 ft. hemlock scantling, value $175, by Pick- ford & Black, agents. From St. John, N.B.: Steamer Lake Manitoba, for Liverpool, 14,301 ft. pine boards, 19,692 ft. pine deals, 4,850 ft. birch deals, 7,615 maple blocks, 5,363 pcs. boards, 994,064 tt. deals, 83,383 ft. scant- ling, 25}507 ft. ends, 7 tons birch timber, 41 maple logs, 821 pcs. elm lumber, 1,282 pes. walnut lumber, 267 pes. birch lumber, 522 pcs. oak, 27 pcs. white pine timber, 981 pes. hickorytimber, 785bdls.maplefloor- 8 Gordon Street - ing, 8,218 maple blocks. Steamer Salacia, for Glasgow, 12 maple logs, 403,887 ft. deals, 3,404 ft. ends. Steamer Ocamo, for Bermuda, 9,875 onion crates, by Andre — Cushing & Co.; 11,000 onioncrates, 52,000 laths, by G. & G. Flewwelling Mfg. Co. Schooner Romeo, for Boston, 118,572 ft. plank, 39,304 ft. scantling. Steamer Can- ada Cape, tor Cape Town, 284 bdls. lum- ber, 1,000 pcs. lumber, 4,000 pes. boards, 80 bdls. and 5,823 pcs. white pine lumber, 24,637 pcs. pine lumber. Steamer Can- ada Cape, for Port Elizabeth, 169 bdls. doors, 114 bdls. pine lumber, 12,839 pes. and bdls. lumber. Schooner Domain, tor New York, 129,644 ft. deals. Schooner Domain, for East London, 60 bdls. doors, 3225 bdls. and pes. pine boards. Schooner Domain, for Durban, 56, 169 ft. pine boards, 141 bdls. doors. Schooner Oriole, for Salem, 45,022 ft. deals, 79,201 ft. plank. Schooner Georgia E.,for New Bedford, 1,100,000 cedar shingles, 15,128 ft. plank. Schooner Tay, for Norwalk, 170,174 ft. plank. Steamer Tritonia, for Glasgow, 491,602 ft. and 645 pcs. deals, 8,055 ft. ends, 41,539 ft. scantling, 84,579 ft. birch plank, 9,159 ft. birch ends, 5,155 bdls. and 41 boxes shooks. Steamer Gulf of Ancud, 17 pkgs. mahogany, 101,121 ft. spruce deals, 84,229 ft. birch plank, 15,957 ft. birch ends, 32,881 ft. hemlock deals, 706 hemlock ends, 37,753 birch deals, 1,502 ft. bireh scantling, 4,243 ft. birch ends. Steamer Manchester Corporation, for Manchester, 764,912 ft. spruce deals, 14,816 ft. birch deals. Steamer Man- chester Merchant, for Manchester, 129,180 ft. spruce deals, 2,625 ft. scantling, 3,821 ft. ends. Schooner Greta, for City Island, 51,519 ft. plank, 156,895 ft. deals. Schaon- er Cora May, for City Island, 173,647 ft. deals. Schooner Laura, for New Bed- ford, 20,409 tt. deals, 30,774 ft. hemlock boards, 38,679 ft. scantling, 31,077 ft. plank. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale 8t., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ENC. F. A. Lightbody & Co. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. a. for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Lo Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. | OUIS BAMBERCER, IMPORTER OF Correspondence So! g. Bite. LONDON, E. C. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYB%4R™* A. B. C. CODE DIRECTORY CODE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers | SOT eee Cable Address: “ GELLICHT,” LONDON 657 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England CABLES, DOORCHEEK, LONDON We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- Seats, Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. and all kinds of ready made joinery. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for .. ; 8 Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine a come ie — Mouldings, Dowels, tock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable oo Bugiion Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. LONDON STORES: eT AVERS 158, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C, ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘Shooks,’”’ Hull. Codes—A. B.C. 4th Edition and Zebra. JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS Birch, Staves BUYERS OF Ash, and Heading, Handles Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, of ail A Specialty THOMPSON, HW ADVANCES MADE AGAINST ING DOCUMENTS BLOIS & KJELLGREN——— BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW 2 Broad Street Building, Locke’s Wharf, Edmonton, N. Eim descriptions SMITH & TYRER - 4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmITH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bidg.; Hollis St. Halifax, N.S Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW, | GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address: ““TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. ° BROKERS. Every lumberman wants it 55 cents buys it SOribners LUMDEF 100 Book BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION dUOEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Address : THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. ALISO .. All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods tt bd for the English arket. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers CABILE ADDRESS “DOBLE - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND LIVERPOOL, ' ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AND. LOGS HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. “BRANCH OFFICK Brook i, HAMBURG vin. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION 1 eee THE ONTARIO — wurre pine’ tumser, tatu | (7X EO. G. GLADMAN serene LUMBER (0. AND SHINGLES. | WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUM LIMITED Hom! 74. %sitaing L ORONTO, Ont. - LATH AND SHINGLES sash 3 Lda Bay. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Mills at Smith’s Bay R, and 6. T.R. Delivery. Water Shipment Only. Township of Carling P ARRY SO U. ND, ONT. CORRESPOND ‘SOLICITED ILLIAMSON & MORRISON THE MOMITUEKLOMBE MANUFACTIRNG GL, Mills at L'Orignal, Ont. LU MV 5 E R —DManufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in— 198 > an -| Pine, Hemlock *Hardwood ‘ombel HEAD OFFICE: ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY ATTENDED ‘TO. 20 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. - WRrROLESALE JAS. LUNNY & CO., | A PP. HB HRT HINTONBURG, ONT. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN H. ELM. BASSWOOD, PINE, SPRUCE | Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles Posts s, Have for Sale tee HEMLOCK IN QUANTITIES Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock WIARTON, ON'WT. _ “y pede THE NEW LINE Jie ONE DOLLAR §| 3} Ramet te bac Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA Water-Powers, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELEctrRICc — RAILWAY OF Eastern Agents--B. C. Shingles and Douglas Fir, all dimensions Can dress to 24x30. B. C. Cedar Write for quotations LUMBERMAN for Power FOR SALE. IDEAL PuLp-MILL Sires. : ) O N ' E Y Ee A R Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. i an A. J. GORRIE, _ GUY TomBS Generai Supt. MONTREAL G.F&P A, Pixe good strips : Pine shorts6/ to 11’x10” 16 00 a ote y Tiago stain sseeee 33 CO 36 00] Pine, 8ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 00 Pi LATE. ‘ cient = 1% in, and1% in... 36 06 38 0| Pine s. c. strips...... 13 00 1X5 00 HOG stan acini iad as ia + $3.50 | Spruce......sseseeree - ca ae one ate 38 00 40 00 Hag =o heal ape 12 00 1400 SHINGLES, 5 oe : ne, good shorts: ine, box 00 14 50 BAW, choose Beis 00 2800] Pine mill culls...... 13.00 1400 Sa@wed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 so $4 75 | Bound butts, erry as 55° TORONTO, ONT. 21 invand in, UZ oa 35 oa Lath, per M satan ® Gleae Bottss eevensn 3 73 3 75| Hemlo eee ae CAR OR CARGO LOTS. asses 34.00 38 00 Oo.IWw ite pine.. 240 62 seeceee 4 50 4 7. ge ie epg 2 ‘2 : Pine, “No. 1 dressin, No. 2 white pine: .. 200 2 25 >. ': inch No. 1 Pine ax4 to 10 in.,toto 16ft. 1§ 00 16 00 siding, per M (eee Spruce, mill pie! Pans 200 215 ; a cuts & better......$4 0 $50 00 | axg toro inch, 08 Aba 16,00 17000» Dittaaraanetestai fos 20 00 2500| Red Pine, millrun.. 200 2 15 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, I ay Y Be No. 1 Clear inc jar,. ; . : pe Pao Steed S100 §3 00] kilndried............ 50 00 pe Rea 1 dressing 18 00 24 00 ee. 300 325 wren eae ; 1% & 2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar Pine No. 1 dressing Clear Butt, 18 inch |. 2 40 2 60 eet cutsand better.... 42.00 45 00| airdried boat lumber 55 00 shorts ...s0. wees oe 16.00 2000| xx x8 inch......-..+ 140 1 60 (Wholesale ria Lager é ’ 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension Pine, 10s, ¢ and bet- _| Cedar Shingles CEE 1,1%, sulla oo eee AER cuts and better.... 38.00 3900] timber, 25 to 30 feet 30,00 ter stock, 12’ to 16/ 20 00 2200| XXxx 18 inch ‘alates 3 25 00 Shelvit .N in 1n Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- Clear Butt,18 in ‘ 2 50 oa o. Eig 4 ee careers el ree: Tite |/(° fe Mice aean be oe) eee ae Ee Bo | Nor MoRspe iss iy r eas Were ; on AUG cated teers nd 350 3 60 es ap Thug He Ix 12 common. rygin, No. aft. Cath 3 00 3 10 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. 79 00 No, 3 itosiing Strips, : f . ” No.1 32” pine lat I 70 see ssedeee jase caeara Poeeee iar No. raft J remlock lath 2 80 ‘ . DERER) AND SELECTS: gg macs 5 00 a pire 12in..... and 3x12 common. 22 00 23 00| XXXX PineShingles 290 3 00 Uppers, 1 in., 10 in. and up Selects, zin., 8in. and up wide Ses 2 1% an 4 vi i, in. 55 00 & an sr in.. pics inch box and XX PineShingles ... 210 2 20 WIDE ss visicinlveeedends swda $75 00| 1%,1% and i ine. eo osyee eceee 57 90 No 2, 10 In. sees 20 00 21 cO| X Pine Shingles .. I 00 ean aia aie sia sisal eas ae AA i hing! 1% 1% and 2 in 75 00| 234 and 3 in.. 3 ies 59 00 0. 2, 12 in.. Inch mill runsidings 21 00 22 00| XX Cedar Shingles 220 2 30 2% and 3 in. seiegece BOO} MINi ees ceive o eeovseevesvs 77 00 73 00 a4 ro in.. Faas manliseins 30 00 -23 00 B. C. Shingles 4in...s.. et. Maa ar cut 7 a 2 on pone 372 in. f£e10 and 12 mill culls 15 00 16 00| XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 290 s is S FINE COMMON. and’ 1% ieee 50 00 1x6 Rup. bi ae mill cull Sid- XXXX 6to 23-16 in, 310 1 in,, 8 in. and up wide...... 55 00 | 236 and 3in., 8in, and up wide 73 00 0.2, x iN....sss0 2500) i. Tes. ee ced es EL ee 15 00 16 00 bg te da $45 Mand 136 in... sce ener eres 57 OF | FIM. ccccesereve voveeeerseee 78 00 No. 2, 14, & 334 in 00} a. eee I in. dead cull sidings 12 00 13 00} XX No, 2, 6 to2 in. 240 2in...., o nbawceeetonsnesce 58 00 No. 3s Tike 1% andl wae mp iceae 1% inch heap! a - 23 00 25 00) XX *' 6 to 23-16 in. B FINE COMMON @R NO 1 CUTTIN SE won i cer 25 00 and 1% & 2 in.. Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 1450 15 50| XX s5to2in... 27° rn, 7in, and up wide...... 36 00 2% and 3in., 7in. mal up wide. 63 co Tinessiaee a Been Sale 36 00 noe 1,1%, 1% HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. 1% and1% cutting....... 48 CO | Gites... cee eevee seesseess 68 00 . und 12...065 & e oo and 2 in. seseeawe i i MID ainsleiee ncaa iiewasis coe 50 00 : TPRUMN sors « aieen nv nam 36 00 Asp taps. 5 2 . < Elm, nprock; ee TP: STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). $ The (pete, pipet ees on prt represent the jobbers ‘tay in ng ists and ands...... 33 08 $35 90) réckouill 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide.. - $3 co oi rin., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... 50 6° price at Buffalo and Tonawan Asn, black, xsts and TUN sss eeee 136'' 3.. 29 00 3000 1%x6in. wide...... ening tom's 6 in. wide..... swabiesies viplaeouee, OO WHITE ASH. and, rto 1% in.. .. 27 00 29 00 | Hickory, rsts FINE COMMON OR C Ist & and, 1 inch, 33 00 35 00 to 4 tniccup ede 43 ¢ 00 45 0° Bicch M. R.. rin. . 22 00 24 00 A pr ag ++ 36 00 38 00 rin., 4,5 in, wide. ......... 44 00] 134 in., 4, 5.in, wide. ao ae~a700 1% to2in ........ 39 00 41 00 Serene ae 24 00 a z 55 DO ea ee aE 1% in., 6 in. wide........... 5400] in., 6 in, wide...........05 54 00 an seecece TQ 00 19. Masswand: Bs suas 2 nib ‘Maple, ast Us a Mie he SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. BLACK AND BROWN ASH. “4 and better 1 to1in 25 00 x6 00 eine | “4... 2500 270c 1¥in., 4,5, 6in wide... .... 35 00] 1 in., 4, 5, 6in. wide........ oo ‘Ist & ana, 6 nch up, 31 00 33 00 ab Com. & good culls... 1§ 00 37 00 Basewood, 1} to2z.. 26 28 00 red, p'n, BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. Byes mr. 1 1% 2300 2500| xsts&ands2 “ 4.. 44.00 4600 S 1st & and, 6 inzh & mv aut Acasa soltie es ddash 24 00 2600 Cherry, 2318 Oak, white, No. 1, 12 its. .seeeeseeeeeees 30 00 ee ca sballee Seas¢05 22 00 up, Tall cal ekaoes 36 00 so oo | ean culls..... 13 00 14 08 and 2nds.. "13 55 00 60 00 asts & ands x 1 42.00 44 00 10 in secews eases seenessers 25 00 O. 3y IZ Mess seeeeee solese 21 50 a Cherry al Oak, white, Qin...eeeesceee veeserevee 24 OF! TOM....00. 5 tial ate nares ig OOD SLM. and ands..2 ‘! 4.. 60 00 70 00 xsts& ands 2 ' 4.. 45 00 50 00 Sand 7 in.......-seeeeeeee 25 00] QiN...... vesvese st & ad,rock,6in &up26 00 28 00} 1st & ed, soft, 6in & “yao soft, mill Oak, quart’d, No. 2, 1210....0eeeeeeeeeeee 25 00 ve Sate Common and culls .. I§ 00 17 00 | Common and culls. “ & © 2.. 70 8 TO I. sss ccna conecceneence 2200; Ix6........ os F Ein ysoftmiil 27h) S82P NES £° Walnut, 255, Se a oe ae BiG MPids dais elslbitie ween come MBAOON | ESA Cols ciaeeanetetas eee 17 00 —_ 101... 00. 3..95 00 27 00] and 2nds.. 3-. 85 00 109 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. ist & and hard...... 21 00 23 00) 1st &and,soft...... Common and culis— 13.00 14 00 | Common and culls.. 1 in., 4 and ai ‘wide .... ..$16 00 as I a up bara ) I in. 6 in. WIGS spon oats owe 17 co|1 and 2 in., 7 in. an — QUEBEC, QUE. rin., 7 in. wide and se a a a ote) Wide Rowe's sue aes dod 18 00 BOSTON, AAS ,, oe a WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT te rns past ad sin vide 3200 ip 3 Field esp wl ae wpieehe Uprene 4 x to zinch ...... + sooo Tea Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 35 45 tin., 6in,wide............. 33 00] 1%; 1% and 8-in, and up Fine Common, 1 I81 CH. : cides semen ae Roe. ... First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to eS 60 6: WIdE. 200s seesenee seeee 35 00 1% tozineh ......... -.++- Baoan 58 ts, 19 to 20inch average -- 62 . 65 SHINGLES, 18-IN. No. 1 Cuts, 1 inch ............+. Marectare ABacce esr: RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Pine, XXXX...... Meares me Cedar, KXXXX, 18 in......-.. 3 50 ay 82 inch...... te teesenees rreeeters 50 easured of , according to average and quality a niahs. =e aiaieleiainle 6 otal 27-33 Clear Butts......... i Clear Butts., Vidwitdale ante isles aie 2 50 No, 2 Cuts, Mat to's is a, e au jopingorder = SF nate n ee cones wees 35. 40 UATH. satwaatadnn, i Lee rae sveeeee mesieisicetons ee OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. No.1 White Pine... 400 ie as 2 White Pine.......... 4340 ‘No. a cae anise giahe Teeeebecnnaswen me i i miloce . ctenwceneceeadsusane 2.0Q), 0 op aN eee euinte alu. s M piw\usnis lems iam ai ae eeeetee eer ae Aoraon to gone ro ag nhs ee ‘ on Spruce, 10 aaa a oe dimension.........-++--++++ gin. and under ......-0000eee eeeee eens an B- the dram, according to average and quality 4gotogsfeet. 6: 75 ALBANY, N.Y. 1o and 12 in. random lengths, 1o ft. and up Meo te'gy fart ga rg PINE 2x3, mo axe, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random leegtha af ASH. aes ” A FONE, ARG TP... Gown <0 s -elignale aie Gn Saleh tee he to inches and up, ccording to average and quality. . . 26 Hd ob ota lala ne pF All — Feo ie lengths, 9 in. and wader," 10 Average 6 inch. .. . ‘8 30 : 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” andup.. 19 20 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up, BIRCH. ‘ g0 | r0-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Out Spruce boards, Pp. 1S......0. ce cee eee teseceee 14 Inch En? ae ete at, a MRE el 7 lang airy aed Dati «40 42 1xzand 1x3 furring p. 1s clipped and bundled . “ 1 rf UE ie Peta Milotay oF V3: 2k wate ek we sou - pli ra ae NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. fi pies “ ie eis woe mcg,” vr” hae g 60 FEXteas 2.0.05 xccie'aele dupe piraeialialelciotaisieetals Sone , Pierce (elo a Ne ue o> it) (G8 w 29 30 D neeeceeeeres Wenner eens cueeee / 55 25 26 ~ Clears... over ; lears OTTAWA, ONT i “ee C 0 ee 27 Clear Whites . MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, No. x bolding 1to2in. 48 50 -. 23 24 Extra 1s (Clear whites ‘out) . sant ifnals ood sidings: 1x ti No, 2 molding, 1 toain..... 35 $8 -22 23 Extra rs (Clear whitesin)..........-...sseesseres Pine, @ 4 ro No, 1 barn.. a3 00 = Stained : Shaky ‘1 ained SAPS ...---2-eeccees 32 40 y clear, x to 6/4in.. La 52 3B 1 in. x8 in. eat an 39 00 42@0/1x10No, 2 1900 = Bracket plank .......- «++ 35, 45 ey et BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINOLES. a4 584 30: & PEER Moti tan 2g 6:0. Bhleng Deming ski welci ae ta Mwai eee ee Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 butts to zim ... .... Sin. a sesese 50 00° 54 00| 1x8 & g No.2 17 00 boards, narrow % 2#| Common 8 ain, x8im. and up §2 00 §6 00] Pine Shorts 6’ to11’x8” —1§ 00 pats a ol od SR Soy Furekas, uy 1x19 inch BRIDE wo wsee me ay 2 , Perfections, 5 butts to 23 “ foude: : % ' « x MA SY tt nce ry Rel d> 7 See i " ‘ - 3 x Oe ‘ hale sli Se hs aT..4, 2 “" : : F M : ag ' : OPN 3 " saa ae: dee Bert oy ey md as haf ie * z WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Month Edition 44 nacgs} $1.00 per Year ~{The Lumberman Weekl" Edition every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL L BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED Voi. XIII. UMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN. MARKETS. a ER RSE SEO AA A SERA No. 12 TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, APRIL 19, 1905 Canapa LuMBeRmay. The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 48 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 722-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 92 Great ST. HELEN’s, Lonpon, E. C. Nhe Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the rincipal manufacturing districts and leading Somestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturersand exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. The Month'y Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and w -working industries, eS WANTED AND FOR SALE OE SSS Se ree — a o Advertisements ill be inserted in this depart- -ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion, 4 ni A When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 pet cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- i be received not later than 4 o’clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue | acme WOOD WANTED — PEELED basswood or clear spruce. RANKIN AND Co., Dundas sireet, Toronto. Telephone. \\ AN TED.—SLIDE VALVE OR AUTOMA- tic engine, 100 to 150 h.p Address, Box 202, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ree SALE—1", 6/4”, 2” SOFT ELM. tats Birch. 1” Wormy Chestnut. 1”, 6/4”,2”, 3”, 4’ Hard and Soft Maple. 1’, 6/4", 2” Beech 1”, 2”, 3” White Ash. 1”, 2”, 3”, 4” Red and Wt ite Oak. Cedar Squares, R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton. poe SALE—250,000 TO 300,000 FEET OF IT’ 1%” dry Maple and Beech, principally Maple. Rough ged, 6 to 16 ft. in length. ‘Piled, millrun. Will be sold cheap. For par- ticulars, apply to WM. THOMSON, Orillia, Ont. HA? WOOD LIMIT FOR SALE — ALL : kinds of Hardwood, including some Pine and Hemlock, about 3,000 acres, 7 miles from Parry Sound on shores of Georgian Bay. Esti- mated at about sixteen millions of all kinds _ deeded land. Noduesto pay. For further par- ; palace address C, A. PHILLIPS, Parry Sound, hs FOR SALE. tate a AND SAW-MILL BUSINESS ON dt. c¢.P.R. Mainline. Mill in good running order. Daily sawing 20to 25 M feet. Timber convenient to mill, Address A.B.C., CANADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE For Immediate Shipment (a 3coM ft. winter cut Basswood 1”. to et B. Ash 1” and 2”. S, Elm, 1’. H. Maple, 1”, Red Birch, 1”, 2”, 4’, and Squares. Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. s 500 o “ “ + 100 “ “ “ is “ “ ,_ references, -very convenient, $20,000. Address 3” and W4ntED—A QUANTITY OF IRON RAILS fcr lumber tram cars, second hand, Ap- ply Box ‘‘E,” Gravenhurst, Ont. ANTED—1 CAR BLACK ASH, MADE UP of 1”, 1%" and1%”. Apply THE PATTER~ SON-TILLEY Co., Hamilton Ont. For SALE—ONE BOSS AND ONE CLIP- PER Shingle Machine. Apply HUNTS- VILLE LumsBeER Co., LTp., Huntsville. — al \WAet=e —TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SIMCOE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. . Hos SALE—THE CUT OF 250M FEET OF Oak ; 250M feet Pine, also some Bass wood and Hickory. This can all be cut to order. Have also 600 cord wood ready to ship. Address HILL & Katz, Caledonia. ; ; Bon FILER WANTS POSITION. — AL man, capable of handling sawmill, s ber and industrious. 11 years experience, best of Address, ‘‘Electrician,”” CANADA LUMBsRMAN, Toronto, Ont. . - -‘MUST BE.SOLD | _ 10,000 070 ft. Good Sawlog Timber, 75 H. P. Mill, good site, water and rail facilities, timber Box 70, Thessalon, Ont. FOR SALE. ere CUT OF 300 M. FEET OF BIRCH, 90 M. basswocd, 50 M. soft elm, 25 M. black ash and 25 M. beech and hard maple. This is a well selected stock of No. Mlogs. Can be all cut to order. Address Box 204, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. y FOR SALE *IX HUNDRED ACRES TIMBERED LAND containing a million Birch and other tim- ber. House worth one thousand dollars, also other buildings. Three mile haul to railroad. As-ap fora man with small mill and small capital. Answer first to CANADA L,UMBERMAN, Box 211, Toronto, Ont. ES i aes SALE. — SAW MILL MACHINERY, nearly new. Capacity 15,000 ft., Ioo M feet hardwood logs, 300 M feet hemlock logs, three million feet hemlock and hardwood timber, 1,000 cords bark, 30,000 cords wood. complete logging outfit, quantity shingle bolts at mill and jn bush. Nodues. Close 10 G.T.R_ Good tim- ber locality. Reason for selling, failing health. For price and terms apply to Box 194. CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. TS FOR SALE. 397,000 fret 2” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. 86,000 feet 1” x 4” and up, Norway Lumber, Log Run. 43,000 feet Mill Culls, etc. ‘Also the product of two million feet good white pine logs to be cut next summer. Corres- pondence solicited. PINE LUMBER COMPANY, Pine, Ont. (near Cartier.) FOR SALE Cedar Poles as follows : 6” up top. W “ r, “ee 51—40 “ of 34—45 ac ait “ 18—50 ty qt “ These poles are a good sound lot and reason- ably straight; will be soldin bulk, at the Hep- worth Station. For price apply to KNECHTEL FURNITURE CO.,LTD. | Hanover, Ont, 1844” x 36” x 26. . spruce. V ANTED—ALI, PULP MILLS AND PULP WOOD Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which is bound to interest you 6 ACRES TIMBER LAND IN PARRY OO Sound district ; birch, hemlcck, elm and spruce ; well timbered ; good public road through lots ; short haul to Station. For par- ticulars apply Box 186, Orillia. LOGS ANTED.—VENEER LOGS FROM 12 INCH up, birch, oak, ash, hemlock and bass- wood, delivered any railway station. IMPERIAL VENEER Co., LIMITED, Sundridge, Ont. CEDAR FOR SALE 10,000 PIECES ROUND. CEDAR, 8-16 AND 25 feet long, on the Vermillion river. Can be de- livered at Spanish boom. Also Cedar, Pine and Spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood on C.P.R. James MCCREARY. CANADIAN TUCS FOR CHARTER FOR SEASON 1905 Tug Florence—Engine fore and aft compound Large Scotch Boiler 12 4” x1 ”“ and easy steamer, Tug Home Rule—Engine High Pressure 22 4’ x 24”. Fire Box Boiler 8’ x 14. _ . Tug Christian, S.J.. (American}—Engine High Pressure 19” x 20”. ‘Fire Box Boiler 64’ x 12’. For furthet information address HACKETT Tuc Line, Amherstburg, Ont. et MILL, IN VANCOUVER, ANNUAL turnorer fifty thousand dollars, for sale; price twenty six thousand; terms can be ar- ranged and fullest particulars given by THE Locators, of Winnipeg, Manitoba. a ee LIMIT FOR SALE IN BRITISH Columbia, eight square miles, fifty percent. cedar, 25 per cent. firand pine and 25 per cent. Limit situated on Columbia River, with a frontage of ten miles; one hundred and twenty five million feet. Level ground, Full- est particulars on application to THE LOCATORS, Winnipeg, Manitoba. oN, MILL AND TIMBER LIMIT IN Manitoba for sale, yielding annual turn- over of $5,000 Price of Saw Mill, $2,500, in four payments ; limit 2c0,000 cords, $10,000, $5,0°0 cash, balance easy ; teams, horses, sleighs etc. THE LOCATORS, 62 and 63 Mer- chants Bank Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba. PULP MILL FOR SALE The Gitu of Saint John Offers for Sale That Valuable Property Known as the Saint John Sulphite Pulp Mill. The mill has a capacity of 180 tons per week ; was built of brick in the year 1898, according to all the requirements of the Factory Insurance Companies of Providence (R.I.), and is fitted with turbine water wheels, developing 600 H. P., and an auxiliary steam plant of 300 H. P. It contains two steel digesters 14 X 45 feet, built by the Portland Company, Acid Depart- ment Milk of lime system, of abundant capa- city. Paper machine contains 21 Drying Cylin- ders, 100 inches by 4 feet. The situation is at the mouth of Mispec River, a stream ten miles in length, and is distant about seven miles by sea from the City of St. John. Barges carrving 700 tons of coal dis- charge at the mill. Schooners have frequently been loaded with pulp at the mill, whence they departed to New York. Sealed proposals, endorsed ‘“‘Tender for Pulp Mill,” will be received by H. E. Wardroper Esq , Common Clerk, at his office. City Hall, Saint John, NB., up to 12 o'clock, noon, of Wednesday, the 26th day of April, 1905. W. W. WHITE, Mayor, Chairman Board of Water and Sewerage. ~ perfect order. ips es & 5” NORWAY BOX STRIPS Rough. Dry. Rice & Lockwoop Lum- _ BER Co., Utica, N. Y , Branch. ANTED.—s,000 CORDS OF PULP WOOD, state whether peeled and price f.ob, cars. W.O.SEALEY, Hamilton, Ont. § DVERTISER SHORTI Y RETURNING TO London is open for sole agency of leading lumber manufacturers, with special view to South African trade. Long experience, good references and responsibility. Address SIDNEY SMITH, 463 St. Denis Street, Montreal. FOR SALE, Sie PRODUCT OF 150 M. BIRCH, SUIT- able for squares; also stock of ash, elmand basswood.. THE -MAGANETAWAN HARDWOOD ’ LuMBER Co., Ahmic Harbor, Ont. WANTED. poe SAW MILL — IN COMPLETE running order—boiler on skids ; forty horse-power ; engine thirty-five ; trimmers, three saws, and shafting fcr same; resaw ma- chine ;} 16-inch planer and matcher (combined or separate) ; shafting and pulleys for connect- ing same; all for Cuban shipment ; must be in Write R. P. BEARMAN, Chesley, or J. J. MILLIKIN, Toronto. TO. RENT. WELL EQUIPPED PLANING MILL AND Lumber Yard, ina thriving town in West- ern Ontario, with a good surrounding country, and good facilities for getting in lumber by water or by rail, Only one other yard in same line of business, Satisfactory reasons for wish- ing torent. Apply Box 212, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED. OSITION AS MANAGER OR ASSISTANT Manager of Lumber Business in West by young man of good character. Applicant is thoroughly acquainted with the business, accur- ate on estimates. and well adapted to assum: position which demands executive ability and tact. Would makeemployer’sintere ts personal and seek to merit his fullest confidence. Apply to S.L. R., care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, 720 Union Bank, Winnipeg. ————— IND THB FOR SALE SAW, STAVE AND HOOP MILLS COMPLETE — AND — 600 Acres Timber Lands of which 500 acres are virgin timber composed chiefly of Elm, witha good percentage of Bass- wood, White Ash, Hickory, Red Oak and Soft Maple. Estimated at 3,000 000 ft, Within 1% miles of station on line of Micuines Central Railway. Mill now running. Good level roads for trucking logs to mills. Other blocks of tim- ber available. Good reasons for selling. Address reply to ‘staves and Hoops,” care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont., for full information of property. ADA LUMBERMAN AND WOOD-WORKER “It a CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIo. The phenomenal increase in building operations in Toronto this spring is re- sponsible for a very firm and active lum- ber market. Never in the history of the city have the permits fora corresponding period exceeded those of the past three months. Retail dealers are in conse- quence finding their stocks inadequate to meet the demands upon them, and re- plenishment has become necessary toa greater extent than was anticipated earlier in the year. Building activity, however, is not confined to Toronto,as throughout the entire proviace the conditions in this respect are about all that could be desired. The consumption of lumber is large, and he domestic trade this year promises to exceed that of any previous — season. When the relative high price of lumber is considered, this must be regarded as strong evidence of very satisfactory com- mercial conditions. Lumber prices are unchanged from last week. The strongest item in pine is mill culls, for which manufacturers are now asking $14 for No. 1, witha dollar added for ten and twelve inch. The upper grades are holding their own, in- fluenced by some recent purchases for export to Great Britain. White pine shingles are still inactive, and unless prices improve the pro- duction will be curtailed. The B. C. product is being quoted at the advanced prices given on another page. Lath is quite strong, No. 1 white pine being held at $3.25 at the mill, and No. 1 norway at $2.90 to $3. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The lumber business of Western Can- ada is becoming quite active, The de- mand is increasing and the trade are ex- pecting a season much more satisfactory . than last year. Lumber is still low in price and dealers are disposed to consider the present an opportune time to acquire Stocks. A deal recently made in the South-east Kootenay is an evidence of this disposition. The Moyie Lumber & Milling Company sold to J. C. Graham, of Winnipeg, 1,800,000 feet of lumber, in- cluding all the stock in their yards. It is believed that prices will advance in the WOODS & SPICER, L oe ay eee MANUFACTURERS OF ..... BIA REHD C Capacity 100 Million a Year. BRITISH COLUM KNIGHT BROTHERS CO, Busts Fall Ont KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING S3i&,c2 : REIT vt 3 Samples A PLANING MILL | MASON, ‘tained but a small CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION near future. The schedule on shingles recently adopted by the British Columbia Lumber & Shingle Manufacturers’ Associ- ation is now in force, the prices being $2.50 for XXX for Manitoba delivery and $2.90 for points further east. UNITED STATES. Nothing has occurred during the past week to curtail the strength and activity of the lumber market across the line. The large gain in building operations in the leading centers of population, as compared with the corresponding _time one year ago, is an indication of national pros- perity, and no branch of industry is’ likely to be more benefited than lumber. Con- sumers are buying quite liberally and dealers are replenishing their stocks as fast as possible in anticipation of a heavy demand. Prices are strong all along the line. Buffalo and Tonawanda dealers are considering an advance on some of the lower grades of white pine, which are getting scarce. Box and ‘ower are almost out of the market. The Eastern demand .is said to be stronger than it has been foryears. Prices of Pennsylvania hemlock have been advanced 50 and 75 cents a thousand. Spruce is also very firm and a Boston reports states that the demand for many sizes.is greater than the supply. The feature of the hardwood trade has been the adoption of a new list by. the Wisconsin Hardwood Lumbermen’s As- sociation. First and second red oak was advanced $5,No. 1 common $3, and No, 2 common $2. First and second birch, 1 to 2% inch, was advanced $1, also first and second ash in all sizes and first and second soft and rock elm in 1 inch and thicker. On the other hand,. No. 3 common ash was reduced $2, and birch and_bass- wood $1, : Lath prices are still very strong. For Chicago delivery No. 1 white pine is quoted at $4 and No. 2 at $3.25. No. 1 hemlock brings $3.25. GREA -BRITAIN. ~ The stock of spruce ideals at Livetpool and Manchester on March 31st last ‘was “only 15,000 standards, or about 30,000,090 feet, whereas last year it was double that quantity. The ‘statistical position of spruce is therefore ‘very favorable and . Warrants the prediction made by Messrs. Smith & Tyrer that prices will go higher. The stock delivered by the liners from St. John and Halifax is being sold upon a basis of 47 12s 6d per standard c.i.f. Liverpool. The specifications have con- quantity of 3x 11 inch, for which high figures are being asked by retailers. The white pine market, while firm, does not exhibit as much strengh as spruce, and shippers. have not been successful in closing contracts at alto- gether satisfactory prices. Nevertheless, the stock of pine deals is very much under what it was at this time last year, and as shipments are certain to be light, holders are not likely to exhibit much disposition to force stock upon the market. There is a very liberal demand for birch logs. Sales are being made ona basis of 1s 4d per cubic foot string measure for 14 inch average. Birch planks are also meeting. . with a fair inquiry at higher prices. ee ee STOCKS AND PRICES. L. O. David, City Clerk of Montreal, is asking for tenders up to noon of 2uth inst. for the supply of lumber required by the Road Department. The Great Northern Lumber Company, of Scotstown, Que., are understood to have made arrangements for shipping a large quantity of lumber to England this season. Lumbering promises to be quite active in the vicinity of Owen Sound, Ont., this season. William Pedwell expects to cut about 1,500,000 feet at his Brooke mill,and Maitland, Rixon & Company will cut be- tween 5,000,000 and 6,000,000 feet. The log cut in the Rainy River district during the past winter was unusually large, and while the early break-up -of winter caused some apprehension, nearly all the lumbermen, by making an extra effort, were able to get their logs either to the river or railway. It is estimated that the cut in the Rainy Lake, Rainy River, and Lake-of-the-Woods district was about 100,000,000 feet, —_—_—_, HARDWOOD LUMBER PRICES. The. Wisconsin Hardwood Lumbermen’s Association adopted a new price list on April 6th last, which is givenin part below: BircH—Log run, $19. First and second 1 in., $31; 1% and 1¥% in., $33; 2in., $34. No. 1 common, 1 in., $18; 1% and 1% in, $20; 2in.,$ 22. No. 2 common, Iin., $10; 14% and 1% in., $11; 2 in., $13. No. 3 common, $7. . AsH—Inch log run, $22, First and second, 1 in., $34; 1% and 1% in., $36; 2 in., $37; 24 in. and thicker, $42. Nor common, 1 in., $22; 14% and 1% in., $24; 2 in., $25; 2% in. and thicker $27, No. 2 common, 1 in., $11; 1% in. and thicker $13. No. 3 common, $8. : Basswoop—Inch log run, $20. First and Second, 1 in., 5/11 in. wide, $29; 12 in. and wider, $34; r¥% and 134 in., $33; 2 in. $35. No. rcommon 1 in., $19; 14 and 1¥% in., $23; 2 in., $24. No. 2 com- mon, I in., $13.50; 1% in. and thicker $14. No. 3 common, $11 to $12. : Sort ELtm—Inch log run, $20. First and second, 1 in., $29; 1Y% to 2 in., $32; Send for Catalo Keenan Bros., Limited ORILLIA PLA ae Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER woods, and about the same ~ Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market, WILL MAKE. SPECIAL. PRICES. ON BROKEN LOTS at OUTSIDE POINTS PLANING, MOULDINGS, MATCHING, FLOORING, RESAWING, SIDING Done any quantity. Write for price. S. POMEROY, Frere 31 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER ~ ~DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH : MLENNAN & COMPANY — MONTREAL, QUE, BULMER, Office and Vard, 57: DORCHESTER ST. SS imited | EDAR SHINGLES We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. Wire Your Orders at OUR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, B. C. 4 Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading iS A DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied & April 19, 1905 2% in. and thicker, $35. No. 1 commen, 1in., $19; 1% to2 ins, $21; 2% in. and thicker, $24. No. 2 common, $13. No. 3 common, $10. . ale Rock ELtm—Inch log run, $18; 14% to2 _ in., $21. First and second, 1 in., $30; 1% to 2 in., $34; 234 in. and thicker, $38. No. I common, 1 in., $18; 1% to 2in., $20; 2% in. and thicker, $26. No. 2 common, ~— Lin., $12; 1% in. and thicker, $14. No. 3 common, $8, a! SorT MAPLE.—1 to 2 in. log run, $16.) HARD MaPLE.—1 to 2 in. log run, $14. First and second, 1 in., $24; 1% to 2in., $26; 2% in. and thicker, $30. No. 1 common, 1 in., $14; 1% to 2 in., $16; 2% in. and thicker, $20. No 2 common, 1 to 2in., $10; 2% in. and thicker, $15. No 3 common, 1 to 2 in., $7; 2% in. and thicker, $10. ‘ : ES + Tilbury « Ont. - « Manvfacturer of . . - Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Red and White Oak,Maple and Elm Lumber. : Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak Squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. Le M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto, EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Seuitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt — of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot ‘Lane, Loudon, Eng. rs ; < CONVENIENT TRAINS: : leave ST. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS every _ morning and evening via WISCONSIN- aes CENTRAL RAILWAY Pullman Sleepers an Free Reclining Chair Cars o Meals ala Carte - Jas. C. Pond, G.P.A. Milwaukee, Wis. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO il Burk’s Falls. ag GORDON & CO. — WHOLESALE TIMBER ie Montreal, @uebec it ., Vaucouver, B. C, WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. ~ 4 - P.O. Bs x 16 oa. “April 19, 1905 BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. _ (Correspondence of THE CANADA LUMBERMAN.) _ Vancouver, B.C., April roth, 1905.— British Columbia wil, very likely receive contracts from the Br tish Admiralty next _ year for the supplying of a large amount of timber. Mr. W. J. Rogers, Timber _ Surveyor of the Admiralty, is in the city just now, and he states that the timber of __ this province is unequalled in the world _ for stage deals and oar stock. The B. C. 3 ~ Mills, Timber & Trading Company and _ the Pacific Coast Lumber Company are supplying $20,000 worth of selected spruce oar stock, which Mr. Rogers is now 1n- z _specting. Spruce, he says, is far ahead __ of ash, which used to be thought the best. 2 Heretofore, considerable Baltic’ timber _-has been used, but owing to the enter- "prise of some of the manufacturers here, _ tests of B.C. wood have been made in the Davenport dockyard. ‘‘Timber from this province is better, and can be supplied _ cheaper than from the Baltic,” Mr. Rogers told your correspondent, ‘‘and next year _ when the three-year contracts are award- _ ed I expect to see many of them come out this way.” Mr. Rogers will leave on _ Thursday for Quebec, where he will in- spect a coup'e of ship loads of: timber contracted by Dobell, Beckett & Co. Three ships are ready for foreign ports, the Inveramsay, which loaded 1,262,008 _ feet at the Chemainus mills for the United Kingdom; the Belford, 1,665,235 feet, - Hastings mill, for United Kingdom, which Pe is still here owing to delay about her + crew ;~ and the bark Haddon Hall, 1,168,002 feet, Hastings mill, bound for ha ena: dB. Farwell & Son ae CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN. Ganadian Gedar Tele: Graph, Telephone and : Electric Light Pols 5 _ Baer Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. ‘ « ‘s COMPANY we stuck to it. Vancouver Cedar Mills ee COU ER: B.C. the long run, and we are glad OD SINGLAIR, Export trade on the whole is fair, and that there are prospects of it continuing good is shown by the. announcement of Mr. L. W. David, who is manager of the com- pany which is about to open the Ross- McLaren mills at New Westminster. He states that the principal business done there will be shipment to foreign ports, and vessels will come up the Fraser and load at the mills. The large areas of fine timber on the west coast of Vancouver Island are attracting the attention of saw mill oper- ators. The country there, owing to the absence of railroads, has not been de- vastated by fires, and the timber is in first-class condition. It was there that the first mill of the province was built. The Seattle Cedar Manufacturing Company have selected a site and are preparing plans for a large mill to be erected at Clayoquot. The product, it is stated, will go mostly to the American market, where cedar commands a good price. The largest individual order reported recently was that received by the Bow- man Lumber Company, which has taken over the interests of the Empire Lumber Company at Revelstoke and Comaplix. This company will ship a single order of 35 cars of ‘lumber to the’ Northwest, There is a good demand from the. Terri- tories at present, both for lumber and shingles, and since the new arrangement entered into by the coast millmen, all the mills here are receiving .a proportionate share of the business. . Sheriff Tuck, of Ymir, seized the lumber plant and product on Monday last of S..F. Mackay on Porcupine creek,» near that ROBERT WATT WIARTON, ONT. Manufacturer and Dealer in ; Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. SPECIAL: One carof 4/4 Norway Strips, One = of 4/4 White Pine and Cedar Timber, 6 x 6, 8x 8,8x10,10x10and ro x 12, from 12 to 24 ft. long ‘mostly 16, 18, and 20s, Pricesoa application. _ C.S. POWELL & CO. Lumber Fxporters 604 seme! e Bidg., TORONTO and at NEW ORLEANS, LA. H Cash buyers all kinds hard ds. To Millmen We solicit See alee a eS THE There is only one way to make and HAM | LTO N s mainta ion fe LONG goods—deliver the goods. Itcosts SPECTATOR * LUMBER like smoke at times, but it pays in BUILDING FOR High Givae Cedar Manufacturers and Wholesalers of .. Shpinents by Rail or Water rman H. Hettler Lumber Gompany WHITE and NORWAY PINE LUMBER LATH and SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT, ONTARIO _ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION — —— = —_ - ——$<—<—————————————————————————— — — — SS TT Ln place. He was cutting on the limits of the Active Mining Company. The seizure was on execution of judgments in connec- tion with Mr, Mackay’s saw mill enter- prise at Poplar. The opening of the new mill at Kam- loops of the Kamloops Lumber Company was celebrated on the third instant by a public function. Many mills have been and are being established in. the interior to meet local demand. The latest is that of American people on. the north fork of the Kettle river. They are negotiating for the pur- chase of fifteen square miles of fine limits, and will build to supply the demand of the towns and camps on the north fork. John Fenton, who for 30 years was with Gilmour & Company, Ottawa, has resign- ed the timber inspectorship for the Do- minion Government to accept the man- agership of the East Kootenay Lumber Company. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. George Neibergall, James Hunter and John Crawford are announced to have purchased the saw mill,timber limits, etc., of Robert Watt, of Wiarton, Ont. The mill.is‘one of the best on -the peninsula and cuts annually a large quantity of hardwood and other lumber. R. & TF. Ritchie, of Aylmer, Que., have purchased the limits at Mattawa, Ont., owned by the Hull Lumber Company, of Ottawa the consideration being $115,000. The limits consist principally of pine and spruce. P. G. Keyes, Secretary Department of Interior, Ottawa, will receive tenders up to May roth for a license to cut timber on Berth No. 1219, in the district of Alberta, N.W.T., comprising 50 square miles to be Til, selected in not more than ten blocks with- in a prescribed area. A special sale of timber licenses was held at the Crown Lands office, Frederic- ton, N. B., on April 12th. Of the 204 square miles advertised for sale, only 6214 miles were disposed of, and all went at the upset price. The total proceeds of the sale were $1,250. The following were the purchasers: William Richards Com- pany, 10% square miles on the Resti- gouche river; Sumner & Company, 21% square miles on the Nepisiquit river ; John O’Brien, 6 square miles on the North-west Miramichi river; Adams, Burns & Co., 24% sq. miles on fhe Ne- pisiquit river. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw. Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60° long. — SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LIMITED SAW and PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo, Registered Cable Address, “" Pinewood.” BRANCH OFFICE ANCHESTER, ENG. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. “American Iuamberman"” Telecode. Cc. A. LARKIN WHOLESALE PINE LUMBER. AO Gontederation Life Building, TORONTO, ONT. J, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIaITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. ‘ GOOD PINE SIDINCS A SPECIALTY Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARNWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - __ Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. Phone No. 54. THE GUARLEMMGNE & LAG) QUAREAL LIMBER GO. IITED, 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. SAWN AND DRESSED LOMBER _ Clapboa.rds, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations. Shipments by rail or water. __CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Ch. Ce Band - Gane U M B i pe ae ¥, LO, miles West North Bay aND LA ah H Cc. P.R. phe is - Cedar Cove Mill, Vancouver, B.C. Lumber, Lath, AA1 HIGH GRADE Vancouver, Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Balusters, etc. W. J. SHEPPARD Ciencia t Waubaushen Pa cific Coast Lumber Co. LIMITED VANGOUVER, B.. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete, | : High Grade Red Cedar rs and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, °° shiting"“" QUEBEC MANUFACTURERS OF | White and Red Pine | Lumber and Lath Water Shipments he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. 7 Of Ontario, Limited MILLS - tipi gt Algoma Dist., Ont. **Soo’’ Branch C.P.R. ing Arcade, Toronto OFFICES ered Building, Montreal And at Mills at Spragge. a M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFAGTURING GO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at ~ RAINY LAKE, Ontario. hi ae THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH Manufacturers of and a Dealers in all kinds of . _ Both Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. Head Office: HAMILTON, ONT. P ‘ . ‘ ” PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. _ Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and Lumber.—Write Us. A. F. BURY AUSTIN 4 a ‘. - ‘ NADA _ Bank of Ottawa Building, bei ae James it a _ SPECIALTIES: Railway | riage Timber and all kinds ot Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, OW irew: and Rough Lumper, British Columbia Pine, ‘hol back, end butted ux Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B, C. _ = ry Kiles 0 Fi: Timber in any size or a up to go ry Kilas of large capacity. engh b and Dressed Lumber, Fir a W2ITE FOR PARTICULARS ANB QUOTATIONS. a Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ES CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS Sr The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited “RUGER & SON - Quebec WwW THOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER | MONTREAL, CANADA Norway and White Car Flooring, Telegraph’Poles, Railway Ties; Oak aod feet long. Timber a face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. , Douglas Vv. cn oe a = — ~ R. LAIDLAW LUMBER C0 JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. PILAYFATR & WHITE Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT Contractors for Rallway SupRes BILL TIMBER a Spectalty A. & P. WAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joistirg Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. => Manufacturers of and Dealers in deailpll ie taste OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., cimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offie:s : Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. O.tawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. i an Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ And ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seuee as the case may be. Addre Thie Canads Lumberman, on F. M°CIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Rie Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood. Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. IL D, RIXO! and & C 0. LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pines Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. p by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER a? | AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER GO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS ee eaeca ieing. Ty, We buy psee in Car ee a Lots. |S It your Wish. . - *Po Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY —————————————— THE Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. We Solicit Your Inquiries. J. F. FOSS, Manager. CEDAR LUMBER 2 AND POLES FOR SALE I can saw out to your order, during the winter months, pills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, OWEN SOUND, ONT. VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE GLASGOW MARKET, Messrs. Calder, Henderson & Living- ston furnish the following particulars of the Glasgow lumber market: It is satistactory to note that there has been a steady business during the quarter just ended. There was a good consump- tive demand, and as advances in the price of teak, pitch pine, and spruce have been established, the feeling of uncertainty has now to a great disappeared. There has, however, been no extensive extent buying ahead, merchants still preferring to pursue a hand-to-mouth policy. WaANEY PINE—The stock on hand shows that a considerable consumption has taken place since 31st December last, but there is still plenty remaining for all require- ments. Prices all around are weaker, in sympathy with quotations being made for the coming season’s import. Prime ship- building wood of long average by 18 to 19 inches is quoted at from 3s 9d to 4s 2d. First class short .girthy is selling at from 2s 8d to 3s, and second class from 1s 8d to 2s 6d, according to size and quality. SQUARE PINE.—Has been little asked for, First class 35 to 40 feet average is quoted at from 2s 8d to 3s, good fair average at 21d to 2s, but for this latter quality there is practically no demand. RED PiINE.—For this staple there are no enquiries.. The stock is very low, but seems quite ample. E_m.—Stocks show a material reduction as against this time last year. on hand is largely soft elm. elm is very scarce, and quotations have sharply advanced. They are now at gs tod to 4s gd for 40 to 45 feet.average. Oak.—The stocks are healthy. The de- mand has been slow, with the exception of | prime wood of large size. Some parcels of | such have been sold lately at from 3s to 3s | 3d for first class 65 to 7o.:average.. Second | class is hard-to move, and: for such quota- tions are purely nominal. 7 AsH.—Has been in fair request. Stocks first class 14 to 15 inches average. BIRCH. —The stock is practically nil, and what there is, 1s held by~ merchants; Prices are firm at about 2s for 16 iftol average. * DEALS, BATTENS. AND, BOARDS. —There What is Prime rock | and prices are low. from £8 5s to £9 for 11 inches; £7 11s 3d are low and prices firm at 20d to 22d for | | tion, £27 10s for 11 to 12 inches average, SECONDS.—The demand is quiet. Stocks are healthy. Broad deals are quoted at from £22 to 424; 11 inches, £18 to £19; Undersizes, £13 10s to £15 10s. THIRDS— Compared with last year, the stock ap- -pears decidedly healthy, but considering the demand it is ample. Broad deals are asked for and are quoted at from £13 to £14 10s; 11 inchesat from £11 I5s to £12 10s; Undersizes, at from £9 10s to £10 5S. FourTHS.—The stock is’still too heavy Quotations are at to £8 for undersizes. RED PINE.—The stock shows a reduc- but there, is not much. demand. Prices are steady, and range from 47 los _ to £9 for Undersizes, and from £9 to £11 | for Regulars, according to quality. has been a tair demand during the quarter | and an average amount has gone into consumption. Steady, although some low figures have been accepted for odd parcels that were being cleared for stock-taking. PINE,—Firsts.—The stock jis. low and prices ‘are- steady. Quotations are as follows: Broads, £34 to 4373; 11 inches, £30 to £33; Undersizes, £25 10s to 627. Several parcels of sidings have come for- ward by liners from U. S. ports, and have been selling on the basis of from #26 to The prices generally are | SPRUCE.—A moderate business has been dnoe;-7 inch and 8 inch are in demand, bnt 9 inch and wider have been slow of sale.” Quotations ‘for 3rd quality range from £7 12s 6d for 7 inch to £8 158 for 9 inch, | has gone direct into consumption. | are firm at a basis of 18d for 14 inch aver- , age St. John. N.B. AND N.S. BincH.—There has beena fair import of St. John timber, all of which Prices Planks are wanted. There is no stock on hand, and any coming for- ward should realize £8 5s to £8 15s for merchantable St. John. ; ssSsSssSsSs888..8090 LL ‘April 19, 1905 [| N.B. Pine Deas AnD BATTENS.—There has been no import, but as the demand has been quiet, we still have ample stocks on hand. Quotations are at from £7 to £8 tos according to size. N.B. Spruce,—The import has been very low, andas there has been a fair demand, stocks are now ina healthy con- dition. Prices are firmer, and quotations are at £7 5s to £8 10s for second quality average St. John. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Halifax, N. S.: Schooner Foster Rice, for Demerara, B.G , 220,000 ft. pine lumber, value $3,450, by C. F. Longley, agent. Schooner Talmonth, for Gren- ada, B.W.I., 110,000 ft. pine boards, value $1,320, by C. F, Longley, agent. From St. John, N. B.: Steamer Lake Michigan, for London and Antwerp, 158,- 197 ft. deals, 18,114 ft. scantling, 1,427 ft. ends, 5,712 ft. birch plank, 1,013 ft. birch ends, 17 ton birch lumber, 102 elm logs, 2,751 pkgs, chair stock, 540 bdls. birch lumber, 135 bdls. boards, 40 cases bass- wood lumber, 29 doors, 39 pes. birch Squares, 366 pcs. lumber. Schooner Walter Miller, for City Island, 620,000 laths, 60,000 ft. scantling. Schooner D. W. B., for New Bedford, 15,442. ft. Scantling, 122,038 ft. plank. Steamer Montcalm, tor Bristol, 120 tons lumber, 56 elm logs, 1,535 bdls. pulp board, 263,- 644 ft. deals, 9,838 ft. ends, 332,016 deals and ends,1,600 doors, Schooner Effie May, for New London, 102,650 ft. boards. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS | BY MAT - ST.LOUIS | RAIL. ‘PHONE AABBERLE LUMBBR GO. Wholesale and: Retail Dealer -in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER. Large stock of Timbers and All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery.” Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. Telephone No. 10 = - Bill Stuff carried in stock. McGLURE LUMBE Wholesale Dealers in . Hardwood Lumb Carry in Stock and Have for Sale : ; GANY, PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Frank in St., DETROIT, MICH. CAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, R 6O. HICKORY, Hickory), OAK BENDING Sawed and Sliced Quartered . orrespondence Solicited. \e.e.exe ere H. D. WICGIN sosrartt*ss: will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YELLOW PINE We are in position.to-give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. BOSTON, MASS. CANADIAN LUMBER | WANTED... ._. We solicit consignments of long and ‘short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. ° ° ° . ADDRESS: CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. R , oamik'si, - BOSTON, MASS. .. . SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER :< O. WHOLESALE YELLOW ST. LOUVIs, PINE MANUFACTURERS MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LITTLE Bay, ARKE., ALDEN BRIDGE, La., ALLENTOWN, LA. Te ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yeliow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. : Oak a Specialty FRANK C, BURY WHOLESALE LUMBER ¢ Veneers eS BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE - DETROIT MICHICAN Correspode’ ce Invited on All Hardwoods. Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. _ a’, ty a oer Peet. al de, Mad , , a April 19, 1905 THE OTTAWA VALLEY. Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAR,) Orrawa, April 10, 1905.—Being mid- way between the seasons, conditions in lumber circles here at present are very quiet. In about two weeks sawing will be in full swing and the Chaudiere assume its customary activity. The lumber cut this year is expected to be about the same as last. Advices received from Edgar Tripp, the Canadian Government Commercial _ Agent in Trinidad, by the Trade and Com- merce Department to-day, indicate that Canadians have a promising market in Trinidad for shooks and boxes, the only handicap being a very high freight rate. Could a reduction of 25 per cent. in the present rate be procured Canadian man- ufacturers would soon control the market in this respect. It is estimated that this year the value of shooks imported into Trinidad will be $400,000. Mr. J. R. Booth was last night granted by the Fire and Light Committee of the City Council a two year, sextension of time for the removal of his lumber from what is known as the Fraserfield yard, which is CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION within the fire area prescribed by by-law two years ago after the great conflagation originating in Mr. Booth’s lumber piles in the west end of this city. The Export Lumber Company was granted a like extension. Mr. Booth has intimated-.that in about two years time he may -close down one watch of his mill, running in day time alone. This is understood to be caused by the purchase of his railway by the Grand Trunk Railway and the consequent lack of facilities for handling his lumber. The Export Lumber Company, one of VIL. the largest retail and wholesale lumber firms in the city, and which has been in process of liquidation since last fall, is ex- pected to resume business about the first of August. It will be under a new man- agement, however. By the breaking of a boom two days ago some 6000 logs belonging to the E. B. Eddy Company were swept over the Chaudiere Falls and scattered down the river. ae eee The planing mill of John Carter, Clinton, Ont., was almost totally destroyed by fire recently. ARNWORTH & JARDINE ‘Wood Brokers and Measures) Cable Address “Farnworth.” Liverpool. 2 Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, FNC, F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., Ax, Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE eeeepeertts Saraiies $0 the beat adtvantage to 2° por handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. | OUIS | OUIS BAMBERGER, IMPORTER: OF PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Lo a8 » Ete. Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. ~85~-cents—buys-it Soribner’s LUMDEr «« LOG Book BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LUD. ‘Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. Liverpool and London Chambers CABI,K ADDRESS “ Address : THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Reck Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. aa bia + eA SO Has All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND DOBLE, LIVERPOOL ” ELLGREN—— ALL KINDS OF LUMBBR AND LOGS: BRANCH OFFICE t Brook {, HAMBURG | ai VII'. THE ONTARIO LU Mi BER 09s waren Mitts: North Bay. C.P.R. and 6. T.R. Delivery. Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. HEAD OFFICE: 380 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. 35 and 36 HINTONBURG, ONT. Have for Sale {ASH ELM, BASSWOOD, PINE, SPRUCE ave Tor Sale | anp HEMLOCK IN QUANTITIES MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Home Life saingTORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. ILLIAMSON & MORRISON ~—LUMBER WHOLESALE ., JAS. LUNNY & CO., CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling Broom Handles, Eastern Agents--B. C. Shingles and Douglas Fir, all dimensions Can dress to 24x30. ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA B. C. Cedar LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR CURRENT LUMBER PRIGES~-WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 2x4 to"io in. 2x4 to 10 ok 8 ft. Clear inch B. C. cedar, 1 inch No. 1 Pine cuts & better...... $4 1% to2 inch No.1 o $50 00 to16ft. 15 00 16 00 16 00 17 00 cuts and better.. 53 00 53 00 kiln dried «.. 0... <. 5° 00 1% &2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar cuts and better.... 42 00 45 00 air dried boat lumber 55 00 14 to 2 inch No, 3 Douglas fir dimension cuts and better.... 33 00 39 00 timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 In Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension and better shorts 25 00 27 00 timber, .o to 35 feet 31 00 1x4, 6and8common 1:8 00 19 09] 1% in. No. 1 4ft. Pine Ix rO common...... Ig 50 2000 TAth......cssrsecees 50 3 60 1X 12commion...... 21 00 22 00} 1% in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 02 : 10 IX © common...... 20 00 21 00] 1%” No.1 32” pine lath I 70 IXIO common...... 2100 22 ov| 1%” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 2 8> and 3x12 common. 22 00 23 00| XXXX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 Ixis inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 220 EO TT jaieiepein mane 20 00 2° co| X Pine Shingles .. I 00 Inch mill runsidings 2. 00 22 co | XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 30 tin. millrun...... . 20 00 21 oo B, C. Shingles .Ix10 and 12 mill cull: 15 00 16 00 | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 90 ii - mill cu‘l Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 10 AGGS meee eels reine 15 00 16 00/ XXXXX 5toz2in.. 345 Tin, dena cull sidings 12 00 13 00 | XX No. 2, 6to2in.. } 2 40 1% inch Flooring .. 23 00 25 00)/XX ‘“ 6to 23-16in. Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 1459 15 5.'|XK “ 5Stoain... 270 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Asa Whte,1 to2 in ba rock, mill yr . eeeeeee 1 to 14%"24 »0 26 00 tsts and 2nds...... $33 00 $35 00 Elm rook “a Asi, black, 1sts and erin Ee eee 1%"! 3.. 29 00 30 00 and, 1 to 14 in.. .. 27 00 29 00 | Hickory, rsts Bicch M. mee » 22 00 - 0° and 2nds..1%“* 2.. 36 00 38 00 . %‘ 2.. 2300 25 00 | Maple common “* sqrs. 4x4 “' 8x8 32 00 36 00 and better1 134 21 00 22 00 Basswood, Common Maple, ists and better 1 to1Y%in 25 00 26 00 and 2nds.. 2 ‘' 4.. 25 00 27 oc Basswood, 1% to2.. 26 a8 oo | Oak;red, p’n, m. r. 1 1% 1300 7500 ists & 2nds2 ‘' 4.. 44 00 4630 Cherry, r1sis Oak, white, and 2nds.. 1 ‘‘ 14% 5; 00 69 00 ists &ands1 ‘' 1% 4200 44 00 Cherry, sts Oak, white, andands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 60 00 7)'00 ists & ands 2 ‘‘ 4.. 45 00 50 00 ene, soft, = Oak quart’d, DiaatscalaD ‘© 1 24 00 25 90 ists&2nds ‘' 2.. 7090 8») 00 Ela a, ai, mill Walnut, rsts BUT a's oieia a “9.4 25 00). 2700 and znds.. 1 ‘* 3.. 85 00 10900 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT Square white pine, measured off, 39 to 40 teet average,......... First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to Naess 19 to 20inch average . RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. easured off, according to average and aa sieleiatwle ipping order OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO, By the dram, according to average and quality. . ‘ ELM B, the dram, according to average pial quality 40 to 45 feet . 30to 35 fet. ASH, 10 inches and up, pation to aver and nee: c ; Average 16 inch. . . P — PIKCH. 14 Inch , a ‘ . ay Co om 3 OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTORERS’ PRICES, txr2 No, 1 barn.. txtoNo. 2 1x3 &g No.1 barn. 1x8 & a No.2‘ Pine Shorts 5’ to 11’x8” Pine, go d sidings: r in.x8 in. and aE 39 00 4200 ‘Mir x1Byi. 50 00 54 00 2in, x8in. and up §2 00 56 oJ cts, 5S 45 é& 6: 62 €5 - 27 33 35 «40 50 56 Ou e935 S24 26 go . 20 323 +246. a8 . 2 31 32 4 71 OO. 19 00 19 00 ™7 co T5 00 Pa Write for quotations GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA Pi e good strips : Pine shorts 6’ to r1’x10” 16 00 I Dyes ot oe evewesees 33 €0 36.00 Pine, 8 ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 co ‘4% in, and1} in.... :6 00 38 00] Pine s. c. strips...... 13 00 15 00 2 IM....+. s.seeteee 38 00 40 00| Pine, s.c. shorts.....-12 00 14 00 oh good shorts: Pine, box boards.... 00 14 50 TiM...... -...+++. 2§ 00 2800] Pine mill culls..... 13 00 14 co 1¥ in. and 134 in... 28 00 35 oo| Lath, per M 21D, ....4.222022 +s 34:00 38 00 No. 1 white pine..: 240 2 60 Pine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine: .. 200 2 25 siding, per M feet, | Spruce, mill ran..... 200 215 bm. ......... .. 2000 25 00 Red Pine milirun.. 200 2 15 Pine, No. x dressing Pine Shingles SUTIPS...... seees ++ 18 00 24 00 XxXXX, 18 inch..:..... 300 325 Pine No. dressing Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 shorts «..s.0.+.... 16€0 200c}| xx 18 inch........... 1 40 1 60 Pine, ros ¢ and bet- oo | Cedar Shingles ter stock, 12" to 16’ 20 00 22 00 XXxXxX. 18 inch........ 3 25 Pine, 8 s.c. and het- . Clear Butt,18inch.. . 2 50 ter stock, 12’ to16’. 17 00 19 00 XX, 18inch.......... I 60 1 70 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPER AND SELECTS. Uppers, x in., 10 in. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $65 co WIdE .. 6 cece yeccnceess'e 2 S75 00 14,1 1% and in. oe. 6ief +s «e+ 65 00 1%1% ND elaldterelawe 75 00 236 and 3 IM... .osc-sr a0 75 00 2y and 3 in.. Paldaitere ea, Cel Millccreseccce cenceatenene 77 00 Pinsseecasswess seeeeeeeee YO 90 FINE COMMON. 1 in,, 8 in. and up wide...... 55 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 73 oo 5G and) 135 Mek ase vs saw, 57 Cal Naan ck uedeeGeoaicece maaan - 78 co Bayt Wis ie Rema s ate stn eae $800 _ _B FINE COMMON OR NO I CUTTING. In, 7in, and up wide...... 36 00 | 234 and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 63 oo 1% and 13% cutting... .... 4B COM) Mitienees neceisn scene oe oes 08 OO AID vu wale Spewitiiieeesissisiswess SOG STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 52 00 1in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 50 00 14% x6 in. wide.. 60 00 | 6 in. wide.......sce-esceeens FINE COMMON OR C s+ee 44 00] 1% in., 4,5 in. wide........ 47 00 see eee eeeewae 1 in., 4, 5 in, wide. ..... 1% in., 6 in. wide.......... - 5400] in., 6 in. wide..........+0. 5} 00 SELECTED NO, I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1¥in., 4,5, 6in wide... .... 35 00] 1in., 4,5, 6in. wide........ co? BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. 32 00 8 and 7 in.. tteteeesneeeees 22 00 ++ 25 00} No. 3, 12in........... + 24 Oo No. 1, 12 in......... BOUIN A ow asie acini ines 25 00]] pbin...... se asccecncecssce 29 0G 25 00 Bios ise'sie ee racene . 22 00 SERB OREO 22,00 +> ¢ RN ars SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. 1 in., 4and 5 in. wide.... ..$16 00 | 1 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$17 00 1in., 6 in. wide............. 17 00| 1%,1 S¢anda i in., 7 in. and 1 in., 7 in. wide and up...... 17 09 up wide................ 1800 SHAKY CLEAR. - 1in., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. v ide 32 00 | x in., 10 in. and up wide,.... 34 00 1 in., 6 in, wide............. 33 00] 1%, 1% and 8 in. and up WIE... 2.00 cce.cceavcnes JS 00 SHINGLES, 18-IN. Pine. XXX. win cvciivcvsosee ed pane! XXXX, 18 in......- Clear Butts.......... +» 3 50 Clear Butts..........0..005., ats LATH. 4 02 | Nous White Pine, nse egiien 3 40 Hemlocé ........0..cccseees 3 00 No.1 White Pine.. . ALBANY, N.Y. PINE, Uppers, 3 in. ... ......4. 83 85 | rxx2 ork aes ee Re 24 IM. .seereeeseesesseess 83 85 | 4/4 inch ti 25 SILO RIM side cisie'ctere ea bis 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” oa up.. I9 20 sie uppers ........, +++ + 88 go | ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 elects, 24% in up........ + 77 82] r2-in. dressing and Sere 4° 42 Ebola dics sce ieve cae 79 #72 | Box, txro-in, .............. 2r Fine common, 2% in. and up 72 75 Box, MENS hoe, tosis Gas Se 21 FtO:2 Morass mayen ceo nn fo | No. x barn, 1x12.... ...... 29 30 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch BIO 0.06 ceeweeeeveceess 25 26 NOs in ete's 0 aideioiie XS 5 Sin aatinpig clgnic weatiee 25 No, 2 barn, rx12...,.. ERLOs oc seine visio IXB.. ose cccesecscessevcee 22 23 Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4in...... 32 38 sees 35 45 Shelvin; one ae oe: 35) 40 Dressing boards, narrow... 28 1x19 bead oie yee ar aa] i EO. G. GLADMA PARRY SOUND, ONT. TRE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO. —Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in—— Pine, Hemlock *Hardwood Lumber ENQUIRIES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO, “ A. P. EBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock WIARTON, ONT. THE NEW LINE A. J. GORRIE, MANUFACTURER WHITE PINE AND ‘HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES em ConrEsponben SoLicitEp 1 Woodstock, Ontario. © Lath, Shingles, Posts, Through the Spruce Forests of the ehiteiticn Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesbury. Water-Powers, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELEcTRIC PowER FOR Saez. IpEAL PuLP-MILL ‘SITEs. Unexcelled- Export Facilities at Quebec. MONTREAL CON ree General Supt. G.F&Pa., Me : LATH, ¢ PINE ...2essaeareo oven vane 98150 Uh Serigele Jaen $340, SHINGLES, Sawed Pire ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x18 oes $5 2 J Clear bi tts.......... 3 50 3 75 | Hemloc sy 68 bs ‘ soe Smooth 6 x18....... 4 50 4 75 SPFuce- alee Mode plgietn wean SEE 1% to'2 Inch J.5.) 5.0 $125,000 and $150,000. _ THE WESTERN LUMBER SITUATION. .: Mr. T. F. Patterson, of the Canadian _ Pacific Lumber Company, Port Mcody, B.C., takes exception to the statement of _ Mr. Walter Scott M.P., that if a duty were placed on American lumber it would result in an advance in price by the Can- adian dealers, and also a probable scarcity _ inthe supply. Mr. Patterson says: “Regarding the statement that immi- grants now coming into the Northwest J dB. Farwell & Son ___.. CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN .. find it difficult to get lumber in sufficient quantities, I may say that the mills here are now running not much over half capacity. There are large stocks of lum- ber in the yards, and the great difficulty the mills experience here is to get orders at almost any price. To an outsider it would seem that a mill running ten hours per day is running full capacity ; but such is not the case. Take, for instance, our company’s mills at Port Moody. Weare running ten hours per day, but only a part of the machinery. We are cutting from 60,000 to 70,000 feet per day, when the actual capacity of the mill is 150,000 feet. As we can only sell between 50,000 and 60,000 per day, we naturally deem it inadvisable to increase the cut until the markets warrants a change. This is the case with almost every millin the pro- vince, and mills in British Columbia can take care of all the trade that can possibly come from the prairie region and still have time on theirhands to spare. This can be done without increasing the prices, and Mr. Scott’s argument that the settlers cannot get lumber in sufficient quantities ‘is not founded on fact. “Tt is notin the Territories where the invasion of American lumber takes place. Mr. Scott’s territory has to a large ex- tent to purchase from British Columbia. In the year ending December 21, 1904, about twenty million feet of American lumber was imported, while in Southern Manitoba and Winnipeg the imports amounted to over eighty million feet, and it was American cheap lumber at that. Some of it did not net the manufacturers the price of the logs at the mill. This ROBERT WATT WIARTON, ONT. Manufacturer and Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood Lumber, Lath, = CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION gave Manitoba somewhat ofan advantage over Territorial points, and Mr. Scott should be a strong advocate for a duty on lumber to prevent Manitoba from securing special privileges over the Territories in tbe purchase of sacrificed American lum- ber. Ifthe dumping clause of the Tarriff Act is of benefit in preventing the sacri- fice of other American goods in this couutry, there is no reason why the lum- ber industry should not share in the bene- fits. The North-west and Manitoba expect to have large manufacturing industries in the near future, and they doubtless will be as clamorous for pro- tection of these on their infancy as they are now that no duty on lumber should be imposed. And they will have a right to expect just that very treatment. I cannot see any good reason that the Government can advance for not giving the only in- dustry of great importance to the Do- minion some measure of protection during the present session of Parliament. I trust that the new Minister of the Interior will be broad-minded enough to look at the Dominion as a whole, and not only at one particular section of it.” From the best figures obtainable at this time it appears that the cut of logs on the Penobscot and Kennebec rivers in Maine the past winter was 71,000,000 feet less than that of a year ago. The total cut of the two rivers figures up 241,000,000 feet. The reason for the decrease is to be found in the large stock of logs on hand last fall. All the big pulp and paper plants, as well as the saw mills on the two rivers, are bringing over good sized Ill, stocks of logs this spring. To this can be added the fact that owners of timber lands placed the stumpage at a figure which prevented most operators from tak- ing any chances at all. To a large extent the stumpage was prohibitive, and only enough logs was cut to meet the demand of the present year. While on the west branch of the Penobscot the figures show that of the 75,000,000 feet cut, only about 14,000,000 feet was cut by the Great Northern Paper Company itself, about two-thirds of the cut on those waters, or 40,000,000tO 45,000,000 ft, will go to that company’s mill at Millinocket. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. —— SARNIA, ONT. Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties. SPECIAL: One carof 4/4 Norway Strips, One car of 4/4 White Pine and Cedar Timber, 6x 6, 8x 8,8x10,10x10and 10 x 12, from 12 to 24 ft. long mostly 16, 18, and 20s, Prices on application. C.S. POWELL & CO. Lumber Fxporters 604 memely Bidg., TORONTO and at NEW ORLEANS, LA. H Cash buyers all kinds hardwoods. To Millmen We solicit correspondence. . “Ganadian Gedar Tele: graph, Telephone and Electric Light Poles Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. ie & There is only one way to make and HA M | LTO N n LONG maintain a reputation for goo ae goods—deliver the goods. It costs SPECTATOR LUMBER oar ice tan, and’ we are glad hai melo MPANY we stuck.ftoite! «ot 6 © Shen, ONTARIO q Bi ‘7 5 FOR JD.SINGLAIR) High’Grede Cedar _ VANCOUVER rman H. Hettler Lumber Gompany ss WHITE and NORWAY PINE LUMBER LATH and SHINGLES Manufacturers and Shipments b Water i MIDLAND, ONT. | ee ae areas a yee ; SOS Se ec ee J. D. SHIER LUMBER C0., LIMITED Pine, THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, Limiteo SAW AND PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo. Registered Cable Address, ‘t Pinewood.” BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN ‘American Lutaberman’™' Telecode. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF $ R. S. ABBOTT, Treas. LUMBER AND SALT SAGINAW, MicH. Mills at Sandwich, Ont. : CVVSBESSSSSVSSVVVVASVSVVSASTTSEASB®F » Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete in Car Lots. eee eee SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. C. A. KENT, Sec’y. BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINCS A SPECIALTY THE GAARLEMAGNE & LA OUAREAD LUMBER GO., LIMITED, 404 Coristine Building, ~ MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE ae nce . UMBER anxD LATH CACHE BAY, Ont. c.P.R. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. *"Phone No. 54. _ SAWN AND DRESSED LOMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations, Shipments by rail or water. 26 miles West North Bay 1 a Oe ¢ a Ae ee Cyn tg ee) Uae ‘Sy vy Ry es > Sa 1 AE ‘ sf sie He ae . Be i a CANADA LUMBERMAN Wena EDITION < ee ae April a 1905 —— cul",. E, H. HEAPS & oo ae Wancouyver, B. C. - Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, movies Etc. SPECIALTIES : | 4 i AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. _— Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels” Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length a bs a W. J. SHEPPARD PRESIDENT J. G. SCOTT, Ane MANACER Waubaushene, On B.C. Pacific Coast Lumber Co. : LIMITED VANGOUVER, BG. MANUFACTURERS OF he: Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete, High Grade Red Cedar sr | Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 5 _ 112 Mail Building, TORONTO D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. LB YOUNG, Cashier : The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. - «sss White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work pestsin CRHDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario _ WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office / » ne : RAT POTRAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence so licited at all four points. THOS. KIRKPATRICK, COOKE S TAIT MANUFACTURER OF vy cute Mills at aig se Shingles | 8 o FIR AND GEDAR LUMBER AND SHINGLES Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Shingle Mill : False Creek, Vancouver, B. e; Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Telephone B 1425 WRITE FOR PRICEs. Ontario Representative: W. J. SMITH, Fergus, rr C Hazelmere Lumber Co. a Escort Lumber & Shingle Co. HAZELMERE, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF i i Wholesale Dealers Limited tie! 5 _ FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER y British Columbia Lumber and Shingles CLEAR CEDAR AND F LOO RI NG | The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in +l Our Specialty. a Ey long Distance Telephone. 4a Ps manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles i in Can- - ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. W. q | WEI 5 | SS —ata d if. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market ; PALLISER, B. C. 4 prices. 3 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar ~ and L f al eR. 2 BRITISH COLUMBIA CORRESPONDENCE. BoLicien ee Manufacturers of and Dealers UMessess PENETANCUISHENE F. M°CIBBON & SONS, ONT. Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood. Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., .R., and by Water. £ i ppemmurendi Co., Limited OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER a? | AGA Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds at close price THE SEAMAN tS ar Co., Limited ,60 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ And ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a sie or Seller, as case may Address. The Canada Lumberman, Tore To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY THE MENZ LUMBER GOMPANY Manufacturers and Wholesalers “BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES We Solicit Your Inquiries. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. i Ib YOUr WISh. . J. F. FOSS, Manager. CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FOR SALE I can saw out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, OWEN SOUND, ONT. Rig ios ee he git ra Pee Se ee ae Ne eee “3 r = ee > vI. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From St. John, N.B.: Steamer Lake Champlain, for Liverpool, 1,418 pcs. bass- wood lumber, 790 bales elm staves, 41 pcs, birch lumber, 294 pcs. pine deals, 4,040 bdis. shooks, 30,760 pcs. birch timber» 3.953 chair seats, 272 tons birch timber, deals, 95 pieces birch lumber, oak lumber, 417,017 ft. 117 maple logs, 1,646 pcs. 1,189 pcs. maple boards, 2,110 pcs. maple blocks, 51 pcs. pine lumber, 1,994 pcs. hardwood lumber, 1,720 doors. Steamer Orinoco, for Bermuda, 7,795 onion crates, 20,000 laths, by Andre Cushing & Co. ; 4,200 onion crates, 2,350 bdls. onion crate slats, 5,000 sup. ft. lumber, by G. & G. Flewwelling Mfg. Co. Steamer Orinoco, for Barbados, 97,000 shingles, by A. Cush, ing & Co.; 13,000 shingles by J. Roder- ick & Sons. Steamer Evangeline, for London, 35,946 ft. birch squares, 40,251 ft scantling, 70,897 ft. deals, 1,310 bdls. birch straps. Steamer Dunmore Head, for Belfast, 1,038,008 ft. deals. Steamer Manchester Merchant, for Manchester, 575,897 ft. deals, 35,867 ft. scantling, 26,- 827 ft. ends, 6,000 bdls. shooks, 253 bdls. pulp board, 1,944 pes. lumber, 3,416 bdls. flooring. Schooner Lotus, for New Haven, 45,555 ft. plank, 75,188 ft. spruce scantling, 35,784 ft. pine scantling. Schooner Otis Miller, for City Island, 150,391 ft. deals. Barque Haguesund, for Fleetwood, 871,- 982 ft. deals, 44,856 ft. scantling, 20,291 ft. ends. Schooner Onward, for City Island, 137,471 ft. deals. Schooner Harry Miller, for New York, 188,007 ft. plank, 158,510 ft. scantling, Schooner Priscilla, for Greenwich, 105,668 ft. plank, 48,009 ft. scantling, 5,262 ft. boards. Steamer CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Athenia, for Glasgow, 29,916 ft. pine lumber, 11,585 ft. deals, 39 bdls. hoops, 113 tons birch timber, 2 cons pine timber, 303 bdls. pulp board, 11,500 ft. pine deals, 219,381 pcs. birch plank, 102 tons bircy, timber, 140 ft. birch boards, 3,424 pes. birch ends, 983,118 ft. deals, 16,191 ft. ends, 355 ft. scantling. Schooner Viola, for City Island, 194,423 ft. deals. Bar. quentine Shawmut, for New York, 1,918,- ooo ft. laths. Schooner Frank and Ira, for Flushing, N. Y., 323,000 laths, 750,000 cedar shingles. Steamer Victorian, for Liverpool, 359,706 ft. boards, 106,318 ft. deals and battens, 46 tons timber, 91,965 ft. scantling, 2,658 ft. ends. From Halifax, N.S.: Steamer Orinoco, for St. Kitts, B.W.G., 1,905 ft. spruce boards, value $36; 3,168 ft. pine, value $73, by Pickford & Black, agents. Schoon- er Baden Powell, for New York, 122,515 ft. sprucescantling, value $1,348, by S. W. Henderson, agent. COOPERAGE STOCK. In a recent report on cooperage stock conditions, Messrs. Sutherland, Innes & Company, of Chatham, Ont., say : Business in cooperage stock has been a little dull, but is looking up. considerable during the last week or ten days. There are a great many more inquiries for cooperage stock than for some time, while orders are beginning to come in a good deal more freely, so that it looks as if trade is improving all over the country. Stocks on hand are still comparatively heavy for this season of the year, more especially in lower grades of staves and mill run heading. No. 1 staves which are thoroughly dry for present use are some- what scarce, although the supply is about equal tothe demand. No. 1 heading is still plentiful, and coopers are able to buy at very reasonable prices. In mill run heading and No. 2 and mill run staves the supply is ample, in fact, these classes of stock are being offered at remarkably low prices, considerably less than the cost of production, so that evidently some of the manufacturers are anxious to clean up their stocks they have on hand before the new stock comes in. Hoops are showing an upward ten- dency, and the best manufacturers are asking a good advance in prices over a morth ago. There seems to be more de- mand for hoops than any other class of cooperage material at the present time, but the production is now being increased very greatly, so there is no doubt there will be plenty of hoops and at reasonable prices. The outlook for cooperage stock is very bright at present. Reports indicate that ‘the fall wheat has come through without any damage, and the spring seeding is under way in the Northwest, so that the wheat crop looks exceptionally favorable. The Government reports indicate that the fruit trees have come through the winter without any damage, and unless something untoward occurs between now and the time for the fruit to set, we are likely to have a very good apple crop this season, The stocks of logs and bolts at the mills are very much lighter thana year ago, sothat the production this year is likely April 26, 1905 to be considerably curtailed, which may little latter on in the season, z affect prices a STREAM DRIVING PROSPECTS IN NEW BRUNSWICK. FREDERICTON, N.B., April 21.—Lumber- men of the St. John River are feeling pretty blue over the poor prospects for getting their logs out of the woods. There have been no rains this spring, and the snow has gone off gradually, making no freshet of water for stream driving. Un- less heavier rains come within a few days, many millions of logs will be hung up in the streams and the mills will be short of logs for the season’s sawing. said last night, in discussing the situation, that at least twenty-four hours’ heavy rain would be necessary to be effective, but even less than that would serve to- wards solving the difficulty. Logs are hung up at different points practically through the whole St. John river region, and stream driving can hardly commence until the appearance of heavy and con- tinued rains. Stream driving operations on the Nashwaak and tributaries commenced early last week. All the crews are at work, but as the water is rather low, not much progress is being made. Fred B. Edgecombe stated to-day that the Edgecombe and Eaton concern had 30e@ stream drivers at the scene of their operations waiting for the water to rise to start logs into the streams. Edgecombe and Eaton have about 8,000,000 feet to come out, including everything. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES, Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Frank in St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspoe ce Invited on All Hardwouds. GUM, HICKORY, MAHO. | H. D. WICGl will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. BOSTON, MASS" 89 STATE ST. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO, HABBERLE LUMBBR GO. Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e\e \e.e erg BURY FRANK GC. BURY WHOLESALE LUMBER Send us your inquiries for Southern ¢ Veneers * & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE DETROIT meni Yellow Pine rl j - ais 8 cue A dealer. Muskegon, Mich. AN i, f rs * 2 f : ‘ 4 Woods Suitable tor Ea English Market. April 26, 1905 THE EASTERN MARKET. That the markets of the Eastern States are in a very healthy condition is empha- sized by the fact that, at a recent meeting of the dealers in Boston, a committee was appointed to revise the price list govern- ing spruce lumber and clapboards, hem- lock and shingles, the feeling being that in many instances prices were too low. A new list on spruce has been put into ' effect, based on $23 for under 10 inches, Commenting on the situation the Bos- ton correspondent of the Lumberman’s Review says: CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION eS ———————aooooee eee The advance in the price of spruce lumber did not come as a result of a gen- eral organized movement among the shippers, but rather as a result ofa de- veloped demand far in excess of present or prospective supply. When this point was reached a few of the larger shippers advanced their prices, and this was im- mediately followed by a general advance by practically all shippers. This placed spruce on a basis of $20 and $22 instead of $19 and $21, which latter basis had been in order without a break for nearly five years. Under the old list the regular ARNWORTH & JARDINE prices applied to all lengths up to 28 feet, with $1 per thousand added for each 2 feet or fraction thereof in excess of 28 teet, while the new applied to stock up to 24 feet, with $1 added for each additional 2 feet or fraction thereof. Spruce clapboards are very firm and in light supply, with none .of the new cut stock yet available for delivery. The pre- vailing market is on a basis of $50 for the 6-inch 6-foot Northern boards, while 4-foot Eastern boards can safely be quoted from $41 to $42. Spruce lath are very firm at $3.40 to $3.50 for 15-inch and $3.25 for 134-inch VIL. to points taking the Boston rate of freight, while at least one shipper is holding ona basis of $3.45 for 14-inch and $3.60 for 15-inch. The demand is taking care of every available lath offered and all dealers are hard pressed to secure adequate supply. The market for Eastern cedar shingles has advanced a step during the past month with ‘‘extras” very firm at $3.25 for winter sawn stock, and few dealers are willing to take orders for the delivery of spring sawn stock on a basis lower than $3.40 for extras, and I find a general feel- ing both among the shippers and receivers that the market will be on a strong $3.50 basis on or before June 1. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS SMITH & TYRER - [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL ‘ Hoorn Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. 2 Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ENC. F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ou. WY¥ OOD BROKERS ‘*TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. _ Agents oy CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom, Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, 1 OUIS BAMBERCER, © "sss. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ IMPORTER OF == Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYB )#®"° a ee i. ZEBRA CODE A. B. C. CODE DIRECTORY CODE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. : ; ; a Wood i gents and Brokers Cable Address : “ GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England LONDON STORES: CABLES, DOORCHEEK LONDON We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. Seats, Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, and all kinds of ready made joinery. _FELBER, JUCKER & CO. a. Importers "MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘ Shooks,”’ Hull. Codes—A. B.C. 4th Edition and Zebra. eg poe Mouldings, Dowels, tock, Seats, etc., or any Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND ‘JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER “BUYERS OF TIMBER MERGHANTS Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm tLogs and Lumber, Elm Staves and Heading, Handles of ail descriptions Veneers A Specialty THOMPSON, BLOIS BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers. GLASGOW ASH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST TIPPING DOCUMENTS | Every lumberman_ wants it Locke’s Wharf, Edmonton, N. .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyrER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St, Halifax, N.S Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW GANT & KEM § TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW © “TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. 45 cents eee it Soribner's LUMDEF = L00 Book Address : THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple ee and Planks. Oe 0 4 7 LID, | aus teuniber. lmiportets® |" arso°. ° ° ° All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND “DOBLE LIVERPOOL ” Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Liverpool and London phot - CABI,KR ADDRESS & KJELLGREN——— ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AND LOGS HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. BRANCH OFFICE Brook {, HAMBURG ae i. ~ SF Pt! Vee! oe v2 tee iy bel cabbie gai £ Puy era Cr : ‘ at fa Se "rae he ~ ‘eo See ; ae — vit. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY Geman THE ONTARIO = wwite pine “Lumen, tatn | EO. G. GLADMAN nanorscron 0 AND SHINGLES, | WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUME BER LUMBER F LIMITED Game Tife Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. LATH AND SHINGLES css, ch Mae EE aR. Delivery. ence eaten aaa Mfownsnip teciing PARRY SOUND, ONT. Pier | Ehave Three Millions of Hem= HE WOODSTOCK LUM ILLIAMSON & MORRISON lock, running in lengths from T & MANUFACTURING C ; 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre- Deal Pine, H ¢ Mills at L’Orignal, Ont. [ U Vi B F R | pared to cut. in blocks of 50,000 and za in Pine, Homlaele a : > feet or over. : v INTARI HEAD OFFICE: mme—WOODSTOCK, ONT! 30 St. John Street, MONTREAL, P.Q. WHOLESALE CANADIAN ens -- 2. BERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, witiehobrgid a ee Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Sto WA aa ee Critelepeattes eee i v We solicit consignments of long ‘ Cleveland,O. McMinnville, Tenn. and short lumber from the Mari- We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots time Provinces and are prepared ; Hartwoods in Ontario and Que- | MGL¢ennan Timber Land and ee Lumber GO., ciate re a Selling Ageney and Dealers in all a? 7 CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. kinds of Timber Lands. THE NEW LINE GREAT Through tte -Sismaceritl Spruce Forests of the sahidi NORTHERN Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkes WATER-PoweErs, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELEcTRIC — RAI LWAY E PowER FoR SALE. IDEAL PuLp-MILL ‘Srrzs._ Offices: Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. Unexceliog Export: Racine Wehes aaa ‘a7 Milk’ st. - BOSTON, MASS. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. Av} GOezerai Supt. MONTREAL ore is Pine, box boards. eects Pine wood strips : Pine shorts to 11’x10” 16 00 LATH. : Tin.. serous Pine, 8 up s. c. sidings 16 §0 20 00 Pine $ S. . Pg ee | a 1M i in, andr3¥ in... Pine s. c. strips...... 13.00 15 00 FINE -eseseenee oe weeeeeee 350 | POUEP ern a ss $340 “, - Pine, s.c. shorts..... 12 00 14 00 7* » Pi 4 = : rin. + 2 2 Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 Bound butts, 6x38. = Pine mill culls..... 13 00 14 00 45 75 A ‘ TORONTO, ONT. Lath, per M = ia Be ace 350 3 75| Hemlock.......... : eee ee iS x ; No. x white pine..: 240 2 60 mooth 6x18....... - 50 4 75| Spruce........- 1 inch Pe 1 Pine 5 $ 2x4 &. 10 in. - "4 he io be re = fae = o-avee Sages ‘ = ; za az ts & better...... 4 ¢$50 00 | ax4 to ro inch, 1 MW asee cree os 20 00 R s oh: / ve 1g to ainch No. ft Clear inch B. C. cedar, Pine, No. 1 dressing eat af ieee ae pats as BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y. ceed ee 51 00 §3 00 clan a. pean 50, 00 So ae 18 00 24 00 es, a Po ers 8 00 3 25 WHITE PINE. 1 * 7 xi a - cuts and better.... 42 00 4500) airdriedboatlumber = §5 00 shorts ...... .-.. 36 00.2005) xe YUH eres racing 9 1 60 (Wholesale selling price.) 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension Pine, ros, ¢ and bet- Cedar Shingles Uppers I 1% r4and 2 2 in 2 cuts and better.... 38 00 3900] timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 eS adc, ui toi od Ga] ex, ingles Ap 21,17 ets aad We prtens in Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- ) Clear Butt,18 inch... 2 50 a and 3 85 3 : in. a.) 4 a cents shorts 2 td 7 ne ; wine No 30 Py Pict 31 00 ter stock, 12’ tor, 17 00 19 00| xx, 18 inch.......... 160 170 3 in H No. eh ytar a ’ 1x4, 6 and 8 com 13 0 oS ee elects I . too 19.8 at te em eh alate Ig 50 20 th......-...es002. 350 3 60 : ra uicummad (cit ie bo saeco igh. Noa. 4 Unie § nid © BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. i dig aa 73.00 | No. 2 Moulding Sixips,_ P IxX:0 common...... 20 00 21 00 16, ne I aa pine per et - UPPER AND SELECTS. 4.0 BS : Nana quid coisa: pr Pe oo ven Pins Shingles 290 300 Uppers, rin., 10 in. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wie oo Oe and f30 x in, 55 90 1xio inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 2 20 Wide «2.0. sepeeseeeeeeee $75 00) 1%, 14 oe Mh hl FS 57 00}. common .....-..+- 20 00 21 co| X Pine Shingles .. 1 00 1% aoe a + 75 .00| 236 and 3 in ats ee: panGrt: = es Inch mill runsidings 2: 00 22 00| XX Cedar Shingles 220 2 30 2% and 3 in 3), 0 MeaeAA ATs: oseratcnerwslbtteshins aa lPovioaben mane 7c tin. millrun...... - 20 00 21 00 B, C. Shingles" 4M eeeeereees 2 init hese, - Cut’'g up, No. 1,1 in. * 3800 IxI0 and 12 mill culls 15 00 16 oo | XXX 6 butts to2 in. 2 90 FINE COMMON, 1% and 1% rer 1 50 00 ae mill cull Sid- , pees ts be 45:10 in, 3 * “a nbd ae and up wide...... 55 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 73 0° 0.2, F iN...sseee 25 00 piateolnia ae esis ete Siete I§ 00 16 00/ XXX 5tozin.. 3 ANd 174 Ie. ceeeeeereees 57 OF] gM cee cccecece cececceccess 78 00 , " I i dead cull sidings = oo 13 00} XX No. 2, 6to2in.. a4o ? MOD. Salale Se pages tias + « ap 58 00 Ne 3 = 1H and sie 1x13 and up . . 1% inch Flooring .. 23 00 25 00| XX * 6 to 23-16 in. = B FINE COMMON @R NO 1 CUTTING. ee 25 00 head rM&2in. Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 14 50 15 59| KX 5tozin... a7 In. 7in. and up wide...... 36 00 | 236 and 3in., 7in. and bey firensing rin.....: 36 00| Mi he ye 4) << HARDWOODS ran MEET CAR COTS 1% and1% cutting....... ABiCO WE Mtg. seciiwnis's eilte Wedel 68 oo a ee and 12..... . , eae oo}, ~ and 24n. Wy... pide 29 : : dithyeeens MA ckinewin eee 1 «1% 2300 2 +. . yb c Chery, ‘rst Oak, white, No. 1, 12 in up, red...... weeee 3600 3800| Com. & g ood culls. eevee F300. and 2nds..1 ‘* 1% 55 00 6000 Priya tr 3 x ‘' 1% 42:00 4400 oh. te : 4 aS, *o Cherry, ists white, seca retteene oe oeesenes “ ‘ oh ; “ COP se oO 8 and 7 in in.. ae st S&:adrock,6ia duxp : 6 00 28 00 | ist & 2d, soft, 6in geet. y 7 ae aoe mail 4-+ 60.00, 70/00 pene 227 ce ee oe No. 2, 12in ¥ Common and culls .. 15 00 17 00 Common and culls...... 16 00 17 ¥ run 1 '' 16 24.00 2500] rsts&ends ‘'2.. 7000 8000 peat cee oo bers ; Elm soft, mill : Walnut, xsts No. 2, 9 in teeee ried a eared 4 POs. 2 a ''3.. 500 2700| andands..1 ‘‘ 3.. 85 00 10900 SHIPPING CULLS OR Box. ; a. Tes #4 00| Cox eae pe Sha parma wide.... .. $x6 00 on ‘ohana’ ia swidcseeeirvon = 4 —— SSS rin in ain aie, og: Coulter ovale 17 co} 1x and 2 in bag Ss ¢ San QUEBEC, QUE. 1in., 7 in. wide and up...... 17 00 He wide..... wsadecace £8KCC BOSTON, ty » 2 aS WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT Sprete) |e White Pine Uppers, 1 to 2 ee, Teles ena «+ ae eee $82 00 cts. rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. v ide 3a 00 mie ie. and up wide. .... 34 00 Selects, moaneck SlGhadee cee ORR Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 35 45 rin., 6 in, wide..........4.. 33 00| 1%, 1% and 8 in, and up Fine Common, 1 ae sn 'n sions anetg oR ++ 55 00 7 First class Ottawa waney, x8 inch average, according to pineal 60 62 WIE... 02.0 e eevee ene eee2 35 00 T{ito2 inchs. .20% «red gar ae +. 58 00 { 19 to20inchaverage ‘ - 62 65 SHINGLES, 18-IN. No. 1 Cuts, 1 1 tc Reagan. “ri + 41 00 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Pine, XXXX...... sevevecens | Cedar, XXXX, see ogee a GSEs <2 . ¢ oe a easured off, according to average and ae So sc oalaeiae eo sleoets 27 «33 Clear Butts......-... Clear Butts RS SAS cen b ER a % No. 2 Cuts, nr ta nch css ee eee an gs ae ; Neti Coker har oa ein w waaneeiee eae 2 Soy mthwadaee ee te Whe ie See on. add cesta go 00 . OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. No.1 White Pine.. . 4 oa .s 2 White Pine ........... 3 40 ‘No. 2 teeter eeeeer er 25 00 mana i ala Be STN gh Se es $00 spruce, roand wa tn, dimension......000000000..2 9% <9 M Qin, and siden on sagen eee : y the dram, according to average and quality 40 to 45 on Pa ie a ALBANY, N.Y. 253, 2 mi =~ pe ai ees 4 a a ‘engine Ps 30to 35 fet. 52 54 PINE, ’ , ine! ASH. to ft. an Fae, to inches and up, apes to anaee ud senile: F ce = 26 gr ee ee a 83 Bo iba shippers ot Rk * ft. and up <2¥ Average 16 inch . . Cheaneae RtOaUNs. saeelemeae etn % 80'| 4/4 Box boards 6 and up.. I9 20 BIRCH, ee uppers . seseee-« 88 90 | ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Out Spruce boards, B 1s 14 Inch ne Set cee i, Wie foes. hey ik ealce ate lects, 234 in fier alae 77 82 ay dressing and better... 40 42 “ Pee i tet RS ee he te ee ee ESSN oe in abies lis wislnise 72 72 BRIO. -viseedy rises. cic 21 Fc ess f = a Fine common, “ain. andup 72 75 | Box, rxiz.... ... Delis naraade 21 . “ ign fag ARE: }.. 1 323g EHO DUD. cece eesreeeeeeeee §8 60} No. x barn, rxr2.... ...... 29 30 J a I cuts, 1 to ‘ainch...... 53 s re Meiers aps ce ee, 25 26 ; ppaiaka sane eaes O. Be ccovccavcces oeecees 35 TX. cece ceca eeeee cocces 2 clears OTTAWA, ONT. gg Ne Becgagerneesne ceosess 38. 35| Nowa barn, teiaeescesscss 26 a7 Clear Whites ics oats MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, o. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 48 50 sergge Ice ek oe 23 «24 tra 1s ( r whites out)...... - Place, good sidings: 1x10 No, x barn... es a Seen ee Soe 35 £8 Shaky d sean ae is hie. 22 23 Extra 1s (Clear whitesin)......... veceavenvenaiins ehinjiand up wc da sten| crema. ee! SSS) Stainiod sept ssccccecsceels. 3% 40i SURRY Cleal nto Glens tes : T in x8 in. ina tp UP 3900 4200) rxzoNo. a 19 00 Bracket pan Pita is ae 4 ppt Soe 3 * BRITISH COLUMBIA SHIN@LBS, Min x 5% in, 1x82 eta 19 90 helving boards, x2-in, up .. 3 Witt tesuereees 24 25 Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 butts tozin. ... .. 8 in, and op...... + 50 00 54 00/ 1x8 & g No.2 17 00 See boards marrow... Bs @ San Fi _ Burekas, 2in, x8in, and up §2 00 §6 00 | Pine Shorts & to 11’x8” 1500 os pigtan tach shippers ...... 2 at sete eeee eeeee ene 35 eee " ‘Perections, 5 butte to a4 im. 2. WEEKLY AND WOOD-WORKER E-DITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 naqgs} $1.00 Pek YeAR = {The Lumberman Weekl" Edition every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. Re SE ET SE SS SET TORONTO, MONTREAL, WINNIPEG, MAY 3. 1905 ANADA LUMBERMAN. a PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. i 2 Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MoNTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 22 GREAT St. HELEN’S, Lonpon, E. C. Tn umberman — Published every = cpa iggy Me ble and up-to-date re- _ We , contains relia c ” ee cr eatket conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading “domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A _ weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of ‘timber products at homeandabroad. _ -- The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- ment to the lumber and wood-working industries. er. WANTED AND FOR SALE _ Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. y 1 four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. nis notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- yertisements must be received not later than 4 ‘o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in t he current week’s issue XCELSI WOOD WANTED — PEELED “5 2 or clear spruce. RANKIN AND Co., Dundas street, Toronto. Telephone. —< RUCEH—LONDON MAN LEAVING TOR- onto for London, would like to take upan cy tosell spruce. Hasa large and sound Eiestion all over London. Apply Box 213, .NADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. SARK. COOD —— AND TMB FOR SALE \W, STAVE AND HOOP - MILLS COMPLETE — AND — 0 Acres Timber Lands ca lich 500 acres are virgin timber composed of Elm, with a good percentage of Bass- White Ash, Hickory, Red Oak and Soft . Estimated at 3,000 000 ft. Within 1% of station on line of Michigan Central ay. Mitl nowrunning. Good level roads cing logs to mills. Other blocks of tim- ailable. Good reasons for selling. ss reply to ‘‘>taves and Hoops,” care of LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont., for full tion of property. OR SALE—1” to 3’ DRY MAPLE LUMBER, Special price made on 2”, J. S. GOLDIE, Cadillac, Mich. ANTED — CEDAR TO BE SAWN TO order. Dry 1”and 2” Hemlock. 1”, 5/4”, 6/4’ and 2” Black Ash. R.E. KtnsMan, Hamilton. (eS ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. ‘SrmcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. OR SALE—THE CUT OF 250M FEET OF Oak ; 250M feet Pine, also some Basswood and Hickory. This can all be cut to order. Have also 600 cord wood ready to ship. Address Hirt & Katz, Caledonia. AW MILL IN VANCOUVER, ANNUAL turnover fifty thousand dollars, for sale; price twenty six thousand; terms can be ar- ranged and fullest particulars given by THE Locators, of Winnipeg, Manitoba. AW MILL AND TIMBER LIMIT IN Manitoba for sale, yielding annual turn- over of $25,000. Price of Saw Mill, $2,500, in four payments ; limit 2c0,000 cords, $10,000, $5,000 cash, balance easy ; teams, horses, sleighs, etc. THE LocaTors, 62 and 63 Mer- chants Bank Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba. IMBER LIMIT FOR SALE IN BRITISH Columbia, eight square miles, fifty percent. cedar, 25 per cent. firand pine and 25 per cent. spruce. Limit situated on Columbia River, with a frontage of ten miles; one hundred and twenty fivelmillion feet. Level ground. Full- est particulars on application to THE LocaTorRs, Winnipeg, Manitoba. OR SALE. — SAW MILL MACHINERY, nearly new, Capacity 15,000 ft., 100 M feet hardwood logs, 300 M feet hemlock logs, three million feet hemlock and hardwood timber, 1,000 cords bark, 30,000 cords wood, complete logging outfit, quantity shingle bolts at mill and in bush. Nodues. Close 1o G.T.R_ Good tim- ber locality. Reason for selling, failing health. For price and terms apply to Box 194, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, : CANADIAN TUCS FOR CHARTER FOR SEASON 1905 ‘Tug Florence—Engine fore and aft compound 18%” x 36” x26. Large Scotch Boiler 12%’ x1 4” and easy steamer. Tug Home Rule—Engine High Pressure 22 4” x24”. Fire Box Boiler 8’ x 14. Tug Christian, S.J.. (American)—Engine High Pressure 19” x 20”. Fire Box Boiler 6s) e527". For further information address HACKETT Tuc Line, Amherstburg, Ont. SS FOR SALE—FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 300M ft. winter cut Basswood 1”, 200 B. Ash, 1” and 2”, 500 a“ “ Si Elm, 1”. 100 Ly . ‘* H. Maple, 1”. 300 £" y © Red ‘Birch, 1”, -2", 3” and 4’, and Squares. Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, FOR SALE ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TILL , June Isth, 1905, for saw mill and timber limits, consisting of Pine, Birch, Red Oak, Maple and Hemlock, together with water power, 200 h.p. developed. This is a choice site for all kinds of woodworking factories. Power can be increased to 1,500h.p. Termscash. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply to HARRIS & COMPANY. Day Mills, Ont. No. 14 V ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP WOOD Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which is bound to interest you. OR SALE — ABOUT 5000 PCS. CEDAR Railway Ties. Delivery C. P. R. or G.T.R. Hor particuiars' apply to A. MCDoNALD, Peter- oro. OR SALE — MacGREGOR GOURLAY 36” Circular Resaw, first class order, with saw and counter shaft complete. JamMES HARRI- SON’S PLANING MILL, Burlington, Ont. ACRES TIMBER LAND IN PARRY FOR SALE M. FT. INCH DRY BASSWOOD Write Box 58, Smith’s Falls, Ont. IO0O AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. CEDAR FOR SALE 10,000 PIECES ROUND CEDAR, 8-16 AND 25 feet long, on the Vermillion river. Can be de- livered at Spanish boom. Also Cedar, Pine and Spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood on Cc, P.R. JAMES MCCREARY. OSITION WANTED—AS LUMBER SALES- man in the States or Canada; 20 years ex- perience, good connections in all kinds Southern or Canadian Hardwoods, also Georgia Pine, White Pine, Lath and Shingles; A r refer- ences if required. Address ‘‘Salesman,” care CaNADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, TO RENT. A WELL EQUIPPED PLANING MILL AND Lumber Yard, in a thriving town in West- ern Ontario, with a good surrounding country, and good facilities for getting in lumber by water or by rail. Only one other yard in same line of business. Satisfactory reasons for wish- ing torent. Apply Box 212, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED. OSITION AS MANAGER OR ASSISTANT Manager of Lumber Business in West by young man of good character. Applicant is thoroughly ucquainted with the business, accur- ate on estimates and well adapted to assume position which demands executive ability and tact. Would make employer’s intere-ts personal and seek to merit his fullest confidence. Apply to S.L. R., care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, 720 Union Bank, Winnipeg. FOR SALE 75 M Log run Dry Pine, 1” and 2”, Ioo M ‘“ ‘“ Birch 1’, 1%, 2” and 3”. zoo M “ “ Red Oak, 1”, 144” and 2”, F.O.B. cars Dayton, or vessel at Thessalon. Apply to HARRIS & COMPANY, Day Mills, Ont. About 2,000,000 feet of logs at Cape Chin, Ont., were destroyed by fire last week, the losers being Robert Watt, Kastner & Company, J. P. Newman, George Neiberga! and Wiarton Lumber Company. About 30,000 posts owned by T. J. Austin, Detroit, were also burned. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ; ONTARIO. The lumber market has a most healthy appearance. The spring demand is devel- oping as largely as was expected, and the outlook is for a very' active season. Prices continue firm, withno decided ten- dency either to recede or advance, but it may be said that present conditions favor the seller on account of the extensive building operations in Toronto and to a lesser degree throughout the province. There is certain to be a very heavy con- sumption of lumber this year and it would not be surprising if a shortage should de- velop in some classes. The mills are practically sold out of dry stock and con- siderable of the new cut has been con- tracted for. Mill culls and the lower grades continue to occupy the strongest position, but hemlock is also exhibiting an exceptionally good tone. The manufac- turers are realizing higher prices for their stock than ever before, and dealers who earlier in the season entered into contracts based on the prices then ruling are find- ing difficulty in purchasing the lumber at a price which will give them a margin of pronit. Most of the drives have commenced, but low water in the northern parts of the province promises to result disastrously unless there should be heavy rains in the near future. There is very little snow in the woods and the rain-fall this spring has been exceptionally light. If any quantity of logs should be hung up, higher prices for white pine lumber may be expect- ed. Since writing the above, it is learned that rain has fallen north of Sudbury, and that the drives in that district are now moving satisfactorily. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The lumber market in the Maritime Provinces is at a standstill owing to the uncertainty regarding the log drives. The outlook is very gloomy on the St. John, Miramichi, Tebique and Aroostook rivers, and unless there should be heavy rains in the near future, the logs are al- most certain to be hung up. This will mean considerably higher prices for lum- ber. The present position of the market is very strong. There is a scarcity of deals on the St. John and it is doubtful if a couple of car loads could be got to- gether. Considerable quantities are held on the north shore for shipment upon the Opening of navigation. At the present time deals are worth $13.50 per thousand f.o.b. St. John, a dollar more than three months ago. There is a strong demand for American spruce deals, which have II CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION advanced in price during the past fort- night, The cedar shingle market is much im- proved. Offerings by the small mills are lighter and higher prices are established. Extras for Boston delivery are quoted at $3.40, and clears at $2.85 to $2.90, with the supply of all standard brands com- paratively light. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The expected heavy ordering of lumber from the North-West and Manitoba mar- kets has not materialized, and shipments up to date are below what was expected. The manufacturers are carrying heavy stocks and are prepared for a rush of or- ders should they come. The mills on the Coast and inthe Mountain district of Brit- ish Columbia are now so numerous that they can take care of nearly double the trade which is now offered. There is a large influx of settlers into the prairie region, but up to date their requirements of British Columbia lumber have been limited this year. The sbingle situation is much improved. For the past six months the market has been in a demoralized state. Owing to the severe competition among the different mills in the province, prices fell below cost and some of the mills went out of business or into the hands of the sheriff. Some weeks ago the manufacturers got together and agreed on a list which will give a fair profit, and it is thought that, after the severe lesson they have had, the list prices will be adhered to. Orders are coming in fairly well and the outlook for a good season’s business is promising. A number of new logging camps have been opened up, and the supply of logs for the season promises to be ample. Wages are very high, which makes the price of logs about $5.50 to $6.00 net at the camp, or delivered at the mill £7.50 to $8.00. Owing to the cheaper grades of lumber from the American side cutting into the North-West market, only the better class of logs are being taken out, as it is al- most impossible to find a profitable mar- ket for the lower grades of lumber. UNITED STATES. The position of the lumber market is entirely satistactory. Practically all classes of lumber are moving in large volume, while the southern pine business is almost booming. Reports in respect to white pine are much better than one year ago, stocks are not heavy, and prices are higher. The demand is making it com- pulsory upon dealers to accept the manu- facturers’ prices, with the result that advances have been made at some of the wholesale points. The great activity in building is consuming a vast quantity of lumber and the requirements of the rail- roads isalso a very considerable factor, The supply of spruce is scarcely equal to the demand. Hardwoods are active, with birch in exceptionally good demand. Ash and elm are also moving in liberal volume, but basswood is lagging. There is a steady call for maple, but prices in the Saginaw Valley show an easier con- dition, as log run has been purchased as low as $14.50. Lath continues to exhibit strength, No. 1 white pine selling in Chicago at $4 and No. 2 at $3.75. The shingle market is showing a better tone, due to increased consumption. White cedars have ad- vanced 15 cents within the past two weeks. GREAT BRITAIN. Lumber prices in Great Britain have undergone no important change during the past week. The failure of a large Nottingham firm, of which several large importers are creditors, has caused an uneasy feeling in the trade, particularly when considered in conjunction with the recent embarrassment of a timber im- porting firm in Manchester. Apart from this feature, however, the market is ina ‘ healthy condition and deliveries from the docks are being made in large quantities. Pine prices are barely steady, but spruce shows an advancing tendency. At a recent auction sale in London 3xg inch third quality Montreal spruce regulars brought £8 15s per standard, while, 3x9 inch first, second and third quality, from Halifax, N.S., brought £8, and 3x7 inch £7 5s. The importing trade are now accept- ing the view that the export of spruce from Canada will be very light this year, and that this condition is likely to bring about higher prices. STOCKS AND PRICES. The city of St. John, N.B., will pur- chase 3,500 yards of paving blocks at 50 cents per yard. The W. C, Edwards Company will sup- ply the lumber required this year by the Ottawa Improvement Commission. J. T. Scanlan has secured the contract for supply of white pine and Spruce lum- ber required by the Road Department of the city of Montreal. The Hanbury Manufacturing Company have purchased the stock of lumber carried at Brandon, Man., by the Rat Portage Lumber Company. The Alex. Gibson Railway & Man- ufacturing’ Company have about 2,000,000 feet of spruce deals of this season’s cut loaded on scows at the mouth of the Nashwaak river, N.B. About 280,000 feet of lumber cut by Crain Bros. was sold last week at Carle- ton, N.B., at auction by virtue of a bill of “ sale given to George McKean, ot St. John. It was purchased by C. E. Gallagher, of Bath, for $1,100. The first log raft of the season came down the St. John river and, reached Springfield, N.B., last week. It consisted of ten joints of spruce and was brought in by Gordon Grant, of Southampton. A run of bank logs is expected this week. The Alma Lumber & Shipbuilding Com- pany will saw about 3,000,000 feet of lumber at Alma, N.B. Linton Tingley will cut about 500,000 feet of deals. The prospective cut of the mill of C, T. White, Point Wolfe, N.B., is 3,000,000 feet. The Fernie Lumber Company, of Fernie, B.C., have sold their Gntire cut for the season to Christie & Company, wholesale dealers, Winnipeg. The transaction also includes the stock of lumber now on hand, which will bring the total up to at least 4,000,000 feet. JAS. LUNNY & CO., HINTONBURG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 nage In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. DOORS - DIMENSION { TIMBER SASH - NEW LUMBER ASSOCIATION IN MONTREAL. A The newly formed lumber Ghatich of the Montreal Board of Trade held its fi , meeting in the Board of Trade committee room on May ist, when by-laws were adopted, officers were elected, and a num- ber of matters of importance to the lum-_ ber trade were considered. ‘a The name decided upon for the ' Sociation is The Montreal Lumber As- sociation of the Montreal Board of = a The association starts out with sple did prospects of proving | of g advantage to the lumber trade, “ W. C. CRAWFORD ~ Tilbury Ont. - + Manvfacturer of . . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, sk. 4 Aleo Hard and Soft Wood Headin Red and White Oak,Maple and Elm Luni -— Can supply Second Growth Squares op 4 38 in. long in large auc, Oak A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railwa: is ea: ed the “Sportman’s Line” pecaiee te into and through the =, beiaeh s ‘ene choice hunting grounds in Am q The very best ‘wild fow fowl : shooking of the Stic é North is reached ONLY by this line. Pe -€ of beautiful lakes abounding in pi none pon cele Ty attracts myriads of ducks at a afford the finest kind of cover ply pi the choicest shooting to be foundthe country over. ss The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting. — and du various seasons for hunting and earner daily information to its wens asto ditions anywhere along its lines upon applica. tion to the nearest ticket ary vaio a its train service with s to the convenience and conetert a of ae ag a its employes are constantly on the alert to make travel over their lines pleasant and. comfort- able. This line offers the best route folio to ake i St. Paul, Milwaukee. Mi: ee, es or to : Superior points via Ashland, W: Information given mngy Peo ae v ) JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R.R. _ Milwaukee, B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS WOODS & SPICER, Limited BRITIS Et COLUMBIA RHD CHDAR SHINGL: ] We have had over 15 Years Cet and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. wu MANUFACTURERS . ae +e Eo Capacity 100 Million a Year. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., KILN-DRIED_BIRGH FLOORIN Planing and Matching MASON, Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS v/ ai ie er ee Pas hee, Ee Prema trhs. es as) v ary, ‘a 7 Send for Catalogue J vt Samples by ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. "Phone 113 Write for Prices. KNIGHT BROTHE ail Burk’s Falls. GORDON & C0. F WHOLESALE TIMBER ; aS Montreal, Quebec i Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trac Co., Vaucouver, B. Z DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supp WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND nor Sa Tf fines EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH BULMER, M°LENNAN & COMPANY MONTREAL, QUE. Office and Vard, 57: DORCHESTER ST. P.O. Box a ’ a a are already 30 members enrolled, com- ‘prising almost all of the more important firms connected with the lumber business, either in manufacturing or handling lumber. The officers elected will hold office until "the annual meeting, which will be held in PDecember: These officers are asfollows :— ‘President—J. T. Marchand, of J. T. _Marohand & Company. _ Vice-president—E. M. Nicholson, man- ager of the McArthur Export Company. _ Treasurer — Stanley Barker, manager _ Robert Cox & Co. _ Other members of the executive com- _ mittee—W. J. Brennan, of W. & J. Sharp- les ; W. T. McLaurin, of McLaurin Bros.; _ J. H. Redfern, of J. K. Ward & Co., and Wm. Williamson, president Laurentian Lumber Company. __ The following were present at the meet- ‘ ing : :—A. F. B. Austin, W. J. Brennan, F. _ W. Cotter, Wm. Duncan, Geo. Esplin, _W. K. Grafftey, J. T. Marchand, W. T. NeLaurin, E. M. Nicholson, Martin Pow- er, Geo. A. Scott, Wm. Williamson. A. _ BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. _ (Correspondence of THE CaNnapa LUMBERMAN.) __ VANCOUVER, B.C., April 24th, 1905.— _ Conditions in the lumber industry in Brit- _ ish Columbia are more satisfactory this _ spring than they have been for a consider- able time. Logging is active, and from $5 to $7 is being offered at the camp. _ Loggers are beginning to realize that this is the right way to sell logs, instead of hawking them around to mills, with a prospect of considerable deterioration in Eee * - A v Pe ee Oa eae ME er AR Se CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION fl. the process. That price is considered good, and for cedar it is higher. The de- mand for lumber is improving, and many of the mills are working full time. Prices are unchanged, and at present are lower from $1 to $2 per thousand than what they were previous to the ruinous depression of last year. In short, all round the business is good, and a continuation of it will do something toward setting some of the mills more firmly on their feet than they have been for quite a time. In the in- terior small concerns are still suffering, many of them being on the verge of bank- ruptcy. The establishment ot Mr. John Han- bury’s large planing mill at Elko will as- sist the smaller mills. These have been unable to maintain sellers in the North- west market, owing to limited financial resources, and sometimes have found the disposal of their product rather slow. It is Mr. Hanbury’s intention to handle the cut of the small mills. This will afford them a steady and reliable market and will enable them to save expense for machinery to dress the lumber, besides insurance. This idea was suggested some time ago, and is now being carried into execution. Mr. Walter Scott, M.P. for West As- siniboia, wasn Vancouver last week, but only fora day. He made the same old statement in regard to the duty on lumber, that if it were granted the prices would be increased accordingly. Although this has been denied by the deputation that interviewed Sir Wilfrid Laurier and the members of the Government, Mr. Scott still quotes it, and has reiterated it in the interior. Prominent lumber manufac- turers endeavored to see him while in the city to put him right on this question, but he registered from another town in the Territories, and remained secluded while here, Mr. J. B. Miller, president of the On- tario Lumbermen’s Association, was in the city last week. He was returning from a trip fo California, and was accom- panied by his wife and mother. On Vancouver Island the lumber busi- ness is looking up. The Chemainus mills have started their night shift, a resurrec-_ tion of the prosperity of old times. The Ladysmith Lumber Company is to erect another mill with a capacity of 50,000 feet per day. On the west coast there are signs of activity, the timber there being of good quality. It looks as if the test case regarding the export duty on logs will at last come before the courts. Some of the big com- panies have been wishing the Government to take this matter up for some time, and have exported contrary to the Act, in the hope that there would be a prosecution, when the points of difference could be set- tled by the courts. It has been long con- tended that the amendments to the Land Act in respect to prohibiting the export of timber from certain provincial lands were invalid. Inthe present instance a boom of the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, of Bellingham, was seized by Timber Ran- ger John Murray, the logs having been taken off deeded lands, no tax having been paid. Mr. E. K. Forster, of Cranbrook, and Mr. J. McKinley, of Winnipeg, have joined Mr. W. Wardrope in his sawmill enterprise at Sparwood, and have taken a large financial interest. The former will have charge of the mill and the latter of the bush work. The mill of the Moyie Lumber and Mill- ing Company has been taken over by H. Cameron and A. P, Stephenson, who are offering it for sale, Failing to receive satisfactory offers they will operate it themselves. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, — Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =——SARNIA, ONT. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, ete, Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, London, Eng. J B. Farwell & Son . CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN . Canadian Gedar Tele- graph, Telephone and Electric Light Poles ——-Banoroft, Ont., and Oswego, J.Y. THE LONG LUMBER _ COMPANY we stuck to it. Vancouver Cedar Mills _ VANCOUVER B.C. There is only one way to make and maintain a reputation for goods—deliver the. goods. like smoke at times, but it pays in the long run, and we are glad FOR SALE Exceptionally good Birch and Hemlock Lumber f.o.b. car South River Station. Mills at Midford (Eagle Lake,) Ont. THE ROBB LUMBER CO., LIMITED Guelph, Ont. C.S. POWELL & CO. Lumber Fxporters 604 Temple Bidg., TORONTO and at NEW ORLEANS, LA. H Cash buyers all kinds hard ds. To Millmen We solicit cortespondenes. a ng HAMILTON It costs SPECTATOR BUILDING - + ONTARIO } D. SINGL AUR, High Grade Cedar es Manufacturers and Wholesalers of. . Shipments by i Herman H. Aéttler Lumber Gompany WHITE and NORWAY oN PINE LUMBER . ee | LATH and SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT. CACHE BAY, THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LimiteD SAW AnD. PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo, Registered Cable Address, .“' Pinewooul.’ ¥ ', BRANCH OFFICF, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head’ Office, TORONTO, CAN. ;“ American Lumberman’? Telecode: ~< B.C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES < Several cars now in transit, hence can give prompt delivery. SEND C. A. LARKIN IN YOUR ORDERS Toronto J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY THE GAARLEMAGNE & LoAG OUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED, 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matcha HABNWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - _ Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. "Phone No. 54. SAWN AND DRESSED LUMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations. Shipments by rail or water. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers ef RED and WHITE PINE Band - Girciwlas Ont. Gane 26 miles West North Bay UMBER anD LATH a ~ V5 2) a eee tes | a eee byt | nO A ic z Army ie kk ea BL a@ ; a Cedar Cove Mill, Vancouver, B.C. AAi HIGH GRADE Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Balusters, etc. W. J. SHEPPARD RRS IDERy: Waubaushene, Pacific Coast Lumber Co. =| LIMITED VANCOUVER, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. High Grade Red Cedar Snipes Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - D. C. CAMERON, President-and Manager. Ty, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION E. H. HEAPS & OO., Vancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doots, Mouldings, EtGae SPECIALTIES : WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. PM ay Make a ‘ea < e ps ty. May 3, (905 Ruskin Mill 7 Ruskin, B. C CEDAR SHINGLES. J. G. Sees ee MANAGER nco 112 Mail Building, TORONTO J. E. J. E. YOUNG, Cashier Cashier The Rat Portage Lumber Co., ia White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Manufacturers of % HR KR & Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: Dealers in Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. | THOS. KIRKPATRICK, MANUFACTURER OF Red Cedar Shingles Mills at Hastings and New Westminster Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Telephone B 1425 Ontario Representative: W. J. SMITH, Fergus. Daily Capacity, 250,000 Export Lumber & Shingle Co. Wholesale Dealers Limited British Columbia Lumber and Shingles ha Renan issn waarmee TEE: asic Cees The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market prices. Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- |’ garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Fee Block, 570 Granville Strect, _ Rooms 3 and 4, Third Floor VANCOUVER ._ BRITISH COLUMBIA , abe Yeap eee Se’ i : a) Tok. TAN eS aa aan Bae aa se eh Mee ey SST RT WS ee Re eg RAT POTRAGE, Ontario « COOKE & TAIT MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF B.C. FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER AND SHINGLES Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Shingle Mill: False Creek, Vancouver, B. c. WRITE FOR PRICES. | Hazelmere Lumber Co. ; HAZELMERE, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF 3:3 3 FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER CLEAR CEDAR AND rLOOniaa Our Specialty. - Long Distance Telephone. Cc. WELLS —= @.: ; PALLISER, B. red 2 SS “Mantiiacturer or. S733 » High Grade Spruce, Fir, Coa ‘and Lumber of all Descriptions. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. | | ete 0 pa a renner THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. » _We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- i .lock, and solicit your enquiries. -DELAPLANTE - - McBURNEY LUMBER CO., Baas WHOLESALE af ‘White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles at { eed gai anes ing Onta: Powassan Cartier itney Siusncan Falls fausitro OFFICE =: Room 503 Manning Chambers. Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries Callander North Bay _ FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, ‘Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, 4 Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior _ Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED _ We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer hes one all winter. ~ fEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY SA Co., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Be 5. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. __ BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Sat peario ‘Basswood, Elm and Pine. Ambherst, N.S. ° oe and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch a and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. _ JAMES J. MURPHY, °° git" QUEBEC Rhe Cook & Bros. x Lumber Co. a Of Ontario, Limited _ MILLS as La et Algoma Every lumberman wants it BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION ee! Sa Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. ee! ASO” 2% All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. i im ID Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY | WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND DOBLE LIVERPOOL ” Liverpool and London Chambers = CABLE ADDRESS =" ‘THOMPSON, BLOIS & KJELLGREN——— BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER CASH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST SHIPPING DOCUMENTS Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AND LOGS HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. BRANCH OFFICE Brook 1, HAMBURG d . eet : \ * * ’ “ oP Ie! tee eee eh ee if i ” " a oe FY ‘ Lee Pet > ee ee ey ; TOO SS ae ee ade a eee ome ry he vin. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION eek jai THE ONTARIO —s waite Pine Lumeer, LaTH EO. G. GLADMAN amuractonan LUMB 0 AND SHINCLES. —_ WHITE PINE AND. "HEMLOCK LUMBER ER G LIMITED Homie ‘Life Building LORONTO, Ont. | LATH AND SHINGLES a Cl y Mutts: North B Mitts: French River, Georgian Ba Mills at Smith’s Ba: C.P.R. and 6. T.R. Delivery. Water Shipment Only. : Township of Carling PARRY SOUN. D, ONT. Per | ; An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’? E have Three Millions of Hem- HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER |® Ib Our Wish oe 6 Aaa Eee See a ee lock, running in lengths from & MANUFACTURING CO, To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre- ‘petaks ey Pa Hemlock : A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, pared to Cut in lo K and Hard diane PROPERTY sce tenon ee feet ee blocks of 50,000 ardwood Lumber . SECOND-HAND MACHINERY The Cangia, Lum pee as , 3 _ == WOODSTOCK, ONTAR CANADIAN THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. A. P.EBE RT LUMBER Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles WANTED Boies’ y deh emeceet” Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard WiAHRTOD,.. oma. We solicit consignments of long Cleveland,O. McMinnville, Tenn. and short lumber from the Mari- We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots Me time Provinces and are prepared . TA E N EW LI N = to purchase White Pine and SS He tooo in orcs and Que- McLennan Timber Land and ; GREAT - Through the Spruce Forests of the Laurentian — ; bec. : ; : : Lumber G0., Limited NORTHERN Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesbury. — ADDRESS : Selling Agency and Dealers in all Water-Powers, TIMBER Limits AND ELECTR CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. binds oF hee ands * RAILWAY Power FoR SALE. IDEAL Putp-MILL pe Room 510, ae BOSTON, MASS. Offices r Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. CANADA Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. 147 Milk St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. “3 SGenerai supt. MONTREAL = CoP a A Piie good strips : Pine shorts6/ to 11’x10” 16 00 7 ; ) ite CURRENT LUMBER PRIGES--WHOLESALE sz susvic: 99 fel emrregsir es So en $5501 Spee nosaerie mo aaa 38 00 | Pine s. c. strips...... 13 00 15 00 sip inininiesd a nance eel 2.0066 a eeenemneD Ue in ei eas 38 00 40 00 ae oe eae 12 00 14 00 ‘ euiwetesl T Fe P ne, good shorts: ine, boxboards.... 00 14 50 q Timi. s' cK sone 25 00 28 00| Pine’ mill culls..--- 13 00 14 co S&wed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 so $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x18 .... TORONTO, ONT. 1Y in.and 1% in. .. 28 00 35 oo | Lath, per M Clear butts.......... 3.50 3 75 Peete eee eee Sod aes aee, | ee apap eet 34 00 38 co Noa Lhe 2 40 2 a Smooth 6x18....... 4 50 475 Spence aaa 1 inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 tolro in.,1 to 16ft. 15 00 16 00 siding ” per M feet S} ruce, mill cae 7; oO = i : cuts & becter...... $4 c$50 00 | axa‘to ro inch, -8ft.. 16 00 17 00 mop aiie: | | Maaotac 25 00 Red Pinevanil lea aCe bs ae 1% to 2 inch No. 1 Clear inch B. C. cedar, Pine, No. x dressing Pine Shingles 5 \ BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY. cuts and better.. 51 00 5300] kilndried............ 50 900 strips........++. «. 2800 2400| xXxxx, 18inch........ 3.00 3 25 WHITE Pr / 16 a we. 2 Bie Pity t- Sligeaeh Ek cedar mite Pine No. | dressing Clear Butt, 18inch .. 2 40 2 60 Wh a 7. e c n Shorts s).eccte ew line 16 00 2000] xx 18 inch........... 1 40 1 60" (Wholesale selling price.) =) Ble 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension Pine, 10s. ¢ and bet- Cedar Shingles 4 U pers, 1 1%, 1% and lad a evts and better.... 38 00 39 00| timber, 25 to 3o feet 3.55 ter stock, 12’ to 16! 20 00 2200] xxxx. 18 inch......4. 3 25 5 ite coe r 78 00 She a or sen we Sad rn Pine Dressing Douglas tirdimension Pine, 8 sc. and Bek Clear Butbisinch:. : | 38 atgand gins. gon] andupaiens 4s eee fees 75 Ka = a we in. oy 3° ie pine 3r 00 ter stock, 12’ to16/. 17 00 I9 00 Xx, IE imch....:.0s)% Go 170 AND fis ats in: «folie aie baas ch 78 co No, a),.x in... 2 ee TED a "19/50. I in. Mead cull sidings 12 00 13 00 SS No. 2, 6 to2 itr, } 240 2 Me eeeee cyecsaenns Airc: 58 00 No, 7 4 pre 36 00 = fisg 8 21 00 1% inch Flooring .. 23 00 25 00| X ;, 6 to 23-16 in. B FINE COMMON @R NO 1 CUTTING. el id 136 8 2 | “ ; ‘ B —27 cceeves 25 00 and oe Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 14 50 15 59|XX 5tozin... a7) Brin: 7in, and up wide...... 36 oo | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 63 oo ee | 1% in. 4 ie 00 Boyce se rhe HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. 14% andz1¥% cutting....... 43) Col] Attias sais She as cine seeeecs 68 00 14xro und Sa talea _ 42 00 and Zins ites ce : i : QT « seas seinen alelwel« «.. 50 00 SMS RED GIy ex scitelame oie’ 36 Oo , bh Whit t in Elo, peek mill . We ae ee 4 $33 00 $35 00 | TUD++ +++. 1 to 1%"24 00 26 00 : Stal Per (CLEAR AND SELECTS). The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber's buying sreeee Elm Pah mill 1% in., 4,5, and 7 in. wide... 52 oo | 1 in., 4,5 and 7 in. wide..... §0 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; a oe a and : as Bean ste 1%‘ 3.. 29 00 30 00 ©1%x6in. wide......... coins ee GO) GO || Gitts AVIGE: \is)sfa\sinat.sa siecle Oe alOO).60 WHITE ASH. s 2nd, rtor JIn.. .. 27:00 29 00 ickory, 1sts A FINE COMMON OR C Ist & and, I inch, 33 00 3500 2% to4 inc; st eee 43 00 re ie Birch M.R.,zin. .. 22 00 24 00 and ands..1¥4‘' 2.. 36 00 38 00 rin. 4, 5 in, wide. ........ . 44.00] 1% in., 4, 5 in, wide........ 47 00 1% tozin ....... 39 00 41 00| Strips.........s000+. 22 00 24 00 1% ‘ 2.. 2300 25 00 | Maple common 1¥% in., 6 in. wide 4 00| in., 6in. wide Com. and culls 6 00° 1g “ sqrs. 4x4 ‘' 8x8 32 00 3600] andbetterr 13% 21 00 22 00 eens as. A in eng 5 2 LCs ete oil have atone Pee anacenie eat Basswood, Common Maple, sts SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. BLACK AND BROWN ASH. and better 1 tor%in 25 00 26 00 and ats 2 ‘°4.. 2500 27 0c 1in., 4,5, 6in wide....... 35 00] 1/in., 4,5, 6in. wide........ 0 Ist & 2na, 6 nch up, 31 00 33 00 i Com. & good calls... 35.00 17 oo ere ae, “ceoc'l. wate Simanse” gs ogeeaok a6 be Pea tt eae t & and, 6 inch & Oey at and wae 6 ibe D oe “ ° Is' 2n Oo ist 2nd, white, ‘Up, 24 00 2 co Che ts Oak, white, No. 222 TM eh veiw nen.elsloaice 30 00| 8and7in....... ne oe wae ++ 22 00 lg Ms 2 4 a te 1 ‘136 55 00 60 00 aie peau 3% 4200 44 00 ro in sons seeneene seeesees 25 00! No, 3, 12 in...... ~ sles) (2050 HPs Feds eeeeseeees af ance ice on ae APA RS “ Cherry, | rst Oak 2 whi set the’) aa okie bee pheeedhcagf none 4 24 03\) KOM: a ecteniclerte +++ 20 00 i Le a : andands.. 2 ' 4.. 60 00 70 00 rsts & ands 2 ‘ 4., 45 00 §0 00 3 and Tees ee eerveereeeee 25 00 ]/ gin..-... os + =9 00 st & ad, Pacts, 6in &up 76 00 28 oo | rst & ed, soft, 6in Sema a 25 Elm, soft, mill Oak, quart’d, No, 2, 1210: ..0.00200,0 coos 25:00] Blin. .eees - 1950 Common and culls.. 15 00 17 oo | Common and seeees se 7 f “ “ CMM bal einle' stole oeaie ew isateiniate 22 00 1x6. silsiaie Bs I 1% 24 00 25 oo ists & ends 2.. 70 00 80 00 : | tee +++ 19 50 ‘ Elm soft, mill Walnut, xsts INiowayibliniesr .cidte'a teen 2200| Ix4.... - 17 co MAPLE. run...... 2“ 3+. 25 00 27 00 and z2nds.. x ‘* 3.. 85 00 10900 * SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. ist & and hard...... 21 00 23 00 { 1st &and,soft i rin., 4and 5 in, wide.... ..$16 oo| £ in., 13 in, and up wide..... $17 00 Commissar aa 1in., 6 in. wide............ - 17 00 | 1&1 wand 24 in., 7 in. and =r one QUEBEC, QUE. 1 in., 7 in. wide and up..... . 1700 up wide...... sakenwanitie 18 00 BOSTON, MASS : SHAKY CLEAR. 4 . WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. pote 32 00 | x in., ro in. and up wide..... 34 00 White Fine Opens Perce ee ee a Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,........- 35 45 rt in., 6 in. wide......... «+ 33 00] 1%, 1% and 8 in, and up Fine Common i inch:.... Lees ee First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to pineal. 60 62 WIdE. .. 20-2 seer eeeeeenee 35 00 : 4, to2 RRO. dna oe tees em tet 1g toz20inchaverage ‘ .. 62 65 SHINGLES, 18-IN, No. 1 Cuts, 1 he par acne Be RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Pine, XXXX... oAphos 4 25 | Cedar, XXXX, 18 in......-., 3 50 IY to2inch...... .......e se eee ‘ easured off, according to average and quality 33 Clear Butts........-+ 3 00 Clear Butts.........cccc0enee 2 50 No. 2 Cuts, rinch....... sip Saierir «s,s pamela ae ipping order Me Rite Ao) 5 Ae 40 Rees 1¥% tozinch......... Wee ee 4 ; Barn Boards,No. 1..............+5 * * ’ 4h ay, 7 ’ els | wr ¢ r ~~ Mees a4 ae : 1% rw es, ht Ry ie a ieee if a Aa : cle j a"; v p< iv. : | CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vere os ee bi weal 05 : . =. A “a",.. EB. H. HEAPS & CO., “3 Wancouver, B. C. a | Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. q SPECIALTIES : a AAi HIGH GRADE Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. zi .F Balusters, etc. W. J. SHEPPARD e+ Hada Waubaushene LIMITED VANGOUVER, B.C. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Etc. High Grade Red Cedar Shingles — | Pacific Coast Lumber Co. Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, ae CEDAR SHINGLES. ’ a Le ‘ee 4 — J. G. SCOTT, 7 MANAGER — 7 - \ 1I2 Mail Building, TORONTO a The Rat Portage Lumber Co. tds White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, ‘ Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work a CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: Manufacturers of % BH ® & Dealers in Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lamber q We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. THOS. KIRKPATRICK, MANUFACTURER OF Red Cedar Shingles Mills at Hastings and New Westminster Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Telephone B 1425 Daily Capacity, 250,000 Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Ontario Representative: W. J. SMITH, Fergus. Export Lumber & Shingle Co. Wholesale Dealers Limited Sritish Columbia Lumber and Shingles The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market prices. Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Fee Block, 570 Granville ale a Rooms 3 and 4, Third Floor’ VANCOUVER - BRITISH COLUMBIA Mite eR , eee ht , mr, & Js Sadat tik a city Me Pe, WW S, pare ae Me ON” a j. Ee voune, | Cashier 15, ae oat" oa “RAT PORTAGE, Ontario COOKE & TAIT MANUFACTURERS OF ALL KINDS OF B.C. FIR AND CEDAR LUMBER AND SHINGLES. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Shingle Mill : False Creek, Vancouver, B.C. WRITE FOR PRICES. , Hazelmere Lumber Co. i HAZELMERE, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF 3:3 3 FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER CLEAR CEDAR AND FLOORING Our Specialty. ; Long Distance Telephone. i iG C. WELLS — » PALLISER, B. Cc. 3 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. — CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. t> Ma ' y itt — -%; “ae S Figt eae bs ~~ ' -? ’ ; 7 ree, eo ee vo we . , 7a > ; May 10, 1905 © EEE = - SS ee THE PE PEMBROKE KE LUMBER BERCO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- ‘ ock, and solicit your enquiries. DELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER 6O., WHOLESALE ; White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles near ct a SS Soe Onta nd Powassan Cartier Callander Whitney Seimeesia Falls od enero OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers, .f Of ffice, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries North Bay is FOR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, * Ties, Posts, Lath; Shingles, Drcseed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior __ Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer its one all winter. | HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CoO., ‘Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. _ BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of _ontato Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. i i and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, *" gi Ze he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited ; AS a SERACCE. Algoma Dist., **Soo”’ Branch C.P.R. % anning Arcade, Toronto __. - OFFICES Coristing Building, Montreal ‘ t Mills at Spragge. Tk fl BREANEN & SONS ANUFAGTURING CO. LIMITED a. Saw Mills at ats _. RAINY LAKE, Ontario. MANUFACTURERS OF Ont. | Lumber and Lath Water Shipments Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Serie: THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep pe Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. q LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. AUGER & SON - Quebec Ey PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station, _ Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and Lumber.—Write Us. - Manufacturers of and ee cary Dealers in all kindsof . a = oop Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. _A. F. BURY AUSTIN HOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Bank of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES: Railway Priage Timber and all kinds of Haydwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White 1 , Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Rauway Ties, Oak and _ Whitewood, oy oo and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &e.; Birch Flooring, “hol back, end butted. , _ Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. Donglas Fic Timber in any size or length up to go feet long, Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. yp Bie of eae sapacity. ough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. ¢ . WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. QUEBEC: » ‘ened | Aa Ap 4) a 4G, ee te 8 eee eT Se a ee SSP te ee ce ert sri rr ee " ety) 23 Lee ? Pris ‘ dae , : _ JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED | ol White and Red. Pine CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION © v. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS, PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. PLAYEATR & WHITE Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Rallway guPmiice MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Spectalt A.& P. VAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE ONT. CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY, => Manufacturers of and . Dealers in peeeee (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) ! PINE, ONT. F. MCIBBON & SONS, "™gusver Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and He tai Lumber, and dale in Cordw rood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine; Cedar and eS Bill Stuff. hip by C, P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. ., Lumber Co., timitea OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER a? | AGA Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE MENZ LUMBER GOMPANY — Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES We Solitons er, 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man J. F. FOSS, Manager. CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FOR SALE I can saw out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, OWEN SOUND ONT. ek oe eee NL Ae ae eT VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE LOG OUTPUT OF MAINE. A summary of the past winter's logging operations in Maine indicates a total cut of about 700,000,000 feet, as follows : Penobscot river—West branch, 77,800,- ooo feet; East branch, 69,000,000; Mat- Piscataquis, tawamkeag, 25,000,000 ; 25,000,000 ; Passadumkeg, 9,250,000 ; LUMBER PRICES IN WINNIPEG. There were a number of tenderers for the lumber required this year by the city of Winnipeg, the quantity to be supplied being between two and three million feet board measure. The contract bas been awarded to the Sprague Lumber Com- pany at the following prices per thousand feet: — May 10,*1905 SWALS,. LSS MESS ISSN IN SSS IN SIN SNES LES MES SS y D total, 206,050,000. Pine. B.C. Fir, Y Kennebec river—Moose river, 39,500;- No.1 dimension.,........ $20.05 $24.30 ( ooo ; Moosehead lake, 36,500,000; East 5 RG ONSET care rea 19145 "23:20 i branch and main river, 31,300,000; Dead 3) % 12 -F.++---sees acces 201207 ase Yj Fi ] MET rs asa” od Sewanee: 20.20 23.70 4 EINER, 19,590,000); tral, 120,500,000 Drop siding, No. 3 white pine.... $32.75 fi Androscoggin river—Operations in both Flooring, white pine............. 32-75 Y Maine and New Hampshire aggregate Ceiling, No. 3 white pine......... 32-75 i ; ‘© No. 3 red pine... 4 5 O43 Fedipiie. is » dawkins 27.90 250,000,000, chiefly for pulp, and 50 per Ship slap re ewer wate ais 19.95 Y y cent. transported by rail. 1” voards, Second Com. white pine ' 20.70 ; Saco river — About 20,000,000 feet, 1, is <5" - ir red pine.. 27.90 y t ; ‘ I NOT COs strc eons 14.50 - chiefly second growth pine. eae Gileo Meets | AB WF y Machias river—About 15,500,000 feet. Finishing, w. pine B select, 1"..... 50.00 y Chasing Themselves Round the Block V} ay ge eo ou i Caen ies PF ee ree -00 5 V, St. Croix river—25,000,000 feet. bi ci: Vein’ Fi ie 55 4 That’s what the dealers were doing last win- b Union river—13,000,000 feet ya . 3s ) : oe B.C. clear firupto12”. 37.25 y ter in order to get our SPRUCE LUMBER if Narragugaus river—7,525,000 feet. ‘“ “ “ over 12”.. 42.75 Y ait, Lies Th “ ‘ t an e 1 . Aroostook county — Allegash and St. He a ca cedar ee ser 49.00 | y k yg0 aed ey got 3 we had and { John river above Fort Kent, 50,000,000 ; “ ie ey eer 19” roe” eras ; Y asked for more, but WE COULDN’T SELL OUR if Fish river and lakes, 25,000,000; Aroos- Qak, No. 1......00-. sevsens aces 79.00 ( STOCK TWICE so had to refuse orders. took river, 40,000,000 ; total, 115,000,000. 5 aia 34545 eee ee 55-00 y EVERY DAY now our mill is turning out t ar 2 CAR COGECL | stains aleistns ene eine 125.00 Y This is about 50,000,000 to 75,000,000 sone ae ee oe Ce eke seal ( 150,000 FEET OF THE BEST SPRUCE LUMBER ever D H shorof the na ximunrcut in recent} years Lathe) Nang white piper.) .t: ..e 4:70 fi made. We are ready for your orders and H in Maine, but it is in excess of estimates n a2 ee So ior refit 3-95 ou canteend them alone “e ce 1 made last fall. On account of the large , 2 red mixed......... shoe i } y a { Z Shingles, No. 1 cedar, per M.:.., 2, 80 i V) stocks of logs carried over from last sea- Y A son, high rates of stumpage and increase , I h ; ; in the price of supplies, it was predicted As previously announced, Messrs. 4 & Hunter, Crawford & Neibergall have y ‘ that the cut would fall off 25 per cent. from that of 1903-4, making a cut of about 600,000,000 feet; but, while the cut was reduced in some sections, in others it was increased, because of exceptionally favor- purchased the lumber property of Robert * The Red Deer Lumber Company Watt, Wiarton, Ont. They will continue M4 WINNIPEG, MAN, the business in the same _ progressive CS SSSES SD SOE SS OS Ses ares Sees See See See Se, s, Ss 2 SSSESSESSESSSSSESSS SSSI manner as the late owner, and will al- ways bein a position to supply lumber and square timber,shingles,ties, posts, etc. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS avon — H. D. WIGGIN esStrae"s: | YELLOW PINE >. YOU will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for first - class stock) Reason- LOG RU NT able prices. Prompt ship- REACH able weather conditions. ments. Mills in Alabama, Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood Mississippi and Arkansas. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. NABBERLE LUMBBR GO. | Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 = oh - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. THE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YE: LOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. | WHOLESALE. HARDWOODS oc ST, LOUIS: : BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. “te Sawed and Sliced Quartered ~~ : th *, Veneer Ss McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Frank in St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspojerce Invited on All Hardwoods. Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e¢\e\e ere - 4 FRANK G. BURY WHOLESALE LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. Pe May 10, 1905 BRITISH COLUMBIA TIMBER LAWS. Some important changes have been made in the British Columbia timber laws, and some confusion seems to exist as to the exact interpretation of the present regulations. This has led to the publica- tion of a statement in the British Columbia press that the law prohibiting the export of timber has been repealed, which is not _ the case. ' The old lease system has been done away with, and new timber lands can only be held from year to year. Nothing has been done towards removing the embargo CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vit prohibiting the export of logs from Crown lands. An effort was made by the Log- gers’ Association to have this done, but the Government could not see their way clear to take such action. It was argued in favor of such a step that, if it were re- moved, much of the rough cedar which cannot be logged owing to the want of a market in this country, could be sold profitably on the other side of the line, where they manufacture a rougher grade ot shingles than in British Columbia. A combination of wealthy lumber con- cerns, including the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, Cobb & Collins, the: Merrill Ring Company, and probably James Dun- smuir, of Victoria, will fight the British Columbia export tax on logs shipped into American waters. Mr. F. J. Wood stated that his com- pany is determined to fight the case to a finish, and has received assurance that he will receive assistance from Cobb & Collins and the Merrill Ring Company. He has been corresponding with Mr. Dunsmuir, and tas that capitalist is opposed to the tax, he expects he willtake an active part in the fight, which promises to be one of the most vigorous legal battles in which the timber interests have ever engaged in the Northwest. If the British Columbia Government wins it means that Americans who own timber in that province and are exporting to the States will confine operations there in future to the logging of lands they have and will acquire no more. Mr. Wood de- clares his company will retire as best it can, and will pull up stakes, If you have any stock you want to buy or selltry the ‘‘Wanted and For Sale” department. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. a Dale St., 7x Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ENC. ~*#F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street’ - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKEHRS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all __Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. | OUIS BAMBERGER, IMPORTER OF —a Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. exc Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD sey NA) Fe ae ZEBRA CODE A. B, C, CODE DIRECTORY CODE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & 00. Wood 1 gents and Brokers Cable Address : “ GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England SMITH & TYRER - 14 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, Tyrer & Co., Metropole Bldg., Liverpool. Hollis St. Halifax, N.S Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW OANT & KEMP ¢ 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : “‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used: TIMBER ’ BROKERS OMS ° Every lumberman wants it 55 cents buys it SOridners LUMDEF « Log Book BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION Address : THE CANADA LUMBFRMAN, Toronto CABLES, DOORCHEEK LONDON We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- Seats, Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, _ and all kinds of ready made joinery. ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. LONDON STORES: Locke’s Wharf, Edmonton, N. OFFICES : 158, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER 4 ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . ~ le Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom les, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘Shooks,” Hull. Codes—A. B.C. 4th Edition and Zebra. JRMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS Oak, Birch, Staves BUYERS O Ash, and Heading, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elm Handies of all descriptions Veneers A Specialty BLOIS & KJELLGREN———— THOMPSON, CASH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST SHIPPING DOCUMENTS BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID, Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. eink ALSO... All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers CABI,K ADDRESS *' HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E. Cz - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAN 1) DOBLE LIV. Cand sore ALL KINDS OF LUMBBR AND LOGS BRANCH OFFICE: Brook {, HAMBURG ViIIT. THE ONTARIO Bes: LUMBER C9 wares AND SHINGLES. pee Tie Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. Mirts: North Bay , An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ And ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman, Torento C.P.R. and %. T.R. Delivery. S it wour wish. To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY CANADIAN LUMBER : WANTED ae We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and q Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- ei bec. . ° . . - * ADDRESS : BS CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. ms Room 510, _ BOSTON, MASS. ' 147 Milk St. ; ; Pie good strips : Pine shorts 6’ to 11’x10” 16 00 ; I iM..sssee eeeeevees 33 CO 36 00] Pine, 8ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 0o if os 14% in. and1¥% in.... 36 00 38 00| Pine s. c. strips...... 13 00 15 00 2 co ay at eg 38 00 40 00 ds oe I2 00 1400 ‘ ne, good shorts: ine, boxboards.... 00 14 £0 Tim...... se.seee+ 2§ 00 2800] Pine mill culls..... 13 00 14 co TORONTO, ONT. 1¥% in. and 1% in... 28 00 35 00 | Lath, per M CAR OR CARGO LOTS. Fine AS Weck oe Ud ~ Nos elite pine? 2 ate Bes 1 inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 to 10 pasa to 16ft. 15 00 16 00 siding, per M eee, Spruce, mill ag 200 2 +4 , y cuts & becter...... $47 © $49 00 | 2x4'to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 b.m,........... -. 2000 25 00 Red Pine, millrun.. 200 2 15 ry 1% *s 2 ne abe a an eee C. cedar, 36.00 Pine, No. x dressing Pine Shingles , uts and better.. 50 00 oo] Kulm Oried ....5-..+-> ETIPS 0.660%, sdeeecss 28/00 sadsoo\ XXXX,.18 inch, 2.23.5 2 2 S 1% & 2in.No.2 Pine : Clear inch B. C. cedar Pine No. 1 dressing AS aes Clear’ ats - inch .. Fi é be cuts and better.... 42 00 4400] airdriedboatlumber = 55 00 shorts ...... ..+. «» 1600 2000] xx 18 inch,.......... 1 40 1 60 ‘ 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension Pine, tos, ¢ and bet- Cedar Shingles , cuts and better.... 37 00 38 00| timber, 25 to 30 feet 30.00 ter stock, 12’ to 16’ 20 00 2200] Xxxxx, 18 inch........ 3 25 , rin Pine Dressing f Douglas fir dimension Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- Clear Butt,18 inch... 2 50 a> and better shorts 2400 2600| timber, 50 to 35 feet 31 00 ter stock, 1% to16’. 17 00 1900| xx, 18inch.,........ 1 60 1 70 " 1x4, 6and8common 18 00 19 00/1% g in, No. 1 4ft. Pine bie q 1x mmon...... 19 50 20:00) Lath... be cceeds 3 60 3 1x 12 common... --- 2 co 22 00| 1% in. No. 2 4 ft. Lath 309 3 ro BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. em. Ix 0 common...... 20 00 21 00] 144” No.1 32” pine lath 1 70 UPPER AND SELECTS. a IXIO common...... 21 00 22 ov| 134” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 2 80 : 2 aaat ron and 3x2 common. 2200 23 00| XXXXPine Shingles 290 3 00 Uppers, 1 in., ro in. and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $65 co we ixiu inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 2 20 wide ...... theeee $75 00 14%, 1 and in........ «++ 6§ 00 ae common .....----- 20 00 2: co| X Pine Shingles .. 1 00 1% 1% and 2 75 00| 2% Wek Gs eo te 75 00 49 Iich mill run sidings 2: 00 22 00 XX eter Skingles 220 2 30 a and 3 in... - se HaDivtes aeeves vent toda enas 77 00 ITii, millrun...... . 20 00 21 00 B. C. Shingles acne encon és (. ted an? 12 mill culls 15 00 17 oo | XXX 6 butts to 2 in, 2 90 FINE COMMON. Bs, . 1 neh mill cu’l Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in, 310 1 in., 8 in. and up wide......55 00 | 24% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 73 oo Se | Lag Sia: bh widegel eee 14 52 16 00/ XXKXXX 5 to2in.. 345 Yani x¥% in tl Dien oest GCOS hese bend os, as bee Raeiegs 78 00 ‘3 1 in ead cull sidings 12 00 13 00 XX No. 2,6 to2in.. 240 2 Digerode. uve aio Seu sneer 58 00 a 1% inch Flooring .. 23 00 25 oc] XX * 6 to 23-16 in. B FINE COMMON OR NO 1 CUTTING. e Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 1459 15 50| XX 5tozin... 27° 1a, 7in, and up wide...... 36 00 | 234 and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 63 oo be HARDWOODS—PER M, FEET CAR LOTS. 1h and1% cutting....... a bs Oe aaa Napa aceecess 68 00 A ¢ PP i PER yor DE ihm Sen) Sty aN Ash Wh te, 1 to2 in pe rock, mull ee STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). ' ~ ‘ ists and ands...... $33 00 $35 00] pit ina rack, weil ss 1¥% in., 4, 5. and 7 in. wide... 52 00 | 1in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 50 00 a Asi, black, rsts and ; Cae he 1%"! 3.. 29 00 3000 1%x6in, wide..... sesvcceses 60 00] 6 iN, WIdE..cssensesesrcensss 60 00 md, rto14in.. .. 27 00 29 00 Hickory, 1sts FINE COMMON OR C Bich M.R.,rin. .. 21 00 23 00 and 2nds 3H 2.. 36.00 3800 yin. 4, sin, wide. .......4+ 44 00 | 1% in., 4, 5 in. wide ...-.... 47 00 ss I 2.. 2300 25 0o| Maple 1” mill 1¥ in., 6 in. wide...... eeeee 54 00] in., Gin. wide...,......+05 5$ 00 ** sqrs. 4x4 ‘* 8xB 32 00 36 00 Til. ae t 1% 2000 21 00 Risswoods iConiion Maple, sts SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. and better x to1/in 25 00 26 00 a 4.. 24 00 «6 oc 1in,, 4,5, 6in wide... .... 35 00] 1in., 4,5, 6in. wide........ 0 Basswood, 14% to2.. 26 28 oo | Oak;red, p'n , m. r. * 1% 74 00 26 00 rsts & 2nds 2 "' 4.. 44 00 46 00 Pe ee as See ce Cherry, ists Oak, white, NO, 1, 12 UM..sseseeeeee renee 30 00 Band 7 im...cessssuseesees 22 00 and 2nds.. 1 ‘‘ 134 53 00 60.00 rsts & ands 1 “1% 42.00 44 00 wee: saeee tjenenes an eee 2 oe wl la Send abd ilo Ste 2 eae at Cherry, 1sts Oak, white Rd tisk ein dsp otic 2 DD. see seceesceees psaoce maidens. Ahi 60 00 79 00 Beri aaeae © 4.. 45 00 50 00 aad 7 in. en cecccence 25 00 Qim...... eee eeeceoes +» 19 00 / Elm, soft, mill Oak, quart'd, No. 2, 12iN...+++++-00+ eeeee 25 00 Bitteescee cesestcsecse woe FG 50 visseee t “1% 24 00 26 00] 1sts&e2nds ‘' 2.. 70 00 8) 00 TOT. cccsve ceccccwecceon 2200; IX6........ « wielsinre.sie\neisipiale 19 50 Elm, Hay all Walnut, rsts No. 2; 9 i. .c200 2, = eeeee 22 00 TEAS) Sis) o'o up inland 17 co oe . a“ 4.. 25 00 27 06 and 2nds.. x ‘ 3.. 85 00 109 00 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4 and 5 in. wide .... ..$16 00 | s in., 13 in, and up wide..... $17 00 1 in., 6 in. a pera ama ok te + 17 co| 1%,1 es 2 in., 7 In, and QUEBEC, QUE. tih., yin. wide and Uup...... 17 09 UP WIGE.. ee cerceereeee 18 00 WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT pecaal sues cts. rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. v ide 32 00] x in., 10 in. a up wide..... 34 00. Square white pine, measured off, 39 to 40 feet average,.....-... 35 45 = im, Gin, wide............ - 33 00] 1%, 14 and 8 in, and up First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. €0 6r WIdG. 06.0 eeerseeeseeee 35 00 19 to z0inch average Pac 5 SHINGLES, 18-IN. ; RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Pine. XXXXK nce se seeeeecees 4 25 | Cedar, XXXX, 18 in......-.. 3 50 easured off, according to average and quality 33 Clear Butts...,...... 3 00 ' Clear Bitters sdk Neate 2 50 mopingorder, 8 ge Ot | Serauivoleotsi ws 40° LATH. l OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. No.1 White Pine... 4 09] No. ; White Pine ........... 3°40 H 4 By the dram, according to average and quality. . ‘ 50 «56 CMIOCK sss eeeeeeeeseeeeees 3 00 LM. Pl y the dram, according to average and quality 40 to 45 feet. 6% 5 ALBANY, N.Y 4 30to3sfet. §2 14 PINE. ASH, ADs. Scie v0) tens ae 89) SHNN ARES h shippers ........ “ A to ixches and up, vate to 0 Meine and pespaltey: 26 bevy Be 2 SB ee BH 8 ay 2oae pa ite 13” & up. ba : Average 16 inch ° 30 EkOPa UC ediow deters see 78 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” andup.. 19 20 : BIRCH. 4 inch uppers .....- seeee+-» 88 QO | r0-in. dressing and better... 30 35 i) 14 Inch 20 92 ~~ « Selects, 244 in up.... ee es 12 ie eens ani better... 40 42 “e XL £02 ING epee se Reins ws 7 TOMI a se che ale saute a 21 iy “ \ 2 P Fine common, 2% in. and up 72 «75 Box, GRAMS civ sarereiee . aie 21 . “ ‘ 32 1 to2in..i.» dev cave cas viens 58 $0] No. x barn, rxt2.... ...... 29 30 = 4 No. t cuts, 1 to 2 inch bia rage «se Se New osm CR Np SPREE ' ae denecccece Deccsece « 35 45 IXG.. se cennes Cees sesnes 25 OTTAWA, ONT. Digs ccetnaaetene ad sense 30 35] No. 2 barn, rxx2........... 26 27 iY MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, No. 1 molding, r to2 in..... 48 SO] £&z0.......... seeebeeeees 23° 24 Pine, good sidings: seo) te, anbaen yeas No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 35 8 ET « win aiehrtera nites ale Dele aw ad ’ : Neasica Stained saps....0.s-+se+00% 32 40! Shaky clear, x to 6/4in...... 32 38 : Bade ard 39 00 4200/ tx10No. 2 "she 19 00 = Bracket plank .....-++ «+++ 35 45 zinch......... 38 40 et rin x1% in. xX 1x8 & 9 No.r barn.... 1900 = Shelving boards, r2-in. up... 35 40| Dressing.......ssesecees 24 2 4 4 25 8 in. and up....... 50 00-54 00| 1x8 & g No.2 17_00 d 28| Comm . ; in, x8 i 4 6 h ; aaa ames f 2 Dressing S, narrow.... OTs sian nism new oral bee a5 2in, x8 in. and up §2 00 56 00| Pine Shorts 6’ to 11"x8 «15100 rxz9 inch gee ae ar 23 : ; © j a ; \n. a i : HEADQUARTERS THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HaRDWOOD Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, "0. McMinnaville, Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots. McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., cimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. ' Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling E have Three Millions of Hem- lock, running in lengths irom 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre= pared to cut in blocks of 50, 000 feet or over. pe ON wy =BERT . MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pos Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Sto OC! WIARTON, onT. THE NEW LINE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA Me my _oee ee ; he PEWS ny RN x, Tel yar MONG shinee a Ue ok ane 8 Pe a CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION, =) WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH EO. G. GLADMAN servo PARRY SOUND, ONT. A. J. GORRIE, LATH, é = PINE 0. oes'enseayine omne aon 9 3/50) 4S DENCANN syle nee SHINGLES. Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x Clear butts.......... 3 50 on | Peand, bt dn Smooth 6 x18....... 3 50. 4.75 | Spruce... caseencces WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES som HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO, Dealers in Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber... mum— WOODSTOCK, _ONTE T = Through the Spruce Forests of the Laurentian Mountains—between Quebec and wean a 2 Water-PoweErs, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELecrric Power FoR Sate. IpgaL PuLp-MILL SITES. Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. General Supt. MONTREAL ie: F. &P A BUF FALO AND TON AWARE N y. WHITE PINE, (Wholesale selling price.) Uppers, 1, 1%, 1% and 2 In qedey depen M.eeseeseceees ge. es » No. 1, 13 in. oar 234 and 3 inthe 5 00 » hae ae san Mingle sts. Sawaee 2° | No. x Mold st'ps xtoa- Selects iI in..... ae dre 8 00 sovecseenseessesel 8 if Boo 1% to 2in....0...5 70 00 No. 2 Moulding Strips, 2% ands Miae'e . 78 00 ¥to2 In we daacates PS OB Ae caeee 85 00} Barn, No.1, r2in..... Fine common, i in 55 00] 6,8and roin...... 1% as 13% in..... 57.00| No.2, roin... a eA tet & 59 00| No.2, 12 in-....e.e 3) Ihe a deccceere cess 73 00] No. 3, 20 itvecsesee Meenas eeenien 975 00] (No, 9, 12 I. nea cae Cut’g up, No. 1, 1 in. 38 co} Box, 25 4iicisnsvenee 14% and 1% in..... §0 00] rx6& Mp.s dons Wes 3, 'r Im... 20.48 25 00 IX IO vseeee teense Bose 4, & 1% in 36°00 IRIS Cnc eee aes (3s 1%, 1% and 1x13 and up ...... ee oe 25 00 it ai ph AB Dressing rine... 36 0o0| Mill Culls, 1, 1%, 1% 14xz0 and Rehss aieieis 49 00 and..o lity. beaten BG MIRR occ w catia 36 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber's buying. price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; ; WHITE ASH. « tst & and, x inch, 33 00° 35 00| 234 tog i eae i ‘gloat 1% to2in .....++0 39 00, 41 00] SHIPS... c.rsececccce 22.00 2400 Com. and calls. ..<... 16 60 2k BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ~ ist & 2na, 6 nchup, 31 09 33 00| Com. & good culls... 15 00 17 00 BIRCH, _ x tst & and, 6 inch & . 1st Soniye cae 24 co 2600 up, TOd sdeciceeves 30 Oo 38 oo | Com. & aaa, XB 00 ee ELM. st & 2ad,rock,6in &up <6 00 28 oo ci ed, 6in & up 00 25 oO Common and ‘culls +. I§ 00 17 00 cates enh Sees 4 MAPLE. Ake hae Bee ist & 2nd hard...... 21 90 23 00» 1st &and,soft...... ..-..19 00 21 OO Common and culls— 1300 14 00 | Common and culls..... If 00 12°00 BOSTON, MASS. White Pine Uppers, 1 tozinch.... Selects, 1 to 2inch q Fine Common, 1rinch..........- 1% to 2 inch.. No. 1 Cuts, r inch ....... PAA CEG. 1¥ to 2inch No. 2: Cute x INCH aes... cetew edd Cees : 1¥ to 2inch.., Senet Barn Boards,No. ¥ le 88 gat ° - J Beads 888 3 ee parte Spruce, 1o and 12 in. dimension..........- es 5 gin. and under ......0seereee creer weremen ro and 12 in. random a gm 10 ft. and up 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, ap to ft, and up y All other random lengths, 9 in. and under, 10. ft. and up. 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & UP,P- x s Out Spruce boards, p.1s...... 1x2 and 1x3 furring P. Is clipped ‘and bundied . NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR~ SHINGLES. Chearain sins ncn tianaeee PE ot aro | Second clears ........... : Clear Whites ......... micceipea ne masala ae Extra 1s (Clear whites ‘ont).. Extra Is (Clear whites in) BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 butts to2 in. ee ey Eurekas, 18 in., Seah atid "— Perfections, 5 butts to a im... - : a awe 1=s ie , oF ny ny Rs ri hay ¢ © Vor. XIII. WEEKLY AND WOOD WORKER EDITION TORONTO, MONTREAL, — MAY 17, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 nangs} $1.00 PER YeaR {The Lumberman Weekl" Edition every week. s@pics"~ THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. — (anava Lumperman. The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u at of Toronto, Limited @onfederation Life Building - TORONTO. R } Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MoNTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, LONDON, E. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, Sotsinn reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the incipal manufacturing districts and leading a ome and foreign wholesale markets. A / weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. _ The pike Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- rent at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four ot more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set . ¥ ca am _ yertisements must be received not later than 4 9’clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue f. “ANTED—DRY 1” CULL BLACK ASH, 2” ee ‘and 1’ Basswood C & B. R. EH. KINSMAN, = Hamilton, Ont. “yy — ST r. : : ap 2 ES FI08 WOOD WANTED — PEELED IT basswood or clear spruce. RANKIN AND €o., Dundas street, Toronto. Telephone. aH: _ probable buyers by placing an advertisement in - the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, _ CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. . FOR SALE—FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 300M ft. winter cut Basswood 1”. 200 5 ES “ —B. Ash, 1” and 2”, =a 500 “a “ a oS Elm, Fe 100 a ** +H. Maple, 1”. 300 as cid “ Red Birch, me 2", : 4”, and Squares. _- Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ~ FOR SALE ~ 75 M Log run Dry Pine, 1” and 2”. a! De M radial Birch 1’, 1%, 2” and 3”. 200 M “ “ Red Oak, 1’, 1%” and 2”. __—*F.O.B. cars Dayton, or vessel at Thessalon. Apply to we: - HARRIS & COMPANY, Day Mills, Ont. FOR SALE a / ENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP TILL June 15th, 1905, for saw mill and timber ts, consisting of Pine, Birch, Red Oak, le and Hemlock, together with water er, 200 h.p. developed. This is a choice site “all kinds of woodworking factories. Power nm be increased to 1,500h.p, Terms cash. The ane tor any tender not necessarily accepted. Apply to ‘a HARRIS & COMPANY, . = be Day Mills, Ont. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to 3” and 5 in Noiipareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Ad-- ANTED—NORWAY PINE CLEAR, 1%x8 and up—iz to 20 ft. Quote. Address Box 219, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, OR SALE—TIMBER LIMITS IN BRITISH Columbia ; good locations. Address Box 218, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ra iy anwEe — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Srmcozk Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, AW FILER SEEKS POSITION IN WOOD- WORKING Factory ; can run and repair machinery, references. Apply Box, No. 217, _CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ANTED—A BUSH FOREMAN,ONE WHO understands logging hardwood, hemlock and cedar. Apply stating experience, etc., to Box 215, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, AW MILL, IN VANCOUVER, ANNUAL, turnover fifty thousand dollars, for sale; price twenty six thousand; terms can be ar- ranged and fullest particulars given by THE Locators, of Winnipeg, Manitoba. MILL. AND TIMBER LIMIT. IN Sse [MB] )~ Manitoba for sale, yielding annuai turn-. over of $25,000. Price of Saw Mill, $2,500, in four payments ; limit 2c0,000 cords, $10,000, wee cash, balance easy ; teams, horses, sleighs, ete. THE LocaTors, 62 and 63 Mer- chants Bank Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba. IMBER LIMIT FOR SALE IN BRITISH Columbia, eight square miles, fifty percent. cedar, 25 per cent. firand pine and 25 per cent. spruce. Limit situated on Columbia River, with a frontage of ten miles; one hundred and twenty five/million feet. Level ground. Full- est particulars on application to THE LocaTors, Winnipeg, Manitoba, OR SALE. — SAW MILL MACHINERY, nearly new. Capacity 15,000 ft., 100 M feet hardwood logs, 300 M feet hemlock logs, three million feet hemlock and hardwood timber, 1,000 cords bark, 30,000 cords wood, complete logging outfit, quantity shingle bolts at mill and in bush. Nodues, Close to G.T.R_ Good tim- ber locality. Reason for selling, failing health. For price and terms apply to Box 194, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, CANADIAN GENTLEMAN HAVING considerable experience in British methods and centres who intends sailing for Liverpool early in May would be pleased to represent a few Canadian firms in manufacturing or any mercantile or confidential capacity in the chief cities of Great Britain. All correspondence strictly confidential. Address B. F. P, care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, 38 Alliance Building, Montreal, FOR SALE ORTABLE SAWMIIL IN MUSKOKA, capacity 10 thousand feet per day, near G. T.R. Onlake2% miles long. About £00,000 ft. Hemlock logs ; 100,000 ft. Birch logs now at mill ready to cut; 500 acres standing timber with mill and lot, more can be bought cheap. Terms easy to right man. Apply first to Box 4214, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. CANADIAN TUCS FOR CHARTER FOR SEASON 1905 Tug Florence—Engine fore and aft compound 1844” x 36” x 26. Large Scotch Boiler 12 4” x1 ¥%” and easy steamer. Tug Home Rule—Engine High Pressure 22 4’ x24", Fire Box Boiler 8’ x 14. y Tug Christian, S.J.. (American)—Engine High Pressure 19” x 20”, Fire Box Boiler 6%’ x 12’. For further information address HACKETT Tuc Line, Amherstburg, Ont. V ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP WOOD Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which is bound to interest you. SITUATION WANTED OUNG MAN EXPERIENCED IN THE English Timber Trade and West African Mahogany Trade, desires engagement. Apply Box 216, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. SITUATION WANTED OUNG LADY, EXPERIENCED IN TYPE- WRITING and Shorthand, desires engage- ment, Apply Box 217, CANADA LUMBEBMAN, Toronto, Ont. CEDAR FOR SALE feet long, on the Vermillion river. Can be de- livered at Spanish boom. Also Cedar, Pine and Spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood on C.P.R. JAMES MCCREARY. FOR SALE---WHITE PINE CAR 1x12 AND UP, NO.' 1, 2 AND 3 COM- I MON, 80% 13” and up, I car Basswood, all bone dry. JoHN M. SHaw, Forest, Ont, TO BIRCH AND MAPLE MANUFACTURERS BRITISH IMPORTING FIRM WISH TO open up correspondence with Canadian manufacturers of Birch or Maple Squares, 27”x 4”, 44" and 5”,and shippers of Birch Planks. All quotations to be based f. 0. b, Liverpool, Eng- land Address ‘‘Squares,’’ care of CanaDa LUM- BERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE wand 1%” 1904 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. x” 19¢4 winter cut, mill run, rough edged, Hard Maple. 1” 1905 winter cut, trimmed, all pure White Hard Maple 1”, 144” and 2” 1905 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Write for lists and prices. Son Co., Tecswater, Ont. The W. R. THomp- CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO, Lumber, whether viewed from the stand- point of demand or price, has lost no ground. Most dealers have about all the trade they can conveniently handle, for it often requires considerable searching around to locate suitable dry stock. General building material is active and box lumber is in good demand. The Ot- tawa Valley manufacturers are, we are informed, still holding out for the prices agreed upon earlier in the season, al- though as yet the British shippers have purchased in smaller volume than usual. This does not appear to be causing the manufacturers any anxiely, probably for the reason that the United States market is prepared to receive quite heavy ship- ments. All the hardwoods, with the possible ex- ception of basswood, are in good shape. Birch, rock elm and soft elm are the best se'lers. Rains have fallen in the Georgian Bay district and the logs in most of the streams ‘quality is difficult to sell owing to the by oe eu re ‘am No. 16 i z are moving satisfactorily. The produc- he tion of pine lumber this season, however, will be 25 per cent. less than one year ago ie owing to the lighter input of logs, +a QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. 4 Retail dealers in Montreal are’ quite i busy on account of the large volume of "fr building. Price fluctuations during the past fortnight have been very narrow, but there are no indications of weakness. The recent rains have improved tbe outlook fe. for log driving on the St. Maurice river, on’ which there are 6,000,000 logs to come ee | out, Export trade is slow and the shippers have not contracted for nearly as much - stock as usual owing to the high prices if asked for white pine. The upper grades eee of pine are holding their own, but fourth ig greater variety of substitutes. Birch is showing considerable strength and is moving quite freely for export. , Log driving operations in the Eastern — e: Provinces are now under way, the recent ee rains having caused a rise of water in the rivers. It will be some weeks, how- ever, before the drives will all be in safe water.s A quantity of bank logs were mT sold at Springhill last week. Hemlock ae are now worth $4.50 to $5 and spruce : from $8 to $9. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. 4 Pv ad The demand for building lumber in Winnipeg is very active. The number of permits for new buildings issued up to May 8th of this year was 730, represent- ing a value of $3,010,800, while for the corresponding period last year 520 per- mits were granted for buildings costing $2,403,350. Reports from the various manufacturers in British Columbia indi- cate that prices are fairly firm, but the demand is not large enough to make it advisable to advance prices. Most of the shingle mills are running, but the | shipments that are being made are mostly to fill orders received before the appoint- ment of sales agents, and represent practically no profit. The price at the mills is $1.70. It is estimated that there are about 120,000,000 shingles to be con- sumed before Canadian orders, under the new conditions, can be expected. UNITED STATES. The Price List Committee of the Wis- consin Valley and Mississippi Valley Lum- bermen’s Associations last week conferred with the Northwestern Hemlock Manu- facturers’ Association on the subject of prices, with the result that advances were recommended on several items, ranging from 50 cents to $1 a thousand Be aS * its buoyant tone. eee ‘ +2 0"* : a | II on common lumber to $5 on finish and A select. A general advance of 50 cents a thousand on all hemlock was decided upon and an advance of $1 on 3 inch plank and 2 x 8, 10, 12 and 14 foot lum- ber. Hemlock lath prices were increased 25 cents. The advances on pine were as follows : All No, 1 boards and strips, $1; No. 2 boards and strips, 50 cents; 4 inch and 13 inches and wider, No. 3, $1; 6, 8, 1o and 12 ft. No. 3, 50 cents ; mixed widths, No. 4 and 5 boards, 50 cents to $1 ; all piece stuff, No. 3 planks and tim- ber, 50 cents; pine lath, 25 cents. prices were considered justified by the extent of demand and condition of sup- ply. Dealers who wish to replenish their yards are finding that they are obliged to meet the higher range of values which has been established during the past two montlas. tive and there is a fair trade in the higher grades. The spruce mills are crowded with orders and premiums are being paid for prompt shipment. The hardwood trade generally isin good shape. There are reports of a lighter demand for maple and basswood, but birch, elm and ash are quite strong, with the latter selling at an advance in some markets. Cedar shin- gles are now selling freely in the Boston market at $3.40 for extras. Lath are again higher and selling at $3.60 for 15% inch and $3.40 for 1% inch. Coarse pine lumber is quite ac- GREAT BRITAIN. The demand for pine lumber in Great Britain is still somewhat light, but prices keep steady owing to the fact that stocks are not large. Asummary of the stock on the Surrey Commercial Docks, Lon- don, on April 1st, shows a decrease of 6,671 pieces in the supply of white pine deals as compared with one year ago. Nevertheless, in view of the lessened consumption, it is improbable that prices will be influenced by the lighter stock, inasmuch as new shipments are due to arrive within a tew days. The spruce market, in contrast to that of pine, retains At Liverpool the con- sumption for the month of April was about upon a parity with the import, while the stock is only one-half that of last year. The same is true of Manchester. The holders of spruce are in a very happy WOODS & SPICER, Limited sae BRITISH COLUMBIA RHD CHDAR SHIN GLES We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. VWvire Your Orders at ouR EXPENSE to Agents; or to us at VANCOUVER, B Ct. KILN-DRIED_ BIRGH FLOORING Planing and Matching | MASON, KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. ‘Keenan Bros., These’ 7 fi ‘ Cae i! ive 5 ede Ae i Bt iar ai aS 4 i arte! ia } Fr i i) pine a rae ‘ : : <7 OE aroha a af tales Sine CANADA LUMBERMAN, WEEKLY EDITION | May ee position, and in view of the expected 8,000 feet of native tamarac, $19; W. C. CRAWFORD — shortage in shipments, should realize balance of spruce required, apportioned Tilbury out higher prices before many weeks. The price of 3x7 and 8 inch has further im- proved during the past fortnight and stocks of these dimensions at some of the importing centres have become almost depleted. There is a good demand for birch logs and planks and the stock is not heavy. STOCKS AND PRICES. Messrs. Burgess, of Grand Falls, N.B., have secured 3,000,000 feet of logs for this season’s sawing. The O’Neil Lumber Company, of St. Martin’s, N. B., have completed the driving of their logs. John McInnes & Son have secured the contract for the supply of lumber required hy the city of Halifax, N. S. The Rainy River Lumber Company, Rainy River, Ont., expect to cut about 60,000,000 feet of lumber this season. The Newville Lumber Company, of Parrsboro, N. S., have succeeded in get- ting in thetr drive of 7,000,000 feet of logs. The cut of logs on the Tobique river, in New Brunswick, last winter, was 18,000,000 feet, or about half the cut of the previous season. The Minudie Coal Company, of River Hebert, N. S., are asking for tenders up to Thursday, 18th inst., for the supply of 15,500 railroad ties, to be delivered before July 15th. The ties are to be cut from live, sound timber, of spruce, hemlock, or tamarac, and to be 8 feet long, 6 inches thick, 7 to 12 inch face. The Gibson saw mill at. Marysville, N. B., has” Gut ‘Over 4,000,000’ feet of deals since the season commenced. This company last week made their first deal shipment of the season, the tug Joseph » taking 18 scows in tow for St. John. The Gibson Company are also shipping large quantities of lath and shingles. The following tenders were accepted , for the supply of lumber for the corpora- tion of Edmonton, N.W.T.: John Walters, spruce lumber, $18.50 per thousand, less 15 per cent. ; S. D. Eccles, Spruce Grove, hada good effect. among D. R. Fraser & Company, W. H. Clark & Company and the Northern Lum- ber & Coal Company ; British Columbia tamarac, W. H. Clark & Company and Northern Lumber & Coal _ Com- pany. The following is a comparative state- ment of lumber, etc., shipped from St. John, N. B., to Great Britain during the winters of 1903-4 and 1904-5 : : ~ 1903-4 = 1904-5 Lumber (pes.)......... 176,356 298,478 Lumber (bdls.)........ 13,532 31,681 Hardwood pickets (pkgs) 1,119 Staves and hoops (pkgs.) 59470 Timber pes, .00,0).22.9° (1,921) 19,493 Shooks (bdls.) ...... wa, 204. QTi4aat Flooring (bdls.) ...... 28,636 21,758 Flooring (pes.) ........ 2,256 Logs. Sree eeeep iis 1,716 2,908 Blocks: 30405 sess S50 ous « 44,589 70,306 BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. " (Correspondence of THE CANADA LUMBERMAN.) , VANCOUVER, B.C., May 8, 1905.—If bus- iness in the lumber industry were always as good as at present, there Would be fewer complaints from those engaged in the manufacture of lumber and shingles While it has been better, just now it is very good. Some of the mills are run- ning’ double shifts, the Chemainus and that of the Columbia River Lumber Com- pany at Golden, and the demand in some lines is nearly equal to the supply. Prices are maintained. In the shingle branch, the recent agreement arrived at whereby the Export Lumber & Shingle Company and the Union Lumber Company were to have charge of the sales and orders has The past year or so had been disastrous with shingle manu- facturers, but conditions are) improving... celery at At the meeting of the B.C. Lumber and Shingle Manufacturers’ Association, held last Thursday, conditions were reported ‘to be on the mend. Logging is particularly healthy, with good demand and fairly high prices. ‘Delivered, good cedar logs go as high as ‘$10, the prices ruling from $6 to $10, and “for fir from $5 to $8.50. Loggers are be- ginning to sell at the camps wherever possible, as they find that better with less risk, Camps are starting up all along the Bch eck ae MANUFACTURERS OF ...... Capacity 100 Million a Year. Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARD OUD, TEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS Féctory near Station. J yt Samples by ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots, Write for Prices. "Phone 3 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER | } DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH BULMER, M°LENNAN & COMPANY MONTREAL, ave. Omice acd Yard, 57: DORCHESTER ST. “St. Paul, Milwaukee, Minnea Send for ee . « Manvfacturer of . . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, gio Mest and Bott Wood Haasis and Red and White 0. Oak,Maple and Eim Lumbe ir. Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities, ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. 4 Dealer In Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tien o.0 ee. oe SPECIAL—60 M 4/4 Black Ash; » 8/4, 12/4 Soft Elm; 60 M 4/4 mill run Pine see to M 6/4 cutting up and ig _— 30 M 8/4 Prices on a) po ae ¢, common and better. (0, "4 Hunter, ‘ravord & Niebergall- Successors to R. Watt) NBER AND SOUARE TBE OF AL Kms) POST, POLES, TIES, LATH AND SHINGLES Bill Stuff Speciaty | WIARTON, ONT. Write Us for Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. _ $03 Temple Building, Toronto, =. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence Bee with ‘ot wooden pe such as Sanita ceporters ot Broom Handles, Fork and S 1 Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt _ of Bill of Lading at Toronto. Soe SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 P t Lane, Tondon, Eng. ° ee , A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term- ed the “S ns Line” because it reaches into and through th — > heart of A carps er 5" grounds in Am Ty best ‘wild for fowl shocking of a North . seached ONLY by this line. ‘ of yoagd lakes aboun vind of ca Dedieicest shooting to fe found the country ove The Wisconsin Central Railway may caters canes ially to the sporting peda iauieg “ot dig various seasons for hunting an rope Sp ot its patrone at Bagh to local eon: ons an ere alon: in - yw iA oe Hetnoweret » ite tsi bigs rv with special ref th i rain service erence to the convenience and comfort of n, and its employes are constantly on the alerttomake a over their lines pleasant t and -comfort- able. This line offers the best route between Ch 5 lis: s o Lake . Superior "points via Ashland, W Information given by adernseiaete JAS. C. POND, Wie, Cent. R.R. Milwaukee, es. & KNIGHT ee co Burk’s F; GORDON. & co. WHOLESALE TIMBER — Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading — », Vaucouver, B. C DOUGLAS FIR. Timber i in any size or length supplied — WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND saeeak ; P.0. Box 6 a < - 4 ia i a sold from their own offices. aareg Sar siete : CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION coast, but it will be a month or two yet ere the supply wifl be large enongh to bring these prices down, and they are now firm. Few logs are being exported, except by American limit owners, as the local mills take nearly all that are being cut. Interior loggers, in fact those engaged d “in that part of the industry through all _ the west, will be handicapped in getting the cut to the mills owing to the very light snowfall of the past winter. There is little water in the streams, less than for twenty _ years past, and large numbers of logs will 4 likely be held up on the bars of thestreams _ * which are only high i in the spring ftreshet B time. Messrs. Christie & Company, whole- sale dealers, of Winnipeg,have purchased the stock in hand and the season’s cut of the Fernie Lumber Company, which will amount in all to about four million feet. The price is not made public, butit is un- _ derstoodto bea good one. Thestock of the _ Moyie Lumber and Milling Company has been sold to Mr. J. C. Graham, of Win- nipeg. This was about 1,800,000 feet. Messrs, H. Cameron and A. P. Stephen- son have taken over the interests of this mill, and if they cannot make-a satis- factory sale, will operate it themselves. A. Boulais, until recently foreman of the Cascade mill of the Yale-Columbia Lum- ber Company, has bought Gardiner’s mill at Danville, and has secured a contract already for half a million feet for a Win- nipeg firm. The Elk Lumber and Manufacturing Company are shipping considerable of their cut to Winnipeg, where it will be This plan is being adopted by all the large owners’ in the eastern part of the province. ‘ H. L. Jenkins, of Minneapolis, who is ‘interested in a large mill at Blaine, has with Mr. J. C. Busch, of the latter place, bought about 6,000 acres of timbér ‘on Burrard inlet about eight miles from ‘Van- couver. It is on crown granted land and may be exported on payment of fifty cents per thousand. A settlement has been made by the BE KK. Wood Company, of Bellingham, forthe boom of logs recently seized by the government. It has offen been stated that this company would combine with others, James Dunsmuir and the Merrill interests being mentioned, to test the validity of the law prohibiting the export of logs, and for that reason the payment was not made. The other people failed; in their co-operation, however, so the settle- ment was effected, The Columbia River Lumber Company had a man fined $25 a couple cf weeks ago for having set a fire in their limits. Tim- ber owners are to make an endeavor to prevent, if possible, the wholesale des- truction of timber by fire which takes placeevery summer, and which last year was greater than ever. CANADIAN LUMBER sei ie From Parrsboro, N. S.: Steamer Holmlea, for Brow Head, pane ft. spruce deals, battens, scantlings and ends and 789,086 tt. hardwood planks, boards and ends, by M.L. Tucker for W..,M. Mackay. From Halifax, N.S.: Barque Theodore, for Preston Dock, G.B., 522,000 ft. spruce deals, value $7,943; 37,000 ft. scantling, value $326, cleared at Spry Bay, N.S. Steamer Jupiter, for Liverpool, 71,970 ft. spruce deals, value $943; 103,608 ft. birch deals, value $1,140, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. Steamer Florence, for London, 174,441 ft. spruce deals, value $1,883 ; 58,992 ft. birch dade, value $721 ; 94,283 ft. hemlock deals, value $922, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. Steamer Cheinston, for Swansea, 452,- 645 ft. birch deals, value $5,309 ; 1,003,- 059 ft. spruce deals, value $11,725, by Pickford & Black, agents. Steamer Heine, for Liverpool, 159,544 ft. hemlock deals, value $1,566 ; 95,248 ft. birch deals, value $1,052, by Alfred Dickie, agent. Steamer Ulunda, for Liverpool, 223,814 ft. spruce deals, value $2,909; 253,781 ft. birch deals, value $2,792 ; 3,466 ft. hem- lock deals, value $32, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. From St, John, N.B.: Steamer Lake Manitoba, for Liverpool, 5,212 bdls. shooks, 1,086 staves, 2,855 pcs. hardwood squares, 3,268 maple plank, 761 pcs. deals, 1,083,514 ft. spruce deals, 14,114 ft. birch deals, 13 tons birch lumber, 1,024 maple logs, 22 elm logs, 247 oak logs, 6,306 maple blocks, 28 elm logs. Steamer St. John City, for London, 1,101 bdls. shooks, 977. bdis. strips, 481,782 ft. deals. Schooner Wm. F. Green, for New York, 440 pcs. piling. Schooner Wm. L. Elkins, 273,850 ft. deals. Schooner Genevieve, for Providence, 1185162 ft. plank, 726,68 ft. scantling. Schooner Sallie E. Ludham, for Bridgeport, 32,139 ft. deals, 208,514 ft. plank, 29,231 ft. scantling. Schooner Manuel R. Cuza, for Bridgeport, 125,754 ft. spruce plank, 20,037 ft. scantling, 700,000 laths. Schooner Pardon G. Thompson, for Boston, 145,787 ft. plank, 46,753 ft. scantling. Barque Cordillera, for Preston, 515,842 ft. deals, 57,895 ft. scantling, 24,451 ft. ends, 964 boards. Schooner W. H. Waters, for Norwich, 500,000 shingles. Schooner John J. Ward, for Vineyard Haven, 67,- 40c ft. scantling, 69,188 ft. plank, 39,596 ft. deals, 123,940 ft. boards. Schooner Lucia Porter, for New York, 337,133 ft. plank, 32,766 ft. scantling. Schooner Stella Maud, for Vineyard Haven, 158,153 ft. hemlock boards. Schooner Arthur M. Gibson, for City Island, 353,901 ft. deals. 30,717 ft. scantling. Schooner Myra B, for Yarmouthvilla, Me., go wood. Schooner Georgie Pearl for City Island, 905,300 laths, Schooner Pansy, for Boston, 69 cords wood. Schooner Annie A. Booth, for City Island, |166,174 ft. deals, 48,765 ft. plank. Schooner Golden Rule, for Ponce, P.R., 140,426 ft. white pine boards, 50,000 spruce shingles. Schooner Norman, for City Island, 1,800,- ooo laths. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =—SARNIA, ON EM ze _ J.B. Farwell & Son|FOR SALE. .. Seay tons AND DEALERS IN.. ~ Ganadian Gear Tele- = ann Telephone and Bt - lectric Light Poles Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, IL. pee econalty: good Birch and Heinlock Lumber f.0.b. car South River Station. Mills at Midford (Eagle Lake,). Ont. THE ROBB LUMBER CO, LIMITED Guelph, Ont. C.S. POWELL & CO. Lumber Fxporters 604 Temple Bidg., TORONTO and at NEW ORLEANS, LA. H Cash buyers all kinds hard ds. To Millmen We solicit earacaatacca, x THE There is only one way to make and H A M ILTO N LONG Rade deliver the gooliay It eae SPECTATOR LUMBER ite tong van, and’ we are ylad cane 4 COMPANY we stuck to it. P 5 5 2 ONTARIO = JAS. LUNNY & CO., HINTONBURG, ONT. = = SASH - In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. - Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. ‘ Write for quotations. DOORS’ - B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS Manufacturers and Wholesalers of . . ‘Shipments by Rail or Boat Herman H. Hettler Lumber Gompany a | ( WHITE and NORWAY > Bx PINE LUMBER LATH and SHINGLES ns MIDLAND, THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LimiTeD SAW AND PLANING. MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS | All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo, Registered Cable Address, ‘* Pinewooul.”’ BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. ‘Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. “American Luinberman’?. Telecode. ~« B.C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES < < Several cars now in transit, hence can give prompt delivery. SEND C. A. LARKIN IN YOUR ORDERS Toronto Birra Ae A SE ie a cS J, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED | Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY THE GAARLEMAGNE & LAG QUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED, 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON” - Correspondence Solicited. "Phone No. 54. SAWN AND DRESSED LOMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations, ’ Shipments by rail or water. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon. & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circe CACH a Boy Y, Ont. Cc, Gangs 26 miles West North Bay UMBER cords pulp * Orillia, Ont. i a wn LATE 4 _ Si Sie ly, me Le ee Te ey Se es ae ab AL Bese ae, eaoaey iin 0a ot. So eed 2 } Iv. Cedar Cove Mill, Vancouver, B.C. W. J. SHEPPARD ning! aa Waubaushene, On Pacific Coast Lumber Co. LIMITED VANGOUVER, B.C. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. ; High Grade Red Cedar si | Ontario Representative, W. J. i ee aah - D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. _ The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. oes White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, . Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work . CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office’ RAT PORTAGE, Ontario Dealers in Mills at RAT PORTAGE and Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Liber = We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four ae Der AN Wok Li MAM TU NPT hb yh ita r ~ 7 * Oe bey “ 4 f : Wyte CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION May 17, tos E. ‘H. HEAPS & 60; Se Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Do Is, Motldings, Ete. SPECIALTIES : i AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. i Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, _ Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. $ WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J. = J. E. YOUNG, Cashier Cashier * oe - oe . 4s Jj. G6. iri. GENERAL MANAGER ncouv: er, B.C. 112 Mail Building, TORONTO THOS. KIRKPATRICK, MANUFACTURER OF RedCedar Shingles Dally Saracity, Mills at Hastings and New Westminster Head Office : Hastings, B.C. Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Telephone B 1425 Ontario Representative: W. J. SMITH, Fergus. Export Lumber & Shingle Co. Wholesale Dealers Limited British Columbia Lumber and Shingles The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market prices. Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- |’ | garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Fee Block, 570 Granville be pall rac 3 and 4, Third Floor VANCOUVER BRITISH COLUMBIA ~ , . ;' re OF ele vas tua ye 39 athe. ode 7 pee Mi "ee, “

A. & P. VAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE_ONT. CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY, Manufacturers of and Dealersiin«..... (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) PINE, ONT. F. MCCIBBON & SONS, "==™gusie Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and ee Lumber, and he in Cordwood emlock Bills cut on short notice. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, paler and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Wate | Veieies Lumber Co., timitea MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER a L AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR THE MENZ LUMBER GOMPANY Manufacturers and Wholesalers BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES SF. FOSS, Manager. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man J. F. FOSS, Manager. CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FOR SALE 1 can saw out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FIN DLAY, OWEN SOUND ONT. 3 SM te ar tie bat a m tay “ » — ae i ey odor ety ee ae CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION May 17, 1905 THE GLASGOW MARKET. Messrs. Edmiston & Mitchells’ monthly timber circular gives the following parti- culars of the Glasgow market : Business during the month has been characterized by an entire absence of activity, but while this is no doubt largely owing to the extreme dulness in house- building and other wood-consuming in- dustries (shipbuilding excepted), it must not be overlooked that there are other predisposing influences to account for this: for example, the scareity of attractive stocks atthisperiod,and the fact that most buyers are inclined to wait the new sea- son's import from Quebec. The exceed- ingly moderate imports which have been the rule for the past month or two are accountable for the high point at which values have been maintained, as there is nothing in the local demand to account for it, and the detemining influence on future prices will be the extent of the import during the next few months. Granted that this is moderate, prices will keep firm, but in the event of heavy arrivals, general opinion favors the likelihood ofa fall, in view of the prevailing dulness of trade. WHITE PiNnE.—There bas been no im- port during the month, and the movement from stock has been comparatively trifling. With the approach of the opening of the Quebec season, shippers are inclined to ease prices a little, with a. view to reduce stocks before the advent of the new arrivals. Oak.—A few sales of a minor character have transpired during the month, but apart from this there has been little de- mand. Exim.—The stock is now very low and consists of soft and second class wood, There have been numerous enquiries in the market for rock elm, and there is every prospect of the new season’s wood meet- ing with a good demand. QuEBEC BircH.—There have been two shipments via Portland, about 16/17-inch average, which brought from 1s. 10d. to 2s. per cubic foot ‘‘ex quay.” New Brunswick BircH.—About 4oo logs came to hand from St. John during the month, and were all disposed of from the ship’s side at from 17d. to 18d. for 14 to 14% inch average. Planks have been in fair demand, and recent arrivals have been disposed of at from £7 15s. to £8 per standard c.i.f. The sizes chiefly in demand are 2% and 3 inch. QueEBEc AsH.—There has been no im- pert so far this year, and stocks are now reduced to a very low point. It may be added, at the same time, that there is only an occasional enquiry for this at cne time popular wood. Deas, Etc.—There has been little business done during the month from yarded stocks, but the few arrivals of pine and spruce which have come to hand were, for the most part, disposed of on ‘‘ex quay” basis. However, business gen- erally has been to the quieter side, and there have been fewer enquiries in the market. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WICGIN ss*state st. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. V4 \ Vy im _ IG LN IGN IGN IO III ISSENIESES: SWAN SSN NSN SESS LRESEE That’s what the dealers were doing last win- ter in order to get our SPRUCE LUMBER and they got it too. They got all we had and asked for more, but WE COULDN’T SELL OUR STOCK TWICE so had to refuse orders. Every DAY now our mill is turning out 150,000 FEET OF THE BEST SPRUCE LUMBER ever made. We are ready for your orders and you can send them along. WINNIPEG, MAN. Re ee, UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS WHOLESALE HARDWOODS BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR: ‘PHONE | 7 ST.LOUIS | THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT. COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK. POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickorv and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Frank in St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspo jerce invited on All Hardwoods. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence FRANK 6. BURY WHOLESALE Telephone No. 10 - - ST. LOVIS, MISSOURI. Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in Chasing Themselves Round the Block The Red Deer Lumber Company Ne ee Nc ca ee SES DSSS SESS SSIS IESHY SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LITTLE Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, LA., ALLENTOWN, LA. HABBERLE LUMBBR GO. YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery, CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Solicited. \e\e.ere BURY & NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine ee Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. ¢ Veneers : = MASON A. NOBLE MICHICAN a May 17, 1905 TIMBER OPERATIONS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. Messrs. H. L. Jenkins and J. C. Busch are reported to have bought from the es- tate of the late S: M. Robins 2,200 acres of timber lands situated near Campbell River, Discovery Passage, Vancouver Is- land, B.C. The timber on this land is largely cedar of excellent quality. It is also exportable, and logging operations will. be commenced on the tract in the near future. The price paid for this pro- perty is said to have been $15 per acre. Between 75,000,000 and __ 100,000,000 feet of timber, according to reports fur- CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vik nished by three separate cruising parties, is being purchased on the North Arm of Burrard Inlet, B.C., by American capital- ists, who intend to export the logs to Pu- get Sound this summer. The deal is now under way, and it is reported that it will probably be concluded this week. The land on which the timber is situat- ed lies on the west side of the North Arm to the northwest of Deep Cove, not tar from Roche Point, and is within the muni- cipality of North Vancuuver. Despite the fact that the most of the timber lies at a high altitude in a district which is very rugged, it can be placed in the water without great difficulty. The major por- tion of the timber is fir of excellent quality, though the trees are not of great diameter, comparatively speaking. Messrs. H. L. Jenkins and J. C. Busch, of the H. L. Jenkins Lumber Company of Blaine, Washington, are behind the pur- chase of the timber land, which consists of numerous quarter-sections lying on the North Arm watershed, It is reported that they are negotiating for some land lying on the Seymour Creek watershed. The latter would have to be logged into the creek and floated down to tide water. Acting in conjunction with Messrs. Jen- kins and Busch is the logging firm of Pierce & Peremp, who have recently been cutting a large amount of timber on the Nicomekl River for export to Blaine. Messrs. Pierce & Peremp will log the tim- ber on the North Arm. FREIGHT RATES ON EXPORT LUMBER. The Lumber Trade Association of the Montreal Board of Trade last week had an interview with representatives of the railways regarding the new freight rates on export lumber. The railways this spring decided to base their freight rate on weight instead of on measurement, and in so doing increased the rate on ex- port stock to practically the equivalent of the rate charged for local consumption, With the cheaper kinds of lumber the in- creased charge is a matter of some con- sequence. The interview will probably result in the readjustment of the rates on a more satisfactory basis. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE mecseses fe et Ee Sy |Wood Brokers and Measurers 0 Sa Sea Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ENC. FP. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address ; ‘* TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all _Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom: | OUIS BAMBERGER, IMPORTER OT [a Pine, Spruce and all Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. dan Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS rc EE ‘ZEBRA CODE A. B. C. CODE DIRECTORY CODE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood 1 gents and Brokers Cable Address : “ GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England CABLES, DOORCHEEK LONDON We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- Seats, Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. and all kinds of ready made joinery. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for ... Floorin Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine , Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, les, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. LONDON STORES; STAVE! ERS \ 158, Leadenhall Strect, ‘London, E.C. ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘Shooks,” Hull. Codes—A. B. C. 4th Edition and Zebra. JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS Oak, Birch, Staves BUYERS OF THOMPSON, SH ADVANC Hs MADE AGAINST 9HIPPING DOC'IJIMENTS | Ash, and Heading, Veneers A Specialty Grey Elim. Logs and Lumber, Handles of aii BLOIS & BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers. GLASGOW Locke’s Whar Edmonton, N. Elm descriptions SMITH & TYRER. - 4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW OANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : ““TECTONA” Glasgow. ° BROKERS Az and A B C Codes used. Every lumberman wants it 55 cents buys it SOPIDNEF'S LUMDEF « L00 Book BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION Address : THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto dUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. AISO .. . All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambets CABI,E KJELL cREN——— HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. ADDRESS * - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND DOBLI, LIVERPOOL, " H f ane b i HAMBURG viit. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION = THE ONTARIO LUMBER G2 sare ees North Bay. C.P.R. and G. T.R. Delivery. § It Uour Wish. . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY i © | CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED HEADQUARTERS HaRDWoOoD Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard We solicit consignments of long Cleveland, O. McMinnville, Tenn. and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . . : . ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. Room 510, Selling Ageney and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices : WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH MANUFACTURERS AND SHINGLES. and An Advertisement in the And ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Add The Canada Lumberman, THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER GO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots McLennan Timber Land and |. woud Life Building L ORONTO, Ont. Mits: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling ‘Wanted’’ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ress, feet or over. Toronto ih}. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY CANADA LUMDEP GO., cimitea Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. | EO. G. GLADMA PARRY SOUND, ONT. E have Three Millions of Hem- © lock, running in lengths from 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre= pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 A. P. HEBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Post Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stc WIARTON, ONT. TAE NEW LINE MANUFACTURER OF ——y WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES mm, CoRRESPONDE: SoLicITzZD HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER. ~ & MANUFACTURING Ct Dealers in Pine, Hemloc and Hardwood Lumber .. tame WOODSTOCK, ONTAF - Through the, Serena Spruce Forests of the Limcehtia Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesb Water-Powers, TIMBER Limits AND ELECTRIC _ PowER FOR SALE. IDEAL PuLp-MILL Sag Unexcelled Export Facilities -at Quebec. - BOSTON, MASS. A. J. GORRIE 147 Milk St. , Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. if Ceneanh tapi MONTREAL Pie good strips : Pine shorts6’ to 11’x10”- 16:00" . A ret : J TiM.sseree «ssseeees 33 CO 36 00] Pine, 8ups. c. sidings nha 20°cO Pi =. af 2/58 ‘Yon. and13¢ in... + 36 00 38 00| Pine s.c.strips...... 13.00 15 00 IE ve eeeeeene oe neeeenee _ $3.50 | Spruce... ssessee: ha f % 2 Pe sata 38 00 40 00 yg fk mn I2 00 1400 eniceaee -- ne, good shorts: ine, box boards.... 00 14 50 ‘ ee: 2§ 00 28 00| Pine’ mill culls...,. 13 00' 14-00" Sawed Pine ex. IHL $4 so $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x28 ....$5 25 5 5° TORONTO, ONT. 1Y in. and 1% in. . - 28 00 35 00 Lath, per M- { ; Clear butts.......... 35° 375 emlock.......4+ - 7 Cilowicmcotors. BUM Ie gle be ome - 3400 38 00| No.x white pine..: 240 260 Smooth 6 x18.....:. 4 50 4 75 | Spruce ....+ss2--rerem * a axs to 10 inigt- to 1684. 45°00 16°Go zines No. 1 mown ae. 4 pueden: +» 200 (225 I inc o. I Pine x, 101 siding, per eet, pruce, millron..... 200 2 95 : 4 cuts & becter...... $47 $49 00] 2x4 to 10 inch, ‘8 ft.. 16 00 17 00 Hii. . Biot 20:00 25°00 Red Pine, millrun.. 200 21 u d 1% to 2 inch No. 1 Clear inch B. C. cedar, Pine, ‘No. x” dressing 5 Pine Shingles 4 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y. e cuts and better.. 5000 5200] kilndried ........... 50 00 StYipSa.!e.) 6 sees +. 18.00 2400] XXxxX, 18 inch..... see 3.00 3 25 WHITE PINE. * ‘ 1% ee e- .2 ee 5 pect S- os cones és'0 sie No. dressing : Clear Bott, 1Binch ...2.40 2 a (Wholesale sel ) cuts and better.... 42 00 00 1 shorts ...... .+++ «» 1600 20 00 Xe GEAMNCH. cog ame nae (AC) Olesale s pic 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension Pine, 10s. ¢ and bet- Cedar Shingles ok U TS, 1, 14,7 and 2 tense eee eeene cuts and better.... 37 00 3800] timber, 25 to 30 feet eh ste) ter stock, 12’ to 16’ 20 00 2200] XXxxXx, mevineln. pits 3 25 oa et it he 78 a Shelvin No. t, 13 in. rin Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- Clear Butt,18 inch.. ~. 2 50 2% and 3 in.i..... 85 00 Ditisece and better shorts 2400 2600| timber, ;o to 35 feet 31 00 ter stock, 12’ tox. 17 00 1900| xx, 18inch.......... 160 170 | ine avegeeseees No. Mol 1 st’ps rtoa 1x4, 6and 8 common 18 00 19 60 “A ath No. 1 4ft. Pine a Py “ea Selects in..: boo. in amas Ig 50 20 00 UH chats Satis 3 eg 1x 12¢ommon.-r--+ 21 00 2a 00134 in. No. 2 4 ft. Cath 303 3 10 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. poe Oe Rey No. 2 Ms 'O common.....- 20 00 00 ” No. t 32” pine lat 1 70 ‘ ss afin ded 1x10 compan 2 ap. 2x co} 228g 1" No. raft. Mremlock lath 2 85 3 : Le ea ae ae? pi, aes hoess ers P Barn, No.1, r2in..... 23 00 | XXXX PineShingles 2 3.00 Uppers, x in., xo in, and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $65 co ine common, x in, 6, 8and roin...... and 3x12 common. 2200 23 g go 1% and 1% ji f 1x1u inch box and XX Pine auinele® 1. 210 2.20 ’ ar and in si te. 2 a4 ia in.. as Meant Remains 20 00 2:1 cO| X Pine Shingles .. I 00 . Ria ale, siai phch sclera sidingS 21 00 22 00} XX Cede cpinelcs 220 2 30 a8 and 3 in. ke 2 AON cee cs epee : = oulsioe ee aeeimeae ri iat 20 00 2I 00 B. C. Shingles teeeeeee . it Bae mae cee, wale resn nied candi culls 15 00 17 oo | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 90 : . : FINE COMMON. _ Cut’ ae Mein’ La |e a I pee mill cu'l Sid- XXXX 6to 23-16 in. 3 10 I in., 8 in. and up wide...... 55 00 | 2} and 3in., 8in, and up wide a 00 Beeeeiic io io ee rete piece hicla 459 16 00|/ XXXXX 5 to2in.. 345 Mand 13% in... ....% peed) ORM MANEID « aiasqiiw shuis eins) wicuip(elemmeon ney MN GO No. i ee I ie acai cull ‘sidings ee oo 13 00 | XX No. 2,6to2in. } 2 40 Ait. eeudaes eerie « Seetin c 58 00 No. Ps 1%, aad 6 1% inch Flooring .. 23 00 25 oc | XX f 6 to 23-16 in. J B FINE COMMON OR NO rt CUTTING. fe aM fe Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 14 52 15 551 XX 5tozin... ane In, 7in, and up wide...... 36 00 | 2% and 3in., 7in, and up wide. 63 00 Dressing 1% in. ’ HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. bas and1% cutting....... & 3 Ra In, < cialaelal og men eneccoeneens 8 00 2. 12. : Ne ee) Stat aD Eee ane fre ane xfs eas deem ae ie. 0. sic Asn Wh te,1 to2 in Set rockyaail 7 to net4! one aie STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). The following quotations on hardwoods represent the joer’ my : ists and ands...... $33 00 $35 00 Elm clk a S 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in, wide... 52 00|1zin., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 58 00 ~—s pice at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; ; Asi, black, 1sts and RAO sa 3 he 144° 3.. 29 00 3000 «1% x6 in. wide.......... sees 60 00] 6 in, Wide......c.ceeeseeeess 60 00 WHITE ASH. and, 1 to 14 in.. .. 27 00 29 00 | Hickory, 1sts FINE COMMON OR C 1st & and, x inch, 33 00 35,00 00 | 294.0 4 im... Bi-ch M. EB ue . 21 00 2300] and ands..1%‘' 2.. 36 00 38 00 1 in., 4, 5 in, wide. ......... 44 00 | 1 in., 4, § in. wide...-.... 47 00 1% tozin ........ 39 00 4 trIPS ..+++. see . 2.. 23.00 25 00} Maple 1” mill 1% in., 6m. wide...... uae Rl Odi is, ats WIHOL..cohanaale 54 00 4 Com. and culls....... 16 00 “* saqrs. i *€ 8x8 32 00 36 00 Tut. re 1 1% 2000 21% 00 : ! Basswood, mat Maple, ists SELECTED NO. 1 SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. bw a AND BROWN ASH. » pace art ap a pe eee ‘4..2400 «<6 0c 1in., 4,5, 6in wide... .... 35 00] 1 in., 4,5, 6in. wide......,. _o Ist & ana, 6 nchup, 33 00 35 ° | Enis calls. 3§ 00 i Basswood, 1% to2.. 2 28 00| Oak;red,p'n, BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. BIR a 6 m, : ie : Ch m. r. 1 1 2400 26 00 Pg ile oN HS aS Wo. Ty LSM ae, 10 bes dane sees 32.00 8 and 7 iN. ..0sceeercansses. 22 CO tst & and, 6 inch & Ene ee iy erry, xs\8 aS, Ua a os Ah seh Re b bahe 25 00 | No. 3, 12 in ~21 -50 re Me EG 36 00 38 00 | Com. & good ema 73)00\ 1410 , and 2nds.. 1 ‘* 1% 55 00 6000 ae 14% 4200 44 00 a oe coin ee ee eee ween woe ai - ale NS ae ea ene 2. lO! ilcineeamrontinteelsis e.ete/o te DAN. sees AY emerge ncn ELM. . Pati iadesy a € 4.. 60 00 70 00 xsts & ands 2 ‘‘ 4.. 45 00 50 00 3 and 7 Ase neste see en ene 25 OD)! | 9 Uiinan «of st & ad,rock,6in &up~6 00 28 00 | xst & 2d, ee & up, 24,00 k Ein soft, mill Oak, quart’d, No. 2, 12iM.....-+-+eeeeeee +25 00} Bineseese sere Common and culls... 15 0c 17 00. Common and culls...... 10 00 17 4 “ “ ° 85 00 TOM, sv ccccen ccccecsencses 22 00 BO ren g dsloin ’ ‘un aa 1% 24 00 26 00 ists & 2nds 2.. 70 00 : the Wanted and For Sale Department. Address, i . ¥ CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, IMBER LIMIT FOR SALE IN BRITISH advance from their present comparatively " . Columbia, eight square miles, fifty per cent. F OR SALE low price is predicted. f cedar, 25 per cent. firand pine and 25 per cent. "and 136" ee t il tri a FOR SALE—FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT spruce. Limit situated on Columbia River, 1” and 114 too4 winter cut, mill run, (rimme QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK Z : _ with a frontage of ten miles; one hundred and _,,_ Hard ep ee mill h edged, Hard Ns ‘ i 300M ft. winter cut Basswood 1” teen oh ana fe pM cn Pult-# 5% "Maple. eT ot oe oe The total value of building permits issued “ ry ‘ Dich: all est particulars on application to THE LocaTors, = ‘i Fy ; i 7 : : ; oe te te = meee ~~ Winnipeg, Teuiteba, ” eee cut, trimmed, all pure White Hard — iy Montreal to date this year is $1,875,507, - . vc tor eS aes T. pier y 1", 1%" mallz” fo05 winter ent, mill run,trimmed against $1,101,329 for the corresponding oe , ps te ard Maple. : : Mie DE eae ee ee Ne Write for lists and prices. The W. R. THomp- period of 1904. As the result of increased - 4”, and Squares. - Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. nearly new, capacity 15,000 ft., 100 M feet hardwood logs, 300 M feet hemlock logs, three SON Co., Teeswater, Ont. building operations, the localdemand for lumber is exceptionally brisk and values = - 1,000 cords bark, 30,000 cords wood, complete FOR SALE iemnk Us aun CSE Pee ssmea cee EOD CHE. FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT 225 guts Sem, The conditions through. ; out the province are also favorable and no stocks are being forced upon the market ‘Bone dry stock, one year and over cut and at a sacrifice. CANADIAN GENTLEMAN HAVING piled. The situation in New Brunswick and Log Dry Pine, 1” and 2”. For price and terms apply to Box 194, CANADA $ i or eee Birch x, 1%, 2” and 3”. LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. 200 M “ * Red Oak, 1”, 134” and 2”, F.O.B. cars Dayton, or vessel at Thessalon. , Apply to : pI Fy ft. 1” Soft Maple. -. & COMPANY considerable experience in British methods 59,000 ie r 3 ‘ aa ees Dee Mills, Ont. and centres who ee paiieg for Liverpool tos re ai y_ and 4 oot whens, Nova Scotia has Pere so far as the “a early in May wou e please Oo represent a , " . dri are concerned, and it no 4 few Canarias firms in manufacturing or any ste te te Roe, (plain cat.) ae : » Racy ; ae i cs : ALE mercantile or confidential capacity im the chict — $BGoo ft 1” and” Sofi Bim. that most of the logs are likely to, Feamb aia FO R Ss strictly confidential. Address B. F. Pr. care of pees Na eee and a’ Birch the mills. Notwithstanding this fact, the ; ‘ Canana LUMBERMAN, 38 Alliance Building, 13000%% 1%» ave int disposition of the trade is to look for high- Montreal. er yee’ bate at Pat kena Me Tail Rene Pat SR GHOnN A.canbeR eo er prices. Clapboards are very firm and June 15th, 1905, for up to-date saw mi le ° capacity 20,000 per day, and timber limits, con- London, Ont. well sold ahead. Eastern 6-foot extras sisting of Eine, pick. mea Oak, Maple i FOR Ss E oe, rs aa Hemlock, together‘ with water power, 200 h.p. AL —_—_—_—_$_—— sare quoted at a range of $40 to $42 for ; evan) atte for ail kinds of opie a posta SAWMIIL IN MUSKOKA, Major Woolridge’s saw and planing Boston delivery. Prices of cedar shingles ing factories. Power can be increased to 1,500 capacity 10 thousand feet per day. near G. mill at Palmerston, Ont., was burned last are now fairly established. at $3.40 for h.p. Terms half cash; balance 7 per cent. T.R. Onlake2% miles long. About 500,000 yoo, The loss is about $10,000. extras, $2.90 for clears and $2.25 to $2.40 interest. The lowest or any tender not neces- ft. Hemlock logs; 00,000 ft. Birch logs now at mill ready to cut; 500 acres standing timber . The planing mill of Scholey Bros., 193 i on eee with mill and lot, more can be Phigh clas Pagans Stacie. acct Toronto, was damaged by for second clears on Boston rate of freight. : ’ ee Say Mills Ont dey haath leaiennsche, Toronto, Ont. °* fire recently to the extent of $5,000. There is still a scarcity of clears. Pee es se : i) : A aA aN FOS I ke, 4 a i eed Se T II MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. There is an improved demand for lum- ber throughout the Northwest, and as a result the mills at the source of supply are quite busy. The cheaper grades are most in demand at present, the heaviest call being for dimension timber. The better grades will be more inquired for as , the buildings get nearer to completion. The new list put into effect on May 1st by the Mountain Lumber Manufacturers’ Association of British Columbia quotes the following prices on cedar for delivery at points in the Territories : .No. 1 clear finish, $45 ; clear squares, 3x3 and 4x4, $47 ; clear squares, 5x5 and- 6x6, $49 ; clear squares, 7x7 and 8x8, $57 ; clear squares, 1ox1o, $62; siding and ceiling, No. 1, $40 ; siding and ceil- ing, No. 2, $30; beveled siding, 1x6, No. 1, $25 ; beveled siding, 14x6, No. 2, $20 ; casing and base, No. 1, $45 ; casing and base, No. 2, $35 ; lath, $4.25. For No. 1 clear pine and tamarac the price is $36 ; No. 1 clear fir and spruce, $32, and No. 2 clear, all kinds, $30. Com- mon boards and dimension range from $13.50 to $20 ; 8 and 10 inch shiplap, $15 to $21 ; No. 1 flooring and siding, $24 to $28 ; No. 2, $19 to $24, and No. 3, $16 eto $22. We understand that a temporary discount of about $1 per thousand off the above prices is being given. One hundred timber-cutting licenses were issued in British Columbia during the month of April, and during the first tour months of this year 28 vessels laden with lumber sailed from Vancouver, Vic- toria and New Westminster. UNITED STATES. There is a very healthy tone to the lumber market of the United States, with southern pine showing the greatest act- ivity and strength. Since the beginning of the year yellow pine values have ad- vanced considerably, but this has caused no curtailment in the demand, and at a meeting of the Price List Committee last week it was decided to further advance the figures on dimension 50 cents a thousand, and some items of ‘No. 2 dimen- sions $1. All flooring except No. 1 com- mon was advanced 50 cents; partition, bevel and drop siding, 50 cents; finish, moulding, casing and base $1, and B and WwoopD . i hte yey 4 she The > |S 0 ty ae, ve CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION , en Lt - - fi ¥ ; u é <* 7 a a ae: reas x + ra , better pickets $2. The greatest advance in proportion to the selling price was made on yellow pine lath, which was increased 50cents. Thestatistics presented showed that the mills are carrying light stocks and that many of them are heavily sold in advance. White pine conditions are favorable, with unusual activity at Buffalo and Tonawanda. A shortage of box lumber is reported from Buffalo, but further west the supply is more plentiful. In the Saginaw Valley there isa good demand for fine common and for all kinds of building material. Hardwoods continue to show firmness in the face of the slight falling off in de- mand in the Chicago districts, due to local labor disturbances. There isa more plentiful supply of elm, but plain oak is as scarce as ever and the demand-for ash is as great as the supply. Maple flooring sells very readily. ; GREAT BRITAIN, The feeling in Great Britain is a little more hopeful but contracts are still being placed withthe utmost conservatism. It is a long time since as small a quantity of pine and spruce lumber has been arranged for at this season of the.year, and present indications point to a considerable short- age in the fall unless importers should enter the-market much more liberally in the near future. The latest transactions in spruce deals to Liverpool on c.' i. f. terms, with the usual 60 per cent. of 3 x 7 and 8 inch, balance wider, were upon the old basis of £7 12s 6d per standard of 1980 feet. The consumption of pine this spring has been somewhat disappointing, proba- bly owing to its high cost, but when the light stocks and probable shipments are considered, there seems little likelihood of prices declining from their present basis. STOCKS AND PRICES. The Parry Sound Lumber Company and the Peter Estate, both of Parry Sound, O t., have received a drive of logs, the first of the season. F. Gelinas, Secretary Department of Public Works, Ottawa, is asking for ten- ders up to Thursday, June 29th, for the supply of British Columbia fir delivered f.o.b, cars at Vancouver or New West- minster not later than the 15th of July of this year, and consigned to J. C. Tache, Resident Engineer, Chicoutimi, Que. The Timber and Mines Branch of the Department of the Interior will receive tenders until noon on Wednesday, June — 14, for a license to cut timber on the fol- lowing berths : No. 1220, situate in the district of Athabaska and comprising 50 square miles, to be selected in the vicinity of the Little Smoky, Sturgeon and Pas- Ka-Mon rivers; No, 1221, 1222 and 1223, comprising 50, 50 and 35 square miles re- spectively, to be selected in the same dis- trict ; No. 1224, situate in the districts of Alberta and Athabaska, comprising 50 Square miles commencing at confluence of Goose and Little Smoky rivers; No 1225 and 1226, comprising 50 and 4: square miles respectively, to be selected in same district as No, 1224. The following rafts and lots have been entered at the Supervisor of Cullers office, Quebec, this season :—Burton & Bro., Garden River, Ont., waney pine and elm; Munro & Coxford, Jocko Lake, Ont., waney and square pine ; N. Flood, Louise Embankment, waney birch ; Thomas Mackie, N.O. Railway, Ont., waney and square pine; W. E. Simpson, Chabot’s Wharf, Levis, waney birch and ash; Fergusson & McFadden, Valleyfield, waney and square pine; Wilson Bros., Hadlow Cove, sundry woods; F. G. Wil- son, New Liverpool Cove, elm, etc. ; Mason, Gordon & Co., Jocko Lake, Ont., waney pine; J. R. Booth, Valleyfield, waney pine; The Calvin Co., Ltd., sun- dry coves, elm, pine, ash, etc. That lumber is being shipped in large quantities from the Georgian Bay dis- trict to Bay City and Saginaw, Mich., is shown by the following report of receipts at these points during the week ending May 13th: The steamer Ogemaw brought 462,625 feet of lumber from Thessalon, Ont. ; the schooner Katie Brainerd 579,- 171 from Cutler, and the C. F. Fillmore 561,492 feet from Cutler, all for E. B. Foss & Co. The steamer Langell Boys arrived with 429,688 for A. C. White from Cutler. The schooner Abram Smith brought 484,889 feet from Cutler for Thomas Jackson & Co. and the J. B. Cumstock brought from the same port and for the same firm 447,000 ft. The Maine brought 178,973 feet of lumber and 176,000 S & SPICER, Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA RHD CHDAR Cepacity 100 Million a Year. _ ’ We have had over 1§ Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. ‘ Wire Your Orders at OUR EXPENSE to Agents; or to us at VANCOUVER, B. C. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING KNIGHT BROTHERS CoO. Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on band and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS _ & & Samples by W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. Manufacturer of Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Red and White Oak,Maple and Elm Lumber. Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak Squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. ARTHUR A. WATT 4 WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, " Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties 5. ..6 - an A. 4% Wa SPECIAL, — 50,000 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm; 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple; 100,000 4/4 M. R Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 _ ce 6/4 Beech. Prices on application Hunter, Grawford & Niebergall LUMBER AND SQUARE TIMBER OF ALL KINDS POSTS, POLES, TIES, LATH AND SHINGLES Bill Stuff a Specialty | WIARTON, ONT. Write Us for Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. ———— M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto, ; EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as pares Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, London, Eng. ‘ 4, A SPLENDID ROUTE. — The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term- ed the “Sportman’s Line” because it reaches into and through the very heart of the choicest hunting grounds in America. The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire North is reached ONLY by thisline. Hundreds _ of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. ; The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and during the various seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- ditions anywhere along its lines upon applica- tion to the nearestticketagent. It alsoarranges. its train service with special reference to tne convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make move over their lines pleasant and comfort- able. This line offers the best route between Chicago, St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minneapolis or to Lake is Superior points via Ashland, Wisconsin, — Information given by addressing— JAS. C. POND, Wis, Cent. R.R. Milwaukee, SHINGLES — 3% Send for Catalogue KNIGHT BROTHERS CO il Burk’s Falls. Planing and _Matching S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices "Phone 113 Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Tradin o = MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Co., Vaucouver, B. C WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH BULMER, M°LENNAN & COMPANY ONTREAL QUE. Office and Yard, 571: DORCHESTER ST. - P.O. Box 116 m rs a eae. ty ee ee 2 hoes . May 24,1905 - ———— 4 . : ‘2 ae DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied 4 an #9 ‘ ‘os a ™ a \e 7 of] « ~~! ¢ i : he A AM ad. , * , te ~ + ae 4 a 2] val a " pieces of lath from Cutler, and J. L. Ket- chum, from Little Current, breught 550,- ooo feet for Booth & Boyd. steamer W.P. Thew with 204,366 feet and the T. G. Lester with 385,506 feet from Penetanguishene are in for A. C. White. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Montreal: Steamer Lake Cham- plain, for Liverpool, 17,039 pcs. deals, by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; 14,539 pcs. deals, by J. Burstall & Co.; 19,311 pes. deals, 2,067 bdls. shouks, 500 bdls. hoops, 3,573 maple blocks, by W. & J. Sharples. Steamer Ottawa, for Liverpvol, 3,190 pcs. boards and deals, 26 logs, by J. Burstall & Co., 8,858 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd; 4,284 pes. deals, by Charlemagne Lumber Co. Steamer Hungarian, for London, 1,195 pcs. lumber, by Grand Trunk Railway; 2,760 bdls. staves, by Canadian Pacific Railway. Steamer Mon- treal, for London and Antwerp, 12,480 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd, 4,237 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples; 526 logs, by McLaurin Bros.; 7,585 bdlis. lumber, 794 bdls. flooring, 1,772 doors, by Canadian Pacific Railway, Steamer Virginian, for London and Newcastle, 2,997 pcs. deals, 213 pes. timber, by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; - 5,415 pes. deals, by McArthur Export Co. Steamer Monmouth, for Bristol, 567 pcs. lumber, by Canadian Pacific Railway; 540 pes. deals, by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; _ 2,605 pes. deals, by Watson & Todd; 11,232 pes. deals, by W. & J. Sharples. Steamer Tritonia, for Glasgow, 5,094 pes. deais, 9rpes. logs, by J. Burstall & Co.; 2,008 pcs. deals, by Charlemagne Lumber Co.; 4,231 pes. lumber, by R. Cox & Co.; The. J. Burstall & Co. _CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill, 34 maple logs, by Canadian Pacific Rail- way. Steamer Kastalia, for Glasgow, 4,941 pes. deals, by J. Burstall & Co.; 14,263 pes. deals by R. Cox & Co.; 60 logs, 8,373 pes. lumber, by W. & J. Sharples; 4,311 pes. deals, by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; 3,421 pcs. lumber, 2,309 pcs. deals, by Grand Trunk Railway. Steamer Corin- thian, for Glasgow, 4,671 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples, 4,900 pcs. boards and deals, by E. H. Lemay; 378 pcs, timber, by McArthur Export Co.; 13 pes. timber, by Canadian Pacific Railway Co. Steamer Jacona, for Leith, 59 logs, 18,784 pcs. deals, by J. Burstall & Co.; 104 pcs. logs, by McArthur Export Co.; 3,100 pes. deals, by R. Cox & Co. Steamer Manchester Trader, for Manchester, 1,681 pes. deals, by McLaurin Bros.; 3,044 pcs. deals, by Charlemagne Co.; 4,424 pcs. deals, by Imperial Lumber Co. ; 6,587 pcs. deals, by Steamer Welshman, for Liverpool, 1,580 pcs. lumber, 2,497 pcs. deals, 432 bdls. splints, 2,700 maple blocks, 139 logs, by Grand Trunk Railway. From St. John, N. B.: Steamer Dahome, for Bermuda, 2,000 lily box shooks, 1,791 sup. ft. spruce plank; by G. & G. Flew- welling Mfg. Co.; 4,500 lily box shooks, by Intercolonial Railway; 10,000 shingles, by J. Roderick & Sons. Steamer Indian- apolis, for Manchester, 1,636,189 ft. deals, 129,657 ft. scantling, 82,180 ft. ends, 11,988 ft. boards. Schooner A. P. Emer- son, for City Island, 111,084 ft. deals, 19,947 ft. scantling, 152,996 ft. plank. Schooner Rebecca Huddell, for City Island, 203,940 ft. deals, 49,015 ft. plank. Schooner Three Sisters, for Vineyard Haven, 1,015pcs. piling. Schooner Sebago for New York, 355,573 ft. plank and scantling. Schooner D. W. B., for Salem, 14,432 ft. boards, 84,603 ft. plank, 29,662 ft. scantling, 21,221 ft. pine boards. Steamer Hestia, for Glasgow, 24,019 spool wood, 6,000 bxs. shooks. Schooner Abbie and Eva Hooper, for City Island, 335,172 ft. deals. From Halifax, N. S.: Steamer St. John City, for London, 295,671 ft. hemlock deals, value $2,775; 87,577 ft. bireh deals, value $1,089; 24,564 ft. spruce deals, value $895, by Furness, Withy_& Co., agents. Schoorer Rhoda, for Panama, 12,000 ft. scantling, value $180; 16,000 ft. pine lumber, value $240, by W. & C. H. Mitchell, agents. Barque Bjarne, for London, 680,076 ft. spruce deals, value $6,800, cleared at Ingram Docks, N. S. Steamer Laurentian, for Glasgow, 28,256 ft. birch deals, value $336; 213,025 ft. spruce deals, value $2,130, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. BARBADOES LUMBER CONDITIONS. According to Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Company’s report of May 6th, no arrival of lumber took place during the fortnight in either white pine or spruce, and while stocks of former are still ample, latter is getting scarce, and a cargo of this should do fairly well if it should arrive in time for present crop requirements. Of shingles they say: ‘‘We have to report the arrival per steamer ‘‘Orinoco’” from Halifax, of 97,000 feet Cedar Laying to our care, for which we obtained $2.12 per M. and 1,800,000 ex schooner ‘‘Evolution” from: same port, have been lotted by con- signees with some difficulty at $2.05. Our market for these is now amply sup- plied, and the next arrivals will probably have to be sold at lower figures. Long Gaspe are in light stock, and although there is not much enquiry for these, we ex- pect the demand will increase with the advent of the rainy season, and first ship- ment if not large, will bring fair prices.” The portable saw mill of McLaughlin Bros., of Mill Cove, N. B., was burned last week. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. m=—SARNIA, ONT. a B. Farwell & Son . CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN , ~ Canadian Gedar Tele- graph, Telephone and Electric Light Poles Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. LUMBER the long run, we stuck to it. COMPANY FOR SALE prep iapally, good Birch and Hemlock Lumber f.o.b. car South River Station, Mills at Midford (Eagle Lake,) Ont. THE ROBB LUMBER CO, LIMITED Guelph, Ont, C.S. POWELL & CO. Lumber Fxporters 604 er ne Bidg., TORONTO and at NEW ORLEANS, LA. H Cash buyers all kinds hardwoods. To Millmen We solicit correspondence. . . THE There is only one way to make and HA M | LTO N tai tf f ; LONG Bee clvcethe géoda Iteets SPECTATOR like smoke at times, but it pays in BUILDING and we are glad - + ++ ONTARIO JAS. LUNNY & CO., HINTONBURG, ONT. ma In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. DOORS - SASH - B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS Herman H. Hettler Lumber Gompany WHITE and NORWAY Manufacturers and ' Wholesalers of . . Shipments by Rail or Boat PINE LUMBER LATH and SHINGLES ‘MIDLAND, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LIMITED SAW AND. PLANING, MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo, ’ Registered Cable Address; “ Pinesvood,?”: BRANCH OFF Ick, MANCHESTER, ENG. ‘Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. American J~imberman’) Telecode. CBVVOSVSVSSCEVTETVSSTS OVS 8EEESSSSTU884O89 R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. Kent, Sec’y. R. S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. CRVVSVCSSVSSSVVSVOVSVVVEVTVSVTVSES .0B40O8 J. D. SHIER LOMBER CO., “LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Flooring» and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY THE GHARLENAGNE & LAG OUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED, 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete In Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Iumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. j. R. EATON’ - Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. SAWN AND DRESSED LUMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations, Shipments by rail or water. CACHE BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., ee ta fa. ne of RED ae WHITE PINE Band Teey peter | CACH ma a ae Ont. : 26 miles West North Bay Ee = BO Bi UMBER anD. LATH Orillia, Ont. Iv. CANADA LUNBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION _ dele ete ge E. H. HEAP S & CO., | ae “a B. ta Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AAi HIGH GRADE Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, a Doupiae Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Balusters, etc. W. J. SHEPPARD fey tat yd Waubaushene, Pacific Coast Lumber Co. LIMITED VANGOUVER, BG. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, ‘Mouldings, 1 Turned Work, Ete, , High Grade Red Cedar esa = Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, cus D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. The Rat Portage Lumber a Lida White and Red Pine Lumber; Lath, Shingles, Sash, : Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office : Manufacturers _ of *® ee BR RK Dealers in Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. — THOS. KIRKPATRICK, MANUFACTURER OF RedCedar Shingles Mills at Hastings and New Westminster Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Telephone B 1425 Ontario Representative: W. J. SMITH, Fergus. Export Lumber & Shingle Co. Wholesale Dealers Limited British Columbia Lumber and Shingles The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles i in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market rices. 3 Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. : YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Fee Block, 570 Granville Street, Rooms 3 and 4, Third Floor Dally Capacity, 250,000 VANCOUVER - BRITISH COLUMBIA | WM. ROBERTSON, Silesdumey: CEDAR SHINGLES. ‘ G. scorr, Jr nc eer os poe Mail Building, TORONTO J. E. oe Cashier RAT PORTAGE, Ontario , =~ Tamarac and Spruce Lumber FOR High Grade 4 Cedar Hazelmere Lumber Co. _ HAZELMERE, B.C. , FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER CLEAR CEDAR AND FLOORING Our Specialty. Vancouver Cedar Mills VANGOUVBR. | B.C. J. D. eee al ay 4 eee + Long Distance Telephone. 'C. WELLS = 4 PALLISER, B. cs » +e) 2) CFaha da faicmerate eof 3 3 3 onl High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar q and Lumber of all Descriptions. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION aga ater Sree ae) _______ CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT, We make a Se ctatsy of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem-. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER co. lock, and solicit your enquiries. DELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER 60., | —auc=m Se WHOLESALE PL A Ep AT W7 White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles Manufacturers es ON HITE | Steskin gt { Colliogrood = Fowassan Cartier’ callander LUMBER + LATH » SHINGLES » Ontario Midland Whitney Sturgeon Falls North Bay f TORONTO OFFICE : Room §03 Manning Chambers. perce, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries SEA aE ae EUPRUSS a MIDLAND, ONT 18 Toronto Street, Toronto _ FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, + SE ca ee ee cere Se bere A P.WAIGE see Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joistir JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED g Weh 1 ec ny ee, Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath e have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. PEMBROKE ONT, ee RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea| ' GET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. PINE LUMBER Cc O MPANY BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) PINE, ONT. . - Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. | ’ P PENETANCUISHENE ; == and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch F. MCCGIBBON & SONS, ONT. Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. Roem ape oe } JAMES J. MURPHY, °° sie QUEBEC Mi AITL AND, RIXON & F OWEN SOUND, , ONTARIO, . he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF Manvfacturets and Dealers : _Lumber Co. | White and Red Pine |." LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. MILLS at t SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Codar. and Hemlock Bill Stuff. eeeien Arcade, Toronto x | Lumber and Lath © e ship by C. P. R., G. T.R., and by Water 3 ormens a oy Building, Montreal Water Shipments : {eles Lumber Co., timitea i M. BREANEN & SOAS MAKUFAGTORING CO, LNITED LUMBER “ LAGA Saw Mills at Planing Mill and Head Office: eee al oe ater: gic ahi Bye oe HARDWOOD FLOORING Ena Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled THE NIPISSINC LUMBER COMPANY, Limireo wa rt A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price ae ee NINE RIVER, Catario, THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limitea _ Basie ia if hed ot LUMBER AND L ATH 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. See earnest” THE MENZ LUMBER GOMPANY A AUGER & SON i Quebec }: . BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND PULP WOOD AND TIES j CEDAR LUMBeR, RED CEDAR SHINGLES Bought at Any Station. We Solicit Your I . BO ase ye eee acnsion Timber, Sawn fo Sizes, Telegraph Poles and * Sr FOSS, Meneger. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man z g A. F. BURY AUSTIN | woresals PUR b AUST Mormon CEDAR LUMBER ANDPOLESFOR SALE % of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA fee ietig Bee ae ee ee oS _ RAINY LAKE, Ontario. ois Saag Ontario. ALTIES: Railway Priage Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White 3 Pine, Dimension Timber honed bk Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft a4 . sp ood, tn a ough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; ; Birch Flooring, Correspondence Solicited. Eastern Agent “a The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. x. : OWEN SOUND cde Tan ieee Taro aewettarone AT SS KIN DLAY, ONT. WRITE VOR PARTICULARS ANB QUOTATIONS. * ‘ 7 » . YEN Ree sigs ; ‘ j . Nah GS ae yi taleg, Wek Senne ie TT en ee Ieee eee Pet See rum ah Pf. VI. CANADA LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION “May. 24, 1905 NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of THE CANADA LUMBERMAN,) St. Joun, N.B., May 16th, 1905.—The lumber trade in all its branches is very brisk just now in this vicinity. The mills are all sawing at full capacity and halfa dozen tramp steamers are being loaded with deals exclusively for the United Kingdom. These cargoes are made up chiefly of deals from points outside the city, there having been no quantity of importance offering by any of the local manufacturers since the cleaning up of the 1904 stock, which was practically all disposed of and shipped a month ago, and the mills not having been running for a sufficient length of time as yet to produce any quantity large enough for immediate shipment, This scarcity of ‘‘English’” stock, to- gether with the advices being received from the U.K. of prices that are at least holding their own and an increasing de- mand, is very encouraging to the local dealers, and the result is at once apparent in a lack of anxiety to sell and a cor- responding firmness in local prices for summer and fall deliveries. Whether the prices quoted are in excess of what the situation warrants is of course a question that only future developments can answer, but on all sides there seems to be a con- fidence that the expectations of those who are making these quotations will be tully realized. At this date a specification containing say 50 per cent. 7’s and 8's, 4o per cent. g's, and 1o per cent. wides, for delivery during the next three months, can not be bought at this date f.o.b. steamer St. John less than from $12.75 to $13.25 per M. s. ft., 24 price for fourths and ends, Freight rates to the West Coast are quoted as 35s. per standard, with little prospect of an immediate change. The conditions for stream driving on the New Brunswick rivers have improved somewhat since last writing, owing chiefly to a considerable fall of rain. On the Miramichi and Restigouche the much greater portion of the drives are already in safe water. On the Upper St. John, while the rains have improved the sit- uation considerably, conditions are not such but that a great deal of anxiety ex- ists as to the ultimate outcome. In this direction rain,is needed badly and im- mediately, and unless it comes the hang- up it is feared will be very heavy. The river is again at a standstill and must begin to fall off again very soon unless the rain is forthcoming. The bank logs and those in the larger streams are com- paratively safe, but those in the small branches of the up-river estuaries (and they total up to an immense quantity) are by no means to be depended upon. Of course, at this date it is impossible to give any exact figures as to the quantity involved nor will. it be posisble to do so~ for several weeks yet. THE ONTARIO LOG DRIVES. A correspondent writes the CANADA LUMBERMAN as follows : ‘‘The recent rains have furnished all of the lumbermen, as far as the writer is aware, with ample water to get their logs down, and it is my opinion that there will be very few logs hung up, if any, as within the last week the Vermillion and Spanish Rivers have risen from 3 to 4 feet, which makes ample water for these streams.” Pees eee ow ine ae! ‘ini WNP ~> Ss BSS eee —, SAS ASENAS NSENAS =a WE'LL TREAT YOU RIGHT That’s what you want, of course — SESS aw SS aS Le VS And that is why we are expecting an S SESS SSS SS =e order from you for some of that fine stock ot SPRUCE LUMBER which you have heard so much about. SS ws It is good stuff, and we will give you good service and fill your order promptly. SSNS he Red Deer. Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN. ee: SSTAQISSvasasraess — ) DimeSeSe y I f — UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS _ YQU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL ; WIRE OR ‘PHONE “~ McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry 1n Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM. HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK. POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickorv and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY. TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Frank in St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspo ‘e: ce invited on All Hardwoods. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HABBERLE LUMBBR GO. Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. , Telephone No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. Nene ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YE: LOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. (oe = Sawed and Sliced Quartered ; Oak a Specialty hb Veneer Ss Correspondence Solicited. e.e.e.g BURY & NOBLE wssov a. son: LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. FRANK CG, BURY WHOLESALE MICHICAN oS SSSI - ! . bs CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE PRODUCTION OF TIES. ; ‘It is estimated that over 1,000,000 ties were cut in the Rat Portage district dur- ing the past winter, the price realized by the contractors being about 25 cents per tie. D. L. Mather, who is one of the largest contractors, expects to deliver his summer his full cut of 435,000 ties, of ‘which 380,000 are for himself and 55,000 for Murphy Bros. The Rat Portage | ‘and Joseph Derry took out 60,000 at B indfold Lake for the C. P. R. The Mackey Syndicate were also cutting on oa tae c _ total of 120,000 ties. mber Company have cut about 300,000, the lake during the winter and report a J. W. Short had a very good winter. He expects to deliver at Norman and Keewatin 125,000 ties— tamarac and jackpine. This cut was ‘ made on the Lake of the Woods. PURCHASED B.C LUMBER. Mr. W. H. Cushing, president of the Cushing Bros. Company, of Calgary, visited British Columbia recently in the interests of his firm and purchased some large quantities of lumber. He placed a large order for No. 1 and 2 cedar with PARNWORTH & JARDINE ' [Wood Brokers and Measures “Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. a Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, tee F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - é IMPORTER OF eer erea ZEBRA CODE _ Cable Address : * GELLICHT,” LONDON A. B, C, CODE CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood 1 gents and Brokers GLASGOW, SOOTLAND = WwooD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B. C., Ar, “Zebra” and Private. So for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Shipments handled to the best advantage to all Seeespments handled to the best’advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Louis BAMBERGER, Ete. Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. ee Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract ror Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOAEDS DIRECTORY CODE 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England Vil. the Red Cedar Lumber Company, of Vancouver. Speaking of the prospect in lumber in the Northwest, Mr. Cushing stated that thedemand, while fairly good, was not nearly equal at present to the supply from British Columbia, In many parts of the Northwest there is sufficient lumber of certain kinds, mostly spruce, to meet the local demand for several years to come. This is especially true ‘around Prince Albert. The season so far, in some parts of the Northwest, has been somewhat dry, causing a feeling that there is going to be a drought this sum- mer, and this has a tendency to discour- age the plentiful consumption of lumber, as the settlers are, afraid to spend their money under the circumstances. As previously announced, Messrs. Hunter, Crawford & Neibergall have purchased the lumber property of Robert Watt, Wiarton, Ont. They will continue the business in the same progressive manner as the late owner, and will al- ways bein a position to supply lumber and square timber, lath, shingles, ties, posts, etc. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS SMITH & TYRER - 4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiITH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address; “‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. Ax and A B C Codes used. ° BROKERS \Every lumberman wants. it 55 cents buys it Sorlbner's LUMDEF « L00 Book BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION Address : THE CANADA LUMBFRMAN, Toronto CABLES, DOORCHEEK LONDON ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. and all kinds of ready made joinery. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. i. mber Importers .NCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Iumbermen for . uce Deais and Battens, Spruce and Pine Bloorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, dles, Chair stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. iq legraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- $ Seats, Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, LONDON STORES: AVERS Locke’s Wharf, Edmonton, N. OFFICES: 158, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C. ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘Shooks,”’ Hull. Codes—A. B. C. 4th Edition and Zebra. dUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. ~~ Manufacturers and Importers of JOINERY BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. . ° . ALSO .. All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS UYERS O Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Staves and Heading, Handles of ail descriptions Veneers A Specialty BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW SH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST 1IPPING DOCUMENTS ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS aig 2, Gane LIVERPOOL ’ Liverpool and London Chambers - CABI,K ADDRESS ‘ DOBLis THOMPSON, BLOIS & KJELLCREN——— ALL KINDS OF LUMBBR AND LOGS. HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. BRANCH OFFICE Brook {, HAMBURG VItt. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE ONTARIO LUM BER 09s sare Mitts: North Bay. C.P.R, and &. T.R. Delivery. MILLs: 35 and 36 Home Life Building MANUFACTURERS French River, Georgian nf Water Shipment Only. WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. TORONTO, Ont. 5 It OUP Wish To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY t © An Advertisement in the And ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the ‘Wanted’’ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Terento CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller as the case may be. Address. Tle Canada Lumberman, THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER 60. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS HaRDWoOOD Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard We solicit consignments of long Cleveland,O. McMinnville, Tenn, and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. - : = . ADDRESS: CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. R , ‘Room 5'o: = BOSTON, MASS. Offie2s: GURRENT LUMBER PRICES. WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 2x4 to 10 in.,1 to16ft. 15 00 16 00 1 inch No. 1 Pine cuts & becter...... $47 $49 00 | 2x4'to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 1% to2 inch No. 1 Clear inch B. C. cedar, cuts and better.. 50 00 5200] kilndried ....,...... 50 00 1% &z2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C, cedar cuts and better.... 42 00 44 00 air dried boat lumber 55 00 I~ to 2 inch No, 3 Douglas fir dimension cuts and better.... 37 00 38 00 timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 1in Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension and better shorts 2400 2600| timber, ,0 to 35 feet 3I 00 1x4, 6and8common 18 co 19 00/1% in. No. 1 4 ft. Pine 1X 10 ccmmon...... Ig 50 20 00 TAG io we o's 50 3 60 IX 1Izcommon...... 21 00 22 00 ain, No. 2 4 ft. Lath 3 00 3 10 Ix © common...... 20 00 21 00] 1%” No.1 32” pine lath I 70 1XIO_ common...... 2100 22 ov|\ 1%” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 2 80 and 3xr2 common. 22 00 23 00 XXXX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 1xiu inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 2 20 common .......... 20 00 2: co} X Pine Shingles .. I 00 Inch mill run sidings 2. 00 22 00|/ XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 30 ri... mill run. - 20 00 21 0o B, C. Shingles | 1x10 in ‘12 “ill cull: 15 90 17 00| XXX 6 butts to2 in. 2 90 I ee mill cu'l Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 10 Ca eee eee eee ie 14 50 16 00| XXXXX 5to2in.. 345 Tin, aca cull sidings 12 00 13 00] XX No. 2, 6 to2 in.. 2 40 1% inch Flooring .. 23 00 25 00| XX “ 6to 23-16in, Hemlock,1x4 to 8in, 1459 15 5,| XK ‘“ 5toain... 270 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Asn Wh cc, 1 to2 in Elm, rock, mill ye SEM oP ole iain's rto 14%"24 00 26 00 ists Bag @0d8.\.. 008 $33 00 $35 20 Elm rock,mill As, black, rsts and Tne 1%" 3.. 29 00 30'00 znd, to 1 in.. .. 27 00 29 00 | Hickory, rsts Bi ‘ch M.R. »rin. - 21 00 2300] and 2nds..1¥%“' 2.. 36 00 38 00 1% § 2.. 2300 25 00} Maple 1” mill ““ “sqrs. 4x4 ‘' 8x8 32 00 36 00 Midd otect sree 1 1% 2000 21 00 Basswood, Common Maple, sts and better x to sim 25 00 26 00 and 2nds.. 2 ‘' 4.. 24 00 26 oc Basewood, 1% ito2.. 26 28 oo | Oak;red, p’n, t 1% 2400 2600 ists & ands 2 ‘' 4.. 44 00 4600 Pears: san Oak, white, and 2nds.. 1 ‘* 1% 55 00 6000 ists &2nds1 '' 1% 4200 44 00 Cherry, sts Oak, white, andands..2 ‘‘ 4.. 60 00 7300 ists & ands 2 ‘ 4.. 45 00 50 00 Bim, soft, gall Oak, quart’d, pices 1% 24 00 26 00 ists&ends ‘' 2.. 7000 8) 00 Elm. ,soft, = Walnut, rsts Taf. S a * 3.2185 00 27 oo and z2nds.. x ‘* 3.. 85 00 100900 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 35 45 First class Ottawa waney, x8 inch average, according to lineal.. 60 62 tg to20inchaverage ‘ ay Ow 65 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and pany aifibaw a'e-oiavelalalorwiitaa ar a8 Shivping order ied’ aie vn ohana Sie AO OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . . 50 = 56 ELM. ° By the dram, according to" average and quality 40to4sfeet. 6; 75 30 to 35 fet. 52 54 ASH, to inches and up, et toon to bai and ing : tna 26 ee ROO MIC. vie . . oi te 30 BIRCH. 14 Inch = < WO. 4 Aa 56" ey iS eke wn 6 oe aS te ot Werks. Wels y Civuae ) SO SF ey sf Eee) Brett Geer a ee Pi ee.) 31 meant Mer wage ay aes Pr a a2)? lag OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, god sidings: 1x12 No. 1 barn.. 21 00 1 in x8 in. and ed 39 90 4200] rtx10No. 2 =i 19 00 Min x 1% io. tx8 & 9 No.1 barn. Ace 19 00 8 in. and up. . i, eee 54 00 1x8 & qg No.2 17 00 2 in, x8 in. and up $2 00 56 00| Pine Shorts 6’ to 11”x8/ 15 00 We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots McLennan Timber Land and. Lumber GO., cimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Pie good strips : Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. Li MURS ee Seess 3.co 3600 % in. andr in... - 36 00 38 00 2) Aor sin staernien 38 00 40 00 Pine, Bape shorts: R/U, ore pielicale tee 25 00 28 00 Yi in. and 141 in. . +» 28 00 35 00 a OS Fetes 34 38 00 Pine, No. t dressing siding. per M feet, Diem, 2.86.2 - 2000 325 00 Pine, No. x dressing Strips...... seeee +. 18 00 24 00 Pine No. dressing shorts ...... .... +. 16 00 Pine, tos c¢ and bet- ter stock, 12’ to 16’ 20 00 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- ter stock, 12 to16. 17 00 20 00 22 00 19 00 EO. G. GLADMA Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling E have Three Millions of Hem- lock, running in lengths from 10 to 24 feet. which we are pre- pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 feet or over. PARRY.SOUND, ONT. pak aa my WHITE PINE AND ‘HEMLOCK LUM LATH AND SHINGLES sm Conresronpe? HE WOODSTOCK LUMB & MANUFACTURING Dealers in Pine, Hemloc d and Hardwood miner mm WOODSTOCK, ONT eF =Mete ory HBERT GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY CANADA BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPER AND SELECTS. Upoacs 1 in., 10 in, and up Wide). site ueiolcjeceisiccts $75 00 1% 1% and2 fine. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, P Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension | WIARTON, OWT. THE NEW LINE A. J. GORRIE, ‘(Pine shorts 6/ to 11’x10” 16 00 Pine, 8 ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 00 Pine s. c. strips...... 13 00 15 00 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 12 00 14 00 Pine, box boards.... 00. 14 50 Pine mill culls..... 13.00 14 00 Lath, per M No.1 white pine..; 240 2 60 No. 2 white pine: .. 200 2 25 Spruce, millrun..... 29 215 Red Pine, millrun.. 200 2 15 Pine Shingles xxxx, 18 inch....... - 300 325 Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 xk 18 inch........... 140 1 60 Cedar Shingles XXX. 28 Inch... <.. = spcleicie Me dete Seeds OS OO - 52 00| rin., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 50 00 6 in. wide.. 60 00 oe ail 0o in., € in. wide..........04+ 5 00 SELECTED NO. 1 SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. «+++ 35 00] 2 in., 4,5, 6in. wide........ BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. Nos ty) 12) trials secitaeiet neler go 00 Hey) Re breyoacmoele sesseee 25 00 gin sseese Decne caer eseee 24 05 8 and 7 in.. Matainiclirayela'telaiaiaiars 25 00 ING. 2yidailithertetan e'c:olmatciere)s hese 25 00 RON eliaraesleliaiten sais aee +» 22 00 No. 2,9 in....... aiee Tecee yr ctee Ol Shelving boards, 1a-in. up .. 35 Dressing boards, narrow.... tx1g inch shippers......—. a SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. tin., 4and 5 in, wide.... ..$16 00 | x in., 13 in. and up wide.....$r7 00 1 in. 63 Ws WIKE Ween cnccoas 17 co rth and 2 in., 7 in. and 1 in., 7 in. wide and up...... 17 00 up wide..... tis vedieckie a eLGNGO SHAKY CLEAR, 1in., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. v ide 32 00 | x in., 10 in. and up wide..... 34 00 I in., 6 in. an Seb iin iealaieiats - 33 00] 1%, 1% and 8 in, ‘and up WAGE). ih cisciebs-snetuiahs agence SHINGLES, 18-IN. Pine, XXXX........ seveeees 4 28 | Cedar, = 1Bdnw2s,.- .. 3/50 Clear Rutts..... 2... 3 00 Clear Rutts. é tive Wen ededa coe a 2 SO LATH. No.1 White Pine... 4 00 | No. 2 White Pine ........ ++. 3 40 ermtlaced i... sequences «++. 3 00 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. ... -....... 83 85 | 1x12 ion shippers ........ -$ 24 PG, ates snes a etanaiae 83 85 | 4/4 inch fy 13” & BR: 25 By RACOsAiREDS vcaruiel wth mate Anta nila ais 78 80} 4/4 Box boards 6” and up.. 19 20 inch uppers ..........-. . 88 90 | zo-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Scleces, 24 in up,.......: 77 82] x2-in, dressing ani better... 4° 42 RHODRI teeta alc eisai sie 79 #73 | Box, 1€ro-in. .............. 21 Fine common, 23 in. and up 72 75 ea 1x12. monica eae eae 21 L tO Dit. cy cece cave ccecciar 58 60 No. t barn, Patel gaa hbk, 2 29 30 No, 1 cuts, 1 to2 inch...... 53 55 EXIO 2406 ee eeeeeeeeeeeens 25 26 Noi gaccace. Seosntisoaseicn 35 45 YRS nice Oe her ch ae as 25 Nosgeeruee entrienaaenorts 30 35 | No. 2 barn, rxz.....°..... 26 7 No. x molding, 1 tozin..... 48 50 AXIO, ssc eeeecerseseseres 23 24 No. z molding, 1 to2in..... 35 8 IXB. |. sc cecccccsccsctance 22 28 Stained saps............0-- 33 40 Shaky clear, x to 6/4in...... 32 «38 Bracket plank ......++ «+++ S ; BANCH Sc ccs) 4° 25 35 Sand 7 in...scccoeeseas 10 Elaine giv alejeraeteaa toaeeen WYSKG. Sete, csteetaterstae INE ww seeencvesecees 26 % Common ..........se000 ° +++ 22 00 No. 3, RAN. fede ade wiles aoe Through the Spruce Fore Spruce Forests of the Laue Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkes Water-Powers, TIMBER Limits AND E: Power FOR SALE. IDEAL PuLP-MILL Sires, Unexcelled Export Facilities at pages ~ MONTREAL General Supt. " LATH; Sree Pine’. « Werinns, a0) -axnis sees 50 | Sprucés.... seecwerees |" SHINGLES. . : Sawed Bigs ex. XXxx..$4 4 $4 75 pa butts, 6x18 seo85 2 a5 4 Clear bitts.......... 3 75 SmooiH G2x8...-4>. 4 io an Sprice....sicncisnaae) BUFFALO, AND TONAWANDA, NY. WHITE PINE. _ (Wholesale ried price.) Uppers, 1,14, 1% and 2 pe eaeeccescnse ALi» ate Seah ke oe 00 Shelvin , No. 1, 13 in. 2% and 3 in....... ce N and apt ss . a5 eRe tte (old st’ps x sgt 1 Ba ie & 00 pena Ee I 2in.. cates oulding Strips, and 3 in....... Boe No. 3 i ainste> “., MIL WWersl dal ote ieee 5 00 Hera, Wt. 2, sae ee Fine common, 1 in. $500] 6, Band roin...... 1% ze m3 in..... 56 00] No. 2, 10in..,. 58 00} No.2, 12in.... 73 00| No. 3, roin.... 75 00] No. 3, r2in........ 38 00) Box, 1X4.....0000. 05 §0 00} xrx6&up........ 25 00 TX 10 weeewe encess 36 00 TEIZ wn cnce cvcees 25 00 1x13 and up...... 27 00 cit 1% & 2in.. ~ 36 co} Mi oe 1,14, 1% 42 00 Od. BMD siessmcle Te Pees aacts ance 36 00 The following quotations on eee | represent the jobber’ price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; WHITE ASH. , tO 4 iM. eee eee 43 20 45 Sain 2200 740 ani ossenae 16 00 9g ist & and, x inch, to 2in +. 39.00 4I 00 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. Ist & ana, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00 | Com. & “good culls... 1§ 00 7 oo BIRCH, ist & and, 6 io=h & rst &and, white, ¢’ &up, 24 co MD PRED jciccaan ines 36 00 38 00 | Com. & good culls..... 13 00 ELM. a 28 00 | rst & 2d, soft, 6in & 17 00 Common and culls. MAPLE. 1st & 2nd hard...... a1 -0 23 08 ist and woe +. 19 00 Common and culls— 1300 14 oo | Comman and culls... nn oo st & 2d,rock,6in &up-6 oo Common and culls... 15 50 ‘ BOSTON, MASS. White Pine be egg Bat waleaele ease. ete see Selects, 1 to 2 ves vague ceeccson seceeseetence 68, Fine Common, 1inch,.......65 cceseeeetneeeenees 134 to.2 inch) cei .ccos aeueune omeee - 7S Noir Cute, 0 inelt ¢. cc. oc aescess orb eccenacn nena 1 toa inch...... Selswed a vae ah ages en No. 2 Cuts, eiteh. vssjes assy pan (oss <'cu apne enna ER 00.2 INCH. icing Wee e oe cance cece neeeenan Hein Baeeee ee of cemivaits = ; as F) ie Vow. XIIT ¥ + . - al 2 _ in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. 1 ws WEEKLY AND WOOD WORKER EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 raves} $1.00 Per year {The Lumberman Week!" Edition every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL — MAY 31, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER. (CANADA LUMBERMAY. The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 33 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. ad "536 HastiNnes S7., Suir 3, VANCOUVER, B. C, 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, LONDON, F.C. ‘ne Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the ncipal manufacturing districts and leading rate and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber ucts at home andabroad. _ The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE -will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of a5 percent, will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is — vertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in _ the current week’s issue Jae COLUMBIA SHINGLES WANTED atonce. P. O. Box 213, Almonte, Ont. \ ANTED—3” TAMARAC 14’ AND 16/ LONG, 1”, 1%" and 2” Wormy Chestnut. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. ; | Linge aaacers WOOD WANTED—PEELED basswood or clear spruce. RANKIN AND ‘Co., Dundas sfreet, Toronto. Telephone. a SALE—ONE MILLION FEET BIRCH [' lumber, 100,000 feet Winter cut Basswood, a quantity of Beech, Maple, Black Ash, and Elm. oy ma THe HaRCOURT LUMBER CO., Har- court, Ontario. FOR SALE. a Pry CARS OF BRITISH COLUMBIA shingles,some nowon way. F.McGIBBON & Sons, Sarnia, Ont. a WANTED =P wo. FIRST CLASS BAND SAWYERS . (right and left) for up-to-date mill, THz RAT PoRTAGE LUMBER Co., LIMITED, Kenora, FOR SHLE—FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT ¥ 300M ft. winter cut Basswood 1”, aoa, *“ = * B. Ash, 1” and 2”. S. Elm, 1”. H. Maple, 1”. Red Birch,-1", 2”, 4’, and Squares. Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. CEDAR FOR SALE o “ Lad Yoo “ & vy “ “oe “ 3” and ‘ = « ° 3 a] : fro® IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT: * i? : 2cars 7.x 7 2cars 8X 8 lear 9X 9g icar 10 X lo OTTawsa LUMBER Co’y, Ottawa, Very dry. Ont. OR SALE—1’ to 3’ DRY MAPLE LUMBER. Special price made on 2”. J. S. GOLDIF, Cadillac, Mich. WAR EED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrumcoE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, ges FILER SEEKS POSITION IN WOOD- WORKING Factory ; can run and repair machinery, references. Apply Box No. 217, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WV TANTED—A BUSH FOREMAN,ONE WHO understands logging hardwood, hemlock andcedar. Apply stating experience, etc., to Box 215, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE IMBER LIMITS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA ; good locations. Address Box 218, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED TO PURCHASE. 50M ft. of 1’ Hemlock, No. tr. 50M ft. of 1” Hemlock, No. 2. Must be in shipping condition, and trimmed. THE PATTERSON TILLEY Co., Hamilton, Ont. WANTED AT SOUTH RIVER. yas EXPERIENCED SHIPPER WHO UN- derstands the English export grades. Ap- ply, THE TURNER LUMBER Co., LIMITED, Mid- Say MILI, IN VANCOUVER, ANNUAL turnover fifty thousand dollars, for sale; price twenty six thousand; terms can be ar- ranged and fullest particulars given by THE LocaTors, of Winnipeg, Manitoba. AW MILL AND TIMBER LIMIT IN Manitoba for sale, pire, ara turn- over of $25,000. Price of Saw Mill, $2,500, in four payments ; limit 2c0,000 cords, $10,000, $5.0co cash, balance easy ; teams, horses, sleighs, etc. THE LOcAToRS, 62 and 63 Mer- chants Bank Building, Winnipeg, Manitoba. Fears LIMIT FOR SALE IN BRITISH Columbia, eight square miles. fifty per cent. cedar, 25 per cent. firand pine and 25 per cent. spruce. Limit situated on Columbia River with a frontage of ten miles; one hundred and twenty five/million feet. Level ground. Full- est particulars on application to THE LocaTors, Winnipeg, Manitoba. bbe SALE. — SAW MILL, MACHINERY, nearly new, capacity 15,000 ft., loo M feet hardwood logs, 300 M feet hemlock logs, three million feet hemlock and hardwood timber, 1,000 cords bark, 30.000 cords wood, complete logging outfit, quantity shingle bolts at mill and in bush. Nodues. Close to G.T.R_ Good tim- ber locality. Reason for selling, failing health. For price and terms apply to Box 194, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. me CANADIAN GENTLEMAN HAVING considerable experience in British methods and centres who intends sailing for Liverpool early in May would be pleased to represent a few Canadian firms in manufacturing or any mercantile or confidential capacity in the chief cities of Great Britain. All correspondence strictly confidential. Address B. F. P, care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, 38 Alliance Building, Montreal, FOR SALE Pe SAWMIIL IN MUSKOKA, capacity 10 thousand feet per day, near G. TR. Onlake 2% miles long. About 500,000 ft. Hemlock logs ; 00,000 ft. Birch logs now at mill ready to cut; 500 acres standing timber with mill and lot, more can be bought cheap. Terms easy to right man. Apply first’to Box a4, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. OR SALE—A QUANTITY OF HEMLOCK and pinelumber. Write for prices. THE M. BEATTY Co., LIMITED, Parry Sound, Ont. ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP V WOOD Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which is bound to interest you. iS UMBERMEN—YOUNG MAN WITH GOOD business and mechanical training from stump to lumber pile wants position. Will take junior place if ability ensures steady work and promotion, Address Box 220, c/o CANADA I,uM- BERMAN, For SALE—150,000 FT. BEECH, 500,000 i ft. hemlock. Can be cut to order. 200,000 ft. 1”, 6/4”, 8/4” and 3” soft elm, 2¢0,000 ft. bass- wood, 20,00¢ ft. 4 X 4 cedar, 10 cars "K.X.X. ce- dar shingles. Rail or water shipments. PED- WELL & LEMCKE, Lions Head, Ont. SITUATION WANTED OUNG MAN EXPERIENCED IN THE English Timber Trade and West African Mahogany Trade, desires engagement. Apply Box 216, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. SITUATION WANTED OUNG LADY, EXPERIENCED IN TYPE- WRITING and Shorthand, desires engage- ment. Apply Box 217, CANADA LUMBEBMAN, Toronto, Ont. CEDAR FOR SALE 10,000 PIECES ROUND CEDAR, 8-16 AND 25 feet long, on the Vermillion river. Can be de- livered at Spanish boom. Also Cedar, Pine and Spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood on C.P.R. JamMEsS McCREARY. WANTED. OSITIONS AS MANAGER, ASSISTANT manager, bookkeeper or shipper, by two young men of ability and experience in lumber business. Good opening with Western or Pa- cific Coast concern preferred, and more of an ob- ject than large salary to start. AddressC. & H., c/o CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, FOR SALE---WHITE PINE CAR 1x12 AND UP, NO. 1, 2 AND 3 COM- I MON, 80% 13’ and up, Icar Basswood, all bone dry. JoHN M. SHaw, Forest, Ont. FOR SALE 1’ and 1%” 1904 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. 1’ 19¢4 winter cut, mill run, rough edged, Hard Maple. 1” 1905 winter cut, trimmed, all pure White Hard Maple 1”, 1%” and 2” 1905 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Write for lists and prices. son Co., Teeswater, Ont. The W. R. THomp- qe ER FOR SALE:-FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT Bone dry stock, one year and over cut and piled. 50,000 ft. 1” Soft Maple. 52,000 ft. 2”, 3” and 4" Soft Maple. 75,000 ft, 1%” and 2” Hard Maple. 42,000 ft. 1” Basswood. } 33,000 ft. 1/ Sycamore, (plain cut.) 32,000 ft, 1” and 2” Soft Elm. 8,000 ft. 1/ and 2” Beech. 13,000 ft. 1%/, 1%” and 2” Birch, For prices and description apply to LONDON LUMBER CO. London, Ont. PROVINCE OF QUEBEc. Department. of Lands, Mines and Fisheries. WOODS AND FORESTS. Quebec, 13th May, 1905. Notice is hereby given that, conformably to sections 1334, 1335 and 1336 of the consolidated statutes of the province of Quebec, the timber limits hereinafter mentioned, at their estimated area, more or less, and in their present state, will be offered for sale at public auction, in the Department of Lands, Mines and Fisheries, in this city, on THURSDAY, 22nd day of JUNE next, at TEN o’clock A.M. UPPER OTTAWA. Area Square Miles, Bloc A. Brad TANGE; IT. 625 os cence cine: wens diate thn 3 50 4th range, ro to 14, each......--22005 om lf ib TH: (NOnt HANES cepa anise ce one ae 25 ze 16, OOULH Me Ee aye ciciats' ass en bisl einen 25 ° 17 tO.19, CACh). ceed ees ease set 50 us 20S NOrth Malt, cc. ccusn aie se. 24% Oa 20, South half..... fone Otel aera 27% Sth range, 17't0.23, each’ ses. s5) 49 “os ' RD Parco es cine/a mln ie 41% = P. ee pig aE NEA Se ee 5, oo 3 ‘ Bik ngiee tacicwe mane saa 1 Township Dablon, ranges 2and 3.....-... ae Township Ross, No. [..........-.--++ a 35 { se Notas: 2nsi.¢ 15% River Oulatchouaniche, No, 1 ..,...-....+ > Oe LAKE SAINT JEAN EAST. } Township Kenogami, No. 2. .-..00+easence 1% - eel A II CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION aren Pee ie May 311905 oe /. hes , eee SAGUENAY. River Malbale sta... ...ccieccctie ane a IER a in wiulois)s oiscoluipraiys coaetele <.clae ice RIMOUSKI EAST. River Cap-Chat, 1 = Rae ‘ gor River Matane, A GRANVILLE. Township Parke, No. 4........¢.cccceccecce 4% GASPE WEST. River Salnte ASIC. OS inten ae 48 Bniachisheliatawe so nhws) 43% GASPE EAST. Grand \River-Pabos sh oc core ee 39 GASPE CENTRE. Sydenham West ois occc ec tacees Socenn 20 REWER, WORK. Al tea ctrie oaciclcels Ganson cee Me Ri erasers ably sale ahialpe-c hoc araees re Mow ictgs rte.» oa OEP e030 sik os “ee D Be E... oe F. “ Gc. “ H . z ae J CONDITIONS OF SALE. No limit will be adjudged at less than the minimum price fixed by the department. The limits will be adjudged to the highest bidder on payment of the purchase price, in cash or by cheque accepted by aduly incorporated bank. Failing payment, they will be immediatel re-offered for aie z. x ie The annual ground rent of three dollars per mile, with fire tax, is also payable immediately. Those timber limits, when adjudged, will be subject tothe provisions now in force or which after. Plans of limits offered for sale are opened for ins ection in the Department of Lands, Mines and Fisheries, in this city, and at the office of the Crown lands and timber agents in the different agencies in which said limits are situated, up to the day of sale. N.B.—No account for publication of this notice will .be recognized if such. publication has not ~been, expressly..authorized by the department, ADELARD TURGEON, Minister of Lands, Mines and Fisheries, SS Cockburn & Son’s saw mill at Sturgeon Falls, Ont., ‘was burned recently, the loss being partially covered by insurance. The saw mill of Price Bros. & Com- pany at Amqui, Que., was destroyed by fire on May 25, at a loss of approximately $30,000. . A saw mill near Admaston, Ont., owned by William Brisco, of Killaloe, Ont., was destroyed by fire a few days ago. of all timber regulations may be enacted here- CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The close of the month of May finds the lumber business in a very satisfactory condition. While the British demand is still backward, this is more than offset by the large local consumption and the heavy shipments to the United States. En- couraging reports come to hand from the Ottawa Valley, and price lists received from the Georgian Bay district show that all grades, and particularly uppers and selects, are firmer than they have been for months. For 4-inch uppers as much as $90 per thousand is being asked by some manufacturers. The hemlock situation is so strong that manufacturers are not dis- posed tosell in large blocks, as the number ot inquiries which are coming into the mills leads them to believe that higher prices will rule. Most of the mills are realizing from $12 to $13 for 2-inch hem- lock, 10 to 16 feet in length, and $15 for 18 feet. Toronto dealers have about all the orders they can conveniently handle and report an increase in the demand for finishing stock. Maple flooring is quite active, but not- withstanding the duty a_ considerable quantity is being imported from the United States. There is no change in shingles or lath. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Over 7oo building permits have been issued already this year by the Building Inspector of Montreal, this being 206 more than for the corresponding period of 1004. There is consequently a large local consumption of lumber. The country mills are also doing a fair trade and a considerable quantity of clapboards and other lumber is being shipped to the Eastern States. The drives throughout the province are backward and still in need of rain, and if any quantity of logs should be hung up it would probably re- sult in an advance in the prices of lum- ber. Most of the drives in New Bruns- wick are making fair progress, but it is still feared that some of them may be- come stranded. UNITED STATES. The strike of teamsters in Chicago has interfered with the delivery of lumber in that city, but the lumber market generally has shown some expansion during the past week. There is an exceptionally active demand in some districts for white pine. Especially is this-true of coarse pine and good common product. Although nearly all the mills are in operation, there has been very little accumulation of box lum- ber, and the lake receipts at Buffalo and Tonawanda have not relieved the scarcity in the lower grades generally. The call for building lumber is very large and is not confined to the cities tu the same ex- tent as earlier in the season. Spruce con- tinues strong. Frames are selling in the Boston market at $20 for 9 inch and ° under, 24 feet and under, and $22 for 10 inch and over. Hemlock producers are said to be behind with orders, so great is the demand for lumber which is. compara- tively low in price. Hardwoods are mov- ing, if anything, a little slower, as most of the large factories have now acquired a considerable stock to meet the require- ments of the summer season. Basswood especially is dull, with prices promising none too well. Brown ash is more than ordinarily active and elm and birch are holding their own. The red cedar shingle marketis rather unsteady and an over- stock is predicted in some quarters. The manufacturers have shipped a large amount of transit stock, which has seemed to be more than the dealers require. A move for a shut-down is on foot. GREAT BRITAIN. There are no very strong indications that the cloud of depression which has hung over the timber trade of Great Britain for the past year is passing away. The great naval victory of the Japanese may bring about an early termination of the war, with its consequent improved commercial conditions, but or this point opinions are by no means unanimous. There is no denying the fact that the buy- ing of lumber is being conducted with great conversatism. The market for deals is even quieter.than it has been, but boards are showing a little more life and scantlings and battens are in better demand. -The pine market is in an un- satisfactory position, there being a large discrepancy between the prices offered by importers and those which the shippers are asking, and until they come much ‘W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. - . + Manvfacturer of . . P Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc. Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading and Rea and White Oak,Maple and Elm Lumber. Se Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. ; ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. “4 a“ Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties .... SPECIAL — 50,000 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4 Soft E 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Map! 100,000 4/4 M. R Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Hise Sia 40.coe 44 an, Seam Hunter, Grawtord & Niebergall LUMBER AND SQUARE TIMBER oF ALL KINDS = POSTS, POLES, TIES, LATH AND SHINGLES — Bill Stuff a Specialty WIARTON, ONT. Write Us for Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. s vt th he M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. ; 503 Temple Building, Toronto, Ee EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with — of wooden goods, such as Sanita Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and S| Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt — of Bill of Ladingat Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, London, Eng. , A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term- ed the “Sportman’s Line” because it reaches — into and Le a a the very heart of thechoicest hunting grounds in America. : The very best wild fowl shooting of theentire _ North is reached ONLY by thisline. Hundreds _of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks ‘and geese and __ afford the finest kind of cover and i thaicest shooting to be found the country over. __ a The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and during the — various seasons for hunting and fishingfurnishes _ daily information to its patrons as to local con- ditions anywhere along its lines upon applica- _ tion to the nearest ticket agent. Italsoarranges — its train service with special reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsmen, andits employes are constantly on the alert to make oS — over their lines pleasant and comfort- — able. + i ¥ This line offers the best route betweenChicago, __ St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minneapolis or to Lake oe: Superior points via ‘Ashland, Wisconsin. — tas Information given by addressing— aah . JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent.R.R. | _ Milwaukee, — WOODS & SPICER, L BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CHDAR Wire Your KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Cepecity 100 Million a Year. . ~ Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HENLOGKAND_PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. Orders at ouR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Soyfialt *Tsswren "Burke Pal : Planing and Matching MASON, GORDON & CO. 2 & Samples by ——IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia. PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots, Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone I13 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER - DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH BULMER, M°LENNAN & COMPANY MONTREAL QUE. Office and Vard, 571 DORCHESTER ST. imited Send for Catalogue SHINGLES . Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPAN Y (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) PINE, ONT. F. MCCIBBON & SONS, — "=™guste Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwoo ad Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Spacialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. Sei Lumber Co., timitea OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, MANUFAGTURERS LUMBER a? | AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY WHOLESALE BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBrR, RED CEDAK SHINGLES ve cet OSS. Manager. 024-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. J. F. FOSS, Manager. CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FORSALE | can saw out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. S. FIN DLAY, OWEN SOUND ONT. J. VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION May 31, 1905 for Manchester, 281,823 ft. spruce deals, 40,739 ft. hemlock deals, 1,463 ft. hemlock ends, 291,761 ft. scantling, 5,907 ft. ends, 31,861 ft. boards, 98,697 ft. birch plank, 11,771 ft. birch ends. Schooner Tay, for Stonington, 123,902 ft. plank, 40,337 ft. scantling. Schooner Annie C. Stubbs, for Stockton, Me., 814 pes. piling. Steamer Micmas, for Cardiff, 1,747,114 ft. deals, 150,559 ft. scantling, 44,940 ft. boards, 77,273 ft. ends, 15,289 ft. birch plank, 551 ft. birch ends. Steamer Nor- den, for Sharpness, 1,829,401 ft. deals, 178,698 ft. scantling, 103,733 ft. ends, 164,345 ft. boards. Schooner Morancy, for New York, 1,1000,000 laths. Schooner G. H. Perry, tor Bridgeport, 69,000 ft. deals, 68,801 ft. plank, 7,969 ft. scantling. Schooner Effie May, for Vineyard Haven, 106,557 ft. hemlock boards. Steamer Pontiac, for Brow Head, 2,734,197 ft. spruce deals, 418,441 ft. scantling, 60,055 ft. ends, 76,839 ft. boards, 17,746 ft. birch plank, 1,172 ft. birch scantling, 3,153 ft. birch ends. From Halifax, N.S.: for London, 330,359 ft. birch deals, value $3,634; 322,876 fl. spruce deals, value $4,198, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. Steamer Sicily, BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES, Owing probably to the recent decision of the B. C. shingle manufacturer to sell their whole output through twu companies, the shingle business has been somewhat duller than usual at this time of the year. Many of the retail dealers stocked up pretty fully during the time of keen com- petition and low prices, and they are now slowly unloading. Another reason is that most of the dealers have held back-during the past month or two, apparently waiting to see if the arrangement among the shingle manufacturers will hold good very long. Lately, however, as the manufac- turers are firm in their intention to stand together,and there is every reason to be- lieve they will continue to do so, there are signs that the dealers are beginning to accept the new conditions, as orders have begun to come in. Asis well known, the Union Lumber Company and the Export Lumber & Shingle Company are the firms through whom all, or practically all, the B. C. shingles are now sold. The future effect of this arrangement and the consequent firmness in the prices, it is calculated, will greatly strengthen the shingle situation in British Columbia, At present only about 50 per cent. of the shingles manufaciured here are consumed in Canada, practically all the remainder being sold across the line, even in the face of a duty of 35 cents per thousand. The above is a proof of the superiority of the B. C. shingle. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. Wiccl 89 STATE 8ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich PN een. = > el Ooo Oe eee eee ee eee ee one me er ee xASVAS SASNES ASS — So OOOO eS oe SOS SSE. x SP NNN NLS NSS WE'LL TREAT YOU RIGHT That’s what you want, of course — =e ——, SESS SSS And that is why we are expecting an SNS order fram you for some of that fine stock ot SPRUCE LUMBER which you have heard so much about. RL PS ~~ = It is good stuff, and we will give you good service and fill your order promptly. RN SESS The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN, Ne Fe SS SS = SSSSsSsssFSFSSFsy5sSsFsS_s UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS CAN REACH | | THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS. ST.LOUIS McGLURE LUM Wholesale Dealers in . . ¢ RAIL,MAIL Wi ‘PHONE E OR BER GO. Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspodence Invited on All Hardwoods. SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LITTLE BAY, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, La., ALLENTOWN, LA. HABBERLE LUMBBR GO. Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. # Veneers Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e\e\e.e BURY & NOBLE FRANK GC, BURY MASON A. NOBLE WHOLESALE MICHICAN LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine - s 4 ‘ ' a ae ‘ tard) Se f May 31,1905 BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of THE CANADA LUMBERMAN.) VANCOUVER, B.C., May 22, 1905.—Im- provement in the lumber industry is still maintained, with good demand. Trade is principally with the Territories, and the increase of price on the American side has had the effect in lessening importations. If the statement of the opponents of a duty on lumber were correct, namely, that the price would be increased if protection were given, it might obtain inthe present instance. Though the quantity of lumber brought in from the Sound just now is con- siderably less than during the last year or so, and mills in British Columbia have a good business, there is no inclination to raise the figure. Conditions at present are satisfactory. Logging continues very active. Camps CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION all along the coast are working to capacity, and find a ready market. Prices are still high, though it is expected that a falling off will take place in the near future, when large orders are filled, and the scarcity lessened. Loggers are protesting against the con- cession to the Western Canada Pulp and Paper Company, news of the flotation of which has just arrived. This company has 163,000 acres in the district tributary to Powell river and lake, and the claim is that a large percentage of this is fir and cedar, woods not adaptable for pulp pur- poses. It has been announced by the company that work is to be started imme- diately in the construction of the works at the falls on Powell river, just above high water mark. The fine timber on Vancouver island is attracting the attention of capitalists, and the latest who are arranging for limits isa syndicate of Americans who are contem- plating the erection of a cedar mill on Quatsino, which will have a capacity of 200,000 feet per day. The plan as out- lined so far is to ship the lumber and shingles around to Boston in sailing ves- sels, it being contended that the good price of red cedar shingles there would be more than sufficient to offset the duty. This enterprise, like cthers already an- nounced, is doubtless being started in anticipation. of the completion of the Panama canal, when the matter of transportation from the west coast» of America to the eastern will be a com- paratively smalbk matter. Millmen hardly agree with the statement of one:of the evening papers here, that the placing of a poor quality of lumber on the market by the E. K. Wood Company will have the effect of bringing the price down to $7 or $8. The cutting of prices last fall showed to manufacturers what a ruinous practice it was, and they realized it all the more, since that was not the first. It is hardly probable that the cut will take place, and it is believed that the story is a false prophecy. Mr. John Hanbury’s project to erect a planing mill at Elko should be completed this month, and the plant in operation. Mr. Hanbury is well known in connection with the industry in the west, and he feels sure that his enterprise will be successful. There is every reason why it should be. It will.also be welcomed by the small mill owners in the Kootenay, who will thus have a steady and convenient market for their output. 8 Gordon Street - BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. a Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ENC. F. A. Lightbody & Co. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. acts for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. ite) Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. | OUIS BAMBERCER, IMPORTER OF Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. Telegraphic Address ‘'Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS 1 SS EERE, ASRS ST ZEBRA CODE A. B. C, CODE DIRECTORY CODE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood 1 gents and Brokers Cable Address : ‘‘ GELLICHT,” LONDON CABLES, DOORCHEEK LONDON We are Buyers of Pine Doors and Mould- Seats, Wooden Mantel Pieces, Sashes and Frames, ings, Electric Wire Casings, W.C. and all kinds of ready made joinery. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for... Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Bloorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable tor English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England LONDON STORES: ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘ Shooks,’”’ Hull. Codes—A. B. C, 4th Edition and Zebra. JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS Birch, Staves BUYERS OF Ash, and Heading, Handles of Grey Elim Logs baer Lumber, a Veneers A Specialty THOMPSON, SH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST SHIPPING DOCUMENTS BLOIS & KJELLCREN——— ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AND LOGS BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers. GLASGOW Elim descriptions : ea Te SMITH & TYRER - 4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW OANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW ® BROKERS Cable Address: “‘TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. Every lumberman wants it 55 cents buys i; SOriDner's LUMDEP «LOG Book BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION dUOEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. =~ a Manufacturers and Importers of Address : THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto St ——— —_ -_——— JOINERY BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. AESO .. All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods ae tallies for the English arket. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS : Liverpool and London Chambers CABLE ADDRESS “ HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. DOBLEIE - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND LIVERPOOL, ™ BRANCH OFFICK Brook {, HAMBURG VIlt. “sa a Tes) SRE ee ae pL PS eee ies is > i Saree . Ay F aa” a ig 5 the. ae, ries t my 5 < , i Fs ( — a ’ *> 2 ‘ , ; ¥ oh T. . ; > “ , =) * 7 ’ r er am 4 CANADA fia eRiakn WEEKLY EDITION - rows THE ONTARIO LUMBER G2 srs Mixts: North Bay. C.P.R. and G. T.R. Delivery. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. and 36 Bone Life Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. Lions Head, PEDWELL & LEMCKE, «2. MANUFACTURERS DEF oe ae le Shingles, Rail or Water Shipments. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. ° : : : ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. rosmikst, - BOSTON, MASS. Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Correspondence Solicited. THE KING: AND BARTLES LUMBER GO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS HaRDWoopD Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, "0. McMinnville, Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots McLennan Timber Land and ~ LUMDEP GO., cimitea Selling Ageney and Dealers in all: kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. MANUFACTURER ‘EO. G. GLADMAN : maxvessD WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES mm ; PARRY SOUND, ONT. ConnzsronDENcE Mills at Smith's Bay Township of Carling SoLicirED HE WOODSTOCK LUMBE & MANUFACTURING C Dealers in Pine, H emlo and Hardwood Lumber tm WOODSTOCK, ONTE A. P. HBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pos Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stor WIARTON, OWT. THE NEW LINE — Through the Spruce Forests of the Cates n Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesbury. WatTeErR-PoweErs, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELEcTRIC Power FoR SALE. IDEAL Putp-Mitt SITEs. — E have Three Millions of Hem=- lock, running in lengths from 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre= pared to cut in blocks of 50, 000 feet or over. % Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. = CANADA ? a A. J. GORRIE UY 4 General aint? MONTREAL , cee a CURRENT LUMBER PRIGES-WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 2x4 tol10 in.,to to 16ft. 15 00 16 oo 1 inch No. 1 Pine cuts & becter...... $47 $49 00 | 2x4’ 'to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 1% to 2 inch No. 1 Clear inch B. C. cedar, cuts and better.. 50 00 5200] kilndried..........., 50 00 1% &2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar cuts and better.... 42 00 44 00 air dried boat lumber 55 00 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension cvts and better.... 37 00 38 00 timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 tin Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension and better shorts 24 00 26 00 timber, 30 to 35 feet 3I 00 1X4, 6and8common 18 00 19 Go| 1¥% in. No. I 4ft. Pine 1X 1O common...... Ig 50 2000] Lath.............05+ 50 3 60 1X 1zcommon...... 2I 00 22 00 wy in. No. 2 4 ft. Lath 3 00 3 to Ix.\O common...... 20 00 21 00 | 14” No.1 32” pine lath I 70 1XIO common...... 21 00 22 ov| 1%” No.1 4'ft. hemlock lath 2 80 2200 23 00o| XXXX PineShingles 290 300 and 3x12 common. XX Pine Shingles .. 210 2 20 1x1o inch box and POMOC are oo ee 20 00 21 0co| X Pine Shingles .. I 00 Inch mill runsidings 2: 00 22 00| XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 30 tin, mill run...... 20 00 21 00 B. C. Shingles - 1x10 and 12 mill culls 15 00 17 00 | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 90 I aa mill cull Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 10 ingS......- ees. sees 14 50 16 00 | XXXXX 5to2in.. 3 45 1 in. esa cull sidings 12 00 13 00 | XX No. 2, 6 to2 anny 2 40 1% inch Flooring .. 23 00 2500) XX ‘‘ 6to 23-16in. Hemlock,1x4 to Sin, 1450 15 50\KK “ 5Stoazin... 270 HARDWOODS—PER M,. FEET CAR LOTS. ae rock, mill Ash White, 1 toz in (iene Heme x1 to 1{%"24 00 26 00 ists and 2nds...... $33 00 $35 00 Elm eek ecill Asi, black, 1sts and is eee 1%‘ 3.. 29 00 30 00 and, 1to1%in.. .. 27 00 29 00 | Hickory, rsts Birch M.R.,rzin. . 21 00 23 00 and 2nds..1%“ 2.. 36 00 38 00 Ye 1% § 2.. 2300 2500] Maple 1” mill ** sqrs. 4x4 “‘ 8x8 32 00 36 00 Tuto... 1 1% 20 00 21 00 Basswood, Common Maple, _ and better 1 to1¥%in 25 00 26 00 and 2nds.. 6 4.. 24 00 26 oc Basswood, 134 to2.. 26 28 oo | Oak;red, p’ a m, r. 1 1% 2400 2600 ists & ands 2 § 4.. 44.00 4600 Cherry, 1sts Oak, white, and 2nds.. 1 ‘‘ 1% 53 00 6000 xsts & ands x “ 1% 4200 44 00 Cherry, sts Oak, white, ists & ands 2 Oak, quart’d, andands.. 2 ‘' 4 ‘© 4., 45 00 50 00 . 60 co 70 00 mia, soft, ee beeen 74% 24 00 26 00 ists&ends ‘' 2.. 70 00 80 00 Elm, soft, sill, Walnut, ists os ee 2 ‘' 3.. 45 00 27 00 and 2nds.. 1 ‘' 3.. 85 00 1009 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 35 45 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to pineale 60 62 19 toz0inchaverage ‘‘ 3-. 62: , 65 RED PINE—IN THE RAST M sured off, according to average and jarcalieg sein, staid ate ay utias Shioping order]. (@' oy So ee Se een eee 35 40 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO, _ By the dram, according toaverage and quality. . a 50 «56 Pine good strips : Pine shorts 6/ to 11’x10” LiN...+se0 seeereeee 33 CO 36 00] Pine, 8ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 00 oa in. andr} in.... 36 00 38 0o| Pine s. c. strips...... 13 00 15 00 Feneitieiel Sihie ote ae 38 00 40 00 | Pine, s.c. cae +. 12 00 14 00 Pine, good shorts: Pine, box boards.. 00 14 50 LAD. ia ete ode 2§ 00 28 00| Pine mill culls..... 13 00 14 00 1¥ in.and 1% in. .. 28 00 35 00] Lath, per M Wit oSmeeibe cone ose 34 00 38 co No. 1 white pine..: 240 2 60 Pine, No. 1 dressing No, 2 white pine? .. 200 2 25 siding, per M feet, Spruce, mill run..... 200 235 Le See eee - -- 2000 25 00 Red Pine, millrun.. 200 “2 15 Pine, No. x1 dfessing Pine Shingles Strips abe ate WHE eicle ale 18 00 24 00 XXXX, 18 inch....:... 3 00 3 25 Pine No. » dressing Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 shorts ...... .... «. 1600 20 00 ¥X 2S) ins ccs demas 140 1 60 Pine, 10s, ¢ and bet- Cedar Shingles ter stock, 12’ to 16’ 20 00 22 00 MEX, TSianch. -..d00 “ 3 25 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- Clear Butt,18inch.. . 2 50 ter stock, 12’ to16/. 17 00 19 00 xx, 18 inch.. «¢ op aes - 160 1 70 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPER AND SELECTS, Uppers, 1 in., ro in, and up Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $65 oo wide..... Bago toc +++2+575 00 1%, 1% and i 14% 1% and 2in 975.00) 2% and 3in..... 2% ancy Boo eseny f era WD eset o! sites oaclle 4in, dai b serie eipa’alslels'ew QO 20 FINE COMMON. ; 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 55 00 | 2% and 3in., 8in, and up wide 73 oo Mfc attd DSS Visine care spe ove aibisig 50) CRSA ALES na ohm ale ole nianelain(niereelais -.- 78 oo Ty cniheni ce steaittelites ae GO LOR B FINE COMMON OR NO 1 CUTTING In, 7in. and up wide...... 36 00 | 234 and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 63 00 1% and1% cutting....... Pete [M6 ge benoane on. Ar AGS seuss aie 68,00 Mies dane plied atin cits SO)DG STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 52 oo | 1 in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 50 00 1x6 in. wide,.........+-.-. 60 00] 6 in, wide.....4...0-+0ee++-- 60 00 FINE COMMON OR C rin., 4, 5 in, wide. ......... 44 00| 134 in., 4, 5 in. wide...-.... 47 00 1% in., 6 in. wide........... 54 00] in., 6 in. wide...c......+++ 5} 00 SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1Yin., 4,5, 6in wide... .... 35 00] rim., 4,5, 6in. wide ........ ° BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. INOsnt, TadBicleeiosc cmmescices 30 00| Sand 7in.......-...sese0e 22 00 FOUN rie ule seisl> p++ 6 deiclonales 25 00 | No. 3, 12 in gis eetaate Potoiclelniabecidae's'ds “2AROS ROU bt. bnlnie oe Siand 7, Ins. aisc csins vecven ae 25 00| gin...... «ee Bonemodarocn ene INO. 29 LIN osiscioh acca 6 clsinh 25 00 B ine. odes oviddedes soi le oe) Q/50 2) RABAT He Oe aoe 4 3 abdo0 22 00 1x6 No, 2, 9 in....... REE OCo aT 22 00 TEs onasemne ame SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. rin., 4 and 5 in. wide . .-$16 00 | 1 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$17 00 r in., 6 in, NiIcl Ge slam slaietercate ote 17 06 1423 and 2 in., 7 in, bee 1 in., 7 in. wide and up...... 17 00 UP WIGE.. vs ccccsccsceciews XO GO SHAKY CLEAR. rin., 3, 4,5, 7,8 and gin. vide 32 oo | x in., ro in. and up wide..... 34 00 I in., 6in. kN hte sia tele ain. oe 33 00 1H 1H and 8 in, and up G5. cfo's du « cinwiailiaits adtaltas (OO SHINGLES, 18-IN. Pine, XXXX...... eerign cose 4 25 | Cedar, XXXX, rBin...... .. 3 50 Clear Butts..... --.. § 00 ' Clear Butts.......00s0.-0-.:- 2 50 LATH, No.1 White Pine.. . 4 rag be nih 2 White Pine ...-...... - 340 MUOCE. © ..fcewsetenaiseen segtoO LATH. Sd Pin ...0200c00.s5 scneecas 98.50) SECHEDGany ee amereee SHINGLES, . Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 so $4 75 | Bound butts 2B isn $5°2 Cleaudhutts cc ek. Ag, co, aac np ee ert Smooth 6x178..5.....4 50° 4°75) Sprncesec.saueae anaes 22 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY. WHITE PINE. 4 He ee teen eeee (Wholesale selling price.) * Uppers, 1,1%, 14 and 2 2 in I .ieeeecocserens es vie » No. r, 13 in. 5 00 Py Blerssranres- oo | Nes Mold st'ps 1to2 2 and 3 in....... IDs sess eeeeeesees Selects 1 in.......... 8 00 De ama er ee 1% to 2in......... 7° 00 No. 2 Moulding § trips, 2% and 3 in..../.. 98: 00'|"_ - 5 tog iaeo ce wee 4 Ine... ae. eS 85 00. Barn, No.1, 12in..... Fine common, 1 in. 55 00| 6, 8andzoin.. 1% and 1¥ in..... 56 00} No. 2, xoin... BAD 60's ine <0 on a od 5 58 00| No.2, 12in:....+.. 3 ta. oe sta mieatee 73 00| No. 3, roin........ sinters 75 00 No. 3)°22 i... .000 Cut’ aie No. 1, 1 in. 38 00| Box, 1X4...0-eeeeree and 13@ in..... 50 00 2X6 MUP. vccere Os ay “XMAS eee ee 25 00 IXTO weseee socece’ No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 36 00 IXI2....... om No. 3, 1%, and 1% 25 00 1x13 and up...... No.3 Pawiisicnees 27 00 Fo and 14 & 2in.. Dressing 1% in..... a . 36 00} Mill eT 1,1%,1% IY%xIO und 12...66. 4° 00 and BU. sroene TSG MAD » «\s'0/en o dates oe 4/4 inch 13 ey 25 ANG Ue... ek eee =< Bios ones Oe oni aes 30 THO IDS. . pale ops eiqiele ei- 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” andup.. 19 20 5 in, and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.rs 4 inch uppers ....++-+++ j ge | to- in. dressing and better... 30 35 Out Spruce boards, p. 1S.......- ceeeeeee eeeee _20 a2 Selects, 23¢in up = ag in, dressing and sige 49 42 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and pundied . fo pa ideaie cfals svalerstatermiaidlal 79 7 IK, MMACHML cs nae an ceele 21 ; ey 52 Fine common, 2 Sey in. andup 72 75 Box, 1x12. Sialeeisten etal : aS " ) : se. - Pe Map | ay A Pee tele of 5 * ee aNay ange gee 3 ae 7 d ALBANY, N.Y. gin. and under. .\..207- 12... 0s .haees iene to and 12 in. random Laan 10 ft. and up. aaa 2x3, aah 2x5, es 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, 7 uy =~ a 4 r / ANADA LUMBERMAN | AND WOOD WORKER WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 nangs} $1.00 Per year {The Lumberman Weekl" Edition every week. aa _ THI8 PAPER REACHES REQULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE a BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS, es VoL. XIII TORONTO, MONTREAL —"JUNE 7, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER. No. 14 Canapa. Lumperman PUBLISHED BY OR SALE—PORTABLE SAW MILL, NOW tunning, good rig and cheap. Box 4, Bothwell, Ont. FoR SALE—A QUANTITY OF HEMLOCK and pine lumber. Write for prices, THE M. BEATTY Co., LIMITED, Parry Sound, Ont. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity V of Slabs. Srmcok Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED—ALL, PULP MILLS AND PULP WOOD Companies to look up nae ) : PROVINCE OF QUEBEc. monthly issue, which is bound to interest you. 2 ne Department of Lands, Mines and Fisheries. - The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’y “a of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. ¥ , . Branch Offices: + 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL _ 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 536 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, LONDON, E.-C. ANTED—A BUSH FOREMAN,ONE WHO understands logging hardwood, hemlock and cedar. Apply stating experience, etc., to Box 215, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. [_UMBERMEN_YOUNG MAN WITH GOOD business and mechanical training from junior place if ability ensures steady work and Promotigu. Address Box 220, c/o CANADA Lum- MAN, FOR SALE IMBER LIMITS IN BRITISH COLUMBIA ; good locations. Address Box 218, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WOODS AND FORESTS. frok SALE—150,000 FT. BEECH, 500,000 ax ft. hemlock. Can be cut to order, ae Weekly Lumberman — Published every “a = he phen ie reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the > incipal manufacturing districts and leading mestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of Quebec, 13th May, 1905. Notice is hereby given that, conformably to Sections 1334, 1335 and 1336 of the consolidated statutes of the province of Quebec, the timber limits hereinafter mentioned, at their estimated WANTED TO PURCHASE. 50M ft. of 1” Hemlock, No. 1. a The op hs * meer ag at home and abroad. ~ = _ WANTED AND FOR SALE ‘onthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, - discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. 50M ft. of 1” Hemlock, No. 2. _ Must be in shipping condition, and trimmed, THE PATTERSON TILLEY Co., Hamilton, Ont. : WANTED AT SOUTH RIVER. : N EXPERIENCED SHIPPER WHO UN- derstands the English export grades, Ap- SITUATION WANTED h/ OENG: MAN EXPERIENCED IN THE English Timber Trade and West African Mahogany Trade, desires engagement, Apply Box 216, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. area, more or less, and in their present state, will be offered for sale at public auction, in the Department of Lands, Mines and Fisheries, in this city, on THURSDAY, 22nd day of JUNE next, at TEN o’clock A.M. UPPER OTTAWA. Area Square Miles. TS TURNER LUMBER Co., LIMITED, Mid- SITUATION WANTED aon = os « t 9 TD ce sce eecc nn peceseceveers ___ Advertisements will be inserted inthis depart- “40¢, a +s th range, 10 to 14, each............065 At : rate leas Le pels int nee a ge OWRITING cal chartent to eee , ee tS North net Ga Meanie aS Tae oe en four or more consecutive i: ment. Apply Box 217, CANADA LUMBEBMAN we FOUGONEN Half) qieeaace cate seine 25 ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. : , “ t ESS Tc ce eee ees ne taaiicahvas thewith of the ine arid is set K E M LOS K AN D | NE poronte, Ont, 1 Ne talk ee ee eae, . i at eno type; "eee ie _— ee, =o : <7 20; Southall. )..55, snares 27% vertisements must receiv no! th range, 17 to 2 ach ; i i E ARE OPEN FOR STOCKS OF HEM- > BE 17 LO 23, CACH. - ee enw ee ee weno 5° (ner tephra to insure insertion in LOCK and Pine. Lumber Department, CEDAR FOR SALE 6th range, a INOLEMU HALE rani vcore siatestsinninee 25 —— GoLpD MEDAL FurNITURE MFG. Co., Toronto. 10,000 PIECES ROUND CEDAR, 8-16 AND 25 a ri oT aia deci siege se nies a ad ase long, on TSE en siver Can be ee © gato 23, Caclie® fk a ee oa > —alt ’ AND 16/ ONG, ivered a panis oom. so Ce lar, Pine an Ps = 9 CCID wee ew ewww tee sone fi ann eee Lae af Worsry. eat. = Ez Caw MILL, IN VANCOUVER, ANNUAL, Spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwoodon ¥& Gk Okabe panel babes beaters ” s ’ ilton, Ont * turnover fifty thousand dollars, for sale; C.P.R. JAMES MCCREaRY. ie a BIO gat’ _ Kinsman, Hamilton, Ont. price “aeny fe eee i terms aa be ar- i iidicnence Ne > tenes 3 " tanged and fullest particulars given by THE a c By oe { x IOR WOOD WANTED—PEELED Locators, of Winnipeg, Manitoba. , Seats 30 > | asain or clear spruce. RANKIN AND : WANTED. River Ottawa, 607.....2..-cecscsecescelecee 22 _ €o., Dundas street, Toronto. Telephone. PB OSEIIONS AS MANAGER, ASSISTANT SAINT MAURICE SS IMBER LIMITS — SPRUCE ‘TIMBER manager, bookkeeper or shipper, by two ‘ TOR SALE—ONE MILLION FEET BIRCH limits in Manitoba for sale, in blocks from youn men of ability and experience in lumber Manouan 1, morth.. .... ......ssssereness 50 ere | = oo feet Winter cut Basswood, 10 to 60 million feet, to suit purchaser ; exceed- usiness. Good opening with Western or Pa- te 2, MOTth....... 0... .e see eee eee 24 m te eect, Maple. Black Asb.andElm. ingly easily operated; close to railway; cific Coast concern preferred, and more of an ob- fs 3, Morth....... 26.2 tees ese ev eee 35 5 8 ae ¢ Pe a8 ae sei LuMBER Co., Har- Price $2.00 per thousand feet. Box 221,Canapa _ ject than large salary tostart. Address C. & H., ta Xs, SOME nsec n0 nee sonineige'ves prs 4 e caeees Lae aRcou LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. c/o CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. = a cone beret eset ae ese ees eeee ees a Econ, 31 to 34, each........ 50 _\X7ANTED, TO CORRESPOND WITH PAR- iver iGroche nA A neck ert en a eee 40 y TIES who can arrange o cut and ae tga aes mente pe Seen F OR SALE a Be BENe GOCE Beene CoKe 3a 3434 _ facture into lumber and shingles one hundre olumbia, eight square miles, fifty per cent. a A f [Tae sec ORE er eth se Bel amg al Oo to one hundred and twenty aoe million super, cedar, 25 Pee cent. fir = pine = 25 per cent. a So a Raiaeias cut, mill run, trimmed ae 2 SEEN onion toecisign oe hae ee - 37% 2 _ ficial feet Fir and Cedar logs at the rate o spruce. imit situated on Columbia River : Y Legis LEDs ems ors Sake aiclepe cals eee eee I about fifteen million feet per year. Logs will witha mecmmage of oe Say ; one danidred and ” "te cut, millrun, rough edged, Hard eae eae Trenche West.................. ' 7” delivered atthe mill and product accepted twenty five,million feet. Level ground. ull- hae : . AkK@ia Te Carpe ci ejcclcnaanis cae eae 22 : An ces and scows. None Sut those Basing est particulars on applicationto THE Locators, 7" ‘re cut, trimmed, all pure White Hard - eapital to erect their own mill need apply to Winnipeg, Manitoba. 1”, 1%! and 2” 1905 winter cut, mill run, trimmed SAINT CHARLES. Hard Maple. River du Moulin Write for lists and prices. SON Co., Teeswater, Ont, _ P.O. Box 798, Vancouver, B. C FOR SALE—FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT _ 300M ft. winter cut Basswood 1”. 200 “a ae “se B. Ash, y and a’. eek - CANADIAN GENTLEMAN HAVING THEM Kn LROME A considerable experience in British methods and centres who intends sailing for Liverpool early in May would be pleased to represent a few Canadian firms in manufacturing or any River au Canot, r..... ; Grande Pikauba, 2... FOR SALE-FOR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT «= szssiss ama dtp eee SS! 5, Bim, 1” mercantile or confidential capacity in the chief eee CH Maple, 1”. cities of Great Britain. All correspondence = “ «Red Birch, 1”, 2”, 3” and strictly confidential. Address B. F. P, care of 4 pe “ Soriyssoanecs 37 4’, and Squares. CanADA LUMBERMAN, 38 Alliance Building, Montreal. - Bone dry stock, one year and over cut and LAKE SAINT JOHN WEST. Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, * piled. Riverina: Sawmon,, 1. s4-cee ss colecks wees cece 46 50,000 ft, 1” Soft Maple. i loos Gentane cOsaS: er eas 49 CEDAR FOR SALE FOR SALE sroeo ft, sg?anda? Hard Maple. I aia erate es 4 aa (eco tts Masewaed. ; : or Sts. aes ee 91% rrr ah cena 300 DOLLARS BUYS AN ALMosT NEW $3,000 {t-1/ Sycamore, (plain cut.) LOR ETELD Ran aes PRES ARB 8 ooo a aeare 7 x 7 make), th fate oe ee c i ence 8,000 tt, rand 2” Beech. 3 ie Sit ie O. bere eerieetessateae es 15% soe Se 3 cylinder and drop-heads, and is in first class 13,000 ft. 14, 1% and a” Birc : : : Maniche, NO, 1.......+2+s0s- ir — Lear 10 X 10 running order, Apply to papas nad Rairec eres oa LAKE SAINT JEAN EAST. mee dry. OTTAWA LUMBER Co’y, Ottawa, H. L. EP pleat. nd XU London, Ont. Township Kenogami, No. 2. ..... Sr bear 1% “id CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION , SAGUENAY. River MalbaieRro.::.. 05.5 o.teet ene ae an 60 s Ks. atte ates Rene ae Sees Meee 57 ay Bae iao +e Mane © chime ee 54 rt WFle aie, eins «ise bebalelnrs’ orc vier ERO 37 Bergeronpes or Pant... 0). ..\0 andes cbaats! 25 River Sainte Marguerite, 87........ .......- 244% River Maniconagan, 8 to 16, each.. 50 River Magpie, A...... Scie tae oe 52 ae acres Me al IE 42 River Natashquan, 1 to 4, each. 50 River Piastre Bay, 1 to 8, each.. 25 Metapedia 2 ph. Cabot No. 2............ abt RIMOUSKI EAST. River Cap Ghats (ian. tccoe ee Oe 47% a Anita cteaireale wee hace oe oe 45 \ Piae einer cameo Gerace nnes: 45 Rivers Matane, Ase, Coc. sce sone fone 48 GRANVILLE. Towuship Parke, No. 4......:¢siee+e+sa.a08 4% GASPE WEST. River Salnte Anne, Deh eOLee eee 48 Me eA SO oS or a ny 43% GASPE EAST. Grand River, Pabowvty.;ceeccsse cect 39 GASPE CENTRE. Sydenham West............... River York; Aisin. ude “ Cee seashe mr CONDITIONS OF SALE. No limit will be adjudged at less than the minimum price fixed by the department. .The limits will be adjudged to the highest bidder on payment of the purchase price, in cash or by cheque accepted by a duly incorporated bank. Failing payment, they will be immediately re-offered for sale. The annual ground rent of three dollars per mile, with fire tax, is also payable immediately. Those t'mber limits, when adjudged, will be subject to the provisions of all timber regulations now in force or which may be enacted here- after. , Plans of limits offered for sale are opened for inspection in the Department of Lands, Mines and Fisheries, in this city, and at the office of the Crown lands and timber agents in the different agencies in which said limits are situated, up to the day of sale. N.B.—No account for publication of this notice will be recognized if such publication has not been expressly authorized by the depirtment, ADELARD TURGEON, Minister of Lands, Mines and Fisheries, AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this journal. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- tonto, he saw mills of the Oyamel Lumber Company at Roberval, Que., of which B. A. Scott is manager, were burned last week. The lumber yards were saved. WOODS & SPICER, Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CHDAR SHINGLES 4 We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. Vvire Your Orders at ouR EXPENSE tO ALents, Or to wesSs5 VANCOUVER, B.C , KILN-DRIED BIRGH KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. A superabundance of rain has been the only adverse co dition affecting the move- ment of lumber during the past week, and as this is regarded as but a temporary in- fluence, the firm tone of the market has not been impaired. The demand for finishing lumber is on the increase and promises to be quite large later in the season when the many buildings now un- der construction are nearing completion. The factory demand is not all that it might be, but this too will probably im- prove later when it is ascertained that the accumulation of the new cut will be light and that prices are not likely to decline, The manufacturers are now showing every confidence in a continuation of the present basis of white pine and Lardwood values, while higher prices for hemlock have been suggested. It does not seem probable, however, that hemlock is likely to go much higher in the near future, as competition from the Michigan product is a factor which must be reckoned with in Western Ontario, for during the past week a cargo has been unloaded at To- ronto for distribution to local yards, Apparently, hemlock can be purchased at the Michigan mills below $12. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. There isa fair demand for nearly al; sizes and grades of spruce lumber for loca} consumption and for shipment to the Eastern States, but uncertainty still char- acterizes the British business. The log drives on some of the streams are in safe waters, but on others a_ considerable * quantity of logs has already been hung up. The recent difficulties at Van Buren in connection with the drives on the St. John river is a further source of uncertainty, but itis hoped that some arrangement will be reached by which the New Brunswick drives can be floated past the obstructions this year, as undoubtedly the dispute will be settled before next season. These con- ditions, however, have exerted a strength_ ening influence upon lumber prices, which are even firmer than they have been at any previous time this year. South American specifications have not been in as much demand of late, but it is believed that the conditions causing this setback will be temporary. New Brunswick cedar shingles are mov- ing in average volume, but there have been no indications of higher prices in the im- mediate future. Extras are quoted at $3-35 to $3.40 for Boston delivery. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The past week has witnessed no great change in the condition of the lumber market of Western Canada. Prices are firm and perhaps a little higher than at this time last year, with a tendency to advance, though somewhat slowly. Dimension timber is moving fairly well, but there is not the usual call for the more expensive grades as yet. The prospects for a good crop in the Northwest are ex- cellent and it is confidently expected that the demand for lumber during June and July will be sufficient to keep the mills busy. Fir and cedar are in good demand. Logs are fairly plentiful, and prices havea downward tendency. Good logs are worth $7.50 per thousand feet at the mill, while rough logs bring from $4.50 to $5.00. Inquiries have come from Japan for prices on some large building lumber, and with the prospect of an early termination of the war it is felt that considerable business will result. UNITED STATES. Shipments of lumber during the past week have been very heavy. Twenty- eight vessels arrived at Tonawanda, with a total of over 20,000,000 feet, which is 3,000,000 feet more than were recorded during the preceding and second largest week of the season. These receipts have been appreciated by the trade, as the de- mand is quite active and promises to pro- vide a market for most of the lumber in sight. The eastern trade has been very satisfactory this season on account of the large volume of building operations. Figures on the lower grades, such as box and mill culls, have stiffened a Ilttle, but otherwise there is no change. The de- mand for hemlock is quieter in the Chica- go district on account of labor difficulties, but as this promises to be one of the great- est building years in the history of that city, there is every prospect of an improv- ed demand during the summer and fall Daa Any 2 MANUFACTURERS OF ...... Capacity 100 Million a Year. Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LONER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS FLOORING & 3 Samples by Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. "Phone 13 Write for Prices. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER — DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH BULMER, M°LENNAN & COMPANY | MONTREAL QUE. ; Office and Vard, 571 DORCHESTER ST. Send for Gatalogae 1 h, y —* ae . ma ao pies ae, “se Le eg A x Fi: a - June 7, 1905 W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. | Manvfacturer of . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Red and White Oak,Maple and Eim Lumber. Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak — squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities, : ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, an Pl: Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar ! Posts and Tiex . .....-. -* SPECIAL —.50,000 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm — 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B,; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M.R Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4 Beech, Prices on application. an Hunter, Grawford & Niebergall (Successors to R. Watt) LUMBER AND SQUARE TIMBER OF ALL KINDS — POSTS, POLES, TIES, LATH AND SHINGLES Bill Stuff a Specialty WIARTON, ONT. Write Us for Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. } TE ET SY fe A TTD M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, | Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt — of Bill of Ladingat Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, London, Eng. A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term- ed the “‘Sportman's Line’’ because it reaches into and through the very heart of the choicest hunting grounds in America. The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire North is reached ONLY by this line. Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be foundthe countryover. ~— ~— The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and during the various seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- ditions anywhere along its lines upon applica- tion to the nearesiticket agent. Italsoarranges its train service with special reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsnien, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make oe over their lines pleasant and comfort- able. This line offers the best route between Chicago, St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minneapolis or to Lake Superior points via Ashland, Wisconsin. Information given by addressing— JAS. C. POND, Wis, Cent. R.R. Milwaukee, KNIGHT BROTHERS CO LIMITED Burk’s Falls. é MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Co., Vaucouver, B,C. - “= DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied — WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. _ < < hs | P.0. Bos best that can be hoped for is an improve- ment upon the unsatisfactory trade of last year. The deal market is quite uncertain, but there continues to be a fair demand for battens. The fact that dealers are willing _ to purchase from one another from the stock on hand rather than place contracts for later delivery is an evidence of the lack of confidence which exists. First and second quality pine has been changing hands in this way quite freely. The prizes realized at recent auction sales have also been satisfactory. So far as Canadian pine and spruce are concerned, the supply for the British market promises to be considerably lighter than usual, and it seems reasonable to expect that the present asking prices will be obtained later in the year if not almost immediately. STOCKS AND PRICES. The contract for i,000,000 feet of timber to be used in the proposed Ogilvie elevator at Fort William, Ont., has been awarded to the Pigeon River Lumber Company. D. G. Keyes, Secretary of the Depart- ment of the Interior, Ottawa, will receive tenders up to June 21st next fora license to cut tinber on Berth No. 1229 containing 36 square miles and Berth No. 1230, both in the province of Manitoba. Tugs of the Reid Wrecking Company, of Sarnia, arrived at Sandwich, Ont., on May 30th with the first raft of the season, for the Saginaw Lumber and Salt Com- pany. There were 1,500,000 feet in the raft. The second part of the raft with an equal amount inthe River St. Clair was expected down during the week. The tug Reid is nowin Lake Huron witha raft containing 4,000,000 feet from Spanish River, for the Sarnia mill of the Cleve- land Sarnia Sawmill Company. THE NeW BRUNSWICK LOG DRIVES. FREDERICTON, N.B., June 2, 1905.—The water in the rivers is low and some of the drives are already hung up. ‘‘There will Ill. be 50,000,000 feet of logs on the Upper St. John waters which will not be brought out this spring,” said a prominent lumberman.” Ofthe 103,750,000 feet which it is estimated was to come out this year, a considerable proportion will have to wait over for another season unless there is a wonderful rise of water at an early day, Reports received are to the effect that about 12,000,000 feet will be hung up on the Northwest Miramichi. The lumber that is tied up includes some for Ritchie, Hutchinson and Sinclair. The driving on the Southwest Branch has been most suc- cessful. Mr. Welsh’s drive has already got as far as Boiestown, while T. Lynch’s 10,000,000 has reached the islands about five miles below that place. A number of men who were on Robert Aitken’s drive on the Machias and Alle- gash streams, have returned. The drives are allin, and the Cunliffe drives, with which they amalgamated, all came out safely. Randolph & Baker have word to the effect that their drive on Chimenticook, with the exception of about 1,000 pieces, has been brought out sately. Joseph Hallett has got his drive out of Grand River. This drive consisted of about 2,000,000 feet of spruce for himself and about the same amount of cedar tor the Van Buren Lumber Company. John Kilburn, whose drives for W. H. Murray on the St. John headwaters had to be abandoned recently, has boomed the logs a short distance below English Bay, where they can easily be got out another season. Mr. Kilburn says that in his forty- four years’ experience he never saw the conditions for driving so unfavorable as he found them this year. Hilyard Bros.’ drive on the Restigouche is safely out, but a number of small drives on the brooks owned by the different job- bers are hung up. The Richard concern have got out their main drive. ey. B. Farwell & Son ». CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN. Ganadian Gedar Tele: Graph, Telephone and Electric Light Poles Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. CEDAR FOR SALE Exceptionally good Birch and Hemlock Lumber f.o.b, car South River Station. Mills at Midford (Eagle Lake,) Ont. THE ROBB LUMBER CO, LIMITEO Guelph, Ont. C.S. POWELL & CO. Lumber Fxporters 604 Temple Bidg., TORONTO and at EW ORLEANS, LA. ’ , Cash b all kinds hardwoods. To Millmen We Souck-chiewaiaiatce’ fy POLBS 5,000 pieces, 10 to 20’ long. Suitable for Hops, etc. Price 7—Well write us. THE LONG LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON ” ree | i Su SASH - JAS. LUNNY & CO.,, HINTONBURG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. DOORS - B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS Manufacturers and Wholesalers of . . Shipments b) Rail or Boat ee ees hit t tj - = f- gh ere ae eee “Herman H. Hettler Lumber Gompany a WHITE and NORWAY PINE LUMBER LATH and SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT. , Me ( \ | \ SALE OF QUEBEC TIMBER LIMITS. A sale of timber limits is announced to take place at the Crown Lands Depart- ment, Quebec, on Thursday, June 22nd, 1905. Three thousand five hundred square miles of timber lands will be offer- ed at upset prices to be fixed by the de- partment. The limits to be sold are situ- ated in the Upper Ottawa, the St. Maur- ice, St. Charles, Lake St. John East, Saguenay, Rimouski East, Metapedia, Granville, Gaspe East, Gaspe West and Gaspe Centre districts. The Cleveland-Sarnia ~ Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. ™=—=SARNIA, ONT. THE [MPERIAL LUMBER CO, Limitep SAW AND PLANING. MILLS, WARREN, ONT. ° RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo. Registered Cable “address, a Pinewdoul,’ ey BRANCH OFFicr, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head _ Office, TORONTO, CAN. ‘American Lumberman’ ; “Telecode. 0 Att A tt te te tet tt te te, ty ee a te ee a eo Ee *o ‘oo on R. H, ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R, S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURER‘ OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. CUVSSSSSSSSSVVEVSUVSUVSVSESEVET -.084OBO J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIUGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Flooring» and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Ma'‘ched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY THE GHARLEMAGKE & LAG OUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED, 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete In Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity, J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. SAWN AND DRESSED LOMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations. Shipments by rail or water. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Becca UM BE R caoHE BAY, Ont, dew AND LATH Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION E. H. HEAPS & CO., Cedar Cove Mill, Vancouver, B.C. Wancouver, eit ee : ata? OS ee ahs me ® * 5, ‘ b wey coe” ae aye June 7, 1905 — 3 Ruskin Mill Ruskin, B. c. q B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AAi HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, Balusters, etc. W. J. SHEPPARD Seidl Waubaushene, On Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. J. G. aha GENERAL MANAGER ncouver, B.C. Pacific Coast Lunas Co: LIMITED VANCOUVER, BG. MANUFACTURERS OF Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. High Grade Red Cedar rt Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - ‘112 Mail Building, TORONTO > : D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. jJ. E. YOUNG, Cashier The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. Manufacturers of *% * B® & \ White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work peatrsin CHDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. THOS. KIRKPATRICK, MANUFACTURER OF Red Cedar Shingles Mills at Hastings and New Westminster Head Office: Hastings, B.C. Telephone B 1425 Dally Capacity, 250,000 Orders Solicited and Correspondence Promptly Attended to. Ontario Representative: W. J. SMITH, Fergus. Export Lumber & Shingle Co. Wholesale Dealers Limited British Columbia Lumber and Shingles The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market rices. : oe Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED . Fee Block, 570 Granville bo rcp Aaa 3 and 4, Third Floor VANCOUVER - BRITISH COLUMBIA J. D. oeinie High Grade Vancouver Cedar Mills ; VANCOUVER ¢ redar Hazelmere Lumber Co. Co. : op Sp eat iyeae B. Cc. FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER CLEAR CEDAR AND LOC Our Specialty. Long Distance Telephone. C. WELLS —= PALLISER, B. C. 3)6306U3™—~« Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY PINE, ONT. (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) F. MSCIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine; Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. PENETANCGUISHENE ONT. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER a? L AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, On. | aa Lumber Co., timitea HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY WHOLESALE BRUSH -COLUMBIA FIR; SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMB:R, RED CEDAR SHINGLES ee ove Praubies: fee ee Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. J. F. FOSS, Manager. CEDAR LUMBER AN AND POLESFORSALE 1 can saw out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, OWEN SOUND ONT. VI. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Halifax, N.S. ; Steamer Dahome, for British West Indies, 64,941 ft. spruce boards, value $948, by Pickford & Black, agents. _Schooner Robert Ewing, for Cuba, 423,845 ft. pine lumber, value $6,- 359- Steamer Laurentian, for Glasgow, 28,256 ft. birch deals, value $311 5 213,055 ft. spruce deals, valve $2,769, by Furness, Withy & Co., a6ents. Steamer London City, for London, 241,755 ft. birch deals, value $2,659; 122,067 ft. spruce deals, value $1,586, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. From St. John, N.B.: Steamer Ocamo, for Bermuda, 12,500 cedar shingles, by J. Roderick & Son; 20,000 laths, 10,000 sup. ft. lumber, by Andre Cushing & Co. Schooner Jennie C, for Boston, 30,024 ft. plank, 7,239 ft. scantling, 1,106,000 cedar shingles, 50,000 spruce shingles. Schooner Romeo, for Boston, 7968 ft. scantling, 149,767 ft. plank. Schooner Roger Drury, for Providence, R.I., 1,900,- Ooo laths. Steamer Pine Branch, for Bel- fast, 1,239,442 ft. deals, 59,474 ft. scant- ling, 18,285 ft. ends. Schooner Pardon C. Thompson, for Boston, 71,035 ft. boards, 114,194 ft. plank. Schooner Pris- cilla, for Providence, R.I., 122,462 ft. plank, 44,222 ft. scantling. From Montreal: Steamer Virginian, for Liverpool, 6,593 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples; 8,239 pcs. deals and boards, by Watson & Todd. Steamer Canada, for Liverpool, 12,951 pes. deals, by Watson & Todd; 88 logs, by McLaurin Bros.;, 10,775 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples, 4,214 pcs. deals, by Charlemagne Lumbe; Co. Steamer Milwaukee, for Liverpool 67 logs, 67 pcs. timber, 1,517 pcs. dealsr by J. Burstall & Co. ; 12,385 bdls. lumber, 18,466 pcs. lumber; 214 pes. timber, 480 logs, 16,341 maple squares, 4,877 bdls. shooks, by Canadian Pacific Railway. Steamer Montezuma, for Londonand Ant- werp, 2,861 bdls. lumber, 351 pes. lumber, 998 bdls. staves, 21,676 bdls. shooks, 20 logs, 1,175 bdls. flooring, by the Canadian Pacific Railway; 1,280 pcs. boards, by Charlemagne Lumber Co. ; 3,994 ves. deals, by McArthur Export Co. ; 193 logs, by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; 88 logs, by W. & J. Sharples ; 90 logs by McLaurin Bros. Steamer Pomeranian,e for London and Havre, 6,042 pes. deals, by Watson & Todd ; 1,000 pes. deals, by E. Parizeau, Steamer Iona, for London, 84 logs, by McArthur Export Co., 611 bags squares, by Grand Trunk Railway. Steamer Manxman, for Bristol, 4,328 pes. deals, by R. Cox & Co.; 99 logs, by McArthur Bros. Steamer Sicilian, for Glasgow, 106 logs, by Canadian Pacific Railway ; 7,302 pes. deals, by E. H. Lemay; 2,018 pes. deals, by W. & J. Sharples; 84 logs, by McArthur Export Co. Steamer Athenia, for Glasgow, 2,413 pcs. deals, 19 logs, 1,421 pes. lumber, by Grand Trunk Rail- way; 136 logs, by McArthur Export Co. ; 73 logs, 1,715 pcs. deals, by J. Burstall & Co.; 96 logs, 11,357 pes. deals, by Dobell, Beckett & Co. : 5,607 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples; 1,767 pes. boards, by R. Cox & Co. Lord Lansdowne, for Cardiff, 13,292 pes. deals, 58 logs, by J. Burstall & Co. ; 5,203 pes. deals, by Mc- Arthur Export Co. ; 3,853 pces.. deals, by Dobell, Beckett & Co. ; 13,286 pcs. deals, by Charlemagne Lumber Co. Steamer Escalona, for Aberdeen and Newcastle, 3,786 pes. deals, by Watson & Todd ; 2,- 850 pes. deals, 153 logs, by Dobell, Beck- kett & Co. ; 1,142 pcs. boards, by Watson & Todd ; 2,309 pcs. boards, by J. Burstall & Co: Steamer Glenarm Head, for Dub- lin, 1,028 pcs. deals and boards, by R. Cox Co. ; 1,731 pes. deals, 34 pcs. birch, by W. & J. Sharples ; 1,432 pcs. deals, by McLaurin Bros. ; 903 pes. deals, 14,250 pes. ends, by Dobell, Beckett & Co. Steamer Wyandotte, for Durban, South Africa, 10,563 pcs. lumber ; 250 bdls. lum- ber, by American Trading Co. ; 2,300 pcs. lumber, 20 bdls. doors, by Crossman & Seilcken ; 1,440 pcs. lumber, by H. W. Peabody Co. ; for Cape Town, 11,069 pes. lumber, by H. W. Peabody; 1,776 pcs. Jumber, by American Trading Co. ; 2,506 pes. lumber, by G. Amsinck & Co.; for Algoa Bay, 217 pcs. lumber, by Thomson & Co. ; 130 bdis. doors, by Crossman & Seilcken. Steamer Ottoman, for Liver- pool, 1,425 pcs. boards, ; CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION WE'LL TREAT YOU RIGHT | June 7, 1905 > >x PL nL nly A al AT nlf AE AF al IG Dich A Plea AF Tne aspen Palen pe DSBS SOOO SES SORE SE SEESESEM i] That’s what you want, of course — And that is why we are expecting an A order from you for some of that fine A stock of SPRUCE LUMBER which you AN have heard so much about. It is good stuff, and we will give you good service and fill your order promptly. ! 4 The Red Deer Lumber Company Vy is Ss Sy, SSSSSSSSS Po Aare oS Re ee ee ee ee | YOU CAN . REACH | THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. | WHOLESALE. HARDWOODS . ST.LOUIS | ° ye ¥ RAIL,MAIL | WIRE OR ‘PHONE McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK. POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin. St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspoiterce Invited on All Hardwoods. | SY oe ey a SSS WINNIPEG, MAN. SSIS SES SSN EY oe | UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS . : H. D. WIGGl will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for’ LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. BOSTON, MASS. aa svaye sy_| Y@LLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas, MANN, WATSON & CO. _ Muskegon, Mich HABBERLE LUMBBR CO. Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 ~ - HE ROBE Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. ~ CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty RT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. — @ : # Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. } Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e.e\e.e FRANK 6, BURY WHOLESALE INDIANAPOLIS, IND. + Veneers BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE MICHIGAN LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. June 7, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) _ St. JoHN, N.B., May 31st, 1905.—The demand for lumber of all kinds continues in a way that is very gratifying to all those who have or will have some to sell. So far as the selling is concerned all indi- cations point to a remarkably satisfactory season. Apparently the only misgiving on the part of the manufacturers of this section is in regard to the log drives. Until a few days ago it was felt that, while large quantities would hang up, yet most of the mills would have enough available to make almost an average saw- ing season. Now, with the difficulty which has arisen at Van Buren, the out- look is full of uncertainty. In the American market trade continues remarkably strong, especially for deals. Values are well maintained in this latter line ; toward higher figures. Stocks of American deals are light ; 2,000,000 s. ft. would easily cover the whole. Judging from the purchases of American logs made at earlier dates for delivery during 1905, the cut of American lumber of all kinds will be lighter this year than usual at this port. A feature of the American market just now is the slackness in demand for spruce 3 X 9; this in spite of the fact that a tre- mendous business is being done in other lines. American spruce deals are quoted at local quotations having a tendency this date, f.o.b. St. John, as follows: 3 x 10 and 12, $17.50 to $18.50; 3 x 9, $16 3 x 7 and 8, $13.50 to $14. The demand for cedar. shingles in the United States is not so snappy as it usu- ally is at this time of the year, although it is very uniform and the volume of sales fairly large. Prices are at least being maintained and in some cases the figures mentioned last month have been improved upon, but speaking generally it cannot be said there has been an advance in price. Quotations now being made on cedar shingles (non-dutiable) f.0.b. St. John are as follows: Extra, $2.95; clear, $2.45 ; 2nd clear, $1.90 ; No. 1, 95 cents. Spruce lath are in good demand at the following figures, f.o.b. St. John, for im- mediate delivery : Non-dutiable, $2.55 ; dutiable, $2.30. Shipments to the Eastern States in all lines have been very light, which cond i- tion is due to a remarkable scarcity of tonnage, which is also the case in all ports along the coast. During the last fortnight great difficulty has been exper- ienced in obtaining a vessel of any kind. The few charters that have been made were at the following figures: Long Jum- ber to Boston, $2.50 per M s. ft.; to the Sound, $2.75 ; to New York City, $3. Cable address: “Dundonian, Dundee.” BERG & SON, Timber and Wood Pulp Agents and Brokers DUNDEE, SCOTLAND Contracts made between Shippers and Importers Correspondence solicited BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER - [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL ——————————— ee ee ee Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address ‘‘Farnworth,” Liverpool. a Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ENC. FP. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKEHRS Cable Address; ‘‘TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ne bipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, Tyrer & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW OANT & KEMP @ TIMBER | OUIS BAMBERGER, * *toxoox:'s'c IMPORTER OF tem Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Ee Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address: ““TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. 1 00 tin x8in. andup 39 00 4200] rx1oNo. 2 “ Ig 00 1% in x1¥% in. x 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn.. 1g 00 8in.aid up....... 50 00 -54 00/ 1x8 & a No.2“ 17 00 2in. x8in, and up 52 00 56 00| Pine Shorts 6’ to 11/8! Pie good strips : PO BH IOt LoL ope e 33 co 36 00 14% in, andr¥% in... 36 00 38 00 OT ens beeipiie boa ol 38 00 40 00 Pine, good shorts: tin. seeeeee 25 00 2800 1Y in ‘and 1% in. . .. 28 00 35 00 21D. 2-22-1002. + 34 00 38 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing siding, per M feet, b.m. .0-..: . 2000 25 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing strips..... + sees «2 18.00 24 00 Pine No. dressing shorts ..... - SAT 16 CO 20 00 Pine, ros, ¢ and bet- ter stock, 12’ to 16’ 20 00 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- ter stock, 12’ to16’. 17 00 22 00 19 00 Pine shorts ‘5’ to 11’x10” 16 00 Pine, 8 ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 00 Pine s. c. strips...... 13,00 15 00 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 12 00 14 00 Pine, box boards... 00 14 50 Pine mill culls..... 13 00 14 00 Lath, per M No. 1 white pine..: : 240 260 No. 2 white pine: .. 200 2 2§ Spruce, mill run..... 200 215 Red Pine. millrun.. 200 2 15 Pine Shingles XXxXX, 18 inch........ 300 3 25 Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 xx 18 inch........... 1 40 1 60 Cedar Shingles XXXX, 18 inch..... aie 3 25 Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 2 50 xx, 18 inch.......... 160 1 70 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. UPPER AND SELECTS, Uppers, rin., ro in. and up wide ....... Bsrioace «++2-575 00 14% 1% and 2in.........+. 75 00 2% and 3 in. ...-.+++.00++ 80 00 4 IMeeeese ee eeseee seveeese YO 00 FINE COMMON. 1 in., 8 in. and up wide...... 55 00 Yand 1 in.......00e- e006 57 00 be IH SCID RROD sseese 58 00 B FINE COMMON @®R NO I CUTTING. In, 7in. and up wide.. 1% andr% cutting..... BA ici WAG eee ar oe don Sebinptuetaiaen Oe 50 00 STRIPS. A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). Selects, rin., 8in. and up wide $65 © 3 1%, 1% and in........ «.- gi tcona cvedmee wo 95 es OE e@emoccecn ae ober ce 50 77 00 2% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 73 oo AMI otatatat ela ata oteieta) teteeies Seasic 78 00 «+s 36 00 | 234 and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 63 00 oo 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 52 00| rin., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide..... 50 0o 1x6 in. wide....... seeecees 60 00] Gin. Wide.......----eeeeeee+ 60 00 ; FINE COMMON OR C 1in., 4,5 in, wide. .....-..- 44 00| 14 in., 4, 5 in. wide ........ 47 00 1% in., 6 in, wide........... 54 00] in., 6 in. wide...<......... 54 00 SELECTED NO. 1 SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. 1UYin., 4,5, 6in wide... .... 35 00 | rin., 4, 5,6in. wide........ 0 © BARN BOARDS OR STOCKS. Nog Sage 2 0iaie siatetois@in'=(o b nsnjola 30 00| 8and7in..........++.--++ 22 00 i 25 00 O. 3) IZ ID. esse ee 21 50 24 02 10 1n.. + 20 00 2500] gin.. 19 00 2500] 8in. 19 50 22 00 ERGs. oes - I9 50 22 Co TX40c5.. 17 co SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX. 1 in,, 4 and 5 in. wide .... ..$16 00] 1 in., 13 in. and up wide.....$17 00 1 in., 6 in. wide......-...-«. 17 co | 1%,1% and 2 in., 7 in. and 1in., 7 in. wide and up...... 17 09 mp Wide... 0-ssaecses 18 00 SHAKY CLEAR. 1in., 31455) 7,8 and gin. v ide 32 00| 1 ys ro in. and up wide..... 34 00 rin., 6 in. wide............- 33 00] © Br amand 8 in. and up wide. . ain\o/agube| ssa agate SIRO, yn SHINGLES, 18-IN. Pine, XXXX...---. ee ee ees 425 | Cedar, XXXX, Bin... .. 3 50 Clear Rutts..... .... gico Clear Botts... . J... sacs 250 LATH. No.1 White Pine.. . 4 00 | No. 2 White Pine ........... 3 40 Hemlocd 2 enemies sober a «+» 300 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE, Uppers, 3 in. ... ......+. 83 85 | 1x12 inchshippers......... 24 2% in hts Seats eins vase 83 85} 4/4 inc Ree 13” & up 25 HUSA Mae seas 78 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6' aaa up 19 20 inch uppers . seeeees + 88 gO | ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Selects, 2% in ‘up.- 77 «82 | x2-in. dressing and better... 40 42 Fa WAN) Sc Oe ey ae 7a 72 | Box, Ikro-in. .............. 21 Fine common, ot in. and up 72°=«75 Box, THAR cate. Kel Mistatietere cin 21 TtO 2 IML. ss ceve ceees cn ees fo | No. 1 barn, rx12.... . see+. 29 30 No. 1 cuts, 1 to > inch. Oa. Soi RAO oa in's cldetasaiatmieorciaels 25 26 IND 2 pce nie ce ine, n| rei all 35 45 EERE AR UB > An igcer > mrs 25 ING) ae cetyl se elles alee 30 35 | No. 2 barn, rxrz.......... 26 27 No. 1 molding, 1 toz2in..... 48 50 cae. Rear tari Peseta Boca’e sie 23 «24 No. 2 molding, 1 to2in,.... 35 €8] rx8................- pdcne 22° 23 Stained saps.........-.-++- 32 40 Shaky clear, to 6/4in...... 32 38 Bracket plank ...... ea) ced ae) ol ee INCH. ceceee - 38 40 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 35 40 Dicasinge ae Seevecsiss 124 35 Dressing boards, narrow. --. 2% 28 Commons on «cles si yeteen 25 rx1q inch shippers .....--., 21 32 LATH, Pine .. $750 | Spruce: ...-.s. No. 32” «.. 27 00| 1 and 14 & 2in.. Dressing 1% in. 36 oo| Mill Culls, 1, 14%;1% 14x10 and 12. 4° 00 _ and 21m........6 op 4 = See 1 36 00 ‘The following quotations on hardwoods represent = jobber's bovine price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; WHITE ASH. % 45 00 — tst & and, 1 inch, 33 00 35 00| 234 tog in ++ 43 00 1% to 2in wseesss 39 00 4I 00} Strips...... «» 22 00 74 00 Com. and “culls. . Jeuea se 19 oo =o en BLACK AND BROWN ASH. Ist & 2na, 6 neh up, 33 00 35 00| Com. & good culls... 1§ 00 17 00 — BIRCH, ist & and, 6 inzh & ist &and,white,€’ &up, 24 co 2600 Gp, Feds os. ee Hurekas, kis at wallet, Save Ci ee Perfections, 5 butts to 2% At. wee vee se ae =e bit te —_ 5 pha eas VoL. XIII AND WOO WEEKLY The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 vanes} $1.00 Pe year i Thé Lumberman Week!" Edition every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL: LUMBER- MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL — JUNE 14 » 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER. MBERMAN -WORKER EDITION No. ‘15 ~ Canapa Lumperman The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. _ = _ Branch Offices: _ 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. a ; Telephone 1274 _ 536 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER B. C: 22 GREAT St. HELEN’s, Lonpon, E. C. Phe Weekly Lumberman — Published every _ Sectors: contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading g ve and foreign wholesale markets. A _ weekly medium of information and communica- ; Be Gecrea contin timber and lumber manu- _ facturersand exporters and the purchasers of timber lucts athomeand abroad. The mag oe 4 Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially sub; perti- nent tothe lumber and wood-working industries. _ WANTED AND FOR SALE a gah in. thie depaxt- hen four or more consecutive insertions are ed a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. > s notice shows the width of the line and is set - in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in _ the current week’sissue FV JANTED—3” TAMARAC 14’ AND r‘/ LONG, VV 4”, 1%” and a” Wormy Chestnut. R. EB. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. , Fo SALE — LARGE QUANTITY OF 3” s Common Spruce. Barge or car lots. Apply ox 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. _ JTSOR SALE—ONE MILLION FEET BIRCH . lumber, 100.000 feet Winter cut Basswood, _ aqguantity of Beech, Maple, Black Ash, and Elm. Address THE HarRcourT Lumser Co., Har- _ court, Ontario. YAJANTED—BY A YOUNG MAN OF GoopD JY character, ition as Buyer, Culler, Etc., _ for a good reliable firm, with chance for ad- vancement. Thoroughly acquainted with lum- business, especially Canadian Hardwoods. to “C. M. M.” care CanaDA LUMBERMAN, onto, Ont. JANTED, TO CORRESPOND WITH PAR- ¥¥ TIES who can arrange to cut and manu- icture into lumber and shingles one hundred toone hundred and twenty five million super- _ ficial feet Fir and Cedar logs at the rate of - about fifteen million feet per year. Logs will = elivered atthe mill and product accepted .B. cars and scows. None but those having ipital to erect their own mill need apply to Box 798, Vancouver, B. C. FOR SALE. {ALL STEAM SAW MILL WITH DOUBLE J Edger and Cut-off Saw ; capacity. eight to en thousand feet per day. Also a timber eof sixteen square miles; mill built in r of the limit; any quantity of timber ; a for selling, going out of the business ; three thousand dollars, Address Box 75, -_ CEDAR FOR SALE RB 0 R IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT: SO! 2cars 7X7 2cars 8X 8 Icar 9X 9 icar 10 X 10 ] dry. Ottawa LUMBER Co’y, Ottawa, OR SALE—PORTABLE SAW MILL, NOW running, good rig and cheap. - Box 4, Bothwell, Ont. ; ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Srmcok Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED—A BUSH FOREMAN,ONE WHO understands logging hardwood, hemlock and cedar. Apply stating experience, etc., to Box 215, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED TO PURCHASE. 50M ft. of 1” Hemlock, No. 1. 50M ft. of 1” Hemlock, No. >. Must be in shipping condition, and trimmed. THE PATTERSON TILLEY Co., Hamilton, Ont. WANTED AT SOUTH RIVER. a EXPERIENCED SHIPPER WHO UN: derstands the English export grades, Ap- py. tes TURNER LUMBER Co., LIMITED, Mid- and, Ont. 7 FOR SALE MALL HARD-WOOD SAW:MILL AND STANDING TIMBER ; good opening for man with small capital: [ox 231, CANADA® LUMBERMAN, Toronto. thee ee ee 22 SAINT CHARLES. R iver du Moulin River,aux Ecorces, 5 29 Pngerbipee 41 River aw Cantot, i.c.0.-.200s0.- 26 Grande Pikauba, 2 38 iM Be tease alate. dats Nacten stare + 38 River Sainte Ann of Beaupre, 1............ 28 rf 2 Ue: Bie ante chs 27 i ‘s “ Bs halan aie Sach 3a LAKE SAINT JOHN WEST. Rivetiaw Sanmon, x. 205.00. hen tee os ooo 46 3 Haire tA. ¢ SCA 6 Seep ae 49 e Riera aoe Ne’s. dualacinica eet 41% ae Pe ee eee ee rer 68 ae Berle ariel -|syorace beieis ciniaipietets 91% Township Dablon, ranges z2and 3......... 14% Township Ross, No. [..........0.00000: bo cities SO o INI 4k eee. tn eo eotn hele 15% River Ou’atchouaniche, No, & ............. WW LAKE SAINT JEAN EAST. Township Kenogami, No. 2. ..........0.. 1% = will be recognized if such II CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION SAGUENAY. River Malbaie, LO oie = de veo tees Geese 60 68 bins ROO - RADE 57 as Le ee 54 a 17.. 37 Bergeronnes, 1 Fast.. 25 River Sainte Marguerite, 87... ph eae Ss A River Manicouagan, 8 to 16, each pratt aic.0'9 I 50 River Magpie, Plats ackets 30 Rives aes ee ) SR Brey mies Neb ce or ents 42 River Natashquan 1 to4, each........ «. 50 kiv-er Piastre Bay, 1to 8, each.........--- 35 Metapedia 2 ph. Cabot No, 2........08+. 008 1I RIMOUSKI EAST. River Cap-Chat, zt Se rsh iene ald eas 47% B. Sasuesmantetele wees ohare, ake bates 45 : ™ Z ute et imp State aia eho 4° River Matane, A.........+.-.+esececeecens 48 GRANVILLE. Township Parke, No, 4........2++.eeerseee 4% GASPE WEST. River Salnte Anne, D.... 4.0.0 cee de es cos 48 s Lohan onaineogacminrandans 43% GASPE EAST. Grand River Pabos, T.......-22- sserssesee 39 GASPE CENTRE, Sydenham West... .-..-..- 2: seer reer eee ee 20 River York, A 46% “ “a 13 oe “ a “ “ “ Fa RO dS 0 to CONDITIONS OF SALE. No limit will be adjudged at less than the minimum price fixed by the department. Tre limits will be adjudged to the highest bidder on payment of the purchase price, in cash or by cheque accepted by a duly incorporated bank. Failing payment, they will be immediately re-offered for sale. The annual ground rent of three dollars per mile, with fire tax, is also payable immediately. Those timber limits, when adjudged, will be subject to the provisions of all timber regulations oe in force or which may be enacted here- after. Plans of limits offered for sale are opened for inspection in the Department of Lands, Mines and Fisheries, in this city, and at the office of the Crown lands and timber agents in the different ~ragencies.in which-said limits are situated, up to the day of sale. N.B.—No account for publication of this notice ublication has fot ‘been expressly authorized by the depirtment. ADELARD TURGEON, Minister of Lands, Mines and Fisheries. Deen EEE A committee has been appointed to re- port as to the disposition of the assets of James Kennedy, lumber merchant, St. John, N. B. The assets are placed at $27,000 and include two portable saw mills, 500,000 feet of logs, which are hung up in the woods, and some real estate. The liabilities are about $14,000 BRITISH COLUMBIA REHD CHDAR SHINGLE We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Reports of the lumber market are not so uniformly favorable as last week, Many dealers, and a few manufacturers, designate the demand as a little quiet, al- though at the same time admitting that the spring trade has been very satisfactory. The volume of business booked by To- ronto dealers during the month of May was, so far as can be learned, greater than for the corresponding month in 1904, and we believe the statement will apply to other provincial points. Asked how his business compared with one year ago, a prominent dealer replied thatit was greater for both Apriland May, with many orders still on the books to be filled as soon as possible. Manufacturers’ prices are firm, in fact too firm to suit the dealers, who claim that the margin between the whole- sale buyer's price and that which can be obtained from the retailer or consumer is too small. . This is one of the reasons why the wholesalers are not altogether satisfied with the present condition of trade. Ina word, they consider that the manufacturers should make a larger reduction on blocks of stock. In white pine the better end is less active, but there is quite a heavy movement of box-and mill culls. Some sizes of common are also showing more weakness than earlier in the year. The hemlock situation has not changed, there being a good demand around $12 at the mill, while some manufacturers are asking $12.50 and $13. The standard sizes of pine lath are firm at $3 for No. 1 at the mill, but heavier offerings of 32 inch pine and hemlock have caused a slight break. The former is now offered at $1. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, It is now estimated that 30, 000,000 feet of logs»will- bechung-up-on Miramichi river in New Brunswick. This, with the smaller quantity which is almost certain to be hung up on the St. John river, has further stiffened the spruce lumber market, . but the demand is not as great as might be expected. The deadlock between ship- pers and British importers still exists, but manufacturers are hopeful that they will be able to dispose of their output at satis- factory prices. Shipments to the United States have shown some falliag off during the past ten days. Cedar shingle prices are not as firm as two weeks ago, and _ very few manufacturers are asking more than $3.35 for Extras for Boston delivery. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, Lumber is moving quite actively in Win- nipeg, as the building season is now in full swing and promises to be better than last year. The extensive building opera- tions in that city are shown in a very strik- ing manner by the following comparison of permits for the first five months of the past three years: Year. Permits. Cost. Cored, Marne SAL Linc 421 $2,142,650 TOG ia. Votan ta 779 3,637,350 FQOG Ss © cause 3 1180 4,799,450 It will be seen that the permits taken out this: year are more than double in value those for 1903 and over $1,000,000 greater than last year. While corresponding activity does not prevail at all western points, still building generally in the west is satisfactory and a large quantity of lumber is going into consumption. From British Columbia comes the report of more satisfactory conditions in the domestic trade but some disappointment with the export branch. UNITED STATES. Lumber trade conditions in the United States continue satisfactory. Prices in the Lake Superior district are exceptionally strong and the placing of the new cut on the market has been without effect in the direction of bringing about lower quo- tations. A quantity of No. 3 and better pine was recently sold at Duluth at $19, which is an advance of $3 over what the stock would have brought one year ago. All the large manufacturers have disposed of the bulk of their season’s cut, and one mill has sold its out put for the coming three ‘wyears, receiving therefor, we understand, _the top notch price of the season, The eastern trade is also in good shape, visits of dealers to Buffalo and Tonawanda for the purpose of buying stock being an evi- . dence of this condition. The demand is much more active than one year ago. Cleveland is receiving a considerable quantity of Canadian lumber and reports a large consumption. Atarecent meeting of wholesale dealers in that city the price of southern pine, norway and hemlock WOODS & SPICER, Limited aha ata MANUFACTURERS OF '...... Capsacity 100 KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORIN Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS | Million a Year. J vt Samples by Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots, Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND a DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH MONTREAL QUE. Office and Vard, 571 DORCHESTER ST. ‘Send for Catalogue was advanced, but shingles were reduced 25 cents. There is an average movement — in shingles, but white pine values are show- ing the effect of the competition of rel “a cedars. Lathcontinues strong and scarce. In Boston spruce lath is held at $3.50 for 156 in. and $3.25 to $3.30 for 1% inch. GREAT BRITAIN. ¢ There has been a slight improvement in _ the British market but it has been confined — almogt exclusively to spruce. In’ white pine there has been little change, prices a of the better qualities being well maintain- ed, with the lower grades weaker and ivory dull. Importers seem more disposed to” operate in spruce on account of its lower — cost and consequent smaller risk, A re- W. C. CRAWFORD | Tilbury ‘ Ont. i “a . « Manvfacturer of a3 pty 4 > ‘tale Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, — Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Rea 1 and White Oak,Maple and Elim Lumber. = Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak squares Be rf 38 in. long in — eo ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. — Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar ; Posts and Tien... = . s aaa SPECIAL — 50,000 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4 Soft 30,000 8/4 Maple, C éBy 18,000 me ae 100,000 4/4 M. R. Basswood; 18,000 Pine Sidings; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Bi ts “40,000 : 6/4 Beech. Prices on applicati on. - A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is pairs erm ed the ‘“‘Sportman's Line” because it into and through the very heart of the chc hunting grounds in America, ae The very best wild fowl (oon ot be i North is reached ONLY by this tine oy of beautiful lakes abounding in ‘celery attracts myriads of ducks oak afford the finest kind of cover an e choicest <3 shooting to be found the country over?® The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and during the — various seasons for hunting and a io ~ daily information to its patrons as to bree Gar? ditions anywhere along its lines wippatroants . tion to the nearest ticket agent, Fa ns arranges its train service with special reference to the © convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert tomake tramet ei over their lines pleasant and ‘peraiont al able. This line offers the best route between St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minneapolis kara to Lake Superior’ points via Ashland, a rk - Information given by eee 3 JAS. C. POND, Wis, —— R. R. - rent 4 7 KNIGHT | B il LIMITED ~ MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE 1 TIMBER “s Montreal, Quebec 5 ents The B.C. Mills, Timber | & Co., Vaucouver, B. C, DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length WRITE i PARTICULARS AND pp Eastern - , _ P.O. wel op Jane 14, 1905 — ~ “se - port just to hand states that signs are not wanting of an early improvement in spruce i values and that there is a feeling that the _ time has arrived when importers should _- contract for their supplies. Prices still rule at £9 for 3x9 in. second quality, £8 it is probable that shippers may withdraw these quotations at any time. Intending buyers who are waiting for a drop in __Values are, therefore, likely to be disap- pointed. Prices of birch timber have been well maintained, but planks are a little easier. Waney pine is also dragging on account of a light demand. The Liverpool __ price ranges from 2s 8d to 3s od per cubic foot. 4 at BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. _ (Correspondence of THz CANADA LUMBERMAN.) VANCOUVER, B.C., June 5th, 1905.— With fairly prosperous conditions in the lumber industry as far as the home mar-— _ ket is concerned, the export trade is the braneh which is at present most unsatis- factory. This has prevailed for some time, and until there is more of an im- _ provement, very few vessels will load at the Chemainus mills. This is one of the big export mills of the coast, but only one __ or two ships have been tied up there for loads. The British ship Cedarbank has completed a cargo of 407,000 feet for the west coast of South America,and the Brit- ish ship Adderley is about ready for de- parture, her destination being Sydney, NSW. In Vancouver, the British ship : Senator will get away from the Hastings ____ mill with 1,434,768 feet for East London, = ‘South Africa, this week. The American oo = ° 1os for thirds, and £7 15s for fourths, but . barque Prussia completes her cargo of 870,000 feet for Yokohama to-day. The British ship Springbank is daily expected to arrive from San Francisco to load for the United Kingdom. There is little change in prices, either for logs or lumber, during the past couple of weeks. Demand for lumber at the mills keeps up the good figure for logs in the camp. With the better prices for lum- ber in the States, and the fact that nearly all the over-production was dumped into Canada last year, to the serious detriment of the industry here, the amount of lumber coming over from Washington is not quite so large as last year. It is sufficient, however, to make the difference between fair times and good, and did it not come in would mean greater prosperity for Brit- ish Colnmbia, where the manufacture of lumber is the chief industry. The ship- ments of the Victoria Lumber and Manu- facturing Company from its mills at Che- mainus to the Northwest and Manitoba for May will total upward of 3;000,000 feet. This firm, however, has a large contract with the-C.P.R. The intention of the C.P.R. to erect buildings on land sold to immigrants from the Old Country will have a beneficial effect on the lumber trade from this pro- vince, The railway company complains that empty cars are hauled east, and besides it will be less prone to buy the dumped lum- ber from Washington state which might be offered cheaper in Canada. The com- pany will receive instalment payments from the purchasers of the land and build- ings. The shutting down of the saw mill of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION IIT, Ontario-Slocan Lumber Company is an indication that conditions are not as satis- factory as they might be. Owing to the prolonged depression, operations ceased in its establishment in Slocan City. Some of the principal shareholders of this company live in Ontario. Applications to cut timber were about the same for Mayas April. In the latter month they numbered an even hundred, and in May 93. Mr. John Murray, timber ranger, re- turned from a trip to the middle interior a week ago,and reports business there fairly good. The Kamloops Lumber Company, of which Mr. George McCormick is pres- ident, has about 6,000,000 feet of logs hung up, owing to low water. Little rain usually falls in that district in the summer, so that itis hardly probable that the timber will be released this season, unless heavy rains come. An arrival Friday from the Kootenay and Crow’s Nest district reports the lum- ber industry doing well there just now. Depression was severély felt through that part, but the momentary demand for lum- ber from the Territories is helping things. have THE GLASGOW MARKET. Messrs.Edmiston & Mitchells furnish the following particulars of the Glasgow market : WHITE PINE.—Business during the month has been extremely quiet and en- quiries are few. slowly and is still ample. Oaxk.—There have been a few more en- quiries during the mo th, and one or two good lines of large wood have been placed J. B. Farwell & Son FOR SALE . CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN . Exceptionally good Birchand Hemlock +} Lumber f.o.b. car South River Station. Mills at Midford (Eagle Lake,) Ont. Canadian Gedar Tele-| THE ROBB LUMBER CO, LIMITED 0 api, Telephone and Guelph, Ont. Hunter. Grawford & Niebergall — Blectrio Light P 01S LUMBFR AYD SOUARE TIABER oF a KINDS Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. CBDAR POSTS, POLES, TIES, LATH AND SHINGLES Bill Stuff a Speciasty WIARTON, ONT. Write Us for. Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. POLES ‘ Me : 5,000 pieces, 10 to 20’ long. Suitable for Hops, etc. a DIMENSION | et: TIMBER a SASH - Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. Price 7—Well write us. leita LONG LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON JAS. LUNNY & CO., HINTONBURG, ON:. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. : f Write for quotations. DOORS - B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS B cARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., umrep 604 Temple Building, Toronto To MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., 5th and Lumberman’s The stock is moving off at fair prices. First-class Quebec wood, large average, is scarce, but the stock of The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, / any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =“— SARNIA, ONT. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co: 503 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, London, Eng. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimiTeD SAW AND PLANING, MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo,’ Registered Cable Add ress, is Pinewood.” . BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. ie ‘Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. “American Luimberman” * Telecode. a < B.C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES ~ ~ Several cars now in transit, hence can give prompt delivery. SEND C. A. LARKIN IN YOUR ORDERS Toronto J.D. SHIER LUMBER C0., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings aud Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY THE GHARLEMAGNE & LAG OUAREAU LUMBER GO., LIMITED, 404 Coristine Building, MONTREAL, P. Q. Mills at Charlemagne and Montcalm on Great Northern Railway. Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc In Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. SAWN AND DRESSED LUMBER Clapboards, Shingles, Laths, Butter Boxes Write us for quotations, Shipments by rail or water. CACHE BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE gine al U M B E R caonmpar,om, | ann LATH Iv. second-class and southern wood is heavy. E_mM.—The demand has somewhat fallen The stock of all kinds is low and prices are very firm. QUEBEC BiRCH.—The import for May consists of 610 logs by liners from Mon- treal, most of which have been disposed off, pending new arrivals. Cedar Cove Mill, Vancouver, B.C. AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar: Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, : Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION > of ‘* ex quay.” than they were owing to the pressure to, effect ‘‘ex quay” sales, and unless im- ports during the next few weeks are of more moderate dimensions, it will be diffi- cult to maintain present values. N.B. BircH. — The import for the Vancouver, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Do Is, Mouldings, Etc. Prices are rather easier, month consists of about 500 loads of logs and 175 standards of planks, all of which were disposed of ‘* ex quay”’ on a basis of 174d. to 18}4d. for 14 to 15% inch aver- age, while planks have brought £7 10s. to £7 17s. 6d., c.i.f. Buyers are now bet- ter supplied with birch and show less E. H. HEAPS & CO., SPECIALTIES : W. J. SHEPPARD PRESIDENT Waubaushene, Ont. Pacific Coast Lumber Co. — Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. D. C. CAMERON, The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work © pestersin CHDAR- POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario Manufacturers of * * BR & Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. President and Manager. LIMITED VANGOUVER, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF High Grade Red Cedar Shingles Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - : 112 Mail Building, TORONTO WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. . WINNIPEG, Export Lumber & Shingle Co. Wholesale Dealers Limited Sritish Columbia Lumber and Shingles The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in | manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the requirements of the trade in those sections. We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current market prices. Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED Fee Block, 570 Granville Street, Rooms 3 and 4, Third Floor hone 2002 VANCOUVER - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Manitoba, | and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. 3.3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3. | High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Soribner’s Lumber and Log Book A handy book for Lumbermen. of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square and Round Timber ; ws x9 ea and much other practi- cal information. ADDRESS THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. " eagerness to augment their stock, appa-— Head Office: Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber — Correspondence solicited at all four points. Joe WELLS —= June 14, «905 al rently anticipating easier sane as the season goes on. AsH.—The import has been quite tri- fling and there is very little enquiry, thou.xh a small shipment of prime 15-inch wood might find a ready enough market, — — Ruskin Mill , oe B. o J. G. score. GENERAL MANAGER | Vancouver, B.C. ~~ i3 = YOUNG, Cashier j Sash, RAT PORTAGE, Ontario — PALLISER, B. C. Gives Correct Measurements «_Price 35 Cents, 7 ae a s 3 a June 14, 1905 a —— "THE PEMBI PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. rs We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, lock, and solicit your enquiries. "DELAPLANTE - - McBURNEY LUMBER 60., | WHOLESALE Spruce and Hem- =a _ White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles bbs Stocks in , eho Saegood : Powassan Cartier Callander ¢ Ontario Whitney si npean Falls North Bay Relate OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers. SS AY - Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries a4 FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, -Ties, Posts, Lath, - -Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer ar. one all winter. ; _ EAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. _ RHODES, CURRY & CO.., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. 4 a re and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch - and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. g ; JAMES J. MURPHY, °° 2h’ QUEBEC he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF er Co. © ° e | Lumber and Lath ~ a at t SPRAGGE, ‘Algoma + ag -, Ont. r Water Shipments anch C.P.R anning Arcade, Toronto eas Building, Montreal And at Mills at Spragge. tl M. BRENNEN & SUNS MANET GO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. OFFICES Saw Mills at -RAINY LAKE, Ontario. -~THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office : ‘} HAMILTON ONT. ONT. AUGER & SON - Quebec ; PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and Lumber.— Write Us. [ wee Manufacturers of and “gre eageaag Dealers in all kinds of Both Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. | A. F. BURY AUSTIN "WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER NADA PINE _ Bank of Ottawa Building, ae St. James St.., - MONTREAL, CANADA ‘SPECIAL 1ES: Railway Pridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White cea mn Timbe: “4 c mway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and ‘Whitewood, Planed and ‘Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; ; Birch Flooring, ir _ hollow back, end butted. Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. Douglas Fic Timber in any size or Saat up to go feet long, Timber Li sai face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. ote Kilas of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, las Fir and Cedar, WRITE FOR PARTWCULARS ANB QUOTATIONS. A. & P. WHIGE 1 Shipments by Rail or Water. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. ee Te SS CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS anc _and WHO! WHOLESALERS R. LAIDLAW LUMBER 60 JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. PLAYEATR & WHITE Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contaster: for Rallway epee MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Spectalt => anniacrurets of and Dealers i Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY PINE, ONT. (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) F. M°GIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Re zine: and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. _ Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water Pypenee Lumber Co., timitea MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER a? | AGA Midland, Ont. PENETANCUISHENE ONT. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Faticly, Meaford, Ont. THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY WHOLESALE BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES We soviet Nev gams -. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. J. F. FOSS, Manager. CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FOR SALE 1 can saw out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FINDLAY, OWEN SOUND ONT. VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION the stock of logs being at an unusually low point. Deas, Etc.—The first arrivals of new goods from Montreal are now to hand— chiefly pine deals on contract. Stocks are low, but the demand is so quiet sales are difficult to effect. viz.:—Broad first pine deals, £33 to £35 ; 11-inch, 430 to £32; ends and non-di- $23 to £25. deals.—11-inch and up, £17 and non-dimensions, £13 to 414 Ios. Third pine deals.—11-inch and up, £11 to 414; ends and non-dimensions, £9 tos. to £10 10s. Red pine deals.—g9 and 11- inch, £9 to £10; narrows, £7 to £8 ros. First pine sidings and strips.—g9 to 1o- nch, £23 to 424; 11 to 12-inch, £25 to $26; 13 to 14-inch, £27 to £28. QUEBEC SPRUCE DEALS.—9-inch and up £8 5s. to £8 15s.; 7 and 8 inch, £7 5s. to 47 158. N.B. SprucE.—g-inch and up, 48 to £8 10s.; 7 and 8 inch, £7 to £7 ros. Values are unaltered, Second pine to £19; ends mensions, NELSON LUMBER PRICES. The tollowing prices on lumber were put into effect by the local yards at Nelson, B. C., last month: Common Boards and Dimension...... $14 (Kiln Dried) Shiplap...........+++-4+ 17 Shiplap «.« «0cieisfeiioe tek oe le eb oleele seis 15 Flooring and Ceiling, INOS 0s a oye ety 26 s INOS 2 cabixebonetemeiane 22 Siding, INO surreradientaris Wa yoridt Goons 24 IN Oe 2 ER ner tere alate istcldere eines 20 Cedar Ceiling, Mos sect eee spine 35 Kiln Dried, ri ‘thick to i2’’ wide, No. 1.. 30 “ec “ce No. 2. 136 “e ce “ce te No. she Common Boards: S. 1 S., mixed eae 10 to 18 feet, and mixed widths, 4 to “12 inches. Io and 12 inch stock - boards, when specially ordered, $1.00 per M. extra. 1 by 4 inch strips, when specially order- ed, $1.00 per M. less. Ordinary dimension includes sizes from 2X4x12 up to 2x12x16. 50 cents per M. extra for every two feet over 16. $1.00 per M. extra for every 2 inches over 12 inches in width. 2x4 and 2x6 10 feet same price as 20 feet. $1.00 per M. extra where lengths are specified for boards, shiplap and matched stuff, Short lumber up to 8 feet $2 less per M than standard lengths. The Carter-Powell Land & Lumber Company, Limited, has recently been or- ganized in Toronto and has taken over the business of C. S. Powell & Company, lum- ber exporters. Mr. R. E. Carter is pres- ident of the new company, Mr. C. S. Powell, managing-director, and Mr. G. Verney, secretary-treasurer. It is the intention to operate in both domestic and export trade and to make a specialty of basswood keyboards and hardwood floor- ing. The head office will be inthe Temple Building, Toronto, and they will have agencies in New Orleans, Liverpool, Lon- don, Bristol, Paris, Bremen and Belfast. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON. & CO. Muskegon, Mich BOSTON, MASS. H. D. Wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SPNsQss LOSSES SESS SSS SSE SESS’ MSE SS : Sy — ¢ WE'LL TREAT YOU RIGHT 4, Y That’s what you want, of course — =a SSSSSSSSS SS = Ns “ae > M4 And that is why we are expecting an VY, order from you for some of that fine 4 stock of SPRUCE LUMBER which you 4 have heard so much about. ay eS PE A ay It is good stuff, and we will give you good service and fill your order promptly. —— WS SSTwas yd Ss The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN. WEES, SD SESSSSSSIES SSIS ISS SSSHSS SHES SSS SSS SSS SSS ee y 4 y ( SASSY UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS REACH WHOLESALE. HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK. POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (0 ik, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspodence Invited on All Hardwoods. SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LITTLE Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, LA., ALLENTOWN, LA. HABBERLE LUMBBR GO. Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 ~ - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. a okasreaiy & Weneers BURY & NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. - FRANK G, BURY MASON A. NOBLE WHOLESALE MICHIGAN - ~ A J une 14, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION VII. Atlantic Railway; 6,513 pcs. deals by Dobell, Beckett & Co. ; 865 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd; 150 logs, by McLaurin Bros.; 4,688 pcs. deals, by McArthur Ex- port Co.; 3,557 pcs. deals, by Great Northern Railway. Steamer Lake Lak- onia, for Glasgow, go pcs. timber by Mc-. Arthur Export Co.; 1,614 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples; 3,177 pes. deals, by Grand Trunk Railway ; 1,083 pcs. lumber, by Canadian Pacific Railway. Steamer. Tunisian, for Liverpool, 456 pcs. timber, 1,036 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples ; 1,605 pcs. deals, 10,055 pcs. boards, by Watson & Todd. Steamer Southwark, for Liverpool, 1,915 pcs. deals and ends, by Charlemagne Lumber Co.; 1,052 pes. deals, 731 pcs. bvards, by Watson & Todd; 664 pes. deals and boards, by Mc- Arthur Export Co. ; 42 logs, by McLaurin Bros. Steamer Devona, for London, 2,- 175 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd; 1,347 bdls. squares, 1,253 pcs. lumber, by Can- adian Pacific Railway. Steamer Lake _ CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. _ From ‘St. John, N.B.: Steamer Nord- b open, for Liverpool, 2,048,808 ft. deals, 3 70,205 ft. scantling, 50,684 ft. ends, 1o1,- 3go ft. boards. Steamer Evangeline, for London, 485,203 ft. birch planks, 1,127 bdls. blocks. - Schooner Genevieve, for New York, 120,814 ft. plank, 64,898 ft. antling. Schooner W. E. and W. L: ucker, for City Island, 136,057 ft. deals, 4 16,709 ft. scantling, 750,000 ft. laths, ‘Schooner Jessie Lena, for New York, 1,9 990,000 laths: Schooner Harold B. Cousins, for New York, 2,221,100 laths. que Shawmut, for Philadelphia, 1,011,- too laths. : _ From Halifax, N.S.: Barque Theodor, — Preston Docks, G.B., 560,281 ft. - spruc deals, value $5,602. = Brom Montreal: Steamer Lake Man- 3 itoba, for Liverpool, 895 bdls. lumber, 1,- 092 pes. lumber, by Canadian Pacific Railway; 3425 pkgs. lumber, by Canada Michigan, for London and Antwerp, 10,044 pes. deals, by Dobell Beckett & Co. ; 380 pes. deals, by W. & J. Sharples; 4,787 pes. deals, by McArthur Export Co. ; 3,- 435 doors, by Ganadian Pacific Railway. Steamer Englishman, for Bristol, 401 pes. deals, by R. Cox & Co. ; g2r pcs. deals, by Charlemagne Lumber Co. ; 3,063 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd; 27 logs by McArthur Export Co. Steamer Mont- eagle, for Bristol, 28,139 pcs. deals, by Dobell, Beckett & Co; 3,544 pes. boards, by Montreal Lumber Co. ; 5,886 pcs. deals, 400 logs, by W. & J. Sharples ; goo doors, by Canadian Pacific Railway. Steamer Oracadian, for Glasgow, 122 pcs. deals, 1,080 pcs. lumber, by Canadian Pacific Railway ; 393 pcs. squares, by W. & J. Sharples ; 6,498 pes. deals and boards, by E. H. Lemay. Steamer Manchester Im- porter, for Manchester, 1,366 bdls. lumber | 8,637 pes. deals, by Watson & Todd ; 10,- 290 pcs. lumber, by Grand Trunk Rail- way; 5,298 pes. deals, by Charlemagne Lumber Co. ; 3,047 pcs. boards, 771 pes. deals, by McLaurin Bros.; 3,868 pes. deals, 6,060 pcs. boards, by W. & J. Sharples ; 3,421 pcs. boards, 707 pcs. deals, by R. Cox & Co.; 27 pcs. timber, by Canadian Pacific Railway. Steamer Birmingham, for Durban, South Africa, 971 pcs. lumber, by Strong & Trow- bridge; 41 cases doors, by Imperial Ex- port Co. ; 40 bdls. doors, by Rathbun Co. ; for East London, goo pes. shelving, by B- S. Pray & Co. ; 2,353 pcs. lumber, So bdls. doors, by Crossman & Seilcken; 4,151 pes. lumber, by American Trading Co. ; 913 pcs. timber by Thomson & Son; for Delagoa Bay, 933 pcs. and bdls. by American Trading Co.; 1,893 pes. lumber, by A. S. Lascelles. Steamer Fashoda, for Sharpness, 69,840 pcs. deals, 100 logs, by W. J. Sharples. Cornishman, boards, pes Way. lumber, Steamer for Liverpool, 2,748 pcs. 6,725 maple blocks, 1,359 doors, by Grand Trunk Rail- {PARNWORTH & JARDINE | [Wood Brokers and Measurers _ Cable Address ee eewesth, ” Liverpool.a Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ENC. ie. A. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKEHRS Cable Address; ‘*TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. pee fe = CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, handled to the best advantage to all ements handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence S: An Ete. ited. DEDALCHD ® Broad Street Building, Lbuls BAMBERGER, °* *inssx* 2° IMPORTER OF it dosate Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ ee N Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods : (ad Open to Contract for Glued-Tp BASSWOOD nee RDS s a ZEBRA CODE A. B. C. CODE DIRECTORY CODE ‘GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & 60. Wood i gents and Brokeis BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS SMITH & TYRER - Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. Cable Address : “‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. Ax and A B C Codes used. (EE EE ee oe Every lumberman wants it BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY GANT & KEMP @ 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW * BROKERS [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL -. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Halifax, N.S., Office—Smitu, Tyrer & Co., Metropole Bidg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Liverpool. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW TIMBER SS 35 cents buys it Scribner's Lumber « Log BOOK Address : ble Address : “‘ GELLICHT,” LONDON FELBER, JUCKER & CO. _ Lumber Importers ANCHESTER ENGLAND . haps offers from Lumbermen for . 57 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Flooringe, Shoots, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, les, Chair Stock, Seats, ete. +, OF any oods Suitable for English Market. wm Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. rk Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘ Shooks,” Hull. Codes—A. B. C. 4th Edi ion and Zebra. BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS 0 Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Staves and Heading, Handles of ili Veneers A Specialty BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW DVANCES MADE AGAINST ING DOCUMENTS ee oe eee aye = 4 é ¥ M Jy Party Apo —— ae ie ies e, he a eeeee trent © a Sey Saar ee JRMES WEBSTER & BROTHER. Elm | descriptions | PRACTICAL INFORMATION OSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. shinia |e ASO. 2 All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. ‘ ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers - CABI,K ADDRESS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND “DOBLE LIVERPOOL ” ALL KINDS OF LUMBBR AND LOGS HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. BRANCH OFFI Cx. Brook i, HAMBURG: © - aS SS ee | ¥ at ee ee, ee i vit CaNaDA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | June 14, 1905 THE ONTARIO — warre pine tumeer, tata | (* EO. G. GLADMAN serencrom AND SHINGLES. L U Mi B ER 6° LIMITED Hon! Tite building 1 ORONTO, Ont. are Epa ana G. T.R. Delivery. seri ie sueaoe Bay ; mE an ong P A RRY SO UN. D, ON TT. EDWELL & LEM CKE Lions Head, - E have Three Millions of Hem- "HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER ; 34 9 Ontario | lock, running in lengths from & MANUFACTURING CO. BNE coh fom L 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre- Dealers in Pine. Hemlock wanuracroress { Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood ona pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 and ioe a a or... | Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. feet or over. WANTED HEADQUARTERS penn etre Citizens’ Building, n We solicit consignments of long Cleveland, 0. McMinnvilie, Tenn.- and short lumber from the Mari- We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and) MGLennan Timber Land and | QMeaiaew Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- feet ee kee Ma Cee NORTHERN ap a ak Selling Agency and Dealers in all” RAILWAY CANADIAN THE KING RAD BARTLES LUMBER CO. A. Pci oo EH Rt : Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles Posts, LUMBER PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS | Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock q wt ARTON, onT. THE NEW LINE WateEr-Powers, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELEcTRIC Power FoR SALE. IDEAL PuLp-MILL Sirs, et WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES sm, mm WOODSTOCK, pic RIC Through the Spruce Forests of the Laurentian | Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesbury. — ° kinds of Timber Lands. 5 CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. i Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. Pe - Room 510 MASS Offices: Quebec, 131 St. Peter St.. CANADA A. J. GORRIE, GUY TOMBS ar mlnse. => SOSTOR, : Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. _ General supt. MONTREAL GR&P A, 47 . he A. ; ET TTT - , ai e ened strips : f ae aur 6! to pe “3 16 00 LATH, r A % io slater osha ae 36 00 |.Pine, 8 ups. ¢, sidings 1 20 00 f ra : 7m CHE % in asiisiie in... at ao. ee ‘Pine’ s.c strips..-.-. 43.00 1500 FINE .......004 2s oe weeees $350 | Spruce....s.seeseeree a9 4, ae POPS eT 00 4000 anes — board «. 12 s = * SHINGLES. : As ne, Ox fees ane 25 00 2800 Pine mill culls..... 13 00 14 00 fae tt XxxXxXx. 7” 4 $4 73 bg butts, 6x18 85: 25° Ss = TORONTO, ONT. 1% in. and 13 in. .. 28 00 35 00 | Lath, per M Scpaah ie od 2.75 te 4 MIAYie New Brunswick anp Nova Scotia SPRUCE AND PinE DEALS.—The import to _ the Mersey during the past month has _ been very similar in quantity tothe corre- r sponding month of last year, viz:—4,84o, against 4,310 in 1904. The deliveries have more than kept pace, stocks are _ moderate and values are fairly steady. _ Pine Deals.—There is a very limited en- - quiry, and a parcel recently imported has been stored on shippers’ account. _ BiRcH.—Of logs there has beena mod- erate import, chiefly from Quebec; the _ deliveries have been fairly satisfactory, and stocks are not too heavy, values are ’ fairly steady. Planks have arrived much J.B. Farwell & Son Canadian Gedar Tele- Graph, Telephone and Electric Light Poles Z - Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, HL. CEDAR LUM HAMI THE LONG | _In Spruce, White '*) SASH - es Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. 604 Temple Bu MILLMEN — Cash buyer _ JAS. LUNNY & CO., HINTONBURG, ONT. In Douglas Fir, up to 90 feet. : a Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. ey Write for quotations. DOORS - ARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., umreo Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.” Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s more freely, and although the deliveries have been large the stock is increasing, and values are a shade easier. The following table shows the stock on hand June rst for two years: 1904. 1905. Quebec Square Pine...... Cub. Ft. 96000 44000 Ls Waney: OR. ve « 134000 152000 St. John and other Ports Bin eH gigek te ee detec as Nil Nil RedePine a tac asec ce at 3000 2000 Oregon Pine, Logs and PIGHES Swed. oa sees 569000 567000 Californian Redwood.... a 218000 210000 Kauri Pine............... ah abs yoooo Danzig, &c., Fir......... “s 53000 22000 Pitch pine, Hewn.. : oh 73000 172000 cs Sawn .. ‘* 678000 806000 be Planks.. - “s 326000 321000 Oak, Canadian and U.S.. * 158000 112000 SO MPIAMIES Sy ost esis.cina.s ns 242000 121000 Bae ABBE UST. is vcks ss 10000 = 5000 RAS Saree eS siorolaie cere ais me 13000 5000 Birch, Logs... ..5..0:. = 82000 33000 se Plana % 12000 121000 ST ee eh eee sink woes s 38000 14000 East India Teak, Logs and Planks........... ~ 136000 126000 GECMNNEATE Ses. se 6 os Gen ss 77000 127000 Quebec Pine Deals...,.... Ptg. std. 10520 - 10370 a Spruce. 8 oo. sk, is 1080 1280 N.B.,N.S.,&c., Sprece and Pine Deals............ 9420 5360 Baltic Red Deals & Boards = 2560 1880 Norway Flooring Boards. sh 3950 3670 Galatz Whitewood........ a 540 600 Current prices are as follows : TIMBER (per cub. ft.) Bo Oy ior Le suaide uebec square white pine o 1 8@o0 meme} se ‘ eines boardpine 0 2 6 o 3 9 St. John pine, 18” average 0 2 6 o 3438 Lower ports pine........ OL P1e) 3 oF mas Quebec red pine.......... GOL, 7 {Dig aan “oak, stquality.. 0 2 10 4o 43 3 ig pany We oe. OW TS 16a or BG SMT Basen dete thigh os denis Od SPSS OA 20 Ash... .. Seto. OP et 6 "Tors aes St. John birch, GALT! 50s oe ome Quebec birch...... ae OF OE. 5 Gs Saree Nova Scotia birch.. .:.... O)- “1. 2 Oe at ae Bireh planks 22 ss << A Soe a eee ch tb Bi ™: (ile . - > ‘ + 7c y Iv. Cedar Cove Mill, E. H. HE AP Ss & C O., a a of Z CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION June 21, «905 Vancouver, B.C. Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Moulalngs, Etc. SPECIALTIES : a AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. a. 4 Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newe S, Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Bias ~ w. j. ae, bing erat . j. G. SCOTT, GENERAL (MANAG | On Vanco na B.C. Pacific Coast Lumber Co. mo VANCOUVER, B.C. | Ae MANUFACTURERS OF © Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. High Grade Red Cedar Shee Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, =. 112 Mail Building, TORONTO. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. j. €. Youns, Cashier D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. Me ee The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Lid menuterwrors White and Red Pine ‘Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ‘Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work Fony pata CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING an Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office : RAT PORTAGE, Ontaric io Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber 7 Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red urned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four Ramee. ‘ We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, T Co. C. WELLS——_ e ot * PALLISER, iB. Export Lumber & Shingle Wholesale Dealers Limited 3.343 Manufacturer of: 3. 3S ee British Columbia Lumber and Shingles | High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cede f The management of this company have had a lengthy experience in and Lumber of all Descriptions. manufacturing and selling British Columbia Lumber and Shingles in Can- ada and the United States, and are well informed as to the ci saiebeel CORRESPONDENCE scuicay of the trade in those sections. ‘| Ww. B. McKecuntg, President. ~ -. MacRag, ‘Manag = We are in a position to make prompt shipments at current mated THE ALBERTA LUMBER. CO... u MITED, ne price 7 Correspondence and inquiries for prices and other information re- banker eatin Ti B. Cc. garding British Columbia lumber conditions promptly answered. are edhe Re YOUR TRADE RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED j BRITISH COLI IMBIA RED cEON v: Fee Block, 570 Granville ba haabie a 5 esa 3 and 4, Third Floor es to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. 4 25) VANCOUVER -. BRITISH COLUMBIA:| | 5 ¢. FR DIMENSION AND FINISH SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements °@e of Scantlings, Boards’ and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square °° 4 a a and Round Timber ; Dore Rules, and much other practi- cal information. 4 Price 35 Cents_& eee THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ont. és re by re ") Ae Te ee eI ~ oe 4 vty Pin. ae a r aa’ ' ae x nigh > Mie ae aS is + - June 21, 1905 —— - Ho ofits a Masi piece: CaNnapA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. a HE — a CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS — (SS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT, ¥ We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, e poe, and solicit your enquiries. DELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER 60, WHOLESALE i White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles 4 te Stocks in at { a Powassan Cartier ay Ontario Midland Whitney Sturgeon Falls TORONTO OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers. "Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries Spruce and Hem- North Bay ‘ FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Vin Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior ee We Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try ~ JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer saa oneallwinter. -~ - HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. é Ai Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. ot BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of _ Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. ; = and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch a ‘Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. : JAMES J. MURPHY, *”* 3.2%" QUEBEC he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF i; Lumber Co. . . f Ontario, Limited - ; ef eace ont pong Al og “9 ee | White and Red Pine ei a | Lumber and Lath Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES, Coristine Building, Moatreal © } And at Mills at Spragye. “THEM. BREMEN SOS MANUHETURNG 6 UME Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Water Shipments . “i Saw Mills at rs RAINY LAKE, Ontario. 0 OO ——————— THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limiteo py Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. “AUGER & SON - Quebec PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. z Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and elle Lumber.—Write Us. Manufacturers of and ee Dealers in all kinds of . : ‘Bot! Railway Delivery and Water 4 eae Correspondence Solicited. — * oe me A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA FP ‘Bank of Ottawa Building, 224 St, James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA TIES: Rail Priage Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and Whité Dimension ot weuay Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Raliway Ties, Oak ard ‘ewood and ou ough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, ‘Southern Pine, &e.; Birch Flooring, ollow imek, oo end butted Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, eC) gl ic Timber in any size or length up to go feet long. Timber Planers face up to 24 inch.x 30 inch. ilo =, ; large capacity. Pee and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar, : ‘ WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ANB QUOTATIONS. Callander eA — ee ae A nn re Se ——————— een SAN See R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. PULA YERATR & WHITE Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialt = A.& P. WHIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) PINE, ONT. F. M°CIBBON & SONS, ee TEA Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and are Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Ea ale tells and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a’ Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Wate OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Tete Lumber Co., timitea MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER a? L AGHA | Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Git t. S It uour Wish... To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY THE FOSS LUMBER COMPANY WHOLESALE BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES ve F. FOSS, Manager. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN | WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Scie as the case may be. Addre The Canada de bermar n, 9 rh eg Baa in the ‘Wanted’’ nd _ J. F. FOSS, Manager. CEDAR LUMBER AND POLES FOR SALE 1 can saw out to your order, during the winter months, bills in heavy square Cedar, or Planks. Have also for sale a few cars of Poles from 25 to 50 ft. Correspondence Solicited. J. S. FIN DLAY, OWEN SOUND ONT. VI, CANADA LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION June 21, 1905 NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAR.) St. Joun, N.B., June 15th, 1905.—The lumber industry has been marked by no radical change in these parts since last writing. Shipments both to the U.K. and to the New England States have been light, remarkably so in the latter direction. This last condition is due to the extreme scarcity of vessels of the type which car- ries lumber. This scarcity is due to the fact that, owing to the light profits which have been the portion of the small lumber freighter during the past two or three years, many owners have put their vessels into other lines and others have sold out entirely. Many manufacturers at this port are waiting for tonnage in this line and freight rates have accordingly advan- ced from $2.25 to Boston and $3 to New York City, long lumber, to $2.50 and $3.25. The feeling in regard to spruce deals for export to the U.K. is not of so opti- mistic a nature as was the case a month ago. Reports from reliable sources in- dicate that the briskness of demand which characterized the opening up of business in the U.K. early in the spring has not been sustained and that the consumption during the last few weeks has been rather disappointing. Inquiries are proportion- ately less in volume and the operations of buyers are marked by extreme caution. These conditions have naturally had an unfavorable effect upon local prices. A specification, containing say 50% 7’s and 8's, 35% 9’s and 15°/, 11's and up, which could not have been bought at this port a month ago for less than from $12.75 to $13 per Ms. ft., 2/3 price for fourths and ends, f.o.b. steamer St. John, could be purchased to-day for from $12.25 to $12.50. One feature of the situation in this di- rection which is very encouraging to the local dealers and which certainly points to the improbability of any further decline in prices, is the lightness of stocks of Canadian wood products in the chief dis- tributing centres of the U.K. This know- ledge, added to the fact that local hold- ings are also encouragingly light (2,000,- ooo s. ft. would easily cover all available), prevents any feeling of pessimism that would result in anxiety to sell. On the whole, while the outlook is not so bright for ‘‘ English” deals as was the case a month ago, the ideas of all those who have anything in this line to sell, in- dicate their confidence that the more favorable conditions of the earlier date will in the near future rule again, rather than that the lack of stimulus will be more pronounced. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Montreal: Steamer Victorian, for Liverpool, 1,901 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples ; 3,468 pcs. deals and ends, by Watson & Todd. Steamer Dominion, for Liverpool, 17,982 pes. lumber, by Charle- magne Lumber Co. ; 5,888 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd. Steamer Mount Royal, for Liverpool, 90 logs, 849 doors, by Great Northern Railway; 10,648 pcs. deals, by J. Burstall & Co.; 7,910 pcs. deals, by Great Northern Lumber Co. ; 11,468 pcs. deals, 30 cases pickets, 6,213 bdls. lumber, 105 bdls. staves, 1,202 pcs. lumber, 2,231 timber bolts, 1,284 maple blocks. Steamer Tampican, for Leith, 4,614 pes. deals, by Dobell, Beckett & Co. Steamer Mount Royal, for London, 67 logs, by McLaurin SSNS aero eo ox =o oe? V5 aw ? SS ROX SS GSS SS SSS BRE SSS > WE'LL TREAT YOU RIGHT That’s what you want, of course — And that is why we are expecting an order from you for some of that fine stock. of SPRUCE LUMBER which you have heard so much about. It is good stuff, and we will give you SAP ARQWASNSNAENS BOR eee SS SZ ~~ - good service and fill your order promptly. Y} / 7 SSIES DS SESE SSS SESS ee A A The Red Deer Lumber Company Y WINNIPEG, MAN. Y a> Ss SSS bas DSSS SSS Ss SSS = — UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. "WHOLESALE HARDWOODS W | McGLURE LUM BER GO. ST.LOUIS ke RAIL,MAIL "PHONE Wholesale Dealers in . . Hardwood Lumber Carry 1n Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickorv and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Ye-ds: correspo ter ce (invited on All Hardwoods. 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIY, MICH. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. Wictl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock, Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich HABBERLE LUMBER GO. Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths tor immediate delivery. Telep‘one No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YE: LOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty SRS Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty correspondence Solicited. \e\e e.g aaa FRANK C. BURY LUMBER WHOLESALE BURY & NOBLE ee Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, + Veneers IND. Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine - MASON A. NOBLE DETROIT —_monican June 21, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil. Bros.; 52 logs, 10,723 pes. deals, by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; 152 logs, by W. & J. Sharples; 8,576 pcs. deals, by Cox, Long & Co.; 3,303 pes. deals, by Mc- Arthur Export Co. ; 100 pes. timber, 7,798 pes. lumber, 5,966 bdls. lumber, 12,020 last blocks, 1,753 bdls. flooring, 160 bdls. pickets, 2,272 doors, by Canadian Pacific Railway. Steamer Kildona, for London, “1. 363 pes. deals, by W. & J. Sharples ; 5,785 pes. deals, by McArthur Export Co. | Steamer Sardinian, for London, 2,375 pes ~ 3921 pcs. _ planks, by R. Cox & Co. lumber, by Grand Trunk Railway; 51536 » pes. deals, by Watson & Todd. Steamer Turcoman, for Bristol, 58 pes. timber, 9,982 pcs. deals, by J. Burstall & Co.; deals, by R. Cox & Co. Steamer Mongolian, for Glasgow, 836 pes. _ deals, by E. H. Lemay ; 2,372 pcs. deals, by McArthur Export Co.; 4,018 pcs. Steamer Sal- acia, for Glasgow, 476 pcs. lumber, by Canadian Pacific Railway; 3,094 pcs. deals, by Grand Trunk Railway ; 442 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples; 518 pes. deals, 69 logs, by McArthur Export Co. ; 82 logs, by Dobell, Beckett & Co. Sika nies Rat- lin Head, for Belfast, 2,064 pes. deals and boards, by E. H. Lemay ; 634 pes. deals, by _Dobell, Beckett & Co. 3 4,037 pcs. deals and boards, by R. Cox & Co.; ; 835 pes. deals and boards, by J. Burstal! & Co. ; 1,346 pes. deals, by Montreal Lum- ber Co. ; 8,422 pes. deals, by Charle- magne Lumber Co. ; 2,279 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd ; 4, 733 Pcs. sidings, 5 pcs. birch, by McArthur Export Co. ; 26 pcs timber, by Canadian Pacific Railway. Steamer Naparima, for Pottishead, 647 stds. deals and ends, by R. Cox & Co. From St. John, N.. B.: Steamer Man- chester Commerce, for Manchester, 671,- 985 ft. deals; for Philadelphia, 906,600 laths. Barque Wildwood, for Belfast, 1,225,801 ft. deals, 25,039 ft. ends. Schooner Lyra, for Boston, 70,356 ft. plank, 64,303 ft. scantling. Schooner Bessie Parker, for New York, 1,412,300 laths. Steamer Drot, for Brow Head, 1,789,760 ft. deals, 151,790 ft. scantling, 995573 ft. ends, 157,292 ft. boards. Schoon- er W. H. Waters, for Boston, 160,200 ft. boards. Barquentine W. W. MacLaugh- lan, for Santa Cruz, 190,863 ft. boards, 67,107 ft. scantling, 80,980 ft. pine boards, 15,301 ft. plank, 11,787 ft. scantling, 229,- 934 box shooks, 96,450 ft. laths, 34.480 ft. pickets, Steamer Indrani, for Glasgow, 166,776 ft. birch deals, 3,400 ft. scantling, 51,391 ft. birch ends, 1,205 bdls. box . shooks, 486,271 ft. spruce deals, 9,918 ft. spruce ends, 1,935 bdls. spool wood, 152 tons birch timber. Barquentine Dixon Rice, for Port of Spain, Trinidad, 205,235 ft. pine boards, 20 ,047 ft. pine plank, Schooner Myra B., for Portland, 90 cords pulp wood. Scftoontss Frank and Ira, for Boston, 88,265 ft. boards, 50,000 laths, 360,000 cedar shingles. Schooner H. A. Holder, for Scituate, 44,795 ft. spruce plank, 75,006 ft. scantling, 150,000 cedar shingles. Schooner Hunter, for New Haven, 23,807 ft. deals. Schooner Pan- dora, for Yarmouthville, Me., 110 cords wood. Steamer Stoborg, for Brow Head, 1,962,681 ft. deals, 78,796 ft. scantling, 52,820 ft. ends, 9,689 ft. boards. Schooner R. D. Spear, for City Island, 1,397,000 laths, 37,320 ft. boards, 24,178 ft. plank. Schooner Abbie C, Stubbs, for New York, 220 pcs. piling. From Halifax, N. S.: Steamer Evange- line, for London, 153,780 ft. hemlock deals, value $1,384, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. Steamer Ulunda, for Livetaul 118,004 ft, hemlock deals, value $1,062; 25,048 ft. birch deals, value $275; 182,775 ft. spruce deals, value $2,375, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. Barque Truen, for Wales, 145,424 ft. spruce deals, value $1,- 339; 16,767 ft. sprucescantling, value $176; 42,095 ft. pine deals, value $535; 120 5399 ft. birch deals, value $1,332, by A. Dickie, agent. Schooner Nimrod, for New York, 121,755 ft. spruce lumber, value $1,339, by C. F. Longley & Co., agents, BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER. - [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL ee [Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address age Pereworth, ” Liverpool. a Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ae F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A.B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log; Ete Shipments handled to the best advantage to aH ee es oc ne mcbvantings to alf ports in the United Kingdom, Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, '[ OuIS BAMBER BAMBERGER, * *texscs's°: IMPORTER OF ee, Address ‘'Bellywood, London,’ = Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods ; Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBUA RDS ZEBRA CODE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & | & 60. Wood 1 gents and Brokers “GELLICHT,” LONDON — 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England -FELBER, JUCKER & CO.| ASHTON & PETFORD Lumber Importers BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND NCHESTER ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS . Invite offers from Iumbermen for . Hoon Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. A mong Res bod Mouldings, Dowels, tock, Seats, etc., or any em Suitable’ Sor Baglin Market. Cable address, ‘‘Shooks,” Hull. Codes—A. B. C, 4th Edition and Zebra. IRMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERSO Qak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm togs and Lumber, Staves and Heading, Handles of al! Veneers A Specialty Cable Address : Cable Address : descriptions -- WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, Tyrer & Co., Metropole Blidg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS ‘* EDMISTON’? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW “GANT & KEMP) a TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW e Cable Address ; “ TECTONA” Faarom. <= O RENVENE Every lumberman wants it 55 cents buys it SOFIDNGr’s LUMDEF «100 Book Address: THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. PRACTICAL INFORMATION Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple ine and Planks. dOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD, | zs. a Timber Importers | #7 All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. | Wood Goods suitable for the English | Market. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND Liverpool and London Chambers © - CABLIE ADDRESS * Di IBL Ay LIVERPOOL, " HOMPSON, BLOIS & KJELLGREN——— BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER \ Waterloo Chambers, aT Asser \ - = ADVANCES MADE AGAINST ING DOCUMENTS ALL KINDS OF LUMBER AND LOGS: HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. BRANCH OFFICK Brook {, HAMBURG 7 sat Vit. THE ONTARIO — waive pine Lumses, LATH AND SHINGLES. . L U Vi B ER 09 aren Sano and 3% 1aing LORONTO, Ont. Mutts: North Bay. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay C.P.R. and G.T.R. Delivery. Water Shipment Only. On ——OO PEDWELL & LEMCKE, oi." MANUFACTURERS OR). c nae Yogi Je Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumter, { Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. ; a CANADIAN THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. LUMBER PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS WANTED HEApQuAnTERs 4, HARDWOOD ag vard We solicit consignments of long Cleveland,O. McMinnville, Tenn. and short lumber from the Mari- We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots time Provinces and are prepared eee eneeeeeeneee to purchase White Pine and MGLénnan Timber Land and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- beers ede Soe ees Lumber GO., cimitea epee Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. artoe shee roan Room 510, Offices : 147 Milk St. Piie good strips : XU ines cadence! 25 TORONTO, ONT. 1¥% in. and r}g‘in. .. 28 BAN. 2222 ce adenne ce 34 38 oo CAR OR CARGO LOTS. Pine, No. 1 déessing 1 inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 to 10 in,,toto 16ft. 15 00 16 00 siding, per M feet, cuts & becter....-- $ £ 00 | 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 Dims. wis. ...e +s 2000 25 00 1% to 2 inch No Clear inch B. C. cedar, Pine, No. x dressing cuts and bette 5000 51 00 kiln dried......-+---+ 50 00 strip: he s n ~— be ag > a el Iv. CANADA Lumpepdiat WEEKLY Biri | j % _June 28, 1905 “aww: nc Ee H. HEAPS & CO.. takin Tusk, { E Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doois, Mouldings, Etc. a SPECIALTIES: : 4 AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. — i Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Ss, Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Da cifie Coast Lumber Co. LIMITED VANGOUVER, BG. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ble, High Grade Red Cedar areca: Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - | 112 Mail Building, TORONT Oo D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBEEE SON: Secretary. | | s a YOUNG, Eaahier = The Rat Portage Lumber re Ltd. meutersrers White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ‘Sad | Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work — Destrsin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario _ WINNIPEG, Manitoba, ig VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario” & Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber 3 We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four aie . | C. WELLS ——_ Export Lumber & ; ® PALLISER, B.C. 3 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, ste and Lumber of all Descri tions. Vancouver, B.C. | CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. : x ' Ww. B. McKEcanikg, President. re ‘MacRag, Manager. Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada | THE ALBERTA LUMBER | CO., u MITED - WV. ° for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- memcrtac abs a -C. Scscity over Uc alas? 2 ee BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR 1 sizes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR, B.C. FIR_DIMENSION AND FINISH. SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK — A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements £S li B 0@« aad Rotid ‘Taether 1 Doyle's Riles, ‘and ‘much “other, peg °@- a cal information. 6 a Price 35 Cents__@ ee le CANADA LUM BERMAN, TORN: ONT. ‘ : Pre si ee ae * — aL Nee ea, seas ss oo 4 x CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION : v. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS _ THE = PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. rene /R. LAIDLAW LUMBER (0. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- JAS. PLAYFAIR, D. L. WHITE. * June 28, 1905 <)] : lock, and solicit your enquiries. DELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER 60., WHOLESALE PLAY HATR && WHITE White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shin gles : Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers es... unewood and LUMBER » LATH » SHINGLES Ontario at { Collings Whitney Seuetcas Falls North Bay E LA H ’ H N LE ; TORONTO OFFICE : Room §03 Manning Chambers. Cont t f il ; Ofc, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Scdeeyecmeme| SILL TIMEEG 6 Special MIDLAND, ONT | FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior A. & P.WHAIGE ten Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try ; JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer Sas one all winter. ~ HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited - LUMBER MERCHANTS. _. sy Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. iniome MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of a Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. GET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) PINE, ONT. F. M°GIBBON & SONS, "T™gusvex 4 Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch | Manutacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. : dauns J. woRPHY, sits" QUEEEC MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. oes?” r he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF BS delete and Dealers Lumber Co. —? White and Red Pine LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Of On Limited wis at SPRACGE, “Algoma pist., Ont. ~ | Make a Specialty | of Long Piles Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. “Soo” Branch C.P. | Lumber and Lath p by C. P. . T. R., and by Water. Manning Arcade, Toronto Montreal > “on Coristine © 4 = (SRE ay agar T urner Lumber Co., Limited Gore and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch MANUPAGTURERS THE A. BREMEN & SHS WANUTACIRNG G0,IIMIED “- LOMBER* LAG Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. Saw Mills at Planing Mill and Head Office: RAINY LAKE, Ontario. HAMILTON, Ontric. | HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List THe NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, | IMITED A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limitea ase LUMBER AND LATH 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. eee mrerrgaare~|THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY WHOLESALE m .UGER & SON. Quebec BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND PULP WOOD AND TIES CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES Bought at Any Station. We Solicit Your Inquiries. . = . ° Also Dimension Timber, Sawn i Sizes, Telegraph Poles and J. F. FOSS, Manager. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. mober.— Write Ss. a eos A. F. BURY AUSTIN HARDWOOD FLOORING IOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER manent FO NADA FINE oe 5%, 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, “ nk of Ottawa Building, 228. St. James St., - _ MONTREAL, CANADA % Heo Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . al TIES: Railway Briage Timber chap ay ater ped: Ship Decking, Norway and White : Timber Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Ralway Ties, Oak and Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames Planed and aed touch Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Y Biren Flooring, and - gobi ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. yi Don ise ofiarge cacy a cea Bere Pe ee ee face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. aj: S. FIN DLAY 4 OWBN SOUND, ONT. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. CANADA LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION $235. 1,004 miles in the St. Maurice Agency, at $1c5 per mile, to John Breakey, total, 13 miles, to Mr. Lovering, for $105,420 ; also 450% miles in Gaspe Cen- tre Agency, at $250 per mile, to John Breakey ; total, $115,675 On a number of lots the upset price was $200, and several offers were made of $250 a mile, but Hon. interest of the province withdrew these lots, preferring to hold out for increased Mr. Turgeon in the prices at the next sale. B. C. TIMBER LIMITS FOR SALE. The Commissioner of Lands and Works, Victoria, B. C., is calling for tenders up to Wednesday, July 12th, for licenses to cut timber on a limit situated at Quatsino, on Vancouver Island, and known as, rst, Lot 177, Rupert district, containing 6,452 acres, license fee, $1,411; 2nd, Lot 178, Rupert district, containing 5,034 acres, license fee, $1,102; 3rd, Lot 179, Rupert sam, 24,565,000, and spruce, 4,300,000. ,On Lot 178: Fir, 7,725,000; cedar, 48,- 920,000; hemlock, 18,100,000; balsam, 21,000,000, and spruce, 7,040,000. On Lot 179: Fir, 4,300,000; cedar, 20,960,000; hemlock, 7,560,000; balsam, 6,075,000, and spruce, 175,000. The total timber is: Fir, 50,790,000; cedar, 160,635,000; hemlock, 66,200,000; balsam, 51,640,000, and spruce, 11,515,- 000. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. James Dobson, of Stoney Creek, N. B., recently purchased from Mrs. Bliss Steeves, of Hillsboro, N. B., 75 acres of timber land for $8,000, or at the rate of over $100 per acre. Youdall & Company, of Vancouver, B. C., recently put through a sale of cedar and fir limits to a Seattle firm comprising 26,000 acres. A. H, Sawyer, of Calais, Maine, has sold his timber limits and mill in the vicini- ty of Hartland, N. B., to F. A. Sayre, of St. John, N. B., and has retired from busi- ness. The timber lands comprise 16,000 acres held in fee simple and 100 square WE'LL TREAT YOU RIGHT | That’s what you want, of course — SSS SS SSS SF “a miles leased from the New Brunswick Government. The output of the mill will hereafter be shipped from St. John. YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. Witt! 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN district, containing 1,364 acres, license And that is why we are expecting an fee, $298. The competitor offering the highest cash bonus will be entitled to special licenses covering the limits, re- newable annually fora term of twenty- one years. Each tender must be accom- panied by a certified cheque to cover the amount of the first year’s fees and the amount of bonus tendered, and also a certified cheque for, in respect to Lot 177 $4,250, in respect to Lot 187 $2,865, in respect to Lot 179 $1,156, being the cost of cruising and surveying the limits. The limits contain no less than 340,780,- ooo feet of merchantable timber, made up order from you for some of that fine stock of SPRUCE LUMBER which you have heard so much about. It is good stuff, and we will give you good service and fill your order promptly. The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN. as follows : | ; SSNS SASASNASASNAS On Lot 178: Fir, 38,765,000; cedar, im, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood 326559 SEES SESSSES IES SESS SS LSS 99,745,000 ; hemlock, 40,540,000; bal- CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. BE SESS SSS SS SESS Sg UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CoO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LirrLe Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, La., ALLENTOWN, LA. HABBERLE LUMBBR CO. Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. 5 bes ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF peELeOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty YOU Fe CAN REACH oe BONSACK LUMBER CoO. | | WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST, LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL ‘PHONE a McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickorv and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspoierce Invited on All Hardwoode. indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ¢ Veneers Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty correspondence Solicited. \e\e.e.e BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. ‘ FRANK CG. BURY WHOLESALE MICHIGAN \ ee / June 28, 1905 ‘CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. _ From Montreal: Str, Lake Champlain, for Liverpool, 5,741 bdls. lumber, 4,442 pcs. lumber, 546 planks, by Canadian Pacific Ry.; 14,011 pes. deals, by Dobell, Beckett & Co. ; 2,789 pcs. deals, by Great Northern Railway; 12,040 pes. deals, by Barge Russell. Steamer Bavarian, for Liverpool; 6,944 pcs. deals and boards, by W. & J. Sharples : 23,479 pcs. deals by R. Cox & Co.; 5,951 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd. Steamer Ottawa,for Liverpool, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil. & Co.; 87 logs, by McArthur Export Co ; 800 doors, by Canadian Pacific Railway: Steamer Ionian, for Glasgow, 16,639 pcs. deals, boards, etc., by R. Cox & Co. ; 974 pes. plank, by Cox, Long & Co. ; 11,460 pes. deals, by E. H. Lemay & Co.; 60 logs, 908 pcs. boards, 1,965 pes. deals, by Canadian Pacific Railway. Steamer Kas- talia, for Glasgow, 5,683 pes. boards, 1,- 366 pcs. ends, 2,286 pcs. deals, 7,236 pcs, lumber, 30 logs, by J.Burstall & Co. ; 7,472 pes. deals,by E. H. Lemay; 625 pcs.deals by Dobell, Beckett & Co. Steamer Man- chester Trader, for Manchester, 5,123 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd; 9,696 pcs. poards, 10,668 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples; 153 pcs. timber, by McLaurin Bros. ; 1,586 pes. lumber, 562 pes. deals, 1,140 bdls. flooring, by Canadian Pacific Railway; 383 pes. deals, by Grand Trunk Railway. Steamer Hesperus, for New- castle, 29,769 pes. deals, etc., by R. Cox & Co. ; 6,9 6pes. deals, etc., by J. Bur- stall & Co.; 6,661 pcs. deals, by Dobell, 1,352 pes. boards, 4,032 pcs. deals, by Charlemagne Lumber Co.;_ 14,199 pcs. boards, by R. Cox & Co.; 6,781 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd. Steamer -Hurona, for London, 21 pcs. elm lumber, by Grand Trunk Railway; 1,492 pcs. __ deals, by McArthur Export Co. Steamer ‘Hungarian, for London, 4,234 pes. deals, by Watson & Todd. Steamer Montford, for Bristol, 3,103 pcs. deals, by J. Burstal} & Co.; 16,664 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples ; 93 pcs. deals, by Dobell, Beckett a Beckett & Co. ; 3,794 pes. deals, by W. & J. Sharples. Steamer Hekton, for New- castle, 37,331 pes. deals, by Watson & Todd; 9,477 pes. deals, by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; 14,971 pes. deals, by J. Burstall & Co. ; 6,862 pcs. deals, by R. Cox & Co. Steamer Malin Head, for Dundee, 8,545 pes. deals, by J. Burstall & Co. ; 11,203 pes. deals, by Watson & Todd; 11,279 pes. deals, by Dobell, Beckett & Co. Steamer Bengore Head, for Davenport, 12,664 pes. deals, etc.,44"loads timber, by Dobell, Beckett & Co. Steamer Welsh- man, for Liverpool, 3,147 maple blocks, 138 logs, by Grand Trunk Railway. From St. John, N.B.: Steamer Vera, for Brow Head, 1,836,464 ft. deals, 163,- 737 ft. scantling, 102,913 ft. ends, 153,216 ft. boards. Schooner William F. Green, for City Island, 248,833 ft. deals. Eric, for City Island, 108,503 ft. 5,914 ft. plank, 63,915 ft. pine boards Schooner Georgie S., for Newcastle, 1,- 395,500 cedar shingles. Schooner Tay, Schooner deals, for Stamford, 69,393 ft. plank, 99,950 ft. scantling. Schooner Harry Knowlton, for Philadelphia, 1,591,000 ft. spruce Jaths. Schooner Adelene, for Bridgeport, 163,452 ft. plank, 83,382 ft. deals. Schooner Georgie Pearl, for Fall River, 5,232 ft. deals, 67,242 ft. spruce plank, 30,996 ft. spruce boards, 200,000 laths, 400,000 cedar shingles. Schooner Wm. L. EI- kins, for Philadelphia, 1,300,000 laths* Schooner D.W.B. tor Hyannis, 38,346 ft. spruce plank, 29,990 ft. hemlock boards and plank, 17,789 ft. birch and pine boards, 11,605 ft. spruce scantling, 40,000 boards, 22,000 laths. Schooner. Norman, for Washington, 1,852,500 laths. From Halifax, N.S. : Steamer Lauren- tian, for Glasgow, 21,377 fl. birch squares, value $535, by S. Cunard & Co., agents. Schooner Voyagense, for St. Pierre, 9,- 300 ft. lumber, value $930. Steamer Fal- mouth, for New York, 128,456 ft. spruce scantling, value $1,413, by C. F. Longley & Co., agents. Steamer Gulf of Ancud, for London, 285,480 ft. birch deals, value $3,525 3 361,888 ft. hemlock deals, value $3,639 ; 57,3991 feet. spruce deals, value $685, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ICARNWORTH & JARDINE 4 |Wood Brokers and Measurers _ Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. a Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ane _F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND = WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘* TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. ‘Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete See eins Os the Hest advantage to all port handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Son cence. a Solicited. 2 Broad Street Bulan E | Suis | OUIS BAMBERCER, * "iixsss".": IMPORTER OF Se Address vit ee London.’ = Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods ; Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD ae! RDS DN ZEBRA CODE A. B, C, CODE DIRECTORY CODE - GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & SO. : Wood y gents and Brokers I A SS SRO BRET Coot | Cable Address: :“GELLICHT," LONDON 57 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England ~ FELBER, JUCKER & CO. ASHTON & PETFORD > Eitfaber! Importers BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for... BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who Hee rs and Battens, Spruce and Pine ena tneees, Mouldings, Dowels, are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘ Shooks,” Hull. 8, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Codes—A. B. C, 4th Edition and Zebra. ne un Suitable for English Market. ; iciadoaal Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. ‘JKMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND a TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS CV Getes aed necuions deities or. stl Bae veeibtlons Veneers A Specialty THOMPSON, BLOIS & KJELLCREN—— ALL KINDS OF LUMBBR AND LOGS BRANCH OFFICES 41 Corporation St., MANCHESTER Waterloo Chambers, GLASGOW CASH ADVANCES MADE AGAINST HIPPING DOCUMENTS SMITH & TYRER - [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW “GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address: “TECTONA” Glasgow. Az and A B C Codes used. ° BROKERS Every lumberman wants it 45 cents buys it oribners LUMDEP «LOG Book BRIMFUL OF EVERY-DAY PRACTICAL INFORMATION JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID, Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Address : THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. ALISO .. ; All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers ~ CABLE ADDRESS HEAD OFFICE 17 Gracechurch St., LONDON, E.C. *“ DOBLE - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND LIVERPOOL ” BRANCH OFFICK Brook {, HAMBURG VIlt. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY once THE ONTARIO LU Mi BER 9s aren Mitts: North Bay. C.P.R. and &. T.R. Delivery. : a Mae Si ee eee ad “4. ad 3 . eis : ¥ = - a MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Eine tite Puilaing L ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. PEDWELL & LEMCKE Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. MANUFACTURERS ORS es ee Rail or Water Shipments. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- BER oe . . . ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. Room 519, BOSTON, MASS. HEADQUARTERS Lions Head, 9 Ontario Correspondence Solicited. THE KING: AND BARTLES LUMBER GO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HaRDWOOD Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, “0; McMinnville, Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots McoLennan Timber Land and LUMDEP GO., cimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. MANUFACTURER EO. G. GLADMAD marorsore WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBI LATH AND SHINGLES sam. PARRY SOUND, Onr. — HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER _ & MANUFACTURING Cl Dealers in Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber o7 =. muee— WOODSTOCK, ONTAR A. P. HBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pos Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension St tO WIARTON, Orr. Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling E have Three Millions of Hem- lock, running in lengths from | 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre pared to cut in blocks of 50 sige leet or over. ro * Faye: we THE NEW LINE Through the Spruce Forests of the Lasrentinn Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesbu WateErR-Powers, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELEcTRIC PowkR FoR Satz. IpgAL PuLp-MILL SiTss.- “} = Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. ; A. J. GORRIE MONTREAL General Supt. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY CANADA Piie good strips : Pine shorts 6/ to 11’x10” 16 0o oe, I iN..sesee ceseeeeee 33 CO 36 00} Pine, 8ups.c. sidings 16 50 20 00 Pi : . = U In, andar in.... 36 00 38 00 ine Ss. Cc. Strips ee eeee 13 00 15 00 OEE els «7 SP iaa seas lie e's Hf i dr} i 6 ix ss mae $3 50 | Spruce AW hapa Osetia 38 00 40 00] Pine, s.c. shorts..... 12 00 14 00 SHINGLES: ne, good shorts: Pine, boxboards..... 00 1450 TiM....+. -.s.0e+ (25 00 28 00| Pine’ mill culls..... 13 00 1400 S@wed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 so $4 75 Bound butts, 6x18 TORONTO, ONT. 1% in. and 1% in. .. 28 00 35 00 | Lath, per M Clot butte sears 3 se 375 nee CAR OR CARGO LOTS. Ping Wes dee ele Waves rueaiele a Tes (er. ee 1 inch No. 1 Pine : : 2x4 bas ee in. a br pote ian. > bd siding, per M feet, Spruce, mill ran... 200 215 ——— r 2 Ps becter...... { 00 | 2x4 0 inch, + aaa. 2 SS oe 25 00 Red Pine, mi pa 21 TO AN eis iach No Clear inch B. C. cedar, Pine, No. 1 dressing B Pine Shingles a = : BUFFALO AND NAW. DA, N Y. cuts and bette 5000 51 00] kiln dried .......... 50 00 strips... se seeee ee 28 00 24 00 xxxx, 18 inch...... «» 300 3 25 WHITE PINE. ‘ 1% &2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B: C. cedar Pine No. dressing Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 . cuts and better.... 42.00 4400] airdriedboatlumber = 55 00 shorts ...... .... .. 1600 2000] xx 18 inch........... 1 40 1 60 (Wholesale — Mep.apite 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension Pine, ros. ¢ and bet- Cedar Shingles Uppers, 1,14, 1% and 2 oo hese) cuts and better.... 37 00 38 00| timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 ter stock, 12! to 16’ 20 00 2200] XxXxx, 18 inch........ 3 25 Teg ihe Bx orpe Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. tin Pine Dressing Douglas firdimension Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- Clear Butt,r8 inch... 2 50 ; en ee and better shorts 2400 25 0o| timber, 30 to 35 feet gr go. ter stock, 12 to16’. 17 00 1900| xx, 18 inch.......... 160 1 70 fos | No. x 7 Mold'st'pe | 1toz 1x4, 6and 8 common 18 00 Ig 09 V4 th 1 4ft. Pine ee 6 |. iit. ee , Sexpice 19 50 20 Seth aaa ahe‘s oie s iz wopomminod. te: 2S oo | oe io. Wak 4 eS 02 310 BAY CITY AND SAGINAW, MICH. 70 00 | No. « Moulding Strips, Ix © common...... 20 00 21 00 i, Nee : 3x pine oe inthe ce UPPER AND SELECTS. ie oo} Barn, No. x, rain. Fare orm samon, 2209 23 00| XXX Pine Shingles 2.90 3.00 Uppers, rin., xo in. and up Selects, xin. fin. andupwide $65 oo Fing comme 52) (ae rxiu inch box and XX Pine Shingles-.. 210 2 20 ig oe sseie gar este Seas a ae sal in..... see cee = = os gol Me a wae in i . io ue eee eeeees / AD, cw cece we enne o- . i cailt unsidings ane ES = xx Calst Shingles 220 2 2S 2% and 3in....... Spleens oy OO, 00 |] EM AM n\s c'syaialviotefchua ak sini oveae’ 77 00 73 00| No. 3, roin.. ee ade Bh Go B. C. Shingles poles Se saan aateeveniaes 90) bG ps No. 3, 12 in.. 1x10 and 12 mill culls 16 00 17 oo | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 90 FINE COMMON. : Me ai Tx6Sup.. Pee I ee mill cull Sid- XXXX 6to 23-16 in. 312 tin., 8in. and up wide...... 55 00 | 24% and 3in., 8in. and up wide 73 oo 25.00 =a 2. GS eet oe eects I§ 00 16 00| XXXXX 5 to2in.. 3(45. Mand 136 an... cera aan 50.00 | AUBCncls cnc sccee «teases cess oo No. 2,3%,.& 134in | 96 95) Came ui Stead cull sidings 12 00 13 00 xe Ne 2, 6 to2 in.. 930 2 IMs ease ceseee reece enenes 58 00 No. 3 1%, and 1% 25 00] Eben pe 1% inch fseeaay + 24 00 25 00 © 23 B FINE COMMON @R NO I CUTTING. NO. Sia” ope cesance 27 00 it Gall per Hemlock,1x4 to 8im. 14 50 15 52 In, 7in. and up wide...... 36 oo | 2% and 3in., 7in. and up wide. 63 oo Dressing 1% in...... 36 00 1,1%,1% HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. 1 wales cutting....... paps BiGlete cletel cla as a\\e + sate VusscecnsalGe GC 14x10 and 12...... ee d ain. ed ; een del ce des ae das ad Fee pntigica Sheer ~ 3 Ash White, 1 to2 in Elm, knjeack me “altho STRIPS, A AND B (CLEAR AND SELECTS). The following anctations on hardwoods represent the jobber's buying ists and ands...... $33 00 $35 00 Elm rock, mill 1% in., 4, 5 and 7 in. wide... 52 co pet rin., 4, 5 and 7 in, wide..... 50 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawan’ Ash, black, xsts and run.......13'! 3.. 29 00 30 00 1% x6 in. WIE, ony a ewieeder ees Gin. wide..........seeee+e-+ 60 00 WHITE ASH. gl ol mea 268 fielictse o oo 2 md ARETE, rate FINE COMMON OR C Ist & ae ei: ey es fe Stine is “a 2 rz 0 or oo 2 oo oe 4 Ole ane eesesse hs apheeteae ghee . Birch te dclayonoas col teenie tal 1 nee wide Bir iSoneear vt o 14 in Fa 0 wide, Hy oo eae 2600 me op it gig a aah ae oe sae a aoc, areae Te BIW Ie aeiacieciels alae 54 te f Dalareiteiatte sete oa aasewesd ; ie Maple, xsts SELECTED NO. I SHELVING OR FENCING STRIPS. LACK AND BROWN ASH. : and better 1 to1%in 24 00 25 00| and 2nds..2 “'4.. 2400 260¢ 1%in., 4, 5, 6in wide... .... 35.00] xin, 4,5, 6in. wide........ 0 Ist & ana, 6 as 33 00 ss oo | Come & pd eld 15.00 17 00 ———— “id iY, a 00 = a We ec 2 '' 4.. 44.00 4600 . psa ge | unhed : ist & and, 6 inch & pati &up, ; Cherry, 1sts Oak, white, No. 1, 12 in... Ne Spe AL SECIS up, red.......0... 3600 a 00 | Com. &g ood eatin and 2nds.. 1 ‘‘ 13% 55 00 60 00 Gein r ‘1346 42:00 44 00 0. 3, 12 in,. ee Cherry, sts ak, white, i “ &ands2 '' 4.. 00 50 00 st Ih alcmack elit tien 28 00 | rst & ad 6in rns aiocide im, sofa a Se Pe) ty Ou quattd, Ap a : Common and culls .. 15 00 17 00 Common culls...... 16 00 7 sade sive "734 24 00 25 00 ee as *€ 2...70 00 89 00 aes ; Elm fi ii” alnut, xsts 5 Imsoft, smi 3.. 95 00 2600] and ands.. 1 ‘ 3.. 85 00 10900 SHIPPING CULLS OR BOX: ist & and sabe aI 00 33 on tea 1 in., 4 and 5, in. wide .... ..$16 00 xe A nd up Weide: 0 Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. : Special Bills sawn on short notice. Barge or car load lots All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. = very inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. DOORS’ - B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. *ARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., unrren 604 Temple Building, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.’’ Codes, A.B.C., 5th and Lumberman’s advertising, place your announcements in the ‘‘Wanted and For Sale” Department of the CaNADA LUMBERMAN Weekly Edition, The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shinglés Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto, EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European Hotsse SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, London, Eng. THE |MPERIAL LUMBER GO, LimiteD SAW anp PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo. Registered Cable Address, R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R. S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. OCVRBBABO ““ Pinewood,”’ BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. “ American Lumberman”’ Telecode. SVESSVCVVSSSSVSUSTSSSVESTSETSETS BVUEBUATSFA SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. VSEVSVSVSSSVCVSVVSVVEVSESUEVVSSVSSVSF -VBAABO J, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete {in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Metchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. OBDAR POLBS 5,000 pieces, 10 to 20’ long. Suitable for Hops, etc. Price ?7—Well write us. THE LONG LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular fo aA ays Ont. 26 miles West North Bay : . ; j if ; , : . He " ‘ 4 bay eo ae Bo Or ON alse? ee Gane UMBER asd LATH iy vo 3 . shy ~ wus su ig ee . we i lv. _ CANADA LUMBERMAN | WEEKLY EDITION by ce (905 “worm EH. HEAPS & 00, a j Wancouver, B. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. — SPECIALTIES : 4 r AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. 4 Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. WO ati Coast Lumber Com LIMITED VANGOUVER, BG. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete, High Grade Red Cedar Shingite | ' Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - 112 Mail Building, TORONTO 0 i ae D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. Jj. E. YOUNG, Cashier ‘ The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. wesc, White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sast b. Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work a peatersin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING poe Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: nay PORTAGE, -_—_ ap Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. eect fasrc solicited at all four points. ae ‘ —_— a0 C. WELLS —— a Export Lumber & * _ PALLISER, B.C. 3 3 Manufacturer of 35 ies ‘ , Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, Ceda and Lumber of all Descriptions. gs Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. f in . W. B McKEeEcaunikg, President. C. MacRAg, Mai Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERTA LUMBER C0., LIMITED % for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- rigipheensccinten | sapacily over if aittaan COLUMBIA RED CEDAR R aches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. aE FIR_DIMENSION AND FINISH. SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK © A handy book for Lumber rmen. Gives Correct Measurements = of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square ae oe and Round Timber ; ee Ralls and much other practi- °@e oe cal information. 5 e mag 2 4 " A ech ath ae Lae, ois a ree) PEA Nye ihe >>>: i notin, t hs ta x7 ' e , Saat Or et ‘wos THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. \ I { a aya La ree. : if - PL, Pn 2 el tin i om »? Vee le nis sia rw Ae P Ce fe oe am | ered =§ oT y y + “July 5, 1905 THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT, We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, arias and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. -DELAPLANTE - - McBURNEY LUMBER 6O., WHOLESALE White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles Stocks in Sel ae Ontario & ae dland Powassan artier Callander Whitney err pooh Falls North Bay epaeneré OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers. ad Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries bs? _ FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, ‘Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try q “0% HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer “she one all winter. _ AEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, | OWEN SOUND, ONT. _ RHODES, CURRY & CO., cimitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. eZ Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. ___ BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of _ Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. 3 Sth and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch _™ Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. _ JAMES J. MURPHY, ®”*g{z207 QUEBEC Ihe Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited et Algoma Sig Ont. oo” Branch C.P.R MANUFACTURERS OF | White and Red Pine | Lumber and Lath © re. lag Arcade, Toronto A riery 2 Montreal id at Mills at Spragge. q MREMEN SOAS WAKOFRTORNE 0, LMT Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. ‘ orrices { Goren Water Shipments Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limite Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. AUGER ®& SON’ - Quebec A: . PULP WOOD AND TIES , Bought at Any Station. Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and Lumber.—Write Us. Siwiiatinrers of and “gett ) _ Dealer in all kinds of . a b Rs ilway Delivery and Water be Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. wa A. F. BURY AUSTIN HOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA Pieibtrawa Building, 224 St. James a i. - MONTREAL, CANADA ES: Railway Rridge Timber and all kinds ot Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White 0 on Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Rallway Ties, Sak and ‘Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; ; Birch Flooring, back, ond butted stern Agent ae The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. Fir Timber in an of length up to go feet long. Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. large capacity Pian and Dressed Lumber, ir and Cedar. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. niet? E : : are CaNABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS | a | ? eM Bhae, be te See we, a ae 3 PRONE a eee a a re R. LAIDLAW LUMBER Co. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE.’ PLAYEATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Baliey ae dee MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty - A. & P. VAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE ONT. CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturers of and Dealers i (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) PINE, ONT. F. M°CIBBON & SONS, at Sail OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and eee, Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. B aeuifeelucees and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Coder and ae Bill Stuff. e ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water, urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUPAGCTURERS——— _LUOMBER a? | AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midiand, Ont. End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. STS St ENR MET is FS | WHOLESALE BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES SF. FOSS, Meneger. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH,.BEECH AND OAK ¥%, %, K. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J & FINDLAY : OWBN SOUND, ONT Py eh tee i CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION July 5, 1905 CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Montreal: Steamer Kensington, for Liverpool, 194 logs, by McArthur Ex- port Lumber Co.; 21,013 PCs. deals, by Watson & Todd; 16,528 pcs. deals, by R. Cox & Co.; 3,539 pes. boards, by McLaurin Bros, Steamer Virginian, for Liverpool, 1,090 pes. boards, by Watson & Todd. Steamer Fremona, for London, 1,362 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd. Steamer Mon- treal, for London, 3,656 pcs. planks, gg1 pes. deals, etc., by Cox, Long & Co.; 2,750 pes. deals by W. & J. Sharples; 5,- 199 pes. deals, by McArthur Export Lum- ber Co.; 164 logs by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; 16,903 pes. lumber, 1,654 bdls. staves, 908 doors, 18,064 bdls. shooks, by Canadian Steamer Sarmatian, for toe Pacific Railway. London, 369 pes. deals, by Watson & Todd; 696 bdls. by Canadian Pacific Railway; 2,762 pes. lumber, 4 cases doors, by Grand Trunk Railway; for Havre, 4,059 pcs. lumber, by Grand Trunk Railway. Steamer Corinthian, for Glasgow, 2,430 pes. deals and boards, by E. H. Lemay; 2,467 pcs. deals, by R. Cox & Co.3 2,313 pcs. deals, by Vobell, Beckett & Co.; 1,409 pes. deals and boards, by Canadian Pacific Railway. Steamer Tri- tonia, for Glasgow, 4,681 pcs. deals, 2,043 pes. boards, 45 logs, 1,251 pcs. ends, by J. Burstall & Co; 71 pcs. timber, by Mc- ‘Arthur Export Co.; 1,753 pcs. deals by R. Cox & Co.; 118 logs, by W. & J. Sharples; 1,533 pes. deals, etc., by E. H. Lemay, 667 pcs. deals, by Canadian Pacific Rail- way. Steamer Jacona, for Leith, 3,138 pes. boards, 2,381 pcs. deals, by R, Cox & Co.; 7,354 pcs. boards, by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; 22,457 pes. deals, by W. & J. Sharples. Steamer Dunmore Head, for Dublin, 2,758 pcs. deals, etc., by Mc- Arthur Export Co.; 1,234 pes. deals, by McLaurin Bros.; 1,016 pes. deals, by W. & J. Sharples. Steamer Yanariva, for staves, London, 1,414 pes. deals, by McArthur Export Co, From St. John, N.B.: Barque Adam W. Spies, for Rosario, 645,390 ft. boards, 25,969 ft. plank, 266,642 ft. scantling. Schooner Jennie C., for Westerly, 65,829 ft. boards, 150,000 laths, 450,000 cedar shingles. Schooner Harry Morris, for Boston, 91,250 ft. boards. Schooner Effie May, for Quincy, 40,199 ft. boards, 633)- ooo cedar shingles. From Halifax, N.S.: Steamer Briar- dene, for Brow Head, 191,549 ft. spruce deals, value $2,106 ; Steamer Oruro, for Demerara, 26,000 ft. pine boards, value $400 ; 33,850 ft. spruce, value $300 5 25,- 532 ft. hemlock boards, by $428, by Pick- ford & Black, agents. Steamer Almora, for Glasgow, 993,012 ft. spruce deals, value $9,930 ; 30,048 ft. birch deals, value $301 ; 13,248 ft. hemlock deals, value $133; Steamer Sicily, for Liverpool, 216,- 295 ft. spruce deals, value $2,800 ; 149,579 ft, hemlock deals, value $1,362, by Fur- ness, Withy & Co., agents. Steamer St. John City, for London, 113,427 ft. birch deals, value $1,353; 153,966 fl. hemlock deals, value $1,487, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. B.C. PINE IN ENGLAND. This lumber, says the Timber News, of Liverpool, Eng., is now finding a wider market. A few consignments from time to time find their way to the London mar-= ket, where it is sought after by a few im- porters, but Germany is now interesting herself in the wood—principally in the smaller sizes for ‘‘ deckings,” for which it is particularly suitable. The better qualities are bought for this purpose, and, when well manufactured, a nicer and more satisfactory wood cannot be found. Cargoes of timber and planks are sold periodically round the Coast. Large sail- ing ships are chartered to bring forward the stuff, which can be seen occasionally unloading in the Surrey Commercial Docks. The voyage from , Vancouver generally takes five or six months, so there is plenty of timetosell beforearrival. ew oe gain orm gale a cs ~~ SESS SSS SSE SESE SSS ISSSVSSS > >x —, ; SS == i f 1) CHAS. E. BENNETT. MINNEAPOLIS GETTING AT THE BOTTOM OF IT That’s the thing to do —- Investigate a little and see if you are getting as good service, as good prices or as good stock as you ought to. If you are not, then it is high time to let us hear from you—for we have the goods and are able to make a deal with you that will be satis- factory to all concerned. The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN. oie SSS s e ——_— SSSIY | THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST, LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickorv and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspodence Invited on All Hardwoods. — UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND H. D. WICCIN will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood Telephone No. 10 - - 4 ae ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. WHOLESALERS YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HABBERLE LUMBBR CO. Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Correspondence Solicited. \‘e\ee< FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ¢ Veneers Oak a Specialty BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE MICHIGAN LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. cae |, a | | July 5; 1995 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION a i WISCONSIN HARDWOODS. ___ Of Wisconsin hardwoods the American ; -Lumberman says: Hardwoods are dull. Rock elm is in _ demand by the agricultural machinery factories, but soft elm is very quiet indeed. Most of this is used by furniture manufac- turers and they are not buying, as they have considerable stock on hand. Besides, soft elm is not as plentiful now as five or six years ago. For instance, one firm cutting 2,000,000 feet of hardwoods this ar reports 126,000 feet of elm, or only ceeent 6 per cent. the bulk of its stock be- ‘ing birch, basswood and maple. A few years ago soft elm was about one-quarter of the total, but it is getting scarcer and “many factories are using birch to the ex- clusion of elm. Soft elm always will be a favorite wood for certain classes of trade, a but it is not as popular as it was at one . time. > Maple and birch are selling to some ex- tent, the first to implement concerns and ; ‘the second to planing mills. There is _ some demand for ash, oak and basswood also, but there is more lumber than buyers However, this seems to be a midsummer z dullness only and trade will start up strong- er than ever in the fall. Prices are firm § and values steady. BRITISH COLUMBIA NEWS. B. F. Butler, of Sandpoint, and Robert Miller, of Rathdrum, have a tie contract on the Spokane and International Ry. It will require about 400,000 ties for the main lines, from the International line to Spo- kane. The contract amounts to over $100,000. A deal was recently concluded by which New Wesminster parties purchased the sawmill at Chilliwack from the estate of Jacob Zink. The new owners are George Blakely and Peter Grant, of the T. ip Trapp & Co., and J. Rennie and Harry Pollard, late assistant millwright and saw- yer at the Brunette sawmills. Mr. Blake- ly states that the mill will be put in operation at once. At the figure given for it there is an excellent opportunity to make a good thing. Mr. Grant, with Messrs. Rennie and Pollard, will remove to Chilliwack. Mayor Coburn, of Ladysmith, recently visited the cedar limits owned by the Ladysmith Lumber Company on Howe Sound. ‘ A. P. Stevenson, who leased the mill of the Moyie Lumber Company at Moyie, B.C., and has purchased the logs in the boom, has commenced operations, There are upwards of two million feet of logs to be cut and it will take about two months to complete the work, The capacity of the mill is about 50,000 feet per day. The lumber will be loaded and sent to the Hanbury planing mill at Elko just as it comes from the saw. Provided more logs can be procured the mill will be kept run- ning until the end of the year. There are several parties already figuring on such a contract. The resumption of operations at this mill means much to Moyie. The Canadian Timber & Sawmills, Ltd., have taken a:step which will tend to their mill at Trout Lake operating at an early date. The millwasclosed down in August last when it was generally conceded it was paying for itself, and a deadlock has re- mained eversince. The principal creditor of the company was E. L. Kinman, and the matter has been in litigation ever since the shutdown. It is now stated that Mr, Kinman has accepted an offer of settle- ment made by the company and that the mill will resume operations, The formation is announced of a lumber company to be known as the Chilliwack Lumber Company, consisting wholly of New Westminster men. It is capitalized at $10,000, and will, itis understood, take over the mills at Vedder Crossing, which will be reopened shortly. The board of the company is as follows: D. B. Hall, president ; J. H. Ashwell, vice-president ; 8 Gordon Street - IMPORTER OF —T Mi ZEBRA CODE BER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers SHESTER ENGLAND Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine ing, Bho Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any is Suitable’ for English Market. ='4 Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. FCARNWORTH . & JARDINE |Wood Brokers and Measurers “Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. a Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, ac -F. A. Lightbody & Co. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS , Cable Address; ‘‘TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. A. B, C, CODE ‘GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & SO. Wood i gents and Brokers : RRR Ra A EE SE ST ARIES SIR NO I ORL TIE e Address: “GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England 4 avd for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log; Ete. ‘Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. QUIS BAMBERCER, Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. SO Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS : DIRECTORY CODE ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘Shooks,’’ Hull. Codes—A. B. C, 4th Edition and Zebra. ‘MES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS Veneers A Specialty S. A. Cawley, secretary-treasurer ; James Bailey, H. Gervan and S._ Meller. Mr, Fraser, late of the Royal City Mills, will act as superintendent. A’deal of considerable importance was concluded last month, The Jenkins Lum- ber Company, of Blaine, has purchased on the North Arm of the Inlet timber lim- its containing about 130,000,0co feet. Messrs. Peers and Clement are now open- ing a camp. there, and will carry on the work of logging the claim. The same company has limits comprising about 15,- 000,000 feet of timber at Howe Sound. A. J. Faber, of Vancouver, has opened another camp for the same firm farther up the coast. . A dispatch from Wilmer, B.C., dated June 17th, says: The Columbia River Lumber Company last week purchased a whole block of land in Athalmer, fronting on Main street and adjoining the river. It is given out that the company will erect a building roo feet long to be used as 3 store and warehouse for their treight, from which the logging camps are to be supplied. It is now evident the company intend workirg a big force of men in this vicinity next season. Cable address: ‘‘Dundonian, Dundee.”’ BERG & SON, Timber and Wood Pulp Agents and Brokers DUNDEE, SCOTLAND Contracts made between Shippers and Importers Correspondence solicited BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS _| SMITH & TYRER - 14 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL. .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N. s. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, HAD OANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : “‘TECTONA” Glasgow. Ar and A B C Codes used. ° BROKERS — Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, London.” THOMPSON, Codes: Zebra, Western Union, Southards, and A. B.C. 4th and 5th Editions, BLOIS & Co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents, Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers % TERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Eim CABIL.E ADDREss ° Staves and Heading, Handles of ail descriptions 6 sous Lemme piel 3 Ay Dee aE en a - BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. Bevelives, ASO. ore vs All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods Tiare for the English arket. “DOUBLE WIV EKPOOL - VIlt. THE ONTARIO LUMBER C9, LIMITED con Fa Bay P.R. and 6. T.R. Delivery. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, oc” Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Hows ‘Life fe Building L ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, oo Bay Water Shipment Only. MANUFACTURERS PO ete ce, oe Correspondence Solicited. THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland,O. McMinnville, Tenn, We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots. McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., cimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . . . . ADDRESS: CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. HarRDWOOD CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION = EO. G. GLADMAN — WHITE PINE AND ‘HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES sem PARRY SOUND, ONT. Comnesronpence SoLiciTEp yre WOODSTOCK LUMBER | & MANUFACTURING CO. Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling E have Three Millions of Hem- i! wy running in lengths from to 24 feet, which we are pre- D ‘ pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 |. and Hardiood Taanber aa feet or over. m= WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO 041 A. PP. HEBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, a Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock © | WIARTON, ONT. TAE NEW LINE a A Through the Spruce Forests of the Laurentiz a ; Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkes ai Water-Powers, TIMBER LIMITS AND Execrarc qs _ Power For Sate. IpgAL Putp-MILL Sigs, — x { Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. _ %s . Lis GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY CANADA Room 510, | MASS. A. J. GORRIE MBS \a7 Milk St. BOSTON, MASS Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. r 1. Perel Bape ‘MONTREAL Oe ee

Beco No. 2, rae PAE rz iGo BOSTON, MASS. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT ai! ag 21 00 EAE White Pine Uppers, 1 to 2 inch ...... .... «1+++-$82 00 to § cts. 2%,3and4” “ 27 00 No. 1, 48” pine Rar cet oe 325 Selects, 1 to 2imch.....ss00 seeeeeee oe eaeccesneccenO8 00 Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......-.. Pe 45 MILL RUN NORE 325 Oe ne eats 4... 1 00 Fine Common, AT CH re sorelsiqe oie, denen teeeeecees 55 OO First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 6 ‘ , Besar as! VO UF. Sandee 275 tO IC?) weressoan cetien eee 3 oo 19 to20inchaverage ‘* *e @ 65 pit mint w tleioMalblein's Wiclerens ve = ep SHINGLES No. 1 Cuts, rch mre rt tnivdine 5 Sea ++ 41 00 — ee i) ee ee a Wr i os BOCA nO ey, 9 ‘ Tito winch... 0... ss... sctatele (> ofalel dels 50 00 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT, “ Wa Measured off, according to average and Pane beset alptotels ele oa wtaleie 27-33 = 6 and 8" Brea te a Ee as geen shad bes “ cee 275 No. 2 Cuts, t ace Choos bee es iba = = Shipping order is aisiate pie die) «jn as oO AC Pa a ete seca la a 23 00 C.B. 2 ol? sca eer 85 Bara’ Boarde} io. he ‘anc. | Ae aon OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO, i’ x 13.and up... ....,.. 25 00 No, 2 = “ ros No. Ree Rese ee ge 550 : fev . ne ee ee amr hel fete AE « 23 50 By the dram, according to pees quality ’ 50 5 Spruce, 10 ands ta in. seen’ : 3 5 gin. and tinder . Gencnce lc. wed By the dram, according to average and quality 4oto4sfeet. 65 75 ALBANY, N.Y. to and 12 in. random cee ro ft. and up. goto35fet. §2 § PINE. 2x3, = pe 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, ASH. 10:ft. ANG WD). ).0n Sania: ck ateaa cen Uppers, 3 in. ... ........ 8g 8§ | xxz2 inchshippers.........§ "-24 Allother randa@in lenothe: o ian mua cmdee cn ° 10 inches and up, ecealng to Earoeme = whet Se ale 26 2% re ae te 83 85 | 4/4 inch te iv & ap. $ ae E andupow so. ae ee ee Average 16 inch. . ae 30 TARO ua SANs ainiale etalnl os orale eine 4/4 Box boards 6” and up.. I9 20 5 in. and up OLE EET « boards, 8 ft. & up BIRCH. gin UPPEFS «ee eer eee ress 88 90 | x0-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Out Spruce boards, p. 1s.. % 3 14 Inch ee pe az SESS Em Benne OF | Bom tanoine ond Detter... 40.42 axa.and 1x3 furring p. 1 8 clipped and bundied . - eR ye ne te oe + 2 6 ae Sie Semon all insandup’sa) 9s | Meeteeeta ae ae t 2n ‘ NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. 17 a a oa Ish es Bey EEO a Mie cata meeseie as cocas 60 | No. x barn, rxr2.... ...... 29: 30" | Weteag a8 tee wane win a ‘ 3 30 ‘hese ptoeedeniene > 4° No. routs, rio sinh... $3 §§ | ae10cneeueeeeseseeteo 25 9 Clearer core eee eee we 35 45 . 35 Second clears 1... = tanh a So nas eee OTTAWA, ONT. 35 | No. 2 barn, rxra.e...0.011. 36 27 Clear Whites 10000 ae WANPUACTURERS’ PRICES, pe Extra 1s (Clear whites out) .. ccsle sieve isisle sapien ainle aki Pine, good sidings: tx10 No. 1 barn... Ay op Neg Extra 1s (Clear whites im)..............sseeeeeees 1 50 I io. x8 in. ane UP 39 Go 4200/1x10No, 2 19 00 p 35. 45) Sh einch) oe. - oO BRITISH COLOMBIA SHINGCLER, = ry in x 1% in PEFR gosto 19 00 Shelving boards, x2-in. up .. 35 40 Dr hs sasio\ewtsey Meas’ Me Red Cedar Exteas, 16 in. 5 butts to 2 im. 1 , and up....... 50.00 54 00/1x8&qNo.2™ .... | 1700 Dressing boards, narrow.... #6 28 sonmaaial elton yseag IAS Rurekas, 8 RR ps 2 in, x8 ia and up §2 00 $6 oo| Pine Shorts 6 to 11’x8 1500 rxrq inch shippers.....,—. a1 38 CF Restectisuss Bathe Sash res 390 + ee 7 ny oa 4 ’, 4 hs ‘) ’ x“ , ‘ : F r. oda Kn vom rte z - - + < is sei tas Seine E re te : i aa }. Ce at eS ee wa, a pod ANADA ],UMBERMAN ar PUBLISHED BY ‘The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Jeration Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: _ * 48 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 920-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 7 Telephone 1274 “HASTINGS ST,, SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. 22 GREAT ST, HELEN’S, Lonpon, E. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every ns the lg Seineine reliable and up-to-date re- market conditions and tendencies in the manufacturing districts and leading stic and foreign wholesale markets. A medium of information and communica- en Canadian timber and lumber manu- and exporters and the purchasers of i cts at home and abroad. onthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, ssing fully and impartially subjects perti- to the lumber and wood-working industries, NTED AND FOR SALE tisements will be inserted in this depart- the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. ien four or more eonsecutive insertions are ed a discount of od =A cent. will be allowed. lotice shows the width of the line and is set ltype; 12lines make oneinch. Ad- sments must be received not later than 4 ck p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in current week's issue R SALE — LARGE QUANTITY OF 3” _ Common Spruce. Barge or car lots. Apply 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. INE—12’x18’, SHAFTING, HANGERS, lleys, Jointer, Double Surfacer and Re- asnmap. C. R. PETERKIN, 150 Bay Street, AJANTED—1”, £/4”, 2” COMMON BEECH, / Birch and Hard Maple. 5/4 Beech C&B. /4” 2” Wormy Chestnut. All dry. R. KE. , Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE. STEAM SAW MILL, WITH DOUBLE ger and Cut-off Saw ; capacity, eight to ousand feet per day. Also a timber eof sixteen square miles; mill built in of the 1 mit; any quantity of timber ; ‘or selling, going out of the business ; three thousand dollars. Address Box 75, =OR SALE. FOUR MILLION FEET OF STAND- G timber and land composed of chest- whitewood, oak, ash, maple, basswocd, ch, with 10 M capacity mill ; 2 railways through property ; good market for d, tile wood, stove wood, hubs, spokes hing in the product of a sawmill— planing and matching machine, hine, and moulding machine ; con- acres; will be sold either in whole or lway spur on property ; the best lot in these parts. Original forest. J. HLEIHAUF, Owner, Lorne P.O., Ont. Bismarck Station, feet in diameter. am, Holland. Lab By a gn ao & ‘ WEEKLY EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. MBERMAN AND WOOD-WORKER ‘The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 naags} $1.00 PER. YEAR {The Lumberman Weekl" Edition ever” week. , 7 Bins: THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE TORONTO, MONTREAL — JULY 12, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER OSITION WANTED—BY W. PINE LUM- BER Inspector, as Buyer or Inspector, Address Box 233, CANADA LUMBERMAN. ANTED—TO HEAR FROM SOME FIRM requiring Maple Squares, or Table Legs. Ne Nae A. WooDMAN,ROSSVILLE, York ‘o., N. B. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrmcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 | Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. poe SALE—A 30 FOOT WATEROUS GUN- __ shot steam feed, 9” cylinder, in good con- dition, used only afew months, For particu- oa apply to MADISON WILLIAMS, Port Perry, nt. EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long,at the Spanish boom. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchwood, Ont. \ OR SALE CHEAP—ONE GOOD DOUBLE Cylinder Set ef 24 in. Cards and Picker, alsoonerun ‘Roller Procéss’ Grist Mill Ma- chinery Outfit complete. Address Epcar A, WOoDMAN, ROSSVILLE, York Co,, N. B. WANTED AT MIDLAND. N EXPERIENCED SHIPPER WHO UN- derstands the English export grades, Ap- wae LUMBER Co., LIMITED, Mid- and, Ont. BERMAN, FOR SALE--WHITE PINE CAR 1x12 AND UP, NO. 1, 2 AND 3 COM- I MON, 80% 13” and up, I car Basswood, all bone dry. JoHN M. SHaw, Forest, Ont. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to ' probable payers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this iougosl Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- tonto, FOR SALE - 5 M 4/4 SOFT ELM DRY; 75 M 4/4 Bass Dry; 100 M 4/4 Maple Dry;20 M 8/4 Maple Dry; 20 M 8/4 Birch Dry; 20 M 4/4 Birch Dry; 10 M 4/4 FOR SALE 1’ and 14%” 1904 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple, 1’ 19¢4 winter cut, millrun, rough edged, Hard Maple. 1” 1905 a cut, trimmed, all pure White Hard Maple. 1”, 1%” and 2” 1905 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Write for lists and prices. The W. R. THomp- son Co., Teeswater, Ont. HARD MAPLE LOGS § are requested in lengths of about 2 yards and larger. 2 to First-class white quality Please report per cubic yard f.o. b. Montreal to F. BRIX & COMPANY, fy ee ws No. 19 5 CORDS DRY HEMLOCK SLABS FOR OO sale, THE STANDARD LUMBER & STONE Co,, Longford Mills, Ont, ; V ANTED—ALIL, PULP MILLS AND PULP WOOD. Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which is bouhd to interest you. Vee Seen CED SAW SHARP- ; ENER and Hammerer requires a situ- ation in any part of the country. Has had 25 years’ experience in England. Willing to work, steady andindustrious. Address HENRY Gorpon, care of Y.M.C.A,, Yonge St., Toronto WANTED A SAWYER—ONE WHO CAN CUT ALL 4 kinds of lumber for small Circular Saw- Mill cutting from 10 to 15 thousand ft. per day. Will have about three months cutting. Write at once, stating salary, to Curry & THRASHER, Deux Rivieres, Ont: FOR SALB 50,000 ft. 1’ Basswood Culls. 40,000 ft. 1” Ash Culls, ~ Immediate shipment,exceptionally good culls. One careach 1, 2 & 3’ common Quebec red birch. Apply Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Changes in lumber conditions are not usually important at this season of the year,and the present time is no exception. A steady trade is reported from all parts of the province, with building~material representing the bulk of the demand. The greatest activity pertains to hemlock and the lower grades of pine. Box lumber is showing strength and mill culls are firmer than some other grades. Speculative buying is not much in evidence, as prices are not likely to advance very much from current quotations. Nevertheless, if the harvest should turn out satisfactorily as now seems probable, general conditions will be unusually good and the foundation will be laid for a healthy fall demand which may bring with it higher prices. The high price and scarcity of pine has of late turned attention to hemlock, and now tamarac and balsam promise to come into increased consumption. The price in Western Ontario is $15 to $16 for mill run. Spruceis in fair demand, with a slightly weaker tendency than earlier in the season. Of the hardwoods nothing new can be said. They are lagging a little but will doubtless pick up very shortly, under the lead of birch. Lath is unchanged. No.1 spruce is quoted at $2.30, the same as No. 2 pine. A con- siderable trade is being done in cedar posts, which are quoted around 13 cents. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, The difficulty of securing vessels to carry lumber from New Brunswick ports to the United States is responsible for mich less activity than would otherwise prevail, for the demand is good and there is plenty of lumber available for shipment. Spruce boards are generally firm in price, while deals tor the British market have no more than held their own. The quantity of the latter which will be manufactured this year will likely be considerably léss than the average. A very favorable feature was the sale of unmarked logs which took place recently at Fredericton. The prices obtained for spruce, pine and hemlock were much in advance of those realized one year ago, which is an indication that manufacturers market. Spruce logs brought $14.30 as compared with $11.10 ‘in 1904 and $13 in 1903. Pine logs brought $12.15 as against $7 in 1904 and $11.25 in 1903. The price obtained for hemlock was $4.80, an advance of $1 on last year’s figure. The low price of cedar shingles was doubtless responsible for the poor demand for cedar, which brought only $6.go, the same as one yearago. There does not appear to be any Signs of an early development in New Brunswick cedar shingles, which are, if anything, a little weaker than a week ago. Extras are now quoted at $3.25 10 $3.30 for Boston delivery. UNITED STATES. The volume of the lumber business is remarkably good for this season of the year. The healthy condition of the build- ing industry, which shows a material ex- pansion as compared with one year ago, has done a great deal towards keepirg up the lumber demand, and at the present time there are no indications of any fall- ing off in building operations. The mills have not been able to accumulate any stock, and as a brisk fall trade is antici- pated, conditions would seem to point to firmness of prices throughout the year. There may be temporary recessions in certain kinds of lumber due to local con- ditions, but the general lumber market is almost certain to be characterized by moderate strength. At Minneapolis saw- ing has been restricted by high water, but at most producing points the mills are operating to their full capacity. The eastern markets are in good shape. At Buffalo No. 2 hemlock and shiplap have been advanced 50 cents a thousand, to take effect at once. Orders are so plen- tiful that it was felt that this advance was justified even at this midsummer season. Spruce continues very strong with re- spect to frames and even random is show- ing a better tone. Some Canadian-stock is said to have been offered in New York a little below the market. The hardwood trade is suffering from summer dullness. Maple is rather heavy have confidence in the’ II ee a ee ere, ee ee a ue x, " ral t vs Jee — ue a4 i* ae O * CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION and can be bought at Michigan points at $14 and $15 for log run. Birch continues strong and active and basswood quota- tions are reported to be showing some firmness. Firsts and seconds are bring- ing $40 at Tonawanda in mixed car lots. GREAT BRITAIN. It is still difficult to dispose of lumber in Great Britain beyond that required for immediate consumption, and this is not very great on account of the dullness in the house building and furniture trades. Buyers are holding off and are seemingly prepared to pay higher prices later rather than enter the market under present con- ditions. The small stocks held at the importing centres would, ordinarily,cause some speculative buying, based on the healthy statistical position and the conse- quent probability of an advance in prices, but nothing of this kind is in evidence at the present time. Deals are in very little demand, as has been the case all season, but scantlings and small boards are moving quite freely and are showing ex- ceptional strength. While lumber prices generally have receded a little during the past few weeks, 2x5 inch scantling has hardened to the extent of 5s per standard. The market for spruce is a shade easier. In Manchester there is a very fair demand for this class of lumber and a scarcity of the best quality. This is-one of the most satisfactory markets for spruce lumber and the consumption is steadily increasing. The Timber Trades Journal, of London, England, refers to spruce as follows : As we predicted a fortnight ago would take place, lower prices have been accepted for two or three cargoes close to their port of call. Some buyers profess _ toa belief that a further drop will take ~ place, and consequently are. still holding off, This, however, is largely mere: con- jectute; and, in our Opinion, buyers would be wise to carefully consider the cheap cargoes now being brought to their notice. One feature of the spruce market at the present time is the great disparity which exists in quotations for cargoes of about equal quality and_ specification, especially in shipments from St. John. There is, in fact, a difference of opinion as to the value between various shippers from this port of fully 12s 6d per standard S & SPICER, L woopD but this is partially explained by the fact that the cheaper cargoes are invariably fairly prompt, while the dearer quota- tions are for shipments of Jater date. THE GLASGOW MARKET. Under date of June 30th Messrs. Edmis- ton & Mitchells review the Glasgow lumber market as follows: In issuing our June report we append a comparative statement of imports, de- liveries and stocks, as at joth June, for the preceding three years. In Quebec goods, as will be observed, there is a con- siderable reduction in the stock of logs and deals as compared with this time last year, and in the case of lower port pine and spruce the difference is very much more noticeable. Of other items showing diminished stocks may be mentioned hewn pitch pine, Californian redwood, teak logs, and oak planks, while only in the cases of Oregon and Kauri pine is there an increase of any importance. As regards the six months’ consumption, the principal items showing a marked increase are waney boardwood, lower port pine and spruce, sawn pitch pine, Cali- fornian redwood, and teak logs and planks, while a decrease is observable in elm logs, Quebec pine and spruce, hewn pitch pine, greenheart and American hardwoods. Taking the import as a whole, it is con- siderably less up to 30th June than last year’s over same period. The favorable position of the market is largely owing to the activity in ship-. building, as there is nothing in the house- building trade to account for an increased consumption, nor has general trade in the city and neighborhood been at all brisk, Values have, on the whole, been well maintained, and granting a continuation of moderate imports, it seems reasonable to anticipate that there will be no great change in this-respect, but at the same time it is evident that immoderate ship- ments would undoubtedly seriously affect a market which in no sense can be de- scribed as active. During the past week or two there has been some little evidence already of prices being eased somewhat to avoid storage expenses, noticeably so in the case of pine and spruce and Ameri- can hardwoods. WHITE PINE.-The import consists of 300 to 400 loads per liners via Montreal, the bulk of which has gone to the ponds. The stock of waney is 4,000 loads, being 1,000 loads less than at this date last year, and square pine is reduced about 500 loads. Business still continues quiet, and while there have been one or two fair sales dur- ing the month prospects are anything but bright. Oak.—There has been no import during the month, and stocks of Quebec oak are considerably reduced, being about 1,100 loads, as against 2,300 loads last year. ,the stock of States oak is still heavy, and the consumption has fallen off con- siderably. Prices are easier, ELM.—The stock consists of only 241 loads, being a striking contrast to the three previous years, when it averaged 2/3,000 loads at this date. The demand is good and new arrivals will command fair prices. QUEBEC BrircH.—The import so far this year is about seven times that of last year and more than double the quantity imported in 1903. During the first few months of the year prices were very firm, but as shipment succeeded shipment they gradually weakened and are now con- siderably easier than they were even a month ago. Buyers are now pretty well supplied and are disinclined to increase their stock unless they can do so at their own prices. A nice shipment of birch planks came to hand this month and was disposed of ‘‘ ex quay.” Lower Port Birch.—Occasional sales are reported of retail lots, and prices are easier than they were. QuEBEc AsH. — The import, though small, has been quite sufficient to supply the moderate demand. One or two small parcels came to hand during the month, and were disposed of ‘“‘ ex quay ” at about 2s. per foot. DEALS, Etc.—The import during the W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. Manufacturer of . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Red and White Oak,Maple and E/m Lumber, Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak Squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities, BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CHDAR Capacity 100 Million a Year. KNIGHT BROTHERS CoO. TIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont, Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS Factory near Station. EVERYT ™ BULMER, M° Office and Yard, 57: DORCHESTER ST. 2 vt Samples by | ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, SIDING, MATCHING, FLOORING, in Car Lots. RESAWING, Write for Prices. "Phone 113 . ~ had to be stored. Stocks, however, are imited We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. a" * Wire Your Orders at ouR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, B.C. | KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Planing and Matchin - Send for Catalogue & MASON, GORDON & CO. MOULDINGS | Fastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & T DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length sur HING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH LENNAN & COMPAR MONTREAL aa’ July 12, 1905, month has been on a moderate scale, though more than sufficient for the mar- ket’s requirements, a good portion haviag — low, and prices keep fairly firm. Values are unaltered, viz.:— _ Broad First Pine Deals.—£33 to 435 5 os 11-inch, £30 to 432; ends and non-di-— mensions, £23 to £25, “9 Second Pine Deals.—11-inch and up, £17 to £19; ends and non-dimensions, 413 to £14 10s. “Ss Third Pine Deals.—11-inch and up, £11 to £14; ends and non-dimensions, £9 10s. to £10 Ios. . Red Pine Deals.—g and 11 inch, £9 to £10; narrows, £7 to £8 106. First Pine Sidings and Strips.—9 to 10 inch, £23 to £24; 11 to 12 inch, $25 to. £26; 13 to 14 inch, £27 to £28. so Spruce Deals.—g-inch and up, £8 5s. to £8 158.; 7 and 8 inch, £7 5s. to £7 15s. oo Lower Port Pine and Spruce.—g-inch _ and up, £8 to £8 10s.; 7 and 8 inch, £7 to £7 Ios. J _ a Saree ~te Be it ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, _ Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tier . . . . w Righo SPECIAL — 50,000 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.,; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M. R, Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 ? ‘Ec ay 6/4 Beech. Prices on application, a A SPLENDID ROUTE. — The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term- ed the “Sportman’s Line” because it reaches _ into and one the very heart of the choicest hunting grounds in America. r — The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire North is reached ONLY by thisline. Hundreds _ of beautiful lakes aboun in wild ric celery attracts myriads of nd.) afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest _ shooting to be found the country over. ie The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec-_ ially to the sporting public and during the various seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons asto localcon- — ditions anywhere along its lines upon applica- _ tion to the nearest ticket agent. ai gana anges its train service with special teference to the | convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to 1 ke ee over their lines pleasant and comfort- able. d =a aS 4 This line offers the best route between Chicago, St. Paul, Milwaukee, Minneapolis or to Lake Superior points via Ashland, W nsin, + Information given by addressing— a ae Se JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R.R. : Milwaukee, — KNIGHT BROTHERS CO il _ LIMITED Burk’s Falls. vad r, WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Co., Vaucouver, B. C. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. i ee QUE, eyes iG See > Soe July 12) 1905 5 ‘THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) . : — Ottawa, Ont., July 10, 1905 —The mar- ket at the present moment is in a very f r condition, many inquiries coming in for all lines of stock. On account of the condition of the water, it is possible of the logs may be hung up; this n itself have a tendency to strengthen rices. Although the contracts this on are not so numerous or large as the prices in nearly all cases have sn maintained. For a while, during the ier part of this season, the indications inted to a very unsatisfactory year— s has now all passed off and the de- dis in a healthy conditition. The chief factors in hardwoods have birch and black ash, with the result these stocks at the present moment e very low with prices om the upward cy. Birch, mill run, is bringing id brown ash $21 at the mill. Spruce, is a very great factor in the market, is getting considerable ntion from the Eastern States, and y of the mills are unable to keep up h the demand. The following prices ye been obtained f.o.b. cars or barge : to 6” spruce, $13 ; 1”x7, 8, 9 and 10” ks, $15, and 13{xg’ $15.50. There are less spruce deals being manufactured this season on account of the condition of English market, and as the prices ined from the American and local kets are in many.instances better, it have a tendency for the future of ing deal prices higher, or the manu- turers, owing to having a ready mar- t elsewhere for their stocks, will de- 1K ST. CHAMBERS Ns 10N | SASH - + > Ge —_ x % dhe Pe cline to. manufacture deals. The major portion of the white pine is being cut into sidings and stocks this season; the manufacturers not having sufficient in- ducement to put the better end oftheir logs into deals. The white pine in this market is generally put up into less grades than in the western markets : with a few ex- ceptions, it is graded good sidings, No. 2 cuts, shipping cull sidIngs and _ strips, some of the mills putting up a percentage of mill run stocks. The demand for shingles and lath is very brisk at the present moment, Ameri- can buyers purchasing largely. Prices have been well maintained. UNMARKED LOGS BRING GOOD PRICES. The Fredericton Boom Company's annual sale of unmarked logs took place last week at the office of A, F. Randolph & Sons, Fredericton, N.B., and was very successful. Among those present were W. H. Murray, Charles Miller, Henry Hilyard, Fred D. Miles, Fred Sayre, E. KE. Jewett, St. John; Fred Pond, T. D. Bab- bitt, Arthur Sewell, Gibson; W. P. Hane- bury, St. Marys; P. Glasier, M.P.P., Lincoln; John A. Morrison, T. Lynch, John Kilburn, Edward Moore, A. E. Han- son, John A. Morrison, Jacob Hazelton, A. H. F. Randolph and others, Frederic- ton. A. H. F. Randolph, who had charge of the sale, stated that the logs to be sold would include all the unmarked lumber to come through the booms this season, and would be subjectto the freighter’s charges. FOR SALE Exceptionally good Birch and Hemlock Lumber f.o.b. car. South River Station. Mills at Midford (Fagle Lake,) Ort. THE ROBB LUMBER CO, LIMITED Guelph, Ont. Hunter, Grawiord & Niebergall (Successors to R. Watt) LWABER AND SQUARE TIMBER OF aLL KIKDs POSTS, POLES, TIES, LATH AND SHINGLES Bill Stuff a Specialty WIARTON, ONT. Write Us for Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. OTTAWA, ONTARIO W. B. BARTRAM WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT . > > Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Specia! Bills sawn on short notice. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. ery inquiry receives our Prompt attention. . Write for quotations. DOORS’ - Barge or car load lots B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. | GARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., une 604 Temple Building, Toronto . MILLMEN-— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., 5th and Lumberman’s CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. He read a statement showing the amount already rafted to be as follows: Pine—194 pieces, containing 12,590 feet. Hemlock—459 pieces, containing 46,- 390 feet. Cedar--2246 pieces, containing 74,150 feet. Spruce, no mark—8,353 pieces, con- taining 133,420 feet of merchantable, 254,- 099 of battens and 53,970 of condemned ; also 1,336 pieces of mixed mark, contain- ing 16,728 feet of merchantable, 46,992 of battons and 5,096 of condemned, a grand total of 500,305 feet. The bidding was lively from the start, and the several kinds of lumber brought high prices. The spruce was purchased by Charles Miller for $14.30 per thousand. He also bid in the hemlock for $4.80: John A. Morrison bought the cedar for $6.90 and the pine was knocked down to George A, Perley for $12.15. The following statement showing prices obtained during the two previous years will be interesting: 1903 1904 Spruce... focsuecsnsene ss $13.00 $11.10 Pike te) eat eee 11.25 7.00 Cedart frets siectatatnce ns 18.25 6.90 Hemlock........+-es+ee 4.50 Aas Three hundred thousand feet of cedar belonging to the Estey estate, 171,520 feet of which has already been rafted, was sold to W. H. Murray at $8.05. F, B. Edgecombe offered for sale three million feet of the McConnell logs, but withdrew them after they had been bid up to $12.10 per thousand. NAME WANTED. The publishers of THE CANADA LUMBER- MAN received on July 4th a letter from Pusey, Ont., containing an advertisement offering for sale some hardwood timber and enclosing a remittance, but the sender inadvertently neglected to sign his name. In the meantime the advertisement is be- ing withheld. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. —— SARNIA, ONT. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, London, Eng. THE [IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. Limiteo SAW AND PLANING. MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS : All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo,’-. Registered Cable Address, “‘ Pinewood.”) American Iumberman”’ BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG, Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. Telecode. x < B.C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES Several cars now in transit, hence can give prompt delivery. SEND C. A. LARKIN J, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT, MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY IN YOUR ORDERS Toronto Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc In Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings Eotgeea HARDWOOD FLOORING ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - __ Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. Sie mR FOLBS 5,000 pieces, 10 to 20’ long. Suitable for Hops, etc. : Price ?7—Well write us. THE LONG LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Fand - eMrewtar CACHE BAY, Ont. €. P. RB: 26 miles West North Bay Geo. Gordon G Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Gane UMBER _ axD LATH ie a _ ws a / a rv ie. pe. or a « eS bal - ae “ 7 at > att ’ ie 4 7s RS ee DD 5» Pg te Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION : July 12, «905 MS aa. “connec Ee H. HEAPS & CO., ™™.,,. Wancouyver, B. Cc. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Ete. SPECIALTIES : 7 a AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. a x —_— Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. W. J. SHEPPARD, PRESIDENT 4. G: SCOTT, GE GENERAL Aen 3 Pacific Coast Lumber Co. LIMITED VANCOUVER, BG. MANUFACTURERS OF Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete, High Grade Red Cedar segs ar “ Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - 112 Mail Building, TORONTO D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. Jj. E. YOUNG, J. E. YOUNG, Cashier a ee ne ere ow ee The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. ress > White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work pati CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING ‘i RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario me Mills at Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, S pruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber — We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. ae C. WELLS —=_ | Export Lumber & Ve _ PALLISER, B.C. Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. — Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. | W. B. McKEcuntg, President. . MacRag, — i Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A LUMBER C0. D. for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Vancouver, = Cc __siuLIMITED ed tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping apipnali capacity over 114 millions. BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR 4 feet long—CLEAR, B; C; FIR_DIMENSION AND “FINISH. SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK | » : oo. Stocks in at oe codnewoed Powassan Cartier Callander LU Mi 2 ER ® LATH ® S 4 i NG LES é i Ontario idland Whitney Shurecon Falls North Bay oe ee a ce i a be ct dea pear OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers. Contractors for pallway supplies Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries BILL TIMBER a Speciait ws MIDLAND, ONT sc a pi gn ae ee ee any OSS SS ST ne FOR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, A Manufacturers of and i Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior e Dealersin...... Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try Sawn aid Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting 4 JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. PEMBROKE ONT - EAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT- RHODES, CURRY & CO.. Limitea CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM Pees Aiiierde lite Forks, Svaney ena Hautax. PINE LUMBER COMPANY _ BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) PINE, ONT. o Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. t : ; Brosh heals f Coosa and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch F. M¢CIBBON & SONS, Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and “| Sata Lumber, and fase in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. ants J. M ET Vc aeiiaing. GU EBRES Vi AITLAND, RIXON & 6 ; Cather he Cook & Bros. MANORMeTURERS ~ OF Manufacturers and Dealers Lumber Co. | White and Red Pine! LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. -s ay Of Ontario, Limited MILLS: at iSrRGSs, erre Dist, Ont. Make a Specialty of pong I os poe and Hemlock Bill Stuff. PRAGEE, Atecme J | Lumber and Lath Arcade, Toronto pee Lk OFFICES Coristine Building, Montreal & tas Aud at Mills at Sprazze. Water Shipments T urn er Lay mb er Co., Lanited MANUPAGTURERS 3 FM EEN SS MANECTIRNG C0,LNIED *- LOA BER © LAG Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. 7 Saw Mills at Planing Mill and Head Office: Z y . RAINY LAKE, Ontario. HAMILTON, Ontario. HARDWOOD FLOO RING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, | MITED A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited ah 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. oe LUMBER AND LATH See tae esas ware” |THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY WHOLESALE AUGER & ot 8) ae Quebec BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND ee PULP WOOD AND TIES | CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES Bought at Any Station. We Solicit Your Inquiries. ° 2 on Also Dimension Timber, oon to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and J. F. FOSS, Manager. 624-620 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. umoer.— ww rite Ss. A. F. BURY AUSTIN HARDWOOD FLOORING | HOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER 0 MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK CANADA FINE : %, %, KH. 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., . MONTREAL, CANADA End Matched: Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. a ag y Railway Priage Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Deckin ane way and White Dimension Timber, areae Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Rai way Ties, Oak and Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames e Planed an: id Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, and Ww w back, end butted. ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. Fir Tim or | h up to go feet long, Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. FA ” 1c . oO leer Tees Dicaned Ubitber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. oJ. 5S, FINDL ’ Y OWEBN SOUND, ONT WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS, vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ” if i July 12, 1905 NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of THE CANADA LUMBERMAN.) St. Joun, N.B., July 6, 1905.-—Since my letter of June 15th, lumber business in this direction has been marked by no partic- ular activity, although trade has been fairly brisk. Shipments to the United States have been very light owing to the continued remarkable absence of available natural consequence shipping. As a stocks of all wood goods manufactured for this market are increasing rapidly and the owners thereof find themselves in an awk- ward and dilemma, with quantities of the goods on the wharves, the United States markets in a satis- factory condition in almost all lines and with no means of shipping. unprofitable ‘American’ deals are somewhat plenti- ful at this port for this season of the year; 2,500,000 ft. would cover the amount fully. Prices in this line are well maintained and show every indication of firmness. For delivery during the next.three months, no quotation on ‘‘American’” inch spruce deals could be obtained at this date lower than: 10’s and 12's, $17.50 to $18; 9's, $16; Narrows, $13.50 to $13.75 f.o.b. St. John. Spruce lath also are, scarcity of tonnage mentioned above, rather more plentiful than the prices and conditions of the market would seem to in- At this date there are from 4,- owing to the dicate. 500,000 to 5,000,000 upon the different wharves ready to be shipped. The increase in freight rates to U.S. has had the usual effect upon local prices in this line and quotations are being made on lath at $2.35 for non-dutiable and $2.10 for dutiable, f.o.b. schooner St. John. The demand for New Brunswick cedar shingles in the United States is steady and prices are very uniform. Shipments from this port have been very light during the last two months. Stocks are consequent- ly somewhat heavy and would total up to 4,500,000 of all grades, Local prices for non-dutiable are quoted at this date, f.o.b. schr. St. John, as follows: Extras $2.85; clears $2.35; 2nd clears $1.85; No. 1's 90. The demand for one inch merchantable spruce boards, while not remarkably brisk, are steady and the indications are that prices will at least hold their own for some time to come. Like all other lines which are marketed in the United States, boards are plentiful; 2,500,000 would probably be very near the available stock. Local prices are, for non-dutiable, f.o.b. schr. St. John $12.50, and for dutiable $10.50. The lowest freight rates obtainable on long lumber to New York are $3.75 and to Boston $3.00, with 10 probability of a de- crease in the mmediate future. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. H. D. WIGCI a9 stale | will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. CHAS, ©, BEQNETT. MINNEAPOLIS, ~~ = SSNASAS IASVAS ASN, SASSY GETTING AT THE BOTTOM OF IT That’s the thing to do —- Investigate a little and see if you are getting as good service, as good prices or as good stock as you ought to. If you are not, then it is high time to let us hear from you—for we have the goods and are able to make a deal with you that will be satis- factory to all concerned. WSS SSsSsss5ss f _E Y y The Red Deer Lumber Company : WINNIPEG, MAN, SBS SS SESS ISIS SESS SSIES SE — ee SSS. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST. LOUIS BY RAIL,.MAIL WIRE OR t ‘PHONE McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTON WOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIY, MICH. Correspoderce Invited on All Hardwoods. SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LITTLE Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, LA., ALLENTOWN, LA. HABBERLE LUMBBR GO. Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK Teen Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock. All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. “ges ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. + Veneers Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e\e.e.g BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE ~ LUMBER - DETROIT FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE MICHIGAN Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. Ps July 12, 1905 = a CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Halifax, N. S.: Steamer Vinita, from New York, 1,012,900 spruce laths, value $2, 050. Steamer Siberian, for Glas- gow, 157,709 ft. spruce deals, value : 57, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. mer Nile, for Brow Head, 1,595,000 pruce deals, value $21,500, by Alfred ckie & Co., agents. New York, 110,063 ft. spruce scant- , value $1,101, by G. W. Henderson. Schooner Pleasantville, for New York, anc 0,150 ft. spruce scantling, value $1,212, G. W. Henderson. From St. John, N.B. : Schooner Ida M. ton, for City Island, 150,427 ft. deals. Schooner Rewa, for New York, 147,654 ft. plank, 60,671 ft. scantling. Barque ( ulfport, for Tralee, 580,097 ft. deals, 65 ft. ends. Schooner A. P. Emerson, City Island, 295,978 ft. deals. Schooner Ww -V. Chaples, for City Island, 234,791 ft. deals, 1,015 ft. plank. Schooner Pris- cilla, for New Haven, 75,615 ft. plank, 76,305 ft. scantIng, 10,046 ft. boards. - Schooner Allen Green, for New York, 188,500 laths. Steamer Gadsby, for Brow Head, 2,763,182 ft. deals, 254,838 ft. - seantling, 118, 467 ft. ends, 59,499 boards. Steamer Brattinsborg, for Brow Head, 2,429 ,197 ft. deals and battens, 204,104 ft. dine. 138,950 ft. ends, 214,970 ft. ards. Steamer Indianapolis, for Brow ; 4 ¥4 % r rv ys CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Schooner Acacia,. Head, 1,595,224 ft. deals and battens, 129,853 ft. scantling, 57,638 ft. ends, 91,- ooo ft. boards. Schooner Romeo, for Boston, 82,751 ft. plank, 73,093 ft. scant- ling. Schooner Pardon G. Thompson, for Hartford, Conn., 143,361 ft. spruce plank, 13,524 ft. boards. Schooner Roger Drury, for Philadelphia, 1,806,500 laths. Schooner Avis, for City Island, 102,066 ft. deals, 62,532 ft. scantling. Schooner Annie A. Booth, for City Island, 227,640 ft. deals. Schooner Wm. Marshal’, for Phila- delphia, 1,542,000 laths. From Montreal: Steamer Tunisian, for Liverpool, 11,564 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd; 35,380 pcs. deals, 106 pcs. timber, by W. &. J. Sharples. Steamer Lake Erie, for Liverpool, 4,799 pcs. boards, by Dobell, Becket & Co. ; 1,986 pes. deals, 174 logs, by J. Burstall & Co. ; 4,725 pes. deals, by Watson & Todd; 3,877 pes. deals, by Great Northern Rail- way ; 22,851 pcs. lumber, 100 bdls. shooks, 10,577 bdls. lumber, 493 bdls. heads, 2,139 pes. deals, by Canadian Pacific Railway. Steamer Canada, for Liverpool, 20 logs, 3,680 pes. boards, by McLaurin Bros.; 7,200 pes. deals, by J. Burstall & Co.; 634 pes. deals, by R. Cox & Co. ; 23,560 pes. deals, by Watson & Todd; 38 logs, by Canadian Pacific Railway. Steamer Ontarian, for London, 10,415 pes. deals, by Watson & Todd. Steamer Cevona, for London, 14,265 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples; 492 pkgs. lumber, by Grand Trunk Railway. Steamer Montrose, for London, 199 logs, by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; 140 logs, 2,682 pcs. deals, by McArthur Export Co.; 68 logs, by Mc- Laurin Bros.; 2,663 pes. deals, by W. & J. Sharples ; 3,477 pes. deals, by Cox, Long & Co.; 14,356 pes. lumber, by Canadian Pacific Railway. For Antwerp: 15,258 pcs. boards, by Watson & Todd ; 16,318 pes. boards, 5,474 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples. Steamer Montcalm, for Bristol, 1,334 pes. deals, by McArthur Export Co.; 707 pes. deals, by Cox, Long & Co.; 19,615 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples ; 3,304 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd. Steamer Pretoria, for Glasgow, 886 pcs. boards, by Grand Trunk Railway; 865 pes. deals, 77 logs, by Canadian Pacific Railway ; 7,725 pes. boards, by E. H. Lemay; 1,265 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples ; 938 pes. boards, 995 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples; 3,189 pcs. boards, by R. Cox & Co. Steamer Marina, for Glasgow, 4,002 pcs. lumber, by E. H. Lemay ; 3,860 pcs. lumber, by Grand Trunk Railway ; 363 pcs. lumber, 661 pcs. deals, by Dobell, Becket & Co.; 4,437 pes. deals, 34 logs, by J. Burstall & Co.; 138 logs, by McArthur Export Co. Steamer Manchester Shipper, for Manchester, 2,582 pes. boards, by Watson & Todd; 6,147 pcs. lumber, by W. & J. Sharples ; 251 pes. timber, by McLaurin Bros.; 2,953 pcs. << * 8 Gordon Street \ - "Cable Address; {* TENEBRIS,” GLASGO for CANADIAN WHITE PINE IMPORTER OF ——emt FCARNWORTH & JARDINE = Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. a Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOOL, aie . A. Wietiicas & Co. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS . Codes; A.B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. N D SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log; Ete. ments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom, | [ouls BAMBERGER, Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. pst ea Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ ae _ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods ZEBRA CODE R, JUCKER & CO. = I mporters ENGLAND offers from Lumbermen for . eals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, , Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any able’ for English Market. ; phic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. A. B, C. CODE aes HEYWOOD & CO. Wood i gents and Brokers” Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS DIRECTORY Sy ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable pe ee ‘* Shooks,”” Hull. Codes—A. B.C. 4th Edition and Zebra. ‘BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER. -MERGHANTS. -RSO “Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and - “Lumber, Elm wI VL Staves) and Heading, Handles of ali descriptions : Veneers A Specialty %, . . a 2 - ~ Rs So “ok Lee, Sa 5 te ‘ te Pigs ders o | lumber, by Canadian Pacific Railway 9,939 pes. deals, by Imperiai Lumber Co. Steamer Montank, for Natal, South Africa, 28 pes. doors, by Imperial Export Co.; 3,900 pes, boards, 320 bdls. doors, by Crossman & Seilken, 130 bdls. doors, 3,436 pes. lumber, by Arkell & Douglass ; 1,064 pcs. lumber by Cadenas & Co.; 1,985 pes. lumber, by American Trading Co.; 1,3977 pes. lumber, by A. W. Peabody Co.; 2,779 pcs. lumber, by A. Amsinck; 45 cs. doors, 1 case blocks, by Davis & Ropes. For Algoa Bay : 82. bdls. doors, 2,457 pcs. lumber, 35 bdls. lumber, by Crossman & Seilcken; 145 cs. doors, 2 cs. blocks, by Davis & Soper; 23 cs. doors, by Findlay & Durlan; 569 pcs. lumber, by Framson & Co. ; 831 pcs. lumber, by Arkell & Douglas. For Cape Town, 9,444 pes. lumber, 200 bdls. doors, by H. W. Peabody Co.; 9,063 pcs. lumber, by American Trading Co.; 46 cs. doors, 1 case bocks, by Davis & Soper; 3,895 pcs. boards, by Crossman & Seilcken; 626 pes. deals, by Watson & Todd. For East London: 1,030 pcs. lumber, by Arkell & Douglas ; 130 bdls. doors, 25 pkgs. gates, 125 bdls, lumber, 3,187 pcs. boards, by Crossman & Seilcken; 770 pcs. lumber, 2 bdls. lumber, by B. S. Pray & Co.; 1,375 pes. lumber, by Thompson & Co; 1,463 pcs. lumber, by American Trading Co. Steamer Philadephia, for Liverpool, 4,425 pes. boards, 2,495 pcs. deals. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS "SMITH & TYRER - 14 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMiITH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : ““TECTONA” Glasgow. Ax and A B C Codes used. ° BROKERS Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Wood feller, London.”’ THOMPSON, Codes: Zebra, Western Union, Southards, and A. B.C, 4th and 5th Editions, - BLOIS & Co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents. Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. JUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LUD. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Liverpaot sad Teadon Chambers CABI,E ADDRESS BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. ALSO .. All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. - LIVERPOOL ENGLAND “DOBLE, LIVERPOOL ”* Vil. THE ONTARIO LUMBER AY LIMITED Mitts: North Bay. - CANADA CUFF MAN WEEKLY EDITION ~ tote C.P.R. and &. T.R. Delivery. MANUFACTURERS AND SHINGLES. 35 and 36 Home Life Building WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH TORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. PEDWELL & LEMCKE MANUFACTURERS OB Boy's fe yee Sn CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED Lions Head, > Ontario { Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, | Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. . THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS HarRDWwoopD Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, O, McMinnville, Tenn, We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. 0 ADDRESS: CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. BOSTON, MASS. Room sio, 147 Milk St We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots McLennan Timber Land and Lumber G0., Limited Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices : Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. Mills at Smith’s Bay feet or over. & GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA Township of Carling EO. G. GLADMAN naroracromes 7 : ae E have Three Millions of Hem- lock, running in lengths from 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre- pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 A. P HBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pos Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension $ PARRY SOUND, ONT. THE NEW LINE A. J. GORRIE, WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES cme. CORRESPONDEN: SOLICITED yie WOODSTOCK LUMBI & MANUFACTURING C Dealers in Pine, Hemlock — and Hardwood Lumber. oem m= WOODSTOCK, ONT, WIARTON, onT- Wited Pome Timper Limits AND > eaeeen PoweER FOR SALE. IDEAL PuLp-MILL Srres. Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. " bist oy ¥ S o" General Supt. GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES--WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 2x4 to 10 in.,rs to16ft. 15 00 16 00 1 inch No. 1 Pine cuts & becter...... $ £ 00 | 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 1% to2 inch No Clear inch B. C; cedar, cuts and bette 5000 51 00 Meildsded\ cise vis ocean 50 00 1% &2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar cuts and better.... 42 00 44 00 air dried boat lumber 55 00 1% to 2 inch No. - Douglas fir dimension cuts and better.... 37 00 38 00 timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 tin Pine Dressing Dougias fir dimension and better shorts 2400 25 00} timber, 50 to 35 feet 3I 00 1x4, 6and8common 18 00 19 00] 1% in. No. 1 4ft. Pine PFO COMMON 2.0. 39 50) AO Oo | ARUN ccs mace sa cinle 350 3 60 IX 1z2common...... 21 00 22 00/ 1% in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 09 3 10 IXiO common...... 20 00 21 00] 1%” No.1 32” pine lath I 70 1XIO common...... 2100 22 ov | 1%” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 2 85 -amd 3x12 common. 2200 23 0o| XXXX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 rxiu inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 220 common .....-...- 20 00 2¢ co| X Pine Shingles .. 90 Inch mill runsidings 2: 00 22 00| XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 25 1 in. mill run...... 20 00 21 00 B. C. Shingles" 1x10 and 12 mill culls 16 00 17 oo | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 90 I te mill cull Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 12 Gee ices ae ees 5 00 1600|/ XXXXX 5toz2in.. 345 I ies pea cull sidings 12 00 13 00 | XX No. 2, 6to2 ara 2 30 1% inch Flooring .. 24 00 25 00|/XX ‘“ 6to 23-16in. Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 1459 15 5) HARDWOODS—PER M, FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, 1 to2 in Fin ipock, mill F socnbe rto 1%%24 00 26 00 ists and 2nds...... $33 00 $35 00 Elm ok, i Asi, black, xsts and run.......134'' 3.. 29 00 30 00 and, 1 to1 in.. .. 27 00 29 00 | Hickory, ists Birch a a +. 81 00 2200] and ands..1%4"' 2.. 36 00 38 00 ye «+ 2300 25 00| Maple.1” mill “* saqrs. ce m axe 32 00 36 00 Un. s. 1 1% 20 00 21 00 Basswood, ad Maple, sts and better1 to1¥%in 24 00 25 00 and 2nds.. 2 ‘' 4.. 24 00 <6 oc Basewood, 1% to2.. 25 a7 00 | Oak;red, p’n, m. r. 1 1% 2400 2600 ists & ands2 ‘' 4.. 44 00 46 00 Cherry, 1sis Oak, white, and ands.. 1 ‘‘ 1% 55 00 60 00 ists &2nds1 “‘ 1% 4200 44 00 Cherry, sts Oak, white, andands.. 2 '' 4.. 60.00 7000 ists & ands 2 ‘' 4.. 45 00 50 00 —m soft, mill Oak, quart'd, Metalware ‘74% 24 00 25 00 ists&ends ‘' 2.. 70 00 8) 00 Elm, oh, mill Walnut, sts TU etivicle « a ** 3..25 00 2600 and 2nds.. 1 ‘* 3.. 85 00 10900 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... an. AS First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 60 6: 1gtoz0inchaverage ‘ ‘f - 62 65 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality BéQcdoo Oe boc ands 27.33 Shipping Celene AF Se ae fe ona 40 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . ' 50 «656 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality 40 to 45 feet . 65 75 30to 35 fet. 52 £4 ASH. to inches and up, eae to ae Be and eee 4 26 Average 16 inch . “ 30 BIRCH. 14 Inch 20 46433 1° ’ . 26 28 17 ¥ ’ - . . 28 31 cd . ee : wy 32 cesg OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, gocd sidings: zxro No, 1 barn.... 21 00 tin.x8in.andup 39 00 4200/1x10No. 2 “ .... 19 00 iWin *1% ing -| 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn.... Ig 00 Sin. and up....... 50 00 54 00/ 1x8 & q No.2 “ 7 00 ain, x8in. and up §2 00 56 00| Pine Shorts 6’ to 11’x8” Piie good strips : Pine shorts 5’ to 11’x10” 16 Oo Su BONAR Aiea sane sss 33 CO 36 00 | Pine, 8ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 co 14% in. andr in.... 36 00 38 00] Pine s. c. strips.. 13 00 15 00 BVAth cicero seeders 38 00 40 00] Pine,’s.c. shorts..... 12 00 14 00 ne, good shorts: Pine, box boards.... ©O 14 50 aC RABRASt ESS 23 00} Pine mill culls..... 13.00 14 00 1¥ in. and 1¥ | 35 oo | Lath, per M MS Sica Gace eg + 34.00 38 00 No. 1 white pine..; 2 40 2 60 Pine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine: .. 200 2 25 siding, per M feet, Spruce, mill run..... 200 2 35 D.m.,.........-. .. 2000 25 ao Red Pine, mill run.. 200 2 15 Pine, No. x dressing Pine Shingles Strips...... ....+... 18 00 2400] XXXX, 18inch........ 300 3 25 Pine No. « dressing Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 shorts ...... .... +. 1600 2000] Xx 18 inch........... 1 40 1 60 Pine, ros. ¢ and bet- Cedar Shingles ter stock, 12’ to 16’ 20 00 22 00 SIN, LE Ch... ws cdlals 3 25 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- Clear Butt,r8inch.... — 2 50 ter stock, 12’ to16’. 17 00 19 00 XX, 18 inch.......... I 60 I 70 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS, Tf x gata’, . oc. ae $21 00 1in., 10” and up wide. .$73 00 14% x 6” and up........ . 24 00 1%, 1% and 2” + 73 00 ee, ea oy + 25 00 2% and 3! “ .. 78 00 yx be mix /eva inlainploladw tone rtiete 27 00 4 ore as, ist Rate 1% x 6” and up........ +» 24 00 WAG) TOlA38. sean wae 25 00 SELECTS A S02"... Ree Mates ae 27 00 rin, 8’ and up wide.... 63 00 a” = 6" and up.......... 25 00 1%, Wgand2” “ .... 63 00 EX LO" aaa Ss. faethe - okie 26 00 24 and 3” se eee 3 100 Ae Sh CAPO Sere be 28 oo 4” eee 7B 03 NO. I BARN, FINE, COM. AND BETTER, EAM Elson \resnesiarevals --$23 00 to $30 00 1in., 8’ and up wide.... 54 00 14%, 1% and 2 28 oo to 31 00 4 and 1%” ue «ss. 54 00 7 and aN 32 co _ sees 55 00 35 00 FINE COMMON. NO 2 BARN. Tea tayatnei tte slense ete 5 00 to 62 00 Np Pe ee ee 20 00 to 24 00 1%, 1% to 2”... 50 00 51 0O 1%, 1%, 2 and 2%,3and 4”.. 6800 73 co 237i Dineen ae 8 .2200to 23 59 NO I CUTS. 3. ste ttenes 26 oo rin , 8’ and up wide... 33 00 NO, 3 BARN. 1% in oes 48 00 AAG AT ods 8S Ta. 17 00 to 29:0 1% in, - 46 00 1K, 1% and 2” 18 00 to 20 50 2! om 47 00 Ze RG eae 21 00 2%and3” ‘ 60 00 aoe 4” -* -». 62 00 Mo. cake 5 BIDE Swier - 1%, 2..1:.... 13 50to 18 60 1in., 6” and up wide... 20 00 NO i! 257; 4 and 1%” eMulaieatss 33 00 DOQE 2 oe Sree 14 50to 17 00 ; s+» 36 00 aie 3 and 4! “ wees 45 00 MILL CULLS, No, 3 CUTS, aril Run 1’, 1%, 1%and sans tin., 6” and up wide.... No. 2, fy id as aN II 00 x ‘ 1A and 1% “ = ' LATH, 2%,3and4” ‘ No.1, 4s” pine weyctnict Kecine 325 No. 1, 32’ MILL RUN. No. 2) 48” “ E SHINGLES, XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, 5, to 2 x, 16” Cao sen 275 «h “ 1 85 Sa “ “ “5 26 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE, Uppers, 3 in, ... ........ 83 85 | rxx2 inchshippers......... 24 234 iN... 0 s.000e seeeeeees 83 85 | 4/4 inch Wp 13” & up. 25 MAEG.2 10. ars aie aioe 100-0 +++e+ 78 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6’ and up .. 19 20 gues uppers ........+..... 88 90 | 10-in. dressing and better... 30 35 lects, 234 in up........: 77 82] x2-in. dressing and better... 40 42 ULC 2M fp waleahie cneh anions 70 +72 | Box, Ixxo-in, ...... 21 Fine common, 2% i in. andup 72 75 | Box, rx12..... 21 TODOS. eave crecenns we 60 | No. x barn, 1x12 - 29 30 No. x cuts, 1 to 2 inch. sisi’. 155 ve Te RS see 25 26 O.Beccccccnvcceereccess 95 45 MCR cists ets ities, Ble 25 INS 4h b sarctertone cetera «+» 30 35] No. 2 barn, rxr2 oo. 260 27 No. z molding, s tos ina... QP S0 fe orxro... oS ..000 valine BS, ad: No. 2 molding, 1 to2in..... 35 £8 TXB, .2eceeeenccecsveceee 22 23 Stained saps........... 32 40 Shaky clear, x to 6/4in...... 32 38 Bracket plank ....... 35 45 40 Shelving boars 1a-in. up .. 35 40 Dressing .. sevewen 24 25 Dressing boards, narrow.... 26 28| Common..............— 25 ar 20 1x19 inch shippers......—.. ~ ae Ng Dice a ; Be tN eee butts too ia.\. Roce [ in - 2 LATH, : PiGis awedoade wa nets sees 50 | Spree. .ceneseeameene SHINGLES, Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 Bound butts, 6x 18 Clear butts..........'4 50 % 2 ae ees Smooth 6x18....... 4 50 475 See BUFFALO AND TO N WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Urpers, 1,1%,1¥% and 2 21.55 cnie semeidinaeae anistn s(acatainlorn aie a 78 00 Shem » No. 1, 13 in. 2% and 3 in....... IDs oped vectors Selects 1 nha 85 00 up, rin... co | No. !Moliagrean 8.00 | _..dt cvstisa si nrieeane 134 tO 2ins ices. 70 00| No. 2 Moulding Strips, 2% and 3 in....... 8 00 < fOOI co acetate Po Serer 5 00 Bam, Na. ae Picdcs Fine common, 1 in. 55 00 8 and ro in...... 1% and 1% in..... 56 00 Now 1O1n,... ane Ce ope ee 58 00] No.2, r2in........ : Be ine nee Aa 73.00) No. 3, 10 iD... 500008 aa soeio ain} ae sie 75.00] No. 3, r2in.....000_ Cut'g cae No. 1, x in. 38 00| Box, 1X4.....eeeesee 1% and 1% in..... 50 00 1X6 KUP.. veveees No. 2, 1 IDs... see 25 00 IXIO 2. croetae cabs — 2,1%,&1% in 36 00 BRIBE voce seg ee No. . ie and 1% 25 00 IxIzand up...... No. be slaleishate » 27 00 14 and 144 & in. Dial 234 ives 36 oo | Mill cae 1,1%,1% 14x10 und 12...... 4° 00 and a tad, es Tegel ee sete saan 36 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber's ¥ price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; 4 WHITE ASH. 33 00 35.00 to 4 in...... seeeerse 39 00 4I 00 Signe oe Com. and d culls. 1st & 2nd, x inch, to 2in ‘BLACK AND BROWN ASH. Ist & 2na, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00| Com. & good culls... 15 00 seers BIRCH. ist & and, 6 in=h & st &and,white, 6’ &up, > 00 up, r 36 00 38 00 | Com. & good culls..... 13 00 ELM. st & ad,rock,6in &up+6 0c 28 00 | ist & ed, — 6in & up, 24 Common and culls .. I5 00 17 00 Common and culls...... 00% MAPLE. 1st & 2nd hard...... 21 00 23 00 Ist &and,soft...... ....19 00 Common and culls. 1300 14 oo [ Common and cx eveee XI 00 < BOSTON, MASS. White Pine Uppers, 1 to2inch ...... .... ++++++$82 00 to $ Selects "x foie Inch... costes iow « coc apaiatal Geen 00 Fine Common, Fo Cee eit he TG UO 27H en wees canoes vee EIS No.1 Cuts, reintcelt....'.5.. csle's ssielsalsaalil eve 2. See _ 41 00 1% to 2 inch... vecversce 50 00 No. 2’ Cuts, Anh. 1c uldelseciel Wot casieses coche mata 1¥% to 2 inch.. Soe eeeeice cone adele clasielee iesOOm Barn Boards, No. 1 ee Spruce, ro and 12 in. a PRLS 7 gin. and under . ro and 12 in. random leng 2X3, 2X4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x7 an 3x4 random lengths, 10 ft. and up.. et All other random ‘lengths, 9 ‘in. and under, 10 Ee and up... hs, ‘to ft. and MD sicacen Extra 1s (Clear whites out).... Extra Is (Clear whites im)..........:s.ssseeeeenes, BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. ase : Vou. XIII wi, eae bi % PUBLISHED BY ola 7 The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’u ul of Toronto, Limited i>) Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. . » -- Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL ; 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. % ae . Telephone 1274 ~ 7 Ae 536 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C, aa. GREAT ST. HELEN’s, Lonpon, E. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every We sday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the : cipal manufacturing districts and leading Romestic and foreign wholesale markets. A re medium of information and communica- ‘tween Canadian timber and lumber manu- rers and ers and the purchasers of ber ucts at home and abroad. The thly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, scuss Sealey and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. * Ba be ¥ - WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ut at the rate of 15 cents per line cach insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are __ ordered a discount of ar cent. will be allowed. ee: emotize yrds the : dth ai line and is os onpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. - z-! ents must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in _ the current week’s issue : ns ul : ‘Fer SALE — LARGE QUANTITY OF 3’ -— L* Common Spruce. Barge or car lots. Apply Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. | YWATANTED—1”", £/4”, 2” COMMON BEECH, YY Birch and Hard Maple 5/4 Beech C & B. 1, 6/4” 2” Wormy Chestnut. All dry. R. E. _ KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. ~? = a / Timer FOR SALE—soo ACRES HARD- 4 WOOD, three miles from railroad ; also 40 _ acres half mile from track for immediate sale. _ Address XXX, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. 1 DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO. Cedar Shingles and Lath. Tor- ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 Logan Avenue, Toronto. ANTED — PARTNER WITH SMALL capital for good paying, contracting and ber business in good live western city in ario. Address Box No. 246, CANADA Lum- [AN. _ FOR SALE 4 G VER FOUR MILLION FEET OF STAND- ING timber and land composed of chest- whitewood, oak, ash, maple, basswood, yeech, with 10 M capacity mill ; 2 railways ing through property ; good market for ‘cordwood, tile wood, stove wood, hubs, spokes and everything in the product of a sawmill— luding planing an matching machine, le machine, and moulding machine ; con- Railway spur on property ; the best lot ber in these parts. Original forest. J. SCHLEIHAUF, Owner, Bismarck Station, Lorne P.O., Ont. uy (CanapaA LUMBERMAN 4 acres; will be sold either in whole or . WEEKLY ‘ E-DITION TORONTO, MONTREAL — JULY 19, i905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrImcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish boom, Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchweod, Ont. OR SALE CHEAP—ONE GOOD DOUBLE Cylinder Set of 24 in. Cards and Picker, alsoonerun “Roller Process’’ Grist Mill Ma- chinery Outfit complete. Address EpGar A. WoopMAn, ROSSVILLE, York Co., N. B. 2 ee FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN OMPLETE 12M CAPACITY SAW MILL and Stave Mill; 1 Engine, 16x24; 2 En- gines, 10x14. Husk Frame, Saw Carriage, Trimmer, Edger, Slab-Saw, Stave Machine, 2 Equalizers, 13 Iron Steam Boxes and connec- tions. Address ‘‘D. Q.” care of CanaDA LUM- BERMAN. FOR SALE White Pine Lumber NO. I SHEET. > Feet 1,895 5/4” x 4”) up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 2,962 1” x 10” x 12/16 ft. M/C stocks 27,735 5/4" x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft, S/C shorts NO. 3 SHEET. 26,915 1” x 4”/ up x 6/1: ft. sound common 44,-93 5/4” x 4”/ up X 6/11 ft. sound common 994 1” x 8’ x 12/18 ft. sound common 852 6/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. sound common 69 1” x 11” x 12/18 ft. sound common 10,567 1” x 1”/ up x 6/11 ft second quality 8,234 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft, second quality 69,000 5/4” x 4”/7 x 12/18 ft. second eae 04 2,6a1 5/4” x 8”/ up x 12/18 ft. second quality 44,400 2” x 4/7” x 12/18 ft. second quality 38,457 a” x 6” x 12/18 ft. second quality NO. 4 SHEET, 123,799 4/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 74,606 5/4” x €/11 ft. S/C shorts 2,521 6/4” x 6/11 ft. $/C shorts 6 ,271 1” x 8” x 12/16 ft. S/C and better. 2,882 5/4” X 12/16 ft, M/C sidings 39,826 5/4” x 12/16 ft. M/C strips 37,861 5/4” x 4/7” X 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 7,435 6/4” x 4/7” x 6/11” M/C shorts 3,222 5/4” X 8”/ up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts NO. § SHEET. 66,539 8/4” & 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 1,038 6/4” x 12/16 ft M/C strips 5,762 5/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 33,627 8/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 10,746 4/4” X 8/ up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 46,630 4/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 14,574 /4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 1,218 6/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 4,680 8/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 4,317 €/4” © 12/16 ft. S/C strips No. 6 SHEET, 1,156 1” x 4/7” x 6/x1 ft. M/C shorts 7,194 1%" x 1/7" x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 1,164 14%” x 4/7” up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 13,804 1” x 8’ up x 6/11 tt. M/C sidings 4.310 134" x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. M/C strips 9,37: 1’ x 8” up x 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 161,856 1’ x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 21,719 1%" x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 2,438 13%” x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 25,703 144" x 4/7” up x 12/16 ft S/C strips 11,795 1” x9” X 12/:6 ft. M/C stocks No. 7 SHEET. 2,000,000 1” x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. second strips No. 8 SHEET. 147 913 1%” x 12/16 ft S/C sidings 2-7,073 «” x 12/16 ft. S/C sidings 217,932 1” x 10” x 12/16 ft. good 54,295 1 x 11’ up x 12/16 ft. good 33,948 1” x 12/16 ft. second strips. A. F. BURY AUSTIN, Wholesale Lumber & Timber Merchant, Montreal. AND WOOD WORKER The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $1.00 Per veaR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. No. 20 5 CORDS DRY HEMLOCK SLABS FOR OO sale, THE STANDARD LUMBER & STONE Co., Longford Mills, Ont. V ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP WOOD Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which is bound to interest you. ANTED—TO HEAR FROM SOME FIRM requiring Maple Squares, or Table Legs. Address EDGAR A. WOODMAN,ROSSVILLE, York Co., N. B. WANTED SAWYER—ONE WHO CAN CUT ALL kinds of lumber for small Circular Saw- Mill cutting from 10 to 15 thousand ft. per day. Will have about three months cutting. Write at once, stating salary, to CURRY & THRASHER, Deux Rivieres, Ont. FOR SALB 50,000 ft. 1” Basswood Culls, 40,000 ft. 1” Ash Culls. Immediate shipment,exceptionally good culls. Gne car each 1, 2 & 3’ common Quebec red birch. Apply Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, —AImportant to— LUMBERMEN & SAWMILL MEN Auction Sale of Valuable Timber Berths, Sawmill, Logs and Lumber ’ Business ON THE GEORGIAN BAY The executor and trustee of the estates of the late George M Tanner and Wm. H. Tanner, of Sturgeon Bay, Waubaushene, and known as Tanner Bros., Lumbermen, have given instruc- tions to the undersigned to sell by public auction at the rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 31ST, 1I905, at 3 o’clock pm, on the terms and conditions which will be announced at the time of sale, the timber berths logs, mill, plant, camp outfit, buildings, horses, etc, etc., in one lot fora lumpsum. The property of the estates of the ate firm of Tanner Bros, as undermentioned, namely :;— : Timber berth No. 119, north shore of Lake Huron, well timbered with pine, pulpwood, etc. *Two-thirds interest in timber berth, Town- ship of McKinnon, well timbered with pine, hemlock, spruce, etc. *The other third of this township can be purchased privately on reason- able terms. ; Timber berth No. 61—(This berth has been nearly cut out ) A Logs—Six and a half million feet, B.M.. of excellent pine logs to be delivered at the mill by the vendors. Sawmill at Sturgeon Bay—Capacity, about 60 M. feet per day, with latest equipment, com- plete for lumber and lath. (Nearly new.) Engines, boilers, buildings, boarding house, two good residences for owners, workmen’s houses, barns, horses, workshops, plant, tools, booms, geo camp outfit, and 50 acres of freehold and. Booming ground, extensive and safe in all weathers. Piling ground, ample for nine million feet of lumber, with excellent shipping facilities of water or G T.R. siding at mill Terms of sale : The whole of the above proper- ties will be offered as one lot or parcel, and subject to one bid by the vendors. Payments— Cash for the logs at $18 per 1,000 feet, B.M , plus cost of sawing up to the time of transfer, and credit allowed for all product cut, Casn for camp outfit and supplies, and for the balance, one- third in cash at the time of sale, one-third in one year, and one-third in two years, with interest ats5 percent. Ordinary cutting conditions. For maps and further particulars apply to the estate of Tanner Bros , Waubaushene, Ontario, or to PETER RYAN, Toronto. yas i ¥y OR SALE—A 30 FOOT WATEROUS GUN- . shot steam feed, 9” cylinder, in good con- dition, used only afew months, For particu- we apply to MADISON WILLIAMS, Port Perry, nt. WANTED AT MIDLAND. N EXPERIENCED SHIPPER WHO UN- derstands the English export grades, Ap- ply, THE TURNER LUMBER Co., LIMITED, Mid- land, Ont. UMBERMEN—YOUNG MAN WITH GOOD business and mechanical training from stump to lumber pile wants position. Will take junior place if ability ensures steady work and promotion, Address Box 220, c/o CANADA Lum- BERMAN. FOR SALE--WHITE PINE CAR 1x12 AND UP, NO. 1, 2 AND 3 COM- I MON, 80% 13’ and up, Icar Basswood, all bone dry. JoHN M. SuHaw, Forest, Ont. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this joutedt: Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- ronto. FOR SALE 7 M 4/4 SOFT ELM DRY;75 M 4/4 Bass Dry; 100 M 4/4 Maple Dry;20 M 8/4 Maple Dry; 20 M 8/4 Birch Dry; 20 M 4/4 Birch Dry; 10 M 4/4 Soft Maple Dry. Prices and terms on applica- tion, A. P. EBERT, Wiarton, Ont. FOR SALE 1 and 1%” 1904 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. 1” 19¢4 winter cut, mill run, rough edged, Hard Maple. 1” 1905 winter cut, trimmed, all pure White Hard Maple. i 1”, 1%” and 2” 1905 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Write for lists and prices, son Co., Teeswater, Ont. The W. R. THomp- CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The past week has shown a continua- tion of the good business which has been in evidence all season and which has as its foundation the extensive building operations throughout practically the entire province. The extent of house building in Toronto is little less than re- markable, and one has but to visit the outlying residential districts to diately come to the conclusion that, not- withstanding the growing use of brick and concrete and such like materials, a vast quantity of lumber is still consumed by the building trade. This demand has kept the retail market firm, even at this midsummer period, while manufacturers have all along shown the utmost confi- dence in the range of prices which has ruled and which has not varied to any ex- tent for some months. Probably good sidings are the slowest grade in white pine, but in no grade are heavy stocks held and there is consequently very little pressure to sell. Mill culls have been imme- Poa & deel iy Ai yo Il CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION sold as high as $13, and box at $16 atthe mill, prices which show, better than any- thing else, the strong undertone of the pine trade. It is understood that a con- siderable number of logs have been hung up in the northern rivers, which will cur- tail what under the most favorable cir- cumstances would have been but a light production of lumber. As previously re- ported, hardwoods area little quiet, but fall orders are expected t> increase the activity in the very near future. There has been no change in conditions to affect prices, which are steady, with the manu- facturers talking in favor of an advance, claiming that logs cost too much to sell lumber at present prices. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The condition of the export trade from Quebec and New Brunswick is very far from being satisfactory, owing to thelack of demand in Great Britain. The ship- ments that have already gone forward have been more than sufficient and have had a weakening effect on prices. The only safe policy for Canadian shippers to pursue is to restrict shipments to the greatest possible extent, thus allowing the British market to recover. It is fortunate for shippers that production this year was curtailed to a considerable extent so that they will not have to carry over as heavy stocks as if the production had been normal. There is no doubt that shippers who are able to hold their stock for per- haps some length of time will ultimately receive much more satisfactory values than are obtainable at present. It is to be hoped that the majority of shippers will view the matter in this light and find themselves in a position to hold on to their stocks. ~MANITOBA..AND -BRITISH -COLUMBIA, - - The mills in the Rainy River district as well as the mountain hills in British Col- umbia are experiencing an active demand for their prodact throughout the North- . West. Building activity in Winnipeg and in the principal towns of Manitoba and the Territories continues, and if the present prospect of an abundant harvest should be realized, a steady de- mand for all kinds of lumber may certainly be looked for and may be expected to continue throughout the coming year. Rumors are abroad that an understanding has been reached by nearly all the lumber manufacturers in the mountain district under which the product of their mills will be disposed of through a selling agency, as is now done by the shingle manufac- turers on the Coast. The truth of this rumor has not been verified. Whether or not such an arrangement has been made it seems quite certain that with a good harvest will come a steady demand for lumber at fair prices. UNITED STATES. The United States market appears on the whole to be in a satisfactory condition for this season of the year. The returns show an increased importation of Can- adian timber products, the total receipts for the month of May being 88,868,000 feet as compared with 52,626,000 feet in the corresponding month of 1904. For the eleven months ending with May the total receipts were in excess of 1904, but con- siderably under those of the correspond- ing period of 1903. Prices this year are firmer, averaging for May $15.59 as against $14.55 for May, 1904, and $25.11 for the eleven months ending with May, 1904. The demand for spruce for building purposes is reported to be broadening, and timber of this class grown in West Vir- ginia is finding its way to the New York and Pennsylvania markets. rainfall has retarded somewhat the trade in hardwoods, especially in red and white oak, east of the Rocky Mountains. The stocks at the furniture factories are reported to be light and a better fall trade is anticipated. The receipts of lumber at Tonawanda during the present month have been light as compated with June. Shipments from this~point’ over the Erie’ canal during the first week in July showed a decrease of over a million feet com- pared with the previous week. An addition of 50c. a thousand has been made to the price of hemlock at Buffalo, and the trade - in this material is in a very satisfactory condition. The shingle trade at* eastern points is fair. A report comes from Seattle that the secretary of the Washington Shingle Manufacturers’ Association wil! The heavy, foe 4. ne , iota, 2 reg aa eh 7 y ee * ah y D ror x Ar pkey fe reheat be a . r AeA ts ee eee tie ' eid) i fo PTS MEP Aas ie at Sel een Je i a), oe Laat Ni betty a vis ee hee: i * . P , : ° ; ah 1 : July 19,1905 SSS ene shortly outline a plan for controlling the timber market and regulating prices. GREAT BRITAIN, There is very little encouragement to be got from a study of the conditions prevail- ing inthe British timber market at the present time. From nearly all the leading ports comes the statement that the de- mand is very inactive and shipments are in excess of the requirements ofthe market. Buying from hand to mouth seems to be the rule at present and there is not much foundation on which to build the hope for a more Satisfactory condition in the near future. Better prices are being paid by continental buyers than are being offered by buyers in Great Britain and ifthe con- tinental demand should continue and de- velop it would be reasonable to expect that prices in Great Britain would advance to somewhere near continental figures. There is said tobe quite a lively demand in Holland and Germany for whitewood and also in a lesser degree on the part of English firms especially in Bristol Channel ports. The demand for redwood has also improved somewhat though not sufficiently to affect prices. - THE BRITISH MARKET. Messrs. Farnworth and Jardine’s Cir- cular dated the 1stinst., contains the fol- lowing :— The arrivals from British North America during the past month have been 32,583 tons register, against 29,442 tons register during the corresponding month last year, and the aggregate tonnage to this date from all places during the years 1903, 1904, and 1905 has been 192,343,189,408, and 213,418 tons respectively. The business of the past month has not been of a satisfactory charactor. Imports on the whole have been large, and the de- liveries fair, but some of the leading articles, notably spruce deals, showed a marked decline in value. Tye stocks generally are ample. CanaDIAN Woops. —Pine Timber. —Of waney, the new season’s import is now W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. . « Mannfacturer of . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc. Also Hard and Soft Word Heading. and Req and White Oak,Méple and Eim Lumber. Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. arriving on fairly moderate lines, but the — demand is very quiet, the deliveries small, and stocks are large ; there is little change in value to report. SQUARE PinE—About 9,000 c.ft, imported ; the demand is limit- __ ed, and the stock, though light, appears: sufficient for present requirements; values — are unchanged. Oak Locs.—A few par- cels on contract havejust arrived, amount- __ ing to about 18,000 c.ft.; the demand is 2f exceedingly quiet, and stocks are ade- quate. ELm,—About 600 loads have just — arrived from Quebec direct by steamer entirely on merchants account, of which a considerable quantity will no doubt go direct into consumption. The stock isnow ample, and valuesrule high. Pine DEALS. —The arrivals show a reduction as com- pared with the two previous years, and there has been a fair consumption; but th demand is inactive, and stocks are stil| large. Red pine deals are dull of partie = New BRuNSWICK AND NOovA SCOTIA SPRUCE AND PinE DEALs.—The arrivalsto ; the Mersey during the past month have — been 19,370 stds. against 16,800 stds. - “a during the corresponding month i in 1904. . The deliveries have been rather dis- appointing and stocks are increasing, — though still about 5,500 stds. less than ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar _— Posts and Tien ....06%s+6 ‘' SPECIAL, — 50.000 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple _ 100,000 4/4 M. R. Basswood; yy ‘4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; taal 6/4 Beech. Prices on application. A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term- ed the “Sportman’s Line” beeen: it reaches into and through the very heart of the choicest — hunting grounds in America. _ a The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire North is reached ONLY by this line. Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice an celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese an afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. The Wisconsin Central Railway ca I ially to the sporting public and — rt he various seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- ditions anywhere along its lines upon applica- tion to the nearestticketagent. Ita arranges its train service with special reference tothe. — convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its. employes are constantly on ihe alerttomake aa over their lines pleasant and copstest- 7. able. This line offers the best route between Chicago, St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minneapolis or to La Superior’ points via Ashland, Wisconsin. — Information given by addressing— JAS. C. POND, Wis, Cent. R.R. Discinisnes. a ‘ij WOODS & SPICER, Lim ited Pi PrES EL COLUMBIA RED CEDAR SHINGLES We have had over 15 Years wikia and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. wire Your Orders at OUR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, B. me 4 KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORIN KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. ie oe tee ae tah Capsacity 100 Million a Year. Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS Factory near Station. & ot Samples by Planing and Matching sé TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, ING, FLOORING, * in Car Lots. RESAWING, MOULDINGS Write for Yrices. "Phone 113 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBE DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH BULMER, MLENNAN & COMPANY MONTREAL ave Office and Yard, S7! DORCHESTER ST. Send for Catalogue bom fh KNIGHT BROTHERS C il LIMITED Burk’s Falls. MASON, GORDON & ( WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec ——— Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & T, » Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supp WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. ra 2 14 wee ts P.O. Box — - ; July 19s 1905 Paty MoS eal” Biche SS Sr hal Re Daa la Ra no ah ' a Gay m Y > “ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION iil. same time last year; values have declined, 5 but with the reported heavy shortage of _ logs in New Brunswick and Nova Scotia, __ and the probability of the shipping season _ closing earlier than usual, it is confidently _ hoped that there will be an improvement in values later in theseason. PINE DEALS.— _ There is no ‘mprovement in the demand and the stock is ample. Bircw.—Of logs the arrivals have been moderate, chiefly trom Quebec ; there has been a fair consumption, and the stock is not large; values are steady. Planks have also been imported moderately, and have gone freely into consumption, but the _ stock is now sufficient, and prices a little _ easier. : _ Pircn Pine.—The arrivals during the past month have been 8 vessels, 6,949 tons, against 7 vessels, 8,202 tons during the same period last year. Hewn has come _ forward too freely, and the consumption has nothing like kept pace with the im- ‘port, leaving a stock which is too heavy. _ Sawn.—There has been a fair consumption and a moderate import, leaving stocks _ somewhatlighter. Parcels arestill coming forward on consignment, which keeps _ pricesdepressed. Deals and boards have come forward too freely during the past _ month, and stocks are more than ample for the requirements of the trade. ’ BRITISH COLUMBIAN AND OREGON PINE. _—There have been no arrivals; the de- liveries have been fair, but stocks are _ large; prices are steady. ; _- Battic anp EuropeEaAN Woops.—The arrivals during the past month have been 37 vessels, 23,274 tons register, against 30 vessels, 18,936 tons register during the same month last year. Fir TIMBER.— __ There have been no arrivals ; the demand is limited, stocks are light, and values _ steady. Red deals have again arrived too freely, there has been a fair consumption, but stocks have increased, values are _ steady. Flooring Boards (Whitewood). — _ The import has been on a moderate scale, _ the deliveries have kept pace, and values are a little firmer; stocks are about an average. Galatz, &c. (Whitewood)— aa The import consists of about 780 stand- ards to Manchester; the demand is quiet, stocks are sufficient. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. Correspondence of THE CANADA LUMBERMAN.) VANCOUVER, B.C., July roth, 1905.— Conditions in the lumber manufacturing part of the industry are good, in shingles, poor, and in logging getting gradually worse. Logging has been in good shape right up to two weeks ago, but the de- mand resulted in a large number of opera- tors going into the woods, and now logs are going a-begging for buyers.. It’s the old story of geod demand causing a glut in the market. In the spring there were few logs to be had, prices were very firm, and mills established camps and independent ‘loggers started in. Up to, say, about two weeks ago the market was still good, and prices were better than across the line. Now quotations have dropped to from $5 to $7 per thousand feet, and buyers are few. It will be the usual result of many of the independent loggers, who have no money until they dispose of their booms, going ‘ broke” again, for there will be no material betterment of conditions in the logging branch of the industry before next spring. Across the line prices rule from $5 to $9, and since they are better there, more logs will be exported during the remainder of the summer. There is practically no demand for the cedar log. Shingles are cut from bolts, There has been talk already of shingle manufacturers shutting down next winter, but no definite action has been taken. It was acknowledged, though, by a promin- ent manufacturer, who was spoken to about the matter, that a better move could not be made, as conditions were very discouraging. The Vancouver Board of Trade took action the other night to once more bring to the attention of the Government the fact that British Columbia wants a duty onlumber. At the recent session of the Legislature, a tax was imposed on com- mercial travellers doing business in the Province, and there is talk of it being dis- allowed, or the Legislature here being asked to withdraw it. The Board of Trade passed a resolution that if the Government was asked it should refuse until such times as the Federal Parliament gave some con- _ sideration to the imposition of a duty on imported lumber. British Columbia shares very little in inter-provincial trade—she does all the buying and very little of the selling—and while merchants and business men do not regard the commercial tax a wise one, they think it will serve a good purpose. The action of the manufacturers of lumber in the interior in establishing sell- ing agencies in the North-West is the first definite indication of the evolution gradually setting in. One feature which will bring this along more rapidly is the migrating to British Columbia of such large lumbermen as S. H. Bowman, who took over the interests of the Empire Lumber Company,and Mr.?S.A. Munday, who has built a large mill just west of Revelstoke. These men have been ac- customed in the districts in the States in which they were operating to also conduct their own yards in the consuming districts, doing away with the retailer. A few of the Crow’s Nest mills started along this line in a small way early this season, and another year will see a definite policy adopted by the manufacturers. The fact that the revenue from timber sources during ‘the last fiscal year has exceeded by $150,000 the Government’s estimate does not indicate that great prosperity attends the lumber industry. True, it is fairly good this year, but large tracts of timber are being taken up by local men and Americans who anticipate an appreciable increase in values during the next few years. From Howe Sound to the Skeena River cruisers have been busy all spring and summer, and vast quantities of limits have been applied for. That there will be a large increase in the value of timber during the next five or six years LB. Farwell & Son -Ganadian Gedar Tele: ‘Gral, Telephone and ‘Blectris Light Poles ~ Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. “6 i> e _ BANK ST. CHAMBERS Dr 4 ‘ ~ a J. GORDON FOR SALE Exceptionally good Birch and Hemlock Lumber f.o.b. car South River Station. Mills at Midford (Eagle Lake,) Ort. THE ROBB LUMBER CO, LIMITED Guelph, Ont. Hunter. Grawford & Niebergall (Successors to R. Watt) LUMBER AND SQUARE TIMBER OF ALL KINDS POSTS, POLES, TIES, LATH AND SHINGLES Bill Stuff a Specialty WIARTON, ONT. Write Us for Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. OTTAWA, ONTARIO _——sW.. BA. BARTRAM WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Special Bills sawn on short notice. - All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. MACLAREN HINTONBOURG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. Barge or car load lots All kinds of ; SAWN LUMBE By Carload: or Cargo.’:.” SEND C. A. LARKIN J. D. SHIER LUMBER C0., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings | and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc, All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY no one for a moment doubts, and those who are getting in on the ground floor now, so to speak, are men who have been in the business in the east and recognize repeating conditions. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =——SARNIA, ONT. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, London, Eng. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimiteD SAW AND PLANING. MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG, Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. Registered Cable Address; \' Pinewood,’ »“* American Iamberman" Telecode. ~ < B.C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES <_< Several cars now in transit, hence can give prompt delivery. IN YOUR ORDERS Toronto Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - _— Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ‘Phone No. 54. A OBDAR POLES 5,000 pieces, 10 to 20’ long. Suitable for Hops, etc. Price ?7—Well write us. THE LONG LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Bites U M B E R axD LATH CACHE BAY, Ont. Cc. Pik a6 miles West North Bay MENSION { ‘Tl BER In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. B. C. Cedar Shingles SASH - DOORS -_ BLINDS Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. i i GARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., uw 604 Temple Building, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto,” Codes, A.B.C., 5th and Lumberman’s eT & oes ee a, I Os 4 ae Ma ere " 4, al. i Pa ¥ ~ a A at bi, » EK PMS eM ay a te ee Re ee ‘y Pa ye le ea Oe Taek ae ae ee ee j ¢ eo sy ESA aces as aa A ato it ine s 7 — r . ; e) ie CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION July 19, «905 “com. E, H. HEAPS & CO. “Mare Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : a AAi HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. a Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. % 4 i? ei Pacific Coast Lumber Cou VANCOUVER, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. : High Grade Red Cedar ae a Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - 112 Mail Building, T oRONTO . 1 D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J. E. YOUNG, Cashier — The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. monutserurs White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash ai] Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work . pestersin CHDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber — We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. ‘ Cc. WELLS —— Export Lumber & * _ PALLISER, B.C. — ® Manufacturer of 3 3 3 ‘9 Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. W. B. McKEcunr, President. C. MacRag, ORT ERY ieee: Weare Emolusigin Selling: Aerie eee ae ‘THE ALBERTA LUMBER CO, for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- ee ng Cc LIMITED tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping nufacturers spay over lion, BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR es to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. B. C. FIR_DIMENSION AND FINISH SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen: Gives Correct Measurements of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square, : “@e and Round Timber ; bPorlee | Rules, and much pie. practi- “Be cal information. Price 35 Cents__@ pews THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. 4 Waa a Jt. vane * EY < ee ee al sa siesta PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, “tock, and solicit your enquiries. DELAPLANTE - -McBURNEY LUMBER 60., WHOLESALE White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles Stocks in Collingwood , “Ontario {& + Spruce and Hem- Cartier Callander Sturgeon Falls North Bay ; ee cae EF OFFICE : Room s03 Manning Chambers. _ Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries Powassan Whitney ; FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ghy Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior ; os Finish, End.Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer ey one all winter, “nea OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. iN BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of ano Basswood, Elm and Pine. y Amherst, N.S. Se and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. ’ AMES J. MURPHY, ®” 363" QUEBEC MANUFACTURERS OF ea White and Red Pine 4 Lumber and Lath © | “he Cook & Bros. 4 Lumber Co. ead Of Ontario, Limited , 1s at SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., ie ““Soo”’ Branch C.P. a lanning Arcade, Toronto _ OFFICES Goristn e Building, Moatreal t Mills at Spragge. HEM. BREANEN & SOKS MANUFACTURING CO. LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Water Shipments a rt . - a Saw Mills at DD — = 2 RAINY LAKE, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limrreo Mills at CACHE BAY and SP4NISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. | AUGER & SON — Quebec PULP WOOD AND TIES Bought at Any Station, ie “Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and Lumber.—Write Us. ce : oe ; BY) Manufacturers of and rT Dealers in all kinds of . ‘Rai ilway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. — ia A. F. BURY AUSTIN | HOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA FINE D’ Mana Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA i Rail Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White ne! ieee, ek Car Sills Car Flooring, Telegraph =a Railway Ties, Oak and , Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; ; Birch Flooring, butted. s | be ee a in any size oF length up to go feet long. Timber ears. ‘con up to 24 inchs x 30 inch. ugh and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fi WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS, eno we iS atte Pl Canapa LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE = PEMBROKE LUMBER CO.' CO.! —= — = ee R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CoO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. ey Ce ee ao WHIOTH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Raley Ama a MIDLAND OI y 5 Y BILL TIMBER a Specialt > Sawn rail Planed Lumber, Saami Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE ONT. CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) PINE, ONT. F. MCCIBBON & SONS, PENETANGUISHENE Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & C Vite Aatehe and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, hs and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water 5 Neen! Lumber Co., timitea MANUPAGTURERS OWEN SOUND, » ONTARIO, LUMBER a“ | AGHA Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’? And ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Ponts, as the case may be. Addre The Sigel = mberman, 5 [t Uour Wish. . To Purchase or Sell as. quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY WHOLESALE BRITISH COLUMBIA’ FIR,..SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES we LF. FOSS, Manager. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. J. F. FOSS, Manager. | HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ¥%, %, %. 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . Also Stock fully machined Na Spring Bed Frames ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S&S. FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION July 19, 1995 MANITOBA TRADE CONDITIONS. Lumber dealers in Winnipeg report that the United States market being so much better this season, there is not so much occasion for dumping into Canada as last year. The home markets of the Western States use about nine-tenths of the lumber produced, so when the home prices are better, as is the case this year, the manu- facturers let the other tenth lie rather than compete with present conditions on this side of the line. The Sprague Lumber Company menced running their big mills the first week of this month for the summer. This firm havea large force of men now working on day shift, and in the course of a couple of weeks will also put on night shifts, keep- ing their mills running almost continually. They have lately received a large raft of logs by river and are receiving large ship- com- ments of pine and cedar by rail. Messrs. J. D. McArthur & Company state that their mills at Lac du Bonnet, Manitoba, are running full capacity, and they are handling a very large trade at present. They state that the market is much better. The Rainy River Lumber Company re_ port that their mills at Rainy River, Ontario, are sawing about half a million feet per day, and that they are shipping from fifteen to eighteen cars per day. They are running their mills day and night in order to keep up with the trade. The Rat Portage Lumber Company inform us that their mills at Kenora are running day and night. B. C. shingles are meeting with a good demand of $2.50 for No. t car lots in Win- nipeg. D.B. McDonell, dealer in timber limits, Winnipeg, Man.,says: ‘With the immense immigralion to Canada and the advent of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, a market of unlimited possibilities is opening up, but the material to supply the demand is fast becoming scarce. The far seeing are realizing that the present limits and prices will soon be a thing of the past and consequently present purchasers have a good asset in the future. This is borne out by the fact that in 1881 the average price per square mile of limits put up by the Ontario Government was $532 as against $4,462 in 1904, or an increase of $3,930 per square mile, but in spite of this and the increased price in lumber, we find the sales for Manitoba and the North-West have increased by leaps and bounds, and in place of 50 million feet in 1897, the fiscal year ending June 3oth, 1904, showed sales amounting to between 11 and 12 hundred million feet, 332 million of which was consumed in Manitoba. Mr. McDonell is interested in British Columbia and North-West timber limits. TIMBER -LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. From a reliable source comes the report that the Hull Lumber Company have sold a limit, consisting of about 162 sq. miles on the Kippewa river, to the Colonial Lumber Company, of Pembroke, and that they also sold a small block of 25 sq. miles to Frank Martaugh; rumored price being $200,000 and $25,000. A saw mill at Young’s Point, Ont., owned by E. Young and A. Dunn was burned recently. wa jo SESS rs SIS SSeS ~ i 4, CHAS. E BENNETT, MINNEAPOLIS. ; 7 i GETTING AT THE BOTTOM OF IT / That’s the thing to do —- Investigate a little and see if you are getting as good service, as good prices or as good stock as you ought to. If you are not, then it is high time to let us hear from you—for we have the goods and are able to make a deal with you that will be satis- Y i factory to all concerned. 4 The Red Deer Lumber Comper 9 a WINNIPEG, MAN, Mors, SSS SSS SSS SSS S | (pn pp Pe UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS | THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. | WHOLESALE HARDWOODS W | | | | Se ST.LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL IRE OR "PHONE McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST: NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspon lerce Invited on All Hardwoods. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. Wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other dasha CorRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock, Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | HABBERLE LUMBBR GO. Wholesale and: Retail Dealer in YELLOW PINE and OAK TIMBER Large stock of Timbers and Bill Stuff carried in stock, All sizes and lengths for immediate delivery. Telephone No. 10 - - Cedar Street, NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. + Veneers Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e xe seg BURY & NOBLE FRANK 6. BURY MASON A. NOBLE WHOLESALE MICHIGAN LUMBER + DETROIT Send us your inquiries for, Southern Yellow Pine. q CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. — Montreal: Steamer Lake Mani- a, for Liverpool, 9,830 pcs. deals, by at Northern Lumber Co.; 2,799 pcs. is, by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; 2,340 pcs. s, by W. & J. Sharples; 1,000 doors, pes. boards, 5,158 pcs. deals, 10,513 s. lumber, 6,279 bdls. lumber, by Cana- n Pacific Railway. Steamer Victorian, Liverpool, 1,751 pes. boards, by Wat- & Todd. Steamer Southwark, for pool, 10,908 pcs. deals, 2,004 pcs. s, by R., Cox & Co.; 726 pcs. deals, pes. boards, by McLaurin Bros.; pes. boards, by McArthur Export ; 1,274 pcs. deals, by Charlemagne nber Co.; 12,517 pcs. deals, 4,466 pcs. S, 5,061 pcs. boards, by Watson & . Steamer Monmouth, for London, pes. deals, by Watson & Todd; 575 . deals, 7,122 pes. planks, by Cox, g, & Co.; 4,272 pcs. walnut lumber, >,206 pes. oak lumber, by Canadian Paci- ¢ Railway. Steamer Iona, for London, 3 pes. deals, by McArthur Export Co.; bdls. squares, by Grand Trunk Rail- . Steamer Pomeranian, for London, pes. lumber, 152 pcs. plank, by rand Trunk Railway; 3,497 pcs. deals, y Watson & Todd. Steamer Virginian, ‘fo London, 29,912 pes. deals, by Mc- A rthur Export Co. Steamer Manxman, eee rt ee WS Ane ty ee yy ) ie CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil. sadn for Bristol, 5,521 pcs. deals, by R. Cox & Co. 5,433 pes. deals, by W. & J. Sharp- les. Steamer Athenia, for Glasgow, 20 logs, 2,385 pcs. deals, by J. Burstall & Co.; 1,830 pcs. deals, by Dobell, Beckett & Co. Steamer Sicilian, for Glasgow, 140 logs, by McArthur Export Co.; 925 pes. boards, 7,045 pes. deals, by R. Cox & Co.; 5,690 pes. deals, by E. H. Lemay; 33 logs, by Canadian Pacific Railway. Steamer Torr Head, for Beltast, 8,174 pcs. deals, by Watson & Todd; 1,797 pes. deals, by W. & J. Sharples; 873 pcs. deals, by J. Bur- stall & Co.; 1,750 pcs. deals, by McLaurin Bros.; 426 pcs. deals, by Dobell, Beckett & Co.; 3,230 pes. deals, by McArthur Ex- port Cv.; 10,928 pes. deals, by Charle- magne Lumber Co.; 1,087 pcs. deals, by Montreal Lumber Co.; 1,375 pcs. planks, by Canadian Pacific Railway. Steamer Nordamerika, for Hull, 98,581 pcs. deals, by W. & J. Sharples, 77 pcs. timber, by J. Burstall & Co. From Halifax, N. S.: BarqueMomento, yor River Mersey, 427,568 ft. spruce deals, value $3,973. Barquentine, for Savoia, for New York, 1,753,000 ft. spruce laths, value $3,506; 47,130 ft. spruce boards, value $471, by A. Dickie & Co., agents. Schooner Sainte Marie, for New York, 193,000 ft. pine lumber, value $2,400, by Clark Bros., agents. Steamer Gulf of r Ancud, for London, 36,608 ft. hemlock deals, value $239, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents, From St. John, N. B.: Schooner Otis Miller, for New York, 722,500 laths. Schooner I. N. Parker, for New York, 690,000 laths. Steamer Gulf of Ancud, for London, 345,329 ft. spruce deals, 589,136 ft. birch scantling. Steamer Manchester Corporation, for Manchester, 611,236 ft. spruce deals, etc. Steamer Pontiac, for Sharpness, 2,951,436 ft. deals, 145,071 ft. Scantling, 154,230 ft. boards, 53,586 ft. ends. Barquentine johanne, for Coleraine, 209,909 ft. deals, 16,438 ft. ends. Schoon- er L. A. Plummer, for City Island, 2,070,- ooo laths. BARBADOES MARKET. Messrs. Clairmonte, Man & Co., in their report of July, 1stsay : There have been two arrivals with white pine during the fortnight; the demand for spruce continues fairly good, but for white pine it has fallen off. Last sale of white pine on the spot was at $23.50 per M tor merchantable and $15.50 for second qual- ity. Spruce last sale $22.40 per M for merchantable, and 17.40 for second quality. Pitch pine is enquired for—there has been no arrival for some time now. SHINGLES.—Gaspe Long Cedar—Last sales at $5.50 per M for long cedar laying, last sales $1.90 at $2.26 per M as to quali- ty. Spruce laying, no late sale. Cypress, ‘sawn saps,’ no recent sale, much wanted; split ‘hearts,’ none here—enquired for. June 19th: Schr. ‘‘E. A. Post,” from Shel- burne, N. S., with 60,000 feet white pine, sold at $23.50; 125,000 feet second quality do. $16.50 per M. 23rd: S.S. “Orinoco,” from St. John, N. B., 100,coo cedar laying shingles $1.90, 50,000 $2.10; 10,000 extra do. $2.26. 28th: Schr. ‘“Edyth,”. from Bridgewater, N. S., with 142,000 feet white pine, sold at $23.50; 58,000 second quality do. $15.50. Woop-Hoors.—English, the London steamers bring regular supplies during the season—we quote in lots ex. store at $20.- 50 per 1200 pieces. French—lotting at $20.50 per M for 13 and 14 feet and $18.50 for shorter lengths;—Newfld. Coiled, none here. STAvES & SHOOKS.—Dealers have sup- plied themselves for the crop season, LUMBER PROPERTY FOR SALE. The Mill Property belonging to Estate of Tanner Bros,, Waubaushene, Ont., late- ly advertized, have been placed in the hands of Mr. Peter Ryan, Toronto, for sale, to whom persons interested are re- ferred. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS [CARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER - l4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S.,,Office—Smiru, Tyrer & Co., Metropole Bidg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells [Wood Frrokers. pn Measurers 8 Gordon Street - _ IMPORTER OF a ER, JUCKER & CO. ’ Eeaber Importers TER . ENGLAND offers from Lumbermen for .. ls and Battens, Spruce and ‘pine poke, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, les, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any ble tor English Market. aeenrcte: PELORR MANCHESTER. A. B, C. CODE BELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. PA. Lightbody & Co. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS _ Cable Address; ‘‘TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A.B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. PRUCE; Hardwoods in Lo a. CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRU Kingdom. i slg rou BAMBERCER, Correspondence So! 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. Lt Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods DIRECTORY CODE hs Wood 1 gents and Brokers :“ GELLICHT,"” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E. Cc. England ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘Shooks,” Hull. Codes—A. B. C. 4th Edition and Zebra. AES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS *“D : OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Staves and Heading, Handles of Veneers A Specialty Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elim all descriptions TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW GANT & KEMP « 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address; ““TECTONA” Glasgow. Ar and A B C Codes used. TIMBER ° BROKERS Q BED Telegrams and Cables: “Woodfeller, London.,’’ THOMPSON, Codes : ena Western Union, Southards, and .C. 4th and-5th Editions, BLOIS & Co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents. Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. dOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. OM VALE SOs. "5 All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers CABLE ADDRESS ' - LIVERPOOL, EN CLAN iD ; “DOBLE LIVERPOOL? Vilt. THE ONTARIO LUM BER C9 wares Muts: North Bay. C.P.R. and 6. T.R. Delivery. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Home Life Building L ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, i." Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. MANUFACTURERS OR ae 8 ay kn Correspondence Solicited. THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. PINE, POPLAR AND spaces ae. HEADQUARTERS Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, O. McMinnville, Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots. McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., cimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . : . . ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. R ° Part ete - BOSTON, MASS. HaRDWOOD CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION EO. G. GLADMA Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling feet or over. A. P. HBERT. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pos’ : Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension $ stocl | WIARTON, ONT THE NEW LINE | S =m GREAT “2 NORTHERN RAILWAY CANADA a PARRY SOUND, ONT. E have Three Millions of Hem- lock, running in lengths from 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre= pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 Warer-Powers, TimBer Limits AND ELECTRIC A. J. GORRIE, a WHITE PINE AND ‘HEMLOCK LUMBEE LATH AND SHINGLES om ' Ccnnkeipinpealll 2 SOLICITED HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO. Dealers in Pine, Hemloci and Hardwood Lumber tm WOODSTOCK, ONTA ; ’ Through the Spruce Forests of the Laurentia Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkes PowER FOR SALE. IDEAL PuLp-MILL Srrzs. Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. = MONTREAL or NE a General Supt. \ Pixe good strips : Pine shorts 6/ to 11’x10” 16 00 TiM..secee eeseeeeee 33 CO 36 00/ Pine, 8ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 00 sim um i in, andr} i in - 36 00 38 00] Pine s. c. strips...... 1300 15 00 Meee one sacaseees 38.00 40 00| Pine, s.c. shorts..... 12 00 14 00 Pine, good short: - oe bor oer Aste oo 1450 \ TAM. veces oe 25 00 oo ine mili culls..... 1300 1400 TORONTO, ONT. 1¥ in.and 1% - 28 00 35 00] Lath; per M CAs OReeAtee ee Bea ae cae PAREN | Whecs cuneate Gal fane 1 inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 tov10 in.,r0to 16 ft. 15 00 16 oo siding, per M feet Spruce, millrun..... 200. 2 15 cuts & becter...... $ $ 00 | 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 hi. 2. mao oo a5 00 Red Pine, millrun.. 200 2 15 1% to 2 inch No Clear inch B. C. cedar, Pine, No. 1 dressing Pine Shingles cuts and bette 5000 5100] kiln dried.....,..... 50 00 Piripa:svsvc. a Bre ks hw rie : m F i ; P ve A Ss Kaul Py We 2 ae ? y nG A \ te 4 ah } me. mF wa : ae : *n4? ¥ ; r LATH, $3 50. | SpruCeus cs arse vnmer ee SHINGLES. Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 Bound butts, 6x18 .... Clean tite eee 5° . mat eml : 85 35, Smooth 6x18....... 450 475 Pine | swcavieislenanan deeusaae eee ee newer eee, SDic6=p.aviecwuneeneers ¥ BUFFALO AND TONAWAMDAE wx Q WHITE PINE. (Wholesale rae sey Uppers, 1,3, Wi and 2 Shel ing Nos 13 We fees 00 fo. x, 13 in. 2% and 3 a Me “Mold Titers. Mess 0. x M st’ps 1to2 Selects 1 i & 00 WIRE 1¥% to 2in. 70 00 No. # Mottatag Strips, 24 and 3 in. 00 Sito inven cMeoe) B. Tia as de «Oe ase 5 00 Barts No.2, 2a ine common, r in. 55 00 and 10 in..... 1% and 13 in..... 56 00 Ne. 9, 1OiDesssccee By ID videstaceebees 4 58 00] No. 2, 12 in-esseaee - Isis alrey 73 00] No. 3, 10 itsewesese Te SP oor occ 75 00| No. 3, 12 in.......- cag up, NP 1,1 in, 38 00| Box, 1X4....-seeeree and 1 in..... §0 oo] ‘x x6i& ups sees No. 2, 1 pa 25 co IX IO viseee aeaeee No, 2,14%, & 1 36 00 IKEI2Z., ccc snsecp - No. 31% an i 25 00|/ IxIgandup...... ES ORE AMPS eRe « 27 00 oe ee Dressing a ae 36 00} Mill Culls, 1, 14%, 1% 14x10 and 12,....5 4° 00 and 21N...seeeee o 2% ins... Soa 36 00) 2 oe ir. The following quotations on hardwoods represent the heed price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; Pp WHITE. ASH. tst & and, x inch, 1% to 2 in... oschasee 49000 41 0 Strips iss ae oo seeeeee 16 OOF BLACK AND BROWN ASH. _ BIRCH. -% ist & and, 6 insh & 1st Sindy whlenae oan : Up, red......22.42, 36.09 38 00 Com. & good culls..... 33 00. P ELM. st & 2d,rock,6in &up 26 oo 28 00 | rst & ad, soft,6in & up, 240 Common and culls.. 15 00 Common and cal ni Mh 2 17 00 culls...... 26 MAPLE. . ist & and hard...... 21 00 23 06 ¢ 1st &and,soft...... woe TQ Common and culls. 13 00 14 00 | Common and culls woKE BOSTON, White Pine BY dage™ 1 to 2inch : Selects, 1 to 2 Fine Common, ‘ inch..... % to 2inch MASS. : 88 “ a 7 No, 1 Cuts, 1 sacle 1% to2 ‘inch No. 2 Cuts, 1 inch.. 1% to2 inch Barn Boards, No. t ae EP Sc Seite alee tient eee No. Siwastestorss neh ass luis «alae re Spruce, to and 12 ta “dimension...............0++ pj ih and under eee eee siateb eee 10 and 12 in, random kenetay. 1o ft, and up...... 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths 10 ft. and up.. ocho All sige random ‘lengths, 9 ‘th ‘and ‘under, 10 and Up. 2). F..2.5/05 -aeeine ban ehh oa an aimee 5in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. ‘& up,p. 8 Out Spruce boards, Pp. 1S....00.. seserses waceeers 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped ‘and bundied . NEW BRUNSWICK ‘CKDAR- et FESTA os sae cria aw, seeccvcecd Cdaccceee ChE ar a ats GG odes oSrdvine stich Weise ial Second clears ...........- Clear Whites .............. SBoo Extra 1s (Clear whites out)... Extra 1s (Clear whitesim) 02.0. 00.00.2 00. ctcecece BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. Red Coder Seen ee. 5 buts ta sae. fat ; Eurekas, 18 SRae a saene S88838888 0 hae WEEKLY EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT &RITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL — JULY 26, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER MAD LIMBERAN The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $1.00 Per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 21 vw. Canapa LumBERMAN 4 ~The G.H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited ae Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. 5 ff & RSG Branch Offices: _-38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MonTREAL "720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. et - Telephone 1274 536 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER. B. C, 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’s, Lonpon, E. C. Whe Weekly Lumberman — Published every y, contains reliable and up-to-date re- _ ports of market conditions and tendencies in the 1 manufacturing districts and leading omestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- - tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- acturersand exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. _.The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, Giaeaian fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. eRe WANTED AND FOR SALE __ Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- m at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the ith of the line and is set _in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in _ the current week’s issue ‘ik ‘e FOR SALE — LARGE QUANTITY OF 3” | Common Spruce. Barge or car lots. Apply Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. - * ANTED—1”, £/4’, 2” COMMON BEFCH, i Birch and Hard Maple 4/4 Beech C&B. ‘1’, 6/4” 2” Wormy Chestnut. All dry. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. = % i > Pee euce AND TAMARAC DIMENSION J for sale, either quality furnished—sizes 6x6 10X12, some 12x12, 18 to 24-ft. lengths, per- ge longer if required. Address Box 302, of CaNADA LUMBERMAN, DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO Cedar Shingles and Lath Tor- ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 Logan Avenue, Toronto. ANTED — PARTNER WITH SMALL ay sie for good paying, contracting and i iness in good live western city in Address Box No, 246, CANADA LuMm- ‘AN. R SALE — STEAM SAW-MILL, CAPA- < CITY twenty-five thousand. Four thous- ‘and acres mixed timber, mostly birch and hem- lock. Parry Sound district. Part cash balance ontime. Box 300, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Tor- FOR SALE Sed VER FOUR MILLION FEET OF STAND. ING timber and land composed of chest— | whitewood, oak, ash, maple, basswocd, beech, with 1o M capacity mill ; 2 railways through property ; good market for lwood, tile , Stove wood, hubs, spokes everything in the product of a sawmill— nding planing and ‘matching machine, ‘machine, and moulding machine ; con- acres; will be sold either a , Sa or ilway spur on property ; the best lot in these parts. Original forest. J. IHAUF, Q@wner, Bismarck Station, P.O., Ont. : - ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Stmcoz Woop anp LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish boom. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchwood, Ont. A DVERTISER, ENGLISHMAN, 36 YEARS . Of age, desires situation of trust, 18 years practical experience as yard and saw mill fore- man ; thorough knowledge of English require- ments. Excellent references. Address R. THOMPSON, East Toronto P.O. FOR SALE AT A BARGAIN Bioge ite 12M CAPACITY SAW MILI, and Stave Mill; 1 Engine, 16x24; 2 En- gines, 10x14. Husk Frame, Saw Carriage, Trimmer, Edger, Slab-Saw, Stave Machine, 2 Equalizers, 13 Iron Steam Boxes and connec- tions, Address ‘“‘D, Q.” care of CANADA LumM- BERMAN. FOR SALE White Pine Lumber NO. I SHEET. Feet 1,895 574” x 4”) up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 2,962 1” x 10” x 12/16 ft. M/C stocks 27,735 5/4" x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts NO, 3 SHEET. 26,915 1’ x 4”/ up x 6/1: ft. sound common 44,493 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. sound common 994 1” x 8” x 12/18 ft. sound common 852 6/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. sound common 69 1” x 11” x 12/18 ft. sound common 10,567 1’ x 1”/ up x 6/11 ft second quality 8,234 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft, second quality 69,000 5/4” x 4”/7 x 12/18 ft. second uality 2,621 5/4” x 8” up X 12/18 ft. second quality 44,400 2” x 4/7” x 12/18 ft. second quality 38,457 2” x 6” x 12/18 ft. second quality Je! x6) aye Greer 123,799 4/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts paieae 5/4” x sian ft. S/C shorts 2,521 6/4” x 6/11 ft S/C shorts 6°,271 1” x 8” x 12/16 ft. S/C and better. 2,882 5/4” X 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 39,826 5/4” x 12/16 ft. M/C strips 37,861 §/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 7,435 6/4” x 4/7” x 6/11” M/C shorts 3,222 5/4” x 8”/ up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts NO, 5 SHEET. 66,539 8/4” X 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 1,038 6/4” x 12/16 ft M/C strips §,762 5/4” X 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 33,627 8/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 10,746 4/4” x 8/ up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 46,630 4/4” x ba ft. S/C shorts 14,574 /4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts ,218 6/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 4,680 8/4” x 6/rr ft. S/C shorts 4.317 €/4” x 12/16 ft. S/C strips No. 6 SHEET. 1,156 1” x 4/7” x 6/z4 ft. M/C shorts 7.194 1%" x 1/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 1,164 144” x 4/7” up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 13,804 1” x 8’ up x 6/11 tt. M/C sidings 4.310 1%” x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. M/C strips 9,37 1” x 8” up x 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 161,856 1” x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 21,719 14%” x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 2,438 14” x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 25,703 1%" x 4/7” up x 17/16 ft S/C strips 11,795 1” x 9” X 12/16 ft. M/C stocks No, 7 SHEET. 2,000,000 1” x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. second strips No. 8 SHEET. 147 913 14” x 12/16 ft S/C sidings 217,073 1’ x 12/16 ft. S/C sidings 217,932 1” x 10” x 12/16 ft. good 54,295 1” x 11” up X 12/16 ft. good 33,948 1” x 12/16 ft. second strips. A. F. BURY AUSTIN, Wholesale Lumber & Timber Merchant, Montreal, : 5 CORDS DRY HEMLOCK SLABS FOR OO sale. THE STANDARD LUMBER & STONE Co., Longford Mills, Ont. V ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP WOOD Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which is bound to interest you, FoR SALE—A 0 FOOT WATEROUS GUN- shot steam feed, 9’ cylinder, in good con- dition, used only afew months. For particu- lars apply to MADISON WiLLIams; Ont. Port Perry, WANTED pa SAWYER—ONE WHO CAN CUT ALL kinds of lumber for small Circular Saw- Mill cutting from ro to 15 thousand ft. per day. Will have.about three months cutting. Write at once, stating salary, to Curry & THRASHER, Deux Rivieres, Ont. FOR SALB 50,000 ft. 1” Basswood Culls. 40,000 ft. 1” Ash Culls. Immediate shipment,exceptionally good culls. ne careach 1, 2 & 3” common Quebec red irch. Apply Box 111, CANaDA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. —Important to— LUMBERMEN & SAWMILL MEN Auction Sale of Valuable Timber Berths, Sawmill, Logs and Lumber Business ON THE GEORGIAN BAY The executor and trustee of the estates of the late George M Tanner and Wm. H. Tanner, of Sturgeon Bay, Waubaushene, and known as Tanner Bros., Lumbermen, have given instruc- tions to the undersigned to sell by public auction at the rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, ON THURSDAY, AUGUST ist, 1905, at 3 o’clock pm, on the terms and conditions which will be announced at the time of sale, the timber berths logs, mil!, plant, camp outfit, buildings, horses, etc, etc, in one lot for a lump-sum. The property of the estates of the late firm of Tanner Bros, as undermentioned, namely :— Timber berth No. 119, north shore of Lake Huron, well timbered with pine, pulpwood, ete. *Two-thirds interest in timber berth, Town. ship of McKinnon, well timbered with pine, hemlock, spruce, etc. *The other third of this township can be purchased privately on reason- able terms. Timber berth No. 61—(This berth has been nearly cut out ) Logs—Six and a half million feet, B.M.. of excellent pine logs to be delivered at the mill by the vendors, Sawmill at Sturgeon Bay—Capacity, about 60 M. feet per day, with latest equipment, com- plete for lumber and lath. (Nearly new.) Engines, boilers, buildings, boarding house, two good residences for owners, workmen’s houses, barns, horses, workshops, plant, tools, booms, a camp outfit, and 50 acres of freehold and. Booming ground, extensive and safe in all weathers. Piling ground, ample for nine million feet of lumber, with excellent shipping facilities of water or G T_.R. siding at mill Terms of sale : The whole of the above proper- ties will be offered as cone lot or parcel, and subject to one bid by the vendors. Payments— Cash for the logs at $18 per 1,000 feet, B.M , plus cost of sawing up to the time of transfer, and credit allowed for all product cut. Casn for camp outfit and supplies, and for the balance, one- third in cash at the time of sale, one-third in one year, and one-third in two years, with interest at5 percent. Ordinary cutting conditions, For maps and further particulars apply to the estate of Tanner Bros, Waubaushene, Ontario, or to PETER RYAN, Toronto, ANTED — ONE TO TWO MILLION strictly No. one White Pine Lath, bright stock and well manufactured, could use some nice twos, Address THE Woop LuMEBER Co., Lorain, Ohio. UMBERMEN—YOUNG MAN WITH GOOD business and mechanical training from FOR SALE---WHITE PINE CAR 1x12 AND UP, NO. 1, 2 AND 3 COM- I MON, 80% 13” and up, I car Basswood, all bone dry, JoHN M. SHaw, Forest, Ont. HAE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this journal. Addtess, Canapa LUMBERMAN, To- ronto. FOR SALE 7 5 M 4/4 SOFT ELM DRY; 75 M 4/4 Bass Dry; 100 M 4/4 Maple Dry;20 M 8/4 Maple Dry; 20 M 8/4 Birch Dry; 20 M 4/4 Birch Dry; 10 M 4/4 Soft Maple Dry. Prices and terms on applica- tion. A. P. EBERT, Wiarton, Ont. FOR SALE AT ONCE [Re hes PLANING MILL OUTFIT, including Boiler 56’ x12’ and Climax Engine 9%4’x12’, all new. MANITOU LUMBER Co., North Bay, Ont. FOR SALE 1’ and 1%” 1904 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. 1” 19¢4 winter cut, millrun, rough edged, Hard Maple. 1” 1905 winter cut, trimmed, all pure White Hard Maple. bilge 1% and 2” 1905 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Write for lists and prices. The W. R. THomp- SON Co., Teeswater, Ont. © y CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The usual midsummer dullness charac- terizes the trade at the present time. The volume of business being done is however, fully up to the average at this season, and spring prices are being well maintained. The general tone of the market is firm, and while there is little ground to expect that prices will advance, there is every indication that the present standard wil] bs maintained. The advances which have just gone into effect in the western states, indicate how strong is the demand across the line where much of our lumber is marketed. This condition should strength- en the home market. The plentiful supply of rain in southern and middle Ontario has made possible the securing of practically the entire cut of logs within this territory, but worth of the divide a Sey OS -. ne P Tia # al be tinal II CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION very little rain has fallen, and much tim- ber may be hung up. All the drives are not yet in, so that the situation in this regard cannot at present be definitely stited, What record building season and abundant crops, the outlook fo: a brisk fall trade is most encourag- ing. with a QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Shipments of deals from New Brunswick to Great Britain have been on a larger scale than last year, which in view of the weakness of the British market, would seem not to have been the course best calculated to secure best results to ship- pers. During the week ended July 15 the export of deals etc. from St. John alone to ports in the United Kingdom aggre- gated 7,418,000 feet. Quebec shippers have curtailed their shipments consider- ably. Had they not done so the market might have been in even worse condition. A leading lumber operator states that the price of deals in England to-day is about one pound per standard less than it was a year ago, but expressed the hope that as the market is not greatly overstocked, and the supply on this side smaller than usual, better prices may be realized in the fall. Fortunately the United States, South American and South African mar- kets are said to be in a healthy condi- tion. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The rumor said to have come from the United States Capital is again current that it isthe purpose of the Government at Washington to remove the import duty on Canadian lumber. The fact that many lumbermen from the United States have recently invested in limits in British Columbia gives color to the report, which if true, would certainly result in benefit to the timber industry of the province. The selling pool formed by about thirty of the Mountain Mills seems to have been ar- ranged and a manager capable of success- _ fully conducting the same is now being looked for. It is said to be the intention of the manufacturers to establish and sell through agencies of their own and cut out the retailer. B.C. Shingles are reported to be selling freely in Eastern Canada. WOODS & SPICER, Limited 3 4 -MANUFPACTURERS OF ...... BRITISH COLUMBIA REHD CHDAR SHINGLES | We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pomnces as to Quality. ~ YWvire Your Orders at OUR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, B.C. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING KNIGHT BROTHERS CoO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont, Prices remained unchanged. The demand for lumber continues good and prices are well maintained. UNITED STATES, The most notable event affecting the United States market during the past week has been the advance in prices de- cided upon by the price list committee of the Mississippi Valley Lumbermea’s As- sociation and by the Southern Lumber Minufacturers’ Association at its semi- annual meeting. The committee of the former association recommended an ad- vance of $1 per thousand for dimension, plank and timbers, an advance of 50 cents per thousand on No. 1 and 2 boards, and 12 inch No. 3 boards and products, also on 6 inch No. 2 and No. 3 fencing, an ad- vance of $1 per thousand on No. 1 fencing and Norway inch finish ; an advance of $2 on Norway inch finish selected lengths, and thick ship common. The Southern Association recommended an advance of $1 per thousand on heart face edge grain- ed and A and B flat grain flooring, also on finishing; an advance of $1.50 on tim- bers; $2 on drop siding; 50 cents on com- mon boards, selects and common flooring and shiplap. Crop conditions and the un- usual activity in building enterprise were the chief factors in the decision of these associations to advance prices. The in- creasing value of stumpage was also re- ferred to as affecting the decision. The returns of building operations - for the principal cities of the United States show an increase of 50 per cent. over the same period of last year. This in itself is sufficient to keep the market firm. The demand for hardwood is less strong than for pine but is expected to im- prove. : GREAT BRITAIN. General trade conditions in Great Britain are reported to be improving, due in some measure tolarge orders recently placed with British manufacturers for goods for the Japanese market. The hope is ex- pressed that this general improvement in trade may affect favorably the condition of the timber market and that in the autumn prices are likely to advance at least to a moderate extent. So far curtailment of shipments has not sufficed to strengthen ‘against 402,000 pieces in prices. That Canadian shipments have been largely curtailed is shown by tne following figures showing the shipments from the St. Lawrence this year as com- pared with 1904: Pine deals, 79,000 pieces 1904; spruce deals 302,000 against 400,000 in 1904; New Brunswick, pine deals none against 54,000 pes. in 1904. The shipments of spruce deals from New Brunswick has, however, i1creased this year to 342,000 pes. against 257,000 pieces last year. Ship- ments of birch planks from New Brunswick have also increased to 115,000 pieces against 62,000 pieces in 1904. British importers are complaining that some of the stock shipped from New Brunswick this ' year was imperfectly manufactured. The heavy dock charges especially in London, are bringing about a change in the method of buying, many of the purchases being now made ex-ship and only light stocks being carried in the yards. Deals are sell- ing at £7 tos. to£7 15s. for best quality but there are few large contracts being placed. 2x4¥% inch and 2x5 inch redwood scantlings are in demand. Battens and boards 7 inches wide are selling at £7; 6 inches wide, from £6 5s. to £6 1os.; 5inch and 4% inch, £6 to £6 5s. EXPORT OF SHINGLES. A movement is on foot to organize a company to handle the exportation of British Columbia shingles to the United States similar to the two companies now handling the Canadian consumption. The present prices are altogether too low and the object of the company is to maintain a better and more reasonable price. From the present prices low as they are, must be deducted a duty of 30 cents per M. _Possibly one or both of the companies ‘now handling the Canadian end will also take over the American trade. W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. Manvfacturer of . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard aud Soft Wood Heading. and Red and White Oak, Maple and Elm Lumber. Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. Capscity 100 Million a Year. Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. MARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS J vt Samples by Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 3 _ EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH BULMER, M°LENNAN & COMPANY MONTREAL QUE. Office and Yard, 57! DORCHESTER ST, Send for Catalogue DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied b « JAS. C. POND, Wis, Cent. R. R. Milwaukee. _ HELP] | Can be obtained at small ‘ LUMBERMAN. KNIGHT BROTHERS + ail LIMITED Burk’s Falls. * MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec ye Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Tana - , Vaucouver, B. C WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. ie = - Box a “P.O. a y 26, 1905 ‘eS CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. =r? NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of THE CANADA LUMBERMAN.) _ Sr, Joun, N, B. JuLy 15th, 1905.—The dition of the lumber markets of the ~ United Kingdom is, just now, the most vi- ‘tal feature of the situation as far as local _lumbermen are concerned. The outlook in this direction has not shown an improve- ment in any way since last writing and the depression mentioned at that time is still predominant and if anything rather- more nounced. The demand is light and de all round (in spite of the briskness optimism of the early spring) seems have fallen away until it is a matter of ubt if the total volume of sales fer this son will even equal that of last year. is usual with a falling market, sales of y important quantitjes are rare and ex- sme caution marks the operations of ers. Shipments during the past month “were somewhat below the average for this: season of the year. The harbour at this port is somewhat bare at present and it is probable that the condition of the : Grnskiet will result in a further curtailment of the volume of shipments during the balance of the summer. Stocks of deals _ for export to the United Kingdom, while ‘not extensive (3,500,000 square feet would ‘cover the quantity) are increasing and unless the situation improves, it is al- will suffer considerable inconvenience from is source before many weeks havepassed. é Local prices on English deals have _ naturally reached a much lower level. To day, with’ no apparent eagerness on the part of buyers, English deals can be pur- chased f. 0. b. steamer at this port, for K ST. CHAMBERS DIMENSION TIMBER \ SASH - 604 together probable that local manufacturers $11.75 to $12.25 per thousand feet, in_ specifications containing 50 per cent 7’s and 8's, 35 per cent 9’s and 15 per cent 11's and up, 2/3 price for fourths and ends. Freight rates tothe United Kingdom _ have been somewhat higher during the past month. At present writing 37s. 6d. has been offered. A feature during the last fortnight has been a decided stiffening in the price of spruce lath. While it is rumoured that something like 50 per cent. per thousand advance over the prices of the last month has been paid, it would not be safe to say that prices in this line generally have advanced more that from 15 per cent. to 25 per cent. per thousand all round. Non- dutiable are quoted to-day at $2.50 and dutiable at $2.25 f. o. b. St. John. THE BARBADOES MARKET. Messrs. trade Circular dated the 15th inst., con- tains the following regarding wood pro- ducts: Waney pine and spruce—Arrivals during the fortnight consist of Schr. ‘‘H. H. Kit- chener” from Shelburne N.S., to selves with 135 m. ft. White pine, which we placed at $23.97 for shipping, and $16.03 for second quality; and Btne. ‘‘Maggie Belle’ from Mahone Bay with 120 m. ft. spruce, which being placed on offer was sold at $21.25 for shipping, and $16.29 for second quality, but on delivery proving rather thin was rejected and resold at $18 round. The ‘‘Lady Napier” from Bridge- water, bound to Grenada, landed a deck load of 30 m. ft. second quality white pine, which so'd at $14.05, and 10m. ft. hemlock, FOR SALE Exceptionally good Birch and Hemlock umber f.0.b. car South River Station. Mills at Midford (Eagle Lake,) Ort. THE ROBB LUMBER CO, LIMITED Guelph, Ont. Hunter, Grawford & Niebergall (Successors to R. Watt) LUMBER AND SQUARE TIMBER OF ALL KINDS POSTS, POLES, TIES, LATH AND SHINGLES Bill Stuff a Specialty WIARTON, ONT. Write Us for Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. OTTAWA, ONTARIO W. B. BARTRAM WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Special Bills sawn on short notice. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. - a Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. ag Write for quotations. DOORS = Barge or car load lots B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., umreo Temple Building, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., 5th and Lumberman’s S. P. Musson Son & Co.’s, . which sold at $16.05. Market for white pine is heavily stocked, and values cannot improve unless receipts are very light for some time. Spruce is not in heavy stock, and although there is not much demand at this season a small cargo would still do fairly well. P. pine—No arrivals bave taken place, stocks are small and a cargo of merchantable would sell readily. Shin- gles—In a foot-note to our last we men- tioned the arrival of the ‘‘Leah A, Whid- den” with a cargo of laying shingles to selves, and the ‘‘Bravo” from Paspebiac, with Long Gaspe, and have now to report sales ex former at $2 per m., and sales ex latter at $4.67 @ $4.30 as to quality. Since these the Schr. ‘‘Druise” from Pas_ pebiac has arrived with 728 m. long cedar, of which some were sold at $4.45, and a smalllot of extra quality at $5.25; alarge lot however was stored, offers not being up to consignees’s ideas. Market is now well supplied with long cedar, and laying cedar are in over-stock, so that we expect to see lower values for next arrivals. Shooks— TheS.S. ‘‘Manoa” from New York brought down 1,000 bdls. ‘first trip’ for a dealer for next season’s requirements. Wood hoops —Season over. Lewis A. Wright, of Salisbury; Geo. W. Fowler, John E. Slipp, Geo. W. Pearson and S. A. McLeod, of Sussex, N. B.; and Jas. E. Price, of Norton, have been in- corporated asthe L. A. Wright Lumber Company, Ltd., with capital stock of $75,000. At Ish-pie-axe, B. C., there is a sawmill operated entirely by full-blood Indians. It is a water-power mill, and the white missionaries up there say that they used to pay the Hudson Bay Company $75 a thousand for lumber they are now buying from the Indians for $14. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co.. Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shinglés Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. = SARNIA, ONT. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. . 503 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanita Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, ete. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, London, Eng. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, Limiten SAW anpd PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. » RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo,” Registered Cable Address, “’ Pinewood.” BRANCH: OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. “Héad |. Office,” TORONTO, CAN. “\ American Iaimberman” Telecode. CRBCSSVVESSSSSVSEVSEVSVEVSETSETS GVUEVTVTSUTVA R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C, A. KENT, Sec’y. R. S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. SGTEVASSSSSSVSVVASVVSVSVSSEVSASALSF - CVU J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRAOCEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Pee: Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matcned Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINCS A SPECIALTY OBDAR 5,000 pieces, 10 to 20’ long. Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings moasstchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - _ Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. “Phone No. 54. POLBS Suitable for Hops, etc. Price 7—Well write us. THE LONG LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER. INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band =- Gircular aD se: 7 Ont. 26 miles West North Bay Gang UMBER anxD LATH * “1 tee fie a ne a Tar 3 r ad - aids ae, ee * ves re om Pe ek. aa" Sit I a ei ae 4 he atte eS baie eee hs 7 * ey Pelee ke oe ee oe eats Lt eee a: x : ee ee 2 hee eth Sra ee ka i - art > ON whee es : aye. P .) . — Sea, se . : — ee ~ oF Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION nai S July 26, 1905 4 : “oon Ee H, HEAPS & CO., “Mane Wancouver, B. C. Samet Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Betis 4 Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Pacific Coast Lumber Co. 2 VANCOUVER, B.C. | ‘ a Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete : High Grade Red Cedar age a Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - 112 Mail Building, TORONTO ; D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. ge = YOUNG, Cashier * . i es The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. roses White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, 7 Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work peatersin CHDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario . WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, ‘Ontario fi Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lene ts en We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. é C. WELLS —=_ : Export Lumber & ° _ PALLISER. B.C. Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce. Fir, Cedar 4 and Lumber of all Descriptions. . Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED W. B. McKECHNIE, President. Cc. MacRag, Manager. a : Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERTA LUMBER C0, for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Tapherres s Cc LIMITED tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping capacity over 114 millions, BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR es to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CL,EAR. B.C. FIR DIMENSION AND FINISH SCRIBNER’'S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square °° and Round Timber ; aes Rules, and much other practi- “O° cal information. 3 Price 35 Cents__.@# _ ADDRESS THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. pasos aay ——SSS ,Canapa LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALE RS = — —————————————————————————————— THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- k, and solicit your enquiries. ELAPLANTE - -McBURNEY LUMBER 6O., WHOLESALE White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles - Stocks in Collingwood “Ontario at { Midland Callander North Bay Powassan Cartier Whitney Sturgeon Falls TORONTO OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers. fice » Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries Eo, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior _ Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JC JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer ay one all winter. IEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. __ Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. : Bu UILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of pio Basswood, Elm and Pine. ; Amherst, N.S. Cawn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch ~ Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. M URPHY, * shine" QUEBEC mRhe Cook & Bros. Sia a Co... Ontario, Limited SPRAGGE, Algoma ee Ont. **Soo”’ Branch C.P.R Arcade, Toronto lanning 3 SFICES Coristine Building, Montreal d at Mills at Spragge. El BREANEN & SONS MANUFAGTURING:CO., LIMITED Saw Mills at q RAINY LAKE, Ontario. MANUFACTURERS OF a | Lumber and Lath Water Shipments $ = = Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. THE HE NIPISSNG LUMBER COMPANY, Limireo Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH nw f and pseu ers. “% sil hiss of way Delivery and Water pments, Correspondence Solicited. The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office : S| HAMILTON ONT. ONT. BIGER & SON - Ouebec ~ PULP WOOD AND TIES" Bought at Any Station, Also iso Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and e- Lumber.—Write Us. as A. F. BURY AUSTIN LOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA F Htawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA s Railway yuan Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and an and Rou ough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &e.; ; Birch Flooring, Dutted rn Agent fe The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. ‘Timber in ak size of length up to go feet long, Timber ae face up to 24 inch x 30 inch. ‘ough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and C. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. ] White and Red Pine |i, J. S. FINDLAY - ee - ee a a ae a R. LAIDLAW LUMBER 0 JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. Ll. WHITE, PLAYEATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies MIDLAND Ol i ? BILL TIMBER a Speciality A.& P. WAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Car Sills, Car Flooring, SSS = Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... Timber. Joisting OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE ONT. GET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) PINE, ONT. F. M°CIBBON & SONS, foe Cle Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and rail Lumber, and jae in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Le lee arate and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, gear and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T.R., and by Wate urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER “7 L AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto poe Berek ie Meaford, Ont. : WHOLESALE BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES nF. FOSS, Manager. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK 2: %, He. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER OWBN SOUND, ONT vi. CANADA LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION July 26, 1905 CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Montreal: Steamer Bavarian, for Liverpool,24,932 pcs. deals,82 pcs. timber, Steamer ‘‘ Dominion” for Livorpool, 29,890 pes. deals, 144 logs, 999 bdls. staves. Steamer Milwaukee, for Liverpool, 5,732 pcs. deals, 5,657 pcs. boa ds, 4,851 bdls. lum- ber, 1,982 bdls. staves. lumber, 24,799 pcs. Steamer Hibern- ian, for London, 20,316 pcs. deals, 799 bdis. staves. Steamer Devona, for London, 1,624 pcs. deals. Steamer Montezuma, for London, 9,821 pcs. birch lumber , 11,695 pcs. pine deals, 7,195 pcs. hardwood lumber, 2,696 bdls. lumber, 164 ogs, 499 pkgs. doors, 628 cs. planed boards; for Antwerp, 25,687 pcs. pine boards. Steamer Monteagle, for Bristol, 10,681 pes. lumber, 8,239 pcs. deals. 8,904 pes. dealends. Steamer Mongolian, for Glasgow, 13,942 pcs. deals, 15 logs. Steamer Laconia,for Glasgew, 12,494 pcs. deals. 4,769 pcs. boards,879 pcs. lumber, 140 logs, 4,050 pcs. deals. Steamer Manchester Im- Steamer Escalona, for Aberdeen, porter, tor Manchester, 21,600 pcs. deals, 37,091 pcs. boards, 232 logs. Steamer Cornishman, for Liverpool, 8,046 pcs. 39 logs. Steamer Hecktos, for Cork and Fleetwood, 87,313 pcs. deals, 97 pcs. timber. From St. John, N. B. Steamer Valetta, for Boston, 116,766 ft. boards. Steamer Sellasia, for Brow Head, 3,208,- deals, 418 ft. deals and battens, 132,095 it, scantling, 101,279 ft. ends, 22,135 ft. boards. Schooner Effie May, for Boston, 33,240 ft. boards, 680,000 cedar shingles. Schooner Genevieve, for Stamford, 4,690 ft. spruce boards, 45,068 ft. spruce scant- cedar shingles. Schooner Myra, for Yar- mouthville, 92 cords pulp wood. Schooner Providence, for Boston, 258,926 ft. plank, 84,209 ft. scantling. Schooner Almeda Willey, for New York, 23,140 ft. pine plank, 277,998 ft. pine boards, 644,000 laths. From Halifax, N. S.: Steamer Car- thaginian, for Glasgow, 63,621 ft.. birch plank, value $822, by,S.Cunard & Co., agents. Steamer Schooner Ida M. Shaffner, for New Bedford, 11,146 ft. pine lumber, value $145; 303,500 hemlock laths, value $525; 1,030,00q ft. spruce laths, value $2,060, by Logan & Sutherland, agents. Schooner Benefit, for New York, 189,000 spruce laths, value $378 ; 219,433 ft. pine lumber, value $2,825, by Logan & Sutherland, agents. WIRE HOOPS. A few years ago, with the advent of wire hoops, there was, naturally, much discussion as to the ultimate eftect of wire hoops on the market for wood hoops. The consumption of wire hoops has in- the last three years and many manufacturers who once condemned the wire hoop as being im- practical are now using them and obtain- ing excellent results. \ The increased use of this commodity does not seem to have had any adverse effect on the wood hoop market, and evi- dently has had its beneficial effects on the cooperage markets as a whole, because it has been possible to produce a barrel en- tirely satistactory to the trade, which cost less than an all-wood-hoop barrel, thereby enabling manufacturers to continue using wooden packages in many cases where they might have been driven to something creased enormously in ing, 116,868 ft. spruce plank, 240,000 ff else. —Packages. RRS y The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN. 4 CHAS. E G@ENNETT, MINNEAPOLIS. CETTING AT THE BOTTOM OF IT That’s the thing to do —- Investigate a little and see if you are getting as good service, as good prices or as good stock as you ought to. If you are not, then it is high time to let us hear from you—for we have the goods and are able to make a deal with you that will be satis- factory to all concerned. (PS SOSSOSSOSESSRSESSES SSSEM oe te oY ote ey ee ey SS SS ESSENSE S aS es ee ee ee A 4 VY TA= Ss TA Yos Yad TA TA Se Y cA Y Yo Ya Se SESS SS SSS SSS SSS SSS SS SSS @ UNITED STATES MANUFAGTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS RAIL.MAIL WIRE OR "PHONE McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspondence Invited on All Hardwoods. { tice ROBE YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | BOSTON, MASS. H. D. Wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LITTLE Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, LA., ALLENTOWN, LA. RT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. sexe ere FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE BURY & NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. * Veneers MASON A. NOBLE MICHIGAN July 26, 1905 ._ SHIPPING MATTERS. _ Transcontinental lines having terminals __ in the Pacific Northwest have decided not ~ to accept lumber for shipment over what ‘js known as the rail and lake routes unless _ tied in bundles, and no lumber shipments _ will be accepted for Detroit by way of the “lakes. Until this order went into effect, _ loose lumber was accepted for shipment to -alllake ports. However this trade is be- f coming so extensive that the lake steam- _ hip companies refuse to accept the lum- _ ber from the railroads except in bundles. = There is reported to be somewhat im- proved demand for tonnage from the St. _ Lawrence ports as well as a distinct ad- vance in rates, with moderate inquiry for September loading. The following fix- “tures have taken place: “ Indianapolis,” Bathurst to W.B., 37s. 6d., July/August ; “ Lewisport,” Miramichi to W.B.E.I., gos. 6d., August; ‘‘ Aarstein,” Miramichi “to W.B.E.I., .41s. 3d., July/August ; “Therese,” St. John, N.B., to W.B., July p.t.; ‘* Nostra Madre,” St. Margaret's ‘Bay to Bristol Channel, 38s., (sailer) ; ~*©Dora,” Quebec to Limerick, 37s. 6d., ‘¢ Bertha,” St. Lawrence to Ade- Melbourne or Sydney, 555s., - 48s. 2 fetied): TRADE WITH MEXICO. The Canadian and Mexican govern- ments, desiring to encourage trade be- tween their respective countries, have sub- sidized certain of the steamers owned by Messrs. Elder Dempster & Co., of Liver- pool and Montreal, to make amonthly trip, commencing on the 2oth inst., between Montreal, Charlottetown, Halifax, Nassau, Havana, Progreso, Vera Cruz, Tampico and Coatzacoalcos. On the return trip no freight but only passengers will be carried from Cuba to Canada, the Mexican govern- ment not being disposed to contribute money towards building up a trade between Cuba and Canada. The service will com- mence with ten-knot steamers of moderate carrying capacity. Theestablishment of the Canadian-Mexican line is due in no small degree to the visit paid to Mexico last year by Sir William Mulock, Pust- master-General of Canada, resulting in the formation in Mexico City of the Canadian Commercial Club. It is expec- ted that among the passengers on the first trip will be the representatives of Canadian firms, empowered to open up agencies. Lumber to the value of $6,000,000 was imported into Egypt last year. Canadian exporters should look into this trade. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil. The National Association of Box Manu- facturers of the United States will meet in Annual Convention at Niagara Falls on August 16th, 17th and 18th. Christie & Co., wholesale lumber dealers of Winnipeg, have purchased all the stock on hand and the season’s cut of the Fernie Lumber Company, amounting in all to nearly 4,000,000 feet. The price is not made public, but it is understood that it was a good one. troducing redwood and other Coast woods. He has put in a stock and finds what has been told him to betrue. He introduces it to his trade. They like it. He discards some of his old standby stuftin the yard to place the Pacific Coast product before his clientele. Then what happens? Orders are too large and pressing upon the Coast. Eastern orders are shelved and held if pos- sible and convenient to the mills receiving them. The Eastern handler cannot fill the orders his energy has created. He falls back upon the timber heis certain to receive and the Pacific Coast woods receive a black eye.—Wood and Iron. The Dominion Parliament has closed its budget debate and there is no duty fixed for American lumber. Mr. Gallagher, the Kootenay member, urged the government to place a duty on lumber. This was re- fused. A commission was promised to consider the question. Messrs. H. L. Jenkins and J, C. Busch, Washington lumbermen, have purchased Canada has a month-old law that re- quires the payment of a three-hundred- dollar license tee for salesmen representing foreign manufacturers in the Dominion. It looks as though the lumber manufac- turers the other side of the line, as well as wholesalers of all kinds of commodities, were back ofthe proposition. It certainly is notto the advantage of the people of the Dominion to offer that kind of en- couragement to competition from outside, though it is in line with the apparently growing opposition to the policy of opening the markets ot Canada to the United States while we maintain a tariff on everything that comes from Canada, and refuse to make concessions by means of reciprocity treaty.—Mississippi Valley Lumberman. between 75,000,000 and 100,000,000 feet of timber on Burrard Inlet, about eight miles from Vancouver. It is the intention to export the timber, which is excellent fir, to their mill at Blaine. They have also secured timber on Vancouver Island, which is mostly cedar. There were 2,300 acres in the latter purchase and $15 an acre is said to have been paid. An Eastern lumber dealer goes to some trouble and much expense, perhaps, in in- er eh dlalllae Address 8 Gordon Street - IMPORTER OF —— BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS CARNWORTH & JARDINE [Wood Brokers and Measurers “Barnworth.” Liverpool. a Dale St.. 71 Regent Road BOOTLE LIVERPOAL, pea F. A. Lightbody & Co. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘* TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., Ax, “ Zebra” and Private. ts for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Lo Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. QUIS BAMBERGER, Correspondence So! Eg 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. mae Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ SMITH & TYRER I4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL ..WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. E Halifax, N.S,, Office—SmitH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St, Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS ‘« EDMISTON’? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Gable Address : GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods i to "lintel for Glued-Up BASSWOOD Ex BOARDS DIRECTORY gees te A. B, C, CODE Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, London.” 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW el m R 0 K F R S Cable Address: ““TECTONA” Glasgow. Ar and A B C Codes used. Codes : Fear Western Union, Southards, and B.C. 4th and sth Editions. CELLIBRAND, H Address : “ GELLICHT,” LONDON SER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers STER ENGLAND offers from Lumbermen for... is and Battens, Spruce and Pine ‘Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, : , Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any ble for English Market. Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. Oak, Birch, Staves and Veneers =zRS O my ey ue: o> et ap © - EYWOOD & SO. Wood i gents and Brokers 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘Shooks,”’ Hull. Codes—A. B. Cc. 4th Edition and Zebra. | NES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elm Heading, Handles of ail descriptions A Specialty THOMPSON, BLOIS & co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E.C. Branches : Cash advances made against MANCHESTER, HAMBURG, shipping documents. Rock Maple tl and Planks. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD. se a Timber Importers | 7°" "": . atso... All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND LIVERPOOL, ” Liverpool and London Chambers - CABI,.K ADDRESS * DOBLIK a. . Cee pe eee ey * a? ri: CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION: THE ONTARIO — waive PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. L U M B E R C9; “LIMITED Hons Tite Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: North Bay. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay C.P.R. and G. T.R. Delivery. Water Shipment Only. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, one MANUFACTURERS Pp. ine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, OE a louie Tae { Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. CANADIAN THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. LUMBER PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS WAN I ED HEADQUARTERS HaRDWOOD Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard We solicit consignments of long Cleveland,O. McMinnville, Tenn. and short lumber from the Mari- We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots time Provinces and are prepared : Hardwoods ia Ontario and Que. | MGLénnan Timber Land and Spe : : : : Lumber GO., cimitea ADDRESS: : Selling Ageney and Dealers in all CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & GO, | ids of Timber Lands. R A Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. 147 Milk St. ~ BOSTON, MASS. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. - EO. G. GLADMAN ssmcms WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK L | LATH AND SHINGLES om pat Suith’etsy , PAREY SOUND, ONT. ComnesronpEnc E have Three Millions of Hem- HE WOODSTOCK LUME lock, running in lengths from & MANUFACTURIN: 10 to 24 feet. which we are pre- Deal Pine. H pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 Gnd Wardiwood Tame feet or over. tm WOODSTOCK, © A. bP. BeBe Bee C MANUFACTURER ‘OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension WIARTON, OWT. ' a THE NEW LINE GREAT Through the Spruce Forests of the NORTHERN Mountains—between Quebec and Ha WaterR-Powers, TIMBER LimITs AND ELE RAILWAY PowER FOR SALE. IpEAL PuLp-Mixx Sirss. OF Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. “1 0emera suo, MONTREAL = S°™ WateGoty ore 15.00 16 00/ KXXXX5to2in.. 345 1in., 8’ and up wide.... 63 00 ae = 6’ and up 25 00 No. 2,14, & 14 in . 36 00 SKIAL ss ana I ie ee cull sidings 12 00 13 00 | XX No. 2,6 to2 cmt 2 30 1%,1%and2” “ . . 63.00 2" x rie 76 00 No. 3, 1%, and 1% 25 lod txt3 and ep : F 1% inch Flooring .. 24 00 25 00|XX ‘“ 6 to 23-16in. 2M and 3” Ar mee 73°00 a he TBE oN iors eden Se 28 oo No§an Zp a al 27 00 it et ; Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 14 50 15 59 4’ mw ae. 7803 NO. I BARN. Dressing x4 a 36 00} Mi Calls, < Ta, ae = HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. FINE, COM. AND BETTER, se sf ate ree 3 3 00 to $30 oo he pica SSE TT ae me i (17 00 : P 8” and up wide... 0 , 1% and 2” 28 oo to 31 00 pee re Asn White, 1 to2 in = mock, mall ” 6 ry, ad 1%" ee, ode oo > 2h and <3 oS oo The following quotations on hardwoods represent the spacetit ists and ands...... $33 00 $35 00 | pi ‘ode sa x tol ap eed eae 3 .. 5§ 00 asian 35 00 —_ price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; Asi, black, rsts and a 1%‘ 3.. 29 00 30 00 FINE COMMON. NO. 2 BARN, WHITE ASH. and, rto1 in.. .. 27 00 29 00 | Hickory, rsts et Seedy 45 00 to 62 00 Lanse. eer 20 00to 2400 Ist & 2nd, x inch, 33 00 35 00 Birch M.R.,1in. .. 21 00 2200 and 2nds..1%4*' 2.. 36 00 38 00 14%, 1% to 2”... £0 00 51 00 1%, 1%, 2 and r¥%tozin ....... 3900 41 00 1% § 2.. 2300 25 00| Maple 1” mill % 2%,3and 4”.. 6800 73.0 pe sawed a . 22 00 to a 50 sars. 4x4 “' 8x8 32 00 36 00 Plt 52.8 tr 1% 20 00 21 00 Nalnicene: gis. Saco 26 00 : nessa). ea Merete « / and id NO. 3 BARN. Ist & 2na, 6 nch'u ae a ro | | Com esd culls 00 and better 1 toxin 24.00 25 00] and 2nds..2 ‘'4.. 2400 260c in , 8” and up wide... 33 00 , Ps 33 35 i a, Basswood, 14 to2.. 25 27 00 | Oak;red, p’n, 1y% in. Hi ts BS OD si Eee ; 17 oo to 20c¢o - mr. 1 1% 2400 2600| rsts&ends2 “ 4.. 44.00 4600 I¥in. -.. 46 00 1%, 1% and 2 iB 00 to 2050 ~—_ ast & and, 6 inch & and, w! et oo » I. i, 24 a ab ap, 24 = Cherry, xsis Oak, white, 2 At ee +++ 47 00 Bi eielele elaine wee 21 00 up, call. Sees 36 00 38 00 ane culls... 13 00 and znds.. 1 ‘‘ 1 55 00 6000| sxsts&ends1 ‘134 42.00 4400 2%and3” * ooo *e oo BOX. = Mae " 4.. 60 00 70 00 hee Pyare 3 4., 45 00 50 00 ; NO 2cUTS. _ x Bees to 18 Codetienipr ipo eaegenap 5. wee 26 2% in....... ..» 83 85 | 4/4 inch 3" & up. 25 ft. and up......... a : i oa he ty ere 16 jnch. . . : / ek 1to2in..... 78 80 4A, Box boards 6” aul up.. 19 20 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.s BIRCH. pes uppers « 88 90 | xo-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Out Spruce boards, p.1s...... ip kasehs SMES plecte, 2H i in up = som. crentiag ani wean ++ 40 42 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and bundied .. Bae ante Pee a brs ae Ba T to ajOBs\s dn vi 7 , 1Xz0- AAG. 21 aS RS 2 lie ONCE A at rag CN i Pha A = Fine common, 24 9ai|( NOX, Tata. ovo Meese ve ak xk 21 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. ‘7 ri laine tek ten ce ase ee “a a gion ta dh COAM ADP DSe Er 60 | No. x barn, rx . : Sime Jr) SBP re Sey | ? el us a Peas : hoa ie x ite e ae eS tee ee Pes y Me i 3 ¢ m . om AND WOODWORKER Vout. XIII } THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE WEEKLY EDITION TORONTO, MONTREAL — AUGUST 2, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} sv.oo Per vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. a3 No, 22 ag CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. _ Branch Offices: fe 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. Ae gots Telephone 1274 _-§36 HASTINGS StT,, SUITE 3, VANCOUVER. B. C, + 22 GREAT ST, HELEN’S, LoNvoN, E. C. ¥ The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the t ? timber products at home and abroad. aor Phe Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. _ WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ‘ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- _vertisements must be received not later than 4 clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in ¢ current week’s issue Ee eet Seema #4’, «” COMMON BEFCH, wa’ Birch and Hard Maple 5/4 Beech C& B. , 6/4” 2” Wormy Chestnut. All dry. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. “ ¢ t Les —_ ~ TS - C@PRUCE AND TAMARAC DIMENSION for sale, either quality furnished—sizes 6x6 up to 10x12, some 12x1g, 18 to 24-ft. lengths, per- _ e-ntage longer if pained. Address Box 302, _ care of CANADA LUMBERMAN. a HEM = DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO mii: Cedar Shingles and Lath Tor- ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, Logan Avenue, Toronto. > a= oi - LOCK nl AJANTED — PARTNER WITH SMALL: i aad capital for good paying, contracting and i ber business in go live western city in ‘Ontario. Address Box No. 246, CANADA LUM- ‘BERMAN. 432 HREE LANCASHIRE BOIL- P. each. Good for working undred lbs. each. Apply to ‘AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to bable buyers by placing an advertisement in Wanted and For Sale Department of this na Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- FOR SALE 1 i) VER FOUR MILLION FEET OF STAND- ING timber and land composed of chest- whitewood, oak, ash, maple, basswocd, beech, with ro M capacity mill ; 2 railways ning through property ; good market for dwood, tile wood, stove wood, hubs, spokes ‘everything in the ppsonnet of a sawmill— cluding planing and matching machine, hingle machi+e, and moulding machine ; con- ining 350 acres; will be sold either in whole or art. Railway spur on property ; the best lot timber in these parts. Original forest. J. ScHLErnauF, Owner, Bismarck Station, Lorne P.O., Ont. V ANTED—ALL, PULP MILLS AND PULP WOOD Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which is bound to interest you. Wy aarED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrmcozE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. —— pica ee FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish boom. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchweod, Ont: FOR SALE 1’ and 1%” 1904 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. 1’ 19¢4 winter cut, .mill run, rough edged, Hard Maple. 1’ 1905 winter cut, trimmed, all pure White Hard Ma ple. 1”, 1%" and 2” 1905 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Write for lists and prices. son Co., Teeswater, Ont. FOR SALE | The W. R. FHOMP- White Pine Lumber =e NO. I SHEET. ‘ee 1,895 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 2,962 1” x 10” x 12/16 ft. M/C stocks 27,735 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts NO. 3 SHEET. 26,945 1’ x 4”/ up x 6/1: ft. sound common 44,-93 5/4” x 4”/ up X 6/11 ft. sound common 1” x 8’ x 12/18 ft. sound common - 852 6/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. sound common 69 1” x 11” x 12/18 ft. sound common 10,567 1’ x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft second quality 8,234 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft, second quality 69,000 5/4” x 4/7 x 12/18 ft. second quality 2,6a1 5/4” x 8”/ up x 12/18 ft. second quality 44,400 2” x 4)7” x 12/18 ft. second quality 38,4572” x 6” x 12/18 ft. second quality NO. 4 SHEET. 118,214 4/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 74,606 aff, x 4a ft. S/C shorts 2,521 6/4” x 6/11 ft De shorts 66,271 1” x 8” x 12/16 ft. S/C and better. 2,882 5/4” X 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 39,826 5/4” x 12/16 ft. M/C strips 37,861 5/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 7,435 6/4” X 4/7” x 6/11” M/C shorts 3,222 5/4” x 8”/ up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 66,539 8/4” x 12/16 ft Swric sidin ; : gs 5,762 5/4” X 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 33,627 8/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 10,746 4/4” X 8/ up x 6/11 ft, M/C shorts 46,630 4/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts /4” x 6/1x ft. S/C shorts 4,680 8/4” x 6/1x ft. S/C shorts 4,317 6/4” x 12/16 ft. S/C strips No, 6 SHEET. 1,456 1” x 4/7” x 6/x1 ft. M/C shorts 7,194 1%" x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 1,164 1%” x 4/7” up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 13,804 1” x 8’ up x 6/11 tt. M/C sidings 4,310 134" x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. M/C strips 9,373 1 x 8” up x 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 161,856 1” x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 21,719 14" x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 2,438 13%" x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 370,168 1” x 4/7” x 12/16’ S/C Strips. 25,703 134" x 9! x 12/16 ft. M/C stocks 11,795 1’ x9" X 12/16 ft. M/C stocks No. 7 SHEET. 200,000 1" x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. second strips No. 8 SHEET. . 147 913 14” x 12/16 ft S/C sidings 297,073 t” x 12/16 ft. S/C sidings 217,932 1! x 10” x 12/16 ft. good 54,295 17 x 11” up X 12/16 ft. good 33,948 x” x 12/16 ft. second strips. A. F. BURY AUSTIN, Wholesale Lumber & Timber Merchant, Montreal. ’ A FEW CARS OF GOOD BASSWOOD LUM- ber for sale; also basswood heading. I. (GA SCRIPTURE, Coe Hill, Ont. \ TANTRD—FIRST CLASS PLANING MILL and bench man, must be able to do lathe work. Work the year round for right man. Apply to Box 303, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toron- to, FOR SALE. Bae CARS OF 2” AND TWO CARS OF tt! soft elm, common and better ; also two cars 1” and 1%” basswood, CANADA LUMBERMAN. WANTED A SAWYER—ONE WHO CAN CUT ALL kinds of lumber for small Circular Saw- Mill cutting from 1o to 15 thousand ft. per day. Will have about three months cutting. Write at once, stating salary, to Curry & THRASHER, Deux Rivieres, Ont. FOR SALE AT ONCE Coe ee PLANING MILL OUTFIT, including Boiler 56” x12’ and Climax Engine 9%4’x12', all new. MANITOU LUMBER Co., North Bay, Ont. —Important to— LUMBERMEN & SAWMILL MEN Auction Sale of Valuable Timber Berths,-Sawmill, Logs and Lumber Business ON THE GEORGIAN BAY The executor and trustee of the estates of the, late George M Tanner and Wm. H. Tanner, of Sturgeon Bay, Waubaushene, and known as Tanner Bros., Lumbermen, have given instruc- tions to the undersigned to sell by public auction at the rotunda of the Board of Trade, Toronto, ON THURSDAY, AUGUST 3IST, 1905, at 3 o'clock pm, on the terms and conditions Which will be announced at the time of sale, the timber berths logs, mill, plant, camp outfit, buildings, horses, etc, etc., in one lot for a lumpsum. The property of the estates of the late firm of Tanner Bros, as undermentioned, namely :— Timber berth No. 119, north shore of Lake Huron, well timbered with pine, pulpwood, etc. *T'wo-thirds interest in timber berth, Town- ship of McKinnon, well timbered with pine, hemlock, spruce, etc. *The other third of this township can be purchased privately on reason- able terms. ; Timber berth No. 6:—(This berth has been nearly cut out ) Logs—Six and a half million feet, B.M.. of excellent pine logs to be delivered at the mill by the vendors. Sawmill at Sturgeon Bay—Capacity, about 60 M. feet per day, with latest equipment, com- plete for lumber and lath. (Nearly new.) Engines, boilers, buildings, boarding house, two good residences for owners, workmen’s houses, barns, horses, workshops, plant, tools, booms, eee camp outfit, and 50 acres of freehold nd. Booming ground, extensive and safe in all weathers. Piling ground, ample for nine million feet of lumber, with excellent shipping facilities of water or G T R. siding at mill. Terms of sale : The whole of the above proper- ties will be offered as one lot or parcel, and subject to one bid by the vendors. Payments— Cash for the logs at $18 per 1,000 feet, B.M, plus cost of sawing up to the time of transfer, and credit allowed for all product cut. Casn for camp outfit and supplies, and for the balance, one- third in cash at the time of sale, one-third in one year, and one-third in two years, with interest ats percent, Ordinary cutting conditions. For maps and further particulars apply to the estate of Tanner Bros , Waubaushene, Ontario, or to PETER RYAN, Toronto. f tot, WANTED—POSITION SSTENOGRAPHER AND OFFICE WORK# er. Several years experience in whole- sale lumber office. Address Box’ 305, care of CaNADA LUMBERMAN, “ Fo SALE — 550 ACRES OF STANDING timber 1n North Hastings, comprising soft elm, ash, basswood, hard maple, cedar, hem- lock, etc, Estimated to cut about two million feet, board measure. Will sell cheap for cash. Easy to log and a railway close by. Apply Box Ilr, CANADA LUMBERMAN, j WANTED TO PURCHASE Het OR SPRUCE 10 X 10 X 12 FT. and 30 ft., British Columbia fir 10 x10 x 2 ft. and 30ft. Several carloads of each dimen- sion. Address, giving full particulars regarding quality and price, Box 304, CANADA, LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. e FOR SALE 100 M 4/4 birch 20 M 10/4 and 12/4 birch \ Com, and better. 10 M 4/4 black ash ‘eee Pym 15M 4/4 elm 25M 4/4 pine : eM 6/4 ‘ }- sain run. 40M 4/4 basswood THE MaGANETAWAN. HARDWOOD. LUMBER Co., Alimic Harbour, Ont. | CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. 3 It might be expected that at this season _of the year the reports concerning the lumber market would indicate a quiet trade, and to some extent this is the’ case, but itis also very noticeable that the conditions, apart from immediate demand, are considered very satisfactory. The large domestic consumption of pine and hemlock is keeping up remarkably well, assisted, of course, by the extensive build- ing operations. ‘‘Business has never been better,” was the reply of a manufacturer to a question as to lumber conditions. Considering the smaller production of lumber on the Georgian Bay this season, stocks at the close of the sawing season are not likely to be very large. The Ottawa valley mills will have ‘plénty of logs for a full season, but no great accumu- lation of lumber is looked for, and at the present time there is no indication of prices weakening to any extent. There is quite a strong market for lath, which are looked upon as good property. Prices have broken very little since ‘the spring, and the prevailing price for No, 1 pine at the mill is about $3. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK, In Montreal the demand for lumber con- tinues to be curtailed by the strike of carpenters. It was expected that this would be terminated last week, but the master builders have refused to accept the offer of another conference with the:men. Nevertheless, considerable building is in progress and there is quite an active movement of lumber. There is not much activity in lumber circles in the Maritime Provinces and it is now quite certain that of the volume of business with Great Britain will be much below the average. Nova Scotia manufacturers are doing a good trade with South America and the West Indies and prices are firm. The quantity of lumber at the millsis fully 30 per cent. less than at the same time in 1904. Sales of deals are being made at $13 for a specification of 60 per cent. 7’s and 8's and 40 per cent. 9's and11’s. There has been no recovery in the New Brunswick cedar shingle market and the majority of sales are now being made around $3.30 for Ex- tras on Boston rate of freight. UNITED STATES, The lumber demand is perhaps more un- even than at any previous times this year. The situation in respect to southern pine and white pine continues strong and the demand is practically equal to the supply. At Ashland, Wis., 85 per cent. of the season's cut of white pine has been sold and it is estimated that at the end of the season no surplus stock of any account will be left at the producing points. Cer- tain sizes of low grades are reported to be almost out of the market at Buffalo and Tonawanda. Hardwoods represent the Opposite condition, the demand being quiet and the supply of stock more plentiful not- withstanding that many of the mills have, owing to wet weather, been producing much less than the usual quantity. Plain oak is receiving the greatest call. Bass- wood and maple are weak, while birch is strong. Log run maple has been selling in the Saginaw Valley at a considerable reduction from the high point reached earlier in the year. There is quite an active market for spruce and most of the mills have plenty of orders. It is not improbable that prices will be marked up a little in the near future. ’ The hemlock market also gives indications of strength. ‘Short lengths are quoted in the Saginaw Valley at $13, 16 foot at $14, and 18 foot at $15.50. Boards are worth $14. Lath are showing increased strength. The price list committee of the Mississipp; Valley Lumbermen’s Association have de- cided on an advance of 25 cents a thousand in all grades. This was agreed to by cor- respondence after the meeting on July 13, WooD BRITISH COLW KNIGHT BROTHERS Co, LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont, KI it being shown that stocks on hand are extremely light. The tone of the shingle market is also more hopefuland it is be- lieved that any change in prices will be in the direction of an advance. The action of the red cedar mills in curtailing pro- duction has had a beneficial effect. GREAT BRITAIN, The deadlock between shippers and im- porters still exists. The former are hold- ing to their prices, while the latter are endeavoring to bring about a general re- duction of about five shillings per stand- ard, at which price it is belieyed many importers are prepared to operate. If they should not, be successful in further breaking the market within the next week or two, it is probable they will come to the conclusion that prices have about reached bottom and will then place contracts for stock for autumndelivery. As the quantity of lumber contracted for is very small, any indication of an advance in prices might cause considerable anxiety among mer- chants who have allowed their stocks to become almost exhausted in the hope of buying to better advantage later in the season. Deal sizes are still in very little demand except in the better qualities, There has been no particular change in the pine situation, the high prices asked being against business. The reports con- cerning spruce are by no means uniform, but it is thought that a good foundation is being laid for an advance in the fall, It is reported that one or two small cargoes have changed hands at £7 5s c.i.f. Liver- pool, with a specification of about 60 per cent, of narrows and shortaverage. The lowest sale of the season was a large car- goat £7 cif. STOCKS AND PRICES. It is reported that 300,000 logs are hung up in the Spanish river. Louis H. St. Laurent, of Sutton, Que., is making heavy shipments of hardwood timber to Glasgow, Scotland. The cut of deals by the Bay Shore Lumber Company, Salmon River, N. B., this season will be about 3,000,000 feet. Rafting operations on the South-west Mirimachi river, in New Brunswick, have CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION been finished. The quantity of logsis not more than half of last season’s total, which : was 60,000,000 feet, Mershon, Schuette, Parker & Company, of Saginaw, Mich., have acquired about 15,000,000 feet of lumber in the Georgian Bay district which will be shipped to their Saginaw and Bay City yards. A statement compiled by the Wisconsin Valley Lumbermen’s Association shows that shipments for six months of this year aggregated 224,847,000 feet, as against 231,663,000 feet during the first six months of 1904, The Department of Indian Affairs, Ot- tawa, will receive tenders up to Friday, September ist, for the spruce timber of 9 inches and over in diameter at the stump on the Patcheena Indian Reserve in British Columbia. Information may be obtained upon application to the Indian Superintendent at Victoria, B.C. E. B. Lloyd, Crown Timber Agent at New Liskeard, Ont., reports that the cut “of logs in that district last winter was smaller than the previous year and that great difficulty was experienced in getting them out owing to low water. In addition to the saw logs taken out, 396,601 ties were manufactured, valued at $64,611.30. The Upper Ottawa Improvement Com- pany will bring 3,000,000 logs down the river this summer, which is a larger num- ber than has been brought down for some years. The reason for this is that the quantity will include 400,000 logs which were cut in the winter of 1903-4 and have since been held in the booms at Des Joa- chims. The following cargoes of lumber recent- ly reached the Saginaw river: 477,092 feet from Thessalon, Ont., consigned to E. B. Foss & Company; 196,644 feet from Cutler, Ont., consigned to F. G. Eddy & Company ; 502,175 feet from Little Cur- SS W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. Manvfacturer of . . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Red and White Oak, Maple and Elm Lumber. Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak Squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. S & SPICER, Limited 7 a0 ley hes ae MBIA RD CHDAR Capsecity 100 Million a Year. 2 vf Samples by eee Berit Fay Oot MILN'VAIGD DINGH FLOORING Sie Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOGK We AND PINE LUMBER = carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS Planing and Matching | MASON, GORDON & CO. ——IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. *"Phone 113 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER — DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH NANLUMBERCO,, LIMITED — : M°LEN Office and Yard, 57: DORCHESTER ST. ONTREAL SHIN GLES - We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. "= Wire Your Orders at ouR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, B.C ; LN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Send for Catalo Se MOULDINGS Eastern Agents The B.C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied i August 2, 1908 | om EMPLOYMENT BUREAU R. B. ST. GEORGE ; RAILWAY, LUMBER and ‘ CONTRACTORS’ AGENT 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. ’ Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroat { Work. Phone 1,950 3 ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. — Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, my Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tiex . . . 2... e SPECIAL — 50,000 4/4, 8/4 and 12 4 Soft 3 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft 100,000 4/4 M. R. Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40 6/4 Beech. Prices on application, D a ey, <= Mills, Timber & Trading 0., Vaucouver, B AL WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS, * P.0. Box 6 August 2, 1905 of the sheriff has not altogether been dis- ; rent, Ont., consigned to Bradley, Miller & - Company ; 545,33! feet from Cutler, con- . signed to Foss & Company; 517,085 feet — from Thessalon, consigned to Foss & _ Company. x timber, __ VANCOUVER, B.C., July 25.—After a summer of fairly good business, beginning to subside. Following is a comparative statement of etc., measured and culled at Quebec up to August Ist, as reported by the Supervisor of Cullers :— 1903 1904 1905 ‘ White Pine.1,083,440 1,484 280 1,039,560 eee vine......... "r 1920 148, 160 133,520 Se Se aacnagpios 34,000 2,960 1,200 ao 494,040 187,840 22,160 . Sa 364,080 200,680 477,849 Bee. ce S0RCO 14,160 8,760 Pees .. 40 I20 .. 189,560 114,680 197,600 ———————— ooo A __ BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. "(Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN . the trade - jn connection with the lumber industry is ‘ It°may be that because of harvesting operations, the farm- ers in the Northwest are not requiring 4 a ‘“ ? material for building, but just at present there is quite a lull. Some of the mills are taking advantage of it and are shut down for overhauling, something which seldom occurs as early in the season as this. This applies particularly to the mills on the coast. Some are still going full time of ten hours, while others are adding to stock. Up-ceuntry, conditions seem to be somewhat better. The mills of the _Kam- - loops Lumber Company are going even % overtime, and the Mundy Lumber Com- ¥ hy " —Ganadlan Gedar Tele- _ hi 4 ~ DIMENSION watery oP . x 4a 7 ae _ White Pine, Quebec pany, which will start operating this week or next, proposes to run night and day. And yet in parts of the Kootenay the fear * .. CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN.. graph, Telephone and “Blectric Light Poles “ —- Baneroft, Ont., and Oswego, X.Y. ‘ * a BANK ST. CHAMBERS W. B. BARTRAM - WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT Spruce and Hardwood. Special Bills sawn on short notice. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBORG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to 90 feet. TIMBER \ ss Every inquiry receives SASH - \ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ijl. pelled. On the whole, conditions are not nearly as bad as last year at this time, with the exception, perhaps, of the shin- gle branch of the industry. Prices, too, have been maintained, while during the late summer and fall of 1904 cutting of prices was going on. What has been sold has brought a fair figure. There is no appreciable betterment in the logging industry. As stated two weeks ago, the extensive operations of large numbers of camps are resulting in over-production. With the brisk business of the spring still continuing there would be none too much demand for logs, but with the falling off in trade many booms will go hunting for buyers. There is not a great deal of talk on the coast concerning the pool of the Moun- tain lumber manufacturers which was effected at Calgary a short time ago. That did not come as a surprise to those who have been watching conditions in the rapidly developing Territories, and before a very great length of time has elapsed the western manufacturers will have their own yards in the consuming districts. This will be hastened by the advent into British Columbia of American lumbermen, who have successfully carried on business by such methods for a number of years. The talk emanating from American sources of the probability of the United States Government withdrawing the duty on lumber entering that country is re- garded by prominent lumbermen here as merely a blind. If the duty is withdrawn, it will be with the idea of stopping if pos- sible the imposition of a similar duty by Exceptionally good Birch and Hemlock Lumber f.o.b. car South River Station. Mills at Midford (Eagle Lake,) Ort. THE ROBB LUMBER CO, LIMITED Guelph, Ont. Hunter, Grawford & Nieberdall (Successors to R. Watt LUMBER AND SQUARE TIMBER OF ALL KINDS POSTS, POLES, TIES, LATH AND SHINGLES Bill Stuff a Specialty WIARTON, ONT. Write Us for Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. OTTAWA, ONTARIO our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. ‘3 DOORS - B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ELL LAND & LUMBER CO. unre 604 Temple Bullding, Toronto : To MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto. et i ae **» Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s Barge or car load lots NN ————— J.B. Farwell & Son| FOR SALE Canada, and a repetition of the tactics of 1896 are looked for. Even with the duty off, the American lumbermen would still have the best of the bargain, as all the raw material used by Canadian manufac- turers is very heavily taxed, and the cost of production is, accordingly, much higher in comparison. LOG QUOTATIONS ADVANCE. The Lumber Review States that fir logs have advanced trom fifty cents to one dollar per thousand. One year ago at this time there was a surplus of 155,000,- 000 ft. in the watersofwestern Washington, but at this time there is not 20,000,000 above the regular demand. Logs have never been known to be so scarce on Pu- get Sound at this time ofthe year. There are but very few small loggers operating and the larger concerns represented in the Washington Logging and Brokerage Com- pany are working with a decreased force. The advance in fir logs became operative on July 1. No. two went from $4.50 to $s, merchantable from $6.50 to $7, floor- ing from $8 to $8.50, and long dimension material jumped up $1. NEW BRUNS LUMBER SHIPMENTS. The shipment of deals from St. John, N. B., this year has exceeded that of last year to the same date by about 17,000,000 feet. Shipments to June zo and for the corresponding period last year were : 1905 1904 Spruce deals, etc. sup ft. 82,000,000 65,000,000 Birch planks, sup. ft... 4,500,000 2,700,000 Birchtimber,tons. ... 3,200 2,000 Deal shipments from points at the head of the Bay of Fundy have been 25 per cent. less than last year and from THE | oO OSS SSSSSsSS9S8S3898 S55 ee Halitax 40 per cent.’ less. It is estimated that the total Nova Scotia spruce ship- ments this year will not be more than 60 per cent. of those of last year. I. Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. A.F, Holden, Vice-Pres, E.C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60° long. —— SARNIA, ONT. —— M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of -wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, J,ondon, Eng. MPERIAL LUMBER CO. LimiteD SAW AND PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONY. - RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of ‘ SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo. Registered Cable Address, “ Pinewood,” BRANCH Orrick, MANCHE wR, FN: Head Ovfice, TORONTO, CAN “American Lumberman Yelecode x» B.C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES S < Several cars now in transit, hence can give prompt delivery. SEND C. A. LARKIN J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY IN YOUR ORDERS Toronto Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc tn Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON’ - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. "Om Dnt OLes 5,000 pieces, 10 to 20’ long. Suitable for Hops, etc. Price 7—Well write us. THE LONG LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. ——————— Band - Girecular CACHE BAY, Ont. CF 26 miles West North Bay Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Gane UMBER aso LATH pl a ele ee, i ee RN a ROS Oh AP ON an os See aes ae Ne AO pee tae a ae j } ae ww F . : . wtp J q ~~ Ne ~ We prem ie £ ; | , a -~ } se CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August 2, 6905 “cows, Ee H. HEAPS & CO,, “1. Scuinbe Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : 4 AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. | - Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. | 4 w. Jj. coh fl Ll pe tt J. G. SCOTT, GENERAL MANAGER Pacific Coast Lumber Co. LIMITED VANGOUVER, B.G. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Etc. High Grade Red Cedar shin | Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, i 112 Mail Building TORONTO ~ D. c. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J. E. YOUNG, Cashier ‘The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. as sss White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ES a a Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work 7 pestersin CH DAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING | Mills at ‘RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario,. WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario | Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles.’ Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber q We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. : | C. WELLS — Export Lumber & e __ PALLISER, B.C. _ Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cou te and Lumber of all Descriptions. pi ia Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. W. B. McCKEcHNIE, President. . MacRAg, Ma re er. eo = Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A LUMBER CO. | for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Sear idl a Cc LIMITED tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping cece ln BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR 24 feet long—CLEAR. ~ BoC: FIR_DIMENSION AND “FINISH _SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measuremen = °@e of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents eaeads an A Boe nd Timber ; seks e Rules, and. much other obadth “O° ‘Ziel a ' Price 55 Cents ‘wows THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, on. et “ ‘ Ft x P ‘ ¥ r 4 €4 x a et, Ply ah, Mt Nels , , he eee PPE ts, ree OR ee, ee 1 ia no aes , | August 2, 1905 4 i — MANUFACTURERS and | WHOLESALERS THE EF PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE; ONT. 2 We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. DELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER 60., WHoLesaAaALe White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles Stocks in ne { Se a Powassan Cartier Callander Ontario Midland Whitney Sturgeon Falls North Bay TORONTO OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers. a ~ Office, Yards and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries a SS a FOR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, _— Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior - 4 j Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter, HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT: _ RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. _ BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of “ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Ambherst, N.S. i ‘News and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch 3 Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch - and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. _ JAMES J. MURPHY, *"'sidiicis""" QUEBEC he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF eee ber Co. * temper Co. White and Red Pine ¥ MILLS at (4p dated core. ee nt. | Lumber and Lath o’’ Branch ing Arcade, Toronto Water Shipments omens Coristine Building, Montreal © “ nd at Mills at Spragge. Tit AK BREANEN SONS MANUFACTURING 60, LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limiteo Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. a EE AUGER & SON - Quebec | _ PULP WOOD AND Tiss Bought at Any Station. Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and Lumber.—Write Us. A. F. BURY AUSTIN HOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER NADA PINE c of Ottawa Building, ae as James St., MONTREAL, CANADA TIES: Railway Rriage Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Dimension Timber, Norway Car Silis, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak avd ' caw nod. ned and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, 4 W back, end butted Su Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. a! = Fir sonic in any size or length up to go feet long. Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch Dr ! ough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar, ip WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS, 1A3 Manufacturers of and ‘dest apd Est wy Dealers in all kinds of . oe h Railway Delivery and Water A er Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. me Rett $6 ees R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CoO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE, Pi A NM BATE : & WEITE Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH » SHINCLES — Contractors for Baas auolies MIDLAND Oj ’ Nd BILL TIMBER a Spectalt A.& P. VHIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisti Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. Sy PEMBROKE ONT. > Manufacturers of and Dealers in CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY PINE, ONT. PENETANCUISHENE ONT. (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) F. M°CIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER a? | AGHA Shipments by Rail or Water. Midiand, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY WHOLESALE BRITISH, COLUMBIA FIR, iSPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES age gies ove Trasaitctee 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. J. F. FOSS, Manager. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK %, %, %. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. &, FINDLAY . OWEN SOUND, ONT | gta Lumber Co., timitea VI. CANADA LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August 2, 1905 BRITISH COLUMBIA TIMBER IN DEMAND. Ameriean capitalists closetothe manage- ment of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway are reported to be seeking to acquire ex- tensive timber lands on Moresby Island, the southerly island of the Queen Char- lotte group, in British Columbia: Within the next thirry days application will be made to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works for permission to cut the tim- ber on 107 square miles of land on Mores- by Island. For each square mile so taken up the Government fee will be $140 per annum. The identity of the capitalists behind the applicants for this land is unknown beyond the fact that they are Americans. It is supposed in some quarters that the McGoldrick interests of Ohio may be the background applicants, but this is only surmise, and is largely based on the fact that the Ohio people have recently ac- quired hundreds of square miles of timber lands from the coast right through to Pine River Pass along the route tributary to the Grand Trunk Pacific line. An extensive acreage of timber limits on Stuart and Fraser Lakes has been taken up by a number of Vancouver- ites. These lakes are not far from Fort George, and presuming that the Grand Trunk Pacific enters the province through the Pine River Pass, it will have to swing along toward the sea coast by the Nechaco, Endaco and Bulkley Rivers, and so the timber bordering on Stuart and Fraser Lakes and through all the country in that vicinity will be tributary to the new line. The Vancouverites who are paving the way to the ownership of the timber lands along the proposed transcontinental route are Messrs. Robert Kelly, F. C: Wade, K.C., G. I. Wilson and J. Y. Rochester. BRITISH LUMBER PRICE S. The following prices were realized for Canadian deals, etc., at an auction sale held by Foy, Morgan & Company, Lon- don, England, on July roth: PINE—Ex. Kildona, from Montreal — 14-16 ft. 3x 11 in. first quality red, £15 per standard of 1,980 ft.; 12-16 ft. 3 x 11, 415 10s; 14-17 ft. 3x 10, 414 158; 14-17 ft. 3x9, S15; 14-16 ft. 3x9, £14 158; 12-.6 ft.3x9, 414158; 14-16 fl. 3x11 in. second quality red, £10 5s; 12-16 ft. 3x11, S10 10s; 14-16 ft. 3x 10, £9 10s; 14-16 ft.3 x9, £9 15s and £10; 13-17 ft. 3x9,4915s. Ex. Hurona, from Mon- treal—8-16 ft. 3x11 in. first quality red, 416; 12-17 ft. 3x9, £15; 11-16 ft. 3 x 11 in. second quality red, £10; 13-16 ft. 3x9, £9155. SPRUCE-sEx. Cunaxa, from West Bay, N.S.—14 ft. 3 x 12 in. unassorted, £7 ros. Ex. Irene, from Matane and Rimouski, Que.—11-16 ft. 3x9 in. unassorted, £8 5s; 13 ft. 3x9,48 1osand £8 15s; 9-11 ft. 3x9, £8 158; 3-8 ft. 3x7 in. unassorted, £7 ; 4-8 ft. 3x6, £16 17s 6d; 5-8 ft. 3x11, £7 158; 4-8 tt. 3x9, 47 158; 4-8 ft. 3x8, £7 10s; 4-8 ft. 3x6, 46 15s. Ex. Halifax City from St. John—g-19 ft. 3x7 in. un- assorted, £7. Ex. St. John City, from Halifax—3-20 ft. 3x9 in. unassorted, £7 5s. Ex Montezuma, from Quebec—7-14 ft, 3x6 in. first quality, £9 15s. - i Y) ZZ] SSeS ooo FSS Se BY Sa NN SSN AN NSS RN SSN SSNS ee SAS SaaS ISSR SSS cwas © JUST A GENTLE REMINDER 4 ¥4 That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your y wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to / G why. } open up correspondence with us. ( Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you RSS SS The Red Deer Lumber Company ( WINNIPEG, MAN. Vas SSS SSS Sj LESSEE SHESSS YS SAE ASENAS SS | ys —_— UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. ‘WHOLESALE HARDWOODS BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE i | | - ST.LOUIS | | | McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERR ; NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY Aikioe GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St, DETROIY, MICH. Correspon ‘erce Invited on All Hardwoods. YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas, MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WICGIN so°stare’sr: will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY [s It uour WISH. . An Advertisementin the ‘‘Wanted’’ And ‘‘For Sale’’ Departmentot the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman, Torento CLEVELAND, OHIO TH ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty correspondence Solicited. ‘exe \e.e FRANK GC. BURY LUMBER . Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. WHOLESALE BURY & NOBLE ¢ Veneers MASON A. NOBLE > DETROIT MICHICAN fam ~ August 2, 1905 THE HARDWOOD DEMAND. Contrary to anticipation, says the Hard- wood Record of Chicago, the general ' hardwood lumber demand from one end of _ the country to the other has exhibited a _ | marked improvement during the last two __weeks—an improved condition in inquiry _ and actual ordering forward of stock that comes fully a month earlier than was ex- ___ pected even by the optimistic. 34 _ In the South weather conditions still re- main unfavorable for the getting out of _ oak and many other varieties of hard- __ woods, and it is practically certain that oak values, especially in plain wood, will _ outstrip the highest prices paid early in _ the spring. In Michigan and Wisconsin black ash has become so scarce as tobe almost out of the market. Maple, while in less aggregate supply _ than a year ago, is moving rather slowly. __ The flooring makers have consumed the big end of the inch, but there seems to be ‘a little overstock of thick lumber. The good end of basswood is moving very well indeed, and there is a special call for winter sawed, end. piled, strictly __ white. The coarse end of the wood is i dragging. Rock elmis very scarce and ranging oe 4 “ “Al ~ 8 Gordon Street _ - “3 Cable Address ; IMPORTER OF ET ZEBRA CODE “cable Address : “ GELLICHT,” LONDON ELBER, JUCKER & Co. > Lumber Importers CHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine ings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, m | 8, Chair Stock, 8 Seals, etc., or any 6 Suitable’ for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER IANCHESTER. Oak, Birch, Staves YERS OF part Ss JCARNWORTH & JARDINE i |Wood Brokers and Measurers| Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. s Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOTTLE,LIVERPOOL, ENC. ‘F. A. Lightbody A. B, C. CODE ‘GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & SO. Wood / gents and Brokers 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England s CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION high in value, and in many instances com- pletely out of stock. Good birch, especially that showing a fair proportion of red, is in strong demand generally in Michigan, while some of the Wisconsin dealers report it dragging. Grey elm, an exceptionally good wood, for some strange reason is not meeting the expectation of producers in volume of de- mand. Some dealers claim that the price was boosted too high early in the year and that many consumers have substituted gum and other woods in its place. The good end of poplar is still doing first rate, while the common and coarse end is dragging more or less. There seems to be an increased demand for quarter sawed oak, and apparently there has been less of this sawing produc- ed than last year, which would augur a prospect for increased values. Plain oak, however, stillhasthe call in the market,and buyers generally are recognizing that buy- ing plain wood at any reasonable, price constitutes a good purchase. C ANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Montreal: Steamer Lake Cham- plain, for Liverpool, 27,121 pcs. deals, 2,157 pes. boards, 2,860 pcs. ends, 407 pes. plank, 1,925 pcs. lumber, 4,026 bdls. = lumber, 2,730 bdls. shooks. Steamer Hurona, for London, 860 pes. deals, 493 bags birch squares. Steamer Lake Michi- gan, for London, 18,920 pes. boards, 19,632 pes. deals, 5,391 pes. plank, 13,978 pes. lumber, 2,531 bdls. lumber, 283 logs. For Antwerp, 10,034 pcs. deals. Steamer Sardinian, for London, 2,079 pcs. Steamer Englishman, for Bristol, 4,908 pcs. deals, 900 doors. Steamer Ionian, for Glasgow, 6,615 pcs. deals, 10,400 pcs. boards, 191 logs, 2,663 bdls. maple strips. Steamer Salacia, for Glasgow, 811 pcs. lumber, 752 pcs. planks, 400 pcs. boards, 5,505 pes. deals, 368 pcs. ends. Steamer Bengore Head, for Dublin, 1,000 bdls. staves. From St. John, N. B.: Schooner Estelle, for New York, 2,039,000 laths. Schooner Harold B. Cousins, for New York, 347,588 ft. plank, 94,523 ft. scantling. Schooner H.A. Holder, for Boston, 97,970 ft. boards; 25,000 laths, 10,500 clapboards, 250,000 cedar shingles. Schooner W. E. and W. L. Tuck, for New York, 222,951 ft. deals, 58,723 ft. scantling. Ship Elsie, for Dublin, 975,255 ft. deals, 43,551 ft. ends. Schooner Walter Miller, for Boston, 107,300 ft. boards, 550,000 shingles. Steamer Pydna, for Brow Head, 1,983,248 ft. deals and battens, 153,255 ft. scantling, 105,653 ft. lumber. Vil. ends, 186,413 ft. boards. Schooner Rosa, for Tralee, 499,368 ft. deals, 53,570 ft. scantling, 39,347 ft. ends. Schooner H. M. Stanley, for Salem, 124,000 ft. hemiock, 800,000 laths. Steamer Lewisport, for Brow Head, 1,477,123 ft. deals, 377,700 ft. scantling, 47,101 ft. ends. Schooner Tay, for Providence, R, I., 123,183 ft. plank, 59,681 pcs. lumber. Schooner Aldine, for City Island, 401,305 ft. deals, 4,025 ft. plank. Schooner Clayola, for New York, 960,000 laths. Schooner Romeo, for New Have, 70,353 ft. plank, 79,288 ft. scant- ling, 8,788 ft. boards. From Halifax, N. $.: Steamer Veritas, for Jamaica, 6,933 ft. pine lumber, value $121; B7008 ft. spruce lumber, value $75, by A. Jones & Co., agents. Barque Cae for Ipswick, G. B., 419,890 ft. spruce deals, valne $4,700. Barquentine Fremad, for Dundalk, Ireland, 323,701 ft. spruce deals, value $4,162, Barque Hugo, for Swansea, G. B., 298,158 ft. birch deals, value $3,204; 460, 810 ft. spruce deals, value $5,435, by W. M. McKay, agents. Barque Alastor, for Swansea, G. B., 297,- 836 ft. birch deals, value $3,370; 434,854 ft. spruce dea's, value $5,022, by W. M. McKay, agent. Steamer London City, for Liverpool, 1,009,396 ft. spruce deals, value $12,940; 177,869 ft. birch deals, value $2,419; 97,378 ft. hemlock deals, yalue $857, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. Brigatine Venture, for New York, 218,332 ft. hemlock scantling, value $2,400; 239,500 laths, value $503, by G.P. Mitchell & Son, agents. Steamer Angola, for Cuba, 71,841 ft. spruce boards, value $1,075, by T. A. S. De Wolf & Sons, agents. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS & Co. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS ‘* TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. oncents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log; Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. | OUIS BAMBERCER, Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, -E. C. Pee ce Address ‘'‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods _ Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOAEDS a ar DIRECTORY cope ASHTON & PETFORD BISHOP LANE, - HULL, ENGLAND BUYERS OF BOX SHOOKS Invite correspondence from manufacturers who are in a position to export to Great Britain. Cable address, ‘‘Shooks,’’ Hull. Codes—A. B. ¢c. 4th Edition and Zebra. AMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS Ash, Grey and Heading, Handies of alii Veneers A Specialty Elm Logs and Lumber, Elm descriptions |SMITH & TYRER - {4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyYRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : “‘ TECFONA” Glasgow. Ar and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, London,” THOMPSON, ° BROKERS Codes: Letras Western Union, Southards, and B.C. 4th and 5th Editions. BLOIS & Co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents. Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG, AOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. Oe oele ( AA BOs eee te All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods soltenie for the English arket. ALFRED Seer T. & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers CABLE ADDRESS \** - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND DOBLE, LIVERPOOL.” 4 — ¢ =A Cy vill. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION 3 August 2, 1905 - THE ONTARIO WHITE PINE LUMBER LATH LUMBER AY LIMITED Hons se Suilding 1 ORONTO, Ont. a ee Bay. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay R. and G.T.R. Delivery. ; Water Shipment Only. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, oa. MANUFACTURERS { Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, OF » ss Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. CANADIAN THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. LUMBER PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS WA N T E D HEADQUARTERS HarpDwoop Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard We solicit consignments of long Cleveland,O. McMinnville, Tenn. and short lumber from the Mari- We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots time Provinces and are prepared - Seas Grtsvio aed Gee. | MGLénnan Timber Land and EO. G. GLADMAN xsrercroxs OF ——esemsmmman WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES sm Millgat Smith’sBay == PARRY SOUND, ONT. CORRESFONDINCE E have Three Millions of Hem- HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER | lock, running in lengths from & MANUFACTURING CO. 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre- Dealers in Pine: Hema . ° ock pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 and Hardwood Lumber... — feet or over. mame WOODSTOCK, = A. P. HBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Poet 4 Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock WIARTON, OWT. palace THE NEW LINE 4 Through the Spruce Forests of the Laurentian — bec. 4 4 5 5 Lumber GO., Limited NORTH ERN Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesbury. — ADDRESS : Water-Powers, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELECTRIC CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO ee eee ner oe in all RAILWAY Power For Sate. Ipgat Putp-Mitt Sirs. s Us . Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. : R 5 Offices: Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. CANADA ; ig7 Mk St) = \ BOSTON, MASS. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. ¢ © 5SQtieral sop, MONTREAL Cr er AL Pine shorts 6’ to 11’x10” 16 00 LATH. GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES~WHOLESALE i iwics as gs Si good shorts: Pine, 8ups. c. sidings 16 50 20 00 . q . Pinte strips. aioe, xsfew Pine e Sroste os bu" oy a0usions ae aye | Spruce....+sseeeeesee $3 40 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 12 00 14 00 SHINGLES. , Pine, box beards.... 00 14 50 Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 pea butts, 6x18 LSS 25 5 5° cio cia s seeesees 25 00 28.00] Pine mill culls..... 13.00 14 00 7 TORONTO, ONT. ayia: and r¥:in... 28 00 35 00 | Lath, per M Ceachnte: te 35° 375 z lo dvips iv drepalo’ee : * CAR OR CARGO LOTS. BMG, .cmaina sas ace 034100 98) 00 No. x white pine..: 240 260 XG wsseeee 459 475 petit 0 Ake /2205 1 inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 to 10 in.,1.to16ft. 15 00 16 00 sition ee nee awhile Bae Ie 5 a S cuts & becter...... $47 00 $49 00} 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 Sth: osha ee ag tee a5 00} Red Pine, millrun.. 200 215 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. 1% to2 inch No Clear inch B. C. cedar, BineuiNagis dressing Pine Shingles ’ : cuts and bette 5 oo 5100] kiln dried...........- Sono stripsskecvevedsacte: 18 00 24 00| ° XXXX, 18 inch....... . 300 325 WHITE PINE. 1% & 2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar Pine No. x dressing Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 : : cuts and better.... 42 00 4400] airdried boat lumber 55 00 shorts Seidel aces || Gace Pi pale eo 40. x 60 (Wholesale selling price.) 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension Pine, 10s. ¢ and-bet- Cedar Shingles i Uppers, 1,1%,1¥%and2 Pe Weer ero evts and better.... 37 00 3800) timber, 25 to 30 feet 3g. 00 ter stock, 12’ to 16/ 20 00 2200] XXXX, 18 inch........ 3 25 IG a aeice Sosteebe 78 00 | Shelving, No. r, 13 in. rin pasa Dressing aga one ee lag a jroo Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- ‘| Clear Butt,18 inch... 2 50 2% and 3 in....... 85 00 ani ap, 4 RENE SET er 0 oI , i i er le an ete ecamiatnte, 2aror gin dat aie Pine 2 ter stock, 12 tor. 17 00 19 00 xX, 18 inch.......... 1 60 I 70 a a ee ee oe ie. «Mee ae 1X 1O ccmmon...... 19 50 20 00 PCT Cas clecasieye ims wenn 350 3 I to 2i co ae N M - 1x Ze common.....- 21 00 22 00] 1% in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 09 3 10 4 4 aye via. zee c 3 Mouling Sit, : 1xX.0 common...... 20 00 21 00| 14” No.1 32” pine lath I 70 SARNIA, ONT. Ait ete Re co| Barn, No. z, za in.. 32 00 1XIO common...... 21 00 22 ov | 14” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 2 89 Wine cousnant 6 ty s§00| 6 8 and 10 in.seee Se ad - and 3x12 common. 22 00 23 00 XXX-X Pine Shingles 290 3 00 UPPERS. 1% x4and §".......600- $21 00 1% and 136 ee ab iGo No. a Toiped ass — mac inch box and XX Fine Shingles .|. 2 10).2'28 “and uv wide, . $73 00 1% x6" and up.......-. 24 00 SAND Ss ovreien Patereetate 58 00) No.2, 12 IMs. . cere 26 00 common .....-...- 20 00 21 co| X Pine Shingles .. 90 eon ue fais 1) ae ao 15/ HOM woven iapeieai os 25 00 B itheahesles ae (OE Pe onthe 20 00 Inch mill runsidings 2c 00 22 00] XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 25 oA a4e “ Si eo 15, K WAM cc secucnsacecese 27 00 ES Ogee te No neni des a, 1 in. mill run. . + 20 00 21 00 B. C. Shingles 272 and 3 Ph ara 1% x 6’ and up......... . 24 00 Cut’g up, No. 1, x in. “48 00] Box seen Fs Aina 17 50 1x10 and 12 mill culls 16 00 17 00 | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 290 4 3 RSG SIO ea 25 00 Ned iy in’ Pape oe pT 9 aie 1 juen mill cull Sid- XXXX 6to 23-16 in, 3 12 SELECTs. rid cata) en aie eee 27 00 danas code ie ae ao yt nee ‘ees 9 Sau Nicleieloigie tela deme s 15 00 16 00| XXXXX5toz2in.. 345 in. 8” and up wide.... 63 00 2’ = 6’ and up.........- 25 00 No. 2, 3%, & 1% in 36 00 rxi4. eo eee al 00 I in ‘ileea cull sidings 12 00 13 00 | XX No, 2, 6to2in.. } 249). 3 % and2” “ .... 6300 Si = lol... Se. ees 26 00 No. 3, 1%, anil 1% 25 00| , IxIgandup...... vas csi 4 ee at Pe “3 25 . xx 6 to 23-16 in. 244 and 3 Phas 73 co Pe an eae TO oo . 28 00 No. 32” ceseesseee 27 00 Ma it Gat, in.. 20 00 emlock,1x4 to 5 in. 15 5? 4 wee+ 78 09 NO. I BARN, Dressing 1%in...... © 36 oo} Mill Culls, 1, 1%, 1% ‘g HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. FINE, COM. AND BETTER. x Ant jc see ..$23 00 to $30 00 oe aie T2sseeee oe bse and 2 Din chpacts 17 00 F : : in., 8’ and up wide.... 54 00 1%, 1% ra 28 oo to 31 0o = aioe ole Sass Aah White,.1 to 2.40 xia, moceymill yr" Ba rend 14" Pa nay a 00 aif a and a 3. ey oo The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber's buying ists and ands...... $33 00 $35 00| 10 pe “a tO ee ea 2? i Utes. $2) 551.00 4 ised 35 00 _— price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; : s Asi, black, xsts and TUN se euees 144" 3.. 29 00 30 00 FINE COMMON. NO 2 BARN. WHITE ASH. and, 1 to 1g in.. .. 27 00 29 00 Hickory, 1sts Tete ake een 45 00 to 62 00 PMs lee Seance 20 00 10 24 00 Ist & and, x inch, 33 00 35 00 to 4 IN...eeeeeeee 43 00 Birch M M.R.,rin. .. 21 00 2200] and ands..1%‘' 2.. 36 00 3800 © y1/, 134 to 2” .. FO 00 I 00 1%, 2 and 1% to2in......0... 39 00 4I 00 Strips vasa cncescon 22 00 ‘ 2.. 2300 25 00} Maple 1” mill aie 3and 4”.. 68 co 33 co p ay" a 22 oo to 23 50 Com. and culls....... 16 00 sf is. ang ax 200 3600 TUNG 1 13% 20 00 2X 00 " E ip 2 26 00 Fakemrsed.. Pea Maple, _1sts NO. I CUTS. Sas BLACK AND uno Ae . and better 1 toxin 24 00 25 00| and a2nds..2 ‘' 4.. 24 00 26 0c rin , 8’ and up wine. - 33 00 NO. 3 BARN. Ist & ana, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00| Com. & g culls... 1§ 00 Basswood, 1% toz.. 25 27 00 | Oak;red, p’n, 1% in. pis, 4 GOp Wie (ERT ie aaanie ole 17 oo to 200 BIRCH. m. r. 1 1% 2400 2600 ists & 2nds2 ‘' 4.. 44.00 4600 I%in. ++» 46 00 va 1% and 2” 18 00 to 20 50 ist & ‘and, 6in=h & ist &and white, €’ &up, 24 00 Cherry, isis Oak, white, 2! ee aie) 47 OO MIA i'n cielalere sive ain 21 00 up, r fed 30. onde 36 Go 38 00 | Com. & good culls..... 13 00 400 and znds.. 1 ‘‘ 1% 53 00 60 00 cheek 1 '' 1% 42:00 44 00 24h and 3” ete es co nox oa Cherry, sts ak, white, 4 -.. 62 00 N 5 " g, &ends2 ‘ 4.. © 00 o. 1, 2”, 1%, st & ad,rock,6in &up 76 00 28 oo rt a soft,6in & up, 24 00 35, sim, antl gtr ne Oak quaitid, peas ak ae + ae 2 ee ic Thy 2+ seeee 13 50 to 18 00 Common and ‘culls .. 15 00 17 00 and culls....., 16 00 17 0 Suinelaie’s x ' 1% 24 00 25 00| sts&ends ‘' 2.. 70 00 80 00 eae tg! Wh ) ra an aR aah » 1%, eis arcs woe Elm, wotl; He Walnut, sts y, éi seve 33.000 | TYG 2... eee 1) ie “ 2 see» 36 00 ist & and hard...... 21 00 23 00, Ist &and,soft...... a 00 31 00 PW» coos 3...95 00 2600] andends..1 ‘' 3.. 85 00 10900 2%,3and4” “ boon 4g 00 sin daw peeiae Common andculis.. 1300 24 00 | Common and culls.....-11 00 al NO. 3 CUTS. oa : : : dete We See ten aie. « 3 00 a 1 “e “ QUEBEC, QUE. Fagen hares c aalco No. 2, abe to BOSTON, MASS. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT 2” “tse. 2 00 pate White Pine Uppers, 1 to 2 wes: ceseee coon esesee$82 00 to $85 cts. 2%,3and4” wes 27 00 No. 1, 48” pine...... Sos 3.25 Selects, 1 to 2 inch... 6800 8673 Square wiite vine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.......-. 3 45 SEL ARON. Nos't, 320 80 cae 0 FCO Fine Common, 1 jach. 2 55 00 60 © First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to oi 62 8 N09 2,048 os tite wee 275 1¥ to2inch.. . 58 00 63 © 1gtozoinchaverage “‘ “ 4 ‘ 65 ix Bln cee ce ee ee ecunees 18 00 Sanu EES No. 1 Cuts, 1 inch ....... 4100 43, 7 OR el ae ante’..0 0 oe pape XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, c 1 ee a Pichi gee Pak = ot ee M:asured off, according to average and quality fepdicistslaiaiais niin clade 27 «33 a Aeris Sanne ahr ien 5 . ’ No. 2 Cuts, 1 ini wale aaicer 4 Shiv in oder AG ae NEB ny eee a mows oe ios Clee 40 i x10" poe eerareaveeene 22,00 5 to.2 x 16 tenpeeeens ane 2 75 14 toa inch re Le 4I 00 ping “sre 3 Wea! ote Whe cn at . 23 00 CB; : 1 85 Barn Boards,No. 1......+++: ii 30 00 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. i’ xizgand wup.......... a5 00 No, 2 ‘ se SS 5 me Bin vaehkaokre sig te 25 00 By the dram, according to average and quality. . Cay 50 «(56 eat ae oe p rabeer + ap 23 50 ae "git, anid pnders....0.ngereewter : By the dram, accordir, R to average and quality 4oto4gsfeet. 65 75 ALBANY, N.Y. 1o and 12in. random pe pe 1o ft. and up. goto35fet. 52 £4 PINE. 2x3, aK 2x5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, : ASH. TO ft, ANG UP... ..0s cnetne ee. cur Eee wers cemeeae Uppers in 83 85 | 1x12 anh shippers ......... to inches and up, croraiye to avenge and ged Rat tit 26 Ava 0 83 8 4/4 inch BP 13” & oe All eS eo lengths, 9 im. and under, 10 Average 16 inch. . . : A Eagan it 1tozin.... 78 4/4, Box boards 6” and up.. I9 20 lecchantable board. | 8 ft. & up,p.1s BIRCH, inch uppers ... 88 Io- in. dressing and better... 30 35 pe St ne oD eT antabie boards, pee up see Grete 2% in wu 82 | x2-in. dressing and better Cy P. 1B 14 Inch TN akc He ear ei ye: D p.- 77 cregtek . 40 42 ixaand 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and bundied .. 16 “* Sete Ae ea Fin te Pat tn al laste 5) 28 AMD waleee oirew vob wats 7a 72 IXro-in. .... 21 F ia a : 28 31 Fine common, 2% i in. and up cH 75 21 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. “ 1 a ara Nictalee ic Sign te get eRe ce ae 2952 Bextra coos eennvsonee voreenneee 3 35 Ne , ears..... Neale wee sige’s ial (a nieie ance pews 2 0.8. +0» enna*s* M5 | TXB arecereeen 25 Second Clears .......4seeneceeencene ees 2 30 OTTAWA. ONT, i} gener acs 3 51) No.\sberny axe 26 27 = Clear Whites ......... aie bnaht sessemne 215 MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Peg x molding, x toain..... * | le rg <4 a Extra 1s (Clear tte ye “ : 35°". Pine, gocd sidings: xx10_ No. 1 barn... 2100 = Stained sapS......sseseesee 32 40 Shaky clear, x to 6/4 in....-. 32 38 an hae ss pear a ice 5° : RE ein up 39 Q0 4200 ay 2 b sees 1900 = Bracket plank ......202-200+ rt vin dbaees 28.00 BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLER I n x 1% in, xX 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn.... 19 00 ©=>- Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. Dressing .....+ seevsecene mats ry Sin. and up....... 5000 5400/1x8&qNo.2" .... 7 oo Paso Bonne Merci mat oe 3 2 Dressing ens scvecee 24 4 hed Cotes Bets 20 Pee ee a 3 ain, x8 in. and up 52 00 56 0o| Pine Shorts 6 to 11/x8 15.00 © xxxq inch shippers......—. a5 22 “ — Perfectio Butts to 4 ‘ine : 39 fa “ { % * ae 8 my bite ant . : . i Satis Sy ee C ae S Cre Ses ay aes ee vie Bs ited ‘ou. XII f{"\, > i Qe \NADA [| UMBERMAN . PUBLISHED BY >. of Toronto, Limited federation Life Building - TORONTO. _ Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL - 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. “ au Telephone 1274 ; HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C, 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, Lonpon, E. C. - he Weekly Lumberman — Published every Ww as aioli reliable and up-to-date re- ts of market conditions and tendencies in the cipal manufacturing districts and leading nestic and foreign wholesale markets. A ly m. of information and communica- tween Canadian timber and lumber manu- sand s and the purchasers of yroducts at home and abroad. ithly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, ng fully and impartially subjects perti- the lumber and wood-working industries. ats will be inserted in this depart- ) its per line each insertion, i nsécutive insertions are discount of 25 pet cent. will be allowed. shows the : reil type; 12lines make one inch. Ad- ents must be received not later than 4 >, m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in nt week’sissue : i « YATANTED—1", ¢/4’, 2” COMMON BEFCH, irch and Hard Maple 5/4 Beech C& B. Wormy Chestnut. All dry. R. E. , Hamilton, Ont. / CE AND TAMARAC DIMENSION ‘or sale, either quality furnished—sizes 6x6 KI2, Some 12x12, 18 to 24-ft. lengths, per- longer if required. Address Box 302, f CANADA LUMBERMAN, DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO Cedar Shingles and Lath. Tor- sy _ ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 WA Logan Avenue, Toronto. — = 4 {TED — PARTNER WITH SMALL apital for good paying, contracting and Siness in good live western city in .ddress Box No. 246, CANADA LuM- LE—THREE LANCASHIRE BOIL- S 250 H.P. each. Good for working one hundred lbs. each. Apply to KESWORTH Sons & Co., LTD., 551 treet, Montreal. sy |. YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU n to sell? If 90, make the fact known to buyers by placing an advertisement in anted and For Sale Department of this Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- R MILLION FEET OF STAND- mber and land composed of chest- wood, oak, ash, maple, basswocd, ¥ +e M capacity me 52 f= De Ss ough property ; good marker for Sood, stove wood, hubs, spokes ug in the product of a sawmill— ng and matching machine, ,and moulding machine ; con- res; will be sold . _ theta y spur on property ; the best lo ese parts, Original forest. J. 4 sd taal Bismarck Station, dth of the line and is set — . BUYERS IN WEEKLY EDITION GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL — AUGUST 9, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER ANTED—ALI, PULP MILLS AND PULP WOOD Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which is bound to interest you. 2G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y Were rg TaN same quanti of Slabs. Srmcozk Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish boom, Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchwood, Ont. FOR SALE 1’ and 1%” 1904 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Two cars 1’ Soft Maple, cheap. r 1” 1905 wae cut, trimmed, all pure White Hard Maple. 1”, 1%” and 2” 1905 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. The W. R. THompP- Write for lists and prices. SON Co., Teeswater, Ont. FOR SALE _ White Pine Lumber NO. I SHEET, Feet J 1,895 £/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts — 2,962 17 x 10” x 12/16 ft. M/C stocks 27,735 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts ’ NO. 3 SHEET. 26,945 1’ x 4”/ up x 6/1: ft. sound common 44,-93 5/4” x 4”/ up X 6/11 ft. sound common 1’ x 8” x 12/18 ft. sound common 852 6/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. sound common 69 17 x 11” x 12/18 ft. sound common | 10,567 1’ x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft second quality 8,234 5/4” x 4”) up x 6/11 ft. second quality 69,000 5/4” x 4/7 x 12/18 ft. second quality 2,621 5/4” x 8”/ up x 12/18 ft. second quality 44,400 2” x 4/7” x 12/18 ft. second quality 38,457 2” x 6” x 12/18 ft. second quality NO. 4 SHEET, 118,214 4/,” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 74,606 5/4” x | 11 ft. S/C shorts 2,521 6/4” x 6/11 ft $/C shorts 66,271 1” x 8” x 12/16 ft. S/C and better. 2,882 5/4” X 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 39,826 5/4” x 12/16 ft. M/C strips 37,861 5/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 7,435 6/4” x 4/7” x 6/11” M/C shorts 3.222 5/4” X 8"/ up x 6/11 ft M/C shorts NO. 5 SHEET, 66,539 8/4” x 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 5,762 5/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 33,627 8/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 10,746 4/4” x 8/ up x HB ft. M/C shorts 46,630 4/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 14,574 /4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 1,218 6/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 4,680 8/4” x 6/xx ft. S/C shorts 4,317 6/4” x 12/16 ft. S/C strips No. 6 SHEET. 1,456 1” x 4/7” x 6/r1 ft. M/C shorts 7,194 14%" x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 1,164 1%” x 4/7” up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 13,804 1” x 8” up x 6/11 tt. M/C sidings 4,310 1%” x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. M/C strips 9,373 1” x 8” up x 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 161,856 1” x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 21,719 14” x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 2,438 1%” x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 370,168 1” x 4/7” x 12/16’ S/C Strips. 25,703 1%” x 9” x 12/16 ft M/C stocks 11,795 17 x9" X 12/16 ft. M/C stocks No, 7 SHEET. 200,000 1” x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. second strips No. 8 SHEET. 147 913 1%” x 12/16 ft S/C sidings 297,073 1” x 12/16 ft. S/C sidings 217,932 17 x 10” x 12/16 ft. good ~ 54,295 17 x 11” up X 12/16 ft. good 33,948 1” x 12/16 ft. second strips. ' Aw F. BURY AUSTIN, Wholesale Lumber & Timber Merchant ' Montreal. FEW CARS OF GOOD BASSWOOD LUM- ber for sale ; also basswood heading. I. C. SCRIPTURE, Coe Hill, Ont. — . FOR SALE AT ONCE OMPLETEK PLANING MILL OUTFIT, _including Boiler 56” x 12’ and Climax Engine 9"x12', all new. MANITOU LUMBER Co., North Bay, Ont. | States buyers have not taken quite as NADA LUMBERMAN AND WOOD-WORKER a ~The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $1.00 Per veaR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE NOs) 237) OR SALE—SAW AND STAVE MILL IN J Western Ontario. Can be seen in opera- tion now. Must be sold at once, to close an getate: Box 306, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Tor- onto, ; INE LIMIT RIGHTS ON GEORGIAN BAY for sale—36 square miles; water toute to bay. Also 500 acres virgin elm and hardwood. St. Clair river close to water and tail, Cheap. THOMPSON & ‘THOMPSON, St, Catharines, Ont. FOR SALE. IVE CARS OF 2” AND TWO CARS OF 1” t soft elm, common and better ; also two cars 1” and 144” basswood. All 1904 cut. Box 245, CaNnaDA LUMBERMAN. WANTED—POSITION S STENOGRAPHER AND OFFICE WORK- er, -Several years experience in whole- sale lumber office.’ Address Box 305, care of CANADA LUMBERMAN. OR SALE — 550 ACRES OF STANDING timber 1n North Hastings, comprising soft elm, ash, basswood, hard maple, cedar, hem- lock, ete. feet, board measure. Will sell cheap for cash. Easy to log and a railway close by. Apply Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN. baka CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. Li ONTARIO. ‘ The lumber demand is confined almost _ exclusively to immediate requirements, | but in pine especially this represents a large volume of business. Building ma- terial has been and is in excellent de- mand, and dealers are finding difficulty in securing sufficient dry stock.’ Much of the new cut is not yet in shipping con- dition. A Western Ontario manufacturer who takes a very optimistic view of the outlook, reports a heavy business in special bills which are shipped direct from the saw, such as bridge and car tim- bers, white pine decking and light and © . heavy construction timbers. United much lumber as last year, but this has been offset by the increased home con-— sumption. The hardwood trade does not show a great deal of activity, but manufacturers appear to have confidence in the situation and are not cutting prices. They are waiting for the fall demand, which they expect will be good asa result of abun- dant crops and the consequent increase in the purchasing power of the country. Hardwood prices are by no means high, and the margin of profit to manufac- turers is small, ing season’s production of logs is likely to be curtailed. ye QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Considering that labor troubles have interfered with building operations in Montreal, the showing made by the building permits, which are in excess of — last year, is very encouraging. The Estimated to cut about two million — For this reason the com- Il. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ie Seg) ee eee ee ee er % ° eee vo we ah ‘ af hig >: Ot a ~ ie Nt PO oy es Oe ' wV vo eee .. ear ‘a . oo, 4 . bn ~*~ August 9» 1905 season promises to continue active, with a good demand for lumber. British ship- ments from Montreal during July were light. The Quebec timber market is quiet, with nominal price fluctuations. Oak isa little lower, while ash is quite firm at 26 to 28 cents for 10 inch average and 30 to 32 cents for 16 inch, Maritime Province spruce is going principally to the United States, where conditions are good. A Halifax shipper takes exception to the statement in a recent issue that the South American market is in a healthy condition. He claims that shipments have been much lighter than last year, and that there is now very little activity, whereas at this time last year buying for fall shipment was much in evidence. Nevertheless, spruce lumber at present prices should be good property, UNITED STATES, The healthy condition of the white pine trade has been further strengthened by the almost certainty of an abundant crop of winter and spring wheat and the proba- bility of a record yield of corn. Another year of continued prosperity in all lines of business is believed to be assured, and this has brightened the outlook for lumber. All grades of white pine are moving actively for this season of the year, and prices are being well maintained. Our Buffalo list this week shows an advance of $1 per thousand on all grades of barn| boards and inch No. 2 cutting up. Ten inch box is also slightly higher. Spruce Iumber is showing increased strength. The wholesale price at Boston was last week advanced $2 a thousand feet on. frames and from 50 cents to $2 on random. | Although the mills are operating to their full capacity, stocks are not accumulating, and it is claimed that-the»recent advance | in prices is warranted by the relation of supply to demand. It is between seasons with the hard- woods and many of the larger manufac- turing concerns are allowing, their stocks to run down. When they again enter the market prices are not likely to be much changed, for there is an ample supply of stock of nearly all kinds. The exception to this ig plain oak. Basswood is still wi BRITISH cx We have hz VYire Your Orde’ 1 KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Brc Owen So' HARDWOOD, HEMLOG We carry a full supply of native Hardwood At the present time we have piled at outs’ woods, and about the same quantity of Owen Sound, and we should be able to mer) WILL MAKE SPEC BROKEN LOTS 4T moving unsatisfactorily, while the demand for birch continues fully up to the supply. Lath is quite scarce and the demand continues strong. No, 1 white pine in car- load lots is selling in Chicago at $4.25, No, 2 at $3.50 to $3.75, and No. 1 hemlock at $2.25. FOREIGN, Conservatism still characterizes the operations of British lumber merchants, with the result that most of the, transac- tions taking place are infinitesimal. It is hoped that the beginning of peace nego- tiations will stimulate the demand and re- store confidence, which has been lacking nearly all season, but thisis by no means certain. It is some satisfaction, however, to learn that a few merchants are prepared to do business at present prices. One authority Says that many of the most cautious importers, who had some time ago decided to postponefurther operations to an indefinite period, and leave autumn cargoes alone, are now negotiating for further goods, and, we are glad to say, some good contracts have resulted. Sell- ers, on their part, are undoubtedly acting wisely in continuing to sell at the old figures while buvers are in the humae to - tendency to ‘advance in prices, be stranded in the upper waters of the St. John. Already several manufacturers in this city are reckoning their available raw material as sufficient for a few days only, and unless a rise of water occurs itis prob- able that the end of this month will find most of the important plants on the river shut down for an indefinite period. Under ordinary circumstances, when the log drives have reached the main river they are considered in safe water, but the fact that there has been no important rainfall at the headwaters during the past two months and that the river is con- sequently phenomenally low, has entirely upset the calculations of those interested, Logs are coming into the booms at Fred- ericton very slowly and unless conditions improve materially during the next week rafting operations will be entirely sus- pended. A feature of the trade is the increasing demand for spruce lath in the New York market and a consequent firmness with a Ship- -ments from this port during the last month have been moderately heavy and stocks are consequently somewhat below the figures given last month; 2,000,000 would easily cover the available. At present writing spruce slab lath are quoted f.o.b. schooner St. John at $2.45 for non-dutiable and $2.20 for dutiable. The cedar shingle market has since last writing developed a lack of stimulus which has had an unfavorable effect upon prices, although at just this season of the year this condition is expected and there- fore in this case bas caused no surprise whatever. Stocks in this line are moder- ately heavy owing to the scarcity of ton- nage suitable for the shipment of this kind of goods, as mentioned in previous letters, although shipments during the past month have been somewhat larger than the out- put. At this date the total holdings in this line would aggregate 4,000,000. Prices at this date on cedar shingles, f.o.b. schooner St. John, are quoted at: Extras, $2.70; clears, $2.20; 2nd clears, $1.75; No. 1’s, 90 cents. Merchantable inch spruce boards are brisk and stocks have been somewhat re- duced during the past month; 1,250,000 “ 'W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. Manvfacturer of . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc. Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading and Red and White Oak, Maple and Eim Lumber. Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak — squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. ARTHUR A. WATT 4 WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tiex ..:.. SPECIAL, — 50.000 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B,; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M.R Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4 Beech, Prices on application. A SPLENDID ROUTE. — The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term- ed the “Sportman's Line’”’ because it reaches into and through the very heart of the choicest hunting grounds in America. The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire North is reached ONLY by this line. Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and during the various seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes — daily information toi:s patrons as to local con- d:tion s anywhere along its lines upon applica- tion to the nearesiticketagent. Italsoarranges its train service with special reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make ea over their lines pleasant and comfort- able. This line offers the best route between Chicago, St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minneapolis or to Lake Superior points via Ashland, Wisconsin. Information given by addressing— JAS. C. POND, Wis, Cent. R.R. Milwaukee. HELP| Can be obtained at small cost by advertising in the Want Columns of THE WEEKLY .Cxa ae LUMBERMAN. — -CER, Limited HD CHDAR SHIN GHEE lillion a Year. sking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. z to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, B.C. -OORIN Planing and Matching 2 wt Samples by ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. tactory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH | M°LENNANLUMBERCO,, LI MONTREAL QUE, Yffice and Yard, 57: DORCHESTER ST. Send for —— KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls. MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec x Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading — Co., Vaucouver, B. C. ‘% DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied — WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. oP il \ i TF a % MITED — P.0. Box n6 _ ft. would cover the available at this date. Prices quoted last month, namely, $10.50 per M ft. for dutiable and $12.50 for non- * dutiable, f.o.b. St. John, will still apply. While little is offering in the way of charters to the United States, the ex- treme scarcity in this line has been some- what relieved but not sufficiently so as yet __ to affect rates, which are quoted to Boston _ (long lumber) at $3.00 and to New York Renal $3.75. THE COOPERAGE STOCK SITUATION. ~ The Sutherland-Innes Company, Chat- ; ham, Ont., furnish the following report of _ cooperage stock conditions: _ Business is beginning to look up again : ‘in the cooperage trade, although it is not _ yet what it should be for this season of the _ year. The reports from different apple- __ producing states are very conflicting, some of the reports giving as high as 75 per _ cent. crop, while others go down as low as 25 per cent. We believe, however, - taking it all around, there will be a fairly _ good apple crop in the United States, and ¥ certainly if all the good apples are barrel- _ ed, the demand for cooperage stock will be very heavy indeed. Prices of stock, however, are very unsatisfactory to the ‘manufacturers, some of the smaller manu- _facturers having been compelled, on ac- _ count of financial matters, to sell their stock at low figures to the dealers, and _ the dealers are offering the stock at prices which would make it impossible for the manufacturers to make a living or to "duplicate the stock. A great deal of this ‘stock, of course, is of a quality which is dear at almost any price, but still it affeets J B. Farwell & Son Ganadian Gedar Tele- ‘Oran, Telephone and ‘Blectrié Light Poles \ Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. > <7 BANK ST. CHAMBERS 7 7 MENSION { TIMBER SASH - Bill Stuff a Specialty ‘Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION the market, both to the detriment of the manufacturers who turn out good stock and to the regular consumers who buy good stock but have to compete against the traveling coopers who buy this cheap stock, and sell barrels at very low figures. This is more particularly the case in lower grades of stock; flour and sugar barrel stock area good deal firmer than they were, and with the prospects of the best wheat harvest for years, it will undoubted- ly consume a very large amount of stock. We look for much higher prices in the higher grades before the end of the season. There is no doubt that the prospects of such excellent crops all over the country will also boom business generally, and in. crease the consumption of cooperage material all along the line. The outputs at the different mills have been very much curtailed this season, a great many of the mills already having cut out their stocks and closed down, for the balance of the year, as they found it unre- munerative to truck logs at the present prices of staves, hoops and heading. The weather has been most unfavorable throughout the North and a good. part of the South for the production of cooperage stock. In some parts rain has averaged from twenty to twenty-two days in the month, not continual rain, but more or less rain every day. This has had the effect to cause considerable of the stock to mil- dew and reduce the production of high- grade stock very considerably, of course increasing the production of low-grade stock. The present indications are that busi_ ness will continue to pick up and that the EMPLOYMENT BUREAU R. B. ST. GEORGE RAILWAY, LUMBER and CONTRACTORS’ AGENT 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad Work. - - Phone 1,950 Hunter, Grawford & Niebergall (Successors to R. Watt) LUMBER AND SQUARE TIMBER OF BLL KINDS POSTS, POLES, TIES, LATH AND SHINGLES WIARTON, ONT. Write Us for Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. OTTAWA, ONTARIO W. B. BARTRAM WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT fhite Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Special Bills sawn on short notice. Barge or car load lots All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 4o feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. “Le Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. DOORS - B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS GARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., umireo 604 Temple Building, Toronto > MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.” Codes, A.B.C., 5th and Lumberman’s stocks on hand will be considerably de- pleted during August. Tight barrel stock of all kinds has had quite a boom; the production has been very limited, indeed, on account of the unfavorable weather in the South, and the stocks of rough staves, especially pipe staves in the South, are lower than they have been for years, Unless the weather improves materially during the next two months, there will be a great dearth of staves in the South for export, and it is a question where prices will go to. In the meantime the producers who have any good pipe or hogshead staves for ship- ment to New Orleans or other Southern ports are obtaining record prices, but, on account of the difficulties of hauling to the raiiroad and the heavy expenses incurred, they are not making any more money than they would at average prices with good hauling, White oak timber, of course, is getting more scarce all the time, and the produc- tion will be decreased year by year for natural causes, but with unfavorable weather the production has been artificial- ly decreased, and consequently prices are higher than they have been at almost any previous time. The demand for export is very heavy, and it is difficult for the producers to sup- ply their regular customers at the present time, TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. The Edward Hines Lumber Company, of Chicago, have purchased the entire plant of the White River Lumber Com- pany at Mason, Wis., including everything pertaining to the latter’s operations in the northern part of Wisconsin. The standing pine included is reported to be between 300,000,000 and 350,000,000 feet and the money involved is placed at $3,000,000. This is but another step in the constant advance of the ‘Napoleon of the lumber trade”, whose total additional investments, if reports are correct, approximate $10,- THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. Limirep Ij, 000,000 in the past year, which together with his previous holdings make his indi- vidual lumber interests the largest in the country., I,. Dean Holden, Pres. A.F, Holden, Vice-Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handlés, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, ete. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, J,ondon, Eng. SAW. anp PLANING. MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED: AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of." SA WIN LUMBER « "By Carload. or Cargo. Registered. Cable Address, .‘* Pinewood,” BRANCH OFricre, MANCHESTER, ENG. “Head’. Office, “American Lumberman” Telecode. ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee ee eee tee de ee 2 R. H. ROYS, Pres, RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C, A. KENT, Sec’y. ¢ R. S. ABBOTT, Treas, SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. CBVVAVSSVSVSVSSSVSVASVASVSVUVISATASASSF - OBB J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if deited End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY OBDAR Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete tn Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. POLBS 5,000 pieces, 10 to 20’ long. Suitable for Hops, etc. Price 7—Well write us. . THE LONG LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER. INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Cirewiar eo. Sores Ont. 26 miles West North Bay 5 La % a ™ - Ma e Fr Sie ee ee a Ue ee ee ae Gang UMBER anD LATH TORONTO, CAN. Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. | August 9, «905 OV ws: Ee H. HEAPS & CO.. er ae Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : de AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. ‘ , — d Pacific Coast Lures Co. LIMITED VANGOUVER, B.C. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Kk, Ete, High Grade Red Cedar ica | ~ Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - 112 Mail Building, TORONTO ry D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. j. E. YOUNG, 'Caahier J Seat achat lk DA sat SE SS a _ The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. — Meneteeteree §~White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work 2 pana CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING i” Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Antero, BISMIFES, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario i. Our Guviossee Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Vonattien and Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. ja Cc. WELLS—— Export Lumber & ® _ PALLISER, B.C. 3 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. W. B. McKEcanie, President. C. MacRaz, Manager, f Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A LUMBER CO. for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- blr g red = Cc LIMITED + tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping crc over 1 alls BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR s to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet lone ee B. C. FIR_DIMENSION AND FINISH. SCRIBNER'S LUMBER AND LOG his A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements °@e of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square sae and Round Timber ; has gc Rules, and much icp practi- cal information, Price 35 Cents ee THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, One TE ONT. 220 = Ria 9, 1905 Se — = THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO, PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, _ fock, and solicit your enquiries. -DELAPLANTE - McBURNEY LUMBER 6CO., WHOLESALE Spruce and Hem- White Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles l Stocks in ., {-¢ Collingwood Powassan — Cartier Callander Ontario idland Whitney Sturgeon Falls North Bay eaten OFFICE : Room 503 Manning Chambers. Office, Mards. and Docks, NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Send us your enquiries . ihe FoR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try "JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT- | _RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. a “BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of ¥ aario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. ; pon and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch _™ Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, ”"* 3.0%" QUEBEC he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF g Lumber Co. . Of Ontario, Limited | White and FYed Pine MILLS as P een Oks st., On at Lumber and Lath A **Soo”’ Branch C. Water Shipments c anning Arcade, iar _ OFFICES Goristing Building, Montreal nd at Mills at Spragge. THEM BREEN SONS WAOFRTORIE 0, LM Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Gumcthee Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limireo Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. Head Office : HAMILTON ONT. AUGER & SON - Quebec PULP wooD AND TIES Bought at Any Station. Also Dimension Timber, Sawn to Sizes, Telegraph Poles and , Lumber.—Write Us. 2 _ Manufacturers of ope penciesale —y Dealers in all kinds ‘Both | Railway Delivery and Water A. F. BURY AUSTIN LOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER ADA FINE a of Ottawa Building, ts oi James St., MONTREAL, CANADA TIES: Railway Priage Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White on Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and , Planed and d Row ugh fe British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, back, end butted. : Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. 7 ou Fir Timber in size of length up to go feet long. Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x 30 inch, ‘Kila is of large capacity. F iocsk and Dressed ber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS, CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS | RE Sy ee eee eS ES ne oay ~ e 4 uF 3 CaNapa LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Y a NR NS EE a a ae R LAIDLAW LUMBER C0. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE, PHA YEATR && WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Rallway Supplies MIDLAND. O} , vi BILL TIMBER a Spectalt => A. & P. WHIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisti Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, og PEMBROKE ONT. CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) F. M°GIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and ap ee Lumber, and el in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Beis rers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P, R., G. T. R., and by Wate 5 Resta Lumber Co., timitea a ta La OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER a“ | AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY WHOLESALE BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES veo. FOSS, Manger. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. J. F. FOSS, Manager. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ¥, %, 7%. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY - OWBN SOUND, ONT \ ny Sw PE c n b F; é BT cr i ag Ce a ne A EO ere aya PINE, ONT. VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August 9, 1905 MANITOBA LUMBER SUPPLY. Mr. E. F. Stephenson, Crown Timber Agent at Winnipeg, in his report to the Department of Interior, gives the follow- ing statement of saw mills operating in the Province of Manitoba last year: : . S Ft. Name mptee OSE Fb rere: fa.tured Peter McArthur..... Lake Win'pe’sis 3,974.311 Wm Robinson...... Selkirk. cscecesuee 2,936,810 Jas. Drake Lum Co. Bad Throat River 1 653,492 John Hanbury...... Brandon....... ++ 3,099 900 Dauphin Lum. Co. Riding Mountain ......... Kristjan Funison... Icelandic River.. ......... J. D. McArthur .... Tp 14,R.10 EB... 2,786,793 Thomas & Co....... CE PEO WE SiR avi Wadena Jos. T. Thomas..... Tp. 18, R. 3. Bs... 430,c00 Ross Bros Whitemouth..... 1,1 9,921 G. B. Housser. .. Riding Mountain ......... A. L. Wells . Washow Bay.... .....- Wm. Peden Rossburn,. : 426,810 Thomas Fulton.,.... pS: SWoetde | © sesins sep Shaw Bros.......... Riding Mountain 2,190,942 Lake Man Quarry and Trans. Co.... Lake Manitoba . 3c9,500 Theo. A. Burrows... Garland 4,358,262 J. H. McClure....... Tp. 19,R 2E 396,653 W. Jj. Manning...... Tp. 20,R 1 W 60,131 Ritchie Bros........ Ochre River..... 70 5,880 Mackenzie & Mann. Fisher’s Siding., ........- D, E. Sprague...... Winnipeg........ 561,319 D. H. Briggs........ Shell River...... 785,638 Red Deer Lum. Co.. Swan River...... 2,894,2 7 Swan River Lum Co Minitonas....... 1,602,929 30,721,528 Concerning the output of dumber, etc., manufactured at the saw-mills | cutting timber procured from Dominion lands, Mr. Stephenson says: As has been the practice in past years, I give the following particulars showing the total quantity of lumber disposed of during the year in this district (which covers the Province of Manitoba and Eastern Assiniboia), and also the source from whence it came :— Sales from mills operated in western Ontario at points west of Port Arthur, viz, at Rat Portage, Keewatin, Sa- vanne, Pigeon river, Rainy river and at a few other POUMNS Ke Er sie, oct oe 125,000, 000ffeet Shipped from British Columbia 105,000,000 feet From mills operated in Mani- toba— On Dominion lands under MORAG’. i cia fa ats We Rl plote 28,866,143 ** On Dominion lands under pay PST tol oe sa a ip 8,000,000 ‘* On Dominion lands under free DET INCE iis co calys We calea. os sa 6,000,000 Lumber imported from United ee ee ne es 70,000,000 * Shey Te. Malte) s taukeee falas ae 342,866,143 “* Estimated quantity sold dur- ing preceding year..... 274,779,853 “* In addition to the quantity of lumber named as coming from the United States this year, a considerable quantity of round timber was brought in for manufac- ture at our mills. Mr. D. E. Sprague im- ported upwards of 4,000,000 feet which came from Northern Minnesota and was brought down the Red river to Winnipeg. The following figures as to the whole- sale price at which lumber is selling at railway points in this agency were ob- tained from careful inquiry :— Pine and fir— Dimension lumber... . $18 to $25 Finishinginfir...... 30 to 40 Flooring, siding & ceiling 23 to 35 Ship-lap & common boards 15 to 21 Spruce— Dimension and boards. . 15 to 18 Lath(including pine & fir)#2.75 to $3 75 Sh ngles (cedar). . . .. $1.80 to $2.50 The selling price in Winnipeg is slightl y lower in some particulars than the figures above. WINNIPEG LUMBER NEWS. Winnipeg has just added another strong lumber company to its list, this being the J. C. Graham Company, Limited, suc- cessors to the Case-Chandler Company. At the head of this firm is the well-known lumberman, John C. Graham, formerly head of the Prairie Lumber Company. Associated with him are Messrs. W. K, Chandler, T. R. Case and others, all of OQ OL OL Oe ~-SFSSrSe ae - Y % " wants in the lumber line. why. JUST A GENTLE REMINDER That’s all—--a reminder that we can supply your It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS THE BONSACK LUMBER CO, BY RAILMAIL WIRE OR | | ‘PHONE | | McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspon erce Invited op All Hardwoods. | YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WICGIN so°state’ sr will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, to0,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LITTLE Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, La., ALLENTOWN, LA. seme ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e\e e.g FRANK CG. BURY LUMBER WHOLESALE » Veneers BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE - DETROIT MICHIGAN Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. = CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil, building activity has been conducive toa sp'endid demand. A few of the Winnipeg lumbermen will Winnipeg. This company promises to be avery successful one, being managed by _ men of experience and ability. Their new __ head office is situated in the Union Bank attend the big Hoo-Hoo Annual Concat- Building, Winnipeg. Mr. Graham is at enation at Portland, Oregon, on Sept. _ present in British Columbia on business. oth. Mr. D. B. Sprague, the Central Christie & Company, Limited,wholesale Canada Vicegerent, says he hopes to see _ lumber dealers, have just opened out in quite a number go to the big event. _ their new quarters, 426 Union Bank, _ Winnipeg. Mr. John A. Christie is the _ manager of the company, and we predict _ for them a prosperous future. _ Occupying Suite 413, Union Bank _ Chambers, Winnipeg, i is the new M. G. ~ Curran Lumber Company, who make a specialty of Pacific coast and hardwood _ products. Mr. Curran reporis a good “business in long and special fir timbers, rough strips and piece stuff. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Montreal: Steamer Tunisian, for LiverPocl, 3151 pcs. timber 5,711 pcs. boards, 40,609 pes. deals, 150 bdls. ei Steamer Mount Royal, for Liverpool, 45t bdls. hoops, 3,235 pes. plank, 21,315 pcs. lumber, 4,875 bales lumber, 25,122 pcs. deals, 5,388 pos. boards 2,447 bdls. shooks.. Steamer Kensington, for Liver- pool, 38,165 pes. deals, 355 logs. Steamer trip to Indiana, where he went concern- abc: Bi satis Par} dec a ing hardwood lumber. eamer Hungarian, for London, 39,259 > pes. deals, 793 pos. lumber, 610 doors. Mr. Dutton, of the Red Deer and Elk Steamer Mount Temple, for London, _ River Lumber Companies reports a splen- 12,457 pcs. deals, 6,210 pcs. ends, 2,363 did business for his companies. pes. boards, 9,484 ‘pes. planks, 4,315 hardwood boards, 4,183 bdls. staves, 17,970 bdls. shooks. For Antwerp, 1,357 pes. boards. Steamer Montfort, for Bris- tol, 547 pes. lumber, 506 pkgs. lumber, 316 stds. deals. Steamer Kastalia,~ for _ Mr. Curran has just returned from a s _All the Winnipeg lumbermen say that _ the trade is good, but the supply is quite equal to the demand. The red cedar shingle market in Winni- peg has been very good. The great Glasgow, 4,912 pcs. deals. Steamer Cor- inthian, for Glasgow, 15,336 pes. boards, 9,937 pes. deals, 54 logs, 2 doors. Steamer Manchester Trader, for Man- chester, 675 pcs. planks, 9u9 pes. lumber, 6,354 pes. deals, 1,604 pes. boards, 1,522 bdls. flooring. Steamer Melville, for Cape Town, South Africa, 2,178 pes. deals, 6,- 105 bdls. staves, 2,124 pcs. lumber, 13 cs. doors. For Algoa Bay, 253 bdls. doors, 127 bdls. lumber, 1,336 pes. lumber. For East London, 4,486 pes. lumber, 39 bdls. lumber, 1,102 pes. coffin boards. For Port Natal, 2,654 pcs. lumber, 163 bdls. lumber, 1,862 doors. Steamer Welshman, for Liverpool, 36 logs, 997 cs. splints, 1,- 192 bdls. handles. From St. John, N.B. : Schooner Harry Miller, for New York, 101,645 ft. plank, 47,304 ft. scantling, 967,100 laths, Schooner Viola, for Vineyard Haven, 205,- 267 ft. scantling. Schooner Georgia, for City Island, 360,567 ft. deals. Steamer Manchester Commerce, for Manchester, 643,107 ft. deals, 111,557 ft. scantling, 28,- 368 ft. ends. For Philadelphia, 455,000 ft. laths. Steamer Gretavale, for Brow Head, 2,400,118 ft. deals, 752,770 ft. scantling, 100,041 ft. ends, 10,693 ft. boards. Barquentine Shawmut, for City Island, 2,038,000 laths. Schooner Lizzie C. Rice, for Boston, 71,511 ft. scantling, 155,009 laths. Schooner Abbie and Eva Hooper, for City Island, 345,692 ft. deals. Schooner Uranus, for Thomaston, 90 cords wood. Schooner Rowena, for Bos- ton, 32,209 ft. hemlock boards, 444,000 laths. Schooner Rothesay, for New York, 1,835,000 laths. Schooner D.W.B., for Dutch Island, 140,033 ft. plank. Bar- que Trinidad, for Rosario, 504,735 ft. spruce boards, 228,800 ft. scantling. Steamer Concordia, for Greenock, 34,672 ft. birch squares, 909,644 ft.. deals, 32,182 ft. ends; for Glasgow, 951,116 ft. deals, 33,607 ft. ends. Schooner Cora May, for New Haven, 185,471 ft. ideal ends. Schooner Georgie Pearl, for Boston, 122,- 522 ft. scantling, 562,000 cedar shingles. Schooner Adelene, for City Island, f.o., 262,037 ft. deals. Schooner Abbie C. Stubbs, for New York, 1,891 pcs. round spruce. Schooner Mineola, for City Is- land, t.o., 1,776,300 laths. Cable address: “‘Dundonian, Dundee.” BERG & SON, Timber and Wood Pulp Agents and Brokers DUNDEE, SCOTLAND Contracts made between Shippers and Importers Correspondence solicited . : | BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE \ / "Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. 2 Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOTTLE,LIVERPOOL, a F. A. ae & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS es Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A.B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. . — for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, | ouls BAMBERGER, * *séxsox:'3 “5 Jha Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ IMPORTER OF —eemuceear “Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ZEBRA CODE A. B. C. CODE DIRECTORY cope | RELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood 1 gents and Brokers d PR SE TE ble Address: “ GELLICHT,” LONDON — 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England F LLBER, JUCKER & CO.} ONE DOLLAR ; Pariser Importers {CHESTER ENGLAND | Will pay your subscription to the CANADA Invite offers from Lumbermen for . ee Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine , Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, ndles, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any uitable for English Market. aphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. MES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS _. Oak Birch Ash Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elim mee RS OF Staves and Heading, Handles of alli descriptions Veneers A Specialty 4 Pe MA LUMBERMAN for ONB YEAR _ SMITH & TYRER - [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiITH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW GANT & KEMP ; 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address: ““TECTONA” Glasgow. Ar and A B C Codes used. Telegrams.and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, London,” THOMPSON, TIMBER * BROKERS © Codes: Zebra, Western Union, Southards, and A, B.C. 4th and 5th Editions, BLOIS & Co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs ' 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash ‘advances made against shipping documents, Branches : ’ ManCHESTER, HAMBURG, HOSEPH OWEN & SONS. LID Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. Be os AS OG Fees All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods beget for the English arket. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers CABLE, ADDRESS ° - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND DORA LIVERPOOL, \" ae y *. wh. me ~ I AS ls se a) Sal ka ER ie al ” VIlt. THE ONTARIO LUMBER C9 sure ere och Bay P.R. and 6. T.R. Delivery. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION EO. G. GLADMA! MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES, 5 and Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. Home Life Building Mitts: French River, Cooma Bay Water Shipment Only. Lions Head, PEDWELL & LEMCKE, Ontario— MANUFACTURERS OF Soe ko fie ad Rail or Water Shipments. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER 60. HEADQUARTERS HarRDwoop Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, O. McMinnville, Tenn, We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to. purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . ADDRESS: CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. Selling Ageney and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Correspondence Solicited. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots. McLennan Timber Land and LUMDEP GO., cimitea Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling feet or over. / jo GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY PARRY SOUND, ONT. E have Three Millions of Hem- lock, running in lengths from 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre- pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 A. P. HBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Sto k WIARTON, OWT. rai THE NEW LINE Warer-Powers, TimBer Limits AND ELECTRIC PowER FOR SALE. IpgzAL PuLp-MiLi Sitgs. MANUFACTURER OF ey : WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES CORRESPONDEN' " | SOLICITED HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CC . Denters in Pine, Hemloc and Hardwood Lumber, mm WOODSTOCK, ONTA ‘Through the Spruce Forests of the Eaiesunal ‘Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesbury. — tr Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. Room 510, Y Offices: Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. CANADA A. J. GORRIE, - QUY Taian : vapMiie st, <-~", BOSTON MASS Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. a J CGeneral supt. MONTREAL G.F.&P A ge ape a: Son vice wabe cai ee ere sayin ee Tit.ssecee sesesseee 33 CO 36 00] Pine, 8 uy . Sidi . | MB u DRI H-WH : 1¥ in, andi in. cy 56 oon g8eoh Pines. srigs.as..«'tg.00 28,00 Pa CARDS APES peace nie wap yc $3 108 2 in. oL Rooe oe 00 40 00 ae eed Se 12 fe = ES SHINGLES. ~ ne, good shorts: ine bees TORONTO, ONT Care 35 00) Savon Pine’ mall calla... 33.00 24.90: PNUD attaches calee ole se to va paseclnlas Seema E AE Fike ch I ee 1 inch No. 1 Pine ax4 to 10 in.,12 to 16 ft. 15 00 16 00 wae pla tig } eal ye x ig i 4 cuts & becter...... $47 00 $49 00 | 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 hal ae a5 00| Red Pine milliran.. 200. 2 15 . BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. 1% to2 inch No Clear inch B. C. cedar, Pine WN outeeideessin Pine Shingles ’ je cuts aud bette. 5 00 §I 00 Giese, baat aie woe ivipsy. tek. eine - 18 00 24.00| Xxxx, 18 inch....... +300 3 25 WHITE PINE. Le 2 Pine H tH af = = = Rend foe tig . 42.00 4400| airdried boat lumber 55 00 wine He oe oe! 16 00 20 00 all oe ee inah it ae P 60 (Wholesale oe ee 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension Pine, ros, cand bet- Cedar Shingles eae Uppers, 1, 1%, 14 and 2 agaleeidond aiadast cvts and better.... 37 00 3800} timber, 25 to 30 feet SoBe ter stock, 12’ to 16’ 20 00 2200] xxxx, 18 inch... 3 25 We ccs tena ees 2 00 Shelvin , No. rin Pine Dressing Douglas fie ieee Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- © Clear Butt,78 inch 2 50 2% and 3 in.. 85 a and up, rin...... and better shorts 2400 25 00| timber, 30 to 35 feet 38 5 ter stock, 127 tor@. 17 00 1900| xx, 18 inch...... 160 170 oe ee No. x Mold st'ps x to2 1x4, 6and 8common 18 00 Ig Oo V4 ath No. 1 4ft. Pine ain vaca Selects oid Sind in... Oncasee 19 50 2000] Lath.............0+- Gar walccdestinicad aged : 2 éo a2 00} 1% in. No. 2 4 ft. Lath 3 00 3 10 i” pra bs os 1X'0 common...... 20 00 21 00} 144” No.1 32” pine lath 1 70 SARNIA, ONT. uit7>, 08: 85 00 1XIO common...... 21 00 22 00| 1%” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 2 80 ire (conmacnt. © 55 00 _ and 3x12 common. 2200 23 0o| XXXXPineShingles 290 3 00 UPPERS. I%x 4and 1 ay sees ef 21 00 1% and 1% os ah tx1io inch box and Ea Py Genuine na oR LORed = rin, 0” and up wide. $73 00 n= — Up lee ee eee = = 58 00 caleim wislele is 20 00 { oO .* “ \ ole ab be ese stele ben Inch mill run sidings 2c 00 22 00| XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 25 2 rgaya aes ae conta m8 1% x tal... agate et tae OG me rin. millrun...... . 20 00 21 0o B, C. Shingles" 47 BUGS si eettaldip 1% x6’ and up........ on ENO Oe re ae ei 38.00 IX1I0 and 12 mill culls 16 00 17 00 | XXX 6 butts to2 in. 2 90 = 1 5 (- Sn pee A ge eat gs 25 00 eee | 1% RS Gh 50 00 I a mill cull Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in, 312 SELECTs. EG mide oe Ay, is, cents 27 00 O: a, Xie, tee 26 00 xa. cs ndnnee TREN ates wc «intel seate 15 00 16 00 | XXXXX 5tozin.. e 345 rin., 8” and up wide.... 63 00 a= 6’ and up.......... 25 00 No. 4 1, & 134 in m 36 00 Zw.. 2a ee I in “aaa cull sidings 12 00 13 00 | XX No, 2, 6 to2 in.. 230 1%, t%and2” * . 63 00 DY HOM seve eecee ences 26 00 No. 3, 1h, and i 45 00 ax13 and up ...... 1% inch Flooring .. 24 00 25 00 | XX 6 to 23-16 in. 2% and 3” “ | 73 00 a! x lp. pea ’ 28 00 Hogs es au 134% 4 ine Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 14 50 15 52 4” é + 78 00 NO. I BARN. Dressing 1H i Ralbwrebio 36 00 Mitt Colla, 1, 1%, 1% HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. FINE, COM. AND BETTER. Tin. ae $23 00 to $30 00 14=0 und 12....06 2 = and 2 fi. tr goes ‘ y F . in., 8’ and up wide.... o 1 es are 2 28 oo to 31 00 mis 4 sieleieTae siabets Ash White, 1 to2 in Eis rock, mill yn Baton ena ih 14" Pt ae oH ae 2% and 3/.. S oo The following quotations on hardwoods ‘represent the jobber's bovine ists and 2nds...... $33 00 $35 0 Elm rock, a EON Aamo 2’ ae wee» 55 00 ow wa a eine 35 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; Asi, black, xsts and run.......13'' 3.. 29 00 30 00 FINE COMMON. NO. 2 BARN, WHITE ASH. £ and, x to 134 in.. .. 27 00 29 00 i eoeniear x USE . 45 00 to 62 00 Tinin. teers 20 00 to 2400 Ist & and, x inch, 33 00 35 00 246.10 4 Ins. -seseeees 43 00° 0 Birch M.R., rin. - 3I 00 2200 Pet ands. on 2.. 3600 3800 yy 7¥ : a. - 5000 5100 I Si 2 and : 1% to 7 in... wsereese 39 00 41 00 Fights = s = I + 2300 25 00 aple 1 mu 2%4,3and 4”.. 68 00 73 co BAG iataarenle's + 22 00 to 23 59 2 om. Scania ‘ Rakevond. tg oe Maple, "ists pak ee eS NO. 1 CUTS. ie SO e <4 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. and better 1 to1%in 24 00 25 00] and ands..2 “4.. 2400 260c 1in., 8” and up ig 2: - 33 00 NO. 3 BARN, Ist & 2nd, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00| Com. & good culls... 1§ 00 1 Basswood, 1% toz.. 25 27 00 | Oak;red, p’n, 1% in + 45 00 TAM ses aes , aa to 20 co ‘BIRCH J mr. 1% 1% 2400 2600| sts&2nds2 '4.. 4400 4600 1% in, fos +++ 46 00 1%, 1% and 2” 18 oo to 20 50 ist & and, 6 inch & ist &2nd,white, ¢’ &up, 24 00 26 06 Che ists Oak, white, 2" ° see 47 00 | BY sees eee eee . 21 00 up, red.......6.4. 36 00 38 00] Com. & good sess 13 00 14 aco: 1 ‘14 55 00 6000 rade 1 “1% 4200 4400 2%and3” * . ae = BOX. St i Cherry, ists Oak, white, AA * andands.. 2 "' 4.. 60 00 70 00 sets and 5 * 4.2 45 00 50 00 NO, 2 CUTS, 3 a 11%, saat 66 gi & adrock Siete ay bd a ist & sd, aes eat oe ae Rim, soft, il 23% 24 00 25 00 Oak, apart d, 2.. 70.00 80 00 rin., 6” and up epee 20 00 No. 2, My =e py oa seh, mill a jibes det x 8 i ee %i 36 00 wie aed tae es ist & and hard...... 2% 00 23 08 es =~ PUN socnac, @ 3+. 25 00 26 00 and 2nds.. 1 3-- 85 00 10000 2%, gand,4” “ Bil Gs 00 1 i js i Comumontand callse sg'ea agente Wea calls. No. 3 CUTS. ap Run 1’, 1%, 14 an oe Yok QUEBEC, QUE. sae book dite so Be.8, | Ves “ass Rigeme BOSTON, MASS. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT a es a t.. aT OO = a sare, ee be pees 1to2 inch te eeee ween ne oo to Cts. 2%, 3 and 4 : + 27 00 ©. 1, 40) PINE... ..0. sereee 3.25 Selects, 1 to 2 oceauteese salubasies stv sweeties eels 00 uare white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 tect AVELAZE™,.. 202 vee 35 45 ING a3 Ae Sis cede ‘ayes, SCO Fine Common : inch ¢ 5... chindee 55 5° er class Ottawa waney, x8 inch average, according to lineal.. £8 6: ch abel Ne No, 2, AB ves semana acon 2S ; toa TRG: .hissieete: ete 3 50 19 to 20inch average .. 62 65 aA shee teen eees sees wire SHINGLES, No, x Cuts, x inc “pangyees sone hoe Alea Para: bee aa 9 1 o 2inch.. RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. ” wt W.P. ; : Measured off, according to average and quality. seipsinna pains cata a ea) 33 uy = oand 8”. Ee EES at me -s 5 ae we) bites: 275 aba 2 Cuts, i LER A on Ghiggingordreyos rr fo Moe Pao aig siete ainirin 00 A . 23 00 .B. . 5 ee Barn Boards,No. f..... 30 50 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 25 00 No, 2 I 25 nes Pe Stee ae 26 50 — By the dram, according to average and quality. . bee 4; 50 Spruce, 10 and 13 ‘tn ‘disdecinlon! mcg ELM. gin, and under ....... By the dram, according to average and quality 4oto4sfeet. 65 75 cg N.Y. 1o and 12 in. random ye ee 1o ft. andup...... goto3sfet. 52 «4 PINE. 2x3, =~ 2x5, aa 2x7 a 3x4. random lengths, Yo ££, anid Wp i. ah tae Rie ee ae cleo ate ee ate bike Uppers, 3 In. ... -. +s “* 85 | x12 inch shippers ......... 24 ~ Allother yaodes lengths, 9 in. and under, ro 10 inches and up, ccording to Bete. and quality. . 3» 126 28 2 iN... .ccccceceeceseess 83 88 | 4/4 inch 25 fb.mnd Aas, scare ie a ed a eee Average 16 inch. . .. . Zs ahies . go 32 PA TOP eee Palaeiiacria goa ETCO 4l4, Box boards 6” 13 up.. 19 20 5in. and up merchantable. boards, 8 ft. & up,p 1s BIRCH. , inch uppers ........ . 88 (90 |'xo-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Out Spruce boards, p.1S..... 14 Inch : My ay ee ae Rae pie 234 iD UP..oesoee : n ee ay bcm and better... 40 - 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1s clipped and bundled . 3 SL Wililea visa tree tuh<\cle ate piedicidpielotalaaictalee 16 a Oe ei ae es et SR he 2» a8 Fine common, ain and up 72 hs WOK! WxHS.. «5 choles wasen' 21 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. ay, “ Hie hg ot ect aa a BE; Siepalint aieden ee cese see 58 60 No. x barn, LEME aavouiw ce 20) 40 ednrgha aM ee eas SxS w No. x cuts, 1 to 2 inch Eee 53 55 ELKO), ofet a sec piew tere 27 OTTAWA. ONT ae Bae nore ee ee - Eo RO ee a 25 = 2 Od dusenenied Remi lc inn okies O. 2 barn, 1X12....0...206 27 MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, No. x molding, x tos in... 48 ue EXI0.voeeeeseeecseneeeees 2324 N to 2 in..... INB. ce ssescccccsccececses 22 Clea: Sonies cadet eee Pine, good sidings: rxr0_No. 1 barn... ox/00. Saal Medi icst- nections Shaky eae, x f6 eines. 32 2 TS ee e 1 in. x8 in. cag 39 00 4200/ 1x10No, a tase 1900 = Bracket plank .....++- +++. 45 @ inchysss cc. 40 BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES, 1Y% in x 1% in. x tz4 eg Mow barn. 19 00 = Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 35 | F Waeaaps.d soy ssabacnac, 24. 25 Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 butts to2 im. , 8in. and up....... 50 00 54 00 | 1x8 & o No.2" % 1700 = Dressing boards, narrow.... 26 38 | | Common ....sseeeeeecec a5 “ Rurekas, Sin, “ “_ ain, x8in,. and up §2 00 6 00 | Pine Shorts 6’ to 1x8 1§°0 = yx19 inch SbIDPEFS «+044. — +: ar 2a] : “ ; F ini, talk . ; ll: A Se “wre Fa ae ox ar A vag » Vo. XIII WEEKLY EDITION TORONTO, MONTREAL — AUGUST 16, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER AND WOOD-WORKER ee The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $1.00 Per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUS ACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. No. 24 — Canapa LumBerman PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u 4 ~ of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. -_— Branch Offices: : 4 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL By 7 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. A! Telephone 1274 536 HasTINcs ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER B. C, 4 22 GREAT ST. HELEN'S, LONDON, pod eo - discussing fully and impa nent to the lumber and wood- WANTED AND FOR SALE ‘ as -— Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ered a discount of 25 Per cent. will be allowed. ‘This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make onejinch. Ad- 1 ments must be received not later than 4 ‘o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion In the current week’s issue NTED—1”, */4”, :” COMMON BEFCH, Birch and Hard Maple 5/4 Beech C&B. 6/4” 2” Wormy Chestnut. All dry. R. E. NSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. _ JCOR SALE — SAW AND PLANING MILL. Good opening for an experienced builder. so a good 20 h_ p. partable saw mill. Address jox 309 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. HEM DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO SIWim Cedar Shingles and Lath Tor- ‘| > 1 ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 ’ } K Logan Avenue, Toronto : a [neal \AJANTED — PARTNER WITH SMALL capital for good paying, contracting and ber business in good live westeru -ity in ntario. Address Box No, 246, Canapa LUM- RMAN. JZFOR SALE—THREE LANCASHIRE BOIL- ' ERS 250 H.P. each Good for working essure of one hundred ibs. each. Apply to FRED HAWKESWORTH SONS & Co., LTD., 551 by James Street, Montreal. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to bable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this lL Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- VER FOUR MILLION FERT OF STAND- _ ING timber and land composed of chest- _ whitewood, oak, ash, maple, basswocd, beech, with 10 M capacity mill ; a railways ni through property ; good marker for rd wco d, tile wood, stove wood, hubs, spokes nd everything in the product of a sawmill— cluding planing an matching machine, ie machi-e, and moulding machine ; con- : 50 acres; will be sold either as 4 a ie . Railway spur on property ; the best lot Silusber in these parts. Original forest. J. oe LEIHAUF, Owner, Bismarck Station, ‘Lorne P.O., Ont. ~*~ V ANTED—ALL PULP MILLS AND PULP WOOD Companies to look up page 7 monthly issue, which is bound to interest you. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrmcoE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. , EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish boom, Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchweod, Ont. FOR SALE rand 13” 1904 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple, Two cars 1” Soft Maple, cheap. 1’ 1905 winter cut, trimmed, all pure White Hard Maple. 1”, 1%” and 2” *905 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Write for lists and prices. The W. R. THomMP- son Co., Teeswater, Ont. FOR SALE White Pine Lumber NO, I SHEET. Feet 1,895 ©/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 2 962 1” x 10” x 12/16 ft. M/C stocks 27.735 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts NO. 3 SHEET. 26,945 1” x 4”/ up x 6/1: ft. sound common 44, 95 5/4” x 4”/ up X 6/11 ft. sound common 41” x 8” x 12/18 ft. sound common 852 6/4” x 4’/ up x 6/11 ft. sound common 69 1” x 11" x 17/15 ft sound common 10,567 1” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft_ second quality 8,234 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/r1 ft, second quality 69,000 5/4” x 4/7 x 12/18 ft. peeend cua. 2,611 5/4” x 8”/ up x 12/18 ft. second quality 44,400 2” x 4/7” X 12/18 ft. second quality 38,457 2” X 6” x 12/18 ft. second quality NO. 4 SHEET, 118,214 4].” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts* 74,606 5/4” x ¢/11 ft. S/C shorts 2,521 6/4” x 6/11 ft ~/C shorts 66,271 1” x 8” x 12/16 ft. S/C and better. 2,882 5]. X 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 39.826 5/4” X 12/16 ft. M/C strips 37,861 &/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 7,435 6/4” x 4/7” x 6/11” M/C shorts 3, 2225/4” x 8”/ up x 6/11 ft M/C shorts NO. 5 SHEET. 66,539 8/4” & 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 6,762 5/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 33,627 8/4” X 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 10,746 4/4” X 8/ up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 46,630 4/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 14,574 4/4” = 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 1,218 6/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 4.680 8/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 4317 6/4” x 12/16 ft. S/C strips No 6 SHEET. 1456 1” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 7,194 1%" x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 1,004 1%" x 4/7” up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 13,804 1” x 8” up x 6/11 tt. M/C sidings 4.310 1%” x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. M/C strips 9,373 1” x 8” up x 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 161,856 1” x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C srorts 21,719 1%” x 4” uv x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 2.438 13%" x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 370,168 17 x 4/7” x 12/16’ S/C Strips. 25,703 1%” x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. M/C stocks 11,795 1’ x9" X 12/16 ft. M/C stocks No. 7 SHEET. 200,000 1” x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. second strips No. § SHEET. 147 913 144” x 12/16 ft S/C sidings 297,073 i x 12/16 ft. S/C sidings 217,932 1” x 10” x 12/16 ft. good 54,295 1” x 11” up X 12/16 ft. good 33,948 x” x r2/16 ft. second strips. A. F. BURY AUSTIN, Wholesale Lumber & Timber Merchant Montreal. A FEW CARS OF GOOD BASSWOOD LUM- ber for sale; also basswood heading. I. C SCRIPTURE, Coe Hill, Ont. yy sniee SAWYER WHO CAN FILE | and fit his own saws, for small mill in Assinaboia, N. W.T. Apply iu first instance to Box 37, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. OR SALE—SAW AND STAVE MILL IN t Western Ontario Can be seen in opera- tion now. Must be sold at once, to close an oor Box 306, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Tor- onto. Wee? — VANCOUVER FIRM OF | agents, thoroughly versed in the lumber business and conditions on the Coast, is desirous of representing one or two Eastern Firms as buyer and looking after their interests gener- ally. Address P. O. Box 529, Vancouver, B. C. Fok SALE — 5s0 ACRES OF STANDING timber in North Hastings, comprising soft elm, ash, basswood, hard maple, cedar, hem- lock, etc. Estimated to cut about two million feet, board measure. Will sell cheap for cash. Easy to log and a railway close by. Apply Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE. IVE CARS OF 2” AND TWO CARS OF 1” soft elm, common and better ; also two cars 1’ and 1%” basswood. All 1904 cut. Box 245, CANADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE 30 M, FEET 8/4” SOFT EL,M GOOD STOCK. 40 M., feet 6/4” Soft Elm rst and 2nd. to M. feet 1” Soft Elm Common. Address D, M. BowMAN, Box 114, Floradale, Ontario. ‘ FOR SALE AT ONCE OMPLETE PLANING MILI, OUTFIT, _including Boiler 56” x 12 and Climax Engine 9%’x12’, all new. MANITOU LUMBER Co,, North Bay, Ont. 60,000 Acres of Choice Timber Land in S. E British Columbia, estimated to contain 500 million feet, ona good river, Will be sold at a low price if disposed of quickly—onet-hird cash, balance on time. For details apply to Box 308 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE roo M 4/4 birch 20 M 10/4 and 12/4 birch }.com. and better. 10M 4/4 black ash 15M 4/4 elm 25 M_ 4/4 pine BM 6/4 “ 40M 4/4 basswood THE MaGANETAWAN Co., Ahmic Harbour, Ont. TIMBER BERTH NORTH SHORE OF LAKE HURON } Mill run. Harpwoop LUMBER Immediately after the sale of the Tanner Brothers’ Limits, Logs and Mill at the Board of Trade Room, Toronto, on AUGUST 31ST, NEXT, there will be offered for sale by auction Timber Berth, Township of Morin, 36 square miles, well timbered with Pine, Hemlock, Spruce, etc. For estimates and other particulars apply to PETER RYAN, Toronto. N. B.—The above license is held on the most favorable terms, dues, and ground rent, and includesthe right to cut all the timber on the territory. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. For the month of August a large quan- tity of pine and hemlock lumber is going into consumption ; the late Summer ac- tivity is showing itself, and this is regard- ed as the forerunner of a very brisk Fall trade. Conditions could scarcely be more healthy. A few of the mills in the Geor- gian Bay district have been obliged to close, down for want of logs, this being due to the late arrival of some of the drives. Good crops are helping the coun- try demand, and the call for mixed car lots is indicative of light stocks carried by the retailers. Thereis some betterment in the demand for the hardwoods, but this branch of the lumber industry is still backward, as it has been nearly all season. This inactiv- ity has not brought about lower prices, for, considering the cost of logs and labor, prices are now too low in most in- stances. Orders are tairly numerous for birh and maple, but basswood and soft elm are dull. Some manufacturers are holding their lumber rather than sell at the prices now offered, as they believe that the market will be stronger in the Fall. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The low water in the St. John river is still causing much anxiety, as a few of the have been compelled to operations. This condition has couraged manufacturers to hold out for higher prices, and practically no stotk is being offered below the regular market price. Another facter in the situation is the loss of five million feet of lumber in the mill fire at Fredericton last week. It: is generally believed that the spruce market will improve and will gradually get into a stronger position. mills cease en- No improvement has taken place in New Brunswick cedar shingles ; in fact, sales of Extras for Boston delivery are now being made at $3.20. other hand, is very firm, with an advanc- ing tendency. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Building permits have been issued in Winnipeg this year tor 2,868 buildings, representing an expenditure ot $8,295,000. This statement clearly shows the un- precedented activity in building opera- tions in that city, and also gives some conception of the jumber demand. Deal- ers have been kept busy all season, and while prices are not all that might be de- sired, the slaughtering of the market which was characteristic of the business last year, has been absent. Lath, on the* The country ADA LUMBERMAN II. demand has been of moderate proportions only, but the promise’of a wheat harvest variously estimated between 80,000,000 to 100,000,000 bushels for Manitoba and the Territories, has created a feeling of confidence which will undoubtedly be re- flected in large orders for lumber. The situation in British Columbia is very un- settled, the announcement having recently been made that the Coast mills have met the reduction of the Mountain mills and are quoting shiplap and other rough dimension lumber at from $17 to $18 for delivery at points in the Northwest. Dressed lumber, we understand, has been advanced $1 per thousand. UNITED STATES. The United States has just harvested a bountiful wheat crop, and present indi- cations are for the largest yield of corn on record, The effect of such an abundant harvest upon the lumber trade cannot be otherwise than reassuring. Pessimism is entirely absent, and everyone is looking forward to another year of great pros- perity. Inthe West there is a lull in the demand for northern pine, but this is ex- plained by the fact that wholesale dealers were heavy buyers early in the Spring and that the bulk of the season’s cut has passed out of first hands. The Eastern demand for white pine is exceptionally strong, and it is expected that the White Pine Association of Buffalo and Tonawan- da will this week agree upon an advance. There is a good call for coarse lumber, box and fine common. The advance of $2.00 a thousand on spruce frames has checked the demand, but buyers have not been able to secure any concessions of consequence, and the market is generally firm. Random spruce is irregular, the range of prices being quite $2. Hemlock continues to show great strength. Penn- ylvania stock for New York delivery was recently advanced $1 a thousand on 2 x 4 and 2% x 4, 10, 18 and 20 toot lengths. No. 2 boards were advanced 50 cents. Plain oak and birch lead the hard- woods, in which there has not yet been much revival. Some of the furniture fac- tories in Michigan are buying a little more liberally, and the implement factories ap- pear to be running short of certain grades, | WOODS & SPICER, Limited +2. MANUFACTURERS OF ...... BRITISH COLU We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. a Wire Your Orders at ouR EXPENSE to Agents; Or to us at VANCOUVER, B.C. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING ! Planing and Matching | MASON, GORDON & CO. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION but the demand is not nearly so active as for pine and spruce. White cedar shin- gles are now held at $2.50 at Chicago, an advance of practically 25 cents in the last three months. GREAT BRITAIN. A careful review of the various reports received of the British lumber markets re- veals few changes, but conditions would seem to be shaping towards improvement, The small stocks on hand cannot be ignored, and if consumption should revive it would not be long before an acute scarcity would develop. The stock of lumber in the public docks at London on July 31st of this year was only 14,707,000 pieces, compared with 17,004,000 pieces in 1904, 17,129,000 pieces in 1903 and as much as 20,439,000 pieces in 1902. The deliveries have been 19,921,000 pieces, almost 2,000,000 pieces less than last year, but sufficient to show that the con- sumption is still considerable. From the St. Lawrence there has been received this year 154,000 pieces of pine deals, while last year for the same period the import was 517,000 pieces. Birch planks have been imported too heavily and prices are a little weaker. This year’s receipts of 223,000 pieces at London compares with 110,000 pieces last season. There has been a fair demand for elm, which con- tinues to realize high prices. STOCKS AND PRICES. Randolph & Baker, of St. John, N. B., recently sold nearly all their logs to A. Cushing & Company. Greer Bros., railway contractors, Port Arthur, Ont., have awarded a contract to Joseph Vigars to take out 8,000 ties. Watson & Todd are now engaged in shipping the deals purchased this season’ from the W. C. Edwards Company, Rock- land, Ont. 4 The steamer Yangtze sailed last week from Varcouver, B.C., carrying 100,000 feet of deck planking consigned to Copen- hagan, Denmark, and 200,000 feet of rough material consigned partly to Japan and partly to Hong Kong. The following vessels have been charter- ed to load lumber at the Hastings mill, Vancouver, B.C., in the near future: British barque Don, now loading lumber at the mill for the United Kingdom. Ger- man ship Najade, due to arrive from Yokohama and under charter to load for South America. Schooner W. H. Talbot, expected to arrive in port about August zoth, chartered to load lumber for Japan. German ship Carl, en route to Vancouver from Taku and due toarrive about August 15th to load for the United Kingdom. Chilean barque Royal Sovereign, due to arrive in port about September, under charter to load for Valparaiso. German barque Nil Desperandum, under charter to load lumber for Hamburg. She will not reach port till about the end of October. THE GLASGOW MARKET. Messrs. Edmiston & Mitchells, in their last Monthly Timber Circular, review the Glasgow market as follows: The past month is proverbially a slack ~one in this district, owing to the local holi- days held annually at that time, but this year has proyed exceptionally dull, and may be attributed to the quietness of the housebuilding trade, together with the difficulty existing between the joiners and their employers, which still, unfortunately, remains unsettled. At the same time, it may be said that prices as a whole have been wonderfully well maintained, the only exception being in the case of birch, which has been imported rather more freely than the market could comfortably absorb. First quality pine deals and sidings have also beencoming forward pretty freely, and have consequently been pressed for sale, with the result that values are hardly so firm as they were, but granted that the import for the remainder of the season remains on a similar scale to that up to date, prices will probably harden again. From the extreme caution displayed by buyers, it is evident that they fear prices will be easier later on in the season, but this opinion is doubtless based upon the expectation of a heavy import, and the next month or two will show whether or not this is likely to be realized. American hardwoods continue to be im- ported pretty freely, and there is evidence MBIA RHD CHDAR SHINGLES Cepeacity 100 Million a Year. Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOUD, GEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS vt vt Samples by Send for Saami ae August 16, 1905, W. C. CRAWFORD | Tilbury Ont. — = - » Manwfacturer of . . a Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Red and White Oak, Maple and Eim Denier “ Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak Squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities, ARTHUR A. WAT WIARTON, ONT. ‘ Dealer In Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tien . . . « = sem SPECIAL, — 50,000 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4 So 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft r . J 2 ° , A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term-_ ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line” because it be pee ope into and through the very heart of the ch oe ee eo ; e very best wild fowl shooting of the entire North is reached ONLY by this dee Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks.and geese and — afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. _ in _ The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and during the © various seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along its lines upon applica- tion to the nearest ticket agent. Italsoarranges its train service with special reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make ace over their lines pleasant and comfort- able. ; ws This line offers the best route between Chicago, bs St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minneapolis or to Lake _ Superior points via Ashland, Wisconsin. ‘ Information given by addressing— JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R.R. Milwaukee. — « LS HELP! | Can be obtained at small] — cost by advertising in the | ~ Want Columns of THE | WEEKLY CANADA] | LUMBERMAN., ‘ 4 ‘4 > - & 7 ~~ KNIGHT BROTHERS CO LIMITED _— Burk’s Falls. ——IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write fur Prices. "Phone 113 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBE DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH : M°LENNAN LUMBER CO,, LI MONTREAL QUE. Office and Yard, 571 DORCHESTER ST. MOULDINGS | Fastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & Trai me wore WHOLESALE TIMBER | Montreal, Quebec a 0., Vaucouver, B. C DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied _ WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. _ ify MITED. 4 ee ; ae Pm, * _ August 16, 1905 < Sra eee a a RRS eo nN es) - CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. planks to hand during the month, which were disposed of ‘fex quay” at round about £11 per standard, it is reported. AsH.—The import has again been only trifling and values are unaltered. There are occasional inquiries in the market for small lots of 20 to 40 logs, but nothing like an active demand. DEALs, &c.—Imports have been rather heavier during the month, and, on account of the holidays, sales ‘‘ex quay” have been rather more difficult to effect, consequent- ly the bulk of the shipments have had to be stored. Stocks, though not large, are increasing, and prices are nominally un- Current values are as under: _ of prices being shaded here and there to _ avoid storage expenses, particularly so in ” the case of oak lumber. Shipbuilders in Scotland launched 16 vessels of 22,124 tons during the month of ‘July, and the output for the seven months of this year amounts to 281,984 tons, being 47,000 tons more than for the same period dast year. The new work placed during the past month aggregates roughly 20,000 tons. _ Housebuilding is very quiet and is bound F to continue so until the trouble with the joiners is settled. _ Wuite Pine.—The import consists of 1,400 loads waney and 250 loads square “pine, the greater part against contracts. _ There have been no transactions of any "importance, and inquiries have been tew owing to the holidays. Stocks are moder- _ate, but sufficient for prospective require- "ments. » altered. Broap First PINE DEALS—£33 to 435; 11-inch, 4,30 to £32; ends and non-dimen- sions, £23 to 425. SECOND PINE DEALS— 11-inch and up, 417 to £19; ends and non- dimensions, £13 to £14 10s. THIRD PINE DEALS—11-inch and up, £11 to £14; ends and non-dimensions, £9 10s. to 410 10s. RED PinE DEALS—gand 11 inch, £9 to £10; narrows, 47 to £8 10s. First PINE SID- _ INGS AND STRIPS—9 to 1oinch, £23 to £24; 11 to 12 inch, £25 to £26; 13 to 14 inch, £27 to £28. Spruce DEALS—g-inch and up, £8 5s. to £8 15s; 7 and 8 inch, £7 55. to £7 15s. LOWER PORT PINE AND SPRUCE —g-inch and up, £8 to £8 tos.; 7 and 8 inch, £7 to 47 Ios. _ Oaxk.—The import for the month con- sists of about 550 loads Quebec timber, the bulk of which, we understand, has been taken over by one of our railway - companies. General demand is quiet and stocks are ample. _Erim.—There has been an import of about 600 loads, chiefly first-class contract rock elm, the demand for which is fairly Bee, and prices are firm. - QuEBEC BirRcH.—The July imports Beaiount to about 550 logs and 100 loads planks, compared with 500 logs for corres- _ ponding month last year. Buyers are now airly well supplied, and prices are conse- quently weaker than they were. There were two or three shipments of Quebec J.B. Farwell & Son _.» CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN. Ganadian Gedar Tele- Crap, Telephoné and Electric Light Poles Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. SHINGLE MILLS WILL CLOSE. A report from Seattle, Wash., dated July 3I, says: All the straight shingle-mills of Ballard have signed an agreement to close down between December 1, 1905, and March 1, = EMPLOYMENT BUREAU RAILWAY, LUMBER a CONT RACTO RS’ AGENT 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad Work. - - Phone 1,950 Hunter, Grawford & Niebergall (Successors to R. Watt) LUMBER AND SQUARE TIMBER OF ALL KINDS POSTS, POLES, TIES, LATH AND SHINGLES Bill Stuff a Specialty WIARTON, ONT. Write Us for Hard and Soft Wood Slabs. B ANK ST. CHAMBERS OTTAWA, ONTARIO _ W.B. BARTRAM x WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT wh “ae Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Special Bills sawn on short notice. Barge or car load lots All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. MENSION In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to 90 feet. Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. B. C. Cedar Shingles SASH - DOORS -_ BLINDS Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. . GARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER C0., umes 604 Temple Building, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s 1906. By their action the owners seek to relieve the congested condition of the shingle market by cutting oft a portion of the supply for three months during the winter, as the Everett shinglemen agreed some days ago to shut down during the period mentioned if the Ballard mills would sign the agreement. The last signatures of the Ballard mills to the agreement were secured after the meeting held in that city Saturday by the shinglemen had adjourned. The closing down of the straight shingle- mills between December 1, 1905, and March 1, 1906, is now practically assured, through the agreement signed by the Ballard mills. That means that the Everett mills wi!l fall into line, because the promise was given that they wonld sign the agreement if Ballard did. This means the clusing of 90 per cent. of the millsin the state. Their closing down will cut off during the three months in question about a fifth of the production of the year. As yet the combination mills of the state have not been asked to sign the agreement. The saw and shingle mill of J. H. Clark at Mitchell Square, Ont., was destroyed by fire last week. Donald Fraser & Son, of Fredericton, N. B., suffered a severe loss on August 11th, in the destruction by fire of the Aberdeen saw mill. The mill was totally destroyed, together with nearly 16,000,000 feet of lumber. The loss is estimated at THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimiTeo, SAW anp PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo, Registered Cable Address, ‘* Pinewood.” between $10,000 and $150,000, about one-third of whichis covered by insurance. IL, Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. A.F. Holden, Vice-Pres. E. C,. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. ™=— SARNIA, ONT. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, Tjondon, Eng. BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. ‘‘American Lumberman’’ Telecode. a < B.C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES ~ ~ Several cars now in transit, hence can give prompt delivery. SEND C. A. LARKIN IN YOUR ORDERS Toronto J, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY OBDAR Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete In Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54, POLES 5,000 pieces, 10 to 20’ long. Suitable for Hops, etc. Price ?7—Well write us. THE LONG LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. _ Geo. Gordon & Co., | Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - CirSeular CACHE BAY, Ont. CF, R, a6 miles West North Bay Gane UMBER asD LATH Iv. CANADA Lenina WEEKLY EDITION = iis : Boe | , Cyan we wee), ee HEAPS & co., orto B.C. Vancouver, 4 | Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Motuldings, Ete. — SPECIALTIES : ag AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. a Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, non Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. tal] Pacific Coast inher Co. LIMIFED VANGOUVER, B.C. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, T Turned Work, Ete. High Grade Red Cedar —_ q Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - 112 Mail Building, TORONTO D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J. E. YOU E. YoUns: BBe Faphier ag The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. Menufscturers §~White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Docrs, Turned and Band Saw Work patria CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario,“ WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office : RAT PORTAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber) We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. C. WELLS —=— @ | PALLISER, iB. Cc. Export Lumber & | | Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. Vancouver, B. C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. , a W. B. McKEcunig, President. Cc. MacRag, Manager. BS Weare Exclusive Selling AgentsinCanada | THE ALBERTA. LUMBER C0. for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- bebe ccersates 407% — Cc LIMITED tured i in British Columbia. Daily shipping aco ae BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR » by 24 feet long—CLEAR. B. C. FIR— DIMENSION. AND “FINISH. SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK © A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements °@e of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square °° Y and Round Timber ; uel Rules, and much’ other practi- ak cal information. Brice 39 (Cents ADDRESS THE CANADA LUM Eee TORONTO, ONT. ‘vo eae ' ing i 2 Vy - . ta f Sas - ret J ee Ro ~ " \ . ‘ * ba <> hi ae . an 7 pe) AM heh, + na oe i ™ othe gh } an PUI oa i SA! ela Slee tate a a Ain eS eal oie 4 Bd Pacni 16> 19055 —— ’ f = SS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. $ We make a specialty of Dimension Stock im Pine, Spruce atte Hem- Erect. and solicit your enquiries. WHOLESALE . q Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO Office: 5035 Manning Chambers = = as Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES. CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. yi _ BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. - Ambherst, N.S. % ; gabe and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. ; JAM ES J. MURPHY, °° ghising “" QUEBEC F. MCIBBON & SONS, "™™GusHee | Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and NA Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. Rhe Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF a Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited | | White and Red Pine mits ma SPRAGGE, «op tee nog nt. | Lumber and Lath { **So0”’ Branch bi ’ Manuing Arcade, Toronto ROrPIGES Coristine Building, Montreal & d at Mills at Spragge. Water Shipments Tt WM. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Giderto. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. Tit NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limiep Mills at CACHE BAY and SP- NISH RiVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. 3 A. F. BURY AUSTIN \ THOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER NADA FI of Ottawa Building, a St. James St.; - MONTREAL, CANADA JES: Railway Pridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Raliway Ties, Oak acd ewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. _ Douglas Fi: Timber in any size or length up to go feet ne Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x30 inch. Dry Kilas of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. WRITK FOR PARTICULARS ANP OUOTATIONS. \UGER & SON f e Manufacturers of and pehpleenle - p Dealers in all kinds of . E oth Railway Delivery and Water fey Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. ee eens bah "y "es v fi eget ire seats, vay : .* . CANADIAN ooo By aaa WHOLESA ALERS ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE | We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak F.oorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles. —- = eae ieee SSS ees — R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE, PLAYEATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER « LATH « SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT Contractors for Bales, ares BILL TIMBER a Specialt fas A.& P. VAIGE® Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY PINE, ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T.R., ancy Waters: (On C. P. R. Main fine near Sudbury) OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, MANUFPAGTURERS LUMBER a’ lL AGH Shipments ny Rail or Water. vjaieeeranneta da, Ont. ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR _. THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY WHOLESALE BTL ISH: COLUMBIA. FIR;. SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBrR, RED CEDAR SHINGLES Welgaticly Your Inauicies, 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. J. F. FOSS, Manager. oe Lumber Co., timitea ores | HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK 3%, %, %. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER dao. FINDERY - OWEN SOUND, ONT Quebec oe \) 1 ay a +) SS cen aol VI. Oi er é te "aly Foe aie alte ad MA ay Lawn eae We rony oe as ke ¢ “4 v ‘Ae he “ae ay % ’ r ‘ ; 7 CANADA LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION + .,' F5O gee / CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From St. John, N.B.: Steamer Lord Lansdowne, for Brow Head for orders, 1,766,398 ft. deals, 97,282 ft. scantling, 51,375 ft. deal ends, 8,822 ft. boards, by Scott Lumber Co. Schooner Joseph Hay, for City Island f 0, 283,754 ft. spruce deals. Schooner Alexander, for City Is- jand, 1,139,500 spruce laths. Schooner Lucia Porter, for New York, 224,754 ft. spruce plank, 151,572 ft. spruce scant- ling. Schooner Priscilla, for New Haven, Conn., 30,181 ft. spruce plank, 94,205 ft. spruce scantling, 12,851 ft. pine boards, 100,400 spruce laths. Schooner Ida May, for New Haven, 84,909 ft. plank, 53,801 ft. scantling, 15,197 ft. boards. Schooner Alex. Maud, for Boston, 148,040 ft. boards. Schooner Joseph Hay, for City tf 0, 283,754 ft. deals. Schooner Harry Knowlten, for City Island f 0, 166,018 ft. deals, 66,578 scantling, 85,200 boards. Schooner Lotus, for Providence, R.I., 118,865 feet spruce plank, 41,999 feet spruce scantling, by A. Cushing and Co, Steamer Indrani, for Glasgow, 5,793 bdls. birch squares. Steamer Chreronea, for Brow Head f 0, 2,231,941 ft. deals, 169,- 466 ft. scantlings, 134,002 ft. deal ends, 248,417 ft. boards, by Alex. Gibson Com- pany. Schooner Charlotte E C, for Quincy. Mass., 80,635 ft. spruce boards, by Stetson, Cutler and Co. Schooner Erie, for Stonington, Conn., 41,692 ft. plank, 96,285 ft. deals, 33,084 ft. timber, by James R. Warner and Co. Schooner Manuel R. Cuza, for New York, 100,604 ft. spruce plank, 967,000 laths, by A. Cushing and Co. From Moatreal: Steamer Victorian, for Liverpool, 7,739 pcs. lumber. Steame, Canada, for Liverpool, 41,848 pes. deals, 696 bdls. staves, 27,886 pcs. boards, 1,625 pes. ends, 115 logs. Steamer Lake Erie, for Liverpool, 6,679 bdls. lumber, 770 bdls. staves, 550 bdls. hoops, 1,812 doors, 3,500 bdls. shooks, 15,739 pcs. lumber, 4,293 pes. squares, 790 bdls. flooring, 4,085 pcs. boards, 19,280 pcs. deals. Steamer Pre- torian, for Glasgow, ‘19,827 pes. deals. Steamer Alcides, for Glasgow, 2,062 pcs. deals, 1,485 pcs. boards, 1,010 pes. ends. Steamer Tritonia, for Glasgow, 941 pcs. boards, 4,651 pcs. deals. Steamer Turco- man, for Bristol, 213 pcs. lumber, 219 bdls. lumber. Steamer Montreal, for London, 124 pes. timber, 4,949 pcs. planks, 40,348 pes. deals, 5,820 pcs. strips, 4,002 pcs. hardwood boards, 4,665 bdls. hoops, 275 bdls. handles. Steamer Montreal, for Antwerp, 7,860 pcs. boards, Steamer Sarmatian, for London, 6,996 pcs. deals. Steamer Sarmatian, for Havre, 2,226 pcs. lumber, 12 logs. Steamer Cervona, for London, 2,396 pcs. deals, 143 pcs. maple lumber. Steamer Inishowen, for Ports- mouth, 25434 standard deals, boards and ends. From Halifax, N.S.: Barque Bergloit, for London, Eng., 144,180 ft. spruce deals, value $7,442. Barque C. C, Smith, for London, 555,948 ft. spruce deals, value $5,559. Schooner Burleigh, for Barbados, 98,519 ft. pine lumber, 33,649 ft. spruce lumber, va'ue $1,780, by Logan & Sutherland, agents, Steamer Lauren- tian, for Glasgow, 71 tons birch timber, value $500. Steamer Ulunda, for Liver- pool, 237,224 ft. spruce deals, 42,212 ft. birch deals, 136,657 ft. hemlock deals, value $4,978. Steamer Evangeline, for London, 2,768 tons birch timber, value $440, 92,357 ft. birch deals, value $1,183. Steamer Gulf of Ancud, for London, 36,- 668 ft. hemlock deals, value $365. Steam- er Sicily, for Liverpool, 114 tons birch timber, value $736; 317,177 ft. birch deals, value $3,991 ; 101,154 ft. spruce deals, value $1,181. Schooner E A Post, for Cienfuegos, Cuba, 193,869 ft. spruce boards, value $2,800, by St. Croix Lumber Company. Er >>x = ——% 5 = Mima NSS LW > MWe SSS x ESS = WSs 2S Vy, ee | 4 ' / | cuas © a ay ” JUST A GENTLE REMINDER We That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your ¢ wants in the lumber line. ‘ WH) It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to J ff open up correspondence with us. ; A Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. % The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN. M A A he ee ee ee Le ee UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. ‘WHOLESALE HARDWOODS 2 BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE ' ST.LOUIS | —— McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK. POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak Hickory and Ash), RIMS\and SPUKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. _ Correspon tierce Invited on All Hardwoods. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. Wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock, Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | S ff wour Wish.. To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY An Advertisementin the ‘Wanted’’ And ‘‘For Sale’’ Departmentot the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Will secure tor you a buyer or Seller as the case may be. Address. Tie Canada Lumberman, Torento ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. — SECOND-HANOD MACHINERY CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF = YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOOD Vellow Pine Timbers a Specialty 4 t | x w Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. re + Veneers BURY & NOBLE — wasow a. woste Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \¢ \e.e.e FRANK C. BURY MICHIGAN waousae . LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. —— = = . A ’ s y . . 2 ay la ke ee eS UGE f oa rae sf A, ¥] seg th tere ie August 16, 1905 B. C. LUMBER PRICES. VANCOUVER, B. C., August 9. — The Mountain mills have been quoting such _prices for rough and shiplap lumber in Manitoba and the Northwest markets that the Coast mills have been shut out. Last week the Coast mills notified their agents in the Northwest of their intention to make a reduction that seems to have _ frustrated the plans of the Mountain mills, and. B A The announcement was that shiplap and _ other rough dimension lumber would be delivered at points in the Northwest at from $17 to $18 per thousand feet, a “straight cut of from $2 to $3 per thous- If the Mountain mills, on the other 4 hand, make a further reduction to $16 per _ thousand, it is claimed that they will have to do business at a considerable loss. The Coast mills have made an offset by a _ increasing the price of dressed lumber. The price has been put up $1 per thousand on the higher grades, the manufacture of which the Coast mills practically have a ‘ ¥ ‘iV iy : : the monopoly. As the matter stands at present the Coast mills have rather the better of the fight. By the plan adopted, British Columbia Manufacturers’ Association expects to put a stop to the a of price-cutting of the Mountain mills. 8 Gordon Street - Cable Address ; CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION VII. a A meeting of the cargo committee of the Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacturers’ Association was held in Seattle, Wash, recently for the purpose of perfecting a reorganization of the inspection bureau of the association. The association plans to extend the bureau so as to include coast- wise as well as foreign shipments. This will apply to all California, British Col- umbia and other coastwise cargoes, and may mean the addition of several inspec- tors to the corps already employed by the bureau. Among those who attended the meeting were E.J. Palmer, of Chemainus, and J. A. Humbird. Premier Roblin, of, Manitoba, who has been visiting Vancouver en route to the Portland fair, expressed the opinion that an import duty should be put on lumber coming into. Canada from the United States. While this expression of opinion was not looked for from the premier of the prairie province, it will be all the more pleasing to the lumber interests of this Coast. CANADIAN NATIONAL EXHIBITION. The management of the coming Cana- dian National Exhibition announce that they have made arrangements for the greatest loan collection of art that has ever been exhibited in Canada, and prob- ably in America. They have secured paintings and art treasures illustrative ot a long period of years, from the wealthy corporations of the City of London, the great British Universities, including those of Oxford, Cambridge and Dublin, the Government of France, the South Ken- sington Museum, Right Honourable Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal, and His Honor the Lieutenant Governor of On- tario. This exhibit is expected to exceed in interest and attraction anything ever before presented to the people of Canada or the United States, not excepting the Jubilee presents themselves. The Exhi- bition opens on August 26th and will con- tinue until September 11th. LUMBER IN BARBADOS. From S. P. Musson, Son & Company, Barbados: ‘* The only arrival of lumber during the fortnight is the Schooner “Arthur H. Wright,” from LaHave, N.S., with a cargo of 130,000 ft. spruce, sold to arrive some short time ago at $21.50 for merchantable, and $17 for second quality. Another small cargo of this would prob- ably realize similar rates. White pine is still in heavy supply, which with a rather light demand keeps our market very dull. We have to note the arrival of the Schooner “‘ Minnie T,” to ourselves, with a mixed cargo of Long and Laying Cedar shingles from Bonaventure, P. Q. For the former we obtained $4.57, while the latter we sold at $1.85 for Extra No. 1, $2.90 for Clear Whites, and $3.10 for Second Clears. Supplies are now ample to meet requirements, and we hear of another cargo about due from Gaspe, for which lower prices will probably have to be accepted.” BRITISH TIMBER IMPORTS. Following is a statement of the imports of hewn and sawn timber at tne principal ports in the United Kingdom during six months ending June goth, 1905, compared with the same period of 1904, extrgeted from the ‘‘Timber Trades Journal” 2) s~ ° ° moe oF o -W -W i oa og Sg gg gy vo vo uo oo ao an gic ay Sy Rian hie ° ° H H London earns 505,120 se 196 88,924 ' Cardi ans 440,473 518,371 77,898 Liverpool. . . .2 3,813 370,927 117,114 a ees, ots 162,418. 226 117, 62,799 Manchester . 159,561 146,446 13,115 Newport Mon . 136,338 157,201 20,863 West Hartlepool. 99,718 138,976 9,258 Grangemouth . 78,546 56382 22,164 - i Glasgow .... 75,548 69,505 6,043 : Grimsby ... . 60,076 71, 79 11,603 Barrow iol (§9,925. 75,552 16,627 Sunderland. . . 53,20 43,483 4,767 North Shields . 48,294 53,249 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE |Wood Brokers and Measurers cabae Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. 2 Dale 8t., 71 Regent Road BOTTLE, L'VER?00L, ENG. ‘F. A. Lightbody & Co. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS ‘*TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A. B.C., Ax, Zebra” and Private. its for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Correspondence Solicited. IMPORTER OF —emmet ZEBRA CODE * he? ‘ee f ey a) BER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers ESTER ENGLAND t. offers from Lumbermen for . Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Shooks, — Mouldings, Dowels, , Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Suitable’ for English Market. phic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. Oak, Birch, Staves JYERS OF Pees eem a Pols 1 OUIS BAMBERCER, A. B, C, CODE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & SO. Wood y gents and Brokers Address: “ GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England Ash, and Heading, Veneers A Specialty 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods oe Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEY BUARDS DIRECTORY cope ONE DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONB YEAR (MES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS Elm SMITH & TYRER - 14 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyrER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Grey Elim Logs and Lumber, Handies of all descriptions GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER — 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : “ TECTONA” Glasgow. Ar and A B C Codes used. ° * BROKERS — Telegrams and Cables: London,” THOMPSON, “Woodfeller, Codes: Zebra, Western U rion, Soutlards, and A. B.C. 4th and 5th Hditions, BLOIS & Co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents. Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. sala tale: Me ALEG S Oey sient te All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY “WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liversool and London Chambers - CABI,K ADDRESS ' - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. DOBLE LIV ERPOOL ” Vill. THE ONTARIO LUM BER 8s aren Mutts: North Bay. C.P.R. and &. T.R. Delivery. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION 7 MANUFACTURERS AND SHINGLES. Bene +74 Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. Lions Head, PEDWELL & LEMCKE, «i.. MANUFACTURERS ORF sy. ce Se Rail or Water Shipments. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. 3 : ADDRESS: CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. BOSTON, MASS. Room 510, 147 MilkSt. ~ Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Correspondence Solicited. THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER 0. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HarRDWOOD Distributing Yard HEADQUARTERS Citizens’ Building, Cleveland, sO. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., cimicea Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH | @& McMinnville, Tenn, Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. Mills at Smith's Bay Township of Carling feet or over. A. P. HBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Based Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock WIARTON, OWT. ~ TAE NEW LINE . GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY EO. G. GLADMAN == a PARRY SOUND, ONT. E have Three Millions of Hem- lock, running in lengths from 10 to 24 feet. which we are pre- pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 A. J. GORRIE, > eo - August 16, 1905 . po Nan WHITE PIWE AND ‘HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES _oscas. f ; CoRRESPON DENCE SOLICITED HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO. Deniers in Pine. Hemlock M4 and Hardwood Lumber. ob ae mao WOODSTOCK, ONTARIC ) Through the Spruce Forests of the eteeritiane Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkesbury. Warer-Powers, TIMBER Limits AND ELECTRIC Power FoR SALE. IDEAL PuLp-Mit SitEs. Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. er. MONTREAL = S°% Ghee a General Supt. Pie good strips : Pine, box boards.... 13 00 15 00 I it.ecerce weseeeeee 34 CO 3600] Pine mill culls..... 1200 1§ 00 i in. and 1% in... 36 00 40 oo | Pine O, culls.. 750 850 In....22 sseeseees 38.00 40 00| Spruce, 1’x4” & ‘up 14 00 Pine, good shorts: Spruce, 1” stocks, LAN Scene asics .se2 2800 3000| 7,8,9 and 10”.. 15 00 TORONTO, ONT. mh in. and 1% in... 34 00 40 00 Spree 1” clear (fine CAR OR CARGO LOTS. " to 0% A ‘Sidings... 38 00 4 z Hee nan we & = he 1 inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 to 10 in,,1oto 16 ft. 15 00 16 00 Pine, No. « dressing Lath, per M cuts & becter...... $47 00 $49 00 | 2x4 to. 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 siding ols. ss 2200 27 00 No. x white pine... 2 50 1% to2 inch No Clear inch B. C. cedar, Pine, No. x dressing No. 2 white pine.... 2 25 cuts and bette 5 00 5100} kilndried........... 52/09 StripS......s++e+:+- 2800 2500] Spruce, millrun.....° 225 1% & 2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar Pine No. 1 dressing ‘Red Pine, mill run. 2 25 cutsand better.... 42 00 4400] airdried boat lumber 55 00 shorts ...... sess +» 1700 21/00] Pine Shingles 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension Pine, tos, ¢ and bet- i XXxX, 18 inch..... we. 300 3 25 ‘cuts and better.... 37 00 38 oo | _ timber, 25 to 30 feet g0)'dD ter 12 to 16’ ..... 2000 2200|/ Clear Butt, 18inch.. 2 40 2 60 1in Pine Dressing q Douglas fir dimension Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx 18 inch........... 1 40 1 60 and better shorts 2400 25 00| timber, 30 to 35, feet 31 00 ter 17% tor. ..... 17 00 19 00 Cedar Shingles 1x4, 6a@nd8common 18 00 19 00 ae se pile 1 4ft. Pine Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 00 2000{ XXXX, x8inch........ 325 3 50 1X 10 ccmmon.....- 1g 50 2000] Tath........- seers 50 360 Pine's. c, strips...... 1400 16 00] Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 2 50 2 60 1X 1zcommion...... 21 00 22 co mae In. "No. 2 4ft. Lath 300 310 pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 1400] Xx, 18 inchy.:.¢.e0<02 2150) £79 1x10 common...... 20 00 21 00} 134” No.1 32” pine lath 1 70 u IXIO common...... 21 00 22 ov | 1%” No. 14'ft. hemlock lath 2 80 2 and 3x12 common. 2200 23 0o| XXXX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 SARNIA, ONT. 1xlo inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 220 common ......---- 20 00 21 00 Se er et iae i . e UPPERS. 14 E 4.and - Ne ae sess .$2T 00 Inch mill runsiding8S 21 00 22 oo edar Shingles 2 20 1/ x6’ and up.......- . 24 00 rin. millrun........ 20 00 21 00 B, C. Shingles are sree ee sy aH 1% BOM nee > an te 25 00 Ix10 and 12 mill culls 16 00 17 oo | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 90 ajand 3” “ : 98 00 Mf A corns on ee 27 00 I Hae 2 mill cull Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 12 “ 83 00 1% x6’ and up..... eRe) Se OREO 15 00 16 00| XXXXX 5 tozin.. 3 45 ms WA OY moc w oa uicias oe Ow I ine on cull sidings 12 00 13 00 | XX No. 2, 6 to2 in.. 2 30 SELECTS myx" 1... peers S 27 00 1% inch Flooring .. 24 00 25 00|XX ‘“‘ 6 to 23-16 in, rin,, 8” and up wide.... 63 00 a” x 6’ and up......... . 25 00 Hemlock,1x4 to Sin. 14 50 15 52 1%, uA and 2’ ‘ .. 63 00 2” x To” Ee Bact GOS COCE 76 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. 2he and 3” ec 73 oo / ee St (7A alae = . 28 00 5 4" wee) ge 00 NO: I BARN, Ash White, x to2 in sit rock, mill A 5 FINE, COM. AND BETTER. “Et eee ae $23 00 to $30 00 ists and 2nds...... $33 00 $35 00] py rae r to 14"24 00 26000 | i gv and up wide... 54 00 14%, 1% and 2” 28 ooto 31 00 Elm eae mill Y and 134" « 2% and 3! Asi, black, xsts and MM ie wees 1%"' 3.. 29 00 30 00 1 an 1% x cone O4 SD 72 BAOTS vee 32 ie and, 1to1 in.. .. 27 00 29 00 Hickory, 1sts o en SD Boe alee 2 ° 35 Birch M. R.,rin. .. 21 00 22 00 and ends..134"' 2.. 36 00 38 00 FINE COMMON. NO. 2 BARN. 1% ‘ 2.. 2300 25 00| Maple 1” mill a! eicwctch weatners 5 00 to 62 00 x iv. Dey cesta 20 00 10 24 00 “« sqrs. =, © 8x8 32 00 36 00 SATs eas r 1% 20 00 21 00 1%, 1% to 2”... 50 00 5I oo 1%, 1%, 2 and Basswood, Common Maple, ists 24,3 and 4’... 800 - 73.00 C1 es ae ae . 22 00 to 23 59 and better 1 toxin 24 00 25 00| and 2nds.. 2 ‘' 4.. 24 00 26 oc No.1 CUTS: Ee ee eae 26 00 Basswood, 14 toz.. 25 27 00 | Oak;red, p'n, , rs - rts mr. 1 1% 2400 2600 xsts & ands 2 ‘' 4.. 44.00 4600 Tin.,8” and up Wier: 33 00 . : Cherry, xsts Oak, white, 1% in = .. 48 00 Piet nogebte dai 17 00 to" 20 co and 2nds.. 1 ‘* 1% 55 00 60 00 sts & ands 1 “ 1% 42.00 44 00 1% in, ‘ «-. 46 00 1%, 1% 1% and 2” 18 coto 20 50 Cherry, as Oak, white, 2 Shan +++ 47 00 ar ay sein lela wale aes 21 00 and ands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 60 00 7000 rsts & ands 2 ‘' 4.. 45 00 50 00 204 and 3” ... 60 00 oa aia, soft, mill Oak, quart'd, 4 : i sd No. 1, 1’, 1% Boaieiss 1 ‘f 14 24 00 25 00 sts & ands.‘ 2.. 70 00 80 00 NO, 2 CUTS. 1%,'2.......- 13 §0to 18 00 Ein, aa, sae Walnut, ists rin: 62 anduup caide....0 00 aaa ae 35 as 00 2600| and a2nds..1 ‘' 3.. 85 00 10900 Pp ar. O. 2, 1", 1%, TUn.....- 3-- 35 1% and 1% in wus 33 (ole) IO cinipia ants 14 50to 17 00 2% apenar Red. 3s if 7. MILL CULLS. : TAS F QUEBEC, QUE. No. 3 CUTS. paar rene oe OS WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT sem Bs on up wide... 18 00 No. a = : «IT 00 cts. 1y% and1t 5 «e+» 20 00 Square white ylne, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.......-- 35 45 ch 2 eae'e, STLOO a EATH, First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. £8 62: 2%,3and4” “ wees 27 00 No. 1, 48” pine...... able 3 25 1gtoz0inchaverage “ oy OZ pe OS MILL RUN. No. I, 32” i By eaeee o, 02 EOD. RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. ny ee eee ean No. 2, 487 “ey. eae oe 275 Measured off, according to average and duality snccn eae Coe rasee ay 35 "x em 19 00 SHINGLES, Shipping otter oe dat dwenininpienals seer 35 40 x 2 and Slndectie attest 20 00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 24 s . Rane Sino: Senabd os = AAS 2 = 16". sapeteed sont 2 75 By the dram, according to average andquality. . both 45 50° x13 and: 7 eee F Bo No.2 “ “ “ : ae ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality 4oto4sfeet. 65 75 lh 20'f safe qh “ae eed ALBANY, N.Y. BSH: PINE. 10. inches and up, species to caer and anality. . . 2 28 Uppers, 3 in. ... ........ 83 8§ | 1x12 inchshippers........ A Average 16 inch “ “ 2 3 . 30 32 26 ins 3 athe inte eistalols Waede 2 8 4/4 inch per 13” & = a BIRCH. Sarit PAE obese 80 Aa Bes ee Fata OP s- 19 20 Inch UPPEFS «.. 2s seeeee-« 90 | Io-1n. dressing an tter... 30 M4 Inch a : a6 a3 Selects, 2 in up........ : 77 82| x2-in. dressing and better... 40 = ; ? ; ; as ; Ttoig mdus cen yu cesses 70 72 | BOX, IKr0-in, .......eceeeee 21 ‘7 a : : ae ee REE Sy aie 32 ag Fine common, 2% in. and up 72 75 | Box, 1x12..... Ranged omree ee 21 Z AS he © SB Gla alen notte isi cacemgiaun aan 60 | No. x barn, rx12.......,... 29 30 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 53 TO ralaibiceln(e slvlaisiarieeleiaicinn LOUD OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, good sidings: 1 in. x8 in. andup 40 00 4200 1% in x 1% in. x %in.and up...... 50 00 56 00|1x8&0No.2 ain, x 8in.and up 54 00 56 00 No.2 cuts 2x8’”&up 3400 36 00 packs ae Pigee «: 7 ae saree | by ee pea Be NO.8..cccccaccsccvecccos 35 INO; 3 feelin eains ov ces te binvinw SO No, x molding, x toain..... 48 Pine Shorts 6’ to 11” X10" geeeve sesss 16.00 17 00 ! : 1X19 tach shippers .. Wen Ss wae f xx1o No, x barn.... 20 0O =6No, 2 molding, 1 to2in..... 35 £8 uo No 2 “oo. 18 00 = Stained sapS....-.+++see000 32 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn.... 1700 = Bracket cesicalse es sane aoe 15 00 Shelving boards, za-in. up .. 4 eteai as. Pw. 35 + PEGs a ae voles alsin clue) Selsle g's No. 2 barn, rx12........... 26 SEXGs os Nslve as marhemawes BEB cccecccacsievescrand 22 ada nee 32 LaTH, PME ..cccccees os encsesss 93/50 | Sprdeesesetmeeeeran SHINGLES. . Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 Bowsd butts, 6x18 i ss a5. Clear butts.... +» 35° 375 ete aip cian Siete Smooth 6 x18. - 45° 475 Spruce BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y. WHITE PINE. * (Wholesale selling price.) Urpers, 1, 1%, 14and 2 IM Jc ceeceeseenne IDs ac on awdicemcian 78 oo | Shelving, No. r, 13 in. 234 and 3 in.....+- 85 06 and up, 2 in...... IN. see eereeeeeoes ae No. : Mold'st'ps 1to2 Selects 1 im.....,.. BOO) ] Bn we vs cnn ciate cans 1% to Jin...:... qo 00 | No. 2 Moulding Strips, 2% and 3 Mice 8 00 X £021. sekeses AM... ee eneteeeeee 5 oo| Barn, No.1, 12in..... Fine common, 1 in. 55 00] 6, 8 and TOU ...606 1% and 13 in..... 5600] No.2, 10in.......+ ZAM voseeeceenacee 58 00} No.2, 12 in-.....06 3 iM. 2. cccnenevnee 73 00] No. 3, 10in...,...- 7 ee es ees 75 00 No. 3, 12 in.......- up, No. 1, 1 in. 38 00| Box, LX4...eceereees and 13g in..... 50 00 1.06, CC UDiiesesten ‘ Lis K ca « asphiega's 26 00 IX IO o's vans eign as No. 2,1%, & 14 in 36 00 Pt ee 0. 3, 1%, and 1 25 00 ganda ee NO: 8 2") asshopedoae 27 00 and 1% & 2in.. Dressing 1@in...... — 36 00 Milt walls, 1,1%,1% = ce we 4° 00 and a Bowe cs tae T3G, MNiesccccnnedos 36 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the plex’ buying 4 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; : ; WHITE ASH. Ist & and, x inch, 33 00 35 00 | 234 tog in......44-++ 43 00 1% tozin . eecssse 39.00 41 00| Strips ....c0stecwcees 22 Com. and c BLACK AND BROWN ASH. Ist & ana, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00 | Com. & good culls... 15 00 BIRCH. 1st &and,white, 6’ & up, 24 co 36 02 38 00| Com. & good culls..... 13 00 x ELM. ‘ st & ad,rock,6in &up76 00 28 oo | xst & ed, soft, 6in & up, 24 oo 0° Common and ‘culls .. I5 00 17 00 Common and colle eae Pie ) . MAPLE, ist & and hard...... 2% 00 23 o@ , Ist &and,soft...... ..- “Ig 00 Common andculls— 1300 14 on | Comeeaee calls..... 11 00 ist & 2nd, 6 insh & Up, red.....sscs00 BOSTON, , MASS. Selects, 1 to 2 inch... 68 Fine Common, 1 inch 6 oS deeiehehta aeaeaernat 3 seeeeee seen eeee Ce IY to Zimeh. .....ccee cosecscecene No. 1 Cuts, 1 inch eee eee eee e rere ener een ease n eee no foatacks Saleen Sin de aoa dee a icieiats Sia ae No. 2 Cuts, rinch..... We see OF 1X to 2 inch.. Seen aa BtAetic ov cweee deat eee Baga Boe Ne. a aati aini5ikin: site en 2s Br 6 Taejon cchap's «jciniipiee teeta ened Raa ape Tatgin' ait ate ind a ceeeereceweecee 24 ae Spruce, 10 and 12 a dimension.........-.++.- Aa gin. and under ..........-... -..+++ a0 s eipr 1o.and 12 in. random fens tie, 1oft.andup...... 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, 10 ft. and up...... All other random lengths, 9 im. and under, 10 NC: Gi WD oy ace care serine ats aialos Sanna sree 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.1 s Out Spruce boards, .P. 1S. esejec- se cernae core sees 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and bundled .. NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES, FEXUEAS 20! 2 eet ees ip Gale wisane: 19 diogle Mah DAW nabs ra) eee SeRPB io. Wiss chins wale ipebercmwsence a fhaceisleiwetaininte loeeea nee Second CLEATS 2.0... ccc ereccenccccucvecccecceeees 2 25 Clear Wihadtes ooo ic cces) ses weiss cine cmncm sien bovine ate Eoxtra 13 (Clear whites enth os .cdsacvneence eee Extra 1s (Clear whites im)..........0.sccueeseceee BRITISH COLUMBIA sxmorns, , Set oe eee Shey bas I 30 15% mm Vow, XII WEEKLY EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL — AUGUST 23, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER Canapa ‘LumBerman x PUBLISHED BY \ “The G. #. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. oe Branch Offices: mn}... 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. nd , Telephone 1274 536 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER B. C. _ 22 Great St. HELEN’s, Lonpon, E. C. ss Fne Wee! Lumberman — Published every Pt i cueotiy pohtains Teliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the __ principal manufacturing districts and leading _ domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A _\ weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian — — —- emp _ facturersand exporters and the purchasers o timber mS at home and abroad, i __ The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. \ fully and impartially subjects perti- WANTED AND FOR SALE dvertisements will be inserted in this depart- it at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. hen four or more consecutive insertions are ered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. $s notice shows the width of the line and is set Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p. m.on Tuesday to insure insertion in _ the current week's issue 2 = ae oh [OR SALE — SAW AND PLANING MILL. : Good opening for an experienced builder. }a good 20 h. p, partable saw mill. Address 309 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. 432 L Cedar Shingles and Lath. Tor- imber business in good live western city in =z HEN- DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO ry ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, Logan Avenue, Toronto. WANTED — PARTNER WITH SMALL om capital for good paying, contracting and rio. Address Box No, 246, CANADA Lum- ANTED — 5/4, 6/4, 2” SOFT ELM COMm- ¥ MON and better. 1”, 6/4, 2” Wormy Chest- tk” Cull Basswood, §/4, 6/4, 2” Basswood, mmonand Better. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamil- Ont. s DOD RELIABLE PARTY WHO HAS HAD 20 years experience in the manufacturing mber from stump to pile, desires employ- with a good company. Good references. ess Box 192, CANADA JUMBERMAN, Tor- AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH you wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to uyers by placing an advertisement in inted and For Sale Department of this Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- FOR SALE 4 awe VER FOUR MILLION FEET OF STAND- ' ING timber and land composed of chest- tewood, oak, ash, maple, basswood, h, with to M capacity mill ; 2 railways: | through property ; good market for |, tile wood, stove wood, hubs, spokes thing in the product of a sawmill— planing an matching machine, hise, and moulding machine ; con- leet will be sold go! in te BRS, spur on property; the best lot in these parts. Original forest. J. in eit Bismarck Station, ANTED—YOUNG MAN, 22 YEARS OF age, desires position as traveller, 7 years experience in lumber business. Address Box 310, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SimcozE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish boom, Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchweod, Ont. nt FOR SALE 1” and 1%” 1904 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Two cars 1” Soft Maple, cheap. Two a 1’ tstsand ands Soft Elin, 10” and up wide. 1”, 136” and 2” «905 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Write for lists and prices, The W. R. THomp- son Co., Teeswater, Ont. FOR SALE White Pine Lumber NO. I SHEET. Feet 1,895 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 2,962 1” x 10” x 12/16 ft. M/C stocks 27,735 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts NO. 3 SHEET. 26,945 1” x 4”/ up x 6/1: ft. sound common 44, 9355/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. sound c:mmon 994 1” x 8” x 12/18 ft. sound common 852 6/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. sound common 69 1” x 11” x 12/18 ft. sound common 10,567 1” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. second quality 8,234 5/4” x 4”) up x 6/11 ft. second quality 69,000 5/4” x 4”/7 x 12/18 ft. second qualit 2,621 5/4” x 8”/ up x 12/18 ft. second quality 44,400 2” x 4)7” X 12/18 ft. second quality 38,457 a” x 6” x 12/18 ft. second quality NO. 4 SHEET. 118,214 4/,” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 74,606 sf, x ¢/11 ft. S/C shorts 2,521 6/4” x 6/11 ft +/C shorts 66,271 1” x 8” x 12/16 ft. S/C and better, 2,882 5/4” X 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 39.826 5/4” x 12/16 ft. M/C strips 37,861 5/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 7,435 6/4” X 4/7” x 6/11” M/C shorts 3,222 5/4” X 8”/ up x 6/11 ft M/C shorts NO. 5 SHEET, 66,539 8/4” X 12/16 ft. M/C sidings §,762 5/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 33,627 8/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 10,746 4/4” X 8/ up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 46,630 4/4” x et ft. S/C shorts 14,574 4/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 1,218 6/4” x 6/11 ft, S/C shorts 4.680 8/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 4.317 €/4” x 12/16 ft. S/C strips No. 6 SHEET. 1,456 1” x 4/7?” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 75194 14%” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 3,1b4 144” x 4/7” up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 13,804 1” x 8” up x 6/11 tt. M/C sidings 4,310 136” x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. M/C strips 9,373 1” x 8” up x 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 161,856 1” x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 21,719 14” x 4” uv x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 2,438 1%" x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 370,168 1” x 4/7” x 12/16’ S/C Strips. 25,703 1%” x 4/7’ x 12/16 ft M/C stocks 11,795 1’ x9" X 12/16 ft. M/C stocks No, 7° SHEET. 200,000 1” x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. second strips No. 8 SHEET. 147 913 144” x 12/16 ft S/C sidings 297,073 1” x 12/16 ft. S/C sidings 217,932 1” x 10” x 12/16 ft. good 54,295 1” x 11” up x 12/16 ft. good 33,948 1” x ra/16 ft. second strips, A, F. BURY AUSTIN, Wholesale Lumber & Timber Merchant Montreal, making preparations for - higher than last vear. ANADA LUMBERMAN AND WOOD-WORKER ~~. _ _ The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $1.00 per veaR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 25 gah, FEW CARS OF GOOD BASSWOOD LUM ber for sale ; also basswood heading, I. C SCRIPTURE, Coe Hill, Ont. W ANTED—A SAWYER WHO CAN FILE and fit his own saws, for small mill in Assinaboia, N. W.T. Apply in first instance to Box 37, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, ok SALE—SAW AND STAVE MILL IN A Western Ontario Can be seen in opera- tion now. Must be sold at once, to close an bork Box 306, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Tor- onto, OR SALE — sro ACRES OF STANDING timber in North Hastings, comprising soft elm, ash, basswood, hard maple, cedar, hem- lock, etc. Estimated to cut about two million feet, board measure. Will sell cheap for cash. Easy to log and a railway close by. Apply Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE, IVE CARS OF 2” AND TWO CARS OF 1” soft elm, common and better ; also two cars 1” and 134” basswood. All 1904 cut. Box 245, CANADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE 30 M. FEET 8/4” SOFT EI,M.GOOD STOCK, 40 M. feet 6/4” Soft Elm 1st and 2nd. 10 M. feet 1” Soft Elm Common, Address D, M. BowMAN, Box 114, Floradale, Ontario. 60,000 Acres of Choice Timber Land in S. E British Columbia, estimated to contain 500 million feet, on a good river. Will be sold at a low price if disposed of quickly—onet-hird cash, balance on time. For details apply to Box 308 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. SS a a eo eee CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The white pine market is holding its strength in a very satisfactory manner, although, with conditions so generally favorable, it would scarcely be expected to do otherwise. The demand for building material is urgent, as retail stocks have been much reduced by the steady cal; since the early Spring. Few of the mills have accumulated any dry stock, and as the Fall activity should soon be in evidence, there is a strong probability that the quantity of pine lumber carried into the winter at the mill yards will be below the average. American buyers have been more numerous of late, the abundant har- vest across the line having inspired confi- dence in a continuation of business pros- perity, and, consequently, in the present range of lumber values. The heaviest de- . mand continues to be for the common grades. Some of the lumbermen are already woods opera- tions, but no expansiun in the log pro- duction is as yet indicated. Laboris none too plentiful, and wages may be a little We understand that sawyers and teamsters are being - offered $28 to $30. he QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Labor troubles are still affecting, the building trade in Montreal, but taking this fact into consideration an unusually large quantity of lumber is going into consump- tion and prices are firm. Export ship- ments are light. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia spruce is feeling the effect of the buoyant market in the Eastern States, where prices have recently advanced about $2 per thousand. Canadian deals for shipment to that market are higher in consequence, 10’s and 12’s | being quoted at St. John at $19.50. Clapboards are also a little firmer and tor Boston delivery ruling quotations are $40 to $42 for extras. Lath are very firm and quoted on a basis of $3.65 for 15 inch and $3.50 for 14 inch for Boston delivery either in car or vessel lots. The demand for shingles is a little more active and stocks of clears are well sold up. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, Harvesting operations are now in pro- gress in some parts of the Northwest, the reports of which indicate a very heavy yield of wheat. There is in consequence a very confident feeling in respect. to the business prospects, in which lumber of course shares. From British Columbia comes the report that steps are likely to be taken to prevent the wholesale cutting of prices which seemed likely to result through the action of a few of the manu. facturers in lowering their quotations with the object of obtaining the lion’s share of the trade. After more serious considera- tion, the futility of such action is recogniz- ed and it is probable that in the neat future prices will be restored to a more reasonable basis. There is much activity’ in timber circles in British Columbia. Dur- ing July 236 timber-cutting licenses were issued, from which the revenue was over $60,000, about $29,000 being for licenses and $31,000 for royalties. UNITED STATES, The position of the lumber manufactur- ers has been clearly demonstrated during the past week, and if their views are not entirely erroneous the trend of the market is distinctly upward. Prices in the Wis- consin Valley have been selling at 50 cents to $1.50 a thousand above the list price, which has now been revised to conform to the stronger condition of the market. The price list committee of the Northwestern Hemlock Manufacturers’ Association, at a meeting held at Wausau, Wisconsin, on August 11th, decided upon the following advances on hemlock: That all items on the list be advanced 50 cents; that piece stuff and timbers in 22 and 24 foot lengths be advanced 50 cents additional; that No, EGE Oe eet ry te 1 SMe lanl Par te Ld 7 yay j xP, a, a if \ if / 4 Me aN } . De A a : a Var ie Ri + SI otek hf y < ‘ : iat : ae ; 4 , il. . . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August 23, 1905 ; / 2 4-inch strips be advanced 50 cents ad_ ditional. The price of hemlock lath was fixed at $3 for No. 1 and $2.50 for No. 2. Spruce is also quite as strong as pine and hemlock and within the past fortnight there has been an advance in boards and dimension material, which class of lumber is now quoted at $22 to $24. Spruce clap- boards are also in a strong position. One year agothey ranged from $37 to $42, while the price to-day for the straights is $44. Spruce lath are selling quite liberally in Massachusetts and Maine, at $3.60. We cannot report much improvement in the hardwoods. Birch is showing to good advantage and rock elm is moving in some volume, but soft elm, maple and basswood are very dull and prices inclined to be soft. An improvement in the demand is looked ‘for in the near future and those who buy hardwoods at present prices are likely to realize good profits later in the year. GREAT BRITAIN. Last week we reported that the British lumber market showed signs of an early improvement. Later advices confirm this view to some extent, but there still exists a wide divergence of opinion and con. servatism is still being urged by the major- ity of importers. The Timber Trades Journal, which at no time magnifies the favorable features of the situation, say of spruce: ‘‘Regarding this commodity, the ' feeling is that there is a better tone all round, with indications of enhanced prices. The firm attitude adopted by shippers some time ago is still held, and they still consider themselves justified in holding out for their figures, and have in some in- stances refused offers which a few weeks ago would have been readily accepted. On the other hand, importers have some- what raised their ideas, and buyers in the Bristol Channel, who a few weeks ago talked under £7 c.i.f., have purchased at £7 2s. 6d. c.i.f. Since our last notes we hear a 1,400-standard St. John cargo has been sold in that neighborhood at over \ this figure; while in the Mersey district we hear that over £7 3s. 9d. has been done for a similar cargo; also small sailers of good stock have brought £7 7s. 6d. c.i.f, both in Lancashire and Bristol Channel markets. WOODS & SPICER, Limited MANUFACTURERS OF ..... BRITISH COLUMBIA RHD CEDAR SHINGLES > We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. ‘ Vvire Your Orders at ouR EXPENSE to Agents; or to US at VANCOUVER, B.C. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., STOCKS AND PRICES. The E. K. Wood Lumber Company, of Bellingham, Wash., which has a contract for 14,000,0v0 feet of lumber for Panama, will, it is understood, get their supply of logs from the northern part of Vancouver Island in British Columbia. The Dickson Company, of Peterboro, have succeeded in getting their entire cut of 15,000,000 feet of logs to their mills at Peterboro and Lakefield. The company have had two gangs of men on the limits in Anstruther and Anson townships all summer cutting hemlock and basswood, in order that the logs may be dry enough to float next spring. The Moore & Whittington Lumber Company, of Victoria, B. C., have just completed arrangements to ship cedar in scow-load quantities to American firms, They have purchased a logging outfit and expect to have a camp in operation before the end of the month. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) VANCOUVER, B. C., August 15, 1905.— Prices have altered owing to the action of Coast lumbermen in endeavoring to assist those who would not cut prices in the interior. When the proposed selling pool of manufacturers in the interior of the province was talked of from fifteen to twenty per cent. of the millmen would not agreed, they preferring to sell on their own hook. They dropped the prices on the lower grades to a figure a little less than what the pool proposed, and the others were compelled to follow suit. The result is that the pool has not been effect- ed, and hardly will be. Now the Coast lumber manufacturers are getting into the game, and have reduced prices on the lower grades from $19 and $20 per thousand, delivered in the Territories, to $17 and $18. To offset this loss, the ’ prices on the better grades have been in- creased from $1 to $1.50. It is thought the manufacturers in the interior will be brought to time, as they cannot stand the cut, and are in fact losing money. The Coast people have rough lumber stock to get rid of, and the reduction will help. Money will not be tied up, and while monetary profit will not result, the in- dustry will be moving. The trade on the whole is good. Inthe interior it is even better than on the Coast, and some mills are cutting capa- city. Others, while running full time, have even been able to dispose of stock, which is a good indication. As soon as a bountiful harvest is assured, the mill men look to large orders from the Terri- tories. There has been some falling off during the summer, but it is expected that this will pick up. All those engaged in logging do not agree as to the prospects and conditions of this branch of the industry. While some consider there are too many logs in the water owing to the many.camps hav- ing been established early in the year, the more optimistic believe that these will soon be used up when the fall orders come in from the North-west. Prices are fair, fir logs going at from $5 to $5.50 and $6 at the camp, with the demand good. Rough cedar is not sought for, and mills will not give a price om it. Cedar is not cut to a very large extent on this side of the line, especially for export. However, mills are proposed for the west coast of Vancouver Island which will cut cedar exclusively, and the owners, who are Americans, consider they can very easily © aa McLennan Timber Land and Lumber G60., Limited Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebec, 131 St. eu aS St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . . ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. eo waitk St ~- BOSTON, MASS. Capecity 100 Million a Year. Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, EMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the. market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS Send for Catalo vt vt Samples by Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER — | DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH : MCLENNAN LUMBER 00, LIMITED MONTREAL WUE: Office and Yad 7! DORCHESTER ST. MASON, GORDON & CO. : DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length ae a W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. . « Manufacturer of . . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, ' : Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Red and White Oak, Maple and Eim Lumber. ie Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tien . . . 6 « « « SPECIAL — 50.000 Ales S/4 fa 12/4 Soft Elm — ‘ 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple ~: ,000 4/4M.R. Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Run ine’Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; saeco 6/4 Beech. Prices on application. A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly tera ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line” because it reaches into and aoe the very heart of the choicest hunting grounds in America. The very best wild fowl i ahoota® of the entire North is reached ONLY by thisline. Hundreds of beautiful lakes shoes ing in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and = choicest . tion to the nearest ticket agent. It npon appl = ig: over their lines pleasant oad comfort- able This line offers the best route between O, St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minneapolis or to . Superior’ points via Ashland, Wisconsin, Information given by addressing— JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R. R. nELP| Can be obtained at small cost by advertising in the Want Columns of THE WEEKLY CANADA LUMBERMAN. \ KNIGHT BROTHERS CO % il LIMITED Burk’s Ea ; WHOLESALE TIMBER = Montreal, Quebec od Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & T: Trading 7. Co., Vaucouver, B. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIO: August 23, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | ‘dispose of their product in the United States even if a duty has to be paid. A At the meeting of Mountain mill repre- sentatives held here early in the present _ month, the proposed selling arrangement fell through for the reason that while all _ interested professed to be willing to enter _ into the deal, none would do so when it came to an actual show down on the sign- _ ing of documents. _ Since this meeting the Coast mills made _ their cut and the Mountain men have been brought to a realization that if they are to _ retain their business east of the Mountains, / they must take steps to protect themselves _ and at the same time reach an understand- ing with the Coast lumber interests. ‘ i _ SPRUCE SCANTLINGS. ‘ The Timber Trades Journal, _ Eng., says: _ In one or two quarters this year some efforts have been made to eftect a reduc- % tion in the allowance of £1 per standard _ oft the cargo price customarily made for such scantlings, 6in. and under, as are usually included in spruce cargoes from _ St. John and other ports. The proportion of scantlings in these cargoes shows a tendency to increase almost in the same _ way that the wider widths are yearly ik diminishing. In the days when 15 or 20 _ per cent. of 11 in. was a not impossible specification for a St. John’s cargo, scant- ns _ lings were not held of much account. - Nowadays, when the bulk of the cargo is 7 in. and 8 in.,there are shippers who feel _ that a reduction of £1 per standard is too as J. B. Farwell & Son __,. CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN .. Ganadian Gedar Tele- ‘Graph, Telephon and Electric Light - Poles Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. London, f ‘ ANK ST. CHAMBERS J. GORDON DIMENSION BER SASH - Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. much for 6 in. and under. As in the wood trade generally, soin spruce, batten and scantling sizes are being sold for purposes for which deal widths were formerly ob- tained. 6x 3issaleable almost atthe same money as 7in, Against this must be set, however, the fact that shippers continue to send forward among the scantlings a number of impossible sizes, such as 4x2%, the effort apparently being to make the most of the wood without regard to the size produced. Under present circum- stances, any effort to reduce the allowance of 41 per standard for scantlings would, we feel sure, be strongly resented by buyers. Whether for a better arranged specification buyers would not be inclined to take a slightly smaller reduction is another matter. ADJUSTMENT OF LUMBER PRICES. CaLGary, August 16, 1905.—Because of the recent cut of Coast mills in ship- lap and rough dimension lumber for Northwest points, the British Columbia Mountain mills have decided to make a further endeavor to combine for the pur- pose of prstection. Their desire isto form a.selling pool, with headquarters in Cal- gary, andto this end a meeting of the representatives of all the mountain mills has been called to take place here on October 2. If arrangements should be satisfactorily arranged at this meeting, the management of the selling pool may be enabled to enter into a general price agreement with the Coast mills in respect to the Northwest market. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU R. B. ST. a haed gt RAILWAY, LUMBER a CONT RACTO RS’ AGENT 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. Men wanted at alltimes for Bush and Railroad Work. - - Phone 1,950 THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER GO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HarRDwoopD HEADQUARTERS R Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, OL McMinnville, Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots OTTAWA, ONTARIO W. B. BARTRAM WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT ite Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Revh Special Bills sawn on short notice. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. Barge or car load lots MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 4o feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. DOORS’ - B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER 60., LIMITED 604 Temple Buliding, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cc Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.8.C., 5th and Lumberman’s II, TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. Tabor & Cameron, of Tacoma, Wash., have purchased from the Bank of British North America 1,200 acres of timber land on Howe Sound, B. C., and adjoining the property of the Canada Lumber & Timber Company. The price is understood to have been in the neighborhood of $12,000 and it is reported that the purchasers will either log or manufacture the timber be- fore long, John Murray, Provincial Timber Ranger, Vancouver, B. C., reports thatthe Weyer- hauser Lumber Company have a large number of cruisers in the northern part of British Columbia exploring the timber lands in anticipation of the early advent of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. SPRUCE IS HIGHER. Perhaps one of the most interesting items of the fortnight is in relation to spruce, The basic price of spruce was advanced $1 August 8 by the West Vir- ginia manufacturers. This makes the price of 8 x 8 and under, New York de- livery, $21.50; 9, 10 and 12-inch, $23. That is, on the usual basis of twenty-foot lengths and under. New England is $1.25 above these prices and New Jersey the same. Per- haps a more striking feature is the change in the charge tor lengths over twenty feet. This charge has been advanced to $1 for every two feet over twenty feet, whereas it used to be fifty cents, This was done because the long stuff did not pay the manufacturers at the price, and the former differential made it an induce- ment for the dealers to run their orders largely to long lengths, J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. I,. Dean Holden, Pres. A.F, Holden, Vice-Pres, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and, Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, ete, Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, J,ondon, Eng. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. Limiteo SAW AND PLANING: MILLS, WARREN, ONT. - RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER. By Carload. or Cargo,” Registered .Cable-Address, ‘S Pinewood,?’> j:4 BRANCH OFFICE,, MANCHESTER, ENG Head’. Office, TORON TO, CAN, American. Lumberman’? Telecode. CRS TVS VE SSESSVSEVSEVSSESTSTVEVSETVEBSTVYF R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R. S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. CRBVSSSVSSVSCSVSSVVSSVSVSSSEVISETSS - OVO 4, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRAOCEBEIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete, All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY OBDAR Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ‘ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. | Correspondence Solicited. *’Phone No. 54. POLBS 5,000 pieces, 10 to 20’ long. Suitable for Hops, etc. Price 7—Well write us. Band - Gircvular CACHE’ a 7 Ont. 26 miles West North Bay THE LONG LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon G Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Gang UMBER sso LATH ¥ XN rs rye a i x Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION lr Aide ww ort, E. H. HEAPS & CO., “2.09 Wancouyver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : : ee ; AM HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. . Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, ; Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. a Ww. j. psy Lhe y-cnparate \ j. G. pag OD ih a MANAGER . ubau couver, 8.C. Pacific Coast Lumber Co. LIMITED VANGOUVER, BC. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Eto. 4 High Grade Red Cedar Sine : : Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - 112 Mail Building, TORONTO D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. ' . WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J- E. YOUNG, Cashier E. YOUNG, Pe a fi The Rat Portage ree Co., Lids roan White and Red Pine-Lumber, ‘Lath, Shingles, Saami Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work fro) ae pestis CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario,; WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber _ We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. — C. WELLS —— Export Lumber & — 6 PALLISER, B. c. Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. W. B. McKEcHNIE, President. Cc. MacRAg, Manager. Weare Bxsuzive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A LUMBER c. ‘ for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- 5 oa a cl = Cc LIMITED. tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping Sect ova =a BRITISH GOLUMBIA RED CEDAR 0 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CI,EAR. B. C. FIR_DIMENSION AND FINISH SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND. LOG BOOK handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square Oe and Round Timber ; al s Rules, and much pone | practi- *@- cal information. Price 35 Cents__@ avoeess THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. ? ry ‘ y _* wee ad aye a ‘ August 23; 1905 6 eee Bee CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS === —————— a nS NI SS ‘THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. y) We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE 4 Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. « TORONTO ) Office: 503 Manning Chambers - - FoR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, 4 Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try : JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED - _ We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer Chl one all winter. FAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT: rete y me CO. una BHODES. CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. re Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. HA BUILDING MATERIAL ola kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Bass d, Elm ‘ wie im Amherst, N.S. ~ awn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch s Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, ™"*s6d25"*" QUEBEC eee Ee __F-MGIBBON & SONS, "sur nufacturers of Pine, Hemlock sas Hakdos Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. ss ig Rhe Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. ’ Of Ontario, Limited w PRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. ‘ nA oa be ageo" Branch C. Pp. R. Manning Arcade, Toronto Coristine Building, Montreal ° And at Mills at Spragge. i A, BREANEN & SOAS. MANUFACTURING 60, LITE Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. MANUFACTURERS OF 1 White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, LimiTeD Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. q i cg LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. . A. F. BURY AUSTIN WE TOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA FINE of “de Building, 224 St. James St., = MONTREAL, CANADA 1S: Railway Rridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Timber Naway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and d Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, ytted. +4 iy Delivery and Water h Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. astern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. Timber i or | up to go feet long. Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x30 inch, epee ng met Se jeer eg ern meee Fir and Cedar, WRITK FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. eee ea TONE ak 6 ii ang 4 4 4 iets \y Shipments by Rail or Water. We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long. Leaf Yellow ial Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles. Canaea LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ty, ee Se R. LAIDLAW LUMBER C0. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. PLAYFATR & WHITE Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINGLES Co nttastors. for Rallway Buppiles MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty a A.& P.WAIGE tien Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisti Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. os PEMBROKE ONT. CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) PINE, ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. 322°" I HE te and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Ca and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER “ LAGK Midland, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limitea 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY WHOLESALE BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES , Pe oh OSS, Manecen:’ 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. J. F. FOSS, Manager. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ¥%, %, ZH, 1% and 13 inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S, FINDLAY : OWEN SOUND, ONT Steen Lumber Co., timitea ‘ Quebec f an » Var’ \ - : 4 P Pe gS eee ee en ped ' hw) 4 ‘, ; Lb it ew Re) Pe te (re Ala Sy s Ferg eer ad > yan Z " BN eer ealerhs Sten BRS Wee aria tela A ble Cl bee ames aty | ad Nate SP VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August 23, 1905 CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Montreal: Steamer Lake Man- itoba, for Liverpool, 9,193 pcs. boards, 23,270 pcs. deals, 1,000 doors, 4,134 bdls. staves, 5,968 pcs. lumber, 5,800 bdls. lum- ber. Steamer Bavarian, for Liverpool, 18,698 pes. boards, 15,021 pes. deals, 3,- 500 pcs. ends. Steamer Southwark, for Liverpool, 3,179 pcs. boards, 50,698 pcs. deals, 600 bdls. staves. Steamer Kildona, for London, 16,454 pcs. deals, 1,451 pcs, lumber, 2,435 pcs. planks. Steamer Ont- arian, for London, 16,517 pes. deals, 3,> 277 pes. lumber. Steamer Montrose, for 539295 pes. deals, ends and boards, 1,424 pcs. lumber, 2,243 doors; for Antwerp, 2,221 pcs. boards. Steamer Montcalm, for Bristol, 15,322 pcs. deals, 6i bdls. boards, 795 doors. Steamer Marina, for Glasgow, 281 birch planks, 2,065 pcs. deals, Steamer Buenos Ay- rean, for Glasgow, 1,461 pcs. deals. Steamer Jacona, for Leith, 25 logs; for Newcastle, 3,684 pcs. deals. Steamer Manchester City, for Manchester, 8,898 pes. deals, 54,709 pes. boards, 1,924 pcs. ends, 495 pcs. lumber, 26,090 bdls. pickets, 442 bdls. flooring. Steamer Manchester Shipper, for Manchester, 2,615 pcs. lum- ber, 5,492 pcs. deals. Steamer Phila- delphian, for Liverpool, 4,164 bdls. and 771 pcs. maple squares. From St. John, N.B.: Schooner Lois V. Chaples, for City Island 247,956 ft. deals. Schooner Wm. L. Elkins, for City Island, 292,393 ft. deals. Barque Leopoldo, for Bantry, 496,166 ft. deals, 33,915 ft. ends. Schooner W. H. Watters, for Vineyard Haven, 78,346 ft. plank, 77,022 ft. scant- ling. Schooner Ida M. Barton, for New Haven, 156,686 ft. ends. Schooner Rewa, for City Island, 204,751 ft. plank. London, Schooner Wanola, for City Island, 336,887 ft. deals, 30,187 ft. scantling. Schooner Stella Maud, for Stonington, 122,833 ft. boards. Barguentine August, for Kilrush, Ireland, 316,158 ft. deals, 18,939 ft. ends. Steamer St. John City, for London, 278,- 835 ft. deals, 30,980 ft. ends, 331,003 ft. birch plank, scantling and ends, 3,001 bdls. birch blocks, 1,200 cs, shooks. From Halifax, N.S.: Barque Henrick Ibsen, for Preston, G.B., 704,798 ft. spruce deals, value $7,047. Barque Avoca, for Preston, 1,377,801 ft. spruce deals, value $13,778. Schooner Falmouth, for New York, 105,000 ft. spruce deals, value $1,- 800, by C. F. Longley & Co., agents. Barque Bertrand, for Irving, G.B., 471,- 4799 ft. spruce deals, value $5,692, by G. P. Millege, agent. SteamerSt. John City, for London, 53,105 hemlock deals, valu $478; 2,786 fcu. ft. birch timber, value $4443 32,647 ft. birch deals, value $390; 10,243 ft. birch ends, value $80, by Fur- ness, Withy & Co., agents. The Gain Robinson Lumber Company has been incorporated under the laws of the state of Massachusetts, with a capital stock of $30,000, to continue the. whole- sale lumber business which for the past fifteen years has been carried on at Springfield by Mr. Gain Robinson, who was accidently drowned in the Connecti- cut river on July 11th. The business will be under the active management of Mr. Carles Ruggles, who for the past fifteen years has represented this house , as travelling salesman, and who has a thor- ough acquaintance with the New England trade, and Mr. Edward W. Hannay, who for the past six years has had charge of the office end of the business. SS NSS ROIS SSS Ss aS SSS , KY ' : : Y, ( Y q La} Yad ‘/ a oad SSS = SSS ~/ 4 SESESS SSIS SSS ISS SSSI SHS ‘i in JUST A GENTLE REMINDER 4 That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to h open up correspondence with us. t Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. 1 The Red Deer Lumber. Company WINNIPEG, MAN. Pe ee il UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YBLLOW PINE REACH |THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS BY WIR —& OR ‘PHONE | RAIL,MALL | _| J McGLURE LUM BER GO. Wholesale Dealers in. . Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- Seibel MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, ickorv and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspondence Invited on All Hardwoods. MANN, WATSON & CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Correspondence Solicited. \exe\e.e FRANK 6, BURY WHOLESALE Mills at I, TfL" Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, LA., ALLENTOWN, LA. j kge ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS © BOSTON, MASS. H. D. wictl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. Muskegon, Mich. | SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. ST. LOVIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing - CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty INDIANAPOLIS, + Veneers IND. Oak a Specialty BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT MICHIGAN Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. " “August 23, 1905 mi NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. _ (Correspondence of THE CANADA LUMBERMAN.) St. Joun, N.B., Aug. 19th, 1905.— _ Thescarcity of water in the St. John river __as referred to in last letter is daily becom- ing a more vital feature of the lumber manufacturing situation of this section. Millions of feet of logs are hung in the - main St. John, mostly above Grand Falls, although the quantity below this point _ would total to a large figure. The water is lower than it has been for twenty-five yea » the weather is remarkably dry, and, unless a rain comes in the immediate future, the mills at this port and all along » the river will be compelled to cease opera- ions. Nothing less than a rise of four or ' five feet in the up-river districts will serve to remedy the present condition of af- fairs. kets is the most. prominent feature of the lumber trade at this date. The demand has steadily increased until prices have reached a high level and the outlook is decidedly encouraging to all who have 2 anything i in this line to sell. Local stocks are light ; 2,000,000 s. ft. would cover all available at this date. The probabilities are that, even should the logs reach St. John in sufficient quantity to keep the mills in cut, the total cut of ‘‘ American” lumber i in this section will be lighter than 7 8 Gordon Street - Address; ‘‘TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. IMPORTER OF —muer ZEBRA CODE Wood Agents : “ GELLICHT,” LONDON BER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers ENGLAND offers from Iumbermen for . . . and Battens, 1 ea and Pine Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Chair Stock, Rents, etc., or any for English Mark: et. a) ui einaaead FELBER MANCHESTER. Veneers A _ The activity of the American deal mar- A. B. C, CODE LIBRAND, HEYWOOD & 60. MES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS. 3 k, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elim ERS OF Serves "ana Heading, * Wandin wor all eae ‘an bro Taras SP PAs eee Yo 8, PRY Aa TS ag A os Sil oa a a a TS a usual, as the total of ‘‘ American” logs got out for New Brunswick mills last winter was much smaller than is ordin- arily the case. In several cases Ameri- can manufacturers confined their opera- tions entirely to Provincial stock. Shipments of ‘* American” deals from this port have been light all through the season and no important quantity is now en route. Local prices in this line have stiffened considerably since last writing and for delivery during the next three months no quotation could be obtained, on a specification of say a twenty foot average length, less than: 10’s and 12's, $19.50 ; 9's, $173; narrows, $14 (f.0.b. schr. St. John.) Freight rates to New York on long lumber are quoted at $3.50 per M, with charters not plentiful and yet not so scarce as during June and July. The depression in the English markets for Canadian wood goods continues and prospects are not at all encouraging to the seller. The volume of sales is very light and the lack of eagerness on the part of buyers is very marked. Ship- ments from this port have been very light during the last month for this season of the year and stocks have consequently increased somewhat since last writing ; 4,500,000 would about cover the holdings in this line. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Prices quoted last month will still apply, viz. :—$11.75 to $12.25 ona specification containing say 50 per cent. 7’s and 8’s, 35 per cent. 9's and 15 per cent. 11’s and up, 2/3 price for fourths and ends, f.o.b. steamer, St. John. An incident which has attracted wide- spread attention in lumbering circles of New Brunswick and Maine, was the at- tempt to dynamite the dam on Chamber- lain Lake. The object of this dam is, according to the ideas of the St. John River lumbermen, to divert a certain amount of water which would naturally flow into the St. John, into the Penobscot river. The dam in question is situated on the Allegash river, a branch of the St. John, and also connected with the Penob- scot river, On Wednesday morning, August 2nd, a party of men (said to be in the employ of a firm of lumber manufac- turers who have their mill on the Maine side of the St. John) arrived at this dam, disarmed the caretaker and opened the dam gates. They did not further molest the caretaker and he at once set out to obtain help. He returned alone, but hav- ing readily guessed his errand and antici- pating interference, the men from the St. John blew up three of the gates and dis- appeared. A short time afterward a party of men reached the dam from Eagle Lake and repairs were immediately made. The VII. men from Penobscot claim that the at- tempt wasa failure and that the water was diverted for only forty-eight hours, The water in the St. John rose an inch or two, but almost immediately fell off again, The damis now guarded by a force of forty armed men, SHORTAGE OF SPRUCE LOGS. “Lumber that is now being sawn, un- less under contract, is being done at a loss,” said Mr. W. H. Murray,of St. John, N.B., in an interview recently. ‘The millmen are, as a rule, short) of logs. Randolph & Baker have been compelled to close down. Stetson & Cutler have, I think, enough to carry them through the season, but theyare lucky, and better off than most of us. We will be able to run until probably the middle of September, but I am told that several other mills will close about the twenty-fifth of this month. It has not been a good season. Some of the millers were cutting on contracts on which they were able to make some money, but after their contracts were filled and they commenced cutting for stock it was at no profit to speak of. There are many logs hung up—I can’t tell you off hand how many—but most of them will stay where they are till next year, Rain, if it is heavy enough, will bring down some, but generally the mill season will be very short.” BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS PARNWORTH & JARDINE Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOTTLE. LIVERPOOL, ENC. F. A. Be itiods & Co. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Codes; A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. nt for ~~ CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Lo handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. | 0uls BAMBERGER, Correspondence So Sol B, Ete. 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. pall Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods - a I AT I I IE Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD eee ae eS DIRECTORY cope and Brokers 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England ONB DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the CANADA ‘LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR Specialty aie t)*) ’ : AER UA Oe a He tein, a _ | SMITH & TYRER - [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .- WOOD AGENTS... ie A 7 ‘Cable’ Address—*Walmer,” Halifax, N. Sa, Office—SmiTH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Liverpool. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : “TECTONA” Glasgow. ‘Ar and A B C Codes used. . Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, London,” THOMPSON, * BROKERS — Codes: Paras Western Union, Southards, and B.C. 4th and 5th Editions, BLOIS & CoO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against ‘shipping documents. Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG, JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. AIESO ... All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods aultable for the Engli sh arket. ‘ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND. BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers CABL.RK ADDRESS " DOBLE ihe eae RP tl - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND LIVERPOOL, ”’ 4 VIIL THE ONTARIO LU Vi BER C9: aren Mitts: North Bay. C.P.R. and G.T.R. Delivery. MANUFACTURERS AND SHINGLES, Hoke -U Life fe Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH Lions Head, PEDWELL & LEMCKE, “: Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Correspondence Solicited. MANUFACTURERS CO eta = 5h Rail or Water Shipments. E have Three Millions of Hem- lock, running in lengths from 10 to 24 feet. which we are pre- pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 & MANUFACTURING CO. Dealers in Pine. Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber.. oe WOODSTOCK LUMBER CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION EO. G. GLADMA "WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBEE Mills at Smith's Bay = PARRY SOUND, ONT. LATH AND SHINGLES sm CorREsPonp! _ SOLICITED Ayo: EBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock WIARTON, ONT. “ THE NEW LINE ~ GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY CANADA Water-Powers, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELECTRIC _ PowkR FoR SALE. Through the Spruce Forests of the Laur enti Mountains—between Quebec and Ha esbu IDEAL PuLp-MILL Sims. Hay! Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. : A or over meee WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO r A. J. GORRIE, GUY TOMBS feet . ? General Supt. MONTREAL G.F.&P A. ee 5 Bood strips ; Pine, box boards.... 13 00 1§ 00 , TURULEUD TROL TR UNA be Cinee eee reece’ +» 34 CO 3600 Pine mill culls..... 12.00 15 00 Pi gods Saat Shippingorder ! Sanu ee ween edes 35 40 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, No. 2 Cuts, 1 inch 35 ,40,001) sto2= 16”.... 275 1 aS , OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. C.B. . a ee Be Barn Boards, No. 1 5 ow By the dram, according to average and quality. . af 45 50 No, 2 Strw ana > 26 50 cee Spruce, 10 idle 12 sn dimension... Sh Soae By the dram, according to average and quality Ps rd = feet . e e nts ‘gin. > pale, 4) ee ‘i , “+ a ieee . ro and 12 in. random lengths, ro ft. an UP. aon ASH, : ALBANY, N.Y. 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 an 3x4 random lengths 10 inches and up, according to sai and 5 Rep es ea ae 28 PINE, TO f€, Amd UP. ....0 eceepece csevceecae sasecess Average 16 inch. . . . 3 5 go 32 i All other random lengths, 9 in, and under, 10” stectl Uppers, 3 in. ... -. +--+ 83 85 | xxx2 inch shippers ......... $ 2% Jt. and up... :vechesk-5.05>. onion eee 2 2G IM... esreeeeeenseees + 83 85 | 4/4 inch 23'&up. 25 ~~ sin. and up merchantable boards, sit. &upprs 2} Inch - cee ae Oar ec. eS ae He Rien eecnceeee gee a ee toegieeendnene, © - Ig 20 ar prne Beare p.18.. et Pree 1 : oe. em ell he 8 tO me ee fe ey ee | ne ene enna Deleineemaks serene er and t ‘urring p. 18 bundled . {7 as ‘ , cnicomihe hieaaae 31 Selects, 23g in up.. «.: 77 8a] r2-in. dressing and better.. be 7A oa Ba coe a oe gael gg DPtowiess cacesace wee cs go 72 | Box, 1mro-in. .............. 21 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Fine common, Cakes and up 72 75 | BOX, 1X12..,...+.000 eweeee yaaa =r cleLassdTagaldie eiaiaaislemcate ise sn pore cones ° a iba 60.| No. x barn, ie ae ee 29 «30 Clears......... vite o ele «nate 5 ast = a oe ‘oO. 1 cuts, I oa inch...... 53 55 EXIO voce cee af ecgenes, 26 Second clears ........665 sees scele ofa kis'o' shins o aie OTTAWA, ONT. No.teevrssessnsnnennsn 35 4§| _1x8..000.- Cee a. eieae enter ne Ree pa MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, No. Bone gbinelkieais gagtens 3° 35 | No. 2 barn, rxr2.......... - 6 27 Extra 18 (Clear whites so Me TPE ate ahviatelaie Pine, cord sidings: weno Nec s Marnss.. x0 do) NS zamena ta Rau Ag) strc onnecssoona-sossas Mk» GRIER ARG MINE) neo epee eet ita Ee cage Abas ge, ee entiors nee 8 09 Stained saps -0n++-+00reene 32 40 | Shaky clear, 1 to ble nhs ge BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. shee : Bracket p! secesee coon 35 45 Par oobee.38 Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 butts to zim. . “Sinand wp. ter 5 OP ee Be eer 15 09 Shelving boards, rain, up « = 35 4 bene ae sasewecnee 26 “4 “Eureka, v6 in, ie No.2 cuts 2x8’&up 3400 36 00| xX10”...... wsseee 1600 1700 iz4q ine shippars..ce...0. % ON] ok, eae ae as Ferfections, 5 butts tos im. .... .... s } ‘ , t Jk sal, . ~ r w a" Qn ‘ ia oeahe re * x! say oe a ¥ i ve P Lary a i el ae ~ nie * ee . Ate fore . sin , no ED | ; (@.4 \ ¢ : RT acs ~ Vo. XIII CANADA [LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY ‘The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y ys of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. + Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. >t Telephone 1274 536 Hastines St., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C, _ -'299 Great ST. HELEN’s, Lonpon, E. C. ‘fhe Weekly Lumberman — Published every ‘Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- Brine of market conditions and tendencies in the principa 1 manufacturing districts and leading { estic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- ‘tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- ‘facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber ucts at home and abroad. / Leaf Lumberman— A 44-page journal, g fully and impartially subjects perti- "nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE * > q a Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. e hen four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 75 Pet cent. will be allowed. is notice shows the width of the line and is set ; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- ust be received not later than 4 p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in current week’s issue ‘ OR SALE — SAW AND PLANING MILL. 1 Good opening for an experienced builder. 9 a good 20 h. p. partable saw mill. Address "ak = 309 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Deen : DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO Cedar Shingles and Lath Tor- ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 Logan Avenue, Toronto. SS \AJANTED — PARTNER WITH SMALL V capital for good paying. contracting and er business in g live western ‘ity in Address Box No. 246, CANADA LUM- ANTED — «/4, 6/4, 2” SOFT ELM COM- MON and better. 1”, 6/4, 2” Wormy Chest- ' Cull Basswood, 5/4, 6/4, 2” Basswood, and Better. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamil- OD RELIABLE PARTY WHO HAS HAD “20 years experience in the manufacturing per from stump to pile, desires employ- tha good company. Good references. Ss Box 192, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Tor- mt, AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to ayers by placing an advertisement in ted and For Sale Department of this Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- WANTED TO SELL SIZES OF DIMENSION AND ROUGH C. No. 1 fir, spruce, white-fir or hem- and cedar. Price $9.00 up to 36 feet, F.O. Hazelmere, B. C. App'y GEO. M, ,,Hazelmere, B.C. QUA NTITY OF CEDAR AND HEMLOCK “R. R. Ties, No. 1 and 2; 10000 Cedar s; 1’ and 1” Basswood ; 2” and 3” it in 1904 ; excellent shipping condi- ‘cut contains Pine, Hemlock, Bass- aple, Elm and Ash lumber and 10,000 Liviicrap, TATE LUMBER CO’Y,, eT GA eS, WA aS a Da b Oe d le. > Lay Lae erg es) et “| - bee . WEEKLY EDITION TORONTO, MONTREAL — AUGUST 30, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER ANADALIMBERMAN The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $1.00 per veaR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REQULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATE8, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. No. 26 ANTED—YOUNG MAN, 22 YEARS OF age, desires position as traveller, 7 years experience in lumber business. Address Box 310, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Wace — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SIMcoE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. are FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Span'sh boom, Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchwood, Ont. FOR SALE 1’ and 1%” 1904 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Two cars 1” Soft Maple, cheap. Two cars 1” ists and 2nds Soft Elm, 10” and up wide. 1, 136” and 2” *905 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Write for lists and prices. The W. R. THomP- son Co., Teeswater, Ont. FOR SALE White Pine Lumber NO. I SHEET. Feet 1,895 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 2,962 1” x 10” x 12/16 ft. M/C stocks 27,735 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts ; NO. 3 SHEET. 26,945 1’ x 4”/ up x 6/1: ft. sound common 44,493 5/4” x 4”/ up X 6/11 ft, sound common 9941” x 8” x 12/18 ft. sound common 852 6/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. sound common 1’ x 11” x 12/18 ft. sound common 10,567 1" x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. second quality 8,234 5/4” x 4”/ up x 6/11 ft. second quality 69,000 5/4” x 4//7 x 12/18 ft. second gmality 2,621 5/4” x 8”/ up x 12/18 ft. second quality 44,400 2” x 4/7” X 12/18 ft. second quality 38,457 2” X 6” x 12/18 ft. second quality NO. 4 SHEET. 118,214 4/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 74,606 sth x €/11 ft. S/C shorts 2,521 6/4” x 6/11 ft +/C shorts 66,271 1” x 8” x 12/16 ft. S/C and better. 2,882 5/4” X 12/16 ft. M/C sidings - 49,826 5/4” x 12/16 ft. M/C strips 37,861 5/4” X 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 7,435 6/4” x 4/7” x 6/11” M/C shorts 3,222 5/4” x 8”/ up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts NO. 5 SHEET. 66,539 8/4” X 12/16 ft. M/C sidings §,762 5/4” X 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 33,627 8/4” x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 10,746 4/4” x 8/ up x ng ft. M/C shorts 46,630 4/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 14,574 4/4” = 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 1,218 6/4” x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 4,680 8/4” x 6/xx ft. S/C shorts 4,317 6/4” x 12/16 ft. S/C strips No. 6 SHEET. 1,456 17 x 4/7” x 6/x1 ft. M/C shorts 71194 1%" x 4/7” x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 1,154 1%” x 4/7” up x 6/11 ft. M/C shorts 13,804 1” x 8” up x 6/11 tt. M/C sidings 4.310 134" x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. M/C strips 9,373 1” x 8” up x 12/16 ft. M/C sidings 161,856 1’ x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C snorts 21,719 14” x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts ; 2,438 134" x 4” up x 6/11 ft. S/C shorts 370,168 1” x 4/7” x 12/16’ S/C Strips. 25,703 14” x 4/7” x 12/16 ft M/C stocks 11,795 17 x9" X 12/16 ft. M/C stocks No. 7 SHEET. 200,000 1” x 4/7” x 12/16 ft. second strips No. 8 SHEET. 147.913 14” x 12/16 ft S/C sidings 297,073 1” X 12/16 ft. S/C sidings 217,932 1” x 10” x 12/16 ft. good 54,295 1” x 11” up X 12/16 ft. good 33,948 1” x 12/16 ft. second strips. A. F. BURY AUSTIN, Wholesale Lumber & Timber Merchant Montreal. Wysteen SAWYER WHO CAN FILE / and fit his own saws, for small mill in Assinaboia, N. W.T. Apply in first instance to Box 37, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. BRS SALE — 5so ACRES OF STANDING timber 1n North Hastings, comprising soft elm, ash, basswood, hard maple, cedar, hem- lock, etc. Estimated to cut about two million feet, board measure. Will sell cheap for cash. Easy to log and a railway close by. Apply Box 111, CANADA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE 30 M. FEET 8/4” SOFT ELM GOOD STOCK. 40 M. feet 6/4” Soft Elm rst and 2nd. to M, feet 1” Soft Elm Common, Address D. M. BowMAN, Box 114, Floradale, Ontario. 60,000 Acres of Choice Timber Land in S. B British Columbia, estimated to contain 500 million feet, ona good river. Will be sold at a low price if disposed of quickly—onet-hird cash, balance on time. For details apply to Box 308 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. \ K JILL, SELL FROM THIRTY TO ONE hundred thousand acres of the finest tim- ber lands in the Kootenay, B. C.. on the propos- ed route of the Kootenay Central Ry. now under construction. For milling men, one of the best speculations in British Columbia. For particu- lars apply ‘‘R.L."’ Box No. 265, Post Office, Fer- nie, B.C. - TIMBER LIMIT FOR SALE eee CEDAR AND HARDWOOD Timber Limit up-to-date mill with gun- shot feed, trimmers and other full equipment : sufficient timber to run ro years; mill now in full operation, located on Georgian Bay ; good shipping facilities ; output practically sold for several years: Box 230, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Gale of Burnt Timber ——— A quantity of pine timber on what is known as Berth B.1, containing 21 sqnare miles more or less, situated South of Woman River Station on the Canadian Pacific Railway 120 miles west of Sudbury, in the district of Algoma, having been damaged by fire, the undersigned hereby calls for tenders for the right to cut same. ‘Senders will be received up to and including the 30th day of September next, and must state the rate per thousand feet board measure, in- cluding dues, which the tenderer is prepared to pay for the timber, or per thousand feet cubic for whatever proportion of it may be manufac- fured into waney or square timber, including dues. The timber to be cut during the present winter. Tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque for $500.00 payable to the Honourable the Treasurer of Ontario. The tim- ber to be sold subject to the Crown Timber Reculations except where varied by the condi- tions of this sale. The party awarded the right to cut will be required to give a bond with satis- factory sureties for the payment of the priceand the due performance of all terms and conditions required by this Department. ‘The Department does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender. Tenders to be marked ‘‘ Tenders for Burnt Timber,” and addressed to the Honourable the Minister of Lands and Mines, Toronto. F. COCHRANE. Minister of Lands and Mines, Department of Lands and Mines, Woods and Forests Branch, Toronto, 21st of August, 1905. N.B.—No unauthorized publication of this Notice will be paid for. W ANTED—T WO MILLION SPRUCELATH, f o b. New York, via boat or rail. P. V. LAND, 325 Lenox Ave., New York, N.Y. OR SALE—SAW AND STAVE MILL IN 1 Western Ontario Can be seen in opera- tion pow. Must be sold at once, to close an Sr Box 306, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Tor- onto. —LUMDGP We have about two million feet of this season’s cut for sale—about 75 per cent. White Pine, balance Norway and Spruce. Address ERRINGTON & Ross, Turbine, Ont. — iain CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. _ The lumber trade enters upon the month of September with bright prospects. Business is good, and there is every in- dication of a steady increase in the de_ mand during the next two months. Offerings of white pine are not large, for manufacturers realize that the situation is a strong one and that there is little prob- ability of prices declining very much from the present basis. Building operations continue to cousume large quantities of lumber, thus keeping the retailers con- stantly in the market in order that their stocks may not become too badly broken. From August 16 to August 25 the building permits issued in Toronto represented an expenditure of upwards of $280,000. Many of the structures which were started in the early spring are now nearing com- pletion, which is reflected in an increased call for finishing material. So far this does not seem to have greatly benefitted the hardwoods, which, while steady in price, are not moving as briskly as pine and hemlock. There is, however, a very hopeful feeling even among the hardwood manufacturers, and more activity is likely to be seen before many weeks. Maple and birch flooring is in good demand and prices are firmer than earlier in the year, due, in part at least, to the higher prices prevailing in the United States. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Two factors closely affecting the pros- perity: of the Northwest have, during the past week, made very satisfactory ad- vancement towards becoming a reality. One of these is the safe garnering of the largest yield of wheat which this rich country has yet produced, estimates rang- ing as high as one hundred million bushels; EME eee a ATT SR An Pac Bee es a t II. the other is the awarding of the contract for the constructionof nearly three hundred miles of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway from Portage la Prairie westward. What a production of one hundred miliion bush- els of wheat means to the Northwest is not easily overestimated—a monetary value of perhaps $70,000,000. The expenditure for the section of the Grand Trunk Pacific mentioned above will probably be $4,000,- 000, and it is gratifying to learn that the contractors are to commence work im. mediately. This undertaking will have an important influence on commercial activity in Canada, and especially in the West. The lumber trade will be greatly benefitted, for large quantities of timber will be used in construction. The present demand forlumber is active, dealers are busy and most of the mills are operating to their full capacity. Keen interest is shown in the meeting of British Columbia manufacturers to be held shortly for the purpose of adjusting lumber prices and en- deavoring to agree’ upon a basis which will give the producer a fair profit. UNITED STATES. Salesmen who are on the road are not finding it difficult to sell lumber; the de- mand is quite strong and prices firm. Offers below the market are very seldom made, for the buyer knows about as well as anyone that conditions are of the most healthy character and that there is no reason why the seller should make any concession of importance. The wheat crop has been harvested and the weather has been most favorable for the growing of corn. In addition to this feature, the iron and steel industry is enjoying a period of great prosperity. A heavy consumption of lumber during the balance of the year is indicated and’ prices are very likely to seek a higher level. The northern pine ‘production in the lake region from Duluth to Saginaw has been practically disposed of and is now in the hands of dealers, - The scarcity of the lower grades has turned attention to the better qualities, which are already reported to be getting scarce at Buffalo and Tonawanda. Hem- lock lumber is.doing better than in any previous season, large quantities of dimen- sion and coarse inch going into consump- wee . —B*% 27ers he |” See dead TIN GUID ub ANE wy uci Sy Ba ST all Ps, a AY. “ den > i eS eee mS ny Ck he ‘ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION tion for building purposes. In Penn- sylvania the demand is so strong that another advance of one dollar is con- templated. Spruce continues to advance in price. Ordinary frames are being sold at $23.50 on Boston rate of freight, and ro inch random at $26. The tendency is distinctly upward. The demand for pulp wood is an influential factor in the spruce market and large areas of standing timber have been acquired by the pulp manu- facturers, The two best sellers among the hard- woods are oak and birch. The latter is steadily coming into prominence for in- terior finish and is now being used tosome extent instead of oak. Basswood con- tinues to show weakness. Lath still ex- hibits remarkable strength. Wisconsin Valley manufacturers are now quoting No. 1 white pine at $4.25. GREAT BRITAIN, Recent views expressed by British im- porters are of a more optimistic character and in general business there has been a slight improvement. The textile industries are gradually getting into better shape and this will sooner or later benefit the lumber trade. Reports are current of con- tracts closed with leading importers and it seems to be generally believed that shippers have given a very slight con- cession. A dealer who recently returned from Canada speaks very hopefully of the spruce market, which he expects to re- cover materially before the end of the year. A few sales of 3x9 third and fourth qualities have been made at £8 10s. and 48 per standard respectively c.i.f. London, The stock of spruce in Liverpool is not very large and is not likely to be greatly increased during the balance of the season. At Cardiff, Hull and other ports stocks are below the average, which will give the seller a decided advantage when the market becomes more active. Thereis a good demand for battens and small boards, A Hull correspondent states that ‘Quebec pine has advanced ios. per standard, second quality now being quoted at £21. A saw mill at Waterford, Ont., owned by Richard Robinson, was burned a few days ago. STOCKS AND PRICES. Wm. Cowan & Co.'s saw mills, Prince Albert, N.W.T., closed down last week, having exhausted their supply of logs. Donald Fraser & Sons, of Fredericton, N.B., whose Aberdeen mill was burned recently, have arranged to have their logs sawn at the Warner mills, St. John. Pine piece stuff in Chicago is up $1, joists 50 cents to $1.50, timber $1 to $2, common boards $1, stock boards 50 cents to $1. Good lumber is up $2 to $5, and on 1¥% to 3-inch uppers $8 more is asked. The Pigeon River Lumber Company, Port Arthur, Ont., recently shipped a car- go comprising 700,000 feet of lumber to Saginaw, Mich. that has been shipped from Port Arthur to an American port for several years. Messrs. Clairmonte, Man & Company, Barbados, say of the lumber market : There have been two arrivals with lumber during the fortnight. The demand for both white pine and spruce has fallen off. Last sale of white pine on the spot was at $22.60 per M for merchantable and $16.00 for second quality. Last sale of spruce on the spot was $21.00 per M for mer- . chantable, and $15.00 for second quality. The following is the probable cut this season of several of the large Georgian Bay firms: Loveland & Stone, Cutler, 30,000,000 feet ; Moulthrop Lumber Com- pany, Johns Island, 20,000,000 feet ; Ed- dy Bros. & Company, Blind River, 20,- 000,000 feet ; S. O. Fisher, Blind River, 15,000,000 feet; McArthur Bros. Com- pany, Little Current, 25,000,000; T. G. Burtis, Thessalon, 20,000,000 feet; Hol- land & Graves, Byng Inlet, 38,000,000 feet. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Halifax, N. S.: Barque Federal, for Port Talbot, G. B., 244,386 ft. birch deals, value $4,112; 374,405 ft. spruce deals, value $7,045,by W.M.McKay, agent. From St. John, N.B.: Steamer Micmac, for Belfast, 1,002,654 ft. deals and’battens, 34,394 ft. scantling, 39,479 ft. boards, 41,- 974 ft. ends. Schooner H.M. Stanley, for Boston, 98,791 ft. plank, 42,939 ft. scant- This is the first cargo” ry ling. Schooner Comrade, for Scit 931,070 shingles. Schooner Aban Bridgeport, 61,305 ft. spruce boards 481 ft. scantling, 16,936 ft. plank. Se er Otis Miller, tor City Island, 160,488 f deals, 1,043 ft. plank. Schooner Georgiz E., for Stonington, 14, g25 ft. plank, 71 ft. boards, 100,000 laths, 228,420 shing Steamer Phoenix, for Brow Head, 1,26¢ 937 ft. deals and battens, 92,849 ft. ling, 70,900 ft. ends, 151,556 ft. b 25,259 ft. birch plank, 1,933 ft. scantling, 2,607 ft. birch ends, 1,076 fi boards. From Montreal: Steamer Virginia Liverpool, 7,322 pcs. deals, 134 pes. ber. Steamer Milwaukee, for Live: 4,834 bdls. lumber, 1,400 pes. boards, bdls. maple flooring, 3,093 pcs. lu 5»716 pcs. board tops, 96 logs, 1,111 bd shooks, 23,556 pes. deals. Steamer I minion, for Liverpool, 25,180 pes. — Steamer Pomeranian, for London, 3, pes. deals. For Havre, 57 logs, 1 1,946 p lumber. Steamer Monmouth, for] 1,868 pcs. lumber, 285 bales lumber, 44 W. C. CRAWFORD _ Tilbury Ont. — A . . Manvfacturer of . . a Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, E Etc, ’ vi Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading and and White Oak, Maple and Elm. Lumber. ' Can supply Second Growth White or k Squares up to 38 in, long in large quantities. Ey The Wisconsin Central oo is uty ed the ‘‘Sportman's Line” e it into and through the very heart of of the hoic hunting grounds in America ‘ The very best wild fowl shooting of the enti North is reached ONLY by this line, of beautiful lakes aboundin: celery attracts myriads of du and geese afford the finest kind of cover and the cho shooting to be found the country over, The Wisconsin Central Railway caters aie ially to the sporting as and during the various seasons for hun and furnis’ daily information to its patrons as to eat dition 's anywhere along its lines upc tion to the nearest ticket agent. Ita its train service with special reference to convenience and comfort of sp employes are constantly on the alert to x a over their lines pleasant and co able. This line offers the best route between f St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minnea lis or to | Superior points via Ashland, W: nsin. Information given by addressing : JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. : ; Milw WOODS & SPICER, Limited -MANUPACTURERS OF ...... BRITISH COLUMBIA RHD CHDAR SHINGLE: We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. Yrire Your Orders at OUR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Planing and Matching MASON, GORDON : KNIGHT BROTHERS CoO. LIMITED Bark’s Falls, Ont. Capacity 100 Million a Year. Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HENLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market, WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS a J Samples by ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Yrices *"Phone 113 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBE DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH : MPLENNAN LUMBER CO,, LIMITE MONTREAL QUE. Office and Yard, 57! DORCHESTER ST. Send for Catalogue KNIGHT BROT MOULDINGS ae Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or le ¥ il LIMITED Burk’s WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, ousken M ; Vaucouver, B. WRITE me PARTICULARS AND Quota’ N P. “tp a -Augus 130, 1905 ee Ill. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION a "pes. birch lumber, 36,160 pcs. boards, deals and ends, 17,890 bdls. shooks. - Steamer Iona, for London, 5 pes. doors, 1,063 pcs. lumber. Steamer Manxman, for Bristol, 4,289 pes. boards, 2,758 pes. deals. Steamer Sicilian, for Glasgow, 3,705 pes. deals, 381 logs, 2,232 pcs. boards. Steamer Athenia, for Glasgow. 393 pes. deals. Steamer Tampican, for _Neweastle, 54 pcs. lumber, 21,142 pcs. _ boards and deals. Steamer Oriana, for - Port Natal, South Africa, 9,614 pes. lum- _ ber, 917 bdls. lumber, 5,174 pes. boards, goo bdls. doors, 50 bdls. windows. For _ Algoa Bay, 369 pes. boards, 670 pkgs. _ boards, 488 pcs. lumber, 126 bdls. doors. _ For Cape Town, 17,517 pcs. lumber, 28 ‘bdls. lumber, 2,898 bdls. staves, 12 pcs. boards, 983 pes. boards, 200 pcs. deals, 1,200 doors. For East London, 1,805 pcs. _ lumber, 86 bdls. lumber, 49 pkgs. boards, _ 1,563 pes. boards, 491 doors. g ' ait’ TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. It is announced that the Bayless Pulp and Paper Company, of Binghampton, __N.Y., bas concluded a deal whereby it ' comes in possession of three hundred square miles of spruce timber on the River St. Anne, province ot Quebec. The _ purchase was made of the Seminary of - Quebec, an old Catholic institution, and _ the amount paid was one million dollars, The Seminary of Quebec received its charter from the King of France and it _ was later confirmed by the English. The deal has been progressing for some time, and it is announced that the syndicate will ‘establish mammoth paper and pulp mills J.B. Farwell & Son j bei CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN .. Ganadian Gedar Tele ‘crapi, Telephone and Electric Light. Polis pe Bancroft, Ont., ard Oswego, N.Y. ANK ST. CHAMBERS ‘ ¥ J. GORDON rR | om SASH - | GARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., unreo in the vicinity, and use the timber in mak- ing wood pulp. James C. Wright sold at auction at Hopewell Hill, N.B., on August 18th, his 800 acres of timber land—with saw mill— and the standing timber on‘a fitty-acre lot adjoining, thé buyer being Warren Dow- ney, of Cape Station, who secured the property for $16,050. The property is situated at Memel, four miles from Hope- well Hill. The general impression is that it sold well. On some date on or between September 15th and zoth the transfer of 166,000 acres ct timber land, mills, etc., from the William Richards Company, of Chatham, N.B., tothe International Paper Company, of New York, will be made. So far as can be learned the price to be paid will be between $600,000 and $750,000. The property which the Americans are pur- chasing gives them control of all of the Richards Company's business on the Mira- michi, and they will therefore retain their mill property at Campbellton. The pro- perty to change hands includes 166,000 acres of timber land on the Taxis river, the Richards Company’s mills at Boies- town and Chatham, and lumbering equip- ment. The Wolverine Land & Lumber Com- pany, of Menominee, Mich., are said to be negotiating for the Eddy-Glynn tract of timber land on the Whitefish and Spanish rivers, containing about 100,000,000 feet of pine. Cruisers recently went over the territory on their behalf. Several Duluth lumbermen, including | ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tiem ..--+-+:+ = SPECIAL — 50.000 4/4. 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M.R Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mall Run Pine Sidings, 49,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4 Beech. Prices on application THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER GO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS HaRDWOOD Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, O. McMinnville, Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots OTTAWA, ONTARIO W. B. BARTRAM ‘1 WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT 45 * ¢ White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Special Bills sawn on short notice. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. Barge or car load lots MACLAREN HINTONBORG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to 90 feet. Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. DOORS’ - B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. 604 Temple Building, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS > sable address “‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s John McAlpine, Henry Turrish, W. H. Cook, William O’Brien and the Lam- mers Bros., of Stillwater, are said to have recently disposed of some 260,000,000 feet of pine timber, situated north of Peli- can Lake, to the Weyerhausser interests. The price is understood to have been about $7 per thousand. DEMAND FOR BOX SHOOKS. Mr. G. Eustace Burke, Canadian com- mercial agent in Jamaica, writes to the Trade and Commerce Department urging lumbermen in Canada to try to catch the orders for orange and pineapple box shooks, which are needed in great quanti- ties in the southern island. The orange season will shortly be in full swing and the demand will be very active. So far the United States shippers have been able to place their goods almost exclusively. McNutt’s saw mill at Tay Creek, N.B., was destroyed by fire recently, the loss being about $4,000. The box factory of the London Box Manufacturing & Lumber Company, Lon- don,Ont., was destroyed by fire last week, the loss being about $35,000. F.G. Rum- ball is heavily interested. A dispatch from Quebec states that the saw mills and lumber yard of Price Bros. & Company at Metabetchouan, Que., was burned on the 26th inst. The loss, about $40,000, is said to be fully covered by in- surance. The saw mill of the Newville’ Lumber Company, Newville, N.S., with over a million feet of lumber, was destroyed by fire on August 26th. The loss will be in ey All kinds of SAWN LUMBER ‘By Carload or Cargo, SEND Cc. A. LARKIN j, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete, All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Band - Circular CACHE BAY, Ont. iPr.) , Rik midis } a Ek: Pai AAip ain at 20076 1 be Des D re ipl \ Te A Beer a eae ome Pa 0) nel: ORE 7am ers rn ‘f aU ig a inte Sa ie THE IMPERIAL LUMBER SAW AND PLANING. MILLS, WarRe”. RED AND WHITE PINE Registered Cable Address,‘ Pinewood,” >» < B.C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES < < Several cars now in transit, hence can give prompt delivery. IN YOUR ORDERS 26 miles West North Bay the vicinity ot $59,000, about half of which 1s covered by insurance. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. F. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. I, Dean Holden, Pres. F, A. Holden, Vice-Pres. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto, EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, Tjondon, Eng. DEALS BRANCH UFitter, MANCHESTER ENG, Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. “American Lusuberman” relecode. Toronto Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. tn Car Lots. Manufacturer of / Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings Baa mets? HARDWOOD FLOORING ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - __ Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. OCOBDAR POLBS 5,000 pieces, 10 to 20’ long. Suitable for Hops, etc. Price 7—Well write us. THE LONG LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manujacturers of RED and WHI. TE PINE Gane UMBER_ anD LATH CO. LimiTeD i a lV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION BRITISH COLUMBIA OPERATIONS. The Bowman Lumber Company, of Revelstoke, have two logging camps and two logging engines at work on Fish Creek, delivering 120,000 to 150,000 feet a day. Some Duluth capitalists, represented by Dr. Cook and others, were at Grand Forks, B.C., recently negotiating for the purchase of some 25 square miles of timber limits up the North Fork of the Kettle They have a cruiser with them for the purpose of cruising the timber. Should the deal go through, Dr. Cook and his associates will erect a large mill and find a market in the new places that are opening along the Kettle River in Nicola Valley. The Kendall Logging Company, which has been working at Comox, has sus- The men who were River. pended operations. working for the company have put in their claims, which amount to $1,900, the logs seized being worth approximately $2,100. The engine, which was only partially paid for, has been taken back by the Chemairus Lumber Company, who had a lien on it, and the E. K. Wood Company, of Belling- ham, are said to have a chattel mortgage on the rest of the logging outfit. The company operated on limits owned by the E. K. Wood Company. There are other creditors, but for what amounts has not been learned. A Vancouver paper recently contained an announcement concerning the taxation of timber lands, Itread: ‘‘Notices are being issued calling upon the holders of all timber under license to furnish returns as to the value set upon their timber to the tax collectors andassessors. Failing such re- turns the tax collectors are empowered to assess the values themselves and levy the estimated that there will be raised by this means a revenue of $400,000." The above notice was somewhat misleading, and was further explained by the publication of the follow- ing: ‘*We are informed that there-are no notices being sent out by the assessor to the holders of licenses of timber lands, be- cause timber lands held under lease or license are exempt from taxation by the What is being done, however, is that a form is being sent out to the owners of timber land to be filled up in accordance with the Act, showing the description, value and other particulars of the land they claim to be timber land, so that the assessor may know whether to assess it 2 per cent. as timber land or 4 per cent. as wild land. the ordinary duties in preparation of the roll for 1906, and none are sent to the lessees or licensees of provincial timber lands.” tax accordingly. It is act. This form is being sent out in course of the assessor's BUSINESS NOTES. A demand of assignment is reported to have been made upon Isreal Nantel, lum- ber dealer, Montreal. David R. Galbraith, lumber mianufac- turer, Mar, Ont., is announced to have assigned to D. R. Jermyn. The W. F. Huntting Lumber Company, Vancouver, B.C., report very good busi- ness in shingles this summer. They are running night and day. The Liverpool firm of R. Parker & Company, Limited, in liquidation, has managed to pay no less than 15s 434d on the pound, a result which will be very satisfactory to all concerned, including the directors. i JUST A GENTLE REMINDER y) Wi That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your } wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up why. correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you Y ne en ee ce Ne The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN, pa SOESS. 5 SESS SOLES TESS SOE SPSS SESS SESS SO SESIESS SHES ENSHY SS Y CAN (iF Fe a ZACH |THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. “WHOLESALE HARDWOODS | ST.LOUIS Bae ‘Y RAIL,MAIL ‘PHONE McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickorv and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIY, MICH. Corresponience Invited on All Hardwoods. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS >| YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- Prompt ship- in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. able prices. ments. Mills MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | H. D. WiGCIN will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for 4 LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoxkeSPONDENCE SOLICITED. BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. S It UOUP WIS. . To Purchase or Sell as A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY quickly as possible @ & © An Advertisementin the **For Sale’’ Departmentot the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION i 3 Will secure tor you a buyer orSeller,as __ the case may be. A ; The Canada Lumberman, Torento Wanted'’ ddress. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. 7 Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. NeNeNCNE + Veneers FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE BURY & NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Soutnern Yellow Pine. ~~ MASON A. NOBLE MICHIGAN , August 30, 1905 — THE = PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. * We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- feck, and solicit your enquiries. C—O ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. wal oa iar oe Ve ol 7 " - te war” Pea tt —_. an a hes la vag (Ree ah aa ye ‘ Pout 3 ee Pets da a yrey ee oe ‘CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS — | ee rs ee ee TORONTO FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, i Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior mn ‘ Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try _ JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. ~ AEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT- RHODES, CURRY & CoO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Ae Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. __- BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of ¥ Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. { Office: 503 Manning Shombhers - - om .,! ‘ awn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch X Band Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. 4 JAMES J. MURPHY, °° shiting’"”" QUEBEC eer F. MOCIBBON & SONS, = ”e™aus# ae of Pine, Hemlock and ete! Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MANUFACTURERS OF White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments he Cook & Bros. te Lumber Co. ¢ Of Ontario, Limited | 4 mies Fa SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. **Soo”’ Branch C. P. R. | 4 ‘s je sol Arcade, Toronto _ OFFICES = ine Building, Montreal ° at Mills at Spragge. ; 1 M. BREANEN & SONS MANUFACTURING CO. LIMITED ca 5 - Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. ‘ Saw Mills at 3 6 RAINY LAKE, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limiteo Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. EY Manufacturers of and puciemnle ‘ to Dealers in all kinds of + oe: Railway Delivery and Water _ Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. ott A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER ADA FINE 2.2 Bank of Ottawa Building, a re James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA Siena ICIALTIES: Rail age Timber and eo kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White 7 : ine, Dimension eee ast Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak acd Whit c and Rough Lumber, Batten “Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, belle y back, ond butted. ite Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. Fir Timber in any size or length up to A feet long. Timber — face up to 24 inch x30 inch. ‘of large capacity. Rough and Dressed , Douglas Fir and VIRITE FOR costea’ sige 4 ANB QUOTATIONS. UGER & SON: 12 » > a x 2. ‘a ‘ ae se We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles. CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ¥. ———————= a R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE PLAYFAIR an WEL ET Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH » SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT Contractors for Railway Suyeues BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . — A. & P. WHIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY PINE, ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long ge ee and Hemlock Bill Stuff. (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. 3 be err Lumber Co., timitea LUMBER a? | AGHA Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled : Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY WHOLESALE BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES We Sonnet TOSS. Manezer. 024-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. J. F. FOSS, Manager. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK H, %, Te. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY : OWEN SOUND, ONT. i) fiat saad Shh ee Ns a Quebec | “mone White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shiite Sash, , a 2 AP RAS as ae eee PA NY USE ee lee ee A ee Paya i \ \ i : We so Py ts eh a, 7 » Aas dh nin td pay y os ah a cal ita| baal , Bos eines ti. ve nik, wi te = yhe Pc i Pls toh fun as he ey yak 4 “7 ; ‘ * 4 - ‘ ' : he “ ne vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August.gorseese “aoe nc, Ee H. HEAPS & CO. taco Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. : SPECIALTIES : | AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Pacific Coast Lumber Co. LIMITED VANGOUVER, B. C. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. 4 High Grade Red Cedar st Na | | Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, = 7 112 Mail Building, TORONTO . D. C. VAMERO @ © esident and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J._E. YOUNG, Cashier Cashier : _ The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work Detrsin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario,~ WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber ; We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. | Cc. WELLS — Export Lumber & e PALLISER, B. C. 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of.all Descriptions. , “% & «2m Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. W. B. McKecunig, President. . C. MacRag, ‘Manager. oat Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A LUMBER C0, for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Vanaoet > Cc LIMITED — tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping daa ag 2 capacity over 114 millions. BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR | nches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. B.C, FIR_ DIMENSION AND FINISH. ~SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK © A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements °° of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square °0- and Round Timber ; Ronee Rules, and much other practi- cal information. Price 35 Gh ae Appauss THE CANADA: LUMBERMAN, TORT ONT. of Al oy Re" Ot eee) eevee Pe CL RE ee ae AT Beet) ra “te, hh ¥ ee Wher B'oP CKANY ita eh f swe A ic ie m Pee a,” 6 ‘ys ky ae 7 a Py . ~ rca) eh -¢ "7 '. - , r me “ ‘ol x aon is August 30, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vc Sete tee . 0. Box ey "407 EMPLOY MENT BUREAU R. B. ST. Beaker a . LWAY, LUMBER a dy AILW EONTRACTORS’ AGENT _-——s«4458 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. Men wanted at all times for saat and Railroad Work. - Phone 1,950 tay to purchase White Pine and | Molennan Timber Land and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- LUMDCF GO,, Limes bec. ADDRESS: Selling Agency a Dealers in all "kinds of Timber Lands. CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. Offices: Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. Room sr, BOSTON, MASS. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared - About half the B. C. Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. Million Shingles. IU MBER We reece SCC ery Co BY ako: Pet sand VeEccanr math DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH (43 | Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. a7 Milk St. ~ 1,000,000 Shingles Per Day Our Daily Shipping Capacity is over One Limited sé tasiness. Vancouver, B. C. bs oa ce ge wy Can be obtained at small cost by advertising in the Want Columns of the WrEEKLy Canapa LuMBERMAN. a _ BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS PARNWORTH & JARDIN: i Biss |Wood Brokers and Measurers ne ‘head ch. Abe tole Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. « Dale St, Rogont Road BOTTLE, LIVER? OOL, ENC. ‘F F. A. Lightbody & Co. & Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SUVILAND — WOOD BROKERS sable Address; *‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., A1, “Zebra and Fitvate Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. "Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United ined om Correspondence Solicited a 2 Broad Street Building, ] OUIS BAMBERGER, * "tesco" sc ae: Address ‘ Lae London.’ IMPORTER OF ——umr Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Open to Contract for Glued-Up_ BASSWOOD cies sgfonl cal RDS A. B, C, CODE DIRECTORY CODR aa HEYWOOD & CO. 7 Wood Nests and Broke: < 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England ELDER, JUCKER & CO. iz Lumber Importers fANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . Deais and Battens, Spruce and Pine 4 a ehooks ; Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Handles, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any : nitable’ for English Market. oa Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. MES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND ee.’ TIMBER MERGHANTS SUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elm : “ GELLICHT,” LONDON Cable address: ‘‘Dundonian, Dundee.” BERG & SON, Timber and Wood Pulp Agents and Brokers DUNDEE, SCOTLAND Contracts made between Shippers and Importers Correspondence solicited Staves and eading, Handles of all descriptions Veneers A Specialty oe SMITH & TYRER - 4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTuH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS EDMISTON’? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW GANT & KEMP 9 TIMBER | 625 aoa Snare GLASOOW BDA K ER 5 Cable Address ; “‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. Codes: Zebra, Western Ubion, Southards, and A. Canle Address: ‘‘ Ax and A B C Codes used. “‘Woodfeller, Cc. 4th and sth Editions. THOMPSON, BLOIS & Co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents. dUSEPH OWEN & SOND, LTD. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Telegrams and Cables: London.” Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and. Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory pind . ALSO... All eiduwen of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods ir tated for the English arket. RED! DOBELL & COMPANY OOD:AGENTS AND BROKERS ind London’Chambers = LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABLE ADDRESS ' DOBLE LIVERPOOL ir fe ee py See * rs aks a . eo Le eee oe as % lt ea VIit, ‘CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION 3 | pany 2s MANUFACTURERS THE ONTARIO — wuive Pine LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. L U Vi B E q C2. LIMITED tone we Building ph poe worth Bay. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay R. and G.T.R. Delivery. Water Shipment Only. TORONTO, Ont. PEDWELL & LEMCKE OES wa 8 yar Lions Head, 9% Ontario MANUFACTURERS { Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. E have Three Millions of Hem- ;. SHE WOODSTOCK LUMBER lock, running in lengths from & MANUFACTURING CO. 10 to 24 feet. which we are pre- ‘Deulars in Pind, Heniloon pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 and Hardwood Lumber .. ~ feet or over. mma WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO TS ne aby ah, 7 ” eT 2 coat pes Pe EO. G. GLADMAN srscromm WHITE PINE AND. ‘HEMLOCK LUMBER | LATH AND SHINGLES mm, . wtowuehip ot ering PARRY SOUND, ONT. pcre 4 A. P. Hib hes MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Sto WIARTON, ONT. ~ TAE NEW LINE GREAT Through the S Forests of the Lauren roug e ruce Fore: t n NORTHERN NMoud:atus—Berwede Onabes and Hawkest Du WatER-Powers, TIMBER LIMITS AND ELECTRIC RAILWAY Power FoR SALE. IDEAL PuLP-MILL SiTEs, eueian os DV ase Export Facilities at Quebec. : General Supt. MONTREAL che F.&P A, CURRENT LUMBER PRIGES-WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 to 10 in.,foto 16ft. 15 00 16 oo cuts & becter...... $47 00 $49 00 | 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 14% to 2 inch No Clear inch B. C. cedar, cuts and bette 5 oo 51 00 kiln dried ........... 50 00 1% &2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar cutsand better.... 42 00 44 00 air dried boat lumber 55 00 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension cuts and better.... 37 00 38 00 timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 tin Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension and better shorts 24.00 25 00] timber, 30 to 35 feet 31 00 1x4, 6and8 common 18 00 19 00 | 1% in. , No. 1 4ft. Pine IX 10 common...... Ig 50 2000 DQUM Sic srcieie evisielainre 350 3 60 1x 12commion...... aaa 22 00 | 1% in. No. 2 4 ft. Uath A 00 310 1X10 common...... 20 00 21 00 | 134” No.1 32” pine lath I 70 1XIO common...... 21 00 22 00| 1%” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 2 80 and 3x12 common. 22 00 23 0o| XXXX Pine Shingles 290 300 rxio inch box and a XX Pine Shingles .. 210 220 common ........-. ao 00 21 oo | X Pine Shingles .. 90 Inch mill runsidings 21 00 22 00| XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 25 rin. mill run...... 20 00 2I 00 B. C. Shingles" Ix10 and 12 mill culls 16 00 17 00 | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 90 I — mill cull Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 312 Binge vercsarrsce wee nee 15 00 16 00| XKXXXX 5to2in.. 345 tin. ge cull ‘sidings 12 00 13 00| XX No. 2,6 to2in.. 2 30 1% inch ouns . a4 00 2500| XX ‘ 6 to 23-16in. Hemilock,1x4 to 8in. 14 50 15 50 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, t to2 in Elm,rock, mill 3 ‘ ists and ands..,...$33 00 $35 00 Elm rock, ar to 1424 00 26 00 Asi, black, rsts and En ek 1%'" 3.. 29 00 30 00 and, 1to1% in.. .. 27 00 29 oo | Hickory, 1sts Birch M.R.,1in. .. 21 00 22 00 and 2nds..1%"' 2.. 36 00 38 00 = 1% * 2.. 2300 25 0o| Maple 1” mill ** sqrs. 4x4 “‘ 8x8 32 00 36 00 pen r 1% 20 00 2I 00 Basswood, Common Maple, sts and better 1 to14%in 24 00 25 00 and 2nds.. 2 © 4.. 24 00 26 oc Basswood, 1% to2.. 25 27 00 | Oak;red, p’n, mi. r. 1 1% 2400 2600 ists & ands 2 ‘' 4.. 44.00 4600 Cherry, 1s(s Oak, white, and 2nds.. 1 ‘‘ 134 55 00 60 00 ists &ands1 ‘! 1} 42.00 44 00 Cherry, ists Oak, white, andands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 60 00 7000 ists & ands 2 ‘' 4.. 45 00 50 00 Sat soft, mill Oak, quart’d, weeee dt ' 146 24 00 25 00 ists&2nds ‘‘ 2.. 70 00 80 00 Elm, soft, mill Walnut, xsts Tun...... 2 '' 3.. 25 00 26 00 and 2nds.. 1 ‘' 3.. 85 00 10900 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT / cts. Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,........- 35 45 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to ‘apa . 58 6: 19 to 20inch average BtlGziny iS RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and anally slelete.o1 dis oie aia a itd Shipping order OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality . . oc 45 50 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality 4oto4gsfeet. 65 75 30to 35 fet. 52 54 ASH, to inches and uP, according to average and quality. . . 26 28 Average 16 inch. . .. . Fright ey n RAY st : 30 32 BIRCH, 14 Inch . . 20 42 16,“ , en) ar ie . 26 828 17 as ‘ . 28 31 “3 . . a us aga nee OTTAWA, ONT. + am MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, good sidings: ixro No, x sr oeee 270 00 lin.x8in.andup 40 00 4200/1x10 No.2 “ 18 00 1% in x1% in. =x 1x8 &9No. x barn... 17 00 fe Re aan 56 00 | 1x8 & o No.2 “ 15 00 gin. x 8in.and up 54 00 56 00 | Pine Shorts 6’ to Pra No.2 cuts 2x8’&up 3400 36 00 KIO" oiacies. 900080, 20100) 32780: Piie good strips : Lip ascidle seis jose (aa COMenel 14 in. and 1} in... 36 00 40 2 IN. ..eee weeeesees 38 00 40 oo oo oo Pine, box boards.... 13 00 15 00 Pine mill culls..... 12.00 15 00 ‘A anes ; Pine O. culls....... 7 §0 850 BING «5 scomassnsve outset Sai | Spread. -e aaa Spruce, 1’x4” & up 14 00 ne, good shorts: Spruce, 1” stocks, gee 1in...........+.+ 2800 3000| 7,8,gand 10”... 15 00 Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 cir jiutes, ieee! isan 1%4 in. and ri in... 34 00 40 oo | Spruce,1” clear (fine Clear botts.......... 350 3 75 tteasesecccece selene «s+. 38.00 42 60 creates Spd 24 00 Smooth 6 x18....... 4 50 4 75 Spraces.:ccitcttasdeet 7” fo Wg A Sidings.. I§ oo | Hemlock s 13 00 p Pine, No. I dressing Lath, per M siding +++ ++.» 32.00 2700] No.1 white pine.. 2 50 . Pine, No. 1 dressing ; SEE Docstae | pine.... 2 25 StripS...... ssee+-++ 18 00 2§ 00 pruce, mill run..... Pine Wigs 3s cadrepein ok ed Pine, ac eak Bas ye BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N. ¥. : shorts .....++ «s+» «« 17 OO 21 00 ine Shingles Pine, ros, ¢ and bét- XXXX, 18 inch........ 300 3 25 ware teraz! to 16’ ..... 20 00 2200] Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 (Wholesale selling price.) Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx 18 inch........... 1 40 1 60 Uppers, 1, 1%, 14% and2 2 in a ter 12’ tor... .... 17 90 19 00| Cedar Shingles in eh ee 78 00 Shelving, No. « ayn Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 09 2000) Xxxxx, r8inch........ 3 25 3 50 85 00 ani oe Pine s. c. strips...... 1400 16 00] Clear Butt,r8 inch... 2 50 2 60 No. 1M 2 ee Pine, s.c. shorts..... 1§ 00 14 00 xx, 18inch.......... 1 50 170 papa Rie Be periag Jo 00 No. s Mouldi ing Strips, °o incor Se BS tebe Bee 5 00 Sa Be I in oo eeeeee SARNIA, ONT. 1 and TH lancet $6 00| No.2, 10im...-... 2) SI Se nah eee 300] No.2 12 in: ’ UPPERS. %x4and g”.......... .$21 00 inaraha nd Ge dboee 2 ‘ pitti 1in., 10” and up wide. .$73 00 oe te and up.. + 24 00 : ID aad site Gane paige No? ey maa 1%,1%and2” “ .. 73 00 14 = 10% te eeeeee + 25 00 Cut’g up, No. 1, x in. 38 00 Box, 14.0.3 que 2% and 3” “.. 78 00 ie mate “27,00 rgd and 13 in..... 5000) 1x6 &up........ 4! .. 83 00 le = And up +e 24 00 0. By ZT INsscecese 26 co 2500) 5< 2. eters SELECTs. te = to8 oe . = Os 2,1%, & 1% in 96 oo'| ~ “axa weos eee rin., 8” and u up wide... . 63 00 a” x 6" and up : 25 00 No. os xm andi eae Grpd pry prom 1%, 1 — | aioe - 63 00 27, X 1o”.. - 2600 Dressing 1% in...... 36 00] Mii Calls, x a7) 216 and 3 sees 73 00 at X1al"2..phcmater atece . 28 00 14x10 und 12...... 40 00 L Callas aaa a” ke ed NO. I BARN. TAG NMI Sinia chebolOs cinip 36 00 ep FINE, COM. AND BETTER. min. Uae «$23 00 to $30 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent thi baying £ rin., 8” and up. ilar 54 00 _1Y, 1% xed 2" ae oo to 4 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; pie are and 13% ie te oS ‘v and 3”. 32 00 WHITE ASH. oy eee ar eptee 35 00 FINE comman: NO. 2 BARN. sends Kiecba oe Pegs Seale sce Eo pithe statis .. 45 00 to 62 00 ea ern 20 OCOto 24 00 culls. ...... 16 00 "4, 16 itt in va a 51 00 Uh a 2 and he : 2%,3 and 4”.. C3 | es a a + 22 oot ; No. 1 cuTs. ve Med chine ates = 2 ne Ist & and, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00 | Com. & good culls... 1§ 00 : BIRCH. 52 al and up WARE 3 os ony Res aman, iy si age 6 inch & ’ Fag apc kor; 24 00 260 Reims oy Sg snOO"s IMT eh cuts sa Crs) Someta culls. 1 in, s . 46 00 1% 1% and 2” 18 00 to 20 50 F soo 3 oe oan a oriay Stig x “eh + 47 00 3” Sisieeielosted 21 00 Wk salscaedis thaliana 8 mes d, soft,6in & 4 . st & ad,rock,6in &up26 00 28 oo] 1st& 2 4’ - 62 00 NYo. Eni” gs Common and culls .. I5 ce 17 00 Common and leave ee) rin., 6” ia ap wide 20 00 Ni Hh? ae epee nes a ae see o. 2, 1”, 1%, ist & and hard...... 21 00 00 ; Ist &and,soft.......... uf and 1%” Ny 33 ee bei hotest 14 50to 17 00 Common and culls. 13 00 od Common and cali ee 2%, Rn gh at wae rf oe MILL CULLS, : ; iy No. 3 CUTS, as Run x’, th 1% and ; -_—- ‘ : ‘yy? 1in., 6” and up wide.... 18 00 No la Eee Sine f ryand 1%" “ ... 20 00 ae aes SS BOSTON, MASS, od 2 Oh oncee be teles i > : 2%, 3and4” 14700. | No.1, 48” pine... Retets autos bate i Rec MILL RUN. No. 1, 32” ore Fine Conimiom, 1 inchs 47, ver usu «31s shana ae een oa ogg vines neeeegae ABS Non aeae” ee to 2:tnich y.cecee tetera cement as 63 rE a ener pee SHINGLES, No. 1 Cuts, 1 ies pmeporanrpone as 4100 = 443 v’ x 6.and 8” bettie 20 00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, No. 2 Cuts, i. Bek Cherri issih eee Sa te eines Mae aaa 22 00 eS sisiclehey nett Ban Mya If to.a.inch. .......wusdk aes oe i 00 ee NORE Te wR pate : me atarole alsa were) Salk tees ae ee A Ee a: be ae a a ef ee aL: Res a Bpriive, xo and 33 ia, Gisacusian. ‘ gin. ae asjsinelvs veew coer ro and 12 in. random lengths, roft.andup...... | ALBANY, N.Y. 2x3, 24, oe 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random pit ay Bs 10 ft. an adhe slal_o emtela sls Sise'dielcl ain» seca eam “ee. 2) phERe a iaipy toteletass, wlohe 83 85 ae Re ote 2 A eee YY ae gther random lengths, oan, ant eee ed x } 5 4/4 1D¢C. up. 2 . and up merchantable boards. 8 f eich oe SS] Boose tadan' ap 3S Su SaeePasetanee ngs one tC Rupite ro-In. dressing an tter... 30 died .. eo oyna foie hae = 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and bundl 73 Lom 1xro-in. .. ae 21 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. ITXlZ..ce.ee nee Extras 60 | No. x barn, rxz2 lay go eee oS ee a 55 ween 27 Secoiad 'Clearay.\. ss x0, sine th oauecn cases vnlebed , 225 he ie a erie 25 Clear Whites . whoa aat Sass yaerecnaranee=apand 215 On Fee naceverecaces eee 27 Extra 13 (Clear whites ont)........ vee No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 48 50 ae 4 x 2 molding, x t0 ain, “4, os ay 33 pas Extra 1s (Clear whites im)................c0ee000. 145 Sealed a +. 32 40 Shaky dlear, x to 6 6/4in...... 32 38 BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES, ; racket p! See simp 35. (4S eng EN Caine coke 3 Cy Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. pt | oe x2-in. up .. 35 “ rf xara aie pe 24 a + fanekie aoe om es 1x1Q inch Ore ssececns aE 88 : : - “Ie $6 90 eae 7 \ a Te Ne i ) rll ree wet Be | / a, " be Pah een “en : Se ae Nes 42s * > 5 pte. ae oan. » yeth = Pty ity 7 rt? - Le 4 Se ia Ss to a rie’ Bt ac'y Saad Ne i . f NADA LUMBERMAN AND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY EDITION Vor. XI BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATE8, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. ‘The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $1.00 Per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. ] THIS PAPER REAGHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE TORONTO, MONTREAL — SEPTEMBER 6, to05 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER = i : CANADA ],UMBERMAN # @ PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u _ of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. 4 Branch Offices: -—s«g8 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. — > Telephone 1274 _§36 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER. B.C, 22 GREAT St. HELEN's, Lonpon, E. C. ne Weekly Lumberman — Published every esday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- of market conditions and tendencies in the aM manufacturing districts and leading “ estic and foreign wholesale markets. A _ weekly medium of information and communica- n between Canadian timber and lumber manu- turers and exporters and the purchasers of timber ucts at home and abroad. _ The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, disctssing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE _ Advertisements, will be inserted in this depart- m it the rate of 15 cents n ch insertion, ‘four or of sp cous Ret pus iba are d a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. tice shows the of the line and is set til type; 12 lines make ome inch. Ad- must be received not later than 4 p.m. on Tuesday to insure ion in mt week's issue ai R SALE — SAW AND PLANING MILL. d opening for an experienced builder. 90d 20 h. p, partable saw mill. Address \NADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. A. DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO _ Cedar Shingles and Lath. Tor- _ ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 . Logan Avenue, Toronto. , [ED — PARTNER WITH SMALL all Sage aying, contracting and siness geod live western city in Address Box No. 246, CanaDA Lum- NTED — 5/4, 6/4, 2” SOFT ELM COM- V¥ MON and better, 1”, 6/4, 2” Wormy Chest- , 1” Cull Basswood, §/4, 6/4, 2” Basswood, on atid Better. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamil- RELIABLE PARTY WHO HAS HAD ears experience in the manufacturing from stump to pile, desires employ- good company. Good references. 192, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Tor- YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU sell? If 80, make the fact known to yers by placing an advertisement in and For Sale Department of this Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- WANTED TO SELL ZES OF DIMENSION AND ROUGH No. 1 fir, spruce, white-fir or hem- cedar. Price $9.00 up to 34 feet, F.O. , Hazelmere, B. C. App'y Geo. M, Hazelmere, B.C, FOR SALE UANTITY OF CEDAR AND HEMLOCK . R. Ties, No. 1 and 2; 10000 Cedar osts; 1” and 1%” Basswood ; 2” and 37 in 1904 ; excellent shipping condi- cut contains Pine, Hemlock, Bass- E and Ash lumber and 10,000 Imricrap, TATE LUMBER C€O’y., ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SimcozE Woop AaNnpD LUMBER Co.; 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. pork SALE—SAW AND STAVE MILL IN Western Ontario Can be seen in opera- tion now. Must be sold at once, to close an estate, Box 306, CANADA ILUMBERMAN, Tor- onto, EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish boom, Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREKARY, Larchwood, Ont. FOR SALE 1” and 1” 1904 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Two cars 1” Soft Maple, cheap. - Two Pree 1” tsts and 2nds Soft Elm, 10” and up wide 1’, 1” and 2” +905 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Write for lists and prices. son Co., Teeswater, Ont. LUMDEF We have about two million feet of this season’s cut for sale—about 75 per cent. White Pine, balance Norway and Spruce. Address The W. R. THomp- ERRINGTON & Ross, Turbine, Ont. Sale af Burnt Timber A quantity of pine timber on what is known as Berth B.1, contain’ ng 21 sqnare miles more or less, situated South of Woman River Station on the Canadian Pa: ific Railway 120 miles west of Sudbury, in the district of Algoma, having been damaged by fire, the undersigned hereby calls for tenders for the right to cut same. Tenders will be received up to and including the zoth day of September next, and must state the rate per thousand feet board measure, in- cluding dues, which the tenderer is prepared to y for the timber, or per thousand feet cubic For whatever proportion of it may be manufac- tured into waney or square timber, including dues. The timber to be cut during the present winter. Tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque for $500.00 payable to the Honourable the Treasurer of Ontario. The tim- ber to be sold subject to the Crown Timber Regulations except where varied by the condi- tions of this sale. The party awarded the right to cut will be required to give a bond with satis- factory suret:es for the payment of the priceand the due performance of all terms and conditions required by this Department. The Department does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender. Tenders to be marked “ Tenders for Burnt Timber,” and addressed to the Honourable the Minister of Lands and Mines, Toronto. F. COCHRANE, Minister of Lands and Mines, Department of Lands and Mines, Woods and Forests Branch, Toronto, ast of August, 1905. N.B.—No_ unauthorized publication of this Notice will be paid for. No. 27 W ANTED—A SAWYER WHO CAN FILE and fit his own saws, for small mill in Assinaboia, N. W.T. Apply in first instance to Box 37, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED—BASSWOOD, ELM AND SOFT maple logs, 20 inches and up in diameter, only first class logs accepted. BUFFALO VE- NEER COMPANY, BUFFALO, N.Y. WANTED. OOK-KEEPER FOR WHOLESALE LUM- BER Office. Must have experience in lum- ber business; none other need apply. Box 311, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. digi SAW MILI, OUTFIT WITH STOCK of Logs and Standing Timber in District of Parry Sound. Reason for selling, ill health. Address Box 312, care CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. , Cedar Timber Land For Sale. BLOCK OF 160 ACRES OF SOLID CEDAR Timber, convenient to mill and water transportation. Box 313, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE 30 M. FEET 8/4” SOFT ELM GOOD STOCK. 40 M. feet 6/4” Soft Elm ist and 2nd. to M. feet 1” Soft Elm Common, Address D. M. Bowman, Box 114, Floradale, Ontario. 60,000 Acres of Choice Timber Land in S. E British Columbia, estimated to contain 500 million feet, on a good river. Will be sold at a low price if disposed of quickly—onet-hird cash, balance on time. For details apply to Box 308 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Fok SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO. 3 HAM- ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 7%” cylinders and all connections, circular outfit complete with iron husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 20 feet long and 4 feet in ‘diameter, two 14” flues in each, Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Mill. THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont. TIMBER LIMIT FOR SALE PLENDID CEDAR AND HARDWOOD Timber Limit, up-to-date mill with gun- shot feed, trimmers and other full equipment : sufficient timber to rum 10 years; mill now in full operation, located on Georgian Bay ; good shipping facilities ; output practically sold for several years. Box 230, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber In Central Ontar'o THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration ( om- pany of Haliburton, (Limited) This company has a large tract of well tim- bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quautities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherry, Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is wellserved by two railroads. The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. There are several good mill sites on the prop- erty. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut out and looking for a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Nothing has occurred during the past week to weaken the foundation of the lumber market, but on the other hand orders for pine and hemlock are becoming more plentiful and everyone seems satis- fied with the conditions and the volume of business. Price lists now being issued show advances in many instances, these being confined chiefly to the lower and upper grades of pine. Common pine re- mains about stationary. Hemlock, how- ever, is about 50 cents higher than one month ago; 10 and 12 inch, 12 to 16 feet in length, is held at $13.50 at the mills: Mill run tamarac is worth $14 and spruce about $16. The lath situation is gradually getting stronger. Manufacturers who were re- cently quoting No. 1 white pine at $3.25 are now asking $3.75. There appears to be a shortage of lath not only in Canada but at nearly all the leading manufacturing centres of the United States, and it is predicted that still higher prices will be seen in the near future. There is no change in hardwoods ex- cepting that basswood is, if anything, a little weaker and can be bought at the mill as low as $20 for mill run. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The lumber manufacturers at St. John, N.B., are making arrangements to -close their mills owing to the shortage of logs. Probably 50,000,000 feet have been hung up, with little likelihood of getting out before next spring. This condition is likely to cause a reduction in logging operations during the coming winter, par- ticularly as the spruce lumber market is still Recent developments, however, have been in the direction of an improvement. Inch spruce boards are moving quite actively and the supply at St. John is practically exhausted. The cessation of hostilities between Russia and Japan is likely to benefit the price of spruce deals. The keenest interest of late has centred in the lath market. The price in New York has reached $4, which is very un- usual. St. John manufacturers are get- ting $2.30, but the indications are that $2.50 will not be considered unreasonably high in the near future. There is also a better tone to New Brunswick cedar shingles, and the standard brands of Ex- tras are moving in satisfactory volume at $3.25 for Boston delivery. uncertain. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, Lumber is active almost everywhere in the Northwest, but particularly in Winni- peg, There is less complaint of price ma aah ' II. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION cutting than was the case one year ago and profits are better. British Columbia ship-lap is selling readily in Winnipeg at $17 per thousand. Several large sales of birch flooring, 4 to 16 feet lengths, have been made in Winnipeg at $68, with dis- count of ten per cent. for cash in sixty days. The recent cut in the prices of ship-lap and common lumber made by the British Columbia Coast mills in order to meet the Mountain manufacturers’ quot- ations is having its effect. The Coast lumbermen report a brisk business in this class of material, some of them being already practically cleaned out of the commoner grades. [It is also learned that in spite of the slight increase in price, the upper grades are moving satisfactorily and the demand is on the increase. UNITED STATES. Wherever lumber shows any change, it is in the direction of higher prices. The conditions are invariably satisfactory. The northern pine trade is of larger volume than one week ago, and this would also apply to southern pine were it not for the scarcity of stock. Lumber is worth about $3 more than a year ago, but buyers still seem eager for the stock, even to the ex- tent of paying from fifty cents to one dol- lar more than they believe to be the present market price; that is, where the lumber can be obtained, the price is a matter of indifterence to certain buyers. There is no evidence of weakness any- where. A sale of No. 3 white pine, 10 inches wide, was made at Duluth last week at $16.50. At Cleveland prices are higher in accordance with the new list issued last month. Norway piece stuff in No. 2 and 3 boards was advanced trom fifty cents to one dollar a thousand, it, be- ing the opinion of many persons that there is less-norway in the market than at} this season for many years. Box lumber is in demand at all the leading mahufactdring places. Hemlock continues to make |pro- gress. Producers are short of long’ lengths . and prices are likely to be further, ad- vanced. No. 2 Pennsylvania stock is‘sell- ing in Boston at $18.75 and northern as high as $18 in some instances. The volume of the hardwood business is about on a parity with what it has been fer, the WwoOoDs & SPICER, Limited BRITISH COLUMBIA Ft_Hi 1D CHDAR, SHIN GLESs We have had over 15 Years Experience, and are not Asking our Competitors for any Pointers as to Quality. a ; Wire Your Orders at ouUR EXPENSE to Agents, or to us at VANCOUVER, B C. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Limited KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burl’s Falls, Ont. Keenan eae last few weeks, but inquiries are increasing and a larger trade is looked for this month. Oak, ash, birch and beech are strong. Influenced by the car shortage, réd cedar shingles have advanced ten cents per thousand and are showing a much better tone. Wholesale dealers are be- lieved to be in favor of higher prices, as some stocks were bought earlier in *the season on the theory that an upward move would be made when the fall activity put in an appearance. Laths are very strong and are quoted as high as $4.50 for No. 1 white pine and $4 for No. 2, Chicago de- livery. GREAT BRITAIN, If we judge the British lumber market correctly, the holder of Canadian lumber is in a very fortunate position. The general trade of the country is improving and has been helped by the prospects of a good harvest. It is expected that the lumber demand of South Africa will be a little better, while the French buyers are also showing more disposition to operate than they have exhibited since the com- mencement of the selling season. After a very uncertain period, it is now stated that the White Sea shippers intend to hold for higher figures. Canadian pine is showing more strength, perhaps, than at any previous time this year. Dealers who have stocks are of the opinion that they will be able to realize to good advantage later in the year. The demand for spruce is steadily improving and the best quality is scarce notwithstanding the summer re- ceipts. ported to have paid £7 §s. c.i.f. for a St. John steamer cargo, while Northwest Coast firms -have bought above this figure for a cargo including a consider- able percentage of 3 x 1fand.g inch., bf re . STOCKS’ AND PRICES. Prescott Bros. are cutting about 6,000,- ooo feet of lumber at New. Mills; N.B., this season. i if The Barquentine Skjold is loading Beas at St. John, N.B., for Ireland on account of W. M. Mackay. The British ship Segura is loading lum- ber at the Hastings mill, Vancouver, B.C., ’ Bristol Channel importers are re- — for Callao. The Barque Don finished loading at the Hastings mill and put to sea last week. The Long Lumber Company, Hamilton, have secured the order for the timber and lumber required by the Canada Glue Company, Brantford, for their new fac- tory and vat house there. The order was for something over 100,000 feet. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) St. JOHN, N. B., August 31st, 1905.— The log situation on the St. John’ river is unchanged; the manufacturers have accept- ed the inevitable and the manufacturing season of 1905 is to be without doubt the shortest in many years. The middle of September will find all the mills at this port and along the river, with one or possibly two exceptions, shut down for a period that will depend entirely upon the weather conditions of the next two months at the head waters of the St. John. It is generally felt, however, that the season » is practically at an end so far as sawing lumber at this port is concerned. A feature of the trade at this date is the brisk demand for spruce lath. Values in this line are stronger than was the case a month ago and show a tendency toward a higher level in the near future. Ship- ments during the last two months have more than equalled the quantities sawn and consequently stocks are light; 3,000,- ooo would cover all available and this amount is divided among half a dozen dealers. In view of the early cessation of sawing, the probabilities are will be no lath whatever on the local market after October 1st. At “\present no quotation obtained on spruée ‘slab lath $2.25 (f.o.b. schr. St. John) for non- dutiable and $2.30 for dutiable. The demand for the higher grades of cédar shingles, after the slight drop in price mentioned a month ago, is steady and the volume of business is about as usual at this season of the year, although itis unlikely that the higher prices of the early summer will be prevalent again in the near future. In the lower grades trade isslack both locally and for shipment. could be MANUFACTURERS a ade tems Capacity 100 Million a Year. Owen Sound, Ont. ARDWOUD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here i in Owen Sound, and we should be able to ee you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON ‘BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS & w Samples by Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, ‘RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. hs near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 13 /EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIN BEI DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH | | MCLENNAN LUMBER 60,, LIMIT { MONTREAL <2 | Office and Yard, 87! DORCHESTER ST. there » _ celery att lower than -. dition s anywhere along its lines u , convenience and comfort of Send for Catalogue Rail ; : “> September 6, 1905 _ 4 iy 4 Local dealers depend chiefly upon the provincial trade to dispose of these lower grades and this season has been charac- | terized by sluggishness and rather lower prices than usual. Atthis date the total — stocksofcedar shingles would amount toin _ the vicinity of 2,000,000 of Extras and Clears and 2,500,000 of the lower gree ? Prices on dutiable cedar shingles are quoted at this date (f.0.b. schooner st John) at: Extras, $2.60 ; Clears, $2. ‘ 2nd Clears, $1.70; No. 1's, 90 cel One inch spruce boards are being « posed of much more rapidly than they are being manufactured and the large sto ks: which, owing to the depression that exist- ed during the several months previou were to be found at the beginning of ee season upon almost every wharf in this vicinity, have been depleted until go00,0 ft. would cover all available at this cae Prices now being quoted range mas $10.00 to $10.50 per M sup. feet for duti- able and ate 00 to $12.50 for non-duti-— able, f. o. b. schooner St. John. : Freight rates to New York city are quoted at$3.50 on long luniber and to Boston at $3.00, with charters not plenti- ful and the prospect that if a changetakes — place in the near future it .will be to a higher figure. i W. C. CRAWORD Tilbury Ont. Manufacturer of . . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Rea : and White Oak, Maple and Eim Lumber. 7 Can supply Second Growth White or fen Oak squares up to 38 in. long in large quan omekiay OUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly tacut i ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line’’ because it reaches — into and fisnas the very heart of the choicest — hunting grounds in America. The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire ; North is reached ONLY by this line. Hundreds of seaports lakes aboun aes Pn wild Tice and , tiads of du eese and — Sed pial of owe mana eeenest shooting to ‘0 be found the conten over. a The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting blic and during the various seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local cor m applica- arranges special reference to the sportsmen, and its_ employes are constantly on the alert to make a over their lines pleasant and comfort- — able. ] This line offers the best route between Chi St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minneapolis paket Superior points via nd, Wisconsin. e Information given by addressing— ~ JAS. C. POND, Wis, Cent. R.R.- Milwaukee. Stor the. tion to the nearest ticket agent. Itals its train service with KNIGHT BROTHERS ¢ CO. LINES MASON, GORDON &C WHOLESALE TIMBER) Montreal, Quebec eo Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & ‘0., Vaucouver, B.C, DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length su WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND sais 1 ‘a i n. * _ Saskatchewan Valley. The September os 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION = TIMBER LIMITS WITHDRAWN. At the Board of Trade Building, To- ronto, on August gist, Mr. Peter Ryan offered at auction the sawmills of Tanner Brothers, at Sturgeon Bay, near Wau- _ baushene, together with logs already at the mills amounting to about 6,750,000 feet of white pine, and the timber limits on berths 60, 61, and 119, in Algoma, and _ two-thirds of berth 110, in the Township of McKinnon, Algoma. A number of prominent lumbermen were present, but _ they did not seem to covet the property, for only three offers were made. The _ bidding started at $175,000 and ended at - $200, 000, at which price the property was _ withdrawn. ABOUT MANITOBA AND THE TERRITORIES. (Special Correspondence.) _ Mr. McDonald says that in his travels of Quebec and the Georgian Bay District he Saw no spruce to equal the spruce in the spruce is larger in diameter and length than the Eastern spruce. This is the black variety, __ whereas the Eastern is the white species. : Prt me _ Pasqua and’ the Porpoquine Hills. _mamed is very prolific in poplar. } The best timber, he says, is found by the This district is drained by the Etiomami, Red Deer and Little Swan rivers. The first The Saskatchewan Lumber Company have a _ mill at Crooked River, N.W.T. The Red _ Deer Lumber Company’s plant is at Red Deer Lake, Sask. The Northern Lumber a Company have mills at Pine River and Grandview, Man, The Swan River 2 Lumber Company have their mills situated at Fishers Siding, Man. Mr. McDonald states that there is no other timber there except a small percentage of tamarac. In his opinion there will bé a great demand for poplar for interior finish, and he thinks it is equal in such cases to bass- wood, One of the Northwest limits now on the market is situated in the district of Saskat- chewan and tributary to the Red Deerand Canadian Northern Railway. It com- prises 156 square miles selected in seven blocks, and, according to a Winnipeg estimator, will yield about five hundred million feet. It is held under license from the Crown, having an annual ground rent of $5.00 per square mile and Crown dues of fifty cents per thousand—to be paid as the lumber is manufactured. The spruce is of excellent quality, some trees running over thirty inches in diameter. An expert who has been over the Northwest Terri- tories considerably says that west of Lake Winnipegosis there is larger spruce than he ever saw anywhere except in British Columbia. ber close to'water. Another limit of forty square miles is also on the market. It is estimated to yield eighty million feet of spruce and tamarac of good quality. Logs can be floated from this berth by the Assiniboine River to Kamsack on the Canadian Northern Railway, Sixty square miles of a timber berth on the shores of Cedar Lake, Sask., together with a number of islands having an area of about thirty-five square miles, is now under option and estimators are out looking over it. It has been estimated to produce about five hundred million feet. The pro- duction of this berth can be taken by water to Winnipeg at a small cost. Mr. S. Ashfield, of the Northwest Lum- ber Company, Winnipeg, has just re- turned froma very extensive trip through- The land is level and the tim- : Ill. out the Territories. He reports business as being splendid in the new districts: but quieter in the older localities. He booked orders for over one hundred cars. To reach the new settlements in the Saskat- chewan Valley he rode from Prince Albert to Lloydminster in a buckboard. Healso travelled from Battletord to Saskatoon calling at the various settlements and driving over the country through the immense wheat fields, which he says are simply magnificent. The Canadian Northern Railway are acting very gen- erously to the settlers in helping them out by running their lumber in on their con- Struction trains. A good many of the farmers are short of binders and binder twine and stand to lose a considerable portion of the wonderful harvest. North Battleford and Lloydminster are both growing very fast, but the latter place is retarded in its building operations by the ’ fact that the C.N.R. holds alternate lots right in the townsite, and as the railway runs down the main street, every other lot is held up, whereas the merchants are very desirous to build blocks but cannot do'so owing to the fact that the C.N.R. is holding on to the lots and refusing to sell. Lloydminster is divided by the Meridian passing along the main street. One half the town is in Alberta and the other halfin Saskatchewan. There is already a faction fight on, the post office being stolen in the night time and carried from the Saskat- chewan to the Alberta side, as the resi- dents in that part of the town thought they would lose the name ‘‘Lloydminster’” ‘un. less they held down the post office. Mr. C.’ Bayly, Winnipeg, travelling rep- resentative for several B.C. lumber con- cerns,, has just returned from a trip throughout Manitoba and the Territories. He was up as far as Edmontonand Prince Albert. He reports business very quiet at present, everyone seeming to wait for the crop to be marketed. He says the crops all over are magnificent. The shingle market is firm. Thé Mountain mill men have again made a cut of a J.B. Farwell & Son . . CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN. - Ganacian Gedar Téle- Graph, Telephone and _-Bleotria Light Poles Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. _ BANK ST. CHAMBERS . W.B. BARTRAM WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT : White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. 7 Special Bills sawn on short*notice. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBORG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 4o feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every ily receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. DOORS - IMENSION { Timah ‘SASH - ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT... Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties .. SPECIAL — 50.000 4/4; 8/4 and. 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M.R Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4 Beech. Prices on application THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HaRDWOOD HEADQUARTERS Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, O. McMinnville, Tenn. We Rr. and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots OTTAWA, ONTARIO e B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ' CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., LIMITED 604 Temple Buliding, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., 5th and Lumberman’s Seige or car i iow lots dollar under the Coast mills for rough stuff and the latter are tomeet them. Mr. Bayly intends to go out on the road steadily until the first of November. I, Dean Holden, Pres. F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres, J. M, Diver, Gen’l,-Mgr,. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, — Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ON 7. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, > Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto, European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, Tjondon, Eng. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, Limiteo SAW AND PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo, Registered Cable Address,’ ‘* Pinewoou,”’ MANCHESTER, ENC. TORONTO, Telecode. BRANCH OFFICE, Head Office, “American Lumberman” CRBCSESTVSESSSSSCVVSERUEEVVTSETSTVSSUS BVEVSTUFA R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. g R. S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. PGCVSEVSCSSSSSSCSUVSTEESTVISEVSESESVSSF -OEZVERBO J. D. SHIBR LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRAOCEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood and -Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. ; GOOD PINE SIDINCS A SPECIALTY Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc, in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings ua-stutehd HAROWOOD FLOORING and Bored p ASPECIALTY,. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any. Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. 'Phone No. 54. GOBDAR POLBS 5,000 pieces, 10 to 20’ long. Suitable for Hops, etc. Price 7—Well write us. THE LONG LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON _CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE re eae UMBER Ce Oy aes voted icon ingg AND LA T H CAN. IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) 1905. lumber VANCOUVER, B.C., August 28th, —Business in connection with the industry is continuing fairly good, without any marked features. The reduction in prices inaugurated by the Coast mills a few weeks ago is still maintained, but is not the cause ofany particular increase The plan of securing compen- the loss in lower figures by in orders. sation for raising the prices of higher grades is not working to disatvantage as yet. In fact, as one of the lumbermen stated yesterday, it would be better if the same diffirence between the price of rough lumber and that of the better qualities prevailed, as more rough lumber wassold. This is the kind that is largely imported from the States and the grade that is always in the hands ot the manufacturer the longest. The supply of logs is good, but the demand only fair. There is little or no demand for cedar. Fir and spruce booms are coming in in good numbers, and are disposed of without considerable delay. Prices have not been altered during the last two weeks. The export trade is not marked by any feature worthy of note. One or two charters have been reported in addition to vessels now loading at the Hastings mills and at Chemainus. The business is fair but by no means brisk. There is a story to the effect that the Ludgates are arranging for the establishment of.a mill on English Bay exclusively for the export trade, but no confirmation is obtainable. There is a likelihood of truth in it, as a large number of Americans are preparing for the future demand by erecting mills on convenient coast waters, The assignment of Mr. A. Haslam,’ of Nanaimo, lumber industry reported fer along period. The liabilities are expected to exceed $150,000, which includes. about $42,000 for wages. The trouble is said to haye been the disastrous fire which completely destroyed the plant about two, years ago. Mr Haslam is one of the pioneers of the lumber business in British Columbia, and when fire had crippled him he had succeeded by steady energetic effort in creating a large business. He is one of the promin- ent citizens On the coast, having repre- sented Nanaimo in the Dominion Parlia- ment and was also Mayor of Nanaimo. Reports from the Interior are that good trade is being enjoyed by the millmen, though an increase is looked for when ‘the wheat crop in the Northwest is thorough- ly assured as safe. Forest ‘fires ‘have donea large amount of damage, prin-— cipally in standing The Elk Lumber and Manufacturing Company, of Fernie, had severalthousand feet of cut logs destroyed. timber. NEW RATE ON CEDAR. Vancouver, B. C., Aug. 31. — The British Columbia Lumber & Shingle Manu- facturers Association have reached an agreement with the C.P.R. regarding freight rates, after three day’s consulta- tion. The fir rate of forty cents has been granted to Winnipég for common cedar, such as rough cedar boards, shiplap and Clear cedar remains dimension lumber. the same, fifty cents. Mixed cedar and fir lumber and mixed shingle and lumber cars will be: per- mitted. is the’ largest failure’ in’ the * (WSSERESESESESESE apts 6 SSS SSS SS ws SSS x =e That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your } wants in the lumber line. d It’s up-to you NOW to realize that fact and to l ff ‘open up correspondence with us. AN Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our G specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you i ie i WINNIPEG, MAN, Le FS: SSS SSS UNITED STATES aaRCTaRERE AND WHOLESALERS |) THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO-: GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Office and Yards: Correspondence Invited on All Hardwoods. 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | H. D. WIGCI SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, THE DIXIE LUMBER ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Mills at LifELE Bay, ARE., ALDEN BRIDGE, LA., ALLENTOWN, LA. OCLEVALAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF Fellow Pine Timbers a Specialty INDIANAPOLIS, Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e.e ere BURY & NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT IND. FRANK CG, BURY WHOLESALE Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. i The Red Deer Lumber Company BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for ~ LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. / 100,000,000 FEET. co. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing NRE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER COs YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. | Veneers y 4 y y 4, y y 4, ve. MASON A. NOBLE MICHICAN = Eas ares and 1 Turn A can NE OE ee LAIDLAW LUMBER (0) 2 lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DeELAPLANTE fin Sar pe WHOLESALE PLAYEATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers ‘, Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. LUMBER - LATH « SHINCLES ffice: 503 Manning Chamb i “ tT Office: 503 Manning Chambers TORONTO | gortractoretor gauway supplies = MIDLAND, ONT mS aes Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior tee Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try A. & P, Ww AIGE beac meat aedae and JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting _ We have a complete stock, twoSaw Mills running in Hy one all winter. Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, ‘FIEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. SEMBBOEE, Game _ RHODES, CURRY & CO.., Limited Sed ee ar enOat an ey. CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. g ° BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of PINE L UMBER | COMPANY Amherst, N.S. (On C. P. R, Main line near Sudbury) PINE, ONT. is and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch Mi AITLAN D, RIXON & C E Suri ae _and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. do aia Aci JAMES J. MURPHY, °° shige" QUEBEC _ LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cédar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. F. MCCIBBON & SONS, "==ausven of bong Pine, Cedar and 1 _ Manutacturers of Pine, Hemlocls and cif aia Lumber; and Sinlere in Cordwood f bases Lumber Co., it Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. 3 he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF MANUFAGTURERS ' _ Xuumper Co. White and Red Pine LUMBER # LAGH MILLS ~ SPRAGGE, ot gat Paw Ont. **Soo”’ Branch C. Lu mber a nd L ath Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. anning Arcade, he | ‘ "OFFICES Goristing Sli Renton ° ad ecctcdapedeied H A RD wo O D EF L O O R. | N G End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled it WBRERNEN& SONS MAKUFAGTURING CO, LIMITED ee ee 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. 3 yy Saw Mills at Planing Mill and Head Office: 3 RAINY LAKE, Ontario. HAMILTON, Ontario. THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY ‘Tie NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, LimiTED WHOLESALE mats at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Oztanio. BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND | Baers cham LUMBER AND LATH CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES a Railwa: Delivery and Water The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limite © Solic: our Inquiries. . . e Shipments, Correspondence Solicited. ‘Head Off’ HAMILTON ONT, | JF. FOSS. Maneger, 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Mat A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER ~~ het ed ioe Ahi NADA PINEH : MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK of Ottawa Bulding, 24 St James Ss + Mili ie 5g alm Vs, 58, Ze, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, Dimension T Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . te . wat puted and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames back and ‘Eastern Agent ioe The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. aK ‘ai ir Timber in 3 haa or boas up as go Nac eet mpm ar face up to 24 inch x30 inch, ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER ry large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lu ug. ir an lg y WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. oJ. S. FINDLAY * OWBN SOUND, ONT. ss We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and GER & SO Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, uebec Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow seas Oak, ‘Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles ry ee . ee So a ee 1 Bead Yh te hy “] EVER Cte. sath : ae mai i me ha 2 en a I ts tee . gf oO da as Mt - , a So ae Sm se) a ag oS Sy .¥ Ma : 5 Ged , A Sap ee PQ y ow oa , vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION "September 6, 1905 ee ae E. H. HEAPS & CoO., ee pate B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES: | AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, . Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. ' Pacific Coast Lusher Co. VANCOUVER, BG. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. High Grade Red Cedar a Ontario meg rescorante W. J. LOVERING, ©. - 112 Mail Buildivies TORONTO | D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J._E. YOUNG, Cashier Ex YOUNG, Cashier The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. Manuticturers White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, 7 Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work — ae pana CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: . RAT PORTAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. Z per -C. WELLS —— — Export Lumber & | e PALLISER, B.C. 3% 3 & Manufacturer of. 3-3,-3 Shingle Co., Limitea | High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Deseriptions. Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. “a W. B. McKEcBHNIE, President. C. MacRAg, Manager. a Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERTA LUMBER — for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- . Sabir oe = Cc LIMITED tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping saqucaangaie “Spc over ons. ‘BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. B. C. FIR_ DIMENSION "AND FINISH SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square “O° and Round Timber ; Doyle's Rules, and much other practi- °@- cal information. © ‘Price 35 Cents_ "Abbas THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. a September 6, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil. 1,000,000 Shingles Per Day About half the B. C. Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. Our Daily Shipping Capacity is over One Million Shingles. DOUGLAS FIR, SPRUCE and CEDAR D Cbs we gear GS 6 @odatr Lath DOORS, ‘WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH "ar" UNION LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ss Haines st Wancouver, B. C. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW GANT & KEMP g TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW &B ROKERS Cable Address ; ““TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Coges used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes: Ee Western Union, poubards, and London.”’ C. 4th and sth Editions THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances tee against shipping documents JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD Timber Importers All geste Ps Lumber and Manufactured Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. | Wood Goods suitable for the English ranches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory tere: AMES WEBSTER & BROTHER || nent RTI Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Eim MS UYERS OF Staves and Heading, Handles of ail Sadtrintions eS ; f ALFRED 'DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London. Chambers. - | LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND GABLE ADDRESS * DOBLE LIVERPOOL ” ma) ales bs oh ery om ' gat) Teme DS ae A oye y vite 8 ted Vilt, THE ONTARIO LUMBER C2 swres aes North B; C.P.R. ps &. T.R. Delivery. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION EO. G. GLADMAN acy MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. ene Life fe Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. a: EMPLOYMENT BUREAU R. B. ST. sag ele RAILWAY, oe BER a= ONT RACTOR RS’ AGENT 158 Canal A Russell Block, Ottawa. Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad Work. - - Phone 1,950 McLennan Timber Land and é CANADIAN : LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- Lumber GO., Limited Facts ? : P . Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. of : b 131 St. Peter St. R . Ottawa, Boum 8)-Conteal Chambers. a7 Muk St... >. BOSTON) MASS: Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers, GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES--WiOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 to 10 in,,1toto 16ft. 15 00 16 00 cuts & ketter...... $48 00 $5050 | 2x4 to Jo inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 1% to2 inch No 1 Clear inch B. C. cedar, oale and better.. 51 00 53 00 kiln dried.....,...... 50 00 & 2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar tsand better.... 43 00 4500] airdried boat lumber 55 00 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension cuts and better.... 38 00 4000] timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 tin, Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension timber, 30 to 35 feet and better shorts 23 00 24 00 31 00 1¥% in. No. 1 4ft. Pine La 1x4, 6and8common 18 00 Ig 090 IX 10 common 1X 12 common i OP Seat A 360 370 1% in. No. 2 4 ft. Lath aa F 20 IX:10 common..... 134” No.1 32” pine lath I 75 1XIO common...... 1%” No. 14,ft. hemlock lath 2 80 and 3x12 common. 22.00 23 00| XXXX PineShingles 290 300 1x10 inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 2 20 common .......... 21 00 22 00/ X Pine Shingles .. © go Inch mill rumsidings ac 00 22 00|/ XX Cedar Shingles 2.20 2 25 rin. mill run...... - 20 00 21 00 B. C. Shingles Ix10 and 12 millculls 16 5» 17 00 | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 90 1 SA mill cull Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 312 oS ERECT 15 50 16 00 | XXXXX5to2in.. 345 I in aca cull sidings 12 00 13 00 | XX No. 2, 6 to2 in.. 2 30 1% inch Senge - 25 00 2600| XX ‘ 6 to 23-16 in, Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 14 50 15 52 HARDWOODS—PER M, FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, 1 to2 in Elm,rock, mill ye : ene to 14%%24 co 26 00 ists and ands...... $33 00 $35 00 Elmirockmnill Asi, black, rsts and ruhvese... 134"' 3.. 29 00 30 00 ‘and, 1 to 14 in.. .. 27 00 29 00 | Hickory, xsts Birch M.R.,z1in. .. 21 00 2200 and ands..1%‘' 2.. 36 00 38 00 3 1%‘ 2.. 2300 2500] Maple 1” mill ** sqrs. 4x4 “' 8x8 32 00 36 00 run...... 1 1% 20 00 21 00 Basswood, Common Maple, sts and better x to1in 24 00 25 00 and 2nds.. 2 ‘' 4.. 24 00 26 oc Basswood, 1% toz.. 25 a7 00 | Oak;red, p’n, : In. ene oF 1% 2200 24 00 ists & 2nds2 '' 4.. 44.00 4600 Cherry, ists Oak, white, and ands.. 1 ‘‘ 1% 55 00 60 00 rsts & ands x “ 14% 4200 44 00 Cherry, ists Oak, white, andands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 60 00 7000 ists & ands 2 “ 4+. 45 00 5000 we, soft, sail Oak, quart'd, eis ci 1 24 00 25 00 ists&2nds ‘' 2.. 7000 80 00 Rink, mil} Walnut, rsts TOD Ss lis 2 '§ 3.. 35 00 26 00 and 2nds.. 1 ‘ 3.. 85 00 10900 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 35 45 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to Paes 6: 19 to20inchaverage ‘* A a 65 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT, Maasured off, according to average and quality. Sarceeec hoa Bea | ee | Shipping order Uaeiclagis ul cle ols patie ¥ 35 40 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . ra 45 50 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality 4oto4sfeet. 65 75 30to35 fet. 52 £4 ASH. to inches and up, acconding, to mie and peak ere ey 28 Average 16 inch. ., . 2 5 r 30 32 BIRCH. 14 Inch . 20 42 mt « 26 28 17 * ’ . 28 31 ' 32 au OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, gocd sidings: ‘a1 No. 1 barn.... o 00 1 in.x8 in. and 4 40 00 4200|/:x10o No. 2 “ ... 18 00 1% in » 1% in. 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn.... 17 00 ' Sin.and up..... 50 00 56 00 | 1x8 & ao No.2 “ 5 00 2in, x8in.and up *4 00 56 00 / Pine Shorts 6’ to Pra No.2 cuts 2x8’&up-3400 3600] x10” ..,... ceeees 16.00 17 60 as ap neo strips : Pine, box beards.. Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling A. BP. BBR MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pos ’ Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension se ck WIARTON, ONT. THE NEW LINE GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY OF a aver sm - - 13 00 15 00 WaLieinie Da aicein +» 34 CO 36 00] Pine mill culls ..... I2 00 15 00 1a in. and 1% in... = 00 40 oo| Pine O. culls..... 750 850 cOjobeer sees so 38 00 40 00] Spruce, 1’x4” & up. 14 00 ney neces shorts: ' Spruce, ie “stocks, » Nalijalejeiaieitaaiatel 28 00 3000] 7,8,9and 10”., I5 00 06 in. ‘and 1% in. +» 34.00 40 00 Spruce, 1” clear (fine pA MDs pore e senses oe 33 00 42 0O dressing aa edt ea 24 00 7 ie Wg A Sidings.. Ig oo |} Hemlock 5 13 00 Pine, No. t dressing Lath, per M siding.. +++ «. 93200 37 00 No. « white pine.. 2 50 Pine, No. 1 dressing No, 2 white pine... 225 Strips..... Rhaleteea s+ 18 00 25 00 Spruce, mill run.. 225 Pine No. 1 dressing Red Pine, mill run. a 225 SHOPS ..0000 case oe 17 00 21 oo] Pine Shingles Pine, ros, c and bet- Xxxx, 18 inch........ 300 3 25 ter 12! to 16" ..... 20 00 3200] Clear Butt, ne +. 240 260 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx- 18 inch,......... +140 1 60 ter 127 to1@.. .... 17 00 19 00| Cedar Shingles” Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings 8 02 20 00 XXxXx, 18 inch........ 3 25 3 50 Pine s. c. strips...... 1400 16 060] Clear Butt,18 inch.. -» 250 2 60 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 1§ 00 14 00 EX, 18 inch.......... 1 50 170 SARNIA, ON T. ; UPPERS. 1% xd4and 5”...........$2 1in., 10” and up Wide. -$73 00 1% x6" an’ fs 1%, 1% and 2” . 73 00 Ww x 10% ye 2% and 3” “ .. 78 00 myx 2a Beek airwis 4! 7) 83 00 grt and up. SELECTS oh nie wee 1in., 8’ and up wide.,.. 63 00 . ax 6 and aaa ae 1%, wanda” o7! 63 00 2K AOE ie fda Cae i and 3” Es sae 73 00 Ce C8 Sil = SE” 8 es ee dee 78%00 No. I BARN, FINE, CO BETTER. | SRE wialveaitioas 3, 00 to $30 00 1 in., 8’ and up. eden « 54 00 1%, 1% me =f 23 (Te) rh oo 1% and 14” . 54 00 2h ees ya": 32 00 ee» 5§ 00 35 00 FINE COMMON. } NO. 2 BARN. HEBD O Re ROR Re 5 00to 6200 | > rim............ 00 to 24 00 14%, 1% to 2” +. §0 00 5100 1%, i 2 ha ae 24%,3and4”.. 6800 ° 73c0o | ‘3%/........, 22 o0 to 23 50 NO. 1 CUTS. aida oseeee 26 00 1in., 8’ and up wide... 35 00 : NO. 3 BARN. 1¥ in. b 12. 48 00 JAG) VE Panes 17 00 to 2000 1% in. . 46 00 1%, 1% and 2” 18 oo to 20 50 av 4! +++ 47:00 ae a1 00 2%and3” ‘* -.. 60 00 4! a 62 00 & NO, 2 CUTS. 1 in., e and up wide.. 18 00 vp and 14” x Catic “3 00 ; 14 50to 17 00 2%, iene ge Mee ie Pe fc MILL CULLS. No 3 curs. t peak Run ¥’, 1%, 1% and 1 in., 6” and up wide.... 18 oo No. 2, ae er = ea ryand1%” ‘ ,,.. 2000 gil “ wees 21.00 LATH, 24%,3and4” “ ate 2700 No. 1, 3) 3s, ES a inaemetent qeitas No. 2, Pee Sry e co REED No. 1, 48” pine...... ATE AR 4 75 ; SHINGLES, oe W.P. a W. Cedar, 5to2 = WOM eee ee eee 2 cB. met ands No. 2 « “ “ 1 25 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. ... ..... 83 85 | 1x12 ‘inch a: hin cia alae 2 in. caseencace seRarce oe 85 | 4/4 inch ae WROD IN es unassdudsinc ce Fd 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” ae up. 49 20 ene uppers ....... ie wih hia 90] r0-in. dressing and better. . : 30 35 elects, 2% in up........: 77 8a|| x2-in. dressing and peter «+ 40 42 WROa Aas s ore jojsieial« sivtaeis 7® 73)| Box, 1Xro-in. .. a1 Fine common, 23 in. oe up 72 75 | Box, rx12..... ‘ 21 TtO DIM. ..ccccecsececccecs 60 | No. x barn, rx12. 29 30 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... 53 55 WHO fone odes 26 27 ING: Gina cate eneoeb isis ticce 35 45 TXBo wee apse 25 NOugicins aniiedeaiine teiteee 30 635] No. 2 barn, 1x12-. 26 27 No. 1 molding, 1 tozin..... 48 50 kcal Dalit vo's se oie . 23 24 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... Be) OS Tee cc bnew aeadne cers 2) a8 Stained saps............... 33 «40 Shaky le I ee ae fesse 32 38 Bracket plank ........ .... 45 ob) IGE ea 4° Shelving ek 12-in. up .. 2k Dressing boards, narrow.... 3% xq inch shippers eres swe BF Sees eeeeeneees 24 25 8 Common . THORS e ee Leet we a5 PARRY SOUND, ONT. WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES sem, CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED i Through the Spruce Forests of the Lauren Mountains—between Quebec and Hawkest Water-Powers, Timper Limits AND ELECTRIC PowER FOR SALE. IDEAL PuLp-MILL Sires. — Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. erai supt. MONTREAL a ‘ LATH. $3.50 | Spruce........sceec00 SHINGLES. - Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 56 $4 75 | Hemi butts, 6x 18 weeeS5 sy » 4, Clear butts.......... oO Smooth 6 x18....... r z i 75 Seem eee een ee SPRUCE 0 ee nmmecennenes 5 BUFFALO AND kaa N. i, Cia WHITE PINE. ; (Wholesale ee Lay Uppers: 1,1%,1and 2 ae ttt eeeeeen eens ata gt ae 'aaiels sam 78 00 elving, No. r, 13 in. aM and 3 As chisaiie 85 00 N =e rites... * Ia seseowarecvecs st er (Mi sosciw was & oo ne eer < dong I 2in. F 0 00 No. Mouldi Strij 234 and 3 in..... ‘oe Th po : toe Ree ‘ 4 ince taeed Ass nif aie ws 5 00| Barn, No.1, x2in..... Fine common, x in. 55 00| 6, 8and yoin...... 1%.and 1% in..... 56 00] No.2, r0im....... 2 AD ven pd gerne se ee 58 00} No.2, 12 IM... ..000 3 in...... as owtsigne 73 00} No. 3, TO IDeesseeee es im, Dore email 75.00} No. 3, 12 in........ Cut'g up, No. x, z in (98 90) Box, ‘3240.15 sseeeeane aif an 1% in..... 50 00 Tx6@Up.. cerece 10:95 eas caimaee 26 co IXX1Q).sutoeuaesnad No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 36 00 bo it Sea es No. 3, 1%, and 1% 25 00 1X13 and re alae NO. 3.2” os .ccnsven 27 00 iif Gulls, 2 2in.. Dressing 1} in 36 0o| Mill ae 1,1%,1% © 1xxo und 12. 49 00 and a Mea weal See re ose 36 Oo] | The following quotations on hardwoods represent thi bbec'h th price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; = Je _ - WHITE ASH. Ist & and, 1 inch, 33 00 35 00 to 4 in 1% to 2 in .eneeses 39:00 4I 00 Sieipa t/a Com. and cul BLACK AND BROWN ASH. Ist & and, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00} Com. & good culls... a. BIRCH, ist & and, 6 inch & ist &and,white, 6’ & up, nell A waiau den 36 00 38 00 | Com. & good one ues ELM. st & ad,rock,6in &up 26 00 28 00 ast & wd, sof 6in # u, 24 00 35 0 Common and culls .. 15 0¢ 17 00 d culls...... 1600 I MAPLE. sg 7 ial 1st & and hard...... a1 00 23 004 Ist &and,soft......... 19 00 aI Common and culls— 1300 14 00 | Common and cuils..... 11 60 a - . in . - J BOSTON, MASS. White Pine bf ceneteaait ais Me Selects, 1 to 2 mere ac an "YY, to 2 inch +e eisaalefen s) aiels etela ete ‘Nowx Cuts, ridtielt 4!) occas celees cote eae 1 tov inch) oe cyonsscsce B No. 2 Cuts, rinch......... ahawo. eeare ¢ oe maleate ate Ut to'a inch cs ndnscn ee oeeeeeeae sees 41 00 Barn nose . Bisa dielonstaieie iaiemie iste Vola Fe Hab ae No.3 SPT Pannnicetone sce 3c, peas s- 24 00 Spruce, ro and 12 Pas dimension................ rity gin. and unde /-),....:.0-<: «deen ene 7 to and 12 in, random Glee. ro ft. and up. 2x3, ei aeise 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, JO 1b. art Up). 20.2, oe 5010's ln a vateisiais tate NRO ee ee ee CO SE ane a. rani aincaiwo) eats Wie Coidenelane Second ‘clear ot) askin. «hte cesaden sideieelacen as An Cledr Whites! on cies a, canccpigntetnae webeneeae Extra 13 (Clear whites out)......... scccceeeevee Extra is (Clear whitesin)............... anise woe BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. aig tpe on Burekas, 18 in. : ] ‘ Vou. XII Canapa [uMBERMAN The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. ; Branch Offices: - 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL ! 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. a Telephone 1274. 536 HasTINGs ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. : 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, LONDON, E. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the incipal manufacturing districts and leading oe: Remenia and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly mediuni of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturersand exporters and the purchasers of timber ucts at home and abroad. _- The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- ‘nent tothe lumber and wood-working industries. _ WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. y e insertions are f Spee cent. will be allowed. _ This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- _ -yertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue ; ft ANTED—BASSWOOD, ELM AND SOFT maple logs, 20 inches and up in diameter, _ only first class logs accepted UFFALO VE- _ NEER CoMPANY, BUFFALO, N.Y. DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO Cedar Shingles and Lath. Tor- ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 Logan Avenue, Toronto. ANTED — PARTNER WITH SMALL capital for good paying, contracting and lumber iness in gi live western city in r,¢ io. Address Box No, 246, CANADA Lum- BERMAN. JANTED — st. 6/4, 2” SOFT ELM COM- ¥Y MON and better, 1”, 6/4, 2” Wormy Chest- nut, 1” Cull Basswood, 5/4, 6/4, 2” Basswood, _ Common and Better. R. E. KInSMAN, Hamil- ton, Ont. Ae WANTED. _ POOK-KEEPER FOR WHOLESALE LUM-' I) BER Office. Must have experience in lum- ber business; mone other need apply. Box 311, SAS LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. (A DVERTISER, t%. thorough knowledge of business methods, and over fifteen years practical experience in box manufacturing business in the east, is to 7 position of trust, or in executive ity, with box manufacturer or lumber At reference if required. Address Box Canapa LUMBERMAN, Toronto. 5 YOUNG MAN, WITH i WANTED TO SELL y? LL SIZES OF DIMENSION AND ROUGH & B.C. No. 1 fir, spruce, white-fir or hem- cand cedar.. Price $9.00 up to 36 feet, F.O. cars, Hazelmere, B. C. App'y GEo. M, FT, Hazelmere, B.C, UANTITY OF CEDAR AND HEMLOCK R. Ties, No. 1 and 2; 10,000 Cedar Posts; 1’ and 14%” Basswood ; 2” and 3” le; cut in 1904 ; excellent shipping condi- ion. 1905 cut contains Pine, Hemlock, Bass- od, Maple, Elm and Ash lumber and 10,000 rds Slab EILLICRAP, TATE LUMBER CO’y., - = 5 Noack) IAG ay A.2 ste a ” a aa oe aig ba ‘= 7 4 tag wer etsR i tio) adh a RO NADA L AND WOOD-WORKER wy T MBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL — SEPTEMBER 13, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER i Waa — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SimcoE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. 7 OR SALE—SAW AND STAVE MILL IN Western Ontario. Can be seen in opera- tion now. Must be sold at once, to close an orgs Box 306, CANADA IL,UMBERMAN, Tor- onto. ' EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish boom, Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchwood, Ont. : FOR SALE 1’ and 1%” 1904 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Two cars 1” Soft Maple, cheap. Two cars 1’ 1stsand 2nds Soft Elm, 10” and up wide. , 1”, 1%” and 2” 1905 winter cut, mill run, trimmed Hard Maple. Write for lists and prices. son Co., Teeswater, Ont. Lumber The W.R. THomMp- We have about two million feet of this © season's cut for sale—about 75 per cent. White Pine, balance Norway and Spruce. Address ERRINGTON & Ross, Turbine, Ont. Sale of Burot Timber A quantity of pine timber on what is known as Berth B.1, containing 21 sqnare miles more or less, situated South of Woman River Station on the Canadian Pacific Railway 120 miles west of Sudbury, in the district of Algoma, having been damaged by fire, the undersigned hereby calls for tenders for the right to cut same. Tenders will be received up to and including the 30th day of September next, and must state the rate per thousand feet board measure, in- cluding dues, which the tenderer is prepared to tg for the timber, or per thousand feet cubic or whatever proportion of it may be manufac- tured into waney or square timber, including dues. The timber to be cut during the present winter. Tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque for $500.00 payable to the Honourable the Treasurer of Ontario. The tim- ber to be sold subject to the Crown Timber Regulations except where varied by the condi- tions of this sale. The party awarded the right to cut will be required to give a bond with satis- factory sureties for the payment of the priceand the due performance of all terms and conditions required by this Department. The Department does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender, Tenders to be marked ‘‘ Tenders for Burnt Timber,” and addressed to the Honourable the Minister of Lands and Mines, Toronto. F. COCHRANE, Minister of Lands and Mines, Department of Lands and Mines, Woods and Forests Branch, Toronto, 21st of August, 190s. N.B.—No unauthorized publication of this . Notice will be paid for. FOR SALE. EW SAW MILL OUTFIT WITH STOCK of Logs and Standing Timber in District of Parry Sound. Reason for selling, ill “health. Address Box 312, care CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Cedar Timber Land For Sale. BLOCK OF 160 ACRES OF SOLID CEDAR Timber, convenient to mill and water transportation, Box 313, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE IRCULAR SAW MILL WITH DOUBLE Edger, Trimmers, and everything in com- plete running order, capacity about twenty-five thousand feet per day, will sell with or without building. Apply to Box 314, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. 60,000 Acres of Choice Timber Land in S. E British Columbia, estimated to contain 500 million feet, on a good river. Will be sold at a low price if disposed of quickly—one-third cash, balance on time. For details apply to Box 308 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Fo SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO. 3 HAM- ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 734” cylinders and all connections, circular outfit complete with iron husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 20 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each. Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Mill, THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont. TIMBER LIMIT FOR SALE Sia tere CEDAR AND HARDWOOD Timber Limit, up-to-date mill with gun- “shot feed, trimmers and other full equipment ; sufficient timber to run Io years; mill now in full operation, located on Georgian Bay ; good shipping facilities ; output practically sold for several years. Box 230, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber In Central Ontario THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited) This company has a large tract of well tim- bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherry, Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is wellserved by two railroads. The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. There are several good mill sites on the prop- erty. This would be'a good opportunity for es who are at present cut out amd looking ‘or a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. DS SSS TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. W.S. Gore, Deputy Commissioner of Lands and Works, Victoria, B.C., will re- ceive tenders up to September 27th for a lease of,a timber limit situated in the vicinity of Northwest Bay, known as Lots 2,211, 2,212 and 2,213, New Westminster district, containing in the aggregate 1,928 acres, s The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $1.00 Per veaR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REQULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 28 CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. \ ONTARIO. The first two weeks of September have witnessed an active movement of lumber. The building requirement is still very large, the fine weather being favorable for out- door operations. The good end of pine is showing more strength than at any previ- ous time this year, a condition which, in view of the dullness of the British market, is regarded as encouraging. Stocks at the mills are sold up closely and the saw- ing season will end earlier than usual asa result of the log shortage. There does not seem to be one unfavorable feature which is likely to impair the: strength of the market. Hardwoods could easily be more active, but this, in view of the pros- perity which characterizes other branches of the trade, is almost certain to come in time. The importation of southern lumber has fallen off on account of its, advance and the few dealers who have any stocks are holding prices very firm. There is still a pronounced demand for white pine lath, which: may be attributed in part to the extensive building opera- tions. The present price of $3.75 for No. I’may seem high, but it is 75 cents less thanthe price recently decided upon by the manufacturers in the Lake Superi- or district. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Notwithstanding the labor troubles, Building permits were issued in Montreal during the month of August to the value of $607,265, this being a gain of $136,401 over the corresponding month in 1904. There has accordingly been a good local demand for lumber at steady prices. The export trade, however, shows a falling off, which is very noticeable in respect to white pine timber. Shipments from Que- bec this year have been 1,076,000 cubic feet, as compared with 1,738,880 feet in 1904. Practically no oak has been ex- ported, while last year 235,520 cubic feet. Elm and > had been shipped by this lime. birch, on the other hand, show a con_ siderable increase over last year. New Brunswick cedar shingles are showing more activity. The average price for Extras for Boston delivery is prob- ably $3.25, although a few sales of well- known makes are reported to have been made at ten cents above this price. UNITED STATES. Taking the lumber trade as a whole, it is doubtful if conditions were ever better, In the activity of white pine, southern pine, hemlock and spruce, there is litile differ- ence, all being in exceptionally good de- mand. The East is buying white pine in Ps — at “Sg gals Se a hase a are ~ a. Ra 7) © II, considerable quantities, as the prevailing tendency of prices is distinctly upward and there is little likelihood of prospective buy- ers being able to purchase lumber at lower prices this year. Although pine has been received in large lots at Buftalo and Tona- wanda, the demand has been so great that the yards have not filled up very much. Some of the Lake Superior manufacturers are making sales at one dollar above the list price. The market for spruce is as firm as ever. Orders are being placed at the recent advance shown in our price list, with indications of a steady trade until well into the winter. Hemlock is being bought as a substitute for white pine, the low price being an inducement to use it and keep it in stock. Pennsylvania pro- ducers have made another advance in the base price of 50 cents per thousand, while long lengths have been marked up $1 to $1.50. Shingles generally are firmer and deal- ers report a steady gain in the movement. As forecasted in a recent issue, white pine lath are still soaring upwards. By recom- mendation of the price list ‘committee of the Mississippi Valley Lumbermen’s Asso- ciation, prices have been advanced another 25 cents. This brings No. 1 white pine lath up to $4.50 a thousand, mixed to $4, and No. 2 to $3.50. GREAT BRITAIN. Many opinions have been expressed re- garding the effect on the lumber trade of Great Britain of the cessation of the East- ern war. It was pointed out that as long as the war continued it was not likely that exporters would depart from the cautious attitude they had adopted, as the possibilities of other nations becoming in- volved in the struggle were by no means remote. The war was also said to be re- sponsible for forced sales by Russian shippers. These factors will now be re- moved and should cause a better feeling in the lumber trade, but it is a generally accepted view that the basis for a sus- tained improvement must be found in: lo- cal conditions. When house building be- comes more active, the joiners’ strike at Glasgow is settled, and a few. other ob- stacles removed, then the lumber market is likely to give a better account of itself. Some improvement is expected during the next three months, but whether it will be of a permanent character will depend largely upon the developments in the di- rection mentioned. There is no doubt that importers are recognizing the fact that stocks of Canadian pine and spruce deals are low for this season of the year and that they are not likely to be greatly increased. The Timber Trades Journal reports the sale of a cargo of spruce from KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION St. John, N.B., containing only 72 per cent. of 3 x 11, at £7 5s. cif. Liverpool. At a recent public sale at London a quan- tity of 3 x 11 inch third quality Quebec pine, 13 feet long, sold at 412 per stand- ard of 1,980 feet, and some first quality Three Rivers pine at £9 tos. STOCKS AND PRICES. George Gordon & Company,Cache Bay, Ont., are reported to have purchased the timber on the limits belonging to the estate of the late Thomas Mackie, of Pem- broke, Ont., estimated at 105,000,000 feet. The price is said to be in the neighbor- hood of $500,000 and the logs are to be cut and delivered within seven years. Following is a comparative statement of timber, etc., measured and culled at Quebec up to September 5th, as reported by the Supervisor of Cullers :— 1903 1904 1905, Waney White Pine.1,420,040 1,738,880 1,076,000 White Pine......... 318,920 ~=—_: 188, 640 133,520 Red Pine........... 52,560 10,080 1,200 6112) RST ESB: = 772,960 235,520 22,280 BE da ab opis lh de 407;800 254,120 479,440 PAUSIIN Gievatuaciu'e’s sioici0\ets nia 54,320 14,640 9,960 Basswood.......... I Butternut........... 40 120 Tamarac........... 140 Birch and Maple... 196,640 114,680 207,640 It is learned ean Messrs. S.P. Musson, Son & Company, Barbados, that the only recent transaction in white pine and spruce was the sale of the cargo of the ‘‘Annie Smith” from Dalhousie, N.B., consisting of 56,000 feet of white pine boards, 21,000 feet of white pine plank and 22,000 feet of spruce boards, which brought $16.60, $13 and $15.05 respectively. Dealers are tairly well stocked with white pine, and as usual there is only a limited demand for spruce at this time of the year. There have been no recent arrivals of Long Cedar shingles, but the ‘‘Annie Smith”. brought 1,400,000 extra No. 1 Laying and 50,000 Clear Whites, which were sold at $1.85 and $2.50 respectively. The market is heavily overstocked with the former grade. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.,) OTTAWA, September 5, 1905.—The tone of the market has shown a slight improve- ment very recently from that of the past three: months. However, the change that is looked for before the close of navigation will be of more importance re- garding the amount of stock expected to be moved. The English market no doubt has had a very quieting effect on our mar- ket here. Taking the strikes and holi- days also into consideration, it could hardly be expected that there would be much doing. Now that the holiday sea- son is over and many of the strikes which have been on are being called off, and the English market sees that they have to KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOOKING Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, EMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS pay a reasonable price for their stock or do without, we are bound to see better times in the near future. During the past fortnight, the domestic trade has been looking up and the con- sumption in this direction can be con- sidered fairly good. Large stocks of white pine and spruce are beginning to move, the greater bulk going to the American market. Laths and shingles are exceedingly brisk, many of the Ottawa firms having contracted their entire output, chiefly for American shipment. During the recent depression, the in- quiries for white pine have been mostly for the lower ends of the stocks, but re- cently they have turned to the better grades, and good sidings and strips have been purchased freely in fairly large quantities, the prices ruling high. Regarding the hardwood trade of this Valley, basswood and elm are moving somewhat better than earlier in the sea- _son, and considering the amount of stock now at the mills in these lines, an ad- vance in price may be looked for at‘an early date. Birch and ash continue to be freely inquired after and as stocks are very low in these lines, principally in ash, there may be an advance looked for in price. The shipments to the English patie from this district are very limited, the in- ducement from the other side being hard- ly sufficient to awaken any interest in that market ; however, in the face of this, many authorities predict that there will be quite an improvement before the close of navigation. Some of the firms are now beginning to operate up river, but find that men are very scarce. It is altogether likely that the cutting will not be heavy until after the harvest, when men will be more plen- titul. Wages are running between $28 and $30 for good log cutters. FIRES. Blue & Deschamps, saw mill owners, Rossland, B. C., recently suffered loss by fire. It isestimated that 32,000,000 feet of timber was burned by a forest fire which swept the country north of Rossland, B.C. The Elk Lumber & Manufacturing Com- pany’s saw mill at Fernie, B. C., was de- stroyed by fire on September 7th. The estimated loss is $100,000, of which more than half is understood to be covered by insurance. The mill was equipped with modern machinery. The origin of the fire is unknown. This company have been un- fortunate of late, as a large number of | logs were recently burned by a forest fire. 2 vt Samples by Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots, Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBE DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH : M°LENNAN LUMBER CO, LIMITED MONTREAL, QUE. Office and Mice 57! DORCHESTER ST. ~ were disposed of from the ship's side. ; Send for Catalogue . oe e shin oe + September 135, 1905, : we THE GLASGOW MARKET. ~ The following comment on the Glasgow market is extracted from Edmiston & Mitchells’ monthly timber circular: WHITE PINE.—The import consists of 1500 loads of waney and 350 loads square" pine. The demand has been rather better during the month, there having bee several fairly good lines placed direct consumers. Prices are fairly steady, 2 stocks, while increasing, are not excessit Oak.—The import during the mo at consists of 1100 loads. One or two large enquiries are now pending for la squared Quebec oak, which will consid ably reduce the stock of thisclass. | oak is still p'entiful and is moving off slowly. AL | ELM.—There has been an import of about goo loads, and the stock, t accumulating, is quite moderate, There has been rather a lull in enquiries during © the month, though there have been ‘i few small sales at full prices. “ Quesec Brrcu.—The import of logs has not been large during August, and it isjust — as well that this is so, as the import has | been rather overdone this summer, and prices are considerably weaker than when the season opened. Of planks, there was — . an import of about 140 standards, which AsH.—The import for August is_ the | largest for some time past, and cadet % to 280 logs. The most of these were old — and inferior, and the bulk found ae into store, consequently. Values are W. C. CRAWFORD | Tilbury Ont. ery s ‘ -. inf 4 = Manwfacturer of . . oe Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, — Also Hard and Soft Wood Head and and White Oak, Maple and Elm poe sie Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities, A SPLENDID ROUTE, The Wisconsin Central Railway is term ed the Paleo ee Line” et it reaches — into and through the very heart of the choicest hunting grounds in America. The very best wild fowl sheets | of the entire 7 North is reached ONLY of beautiful lakes aboun Ses Hey: wild yr soley attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest _ ? shooting to be found the country over. ; The Wisconsin.Central Railway caters espec- 4 ially to the sporting public and during the © various seasons for hunting and fishi gfurnishes — daily information to its patrons as a local con- dition s anywhere along its lines u applica- i tion to the nearest ticket agent. Fa sh ia i its train service with s' convenience and comfort of sportsmen, aed te a. employes are constantly on the to ma’ : travel over their lines pleasant and bene able. This line offers the best route between Chi ' St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minneapolis or to I, Superior points via Ashland, Wisconsin. Information given by addressing— JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R. R. Milwaukee : ule il Tere MASON, GORDON & WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, @uebec Be Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & T Co., Vaucouver, B. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length su WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS P.O. aie { 16 ks < ‘ September 13, 1905 -.round about 1s. 9d. to 2s. for 14-inch average. : 7, Deas, &c.—There has been a consider- able import during the month, and prices have, in several cases, been shaded to effect sales ‘‘ex quay” and save storage charges. Stocks of most qualities and sizes, though not heavy, are quite ample _ for prospective requirements. Current _ values are as under: _ Broad First Pine Deals—£33 to £35; _tt-inch, £30 to £32; ends and non-dimen- sions, £23 to £25. : % “Second Pine Deals—rt-inch and up, £18 to £20; ends and non-dimensions, £13 to 414 ros. Third Pine Deals—it-inch and up, £11 tos to £14; ends and non-dimnesions, £9 10s to £10 Ios. Red Pine Deals—g and 11-inch, £9 to _ £10; narrows,£7 to £8. First Pine Sidings and Strips— 9 to 10 inch, £23 to £24; 11 to 12 inch, £25 to £26; 4 13 to 14 inch, £27 to £28. Spruce Deals—g-inch and up, 48 to £8 158; 7 and 8 inch, £7 5s £7 10s. __ New Brunswick Pine and Spruce—g inch and up, £7 15s to £8 5s;-7 and 8 inch, £7 D ta. 47 5s. a a ~ Fox, Allan & Company, lumber and _ general store, Hawkshaw, N. B., have assigned. - The James Drake Lumber Company, of Bad Throat Lake, Winnipeg, is announced yh to have assigned. . The rate of stumpage on the New _ Brunswick Railway Company’s land will not be changed this year. This was decided at the annual meeting of the com- _ pany held recently. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION B. C. LUMBER SHIPMENTS. Cargo mills reporting from British Columbia for the first six months of 1905, with destination, indicate shipments as fol- lows: 1905. JAPAN— Lumber, ft. PEA SAINA ERT aus e's sites ths als) atte 1,210,575 OSE Oe OR eae mo 922,934. DNASE Soe clea bc alas ct 706,962 1 Q0 Lo) SS SP aie Se a SR de 51,730 Wattal fapanes ) oon. ce cal 2,892,201 AUSTRALIA— NIG XS) 1: rr ees 3,0535317 Bast, Throndoni.. . 22s. .a6 fos sa 1,986,701 2 (G71 aoe oe Ae ER 279,871 Total Australia .........; 5,319,889. CHILI— Antofopasta .. i. 02..¢6000" 768,828 Chili unclassified........... 1,168,002 FRotalnG@haliy. eh Sos os 1,936,830 LPL ICT ET e (ge Oa oe 714,307 iene WS OneUd. 35. S20. a. © 140,079 UNITED KINGDOM— Davenport, Eng...... 1359752 sunderiand ys Pines! . 5g...) 1,744,609 eter. Prigels.: fy oS . 2,865,545 Queensboro, Eng. ......... 1,262,035 RCS UNMELASSINCE 6.60. 6 2,195,287 PRIMO ES 5 faye sare cas. os 2 8,203,228 GERMANY— UUM EIG EMCEE aj ccclaln = 0 seahorse he 164,690 PERU— (ENE. OO BE Sc OEE Ren BENE RR 133735553 SouTH AFRICA— Pilnin Ba ying. istage cuales! /alevetass » 1,163,392 SGeande LOtal ani. c ete ote es 21,268,189 *For same period last year shipments aggregated 24,855,656. According to recent advices from British Columbia, the Government has taken action regarding the export to Puget Sound of timber cut from provincial lands by seizing, on Jervis Inlet, a boom of logs belonging to J. S. Emerson. Mr. Emerson is closing down all his northern hand-log- ging camps and paying his mea off. He will later on open two camps on Crown granted lands which he possesses, and will export timber cut from them. The failure of Andrew Haslam, saw mil] owner, of Nainamo, B.C., is one of the most important which has occurred in British Columbia for some years. Mr. Haslam assigned his saw mill, sash and door factory and timber limits to A. E. Lees of Vancouver, a former partner; Wm. Manson, of Nanaimo, accountant, and Perry D. Roe, manager of the Can- adian Pacific Lumber Company, Port Moody. The liabilities are approximately $150,000, and as assets there are besides the mill and a sash and door factory, 13,- ooo acres of timber limits at Jervis Inlet, Elk Bay, north of Seymour Norrows, and at Theodosia Arm. These limits have something like eighteen years yet to run and included in the liabilities are arrears of stumpage and dues to the Government amounting, it is said, to $12,000. In the amounts are also included a very large amount for wages, some ranging back a long period, in all reported to be $42,000. Recently a number of workmen entered a lien under the Woodmen’s Act, for wages which will give them, since the new law came into force, three months’ wages. Mr. Haslam is one of the pioneers of the country and enjoys a reputation for strict integrity. The business he has just as- signed dates back to Hudson’s Bay days in Nanaimo, and was acquired from the company by one Carpenter. Mr. Has- lam was pretty badly crippled in his _ J.B. Farwell & Son -_ .. CONTRACTORS AND DEALERS IN.. “Ganadian Gedar Tele: Graph, Telephone and ‘Blecirlo Light Poles ’ 4 Bancroft, Ont., and Oswego, N.Y. r (ae BANK ST. CHAMBERS IMENSION SASH = oa i Z = ODN, By. BARTRAM WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT nite Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. . Special Bills sawn on short notice. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Poste and Tiem «+ s+ « SPECIAL — 50.000 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M.R Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4,Beech. Prices on application THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS HaRDWOOD Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, O. McMinnville, Tenn. We buy and selt Pine in Car and Cargo Lots OTTAWA, ONTARIO Barge or car load lots All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 4o feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. ; Write for quotations. DOORS’ - B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., uma 604 Temple Building, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.”® Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s Ill, financing two years ago, when his mill was destroyed by fire just after he had arranged to extend his trade with the Northwest. L, Dean Holden, Pres. F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. E. C, Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia ‘Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =——SARNIA, ONT. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto, EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, T,ondon, Eng. THE |MPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimiteD SAW. AND PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS : All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo, Registered Cable Address, ‘' Pinewood,”’ BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN: “American Iumberman’’ Telecode a~ < B.C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES < Several cars now in transit, hence can give prompt delivery. SEND C. A. LARKIN IN YOUR ORDERS Toronto J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBEIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings * and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY OBDAR Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc, in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - _ Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ‘Phone No. 54. POLBS 5,000 pieces, 10 to 20’ long. Suitable for Hops, etc. Price 7—Well write us. THE LONG LUMBER COMPANY HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Give beut CACHE BAY, Ont. Grom a6 miles West North Bay Gane UMBER anD LATH va Me ‘ P a Pa Sr ees DE euale ae ee Wh ee ke fon ae an 5 me * =f of iam Ye ee oe 3 ee a, IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Halifax: Barquentine Ohio, for New York, 192,823 ft. spruce deals, value $2,313; 811,000 ft. spruce lath, value $1,622, by Alfred Dickie, agent. Schoon- er Moravia, for New York, 690,000 laths, value $1,380. Boston, for Santiago de Cuba, 49,00 ft. spruce boards, by Pickford & Black, agents. Steamer London City, for Liverpool, 493,945 fit. spruce deals, value $6,075; 160,000 ft. birch deals, value $1,639; 190, 664 ft. hem- lock deals, value $1,854, by Furness Withy & Co., agents. Steamer Ulunda, for Liverpool, 216,097 ft. spruce deals, value $2,206, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. Steamer Gulf of Ancud, for London, 31,- ooo ft. birch deals, value $7,920. Schooner Elsie, for New York, 1,025,000 laths, value $2,250. From Montreal: Steamer Kensington, for Liverpool, 49,968 pes. deals, 4,067 pcs. walnut lumber. Steamer Victorian, for Liverpool, 3,520 pcs. deals. Steamer Mount Royal, for Liverpool, 5,403 bdls. lumber, 3,718 bdls. squares, 1,005 doors, 1,533 pcs. lumber, 1,831 pcs. timber, 21,- 898 pcs. deals. Steamer Hurona, for London, 472 pcs. planks. Steamer Sar- dinian, for London, 1,230 pcs lumber, 20,772 pcs. boards, deals and ends. Steam- er Montezuma, for London, 8,757 bdls. lumber, 8,469 pcs. hardwood lumber, 1,800 pkgs. lumber, 64,337 pcs. deals, ends and boards, 17,960 bdls. shooks. For Antwerp, 5,382 pcs. boards. Steam- er Lake Michigan, for London, 1,562 doors, 2,449 bdls. staves, 70,229 pcs. deal ends and boards, 2,392 pcs. lumber. Steamer Englishman, for Bristol, 6,979 pcs. deals, 2,044 bdls. strips. Steamer Salacia, for Glasgow, 2,952 pcs. deals, 3,436 pes. ends. Steamer Steamer Corinthian, for Glasgow, 20,180 pes. deals, 194 logs. From St.John, N. B.: Schooner Pansy, for Boston, 101,356 ft of boards. Schooner Three Sisters, for New York, 1,016 pcs. piling. Schooner Georgie Pearl, for City Island, 183,998 ft. deals. Schooner Nellie Watters, for Quincy, 88,318 ft. spruce boards. Schooner Genevieve, for Boston, 31,462 ft. deals, 75,472 ft. plank, 77,075 ft. boards. Schooner Preference, for New York, 159,720 ft. of plank, 44,696 ft. scantling. Schooner Frank and Ira, for New Bedford, 1,200,000 cedar shingles, 26,000 spruce clapboards. Schooner Temperance Bell, for Boston, 14,232 tt. boards, 1,022,500 cedar shingles, Schooner Hattie C. Luce, for New York, 1,750,000 laths. Schooner Romeo, for Providence, 26,603 ft. deals, 135,855 ft. plank. Schooner Tay, for New Haven, Conn., 20,706 ft. deals, 83,210 ft. plank, 63,528 ft. scantling. Steamer Moonlight, for Limerick, 1,005,660 ft. deals, 36,455 ft. ends. Schooner Agnes May, for Boston, 54,633 ft. spruce boards, 800,000 cedar shingles. Schooner Harry Morris, for Boston, 134,020 ft. hemlock boards. Manchester Corporation, for Manchester, 527,161 ft. deals, etc., 5,613 bdls. shooks. For Philadelphia, 468,800 laths. Schoon- er H. A. Holder, for Fall River, 47,000 ft. spruce boards, 911,000 cedar shingles. Schooner Golden Rule, for Boston, 39,137 feet spruce boards, 40,057 ft. hemlock boards. Steamer Leuctra, for Brow Head, 2,539,590 ft. deals, 147,795 ft. scantling, 55,215 ft. ends, 25,482 boards. Schooner Wm. Marshall, for Washington, 1,584,100 laths. Schooner Hunter, for City Island, 231,226 ft. deals. Schooner Clayola, for New York, 980,000 laths. WEEKLY EDITION September 13, 1905 SSS ae LOOSE ESSE SES — a SoZ ra L/ TF Bss Q) G lla VE / | | at ce \ | esas L/ sy ay Ws —/ Y oe wane = Y That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. 7 JUST A GENTLE REMINDER —~, Wo > IS SLES - Ss — he Red Deer Lumber Compan WINNIPEG, MAN. SESS SESS SESS SESS SSIES SSIES Cent ea a padaun a aahan i agen areal WAS | PI eee UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS | | | CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE. HARDWOODS BY RAIL,MAIL | | | ST.LOUIS |. | WIRE OR ‘PHONE ae McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspondence Invited on All Hardwoode. BOSTON, MASS. — H. D. wictl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO, Muskegon, Mich. | I® [t your Wish. . An Advertisementin the ‘Wanted’’ And ‘‘For Sale’’ Departmentof the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for ygu a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman, Torento To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY [HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVHLAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e xe ee 4 Veneers ~ BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. \ FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE MICHIGAN "September 13, 1905 = a THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PBMBROKE, ONT. _ We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. A ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO FoR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try ‘JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED q _ We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. . ‘HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. ri . M Office -503 Manning Chambers - - x LUMBER MERCHANTS. : Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. - BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of ‘Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Ambherst, N.S. 7 = and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch -™“ Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. r F. M°CIBBON & SONS, PENETANGUISHENE Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF AY L ‘ b Cc , } a ® i ,” } ee boa aie 7 ‘ White and Fed Pine 7 ets. st SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. | soo” francs © | ~d Lumber and Lath f _ OFFICES Goristing Building, Montreal °° 00”’ Branc Mills at Spragge. Water Shipments Ik WW BRENNEN & SONS MANUEAGTURING GO, LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at a - RAINY LAKE, Ontario. . THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. | Mamatecares shana recenie TUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. ” a ‘Both Railway Delivery and Water i oe Sramiane Correspondence Solicited. A. F. BURY AUSTIN HOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA FINE t of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA Li (ES: Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and ood, gophers and ko ough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, back ‘Eastern Agent tor The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. __ Doug! Fir Timber in size oF pers up to fe feet long, Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x30 inch, ry Kilas of large capacity. : hewak and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AN? OUOTATIONS. ‘ IGER & SON CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea JAMES J. MURPHY, *" ie" QUEBEC We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ; 3 Se eee nee ————————— R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CoO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. PIA YN HATE 8 W EET Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies MIDLAND, ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialt ~~ Sawn and Planed Lumber, awe Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY PINE, ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. 3%." alert Ad ON and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cellar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Wate (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER a | AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds at close price THE SEAMAN KENT Co., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY ‘ WHOLESALE BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES We Solicit Your Inquiries. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. J. F. FOSS, Manager. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH,.BEECH AND OAK H%, %, KH, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT. 2 Neko Lumber Co., timitea Quebec rf ) LBs VANCOUVER, BG. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. High Grade Red Cedar ce ce Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - 112 Mail Building, TORONTO | D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. Jj. E. YOUNG, cashier ‘ The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. — Menufecturers White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work paeex CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING 2 a Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, ontave Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce ‘un ber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four pointe, » , Cc. WELLS — Export Lumber & e PALLISER, B. c. Shingle Co., Limited High Grade ‘Suraiue. Fir, st and Lumber of all Descriptions. Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. W. B. McKECHNIE, President. : ic acinalens Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT, A LUMBER for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- beter a CG. :& LIMITED i es tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping pees a BRITISH GOLUMBIA RED OEDAR | izes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. B. C. FIR_DIMENSION AND FINISH. SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements °@e of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square °@ and Round Timber ; a. Donle! s Rules, and much other practi- cal information. . de 35 Cents__ Apes THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. ae euay eke FE ak) oe . mi 31 PT oe, alae a esa B ashe oh dub we: big Laie Ae talerl Pls : “oe ; S Fav 1. er . f Co tee tas | Pa - nif ¥ 1 age a ae at Py 3 + NK * 2 Ry aly ¢ ‘. : - mo r " September 13) 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vit. 1,000,000 Shingles Per Day Bibout half ae B. C. Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. Million Shingles. IU MBER DOUGLAS Pr ee ee CI COR an a CHDAR Peo eo cra ath = DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH Our Daily Shipping Capacity is over One aq “i UNION LUMBER COMPANY, Limited sss tastings ss. Vancouver, B. C. OF ee ew 56 Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. A/E have Three Millions of Hem- lock, running in lengths from 10 to 24 feet. which we are pre- pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 ‘feet or over. Dealers in Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber.. meee—WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO PEDWELL & LEMCKE, oi." | _ MANUFACTURERS { Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, | HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO. | B05 op ee Can be obtained at small cost by advertising in the Want Columns of the WEEKLy Canapa LumBEeRMAN. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS FARNWORTH & JARDINE [Wood Brokers and Measurers . “Cable Address “Para Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOTTLE, LIVERPOOL, a F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKEHRS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B. C., Az, ‘Zebra ‘ and Private. ara for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. ents handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Rencdail Correspondence Solicited 2 Broad Street Building, | QUIS BAMBERGER, LONDON, E. C. 2. Address ‘‘Bellywood, London,’ >. IMPORTER OF oe ~ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods y dre Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD ca lige ec ZEBRA CODE CTORY CO: CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & £0. a Wood } gents and Brokers Cable Address: “ GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England FELBER, JUCKER & CO.| OnE, DOLLAR Lumber Importers Will pay your subscription to the CANADA 4 N HE STER ENGLAND . offers from Lumbermen for . . . Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine zB, sag Sashes Mouldings, Dowels, Chair 8 Stock, Seats, etc., or any s Suitable for English Market. aphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. IKMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS 3 UYERS OF Staten eu gnd Heaaing,” Mandies ot “tall descriptions LUMBERMAN for ONE eens SMITH & TYRER - (4 titebam Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘*‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmitH, TyrER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW OANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW eB R 0 K F R S Cable Address ; “ TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A BC Codes used. Telegrams and rapier: “‘Woodfeller, London B.C. 4th and sth Editions. THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances ae against Branches : shipping documents MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. JOSEPH OWEN & SINS. LID. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Codes: ge Western Union, Southards, and BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. ck Elm Logs. Ro Hickory ies eA SOW 5. aa All cianas of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods erates. for the English arke ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS — LIVER ENGLAND IBLE LIVE RTD Orie Liverpool and London hes une 4 CABLE ADDRESS VIL. THE ONTARIO LUMBER Css Mitts: North Bay C.P.R. and &. T.R. Delivery. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU R. B. ST. peel rel BER_@& Poche ONT RACTO RS’ AGENT 158 Canal =“ Russell Block, Ottawa. : Men ‘Sai at all times for Bush and Railroad Work - - Phone 1,950 McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO0., cimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. cca. si wk eG aeRD ee i hese ; CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION rea | WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH EO. G. GLADMAN szerscrom AND SHINGLES. Wome ae. Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only, CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. : = - 5 ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. Boom f'ge BOSTON, MASS. WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBEF LATH AND SHINGLES mm PARRY SOUND, ONT. —SORRESTONDENCE Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling ietiint. ie. Ak EBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Post Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Ste WIARTON, ONT. THE NEW LINE Through the Spruce Forests of the Laden Mountains—between Quebec and Haw! Warer-Powers, TimBer Limits AND ELECTRIC _ PowER FOR SALE. IDEAL PuLpP-MILL Sires. Unexcelled Export Facilities at Quebec. GREAT NORTHERN RAILWAY v CANADA x . ‘ . ¥ 7 . : : A. J. GORRIE 7 Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. r J | Geuarel evh: MONTREAL wr Ee EP A. * X : Pi ‘e good strips : Pine, box boards.... 13 00 15 00 py" ilies ete: - 36 00 Pine mill culls ...-. = 00 = co ; eps os 7 oe me. 1% 40 00 | Pine O. culls... . 750 850 Pine 2... cccce cs ansevccs 53975 | SpYiCseeceaneseneaee 49 oo | Spruce, 1”x4 up 14 00 os Spruce, 1” stocks, ae — 30 00 7,8, 9 and 10”... 15 00 Sawed Pine ex, xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, Geus wane$S a5 NTO, ONT '40 00 Spruce, 1” clear (fine Clear butts.......... 3.50 3 75 | Hemlock..........00-. TORO - . 2 : bee eal 42 00 dressing a and Bi. 24 00 Smooth 6x18. .seee 4 50 4 75 | SPrUce .eeeeee--eeeem 7 a 9 ings.. I§ 00 | Hemloc ah 13 00 CAR OR CARGO LOTS. : Ping, No. « dressing Ladh, pen 3 en i : = 71 Fi ax4 to 10 in,,1. to 16ft. 15 00 16 00 siding ...... .. 2200 27 00 No. x white pine.... 2 50 , it ; ae Dice. es $48 00 $5000 | 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 Pine, No. x dressing No. 2 white pine.... 225 ‘ A 1% to2 inch No 1 Clear inch B. C. cedar, StrIpS...... +++. +» 18 00 25 00 Spruce, mill run..-.. 225 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY. ¥ cuts and better.. 5% 00 5300] kiln dried...........- 50 00 Pine No. : dressing Red Pine, mill run. 2 25 wu 1% &2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar shorts ...... .... «« 1700 21 00 | Pine Shingles WHITE PINE. ‘cuts and better.... 43 00 4500] airdried boat lumber 5500 Pine, ros, ¢ and bet- Xxxx, 18 inch........ 3 25 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension ter 12! to 16” ..... 20 00 2200] Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 3 ‘” 2 60 (Wholesale ase! La Bf cuts and better.... 38 00 40 00| timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- XX IB UnChy: .. eenae +140 1x60 Uppers, 1, Ge: and 2 isla dens eptaeueeete i 1in. Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension ter 17 tor. . .... 17 00 19 00 | Cedar Shingles We. Seavodis cinco Zz 0 Shelvit » No. r, 13 in. and better shorts 22 00 23 00| timber, 30 to 35 feet 3100 =—— Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 09 20 co XXXX, 18 Inch........ 3 25 3 50 24 and 3 in. 5 00 | an up, 1 in....-. 1x4, 6and 8 common 18 00 19 00 | 1% in. No. 1 4 ft. Pine Pine s. c. strips...... 14.00 16 00] Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 2 50 2 60 Nish ah ceseone es No. x Mold st'ps x toa ns Ix to ccmmon...... 19 50 20 00 Lathovensewnve ituses 375 400 Pine, s.c, shorts..... 13 00 14 00 xx, 18 inch.......... 1 50 I 70 Selects1 im..... & oo tip seaemesacsicery ; IX 1Izcommon...... 21 00 22 00 usin No. 2 4 ft, Lath 4 15 325 \ 1% to 2in......... 70 00| No. 2 Moulding 1x10 common.....- 20 00 21 00] 1%” No.1 32” pine lath 175 2% and 3 in....... zB 00 x tosis. 26 ies. 1X10 common...... 21.00 22 00| 134” No. ratft. hemlock lath 2 80 1 Pe Se Aud 6 s 00| Barn, No.1, r2in..... and 3x12 common. 22 00 23 00| XXXX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 SARNIA Fine common, 1 in. 5500] 6,8and roin...... ‘ 1x1e inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 2 20 A IA, ONT. 1% and 1% in..... 56 00| No, 2, 10im...c.06 r common ......-.-- ax 00 22 00| X Pine Shingles .. go a 2 IM serssernececas 58 00| No.2, 12 in....+05 Inch mill runsidings 20 00 21 00| XX Cedar Shingles 220 2 25 UPPERS. | x 4and 5”........... $21 00 SiN). wale o's a eae 73.00] No. 3, roin........ tin. millrun...... . 20 00 21 00 B. C. Shingles 1in., 10” and mp wide. $73 00 '% x6’ and up......... 24 00 SCH vse. «cama 75 00| No. 3, 12 im.......- +. 1x10 and 12 mill culls 16 59 17 00 | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 299 11/ 1% and 2” =. 73/00 14x 10% st ee cere eee eeee 2500 . < up, No. x, 1 in. 38 00| Box, 1X4... -eese-00 1 dnc mill cull Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in, 3 12 A and 3” ss .. 78 00 1% x MSs see waa gle oie 27 00 and 134 in..... s0 00] 1x6 &up........ ; ia Noam bods aes 15 50 16 00 XXEXX 5 to zim. 3 45 «583,00 oe a ah seeeeeee +» 24 00 No.4, ty at elas aes 26 00 IxirOhs sede cee G BGO 2 Att os: Qaomen oer zenegra oaneginteyinecerteaiieteenapneet!. Te PC RaIO. 5c ae ettenis eda 25 00 es wraguas steeee tre “dead cull sidings 14 00 2 rs xx i 6 to 23-16 in. ae SELECTS Re Nae en, oe my 00 No. - ue and = = a i Hemlock,1x4 to Sin. 14 50 15 50 1in., 8’ and up roy - 63 00 2” = 6” and up.......... 25 00 Mo. 5.47 con dp ae 27 00 and 1 Y ’ j 1%, 1% and 2” “| «.++ 63 00 2” x To”... +++. 76 00 bei rin...... 36 00 deers dois : HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. iv and 3 7H oa ey Be ED reece ee ee ee ee seu 28 00 ee T2eveves ae 00 and 21n.......06 17 00 Ash White, x to2 in Wimixodls mill FINE, COM. AND vist NO. I BARN, Wh IDs seeseeeveree Eig ae f B Beisis . 1 to 1%"24 00 26 00 . rin. + ++++s$23 00 to $30 00 “The following quotations on hardwoods represent Se jobber's buy 7 ists and ands...... $33 00 $35 00 Elm rock Fail 1 in., 8’ and up pete: - 54 00 1Y, 1% ‘and 2” 28 00 to 3100. « price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; 4a Ash, black, xsts and run.......13'' 3.. 29 00 30 00 4 and 134” a +-+ 54 00 we and 3”.. 32 00 WHITE ASH. ’ d, x to 1 in.. .. 27 00 29 00 | Hickory, xsts +» 55 OO | As wr eeeee oe . 35 00 ees : Birch’ M. oe PaNNco ie Bae ands..1 4e. 36 00 38 Lolo] FINE COMMON, NO. 2 BARN, aot fas ar Ee ae cera oot 4s \ 2.. 2300 25 0o| Maple 1” mill a cesntanteda ts 5 00 to 62 00 Titaicn oc wee See 20 Oo to 24 00 enllsscceuts 6 00 5 ““ sars. te ‘* 8x8 32 00 36 00 Tun...... 1 134 20 00 21 00 14, 1% to 2”. 500051 00 1%, 134, 2 and ct" Basswood, m4 8 Maple, ists 246 3and 4”.. 6800 73 co AM i patooita alee BLACK AND BROWN ASH, : and better 1 to1%/in 24 00 25 00| and a2nds.. 2 “ 4.. 24 00 26 oc ’ 5 aie ae ; a 5 ist & 2na, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00| Com. & good culls... 15 00 17 me Basswood, 13 to2.. 25 27 00 | Oak;red, p’n, NO. I CUTS. Sagas o2 eer aeeee So BIRCH. . 4 mr 1 3r& 22 00 24 00 onsts & ands 2 ‘ 4.. 44.00 4600 cing , 8’ and up ee G 35 00 NO. 3 BARN. \ rst & and, 6 inch & || 1st &and,white, €’ &up, 28 00 soc Che sis jak, white 14% in -. 48 00 iO Bonar nd 00 to 2000 > ; culls..... ea onda. 1 ‘1% §5 00 60 00 asts & ands x ‘x3 42.00 44,00 1 in, ... 46 00 1%, 1 and 2” 18 co to 20 50 Up, red-......+.+-+ 40 0 42 00 Com. & good 16 00 18 , Cherry, xsts Oak, white, a! as <5 A] OO.2 EP Tae oes 21 00 Ms A andands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 6000 7000| sts&ends2 “4.. 4500 5000 2%and3” “ ... 60 00 os st & ad,rock,6in &up 76 00 28 oo | 1st & ed, soft,6in & up, 26 00 : } Hiss, soft, mill Oak, quart'd, 4” 3 --. 6200 | = ; Common and culls.. t§ 00 17 oo | Common and calls...... 16 00 17 as TET che a .. 1 '' 136 24 00 25 00 ists&2nds ‘‘ 2.. 7000 80 00 No. 2 curs, No. 1, 1”, 1%, y Elm Aiton Walnut, xsts y 136, 2. caescee 13 50 to 18 00 MAPLE. ~ <4 Aa tesa 3-. 25 00 2600| and ands..1 ‘' 3.. 85 00 10000 rin., 6” and up ¥ wide.... 2000 || No. 2, i”, 1%, ist & and hard...... 21 00 25 00 rat &and,soft...... ++. 20 00 23 Cs ip and 1% sees 33 os TH 2...eeeee 14 50to 17 00 Common andculls— 1300 14 co | Common end calls..,. 11 00 12 ¢ ; ak. 3and 4! “ 3 dgido MILL CULLS. M , sa No. 3 CUTS. wall Run 1’, 1%, rand ——- * 5 QUEBEC, QUE. ¥ RE 93 13 00 cA o : 1in., 6” and up wide.,.. 18 oo Ne “ee “ “ ’ f oi ; WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT ip and 1%” Pe «s+. 20 00 4 2, an ae Te BOSTON, MASS. , pa cts, ae 21 00 i vicinal a(S, fa emlenaisteares ee "Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,........- 35.45 234, gand4” “ 27 00 ING. yy ETE vicina yaw Sud Mipda xine, se i leh fa Wes Ret rabies ae "4 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. £8 62 ts eet No. 2, 48” “ nil 3 0 Fine Coumon, ; ele CE d according t it 2 10 ft. a es ED oy te cy beans rae , a oe: é ms oy ro zi ‘0 2 TENE. All other random lengths, 9 in. and under, 10 Average 16 3 3 Uppers, 3 in. ... ....- +++ 83 85 | 1x12 inch shippers .. Me op ate 24 ft, and up........---20000 SHR oe canteen ) BIRCH. PAT d's cue vara ois seceeeess 83 85 | 4/4 inch 3” & up. 25 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.1s * 14 Inch eeohds: me BT ds aes i fe gad rto2in...... sbacoon seee+ 78 80 | 4/4 Box boards @” and ups 20 21 Out Ce DOATAS, P. 8.2 vcevee ciensenecannenss 4 16 Se re Se ee a bi ° - 28 pn are nEnue AOC 2 88 30 ro-in. dressing pe Lo ws GON 35, 1x2 and 1x3, furring p. 1 s clipped and bundied . ri 17 a ee ee a a +2 31 elects, 2% in up........ ar x2-in, dressing a tter... 40 : as oN 2) LE ORS a Fee eee © to mtne neo Sd ales eat 7@ | BOX, IXr0-in. .......c cece ee ’ 2 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Fine common, 2% in. and up 72 75 | BOX, 1X12.... .sseen seenee 22 FESO AS ieacenpisie - 4 a ANTED—BASSW' bd D, ELM AND SOFT "maple logs, 20 inches and up in diameter, first class logs accepted BuFrFrALo VE- MPANY, BUFFALO, N.Y _. “a2 5 DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO Cedar Shingles and Lath Tor- ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 Logan Avenue, Toronto. 'ANTED — PARTNER WITH SMALL oe ae ) Paying, contracting and ness | live western city in Address Box No. 246, CANADA LuM- [AN. ’ SOFT ELM COM- 6). Wormy Chest- /4, 2” Basswood, . KINSMAN, Hamil- eon G MAN, WITH ough knowledge of business methods, y years practical experience in manufacturing business in the east, is to accept position of trust, or in executive , with box manufacturer or lumber reference if required. Address Box NADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED TO SELL SIZES OF DIMENSION AND ROUGH C. No. 1 fir, spruce, white-fir or hem- d cedar. Price $9.00 up to 36 feet. F.O. Hazelmere, B. C. , Hazelmere, B.C. _ FOR SALE \NTITY OF CEDAR AND HEMLOCK ‘R. R. Ties, No. 1 and 2; 10,000 Cedar : s; 1’ and 1%” Basswood ; 2” and 3” le ; cut in 1904 ; excellent shipping condi- Ig05 cut contains Pine, Hemlock, Bass- ye pin and Ash lumber and 10,000 LY , Ont Apply Gzo. M, , TATE LUMBER CO’y,, DA . WEEKLY EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. AND WO LUMBERMAN The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $1.00 Per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REQULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE TORONTO, MONTREAL — SEPTEMBER 20, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER No. 29 Wwe — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrmcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., §2 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. For SALE—SAW AND STAVE MILL IN Western Ontario. Can be seen in opera- tion now. Must be sold at once, to close ah gatate Box 306, CANADA LUMBERMAN,. Tot- onto. : EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and a5 feet long, at the Spanish boom. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchwood, Ont. RDERS SOLICITED FOR HARD MAPLE cuttings out of dry or green stock for ini- mediate delivery or early spring delivery. The W. R. THompson Co., Teeswater, Ont. NOTICE E BEG TO NOTIFY OUR CUSTOMERS that Harold F. Ritchie is not in our em- ploy, and is not selling any goods for us, Cap- STAN MFce. Co., Toronto. LUMD6F We have about two million feet of this season’s cut for sale—about 75 per cent. White Pine, balance Norway and Spruce. Address ERRINGTON & Ross, Turbine, Ont. Sale of Burnt Timber A quantity of pine timber on what is known as Berth B.1, containing 21 sqnare miles more or less, situated South of Woman River Station on the Canadian Pacific Railway 120 miles west of Sudbury, in the district of Algoma, having been damaged by fire, the undersigned hereby calls for tenders for the right to cut same. Tenders will be received up to and including the 30th day of September next, and must state the rate per thousand feet board measure, in- cluding dues, which the tenderer is prepared to ay for the timber, or per thousand feet cubic Foe whatever proportion of it may be manufac- tured into waney or square timber, including dues, The timber to be cut during the present winter. Tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque for $500.00 payable to the Honourable the Treasurer of Ontario. The tim- ber to be sold subject fo the Crown Timber Regulations except where varied by the condi- tions of this sale. The party awarded the right to cut will be required to give a bond with satis- factory suret‘es for the payment of the priceand the due performance of all terms and conditions required by this Department. The Department does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender. Tenders to be marked ‘‘ Tenders for Burnt Timber,’ and addressed to the Honourable the Minister of Lands and Mines, Toronto. F, COCHRANE, Minister of Lands and Mines, Department of Lands and Mines, Woods and Forests Branch, Toronto, 21st of August, 1905. N.B.—No unauthorized publication of this Notice will be paid for. WANTED. ATHS BY CAR OR VESSEL, ANYZQUAN- TITY, large or small, up to 10,000,000, 134” or 154”. Address C.S: WENTWORTH & CO, 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. FOR SALE. OOD MILL AND SITE, CAPACITY 20,000 a day; 560 acres good timber; estimate 4 million. Very convenient. Also Shingle Mill. Must be sold. A snap. Address Box X, Thessa- lon, Algoma, Ont. FOR SALE. EW SAW MILL OUTFIT WITH STOCK of Logs and Standing Timber in District of Parry Sound. Reason for selling, ill health. Address Box 312, care CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Cedar Timber Land For Sale. BLOCK OF 160 ACRES OF SOLID CEDAR Timber, convenient to mill and water transportation. Box 313, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE IRCULAR SAW MILL WITH DOUBLE Edger, Trimmers, and everything in com- plete running order, capacity about twenty-five thousand feet per day. will sell with or without building. Apply to Box 314, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. 60,000 Acres of Choice Timber Land in S. E British Columbia, estimated to contain 500 million feet, on a good river. Will be sold at a low price if disposed of quickly—one-third cash, balance on time. For details apply to Box 308 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. OR SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO, 3 HAM- ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 7%” cylinders and all connections, circular outfit complete with iron husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 70 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each. Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Mill. THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont. TIMBER LIMIT FOR SALE PLENDID CEDAR AND HARDWOOD Timber Limit, up-to-date mill with gun- shot feed, trimmers and other full equipment ; sufficient timber to run 10 years; mill now in full operation, located on Georgian Bay ; good shipping facilities ; output practically sold for several years. Box 230, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber In Central Ontar'o THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited) This company has a large tract of well tim- bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherry, Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Klm and Ash on this tract. It is wellserved by two railroads, The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. There are several good mill sites on the prop- erty. This would be a good opportunity for Forties who are at present cut out and looking ‘or a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. ees HUNDRED THOUSAND FEET narrow pine lumber for sale. Apply to D. CLARK, Powassan, FOR SALE TIMBER AND SAW MILLS 900 MILLION FEET OF STANDING TIM- BER, the last available big blocks in FHastern British Columbia, with convenient transportation to North West Territories. Prices from 20c. per thousand feet up; finest kind of Larch, White and Yellow Pine, Spruce, Fir, Cedar. Also two Saw Mills, going con- cerns, one of which is making a net profit of $2,000 per month. A party with $25,000 can se- cure the latter. For full particulars apply WAtTTs & Co., Wattsburg, British Columbia. SS et CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Orders for pine and hemlock lumber are on the increase and before the close of the building season the supply of dry stock promises to be reduced to.a very,low-point. Both manufacturers and dealers express complete satisfaction with the situation, which seems to-be ‘steadily growing stronger. That prices could be further advanced is generally admitted, but it ‘is considered the part of wisdom to discour- age undue inflation which might later on restrict the consumption. Retail dealers in Toronto are finding their facilities taxed to the utmost to supply the demand for building lumber, and'no change is looked for in the near future. The first fall of snow is likely to mark the cessation of work, although some falling off in activity may naturally be expected before that time. In the hardwoods we cannot report any improvement. The weakest feature is basswood, for which the market is very limited. Prices are this week marked down one dollar. Holders of stock are probably asking more than our quotations, but practically no sales are being made at the higher prices. Basswood at current values is cheap and some recovery would seem to bein order. Whether this will take place before next spring is uncertain, but we do not think it can be delayed beyond that time unless operacors should, unwisely, take out a large stock of logs the coming winter. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The strike of carpenters which was inaugurated in Montreal in the Spring was terminated last week. This should havea beneficial effect upon building operations. Lumber continues to be consumed inlarge quantities. The situation in the Maritime Provinces has not improved to any extent in respect to the log supply. It was thought that the recent rains would bring out about 15,000,000 feet of logs stranded in the St. John river between Grand Falls and ere “mills are busy. — IL. Fredericton, but the latest reports are to the effect that the river has risen only a few inches and that prospects for moving the logs are not bright. Spruce lumber is firmer in price on account of the cessation of sawing operations by the mills. There is an-~exceptional demand for spruce throughout the New England States, whereas the supply of American stock at St. John is said to be less than 3,000,000 superficial feet. British specifications are not much in demand, but the tendency of prices is to harden. New Brunswick cedar shingles are stronger under the stimulus of an increased movement. Shippers are now asking $3.35 for Extras for Boston de- livery and $2.95 for Clears. The supply of both these grades is light, while a num- ber of the mills are shutting down for the winter. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA, _ The harvest of the Canadian Northwest has mostly been garnered, and an estimate of an official of the Northwest Grain Deal- ers’ Association places the total production at 91,000,000 bushels of wheat and 67,- 000,000 bushels of oats. This assures the prosperity of the Northwest for another year at least. Asthe grain is marketed the lumber demand will expand. This, ‘coupled with the building of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway and the construc- tion of over two hundred miles of new track by the C.P.R., means a period of great activity for the lumber trade. The demand should be sufficient to keep all the Canadian mills busy, but apparently the growth of the western market has invited increased competition, the Great Northern Railway having reduced its freight rates to permit ofthe Washington mills getting a share of the trade. The local demand for lumber in British Columbia is very good and most of the Building at Vancouver is active. Shingles are moving moderately at the prices adopted a short time ago. UNITED STATES, The strong position of the United States lumber market may justly be attributed in part to the extensive building operations. Twenty-seven of the leading cities show an increase in building for August of 2,628 buildings and $17,109,988 in cost, or 48 pet cent. over the same month a year ago. During the month permits were taken out for buildings aggregating: $52,- 320,811. All kinds of lumber are firm, but yellow pine is showing exceptional strength, notwithstanding that it has advanced about 25 per cent, since a year ago. Wholesale dealers at Buftalo and Tonawanda are endeavoring to advance the price of white pine gradually till it is ona par with what has to be paid for it at the GE TREE KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Planing and Matching MASON, GORD N Keenan Bros on =——IN TRANSIT & CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION mills. Cutting-up stock is said to be get- ting in light supply. The demand for spruce lumber is buoyant. Mills are re- fusing orders andthe basis of $22 for 9 inches and $24 for stock over 9 inches is regarded as purely nominal, as shippers are getting higher prices. The prediction is made that wide cargoes, which are sell- ing in New York at $28, will reach $30 before the winter. The hardwoods are showing more life. Maple has advanced to $22, 16 and $9 in the rough at lake ports, while Western maple flooring has been advanced $1.50 per thousand to a basis of $39 for clear at New York points. The demand for birch and ash is good, but the supply is plentiful. Lath prices are still climbing and are now probably the highest ever reached. No. 1 white pine lath is quoted at $5 for Chicago delivery; hemlock, $4; norway, $4.50; basswood, $4 .It is said that stocks of all kinds of lath are not over 50 per cent. of what they were at this time last year. Spruce lath was selling in New York one month ago at $3.75, while to-day - the market is quoted ata nenge of $4 to $4.52. GREAT BRITAIN. Prices of timber and lumber in the British market continue steady, with but very slight indication to advance even in the face of the strong statistical position. Spruce has hardened slightly, as previous- ly reported, and bids tair to seek a higher level before many weeks, but there seems to be an entire lack of that speculation which gives life to the market. Liverpool has this year received more lumber, com- paratively speaking, than London, but stocks at both of these important centres are lower than a year ago. What is classed as prepared boards showed a stock at London on August 31st of 7,045,- 000 pieces, but all other classes of lumber were in lighter supply. . The import of pine deals from the St. Lawrence has been only 375,000 pieces, whereas fer the same period last year 578,000 pieces had been received. London had received, up to August 31st, 1,374,000 pieces of spruce deals, as compared with 1,638,000 pieces last year. The Liverpool import of pine deals is given as approximately 21,000,000 feet, as against 26,000,000 feet in 1904. The importation of birch planks has been very heavy and it is likely to be found difficult to maintain prices. A. A. Tuthill's large sash and door fac- tory at Moncton, N.B., was burned last week. The sash and door factory of Gignac & Beland, Quebec, was partially destroyed by fire last week, the loss being $2,500. ited @ Owen Sound, O At the present time we have piled woods, and about the same quantity Owen Sound, and we should be able to i HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND’ PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of dative Hardwoods algfays on hand and solicit your inquiries. outsidef points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ f Hafdwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in cgst you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON ; BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS _tions are being talked of, particularly in _ John river and city districts have enough able. Factory near Station. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMB 3] Office and Yard, 67 piuciievens ST. STOCKS AND PRICES. The Charlton Sawmill Company, Colling- wood, Ont., last week received another raft of logs, containing 45,000 pieces, or upwards of 2,000,000 feet. The American long lumber mark, continues in the prosperous cond described last month and with no indic a: tion of weakness; rather the manner ir which the receipts are taken care of le to the conclusion that any change w. be in the way of higher prices. At pre: there is no important quantity in this The Canadian Timber and Sawmills, Limited, Trout Lake City, B. C., haves ia up eit Bneecate epee ae enroute from this port and local stocksa planing 300,000 feet of lumber that has ; light; 2,250,000 superficial feet would ea already been sawed. As soon as this “1 ll flable. ak thie Hae lumber is planed it will be marketed. The '% SOV€f 4! availabie at this date. a Company are also figuring on cutting up Barring a slim possibility of the the 4,000,000 feet of logs which they have tives reaching the booms during Le in their booms in Trout Lake, and it is | tWO months, all the indications lead to very probable that they will carry on belief that the quantity mentioned will operations continuously. In their timber #bout all the American lumber to B limits are some large tracts of as fine ™arketed this year from this directior cedar as can be found in the interior of the Local prices ars fully as strong z province. Cedar commands a good price, been the case during the last month and the cedar limits are among the most 0 anxiety to sell is apparent. No | valuable assets of the Company. quotation in this line could be ed just now than (on a specific saya twenty foot average length) and 12’s, $19 to $19.50; g's, $17; narrows, $14; scantling, $12. : ‘oe Freight rates to New York City on | lumber are still quoted at $3.50. Conditions in the New Brunswick w goods trade in the English market: _ shown little change, although locally seems to bea feeling of optimism and belief that the near future will b prices more favorable to the seller | those now prevalent. While the that there has been no change in pri admitted, it is claimed the deman stronger, and, since the cessation of tl NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence.of the CANADA LUMBERMAN. St. Joun, N.B., Sept. 16th, 1905.— Since last writing there have been some heavy rains along the St. John river, but, as reports from the up-river districts are meagre and contradictory, it cannot be learned at this date whether or not there has been a sufficient rise of water to bring out any important quantity of logs. The feeling in manufacturing circles in regard to the matter is of a decidedly pessimistic nature and the opinion is freely expressed that there will be no general resumption of sawing until the first of the spring drives are rafted and have reached St. John, which will mean the first of June next, W. C. The end of next week will see all the Tilbury local mills closed down with the exception . +» Manvfactu of two, which two are the property of one Handles—A firm who have sufficient logs available to Also Hard and Softw keep them in cut for the balance of the #84 White Oak, Mapl Saecani Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak squares up to 38 in. long in large Teeter. Ps Estimates place the quantity of logs hung up at 75,000,000 feet probably two- , A SPLENDID ROUTE. thirds of which are in the main St. John above Grand Falls. This quantity em- ee braces the much greater part of the logs pa PS ag ee got out last winter and also a large quantity of those of the year before. One important effect of this general hang-up will be curtailment in the gross volume of logging contracts made this Fall. Already lower prices and smaller opera- and the che ae shooting to be found the coyhtry 2, nth A ine Wises oo way ca’ ially to the sporting ih 2h ae to — yu various seasons for hunt daily information to its dition s anywhere tion to the nearestt its train service with pits convenience and ee employes are constantly on the al travel over their lines Pleasant and c regard to provincial stock. This curtail- ment is quite natural when it is considered that most of the mill-owners of the St. This line offers the best route! St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minneap : Superior’ Points via Ashland, Wis : Information given by ng waco fi JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R. Milwau logs hung up to keep their mills in cut for the whole of an ordinary manufacturing season and some have even more than would be required for that purpose. Send for Catal KNIGHT BROTHERS az Ft Sathples an ail LIMITED _ PLANING, MATCHING SIDING, FLO in Car RESAWING, MOULDINGS | poem agents The B.C. Co. aucouver, B.C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or 1 WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND Quorat 0 Write for Prices, "Phone 13 DRESSED AWD IN THE ROUGH ‘MLENNAN LUMBER CO,, umn NTREAL QUE. ‘ September 20, 1905, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Til, » r in the east, a better tone is apparent. haps the most potent factor in this tter feeling is the fact that stocks of New Brunswick spruce in the principal distributing centres of the United King- dom are much lighter than has been the ease for several years at this particular m. Prices mentioned last month vill still apply, viz., $11.75 to $12.25 per sup. ft. ona specification containing say per cent 7’s and 8’s, 35 per cent 9's and per cent 11’s and up, %’s price for hs and ends, f.o. b. steamer St. Since last writing freight rates to the id Kingdom have shown a consider- advance. Charters have been made forty shillings to the West Coast, and opinion of most of those interested is a further advance is no unlikely.’ + MEETING OF HASLAM CREDITORS. meeting of the creditors of A. Has- was held at Nanaimo, B.C., on Sep- mber 12th. W. Manson was elected irman and William Leighton secre- tary; and Mr. C. A. Crosbie, supervisor fo the Royal Bank, E. Quennell, Nanai- mo, and R. Hamilton, of the Wm, Hamil- ton. Manufacturing Company, were ap- sinted inspectors. The meeting then lorsed the appointment of the as- enees. A statement of the assets and lities. was presented, showing the lia- ities to be nearly $183,000 and assets ly $46,000, consisting of book debts, Bs, real estate, machinery at camp, e paper discounted and the steamer , all of which is secured to certain itors by mortgage or lien. The rest 1% TE EGRAPH POLES ngths. Write and you will cutting your oles it will net an you can get t of it in any other way. |. B. FARWELL & SON Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. 3ancroft, Ont. Oswego, N.Y. WHOLESALE LUMB Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hard iv Special Bills sawn "J. GORDON ACN NSION ry inquiry receives our@Pr ; Write SASH - In Spruce, Whit - ‘ c22 t» a <= ss ‘‘Quartered Toront ia All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. HINTONBPRG, ONT. . In Douglas Firg up to go feet. pt attention. quotations. DOORS - Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. RTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., uma 604 Te nple Bu iding, Toronto (ILLMEN— Cash ‘wyers all kinds HARDWOODS Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s of the property, rot valued, includes the sash and door factory and sawmill, with all appurtenances, logging camp- outfits and 12,947 acres of timber limits, leased, with a term of eighteen years yet to run. This land is estimated to yield 100,000,- 000 feet of cedar, 225,000,000 feet of fir and 8,000,000 feet of hemlock. In explaining his position, Mr. Haslam said his losses were made up chiefly of the following items :° Loss on logging camp by defective machinery, etc., $30,000 ; loss on the Jervis Inlet claim, on which he had spent $5,000, and on suit ia which he was decided not to be the owner and in which judgment was given for $10,000, $15,000; real estate losses, $23,500 ; loss on running the old mill while trying to se- cure a site for a new one, $27,000 ; in- terest on borrowed money, $15,000. These, with other losses, figured up a to- tal of about $183,000. He regretted very much the necessity for making the as- signment, but these heavy losses left him no alternative, and after considering mat- ters carefully he had concluded that with assistance he would make the following offer : To pay preferred claims and three months’ wages in full, and give thirty cents on the dollar to the rest of the credi- tors within ninety days. This proposal was discussed for some time, during which it appeared that the Royal Bank of Canada was secured by a mortgage in its claim of $35,000. Finally a motion was passed accepting Mr. Has- lam’s proposal provided he could get the consent of all creditors by signature to such proposal. The meeting then ad- journed. # j ARTHUR Ai WATT WIARTON,F/ONT. Dealer in Hard a Soft Wood, Lumber, Ligh, Shingles, Cedar Posts and a we osle teers SPECIAL — 50.000 47 8M and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 5/4 Maple, C S&B 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M. R Bassw@od; 18,000 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4 Beech. Prices on application THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. PINE, LAB AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS HarDwoop Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, O. McMinnville, Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots OTTAWA, ONTARIO ort notice. Barge or car load lots ACLAREN and Red Pine, up to 4o feet. B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. W. S. Gore, Deputy Commissioner of Lands and Works, Victoria, B. C., is ask- ing for tenders up to October 11th for a lease, under the provisions of section 42 of the ‘“‘Land Act,” for the purpose of cut- ting timber therefrom, of a timber. limit situated in the vicinity of Knight’s Inlet, known as Lots 347a and 348a, Group 1, New Westminster District, containing in the aggregate 2,220 acres. eeepecneneeeneeeeneee nT MAPLE LUMBER. All the good inch maple in the north country, says the Hardwood Record, Chicago, is pretty well sold, up to medium dry stock. The* Michigan Maple Com- pany, which controls a large portion of the output of hard maple, has recently advanced the price on allthicknesses of No. 1 and 2 common $1. This action really shows little advance in general maple values, but the change was made to equalizethe manifest discrepancy between the price of No. g—which under National rules is only required to cut twenty-five per cent., and which has found a ready sale at $8 for some time—and No. 2, which needs must show fifty per cent cut- ting and which heretofore has been listed at $9 at common Michigan produc- ing points. The present Michigan list on hard maple is $22 for firsts and seconds, $16 for No. 1 common and $10 for No. 2 common. There is not very much thick maple in first hands, the larger portion of it having met an advance sale mainly with Chicago jobbing houses. The trade in this stock running in five, six, eight, ten, twelve, fourteen and sixteen quarter has been a little slow during the past sixty days, but now there is every indication of a marked improvement in the demand. ® ' The holders of this class of stock will un- questionably reap a very handsome profit from their spring purchases. The im- mense sale of inch maple during the season is largely traceable to the extraordinary demand that has prevailed for maple floor- ing. I, Dean Holden, Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen’1.-Mgr. F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres, FE. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealets in Timber, Lumber Lath and White 6 plilnglés Special Bills Cut 6 Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. ™=— SARNIA, ONT. Woodenware, k and Shovel. Handles, oogs, etc. Payments made on receipt dingat Toronto. European House, DNS & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, Hug. Broom Handles, Turned of Bill of THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. SAW anp PLAN: NG M LLS, WARREN, ONT, ~ RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG SAWN LUMBER ee: ae By Carload or Cargo. ~. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. Registered Cable Address, ‘' Pinewood,” “American Lumberman” Telecode. o $ R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. C. A. KENT, Sec’y. 4 R. S. ABBOTT, Treas, L' °o oP SAGINAW, MICH. LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF ER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. VVTCVSSSSSSSVSSVVESEVESESESED .084OB .» LIMITED BRACEBRIPGE, ONT. MANUFA RS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash an@Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY THE LONG LUM Planing, Matching, Reéawing, ete, Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Moul End-Matchd and Bored ngs, Ceilings Wg0D FLOORING Lumber Kiln Drie ‘any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ‘Phone No. 54. AS: itable for Hops, etc. ite us. ER COMPANY HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED Band - Gane Circular CACHE BAY, Ont. Cc. P.R. 26 miles West North Bay nad WHITE PINE UMBER anD LATH CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CUT IN LUMBER RATES. On September 18 the Great’ Northern Railway made a cot on lumber and shin- gles into points in the Canadian North- west. The new rates are forty and fifty cents per hundred pounds on lumber and shingles respectively, and the result will be that a market in the territory affected will be afforded to mills on Puget Sound. The district affected by the new rates is Brandon, Portage la Prairie, Hartney, Headingly, Carman and all intermediate points. The old rate from Seattle to Por- tage la Prairie on fir lumber was fifty-six cents, and on cedar shingles fifty-seven and a half cents. LUMBER CONDITIONS AT LONDON. Under date of September 4th, Messrs. Churchill & Sim to the London market as follows: The pine deal market in London has been disappointing in August. The supplies have been fairly large, very cost- ly, and very difficult to move into con- sumption. Prices have given a little where there has been any attempt at pressure, but for the most part sellers are quietly waiting for some signs of a de- For spruce deals the market has refer mand. been firmer in August, with other markets and the general im- provement in all whitewood than from any increase inthe demand in London. This movement looks like gathering force as the autumn proceeds, unless checked by shipments from Riga. Elm and ash tim- ber are a point or two better since July. Birch has been selling cheaply in con- sequence of an over supply. Oak and yellow pine timber are without change. more in sympathy From the St. Lawrence the importation Pine deals, 375,000 pieces, against 578,000 pieces in 19045 spruce, 943,000 pieces, against 1,099,000; birch planks, 104,000, against 61,000. From New Brunswick and Nova Scotia: Pine deals, nil pieces against 54,000 pieces in 1904; spruce, 431,000 pieces against 539,000; birch planks, 226,000 pieces against 103,000. The stock of timber and lumber in the Public Docks on August 31st for two years was : has been: 1905. 1904. Pieces Pieces Foreign Deals.......-++++s. ¥,696,000 1,915,000 BQtCQMnS oie oye! s vislneie o MESS: SEN A SSE TESS ESS KY Wy, | i| se XG lA a 7 nN / i Shs toa N Sqn = : JUST A GENTLE REMINDER That’s all—-a reminder tl wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize’ that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. at we fan supply your The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN. We SSS SSS SSS SSSSSSSS SSS SSSS TFS SSS SSNS SS. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. | WHOLESALE RA | a | ie McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Carry in Stock and Have ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPL&R, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and S PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, HARDWOODS. ST.LOUIS BY LLAMAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE TERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- LM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- CAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, S (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING ILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Correspondence Invited on All Hardwoods. YELLOW/ PINE | H, D. WIGGIN/As crate ‘st We are in postion to give first - class Reason- able prices. mpt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | ITY, 100,000,000 FEET. BER CO. INE MANUFACTURERS ISSOURI. oring and Finishing ENTOWN, LA. ST. LOU Timbers, Rift Sawn Mills at LIrrLe Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, La., D, OHIO MANUFAC WHOLESALERS YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timber a Specialty Indiana Lumbe & Veneer Co. NAFOLIS, IND. ¢ Veneers Sawed and Sliced Quartered Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. seve .erg BURY & LUMBER - ‘NOBLE DETROIT Southern Yellow Pine FRANK C, BURY MASON A. NOBI WHOLESALE MICHICE Send us your inquiries fo: Be bral : bee ep Shi eptember 20, 1905 ———— ee er ee CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ve pS RRR EY NSE Te et op < ict a Se RCN - THE PE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT, We make a specialty of Dimenston Stock in Pine, ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE h, Shingles, Etc. WHOLESALE TORONTO jumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, \g Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, DreSsed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior _° Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED a? We have a complete stock, two ills running in summer at one all winter. oan HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, | OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Li "BUILDING MATERIAL of all kin o Basswood, Elm and Pine. Spruce and Hem- Pine, Hemlock, oO ffice : 503 Manning Chambers - - oo FoR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, orks, Sydney and Halifax. arried in stock. We are buyers of Amherst, N.S. d and Ash Boards and P. Flooring, Shingles, etc. ; a eee ee a Q UJ. E BEC PENETANCGUISHENE ONT. ood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood -Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. Of Onterio, Limited MILLS toon SPRAGGE, migoms Dis *"Soo”’ Branch c. P. R. MANUFACTURERS OF | White and Red Pine 7] Lumber and Lath Water Shipments UPAGTURING GO. LIMITED laning Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. ; ee Arcade, Toronto a Coristine Bulkdiag, Montreal d at Mills at Spragge. m M. BREANEN & St 7 - Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. E NIPISSING [UMBEA COMPANY, Limitep Mills at CACHE BAY and #P«NISH RIVER, Ontario. UMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBHR and TIMBER ¢ CANADA Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St - MONTREAL, CANADA : ardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Railway Fridge Timber and all Eimds o Timber, Norway Car Sills, Ca loomng, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and . ’Planed and Rough Lumber, British @bia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, » md butted. | n Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. Fic Timber i in an = or len up to go feet long, Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x30 inch. capacity. hous! and Dressed = Drsseat Litaber, Douglas Fir and Cedar, zines FOR PARTICULARS ANB QUOTATIONS. R & SO! a a of and Wholesale Dealersinallkindsof . . Both Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. _ We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS } imbef in Canada and United States: Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Manufacturers and W LUMBER + LAT esale Dealers H - SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT Contractors for Railway HBPuee BILL TIMBER a Specialty 2 Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... imension Timber. Joisting ingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. er, Car Sills, Car Flooring, CET YOUR LUMBE PINE LU (On C. P. R. Main fine near Sud Y AND TIMBER FROM R COMPANY PINE, ONT. MAITLAND, RIKO & CO. _iabetole rers And Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES)}POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. urner Lumber/Co., timitea MANUPAGTURERS a lL AGH We ship by C. P. R., T. R.yand by Water. LOMB Midiand, Ont. | OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Shipments by Rail or Water. e 5 lt UOUr Wish. . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possib A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY - SECOND-HAND MACHINERY An SO ee the And ‘ ‘Wanted’? For Sale’’ Departmentot the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Pg S as the case may be. Addre: The Canada s.wiiGareneee E Totento EK GOMPANY ALE BRITISH -COLU FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES SF. FOSS, Manager. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. J. FE. FOSS, Manager. HARDWOOD FLOORIN * MAPLE, E . Hs, 4%, Hh, 1% and 1% inch thickn End Matched, Bored and Polished, CH, BEECH AND OAK iln- Dried, Hollow Backed, and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER a; >, FINDLAY - OWBN SOUND, ONT. Spruce, White Pine, White and , Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles Quebec 6 ae NS ol 5 Meine & ‘ os "J Land “K - = " Bar gate —_ Cama Lumera Weeeey EDmion Seems es “aos. Ee H, HEAP & Co, "=, Be Lumber, Lath, Shingles, 00'S, Motldings, Ete. | SPECIALTIES : : | - ; ; AM HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newelam Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. ow hag P ney w. j. is dr then Lge > nll j. G. Scent. ote MANAGER uhaushene, On Vancouv B.C. ; Pacific Coast Lumber Co. VANGOY VER, B.C. Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, \fath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Ete. : High Grade Red Cedar green ae: ‘4 Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building: TORONTO > D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. Jj. E. YOUNG, Cashier a rss White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, | Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work Detrsin CHDAR POSTS, POL and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario i) a : Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber — } We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. ea ? Export Lu aber & PALLISER, B. c. Shingle C 9 Limited i ruce, Fir, Ceaatl Vancouver/ B.C and Lumbef of all Descriptions. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED.. Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping capacity over 114 millions. ae r 22 ~~ + _ SCRIBNER’S LUM of Scantlings, Board °@e ’ and Round Timber ; cal information. Price 35 Cents__.& - ee en ot at ae ie Sapa Og 5 i 5 Pe cea ails de Flea =" . ~~» Jala . September 20, 1905 es Wis= DouGLASs FIR, < Wie ey eG. "COR TL) Are | eae) : Ten Get ort st 8 at DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH < “oe°* UNION LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ssé‘tesines ss Vancouver, B. C. PEDWELL & ZEMCKE, *"“" MANUFACTURERS . Pine, ock and Hardwood Lumber, ‘on { Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. aoe = Bes sya >! a Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. Ehave Three Millions of Hem- ,/ "THE WOODSTOCK LUMBER lock, running in lengths Os & MANUFACTURING CO. ~ A Can be obtained at small cost by advertising in the Want Columns 10 to 24 feet, which we ar eS oe Pelee of the WreEex.Ly Canapa LumBERMAN. - pared to cut in blocks of 5 and Hardwood Lumber... - ‘leet or over. mmme—WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS CARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER = / |4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL ]Woo rokers and Measurers oe WOOD. AGENTS me ===. > Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpoo ‘Cable Address “Farn Dadreas* ‘Farnworth,” Liverpool. a Dale St., 74 Regent Road BOTTLE, LIVERPOOL, sie: Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bidg., PBA St. Halifax, N.S. Renn nnn nner neeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eee SS F. A. Lightpody & Co.| Edmiston & Mitchells ROK ERS TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B. C., Ax, ‘‘ Zebra” and Private. Be “ “Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Bte. ete | SO MISTOR?” Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW | 2 Broad Street Building, _ Shipme ents handled to the best advantage to ali nor _ ) DO oP == pen enemies =p uv IS BAMBERGER, **zixsssr" GANT & KEMP A TIMBER a eek Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW qi (9) anadian Wood Goods m Cable Address : “‘ TECTONA” Glasgow. . At and A B C Codes used. IMPORTER OF ire Open to Contract for Glued-Dp BASSWOOD pees Ds Pine, Spruce and alf 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Wood Aventis and Brokers Cash advances made against Branches : “GELLICHT," LONDON 657 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England epipping ‘documents MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. & C0.) ONE ene dUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID. “ENGLAND | will pay your su tion to the CANADA > Ta ck E SSE aig a Timber Importers WW" "| aso’. . All classes of Lumber and Man ufactured ON EB YEA R Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. | Wood Goods a pays for the English Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes ;/Zebra, Western Union pene and ECTORY ¢ London.” ‘A. B.C. 4th and sth Edi itio HEYWOOD & 60. THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs BUYERS OF te Ash Logs and Planks. Teleg: on phic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. MES = & BROTHER ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND ) WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS 4 TIMBER MERGHANTS Liverpool and London Chembes. ~~. LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND NS CP gern Sree Hentine” Handion er, “ymbete ktm PRES AOR FS. See" eae Veneers A Specialty i se 7 é @ 7 P od - ws +t ; a - * 7 : i. Be ee oe ee SOAS See. vie CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION MANUFACTURER oes EO. G. GLADMAW sere THE ONTARIO aE AND SHINGLES! WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBE LUMBER 69, LIMITED tron 2. Sutaing TORONTO, Ont. LATH AND\BHINGLES cum Mills at Smith’s Ba CORRESPONDENCE Mitts; French River, Georgian Bay hoa z Mrs DAR. and GT-R. Delivery. Water Shipment Only. Township of Carling PARRY SO UN D, ONT. SOLICITED EMPLOYMEN BUREAU | CANADIAN A.P. He BART ORGE LUMBER MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN TORS’ AGENT WANTED Pine and Hardwood Lumberf Lath, Shingles, Pos 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. ments of long | Broom Handles, and Short F drdwood Dimension Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad WIARTON, ONT. Work. - - Phone 1,950 and short lumbe from the Mari- THE NEW ——EEE d are prepared McLennan Timber Lafd and serene i hite Pine and LUMDEP GO. frimitea beties) it: hain Cae ntario and Que- Selling Agency &yd Deglers in all Wop ae bite the Spruce Forests of the | ellin kinds of Timber Lat. CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. | Sbiggitacd ountains ffiices: Quebec, 18f@St. Peter St. Room 510, _ BOSTON, MASS. onewe: ieogt 9, Central Chambers. \a7 Milk St. ’ RAILWAY A. J. GORRIE General Supt. Mo NTREAL Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. Pi < good strips : Pine, box boards.... 13 00 15 00 LATHE St Lins..sses eeesee-1+ 34 CO 3600] Pine mill culls..... 1200 15 00 é + , I aad aie % m. and 134 in... 36 00 40 oo | Pine O. culls...... . 750 850 Pitte J... Species ean baw - $375 | Spruce..... eee een: oo a OE cPee eens 38 00 40 oo | Spruce, 1x4" & up 14 90 £ ‘e, good shorts; Spruce, 1” stocks, Sees Tite it Eee 18.00 300 7,8,9and 10”... 15 00 Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x Pee NT LY in and 13% in. .. 34 00 40 00 | Spruce,z” clear (fine Clear butts.......... 3 50 3 75] Hemlock........0..... _ TORONTO, ONT, (Bin. . 38 00 4200| dressing and B.. 24 00 Smooth 6 x18....... 4 50 4 75 | Spruce s.secuec. sovee am 7” to "9 A ‘Sidings.. I5 oo | Hemlock tee ot & 13 00 CARLORICARGOUED ; Sper No. 1 dressing Lath, per M : 2x4 to 10 in.,r to16ft. 15 00 16 00 Siding... = 22: 00 27 00 No. 1 white pine.. 2 50 q = _ lsc ae $48 00 $5000 BS} to aa inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 Pine, No. x dressing No. 2 white pine... 2 25 . Sa 15 % to 2 inch No 1 Clear inch B. C. cedar, SULIPS. +. 40 ereee 7: 18 00 2500] Spruce, mill run..... 225 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY. — uts and better.. 51 00 5300] kiln dried..........-- 5000 Pine No. ~— dressing Red Pine mill run.. 2 25 vy ‘% & 2in.No.2 Pine Clear faces r — age oe tele 17 00 21 00 | Pine egy - WHITE PINE. drie at lumber ine, 10S, ¢ and bet- XXXX, 18 inch........ 300 3 25 a0 os toe 3 iE OS Saint fir dimension ter a2! to 16’ ..... 20 00 2200/ Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 3 60 (Wholesale ay a Stet and better...: 38 00 40 00 timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- XX 28einch® |, bands 1 40 1 60 Uppers, 1,1%,1%and 2 sinaaghemtaceetea in. Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimensign ter 12 tor6.. .... 17 00 19 00| Cedar Shingles - Ls Shelvin , No. r, 13 in. : and better shorts 2200 23 00| timber, 30 to 35 feet 3100 Pine, 7ups.c. sidings 18 09 2000, xxxx, 18 inch....... - 325 350 pe ae a 6and 8common 18 00 19 00| 1% in. No. 1 4 ft. Pine Pine s. c. strips...... 14.09 16 00) Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 2 50 2 60 No. x Mold'st’ps xto : ‘ Sage eens ti 19 50 20 00 SRR SR IS 37° 385 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13.00 1400] XX, I8inch.......... 1 §0 © 70 ge LOR ceric a 1X 12common...... 21 00 22 00]1%in. No. 2 4ft, Lath 3 10 3 20 70 00| No. 2 Moulding Strips, IX 0 common.....- 20 00 21 00 | 14” No.1 32” pine lath 175 co rina Mss. isos | 1x10 common...... 21 00 22 00 | 1%” No. De ee ors lath . be S E 5 00 eit ) tain... 200 23 00 XXXX Pine ingles 2 90 ine common, 1 in. 55 00 an 10 IM ...s6e pieikch box and | XX Pine Shingles .. 2 10 2 20 SARNIA, ONT. 1% and 13% 'in....- - $6.00] No. a, x0im....... common ......---- 21 00 22 00| X Pine Shingles .. go + 2 AD 6 do ac dan aC 58 00 4 2y TZ 1Ds....00e Inch mill runsidings 20 00 21 oo| XX Cedar Shingles 220 2 25 UPPERS. 1% x 4and 5”........... $21 00 Sere hes 73 00 3, rote : rin, millrun........ 20 00 21 00 B. C. Shingles_ 1in., 10” and up wide..$73 00 4x0" and up......... ao 4 im....cse.. =e: 75 co} No. 3, r2in.......- 1x10 and 12 mill culls 16 5» 17 00 | XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 290 1, 14 and2” =" —.. 73 00 Se, See 2500 Cut'g up, No. x, r in. 88 00) Bom, £24. Yas s * Me 45°00 . No. 3 CUTS. uae Run a 1%, 1% and . —_— QUEBEC, QUE. ait Asha 4 Pp wide.... 18 00 No: x WHITE PINB—IN THE RAFT ‘ 1% and 1%” 4... 20 00 ; BOSTON, MASS. | ai 2 i sass 21 00 White Pine Uppers, 1 to zinch ...... .... ....+.$82 00 | Square waite pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.....---. 35. 45 «-24%,gand4” “ ksjeta7 100 No. 1, 32” Selects, 1 to 2 eee * 68 00 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. £8 6 oa AS No, 2, 48” Fine Common, 1 inch.... 50 19 toz0inchaverage “ ‘ « 62 65 . = - No. 1, 48" pine.. Leivacat amare 1 to 2inch 3a. Bre RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Jom = 4" ip ava Oe ie a me SHINGLES, No. 1 Cuts, 1 inc ae Paes M zasured of, according to average and quality fa i x6and8"............ 20 00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, . Wo. s'Cuia: . ass 3 #55 ee IN Sila ae aoe -F3c 10 PC DA LAA ge eRe - SNS 22 00 5to2x 16"... sali soc ‘ 1% to @ inch 41 00 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. uv xE2ce ERS ae 23 00 Se . ‘ 1 85 Barn Boards,No. t.. 30 50. By the dram, according toaverageand quality . . ae 45 Qe cyt StS RRSiep bees. 3 paroe ea 25 ‘No.2 = 5° ee 2. ee Spruce, 10 aa - Sn aimelaeiel ; By the dram, according to average and quality 40 to 45 feet . 65 75 = = g in. end undem ... "" goto3sfet. 52 54 10 and 12 in. random lengths, 10 ft. and up ...... * ASH. ALBANY, N.Y. 2x3, 2%, 2x5, “fe 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, i ity-c its, 3 ae 8 1o ft, an ee ee re ne ec ink’ a = oS rT oe ed 3 40 fa bg All other ssa id, ‘lengths, 9 im. and under® 10 Uppers, 3 in. ... -....... 83 85 | 1x12 ol are Bae eae $ 24 ts Oy ee eee ee BIRCH, 2% in,.... : +» 83 85 | 4/4 inch 13” & up. 25 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 f 14 Inch “ate ee ae MPO! Ure La 1to2 in. -- 78 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” andup.. 20 a1 Out Spruce boards, p.1s........ .--..- oa saiete ere " a, “* : Celta 6 ae Meter en! ees 36 28 ginch uppers -» 88 90 ro-in, dressing at better... 30 35 x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s-clipped and bundled . ne - i nal la i a ny ee eee oe EE, oe CL 31 elects, 234 In u : 77 «+82 x2-in. dressing and better... 40 = as ee ore ee 1to2in...... . 79 72 | Box, rmro-in. ... * 5 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Fine common, i in, and ‘up 72 75 | Box, 1x12...... 22 Extras ..... 3 1 tO 2iM....s.0e-seeeeeees 58 60 No. x barn, rxr2. 29 30 Clears........ 2 No, 1 cuts, 1 to2i 53 55 28 Second clears ; 2 OTTAWA, ONT. No.2. : 3545] exe. 26 Clear Whites he 215 ; Ou gecs 3 0. 2 barn, 1x12. 1s whi Mee ante eats atthe i cae aca a ga AES — No. 1 mol ng, 1 to2 48 ze _ £xI0.. Eset ss i Se ah (Clear whites in).........c0esscsceceeees 1 45 : 1 in x8 in. and ap 40 00 4200! 1x10 No. 2 “ “18 00 epee “haat: 3 40 Shaley ‘lear, 1 to 6) Cline: aa a BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. 3 1% in «1% in. x 1x8 & 9 No,x barn... 17.00 Bracket plank ........ -... 35 45 * a ich tgs an oe Red Cedar Extras, 16 in, 5 butteto zim. ...... 3 15 ‘ 8 in.and up. CS 50 00 56 00| 1x8 &q No.2 er a 45 00 Shelving boards, 12 ra +35 40 Mréssing’.. 0.6 fo. ae 24 = Eurekas, (8 in. &) #s-7, Fa ' ois ast" anp Pi oa 5 pa se 6? to 11 dei ech Dressing boards, narrow.... 26 28| Common.............. a, 45 o Perlections. 5 butts to 2% im. .... ..-- 3.90 eee ee ee eee eS Rie eee = ee. s.a¥0 ne@alee [7 oo rerq ineb shippers..... —. 18 23 : ' ey , AND WOO BUYERS IN WEEKLY ‘ / EDITION TORONTO, MONTREAL — SEPTEMBER 27, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER ‘CANADA [LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY Th 2G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y 4 of Toronto, Limited @onfederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. “ie Telephone 1274. 536 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. ~~ 32 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, LONDON, E. C. ne Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- sorts of market conditions and tendencies in the ncipal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly mediuni of information and communica- ‘between Canadian timber and lumber manu- irersand exporters and the purchasers of ber products at home and abroad. ; The Month'y Lumberman— A 44-page journal, scussing fully and impartially subjects perti- t to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE i “Ad wertisements will be inserted in this depart- en sy ot rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. Then four or more consecutive insertions are ed a discount of “—— swill-be allowed. notice shows the width of the line and is set npareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- ements must be received not later than 4 < p.m.on Tuesday to insure insertion in rent week’sissue | . ANTED—BASSWOOD, FLM AND SOFT maple logs, 20 inches and up in diameter, first class logs accepted BUFFALO VE- Company, BUFFALO, N Y. DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO Cedar Shingles and Lath Tor- ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 Logan Avenue, Toronto. NTED — PARTNER WITH SMALL capital for good paying, contracting and ‘business in good live western city in . Address Box No. 246, CANADA LUM- TED — 5/4. 6/4, 2” SOFT ELM COM- MON and better 1”, 6/4, 2” Wormy Chest- x’ Cull Basswood, «/4, 6/4, 2” Basswood, R. E. KINSMAN, Hamil- AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU [i wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to ers by placing an advertisement in d and Hor Sale Department of this Address. CANADA LUMEERMAN, To- RTISER, YOUNG MAN, WITH rough knowledge of business methods, fifteen years practical experience in ox manufacturing business in the east, is Lo accept position of trust, or in executive with box manufacturer or lumber At reference if required. Address Box ADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE HORSE PORTABLE SAW MILL, WOOD- rard, Machinery, about one acre of Land, id Barns, on railwav track, in Brantford € $3,000, half enough stock in yard to j — E. Topp, Owner, Box 16, fe, _ FOR SALE NTITY OF CEDAR AND HEMLOCK _ R. Ties, No. 1 and 2; 10000 Cedar sts; 1’ and 14%” Basswood ; 2” and 3” in 1994 ; excellent shipping condi- cut contans Pine, Hemlock, Bass- le, Elm and Ash lumber and 10,000 pees eer, TATE LUMBER CO’y., W ANTED — EXPERIENCED LUMBER Salesman Box 316, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. : ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SImcoE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. EDAR FOR SALE — 10.000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet Jong,at the Spanish boom. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchwood, Ont. iene (RE SOLICITED FOR HARD MAPLE cuttings out of dry or green stock for im- mediate delivery or early spring delivery. The W R. THompson Co., Teeswater, Ont. FOR SALE Cues SAW MILL WITH DOUBLE Edger, Trimmers, and everything in com- plete running order, capacity about twenty-five thousand feet per day. will sell with or without building. Apply to Box 314, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. Lumber We have about two million feet of this season’s cut for sale—about 75 per cent. White Pine, balance Norway and Spruce. Address ERRINGTON & Ross, Turbine, Ont. Sale of Burnt Timber A quantity of pine timber on what is known as Berth B.1, containing 21 sqnare miles more or less, situated South of Woman River Station on the Canadian Pa:ific Railway 120 miles west of Sudbury, in the district of Algoma, having been damaged by fire, the undersigned hereby calls for tenders for tne right to cut same. Tenders will be received up to and including the 30th day of September next, and must state the rate per thorsand feet board measure, in- cluding dues, which the tenderer is prepared to ay for the timber, or per thousand feet cubic For whatever proportion of it may be manufac- tured into waney or square timber, including dues. The timber to be cut during the present winter. Tenders to be accompanied by a marked cheque for $500.00 payable to the Honourable the Treasurer of Ontario. The tim- ber to be sold subject to the Crown Timber Regulations except where varied by the condi- tions of this sale. The party awarded the right to cut will be required to give a bond with satis- factory suret es for the payment of the priceand the due performance of all terms and conditions required by this Department. . The Department does not bind itself to accept the highest or any tender. Tenders to be marked ‘‘ Tenders for Burnt Timber,” and addressed to the Honourable the Minister of Lands and Mines, Toronto. F. COCHRANE, Minister of Lands and Mines, Department of Lands and Mines, Woods and Forests Branch, Toronto, 21st of August, 1905. N.B.—No unauthorized publication of this Notice will be paid for. FOR SALE. OOD MILL AND SITE, CAPACITY 20,000 a J day; 560 acres "good timber; estimate 4 million. Very convenient. Also Shingle Mill. Must besold. Asnap. Address Box X, Thessa- lon, Algoma, Ont. Cedar. Timber Land For Sale. BLOCK OF 160 ACRES OF SOLID CEDAR Timber, convenient to mill and water transportation. Box 313, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. 60,000 Acres of Choice Timber Land in S. E British Columbia, estimated to contain 500 million feet, on a good river. Will be sold at a low price if disposed of quickly—one-third cash, balance on time. For details apply to Box 308 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE Large Tract'of Timber In Central Ontario THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited) ’ This company has a large tract of well tim- bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Cherry, Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads. The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 5,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. There are several good mill sites on the prop- erty. This would be a good opportunity for parties who ate at present cut out and looking for a new location: Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. MACHINERY FOR SALE We have for sale the following second hand machinery, in good condition. Write us for full particulars and prices of any machine. 1 26” X 32” engine, box frame, slide valve on top of cylinder, driven with rock shaft. 2 No. 3 single cutting band mills, made by Prescott Co. 2 Two block carriages with Prescott offset, made by Prescott Co. Two block Garland carriage. Boss shingle machine, made by Mowry. Hall shingle machine. Perkins Grand Triumph shingle mactines. Drake hand shingle machines. Perfection power shingle machines. Double block shingle machine, Perkins make. Drag saw. Knee bolter. Perkins Class A cut-off. Wheel jointers. Knot saw frames. Shingle packers. Heading trimmer. Rich automatic saw sharpeners. Independent condenser. Portable boiler and engine, boiler with 32” fire box, and 28—3” tubes, 12 h.p., engine 8 phe p Greenlee No. 1 improved automatic cut-off machine, with countershaft. Friction feed complete, frictions 15” wide. 36” standard Leffel water wheel Upright boiler 70” x 32” with sixty 2” tubes. 54” X 32” with ninety 134” el ee ae a | I I I I tubes. 1 10” X 16’ twin engine, steam feed, complete. THE WM. HAMILTON MFG. CO., LIMITED, Peterborough, Ont. as ” MBERMAN The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pag2s} $1.00 PER ear §{The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. No. 29 OUR HUNDRED THOUSAND FEET narrow pine lumber for sale. Apply to D. CLARK, Powassan. VY ANTED 14" SPRUCE LATH, DRY NO. VY 1 Stock, 4 feet, nicely manufactured. Utica Branch, R1icE & LocKwoop LUMBER Co. Utica, N. Y. i OR SALE, IN TORONTO—SMALL PLAN- ing Mill, with or without machinery, suit- able for contractor. Box 318, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. ANTED—AUTOMATIC STHAM ENGINE 100 h.p, in first-class condition, with suit- able Boiler. Send full particulars, Box 319 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. 4 OR SALE—75,000 FEET OF i” BIRCH; . 25.000 feet of 2” Birch; has been cut and piled four months, must be sold at once. Box 317, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. OR SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO, 3 HAM- F ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 714” Hinders and all connections, circular outfit complete with iron husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 20 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each. Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Mill. THE ONTARIO LUMBER CoMPANY,.LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE TIMBER AND SAW MILLS 90 MILLION FEET OF STANDING TIM- BER, the last available big blocks in Eastern British Columbia,‘ with convenient transportation to North West Territories. Prices from 20c. per thousand feet up; finest kind of Larch, White and Yellow Pine, Spruce, Fir, Cedar. Also two Saw Mills, going con- cerns, oné of which is making a net profit of $2,000 per month. A party with $25,000 can se- cure the latter. For full particulars apply Watts & Co., Wattsburg; British Columbia. TENDERS A Splendid Business Opportunity Tenders will be received by the undersigned Assignee of the Estate of Balsden & Blewett. Insolvents, up to and including the roTH DAY OF OCLOBER, 1905, for the purchase or. lease 1.—The planing mill on the west side of Flora Street, St. Thomas, formerly operated by said Insolvents, the lot on which it stands, machin- ery and all st-ck therein, or 2.—For the mill machinery and lots on which it stands, or 4.—For the purchase of the manufactured stock and material thereon, as per stock sheet And also for an office safe, nearly new, and in first-class condition. For any further information apply to assignee. Dated at Sheriff’s Office, Court House, St. Thomas, this 25th day of September, 1905. DUGALD McCOLL, Sheriff and Assignee. SEVEN MILLION FEET BURNED. Just as we go to press it is learned that a fire in the mill yards of the Rathbun Company at Gravenhurst, Ont., on Sep- tember 26th, destroyed about 7,000,000 feet of lumber. There was some insur- ance. The Empire Lumber Company, Limited, Revelstoke, B.C., has gone into voluntary liquidation, F. E. Sine being the liquidator. fy ; ia. ~~ CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The most notable feature of the lumber market is the remarkable demand for building material, not alone in the cities, but in the country districts as well. This will continue until checked by winter weather, for there are many buildings which have only been commenced. Hem- lock and the lower grades of pine are getting thecall. Themills have very little dry lumber, but jobbers are carrying a liberal stock, which they expect to work off to good advantage. Prices may be said to be firm, with a hardening tendency. The demand for hardwoods has not shown much improvement, although some of the mills in Western Ontario report a liberal movement. It does not seem probable that consumers are holding off inthe hope of breaking prices, which are now com- paratively low, but the fact remains that trade is dull. The result of present condi- tions will likely be a restricted input of logs the coming winter. Inquiries for lath are on the increase. American dealers are looking to Ontario, prices in the Lake Superior district having advanced toa much higher point than here. The mills are expectedto enter the winter with fewer lath than has been the case for many years. In Toronto it. has been difficult to raise the retail price, dealers who had a supply purchased below the present market price apparently being willing to give the consumer some of the benefit. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The spruce lumber market is showing considerable strengthand conditions ap- pear to be very favorable for holders of stock. The demand from Cuba, South America andthe United States is grad- ually increasing, while the supply of lum- ber is very light. The recent rains do not appear to have greatly improved the pros- pects for getting out the logson theSt. John river, and it is generally believed that nearly all logs now in the river will be hung up until next spring. Of the ten mills in the vicinity of St. John, five are now closed down, and of “the other five only one has any quantity of logs on hand. The season is thus ending six weeks before the usual time. Operations in the woods promise to be exceptionally light. UNITED STATES. The past week has been an eventful one for the lumber trade. The market has broadened and many price advances have been put into effect. The most important action, perhaps, was taken by the Mis- sissipi Valley manufacturers, who have issued a new list taking effect September KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION 15th by which all two inch stock has been advanced from 50 cents to $1.50 and timber from $1 to $1.50 a thousand. Some descriptions of No. 1 and No. 2 boards were advanced 50 cents and No. 3 boards 50 cents to $1, with the exception of 4inch and wider, which were marked up trom $1 to$2z. No. 5 boards were raised $1, 1o-inch D select finish $1.50, 8-inch 50 cents, C and better norway, 12-inch and wider, and shop common, $1.50, and thick finish from $1 to $3.50. Lath prices are fixed as follows: No. 1 white pine, $4.50; mixed, $4; No. 2, $3.50; 32-inch, $2. At wholesale centres white pine has also been advanced, our Buffalo and Tonawanda list this week showing considerably high- er prices for cutting up stock, box lumber and some grades of barn. The demand for many of the lower grades is in excess of the supply. Ata meeting of the price™ list committees of the Pacific Coast and Southwestern Washington associations, held on September 15, thesecretary stated that reports from 150 mills showed an average of 48 days behind their orders, It was decided to advance the price of vertical grain flooring, fir ceiling, drop siding, bevel siding, finish, common boards, joists, and scantling and lath, . Similar action has been taken by the Wisconsin Hardwood Lumbermen’s Asso- ciation, although the advances were con- fined to rock elm and red and white oak. The maximum advance was $4 on 2% inch. and thicker rock elm. The demand for hardwoods in the east isimproving. Rough maple is somewhat overstocked, but birch is selling very readily and the prospects for basswood are said to be brightening. Lath are retaining their strength, No. 1 white pine being quoted as high as $5 f.o.b. Wiscon- sin Valley points. Hemlock lath are now, listed at $3.25 f.0.b. Wausau, Wis. GREAT BRITAIN. The Board of Trade returns show that general trade throughout Great Britain is in a very satisfactory condition. During the month of August the imports were valued at £46,862,991, an increase of £4,- 453,084, while the exports reached the record figure of $29,517,836, an increase of £3,157,956. This healthy condition cannot but benefit the lumber business, which has continued quiet longer than was expected. There are now indications of good business during the winter months. Light imports of Canadian pine and spruce continue to be the rule, and buyers are being urged to cover their requirements before the season is too far advanced. Again it is reported that spruce prices have advanced. Several cargoes are said to have been sold at Cardiff at £7 10s KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS Factory near Station. per standard, which price nearly approx- imates that of red deals, The shippers who are engaged in the spruce trade are asking higher prices for cargoes to arrive, and will store the lumber until able to realize a fair profit. There is not a large demand for Quebec oak. The first vessel to arrive from Labrador with spruce deals reached Liverpool a few days ago. The lumber is said to be ofa quality to compete favorably with the New Brunswick product. STOCKS AND PRICES. As a consequence of the burning of the mill of the Elk Lumber Co. at Fernie, B. C., the various logging camps in connec tion therewith are now shut down. A quantity of birch planks from St.John, N. B., were sold at auction at London, England, on September 14th, the price realized ranging from 6d. to 8%d. per foot. Clarke Bros. last week loaded the schooner Enterprise with 600,000 feet of lumber at Bear River, N.S., for Buenos Ayres, and the schooner Hector at Bridgewater with 550,000 feet for Cuba. The Scott Lumber Company, Frederic- ton, N.B., will start woods operations on the Upper St. John river early in October. They will take out about 12,000,000 feet for the Victoria mill and 4,000,000 feet for the Magaguadavic mill. The Davison Lumber Company, of Bridgewater, N.S., recently sold 2,500,- 000 feet of lumber to be shipped to the River Plate market and 600,000 feet for the United States, the prices received, we understand, being very satisfactory. It is the intention of this company to manufac- ture upwards of 40,000,000 feet annually. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Halifax, N. S.: Steamer Gulf of Ancud, for London, 56,952 ft. hemlock deals, value $545; 31,000 ft. birch deals, value $335, by Furness, Withy & Co., agents. i From Montreal: Steamer Lake Mani- toba, for Liverpool, 3,260 bdls. lumber, 6,063 bdls. staves, 16,722 pcs, deals, 9,372 pes. lumber, 4,307 bdls, squares. Steamer Southwark, for Liverpool, 47,901 pcs. deals. Steamer Cervona, for London, 5)375 pes. deals. Steamer Samatian, for London, 990 pcs. lumber, 11,220 pcs. deals. For Havre, 3,228 pcs. lumber. Steamer Montreal, for London, 4,597 pcs. lumber, 306 bdls. lumber, 17,823 bdls. shooks, 13 pes. birch logs, 869 pcs, birch, 23,322 pes. deals, boards and ends. For Antwerp, 1,030 pcs. boards. Steamer Turcoman, for Bristol, 41,196 pcs. deals, Send for Catalo 2 % Samples by Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, SIDING, MATCHING, FLOORING, in Car Lots. RESAWING, MOULDINGS Write for Prices. "Phone 113 DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH i MLENNAN LUMBER GO, LIMITE - MONTREAL ove. Office and Yard, 571 DORCHESTER ST. s boards andends. Steamer Buenos Ay: s for Glasgow, 2,599 pes. deals. Stez Tritonia, for Glasgow, 12,382 pcs. boards, etc. Steamer Manchester for Manchester, 5,875 bdls. flooring, pes. planks, 5,018 pes. lumber, 42,522 p deals, 85 pes. pine, 5,529 pcs. boards. — From St. John: Schooner Priscilla, for Providence, 92,846 ft. plank, 656,84) scantling. Schooner Onward, for B port, 686,000 laths. Schooner Montague, for City Island, 458,3 deals. Schooner Sea Bird, for The ton, 85 cords wood. Schooner My for Yarmouthville, 90 cords pulp Steamer Manchester Commerce, for’ chester, 453,017 ft. deals, scantling. For Philadelphia, 870,900 laths. Sch Ellen M. Mitchell, for New York, | 200 laths, 106,615 ft. plank, 27,1 boards, 582 ft. ends. Schooner lage City Island, 2,087,300 laths. S Ida M. Barton, for Vineyard 48,620 ft. spruce boards, 940,000 shingles. Schooner H. M. Stanley, 1 Boston, 14,402 ft. plank, 115,116 | scantling, 16,131 ft. boards. Schoon 29,747 ft. scantling. Schooner Effee for Vineyard Haven, 26,357 ft. bo 73,208 ft. scantling. Schooner H; B. Cousins, for New York, 2,250,000 laths. Schooner D. W. B., for Stockton, 122,749 ft. deals, 7,135 ft. scan ing Schooner Avis, for Newark, 800,000 Schooner Lotus, for New Haven, 8: ft. spruce plank, 55,367 ft. spaee en =e W. C. CRAWEORIS Tilbury Ont. . . Manvfacturer of . . Also Hard and Soft Wond Hea ae and White Oak, Maple and Eim Tenbare Can supply Second Growth White of Red’ Oak Squares up to 38 in. long in large oe ee ~~ A SPLENDID ROUTE. Pe The Wisconsin Central Railway is just ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line’’ because it into and through the very heart of the ch hunting grounds in America. The very best wild fowl aor North is reached ONLY ea this 1 of beautiful lakes abounding in wild anc ee attracts myriads of ducks and geese n afford the finest kind of cover and the ch t shooting to be found the country Bae The Wisconsin Central Railway_cate’ ially to the sporting public and parr ing various seasons for hunting and fishing : daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along its lines u na Li t‘on to the nearest ticketagent. Ita its train service with special reference convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and employes are constantly on the alert tom seret over their lines pleasant and comfo: able. < This line offers the best route between St. Paul, Milwaukee Minneapolis or to Superior points via Ashland, Wisconsin. Information given by addressing— _ JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R Milwa = ~* KNIGHT BROTHERS CO il LIMITED Beatin Falls: : & MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Quebec Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & T, Co., Vaucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length supplied WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND qr a a q September 27; 1905 : ting, 9,730 ft. spruce boards, 53 spruce - poles. Schooner Domain, for Boston, ; » 110,255 ft. spruce boards. Schconer _-R. D. Spear, for City Island, 241,362 ft. spruce deals, 550,000 laths. Schooner Stella Maud, for New Bedford, 1,107,500 _ shingles, 25,725 ft. spruce boards. Schooner Aldine, for City Island, 259,902 D ft. plank, 17,680 ft. scantling. Barquen- tine Shawmut, for Washington, 1,717,000 laths, 92,140 ft. boards, 7 poles. Schooner Morany, for City Island, 220,406 ft. deals. - Schooner Lucia Porter, New York, 300,- 822 ft. plank, 71,659 ft. scantling. ~ Schooner Evelyn, for Boston, 95,351 ft. boards and planks. ? _ BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. _ (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) VANCOUVER, B.C., Sept. 16th, 1905.— _ Those engaged in the logging industry are ~ much exercised just now over the action _of the Government in seizing a boom of - logs belonging to Mr. J. S. Emerson, _ which it was proposed to ship to the ‘United States. It is the old story which has been the trouble ever since the amend- % ment was made to the Land Act in tgor. Among other clauses inserted was one which read that ‘‘all timber cut on pro- _ vincial lands must be manufactured in the province,” Loggers and even the Govern- ; ment officials held that this did not pro- hibit export, and the fact that timber was constantly exported was the reason why the timber men did not test the law in the courts as was proposed when it was first announced. Hon. R. F. Green, Chief _ Commissioner of Lands and Works, takes _ the view that the law does prohibit, and CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION III. ordered the seizure of the logs. Now the matter will come before a justice of the supreme court for decision. In the meantime, the business is somewhat held up, especially that of the hand loggers, of whom a large number were cutting timber. The clause in dispute has been the subject of much discussion during the past three years, and while the Government stren- uously denied that any logs were being exported, it was a well known facf, in short the inspector here was cognizant, that cedar was constantly shipped. There is no market here for cedar, the rough particularly, just now, while it will bring from $6 to $8 per thousand in the State of Washington. Consequently, shipment has been steady. There is a fair demand for fir, the prices ruling from $5.50 to $7. Altogether, business is in fairly good shape. Ald. Heaps, the senior member of the firm of E. H. Heaps & Company, !umber and shingle manufacturers, was success- ful the other evening in having a resolu- tion passed in the City Council to have that body support the request Board of Trade and the lumbermen for a duty on lumber imported from the United States. Representations are to be made to the Tariff Commission next week, and as aresult of the motion the Vancouver City Council and the city solicitor will both be present to urge the necessity of a duty. Forest fires have been very bad in the interior this summer, though the coast has suffered less this year than last. The, Elk Lumber and Manovfacturing Com- pany, of Fernie, was the biggest loser, of the camp buildings, logging sleighs and 3,000 logs having been burned. The loss, not counting the damage to green timber, will be about $5,000. Since then the mill and plant has been, destroyed by fire, with a loss of $60,000. A combination of Puget Sound millmen is said to have been arranged for the pur- pose of manufacturing rough and finished lumber in large quantities at Vancouver. Mr. J. S. Emerson, who was recently pre- vented by the Provincial Government from exporting logs he had cut under hand- loggers’ licenses, is said to be the originator of the idea. Mr. Emerson will, it is said, bring suit against the Govern- ment for the recovery of his seized logs. If the Government should win the action and it should be determined by the courts that no logs may be exported, then the syndicate of which he is a part will take steps to manufacture the lumber at Van- couver, and rumor says that prices will be cut below those now ruling. How any profit is to be made by manufacturing and selling lumber below $10 per thousand feet can scarcely be imagined. Certain Vancouver saw mills which have been manufacturing shingles as a side line in a small way, will, according to re- port, go out of the business and devote their attention entirely to lumber. These manufacturers will still sell shingles, but they will purchase their stocks from the shingle mills at reduced prices, and by this plan will secure a reduction in their insurance rates, as shingle mills are classed as an extra hazardous risk. The shingle situation in British Columbia is steady, due to the action of the manu- TELEGRAPH POLES WANTED We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your Cedar into Poles it will net you more than you can get out of it in any other way. J, B. FARWELL & SON ; Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. Bancroft, Ont. Oswego, N.Y. VK ST. CHAMBERS IMENSION { IMBER SASH - Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingies, Cedar Posts and Ties .° .-. - . « « SPECIAL — 50.000 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 5/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M. R Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 49,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4 Beech. Prices on application THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER GO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS _ RDW Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, O. McMinnville, Tenn. We buy and seli Pine in Car and Cargo Lots HaRDWOOD OTTAWA, ONTARIO W. B. BARTRAM WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT hite Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Specialties: Basswood and Birch. All Inquiries Given Prompt Atientién. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 4o feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. _ Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. DOORS - Barge or car load lots B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., unre 604 Temple Building, Toronto MILULMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimieD facturers in establishing a selling agency. This has proved beneficial to the trade and it is expected that the arrangement willbe I, Dean Holden, Pres. F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from, 10’ to 60’ long. ™==— SARNIA, ONT. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto, EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles. Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, Tjo.don, Eng. SAW anD PLANING MILLS, WARREN, Onr, “RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of Ss AWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo. Registered Cable Address, ** Pinewood.” BRANCH OFrice;// MANCHESTER, ENG Head Office, TORONTO,’ CAN. “American Jjyuimberman’ Telecadey «’ x < B.C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES © Several cars now in transit, hence can give prompt delivery. SEND C. A. LARKIN IN YOUR ORDERS Toronto J, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if Renized End Matched Flooring a Specialty. Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - _ Orillia, Ont. coop PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited. "Phone No. 54. THE SEVERAL CARS LONG Long Distance ‘CEDAR Phones 1650-1651 nr - SQUARES COMPANY. HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. - Geo. Gordon & Co., Manujacturers of RED and WHILE PINE Band - Gircular Ee ae ae Ont. a6 miles West North Bay Gang UMBER anD LATH IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION continued for another year. It was estimated on April 1 last that 125,000,000 shingles that had been bought at the low prices were in stock in the East, and that another 125,000,000 had been contracted for at the same prices, or a total of 250,- 000,000 shingles. The average annual output of British Columbia is 400,000,000 shingles, so that the production of the mills in the province this year had to be curtailed accordingly. The manu- facturers have stood firmly to their agreement. In April, May, June and July of this year 70,000,000 shingles were dis- posed of at the advanced prices as new business, and it is estimated that in the following four months there will have been another 70,000,000 disposed of, making the total 140,000,000. The earlycheap con- tracts are being filled in about the same proportion as the new business and will probably be cleaned up before the end of the year. shingles manufactured to supply the de- mand, but it appears that the over-pro- duction which has been so ruinous to the business in the past is not likely to occur under the present arrangement. There will always be plenty of At a secret meeting of representatives of the Puget Sound logging interests held at Seattle, Wash. , it was decided to ad- vance the price ot logs 50 cents a thousand, W. B. Lawrence, planing mill, .etc., Maple Creek, N.W.T., is announced to have assigned to A. Burnett. The timber limits and saw mill propeity of Andrew Haslam, Nanaimo, B.C., are being offered for sale by E. M. Yarwood, solicitor for the assignees. Tenders will be received up to October 31st. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) OTTAWA, September 23, 1905. — The tone of the lumber market continues to be strong with every indication of a steadily increasing demand during the coming two months. White pine is being offered more freely and at firm prices. Shipping cull sidings are in keen demand, and many special bills are being asked for in connect- ion with building operations. Large stocks of spruce are continuing to move to the American market at fair prices. Birch and ash continue to bein keen demand, especially in the American market, with prices ruling high, and on account of the comparatively low stocks in these lines, prices are expected to go higher. Basswood and elm have had an upward tendency during the past month, and basswood is being more freely inquired for and better prices are being looked for before the close of navigation. Although ~ the hardwoods are not moving as _ briskly as pine and spruce, yet prices are firm and more activity is likely to be seen be- fore long. Lath and shingles continue to be exceed- ingly brisk and the demand exceeds the supply owing to the very extensive build- ing operations. The shipments to the English market are still very limited, but a slight improvement from this source is looked for at an early date. Some buyers are under the impression that prices will yet go lower for this and next years’ business—but this seems almost impossible on account of labor; if labor continues as scarce as it is at the present time, lumber is almost sure to take a sharp advance. NI SSNS pun open 2 pen 2 apa Ky i | 4, y y 0, yj yA y — — Se JUST A GENTLE REMINDER That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. TAFT SHS Se The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN, SESS SSIES SESS ESSENSE ESSE 3 UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS 420. REACH | THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. | WHOLESALE HARDWOODS. fee! STSLOUIS ; BY “RALL,MAIL “WIRE OR PHONE McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash). RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Verds: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Mills: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. Correspon ie) ce Invited on All Hardwoods. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | 5 It WOUP WIS. . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY BOSTON, MASS. H. D. wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. An Advertisementin the *‘Wanted’’ And ‘‘For Sale’’ Departmentot the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | Pe Will secure for you a buyer or Seller, as © the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman, Torento HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO, CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS — Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. ' Sawed and Sliced Quartered ¢ Veneers Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e.e exe BURY & NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. Pl és ie | FRANK G. BURY MASON A. NOBLE 4 va MICHICAN ? ‘ WHOLESALE : evan abe 27 1905 , = an eS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. 'e We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- a _ lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO op pees Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors; Interior 4 Office: 503 Manning Chambers - - Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try : JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED * We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. @ ~ HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. : BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of - Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Ambherst, N.S. _ Cawnand Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. _ JAMES J. MURPHY, °°" shiting"“"" QUEBEC -F, MECIBBON & SONS, PENETANCUISHENE Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF g Lumber Co. * Xumper ce: | White and Red Pine a. MILLS = SPRAGGE, eer oe Ont. | Lumber and Lath **Soo’’ Branch Arcade, Toronto Water Shipments anning _ OFFICES Goristing apg Montreal o at Mills at Spragge. aT M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFAGTURING GO, LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. . Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limrreo Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RiVER, Ontario. Manufacturers of and preciesie Dealers in all kindsof . A, Both Railway Delivery and Water hea at Correspondence Solicited. Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN | WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE ‘Bank of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - (CIALTIES: Railway Priage Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White ie, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and ‘ewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, “hollow back, end Notted. Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. ee Fic Timber in any size or length up to go feet long. Timber Pea mace up to 24 inch x30 inch, . Kilas of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ANB QUOTATIONS. 4 AUGER & SON Bic feORy MANUFACTURERS « and WHOLESALERS — , 160 Bay St. Toronto LUMBER AND LATH | The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited MONTREAL, CANADA |: We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Lose Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwoods ‘Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, pies and Cedar Poles R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. Ll. WHITE. PIA YFATR & WHIT Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT Contractor for Rallway sveniias BILL TIMBER a Special A.& P. VWAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. => Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... GET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY PINE, ONT. (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) MAITLAND, RIXON & C Sista and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. OWEN SOUND, , ONTARIO, urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUFAGTURERS LUMBER a? | AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited Factory, Meaford, Oni. |THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY WHOLESALE BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES We Solicit Your Inquiries. J. F. FOSS, Manager. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK H, 5%, Ve. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. “Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY _ : r ’ a is ap bled 3 eames Nee ays ny ae A aig tines So Vibon vise hal i Pty 624-695 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man- OWBN SOUND, ONT. Quebec. ~44 oae aria | € a aol "tae be ; Ti J ct na t CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | September 27, 1905 ~~. E. H. HEAPS & CO. “Eg Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. — SPECIALTIES : . 4 AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, New Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length: Pacific Cone Lumber Co.g LIMITED VANGOUVER, B.C. } \ Fir, Cedar and Spruce Lumber, Lath, Mouldings, Turned Work, Bte Cc. High Grade Red Cedar ee | | Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, - 112 Mail Building, TORONTO | D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. jJ. E. YOUNG, canta Se a re ee ee ee ee ee ee ——————— The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. rs sss White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work | peatesin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontar 4 P ¢ Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Conia ih We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four pointe: . es ote : C. WELLS —as Export Lumber & 3 PALLISER, B. a Shingle Co., Limited | High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. Vancouver, B. Cc. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. 3 W. B. McKEcunig, President. c. MacRax, Manager, Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A LUMBER ci. % for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- | Vancouver, va Cc. LIMITED a tured in British Columbia., Daily shipping ufacturer capacity over 114 millions. BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR e, by 24 feet long—CL EAR. B. C. FIR_DIMENSION. AND FINISH - SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements £.S li Board d Planks ; Cubical C £S Oe andiBoana eat ee | Doyle PME and, cmc “other erect *0- | cal information. sf Price 35 Conte ae Appness TH E CANADA: LUMBER MAN, TO BONTO, ONT. “ { - Perr “ph 5 = ; ' a, j iW oa ¥ Sia) » ga pie ws " . ae ap a ath AA a: Wi he, bah Boe ele ee ad ~~ . *% Ne ¥ . y * dh: ny aa ‘< he 3 “a +4 > ee Pf « - = 6and 8 common 18 00 19 09| 1% in. No. 1 4 ft. Pine eat ne Suc, oe Behera 14.00 16 00 ee inch.. . 2 50 2 60 SE. go oo | No. x Mold’ st 'ps 1to2 : s GER rete cosem tutes 370 5 ine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 14 00 XX, 18 inch..... corres I 70 2 ce ee Eterm. ako aa.co| rin. No-aigft (ath 310 329. 5 a eee Prerity ‘ Ix:0 common.....- 20 00 21 00 | 1%” No.1 32” pine lath r 2 2% and 3 in..... 78 00 rto2itve.ta. ) 1XIO common...... 21 00 22 ov | 154” No, 14 ft- hemlock lath 2 80 @ inte MO Ae 85 00| Barn, No. x, 12 f and 3x12 common. 22 00 23 oo | XXXX Pine Shingles 290 300 Fine common, 1x 55 00 8 and z0 in 1x1u inch box and aS Aa pie) ail LO gp a SARNIA, ONT. 1% and 13 in..... 56 00| No. 2, roi. Ri shaere 21 00 22 cO ine Shingles .. 2 TAL ot eis ri 8 No. hee f Inch mill run sidings 20 00 21 oo| XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 25 —. 1%, % 4 ands”... 2.600. $2500 : i senesecs steeee 73 oo °. a rein steno > tin. mill run...... . 20 00 21 00 B. C. Shingles 1in,, 10” and up a. - $73 00 (4tx 6” and up.......- , Moor’ jing Vee ee hes os do)! Wasa a 2 7 1x16 and 12 mill culls 16 5» 17 00 | XXX 6 butts to 2in. 290 1%, 1% and 2” + 73 00 ie LOM «2+ oir + 25,90 Cut’ up, No. =A xin. 38 00] Box, ate ai ene ‘ 0 I es mill cull Sid- i sexs Piekie 4 is oH and 3” ze is 20 1% Se er exatich : es pe ea ees oy ae 00 2x68 UD. ove MR ADES. 6 532. -cnce anne £§ 50’ 16/00. | SRA SO a RF Pie OS 000 F Il atop Gl an ake Cee Senn . No. 2, 1 Saree 26 oo Ix TOG, vo seeeee I ie Stead cull sidings 12 00 13 00 | XX No. ri bP ore 2 30 SELECTS ag ca "i IESE ORs 2 a No. 2,14, & x 26,00] IKI: sapeceennene 1% inch Flooring .. 25 00 26 oc xx © 23- | ide 8? guilbate wile an alee GOL luda ra abet No. 30% an “i 25 00 IxI3 and up Bich " Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 14 59 ‘5 52 1%, 1%and2" és og Bn ve? ig Py No. 32” vasessenes 27 00 wate and 144 & 2i'and o we ete Paes a) Sigel ae Cocke 76 00 Dressing 1% in...... 36 00 Coo, Ty 1%, 1% HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. e 3 ees act} ae he ee ee 28 00 14xr0 and 12.4... 4° 00 and 2 CE Sy Asa White, 1 to2 in Ely, rock, mill FINE, COM. AND BETTER NO, T BARN. T¥e Mev eeeeeerenes 36 00 7 . Z $ $ “2 Se 1 to 1%"24 00 25 00 i % : i UMENS, Gisly ode ne .-$23 00 to $30 00 The idee quotations on hardwoods represent the ipiges tase c ists and 2nds...... 33 00 $35 00 Elm rock, mill 1 in., 8’ and up wide.... 54 oo 1% 1% and 2” 28 00 to 3I 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; A \ Asi, black, rsts and ran ete 1%"! 3.. 28 00 29 co 1% and 134” a wees 54 00 Tae of 32 00 WHITE ASH. = ; and; 2 to 1% in.. .. 27 00 29.00 | Hickory, zsts 2 eee» 55 00 a ali 35 00 at eae eae 5 : : Bi-ch M. R.,1in 21 00 2200] and ands..1%‘' 2.. 36 00 38 00 FINE COMMON. NO. 2 BARN Le nea Sate aoe mies > * “ « 1% Sach 23.00 25 00| Maple 1” mill rag ic 5 00 to 62 co 20 aon 24 00 ee. eee | Sie i . “\ sars. 4x4 ' 8xB 32 00 36 00 nibs WARES 1 1% 2000 21 oc 1%. 134 to 2” .. 50 00 pilae 1%, ae 4, re. H Basswood, Common Maple, ists 2%,3and 4”.. 6800 73.00 a on pina Kip 22 00 to 23 50 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. — iol ay ee fs oo 2 oa Onot ps. 2 “ 4.. 24 00 26 oc LO Ie Bis dee 26 oo ~—s St & 2na, 6 nch up, 33 co 35 00 | Com. & good culls... as asswood, 1% toz.. 2 De A e BIRCH. in We isnereos ‘ys8 "CM ek Oak, = Hi tat Moe eS lat ae S. a oe tin os 3 ‘ie to 200 ret Gani tae & ragga &up, 8 00 3 od ’ 4 . | pee SNe > ||| RnR apr eiays 9810 state 9s ceceves . weer ¥” and ands... 1 ‘1% 55 00 60 00 rsts & ands 1 1% 4200 4400 rin, ... 46 00 1%, 154 and 2” 18 co to 20 50 up, © + 40 00 42 00 et ou & good 36 oo 18 5? ; ‘ Cherry, ists Oak, white, ay 2" 2 a ci AZ IOO)” 4) GERRI cr ceieieia alates 21 00 ; : andands..2z ‘' 4.. 60 00 70.00 ists & 2nds 2‘ 4., 4500 5000 24% and 3' .. 60 00 BOX. st & 2d,rock,6in &&up76 co 28 00 snere sh 6in & up, 26 00 28 Bs i Hint, soft, mill 4 Oak. quart’d, z ++. 62 00 Meas tes ay. Common and culls.. 15 9¢ 17 00 Common and lls cats x6 00 17 Re TUN cs cas 1 1% 24 00 25 00 ists & 2n 2.. 70 00 80 00 NO. 2 CUTS. >, 14, 47% Elm, soft, snill Walnut, rsts oad Seren apeog 1, 2. yoy 13 50to 18 00 MAPLE. . ; Cid verve 2 '§ 3... 25 00 26 00 and 2nds.. 1 ‘' 3.. 85 00 109 00 uy arid 14" Di ID Eee ne ZO 6 No. 2, , 1%) ist & 2nd hard...... 21 co 25 00; Ist &and,soft...... ....20 00 23 0 hy Dk ap +o a 1450to 1700 Common andculls ..1300 14 oo | Common'and culls..... 1100 12 . ws.» 36 00 ; = - 2%, 3 and 4” “ wees 45 00 MILL CULLS. “ No 3 curs. au Run 1”, 1%, rand —_—— ) F, QUEBEC, QUE. rin., 6” and up wide.... No. A SCTE ed re é ¥ WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT create? eg ' 42 BOSTON, MASS. i Cts. 2 a 2 , 2 . : s Square white vine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,........- 35 45 2%,3and4” “ ey gat (8 eee nas bsbarh deg oh son 1 to 2 inch ...... «2. «+++. $82 Jf First class Ottawa waney 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 58 6: Revenge! > th. 9 eee 3 00 « Wennwsei, winjo aes # ay Weta ate le ¥P , h “ 62 €5 MILL RUN. ape Fine Common, 1 inch..... vadee boowsewsial cis Says ; 19 to 20inch average * ‘ No. 1, 48” pine....-....... 3 75 i 13{ to)? imCh ic. 00seeine) aw seameeer RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. SHINGLES, No. 1 Cuts, : ne spec teen eens erereseeees anes M -asured off, according to average and ‘ime Doma Fis 2 e XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, ee Bly es saceapeces 50 00 Shi oping order 3 5 to 2 x 16” 27 No. 2 Cuts, 1i tet eeee tenet eee eeeeweeees 3000 — OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. Se RRR 35 Barn aie eet as ioe ox ¥ By the dram, according to average and quality. . wow 4; 50 No.2 25 Np. 2.4 -aheeeas oc seinee ue Seo eaen ae Se y wae / O23 -iele ois ee i's cee ae > vo 9.20 jabin a a ee 4 F Spruce, 1o and 12 in. dimension..............-+ Bice > ia By he dram, according to average and quality 4oto4sfeet. 65 75 "gi in, and under. ¢...cciai ses -- vacone sees o> z0otog5fet. 52 54 io and 12 in. random a ro ft. and UD eens 4 ; ASH. ALBANY, N.Y. 2X3, 2X4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, 7 , 10 inches and up, according to aieese and sai ek irae: 28 ne 10 Ft, ANG UP... .s ats -n.s dee oan «ee * Sihy Average 16 inch. . ... ; ste ay 2 ‘ 30 32 4 } t All other random lengths, 9 in. and unde: ah foe - 83 IxXI2 eg shippers 3 seewee iS 24 ftcatid up. ..% oi. naied- 2 sepals site Gata om eaniee ee. : « 83 4/4 inch ;, & up. 25 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ‘ft. & Up,P.rs s Many x4 Inich Bh ok te EPCOT eM re tc re 78 4/4 Box boards 6 and up.. 20 ax Out Spruce boards, p.1S......0: cecceeee vues 3a I "6. °° Seg degra 8g wae a a. ag 9 ME ter teat lan aaa uppers Tet . 88 90 | ro-in. dressing and better. . : 30 35 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped ‘and bundied . - A IG 44 CN RT Oe et ee ORE ee Pee fee 31 Selects, 24% in up........ x2-in. dressing and better... 40 42 of vd ete AG gal ae X tonraieeed citcisrieetes olan 79 Box, TELM... cdescec nce 21 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Hine eseteyai ayers, aad op 72 Box, 1x12. Spin levaincio ee oak 22. Hxtras....... 6 ora 0 el vein ev owe) 1 anisole 6 sels oe vigiewecie ; Stel tig sti >.nl0¥picofe Sherer had 60 | No. x barn, rxx2.... 5... 29 30 Clears........+» Side eel’ «bie v atte oatnte seco ce weeneees 0. r cuts, x to 2 inc Teer 53 MRE O) Se ycia) nytralaecdlcrateia ate ks 31a 28 Second cleags 5.).5 ena ceWnecbie as oe 3 OTTAWA. ONT. a = a4 Cite shy do Sas a alee i a 0): lt Ve ew eee ara. ei ROP Gus a ese eee ee ne oo Bisiiaere'o.ai6 26 Clear Whites . Eicteinteh wie Sisteie' - ; $i P v2 he 4 Pare iy Me, ae is eee Von. XIII y AND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATES8, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL — OCTOBER 4, to05 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER The Lumbérman Monthly Edition 44 pages} t.cower-vearR {The LumbermaniWeekly Edition every week." THI8 PAPER REACHES REQULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 30 % PANADA LUMBERMAN _ The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u OF Toronto, Limited | - Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: _ 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. Telephone 1274. 536 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B, C. P. 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, LONDON, E. C. The Week! uumberman — Published every - Wednesday, 2b ol reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading _ domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- _ tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturersand exporters and the purchasers of timber. ucts at home and abroad. _ The sepa Lu —— Sap - gine _ discussing fully and impartially su perti- fem to the fetter and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE Ey * > , Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. _ When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. s notice shows the STath w Bong line = is ny _ in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. - eetariente must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in Ss current week’s issue | _ DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO iid ™ Cedar Shingles and Lath Tor- ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 Logan Avenue, Toronto. [AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to bable buyers by placing an advertisement in Wanted and For Sale Department of this utnal. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- FOR SALE 9 ; “HORSE PORTABLE SAW MILL, WOOD- yard, Machinery, about one acre of Land, ble and Barns, on railway track, in Brantford . Price $3,000, half enough stock in yard to this. Address EH. Topp, Owner, Box 16, < edonia, Ont. FOR SALE QUANTITY OF CEDAR AND HEMLOCK | R. R. Ties, No. 1 and 2; 10000 Cedar Posts; 1” and 1%” Basswood ; 2” and 3” ; cut in 1904 ; excellent shipping condi- 1905 cut contans Pine, Hemlock, Bass- , Maple, Elm and Ash lumber and 10,000 Slabs. LILLicrap, TATE LUMBER Co’y,, ; eld, Ont ae” _ TENDERS A ‘Splendid Business Opportunity C will be received by the undersigned, nee. of the Estate of Balsden & Blewett, mts.up to and including the 1oTtH DAY iC OBER, 1905, for the purchase or lease he planing mill on the west side of Fl ra _ St. Thomas, formerly operated by said nts, the loton which it stands, machin- y ll st ck therein, or —For the mill machivery and lots on which nds, or For the purchase of the manufactured id material thereon, as per stock sheet, o for an office safe, nearly new, and in Ss condition. ny furtherinformation apply to assignee. ated at Sheriff’s Office, Court House, St. 8, this 25th day of September, 1905 a DUGALD McCOLL, Sheriff and Assignee. — - ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SiImcozE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish boom, Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchwood, Ont. CE Noopaecne SOLICITED FOR HARD MAPLE cuttings out of dry or green stock for im- mediate delivery or early spring delivery. The W.R. THoMmPsSoON Co., Teeswater, Ont. FOR SALE igen arg SAW MILL WITH DOUBLE Edger, Trimmers, and everything in com- plete running order, capacity about twenty-five thousand feet per day, will sell with or without building. Apply to Box 314, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, OR SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO. 3 HAM- ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 7%” cylinders and all connections, circular outfit complete with iron husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 20 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each. Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Mill. THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont, LUMD6P We have about two million feet of this season’s cut for sale—about 75 per cent. White Pine, balance Norway and Spruce. Address ERRINGTON & Ross, Turbine, Ont. MACHINERY FOR SALE We have for sale the following second hand machinery, in good condition. Write us for full particulars and prices of any machine. 1 26” X 32” engine box frame, slide valve on top of cylinder, driven with rock shaft, 2 No. 3 single cutting band mills, made by Prescott Co, 2 Two block carriages with Prescott offset, made by Prescott Co. Two block Garland carriage. Boss shingle machine, made by Mowry. Hall shingle machine. I I I 4 Perkins Grand Triumph shingle mactines, 3 Drake hand shingle machines. 4 Perfection power shingle machines. 1 Double block shingle machine, Perkins make. 1 Drag saw. 1 Knee bolter. 1 Perkins Class A cut-off. 2 Wheel jointers. 2 Kuot saw frames. 7 Shingle packers, 1 Heading trimmer. 2 Rich automatic saw sharpeners. I Independent condenser. I Portable boiler and engine, boiler with 32” fire box, and 28—3” tubes, 12 h.p., engine 2 ie Greenlee No. 1 improved automatic cut-off machine, witn countershaft. Friction feed complete, frictions 15” wide. 36” standard Leffel water wheel Upright boiler 70” x 32” with sixty 2” tubes. » 54” X 32” with ninety 13%” tubes. 1 10” x 16’ twin engine, steam feed, complete. THE WM. HAMILTON MFG. CO., LIMITED, Peterborough, Ont. - an! OUR HUNDRED THOUSAND FEET narrow pine lumber for sale. Apply to D. CLARK, Powassan. Hee SALE—ABOUT 40M. FEET 1” GOOD Ash Culls. Apply Box 111, CANADA Lum- BERMAN, Toronto, ANTED—ORDERS FOR ROUGH YEL- LOW Pine. Have million feet of logs henae to cut. MCCLURE LUMBER Co., Detroit, Mich, A deta era SPRUCE LATH, DRY NO. I Stock, 4 feet, nicely manufactured, Utica Branch, Rice & LocKwoop LUMBER Co., Utica, N.Y, F°8 SALE—A FEW CARS EACH OF PINE, Black Ash, Basswood and Birch. Also a quantity of Hemlock. M. VANCE & Co., James Bay Junction, Ontario. Fok SALE—75,000 FEET OF 1” BIRCH; . 25,000 feet of 2” Birch; has been cut and piled four months, must be sold at once. 317, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Box \ j ANTED—SOFT ELM, BI,ACK ASH, BASS- WOOD, Common and Better, 5/4, 6/4, 2”; Cull Basswood of all thicknesses, and Wormy Chestnut, 1”, 6/4, 2”. R.E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ontario. ANTED—TO PURCHASE, 1 AND 2” RED Oak, dry. Parties having stock to offer would oblige by quoting lowest prices, mill run, millculls out Address ‘‘T,’’ care of Can- ADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, \ K JANTED—BY QUALIFIED VETERINARY Surgeon, a position with lumber com- pany as veterinary orclerkinthecamps. Willing to be useful and distance no objection. Refer- ence furnished. Address ‘VET,’ CANADA ILUM- BERMAN, Toronto: WANTED — SALESMAN FOR ONTARIO Pine trade on commission or commission and salary; established connection; not neces- sary to reside in Toronto; application by letter will be treated confidentially. A.B.C.,, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, DVERTISER, YOUNG MAN, WITH thorough knowledge of business methods, and over fifteen years practical experience in the box manufacturing business in the east, is open to accept position of trust, or in executive capacity, with box manufacturer or lumber firm. Ar reference if required. Address Box 315, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE TIMBER LIMITS British Columbia Correspondence invited. A. B. MACKENZIE & Co., Rossland, B. C, FOR SALE MICHIGAN AND INDIANA HARDWOOD LUMBER 100,000 ft. 8/4” No, 1 Com. and better Soft Elm. 75,000 ft. 6/4” No. 1 Com. and better Soft Elm. 50,000 ft. 4/4” Log Run Soft Elm. Two cars No.1com, and better plain sawed Red Oak, 4/4”. One car log run Butternut, 4/4”. Three cars 4/4” No, Icom. qrtd. White Oak. wae car 14”, 144”, and 2” com, qrtd. White ak. ' White Ash of most all kinds. One car 4/4” 1st and 2nd, qrtd. White Oak. Poplar of most all kinds. Also Maple of all kinds, The Wicks LUMBER Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Fae Hele ule ay A , ’ (Sait ass, sity th cai Re (ah ty ela: Rut CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. There is no abatement in the demand for lumber for building purposes, which is still of large proportions. No falling off is like- ly until cold weather hampers outdoor operations, and until then pronounced activity is almost certain to prevail. The building permits issued in Toronto to the end of September numbered 2,100, of an approximate value of eight million dollarse The factory consumption of lumber is not altogether satisfactory, although probably showing a gain as compared with last year. Conditionsgenerally areheailhy. Michigan buyers have been more numerous of late - in the Georgian Bay district, but on account of the steady demand all season, stocks are considerably broken. More or less lumber, however, is constantly chang- ing hands, and the prices are indicative of strength. The greatest demand in pine is for No. 1, 2 and 3 common and box and mill culls. Birch may be said to be lead- ing the hardwoods, which are only moder- ately active. There has been some good buying by Buffalo dealers, but the supply is plentiful. Some disposition is reported to acquire British Columbia shingles at prevailing prices, as if production is cur- tailed during the winter months an ad- vance seems more probable than a decline. White cedar shingles are selling slowly, even though offered about fifty cents below red cedars. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The statement of timber received at Quebec up to the end of September shows a considerable decrease as compared with the corresponding period last year. Of white pine there has been received 1,167,- 240 cubic feet, as against 2,020,160 feet in 1904, or a decrease of about 75 per cent. Square pine and oak show almost as great a falling off, while elm timber alone is responsible for an increase of importance, the receipts being nearly double those of last year. Prices general- ly are firm, although some pressure is being exerted upon elm values. Long spruce lumber is moving actively for the United States market and enquiries for British specifications are on the increase, New Brunswick cedar shingles are un- changed, although a greater number of manufacturers are now holding their quo- tations at $3.35 for Extras for Boston delivery. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The lumber market of the Canadian Northwest has reflected to some extent the improved conditions prevailing in in the State of Washington, where prices were recently advanced. The advantage = ere A fi A OA, Ld ai: ee Oe oe ae ee ‘fgr “Stars” II. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION which may accrue to the Canadian manu- facturer from such action is that arising through the American mill men discon- tinuing their policy of slaughtering their surplus lumber on the Canadian market. Orders for lumber and shingles are being placed more freely by retailers in the rural districts in anticipation of the de- mand for improvements which will doubt- less be undertaken as the immense wheat crop is disposed of. Collections are re- ported to be a little slow, but an improve- ment is expected in the near future. UNITED STATES. The present situation is decidedly in favor of the seller of lumber. Most manu- facturers are sold largely in advance and are not pushing for business, which would seem to point to a firm market for the balance of the year. White pine ship- ments from the Lake Superior district during the month of September were in excess of the same month last year, and this remark will doubtless apply to all shipping centres. Chicago wholesalers have recently sent out new lists in which a further advance is shown on most items. Buffalo and Tonawanda dealers put a new price list in force on the first of the month which shows a considerable advance on the common grades. The hemlock business is equally as satisfactory as pine. In Chicago hemlock piece stuff is selling at $17 for 2x 4, 2x 6 and 2x 8, 12 and 14 foot lengths, while 16 foot is 50 cents higher. The spruce lumber trade of the Eastern States is in a flourishing condition and most of the mills are oversold. Hard- woods are reported to be picking up, with a fair demand for oak, birch, elm and maple. The advance in red cedar shingles has been the feature of the market. At. Washington points the ‘‘Star’ brand is quoted at $1.50 per thousand, while “Clears” are held at $1.70. At Minnea- polis quotations range from $2.40 to $2.45 and 2.85 for ‘‘Clears”. In Buffalo red cedars have experienced a boom and few dealers have a supply. It is claimed that within six weeks ‘‘Clears” have advanced 38 cents, ‘‘Perfections” ten cents, and ‘‘Eurekas” five cents. GREAT BRITAIN. The reports from the British market this week are a pleasant relief from the depres- sion which has been chronicled for more than a year past. A much healthier feel- ing seems to pervade the general business of the country, and it is freely predicted that a gradual improvement in lumber will follow. Reports from the manufacturing centres are encouraging and the ship- building industry is well employed. The only barrier to much greater activity in the near future is the dullness of house build- KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. ing, which is perhaps the main factor in the lumber demand. There is no doubt, however, that the market has turned the corner for the time being at least, and that the course of business during the next few months will be upon broader lines. The attention of the lumber trade, so far as the Canadian supply is concerned, has been largely centred upon spruce. The expect- ed upward movement has shown itself in an unmistakable manner and prices are fully five shillings per standard higher. An ordinary specification can readily be sold at £7 7s. 6d. c. i. f. Liverpool, and for the better specifications, especially with a fair percentage of 3x11, competi- tion is keen. Spruce deals seem destined to advance still further, as the stocks are light and not likely to be greatly increased during the short time between now and the close of navigation. Ireland has been buying more liberally of late. STOCKS AND PRICES. Seven schooners were last week loading lumber at Stetson, Cutler & Company’s mill at St. John, N.B., for New York. T. T. Lantalun last week sold at St. John, N.B., about 400,000 laths, being the cargo of the condemned schooner “Malabar.” Stetson, Cutler & Company were the purchasers, at $2.70 per thou- sand. , With the exception of No. 2 flooring, logs on Puget Sound were advanced fifty cents on October 1. This decision was reached at a representative meeting of loggers, held in the offices of the Washington Logging & Brokerage Com- pany on September 9. At the present time the demand for logs is strong and there is a comparatively small. surplus in storage on Puget Sound. Loggers say the situation is such as to justify the fifty cents’ increase. The new schedule will be as follows : Up to 40 foot merchantable....$ 7.50 M. 42 to 50 foot merchantable.... 8.50 M. 52 to 60 foot merchantable.... 9.50 M. 62 to 70 foot merchantable.._. 10.50 M. 42to 80 foot merchantable.... 12.50 M. 82 to 90 foot merchantable..., 14.50 M. g2 to roo foot merchantable.... 16.50 M. Flooring up to 40 feet......... : Flooring No. 2 up to 40 feet.... 5.00 M. Following is a comparative statement of timber, masts, etc., measured and culled at Quebec up to 3rd October, as reported by the Supervisor of Cullers : 1903. 1904 —_1905 C Feet CFeet C Feet Waney White Pine...1,618,920 2,020,160 1,167,240 White Pine sic siec-.si6 390,720 "225,160 135,800 Red! Pitte, 3s ccc cuacs 56,520 15,920 1,200 Oak 835,920 247,560 140,320 Elm 417,800 254,120 484,520 CAST hisisinjers 57,200 a ee 9,960 Basswood ...,.... 160 : Joie Butternut............ eA 2 120 Tamarac... cicsuw swe 40 sees Birch and Maple..... 196,760 374,680 207,640 KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Planing and Matching Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, EMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS AUSTRALIAN LUMBER IMPORT. The Australian import of lumber last year was as follows: Undressed lumber, 11,481,552 feet from Canada and 68,524,670, feet from the United States. Dressed lumber, from Norway 41,901,- 583 feet; Sweden, 8,739,497 feet; United States, 3,576,661 feet; Canada, 104,770 feet. CANADIAN LUMBER SHIPMENTS. From Halifax, N. S.: Steamer Angola, for Havana, Cuba, 13,069 ft. pine lumber, value $222; 20,159 ft. spruce lumber, value $302, by T. A. S. DeWolf & Co., agents. Steamer Ocamo, for Demerara, 38,000 ft. lumber, value $600, by Pickford & Black, agents. From Montreal: Steamer Tunisian, for Liverpool, 30,875 pcs. boards, deals and ends,123 bdls. shooks. Steamer Dominion, for Liverpool, 39,590 pcs. boards, deals and ends. Steamer Milwaukee, for Liver- pool, 40,659 pcs. boards, deals and ends, 3,589 bdls. maple squares, 1,100 bdls. staves, 4,631 bdls shooks, 1,230 pcs. lum- ber, 800 doors. Steamer Kildona, for London, 1,318 pcs. lumber. Steamer Ontarian, for London, 27,996 pes. boards, deals and ends. Steamer Montrose, for London, 8,785 pcs. deals, 2,400 pcs. lum- ber, 1,351 bdls. lumber. For Antwerp, 7,123 pes. boards and deals. Steamer Montcalm, for Bristol, 31,130 pcs. boards, deals and ends. Steamer Marina, for Glasgow, 15,212 pcs. boards, deals and ends. Steamer Sicilian, for Glasgow, 73 logs, 32,704 pcs. boards,deals, etc. Steam- er Angola, for Tampico, West Indies, 1,091 pes. lumber. For Vera Cruz, 2,156 bdls. shooks, 3 bdls. hardwood. Steamer Phila- delphia, for Liverpool, 184 pcs. lumber, 15,675 pes. deals, 7,505 bdls. and go2 pes. squares. From St. John, N. B.: Schooner Harry Knowlton, for City Island, 169,310 ft. spruce deals, 73,935 ft. spruce scantling, 21,650 ft. hemlock scantling, 350,000 laths, Schooner Manuel R. Cuza, for Bridgeport, Conn., 121,970 ft. plank, 65,389 ft. scant. ling, 8,232 ft. boards, 500,000 laths- Schooner Annie Gus, for Quincy, Mass., 97,079 ft. boards. Schooner R. Carson, for Salem, 1,501,000 cedar shingles. Steamer St. John City, for London, 62,758 ft. spruce deals and ends, 65,994 ft. birch scantling and deals. Schooner Rewa, for Boston, 76,719 ft. plank, 66,782 ft. scant- ling, 60,349 ft. boards. Schooner Georgia, for City Island, 274,736 ft. deals. Schoon- er Adelene, for City Island, 252,587 ft. deals. Schooner Sallie E. Ludlam, for City Island, 278,657 ft. deals. Schooner Frank and Ira, for Salem, 1,300,000 cedar shingles. Jt ut Samples by ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBE DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH . :MPLENNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED MONTREAL heat Office ad Yard, 67: DORCHESTER ST. Send for ete - October 4, 1905 — INVESTIGATING BRITISH COLUMBIA TIMBER. Mr. C.R.W. Douglas, of the Blanchard Lumber Company, Boston, has recently been in British Columbia. ‘‘I am here,” said Mr. Douglaswheninterviewed, “tolook into the lumber and shingle industry. We expect before long that it will pay to ship lumber by cars from Vancouver to Bosto We are now buying in Vancouver co siderable consignments of lengths widths that cannot be supplied at ho Swift & Company, of Cincinnati, rece bought in Vancouver 400,000 feet of ro dimension lumber. This was purch for $9, and the freight was $24 a the sand, and still we had to get it because our supply of big timber is ge smaller and smaller. ; “We are fighting in New Englan have the duty taken off lumber en the United States and we expect it taken off. One thing we do know i is t the price of lumber is going up so rapidly that we must come to the coast for it. — 4 ; “It may be premature, but dag there is no harm in announcing what i S on the boards in the East. There are to be central distributing points in the Ea: ern States at the different seaport sities” for Pacific coast lumber. It will be | shipped there by rail and steamer, and — then be distributed all over the Eastern — States. I have secured a rate around | Horn of $16.50, the duty is $2, and with | $9 lumber (such a price can be secured — here for big lots), it would bring the price — to $27.50. In Boston spruce is now sell- W. C. CRAWFORD | Tilbury = Ont. 7 9 . » Manvfacturer of . . 2 Handles—Axe,. Fork, Pick, Ete, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Red and White Oak, Maple and Elm Lumber. — Can supply Second Growth White or Red ‘Oak © squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term — ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line” because it reaches into and eed the very heart of the choicest: is hunting grounds in America. The very best wild fom shooting of the entire i North is reached ONLY b: ee =e line, Hundreds ' beautiful lakes aboun wild rice and — oe f attracts myriads of eae and geese and the finest kind of cover and the choicest — shooting to be found the country over. — ad The Wisconsin Central Railway caters oe ially to the sporting public and d nng various seasons for hunting and Sree daily information to its patrons as to local dition s anywhere along Pita’ lines w tion to the nearestticket agent. Ita ) its train service with special referees to ‘the convenience and comfort of s ,and its employes are constantly on the alerttomake boi over their lines pleasant and comfort- ants line offers the best route between Chicago, St. Paul, Milwaukee. land Wlacomnn or ei oe Superior’ ‘points via Se Information given by addressin: JAS. Cc. POND, Wie one R. KNIGHT BROTHERS C LIMITED Burk’s Falls. re MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER be Montreal, Quebec y Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & , DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or length sup ¢ WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. Be. P.O. Box: | ) hb October 4, 1905 So r 4) * . ing for $23. In 1898 it was $11.40 a thousand. Thus in seven years it has - more than doubled in price. _It is gener- 1 ally conceded that the time is very close __ when the price will be $30. Thus my visit (o prepare for the inevitable. I have been told by experts that the British Columbia spruce is superior to that which _ we are now using in Boston. British Columbia shingles have a great name in New England. Your shingles can be disposed of at $3.20 in opposition with the very highest class shingles from Puget Sound. We are able to handle Brit- ‘ish Columbia shingles as the duty is not ‘so serious an obstacle as it is in the case of lumber. But we are fighting to have _ the duty taken off shingles also.” _ TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. : The timber limits, saw mill and other ~ Jumber property of W. C. Wells, Palliser» B.C., has been purchased by the Dicka- son-Goodman Lumber Company, of Kan- 4 ‘sas City, Mo., who will take possession this month. It is understood that the new owners intend to establish a chain of ‘independent lumber yards throughout the - Northwest. i _ The Wolverine Cedar Lumber Com- ‘pany, of Menominee, Mich., are reported _ to have purchased a timber limit on the _ Spanish river, in Ontario, estimated to contain upwards of 100,000,000 feet. The limit was bought from the Eddy & Flynn _ Lumber Company, of Saginaw, and the price paid is said to have been $5 per _ thousand feet. W. S. Gore, Deputy Commissioner of Lands and Works, Victoria, B.C., will re- TELEGRAPH POLES - *'WANTED _ We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your Cedar into Poles it will net you more than you can get out of it in any other way. J. B. FARWELL & SON - Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. Baneroft, Ont. Oswego, N.Y. ‘ K ST. CHAMBERS 14 DIMENSION TIMBER ‘Sa SASH” - es a £ _ Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ceive tenders up to Wednesday,.October 25th, for the lease of three timber limits situated on Vancouver Island. One limit contains 11,141 acres, comprising lots 143, 148, 149, 184, 625, 626, 648, 650, 651, 652, 653, 662, 663, 664 and 665, Clayoquot district ; another contains 1,702 acres, comprising lots 666, 667 and 668, Clayo- quot district, and the third contains 9,395 acres, comprising lots 654 and 656, Clayo- quot district, and lots 18, 19, 34, 35 and 36, Nootka district. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) St.JOHN, N.B., Sept. 30th, 1905.—The prospects for getting logs from the up- river districts remains very discouraging. In the meantime little is being done in the way Of manufacturing deals. Four mills are sawing, but it is probable that two of these can only run a few days longer. In the short lumber market the flourish- ing condition of trade in spruce lath con- tinues to be a feature. Local stocks are being rapidly depleted and no important quantity is likely to be put upon the market from this port during several months to come, unless a decided and immediate change takes placein the log driving situation. The encouraging reports from all lath distributing centres, together with the scarcity of the article have stiffened local values, and, upon what quantities are available, no lower quotation could be obtainedthan $2.40 to $2.45 for dutiable and $2.65 to $2.70 for non-duti- able, f.o.b. schooner St. John. Cedar shingles are moving briskly but so far prices show little tendency to climb, ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties .. SPECIAL, — 50,000 4/4, 8/4 aud 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4M. R Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4 Beech. Prices on application THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS Harpwoop HEADQUARTERS RDW Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, O. McMinnville, Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots OTTAWA, ONTARIO . W. B. BARTRAM WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. wes Specialties: Basswood and Birch. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. . t Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. “2 Write for quotations. DOORS’ - Barge or car load lots . C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS GARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., unre 604 Temple Building, Toronto lo MIL.LLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.”? Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s the supply having been to date fully equal to demand. Local stocks of high grades are low (2,000,000 would easily cover the quantity), but the poorer grades have been sluggish and theretore somewhat plentiful” The demand in the provinces for these lower grades has been brisker during the latter part of September and the manufac- turers confidently; expect to cut their stocks down to normal without difficulty before the end of the year. There arein stock of these lowgrades at this date three and one-half millions, Non-dutiable cedar shingles are quoted at this date, f.o.b. schooner St. Johns at: Extras, $2.85; Clears, $2.35; 2nd Clears, $1.85; No. 1’s, 95 cents, Dutiable cedar shingles: Extras, $2.55; Clears, $2.05; 2nd Clears, $1.170; No, 1's 95 cents. The two latter prices are those at which sales in these lines are being made for consumption in the provinces. The cedar logs now being sawn were mostly held over from last year and there are about enough available to enable the manufacturers to finish out in this line an average manufacturing season. This cedar is practically all provincial; there- fore the product of same will be dutiable. One inch merchantable spruce boards arein good demand and the heavy quantities in stock at the beginning of the season have been greatly depleted. Local values are firmer than was the case a monthago. No quotation could be obtain- ed to-day lower than $12.50 to $12.60 for non-dutiable and \$10.50 to $10.60 for dutiable, f.0.b. schooner St. John. The quantities of one inch merchantable spruce boards on _ the different wharves would aggregate from 1,250,- 000 to 1,400,000 feet, with the prospect of this quantity being practically all that will be produced this fall. The ruling rates of freight by schooner are as follows: Boston, shingles, 30 cents; II. Boston, long lumber, $3.00; New York City, lath, 70 cents; New York City, deals, $3.50; Sound ports, shingles, 37-4 cents; Sound Ports, long lumber, $3.25. i, Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres, E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mer. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. M. & L. Samuel, Benjamin & Co. 503 Temple Building, Toronto. EXPORT DEPARTMENT. Correspondence solicited with exporters of wooden goods, such as Sanitary Woodenware, Broom Handles, Fork and Shovel Handles, Turned Goods, etc. Payments made on receipt of Bill of Lading at Toronto. European House, SAMUEL Sons & BENJAMIN, 16 Philpot Lane, Ijondon, Eng. THE [IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimiteD SAW AND PLANING. MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS ; All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo. Registered Cable Address, ‘t Pinewood,”’ BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. ‘American. Lumberman’’ Telecode, CRCCSVVVVESSSSVSEVSTVEVTESTUSUSTUSTVUUSVUSB R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R, S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. $ CBVSBSVSSSSVSSVVVIVUESVSVSSTSVTSENUSS .OB4OB0 J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRAOEBERIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY,. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. 54. THE SEVERAL CARS LONG Long Distance ChRAR Phones 1650-1651 wine SQUARES COMPANY HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CACHE BAY, Ont. Cc. P. RB. Gang 26_miles,; West North Bay UMBER aso LATH A f « ea gy . Pa Hehe * ERE Ode aa eee o *) IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of THE CANADA I,UMBERMAN.) VANCOUVER, Sept. 27th, 1905.—With the bad weather which has prevailed dur- ing this month, millmea are beginning to look for a scarcity of logs. Heavy rain has fallen off and on for three weeks, a September condition which is a precedent. Heretofore this month has sometimes been all fine weather, and at others fairly so, but this year the rain has been very heavy. A well known millman, who is also interested in the logging business, stated yesterday that the indications are that logs will be scarce. The demand for them has been pretty good and witha prospect of continuance. If the weather keeps on at the present rate logs will go up in price. Nothing particular has since been heard of the action of loggers to test the provincial government law regarding ex- port, which was the subject of much dis- cussion when Mr. J. S. Emerson's boom of logs was seized as a starter. Mr. Emer- son said he would cut timber here and cut prices, but this is hardly regarded as a possibility. The shingle business continues bad. This is one part of the industry which has been in poor shape for a considerable time, and there does not seem any relief in the immediate future. On the other side of the line, an attempt has been made to boost shingle prices, but this has been done by the brokers in an effort to bolster up the industry, which is just about as bad as here. Acting under arrangement with the manufacturers of shingles exclusively, the mills which cut both lumber and shingles in the city will confine their operations to lumber, so as to give the other men a chance. The prices of shingle bolts have increased during the past couple of weeks, having gone up to $4.10 and $4.15 per cord, a jump of about 25 cents. Other prices are maintained. Lumber in not changed owing to the agreement effected among the manufacturers some time ago, and logs are firm because of the bad weather. Loggers are again protesting against a further reserve being granted to the Western Canada Pulp and Paper Com- pany, which has already a large reserve. The lumbermen look at the pulp manu- facturers something in the same way as the farmers in the Northwest regard the ranchers. The pulp men blanket whole sections to obtain the right kind of wood for pulp purposes, and included in the reserves are generally large quantities of merchantable fir, spruce and cedar. The disposal of the Palliser mills by Mr. W. C. Wells, M.P.P., to Messrs. Dick- ason and Goodman, of Kansas City, is another indication of the steady migration of the big American lumber manufacturing firms into Canada. Nearly half of the sawmilling interests in the province are now in the hands of Americans, whose methods will make a great difference in the trade of the country. The Dickason- Goodman Lumber Company proposes to install a chain of yards through the Northwest, selling direct to the consumer. This has been in contemplation by other mills, and if carried out extensively will sound the knell of the retailer’s business, except in small places. SSS oo % JUST A GENTLE REMINDER =~ Winn car ou y 4 y QW g ; qe i ( That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your } é y wants in the lumber line. t i ( It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to Hr y ff open up correspondence with us. t AN Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our p f 4 specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. Mites eles. ee A ee Ae A A. i The Red Deer Lumber Company A j WINNIPEG, MAN. A 4, oS) a8 TO ee ee UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills H. D. WICC BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mil] and PAY CASH for LOG RUN £lm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LirTLe Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, La., ALLENTOWN, LA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty THE BONSACK LUMBER CoO. | WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS : BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANAPOLIS, IND. Carry in Stock and Have for Sale Sawed and Sliced Quartered V ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- 7 Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. \e\e.ere NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- i GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber FRANK C, BURY MASON A. NOBLE ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Ye-da: 520 to 520 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Mills: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. Corresponience Invited on All Hardwo-sde. 7 Al WHOLESALE MICHICAN (i én x ee i ot SW kn $25 as 8 ~ we x he oS hile ee 4 a aime as Kon rey € ; \ cre } i ; ‘ October 4 1905 ——— THE PE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT, ‘ Bi We make a specialty of Dimension Stock-in Pine, Spruce and Hem- steak, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE a WHOLESALE 4 Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lymber, Sash, Doors, Interior : a, Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try “SOHN HARRISON & SONS GOMPANY, LIMITED ; We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer he one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES. CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of - ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. Office: 503 Manning Chambers - - ae a SNe and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, ° visting” QUEBEC F. M°CIBBON & SONS, . fanufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and abitecte Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited MILLS. = SPRAGGE, oe ee ees Ont. “Soo” Branch C. P. | Pidiel a cnae Rracite _orrices egg? Building, Montreal ° Aud at Mills at Spragge. | 3 M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUEAGTURING CO. LIMITED Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. PENETANCUISHENE ONT. :: MANUFACTURERS OF | White and Red Pine Lumpber and Lath Water Shipments Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Lime Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH é The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. o A. F. BURY AUSTIN VHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER we CANADA FIN x of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA LLTIES: Railway Priage Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Rauway Ties, Oak and wo Planed and Rough Lumoer, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, : af back, end butted. a ‘Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. Fi- Timber in any size or length up to go a long, Timber Planers face up to 24 inch x30 inch, Fe of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lum uglas Fir and Cedar. WRITE FOR Doekchcies AND ODOTATIONS. - Manufacturers of and Speier » Denlery in all kinds of mcd oth i Railway Delivery and Water ¥ a — _Canapa LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ; v. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS Re EE EEE We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Fioorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles Sees — ae em SE 2 ce eR ee - R. LAIDLAW LUMBER C0. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. Ll. WHITE. PLA YEHATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER » LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Pies MIDLAND, ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty 4 A.& P. VAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... CET YOUR LUMBER AND TIMBER FROM PINE LUMBER COMPANY PINE, ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Jetted and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Siu We ship by C. P. R., 6. T. R., and by Water 5 ier Spe Lumber Co., timitea (On C. P. R. Main line near Sudbury) OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, © MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER av’ | AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT Co., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Facto, Meaford, Oni. THE FOSS LUMBER GOMPANY WHOLESALE BRITISH COLUMBIA FIR, SPRUCE AND CEDAR LUMBER, RED CEDAR SHINGLES Me ate OSE Maneger. 624-625 Union Bank, Winnipeg, Man. J. F. FOSS, Manager. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ¥s, %, Ve. 1% and 13% inch thicknesses, Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY | eae OWBN SOUND, ONT. Quebec vi. | : CaNADA LUMBERMAN WAT EDITION ee ae be | D vitomve Be. dae eke HEAPS & CO. Haskin, B. ¢ Wancouwver, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Ete. SPECIALTIES : 4 AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, New Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. - G. SCOTT, GENERAL MANAGER W. J. Bh irl ad a Msi oka i Vancouver, B.C. ° MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER r Corn | LATH, MOULDINGS L pe — TURNED ie Com a, BS: HICH GRADE RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, T ORONTO | ETC. Soouve D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J. E. YOUNG, Cashier E. YOUNG, Cashier |S I acter al MM Baa aD A AN ae) The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. menufcuress White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work 1a pestesin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario” WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office : RAT PORTAGE, Ontar Ong Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winniped Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce ‘Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. { eae Export Lumber & e PALLISER, B. Ls 3.3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. == a Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. pre W. B. MCKECHNIE, President. C. MacRAg, "Mitel rm Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A LUMBER C0. for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Zancovars x Cc. LIMITED tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping nnowey ‘capacity over 114 millions. BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR e, by 24 feet long—CLEAR, B. C. FIR_ DIMENSION ‘AND FINISH. SCRIBNER’'S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK» A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements °° of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square -o and Round Timber ; Th i Rules, and much igiher practi- 4 : cal information. Price 35 Cents__s> aoveess THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT i os eT es he, Pee ; ooh y i cagays' He Ai pep pn Reh vind ty orf mee wage ager” net gh ee ati se a gl dite a de IR) ae PTO pe yt eet ge ee let iv, tae rr hen calle - ‘ , ‘ 5 yt ees as —s By 2. 4 ~ _~ = ee CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION me ctober “4, 1905, Vil. re ~~ About half the B. C. Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. Million Shingles. 1,000,000 Shingles Per Day Our Daily Shipping Capacity is over One LUMBER D pe USLAS BZD) 0 we Tes I = & LEMCKE, oa.” ‘MANUFACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, . ae Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. TAJE have Three Millions of Hem- HE lock, running in lengths from 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre- De pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 1 eet or over. a & MANUFACTURING CO. Dealers in Pine. Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber.. ma—WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER Se ICH ard” CHDPDAR ee Sel es OO a fh loam Ch. “poors, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH "ar UNION LUMBER COMPANY, Limited wt%stm's. Vancouver, B. C. HELP Can be obtained at small cost by advertising in the Want Columns of the WeEekty Canapa Lumperman. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS F ARNWORTH & JARDINE "Wood Brokers and Measuters cabte Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. a Dale 8t., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, Li’ LIVERPOOL, ic. F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS _ Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private, s for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in bog, Ete. SI s ‘ipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Ki ined 2 Broad Street Building, j oui BAMBERGER, * *toxocx,s"c" IMPORTER OF oe... Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ — EEE Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods é » Neen SS Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBUARDS ZEBRA CODE CTORY CO CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood i gents and Brokers +“ GELLICHT,” LONDON 657 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England es JUCKER & CO0.| © OLLA 5 Lumber Importers } NB D LL R ESTER ENGLAND | Will pay your subscription to the CANADA offers from Lumbermen for . . . Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine , Shooks, panes Mouldings, Dowels, ndles, Chair 8 tock, a etc., or any ‘itable for English Marke rap Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. AMES WEBSTER & BROTHER LUMBERMAN for ONB YEAR BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS TT VERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elm Ji J Staves and He ading, Handles of aijll descriptions Veneers A Specialty Se ow 5 SMITH & TYRER - (4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmituH, Tyrer & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW GANT & KEMP a TIMBER 62 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW RB R 0 K E R S Cable Address ; ““ TECTONA™ Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes : Pebrey Western Union, Southards, and London,”’ C. 4th and 5th Editions, THOMPSON, BLOIS & CoO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances mds against Branches : shipping documents MANCHESTER, HAMBURG, dOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and. Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory Logs. hols qh CE Ole ohn aks All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods auitable for the English arket. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY -. WOOD. AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABLE ADDRESS * DOBLE LIVERPOOL, " ea * 2 A a 4 . Rr a a ae f : = “y ? . MN tae oe Ny ne eC ae a ee. oe an Pa, qt \ VIIt, THE ONTARIO LUMBER 0°, LIMITED ama: Bare Bay P.R. and %. T.R. Delivery. | EMPLOYMENT BUREAU R. B. ST. iat a ae BER a. a; ak See ONT RACTO Rs’ AGENT 158 Canal i Russell Block, Ottawa. Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad Work. - - Phone 1,950 McLennan Timber Land and LUMDEP GO., cimitea Selling Ageney and Dealers in all ma kinds of Timber Lands. i" Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. one Life uilding L ORONTO, Ont. Mitts; French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec, . . . . ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & C0. Room sto, BOSTON, MASS. Mills at Smith's Bay Township of Carling CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION EO. G. GLADMA PARRY SOUND, ONT. ConnneronpEncz A KOE HEBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Po Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension St WIARTON, OWT. : ra ¥, rT oe! es v al’ preeanes ae WHITE PINE AND. HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES osm CoRRESPONDENC) he A MILL PROPERTY 5 [t UoUur Wish. . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER An Advertisement in the Wanted’? and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a B orS the case may be. ig Pte S8ECOND-HAND MACHINERY "The Canada Lumberman, Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. ‘a Pire ae tripe Pine, box boards.... 13 00 15 00 LATH, Tin. + 34. ¢O 36 00] Pine mill culls...., 1200 15 00 Pi ° oe f at ine ‘amd THi ae - 36 00 40 00 Pine O, culls...... . 750 8650 INE .. 608 eee ee we eseenees $3 75 | Spruceésc. ccs .esw seer nares. Aneononn 8 00 40 00 | Spruce, x4” & up 14 00 Ho Z ney boat shorts: Spruce, 1” stocks, , RE freon ss ry) Ae AE erp eR eee eee 28 00 3000] 7,8,9and 10”. . 15, 00 as tgs XXxX. «$4 50 $4 75 oust butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 ni in. and 1% in. . - 34.00 40 00 Brace. 1’ clear (fine ear Db eeeeceeee 35° 375 oee eee eee eer Yy if TORONTOS ONT. fee ya! Je to ree Seri ares, ff cae 38 4200] dressing and B.. 24 00 Smooth 6 x18....... 4 50 475 | Spruce ....-sss-neeeem an ka puimeaca ean z to 9 A Sidings.. I§ 00 prreanees es sr 13 00 . ne, No. I dressing th, per i 2x4 to 10 in.,1c to 16ft. 15 00 16 00 siding . ++ ++ 22.00 3700] No.1 white pine.. 250 = . - oa Finda Clears $48 00 $5000 a to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 Pine, No. | x dressing No, 2 white pine... 225 , 1% toainch No 1 Clear inch B. C. cedar, StrIPS.. 14, 2000.0. 18 00 625 00 Spruce, mill ron..... 2 25 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y. ¢ cuts and better.. 51 00 5300] kilndried............ 5000 ~ Pine No. 1 dressing Red Pine, mill run.. 225 ; 1% &2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar shorts ...... -.+. «» 17 00 21 00] Pine Shingles WHITE PINE. utsand better.... 43 00 45 00 air dried boat lumber 55 00 Pine, 10s, ¢ and bet- xxx, 18 inch........ 300 3 25 3 ‘ «to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension ter 12’ to 16’ ..... 20 00 2200] Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 (Wholesale Py: — : vents and better.... 38 00 40 00| timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx 18 inch........... 1 40 1 60 Uppers, 4 thy % anda sf yb I ie Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension ter 12’ to1@., .... 17 00 19 00 | Cedar Shingles in. aa dng 00 Shelv , No. r, 13 in. and better shorts 22 00 23 00| timber, 30 to 35 feet 3100 = Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings 18 00 20 00 XXxxX, 18 inch...... +. 325 350 2% ad: 3 Gel age. oe up, ? Common and culls.. 15 0¢ 17 00 | Common and calls...... 16 00 Dinas tes 7% 24 00 25 00 sts & ani *€ 2.. 70 00 80 00 NO, 2 CUTS, No. 1, r’, 1&%, ; oo Bim soft mil “ 6 bc Ue a 85 00 10000 ~=s in. 6” and up wide.. ++ 20 00 No 2, 1 % 1%, Mera ce 1st & and hard...... a1 70 25 ie nal soft ses 20 00° 2 -- o- ~ eS Pe MOO ee NL OM) i eee See Ce Cores t ee eeee cee . ues s RT aaa FER sy i ois and 134" evse 33, OO TPR 2eveeeeee 1450toO 1700 Common and culls— 1300 14 00 Common and seese IDO 2% 3 and 4” a see : i. MILL CULLS. | ‘ No.3 CUTS. ay Run 1’, 1%, 14 and ——— » > QUEBEC, QUE. 1in., 6” and up mess ... 18 00° No. Fe cs) on oe " 0 ON, MASS i WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT ; Wi and 16” “ Ne A BOST 5 ; 7 cen . ; White Pine Uppers, 1 to 2 inch $82 00 t Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet ring ti oi ai. , 35 4s 2%,3and4” “ No. 1, 32% oa ye 135 Setecke Wikes ace aht: 68 00 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to to lineal.. 5 MILL RUN. No. 2, 4 ts cole Aloo Fine Common, rinch...... 50° 1g to 20inch average - 62 65 No. 1, 48” pine.....- tee 3 75 1% to 2 inch +. 58 50. RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. acd yThte Seance enanees . eo SHINGLES. No, 1 Cuts, x in nsegeens 41 2 2 4 + ion ie) Yaris igi aoracsh air sents. 6 sd 1” x6 and a Canes 20 00 XxX wW.P. or W. Cedar, No. 2 Guta; x cl eda 7 = Sor et tl a uae i mmm aa hi i el acl ae 8 > ane ee ae Se 22 00 Stozx1 Seek hates ven 2S 1 00 z ; OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. ” x12" ee at dpb eb Dien dels 23 00 Ne .B. i is + 1 85 Barn noards'o re task i a 5° Rex y By the dram, according to average and quality. . ’ 45) 50, get tS BCRP eee a 25 00 0.2 125 qe Sean ra se ’ * ace ot Spruce, 10 and 12 at dimension ha Tail PPro oo * 4 __ By the dram, according to average and quality 40 to 45 feet . 65 75 git) and under. 205 5. cecdaesoncees ts e goto3sfet. 52 54 1o and 12 in. random lengths, 10 ft. and up...... wane ASH. ALBANY, N.Y. 2x3, at, 2x5, = 2x7and 3x4 random le an JORt, AUGIUD A... e. noeee sas eesci eee ys J 25 Slain gg to average and pleat 4 “A FS PINE. ‘afl hee 7 ped ah ichguia, fal aud cal eine EH one + ie a Uppers, 3 in. ... -- esses 83 85 | 1x12 a chee ate 24 TC) and TDs os iscte coats a Jude tthe ae eee we Each. 23 ID... ...seeee eceeeeees 83 85] 4/4 inch 25 5in. and up metahaniatie boards, 8 ft. & up,p.1s i 14 Inch . 20 42 TiCO1A Mthas calnisie cissicialn sieeaip a 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” ie ene 20 a1 Out Spruce boards, Pp. 1S......6. ceccsees eeeeeeee it 16° = MeCN ITE EINE PNAECCU aN Pathe ae EI eae = 28 Bo va ABR cp oh sees OS 90 1o-in. eye a 30 35 1x2 and omen ie clipped asda tetuifed 21 “t We he ee eek ne 31 ects, 234 in up........ : 977 82) x2-in. meee tter... 40 42 =f ” SEE PRT SP te ge ae a4 eito's ihe sere cet 70 72 | Box, 1xzo-in. ears 21 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Fine common, aii in, and up 72 7s Box, IX12..... een eri Be) RECAP. cain aatides dal eed een ECON AN ow seinen cicleniencincee 0. r barn, rx12........... 29 30 Clears...... ced veebeee conccenccase OTTAWA. ONT * No. r cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 53 55 THO... i dalle! ale'a\wtaleisiate a co os Roar A ai stews oe sia . . NOiB. xen seoncsavicenccaus 35 45 ERG wine wcivi aise sible ale velee 6 ape 2 lear (— S S e , INGi3ibi cassie aioe scseian +» 30 35/| No. 2 barn, rxr2.......... . 26 27 Extra 1s (Clear whites out)... eee oie on oe — a aa a Noi molding, x toa in aad 48 $0 IXIO. «1+ es ae ‘iccee)»=©6.25~St”sé«éxttra us (Clear whitesin).............. 3 1 in.x8 in. and ap 40 00 4200| 1x10 No.2 “ .... "18 00 Piel oe Sh plead & a 40 Staley deat rto Slain... a z BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. : vi i ee cae 6.00 | ab ee Ne ergy 4 A Spe Bracket plank ..... ion” 35 45 sesseeee 38 gO Red Cedar Extras, ig eat ss Soot teeta 4 Le .5. ain. x 8in.and up *4 00 56 oo | Pine Shorts 6’ to 11” Shelving boards, aaron - 3 by ate olctala't ee ies 2 ae . Perfections, 5 butts to 2% in. ey a No.2 cuts 2x8’”&up 3400 3600] x10” ...... csseee 16 00 17 00 rxzq inch shippers......—. 28 23 ‘ \ y ; * ef Sy ay ae " ore. va , 4 ai Fak Phe i a Bae Wi es a z 4 ih ve veh oO ata Dias : rs: a a ea AS ah vr be ae Cae eo ee 7 » " 17, § oe Be Dialtey" ae ME Me Ae ee gr me BS i A [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY r G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y An of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. < Branch Offices: «38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. , Telephone 1274. 526 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. “2a GREaT ST. HELEN’s, Lonpon, E. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every “Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- of market conditions and tendencies in the ncipal manufacturing districts and leading dom ; i wholesale markets. A “weekly medium of between Canadian timber and lumber manu- rers and ers and the purchasers of mber ucts at , and yee i ¥ The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-pa journal, iscussing fully and impartially subjects perti- «nt to the lumber and wood-working industries. JANTED AND FOR SALE Te ” Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. hen four er more consecutive insertions are ered a discount of 25 cent. will be allowed. is notice shows the width of the line and is set Yonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- ements must be received not later than 4 clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in current week’s issue -CaNaD OR SALE —ABOUT 40M. FEET 1’ GOOD Ash Culls. Apply Box 111, CANADA Lum- RMAN, Toronto. ‘EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish _ Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, hwood, Ont. Cedar Shingles and Lath, Tor- ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 - Logan Avenue, Toronto. FOR SALE Ise Tract of Timber THE PROPERTY OF e Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited) A s company has a large tract of well tim- land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. re are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, ace, Balsam, Basswood, Beech, Cherry, Birch, s, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on ct. It is wellserved by two railroads, which is about to be extended through tre of the property. The company are ed to sell this timber in blocks ranging 000 to 10,000 acres, ormore if desired. are several good mill sites on the prop- This would be a good opportunity for who are at present cut out amd are look- r a new location. id plans and further particulars can be id by applying to ~ Ue aletaging Diccctor, ‘ iz a ee v0. 157 Bay Street, Toronto. ‘ ‘ a. r - DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO - 8 yk | Sa ee i tah inal ll a hi ae A ool «y ee, A" A eon - ‘ A \ 1 vs wy ‘ ‘ “4 “ WEEKLY AND WOOD WORKER EDITION TORONTO, MONTREAL — OCTOBER 18, to05 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER Vane — TEN THOUSAND .CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Srmcok Woop AND I,UMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, Fo SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO. 3 HAM- ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 734” cylinders and all connections, circular outfit complete _with iron husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 20 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each. Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Mill, THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont. BIRCH WANTED 3 inches x 5 inches x 14 ft. plump also 3% a“ se “ x 14 ft. “a Clear Stock, free from knots, hearts and shakes 5 to 20 Carloads Name price, delivered Toronto, and quantity can supply Also a few cars choice Hard Maple 3% inchesx6 inchesx7 ft. or 14 ft. long MASSEY-HARRIS CO. Limited, Toronto, Ont. | » al LumbéP We have about two million teet of this season’s cut for sale—about 75 per cent. White Pine, balance Norway and Spruce. Address ERRINGTON & Ross, Turbine, Ont. MACHINERY FOR SALE We have for sale the following second hand machinery, in good condition. Write us for full particulars and prices of any machine. ; 1 26’ X 32” engine, box frame, slide valve on top of cylinder, driven with rock shaft, 2 No. 3 single cutting band mills, made by Prescott Co, 2 Two block carriages with Prescott offset, made by Prescott Co, 1 Two block Garland carriage. 1 Boss shingle machine, made by Mowry. 1 Hall shingle machine. 4 Perkins Grand Triumph shingle machines, 3 Drake hand shingle machines. 4 Perfection power shingle machines. 1 Double block shingle machine, Perkins make. 1 Drag saw. 1 Knee bolter. 1 Perkins Class A cut-off, 2 Wheel jointers. 2 Knot saw frames. 7 Shingle packers. 1 Heading trimmer. . 2 Rich automatic saw sharpeners. 1 Independent condeuser. 1 Portable boiler and engine, boiler with 32” fire box, and 28—3” tubes, 12 h.p., engine 8 3G 12, 1 Greenlee No. 1 improved automatic cut-off machine, with countershaft. 1 Friction feed complete, frictions 15” wide. 1 36” standard Leffel water wheel. 1 Upright boiler 70” x 32” with sixty 2” tubes. I f » 54’ X 32” with ninety 14” tubes. 1 10’ X 16’ twin engine, steam feed, complete. THE WM, HAMILTON MFG. CO., LIMITED : Peterborough, Ont, ANTED—1%” SPRUCE LATH, DRY NO: I Stock, 4 feet, nicely manufactured: Utica Branch, Rice & Lockwood LUMBER Co.» Utica, N. Y. For SALE—75,000 FEET OF 1” BIRCH; 25,000 feet of 2’ Birch; has been cut and piled four months, must be sold atonce. Box 317, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ANTED, NORWAY PINE, ALSO WHITE r Pine—quantity No. 3and No. 4. 1-inch, 1¥%- inch and :%inch. Quote us fo.b. Chicago. AMERICAN Box Company, Chicago, U.S.A. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable payers by placing an advertisement in and For Sale Department of this Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- WANTED. ATHS BY CAR OR VESSEL, ANY QUAN- TITY, large or small, up to 10,000,000, 134” or 15%”. Address C.8. WENTWORTH & CO., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass, FOR SALE. A STOCK OF LUMBER, 150,000 FT., 100, ft. oak, rin.,2in.,3in. Apply, E. Topp, Box 16, Caledonia, Ont. 8 WANTED. ‘OME ONE WITH CAPITAL TO STOCK A good saw and shingle mill with logs. Plenty of timber near mill, can be had reason- able. Apply Box 320, CANADA LUMBERMAN, BERMAN, Toronto. >AWMILI, PROPERTY FOR SALE, INTER- IOR of British Columbia; favorably situat- ed bn railway, with good water facilities. 1,440 acres good timber; very convenient; capatity of mill 20,000 perday. Apply J.M., care CANADA LUMBERMAN, Vancouver, B. C. \ WANTED. (% NEW ONTARIO, A BUYER OR A PART- NER with capital, to take half interest in water power Saw mill and lumber busines. lurge amount of timber adjacent to mills; this is a snap; will sell outright or half interest. Address Box 321 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. TIMBER LIMITS FOR SALE ON THERESTIGOUCHE RIVER, N.B. > A large ttact of wilderness land well timbered with spruct, cedar and hardwood, principall spruce of virgin growth, situated on the Resti- gouche abcit 20 miles above Tide Head ; easy of access and dan be operated with little expense. A rare chatre for those yonking to embark in the manufattured lumber. For further particu- lars apply \o O. SMITH, Campbellton, Resti- gouche Co., N.B. British Columbia Correspondeice invited. A, B. MACKENZIE & Co., Rossland, B, C. + The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $t.oower year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REQULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATES8, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. No. 32 ANTED—CULL BASSWOOD OF ALL thicknesses ; Cull 1” Spruce ; Common and Better Black Ash, and Basswood 5/4, 6/4, 2”. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. AVE FOUR CARS MILL RUN HEADING for sale cheap, turned to sizes to suit customer. C.P.R. or G.T.R. delivery. Corres- pondence solicited. The W. R. THompson Co., Teeswater, Ont. WANT TO BUY A SECOND-HAND SAW MILL, that will cut from 15 to 25 M per day of 10 hours. Must be good and sound, with Lath Machine, Trimmers, Double Edger, etc. Address . A. McBEATH, Kippen, Ont, pen ER Ee SE ee) Se Ve eee QUANTITY OF 1-INCH Maple, must grade commonandbetter, state quantity, very best price and shipping point. Apply M.McBurnIE, care CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. ACGREGOR GOURLAY 36” CIRCULAR resaw, first class order, with saw and counter shaft complete. JAMES HARRISON’S PLANING MILL, Burlington, Ont. oe ANTED—BIRCH, ASH, BASSWOOD, ELM, V Oak logs, strictly 1st quality, carload lots, 20 inchesand up. Asmall Z% of 15 to 20 inches taken, steady trade. Quote delivered price F.O.B, Buffalo or at point of shipment. Can use almost any length. For further particulars apply THE Davip GILMOUR Door Co., Buffalo, N. Y. : CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The weather throughout Ontario has been favorable for outdoor work and building operations have con- tinued unabated. Lumber is moving freely from the yards to consumers, the volume of business being con. siderably in excess of one year ago. Some grades of white pine are in light supply and in a position to be advanced, but it is unlikely that prices will be materially changed during the winter months. It isnow said that Canadian manufacturers are getting prices at the mills almost equal to the wholesale quotations at Albany and some other Eastern points. There are no indications of weakness, and consumers are dis- posed to stock up to some extent in anticipation of a shortage before next spring. Dimension lumber is about the strongest thing on the white pine list. Hardwoods do not show that life which is so characteristic of pine and hemlock. Many dealers are turning their attention from the hardwoods to pine, finding that busi- ness is thus more easily obtained. There is, however, a tairly good de- mand for birch, elm and ash. ql, QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The shipment of lath to the United States continues very active, with the price tendency upward. This has made up in part for the unsatis- factory condition of the shingle market, although at the present time the outlook for the latter pro- duct is much improved. Somemanu- facturers are asking as high as $3.40 for extra cedars, but sales are stil] being made at $3.30 by the smaller mills. In lumber, long stock is receiving the call, short stuff being somewhat dull. There has of late been some buying of British deals, but the high freight rates have been against any advance in prices. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The lumber business of the West is not booming, but avery satisfac- tory trade is reported from all dis- tricts. Dealers in Winnipeg report increasing activity, especially in Alberta and Saskatchewan. With a record crop to bring in plenty of money, the farmers are contemplat- ing increasing their buildings and retailers will stock up to meet the demand. The building trade for next year looks bright and lumber will benefit accordingly. Prices are practically unchanged, but quite firm. There is a strong: demand in British Columbia for fir logs, which are selling at $7.50 per thousand feet, and in some quarters it is predicted that an advance to $9 will take place during the winter. This does not indicate lower prices for lumber. UNITED STATES. During the month of September the building permits taken outin twenty- five of the principal cities ofthe United States amountedin value to $44, 280- 595» against $29,121,328 for the corresponding month of 1904. This is an increase of 52 per cent. and indicates to some extent the excep- tional demand for lumber for build- ing purposes. Dealers in New York report that there is more business Sirs iornmen” KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION offered than they can take care of, the demand being greater than it has been for some years. It is apparent that lumber prices will not decline in the near future, as all over the country business conditions are singularly favorable. The demand for the common grades of white pine is as dominant as ever, although all grades are showing activity. Orders for spruce: are very plentiful notwithstanding the high price basis which has been established. There has been some improvement in hardwoods, oak, birch and rock and soft elm leading in point of demand. There is also an average movement of maple and basswood, but as the supply is very plentiful there has been no response in the direction of higher prices. Shingles are firm and conditions ‘much aslast reported. Spruce lath is stronger, the average price for Boston delivery being $3.85 for 1% inch and $4.00 for 15% inch. The receipts of shingles at Buffalo and Tonawanda have been 210,638,060, as compared with 112,109,000 a year ago. GREAT BRITAIN. Statistics show that the quantity of lumber waiting to be marketed in Great Britain is exceptionally small. The stock in the Surrey Commercial Docks at London is smaller in every description, Canadian white pine deals showing a reduction of 170,259 pieces as compared with one year ago, and spruce deals 91,630 pieces. The demand is improving, although slowly.. The better qualities of pine have been in fair request of late and buyers are more willing to meet the prices asked by dealers. Flooring is unusually strong, some shippers asking as high as £8 17s. 6d. for mixed white c.i.f. London and Liver- pool. Quebec waney pineis firm in price but the supply is plentiful. The Liverpool stock on September 30th stood at 166,000 cubic feet, which is slightly more than amonth previous. Reference to the spruce market is made elsewhere, « STOCKS AND PRICES. A.E. Jessop, Secretary-Treasurer of the Revelstoke Lumber Company, Revelstoke, B. C., says that their cut this year was about 5,000,000 feet, consisting of fir, cedar and spruce, two-thirds being cedar. F. McGibbon & Sons, of Sarnia, Ont., have been awarded the con- tract to furnish all the lumber re- quired for the new stations, freight sheds and platforms of the Guelph- Goderich extension of the C. P. R. There will be in the neighborhood of fifteen stations on the new line, together with freight sheds, plat- forms and other buildings. About fifty men were employed at Mitchell’s boom, Fredericton, N.B., during the past week, and 453 joints of logs were rafted. The lot was made up of about 4,000,000 feet, and is mostly off the Cunliff and Aitken drives, having all been sold _ to the Stetson, Cutler Company, of St. John, by whom it is to be sawed. ° Regarding the cut on the upper St. John, a prominent lumberman says he does not believe there will be as heavy a cut this winter as last. There are others who differ with this Opinion, as although there are 4o,- 000,000 feet or more of stranded lumber in the river, there is none in the booms this year, and in the fall of 1904 about 30,000,000 feet were left in the booms. ; SPRUCE IN ENGLAND. The sharp rise in freight rates from the Canadian ports, as may be expected, has had the effect of en- hancing spruce values. We hear that a cargo of Labrador spruce,and another of Campbellton, have been sold to the Bristol Channel at prices which show a return of £8 c.i.f. for the 7 in. and up, but in each case the specification was of a better class than usual. We hear of another sale to the same district of a Grand Pabos cargo at afew shillings less money. For a fairly large Miramichi cargo of Snowball’s manufacture, the specification of which is nothing out of the ordinary, we hear that ship- pers are asking as high as£8 ss., an announcement which will stagger consumers who have still contracts to place. Itis.a long time since such prices were asked for spruce, but shippers appear to be fairly sure of their market, and are acting ac- cordingly. Although spruce scant- lings have been shipped far too freely this season, we hear that an effort Send for Catalo J vt Samples by Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HENLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON. BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS a ee ’ es ' : 0 " aoe in » gala ees PF ake rr Ce ame ee OTA Ae i Factory near Station. EVERYT :M“LENNAN LUMBER CO,, LIMITED Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, in Car Lots, Phone 13 St. Paul, Milwaukee Minneapolis.or tc MOULDINGS Eastern Agents The B.C. Mills, Timber & T Write for Prices. | DOUG HING IN LUMBER AND TIMB DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH ie ie bos ; i ONTREAL QUE. Office and Yared, g7: DORCHESTER ST. ; has already been made to reduce allowance to 15s., but buyers not likely to give up their t honored allowance of £1 withou a fight.—Timber Trades Journal. _ TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. J.C. Patterson, of Moncton,N.B., is asking for tenders up to Mon 30th inst., for two lots of land ated at Shanklin, Parish Martins, N.B. Lot No. 1 co it 110 acres, of which about 100 are heavily timbered with sg Lot No. 2 contains 160 acr which about 120 acres are timbered, principally spruce. _ The Wm. Richards Comp Limited, of Chatham, N.B., | special meeting last week, at the transfer of the Miramichi p ty to the International Paper C, pany was agreed upon to take on December 31, 1905, if c details can be arranged. T Richards Company are carrying « the business as usual. They making contracts and have 150m in the woods. The company’s t cut will be about twenty-two millior feet. eo LESSEE Mill men in need of a circ resaw are referred to the adve ment of John Harrison, Burling Ont., which appears in _ ‘Wanted and For Sale” Depart- ment of this issue. res: — L > - _— “aaa a W. C. CRA W FORD - Tilbury Ont. -_ a « : Manvfacturer of = Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard and Soft Wood ng. and and White Oak, Maple and Elm Lumber. Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak Squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities, The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly t ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line” because it res into and eae the very heart of the cho’ hunting grounds in America. A, The very best wild fowl shooting of the e: North is reached ONLY by thisline. Hu teal men bei ne He ae ithes ce attracts my 's of ducks and geese aftote: the finest kind of cover and tie = shooting to be found the country over. The Wisconsin Central Railway caters ially to the sporting tion to the nearest ticket agent. It alsoar: its train service with special reference convenience and comfort of sportsmen, a employes are constantly on the alert to or over their lines pleasant and a e. This line offers the best route between C! Superior points via Ashland, W Information given by addressing. KNIGHT BROTHER LIMITED Burk’s F; MASON, GORDON & CO. WHOLESALE TIMBER - 7 Montreal, Quebec > » Vaucouver, B. C. Timber in any size or length WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATION . r -— P.O. | Z ie ne See aw . > oo.) . October 18, 1905 _ BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. ; (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) _ Vancouver, B. C., October gth, ~ 1905.— Lumber manufacturers in ‘the interior have come to realize _ that something must be done in the 4 way of fixing a fair price on their _ output and maintaining it. All season ‘ a few have been selling at lower ‘prices than the others, with the ‘result that now the industry in the _ interior is in somewhat of a demoral- ed condition. Until the crop ike estion was settled on the prairie, retailers were buying slow and beat- ve ing down figures, but since pros- perity has been assured to the con- ‘sumers of lumber in the Northwest - the market has not righted. Those who cut were mostly torced to do a 's0, because of the necessity of cash _ for payments, and it was because of this reduction that the coast manu- _ facturers made the cut of $2 or $3 in rough lumber, making it up on the higher grades. The millmen claim that the retailer has been making _ good money on the sale of lumber, while he himself has been selling _ just about at cost of production. _ Prices of logs are stiffening, though announcement has not yet been made of a material increase. With the advent of fine weather after the wet and cold of September, more timber will be taken out of the _ woods. _ John Murray, timber ranger for the provincial government, returned _ yesterday after seizing one large een nme en Liverpool and London i an LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND : CABLE ADDRE “DOBLE LIVERPOOL ! vint. ‘CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE ONTARIO — wate pine LumBer, LaTH AND SHINGLES. LU M BER 6°, LIMITED Hons ie Suilaing 1] ORONTO, Ont. M H- eye Ba Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay ‘e R, and %. T.R. Delivery. Water Shipment Only. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU | CANADIAN R. B. ST. GEORGE LUMBER RAILWAY, LUMBER FoRS' AGENT | WANTED 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. Ww licit F flo Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad e solicit consignments of long Work. 2 E Phone 1,950 and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and McoLénnan Timber Land and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- Lumber GO., cimitea JL ARES De Aas ene Agony ends” | CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Room 510, _ ‘ Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. 147 Milk St. BOSTON, MASS Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers, EO. G. GLADMAN seemcro= a WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER LATH AND SHINGLES comm Mille at Smith's Bay, PARRY SOUND, ONT. seers , AP. EB sae MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Sto ck -_ wt ARTON, on'Tr. [® It uour WISH... 1 scat mie CANADA LUMBERMAN To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER ‘wilt ee pred bet A MILL PROPERTY the case may be. S8ECOND=-HAND MACHINERY : The Cans Lumberman, Pine good strips : 4 ye LT iMseeer se enccceeen 34 co 36 00 . ( GUIRRENT {MBER PRICES.-WHOLESALE Be! in. and 1 in... 36 00 40 00 he dE Pine ......0000 02 neeeeees $3.75 | Spruce....sseeceeeree Ate pai nienian anne 38 00 40 00 | Spruce, I" x4 up 14 00 ; Pine, good shorts: Spruce, 1” stocks, SHINGLES. vee 1 in,..-.4 a: 1800 3000] 7.8, g and =e : 15 00 Gand eae a a 75 Bound butts, 6x18 vae$5 25 5 50 i In @ L il. de e Oo oo | Spruce,t clear (fine Pr Seen eee | ‘ 2 2 : TORONTO, ONT. : a : i % os a ‘dressing and B.. 24 00 Smooth 6x18......- 450 475 Senet . ce 225 7” to "9 A Si ngs.. 15 oo | Hemloc FLere 13 00 CAR OR CARGO)/LOTS, Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath, per M 1 inch No. 1 Pine ax4 to 10in.,1 to16ft. 15 00 16 00 siding “ae _ 42 00 27 00 No. 1 white pine.... 250 cuts & becter....-- $48.00 $5000 | 2x4 to Io inch, 18 ft.. 1600 1700 Pine, No. 1 dressing No, 2 white a a 2.25 1% to2 inch No 1 Clear inch B.C. cedar, strips.......+.+.,-- 1800 2§ 00] Spruce, mill run,.... 225 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N y. i and better.. 51 00 53 00 kiln dried. ........++> 50 00 Pine No dressing Red Pine, mill run. 235 & 2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar shorts ....05 e205 «+ 17 00 21 00 | Pine Shingles WHITE PINE. - a he eat and better.... 43 00 45 00 air dried boat lumber 55 00 Pine, ros, ¢ and bet- xxXxx, 18 inch........ 300 3 25 ' Wholesale selli 4 . a 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension ter 12! to 16’ ..... 20 00 2200] Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 (Wholesale se = price.) a cuts and better.... 38 00 40 00| timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- X x18 inch........-.. 140 1 60 Uppers, 1, 14,134 and 2 Wil +s karacesnesine rin. Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension ter 12 to16’.. .... 17 00 1900 | Cedar Shingles IM eeeeeegennacees Shelving pe. I, 13 in, and better shorts 2200 23 00| timber, 30 to 35 feet gIoo = Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 09 2000 XXxXx, 18 inch........ 3 25 3 5° 2% and 3 in....... “an 2 bere 1x4, 6 and 8 common 18 00 Ig 00] 1% in. No. 1 4it. Pine Pine s. c. strips...... 14.00 16 00 Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 250 2 60 in . tcc eee od ce No. Mol 1to2 1x ro common...... 19 50 2000] [Lath........:..s+0s+ 37° 3 85 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 14 00 xX, 18 inch.......... 1 50 1 70 Selects 1 im.......... a chisel e nip weeina 1X 12common.....- at 00 22 co | 1% in. No. 2. 4ft. Lath 3 to 3 20 1¥% to 2in......... No.2 sci : 1x10 common....-.. 2000 21 00| 1%” No.1 32” pine lath 1 75 2% and 3 in... pe Ps 1to2 in...-.-. 1x10. common..... . 2100 22 00} 154” No. Le Beemoce lath 2 80 s Unies «etal 5.5 a eed Barn, No. 1, 12 in, 200 230 XXXX Pine ingles 290 3 00 ine common, x in. | a eget box and A i XX Pine Shingles .. 210 2 20 SARNIA, ONT. 1% and 14 fia Lo 56 00 common ...--+-++: ar 00 22 00| X Pine Shingles .. ; 2M Wencgseswenre 58 00 Inch mill runsidings 20 00 21 oo| XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 25 UPPERS. 1% x4ands”...... «+2 0$21 00 ; as needs ioe Sa 73 00 rin. mill run.. . 20 00 21 00 B. C. Shingles. 1in., 10” and up wide, -$73 90 1% x6” and up........ 512k OO}, Weg. bites cab oe oe 75 00 1X10 and 12 mill culls 16 50 17 00 | XXX 6 butts to2 in. 290 1Y4,1% and 2” - 73 00 1% x 10% sateen er eneees + 25 00 cay A No. I,1in. 40 00| Box, 1X4.0se-see0ee Se cull Sid- XXXX 6to 23-16 in. 3 12 24 and 3” “ .. 78 00 1% x 1a STi aon ssl esa oiearegs uae and 1% invice f 52 00. Sup. vos A, is bonts Rte . 15 50 16 00 EXXXX 5 toa in. . 345 « .. 83 00 le oh Ana Re = oo No. 2, is — EX IO)as qcee veweinm disiea 22 00°14 00 | XX NO, a Ot 220.) 8 ig sgn ere cn Mie Ce ee 00 oO. 2,1 in 8 00 IKIQ. secs eeeee i p “dead cal ai ings 12 00 1 ee] KE 6 to 25-16 in. a 30 SELECTS. FF sehen : a7 00 No. 3, 1%, and 134 25 00| x13 and u| Hemlock,1x cola ER 14 50 15 50 1in,, 8’ and u = lg a 63 00 2’ x 6’ and up........-- 25 00 No. eg peng a 30 00 | emilock, 1x4 = 34 ae oS 1%, 1% and 2! se» 63 00 BY X TOM ese enasee ns one . 26 00 Dressing win we 26.00 Mit Ge HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. ap and 3” sess 73 00 BY XZ. ee cece eens » 28 00 x10 und 12...... 42 00 ag oe : s El ic, mill wees 78 00 No. I BARN. . MEL. athe « Saas a 38 00 Ash White, 1 to2 in Teen ues toad oay” aS GO FINE, COM. AND BETTER, | fin.......... ..$23 00 to $30 00 The following quotations on hardwoods pee: the jobber's bu ists and ands.....- $33 00 $35 00 Elm rock, mill 1 in,, 87 and up wide.... 54 00 m 1% ane Zi 28 oo to 31 00 _ price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; nis Ash, black, xsts and Tun... ,.4.13%4'! 3-. 28 00 29 00 1% and 134” if aeee 54 00 ai and 3”. $2 00 WHITE ASH. ; and, 1to 1% in.. .. 27 00 29 00 | Hickory, zsts ar) he “toa © 35 00 ist & and, x inch, 36 00 38 00| 234 tog in.....+++4+. 43 00 Py Birch M.R.,1in. .. 31 00 22 00 and ands..1%‘' 2.. 36 00 38 0° FINE COMMON. NO. 2 BARN. TM toain ........ 99:00” §f 00} Stipe ve ..0ccs eves anes ae 1% § 2.. 2300 25 00| Maple 1” mill em es ee .. 45 00 to 62 00 Lestsees 20 0010 24 00 Com. and culls....... 16.00 19 “ sats, +4 ‘© 8x8 32 00 36.00 getlitee sess x 1% 2000 2100 447" 1% to2”.. 5000 51 00 : (a and schaediaedl azow ae ‘ 8B mmo aple, ists reas x z a’ ema eet ako Ten 2400 2500| and e2nds.. 2 4.. 24.00 26 oc 2%, 3and 4”.. 68 oo J 9°. | ey eee: 22,00 40 et a Ist & 2na, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00 | Com. & good culls... 15 00 : Basswood, 1% toz.. 24 26 oo | Oak;red, p’n, NO. I CUTS. } af wo mr. 1 1% 21 00 23 00 oe are 1 4.. 4400 46 00 ae , 8” and up wide... 35 00 “nol mane , rst & and, 6 inch & o| Eon gos &up, 28 00 30 04 Ch 18 ak, white 1% in. oe tin. ;-+. 17 0OtO 200 Batam vinta ate ole OGM Com. culls..... 16 it ena 1 ‘1% §5 00 60 00 rsts & ands 74 42:00 44 00 1% in, “ ss» 46 00 1%, 11% ‘and 2” 18 oo to 20 50 up, red 40 00 42 00 m. & gi 16 00 Cherry, sts Oak, white, z” et see 47 00 2 TR oe oe at, 21 00 and ands.. 2 ‘‘ 4.. 60 00 70 00 sts &2nds2 ''4.. 4500 5000 2%and3” “* «-. 60 00 Box st & ad,rock,6in &up 76 00 28 00 | gene potty 6in & up, 26 00 28 Elm, soft, mill Oak, quart'd, 4’ mS -.. 62 00 > Common and culls.. 1§ 00 17 00 pee 16 00 a ath ° run .......1 ' 23% 24 00 25 00 ists&2nds ‘' 2.. 70 00 80 00 No, 2 CUTS. No. 1, 1’, 1%, . Ein, soft, mill Walnut, xsts Pi sues 7 1%, 2........ 13 50 to 18 00 : se run..... 2 ‘3. 25 00 2600| and 2nds..1 ‘' 3.. 85 00 10900 1 in., 6” and up wide,... 20 00 No. 2, 0”, 1%) st & and hard...... 21 10 35 08 1st Beenddyeofteraien +. 20.00 33 0 S vp and 1% Ps asin a go 536 Qone saan 14 50to 17 00 Common andculls . 1300 14 00 | Common and culls... a1 00 120 236, 3 and 4” “a ex 45.00 MILL CULLS. , No. 3 CUTS. at Run 1’, 1%, 14 and : —— QUEBEC, QUE. Pe Ten ee PE bs 23¢ ooh Poe aries 13 00 rin., 6” and up wide.... 18 00 No. 2, II 00 BOSTON, MASS WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT 1% and 13” ‘' .... 20 00 ’ . 25 2” tases 21-00 oes White Pine U , 1 to 2inch Square age gine, pea 3° to 40 feet ordi ti aS i 35 45 2%,g3and4” “ wee 27 00 eke, 1, rn ey Shon Casini, ESS Selects, 1 to 2inch.. First class Ottawa wane 18 inch average, according to lineal.. § 2 0.4 ch pit saneio te 1Oe i ist cl La Ys tm tompinch avardze + "f Sy 6 65 May MILL RUN. Nort! 48” pine. see $ 3 Fine Cemmmpon, § nch. aad RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. fie ca sienaske =e A =e SHINGLES. No. 1 Cuts, © Sah Ae Measured off, according to average and “pal nk 330 xb andB!...csceee ‘} 2000 | XXX W.P.or W. Cedar, No. 2 Cuts, 1 rite inch...... ppitiopmg order a PO PURO Mania teens joule 22000 SILO ata O” a cree tee see AS re 1 to 2 inch....... OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. i pe Lan TING JHC AIO . 23 00 Cc.B. a - or, 1 85 Barn Boards, No. ee pes By the dram, according toaverageand quality . . Sear 45 sith es and up.......... 25.00 No, 2 125 eas BAMs Spruce, 10 ha 2 ‘is, dimension. oe By the dram, according to average and quality 40 to 45 feet . 65 75 gin. and under ...... bh ape “ ‘ “ jotogsfet. 52 54 hoate rir ro and 12 in. jen lengths, 10 ft and up aia! ASH, NY .Y. / 2&3, 24, 2X5, 2x6, 2X7 2) 3x4 random lengths, , . li iy 6 8 10 ft. and up...... .....++- Sei to). ec ak’ Boporeng | © Neiegs gal kar ut 3 id i PINE. All other random lengths, 9 in. and under, 10 Uppers, 3 in. ... «. 0s. 83 85 | rx12 puekeleepers ahs area Fe Tied 24 ft. and up.. PRE oe BYReE. aMGillptes sss secccceecees B3 85 | 4/4 inch & up. 25 5 in. and up merchantable “poards, 8 ft. ‘&up,p.s 14 Inch ante As ee eae eu || 1tO 2 if.sssecceesseeeeees 78 80 | 4/4 Box boards ease 20 a1 Out Spruce boards, Pp. 1S......-- -+++0+ aster 16..*** We PT RN ale Ch ey ae ML ee eas ead rade wae sels wees. OE 90 oe ee et 30 35 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1s clipped and bundied { ‘ naa saat Thr sink Sn eae ied thee ele a teal 2 I elects, 234 in Up........: 12-In. ing a! tter... 40 z us DMD RPE AOR REUSE oF Sy Me. aa peat 4 eatin aa eae m 72 | BOX, IKx10-iD. ....0.. 000s ‘ “ NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Fine common, 2Min. and up 72 75 | BOX, 1X22...-.s+eeee wa enee 22 3 30 : 1to2in eh Sg 60 | No. x barn, rx12.... ».--.. 29 30 2 85 No. x cuts, 1 to2 inch...... 53 55 BRIO cece caveccnccscscces 28 Secomd Clears ...... cece ceenscceerececeeearenses 225 - OTTAWA, ONT. Notas. dose on A Wee rolSS) AS \RMgRGs wud Be MoM akon ee oe 26 Clear wees Re Oe a Be ED MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Lend ae ce on aa 2 35 | No. 2 barn, 1x12........... 26 27 ° ie ld scene 50 = a cece ceceteenevenes 25 4. Pine, good sidings: 1x10 No. -1 barn.... 0 00 On Xm Ue Ca < Tingéin endup 4000 4200] rio, No: a. Sas - Repeat gras 2 ée | Shaky clear, oumex EB parnise COLUMBIA SHHOEE I n xt in. X Ix g No.7 barn.... 1 Ae en ea see ene ‘invand ap....-+ 50 00 s6 00 | 1x8 & o No.2 age Shelving board, veda op 3 aks oe ene SS 40) Sa cate Selatan re Be gin, x8in.and up 54 00 56 00 | Pine Shorts 6’ to 11” Dressing boards, narrow.... Se ance eee ere “ —_ Perfections, 5 butts to 2 im... 3. 90 No.2 cuts 2x8”&up 3400 3600] x1I0".,.... «6... 1600 1700 yy inch shippers......—. 38 93 $ » SE Pi MK, ~ Vou. XIII » Canapa LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u - of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices : 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. - ‘Telephone 1274. 5236 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. ~ 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, LONDON, E. C. ‘The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the acipal manufacturing districts and leading estic and foreign wholesale markets. A kly medium of information and communica- in between Canadian timber and lumber manu- cturers and exporters and the purchasers of imber products at home and abroad. he Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, ssing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. ANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- nt at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. en four or-more cousecutive insertions are red a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. his notice shows the width of the line and is set | Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- ements must be received not later than 4 p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in current week’s issue = OR SALE—ABOUT 40M. FEET 1” GOOD Ash Culls. Apply Box rir, CANADA LuM- AN, Toronto. ( EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND ‘Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish _ Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, hwood, Ont. DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO ™ Cedar Shingles and Lath. Tor- - ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 K Logan Avenue, Toronto. _ FOR SALE QUANTITY OF CEDAR AND HEMLOCK R. R. Ties, No. 1 and 2; 10,000 Cedar ce Posts; 1’ and 1%” Basswood ; 2” and 3” ple ; cut in 1904 ; excellent shipping condi- 1905 cut contains Pine, Hemlock, Bass- Maple, Elm and Ash lumber and 10,000 eae LILiicrap, TATE LUMBER CoO’y., , Ont . d se Tract of Timber : “* THE PROPERTY OF . Canadian Land and Immigration Com- any of Haliburton, (Limited) a ny has a large tract of well tim- ud about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. eare large quautities of Cedar, Hemlock, sam, Basswood, Beech, Cherry, Birch, e, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on stract. It is wellserved by two railroads, hich is about to be extended through of the property. The company are to sell this timber in blocks ranging to 10,000 acres, ormore if desired. fe are several good mill sites on the prop- is would be a good opportunity for rho are at present cut out and are look- ‘w location. nd plans and further particulars can be lying to H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $t.oovPeR year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES & 7 BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATE8, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. EGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE TORONTO, MONTREAL — OCTOBER 25, 19005 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity of Slabs. SiImcozE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. . LARGE MILL IN THE EASTERN TOWN- SHIPS cutting annually 2 million ft. birch lumber for English Market would like to find some one who could work up waste stock into - chairs, etc. Renting part of mill with power for the purpose Address GREAT NORTHERN LUM- BER Co , LTD., Scotstown, Que. OR SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO: 3 HAM ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 7%” cylind and all connections, circular outfit complete with iron husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 20 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each. Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Mill. THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE TIMBER LIMITS =" British Columbia Correspondence invited. A. B. MACKENZIE &-Co.,* Rossland, B. C. BIRCH WANTED 3 inches X 5 inches x 14 ft. plump also ged igetei UAE xX ngiee: Le *s Clear Stock, free from knots, heartsand shakes 5 to 20 Carloads Name price, delivered Toronto, and quantity can supply Also a few cars choice Hard Maple 3% inches x6 inchesx7 ft. or 14’ ft. long MASSEY-HARRIS CO, Limited, Toronto, Ont. MACHINERY FOR SALE We have for sale the following second hand machinery, in good condition. Write us for full particulars and prices of any machine. 1 26’ X 32” engine, box frame, slide valve on top * of cylinder, driven with rock shaft. 2 No. 3 single cutting band mills, made by PrescottCo. , 2 Two block, carriages with Prescott offset, made by Prescott Co. 1 Two block Garland carriage. x Boss shingle machine, made by Mowry. 1 Hall shingle machine. 4 Perkins Grand Triumph shingle mackines, 3 Drake hand shingle machines. 4 Perfection power shingle machines. 1 Double block shingle machine, Perkins make. 1 Drag saw. 1 Knee bolter. 4 1 Perkins Class A cut-off. 2 Wheel jointers. 2 Knot saw frames. 7 Shingle packers. 1 Heading trimmer. 2 Rich automatic saw sharpeners. 1 Independent condenser. 1 Portable boiler and engine, boiler with 32” fire box, and 28—3” tubes, 12 h p., engine 8 x 12. 1 Greenlee No. 1 improved automatic cut-off machine, witn countershaft. 1 Friction feed complete, frictions 15” wide. 1 36’ standard Leffel water wheel I Upright boiler 70” x 32” with sixty 2” tubes. I » 54” X 32” with ninety 1%” tubes. 1 10” xX 16’ twin engine, steam feed, complete, THE WM. IIAMILTON MFG. CO., LIMITED ‘ _ Peterborough, Ont. No. 33 ANTED, ORDERS FOR HICKORY RIM strips and shaft strips, quartered white oak and rough yellow pine. MCCLURE LumseEr Co., Detroit, Mich. ANTED—CULL BASSWOOD"':!OF ALY thatknesses ; Cull 1” Spruce ; Common and Better Black Ash, and Basswood 5/4, 6/4, 2”. R. E. KInsMan, Hamilton, Ont. ANTED, NORWAY PINE. ALSO' WHITE 4. _Pine—quantity No. 3and No. 4. r-inch, 1%- Anch“and «Minch. Quote us fo.b. Chicago. AMERICAN Box Company, Chicago, U.S.A. pen H AVE FOUR CARS MILL, RUN HEADING for sale cheap, turned to sizes to suit customer. C.P.R. or G.T.R. delivery. Corres- pondence solicited: The W.R. THomMPsoN Co., ‘Teeswater, Ont. i ~WANT TO BUY A SECOND-HAND SAW MILL that will cut from 15 to'25 M per day of to hours, Must be good and sound, with Lath Machine, Trimmers, Double Edger, etc. Address A. MCBEATH, Kippen, Ont, A) Ase ee es QUANTITY OF 1-INCH : Maple, must grade commonandbetter, state quantity, very best price and shipping point. _ Apply M.McBournieg, care CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. : TCE SS SRE cesar ere EER PTJAVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU ‘wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this Joxgnal- Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- ronto. } WANTED. Tsase BY CAR OR VESSEL, ANY QUAN- TITY, large or small, up to 10,000,000, 1%” or 154”. Address C.8. WENTWORTH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. FOR SALE. A STOCK OF LUMBER, 150,000 FT., 100,000 ft. oak. 1in.,2in.,3in. Apply, E. Topp, Box 16, Caledonia, Ont. WY oe eee Bas QUALIFIED VETERINARY Surgeon, a position with lumber com- pany as veterinary orclerkinthecamps. Willing to be useful and”distance no objection. Refer- ence furnished. Address ‘‘VeT,’’ CANADA ILuM- BERMAN, Toronto. *AWMILL PROPERTY FOR SALE, INTER- IOR of British Columbia; favorably situat- ed on railway, with good water facilities. 1,440 acres good timber; very convenient; capacity of mill 20,000 perday. Apply J. M., care CANADA LUMBERMAN. Vancouver, B. C. ANTED—BIRCH, ASH, BASSWOOD, ELM, Oak logs. strictly 1st quality, carload lots, 2zoinchesandup, Asmall % of 15 to 20 inches taken, steady trade. Quote delivered price F.O.B, Buffalo or at point of shipment. Can use almost any length. For further particulars apply THE DaviD GILMoUR Door Co., Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED. N NEW ONTARIO, A BUYER OR A PART- NER with capital, to take half interest in water power Saw m 1] and lumber busines, A lurge amount of timber adjacent to mills; this is a snap; will sell outright or half interest. Address Box 321 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. TIMBER LIMITS FOR SALE ON THE RESTIGOUCHE RIVER, N.B. A large tract of wilderness land welltimbered with spruce, cedar and hardwood, principally spruce of virgin growth, situated os\ the Resti- gouche abcut zo miles above Tide Hed ;’easy of access and can be operated with little&-xpense. A rare chance for those wanting to embark in the manufactured lumber. For further particu- lars appty to O. SmiTH, Campbellton, Resti- gouche Co., N.B. PV ERTISER, LIVING IN TORONTO, 18 years experience in lumber business, wish- es position as salesman on commission for Ontario firm. Apply Box 322, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont, FOR SALE. 750 M. R. 4 feet Spruce and Hemlock Lath. 120 M No, 32 inch Spruce and Hemlock Lath. 400 M 1 inch Common and Better Spruce.” Address Box 323, CANADA LUMBERMAN,~ Toronto, Ont. = SSE SS SS CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Lumber conditions could ‘not be better. The only complaint here is in respect to the shortage of’ cars for the movement of stock, which is causing the trade serious incon- venience. Manufacturers of white pine lumber report. an unusually strong demand. Some. of the largest Michigan: firms y chased conservatively ea year have come into the matt pt considerable Georgian Bay lumber, and this, with the splendid local demand, has made the situation very strong. Conditions in the Ottawa Valley are much the same as in Western Ontario. Although the Ottawa mills have this year cut more stock than usual for the do- mestic and United States trade, the quantity which will be carried into the winter is not likely to be above the average. Dealers in Toronto are working at high speed, having more orders on their books than they can con- veniently execute, as quick deliv- ery is universally requested. The planing mills are turning out finish- ing stock in large quantities, but are unable to supply the demand. Considerable finishing material, in- cluding flooring, has been shipped to Western points. Hemlock is selling very readily. In some quarters a further advance is talked of, but the trade are by no means unanimous-that such action is wise, inasmuch as it might lead to the substitution of other lumber when anything cheaper could be obtained. The lath market shows no signs of weakening notwith- standing the prevailing high prices. ee ae i in . QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The spruce lumber market is in an exceptionally strong position in “respect to every class of stock ex- cepting British deals. | Manufac- turers continue to receive numerous inquiries for lumber for shipment to New York, Boston and other where prices are Boston delivery éastern points, very high. For nine-inch spruce is. quoted at $23, while the price for over nine inch is $25. Some of the leading shippers are refusing orders except on a basis of $24 and $26, so that it is reasonably sure that the market will not decline this year below the lower quotations above given. It is predicted that before the close of the year spruce lumber will be selling at $30 per thousand in New York. Under the stimulus of such favorable conditions in the large consuming centres of the Eastern States, the local market is hardening and the manufacturers are looking forward to more profit- able business next year. There has been a further rise in- spruce lath, of which there is believed to be an inadequate quantity to go through the winter. Cedar shin- gles are in moderate demand, with a fair supply. Prices of Extras for Boston delivery range between $3.25 and $3.40, with Clears at $2.85 to $3. There is a scant sup- ply of Clears. MANITOBA, AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The lumber trade of Western Canada has shown no. material change during the past week. There is a very fair demand for lumber of all kinds and the tendency of prices is to harden. The city of Winnipeg is now asking for tenders for suffi- cient lumber to meet the require- ments for the balance of the year, the firm which had the contract having exceeded the quantity agreed upon and refused to supply more lumber, except at an advanced price. Dealers in country districts are stocking up liberally in anticipation KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. é y 2 PN Ee ee a ens era neg 7 re ee ae CANADA LUMBERMAN of a good winter trade. is considerable activity in arf Columbia is shown by the fact th, ! 216 timber licenses were issued by the local Government during the month of September. It is under- stood that a contract will ae | be placed for seven million feet” of timber for the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, and it is hoped that this order will be secured by Canadian mills. UNITED STATES. The demand for lumber in the United States shows no indication of falling off in the near future. On account of the high range of prices there is a disposition on the part of ° some dealers to refrain from pur- chasing for future delivery, but so much lumber is required for immedi- ate consumption that this disposi- tion has not visibly affected the demand. The white pine trade is limited in many instances by the ability to supply the stock. Prices continue very strong and as stocks are light no important recessions are anticipated. The spruce market is in an unsettled condition owing to the shortage in the log supply and consequent steady advance for the past three months. While in Boston the general market may be said to be onabasis of $23 for nine inch and under, and $25 for over nine inches, some dealers are said to be asking as high as $25 and $27. Spruce clapboards have not shared in the general. improvement to any extent and are still selling on the basis of $42 for extras, $40 for clears and $32 for second clears. Hemlock is very firm. The price range in Chicago is from $15 to $17. There has been some. increase jin the demand for hardwoods. Oak, ash and birch are good sellers. Buffalo has received a considerable quantity of Michigan maple, which has been against the market. There is also too much. basswood offering to permit of an advance in price at the present time. . KILN-DRIED BIRGH. FLOORING Planing and Matching MASON, GORDON « Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your as EVER RYTHING IN LUM BER AND TI M 3] | At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in. Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you i} in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS \ Sege e Ae ¢ 4 ie) + > ete. aa be Y) é Mo biti Ande. 7 Py 4 ry i. i od uete bere « A eae w : " 1 fp ia M haa Bt ee rg, ba ee ire % “Bee ai iy hile That there | yee WEEKLY EDITION GREAT BRITAIN. The outlook for the lumber market in Great Britain is distinctly brighter. The improvementin the shipbuilding trade, due to the large number of new contracts recently placed with Clyde builders, gives promise of be- ing maintained for some consider- | able time to come. There has arisen during the past two or three weeks a marked enquiry for spruce. Its position is now stronger than at any other time this year. A St. John cargo was recently sold at £8 c.i.f. London, it having been an excep- tionally good specification, namely, 50 per cent. 3 x9 and a fair propor- tion of 3x11. The recent auction sales have also reflected the improve- ment in spruce, third quality regu- lars bringing £9 5s. per standard. In some quarters a famine in certain lengths of spruce is predicted before next year’s shipments arrive. White pine deals are also showing an ex- panding demand, accompanied by a disposition to store stock in antici- pation of higher prices later on. Red pine deals are alsc considered good property. There is an upward tendency in birch planks, of which the stocks for immediate shipment are light. STOCKS AND PRICES. The City of Winnipeg, Man., is asking for tenders for a supply of lumber. The largest tow.of ‘logs ever brought across the Lake of the Woods from Rainy river was towed by the steamer Mather for the Kee- watin Lumber Company last week. It comprised upwards of 3,000,000 feet of lumber. The Long Lumber Company, of Hamilton, Ont., have purchased a large stock of logs at Novar, Ont., and will start cutting at once. They have also been successful in secur- ing the contract for 300,000 feet of spruce for the new buildings to be erected in Toronto by Fairbanks Morse Canadian Company. Messrs. Clairmonte, Man & Com- pany say of the Barbados market: There has been no arrival with lum- ber during the fortnight. White J vt Samples by —-IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices "Phone 13 DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH ?M’LENNAN LUMBER CO., LI LIMITE MONTREAL OVE. office and Yard, 57: DORCHESTER ST. Manufacturing — Send for Feprang t pine continues in full supply, |1 it spruce will soon be wanted. Lz sale of white pine on the spot at $22.60 per M. for merchant and $16.60 for second qua Last sale of spruce was at $21 M for merchantable, and $15. -second quality, but it is now more. Last sales of Gaspe cedar shingles were at $4. $5.66 per M, as to quality. c laying, last sales $1.84 @ $1 per M. _ OP. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of CanaDA LUMBES St. Joun, N. B., Oct. 16th, —Conditions in the log- situation have shown no im ment since last writing, and usual time for closing of nai approaches, the conviction be: more deeply rooted each day with no logs at St. John and the booms at Fredericton, 1 facturing cannot be resumed o usual scale earlier than June when the first important ratts the early drives will reach St. During the last six week: Opinion has been freely expre that little more would be done th fall in the way of manufactur but coupled with this opinion -always the hope that fall would bring out logs enough keep the mills in cut during a April and May, but as the passed and no rain came, even hope has been abandoned and local manufacturers have now ized that nothing short of a will prevent the long season of i action as describedabove. —S> The eager demand for nort! lumber for shipment to the Un States continues, and if poss more marked than was the month ago. Local values it is have reached an unpreced gure and what the immed future will bring forth can only conjectured. Reports from the river district of Maine showtha’ ditions bearing upon the get out of logs are very similar to now — along the ie ‘ W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury - Mannfacturer of a ne Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. aye and White Oak, Maple and Elm Lumt Can supply Second Growth Whit Squares up to 8 in. long in ad ‘am KNIGHT BROTHE! pe LIMITED WHOLESALE TIMBER Montreal, Que pe ents. The B.C. Mills, Timber aucouver, B. C. DOUGLAS FIR Timber in any size or WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUO Eastern Te) ober 25, 1905 ‘jndications point to a supply -short of the demand, and the situation now has every promise ofe a lumber famine in the Eastern States. Local stocks of ‘‘American” deals are light ; from 1,500,000 to 1,700,- oc would cover the available. When this quantity has gone for- ard there is little probability of further offerings during the re- mainder of the season. No lower quotation could be ob- tained upon “American” merchant- able spruce deals (of say a twenty foot average length) than the fol- lowing, f.o.b. St. John: r1o’s and i ’s, $20.50 to $21; 9’s, $19 to big.50 ; Narrows, $15 to $15.50. 2x3, etc., merchantable (non-duti- e) spruce boards, $12.50 to $13 f.o.b. St. John. Charters are being made at $3.50 per M. sup. feet on long lumber to New York City, with little prospect of change. The more optimistic tone lately assumed by the Canadian wood ods trade in Great Britain has as yet litttle if any effect upon local transactions in this line. ittle is being done, shipments have bee n light during the past month, and with comparatively light stocks and production greatly curtailed, the winter promises to be marked by a greater than usual lethargy. scifications consisting of 50 per t. 7’s and 8’s, 35 per cent. Q’s, I5 per cent. 11’s and up, are aes TELEGRAPH POLES WANTED * We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your - Cedar into Poles it will net _ you more than you can get out of it in any other way. J. B. FARWELL & SON ’ Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell, Bancroft, Ont. Oswego, N.Y. BANK ST. CHAMBERS ane? si rey ale Ate Pee —" * bee aye ot ‘CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION in. wath from $12 to $12.25 per M. _sup. feet (24 price for fourths and, ends) f.o.b. steamer St. John. Local stocks in this line aggregate in the vicinity of 3,000,000 sup. feet. Freight rates to the West Coast are quoted at 42%s. per standard, with the probability of a further ad- vance in the near future. SPRUCE IN ENGLAND. We mentioned some weeks ago that as the Autumn advanced spruce would follow suit, and we would see a marked increase in the price of this class of goods. Judg- ing by recent events, says the Timber Trades Journal, of London, England, we think we have just- ified ourselves in the views we then expressed of the future outlook. From all ports on this coast we hear of more trade, and the better feeling mentioned by us is still main- tained, and shows an advance on the prices then ruling. We are informed that 47 7s. 6d. c.i.f. has been paid in Northern port3 for a Bay of Fundy steamer cargo, whilst in the same direction a Miramichi steamer cargo is reported to have brought more than the foregoing figures. These sales are bringing cargoes yet to come. along down to a minimum, but ship- pers are still enhancing their ideas! and are confident that be- fore the season finally closes they will not have much difficulty in ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties eee ce fae 4s. SPECIAL — 50.000 Ait, 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M.R Basswood; 18, ooo 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4 Beech. Prices on application THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER CO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS HaRrpwoop Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, ‘oO. McMinnville, Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots OTTAWA, ONTARIO “profit for the shipper. er The dry kiln in connection with the mill of E. H. Heaps & Com- pany, at Cedar Cove, B.C., was de- stroyed by fire last week. The loss is about $10,000. The portable saw mill belonging to Crate & Sparham, of Smith’s Falls, Ont., and being operated on their timber limit near Franktown, was destroyed by fire a few days ago. getting their own prices. Whilst on the subject of enhanced prices, readers must not all think it is extra There is now the heavy extra autumn premiums to be paid underwriters, and also there is the extra high rate of freight to be taken into consideration, for freights have rapidly risen during ‘ue last few weeks. We know 45s. was freely offered by shippers for a 1,000 standards steamer to load at St. John, and 47s. 6d. was also offered for Miramichi, but owners could not be persuaded to accept these rates. Shippers who have any stock they require to move, or contracts yet to fulfill, are be- wildered as to where to obtain ton- nage, even at 1os. above the rates ruling during the summer months. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. KE. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr I,. Dean Holden, Pres. F, A,Holden, Vice-Pres. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. SEIZURE OF LOGS. VictoriA, B.'C., Oct. 10.— The Provincial Government has seized six large booms of logs that had been sold to United States mills and were being exported. The Legislature has announced that no timber shall go into United States, . and that Americans must manu- facture here if they use British Columbia timber. It is understood that some of the logs seized by the} Government belonged to J. S. Emerson. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. —— SARNIA, ONT. The box factory of J. P. Abel, 116 De Gaspe street, St. Louis, Montreal, was burned recently. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, Limiteo SAW axnpd PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. ISAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo. Registered Cable Address, FOR SALE a good stock of WHITH PIN BH LAT EH En Gee ee ET RT RS: Cc. A. LARKIN WHOLESALE LUMBER “Pinewood.” “American Lumberman’' Telecode. TORONTO, ONT. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. gs W. B. BARTRAM WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT =Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Specialties: Basswood and Birch. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN : HINTONBURG, ONT. SION | In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 4o feet. R In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. ry inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. B. C. Cedar Shingles SASH - DOORS -_ BLINDS “a A Please mention this piper when corresponding with advertisers. * . CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., umires 604 Temple Buliding, Toronto — Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS sth and Lumberman’s MILLMEN Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.’’ Codes, A.B.C., Barge or car load lots J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Porom. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if aoe End stetched Flooring a Specialty. Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete. in Car Lots. Manufacturer o' Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Cellings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - _ Orillia, Ont. coop PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. 54. THE SEVERAL CARS LONG Long Distance CEDAR Phones 1650-1651 BUMBES HAMILTON CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon. & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CSCHE. — 8, Ont. 26 miles West North Bay a i: ; 4 i Fea ‘ 7 MS aah ole ; ap y BW) Py i Ah 4 es | > at wee e! Bin) fae ie Me: Slee DAUR YT an (By Gang UMBER anD LATH CANADA LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION October 25, 1905 THE LOG MARKET. ‘* Logs will this winter advance to the highest price known to the trade on this coast.” This state- ment was made by Mr. J. S. Emer- son, the well known logger of Vancouver, B. C. “T look for a price of $9 per thousand for fir logs before the winter is over,” he continued, ‘‘and for that reason I am storing my booms to await the rise. I have figured out that by holding my booms for a few months I can make a lot more money than if I sold them now, and really there is no quicker way of making money than by allowing the logs to remain in the water. ‘‘At present there is a strong de- mand for good fir logs at $7.50 per thousand. This is a much better price than obtained last year, when the loggers practically had to beg the millmen to take their product at from $6 to $6.50 per thousand. Last fall, and it is generally the case every fall after a fine summer, there was a surplus of logs. This year, however, the mills have been using more logs than usual, with the result that the market is practi- cally bare at the present time. “All the mills have tugs - out along the northern coast keeping tab on the loggers, and wherever they see a boom in the water they snap it up. Bad weather is coming on, and the production in the woods will fall off greatly within a. few months, but the demand for lumber will continue strong, with the result that the market will be absolutely bare in a short while. Then prices will jump, and the man with the logs will be ontop. I shall have the logs. ‘Clear cedar lumber logs are now selling for $10.50 per thousand. There is no demand for anything: . but the best cedar logs.” TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. The Vancouver Lumber Com- pany, of Vancouver, B.C., have purchased considerable standing timber up the coast from the British Columbia Land and Investment Company. This timber was held under old leases of long standing. The same company has also pur- chased from J. C. Keith his Jervis Inlet holdings amounting to seven square miles of timber held under seven special licenses and contain- ing about 30,000,000 feet. The timber was sold for about $3.50 an acre. ACCOMPLISHED ALL THAT WAS EXPECTED. Messrs. Errington & Ross, of Turbine, Ont., write under date of October 16th : ‘‘Please discontinue our advertisement in the CANADA LUMBERMAN, as it has done all that we expected.” The saw mill of R. Eade at Ar- ner, Ont., was destroyed by fire last week: _ : WAS || SOK y : | ee \ a XG fa it oN \ fae or Z2 y ANON So Li. | ees Vs ZY j ZA} Fit a CHAD © GENWEV? maniskarOurd | JUST A GENTLE REMINDER That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN. SES SSS SESS ESSE TESS SS UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOU CAN | REACH | HE BONSACK LUMBER CO. ‘TH WHOLESALE HARDWOODS. ST.LOUIS BY RAIL.MAIL WIRE OR PHONE McGLURE LUMBER Sen ae Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, ‘GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, .RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBE S and PLANK Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Mills: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. Correspon lence Invited on All Hardwoods. | Sawed and Sliced Quartered BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGGIN o°state sr. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoo CorRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS © Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Indiana Lumber & Veneer Co. INDIANALO IE: IND. of Veneers : Ls | Oak a Specialty Correspondence Solicited. ee ere BURY & NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Scuthern Yellow Pine. FRANK C, BURY MASON A. NOBLI WHOLESALE MICHICAN @ on t * Ws is yr (uiglniace ili Me Oe Cage, he Te ¥ ~ 4 \S October 25 1905, THE : PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine; Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. . r Office: 503 Manning Chambers - - TORONTO M2 FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, 4 Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try «SOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. _ AEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT- _ RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limite LUMBER MERCHANTS. a 7 Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. a BUILDING MATERIAL of all Kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. / : Amherst, N.S. Si SE and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, ®”' 3.24%" QUEBEC F. M°CIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood ! Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF Lumber Co. * Of Ontasto, Limited | White and Red Pine “MILLS at GGE, Algoma Dist., On | Lumber and Lath **S$oo0”’ Branch Water Shipments 4 - x anning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES Conatios Building, Montreal ° ‘ And at Mills at Spragge. lk M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUEAGTURING GD. LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. T HE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limiteo Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office : HAMILTON, ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN |" WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA FINE - Bank of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., = MONTREAL, CANADA IALTIES: Railway Fridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White ‘ soa Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and | iow cod, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, ig hollow back, end butted. _ __— Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, SS pewuzins Fir Timber in any size or length up to go feet long, Timber Planers face ap to 24 inch x30 inch, ud D: ir Kilas of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. 4 a WRITER POR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. Manufacturers of and pimeiestie Dealers in all kinds of . goth Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. ts. AUGER & SON _Canabia LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ea, I 2 We Buy, Sell and Deal i in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada nad Unite Sintes § Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, ‘Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles R. LAIDLAW LUMBER Co. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. Ll. WHITE, PLA YEATR & WHITE Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers FA LUMBER « LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Rallway Supplies MIDLAND ON BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . i A.& P. VWHIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & C NS aiers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. urner Lumber Co., Limited MANUPAGTURERS LUMBER “*“LAGH | Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... OWEN SOUND, » ONTARIO, ‘HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled / Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited ee 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. f pays HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN za MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK | %, %, Hh, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, AY End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. 7 Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and . ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER ‘i J. S. FINDLAY : OWBN SOUND, ONT, A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line’’ because it reaches into and through the very heart of the choicest Sia Maine ADVERTISE YOUR WAKTS. WW] T he very best wild fowl shooting of the entire av ee North is reached ONLY by thisline, Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celer: ry attracts myriads of ducks and geese and 6 6 l afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest Toronto Winnipeg , shooting to be found the country over. The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and during the vario us seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along its lines upon applica- tion to the nearest ticketagent. It alsoarranges its train service with special reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make ieee over their lines pleasant and comfort- able. This line offers the best route between Chicago, St. Paul, Milwaukee, Minneapolis or to Lake Superior points via Ashland, Wisconsin, Information given by addressing— JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R.R. Milwaukee Montreal Quebec f *§ * BB vi. CANADA LUNBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ‘) | tak 4 ete: a (peti 3s 0 6 HEAPS & CO., oe tae Wancouver, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : j AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. 4 Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels ia Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to = feet in length. pe *¥ WwW. j. Bh deo Lig lh al ubaushen MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Coe: psmted LATH, MOULDINGS mber TURNED WORK Coost Lure: BO. HICH GRADE cific RED CEDAR SHINGLES — po Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO ™ Jj. G. waht oer 6 MANAGER Va B.C. D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. 4. E YOUNG, Cashier “ee The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. nutes White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work veekty petrsin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario - : a oe es Ni Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber *_ We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. i 3 Cc. WELLS ——_ Export Lumber & ® _ PALLISER, B.C. 3 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar | and Lumber of all Descriptions. Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Ww. B. McKecunie, President. C. MacRag, Manager, it Weare Exclusive Selling AgentsinCanada _ THE ALBERT A LUMBER © CO. for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Yancouver, B. Cc. LIMITED ‘ tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping capacity over 114 millions. BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR es to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. B. C. FIR_DIMENSION AND FINISH SCRIBNER’'S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A Landy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square . Oe and Round Timber ; “digits Rules, and much other practi- “0 I cal information. Price 35 Cents__. aves THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. aw , yeit oat) 2 tS ee tS es : hited SEP E Mee LN ey ; 7. * Gu 4 ap. > ¥ . + -— Poe eo. 4 oo ver 2 Re CR ey lm ree IS nf Yee Ae ay bas e is we Pees 54 a hn se Werk (icie 2 . " ; “, t ‘ 7 "ve 4 F yi < ‘e Pia led , ‘ - z < ~ = to October 25, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. 1.500,000 Shingles Per Day ie | About half the B. C. Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. _— Million Shingles. Our Daily Shipping Capacity is over One q IUM BER DOUGLAS ~ Hin, SPRUCE ‘and CEDAR woe Cla lath. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all - descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH We make a Specialty of the handling of Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber Nd “S iy —s-~P.O. Box 407 UNION LUMBER COMPANY, Investments generally \g \g 4 Correspondence Invited Head Office HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO. Dentlers in Pine. Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber.. aee— WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO AVE have Three Millions of Hem- a lock, running in lengths from 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre- pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 feet or over. Limited 536 Hastings St. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, onc" Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. MANUFACTURERS OF nies is Correspondence Solicited. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE [Wood Brokers and Measurers, Z ) Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, an BA A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCUILAND WOOD BROK BRS Us Cable Address; ‘*‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra ‘a e. P eats: =. CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; |, Hardwoods in ‘Log. Eve 2 Broad Street Building, ; [LOUIS BAMBERGER,° "azar IMPORTER OF Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London,’ es ; Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods SS a I TS 4 Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ‘GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & 00. Wood 1 gents and Brokers Derren eee “GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England _ FELBER, JUCKER & CO.| ONE DOLLAR eae Importers ENGLAND | Will pay your subscription to the CANADA Invite offers from aheergran AGE ai.sby he Deals and Battens, < pond and Pin — Floo , Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dawéla, 5, ndles , Chair § ock, Seats, etc., or any Suitable’ for Euglien Market. 4 ‘Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS ey BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, €E/ Staves and He ading, Handles of all descriptions Veneers A Specialty P ite Address : LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR a | = bien Si, OS) Cable Address ‘‘ Epes Ne SMITH & TYRER = (4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMiITH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. | Aare ra eR NR ESE EE SE I TS EE SER cee eg, Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER | 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW able ae ress: eh A sgow. AARCG rdes ° BROKERS Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes : Zebra Western Union eeuae and London.” A. C. 4th and sth Edition THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs j 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LUD. Timber Importers MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs one Planks. Oak Logs and Plan Rock Maple Logs aa Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory ga 1 \AESO 3 s % Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. | Wood Goods suitable for the English ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD: AGENTS AND BROKERS Livgiaet and Londéh Chambers - . LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABILK ADDRESS “DOBLE LI VERPOOL, ae Whe Mei wah is Se ab to fu Sy ws Dy EAA ee ae. ee Vancouver, B. C. All Zinsaek of Lumber and Manufactured VIIt. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION j-'he oe ig? ‘ bigs i 4 ~ ™ Ss > A : - p . a é o > ‘ ~ * , “e. _ ra rat + * 4 * Am — } ~ bs ; ca hs a fe THE ONTARIO LUMBER Osis Mitts: North B C.P.R. oan &. T.R. Delivery. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Hous Tite Building L ORONTO, Ont. Mits: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU R. B. ST. ae he RAILWAY, LUMBER a CONT ACTORS’ AGENT 1s8 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. Ment wanted at all times for! Bush and Railroad Work. - Phone 1,950 MoLennan Timber Land and CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- Lumber G0. Limited ‘ WAPI Bat oi 5 . e ‘ Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds oF Timber Lands. CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. ‘Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. moam iss, ~- BOSTON, MASS. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. MANUFACTURER EO. G. GLADMAN sxc WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBER ‘LATH AND SHINGLES PARRY SOUND, ONT. ComnesroRDENc Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling 1A. PP. PBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, _ Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock | WIARTON, OWT. [® [t wour Wish. . 9 SOLICITED An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’® and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Sel’ the case joey he. address, dnd The Canada Lumberman, Torento To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY ¥ z ae CURRENT LUMBER PRIGES-WOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. “y | a) ba CAR OR CARGO LOTS. “inch No. 1 Pine 2x4 to 10 in.,1_ to16ft. 15 00 16 00 - cuts & kecter....-. $48 00 $5000 | ax4 to fo inch, 18 ft.. 16 00 17 00 1% to2zinch No 1 Cleaninch B. C. cedar, cuts and better.. 51 00 53 00 kiln dried.........--> 50 00 1 2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar cutSand better.... 43 00 45 00 air dried boat lumber 55 00 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Douglas fir dimension cuts and better... - - 38 00 40 00/ timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 Pine Dressing™ a Douglas fir dimension 3 and better shorts 22 >. timber, 30 to 35 feet 3I 00 1x4, 6and 8 common Y ict in. ane 1 4ft. Pine af IX 10 COMMON, w* ee Lath.......+2-00+ +22 379 3 85 _seaaei7 Conimion..... s 2 in. No. 2 4 ft. Lath 3 10 3 20 i “No.1 32” pine lath 175 Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 14 50 15 50 %” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 2 80 ——— nd 3x12 common. 22 00 23 0o XXXX Pine Shingles 290 300 10 inch box and XX Pine Shingles .. 210 2 20 common ......--++ at 00 22 co) X Pine Shingles .. 90 ch mill runsidings 20 00 21 oo| XX Cedar Shingles 220 2 25 in. mill run...... . 20 00 21 00 B. C. Shingles" fx1o and 1g mit.culls 16 5. 17 00 XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 90 ae 11 Sid- XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 12 biclerath 15 50 16 00 | XXXXX 5 to2 in. . 345 in. ftehd cull sidingyst2 00 13 00| XX No. 2,6 to2 in.. } 2 30 1% inch Flooring ..”25 00 26 06 XxX ‘ 6to 23-16 in. HARDWOODS—PER M, FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, 1 to2 in Elm, rock, mill un run....... 1 to 14724 00 25 00 ists and 2ands...... $33 00 $35 00 in robe all Ash, black, xsts and run.......13%'! 3.. 28 00 29 00 and, rto1% in.. .. 27 00 29 00 Hickory, 1sts Bicch M.R.,1in. .. 21 00 2200] and ands. .1%'' 2.. 36 00 38 00 13% § 2.. 2300 25 00| Maple 1” mill “ sqrs. 4x4 ‘' 8x8 32 00 36 00 run...... 1 1% 20 00 2% oo Basswood, Common Maple, sts , _ and better1 to1¥%in 24 00 25 oo and 2nds.. 2 ‘'' 4.. 24 00 26 oc ‘| Basswood, 1% toz.. 24 26 00 | Oak;red, p’n, mr. xr xr 21 00 2300 ists & ands 2 § 4.. 44.00 4600 ' Cherry, 1s\S Oak, white, > and ands.. 1 ‘* 1% 55 00 60 00 ists & ands x “! 134 42 00 44 00 Cherry, ists Oak, white, andands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 60 00 7000 ists &2nds2 ‘' 4.. 45 00 5000 er soft,mill Oak, quart’d, eee THN. cance 1 '§ 1% 24 00 25 00 xsts& ands.‘ 2.. 70 00 80 00 Elm, ois mill Walnut, ists ‘ Tun...... 2 ' 3.. 25 00 2600 and 2nds.. 1 ‘‘ 3.. 85 00 109 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT s cts. aN Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.. - 38 45 < First class Ottawa waney, x8 inch average, according to Jineal.. 6r 4 19 to20inchaverage ‘* “t q o 65 fi : RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. . M:asured off, according to average and anette Do aawieisle dale sa veiee 27 33 Shivping order re S onine vsele wun terelel ep ee 3 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality . . te 45 50 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality 4oto4sfeet. 65 75 z0to3sfet. 52 54 . ASH. to inches and up, a: scaling, to saris ath and Faller 5 26 28 Average 16 inch. . . : 30 32 BIRCH. ty 14 Inch yarn" oh. Sekey Yas 5 6 Leta ace eae mae 6." ey Ce eee Sea ee ete 28 {7 Pia Va en arr ESTA IS SSR co CIR 31 , (Scouts Sralder a2 34 OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, good sidings: txro No. 1 barn.... +0 00 lin x8in.andup 40 00 4200]1x1o No.2 “ ..., 18 00 1% in x 1% in. x 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn.... 17 00 8in.and up...... 50 010 «56 00 | 1x8 & o No.2 15 00 2in, x 8in,ard up £4 Co 56 oo | Pine Shorts 6’ to n! No.2 cuts 2x8”&up 3400 36 00 EiO woe ape seeeee 16.00 17 00 ” cI Ae *) “Si Cow eb Pie good strips : Pine, box boards.... 13 00 15 00 Tin..sssee cesseeeee 34 CO 36 00] Pine mill culls..... 1200 15 00 - ae : 14 in, and 1% in... 26 00 40 00 | Pine O. culls... . 750 850 PING: c vceatinee, waynceeh sme S375 | Sprude- fk. eee ; 38 00 40 00 | Spruce, 1”x4 up 14 00 2 Se ert ° Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$ Pe po d butts, 6x28 ....$ = «. 2800 3000 7, 8,9 and 10”.. . I5 00 ne ex, «$4 50 $4 75 ound butts, 6x18 ....$5 2! = xm i in. and 134 in. .. 34 00 40 00 Spruce, 1’ clear (fine 5 Clear butts.......... 350 3 75 | Hemloc see ie a i. ax £ padre pice terarees te 38 00 42 00 shane arp B.. 24 00 Smooth 6 x18.....+5 4 50 4 75 | SPrUce..cssee--eeeem 7 to g A Sidings.. 15 00] Hemlock ....... 13 00 iv Shee 1 > Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath, per M ant siding.... ..... 2200 27 00 No. 1 white pine.... 2 50 > Ae oes Pir No. x dressing ‘Nat ge > pine.. 2 25 f Vo Strips...... .+.++-++ 18 00 25 00 pruce, mill run..... 25 zie No. 1 dressing pared Ein, alten . 25 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Ce shorts ...... «+++ «+ 17 OO @I 00 ine Shingles r Pine, tos. ¢ and bet- XXXxx, roitcbot 27 .25 300 3 25 asegi oa: 15 rice An to 16” 5 pes 20 00 22 00 Ries. ar 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 (Wholesale selling price.) - ‘ine s.c. and bet- xx 18 inch........... 1 40 1% 60 Urpe Seem ter 17 tor... .... 17 00 1900 Cedar Shingles EDS 11th es and _ 78 00 Shelving, Na saa Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 03 20 00 XxXXX, 18 inch........ 3 25 3 50 2% and 3 85 00 p, 1 in, * Pine s. c. strips.....+ 1400 16 00] Clear Butt,r8inch.... 2 50 2 60 eo ee oo | No. t Molt ep si Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 14 00 xXx, 18inch.......-.. 1 50 1 70 Selects 1 in, ct ae 800] in.. ; IY to-2in........+ 70 00 erage fe, 244 and 3 in....... 00 . a i A Od, Soe de bee oe a 5 00 Wes, 2 J ine common, 1 in. . 0° 27 00 SARNIA, ONT. a erro g rN iat e 21 SSD mreinnictabasistaiad 58 00 27 UPPERS. Ve 7 WG ee te $21 00 Leone Rake: : 1in., 10” and me Res; -$73 00 14% x6” and up.......-. 24 00 : hag ré& ese Ue os No. 3, 12 in. if 21 1%, 1% and 2” . 73 00 Ce 2500 Cut’g up, No. 1,1 in. 40 00| Box, 2 Ane aba ‘ a and 3” , 78 00 1% x 12 teneeeeeeeeereee 27 00 vie and 13 ins... 5200] xr1x6&up.. .....- ats. a 800 1% x 6” andup........ ++ 24 00 D. ayrmat ween 28 co} Te 10./\c.s See ae Ath. es is; eel 2, FS 35 » Nox 2,1%,& 1% in 3800] | IIa eepenle ome pin, Seat sige gas a) Sa ae eee ee a, ae ih ann i: 1%, 14 an +++» 63 00 Be TOE ean os’ ee 26 00 “ rae ae 7, ay and 3” ‘sees 73 00 OG 6 RE: = BRE eee 8. - 28 00 Pees rit Ee : = ie ee a F 4” Seance od Oo No. I BARN, SG Uses cick» cielo 38 Oo >, x , 2 E . MEE ete ete .-$23 00 to $30 oo The following quotations on hardwoods ee the jobber's “ 2 1in., 8” and up wide... 54 00 iM a and 3! 28 oo to 31 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; : ving : 1% and 1% nee - oe 2%4 and 3”. 32 00 a ae nee ys sl oes 55 0 MY aie ncniate 02 my 35 00 e FINE COMMON, No. 2 BARN. tt a ach aoe ee a ote ge: I" eseneeerecene 45 00 to 62 00 cisseees 20 OO 10 24 00 Com. and culls.....+» 16 00 1%, 1% to 2”... 50.00 51 00 be, 1%, 2 and 24%,3and 4”.. 6800 73 00 BNE rinyerooa's'e a2 co to 23 59 & BLACK AND BROWN ASH. we nen ke Sa bE GO 1st & 2na, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00| Com. & good culls... 15 00 4 BIRCH. vy tie and up wide. . 7 35 go ae Seoe) pave rb 1st & and, 6 inch & 1st &and,white, © &up, 28 00 3000 1% i a ‘ ‘* “6 00 14, 1if and ie bee a8 40 up, red.......... . 40 09 ane bgt ot ota SB 1. |v, Maule aia lere « satel 21 00 24 and 3” f 60 co Or st & ad,rock,6in &up 76 00 28 00 Ter ad, soft,6in & up, 26 oo sgibo 4 «++ 62 00 Wo. x, 1”, 1% Common and culls .. 15 0¢ 17 00 Common and calls...... 16 co 2 AS ’ , , Hie e Sap lag va < pBeaceenn 13 50 to 18 00 _- MAPLE. ot * ° O. 2, ", Thy ist & 2nd hard...... 21 00 25 00, 1st &and,soft......... 20 ip ONG 1HBY Ga anss ae on THe 2eveevees 1450to 1709 Common andculls.. 13 00 1100 Common'and:culis....- 11 co 2 00 Six auld at sia jadgsioo MILL CULLS. tan NO, 3 CUTS. tory Run 1’, 1%, 14 and ae . Se Se f 1in., 6’ and up wide.... 18 oo Na; “7 a ah CO = 1% and 1%” 4 eae 20 00 ? cae ee BOSTON, MASS. a. 2 ws. 21 00 u ; > $8 ay sand4” "700 | Nota” Whette nto SEG a eat ee . 2, 4 MILL RUN. No. 1. 48” pine... eS Fine Common, 1 winch. eee 2 60 SHINGLES, No. 1 Cuts, ; aie spe 41 00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, No. 2 Cuts, 1 Se dom Me 3 = did vite eee ees Bisa 275 1% to 2 inch. 410044 No. ‘i Fy ei ae Be Barn Boards,No. I..... 30 50 t . 5 ‘No. SP a 2650 = on ae te 2400 8047 Spruce, 10 a = in. dimension . 24 . gin. eae BS A goon es 22 1o and 12 in. random lengths, roft.andup..... 23 5) ALBANY, N.Y. 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2X7 oT 3x4 random lengths, \ * ce, mt eat, and up... Sgt Ppa « 20 + random aa Uppers, 3 in. ... ---++s +. 83 85 | 1x12 echali pers “i ae tanietd $ 24 ft. er random lengths, 9 im, ant Comet 4 2m 2% in.....-.2.+- seeseeees 83 85} 4/4 inch ¥ & up. 25 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.r8 20 fae het BACAR ECR iiboo z = 4l4 Lede sy 6 and up.. 20 a1 Out Spruce = 1D. FBsaice ve akenin te eRe “17 duaie cca eae © ro-in. dressing and better... 30 d Ti i bun 00 Selects, 2% in up... 77 82 | x2-in. dressing and better... 40 mA ey and aa ee ee ane lied : ; PE olaiMeewasia'ssie see 78 72 | BOX, IX10-IN, ....eeeeeeeees 21 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Fine common, 2% in. and up 92 95 | BOX, 1X12.... creees coceee 22 EXtras ..0cncc scene Sinol'c aialaanace ghar 3 30 TRO BL: as sive cold ve abe sees. 58 60| No. x barn, rx12.... ...... 29 30 Clears.. ohecks eapretpenigs Viele ae en mA 2 85 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch..... . 53 ‘55 PEXO'S ngs wan p's a ae ~ 28 Second clears .. St We 2 25 Osa s vesicle cs deme meereeee 45 RGM. ie 'a'e's/a Soc cciles awe a Clear Whites ee Sd agiets’= ka Panis 2 45) NO. 3.--+eecerececsceseee 30 35 | No. 2 barn, rx12........... 26 27 Extra 1s (Clear whites out) .. a I 30 Po. x molding, x to2in..... 48 §5O RR Onaegeroe wleaa\e'n eisse meiate 25 Extra 1s (Clear whites in)...... ees BME mitic bce tune Si G0, 2 molding, toazin..... 35 £8 Prats hy, diinle sinuaistateiel occa Be ice Pe peaincd oy serseeeeee 32 40 | Shaky clear, Z “3 isla in...... 32 38 BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. racket plank ......-- ---- 35 45) _ | 24mch....... aye 40 Red Cedar Extras, 16 In. “chara 2 fain intel I Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 35 40 SD eee seeecesene 24 25 Eurekas, 8 in, xe, es oa Dregeing, Poards, narrow.... 26 28, Common..............5 a5 - Perfections, 5 butts to 24 in... ..-. 3.90 rx1q inch shippers...... 2. 32 93 A * / af & , ‘ f ‘ “? \ : J 4 + ¥ ‘, “ye Ns / y 2 a fy 4 5 r a Bes, , ptt /* Ss Bee P RT retell acl Alea ey ’ rel be i a ui = 4 rl i: mn i j ‘e ; Te , x = 1 Von. XIII; * Lana A. [,UMBERMAN m3) compas hb ‘BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go°u of Toronto, Limited." < Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. / Branch Offices: bs _——s« g8*ALLIANCE BUILDING, MonTREAL 4 “7a0-7al UNION be seg WINNIPEG. 536 Histines ST., SUITE 3; VANCOUVER, B. C. _ 22 GREAT St. HELEN’$,/LONDON, E. C. Published! every and up-to-date re- tendencies iti the { fhe Weekly Lumbe . ‘Wednesday, cont te f prince market conditi . cipal manufacturing districts and leading estic and foreign wholesale markets: A weekly mediumof information and communica- Hion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- ’ facturer3 and exporters and the purchasers of _ timber cts at heme and abroad. menonan tall m d eniantndie ets ects perti / and. I . nent to tee teher and wood-working industries. journal, WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. tive insertions are . will be allowed. — h a ae we is Og Nonpareil type ; 12 lines : e one inch. - artisements must be received not later than 4 ck p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in current week's issue .] “OR SALE—ABOUT 40M. FEET 1” GOOD P Ash Culls. Apply Box 111, CANADA LUM- RMAN, Toronto. EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND “ Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish boom, Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for ‘sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, _Larchwood, Ont. ~ DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO Cedar Shingles and Lath. Tor- ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 Logan Avenue, Toronto. FOR SALE FN QUANTITY OF CEDAR AND HEMLOCK R. Ties, No. 1 and 2; 10,000 Cedar sswood ; 2” and 3” ; cut in 1904; excellent eee condi- n Mabie, contains Pine, Hemlock, Bass- Posts; 1” and 1%” Ba: ie, Elm and Ash lumber and 10,000 Liviicrap, TATE LUMBER CO’y., efield, Ont _ FOR SALE née Tract of Timber THE PROPERTY OF nadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited) This meeey has a large tract of well tim- red land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. ¢ large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, 1m, Basswood, Beech, Cherry, Birch, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on ct. It is wellserved by two railroads, which is about to be extended through of the property. The company are d to sell this’ timber in blocks ranging te 10,000 acres, ormore if desired. re several good mill sites on the prop- his would a good opportunity. for ho are at present cut out and are look- location, ey Fa further particularscan be ying , T GORDON, M D irector, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. e WEEKLY E/DITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $t-oower year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE TORONTO, MONTREAL — NOVEMBER 1, to05 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Srimcoz Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, ; FOE SALE_RED BIRCH, HE WED SQUARE, 12 inch and up, 12 feet to 16 feet long. Apply Box 325 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. 7 ANTED, HARDWOOD SALESMAN TO cover Ontario and New York State, must be experienced and acquainted with trade, good salary to the right man. Address Box 324 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. A. LARGE MILL IN THE EASTERN TOWN- SHIPS cutting annually 2 million ft. birch lumber for English Market would like to find some one who could work up waste stock into chairs, etc. Renting part of mill with power for — the purpose Address GREaT NORTHERN LUM- BER Co , LTpD., Scotstown, Que. OR.SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO. 3 HAM- ILTOWN Carriage Steam Feed, 734” cylinders and all ections, circular outfit complete with iron sk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 20. feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each, Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Milly THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LiIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont, BIRCH WANTED CORRECTED SIZES. 3 inches X 8 inches x 14 ft. plump also maar Gr a5 ex*ag ft.!'! | s* Clear Stock, free from knots, hearts and shakes 5 to 20 Carloads Name price, delivered Toronto, and quantity can supply Also a few.cars choice Hard Maple 3% inchesx6 inches x7 ft. or 14 ft, long MASSEY-HARRIS CO, Limited, Toronto, Ont. MACHINERY FOR SALE We have for sale the following second hand machinery, in good condition. rite us for full particulars and prices of any machine. 1 26” X 32” engine, box frame, slide valve on top of cylinder, driven with rock shaft, 2 No. 3 single cutting band mills, made by Prescott Co. 2 Two block carriages. with..Prescott. offset, made by Prescott Co. 1 Two block Garland carriage. 1 Boss shingle machine, made by Mowry. 1 Hal) shingle machine. 4 Perkins Grand Triumph shingle mackines, 3 Drake hand shingle machines, 4 Perfection power shingle machines. 1 Double block shingle machine, Perkins make. 1 Drag saw. 1 Knee bolter. 1 Perkins Class A cut-off. 2 Wheel jointers. 2 Knot saw frames. 7 Shingle packers. 1 Heading trimmer. 2 Rich automatic saw sharpeners. 1 Independent condenser. 1 Portable boiler and engine, boiler with 32” fire box, and 28—3” tu Xx 12. 1 Greenlee No. 1 improved jautomatic ‘cut-off machine,.with counterehaft. 1 Friction feed complete, frictions 15” wide. 1.36” standard Lefiel water wheel. 1 Upright boiler, 70” x 32”, with sixty 2” tubes. 5 » 54” * 32” with ninety 1%” tubes. #, 1 10” x 16’ twin engine, steam feed, complete. THE WM. HAMILTON MFG. CO., LIMITED Peterborough, Ont. , 12 h.p., engine 8 . JANTED, ORDERS FOR HICKORY RIM strips and shaft strips, quartered white oak and rough yellow pine, MCCLURE LUMBER Co., Detroit, Mich, OR SALE—ABODT 150 M, FEET 1’ MIXED hardwood culls, on C.P R. line. For parti- culars address, WM. SMITH, 393 ST. ANTOINE ST., Montreal, Que. Bo SALE, A GOOD SAW MILL, CAN SAW - from 15 to 25 thousand per day, with every- thing complete, nearly new. Apply to ROBERT STEWART, Vasey P.O., Ont. ANTED, NORWAY PINE, ALSO’ WHITE 4 Pine—quantity No. 3and No, 4, 1-inch, 1%{- inch and :%inch. Quote us fo.b. Chicago. AMERICAN Box Company, Chicago, U.S.A. WANT TO BUY A SECOND-HAND SAW MILL that will cut from 15 to 25 M per day of 1o hours, Must be good and sound, with Lath Machine, Trimmers, Double Edger, etc, Address A. MCBEATH, Kippen, Ont, Vaart RGE QUANTITY OF 1-INCH Maple, must grade commonandbetter, state quantity, very best price and shipping point. Apply M.McBurnIe, care CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, nese eS ae EE \ JANTED—A MAN WITH A GOOD PORT- ABLE mill to saw lumber in the county of Hastings during the winter and spring of 1906 and succeeding one or two seasons. Address Box 326 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED. ATHS BY CAR OR VESSEL, ANY QUAN- TITY, large or small, up to 10,000,000, 1%” or 154”. Address C.S. WENTWORTH & CO., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. *AWMILL PROPERTY FOR SALE, INTER- IOR of British Columbia; favorably situat- ed on railway, with good water facilities, 1,440. acres good timber; very convenient; capacity of mill 20,000 perday. Apply J.M., care CANADA LUMBERMAN, Vancouver, B. C. ANTED—BIRCH, ASH, BASSWOOD, ELM, Oak logs, strictly 1st quality, carload lots, aoinchesand up. Asmall % of 15 to 20 inches taken, steady trade. Quote delivered price F.O.B, Buffalo or at point of shipment. Can use almost any length. For further particulars apply THE Davip GiLMouR Door Co., Buffalo, N. Y. WANTED. N NEW ONTARIO, A BUYER OR A PART- NER with capital, to take half interest 1n water power Saw m ll and lumber busines. A lurge amount of timber adjacent to mills; this is a snap; will sell outright or half interest. Address Harris & Co., Day Mills, Ont. TIMBER LIMITS FOR SALE ON THE RESTIGOUCHE RIVER, N.B. A large tract of wilderness land well timbered with spruce, cedar and hardwood, principall spruce of virgin growth, situated on the Resti- gouche abcut zo miles above Tide Head ; easy of access and can be operated with little expense. A rare chance for those wanting to embark in the manufacture of lumber. For further particu- lars apply to O. SmirH, Campbellton, Resti- gouche Co., N.B. The saw mill of the Upper Yukon Consolidated Company at Caribou was destroyed by fire on October 14th. The mill had a daily capa- city of about 30,000 feet and the loss is estimated. at $50,000. , Pah Os | s ‘ 3 Sw No. 34 CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Manufacturers are have every confidence in the white pine market, which they believe shows strong evidence of continued firmness. The desire of American dealers to acquire stock even at the present high price,is doubtless due to the falling off in the supply from the Lake Superior district, where there is very little lumber that has not passed out of first hands. Buffalo and Tonawanda wholesalers have been ready buyers of all the lower grades, which have been leading in point of demand all season. There is a constant enquiry for mill culls, which bring from $11 to $14 at the mill, according to location. Dead culls are worth from $7 to $o. There is not much animation to the hardwood trade and prices are somewhat irregular. Mill run bass- wood, for instance, is held by some manufacturers at $20, while others are offering it at $18 and claim that even at this figure buyers are not plentiful. The salvation of the hardwood trade would seem to de- pend to some extent upon the extent of logging operations this winter. If the output is not greatly curtailed so as to permit of the existing stock of lumber being worked off, it may be difficult to maintain prices at the present low basis, and this notwithstanding the fact that the cost of manufacture warrants an advance. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Some of the St. John mills have resumed operations, a raft of 1,000,000 feet of logs having ar- rived from the booms and about 2,000,000 feet more being expected. There is no hope, however, of get- ting out the many millions that are hung up on the Upper St. John river, and accordingly there will be a great scarcity of lumber next spring. There has been much activ- ity in shipping to the United States, the figures for the three + “" TI. CANADA LUMBERMAN ~ months ended September 3oth being $573,175.17, as compared with $336,178.64 for the corresponding time in'1904. These periods repre- sent the shipments of lumber, clap- boards, shingles, lath, pulp wood, etc. There were received at Boston in one week recently 24 schooners from the provinces loaded with lumber, shingles and lath. The demand continues active and the available supply seems to be steadi- ly decreasing. The shingle market, on the other hand, ‘lacks ‘snap, which is the only reason why prices are not higher, as the supply is light. Extras are still offered at from $3.30 to $3.40 for Boston delivery. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The developments of the past two weeks have been in the direction of establishing higher prices for the lumber output of British Columbia. The coast mills, it will be remem- bered, cut the price of rough lum- ber for delivery to the Northwest to $17. because the Mountain mills had reduced prices with the object of capturing the Northwest trade. ‘There was an actual loss in selling lumber at this price. The manu- facturers of the province, therefore, held a meeting in Vancouver re- cently and agreed to sell at one price, namely, $19 per thousand. This agreement is looked upon with ‘favor by the manufacturers and is likely. to ke followed by a further advance in the near future, as the Or- curs are more plentiful and as the business. is vot yet profi:able. comand trom the Northwest agri- guts dod striets as, likely *o > show aNc ee La fie sp ts are brighter, Leet qhes. tae deccnador theypast Nahi D, ycis, who.» put hased Bareh lj. bey as be minum jprice Q-4.177, show. eo able.toweal.ze a ool prolit, UNITED, STATES. Yad stabtety oof the dumber mareect Of the Untred staves has not bees ypaired. As che daihadvances lod) deriiansl setts lo grows more ees ere a5 ‘BROTHERS Ci Ga. LIMITED Haek’s Falls, Ont. ~w a 2 WEEKLY EDITION — urgent, with the result that many dealers have more orders on their books than they can fill. The north- ern pine situation is exceptionally strong. The extensive purchases of a Chicago dealer have been no small factor in sustaining prices, as it is said that about one-half of the total Lake Superior production bas thus been absorbed. Such a con- dition does not inspire much hope of lower prices during the winter months. A strong demand con- tinues at Buffalo, Tonawanda and New York, which points practically reflect the conditions existing throughout the whole Eastern States. Box and No. 1and No. 2 barn are in short supply. Hemlock sells very readily and in some districts the demand is greater than the supply. A slight change for the - better has occurred in thehardwood trade. Orders are more plentiful and prices a little firmer. There is a splendid call for plain oak, ash and birch, while elm, basswood and maple do not show as much life. White pine and norway lath are eagerly inquired for. Chicago wholesale dealers are shipping white pine lath in mixed cars at $5.25: No. 2 white pine at $4.50, No. 1 norway at $4.75, No. 1 hemlock at $4.50, and No. 2 nor- way at $4.25. GREAT BRITAIN. The improved conditions recently noted are becoming more marked. Inquiries for lumber are increasing notwithstanding the advance in prices which has taken place dur- ig the past few weeks. Transac- tions in spruce are quite numerous. The prevailing prices for spruce in the docks are £10 per standard for 3x9 inch second quality, £9 ss. for thirds, and £8 ros. for fourths. Importers are also willing to pay higher prices for stock to be deliver- ed. Two cargoes from St. John, with about 60 per cent. seven and eight inch, changed hands recently at about 47 17s. 6d. per standand, and it is» stated that for a small > KILN-DRIED_ BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON & Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. FARDWOND, HEMLOCK AND PINE. LUNBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the: present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in - Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS 7 te Cer s © tes 7 cargo fro ports, with 60 per cent narrow stock, 48 2s. 6d. c.i.f. has been declined. The position of Quebec spruce in London and Liverpool is reported to be very strong. In second quality, 39 inch, there has been a rise of 5s. to 1os. during the past few weeks. The white pine market is firm but does not show the activity which characterizes the sprucetrade. Birch lumber is said to be slated for an advance in the near future, the supply being light. Waney pine timber, on the other hand, is slug- gish, the high price having greatly restricted consumption and induced the use of substitutes as far as pos- sible. STOCKS AND PRICES. John Brooks has moved his port- able saw mill from Kent county to Brooklyn, N. B., to saw for Charles Pickard. He expects to cut 1,500,- 000 feet. A considerable quantity of timber will be required for a new wharf to be constructed at St. John, N. B., for which D. C. Clark has secured the contract. Tbe timber to be used will'consist chiefly of hemlock, red pine and southern pine. The Big Bend Lumber Company, of Arrowhéad, B. C., have starteda largeloggingcamp at Fourteen Mile, below Revelstoke, and another ex- tensive camp is to be put in at Fost- hall Creek. The company figure on putting in three more camps the coming winter, making five in all. When blown-down white pine timber will bring $7. 50per thousand, and norway $6.50, the value of pine stumpage in the north can be ap- preciated. It also, in a way, ex- plains why No. 6 boards are selling for about $6.50 on the docks at Duluth. Two large rafts of pulp wood, which were being towed from Mus- quash to Mispec; N. B., went to pieces between Cape Spencer and Black Point and drifted out to the Open sea, The rafts belonged to the Inglewood Pulp Company and contained about 1,000,000 feet, prac- ~ tically ‘all of which will be lost to the company. wt 3 Samples by 80 St. Francis Xavier Street WHOLESALE LUMBER ‘and TIMBER | Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension . Timber. in DOUGTAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, RUCE, Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIME ‘DRESSED AND ‘M'LENNAN LUMBER CO,, LIMIT t0 MONTREAL QUE: - Office and’ verde 57! DORCHESTER ST. one of the Baie Chaleur Send for Catalo in? Adora to AM od Obie the office of the United States C sul, the lumber shipments from the port of St. John, N. B., to the United States during the three months ended September 3oth w much greater in value than thos for the like period in 1904. figures in detail are given below: — FROM NEW BRUNSWICK 10GS. 1904. 1905. 4 Long Lumber.. $ 36, ines: 74 $124,8 Late re Pes Clapboards.... Firewood...... Piling, Ls. (544 Pulpwood...... Shingles ...... Stavesand shooks Wood Pulp .... _ 43» 438. o5! Totals...<. = FROM ro ae LOGS, A 1904, — Long Lumber... $143,477.50 $1980 9 38 Lath see 16,887.25 Shingles ...... 6,929.00 © Clapboards. . tis Shooks........ Totals..... $168,115.41. Grand Totals. . $336,178. 64 Increase, 1905 quarter — TIMBER LIMIT. TRANSACTIC Ns. The sale of the 800 acre lot of timber land at Memel, N. B., belo ing to James C. Wright, which | made by public auction las to Warren Downey tor $16, been declared off and the pr. was sold last week to W. Maleoh m Mackay, of St. John, at pri ate terms. Peter J. McClelan, of River- ~side, will have control of the property and. will conduct the lumbering operations, which will be commenced at once. Mr. McClel owns an adjoining | “property Memel of about 690 acres, and ri two properties make one of ‘the most valuable timber. eran in the province. W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury ~ Ont. Mannfacturer of Handion eee Fork, P Pick Aleo Hard and Soft Wood Heading and and White Oak, Maple and ‘Elm Lum pa Can supply Secon Crosbie or squares 2 to 38 in. i ong in large quantit Planing and “Mate TIN TRANSIT al S. POMEROY, Grill PLANING, MATCHING, RESAV SIDING, FLOORING, | in Car Lots. = near ‘Station. ig White for vr "Phone m3 KNIGHT BROTH TER: LIMITED a _ Bark’s Pa MONTREAL, QUE. one JE ay i IN THE ROUGH P.O. Be y ‘ + ¥ + \ «te eel r= + ~ + t November ‘I, 1995 = + BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. "(Correspondence of the CaNaDA LUMBERMAN.) Vancouver, B.C., October 23rd, ¢ 1905.—Conditions in the lumber in- dustry in British Columbia are very good at present, and especi- ally does this pertain to the coast : “mills. Local demand is brisk, Northwest trade is better than for ‘many months, and the export busi- ness continues on a fairly large ‘scale. In the last letter reference was made to the large number of ships which were loading at the Hastings mill, and figures which have since been made public show that this year will be one ot the best in export the Hastings mill has had for some time. Approximately 40,- _ 900,000 feet will be sent to various _ parts of the world: At the Che- mainus mills, also, ships are con- _ stantly taking on cargo for foreign _ ports. ~ Local mills are working full time with orders. This is the time of year when trade with the middle _ west is good, and added to this is _ the great local consumption of lum- ber. Building has been going on _ apace in Vancouver this year, _ which will be one of the best on record. Heaps & Company, The Royal City Mills, the Pacific Coast _ Lumber Company, the Rat Portage _ Lumber Company and the Vancou- ver Lumber Company are all very _ busy with local orders. 4 Prices are firm, without change. ‘An advance is looked for in logs, but this may be stood off for a - WANTED We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your Cedar into Poles it will net _ you more than you can get out of it in any other way. J. B. FARWELL & SON Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. _ Baneroft, Ont. _ Oswego, N.Y. : BANK ST. CHAMBERS he JIMENSION TIMBER F SASH - TELEGRAPH POLES Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. Ifl. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION while owing to the coups Wy weeks of very fine weather whicihas fol- lowed the wet September. Many logs will have been put in the water to supply the demand which shows as! yet no signs of decreasing. Loggers are very confident that a sharp jump will be made before long in the price. The continued poor condition of the shingle business is the only bad feature in connection with the in- dustry. While prices do not alter to any extent, the demand is com- paratively slack, without much pros- pect of immediate improvement. Much activity is displayed on Van- couver Island. Americans are to the fore in securing large tracts of timber for sawmill purposes, and when they erect mills they will cut for the export trade. Work is pro- gressing on the plant of the Seattle Cedar Lumber Manufacturing Com- pany near Clayoquot. This will be a shingle mill having the capacity of 380,000 shingles every ten hours. The E. H. Heaps Company had a bad fire last Tuesday when their dry kilns were burned with something over $10,000 loss, partly covered by insurance. The men at the mill, with the brigade, worked several hours in saving the rest of the mill. Just at the time that the alarm was given, Mr. E..H. Heaps was pro- posing the health of his son’s bride, the wedding having taken place that afternoon. The Elk Lumber and Manufactur- ing Company, whose mill at Fernie ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tiem.. -.-+ ++ - SPECIAL, — 50.000 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M. R. Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4 Beech. Prices on application. ep A THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER GO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS RDW Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, O. McMinnville, Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots HarDwoopD OTTAWA, ONTARIO ss W. B. BARTRAM WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT _ White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. “a Specialties: Basswood and Birch. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attention. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. ; i Write for quotations. DOORS’ - B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS -ARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., unrreo 604 Temple Bullding, Toronto MILLME N— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B8.C., sth and Lumberman’s Barge or car load lots was burned down recently, announc- ed that the rebuilding would take place at Hosmer, some miles from its former site. The C.P.R. offered inducements to this end, but the company has since decided to erect its new mill at Fernie. The structure will be of steel, and as nearly fire- proof as it is possible to make a saw mill. NEW FREIGHT TARIFF. The new C, P. R. lumber tariff on eastbound shipments from British Columbia, the conditions and terms of which were arranged in Van- couver several weeks ago, at a conference between representatives of the mills and C. P. R. freight traffic officials, took effect on Nov- ember 1. The principal concession made by the railway to the lumber- men is the granting of the fir rate of forty cents per hundred pounds into Manitoba to rough cedar ship- ments which at present take a fifty- cent rate. The firrate of fifty cents to Fort William is also to be dropped to forty-five cents. Mixing of fir and rough cedar and shingles in cars is also permitted at respective carload lot rates. SPRUCE IN ENGLAND. One week seems to bear a very close resemblance to another with regard to spruce, says the Timber Trades Journal of September 21st. The season can now be said to be practically at an end, as the steam- ers to clear with the large deck loads have all sailed from their loading ports (the Canadian law prohibiting their departure after the 12th inst.), and as far as we can learn, are practically all disposed of, the latest sale being a 1,700 stan ‘ ‘ eo »cpeabhae ae : Ve ~ November 1, 1905 —— a ‘THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT, ‘ q We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- Breck, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE a. WHOLESALE # Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. " Office: : 503 Manning Chambers - - TOR O N TO a FOR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, 4] Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior iS _ Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, ete., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. AD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT- RHODES, CURRY & CO.., Limitea 4 LUMBER MERCHANTS. ; i "BUILDING MATERIAL of al eee eee roaney, and: Halifax. vA of all kinds carried in stock. W Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. . @ are buyers of Amherst, N.S. <— and Hewn Spruce; Hemlock, Pine and Birch ~ Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, *® side" QUEBEC ve F. M°CIBBON & SONS, PENETANGUISHENE Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Saiiioas Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood s Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. PRrhe Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF +: Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited 1 White and Fed Pine et eee” | 1 umber and Lath **Soo”’ Branch C. Water Shipments ning Arcade, Toronto istine Building, Montreal °o d at Mills at Spragge. Th BRENNEN & SONS MANUFAGTURING CU, LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. OFFICES ae Coristia 1s 4 Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. ; THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Luteo Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON, ONT. < > Diinelactnrers of and wuclemle ‘Dealers in all kinds of . th Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. A. F. BURY AUSTIN HOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE 5 bhi Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., “ MONTREAL, CANADA S: Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White (en : Timber Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and , Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B, C. Douglas Fi; Timber in any size or length up to 90 feet long. Timber Planers face ap to 24 inch x30 inch, as of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. - WRITE FOR PARTICHT APS aAw® OUOTATIONS. Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, s , : r ' ASE Sfesk ie & eile, «2 4 va ue . We wet 2 a AT Se a ah te MCTURERS S and ‘WHOLESALERS We Buy, Sell and Deal i in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Walnut, Cherry, Short : and Long " Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles re ;) eS NS R. LAIDLAW LUMBER C0. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE, PLAYEFATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH + SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT. Contractors for Railway euepales BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . ~~ A. & P. VAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO. urner Lumber Co., timitea MANUFAGTURERS LUMBER a? L AGH Shipments by Rail or Water. Midland, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK 3%, 3%, 7%. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY -— - OWEN SOUND, ONT. A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line” because it reaches into and through the very heart of the choicest hun ting grounds in America. T he very best wild fowl shooting of the entire North is reached ONLY by this line. Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and during the vario us seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along its lines upon applica- tion to the nearest ticket agent. It alsoarranges its frain service with special reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make travel over their lines pleasant and comfort- ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS IN W66klU Galata LUUMDErMal able This line offers the best route between Chicago, See ee ead, waa Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Information given by addressing— Vancouver JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R.R. Milwaukee Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, x >> Dad, Me Pi Bs Ale its 0a ae Oe a, Pee Or De Rm SNe a ; i eg a aes Nit ex Pee EP F aa ake ; ; ae ae es vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | Bovember 1, i905 ovate ice eae Se HEAPS & CO. ion, 26 na Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Ftc. SPECIALTIES : 4 AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. x Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newsa Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. WwW. J. eee PRRSIDERT Jj. G. SCOTT, GENERAL MANAGER ubaushene, On Vancouver, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUGE LUMBER Co» Lamvet | LATH, MOULDINGS | ber an TURNED WORK Coast ER, BO HICH GRADE. vA RED CEDAR SHINGLES po if Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO | | D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. Jj. E. YOUNG, Cashie, js ne ee EEE The Rat Portage Lumber ae Ltd mourcurrs White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work a patwin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, fea Mills at RAT PORTAGE and Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumbe: We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. H 5 7 tr. , C. WELLS —= i. Export Lumber & e PALLISER, B. 3 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, cater and Lumber of all Deseriptions. - Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. w. B. MeKecuace, President. Cc. MacRag, Manager. Be Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A LU MBER ©. for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- bees Sa = Cc. LIMITED (ad tured in British Columbia. Daily kine capacity over 114 millions. | BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR sizes 0 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. B. C. FIR—DIMENSION AND FINISH SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG. BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements of Scantlings, Boar Ne and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square e °@e and Round Timber es Rules, and much other practi- ege cal information, - Price 35 Cents__.& 4 Appaess THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. “November 1, 1995 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION fae 1,500,000 Shingles Per Day | About half the B. C. Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. Our Daily Shipping Capacity is over One Million Shingles. LUMBER DOUGLAS FIR, SPRUCH and CHDAR % Peat ame -ecaar “Lath eS DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS. and all 7 descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH We make a Specialty of the handling of Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber \g \g \g Investments generally \g \g Se Correspondence Invited 3 ae UNION LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ss:‘t.inzs. Vancouver, B. C. = We nave Three Milions of em- | "THE WOODSTOCK LUMBER PIEDWELL & LEMCKE, «0 10 ce Dee which caged ah a ni lk eda ri: MANUFACTURERS { Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, alers in Pine, Hemloc Bigtinnay p ‘ 7 pared to Gut in blocks of OU 000 aa itaHtiiveod Lumber... ‘ Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. ee t Or over. WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS LARNWORTI & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER ~- (4 tithenam Steet, LIVERPOOL [Wood Brokers and Measurers| .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC Halifax, N.S., hit ra Pe ator Pati Bae Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. F. A. Lightbody & Co.| Edmiston & Mitchells F WOOD BROK HRS TIMBER BROKERS _——sC able Address: *‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. te “r cots for CANADIAN, ‘WHITE PINE AND SPRU OR; "Har doods in. Low. Fre. Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW Louis | OUIS BAMBERGER, ° *sacs22" OANT & KEMP: p TIMBER a IMPORTER OF —emma Slt ie Beton, Lon 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW a ‘iP q Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Cable Addess: “TECTONA" Glasgow. °B RQ 4 E RS 4 1 A BC Cudes use Are "Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD pee ees sa a Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes : Ferien Western Union iearabioe and DIRECTORY cope London.” C. 4th and 5th Editio GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & 60. THOMPSON, BLOIS & Co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs Wood y gents and Brokers 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. ern SOLE EE I eee Cash advances made against anches : me se adden: ‘GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England shipping documents. MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. = i — ; Fi et JUCKER & C0.} ONE DOLLAR JOSEPH (WEN X SINS {II} wits ash toggand Planks. : * < enaeet importers ] ¢ Beek OAR ta ER aE Aap k Planks. i ei Pat : r ‘Say ap Will pay your subscription to the CANADA , oe Elm “logs. : Dealt aid attend; price an: Pine LUMBERMAN for Timber Importers ee NERO! YL I fie naiee, Ciiair Bteck, Se ran ey ; Dowels, aad All eiebad oe Lumber and Manufactured ; Suitable for English Market. ON E> YEA R Mable Adress ‘Oyen Liverpool!” Liverpool; Eng. it aca e Marhet. bias Mama ie * graphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. : = ‘ ‘BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAN : 4 ~ WOOD. AGENTS AND BROKERS ~ | “Ne TIMBER MERGHANTS . 3 Livereol and London Chambers _ - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND y 7 ’ 4 Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elm CABIL.K ADDRESS “ DOBLE LI my ; YERS OF Staves and Heading, Handles of ail descriptions 5 LIVERPOOL ORG hi Veneers A Specialty Vill, ~~ CANADA LUIMRERMAN WEEKLY EDITION OL a hee et MANUFACTURERS THE ONTARIO —s waite PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. L U Vi B ER Co LIMITED ifome’ Life fe Building L ORONTO, Ont. Mivts: French River, Georgian Bay Mits: North Bay. C.P.R. and é. T.R. Delivery. Water Shipment Only. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU | CANADIAN R. B. ST. GEORGE LUMBER RAILWAY, EONTRACTORS’ AGENT WAN TED 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad Work. - - Phone 1,950 McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., Limited We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White. Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and pee bec. : 5 . ADDRESS: Selling Agency and Dealers in all , Minter inher Lands. CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. Offices : .Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Room 510, _ BOSTON. MASS. 4% Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. 147 Milk St. > MESe me Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. iv ®t ee oes ~ ye 7 oC +e $4) &0. G. GLADMAN yerrem WHITE PINE AND. HEMLOCK LUMBE LATH AND SHINGLES sm township ot carting ~PARRY SOUND, ONT. — a A. EE. BB WES MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN a Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Post: ’ Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Sto WIARTON, OWT. I® it WOUr Wish. . 9 se eS bapa of z a CANADA LUMBERMAN ~ To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible WEEKLY EDITION — A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER Sth deat eee A MILL PROPERTY the case ay be, myers SECOND-HAND MACHINERY _ ‘The Canada Lumberman, H --GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES-WHOLESALE. =e: a gs Pine, LS Bade -.. I3 00 1§ 00 ; LATH Pine mill culls..... 1200 15 00 . : Piste. Oy culley.. 4 750 850 PMCs 6 soe anes alee CY d TORONTO, ONT.. anti 2... Ay? Ae ey ee 8 38 00 42 00 Areidaie and B.. 24 00 Smooth 6 x18. » 45° 475 SPruce s.¢scees-cessom s 5 ; CAR OR CARGO“ LOTS ay ne to % A Sidings.. I5 00 Hesiock) Tek 13 00 yh, HY ~ ine, No. 1 dressing ath, per ~ : 1 inch No. 1 Pine » 2x4 to 10 in.,1 Siete. 2 oo {o'¢.. ia (ere 22 00 27 00 No. x white pine.... 250 | cuts & becter...... $4> 00 $5¢00 | 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 00 17 00 oO. dressing No. 2 white pine.... 2 25 fa 1% to 2 inch No 1 _ Clear in¢h B. C. ocdagy re Sse Aire 18 00 ©2500] Spruce, mill run..... 225 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N. yY a »'“cuts an tter.. 5% 2 00 kilfl dried........... 50 00 ine No. 1 dressing Red Pine, mill run.. 245 1% &2in.No.2 Pine_ ar inch B. C. cedee By shorts seid EE ie I7 ©O 21 00 | Pine Shingles é WHITE PINE. ; air dried boat lumber 55 00 By ste Ios, ¢-and bet- xxxx, r8inch....... » 300 3 25 z to 2 eS wake 49 00_4$ yi | Douglas fir dimensio ter 12’ to1€’ ..... 20 00 a2 00 Clear Butt, 1B inch .. 2 40 2 60 (Wholesale ag bag a evts and be’ =e 00 Woo timber, 25 to 30 fee 30 © Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- XX. IO MCN sn cache mene 140 1 60 Uppers, 1,1%,14and 2 fete cede eeeeee | rin. sing i {Dougias fir dimensio ter 12 tor. ..... 17 00 19 e0| Cedar Shingles De neonien aes re Shelvi , No. x, 13 in, ‘rshorts 2#°00 2g 00/4 timber, 30 to 35 feet oo ~=- Pine, 7 up s. c, sidings 18 00 20 00 XXXxX, 18 Inch........ 3 25 3 50 2% and 3 in....... 5 00 an up, I in... 4 = x4y-6 and 8-common 18 00 19 00| 1% in. No. 1 4ft. Pine Pine s. c. strips...... 14 00 16 00 Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 2 50 2 60 RUleh. ois epee aiavd's « ae No. 1 Mold st’ps rto2 _-%X 10.common...... I9 §0 2000] Lath.............0.+ aa shorts..... 1% 00 1400 EX, TSAUCH.ccovesscs XO L 7O Selectsit Wise. ose as oo | ID ss. seve seccesees 2 yxI2commion...... 21 00 22 00 1%} in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 1% to 2in......... lee 2 YX:0 common.....- 20 00 21 00 “No.1 32” pine lath SDs 24% and 3 in....... ( xioamn.. eee “x10 common...... 21 00 22 00 16! No. x4 hemlock ee _ tos etat 5 00 wg ee nd 3x ommon. 22 00 23 00 ine ingles 290 300 y ine common, 1 in. 55 0° i vate ach. hae and . XX Pine Shingles .. SARNIA, ONT. ; 1% and 1 Ake & 56 00 0. 2) TOUMe se seeee Common ...-...++- X Pine Shingles ¥ » Ci Wennenncnscecre 58 00° No. 2, 12 ins......6 x Inch mill runsidings 2g oo X Cedar Shingles / 2 20 2 a5 UPPERS. IY x 4 and Sd apne aia $21 00 BID, .csecnensccece 73 00] No. 3, 10 it. a ceiawe tin. millrun...... . 26 00 2 . B.C. Shingles” ¥.. and up wide..$73 00 (4% x6” and up.......-. 24 00 4 1D) vee vanes sans 75 00] No, 3, x12 in.... ant 1x10 and 12 mill culls f X 6 butts to 2 in. 290 11%, 1% and 2” .. 73 00 TOfl KX (WOR Gad Inveoloit ooh ale > + 25 00 Cut’g up, No. x, x in. 40 00 »x ae = fill cull Sid- KXXX 6 to 23-16 in. i 312 2i4 and 3 “T9800 Mom Tae nd octet ae 27 00 vig and 1% in..... 5200| 1x6 Meee. AOA sa Ld 16 XXXXX 50 ase: 3.45 4! oe. a RSTO te 6” and up......... + 24 00 Rers; eed = 00 |. 3270). .05.eeeene sie fread Call aldings 12 00 3 XX No. 2, 6 to2 in. Pee Soke Ee by Pe dee 25 00 0. 2,1 I 3300] EKIB. ces eee weneee _-1¥% inch Flooring . = 2g 00 26 Xx “6 to 23-16in. } 23° - SELECIS AES hel Re ee 27 00 No. 3,1%, and 1% 25 00 zane nee HD eos 4 Hemlock,1x4 to 8in , oe 1in., 8” andu Peat .-. 63 00 2” =x/6 and tipt:) 7.2.6 4a5100 OSS resboncess 30 CO and 1% & 2 in. ram | - % 1% and 2’ .. 63 00 PZ E NO Ss eee eis 76 00 Dressing 506 tae 36 00 Mil Culls, x, x 1%, 1% —pER M.“PEET LOTS. % and 3” Meee 73 oo a7 ST te ce cewek creche 28 oo 14x10 und 12...... 42 00 a wit kavens ey mie ° ee ee ite, 1 t er rock, mill e vee { C NOS ARNS en aves , ait.. JOTW igt ("a4 op as 09 FINE, COM. AND BETTER, 1in.. . +423 00 to $30 00 The following quotations on hardwoods rere 7 jobber’s buying ists and ands 47. .$37! 00 $35 00 Elm rock,mill 3 I ge 4 ann up, wide.. - 54 00 28" va and 2 3” 3 00 to 31 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; Mp1 «eh» glen Zi 3-- 2800 2900 I4 andi see» 54 00 2” aud 3". 32 00 WHITE ASH, we 29 00 | Hickory, sts 4 Besnicdd) OO: / We ee ee eee os S 35 00 Ist & 2nd, x inch 36 00 638 00 27f.to 4 in SAY 22 00| and ends 1%" 2.. 36 00 38 00 FINE COMMON. NO. 2 BARN. rY%tozin ...sesee 39 00 4I 00 Stripe ss Lag. 2° 23p0 “45 co Maple 1” mill LUAMen et ea 45 00 to 62 00 Pde adie 20 00 tO 24 00 fr sars. 4x4 8x8 32 00 36.00 TAIT «civics r 1% 20 00 2% co 1%, 13% to 2” oles 51 ¢0 fe 14 end asswood,,” Common Maple, sts 2%, 3and 4’.. 6800 73 00 pT le Ar Ae EES BLACK AND BROWN ASH. and better x to1¥in 23 00 24 00| and 2nds.. 2 “ 4.. 24 00 26 oc ’ oe 3 pA sn sca eat ‘ = = 1st & 2na, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00 | Com. & good pe 35 00 7 Basswood, 1% to2.. 24 25 00 | Oak;red, p’n, NO. I CUTS. ins So a sine BIRCH fen’ pia. I 1% 20 00 2200| 1sts&2nds2 ‘' 4.. 4400 4600 rin., 8” and up wide. . . 35 00 No. 3 BARN. ist & and, 6 inch & is andwite, © op, ad 39 : = Cherry, 1sts_. Oak, white, 1% in. .. 45 00 TUAM 8. dass Oe 17 00 to 200 up, red.....ss+-. » 40 00 42.00 good cullls..... 16 00 18 ' f. and 2nds..1 “* % 55 00 60 00 ists &2nds1x ‘' 134 42 00 44 00 1% in, “ «-. 46 00 1%, 1% and 2” 18 co to 20 50 * Cherry, sts 5; Oak, white, ae “ ++. 47 00 3”. a oe 21 00 = ; atid ands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 60 00 70 00 ists& ands 2 “‘ 4., 4500 5000 2%and3” * «.. 60 00 ee Ist & 2d,rock,6in &up 26 00 28 00 ih eels ‘nd calls & up, 26 00 : \ pie, soft, mill Oak, quart’d, 4! a «.. 62 00 9 Common and culls .. 15 00 17 00 | Common Calls...... 16 00 17 © ; .. 1 ‘1% 24 00 25 00] azsts&ends ‘' 2.. 70 00 80 00 Bis, G CUEe No. 1, 1”, 1%,» : $4 sof, mill Walnut, rsts mf 4 f 1¥, 2. yoy 13 50 to 18 00 MAPLE. iy -A fepn...... ‘8 3...5 00 2600] andands..1 ‘' 3.. 85 00 10000 1 in., 6! and up wide.. 20 00 NOL 2, 1G, 1st & and hard...... a1 00 25 00 sat anda vee eo 33 ; rand 1% peiuibaceain + 33 cle) 136 2... 05. 1450to 1700 Common andculls.. 1400 15, oe | Common eseee 12 00 13, 2, 3and 4” «“ peas i, Si MILL CULLS. foe be } No. 3 CUTS. Ho Run 1’,14%, 14 and = QUEBEC, QUE. rin., 6” and up wide.... 18 00 No. a rh ¥ ah a, or a 2 : Ss. J WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT mand 1” .... 2000 |) ; BOSTON, MA cts. ‘2! one Baar hols PARES White Pine Uppers, 1 to 2 imch .,.... 2.000000 $83 Square white gine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.......+. 35 45 2%,3and4” “ tt 27 00 Nols, 42? 6 ae ne ds Selects, t toa incl. -tinsdit eee First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 63 tien No, 2, 487°; “* Bacon ih Fine Common, 3 tea ae are ee £0), 19 to 20 inch average « + a 65 is i : No. 1, 48” pine.. “ass gues rh i a RED ae RAFT. wid *, sees See “ og SHINGLES. No. 1 Cuts, 1 t incl siti * ois ee d off, ccordin to avera ‘ANG QUALI n< vine vieccw es weed vie 27 33 Pe HE Mob nis Sir=.5 far 2 inchie 5. scree eee Biigsing order Lit Ua es ene 35. 40 xo any Pen tiver news asiao we to 2 x 16". W. Cedar, 1s No. 2 Cuts, BAnHA sduasnnae PT a ewoserssececceseens 2H WU |; gy ON OS SW octet eoseseeses 2in PACH OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. re HTD eee eee ee ee ene 23/00 C.B. o oon 1 185 Barn Boards,No. 1........ f = AI By the dram, according to average and quality . . wf 45 50 ? X13and up.......... 25 00 No. 2 1 25 ‘No.2 Ges iste eis eM cle eee wee one ee eee eee ee 5a BEM: Spruce, ighual Is n. dimension..... 2S ~~ By the dram, according to average and quality 4oto4s feet. 65 75 = gin. and under ............0. «2. a! e goto3sfet. 52 54 to and 12 in, random lengths, 10 ft. and up...... 4 ASE. ALBANY, N.Y. 2x3, axe 2x5; 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths oa ding t d lit a 6 8 10 ft. and. up... ( Pe ae fr ‘ a = Seber Oe A 2 ae 5 x 1 4 a ee . ‘ ser as account _.made on. 6-inch fencing is towards still higher prices. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. ™ ae ow ~~. oe wee > i et We ee ye » LEN SO ORE St eee Le eee eee Sen a ; II. CANADA LUMBERMAN. WEEKLY EDITION Oe eee SN Fs Several vessels are loading at Nova Scotia ports for South America and the West Indies. New Brunswick shingles are showing more activity “and many of the sales of the past week have been made on a higher basis. Extras may be said to be established at $3.35 for Boston Lath are scarce and the demand brisk, delivery. UNITED STATES. Lumber is being moved as rapid- ly as possible from the mills to the distributing centres, the activity in shipping having caused a _ sharp ‘advance in freight rates, which now rule at $4 a thousand from Lake Superior to Buffalo and Tonawanda. Dealers seem anxious to get for- ward as much lumber as possible on of the urgent demand. Business is much larger than at the corresponding time one year ago. A new wholesale list was issued in Chicago last week in which ad- vances of from 50 cents to $1 were strips, stock boards, piece stuff and tim- bers. The White Pine Association at Buffalo is understood to be about to adopt a new list, which will doubtless show some advances. The tendency of the spruce market A tew days ago the price at Phila- ‘delphia was advanced $2 on the _ entire list, Boston prices are now strong at $24 for 9 inch and under and $25.5 dom lengths, 10 feet and up, but some wholesalers are holding their stock at $1 above these figures. The hemlock trade is very satis- factory. prices are strong on a basis of $19.50 a thou- sand. The finishing responsible for more activity in the Oak, birch and ash There is o for 10 and 12 inch ran- In the east demand is hardwoods. are selling quite liberally. ‘also a moderate movement in maple .and basswood, but prices are com- ‘ paratively weak. The movement to close down the hingle mills of the state of Wash- .ing cn is making satisfactory pro- gress, about go per cent. of all the mills having signed. Prices of red cedars are no more than steady, White cedars are in better demand and Extras are quoted at $3 whole- sale at Buffalo, The lath demand continues to expand and is not like- ly to fall off until the cessation of building operations. No. 1 white pine are selling in Chicago at $5 in carload lots and No. 1 hemlock at $4.25 to $4.50. GREAT BRITAIN. As the importing season draws to a close, the healthy condition of the British lumber market is more generally admitted. Stocks are ex- ceptionally small, and the demand is improving. The spruce market continues very firm, with higher prices for special dimensions. A Liverpool correspondent states that 48 5s. has been obtained for 7 and 8 inch by 3 inch, £9 for 9 by 3 inch, and £10 for 11 by 3 inch. There is not a large trade in white but on the other hand no weakness is apparent. Red pine is improving and prices have ad- vanced about 8s. since midsummer. Flooring is strong and many of the larger shippers are asking 5s. ad- vance on the prices cf a month ago. pine, STOCKS AND PRICES. The barque Lingard sailed last week from Yarmouth, N.S., for Rosario, South America, with 984,- ooo feet of Jumber. The Dickson Company, of Peter- boro’, Ont., have put in six camps this winter in Cavendish and Austruther townships. Ritchie Bros., of Aylmer, Que., have given the contract of clearing out their Eardley limits this winter to Mr. Riddle, of Eardley. J. W. Short, of Kenora, Ont., has put in three tie camps. The Mackey Syndicate are putting in two camps in the vicinity of Shoal ilegisie Thomas Hickey, of Marysville, B. C., has been given a contract to get out 2,000,000 feet of logs for the Kimberley Milling and Manufactur- ing Company. The company will get out 3,000,000 in addition. LIMITED RBark’s Falls, Ont. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING ie MASON, GORDON & CO. Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARUWOUD, TEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER -We carry. a full sapply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. ‘At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON , BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS The Alfred Dickie Lumber Com- pany, of Stewiacke, N. S., are prepared to let a contract for cutting about 1,500,000 feet of lumber this winter with a portable mill. Two rafts of logs, comprising 7,- 000,000 feet, the property of the Rat Portage Lumber Company, were scattersd during the recent rough weather on Rainy Lake, near the C.N.R. bridges, but most of them were recovered. Indications point to higher prices for slack cooperage stock, as the - market has recently been cleared of considerable low grade stuff. Job- bers at Buffalo quote first-class dry elm flour barrel staves at $8.50 to $9, heading at 5% to 534 cents, and 6-foot hoops at $9.50 to $10. The Gatineau log drive reached its destination near Gatineau Point last week. When the drive started from Maniwaki, towards the end of August, there were 300,000 logs to be brought down, and of this num- ber 100,000 were in the final sweep. These nears are considerably in excess of those of 1904, and it is estimated that the ¢ontractor hand- led one and a quarter million logs for the different concerns during the year. Some 3,500,000 logs were sawn by the mills in the vicinity of Three Rivers, Que., during the season now closing. Of this number, about 2,000,0..0 were sawn by the Three Rivers mills. The remaining 1,500,- 000 were sawn by the Grand Mere and Shawinigan Falls mills. About 2,500,000 logs of last winter’s cut remain undriven in the Upper St. Maurice and its tributaries. It is estimated that. some 5,000,000 logs will be made on the St. Maurice the coming winter. Most of the New Brunswick lum- ber operators have crews in the woods. It is estimated that the cut will be somewhat less than last year. Wages are ruling high, $32 in some cases being pai: for good men. Before the shutting down of the mills some operators wanted to send in early men to the woods, and they had to bid high in wages. This, together with the fact that the men are getting a higher rate in Maite this year than last, has tended to make the wages on the Mira- michi higher. It is expected that rafting opera- tions at the Mitchell boom at Fred- ericton, N.B., will be completed Send for Catalo 2 vt Samples by 80 St. Francis Nawer Street WHOLESATE TUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, sPRU YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH : MCLENNAN LUMBER CO, LIMITE ) MONTREAL ove omée and Yard, s71 DORCHESTER ST. ‘last named description is in very ' brought $4.21, $6.07, as 80 and © _Squares up to 38 in. long in large ery | ue KNIGHT BROTHERS ay Fer he. att November 8, 1905 2 some time tis week. Since Octo- ber 7th, when work was resumed, about 5,000,000 feet have been rafted and towed to St. John. The boom company do not expect to winter any logs in either the Doug- las or Lincoln booms. At the present time there are about eight million feet of logs hung up in th ei main river between Grand Falls and | Kilburn, and there are about twen- ty million at different points abo the Falls. There is little cha now of getting these logs into booms this fall, and there is danger of them going out with the ice in the spring. P ay -'’ : aa THE BARBAD(S MARKET. Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Company, under the date of October 21st, reter to the lumber market as — follows: We have no arrivals to re- port in either white pine or spruce, — in consequence of which our market _ hasassumed a somewhat better tone, — and although there i is still a fair sup-— ply of former in some dealers’ ele ie : Others are getting bare, and we think one or two corgoes, Bopeeatly d of merchantable quality, would sell | readily at remunerative prices, while second quality would also dowellin — view of the scarcity of spruce. This light stock, and first arrivals, espec- — ially of shipping, should realize good | prices, as cooperages require this for headings. The cargoof the schooner ‘‘Bravo” from Paspebiac, consisting of ee i 000 shingles, principally Long Cedar, — realized in the vicinity of % i203 while for a small batch of quality a slight advance was ‘paid. " A few dimension which she brought | down, and which were wanted, Wok CRAWFORD a Tilbury ; Ont. Manvfacturer of . 2 0 _ Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Rte, Ss Also Hard ad Sofr Wood Heading and Red and White Oak, Maple and Eim Lumber i Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak ad — Planing and Matchi ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, — mouLDines: 2 in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for i "Phone Ii3 il LIMITED Burk’s here - , MONTREAL, QUE. ) Faas respectively, for 4, 5, 6.and 7 in ich. Both long and laying cedar are in full supply, and with the light demand this season, in consequence of the dry weather ‘we have had, _ dealers are reluctant buyers, especi- ally with another cargo of these daily a expected from Gaspe. " CANADIAN LUMBER = imal a From Halifax, N.S. Barque ben Roig, for Spain, Sora feet spruce deals, value $7,737. Steamer : Amethyst, for New York, 104,756 fe et spruce boards, value $1,114; _ 76,525 feet pine boards, value $912; 599,000 laths, value $1, 198. Barque | Ohio, for New York, 109,105 feet _ spruce deals, value $1,218. Schoon- er Roma, for New York, 129,105 feet spruce deals, value $1,295, by re. W. Henderson. Schooner Helen _ Shafner, for New York, 237,062 feet spruce scantling, value $2,371, by err: Longley & Company. Schooner Laura C., for Cuba, 295,362 feet = boards, value $4,100, by C. F. Longley & Com- oy : __ From Montreal : ian, for Liverpool, _ deals. Steamer Dominion, for _ Liverpool, 1,616 pieces deals. _ Steamer Cernova, for London, 1,- i o18 pieces lumber, 12 cases doors. _ Steamer Mount Temple, for Lon- don, 1 1,698 pieces hardwood lumter, 4,579 bundles lumber, 1,655 pieces _ birch, 1,524 pieces dressed lumber, 26 ,075 pieces deals, ends and y Steamer Paris- 2,607 pieces ip a On peat irae a Oe 5 , CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION om. boards. Steamer Sarmatian, for Island City, for New York, 133,297. any hardwood. Trade is going on Havre, 1,523. pieces lumber. ft. deals and scantling, 83,021 tt. steadily with a fair volume, ‘and Steamer Montreal, for London, ‘9,- o61 bundles shooks, 2,222 packages lumber, 22,910 pieces hardwood lumber, 1,308 pieces birch, 42,990 pieces deals, ends and _ boards. Steamer Turcoman, for Bristol, 31,678 pieces deals, .. Steamer Marina, for Glasgow, 12,923 pieces deals. Steamer Sicilian, for Glas- gow, 2,755 bundles shooks, 2,025 pieces boards, 8,467 pieces deals. Steamer Roman, for Liverpool, 1,- 128 pieces deals, 400 cases splints. Steamer Dahomey, for Vera Cruz, 5,089 bundles shooks. From St. John, N. B.: Schooner Amema Willey, for City Island, f.o., 103,066 ft. deals, 1,652,610 laths. Schooner Ida M. Barton, for Vine: yard Haven, f.o,, 97,678 ft. plank, 30,397 ft. boards, 341 tt. ends, 113,- ooo laths. Schooner Ida May, for Stonington, 66,989 ft. plank, 72,376 ft. scantling, 6,849 ft. boards, 50,- ooo cedar shingles, 20,000 laths. Schooner Abbie and Eva Hooper, for? City Island, 'f.6;,) 336,217, ft. spruce deals. Schooner R.D. Spear, for City Island, f.o., 74,889 ft.deals, 55,861 ft. scantling, 205,600 ft. boards. Schooner Preference, for New Haven,134,564 tt.spruce deals, 142,745 ft. scantling, 44,938 ft. boards, 100,000 cedar shingles, 25,000 laths. Schooner Rebecca W. Huddell, for Portsmouth, 68,105 ft. scantling, 183,590 ft. plank. Schooner Georgia, for City Island, f.o., 371,112 ft. deals. Schooner there is an excellent prospect that stocks will be nearer cleaned out of first hands by January 1 next than ever before in the history of | the lumber trade. pine boards, 50,426 fi. 252,000 Staves. Spruce do, THE HARDWOOD MARKET. General hardwood conditions throughout the United States, so far as the selling qualities of hard- woods go, are eminently satisfac- tory to all interested in- the trade, says the Hardwood Record. On the contrary, quite a number of lines of hardwoods are in short supply, notably plain oak, ash and chestnut. The most serious condition that confronts trade activity in hard- woods at this writing is the annual car shortage, which seems to be more severe right now than at any time in previous railroad transpor- tation history. Individual rail- roads are from 500 to 5,000 cars short of requisitions, and this state of affairs will undoubtedly last un- til the large grain and cotton move- ment ceases. Railroad men figure that lumber is not a_ perishable commodity, neither is it one for which adequate storage room can- not be provided, and therefore they say lumber can wait. General movement of freight of all classes is slow at this time on account of the congested condition of nearly every line of railroad. Even fast passen- ger trains are repeatedly held up, owing to freight blockades. There is nothing to note in special accretion or decline in the values of An application is reported to have been made for a winding-up order for the Preston-Bell Furniture, & Lumber Co., Fort Frances, Ont. ~ J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr, KE. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr L,. Dean Holden, Pres. F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in . Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine. Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in, White Pine, Norway and Fir,. any length from 10! to 69% long. — SARNIA, ONT. Scrip POLES a WANTED We buy all lengths. Write _- us ‘for prices and you will see that by cutting your Cedar into Poles it will net you more than you can get out of it in any other way. J. B. FARWELL & SON Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. Bancroft, Ont. Oswego, N.Y. 4 = BANK ST. CHAMBERS ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. t Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tien SPECIAL — 50.000 4/4. 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M.R Basswood; 38, ooo 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 49, ooo 6/4 Beech. Prices on-application- - THE KING AND BARTLES LUMBER i PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS HaRDWoopD Citizens’ Buildin Distributing Yard Cleveland, Or McMinnville, Tenn. We buy and seli Pine in Car and Cargo Lots OTTAWA, ONTARIO __W.B. BARTRAM \ ‘DIMENSION { SASH - WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Specialties: Basswood and Birch. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. - J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBORG, ONT. ~ In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. ay inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. DOORS’ - Barge or car load lots B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., times: 604 Temple Building, Toronto ° MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address *‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.8.C., sth and Lumberman’s SAW AND PL ANING. MILLS, WARREN, ONT. "RED AND WHITE, PINE DEALS ‘All kinds of «: BRANCH OFFICE,. MANCHESTER, ENG. Iv LU MB BR: By Carload .or’ Cargo.” Registered Cable add ress,‘ “! x < B.C. RED CEDAR SHINGLES < Several cars now in transit, hence can give prompt delivery. SEND IN YOUR ORDERS C. A. LARKIN Bigs ae Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc, in Car Lots. “pi newood,”’: “Amer ican Lu mberman” Telecode. Troonto J, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIRITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF, Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES End-Matchd Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Bored HARDWOOD FLOORING and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ‘ etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. End Matched Flooring a Specialty. J; R.E ATON 4 Orillia, Ont 9 e coop PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. 54. ————————— sae THE SEVERAL CARS LONG Long Distance CEDAR Phones 1650-1651 ees HAMILTON lai CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Gang U MBER -anp | ATH ee: Denke = be CACHE che Y, Ont. a6 miles West North Bay / Sey. ‘ Pa ea Li bsg rae We d bf Bel Che bth pa re yah eine agen Ue oe iis “Head. Office, TORONTO, Cee IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION November 8, 1905 NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of CANADA LUMBERMAN.) St. John, N. B., Oct. 31st, 1905. —The quiet in spruce manufacturing circles in this vicinity continues. There is absolutely no prospect now of any important quantity ot long lumber of any description being available before June 1st next at the earliest. The output ofshingles has also been materially curtailed during the last week by the cessa- tion of operaticns at one of the largest mills. While rafting opera- tions have been carried on by the Fredericton Boom Company during the last three weeks, the probable quantity of logs secured by each manufacturer does not warrant the starting of the mills this fall. This state of inaction is particular- ly unsatisfactory just at this time because of the increasing strength of the markets in most of the more important lines. Cedar shingles, which have been rather draggy all through the year, have been in better demand during October and all indications point to a greater volume of business during the text month, although this con- dition is different from what is ordinarily the case, the late fall being marked by little stimulus in this line owing to the approaching end of the building season in the New England States. The higher grades are particularly strong ; local stocks of clears and extras are prac- tically cleaned up and enough orders booked to take care of the output of the next six weeks, which will mean the end of the season for the most important cedar mills. Local values in extras and clears are slightly firmer than was the case a month ago; on the few that are for sale no less quotation could be obtained at this date than $2.95 UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS | | on non-dutiable extras, and $2.45 on non-dutiable clears, f.o.b. St. John. For the lower grades the demand is somewhat slow and stocks are consequently rather heavy. These stocks of low grades consist chiefly of dutiable shingles, to which the United States markets are practi- cally barred on account of the duty, viz., 30 cents per thousand. For this reason the local manufacturers depend almost entirely upon the provincial trade to dispose of this class of goods, but this trade during 1905 has been below the average, hence the end of October finds in the vicinity of 4,000,000 of the low- er grade shingles at the local yards. 2nd Clears have been selling at $1.75 and No. 1’s at 95 cents per. M. f. o. b. St. John. The flourishing condition of trade in lath continues a feature and the situation shows no indications of a weakening of the high figures now . prevalent ; rather the tendency seems to be toward even higher prices. Localstocks arelight; 3,000,- ooo would cover all available and this quantity is shared in by half a dozen dealers. No lower quotation could be obtained on spruce lath at this date (f. 0. b. St. John) than from $2.85 to $2.95 for non-dutiable and from $2.60 to $2.70 for dutiable. Charters by schooner to New York City on lath are being made at 70 cents per M and to Boston on shingles at, 30 cents per M, with all indications pointing ‘to the probability of these figures being maintained during the balance of the season. Reinhold Anderson, lumber deal- er, Pinewood, Ont., has assigned. The shingle mill of the Fraser River Lumber Company at New Westminster, B.C., was destroyed by fire on October 24th. The loss is $12,000 and the insurance $7,- 000. The lumber barge ‘‘ Vesta” was — recently burned to the water’s edge at St. Michael’s Bay, an in- — denture of Georgian Bay. It was a large vessel and owned by W. J. Pulling, of Windsor, Ont. er > >L SS OQ OL OL Ll LN ee DIS SEMEN GN ES ESSE ME ESESES JUST A GENTLE REMINDER That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. STS —_— - NSWAS NSNAS SSVASNSVAS = BSS The Red Deer Lumber Company Y WINNIPEG, MAN, (J — SSsres SSS SESS SSSVOEASYASE AS We SSS —" <= —— (a SSSSS58 Re Ae OS RR ee oe en : | WHOLESALE. HARDWOODS. ST.LOUIS | | BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR® HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. THe BONSACK LUMBER CO. | | | td | ‘PHONE He Ae eee aa CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUPACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Correspon lence Inyited on All Hardwoode, BOSTON, MASS. H. D. wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN EIm, Ash, Bass and other Hardw co © CorRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | ~ BURY & NOBLE wasow a. wos LUMBER ‘-. DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. FRANK CG, BURY WHOLESALE MICHICA ao McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT. COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING ~ PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH Mills: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala, ga ALBERT a WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO 4 “TOR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, a Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior _ Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT: RHODES, CURRY & CO.., Limitea : LUMBER MERCHANTS. 7 a Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. _ BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. . Amherst, N.S. —— ‘Gawn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch v Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch ‘and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAM. ES J. MURPHY, *°shising"" QUEBEC 3 F. MCCIBBON & SONS, PENETANCUISHENE Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood “Hemlock Bills cut;on short notice. ~ ~~ saitetalen ad ice : 503 Manning Chambers - - Manufacturers of Pine, PPhe Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF ¥ Lumber Co. Lumber Co. | White and Red Pine at SPRAGGE, coi igs ete nt. | Lumber and Lath on “*Soo”’ Branch C. Water Shipments MILLS Manning Arcade, Toronto ° Ba Oo *FICES Coristine Building, Montreal y And at Mills at Spragge. THEM. BRAN 3. SUAS MANUFACTURE 0, UNITE Planing Mill and Head Office: Saw Mills at HAMILTON, Ontario. RAINY LAKE, Ontario. E NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Loarreo a — j if . > Milis at CACHE BAY and SP‘ NISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON, ONT. i - Manufacturers of and Wholesal ‘Dealers in allkindsof . . Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. -__A. F. BURY AUSTIN 7HOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER ANADA PINE of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA LTIES: Railway ! riage Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White ; Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and ewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollo back, end butted. _—s WRRastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. Douglas Fir Timber in any size or length up to go feet long. Timber Planers face ap to 24 inch x30 inch. oe wee ele COR SL ai as aM ae r i; fas . CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS a ‘gs iz —. . = ee | eS EE . a if Th 3 a THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. i r _ We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- 18 Tor nto Street, Toronto # eck, and solicit your enquiries. a J; DEGAPLAN TE) ee | — PLAYFAIR & WHITE Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers “ig LUMBER » LATH + SHINGLES @ Contractors for Rail | Soe eae eres.) ae 8! MID DANDY (ON - A.& P.WAIG Dealinss e e Dealers in...... ee Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. | PEMBROKE ONT. | ye MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. costa" Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. ae Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. « We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. urner Lumber Co., timitea — : MANUPAGTURERS j LOMBER 2 LAGA Shipments by Rail or Water. e Midland, Ont. ~ HARDWOOD FLOORING © End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price el THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited Pe 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. | HARDWOOD FLOORING : MANUFACTURED IN rr a MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ‘ 3%, %, 7%. 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, oy, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. : i) Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames ia and G ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER ne > NP J. S. FINDLAY - OWBN SOUND,ONT. A SPLENDID ROUTE. eee = The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term ed the ‘“‘Sportman’s Line’ because it reaches into and through the very heart of the choicest * hun ting grounds in America. T he very best wild fowl shooting of the entire Norh isreached ONLY by thisline. Hundreds » of beautiful lakes abounding im wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- jally to the sporting public and durng_ the vario us seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along its lines upon applica- tion to the nearestticket agent. It alsoarranges its train service with special reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its *employes are constantly on the alert to make peer! over their lines pleasant and comfort- able. This line offers the best route between Chicago, ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS IN Weekly Ganada LUmDerman a . . bs tytn > = et im +) a > Sot St. Paul, Milwaukee Minneapolis or to Lake 7 . Superior points via Ashland, Wisconsin. Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Information given by addressing— Vancouy f Cent. R.R. JAS. C. POND, Wis. ‘ Milwaukee Dry Kilas of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. ~ * j WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ANB QUOTATIONS. AUGER & SON We Buy, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles 5 vr eh Sel iat yn 25S tn! jek f r og, 8 a lee a ar te, | Pe “SPL oo at tee 1 aE ie » va eee ee yeah oh POA ieee ad, Soda 6 i ~ ee 4 Oey he oF me ate eet | ae ‘ i ; en yn ph T PUSAN ae ea iii + ne he ‘ as , ow o> Pats An” oe , es " “Pay Ty ~ —* tS, » ro ¥ ‘ 4 4 a> . . ‘ rime? E ; : 4! et 3 iy vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION _ November 8, 1995 “en. EH. HEAPS & 00, “= Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. A 3 . > . _ am — W. J. SHEPPARD i hs ated J. G. SCOTT, caver a MANAGER Waubaushene, On B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Co-* Limited LATH, MOULDINGS mbet .g Tn NORE. Coast Mer ace HICH CRADE pacilic EHO RED CEDAR SHINGLES | Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONT O ; a | D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J- E. YOUNG, canal posed ee ee ee eee es ae The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. Menufecturers White and Red Pine Lumber, Pash. Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work | e pestersin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING ' Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario: Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber r We also Manufaecture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points.” i es Cc. WELLS — e PALLISER, B. c. Export Lumber & ) Shingle Co... Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar : | and Lumber of all Descripiiauae. Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED W. B. McKEcaNIE, President. cS MacRag, Manager. : Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERTA LU MBER 0. for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Wancouver, B. Cc. LIMITED, Z e ty 8 l bi : il hi « ufacturer SLigcly erty calles eee BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR AR Ss to 24 i e, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. B. C. c. FIR—DIMENSION AND FINISH. SCRIBNER’'S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements °@e of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square Oe and Round Timber ; welds Rules, and much other practi- cal information. Price 35 Cents = * Anhgne THE CANADA ] 'IM¥BERMAN, TORONTO, ONT -. f, wv a> Wy Pay; uy + pa ee November 8, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION AS se 7 a 1,500,000 Shingles Per Day oa _ About half the B. c Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. Million Shingles. IU MBH Er Sr WO -and...CHD Ar, : mie Ao ae OaAt loath DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all . descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH We make a Specialty of the handling of Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber Investments generally Correspondence Invited 3 DOUGLAS (rode: . XZ 4 7 UNION LUMBER = pa COMPANY, JE have Three Millions of Hem- HY lock, running in lengths trom 10 )t0 24 feet. which we are pre- pared to cut in blocks of 50,000 feet or over. & MANUFACTURING CO. Deslers in Pine. Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber.. ame WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER | PEXSDWELL & LEMCK Our Daily Shipping Capacity is over One 4 NZ “S Head Office Limited ss¢ assis ss Vancouver, B. C. Lions Head, 9 Ontario Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Correspondence Solicited. MANUFACTURERS OF ete Rail or Water Shipments. eee BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS [ FARNWORTH & JARDINE ee ble Address‘ “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, EN oe F. A. Lightbody: & Co. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND 45 Seay rere “ TENEBRIS,’ GLASGOW Codes: A B.C. At ie for CANADIAN | WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; " Hardwoods 1 in Log. _Ete. 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, * "tosses, 2" Xe Address‘ ap had London.’ 8 Gordon Street i IMPORTER OF —mme : Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods A dre Open to Contract for Glued-Up_ BASSW COD KEYBOARDS DIRECTORY COD GELLIBRAND, “HEYWOOD & CO. Wood i gents and Brokers “GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England ELBER, SUCKER & CO. ONB DOLLAR i Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND | Will pay your subscription to the CANADA ___ Invite offers from yaa gg a: for... je Address: LUMBERMAN for ONB YEAR Suitable tor English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. JAMES ‘WEBSTER & BROTHER Sy BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND | “ q TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elim Logs and Lumbe Stav ves and Heading, Handles of ail Raectintions Veneers A Specialty _| SMITH & TYRER - (4 Titheban Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—“‘Walmer,” Liverpool: Halifax, N.S. Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., "Hollis St. eta hits: N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS ‘« BDMISTON’’ Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW OANT & KEMP 2 52 St. Enocn Square, GLASGOW o PD Racer * ‘f Bene ae ¥ a nd RC Codes Cable Address : TIMBER BROKERS Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes: Zebra, Western Union foutharts and London.”’ A. B.C. 4th and 5th Edition THOMPSON, BLOIS & co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances anal against shipping document JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID, Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Cable MANCHESTER, HAMBURG, BUYERS OF White Ash Logs ad Planks. Oak Logs and Plank Rock ae Logs oa Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory on 2 eA SO. sours All ingens of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English ALFRED, DOBELL & COMPANY tee "WOOD. AGENTS ‘AND. BROKERS | Liverpool and London Chambers. - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABILR ADDRESS *“ DOBLE LIVERPOOL ’ Seales bof me Oy —" Lo eee ee eee, Ge viii CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION : THE ONTARIO LU Mi BER C95 sare Mits: North Bay. C.P.R. and G. T.R. Delivery. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Howe Life Building J ORONTO, Ont. Mitts : French River, Georgian Bay, Water Shipment Only. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU R. B. ST. GEORGE RAILWAY, LUMBER and CONTRACTORS’ AGENT 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad Work. - - Phone 1,950 McLennan Timber Land and Lumber 60., Limited Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. ° . . . ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. R rock's. -~ BOSTON, MASS. Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. EO. G. GLADMAN srevscrorm Mills at Smith’s Bay Township of Carling ata cele BRT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, P Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Ste cl wt ARTON, onT. PARRY SOUND, ONT. WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK LUMBEI LATH AND SHINGLES osm 4 CoRRESPONDENC CR SOLICITED S Ih YOUr WISh.. To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Pi e good strips : Pine, box boards.... 13 00 15 00 AL Siatoe ied 34 co 36 oc | Pine mill culls..... 1200 15 00 == Aidt in. and 1% in... 600 40 o | PineO. culls...... . 750 850 noc toc ts oo 40 0 | Spruce, 1’x4” & up 14 90 Pine, good shorts: Spruce, 1” stocks, i Pts aig se te 8 vo 30> a a, sang a 15 00 1Y in and 1% in. .. 34 v0 40 00 | Spruce,” clear ‘fine TORONTO, ONT. 5 eee 58 00 4200| dressingand B.. 24 00 CAR OF CARGO LOTS tee ga sisi." Sco) memate S i Sg BS 2x4 to 10in.,1 to16ft. 16 00 17 00 siding ... _ 2200 27 00 No. 1 white pine.. 250 I no ee a a $50 00 $5200 = to 10 inch, 18 Be 17.00 1800 Pine, No. x dressing Bis: 2 ye pine.... 2 25 Clear inch B. C. cedar, SETIPS, > valde ta ehtal _++ 18 00 25,00 pruce, mill run..... 225 aes See nee, : 53 00 5500] kiln dried............ 5000 Pine No dressing Red Pine, mil! run.. 2 25 1% & 2in.No.2 Pine Clear inch B. C. cedar shorts vijie sa lepers ow 17 00 21 oo | Pine Shingles ‘cuts and better.... 44 00 4600] airdried boat lumber 5500 Pine, ros, ¢ and bet- xxxx, 18 inch....... +300 3 25 1% to 2 inch No. 3 Dougias fir dimension teraz! to 16’ ..... 20 00 2200] Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 cuts and better.... 4000 4200] timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- XX tBhinch: ; 15.56. 1 40 1 60 tin. Pine Dressing Douglas fir dimension ter 17 tor. ..... 17 00 1900 | Cedar Shingles . and better shorts 23 00 24 00 timber, 30 to 35 feet 3I 00 Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 02 20 00 XXXX, 18 inch........ 3 25 3 50 1x4, 6and 8common 19 00 20 0 | 134 in. No. 1 4 ft. Pine i pe S.C. pes serene 14 00 16 00 poe he inch.. . 2 50 7 60 ba oe 0 00 2I 00 Gti Ge. desines es salg 05 40.00 ine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 14 00 xx, 18 inch.,........ I 50 I 70 oe Comuhen Fedoate aX co 22 00 agin, No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 20 3 30 } x10 common...... 20 50 21 §¢| 144” No.r 32” pine lath 175 2and 3x12 common. 22 00 23 00 va Ne. ae a beoloc’. lath - 35 1o inch box and xx ine Shingles 2 90 ) Apeaenis meat a. cae 20 00 21 co| XX Pine Shingles .. 220 230 SARNIA, ONT. ill runsidings 2: 00 22 00| X Pine Shingles .. go ae mill ae Fag aI 00 22 00 ae Cedar Shingles 220 2 25 UPPERS. %x 4and ae ar es ate ciate $21 00 1x10 and 12 mill culls 17 <0 18 00 B.C, Shingles: 1in., 10” snd up pile: .$73 00 14 oe UP. ceeeere a 2 ° XxX utts to 2 in. 2 90 1%, 1 nd 2” oo A, potency saennisins . F beat cull Sid- 6 00 16 so | XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 12 a 3" “11 B00 yeas Pe Monday" aha 1 in. ‘dead cull sidings 12 00 13 50| XXXXX 5 toz2in.. 3:45) -. 4” oe . 83 00 1% x6) and Up......-- +» 24 00 inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 oo | XX No. 2,6 to2in.. WIG RQ ch Sataxsienee 25 00 bs.) i} i t Bia 7 00 16 oo | XX “6 to 23-16 in. 2\,30 SELECTS I Pf | «ae eS 4.27.00 righ. ae a mie tact 7% , Ba A ged yen wide.... ms rele) a =x 6” and up ++ 25 00 14%, 1% and 2 3 00 aera sf «2+. 26 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. 2f'and 3” ~eiages 73 Come) (ae x a te bee on le . 28 00 Ash White,1 toz in Elm,rock, mill vie meee: ae NO. I BARN, ; $ run.....+. 1to 1%"24 00 25 00 . Pind fee ..$23 00 to $30 00 tats and ands..... is 00 935 °° | Fim rock,mill I ra a ane up ys . 54 00 Band 1% and 2 2” 28 00 to 31 00 Ash, black, ists an run.......134"' 3.. 28 00 29 co 1% andi i +++ 54 00 and af 32 00 and, rto1¥ in.. .. 27 00, 29 00 | Hickory, rsts tL sees §5 00 wt soat WP 35 00 Birch M. R.,zin. 2I 00 22 00 PR ends. see 2.. 36 00 38 00 FINE COMMON. NO, 2 BARN. 1% ‘ 2.. 2300 25 00| Maple i m1 NE A 45 00 to 62 00 Ht eSermcr abs 20 00 to 24 00 we sqrs. aug“ 8x8 32 00 36 00 Meee Os t 1% 2000 2% 00 1%, 1% . so - 50 00 8651 00 1%, 1%, 2 and aud letters 10 Yi 23 00 24 00 and 2nds.. 2 '' 4.. 24 00 26 oc 22,3 and 4 com a eo " YO" oversee 2200 tO 23 50 Basswood, 134 toz.. 24 as oo | Oak;red, p’n, NO. I CUTS. p 14% 20 00 2200 rsts & ands2 ‘' 4.. 44.00 4600 1in., 8’ and up ware - 35 00 NO. 3 BARN. mr. or 1% Oak, white 1% in 45.0 tin 7 00 to 20 Che Isis a ’ A, 1 « GS .OGr yt (a xuin: 5.) «behave I ° eat ends 1 ‘13% §5 00 6000 ae Saas 1 ‘1% 4200 4400 We in, ‘5 Ns ce me 1%, 1% and 2” 18 co to 20 50 h : ak, white wae BT, OOS Wear . atlas inn 21 00 ire age © 4.. 60 00 70 00 rsts & ands 2 4-- 4500 5000 2y%and3” ‘“ --. 60 00 nox W u“u “ . — soft, mill Oak. quart’d, 4 -». 62 00 i dice lerwre 1 ' 1% 24 00 25 00 ists&2nds ‘‘ 2.. 70 00 80 00 No. 2 CUTS. No. 1, 1”, 1%, Elm, Gon: mill Walnet, ei m! : oocuok Atta bt endaap wide 29/60 Peale fee .. 13 50to 1800 o . oar = , ’ sep). ii bi hae Noo A i 1 and 174” aes 3g 00 1% 2........ 14§0to 17 00 3 aes 30 08 ame 3 and 4” “ sees 45 00 n nee CULLS. - NO. 3 CUTS. ae Run 1’, 1%, 14% and Lea QUEBEC, QUE. 1in., 6” and up wide.... 18 00 No. 2, ue te Teng WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT if and 14” at eq 20°08: ie Cis. oe ve, 2000 Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 3545 2%, gand 4’*\ “ so 27 OG Not 739) SY Fe ehiste vex Teas First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. £8 63 “Hes Soe No, 2, 48” “ en a tee . UA 1g to 20inch average 162) 65 No. 1, 48 pine.. Beye) An RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. aH = 47 PECTS SEL ms pee SHINGLES, Measured off, according to average and eels a olctatiaia’ aie otalora 27 33 = 6 aad 3” Nee ere oo Oa XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, Shipping order rsinfeuciclss Oye x! STOVES Sate: eee .. 22 00 5, to2=16"......... eure OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. ” = 12% panies i eR 23 00 < e y 1 85 By the dram, according to average andquality. . ‘ 45. 50 2” x\1zand Up... Le ce.8 25 00 ie I 25 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality 4goto4gsfeet. 65 75 Say biz iY z0to35fet. 52 54 . ASH. ALBANY, N.Y. 10 inches and up, ecccatles J to avergis and quality. . . 26 28 ree Average x6 inch - 2A : 30° 3? Uppers, 3 in... os cesses 83 85] rxx2 tnchtalely pers at, SO ag BIRCH, 234 iD... eee renee seeeeeees 83 85 | 4/4 inch 3" & up. 25 14 Inch ‘ f 2p. © 72 ECL AEN n)s!ain.n/n/slOiaieip Wivieisiale 78 80 aA. Box boards 6 and up.. 20 31 ed ’ ‘ Ae a . 26 28 inch uppers ...... seseee-« 88 9Q| ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 17 a ‘ . . aS . 28 31 Sclects, 24% in up.......-: 77 82] x2-in, dressing and better... 40 42 os ‘ oh 432 34 T tone, .cijeciedenys ena 70, 72 | Box, 1xro-in. ....0....0-005 21 Fine common, 24 in. and up 72 75 Box, TX12...., h’elia ciate ecto 22 1 to2in. ot os eee . 58 60| No. x barn, rx12.... ..... No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 in 55 SEE. oom an ales meu OTTAWA, ONT. Novae. Sree eee MeN ARB pas ctr cess of ton grand A go ne Hy molding, to 2 in a Beaker. za. 5 zine, good sidings: rx10 No. 1 bats : 20 00 ~=—No..2 cacialie x to2 in, aN) MSEB cn os Suacce 1 in.x8 in. rea es SC-SOvigs OO | 2x70 ee a b : 1800 Stained saps.......+++- 40 | Shaky clear, x to 6/4 in. 14 in x 1% in 1x8 &9 No.1 AKT « «+» 17 00 Bracket plank . ‘ Mba tel in.and up...... 50 00 56 00| 1x8 & 9 No.2 “ 15 00 Dressing ...... + ain, x 8in.and up 54 00 56 00 No.2 cute 2z8’&up 3400 36 00 Pine Shorts 6’ to 11” KIO" cecees secsee 16.00 Shelving boards, 1a-in. up. via ay 4° Dressing boards, narrow.... 26 28 1700 yx19 inch cocccsese 28:43 ’ el aN, ee m eee = hk lag BO An Advertisement in the Wanted*’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of “i CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION — Will secure for you a Buyer = the case may be. Address. The Canada Lumberman, ih LATH. hs . Pine Peewee eens oe we eeeees $3 75 | Spruce...... See eenee eo — 3 6 SHINGLES. _ Ps" 7. Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 so $4 75 Bound butts, 6x18 uuSs 25 55 Clear n tts.,........ 3.50 3 75 cn eveaienecebac Ne 2 Smooth 6x18....... 4 50 475 Spitede-c:koet Geer ae 7 r x he BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY. WHITE PINE. < (Wholesale pe nag | Uppers, 1, 1%, 13g and 2 bse 78 00 Shelvin ar ete i. Roa dara s'vin 85 00 oh asm 5) 4 oo | No. * Mold sp vt mar! 00 |). Lingo Seee eee 2% and 3 in....... WED, colds bie'e sine Selects 1 im.......... 1% to 2in......... 244 and 3 in....... AM. eee c eee ee ee aee 5 Fine common, 1 in. 1% and 1% in..... yo 00 | No. 2 M 4 in. ae a N = up, No. x, x in. Box, 1x4.. and 13 in..... 5200) 1x6&wu Cs BA ee 28 00 Ix10. No. 2,1%, & 1% in 38 00 1xI2.. 0: 9,5 rhs and 1% a5 00 1x13 and No. 32” 30 00 u 4 Dressing 1 36 00] Mill Culls, 1, ie 42 00 and 2 in. ..s..c5.) IG is. eters ners 38 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the iobber's b 1 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; WHITE ASH. é‘ j to 4 Wa... cssiees. 43 00" Scriven 22 00 om. and culls. ..ss.~ 16 00 a Ist & and, 1 inch, i¥%tozin ....... 39 00 4I 00 “BLACK AND BROWN ASH 5 Ist & ana, 6 nch up, 33 00 gebes & gaod culls... 3 Pr ist & and, 6 inch & ar ist &and »white, 6’ & up, 8 oo up, red.......... . 40 00 4200 Com. & good ¢ 90 1 ELM. 28 oo | rst & 2d, soft, 6in mt, 26 00 28 17 00 | Common and cu Been one 16 00 1st & and hard,..... 21 70 . 00 ssh kinalpaianeeee 20 00 23 Common and culls — 1400 ° 00 | Common'and calls.... 12 00. pa cheat it & ad,rock,6in &up~6 oo Common and ‘culls .. 15 00 BOSTON, MASS. White Pine U pers, 1toz2inch ..,... .... esses . -$83 00° Selects, 1 to 2 INCH... sess cee eee ee eeeneeeeeees JO OO Fine eukeans 1 inch 146 toa Ich. overares se eeeee eens 6000. St Ne ale BAMCH ooo. occas oe pane nn saena ise een 00-2 ANH. oie:s ois: -ewre oisrde\eisis anicie wee ve GROOM No. 2 Cuts, Tinc! qe tteeeeecene tenes reeteeter sees JO OO. 1H tO Binh... 0... cccee coerceee wr esee AE, 00° Barn Boards,No. 1........c.eceeceeeerereecseeeses 32 50 "No. 2. 'e's-.a09p0nnssetaihign ei ate INOS 3)s.0.¢ d:c.erci a treepinroreiniealsioets tien Seeman Spruce, 10 and 12 in. dimension... ve aaueaneer i) gin. and under ........ BR = 1o and 12 in, random lenge ndup...... 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 Tentionl lengths, to ft. and up...... .......... oa) Celene All age random lengths, 9 in. and under, 10 ft, asd s193. 65.2 tna nue oinaue Meee sae eee 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & Out Spruce boards, p.1S......... or 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1s clipped ‘and bundied - NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES Second clears . Clear Whites .......... Extra 18 (Clear ‘whites out). Extra 1s (Clear whites in)..............0000 BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. Red Cedar Extras, ee ee 4 w = be! Perfections, § butts to 2 im. --.- ee Hn ew OD 2onwd AsSaAnRS 85a Vor. XIII (Canapa [uMBERMAN T he G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y OF Toronto, Limited Cc ieeeration Life Building - TORONTO, Branch. Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 1 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. a Telephone 1274. HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B, C. 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, Lonpon, E. C. i Weekly Lumberman — Published every nesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- rts of market conditions and tendencies in the incipal manufacturing districts and leading estic and foreign wholesale markets. A ekly medium of information and communica- mn between Canadian timber and lumber manu- irersand exporters and the purchasers of roducts at home and abroad. Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, ng fully and impartially subjects perti- to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE tisements will be inserted in this’ depart- at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. n-four- or more consecutive .insertions .are red a discount of 25-per cent. will be allowed. notice shows the width of the line and is set ; I2lines make oneinch. Ad- ments must be received not later than 4 p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in current week’s issue | ; . SALE—100,000 FT. HEMLOCK, TO BE eutto order. Address P. O. 6, Care ‘“Lum- fAN,’’ Victoriaville, P. Q. 1DAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish n. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for ere at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, wood, Ont. - ; - (a REMAN—MILLWRIGHT OPEN FOREN- GAGEMENT, At references, 15 years ex- mce in saw mill construction, up-to-date ods. Address Box 327 CANADA LUMBER- N, Toronto, Ont. ii. DRY HEMLOCK WANTED—ALSO Cedar Shingles and Lath. Tor- ONTO LUMBER COMPANY, 432 K Logan Avenue, Toronto. - FOR SALE QUANTITY OF CEDAR AND HEMLOCK Ties, No. 1 and 2; 1to000 Cedar € Posts; 1” and 11” Basswood ; 2” and 3” 4 cut in 1904; excellent shipping condi- “1905 cut contains Pine, Hemlock, Bass- Maple, Elm and Ash lumber and 10,000 ae: ame TATE LUMBER Co’y,, n _ WANTED + _ nm Lumbermen, Limit Holders and Mill out the following lions, in lengths of 8 to 16 feet and small shorter lengths, 4,6,8,10,12 inches wide € open to contract with right parties for ply of about a car load a week to fices free on cars. urther particulars apply THE DAVID GILMOUR DOOR ey, “ 579 Tonawanda St., it Buffalo, N.Y, The Lumberman Monthly Editio WEEKLY EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATE8, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS, TORONTO, MONTREAL — NOVEMBER ts, i905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER FoR SALE — ABOUT 3CARS OF 3”, AND I car 2” White Maple, winter cut. Address ANDREW KNox, Box 22, Norwood, Ont, WirasrED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Simcok Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. WANTED. (a BY CAR OR VESSEL, ANY QUAN- TITY, large or small, up to 10,000,000, 1%” or 154”. Address C.S. WENTWORTH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. A LARGE MILL IN THE EASTERN TOWN- SHIPS cutting annually 2 million ft. birch lumber for English Market would like to find’ some one who could work up waste stock into chairs, ete, Renting part of mill with power for the purpose Address GREAT NORTHERN LuM- BER Coq , LTD., Scotstown, Que. FoR SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO. 3 HAM- ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 74” cylinders and all connections, circular outfit complete with iton husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 20 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each. Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Mill, THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont. CORRECTED SIZES. 3 inches X 8 inches x 14 ft. plump also ate eR ee Pat, cytherea tte) it Clear Stock, free from knots, hearts and shakes 5 to 20 Carloads Name price, delivered Toronto, and quantity can supply Also a few cars choice Hard Maple 3% inchesx6 inchesx7 ft. or 14 ft. long MASSEY-HARRIS CO, Limited, Toronto, Ont. MACHINERY FOR SALE We have for sale the following second hand machinery, in good condition. Write us for full particulars and prices of any machine. I 26” X 32” engine box frame, slide valve on top of cylinder, driven with rock shaft. 2 No. 3 single cutting band mills, made by Prescott Co, Two block carriages with Prescott offset, made by Prescott Co. Two block Garland carriage, Boss shingle machine, made by Mowry. Hall shingle machine. Perkins Grand Triumph shingle mactines, Drake hand shingle machines, Perfection power shingle machines, Double block shingle machine, Perkins make. Drag saw. Knee bolter. Perkins Class A cut-off, Wheel jointers. Knot saw frames. Shingle packers. Heading trimmer. Rich automatic saw sharpeners, Independent condenser, Portable boiler and engine, boiler with aa fire box, and 28—3” tubes, 12 h Pp., engine 38 X 12. 1 Greenlee No. 1 improved automatic cut-off machine, witn countershaft. 1 Friction feed complete, frictions 15” wide. 1 36” standard Leffel water wheel I I nN HH dD HST ooo Se ey Upright boiler 70” x 32” with sixty 2” tubes. » 54” X 32” with ninety 1%” tubes. . 1 10” X 16” twin engine, steam feed, complete. THE WM, HAMILTON MEG. CO., LIMITED Peterborough, Ont, ANTED.—AN UP-TO-DATE FOREMAN for sash and door factory. Apply with “He Particulars to McLaurIN BRoS., Lachine, ue, Fok SALE—ABOUT 150 M. FERT 1” MIXED hardwood culls, on C.P.R. line. For parti- culars address WM. SMITH, 393 ST. ANTOINE ST., Montreal, Que. Fo SALE, A GOOD SAW MILL, CAN SAW from 1§ to 25 thousand per day, with every- thing complete, nearly new. Apply to RoBERT STEWaRT, Vasey P O, Ont. \ JANTED—A MAN WITH A GOOD PORT: ABLE mill to saw lumber in the county of Hastings during the winter and spring of 1906 and succeeding one or two seasons. Address Box 326 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. HAxz YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this penal. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- ronto. : CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The remarkable strength of the white pine situation is still univers- ally admitted. Dealers report diffi- culty in finding suitable stock to fill orders, as there is a very small quantity of the lower grades in first hands. There is also a scarcity of thick stock in the higher grades, also twelve-inch export boards. . Ship- ping to the United States is quite active, and this, with the phenomen- al local demand, is keeping dealers and manufacturers very busy. Un- fortunately, as much cannot be said for the hardwoods, which are mov- ing rather slowly, with prices very irtegular. Birch has been a. good seller all season at firm prices, but there is still a plentiful supply of dry stock at the mills. There is no improvement in the demand for bass- wood, which apparently is being al- most entirely neglected by consum- ers. In order that the basswood market may be sustained and prices held at even the present low basis, it will be necessary to curtail the production of logs this ‘winter. Common and better basswood is said to have been offered during the past fortnight as low as $18 at the mill without finding a purchaser. White pine and white cedar shingles are very quiet, and, as far as can be estimated, are losing n 44 pages} si.oo per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMYER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 36 ground through the competition of the red cedars. Lath prices show no indication of weakening. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. Very favorable reports come to hand from the Eastern Provinces. The better grades of lumber are be- ing bought up for export and the local grades for local consumption. In view of the strong statistical posi- tion, an advance in prices is taken as a foregone conclusion. There has been heavy buying of spruce for export to the Eastern States, where prices have advanced much more sharply than in Canada, with the result that buyers have turned their attention to this side. Stocks are being rapidly cleaned up, and ‘in some localities very little can now be purchased. There is now some prospect of getting out the 8,000,000 feet of logs stranded on the St. John river between Grand Falls and Kil- burn, but many lumbermen are of the opinion that unless the logs can be driven to the booms it would be advisable to leave them where they are rather than have them hung up at some point where they would be certain to go out with the ice in the spring. The demand for New Brunswick cedar shingles is fairly active and prices a little firmer. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The lumber market of Western Canada is in a more healthy con- dition than for some time past. The demand is increasing and the supply at the mills and in wholesale yards is diminishing. .The Mountain Lumber Manufacturers’ Association, at a meeting last week, discussed the question of advancing’ prices, but decided to take no action before the annual meeting in January, when it is probable that a higher price list will be adopted. The shingle de- mand is very good, but stocks at the mills are still heavy. UNITED STATES. Orders plentiful and stocks hard to get, explains the situation in re- spect to the white pine market of AND WOOD-WORKER Yr II. the United States. The volume of business is restricted by the inability of manufacturers and dealers to supply the stock. There has been received at Chicago this seasona total of 1,821,415,000 feet of lum- ber, as against 1,352,292,000 feet in the corresponding period of 1904, a gain of nearly 500,000,000 feet. Tonawanda receipts are 55,000,000 feet in excess of last year. These figures reflect the strong demand which has prevailed all season. Building operations in Chicago have been 50 per cent. greater than in 1904. The dealers there have issued the new list making an advance in 6-inch fencing, 8, 10 and 12-inch stock boards, timber, joists and scantling, and lath. The price of No. 1 white pine lath in car loads is $5.25; No. 2, $4.50; No. 1 norway, $4.75; No. 2, $4.25; No. 1 hemlock, $4.50; No. 2, $3 75. The hardwood demand is largely from manufacturers, which is taken to indicate that they are carrying light stocks. Ash is moving freely and the furniture manufacturers are taking considerable quantities of low grade birch. The outlook for basswood also seems to be more promising, as several manufacturers report having made during the past month. large ‘sales GREAT BRITAIN. The outlook for, the lumber trade of Great Britain seems to be more promising than at any previous time this year. Consumption is gradually increasing as the result of a better general trade throughout the country. A Liverpool report says: ‘‘Prices in nearly direction are on an upward move and a glance at the statistics of import, consumption and stock will show all round a much improved condition compared with that of last year and even with that of last month.” The stock of Canadian pine deals in the public docks at Liverpool on October 31st was 821,000 pieces, as compared with 1,161,000 pieces every CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION in 1904. The spruce stock was 897,000 pieces, aS against 1,124,- ooo pieces last year. Pine timber also shows a diminished supply, the quantity of stock being 557 loads as compared with 868 loads in 1904. The greatest improvement has been in spruce, which has ad- vanced steadily for the past two months. A recent sale of Nova Scotia spruce deals was made at a shade over £8 per standard c.i.f. Liverpool. In hardwoods, birch may be said to be leading, although there is a very satisfactory demand for oak planks. STOCKS AND PRICES. J. Walter, of Strathcona, Alberta, purposes taking out 8,000,000 feet of logs this winter. E. W. Hogan & Sons, of Fort | William, Ont., intend taking out 75,000 ties this winter. The Cedar Valley Mill Company, of Fernie, B. C., are logging with a crew of thirty men, They expect to operate the mill continuously next season, Thomas Leask and J. J., Grady . have secured about 10,000 acres of timber limits in the vicinity of Erick- son, B.C., where they purpose build- ing a saw mill. Donald Fraser & Sons, of Fred- ericton, N.B., will cut about the usual quantity of logs this winter, notwithstanding that they are winter- ing about 10,000,000 feet. Their mills at Plaster Rock, Baker Brook and Cabanoarenow sawing shingles. The Miramichi Lumber Company, which recently acquired the timber limits and lumber property of Wm. Richards, of Chatham, N. B., have sent large crews into the woods and expect to get out about 22,000,000 feet of logs. They are operating on the Taxes river, Cain’s river, and Sisters and Rocky brooks. The Rat Portage Lumber Com- pany, of Kenora, Ont., will not take out a large quantity of ties this winter, as one or two firms’ in the Lake-of-the-Woods district have a considerable stock on hand. John W. Short has three tie camps in operation, one at Gull Bay, another at Sabaskong, and the third on the Little Traverse. D. L. Mather has several camps on Vermillion Bay. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING In view of the large demand for building material, logging opera- tions in the northern part of Mani- toba are quite active this winter. T. A. Burrows has one camp in the Riding Mountains and two in the Duck Mountains, the timber to be floated down the Valley river, and one near Lake Singoosh, the timber to be sawn there this winter. Hanbury Manufacturing Company, of Brandon, have acamp on the Shell river. Mr. Sinnot has a camp in the Duck Mountains and Mr. Harper one in the Riding Mountains. The total output of logs by the above camps is expected to exceed 20,000,- ooo feet. Breckenbridge & Lund, of the Crow’s Nest Pass Lumber Company, of Wardner, B. C., are establishing three camps on the St. Mary’s river, one about four miles above Marys- ville and the other two miles above Matthews’ creek. They expect to cut about 6,000,000 feet of timber this winter and will drive the logs down into the Kootenay river and on to Wardner. Logging will also be done extensively on Cherry creek and Skookum Chuck by the Crow’s Nest Pass Lumber Company. About 40 timber locations on Skookum Chuck, Kootenay district, have been surveyed this fall and applications filed for licenses to cut timber in this district. As these will probably all be granted, Skookum Chuck will present a very busy scene this winter. The district around the mouth of White river is also receiving the attention of the loggers and about 18 applications have been made for permission to cut timber in that district. St. Mary’s lake is another objective point for loggers this year. THE GLASGOW MARKET. According to Messrs. Edmiston & Mitchells’ monthly timber circular of October 31st, business during the past month has shown considerable activity, transactions have been numerous in wood goods of nearly all kinds, and this, too, in spite of a smart advance in prices in some instances. In sympathy with the rise in freights, spruce has advanced sharply, and the same may be said of pitch pine to an even greater, extent, while still higher prices are predicted in the near future. The statistical position on this side certainly favors this view, and it only requires active trade conditions Send for Catalo Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. NARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. EVE RYTHING IN LUMBER AN D TIM At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON . BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS MASON, GORDON az 80 St. Francis Xavier Street WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER — Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, — Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. _ Correspondence Solicited. DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH i : M°LENNAN LUMBER C0, LIMIT MONTREAL bedieae Office and Yard, s7' DORCHESTER ST. The. J vt Samples by oRtail to see stocks at an altog abnormally low point for th ginning of the winter season. Quebec pine deals there als been more demand recently prices have not advanced to extent, though the tendency is a upward one. Apart from the fore going, ‘the only other goods | special demand have been planks, attractive parcels of are scarce, and as®*wagon b in this district are -prett employed, the demand is likely continue brisk. x Wuite Pine.—The import sists of about 800 loads wan per liners from Montreal demand during the month h rather better, and some fairly lines have been placed, chie waney pine deckwood. Stock ample. Pricesare firm. - Oax.—There has been no during the month. Enquiries h been more numerous, and deliv from ponds, both of Quebe States oak, have been good. § are still rater heavy. Prices are steady. ‘ y oe Exim. — Enquiries during month have been few, and an effected have been chiefly i ins class timber. Prices continue Stocks are moderate. — BircH (Quebec). — The re) import, which was trifling disposed of from the ship’s small lot of about 18-inch ave bringing 2s. 3d. per foot ere While there is a fair stock on hand, they are mostly of ind ent quality, and shipments of g fresh timber would meet wit ready sale. Of Quebec pla there were one or two imp some of which were sold ‘‘ex at round about £10 igs. t W. C. CRAWFORD. Tilbury ti tee . Manvfacturer of . . : Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading and White Oak, Maple and Eim Lumber. Can supply Second Growth White or a squares up to 38 in. long in large quantiti Planing and Matc —-IN TRANSIT— e. S. POMEROY, PLANING, MATCHING, SIDING, FLOORING, in Car Lots. Factory near Station. f *"Phone 3" a te KNIGHT BROT i == —— f MONTREAL, QUE. # vt rf si Send: In New Brunswick birch, ‘the re has been no business of im- ‘po ance done during the month, Brough there are several enquiries logs BRS eNE about 14 to 15 ; inches. _ AsH.—The aeices? is bare of good logs, and a few small shipments of ‘these would meet with ready sale. The nominal value of 15-inch aver- age is round about 2s. 3d. per foot. _ Deats, Etc.—Business has been ly active during the month. The orts continue on a moderate St ale, and buyers are showing a e more eagerness to secure their uirements before the season Stocks of deals of all kinds Prices of pine goods are u Sere. Spruce is firmer. Cur- rent values as under:—Broad First Pine Deals.— £33 to 435; 11-inch, £30 to 432; Ends and Non- Dimen- sions, 423 to 425 10s. Second J Pine’ Deals.—11-inch and up, £18 Tos. to 421; Ends and Non-Dimen- Boe, 413 to £14 15s. Third Deals.—r1-inch and up, £11 I os. to £14; Ends and Non-Dimen- pions, £9 10s. to 10 10s. Red Pine Deals.—g and 11 inch, £9 *, ‘os. to £10 10s.; Narrows, 47 Ios. to £8 tos. First Pine Sidings and cS trips. —g to 10 inch, £23 to £24; ii to 12 inch, £25 to £26; 13 to 14 inch, Lo7 to £28. Spruce Deals.—g inch and up, £8 tos. to £9 58-37 and 8 inch, £7 Ios. to £8. Lower Port Pine and Spruce. —g-inch and up, £8 to £8 ios.; 7and 8 inch, £7 5s. to £7 158. THE HASLAM PROPERTY. _ The tenders for the timber limits, saw mill and sash and door factory A. Haslam, Nanaimo, B. C., re opened on November rst. me” WANTED >We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your _ Cedar into Poles it will net u more than you can get “a of it in any other way. |. B. FARWELL & SON Successors to M'Caffrey & Farwell. or oft, ec Oswego, N.Y. TELEGRAPH POLES CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | The highest bid received for the entire property was $65,050, put in by J. S. Emerson of Vancouver. But three bids for the property as a whole were received. The second highest was that of George Bertram for $65,000, while the third bid, ember 6th. The new tenders were as follows: Ladysmith Lumber Com- pany, $72,450; R. D. Merrill, $72,- 250; Chemainus Lumber Company, $71,700; Palmer & Company, $71,- ooo ; J. S. Emerson, $70,000; Armstrong & Morrison, $68,000; that of George Williams & Com-* Jerome & Co., Seattle, $69,000; pany, of Nanaimo, was for $64,000. In the tenders for single parcels ot timber land held under lease and subject to an annual rental to the Government of ten cents an acre, one good bid was received from W. F. Huntting, of Vancouver, who offered $20,250 for parcel No. 6. This parcel comprises lots 996 and 1585, on Vancouver Bay, Jervis Inlet, and contains 2373 acres carrying 20,000,000 feet of fir, 7,- 000,000 feet hemlock and 50,000,- ooo feet of cedar. Theprice offered by Mr. Huntting was at the rate of $8.53 an acre. The limits lie two and a half miles trom salt water and are reached by a railway line already laid. For two other parcels, namely,, Nos. 3 and 4, much smaller bids were made. For parcel No. 3, lying between Otter Cove and Elk Bay, Discovery Passage, Vancouver Island, and containing 835 acres with a likely yield of 12,000,000 feet of timber, only $1.25 an acre was bid by T. Jerome. Parcel No. 4, containing 3182 acres on Theodosia Arm, three and a half miles from salt water, and carrying 66,000,000 feet of fir, 33,- 000,000 fzet of cedar and 15,000,- 000 feet of hemlock, brought a bid of $3.52 an acre from F. L. Miller, and one of $3.15 from T. Jerome. Owing to the low bids, the assignees decided to call for new tenders, to be in by Monday, Nov- ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer In Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tien SPECIAL — 50.000 4/4. 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4M.R Basswood; 18, ooo 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4 Beech. Prices on application TH KING AND BARTLES LUMBER C0. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS HEADQUARTERS HarRDWwoo Citizens’ Building, Distributin Yard Cleveland, ‘oO. MeMinnville, Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots WANTED 5 Cars 2x4 No. 2 Hemlock 4 Cars 2x4 No. 1 Hemlock s | She Long Paar Company, Hamilton. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. "ARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER 6O., unre 604 Temple Building, Toronto . MIL LMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s Geo.. Williams & Co., $58,000. The assiguees decided to accept the tender of the Ladysmith Lumber Company. J. W. Coburn, man- ager of the Ladysmith Lumber Company, states that it is the in- tention of his company to put the mill in first-class condition and re- sume operations at the earliest possible date. It is understood that the’ sum realized will pay little more | than the preferred claims. MOUNTAIN LUMBER MAUFACTUR- ERS’ ASSOVIATION. A meeting of the Mountain Lum- ber Manufacturers’ Assaciation was held at Nelson, B. C., on Monday, November 6th, at which the follow- ing were present: -F. W. Jones, Columbia River Lumber Company, Golden; A. Leitch, East Kootenay Lumber Gompany, Cranbrook; W. F. Gurd, Cranbrook; J. G. Billings, Yale Columbia Lumber Company, Nelson; Otis Staples, Bayard; T.A.Ludgate, Big Bend Lumber Company, Arrow- head; Peter Lund, Crow’s Nest Pass Lumber Company, Wardner; A. E. Watts, Wattsburg Lumber Com- pany, Wattsburg; Leslie Hill, Can- adian Saw and Timber Mills, Trout Lake; C. F. Lindmark, Revelstoke Lumber Company, Revelstoke; C. Archibald, Kootenay Shingle Com- pany, Salmo; Messrs. Bowman and Shine, Bowne Lumber Company, Revelstoke ; W. C. Koch, Slocan Ill. Lake; C. D. McNab, Standard Lumber Company, Cranbrook; J. S. Deschamps, China Creek Lum- ber Company, Rossland; J. A. Dewar, Porto Rico Lumber Com- pany, Ymir, and G. P. Wells, secretary. The meeting discussed reorganiza- tion with a view to extending its field of usefulness, and as the Association now possesses aperman- ent office and secretary, it was felt that it would be in a better position to act as a medium of information. The question of advancing the price of lumber wss considered, but it was decided to defer action in that con- nection until the annual meeting, I,. Dean Holden, Pres. F. A.Holden, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. HE. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER GO. LiMiTED SAW AND PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo.’. Registered Cable Address, ** Pinewoou,?’: ;' - BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENC. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. ‘Américan Lumberman”’ Telecode. SESVVVVESEVSVSVSVVVSEVSVSVETSESTSEVUVSATTA R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R. S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. CBBD8OB8 J, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock. Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. . $ VUVVEVVSVVSVVSVSSUVF -BB4OBO Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. In Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings enassierd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - _ Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. "Phone No. 54. CACHE BAY LUMBER. INDUSTRIES. Band - Cire wiak CACHE, BA 4¥, Ont. a6 miles West North Bay Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Gane UMBER and LATH Re er coy ty Rint aes eye eee Se PUI ee a ee Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Established 1889, Incorporated 1896. which will be held on January 8th. It was decided to organize a uniform system of grading of lumber and other rules which would facilitate business. A conference was held with F. W. Peters, C.P.B. western freight traffic manager, and H. Macdonell, assistant freight agent, relative to rates to new territory in the North-West. It is understood that a satisfactory agreement was reached. We Solicit the Trade of Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. GO. 2ist and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of— veneered Doors TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. The W. F. Huntting Lumber Company, of Vancouver, B. C., have just completed the purchase of 7,000 acres of timber limits adjacent to Jervis Inlet, about 160 miles up the coast. The vendor was J.C. Keith. The areain question is in proximity to a smaller tract pur- chased some time ago by the Vancouver Lumber Company and the timber is principally cedar, which will be used for the manu- facture of shingles The purchasers do not propose to undertake logging operations there at present, having other sources of supply for their immediate requirements. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. Wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. We Solicit a Share of Your Business, FE. J. DAVIS MFG. CoO. 21st. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. Our Doors ate known the world over and are recognized as\ the best made. Send for cata- logues and price lists. CR > iw jen 2 ng ge a pe o_o oo That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN, NN Ne Ne ON i UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YQU NIN! a | REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER 4 | WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ~ ST.LOUIS | BY RAIL,MAIL | WIRE OR | ‘PHONE SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. | THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOVIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LirTLE Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, La., ALLENTOWN, LA. {ie ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty YBRLLOW PIN We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. THE WICKS LUNBER GONPRRY. BATTLE CREEK, - MICH. We wil pay cash for Hardwood Lumber; especia ly want MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | Black Ash and: Rock Elm J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER, SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building - GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. FRANK C. BURY MASON A. NOBLE WHOLESALE MICHIGAN cGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... , Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, 4 Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING iy PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Ye-ds: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Mills: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. Correspon ience Invited on All Hardwoods. Lg \ (a i a oe H * @ = - Dry Kilas of large capacity. = + AUGER & SO RUPTN TES, “ mt THE PEMBROKE LUMBER RCO. PEMBROKE, ONT, We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- _lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO FOR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. Office: 503 Manning Chambers - - ‘Sawn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, *°"* sii" QUEBEC F. MCCIBBON & SONS, — "=a=™gusvo Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros, MANUFACTURERS OF Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited ‘| White and Fed Pine MILLS at goma_Dist., On | Lumber and Lath **Soo”’ Branch c Water Shipments ning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES Coates Building, Montreal > And at Mills at Spragge. THE M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limite ' Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. Manufacturers of and Freelewe Dealers in all kinds of . - Both Railway Delivery and Water — Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. a * a A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER a CANADA FINE Bank of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA «SPECIALTIES: Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak aod Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C, Douglas Fi: Timber in any size or length up to go feet long. Timber Planers face ap to 24 inch x30 inch, ough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND ODOTATIONS. We Buy, Sell Sad Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, R ADDLAW LUWBER 00. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. PLAYEATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT. Contractors for maiiway eePEics BILL TIMBER a Speciality . . A.& P. VWHIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. sh te Anlaa and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chambers TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List j A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK YH, WK, %. 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. “ Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. &. FINDLAY : OWBN SOUND, ONT. A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line’ because it reaches into and Baronet the very heart of the choicest hun ting grounds in America. T he very best wild fowl shooting of the entire Norh is reached ONLY by thisline. Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and durng_ the vario us seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along its lines upon applica- tion to the nearest ticket agent. It alsoarranges its train service with 5 ecial reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make ge over their lines Pleasant and comfort- => Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS he W66KIU Ganada LUUMD6r Man ab This line offers the best route between Chicago, gt. Paul, Milwaukes Metso. || Loronto. » Moatreal Winnipeg Information given by addressing— V ancouy JAS. C. POND, Wis, Cent. R.R. Milwaukee Spruce, White Pine, White and Quebec Pulpwood, ‘Ties and Cedar Poles Oe ied ' vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION November 15,1905 Wancouver, B. C. riled Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. | SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. “vaowr sc. be He HEAPS & CO., ee Tuk, Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels 4 Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. W. J. SHEPPARD he a Jj. G. scare, ee MANAGER aubaushene, On ancouv B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Co- Limited LATH, MOULDINCS pabet TURNED seh + m ~ ooS be B. HIGH GRADE yo COLE Rcov RED CEDAR SHINGLES } ron Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J. E. YOUNG, Cashier E. YOUNG, Cashier i 2 ‘tu The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. mnotourors White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath.,. Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work pamin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING ’ Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario — i Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber ee We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. W. C. WELLS — Export Lumber & PALLISER, B. C. a Manufacturer of 3 3 3 Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERTA LUMBER a for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- MAP SRerEG = Cc. LIMITED tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping facture eats aes ae BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR 1 sizes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. B. C. FIR_DIMENSION AND FINISH SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Meaburenients “Oe of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square °° . and Round Timber ; aere Rules, and much other practi- cal information. Price 55 Cents soon THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, O NT 5 4 > rs W. B. McKEcanieE, President. [ey MacRag, Manager. us F eon Si > pes ie od ack oy eA ” 4 $e A i eu as Oe nine LN ign al i 3 ete ee pal a beh ma sas A 2.3 ae SA a sala : es Ph Pua shy a : “ Sapa Sigs ia ak Sell ial eae n * . m9 - ‘ mA) tof : s i, . F Pe November 15, 1905 Dee CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION VII. re er ee ee ee ee 1,500,000 Shingles Per Day About half the B. C. Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. hWe ave a Daily Shipping Capacity of One Million Five Hundred Thousand. | . HY bau foot) IV) BAR, mPOUGLAS FIR, SPRUCE and CEDAR | Fir and Cedar Lath DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, » BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH We make a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber Investments generally (Correspondence Solicited) 2% UNION LUMBER COMPANY, Limited .i#32t":. Vancouver, B. C. E have Three Millions of Hem- HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER . ons Head, on. running in ienpths from & MANUFACTURING CO. PEDWELL & LEMCK Onta 10 to 24 feet, which we are pre- MANUFACTURERS { Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, Dealers in Pine, Hemlock OF sheen a pared to cut in blocks of 80, 000 and Hardwood Lumber .. Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Ete. feet or over. mae WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS [CARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER - 14 Tithebam Street, LIVERPOOL [Wood Brokers and Measurers .. WOOD AGENTS ee Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpo =n 1 Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. a Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, fic Halifax, N. S:; Office SMITH, TYRER & Co., Metropole B Hee. pe St. Halifax, N.S F. A. Lightbody & Co.) Edmiston & Mitchells WOOD BROKHRS TIMBER BROKERS f Cable Address; ‘*‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Cod A. B.C., Ax, “Zeb d Private. %G Ah Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND ‘SPRUCE ; " Hardwoods In Log, Ete. | Cane Mien: ae aa Arne ta 3g: Reodeld. Street, GLa Shipments handled to the best tipments handled to the best advantage to all port to all port: _ [QUIS BAMBERCER, * *zas:.'e~ GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER — LONDON, E. C. IMPORTER OF a Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ 52 St. Eno ch S qu are, GLASGOW = eo Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Cable Address : “ TECTONA™ Glasgow. °B RQ K o RS PD; ih Open to Contract for Glued-Tp BASSWOOD BEYROARDS RDS Swear DAV ALRO Telegrams and Cables : “‘Woodfeller, Codes : pee Western Union, eel tes and London C. 4th and sth Editi ion, - GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & G0. | THOMPSON, BLOIS & Co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs Wood i gents and Brokers t7 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. ~ EE PE Cash advances made against Branches : 4 ‘Cable Address : “‘GRLLICHT," LONDON 57 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England shipping documents. ManCHESTER, HAMBURG, _ FELBER, JUCKER & CO. BUYERS OF < iaaiber Importers ON Es DO LLA R H | t ’ ° Gak Logs and ; jauke, are i Rock Maple ree and Planks. _ MANCHESTER ENGLAND | Will pay your subscription to the CANADA Rock Elm Logs. “3 Invite offers from aon for... : I Ys b Im Hickory aes Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine LUMBERMAN for im ber porter NS) a ALSO 5) dance rT Floorin aitee. Chal el ts, ete Dowels, ly classes of Pamper ang Menutsie 0 R us ‘ ” CY) oods suitable for the Englis Woods Suitable "tor English Mark: O N BE YEA . Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Market. ‘Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER | , ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY | BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS TIMBER MERGHANTS Liverpool and London Chambers : LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND f = Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumb Elm CABLE ADDRESS ‘4 3 ERP » ie BUYERS OF Staves and Heading, Handles of all descriptions Bee eS Re tate aan Ge Veneers A Specialty \ vilt. THE ONTARIO _ LUMBER 6°, LIMITED rae a Lele Bay. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Home Tite ¥ siding l ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay R. and G.T.R. Delivery. Water Shipment Only. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU R. B. ST. winger RAILWAY, rare BER _a ONT RACTO Rs’ AGENT 158 Canal “7 Russell Block, Ottawa. Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad Work. - MoLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., cimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices : Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. Phone 1,950 147 Milk St. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. - BOSTON, MASS. Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES-WROLESAL x inch No. 1 Pine TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 in. dead cull sidings 12 00 13 5° sents & berter.....- co $500/1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 22 06 > oo NO pay => and a” Hemlock,1x4 to Bin. 15 00 6 03 Better.....-----+- 56.00 58 00} 2x4 to 10 in.,I_to 16ft. 16 00 17 00 8 1% inch No i 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 17 00 18 00 By. cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00 | Clear inch B. C. cedar, 1% in.No.2 Pine kiln dried .........- + §0 00 cuts and better.... 44 00 46 oo | Clear inch B. C. cedar 2’ No 2 Pine Cuts air dried boat lumber 55 00 . and Better........ 46 00 48 oo | Douglas fir dimension -t% inch No. 3. timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 | 77 Nsand better.... 42 00 42 oo | Douglas frdimension 7 2’No 3 Cuts and timber, 30 to 35 feet 31 00 d etter tl ccc. das 42.00 44 00| 1% in. No.1 4 ft. Pine F tin, Pine Dressing Lath........ geist 385 400 ¢ and better shorts 23 00 24 00|1/#4 in. No. 2 41! t. Lath 3 20 3 30 , 1x4, 6and 8 common 13 00 20 09 134” No. 1 32” pine lath 175 ix yo common...... 2000 2I co| 14” No. 14 ft, hemlock lath 3 25 1x 12common. . 2200 24.00 XXXX Pine Shingles 290 300 2x © common. 20 50 21 9 XX Pine Shingles .-) a40 42930 2and 3x12 common. 23 00 25 oo | & Pine Shingles .. ay 1xle inch box and eg haa puingce 220 2 25 common ......---- 19 00 20 co . ©. ngles m, Inch mill runsidings 2: 00 22 o0| XXX 6 butts se ea « 2/99 ’ rin. millrun...... . 21 00 22 00| XXXX6to 334 n. 3.12 : 1x10 and 12 mili culls 17 co 18 oc | X¥XXX ae ~ es 345 __-¥ inch mill cull Sid- XX No, 2, 6 to2 in. 2 30 a SUES. oo. one vessseve 16 00 16 sc] =% 6 to 23-16 in. a HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. ; Ash White, 1 to2 in = sl ae mill un ——snate@e and ands......$3% 00 $35 00 | _FUtersese r1to 1%"24 00 25 00 bs ists and 2nds...... $33 00 $35 00 Elm Ae mill “ As,, black, 1sts and Tine aise: 3 3.. 28 00 29 00 ca _ and, 1 to 13 in.. .. 27 00 29 00 | Hickory, rsts ; Bicch’ M.R.,1in. .. 22.00 2300| and 2nds..1%4‘' 2.. 36 00 38 00 > 1% ‘ 2.. 2400 26 00} Maple 1” mill ** ‘sqrs. 4x4 ‘' 8x8 32 00 36 00 run...... 1 1% 2000 2% 00 Basswood, Common Maple, sts and better1to1Y%in 2200 23 oo and 2nds.. 2 “! 4.. 24 00 26 oc Basswood, 14 to2.. 23 24 00 | Oak;red, p’n, mr. x 41 19 00 2000 rsts & ands 2 "! 4-- 46 00 5000 Cherry, 1sts Oak, white, and ends... 1 ‘* 1% 70 0 89 00 xsts & ands“ 1% 44.00 46 00 Cherry, 1sts Oak, white, and ands.. 2 '' 4.. 75 00 85 00 xsts & ands 2 “ 4., 48 00 50/00 = soft,mill Oak. quart’d, Spacek 36°23 ‘00 24/00 tsts&2nds ‘' 2.. 7000 75 00 Elm, soft, mill Walnut, xsts THO..s+05. 2. °* 3.. 24 OO) 25 00 and 2nds.. 1 ‘* 3.. 85 00 10900 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.....-.-. cee First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to pial £8 63 19 to 20inch average oe 02 6S RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. M.-asured off, according to average and feline oles alae ak Salaeeta pa 27. cae Shipping order etal etal Catala where rh a4 (GO OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. _ By the dram, according to average and quality. . Byes 45 50 ’ ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality 4oto4sfeet. 65 75 zoto3sfet. 52 £4 ASH. 10 inches and up, according to avérage and quality. . 26 28 Awerage 16 inch. . ... 332) So em ei 30 32 BIRCH, , {4 Inch Y a0 a2 a ' 5 2 28 " {7 Ma 283 “4 i : . 32 34 S OTTAWA. ONT MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, ex d sidings: tx1v No. 1 barn. +0 00 1 in x8 in. and ap 40 00 4200]‘+10 No 2 “ 18 00 r% dn «1K ie. 1x8 & 9 No, rbarn.. 17 00 8in.and up...... 50 019 56 00| 1x8 & 0 No.2“ 5» 2in. x Rin.and up ©4 00 56 on | Pine Shorts %’ to 11” No.2 cuts 2x3’&up 3400 36 00 CS, ry nie wal ote ++» 1600 1700 BANK ST. CHAMBERS W. B. BARTRAM WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Specialties: Basswood and Birch. DIMENSION TIMBER Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock — WIARTON, ONT. OTTAWA, ONTARIO > All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. SASH tO HBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pire good strips : Pine, box boards.... 13 00 15 00 DSL de ure oases 34 co 36 00] Pine mill culls..... 1200 15 00 a and 1% in... 36 00 40 00 | Pine O. culls....... 750 850 SEROAS Saiiwesccnia Avy 38 00 40 00 | Spruce, 1”x4” & up 14 00 Pine, good shorts: mprace, 1” stocks, 14M. ..... -24s2064 78.00 3000] 7,8, 9 and 10”... 15 00 XH i in. and 13 i in. .. 34 00 40 00 Spruce, 1’ clear (fine Pe m/e = Deis 5 wena 38 00 42 00 dressing and B.. 24 00 Prog is. Mg A Sidings. . 15 00] Hemlock ....... 13 00 Pine, No. 1 aressing Lath, per M siding ... -.. -. 2200 2700 No. 1 white pine.... 250 Pine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine.... 225 Strips..... sislselie. ae) 18) 00) 845i 00) Spruce, mill ron..... 2 25 Pine No. : dressing Red Pine, mili run.. 2325 shorts ...... «+--+ +» 17.00 21 00 | Pine Shingles Pine, Tos. ¢ and bet- xxxx, 18inch........ 300 3 25 ter 12’ to 16’. .... 2000 2200| Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 240 2 60 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx 18 inch........... 1 40 1 60 ter 17’ tor6’.. .... 17 00 19 00 | Cedar Shingles Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 09 20 00 xxxx,.18 Inch........ 3 25 3 5° Pine s.c. strips...... 14.00 16 00] Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 2 50 2 60 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 1§ 00 14 00 KX, 18 inch.,......-- 1 50 1 70 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. 1% x4ands5”....... «++-$2I 00 rin., 107 and, ue wide. $73 oo x 6” and up.......- + 24 00 1%, t%and2” * . 73 00 1% x 10% hc ack=sopsdeen 25 00 2% and 3” “ -. 78 00 1%x mete ore cevcevcevecve 27 OC 4! “ . 83 00 1% x 6” and up.......... 24 00 EGER NOT. aa ka cteinie acies 25 00 SELEEES VAS Sy pe Re a 27 00 rin,, 8’ and u up Ww Wipes . 63 00 2’ x 6” and up - 25 00 1%, v% and 2" . 63 00 2 EATON |. Tay. s's «5 sah Balen 76 00 a and 3” i «++ 73 00 rk ae Ae Ae 5: . 28 oo +--+ 78 09 No. I BARN, FINE, COM. AND BETTER. 1in.. . .«$23 00 to $30 00 rin., 8’ and up wide.... 54 00 1%, 1% and ‘3! me co to 31 00 andi” * wees 54 00 2h and 3”. 32.00 2” 3 «ses 5§ 00 ReINY Ss oivicte, wee 35 00 FINE COMMON. NO. 2 BARN. I" sess ssees 45 00 to 62 oo Iim.......-.., 20 COLO 24 00 1%, 1% to a” 50 00 8 51 00 1%, 1% d 2%,3and 4”.. 68 00 73 00 24” . 22 00 to 23 50 No. I CUTS. an asiee os 26 00 1in., 8” and up wide... 35 00 NO. 3 BARN. - 1¥ in. 4 | 4s 00 Ae ae 17 co to 200 1% in, S «+. 46 00 ie 1% and 2” 18 coto 20 50 ate age - an a oo! + || + gaia aresate ax 00 2% and 3 4 5 oo -». 62 00 No. 1 1” br No, 2 CUTS, We Bere sc ots 13 50to 18 00 tin., A and up wide.. 20 00 No.3, i”, 1%, iy and = : — “3 oo ae 14 50to 17 00 ; «+» 36 00 an gand,4” “ WS oo nee CULLS. NO. 3 CUTS. ee Sage ji Hh 1% and sai rin,, 6” and up wide... 18 00 nal AT co we TF 0 Re et atc LATE. 2%,3and4” “ . 27 00 Wet, 92/2 2S Since ae eee Te MILL RUN Nea 400 0° Saecnceen sees 300 7 No. 1 48” pine.. aS 95 ia y ee ajar . 18 00 i | ae ioe A Ig 00 Sea, i 3 Rexa Bei even. oath . 20 00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, SAR eee eci ye 22 00 IED SK 10" s,s ncrinn peer eC TMEMEEE soo) cd niatelelapetnrese PPPOE COS) c.B. e " ek es 1’ x1gand up.......... 25 00 Newt ‘t as 25 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Uppers, 3 in. ... ....+.-. 83 95 | 1x12 inchshippers..... Scent Pee. | 2% eae ssi naiei mah AEROS ALE w 3” & up. 25 BR cie o waicivinicias cise y 80 | 4/4 Box boards @laod wes. 20 a1 inch Uppers ....+++++ee+-+ go | ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 clocks, 2% in up..... -se: 77 82 x2-in. dressing and better... 40 42 TtO@iN.....0.--0e weeeee JO 72 Box, IX10-iN. 5. ...sseeeeees 21 Fine common, 24% in. andup 72 75 | Box, 1x12..... ete eat teens 22 EHO BID... eevee vececoes Sho fo | No. 1 barn, 1x12........... 29 30 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2inch...... 53 55 ote) Se ge a ae iB 28 MG abe acnen Cees was SS 45 SRL ee eh ene rdlee ace 26 Wo. 3...--.cec0s0- Pewecce G0 805 | No. (a DAIN, ZXI2Z....00cc0cn SOLD No. molding, x to's in... 48 50 CME emp einiaain ase diva ssiacn 25 soe eieolding, « to 2 in.. 35 8 DME aninaie choles cansencs SReRS Stained saps......... wale Ee 4° Shaky clear, a 2 sls in...... 32 38 Bracket plank ........ «++. Stee ea@iinch: .c.50 ++ 38 40 Shelving boards, r2-in. up... “a 40 Dressing ....6- ..sseeeeee 24 25 ing boards, narrow.... 28 | Common ..eeseeeseeeeee 25 rxtg Inch shippers......—- 23 23 ; : . =, J iF » ee » oy my) 4 ee ip Cy rn ee » ee, > ht fon oe Ss J 2 2 : van “ee r Write for quotations. - DOORS -_ BLINDS 7 LATH. | $3.75 | Spruce... ce. cue eesvan SHINGLES. Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 §. Clear betts.......... Ae: 42 Smooth 6x18.....-. 4 50 475 BANOS Tide adie var caren Sprace «...-jctseueee BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y. B. C. Cedar Shingles Lae butts, 6x38 weee$5 aa 5. ot Barge or car load lots _ ‘ 5, 60 * WHITE PINE. Sone "Hy achat - y r (Wholesale selling price.) Ur pers, 1,1%, 1% and 2 iil". sameeren 3 38 00 ID. ceeescoee vere ae pe , No. 1, 13 in. a) 234 and 3 in......- 5 00 up, 1 in...... 43:00 No. Mold tps x19 8 co sade Select Ein... 1¥% to 2in......... JO 00 No. 2 ; Moulding Strips, 244 and 3 in....... ( os) TtOd it. 5d. y OO, A Meese eeesereegee 5 00| Barn, No.x, 12in..... 3300, Fine common, 1 in. 55 00| 6,8andzoin...... v1 ay co pf 1%, and 1% in..... 56 00 No. 2, TOUR. ..ene = 2H 00 2D veveve ewes es 58 00] No.2, 12 in-.....+4 27 00 73 00| No. 3, 10 in.......+ 22:00 ID sce sseeee cose 75 00| No. 3, 12 in.....--- (24 5c Cur’ up, No, 1, 1 in. 40 00| Box, 1X 4..eeceeee- ee 18 50 234 and 13g in..... §200| 1x6&up....... 20 00 0.2, I goers 28 00 TR IOld na eas. aower 21 50 ie 2, ib ae 38 00 SRIBG oy Ah ot cc eee - 22 00 No. 3, 1%, an 45 00 hana UP scowece 93-00 ING 2%) cclnge'ssars 30 00 and 144 & 2in.. 24 00 Dressing x in.ssees 26 00 ae 1,1%,1% : 1x10 und 12,,.... 42 00 and’ to, eens 18 co THQ IDs cereeeeeees 38 Oo i The follo quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’ nig tig ¥ price at Buflale and Tonawanda > haf e WHITE ASH. © fed > 1% & and, i inch, 36 00 38 00 ws. to 4 in....-.seeee 43)OO 45 00 tri PS --seseseeeeeees 22 00. 24 00 °° Tosces + seb n/on'S sae asa 3250 3800 19.2 odisic\ee qahe's catuth pia/anin mia 2850 3050 Renece ales me cecvocecdecensye eotsg sae 27 50 pia +5 Tn, dizsensiiis, 2.4.4) nee 26 00 gin, and under ........sseeee eee eeeeeees 24 00 — ut and 12 in. random lengths, 1o ft, andup.... (25 50 23) 254, a 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, = SAGAS ER BES 5 50 All other ba lengths, 9 in. and ‘under, | 10 - 3 t, and up,,.... Ae ee 23 50. gin and up rchantable poards, 8 ft. en 20 00 Out Spruce boards, p.1S.......- s-seeeee 17 00 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped ‘and bundied . 20 00 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. ae RiGee dda aides os es eeesnces. Useseenndlvcidhnlan USNS 3.40 — Second clears ».........- Nicaly stair? tattle a nclaatetectany ane 2 35 NCAT WHIEEE . 00... cee tees Oe... Raaedicce de cae eee aS, 2 25_ Extra 19 (Clear whites out).......-. sseeseeeeeee 130 1 40 Extra 1s (Clear whites in)..........-.--eseeeeeeee 145 155 BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. Red Cedar 16 in. 5 butts to 2 in. nwel conte o) S30) 3 20 Bliss. ve ta. w-+ over 3 50 360 i eatanders seared 1A, ales Sew ae NGO 400 | > : dei ee : RST ee ) ‘ ok x - ey 1 wr he Seek *h.t ¥ a : nay ass c xe ’ ee | Vor. XIII WEEKLY WOOD-WORKER E-DITION TORONTO, MONTREAL — NOVEMBER 22, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER . The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 pages} 1.00 per vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REQULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMbER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. No. 37 — Canapa LuMBERMAN a : The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u: of Toronto, Limited _ Confederation Life Building’ - TORONTO. Branch Offices : 8 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL : 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. _*- : Telephone 1274. . 7 _ §36 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, J tug Sa iq 22 GREAT St. HELEN’s, LONDON, E. C. @ The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading Sa stic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- _ tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber ucts at home and abroad. : The Monthly. Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti-. nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. _ WANTED AND FOR SALE _ Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. _ When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 35 Pet cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- _vertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue ~ au : % he SALE—100,000 FT. HEMLOCK, TO BE _ IL cutto order. Address P. 0..6, Care “Tom- BERMAN,” Victoriaville, P. Q. J hg FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS..ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish boom. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. , JAMES McCREARY, wood, Ont » >. °° ‘ OREMAN—MILLWRIGHT OPEN FOREN- GAGEMENT, At references, 15 years. ex- ence in saw mill construction, up-to-date hods. Address Box 327 CANADA LUMBER- ; , Toronto, Ont. - tpt - JORSALE,A GOOD SAW MILL, CAN SAW I from 15 to 25 thousand per day, with every- _ thingcomplete, nearly new. Apply to ROBERT _ STEWaRT, Vasey P.O., Ont. = FOR SALE f QUANTITY OF CEDAR AND HEMLOCK a oR. R. Ties, No. 1 and 2; 10000 Cedar Posts ; 1’ and 1%” Basswood ; 2” and 3” ‘cut in 1904 ; excellent shipping condi- 1905 cut contains Pine, Hemlock, Bass-’ Maple, Elm and Ash lumber and 10,000 gt ee TATE LUMBER CO’Y., mt ‘ - ~ WANTED : ’ " Cana fatien penta eeer Limit Lene and Mill 4 lio. supply a s y demand for dry, wormy timber ; also short. butt logs for immediate, ent to be.cut by portable -mills or ‘other- So that useless waste is not handled. ‘orm holes, splits, shakes, knots and small yunt rot not objected to All to be cut into h lumber and about the following ions, in lengths of 8 to 16 feet and small t. Shorter lengths, 4,6,8,10,12 inches wide fe are open to contract with. right parties for. a supply of about a car load a week to’ Quote prices free on cars. further particulars apply THE DAVID GILMOUR DOOR CO., > 579 Tonawanda St., Buffalo, N.Y, VARIES — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrmcozB Woop AND LUMBER CoO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. Bone ee WANTED—FOR LUMBER Office in County Town. Apply Box 328, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. : F° SALE—RED BIRCH, HEWED SQUARE, 12 inch and up, 12 feet to 16 feet long. Apply Box 325, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. _ WANTED. ATHS BY CAR OR VESSEL, ANY QUAN- TITY, large or small, up to 10,000,000, 144” or 15%”. Address C.S. WENTWORTH & CO., \147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Wee MAN WITH A GOOD PORT- Ss: AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this gonna. -Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- ronto. ANTED — HARDWOOD LUMBER IN- -spector and’ yard man. Must be Ai in- spector of Hardwood with experlence.. To the right mun there isa position open with us at good salary and good chance for advancement. WILSON LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED, I Spadina Avenue, Toronto, Ont. , | hea SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO. 3 HAM- ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 744” cylinders and all connections, circular outfit complete with iron husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 20 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each, Full Second Hand Outfit for Circuiar Mill, THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont. i : ' MK FOR SAL We have for sale the following second hand machinery, in good condition. Write us for full particulars and prices of any machine. I 26” X 32” engine, box frame; slide valve on top of cylinder, driven with rock shaft. 2 No. 3 single cutting band mills, made by Prescott Co. 2 Two block carriages with Prescott offset, made by Prescott Co. 1 Two block Garland carriage. 1 Knee bolter. = - Perkins Class A cut-off. 2 Wheel jointers. » 2 Knot saw frames. 1 Independent condenser. 1 Portable boiler and engine, boiler with :32” — fire box, and 283” tubes, 12 h p., engine 3 K 2. 1 1 Greenlee No. 1 improved automatic cut-off machine, witn countershaft. *~+~ ‘ 3 4 Friction feed complete, frictions 15” wide. ‘1 36” standard Leffel water wheel 1 Upright boiler 70” x 32” with sixty 2” tubes. ; » 54” X 32” with ninety 1%” tu es. 1 10’ X 16” twin engine, steam feed, complete. | THE WM, HAMILTON MFG, CO., LIMITED awh <9 _. __ Peterborough, Ont. 1t® ghsuTz Fok SALE — 100,000 FEET DIMENSION Spruce Timber, to be delivered on first snow roads, viz,6x6, 7x7, 8x8, 9x9, aver- age in proportion aboutsizes. Lengths 18 to 32 feet. Address “I,UMBERMAN,”’ P. O. 6, Victoria- ville, Que. mS OR SALE—2s50 M. FEET 1”, 1", 1%”, 2”, 3”, - 4’ Hard Maple first class stock, 2” Hard and Soft Elm, 54”, 1’ Basswood, Cherry, White Ash, Pine and Hemlock, on C P.R., near Inger- soll. This season’s cut. Write for quotations to W. F. GALLoway or W. PaRTLo, Ingersoll, Ont. - CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. . . Nothing has transpired during the past wéek to turn the tide of lumber activity. The weather has been fine, building operations have continued in large: volume, and conditions generally have favored the consump- tion of lumber: Never before, per- haps, has there been such a liberal “demand at this season ‘of the ‘year for pine and hemlock lumber. Prices are consequently stiffening, and especially on the lower grades. Some dealers are accumulating pine stocks in anticipation of a shortage and higher prices before next spring. The hardwoods, onthe other hand, " are suffering from neglect, and there seems to be very little buying be- yond immediate requirements. Un- der such conditions it is satisfactory to know that prices are riot declin- ing. This is about all that can. be » hoped for until the demand shows _ an improvement. Basswood is offer- ing at prices which, if carried over’ until the spring, would likely show. , _a fair profit, but dealers are averse to tying up capital in this lumber until the market becomes more promising. | QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The trade of the Eastern Prov- inces is developing upon very satis- factory lines.’ Manufacturers and dealers are kept busy supplying the local and American demand, and more business could be secured if the supply were more plentiful. Prices of birch timber at Quebec hgve appreciated two cents per cu- bic foot, and now fange from 22 cents for 14 inch average to 40 cents for 18 inch, these being the _ing made above these figures. minimum and maximum figures. There is an urgent demand for spruce lumber for shipment to the United States, and with most of’ the mills closed down and their’ supply of logs exhausted, ~ lower prices tor spruce lumber between © now and next June seem almost out | of the question. doing in British deals, which are worth $13 at St. John.» UNITED STATES. tod There is not’ much ° ‘We are having a good trade and rices are advancing”, is the repl p 4 ply given by an Albany firm to our in-— quiry as to market conditions. Not- withstanding the near approach of winter, there seems to be no abate- ment in the demand tor lumber, which is showing more strength from a price standpoint than at any previous time this year. pine which was selling in Boston Canadian one month ago at $26, is now quoted . at $28.50, an advance which is some- what remarkable for this season of the year. Nearly all the grades of pine are advanced in our quotations this week. Buffalo and Tonawandaare carrying light stocks of No. 2 and No. 3 barn and a. few’ thicknesses of cuts, and; owing to the sharp advance in lake freights, © lower_ a number of dealers will be compell- ed to leave considerable of the stock which they intended to bring’ for- ward at the mills until ‘next spring. A& high as $4 per thousand feet has - been paid as freight from Duluth to Buffalo. Spruce lumber is going into the winter almost in famine: condition and the mills are now booking orders for delivery next spring. Framesare quoted in Boston at $24 and $26, with many sales be- The four-foot clapboards are quoted at $42 for extras, $40 for clears and $32 for second clears. Spruce lath. is very scarce and erratic in price, but most sales of 48-inch are being made at $4.50 per thousand for 15@ inch and $4.25 to $4.35 for 1% inch. There is no market for 32 inch. 22 Fa = =~. Wl GREAT BRITAIN. The exporting season from Canada is now practically closed and British importers have discovered that the heavy consignment of lumber which earlier in the season was predicted for the late fall months has not materialized. This is an indication of confidence on the part of shippers. The winter shipments by the regular liners from St. John and Halifax are also likely to be restricted owing to the sharp advance in inland freight rates, caused by the record grain crop. the British market are almost certain to cost more than the stock now on the market, and in this way act as a stimulant to prices. Spruce con- tinues to be firmly held. A cargo is said to have been sold recently for the Bristol Channel, the price realiz- ed being about £8 ros, ard for a specification containing 30 per cent. of 11 inch. At a recent auction sale in London 3 xg inch third Quebec spruce realized £9 5s. per standard, and the tourth quality £8 10s. Fourth quality pine, 3 x 11 inch, brought 49 15s. Some New Brunswick birch has _ recently changed hands at a slight advance upon previous quotations. Such shipments as do reach per stand- STOCKS AND PRICES. The Davison Lumber Company are loading 1,000,000 teet of lumber at Bridgewater, N.S., for Europe. L. J. Howe, Deputy Commis- sioner of Lands, Winnipeg, Man., will receive tenders up to Tuesday, 28th inst., for Timber Berth No. 42. John Fenderson & Company, of Sayabec, Que., have a stock of about 8,000,000 feet of spruce and 2,500,000 feet of pine, all boards. On Salmon Lake they have also a ' fair stock on hand. Hon. F. J. Sweeney, Fredericton, N.B., will sell by public auction on Wednesday, 29th inst., a two square mile timber berth on the south branch of the Canaan river and atwo mile berth in the parish of Canterbury. A. B. Smith, manager Telegraph Department, Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, is asking for tenders up to KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Ee Seat aa ee Pe te \ “bye a Vs AY ’ A \ By 7s ie 2 ee } CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION December ist for supply of 30,000 green cedar telegraph poles, 28,000 to be 25 feet long, 1,000 30 feet long, and 1,000 35 feet long. On November rith lumbering operations at Springhill, N. B., were concluded for the season. In- cluding bank logs, about 10,000,000 feet were handled at Springhill this season, whicn amount is below the average. There is now estimated to be 7,000,000 feet of logs hung up between Fredericton and Grand Falls, not including about 3,000,000 feet of bank logs which could not be rafted this year owing to low water. The Bangor Commercial says that the log output on the West Branch will be as heavy during the coming winter as it was last. Many of the operators started early and are now going on smoothly. If the season is favorable the probability is that the cut will not be far from 30,000,000 feet. Last winter the logs which came down river amounted to 27,- 000,000 feet. This is of course exclusive of the logs belonging to the Great Northern Paper Company. The Wisconsin Hemlock Manu- facturers’ Association have adopted the following prices for two inch piece stuff: 2 x 4, 6 ft., $11 ; 8 ft., $1215, Top ft. Sxs3 » re. andr:t4, ft, $14 ;, 16 ft., $15 5, 18 ft... $17.50, ; 20 ft., $18; 22 and 24 ft., $19; 2 x G, Of, $i1's Sat.) Gras aot. $13; 12 and 14 ft., $13.50; 16 ft., $14.50.5 18 ft,, $18.50 ;\ 20> ft., $16.50; 22 and 24 ft., $19; 2x 8, © (fits. LT 5.9 ftps 12 LO sto, sere 503,12 and 14: tt.p "Std on te, $14.50; 18 ft., $16.50; 20 ft., $17; 22:and' 24 ft., $19; 2 x 10, 6 ft., $11; 8 ft., $12; 10 ft., $13.50; 12 and 14 ft., $14.50; 16 ft., $15 ; 18 ft., $18.50; 20 ft., $16.50; 22 and 24 {t.,. $193 2 X'l2, O fb., pr aiso' ; 8 ft, $13.50; ro, 12° and ra ft., $15.50; 16 ft., $16; 18 ft., $16.- 50; 20 ft., $17.50; 22 and 24 ft., $20. COOPERAGE STOCK CONDITIONS. The Sutherland, Innes Company, of Chatham, Ont., say: There has been some little bright- ening up in thesky of the cooperage stock market during this month, as. consumers, more especially of No. 1 stock, are running heavier than they have done for some time. Prices, however, have not been affected to any extent, and manu- KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON &CO. 80 St. Francis Xavier Street e . E Keenan Bros., Limited) ,,..°° LUMBER ue Owen Sound, Ont. MARDWOUD, REMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS ee en ete ay facturers are still tumbling over each other to sell stock at prices below the cost of production. The only articles which have at all felt the effect of the increased consumption are hoops, and these have stiffened up somewhat in price, although as a general thing right through the year, hoops have been in good demand and at fairly re- munerative prices. There is no doubt that the present rush will continue for some time to come, and itis only a question of a short time when better prices will be obtained for No.1 stock, and enable the manufacturers to get back at least new dollars for old ones. The outlook for lower grade stock is not very bright, especially for 2814 inch and shorter staves and mill run and No. 2 heading. The demand for this class of material is comparatively light for this season of the year. No. 2 30-inch staves have stiffened up a little in price, and they certainly should bring very much better prices than they are bringing at present, as the stocks of No. 2 30-inch staves in the country are as low as they have been for a long time, with the exception of 1903. Some of the manufacturers have already begun to figure on purchas- ing timber for another season, but find they are unable to purchase at anything like a price which will show a profit on the present basis of prices. The only thing, there- fore, they have to do is simply wait until the holders of timber will get down to prices where they can afford to buy, and it will certainly help the cooperage market generally to curtail the output in any case. While the slack barrel stock market is still in an unsatisfactory ‘condition, it is the very opposite regarding tight barrel stock. Manu- facturers of tight barrel stock are obtaining good prices for material, and the demand in some cases is much greater than the supply, more especially in the higher grades of Jiquor stock. _ THE BARBADOS MARKET. Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Company, under date of November 4th, refer to the lumber market as follows: ‘‘The fortnight under re- view has again been barren of arriv- als and dealers’ yards are beginning to get bare of white pine. We hear Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Soticited. EVERYTHING IN' LUMBER AND TIMBER DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH : MLENNAN LUMBER CO,, LIMITED MONTREAL QUE, Office and Yard, s7 DORCHESTER ST. Sead for Catalo att Samples by Mail Car and Cargo Lots Only aw Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOGE, SPRUCE, Ne ey hg ge 7 r that a cargo of this has been coa- — tracted for at $25.50 for merchant- _ able and $21 for second quality. A couple of cargoes of this would un- _ doubtedly meet with a ready sale at about these figures, but merchantable is more enquired for. Spruce is — virtually out of stock and firstarriv- als of this description should do — well, especially for shipping. A portion of the shingle cargo of the ‘‘Drusie” was placed in the vicinity of $4.37 for Long Cedar, and $3.40 for Laying Cedar Clears; but128,000 Long Cedarto ourselves were stored, shippers requiring higher price Our market for both descriptions is . well supplied, as on account of | the very dry weather, demand has Ls a light.” is THE HASLAM SAW MILL PROPERTY. Vancouver, B. C., November Ya 14th, 1905. —Springing from the — ashes of the Haslam estate, Na-- naimo, B. C., a new company will mh arise in a few days, to be known as the Nanaimo ~Lumber Company, formed to operate the saw mill at Nanaimo and to exploit the timber limits lately belonging to A. Haslam. 7 J. S. Emerson, who with the Ladysmith Lumber Company pur- chased the mill and limits at the “& recent sale, returned from Victoria, where he met Manager Coburn, of — the Ladysmith Company, and ar- ranged for the incorporation of the new concern with a capitalization c of $150,000, which will be fully paid u up at once. A meeting for the election of officers will be held next week. The mill will be started re 3 “a again in about a week and, without shutting down, a comprehensive scheme of renewal will ue carried out that will practically make a ee. mill of if. \ W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. - Manwfacturer of a: Le (Oreo OS Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Aleo Hard and Soft Wood Headin ed and White Oak, Maple and pave a 5 wae bi A Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak squares. eg te 38 in. long in a quant tities, Planing and Matching — —-—IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Urillia — ‘PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS 3A in Car I. iy Factory near ier wT for vices, ap KNIGHT BROTHERS co LIMITED — Bark’s Falls - MONTREAL, QUE. P.O. Bex 16 _——s 7 . : * Baneroft, Ont. ~~ , November 22, 1905 a Pak oa ed RA CAMA Gs 8, ia al Ta Ey eo KS SOY OES he ill. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) _ Vancouver, B.C., November 13th, 1905.—There is no _ gainsaying the fact that the lumber industry in all its branches is in gocd condition this fall. The demand tor lumber is brisk, mills are busy, and the scarcity of logs, which, while not stringent has been existant for some time, has created considerable activity. Locally the mills are go- ing full time, and advices from Van- couver Island are that the manu- facturers there are very pleased with the situation. Mr. J. W. Co- burn, head of the Ladysmith Lum- ber Company, which purchased the assets of Mr. Andrew Haslam, stated on Saturday that the Na- naimo mill would be in operation possibly this week, as he needed it to cut lumber for orders which he had, and which would not be sup- plied for some time had he only the Ladysmith mill to furnish product. In the interior, conditions are also good. The Bowman Lumber Com- pany, which some time ago took over the interests of the Empire Lumber Company at Revelstoke and Comaplix, is erecting a large mill at the latter point, the old plant having been found to be too small. The Big Bend Lumber Company, which has been operating a 70,000 feet feet daily mill at Arrowhead, has let the contract to the Waterous Com- pany to put in a plant to double the capacity. The Big Eddy mill near Revelstoke is being rebuilt with all possible speed, as is the new steel structure of the Elk Lumber and Manufacturing Company at Fernie. Prices are at the figure decided upon a couple of weeks ago, but there will be an increase in the SNe rT THE IMPERIAL LUMBER GO, LimiTEDg TELEGRAPH POLES WANTED > We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your Cedar into Poles it will.net you more than you can get out of it in any other way. B. FARWELL & SON Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. Oswego, N.Y. J. spring. While no announcement is made locally concerning that point, at the meeting of the Mountain Manufacturers’ Association, held in Nelson last week, it was unanimous- ly decided to make a raise, probably at the beginning of the year. The excitement caused by the ex- tensive seizure under the orders of the timber inspector, R. J. Skinner, had aroused considerable interest in the case when it came up for hear- ing on Saturday last. The tugs, donkey engines and booms at Green- way Sound, belonging to Mr. J. S. Emerson, of this city, were seized on the strength of the state- ment he made that the logs were to be exported. The Act reads ‘‘that all timber cut from leased lands must be manufactured in the pro- vince,” and it was argued that the logs had not been exported. The judge held that the seizure might only be possibly justified if a tug had been attached, and ordered the release of the timber. He decided a point which has long been a con- tention, that the Act applied to hand-loggers the same as other leased land. Universal regret among millmen is expressed because of the ac- cidental death of Mr. C. B. Tait, manager of the Fraser River Lum- ber Company, who fell down stairs in his house at New Westminster on Sunday morning, 5th instant, and inflicted fatal injuries. He was a native of New York state, and leaves a daughter, the wife of Mr. T. F. Paterson, of this city, who is interested in the Paterson Timber Company and the Canadian Pacific Lumber Company at Port Moody; two sons, three sisters, Mrs. R. Hurst, and Mrs. James French, of ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties SPECIAL —50:000 4/4. 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000, 5/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M.R Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 49,000 4/4 and &/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4 Beech. Prices on application e TH KING AND BARTLES LOMBER GO. PINE, POPLAR AND HARDWOODS Hak DWOOD HEADQUARTERS RDW Citizens’ Building, Distributing Yard Cleveland, O. McMinnville, Tenn. We buy and sell Pine in Car and Cargo Lots eee WANTED “4g 5 Cars 2x4 No. 2 Hemlock 4 Cars 2x4 No.1 Hemlock Ghe Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. ne “ Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO.,, uuneo 604 Temple Buliding, Toronto To MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s f ~ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vancouver, and Mrs. A. Perry, Burk’s Falls, Ontario ; and three brothers, W. L. and David Tait, of Vancouver, and Andrew Tait, of Orillia, Ontario. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of CANADA LUMBEERMAN.) St. John, N. B., November 15th, 1905.—The last raft of logs from up-river leaves Fredericton on this date, operations at the booms hav- ing ended for the season. The end ot next week will find the few local mills which have been sawing shut down for the season, with one ex- ception. The owners of this latter plant have enough logs at St. John to last them until mid-December. The total output of the local mills (which, under normal conditions, would amount to from 110,000,000 sup. feet to 120,000,000 sup. feet of long lumber) has this year been much smaller than the average; from 20 to 25 per cent. of the above figures would come very near the actual shortage. The late opening of navigation last spring had the natural effect upon the length of the manufacturing season, but the most potent factor has been the extreme scarcity of logs during the last three months. Owing to the large quantities of logs which are hung in the up-river districts and which will without doubt be available for next season, the logging operations of local manufacturers will not be as large as would have been the case had the river been driven clean during the spring of 1905. To give actual figures in this regard is an impossi- bility at this date, but, in the opinion of some of those interested, this winter’s operations will total from 20 to 25 per cent. less than would be the case under ordinary circumstances. The beginning of the most important operations in the woods on the St, John river has been later this fall than has been the case for several years; many of the contrac- tors have made a start only during the last few days. The local feeling in regard to the market for English spruce deals seems to be of a decidedly optimistic character, but these expectations have to do chiefly with the future— to be exact, the sale of deals for spring delivery. At present writing I,. Dean Holden, Pres. F, A. Holden, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’1.-Mgr. FE. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. —— SARNIA, ONT. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo, Registered Cable Address, ‘' Pinewood,” FOR BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head .Office, TORONTO, CAN.@ “American Lumberman” Telecode. SALE a good stock of WHITH PINE LATE . C. A. LARKIN WHOLESALE LUMBER J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. ulty, GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY TORONTO, ONT. Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete. in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings - End-Matchd HARNWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON” - Correspondence Solicited. ‘Phone No, 54. CACHE BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon @G Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Ciretular CACHE BAY, Ont. * ’ : aes ar ae \f ‘Vs } ’ a! Ma ' i een 4 ey ¥) + ane hy 4)! ye eres fy a3 aii ; be RO Oy” Sars C CO US ROME A ets a ARR eS 7 PH Oe Gane a6 miles West North Bay UMBER Orillia, Ont. aes) > Pal ve \ Pe wn ee E ee, € i es * Fae nai pe ey ee as te é J Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Novetiber 22, 1905 == = x= = ee = we = ‘ fi trade in this line is-at a standstill. - Pstablished 1889. Incorporated 1696. (\DSSE SEEPS Practically no English deals are We cullen tae tae re SENSING , RISES SS offering, such quantities as are to : ( ; ’ be ‘seen on oe different wharves Retailers, Only. , De about the city having already been . disposed of to be shipped at some i J DAVIS MFG 60. ly, later date by the - winter liners. Me nl : Y Shipments from this port during the 2ist and Morgan Sts., 1 = winter: months promise to be light CHICAGO y} ey and will consist chiefly of rail- —Manufacturers of— 4 i shipments from inland points. i The indications at the present time are that no lower quotation could be obtained upon a specifica- tion of English spruce deals, con- sisting of say 50 per cent. 7’s and 8’s, 35 per cent. 9’s and 15 per cent. 11’s and up, for spring delivery, than $12.75 to $13 per M sup. feet, f.o.b. steamer St. John. Re freight rates: 45s per standard early in the month and more recently © 47%s to the West Coast has been asked, but with nothing going for- ward. As far as is known, 42%s per standard has been the highest actually paid to date. W. F. Lawrence, planing mill, Maple Creek, N. W.T.,is announced to have assigned to F. Burnett. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. THE 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Veneered Doors iy ill! a. jl — SS We Solicit a Share of Your Business. E. J. DAVIS MFG. Co. 2Ist. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U. S.A. Our Doors are known the world over and are recognized as the best made. Send for cata- logues and price lists. WLS Sak pare — cHas That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your wants in the lumber line. i It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. . Let us tell you why. ~~ Woe eo —“~_~—~, Se WS Ws — Lee Ws —_eaeoo <=: Sa SS SSS SSS 4, y The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN, A cA= SS a of gl ~/ “ad Yan Yan Y at Yass “/ : “/ “/ 4) RS SSS SS SISIST SD SSIS DSI “Ss ae > es RE UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS ———$ — YOU CAN REACAH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS. ST.LOUIS RAI WIR BY L.MAIL & OR ‘PHONE 5 It Jour Wish. . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY se ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER ¢ CLEVELAND, OHIO | An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale?’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN: WEEKLY EDITION ~~ | ? Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address The Canada Lumberman, Torento | ‘ 0. { MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS. Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Hardwood Lumber: Mississippi and Arkansas. especially want , MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | Black Ash and Rock Elm J..F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER | SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS THE WICKS LUMBER GOMPANY BATTLE CREEK, - MICH. We wil pay cash for OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building - GRAND RAPIDS, .MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE FRANK G. BURY LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine =a WHOLESALE cGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in. . . Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Uickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, [RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH, nate Mills: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. - P ; Correspondence Invited on All Hardwoods. Se Y wis a MASON A. NOBLE MICHIGAN Ey * -" Oe eee, Cs Aye Novembers es ~ Canapa LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION, = Ci _ CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS PEMBROKE, ONT. ‘We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- o :k, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DeLAPLANTE WHOLESALE y Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO OR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior _ Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all wiriter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT: RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited ___ Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. _ BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of rio Basswood, Elm and Pine. . Amherst, N.S. > ff e: 503 Manning Chambers - o nee om awn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch “Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, *"*xiisie""" QUEBEC F. MCCIBBON & SONS, "orn" Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MANUFACTURERS OF Of Ontario, Limited 1 White and FKed Pine “MILLS at SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. | Lumber and Lath 7 he Cook & Bros. 4 | Lumber Co. on **Soo”’ Branch -s x Manaing Arcade, Toronto . OFFICES; Coristine Building, Montreal °o es And at Mills at Spragge. Water Shipments TE A, OREN SOS MANAGING 0, LMT Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Millsat ___ RAINY LAKE, Ontario. E NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Liarep _ Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. ‘ rers of and Wholesal sinallkindsof . . Delivery and Water Shipments. | Correspondence Solicited. -_-_— A, F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA ALTIES: Railway Pridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White sion Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak aod rood, Planed ris Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. AUGER & SON 13 00 inch No. 1 Pine 1 in. dead cull sidings 12 00 13 5° ratte : iyeaangs 00 27 00 tae er ine 275 , , ; °& 9 : nits & becter...-- $49 00 800 is peat at af we 3 43 Pine, No. 1 dressing J No. 2 white rine 250 i 4 ee a’ aA Ae aes 5600 58 00 aie ct in. oie 16ft. 16 00 17 00 Bal ge crass 18 00 45 00 sem mill Bamabsk 0) fe BUFFALO AND > TONAWANDA, ve .% ws Cteaki Nor an ten jar Be ae Eyiao) 38190 eects ved a dae 00 21 00 | Pine Shingles tee WHITE PINE. — Clear inc . cedar, pe hee le sp Rad Dette. 88.00 58 0 OS led crore eet Soon Pina 3 6 ged ba a | — Saat anae ee (Wholesale selling price.) wi “No 2 Pine Cat ¥ - 44.00 46 00 reat oneinnaet 55 00 Pine, ae, ae bet- xt eT wary 1 40 1 60 ga 1,1%,14and2 mies 1% i HDeeeeeeeeeeeee 2” No 2 Pine Cu tert 1, ..... 17 00 19 00 | Cedar Shingles tee eeeneeeenene 2 in... and grt .. 46.00 48 00 Danaias' = oi se tect 3.4 Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 00 8 00 ie, 8 inch. : ee 3 5 3 50 phand 3 in. e.eee 85 be Shelvin; Ae inc o. 3 p ine s. c. strips..... + 1400 16 00 ear Butt,18 inch... 2 tee g eee neeeeeee LID. nee ve ad a 49 00° 4200 Pee eater “31 00 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 1§ 00 14 00 XX, 18 inch.......... 1.50 170 Se ru Sapp : Seo No. x Mold‘ Tito. am / ni 4 SS ee ore eee eee ie 5! * Better Bie Se oye eee 4200 44 00 1% in. No. 1 4 ft. Pine a 2% and 3 in....... is co} No. 2 Moulding sag cy ie 1in. Pine Dressing Lath....-... ty ioe Ap ee Ane ieee 5 00 ron ige ah. SF) te and better shorts 23 00 24 00 Le No. 2 4 it. Lat ne 33 Fine common, 1 in. 55 00 ,No.1,19im.... 35 1x4, 6and 8 common 13 00 20 90 en ot 1 att emtock ay 5 be SARNIA, ONT, 1% and 1 in..... $6.00 “6, Sand ro im... “Pil ’ mon....++ 20 00 21 00 * ‘ 2 My. ccetiengvemsa 39 00 O. 2) TO iM... eae r=] Smite. "2200 24 00| XXXX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 UPPERS. 1% xgand §”.....0000-- $22 00 ; IN, 2 sesseswecess 73 00 Maal ies os re ax10 common.--.-- 20 50 21 §:| XX Pine Shingles .. 2 20 2 30 vad ide. .$73 00 14 x6" and fipt.c.!.cm'25 00 io theses 8 75 00] No. 3, r0in....... 2and 3x12 common. 23 00 25 00| X Pine Shingles .. BP). tas 26 awe ee 78 1 X TOK eee cee cece ceene 26 00 cur’ No. 1,1 in. 42 00 } 12 in. seek | Fe inch box and epi prc Th err ag ae aan 3" . a Be % rs L5p SCRA as sch abe - pes) 20100 Sgn rin ay ~~ 52 00], Box, 1%4..0.00- ayo ne ae ry « - 183 00 ile co MDS 4;5 4-0 98 BOA tie ‘Cats aE ‘ 56 00 1268 Ups. ee tin. mill run...... . 21 00 22 oo XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 12 SELECTS ee ere Ne. z Mein Ee ea 1D cenaag xro and 12 mili culls 17 co 18 00 | XXX 5 tozin.. 345 in. 8” andu Pe wide.... 63 00 a” x 6! oun = Se ae 26 00 No. 3, 1 1% > a7 oo} ixtgand up....... 1 inch mill cull Sid- xX No, m5 gat } 230° 1%, 1% and 2! wes + 63 00 2” x 10"... bn oc nw ea eOO Roe AF 30 00 1H and 134 & 3 sk ipa. tes, eres vs. 16 00 16 50] XX 6 to 23-16 in. 2i4'and 3’ a8 cid 73 co BBA kt asa sina ots . 29 00 mee 1H i Intasldes 36 00} Mi perros 1, 1%,1% 2 4” «e+- 78 00 NO. I BARN. 14x10 und 12...... 42 00 2M evecevare ’ BaAnuw opps Fae Oe FINE, COM. AND BETTER, tines: oes «$24 00 to $31 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the'g Ash White, 1 to2 in Lees: rock, mill f y in., 8” and up wide.... 54 00 1%, 1% and 2” ag ooto 3200 __ price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; ists and 2nds...... $33 00 $35 00 Fin Seca ly to 13424 00 25 00 1, and 1%” ‘ .... 54 00 2% and 3”..... 33 00 WHITE ASH: fA Phat te sith Go ghee 2 a 55 00 A atone 36 00 Ist & and, 1 inch, ‘to 4 in and, 1 to 1% in.. .. 27 00 29 00 | Hickory, rsts FINE COMMON. ie NO. 2 BARN, 1% tozin ........ 39 00 4% oo| Strips..... Birch M.R.jrin. .. 22.00 2300| and 2nds..2%4'' 2.. 36 00 38 00 ee 5:00 to 62 00 Mb Ee res 8 21 OO tO 25 00 and ci 1% ‘ 2.. 2400 26 00| Maple 1” mill 1%, 1% to 2. - 50 00 5300 1%, and.2” 23 00 to 25 00 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ae ie as 4X4 “ ax8 32 00 36 00 eed 1 134 20 00 21 00 © Wa ror 73 00 a and 3”..... 2700 ast & ana, 6 nch up, '3§ 0 500|/Com, & ‘00d par 2 15 c * ass ‘ommon 1 oO. NO.'3 BARN. mow ay and better: toxin 2200 23 00| and ands..2 “ 4.. 2400 260C Vin gy and up pride. - 35 00 Pins nie eee 18 ooto 21cO 1st & and, 6inzh& xst &and, white, 6’ & ah Spee ies 4 Ke 1% = iba eae Ons earns 1 4. gb dot sbiow™ ee in. 1%, 1% and 2” 20 ooto a2 50 up, red.....2...- . 40 00 42 00 | Com. & “— cles 16 00 18 06 Cherry, ists Oak, white, vA ae Veraeee ae Samed an 22Po ELM. a’ : a a ts ‘1% 70.00 89 00 eae 1% 1% 44:00 | 46.00 2% and 3” No.1 os ae 1st & adjrock, 6in dup 6 00 28 00 recited) ands. > i" 4-. 75 00 85 00 msts&ands2 “4.. 4800 50co * ss ¥%,'2..'..... 14 00 to 19 00 Common and culls.. 1§ 09 17 oo | Common _ soft, mill Oak,quart’d, NO. 2 CUTE. No. r mill culls, ‘ MAPLES me a aponnss 1} 23 00 24 00 gists and 2-- 79 00 75,90. . 1 in., 6” and up wide,,... 20 90. 1,1%,1% 2” rsooto 1800 ist & and ards = 20 00 33 oe t alnut, 1 I eens ‘ - . Lappe 2 ‘' 3.. 24 00 25 00 and’ ands... ‘f 3..85 00 109 00° 1g" ‘ ‘ a oe oo — WILL CULLS. Common and cu 1400 15 OLN culls. He Soe sere 33 00 Mill Run Culls 1”, 1%, 14 oS CE eS - 2%, 3.and 4” sess 45 00 And 27.6 weve ee ews enees 14 00 Z ; $ NO, 3 CUTS. No. 2, : {OES 32 00 ‘ QUEBEC, QUE. 1in., 6” and up wide.... 18 60 LATH. di BOSTON, MASS. a6 WHITE PINE—IN) THE RAFT is 1% and 13” "ss. 20. 00 White Pine Uy pests Ito2inch ...... ..... (3 2 see. 21 00 t CHL. 2. nccccsn cascrces wpvesece Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.....-.... 35 45 2%,3and4” ‘, 27 00 Fine Common, 1 inch. oon keke oe Peseaeee First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to to aioe p - £8 63 Sais i to.2 inchs. . ‘under, 10. “ao em oe ean es Deedes k 36 28 Uppers 3 Im. nse eeveee 8g 85 | 1x22 Sach sila oso OM 8s ft. and up.........- meron: 2Min........ cevevesesees 83 85 | 4/4 inch 3 “&up.25 «6 5 in, and up merchantable boards, cep whys Bape: SIEO A AD) wrels elo ah secseeee 78 80 4/4 Box boards Gand dp,” 30 21 Out Spruce boards, p.1s........ Scanian 14 Inch aa 31 ginch nppes wlaeet’s eset OB 4 ro-in. crease ped ee 30 35 1x2 and sis ei 1s clipped and-bundiéd :: rG* F + 30 I Selects, 234 in up........ ee r2-in, dressing an. tter... 40 42 : "7 a ji a EP 1 to 2in. eat toc Saree y 72 | BOX, IXr0-iN. .......eceeeee 2E a . | NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. i 18 o « 138: ge Fane coutnest, apt aPeop 72 7s BOR, TK1F 2... ns meee wes «saa 25 Extras ....... ds stein) nvernhcs a/Wmln aguulelMoreiaie Mlovaie oaiele cfe's ogi TO BM. .oncoes ace segs 58 \No. x barn, 1x1a.... sites me (OL) ya Ses tk hota pags veaclecieTGovecbishoevicccia No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 in ainiv-e 9,0, Se IWxER diel «Wes Sele Peon tues 28 CLOMER ave. « Siete wees v eel hasteeinleln se apa OTTAWA, ONT. Nasa. hee eer Aatigat gate . 35 45 Ble Sea ae cies 26) Clee vanities nt ey of CE Gare te , WN. 3% lon cots arene eeeee 30 35 0.2 My IXI2veccccsnsce 27 25 tra 1s (Clear whites out)......... sseeees fein ace nt ately rice Hen No.1 aerate « to2in...... 48 = BRIO. veer eeeeeeneencey 25 26 Extra 1s (Clear whitesin). shee ne eee eee ete nede dae : in x8in. and up 40 00 4200| 1x10 No.3 “ .... 18 00 ay me ae eae = va Shaky clear, r to Sia in... 2 a 3° BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. epee 2 x colitis as't ser afetg rbam.... iz “3 aes pink roach Beton ak op i . ob oda 4° Red Cedar Extras, a aia oe pa ee haa ter Pena Sol rte ving boar ra-in. up .. 4° 1 CEUING =. bre ¥ ceils vi tade 24° 35 Eur write seue zim. x Sinan’ up ‘490 36 o0| Pine Shorts 6’ ton” | Dressing boards, narrow... 26 38] Common ....00000.0,..2 °° as “ _ Perfections, s butts to 2% im... 1 s OO fo RIE nivvacir sis eas opis 7 00 1x19 inch sh! wacestuse 240005 : - . a =) Tae ee 3 ba ite ; . : Lane ait Pee ah : ri SE Pe Tad se ee pia She Wray - ah ee Gri eat. 6 She ey m4 ate pe Me m : M sin 1 actos Sh Tt. a0 re eo PY eee! ‘CANADA LUMBERMAN- q AND WOOD WORKER al Vo. XIIT WEEKLY TORONTO, MONTREAL — NOVEMBER 20, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVE E-DITION — The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} 1.00 per vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. § THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMbER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IM GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. (anapa Lumperman PUBLISHED BY The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’u = of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. ‘ Telephone 1274. g 536 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, LONDON, E. C. _. he Weekly Lumberman — Published every _-—s Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the rincipal manufacturing districts and leading amanic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly mediuni of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. * The Monthty Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- _ ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. "When four or more consecutive insertions are Fardexed a discount of el em cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- yertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue OR SALE—100,000 FT. HEMLOCK, TO BE cutto order. Address P. O. 6, Care “‘Lum- BERMAN,”’ Victoriaville, P. Q. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity of Slabs. Srmcozk Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade. Toronto. ("EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND ~ Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long,at the Spanish _ boom, Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for _ gale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, _Larchwood, Ont. £ a ‘OREMAN—MILLWRIGHT OPEN FOR EN- 4 GAGEMENT, At references, 15 years ex- s perience in saw mill construction, up-to-date _ methods. Address Box 327 CANADA LUMBER- _ MAN, Toronto, Ont. . R SALE,A GOOD SAW MILL, CAN SAW LL’ from 15 to 25 thousand per day, with every- ing complete, nearly new. Apply to ROBERT TEWART, Vasey P O, Ont. | eaoe SALE—2z50 M. FEET 17,14”, 134”, 2,3”, 4’ Hard Maple first class stock, 2” Hard and Soft Elm, %” 1” Basswocd, Cherry, White Ash, Pine and Hemlock, on C.P.R., near Inger- ‘soll. Thisseason’scut. Write for quotations to _ W.F. Gartoway or W. ParTLo, Ingersoll, Ont. WANTED se be _ Canadian Lumbermen, Limit Holders and Mill _ Mento supply a steady demand for dry, wormy _ pine timber ; also short butt logs for immediate shipment to be cut by portable mills or other- _ wise, so that useless waste is not handled. ° orm holes, splits, shakes, knots and small ount rot not objected to All to be cut into inch lumber and about the following imensions, in lengths of 8 to16 feet and small cent. shorter lengths, 4,6,8,10,12 inches wide nd up. We are open to contract with right parties for eady supply of about a car load a week to tt with. — Quo prices free on cars. _ For furth-r particulars apply x? THE DAVID GILMOUR DOOR CO., » 579 Tonawanda St,, . uffalo, N.Y. OOK-KEEPER WANTED—FOR LUMBER Office in County Town. Apply Box 328, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ORSALF—RED BIRCH, HEWED SQUARE, 12 inch and up, 12 feet to 16 feet Jong. Apply Box 325, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED. ATHS WANTED FOR SHIPMENT BY car this winter. Either 15%” or 1%”, stand- ard Spruce, Butted4ft. Address C. S. WENT- WORTH & Co., 117 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. \ JANTED—A MAN WITH A GOOD PORT- ABLE mill to saw lumber in the county of Hastings during the winter and spring of 1906 and succeeding one or two seasons. Address Box 326 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. UMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEAL- ers, sawmil! engineers. ete . desiring adver- tising space in Canadian Section, Special Annual Issue. London (Fngland), Timber Trades Jour- nal. please write authorized agent, R. St. J. YocKNeEY, 45 Gloucester Street, Ottawa. OR SALE — 100,000 FEET DIMENSION Spruce Timber, to be delivered on first snow roads, viz,6x6,7x7, 8x8, 9x9, aver- age in proportion abouts zes. Lengths 18 to 32 feet. Address ‘I,UMBERMAN,” P. O. 6, Victoria- ville, Que. MILL PARTNERSHIP WANTED XPERIENCED MAN WITH CAPITAL “ wishes to acquire partnership in small saw mill in interior:f B.C. on railway, might buy outright if satisfactory arrangements could be made Address PARTNERSHIP, CANADA LUM- BERMAN, Vancouver office. OR SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO. 3 HAM- ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 7%” cylinders and all connections, circular outfit complete with’iron husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 70 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each. Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Mill. THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont, MACHINERY FOR SALE We have for sale the following second hand machinery, in good condition. Write us for full particulars and prices of any machine. 1 26’ X 32” engine box frame, slide valve on top of cylinder, driven with rock shaft. 2 No. 3 single cutting band mills, made by Prescott Co. 2 Two block carriages with Prescott offset, made by Prescott Co. Two block Garland carriage. Boss shingle machine, made by Mowry. Hall shingle machine. Perkins Grand Triumph shingle mactkines, Drake hand shingle machines. Perfection power shingle machines, Double block shingle machine, Perkins make. Drag saw. Knee bolter. Perkirs Class A cut-off. Wheel jointers. Knot saw frames. Shingle packers. Heading trimmer. Rich automatic saw sharpeners. Independent condenser. Portable boiler and engine, boiler with 32” fire box, and 28—3” tubes, 12 hp., engine 38 Saiz Greenlee No. 1 improved automatic cut-off machine, witn countershaft. Friction feed complete, frictions 15” wide. 36’ standard Leffel water wheel Upright boiler 70” x 32” with sixty 2” tubes. » 54” X 32” with ninety 1%” tubes. 10” X 16’ twin engine, steam feed, complete. THE WM. HAMILTON MFG. CO., LIMITED Peterborough, Ont. io et woe ee am] at a] OR SALF: ABOUT 3 CARS OF 3” AND 1 car 2” White Maple. Winter cut. Address ANDREW Knox, Box 22, Norwood, Ont. ANTED—", 6/4’ AND 2” RT,ACK ASH, 6/4” and 2” Basswrod all common and better, dry. Box 326, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED—PRIME 1S & 28 ROCK ELM Planks, 7%” and 3” thick bv 5” and up wide bv 12’ to 16’ long. JaMES KENNEDY & Co., LIMITED, Cincinnati, Ohio. ARDWOOD SALESMAN WANTED, WHO has good connection with the trade. and thoroughty posted n grades, stri tly temperate, Box 331 CANADA LUMBTRMA®, Toronto. Box 332 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. OR SALF—A QUANTITY OF EACH OF the following: s/4” Spruce. 1” Spruce, 1” Basswood, 1” Soft Maple, 1” Cedar, 1” Soft Elm. el 33g CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, nt. N UP-TO-DATE SAW MILL—NEWL*< bu'lt this summer; capacity fifteen to twenty M per day; six miles from a new railway line. James Bay Railway For particulars apply to JoHN THompson, McKellar P.O., Ont. OR SALE—75.0c0 FEET 1IN. BIRCH, 25.000 feet 2 in. Birch. Entire product of logs cut ard piled six months; best shipping conditions; snap for some one if shipped before December 31. Box 330 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED BL"CK ASH NE INCH AND THICKER 1S & 2S AND No. 1 common ; must be well manufactured and of good fair widths. BROWNLEE & Co., Detroit, Mich. FOR SALE HIRTY-FIVE HORSE PORTABLE EN- GINE and boiler locomotive. suitable for saw mill nearls new. Address Box 333 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. SAW LOGS E ARE OPEN TO PURCHASE FIVE Million Feet of Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock logs, 12 to 25 ft.,in boom Arnprior, June or Julydelivery. Ottawa LuUmBER Co’y, Ottawa, Canada. LATH WANTED 39" LATH IN PINE, SPRUCE OR HEM- LOCK. Must be well manufactured and good grade. State lowest price f.o b, shipping point, giving rate and weight to Utica and New York. Utica Branch, RIcE & Lockwoop Lum- BER Co., Utica, N.Y. FOR SALE One second-hand Engine Lathe, 32 inch swing, 22 foot bed, with face plate and chuck combined, steady reft and counter shaft—to be sold cheap to replace with new tool. Also one second-hand Tubular Boiler 3 feet diameter, 12 feet long. Apply ST. JOHN IRON WORKS, Ltd. P. O. Box 91. - Vulcan St., St. John. FOR SALE EXTSEASON’SICUTOF HEMLOCK. PINE, BIRCH and Maple Lumber, also orders taken for Veneersand Handles; will also saw one million feet of Iogs at price per M feet Shipment by Rail or Vessel. Correspondence solicited. T. H. DECEw & Co., Bruce Mines, Ont MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE QGAw MILL IN PROVINCE OF QTEREC, - ) capacity soM ft. per day, equipped with Side Edger, Slab -aw Perkins hingle Machine, best Feed Grinder, all in good condition, Also 33 acres of land as mill site. Timber enough for 20 years, fed from rivers, gocd crop of legs fornext season. Reason for selling, going into other business. Address Box 329 CANADA LuM- BERMA®W, Toronto. DON’T BUY PULPWOOD until you have had my quotations. Best market prices on spruce and poplar pulpwood furnished on re- quest. GEO. F. WHALEN Port ARTHUR, ONT. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Reports from all sections of the country tell of a good pine and hemlock trade and but little falling off in the demand for building ma- terial. The month of November, however, experienced more than usual activity, and it is probable that the next two weeks will wit- ness a curtailment consequent upon the approach of the winter season. In Toronto building is still active, which is sustaining the retail de- mand for !umber. The mills are moving stock by rail as rapidly as possible, but the inability of the railways to supply a sufficient num- ber of cars is causing much incon- venience. Prices of lumber are quite as firm as last, week and promise to con- tinue on a strong basis, as the ag- gregate quantity of pine and hem- lock stock in first hands is very The hardwood trade is The recent dis- moderate. rather featureless. cussicn of the comparatively low ptice of basswood has, it is said, caused a little buying in some Tl. quarters, but values show no incli- nation to Lath are strong and the white pine variety very scarce. ‘‘ It is impossible to find a firm who have a stock on hand us from Ottawa. advance. ” is the report which reaches QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. More general strength character- izes the lumber market of the East- ern Provinces than at any previous time this year. Negotiations in connection with next year’s business suggest the probability of shippers asking higher prices for waney pine timber, while there is also a dis- position to hold birch timber for better prices. As the British market has now fallen into line, there is no weakness anywhere, and indications point to an all-round improvement in trade. There has been a sharp advance in freight rates from St. John by the winter steamers, as, owing to the better demand, ship- pers are anxious to send forward as many deals as possible. The spruce shipments from that port up to the end of October were 140,436,544 superficial feet, as compared with 152,738,255 feet in 1904. The birch shipments were 6, 188,709 feet, as against 4,802,545 feet last year. There has been a good demand for birch planks at very satisfactory prices. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. There is little falling off in the demand for lumber for building purposes and most of the mills have a considerable number of orders on their books. There is plenty of stock, however, to supply the requirements, and, statements to the contrary notwithstanding, no price. changes are likely to be - witnessed during the next few weeks. It may be that later on the mills will be compelled to advance their quotations owing to the high cost oflogs. Fir logs are now selling in Vancouver at from $7 to $8.50, and as the supply is by no means plentiful, higher prices in the near future are predicted. It is under- KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. : 3 : 4 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION stood that the British Columbia Lumber & Shingle Manufacturers’ Association are considering the advisability of closing down the shingle mills for two months simul- taneously with the Puget Sound: This would enable the surplus product to be worked off. mills. UNITED STATES. The lumber demand is still quite insistant and apparently there are plenty of people who are will- ing to buy lumber at present prices for other than immediate require- ments. The condition of stocks is such as to remove any hope of lower prices during the winter months, while if the consumption should the present enlarged volume, it is not unlikely that some classes of stock at least will be advanced before the spring. Nearly all the northern pine product has passed out of first hands, and still the railroads and car builders are in need of stock. There is hardly any limit to the price that can be obtained for spruce for prompt delivery, but the average price may be said to be $26 for 10 and 12 inch dimension and $24 for 9 inch and under, Boston delivery. Hemlock is strong, prices for piece stuff in the Saginaw Valley ranging from $13 up, according to length. The hardwood situation is still somewhat unsatisfactory, but ap- pears to be slowly mending. Wisconsin dealers report a good demand for maple, rock elm and birch, and basswood is doing better than earlier in the year, although that is not saying much. continue at A sharp advance in the price of red cedar shingles is predicted as the result of the expected shutting down of the Washington mills. The demand in the east is strong and stocks light. Clears are re- ported to be selling in Boston and Tonawanda at $3.25 wholesale. GREAT BRITAIN. The improvement in the tone of the British market has been main- KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON & co. Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, REMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS tained and the outlook for business is much brighter than during the summer months. The market has apparently taken a turn for the better, the light stocks no doubt being an important influence in bringing about this change. The stock of pitch pine at Liverpool, for instance, is only 346,000 cubic feet, as against 815,000 cubic feet last year, while at Manchester it is only 178,000 cubic feet, as against 439,- ooo cubic feet last year. Shippers are asking from 67s. 6d. to 70s. per load as aginst 52s. paid last year. Spruce and whitewood are still on the rise and eagerly sought after. The shortage in these lumbers is also very marked and promises to be still more pronounced before new arrivals next year. For 3x11 inch unassorted spruce, £9 Ios. per standard was recently realized at auction, the 3 xg inch bringing £9 5s., prices which are considered as verysatisfactory. There is a splendid demand for birch planks at advancing prices, and the scarcity of sawn laths at the mills in Sweden has caused a Sharp rise in the prices of these goods. Some shippers are asking 104d. c.i.f. London. No business for next year has been closed so far as can be learned. It is reported that some agents are asking an advance on this year’s opening prices, while importers claim that the present retail prices will not permit them to give even as much as they did last winter. STOCKS AND PRICES. Buffalo jobbers quote first-class elm flour barrel staves at $8.50 to $9 ; basswood heading, 5% to 534 cents, and coiled hsops, $9.50 to $10 for 6-foot. Charles Hawkes, of Lower Cape, N.B., has taken the contract to cut the lumber on the Turner property at Germantown for William Mackay, of St. John, N.B. The improvement in value of spruce deals in Great Britain is now reflected in hemlock. An advance of fully 15s. per standard has been recorded during the last two 2 J Samples by ._pended work there and dismantled Send for Catalo ogue November 29, 1905 months; 46c.i.f. for ordinary speci- fication has been done, North-west Coast port. The Sims Lumber Company, of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., have con- tracted with Kerr Bros., of Calu- met, Mich., for the delivery of 200,- ooo feet of pine logs during | winter. There are fourteen inches of snow on the upper St. John river, in New Brunswick. One hundred million feet is the estimate of t cut. The average wages are abo $26 to $28 per month. The Port Renfrew Logging C pany, which for the Jast ne years has conducted logging ope tions at San Juan, west coas Vancouver Island, B.C., have their camps, all the timber on the limits having been cut. The lumber market at Boston hy says the New York Lumber Trade Journal, has been moderately active during the first half of the month | and throughout the list values are firmly held. The fine weather has been a great help to business. Spruce still causes the greatest — comment, and it is almost i impossi- ble to make quotations to cover the — market. Yards have very small — stocks. Wholesalers have taken orders for delivery during February © and later. For prompt shipment $25 and $27 are quoted, and in a few instances even higher prices _ have been paid. Spruce laths are in active demand. Even mill men have been in town looking for sup- plies. It is reported that one mill | has asked as high as $5 for 154-inch by rail, but $4.50 is the top price reported paid. A few sales of 1¥%- inch are reported as having been made at around $4.50 for quick de- — livery. The hemlock situation 4 W. C. CRAWF ORD . Tilbury Ont. . . Manufacturer of . . ; Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, — Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Red and White Oak, Maple and Eim Lumber. Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. : Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, — SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. bs Factory near Station. Write for Prices. _ "Phone 3 ees... KNIGHT BROT LIMITED Burk’s F. ies 80 St. Francis Kavier Street WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, spruce, YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH : M°LENNAN LUMBER CO,, LIMITED MONTREAL QUE: Office and Yard, 7: DORCHESTER ST. - MONTREAL, QUE. Be. Box "6 BE < UGE has been ‘November 29, 1905 $ Fis cer ees prayer 5p re in) Ses byte yey =, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION much firmer. Prices of eastern have stiffened up quite a little since the advance on Pennsylvania. East- ern is in good demand and hard to get. SPRUCE LATH HAVE SOARED. For the past few months there almost unprecedented activity in spruce lath at advancing prices and the present indications a are that the top has not yet been ony 4 reached. Boston and New York have been bidding for the supply, the prices at these points being $4.50 to $4.60 for 15% inch, $4.25 to $4.35 for 134 inch, and $4 for 1% inch. Many buyers, however, have paid the same price for 14 inch as for 154 inch in order to get » . supplies. Shipments of lath from New Brunswick have been limited only by the capacity of the mills. Every mill owner who has had the equip- ment has been sawing laths and several new mills have been put Into commission. It is estimated that there will be produced in New Brunswick and Maine this winter about two hundred million of lath. The Scott Lumber Company, of Fredericton, N. B., are installing two machines in their new mill, each of which will have a capacity of about 35,000 per day. This _ company are reported to have closed activity which prevails in % >) eT ry. ae contracts for from eight to ten million to be shipped into the in- ‘terior of Connecticut. As showing the exceptional this branch of the lumber industry in New Brunswick, it may be stated that 15 mills will be in operation in Carleton County. These are: Marshall Smith, Summerfield, —_—“—rnnn TELEGRAPH POLES WANTED We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your Cedar into Poles it will net you more than you can get out of it in any other way. . B. FARWELL & SON Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. Stickney & Brooks, Gordonsville, B. F. Smith, Florenceville; H. H. McCain, Stickney Brook; B. R. Clark, Coalstream; E. Sayre, Hart- land; J. K. Flemming, Hartland; Baird & McFarlane, Little Presque Isle ; Allen McElroy, Waterville ; Albert Hayden, Newburg; Smith Bros. & Perley, Upper Woodstock; J.K. Fleming, Debec; Mr. McElroy will operate a mill at Gratton, and Mr. McElheney at Richmond, while a firm composed of George R. Burtt, D.H. Keswick and B. F. Smith are erecting a mill at Cross Creek, near Hartland. The present prices warrant the manufacture of lath from almost any kind of timber, although small growths of spruce is the kind usually sought after. A consider- able quantity of 24 and 30-inch spruce lath has been worked up from odds and ends about the mills too short for any other use except pulp, but these sizes have not met with favor in the Boston and New York markets. In view of the present small stock of lath throughout the Eastern States, the result of a phenomenal building season, it is probable that high prices will continue during the winter months, but the probability of the market becoming overstocked through the stimulus to production which has been given by the high prices should not be overlooked by manufacturers. BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLE SALES As is generally kriown, the Ex- port Lumber and Shingle Company and the Union Lumber Company act as selling agents for the shingle production of a number of British Columbia manufacturers. The ARTHUR.A,WATT Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties SPECIAL, — 50.000 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 5/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M.R Basswood; 18, coo 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4 Beech. Prices on application ONE DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR _ Baneroft, Ont. Oswego, N.Y. WANTED f 5 Cars 2x4 No. 2 Hemlock a 4 Cars 2x4 No.1 Hemlock Ghe Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., umrten 604 Temple Bullding, Toronto To MILLMEN-— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.” Codes, A.8.C., sth and Lumberman’s ta eae no A saat, 1.9 oy a lag: aah dys attached statement is a copy of the official report of the two selling companies of the business done by them up to October 1st, 1905:— Sheet No. 5.—Report No. 18. EXPORT LUMBER AND SHINGLE COMPANY, LIM- ITED.—SUMMARY OF BU:INESS TO OCTOBER IST, old orders shipped to Sept. iat ee ae 45,275,000 u during Sept........ 3,073,000 Total, October1st........ 48,348,000 NEw BUSINESS— Full car shipments to Sept. ........ 23,870,000 bt during Sept........ 3,514,750 27,384,750 Part car shipments to SEpiy ISt. ie. «.5< 6,413,000 ¢ during Sept........ 1,120,500 8,223,500 Local Sales to September rst.... .... 6,442,750 during September ........ 1,019,250 7,462,000 Total to October rst,..... 43,070,250 Grand Total Oct, 1st...... 91,418,250 Comparison ot total business to October 1st by Union Lumber Company and Export Lumber and Shingle Company : NEw BusINESS— Union Lumber Company .......... 61,015,000 Export Lumbe: Company .......... 43,070,250 OLD BUSINESs— s Export Lumber Company .......... 43,348,000 Union Lumber Ccmpany .......... 35 789,500 AUTORENOR ats erie eieee'e 9. 188,222,750 There are several mills outside of the selling agencies, these being the B.C. Mills, Timber & Trading Com- pany, which would dispose of about 15,000,000; the Brunette Mills, Westminster, which would dispose of, say, 17,000,000 ; the Surrey Mills, which would sell another 5,- 000,000 ; the Tynehead Mill, which would add 3,000,900 to the total ; the Hazlemere Mills, which would sell 2,000,000 ; and Hunting & Lee, which would dispose of 20,000,000 —or say in round figures 62,000,- 000, which would bring the grand aggregateupto250, 300,000 shingles approximately. III. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. The International Paper Company, of New York, are reported to have purchased a large tract of timber lands in the Miramichi district, New Brunswick, from the Richards Estate. The price is given as $750,000. The British Columbia Land and Investment Agency, of Vancouver, last week closed the deal transferring 6,000 acres of timber lands to the Vancouver Lumber Company. The timber is situated on the coast eighty miles north of Vancouver. I, Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres. EF. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping. shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. m™— SARNIA, ONT. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimiTeD SAW anp PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. - RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of -: BER SAWN LUM : ‘By Carload or Cargo,” Registered Cable Address, *' FOR Pinewood,” BRAXCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. ‘“American Lumberman'' Telecode. SALE A good stock of Bee oh OI) eek TINY A: “Ts A ee C. A. LARKIN WHOLESALE LUMBER J. D. SHIER LUMBER C0., LIMITED BRACEBERIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceiltugs. Sash anu Doors, Wood ings ete. 1 Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Gatshot Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINCS SPCILTY TORONTO, ONT. Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ‘Phone No. 54. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Sireular CACHE cays Ont. 26 miles West North Bay Gang UMBER and LATH CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION - November 29, 1905 BIRCH PLANKS. Birch planks, says the Timber News of Liverpool, Eng., have gone the notch higher, a good line having been placed to London at £8 tos. c.i.f. for shipment from St. John promptly, we understand. Sales have been made to Liverpool, where treights generally are a shade lower, at £8 5s. c.i.f. for St. John ship- ment, with Halifax a shade lower than this price. Glasgow has not as yet responded to improved values. Weare inclined to think that £8 10S., c.i.f., is the high-water mark, and that shippers and manufac- turers will not be wise in trying to force c.i.f. values above this figure, which gives them a fair return, otherwise the impetus which high prices give to production may put supply above demand and cause the inevitable. Concessions for spring shipments will likely be made, but it is too early, with the data we at present have, to form an opinion, as much will depend on the winter and what quantity of logs can be got out and hauled to the mills. We hear a good deal of no con- sumption. It will therefore be in- teresling to give and compare the figures for the 10 months of this year with the two previous years for the port of Liverpool, as culled from the brokers’ stock sheets. The figures given are: Consumption, 572,000 cub, ft. for this year, 289,- ooo cub. ft. for last year, and 487,- 500 cub. ft. for 1903, an increase of almost double the preceding year and 85,000 cub. ft. in excess of 1903 —strange, but authentic. The indi- cations, with the improved state of the tinplate trade (who are. large consumers of hardwood for boxes) and of trade generally, are more favorable than at this period last year, and it is well to bear this in mind. Prices are 20s. higher than this period last year, which must also be kept in mind. We hear of a sale of Quebec birch to London, small average, at an ad- vance on last year’s prices. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WiGCl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. hh Ra hi he Tin tnt A tp te tp, tn“, tp to “i ee “ee eo oO a R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R.S ABBOTT, Treas, SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. CRBVSVSSSSSVSVVEVTEVSEVUSEASEVTEVSEH -0B48B0 sy SOS Nn LO VW; | 4 — That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your 4 wants in the lumber line. . It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER jis our Se ey =o 7 =< SSSSPEES STEEN - specialty—and should be yours. g Let us tell you 4 why. ¥ The Red Deer Lumber Company \G WINNIPEG, MAN, ee Ae Nc ae PN Pa Pe ~ UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS ¢ WHOLESALE HARDWOODS You CAN REACH | THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. | | | ST.LOUIS BY RALL.MAIL WIRE OR - '>HONE SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO, WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LITTLE Bay, ARKE., ALDEN BRIDGE, LA., ALLENTOWN, LA. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty ‘ Ne ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. YERLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. COMPANY MICH. We will pay cash for Hardwood Lumber ; especially want Black Ash and Rock Elm J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND GO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS THE, WGhS LUMBER TTLE CREEK, _, Muskegon, Mich. OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building = GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN FRANK 6, BURY BURY & NOBLE mason a. nose WHOLESALE MICHIGAN LUMBER - DETROIT ; Send.us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in. . . Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickorv and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Ye-ds: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Mills: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. Corresponderce Invited om All Hardwoods. November 29, 1905 CanaA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION wo CANA ee Se ee = DIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOL ESALERS _ iota peeeineninaiacnainieseeessenemnesiaentengee eee et OO _ THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE ; s Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO FOR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try _ JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO., cimitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. 3 Ambherst, N.S. aah and Hewn pruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch > Timber, spruce and Pine Boards and Plan, Birch _ and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, °°" p63 QUEBEC F.MCCIBBON & SONS, "==™guswe _ Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. Office: 503 Manning Chambers - >. MANUFACTURERS OF White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments THEM, BREVEN& SONS MANUEAGTURG G1, LNIED Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. 4 he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. } Of Ontario, Limited | 4 LLS at SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. bs oc aa **Soo”’ Siranck c. P.R.” | ‘ Manning Arcade, Toronto - OFFICES; Coristine Building, Montreal > a And at Mills at Spragze. Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep . Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. | A. F. BURY AUSTIN “WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER * A CANADA PINE ank of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., = MONTREAL, CANADA _ SPECIALTIES: Railway Fridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, _ hollow back, end butted. a,’ Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. 4g —— Fir Timber in any size or length up to go feet long. Timber Planers face ap to 24 inch x30 inch, of large capacity. okt and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS, Manofacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of . “ th Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. & Se AUGER & SON Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE, PLAYEFATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway eupEies MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A. & P. VAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & C Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chambers, TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants => Manufacturers of and Dealers in...,.. OWEN SOUND, 2 ONTARIO, | Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, —eeeeNNNSCs ee HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled : Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds at close price THE SEAMAN KENT Co., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. a oh Sh OE ae HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ¥%, %, Ke. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. 3 Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S&S. FINDLAY : OWBN SOUND, ONT. ae ee A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line” because it reaches into and oe the very heart of the choicest hun ting grounds in America. The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire Nork is reached ONLY by thisline. Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over, The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and during the vario us seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along its lines upon applica- tion to the nearestticket agent. It also arranges its train service with special reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make taiel over their lines pleasant and comfort- able. This line offers the best route between Chicago, d . ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS: IN Weskly Oanada LUMDErman St. Paul, Mil k Mi li t k inn Superior hointaaia Sealand Winconan: ia Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Information given by addressing— Vancouy JAS. C. POND, Wis, Cent. R.R. ‘ Milwaukee Spruce, White Pine, White and Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles Quebec pS Oo Pa oat ene OMT in ee + 7 A cee bl ' ‘ae 7 — cB - «ee : ae vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Noverier' 2g, sana “cut, E. H. HEAPS & CO., “Rinse Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels — Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet 1 in length. WwW. J. etd tel Lee Mag ict d gh J. G. Seeue. ee. MANAGER Waubaushene, On ancouver, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF ed FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Qos vite? LATH, MOULDINGS L pet Cc Eee Coost Sher BO. HICH GRADE pacilic RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. j. E. YOUNG, Cashier 4 SAO pi arte le heer aetna ie ea a The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. mouscrers White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, q Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work § parm CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario Mills at RAT PORTAGE and Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber ; We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at al four points. 4 C. WELLS —- Export Lumber & * PALLISER, B. C. 3 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 Shingle Co., Limited High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar : and Lumber of all Deseret Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. sg ; W. B. McKeEcante, President. C. MacRag, Manager, > ; Weare Exclusive Selling AgentsinCanada — THE ALBERT A LUMBER C0. for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Passes eer =. Cc. LIMITED tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping facture capacity over 114 millions. BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR s to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. B. C. FIR_ DIMENSION AND FINISH. SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen, Gives Correct Measurements & of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contenis of Square é ome and Round Timber ; a = Rules, and much other practi- ge cal information. Price 35 Cents "= Avoeess TH E CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. t Vay r fy px ¥ - eae November 29, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. 1,500,000 Shingles Per Day 3 eect half the B. C. Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. We have a Daily Shipping Capacity of 4 One Million Five Hundred Thousand. IU MBH Er “DOUGLAS bho Bess SereUCH and CHDAR Wir Se eeCOar Lath. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH We make a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber Investments generally (Correspondence Solicited) q ior” UNION LUMBER COMPANY, Limited sss‘tsines's. Vancouver, B. C. ~The WooDSTOCK LUMBER & MANUF’G. CO. timita) PEDWELL & LEMCKE, onc" “ Whol le Deal WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO MANUFACTURERS { P ine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, a olesale Dealers in eee B ‘ HEMLOCK, PIME and HARDWOODS, SHINGLES and LATH, meee ae” Ties, P va piatn And All Kinds of House Furnishings. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER - (4 Tithenarn Street, LIVERPOOL | ; [Wood Brokers and Measurers .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. ble Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale 8t., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL. sed Rae Sa cia Lea i ahr rma 'F. A. Lightbody & Co. Edmiston & Mitchells wSD BROKERS TIMBER BROKERS Cable Addr ¢ Address; ‘* TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., At, “Zebra Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW EE SE EL a ELIE: - LIOR DD LIE DIOL AL TEI MALLE S LILA A ELLE A REL LONE DEL EEL 4 Agents for CANADIAN intel at AND SPRUCE ; "Hardwoods in ‘Log, Ete. Shipments handled tc the best a IMPORTER OF em iS Seavey Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ 52 St. Enoch Square GLASGOW D) Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Cable Address: ““TECTONA™ Glasgow. ap R 0 K : R S nd A BC Codes ee 2 Ports in the Voited Kingdom Correspondence Solicited. ouls BAMBERGER, 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. q Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ee ees Mee eS Ee ma ee Se ee ee ee Gaaulde ot an hreoergdens Cet) Bd cf tes Or ae ol Veneers A Specialty ae ; ie , ‘ 4h € jo TS i ates r “ ‘ * Wa » by ao 4 - r\ ‘ é, ct p< fT 6 4 P I A rar ay ee Ae oD OP LS, aL anasto: VI. THE ONTARIO LU Mi BER 09s wares Mirts: North Bay. C.P.R. and G.T.R. Sage CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. nd 36 Hone Tife Building L ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU R. B. ST. eae an RAILWAY, LUMBER a CONT RACTO RS’ AGENT 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad Work. - McLennan Timber Land and Phone 1,950 Lumber GO., cimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. es: Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. hy aaelg afer 9, Central Chambers. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. ADDRESS: CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. R , ‘Room S'S; - BOSTON, MASS. ° . . . Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. BANK ST. CHAMBERS November 29, 1905 : OTTAWA, ONTAR W. B. BARTRAM & CO. WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Specialties: Basswood and Birch. DIMENSION TIMBER | Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. SASH A.P HEBERT Write for quotations. - DOORS Barge or car load lots All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. BLINDS MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts, Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock WIARTON, ONT. " In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. B. C. Cedar Shingles’ Pixe good strips : Pine, box boards.... 13 00 15 00 MT Hansa de naaeticecd 34 CO 36 00] Pine mill culls..... 1200 15 co == 1% in. and 1%1 in. - 36 00 40 00] Pine O. culls.. » 7 50. B50 seats Set oars - 38 00 40 oo | Spruce, ral & up 14 00 ne, good shorts: Spruce, stocks, TNS chateict esis vrata 28 00 3000 7.8,9 and 10”... 15 00 TORONTO, ONT. ai in. and 134 in. .. 34 00 40 00 | Spruce.1” clear ‘fine CAR OR CARGO LOTS. ra ta "oA Ae nee ie a Honlose seen % ae = ES Pine, No. « dressing Lath, per M 2 00 13 50 ’ 5 e rinch No.1 Pine os oo tw inch Flooring 2700 2800 Siding -.. 5... 22.00 a7 00/ No.xwhitepine.... © 27: ~ cuts & becter....-- $ 49 Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 15 00 6 02 Pine, No. 1 dressing No, 2 white pine.... 250 a” No x Cuts and strips..... spatiale 28 00 2500] Spruce, mill rvn..... 250 tter -. 5600 58 00 | 2x4 to 10 in.,1 to 16ft. 16 00 17 00 Pine No. i dressing Red Pine mill run 250 TCU OG Ae 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 17 00 18 00 e 1% inch Not 1 ‘inch B.’C. cedar, shorts nletaictsleitere iiameta ©O 21 00 | Pine Shingles ee ee eee Se idee ec dune ree mae ee Be 1% in Bee ae eae ee ber Da tant Gone c a iD: and better.... 44 00 46 00 | Clear inch B. C. cedar Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- XK #8 inch: .ccsscece 2 40 1 "3 2” No 2 Pine Cuts pk asian ea ere 55 00 ter 12 tor@.. .... 17 00 19 00 | Cedar Shingles and Better........ 46.00 48 00 Douglas fir dimens Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings 18 09 20 co XxXXxXxX. 18 Inch........ 3 25 3 50 1% inch No. 3 Senet ge fect 39,09 Pine s. c. strips..... - 1400 16 00 Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 2 50 2 60 pts and better.... 49 00 42 oo | Douglas firdimen Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 1400] xx, 18inch.......... I 50 1 70 a’No 3 Cuts and yg 30 Ae ‘a set 31 00 Better.........-++ 4200 44 00]1% in. No.1 4 ine AGM ee arainsieraoamisire -385 400 ee tone 23 00 24 00 | 134 in. No. 2 4 ft. Lath 3 20 3 30 x4, 6and 8 common 19 00 20 00/147 No-r sy pine lath | 2 75 SARNIA, ONT. I = Fema a = a a XXXX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 UPPERS. Y%xgand §”........... $22 00 San... 20 50 21 53 XX Pine Shingles -. 220 2 30 1in., 1o%and u wide. -$73 00 1% x 6" and tp... 0-4 25 00 2and 3x12 common. 23 00 25 00| X Pine Shingles .. 3° 1%, 1% and 2” P. ee 25 TDi KOLO a eens ee 26 00 1x1e inch box and XX Cedar Shingles 220 2 25 aié'and 3! “ ; oe ai Of XO be cioea ate sites ide 28 00 common ......++-- 19 00 20 co B. C. Shingles | 4! “ 83 00 1% x 6” and up........ +. 25 00 Inch mill runsidings 2: 00 22 oo] XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2a58 UGE 10 hat aanits eats 26 oo rash Haag XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 12 SELECTS ie eNaP oi ees Ree cae 8 tin. millrun...... . 2I 00 22 00 1 : NG ae 1 ances 28 oo x10 and 12 mill culls 17 co 18 00 J XXXXX 5 to2in.. 345 in, 8” and up wide.... 63 00 a” = 6” and cag reo AeK Tee 26 co inch mill cull Sid- = No. . hed 2 30 1%, aes aft) aden OO at x. to'Lag, 27 00 rh Nan HBS sector 16 00 16 50 ‘ : 2%4 and 3 Meee 73 00 Ze Ce rics einige 29 00 Paricey ice) HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. 4 Fume icone: i 9 Rei No. ees ates F - aire Cost Mean gees lac 00 to $3 Ash White, 1 to2 in Elm,rock, mill A 1 in., 8’ and up pace: 54 00 1%, ua and ay na? 00 to 32 00 ists and 2nds-..... $33 00 $35 00 Elm rock, at to 1%"24 00 25 00 1% and 1%! 2 54 00 2% and 3’... 33 Be See 00 Piste paws ee 1O As, black, xsts and ae 5 eae 3-. 28 00 29 oo SINR ICORERTER 55 a ps Ses 3 d, rt in.. .. 27 00 2 ickory, 1sts . f 5 Blech” M. 5 Rin 3 ef 00 = and’ecne TAG a. 40160, 46 G0) YL inteivtolel\etariets 5 00 to 62 00 Ch: oe ae 21 OO to 25 00 2.. 2400 2600] Maple 1” mill 1%, 13% to 2” 4» 50.00 53 00 1%, 14, and 2” 23 oo to 25 co ra ** 8x8 32 00 36 00 run...... 1 1% 2000 2100 .2%,3and 4”.. 68 00 73 00 2% and 3” .... 27 00 Raabe ommon Maple, sts No. I CUTS. NO. 3 BARN: and better: toxin 2200 2300] and 2nds..2 ‘4.. 2400 260 Jin gv ang up wide... 35 00 rin. ; 18 oo to 21 co Basswood, 1% toz.. 23 24 oo | Oak;red, p’n, 1y ae qe 00 1% % A att 5 m. r. 1 1% 1g 00 2000 aa & uals * 4.. 46 00 5000 1% in. ‘a eae So iV pes and 2” 20 00 to wie Che 1stS Oak, white Come We ee EAR OOM EES rat 'inlclu la’n arom eruheadac-s ** 1% 70 90 893 00 nets & ands « 1% 44.00 46 00 2% and3” “ Pal oe BOX. Cherr eo ak, white, A No. 1, 1”, 1 aadanda. in“! 4. 75 00 85 00| xsts&ends2 4., 4800 5000 4 paie600 satan ths 14 00 to 19 00 Elm, soft,mill Oak,quart’d, cr gd Se No.1 mill culls, Tun.......2 ‘' 1% 23 00 24 00 ists & ands 2.. 72 00 75 00 1 in., 6” and up wide.... 20 oo 1,1%, 13% 2” 15 00to 18 00 Elm,soft,mill . Walnut, rsts ue fen: 030,00 Mees . 2 "3..24 00 2500] and a2nds..1 ‘' 3.. 85 00 10000 14" f ...+32 00 MILL CULLS. au See, i Ri Bo ne pales Culls 1”, 1%, 1% 2%, 3 4 sare 45 0 and2”'.. dite means 14 00 No, 3 CUTS. No. 2, oH {Cow SS eaaao QUEBEC, QUE. Wi 1in., 6” and up wide.... 18 00 WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT 1% ard 33404 Si LE ao\ oo Shy ian Me cts. af 21 00 ’ ; . Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 35 45 2%, gand4” ‘* 27 00 No, 2, 48” : sreecseses 3 50 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to tolineal.. 58 63 Rane Ree No. 1, 48 pine.. Setaen eae pte 4 25 19 to 20inch average 4 Ray: 65 Me hae SHINGEEE: RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Pris pg el) MIEN T LON¢ x Measured off, according to average and Cees Balateictanlatata seereia oe 27-33 u7 s 2 ae. ae ae [a + a ee eae oe b fers Shipping order EE atm aN UR RRR 23 00 C.B. 9 a 175 200 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. 4 2 hore cet tet atialo ate 25 00 No, 2 es 128 °2035 By the dram, according to average and quality . a bes 45 50 i” xizand up.......... 26 00 ELM. By the dram, according to average and quality 4oto4sfeet. 65 75 jee Meee Se ee raed ALBANY, N.Y. é PINE. 10 inches and up, according to average and quality. 26 8628 yecane 16 eee : - 3 ; . h : ss zo. 3z_~Ss«wU pers, 3 in. ... .. ...... 83 85 | 1xx2 entrees asters $24 25 24 in......- capes «e++ 83 85 | 4/4 inch 13 oo 25 36 EXEC. iLiad as evelieielaraitreiala sess 78 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6 andup.. 20 21 14 Inch . Fe inch uppers ..-...... - 88 go | 10-in. dressing and better... 30 35 £6 .*° aden 0 . : - 30 31 Selects, 24% in up...... an 77 82 | x2-in. dressing and better... 40 42 57 Be ‘ - 34 36 TRAMs she hedinistale wih cintal ‘Vow. XIII CANADA L AND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATE8, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. sr : ; ' TORONTO, MONTREAL — DECEMBER 6, i905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER -___ The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} st.oo per vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. aux THIS PAPER REACHES REQULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMbER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 39 —Canapa Lumperman ‘The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u 4 of Toronto, Limited _ Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL _ 720-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 2 Telephone 1274. 536 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. 22 GREAT ST. HELEN'S, LONDON, E. C. he Weekly Lumberman — Published every , Wedsiestey, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the ‘principal manufacturing districts and leading mestic and foreign wholesale markets. A kly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- -facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber ucts at home and abroad. _ The onthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE lvertisements will be inserted in this depart- at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. *n four or more consecutive insertions are ed a discount of a5 pet cent. will be allowed. notice shows the width of the line and is set onpareil type; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- rertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in le current week's issue OR SALE—r00,000 FT. HEMLOCK, TO BE cutto order. Address P. O. 6, Care ‘‘Lum- [MAN,”’ Victoriaville, ©. O: JANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS ¥ Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity ibs. SrmcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 ze Street Arcade, Toronto. EMAN—“WILLWRIGHT OPEN FOREN- GEMENT, At references, 15 years ex- ce in saw mill construction, up-to-date Address Box 327 CANADA LUMBER- Toronto, Ont. 3 \ SALE, A GOOD SAW MILL, CAN SAW m 15 to 25 thousand per day, with every- complete, nearly new. Apply to ROBERT ‘ART, Vasey P.O., Ont. R SALH—250 M. FEET 1”, 1%”, 1%”, 2”,3”, 4” Har Maple first class steck, 2” Hard Soft Elm, 54’ 1” Basswood, Cherry, White Pine and Hemlock, on C.P.R., near Inger- his season’s cut. Write for quotations to ALLOWAY or W. PaRTLO, Ingersoll, Ont. _ FOR SALE second-hand Engine Lathe, 32 inch ng, 22 foot bed, with face plate and k combined, steady reft and counter, —to be sold cheap to replace with tool. second-hand Tubular Boiler 3 meter, 12 feet long. Apply ST. JOHN IRON WORKS, Ltd. 0. Box 391. - Vulcan St., St. John. oa MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE, 75 horse power. Apply to J. E. Mureuy Lum- BER Co., Marksville, Ont. OR SALE: ABOUT 3 CARS OF 3” AND r car 2” White Maple. Winter cut. Address ANDREW Knox, Box 22, Norwood, Ont. ANTED, RELIABLE MACHINIST FOR general work in planing mill Stead: - jobfor suitable man State ability, wages an age, to Jas. Harrison, Lumber Yard, Burling- ton, Ont. WANTED. ATHS WANTED FOR SHIPMENT BY” car this winter. Either 154” or 134”, Stand- ard Spruce, Butted 4ft. Address C.S. WENT- WORTH & CO., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass, OR SALE — 100,000 FEET DIMENSION Spruce Timber, ‘to be delivered on first snow roads, viz,6x6,7x7,8x8,9x9, aver- age in proportion about sizes. Lengths 18 to 32 feet. Address “LUMBERMAN,” P. O. 6, Victoria- . ville, Que. MILL PARTNERSHIP WANTED ee TeNCED MAN WITH CAPITAL wishes to acquire partnership in small saw “millin intetior of B.C. on railway, might. buy outright if satisfactory arrangements could be made. Address PARTNERSHIP, CANADA LuM- BERMAN, Vancouver office. For SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO. 3 HAM- ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 7%” cylinders and all connections, circular outfit complete with’iron husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 20 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each. Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Mill. THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE Fos CIRCULAR SAWS FOR LUMBER Mill, 48”, 4634”, 52”, 66” diameter respective- ly,24%”’eye Thetwo latter nearly new. Also ve good horses used in camp last season. Apply, “ESTATE oF TANNER BROS.,”” Waubau- shene, Ont MACHINERY FOR SALE We have for sale the following second hand machinery, in good condition. rite us for full particulars and prices of any machine. 1 26” X 32” engine, box frame, slide valve on top of cylinder, driven with rock shaft. 2 No. 3 single cutting band mills, made by Prescott Co. 2 Two block carriages with Prescott offset, made by Prescott Co. 1 Two block Garland carriage, 1 Boss shingle machine, made by Mowry. I Hall shingle machine. 4 Perkins Grand Triumph shingle machines. Drake hand shingle machines, Perfection power shingle machines, Double block shingle machine, Perkins make. Drag saw. Knee bolter. Perkins Class A cut-off, Wheel jointers. Knot saw frames, Shingle packers. Heading trimmer. Rich automatic saw sharpeners. Independent condenser. Portable boiler and engine, boiler with 32” fire box, and 28—3” tubes, 12 h p., engine 8 x 12. Greenlee No. 1 improved automatic cut-off machine, witn countershaft. Friction feed complete, frictions 15” wide. 1 36” standard Leffel water wheel. 1 Upright boiler 70” x 32” with sixty 2” tubes. » 54” X 32” with ninety 1%” tubes. ; 0” x 16’ twin engine, steam feed, complete. THE WM. HAMILTON MFG. CO.; LIMITED Peterborough, Ont, HMHN AND Dee em cl ” ‘and of good fair widths. and 2” Basswood, all common and better, yy ANreees 6/4’ AND 2” BI,ACK ASH, 6/4” dry. Box 326, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ARDWOOD SALESMAN WANTED, WHO has good connection with the trade, and thoroughly posted - n grades, strictly temperate, Box 331, CANADA LUMBFRMAR, Toronto. N_ UP-TO-DATE SAW MILL—NEWL\ bu‘lt this summer; capacity fifteen to twenty M per day; six miles from a new railway line, James Bay Railway. For particulars apply to Joan THompson, McKellar P.O., Ont. OR SALE—75,000 FEET r1IN. BIRCH, 25,000 feet 2in. Birch Entire product of logs cut and piled six months; best shipping conditions; snap for some one if shipped before December 31. Box 330 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Sa ee WANTED BL®CK ASH NE INCH AND THICKER 1S & 2SAND No. 1 common ; must be well manufactured BROWNLEE & Co., Detroit, Mich. FOR SALE HIRTY-FIVE HORSE PORTABLE EN-, GINE and boiler locomotive, suitable for saw mill, nearly new. Address Box 333 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. SAW LOGS WE ARE OPEN TO PURCHASE FIVE Million Feet of Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock logs, 12 to 25 ft.,in boom Arnprior, June or Julyanixery OTTAWA LUMBER Co’y, Ottawa, anada, LATH WANTED 32° LATH IN PINE, SPRUCE OR HEM- LOCK. Must be well manufactured and good grade. State lowest price f.o b, shipping point, giving rate and weight to Utica and New York, - Utica Branch, Rice & Lockwoop Lum- BER Co., Utica N.Y. FOR SALE EXTSEASON’S CUT OF HEMLOCK, PINE, BIRCH and Maple Lumber, also orders taken for Veneers and Handles; will also saw one million feet of logs at price per M feet. > Shipment by Rail or Vessel. Correspondence solicited, T. H. DECEWw & Co., Bruce Mines, Ont. MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE bared MILL IN PROVINCE OF QUEBEC, capacity 50 M. ft, per day, equipped with Side Edger, Slab Saw, Perkins Shingle Machine, best Feed Grinder, all in good condition. Also 33 acres of tand as mill site. Timber enough for 20 years, fed from rivers, good crop of logs fornext season. Réason for selling, going into other business. Address Box 329 CANADA LuM- BERMAN, Toronto. DON’T BUY PULPWOOD until you have had my quotations. Best market prices on spruce and poplar pulpwood furnished on re- quest. GEO. F. WHALEN Port ARTHUR, ONT. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The seasonable weather has been helpful to the lumber business and as yet there is little indication of the slackening in demand which is usu- ally experienced during the months of November and December. There is a very ready market for nearly all kinds of lumber, and par- ticularly for white pine and hem-> lock. Buyers seem to have come to the conclusion that there will be no weakening of prices during the winter, and are preparing against advances that are likely to take place in the spring. Accumulation by dealers is more apparent than for some years past, which is taken to indicate a marked degree of con- fidence in the stability of the mar- ket. Finishing material is receiving the cal), the planing mills being. crowded with work. The state- ment by one of the largest dealers in Toronto that he would welcome a period of lessened activity is an indication of the extent to which their resources have been taxed during the building season. The supply of lath is not being increased, and the scarcity of the white pine variety has resulted in substitution to some extent. Hem- lock lath, for instance,! are now: finding a good demand -on the basis of $3 at the mill for No. 1. Shingles are quiet, although some orders have recently been placed for B.C. cedars. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The demand for lumber in Mon- treal continues steady, as a considerable quantity is still being consumed for building purposes. During the month of November permits were taken out for new buildings costing $340,576. Most of the saw mills throughout the province of Quebec are closed for the season, and shipments are being made from yard stocks, The statement of timber measured at Quebec this year shows that the MBERMAN. eS eye II. quantity of waney white pine, square white pine and oak was not much more than half that of last year, while there wasa substantial increase in the quantity of elm and birch timber. The quantity of elm timber received at Quebec this year was 484,720 cubic feet, as compared with 262,800 cubic teet last year. Notwithstanding this large produc- tion, prices of elm timber show no particular weakness. The interest of New Brunswick manufacturers is at'the present time chiefly centered on spruce lath, which have reached the phenomenal price of $3.75 f..0. b. St. John. There is some activity in the “Extra” and ‘‘Clear” grades of cedar shingles, but the lower grades are quiet. “Extras” are worth $2.50 at St. John. Manufacturers show a disposition to carry over stocks in the hope of better prices in the spring. ‘MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Reports of an improved trade in lumber reach us from Western Can- ada. Most of the mills are working te their full capacity and have orders on hand to keep them busy for some time to come. The demand from the farmers of the Northwest, asthe result of the good crops, is showing itself, while a large quantity of ma- terial is being consumed in railway construction work. Vancouver mills are said to have recently received orders for upwards of seven million feet of railway building material, but the report has not been confirm- ed at time of going to press. The placing of orders by retail dealers for next season’s supply is taken to indicate that the probability of an advance in prices is receiving con- sideration. A Brandon dealer is quoting the following prices: No. 1 dimension, $18; other grades, $14 and $16; good boards, $18; other grades, $13, $14 and $15; No. 1 shiplap, $20; good cedar shingles, 6 inch clear butts, $2.50. The shingle manufacturers of KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION British Columbia held a meeting last week to consider the closing down of the mills during the months of December and January, but it is un- derstood that the proposition did not meet with favor. UNITED STATES. Following the action of the South- ern Lumber Manufacturers’ Asso- ciation in advancing prices on 12 inch boards and shiplap, fencing, flooring, siding, etc., the Wisconsin Valley manufacturers are about to issue a new list which it is under- stood will advance the price of white pine lumber from 50 cents to $2 per thousand feet. Sales have been made at the higher quotations for some weeks and the new list will bring the prices in line with what the manufacturers are actually receiving for their stock. Trade in white pine is almost buoyant, and it is expected that this demand will continue until checked by severe weather. Buffalo and Tonawanda advices state that there have been inch boards for export to Europe, and that, nothwithstanding an advance of $3 on No. 1 and No. 2 barn recently, bringing the respective quotations up to $33.50 and $29.50, the demand is reported still in excess of the supply. also there has been brisk inquiry for white pine stocks, which has re- sulted in the advances on uppers and barn boards shown in our ‘Boston quotations this week. Spruce lath prices are irregular owing to the high basis of values extensive purchases of 12 which has been established during © the past month. _Sales of 15% inch are reported to have been made in Boston at $3.80, while other dealers are quoting from $3.60 to $3.70. New Brunswick cedar shingles are a little stronger, Extras being worth $3.40. GREAT BRITAIN. It is quite evident that British buyers are willing to pay more for lumber than even a few weeks ago. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, TEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- weods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS. At Boston, Those who believed that a lower range would be established and de- ferred making purchases in the hope that they might take advantage of rock bottom prices, have realized their mistake and are now stocking up for the winter and early spring re- quirements of their trade at present prices, which represent a consider- able advance. In view of the light stocks at all the important importing centres, the trade would seem to be in a sound condition and not sus- ceptible to attempts in the direction of lower prices unless something particularly unfavorable should occur. The resignation of Premier Balfour, the requisition made to Sir Henry Campbell - Bannerman to form a new cabinet, and the almost certainty of an early election, may have a tendency to unsettle business temporarily as well as to cause the adoption of a cautious policy on the part of buyers. The business inter- ests of the country, however, donot appear likely to suffer as the result of any new fiscal policy which may be adopted. STOCKS AND PRICES. The Canadian Pacific Lumber Company, of Port Moody, B.C., are reported to have secured the con- tract for the supply of about 4,000,- ooo feet of timber and lumber for the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. The Ontario» Government Have! granted the following timber per- mits: Fort Wilham Contracting Company, to take out ties at English River; R. McDonald, Oliver, to take out ties in the territory west of . Marks Township; W. Miller, Port ' Arthur, to take out ties at Fire Steel | River; J. & G. Whalen, Port Arthur, to take out piles in McGregor Town- _ship; Thomas Stevenson, to take _ out ties on Whitefish River. The logging industry in British Columbia is in a very satisfactory state, from the logging point of view, prices being somewhat high for logs of good quality. The average prices prevailing at present are $9 for No. 1, $7 for No. 2, and $5 for No. 3 delivered at the mill. If the winter weather is bad it will retard logging operations and the above prices are likely to be con- siderably exceeded, butif the weather Send for Catalo ot vt Samples by WHOLESALE LU M BER Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH F MLENNAN LUMBER CO,, LIMITED MONTREAL QUE. Office and Yard, 57: DORCHESTER ST. -prospects for first arrivals of b his MASON, GORDON 8z, or >. 80 St. Francis Xavier Street and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, en ‘December 9, 1 gos, continues fair, large quantities of logs will be put in the water, as a number of new firms have sta operations. Good timber loca within easy access on the coast is getting very scarce and the day the small logger is nearly ended. Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son Company review the Barba market as follows: ‘‘We have aj to report an entire absence of ar als, and meantime stocks are r. ly disappearing, consequently — white pine and spruce are excepti ally good. There is very little the market to meet the usual time of the year. lumber of both descriptions wo do better than second quality, but the latter would still meet with a ready sale. There have been no turther receipts of shingles, but stocks of both Long and Laying Cedar are ample for all feist. ments.’ : The annual statement of the Fredericton Boom Company shows | that the quantity of logs rafted one the St. John river this season was much less than last year. There were rafted 940,199 vis apportioned as follows: \ , WANEY AND SQUARE TIMZER. of ~ Following i is a statement of sercibcenl measured through the office of the — Supervisor of Cullers, Quebec, dur- ing the year 1905: at Howto * Description. Waney White Pine... Square Waite Pine ... Red’ Bins. Fo veac aes Pieces. Cubic Feet. “ 1,210,920 137,440 Fee eee we ewe tee eee Hickory, .,.jc ceo aseemoneeeee _W. c CRAWFO} RD Tilbury nt ; 5 _ Manufacturer of pe Kz 4 j Z Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, 1 Etc, - Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and & and White Oak, Maple and Eim Lumber, ‘ Can supply Second Growth White or Red squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities, KNIGHT BROT LIMITED ri MONTREAL, QUE. be - December 6, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION _* NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. _. (Correspondence of CANADA LUMBERMAN.) _ St. Joun, N.B., December, 2, 1905. _—There is little life in the lumber trade in this vicinity either in the _ the way of shipping or manufacture ing. Logging operations in the _up-river districts are in full swing and reports from all sections in- _ dicate ideal logging weather con- _ ditions. 5 _ The flourishing condition of the _ United States markets continue to be the most conspicuous feature of the trade. The spruce lath market - still shows an eager demand and the prevalent prices are phenom- _ enally high. Sales ha.e been made _ in this line during the last month at _ figures which have netted $3.75 at - St. John, a figure which it is _ said has not been equalled since the _ civil war. No important quantity _ of lath is available at this port just _ now, practically everything in this line having been shipped clean. in- dications point to the tact that __ many small portable mills through- - out the province will be engaged _ during the winter in the manufac- * ture ot lath from the round wood. Lath of this kind are, under or- _dinary circumstances, worth 25 cents less than slab lath. Ship- _ ments from operations of this ‘kind _ at inland points are usually made by rail direct to the United States, while from mills near the coast _ shipments are invariably made by _ schooner, via St. John. Contracts _ have been made by the owners of _ some of these operations at figures _ ranging from $2.40 to $2.65 per M _ delivered at St. John. Trade in N.B. cedar shingles has _ been nominally brisk during the past month barring the low grades, WANTED We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your Cedar into Poles it will net you more than you can get out of it in any other way. ‘J.B. FARWELL & SON in Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. il. which are very draggy. Values in “Extras” and ‘‘Clears” were a shade firmer during November than was the case during the’ previous month, but prices in this line showed none of the tendency to soar for” which other lines which are mar- keted in the United States have been lately remarkable. Two and one-quarter to two and one-halt millions of higher grades would cover all that remains to be put on the market this year, with all the important shingle manufacturing plants shut down for the season. Low grade shingles are more plentiful, stocks in this line aggre- gating to from five to five and one- half millions. Of this quantity the much greater part will be held in stock during the winter with the expectation that the local trade will be§of sufficient volume in the early spring to entirely absorb them. At this date dutiable ‘‘Extra” shingles are worth, f.o.t. St. John, $2.50 per M, and dutiable ‘‘Clears”’ $2.00 to $2.10 per M. Foreign shipments of low grades. have been extremely light during 1905, the demand seemingly run- ning almost exclusively to high grades. The local market for low grades has also been very dis- appointing and prices have been steadily hammered all through the season. At present writing 2nd Clears may be bought at $1.70 per Mand No. 1’s at go cents per M, f. 0. b. cars or schooner, St. John. Prevalent freight rates on short lumber are as follows: ; $ .70 New York Lath Sound Ports Hy 65 3 "4 Shingles -32-% Boston cs *30 TELEGRAPH POLES| ARTHUR.A,WATT Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tiesw .. . 2. ws - SPECIAL — 50.000 4/4, 8/4 and 12/4 Soft Elm 30,000 8/4 Maple, C & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple 100,000 4/4 M.R Basswood; 18,000 4/4 Mill Run Pine Sidings, 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 40,000 6/4 Beech. Prices on application. Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia ‘PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. in Car Lots. .Y. | Factory near Station. Write for Prices. ' oe Ont. Oswego, N.Y ‘Bhune ii3 5 Gen 2x4 No. 2 Hemlock s 4 Cars 2x4 No.1 Hemlock Che Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., unre 604 Temple Building, Toronto To MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds: HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) VANCOUVER, B. C., November 28, 1905.—Thuse lumbermen who are not strangers to the practice of in- voking the aid ot Heaven, are pray- ing for the present fine weather to continue, so that the supply of logs will not be diminished. ‘Orders are piling in,” was the remark of a prominent lumberman the other day, ‘‘and if wet weather or the usual heavy fall fogs set in, the supply of logs would be seriously interfered with, and it is probable that several mills would have to close down.” Some millmen go so far as to state that conditions were never better. One thing, they are good, and few mills but what have all they can do at present. A number of orders for timbers for bridge build- ing are reported to have come from the Grand Trunk Pacific and Cana- dian Northern, of which the Cana-_ dian Pacific Lumber Company has secured four million feet. The Has- lam sawmill at Nanaimo, taken over by the Ladysmith Lumber Company and J. S. Emerson, in half interests each, started last week, and is run- ning full time to cut six million feet of bridge timber. Another instance of how things are is shown by an incident which occurred last week. Mr. A.. H. Henderson, superintendent of the shipyards. of the. White Pass & Yukon Railway Company at White Horse, was in the city to purchase the regular large supply of lumber required by the company. The Hastings mill is about the only one which has wharves up to which northern steamers may draw, and when Mr. Henderson applied there to Have the timber specially cut, he THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, Limireo says he found the company so busy with the export trade that they did not care particularly for the order. As a result of conditions here, Mr. Henderson left on Friday for Seattle, where he will buy the necessary lumber. Prices are being maintained for lumber, and as yet there is no further talk of increase, though the first of the year may see an advance. Logs are higher, with figures rang- ing from $7 to $8.50, and are stiff at that. The price of logs is gov- erned by the supply, and a week’s bad weather, which is very liable at this time of year, would run it up. So far, the weather has been very tavorable. Little or no snow has L. Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., ‘Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cutto Orderin | White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. : — SARNIA, ONT. SAW anp PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN IUMBER By Carload or Cargo, Resistered Cable Address, “* Pinewood.” To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY [s It your wish. . BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. ‘American Lumberman”’ Telecode. An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the % CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman, Torento J.D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings . Sash ana GOOD PINE SILINES SFC) Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings ; End-Mstctd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON. - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. ———— Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Banda =- Circular CACHE BAY, Ont. CPR Gang 26 miles West North Bay UMBER and LATH Jr id CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION December 6, 1905 IV. 7 coe a cll, fogs have been absent, and ahshed 8, ornare. | GSS ee RIE IES SA ees Ee i ~ ~ la A A Ss A ws x say sarah e the BRE el We Solicit the Trade of tH e . n September are being even P Retailers Only. M 4 Reports from the interior are also fe ee eg j optimistic, and centres of lumber . industries, like Revelstoke and F. d. DAVIS MFG. GO. | / Cranbrook, are looking forward to prosperous times. J.P. McGoldrick 2ist and Morgan Sts., and G. A. Lammars, of Stillwater, CHICAGO Minnesota, are back in the province . —Manufacturers of— again. A couple of years ago they secured a site at Nelson, and were Veneerei DOOPS about to build a mill, when the deal was broken off through adverse action of the Nelson city. council. Pay 1 Since then they purchased the Fox we = mill at Spokane, a very large plant, ye and have also invested in 55 square miles of timber on Moresby island, near Port Simpson Now they represent a company which has acquired a mill site at Fairview and extensive timber interests on Koot- enay lake and streams tributary. _ae © MINNEAPOU JUST A GENTLE REMINDER That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you Two booms of logs, one belonging’ to the Pacific Coast Lumber Com- pany and the other to J. Whittaker, of Vancouver, B. C., were lost in a storm last week as they were being towed by a tug off Sechelt. The Pacific Coast boom contained about 300,000 feet of timber. BOSTON, MASS. We Solicit a ee of Your Business. H. D. WIGGIN so state st: J. DAVIS MFG. CO. ill i ill and P. ASH fc will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for Alek jariditbrgen Stevets) | why. | The Red Deer Lumber Company A } WINNIPEG, MAN, i OG BRU N CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. | Our Doors are known the world over and are mmn~, VAs ey a =, s, s e = e a WRSIESS SS SISSIES TIES SIS SISSIES SS SES SES SSS Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood recognized as the best made. Send for cata- a ; CorRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. logues and price lists. Seen UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS = | YBLLOW PINE | TH WIGKS LUMBER GOAPANY | We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- BATTLE CREEK, om MICH. ’ able prices. Prompt _ship- Wrainaril | ments. Mills in Alabama, Haravegealy {ieee 4 | Mississippi and Arkansas. especially want , MANN, WATSON & CO. | Muskegon, Mich. | Black Ash and Rock Elm J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS ‘THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. | | | | | | OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building - GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Planing Mill and Head Office: oy Saw Mills at a HAMILTON, Ontario. any LAKE, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limireo Mills at CACHE — and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. Manufacturers of and —— Dealers in all kindsof . cn Both Railway Delivery and Water 3 Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. A. F. BURY AUSTIN ; | WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA FINE ' Bank of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA pre S: Railway Pridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White f “ - Seeciayaias: ion Timber, Warway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak aod ne ‘Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, a hollow back, end butted. Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast martied Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. oe Doug las Fir Timber in any size or length up to go feet long. Timber Planers face ap to 24 inch x30 inch,| 4 Dry Kilas of eae cniy ough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar, i , WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ANP QUOTATIONS, AUGER & SO THEN. BREMEN & SONS MANUFAGTORING G0, LIMITED J: S. FINDLAY — - We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P*.ie, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CoO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE, PLAYEHATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER » LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies MIDLAND. ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . A. & P. VAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & G EE eine and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. => Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... OWEN SOUND, » ONTARIO, THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED Bevonsl Lite Chambers, TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, ‘| HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled - Send for Price List ‘ L ‘A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds at close price THE SEAMAN KENT Bi 160 Bay St. Toronto pe ee ea ' HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ¥%, W%, WH. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER OWEN SOUND, ONT. 2 A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line’’ because it reaches into and through the very heart of the choicest hun ting grounds in America, The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire No rh is reached ONLY by thisline. Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. The Wisconsin.Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and during the vario us seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along its lines upon applica- Yow W Bs 7 1 ni its train service with special reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make travel over their lines pleasant and comfort- able. This line offers the best route between Chicago, ‘« 4, < eA Superior points via Ashland, Wisconsin," | | Loronto §=—- Montreal Winnipeg +e Information given by addressing— Vancouver a JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R.R. Milwaukee Quebec ie As , ty Ve vl. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION _ December 6, 1905 “\comsc E. H, HEAPS & CO., “Mase Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. | SPECIALTIES : | AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. a ui Ww. j. Brigid big oh ll J. «(6 SCOTT, GENERAL MANAGER ubaushene, On ancouver, B.C. FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Ors LATH, MOULDINGS 1 xmbet Cc TURNED WORK st rn ETC. sing Com GOUVER: HIGH GRADE — fic AN RED CEDAR SHINGLES ¢ c Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO " D.C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J. E. YOUNG, Cashier The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. menutrcturre White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work petrsin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario’ WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario : if as. . ae { Our Vancouver Mill cuts » High- Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber = We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. sa Cc. WELLS — ; Export Lumber & ® __ PALLISER, B.C. 3 3 3 Manufacturer of 3 3 3 Shingle Co., Limited (High Grade Spruce, Fir, Cedar and Lumber of all Descriptions. ; _ Vancouver, B.C. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. . 7 a a . W. B. McKEcunie, President. C. MacRaz, Manager. ee Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A LUMBER CO. Dy. for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- vase mnier wes: « a Cc. LIMITED tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping Saale aap yor BRITISH COLUMBIA RED nat zes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. B. C. FIR DIMENSION AND FINISH. SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK | A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements °@e of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square “0° and Round Timber ; sehahtadh Rules, and much other practi- cal information. Price 35 Cents » a soos: THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. “i \ 3 a I “ce me ig . . oe ged Tape aes poe il aa pis ere 7 " Sy) ant oo a ; s “ y dey os oe ; F, 8 rat st eta penis fe m ie iA & oats cows & ar * December 5, 1905 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION 1,500,000 Shingles Per Day _ About half the B. C. Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. We have a Daily Shipping Capacity of One Million Five Hundred Thousand. 9 TUOMBER j DOUGLAS 2 nb Map ep eee Ce eer) “Cor Pe Ee Ma aioe acoA: Lath. - DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH We make a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber Investments generally (Correspondence Solicited) P.O. Box / 407 UNION LUMBER COMPANY, 3 “The WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUPF’G. CO. Limita} PEDWELL & LEMCK WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO Wholesale Dealers in 4 HEMLOCK, PIME and HARDWOODS. SHINGLES and LATH, And All Kinds of House Furnishings. Head Office Limited sss tssumees. Vancouver, B. C. Lions Head, 9 Ontario Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Correspondence Solicited, MANUFACTURERS ORS 6, ajtedsein Rail or Water Shipments. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE [Wood Brokers and Measurers ble Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool.» Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, oa F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKR ERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B Zebra" and Private. a Agents = CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE ; * Hardwoods in Brut Ete. : eee the Dnited Kingdom. _‘Cormespondence Solicited. its handled to the best advantage to all en ipments handled to the best advantage to all port: n the United Kingdom. 10U IS BAM BERC ER, 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. IMPORTER OF [te Address “‘Bellywood, London.’ a Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods ———EEEE—{—_{E_———E_£{__— . Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS SS ZEBRA CODE IRECTORY CO: CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood 1 gents and Brokers “GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England FELBER, JUCKER & CO.| ONE, DOLLAR Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND | Will pay your subscription to the CANADA a Invite offers from Lumbermen for... < ol ‘Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine orin + Shoo ks, Sy mae Mouldings, Dowels, Bro es, Chair tock, caged etc., or any Woods Suitable’ for Eengiion Marke Telegraphic pater: FELBER MANCHESTER. AMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND | TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elm Staves and Heading, Handles of ail descriptions Veneers A Specialty “Cable Address : LUMBERMAN for ONB YEAR Puy eee * ke: > ae ee Re S Leys eae ee te eat |SMITH & TYRER - (4 tithebam Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS ee Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpoo Hakifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bidg., Tae St. Halifax, N.S. Edmiston & Mitchells TIMBER BROKERS Cable Address : ‘‘ EDMISTON’? Glasgow. 33 Renfield Street, GLASGOW GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW ©) ©’ BROKER S Cable aes ate Re ONeS Clee d A BC Codes Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes: ees Western Union en and London.” C. 4th and 5th Edition THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances ord S neainet shipping document dOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LUD. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Wood Branches: MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory rene - ADTSO ... All ciddead of Lumber and Manufactured Goods suitable for the English t. , ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS See ENGLAND BUI LIVERY Liverpool and London sepa lac CABLE ADDRES a, ; A tests A, stad x tae al PE NR RES ee, ee er a Pay Re ean ee Chee ere RA ce ee Tee Se at a a ere eee Vill. Wet coe yh CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION — December 6, 19 THE ONTARIO — waite Pine” Lumen, LaTH AND SHINGLES. L U M B ER 09 vireo iene Lite $_ Suilaing 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: North Bay. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay C.P.R. and G.T.R. Delivery. Water Shipment Only. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU | CANADIAN R. B. ST. GEORGE LUMBER RAILWAY, LUMBER = eoMeactors acent | WANTED 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad Work. - We solicit consignments of long Phone 1,950 and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and MGLennan Timber Land and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- Lumber GO., cimitea yh escape a) Ah Selling Agency and Dealers in all CH AS. S. WENTWORTH & 60. kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebec, Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. 131 St. Peter St. Room 510, _ BOSTON, MASS. 147 Milk St. ee | Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Stock = BANK ST. CHAMBERS OTTAWA, ONTA W. B. BARTRAM & CO. WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. e4 ~ Specialties: Basswood and Birch. Barge or car load lots — All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. Z ‘ J. GORDON MACLAREN. ‘ HINTONEURG, ONT. DIMENSION { In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. TIMBER In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. : Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations, B. C. Cedar Shingles SASH - DOORS - _ BLINDS A Ee. EBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Posts é 4 ‘ - WIARTON, ONT. Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. 7 Pine good strips : Pine, eH iearae +-- 13 00 4 oo LATH. Tin.. +++ 34. CO 3600] Pine mill culls. Iz 00 15 00 Pine .cete -- WHOLESALE i | mand 3 in. . . 56 00 40 oo | Pine O. culls...... . 750 850 ine sees oe eeccesse £400 | Spruce... .cssesceen: me =A pons mites 38 00 40 00 merece, I stocks, 14 00 SHINGLES, a _ ee shorts: pruce, 1” s ? * : = LY See eet 28 00 3000| 7.8,9 and 10” : 15 00 Rawat) Pine ex. eeu 3 % 75 Bere eres i rye 5 a5 5 50 TORONTO, ONT. 24 in. and 13 in. 4 34 00 hs ce SUicasing and Bn Sides Smooth 6 x18.....-. 4 50 4 75] Spruce ...++-0s-seeeee CAR OR CARGO LOTS. , " dai 9 A Sidings.. 15 00 Soe Pp a5 . 13 00 \ Pine, No, 1 dressing th, per 1 in. dead cull sidings 12 00 13 5° . 4 : oe ei bey $49 0 1% inch Flooring ea 00 28 06 paiding.... pee 00 27 00 oh 2 mite ate : Bs 2” No 1 Cuts and er aoe ott ie et aay Se teveesee 18.00 2§ 00] Spruce, mill run..... 3 00 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY. — Better.....-----+> 5600 58 00] 2x4 fy 10 in rc i nia es Pine No.1 dressing Red Pine, mill run. 3 00 : ea 1% inch No z re eae Gia ee cedar: oe piiebiecie Be Sabai ne Pine Shingles i WHITE PINE. Un cuts an = A 0° 00 Ine, ros, C an et- xxxx, RUCIR ayn'a/o wis nin = Oo 3 25 (Wholesale sellin: ice.) 1% in.No.2 Pine kiln dried ......---- apres ter12’ to 16’ ..... 20 00 2200| Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 OL esa AEE ces ate and better.... 44 00 46 00 Cer Rea beatinniver 5500 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx 18 inch..... ees - 140 1 60 Dress, 1,1%,1% zoe 1%] Iss eeeeseeeees 2” No 2 22h Cuts Ou lag fix dimension ter 17 to1#...... 17 00 19 00| White Cedar Shingles seeeree 00 |\~ 2 Itt vo ltaneiae eter and Better........ 46 00 48 00 Ciiber AEtalateek 30 00 Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings 18 00 20 00 xxxX, 18 inch........ 3 25 3 50 2% and 3 in. ‘ 85 00 | Shelvin , No. 1,13 1% inch No. 3 A las eat agian Pine s. c. strips......- 1400 16 00 Clear Butt,r8inch.... 2 50 2 60 De sereersrecenne & co up, 1in...... 7 pte tad See. oa AQ).00;) 421.00 Gates, 30 to 35 feet 31 00 —_—~Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 14 00 | =x, 18 inch.....ee--+ 1.50 70 bars be Bc | Hers b 7 Mold st'ps 1to2_ a’No 3 Cuts an ’ ft. Pine pate ences theese ne esenasens Better......----«: 4200 44 00] 1% in. No.1 4 \ | 2% and 3 in....... No. 2 Moulding Strips, — ; Lath........2-+0+ +2385 400 ape eee eee pis eae Gores 23 00 24 00 | 1% in. No. 2 4 ft. Lath 3 20 3 30 \ Fine coinmpa, 1 in, ES Bara Nechai te 1x4, Gand 8 common 43 00 20 03 | 144” No.1 32! pine lath 175 SARNIA, ONT 1% and 1% in..... 5600] 6, 8and roin...... = Netcgnimnon.. 2-220, 00° 21:00 1%” No. 1 4ift. hemlock lath 3 50 1 St Rs ie sla baeiec ini 59 00 No. 2, 10 in... .s.05 1x 12common...... 2200 24 00 egos a Aes ae UPPERS. 1% xg4and §”........-+. $22 00 3 iN cere Mack aes 73 00]. No.2, 12 isos cose ea =a bs Fe ee X Pine Shingles ey 90. ‘tin., 10” and up wide... .$73 00 As een NTA, spelen: . 25 = ont! eer e eo = oe ne 3) ag ee ree ech a XX Cedar Shingles 220 225 1%, 1% anda ++ 73 00 fi macht na - tard tanta ee seal Bea saess ixio inch box an B.C. Shingles. 24 and 3” “|. 78 00 1 x 12s. o0s etek aees 2SL00 gig ee = OX, IX 4svcereseeree wast ccaiige Toe RSS| zeRsvterin 20 «ino | tae aati aa ed ams | Acai nichuicaill KtUs Siding'S: 25. 00" 22 (00 eee a coba aoa ei Rigciomsueyy abso t-teig seal shearer teres hea epan) ieh SAM Sg AED) lst as laters mia leas» 5 AE sieo-ei BD. sinle ming 3 rin. millrun...... . a1 00 22 00| XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 312 SELECTS. 1g x'so en, seer eee 28 00 No. 2, 1%, & 436 in 4900] "ERA ess yee cece x10 and 12 mill culls 17 co 18 00 | X¥XXX pgp 2 7“ : 345 in, 8’ and u up w wide.... 63 00 2” x6” and up.......... 26 00 No. 3,1%, and 1% 27oo| IxI3and up ...... inch mill cull Sid- xX No. op 4 ree 230 1%, uA and 2’ +--+ 63 00 PMc mtOUe a. 2s tbislc sate 27 00 Nols ali vce 3000] 1% andi¥& aiak ings... ea» "ee esa, 16 00 16 50] XX 23-16 in. 254 and 3’ A ade 73 co QHEENTOND, «os eich «\0,0's'e Mie 29 00 heree 2M Bis. 53 36 00] Mill se | I, 1%, 1% Mh: 4 © ecm ge OO No. 1 BARN. 1x10 und 12...... 42 00 and 21M...eccces MARDWOODA “Tes Pe aE L eee FINE, COM. AND BETTER. en a ..$24 00 to $31 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the bios hevind Ash White, x to2 in Elm,rock, mill 1 in., 8” and up wide.... 54 00 14%, 1% and 2 2” 29 00 to 32 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; ists and ands $33 00 $35 00 | _TUD++.+045 rt0 1424 00 2500 yy and 134” 54 00 2 and 3’.. 4 33 00 WHITE ASH. ieee Elm rock, mill 2! “ see 6 00 , Ash, black, 1sts and Staats sere SS 00 WY vee eee none 3 1st & 2nd, x inch 36 00 38 00| 23% tog in........00. aah ais to 1% i Bid ap tain eo eee 48.00) 2969 FINE COMMON. NO. 2 BARN. 1% toz2in ........ 39 00 4% 00] Strips... 22. sseseeee aoe s Birch’ M.R.jrin. .. 22.00 2300| and 2nds..1%" 2.. 36 00 3800 8 61”.,... . 45 00 to 62 00 THON io), ede obere 21 OO tO 25 00 Com. and serene 16 1% . 2400 26 00] Maple 1” mill 1Y, 1% to ai, . 50 00 5300 1%, 1%, and 2” 23 oo to 25 0o -- BLACK AND BROWN ASH. , sars. 4x4 eas 32 00 36 00 ae Oe 1% 20 00 2800 2%,3and 4”.. 68 00 73 00 2% and 3”..... 27 00 1st & ana, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00 | Com. & good culls. .. and better nowkia eas ae and ands. 2 aye Aa> 24 GTA Oe haa eg? ne up wide... 35 00 rin ae ai to 2100. rst & and, 6inch & SES &2nd, white, 6’ £a0 28 00 30.00 : parent, © ih Salles Mod Oakjredsp'9, ate. 46. gol 6 600'a in, a .. 45 00 1%, 1% and 2” 20 ooto 22 50 up, red.....ss+../. 40 00 42 00| Com. & good calls..-.- 16 00 woe at Cherry, ists Oak, white 1% in, ++» 46 00 Ei igodeidacaaens 22 00 coe ’ % ae ry; alco 2" ot) «s+ 47.00 pox ‘ ace and 2nds.. 1 “1% 70 70 80 00 rsts & ands x “134 4400 4 2%and3” * Dieotad : . 1st & 2d,rock,6in &up 26 oo 28 oo | rst & 2d, soft,6in & up, 26 00 28 00 Cherry, ists Oak, ae oe 8 mM 4’ “ = 56200 No. b 1”, 1Y%, Common and culls .. 15 00 17 00 Common and dculls...... 16 00. ” } andands.. 2 ‘' 4.. 75 00 85 00 xsts & 2nds 2 ‘* 4.. 48 00 50 00 Bea. lad 14 00 to 19 00 * bacco soft, mill Oak,quart’d, NO, 2 CUTS. No.1 mill culls, MAPLE. veseuset “2% 23 00 24 00| _asts& ands 2.. 7000 7500 1 in., 6” and up wide.... 20 00 1, 1%, 1% 2” '1500to 1800 ist&2ndhard.....: 20 00 23 00, 1st &and,soft......... 20 00 23 00 Elm; soft,mill Walnut, xsts 1% res. gO 00 Common and culls— 1400 15 06 | Common and culls.... 12 00 +3 © run...... 2"! 3-. 24 00 25 00 and 2nds...1 ‘' 3.. 85 00 10000 14! r -+ 2.32 00 MILL CULLS. y ' aT * se++ 33 00 Mill Run Soy ws 1%,1 i x ' 2%,gand4” “ .... 45 00 and 2” hs = tech 00 BOSTON, hes -- No. 2 oe 2 00 ° re E. No. 3 CUTS. ' j QUEBEC; ou 1in., 6” and up wide.... 18 oo LATH White Pine Uppers, 1 to 2inch . $84 00 to $86 WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT %and1%” ‘ .... 20 00 ser ‘ ’ Selects, 1 to prs Re ey 70 00 cts. 2! Se eared No. 1, 327 eto Fine Common, 1 meas eo 60 00 Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.-....... 35 45 2%,3and4” “ we 27 00 No. 2, 48 Pe ta 9 50 1% to 2inch.. Soon First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 58 63 No. 1, 48” pine. - 4235 No. 1 Cuts, 1 in 44 00 oe ‘* "19 to 20inch average “ -. 62) ; 65 MILL RUN. ° to ache RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. x4" faeries 18 00 SHINGLES: No. 2 Cuts, eae Se eee | oo ne Measured off, according to average and analy: eee lemalie caida PY Ce ee 2 19 00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, 1¥% to 2inch..........-. - 45 00 “x 6 and 8” 5 to 6 x 16” 27 00 Shipping order Fr LITRES lta as” Staal ch ose an Memiaslotare 2575! "8 Barn Boards,NO. 1.........-eecereeeeceenes 33 50 6 TEE IO” ove cee C.B. 175 200 Noi 20h Yano ee errr Se OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. a? x12” NiOa Gens) tte | aS. Tangs REGS PAR AME Bee or .. 26 00 ” By the dram, according to average and quality. . ree 45 50 "“xi3and up Spruce, 1o and Ee ie oeoeuman Ae 4 gin, and under .......,..cc05 -s-ss-0es eae eee 1o and 12in. random lengths, 1o ft. and up. By the dram, according to average and quality 4oto4sfeet. 65 75 2X3, 2X4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, wp 9 30 to.gsihe(f =| 158), 54 ALBANY, N.Y. ro ft. and up...s.. -0.--6-- o- ASH. ai All oe random lengths, 9 in. and ‘under, 10 10 inches and up, according to average and atike ae 4 6 8 BNA UP... > << ncpeciswinicle «amigo Meee etepe eens ¢ AN aoe a6 at : ar E § i - = a Uppers, 3 in. ... ......-. 83 85 | 1x12 inch shippers ......... $24 a5 5 in, and up Gompan a G boards, 8 ft, & up,p.r8 z 24, i. ...eseeeeecesseeee 83 85 | 4/4 inch ‘ 137, & up. 25 26 Out Spruce boards, Pp. i S......-- ce eeeeee veeeeee BIREX- TOMMY »onpedoncpcuacis cis 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” pad up.. 20 21 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. ra clipped and bundled .. 14 Inch. . wAaimad inch uppers ..... sevessess 88 ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 156" spruce laths .........+eeeyeeer sees seeeeeree od - Peta 20. ae ie ote + + 30 3 pterpaets 2% in up..... se: 77 82| x2-in. dressing and better... 40 42 EL POR ai BASSE ascNeRE Eee. meee oan aa 18 vn oe Pee pp SPY Se gpd diecast mtd Woe? 25 | BAMA one! ss ciee- saa NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. ‘a : Eo MIE cs see's, wee ctaareinace 6o | No. x barn, 1xz2........... ZI 32 Extras .........--. 1 ae WR Rc Rl te Medes cam eae so OTTAWA. ONT No, x cuts, x toa inch. Barts SS) 5 a diel Base Se Stes eto iarer al sake oaleuaiete ala Phils sd ReMle. ¥ On Bocerinncnccescasccess Oo 40 ia nin’pinia s winiiealate ni einivia nial econd clears . Perera CC sieve : MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, NO.3.-.2-eseeceeeeeeeees 30 35] No. 2 barn, rxx12 Cleaif WHItEs reece. peisenee’ Sater aaede on, Badd 25 5 di tozin..... 48 52 LEXOs ccccccwae . ' Extra 1s (Clear whites out). wiogies we afl! oie ata atin o ae MARY SO 4) Pine, good sidings: xx10 No, 1 barn.... 20 00 No hag Tose SBA MEEBO GED can cciektoas aobaarite Extra 1s (Clear whitesin)......... oh TS Pe. 8 AE 45 55 1 in.x8 in. and up 40-00 4200| 1x10 No. 2 sth 1800 ©No. 4 ng, a He Shaky clear ie i 3 23 i % in ain in. eet 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn.. bi 17 00 So ae ame ies A ; 35 ss ‘ 48 40 BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. ae n.and up...... fre) oo | Ix! o No.2 °° Sse ieee He ae es eee are ae ye ue i , een. and 382 Reims Pine Shorts 6’ to 11” 15 Shelving boards oe: f 40 43 Dees vers eseeri 24 35 ES nan ee ‘= sae No.2 cuts 2x8’&up 3400 3600] xr0”...... seeees 1600 17 60 Waco ach anh > cheat, i 24 75 ony “ Perfectiona, 5 butts to 21/ in. -... 390° ; ae ’ " , i "4 oe san Ae 7 vf, {ang fen r ets . + ah t _ et 4 Vou. XIII WEEKLY TORONTO, MONTREAL AND WOOD WORKER EDITION — DECEMBER 13, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $1.00 Per Year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMb£R MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN @REAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. ~Canapa [LLumBerman + The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’u a of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. a Branch Offices: es aioe __——s« 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 920-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. SE ten om Telephone 1274, 536 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. 22 GREAT ST. HELEN’S, LONDON, E. C. _ he Weekly Lumberman — Published every _ Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- - ports of market conditions and tendencies in the a 1 manufacturing districts and leading : estic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly mediuni of information and communica- on between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of a; products at home and abroad. The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- La ent to the lumber and wood-working industries. _ WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted it this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. hen four or more consecutive insertions are sred a discount of a Per cent. will be allowed. is notice shows the width of the line and is set fompareil type ; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- _ yertisements must be received not later than 4 prince p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in : € current week’s issue : : Saw MILI, MACHINERY FOR SALE, 75 ) horse power. Apply to J. E Murruy Lum- - BERCO., Marksville, Ont. ; _ JZOR SALE—100,000 FT. HEMLOCK, TO BE it cuttoorder. Address P.O. 6,Care “Lum- , BERMAN,” Victoriaville, P. Q. - \\JANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS _ VV Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity of Slabs. Smmcoz Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade. Toronto. EREDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish m. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, ST CLASS VENEER PLANT FOR SALE at Parry Sound, or will sella one half inter- toa patty who undeistandsveneer and can Hanage the business. Ecuo Bay LUMBER Co, Bay, Ont. R SALE, A GOOD SAW MILL, CAN SAW from 15 to 25 thousand pet day, with every- ing complete, nearly new. Apply to ROBERT WaRT, Vasey P O, Ont. [OR SALE—250 M. FEET 1”, 114”, 1%”, 2”,3”, oe 4 Bard Maple first class stock, 2” Hard nd Soft Elm, %” 1” Basswond, Cherry, While ish, Pine ard Hemlock, on C P.R., near Inger- l. Thisseasonu’scut Write for quctations to . F. GALLOWAY or W. PaRTLo, Ingersoll, Ont. second-hand Engine Lathe, 32 inch swing, 22 foot bed, with face plate and uck combined,steady reft and counter aft—to be sold cheap to replace with } tool. . one second-hand Tubular Boiler 3 ameter, 12 feet long. Apply . JOHN IRON WORKS, Ltd. ). Box 391. - Vulcan St., St. John. os OR SALE: ABOUT 3 CARS OF 3” AND I car 2” White Maple. Winter cut. Address ANDREW Knox, Box 22, Norwood, Ont, ANTED—BLACK ASH AND BIRCH. ASH 1’,:%" and 1%” in ists and 2ndsand No. 1 common. Birch in squares 4x4” and larger. Also a fair quantity of Elm squares 4X4” and larger. Apply W. B. Bartram & Co., Ottawa, Ont. ~ WANTED. ATHS WANTED FOR SHIPMENT BY car this winter, Hither 154” or 1%”, Stand- ard Spruce, Butted 4ft. Address C.S. WENT- WORTH & CO., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass, OR SALE— 100,000 FEET DIMENSION Spruce Timber, to be delivered on first snow roads, viz,6x6,7x7, 8x8, 9x9, aver- age in proportion about sizes. Lengths 18 to 32 feet. Address “ILUMBERMAN,”’ P. O. 6, Victoria- ville, Que, OR SALE.—SAWMILL, BUILT THREE years ago on Cecebe Lake, 9 miles from Burk’s Falls, capacity from 12 to 15 M.. Con- venient for shipping lumber on scows. Address Wm J. PALMER, Cecebe P.O., Parry Sound Dist., Ont, MILL PARTNERSHIP WANTED XPERIENCED MAN WITH CAPITAL —_ wishes to acquire partnership in small saw mill in interior cf B.C. on railway, might buy outright if satisfactory arrangements could be made Address PARTNERSHIP, CANADA LuM- BERMAN, Vancouver office. OR SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO. 3 HAM- ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 7%” cylinders and all connections, circular outfit complete withiron husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 20 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each. Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Mill. THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont, FOR SALE OUR CIRCULAR SAWS FOR LUMBER Mill, 48”, 46%”, 52”, 66” diameter respective- ly,24%”eye Thetwo latter nearly new. Also five good hcrses used in camp last season. Apply, “ESTATE OF TANNER Bros.,’” Waubau- shene, Ont. MACHINERY FOR SALE We have for sale the following second hand machinery, in good condition. Write us for full particulars and prices of any machine. 1 26” X 32” engine box frame, slide valve on top of cylinder, driven with rock shaft. 2 No. 3 single cutting band mills, made by Prescott Co. Two block carriages with Prescott offset, made by Prescott Co. Two block Garland carriage. Boss shingle machine, made by Mowry. Hall shingle machine, Perkins Grand Triumph shingle mackines, Drake hand shingle machines, Perfection power shingle machines. Deuble block shingle machine, Perkins make. Drag saw. Knee bolter. Perkitts Class A cut-off. Wheel jointers. Knot saw frames. Shingle packers. Heading trimmer. Rich automatic saw sharpeners. Independent condenser, Portable boiler and engine, boiler with 32” fire box, and 28—3” tubes, 12 h p., engine 8 x 12. Greenlee No. 1 improved automatic cut-off machine, witn countershaft. Friction feed complete, frictions 15” wide. 36” standard Leffel water wheel Upright boiler 70” xX 32” with sixty 2” tubes. s. » 54” X 32” with ninety 1%” tubes. to” x 16’ twin engine, steam feed, complete. THE WM. HAMILTON MFG. CO., LIMITED Peterborough, Ont. BHD AND DHHS ROR Oe nN Ll no) ANTED—1’, 6/4’ AND 2” BI,ACK ASH, 6/4” and 2” Basswood, all common and better, dry. Box 326, CandADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Fiat SALESMAN WANTED, WHO has good connection with the trade, and thoroughly posted « n grades, strictly temperate, Box 331, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FoR SALE, YELLOW PINE FOREST 382 arpents, close beside steam and also water power saw mills. Mills also forsale, all No. 1. FULTON, Mascouche, Que. OR SALK—7s5,0co FEET 1IN. BIRCH, 25,000 feet ain. Birch. Entire product of logs cut and piled six months; best shipping conditions; snap for some one if shipped before December 31. Box 330 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. OR SALE—GOOD SAW MILL PLANT, AND Hardwood Timber Limit, containing about 38 million feet, also a Pine Limit with about 15 million feet. Allclose to mill on water, good shipping facilities. For particulars address Box 335 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED BLACK ASH NE INCH AND THICKER 1S & 2S AND No. 1 common ; must be well manufactured and of good fair- widths: BrROwNLEE & Co., Detroit, Mich. , FOR SALE 10,000 ft.'6/4” Birch ist and 2nds. 10,000 ft. 4/4” Birch Common and Better. 6,000 ft, 6/4” Hard Maple rst and 2nd. 7,000 ft, 5/4” ag No 1 Common, 25,009 ft, 4/4” Soft Elm, Crating stock. BENNETT FURNISHING Co, London, Ont, LATH v ANTED 32° LATH IN PINE, SPRUCE OR HEM- LOCK. Must be well manufactured and good grade. State lowest price f.o b, shipping point, giving tate and weight to Utica and New York. Utica Branch, Rice & Lockwoop Lum- BER Co., Utica N.Y. bOR SALE N EXTSEASON’S CUTOF HEMLOCK, PINF, BIRCH and Maple Lumber, also orders taken for Veneers and Handles; will also saw one million feet of logs at price per M feet. Shipment by Rail or Vessel. Correspondence solicited, T. H. DECEW & Co., Bruce Mines, Ont, MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE SAY MILL IN PROVINCE OF QUEBEC, capacity 50 M.ft. per day, equipped with Side Edger, Slab saw, Perkins shingle Machine, best Feed Grinder, all in good condition. Also 33 acres of land as mill site. Timber enough for 20 years, fed from rivers, good crop of logs fornext season. Reason for selling, going into other business. Address Box 329 CANADA LuM- BERMAN, Toronto. | DON'T BUY PULPWOOD until you have had) my quotations, Best market prices on spruce and poplar pulpwood furnished on re- quest. \ \ GEO. F. WHALEN UR, ONT. ANTED—SQUARE BEECH, 12 INCHES or up, 1zfeet to 16 feet long, Apply Box 336, THe CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. A) (lero Stee PSS QUANTITY OF 12x12, 8x10 and 6X10, also 2’, 3’ and 4” plank. Terms cash, Address Box 337, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Pine and hemlock lumber is re- ceiving the attention of buyers to a greater extent than is usual at this season of the year, and this notwith- standing the high values that have been reached. It is apparently the Opinion of the trade that the founda- tion of the market is very firm, as dealers are more concerned about where stocks can be obtained than the prices which they have to pay. There has been no general advance during the past week, although box lumber may be said to be a little firmer on account of the steady drain upon yard stocks. The mills are carrying very little white pine, while contracts have already been closed for some of next season’s production at prices about $1 higher than one year ago. lock trade, which could be increased if the supply were more plentiful. Unfortunately, the strong position of pine and hemlock does not apply to the hardwoods, the prices of which are irregular. Thereare large stocks of birch and basswood, much of which can be purchased atlow prices, while on the other hand, dealers who have been carrying stocks purchased at higher prices appear to have every confidence that the hardwood market will recover and are therefore not disposed to sacrifice their stock. For this reason the asking prices frequently show a variation of as much as $4 per thousand feet for the same grade. This much may be said in favor of holding hardwood lumber for higher prices, that the present market price gives the manu- facturer little profit, and this may bring about a marked curtailment in the production. The lath market kas developed further strength owing to the limited There is a very fairhem- | ugly Sig che ess) wri Le ‘ a 4 s Il. supply. Mills on the Georgian Bay district are asking $3.75 for No. 1 white pine, while the mill price at Sarnia is $4.25. Retail dealers in Toronto are still selling at frem $4 to $4.25 from stock which they have been carrying and which was purchased below the present market price. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. There has been no change in Jum- ber prices in the West since the dis- count sheet was issued in Octcber. Prices are still firm in all grades and the trade are looking for an ad- vance after the first of January. The Mountain manufacturers of British Columbia state that they have about 50,000,000 feet less stock on hand than at the same time one year ago. With the prospects of a much larger demand next sea- son, there is reason to expéct an advance in prices which will give the manufacturer a _ fair profit. ‘‘ Perfection ” shingles are selling at $2.50 per thousand and No. 2 at $1.85 1.0.b. North-west po'nts tak- ing a 50 cent rate trom the Cozst. This is the wholesale price to retail dealers or commission men. Unfavorab.e weather in Mani- teba, Saskatchewan and Alberta has caused a falling off in the de- mand for both lumber and shingles and it will be difficult to book or- ders until after the turn of the year. UNITED STATES. Lumber orders in the United States are still very plentiful. If the demand is more urgent in cne section than in another, it is in the East, where stocks are. scarce. White pine at New York has ac- anced and some sizes are almost out of the market. The supply of barn boards at Buffalo and North is decidecly limited, especially Nos. 2 and 3 in 6 and 8 inch widths. While prices are unchanged from last month, it is not unlikely that the White Pine Association will decidé upon some advances in the near future, as it is thought that certain grades are still Tonawanda KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ~~ too low. The demand for white pine is likely to continue until checked by severe weather. The hemlock trade is buoyant; purchases are being freely made at present prices, which represent an advance ot $3 as compared with one year ago. Philadelphia dealers recently advanced the price one dollar per thousand. Although the base price at New York is $20, sales are being made at $1 above the market. Hardwoods are in fairly good de- mand, but are not likely to show much activity until the new year. Soft elm and rock elm find a ready sale in Chicago, New York, and Buffalo, and at the latter place the supply is scarce. Prices of maple and basswood are not strong, although the demand of late has shown a slight improvement. The shingle market is firm owing to the closing of the Washington mills for two months. Eastern dealers are not taking many orders for red cedars but are turning their attention to white pines, although the supply of this variety is also very light. Lath continues strong in Buffalo. No. 1 white pine is held at $5 and No. 1 hemlock at $4.50, and at these prices there is a good demand. GREAT BRITAIN. The betterment in the tone of the British lumber market has been sus- tained, with some classes of lumber showing exceptional strength. Among these are spruce and Firch, while there is also an increasing de- mand for small boards of all kinds. Contracts have been closed for spring delivery at prices which the importers would not emtertain a few weeks ago. Spot prices are nigher owing to the improved de- mand and light stocks. At a re- cent auction sale spruce realized the following prices: 12 ft. 3 x 4 in. second quality Quebec, £10 55s. per standard of 1,980 ft.; 11 ft. 3 x gin. second Montreal, £9 1os.; 10 to 15 ft., 3 x gin, St. John un- sorted, 49, and a shorter average KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON & Cc 80 St. Francis Xavier Street WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER | Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS £8 10s. to £8 15s. show that the advance has been quite marked since midsummer. Pine is also firmer and more active. Some attention is being given to hemlock owing to its relative cheap- ness, and a larger consumption may be expected in the near future. STOCKS AND PRICES. W. E. & C. E. Kelsey, of North Tonawanda, New York, are import- ing considerable white pine from Canada. The Wolverine Cedar Company, which recently purchased a tract of timber in the vicinity of Webbwood, Ont., have six camps in operation this winter, employing 400 men. Since navigation opened this year a total of 444,000,000 feet of lum- _ber was received at Tonawanda by “vessel, which is an increase of 42,- 000,000 over the corresponding period of last season. The Moulthrop Lumber Company have 8,000,000 feet of lumber on the dock at John’s Island, Ont., but all of it has been sold and is awaiting shipment. They have 2,000,000 feet of logs in the boom. LUMBER SUPPLY FOR TORONTO. The City Council of Toronto have recently awarded contracts for. the annual supply of lumber, etc. There were two tenders for the supply of pine and hemlock lumber and timber, as follows: Tender Tender No. 1. No. 2. PINE. I tO 6-1M.,....see ees 23 50 22 97 12x 12-in., 12ft. long 24 oo 23 97 12x 12-in., 16 ft. ‘* 24 00 23 97 12% 12-in., 20 ft. ‘* 29 00 26 00 T2°x'T2-in. 124 ft **" “goo 26 00 HEMLOCK, 1 to 6-2... oe 17 50 16 97 12x 12-in.,12ft. long 16 50 16 97 12-X12-in., r6 ft. ** 16 50 16 97 12x 12-in.,20ft. *‘ 20 50 17 97 12K 121M 24 ft. see 50 19 00 The above prices are per thousand feet board measure. The con- tract was awarded to Reid & Com- pany (Tender No. 1). Reid & Company were the only tenderers for supply of cedar pav- ing posts and were accordingly — awarded the contract at 18 4 cents per post. The contract for lumber for re- pairs to wharves and bridges was awarded to Arthur Bryce. Send for Catalo vt vt Samples by Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, a - YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBI 3 DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH :MLENNAN LUMBER CO,, LIMIT! j » MONTREAL ave: office and Yerd; 67! DORCHESTER ST. These prices ~ "Fiat A WORD FOK HEMLOCK. Now that spruce has got to w some people, not without ac amount of reason, are dispose look upon as a fancy price, we rather surprised to find, says Timber Trades Journal, of Londo Eng., that no effort is made to p hemlock into larger use. The | bability is that, coming from same district, it pays the shippe keep in the background a © which would to some extent pete with spruce and so lower th capital return which shippers 1 now be netting out of carg this latter wood. The old about the effects of giving a bad name has a certain measu applicability in regard to hem! It is a wood which possesses valuable attributes. It is grown, and a good wood to damp situations, being oe durability. It is obnoxious tor and insects. Of course, we do say but what hemlock has no bad points. It has a low sh strength, and if it displayed the tendency to snap off at | smallest provocation, it would — bably find more favor with | contractors. Another obstac the irregular character of the su A matter of 50 or 75, standards perhaps be included in an occasi' al cargo ot spruce. With St. | Jo spruce standing at anything £8 c.i.f., a good many people wi be looking out for something ch er. There is hemlock—why give itatrial? There ought plenty of money in it for the shipper at about 45 10s. or £6 c. i Baek NEW BRUNSWICK | OPERATIO Fredericton, N.B., December 1905.—-Conditions for lumberin the upper St. John have been cellent this fall and good progr reported from all the ca There is but little information t hand as to how much the total on the St. John will amount to, but it has been placed at close to 100,- - 000,000 feet. Pe Wages as a rule are very gc W. C. CRAWFORD ~ Tilbury Ont. \ 4 _ Manufacturer Of ec Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, | Aleo Hard and Soft Wood Heading and White Oak, Maple and Eim Fae Can supply Second Growth White or F squares up to 38 in. long in large — a KNIGHT BROTHERS Baurk’s LIMITED ‘ MONTREAL, QUE. — B. ake 0. Be mber 13, 1905 They are much better than last year. Good men, tor what are known as the ‘‘long routes,” have ‘been secured for $26 and $28 per month, while in some cases they ‘have been paid as high as $30 and $32. Cooks are drawing from $40 to$45 per month. Men have not been procurable of late ualess trom $28 to $30 per month is paid. Concerning the operations which have been looked after for so long he late William H. Murray, it enerally understood that the cutors will continue the opera- tions precisely as he had them ‘mapped out. _ There are 25,000,000 feet of logs hung up in the main river at points above Grand Falls, and some 8,- 000,000 stranded further down be- tween Bristol and Kilburn. The ition of the 8,000,000 feet of below Grand Falls is none too , even if they remain where they are until spring, but as for the big drive above the talls, little a difficulty i is likely to be experienced in saving them, unless the weather conditions next spring are extra- ordinary. ° HE BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLE —-. *. SITUATION. Developments in connection with British Columbia shingles are being watched with much interest by ; Eastern dealers, in view of the reported purchase of four hundred _ tar-loads of shingles for shipment to Boston and other eastern points. wy t appears that Mr. R.W. Douglas, f the Blanchard Lumber Company, SSpston, has been on the Coast for several weeks investigating the shingle market and the possibilities of securing shingles at a price which - Se Fae WANTED We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your _ Cedar into Poles it will net _ you more than you can get out of it in any other way. . B. FARWELL & SON Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. eroft, Ont. Oswego, N.Y. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION would permit him to market them at a profit in the Eastern States. He has visited several or the mills in British Columbia and Washing- ton, but it was learned from an official source that the deal had not been concluded a few days ago. It is not improbable, however, that an order for four hundred car loads of shingles will be placed by Mr. Douglas and that it will be divided between the British Columbia and Washington mills.* This- order would represent about 80,000,000 shingles and would no doubt be regarded as an important market influence. The comparatively low price of B.C. shingles, coupled with their excellent quality, is ~ gradually creating a wider market for them. Representatives of the A. C. Dutton Lumber Company, of Springfield, Mass., are now in British Columbia and are reported to have placed an order with Vancouver mills for 4,000,000 red cedar shingles. This company are large importers of New Brunswick cedars, and the tact that they are at least negotiat- ing for a supply of red cedars would seem to indicate that the latter are growing in favor among Eastern consumers. A delegation of shingle manu- facturers from Washington last week conterred with representatives of the B.C. Shingle Manufacturers Association in respect to the closing down of the mills for two months. While the B.C. manufacturers are understood to favor a curtailment of production, no concerted action was taken. Some of the mills, however, are now closed for re- pairs and it is probable that nearly all of them will close for different TELEGRAPH POLES| ARTHURA, WATT Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and fh SORE ew aM SPECIAL LOTS—100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16, ooo 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application Planing and Matching —-—IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. "Phone 113 Write for Yrices. POSTS - We are getting out CEDAR and can cut any SPECIAL SIZES bs She Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. _ Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. GARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., um LIMITED 604 Temple Buliding, Toronto ° MILLMEN-— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.” Codes, A.8.C., sth and Lumberman’s periods ranging from two to six weeks between now and the end of January, for the purpose of making repairs, stock-taking, etc. By agreement, over 9) per cent. of the shingle mills of Washington are now closed and will remain closed until February 1. The con- ditions that led to this action have been: First, annual recurrent of lack of demand for shingles during the winter months ; second, usual disorganization of working forces during the Christmas and New Year’s holidays ; third, neces- sity for overhauling plants and mak- ing repairs ; fourth, the car short- age. The shut-down will decrease the output of the mills about 1,500,- 000,000 shingles, or.7,890 cars. The following review of shingle conditions is furnished by our Winnipeg representative : While there are not many shingles moving at the present time, it is not on ac- count of the price, but the severe winter weather we are having. It is impossible for dealers to use Shingles at this season” of the year, or in fact for the next few months. We cannot understand why Coast manufacturers expect to sell either shingles or lumber during the win- ter months in Manitoba or North- West points, as the dealers state that it is impossible for them to move stock during the severe weather, and no matter what kind of inducements are offered they will not Luy shingles at this season of the year. Nearly all the dealers for some time past have been let- ting down their stocks as low as possible in order to take stock and close up their year’s business at the end of December. In some cases they place orders in January and THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LIMITED “ay III. February for March shipments, but we find very few cases where they want the stock moved out until March. We have seen shipments come in earlier, but the dealers find it very difficult to unload, as it is often frozen into a solid block and requires special machinery to un- load it. We expect prices on shingles to be advanced next year,asthere have been new tariffs issued and the freight rates are higher on shingles at a great many North-west points that formerly took the same rate as fir. We look for a very great increase in the sale of shingles next season I; Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’].-Mgr. F. A. Holden, Vice-Pres. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. —— SARNIA, ONT. SAW AND PLANING. MILLS, WARREN, ONT. » RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of sawn WUMBER By Carload- or Cargo.” : Registered Cable Address, ** Pinewood,’” / BRANCH Orrick, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head’ Office, TORONTO, CAN. : “American Lumberman”™: Telecode. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Let us know your requirements J Prompt Shipments J. D. SHIER LUMBER C0., LiniTED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AXD SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Flooring: and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECI LTY Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc, In Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOURING and Bored ASPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ‘Phone No. 54. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manuyacturers oj RED and WHITE PINE Band - (Geb & laps 8 HS om age pA as Ont. 36 miles West North Bay Gang UMBER asd LATH \ IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION On account of so many new points opening up along the new lines of railway. Coast manufacturers sold last year about 250 million shingles, and nearly half of this output was sold in Manitoba and the North- west Territories. There is no demand for American shingles in this market, as they cannot compete in either price or grade. There have been very few American shingles sold in this mar- ket during the past year. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. An offer has been made to the Keewatin Lumber and Manufactur- ing Company for their timber limits in the district and their mill site at Keewatin, Ont., by Messrs. Shevlin & Matthews, of Minneapolis, and a short date option has been given them to examine the limits and the property. The assets of Israel Nantel, lum- ber dealer, Montreal, are to be sold. Hutchison’s saw mill at Prince Albert, N.W.T., was destroyed by fire recently. The loss is about $8,000. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. Wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED, Established 1889. Incorporated 1896. We Solicit the Trade of Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. 60. 2ist and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of— veneered DOOrS We Solicit a Share of Your Business. EF. J. DAVIS MFG. CO. 2Ist. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. Our Doors are known the world over and are recognized as the best made. Send for cata- logues and price lists. So = SES SSS ES ES ES SESE MEG SSSTSS \ i, ( A i) ( Wantarous JUST A GENTLE REMINDE Y That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your 4 wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. — Let us tell you! why. 4 The Red Deer Lumber Company \Y WINNIPEG, MAN. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS You de CAN | REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE. HARDWOODS ~ ST.LOUIS : BY. - RALL.MAIL = WIRE OR ‘PHONE SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOVIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LITTLE Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, La., ALLENTOWN, LA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty LUMBER CO. YBLLOW PINE | We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. THE WICKS LUMBER GOMPANY BATTLE CREEK, - MICH. We wil pay cash for Hardwood Lumber ; especia ly want Black Ash and Rock Elm J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO, GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS Muskegon, Mich. OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN ranee sur BURY & NOBLE. son woe | LUMBER - DETROIT VS ES Send us your ifiquiries for Southern Yellow Pine: WHOLESALE. MICHIGAN | McGLURE LUMBER. GO. Wholesale Dealers in... a Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- ~ NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK. POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK 2 Office and Ye-ds: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Mills: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. orrespondence Invited on All Hardwoods. - e: | December E3i ge o— oe ere CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION we d = — ee eaten eee ell = ~aiecaa == > — — THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT, We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- ock, and solicit your enquiries. LBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO 3 7 For Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, _Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior ice: 503 Manning Chambers - - ‘Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED _ We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & COoO., Limited ’ LUMBER MERCHANTS. _ Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of ario Basswood, Elm and Pine. “ Amherst, N.S. - Po | 1g — —_ E ‘Cawn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch ~ Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch | and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. PJ TA MES J. MURPHY, * 3h ie'-0" QUEBEC _ F. MSCIBBON & SONS, Fe SHEN Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. ~ + ‘he Cook & Bros. toummimna | White and Red Pine ‘MILLS at SPRAG goma_Dist., Ont. | Lumber and Lath 8 on **Soo’”’ Branch €s FP. Water Shipments F T BREANEN % SONS MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED OF OFFICES Geaien Building, Montrea. - & Saw Mills at And at Mills at Spragge. RAINY LAKE, Ontario. MANUFACTURERS OF Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. in E NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limres Mills at CACHE BAY and SP«NISH RiVER, Ontario. E Sets eae" LUMBER AND LATH Rallw ay Delivery and Water 0 The NIPISSING LUMBER co., Limited _ Shipments: Correspondence Solicited, : kas ' Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. % A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE 1 Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA ‘TIES: Railway Pridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White ceri he Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Raliway Ties, Oak aod ood, Planed and Rough Lumoer, Sritish Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, pack, end butted. ‘Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B, C. glas Fir Timber in any size or length up to go feet long, Timber Planers face ap to 24 inch x30 inch, as of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. GER & SON pacha of Pine, Hemlock and PP a Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber i in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow P?.ie, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHO ILESAL ER S SR R. LAIDLAW LUMBER 60, JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE, PLAYFEATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway ee MIDLAND ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . Pc A. & P. VAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber, Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, PEMBROKE ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. See a Me and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... ONTARIO, Sa PG eS en MN ap 8 THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chambers, 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) TORONTO, ONT. Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, ple ee ane Caen HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT Co., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. . HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ¥, 58, 7s. 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln- Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Also Stock fully ma, chined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER d= ©, FINDLEAY ~~ - OWEN SOUND, ONT. Ec A SPLENDID ROUTE. | The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line’’ because it reaches into and through the very heart of the choicest hunting grounds in America. The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire No rh is reached ONLY by this line. Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and aiiond the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and during the vario us seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along its lines upon applica- tion to the nearest ticket agent. It alsoarranges ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS: IN convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make able. travel over their lines fleasant and comfort- This line offers the best route bet ween Chicago, Stent poitwta Ssnieat Wiownss,° “|| Toronto Montreal Winnipeg Information given by addressing— Vancouver JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R.R. Milwaukee Quebec OWEN SOUND, ee ". ™ oe a wre wll _ A co TR, IW cp RS a a a q Sd hkl Faps we 2 a PL yo Ye ee Le aN poe ab ae ait be ons et ae de ‘ J : i a NM Sit deal pet bo . i wae hs : ea eT. eg EP set ‘ . 4 ata as tian Ne CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION © Decéeibor' 13)ARmm cedarcoremilh, = A. HEAPS & CO., "Min, c Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Efe. | SPECIALTIES : | AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels. Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. % 2: J. G. mcert. eee Bena nco Ww. j. Flin pele nll PRES OEE ubaushene, On MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER O-» Limite LATH, MOULDINGS per Cc TURNED WORK a as st be Bo: HICH GRADE = Co VANGOL RED GEDAR SHINGLES § _ Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO — F. D.C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J. E. YOUNG, Cashier 4 Se apa ties esate The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. mnutowres White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work > cami CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office : RAT PORTAGE, Ontario ’ x Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber — urned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four ae a +h Mills at RAT PORTAGE and Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, T ‘. = R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. QVSSSVVVSSSEVSVSUSUSVSAUVSUSB C. A. KENT, Sec’y. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT | GO. % % Export Lumber & ¢ |citnen se wevorscronnn oF e § SAGINAW, MICH. Mills at Sandwich, Ont. Shingle Co., Limited PPV eeee TCT YS « 4 oo > ob nh tee aaa Ay LUMBER AND SALT § a4 Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers Vancouver, B.C. W. B McKeEcuHNIE, President. C. MacRAE, Co. Z Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERTA LUMBER for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Verconne ie Cc. LIMITED ‘ ufacturers ity over 7 oie ea BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR AF s to 24 inches wide, by 24 = t long—CLEAR. B. C. FIR_ DIMENSION AND FINISH SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen, Gives Correct Measurements _ of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square Oe and Round Timber ; ee Rules, and much other practi- ay cal information. ‘Price 35 Cents anpasss THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. a = = ¥ _: i fi tn Se se ee PP te vee Ms at Se eee rar re et ee ee aa: E Disember 13) 1905 ; : CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vit. 1,500,000 Shingles Per Day About half the B. C. Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. We have a Daily Shipping Capacity of One Million Five Hundred Thousand. LUMBER DOUGLAS Pee eee: OC and CHDAR 4 Pie eee Oat. loath DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all Rae, descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH : - ~We make a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber .° ¢ Investments generally (Correspondence Solicited) 3 22" UNION LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ssc ‘esis: ss. Vancouver, B. C. : “The WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUF'G. CO. tints] PEDWELL & LEMCKE, &:!~ WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO Se : MANUFACTURERS { Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, ¥ olesale Dealers in OF Tin edd HEMLOCK, PIME and HARDWOODS. SHINGLES and LATH, ey ee One Ee, ; a and All Kinds of House Furnishings. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ICARNWORTH & JARDINc [SMITH & TYRER - l4itetan Steet, LIVERPOOL Tf Wood Brokers and Measures) -- WOOD AGENTS... ag i Re eS Ee SN Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. — ¢ : Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiITH, TyRER & Co., Metro ole Bldg.,; Hollis St. - ‘ble Address “Farnworth.” Peeertses. a Dale St., 7x Regent Road BOOTLE, L VER°OOL, et : Coe 7 Bt ellie Stn Etalesey New gre SATE SESS F F. A. Lightbody & Co. [® Ib UOUF WISN. @ SEEM : SCAMADA LUMBERMAN Wieniad Sis éei é GLASGOW, SCOTLAND To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible WEEKLY EDITION W OOD BROKERS | Meet EMiOULAR LOY ORLUMBER Will secure tor you a buyer or Seller, as Bet Cutis adtrene “TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B “Zebra and Private. AMIEL PROPERTY anf Hoc cane many Bey Addn : : es: ey 16 pauaoe = =e Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. pECOWR HAND MACHINERY. a erman, to the best advantage to all ports in the United Ki ode Correspondence Banededs ; ou BAMBERCER, * *zass.22"" GANT & KEMP 9 TIMBER IMPORTER OF 5 Eee Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Es Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods pe ° . ele ae GLASGOW °B R 0) K i, RS ‘able ress : 2: See Phe el Are Open to Contract sor Glued-lt 7p BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ape A Be Codes RECTORY Co Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes : ee Western Union, poe, and ondon.” C. 4th and sth Editi GCELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Wood y ents and Brokers uyers of all Kinds of Lumber ang Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash ad d t : Cable Address : “ GELLICHT," LONDON 57 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England iene Makeimbeenn tise oe: ee SSS BER, JUCKER & Co. ONE DO LLA R BUYERS OF ae Importers OeE Lose ee . cet Planks. - Doras oat -S7uee ee Will pay your subscription to the CANADA T b Rock Eim loge eS Te "J Invite umbermen 6 8 Pine LUMBERMAN for 1mber Importers Hickory tee ALSO ngs, oan pag a els, All ence of Lumber and Manufactured Suitable for English Mar ONB YEAR Cable Address ‘Owen Liverpool’? Liverpool, Eng. | Wood Goods suitable for the English hic Address: sake ay MANCHESTER. Market. AMES WEBSTER & BROTHER | , ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY -- WOOD AGENTS AND- BROKERS ~*~. __ BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAN TIMBER MERGHANTS Liverpool and London Chambers -. LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND D T 3 Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, €E! . 3 Neti ok ; < DL YERS OF Staves and Heading, Handles of ail aecerintiens CABLE ADDRESS " DOBLE LIVERPOOL ” i Veneers A Specialty ao “December 1 ‘14. 19 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION VIII. THE ONTARIO LU Mi BER C9 aren Mutts: North Bay. C.P.R. and G.T.R. Delivery. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU R. B. ST. Gee LUMBER a RAILWAY, LON TRACTORS’ AGENT 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad Work. Phone 1,950 McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO. Limited Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. BANK ST. CHAMBERS OTTAWA, on W. B. BARTRAM & CO. WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Specialties: Basswood and Birch. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. nd 36 SEEA Tite Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts : French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. : . . . ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. : Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. Room 510, _ BOSTON, MASS. piavar stn 9, Central Chambers. 1o7 MK St OSTA, ESS et | a aa Barge or car load lots All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN DIMENSION { In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet, TIMBER In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. bab! Write for quotations. B. C. Cedar Shingles — SASH DOORS - BLINDS ~— Boa HABER MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN” Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingleae Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension § an : ¢ : wr EN OnT. Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. - Alf Pie good strips : Pine, hos BOeIGN:. <2 - 13 00 i “se LATH. : Lim..seeee seesseees 34 CO 36.00] Pine mill culls..... 1200 15 0 Pine : ¢9r00-1) ge ain 26 40 00 | Pine O. culls.. 750 850 seleesleleWee os suesces's eo CURRENT ll MBER PRIGES WHOLES = Tae 3 49 00 | Spruce, 1x4" & up mgyap SHINGLES. pe good shorts: Spruce, 1 stocks, Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 sc $4 75 | Bound butts, > vin ‘and 13 in. .. ae a ioe sya cay ae Clear bi tts.......... 3.59 3 75 B Hemlock... TORONTO, ONT. 3 ja a eae . 38 00 42.00 worensing and B.. 4 oo Smooth 6 x18....... 4 50 4 75 pace aweewes © LOTS. 9 I§ 00 sent 68 J ee tks Pe Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath, per M . x inch No. 1 Pine I oe See EN tak ties a Siding... ... .. 2200 2700| No.1 mais pinc1372"x4! 2 bg ; _.€49 00 51 00 [1% inch Flooring .. Pine, No. 1 dressin No. 2 white pine.... ete Ne eal Hemlock,1x4 to 8in. 14 00 5 02 strips...... SnOnce = 18 00 2500] Spruce, mill run..... 3 00 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N = es and better.. 53 00 55 00| 2X4 to 10 1n.,X_ to 16ft.15 50165? Pine No.1 dressing Red Pine, mill run.. 3 00 3” No x1 Cuts and oH to ro a ra ft. snag 59 17 5? eee PaaS 17 00 21 oo | Pine gy Ki peg WHITE PINE. Rohe 600 58 oo | Clear inc - cedar, ine, tos, ¢ and Let- xxxx, 18 inc! vot : pet aLNo.2 Pine y d kiln dried........-.-+ piel terr2’ to1€’ ..... 2000 2200| Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 (Wholesale selling price.) ae and better... 44.00 46 oo| Clear inch B. C. cedar Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- MX 1B inchs..-..-s0c. 140 160 Uppers, 1,1%,1% and/a 1% i iD .cae tesa 2! No 2 Pine Cuts air dried boat lumber 55 00 ter 12 tor’... .... 17 00 1900| White Cedar Shingles Wiis Ba te Ne ininls lata = ie and Better........ 46 00 48 00 Douglas fir dimension Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings 18 09 2000; xxxx, 18inch........ 3 25 3 5° 2% and 3 in....... 85 ES | She ving, No. rt 13 inch No. 3 timber, 25 to 30 feet 3000 Pine's. c. strips...... 1400 16 00| Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 2 50 2 60 ne BRR. Ses Bos H and up, 1. %, be and O83 .. 4000 42 00 | Douglas fir dimension Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 14 00 XX, 18 inch.......... 150 1 70 Selects 1 in. ae B 00 | Or a’ Cuts and timber, 30 to 35 feet 3I 00 ; 1% to 2in....s ses wees 4200 44 00| 1% ae ae 1 4 ft. Pine ibe 2% and 3 in....... pee seek care Tathicecnnecctwercei4 CO Age AM wee eee ceee cee rin. Pine Dressing in ° ° Fi mmo! in. 23.00 24 00 | 1 in. No. 2 4ft, Lath 3 30 3 4 Fine co ie tees poind Dette Siemon 1 00 20 00| 144",NO.t 324 pine lath |” 3 0 SARNIA, ONT. 1% and 1% in..... Ix ro common....-. 20 00 21 00 | 156” No. 14,ft. hemlock lath 3 50 ie 1X1I2common...... 2200 24 00| XXXX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 UPPERS. 1% x4 an 3 Ee 2x:0 common....-- 2050 21 50| XX Pine rer ctae Careaiaon 4 s 1in., 10” and up wide. .$73 00 2 arg up.- 2and 3x12 aad dirtbag a! Sy Caiar "Shingles 220 2 a 2 1¥4 and z “ E oe ae ie ra"... nan ce ; pe monn 19 00 20 cO B. C. Shingles 4” oe “ 33 oo 1% x6/ and UP... seecee 25 oo -” Noy Cuts...... Inch mill runsidings 21 00 22 co| XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2290 skiers UB ROM. eee ee ee cees = 00 No. 2,1 ee in. mill run. ai 00 22 00| XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 312 4 : 116 KAD we eee ences < No. 2,1%, & 1% in Tero and 12 mili culls 17 co 18 oo | XXXXX 5 tozin. . 345 rin, 8” and up wide.... 63 00 a”'x 6’ and up.......-. - 26 00 No. 3, 1%, and 136 inch mill cull Sid- XX No, 2, 6 to2 in.. 2 30 1%, 1% and 2 MS eee 63 00 2” x TO”..... + 77 00 No. 3.2” s.ceceeeee 16 00 16:0] >& 6 to 23-16 in, aif and 3 ses 93 0O Bre Talis Maas cee ame 29 00 Dressing 1% in.....- ings clad acigaae Girerenens 5° “ aes 78 os Seamer pers unl see an xe HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. FINE, COM. AND BETTER. Lim...... ++ Js00$24 00 to.$31 00 The following quotations on hanigeas represent | Ash White, ists and Soft Elm, millrun 20 co 2100 + 1in., 8” and up wide.... 54 00 1%, 1% ant 2 79 oo to 3200 price at Buffalo and Tonawan ands,itoz2in. $330 35 00 Rock Elm, common 1} and 14” S +e.» 54 00 a and 3 33,00 WHITE ASH. . Ash, Black, ists and and better, 1in.. 25 00 <6 00 a’ esse 55 00 bids. steer auslae 36 00 ist & and, x inch, 36 00 38 00 2% to 4 in ands, 1 to 2 in.. ise OP S708 Sesser aei isiaa*Giyhd FINE COMMON. NO. 2 BARN. to ain ....++.+ 39 00 41 00 k, mi an Dea oe eel « cate 22 00 23 00| Rock Elm, millrun 22 co 23 00 I! eeeeeees pt 45 00 to 62 00 TAM « cielven nd : 21 00 ha = = ~ 7 ra Birch, c- mmon and Maple commonand 1%, 1% es Aa: 5S oo = 53 4 Iyo0 as and 2” 23 00 o a5 ae BLACK AND BROWN ASH. better, 11M.....++ 23 00 2400| better, 1in...... 2100 2200 24,3and4 POT 73" ° 2% and 3”..... 7 Ist & ana, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00 | Com. & good culls culls. Birch, common and Maple common and NO. I CUTS. NO. 3 BARN. BIRCH. ¥ better, 1% to3in 25 00 27 00 better, 1% to3in 2300 2400 4 in,, 8” and up wide. - . 35 00 ie Mae ES 18 oo to 21 co ast & and, 6 inch & st Band white, & Birch, millrun.. . 20 00 21 00 Maple, mill run... Ig 00 20 00 1X in. . 45 00 he, 1% and 2” 20 oo to 22 50 up, red.....:..-. » 40 00 42 00 Com. & good culls. Basswood, common per ed, pelea, ists 600-s0 00 eit st oe 40,00 MNEs” 7. Samacieeo ae 22 00 ELM. po tter,1in.. 2100 2200| and znds...... .. 4600 500 i “ ra) do : Ae pte Oak, white, plain, 2% and 3” ‘“ Beas phe 1st & 2d,rock,6in &up <6 00 28 00 | xst & od, soft, 6a & up and bet., 14 tozin 23.00 2400| istsandands....44co 4600 4/ ae ... 62 00 jo I, 0", 1%, Common and calls -- 15 o¢ 17 00 | Common Basswood, millrun 18 00 20 00} Oak,quartered, ists KOieors ome sean 14 oo to 19 00 Soft Him common and 2nds......... 70 00 75 00 ! *! ee No. 1 mill culls, and better, 1in.. 24 GO 25 00 Hickory, ists and 1in., 6” and up wide... 20 00 1,1%, 1% 2” 3r500to 18 00 ist & 2nd hard...... 20 50 33 i) 1 ft and so Soft Elm, common ands... >.ceweny er 36 00 38 00 rh, ate “= oo aes Common and culls— 1400 ‘5 90 and culls.. to zin 26 00 28 00 1 oes - as aaa ‘ a s+ 33 00 Mill Run Spe af tH, 1% 2%, 3 and 4” sees 45 00 and 2” .. ....s.- ..14 00 QUEBEC QUE NO. 3 CUTS. No. 2, s s agp BOSTON, MASS. ; : tin., 6” and up wide.... 18 00 LATH, White Pine Uppers, 1 to 2inch ...... .--- «+++++$8 WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT 1% and 14” ** ~~... 20°00 Selects, 1 to 2inch..... ‘ BPS ae athe 2 ete geee ZINOO No. f, 32) ry or agee Fine Common, rt inch....... Square white pine, measured off, 3o to 40 feet average,......... 35 45 ay gand4” “ 27 00 No. 2, 48' Lice GEES 1% toa inch... First class Ottawa waney, x8 inch average, according to lineal.. £8 63 ; No. 1, 48” pine.. - 425 No. x Cuts, 1 anich .... cise 1g to20inchaverage “‘ “ + 62 65 A RUN: to'2 inch,).0s.ce. meee u" ” SHINGLES, ma RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. de se * Jploms ok «ill ae ea aaa he. oh "ieee a Budiet te, Sagar 4 be ; i : _ VoL. XIII - WEEKLY TORONTO, MONTREAL — DECEMBER 20, 19005 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER EDITION ANADALIMBERMAN The Lumberman Monthly Edition 44 pages} $1.00 PER rear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. No. 41 Canapa Lumserman ~~ ‘The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y 2 of Toronto, Limited . Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: zp - 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. ope : Telephone 1274. 536 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. 22 GREAT Sr. HELEN’s, Lonpon, E. C. he Weekly Lumberman — Published every ednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- 3 ts of market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A Ss ly medium of information and communica- between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of _timb Se rg at home and abroad. The y= Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE : CAW MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE, 75 horse power. Apply to J. E Murrny Lum- Co., Marksville, Ont. : ¥ ~OR SALE—100,000 FT. HEMLOCK, TO BE [ ecutto order. Address P. O. 6, Care “Lum- -RMAN,” Victoriaville, P. Q. i = “ \YAJANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS VV Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Stmcoz Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade. Toronto. ~EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND \ $Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish boom. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, _Larchwood, Ont. Bie uest CLASS VENEER PLANT FOR SALE I” at Parry Sound, or will sella one half inter- a patty who understands veneer and can e the business. Ecuo Bay LUMBER Co., IR SALE, A GOOD SAW MILL, CAN SAW from 15 to 25 thousand per day, with every- ng complete, nearly new. Apply to ROBERT WART, Vasey P.O., Ont. _ FFOR SALE—250 M. FEET 1”, 1", DY Fata. tL” 4’ Hard Maple first class stock, 2” Hard and Soft Elm, 5%’, 1” Basswood, Cherry, White , Pine and Hemlock, on C,P.R., near Inger- This season’s cut. Write for quotations to F. Gartoway or W. PaRTLo, Ingersoll, Ont. -__ LUMBER WANTED —— E WANT A CONTRACT FOR LARGE ‘quantities of Plain Red or White Oak 1 x3 | wider, as wide as possible, 32 and 63” long, ye cut from green bolts or logs and shipped thoroughly weather seasoned. Address SANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. — ee “> J. aa second-hand Engine Lathe, 32 inch swing, 22 foot bed, with face plate and huck combined, steady reft and counter aaft—to be sold cheap to replace with tool. me second-hand Tubular Boiler 3 diameter, 12 feet long. Apply 3T. JOHN IRON WORKS, Ltd. , O. Box 391. - Vulcan St., St. John. 6 - OR SALE: ABOUT 3 CARS OF 3” ANDI car 2” White Maple. Winter cut. Address ANDREW Knox, Box 22, Norwood, Ont. ANTED—BLACK ASH AND BIRCH. ASH 1’, 1%" and 1%” in 1sts and 2nds and No, 1 common. Birch in squares 4x4” and larger. Also a fair quantity of Elm squares 4x4” and larger. Apply W. B. Bartram & Co., Ottawa, Ont. WANTED. ATHS WANTED FOR SHIPMENT BY car this winter. Hither 154” or 1%”, stand- ard Spruce, Butted 4ft. Address C.S. WENT- WORTH & CO., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass, For SALE — 100,000 FEET DIMENSION Spruce Timber, to be delivered on first snow roads, viz,6x6, 7x7, 8x8, 9x9, aver- age in proportion about sizes. Lengths 18 to 32 feet. Address “I.UMBERMAN,” P. O. 6, Victoria- ville, Que. OR SALE.—SAWMILL, BUILT THREE years ago on Cecebe Lake, 9 miles from Burk’s Falls, capacity from 12 to 15 M. Con- venient for shipping lumber on scows. Address Wm j. PALMER, Cecebe P.O., Parry Sound Dist., Ont. ez SALE-— GOOD SAW MILL PLANT, AND Hardwood Timber Limit, containing about 38 million feet, also a Pine Limit with about. 15 million feet. Allclose to mill on water, good shipping facilities. For particulars address Box 335 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. MILL PARTNERSHIP WANTED XPERIENCED MAN WITH CAPITAL “, wishes to acquire partnership in small saw millin interioref B.C. on railway, might buy outright if satisfactory arrangements could be made. Address PARTNERSHIP, CANADA LUM- BERMAN, Vancouver office. For SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO. 3 HAM- ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 744” cylinders and ‘all connections, circular outfit complete with iron husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in diameter, six boilers 20 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each. Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Mill. THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont. MACHINERY FOR SALE We have for sale the following second hand machinery, in good condition. Write us for full particulars and prices of any machine. 1 26” X 32” engine. box frame, slide valve on top of cylinder, driven with rock shaft. 2 No. 3 single cutting band mills, made by Prescott Co. 2 Two block carriages with Prescott offset, made by Prescott Co. Two block Garland carriage. Boss shingle machine, made by Mowry. Hall shingle machine. Perkins Grand Triumph shingle mactines, Drake hand shingle machines, Perfection power shingle machines. Double block shingle machine, Perkins make. Drag saw. Knee bolter. Perkins Class A cut-off. Wheel jointers. Knot saw frames. Shingle packers. Heading trimmer. Rich automatic saw sharpeners, Independent condenser. Portable boiler and engine, boiler with 32” fire box, and 28—3” tubes, 12 h p., engine 3 Xx 12. Greenlee No. 1 improved automatic cut-off machine, witn countershaft. Friction feed complete, frictions 15” wide. 36” standard Leffel water wheel Upright boiler 70” x 32” with sixty 2” tubes. » 54” x 32” with ninety 1%” tubes. to’ x 16’ twin engine, steam feed, complete. THE WM. HAMILTON MFG. CO., LIMITED Peterborough, Ont, oi ee ee oe ae a | _ MR . December 31. ANTED TO PURCHASE FOR DELIVERY in 1906, 2,000,000 ft. hemlock. THE PAT- TERSON-TILLEY Co., Hamilton, Ont. ANTED—1’, 6/4’ AND 2” BI,ACK ASH, 6/4” and 2” Basswood, all common and better, dry. Box 326, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED—SQUARE BEECH, 12 INCHES or up, 1afeetto 16 feet long, Apply Box ' 336, THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. 2 Wears QUANTITY OF 12X12, 8x10 and 6X10, also 2”, 3” and 4” plank. Terms cash. Address, Box 337, CANADA LUMBER- | MAN, Toronto. CRISS SS OR SALE — LUMBER MILL ON GEOR- gian Bay, in first class order, capacity 7o.- ooo per day, and two limits on North Shore. Apply ESTATE OF TANNER Bros., Waubau- shene. OR SALE, 1,200 ACRES PINE, OAK, ASH, elm,bassand hemlock,run over 5 M to acre, anda good milland site, very convenient, easy lumbered, good market, easy terms. Box V, Thessalon. OR SALE—75,000 FEET 1IN. BIRCH, 25,000 feet 2in. Birch. Entire product of logs cut and piled six months; best shipping conditions; snap for some one if shipped before Box 330 CANADA LUMBERMARF, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE 10,000 ft, 6/4” Birch ist and 7nds. 10,000 ft. 4/4” Birch Common and Better. 6,000 ft. 6/4” Hard Maple 1st and and. 7,000 ft. 5/4” es No 1 Common, 25,000 ft. 4/4” £oft Elm, Crating stock. BENNETT FURNISHING Co, London, Ont, Gear SHINGLES WANTED FOR SHIP- ment this winter. Ten carloads of Extras, standard manufacture and grading. Please quote lowest price less 5 per cent commission and 2 per cent, for cash, delivered Boston rate of freight. Address, CHARLES S. WENTWORTH & Co , 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. FOR SALE No SEASON’S CUTOF HEMLOCK, PINE, BIRCH and Maple Lumber, also orders taken for Veneers and Handles; will also saw one million feet of logs at price per M feet. Shipment by Rail or Vessel. Correspondence solicited. T. H. DECEw & Co., Bruce Mines, Ont. MILL PROPERTY FOR SALE bas opts MILI, IN PROVINCE OF QUEBEC, ~) capacity soM.ft. per day, equipped with Side Edger, Slab saw, Perkins shingle Machine, best Feed Grinder, all in good condition. Also 33 acres of land as mill site. Timber enough for 20 years, fed from rivers, good crop of logs fornext season, Reason for selling, going into other business. Address Box 329 CANADa LuM- BERMAN, Toronto. DON’T BUY PULPWOO0D until you have had my quotations. Best market prices on spruce and poplar pulpwood furnished on re- quest. GEO. F. WHALEN Port ARTHUR, ONT. For Sale—Cheap 2 Forty H.P. Boilers with Stack. National Heater with Duplex Steam Pump. Saw Mill Carriage, complete. Iron Saw Frame, friction feed. Four Solid Saws. Grain Grinder. For price write J. S. FINDLAY, Owen Sound, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The mills have closed down and the white pine production for this year is at anend. The stocks now in the yards will be all that will be available to meet the requirements until sawing operations are resumed next spring. The question has fre- quently been asked of late whether the quantity of white pine will be sufficient, and the opinion has been expressed that a decided shortage would develop before next mid- summer. There has been such a phenomenal demand that it has been impossible for either dealers or manufacturers to accumulate any stock. This condition points to higher prices, although as an offset it may be said that among the more conservative people in the trade there is a disposition to discourage any further advance. ‘‘ Prices are high enough ” is a remark that has been made more than once during the past two months. The hardwood market is in the hands of the log producers, and upon their action will depend to a large extent whether prices improve or become further demoralized. We say demoralized, for the reason that some manufacturers are offering stock at fully $5 per thousand less than others. The present low prices should stimulate the consumption of hardwoods, and if the log production this winter is curtailed, we antici- pate some recovery in prices. If, on the other hand, the crop of logs this winter should be heavy, we would not be surprised to witness a still lower range of values. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. | The lumber trade is showing some evidence of getting on a_ winter II. basis. This is due not so much to lack of demand as to the scarcity of stock. The United States market has absorbed nearly all the suitable lumber and consequently for the next few months shipments will be light. Prices continue very firm notwithstanding that some classes of lumber are at the highest point There is not likely to be any reaction before next spring, but, if logging conditions should be favorable this winter and the drives reach the mills safely, prices may settle down somewhat. There is still great activity in lath circles. Small manufacturers have realized exceptionally high prices for stock for shipment to New York and Boston, where the demand is in excess of the supply. ever reached. Cedar shingles are quiet on the basis of $3.35 to $3.45 for Extras on Boston freight rate. UNITED STATES. The favorable conditions govern- ing the lumber trade of the United States still prevail. During the month of November permits were issued in 32 cities for buildings costing $41,365,518, as compared with $33,547,140 in the correspond- ing month of 1904. This is a gain of 23 per cent. and shows that the building requirements have been an important factor in this year’s lum- ber business. There has alsc been a heavy consumption of car material. Dealers are anticipating their re- quirements for the early part of next year and are placing orders quite freely at current prices. Not for many years have the conditions in the closing days of the year been so favorable to the holder of white-pine, southern pine, spruce, and hemlock stocks. Beyond some unexpected disaster, it does not seem that any- thing can transpire to weaken the market during the next few months. Box lumber is scarce at Buffalo, Tonawanda and New York, and prices have an upward tendency. Pennsylvania producers of hemlock have advanced the price 50 cents KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION for all points from Buffalo to Al- bany, making the base price for Boffalo $17.50. There is a considerable inquiry for hardwoods, which is likely to bring about a more active trade after the turn of the year. Plain red and white oak has the call at the present time. Chicago dealers are said to be taking some basswood in stock in the hope of better prices late. on. GREAT BRITAIN, The position of the British lumber market is admitted to be very strong owing to the light stocks. At Liverpool the shortage of Quebec pine deals as compared with one year ago is about 6,000,000 feet. Spruce deals from New Brunswick and Nova Scotia also show a large diminution, but the stock of Quebec spruce deals is almost as heavy as one year ago. The supply of Que- bec square pine is only 23,000 cubic feet, as compared with 76,000 and 128,000 cubic feet in 1904 and 1903 respectively. Oak, elm, ash and birch timber are likewise in short supply. With the demand improv- ing there is reason to expect a further advance in prices. Spruce coatinues to improve. A quantity of 3xg inch fourth quality, from Quebec and Montreal, was recently disposed of for shippers’ accqunt at 48 15s. per standard in dock, while at arecent auction sale 3x9 inch second quality brought £8 155., and 3x8 third quality in 12 feet lengths £8 10s. There. is more inquiry for pine deals. Prices at Hull are £35 to 436 per standard for first quality, £21 for second quality, and £12 10s. for third quality. Very little business for next season has as yet been closed, but it is understood that shippers are asking an advance of tos. per standard on last year’s prices. An order has been granted for winding up the North Bruce Lumber Company, of Toronto. Mr.Schmit- endorf hasbeen appointed liquidator. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON & 80 St. Francis Xavier Street Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, REMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS STOCKS AND PRICES. The Scott Lumber Company will cut about 6,000,000 lath at their mill at Fredericton Junction, N.B., this winier, The Alfred Dickie Lumber Com- pany have about 8,000,000 feet of deals to be hauled this winter from Stewiacke to Stewiacke Station. Tenders are invited by the De- partment of Public Works, Ottawa, up to Tuesday, January 2nd, for the supply of timber required by the Welland Canal and its branches during the year 1906. The Scott Lumber Company, of Fredericton, N.B., will cut about 8,000,000 feet of logs this winter, which will be manufactured next season together with about 14,- 000,000 feet which they are carry- ing over. Harry Taylor, of Pokiok, N.B., has made arrangements for the ‘operation of a lath mill on the waters of the Bellvedere during the winter months. He will keep four machines going during day and night, and it is understood that the laths will be handled by Stetson, Cutler & Company, of St. John. The St. John River Lumber Company are arranging to carry on immense operations this coming season. They will bring out, it is said, somewhere in the vicinity of twenty-four milliom feet, and be- sides that they are reported to have seven million feet tied up in Black River, and a million tied up in the Allegash, with another drive hung up on the St. Francis. Should the ice go out with a rush in the spring the company may have trouble in catching a good deal of their lumber at their mill, which is situated on the American side of the St. John River, about thirteen miles above Grand Falls, N.B. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) VANCOUVER, B.C., December 11th, 1905.—Pacific Coast millmen are not very anxious to cut big timbers for the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company. Many enquiries have been made, and an order has been placed with the Canadian Pacific Lumber Company for four million feet. But the price offered is too low for the manufacturers to snap at the business. Ten dollars a thousand is the figure, and the mill must guarantee that the timber does J 2 Samples by WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER © Car and Cargo Lots Only 3 “ime : Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, ” YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMI E DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH : M°LENNAN LUMBER CO,, | LIMIT TE MONTREAL QUE. Office and Yard, g7: DORCHESTER ST. Handles—Axe, Fork Send for Cataloy Rad not weigh over 3,200 ) ex it goes to 3,400. A reducti made tor this, which with the costs, such as commission leaves about $8.60 for the mill. is very low, especially with scarce and high in price, and, sequently, the business yet has not reached any proportions. ‘*Logs have been so scarce | went over to Washington chase some for our mill at Nanai Mr. J. S. Emerson said this m ‘I secured about 5,000,000 The prices were $5 for rough, for merchantable, and $9 for ing. The market is very sti now, although cedar little weak.” The Haslam mill at Na which is now operated — Nanaimo Lumber Company, c trolled conjointly by the = Lumber Company and Mr.E is cutting timbers for the C. and has just sent a carload | to Mexico, to the order Government there. Mr. Emerson has also templation the erection of as shingle mill on Burrard inlet, — the establishment of the Cat i Pacific Lumber Company a Moody. Word comes from the that the big Staples mill at’ has closed down, and Crow’s Nest Lumber Con mill at Wardner. the largest in the Kootenay. Shingle manufacturers hav to curtail their output owing tc 's scarcity of shingle bolts. “T! market now is fairly good, ” Mr H. Heaps remarked this m ‘but with bolts up 75 cents p there is likely to be a sti the prices about the first of the XXX now sell at $1.70, but an Io cents will in all probs in afew weeks. Conditions ar proving, though for some time they have been very bad. There phi of room for improvement, fi he shingle part of the industry antieved more than the other.” A week ago a tise en ¥ Tilbury Manufacturer a Also Hard and and White Oak sie Can supply Second Growth Squares up to 38 in. sane KNIGHT BROT LIMITED 2 SOT ee . 3 (Recwnber 20, 1905 ae =a Reiaciad shingle men waited on the manufacturers here to ask that : the mills here shut down in co-opera- - tion with the mills of Washington. The latter have been closed for sixty lays, and Messrs. Dan W. Bass, president ofthe Shingle Mills Bureau; W.Douglas, E. T. Nobles, L. H. poy and H. W. Vanderhoof came ancouver to present the request - co-operation. Some of the mills € are not operating, but the shut- wn is not general. The reasons e the scarcity of bolts and the rket conditions, and the mills are ‘ing advantage of the opportunity to do the annual overhauling. No _ definite action was decided upon as tial result of the visit of the delegates of the shingle manufacturers of aswogton + oe _ NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. me (Correspondence of CANADA LUMBERMAN.) St. Joun, N. B., December 15th, 1905. —But little is being done in ~ lumber shipping circles in this pecgnity and schooners are daily yoing into winter quarters. This _ circumstance is due principally to oi he fact that charters to the United _ States are daily becoming scarcer, as all lines marketed in that direc- tion are practically cleaned up. __ ‘American’ merchantable spruce deals have been phenomenally strong during the last two months. - Sales have been made at figures for which it is hard to find a parallel. fair estimate of all these figures Picads to the conclusion that the fol- lowing prices would be about the _ average of those realized: 10 and 12 inch, $20. oo to $20.50 per M -_ ginch, ¥8.60 to -¥8.50 ‘* “‘ 6and 8inch, 15.50 to 16.00 se (t.0.b. schooner St. John) cc 6 “WANTED We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your _ Cedar into Poles it will net _ you more than you can get Ee: out of it in any other way. J. B. FARWELL & SON " Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. Oswego, N.Y. «a * CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. So far as this port and river are concerned there will be nothing put upon the American market before June rst next, or at the very earliest, mid-May. This is owing to the fact that, with navigation of the river closed for the year, there are no logs of any description nearer than Grand Falls, that there will | be none available at St. John before the first rafting of the spring drives, which cannot reach this port before May ist at the earliest (as mention- ed in previous letters), and that all the product of the past season’s sawing has gone forward, barring some fairly large stocks of ‘‘Eng- lish” deals and some small parcels of other unimportant lines. Logging operations for local manufacturers upon the Aroostook river, where are cut most of the American logs sawn at this port, will be this winter, according to all indications, slightly heavier than has been the case for several years past, but not sufficiently so to point to any strong confidence that the boom in the United States markets will be carried over into next year. The general impression in this regard seems to be that, in the spring, with the long season of manufacturing in prospect, there is a probability that the high figures which have been prevalent in the above markets during the last few months will hot be sustained either in long lumber or lath. At any rate, there is no apparent anxiety on the part of local people to load up, at figures higher than the usual, either with raw material or the manufactured product. It is gen- erally felt that the recent soaring of prices has been rather unnatural and torn of unlooked for conditions, ARTHUR A. WATT Dealer in Hard and Soft eat Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tien SPECIAL LOTS—100,000 of §&/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16, ooo 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application. Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. *Phone 113 POSTS We are getting out CEDAR and can cut any SPECIAL SIZES She ‘Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. Tica mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ¢ U SARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., LIMITED 604 Temple Building, Toronto ’ MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.’’ Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s the chief of which was the scarcity of logs at the chief manufacturing centres of Maine and New Bruns- wick. This, coupled with marked activity in building circles of the New England States, could lead to but one result—extreme eagerness to buy and consequently remarkably high prices. It is improbable that after June rst next there will be any scarcity of logs and thus will be removed one of the most vital causes of the recent stimulation of the United States markets. THE BARBADOS MARKET. Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Company furnish the following review of the Barbados market: ‘“‘The fortnight has once more been marked by the entire absence of arrivals, and with stocks rapidly diminishing, the market is in an exceptionaly strong position for both white pine and spruce, as the demand for cooperage purposes has set in and there is very little here to meet requirments. The market for shingles virtually remains as last advised, the demand having been very light and stocks of both long and laying cedar being ample for all requirments.” NEW BRUNSWICK LUMBERING OPERATIONS. Extensive operations are being carried on in New Brunswick this winter on behalf of the smaller mills. At Point Wolfe, C. T. White is get- ting out his usual cut. At New Ireland, Wilbur & Wilbur are oper- ating.on a large scale and C. 1. Prescott is working a few camps in the same locality as well as at Lumsden, about eight miles from Albert. At Midway,McLellan Bros. I, Dean Holden, Pres. F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres, have set up their portable mill and Charles Stevens are lumbering nearby. J. Carnwath, of Riverside, has two large crews in the woods. Benjamin is getting out logs at Lower Cape. lumbering at Caledonia, Boyce and Rufus Milton at Curryville, and Dobson Bros. at Stevescote. In the vicinity of Shogomoc the principal operators will be Steven Madden, who will cut about halt a million, balance for A.Grant; B.F.Ingraham, about 100,000 feet; & Sons, 200,000; Fox Brothers, pro- bably 100,000, and A. Grant, 100,000. and Theodore W. Hawkes Silas Downey Bros. are part for himself and the James Ritchie J. M. Diver, Gen’1.-Mgr E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co.., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimiteD SAW AND PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT, RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo. Registered Cable Address, “ Pinewood,”" BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. ‘‘American Lumberman” Telecode. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Let us know your requirements 3 Prompt Shipments FOR SALE A good stock of Sis A Ti Ul sO ell i Se a EY A ee Se eee ee C. A. LARKIN WHOLESALE LUMBER TORONTO, ONT. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - ‘Circular CACHE. BA 4¥, Ont. a6 miles West North Bay Gang UMBER and LATH CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION LOG SCARCITY IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. Fir logs have become very scarce in British Columbia, with the result that some of the millmen are turn- ing their attention to Puget Sound as a probable source of supply. J. S. Emerson, acting on behalf of himself and the Nanaimo Lumber Company, recently purchased 5,- 000,000 feet of good fir logs on Puget Sound, the first boom of which, containing approximately 800,000 feet, is expected to reach Nanaimo this week. Fir logs of average quality are worth $8.50 per thousand feet in British Columbia, and clear cedar $10.50. On the Sound the supply is greater although by no means plentiful. Ruling prices there are $5 per thousand for rough fir, $7.50 for merchantable, and $9 for floor- ing. During the month of November there were applications for thirty licenses to Cut timber on British Columbia Government lands. Thus from the first of the year there has been no variation from the steady demand for timber. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGCIN so°state sr. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Established 1889. Incorporated 1896. We Solicit the Trade of Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. GO. 2ist and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of— Venecréd Doors We Solicit a Share of Your Business. E. J. DAVIS MFG. CO. 21st. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S. A. Our Doors are known the world over and are recognized as the best made. Send for cata- logues and price lists. > >Z ON lL ll A a DES SESS GS GS GS ESSE SESE Vj That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your wants in the lumber line. It’s-up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our & a I= os =~ specialty—and should be yours. why. Let us tell you een ee Ss SSS SS The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN, SSSSSSSESSESSESSIESSGSSS SSS —_ Se ~ SS } FF G , NY) UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE. HARDWOODS. ~ ST.LOUIS BY RAILMAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUPACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS or YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. _Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. THE WIGKS LUMBER GOMPANY BATTLE CREEK, - MICH. We wil pay cash for Hardwood Lumber ; especially want MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | Black Ash and Rock Elm J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building - GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN FRANK GC. BURY LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. WHOLESALE st Mc Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BIEL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ; ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK. Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Mills: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. Correspondence Invited on All Hardwoods. a ee sn ‘eet BURY & NOBLE “yao A. - 5 MICHIGAN ' GLURE LUMBER GO ~ | THEP PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. . We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, _ and solicit your enquiries. ‘ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO FOR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try _ JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD -OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. _ RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea ; P= LUMBER MERCHANTS. % Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of _ Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Bod Amherst, N.S. Spruce and Hem- Office: 503 Manning Chambers - 2 Se and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. Bis _ ‘JAMES J. MURPHY, °° Shiting “"" QUEBEC : L ae of Pine, Hemlock nti ator Lumber, and Aare in Cordwood a Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. “he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF ee Lumber Co. 3 Lumber Co. {White and Red Pine MILLS at SPRAGGE, Algoma, Dist., Ont. | Lumber and Lath “$00” Branch C. P = Manning Arcade, Feronts o 7 aided — sag mer Seaare. = Water Shipments re li M. BREANEN & SONS MANUFAGTORING O., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. HE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN HOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE nk of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA SPEC TIES: Railway Bridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White x ~ wnt Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and itewood, Planed and — Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, _ hollow back, end bu a __— Kastern Agent eh The Pacific Coast Lumber contaany, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. i Douglas Fir Timber in any size or length up to go feet ban Timber Planers face ap to 24 inch x30 inch, ” ry Kilas of larg e capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS ANB QUOTATIONS. AUGER & SO = ae of and grimicesie Dealers im all kinds of . , , Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. “CANADIAN So 5 see WHOLESALERS We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow P*ae, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CoO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. PLAYEATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . A. & P. VHIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. Joisting Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath. PEMBROKE ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & C Fig cody re and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. => Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... OWEN SOUND, , ONTARIO, THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chambers, TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, CDESC VEVEVSESSSESTSES 686888848 Bt BBO THE OLD MACHINERY or plant, or tools for which you have no present use, might be sold or rented to some other reader of the WEEKLY LuM- BERMAN by the investment ofa few dollars in advertising. se th te i | fi Tf Al f HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ¥s, 4%, %, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed; be, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . ’ Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames - and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT, 2 The A SPLENDID ROUTE. sa 35 ae os ss |] ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS IN ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line” because it reaches into and eons the very heart of the choicest hunting grounds in America. The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire Toronto Montreal Winnipeg No rh is reached ONLY by thisline. Hundreds Vancouver of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. he Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- jally to the sporting public and during the vario us seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along its lines upon applica- tion to the nearest ticketagent. It alsoarranges its train service with special reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make ease over their lines pleasant and comfort- able This line offers the best route between Chicago, St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minneapolis or to Lake Superior points via Ashland, Wisconsin. Information given by addressing— JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R.R. Milwaukee eR a rae th wy igen * wi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION =e ast: December 2 1905 _—— Cedar Cove Mill, E H. HE A PS Rr rele) Ruskin Mill, aM Vancouver, B.C. @ : Ce) Ruskin, B. C. Wancouver, B. C. | Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : 4 AAt HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. a. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. sl W. J. SHEPPARD nh hls dS J. G. wig ee Ree Waubaushene, On ancouv MANUFACTURERS OF re «<,.08 FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUGE LUMBER Own | LATH, MOULDINGS Lum pabet Cc #0 7 TURNED we O st aver oe HICH GRADE fic VAN RED GEDAR SHINGLES § Oo Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO | iPres os a 74 a F: D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. j. E. bo Cast sh aa ESS el od oh = The Rat Portage Lumber -Co., Ltd. Manutscrwrers White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, | pe Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work Se sg sain CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Onts io Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce L We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned bibs and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four wisstde| 1, D. SHIBR LUMBER C0., MUMITED beet Matching, Resawing RAC CEBRIDGE, ee Senet ‘Sash, Weniibenn: pt igs Export Lumber & wos, CATH AND SHINGLES, er HARDWOOD” FLOORING ; and id Cctlings Sash anu Doors, Wood ASPECIALTY. Sh e 1 C ae Poe ee a nore if aosivea Lumber Kiln Dried in Any ‘Quan ngeie o., Limi Se ee -R. EATON |, Orillia —— SSS = * Vancouver, B. Cc 2 Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers ~ me ny ir: W. B. McK&caHnieg, President. c MACRAg, 3 We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A LU MBER ( CO. , for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Vancouver, B. C. LIMITED Manufacturers of cavaciy ert miicns, | BRITISH GOLUMBIA RED cE All sizes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR,. B. G1 FIR—DIMENION AND FINI H. ~ SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK ~ A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square e “0° and Round Timber ; ia ota Rules, and much other practi- r~ 7 e cal information. Price 35 Cents oO — Aoeess THY ‘CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. os. se a ‘ ste “ag ~— ne 23 : ‘ mb Der 20, 1905 About half the B. C. Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. One Million Five Hundred Thousand. wf a ye pe od cee 0 a a. Pore . ~~ mn > * - CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vin. 1,500,000 Shingles Per Day We have a Daily Shipping Capacity of descriptions of INSIDE a :.* UNION LUMBER COMPANY, ug _ WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO & 3 Wholesale Dealers in Sell PIME and HARDWOODS, SHINGLES and LATH, And All Kinds of House Furnishings. a DOUGLAS RT (REARS Sota & wha hs cd Wy oe ideo ptecaar lath. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all and OUTSIDE FINISH pat shes make a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber ; Investments generally (Correspondence Solicited) Limited sc vastnes ss Vancouver, B. C. Lions Heae, The WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUF'G. CO. timitea| PEDWELL & LEMCKE, :::: MANUFACTURERS { Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, OF goiter. Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments, Correspondence Solicited. r FARNWORTH & JARDINE r aise [Wood Brokers and Measurers! : “ble Address ‘Farnworth,” Liverpool. Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC aR a ma lead Se Gi » A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND _WoOooD BROKERS ? “thy Cable Address; ‘*TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B. C., A1, “Zebra” and Private. for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. actos handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kined iam. espondence Solicited 2 Broad Street Building, ie BAMBERGER, * *zoxcox: =": IMPORTER OF He Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ ee A Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are nie to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS DIRECTORY CODE CELLIBRAND, “HEYWOOD & C0. Wood Agenis and Brokers Peg = ne Pees a; OS a F - > = “ FT ”, Rote Bie —— d > 4 a)*. 2 _* a7 VIII. A ee ithe THE ONTARIO LUMBER sacs wagegr Pa Bay. P.R. and G.T.R. Delivery. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU R. B. ST. se gees RAILWAY, LUMBER 2 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad Work. - 3 McLennan Timber Land and Lumber 60. Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebec, Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. CONT RACTO RS’ AGENT 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. Ottawa. Phone 1,950 » Limited GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES- WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 inch No. 1 Pine 1 in. dead cull sidings 12 00 13 5° 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 06 ¥ 00 51 00 oe iuch Not 72 2 Hemlock, 1x4 to Bin. 14 00 15 02 cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00) 2x4 to 10 1n., roto 16ft. 15 59 16 5> No 1 Cuts and ax4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 50 17 5? Better.....-.----+ 5600 5 00| Clear inch B. C. cedar, 1% in.No.2 Pine kiln dried...........+ 50 00 cuts and better..-- 44 00 46 00 Clear inch B. C. cedar 2” No 2 Pine Cuts air dried boat lumber 55 00 and Better........ 46 00 48 oo | Douglas fir dimension 1% inch No. 3 timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 Cuts and better.... 49.00 42 00 Douglas fir dimension a’ No 3 Cuts and timber, 30 to 35 feet 31 00 Better......----: - 4200 44 00/1% in, No.1 4ft. Pine 1in. Pine Dressing Lath.......5.-000s- +400 4 25 and better shorts 23 00 24 00 Sie No. 2 4 ft. Lath 3 30 3 40 1x4, 6and 8 common 149,00 20 00 16, No.1 32” pine lath 2 co IX 10 common...... 20 00 21 00 | 14” No. 14,ft. hemlock lath 3 5° 1X 12common...... 2200 24 00| XXX Pine Shingles 290 300 2x10 common....-- 20 50 21 5>| XX PineShingles .. 2 20 2 30 2and 3x12 common. 23 00 25 0o| X Pine Shingles .. ge alk et box and XX Cedar Shingles 220 2 25 HSE nce 19 00 20 00 ue ae bem Set F anil run sidin § 21 00 2200 utts to 2 in. go Inch milran....--. 21 00 22 00 | XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 312 xio and 12 miliculls 17 co 18 00 | XXXXX 5 tozin.. 3 45 inch mill cull Sid- XX No, 2, 6 to2 in.. a 30 igs Sea's cesesese 16 00 1650] XX 6 to 23-16 in, HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, rsts and Soft Elm, mill run 20 00 aI oo ands, 1 to 2in... $33 00 35 00 | Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, rsts and and better, 1i.. 25 00 <6 00 ands, 1 to2in.... 3000 3200| RockElm,common Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 eh nS pe Bane ae aad 22 00 23 00| Rock Elm, millrun 22 co 23 00 Birch, c?mmon and Maple commonand better, 11m....... 23 00 24 00 better, 1in...... 21 00 2200 Birch, common and Maple common and better, 1% to3in 2§ 00 27 00 better, 1% to3in 23 00 24 00 Birch, mill run.... 20 00 21 00 | Maple, millrun... 19 00 20 00 Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, Ists and better, 1in.. 21 00 22 00 and 2ndS........ 46 00 §0 00 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, and bet., 1% to2zin 23 00 24 00 ists and 2nds.... 44.co 46 00 Basswood, millrun 18 00 20 oo | Oak,quartered, ists Soft Elm, common and ands......... 70 00 75 00 and better, 1 in.. 24 Go 25 00| Hickory, ists and Soft Elm, common QTIGS o's « cinsdlas onl 36 00 38 00 and bet. 1% to 2in 26 00 25 00 : QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white vine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,........- 355945 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to ylneal. £8 63 “©” 39 tozoinchaverage ‘‘ -. 62 65 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. M:asured off, according to average and Sari Baty stalata iatateisieta eta 27 33 Shipping order Heo aaduaccocha 35 40 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality . . ‘ 45 50 ELM. By the dram, accordin to average and quality 4oto4sfeet. 65 75 z0to35sfet. 52 £4 ASH. 10 inches and up, Retording, to vies and A ality - 26 28 Average 16 inch. . x 7 30 32 BIRCH. 14 Inch . - «22 - 3% 16, au'* “ , aging .30 31 AZ is ; - 34 36 ‘ ‘ 38 40 OTTAWA. ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, aid sidings: ixra No, 1 barn.... 20 00 1 in x8 in. and ap 49 00 4200] 7x10 No.2 “ .... 18 00 14% in «1% in, % 1x8 & 9 No.s barn.... 17 00 8in.and op...... 50 00 56 00 | 1x8 & o No.2“ 1§ 90 2in, x 8in.ard up 54 00 §6 00 | Pine Shorts “’ to 11” No.2 cuts 2x8”&up 3400 36 00 » CLA ee ER 16 00 17 00 t R + sell rd ® eh oe ie ate y: a Jn i} en a eae aya “J | Ny ) PS ts cial! er ge " a, ne cz or 5 i CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION eC eee Rept ake ee BANK ST. CHAMBERS ‘OTTAWA, c WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Home. Ei Life fe Building L ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. . CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. Room 510, 147 Milk St. ™~ W. B. BARTRAM & CO. WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Specialties: Basswood and Birch. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN DIMENSION { d Rec In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. TIMBER In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. : Write for quotations. B. C. Cedar Shingles SASH - DOORS -_ BLINDS a Ae EBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pos Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension St WIARTON, ONT. . Barge or car load BOSTON, MASS. Pine aan strips : Pine, box boards.... 13 00 1§ 00 LATH TMs ores ove csecsel 34 CO GlOD Pine mal culls..... 1200 15 00 Pine z me i ie anes ee 36 06" 4p"Gn || ‘Pine O. culls... . 750 850 ce ceneees on coveseee $400 | Spruce..s.csssesceree RPA AR. -»« 38 00 40 00 | Spruce, I x4 up 14 00 Pine, good shorts: 4 Spruce, 1” stocks, Sawed Pi ee Tim...... .2...+.5 2800 3000| 7.8, gand 10”... 15 00 Cheat toate c Xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x 18 e852 2 1h in.and 1% in. .. 34 00 40 00 | Spruce, 1’ clear (fine § ear tae tat oe 359 375 hee ee et eeeeee eae nae a0'oog4 ae dressing and B.. 24 00 mooth 6x18....... 450 475 Sprace 5: 4-5-2 aaee a : 7" i Wo A Sidings. . 15 00 | Hemlock ..... .. _ 13 00 oo Pine, No. « dressing Lath, per M_ : : siding... -.. +. 2200 2700 No. x white pine1}4”x4! 3 50 wh ts Ba ei, Pine, No. 1 dressing - IO pine.... 3 00 oh AAT, Strips..... 0 te eeeree 18 00 625 00 ce, mill run..... 3 00 / AN ‘ “4 Pine No.1 dressing , Red Pine, mill run.. 3 00 BUPE SEO. ASD TONAW. DA, N- Mey: Yi : shorts ......-.+- +. 1700 21 00} Pine Shingles WHITE PINE. |. ae Pine, ros, ¢ and bet- xxxx, 18 inch........ 300 3 25 tert2/ tor ..... 2000 2200| Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 (Wholesale selling price.) Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx 1B inch:.......... 140 1 60 Uppers, 1, 1%,134 and 2 136- ites nessa ter 12 to1@...... 17 00 19 00| White Cedar Shingles Asters wrstesstets sia & = 2 iN atecntheseeeeen Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings 18 00 2000, xxxx, r8inch........ 3 25 3 5° 2% and 3 in....... Shelving, No. x, 13 i Pine s. c. strips...... 14.00 16 00] Clear Butt,18inch 250 2 60 ADS. seis Shaken UD, 2.in.t.s25, > Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 14 00 XX, 18inch......-... 1 50 170 Berit MMs ciciasies ete BS |n, Talis I Zi. .s.cen0e see eeecesconsense 2% and 3 in....... Ghee No. 2 Mouldin a gS Bap A ED Do 85 00 102 iDeeeeeeeee ¢ common, 1 in, 0° ; SARNIA, ONT. 23 and 136 fa--ash 38 co BE sw'ere a the 39 00 UPPERS. 1%x4and5”....... gan ae” 3 in. . 73 00 1in., 10” and up wide..$73 00 1% x6” and up +--+ 25 00 in. 75 00 1%,t%and2” “ .. 73 00 1% xX 10% 26 00 cag up, Ne. i rin. 42 00 2% and 3” “ 3 oo 28 00 and 1% . 52 00/ Box tt a ’ 83 00 25 00 2” Not Guts. 56 00 aay oes 3 ” a No. 2,1 ete 28 00 1in., 8” and u Pn rede: «s+» 63 00 a’ x 6” and up.. 26 00 No. 2 ra oe = = IxI3 1%, 1% and 2 . 63 00 B! % IOP. seu: 27 00 Woag ata; ctehssie 30 00 and 7p 7 and 3” ¥ 73 00 UNS des tit sis co meio « 29 00 Dressing 1H in... 36 00 ith Gail Tax «+» 78 00 No. I BARN. 1x10 and 12...... 42 00 FINE, COM. AND BETTER. MEI =) ta,ale Sete «$24 00 to $31 00 The following quotations on hardwoods re; t the bers, 1 in., 8” and up wide.... 54 00 1%, 1% and 2” oe NS oe co __ price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; ‘ poe he = 3 1% and 1% a s.. 54 00 2%4 and ru. 3300 WHITE ASH. Fy me, mite sre+ 55 00 iis =i Siriciol Hlcans smn ist & and, x inch, 36 00 38.00] 236 to4 oe ‘5 £ COMMON. NO. 2 BARN. to2in ........ 39 00 41 00] Strips ........++e.++5 22 00 Lee eis ; ++ 45 00 to 62 00 Pins. eek, 21 Oto 25 00 and viseres 16 00 1%, 1% to 2” +. 50 00 5300 1%, 1%, and = 23 oo to 25 00 a 2%, 3and 4”.. 6800 73 00 4% and 3”.. 2700 ist & ana, 6 nch rrr Comat each culls, No. I CUTS. NO. 3 BARN. ‘ ‘yx i “ol z ee 15 09 rin., 8’ and up wide... 3500 | trim............ 18 00to 2100 rst & and, 6 inch & &and « 1% in. u a SS po : i st & on in 1st &2nd, white, &up, 2 28 i iat “ Pe te Go uh 16 anc ae 00 to o. up, red.....s.... - 40 00 42 a 2 : « 47 00 2%and3” ‘“ «+» 60 00 BOX 1st & ad,rock,6in &up76 00 28 oo rst & ed, soft,6in & } 00 4! it ++. 62 00 NO 1, 1”, 1% Common and'culls.. 15 00 17 00 Common and 26 09 NO.2 CUTE; ... > -| Meek irs saa 14 oo to I9 00 d i A * ide. No 1 mill culls, MAPLE. ae a 6” and up wi ea = ee 1,1%, 1% 2” 't500to 1800 rst & and hard...... 20 .0 23 00, Ist &and,soft...... .-. 20 00 4 154" ; ae gs Be ee eee Common andculls 1400 5 00 Common and sees 12 00 2 3 «++ 33 00 Mill Run Culls 1”, 1%, 1 234,3and4” * seve 45 00 anda eae * a 00 No. 3 CUTS. io: ay Re 2) “gee BOSTON, MASS. ‘ 1in., 6” and up wide.... 18 00 ite Pi = 1% and 136” are Rachoo a ; Bate: Weis Bina Ope eae ota sO 2" “ ae 21 00 oo. I, ey Preah i PR: I 50 Hisie Common sch een were eee eee 30 ay ganda? nay 00 | GNOHR ARF cpenraee re+ 3 50 if to ind A MILL RUN. a Pee Ran by No. 1 Cuts, r inc as catsiepinia'e 4 «nine otis Sie ae 44 00 eats aa N REA SHINGLES, to ainch...... cece ceeeeseemeescsen 53 00 17 x5 vitge cues 19 00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, No. 2 Cuts, Eanes cee) oe ve th epeehansens en TT X|O AUIS! a2 cis'gnere > . 21 00 5 to'6 x 16")... 2 90 sa knee ARI nee oo i ea ‘ PNxeroll ne ccrtireceecrs . 23 00 C.B. “ ‘ 5 ane ee oe SD: ears vx Wace ar neta spas 25 00 No. 2 ae en 128 I 35 Wee ail eceae £2 3 ; i“ x13 and up.......... 26 00 Spruce, ro and 12 in iditnensions.= gin. and under ..........-. am qacatgtatenay ro and 12 in. ey lengths, ‘To * & and BP oo. 2X4, 2x5 2x7 an random len ALBANY, N.Y. Se eine te ere All ener random lengths, 9 in. and under, 10 Amd Ds ciccsssoaueee Cee rere Uppers, 3 in. ... ...-.-+- 83 85 4 pape Sere seen G24 35 in. and up merchantable boards, sft. & Is 234 in. +» 83 85 | 4/4 inch Lae 3” &up.25 66 Sut ee iD. Feta caeeee cae eee il 1 to 2 in. -» 78 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6’ andup.. 20 21 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and bundied .. ae eer uppers ... .. 88 90 | ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 1%” spruce laths .. elects, 234 in up 77 82 | x2-in. dressing and oe 4° 42 1g a MDs TO 2IN.cnscoes «.. 70 72 | Box, 1xro-in. .... 21 22 = Fine cane 2 . andup 72 75 22 23 Pt Aare CEP OLE 58 60 gl 32 No. 1 cuts, ‘Y to 2 inch 53 55 28 - 35 45 26 3 3° (35 27 (28 No. 1 molding, rtozin..... 48 52 25 26 Eoxtra 1s (Clear ‘whites ‘ont) No. 2 molding, 1 to2in..... 35 £8 33 24 Extra 1s (Clear whites im)..........--+-+see0 Stained saps.....------- ««. 32 40 Shaky clear, 1 to Sl 32 38 Bracket plank ........ ---- 35 45 2 inch. 38 40 BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. Shelving boards, ra-in. up .. 40 4) - eg 24 25 Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 butts to 2 in. Dressin, boards, narrow.... 26 PAGIOD rary auinaie aici 6 aiater as Eurekas, «8 in. rxxq ‘nch shippers ......=- 24 75 : ; r Perfections, 5 butts to 24 thins 22 j ’ Wine 4 * bat ae hoe at + e.? t lag < CRS! 2 . ned oe ime cies: Malamaaan ha ie Vou. XU WEEKLY AND WOOD-WORKER _ EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL — DECEMBER 27, 1905 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 pages} $1.00 per veaR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMbER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 42 Canapa LumBeRMaN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y i= of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. . : Branch Offices: “4 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL _-:720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. Telephone 1274. - ‘¥ae Weekly Lumberman — Published every ‘Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- _ ports of market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading Hidmentic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturersand exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. _ 7. The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, "discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE _ Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- - ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are _ ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. _ This notice shows the width of the line and is set ‘Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch, Ad- tisements must be received not later than 4 ock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in he current week's issue - _ (CEDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Ee Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long,at the Span‘sh boom. Also cedar, sie and spruce lurrber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, _ Larchwood, Ont. ; AS i Fo SALE, A GOOD SAW MILL, CAN SAW TI from 15 to 25 thousand per day, with every- thing complete, nearly new. Apply to ROBERT STEWART, Vasey P O, Ont. aa — ZLYJAVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU Li wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to _ probable buyers by placing an advertisement in _ the Wanted and For Sale Department of this ournal, Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- 3 Tonto ‘ Be 5. LUMBER WANTED E WANT A CONTRACT FOR LARGE ¥ quantities of Plain Red or White Oak 1x3 d wider, as wide as possible, 32 and 63” long, _ ,to be cut from green bolts or logs and shipped when thoroughly weather seasoned. Address W, CANADA LUMBFRMAN, Toronto. FY mg ; I «amber Manufacturing Busi- ness in Canada ye as large tract of White Pine ‘Timber Limits, in the valley of the Ottawa River and its Tributaries, h a modern saw mill on the tawa River, a going concern. Principals onlyof reputable lumber Operating firms will be dealt with. ALEXANDER BARNET, _——sMRRenfrew, Ont., Canada. 536 HASTINGS Sr., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. AW MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE, 25 horse power. Apply to J. EK. MurpHy LUM- BER Co., Marksville, Ont. OR SALE: ABOUT 3 CARS OF 3” ANDI car 2” White Maple. Winter cut. Address ANDREW Knox, Box 22, Norwood, Ont. US se ee ee ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Srmcoz Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED—BLACK ASH AND BIRCH. ASH ,1%" and 1%” in ists and2ndsand No. 1 common. Birch in squares 4x4” and larger. Also a fair quantity of Elm squares 4x4” and larger. Apply W. B. Bartram & Co., Ottawa, Ont. WANTED. ATHS WANTED FOR SHIPMENT BY car this winter. Either 154” or 144”, stand- ard Spruce, Butted 4ft. Address C.S. WENT- WORTH & CO., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass, OR SALE— 100,000 FEET DIMENSION Spruce Timber, to be delivered on first snow roads, viz ,6x6, 7x7, 8x8,9x9, aver- age in proportion abouts zes, Lengths 18 to 32 feet. Address ‘LuMBERMAN,”’ P. O. 6, Victoria- ville, Que. OR SALE.—SAWMILL, BUILT THREE years ago on Cecebe Lake, 9 miles from” Burk’s Falls, capacity from 12 to 15'M. Con- venient for shipping lumber on scows. Address Wm J, PALMER, Cecebe P.O., Parry Sound Dist., Ont. OR SALE AT A BARGAIN—NO. 3 HAM- ILTON Carriage Steam Feed, 7%” cylinders and all connections, circular outfit complete with iron husk, mandril, etc. Two boilers 22 feet long, 4 feet in ciameter, six boilers 20 feet long and 4 feet in diameter, two 14” flues in each. Full Second Hand Outfit for Circular Mill. THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, LIM- ITED, Toronto, Ont, BARGAINS IN Saw Mill Machinery The following machinery is second hand in very good condition and full particulars will be furnished on request: 1-20 x 24Slide valve engine, girder frame. 1-16 x 24slide valve engine box bed. I-10 x 24 slide valve engine with box bed. I-I2 x 16 piston valve engine Tangye bed. 1-8 x 24 Wheelock engine. 1-8 x 10 Rotary valve engine centre crank 1-6 x 7% New slide valve vertical engine. 1-35 H.P. Portable engine with locomotive boiler on wheels. 1-60” x 14 ft. boiler64 344” tubes, 1-60” x 14ft. “ 943%" * Tag sc td ft. "9! | aaa «8 I-60” x 14 ft. “* 643%” “ 2-300 H.P. internally fired boilers 150 lbs, steam, I-8 x Iz x [2 condenser single pattern, I-10 x 6x 10 Knowles duplex pump. I-6 x4 x 7 Duplex pump. 1-125 H P. Moffatt heater. I-log carriage cast 1ron 3 blocks 40” opening Hamilton make. I-log carriage single steel girder 3 blocks 307 opening. I-log carriage cast iron 3 blocks 40” opening. 2-underfloor friction niggers. i-friction bull wheel with car. I-independent friction feed works 10” frictions. 1-set twin circular tie mill, will take 60” saws with steam feed. 2-52’ Pulp wood barkers., I-I2 x 20 Cunningham feed. I-10 x 16 _ re 1-8 x I2 1-Kelly steam log kicker. 1-Steam log loader 1-Steam log turner with horizontal and vertical cylinders. 1-Drag saw belt driven. 1-Gunshot feed 11” cyilnders. A number of first-class second hand circular mill * saws. THE WATEROUS ENGINE WORKSCO ,LTD. Brantford, Canada. “ “se ANTED TO PURCHASE FOR DELIVERY in 1906, 2,000,000 ft. hemlock. THE PaT- TERSON-CILLEY Co., Hamilton, Ont. ANTED—1’, 6/4! AND 2” BJ,ACK ASH, 6/4” and 2” Basswood, all common and better, dry. Box 326, CaNADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. VA Tee eGR QUANTITY OF 12X12, 8X10 and 6x10, also 2”; 3” and 4” plank. Terms cash, Address Box 337, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. 7 a ee OR SALE—60,000 FEET 4/4 BEECH, CUT from large logs of the best quality thorough- ly dry, piled mill run. Address Box 338, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. OR SALE — LUMBER MILL ON GEOR- gian Bay, in first class order, capacity 70,- ooo per day, and two limits on North Shore. Avply ESTATE OF TANNER BROS., Waubau- shene. TYPEWRITER WARTED OUNG MAN, ABOUT TWENTY-FIVE, must understand shorthand and used to Lumber Office. Apply in own hand-writing, giving experience to ‘I yPE-WRBITER,”’ this office. SSE ee EDAR SHINGLES WANTED FOR SHIP- ment this winter. Ten carloads of Extras, standard manufacture and grading. Please quote lowest price less 5 per cent. commission and 2 per cent. for cash, delivered Boston rate of freight. Address, CHARLES S. WENTWORTH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. FOR SALE TOCK OF ELM, BASS, OAK, AND MAPLE, 1904cut. Wewish dimension sizes to cut stock for the coming season; logs consist of Elm, Bass, Maple, Hickory, Ash and Oak. C. P. R. Point, 8 miles from. Toronto. Apply, Box 529, Meadowvale, Ont. | For Sale—Cheap 2 Forty H.P. Boilers with Stack. National Heater with Duplex Steam Pump. Saw Mill Carriage, complete. Iron Saw Frame, friction feed. Four Solid Saws, Grain Grinder. For price write J. S. FINDLAY, Owen Sound, Ont. Massey Harris Co., Limited TORONTO - CANADA Will write a few more contracts for No, 1-2 Hard Maple or Birch 34%X6xX14 No. 1-2. Red Birch 3 and 3%x8x14_ Delivery spring or summer 1906, 1907 and 1908. Write stating quantity can supply and delivery date. Further particulars will be given on application. FOR SALE Lumber Yard, Planing Mill, Sash and Door Factory. Cottage and Stable, 22 Lots 33 x 120 on Railroad Siding. Best location in City, Population 10,000. Sell whole or half interest. Address, BRANDON, Manitoba, Box 399. The Haskell Lumber Company, of Fassett, Que., have secured nearly 10,000,000 feet of logs, in- cluding pine, spruce, cedar, hem- lock, basswood and birch. They are now completing their mill and will commence sawing operations in the early spring. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. This is inventory time, when lum- bermen usually give more attention to the closing up of the year’s busi- ness than to getting orders. The resources of the manufacturers, however, have been so taxed of late that they have much stock yet wait- ing shipment, and consequently there is more than the usual activity. The usual winter falling off has been. almost infinitesimal, so great has been the demand for white pine and hemlock lumber. There are no large blocks that have not been contracted for, and the broken condition of yard stocks would indicate a scarcity before spring. The United States market is still absorbing large quantities of the middle and lower grades. The purchase of the 1906 mill cut of Mc- Lachlin Bros., Arnprior, referred to elsewhere, is no doubt the begin- ning of other important contracts which will be closed within the next few weeks. Dry hemlock is practi- cally out of the market, and orders are being received for green stock. Hardwoods are almost at a stand- still, There are no signs of imme- diate improvement in either demand or price, but if the log production is curtailed, a few weeks might bring” about a wondertul change in this respect. Lath continues to be a feature of great interest. Some manufac- turers have been asked to name a price for their 1906 output, which would indicate that a few buyers at least anticipate a continu- ance of the strong market next year. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLIUMBIA, The condition of the lumber and shingle market ot Western Canada is moderately satisfactory. Busi- ness is good for this season of the year. Agents of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway are now in British Columbia for the purpose of placing orders for bridge timber, ties, etc., but the prices which they are will- ing to pay do not as a rule appeal to the manufacturers, who have lost too much money in the past by selling their output at the cost of production. The trade with builders in Winnipeg, Vancouver and Victoria is still good, with prospects of a large demand in the spring. The shingle market is in an uncer- * ° eT Sy oe eee eae ea iets" Shay ’ Vice foal a ect ¥ vw, i “is quite urgent, © strength. “than one year ago, 3 gare It is . ever, Il. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION “tain condition owing to the fact ‘that the selling agreement of the coast mills terminates at the end of ‘the year. While it would seem to “be in the interest of the manufac- turers to continue the agreement and thus keep the production with- in reasonable bounds, the indica- tions at time of writing are that it will be dissolved. Regardless of what transpires, however, we ex- pect shingle prices to be sustained, for there is now a very small margin of profit in the business. e UNITED STATES. The holiday season does not seem ==to- have greatly interfered with the lumber business this year. There continues to be considerable activity and buyers are making inquiries about next year’s stock. Some dealers who have this year met with “difficulty in securing a supply of lumber have gone into the woods ‘and purchased logs, which they will have manufactured under con- “tract. The call for box lumber If the weather should continue favorable to build- ing and out-door operations, there is not likely to be an immediate falling off in demand, but severe winter weather, accompanied by snow storms, would no doubt un- “favorably affect the volume of trade. The expected advance in prices at the regular monthly meeting of the White Pine Association of Buffalo ‘and Tonawanda did not materialize, but the position is one of decided Spruce is firm and in ‘scant supply, and most of the New *“’England mills are now closed down. Sales are being made above the ‘list prices. The hardwood eae is better although it ~shows no such life as pine and _spruce. Maple and basswood are overstocked and there is not much hope of higher prices until the supply is reduced by a curtailment -in production and increased con- believed, how- that there will be a good “demand tor hardwoods the coming ,,, Spring, as the prices at which they are selling should appeal to the ‘buy ers. Chicago wholesalers are asking 45:25 for No.: 1 white, pine lath f.0 b. cars Chicago, and $4.50 for "No. 1 hemlock. Because of the unusual stringency in the supply of -“iwhite pine, considerable basswood 5 ’ “KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. "LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., and white cedar lath are being dis- posed of. The tendency of shingles is towards higher prices, and with production at a very low point, the market is not likely to weaken be- fore spring. GREAT BRITAIN. While the strong statistical posi- tion of the British market is gener- ally admitted, there is a disposition on the part of importers to defer the placing of contracts until the new year. Shippers are generally asking an advance on last year’s prices, and this the importers are not inclined to pay until they feel certain of an increased consump- tion. At some ports there is con- siderable activity. Travellers in the Birmingham district are asking the following range of prices for St. John spruce: 3 x 6 inch, 48 7s. 6d. to £9 5s. per standard ; 3 be az, 49 7s. 6d. to £9 178. 6d.; 3 x 9, 410 to Gio 10s: 5°3° * 11; GIT 5s. to 411 15s. Cargoes have recent- ly changed hands at from £8 to 48 5s. c.i.f. London, the latter price being realized for a small steamer with something like 60 per cent. of 7 and 8 inch. Importers are showing more wil- lingness to contract for hemlock, which is worth about 46 5s. c.i.f. Hardwoods are, if anything, a lit- tle stronger. We understand that a few sales of birch have been made at an advance of 1d. per cubic foot on last season’s opening prices. STOCKS AND PRICES. It is reported that several Eastern dealers of white pine have contract- ed for the product of mills for the next two years, and on the present basis of values. George Taylor, of Grand Forks, B.C., has been given the contract to get out 2,000,000 feet of logs for the Keatle River Lumber Company. The logs will be cut on the limits up the North Fork. The Dominion Park Company, Street Railway Chambers, Montreal, are asking for tenders for the sup- ply of about 1,000,000 feet of rough and dressed spruce and pine lumber | to be used in the construction of an amusement park at Longue Pointe. The schooner C. S. Holmes has been chartered by the Nanaimo Lumber Company, Nanaimo, B. C., to carry lumber from that place to Mexico. This will be the second KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON & CC 80 St. Francis Xavier Street WHOLESALE LUMBER and. TIMBER Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOUD, LIGA AND PINE MBER “cy apy fee Hrs nap erat nds rigors | EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIM 5 ' At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. © woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in © Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS time in the history of Nanaimo that lumber has been shipped by water from that port. E. H. Lemay, of Montreal, has purchased the entire output of white pine to be manufactured during the year 1906 by McLachlin Bros., of Arnprior, Ont. The amount will probably exceed 50,000,000 feet. This is one of the most important contracts which has been closed for some time and is regarded as indica- tive of the strength of the lumber market. The receipts of lumber at Tona- wanda this year totalled 465,139,603 feet, an increase of 50,000,000 feet over the year 1904. The total would have been still larger if vessels in sufficient number could have* been secured during the later portion of the season to bring down all the stock that the dealers had purchased and intended moving before the | close of navigation. COOPERAGE STOCK. The Sutherland-Innes Company, manufacturers of cocperage stock, Chatham, Ont., say: ‘‘This month we can report a considerable im- provement in the cooperage stock situation. The demand for No. 1 stock is now fairly brisk, and prices have jumped up from 50 cents to 75 cents per 1000 on staves and one- half cent per set on heading, and about 50 cents per 1000 on hoops, although in some instances even more than this. We are looking for a still further increase in prices on staves and heading. Hoops we do not think there will be very much advance in, as they can be produced very quickly and in suffi- cient quantities totake care of the market. The principal demand at the present time is for sugar and flour barrel stock. “All No. 1 stock generally is in very fair demand, and if the present consumption continues it will not take long to clean up the stock at the mills. There is also consider- able demand for cement stock, but No. 2 stock is still comparatively dead. The indications are, however, that No. 2 stock will also begin to move rapidly inside a month. The situation has been in a bad condition for so long, that it is with much © pleasure we are able to report a change for the better, and it looks very much as if the change would be permanent. J vt Samples by Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, § Ss Specialty : verron PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH :M°LENNANLUMBERCO,, LMT L MONTREAL ve Office and bia s7! DORCHESTER ST. Send for Catalogue “The tight barrel stock site is also in very good shape. 1 barrel stock of all kinds is in demand, in fact, the deman almost i excess Of the supply, certain lines very much in exc the supply, and it is almost im W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. & Manwfacturer of . - Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. | and White Oak, Maple and Elm Lum Can supply Second Growth White or squares up to 38 in. long in large qu i H. D. WIGCIN 225% will inspect at mill and PAY CAS) LOG RU: Elm, Ash, Bass and other Ha eo # CorRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. © Established 1889. We Solicit the Trade of Retailers Only. ra E. J. DAVIS MFG. 2ist and Morgan = ; CHICAGO — —Manufacturers of— xs veneered Doo E. J. DAVIS MFC. ¢ 21st. and Morgan Streets, e CHICAGO, ILL., U.S. A. ‘| Our Doors are known the world over recognized as the best made. (Send logues and price lists. © " ~ KNIGHT BROTHER: Burk’ LIMITED 3 MONTREAL, QUE. . f Sai af ey December 27, 1905 to get good dry whiskey stock at anything like reasonable figures.” ‘The following are the current ices of cooperage stock at Buffalo, SLacK BARREL STOCK. STAVES. =i See $8.50 @ $9.00 SE eo aoe 5-50 @ 6.00 Mill run hardwood staves... 5.75 @ 6.25 } HEADING. ee eo oeeae 53% @ 6c. ee AED 4@4%c. arene oer iain @ 437 c. ELM AND HICKORY HOOPS. mG feet...... atte eae $9.50 @ $10.00 Bee cis s)coe vam 8.50@ 9.00 Sees Sins a0! = 6.00 @ 6.50 TIGHT BARREL STOCK. : STAVES. - ooo eh Ae ee $25.00 eyeanorg5 X .%---.+.---- 67.00 Rie Madge eee ene 55-00 % bucked mbiskey Bahay wa cats 40.00 sas ste occas a 2 35.00, Beers ore> =) ss 52.00 ES eee 33:00 1 eee eee $12.50 @ $13.50 9:00 @ 10.00 Pra? . oo. eo _ THE GLASGOW MARKET. _ Messrs. Edmiston & Mitchells, Glasgow, Scotland, say : There have been gratifying in- ations of trade improvement in the city and neighborhood and tim- ber has benefitted along with other astries. . While the improved conditions no’ doubt owe very much » the great shipbuilding activity “the Clyde, still the general de- d seems to have revived some- jat within the past month or two, is satisfactory torelate. Insome ms the demand has exceeded the TELEGRAPH POLES - WANTED We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your _ Cedar into Poles it will net _ you more than you can get ® out of it in any other way. 3. FARWELL & SON sapmsesiors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. ant er po ¢ Ont. Oswego, N.Y. 7 i: 4 my a a | CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. supply, notably so in the case of spruce, pitch pine and teak, the import of which has beea unusually meagre of late, and, as a_ con- sequence, values have moved up sharply, and, so far as can be judged, are likely to continue high for some time. A gratifying feature of late has been the increased demand for Quebec 3rd pine deals, practically all of which arriving recently found ready sale from the ship’s side, whereas earlier in the: season similar goods had, in nearly all instances, to be stored. The scarcity of imported shelving pine boards partly explains the im- proved demand. Quebec ist and 2nd pine deals have also been en- quired for, but sidings, which are more plentiful, have been rather pressed for sale. American hardwoods have been moving away pretty freely, with the exception, perhaps, of quartered oak boards, the high prices of which have tended to restrict the consumption, and have caused a run on plain oak as a substitute. The position of the market, as a whole, can be unhesitatingly des- cribed as very firm, with a tendency to higher, rather than lower, prices. Whitt Pine.—There has been no import during the month. The demand has been fairly active, and deliveries from ponds have been rather better than usual. Stocks are still ample. Prices are firm. Oak.—The demand has been quieter this month, and there have been no sales of any importance. There are, however, one or two big enquiries pending, which will bye- ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, spite sae Cedar Posts and Ties ; . SPECIAL LOTS—t1o00,000 of Ba aah Cc. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12.000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16,000 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 3 POSTS We are getting out CEDAR and can cut any SPECIAL SIZES a Che Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. ‘Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. SARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER 6O., cares 604 Temple Building, Toronto : MILLMEN— Cash: buyers all kinds HARDWOODS. Cable address “'Quartered Toronto.’’ Codes, A.B8.C., sth and Lumberman’s and-bye tend to reduce the stock somewhat. Prices are firm. Ei_m.-—Enquiries have been more numerous, and there have been some sales of small parcels at satis- factory prices. Stocks are moder- ate. QueBEc Bircu.—The November import consists of 78 logs and 150 loads of planks. An active de- mand exists for logs, and good prices can be secured for such, but planks have been coming forward pretty freely of late, and a lot of them have gone into store, the asking price not having been ob- tainable in all cases ‘‘ex quay.” Sales of planks have been made at from 16d. to 17d. per foot. AsH.—No logs came to hand during November, and there are none on hand now for sale. No better proof of the scarcity of ash can be advanced than the fact that the logs in store, which were near- ly all old and inferior, have been cleared up without trouble, at quite satisfactory prices. Deas, &c.—The import has been on the-usual moderate scale, and the bulk of the pine and spruce deals arriving per ‘‘Liners” have been disposed of ex quay. Sidings have been arriving too freely, and the greater portion have gone into store. Stocks all over are light. Prices are firm. Current values are as under:— ; BroaD First Pine Deats—£33 to £35; 11-inch, £30 to 432; ends and non-dimensions, 423 to £25 10S. Szeconp Pine DEALS—11-inch and up, 419 to £21; ends and non- dimensions, 413 10s. to 415. TuirD PINE DEALS—1I11-inch and to 414; ends and up, 411 ras. non-dimensions, £9 10s. to £10 IOs. Rep Pine Deats—g and 11-inch, 49 tos. to £10 10s.; Narrows 47% tos. to £8 10s. First PINE SIDINGS AND STRIPS— 9 to 10 inch, £23 to 424; 11 to 12 inch, £25 to 426; 13 to 14 inch, Pars to £28. FELBER, JUCKER & CO; Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles, Chair tock, Seats, ete., or any, -~ Woods Suitable for English Market. vt Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER: I, Dean Holden, Pres. F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gent. Mgr, | te E. C. Barre, Ass’t: bs es Saw Mills oun Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealerajim }}) 9 Timber, Lumber, - Lath and White*2 Pine Shingles: Special Bills Cut to Order ints ee White Pine, Norway and. Fir, any length from 10’ to 60° long. — SARNIA,-ONT.- she mm! THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LiMiTEo SAW AND PLANING; ‘MILLS, WARREN, | Ont, ‘RED AND WHITE PIN “DEALS ‘All kinds of SAWN. LUMBER By. Carload or Cargo.’ Registered Cable Address, *** PincwGoult oS Am MANCHESTER, ENG. TORONTO, CAN: ica it Tamberman’ »"Yelecode. Ferguson Lumber ee LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Let us know your requirements - Prompt Shipments OB82O28UO84888888O TE RVVOUCSTBVVBOBHSSBT R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R. S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. CRBVQVACOVOM CACHE BAY LUMBER _INDUSTRIES}««« SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO" : MANUFACTURERS OF Mills at Sandwich, Ont. d ey WeVSEVESDeVVEBVBG*DBD RRA ee Geo. Gordon & Gor Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Gircular bes tao ee _ Ont. a6 miles West North Bay Gail fia be diy Ae sea frie) ees a Gane — ph ¥- hares Et ae BN SL OOo Cee RS ae ne ec pe iy “a > * 1" * We s , \ PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANT WHOLESALE ; Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO FOR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try ; JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED. We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, | OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. \ Amherst, N.S. Office: 503 Manning Chambers - - awn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, ”shiting ”" QUEBEC F. MCCIBBON & SONS, PENETANGUISHENE Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood . Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MANUFACTURERS OF 1 White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited MILLS at SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. on “Soo”? Branch C. P. R. Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES< Coristine Building, Montrea. And at Mills at Spragge. THE M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFAGTORING GO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. dae eee ere rarer rrrrree errr ———E—E—E—EEe—_ THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH — The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA FINE Bank of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., = MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES: Railway riage Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumper, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B, C Fir Timber in any size or length up to go feet long. Timber Planers face ap to 24 inch x30 inch, Dry Kilas of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. RITE POR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. AUGER & SON Manufacturers of and Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of hs e Both Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. \ 1% ; ' ‘ } re ” ee Pity iY, Peeters be Be THOME, ae it eee, A ie eS ae, eae, ey CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION DIAN MANUFACTUR Ne | A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds at close pri e- (160 Bay St. Toronto We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P*.ze, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles re ° 4 December ance ec eR a STREP a we re oe rer en nan emer eee ERS and ‘ [OTR RW AE ERNE RMT NTA OE ” el i a - ’ rs + Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . bee MIDLAND, oO A. & P. WAIGE Manufacturersofand) ©. - « Dealers in...... ’ . ee? PEMBROKE O . +r MAITLAND, RIXON & GO, srssno anufacturers and Dealers 7 ae vit die LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill St We ship by C. P. R., G, T. R., and by Water. . THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMIT National Lite Chambers, TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cation. a HARDWOOD FLOORING C 4 THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited - Factory, Meaford, O it, HARDWOOD FLOORING ; MANUFACTURED IN a MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OA 3%, %, 7%. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, — End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Ee ery) Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and “in PS ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY : A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line’’ because it reaches into and through the very heart of the choicest hunting grounds in America. _ The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire No rh is reached ONLY by thisline,. Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- jally to the sporting public and durng_ the vario us seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along its lines upon applica- tion to the nearestticket agent. Italsoarranges its train service with special reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make travel over their lines pleasant and comfort- - OWBN SOUND, OR 7 AVERTSE YOUR WANTS Ganada LUMDérman the able. This line offers the best route between Chicago, gt, Paul shiwaukee, ioncepots cr fo teks | Toronto Montreal Win Information given by addressing— Vancouver ea JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R.R. M. Milwaukee | —— P E eR iis elke y Re Ast ee Dye 1,3 t 7x Mi s December 27, 1905 CANAEA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. UNITED STATES MANUFAGTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YQU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. w WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS | = BY t . RALL.MALL WIRE OR ‘PHONE SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at Lirr_e Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, La., ALLENTOWN, LA. ee ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty THE WICKS LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. WILL PAY CASH FOR BLACK ASH AND ROCK ELM SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER Muskegon, Mich. | J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, - HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, BURY & NOBLE wason a nos: ~ LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. MICHIGAN FRANK GC. BURY ~ MICHIGAN | WHOLESALE McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, ‘CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Milis: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. Corresponierce Invited on All Hardwoode. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers | Cable Address ‘ ee worn,” * Liverpool.2 Dale 8t., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, POOL, ENE F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street a ® ed CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE ; ed to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kin ned 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, °* *%tnsox"2°¢ tie Address ‘‘Belly wood, London.’ Hardwoods in Log, Ete. ‘orresvondence S olicited. IMPORTER OF meer Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS es CTORY Co CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & SO. Wood 1 gents and Brokers Cable Address : “ GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER) | BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAN TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elm Staves and Heading, Handles of all descriptions Veneers A Specialty SMITH & TYRER = (4 Tithebam Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. GANT & KEMP a TIMBER 62 5t, Enoch Saure, GLASGOW 6} B Rt K E i S Cable Address: “ oe eames Avrand A RC Crdec use Telegrams end eu “Woodfeller, Codes : Te Western Union, a es and C. 4th and 5th Edit THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made > Ageinat shipping documents, Rock El Hickory mg rh dUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID, Timber Importers se Canes of Lumber and Manufactured Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. 1) oods suitable for the English MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Pianks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock part Logs and Planks. Ogs. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPA ‘WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. : LIVERPOOL Liverpool and London Chambers = CABI,E ADDREss. “ DOBYK — CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ; _ December 27a vi. curcomm FA. HEAPS & CO., ™" “ne 7 i umber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AM{ HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. i ea a J. G. Seana cower, BC W. J. SHEPPARD PRESIDENT t. ancouv Waubaushene, On MANUFACTURERS OF ef j FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUGE LUMBER Ors pimited J LATH, MOULDINGS ~ per Cc | TURNED WORK Com St OM ee, BS HICH GRADE pacilic ancorY RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, ronwiel 4 EY WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. j. E. YOUNG, Cash ie ee a 3 “ D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. oe ee ee The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. Menutecrurss White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work sass CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT dene ontari ite me Ae Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Liealigd Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Idings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four ene ye - We also Manufacture all kinds of Mou J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED | Planing, Matching, Resawing, ‘te BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. Manufacturer of ee eae Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceili oil 3 Repent Lumber & se, tartgoed and, enc, tags | ctsors”” HARDWOOD "FLOORING Pi pad Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnin SPECIALTY ie Dressed Lumber ‘crm Dried in Any gaan.” ie Pe, J. R. EATON 7 - Orillia, © i at. a Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. ¢ Lumber Ein Deied if iene Shing! le Co. 9 Limited cago pW SINS A S SPECIALTY ‘Wantouver, B. C. Tie mention itis paper when corresponding with advertisers , Tayaant W. B. McKgcaunig, President. Cc. MacRAg, , Manag "4 Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A LUMBER ( : 0 is fof 46 -perveent. of the Shingles manufac- Wancouver, = Cc. Mares Manufacturers o i itish “Columbia. ily shippi cape ve milo ee | BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR VAR All sizes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet ida Pies i fal B. C. FIR—DIMENION AND FINIH = % 3 —W. ite DIRECT to— Fi aR W. F. HUNTTING B. 2 Ree gedar «« SHINGLE ot Lumber Company, Ltd. Ee VANCOUVER 4 + : i ; (areas es RX Me F Pra Bee oe: ee Baar ee ee eee ‘ te ye ae rs Pe an | ee * aS, ob an | = ob baalbatg Dore yy, NS A N= SF S>. FS NS NS? | NEE) NEE Sd SH ° oy Slip Nail all Nea Oe = =r’ ; ht Dek Os ket Psat CL =) —— oe Ai > - ils A A A BS = = iS “Hastin gs Shin gle Manufacturing | Company, Limited Vancouver, B. C. =) He SPE SA ———s 2 Ph *, \ . te Za Ney PS SN, HIGHEST QUALITY Fi ir ana Cedar Lumber NAA SSS aS SS Sees s ~ i eee a eee “X N \ FS a Y 4 4 : JUST A GENTLE REMINDER Dimension; Flooring, Ceiling and Siding; Interior and Exterior Finish; of all Kinds, That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. Our Specialty : "Red Cedar SHINGLES - Plain and Fancy Butts, 16 in. and 24 in, Long a: \ va RQ ea VEEN AN) ZN AN Ss ~ I Ae eS Se ets 4844 '¢ 4.66” eee Ne” NN NUT) GAS SN ¢ Re war RT Mea ee EN 22N 2aN 22 EN ZEN aN ZENZA ZN ZN ZN ZN ZN ry, WNSQiwsSwsS ; SS —— ~ NSIS IS EN ; ‘SPECIAL ATTENTION given to the Canadian Northwest Trade. The Red Deer Lumber Company i 17.) Order Now: Deliver Now, while Cars are Plentifu! . Me WINNIPEG, MAN. , WA 4 . ei fA e~ =, =S5y =S5y = p> ag The WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUF’G. CO. Limitea PEDWELL &A LEMCKE, "3" 9 Ontario NTARI : a _ a le hata F 9 MANUFACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber > re _ BUS wea eobaite Dp 4 HEMLOCK, PIME and HARDWOODS, SHINGLES and LATH, |“ Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. And All Kinds of House Furnishings. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. ~ SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements £S li Board d k Be 4 °@- aiid Rauude Poste Doyle's Roles, and much other Sacre °@- cal information. H P ric ce 35 Cents | lal in THE CANADA LU M BERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. ec: , a Bs Ls aa ‘ i get a “ERD, OR re ee Pr) sie Wy > Het r ~ ve Seer ot Sk ek Rm ES ee et Se seed = Naa ee 2 Tf VIII. THE ONTARIO LU Mi BER C9 sures Mutts: North Bay. C.P.R. and G.T.R. Delivery. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU R. B. ST. GEORGE Y, LUMBER and RAILWAY, CONTRACTORS’ AGENT 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad Work. - - Phone 1,950 time MoLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., cites Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. bec. ADDRESS : eT ae ONES Bg f 1 + ts t “ eee ‘ 10 147 Milkst 7 Py rs hy CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION * MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. — Hane and ¥uilding L ORONTO, Ont. Muxts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- Provinces and are prepared to. purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. BOSTON, MASS. Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES--WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 in. dead cull sidings 12 00 13 5° 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 06 Hemlock,1x4 to 8im. 14 00 15 09 2x4 to 10 in.,Iv to 16ft. 15 50 16 5> ax4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16*50 17 5? 1 inch No. 1 Pine cuts & becter.....- $49 00 51 00 1% inch Nol cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00 No 1 Cuts and Better......----+ 5600 58 00 | Clear inch B. C. cedar, 1% in.No.2 Pine kiln dried.......++++ 5 50 00 cuts and better.... 44 00 46 00 | Clear inch B, C. cedar 2” No 2 Pine Cuts air dried boat lumber 55 00 and Better........ 46 00 48 00 Douglas fir dimension 1% inch No. 3 Re aia 25 to 30 eect 30 00 etter... 40.00 42 00| Douglas fir dimension lenge ; i timber, 30 to 35feet , 31 00 a’ No 3 Cuts and Better .sc..0-c-- 00 42.00 44 00} 1% in. No. 1 4ft. Pine 1in. Pine Dressing Lath........... vevee 400 4 25 and better shorts 23 00 24 00 1% in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 30 3 40 1x4, 6and 8 common 19 00 20 00 146” No. 1 32” pine lath 2 00 Ix 10 common...... 2000 2I 00 1%" No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 3 50 1X12commion...... 22 00 24 00 XXXX Pine Shingles 299 3 00 2x10 common...... z0 50 21 5°| XX Pine Shingles .. 220 2 30 2and 3x1z common. 23 00 25 00 X Pine Shingles .. go rio inch box and XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 25 common ...--+++++ Ig 00 20 cO B. C. Shingles Inch mill rumsidings a: 00 22 00 XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 2 90 rin. millrun...... . 21 00 22 00 XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 312 x10 and 12 mill culls 17.00 18 00 XXXXX 5tozin.. 345 inch mill cull Sid- xx No, 2,6to2in.. } 230 BURBS. seiner Ss SPAS ..16 00 16 50] XX 6 to 23-16 in. HARDWOODS—PER M, FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, 1sts and Soft Elm, mill run 20 00 321 00 ands,1to2in. $3300 35 00 | Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, ists and and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 ands, I to21n.... 3000 3200 Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 RAIN? o(dsicletacist-» 2 22 00 23 00| Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 00 Birch,c*mmon and Maple common and better, 11m....... 23 00 24 00 better, 1in......21 00 22 0 Birch, common and Maple common and better, 1% to3in 25 00 27 00 better, 1% toz3in 23 00 24 Birch, millrun.... 20 00 21 00 Maple, millrun...19 00 20 Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, ists and better, 1in.. 21 00 2200| and aznds...... -+ 46.00 §0 09 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, and bet.,1%tozin 23 00 24 00 ists and 2nds.... 44 co 46 00 Basswood, millrun 18 00 20 00 Oak,quartered, ists Soft Elm, common and znds..... «+. 70 00 7, 00 and better, 1in.. 24 00 25 00| Hickory, :xsts and Soft Elm, common HG OARS oeoonae 36 00 3800 and bet. 1% to 2in 26 00 25 00° QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white gine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.....---+ 35 45 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. £8 63 ie bi "19 toz0inchaverage ‘* “ 7» 62 — 65 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality.......--++---. ete Ama Shipping order - i Ma Ma cccalesna yikes sue Nae OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . he 45 50 ; ELM. By the dram, accordin to average and quality goto 45 feet. 6§ 75 4 ve HW) “" 30to35fet. §2 54 ASH. 10 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . 26 28 Average 16 inch. . ... a Peele ee é 300 32 BIRCH. 14 Inch “ . id ‘Surpaactie Bee 0 qian nee eee 6.) 5° £ ’ ee We : eon Se 31 17 Pa ‘ rer FAG tector 36 - ; oh c me 38 40 OTTAWA, ONT. ; MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, good sidings: rxro No. x barn.... 20 00 1m.x8in.andup 40 00 4200|1x10o No.2 “ .... 16 @0 ry in «1% in. x 1x8 & g No.1 barn.... 17 00 8in.and up...... 5000 5600[1x8&qNo.2" .... 15 00 Pine Shorts 6’ to 11” cansee eseees 1600 17 €0 2in, x 8in.and up 54 00 56 00 No.2 cuts 2x8"&up 4400 3600] xt BANK ST. CHAMBERS _W. B. BARTRAM & CO. | White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Specialties: Basswood and Birch. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. .* oy Barge or car load J. GORDON MACLAREN © DIMENSION TIMBER | SASH . MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN a Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Px Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension S WIARTON, OWT. 1 So In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. % Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. Pine good strips : Pine, box boards.... 13 00 15 00 Tin.sseree eesseeeee 34 CO 36 00 | Pine mill culls . 1200 1500 14 in. and 13 in... 36 00 40 00 | Pine O. culls....... 7 50 8 50 eid cides ene sesee 38.00 40 00 | Spruce, 1x4” & u 14 00 Pine, good shorts: Spruce, 1” stocks, Tit,..... ....+++ 28 00 3000 7. 8,9 and 10”... 15 00 1¥ in.and 1% in... 34 00 40 00 Spruce,1” clear (fine 21N. .s...ss00e0+ «+ 38.00 4200| dressing and B.. 24 00 7’ to "9 A Sidings.. 15 00 | Hemlock ..... oy 13 00 ne, No. 1 dressing Lath, per M siding.... ... .. 2200 27 00 No. 1 white pine1}4"x4! 3 50 Pine, No. x dressing No, 2 white pine.... 3 00 StrIPS...... .+0++,++ 18 00 25 00 Spruce, mill raon...-- 3 00 Pine No.1 dressing Red Pine, mill run.. 3 00 shorts .....+ +++. +. 1700 21 00 Pine Shingles Pine, tos, ¢ and bet- xxxx, 18 inch......-+ 300 3 25 ter 12’ to 16’ ..... 20 00 2200 Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- SxURB.inch..0cc.+20-06% 401P x CO ter 17? torf...... 17 00 19 00| White Cedar Shingles Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 00 20 00 xXxXxxX, 18 inch......-. 325 3 5° Pine s. c. strips..... . 1400 16 00 Clear Butt,18inch.... 2 50 2 60 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 1§ 00 14 00 xX, 18 inch......-.-. 150 170 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. 1%x4and 5”.....-.-- . $22 00 1in,, 10” and up wide..$73 00 1% x6” and up.......-. 25 00 1%, 1% and 2” ts +» 73 00 %x 10% ceuperriesecee . 26 00 2% and 3” “|. 78 00 14% x 12"....... tie e.nieleieloe 28 00 4! “1, 83.00 1% x 6’ and up.......- +» 25 00 1% x 10”.......- aoe Nene 26 00 SELECTS, DIBA Die colle ainsi 28 oo 1in., 8” and up wide.... 63 00 2’ x 6’ and up..... ..-+- 26 00 1%, t%4anda” “ ,... 63 00 Bee matOC, cies tae she neoanae ?7 00 2% and 3” SE oes uae a ieetia cp nese OTOL IS + 29 00 4 *S aeee 7B 00 No. 1 BARN. FINE, COM. AND BETTER. PTE x. aise ..$24 00 to $31 00 1 in., 8’ and up wide.... 54 00 1%, 1% and 2” ag oo to 32 00 1% and rig’ wy“ «ss. 54 00 2% and 3”..... 33,00 ay “t | eae. 55 00 PY oe ane ced 36 00 FINE COMMON, No. 2 BARN. 1s sfpielarate Watery .. 45 00 to 62 00 Teton wees. 21 OOLO 25 00 1%, 1% to2”.. 5000 53 00 1%, 1%, and 2” 23 oo to 25 00 2%,3and 4”.. 68 00 73 00 2% and 3”..... 27 00 NO. I CUTS NO, 3 BARN. 1in., 8” and up wide... 35 00 Panes cts ae 18 00 to 21 00 1¥% in. } ++. 45 00 1%, 1% and 2” 20 ooto 22 50 1h in. * ++. 46 00 BI wes amna cence 22 00 2 ‘ «++ 47 00 2%and3” “ ... 60 00 sees 4” * -++ 62 00 NO 1, 1”, 1%, 3 ne ae soar 14 oo to 19 00 4 Opa (CO TEs No.1 mill culls, A a and up wide... 20 ps 1,1%, 1% 2” r1§00to 18 00 I ire ange 154" tee 00 MILL CULLS. “ue o : sees 33 00 Mill Run Culls 1”, 14,1 2%,3and4” ‘“* .... 45 00 and 2”.. le tl A Be No. 3 CUTS. No, 2, a a ee Cs) 1in., 6” and up wide.... 18 00 : 1% and 1%” ‘* ss... 20 00 * est 2 “ 21 00 He. ih a) Me ates ee eenme 4 a 2%, 3 and 4” “ ee 27 00 « 2, 4! eee ry 5 ° 8” es MainleNs aren MILL RUN. Wo: 3,48" pide 435 Cg! ccke dh ine Oey wee 18 00 SHINGLES. Mme taal cos se wistelblorn inte Ig 00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, 1’ x6 and 8”............ 21 00 Bite Ge 167. or. 275 300 BOP ONES stots s wick sae +. 23 00 C.B. i! i 175 200 PUT aie esis eae ele +++ 25 00 Nova yie ee 128 I 35 1” x1i3and up........-.. 26 00 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Uppers, 3 In. ... «. .-0--- 83 85 | 1x12 inch shi POIs +2 2-040 $24 25 SIGUE sins cppidgereee 83 85 | 4/4 inch i 13’ &up.25 66 1to2in.......- PA ay 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6’ andup.. 20 a1 inch uppers ....+++.e0e0-s g@ | ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Satects, 2% in up.....-..: 77 §82| x2-1n. dressing and better... 40 42 Ito2in..... ceegee cesses 70 73 Box, IEx10-in, .......462-04. ZI 22 Fine common, 23% in. and up 72 75 Box, 1x12..... sivaem a) bole e se ealrea T tO 2M. cee sees ssececcnees No. x barn, 1x12........... 31 32 No. x cuts, x to2inch...... 53 55 PEEece cence rcscene a0 28 NO.2.cccccsecccccesccess 35 45 ANB eecccccincccvece vecves 26 INO. 3.002 ee ccenrccee weees 30° 35| No. 2 barn, rxrz........... 27 28 No. 1 molding, rto2in..... 48 52] IK1O...+.s-eeeessererseee 35 26 No. 2 molding, x to2in....- 35 ©8} — 1xB...+..--e seer eeveeeere 24 Stained sapS...--2+-eeeee++ 32 40 Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4in...... 32 38 Bracket ey carer er | oP i eter 40 Shelving boards, 12-in. up .. 40 4 Dressing .....0 sseseceees 24 25 boards, narrow.... i eh aearcie b sintals.piee 25 1xz@ inch shippers ......—- 24 75 HINTONBURG, ONT. B. C. Cedar Shingles BLINDS Write for quotations. DOORS LATH. sites Bite’ s,s vias cha ne Baeeecee AD | Spruce’ 4 shedbseece oe SHINGLES. : : Sawed Pine ex. XXxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x38 ; Clear butts.......... 350 3 75| He An seein) Smooth 6x18....... 4 50 4 75 Spruce ...0+ececneeeem r : BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY. ‘ rs z i] WHITE PINE. Lote TY I3G iN.eccvcceveees Ws silts sn apieu es Go| '2 in a cewenvew come 2% and 3 in... 5 oo | Shelvin, Se 7) 2 45 A ADS ee dete ‘ Fine common, 1 1% and 1% in 2 in.. UD vows sswee ies 4 : Cut’g up, No. 1,1 14% and 13 in..... 2” Noy Cuts...... No. 2) © IM..cceeee ; No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 39 00 ERIB: cesiene No. 3,1%, and 13 27 00 1x1g and up .« No. 3.2” sesecccree 30 00 xi sual xe aie. Dressing 1% in...... 36 oo| Mill Culls, x, 1%, “ee. 14x10 und 12....4 42 00 and 21n......+.+ The following quotations on hardwoods represent price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; . the jobber's 1 ‘ab WHITE ASH. ‘ ist & and, 1 inch, 36 00 38 0co| 2 tog Itacs even 1% tozin .....-.« 39 00 4I 00 IPS .-cavesene Com. and culls... BLACK’ AND, BRO;NDAAH Tone ist & zna, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00 | Com. & good culls... 15 © CH. i we 1st &and,white,¢ &up, 28 00 3 Com. & good culls..... 16 00 ELM. pe ‘ 1st & ad,rock,6in &up 26 oo 28 00 | 1st & ed, soft, 6in & Common and culls.. 1§ 0¢ 17 00 Common and c eee ig MAPLE. ' : 1st & and hard...... 20 00 23 00 1st &and,soft.. Common and culls. 1400 15 00 { Common and ist & and, 6insh & IR! up, r + 40 Oo aed 00 BOSTON, MASS. ~ White Pine Uppers, 1 tozinch...... aeoe ceeeee $84 00 to § Selects, 1 to 2 inch ‘e070 G0) Fine Common, 1 inCh.......c00 cereeecereensereee 60 00 1M to 2imCH, 0... eee e cence eee ses 6000 © No. 1 Cuts, 1 in 44,00 © 1% to 2inch - 53 00 No. 2 Cuts, rinch.....ssececeee ceceeteeneneeseres 3000, 1% toainch........-+-+ nee sae etve wate cee en Barn Beans; No... --4+++-<9 =) 33 50 Q. 2. ofc es0evebesin ce cnsissasins aaa No. 3.. : . a eae Spruce, 10 and 12 in. dimension........- i ' gin. and under .......--+-005 seeeereeseee ro and 12 in. random lengths, ro ft. and up ...... 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2X6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, 10 ft. and up...... .... © oc efile adie S55 Seis a All ren J ey lengths, 9 im, and under, 10 Sand Ups. wes... lectern ee ink he 5 in. and up merchantable 8 ft. & up,p.1s Out Spruce antable boamimp 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 8 clipped and A! eee wversee ecoeeeeee Ceeeseee® seeeee ee eweeseersreee eae teen eeee BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. nee ak 5 butts to 2 im. ... a, ° m2 a eee! ;: Pertections, 5 butts to 2if im, —. —— 2 WEEKLY AND WOOD WORKER EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL — JANUARY 3, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 pages} $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition. every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUS ACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 43 Canapa [LLuMBERMAN } ‘The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u fe of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. 4 Branch Offices: “hes 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL | : 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. = Telephone 1274. _ §36 HaSTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. The Wee! Lumberman — Published every See ectninn reliable and up-to-date re- orts of market conditions and tendencies in the : al manufacturing districts and leading ic and foreign wholesale markets. A kly medium of information and communica- between Canadian timber and lumber manu- t and exporters and the purchasers of oducts at peep and hor ; : ona Lumberman— A 44-page journal, mg fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE \dvertisements will be inserted in this depart- ‘it at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. en four or more consecutive insertions are discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. shows the width of the line and is set type; 12 lines make one.inch. Ad- nents must be not later than 4 ck p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in = current week's issue 'EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND - Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Span’sh m. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for 3 J at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchwood, Ont. ; : OR SALE, A GOOD SAW MILL, CAN SAW from 15 to 25 thousand per day, with every- ng complete, nearly new. Apply to ROBERT TEWART, Vasey P O, Ont. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU . wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to b ae’ pig placing an advertisement in ‘a: and For Sale Department of this Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- LUMBER WANTED (JE WANT A CONTRACT FOR LARGE ‘Y quantities of Plain Red or White Oak 1x3 _ wider, as wide as possible, 32 and 63” long, cut from green bolts or logs and pipece en thoroughly weather seasoned. Addr {ADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE ‘ess Li mber Manufacturing Busi- ness in Canada ae large tract of White Pine er Limits, in the valley of the awa River and its Tributaries, ‘a modern saw mill on the awa River, a going concern. rincipals only of reputable lumber iting firms will be dealt with. ALEXANDER BARNET, Renfrew, Ont., Canada. Sav MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE, 25 horse power, Apply toJ E. Murpuy Lum- BER Co., Marksville, Ont. - Vyenrm TO PURCHASE FOR DELIVERY in 1906, 2,000,000 ft. hemlock. THE PAT- TERSON- TILLEY Co., Hamilton, Ont. ANTED—1”’, 6/4’ AND 2” BI,ACK ASH, 6/4” and 2” Basswood, all common and better, dry. Box 326, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. VW ANTED--LARGE QUANTITY OF 12x12) 8x10 and 6X10, also 2”, 3” and 4” plank. Terms cash. Address Box 337, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. Fo SALE—60,000 FEET 4/4 BEECH, CUT from large logs of the best quality,thorough- ly dry, piled mill run. Address Box 338, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE Src OF ELM, BASS. OAK, AND MAPLE, 1904 cut. Wewish dimension sizes to cut stock for the coming season; logs consist of Elm, Bass, Maple, Hickory, Ash and Oak. C P.R. Point, 8 miles from Toronto. Apply, Box 529, Meadowvale, Ont. VA] ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SmmcoE Woop AnD LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. VV ae EL Ace ASH AND BIRCH. ASH 1”,1%" and 1%” in ists and 2nds and No. 1 common. Birch in squares 4x4” and larger. Also a fair quantity of Elm squares 4x4” and larger. Apply W. B. BARTRAM & Co., Ottawa, Ont. OR SALE.—SAWMILL, BUILT. THREE years ago on Cecebe Lake, 9 miles from Burk’s Falls, capacity from 12 to 15 M. Con- venient for shipping lumber on scows. Address Ld J. PALMER, Cecebe P.O., Parry Sound Dist., nt. BARGAINS IN Saw Mill Machinery The following machinery is second hand in very good condition and full particulars-will be furnished on request : 1-20 x 24Slide valve engine, girder frame. 1-16 x 248lide valve engine box bed. I-10 x 24 slide valve engine with box bed. I-12 x 16 piston valve engine Tangye bed, 1-8 x 24 Wheelock engine. 1-8 x 10 Rotary valve engine centre crank 1-6 x 74% New slide valve vertical engine. 1-35 H.P. Portable engine with locomotive boiler on wheels. | 1-60” x 14 ft. boiler64 314” tubes. 1-60" x ft. “ 743%" £6. x 14 fe SS Gg 35g" 1-60” x14 ft. ‘* 64 37a" eg 2-300 H.P, internally fired boilers 150 lbs, steam, I-8 x Iz x Iz condenser single pattern. I-lo x 6 x 10 Knowles duplex pump. 1-6x4x 7 Duplex pump. 1-125 H.P. Moffatt heater. 1-log carriage cast 1ron 3 blocks 40” opening Hamilton make. t-log carriage single steel girder 3 blocks 30” opening. 1-log carriage cast iron 3 blocks 40” opening. 2-underfloor friction niggers. i-friction bull wheel with car, I-independent friction feed works 10” frictions. 1-set twin circular tie mill, will take 60” saws with steam feed. 2-52” Pulp wood barkers, I-I2 x 20 Cunningham feed. I-10 x 16 ss As I-8x Iz St 3 ‘ 1-Kelly steam log kicker. 1-Steam log loader. 1-Steam log turner with horizontal and vertical cylinders. ; 1-Drag saw belt driven. 1-Gunshot feed 11” cyilnders. A number of first-class second hand circular mill saws. THE WATEROUS ENGINE WORKSCO.,LTD. Brantford, Canada. TYPEWRITER WANTED OUNG MAN, ABOUT TWENTY-FIVE, must understand shorthand and used to Lumber Office. Apply in own hand-writing, giving experience to ‘“T yYPE-WRITER,’’ this office. J.XPERIENCED LUMBER TRAVELLER open for engagement; understands pine and ha dwoods; good conection in Ontario, Box 344 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. oa WANTED—FOR A FIRSTCLASS planing mill and factory. Must be able to work to details, lay out work and manage men. State experience and wages expected. Box 340 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. BS SALE, SAW MILL AND TIMBER Limits hardwood and pine; shipping, rail MY Sp isa TO200 H P. LEFT HAND YVANTED TO PURCHASE, FOR DELIVERY during summer of 1906, a quantity of Soft Elm 4/4”, 6/4” & 8/4”. i LUMBER AND LOGS WANTED pINe AND HEMLOCK LOGSAND LUMBER of all kinds wanted, large or small quantities. Box 341 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE The following dry stock: 160,000ft.4/4,8/4& 12/4 Birch, No.1 common& better 50,000 ft." ‘* As No, 2 common 40,000ft, 4/4 and 8/4 Oak No.2 common & better 25,000 ft, Oak in log, would cut to order 40,000 ft. 4/4 and 8/4 Maple M.R.culls out. Would contract for next season’s cut of Birch, Maple Oak, Bassand Ash. Address J. H. CHAMBERS, Rydal Bank, Algoma, Ont, For Sale—Cheap 2 Forty H.P. Boilers with Stack. National Heater with Duplex Steam Pump. Saw Mill Carriage, complete. Iron Saw Frame, friction feed, Four Solid Saws, . Grain Grinder. For price write J.S. FINDLAY, Owen Sound, Ont. Massey Harris Co., Limited TORONTO - CANADA FOR SALE Lumber Yard, Planing Mill, Sash and Door Factory. Cottage and Stable, 22 Lots 33x 120 on Railroad Siding. Best location in City, Population 10,000. Sell whole or half interest. Address, BRANDON, Manitoba, Box 399. ; ‘ WANTED 100 feet good second hand sprocket chain and wheels, heavy enough to carry stave bolts out of mill, also live rolls with chain. Box 343, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE 600 M feet of lumber, Elm, Bass, Black Ash and Birch; 250 M feet nowcut, 350 M feet to cut to order. Apply Box 342 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED LUMBER SHIPPER AND YARDMAN. one who is well posted in all kinds of lumber. State age, experience and salary. Apply to MAITLAND, Rixon & CoMPaNny, Owen Sound, Ont. LUMBER STATISTICS. The publishers of the CaNnapa LUMBERMAN have sent out a large number of blank circnlars to lumber manufacturers throughout Canada for the purpose of securing the necessary data for our annual review of the lumber trade. many of these circulars were. returned prompt- ly, but a considerable number cf manufacturers have not yet supplied the information asked for. We hope that we may receive the hearty co-operation of the trade in our efforts to compile annual statistics and that those who have not filled out and returned the circulars will do so immediately. © If any of our readers can furnish additional statistics from _ their district, they will be very much appreciated. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. ° The past week’s business in lum- ber has not been large, as travellers have been off the road and there has been a disposition everywhere to take a few days’ relaxation. White pine and hemlock men have experi- enced a season of great activity, with the demand during the fall months seemingly overtaking the supply. The advent of winter will cause a temporary lull, but it is likely to be of short duration. A brisk spring trade is now predicted and the question most discussed is how the stock of white pine can be made to meet the requirements. The mills are practically sold out and stocks carried by dealers are not Jarge.” The situation with hemlock is similar. It is in good demand, and we understand that some sales of the 1906 cut have been made at an advance on recent prices. | The-only danger: to the market. seems. to. be a possible a *. P Me + , Sa ue sf II. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION overproduction of logs. Weather conditions have been very favorable for logging operations and there will no doubt be a heavy input of hemlock. The cut of white pine is not likely to vary much from last winter, while the feeling of the hardwood trade is that there should be a marked curtailment in the production of logs. In one district, for instance, it is estimated that the cut will be fully 50 per cent. less than one year ago. A number of the smaller operators have their funds tied up in lumber and are therefore not in a finaacial position to take out logs this winter even if they felt disposed to do so. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The close of the year. finds the lumber market of Western Canada in a fairly prosperous con- dition. The stocks of retailers are not large and buying for the spring trade has already commenced to some extent. In Winnipeg, where buildings to the value of $11,000,- ooo were erected last year, there is still a ~good demand for finishing material. The building requirement is also an important factor in the demand at Vancouver. The inter- est of manufacturers is now centred on the log supply, as the scarcity previously referred to has become more pronounced. The high prices prevailing, however, will no doubt stimulate production and bring about some relief in the near future. In sympathy with the advance in the price of logs, the tendency of lumber values is to stiffen. UNITED STATES. The Southern Lumber Manufac- turers’ Association, at a meeting at St. Louis on December 27th, decided to advance all classes of lumber from $1 to $3 per thousand feet. The minimum advance was made on No. 3 boards and 8 and 10 inch- boards and_ shiplap, and_ the maximum advance on No. 2 common flooring and 34 inch ceiling. The Northwestern Hemlock Manufactur- e:’s Association took similar action at Milwaukee on December 28th, when the entire hemlock price list was advanced $1 with the following exceptions: 22 foot and longer, advanced $2; No. 3 piece stuff and 10 inch boards and_ products, advanced 50 cents. The strength of the lumber market, as evidenced by the above, is phenomenal. Sales of white pine lumber for the coming KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., season are quite numerous. Some 4,000,000 feet of No. 3 and better was recently sold at Duluth at $26.50, which is the top price yet recorded for that grade, while 6,000,000 feet of Norway was contracted for at $20. Prospects are considered bright for an excep- tionally busy winter and much attention is already being given to the acquisition of stock to meet the spring demand. Hardwoods are in the Eastern States, but advices from Wisconsin are to the effect that there is an increased enquiry for basswood, birch and maple. Log run birch brings about $17 at the mills in Wisconsin. GREAT BRITAIN. Excepting the falling off. coinci- dent with the holiday season, the lumber trade of Great Britain continues to show activity and in some kinds of stock there has been an advance. The small lots of spruce from Halifax, N.S., have been sold at 47178. 6d. c.i.f. for the usual specification. The ship- ments offering during the past month have not been of large volume nor are they expected to be heavy during January. Little business for next year has as yet been done. It is understood that shippers of pine. are demanding higher prices than last year, and this the importers are not disposedto pay. It is probable, however, that after waiting for a month or six weeks, they will conclude that they must meet the views of the Canadian manufactur- ers and shippers if they are to secure the stock, as the demand at home and in the United States is steadily increasing. STOCKS AND PRICES. George W. Murray has secured the contract for all the interior hardwood finish for the new C.P.R. Hotel at Winnipeg. The Huntsville Lumber Com- pany are paying $7 per thousand teet board measure for hemlock logs delivered on Big East River and Lakes Vernon, Fairy and Penin- sular. The Turner Lumber Company, Limited, of Toronto, have sold 5,000,000 feet of common and better lumber from their stock at Cutler,. Ont., to White, Rider & Frost, of North Tonawanda. Lumbering operations in St. John county, N.B., this winter are KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON & 80 St. Francis Neuter Street WHOLESATE LUMBER and TIMBER © Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOUD, REMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS quite active. James Lowell, M.P. P., who is operating in the vicinity of South Bay and Grand Bay, ex- pects to take out 1,500,000 feet. C. E. Gregory, at his Nereris camp, has 50,000 pieces yarded. Stetson, Cutler & Company and John £. Moore also have large crews in the woods in that county and have commenced hauling. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) VaANcouvEeR, B.C., December 26th, 1905.—The placing of orders for timbers for all the three big western railway companies is adding to the business of the local mills. Trade is fairly good as it is, and it is expected that orders will be com- ing in for timbers for a couple of years. Already mills are cutting - for the C.P., G.T.P. and the Cana- dian Northern Railways. Mr. A. McMillan, member of the firm of the McDonald-McMillan Company, of Winnipeg, who have contracted with the Grand Trunk Pacific for the building of the company’s brid- ges, trestle work, etc., was in the city last week in connection with the letting cf contracts for timber, and with him was Mr. T. S. Bons- field, inspector for the railway. In addition to the contracts let to the Canadian Pacific Lumber Company and the Nanaimo Lumber Company, the Rat Portage Lumber Company and Messrs. Cooke and Tait are al- so cutting timbers for the Grand Trunk Pacific. ‘“These orders have all been placed at list prices,” said Mr, T. F. Paterson, of the Canadian Pacific Lumber Company, this afternoon, “The figures run from $10 to $14 per thousand according to lengths, and all of the mills have been offered business. The present or- ALL KINDS SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, Cypress rer. : Yellow Pine Stillwell & Company =e DETROIT, Mict Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBI : i DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH :MLENNAN LUMBER CO, LIMITEE i MONTREAL Livers Office and Yard, 67! DORCHESTER ST. Send for Catal et vt Seomples. by Mail ders are only drops in the and until the railways are c they will keep coming in.’ Bad weather of the past weeks has accentuated the scz of logs. They are now sel high as $7 in the camps, an will likely be a raise in the | lumber, as the manufacture be forced to ask a higher ‘f since the raw material is so It is not considered probab the weather conditions wil favorable for another m least, and this has a grea do with the supply of log winter. The price, too, stiff, even at the increase and the Nanaimo Lumber | is importing logs for its mill. Shingle bolts are also c in price, owing to the same They are now 25 per cent. than a month or so ago, and i keep up the price of the finis ticle may be forced*up al shingle market all ae the y improvement ‘ines the mills shut down. The pe not from Canada, but | other side, and notwithstand duty on Canadian shingles en SPE Manwfacturer OF se! Handles oa Fork, P: o Hard and Soft Wood Heading oat White Oak, Maple and Elm Lum! Can supply Second bap shite or Re squares up to 38 in. long in i H. D. WIGGIN 2 will inspect at mill and PAY Sansa g- LOG RU Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hat ; —_" KNIGHT BROTH. Bac’s F LIMITED — 2 MONTREAL, QUE. P.0. a ae le - i ry i * .- xe Karat: CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. 8, ation Company, of Poriland, who some time ago proposed ganize a local company to ship “by raft to Hongkong and aynghai, now have in view the nt of logs to California. The n is to approach the Legis- 2 at its session next month to off the prohibition of export of fo assist the promoters in the srs S. P. Musson, Son & ny say: ‘‘We are again any arrivals this fortnight, consequence the market is more and more bare of all criptions. A cargo of white which was sold to arrive some ago is now due, and we hear arge vessel being on the way h part cargo for this port, ing of spruce and white pine. have sold a small cargo of e to arrive at $22.50 for ship- and we think that another of this description would bring milar rate. In the absence of se, there will no doubt be a “demand for white pine, and arrivals of this will do well. -e have been no receipts of igles, but we hear that a million edar Laying are coming down ie vessel which is bringing the pine alluded to above. Inthe condition of the market, we a rather low price will be ob- for them. Long Cedar are ple aenply for present require- LEGRAPH POLES WANTED MV Ve buy all lengths. Write ‘for prices and you will that by cutting your ‘edar into Poles it will net fou more than you can get Oswego, N.Y. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC TIMBER. - CONTRACTS. Agents of the contractors building © the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway have recently been in British Co- lumbia with the object of placing orders for timber, lumber, etc., for the construction of the road. As previously mentioned, an order for about 4,000,000 feet was placed with the Canadian Pacific Lumber Company, of Port Moody, B.C., and it is understood that the full market price was obtained. The McDonald-McMillan Company, of Winnipeg, contractors for the build- _ ing of all bridges and trestle work on that part of the Grand Trunk Pacific line running from Portage la Prairie west to Touchwood Hills, a distance of 270 miles, are said to have placed additional orders, one contract alone calling for the fur- nishing of 15,00%,o00 feet of fir bridge timber. Most of this will be supplied by the Coast mills, but a portion will be secured in the Koote- nay district. It is said tbat this contract was secured in competition with the Puget Sound mill men. A contract for the piles necessary in bridge and trestle building is also reported to have been placed with the mills in Southeastern Kootenay points along the route of the Crow’s Nest Pass Railway. Fully a hun- dred car loads of piles will be required. Mr. T. F. Paterson, secretary of the Canadian Pacific Lumter Com- pany at Port Moody, was asked regarding a report that local mill men were not anxious to obtain contracts from the Grand Trunk Pacific people because of the low rates being given for timber. ‘‘Our firm has taken an order for _and Gateway. four million feet,’ said Mr. Pater- son, ‘fand I can say that the contract was exactly on the market list at the present time. As a matter of fact, the list is more likely to show an increase in price during the next few months rather than a drop in the rate. I can understand that local mills, looking for an increase in prices, may not wish to tie themselves up to very large orders just now. If the weather is bad logs will be scarce and prices will necessarily go up.” REDUCED FREIGHT RATES. A important reduction in lumber rates has taken place as a result of a joint tariff just issued by the Great Northern and Canadian Northern Railway Company effect- ive on the line of the Nelson and Fort Sheppard railway between Nelson and Waneta, and part of the Fernie branch between Swinton The new tariff gives a 33 cent rate from the points mentioned into Winnipeg and a number of Manitoba points. Here- tofore the shippers along the line had to pay a local rate of 5 cents per hundred as far as Nelson, when the C.P.R. took charge of the ship- ment at the 33 cent rate. It is understood that lumber and shingles for the Northwest and Mani oba competitive points will be hauled all the way by the Great Northern. The reduction amounts to from 60 cents to $1 per thousand feet. The receipts of lumber at Chicago in 1905 Were approximately 2,200,000,000 feet, the largest on record with the ex- ception of the year 1893, which reached 2,250,000,000 feet. Itis estimated that northern pine comprised about 35 per cent. of the total receipts. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. The transfer of the Mirimachi lumbery property of the William Richards Company, Chatham, N.B., to the Miramachi Lumber Company took place in New York on Decem- ber 31st. The purchase price is in the vicinity of $700,000. L, Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. F,. A.Holden, Vice-Pres.. FE. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. ——SARNIA, ONT. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine SS A Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tien SPECIAL LOTS—t100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16 ,000 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. "Phone 113 Write for Prices. 4 oa POSTS We are getting out CEDAR and can cut any SPECIAL SIZES ¥ he Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. ——, Ne _ Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. 4 . ARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER 6O., usr 604 Temple Building, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS ble address “‘Quartered Toronto.” Codes, A.B.C., 5th and Lumberman’s THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimiTeo SAW Aanp PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. ‘RED AND WHITE. PINE DEALS ‘ All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload: or Cargoy. Registered Cable Address,‘ Pinewood,’’’ BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG. - -Head Office, TORONTO, CAN. “American Lumberman” Telecode. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Let us know your requirements = Prompt Shipments CASH FOR ——"—< HARDWOOD LUMBER az Send Stock List with lowest prices @a Cc. A. LARKIN 4 Confederation Life Building, Toronto CACHE BAY LUMBER. INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CACHE BAY, Ont. Cc. P. R. Gane 36 miles West North Bay UMBER and LATH ———— — et PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO OR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. Office: 503 Manning Chambers - - eee and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, °° sie" QUEBEC =oee to SESE) GT) AER Eten ST PENETANCUISHENE F. M°CIBBON & SONS, ONT. Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited | White and Red Pine rune ee i ee | Lumber and Lath Water Shipments THEM. BREMEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GO., LIMITED Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES* Coristine Building, ontrea. ® And at Mills at Spragge. Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The WIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Offce: HAMILTON ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Bank of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES: Railway Fridge Timber and ali kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, british Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. Douglas Fi: Timber in any size or length up to go feet long, Timber Planers face ap to 24 inch x30 inch, Dry Kilas of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. WRITE FOR PAPTICNLARS AND QUOTATIONS, Manufacturers of and Wholesal Dealers in all kinds of . = Both Railway Delivery and Water Shipments, Correspondence Solicited. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. PLAY FATR & WHI t AID | 1 BILL TIMBER a Se oeay supplies =~ MIDLAND, A. & P. WHIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. u Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, ‘PEMBROKE Of} MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers _ LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMI’ DS Poronta'Sisest eveh ow) TORONTO, ONT. Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merci Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Sundial Pg; Send for Price List > A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds at close E THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limite 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, HARDWOOD FLOORING: MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND. ¥%, %, 7s. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, _ End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J.-S. FINDLAY - ~~ OWBN SOUND, ‘Manufacturers of and Dealers in...... OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, ~ i ” __ A SPLENDID ROUTE. | — ee ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line’’ because it reaches j into and through the very heart of the choicest ail hunting grounds in America. f Weeki) * 6d had d | | : ve tion to the nearest ticket agent. It alsoarranges eee | its train service with special reference to the ; ee convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its paar employes are constantly on the alert to make | travel over their lines pleasant and comfort-~ ‘ ‘ : bl a cae The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire able. This line offers the best route between Chicago, No rh is reached ONLY by thisline, Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. The Aeiacondia Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and during the vario us seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along its lines upon applica- St. Paul, Milwaukee. Minneapolis or to Lake Superior points via Ashland, Wisconsin. Toronto Montreal W HL Information given by addressing— - Vancouver JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R.R. : - Milwaukee AUGER & SON We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P‘ze, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles January 3, 1906 CaNaPBA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. | WHOLESALE HAR DWOODS ST. LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL VV Ale (> 2a W o yt | | | | | AG VY 26s ; | WHowe An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION S It your Wish. . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY The Canada 1: Lumberman, ‘ ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO NUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty will oe Song you a Buyer or a as the Addre THE WICKS LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock, Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. BLACK ASH AND ROCK ELM “SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER | MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND: TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE mason a. ais LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Mills: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. Correspon‘erce Invited on All Hardwoods. FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE MICHIGAN BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measurers | Cable Addreea ‘ Gable Address “Farnworth,” ” Liverpool. s Dale 8t., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B. C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. lia ae CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. =, 2 cite led to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kinedom Correspondence S 0 U 2 Broad Street Building, , IMPORTER OF —ummmmeeer IS BAMBERCGER, * “senso ="! ee Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER||! BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Staves Veneers A Specialty Cable Address : “ GELLICHT,” LONDON Grey Elim Logs and Lumber, Elm ie SMITH & TYRER 14 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. GANT & KEMP 9 TIMBER 52 51, Ech Saure, GLASGOW BROKERS Cable Address ; “ TECTONA” Glasgow. Ar and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes : Feces Western Union, Southards, and London.” C. 4th and 5th Editions. THOMPSON, BLOIS & Co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH TREET: LONDON, E.C. Cash advances puade > seplaet shipping document dUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD. Timber Importers Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs on Planks. Oak Logs and Plan Rock ate Logs and. Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory nee - »« ALSO “wi. and Heading, Handles of ali descriptions All Efeuwes of Lumber and Manufactured Ww Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. ood Goods suitable for the English ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS. AND® BROKERS | Liverpool and London Chambers = LIVER ENGLAND. CABLE ADDRESS * DOBLE LIVERPOOL, ’ : . ai SS vi CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION SS Saige, cee “ours. Ee H. HEAPS & CO. Nim .c Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, — Ftc. @ SPECIALTIES : 3 AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. | -- Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newel: Is Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. 7 ‘* W. J. SHEPPARD PRESIDENT. j. G. acer GENERAL MANAGER Waubaushene, On ancouver, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF a. FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Os Limit LATH, MOULDINGS mber Cc WU yo et coost Lik BO. HICH GRADE ic AN RED CEDAR SHINGLES ¢ irs Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONT Oo =e D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. wM. ROBERTSON, Seqretsiy- J. E. YOUNG, Cashie ae a Oe The Rat Portage Lumber Co. itd a mouse White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, : Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work pesinsin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office : RAT PORTAGE, “ontarial r Our Wessdisdvar Mill cuts-High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumb FF We also Manufacture all kinds>af. eas Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. = : pe Ped J.D. SHIR LUMBER C0., LIMITED Planing, thn fasaing, en ye “&r MBER, warrrni _Decrs, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings : Export Lumber & conned ted Hesnee neon | S435" HARDWOOD FLOORING e C Li ‘ a § ete 2 Ee date Pei ape if desired Lumber iis "Dra = ie Quantity. | cg al Shing le O-, imited | "goon PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY | 7° peReer 3" Pree | 3 Vancouver, B. C. 1 Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers : | 5. ‘ . eS B. McKEcaniE, President.. C. MacRAg, Manager. Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A LU MBER CO. ). for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Wancouver, B. C. LIMITED F Manufacturers of itish Columbia. Daily shippi Lapacity over 1; aiilions, “Shane BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR R All sizes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. Bi C. FIR—DIMENION AND FINIH —Write DIRECT to— 5 : SHIN LES" vi iN Lumber Gompany, Ltd. | “VANCOUVER = =~ % B.C. Red Cedar ~ hap ea wer — Boat iad AS Gap Cay of * Nil ann he y . ca twee 1 ee Le ee ‘ 4 =” eS ee : . = 4 avaee % F Seo ee ew, . st 5 ». fan, ye ee eee Lay 4 rn Re A Ee aay er) pees nee ae Tae dN eal Z es ee oye ee ee CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. : ‘January 3, 1906 ite 1,500,000 Shingles Per Day "About half the B ie Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. We have a Daily Shipping Capacity of - One Million Five Hundred Thousand. DOUGLAS Pisin tt LOR Sand CH DAF L a Po ato Se oder Tath DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH We make a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber Investments generally (Correspondence. Solicited) “or UNION LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ..!%20°;. Vancouver, B. C. ee OOO ee MISSES SERENE SESE REESE F iasting: gs Shin se Manufacturin g | — Company, Limited Vancouver, B. C. HIGHEST QUALITY § Fi Ir ana Cedar Lumber Jos GS net | X NENT Nw dN be \ | we I BI SININ SSS SS — JUST x GENTLE REMINDER That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. NY: eee. ee Pe arcra are s J th ak 2 2s 8 eae dh ‘\ Dimension; Flooring, Ceiling and Siding; Interior and Exterior Finish; of all Kinds, ~; =, ~, =, —, ers me a ce a so Pe Ie XX \ \ Ses BS Ps Our Specialty : q Red Cedar SHINGLES / ¥ Plain and Fancy Butts, 16 in. and 24 in, Long qi Bo fil SPECIAL ATTENTION given to the Canadian Si . Northwest Trade. wi S | The Red Deer Lumber Company | WINNIPEG, MAN, se Order Now: Deliver Now, while Cars are Plentiful [Ml ’ cr SES 2 DSDSDSBSSISIS ESS SESS = Th =n LUMBER & MANUF’G. CO. Limitea] PEDWELL & LEMCKE, ©" 9 Ontario K, ONTARIO »sale Dealers Berson. . MANUFACTURERS { Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber HEI EMLOCK PIME and HARDWOODS, SHINGLES and LATH, | “°° _ | Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. And All Kinds of House Furnishings. Rail or eter Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. _ SCRIBNER'S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements f S ees: °@- aud’ Roune’ tber 1 Doyle's Rules, vant taact re = came “Oe cal information. F e 35 Cents ~~ 2 me Apprass TH E ‘CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO ONT. mS ‘ ~ ‘ oe ; : ae ew ae ere Recs, Salo : Rie cg me Say get | a ent Pe a ae ie z SSSSSSSES SES a ee ee ee a mae Tl ot eee A ~ Ae i. Y. “~ a 2 ae Vil. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE ONTARIO LUMBER C8 seo eS sae Bay. R. and G.T.R. Delivery. R. B. ST. niches RAILWAY, LUMBER 2 EMPLOYMENT BUREAU CANARY 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. Men wanted at all times for Bush and Railroad Work. - - Phone 1,950 McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., cimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. bec. ADDRESS: Room b's: 147 Milk St. Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Home ‘Life 4 ¥ siding l ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. BER EVMBERCTORS’ AGENT WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. BANK ST. CHAMBERS | } SASH BOSTON, MASS. Piie good strips : Pine, box boards.... 13 00 15 00 TIM... cece aeaceane + 34 co 36 00 Pine mill culls...-. 1200 1§ 00 a iy el and 13 in... ee 40 00 | Pine O. culls...... . 750 850 Salat aiteeeiaiae 38 00 40 00} Spruce, "x4" & up 14 00 Pine, good shorts: Spruce, 1” stocks, ria and i i 28 00 3000| 7.8, gand ar (ane 15 00 1 in. and 1% In 34 00 40 00 Spruce,1 clear (fin TORONTO, SOND 10%. ie ie ier cattle Seiare aes 38 00 4200] dressing and B 24 00 CAR OR CARGO LOTS. y” to ‘9 A Sidings.. 15 oo | Hemlock 13 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath, per 1 inch No. 1 Pine 1 in. dead cull sidings 12 00 13 50 siding ... ... a2 00 2700| No.x white piner}i"x4" 3 50 cuts & Bester. Ee ae $49 00 51 00/134 inch Flooring .. 27 00 2800 = Pine, No. 2 dressing No. 2 white pine.. 3 00 1% inch N Hemlock,1x4 to 8i. 14 00 15 09 strips veeee ss 21800 2500] Spruce, mill ran..... 3 00 cuts and better... 53 00 55 00] 2x4 to 10 in.,rto16ft. 15.50 16 5> Pine apa ” dressing Red Pine, mill run. 3 00 2’ No x Cuts and ax4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 50 17 5? shOrtSerrcisa'eiet sano) on 17,00 21 oo | Pine Shingles Better.....-.---+- 5600 5% 00| Clear inch B.C. cedar, Pine, ros. ¢ ‘and bet- xxxx, 18 inch.......- 3.00 3 25 1% in.No.2 Pine kiln dried. ..... 50 00 ter 12’ to 16’ ..... 30 00 2200 Clear, Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 cutsand better.... 44 00 46 oo | Clear inch B.C. cedar Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx 18 inch.....----++ 1 40 1 60 2’ No 2 Pine Cuts air dried boat lumber 55 00 ter 127 to1@...... 17 00 1900| White Cedar Shingles and Better........ 46 00 48 00 | Douglas fir dimension Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 00 20 00| xXxxx, 1B inch..,..... 3 25 3 50 1% inch No. 3 timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 = Pine s. c. strips..... . 1400 16 00| Clear Butt,x8inch.. 250 2 60 Cote and better.... 40.00 42 00] Douglas fir dimension Pine, s.c. shorts..... 1§ 00 14 00 EX, 18 inch.......-+- 7450 170 a’ No 3 Cuts and timber, 30 to 35 feet 31 00 ; Better.......----+ 4200 44 00|1% in. No.1 4ft. Pine oe ee Dene wi Af BOK CNE rh ae 4 es P a an tter shorts 23 00 24 00 in. No. 2 4 3 ¥x4, 6and 8 common 13 00 20 00 1%” No.1 32” pine lath 2 00 SARNI A, ONT. IE 10 common...... 20 00 21 00 | 136” No. 14, oft. hemlock lath 3 50 . 1X 12commion...... 2200 24 00 XxXX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 UPPERS. 1% x4and §”.......---- $22 00 2z10 common...... 20 50 21 50| XX PineShingles .. 230 23° jyin,, 10” and up wide. “$73 oo 1% x6’ and up.......-- 25 00 gand gx12 common. 23 00 25 0o/ X Pine Shingles .. 99 14, 1% and 2” 3 00 1 XK 1OM%.. sence ee enee 00 ixio inch box and XX Cedar Shingles 220 225 93% and 3” CRT # oo PEL Bal oc voviechwanieecne 28 00 common ....------ Ig 00 20 00 B. C. Shingles 4! “1, 83 00 1% x 6’ and up......-- +» 25 00 Inch mill runsidings 2: 00 22 00| XXX 6 butts toa in. 2 90 UMBiK 10"... cc eee cere ee 26 00 tin. millrun........ 21 00 22 00| XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 312 SELECTS. x12"... 28 00 x10 and 12 mill culls 17 00 18 00 ; XXXXX 5 to2 it 345 in, 8” andu cia mee: . 63 00 2’ x6’ and up........-> a6 00 inch mill cull Sid- XX No. 2, 6 to2 in -} a 30 1%, 1% and 2! . 63 00 2 x TO"... aces ee eeeeene 27 00 BGO. oe ocn acne 1600 16 50) KX ‘6 to 23-16 in. ip and 3” sees 8 00 qin WA. es ca wsies oo . 29 00 BOO he ic No. I BARN. HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. FINE, COM. AND BETTER. ia a $24, 00 to $31 00 Ash White, sts and Soft Hlm, millrun 2000 3100 1 in., 8” and up wide.... 54 00 1%, 1% and 2” a9 oo to 32 00 ands,1to2in. $3300 35 00 | Rock Elm, common m4 and Be 2 ees 54 00 2% and 3”..... 33 00 Ash, Black, rsts and and better, 1in.. 25 00 2600 + ae. 55 00 Beit ic daaoaiais 36 00 ands, 1to2in.... 30 00 32 00/ Roc m,common FINE COMMON. Ash, Black, mill ‘andbet.1% tozin 2800 2900 ie nO. Seer , Pee MN ashi 22 00 23 00| Rock Elm, millrun 22 co 23 00 y rae pS Ne Goto /82)00) Tim... ......., 21 OOO 25 00 Birch, common and Maple common and 1%, 1% Sa” 3 00 = 53,00 1%, U4, = a” 23 co to 25 00 better, rin....... 23 00 2400| better,1in...... ax op se00 27 SaNe 4 00) 33190. 2% and 3”. 27 00 Birch, common and Maple common and No. 1 CUTS. NO. " BARN. better, 1 1% to3in 2§ 00 27 00 better, 144 to3 in 23 00 24 00 1in., 8’ and up wide... 3500 | rim............ 18 oo to 21 00 Birch, millrun.. . 20 00 21 00 | Maple, millrun...1900 2000 1 in. . 48.00 Ne 1% and a 20 ooto 3250 Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, ists 1% in. “ gb %GG) ie Vata: atone eter 22 00 and better, 1in,, aI 00 2200 and ends...... + 4600 §000 3” ‘ 7 00 ; Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, 2% and3” “ at oo BOX. and bet., 1% toain 23 00 24 00 istsand 2nds.... 44co 4600 4” “ we « 62 00 No. 1, 1, 1, Basswood, millrun 18 00 20 oo | Oak,quartered, ists No.2 CUTS 2. dale oa + 14 00 to I9 00 Soft Elm, common and 2nds......... 70 00 75 00 No.1 mill culls, and better, rin.. 24 00 25 00| Hickory, ists and 1 in., 6” and up. joo 20 00 1,1%, 1% 2” 15 00to 18 0 Soft Elm, common ands... ccseseines 36 00 38 00 1% 11. 30 00 and bet. 134 to 2in 26 00 28 00 1% ‘ «+++32 00 me a” tense 33,00 Mill Run ek oe 1, th 1% 234,3 and 4 sere 45 00 and 2”... ,++14 00 “a x ts “ QUEBEC, QUE. @ 4 NO. 3 CUTS. No. 2, 2 00 WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT : dns 6 a up wide... ne pe LATH, cts. up if | 2 oxhao No. 1, 32” ‘So. .cceeee yee IF 50 Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.....--.+ 35 45 2%,gand4” “ &. anuot No, 2, 48” “* ...ccessenee 3 50 First class Ottawa waney, x8 inch average, according to pineal. £8 63 3 7 No. I, 48” pine.. seas 435 19 to20inchaverage ‘‘ ce62 1) GS MILL RUN. RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. le oe Gear SHINGLES. Measured off, according to average and anata a ccaleialemte'steloie\steia(eia a7 “gs "xZ5" ..:. XXX W.P. ne W. Cedar, Shippingorder vaonenuswsiwrawsin BS" Ont, SiO mane BE | 5to6216"........ 275300 1’ x 10” c.B. es Pee IT) OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. ; x 12" No.2 “ “yas 1 35 By the dram, according to average and quality. . (ane 45 50 1X13 and up ELM. By the dram, accordin to average and quality 4gotogsfeet. 65 75 ee tole a ae ALBANY, N.Y. 10 inches and uP, according to average and quality. . . 26 28 pane Average 16 inc ie gioke 4 RS er Ls A eoaa Uppers, 3 in 83 85 | 1xx2 inchshippers........ -$24 25 go 32 pers, 3 3 Wery BIRCH. 2% in. 83 83 | 4/4 inch &up.25 +6 gto2in 80 | 4/4 Box boards Gienllaor. 20 ar 14 Inch .2a 23 inch uppers 88 90 | 10-in. dressing and better... 30 35 : “ 4 Cae - go 31 Selects, 24% in up 77 ‘82 | x2-in. i ws 40 a7 ii a. wi, edaitrae is jie} tw ery, sey eee, 5) ke ae ge Sma 1 to 2in 7a 73 | Box, 1Rx0-iN. «+ ..5---e0004 21 22 Bay is. 2. oem a es) 6 ae » + 38 40 Fine common, 2% in. and up 7a 75 | Box, 1x12...... seeackoemetes 22 23 1to2 ri ee 58 60] No. x barn, rx12.... .-.... 31 3 No. 1 cuts, Tto2 53 55 BEG 0000 sicccsccnccesince OTTAWA, ONT. No.2. . 35 45 ERB. . cs cn ececccesa oT 26 MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, 35 | No. 2 barn, ae ee ee 27 (28 Pine, good sidings: xx1o No. 1x barn. ndad 52 ae ante Sap a AG So. ere = 26 J ete and up 40 00 4200| 1x10 No. 2 18 08 8 caceccecars 24 in x 1% in 1x8 & 9 No. res ree 40 Shaky clear, x io Slain... = 38 in.and up...... §0 00 5600]1x8&qNo.2" . 1§ 00 Stained sap noecsenr?*22*7 4S 2inch......... 38 40 ain, x 8in.and up 54 00 56 00 Pine Shorts 6 to 11” Shelving boards, r2-in. up .. 40 4 Thrasilag sticcss. eames 24 25 No.2 cuts 2x8”&up 3400 3600| x10” ...... ....., 1600 17 €0 Dressing boards, narrow.... Common oar. es ieee a5 rx1q inch shippers .....s20 24 95 W. B. BARTRAM & CO. _ WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, pianed Spruce and Hardwood. Specialties: Basswood and Birch. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attention. J. GORDON MACLAREN In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. 4 In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. ; Every inquiry receives our Prompt attention. A. PP. BBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN i Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pi Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension S WIARTON, OWT. a «kd ‘ ta “olpaeys 3s I / OTTAWA, ONTA a Barge or car load lots HINTONBURG, ONT. Write for quotations. - DOORS - B. C. Cedar Shingles | BLINDS ~ s LATH. _ $4 00 | Spruce. donb vet ag : SHINGLES. Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 Bound butts 6xx8 * Clear butts......-... 3.50 3 75| Hemlock Smooth 6x 18.....-. 450 475 Pine). .-n.anee Ge detche = Spruce .... BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N. y. fan. WHITE FINE. (Wholesale selling price.) ~ Goes Upperass, 14,376 ants 1% # ins. sseeeeeenee 2 and 3 Hae. is oo | ste | No. r, 13 in. pene meee eninee i) Up, 2 it.eeces Sclects 2 Ws: enabeese & 00 | No. "Mall spe to I sb hie oe Jo 00 7 3 Mould on ee : 234 and 3 in...... . co 0.2 ding trips, § A Meese see eeeeees ee « “atom Ia cevomen eens Fine common, 1 in. 55 00| Barn, No.1, 1ain..... 1% and. 136 in..... §6 00] 6, Band ro iM...00+ pr 2 AD. cceeeeeeeeee 39 00} No. 2, 10 seeneee 3 Sa alts 3 eet stoie ar 2 i) Novtyrsiin:-- Sy | Bae: eee 5 00 cat wp up, 7” 1,1 in. 42 00 'o. and 134 in..... 52 90 2” Not Cuts...... 56 00 No. 2, 1 iM. ..esese 28 00 eat ee in 39 00 0. 3, 1%, and 1% a7 0° me O.Gi9e ches sees 30 00 ete a Dressing 1% in.... 36 00} Mi phere oy 1%, 1% 14x10 und 12.....- 42 00 ‘and “a late saxesest ae a The following quotations on hardwoods represent the ae price at — and Tonawanda ; . = WHITE ASH. ’ an} Ist & and, 1 inch, 36 00 38 00 2% to 4 in..... 1% to 2 in eon ine 39 00 41 0 Strips.....055 0p secee: Com. and wopeeee BLACK AND BROWN ASH. 1st & 2na, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00 | Com. & good culls... s ae BIRCH. ist & and, 6 inch * up, red....-.+-- fast Band white, 6’ & 28 . 40 Go 42 00| Com. & z sod ame 3 2 ELM. 1st & ad,rock,6in &up 26 00 28 00 rst & ad, soft soft, 6in ime Common and culls. 1§ 00 17 00 Common and culls...... 16 0 “MAPLE. ben ist & and hard.......20 70 23 00 1st &and,soft... Common and culls _ 1400 15 oo | Common and c BOSTON, MASS. cat ars White Pine U srelepaiae ee eae «+144 +$84 00 to 6 00 | Selects, 1 to 2imch......000 +--+ oe) ee veeuses Fine Common, 1 in x5 Weep cain! akan to 2imch.....ses0. No. 1 Cuts, 1 ine mneseie cin sap einip ew speenee oop pide Reso ¥ toainch...... anion wolags ace ne a cone No. 2 Cuts, rimch........ee.s0+ «+ coe hk Sede sete On 1% toainch........-.+- «+ cousvcepxecn hee Barn Boards,NO. 1......---+-s0000% Seamus O. Zoceceses eer anne weer ernerese NO, 3-2 0.2020 cenecevccce wen eeneeeen es Spruce, ro and 12 in. dimension..........- AEE gin. and under .....+..+. 00-4 s-200 VoL. XIII ANADA |,UMBERMAN - " PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y Of Toronto, Limited jon federation Life Building - TORONTO. < Branch Offices: _.. 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 4 é Telephone 1274. 36 HASTINGS St., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER. B. C. Tne Weekly Lumberman — Published every ‘ednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- of market conditions and tendencies in the ncipal manufacturing districts and leading omestic and foreign wholesale markets. A kly medium of information and communica- n between Canadian timber and lumber manu- irersand ¢ ers and the purchasers of ‘ber products at home and abroad. ‘he Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, ng fully and impartially subjects perti- the lumber and wood-working industries. isements will be inserted in this depart- the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. four of more Consecutive insertions are © cent. will be allowed. idth of the line and is set mpareil type; 12lines makeoneinch. Ad- ments — Salen ete not later gi 4 ock p. m. on T to insure insertion in current week’s issue ‘ [E BUYER AND LUMBERMAN WANTS situation; can increase your tie business, lumber or assist at milland woods. Box are CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND » Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long,at the Spanish . Also > e¢ and spruce lumber for here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, chwood, Ont. - ; =s “ \VE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU Ei wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to le buyers by placing an advertisement in + Wanted and For Sale Department of this al, Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- LUMBER WANTED E WANT A CONTRACT FOR LARGE quantities of Plain Red or White Oak 1 x3 wider, as wide as possible, 32 and 63” long, ® cut from green bolts or logs and shipped thoroughly weather seasoned. Address ADA LUMBERMAR, Toronto. FOR SALE -— ; «amber Manufacturing Busi- ay ness in Canada eo i? » large tract of White Pine er Limits, in the valley of thie wa River and its Tributaries, a modern saw mill on the a River, a going concern. cipals only of reputable lumber ng firms will be dealt with. _ ALExanpeR Barner, Renfrew, Ont., Canada. Ag 7. es WEEKLY EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL SA MILL MACHINERY FOR SALE, 25 horse power, BER Co., Marksville, Ont. ANTED TO PURCHASE FOR DELIVERY in 1906, 2,000,000 ft. hemlock. THE PAT- TERSON-TILLEY Co., Hamilton, Ont. ANTED—1”, 6/4’ AND 2” BI,ACK ASH, 6/4” and 2” Basswood, all common and better, dry. Box 326, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, FS SALE—60,000 FEET 4/4 BEECH, CUT from large logs of the best quality, thorough- ly dry, piled mill run. Address Box 338,CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE . GTOCK OF ELM, BASS. OAK, AND MAPLE, 1904 cut. Wewish dimension sizes to cut stock for the coming season; logs consist of Elm, Bass, Maple,: Hickory, Ash and Oak.» Cc P.R. Point, 8 miles from Toronto. Appl Box 529, Meadowvale, Ont. nf de — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Stmcoz Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. - * YY ee ASH AND BIRCH. ASH 1’, 7%” and 14%” in tsts and 2nds and No. 1 common. Birch in squares 4x4” and larger. Also a fair quantity of Elm squares 4x4” and larger. Apply W. B. Bartram & Co., Ottawa, Ont. = Wanted—Position AS SUPERINTENDENT OR MASTER ME- chanic in lumber mill; thoroughly com- petent in construction and operation of long and short lumber mills of any capacity and manu- facture of lumber and shingles; ten years’ ex- perience in charge of crew; good education, speak English and French; best of references. Address ‘“ Mechanic,” care CANADA LuM- BERMAN, Toronto. BARGAINS IN Saw Mill Machinery The following machinery is second hand in very good condition and full particulars will be furnished on request: 1-20 x 24Slide valve engine. girder frame, 1-16 x 24slide valve engine box bed. I-10 x 24 Slide valve engine with box bed. I-12 x 16 piston valve engine Tangye bed. 1-8 x 24 Wheelock engine. 1-8 x 10 Rotary valve engine centre crank 1-6 x 7% New slide valve vertical engine. 1-35 H.P. Portable engine with locomotive boiler on wheels. 1-60” x 14 ft. boiler64 34%” tubes. 1-60” x 14ft. ‘ 743%” ‘“ 1-6 "x14 64 3%” “ Too" xre tte * = Gage 2-300 H.P.internally fired boilers 150 lbs. steam. 1-8 x I2 x Iz condenser single pattern, 1-Io x 6 x 1o Knowles duplex pump. 1-6 x 4x 7 Duplex pump. 1-125 H P. Moffatt heater, 1-log carriage cast 1ron 3 blocks 40” opening Hamilton make. . t-log carriage single steel girder 3 blocks 30” opening. . 3-log carriage cast iron 3 blocks 4o” opening. 2-underfloor friction niggers. 1-friction hull wheel with car. ‘ I-independent friction feed works 10” frictions. 1-set twin circular tie mill, will take 60” saws with steam feed. 2-52” Pulp wood barkers. I-I2 x 20 Cunningham feed, I-10 x 16 os re 1-8x I2 1-Kelly steam log kicker. 1-Steam log loader ; 1-Steam log turner with horizontal and vertical cylinders. 3 1-Diag saw belt driven. 1-Gunshot feed 11” cyilnders. J A number of first-class second hand circular mill saws. THE WATEROUS ENGINE WORKSCO.,LTD. Brantford, Canada. ‘“ “ — JANUARY 10, 19 Apply to J. E. Morpuy Lum- o6 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER ere | LUMBERMAN © AND WOOD- WORKER Thé Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 pages} $1.00 Per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition. every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 44 TYPEWRITER WANTED OUNG MAN, ABOUT TWENTY-FIVE, must understand shorthand and used to Lumber Office. Apply in own hand-writing, giving experience to ““TyPE-WRITER,”’ this office. OR SALE, SAW MILL AND TIMBER Limits hardwood and pine; shipping, rail and water; also General Store doing a large trade. A rare chance for two or more parties to form a company; would take stock with rignt parties. Particulars, Box 339 CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. \ ] ANTED—1«0 TO200 H P. LEFT HAND Corliss, Wheelock or Brown engine; second hand, but must be in good condition; state par- ticulars and lowest price. KEENAN BRos., Limit- ed, Owen Sound, Ont. ; Wy 4ntE0 TO PURCHASE, FOR DELIVERY during summer of 1906, a quantity of Soft Elm 4/4”, 6/4” & 8/4”. State price and point of shipment, also quantity you could deliver of each thickness. Address Cox, Lone & Co., LIMITED, Room 2 Hope Building, Ottawa, Ont. FOR SALE. ae, OUTPUT OF A YELLOW PINE SAW and planing mill, capacity 60,000 feet daily in Alabama; also some stock in a New Company recently organized who will manufac- ture Yellow Pine Dressed Lumber. The stock will pay good dividends. H. G. BurpDIcK & Co., Box 367, Scranton, Pa. For Sale—Cheap 2 Forty H.P. Boilers with Stack. National Heater with Duplex Steam Pump. Saw Mill Carriage, complete. Iron Saw Frame, friction feed. Four Solid Saws, Grain Grinder. For price write _ J.S FINDLAY, Owen Sound, Ont. Massey Harris Co., Limited TORONTO - CANADA Will write a few more contracts for No, 1-2 Hard Maple or Birch 34%x6xX14. No. 1-2 Red Birch 3 and 3%x8x14 Delivery spring or summer 1906, 1907 and 1908. Write stating quantity can supply and delivery date. Further particulars will be given on application. FOR SALE Lumber Yard, Planing Mill, Sash and Door Factory. Cottage and Stable, 22 Lots 33 x 120 on Railroad Siding. Best location in City, Population 10,000. Sell whole or half interest. Address, BRANDON, Manitoba, Box 399. Hemlock, Spruce and Lath Wanted Weare in the market for three million feet Canada Hemlock, Joist and Boards. Also ten million feet thirteen foot Canada spruce, Also laths. All to be delivered New York during the year 1906. Quote lowest prices. Terms immediate cash upon delivery. Address in detail to CHASE, TaLBoT & Co., Wholesale Lum} ber, 29 Broadway, New York. FOR SALE 600 M feet of lumber, Elm, Bass, Black Ash and Birch; 250 M feet nowcut, 350 M feet to cut to order. Apply Box 342 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. LUMBER AND LOGS WANTED INE AND HEMLOCK LOGSAND LUMBER of all kinds wanted, large orsmall quantities, Box 341 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED LUMBER SHIPPER AND YARDMAN, one who is well posted in all kinds of lumber, State age, experience and salary. Apply to MAITLAND, Rrxon & CoMPANY, Owen Sound, Ont. FOR SALE CHEAP. ie MILL IN FIRST CLASS ORDER, 40 h p. boiler, engine, shafting, pulleys, belt- ing, saws, everything complete, capacity 15 to 20 M ft. in Io hours, 100 acres of land, some tim- ber. For price write N. D. SEAMAN, Sauble Falls, Ont. OR SALE—FIRST-CLASS UP-TO DATE furniture factory situated in the best hardwood country in America, Black Birch- delivered at factory at $14 so per M. Very latest machinery. Electric Power at $¢12;50 per. an- num per horse power. If not sold outright we would do business with a man with Five to Ten Thousand to invest and act as manager. Ad- dress Box 345, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The demand for white pine and hemlock lumber was never stronger during mid-winter than atthe present time. The open winter has permit- ted building operations to proceed almost without interruption, and consequently retail stocks which were expected to carry well into the spring are already badly broken. Dealers are showing keen interest in the market and are somewhat concerned about their supplies for the coming season. United States buyers have already contracted for a portion of the 1906 production of the Georgian Bay mills and other large deals are now pending. Such transactions as have been closed show an advance on last year’s prices of from $1 to $2 per thousand feet for log run. The future of prices will depend to some extent upon the success of logging opera- tions. The weather up to the present time has been favorable for cutting, but if the winter should prove to be mild with little snow, there will be danger of the log input being cur- tailed. This would bring about a further advance in prices, whereas if a large crop of logs should reach the mills there may be some difficulty in maintaining present prices. So far as the present is concerned, how- ever, the market could not be stronger. Hardwoods are not being’ sacri- Le a ote ’ 3 i ; 0S © > es 2 . ded eter: . . S a ets at > ne ot: ‘ ae . 4 bse ty ers ee von’ ieee ate. eee SR My eae See II. ficed as recklessly as a few weeks ago. The general curtailment in logging operations has created a better teeling, as it is recognized that a decreased production next year will be a great help to the market. Many of the smaller con- cerns are cutting no logs this winter; at Powassan, for instance, where three concerns were operating last winter, no logs are being cut and the mills will be idle during the coming season. There is a consider- able stock of 1% and 2 inch maple on hand at the mills, but the inch stock has practically cleaned up by the flooring factories. White pine lath show no percept- ible weakness notwithstanding the high price. All kinds are readily saleable. A quantity of No. 3, for instance, was recently sold at an Algoma shipping point at a phe- nomenal figure. THE EASTERN PROVINCES. The year is starting out with bright prospects for the lumber trade of the eastern provinces. The annual trade returns show that the wintering stock at Quebec is excep- tionally light, that of square pine be- ing the smallest on record. An in- crease is shown in only one item, namely, elm timber, the supply of which is 360,531 cubic feet, as com- pared with 322,778 cubic feet one year ago. The stock of spruce deals is 553»243 Superficial feet, as against 822,575 teet one year ago. The Miramichi stock is estimated to be twenty millions less than last year. In view of the revival in the British market and the prospects of a con- tinuance of a large trade with the United States, the outlook for 1906 would seem to be very hopeful. Weather conditions have been very favorable for logging operations and the cut promises to be equal to or above the average. This, with the logs that were hung up last summer, should give the mills a plentiful supply of raw material. It is estimated that the log production on the Miramichi river this winter will be 80,000,000 feet. UNITED STATES. The White Pine Association of Buffalo and Tonawanda last week adopted a’ price list making an increase on a number of the better grades as well as on barn and box boards and scoots. The North Carolina Yellow Pine Association have announced an advance of KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION $1.50 on bill stuff, following the finished lumber advance of $2 made a short time ago. Advances at this season of the year are unusual and are the result of the extremely healthy conditions governing the lumber market. Sales of lumber have recently been made at Duluth at top prices, this including a large lot of No. 3 shorts, 6 feet and under, 4 inches and wider, at $15.25, and a quantity of No. 3 and better from ordinary logs at $21.75, which is equivalent to about $20 for log run. Buyers are plentitul and the view is quite generally held that a marked shortage of stock will be experienced before the spring. The outlook is for another active building season, in which case there is likely to be a further appreciation in pine and hemlock values. There is not much activity in hardwoods, although prices are holding firm. Michigan maple manufacturers are reported to have advanced their prices on rough maple to $23 for firsts and seconds, $16 for common and $10 fer culls. Birch is said to be getting scarce in New York and at other eastern points, with prospects of higher prices before the spring. The scarcity of lath has not been alleviated. The high prices have stimulated the production of spruce, balsam and cedar lath and this may in time affect the market, but at the present time the undertone continues uniformly strong. The shingle trade is quiet and not likely to show much activity for two or three moaths. el ee . pee < nic) Quebec elm timber is in slightly larger supply. Broad first pine deals are selling at £33 to £35 per standard, and 11-inch from £30 to £32, ‘while second quality are bringing £19 to 420 for 11-inch and up. Red pine deals are worth £9 10s. to £10 10s. for g and 11-inch. Quebec. — spruce deals are held at £9 to £Q _ Established 1889. 1os. for g-inch and up and 47 15s. to £48 5s. for 7 and 8 inch. , Ts a) Ww. C. CRAWFORD | Tilbury Ont. * . . Manufacturer of .. y Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Red and White Oak, Maple and Eim Lumber Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak squares up to 38 in. long in large one We Solicit the Trade of ~ i Retailers Only. Be E.d. DAVIS MFG. 60 —Manufacturers of— STOCKS AND PRICES. Huff & Carter have tie gangs working on their limits on the Vermillion river, in the vicinity of Edmonton, Alta., and expect to cut 50,000 ties. Messrs. Clairmonte, Man & Com- pany say of the Barbados market : ‘* There has been one arrival with lumber during the fortnight ; both white pine and spruce are wanted. Last sale of former, to arrive, at $25.50 per M for first, and $21.50 for second quality. Last sale of spruce, $23.10 as it runs. Last sales of Gaspe long cedar at $4.26 to $4.37 per M, as to quality. Ce- dar laying, last sales $1.70 to $1.73. Spruce laying, no late sale.” ADVANCE IN B.C. SHINGLES. Vancouver, B. C., December goth, 1905. —The anticipated in- crease in the price of shingles was made this week, when the manufac- turers of this city agreed to raise the figure for No, 1 shingles 15 BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGGIN go°state sr: will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN GREAT BRITAIN. = Signs of activity in the British We Solicit a Share of ¥« Cee Y 2 DAVIS MFG. CO. 2Ist. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. ee market are now apparent, although few transactions are taking place. Buyers are somewhat disposed to accept shippers’ prices, believing that they are warranted by condi- tions, and the next two or three weeks will likely witness the closing of some important contracts. The stock lists for the close of the year have reached us for Glasgow only, and here a decrease is shown in second, third and fourth quality white pine deals, red pine deals, Quebec spruce deals, and New Brunswick spruce deals. The stock of New Brunswick spruce deals is only 1,695 standards, as compared with 7,677 standards at the close of 1904 and 6,438 standards in 1903. KILN-DRIED BIRGH Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOUD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS | 4 PRISE: mets Tete eee hs meee FLOORING Our Doors are known the world ov. Pas = recognized as the best made. wie logues and price lists. Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd ~ CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. WE BUY WE SELL LUMBER ALL KINDS | SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, Cypressand | Yellow Pine | ve Stillwell & Companeae DETROIT, Mich. i KNIGHT BROTHERS | 0. LIMITED = - Burk’s Fa Send for Catalo Sr Ot Samples by Mail MASON, GORDON & CC 80 St. Francis Xavier Street - MONTREAL, QUE. WHOLESALE | UNMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only canned Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPR JCE YELLOW PINE or OAK. ae Correspondence Solicited. ae EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIME DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH > * M°LENNANLUMBER C0,, LIMITE | MONTREAL ber 3 Office and Sares s7! DORCHESTER ST. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. te) ee De L se . yh, me Ya Soe a f rt ae @ Peat) a) z * Pi ad > 7 Pep Rs ote bahay ee 4 x ie : | aot ‘2 ar ef “le. i : , Liaw Ue ew kee: 2 ey Ve é Pb Pe ame | : _ January 10, 1906 ub Ae | diy _ cents to outside points. Aspointed market until, at the earliest, June out previously, bolts are scarce and have gone up 75 cents per cord, and it is for this reason that more is _ being asked for the finished product. The price of No. 2s was reduced 5 cents. _ NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. - (Correspondence of CANADA LUMBERMAN.) _ St. Joun, N.B., Jan. 2nd, 1906. —Since last writing there has been considerable activity in shipping circles, several parcels of ‘‘English” deals having gone forward by the iter liners. Beyond this the lumber trade in all lines has been quiet as is usual at this season Pp - of the year. in the up-river districts tell of favor- a ‘able conditions and all indications ‘lead to the conclusion that no - difficulty will be experienced in fill- ing contracts. In the lower coun- ties operators have been until now _ somewhat hampered by the remark- _ able lack of snow which, while it is ample for yarding purposes, is not sufficient for hauling on roads. The local feeling in regard to the market for New Brunswick spruce in Great Britain continues to be of a decidedly optimistic nature. There is practically nothing tor sale in this line at this port such quan- tities as are to be seen on the erent wharves (totalling to in the nity of three and one half millions of feet) having been closed out to local commission houses. With the shipment of these lots, N which will in all probability go forward in small parcels by the winter liners trom time to time un- ttl cleaned up, the local dealers and ma peasants will be out of the ae POLES 3 - WANTED We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your _ Cedar into Poles it will net , you more than you can get out of it in any other way. J.B. FARWELL & SON Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. Banc eroft, Ont. Oswego, N.Y. _ Advices from logging operations. next. With the bright prospects for good business in this line during 1906, it is, of course, keenly re- gretted by those interested that they are not in a position to take advantage of the stimulus of trade and also that the coming manufac- turing season will be so materially curtailed. The ideas of those who will have ‘‘English” deals to dispose of when the sawing season does begin, are apparently fixed upon higher prices in the line, and the indications are that no lower quota- tion on ‘‘English” deals of 1906 cut could be obtained, on a contract ‘Specifying say 50 per cent. 7’s and 8’s, 35 per cent. 9’s and 15 per cent. wides, than from $13 ‘to $13.25 per M sup. feet, f. 0. b. steamer St. John. The American markets are at- tracting considerable attention and developments in this direction are eagerly awaited. While there is no pronounced indication that the high prices prevalent during the last few months will not be sustained, a felling of caution is easily discernible. Spruce laths have fluctuated considerably during the last few weeks but at any time during that period could have been sold f.o.b. St. John at $3.25 per M (non- dutiable) and in some cases there is no doubt that sales could have been made at $3.50 to $3.75. Very little is offering in lath in this direc- tion. Several temporary mills are engaged in the out-lying districts in manufacturing lath from the round wood, but no important quantity will be available from these sources before mid-March. Freight rates to the United States are rather uncertain, as sailings are ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tien SPECIAL LOTS—100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16, ooo 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application. ree Oe es ee ce and Matching ——IN TRANSIT—— - POMEROY, Orillia aah 5 MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. "Phone 113 Write for Prices. POSTS We are getting out CEDAR and can cut any SPECIAL SIZES Ghe Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO. oj UTED 604 Temple Buliding, Toronto | -: MILLMEN— Cash buyers: all kinds HARDWOODS. Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.*” Codes, A.8:C., sth and Lumberman’ a. few and will continue so for some time to come, there is practically no current rate; 70 cents per M on lath to New York has been the rule but it is probable that an increase of 5 cents or even 10 cents would be asked at this date. THE BRiTISH COLUMBIA SHINGLE SITUATION. Mr. A. McNair, of Vancouver, B. C., upon being interviewed, said that the shingle situation, although it had improved in the last year, was still far from satisfactory, and would have to be still further im- proved before it would be remuner- ative. The increased price of shingles has been forced upon the mills as a result of the increased price of raw material, shingle bolts having advanced seventy-five cents, and cedar logs being very high. And while the raw material is much higher in price it is also much hard- er to obtain, thus greatly increasing the expense and difficulties in mak- ing shingles. On the other hand the situation had improved some- what on account of some of the shingle mills being destroyed by fire during the year and a good many shingle machines being put out of use, and not replaced, thus lessening the danger of overproduc- tion. There was a slightly better demand from the east, the shutting down of the mills on the United States Pacific coast having prevent- ed overproduction and removed the danger of American shingles being dumped on the Canadian market. The fact that half the mills in British Columbia close down about December tst for 60 days also lessened the danger of overproduc- tion. Thus the shingle business THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, Limiteo SAW AND PLANING. MILLS, will be on a rather better footing in 1906 than it was in 1905, tor the curtailment of the production all season and the fact that dealers anticipating lower prices allowed their stocks to run down, ha3 left a rather limited supply of manufactur- ed shingles in sight. I, Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. SO RNIA, ONT. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for... Spruce Deais and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS Te. AM kinds of ae SAWN DOM BER ne By Carload or Cargo.” Registered Cable Address, *“ Pinewood,” BRANCH OFFICE, MANCHESTER, ENG “Head. Office, TORONTO, CAN. “America Lumberman” _ Telecode. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Let us know your requirements = Prompt Shipments AAA A DADRA RoaDAReA eee ee ee YY YY DE Ye oe R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R.S ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. é : : SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. ‘ CRBVSSVSSSVSSVESVVIAVTVSVTVSEVTSVESS - 0484880 CACHE BAY Band - Circular es A a ay Ont. a6 miles West North Bay LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Gane UMBER anD LATH Ve net ee Iv. _CaNaDa LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. Se SS Se ee sa CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS Se aka ee THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO FOR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS GOMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. Office: 503 Manning Chambers - - awn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, °° ghiting “" QUEBEC F. M°CIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited | White and Fed P ine MILLS at me GCE, Algoma, Dist., On | Lumber ahd Lath oo”’ Branch Cc. Water Shipments PENETANCUISHENE ONT. anning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES Cation Building, ontrea. oc And at Mills at Spragge. THE M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUEAGTORING CO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limitep Mills at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. Manufacturers of and wholesale T TT MBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Bank of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., - MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES: Railway Rridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B. C. Douglas Fir Timber in any size or length up to go feet long. Timber Planers face ap to 24 inch x30 inch, Dry Kilas of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUOTATIONS. AUGER & SON Both Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited, | 7 - ee 9 EE eA ee ee eee Heo cere rem Ne RE oe i eee oi ee oe eee = HARDWOOD FLOORING We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow Pe, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple ae Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties and Cedar Poles ae ‘4 " = a ee A el eh 5. SP ayaa January 10 1g06— enn eee ene ae ora a ae ee oe, —- _ ee eee on ee Eee OR a R LAIDLAW LUMBER JAS. PLAYFAIR. PIA HA TR ee wHIT: Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway Supplies MIDLAND ON A 4 9 at BILL TIMBER a Speciait i ad A.& P.WAIGE ste Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber. | Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath, MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. = yee and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stu fr. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chambers, TORONTO, ONT. | Ros 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber -Manufacturers- and. Merchant: Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled ; Send for Price List ~ _ A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds at close price” THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OA K H%, 48, HH, 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, * ia End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. a Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER : J. S, FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT, A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line’ because it reaches into and ak the Mie A heart of the choicest hunting grounds in America. The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire No rh is reached ONLY by thisline. Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celery attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. The Wisconsin Central Railway caters espec- ially to the sporting public and during the vario us seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along its lines upon applica- Canad tion to the nearest ticket agent. It alsoarranges its train service with special reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make pavel over their lines pleasant and comfort- able This line offers the best route between Chicago, St. Paul, Milwaukee Minneapolis or to Lake nua Montreal Win mn ae Vancouver AVERT. YO a Superior’ points via Ashland, Wisconsin. Information given by addressing— pas. C. POND, Wis, Cent. R.R- Milwaukee | ————_—_ January 10, 1906 CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION UNITED STATES MANUFAGTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE, HARDWOODS | : ST.LOUIS i : RAIL.MAIL WIRE OR: ‘PHONE SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CoO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LirTLe Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, La., ALLENTOWN, LA. Se ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO NUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty THE Wicks LUMBER Co. MICH. YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. sarees BATTLE CREEK, ; (WILL: PAY CASH oe ASH-AND ROCK ELM SEND: Us YOUR: INQUIRIES SFOR™ ‘HARDWOOD, LUMBER FOR .- | MANN, WATSON & CO. J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS Muskegon, Mich. OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building BURY. & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE “LUMBER DETROIT — Send us your inquiries for, Southern Eooy, Pine. nt ReeEInE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in. . . Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, ‘CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickorv and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANE, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Mills: Eutaw, Ala.;-McClure Station, Ala. Corresponience Invited on All Hardwoods. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN FRANK c. BURY. WHOLESALE. - MICHICAN : BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers | Cable Address ‘ Gable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. s Dale 8t., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, rig F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND OOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘* TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. ee. for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE ; , Hardwoods in Log, Ete. ents handled to the best advantage to all ports in the Uni espond Solic 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, * *vorcon'< Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS TORY CODE “CELUIBRAND, HEYWOOD’ & “co. Wood 1 gents and Brokers GELLICHT,” LONDON 657 Gracechurceh St. London, E.0. England ‘-JRMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAN TIMBER MERGHANTS . BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Elm Logs and Lumber, El Staves and Heading, Handles of ail descriptions Veneers A Specialty : Cable Address : “ Grey ee SMITH & TYRER [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—Smitu, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. OANT & KEMP 9 BROKERS oo 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address: “TECTONA” Glasgow. d A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes : acbned Western Union, oer ag and London.” C. 4th and 5th Edition THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances pace = peatnat shipping document Hickory sige dUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD Timber Importers All inwaie of Lumber and Manufactured Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. | Wood Goods suitable for the English > lic Branches: MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash rons and and: Planks. Oak Logs and Rock Maple Logs ata; Planks. Rock Elm Logs. . ALFRED 5 one vi. carci, iF. H, HEAPS & CO., ee Be i umber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. 7 SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, N Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. CR. et a ey lee, ee oe! ee Nae aa es (A , ay a Fh, eae ee ok Re) De 6) J sis i y Py 4) ie ; ne I Re i a eas Ne Hone rire Sil ri wal a Ve egy Sich ye. Ele eh 1 A wee i te . aT VEY SCR eae a EG Bis z , ny *: Pat Fat Pa rey. . ‘ Py Ps CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION January 10, 1906 : = W. J. SHEPPARD PRESIDENT J. G. rapt el Sn MANAGER Ont ouver, B.C. aubaushene, Ont. MANUFACTURERS OF roited FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUGE LUMBER ~ Ovs LATH, MOULDINGS mbet Cc TURNED WORK — coost —_ ree HICH GRADE vA RED CEDAR SHINGLES — ‘ — Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO > a | WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. j. E. youmen Cash is D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. Ll at cc a a The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. acueee White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ae 5 : f *® ee Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work sama CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, onal r, ,E ir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tackatke aad ‘doce Lumb: Dr Our Vancouver Mill cuts High- Grade Ceda ldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. We also Manufacture all kinds of Mou | 4 D. SHIER LUMBER CO., AIMITED ha Matching, Rasawing, el BRAC CEBRIDGE, ACTURERS OF i cturer of Export Lumber & ies ee 2S ipa ite ; All Dr ber Kiln Dried if aesied. umber Kiln ' Shing’ le Co., Limited ee es SPECIALTY | 2 iE io nt Vancouver, B. C. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers + Ww. B. McKrcunig, President. C. MacRag, Ma a Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERTA LUMBER CO 0. for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Wancouver, B. C. LIMITED —_—_——$ Manufacturers of i itish Columbia. Daily shippi See ener 13) alliocmesecee tele COLUMBIA RED CEDAR All sizes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR, B. C. FIR—DIMENISON AND FINISH e re _Write DIRECT to— _ W.F. HUNTING G Lumber Gompany, Ltd. VANCOUVER a For__ act. aco SHINGLES " B.C. Red Cedar ae ee _ ae! ee 1) * wv “> ‘- ~ " 7 4 ey ye rts Aro de « ts : OS sate N . Pag fa tae i) ea id giants Be. _Iantary 10, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. a ae | 1,500,000 Shingles Per Day One Million Five Hundred Thousand. I,.UMbBER DOUGLAS Meee Le and CHAR tate eee eo es et DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH | We make a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber Investments generally (Correspondence Solicited) ‘ Gy UNION LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ssc’. Vancouver, B. C. P Hastin gs Shin vie M: Sbisfacturin g Company, Limited Vancouver, B. C. HIGHEST QUALITY | Fi ir ana Cedar Lumber y Ww JUST A GENTLE REMINDER Dimension; Flooring, Ceiling and Siding; Interior and Exterior Finish; of all Kinds. My That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your y wants in the lumber line. Our Specialty : 4 It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to b } open up correspondence with us. D Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our | Red Cedar SHINGLES A specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you Plain and Fancy Butts, 16 in. and 24 in, Long Y y 1 why. y , ) SPECIAL ATTENTION given to the Canadian Northwest Trade. \ a8 A § Order Now: Deliver Now, while Cars are Plentifui M4 WINNIPEG, MAN. A | LN Bs Bs A AS BS BES AE SUAS RSS VSOSS SST SESS SESS The WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUF'G. CO. timitea | PEDWELL & LEMCKE, !""* 9 Ontario WOODSTOCK, ONTARIO ‘ he -holesale Dealers in MANUFACTURERS { Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber H fe “MLOCK, PINE and HARDWOODS, SHINGLES and LATH, ag ana Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. And All Kinds of House Furnishings. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. " SCRIBNER'S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen, Gives Correct Measurements £S I os ee and Round: Timber 1 Doyles Rules, and much Tale pea to aie. i . cal information. ° ‘ © 55 Cents ney Avoress TF CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO ONT. RN Ay (ie ys : : Ae 1 a ; rh Base he dL i tat 1 ee vr Sh Mee ) Ua ate re ee Fics Fe i A About half the B. C. Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. We have a Daily Shipping Capacity of | 4 The Red Deer Lumber Company 4 “Ss, ae * ~ Leh = a - J 3 rT A ~ a Pa S22) Pe Ree beget < » Pe ieee Ws Me ea wi Hrs Sat Rig ed ee be Bh rele ae al Hae Rete Ss ri eh Eis POE IES = eae nae 7 eo : ae Saag ee _ ete Tea in Si een Sif eee ae i Jk? seal ee 2 Hepes rs x (Choe al bee VIII. THE ONTARIO LUMBER C8 sure ae ee Bay. R. and G.T.R. Delivery. EMPLOYMENT BUREAU eae a R. B. ST. GEORGE BER RAILWAY, LUMBtactors’ acent | WANTED 158 Canal St, Russell Block, Ottawa. We gélicit ‘consimanentlas iat for Bush and Railroad £ ~- Sa Seine a oe and short lumber from the Mari- Work. - Phone 1,950 ; time Provinces and are prepared ‘ McLennan Timber Land and to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- Lumber GO. Limited bec. - F fs ADDRESS: Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Room 510, BOSTON, MASS. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION BANK ST. CHAMBERS “OTTAWA. onan W. B. BARTRAM & Co. WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. or Specialties: Basswood and Birch. Barge or car load | All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. , J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. DIMENSION { In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. ‘wf TIMBER MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Wows Life 4 Suiaing lL ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every enquiry receives our Prompt attention. ; Write for quotations. B. C. Cedar Shingles SASH - DOORS’ - BLINDS MANUFACT URER OF AND DEALER IN a Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pos Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension Sto oc’ kk WIARTON, OWT. 147 MilkSt. ~ Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. x a? ' Pine aoe strips : Pine, Pee nensae cee & es) * 00 LATH. y MMe ey 0.9 fe ok seeeee 34.CO 36 00| Pine mill culls..... 12 00 15 00 Pins 2. Se ) ss HOLESALE ae ins “and 1% in... 36 00 40 00| Pine O. culls. teccnn TS. caso ane secure $4.00 ['Sprace...s+.sssececee ig sR Eg 38 00 40 00 | Spruce, t ieee 14 00 SHINGLES, : ne good shorts: Spruce, SIOCES, Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 so $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x18 8 vi tin. ‘and r%in.. an ba ese weed Se ae get —— botta.; .cccan 3 SD Se Hamlods. ce eee : TORONTO, (OND) tne) ie ae a ee ka at ‘ 49 co | SPivessing and B... 24 00 mooth eee ae 45° 475 Spence seo , CAR OR CARGO LOTS. yo "9 a bps sss 15 00 pes reese %3)90 ‘ x x inch No. 1 Pine crag fe ees eet Hg 00 3 3° siding... --- a a2 00 2700] No.1 mene piner}¥e"x4! 3 50 , 44 Pers tse 00 51 00 |1% inc ooting -- 27 00 2 Pine, No. 2 dream No, 2 white pine.... 3 00 ow er! Se ( in ise I ss ecw Hemlock,1x4 to 810. 14 00 15 090 BOMBA fd’ wee rela 25 00] Spruce, mill run..... 3 00 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY, iy : * cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00) 2x4 to 10 in.,1- to16ft. 15 50 16 5> Pine No.1 dressing Red Pine, mill run.. 3, 00 : : on , 2’ No x Cuts and ae bates ae 18 MA os) 5° 17 53 Shlortsivisisleisialam ere lace 1700 21 00 | Pine Shingles . E WHITE PINE. _ ty : . ceda’ «eM xx INC. ees eae 3 . ean 2.Pine ON ae eile dried. tases §0 00 honk eh Pes a 20 00 22 00 Claes Bute 28 inch .. 2 40 2 Go (Wholesale selling price.), A wr cuts and better.... 44 00 46 oo | Clear inch B.C. cedar Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx tBinch......-.--. 140 160 Uppers,1,1%,144and2 iG Tinss ns cenanase my, 2’ No 2 Pine Cuts air dried boat lumber $5 00 ter 17 tor#/...... 17 00 19 00| White Cedar Shingles Mer ccevsensecsas 78 00) 2 in ......seweeene and Better.. . 48.00 48 00 | Douglas fir dimension Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 00 20 00 XXXX, 18 inch........ 3 25 3 5° 85 00 | Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. — 1% inch No. 3) timber, 25 to 30 feet 30 00 Pine s. cc. strips...... 14.00 16 00] Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 250 ? 60 - oo | Py Lise esto Cuts and better.... 40.00 42 00| Douglas fir dimension Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 1400] xx, 18inch.......-.. 150 #70 8 00 | gi 1 Mold st’psttoz a” No 3 Cuts and timber, 30 to 35 feet 31 00 70 00 had Cpls on Meee ty D9 ee one 42.00 44 00| 13 in. No, 1 4 ft. Pine j 78 00 No: Moulding Strips, ‘ 1in, Pine Dressing vin i Bee see fut 9.3 +2 Rh dhl tes 1to2in........+ ; nd better shorts 23 00 24 00|1}4in. No. 2 4 ath 3 30 3 common, 1 00 ae 6and 8 common 19 00 20 09 "No.1 32” pine lath 2 00 SARNIA, ONT. 1% and 1% in 56 00 Ix ro common 20 00 21 oo 1g" No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 3 50 2 in.. .39 00 1XI2commion...... 2200 24 00 | XXXX Pine Shingles 290 30 UPPERS. 1% x4and 5§”...... «+ 2+s$22 00. 3 in... 73 00 2X:0 common.....- 20 50 21 53| XX PineShingles .. 230 23° jin. 10’ and up wide. .$73 00 14% x6” and up......-- « 25 00 4 Wives seen) am 75 00 2and 3x12 common. 23 00 25 0o| X Pine Shingles .. 99 31% 1% and 2” -73 00 1% x roy S crelebinlete sieceaeae's 26 00 Cut'g up, No. 1,1 in, 42 00 ime inch box and XX Cedar Shingles 220 2 25 2'4'and 3 “ 38 00 i> eC MARL Beas Mets) 1% and 1% in..... _ §2.00 common ....---+-- Ig 00 20 cO B, C. Shingles _ 4! ae oe Bs 00 1% x er and up.......- +» 25 00 -” Not Cuts.. 56 00 Inch mill runsidings 2: 00 22 oo| XXX 6 butts to2 in. 2 90 5 tx 10”......% sPaelarinree 26 00 No. 2, x in ae 28 oo tin. mill run...... . 21 00 22 00| XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 12 SELECTS. WG SUIAY oy w claniae ce teein 28 oo No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 39 00 x10 and12 millculls 17 00 18 00 ; XXXXX5 to2 in. . 345 «rin, 8” and u Pr wide... 63 00 a’ x 6 and up.......+++ 26 00 No. 3,1 1% aad 1% 27 00 re — ape es inch mill cull Sid- XX No. 2, 6 to2 in.. a 30 1%, 1% and a” sees 63 00 2” x TO” se eseseeeeeeeers 27 00 NO. 3.27 cs ceveseee 30 00 ae diy & INGH... 2. .nedevrcoes 1600 16 50/XxX “ 6 to 23-16 in. ri and 3” viewer 73 00) BK TAs aca ast hia ats 29 00 Dressing 1% in...... 36 00| Mil et x Ti, ae tO ene 78 OO No. I BARN. 14x10 und 12...+46 42 00 and sins. sccdae ee HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS, FINE, COM, AND BETTER. rin.. ..$24 00 to $31 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the Baia Ash White, ists and Soft Elm, millrun 20 00 a1o0o0_ 1 in., 8” and up wide.... 54 00 1%, 1H a ‘2! fm to 3200 _ price at Buffalo and Tonawanda; ands,1to2in. $3300 35 00 | Rock Elm, common 1% and pe A ais ws. 54 00 2% an 33 00 WHITE ASH. Ash, Biack, ists and and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 bt «+. 55 00 (Re geen 36 00 1st & and, x inch, 36 00 38 00 tog’ insce sen SA oe ands, I to 2 1n.. . 30 00 32 00| Rock Elm, common FINE COMMON. No. 2 BARN, r%tozin ........ 39 00 41 00 Enlaces Ash, Black, mill and bet. 14 tozin 28 00 29 00 Wa ‘oGita" 62'6o “ aod tonas/oa culls....... 16 00° MUSREES Us ahisie e oinieia vig.s 22 00 23 00| Rock Elm, millrun 22 co 23 00 2 ay to ee 45 ee oe oe ‘ I : 5 oO a Birch, common and Maple common and 1%, 1% 4 oot s oo = 53. 00 1%, 1%, eae 2” 23 oo to 25 0o BLACK AND BROWN ASH. : better, rin....... 23 00 2400| better, 1in...... 2100 22 27h; SIRNA) -LPTES\ CO 75:80 2% and 3 2700 ist & ana, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00 | Com. & good culls... x Birch, common and Maple common and NO. I CUTS. “ NO. a BARN. BIRCH. better, 1% togin 2§ 00 27 00 better, 1% to3in 2300 2400 1 in., 8” and up yeiey -. 35 00 BAIN: lees Bosc 18 oo to 21 00 1st & and, 6 inch & ast Bapd,white &up, * on Birch, millrun.. . 20 00 21 00| Maple, millrun...19 00 2000 {1Y in, .. 45 00 1%, 1% and 2” 20 coto 22 50 up red « jve/asas.s\s-seurt OVO Aaa oe ak Com. & good culls... 16 00 Basswood, common pia ee pisin, Ists i 3 1% in, Wu HR abiOO pic ae fe eaae ' and better, 1in.. a1 00 2200| and 2nds........ 4600 5000 32/ “ = A oo 2 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, 2%and3” eg Pit ae BOX. 1:t & ad,rock,6in &up76 oo 28 00 ee a soft,6in & up, 26.00 28 and bet., 1% to 2in 23 00 2400| tstsandands.... 4400 4600 4” “ we. 62 00 as ao pet a ge Common and culls.. 1§ 0c 17 00 | Common and calls...... 16 16 00 1 Basswood, mill run 18 00 20 00 Qak,quartered, ists No. 2 CUTS Me NSA Ai o/s oie aiely 14 oo to 19 00 a Soft Elm common and 2nds......... 70 00 75 00 * . : No. 1 mill ‘culls, MAPLE. and better, 1in.. 24 00 25 00 HGR ONY ists and : 3 ie 6” and up. react ae pd 1,1%, 1% 2” 1500to 18 00 Comm 2nd hard... 20 70 23 00 Conmcu eats Soft Elm, common AAAS te si00 nshuinienia 36 00 38 00 .- i] ommon and culls — 14 00 15 00 and bet. 1% to 2in 26 00 28 00 144” - ++++32 00 MILL CULLS. ? 2” oe aint ss++ 33 00 Mill Run Culls 1’, 1%, 1% ie 2%, 3 and 4 sees 45 00 and’a”.. secede cesenes 4 00 QUEBEC, QUE. No. 3 CUTS. No. 2, MY ae om 00 BOSTON, MASS, ’ ig 1in., 6’ and up wide.... 18 00 ; LATH, White Pine U pers, 1 to 2inch ...... seen oe eee $84 oo to bier ik care") cts 1% and 13” —‘—as-+ 20 00 Sie eS r go Selects, 1to 2 inch... sens -neanvn~ socrerseesenes 78 08 ° ‘ Pe Sa | ane eedelecen ‘ Square white gine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,........- 35 45 Z wi en arennak OF No, 2, 48” ‘* er nae Fine Common, 1 inc ineho.: "¢: eee at r 2%, 3 and 4 27 00 7 1% to2in +++» 6000 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 58 63 No. 1, 48 pine.. sah i 405 No. 1 Cuts, i ne pe 19 toz20inchaverage ‘* ‘“ y02 165 MILL RUN. Gavtscda Rarninel RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. "x 4” wouie wvvn Bele ixayof LOLOO a . No. 2 Cuts, : inch.. Measured off, according to average and as ae A Uae tare ae 27 «33 TES nese tense eee + I9 00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, 1% to2 inch Shipping order See eta ates RAS ah 1” x 6 and 8” sidieigptteaielate . 21 00 5 to 6 x 16"........ a th Be Barn Boards, No. 1. POS IO Vaasa clea See aeee 23 00 . 5 t OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. ibe e Oenannes = Se IoD 20 Z5 oo Noa “ sella Aimy Jue Sa ee at By the dram, according to average and quality. . be 45 50 1” x13and up.......... 26 00 Spruce, 10 daa. pe ae dimension ELM. gin. and undez........ & ro and 12 in. random len , 10 ft. and ee By the dram, accordin to average and quality 4oto4sfeet. 65 75 2X3, 2X4, 2X5 ax6, 2x7 an 3x4 random len: zoto3sfet. 52 54 ALBANY, N.Y. wi amlen vogee aene aie ad All cubes h d under, 10 to inches and up oe to sidsaacet and qualit 70.8, ae 8 % 7 ONG UP....- seer es nee neee pereeeee” Average 16 ee an : : ; i F 30 Z Uppers, 3 in. ... ...----- 83 85 | 1x12 inch shippers ate ea Baale -$24 45 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 6 ft. & up,p.1s BIRCH ONG ID... c sere eeeecereness 83 85 | 4/4 inch 13’ & up.25 76 Out Spruce boards, p. 1S.....06- eeseeee os ; tie 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6” andup., 20 a1 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1s cli d bund: 14 Inch 22m 23 inch upper: ‘ go | ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 154” spruce laths .........++.-+- a . Cat . - “A Selects, 256 246i a AUP scwewnesls 77 82 Soe and and better... ae 42 mae gos OS ate te Bh eel vee ame Oras ia en Se alk WO ee ie HD ee ae IO 2iN.wccvecrccs cesses JO 72 r OAs scccaseuversas GE ad iJ “MyM yey Abe BIG SOME Die . «38 40 Fine common, 24 in. andup 72 75 | BOX, 1X12...- «-sseereeeee 22 23 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. —_—_— TtO DAN. ceccne csensececee 6o | No. x barn, rxz2.... ...... 31 32 Extras ........+00- sien wala v.curerep OTTAWA. ONT No. 1 cuts, x to 2inch...... 53 55 al Arie eH ceicgin 4 Sy ii! rea : 5 NO. 2eccwsevccccsececsses 35 45 BI oo:s ae¥einre alts, avissellaleinie’e pe 2 eco: sririayp aaiave MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Leakey ae ha 30 35 | No. 2 barn, rxr2......... A) “ad Pe bah = Sere es ij No. 1 molding, z to2in..... 48 52 2 xtra 13 (Clear w es out). pert zB in. and up 40 00 4200 sk aes z ar pot bd No. E mobling, rto2zin..... 35 £8 1x8 24 Extra rs (Clear whites in).......-.ee0cess 14 in « 36 ia. x ec 13 & 9No.t rbarn.... 17 00 Poeprnoter of PR ce at e9 te Shaky rere t in Slain... 32 “2 BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. n.and uap..:./. 50 00 56 00 1x8 oN wae seeee eens ste weneee 2in. x 8 in.and ‘up 64 00 56 00 | Pine whatta, 6! to 11” SSOP, Spoink paris i ae - 43 pene ist s concngeeen 24 35 Red Cedar Bates. Sa butts to 2in. ae : = No.2 cuts 2x8’&up 3400 3600] x10”.,,... ...... 1600 17 00 soi an eer Sa tak. 8 ped 5 Ee Perfections, 5 butte to 2 ins kas f / t ' * . ’ r xe i a ds.) oF Agee ’ : / . is \ * Be 7 Kk 4 oF , a N ae . 4 e *) : . ia + site . ‘ ry i a Tis Ss ages om me; yi ae A err fas eT rae am " is my afte tana at ele 2 ae et . “ en WEEKLY AND WOOD-WORKER EDITION AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. INNIPEG, VANCOUVE a: The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 pages} $1.00 PER YEAR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition. every week. THIS PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMbEéR MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE ED STATES, NADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY fH. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited ration Life Building - TORONTO. >} Branch Offices: ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 1 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. * Telephone 1274. -INGS ST,, SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. | | manufacturing districts and leading d foreign wholesale markets. A um of information and communica- Canadian timber and lumber manu- exporters and the purchasers of ts at home and abroad. Lumberman— A 44-page journal, ally and impartially subjects perti- lumber and wood-working industries. ED AND FOR SALE *r lin > 3 S + consecutive insertions are i of 25 per cent. will be allowed. e shows the width of the line and is set reil type; Bae ie ake oneinch. Ad- s must be ed not later than 4 “mm. On Tuesday to insure insertion in ent week’sissue dost .R FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND jar 8-16 and 25 feet long,at the Spanish Also-cedar, pine and spruce lumber for e at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, pod, Ont. iu ANY STOCK WHICH YOU to sell? If so, make the fact known to ayers by placing an advertisement in d and For Sale Department of this Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN. To- Me FOR SALE. yo feet Red Pine, 16 to 30 feet in length ; 900,000 feet White Pine, to be sawed next Apply, THE MacEav LEBLANC Lum- ., LIMITED, Chapleau, Ont. ’ “ . % : utie Corliss Engine for Sale 125 horse power, used less than two nd in perfect condition. We can recom- this engine for economy of steam and sunning. THE CHRISTIE Wood WorkK- »Ltp., St. John, N.B. FOR SALE et Manufacturing Busi- ness in Canada large tract of White Pine Limits, in the valley of the a River and its Tributaries, a modern saw mill on the a River, a going concern. cipals only of reputable lumber iting firms will be dealt with. ALEXANDER BARNET, * + ~ R . = [be inserted in this depart- enfrew, Ont., Canada. ANTED—1”’, 6/4’ AND 2” BJ,ACK ASH, 6/4” and 2” Basswood, all,common and better, dry. Box 326, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. a ANTED, PT.G. BIRCH FLOORING, 1% x 5” or 6” wide. Immediate delivery. ei W. SouTHERN & Son, Manchester, Eng- and, RoE SALE—60,000 FEET 4/4 BEECH, CUT from large logs of the best quality, thorough- _ ly dry, piled mill run. Address Box 338, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ; : 2 ee FOR SALE ou OF ELM, BASS. OAK, AND MAPLE, 1g04cut. Wewish dimeusion sizes to cut stock for the coming season; logs consist of Elm, Bass, Maple, Hickory, Ash and Oak. C P.R. Point,8 miles from Toronto, Apply, Box 529, Meadowvale, Ont. ewe a eS ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity of Slabs. Srmcoz Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 , Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. LY, ets Rep ames ASH AND BIRCH. ASH 1’, 1%" and 144” in rsts and 2nds and No, 1 common, Birch in squares 4x4” and larger. Also a fair quantity of Elm squares 4x4” and larger. Apply W. B. BaRTRAM & Co., Ottawa, Ont. FOR SALE Lumber Yard, Planing Mill, Sash and Door Eactory. Cottage and Stable, 22 Lots 33 x 120 on Railroad Siding. Best location in City, Population 10,000. _ Sell whole or half interest. Address, BRANDON, Manitoba, Box 399. BARGAINS 1N Saw Mill Machinery The following machinery is second hand in very good condition and full particulars will be furnished on request : 3-20 x 24Slide valve engine, girder frame. 1-16 x 24Slide valve engine box bed. I-10 x 24 Slide valve engine with box bed. 1-12 x 16 piston valve engine Tangye bed. 1-8 x 24 Wheelock engine. 1-8 x 10 Rotary valve engine centre crank 1-6 x 7% New Slide valve vertical engine. 1-35 H.P. Portable engine with locomotive boiler on wheels. 1-60” x 14 ft. boiler 64 374" tubes. r-60" x 14ft. ‘ 74334" See ear it, oe Ong ee 1-60’ x14ft. “ 6 oe 2-300 H.P. internally fired boilers 150 lbs, steam, L-8 x I2x I2 condenser single pattern. I-10 x 6x 10 Knowles duplex pump. 1-6 x 4x 7 Duplex pump. 1-125 H P. Moffatt heater. I-log carriage cast 1ron 3 blocks 40” opening Hamilton make. ; 1-log carriage single steel girder 3 blocks 30” opening. r-log carriage cast iron 3 blocks 40” opening. 2-underfloor friction niggers. 1-friction bull wheel with car. Ee 1-independent friction feed works 10” frictions. 1-set twin circular tie mill, will take 60” saws with steam feed. 2-52” Pulp wood barkers. I-I2 x 20 Cunningham feed. I-10 x 16 4 ca 1-8x Iz 1-Kelly steam log kicker. 1-Steam log loader ; 1-Steam log turner with horizontal and vertical cylinders. . 1-Drag saw belt driven. 1-Gunshot feed 11’ cyilnders. ‘ ‘A number of first-class second hand circular mill saws. THE WATEROUS ENGINE WORKSCO.,LTD. Brantford, Canada. ie se FOR SALE 600 M feet of lumber, Elm, Bass, Black Ash and Birch; 250 M feet nowcut, 350 M feet to cut to order. Apply Box 342 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. LUMBER AND LOGS WANTED INE AND HEMLOCK LOGSAND LUMBER of allkinds wanted, largeorsmallquantities. - Box 341 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. OR SALE, SAW MILL AND TIMBER Limits hardwood and pine; shipping, rail and water; also General Store doing a large trade. A rare chance for two or more parties to form a company; would take stock with rignt parties. Particulars, Box 339 CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. Webte? TO PURCHASE, FOR DELIVERY during summer of 1906,a quantity of Soft Elm 4/4”, 6/4” & 8/4”._ State price and point of shipment, also quantity you could deliver of each thickness. Address Cox, LONG & Co., LIMITED, Room 2 Hope Building, Ottawa, Ont. WANTED A LUMBER SHIPPER AND YARDMAN, one who is well posted in all kinds of State age, experience and salary. lumber. Apply. to MAITLAND, RIXON & CoMPANY, Owen Sound, Ont. FOR SALE CHEAP. ae MILL, IN FIRST CLASS ORDER, 40 hip. boiler, engine, shafting, pulleys, belt- ing, saws, everything complete, capacity 15 to 20 M ft. in Io hours, 100 acres of land, some tim- ber. For price write N. D. SEAMAN, Sauble Falls, Ont. . Massey Harris Co., Limited TORONTO - CANADA Will write a few more contracts for No, 1-2 Hard Maple or Birch 3%X6X14. No. 1-2 Rea Birch 3 and 3%x8x14_ Delivery spring or summer 1906, 1907 and 1908. Write stating quantity can supply and delivery date. Further particulars will be given on application. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Prices of white pine lumber are firmer than one week ago, in sym- pathy no doubt with the higher list recently adopted by the White Pine Association of Buffalo and Tona- wanda. The recent advance in prices has seemingly encouraged buyers, and for duplicate orders the sellers have in many cases advanced their prices from $1 to $3 per thous- and. The open winter has con- tributed in some degree to the ex- ceptional strength which the pine market has shown, but the predomi- nant influence is the widespread conviction that there will be a short- age of stock before spring. The feeling in the Ottawa Valley district, as far as can be judged, is that there should be an advance in common dumber. ‘‘We expect to get an ad- vance on the common grades, which are now out of line with the rest of the stock,’ was the remark of a prominent manufacturer to - the writery Logging conditions in the * ‘ spruce lumber. Ottawa Valley, as well as in the Georgian Bay district, have: been favorable, although better work could have. been done with’ keener weather and a firmer bottom for the roads. ; Opinions are much divided as to the outlook. for: hardwoods. . The large stocks of birch and basswood are against any immediate recovery in prices, although we believe that those who have the patience to carry their hardwoods fer two or three months will. be rewarded. QUEBEC AND NEW BSUNSWICK. The mills continue to receive in- quiries for spruce lumber: for ship- ment to the United States, but few of the manufacturers have | any stock suitable for that “market. So far as sawing operations are concerned they will for some months to come be confined to the smaller mills. Prospects’ tor the coming season, however, are considered as the brightest; as with the im- provement which has taken place in the British market there promises to be a very brisk demand for Woods operations are being carried on very success- fully and some of the operators are already counting’on having an in- creased stock of logs for next year. Among these are the Bay Shore Lumber Company, the O’Neil Lum- ber Company and A. F. Bentley. New Brunswick shingles are quiet, with no change in quotations. UNITED STATES. A good demand for lumber is re- ported from all sections of the United States, although ‘shipments are being hampered by the lack of transportation facilities. _ Every other condition is satisfactory. Large sales of norway and white pine have recently been made in the Lake Superior district at top prices, as a shortage is anticipated before the spring. Already some items are difficult to buy. Box lumber is in very light stock at Buffalo and Tonawanda, while white pine floor- ing strips 1x4 and 1x6 is the scarce item at Toledo, Ohio. Penn- sylvania manufacturers have again advanced the price of spruce lum- ber, bringing the base price at Bos- ton to $21.50. The scarcity of hemlock boards in the New Eng- land States is helping the sale of spruce. Hardwoods appear to be II. iS in better request. A correspondent states that before the new cut is in shipping condition all the dry stock will be gone. The demand for basswood is said to be increas- ing, the low price at which it can now be purchased having at last tempted buyers. Maple is quiet, with prices not strong and a con- siderable supply of thick stock at the mills. GREAT BRITAIN. The new year in Great Britain has begun with exceedingly open weather, which is favorable for the continuance of outdoor work, and as a consequence the movement of lumber ie quite large. The publica- tion of the statistics of stock on hand has helped the market, the de- crease being somewhat greater than was generally expected. The stock of pine deals in the public docks at London, for instance, show a de- crease of 258,553 pieces as com- pared with one year ago, while in spruce deals the decrease is 173,- 616 pieces. To show the relation of the decrease to the total stock we quote the figures for two years, _ given in pieces: —_) 1904 1905 Decrease White pine deals....... 462,629 204,076 258,*33 White pine battens..... 194,692 135,707 58,945 Spruce deals ........... 449,814 276,898 173,616 Spruce battens......... 459.147 381,610 77,537 Liverpool stocks also show a marked decrease in Quebec pine deals, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia spruce deals and square and waney board pine. The stock of Quebec pine deals is lower than it has been for three years. . For pine 10 per cent. advance on last year’s prices is being asked and obtained, while the advance on spruce is even greater with every prospect of its being maintained. STOCKS AND PRICES. J. J. Sweeney, of Melrose, N.B., _has a contract to saw about 1,000,- _000 feet of lumber for Frank Max- _well,. of Sackville. ’.: LaPage & Pigeon are taking out 2,000,000 feet of logs on Stormy Lake, having recently purchased a saw mill at Wabigoon, Ont. John Murchison, of Nanaimo, B. C., has opened up a logging camp on Gabriola Island and ex- pects to cut over a million feet of logs this winter. It is understood that Taber, Cameron & Company, of Tacoma, SNe Seven KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING $2 &,c'en oe MASON, GORDON &G CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Wash., are about to engage in log- ging operations at Gambier Island, Howe Sound, and expect to cut about 60,000 feet per day. It is estimated that there will be a large cut of logs on the Spanish river this winter. Gillies Bros. have eleven camps in operation and expect to cut about 50,000,000 feet on their Cobalt limits. F. S. Jones, Superintendent of Electric Light, Fort William, Ont., will receive tenders up to January 25th for the supply of two hundred 40-foot poles and one hundred 45- foot poles to be delivered f.0.b. cars Fort William. George J. Kinnaird, secretary- treasurer of Edmonton, Alta., is asking fortenders up to Wednesday, 31st inst., for supply of 900 electric light and telephone poles. Particu- lars may be obtained from J. H. Hargreave, Public Works Commis- Sioner. Duties collected on Canadian lum- ber at Tonawanda, N. Y., during the year 1905 amounted to $1 15,- 265.36. This is the largest amount ever collected on Canadian lumber at that port. The second largest year was 1904, when a trifle ove $100,000 was collected. R. & T. Ritchie, of Aylmer, Que- bec, are taking out a stock of logs this winter which they will saw into lumber for themselves during the coming season. Last year they sawed under contract for the Hull Lumber Company and the Estate of R. Hurdman. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. A timber limit of three square miles, at the head of the south branch of the Newcastle river, in New Brunswick, will be sold at the Crown Land Office, Fredericton, on January 24th. The applicant is the Sayre & Holly Lumber Company. J. D. McArthur, of Winnipeg,has purchased the timber limits and mill of the Moyie Lumber and Milling Company, Moyie, B. C.,° the con- sideration being about $150,000. The limits are estimated to contain 200,000,000 feet of pine, fir, cedar and birch timber. Holland & Graves, of Byng Inlet, Ont., have bought from Eddy & Glynn the Township of Mackenzie, in the Georgian Bay district, which contains about 100,000,000 feet of pine timber. The price paid is re- Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDAOOD, HEMLOGK BND PINE LUMBER Ras j - We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries, At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS ported to have been about $500,000. It is said that in 1896 Holland & Graves sold this identical tract to - the Delta Lumber Company for $225,000. The Delta Lumber Com- pany in 1898 sold the tract to Eddy & Glynn for$270,000, and the latter have now sold it to its first owners for more than double the price for which the latter originally sold it. ADVANCE IN FIR LOGS. The Washington Logging and Brokerage Company, of Seattle, recently issued a new price list advancing logs measuring more than forty-two feet in length and twenty-eight-inch top diameter. There is a slight advance on logs of twenty-seven inches top diameter, but the principal changes are on twenty-eight inches and over. The advance ranges from 50 cents to $5.50 per thousand feet, the new list being as follows : Twenty-seven-inch top diameter and under—Up to 40 feet, merchant- able, $7.50 per M; 42 to 50 feet, $8.50 per M; 52 to 60 feet, $9.50 per M; 62 to 7o feet, $11 per M; 72 to 80 feet, $13 per M; 82 to 90 feet, $15 per M; 92 to 100 feet, $17 per M. 4 Twenty-eight-inch top diameter and over—Up to 4o feet, merchant- able, $7.50 per M; 42 to 50 feet, $10 per M; 52 to 60 feet, $11.50 per M; 62 to 70 feet, $13.50 per M; 72 to 80 feet, $16 per M; 82 to go feet, $19 per M; 92 to 100 feet, $22 per M. Up to 40 feet, flooring, $9 per M; up to 40 feet, No. 2, $5 per M..__ Leon Gagne, jr., wholesale lum- ber dealer, Montreal, is announced to have assigned. Frank Julian, lumberman, Revel- stoke, B. C., is reported to have assigned to William H. Pratt. WE BUY 4 80 St. Francis Xavier Street YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBE DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH. : M°LENNANLUMBER MONTREAL QUE. Office and Yard, g7: DORCHESTER ST. X Ne | LUMBER ALL KINDS au: an SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, Cypress and 4 - Yellow Pine | | Stillwell & Company _ DETROIT, Mich. i moss LUMBER and TIMBER ~ Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty: Dimension Timber in DOU D. M. Jermyn, of Wiarton, On has been appointed permanent liqui dator of the North Bruce Lu Company, of Toronto. The pany had been in business a Over a year and recently assigne with liabilities of about $16,000. = s e Established 1889, Incorp ~ We Solicit the Trade of y \ Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. ( 2ist and Morgan Sts., — CHICAGO veneered Doors Qe We Solicit a Share of Your Business. v E. J. DAVIS MFG. 2Ist. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A, Our Doors are known the world over and recognized as the best made. Send; catalogues and price lists, - LIMITED MONTREAL, QUE. GLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUC ) I pes CO, LIMITED P.0. Bex6 — r >) nn — ‘, pannary y 17, 1906 BRITISH COLUMBIA SHINGLES. _ As has been previously announced in the columns of the Canapa Lum- RMAN, the price of British Colum- red cedar shingles has been ad- ced fifteen cents per thousand or No. 1 clear and lowered five ents for No. 2. The cause of this se is due entirely to the in- d cost of the raw material, le bolts having advanced from ents to $1.00 per cord, which ance more than represents the the price of the shingles. The es prevailing during 1905 were so close that when the higher es for shingle bolts came into , it was found absolutely neces- re to the manufacturers reason- able returns on their investments. Hence the advance in shingles. Prices for shingles on the Ameri- n side have also gone up for the that the mills there have shut down for the past six ;, and will continue closed un- bruary first. The prices on the ican side for ‘‘clears” which in 1905 were from $1.50 to $1.65 per 4 |. are now $1.80 to $2.00, while a Stars”. are now $1.60 to $1.80 as against $1.25 to $1.35 formerly. shingle manufacturers in Wash- on, like their Canadian cousins, e nothing on their investments go5 and the rise was absolutely n essary in their case also. _ Several of the B. C. mills have seen shut down for as much as two hs this winter on account of scart ity of bolts, and as a result ocks at the mills for- spring ship- ents are somewhat low, and the facturers expect this year’s ess to be more favorable than been for some time past. TELEGRAPH POLES - WANTED We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will "see that by cutting your _ Cedar into Poles it will net you more than you can get _ out of it in any other way. J. B. FARWELL & SON pereaccenscrn to M’Caffrey & Farwell. Jancroft, Ont. Oswego, N.Y. to do something in order to- CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION III. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Vancouver, B.C., January 8th, 1906. — ‘* There will hardly be another advance in the price of shingles,” was the remark this morning of Mr. J. G. Woods, shingle manufacturer, when asked about the condition of the market. ‘« The raising of prices for our pro- duct is not regarded as the most desirable thing at any time, but cir- cumstances compelled the increase of 15 cents, which atter all is only the price shingles used to be. Bolts are exceedingly scarce, in fact, we had to shut down on Fri- day owing to none being available. If the weather is very unfavorable, and the best is not looked for at this time of year, they will be scar- cer. Therefore, the outlook is not as satisfactory as one would wish.” Manufacturers of lumber are look- ing for a good season. ‘‘The out- put for 1906 should prove to exceed anything yet,” declared Mr. T. F. Patterson, of the Patterson Timber Company, and secretary of the Can- adian Pacific Lumber Company at Port Moody. ‘‘l would not be sur- prised if the billion mark were reached. This will be caused by the very good crops of last year, which will give the tarmers building money, and to the _ extensive railway building which is going on both in this province and the west- ern provinces.” Logging conditions have not changed since last report. Logs are still a scarce article, the price being maintained at the increased figure, namely, $5.50 for rough, $7.50 for merchantable, and $9 for flcoring. Unless conditions are the most favorable during the next two ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties SPECIAL LOTS—100, ooo of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16, ooo 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application. Ss .0. Se. wie ce Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 POSTS We are getting out CEDAR and can cut any. SPECIAL SIZES Phe Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. _ Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. Bere ARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., unre 604 Temple Building, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.’ Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s months, another increase in price is looked for. The Mountain Lumber Manu- facturers Association held its quar- terly meeting at Nelson yesterday, when the lumber tariff of prices was revised, but little altered. It was thought at the last meeting that a raise of $2 per thousand would have been made yesterday, but it was decided to put off the increase un- til March. Mr. J. G. Scott, man- ager of the Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Vancouver, and Mr. H. J. de Pencier, manager of the mill at Barnet, went up from this city to represent the coast lumbermen, as any increase will have effect also on the coast. The officers appoint- ed were: Mr. F. W. Jones, Gol- den, president ; Mr. J. A. Dewar, Nelson, vice-president, and Mr. G. P. Wells, secretary. Mr. J. S. Emerson has retired from the presidency of the British Columbia Loggers’ Association, ow- ing to his interests at Nanaimo, having declined the honor for this year, though pressed to accept. _ The officers elected at the meeting held last week were: President, Capt. Theo. Magnesen, Van Anda ; vice-president, H. Whitaker, Se- chelt ; secretary-treasurer, W. J. Patterson ; executive committee, J. Fisher, D. Essen, Charles Thulin, W. H. Higgins, Nels Morin, J. M. Mackinnon, C. A. Mackinnon, A. C. Fraser, H. E. Gilley and George Glassford. BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. GOOD RETURNS. Messrs. Chas. S. Wentworth & Co., wholesale lumber merchants, Boston, write : ‘‘We have received very goodreturns from our adver- tisement in the WEELKY CANADA LUMBERMAN so far and feel called upon to compliment your paper.” I, Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, ‘Lath and White Pine Shlngles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60° long. —— SARNIA, ONT. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for’. . . Spree Deale and Battens, BL ep ce and Pine Floorings, Shooke, pastes dings, Dowels, Broom dies, Chair S hes, be ara etc., or any Woods Suitable: for English Marke Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER GO. Limitep SAW AND PLANING MILLS, WARREN, ONT. RED AND WHITE PINE DEALS All kinds of SAWN LUMBER By Carload or Cargo, Registered Cable Address, ‘' Pineswood ” MANCHESTER, ENU TORONTO, C. \N Teiecode BRANCH OFFICH, Head Office, “American Lumberman” Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Let us know your requirements S Prompt Shipments CASH FOR ——""" HARDWOOD LUMBER gar Send Stock List with lowest prices &h C. A. LARKIN 4 Confederation Life Building, Toronto CACHE BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CACHE, BAY, Ont. 26 miles West North Bay Gane UMBER and LATH IV. eS Se re. ee FE SS _CanaDa LUMBERMAN, WEEKLY EDITION ‘CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS OO ree eeeoereeeeeeeeell f THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO Office: 503 Manning Chambers FOR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior. Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try . JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter, HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, | OWEN SOUND, ONT. | RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Ambherst, N.S. Sewn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, °° ghiting ““ QUEBEC +f, M°CIBBON & SONS, PENETANCUISHENE Mesiuinetiters of Pine, Hemlock and “eS Rgnie Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited MILLS _ SPRAGGE, Algoma + ey **Soo”’ Branch C. P. R anning Arcade, Toronto Canatine Building, ontrea. Aud at Mills at Spragge. THEM. BREMMEN & SONS; MANUFACTURING G0, LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Spruce and Hem- MANUFACTURERS OF White and Red Pine Lumpber and Lath Water Shipments } Ont. | ® OFFICES Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. THE NIPISSING LUMBER COMPANY, Limite Mille at CACHE BAY and SPANISH RIVER, Ontario. LUMBER AND LATH The NIPISSING LUMBER CO., Limited Head Office: HAMILTON ONT. A. F. BURY AUSTIN WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER CANADA PINE Bank of Ottawa Building, 224 St. James St., MONTREAL, CANADA SPECIALTIES: Railway Pridge Timber and all kinds of Hardwoods; Ship Decking, Norway and White Pine, Dimension Timber, Norway Car Sills, Car Flooring, Telegraph Poles, Railway Ties, Oak and Whitewood, Planed and Rough Lumber, British Columbia Pine, Southern Pine, &c.; Birch Flooring, hollow back, end butted. Eastern Agent for The Pacific Coast Lumber Company, Limited, Vancouver, B, C. f Douglas Fir Timber in any size or length up to go feet long. Timber Planers face ap to 24 inch x30 inch, Dry Kilas of large capacity. Rough and Dressed Lumber, Douglas Fir and Cedar. . WRITE FOR PARTICULARS AND QUCTATIONS. - j AUGER & SON Manufacturers of and pera Dealers in all kinds of 2 Both Railway Delivery and Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. a ee a We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pia White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, © Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow P?xe, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple mal Oak Floorings, Pulpwood, Ties aad Cedar Poles rn REE ESR RTS EE eh ANE” a a — R. LAIDLAW LUMBER co. ‘ya 18 Torsnto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WH PLAYFAIR 8 WHOIS Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER - LATH + SHINGLES Contract f 3 BILL TIMBER a Specialty oes Mi MIDLAND, A.& P. VAIGE Sawn and Planed Lumber, Dimension Timber Car Sills, Car Flooring, Shingles and Lath PEMBROKE | MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. a ee and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, badee and Hemlock Bul stu We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. ~ => Nianntacesceeestislatlll ~ wis Dealers in aeeeee OWEN ore National Lite Chambers, 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) SNE BGLCA = Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANA: DA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OA ¥8, 4%, Ze, 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling.» .,.« 2ioae Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY -OWBN SOUND, A SPLENDID ROUTE. The Wisconsin Central Railway is justly term ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line” because it reaches into and er the very heart of the choicest hunting grounds in America. The very best wild fowl shooting of the entire No rh is reached ONLY by thisline, Hundreds of beautiful lakes abounding in wild rice and celer 2 attracts myriads of ducks and geese and afford the finest kind of cover and the choicest shooting to be found the country over. The Wisconsin Cemtral Railway caters espec- ially ‘to the sporting public and durng the vario us seasons for hunting and fishing furnishes daily information to its patrons as to local con- dition s anywhere along. its lines upon applica- tion to the nearestticket agent. Italsoarranges its train service with special reference to the convenience and comfort of sportsmen, and its employes are constantly on the alert to make pee over their lines pleasant and comfort- This line offers the best route between Chicago, VEE YOu WN Weekly ‘Lumberman St, Paul, Milwaukee. Minneapolis or to Lake . Superior points via Ashland, Wisconsin. Toronto Moatreal W ul Information given by addressing— Vancouver JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R.R.- Milwaukee © January 17 1906 CaNAaBA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOQuU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS | ST.LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the {> CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION I. [It your wish. . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY may The Canada Lumberman, Torento tame ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty i MANN, WATSON & CO. Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case Address, THE Wicks LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. BLACK ASH AND ROCK ELM SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES FOR HARDWOOD. LUMBER Muskegon, Mich. J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE mason a ak LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, ‘CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Mills: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. Correspondence Invited on All Hardwoods. FRANK GC. BURY WHOLESALE MICHICAN | BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers Cable Address ““Farn Address “Faruworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC eA. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND OD BROKERS ‘*TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. ts handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdo ‘orrespondence Solicited. Cable Address ; 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, * *zoxscx, 2. IMPORTER OF Telegraphic Address ‘'Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers GELLICHT,” LONDON Cable Address : “ 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLA TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber Elm Staves and He ading, Handles of aii descriptions Veneers A Specialty SMITH & TYRER - (4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Sa N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER m5. tina Saar GLASCON | DAW EDS Cable Address : “* TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes : a ee Western Union, Soulseads; and London.” C. 4th and 5th Edit THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents. dUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs eT Planks. Oak Logs and Pla Rock saple Logs aaa Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory aie we ASO eA All Giaanes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers ~ oe: "LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABLE ADDRESS ** DOBUE LIVERPOOL ’ o ‘5 ™ a) eel Se <. See oe i 1 toy : &e% et.” att te BA Pre Aer) 5: < - 25 : LE Oia, ; h & — . eS - 2 iT, - hee iva ee 4 We Ay Sa e ” ‘ VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION January 17, 1906 SS ——— SSS S———— ‘auc Ee H, HEAPS @& CO, ae Wancouyver, B. C. <5) Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels. Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. iB W. J. SHEPPARD betel cant J. G. bit = GENERAL MANAGER Waubaushene, On ancouver, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF ed FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Owe LATH, MOULDINGS ber Cc ae ‘ lige : Coast over gas HIGH GRADE a fic ven RED CEDAR SHINGLES — t oa Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO ve — — - — a - val aR RRR ae se “Dp. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. Jj. E. YOUNG, cadiel es a ee ee ee ee / LL.) ll ka s | Sone The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. ae _Manufecturers White and Red Pine Tbenten Lath, Shingles Sesh, ; Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work bestrsin CKHDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING ; Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac = Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four pointe. 1, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED Planing, Matching, fusavng, tte Export Lumber & —_,wuuii(icinaa Siar ie ete, All Dressed Lumber Kila Dried if, desires mber ~€ Shingle Co., Limited A ale J Ser \ Vancouver, B.C. Please mention this papetwtien corresponding ii samen aia ' Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERTA LUMBER C0. for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Vercare = Cc. LIMITED tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping Papas BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR izes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CI,BAR, B. C. FIR_ DIMENISON AND ee SE ____._ iciacetw SHINGLES "2 —Write DIRECT to— W. F. HUNTING Lumber Gompany, Ltd. VANGOUVER a hese 17 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vn. 1,500,000 Shingles Per Day About half the B. C. Shingles used in Canada are sold by us. We have a Daily Shipping Capacity of One Million Five Hundred Thousand. LUMBER DOUGLAS see a ae SeRucEe 16 San i ra co ey AR Se Fir and Cedar Lath DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH We make a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, ‘Mill Properties and Lumber Investments generally (Correspondence Solicited) a UNION LUMBER ponraNe Limited sss susunce st Vancouver, B. C. | Hastin gs Shin wie M Waiitacturia: gt _ Company, Limited Vancouver, B. C. 7 HIGHEST QUALITY ‘iy g Fir and Cedar Lumber Xe ) } Red Cedar SHINGLES § | os i JUST A GENTLE REMINDER f SPECIAL NOTICE j That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your A WA CAs: we arre no longer represented in Manitoba, wants in the lumber line, )) fe ©=6Saskatchewan and Alberta by the North West Cr Wa It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to A WH EOLumber & Commission Co., Limited, of Winnipeg, & x eRe Bars nok UES peice 3 d 1. : : a ow D is our D $@ Owe shail deem it a favor if our patrons and friends i) specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you A BA would send their orders dir head offi , ‘ y f@ would sen € ect to our head office why. ’ WA until such time as we appoint others to represent ff} | (V7 ( | - , US y ius in the North West. : = fii Wy i :/. * g VA 4 ioe 1 ss fin 4 % A THE HASTINGS SHINGLE MANUFACTURING co, Limit ff} i The Red Deer Lumber Company A\ | | fi ; f f4@ Order Now, for Delivery Now, while Cars are Plentiful M4 WINNIPEG, MAN, A | 2 Ai ooMA ; y aes os “i {4 Lo Ya So Ym SOS Ym Yas Oz Yond vod Tm 2” No x Cuts and 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 50 I7 5) Better........--++ 5600 58 00 | Clearinch B.C. cedar, 1% in.No.2 Pine kiln dried, .....---- 50 00 cutsand better.... 44 00 46 oo} Clear inch B.C. cedar 2’ No 2 Pine Cuts air dried boat lumber 55 00 and Better........ 46 00 48 00 | Douglas fir dimension 1% inch No. 3. timber, 25-to 30 feet 30 00 Cuts and better.... 40 00 42 00| Douglas fir dimension a” No 3 Cuts and timber, 30 to 35 feet 3I 00 Better... ....0-.%s 4200 44 00} 1% in. No. 1 4 ft, Pine 1in, Pine Dressing Lath......--..s0e- .-400 4 25 and better shorts 23.00 24 00| 1% in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 30 3 40 1x4, 6and 8 common 13 00 20 00 134” No.1 32” pine lath 260 1x 10 common..... 21 oo | 14%” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 3 50 1x12 common.. 24 oo | XXXX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 2x10 common.....- 2« 5>| XX PineShingles .. 220 2 30 2and 3x12 common. 23 00 25 00/ X Pine Shingles .. 90 txic inch box and XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 25 _ common ......-+-- Ig 00 20 cO B. C. Shingles" inch mill runsidings 21 00 22 00| XXX 6 butts to2 in. 3.05 tin. millrun...... . 21 00 22 0o| XXXX 6 to 23-16 in, Zeyh x10 and 12 mil! culls 1700 18 00; XXXXX 5toz2in.. 3 60 inch mill cull Sid- XX No, 2, 6 to2 in.. \ 2 25 WOH... .2-. 02000 ....1600 16 50)XxX “ 6 to 23-16 in. HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Soft Elm, mill run 20 co Ash White, 1sts and ands,1to2in. $3300 35 00 | Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, 1sts and and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 ands, 1to2in.... 3000 3200| Rock Elm,common Ash, Black, mill andbet.1% tozin 28 00 29 00 ALIN siois oso) _a'eisislote 22 00 23 00| Rock Elm,millrun 22 co 23 00 Birch, common and Maple commonand better, Wit... sa. 3.00 24 00 better, rim...... 2100 22 Birch, common and Maple common and ; better, 14 to 3in 25 00 27 00 better, 114 to3 in 23 00 24 00 Birch, millrun.... 20 co 21 00 | Maple, millrun... 19 00 20 00 Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, ists and better, 1in,, 21 00 22 C0 and onds........ 46 00 §0 00 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, and bet., 1%4to2in 23 00 24 00 ists and 2nds.... 44.co 46 00 Basswood, qmillrun 18 00 20 oo | Oak,quartered, ists Soft Elm, common and onds......... 70 00 7500 and better, 1in.. 24 00 25 00| Hickory, ists and Soft Elm, common BATS Sacre pele = 1236.00 38 00 and bet. 1% to 2in 26.00 25 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white pine, measured off, 39 to 40 feet average,......... a5 45 First class Ottawa waney, x8 inch average, according to lineal.. £8 63 1gto20inchaverage ‘“* ‘“ 5.902) 2 465 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality, peiaaisiatstalatsisis since (Ade. SS Shioping ober se 8) sc aut ares a Blin eee acura sone 195 ee ee OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . Bis 45 50 ELM. By he dram, accordin to average and quality 40 to 45 feet . 65 75 1o inches and up, 30to35fet. 52 54 ASH. a:cording to overaue and qualiey: Ay ee See 28 Average 16 inch 30 32 BIRCH, 14 Inch . a2 4 23 es aa ae ° - + 30 31 {7 is . + » 34 «36 ’ 38 86-40 OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, eocd sidings: txro No. 1 barn.... 20 00 1in x8 in. and mp 40 00 4200/1x10 Nowa “ .,.. 18 00 1% in «1% ia. x 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn.... 17 00 8in.and up...... 50 00 56 00| 1x8 & o No.2“ 15 00 2in. x8 in.and up 54 00 56 00 |.Pine Shorts *’ to in” No.2 cuts 2x8’&up 3400 36 00 p+: sa a sseees 1600 17 00 , » i ¥ By °c ee oer Fal Ay BANK ST. CHAMBERS OTTAWA, ONTA W. B. BARTRAM & CO. WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. . Specialties: Basswood and Birch. Barge or car load All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. | J. GORDON MACLAREN DIMENSION 4 Rei In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 4o feet. — In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. “a TIMBER Every enquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. B. C. Cedar Shingles SASH - DOORS - BLINDS qi ASE. EBERT MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN — , Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Po: Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension :0 _ WIARTON, ONT. ; fs Piie good strips : Pine, le peam ..- 13.00 1§ 00 LATH, : Lie nccetis cneeunen, SAC oo | Pine mill culls..... 1200 15 00 4 “M geet leva wee ry A See Or ea eT oe Pine... cesses ce cavecetc $4 OO | Spiticgndetn sateen ney good shorass °° 4° 9°) SPruce, "stocks, 2408 aie y oes Ms ee oF Gand ae ee ye es Xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 Ronin butts, 6x18 woo $5.35 ve seven 1% in. .. 34.00 40 00 Spruce, 1’ clear (fine aed Saas Peet 35° 3.75 B Ae enone eeneee BE CR neh ane sc 38 00 4200 dressing and B.. 24 00 seeeees 450 4 75 | SPIUCOn...ee ee eneeeem wn is “gy A Sidings. . 15 00 | Hemlock ..... --+ 13 00 ; a Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath, per M_ siding ... . .. 2200 2700| No.x white pinet}@’x4! 3 50 Pine, No. 1 dressing No.2 bes pine.... 3 00 praunis = strips..... « seeee « 28.00 2500] Spruce, mill run..... 3 00 A iNDA Pine No.1 dressing . Red Pine, mill run.. 3 00 TONAW N Yo eee piorts setae wae as 17 00 21 00 | Pine Shingles « WHITE PINE. , ine, ros, ¢ and bet- xxxx, 18inch........ 3.00 3 25 ter 12’ to1@’ ..... 20 00 2200. Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 » (Wholesale selling price.) Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx 18 inch........... 240 1 60 Uppers, 1, 14,14 anda i ter 17 to16/.. .... 17 00 19 00| White Cedar Shingles Ie. ceeecceneccee eo Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 02 20 00 xxxXxX, 18 inch........ 3 25 3 5° 23 and 3 in....... 15 00 | stele No. I, 13 Pine s. c. strips...... 14.00 16 00 Clear Butt,r8inch.... 2 50 2 60 IN. sepeerereeenee & ce up. yy FM. wces Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 1400] XxX, 18inch.......-.. 150 170 gt es o9 | No. x Meld'st'p sto 2 WDesessesee sense eeeseeeseoee 244 and 3 in....... is pe No. 2 Moulding Strips, _ " BU get a, Se para 3 ewe eis ‘ mmo 3 arn SARNIA, ONT. 1%, and 1% in... 56 00 6,8 and soi pie a | WANN ie dareaeleiate™ <'sles 39 00 10. 2, LO MMe sseeees UPPERS. 1% x4and §”......-+-- -$22 00 cpg raa. ace eeae 3 oo} No.2, te ftrsscce ri rin. 10” and up wide. .$73 00 1% x6" and up.......-. 25 00 iit os nee. 75 00 No. 3, 10 in..... aoe 1%, 1% and 2” . 73 00 1% x 10% cee tale . 26 00 Cut’g up, No. 1, x in. 4200) No. 3, 12 in.......- a and 3” “ . 78 00 I ER cicicbeisienieie assaset 28/00 1% and 1% in..... §2 00| Box, r24cuec=senueenl «1. 83 00 1% x 6’ and up........ +» 25 00 -” Noy Cuts...... 56 00} 1x6 &up.. ...... akieods u4'x 10”...... Sale’ saat 26 00 Me 2, XIN. seeeee 28 00] 1X10 sss. 00 severe : £36 X12"... seep ee eee 28 00 No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 39 00] EKID veeeee veeeee 1 in., 8” and up wide.... 63 00 a” x6’ and up..... +++ 26 00 No. 3,1 ths and 1 27 00 ita a seeses 1%, Ueanda” “ .... 63 00 Ba! x10"... soe ot Takes 27 00 Mongar eer 30 00 and 1% & 2in.. 2M and 3” “si Jooue PLES a. cc paleo vials 9) eee + 29 00 Dressing 1% 1 inva 36 00 1 Culls, 1, 1%, 136 4 «e+- 78 00 No. 1 BARN. af 1x10 und 12...... 42 00 and 21D......e55 FINE, COM. AND BETTER. rin. .$24 00 to $31 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber's b 1in., 8” and up wide.... 54 00 1%, 1H ‘and 2” ag co to 3200 _—price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; 1% and 134” a «e+ $4 00 2h and 3”..... 3 oo WHITE ASH. 2 e001 55 00 AG shies s-sjsle) waa 36 CO ist & and, 1 inch 6 00 3800 t in FINE COMMON, ; NO. 2 BARN. 1% to 2 in peel ies a 00 pte ha Pelt rf wig 16 2" 45 00 to 62 00 1%, iad . 21 OOtO 25 00 ‘om. and wks ede 14%,1%to2”.. 5000 5300 1%, 1%, and 2” 23 oo to 25 00 BLACK AND BROWN as : H. ’ 2%, 3 and ERS : ea 7300 | ai and 3”. 27 00 1st & ana, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00| Com. & good culls... 15 00 NO. Perens erncit. rin , 8” and up wide... 35 00 ? Bee ssciscases 18 oo to 21 co ist & 2nd, 6 inch & st &2 hite, 6’ & ge 1% in i ++. 4800 [9 ii ik aad 2" 20 oo to 22 50 up, red.....s.2.. . 40 00 42 io | Can eeas ef Sup, 28 00 293 1% in, ba = oo | 5 3% ees 22 00 una pi 2 * ++» 47 00 5 yee 2%and3” “ . 60 00 ‘ * BOX. 1st & 2d,rock,6in &up 6 co 28 co = ed, & 14, soft, Gin & up, 26 00 2 4’ ms -.+ 62 00 ato i » 1%, cgoaled ages Common and ‘culls .. 15 00 17 00 culls...... 16 00 miataiotetabsts ce) i . NO. (2 CUTS. *. No. I mill culls, MAPLE. oa 6” and up wide.. sean ps 1,1%,1% 2” 1500to 1800 st & 2nd hard...... 20 20 23 06 fat ands 124220 00° ho pase x oe aris Cones: Common and culls— 1400 15 oo | Common and sseeesI2 00 oe - seee 33 00 Mill Run Culls 1’, 1%, 1 2%,3and4” ‘“ .,.. 45 00 and2”.. ..... : dian oo rae NO. 3 CUTS. No. 2, i SS 12190 BOSTON, MASS. 1in,, 6” and up wide.... 18 00 LATH, White Pine Uppers, 1 tozinch ...... ... 1% and 134” 4 «s+ 20 00 No. 1, 32” .* 1 50 Selects, ap et aie 2 «ee. 21 00 or ey Tic Scbeepe ber fo Scnay elegans ame Ta 2%, 3 and 4” “e 27 00 pale! 2, ‘en eels eseesee 3 50 1% to 2 inch. aire See 0. 1, 48” pine............ 4 35 No. 1 Cuts, 1 x in re ripe ay CePA nee ee daite: 18 00 Dei E LD hy WES a cess 19 00 |" XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, No. 2 Cuts, inch Se: 1’ x6 and 8"..........5+ ar 00 5 to6 x 16”........ 275 300 Barn Boards,No.f......--+- 1 e X0"F coe sieproweleie'e 6 ile 23 00 c.B. és 1 95° 260 New atee x Sao ccpeieoetanenre 25 00 No, a)" se eee hes Ne, Picea 2 ee ; mag and Ups ices... 26 00 Spruce, ro and 12 in. dimension........ gin. and under ...........+. + os ro and 12 in. eae lengths, ro ft. and up. oe : 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 an om random lengt ALBANY, N.Y. "yo ft. and up...... ...... ae PEN All Pred beeeky lengths, 9 ‘ia. “and under, 10 ° Pind Wp). ise seb ses aie alele S'o's wie eis Uppers, 3 in. ... ....- 83 85 | 1x12 pet eniayers miysipi=s oiele $24 25 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p. Is 2G IN. see eee ee eee ce cee . 83 85 | 4/4 inch 13’ &up.25 -6 Out Spruce boards, Pp. 1 S....6.0+ ween eee weseee TtO 2 IN. ticasnnje oe “CINE 78 4/4 Box boards 6" ani up.. 20 a1 1x2 and 1x3 furring Pe: 1 sclipped ‘and bundied : 4 inch uppers ....+--++ ... . 88 90 | ro-in, dressing and better... 30 35 1% spruce Le Hae se eee serge eee coeeeeee.s Selects, 244 in up..-...-- : 77 82| x2-in. dressing and better... 40 420 1BY 8 seen eee e eee e ee rer tenn ees wattene TtO ZIM. . .ccccscee steeve 9a 72 | BOX, IXIO-IN, ......++00-04. 21 22 Fine common, 24%in. andup 72 75 | Box, 1x12.... .. eee neces - 22 23 EW, BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. rto 2in..ssceee ceee-seeese 58 60 |,No. x barn, rxr2.......... 3% 32 HERALGRT oes e cco sw slee cease Caines eelssle sts os No. 1 cuts, 1 to2inch...... 53 55 ENG dimen) ¢ vim.cic'e,0 aside Wiens 28 ClORES cic cicticie walsivinwrie \o.e.are 6 spereiatee,ay's o/yusraisins oa Noi ide abla disieorepicp css ein 35 45 IXS I... « sgoocdroce Aer - 26 Second clears Jesalolhh scale ‘wiphers si8ie.0)e dheiele ofan sje ip elas qui mip Nosgst seute patterns 30 35 No. 2 barn, EXi2/. sec cocks Bye a8 © Clean WHIEES O85, Sats baie s extocipo atte dec nn'ens No. 1 molding, 1 to 2 in.. . 48 52 i 5 a ee Sesser oe no aes Extra 1s (Clear whites out)..... No. 2 molding, 1 foie: 35 8 PBL ais Nawie tate sie mae coueenase 24 Extra is (Clear: whites in). dnp sree sca heicjee een eta alsttaterr Stained sapS.....-.--s+++++ 32 40 Shaky clear, r to 6/4in...... 32 38 Bracket plank ........ -.+» 35 45 ‘a inch... ...s06 40 BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. Shelving boards, ra-in. up .. 40 43 Dressing ....++ ssseseeees 24 25 Red Cote Breen 5 butts to 2 in. Peer nome eee a narrow... 26 28|- Common.....ssesseeeem = 25 n, coma dinan’ CSS 1x19 ‘nch shippers....-.-- 24 75 3 i % Perfections, s butts to 23 inj 400 \ ‘ : e2' ’ ‘ i ta? \ fr, ; < ts ~ ate rer As ¢ , Ps « m » tee ae Ae e Ke S ¥ aoe Aig aie Selly fe e 4 ber Te ee roiet 5 ; . 2 a pa = ANADA [UMBERMAN G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited ‘ederation Life Building - TORONTO. “Branch Offices: 8 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 21 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. ead a, Telephone 1274. HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. ‘Weekly Lumberman — Published every y, contains reliable and up-to-date re- of market conditions and tendencies in the 1 manufacturing districts and leading ‘and foreign wholesale markets. A mediuni of information and communica- en Canadian timber and lumber manu- | exporters and the purchasers of ducts at home and abroad. ' Lumberman— A 44-page journal, ully and impartially subjects perti- ‘the lumber and wood-working industries. ‘ED AND FOR SALE depart- ise 25 m ; nseftions are it of 25 per cent. will be allowed. | the width of the line and is set pe; i2lines make oneinch. Ad- ist be received not later than 4 oC ‘m.on Tuesday to insure insertion in current week’s issue e AR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND om 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish _ Also cedar, ¢ and-spruce lumber for here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, wood, Ont. ‘ YOU ANY STOCK WHICH f0U h to sell? If so, make the fact known to le buyers by placing an advertisement in inted and For Sale Department of this _ Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- h _ FOR-SALE. ooo feet Red Pine, 16 to 30 feet in length ; 90,000 feet White Pine, to be sawed next er. Apply, THE MAGEAU LEBLANC I,UM- Co., Lim1TzD, Chapleau, Ont. e Corliss Engine for Sale 5 horse power, used less than two in perfect condition. We can recom- _this engine for economy of steam and tunning. THe CurRistiz Woop WorkK- ‘Ltp., St. John, N.B. WANTED nd boiler 50 or 60 h.p Heavy planer ndtcher suitable for dressing hardwood. 15/16’ shaft. Must be in good con- eap. THos. J. HOLLis, Mount View WANTED January Ist,1907, or er. 1s, ; special sizes. or sizes, prices and other particulars you begin to cut. MANUFACTURERS . COMPANY, LTD., Stratford, Ont. FOR SALE 4dry maple. 4/4 basswood dry. 4/4 and e 7 lock sidings, stocks and strips. 4/4, et aiesaplc,. 4/4 and 8/4-eull.el ; maple. 4/4 and 8/4 cull elm. gtd Hpac cedar. . tandzhemlock. R.R. ties. 1,500 sts, 8 ft. long, 334” tos’ top, % LICRAP, TATE LUMBER COMPARY, infil ., ” Lakefield, Ont. 00 WEEKLY EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL — JA i OR SALE—2o0 H, P. PORTABLE SAWMILL. For full particulars apply E. Topp, Cale- donia, Ont. ANTED—1”", 6/4’ AND 2” BI,ACK ASH, 6/4” and 2” Basswood, all,common and better, dry. Box 326, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, | Wy ANTED, PT.G. BIRCH FLOORING, 1% x_5” or 6” wide. Immediate delivery, ae W. SOUTHERN & SON, Manchester, Eng- and. SAv AND SHiNGLE MILL FOR SALE AT Goulais Bay, capacity 6,000, lots of timberin vicinity. Apply to T. J. Simmons, Goulais Bay P. O., Algoma. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SIMCOE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. act are BL Ace ASH AND BIRCH, ASH 1’, 1%” and 134” in ists and 2nds and No. 1 common. Birch in squares 4x4” and larger. Also a fair quantity of Elm squares 4x4” and larger, Apply W. B. Bartram & Co., Ottawa, Ont. ._ —FOR-SALE Afew cars of 2” White Pine, No. 1 cuts and better grade. Apply, Box 347, CanaDa LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, 4 ANTED BY A YOUNG MAN, LONG Ex- perience, ges as saw mill foreman, or any position of trust in connection with saw mills, references furnished. Apply to Box 349, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE 600 M feet of lumber, Elm, Bass, Black Ash and Birch; 250 M feet nowcut, 350 M feet to cut to order. Apply Box 342 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, LUMBER AND LOGS WANTED PRs AND HEMLOCK LOGSAND LUMBER of all kinds wanted, large orsmall quantities. Box 341 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. AL ANESD TO PURCHASE, FOR DELIVERY during summer of 1906, a quantity of Soft Elm 4/4”, 6/4” & 8/4”. State price and point of shipment, also quantity. you could deliver of each thickness,- Address Cox, Lonc & Co., LIMITED, Room 2 Hope Building, Ottawa, Ont. WANTED FOR SALE CHEAP. SA¥v MILL IN FIRST CLASS ORDER, 40 h.p. boiler, engine, shafting, pulleys, belt- ing, saws, everything complete, capacity 15 to 20 M ft. in 10 hours, 100 acres of land, some tim- ber. For price write N. D. SEAMAN, Sauble Falls, Ont. ’ FOR SALE About Two Thousand Acres of splendid timber land, consisting of large block of heavily timber- ed cedar and hemlock, balance maple and other hardwoods, with fully equipped saw and shingle millnowrunning. Smallcash price, tm balance takenin lumber at market price. Immediate Possession and stock of logs if desired. Apply, Box 348, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, NUARY 24, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER MBERMAN | ‘The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 pages} $1.00 Per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition. every week. Si = THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 46 CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The volume of lumber moving is large for the month of January. There has as yet been no _interrup- tion to building operations in South- ern Ontario and consequently the drain upon retail yards has been heavy. This will mean an early spring demand from the retailers, which suggests the question whether the light supply of white pine now in the hands of manufacturers and wholesalers will be sufficient to meet the requirements. Present condi- tions, it may be said, indicate a shortage and higher prices. There is a disposition in some quarters, however, to proceed conservatively, on the ground that prices are already high enough and nearing the pro- hibitive point. Some principals have accordingly given instructions to their men to buy sparingly, but at the same time to pick up anything which may-seem in the nature of a bargain. Logging operations are suffering from mild weather. There is some snow in the northern pine districts, but the weather bas not been cold enough to make good roads either for taking in supplies or getting out logs, and if these conditions should continue, the output will be greatly curtailed. In the hardwood sec- tions very little logging has been done. There is no sleighing in Western Ontario as far north as Walkerton, and it is probable that the production of hardwood logs will be not more than 50 per cent.of the usual cut. This should bring about higher prices for lumber, and especially for basswood, prices of which are too low as compared with those ruling in the United States. As an indication of the strength of the lath market, it may be said that a sale was this week made of No. 2 lath to be cut during the coming season at $3.50 f.o.b. Al- goma mill point, taking 19 cent rate to Pittsburg. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The strength of spruce in the Eastern States has been reflected to some extent throughout the Mari- time Provinces, and at the present time there is a disposition to re- gard the outlook for 1906 as hope- ful. Perhaps clapboards represent the commodity which is least in de- mand at the present time, but as the production has been very moderate prices are not likely to suffer. Ced- ar shingles are bringing trom $3.35 to $3.50 for Boston delivery, the latter price being for the pro- duction of manufacturers who are known to make a high grade shin- gle. There is not much activity and no particular change in either demand or price is looked for dur- ing the next month or six weeks. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. Lumbermen of Western Canada are anticipating an active trade during the coming season. Some dealers are already placing orders in anticipation of an early spring demand, but the general disposition seems to be to wait until February or March before giving the business to the mills. This policy, how- ever, does not always produce the most satisfactory results. The ten- dency of both lumber and shingle prices is upwards, as owing to the scarcity and increased cost of logs, an early advance in prices is almost inevitable. It is yet too early to estimate the extent of the demand this year, but it is significant that the aggregate value of buildings in Winnipeg for which permits have been granted up to this date is con- siderably in excess of the figures of the corresponding period of last year, and that in nearly all western cities and towns like conditions exist. This means a large con- sumption of lumber during the first six months of the year at least. UNITED STATES. The lumber situation in the United States cannot be character- . be Il. ized otherwise than exceptionally strong. Southern pine probably leads in point of demand, followed by white pine and spruce. The higher scale of prices adopted by the White Pine Association of Buffalo and Tonawanda is being readily paid, the consumer apparently having come to the conclusion that condi- tions warrant the step. In the Lake Superior district prices are about $3 higher than a year ago, No. 6 boards, which is the very lowest grade, bringing $7. Chicago deal- ers last week sent out new lists showing an advance of $1 on practi- cally all items. While there is a light supply generally of white pine, the scarcity of box lumber is pro- nounced and likely to lead to still higher prices. Everything in the spruce line sells very rapidly, as a considerable quantity is being used for building purposes. There is also a large call for hemlock and in New York a scarcity of 2x4 inch, 18 and 20 feet. Wisconsin hemlock is held at $15 to $16 in lengths up to 16 feet, while 18-foot lengths are $1 more. The condition of the hardwood trade was carefully considered at the meeting of the Hardwood Manufac- turers’ Association of the United States held at Louisville, Kentucky, on January 16th. The reports pre- sented show that the stocks of hard- wood on hand at the mills are small- er than one yearago. It was decided to fix the price of inch firsts and seconds basswood at $34 f.0.b.Ohio river points, while for log run maple the following prices were agreed up- on: 1 inch, $20; 14% and 1% inch, $22; 2 inch, $23. For log run soft elm the prices fixed were: 1 inch, $21.50; 14, 1% and 2 inch, $23.50. GREAT BRITAIN. The general electicns in Great Britain -have, naturally, not been helpful to business, and under the circumstances it is satisfactory to know that the lumber demand continues steady and prices firm. Buyers still seem a little dubious KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION about the reported falling off in shipments from Canada, but if the buoyant market which now exists in the United States should con- tinue, they are likely to be given some strong evidence during the coming year. Unless all signs fail, British importers must pay higher prices for Canadian pine and spruce if they are to secure as much stock as in former years. It is stated that over £8 per standard-c.i.f. has been paid in the Bristol Channel for a parcel of St. John deals per the winter liners containing 10 per cent. 3x11 inch and 15% feet aver- age length. For special Irish specifications $8 15s to £9 is being asked, but importers are not con- tracting liberally at these figures. Shippers are asking and receiving higher prices for waney pine, birch and elm, the light stock in Quebec having placed them in a_ strong position in respect to 1906 ship. ments. STOCKS AND PRICES. The Richards Lumber Company, of Campbellton, N.B., expect to get out about 6,000,000 bt of logs this winter. B. F. Smith, of Waodslien! N. B., has just sold 100,000 feet of birch lumber to the Bane een Company, Toronto. Musgrave & Company, 159 'Hol-. lis street, Halifax, N.S., are de-) sirous of purchasing one million. laths for shipment in February. Clark Bros., of Coldstream, N. B:, and F. E. Sayre & Company and J. K. Fleming, of Hartland, N.B., have been operating their lath mills to their full capacity. It is understood that the price of spruce lath is slightly weaker. The Carney Lumber Company, of Owen Sound, Ont., have sold to the Hines Luniber ‘Company. of Chicago, the entire cut of their mill for the season of 1906. The cut is estimated at 20,000,000 feet and the consideration is between $400,- 000 and $500,000. Most of the lumber will be shipped to Chicago. Geo. Read, of Campbellton, N.B., and T. R. Campbell, of Salisbury, are setting up a portable mill at Crandall’s Siding on the Moncton KILN-DRIED_BIRGH FLOORING Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, RENLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T QUTSIDE POINTS Specialty : and Buctouche railway, to saw logs the favored ee seems to be on for George McSweeny & Company, non-commitment. The condition of trade i in Easte n quite extensively in that section wood goods i mentioned and the prices prevz of Moncton, who are operating during the present winter. the ma In Chicago No. 1 white pine lath during next spring and summer are now quoted at $5. 25 and No.1 10 doubt depend to an important The mill price is now extent upon the supply of logs at $4.75. firmly established at $4.50 for No.1 the mills in Maine and New Br white pine, $3.75 for No. 2, and wick and the prospects in th $2.30 for No. 3. regard. Not before the opening of The barque ‘‘Weathersfield” has navigation in the rivers (which completed loading her cargo of 850,- ooo feet of lumber at the FraserRiver can any Saw Mills, New Westminster, B.C., and sailed for New Zealand. The driving season. ship ‘‘American Cushion” has just loaded 1,250,000 feet of lumber at Chemainus for Sydney, Australia, and the ship ‘‘Glenevan” is-about to load lumber at Vancouver, B.C., for Melbourne, Australia. 5 W. C. CRAWFOR take place about the 25th of A idea be formed as whether 1906 will be a succe At that dat . . Manwfacturer of eae 2 Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Ete, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and and White Oak, Maple and Eim Lumber. Can supply Second Growth White or Red | NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of CANADA LUMBERMAN.) St. Joun, N.B., Jan. 16th, 1906. —The lumber trade in this direction is undergoing the usual mid-winter period of quiet. Some parcels of ' squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. H. D. WIGGIN soso". will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for deals, most of which come from Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwc points outside the city, are going forward weekly by the winter liners, but beyond this very little is doing. Reports from the United States : into and throu, such as is usual during and follow- hunting groun (CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ee A SPLENDID ae The Wisconsin Central epee is ed the ‘‘Sportman’s Line’’ beca markets indicate a season of inaction gh the the very heart aa roe The very best wild f fon aeoaiie ig of the ing upon the holidays. Until now work isteached ONLY of beautiful lakes abounding in so far as is known this lack of celery altracts taysietn ee decks and this activity. has been accompanied by. afford the finest kind of cover and the no. weakening of prices. The trade in that direction con- tinues to attract a great deal. of attention from local dealers and speculation is rife as to what the next three months will bring. The. operations of buyers are marked by much caution and it is quite ap- steeds employes are oa on teprel over their lines fleasa: This line offers the best route betweenCh St. Paul, Milwaukee Minnea - Superior ts via Ashland, W: parent that even the most experi werk ‘points acre: oe enced are somewhat at a loss as to JAS. C. POND, Wis. Cent. R what to expect. In the meantime WE BUY Yellow Pine Stillwell & Company — mi DETROIT, + Mich. Send for Catalo Sead for Catalogee 80 St. Francis Xavier Street - Milwaukeo WE SELL LUMBER ALL KINDS SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, Cypress and KNIGHT BROTHERS Burk’s F; MASON, GORDON &G = YELLOW Lsea or OAK. ' Correspondence Solicited. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER R DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH : M°LENNAN LUMBER CO, TREAL pha Office end Yerd, ¢ 67 poncusarsnt sr. ' MONTREAL, QUE. VAOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE. ‘ LIMITEL ) Hun at aidan tnd ect might be made, but with ditions which have to bear upon this important feature, a forecast at ‘that date even would be a mere -euess. Only when the logs are in "safe water could it be said without - doub, that this material drawback S tO. anormal season’s cut had been e plain there remains to be seen sffect on prices of the United es markets and before it isa ainty it would be hard to figure egard to prices during 1906. course, the logs referred to are ‘those cut and manufactured on the rivers of Maine and on the Maine side of the St. John to be sawn in New Brunswick. To date the logging season has is "been marked by a little better than ‘average success. Operators on the American side of the St. John report - fayorable conditions in nearly all : "directions, although in some parts - snow has been somewhat scarce pt recently. This drawback has remedied by a heavy fall during ast week. So far, therefore, probabilities int toward an ample supply of ss to be sawn for the United ‘Sta ites markets during the coming 4 _3eason, but, in view of the con- ditions mentioned above, it can _teadily be seen to what extent the element of uncertainty enters into situation. stimates of the total eaanety of “American” logs to be cut on the St: John this season range from 65 75 millions of feet, but the Smaller quantity is nearest the al figures. ‘he quantity of American” WANTED We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your _ Cedar into Poles it will net = you. more than you can get out of it in any other way: ‘ B. FARWELL & SON ‘Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. neroft, Ont. Oswego, N.Y. fe uncertainty of the many con-— moved. When this fact has been- 1eral opinion seems to be that WINNIPEG CONDITIONS. = _WinniPec, Jan; 8th, 1905. — There has been considerable talk about an advance in lumber prices in Winnipeg, but as yet the re- tailers have made no advance. D. E. Sprague stated that he had heard ot no change. The Rainy River Lumber Company stated that they would not advance present prices. J. M. Chisholm, wholesale dealer, said that B.C. fir had ad- vanced about $1 per thousand, but pine was stationary, and the Mani- toba mills had not advanced prices. T. D. Robinson said he believed the mills would make an advance in prices in the near future. From enquiries in other directions it was learned that some dealers consider that the advance of $1 on B.C, fir will be followed by a general ad- vance all round. FREIGHT RATES ON LUMBER. A conference took place between the Ottawa Valley lumbermen and the representatives of the railway companies last week regarding the freight rates on lumber from Ottawa: to New York. Until quite recently the charge was $3 per thousand feet, and the change has been made to 11 cents per hundred weight, which, it is claimed, is equal to the lineal foot rate. The lumbermen claim that no two scales weigh alike, so that there would te no definite way of knowing in advance what the freight charges would be. As lumber is sold by foot measure-- ment, they claim it is much more advantageous to have freight charg-" ed on the same basis. The lumbermen said they simply would not pay on the tonnage basis, — and intimtated that if the railways’ T ELEORAPH POLES ames | THE [IMPERIAL LUMBER GO. Limitep LATCHFORD, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tien ....... ~ SPECIAL LOTS—100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 an 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16,000 8/4 Tam- | arac, Prices on application: Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— Ss. POMEROY, Orillia | PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, — SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS | in Car Lots. j Factory near Station. Write for Prices. | "Phone 113 “DON’T WORRY: SMILE ; We’ ve got all the lin. and 2 in. Spruce that you want. GARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO, uwreo 604 Temple Building, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.’ Codes, A.B.C., 5th and Lumberman’s CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION a $ RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. ' PaCHe. ae Ont. make the change all the lumber would be forwarded to New York by boat, and is necessary a special line of boats could be secured for that purpose. The quéstion will be con- sidered further at a meeting of the Canadian Freight Association in Toronto this week. BRITISH TIMBER SALES. The following prices were realized at an auction sale held by Churchill & Sim, London, England, on Jan- uary 11th: Ping.—Ex. Montcalm, from Que- bec—12-13 ft. 3 x 10 in.first quality, 424 15s. per standard; 12-13 ft. 3 x BS) £'22°10s.5 12-13 ft. 3x7, £22 10S.; 10-11 ft. 3x 10, £24; 10-11 ft. 3x 9, 423 10s.; 10-11 ft. 3 x 8, 20 158.; 10-16 ft.3 x 5-9,£22 Ios. Ex. Montcalm, from Quebec—16 x 11 in. first quality, 422 1os. Ex. Kildona, from Quebec—12-16 ft. 2 X 11-27 in. first quality, £24 15s. Ex. Montrose, from Quebec—6-r11 ft. 134 x 7 in. first quality red, £10; 7-11 ft. 1% x 6, S10 10s.; 6-11 ft. 1% x4, £9 5s. Ex. Montreal,from Montreal—13-18 ft.3 x 11 in.second quality red, £10 5s. Ex. Mount Temple, from Montreal—13-21 ft. 3 X I1 in. unassorted red, £9 5s.; 12-18 ft. 3x 11, 49 5S.; 13-21 ft. 3 x9, 49; 12-18 ft. 3x9, £9. Ex. Montrose, from Montreal—12-21 ft. 3 X I1 in. unassorted red, S9. Ex. Hibernian, -from Quebec—o-13 ft. 3X 9-13 unassorted red and third quality, 4 8; 6 8ft. 3x 9-11, £8; 6-8 ft. 3x 7, 47 5s. Ex. Hecktos from Quebec—12-16 ft. 3 x 12-22 in. first quality, £18 15s.; 14-16 ft. yx’ 11, #22 §s.; 12-16 ft. 3 x 7-10, 415; 6-9 ft. 3.x 12-20, 415 5s.; 10-16 ft. 3X 4-10 in. second quality, £10. Spruce.—Ex. Arvilla, from Que- Mills: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. II. bec—11-18 ft. 3 x 7 in. unassorted, 48 tos. Ex. Jacona from Quebec —12-13 ft. 3x9 in. third quality, 495s. Ex. Kiora, from Quebec— 10-13 ft, 3 x g in. first quality, £12 I0s.; 9-16 ft. 3x 9, S12 10s.; 10-16 ft. 3x 9, 412 16s. Ex. Pomeran- ian, from Quebec—1o0-16 ft. 3 x 9 in. first quality, £11 15s. Watnut Timper.—Ex. Basuta, L, Dean Holden; Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l,-Mgr, F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mer The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. —=—SARNIA, ONT. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. aanuer Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles, Chair stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. North Tonawanda, N. Y. sessts: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Let us know your requirements 2 Prompt Shipments R. H. ROYS, Pres. C. A. EeEnt, Sec’y. R. S ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. GVSCSVVCUVSVSSUSVSESESSEBVSEVSEVUSEVSEVEVVAR® SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURER{ OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. CTVTVSSSSSSSVSVSSUESTSSVSVVVVAY weOO880 CACHE BAY LUMBER. INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band : CHAirew la c Gang #6 miles West North Bay UMBER asd LATH ae ¥ a IV. On the total cut, the dues accru- ed and payable to the Government aggregate up till December 31st last $1, 142,842.92. This is some- what in excess of the accrued dues of 1904, which were $1,062,810. During the season of 1903-04 the total cut of saw logs was 663,124,- 892 ft. That of white pine square timber was 1,963,938 cubic feet, and of pulpwood 29,833 cords. from Quebec—6 logs, 202 cubic feet, Is. 3d. per foot; 4 logs,96 cubic tt.; Is. 4d.; 4 logs, 991% cubic ft., 1s. 4d.; 3 logs, 118 cubic ft., 1s. ° TIMBER PRODUCTION IN ONTARIO. Returns of the quantity of timber cut in the province of Ontario dur- ing the season of 1904-05 showa slight falling off in the output as compared with the previous year. The cut of pine logs totalled in all 625 million feet board measure. Of Square timber, 1,066,989 cubic feet was taken out, and the output of pulpwood was 73,000 cords, while - The lumber yard and plant of the Manitoba Lumber Company at Car- man, Man., were entirely destroyed by fire last week. Some lumber the railway ties cut numbered was burned, the total loss being 2,064,501. $20,000. ee SS re ST = soar es Se CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION oe NS tt tr Str THE PEMBROKE L LUMBER CO. | PBMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO OR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer Rs one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. RHODES, CURRY & CO.., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. Office: 503 Manning Chambers -. - S272 and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, Nhe. JAMES J. MURPHY, **" pf Hochelava QUEBEC F. M°GIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and en Sa Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. PENETANCUISHENE he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF Lumber Co. Of Onterio, Limited "| White and Red Pine non Hee tranek Ee“ | Lumber and Lath ming Arcade, rélbaed”™ Water Shipments THE H. BRENNEN & SONS 1 KATE 6, LIMITED And at Mills at Spragge. Saw Mille at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow P?e, We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of haater and Timber in Canad Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fi ir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Chetry, Chestnut, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Seiling’s saw rn at Eagle Lake, Ont., together with 100,000 feet of lumber, was destroyed by fire on January 2oth. The assignment during the past week of A. F. Bury Austin, lumber merchant, Montreal, was learned. with regret by the trade at large. Mr. Austin has done a large | domestic and export business. His liabilities are placed at $90,000, the Bank of Ottawa being the largest creditor. Several Ottawa lumber manufacturers are interested © for small amounts. | The assets con- sist chiefly of lumber at Pembroke, Ont., Aylmer, Que., and other points. "¢' Tournament. Visiting ~Hoo-H and lumbermen, should note t he date. Frank Julian, shingle piracy B.C., has galiglts Sand WHOLESALERS lie Sp meee eas eel a SEE JAS. PLAYFAIR. - LATH « ~ SHINGLES Contractors for Hallway Suppiles ‘MIDLAND, ONT Bh MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Ve ea ee and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Se a : Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and | Hemlock Bill st We ship by C. P. R., G. T.R,, and by W: => OWEN: ‘so ONTARIO, THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITE ED D National Lite Chambers, TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and eral ; ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Meee CANADA ; LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR HARDWOOD ELConta™ End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundied i Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds at close THE SEAMAN KEN Tr Co., Limite 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, ¢ HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK Vs, 38, Ze, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER oJ. S. FINDLAY ; a and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles January 24, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION y. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS. ST. a RAIL.MAI WIRE O _ ‘PHONE ook 9) SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. ) THE DIXIE LUMBER CoO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LITTLE Bay, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, La., ALLENTOWN, LA. hae ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty | MANN, WATSON & CO. THE WICKS LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. BLACK ASH AND ROCK ELM SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER Muskegon, Mich. J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE. ws anos LUMBER - DETROIT Send us OMe inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, ‘CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK FRANK C. BURY pUeLESALE MICHIGAN Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Millis: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. Correspondence Invited om All Haréwoods. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS “ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measurers | Cable Address ‘ table Address “Farnworth, ” Liverpoel.s Dale St., 7x Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND aw OOD BROKERS Address; ‘* TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., A a“ and Private. Agents for for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; ” Hardwoods in Log, Ete. the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom — Correspondence Solicited. OUIS BAMBERCER 2 Broad Street Building, j LONDON, E. C. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ IMPORTER OF memes Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods a Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ws eS CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & £0. Wood 1 gents and Brokers “GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Qa Birch, Ash, Grey Eim Logs and Lumber, EI Staves and He eading, Handles Veneors A Specialty Cable Address : of ail descriptions rr SMITH & TYRER - [4 Tithobarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, Tyrer & Co., Metropole Bidg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S, GANT & KEP TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW 2p R 0 K F R S Cable Address; ““TECTONA” Glasgow. Ar and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: Codes: oe Western Union, Southards, and London.” C. 4th and sth Editions. THOMPSON, BLOIS & CoO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances ar ‘ies ty shipping document: “Woodfeller, Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG, BUYERS OF JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID.) sesssrsere mst ] 4 Rock Maple ao and Planks. Timber Importers. | ™™"*" arso . . All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Wood Goods Ss for the English Cable Address ‘‘ ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers a CABLE ADDRESS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND ‘DOBLE LIVERPOOL ” i CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION - _Jemary 24, 1906 “Vanover. Ee He HEAPS & CO., Ruskin te Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. j SPECIALTIES : | Bi AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Be \ Ww, teat erases PRESIDENT t. J. G. BaOT Te GENERAL MANAGER aubaushene, On B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF 7 ha pene: Bin y y FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Co- a . ? t | LATH, MOULDINGS mbe juveR. @S HIGH GRADE : RED CEDAR SHINGLES py D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. j. E. YOUNG, Can 7 The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. Menufscturers White and Red Pine Ruin ber. Lath, Megs Sash Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work ~~ pesiersin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamatec ‘and Seana Lumbel We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. ad tie Gace solicited at all four shot 2 J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LiMiTED Planing, Matching, fusawing, ef BRA CEBRIDGE, ONT. ufacturer of ne neater Sash, Mouldings, conn Export Lumber & —___ www tiwt'sineis | arse HAROWOOD FLOORI Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings | cpa aot ate ber iin bpried J if d inet Lumber wig eat ey A ntit . H H Gnd Wretched enter’ a Specialty, me jo = ny Quar oe Shing le Co., Limited COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECISLTY | J* X. BATON inca a Va ncouver, B. C. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers . PAS: Se W. B. McK&cHNIE, President. Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada ai THE ALBERTA LU MBER for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Ke Sends calf is Cc. LIMITED - * 4 tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping nufacturers capacity over 114 millions, —— |BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR All sizes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. B. C. FIR—DIMENISON AND FINISH. BC. Re W. i B.C. Red Cedar SHINGLE Lumber Gompany, Ltd. | VANCOUVER ai wary 24, 1906 oe CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vi. 1,500,000 Shingles Per Day Ab put half the B. C. ee used in Canada are sold by us. We have a Daily Shipping Capacity of a Une Million Five Hundred Thousand. pousi aS Pik, pee UC Haaend CH D:AR 2 Sse agli We @ eo GR Ge Siu C= te ogee es Ba el a _ DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all = descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH _ We make ‘a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, Mill eles oy cage and Lumber pe . Investments generally (Correspondence Solicited) ‘UNION LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ..%2°7%;. Vancouver, B. C. 3 + st . pik ¥ = 4 4 sy Fini tai | : cea tp tas a . * pe i 3 es ‘é Vill, C.P.R. at 6. T.R. Delivery. The Canada Wood Specialty Co... | GaN ADIAN J. GORDON MACLAREN Orillia, Ont. Marna Wastnte, Etcs Broom Ra nutes, LUMBER DIMENSION { In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 fe SocHoope and Heading, Barrel Heading, | WANTED TIMBER : Vv Fruit. Backets, Wood Butter Pintea; Etc. , We solicit consignments of long Every enquiry receives our Prompt attention. Prompt reply to enquiries for prices, etc., by and short lumber from the Mari- Write for quotations. B. C. Cedar a ail, Wire or Phone, time Provinces and are prepared SASH - DOORS = BLINDS to. purchase White Pine and ec. McLennan Timber Land and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- me 1” SSL AP. HB HRI Lumber 60., Limited ADDRESS Selling Agency and Dealers in all | GHA, § WENTWORTH & CO. MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN OMees : Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. rosme'st [-)} Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES--WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4 to 8im. 14 00 15 00 cuts & pester aetectes $49 00 51 00 | 2x4 to 10 in. oto 16ft. 15 50 16 52 1% inch N 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 50 17 59 cuts and bedler) 53 00 55 00] Clear inch B.C. cedar, 2’ No 1 Cuts and kiln dried. ......... §0 00 Better........--- - 5600 58 go| Clear inch B.C. ceaar 1% in.No.2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55 00 cutsand better.... 44 00 46 oo | Douglas fir dimension 2’ No 2 Pine Cuts timber, 25 to go feet 30 00 and Better........ 46.00 48 00 Douglas fir dimension 1% inch No. 3 timber, 30 to 35 feet 31 00 Cuts and better.... 40 00 42 00/134 in. No. I 4 ft. Pine a” No 3 Cuts and Lath............ -400 4 25 Better..... apeicls - 4200 44 00| 1% in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 30 3 40 tin. Pine Dressing ie No. t 32” pine lath 2 00 and better shorts 23 00 24 00 ”“ No. 14ft. hemlock lath 3 50 1x4, 6and 8common 13 00 20 60| XXXX Pine Shingles 290 300 1X 10 common...... 20 00 21 o0/| XX Pine Shingles .. 220 230 1X Iacommon...... 2200 24 00| X Pine Shingles . ge @x1@ common...... 2050 21 5°| XX Cedar Shingles 220 2 25 aand x12 common. 23 00 25 00 B. C. Shi ee inch box and XXX 6 butts — 2in. 305 OMMON ....+--+-- 19 00 20 co| XXXX 6to 23-16 in. 3 27 ick mill rumsidings a: 00 22 00o| XXXXX 5to2in.. 3 60 jn. millrun...... . 21 00 22 0o| XX No. 2, 6to2in. } Was Ele andiamillculls 1700 1800|;XX ‘6 to 23-16 in. aes mill cull Sid- Red pine, clear SHB ano fois ..-+-16 00 1650| andclear face... 2300 24.10 1 in. eiead cull sidings 12 00 13 50| Red pine, common 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 00 | 2”........+.. alain 1400 17 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, ste and Soft Elm, mill run 20 00 a1 oo ands, 1 to 2in. $33 0o 35 00 | Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, 1sts an and better, 1im.. 25 00 726 00 ands, I to2in.... 30 00 32 00/ Rock Elm,common Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 BTN, ves. = seem ci 22 00 23 00} Rock Elm, millrun 22 co 23 oo Birch, common and Maple common and better, 1in....... 23 00 24 00 better, 1in...... 2100 22 Birch, common and Maple common and better, 1% to3 in 25 00 27 00 better, 134 to3 in 23 00 24 00 Birch, mill run.... 20 co 21 oo | Maple, mill run... 19 00 20 00 Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, Ists ~ and better, 1in., a1 00 22 00 and on S..ss+.-- 46 00 §0 00 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain. and bet., 144 toain 23 00 24 00 ists and 2nds 44.00 46 00 Basswood, millrun 18 00 20 oo | Oak,quartered, ists Soft Elm, common and 2nds.........70 00 7§ 00 and better, 1in.. 24 Go 25 00| Hickory, ists and Soft Elm, common DHEA. des wei .+2 3600 38 00 and bet. 1% te 2in 26 00 25 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 3 45 Fast class Ottawa, waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal... # 63 ‘* 19 to20inchaverage “ ‘f +. 62 65 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Masured off, according to average and quality. Deals (v:cie's Cite ce Ce y jain F<; Shipping order setccnce coveccces 35 £0 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . hinds 45 50 ELM. By she dram, accordip to average and quality 4oto4sfeet. 65 75 goto35fet. 52 54 ASH, to inches and up, Rap oseeN to pinch and abn ak Pau I 28 BVerage 16 inch. . . . ‘ 30 32 BIRCH. Inch Ce Cte et or Chea Tales stew en atta eg " F ‘ rig . 30 31 “ o 34 36 4 38 40 OTTAWA. ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine good sidings: 1xto No, x barn.... in rpg 40 G0 4200/ x10 No. 2 asia ieee 1%. ‘in x 1% io, x 1x8 &9 No. rbarn.... 17 00 S8in.and up...... 50 00 56 00 | 1x8 & o No.2 “* 15 20 2in. x 8in.ard up 4 00 56 00 | Pine Shorts’ to 1” No.2 cute 2z8”&up 3400 36 00 9 A aa a sess 1600 17 60 MANUFACTURERS THE ONTARIO — waite PINE Lumen, LATH W. B. BARTRAM & CO. | 0 AND SHINGLES, ; WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT LU M BER G LIMITED Hone. Life butting 1 ORON TO, Qnate:s| itp, is BUGIS Oe ress aaceieed ena Birch. North B Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay nes Water Shipment Only. . All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION { sana BANK ST. CHAMBERS OTTAWA, O Barge or car load HINTONBURG, ONT. tig In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, | Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension | St WIARTON, OT. | ~- BOSTON, MASS. Pe ore Pe cal ok an ae aye Geanes biitaatnges Bei ee Bre Ute oo | Pine mill culls..... 1200 1 Pi z 134 in. and 156 1a 36S 38 S| bine 0. culls. 222.7 $0 850 PIMC ereseeeeee a aeenvee $4.00 | SprUce.see+ veeererus paretala conve 38 00 40 00 i et rican 14 00 SHINGLES, ' fie, aacoda orts: prace, 1 Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 LAM. ccs cone g00o{ 7.8,9 and 10”... Glens altar ee abet = H : we 49° 00 spruce, 1” clear (fine bi ud we seas 4200| dressing and B.. a2 a eo oo 3 Smooth 6x18....... 450 4 731 Rnd m= 1g 00 | Hemlock ..... .. Lath, per M siding ... . a2 00 27 00 No.1 E white piner}6"x4! 350 Pine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine.... 3 00 ? strips..... ssseee ee 2800 2500] Spruce, millrun..... 3 00 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N =" Pine No.1 dressing Red Pine, mill run. 3 00 pancte ots: a 17 00 21 00 | Pime os y, Ree WHITE PINE. ine, ros. C ani t- XXXX, 15 INCh.......- 3 w ter 12 to 16’ ..... 20 00 2200 Clear. Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 (Wholesale selling price.) Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx 18 inch........... 140 1 60 Uppers, 1,144,134 and 2 1% IDenscusige ter 127 to1@.. .... 17 00 1900 White Cedar Shingles Pi Sole ianien detains Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 00 20 00 xxxx, 18 inch........ 3 25 3 5° 2% and 3 o | Shelving, i Pine s. c. strips...... 14.00 16 00] Clear Butt,r8inch.... 2 50 2 60 ID. ...5 we ‘up, z Pine, s.c. shorts..... 1 00 1400| XX, 18inch.......... 150 170 Selects 1 in 73 00 | No. og hc pico 1% to 2in 72 00 in .......00. = 234 and 3 83 00 4 in..... 88 00 Fine common, 1 57 00 SARNIA, ONT. 1% and 1% 38 2 in 60 00 UPPERS. iB 24) and on ee 00 3 ay ; 23 0 a x and up. 25 00 -- 00 1 ig and ae we Welles ne Y%x TOK .-..--- -» 26 00 cag up, No. 1, x in. 45 00 ais and 3” ne fe ies PEE SNA ines setuisies va'ox B00) and 134 in..... . §2 00 “ a 1% x 6” and up... aE ScL + 25 00 “4 No 1 Cuts: s282 58 00 = ROG IMUIG a wcnicceae seerse 26 00 ING; 9, TUS cheese 28 00 SELECTs. 1% x12"...... .....002. 28 00 No. 2, 1%, & r¥% in 42 00 1in., 8” and u up wide.... 63 00 x6’ and Dee. ce hee 26 00 No. 3, 1%, and 1% 30 00 14%, 1% and a «.-. 63 00 BX, TOV ties dab sia steels ved . 27 00 ING.8 20 bh owacsets 33 00 a and 3” ney Oba Wea OE EC 26 aepancimas saci + 29 00 Dressing 1% in...... 38 00 Si asae 98 00 No. I BARN. 1xto und 12...... 42 00 and 21.......0e : FINE, COM. AND BETTER. tin...........$24 00 to $31 00 The following quotations on orb represent the ape 1 in., 8” and up: Scr - 54 00 1%, 1 and 2” 29 oo to 32.00 __ price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ‘4 and 134” ee - 54 00 244 and 3”..... 33,00 iid ASH. o.+ 55 00 ein welts tact 36 oo Ist & and, x inch, FINE COMMON. NO. 2 BARN. i¥%tozin ....... 39:00 4I 00 14, 136 to 2" 45 co to 62 00 ta 13 enaa? 21 pth 25 00 1Y, 1% to - 5000 5300 1%, 1%, and 3” 23 ooto 25 0o BLACK AND RROWN ESAS Me h a“ 244,3and 4”.. 6800 73 00 2% and 3”..... 27 09 ist & 2na, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00 | Com. & good lls... 1s No. I CUTS. NO. 3 BARN. BIRCH. he rin , 8” and up wide... 35 00 GEM. totorninieiemrc 18 oo to 21 0oO ist & and, 6 inch & 1st &and,white, 6’ ‘&up, ; in. +++ 45 00 Ho 1% and os 20 oo to 22 50 up, red.......... . 40 Oo 42 1 00 | Came & paca uy in, . ++. 46 00 auc dn een 22 00 Jeeee : tee 0° , > aa andi os Pee BOX. tet & dd,zock;éin @tup 26 00 ef be ag nd, oly & 4’ a ++. 62 00 ais 1, 1”, 1%, Common and culls.. 15 o¢ 17 00 | Common and culls.. 4 ES 14 oo to I9 00 i "% F pi) Sy la No. I mill culls, MAPLE. 1 in,, 6” and up wide... 20 00 1,1%, 1% 2” 15 00to 18 0° 1st & and hard...... 20 20 23 08 Bet amd tn oe 28 I ..-. 30 00 mim 184" iets So SITLL CULES. Common and culls . 1400 5 00) ences 2” ng tees 33 00 Mill Run eam 1”, 1%, 1% 2%, 3 and 4’ see 45 00 and 2 iPeciigen 6a : No. 3 CUTS. Rowah |? i Me dae BOSTON, MASS. 1in., 6” and up wide.... 18 00 LATH, White Pine Uppers, 1 toa. teed (te. th and 134” +: . 20 00 No. 1, 32” ‘ 1 50 Selects, 1 to 21inch..... ss «ss. 21 00 No er Para ih toe ob 5 Fine Common, 1inch..... fic aend 7 «s+ 27 00 me: = ‘on er ete 3 50 1X to 2 inch aries. 0. 1, 48” p' esac. 4 25 No. 1 Cuts, sac cag Al, oo wapine oicttp wees 18 00 SNe rere: sssheeeees IQ 00 || XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, a. aut Nar eae xeand Shere eeencse + 21 00 5 to 6 x 16”........ 275 300 Barn Boards,No. r.. NEES MR Scoe 5 . 23 00 Sa ne Sea! 2 Oe. ae oY 8 sis ee elcels ++« 25 00 No.2 “ 0 91 25 (0.85 No. 3 SB yi ce i’ x13and up......... + 26 00 Spruce, 10 and 12 Ta decades gin, and under ............. 10 and 12 in. =e lengths, ro ft. t and BP as 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x7and 3x4 n jom s, ALBANY, N.Y. 10 ft. and up...... wave .. SBBSSIR Ese. 3- ~~ All other a lengths, 9 ‘in. and under, 10 - : ile feta = ft. and MAD fcce nee aah fete ee ppers, 3 in. 5 | 1x12 Inchs' Bice cee a200024 25 5 in. an up merchanta’ e boards, t. &up,p.1s 236 in........ 83 85 | 4/4 inch at &up.25 <6 Out Spruce boards, p.15........ Fadeivae 1to2in........ a 80 | 4/4 Box boards gy up.. 20 21 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. r 8 clipped and bundied . fe inch uppers ............-. 88 90 1o-in. dressing and better... 30 35 ih spruce laths Gs tolaticetleebidee sea tiamcs eee Selects, 24 in up........: 77 82 r2-in. dressing andj better... 40 420 14%” 8 Ee Pr ee ee - 1 tO 2iN.......2208 eeeees 78 72 | BOX, IX10-in, wove BE aa Fine common, 2 in. andup 72 75 Box, 1x12. Wlshe. ste Awieigae 22 23° NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. 1 tO Fil acs ic 00 olnde vanes ow SO 00 No. 1 barn, IXI2.0.. seus ee 3Y 32 Extras ............ side & Sho tee val wre wip ee eI PTaD guna No. 1 cuts, 1 to2inch...... 53 55 | EXIOQ..-. eee eee e seen ag 28 Clears..... MPO aiciare gt = Siaietsfely' acu = Ep siete eh Cate NojSeccicnpctasicate name . 35 45 x Suit ee guia @o ctl ce ofthis 26 SecondicleaeEs jcuemsecs’ «<> Seinmancehiely woes ome INO: Zencn ces ceech-ceccene SO. SSO: TOAD, IX72.....0 decks Cas Clear Whites .......... ... e 0 Cre bun atehOstote en, TO ona m No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 48 52 PRO sles. 2sjac: 01 Soa da ainaeeas Extra is (Clear whites Fait nee a, 4 No. 2 molding, x to'2 in..... 35 £8 MMB cieie sc cinenadeec ss cles ate 23 24 Extra ts (Clear whitesin)..........-:eesseeeeeres Stained saps....-..++..++-- 32 40 Shaky clear, 1 to 6/4 in... 32 38 Bracket peaks saws 35 45 2in sesereeee 38 40 BRITISH CLUMBIA| SHINGLES, Shelving boards ta-in. up... 40 43 Picatiig ai. Are hee ere Red Cedar Hstres, 1S. 5 butts to 2 im. els Vhs ty’ ds, narrow.... 26 28| Common ..............— 25 Eurekas, 16 srr seen 1x19 inch shippers......-. 24 75 | Perfections, 5 butts to 2 in, ... —- i 2 y iro ay a : . * x = oS Me or r. rola r me eon hi ry 7" * - Seed nha at Se re a 2 a ae i jo a - Sai aar el ka a eG. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited ae Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. a _ Branch Offices: ‘ANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. Telephone 1274. TINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. Weekly Lumberman — Published every et ay, contains reliable and up-to-date re- et conditions and tendencies in the : : g districts and leading se! wholesale markets. A mi formation and communica- Canadian timber and lumber manu- exporters and the purchasers of oducts at home and abroad. e Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, t fully and impartially subjects perti- ‘lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE puts will be inserted in this depart- te of 15 cents per line each insertion. - more co! ive insertions are at of 25 per cent. will be allowed. the ith of the line and is set ; ; I2lines makeone inch. Ad- | must be received not later than 4 ck p. m. on Tu y to insure insertion in rrent week's issue ‘. a ~ FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish a. o cedar, doco and spruce lumber for reat Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, , Ont. "RESULTS THE COMING SEASON, ur Band wheels turned true, mortice ogged, and other repairs done by a nt millwright A.1.references. J. W. cet St., Brantford. FOR SALE. (TANT JANTED—JOBBER TOCONTRACT TO CUT p . m to four million feet of lumber, circu- pacity 20 M. per day, in good order. 11 to right man, and give 5 year contract n Or more per year Apply MAnNv- , CANADA LUMBERMAN, Corliss Engine for Sale 25 horse power, used less than two din condition. We can recom- is engine for economy of steam and mning. THe CHRIST.E Woop WorkK- TD., St. John, N.B. - WANTED very Before January Ist,1907, or : Earlier. n, C. & B. od Culls, aple—special sizes. re us sizes, prices and other particulars you begin to cut. MANUFACTURERS OMPANY, LTD., Stratford, Ont. FOR SALE ry maple. 4/4 basswood dry. 4/4 and ilock sidings, stocks and strips. 4/4, 12/4 elm. I*/4cull maple. 4/4 and 8/4 cull elm. and 3rd quality cedar. 5 gles No. 1and 2. Hemlock R. R. ties. 1,500 s, 8 ft. long, 3%” tos’ top, % sdry slab wood. P, TATE LUMBER COMPANY, - Lakefield, Ont. T po d sLIC] WEEKLY NADA LUMBERMAN AND WOOD - WORKE EDITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. —— TORONTO, MONTREAL — JANUARY 31, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER OR SALE—20 H. P. PORTABLE SAWMILL. For full particulars apply E: Topp, Cale- donia, Ont. W4NSTED—*", 6/4’ AND 2” BI,ACK ASH, 6/4” and 2” Basswood, all,common and better, dry. Box 326, CanaADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED, P T.G. BIRCH FLOORING, 1% x 5” or 6” wide. Immediate delivery. io W. SOUTHERN & Son, Manchester, Eng- and. é =e AW AND SH:NGLE MILL FOR SALE AT J Goulais Bay, capacity 6,000, lots of timber in vicinity. Apply to T. J. Simmons, Goulais Bay P. O.,Algoma. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SImcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED—BLACK ASH AND BIRCH. ASH 1”,1%” and 134” in ists and 2ndsand No. 1 common. Birch in squares 4x4” and larger. Also a fair quantity of Him squares 4X4” and larger. Apply W. B. BartRAm & Co., Ottawa, Ont. ANTED BY A YOUNG MAN, LONG EX- perience, position as saw mill foreman, or any position of trust in connection with saw mil's, references furnished. Apply to Box 349, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE—TIMBER LIMIT ERTHS 1 AND 2 TOWNSHIP OF WIDDI- 1 field, adjacent to North Bay. For full par- ticulars apply to LEES, HOBSON & STEPHENS, Hamilton, Ont. WANTED. NE TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ- ate lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, Kr ENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. : }e SALE — THREE HUNDRED ACRES ‘splendid timber near Emsdale, consisting of birch, hemlock, spruce, maple and some ce- dar. Lowest estimate three million feet. For- ty horse-power sawmill, nearly new, on the property. Great bargain. For further particu- lars apply to E. CHANTLER, Chantler Post Office, Ont. FOR SALE CHEAP. *~AW MILL IN FIRST CLASS ORDER, 40 h p. boiler, engine, shafting, pulleys, belt- ing, saws, everything complete, capacity 15 to 20 M ft. in to hours, 100 acres of land, some tim- ber. For price write N. D. SEAMAN, Sauble Falls, Ont. . FOR SALE About Two Thousand Acres of splendid timber land, consisting of large block of heavily timber- ed cedar and hemlock, balance maple and other hardwoods, with fully equipped saw and shingle millnowrunning. Smallcash payment, balance takenin lumber at market price. Immediate possession and stock of logs if desired. Apply, Box 3,8, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, Cedar Poles for Sale 250 Pieces, 25 feet, 230 ” 30 ” 7° ss = 6 45 oy 59 1 =§0 45 42 we) OD) 30 A 60 ” 20 » 65 wy 10 ” 7O All 7” tops, manufactured from good sound straight cedar. Will sell any portion in full car load lots, or the whole parcel. Apply, W. B. Bartram & Co., Ottawa, Ont. ANTED—TO BUY PINE AND HEM- LOCK lumber. Send memo of what you have for sale. DEwaR & Co., 290 Huron st., Toronto. ANTED—SEVERAL CARS MILL AND i shipping cull 1” basswood. Quote quan- tity and price. Box 353, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ITUATION WANTED BY PRACTICAL sawmill foreman of large experience in lumbering in all its branches from stump to lumber pile. Box 351, CANaDA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. OR SALE—PART INTEREST IN WOOD- turning factory, located in country, Pur- chaser to have management of business. About $1,000.00 necessary. Address, HK. P., CANADA LUMBERMAN, Montreal, Quebec. \ ]E ARE OPEN TO PURCHASE, FOR IM- mediate delivery, pine, hemiock and hard- wood lumber. Mail specifications and quote lowest prices f.0.b. cars shipping point. GoLpD MEDAL FURNITURE Co., Limited, Toronto, MECHANICS WANTED AW FILER, BAND MILL AND RH-SAWS, steady work. State wages and experience. JoHN HaRRIson & Sons Co,, Limited, Owen Sound, Ont, LANING MILL FOR SALE —_ BRICK building, with all modern machinery, doing a good business; in a town of 3,5:0 of a popula- tion in Western Oatario; lots of work to start with. Apply Box 352, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. DVERTISERS, HAVING GOOD CONNEC- tions with the trade throughout Western Ontario, would like position as salesman, on commission basis, for some reliable British Columbia firm of shingle manufacturers. Best of references furnished as to character, business ability, etc. -—Address communications in first instance to Box 350 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. + There is an unusual winter re- quirement for lumber. The retail demand is good and wholesale buyers are plentiful. The market is decidedly strong and much speculation is being indulged in as _to how far prices will advance as the result of the mild winter and lack of snow in the woods. Our advices from the Ottawa Valley and certain sections of the Georgian Bay district are to the effect that the bush work is all stopped and the snow nearly all gone. Even if the weather should become favor- able, there is certain to be a material shortage of logs. The seller of lumber has, therefore, everything in his favor at the present time. Quotations given one month ago are being withdrawn, and, when new lists are issued, an advance made of from $2 to $4. There is a very active demand for hemlock and some fair sized stocks have recently changed hands. As an indication of prices, we might ‘The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 pages} $1.00 per year + {The Lumberman Weekly Edition. every week. THi8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE No. 47 mention the,sale of some ten-inch stock at $13.50 on a high freight rate; 2 inch, 10 to 16 feet, at $12.50, and 2inch in 18 feet lengths, at $15. The advance in spruce and whitewood is a source of strength to hemlock. Although the shingle market is seasonably quiet, a few sales of white pine are being made at very satisfactory prices. Occasional or- ders are also being booked for B.C. red cedars at the new scale, which is $3.60 for XXXXX, 5 to 2 inch, and $3.05 for XXX, 6 to 2 inch, for Ontario delivery. QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. The lumber trade throughout the Eastern Provinces is quiet, as only a few of the mills have aby suitable stock for the United States market and the shipments to Great Britain are confined to the regular liners from St. John and Halifax. The market, however, is particularly firm and it is universally expected that considerably higher prices will rule during the coming season. The lack* of snow has greatly interfered with logging operations and it is also likely to.,be an adverse factor in stream driving. The cut of logs is certain to be light, while there is no telling what proportion of the cut will reach the mills. It is only natural, therefore, that holders of stock should be inclined to retain possession in the hope of being able to realize a large profit in the spring or summer. New Brunswick cedar shingles are unchanged at about $3.40 for Extras on Boston rate of freight, but lath are being offered in larger quantities and the market is somewhat easier. MANITOBA AND BRITISH COLUMBIA. The outlook for the lumber trade in Western Canada is steadily im- proving. The demand upon retail yards has left their supply some- what scant and there is every reason to expect a good spring trade. Price cutting is now little heard of, while on the other hand ad- vances are in some instances being asked. The quotations of the Mountain manufacturers of British Columbia are now more in line with those of the Coast mills, but con- sidering the cost of production, are still low, and a further advance seems fully warranted. The stocks at the mills, however, are quite was Le es i. large, and it is doubtful whether any change will be made in the near future. Of 250,000,000' feet esti- mated to have been cut last year by the Mountain mills, about 85,000,- ooo feet is still on hand. UNITED STATES. The Northern Pine Manufacturers’ Association, at its annual meeting at Minneapolis on January 23rd, decided upon the following advan- ces: All piece stuff, $1.50; 8 inch No. 2 boards, 18 and 20 feet, $2; all other sizes of boards and pro- ducts, $1; fencing, all sizes and lengths, $1.50; B select and better, inch and thicker, $3; No.3 shop, thick, $2. The stock of lumber on hand in the Mississippi and Wiscon- sin valleys was shown to be 1,303,- 132.611 feet, compared. with 1,361,- 406, 206 feet in 1905 and 1,504,465,- 890 feet in 1904. In view ot the large market, it was considered that these advances were very moderate. The maple flooring manufacturers have advanced their prices to $37.50 for firsts and seconds, Chicago de- livery. The above statements, better than anything else, show the healthy condition of the lumber market. White pine, southern pine, spruce, hemlock and hardwoods are all strong. The advances lately made at Buffalo and Tonawanda have been wellsustained. There is, how- ever, as might be expected, a dis- position to search for lumber which will take the place of white pine wherever possible, and this is creat- ing a larger market for hemlock and spruce, prices of which may go still higher. Spruce logs in the Kenne- bec river are $2 higher than they were a year ago. GREAT BRITAIN. There is a fair amount of business being done in British lumber circles. Some buyers are responding to* the advanced figures which are now asked by shippers from all countries. The position of pine and spruce remains practically unchanged, _ the demand being moderate and stocks very light. Quebec shippers of spruce are said to be asking 7s. 6d to ios. advance on the opening prices of last year, and it is learned that sales have been made at this advance. This brings the basis about £9 per standard for 3x9 inch third quality. Birch timber is ex- ceptionally firm at about 1d per foot above the opening prices of last year. The demand for oak planks KNIGHT BROTHERS CO, LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. » CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION for wagon building is broadening, while the shipments from America have fallen off on account of the increased local consumption. STOCKS AND PRICES. Shaw Bros., of Dauphin, Man., are cutting 2,500,000 feet of logs in the Riding Mountains this winter. The Phoenix Mill, Fredericton, N.B., has resumed operations and is manufacturing shingles for the United States market. Stetson, Cutler & Company last week shipped 1,250,000 laths from St. John, N.B., to New York, by the steamer Lady Eileen. James Burgess & Sons, of Grand Falls, N.B., have closed a contract to supply a considerable quantity of lumber for the Massey-Harris Com- pany, Toronto. G. P. Wells, secretary of the Mountain Lumber Manufacturers’ Association, estimates that the cut of 45 mills belonging to the Assoc- iation was about 280,000,000 feet last year. J. S. Emerson recently contracted in Puget Sound for a quantity of logs to be imported into British Columbia, to be sawn at the Na- naimo Lumber Company’s mill at Nanaimo. The scarcity of fir logs in British Columbia made it pos- sible for Mr. Emerson to see a pro- fitin such a purchase. The shipments of spruce deals, etc., by F. E. Neale from Northern New Brunswick during the season of 1905 were as follows: Miramichi....... 21,231,824 sup. feet. Campbellton .... 9,916,055 Dalhousie....... 1,531,526 se Richibucto...... 886,355 ne Bay Chaleur.... 1,535,045 iy Total 35,100,805 ee The Davison Lumber Company, of Bridgewater, N.S., expect to manufucture about 40,000,000 feet of lumber this year. Their logging railroad is now in operation, and timber cut down in the morning is hauled 12 to 15 miles over a rail- road by noon and sawed into lumber before night. They recently built a steam pond which enables them to operate their mill all winter. A remittance of $1.00 has been received from Chester, Nova Scotia, postmarked Jan. 11th. Will the sender please give us his name so that we may be able to credit the money. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Bak MASON, GORDON &C 80 St. Francis Nacter Street . - Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, REMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON. BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS } j : : a . Soeae “ cael: ye had aa eae a rar BRITISH COLUMBIA TIMBER. There is some activity at present in timber circles in British Columbia and several sales are pending. A large deal was put through by E. L. Kinman, of Revelstoke, who held several large leases ot valuable timber limits up the Fraser,1com-— prising in all over ten thousand acres. These he has sold to Charles D. Brewer, of Duluth, and his associates for a figure stated to be W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. - - Manwfacturer of . . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Red and White Oak, Maple and Eim Lumber Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities. Le D. WIGGIN 20stox. mass. 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER tit” & MANUFACTURING 00. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN is Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber . Red and White Cedar Shin Hemlock and Spruce MA Pine, Correspondence Solicited. 3 Se Stock Lists Furnished on Applicaton. ? Ln WE BUY J vt Samples by WHOLESALE LUMBER and. TIMBER | Car and Cargo Lots Only ! Specialty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, Pine, ‘HEMROEE S YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIME DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH : M°LENNAN LUMBER O,, ll M IT D MONTREAL sey Office and Vard, 5 67: SeneuearE™ ST. LUMBER ALL KINDS ; SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, Cypress a Yellow Pine — Stillwell & Company DEPROR Send for Cetalagae $30,000. It is believed that Mr Charles A. Dyer, a timberman Everett, is associated with — Brewer in the deal, __ A number ot American lumber: are in British Columbia at pre negotiating for the purchase leases which are held by local at various points along the coas Ask Your Ticket Ag for tickets via the WISSONS a“ R Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. a Free reclining chair c cars. Dining cars. — For full information, address r H. J. BERGEMANN, Travellin: 371 Robert St., St. Paul, or Jas. C. Pome G. P. / Milwau tort WOODSTOCK, ONT. ern de WE on KNIGHT BROTH LIMITED | MONTREAL, QUE. — Ber, , of Vancouver, B. C., through Ontario representative, Mr. . Lovering, Toronto, have just -one of the largest orders for ling timber which has been in Ontario for sometime. It asisted of three-quarters of a lion feet of B.C. fir, requiring s for its transportation. The was furnished to the Gallivan g Company for the extensive of the Plymouth Cordage any now under construction at elland, Ont. We understand that ‘complete bill was cut and ship- i during the month of December, was most satisfactorily and ex- jitiously delivered by the C.P.R., number of cars coming through rom the point otf shipment to des- on in the record time of sixteen _ shipment above referred to s that it is possible to secure . timber with very little delay, fact, it can now be obtained more ly than southern pine. For reason more orders are finding way to British Columbia, and ‘very satisfactory to know that position of the manufacturers ‘is to fill orders as promptly as ossible. This, coupled with the arent willingness of the C. P. R. ‘provide quick transportation, d mean a still greater volume f business in tuture for the British ia mills. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (C pondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) ncouver, B.C., Jan. 22, 1906. hingle bolts just now are so e they are unobtainable, and in ny instances mills are unable to he raw material to cut with. bad weather has further in- TELEGRAPH POLES WANTED E e buy all lengths. Write for prices and you will e that by cutting your Sedar into Poles it will net _ you more than you can get _ out of it in any other way. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION creased the scarcity of bolts,” one of the millmen remarked this morn- ing, ‘‘and it is not improbable that ‘this feature will continue for several weeks. The demand for shingles is fairly good, tut as bolts cannot be had, what are we to do? As high as $5 per cord has been paid, and this is about the record price, - and paid only when they are abso- lutely necessary.” Logs have also continued scarce for the same reason, with the result that they are up another 25 cents or 50 cents per thousand. It is not likely that the supply will be in- creased to any material extent until spring sets in. So scarce are they that Vancouver Island mills are im- porting from the American side, the principal importers being the Na- naimo Lumber Company. As a result of the decision of the Supreme Court that the Land Act did not prohibit the export of timber cut under hand loggers’ licenses, the Government on Thursday intro- duced a new amendment, which is far more explicit in itsterms. This new measure, it is felt confident, will set all doubt in the matter at rest, and absolutely prohibit ex- portation. A local company, behind Mr. H. R. Robertson, of Portland, is ap- plying to the legislature for per- mission to export logs in rafts, the intention being to ship them to California. As the premier and the chief commissioner have both ex- pressed themselves opposed to the exportation of logs in any form, it is hardly probable the desired per- mission will be granted. ‘*The demand for lumber is not particularly good just now,” Mr. T. F. Paterson stated this morning. “‘The spring orders have not yet begun to come in from the North- ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties SPECIAL LOTS—100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16,000 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application. Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia . Be FARWELL & SON) "utnins: warcuins, mesawinc, Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. in Car Lots. Oswego, N.Y. | Factory near oye er hiaaes for Prices. ~~ DON’T WORRY: SMILE Ps We've got all the lin. and 2 in. Spruce ~ = that you ‘want. = - Please mention this paper when MILLMEN— Cash buy Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.’ | Ghe Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. corresponding with advertisers. SARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., unre 604 Temple Building, Toronto ers all kinds HARDWOODS * Codes, A.8.C., sth and Lumberman’s er eS ae i Oe west, and stocks are beginning to pile up. If it had not been for the orders for railway timbers which have been placed with several mills in the province, the se.son would have been about as dull as a year ago. As it is, these orders have been the mainstay of many estab- lishments this winter. Prices on railway timbers have been increased, the general average being about $1 I, Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’1.-Mgr. F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres. EK. C. Barre, Ass’t Mer The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. Ill. per thousand on all grades. This has not been done because of the demand, but because of the increas- ed and maintained price of logs.” Though there has been some talk in the newspapers of late of an in- Established 1889. Incorporated 1896 Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. GO. 2ist and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of— veneered Doors We Solicit the Trade of UOT une We Solicit a Share of Your Business, E. J. DAVIS MFG. CO. 21st. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. Our Doors are known the world over and are recognized as the best made. Send,for catalogues and price lists. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. Limitep Mills: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda, N. Y. seesatiee: G00D SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO - ONTARIO Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER LATH, SHINGLES Let us know your requirements CASH FOR-——""" = Prompt Shipments HARDWOOD LUMBER ter Send Stock List with lowest prices @k Cc. A. LARKIN » Confederation Life Building, Toronto CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. ——— Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Gircular CACHE BAY, Ont. GPR, Gang a6; miles, West North Bay “ “e oe A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds at close p al THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limite 160 Bay St. Toronto HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Mercha: ant S Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA % LUMBERMAN for — ONE YEAR HARDWOOD | FLOORIN iG End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled years. True, the slight increase the selling price hardly covers increased cost of production, but tl closing down for the past two mon of the Puget Sound mills has ena the mills to get their old stocks mi duced. Wee ee We regret that a mistake have occurred in the advert of the Mageau Leblanc Company, Sturgeon Falls, re) the Want Department of our ly Edition. The words Million Feet of White Pine” have been inserted instead of tl words ‘‘Three a Feet of B Pine.” L- aces eee oe D. L,, WHITE. _ Jw ~ MIDLAND, ONT : ‘OWEN sou D, ONTARIO, TORONTO, ONT. a Factomy Meaford, MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OA AK H%, %, %. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . ee Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and | ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY : OWBN SOUND, oO We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada.and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Qu y; THEM. BREAMEN SONS. MARUFACTURG 0, LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow P‘2ze, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles: January 31, 1906 CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ty UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YO u Ae RE AC THE BONSACK “UMBER co. WHOLESALE HAR DWOODS ST.LOUIS | Is It your wish. . apenas To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible see thee ae n A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as A MILL PROPERTY the case be. Address. SECOND-HAND MACHINERY The Sanne Suarreore? rrtenels HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS SMITH & TYRER - ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measurers | Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale St., 7x Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, Ee LS cr a i tn en F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND OD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B. «Zebra ° and Private. pats for for CANADIAN WHITE PINE ‘AND SPRUCE ; feieetnact in Log, Eu 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, * *voxcox: x"! IMPORTER OF pe Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ ST Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Ea re a ee ee Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS SS OT SE ET EE TT EA Ne GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers GELLICHT,”’ LONDON Cable Address : “* 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BEERS OF Staves” and So “OH aweeripticns Veneers A Specialty JUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD. Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. | Wood THE WICKS LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. BLACK ASH AND ROGK ELM SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE msova as LUMBER - DETROIT Send us hae inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Yards: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIY, MICH. Millis: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. Correspondence Invited om All Hardwoods. FRANK ¢. BURY MICHIGAN SAPCBALE [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TYRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. OANT & KEMP TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : ‘* TECTONA™ Glasgow. and A B C Codes used. ° BROKERS Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes : oe Western Union ae di and London.” . 4th and sth Editions THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances pude against shipping documen Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs 8 Planks. Oak Logs auf Plas Rock Maple Logs 4 Planks, Rock Elm Logs. Hickory = Timber Importers - ALSO , All clakeae of Lumber and Manufactured Goods suitable for the English ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS — Liverpool and London Ch aaperts CABI IS LIVER i ENGLAN D. ADDRESS " DOBLE LIVERPOOL ’ 0 ° d . sie % © PN 2 oa ae eee hes + Sr eae u. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION — 3 : January 31s 190 “cues EH. HEAPS & CO.) ™“* mins Wancouver, B. C. eae Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AAi HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, N New Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. iY W. Jj. SHEPPARD Lt at thio Jj. G. kent cece aie MANAGER Waubaushene, On ncouver, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Orcs * LATH, MOULDINGS - pabet Cc TURNED WORK ef “3 ETC, ic Co oo st Line BO. HICH CRADE = ‘ oa Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TC RON: Oo D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. db E. ‘ouns, ¢ a AN get Ral ince Pree eink ied The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. Menuficturers White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sa : ie Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work | | Pe patrin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, ‘Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head office : RAT PORTAGE, ontat Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce_ Lun me Fe We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four pointe. | e 1, D. SHIER LUMBER ¢O., LIMITED Planing, Matching, lang, RACEBRI DG@E, HE Se SA Manufacturer Export Lumber & _, LUMBER, LATH ae sf HARDWOOD FLU RING e Deir ee Re cna Dried ta Aa Shing le Co., Limited “"GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY | JR BATON = sous, Salo , Va ncouver, B.C. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers “4 Om W. B. McKgcuntg, President. C. MacRax, 3 ¢ mer. Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A LU MBER ~ CO for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- papscousdr: a Cc. LIMITED, a tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping capacity over 144 millions. BRITISH COLUMBIA RED cEDA 1 sizes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet Neo tetees B. C. FIR _DIMENISON AND FINISH For__ B.C. Red Cedar SH —Write DIRECT to— “ 7 o"4 WF HUNTTING = Lumber Gompany, Ltd. — VANCOUVER a ae 7 Sees Samet : aaa Sas SS r. ee sae tee . ‘pe 2: CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. E . H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, A. _ President and Gen. Manager, Vice-President. E 4 UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep br HEAD se 036 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER. B. C. E2000. 000 100 SHIN GLES PER DAY We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots. FIR, CEDAR, and SPRUCE LUMBER geo WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all _ descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH We make a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber Investments generally. Correspondence Solicited oe | Hastin gs Shin sale atic g | Company, Limited Vancouver, B. C. HIGHEST QUALITY | Fi ir ana Cedar 7 pester & | | Red Cedar SHIN GLES : jp Sas As we are no longer represented in Manitoba, _ Saskatchewan and Alberta by the North West ~ Lumber & Commission Co., Limited, of Winnipeg, @ we shall deem it a favor if our patrons and friends @ would send their orders direct to our head office y My until such time as we appoint others to represent [J 2S seams ! us in the North West. ‘THE HASTINGS SHINGLE MANUFACTURING CO., Limited. & | Order Now, for Delivery Now, while Cars are Plentifu! ed JUST A GENTLE REMINDER That’s all--a reminder that we can supply your wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. SS > RS SYS ESSSSS Tex . EY 4) = f ee OS KAW At aN? | ibe oC Types oe tere The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN. Y W. YER & CO. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, =; 9 Ontario We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all ‘ : kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what : MANUFACTURERS Pp ine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber a you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. OYp so Seer eee: Shingles, Ti es, Poles, Posts: Fic : b2 e w . 43 Adelaide Street Past : . We EYER Qa co. - . r ONTO, O.. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. - SCRIBNER’S LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen. Gives Correct Measurements J of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square . = 4% . zo and Round Timber ; mens Rules, and much other practi- e = Sas note) “cal information. ice 35 Cents “ee soos THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. x ase Vul. THE ONTARIO LUMBER COs are _ Le th Ba = 4 R. and 6. T.R. Delivery. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES, Home 4. Building L ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Paap Only. The Canada Wood Specialty Co., Ltd. Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Frult Backets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt ee Fh enquiries for prices, etc., by , Wire or Phone. MoLennan Timber Land and Lumber G60., Limited Selling Agency and Dealers in all kinds of Timber Lands. Offices: Quebee, 131 St. Peter St. Ottawa, Room 9, Central Chambers. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . . . . ADDRESS: CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. ro sae st. - BOSTON, MASS. Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Advertisers. BANK ST. CHAMBERS OTTAWA, O W. B. BARTRAM & CO. WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Specialties: Basswood and Birch. Barge or car load | All Inquiries Given Prompt Attention. 2 J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBOURG, ONT. DIMENSION { In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40. feet. TIMBER In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every enquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. B. C. Cedar Shin SASH - DOORS - BLINDS A. P. BHR w MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, I Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension § WIARTON, ONT. “ o siieian ae i oe strips : 36 —_ oe ea - = oo es es LATH. ‘ cee . 34.C0 oo | Pine culls..... 1200 1 =s HOLESALE @ = ot 1h in... 36 00 40 oo | Pine O. P| Pe . 750° 850 Pins scnactiansinensaciician aii | Sprace...+sssssensee ¥ o ety Sache 3 00 40 00 Spree, ee pp 14 00 Samrcreel are ne shorts; ruce, 1 . rin = Brien B ese 28 00 3000 . 8,g and 10”... ‘I$ 00 so aR XXKX..$4 50 $4 75 nd tts, 6x38 ; TORONTO, ONT. Ei in.and 1% in. . - 34.00 40 00 spruce, 1’ clear (fine cata ew 35° 375 MIOCK sseseeees _ Sree So eee OE 38 00 42 00 dressing and a 24 00 MIG. .ceeee 4 50 475 IPTUCE nce esesnnseerm SS Lie yn zt A Sidings.. 1§ oo | Hemlock 13 00 1 inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4 to 8 im. 14 co 15 00 fae Bs i dressing Lath, per M_ rie ¥ cuts & becter.....- $49 00 51 00 | 2x4 to 10 in.,1-to16ft. 15 50 16 52 ay wes ss 2200 37.00 No. x white piner}4’x4! 350 : r iis 1% inch Not ax4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 50 175? Pine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine.... 3 00 a8 cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00 | Clear inch B.C. cedar, strips wesee +2 18 00 2§ 00| Spruce, mill ran..... 3 00 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, ‘N. Y¥, 2” No x Cuts and kiln dried. ......... 59 00s Pine a8 I dressing Red Pine, mill run. 3 00 i. Better.......--+++ 5600 5% 00 | Clear inch B.C. cedar shorts) culate 17 00 31 90 | Pine Shingles WHITE PINE. 1% in.No.2 Pine air dried boat lumber $5 °° Pine, ros. ¢ and bet- xxxx, 18 inch........ 300 3 25 is cute and better.... 44 00 46 oo | Douglas fir dimension ter12’ to 16’ ..... 20 00 2200| Clear Butt, i8inch .. 2 40 2 60 (Wholesale selling price.) h 2” No 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 24 feet 3180 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx 18 inch........++ 14e 160 Uppers, :, Bestcteere- 1236 Wie concerns and Better........ 46 00 48 00 | Douglas fir dimension ter 17 tor. ..... 17 00 1900| White Cedar Shutgies ' = Ae _ 8200/ 2 in. 1% inch No. 3_ timber, 30 to 35 feet 32 80 Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings 18 00 2000| Xxxx, 18inch........ 325 3 5° 2% and 3 in...... hee Cots and better.... 4900 42 00] 1% in. No. 1 4 ft. Pine Pine s. c. strips...... 1400 16 00] Clear Batt, 18 inch. ..-. 250 2 60 insee a ee RES 95 00 2” No 3 Cuts and Lath. .-....-..sseees 400° 425 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 1400| XX, 18inch.......... [4 §0 470 Selects im,......... 73 00 xq teen ttes Better......--..-- 4200 44 00| 1% in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 30 3 40 1% to ain......... } tin, Pine Dressing if, No.1 32” pine lath 2 00 an and 3 in....... and better shorts 23 90 24 00 i hg 14 Ba a lath Z = ri ae a oes I 6and 8 common 13 00 20 00 X Pine Shingles 2 90 o ine y= 1 in. = common...... 20 00 21 co/ XX PineShingles .. 220 2 30 SARNIA, ONT, 1% and 13% in..... 1X 1acommion.,.... 2200 24 00| X Pine Shingles .. g° MAD ocatwcsremtaacbconey 2X1 common.....- 20 50 21 50 Caen peer 220 2 25 UPPERS. I =4 and Ya seenewees a oo 4 ib. See ste Pivcsvce aand gx12 common. 23 00 25 00 . C. Shingles ” 1% x6” and up.......-. 25 00 dweie ps «it a), obs « 1x10 ech box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 395 rm i and oe iS $73 Ee TE MON. oc acc cese cee 26 00 Cut’ up, abs a rin. common .....-.--- 1g 00 20 00| XXXX6to 23-16 in. 327 ai and 3’ “ hea 136 CEMEE” Fo cece cues sleet 28 00 nig Na 1K in..... Inch mill runsidings 21 00 22 00] XXXXX5tozin.. 3 60 4 “ Hl Bs 00 1% x 6’ and up........ +» 25 00 7“ No1 Cu Gubgies cs rin. mill run.. . « 21 00 22 00| XX No. 2,6to2 in. } 225 5G Des, cece cpiete wales 26 oo No. 2, 1 in. seeseee x10 and 12 miliculls 1700 1800|XX ‘“ 6to 23-16 in, SELECTS, ip SR. caress swims 28,09 No. 2, hae z ae mill cull Sid- Red pine, clear 1in., 8” and u up wi so ae 4 63 00 "x6" and up.........- 26 co No 3 clean sae wid 1600 1650| andclear face... 2300 24° 1Y, 1% and # 63 og a” ste’: A ?7 00 7 8 + 1 is eiead cull sidings 12 00 13 50 ues pine, common ap and 3” A “+ 7g 90 BY SIR .. cu cee come . 29 00 ee I _-. 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 06| 2”......eeweee eres 14 00 17 00 No. I BARN. 1{x10 un glee 42 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. FINE, COM. AND eigen. Bite oso sen -$24 00 to $31 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’ Ash White, ists and Soft Elm, millrun 20 00 a1 00 = 1 in., 8” and up wide.... 54 00 1%, 1% and 2” a9 oo to 32 00 price at Buffalo and er elie ands,1tozin. $3300 35 oo | Rock Elm, common 1% and 1” =“... §4 00 2% and 3”..... 33 00 7 ae Ash, Black, 1sts and and better, 1im.. 25 00 26 00 ae ean a OG Pie i aa : 36 oo ist & and, x inch 3600 38.00 tos ands, 1 to21n.... 30 00 32 00 | Rock Elm, common FINE COMMON. NO. 2 BARN. 1 toain ........ 39.00 41 00 same Ash, Black, mill andbet.1% tozin 28 00 2900 __, Sdite arod 3 auioniat aie alle. ee . REED Tice nc kes nee 22 00 23 00| Rock Elm, millrun 22 co 23 00 Ti seeese is ots 45 eS ee ads I ed ped Birch, c>mmon and Maple common and 1%, 1% * a cay x 33 te 1%, 14, and #43, 00 = ps BLACK AND BROWN better, 1in....... 2300 2400| better,1in...... 2100 32 2%, 3 and 4 73 2% and 3”. 7 ist & ana, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00 Ve Com. "god a x Birch, common and Maple common and No. I CUTS. NO. ms BARN. better, 1% to3in 25 00 27 00| better, 114 to3in 23 00 24 00 t in., 8" and u wide.. 00 ... 18 00 to 31 00 “ Birch, millrun.... 20 00 21 oo | Maple, miil run. - 19 00 20 00 ¥ in. a : er d 2” 20 coto 32 50 eres s oaeeel . 40 00 42 on eedageanttess = ce Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, Ists if in. “ oa, 6 OG)IN ial. suee eo eee 22 00 sack ¢ and better, 1in.. 21 00 2200 and 2nds........ 46 00 §0 00 “ s+. 47 00 =e ELM. 7 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, 2% and3” ‘ ... 60 00 s 1st & ad,rock,6in @up 26 00 28 sol omnes mag cote ‘&up, and bet., 1% to 2in 23 00 24 00 Ists and ands.... 44.00 46 00 h “ we. 62 00 No. 1, 1”, 1%, F Common and all . 1§ 90 x7 00 Basswood, millrun 18 00 20 00 | Oak,quartered, rsts no, 2. CUTS 1M, 2....005% 14 coto 19 00 Soft Elm, common and ands......... 70 00 75 00 4 = ao; 1 mill culls, and better, rin.. 24 00 25 00| Hickory, ists and 1in., 6” and up wide... 20 00 ,1%, 1% 2” rgo0oto 18 08 ist (& and hard.,.... 20 00 33. berg Soft Elm, common ps Ce atic 36.00 3800 1% w+ JO 00 a ee Common and culls _ 1400 15 00 and bet. 1% to zin 26 00 25 00 2 5 «+232 00 M Mn : «++ 33 00 Mill Run Culls 1”, 1%, i = eS on.2 > ti ae pe 2%,3and4” “ — .... 45 00 ROMA 5 2.08% cools nies 4 00 ae ieee QUEBEC, QUE. NO. 3 CUTS, Nowan Soy “Sone 1 oo pees MASS. ” WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT 1 in., 6” and up wide.,.. 18 00 LATH, White Pine U cts. th and 13” a see 20 00 No. 1, 32’ “ me -. 1 §0 Selects, 1 to 2 in Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 35 45 Boi de «+++ 21 00 No. a, 4 oy To cee 14350 Fine iesanda . inch First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to sass s 63 256, 3 and 4 + 27 00 No.1, 48” pine.. bras vhs ee 425 to 2 iach ooneeeese 19 to 20inch average -. 62 65 MILL RUN. Fal No. 1 Cuts, 1 imch ......... oe Vals 0 ONle Sreenmald RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Uae a ae Aiewhin's sins eal SHINCUES. No. 2 Cuts ig inch.. pues pte M -asured off, according to average and quality: ta aletempbatisiatoum ares 27 «33 CO x 5 brvigee agtemNesia= sets sia Ig 00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, a to a ineh 2: de\ciaialahbihle wlelales'sletntaielsto gms Shivping = lca aa eas OM ait Soe eS ae 35 40 Wx and 8”...........+ 21 00 $ to 6 m 16 PDD ey Cie 375 300 Barn Boards,No. 1....... Colvienia a nalai 17 EIS ie sac Riegeeraan ok 23 00 C.B. x 3 175 200 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. beret dad, ho ee 35 00 Novae “535 235 ~— Bis cide aidaiaiaieials as se vices 3 oo y the dram, according to average and quality. . ‘ 45 50 i’ xigand up.......... 26 00 Spruce, 10 and 13a, inten 0000 20000000007 ae ELM. s ~ age pt ey eae: see tt lo and 12 in. ra iengths, 10 ft. a ” Sle By the dram, accordin to average and quality 40 to 45 fe cS Fs 2x3, 2x5, 2x6,2x7 and 3x4 random sal aii SPE Semen pete || Oe ALBANY, N.Y py 3 and up ~searcng ne eee . All other random lengths, 9° ia. ‘and sania ’ 1o inches and up, acomey to deena and rh aii 26 28 FRYE: ft. amd UP... once ee cs nsec ee cee er eeemsemeerees Average 16 inch A 30 32 Uppers, 3 in. ... ..... 83 85 | sxa2 ook ip meee’ 25 5in. and up merchantable boards, § ft. & up,p.1 5 BIRCH, OMh iN... .2.eeeeeeceerees . a 85 | 4/4 inch 13" &up 25 +6 Out Spruce boards, p.1S..............-- Sr ioe A Inch B10 2 Mtl, ccccnrongnss aaiciaie 80 | 4/4 Box boards 6’ bps 20 al 1x3 1x3 Bo eer ey oy ee “ ; aay ae inch uppers ......+ seeee-+ 88 90 | 10-in. dressing ++» 30 35 15%” spruce laths ..... etach dudhi< edt nde eee | ‘ : r go 3 Reletie, 2% in up........: 77 $2 | x2-in. dressing and 4° 42 a ie AP OA Fs gaint litera blajale cca, ols Rinlearlajailac ee nee a “ 2 34 36 SCORE canmeasictomer camera 78 | Bom, 1M20-M. .6......000405 20 22 38 40 Fine common, 2} in. andup 72 75 | Bom, 1x.a..... canice sens 22 23 - NEW BRUNGWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. LO DIN... seeee eeeeneceeee 60 | No. x barn, rame.... ...... 31 32 KExtras............ be ATES rd Soe OTTAWA, ONT. ged sees s 7% = pein oe. A Clears.......... pe eae ey ee ae On Dececcccccccecscccess 35 45 | 35B8....-0000- ee A ae ee Se es. & Se MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, = j.§= j= WNO.3eccccececccecscacs -. 30 38| No. ci he EKIZ......0006 - 37 «28 Pine, good sidings: txro No. x barn.... No < woking rtosin..... 48 $2 | BELO... eee cece eee veenes 25 26 1in.x8in.andup 40 00 4200/1x10 No.2 “ ..., poe No. 2 molding, x to 2 in... 5 GS) GM aEEEL on c.'s ccndscgscmenne 33 34 a in «1% in. x 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn.... 17 00 prac Ga se ceeeee 38 40 | Shaky clear, rto 6/gin...... 32 in.and up..... + 5000 5600[1x8&qNo.2" .. Ses et plank ...-..0+ «++. 35 45 adngh) 5. 5-29 ry 2in. x 8 in. and UP 54.00 §6 G0 Pine Bhorts 6180 1x” Shelving board ra-in. up .. rs 4 Dwesaing ...... scvcescens 24 2% No.2 cuts 2x8"&up 3400 3600| xro”.,.... ...... 1600 17 @0 boards, narrow.... 26 Common .... 022. .escsce a5 1x09 ghbppars.......—. 24 8 2 era Bene: >, . foe : A { S ~ ga “Vou. XIII THI8 PAPER REACHES R res Pere tin ily ey hl ee ‘ ping DN a Re ee eee AND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY TORONTO, MONTREAL — I EBRUARY 7, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER Aew,'* > : ore Lay easy Ye MBERMA EDITION fP The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 pages} soo per vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. eat a EGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE ip : BUYERS IN GREAT @RITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. . ; [ANADA [,UMBERMAN uy The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited _ Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Pain: Branch Offices: ~ g8 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL _ 720-721, UNION. BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. mea arcs} _ Telephone 1274, _ §36 HASTINGS ST., SUITE 3, VANCOUVER, B. C. ne Weekly Lumberman — Published every ‘Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the _ principal mantifacturing districts and leading . domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- : - Gon between Canadian timber and lumber manu- . facturers gf ¢ ucts at home and abroad. ; thly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, dis ng fully and impartially subjects perti- " nent fo the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE . Advertisements will be inserted. in this depart- : at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. four or more consecutive insertions) are dered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. is notice shows the width of the line and is set onpareil type; 12lines make one inch. Ad- | must ; not —_ neni on Tuesday to insure insertion in -week’s issue . — é Pare ‘FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND \” Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish _ ‘boom. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for ‘sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchwood, Ont. — O GET RESULTS THE COMING SEASON, 1 have your Band wheels turnedtrue, mortice géars recogged, and other repairs done by a competent millwright A.1 references. J. W. ‘72 Market St., Brantford. FOR SALE. 0.000 feet Red Pine, 16 to 30 feet in length ; 30 3,000,000 feet White Pine, to be sawed next mmer. Apply, THE MAGEAU LEBLANC LUM- 3 BER Co., LIMITED, Chapleau, Ont. W TANTHD—JOBBER TOCONTRACT TO‘ UT _YV three to four million feet of lumber, circu- lar mill. capacity’ 20 M. per day, in good order. - Would sell to right man, and give 5-year contract for 3 million or more per year Apply MAnNnvu- ¢ FACTURER, CANADA LUMBERMAN. * ( +. 8 . . Laurie Corliss Engina for Sale _X 30, 125 horse power, used less than two : pete perfect condition. We can recom- nd this engine for economy of steam and jooth running. THE CHRISTIE Woop WorkK- G , LtD., St. John, N.B. a WANTED 3 livery Before January Ist,1907, or ‘ Earlier. . For eA Rock Elm, C. & B. ___ Basswood Culls. _ Hard Map'e—special sizes. a ‘Write us for sizes, prices and other particulars . ore you begin to cut. MANUFACTURERS _ Lumeer Company, Ltp., Stratford, Ont. FOR SALE ope tegte maple 4/4 basswood dry. 4/4 and rz gi 4 o rs 2 hemlock sidings, stocks and strips. 4/4, and 12/4 elm. 4and1-/4cullmaple. 4/4 and 8/4 cull elm. d and 3rd quality cedar, gles No. 1and 2, Hemlock R. R. ties. 1,500 7 cedar posts, 8 ft. long, 3%” tos” top, ¥% ate | \ yy fords dry slab wood. ‘Tae Liviicrap, Tate LUMBER COMPANY, = + Lakefield, Ont. ; . * + ver .*s >a and exporters and the purchasers of ~ year oe, AND 2” BI.ACK ASH, 6/4” and 2” Bassweod, all common and better, dry. Box 326, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED, P T.G. BIRCH FLOORING, 1} x 5” or 6’ wide. Immediate delivery. use W. SouTHERN & Son, Manchester, Eng- and. UMBER TRAVELLER OPEN FOR engagement; ten years’ expetience; West- ern Ontario. Box 356 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. AW AND SH.NGLE MILL FOR SALE AT J Goulais Bay, capacity 6,000, lots of timber in vicinity. Apply to T. J. Simmons, Goulais Bay P. O., Algoma, Vy ee — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SimcozE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED—BLACK ASH AND BIRCH. ASH 1”, 1%" and 1%” in ists and 2nds and No. r common. Birch in squares 4x4” and larger. Also a fair quantity of Elm squares 4X4” and larger. Apply W. B. BaRTRAM & Co., Ottawa, Ont. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YoU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable be be by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this dousnal, Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- Tonto FOR SALE—TIMBER LIMIT |g eg I AND 2 TOWNSHIP OF WIDDI- . field, adjacent to North Bay. For full par- ticulars apply to LEES, HOBSON & STEPHENS, Hamilton, Ont. WANTED. NE TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ- ate lots. Advise stating location average per thousand and lowest price Address, K ENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED 1 Second Hand Engine, 100 h.p. 1 Second Hand Boiler, from 40 to 50 h.p. Must be in first class condition. THE MAGEAU LEBLANC LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED, Chap- leau, Ont. OR S‘LE — THREE HUNDRED ACRES splendid timber near Emsdale, consisting of birch, hemlock, spruce, maple and some ce- dar Lowest estimate three million feet. For- ty horse power sawmill, nearly new, on the property. Great bargain. For further particu- lats apply to E. CHANTLER, Chantler Post Office, Ont. FOR SALE About Two Thousand Acres of splendid timber land, consisting of large block of heavily timber- ed cedar and hemlock, balance maple and other hardwoods with fully «quipped saw and shingle millnowrunning. Smallcash payment, balance taken in lumber at market price Immediate possession and stock of logs if desired. Apply, Box 3 8, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Cedar Poles for Sale 2§0 Pieces, 25 feet. 230 ” 30 ” 200 |}, 35. » 100 5 40.5, 7O ” 4S 1» 50° » 50 ” 40. 955) 55 9 30° .;. 60°,, ZOs ity 65 yy SOR, LTO tx All 7” tops, manufactured from good soun straight cedar. Willsell any portion in full car load lots, or the whole parcel, Apply, W. B. BarRTRAM & Co., Ottawa, Ont, Vie BUY PINE AND HEM- LOCK lumber. Send memo of what you have for sale, ‘DEWAR & Co,, 290 Huron St., Toronto. ‘OR SALE—A FEW CARS OF 1’ YELLOW Pine, 14” wide, 12,14 and 16 foot lengths, choice stock. Thoroughly seasoned. Address Box 354 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED—SEVERAL CARS MILL AND shipping cull 1’ basswood. Quote quan- tity and price. Box 353, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. \ 7H ARE OPEN TO PURCHASE, FOR IM- mediate delivery, pine, hemlock and hard wood lumber, Mail specifications and quote lowest prices f.o.b. cars shipping point. GoLp MEDAL FURNITURE Co., Limited, Toronto. Pee MILL FOR SALE — BRICK building, with all modern machinery, doing Toronto. HEMLOCK BOARDS pases MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England Market for shipment during the year 1906. Boards to be P1s to % inches, 5 inches and up _wide. Lengths, random, § feet and up long, or clipped, 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14.and 16 feet. Will take ship- ments either by rail or sail, CHARLES S. WENT- woTH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Scarcity of stcckis the, key-note of the present situation in respect to white pine and hemlock. This is one of the reasons for the present high prices, as there must be a con- siderable consumption of lumber between now and the time when the new cut will be available. There is a temporary cessation in the retail demand as the result of the colder weather, but so far as can be judged from present appearances, another year of exceptional building activity is to be experienced. There is little prospect, therefore, of a decline in lumber prices. The input of logsis almost certain to be smaller than if the month of January had been cold. As intimated last week, there is is y ; ie or. > x3 x ae Ys : ae a very general feeling that hemlock oN lumber is worth more money. ' THére 2 is a growing demand for this lumber which it is claimed is: not refletted in current values. Hardwoods ’€re quiet, but no stock is being sacrificed as was the case afew months ago. The difficulty which has been exper- _ ienced in cutting and hauling legs s has been responsible for a stronger ee feeling of confidence among 4he ta manufacturers and the coming year 2% promises to witness higher prices, = and especially for birch and’ bass- wood. b ; f Peis, QUEBEC AND NEW BRUNSWICK. : & Comment upon the spruce lumber fe market is futile at the present time, : so much depends upon the success of the winter’s logging operatians. If a large crop of logs should reach the mills, it might require excep- tionally favorable conditions «in v2 other directions to maintain prices. On the other hand, if the produc- tion of logs should fall short or any quantity be hung up in the streams, , the inevitable result would be higher prices. The presentdemdnd. for spruce is good, a favorable feat- is ure of the trade being an increase in inquiries for South Ameriéan specifications. There are no new — — developments in the shingle market, = but the tendency of prices is in the direction of strength. e “Te i UNITED STATES. ‘ ee fe ye we There does not appear to be a: weak spot inthe entire lumber market of the United States. White pine continues to be bought in large quantities. About 10,000,000 feet of No. 3 and better was soldat Duluth last week to eastern partjes at $26.50 a thousand, which was the highest price ever paid for lumber in that market. No. 4 boards 4re selling at $15.50 and No.5 at $11.50. The Northwestern Hemlock Manu- facturers’ Association last week ad- vanced the price $1 on all items, of lumber and 50 cents on lath, brigg- ing the latter up to $4 on Wausau rate of freight. According to - statistics gathered by the Associa- tion, the visible stocks of hemlock lumber on hand in Wisconsin and Upper Michigan are 100,000,000 feet less than a year ago. This shortage is expected to give a pro- nounced stimulus to the spring de- mand. The base price of Eastern hemlock is $18.50 at Boston and tt. Buffalo, $20 at Pittsburgh and $21 at New York. An improved de- mand is reported for hardwood, with oak, ash and birch leading. The export trade in hardwoods is expect- ed to show an improvement over 1905. GREAT BRITAIN. The elections in Great Britain have been a disturbing influence to trade generally and late reports do not speak so encouragingly of the posi- tion of the lumber market. On ac- count of the light demand the small quantity of stock which has been re- ceived hasnot been readily absorbed, with the result that prices are, if anything, a shade easier, and more particularly in respect to spruce. The latest transactions of this lum- ber are said to have been at 47 158. per standard c. i. f. Liverpool for stock by the regular liners from St. John and Halifax, although itis also stated that a large parcel was re- cently sold at £7 tos. . While these figures' would seem. to indicate a weak market, they are offset by the closing of important contracts for stock from Norway and Sweden at an advance: of from 15 to 20 shillings over the prices ruling one year ago. The greater part of the business done has been transacted’in the Midlands, on the North-East Coast, and in Scotland. A quantity of red pine of second quality from Montreal was recently sold at auction on the basis of £10 5s. per standard for 3.x 11 inch, 10 to 18 feet. There is a good demand for oak timber and amoderate movementof birch, planks of the latter wood being held at £8 to £48 5s. per standard. STOCKS AND PRICES. Tenders are invited by C.J. Brown, City Clerk of Winnipeg, Man., up to Tuesday, February 27th, for the supply of from 2,000,000 to 3,000,000 feet of lumber required during the current year. The contract for supplying the ties, telegraph poles, and fence posts for the Midland Railway from the international boundary to Portage la Prairie, Man., has been awarded to John L. Hyland & Company, of Winnipeg. The Moyie Lumber Moyie, B. C., which is now con- trolled by J. D. McArthur, of Win- nipeg, are planning for extensive operations. Some 3,000,000 feet of logs is to be cut up Lamb Creek, KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Company, © CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION but at present difficulty is being ex- perienced owing to the great depth of snow. THE LUMBERMEN’S ASSOCIATICN OF ONTARIO. ~ The annual meeting of the Lum- bermen’s Association of Ontario was held in the Queen’s Hotel, Toronto, on February 2nd, Mr. J. B. Miller, the president, being in the chair. Others present were : John Waldie, R. Laidlaw, W. A. Charlton, W. B. Tindall, Dwight J. Turner, W.B. McLean, W.J.Smith, W. C. Laidlaw, O. J. Donogh, F. Waldie, W.J. Hetherington, W. E. Bigwood, Robert Watt, W. P, Bull and T.S. Young, Toronto; Thomas Charlton, Collingwood; H. J. Bart- lett, Orillia; C. A. Barclay, Broug- ham; J.W. Maitland, Owen Sound; R. Cook, Berlin; George Thomson, Goderich; William Laking and Thomas Patterson, Hamilton; W. D.Lummis, Sarnia; James Playfair, Midland. PRESIDENT’S ADDRESS. That part of the annual address of the president referring to trade conditions was as follows: ‘The conditions of the lumber trade at the present time are better than they haveever beeninits history. Everything which the lumbeérman manufactures is in good demand and bringing good prices. As an offset against these high prices, of course, is to put the increased cost of stumpage, and also the largely increased cost of logging, caused by high wages and prices for every- thing used in the operation, and by the -fact- that he is compelled year by year to go further back to get a cut of logs, and, although it would appear as if the lumberman were making a great deal more money than in the past, by the time all these additional charges are taken into consideration he finds that he is not so far ahead at the end of the season as he had hoped for. ‘*The production of white pine is decreasing very rapidly in the United States, and is barely holding its own in Canada. ‘* The stocks on hand at the mills this fall are lower than has ever been known, and the sales for future delivery greater, so that the present advance in prices over last year, amounting to about $3 in the average as near as it can be got at, is fully justified. ‘* Hemlock, the next important wood to pine in this couutry, has KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON & Co. Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LOMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS not been as fully appreciated in the past as it should have been, but I am glad to say that people are at last awakening to the importance of this wood, and the chances are that before the summer is over the price will. have advanced to an extent ‘that the quality of the wood justifies. The Hemlock Association of Michigan and Wisconsin have practically controlled the price for some years. Their base price last season was about $13 per M. About a month ago this was ad- vanced to $13.50, and this week a further advance was made to $15, which is, I consider, no more than this lumber should bring. ‘* A year ago there were a great many complaints against the rail- ways in regard to the supply of cars, but I am pleased to report that this year the lumbermen have been better treated, and the supply of cars has been more ample. ‘* Although there have been differ- ent meetings and much discussion in regard to the question, nothing has yet been done in reference to a duty on lumber coming into Canada, and from the present appearances, I cannot hold out much hope that the Government will take any immed- iate action in this matter. The Dominion Parliament will not meet until. some time in March, and it will no doubt be late in the summer before full consideration is given to the report of the Tariff Commission, until which time nothing will be known as to the probable action of the Government in regard to not only the duty on lumber, but the tariff on all other commodities.” HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER =——“‘iésé@R & MANUFACTURING co. | Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber. . Red and White Cedar Shingles. . § Pine, Hemlock and Spruce Lats . Correspondence Solicited. Stock Lists Furnished on Application. 2 s Samples by 80 St. Francis Mavier Street wou" LUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SP YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER R DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH” ee HWLENNAN LUMBERCO., LIMITEL MONTREAL OUE. Office ond Yerd, sr SORC RSET EE ST. ‘Robert Watt, Send for Catalo Se There was an interesting d sion on the subject of stakin cars, and it was unanimously agreed that a committee should be appoint- ed to work in conjunction with 1 Transportation Committee of Canadian Manufacturers’ Ass tion in placing the matter befor Railway Commission with a vie compelling the railways to pro the necessary car equipment for th shipment of lumber, as is’ done witl grain and other products. It. shown that it is now costing lumbermen about $2.50 to equ car with double strips and tw stakes. Mr. Donogh said twenty-five years ago cars were on the northern line quipese permanent stakes. Among other subjects discusse d was the terms of sale. On motic on of Mr. John Waldie, it was ae et d that the recognized terms of t Association should be 2 per cent. off in 15 days, 1 per Cent. in 30 ca or net in go days. Some of the members were in favor of limiti c the time allowed for the face value of the invoice to 60 days instead ol ff go days. The election of officers nee as follows: President, J. B. Miller, Toronto ; First Vice-President, wa J. Sheppard, Waubaushene; Second Vice-President, W.J. Smith, Toron- to; Secretary-Treasurer, W. B. Tin- dall, Toronto; Board of Manage- ment, J. B. Miller, W. D. Lummis, R. Laidlaw, W.J.Smith, F.Waldie, | Ww. J. Sheppard, Dwight J. Turner, W. P. Bull, W. J. Ard, W. B. McLean and Geo iat Thomson. ; = WOODSTOCK, ONT. : Cs ee wrens ia KNIGHT BROTHERS ¢ E [0 LIMITED Burk’s Falls. — - MONTREAL, QUE. ay i | 8 | ia v.0. hc “<7 _ NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. J respondence of CANADA LUMBERMAN.) _ St, Joun, N.B., Jan. 31st, 1906: _ —The lumber trade in this direction is marked by the uneventfulness usual at this time of the year. In- ‘terest is centred almost entirely upon the conditions bearing upon getting out otlogs. The month ust ended has been remarkable be- ise of an entire lack. of snow in lower counties and an al- st unbroken mildness. Opera- is in these sections are practically suspended. Further up river on the Tobique, the Aroostook and the \ her north branches of the St. yorable during the past month, it the continued mildness is having effect” and in some sections rators are experiencing consider- @ difficulty because of the scarcity snow. he market for New Brunswick ce in Great Britain continues to w indications of an increase in mand and of firmer prices in the r future. At this date, accord- to information from unquestion- sources, stocks of New Bruns- -k lumber in Great Britain are re- kably light, much lighter than been the case for several years. that the elections are over a eral stimulus of trade is looked ‘That Canadian lumber will be affected is beyond question and it is felt that the fact that the supplies this line at the chief distributing | es of the United Kingdom are ll will have, should the expected lus take plac2, a pronounced upon prices. n this side the water conditions ll tend toward the same end. al stocks are light, one and one millions of sup. feet _would the quantity. Information TELEGRAPH POLES WANTED We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your Cedar into Poles it will net you more than you can get out of it in any other way. J. B. FARWELL & SON _ Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. roft Ont. - Oswego, N.Y. = ' — ol z CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION a ee eee ee Se ee from the most important centres of the province tells of similar con- ditions. . From the St. John mills, for reasons mentioned in previous letters, no important quantity will be ready to go forward before June Ist at theearliest. DG In accordance with the above summary of conditions, local parties most interested are sanguine of marketing their ‘‘English” lumber to better advantage during the coming year than was the case last year. While ideas differ as to what figures will be prevalent, the gen- eral trend of opinion leads to the conclusion that no contract for ‘English” spruce deals for summer delivery, containing say 507% 7’s and 8’s, 354 9’s and 15% wides, could be made at less than from $12.75 to $13.25 per sup. feet, f.o.b. steamer St. John, two-thirds price for fourths and ends. During the past month receipts at the other end have been, while in small parcels, considerable in quan- tity, and because of the light de- mand usual at this time of year, prices have no more than held their own. Freight rates to the West Coast range from 37s. 6d. to 38s. od. per standard, with all indications pointing to the lower figure as more probable to be the reigning rate and a probability that offerings in this line may be lower in the near future. THE BARBADOS MARKET. Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Company’s market report of Janu- ary 13th says: There have been no arrivals during the tortnight, but sales to arrive have been effected for the cargo of the schooner ‘‘ Lewanika,” consisting of 300,000 feet of white pine, about half each. ARTHUR A. WAT WIARTON, ONT. . Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tien SPECIAL LOTS—100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 eg aue 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16,000 8/4 Tam- arac, -Prices on application. Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots, Factory near Station. "Phone 113 Write for Prices. DON’T WORRY: SMILE _ We've got all the lin. and 2 in. Spruce aa | that you want. Che Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. 3 SARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., ure 604 Temple Bullding, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.”” Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s shipping and second quality, at $26 and $22, and the cargo of the ‘* Ar- thur H. Wight” from Trinidad, consisting of 80,000 feet of white Pine and: 20,000 feet of hemlock, was sold at $26.03 and $22.03 for merchantable and second quality white pine, and $20.40 and $17.06 for shipping and second quality hemlock. These will virtually only supply pressing requirements, and L. Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr. F. A. Holden, Vice-Pres. FE. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. — SARNIA, ONT. FELBER, JUCKER & CO, Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes Mouldings, Dowels, 00: fiandles, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. Ul. further arrivals would probably fetch similar rates. Spruce lumber is wanted for crop requirements, and a couple of cargoes would be readily saleable in the vicinity of $22 for shipping. No arrivals of Established 1889. Incorporated 1896 We Solicit the Trade of Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MEG. GO. 2ist and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of— veneered Doors “We Solicit a Share of Your Business. E. J. DAVIS MFG. Co. 2Ist. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. Our Doors are known the world over and are recognized as the best made. Send for catalogues and price lists. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. Limitep Millis: Branch Offices : LATCHFORD, ONT. Manchester, Eng. North Tonawanda, N. Y. seesatie: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO : ONTARIO _Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Let us know your requirements < Prompt Shipments Sth i hn Di a tin tin the te tn Ty ty de tn te th he the tn Sy tn din te Sn “en “D4 R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A, KENT, Sec’y. ¢ R. S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. $ SCVVVVVSVSVSSSVVSVSETSSVVVAEVUETAUTSF rBUtOO ° CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. - Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Banda - Circular CACHE BAY, Ont. Cc. P. R. Gane 26 miles West Nort Bay UMBER « ann LATH 4 4 : - Shingles have taken ee a place, but dealers are well supplied with both ‘jong and laying cedar, and in con- sequence of . the weather demand is very light. continued . dry LT ya, TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. It is reported that William Shan- non, of Vancouver, B.C., has dis- posed of practically all his timber holdings in British Columbia to a oup of Minnesota capitalists, Bata include about 30,000 acres of timber lands and a mill site at Port Harvey, and the consideration is said ,to Shave been .$80,000. The new ‘owners are understood to have cured extensive contracts for the pply of timber for the Canadian CANADA LUMBERMAN Thomas Prefontaine, jr., has registered as the proprietor of the lumber business of T. Prefontaine & Company, Montreal. Ask Your Ticket Agent for ticketsivia the WISCONSIN GGNTRAL RCAILWAT Minneapolis, a" Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. ae full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent, 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., WEEKLY EDITION BOSTON, MASS. H. D. wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardword CorRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Ww. C. CRAWFORD. Tilbury Ont, 7am . . Manvfacturer of . . Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, | Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading and |} and White Oak, Maple and Eim Lumber Can supply Second Growth White or squares up to 38 in. long in large quan WE BUY LUMBER ALL KINDS SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, Cypress Yellow Pine — . Stillwell & Compaaa i ve 4 Northern and Grand Trunk Pacific Railways. or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis. THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO + FOR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Q Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring; etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND. PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. $d ADE TAP ARTES SE CE ES 2 RHODES, CURRY & CO.., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of: Putario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. Office: 503 Manning Chambers - - “Cawn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch nd Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. AMES J. MURPHY, * shining’ QUEBEC PRS BE eee anne F. McCIBBON & SONS, PENETANCOISHENE a etn of Pine, Hemlock and ikaeced Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. % he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF 7 ¢ é i Lumber Co. | White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath %, ial LLS at “SPRAGCE, ‘Algoma Bib gar Ont. | Water Shipments 2S on **Soo”’ Branch Cc. Manning Arcade, Toronto F a eenstine Building, outrea. 2 nd at Mills at Spragge. it M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS _ We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United Statens nmin White Pine, White and Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow P*ie, Oak, Redwood, Birch, ore ane. Oak ee, peer ee Ties, and C ea DETROIT, Mion. ; a : a) é JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. %, WHITE, : PLAYFEFAIR & WHITE Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES — BILL TIMBER a Specialty . « MIDLAND, ae A MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ‘sine Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill § hip by C. P. R., G. T.R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITE i National Lite Chomber TORONTO, ONT. © 25 Toronto Street (Tel. ‘Niatn 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and ‘Merchant s Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, ONE DOLLAR... 4 Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA | LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR HARDWOOD. FLOORIN: End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List : ’ oo A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other ks at close pric oC es THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limite 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, € HARD C FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND ¢ HK, %, Ze. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, | End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . «+ s Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER . J. S. FINDLAY OWBN SOUND, O 4. Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Ni orway Pine, sedar P February 7, 1906 CANAPA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION y UNITED STATES MANUFAGTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOU CAN | REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE: HARDWOODS ST. LOM | RALL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE ~ SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOVIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring. and Finishing Mills at LirTLEe Bay, ARxK., ALDEN BRIDGER, La., ALLENTOWN, LA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO NUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Speciatty YBLLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. MANN, WATSON & CO. Muskegon, Mich. | J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS THE WicKsS LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. BLACK ASH AND ROCK ELM SEND us YOUR: INQUIRIES FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER FICE: OF 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE. wso a aon LUMBER - DETROIT Send us mowr > inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, ‘CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPUKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Ye-ds: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Millis: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. Correspondence Invited on All Rardwonda. FRANK GC. BURY MICHIGAN once BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE Cable Address “Fars Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. 1 Dale 8t., 71 Regent Road BOQILE, LIVERPOOL, ENE ‘FA. A. es & Co. & Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND OD BROKERS Cable Address; “‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., A 1, “Zebra” and Private, ig to a CANADIAN WHITE PINE’ AND SPRUCE; a. Hardwoods in Log, Ete. ng its handled to the best advan’ eens nandied Xo the best advantace to all port: to nce Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, | OulS BAMBERGER, * *tonoos;'s"< IMPORTER OF oS Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ eee 8 Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood / gents and Brokers GELLICHT,” LONDON Cable Address ; “* 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS ee, Bae (Ca Seer Bich, ee cred wee pore, ane, tember, Kim Staves and Heading, Handles of ail descriptions Veneers A Specialty SMITH & TYRER - (4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW ® BROKERS Cable Address ; ““ TECTONA” Glasgow. Ax and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes: regan Western Union pets, and London,” C. 4th and sth Editio ous. THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents, dUSEPH OWEN 1 SONS ID Timber Importers a cintona of Lumber and Manufactured Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. ood Goods suitable for the English Branch MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Sey aa “ee Planks. Oak Logs and Rock Maple Logs aaa! Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory ee ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS | Liverpool and London Chambers ~ CABIL.R ADDRESS °: LIVERPOOL, ENGLAN 1) DOBLE LIV ERPOOL, ° v1. Canaba LUNBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | Febraney tet | Coy eee eee HEAPS & CO., ' fein wD, “ Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. | SPECIALTIES : } AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Now -Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. . Ww. J. Bo sl peEsce My : Jj. G. BESTS, GENERAL MANAGER ubaushene, On ancouver, 8.c. MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Ovs LATH, MOULDINGS pibet Cc XV — eer Coast Lure Bo. HICH GRADE — 4 fic VANOS RED CEDAR SHINGLES — a oO Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO — Lait D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. we. PORARTAOE, Secretary. J. E. YOUNG, Casi = if a The Rat Portage Lumber Co.,:Lidae mun White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, ‘Sash hs Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work | s pesteia CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, On rio -Qur Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lu ber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. wa solicited at all four a ba ve J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED | Planing, vai fusing, ae F | AOEBRIDGE, te ae Ducks, Sash, Mouldings, Ceiling 2 __ LUMBER, LATH. AND "SHINGLES Export Lumber & reece ete | fe HARDWOOD FLOOR an e a! anu Turni gs a M4 2 at || Mea eptehed a Yicneree ils Dried er pees xin Dried ind Any Quantity, Shing le Co., Limited COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY | 9° Sn rocaence sotctes, Sri, ORF: Va ncouver, 2. Cc. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers W. B. McKEcunikg, President. Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in zai THE ALBERT A LU MBER C for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Pensesyer: be Cc. LIMITED. ‘i in British Columbia. Daily shippi | T capacity over 19h tilitonschiscent ase | COLUMBIA RED tt All sizes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CI,ERAR. B. C. FIR—DIMENISON AND FINISH ictecstr SHINGLES "2 4 : Data h’ 5 fF ‘ a h Lae, Ae ek | Vc EA ae Ie a a ie iat 5. = —Write DIRECT to— sf f; 4 W. F. HUNTTING 5 Lumber Gompany, itd. ia VANCOUVER er es xe £ Siebel Ba 2 s. “February Tr 1906 | CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. ; ae H, HEAPS, 3 , J. A. McNAIR, _ President and Gen. Manager, Vice-President i UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep — ~ HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER B.C. Our Daily Shipping Capacity ———————————_ 2,000,000 SHIN GLES PER DAY oe handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots. FIR, CEDAR, and SPRUCE LUMBER. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS,. BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH We make a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber Investments generally. Correspondence Solicited IN NN "NS? Ne NGF NPS _ Hastings Shingle Manufacturing Company, Limited Vancouver, B. C. HIGHEST QUALITY ‘Fi ir ana Cedar Bes Lumber Red Cedar SH) SHIN GLES p SPEOWL NOTICE eee ee As we are no longer represented in Manitoba, | wants in the lumber line. Saskatchewan and Alberta by the North West It's up to you NOW to realize that fact and to : open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. 7. fy gust A GENTLE REMINDER Ii yo 4 Lumber & Commission Co., Limited, of Winnipeg, mj = we Shall deem it a favor if our patrons and friends By 4 would send their orders direct to our head office 9 “until such time as we appoint others to represent 7 ‘us in the North West. fi i 17.) . / 4 B “THE HASTINGS SHISGLE wanueavroRiNG co, vimte. ff 44 The Red Deer Lumber Company A vA Order Now, for Delivery Now, while Cars are Plentifu! “a ! . WINNIPEG, MAN. ol CW. EYER & CO. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, =" 9 Ontario + 4% <= We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all P ’ : - kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what . MEAEPEACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Har dwood Lumber _ ~~ _——*you now have to sell, Correspondence with mills solicited. ORF sree te Shingles, Ties, Poles, P osts, Etc. é be: Ww. EYER Qa co. ee an seen TORONTO, ro Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. ~ SCRIGNERS LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen.: Gives Correct Measurements e ’ of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square _ e@e and Round Timber ; mprte' 9 Rules, and much other practi- “Oe - » a ' cal information.- oy 35 Cents Se | somes THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. ths Py GEV AL TE) pa aes ae ae sy 3 r an Fis a Fed > +" = PF | ees ext A ia ee ee a cau eres ee Vill. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION MANUFACTURERS THE ONTARIO WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. L U M B ER AE LIMITED poe +4 ¥ angTORONTO, Ont. ager North Bay. P.R. and G.T.R. Delivery. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. Wood Specialty Co.,Ltd Ths Canada Wood Specialty CANADIAN Manta; Miah Grade Nardone Her LUMBER sar are ees Resting, eacrel tease, | WANTED Veneers, Fruit Backets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries for prices, etc., by Mail, Wire or Phone. WE WANT TO BUY 1%”, 2” and 3” Rock Elm ists & 2nds We solicit consignments of long and-short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . . . . ’, 1%", 1%" and 2” Chestnut oe ADDRESS: ie a 1%” and 2” Butternut “ CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & C0. The McLennan Li mber £o,, Limited | Room sic, _. BOSTON, MASS. ontreal, 47M Please Mention this Paper when Correspon ding with Advertisers. Pine good strips : FUIDDENT LUMBER PRIGES:-WHOLESALE ice swe #8 2s TORONTO, ONT. Pine, good shorts: 1im...... eeesseee 28 00 3000] Hi ia and 1% in... 34 00 40 00 aecceccees ee 38.00 42 00 CAR OR CARGO LOTS. te Te ts A Sidings. 15 00 : inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4 to 8 im. 14 00 15 00 Bad No. = emia s cuts & becter....-- $49 00 51 00 | 2x4 to 10 1n.,k. to 16ft. 15 50 16 52 siding... _. .. 9200 27 00 1% inch Not ax4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 59 17 5) Pine, No. 2 dressing cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00 Clear inch B.C, Reaat, StripS....++sseee +» 28 00 25 00 2’ No 1 Cuts and kiln dried. ... .. 50 00 pine No.1 dressing Better......----++ 5600 58 00 | Clear inch B.C. cedar shorts . 4200 44 00] 134 in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 30 3 40 1in, Pine Dressing 146” No.1 32” pine lath 200 and better shorts 23 00 24 00 1%” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 3 59 BANK ST. CHAMBERS OTTAWA, ONTA W. B. BARTRAM & co. WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT S White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Specialties: Basswood and Birch. Barge or car load | All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN HINTONBURG, ONT. : DIMENSION In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. TIMBER In Douglas Fir, up to 90 feet. Every enquiry receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. B. C. Cedar Shingles SASH - DOORS -_ BLINDS A. P. BHR ‘MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Pc Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension St WIARTON, OWT. Pine, box boards.... 13 00 15 00 ae. Pine mill culls..... 1200 15 00 a Pine 0. culls....... 750 850 Pine ...20.s000 as eeneeees $400 | Spritae s. aot z in cad cull sidings 12 00 13 00 ao pink, common 216 "and a Lh ae veep es af ira". Finipin Sa cinaiee "a . 2900 . Dressing 1% in...... 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 oo seebe ees tees 1400 1700 4” “wees 78 00 No. I BARN. 14x10 and 12...... 42, 00| ar * HARDWOODS—PER M. pie CAR LOTS. FINE, COM. AND BETTER. rt | eee «$24 00 to $31 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent hes jobber’ Ash White, sts and Soft ee millrun 21 co 2200 rin., we rig up wide... 54 00 I Ha nd ope 2” 29 oo to 32 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; ands, 1 to 2in. 00 oo | Rock Elm, common i%andt «.. 54 00 2% an es 33 00 WHITE ASH. Ash, Biack, 1sts aa s6 and better, 1im.. 25 00 26_90 Pi hed teed LY Meese oo ane ast & and, x inch, 36 00 38 00 | 234 to ands, 1 to21n... 30 00 3200 Rock Elm, common FINE COMMON. No. 2 BARN. ri to 2 in 55 anton!) Sexi Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 n. ia tee sereree YD 4 | coe Wa Ea annes® sede «at 22 00 23 00 | Rock Elm, millrun 22 co 23 00 Ti ce cavesses os Ae OOKEO O20 Tim...-....-+, 21 00 5) So ae Birch, c°mmon and Maple common and 1%, 13 to an pe SO OO. S300) 1%, 1 14s ant 2” 23 00 to 25 00 “BLACK AND BROWN ASH. _ better, 11n...... 2400 25 00| better,1in...... 21 00 22 00 254,3and 4”.. 68 00 Ch) ay an wD 2700 = ‘tst & 2na, 6 nch up, 33 00 35 00 | Com. & good culls... 15 Birch, common and be ily and NO. I CUTS. ety 3 BARN. sinetin : better, 1% to 3. in 26 00 27 o¢ etter, 144103 in 23 00, 2400 yin , 8” and up wide. 52 SWIG) TE SME | cde nner 18 oo to 21 co rst & and, 6 inch & ist Sand white &up, , Birch, millrun . 21 cO 4200 Maple, mill run... 19 00, 20 00 Oo a oto 22 50 7 s id p Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, ists ie in. “ sae ae pede 3 1h and Xx tia Ae up, red......+--. . 40 00 42 00 | Com. bak and better, 1in.. 21 00 220 and ands..... .. 46 00 §0 00 2% as «-. 47 00 Rees ELM. Basswood, common Oak, white, plain 2%and3” ‘ ... 60 00 4 1st & 2d,rock,6in &up-6 00 28 00 | xst & ed, soft,6in & up, 2 and bet ,1%4to2in 23 00 2400| 1stsand 2nds.... 44 co 4600 4” ie «+. 62 00 Me: a i", 1%, Common and culls.. 1§ 00 17 00 Common and eee Basswood, millrun 19 00 20 0° Ome qannteress ists No.2 CUTS we ere 14 oo to 19 00 m Soft Kim common and 2nds.... ...70 00 75 00 " oO. r zt culls, AAPLE. and better, 1in.. 25 0 26 00 | Hickory, ists and 1 in., 6” and up | ees . 20 00 1,1%,1% 2” 15 00to 18 00 ist & 2nd hard...... 20 .0 33 00,1 Soft Elm, common BROS ae wide ni aiso « 36 00 38 00 1% 30 00 MILL CULLS Common and culls.. 1400 i5 00 and bet.1% to 2in 27 00 25 00 : 1% F ie ee32 oo o : o05) SOR Mill Run Culls 1’, 1%,1% ; 2%,3and4” ‘* .... 45 00 anid 2”... Seatenk Raters 14 00 2 sy 3 QUEBEC, QUE. NO. 3 CUTS. No, 2, £ Hy Ost, (8a sO BOSTON, MASS. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT 1in., A ane up wide... _ 2 LATH, ipl Pine U: acre) ito 2imch ...... cee wees ; cts. 1% and 1 Saeee m4 Selects, 1 to 21NCH.....sceee cone rene coon eeeneeness Square white gine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,........- 35 45 a ‘2 oar ee Ras’ i eu coh ee ea i = Fine Common, 1 inCh........00 seeeeeeere met ng 60 id First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 63 «2%, 3 and 4 ++ 27 00 No. Aan ine.ett? Hs 2 1Y to 2inch.......--- «++ cee : 19 to20inchaverage ‘* “t Se = 65 MILL RUN. = 1,4 Disest tf -e-ry Ab No. 1 Cuts, 1 inch ......cseeeeeeee eee sp noe RED PINE—IN THE RAFT, Een calm. | SHINGLES. xo. Hee ag 80 ae a Measured off, according to\average and quality.: diycale ssw salen kp eae I x5! «oi sin calnie Ig 00 XXX W.P. or W. edar, ‘ 109 acho ceeeeneees Shipping order Op 5 on oe and 8/.....00s000. 21 00 5 to6 x 16". 4 Re .275 300 Dende : Saas Tam tat Lia PUR IO! eens beenewsnise . 23 00 C.B. "175 200 Ee ean yn WX AD vo cecnveceee «+. 25 00 No.2) Oi Se i ec mee y the dram, according to average and quality . . as 4 50 i” xizand up.......+.. 26 00 Spruce, 10. and 12 oe dimeudon. oon ve Se S ELM. a gin. ae pias sa a9 eee By the dram, di 10 and 12 in. random lengths, 10 t. an UP ...00 y the dram, accordin to average and quality 2 fe i a ‘ 2 5 ALBANY, NY 2x3, axe, 2x5, 5 2x6, 2x7 an 3x4 random i * opis nile oft, and. up.....2 ott eecds costs ensee ; ASH. , All other salad ‘lengths, 9 in, ‘pina ‘under, 10 10 inches and up, snvinaie to aromas and quality. . . 26 28 < ane: ft. and up.......--- epee te es ee ee eee sesne Average 16 inch. . . ’ we ale . 0 a Uppers, 3 im. ... ...0c.-- 83 85 wae inch shi cecenaans $24 25 in. and u merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up Is 3 3 ppers, aan y 5 P yD. BIRCH. 236 iD..esessseeeeeeeeeees 83 85 | 4/4 inch ‘ poopy +6 Out Spruce boards, Pp. 1 $....++-+ seseeeee taceanee Inch 1tOZiN....e.eeeeee eevee 78 80 wit Box boards 6 and up.. 20 21 1x2 and 1x furring p.1s clipped: ‘and bundled ae ac era of og a> Ke: ance ed (3) Rainn inch uppers « coe ccaesaess-« 88 QO | r0-in, dressing and better... 30 35 1%" spruce laths a Be. = Cit. sale yale iy ae ve | Y si +30 31 pfu preity 2% in up scabies : 77 82 | x2-in. dressing and better... 40 42 1%” “ of , “ ‘ - 34 36 Bt0/2dtlicc a eie wince emepnenie AeA een FE TOTMDe os een anes Site ¥ 38 40 Fine common, ain. and up 72 75 | BOX, 1x12..-+ ++e+ee ee eene 22 23 ; NEW BRUNSWICE CRDAR SHINGLES. — ‘ a SO LO Zi. .reeee eseeree wee. 58 60] Now x barn, 1xt2.... --..-. 31 32 Yel OTTAWA, ONT. No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 incb...... 53 55 eo ule » thio e Spine ne 26 Ay Pee ewww neee oe 35) 45 | _ EkSeueee wae ee eee ew eeee 2 MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Ne: A svedlacnietessielsye vis" s pS No. 2 barn, rx12.......--.+ 27 28 Pine, go d sidings: 1xro No. 1 barn.. abvoatueNes 7 polding, 1 tosin..... 48 §2 nop sb atsiews da stecatstneaS,. 26 hs doe ae 40 00 4200| 1x10 No. 2 # a No. 2 ee 35 88 eta 23 a8 awoah peta x 3 eA adetraess 232 Shaky ol 0 6/4in,....- id taeda ax) See barn... at sole - ne agree BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. See 40 8 in.and up...... 50 00 56 00| 1x8 & ao No.2 “! 2in, x 8in.and up 4 00 §6 o0| Pine re 6? to 11” No.2 cuts 2x8’&up 3400 3600] x10”...... ...... 1600 17 00 40 jpetig Bracket p yd EET «eee 35 45 5 Shelvieg beard zz-in. up... 40 4 17 @0 boards, narrow.....26 28 " EmE@ shippers ......—. 34 6 ie cn ups ctitenen ae 4G ed Cedar Ruxtrea, 16 in. 5 butts to 2 in. ... nies Rurekas, Common ... ceca seerere 25 in, wor nae ‘ ‘c Pestections, 5 butts to 2 fas eee _ WEEKLY ~ AND WOOD-WORKER_ E-DITION BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED 8TATE8, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 pages} $t.00 Per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition. every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REGULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMbER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE TORONTO, MONTREAL — FEBRUARY 14, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER No. 49 —Canapa [LumBERMAN G. A. Mortimer Publishing 6o’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. “aaged Branch Offices: ___—s« 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL _-' 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. ae Telephone 1274. - ; - 516 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every t y, contains reliable and up-to-date re- rts of market conditions and tendencies in the cipal manufacturing districts and leading estic and foreign wholesale markets. A ie y medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- : ty and exporters and the purchasers of ‘products at home and abroad. e Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, sing fully and impartially subjects perti- t to the lumber and wood-working industries.’ count of 25 cent. will be allowed. ice shows the Sldth of the line and is set reil type ; 12 lines makeoneinch. Ad- ments must be received not later than 4 k p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in ¢ current week's issue IMBER LIMIT FOR SALE ERTH NO. 7. TOWNSHIP MERRICK, CON- "EB taining about forty million standing White ‘Pine. Apply T. G. BricHam, Ottawa, Ont. ‘EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish m. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for shere at Larchwood: JAMES McCREARY, hwood, Ont. FOR SALE. r .000 feet Red Pine, 16 to3zo feet in lergth ; 3,000,000 feet White Pine, to be sawed next ner, Apply, THE MaGeav LEBLANC LuM- .Co., LIMITED, Chapleau, Ont. D OSITION WANTED—FXPERT FILER AND hammerer of circular saws, shingle saws; 'gaugsand bands). All work guaranteed. aperate and steady. Good references Apply 358 CanapA LUMBERMaN, Toronto. ANTED—JOBBER TOCONTRACTTO( UT three to four million feet of lumber, circu- \l, capacity 20 M. per day, in goud order. uld sell to right man, and gives year contract Million or more per year Apply Manu- ACTURKR, CANADA LUMBERMAN. - WANTED For Delivery Before January 1st,1907, or — Earlier. ock Elm, C. & B. ‘ood Culls. 7 Map'e—special sizes. ; / te us for sizes, prices and other particulars you begin to cut. MANUFACTURERS BER COMPANY, LTD., Stratford, Ont. ~ ~FOR SALE aes maple 4/4 basswood dry. 4/4 and 8/4 oak. =! ; 0. 2 hemlock sidings, stocks and strips. 4/4, and and 3rd quality cedar. es No. 1and z, Hemlock R. R. ties. 1,500 JLICRAP, TATE LUMBER COMPANY, Lakefield, Ont. 4/4 and 8/4 cull elm. cedar posts, 8 ft. long, 3%” to 5” top, 34” ANTED—1’, 6/4! AND 2” BILACK ASH, 6/4” and 2” Basswood, all,common and better, dry. Box 326, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. UMBER TRAVELLER OPEN~ FOR engagement; ten years’ experience; West- ern Ontario. Box 356 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. AW AND SH:NGLE MILL FOR SALE AT J Goulais Bay, capacity 6,000, lots of timber in vicinity. Apply to T. J. Simmons, Goulais Bay P. O.,Algoma. FOR SALE UT OF PINE LATH FOR COMING SEAS- ou, estimated at four million pieces. BooTH & SHANNON, Biscotasing, Ont: ’ r ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SIMCOE Woop AND LUMBER Co,, 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED—BLACK ASH AND BIRCH; ASH’ 1”,14%" and 144” in ists and ands and ‘No. 1 common, Birch in squares 4X4” and larger. Also a-fair quantity of Elm squares 4X4” and larger. Apply W. B. BartRAm & Co., Ottawa, Ont. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU ‘wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement iti the Wanted and For Sale Department of this Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- FOR SALE—TIMBER LIMIT ERTHS.1 AND 2, TOWNSHIP OF WIDDI- field, adjacent to North Bay. For full par- ticulars apply to LEES, HOBSON & STEPHENS, Hamilton, Ont. ; WANTED. NE TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ- ate lots. Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont: WANTED 1 Second Hand Engine, too h.p. 1 Second Hand Boiler, from 4o to 50 h.p, ; Must be in first class condition, THE MAGEAU LEBLANC LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED, Chap- leau, Ont. . _ D WANTED 3 OR MILL IN DISTRICT OF ALGOMA FOR coming season, one trimmer man, one filer for gang and small rcund saws, one set’er, familiar with steam setworks, and one fireman accustomed to firing Dutch Ovens with green sawdust. State wages and references to Box No. 357 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE About Two Thousand Acres of splendid timber land, consisting of large block of heavily timber- . ed cedar and hemlock, balance maple and other hardwoods, with fully equipped saw and shingle millnowrunning, Smallcash payment, balance taken in lumber at market price. Immediate possession and stock of logs if desired. Apply, Box 348. CANADA. LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Cedar Poles for Sale 250 Pieces, 25 feet. 230 sy. BQ: oe at 200 ” 35 ” 100 ’ 49 », 7O rn 59° ” - > ” 4° me) . 5 ” P30 F 5.9 360 3, 20. » 65 » 10 vr 70 45 ; All 7! tops, manufactured from good sound straight cedar. Will sell any portion in full car load lots, or the whole parcel. Apply, W. B. BaRTRAM & Co., Ottawa, Ont.. BBs 3 fe i i, & ESTES AS ASE vgs Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, Kr ENAN- FOR SALE 300 M. 1” and 2” Hemlock, dry. Apply Box 359, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, OR SALE—A FEW CARS OF 1” YELLOW _ Pine, 14” wide, 12,14 and 16 foot lengths, choice stock. Thoroughly seasoned. Address Box 354 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED—SEVERAL CARS MILL AND q shipping cull 1” basswood. Quote quan- tity and price, Box 353, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE UMBER YARD WITH REAL ESTATE AND A, buildings or will lease the premises. Loca- tion, Soo, Ontario. THE Soo LUMBER Co., Sault Ste Marie, Ont. \ 7B. ARE OPEN TO PURCHASE, FOR IM- mediate delivery, pine, hemlock and hard- wood lumber: Mail specifications and quote lowest prices f.0.b. cars shipping point. GoLp MEDAL FURNITURE Co., Limited, Toronto. “PRaains MILL FOR SALE — BRICK building, with all modern machinery, doing a good business; in a town of 3,500 of a popula- tion in Western Ontario; lots of work to start with, Apply Box 352, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, STEAM YACHT WANTED BOUT 30 FEET LONG, 6 OR 8 HORSE power engine, suitable to be used -as tug. State whether fitted to burn coal or wood and whether propelled by screw or paddle—also give lowest price. ARTHUR DUFRESNE, Windsor Mills, Richmond Co., Que. DVERTISER, HAVING GOOD CONNEC- 4 tions with the trade throughout Western Ontario, would like position as salesman, on commission basis, for some reliable British Columbia firm of shingle manufacturers. Best of references furnished as to character, business ability, etc. Address comimunications in first instance to Box 350 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. HEMLOCK BOARDS ASR EE MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England Market for shipment during the year 1906. Boards to be Pr S to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet and up long, or clipped, 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14 and 16 feet. Will take ship- ments either by rail or sail. CHARLES S. WENT- woTH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Tenders for Pulp Wood — Concessions. .. Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including the 18th day of April next for ~the right to cut pulp wood on certain areas tribu- tary 19 the Montreal river, in the District of Nip- issing; the Nepigon River, in the District of Thunder Bay; the Rainy Lake, the Wabigoon . River, and the Lake of the Woods, all in the Dis- trict of Rainy River. Tenderers should statethe amount they are prepared to pay as bonus, in addition to such dues as may be fixed from time totime forthe right to operate a pulp or pulp and paper industry in the areas referred to. Successful tenderers will be required to erect mills on the territories, and to manufacture the wood into pulp in the Province of Ontario. Parties making tenders will be required to de- posit with their tender a marked cheque, pay- ‘able to the Treasurer of Ontario, for 10 percent. of the amount of their tender, to be forfeited in the event of their not entering into agreements ‘to carry out conditions, etc. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. For particulars as to description of territory, i capital required to be invested, etc.,apply to the / undersigned. i HON. F. COCHRANE, ; Minister of Lands and Mines, i Toronto, Ont. } February 3, 1906. ~ 4 p er os B: cm es > 3 - ri RAE Oe on) Pe thoes = i FOR SALE Lumber yard, office, trucks, etc.; capacity eight to ten million feet. Situated in Sarnia, Ont. G. T, R. Siding through premises. 500 ft. prac- fcally new docks on river front. Box 236, Sarnia, nt. j fe ONES TSER WHO HAS ALARGE ESTAB- lished trade in the lumber business, having been connected for twenty years with one house in the States handling mostly Canadian White Pine, Spruce and Harjiwoods for the local and export trade, wishes to represent a good house for the sale of their output. CLARENCE A. MURRAY, 18 Broadway, New York, N. Y. FOR SALE CHEAP One Million X White Pine Shingles, seasoned. Imperial Lumber Company, Limited, 309 Pacific Building, ‘Toronto, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The past week has been more favorable for work in the woods and operators have made some progress, but there is still much uncertainty in regard to the log supply. Much hauling is yet to be done, and even with ideal conditions, a considerable quantity of logs is almost certain to be left in the woods. The course of lumber prices is largely dependent upon the weather, with the one restriction that there is a very slight prospect ofa decline under any circumstances. The building permits issued in Toronto this year are in excess of those for the corresponding period of 1905, and similar conditions exist at many other provincial points. Hemlock promises to find a large market this season, and with light stocks in the hands of manufacturers, the present strength of prices should easily be maintain- ed. Hardwoods are not moving very actively, but the volume of enquiries suggests an early spring trade of satisfactory proportions. THE EASTERN PROVINCES. The lack of snow in the woods has been a serious drawback to logging operations in Quebec, New Brunswick and Nova _ Scotia. Many contractors are likely to lose heavily, and unless conditions should change greatly for the better, there will be a very meagre supply of logs for the coming sea- son. Lumber prices are con- sequently strong. Very little stock has been sold for export to 2 ‘ r II. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION: Great Britain, as shippers do not feel disposed to take the risk of a sharp advance in prices. There is no change in the shingle market, most of the sales of New Bruns- wick white cedars being around $3.40 for extras for Boston delivery. UNITED STATES. The lumber demand in the United States is heavier than a year ago notwithstanding the higher prices. It is predicted that this will be the banner year, as the orders book- ed during the first six weeks make a most encouraging showing. There will doubtless be a large consump- tion of lumber for building purposes, but as the harvesting season ap- proaches it would not be surprising if conservatism should be shown until the result of the crops is known. At the present time every- thing is in favor of the seller. At Minneapolis January shipments of white pine were 21,000,000 feet, as compared with 16,000,000 in De- cember and 17,000,000 in January, 1905. Hemlock is perhaps showing more strength than any other lum- ber. For 2x4 to 2x10, in 10, 12 and 14 foot lengths, the price at Saginaw, Mich., is $16 per thous- and ; 16 foot lengths are $17 and longer lengths 50 cents higher. Boards are strong at $17.50. In Buffalo the base price is $18.50, with talk of an advance. The better feeling in regard to the hardwoods is likely to bring about higher prices. Basswood stocks are said to be getting short. The new list ot the Wisconsin Hard- wood Lumbermen’s Association went into effect on February ist, the prices for inch log run being as follows: Ash, $23; birch, $19; basswood, $20; soft elm, $20; soft maple, 1 to 2 in., $16. GREAT BRITAIN. Open weather in Great Britain has encouraged the consumption of lumber and the deliveries from the docks at London have been about 1,000,000 feet greater than last year. Prices show no material variation. Quebec shippers are asking fully 1os. advance on last season’s opening prices and we are advised that considerable lines have been placed at the following prices: Fifth quality, £7 7s. 6d to £7 Ios. per standard of 1980 feet, according to proportion of narrows ; fourths, 3x9, 48 5s to £8 10s; thirds, KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., 3x9, 49to £9 5s, according to proportion of 12 inch and longer. Shippers are anticipating a further advance, but this will no doubt be strongly opposed by importers, who do not appreciate to the full extent the shortage Canadian stock. The Timber News says that owing to heavy liner ship- ments and pressure to sell, values of New Brunswick spruce have eased off, especially at London and Liverpool, where sales have been made at 47 12s 6d and £47 6s c.i.f. This weakness is regarded as but temporary. Hemlock deals are firmly held by shippers, who are asking about £6 tos c.i.f., but no sales at this price have been re- ported. Some sales of birch and elm timber have been made, but both shippers and buyers of waney pine are playing a waiting game; 3s 8d per cubic foot for 19 inch average is about the basis for first- class timber. STOCKS AND PRICES. L. Laforest, of Sudbury, Ont., has secured a contract to furnish 90,000 ties for the James Bay Rail- way. Logging operations in the vicinity of Grandview, Man., have been carried on this winter under most favorable conditions. T. A. Bur- rows expects to take out 12,000,- ooo feet in the Duck Mountains. L. K. Jones, Department of Railways andCanals, Ottawa, is asking for tenders by Saturday, February 24th, for the supply of ~ British’ Columbia: ‘fir dimension timber for the Rideau Canal. ———————— THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Ortawa, Feb. t1oth, 1905. — Lumbering, as with other promi- nent trades in this district, has reached a condition when experi- ences do not count for much in pre- dicting the future of the trade. Looking back three years it is re- called that all the prudent men of the lumbering industry felt that prices had become so high that there would soon be a reaction. Wiser men of the trade thought it was well to hold back and let those who wished to do so go extensively into the lumbering business. Con- trary to the expectations of veteran lumbermen of Ottawa there has been a steady advance in prices and KILN-DRIED_BIRGH FLOORING Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, EMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and-Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS in the supply of | Secretary of the increased briskness. of trade ever since 1902, such as was never wit- nessed by them before. However, the men of most experience are still holding back somewhat, while those newer in the trade are keeping up the aggressive policy they began a few years ago. Then they were looked upon as plungers but they have come out the biggest winners and have set a pace that with con- tinued prosperity will create condi- tions quite unique. The market to- day is at its highest and the stocks are the lowest. Everything points to a season of the keenest activity and local lumbermen believe that the year 1906 will be a _ record breaker. This is the view despite ‘the tact that about five years ago it was considered that the English trade was the backbone of the mar- ket and men said that if the export to England fell off the trade in ‘Canada would sustain a heavy blow. But last year the English trade was listless—even flat. Nevertheless, the lumber merchants of the Otta- wa district did not seem to be affected beyond a temporary dull- ness in sales. To-day, the manu- tacturers are little concerned wheth- er they sell on the English market or in the United States. There is little doubt that the average cut can Le sold in the local markets and in the United States at better prices than could be realized for the full cut if sold in England. - The local and United States de- mand now so completely control the prices that there has so far this year been very little lumber sold in HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING C0. improvement and dispatch, m the English market. The buye Ss across the sea contend that prices’ have reached such a high notch that they cannot handle anything like the quantity of Canadian lum- ber they imported in the past. The local lumbermen report operations in the woods going on— more satisfactorily since the recent cold snap set in, and in the O wa Valley the average quantity logs may be secured. The ea part of the season up to the la thaw was unusually fine for kk making, but on the whole Jam was a poor month for drawing. One of the greatest drawba the Ottawa lumbermen meet wit the unsatisfactory handling of 1 on the Ottawa river. Instead firms complain that the driving of logs is continually growing slowe so that a small manufacturer h. little chance even though he owns a limit and a saw mill. He is not able to work them to any advan- tage owing to the great del caused by the poor methods - bringing logs down the Stream. For instance, last and the year before large quant of logs were delivered at the f Lake Temiskaming in June or July and none of them reached the Or ta~ LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Ki ; Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber > California Sugar | Pine Shop Lumbe C. A. SPALDING & CO. a Bldg. . Big ai) Soft Yellow Pine Finishing WOODSTOCK, ONT. WHOLESALE DEALERS IN <.. Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber 4 : Correspondence Solicited. Stock Lists Furnished on Application. J 36 Samples by Send for Catalo ogue KNIGHT BROTHERS LIMITED Burk’s F. MASON, GORDON &CO 80 St. Francis Xavier Street WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty __Dimenalon Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, sPRu LOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited» EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBI DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH {MLENNAN LUMBER 60, LIMITE D MONTREAL QUE. — oe omee end Vord, 7: DORCHESTER ST. : MONTREAL, QUE. wa mills the same season. The -Jumbermen affirm that the delay is not due to the small capacity of the - Ottawa river but to the inefficiency of the company in charge of the driv- = operations. To show what ean be done on the Ottawa river, it i pointed out by lumber merchants of the Capital that square timber ne ratted up at the foot of Temiskam- ing river was delivered in Quebec in six or eight weeks. Logs, of course, move more slowly than the E rafted timbers, but it is contended that there is no excuse why at least two-thirds or three-quarters of the logs delivered at the Ottawa river in June or July should not have arrived in Ottawa the same season. _ The delay costs the trade $150,000 or $200,000. These figures. are arrived at by local lumbermen who base their calculation on the deter- oration of lumber when it lies over and the loss in interest on E their money. The lumbermen as- sert that the logs cut in the winter _ should be sawn the following sea- 3 son. Some improvement has taken _ place in recent years in the driving facilities on the Ottawa river but they are not enough to keep pace with the development i in the lumber ‘industry, resulting in increased out- put and greater peeaption of a Yonge __- BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. ig (cadieemondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) ‘Vancouver, B.C., February sth, — 1906.—‘‘ We are hopeful for a good _ season,” was the remark of S. A. _ Mundy the other day. He was in the city on a short business trip om Three Valley, where the a lundy Company’s large sawmills _are located, near Revelstoke. Bi looks as if the demand for lumber 7) vill be first-rate in the season about i. ‘WANTED We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your Cedar into Poles it will net __- you more than you can get out of it in any other way. B. FARWELL & SON ‘Successors to M’Caffrey & Farwell. roft, Ont. Oswego, N.Y. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION to open, and up-country mills are preparing for the best.” F. A. Dudgeon, manager of the Bowman Lumber Company, which has mills at Revelstoke and Coma- plix, was also in the city last week, and he, too, speaks favorably of the prospects, There is a feature of the entry of large American lumber manufactur- ers into the industry here which will compel some action on the part of the mannfacturers at the coast. That is the establishment of retail lumber yards in the Northwest, the Otis Staples Company, which has mills at Bayard, near Cranbrook, having secured large retail yards in Calgary, and being about to open in other towns. ‘‘We cannot ignore this,” a prominent Vancouv- er millman remarked, when asked what effect it would have on the industry. ‘*While we do not want to establish retail yards ourselves, we will be forced to if other of the large mills do so. Such a move requires large capital, for it practic- ally means floating the money-for farmers. And, yet, this is what we have been doing right along. Mr. Staples is the only one who has taken important action, neverthe- less the outcome is not lost sight of.” Conditions are not much changed from two weeks ago. Mills are expecting orders from the North- west, but these are hanging back. Were they put in earlier it would mean activity for the mills in what is generally a dull season, and would enable better delivery on the ‘pro- duct. Prices are hovering in ‘the balance, and as logs do not seem to be getting any more plentiful, the anticipated rise may shortly be made, Further than that, no state- ment will be made by officials of the “TELEGRAPH POLES| ARTHUR A. WATT Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Late Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties . SPECIAL LOTS—100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 14 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16,000 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application. 2 © @ © Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write fur Prices. "Phone 113 DON’T WORRY: SMILE We've got all the lin. and 2 in. Spruce that you want. z ; Ghe itong Lumber Company, Hamilton. * a q : - Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. 604 Temple Bullding, Toronto | CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., ure To MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address‘ oe ‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., 5th and Lumberman’s B.C. Lumber and Shingle Manufac- turers’ Association. The local legislature is wrestling with the amendment to the Land Act intended to positively prohibit the export of timber. There are no ambiguities about the phraseology of this Bill. Consideration is now being given a clause to allow the export of piles, masts, and similar timber as is really completed, but it I, Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. —— SARNIA, ONT. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Teenie for. ruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine ¥ ene , Shooks, ei iM dings, Dowels, ndles, Chair 8 tock, — etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. . Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. will be impossible for hand loggers to export as has been the case up to the present. Loggers and others are opposing the passing of the Bill, but it will very likely have a good majority in the House. Established 1889, Incorporated 1896 We Solicit the Trade of Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. 60. 2ist and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of cadbes Door 5S We Solicit a Share of Your Business. E. J. DAVIS MFG. CO. 21st. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S. & Our Doors are known the world over and are recognized as the best made. Send for catalogues and price lists. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LimiTeD Mills : Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda, N. Y. secu GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO Ferguson ONTARIO Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Let us know your requirements = Prompt Shipments CASH FOR——""™ HARDWOOD LUMBER sar Send Stock List with lowest prices EA Cc. A. LARKIN 4 Confederation Life Building, TQronto Neen eee | | aS CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. ater Gee Se Sg ee ee Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular OAOHE ee = ’ Onis Gane miles West Nort: Bay UMBER anD LATH -CaNnaDA LUMBERMAN BIDS FOR RAILWAY CONSTRUCTION. The Commissioners of the Trans- continental Railway, Ottawa, are asking for tenders up to March 12th for the construction of two sections of the road, as follows: (1) District “‘F.” From a point designated on the plans of the said Commissioners at or near the City of Winnipeg, toa point known as Peninsula Crossing, near the junction point of the Fort William branch of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway, a distance of about 245 miles. (2) District ‘‘B.” From a point designated on the plans of the said Commissioners, at the north end of the Quebec Bridge and Railway Company’s bridge in the vicinity of the City of Quebec, to a point near —— ne = LaTuque, a distance of about 150 miles. The check deposits for the above work are $400,000 and $225,000 respectively. Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISCONSIN GENTRAL RAILWAY Minneapolis, Se Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars, Dining cars- For full information, address ~ H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent, 37! Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. foun: Gee AS Milwaukee, Wis. Ss ee CANADIAN THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE| WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Ftc. Office: 503 Manning Chambers FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, TORONTO Telegraph Poles, Sash, Doors, Interior etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer fe one all winter, HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT- RHODES, CURRY & CO.., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S, Gave and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, sti" QUE BEC F. M°CIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hen Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. ¢ Of Onterio, Limited MILLS at SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. on **Soo”’ Branch Cc. P. R. ning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES rsh nel Building, ontrea. 2 And at Mills at Spragge. PENETANCUISHENE ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments THEM. BRENMEN & SONS MANUFACTURING O,, LIMITED Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON : Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber i in Guante 4 Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Short and Long Leaf Keiow, Le 48, Cae; Redwood, N MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS ie ONE YEAR HARDWOOD” FLOORING pet ae 5oA > : February 145 1906 By’. a CRAWFORD - Tilbury — Ont. . Manvfacturer of . . oa Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading and and White Oak, Maple and Eim Lumber Can supply Second Growth White or Red squares up to 38 in. long in large quantities : iN WEEKLY EDITION _ BOSTON, MASS. H. D. Witt! 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN. Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardword CoRRESPONDENCE Sovicirep. - WE BUY Nev NE AY NeboriberE) ag WE SEL IsU MBER, ALL KINDS ; | SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, Cypress and (et Yellow Pine - Stillwell & Com pany DETROIT, Mich. Pk ome ae ee 7 4 ——— ere Ba eee heme = . ote - —— ee ee oe eee TS ee aire tal & LAIDLAW LUMBER m JAS. PLAYFAIR., D. &. WHITE. PLAYFEATR & WHITE Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers Contractors for Rallway Suan MIDLAND, ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty . oe tlie and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cudar and Hemlock Bill yee We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED - National Lite Chamber. TORONTO, ONT. 5 Toronto Street (Tel. Main Gua Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler. ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly Cayapa 2 LUMBERMAN for ss OWEN SOUND, : ONTARIO, Ls End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List 4 A few cars of sélected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close ak THE SEAMAN KENT Co., Limitea 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. 4 HARDWOOD FLOORING 3 “Ss MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK | ¥, %, We. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses, Kiln- Dried, Hollow Backed. _ End-Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . a R Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames 3 and _ ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER : +2 Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, selionk Sear ing: Re Ss. FINDLAY = oWSN SouND,onr, aa United mE Re Spruce, White Pine v es y\ he - we Birch, Ma aple and Oak — February 14, 1906 CANAPA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS. ST.LOUIS BY PHONE oe) An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’ , te u00 ish To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible ’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of oe A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY CANADA LUMBERMAN SECOND-HAND MACHINERY WEEKLY EDITION ee ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. Will secure for you a sa or Seller, as ase may ddress CLEVELAND, OHIO NUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF The Canada Lumberman, YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty THE WickKs LUMBER Co. toe se CREEK, MICH. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. WANN, WATSON & CO. J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trus! Building BURY & NOBLE wason a. noste LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. McGLURE LUMBER GO. Wholesale Dealers in... Hardwood Lumber Carry in Stock and Have for Sale ASH, BASSWOOD, BEECH, BIRCH, BUTTERNUT, CHERRY, CHEST- NUT, COTTONWOOD, CYPRESS, ELM, GUM, HICKORY, MAHO- GANY, MAPLE, OAK, POPLAR, SYCAMORE, WALNUT, POLES (Oak, Hickory and Ash), RIMS and SPOKES (Oak and Hickory), OAK BENDING PLANK, OAK BILL STUFF, RAILWAY TIES. ROUGH YELLOW PINE TIMBERS and PLANK Office and Yerds: 520 to 530 Franklin St., DETROIT, MICH. Milla: Eutaw, Ala.; McClure Station, Ala. Correspon ‘erce Invited on All Hardwoods. - -WILL PAY CASH FOR BLACK ASH AND ROCK ELM es eS - SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES. “FOR. HARDWOOD: LUMBER Muskegon, Mich. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN FRANK 6, BURY. MICHICAN | WHOLESALE BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measurers Cable Address ‘ eee. eet” Liverpool.a Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, Ene F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKEHRS < Cable Address; *‘ TENEBRIS,”" GLASGOW. Codes: A. B. C., Au, “Zebra and Private. ns for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE ; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all nor Kingdom nondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, * *toxcox' ss IMPORTER OF Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods TE I I i ET Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBUARDS re a EC ESE | ee RECTORY C CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood 1 gents and Brokers Cable Address : “ 57 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England GELLICHT,” LONDON JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF 022%, 2'chs, Ashe, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, EI Staves and Heading, Handles of ail descriptions Veneers A Specialty i. | SMITH & TYRER [4 ithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL . WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—“‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyRER & Co., Metropole Bldg., Hollis St. Halifax, N.S. GANT & KEMP g TIMBER =r tna sare GLASGOM | DAW EDO Cable Address ; “* TECTONA™ Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables : “Woodfeller, Codes : urerres Western Union eng god and London C. 4th and 5th Editions THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances mace y epinst shipping documen JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Branches ; MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory a Cae AE SOM 3 \. All cinenen of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English _ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND .BROKERS — Liverpool and London Chambers — °- CABILE ADDRESS ‘DO _ LIVERPOOL, ENGLAN D BLE, LIVERPOOL vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | February 14, 1966 “cums Ee H. HEAPS & CO. ™"*.,.. Wancouver, B. C. roe Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. i SPECIALTIES : | AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. ] Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, ere) News Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. W. J. SHEPPARD es Magra J. G. a ere ee MANAGER aubaushene, On B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF at FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUGE LUMBER. Ors Limite 3 LATH, MOULDINGS mbet Cc as ager ic Coast LU: aie HICH GRADE pocili vA RED GEDAR SHINGLES — Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. Jee YOUNG, Cash i The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. - ress White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sz I Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work - petrsin CHDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING 4 Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontari Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumbe We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited eee bee Be po cpecd Lumber. Kiln ae if desired Lumber xii enc? Fie _ Quantity. a Shing le Co., Limited OOD PINE siDINcS AsPEciALTY | J: R: EATON | - _ Orillia, Ont _ Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. Vancouver, B. C. ; Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers ; -s W. B. McKEcHNIE, President. MacR. | Weare Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada THE ALBERT A a ca for 40 per cent. of the Shingles manufac- Yancourer, B.C “LIMITED a tured in British Columbia. Daily shipping ufacturers pct or mon BRITISH COLUMBIA RED GEDA 1 sizes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR. B.C. FIR_DIMENISON AND FINISH , id —Write DIRECT to— _ NGLES ":: ‘i iti Lumber Gompany, Ltd. | VANCOUVER a ‘ . a < pheno’ yet, : Shak B.C. Red Cedar , < ~ ae ¥ to ‘ ‘ Bi. > ahr Oe he y YP a Gebers lc te he) eS ees a ak MT WBA gtr Hey eee aN Febr lary 14, 1906 £. H, HEAPS, President and Gen. Manager, Jur Daily Shipping Capacity Company, Limited Vancouver, B. C. HIGHEST QUALITY Fi ir ana Cedar Lumber _ 4 Red Cedar SHINGLES SPEGIAL NOTICE As we are no longer represented in Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Alberta by the North West Lumber & Commission Co., Limited, of Winnipeg, § we shall deem it a favor if our patrons and friends | would send their orders direct to our head office | until such time as we appoint others to represent , us in the North West. A THE HASTINGS SHI‘GLE MANUPACTORING CO., L'mite. A Order Now, for Delivery Now, while Cars are Plentifu! | ANAS AN BANS 2N 2 > oe We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A.v . EYER a CO. ~ 43 Adcieida. Biecet East ~ SCRIBNER’ S cal information. ¢ ‘Hastings Shingle Manufacturing e MW. HYER & CO. NTO, ONT. LUMBER AND LOG BOOK A handy book for Lumbermen. of Scantlings, Boards and Planks ; Cubical Contents of Square °° : and Round Timber ; Doyle’s Rales, and much other practi- »e CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. J. A. McNAIR, Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER. B. C. 4 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAY - hanate onty the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots. FIR, CEDAR, and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH _ We make a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber Investments generally. Correspondence Solicited ASS : a mY, MPSS SETES ESSE SESE i JUST A GENTLE REMINDER That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. Y : / j j (] Y 4 The Red Deer Lumber Company WINNIPEG, MAN. SESS SESS TSS SSD SSIS —_ =, SS SSesgresssy ~~ SS Me SAE SEAS SSN AS SSAS SSN SSSESSSSSSTSSS SS : : PEDWELL & LEMCKE, 03," MANUFACTURERS Per tee! fs Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. Gives Correct Measurements Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber ADDRESS THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, TORONTO, ONT. Vul. THE ONTARIO LU M B ER C9 waren Mitts: North B C.P.R. a b. T.R. Delivery. Ths Canada Wood Specialty Co., Ltd. Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Backets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries for prices, etc,, by Mail, Wire or Phone. WE WANT TO BUY * MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. | 5 and 36 Moca’ iafa Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. MILLs : cnt River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED ; We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . . : . 144", 2” and 3” Rock Elm ists & 2nds 1”, 1%", 134" and 2” Chestnut Be ADDRESS : 1”, 1%", 334” and 2” Butternut a CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. The McLennan Lumber Co,, Limited ‘Roam g's - BOSTON, MASS. Montreal, Que. ti Please Mention this Paper when Corresponding with Adver sers. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION BANK ST. CHAMBERS OTTAWA, ONTAI W. B. BARTRAMS& Co. — WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. . Specialties: Basswood and Birch. Barge or car loa ‘All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. J. GORDON MACLAREN DIMENSION { d Rec In Spruce, White and Red Pine, up to 40 feet. TIMBER In Douglas Fir, up to go feet. Every eney receives our Prompt attention. Write for quotations. B. C. Cedar Shingle SASH - DOORS’ - BLINDS A. P. HBEHRI MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, a7 Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension | WIARTON, ONT. Piie oad strips : 2 3c a " 3 BS = = LATH, : Thin sastuikatanso ae - 34. co oo | Pine mill culls ..... IE dint ees co 5 CHF 1 i in, and 13 in... 25 00 rs oo | Pine O. culls...... 750 B50. Fine tr teseeeeets $400 | Spruce..++:ssereeee arahasete ec escia= = 38 00 40 00 | Spruce, aahen 14 00 SHINGLES, ~ Pine, good asi Rye arr ma oot? 15 00 ei ed mi xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 Hemlock. butts, 6x18 . TORONTO, ONT. Mi in. and 1% in oo 40 00 spruce poe ‘fine oe hosel sigh play 3 : oa s as Sprece = Jackass o0cauge DO meahoe re o : - ne Ms Pin ene eer: | i , per : ne beater. bravely $49 00 51 00 | 2x4 to 10 in.,1o to16ft.15 50 10 5) siding 2. i 00 27 00 No. x white pinc1}76"x4! 3 50 1% inch No 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 50 17 59 Pine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine.... 3 00 cuts and aettec 53 00 55 00} Clear inch B.C. cedar, strips.........++:+. 28 00 2500| Spruce, mill run..... 3 00 BUFFALO AND p TONAWANDA, N 2’ No 1 Cuts and kiln dried. .....-.-.« 5° 00 = Pine No.1 dressing Red Pine, mil! run. 3 00 * Better.......---++ 5600 58 00 baat en 8 ee 350s SHOTtE isis sans: aiaerss 1700 21 00| Pine Shingles a essed WHITE PINE. ‘J in. No.2 Pine air drie at lumber Pine, ros. ¢ and bet- xxxx, 18 inch........ 3 Ae i and better.... 44 00 46 oo | Douglas fir dimension tex19’ 10.16. .c1..40 00 aatea| CleagBirt, aeamch .. 240 2 60 (Wholesale selling price.) 2” No 2 Pine Cuts Gaerne zo 31 9 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- i . Pees a 140 1 60 Ur es 1,1%,1kand a. and Better........ 46 00 48 00 | Douglas fir dimension ter17 to1@...... 17 00 19 00| White Cedar Shingles te dewesscedeces 1% inch No. 3 viens 30 = 3 ufeet 3280 Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 18 00 ag 00 5 gee ee 3 os 3 5° asd 2 I . No. I é ine s. inet ois utt,18 inc! s seen cata. chd oss Seeehenaehy «4 0014 95 Vipin Se ahtets. caf’ oh ag Riche... mee Bettér....0-0- <<< 4200 44 00] 1% in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 30 3 40 H 1in, Pine Dressing 1%, No.1 32” pine lath 200 = and better shorts 23 00 24 00 ve Ro. iA. ae I ps lath : se te one 1x4, 6and 8 common 20 00 24 00 ine Shingles 2 90 fo] s, ae vedas oe 21 00 22 00] XX PineShingles .. 220 2 30 SARNIA, ONT. 1% and 13 in 1X 12common...... 23 00 24 00| X Pine Shingles .. go Y 2 in 2 2X10 common...... 21 00 22c00| XX Port fate 220 2 25 UPPERS. i x4 ut 3 ads Rinse siete ” pos : ae 24 00 25 00 B. C. Shingles ” A x prs A oti box and : : xxx 6 butts to 2in. 33983 35 nee 3 tine ip ad = 1y x 10% 26 00 Cut'g up, No. “Lt : common ........+. 20 00 21 00| XXXX6to 23-16 in. 3 27 1 3” e “ 5 3 co 13, We os pan 28 oo 1% and 1% in Inch mill runsidings 21 00 22 00] XXXXX5to2in.. 3 60 “1 83 00 1% x 6” and up 25 00 “Nor Cuts...... tin, millrun...... . 21 00 22 00} XX No. 2, 6to2in.. } 25 UG XI0".......0.. 26 oo No. 2, x in,.....,. IXI0 and 12 mill culls 16 00 1700,;XXK ‘“ 6 to 23-16 in. SELECTS. 36 RAE? kos. Dh warmin 28 00 No. 2, 14%, & 1% in ce mill cull Sid- Red pine, clear rin., 8’ and u up Ww wide. »-. 63 00 2” x 6” and ap i cia appanage 26 oo No. 3,1 ths and 13 cee eee ene Is00 1600| andclear face... 2300 24.0 1%, 1% and 2’ +... 63 00 2” x to”... Sees ae aC NO, 3.27.2 .00nc0-- 33 00 ker . - re, a2 oH cull sidings 12 00 13 00 Red pine, common 1% and 3” L.. 73 00 a” xia. Bc uti « 29 00 Dressing 1% in...... 28 co Mii Gulls, he 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 00| 2”........ Se iaiPeee 14 00 17 00 oa es Go No. I BARN. 1&%x1o0 und 12...... 42 00 2 and ait, tec oe HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. FINE, COM. AND BETTER. Bin? ted. 323k $24 00 to $31 CO The following quotations on hardwoods Rana the be jobbers Ash White, 1sts and Soft Elm, millrun 21 co 2200 1 nfs “i a4 a - 54 00 Sige bey oaks 2" cg 00 to 32 = price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; ands, 1 to 2in. - $33 00 35 00 | Rock Elm, common tY% andi % -.. 54 00 y nd 3”. a WHITE ASH. Ash, Black, rsts an and better, rin.. 25 00 26 00 e+. 55 00 LER 5 8 Se . 36 oo ist & and, x inch 6 00° 38 00 ands, I to2in.... 3000 3200] Rock Elm,common FINE COMMON. No. 2 BARN. 1% to ane. ae ES do ma S:. Ra Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 60 x29 00 ”, apoE aan ax cote 25 a0 : Cou. atid Fo I a a ae 22 00 23 00| Rock Elm,millrun 22 co 23 00 Ii vesnessseecas 45 00tO 6200 | Tit.......0... , 2 . Birch, c>mmon and Maple common and : 1%, 1% to a wh, Oa 0 Os re, deep ands 23 some gale ELACK AND BEOWM Ali ; better, rin..... .» 2400 2500] better,rin...... 2100 7200 24,38nd 4”.. 68 co 73 00 2% and 3”..... 27 00 1st & 2na, 6 nch Up, 33 00 35 00 “ ag & good calls... 1§ 6 ; Birch, common and Maple common and NO. I CUTS. NO. 3 BARN. better, 1% to3 in 26 00 2700| better,132to3in 2300 2400 1 in., 8’ and up wide... 35 co Pim ee. ccaee! 18 oo to 21 co tst & and, 6 inzh & a &and, white, 6’ &up, Birch, millrun.... 21 00 22 00| Maple, mill run. - 19 00 20 00 1¥ in. “ sss 45 00 1%, 1% and 2” 20 coto 22 50 up, red.......... . 40 00 42 00| Com. & good go terey common Seat se D eapilp ists : 1% in. i“ <3 46"00)) MENG? . GP ae - 22 00 wae : and better, 1in.. a1 oo 2200| and 2nds 46 00 §0 00 i “ i oo : Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, 2% and3” “ Pa 36 BOX. Ist & ad,rock,6in &up 76 00 28 00 | 1st & ed, soft bin & up, and bet., 144 tozin 23 00 24 00 ists and 2nds.... 44 co 4600 4! as .-. 62 00 No. 1, 1’, 1%, Common and culls .. 15 0¢ 17 00 ‘Common and cul seetee Basswood, millrun 19 00 20 00 stata paeerleba ists NO, ZICUTS, we pitt caties 14 oo to 19 00 cs ‘ Soft Elm, common and ends........ »70 00 75 00 MAPLE. * . and better, 1 in.. 25 00 26 oo | Hickory, ists and ; rin., 6” and up: ide. 20 00 1, 1%, 1% 2” 1500to 1800 st & and hard.. ... 20 0 23 00, Ist &2nd,soft..... Soft Elm, common QNOGey fe cote . 3600 3800 1% ++ 30 00 Common andculls— 1400 5 oo | r and culls and bet. 1 to 2in 27 00 28 00 14” ++ ++32 00 MILL CULLS. ; ao M0 S52 2133 OC Mill Run Culls 1”, 1%, 16 2%,3and,4” * sees 45 00 GING") siajeieien sae nies oo OD . QUEBEC, QUE. NO. 3 CUTS. So aimee 2k ange BOSTON, MASS. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT 1in., 6” and up wide.... 18 00 LATH, White Pine Uppers, rto2inch ...... .... « a 1% and 13%” ‘4... 20 ee No. 1,32” “wee. eee wes 150 Selects, 1 to.2 in ea pad | Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 46) 5 ie . see 210 BO ate uN ed 2 tee Pig ° Fine Common, 1 rin q d 4’ 0 » 4 35 t inch. First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. £8 63 274,3and4 27 0 No. 1, 48” pine.. PU Sah i 1% to2i “(zg tozoinchaverage “ ‘ .. 62 65 MILL RUN. No. 1 Cuts, 1 Peek Rey RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. ES eles melon neues > psec eae Sues No. 2 Cuts, ; inch..... : ‘¥ Measured off, according to average and quality. . 2733 x 3 Tastee tice ete 39 on a bxi6", Ww. ei Bee 1% to 2 inch. hipping order said sata ean < elaigahSe ye rl Sigh re ee = ee AS: me as 920 mare Boer Waar Oe 1 eras ha lestiseset es . 25 00 Novas. apres ie Bec Noo eee ty the dram, according to average and quality. . Disa 4 so. i’ x313.and up.....:..-. 26.00 Spruce, 10 and 2 ‘in, dimension.» ELM. gin. and under ....... y the dram, accordin to average and quality 40to4sfeet. 65 75 ie ph Peas al ae phe, 10 ft. aad. SP inet : goto3sfet. 52 54 ALBANY, -N.Y. "yoft. and up...... .......- : pt All other random lengths, 9 in. and “under, 10 10 inches and up, according toaverage and quality. . . 26 28 PINE, £5) gindl aps 57. bes cahntes ecco ; Average 16 inch. . ... Jest Ce ea, 5 30 «32 «©: Uppers, 3 in. ... ........ 83 85 | rx12 ae mee aia sje ws -§24 25 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. &up,pas BIRCH OMG in... .ceceececccsseeee 83 85 | 4/4 inch ‘&up.25 +6 Out Spruce boards, p.1S........ ceceeeee ceeeeees | Inch : LIGADS hen tetktocece We Oe 4/4 Box boards 6 andinpts 20 21 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. t's clipped and bundied .. ne sane ve 5 . : ys as inch uppers ..... seeeeee-+ 88 90 | r0-in. dressing and better... 30 35 156” spruce lace wie hamtass aise ~ p me eva 3 ea A reinc aie 40 ox hana 2% in Bb. 85 - 77 82 | x2-in. dressing and better... 40 42 1%" i . ' . . . 34 36 Eoimink Sansccencxesdece 72 | Box, 1xxo-in. .. 22 . ' » 38 40 Fine common, 2% i in. and up ya a — Ex SEO SiMMA rain oie alle sistaialel ninth ‘tras .... . OTTAWA, ONT a ended ee as ss = Clears...... . MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Was 2. Lee 3e 35 | No. 2 barn, wera tei a7 8 Clear Whites .......... AGEL SS Ge | 4 Pine, good sidings: txzo No, x barn.... 000. © No. 1 molding, 1 tozin..... 48 52] 1X10..--......++ tees a5 2 18 (Chear whites out).........0ccsececeeere tin x8 a andup 4000. ss éelscto Nowe. eee No, 2 molding, x to in eat 35 “ Shaky dias = beanies tee 24 _ Extra 1s (Clear whites in). a ciate ince ss alsa i)s (iia ete es Db Fa) Dadb in, x Z 1x8 & 9 No,x barn. ay 17 00 Sromkecnies carl canes = be ( ders ee ae s uierind cinmkus Goren n.and up ..... §0 00 56 00 / 1x8 & o No.2 _-— 15 00 ra see eenee sees ve te ed Codey Rutendiiiein, butts to 2 in. 2imx =e. and up 54 00 §6 Go Pine Shorts 6’ to 11" Reve xa-in. up . #0 $3 Ce i: mp aca ois wee 24 35 R C ghosore! gr oii, mishage 0,2 cuts 2x narrow.... EO 5 as hoa N Up 3400 36 00 KIO" cee ceeees 1600 17 00 ae a i Uppers ....6. 5 24 75 ‘ “ Perfection, § beth to 23 tn. Beg . 4a 9 » : i” bed 4 a” i ek i A 4 GEO aa eee ~ iii = , = aa Sel + ‘ rion) . : "hon yt “es > eee ee eae iris § Ss H ‘ WEEKLY EDITION ~The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 pages} $1.00 PER YeaR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition. every week. ; B . , ‘ THI8 PAPER REACHES REQULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE BUYERS IN GREAT BRITAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. TORONTO, MONTREAL — FEBRUARY 21, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited federation Life Building - TORONTO. ‘ Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. = Telephone 1274. . 516 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. ts : : ¥ The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Vedr y, reliable and up-to-date re- of market conditions and tendencies in the lpal manufacturing districts and leading ic foreign wholesale markets. A ‘medium of information and communica- ween Canadian timber and lumber manu- and « and the purchasers of lucts at home and abroad. . ily Lumberman— A 44- journal, g fully and impartially subjects perti- umber and wood-working industries. 3D AND FOR SALE la discount of “r cent. will be allowed. tice shows t ee ith of the line and is set j a2 lines make one inch. Ad- ls must be received not later than 4 On Tuesday to insure insertion in at week’s issue DAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long,at the Spanish . Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for hete at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, chwood, Ont. s - nders will be received by the undersigned up including the a, "v" 8th Day of April Next aed € right to cut pulp wood on certain areas ity to the Montreal river, in the District of ing; the Nepigon River, in the District of ; the Rainy Lake, the Wabigoon the Lake of the Woods. all in the Dis- ny River. Tenderers should statethe they ar peered to pay as bonus, in 9 stich dues as may be fixed from time ‘the right to operate a pulp or pulp rt industry in the areas referred to. 1c ul tenderers will be required to erect is on the territories, and to manufacture the 9 pulp in the Province of Ontario, making tenders will be required to de- t with their tender a marked cheque, pay- he Treasurer of Ontario, for 10 percent. nt of their tender, to be forfeited in of their not Steins into agreements out conditions, etc. The highest or any hot necessarily accepted. arsasto description of territory, red to be invested, etc ,apply to the HON. F. COCHRANE, Minister of Lands and Mines, 5 Toronto, Ont, rY 3, 1906, ANTED—TWENTY ONE HUNDRED FT. rails for Lumber Tramway. JOHN HARRI- son & Sons Co., LimiITeD, Owen Sound, Ont, UMBER TRAVELLER OPEN FOR engagement; ten years’ experience; West- ern Ontario. Box 356 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. AW AND SH:NGLE MILL FOR SALE AT | Goulais Bay, capacity 6,000, lots of timber in vicinity. Apply to T. J. Simmons, Goulais Bay P. O., Algoma. iJ FOR SALE UT OF PINE LATH FOR COMING SEAS- . ou, estimated at four million pieces. BooTH © & SHANNON, Biscotasing, Ont. ’ ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrmcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co.,; 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED—BLACK ASH AND BIRCH. ASH 1”, 1%” and 1%” in 1sts and 2nds and No, 1 common. Birch in squares 4x4” and larger. Also a fair quantity of Elm squares 4x4” and larger. Apply W. B. Bartram '& Co., Ottawa, Ont, AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH. You, ). _ wish to-sell? If'so, make the fact known ‘te probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this journal. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- ronto FOR SALE—TIMBER LIMIT ERTHS 1 AND 2 TOWNSHIP OF WIDDI- field, adjacent to North Bay. For full par- ticulars apply to LEEs, HOBSON & STEPHENS, Hamilton, Ont. WANTED. NE TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE ‘and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ- ate lots, Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, Kr ENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED 1 Second Hand Engine, 100 h.p. 1 Second Hand Boiler, from 40 to 50 hip. Must be in first class condition. THE MAGEAU LEBLANC LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED, Chap- leau, Ont, WANTED OR MILL IN DISTRICT OF ALGOMA FOR coming season, one trimmer man, one filer for gang and small reund saws, one setter, familiar with steam setworks, and one fireman accustomed to firing Dutch Ovens with green sawdust. State wages and references to Box No. 357 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. HEMLOCK BOARDS poe MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England Market for shipment during the year 1906. Boards to be Pi1S to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet and up long, or clipped, 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14and 16 feet. Willtake ship_ ments either by rail or sail. CHARLES S. WENT- woTtH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Cedar Poles for Sale 250 Pieces, 25 feet, 230 ” 39 yy 200 ” 35 ” 100 ’ 409 5, 7° Pr) 45 ” _ 50 ” 50 ” 40 ” 5S, sve 30 Ggah OO ces 20 65 oy 10 ” 7O ” All 7” tops, manufactured from good sound straight cedar. Willsell any portion in full car load lots, or the whole parcel, Apply, W. B, BARTRAM & Co., Ottawa, Ont. a i g ” Hardwood For Sale at | Pembroke. OAK.—42,000 ft. 1” x 6/16 ft. M. R: 23,000 ft. 2 to 4”x6” and upxio/16 ft. M.R. MAPLE —48,000 ft. 1” x 6/16 ft. M. R. 16,000 ft, 2 to 4”x6 andupxio/16 ft. “‘ BIR. CH—40,coo ft. « x 6/16 ft. M. R. ' 40,000 ft.2 to 4”x 6 and upxio/16 ft.“ ' BASSWOOD —0,000 ft. 1” x 6/16 ft. M. R. f 13,000 ft. 2 x 6/16 ft. M. R. Prompt quotations given on application, JOHN BROMLEY, Pembroke, Ont. FOR SALE + 300 M. 1” and 2” Hemlock, dry. Apply Box 359, _ CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, ANTED—SEVERAI,’ CARS MILL, AND \ shipping cull 1” basswood. Quote quan- _ tity and price. Box 353, CANADA LUMBERMAN, . Toronto, Ont. | : FOR SALE } LUMBER YARD WITH REAL ESTATE AND buildings or will lease the premises. Loca- te Marie, Ont. \ 7E ARE OPEN TO PURCHASE, FOR IM- mediate delivery, pine, hémlock and hard- wood lumber. Mail specifications and quote lowest prices f.o-b. cars shipping point. GoLp MEDAL FURNITURE CO., Limited, Toronto. LANING MILL FOR SALE— BRICK building, with all modern machinery, doing a good business; in a town of 3,500 of a popula- tion in Western Ontario; lots of work to start with. Apply Box 352, CANADA J,UMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE Tjumber yard, office, trucks, €tc.; capacity eight to ten million: feet. Situated in Sarnia, Ont. G. T. R. Siding through premises. 500 ft. prac- tically new docks on river front. Box 236, Sarnia, Ont. DVERTISER, HAVING GOOD CONNEC- tions with the trade throughout Western Ontario, would like position as salesman, on commission basis, for some reliable British Columbia firm of shingle manufacturers. Best of references furnished as to character, business ability, etc. Address communications in first instance .to Box 350 CANADA JLUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE CHEAP One Million X White Pine Shingles, seasoned, Imperial Lumber Company, Limited, 309 Pacific Building, ‘Toronto. TO LUMBERMEN The advertiser, who is at present managing a Company in Province of Quebec manufacturing for the English Market, is desitous of purchas- ing an interest in a lumber manufacturing com- pany with position as manager, oris in a posi- tion to purchase limits outright situated in New Brunswick or Province of Quebec. Preference given to holders of cedar limits or company manufacturing cedar shingles in addition to other milling business. A holder of limits who is unable to finance same'can do so with assist- ance of advertiser, who is in a position to furnish capital starton a largescale. Facilities for rail shipments preferred, First-class references. Address in{first instance, “‘LOwER PROVINCE,” care CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, ion..S69, Ontario, THe Soo LUMBER Co., Sault No. .50 FOR SALE IMBER LIMIT, TOWNSHIP OF BALFOUR, on the Vermillionriver. Old license includes alltimber. Box 230, Sudbury, Ont. TIMBER LIMIT FOR SALE pate NO. 7, TOWNSHIP MERRICK, CON- taining about forty million standing White Pine. Apply T. G. BR1GHaAM, Ottawa, Ont. OR SALE—WHITE OAK, RED OAK, ROCK Elm, Maple, etc., which I can cut into dimension stuff. Can also furnish White Oak piling any size. JouN HaYNzE, Bank of Toronto Building, London, Ont. LE ANTED—X, XX, XXX, XXXX. PINE Shingles, Hemlock, Spruce,’ Balsam and Pine Lath; Black Ash C, & B. all thicknesses; 5/4 Hard Maple, thoroughly dry. Box 326, CANADA - LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE ; : HREE MILLION FEET LUMBER, ABOU half of which is 1905 cut, balance this year’s stoek. One third Hemlock,balance Maple,Birch, Beech, Elm, Ash, Basswood, Pine,Cedar,Spruce, -Tamarac,iete. Good quality. J.J. THomPpson, Midhurst, Ont. FOR SALE ie cle IN TIMBER AND FARM LAND, close to Lake Ontario, G.I R. About 40 acres large timber, Oak, Maple, Birch, etc., part ‘of s¢veral hundred best sandy loam farm land. Splendid buildings, good fruit; large stream; good roads, Niagara district—with $15,000 money can bedoubled. Investigate. Write THompson, 17 Queen St., St. Catharines, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Inquiries for lumber continue to come in quite liberally and prices remain remarkably firm. The large amount of building which has. been done this winter has maintained the demand and resulted in a steady drain upon stocks, andthe problem now most discussed is whether the shortage which is developing will be the means of bringing about still higher prices. The weather for the past two weeks has been favorable for logging operations in the north- ern part of the province, but some of the hardwood districts are still suffering through unfavorable conditions for getting out logs. Indications still point to a supply of logs quite inadequate to keepthe millsin operation all season, and with the consumption at a high point prices of lumber are almost certain to continue firm. Dealers are still picking up small blocks of pine and hemlock, in the hope of being able to turn over the stock to advantage in the near future. A dealer who last week purchased about a million feet of pine gives it as his opinion that there will this year bean unusually large con- sumption of lumber for building purposes, There have been no new . ’ {I. developments in the lath market, and while prices are still firm, the more conservative operators are not contracting for the new cut to any extent. EASTERN PROVINCES. The uncertainty of the log supply is strengthening prices of square and waney timber and an advance is be- ing asked by the Quebec shippers. The chief advance shown in our quotations is in waney pine of large average and red pine. The market for spruce lumber is somewhat quiet, as there is very little stock offering and holders are not anxious to sell. Future prices depend very largely upon the input of logs. The lath market has weakened, prices having declined from the ab- normal basis which was reached about the end of last year. While opinions as to the immediate course of the lath market are widely differ- ent, there seems little doubt that those manufacturers who placed their cut under contract in the fall months pursued a wide course, as equivalent prices could not be ob- tained at the present time. UNITED STATES. The conditions of the lumber market show no material change as compared with a week ago. Indi- cations point to a large spring de- mand and firm prices, with a prob- able advance in some classes of building lumber. Box lumber is quite scarce and in urgent demand. Our Buffalo list this week shows an advance in thick selects, fine com- mon, the lower grades of cutting- up stock and all grades of barn and box boards. In the hardwoods ash and birch have been advanced. There has been a distinct improve- ment in the demand for hardwoods since January and it is believed that holders of lumber will be able to realize better prices this year. The cheaper grades of basswood are selling quite freely owing to the scarcity of white pine box boards. There could be a better demand for birch from the furniture manufac- turers, but this will probably devel- op when the spring months are entered upon. Hemlock is higher. Pennsylvania producers last week issued a new list putting the base price up $1, which makes it $19.50 for Buffalo, with an extra fifty cents for 2x 4, 10, 18 and 20 feet, and for all3 x4. There is more than the usual activity in shingles, prices KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION of which are tending towards firm- ness. GREAT BRITAIN. British trade is gradually reviving, and there is a strong undertone which augurs well for improvement later in the year. The light stocks cannot be overlooked, as compared with a year ago they show a’ suk- stantial decrease. The following figures represent the stocks in the public docks at London on Febru- ary Ist, 1905 and 1906: I905-pes. 1906-pcs, Foreign deals.... ....... 1,916,000 1,418,000 Foreign battens......... 2,929,000 2,445,000 Pine deals and battens. . 1,222,000 873,000 Spruce deals and battens 1,220,000 564,000 Rough boards............ 4,200,000 3,845,000 Prepared boards ........ 8,179,000 6,941,000 19,666,000 16,286,000 These figures show a decrease of almost 3,400,000 pieces- compared with the quantity of lumber _ on hand one year ago. The trend of both pine and spruce is gradually upwards. It is understood — that shippers are asking £12 to £12 5s per standard c.i.f. for third quality pine. The longer lengths of spruce, such as 16 feet and up3 x11, 18 feet and up 3 x9, and 20 feet and up 3 x.7, are being constantly en- quired for, and there is also a fair demand for 3 x 4 inch scantling. STOCKS AND PRICES. Gillies Bros., of Braeside, Ont., have established camps on that part of their Cobalt limit from which prospectors have been excluded and expect to take off most of the tim- ber this winter. George Lux, of Beaton, B. Ci, has a contract to put 3,000,000 feet of logs into the Fish river for the Bowman Lumber Comgany, of Revelstoke, B.C. W. Leonard has undertaken to cut 4,000,000 feet of logs’ on Salmon creek for the Arrowhead Lumber Company, cf Arrowhead, B.C. Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Company say of the Barbados mar- ket: The market still continues very moderately supplied, but a couple of cargoes of white pine and spruce contracted for some time ago are about due, and with others re- ported to be on their way, dealers are very diffident in making further contracts, expecting to buy more advantageously of the spot cargoes. Spruce and hemlock would prob- ably sell to better advantage than white pine, but in the absence of former descriptions, the latter is KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Limited Owen Sound, Ont. TARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS Specialty : bound to be in demand for crop re- quirements. The market is fully stocked with shingles, as the de- mand has been exceedingly light this season. Messrs. Denny, Mott & Dickson, London, Eng., report as follows: The demand for waney pine has been quiet, but prices have stiffened in face of the higher rates in Quebec for next season’s requirements. Elm has presented no special feature, but the price is firm. Oak is somewhat better in tone, owing to a slightly improved enquiry. Spruce deals are quiet, and the views of shippers for forward supplies are generally con- sidered as unjustifiably high, with the consequence that little cargo business has been done. Messrs. Churchill & Son,London, Eng., say: The pine deal market in London has shown more life than for some time past, and stimulated by the position in Canada, prices here have advanced. For spruce deals also the London market is better, skepticism as to the solidity of present quotations from the other side being rather on the wane. More business has therefore been possible buyers yielding to a very slight eas- ing in quotations for shipment. Prices for all the Canadian hard- woods and for white pine timber are also rather on the increase in the London market. SALE OF TIMBER LIMITS. There was a large gathering of lumbermen at the sale of the timber limits of the Lumsden Estate at HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER ae & MANUFACTURING C WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lum y r . . Red and White Cedar Shingles . . Pine, Hemlock and Spruce Laths Correspondence: ‘Solicited. Stock Lists Furnished on Application. Le J vt Samples by Send for Ssiaerse KNIGHT BROT Ottawa last week. One of parcels offered was uke E Lewis weilded the hammer and th first parcel put up was that know as the Hay Bay limits on th Ottawa river, comprising 96 miles. The bidding starte $100,000 and went up at a tho a bid to $188,000. There higher offer and, this amout reaching the reserve bid, the par was withdrawn. a Then parcel 2 was put up. 1 is known as the Snedde Beauchene limics, comprising square miles on the upper The bidding started at $ Soft Yellow. L r Pine Finishing UMBI Yellow Pine Flooring and Ce Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber — California Sugar Pine Shop L C. A. SPALDING & CO Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, Montreal Toronto | | ; Vancouver WOODSTOCK, ONT. © LIMITED © Burk’ MASON, GORDON &C IC 80 St. Francis Xavier Street WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER - MONTREAL, Que. Car and Cargo Lots Only Fe YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIM DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH :NPLENNAN LUMBER 6O,, | LMI _ | MONTREAL QUE. Office end Vera, 87! DORCHESTER ST. Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRL ind went in leaps of $5,000 to 00,000, when it was knocked m to Norman G. Guthrie, rister, acting in the joint interest the Hawkesbury Lumber Com- y and the W. C. Edwards arcel three, twenty-five square on the Kippewa, was offered there were no bidders. _ NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. spondence of the CaNaDA LUMBERMAN.) tT. Joun, N. B., February 14th, occurred to break the monotony evalent in lumber circles. The tention of those interested is fixed a very great extent upon the nditions bearing upon the getting logs, which conditions are caus- s considerable anxiety and which become less favorable day by day. In the far up-river districts the snow has been decreasing steadily in the lower counties there has practically no snow on the sall through the winter. In s latter section a few inches has en during the week, but the weather is very temperate and it is lly disappearing. ith the season drawing to an there is a probability that,owing ‘the lack of hauling upon the ds, a tremendous quantity of Ss will be left in the yards both e lower counties and (what is 10re important) in the up-river bons. ~, | nce last writing the local spruce trade has shown a degree of ertainty that can be traced to sitation of buyers, a hesita- born of a general lack of con- » in the immediate future of lath market. Values are less than was the case a month ago. hard to name a figure that TELEGRAPH POLES Be : WANTED We buy all lengths. “ Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your Cedar into Poles it will net u more than you can get out of it in any other way. Oswego, N.Y. =e a a aa aa aa 6.—Since last writing but little - a _ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION would apply generally; prices vary somewhat in accordance with the Opinions of those interested in the transaction. One feeling in regard to the lath trade seems to be shared in universally—that of pessimism, and opinions in this regard range from prophecies of a decided slump in the near future and a schedule of prices lower than those of last year, to a conviction that, while prices will be lower than at present, no figure will be touched lower than normal. The threatened strike in building circles in New York City, should it materialize, will no doubt paralyze | The Cleveland-Sarnia -business in that direction; the indi- cations are having a derogatory effect. While all this uncertainty lasts the tone of the lath market is day by day growing less favorable to a sustaining of values, recent sales having been made at figures ranging from 50 cents to $100 less than those paid in early January. Locally, nothing is offering in lath for immediate delivery. For delivery during the summer indica- tions lead to the conclusion that non-dutiable slab-lath could be bought at this date for from $2.25 to $2.50 per M f.o.b. St. John. Freight rates to New York City on lath are quoted at 70 cents per . M, offerings more frequent than charters and a consequent tendency toward lesser figures in the near future. WANEY AND SQUARE TIMBER. The following in respect to waney and square timber is found in the Timber Trades Journal, London, England: Of ist quality Quebec waney pine, it is reported that there has not been ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tiex ....... SPECIAL LOTS—100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16,000 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application. Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 13 DON’T WORRY: SMILE Ve've got all the lin. and 2 in. Spruce that you want. Ghe Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. " a Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ;ARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO,, ume 604 Temple Building, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.” Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s III. enough made for next season’s ship- ment even to supply the limited de- mand on this side, and prices have advanced ad. per foot f.o.b. during Jast year. Of the moderate winter- ing stock of oak, a large proportion is reported as not up to the standard of first-class shipments. Of elm, the supply is better, but prices re- main at about the same level. Of Quebec birch there is a fair supply, I. Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres. EF. C, Barre, Ass’t Mgr Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from Lumbermen for . . . Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine id ee a Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom dles, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER and it has advanced in price, owing to the active demand for this wood in the construction of motor cars. There is no stock of ash in Quebec or any being made this season that we can hear of. Established 1889, Incorporated 1896. We Solicit the Trade of Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. GO. 2ist and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of— veneered Doors Soe DTA COMMON = We Solicit a Share of Your Business E. J. DAVIS MFG. Co. 21st. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S. A. Our Doors are known the world over and are recognized as the best made. Send for catalogues and price lists. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. timiteD Mills: LATCHFORD, ONT. Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. North Tonawanda, N. Y. seesatie: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ° ONTARIO Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Let us know your requirements a Prompt Shipments R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec'y. ¢ R. S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. bathe ett than tinnttnttontin tan the Yn Tan tp “he “to Yin Yop “en tn nn a “nn “a “a “ao a SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. $ CRVTVBVSSSSSSSSUSVVUVSUSEVESNUTSS . BVUBAVBO CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. ee Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band =. Circwiar CACHE BAY, Oni. Cc. P. R. Gane a6 miles West Nort Bay UMBER anD LATH nate, Iv. HELP WANTED. Mill owners, when in need ofa Superintendent, sawyer, filer, ship- ‘per, or in fact any class of skilled help,. should remember that. the CANADA LUMBERMAN is read regular- ly by thousands of persons in the lumber business. The ‘‘ Wanted and For Sale” Department of the Weekly Edition therefore offers not only the most direct way of securing the desired help, but compared with results, it is much cheaper than any other medium that can be employed. A booklet giving the opinions of advertisers who have used the ‘‘Wanted and For Sale” Depart- ment may be had for the asking. CANADA LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION barrel staves at $9.50 to $9.75, first- class basswood heading at 6 to 61% cents, and 6-foot coiled hoops at $9.50 to $10. ‘Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISCONSIN GENIRAL RAILWAY to Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. For full information, address Slack cooperage stock is firm and likely to advance. Jobbers at Buf- falo quote first-class dry elm flour 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C, Ponp, G. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis. H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent, _ CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO FOR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try {| JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT: ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR awn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. Office: 503 Manning Chambers - - JAMES J. MURPHY, *" si" QUEBEC F. MCCIBBON & SONS, = "=¥etagusweve Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. Of Ontario, Limited MILLS at SPRAGGE, 244, 4c he ae Ont. on ‘*Soo”’’ Branch C. MANUFACTURERS OF ] White and Red Pine | Lumber and Lath Water Shipments Manning Arcade, Toronto pra nee Building, ontrea. nd at Mills at Spragge. THE M. BRENNEN & SONS MAKUFAGTURING 60, LIMITED. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON 4 oft 2 5 iar ope aM “ y ae 5 Al en mS < aie » a hig. ae iy Ly Name wh wat®> Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. We Buy, W. C. CRAWFORD Tilbury Ont. — Fr Manvfacturer of . . ae _ Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, E ite, Also Hard and Soft Wood Heading. and Re. and White Oak, Maple and Eim Lumber ’ Can supply. Second Growth White or squares up to 38 in. long in large quantiti Planing, Matching, Resa z at Manufacturer of mi aning, 3 Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings sofas" HARDWOOD F ASPECIALTY, Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Qt J. R. EATON - Oril Correspondence Solicited. ‘Phone A WW EO ee We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for ts kinds of lumber, will contract for this season's cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills. solicited. _ A. W. EYER @ co. = 43 Ascii Street on BOSTON, MASS. H. D. WIGGIN 223t0%,"ss will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd CoRRESPONDENCE SOL)CITED. J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floortng+ and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings ete, All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty, COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECI LTY R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR, D. te WHITE. PLA YEATR & WHIT: ; Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH » SHINGLES — Contractors for Rallway Supplies MIDT. AND, ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialty... . OWEN MAITLAND, RIXON & CO, crrinc: State chee fr and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Coca and Hemlock Bill ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water ae _ +. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITE National Lite Chambers, TORONTO, ONT. — fe 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merch i ant Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and co : RHODES, CURRY & CO., tim LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are bt 3 Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. ; Amherst, N.S. f An Advertisement in im the « “and **For Sale CANADA LU E WEEKLY EDITIC Will secure for the case aap Sas be... Ac The Canada a Lee => Ss Tw r 1 i To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY MANUFACTURED IN oe MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND 0. H%, %, %, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER [> It uour Wish. . . oie i ( Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, al Short and Pe Leaf Yellow Piie, Oak, Retnees Birch, ee and Dek Rlesriagys Pulpwood Ties, wre Cedar Po J. S. FINDLAY - OWBN SOUND, ¢ - -February 21, 1996 CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION UNITED STATES MANUFAGTURERS AND WHOLESALERS You CAN REACH | THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS] ST. EOW)2 RAI c. MAI WIRE on ‘PHONE co SAW AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOVIS, MISSOURI. Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LItTLe BAY, ARK., ALDEN BRIDGE, LA., ALLENTOWN, La. VEE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty THE WicKS LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. YELLOW PINE We are in position to give first - class stock. Reason- able prices. Prompt ship- ments. Mills in Alabama, Mississippi and Arkansas. WATSON & CO. BLACK ASH AND ‘ROCK ELM SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER MANN, Muskegon, Mich. J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE mason a. noste LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. ee z FRANK C. BURY MICHIGAN WHOLESALE | WE BUY WE SELL LUMBER ALL KINDS SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, Cypress and Yellow Pine Stillwell & Company DETROIT, Mich. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokers and Measurers | Cable Address ‘ Gable Address “Faraworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND BROK HRS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., At and Private. all CANADIAN y WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE ; " Hardwoods in Log, Ete. ee ree eae. eersceondenrs Soicired. 1m handled to the best advantage to all ports in the TInited Kinedam —— Carracnondence Solicite OUIS BAMBERCER, 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. IMPORTER OF ae Address “‘Bellywood, London,’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods re Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ne GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood Agents and Brokers GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Qak: Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumbe Staves and Heading, Handles of all ae agiinel oni Veneers A Specialty Cable Address : “' SMITH & TYRER 14 ithebarn Street LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington Street GANT & KEMP : TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW ©? BROKERS Cable ane ess: “TECTONA” cae Ow. and A B C Codes use Telegrams and Stele ‘“‘Woodfeller, Codes: ore: Western Union ae eee and Lou C. 4th and 5th Edition THOMPSON, BLOIS & co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents, JUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID, Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘ Branches: MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs ane Planks. Oak Logs and Pla Rock ues zee ana Planks. Rock Elm Logs Hickory ‘logs. MABSO. 200%. All cimanve af Lumber and Manufactured Woo oods suitable for the English Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers LIVERPOOL; ENGLAND CABILE ADDRESS "DOBLE LIVERPOOL " v1. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION - ebruary 21, 1906 ee anowers. be Be HEAPS & CO., i Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. 13 | SPECIALTIES : a AAi HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newel: a Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. > an - x . An <= pt) i = are W. J. SHEPPARD PRESIDENT Jj. G. Beet, seeeee MANAGER Waubaushene, On ancouver, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF ed FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER COs Limit ‘ LATH, MOULDINGS parbet | ee . COO a re HICH GRADE esa ett RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO a | a _- = r ev, ERS jn ~~ me - [28 HDS SESENES ES SENSES SRERE z a 4 1 . << Hastings Shin ale M Haautae ial g | <, Company, Limited A Ue eM. aN A Vancouver, B. C. bs = \I E 7 ' DEIN 2 en ies: F If and Cedeir las Ay ‘y\ ye A Lumber — jaa NS =ZLZ ‘t Red Cedar SHINGLES q Ww. B. McK&caNIE, President. C. MacRAg, Manager, ae : ALL KINDS OF ‘LUMBER _ THE ALBERTA LUMBER CO. THE © INDEPENDENT LUMBER C 0. LTD. ols bight B. C. BUILDERS SUPPLIES. anufacturers of 0): GET QUOTATIDNS FROM OUR NEAREST BRANCH BRITISH COLUMBIA RED CEDAR SammiimacitinioccsSs All sizes to 24 inches wide, by 24 feet long—CLEAR, B. Cc. FIR—DIMENISON AND FINISH. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ; pc. SeerPe. President and Manager. WM. ROBE ON: Secretary. J. E. YOUNG, Cashie’: ~The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. “ese White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, q Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work Basle is CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING _ Wealso Manufecture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. EXPORT LUMBER & SHINGLE CQ., Limited VANCOUVER, B.C. | z We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for 40 per cent. , of the Shingles Manufactured in British Columbia. Daily shipping capacity over I'/; millions. Vice-President. Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario. a Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber hae a a oe o - = 7 + C Oi alee Vill. i A Py oh ene “Y ; CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE ONTARIO — wuire PINE Lumper, LATH | W. B. BARTRAM & CO. - BANK ST. CHAMBERS OTTAWA, ONTA AWD SHINGLES. — , WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT a White Pine, bec S d Hardwood. Bre LUMBER Co. TMITED ded! Ta bag LORUNTO, ONG iEe nn ot Dee ee eeciaities: Basswood and Birch. Barge or car load lo aga “Hee Bay. R. and G.T.R. Delivery. Water Shipment Only. ‘ tr eee The Canada Wood Specialty Co., Ltd. CANADIAN PEDWELL & LEMCKE, Uda Ween Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade Hardwood Floor- LU M iS E R MANUFACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Hardwo j Loum’ x ms ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring bcd Garrel Heading, | WANTED } OF aici ea Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. : Veneers, Frult Backets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt a to enquiries for prices, ete by and short lumber from the Mari- il, Wire or Phone. time Provinces ane are prepared t h hite Pi d WE WANT TO BUY ioe) AP. BART aa 2” and ey Rock Elm , 1%", 14" and 2” Chestnut 7 1", 134" and 2” Butternut Zs CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. The McLennan Lumber Co., Limited | eam gig, - BOSTON, mass. Broom Handles, ov pat bier ein Dimension Stc Montreal, Se TkuaNiat miaietaua aie ill culls .. , HT LUMBER DRICES.-WHOLESALE isin and 1% in... pe 00 36 bed Pine ai ciliaris . 750 850 Pine ..cceeceee ve ceeeeees $400 | SPrucesceeeseeeemssne Uaterenl chisencas + 38 00 40 00 | Spruce, Peep 14 00 SHINGLES, Que. Mizts : French River, Georgian Bay All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. We solicit consignments of long Rail or Water Shipments. ye pg arene vee ists & 2nds bec. : . . . MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN . 5 Ss plage Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Post Pine good strips : Pine, box boards.... 13 00 15 00 LATH, Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x28 ....$5 25 5 Pine, good shorts: eae doa rs WAM. seve eerecees 2000) ZOl00 7,8,94 10”... oo TORONTO, ONT. ' 1% in, and 136 in... 34 00 fo 00 | Spruce,1” clear (fine Clear buite.....+-2- 3 50 3175 | ao eesccees - 38 00 42 00 dressing and B.. 24 00 seneeee 450 475 IPITUICE eee eenevesens : CAR OR CEC Ores ra to vg A Sidings.. 15 oo | Hemlock....... F 13 00 ey ye « inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4 to 8im. 140015 09° pine, No. I dressing Lath, per M cuts & better.....- $49 00 51 00 | 2x4 to 10 in., Foto 16ft. 15 50 16 5? siding.... -.. -- 2200 2700] No.1 white pinet}s"x4! 350, 1% inch No 1 | ax4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 16 50 175) Pine, No.1 dressing No, 2 white pine.... 3 00 eateandietier; 5800 $5 09/CIEATIRGREC Clee, a, og pA y” deacing “S| Red Bag milan: 300 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY. Better.......--++ . 5600 5$ 00| Clear inch B.C. cedar shortse eas eehen ie 17 00 21 00 | Pine Shingles WHITE PINE. 1% in.No.2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55 00 Pine, ros, ¢ and bet- xxxx, 18 inch.. - 300 3 25 cutsand better... 44 00 46 00 | Douglas fir dimension ter12/ to 16’ ..... 20 00 2200] Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 (Wholesale selling price.) 2” No 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 24 feet 31 0 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- XxX 18 inch......-..+. 1 40 1 60 Uppers, 1, 14,14 and2 1H i In). .sssenewees and Better........ 46 00 48 00 | Douglas fir dimension ter 17 to1@.. .... 17 00 19 00| White Cedar Shingles i s ae ened eed 1% inch No. 3 timber, 30 to 35 feet 32 80 Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings 18 00 20 00) XXXX, 18 inch........ 3 25 3 50 Shelvin , No. r, 13 in. Cuts and better.... 41 00 42 00/ 1% in. No. 1 4ft. Pine Pine s. c. strips...... 1400 16 00] Clear Butt,r8inch.... 2 50 2 60 ae aol am 9X AML pce 5 aie Cuts and oo aie iin No. a4 fe tate oe ; a4 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 14 00 XX, 18 inch......--.. 150 © 70 73 = | Nes 1 Mi 'st'ps rtoa. SS rin, Pine Dressing rie No. sy Dine ee Bs oo | No. 3 hoagie, f¥ and better shorts 23 00 24 00 ” No. 1 4,ft. hemlock lath 3 50 $ nse eee me Py wes Meo 2 rx4, 6and 8 common 20 00 21 00 | XXXX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 Fine common, 1 in. 57 00 icon No.1, r2in..... : ; tro common... FO 2 oo | Pe atis ge SARNIA, ONT. Mi seoieie: Bal ebamvatmcns OD. sees oo secveeecescces 00 (0, 2) TOUMs se eeeee ax10 common...... 21 00 22c0| XX arr oe 220 2 25 UPPERS. eB eee y, gts » 68900 Dressing RAS ress 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 06 ath eGo pi'elee v0 1400 1700 4 «+++ 78 00 No. I BARN. 14x10 und 12....5+ 4400 2 ee HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. FINE, COM. AND BETTER. WPMIA sites aes «$24 00 to $31 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the =e Ash White, ists and Soft Elm, millrun.2r co 2200 1 in.,8”and up Sa. - 54 00 1%, 1% pet 5 29 oo to 3200 __— price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; ands, 1 to 2in,.. $33 00 35 00 no common ; as and 134” hs - 54 00 2h and 3”. 38 = WHITE ASH. e, Ash, Black, ists and and better, 1 in.. 25 00 26 00 eee OO Mati wdias + aioaiae 3 ands, 1to2in.... 30 00 3200 | RockElm, common leans Rae PRA 8, Ist oar md ogee 38 ve us 00 iste 4 tn. Jeteeonen “4 00 Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 atta means , . . wwcesse A 42 00 Con wali ciligsscaael fe 00 SR SR 22 00 23 00 | Rock Elm, millrun 22 co 23 00 1 0. wee ih 45 00 - Iin...... Se ae 21 OO tO 25 00 f donvewaik@ OO a Birch, common and Maple common and 1% rate . “as a4 nbs ra ts 1%, anid 3" a5 00 to (35 ee BLACK AND BROWN ASH aca PE ad Meee pecic earmen ead ceil ma No. : cums. ; See aa 3 BARN. 1st & ana, 6 nch up, 38 co 40 00 | Com. & good calls... 14 00 ‘Bo . 2 ve BIRCH. i better, 1% to 3 in 26 00 27 00 better, 1%toz3in 2300 2400 1in., 8” and up wide... 35 00 Ret. ata mae 3800 to 4amvoo s:anpicand sean sree recite co 22 00 a ee aeainiayiiia 00 20 00 14 in, : - ee 1%: 1% ae 2” 20 00 to pa 5° up, red...sscee.+ + 40 00 42 00 ak ‘Com. erehene & 6 bof ° and better, 1in.. a1 00 22 co atid aldGeuses-c 4600 §000 2” © “ « Ja47t00) ai'| i Tc. al wernas Ss Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, 2%and3” “ ... 60 00 Ist fi ad,rock,6in dup 26 00 28 00 ae Gommon and calls and bet., 1% to2zin 23 00 24 00 ists and 2nds.. .4400 4600 4! “ ... 62 00 Hp, Ve 1", 1%, Common and culls.. 15 00 x7 00 Basswood, millrun 19 00 20 00 | Oak ,quartered, ists ROIS CUEB TAG 1 | SR ns 14 oo to 19 00 Soft Elm, common and 2nds.....-... 70 00 75 00 a id No. I mill culls, MAPLE. and better, 1in.. 25 G0 26 00| Hickory, xsts and 1 in., 6” and up wide.... 20 00 1,1%, 1% 2” 1s00to 1800 rst & and hard.,..... 20 00 33 08, ist &and,soft...... Soft Elm, common BUGS aionlelvinie nals vo . 3600 38 co 1% s+» 30 00 Common and culls— 1400 °5 oo | and culls. and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 28 00 1% a attt732 90 MILL CULES. ver 2 see= 33 00 Mill Run Culls 1”, 1%, ie 3 2%,3and4” “ sere 45 00 BAG 2” o's ecacu paleannoie 4 00 i TCP : QUEBEC, QUE. No. 3 CUTS. Gy, Na tas 12 00 . BOSTON, MASS. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT tig and ae up wide... es BS 5 LATH, eee U pers 1 to 2imch ....6. cee ee eee $84 00 to cts. a sees no Selects, 1 to 2 inc o aah Seae te Oma Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,........- 35 45 f a ss ss++ 21 00 cleat B» » Sy Bie ees oe 5 8 Fine Common, 5 inch.. ‘ First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to pineal 63 23,3 and 4 wes 27 00 No. r 48” pine.. - ae 4 aa to 2 inch * "19 to20inchaverage ‘“‘ “ ss (8 MILL RUN. i. a. No. 1 Cuts, 1 ine vee RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. vox 4” IM. lee deach«s ALE TOO 2 SHINGLES, No. 2 Cuts, =, Meh in Measured off, according to average and quality Feepinide sslpaie cisions 30 35 «Wx Hager 2 + 19 00 xxX W.P. bi W. Cedar, ‘ 1% to to 2 inch.. hipping order sude dant Rexdieltesises FSSA v” x6 and 8 Seen cuawe oles sins. senreees2 75 3 00 Barn Boards,No. 1... OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. M7 = Oe eo Giada Reg) aes cs) c os, 2 se rah Bin By the dram, according to average and quality. . reer, 48 52 1” x13and up...... Spruce, ag and Fe ‘in, dime imension. ELM. gin. and under .............. B the dra accordin t d quali 5 ‘ro and 12 in. random lengths, 10 ft and up..... y m, ip to average and qua lity 40 to 45 feet BS 5 2x3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x] aa 3x4 vendor hh cihs, goto3sfet. 52 54 ALBANY, N.Y. : oft amalupY cuter a oct ae ASH. ths, under 10 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . 26 28 PINE, ~~ other fandom ies ie 4 eS Perlis?” RT eee _ Average 16 inch . . . whinge cast, dite cts 3 30 89632 Blige i eo gs 4 ie ee a hea a5 Plats Up mexchantabic Horr am chad. 1S BIRCH. ID, cca eccecceesereenee 4 , up. 2 3 u ruce boa: Po TSoeyeceee coniecese sesesece re Tag OL ae ga eee “ sesieeaeeeconns A) eee Tt ewer eee eee e eee eeane ze “ “ ; : *) pe yne perme iauie), al soe waa rcp 2% in Up.....-..3 77 82] xa2-in. dressing and better... 40 42 136” PS pide aie Daria torte meee a 1B “ ouch ok eee ae Lto 2in.s.eceecees coeeee 70 72 | BOX, IX10-IN. .....seeeee--- 21 22 : cy ae a os » +. 38 40 Fine common, 2% in. and up 3 75 a Focid gues pale Rieke 22 23 NEW BRUNSWICK CRDAR SHINGLES. = 1to2in..... Se eam ere wee 0. t barn, 1X12.... «s---- 31 32 FEXtras 2. ce nccccces secccuccns Uissccecess OTTAWA. ONT No. 1 cuts, 1 to2inch...... 53 55 Ixro. Ree a > cee ae 33 Clears........ petite ia eo mishabs 7 ui No. 2-00 Daineie sigien bias PAO) LAN EXC evivcinceaas eeves 26 Second clears ......seeee seerereseseeees MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, NO.3..2-2-cceeseeneoess - 30 35 Ne. 2 barn, 1x12, 28 Clear Whites ........2. -ssdeeeeeeeenees Pine, good sidings: 1xro No. 1 barn.... boos" NG 7 mdiding, 1 to2 in «fers 48 §2 1X10. 26 Extra 1s (Clear whites out)..........+++ . 1in,x8in, and up 40 00 4200| 1x10 No. 2 “ 18 00. No, ck: poms bd ws 35 £8) _ 1x8. 24 Extrais (Clear whites im)..0..i...ccesceeeeneeees 1% in x1% in, xX 1x8 & 9 No. x barn... 17 00 Stained saps..-.-.- oe ease 32 40 Shaky righ ~ 6/qin...... 32 38 3 in. and up...... 5000 56 00| 1x8 & o No.2 16 00 Bracket plank .......- -.+- 35 45 inch......... 38 40, BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES, 2in.=x Sisiind UP 54 00 56 00 Pine Shorts 6’ to Ws" Shelving boards, 1z‘in. up.. 40 43 PN ck weeceeuces 24 25 Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 butts to 2 in. wee No. 2 cuts 2x8’&up 4400 3600] XI0”.,,... .+.... 1600 17 00 Dressing boards, narrow.... 26 28 | Common -.-.vessssseree 25 % Hurekaa, 18 ts onan txro inch sbippers.+..--—+ 24 75 mr Perfections, 5 butts to 24 ia, — = : ’ ’ ' ees | : - A © 955% 7 oy - 4 i 4 4 ‘ 4 i et are " fy t : Ww, i ‘ Thao , tp . MI if fe oN ' + AND WOOD-WORKER Va Vout. XIII BUYERS IN GREAT 8Ri ‘ WEEKLY EDITION TORONTO, MONTREAL — FEBRUARY 28, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER = CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY 4 _ The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y , of Toronto, Limited te : Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. » Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. E. Telephone 1274. _——s—-s«ds16 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. Cc. ss Phe ~ Weekly Lumberman — Published every ‘Wednesday, ‘contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the = leo manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreiga wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturersand exporters and the purchasers of timber ucts at home and abroad. _-—s«- The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood- working industries. Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- rent at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion, Vhen four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. : This notice shows the width of the line and is set : onpareil type; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- vert 1ents must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue 4 @ WANTED—WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK : lath for Ohie, New York and Peunsylva- nia markets ; will take rail or water shipments. ‘THE BELCHER-STINE LUMBER CO., 323 Spitzer HOOD =~ THORS HR GNSS —— 4 , a Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including the ~ 18th Day of April Next for the right to cut pulp wood on certain areas _ tributary to the Montreal river, in the District of _ Nipissing; the Nepigon River, in the District of _ Thunder Bay; the Kainy Lake, the Wabigoon ver, and the Lake of the Wocds, all in the Dis- et of Rainy River. Tenderers should statethe ount they are prepared to pay as bonus, in dition to such dues as may be fixed from time time forthe right to operate a pulp or pulp d paper industry in the areas referred to. ccessful tenderers will be required to erect Is on the territories, and to manufacture the od into pulp in the Province of Ontario. Parties making tenders will be required to de- it with their tender a marked cheque, pay- le to the Treasurer of Ontario, for 10 per cent. the amount of their tender, to be forfeited in event of their not entering into agreements to carry outconditions, ete The highest or any der not necessarily accepted. : aa asto description of territory, — to be invested, etc ,apply to the igned, HON. F. COCHRANE, Minister of Lands and Mines, = Toronto, Ont, a The Lumberman Monthly Edition. 44 pages} $1.00 Per year + {The Lumberman Weekly Edition every week. THI8 PAPER REACHES REQULARLY THE PRINCIPAL LUMBER MANUFACTURERS AND DEALERS THROUGHOUT CANADA, AND WHOLESALE TAIN, THE UNITED STATES, AND OTHER FOREIGN MARKETS. UMBER TRAVELLER OPEN FOR engagément; ten years’ experience; West- ern Ontario. Box 356 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE UT OF PINE LATH FOR COMING SEAS- on, estimated at four million pieces. BooTH & SHaANNOR, Biscotasing, Ont. FOR SALE IMBER LIMIT, TOWNSHIP OF BALFOUR onthe Vermillionriver Old license includes alltimber. Box 230, Sudbury, Ont. TIMBER LIMIT FOR SALE gS hae NO. 7 TOWNSHIP MERRICK, CON- J taining about forty million standirg White Pine. Apply T. G. BRIGHAM, Ottawa Ont. © © ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Simcozk Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers eh get an advertisement in or Sale Department of this WANTED. O* TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ- ate lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, Kt ENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. FOR SALE HREE MILLION FEET LUMBER ABOUT half of which is 1905 cut, balance this year’s stoek. One third Hemlock. balance Maple,Birch, Beech, Elm, Ash, Basswood, Pine,Cedar,Spruce, Tamarac, ete. Good quality. J.J. THompson, Midhurst. Ont. WANTED frOk MILL IN DISTRICT OF ALGOMA FOR coming season, one trimmer man, one filer for gang and small rcund saws, one set'er, familiar with steam setworks, and one fireman accustomed to firing Dutch Ovens with green sawdust. State wages and references to Box No. 357 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. DVERTISER, HAVING GOOD CONNEC- tions with the trade throughout Western Outario, would like position as salesman, on commission basis, for some reliable British Columbia firm of shingle manufacturers. Best of references furnished as to character, business ability, etc. Address communications in first instance tO Box 350 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. HEMLOCK BOARDS HREE MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England Market for shipment during the year 1906. Boards to be Px S to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet and up long, or clipped, 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14and 16 feet. Willtake ship- ments either by rail or sail. CHARLES S. WENT- woTH & Co:, 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass, TO LUMBERMEN The advertiser, who is at present managing a Company in Province of Quebec manufacturing for the English Market, is desirous of purchas- ing an interest in a lumber manufacturing com- pany with position as manager, oris in a posi- tion to purchase limits outright situated in New Brunswick or Province of Quebec. Preference given to holders of cedar limits or ec mpany manufacturing cedar shingles in addition to other milling business. A holder of limits who is unable to finance same can do so with assist- auce of advertiser, who isin a position to furnish capital starton a largescale, Facilities for rail shipments preferred. First-class references. Address in’ first instance, ‘‘LOWER PROVINCE,”’ care CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. OR SALE—ENGINE AND BOILER, FIF- teen and twenty horse power, cheap. BRAMM Bros,, Berlin, Ont. OR SALE—WHITE OAK, RFD OAK, ROCK Elm, Maple, etc., which I can cut into dimension stuff. Can also furnish White Oak piling any size. JoHN HaYNeE, Bank of Toronto Building, London, Ont. FOR SALE UMBER YARD WITH REAL ESTATE AND 1. buildings or will lease the. premises. Loca- tion, Soo, Ontario. THe Soo LUMBER Co., Sault Ste Marie, Ont. LANING MILL FOR SALE— BRICK building, with all modern machinery, doing a good business; in a town of 3,5co of a popula- tion in Western Ontario; lots of work to start with. Apply Box 352, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE. UMBER ANP COAL YARD; SITUATED 3 in Wyom'ng, Ont.; the only lumber yard in the place; will sell cheap, Lock-Box 9, Wyoming, Ont. FOR SALE Lumber yard, office. trucks, etc : capacity eight to ten million feet. Situated in Sarnia, Ont. G. T. R. Siding through premises. 500 ft. prac- geally new docks on river front. Box 236, Sarnia, nt. WANTED Rok DELIVERY IN JONE OR JULY OR earlier, 40,000 feet 8/4 Ists and znds bass- wood, 75°/, white both sides; 50,000 feet 8/4 common and better winter cut basswood ; Ico,- ooo feet ¢/4 common and better, or log run, win- tercut basswood, THE LINDSAY LUMBER CO., Lindsay, Ont. WANTED—RETAIL YARD MAN ALESMAN, ESTIMATOR ON BUILDING material, sash, doors and house finish, must be all round good helper, must be accurate and willing; state age, experience and wages expected. ALFRED MCDoNALD ESTATE, Point St. Charles, Peterboro, Ont. POKoAIE 7,000 Acres of TIMBER LANDS on Manitoulin Island. Apply to N. DyMENT, Barrie, Ont. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited) This company has a large tract of well tim- bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quautities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Beech, Cherry-Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is wellserved by two railreads. The company are prepared to sellthis timber in blocks ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. There are several gocd mill sites on the prop- erty. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut out and are look- ing for a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. \ JANTED—A SMALL SAW MILL—TO RUN by the thousand, THoMAS FERRIER, Elmvale, Ont. ANTFED—BIRCH LOGS, 16” AND UP diameter, 8 feet and over long. BUFFALO VENEER COMPANY, Buffalo, N.Y. ANTED—70o0 PIFCES RED PINE OR cedar piling, 30 feet long, 8’ at top. Ap- ply, Box 361, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED—1’, 2” AND 3’ TAMARAC; PINE : shingles; 1’ spruce ; black ash, C & B, all thicknesses ; cedar squares, plank and posts. R. E. K'nsMAn, Hamilton, ANTED — TEN CARS 1” MILL, CULL ’ basswood ; five cars 1” ists and 2nds birch. THE BE!.CHER-STINE LUMBER Co, 3 3 Spitzer Building, Toledo, Ohio. ; Cs FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish bat Alép cesar, pine and spruce lumber for ere at Larchwood. JAM Larchwood, Ont. ; Be Cae WANTED ARTNER ° WITH $3,000 TO JOIN M ie manufacturing lathin Nova agin fea produced for #1 per M. Address “Laths,” CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. 5 As rele tive CAR LOADS OF LUMBER IN transit, every week, to surface, plane and match, resaw, make into flooring, etc., in our new planing mill. Can double surface up to I2 x 30, best machinery, best workmen, unload- ing and loading all under cover; send us a trial or TaiT-Carss LUMBER CoMPANY, Orillia nt. , FOR SALE WANTED aye TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND feet of strictly clear, straight grain, second growth White Ash, ranging from 3” x 4” to 4’ x 5”, 12 and 14 ft. lengths, suitable for horse poles. AMERICAN LAFRANCE FIRE ENGINE Company, Elmira, N, Y. Massey-Harris Co., Ltd. Toronto Will contract for the following, to be de- livered June to August, 1906. Plea-e send quotations. 20 cars soft elm, firsts and seconds, 1” x 7” and up. 50 cars softelm No. 1rand No 2common, 1”, 50 cars soft elm, mill run. 1”. 3 cars clear basswood, 1” x 7 3 cars choice hard maple, 244” x 6” x to ft. 3 cars choice hard maple, 2%” x 6%” x I2 ft. Io cars rock elm, No. 1 and 2, 1%”. 10 cars rock elm, No. 1 and 2, 2”. uv fl. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION FOR SALE. ATH IN LOTS OF 1,500,- 10, 000, 000 ooo monthly ; ship by water from Nova Scotia 5 quote highest price for lot f.o.b, Address, ‘ SHIPPER,”” CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. SE) TY ANTED—HEMLOCK BOARDS AND BILL xy stuff three million feet or more, for Ohio, New York and Pr ennsylvania markets ; boards reugh ors 1sto %”. 4” and up wide, 6 feet and up long; 2” sawed into regular sized bill stuff, 10 feet and up long; will take rail or walter shipment THE BELCHER- STINE LUMBER Co., 323 § itzer Building, Toledo, Ohio. J Se eee CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The lumber market continues to show an exceptional degree of strength. The demand for white pine and hemlock is urgent; all offerings are quickly absorbed and holders of stock. are not seeking business, believing that everything in sight will be wanted before the new cut is ready for the market. Quick delivery is almost invariably requested, this being an indication of the low stocks carried by re- tailers. In Toronto trade is quite brisk, asthe weather has permitted a continuance of building’ opera- tions. Sales of the Ottawa Valley production of 1906 have been made at the following advances over last yeai‘s prices: Stock boards, 6, 8 andro, $3 higher, box lumher, $2 to $4; good lumber, $2 to $5, and factory lumber $1.50 to $3 higher. Our Sarnia list this week shows a sharp advance in nearly all grades. Lath have also been marked up -at that point up to $4.50 for No. 1 white pine. The shingle market is very quiet. Hardwoods are showing more activity, the factory demand being somewhat ° better. When the weather commences to show signs of the approach of. spring we may expect a large movement of hard- woods. The lack of snow in the southern part of the province is still interfering with logging. THE EASTERN PROVINCES. ~ Though the lumber market of the Eastern Provinces is in a healthy condition, there is very little activity owing to the uncertainty of the log supply. There are plenty of buyers willing to contract for stock, but manufacturers are pursuing a very conservative policy and are refrain- ing from accepting orders which they may not be able to fill.” Some clapboards are offering, but they do not seem to be in faver : at the present time. The tendency of New Bruns- wick cedar shingles is towards KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. higher prices. delivery are selling at $3.45 to $3.50, with especially fine brands bringing $3.60. Clears are worth about $3. Large offerings of spruce lath have broken prices. Standard spruce slab lath are being sold for New York delivery at $4 to $4.15 in either cargo or carload lots, with $4.25 the prevailing quotation for 15 inch. WESTERN CANADA. The condition of the lumber trade of Western Canada is more satis- factory than one year ago. The large stocks of lumber and shingles are gradually being disposed of and the outlook is for a strong demand and firm prices during the coming summer season. A large quantity of lumber is expected tobe marketed in the new provinces and in Winnipeg. Lists recently issued by manufacturers of white pine show advances. For Winnipeg delivery, the prices of 2 x 4 dimen- sion timber range from $13.50 for 6-ft. to $21 for 24-ft.; 2 x 6, 8 and 10, $16 to $21, and 2x 12 $17 to $22, No. 2 dimension is $2 less. No. 1 red pine 13 inches and wider ranges from $29.50 for 10 foot to $3t for 18 foot. Pine lath are quoted at $4, and pine shingles, 6 in. clear butts, $1.50. Red cedar shingles prices have been favorably affected by the scar- city of timber and the closing down of the Washington mills. The conditions to-day are in favor of the manufacturers and mill prices are stronger than they have been for many months. UNITED STATES. The manufacturer or dealer who has a large stock of lumber is particularly fortunate, for there has never been a better demand at this season of the year. White pine at the head of the Jakes is particularly strong, one of the items most in demand being No. 4 boards, which “are reported to have sold lately at $15. Spruce lumber is very active in the Eastern States, the unfavor- able logging conditions having created some anxiety in respect to the supply. At best the crop of spruce logs for this season’s sawing will be considerably below the average and much less than the operators had hoped to secure. Hemlock is gradually moving to- wards a higher level. Michigan piece stuff is selling at $16 a KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING : MASON, GORDON &GO_ Keenan Bros.. Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, MEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS ee een ee Fe far ee Extras for Boston ~ Specialty : thousand and boards at $17.50, while the base price in New York has been advanced to $22. It is reported that several prominent shippers recently withdrew all quo- tations on hemlock, which step is likely to be followed by a new list showing no small advance. Hardwoods are improving at Eastern points. Elm, ash, and birch are meeting with | a ready sale. GREAT BRITAIN. Very little change is to be noted in the British lumber market. Business is only moderately active, but the light stocks on hand are a very strong feature. The London stock of deals, for instance, is 1,418,000 pieces, as compared. with 2,083,000 pieces a year ago. Re- ports as to spruce are to the effect that considerable business has been closed, a London firm having recently sold upwards of 40,000,000 feet in one week. The regular liners are keeping London and Liverpool supplied with small lots, which have been bought at £7 - to 47 12s. 6d per standard Birch planks bring a higher 10S. Cae & figure, namely, &7 standard. STOCKS AND PRICES. The contract for the supply of lumber for the city of Hamilton has been secured by James Thomson, at $21.78 per thousand feet. Joseph Vipoad, Nanaimo, B.C., has secured the contract to furnish logs to the Victoria Lumber Com- “the lumbermen, and active opera- 17s 6d per February 28, 1906 = pany at Chemainus and to the Cowichan Lumber Company it Cowichan Bay. ¥ The recent snowfall in Nova Scotia has been of much benefit to tions have been resumed at 7 points. While the fall of snow was not very heavy, it is sufficient if it lasts to enable the lumbermen to remove their cut from the forests. The Sheet Harbor Lumber Com- pany have succeeded not only in removing all the logs cut this sea- son, but several thousand that were cut last year and left in the - woods. The outlook for the in- dustry has now become much brighter, and the prospects are that the season’s operations will be more — successful than was anticipated — some weeks ago. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. — (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Otrawa, Feb. 28, 1906.—The desire of manufacturers and holders © of lumber to keep their stock in the | hope of getting higher than current prices for it is making the market | in the Ottawa Valley dull. There is — not much lumber on hand and it is — hardly possible to make large pur- chases of laths and sien, Thee LUMBER | Soft Yellow Pine Finishing Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling a cong Leaf Yellow Pine Timber | “ey California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber Ts C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, i MICH. HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER eae & MANUFACTURING CO, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber. ’ Red and White Cedar Shingles . . Pine, Hemlock and Spruce Laths Correspondence Solicited. Stock Lists Furnished on Application. & Jt Samples by 80 St. Francis Saviee Stret WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only ' Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. EVERYTHING IN LUMBER AND TIMBER — DRESSED AND IN THE ROUGH : M°LENNANLUMBER CO,, LIMITED MONTREAL ove Office and } Yard, 7! DORCHESTER ST. - ~ os ae ~ eres Send for Catalo oeve WOODSTOCK, ONT. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO 7 LIMITED Burk k’s Falls > MONTREAL, QUE P.0. Box ne aieedd 28, 1906 Bibete and lath mills have all been "offered contracts for greater quan- tities than they can supply, and at the very highest prices. Every new purchaser wants more than he can get in this district, for most of the m anufacturers are able to supply only their regular customers. The active demand i is on account of large umption in the United States. “One dealer says he has been trying for several days to buy a car of “XXXX 18-inch pine shingles, and not been successful. Laths are made scarce by the rmous demand in the United tes market. The Ottawa Valley is now sending green laths to West Virginia, and as far west as Ohio. _ The market is very extensi e and prices so uncertain that manulac- turers are averse to quote. In all lines the Ottawa Valley -lumbermen are finding themselves - with little opposition from the timber producing districts of the Georgian _ Bay and the Western States, so _ great is the demand in the West for _the product of those places. a nglish buyers are in Ottawa looking after deals, boards and Sidings. They report stocks very jowin England. The buying for the British market is putting up the prices to the top notch. Largest sales are being made in the follow- ing lines at these prices: 1 in. x 4 in. to 6 in. shipping cull strips 12 to 16 ft, long, $15 to $16 per é ousand; 1 in. to 1% in. and 2 | same widths and lengths, $16 to ; 1 in. x 7 in. and up shipping Il sidings 12 fr. to 16 ft. long, $18 $20; 1% in., 1% in. and 2 in., e widths and lengths, $22 to -1in. x 4 in. to 6 in. good s 12 ft. to 16 ft. long, $38 to fo. 134 in. and 2 in., me ie and > eek $42 to be oe WANTED We buy all lengths. Write .. k r prices and you. will “a that by cutting your Paac into Poles it will net you more than you can get Sie it in any other way. 3. FARWELL & SON be to M’Caffrey & Farwell. Oswego, N.Y. Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.*’ Hf SARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER C0., LiMiTED. 604 Temple Building, Toronto MILLMEN-— Cash buyers all"kinds HARDWOODS CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Il. $45; 1 in. x 7 in, and up good Sidings, 12 ft. x 16 ft. long, $42 to $45; 14% in., 1% in. and 2 in., same widths and lengths, $50 to $55; 1 in. x 4 in. and up good shorts, 6 ft. to 11 ft. long, $30 to $32; 1 in. x 4 in. and up cull shorts Oifteto niet long, $13 to $14; 1% in., 114 in. and 2 in. good shorts 6 ft. to 11 ft. long, $40 to $45; mill culls r in. x 6 in. and 8 in. from 12 ft. to 16 ft. long, $20; 1 in. x roin., same lengths, $22; 1 in. x 12 in., same lengths, $22 to $26. Though the prices have reached a high notch the supplies are not forthcoming. The shortage of stock in the old country is expected here to be at least sufficient to maintain the high prices. The Britishers are buying in white and red pine and spruce the lines before mentioned, sidings, deals and boards. Spruce is decidedly firm and is selling from $1 to $2 a thousand more than was the current rate a year ago. Reports have convinced Ottawa lumbermen that the cut of spruce will be curtailed this year. The scarcity of snow in New Bruns- wick, Nova Scotia and the Northern States, New Hampshire and New York, has stiffened the market. Generally the log cut in the Ottawa district is expected to prove a fair one. The recent weather has affected operations less than in other Canadian lumbering districts. Just now the conditions in the woods are favorable to hauling and log making. Unless an _ unexpected change takes place all the logs cut will be got out. NORTHERN LUMBER PRODUCTION AND STOCKS. Statistics of the lumber output of the states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota show a steadily ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties SPECIAL LOTS—t100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16 ,000 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application. Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 13 DON’T WORRY: SMILE We’ ve got all the lin. and 2 in. Spruce that you want. Bs, Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s bees see 2 > va CACHE BAY, Ont. y Cc. P. R. 26 miles West Nort Bay declining tendency in the production of white pine, the aggregate cut last year being the smallest on record. Thecut was 3,628,029,000 feet, as compared with 4,220,917,- 000 feet in 1904 and 4,719,852,000 feet in 1903. The production in 1905 was 1,163,823,000 feet below that of 1903, this being a loss of approximately 25 per cent. in two years. The greatest production of northern pine ever reported was in 1890, when the total was 8,597,- 623,000 feet. The production last year was only a little more than 4o per cent. of the production in 18go. The following figures show the production in the states of Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota during the past twenty years: Year Feet. TSSOs re. R ae ie ee arc 7,425, 368,443 LSS Tare oder arama 7,757,916,784 TOSS edhe cera anes eer 8,254,291,000 TSSQm rate oe 8,183,048,000 18Q0; Sec eaten Shee B 8,597,623.000 Mele) Oban Au a ne en Ream iC 7,879,948, 349 WOO 2. tena aerate ean! - 8,594,222,802 USOS aie serene eee 7,326, 263,782 LSO4S Akstovas*peteycie ae - 6,821,516,412 USOS Se eot ane rs 7,050,669,235 LSQO Srvessgeeia eke wal os 5)7251793,035 18Q Zisecmmapea rime ama 6,233,454,000 LS OSisiegecrerege iri ates ears 6,155,300,000 MBOQ ects age Pes tee os Kee 6,056, 508,000 EQOOF Ne ie shi oiers, Nateee oe 5.458, 261,000 I QO Teja erotic oneness 5,330,448,000 VQO Zinger ares aniie fates 51294,395.000 LOO Zest reyes Acie dose 4,7y1,852,000 LQO4 Metis ctandote ott as - 4,220,917,000 EQOG it wen ccctsie cyaun as iste + 3,628,02y,000 A comparison of the stocks on hand is equally interesting. The quantity at the close of last year was 1,556,645,000 feet, the smallest since the year 1890. The figures for the past five years follow: 1gor, 2,388,256,000 feet; 1902, 2,112,- 719,000 feet; 1903, 1,964,552,000 feet; 1904,2,171,903,000 feet; 1905, 1,556,645,000 feet. The shingle output of the states mentioned was 1,465,089 pieces, showing a decrease ot 153,969,000 pieces when compared with the returns for 1904. The stocks on hand at the close of last year were 479,951,000 pieces, against 685,- 865,000 in 1904. The production of year was against 1904. lath last I,051,965,000 pieces, 1,244,869,000 pieces in The stocks on hand were L, Dean Holden, Pres. F, A. Holden, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr F. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co.., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =—SARNIA, ONT. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND Invite offers from ILumbermen for . . . Spruce Deais and Battens, Spruce and Pine Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, Broom Handles, Chair stock, Seats, etc., or any Woods Suitable for English Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. umiteo Mills: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda, N. Y. spevaties: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Let us know your requirements = Prompt Shipments CASH FOR ————» HARDWOOD LUMBER az Send Stock List with lowest prices Wa C. A. LARKIN + Contederation Life Building, Toronto CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon. & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band =- Carew bat wipes Sinit, ats gas Ae in Bo 170 Sone Ae Gang UMBER aso LATH IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN 252,818,000 and 358,379,000 pieces for the two years respectively. The cut of hemlock lumber was 1,195,073,000 feet, against 1,291,- 169,000 feet in 1904. Stocks on hand were 358,294,000 feet last year and 577,783,000 feet in 1904. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. D. O'Connor, of Temagami, is reported to have been the successful purchaser of timber limits on the White Fish Indian Reserve for - which tenders were recently invited. The limit comprises 68 square miles in the Sudbury District, and is covered with pine, spruce, hemlock and tamarac. Two timber limits were sold at CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS the Crown Lands office, Frederic- ton, N.B., last week. A two mile berth on Never’s Brook, Albert J. D. SHIER LUMBER C0., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS CF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Ficoring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECI LTY a. VW, Yeh ee We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season's cut or buy what Co respondence with mills solic ted. you now have to sell. A.W. EYER @ CO. WEEKLY EDITION " “— « AUGER & SON a ee ony ‘home We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P‘ie, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles Quebec se ae ne — aoe ; ge ei Tete , 76 in © Ce ae eS ¢ February 28, 1906 Canaba LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | v ~ UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS | | | THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. ‘WHOLESALE HARDWOODS] ST.LOUIS BY : RAI L:MAI Hi IRE — AONE a ney An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case Address, § {t UOUr WISh. . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible ? A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER a A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty The Canada Lumberman, Torento ————— i WHOLESALE Riis becle Lumber Co. | He —E WICKS LUMBER Co. LUMBER and TIMBE2 pee ecer BATTER CREEK, MICH. = 3 ae ~ WIC PA’ ¥ CASH WHITE PINE, NORWAY TYELLO W PINE, HEMLOCK, ae aoe OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, Baie AND BLINDs, CEDAR POLES AND TIES Yellow Pine Timber a sj ecialty. Interior ‘I'rim Mill Wor . NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS SH AND - ROCK ELM D-uS “YOUR. INQUIRLES- es = FOR HARDWOOD. LUMBER ae OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trusi Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE LUMBER DETROIT 3 Send us your inquiries for. Southern Yellow Pine. FRANK C, BURY | ~ MICHIGAN 7 WE BUY WE SELL LUMBEHR, ALL KINDS SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, Cypress and Yellow Pine Stillwell & Company DETROIT, Mich. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE : | Wood Brokersand Measurets | Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale 8t., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVER POOL, ENG — ES FP. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND BROKEHRS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., At, “Zebra” and Private. Prien for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPROCE ; _ Hardwoods in bogs Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all port OUIS BAM BERGER, 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. ce a Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ IMPORTER OF Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS DIRECTORY COD GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood 1 gents and Brokers EE EE a ee ee GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurech St. London, E.C. England JRMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERCHANTS : BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, EI m Staves and Heading, Handles of ail descriptions Cable Address : ‘ Veneers A Specialty SMITH & TYRER - IA ithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—“‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TvRER & Co., Keith Building, 4114 Barrington Stree 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW a > ys 0 K E A 5 Cable Address : “* TECTONA” Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘“‘Woodfeller, Codes: eae Western Union, Southards, and London.”’ A. B.C. 4th and 5th Editions. THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against Branches : shipping documents. MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpocl, BEng. BUYERS OF White Ash i ee a Planks. Oak Logs and Beek Maple Logs ana’ Planks. Bork aie Log ickory Logs. ‘0-9 1a ASO! a os All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English ALFRED DOBELL & WOOD. AGENTS AND: = Liverpool and London Chambers. wiles CABLE ADDRES “LIVERPOOL, EN GLAN D- “DOBLE Ly ERPOOL ' i ee eee ee ne pene eae en a _ Me ay bs * ta Pa te ct n= ; ’ Pia Red ; ae CaNADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION iin tsc6 Vancouver, Dé, | Malad HEAPS & CO, ee askin, 3. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Ftc. ! SPECIALTIES: : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. | Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels _ Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. | ai W. J. SHEPPARD racuiaeay Jj. G. sll SenErer MANAGER Waubaushene, Ont. ncouver, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER . Ors LATH, MOULDINGS mabet Cc TURNED WORK : ir ETC. OUVER: HICH GRADE a Cc Coo a vsti 4} RED CEDAR SHINGLES : as Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONT oe MI i | pal « My Ay SHINGLES Straight or Mixed Cars E = ii I, ' be All kinds and Grades ata Me AS ZA) in iN: " 4 AR y JUST A a REMINDER | i v3 That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your | M wants in the lumber line. - It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact’ and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. LUMBER ORDER OUR SPECIALLY TRIMMED AND e HI y} “READY - TO -. PUT - ON” 1 RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING Correspondence Solicited i The Red Deer Lumber Company yo WINNIPEG, MAN, Y Voss = spaces: SSSSESSESTSSS Sy DSSS TESISIESSSE J For__a Pine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine.... 3 00 cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00} Clear inch B.C, cedar, Strips...... seees ++ 28.00 2500] Spruce, mill run..... 3 00 2” No 1 Cuts and kiln dried, ... . Rid eke Pine No.1 dressing Red Pine, mil! run. 3 00 Better....--.+--++ 56.00 5% 00) Clear inch B.C. cedar : Shortsicstesuarteeenas 1700 21 00 | Pine Shingles 1% in.No.2 Pine air diied boat lumber 55 °° Pine, ros, ¢ and bet- XXxx, 18 inch........ 0c 3 25 cuts and better.... 44 00 46 00 | Douglas fir dimension ter £3/t0 16") «snc 2200] Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 40 2 60 2” No 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 24 feet 31 © Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx 18 inch........-+ .1 40 160 and Better........ 46 00 48 00 | Douglas fir dimension ter 17 to1#/...... 17 00 19 00| White Cedar Shingles 1% inch No. 3 timber, ;0 to 35 feet 32 80 Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings 18 00 2000{ xxxx, 18 inch........ 3 25 3 5° Cuts and better.... 41 00 42 00] 1% in. No. 1 4 ft. Pine Pine s. c. strips...... 14 00 16 00 Clear Butt,18inch.... 2 50 2 60 a” No 3 Cuts and Lath. ...--.eceeseees 400 425 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 00 14 00 XX, 18 inch.......... 1 50 1 70 Better......----++ 42 00 44 00 4) in. No. 2 4 ft. Lath 3 30 3 40 1in. Pine Dressing “No.t 32’ pine lath 2 co and better shorts 23 00 24 00 "No. 14 sft eaten mR 3 so 1x4, 6and 8 common 20 00 2f Oo XXX Pine Shingles 2 a paranion aREOCS 21 00 22 00| XX Pine Shingles .. 220 2 30 SARNIA, ONT. 1X 12commion...... 23 00 24 00| X Pine Shingles .. go 2X10 common.....- 21 00 22c°0|XX Cedar Shingles 220 2 25 UPPERS. %x4and5"...... ag oa 00 2and 3x12 common. 24 00 25 00 B. C. Shingles 1in., 18’ and up wide. “$79 oo iy x6" and up.. - 27 00 rx1o inch box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 3°5 iy 1% and 2” 7 00 T5,'=' 10M Ate te . 28 00 common ....--.--+ 2000 21 00| XXXKX 6 to 23-16 in. 327 3%’ and 4! “ 3 oo I YO") wnigioe ome suerte -SOLOO Inch mill runsidings 21 09 22 00 XXXXX 5toz2in.. 3 60 4! «Tt og 00 1% x 6’ and up........ 1. 27 00 z1in. millrun...... . 21 00 22 00} XX No. 2,6to2in.. } 225 US X10. 2s Siessos eee . 28 00 1x10 and 12 mill culls 16 00 1700;XX_ ‘“‘ 6 to 23-16 in. SELECTS. Die e E2OU cc ee ee 30 oO a mill cull Sid- Red pine, clear 1in., 8” and u Pm wide.,.. 69 00 ~ 2 =x'6’ and.up.. 2.0.00. 27 00 Beetle nas a 1500 1600| andclear face... 2300 24:0 1%, v4 and 2’ «e-- 67 00 eX Orem oie caine -20) 2800 I in lead cull sidings 12 00 13 00 ae pine, common 246 and 3” «.. 81 00 BM se aa kee cleat . 30 00 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 00| 2”.......+ Boelesn 1400 1700 4! *e 4e+- 80 00 No. I BARN. HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS, FINE, COM. AND BETTER, Pk hee ..$27 00 to $35 00 Ash White, ists and Soft Elm, millrun 21 co 2200 1 in., 8” and up wide.... 56 00 1%, 1% grae 2” 33 oo to 3s 00 ands,1tozin. $33 00 35 00 | Rock Elm, come 1% and 1%" e+. 58 00 ai an an 38 00 Ash, Black, 1sts and and better, 1 2500 26 00 «+.» 59 00 QO etmek. _ 41 00 see 5° 980 RO TE oo ap on, THECOMNOE wo. 3 ARN. Blac mil an mer rider rans 22 00 23 00| Rock Elm, millrun 22 co 23 oo I oveeee eens esis 48 00 to 24 oo TAUEN) cielo snwiate pan oe to 27 00 Birch, c>mmon and Maple common and 14%, 1% to 2”... 55 00 oy oo 1%, 154, and 2” 25 00 to 27 0O better, rin....... 2400 25 00| better,rin...... 2100 «200 24,3and 4”.. 78 00 co a%% and 3”. 29 00 Birch, common and Maple common and NO. I CUTS. NO. : BARN. better, 1% to3in 26 00 2700| better,1%to3in2300 2400 yin, 8’ and up wide... 37 00 Siw, Son Tiooite: asico Birch, millrun.... 21 co 22 00 | Maple, mill run... I9 00 20 00 1Y% FA es 47 00 i, 1% and 2” oo to 24 50 Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, ists 1% in. “ ss 47 00 1a, 23 00 and better, 1in.. a1 00 22 c¢O and ands siexeleinis ++ 4600 5000 34 “ Sag 0G {\eemuaheny iy . Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, 2%and3” ‘ . 62 00 BOX. and bet.,1%to2in 23 00 24 00 ists and 2uds.... 44 ¢o 46 00 4 ... 62 00 No 1, 1", 1% Basswood, millrun 19 00 20 oo | Oak,quartered, ists SO UneuTA Sea etl tea 15 oo to 20 00 Soft Elm, common and 2nds..... ... 79 00 75 00 ‘4 ‘ : No. 1 mill culls, and better, 1in.. 25 Co <6 00 | Hickory, ists and 1in., 6” and up) vider aI oo 1, 1%, 1% 2” 16 00to 18 00 Soft Elm, common GOS et sae 36 00 38 00 1%, on | 33 oo : and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 26 00 1% bs ae ee oo MILL CULLS. 2 pa ermcocor eile Mill Run Culls 1”, 1%, 1% 2%, gand 4” ser 49 00 and 240.525 «soc 815 00 QUEBEC, QUE. No. 3 CUTS, No. 2, eee SRT RIOO WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT 1in., 6” and up wide.... 19 00 LATH, cts. 1% and 134” ss sees 23 00 No. 1, 32” “ Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.....-... 35 aber sse ee sees 23 00 niet = » 3 an Se coon a First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 8 63 234,3and 4 + 30 00 No. a 48” inet ae ee 2 A 1g toz0inchaverage ‘‘ 63 «(8 MILL RUN. ie crccomneeve 4.5 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. V! Kal). ea chee wets veces 20 00 SHINGLES, Mzasured off, according to average and quality..........+.++++- 30 35 1/x5"...- als Helge tetas! 2X00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, hipping exder. ES, we Ae cee wane 35 go 1” x6and8”............ 24 00 Sito'6 me 16" eens 275 300 DEO seen cececeesens 25 00 B. We ab) 375) 02.169 einige artes BK 27 ccc onesie sions «e+ 27 00 No, 2 + “ 125 I 35 By the dram, according to average and quality . . 48 52 i” x13and up.......... 28 00 ¥ ELM. oe By the dram, accordin to average and quality 40 Pp 45 feet OS ae Fs 0 to Asn. egestas ALBANY, N.Y. 10 inches and up, pies: to aTONEEE and quality. . 26 28 PINE. pemeege 7p, inch ; : : ag 30 = 32S; Uppers, 3 im. 1.5 oe seeeee 88 90 | rx12 ipelushi ners + gittn siete --$27 28 BIRCH, gina: pereatate eeesseces 83 90| 4/4 inch be 13’ & up.28 30 14 Inch agen isg HtOAMNe weve ve sp seeesees 83 85 | 4/4 Box boards 6” andup.. a2 23 zB : i 00-153 eine UPPEFS.....+++++e04-+ 9O 95 | x0-in. dressing and better... 30 35 7 “ er. eae tam a S aege 36 elects, 234 in up........: 8§ 90| x2-in. eae any better... 40 42 1B “ * ee saan 8 Ito 2in..... eielsiatete sances 73. 75 | BOM, ERTOGN: 00s onnimoocnce 23° «24 Bs 3 ac Fine common, 24 in. and up 75 85 Rox, ae seeseeees senses 23° 24 T tO 2iD.. cs eeee creereenere 2 Oo. 1 M, TXT. wee! ve caee OF OTTAWA, ONT. No. x cuts, 1 to 2 inch..... ; 58 fe = Pe A ee eae be MANFUACTORERS’ pRICHS, Boise ccissccssiee os 38 soem beam ies Pine, gocd sidings: tx10 No. 1 barn.... 20 00 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in..... 50 55 REOIME os wed cinaevieimate rin. ms ie andup 40 00 4200|1x10 No. 2 * 18 00 No. 2 molding, 1 tozin..... 38 40 A itowis ie oie saa we 1% in «1% in. x 1x8 &9 No. x barn.. 17 09 —s Stained sapS.----.-.--+---- 33 40 Shaky clear, x to 6/4 n.. 8 in. and up..... » 5000 56 00| 1x8 & ao No.2“ 15 00 _ Bracket plank ... 2in,x 8in.and.up 54 00 56 o0| Pine Shorts 6’ to 11” Shelving boards, 12- 45 SE Se saee 25 No, z cuts 2x8”&up 3400 3600] x10”.,,,.. .,.. 1600 1760 Dressing boards, narrow... 78 32] Common .....200 se seeee 73 1x19 ‘nch shippers......—. 25 29 < } ee 2" ; #) 2 omg ak oe ay hor NT achat ae - Me ath ee Di cal * oe ! p~ eT oe ele Ce ae ne Ue kn Oe ee a 1st & and, 6 insh & Ist & ad,rock,6in &up 76 00 Common and ‘culls .. 15 00 W. B. BARTRAM SCO. _ WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Specialties: Basswood and Birch. All Inquiries Given Prompt Attentien. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumbe Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Wate, Shipments. LATH. Bane cscs secu we seasons SHINGLES. Sawed Pine ex. Xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 Clear butts.......... 3 50 375 Smooth 6x18....... 450 475 » WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Uppers, 1,14, 1%and2 1G iD. esereeee Danie ausicielol wisn oltre 82 00 2 ID .enevenncecnss 2% and 3 in....... go oo | Shelving, No. r, 13 in. in... 95 00 and up, r in...... Selects 1 i 73 00 | No. x Mold'st’ps sto 1% to 2in. 72 00 thot 244 and 3 in. 85 00 No. 2 Moul ding Strips, AWD, woe ceeeccocses 96 00 102 iD... sss eee Fine common, 1 in. 57 00] Barn, No.1, 12in..... 1% and 13% in..... §9 00} 6,8 and 1oin,..... Pe pee oo 61 00] No, 2, 10iM,.....0 3 in 80 00} No. 2, 12 ine.....06 Wc ciacecan'e femme 85 00] No. 3, 10 im......++ Cut'g up, No. 1, 7 in. 45 00 be 1% and 1% in..... 54 00 Box, 14. ete +” Not Cuts...... 5800} 1x6&up... No. 2, 1 in........ 28 00 EXO ‘oo)sicme lionel No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 43 00 IEA nap 0a sliiedewd No. 3th, and 1 32 00 1xIj and up...... INO. 9/2 8 ue. 2 done 35 00 it Gal 40 Dressing 1 in.....- 42 oo} Mill Culls, 1, 1%, 1% 1x10 und 12...... 44 00 and 2 in-s.s.sees The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s b price at_ Buffalo and Tonawanda ; WHITE ASH. ist & and, x inch, 38 00 40 00 1% tozin.......... 40 00 42 00 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. 1st & 2na, 6 nchup, 38 00 4000| Com. & good culls... 14 oo BIRCH. + 40 00 yea Goma ae ELM. MP, LOGwccoan st 17 oo MAPLE, 1st & and hard.,.... 20 70 Common and culls — 1400 '5 o¢ | Common and culls. —— BOSTON, MASS. White Pine Uppers, 1 to 2INCh iC .ss. sans acta 00 oo Selects, 1 to 2 inch Fime Common, 1 inCh.......005 ceseceeeteeeseeres 2% to 210GH. oo ca, casciles No. 1 Cuts, : in to 2inch No. 2 Cuts, Tideh Sauer 1% to 2inch. Barn pee Sete Spruce, wana a 4s: dimension........ gin. and under ......... HERB Sec. ro and 12 in. random len, 3, 1oft.andup...... 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, 1Oft: GNA UP. sos. LATH IV. lands, about thirty miles north of Vancouver, B.C., and seven miles back of Howes Inlet. The incor- porators are W. D. Trump, of the Pere Marquette Railroad; Wm.. D. Miller, wholesale furrier; Alfred Lovett, lumber dealer; E. D. Tay- lor, Harold L.. Webber and Frank D. Andrus. The company is capi- talized at $100,000, all paid in. The Charltons, of Toronto and Tonawanda, are reported to have sold to Playfair & White, of Midland, Ont., timber berth No. 51, estimated to contain 65,000,000 feet, for $475,000. The Keewatin Lumber & Manu- facturing Company, of Keewatin, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ont., have sold to the Backus- Brooks Company of Minneapolis over 80,000,000 feet of timber from J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRAOEBEIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY A. WY 2 GS EE oe ae We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what Correspondence with mills solicited, you now have to sell. A. W. EYER @ CO. J. R. EATON - tte 7 4 vr ire March 1, fetid 3 of the transaction tive not been learned. be Ask Your Ticket Agent is for tickets vie the WISCONSIN. GENTRAL RAILWAY Minneapolis, st. Paul, Ashi Milwaukee, Chicago and all pe east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. a a For full information, address ~ H. J. BERGEMANN,, Travellin 371 Robert St., St, Paul, } or Jas. C. POND, < G, P, Biss Miwa, Minnesota and Canada. This is one of the most extensive sales of stand- ing pine in some years. The details Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc, In Car Lots. Manufacturer Doors, Sash, ‘Mouldings, Ceilings Engerea HAROWOOD FLOORING A SPECIALTY, Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. Orillia, Ont. ’Phone No. 54. nd, = Correspondence Solicited. 43 Adelaide Street East TORONTO, ONT. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DeLAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO FOR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, aii Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT- ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR care and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. Office: 503 Manning Chambers - - JAMES J. MURPHY, *” 020°" QUEBEC F. M°GIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and stn ae Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MANUFACTURERS OF White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. ¢ of Onterio, Limited | MILLS et SPRAGGE, Meonies leks Ont. “*$00"° Branch C. | °% SRC Toronto OFFICES Prcstine Building, Montreal. ” nd at Mills at Spragge. THE M. BREANEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GD., LINITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mille at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto Phage! Ne ese SS ies Fs —~ » hes JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. PILAYFAIR & wWHITh . Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT. : ‘OWEN sou} 1D, : ONTARIO, Mine 2 Se 1 un Contractors for Rallway sunnlias BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. D sgt cans and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long lenck Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuf ff. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Mata 6244) TORONTO, ONT. Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants . i a , Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, 2 - = ~ We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in rere and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Dougias Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P*.ie, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. % BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We ai buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. a a Send for Price List r A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close pr ce THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, C HARDWOOD FLOORING me MAPLE, "BIRCH, | BEECH AND o | %, %, Hs. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed; End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . .« Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and | ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER ; | J: S. FINDLAY - OWBN SOUND, ON Pulpwood = and Cedar Poles March 7, 1906 CANAPA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOu CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. | “WHOLESALE MMARDWOODS ST.LOUIS | | | | BY RAIL.MAI L eon OR- SAW. AND PLANING MILL ANNUAL CAPACITY, 100,000,000 FEET. THE DIXIE LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE YELLOW PINE MANUFACTURERS ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI, Timbers, Rift Sawn Flooring and Finishing Mills at LIrTLe Bay, AREK., ALDEN BRIDGE, La., ALLENTOWN, LA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty | Haeberle Lumber Co. THE WICKS LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a Specialty Interi ortr rim Mill Worx NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. au J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS BLACK ASH AND ROCK ELM SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN : BURY & NOBLE MASON A. bait LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE MICHIGAN WE BUY WE SELL LUMBER ALL KINDS SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, Cypress and Yellow Pine Stillwell & Company DETROIT, Mich. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE Cable Address‘ cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpool. a Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, cae F. A. ae & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND BROK ARE Cable Address; *‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., At, “Zebra pean fo ao CANADIAN - WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; ” Hardwoods ‘ia ‘Log. Ete. Seeeenents bandied to the best advantare tn all rowree 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, °* *cxosx 2° Tite Address “Bellywood, London.’ IMPORTER OF —memuueer Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up. BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & £0. Wood Agents and Brokers GELLICHT,” LONDON 657 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER || BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLA TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS O Oak, Sirch, Ash, Grey Elm Loge and Lumber, Elm Gr Staves and Heading, Handles of ali descriptions Veneers A Specialty Cable Address : “ a SMITH & TYRER - (4 ithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmitH, TyrER & Co., Keith Building, 4114 Barrington Stree a ee ee GANT & KEMP g TIMBER 52 51 Enoch Sure, GLASGOW. BROKERS Cable Agee es: “TECTONA” Fc A BC Codes used Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes: Age Western Union, soteands, and London.” C. 4th and sth Edi tions, THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of alj Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances meds against shipping document dUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. é Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Loge and Planks. Rock Maple Logan’ and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory ne . ALSO .. All Sraunde ee Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English ALFRED. DOBELL & COMPANY ~ WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND * DOBLE. LIVERPGOL* Liverpool and*London Chambers CABLE ADDRESS vi. 3 | CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | March 7, 15c6 J ieee * C. E. H. HEAPS & CO., sa ne B. c Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Motldings, Etc. | 4 SPECIALTIES : AA! HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. = Cedar ‘Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. . + _ x Ww. Jj. Woseccateas: nnegeee J. G. coos Serer es MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Co» pinto | LATH, MOULDINGS a mber E N Uae cost Las BO. HIGH GRADE — sfiC vAN RED CEDAR SHINGLES t oc Ontario Bo enti W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO ‘ : sre5 ooo OO OOS Oe oe ee — LESS SS SS SS SEE SS So eS SeSSS aN SHINGLES. All kinds etna Grades Straight or "Mixed Cars LUMBER ORDER pies SPECIALLY TRIMMED AND “READY - TO - PUT - ON” RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING Ml Correspondence Solicited i) JUST A GENTLE REMINDER ’ That’s all—--a reminder that we.can supply your wants in the lumber line. —— AE Seer erick -; — : os =; ! SS ~~ se ~ = = Ne ~~ ‘7 — — ~— ig — | 1 = ——S a ee ata ae ‘ the TIES ete te td: ee ore : oe hl ade a aks ee Feces are Nai hs It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our -specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. gabe 3) , sSS>= See ar ne rn 1 The Red Deer Lumber Company | WINNIPEG, Sat ctee = = > — SS ~ Cpe es MY Vy u —Write DIRECT to— W. F. AUNTING For__—_, Bik: Red Cedar Lumber Gompany, Ltd. — : VANCOUVER . IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR 1906 CALENDAR WRITE FOR ONE. IT IS A CORKER ta b Catan ’ = eye ee, ee mS : ‘ ‘ — ee a ee. ar ks s wd eden teres alae Sgt, = tay 4 | 2 March .7, 1906 (CANADA ‘LUMBERMAN, WEEKLY EDITION vit. _ E. H, HEAPS, om 5 J. A. McNAIR, President and Gen. Manager, Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPAN Y, wim1rep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER. B. C. 2,000 000 00 SHIN GLES PER t DAY 3 Rite: FIR, CEDAR, and SPRUCE ares ¥ a ~ DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, _ BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH We make a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, Mill Properties and: ee Investments ee: e Correspondence Solicited __w. C. CRAWFORD H. D. Wiccl BOSTON, MASS. 89 STATE ST. _ ALL KINDS OF ‘LUMBER z=; Tilbury Ont. , e . . Manvfacturer of . . will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for TH E i N DEPEN D J NT LU co eS E a c 0. site _ Handles—Axe, Fork, Pick, Etc, dieuutast gat wot zmase ene nes | YOO FY U IN | eee 4 an ple and Eim r. __ Can supply Second Growth White or Red Oak | Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwoc a . HEAD OFFICE -REGINA.SASK. permeates up to 38 in. long in large quantities. Baanaivautenie SouGreans ’ : b. c. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. ae Jj. E. YOUNG, Cashier. The Rat Bela Lumber Co. Ltd. White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work | Bets CEDAR: POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING - fills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario WINNIPEG, Manitoba, , and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg, Mills: cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber 4 We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. THOMAS KIRKPATRICK, ' CODE: AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE. H. H. SPICER, PRESIDENT. MGR. AND SECY. J Export LUMBER & SHINGLE Co. LPB Head Office, 44-46 Flack Building, VANCOUVER, B.C. 4 » | A Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Pacific Coast Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Resnts, in esate foe about,,half the Shingles made in British Columbia. Shipping capacity is 1,500,000 SHINGLES per day. et _ Will the Trade please note ‘that we only claim a daily shipping pact ‘of 1,500,000 shingles. Our compétitors who make larger claims are nice people but seem inclined to exaggerate. ta; tia ‘ = Y : a eH ar ae faeoe. os % a SP PI ee ae a ea a ae ne oon ose VIII. THE ONTARIO LU VIBER C9: wares Mutts: North Bay. C.P.R. and G.T.R. Delivery. The Canada Wood Specialty Co., Ltd. Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Backets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries for prices, et by Mail, Wire or Phone. WE WANT TO BUY i} 2” and 3” Rock Elm ists & 2nds . 1" , 1%” and 2” Chestnut 56 ADDRESS: “ 1%", 14" and 2” Butternut me The McLangan Lumber Co., Limited CHAS. 8; Montreal, Que. CURRENT LOMBER PRIGES--WHOLESHLE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. We to 147 Mil 1 inch No.1 Pine Hemilock,1x4 to Bim. 14 00 15 00 cuts feats. Bao $49 00 51 00 | 2x4 to 10 in,,1-to 16ft. 15 50,16 50 1% inch No _ | | ax4 to‘ro inch, 18 ft... 16 50 17 52 cuts and better. 53 00 §5 00] Clear inch B.C. cedar, 2” No 1 Cuts and kiln dried. ... .-- 50 00 Better.......++-+ 5600 58 00} Clear inch B.C. cedar 1% in.No.2 Pine air dried boat lumber §5 00 eutsand better..-. 44.00 46 00| Douglas fir dimension 2’ No 2 Pine Cuts. be timber, up to 24 feet 3% 0 and Bether:- ., 46.00 48 00 | Douglas fir dimension 1% inch No. | ~ timber, 30 to 35 feet 32 80 Cuts and fae. . 41 00 42 00] 13 in. , No. 1 aft. Pine a’ No 3 Cuts andy cho Lc Mgathh es ew ce teenee 400 425 Better.....--+---- 42 00 44 90 in. No. 2 aft. ee 3 30 3 40 rin. Pine Dressing “No.4 32” pine la and better shorts 23 00 24 00 16 No. 14.ft. poate lath 3 50 1x4, 6and 8 common 20 ‘oo 21 00 | XXXX Pine Shingles 290 300 1E/10 common...-.-- 2i00 22.00| XX PineShingles .. 230 2 3° 1x 1acommon.....- 23.00. 24 00/ X Pine Shingles. . 9° azi0 common.....- a1 00 22c0| XX Cedar Shingles 220 2 25 aand 3x12 common. 24 00 25 00 B. C., Shingles se ace box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 305 Nea ae ote we 20 0@ 21 00| XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 327 Inch mill ruricidings = 00 22 00] XXXXX 5toain.. 3 60 1 In. mill run.. . a1 00 22 00} XX No. 2, 6tozin.. 3 225 1xJ0 and 12 mill culls 16 50 1750,Xx% “ 6to 43-16 in. I a mill cull Sid- Red pine, clear Se ey iate sikessiesovet 15 50 1650| andclear face... 23 00 24:0 1 in. aidead cull sidings 12 00 13 00 Red pine, common : 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 00 als es 14 00 17 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, 1sts and Soft Elm, mill run 21 co 32 00 ands, 1 to 2in. $33 co 35 00 | Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, 1sts an and better, 1im.. 25 00 26 00 ands, 1to2in.... 3000 3200 Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 Siiiiciapeieisad ear? : 22 00 23 00 | Rock Him, millrunm 22 co 23 00 Birch, common and Maple common an better, rin....... 25 00 26 00 better, rin...... 2200 7300 Birch, common and Maple common and better, 1% to3in 27 00 28 00 better, 1% to3in 24 00 25 00 Birch, millrun.... 22 co 23 00 | Maple, mill run... 20 00 21 00 Basswood, common Oak, red, lain, ists and better, 1in.. a1 00 22 CO and 2nds, 46 00 §0 00 Basswood, common Oak, white, “plain, and bet. 1% to2in 23 00. 24 00 ists and 2nds.... 44.¢o 46 00 Basswood, millrun 19 00 20 00 Oak gaesteredy ists Soft Elm, common and 2nds.. »70 00 7§ 00 and better, 1in.. 25 GO 26 00 Hickory, ists ‘and Soft Elm, common BMS’ o 0's cece: ose 36 00 38 00 and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 25 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,....---.« First class Ottawa waney, x8 inch average, according to lineal... 3 é 19 to20inchaverage ‘“' “ on 6$- 468 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and aoellly: se blebainp midietiatenenn eta 30° 635 hipping order Sake bees aeons Sat oe OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . rea 48 «652 ELM. By the dram, accordin to average and quality goto4gsfeet. 6§ 75 30to 35 fet. 52 554 ASH, 10 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . 26 28 Average 16 inc ote POC tea heal tas cab | . 30 32 BIRCH. 14 Inch 22 23 ” ie es ; e . 3° Fe ims wig 8 St ee eee OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, good sidings: txro No. x barn.... 1 in. .x8 in. and up 4200 4400|1x10 No.2 “ .... pony 1% in x1% in. x 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn 18 00 8 in. and up..... + §0 00 56 00[1x8&oaNo,2" ... 16 oo 2in,.x 8 in.and UP 54 00 456 oo | Pine Shorts 6’ to 11” No, 2 cuts 2x8”&up 34.00 36,00] x10" ...... Lesees 17:00 18 00 Room tale: CANADA es WEEKLY EDITION BANK ST. CHAMBERS W. B. BARTRAM & CO. WHOLESALE LUMBER AND TIMBER MERCHANT White Pine, Quebec Spruce and Hardwood. Specialties: ~ All Inquiries Given Prompt Attention. PEDWELL & LEMCK Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lut Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Home sand 3 nT ORONTO, On t. Mitts: French River, Georgian Ba: Water Shipment Only. z CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED. solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared purchase .White Pine. and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. WENTWORTH & C0. BOSTON, MASS. OF e . J . MANUFACTURERS { Rail or Wate, Shipments. A. P. HEBERT “MANUFACTURER OF AND DEALER IN OTTAWA, ‘ONT. Basswood and Birch. Barge or car load fot: Lions Hi Corker sonal : Pine and Hardwood Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Post: Broom Handles, and Short Hardwood Dimension § WIARTON, onTr. Pine, box boards.. . 1400 1§ 00 Tin.... ee a 36 00 | Pine mill culls..... 1200 15 00 14 in. and 1% in.-: ane oH 40°00 | Pine O, culls......- 7 50 8 50 Le ache aii seve, 38.00 40 00 | Spruce, 1”x4” & up 14 00 Pine, good shorts: pruce, x” st fe TAM. .000 cnceoes 28 00 3000| 7,8,9 and 10”.. 16700 2% in. and 1% in. . «+ 34.00 40 00 | Spruce, 1’ clear (fine sand 18 Dee 42 00 ‘dressing and B.. 24 00 yt to ‘"y A Sidings. . is oo | Hemlock - 13 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing Lath, per M_ sidin ng Ry a2 00.37.00] No.1 white piner}é"x4! 3 50 Pine, No. 2 dressing No. 2 white pine. . 3 00 strips.... rs 2000 25 00 Spruce, mill run. . 3 00 Pine PNo. 1 * Gressing Red Pine, mill run.- 3 00 ao ShortS ...02. -«+2 -- 1800 22 60 Pine Shingles “Pine, 10s, ¢ and pits xxxx, 18 inch......-+ 325 350° ter 12’ to 16’ ..... 20 00 2200|/ Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 260 2 60 Pine,. 8s. c. and- xx 18 inch......----. 5¢ 1 60 ter 17 torf...... “18 “eo 20 00 | White Cedar Shingles Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings :9 Oo 21 0O xxxx, 18 inch..... Sere oe). ee) Pine s. c. strips...... 1§ 00 I7 00 Clear Butt x8 inch, - 250 2 60 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 5> £4 5° XX, 18 inch.....++++- 14 50 170 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. 1% x4and W oo ccacacess$25 00 ‘Tin., 187 and up wide. -$79 00 x6” and up......-- . 27 00 1%, 1% and 2” . 77 00 . son caocesssenenes . 28°00 a and 3” “ , 86 00 secvecsessece 30 00 4 “1194 00 tig x 6” and up. Poe ec » 27 00 UM KIO"... ccc ee ee eens 28 00 SELECTS. tf tT ree 40 00 1in., 8” and u Pe S08 "= 6’ and up.......--+ a7 00 1y%, 1% and 2” se-+ 67 00 a! x TO". eee ceccccccees 28 00 - ‘and 3" 4 . 81 00 9" X12" o. .. chinsuincs means . 30 00 - 89 00 NO. I BARN. fc FENR, COM, AND DErTER. Pin, scene. ..$27 00 to $35 00 1in., 8" and up wide.... 56 00 I 1% ig ik 33 Coto 35 00 1% and 1%” ="... §8 00 a'and 3”. 38 00 4 - 59 00 Al scescnes one 4x 00 FINE COMMON; NO. 7 BARN. 1", openness vcee 48 ooto 6000 |, Iim........--. 24 0010 27 00 1%, 1% to 2” .5/55.00 . 56,00 m% 1. = = 25 00 to. 27 co a3,3and 4”.. 7800 86 00 aig and 3”. 29 00 No. I CUTS. NO. . BARN. : in., 8” and up wit - 37.00 tin... ... 21 00 to, ;23,00 in. «47,00 ; 13% 'd 2” 21 ooto 24 50 oF in. ¥ see v oo v FS Use Greece 23 00 2 eee d “ 62 00 nox a4 es 3” 8 «.. 62 00 Na: am i", 1%, t .sevess- 15 00 tO 20 00 NO, 2 CUTS. No’r mill culis, 1in., 6” and up wide.. .. 21 00 1,1%, 1% 2” 16 00to~ “18 00 cans oo 14” ee oo MILL CULLS. d te wee's 37 00 “Mill Run Sas ",1%,1 2%,3and4” “ .... 49 00 and 2”. : 5 at oo NO. 3 CUTS. No, 2, a Tg 00 -rin,, 6” and d up wide... «19 00 LATH. 1 and 136" Pe Mindees Go Bont amet ween wee 75 “ Sete () 800. cwiawn veqgane 420. a%4, 3.and 4” sad No. 1, 48” pine.. - 450 MILL RUN. : SHINGLES. ‘XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, - 5) to6 x 16" Sareerciaiee 275 300 C.B. on 175 200 No.2“ Hg 128 1 35 ALBANY, N.Y PINE. _ U , 3 in 1x12 inch shippers Beeresnet a8 a¥ in. 90 | 4/4 inch ‘ 13” & up. ry 30 1to2 in, -| 4/4 Box boards 6” and up .. 22 23 inch uppers : go | x0-in, dressing and better... 30° 35 Sects oh fi 2% i in ‘Dp.- weet B§ 90| X2-in. ie a since 2. 40" 42 L tO 2iM.. cc ceeevnn ceceee 73 75 | Box, IX10-in senedacssce SS 2h Fine common, 2% in. and up 75 85 | Box, 1x12.... s.s+05 -+ 00 23 «24 T tO 2iD-cerseveeserrees .-» 58. 62 | No. x barn, rxz2-... ...--. 32 (34 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... 55 60 REX oe wn sae cinaiceaeenesis act ig we ccencccccececees 30) G3] TXB.....0s005 5 meas . 30’ 3a weceseee 35 40| No. 2 barn, rx12..... te ee ea Ney 2ididing, twain ears 50 55 ay SSE MSR IOUS veteneers an so No. 2 molding, 1 aie Seen 38 40 woman Bg 26 Stained sapS...---+-+++-++ » 32 40 Shaky lear, + to 6 6/4 in. oveejn, $2,,.40 Bracket plank .......- --«+ 35 4s|.% “ a@ineb...... ote 40 Shelving boards, x2-in. up.. 45 Dessalnie’ weiss s0pes'elqeeia 5) SO a BasTOw 27 br 32| Common ........ eetecces 78 3210. shi sees -- a5 ay é P ; é tne A » Oe is Sieh me it oe eee Ss Sh hae! Bion ae on LATH. Bie oo i oveveine co aden sean SD | Sprace....sseeseenee SHINGLES. Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 § Clear butts.... -» 35° 375 ats ae Smooth 6x18.....-. 45° 475 x BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY. _ WHITEFINE. = st (Wholesale selling price.) Uppers, z, 1h, *Hhand 2 %, ID. .seeseeeeeee Miccccccsecncese 82 00 23g and 3 in saan 90 00 y Moab acane oenccee ~ g§ 00 ( in. -_ Selects 1 im......--++ 73 So | No. 1 Mold t’ps x10: ra 1¥% to 2in......+5- 72 00 1 eM oalding Sttips 24 and 3 in......- 85 00| No. " A Meese eeee Saisne ae 96 00 Fine common, 1 in. 57 00 1% and 1% in..... §9 00 2 Un cece eovcees 61 00 3 UM. oe eeeeeeevens 80 00 Ah UM ecewceees core 85 oo Cut'g up, No. 1, 1 in. 45 00 - gM and 1% in..... $4 00 oo 28 00 eabrO orcas 43 00 es, eee le 42 00 es ie No. 32 : 35 00 Pee Ly, . Dressing 1H i 2 42 00| M bia i 1 xr0 und 12....++« 44 00 and 2 1M..+++++4+ The following quotations on hardwoods represent the. gale b price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; WHITE ASH. -3 st & and, x inch, 38.00 4000 as Moscscjstess Al oom 1% to2in ........ 40 00 42 00 pao os «=. 22 00 seseeee 14 00 BO 1st & ana, 6 cervis ad ie ae. "gt Sand “& C SnGnn SH. ‘good onfes. 14 00 | 1st & and, 6 inch & ss up, . 40°00 “42 00 ELM. 1st & ad,rock,6in &up-6 00 28 00 rst & ed, soft, 6in - & Comers Common and ‘culls .. 15 00 17 00 ~ MAPL Ez. 4 “4st & and hard...... 20°10 33 00 iat and fe Common and culls — 1400 15 00 | Common . BOSTON, MASS. White Pine Upper ee pceees elite woes $84 oo to Selects, 1 to 2 in arc seeeeaceneeees -7Jo00 Fine Common, 1 inch..... % } 1Y% to2i 7 ‘No. 1 Cuts,.1 inch ..... Eye eaten nag tp eae caesar No. 2 Cuts, 1 inch......... cveee nneeeuerenennceses 1¥% to to 2 inch. Sidhe eee FOB: sav scans peenes ee casas Cabkhe Sibi Meseon=r Sa aaes Fegeaetenaeeseseeeres 39 50 : oneal te see SN a8 00 x Dee 12 ey poe len; 2x 2x7 an oo oe. and up.” cpiunss, vee sigisswex mals wat useeses All othe? random tandom “léngths, 9 in. and under, 10 ft, aNd UP... - ee nee ee cette es cates PR ty fice 5 in, and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up, Out Spruce boa’ TOS, P. 1 S.eeeceee weeesece os 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and bund! Hg spruce laths BRITISH cLumBrA SHINGLES. Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 butts to2 in. -- ata eiae Eurekas, m Perfections, 5 butts to 24 det, Pe WEEKLY EDITION. The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} 81. 00 PER YEAR | (The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. ~ REAGHES REGULARLY sap dye aul BUYERS AND SELLERS OF. TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF GANADA AND PEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD . i TORONTO, MONTREAL — MARCH 14, 1906. — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER No. 1 eis ‘Lowserman . as PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y _..~ . Of Toronto, Limited pebiateration Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL _ 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. : Telephone 1274. 516 HasTINGS ST., VANCOUVER B, C. rae Weekly “Lumberman — Published every ee contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of matket conditions and tendencies in the iasinel manufacturing districts and leading jomestic and foreiga wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion Pecnees Canadian timber and lumber manu- ers and the purchasers of ‘at home and abroad. Lumberman— A 44-pa; journal, nd papartiniiy subjects perti- and wood-working industries. Ts tn ements will be insérted in this depart- te of 15 centaper line each insertion. : moe insertions are Stiare que ne and is set one inch. Ad- ts ie aren not later than 4 m.on Tuesday to insure insertion in , current week's issue TANTED—WHITE PINE AND HEMLOCK ' lath for Ohio, New York and Pennsylva- , meets: will take rail or water shipments. ae a R-STI & LUMBER Co., 323 Spitzer’ uilding, TORS 4 in SION Tenders will be received by the undersigned up ind including the | 8 8th Day of Apri Next Meee — ae a he right to cut pulp wood on certain areas the Montreal river, in the District of the Nepigon River, in the District of jathe ‘Rainy Lake, the Wabigoon and | e Lake of the Woods, all in the Dis- : Relay River. Tenderers should statethe ant they are prepared to pay as bonus, in ion to such dues as may be fixed from- time time forthe right to operate a pulp or pulp ad paper industry in the dreas referred to. cessful tenderers will be required to erect il lis on the territories, and to manufacture the ood into pulp in the Province of Ontario. es making tenders will be required to de- with their tender a marked cheque, pay- the Treasurer of Ontario, for 10 percent. jount of their tender, to be forfeited in nt of their not entering into agreements y-out conditions, etc The highest or any not necessarily accepted, pears as to description of territory, ct to be invested, etc ,apply to the HON, F. COCHRANE, Toronto, Ont, o o Lh bea {| es eee _ capital start on a largescale. Minister o or Lands and Mines, © 5 Veena AT ONCE, 250,000 14%” NO. 2 DOOR Pine. Gotp Mepar Furniture Co., Toronto, OR SALE—ENGINE AND BOILER, FIF- teen and twenty horse power, cheap. BRAMM Bros., Berlin, Ont, OR SALE—WHITE OAK, RED OAK,CHEST- nut, White Wood, Basswood ard Elm, &c., which we can cut to order; also all kinds of Piling. Address Lock Box 12, Vineland, Ont. OREMAN WANTED'TO TAKE CHARGE OF saw mill, also foreman for planing and boxboard mill. _Must:be able to speak English and French, Apply to DonaLp FRASER & Sons, Cabano, P. Q. FOR SALE IMBER LIMIT, TOWNSHIP OF. BALFOUR on the Vermillionriver Old license includes alltimber. Box 236, Sudbury, Ont. ANTED'— TEN. THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SiImcor Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 bi ang Street Arcade, Toronto. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this cour, Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN. To- ronto ; S ri : j TC Se Se WANTED. NE TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ-— ate lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest-price Addtess, Kr ENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. FOR SALE ‘HREE MILLION FEET LUMBER ABOUT half of which is 1905 cut, balance this year’s stoek One third Hemlock,balance Maple, Birch, Beech, Elm, Ash, Basswood, Pine,Cedar,Spruce, Tamarac, ete. Good quality. Je }.. THOMPSON, Midhurst Ont. ANTED—HEMLOCK BOARDS AND BILL stuff, three million feet or more, for Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania markets c boards r ugh ors1sto %",4” and up wide, 6 feet and up long ; 2” sawed into regular sized bill stuff, 10 feet and up long; will take rail or water shipment. THE BELCHER-STINE LUMBER Co., 23 Spitzer Building, Toledo, Ohio. DVERTISER, HAVING GOOD CONNEC- tions with the trade throughout Western Ontario, would like position as salesman, on commission basis, for some reliable British Columbia firm of shingle manufacturers. Best of references furnished as to character, business ability, etc. Address communications in first instance to Box 350 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. HEMLOCK BOARDS HREE MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England Market for shipment during the year. 1906. Boards. to be P1sS to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet and up long, or clipped, 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14and 16 feet. Willtake ship- ments ‘either by rail or sail. CHARLES S. WENT- woTtH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. TO LUMBERMEN The advertiser, who is at present managing a Company in Province of Quebec manufacturing for the English Market, is desitous of purchas- ing an interest in a lumber manufacturing com- pany with position as manager, oris in a posi- tion to purchase limits outright situated in New Brunswick or Province of Quebec... Preference given to holders of cedar limits or c>mpany manufacturing cedar shingles in addition to other milling business. A holder of limits who is unable to finance same can do so with assist- ance of advertiser,who isin a position to furnish Facilities for rail shipments preferred. First-class references. Address in firstinstance, “‘LowER PROVINCE,” gare CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, os ‘ in Wyoming, Ont.; new planing’ mill, ORTABLE MILL, 75 HORSE POWER, WILL take contract to cut good stock. Box 365 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. JLANING MILL FOR SALE— BRICK building, with all modern machinery, doing a good business; in a town of 3,5co of a popula- tion in Western Ontario; lots of work to start ‘with. Apply Box 35% CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE. UMBER AND COAL, YARD; SITUATED A: the only lumber yard “in the place; will sell cheap. Lock-Box 9, * Wyoming, Ont. ‘FOR SALE Lumber yard, office trucks, etc ; capacity eight to ten million ‘feet. Situated in Sarnia, Ont. G. T, R., Siding through premises. 500 ft. prac- Ont!” new docks on river front. Box 236, Sarnia, nt! ANTED—SHIPPING CLERK IN WHOLE- sale yard with planing mill, Philadel- phia; one who thoroughly understands white pine ‘grading. In replying state age, references and wages expected.- Address A 43 CANADA IuM-BERMAN Toronto, Ont. JANTED—15 CAR LOADS OF LUMBER IN transit, every week, to surface, plane and match, resaw, make into flooring, etc., in our Can double surface up to i2x 30, best machinery;béeSt- workmen, unload- ing‘and loading all under cover; send us a trial pi TalT-CarRss LUMBER CoMPANy, Orillia, nt. WANTED Fe DELIVERY IN JONE OR JULY OR earlier, 40,000 feet 8/4 ists and_2nds bass- wood, 75°lo. white both sides; 50,000 feet 8/4 comton and better winter cut’ basswood ; 100,- ooo feet 4/4 common and better, or log run, win- ter cut basswood, THE LINDSAY LUMBER Co., Lindsay, Ont. FOR SALE | 425 M. feet Elm 30 M. feet S. Maple 15 M. feet H. Maple 6 M, feet Oak All the above is now in the log, could cut to order. W. Swan, Bright, Ont. Rothe ST 7,000 Acres of TIMBER LANDS on Manitoulin Island! ‘Apply to N. DyMENT, Barrie, Ont. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited) This company has a large tract of well tim- bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quautities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Beech, Cherry- -Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is. well served by two railroads. The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 2,000'to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. There are several gocd mill sites on the prop- erty. This would be a good opportunity for parties who-are at present cut out and are look- ing for a new location. Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing Director, 157 Bay Street, Toronto, \ 7ANTED—A SMALL SAW MILL—TO RUN by the thousand, THOMAS FERRIER, Elmvale, Ont. ANTED—BIRCH LOGS, 16 AND UP diameter, 8 feet and over long. BurFaLo VENEER CoMPany, Buffalo, N.Y. ANTED—1”", 2” AND 3” TAMARAC; PINE shingles; 1’ spruce ; black ash, C&B, all thicknesses ;: cedar squares, plank and posts. R. E. KinsMAN, Hamilton, ANTED — TEN CARS ” MILL CULL basswood ; five cars 1” 1sts and 2nds birch, THE BEI.CHER- STINE LUMBER Co., 323 Spitzer Building, Toledo, Ohio. EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish boom. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchwood, Ont. each 5/4, 6/4, 7, 4 and Fy i. Ists & ands bass- Also 150 M. sawed basswood. Reply to Box 364 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. OSITION WANTED-—BY AN A1 SOBER reliable yard manager, who has had 23 years’ experience in the lumber business; will only work for_first-class company, and expect to earn a good salary. © Address reply to Box 362, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto WANTED. ALF TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED pasINne WITH $3,000 TO JOIN ME IN manufacturing lathin Nova Scotia, can be produced for $1 per M. Address “Laths,” CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE, IO, ooo, 000 ATH, IN LOTS OF 1,500,- 000 monthly ; ; ship by water from Nova Scotia ; quote highest price for lot f.o.b, Address, “ SHIPPER, "' CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont, FOR SALE FEET OF LUMBER, INCLUD- I, ooo, 000 ing 350 M feet of Pine, 350 M feet of a niood, 200,000 M feet of Oak, balance Hickory and Elm, all of which can be sawn to order. Also some dry lumber on hand. Apply to HILL & Ratz, Caledonia, Ontario. WANTED IFTY TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND feet of strictly clear, straight grain, second growth White Ash, ranging from 3” x 4” to 4’ x 5”, I2 and 14 ft. lengths, suitable for horse poles. AMERICAN LaFRANCE FIRE ENGINE Company, Elmira, N, Y. Massey-Harris Co., Ltd. Toronto Will contract for the following, to be de- livered June to August, 1906. Please send quotations. 20 cars soft elm, firsts and seconds, 1” x 7” and up. 50 cars soft elm, No. 1 and No. 2 common, 1”, 50 cars soft elm, mill run, 1”. 3 cars clear basswood, x Wx 32! 8", 3, cars choice hard maple, 234" x 6” x ro ft, 3 cars choice hard maple, 244” x 64%” x I2 ft, o cars rock elm, No. 1 and 2, 1%”. oQ cats rock elm, No. J anda, 2”. II, FOR SALE BOUT 16 MILES OF TIMBER LIMIT WITH 30,000 logs and saw mill, shingle mill, pulpwood mill, all running and | good business. Address O. E. Martin, Norwood, N Canadian Shipments Wanted N OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM OF TIMBER merchants in the North of England desire to get in communication with Canadian manufacturers or shippers of both hard and_soft lumber, also doors and mouldings. Reply in first instance to Box 367, CaNADA LUMBERMAN, WANTED FIRM MANUFACTURING WOODEN . boxes ofall kinds in Province of Quebec de- sires to start a branch factory in Ontario and wants to correspond with party capable of managing same who has $3,000 to $5,000 to invest. Such party must have general knowledge ot the box business and good executive and business ability. Intention is to manufacture general line of wooden boxes in addition to line of specialties of which we control the manufacturing rights for Canada. Address Box 368 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. There can be no change in the white pine situation until the new cut comes on the market, which will not be for at least two months. In the meantime the advantage is with the seller and he is able to dictate prices within reasonable limits. Many lines are getting quite short and dealers have been able to turn over purchases of last fall at a fair profit. There is not as much un- certainty regarding the future sup- ply as was the case in January, as operators were able during the past four cr five weeks to make con- siderable progress with logging, but the possibility of many ot. the logs not reaching the mills is still a matter of concern. The feeling in regard to hard- woods is daily growing more con- fident. ‘‘ Prices of all hardwoods will be higher ” is the answer given by one mill man to our enquiry as to the outlook. Another manu- facturer advises us that he will have little stock for sale, as owing to the absence of snow no logs of any consequence have been secured this year. A good word is now heard even for basswood, and those who have carried their stocks in the hope of getting prices more in keeping with the cost of production may yet reap their reward. WESTERN CANADA. As briefly announced in last issue, the British Columbia Lumber & Shingle Manufacturers’ Association decided on March ist to advance the prices of all classes of lumber. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., ‘_ =i 2 iy "54. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Rough lumber is now. $12 at the Coast mills, which is still a dollar Jess than what prevails on Puget Sound. The increase averages about $1 on all grades, though the alterations in the price list are numerous. The reason for the raise is the prevailing high price of logs, which range from $5.75 to $9 per thousand feet. The Mountain Lumber Manufacturers’ Association also held a meeting a few days ago at which prices were discussed, and while it was agreed that an advance was inevitable, action was deferred for a time. The outlook for the lumber trade in Western Canada is gradually improving. Stocks of both lumber and shingles at the mills are getting low and con- sequently price cutting is not being indulged in to any extent. UNITED STATES. The lumber market of the United States is not only showing as much ~ strength as at any previous time this year, but there is an urgency-of demand which is the result of a fear that a marked shortage will develop in some classes of lumber before many weeks. Buyers of pine and hemlock are plentiful, all grades be- ing in good demand. At Duluth No. 3 and better pine is selling from $22 to $30, as against about $18 a year ago; No. 6 is selling for $8 as compared with $5.50 in March, 1905, and so on all along the line. It is estimated that fully 60 per cent. of the 1906 cut in the Lake Superior district has already been sold. A large wholesale trade is being done. at Buffalo and Tonawanda. The annual report of the Secretary of the Lumber Exchange shows the stock in yards at these points to be 186,- 679,000 feet, a decrease of 15,644,000 feet from the former year. The hardwood situation is gradu- ally strengthening. Wisconsin hard- woods are selling at the following prices: Birch,$17 to $19; basswood, $18 to $19; rock elm, $19 to $22, all for mill run. Large shipments of birch and basswood are being made to the Eastern States. Soft elm is the slowest item at the present time. GREAT BRITAIN. The tone of the British lumber market remains steady, although some. dissatistaction exists. on account of the failure of the spring KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORIN Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOUD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries, At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS demand to develop upon broad lines. Such transactions as have taken place involving 1906 ship- ments have been at a further ad- vance, as importers realize that they must pay the price if they are to secure Canadian lumber. Both pine and spruce are stiffening. Contracts which were made a fort- night ago could not now be repeated under at least 10s to 15s advance per standard. Liner parcels have not been offered so freely, which has helped the market. Birch plank are stronger at about 49 per standard ex quay. The British market is, on account of the light stocks, in a splendid position to respond to any improvement in the consumption, but whether this will materialize is a matter of uncertain- ty. In the meantime Canadian shippers are showing no disposition to close contracts unless they can see a fair margin of profit. STOCKS AND PRICES. The tender of D. E. Sprague has been accepted for the supply of lumber for the city of Winnipeg. The Prince Albert Lumber Com- pany, Prince Albert, Sask., expect to cut 40,000,000 feet of lumber this season. Their limits are on the Red and Shell rivers. The red cedar shingle market is quite active. The situation on the Coast is summed up in a statement that the longer orders are deferred the high will be the price. Washing- ton advices are to the effect that HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING 00. PINE, HEMLOCK LUMBER. CAN SUPPLY Correspondence Solicited. Send for Catalo J vt Samples by 80 St. Francis Xavier Stret WHOLESALE | UMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only "I Specialty : Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRU cE, YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY . Rock Elm, rsts and 2nds. es 14%", 14%” and 2” Chestnut, bed , 1%", 1%" and 2” Butternut, as THE MPLENNAN LUMBER 60, LIMITED, MONTREAL, | | 1%", 2” and 3” RED and WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES. SPECIAL _. A quantity of 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14 and 16 ft. Cedar Posts. Telephone Poles 25 to 50 feet. Hop Poles and Ladder Poles in pine and cedar. Special bills tor small sizes in pine and oak, "Fail within ten days an advance to $1 for Stars and 1.95 for Senin: t. mill will prevail. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CaNnaDA LUMBERMAN.) Vancouver, B.C., March 4th, 1906.—Conditions in the various branches of the lumber industry ; set forth in a brief interview 1 Mr. C. M. Beecher, vice-pre: side of the B. C. Mills, Timber < Trading Company, of this ¢ “Plenty of orders for the exp trade are coming in,” Mr. Beecl said, ‘‘but then this is usually good time of year for this cla trade. The demand is fairly gi being from all quarters, and | prices are a little better than tl have been. The outlook toe WHITE OAI Bill Timber up to 40 feet lo 2B © inches square Bo under—q) ean % Drop us a line peek g your wants and we will gladly quote you prices. - WM. J. PULLING & WINDSOR, ONT. and Lumber G0, 1 Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kindso: TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Ck OFFICES pete 131 eh bicaesl at WOODSTOCK, ONT. and HARDWOOD KNIGHT BROTHERS LIMITED Burk’s Fue, : MONTREAL, QUE.” a been. There has been an ad- vance in the price of lumber in the east, south, middle west and on the _ American Pacific Coast, and it is _ only right if the prices were raised some here. If they are, it will only fe moderately. Certainly the cost f logs is still very high, and the Beeather of the past week or two las not been conducive to a better “s upply. The cost of transportation | fry pm the coast is a consideration in fy ing Sj hith acts against the manu- cturer. Owing to the fact that ogging in the past has been con- ucted on the timber areas more easily accessible, operations have _ now to be directed to the limits - fur her back, which is another _faator i in increasing the cost of pro- uction. This applies to both fir Band cedar.” _ “In the shingle business,” said Mr. Beecher, ‘‘things are a little better, though production is still curtailed. If there were no duty r nets we entering the States, or b) it there were some protection for _ stead of having a double-barreled action against them, there might be _ some show for the shingle mills. ‘This matter of a duty is a crying 4 injustice. Bolts are still very rce.” 3 Ss and shingle bolts are still - stiff a price, and the high figure _ wifl be maintained for a couple of "months at least. _ (Mr.-H. B. Gilmour, of this city, ent of the Waterous Machinery a pany, returned to-day from a where he secured a couple of large orders for saw mill machine. ye He ports that the Adolph Lumber mpany, of Brandon, are about erect a mill at Baynes’ Lake, ae _ We buy all lengths. Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your _ Gedar into Poles it will net Ej i more than you can get out of it in any other way. “DO YOU WANT * Cable address‘ the price of lumber, and _ the manufacturers in Canada, in- | business trip to the Kootenay, t= en &. — CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION III. the capacity to be about 40,000 feet daily, and that the Mayook Lumber Company are doubling the capacity of their mill at Mayook. The cut will then be about 40,000 per day. Mr. Gilmour also states that the winter has been unusually mild in the interior, with the result that the snow is all gone. This will entail greater cost to millmen in getting out logs for next sum- mer’s cut, as horses will now have to be used. Although some pre- dict a shortage in the lumber cut on that account, he does not think it will be very serious. The mills will be running full blast in about another month. SPRUCE AND OAK PRICES. At an auction sale held by Foy, Morgan & Company, London, Eng- land, on March rst, the following prices were realized for Canadian spruce and oak: Spruce.—Ex. Phile, from Quebec, 12 ft. 3x 9g in. third quality, £o 15S per standard of 1980 ft. Ex. Montreal, from St John, N.B., 9-23 ft. 3 x gin. first, second and third quality, £9 per standard; 9-21 ft. 3x9, £9; 9-21 ft. 3x 11, £93 9-19 ft. 2 x 12-18, £8 ese 9-19 ft. 3 x 10, 48 10s; 9-24 ft. 3 x 8, £8 10s; 9- 23.4t. 3 x6, 47 158; 9-24 tt. 3x 5, 47 5S; 10-22 ft. 3x 4, £7 58; 9-20 ft. 2%4 x 5, £6 10s; 9-20 ft. 2 x 7- 12, 47 10s; 9-21 ft. 2 x 4-6, £7 55; 3°8 tt. 3x 7-14, £6 10s; 9-22 ft. 3 X 5-11 in. fourth quality, £6 15s. Oak Timber.—Ex. Moeris, from Quebec, 1334 x 19 in., 22-41 ft., 85s ~ per load of 50 cubic ft; 1414 x 19% in., 20-40 ft., 102s 6d; 13% x 204 in., 20-29 ft., 97s 6d; 13% x 18% in., 23-41 ft., 97s 6d; 124% x 19% in., 24-41 ft., 97s 6d; 12% x 17% in,, 20-36 ft., 298; 1334 x 17 in.,25- ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties SPECIAL LOTS—1o00,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 1®000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/g Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16,000 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application. Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. "Phone 113 Write for Prices. “ 80,000 FEET 5/4 C.& B. BIRCH? the LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. 0 CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., uwrec 604 Temple Buliding, Toronto MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS ‘Quartered Toronto.”* Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s =, 34 ft., 82s 6d; 14 x 20% in., 22-24 t., 85s; 133% x 20% in., 20-38 ft., g2s 6d; 1234 x 1834 in., 22-37 ft., 90s; 15 x 17% in. , 20-33 ft.,85s; 14 X 21% in.,21-34 ft. ,85s. Ex.Philae, ‘from Quebec—-13 x 204% in., 22-32 ft., 958; 13% x 18% in., 22-35 tt., gos: 14 x 1834 i in., 20-39 ft.,97s 6d: 124% x 17% in., 24-37 ft., 85s; 13% X 21 in., 20-35 ft., 858; 12% x 19% in., 20-38 ft., 85s; 13 x 2134 in,, 28- 39 ft., 87s 6d; 13 x 19% in., 20-37 ft., 90s; 13 x 20% i in., 21-41 ft.,95S; 13% x 2034 in., 24-37 ft., gos; 134 X 1934 in., 20-36 ft., gos. Second quality—13% x 21% j in., 20-35 ft., 80s; 14 x 18 in., 22-30 ft., 875 6d: 13 X 21 in., 20-36 ft., 77s ‘6d; 12 x 24% in.,21-36 ft., Sos: 1244x1734 in., 20-34 ‘ft., 80s; 13 x 21% in.,20- 36 ft., 85s. I. Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr F. A.Holden, Vice-Pres. E. C,. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. m—— SARNIA, ONT. A portion of Arnett’s lumber yard at Souris, Man., was des- troyed by fire last week, together with a quantity of sash and doors and house finishings. SS a Established 1889. Incorporated 1896 We Solicit the Trade of Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. 60. 21st and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of— veneered Doors oS ay We Solicit a Share of Your Business. FE. J. DAVIS MFG. Co. 21st. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. Our Doors are known the world overand are recognized as the best made. Send for catalogues and price lists, THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimiTED Mills : Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda, N. Y. swt GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Let us know your requirements 5 Prompt Shipments CASH FOR ——""— HARDWOOD LUMBER sar Send Stock List with lowest prices @& C. A. LARKIN + Confederation Life Building, Toronto CACHE BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - GCireulae CACHE. Ea ‘%; One. miles West North Bay Gang UMBER anD LATH | CANADA LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE BARBADOS MARKET. Under date of February 24th, Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Com- pany review the Barbados lumber market as follows : ‘‘ The only arri- val during the fortnight is the schooner ‘‘ Lewanika ” with 325,- 000 feet of white pine, which had been sold to arrive some time ago, and 25,000 feet spruce which on being placed on offer was sold at $19 round. Stocks of white pine are now sufficient to meet present requirements, but there will proba- bly be an:opening for a couple of cargoes a little later. Spruce lum- ber is in light supply, and with the consequently moderate shipments would do well. Although no arri- vals of shingles have taken place during the fortnight, the position of the market, which is fully stocked, has not improved to any extent, as ‘demand has been very light for all descriptions. We are expecting a cargo of Laying Cedar, which. we are afraid will meet with but. poor prices and may have to. be stored until conditions improve,’ Soft Yellow Pine Finishing LUMBER ‘ Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber J. R. EATON exception ‘of a cargo now due, we do not know of any on the way, C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. DETROIT, MICH. “troyed by fire recently, ‘has ‘obliged to assif‘n. © Ask Your Ticket. / ‘Age for tickets vie the WISCONSIN. GENTRAL RAL to ; “ah Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ashian Milwaukee, Chicago and all pe east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. : Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. i. For full information, address : H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Mi or Jas. C, Fone G. P. A., Milwaukee, B. R. Clark, whose saw mill at Mount: Pleasant, N.B., was des- Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc, In Car Lots. Manufacturer o' Doors, Sash, faculdirnael: Ceilings End-Metchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored A SPECIALTY. ‘Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity, Orillia, Ont. _’Phone No. 54. Correspondence Solicited. J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRAOCEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES ‘Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Cae Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End aes Flooring a Specialty. | t GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY — 0 ¢ CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT, We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, ainica and Hem- ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. : ~ TORONTO FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., ‘try ~~ © JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR oak: and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch | and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, * shitting" QUEBEC F. M°CIBBON & SONS, “™=™ausve Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood: Lumber, and dealers in--Cordwood — Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS pl: SPRAGGE, algomaS Dist., **So0”’ Branch c. P. R. Office: 503 Manning Chambers MANUFACTURERS or | 1 White and Red Pine “| Lumber and Lath Water Shipments Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES ee Ry? Building, Montreal. nd at Mills at Spragge. THE M. BREANEN & SONS MANUFAGTORING GO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. | % °° Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON Short and Long Leaf Yellow P* "4, Oak, Redwood, | HARDWOOD FLOORING | JS. FINDLAY We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds. of ertvent and Timber i in Canada and United States: Sonia Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, R LAIDLAW L te fr cars _JAS. PLAYEFAIR. PLAYFAIR & WHIT Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers © — LUMBER + LATH » SHINGLES. Contractors for Rallway Su tee BILL TIMBER a ‘Specialty igs MAITLAND, RIXON & co. anal rteat ae and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Caan and. Homlock Bus ‘We ship by CG. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. => OWEN® SC ae THE TURNER LUMBER | ‘COMPANY, _L National Lite Chambers, TORONTO, 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and “Merch: 1 Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South etic aks RHODES, CURRY & CO., tim LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buy Ontario Basswood, Elm a Pine. 3 Bh N. ‘Ss. peu) aR * , mherst, Lae HARDWOOD_ FLOORIN End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at cl THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limit 160 Bay St. Toronto: Factory, Meaford, wnt z we MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND ¢ ¥%, 56, %, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed,- ~ Rs _ End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. .- .-- Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames, = and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER _ _OWBN SOUND Ques oC White Pine; White and Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles mies aj" cal sp SREE Se : Gad LUMBERMAN Weexty chen v. Bee “UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS ~-'.. . you GAN REACH THEBONSAGK LUMBER GO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ol. a 2. BY < RAIL, MAIL, WIRE or PHONE _ McCLURE LUMEER Co. Manufacturers. pf eee: _ Oak Bending and Wagon Stock a Specialty ~ Mills : -RUTAW, ALA. DETROIT, MICH. IHE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER co. -CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF og YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS “Yellow Pine Taeuierd a Specialty -WARDWOOD LUMBER | Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER © WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, 40AK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES, Yellow Pine Timber a Specialty. — : nmterior Trim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. . GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS THE WICKS LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. WILL PAY CASH FOR BLACK ASH AND ROCK ELM SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER OFF 106 Michigan That Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE | mason a. am LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. * a FRANK C, BURY WHOLESALE WE BUY LUMBER WE SELL ALL KINDS SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, a ag and 'Yellow Pine Stillwell & Com pany DETROIT, Mich. _ BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS fy ARNWORTH & ‘JARDINE 4 ~ ]Wood Brokersand Measurers { ; u Abdron “Farnworth, ” Liverpool. 2 Dale St., 71 Regont ‘Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENE . A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street* GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ‘ WOOD BROKERS “Cable Address ; ‘CTENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B, C., A1, “Zebra ' and Private. gents for CANADIAN WHITE | hee AND ‘SPRUCE; ut one in Log, Ete, ents handled to the best ariva 2° ‘Broad Street Buildiig, | QUIS BAMBERGER, * *isxsox: =<" bi someon Address ‘‘Bellywood, Londen. eee OF —— Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods ‘Are Open to Contract for Glued-Cp BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS wr HEvwooD" & 80. - Wood. Agents-and Brokers ~ “ GELLICHT," LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. Tendon E.C. Rligiana RMS WEBSTER Se BROTHER : 4 is Lae: " BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS ~ UYERS OF ‘Oak, | Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Loge and Lumber, EI m Staves and eading,: Handles of _ crc Veneers ‘ Specialty . im : v i 7 , a% - * ‘ f,. ?. . i‘ $ ei Re, ly Eee a ee Ye ish, I= pee See ; Pe, NORRIS ey PP a er Be arith ae le a Oe —— SMITH & TYRER - 14 ithobarn Street, LIVERPOOL : .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool, Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyRER & Co., Keith Building, 414 Barrington Stree GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 62 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW : BROKERS : | Che Address; “TECTONA” Glasgow. Codes : pzebrs, Western Union At and A B C Codes used. relégrams and See “Woodfeller, Lou B.C. 4th and sth Editio THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs Mats 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E.C. Cash advances made against shipping documen JOSEPH: OWEN & SONS, LID Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’? pach gh ig Eng. ei eae and : Branches ; MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Plank Rock uh Logs ane Planks. Rock Eim Logs. Hickory = ASO sms 5 All huaces ‘of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS. AND BROKERS SS Liverpool and London Chambers-" - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABI,.K ADDRESS ‘* DOBLE LIVERPOOL, * MICHICAN | ean .’ He tale CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION __ March 14, 1906 vi, ahdaaoher, 562 a H. HEAPS & CO., em =o Bc. Vancouver, ‘ Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Moltldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AAi HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. ye Jj. G. pg pal ee ee w. i SHEPFARD panes neee MANUFACTURERS OF ed FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Ov LATH, MOULDINGS paber Cc TURNED WORK ETC. past * VER: ee HICH GRADE = C08 ,00u RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO 4 4 i Eg — tt cade AS al FOR » HEAD orrice|\ \ VANCOUVER,BC. | ’ Sol — SSS = ; | re EN ys 1 f) Y E “9 S 2 a SHINGLES 8, 9 and 10”. ‘ 16 00 ae Fue ex. XxxXx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 § TORONTO, ONT. 7 in. and 13 in. .. 34 00 40 oo | Spruce,1” clear (fine — AP a 35° 375 ae emlock ...ceereeeeen TEE Se eS x : 38 42.00 dressing and B.. 24 00 Smoot x18.....-- 4 50 4.75 | Spruce toe cogent thn te a 5 i * 00 | Hemloc Tew 13 00 dim r inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4 to 8 in. 14 co 15 00 pte = Sidings. Pee Lath, per. M : atal ‘ ang oN ary af 2 ante cuts & becter...--+ $49 00 51 00] 2x4 to .01n.,1 to16ft. 15 50 10 50 siding... a2 00° 27 00| No, 1 white pine1}6”x4! 3 50 eS ert oo so 1% inch Celt as to 10 inch, 18 tt.» 36 5° 175° Pine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine... 3 00 uts an eT.. 53 00 55 00 ear inc er ae S e, m ll run....- ° 00 : 7 3" No 1 Cuts and kiln dried. ....--. > 50 00 a 1 dressing <2.) Sol Teed Pane mil run. 3 fee oe ri day BUFFALO AND | TONAWANDA, NY. Better.......-++++ 56.00 58 00] Clear inch B.C. cedar shorts ....++ +++ . 38 00 22 oc | Pine Shingles we 1% in.No2 Pine air dsied boat lumber 55 00 Pine, tos ¢ and bet- XXxx, 18 inch......+- 3 25 35° cuts and better. .. 44.00 46 oo | Douglas firdimension ter 12’ to 16’ .«... 2000 2200| Clear Butt; :B inch .. 26¢ 2 60 : “ No 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 24 feet 31 © Pine, o s.c and het- xx 1B inch. ....-. + 1 5c 160 and Better.. . 46.00 48 00! Douglas hr dimension ter 17 to 16’... .... 18 00 20 00| White Cedar Shingles 2 1% inch No. ak timber, _o to 35 feet 32°80 — pine 7 ups. c. sidings :900 2100 xxxx ‘Binch.....-.- 3.25 350 Cuts and better... 41 00 42 00 | 17 in. fe ‘1 4 ft. Pine Pine <.c. strips...... 15 00 17 .00| Clear Butt,r8inch. 2 50 60 a” No 3 Cuts and Lath....--++-+9: ». 400 425 pine s.c, shorts..... 135) 45>] XX, 18inch.......--» 150 170 Better.....-----+: 4200 440 | 1% in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 30 3 40 : idee ah rin. Pine Dressing 134" No.1 32” pine. lath 2 co 2i and 3 in-s----+ and better shorts 23 00 24 00 | 1%” No. zat heaelacy 2 oe : — pa ee AM. pie geleronee S 1x4, 6and 8 common 20 00 2/ 0o| XXXX Pine Shingles 290 300 Fine comm ¥ YK 1O ccmmon.....- 21 00 22 00| XX PineShingles .. 220 2 30 SARNIA. ONT. Th and am Re 1X 12commion...... 23 00 24 00| X Pine Shingles .. go Aree Paar 2x oa stale 21 00 22c0| XX eee acre | 220 2 25 UPPERS. 1 x4and 5” . “gin. Be Sa ea a ‘ 2and 3x12 common. 24 00 25 00 B. C. Shingles \\ 1Y¥% x 6” and up 1 eee i aed ee ixle inch box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 3 95 se iene oe res oe =e IY, TOW... eee e eee : Che ta; No. 1,1 in. 7 common ...-----+. 20 0@ 21 co| XXXX 6to 23-16 i in. 3 27 214 and 7 ee . "ihe oe 1 x 12%). 0... ie £3 and“ in’, ee H Inch mill runsidings 2: 00 22 co| KXXXX5 to 2in. . 3 60 3 « 94 00 1% x 6” and up ”No1 Cuts...... tin. millrun........ 21 00 22 00 XX No. 2, 6 to2in.. 225 ne = 1% x 10”..... Nog aes 1x10 and 12 mill culls 16 50 17 50) XX “ 6 to 23-16 in. SELECTS - 1% x 12” No. 2, 14%, & 1% in I i. mill cull Sid- Red pine, clear 1in., 8” and u Pm wede.... 69 00 2x 6’ and up. No. 3 1% and 1% tO ee 15 50 1650 and clear face. . 23 00 24:0 1%, 1% and 2’ .ese 67 00 2” x 10% .ae se No. 32” ee * a i I i neaedd cull sidings 12 00 13 00 ae pine, common aM and 3” S88 yas BE 00. | 2” IDL. eee eee eens . Dressing t%inw.... : 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 00| 2”...... stances SAOM Ly OC 47 ee. 8900 Me eR ; rigxsahad 40h ome HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. FINE, COM, AND BETTER. Lime, c......+.0$27 00 to $35 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the sobbers bu ash White, tsts and Soft Elm, mill run 21 co 2200 rin., 8” and up wide.... 56 00 1%, 1% oa4 2 33 00 to 43 oo nig at Buffalo and Tonawanda; “maaaiaip, peso asee| ecm Rimcommem Og ea Be | enc ibe wars 3 s ack, ists an and better, 1 5 4 Se Rasis iba rhs ands, 1 to21n.... 3000 3200| Rock Elm,common FINE COMMON ee _ Ist & and, rinch, 38. 00 40. 00 | 2% tog In..--++-+0++ aye 00 Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 i 8 =I 6 * ; } rife * jm wee 4, 40 00 42 e0 IPS e+ ess seeeeeeee 22 00 PUitoe ee eps te si 22 00 23 00 | Rock Him, millrunm 22 co 230 TT jrsyyne .;-+ 48 00 to r3 Mee Tits... sees +, 240040) ATE + eee Comad seeeeee aft 20 Birch,c mmon and Maple common and 1%, 1% to 2F ep Bas OO) ue 507,00 1%, 1%, and 2” 25 00 to 27 09 SLACK atts! RipamcAmn tes better, 11n....... 25 00 2600] better, 1im...... 32°00 +3 00 2i%,3and 4”.. 78:00, 86 00 a% and 3” ... 29 00 Ist & ana 6 nch up if Bal 40 00 | Com. & good calls... at Birch, common and < Me ae mits and No I CUTS. NO.3 BARN. |, 4 ae vi better, 1% to3in 27 00 28 00 etter, 11410 3in 24 00 25 00 0 ide... 7 00 5 ‘ RCH. 7 Birch, millrun.... 22 co 23 co| Maple, millrun... 20 00 21 00 Pty sud : js ao Ne jag and 2 2 oo te a a rst & and, 6 iach & rst and, white, Rup, JO 00 32 Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, ists 1% in “ 47 00 , a3 0 - up, r eee k iin 0 42 00| Com. & good culls... AS @ 00 and better, 1im., 21 00 22:co and GS ck exe 46.00 5000 3/7 : “ ~ Jl. 49 00 Bio unrene case ‘ - ef SLM. vay Lie st’ a Basswood, common Oak, white, plain 2%and3” “ . 62 00 BOX. tise & ad,rocks6in es 6 cb Rio irda. Sale 24 00 5 to6x 16”........ 275 300 Bo ite = 10 RIOT Se eset deere . 25 00 CBS Oi oe ye 206 Bara Boards, NO! tos o~ ae Wie, bone a ee aaa 2 git xvas cranes eens 27 00 No.2 ‘ “yas 135 oe = ’ vera ries ee er ee ne eee een) ne g si quality ’ 4 52 “/xigand up... ...... 28 00 Spruce, ‘eaaia a ‘ia, dimension... ie g ; giu. and under «...5.-...5-+- varerentters By the dram, accordin to average and quality goto4gsfeet. 65 75 1o and 12 in. random lengths, 10 ft. and up 5..... a zoto35fet. 52 54 ALBANY, N.Y 7x3, 254, ax5, a 2x7 an 3x4 random lengths, . c) oS er er ee a er ocaxeun ine ee 10 inches and up, according to meee and aualigr: a ae PINE, All other random lengths, 9 ‘in. and under, 10 Average 16 inch Se gine Bier ° a ft. and up.,......-.-...- wd o> ae teete : < 3 3 Uppers, -3 in wseeees 88 90 | rxx2 alan alae syecee2+$27) 28 5 in, and up: merchantable boards, i MES BIRCH. 244 in..... . 88 go | 4/4 inch 33" ‘& up.28 30 Out Spruce boards, P. 1 S....+.+0 veereees ssseneee 14 Inch $471 aa r1to2in......- 83 85 | 4/4 Box boards 6” andup.. 22 23 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and bundled . bie | ne «aan ae inch uppers --.-- . 90 95 | xo-in. dressing and better... 30 35 154” spruce laths ...+.+++++-seeeeereses -, vase ii? oh’s be t RL ELE. 34 «(36 Selects, 2% in up... 5 90 | x2-in. dressing and better... 40 42 1%” | patna eee Thee een ee tiiene e PL ees gin 38 40 LT tO 21M... - cee se ee cece 2375 | Box, txro-in. ...... 24 at Fine common, 2% in. and. up 7, 85 | Box, rx12....... 24 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. TtOZiM.cseeeee epeeces cess 62 | No. x barn, rx12 34 Extras are OTTAWA, ONT. No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch.. >is €0 Eee aaaials © 34 Clearss.c.12- ; MANFUACTORERS’ PRICES, are § fo'| No. a bain, xia... 3310 (SSG whites Pine, good sidings: 1x1o No x barn.... 22 00 No.1 molding,1tozin..... £0 55 ae calesee cvesetleees 28 30 Extra 1s (Clear whites ‘out). 1 in,x8 in. and 7 4200 4:00|1x10 No 9 “ ., 20 00. = No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in..... 38 40] — IXB...+.--++2eee seer eceee 24 26 “Extra is (Clear whitesin)..... eeesecenegeres 1% in «1% ia. 1x8 & 9 No. 1 barn.. ‘800 Stained saps....---+-+-++++- 32 «40 Shaky clear 2to Glin. re eer n 8 ip. and up..... 50 00 56 00 | 1x8 & o No.2‘ 1600 ~— Bracket plank ....--.- «++» 35 45 inch....s.... 38 40 . BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. 2in. x ee Pig $4 00 86 oo | Pine Shorts 6’ to nn Shelving boards, 12-In. up... 40 45] Dressing........-.-+---- 75 30 Red Cedar Etras, 16 In. 5 butts to 2 in. wee No.2 cuts 2x8’&up 3400 3609| x10" .1..-) serees 17 00 18 00 Dres-ing boards, narrow.... 78 32 Common -evecessseerere 28: reg 4 SDIPPETS veee —o BO 77 | €) Ferietons 3 batts 0 9 in) oa r 7 , = AND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY EDITION BERMAN The ‘Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 peR YeaR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, ¢vurl) week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD . TORONTO. MONTREAL — MARCH 21, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER ‘Vou. XIV ANADA |,UMBERMAN he G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u Of Toronto, Limited Sonfederation Life Building - TORONTO. Ete ' Branch Offices _- g ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-731 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 5 ephone 1274. _ 615 HasTINGs ST.,. VANCOUVER B. & ‘ne Weekly Lumberman — Published every v nesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ket conditions and tendencies in the 1 manufacturing districts and leading estic and foreigm wholesale markets. A kiy medium of information and communica- ren Canadian timber and Jumber manu- and the purchasers of icts at home and abroad. onthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, sing fully and impartially subjects perti- to the lumber and wood-working industries, \NTED AND FOR SALE isements will'be inserted in this depart- the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. 12 lines make one inch. Ad- : must be received not later than 4 Aig on Tuesday to insure insertion in rent wi = ee eek’s issue [TANTED—W HITE PINE AND HEMLOCK f lath for Ohie, New York and Pennsylva- | markets ; will take rail or water shipments. BELCHER-STINE LUMBER Co., 323 Spitzer ling, Toledo, Ohio. ~ : . : * af = 9@3 HOS TR DLPHOOD ~—ANESSION ers. will be received by the undersigned up including the | th Day of April Next ] otc pie sig to cut pulp wood on certain areas utary to the Montreal river, in the District of the Nepigon River, in the District of ; the Rainy Lake, the Wabigoon theLake of the Woods, all in the Dis- iny River. a hae = ge ee t they are pared to pay as bonus, in ition touch | as may be fixed from time forthe right.to operate.a pulp or-pulp per industry in the areas referred to. ful tenderers will be required to erect into pulp in the Province of Ontario, 6 making tenders will be required to de- ith their tender a marked cheque, pay- the Treasurer of Ontario, for 10 percent. punt of their tender, to be forfeited in t of their not entering into agreements out conditions, etc he highest or any not necessarily accepted. - ~*~ particulars asto description of territory, required to be invested, etc ,apply to the HON. F. COCHRANE, Minister of Lands and Mines, . Toronto, Ont. |on the territories, and to manufacture the ANTED AT ONCE, 250,000 144” NO. 2 DOOR ° Pine. Gotp Mepar FurnitureCo , Toronto, >OR SALE—ENGINE AND BOILER, FIF- teen and twenty horse power, cheap. _BRAMM Bros., Berlin, Ont. OR SALE— WHITE OAK,RED OAK,CHEST- nut, White Wood, Basswood and Elm, &c., which we can cut to order; also all kinds of Piling. Address Lock Box 12, Vineland, Ont. ; OREMAN WANTED TO TAKE CHARGE OF saw mill, also foreman for planing and boxboard mill. Must be able to speak English and French. Apply to DonaLp Fraser & Sons, Cabano, P. Q. FOR SALE . IMBER LIMIT, TOWNSHIP OF BALFOUR onthe Vermillionriver Old licenseincludes alltimber. Box 230, Sudbury, Ont. , ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrmmcoE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. WANTED — FIRST CLASS CIRCULAR ; Sawyer, familiar with steam feed and steam nigger. Apply with reference. Sr. GABRIEL LUMBER CO, LTD.. St. Gabriel de Brandon, Que. : p3 FOR SALE BOUT 16 MILES OF TIMBER LIMIT WITH 30,000 logs and saw mill, shingle mill, pulpwood mill, all running and. doing good business. Address O. E. Martin, Norwood, N. Y. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this journal. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- ronto . WANTED. NE TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ- ate lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, K ENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. pal i eae aa BOARDS AND BILL stuff, three million feet or more, for Ohio, New York and Pennsylvania markets ; boards r. ugh or s1sto 7%", 4’ and up wide, 6 feet and up long; 2” sawed into regular sized bill stuff, 10 feet and up long; will take rail or water shipment. THE BELCHER->TINE LUMBER Co., 23 Spitzer Building, Toledo, Ohio. Canadian Shipments Wanted N OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM OF TIMBER merchants in the North of England desire to get in communication with Canadian manufacturers or shippers of both hard and soft lumber, also doors and mouldings. Reply in first instance to Box 367, CanapaA LuMBERMAN. HEMLOCK BOARDS HREE MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England Market for shipment during the year 1906. Boards to be P1S$ to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet and up long, or clipped, 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14 and 16 feet. Will take ship- ments either by rail or sail. CHARLES S. WENT- woTH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass, WANTED FIRM MANUFACTURING WOODEN boxes of all kinds in Province of Quebec de- sires to start a branch factory in Ontario and wants to correspond with party capable of managing same who has $3,000 to $5,000 to invest. Such party must have general knowledge ot the box business and gdod executive and business ability. Intention is to manufacture general line of wooden boxes in addition to line of specialties of which we control the manufacturing rights for Canada. Address Box 368 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, season's cut. ~ ae No. 2 ;OR SALE—ABOUT 250,000 FEET OF Hard Maple 1’, 1%”, 1%”, 2”, 236”, 3”, 4”, ‘ast W. F, GALLOWAY, Ingersoll, Ont. LANING MILL FOR SALE— BRICK building, with all modern machinery, doing a good business; in a town of 3,5:0 of a popula- tion in Western Ontario; lots of work to start with, Apply Box 352, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, FOR SALE. UMBER ANP COAL YARD; SITUATED : in Wyoming, Ont ; the only lumber yard in the place; will sell cheap Lock-Box 9, Wyoming, Ont. ‘ wag tle se: CAR LOADS OF LUMBER IN trausit, every week, to surface, plane and match, resaw, make into flooring, etc., in our new planing mill. Can donble surface up to I2 x 30, best machinery, best workmen, unload- ing and loading all under cover; send us a trial er TAIT-CaRSsS LUMBER COMPANY, Orillia, nt. WANTED Rok DELIVERY IN JUNE.OR JULY OR earlier, 40,000 feet 8/4 Ists‘and 2nds bass- wood, 75°/, white both sides; 50,000 feet 8/4 - common and better winter cut basswood ; Ico,- ooo feet 4/4 common and better, or log run, win- ter cut basswood. THE LINDsAy LUMBER Co., Lindsay, Ont. . : Satara t ; FOR SALE 4225 M. feet Elm 30 M. feet S. Maple 15 M. feet H. Maple 6 M. feet Oak All the above is now in the log, could cut to order, W. Swan, Bright, Ont. FOR SALE 7,000 Acres of TIMBER LANDS on Manitoulin Island. Apply to N. DyMEnT, Barrie, Ont. FUR SALE T A BARGAIN, FOUR TO SIX SQUARE miles of White Pine running 30,000 feet of merchantable lumber to theacre. Limits sub- ject to B C timber license laws, easy of access on ariverin interior district of B.C. Apply C.E R., Canata LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited) This company has a large tract of well tim- bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large qua: tities of Cedar, Hemlock, Spruce, Balsain, Basswood, Keech, Chetry-Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is well served by two railroads. The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. There are several gocd mill sites on the prcep- erty. This would be a good opportunity for parties who are at present cut out and are look- ing for a new location. Maps and plans and furtter particu’ars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing D rector, 157 Bay Street, Toronto. thicknesses ; Hardwood For Sale at Pembroke. OAK.—42,000 ft. 1” x 6/16 ft. M. R. 23,000 ft. 2 to 4”x6” and upxio/16 ft, M R, MAPLE—43.0c0 ft. 1” x 6/16 ft. M. R. 16,000 ft. 2 to 4”x6 and upx1n/16 ft. “ BIR CH—4»,cooft. 1 x 6/16 ft..M. R. 40,000 ft.2 to 4”x 6 and upxro/16 ft “ BASSWOOD-—- 0,000 ft. 1” x 6/16 ft. M. R. _ 13,000 ft. 2x 6/16 ft M.R. Prompt quotations given on application, JOHN BROMLEY, Pembroke, Ont. \ j; ANTED—A SMALL SAW MILL—TO RUN by the thousand. THOMAS FERRIER Elmvale, Ont. / ANTED—BIRCH LOGS, 16” AND UP diameter, 8 feet and overlong BUFFALO VENEER COMPANY, Buffalo; N.Y. ANTED~= 1’, 2” AND 3” TAMARAC; PINE shingles; 1’ spruce; black ash, C & B, all cedar squares, plank and posts. R, E. KinsMAN, Hamiiton. ANTED. — TEN. CARS. 1’ MILL CULL basswood ; five cars 1” ists and 2nds birch,. THE BE!.CHER-STINE LUMBER Co , 333 Spitzer Building, Toledo, Ohio. ; EDAR FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND Cedar 8-16 and 2s feet long,at the Spanish boom. Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for sale here at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, Larchwood, Ont. a ANTED—100 M FT. 4/4 each 5/4, 6/4, 7/4 and 8/4 ists & ands bass years’ experience in the lumber business; will ouly work for first-class compat, and expect to earn a good salary. ,Address reply to Box 362, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto WANTED. ALF TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or sepa- rate lots: Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, Box 363, CANADA LUMBERMAR, Toronto, Ont, WANTED prea WITH $3,000 TO JOIN ME IN manufacturing lathin Nova Scotia, can be produced for $1 per M. Address CaNaDA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. “Laths,” FOR SALE. from Nova Scotia ; FOR SALE FEET OF LUMBER, INCLUD- ing 350 M feet of Pine, 350 M feet of Basswood, 200,0co M feet of Oak, balance Also some dry lumber on hand. Apply to HILL & Ratz Caledonia, Ontario. WANTED IFTY TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND feet of strictly clear, straight grain, second growth White Ash, ranging from 3” x 4” to 4’ x 5”, 12 and 14 ft. lengths, suitable for horse AMERICAN LaFRANCE FIRE ENGINE Company, Elmira, N. Y. i. WANTED—Two CARLOADS OF CEDAR Bark. State lowest cash price f.o, b. cars. Address, D. O'Connor, Temagami, Ont. WANTED, ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES, different grades. Also lath, either 4 foot or 32inch. C. VAN DUSEN, Scotland P.O., Ont. WANTED, POSITION AS SAW MILL, FORE- man, 16 years experieme, speaking Eng- lish and French. References furnished. Apply Box 374, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, FOR. SALE IVE MILLION FEET OF LUMBER ON Georgian Bay, about two-thirds to be cut from stock of twenty million, can ship by Rail Box 370 CANADA LUMBERMAN, WANTED UOTATIONS ON THE FOLLOWING DRY Stock ; One careach 14”, 134”, 2”, 3”, 4” Hard Maple; 1%” Birch and 1%” Soft Elm. Strictly ists and ands_grade for export. Terms cash. ROBERT Bury & Co., Teeswater, Ont. Lock Box 268, TIMBER LIMIT FOR SALE IMBER LIMIT KNOWN AS THE WHITE- FISH Indian Reserve, 68 square miles, con- taining principally Hemlock, also Spruce and Pine. For further particulars apply to D. O'Connor, Tenmgami, Ont. ANTED AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED i= 9 B < | B p BE a “ a ° 5 ) wn c Lal ral p ° ® e a) =] a ° =| ® B ° a a o iS right and that there is lots .of it put anette Apply, giving references and stating wages ex- “Spruce,” clo CANADA LUMBERMAN, Se CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS.§ ONTARIO. Conditions continue wholesome in the lumber trade of Ontario, and trom every district comes the report ofa satistactorydemand. Predictions are made that white pine will be further advanced, but the more con- servative manufacturers are coun- seling a postponement of action in this direction. Nevertheless, the situation is so strong that individual firms are getting prices which repre- sent a new high level, and if there should be no disappointment in re- spect to the volume of the spring trade, a general advance may be expected before the new cut comes onto the market. Hemlock is show- ing decided strength on account of the scarcity of dry stock. Dealers who have booked orders in advance of purchase have found when they undertook to secure the stock that the supply was exhausted to a re- markable extent, and in some in- stances the orders have been filled ataloss. As an indication ot price, we might mention a recent sale of over 200,000 feet of inch stock, four inches and wider, at $14 at the mill. Hardwoods, shingles and _ other branches of the trade are less buoy- ant, but with a hopeful outlook. The late weather has favored log- KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED _Bark’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ging operations in the northern part of the province. Lath is entirely in the hands of the seller. Sales of No. 1 white pine have been made in Toronto at $5 wholesale. EASTERN CANADA. The spruce market, while firm, is somewhat featureless, as little buy- ing is being done for the British trade. Manufacturers are sold out of dry stock and until the new cut is ready there will not be much activity. The general expectation is for higher prices, which will be brought about mainly by the United States and South American de- mand. There is more life to the shingle trade. While a fortnight ago New Brunswick Extra cedars were offered at $3.50, it would now be difficult to buy any stock from the larger manufacturers less than $3.60, and some are asking $3.65, Boston delivery. Shingles have been selling too low and should be main- tained at the advanced prices. WESTERN CANADA. The spring trade in lumber is developing steadily; but there is still plenty of stock to supply the demand. Retail prices have stiffen- ed'as a result of the higher prices asked by the manufacturers. A British Columbia lumber firm writes to their Winnipeg agent as follows: ‘‘ We beg to advise the following advances: No. 27 E. G. stepping, $5 per M.; No. 26 fir lath, 25 cents; balance oF entire fir list, ‘$1: No.’s 53> 54, 55 and 56 cedar, $2; No.’s 57, 58, 59 and 60 cedar, $2.50; No.’s 65 and 66 cedar, $3; No.’s 74 and 75 cedar, $2. Price of cedar timber, dimensions, shiplap and common boards at points taking fir rate $1 per M. less than fir. This advance is more than justified, in fact is made absolutely necessary by the steadily increasing cost of logs, labor and supplies and is only in line with advances made by lumber manufacturers throughout Canada and the United States.” British Columbia shingles are firmer and the demand improving. Within the post fortnight there has been an advance in Washington of 5 cents in both Stars and Clears, putting these at $1.75 and $1.95 f.o.b. mills. This is helping the Canadian trade. UNITED STATES. Weather conditions during the past week have not been altogether favorable to business, but prices of KILN-DRIED BIKGH FLOORIN MASON, GORDON & Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOUD, MEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled nore in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON. BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS ta... all kinds ofsoft lumber are gradually getting to a higher level. The situation in the Lake Superior dis- trict ,is one of decided strength, there being an urgent demand from large buyers. It is expected that the Northern Pine Manufacturers’ Association will immediately put into effect a new list making another advance. A northern Min- nesota manufacturer is reported to have sold his entire cut for the sea- son of 1906 at the rate of $24.50 per thousand, mill run, this being an advance of about $5 as compared | with the prices realized a year ago. Shipments of northern pine during February were 40 per cent. above those for the same month in 1905. So much for white pine. Quota- tions for Michigan hemlock are $14.00 for short and $16.00 for long, and it is said that a large percentage of the stock that will be cut in. Michigan this year has al- ready been disposed of. Chicago dealers are paying $17.50 for short lengthsdelivered by water and $1.00 additional for each two feet over sixteen-foot. In the Eastern States hemlock is equally strong, boards being worth $22 at Boston. There is a steady call for spruce lumber at the present high prices, which do not seem to have checked the de- mand to any extent. The hardwoods are not as strong as conditions would warrant, and it is thought that the scarcity of dry stock should bring about an appre- ciation in values. While trade is of average volume, there is not as HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING PINE, HEMLOCK LUMBER. CAN SUPPLY RED and WHITE | CEDAR SHINGLES. | SPECIAL much snap to the demand as” would like to see. The advan poplar is helping basswood there is an increased inquir birch and oak. GREAT BRITAIN. The stock of pine deals at Live pool on March rst last was 10,0 St. Petersburg standards, equal 1 19,000,000 feet, as compared wi 26,000,000 feet at the same year ago. These figures sh reduction in lumber. Of pine there was 146,000 cub against 183,000 cubic feet la Buyers are, in view of light s! showing a disposition to o and recent sales have shown provement, but until hen - marked expansion in cons we do not look for much fur vance in prices. Spruce have recovered from the weakness, which we sta peared only a ie meets favorable. STOCKS AND D PRICES. The Ottawa Lumber Co have again secured the con the supply of lumber for the Ottawa for the year 1906. — Downey Bros., of Curry N.B., who have been lumber the Stannard Lake, have co their winter’s work. Their consists of 800,000 feet of ready for market. cs ? WOODSTOCK, ONT. and HARDWOO 3 A quantity of 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14 and 16 ft. Cedar Posts. Telephone Poles 25 to 50 feet. Hop Poles and Ladder Biles in pine and cedar. Special bills for small sizes in pine and oak, Correspondenee Solicited. Send for Catalo & vt Samples by 80 St. Francis Xavier Stret “woe LUMBER and TIMBER | Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. 1%", 2’ and 3" 1", 14%”, 1%" and 2” Chestnut, se 1”, 1%", 14” and 2” Butternut, “ THE MCLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL { Rai Rock Elm, rsts and ands. KNIGHT BROTH sRS LIMITED. Burk’s | - .. MONTREAL, one i fa a 21, 1906 s _ Handy Bros., of Saginaw, Mich., have contracted for the entire stock f low grade lumber to be cut the ising season by the Pigeon River Lumber Company at Port Arthur, Ont: ~The Fraser River Mills, Vv Westminster, B.C., have just open- ed up a new logging camp on Reid ind, about go miles up the coast m Vancouver, where they expect to get ; about 7,000,000 feet. The City Council of Montreal have awardéd the contract to J. T. Marchand & Company for white pine inch boards, tongued and grooved, at $20.50 per thousand feet ; pine inch boards, rough, at _ $19; spruce planks at $32, and yel- : ow pine at $59.50. _. Minnesota manufacturers recently _ put into effect the following advances on white cedar products: Seven- foot posts, 1 cent; 8-foot, 2 cents; 4-inch tens, peuieas and fourteens, 2 cents ; other sizes, tens, twelves and fourteens, 5 cents; 16, 18 and 20 foot lengths, ro cents. o _ BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) _ Vancouver, B. C., March 12th, _1906.—The raise in the prices of lumber made a week or so ago by the coast manufacturers is, of course, not meeting with unqualified satis- faction from all quarters. Itis con- tended by some that this difference may influence the retailer in the prairie provinces to trade with the mills in Washington state. ‘‘Even Own members were not unani- nous nor entirely satisfied as to the isdom of the raise, though all were t practically agreed that it was a essity,” stated a member of the British Columbia Lumberand Shingle WoLeman Timber Land and LUMDEP GO., rimitea aa Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS ___f Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers CES. Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. B. Farwell’ & Son Sa Contractors and Dealers in OEDAR ELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE’ ANDELETRIG®LIGAT POLES yego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. De gre ee peat New Rufus Smith, of Michigan, 'o) 1 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ii. Manufacturers’. Association, when asked about the matter. ‘‘The con- tinued scarcity of logs has compell- ed the manufacturers to increase the price of lumber, however much we regarded it as inexpedient at the present time. It may be when fine weather sets in and logs are_plenti- ful, the figures may be brought down to their former level, but just now with logs selling at very nearly the price teceived for rough lumber, little margin is left for the mill- man.” Business is fairly good, and the mills, both on the coast and in the interior, anticipate a busy spring and summer. Not only is domestic trade beginning to be brisk, but the export is well up to the mark. Six ships are now at the Hastings mill in this city, the American barkentine Hawaii, to load for Japan, and the British barque Mozambique, for the United Kingdom, having arrived last » week. Stocks in the mill yards have not diminished during the past months, in fact have been somewhat added to. With the advent of spring and the continuation of the large building operations in Vancouver, this should decrease in size. There is a fair demand for class timbers and special lumber, even at the in- creased prices. The growth and prosperity of the lumber industry in British Columbia is shown by the large number of Eastern Canadians and Americans who are acquiring holdings here. This expansion is noticed both on the coast and in the interior. The Sutton Timber and Trading Com- pany, of Seattle, will have its cedar mill on the west coast of Vancouver Island operating by June st. Messrs. E. Ealey, C. Yokey and have WHITE OAK Bill{Timber up to 4o feet long, 16 inches square and under—quick delivery. Drop us a line describing your wants and we will gladly quote you prices. WM. J. PULLING & CO. WINDSOR, ONT. ARTHUR A. WATT EE WIARTON, ONT. . Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, oe Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties ‘SPECIAL. LOTS—100,0c0 of &/4 Maple C. & R.; 18,0c0 4/4 Soft Maple Mi)] Run; 40,cco 4/4 ard 8/4 Birch; 12,c00 4/4 Cull Ash; 16, oco 8/4 Tem- arac. Prices on applicatien. Please mention this paper when cor- responding with advertisers. Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 13 CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER 60.,: LIMITED 604 Temple Bullding, Toronto MILLMEN-— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address "'Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., 5th and Lumberman’s two ' Such indications as these show that many eyes are on this province and that the lumber industry as the main industry will be increasing in pro- portions during the next few years. purchased the limits on Violin lake, near Rossland, from G. M. Annable and associates, of Moose Jaw, and will erect a mill at Trail. James M. W. Hall, his son, H. B. Hall, and his nephew, M. A. Hall, of Boston, and Alfred A. Ames, of Machias, Maine, who were inthe province a short time ago, have bought out L. M. Proctor’s half interest in the Fernie Lumber Company for $27,- | 000, and are negotiating with Mr. McDougall for the remainder. G. O. Lammars and J. P. McGoldrick, of Stillwater, Minn., who own tim- ber areas anda mill site near Nelson, have been looking over the ground to see if the time is ready to build the mill they started two years ago. Established 1889. Incorporated 1896 We Solicit the Trade of Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. 60. 2ist and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of— Venééréd DOOPS I, Dean Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’].-Mgr F, A.Holden, Vice-Pres. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. We Solicit a Share of Your Business. E. J. DAVIS MFG. Co. 2Ist. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. Our Doors are known the world overand are recognized as the best made. Send for catalogues and price lists. 5 Be IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, uimiTep . Mills: LATCHFORD, ONT. Branch Offices: Manchester, Eng. North Tonawanda, N. Y. ~se' GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO ~ DO YOU WANT 80,000 FEET 5/4 C.& B. BIRCH? Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. CQSSSSVVVVSSESVSVSVSEVVEVSVSETSEVSSVSVVUVTBSO SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. QBS GVOESVVVOEVEVAGSS - BBVA BEBO $ R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R, S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. QVVVOAOVVFO CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Seeger Sobeaaa: U M B E R oo, aso LATH te CACHE. a oat On a6 miles West North Bay IV. DECISION RESPECTING LUMBER DUTY. A decision of importance to the lumber trade was handed down on February 28th by the Board of General appraisers at New York in the case of Cleveland-Sarnia Sawmills Company. The Com- pany’s protest was against the assessment of duty by the Collector at Port Huron, Mich., on an im- portation invoiced as lumber at 20 per cent. ad valorem under para- graph 198 of the present tariff act for wood manufactured not specially provided for. It was returned by the collector as pine timber 6 x 8, 6 x 10, and 6 x 12 inches in cross sections, 26 to 28 feet in length. The importers claimed that duty should have been assessed at the rate of $1 to $2 per 1,000 feet, board measure, under paragraph 195, or at one cent per cubic foot under paragraph 194 of said act. The decision finds that the mer- chandise is sawn lumber dutiable at $2 per 1,000 feet board meas- ure, The Fuel & Lumber Company, Soft Yellow Pine Finishing Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling tong Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION LUMBER DETROIT, MICH. a7 a a ~ ~~ © * ¢ - a ee s ey : d p 3 Me March 2p 1 Toronto, are offering to com- promise with their wine io at 33% cents on the dollar. ‘The liabil itie are estimated at $21, 000. Ask Your Ticket. Ke 2 i Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc, In Car Lots. iE Mir oa | WISI i un A SPECIAL Lumber Kiln. Dried “hi fel Quantity. ‘ J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. 54. J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRAOCEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Tondinns und Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnin ete. All Dressed Jnumber Kiln Dried if deatnen End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Minneapolis, ue Paul, . Milwaukee, Chicago and east, west, north and ‘sou Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chiair'c Dining cars. For full information, address " i eg HJ. See Travelli T CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and oe THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. Office: 503 Manning Chambers TORONTO FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS GOMPANY, LIMITED | We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, gif | ‘Let us know your requirements “ -- Prompt Shipments awn and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch J Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, suiting PENETANCUISHENE F. M°CIBBON & SONS, ONT. Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and ae Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS a SPRAGGE, bl Ide Dist., **So00"" Branch P. R. pipe Toronto ee Building, Moatreal. 'FICES eS nd at Mills at Spragge. MANUFACTURERS OF ] White and Red Pine Ont. | Lumber and Lath Water Shipments THEM. BREANEN SONS MANUFRGTURNG G0, UNITED Planing Mill and Head Office: Saw Mille at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON We Buy, Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P‘ue, O HAMILTON, Ontario. QUEBEC Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and’ Timber i in Canada and United States: Spruce, ‘White Pine, ‘White Seer Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, ak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles R. LAIDLAW LUMBER co. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. PLA YFAIR &Z wHitE Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHIN LES. Contractors for BAtlas Sup ne BILL TIMBER a Specialty . - MAITLAND, RIXON & € be ab one tates and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ET. a Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by ‘Water: THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, “LIM | Retienes Lite Chambers, TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers: and Merch => pee ae MERCHAN Ts. ! C Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. es BUILDING. MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are “)) Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. St ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANA! LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR — HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND 0 ey %, 6, 7%, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . _ Also Stock fully machined for Spring: -Bed-Frames ~~ ~~ and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY - OWBN Ba . * - & y a wettese a” NS ga re ne ‘Bh oa ae oa jvc = Le a rte x S Pat March 21, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Se ae UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS 1 Haeberle Lumber Co. | §8GiSa Tee SU isa erer LUMBER and TIMBER BATTLE CREEK, MICH. WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK WEEE AY, Gapecee pee tere mamma BLACK ASH AND ROCK ELM Mei lene Dine oe escrnt Ccae wer imn Mill Work, SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES - NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS | | | | THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building - GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN FRANK C, BURY BURY & NOBLE mason a. So WHOLESALE LUMBER : DETROIT MICHICAN Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. MeelURH LUMEER CoO. Manufacturers___ WE BUY WE SELL WARDWOOD LUMBER LUMBER Oak Bending and Wagon Stock a Specialty ALL KIND Mills: EUTAW, ALA. DETROLTT, MICH. = | om cre pT SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, Cypress and HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. Yellow Pine CLEVELAND, onTo Stillwell & Company NUPACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS 9 - YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS DETROIT, Mich. Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER - 14 ithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL | Wood Brokersand Measurers | esa WwooD AGENTS aes Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Keith Building, 4134 Barring ton Stree eS SE a ee Se ee Sipe lai Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale S8t., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG F. A. Lightbody & Co. GANT & KEMP g TIMBER 8 Gorton Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ~WOOD BROKERS : 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW ia © BROKERS cee ee eCNBITS Pine CANADIAN WHITE PINE ANU SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Sat ieke kA Conon Correspondence Solicite Telegrams and cee ‘Woodfeller, Codes: Zebra, Western Union, Southards, and [ ouls BAMBERGER, ° “cows: =<" THOMPSON. BLOIS & CO. IMPORTER OF —emmmmeeer Fae Address ‘Belly wood, London. ' Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Are Open to Contract for Glued-lp BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ainighig dicattenteesces = MeReiap rae HimennTNG! GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. JOSEPH Mm 4 SONS, LID. Soe. Wood bith ¢ and Brokers Timber Importers | **” a eS All econ “a Lumber and Manufacture Cable Address ‘*Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Bng. Wood Goods suitable for the Eoeligh _ Cable Address: “GFLLICHT," LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London. F.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER | BNGa:3zpeedle);) 2) eer.o COMPANY BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS ~ Re ROE RCM ER CME REMREMRE -iver7o0! and London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABLE ADDRESS * DOBLIT LIVERPOOL.” Veneers A Specialty ane ng 1. Sean ~ te : vi. | CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION March 23,900 SSS ———<$<—— ov eowvernc. Mele Me Sees cee Tusk, B e Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIA” TIES : a AA1 HIGH GRADE EDAR SHINGLES. — Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, _ut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, =—— Newall Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. sy Cae W. J. SHEPPARD, PRESIDENT W. L. TAIT aie MANAGER Waubaushene, Ont. B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF | z FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER O- vont LATH, MOULDINGS mbet C 4h TURNED WORK | Com st LUN BC HICHECRADE _ AN RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO § SHINGLES All kinds and Grades i Straight or Mixed Cars LUMBER “READY - TO - PUT - ON” RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING Correspondence Solicited JUST A GENTLE REMINDER q M4 That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your l wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to MY open up correspondence with us. eae? |: A Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our . 4 a) specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you a The Red Deer Lumber Company a i. WINNIPEG, MAN. ie | | B.C. Red Cedar «ciao SHINGLES Hany G IF YOU;HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR 1906 CALENDAR WRITE FOR ONE. IT ISA CORKER . 2: Seas fe g “4 si Ay ve va eee atl o ~ c . . 4 = ‘ SS Bee an af te ed ay i 7 E Lat eat: eae £ ais pO “ser Se a Bea Nl. oe Ee eh ore © March 21, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. E. H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President and Gen. Manager, Vice-President UNION LUMBER COMPAN Y, LIMITED HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER. B. C. ; Our Daily Shipping Capacity ————____ 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAY _ We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS andjcan make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots. FIR, CEDAR, and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH We make a Specialty of handling Timber Lands, Mill Properties and Lumber Investments generally. Correspondence Solicited BOSTON, MASS. : FELDER, JU ea & a H. D. Wiccl 89 STATE ST. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER MANCHESTER ENGLAND will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for TH E | Wau m D FE NT LU M 5 E o C 0 LTD. Invite offers from Lumbermen for Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine LOG RUN BUILDERS SUPPLIES Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, GET QUOTATIONS FRGM OUR NEAREST BRANCH Woods Handles, Clair stock, Seats, oté., or any | gim, Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd HEAD OFFICE -REGINA.SASK. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. , Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. D.C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. jJ. E. YOUNG, Cashier. ' The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. _— Menstetcee White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, 7 Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work | er Fe. beens CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING ‘Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario) WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: RAT PORTAGE, Ontario Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber - We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. dq a b j THOMAS oy are CODE: AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE. H. H. SPICER SIDENT. MGR. AND SECY. [ Exrorr LUMBER & SHINGLE Co... L’T’D. Head Office, 44-46 Flack Building, VANCOUVER, B.C. Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Pacific Coast Lumber and Shingles We are wesunive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. Shipping capacity is 1,500,000 SHINGLES per coy Will the Trade please note that we only claim a daily shipping capacity of 1,500,000 shingles. Our competitors who make larger claims are nice people but seem inclined to exaggerate. VUl. THE ONTARIO LUMBER C9 res MiLts: aoe Bay. C.P.R. and b. T.R. Delivery. 3 Home M CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. 4 a4 ¥uilding 1 ORONTO, Ont. ILts : French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade:'Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Sarrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH In rin., 1% in., 1% in., 2in., 2% in, and 3 in. No. 1 and 2 Common, about 1,000,000 feet. PEDWELL & LEMCK Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumb Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. MANUFACTURERS OF gs-ane 3 Ay, alee i Ws —. f 7 ren cs Se ee po = Pe i, — i . “OSE setae a Pe March 21, 1 OTTAWA, Car BIRCH - BIRCH Write us for prices on this stock. W. B. BARTRAM & co. | Lions Head 9 Ontario Correspondence Solicited. EYER & fee Prompt reply to enquiries for prices, etc., by bec. . 5 A E Mail, Wire or Phone. AppuHie : Set os he market and pay the highest cash prices for all inds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what Please mention this paper when CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. y corresponding with advertisers. rosaiik st. - BOSTON, MASS. A. W. EYER @ co. — 45 Adelie ORONTO, C 7 ‘ aa ry ~. Pine good strips : ’ Pine, box beards.... 1400 1§ 00 - LATH. 7 5 tae nue sruloagnencosn 34 co 3600 Pine mill culls...... 12.00 15 00 Pine Saat ; ae ae in. and 1 in... 36 00 40 00 | Pine O. culls....... 750 8 50 se teeeeeee 24 cece ones $400 | Spruce..... ssseeeree of iia eens 38 00 40 00 | Spruce, Ne pp 14 00 ¢ SHINGLES. : . e, ) : ne & yas eee af.co? aeied Ee. on enti. - eta Saas aus ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 25 TORONTO, ONT. 1% in. and 1% in. « 34 00 40 00 | Spruce,1” clear (fine ea boBerpererers 35° 375 20.0 5:9.050 sew eselll eee eae. toe 42 00 dressing and B. im 24 00 mooth 6 x18....... 4 50 4 75| Spruce..... CAR OR CAROL OTE yn tas “9 A Sidings.. tr oo | Hemlock .... .- 13 00 1 inch No, 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4 to 8im 15001600 ine, No. 1 dressing Lath, per M $e cuts & becter...... $49 00 51 00| ax4 to ri n.,10 to 16ft. 16 oo 17 O» siding ... a2 00 2700] No.1 white pinet}s”x4! 3 50 rt 1% inch No 2 aad bg ee ae et 09 180 Pine, No. 1 dressing No.2 yer: pine.... 3 00 z . Tih cuts an er.. §3 00 55 00 ear inc ceda' strips. . sees «+ 2090 2500] Spruce, millrun..... 3 00 F (Ri eon a” No 1 Cuts and kiln dried. .. 5° 00 Pine P No 1 dressing : Red Pine, mill run. 3 00 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY. - Better....-.:-+-++ 5600 58 00 | Clear inch B. C. ceaar shorts ...... .... . 180 22 oc | Pine Shingles WHITE PINE, 4 a7) 1% in.No.2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55°° Pine, ros ¢ and bet- xxXxx, 18 inch......-. 325 350 x ; cuts and better.... 44 00. 46 00 | Douglas fir dimension ter 12’ to 16’ ..... 20 00 2200| Clear Butt, 18inch .. 260 2 60 (Wholesale selling price.) “0 hg ”“ No 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 24 feet 31 9 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xx 1B inch.......-.-. 15¢ 3 60 Uppers, x, Hh, 1iand 2 3 ins b.55.bodeus and Better........ 46 no 48 00 | Douglas fir dimension ter 17’ tof. . . 18 00 2000| White Cedar Shingles in. egeeine ee ia < a ine. deen aeeee 1% inch No. 3 timber, 30 to 35 feet 3280 Pine, zups. c. sidings :9 00 21 00; xxxx, rBinch........ 3 25 3 50 2% anid hiticies tee Shelvin; ane %, 130, Cuts and better.... 41.00 42 00/134 in. No. 1 4 ft, Pine Pine s. c. strips...... 1§ 00 17 00 Clear Butt,18 inch. 250 2 60 BEES saa aniowwieto epic ps an HSS bk ed a” No 3 Cuts and Lath.:....-..-.++ +:+400 425 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 52 1452] XX, 18inch.......... 150 1 70 Selects x inv. 220000. 73 00 | = t Mold’ st’ps it ati eet 00 - 44 00 Ne an Petty 30 340 1% to 2in.......0. 72 00 avon nutans eee rin’ Pine Dressing ‘0. 1 32” pine lat 20 244 and 3 in....... 85 00 No Moulding Strips, and better shorts 25 00 24 00 | 1%” No. 14ft hemlock lath 3 5° Ne? Seti aie A o 3 Mo Niche iar 1x4, 6and8common 20 00 21 00| XXXXPineShingles 2 90 3 00 Fine common, 1 in. oo | Barn, No. eo 1K 1© common...... 21 00° 22 00| XX Pine Shingles .. 220 2 30 SARNIA, ONT. 1% and 1% in... > z 00 an, N05 ea 1X 12common...... 23 00 24 00| X Pine Shingles .. 9° : ee Adecor so 61 00| No.2, roim.......« ae eae saree a1 00 2200| XX were 220 2 25 UPPERS. I = 4and Maloun nae (ole) Jat eee Se: £P 80 00| No.2, 12 in:. aand gx12 common. 24 00 25 00 B Ss ingles W 00 LS > < and up.......-. oo ce ee ee a 8s 00 0. 3, me ach box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 3 95 Sr Ree me a $19 00 VY X 10M... ee eee eee ee + 28 00 cut up, No. 1, 1 in. rr oo me i ape ; OMMON ...-+---++ 20 0@ 21 cO| XXXX 6 to 23-16in. 327 ean" “| 86 00 Tf, x12"... cc eeeeeeeeete 3000 8 - 1Y% and 1% in..... $4 00 Bok, sea pa Inch mill run ddings ar 00 22 00| XKXXXX 5to2in.. 3 60 4’ “1. 94 00 1% x 6’ and up.......-. + 27 00 “Noy Cuts...... 5800| x1x6&up........- iin. millrun...... . a1 00 22 00| XX No, 2, 6 to2in.. 225 PE 108, cies moro ssn g 20 OO No. 2, 1 in.......- 28 00 E30 ose ctecoesee 110 and 12 mill culls 16 50 1750|XXK “ é to 23-16 in, SELECTS jc oe a eee 30 00 No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 43 00| SxBiaiows sen eee I pe mill cull ope Red. pine, clear rin., 8” and u up Ww wi Caer fa oo x 6’ and up 27 00 No. 3, 1%, and 134 3200] Ixrgand om teeree aa teats cindie «0 550 1650| andclear face... 23,00 240 1%, V4 and a «s+» 67 00 SOG co cniacsciny oo cecum SOO No. ga” cssenex 35 00 1% ood 13% 8 ain. I dead cull aaings de oo 13 00 | Red pine, common ai and 3” “ye. 81 00 Pike Cae aga «++ 30 00 Dressing a 42 00 Mie Be a 1,1%,1% 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 00| 2”... .usseesess+e- 1400 1700 4” He @ Oo No. I BARN, 14x10 und 12.. 6645 44 00 and 2 i.......++ HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. FINE, COM. AND BETTER, ‘ PRS: ie ..$27 00 to $35 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the fobbe’s bayin Ash White, ists and Soft Elm, millrun 21 00 2200 1 in., 8 and up wide.... 56 00 ,1% Lae a! "33 00 to 35 oo price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; rot i - 2in.. - $33 3.00 35 00 Rock Sis common z 1K and 134” a «+. §8 00 jena x’. 38 do WHITE ASH. As ack, 1sts an and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 ae. 59 00 ; S. vptapisawc a 41 00 ’ eee Ree ui? 9°. 62° A Eee retrial op fey oo Fine COMMON. xo. ath ein tt. lem eapeaeedl ees an aie Oe Te aa 22 00 23 00| Rock Elm, millrun 22 co 23 00 pt ae 48 00 to 2H we FUN... cccene , 34 00 to 27 00 Com. and culls....... 14 00 1g Birch, common and Maple common and 4. 1% te . = ey = ae 1%, 1% and 2” 25 oo to 27 co SLAC ANDTaR Bera aaa better, rin....... 25 00 2600| better, 1in.,.... 22 00 23 00 24,3 an & 17 2% and 3”. 39, 00 ist & ana, 6 nch up, 38 00 5 on | CORE 4 0 18 ce Serrins and gees Ser and . 1 CUTS. NO. i¢ BARN. cechl ; tter, 14 to3in 27 00 28 00 etter, 134 to3in 24 00 2500 yin, 8” and up wide.. . 37 00 1. 21 00 tO 23.00 & and, 6 inch & &and. white,’ & Birch, millrun.... 22 00 23 00| Maple, mill run... 20 00 21 00 : 90 ee ist & and, 0 Ine rst &and,white,’ &up, 30 oo 32 © Bassweod, common Oak, red, plain, rsts . in, “ wt pit 5 fe thand 2” 21 00 to % 3S up, red.......... » 40 00 42 00} Com. & good culls..... 16 00 ae 4 and better, 1in.. a1 00 22 00 and ands........ 46 00 §0 00 14 “ . 49 00 ahh ELM. Basswood, common Oak, white, plein, 2%and3” “ . 62 00 a 1st & ad,rock,6in cine 6 00 28 00 | rst & 2d, soft,6in & up, 26 00 28 oo and bet., 1344 to2in 23 00 24 00 Ists and 20 44.00 4600 4” “ ... 62 00 3 oe 1”, 1%, Common and fonlint 1§ 0c 17 00 moniandicxileaeeeenabuee 17 oo Basswood, millrun 19 00 20 00 | Oak,quartered, ists cure, ae | ees nema 15 oo to 20 00 Soft Elm, common and ands..... .. .70 00 75 00 a 4 No. 4 mill culls, MAPLE. ; P and better, 1in.. 25 OO 2600 micheny, ists and - 3 ae 6” and up, yes aI 00 1,1%, 1% 2” 1600to 18 00 ist & and hard.. .. 20 © 33 00 | etdizasaot -- 2000 35 ° m, common NG Cs sree et 1. 36.00 38 00 . mini 1 Com : 4 and bet. 1% te 2in 27°00 25 00 154” A MILL CULLS. bi ene ee NTT = : | 2" e = Mill Run Culls 1”, 1%, 1% 2%, 3and 4 Radia! wee ce curse 15 00 TSAR OT QUEBEC, QUE. NO. 3 CUTS. No. 2, is ne neLOO BOSTON, MASS. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT 1 in., 6” and up wide... 19 00 LATH White Pine U pers, 1 to 2inch ...... .... «+++++$84 00 to $86 f cts. 1 and 1H" AE neve, 33 00 No. t, 32” “ 175 Selects, 1 to 2 Ath. esses coeecree aeeeeeees oo 8675 Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,....-.... 35 45 uh wee 23 00 ota Be lan. scceeee ‘Gea 4.00 Fine Common, 1 inch.......... csseceeereeeeesses 6000 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to eal .& 63 234,3and4 «+ 30 00 No. L 48” pine...-.-.. ae 450 1M to 2imch.........6 cceneeee eee 60.00 19 to 20inch average -. 63 €8 Mi Re «..> 5 | a Ges oe ed Pe | No. 1 Cuts, 1 inch 2.0... .. cece cece eee ee encee ses 44 08 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. 1° @! hus’ sts teste 20.90 SHINGLES. a I ane inch...... seen eeetenseeeente ns os Measured off, according to average and quality A ocenes ee sspngO!) as m reer denmoaeties 21 00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, O40 tert Se aa ie os hipping order Adee dnd ce seecese 385 40 1’ x6and8"............ 24 00 sto6x 16" se Aes 275 300 Barn Boards,No ma pee nets Sh" eae ieee! 56 he ee . 25 00 c.B. “ 175 200 5 Ae nee ecvenvencedecurcesss SO OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. is ta? ees 27 00 No. 2 “ “ 1 26 a5 Se ee See : die warate divisia) | « claioinnipist aD 33 By the dram, according to average and quality. . re 48 52. ,\”x13and up... ...... 28 00 : Spruce, “ean¥s3 Ba TPE aN eae can a ELM. By the Gram, accordin to average and quality 4goto4sfeet. 65 75 zoto35fet. 52 54 ASH. 10 inches and up, acters to averseny and ep soality. sue aie 28 Average 16 inch aaa - 30 32 BIRCH. 4 Inch ; 22 23 I 7 ’ r ale & . 30 I 17 SS " ‘ ale” Gy Kal eile s . “- a io" m Besta ern ete OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURBRS’ PRICES, Pine, good sidings: ixro No. 1 barn.. 22 00 x in.x8 in. andup 42300 4400] 1x10 No.2 “ + 20 00 1% in «1% in. x 1x8 & 9 No. 7: barca. 18 oo tin x Staand up %4 00 tly are a - 16 00 le « 54 O00 oo ne 6 to’ 1x” No, 2 cuts 2x8’&up 3400 36 00 =P aie Snpecie 17 00 18 @0 ALBANY, N.Y. NOS ccccaescaseereenast sor 40 Noi gsccceecererseseceens 35 40 No. 1 a eee 50 55 No. 2 molding, 1 to2in..... 38 40 Stained saps....-------+«-- 33 40 Hager aoe ee wee. 35 45 se aoe oe 45 Dresing bowed eee 28 32 119 4 chopra -.26 7 PINE. _ Uppers, 3-in. ... « -» 88 90 hat inch shippers ........ -$27 a8 772: ba 88 90 13’ & up. 2% 30 1to2in....... . 83 385 bi Box boards 6’ andup.. 22 23 inch uppers ....- 90 95 | xo-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Selects, 2% i in up... 83 90 | x2-in. dressing and better... 40 42 1 tO PIN... cccecee s 73 75 | BOK, IK10-in. ...........--. 23 24 Fine common, ain. and up 75 85 | Box, 1x12.. +. 23 24 TO 2 iD. seeeee eeeerecneee 62 | No. x barn, rxx -. 32 34 No, x cuts, xtozinch...... 55 60| “E£x10...0+.+..+ Pay ee: EBs Sars 's sure No. 2 barn, 1x12. gin. and under ..... 10 and 12 in. random lengths, ro ft. and up.,.... 2x3, 24, 2x5, be 2x7 @ 3x4 random lengt 10 ft, AN UP.c ss Sevecocn vundnnmaineeteeen All re paelone lengths, a in. and vunder, 16 semen eee eee eee clipped and ‘andi Fs Extra 18 (Clear ‘whites out Extra 1s (Clear whites in).... BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. ST Be ace were sees 8 sae Perfectiona, 5 Dapp tO A ee ee ANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION AND WOOD - WORKER 7 The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} stoo rer year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, 6vsry week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD Vor. XIV * Canapa LUMBERMAN - The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u a of Toronto, Limited ; _ Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. a ‘Branch Offices: oe “48 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL __- 720-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. - he Weekly Lumberman — Published every _ ‘Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the g — manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreiga wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- “fs rers and exporters and the purchasers of ‘= ei ae gl at home and abroad. The —s Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. ¥ _ WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this. depart- i at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. _ When four or more consecutive insertions are ordere it of 25 per cent. will bé allowed. _ This notice shows the width of the line and is set ks npareil type; 12lines make oneinch. Ad- % tisements must be received not later than 4 clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in current week’s issue -R FOR SALE — 10,000 PCS. ROUND edar 8-16 and 25 feet long, at the Spanish , Also cedar, pine and spruce lumber for ere at Larchwood. JAMES McCREARY, HOOD THORS 1 GNESI Tenders will be received by the undersigned up = and including the y River. ‘they are eo paphate to pay as bonus, in to such dues as may be fixed from time forthe right to operate a pulp or pulp iper industry in the areas referred to. essful tenderers will be required to erect ills on the territories, and to manufacture the jod into pulp in the Province of Ontario. Parties making tenders will be required to de- t with their tender a marked cheque, pay- ‘to the Treasurer of Ontario, for 10 percent. amount of their tender, to be forfeited in nt of their not entering into agreements itry out conditions, etc. The highest or any ‘not necessarily accepted. rticulars as to description of territory, ‘ eed to be invested, etc.,apply to the rsigned, cces: HON. F. COCHRANE, Minister of Lands and Mines, Toronto, Ont. TORONTO, MONTREAL — MARCH 28, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER WANTED AT ONCE, 250,000 14” NO. 2 DOOR Pine. Gotp Mepat FurnNITuRE Co,, Toronto; OR SALE—ENGINE AND BOILER, FIF- teen and twenty horse power, cheap. BRAMM Bros., Berlin, Ont. OR SALE—WHITE OAK, RED OAK,CHEST- nut, White Wood, Basswood and Elm, &c.,- which we can cut to order; also all kinds of Piling. Address Lock Box 12, Vineland, Ont. OREMAN WANTED TO TAKE CHARGE OF saw mill, also foreman for planing and boxboard mill. Must be able to speak English and French, Apply to DonaLp Fraser & Sons, Cabano, P. Q. FOR SALE Sf Renate ii LIMIT, TOWNSHIP OF BALFOUR on the Vermillionriver Old licenseincludes alltimber. Box 230, Sudbury, Ont. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Srmcoz Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. WANTED, POSITION AS SAW MILI, FORE- man, 16 years experience, speaking Eng- lish and French. Referencesfurnished. Apply Box 371, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, FOR SALE BOUT «6 MILES OF TIMBER LIMIT WITH 30,000 logs and saw mill, shingle mill, pulpwood mill, all running and doing good business. Address O. E. Martin, Norwood, N. Y. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this journal. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- ronto EET WANTED. . © TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ- ate lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, Kt ENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. TIMBER LIMIT FOR SALE IMBER LIMIT KNOWN AS THE WHITE- FISH Indian Reserve, 68 square miles, situ- ated on Soo line, 12 miles from Sudbury, con- taining principally Hemlock, also Spruce and Pine. For further particulars apply to D. O’Connor, Temagami, Ont. Canadian Shipments Wanted N OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM OF TIMBER merchants in the North of England desire to get in communication with Canadian manufacturers or shippers of both hard and soft lumber, also doors and mouldings. Reply in first instance to Box 367, CaNnapA LUMBERMAN. HEMLOCK BOARDS | ara“ MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England Market for shipment during the year 1906. Boards to be Pi S to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet and up long, or clipped, 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14and 16 feet, Willtake ship- ments either by rail or sail. CHARLES S. WENT- woTH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. WANTED FIRM MANUFACTURING WOODEN boxes of all kinds in Province of Quebec de- sires to start a branch factory in Ontario and wants to correspond with party capable of managing same who has $3,000 to $5,000 toinvest. Such party must have general knowledge ot the box business and good executive and business ability. Intention is to manufacture general line of wooden boxes in addition to line of specialties of which we control the manufacturing rights for Canada. Address Box 368 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, - ot 3 ed tt 1S Se ere El No. 3 OR SALE—ABOUT 250,000 FEET OF Hard Maple 1”, 1%”, 1%”, 2”, 244”, 3”, 4”, last season’scut. W. F. GALLOWAY, Ingersoll, Ont. AND UP BUFFALO ANTED—BIRCH LOGS, 16” diameter, 8 feet and over long. VENEER CoMPANY, Buffalo, N.Y. VW ANTED—TWwo "CARLOADS OF CEDAR Bark. State lowest cash price f.o.b. cars. Address, D. O’ConNoR, Temagami, Ont. ANTED—1’, 2” AND 3” TAMARAC; PINE shingles; 1’ spruce; black ash, C & B, all thicknesses ; cedar squares, plank and posts. R. E. KtnsMAn, Hamilton. : ANTED—r100 M, FT. 4/4 AND 30 M. FT each 5/4, 6/4, 7/4 and 8/4 ists & 2nds bass wood Alsorso M. it. ists & 2nds white winter sawed basswood. Reply to Box 364 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ANTED—SITUATION AS BOOKKEEPER or Secretary-Treasuret of Lumber Concern; at present employed in Sash and Door Factory and Lumber Co’y. Toronto preferred, open May ist, 1906. Apply Box 372 CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. WANTED. ALF TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or sepa- rate lots Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, Box 363, CanapDa LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, WANTED IFTY TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND feet of strictly clear, straight grain, second growth White Ash, ranging from 3” x 4” to 4’ x 5”, Izand 14 ft. lengths, suitable for horse poles. AMERICAN LaFRANCE FIRE ENGINE Compa4ny, Elmira, N. Y. WANTED SAWYER FOR MILL, WITH A CAPACITY of 10,000 to 15,000 per day. Sawyer to do his own setting over carriage. Also a man for trimmers who understands grading lumber. Stating wages and experience, apply to CURRY & THRASHER, Deux Rivieres P. O., Ont. Lumber Wanted WHITE AND RED OAK, 4” x3’ x2"; 4 x iv; 4%” x 3! x 2’: 4%” x 3” x 1’ 5 KX 2"; x 3” x1"; above can be cut out of rough pieces provided squared and cut to precise sizes; also 9” x 3%" x 24%” ; 64%” x 134” x 134”; manu- factured from clean, straight grained lumber, free from sap, rough knots or shakes; 100 cars required for summer shipment, and put up in bags; quote f.o.b. cars mill. CarTER, POWELL Lanp & LUMBER Co., Limited, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE At A BARGAIN, FOUR TO SIX SQUARE miles of White Pine running 30,000 feet of merchantable lumberto theacre. Limits sub- ject to B. C. timber license laws, easy of access onariverin interior district of B.C. Apply CE R., Canapa LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Dodds Anderson Lumber Go: We Want Your Lumber Send usa statement of all kinds of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., you have to offer for sale. We are in the market with the highest cash price that is possible to pay; we will buy on GRADES, LOG RUN OR ESTIMATE THE ENTIRE STOCK. Dopps ANDERSon LUMBER CO., 436 Yonge St., Toronto. HIPPER WANTED — FIRST-CLASS, AC- customed to planing mil) goods and lumber. Box 210 BURK’S FALLS, Ont. WANTED UOTATIONS ON THE FOLLOWING DRY Stock : One careach 14%”, 134”, 2”, 3”, 4” Hard Maple; 14%” Birch and 14%” Soft Elm. Strictly 1sts and ands grade for export. Terms cash. ROBERT BuRY & Co., Teeswater, Ont. Lock Box 268, ANTED AT ONCE, EXPERIENCED planing mill man to take care of three heavy matchers, one surfaced and one moulded, on night shift; must be strictly sober and a hustler, one who will see that work is done right and that there is lots of it put through. Apply, giving references and stating wages ex- pected, to ‘‘Spruce,’”’ c/o CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Foe. SALE—ONE MILLION FOUR HUN- dred thousand feet of saw logs, principally hemlock, balance pine and mixed hardwood,and a saw mill, capacity 15 to 20 M per day. Also 275 M of hardwood lumber cut last season, composed of birch, maple, beech, basswood,elm and ash. Address LAKE RosSSEAU LUMBER Co., Brace- bridge, Ont. W- HAVE TAKEN OUT AN UNUSUALLY nice stock of Hardwood Logs this winter, mostly Maple, some Beech; the logs are a ery large run and extra good in quality ; we are pre- pared to receive offers for this stock to be cut to order on opening of navigation ; state price on cars here. C. BEcK Mrc. Co., Ltd. Penetan- guishene, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER WANTED OR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT, FOLLOW- ing dry stock: BLACK ASH, 1”, 6/4”, 8/4”; BIRCH, 1”; SOFT MAPLE, 3’; ROCK ELM, 2”; BASSWOOD, 1” & 2”. Give fullest information as to quality and grade,naming lowest price f.o. b. shipping point. Box 374 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED—AT ONCE, AN EXPERIENCED band-saw helper, for two double cut mill, situated near Ottawa, long season. Must be quick, reliable and steady. Wages $3,50 per day; mill running. Young man preferred. Apply, stating age and experience, to Box 373,c/o CANA- DA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. : CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The lumber market is now feeling the stimulus of the spring demand, and there is an increased trade in retail lots. Buying is still much in evidence, apparently representing an accumulation of stock by certain interests even at the high prices now ruling. Toronto trade is good, being largely the result of building operations. Permits were issued last week to the value of $222,000 and another season of great activity seems assured. Hemlock is being sold in some quantities to Buffalo, where the supply is short. Several grades of pine have advanced in the Ottawa market, culls being now quoted at $14 to $16 at the mill. There is still a brisk enquiry for lath, and contracts for this year’s production have been closed at prices which would indicate that the trade ex- pect that present values will be II. maintained. All last year’s stock has been picked up. EASTERN PROVINCES. A very hopeful feeling prevades the lumber trade of the Eastern Provinces. There seems to be no falling off in the demand for lumber for the Eastern States, and signs are visible of an improvement in the British market. British deals are quoted on the basis of $13.25 per thousand feet f.o.b. St. John, and this price islikely tobeadvanced. With one exception there has been a sharp advance in the price of boards for the United States trade. This exception is clapboards, which are almost at the same figure as one year ago. The past month has witnessed an improved demand for New Brunswick shingles, of which there is a decided scarcity. Some manufacturers are asking as high as $3.75 for Extras, Boston freight rate. Spruce lath is also a little firmer at $4.25 for 134 inch and $4.35 to $4.50 for 15% inch, Boston delivery. UNITED STATES. As forecasted in last issue, the Northern Pine Manufacturers’ As- sociation, which is composed of the manufacturers of Wisconsin and Minnesota, have put into effect a new price list making an advance of $1 on dimension, boards, fencing and siding ; $2 on inch and thick finish and flooring ; 25 cents on white pine lath ; 50 cents on No. 2 and mixed lath, and 25 cents on 32 inch lath. The new list brings No. 1 white pine lath to $5 f.o.b. Min- neapolis ; No. 1 mixed, $4.75 ; and ING. 2, 94:25. . Lhe Northwestern Hemlock Manufacturers’ Associa- tion took similar action at a meet- ing in Minneapolis on the 16th inst., when all items except sheathing lath were advanced $1. For hem- lock lath, the following prices were fixed: No. 1, 36 x 1%, 4 ft., $4.25; Na. 2, 63-755, 32..10ch) $2, < the market on both pine and hemlock continues very strong on account of the exceptionally heavy demand and light stocks. Spruce is also in a firm position and sold well ahead of the saws. In Boston the cur- rent prices are $25 and $27 for frames, the latter price being for timber running over nine inches. There is a better demand for hard- woods consequent upon the ap- proach of the spring trade. Birch KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION is selling well and there is a call for basswood and maple, but the sup- ply of these is comparatively large. GREAT BRITAIN. The light supply of lumber in Great Britain is at last having its natural effect upon prices and im- porters who were not disposed to consider offers made by shippers a few weeks ago are now anxious to close contracts at higher prices. For an ordinary specification of spruce 48 per standard c.i.f. Liver- pool is willingly paid. Red pine deals are not moving very actively, but sales have been made at £8 15s to 49 for 3 x 7 and 8 inch, and 410 55 to S10 158 for 3 ag inch. The advance in spruce is ex- p2cted to bring about an increased inquiry for hemlock, which is now quoted at £6 5s per. standard. First class waney pine is said to have realized an advance of 3d per foot above last season’s quotations, ruling prices being: 3s 8d per foot for 24 x 28, and 2d more foi longer stock. Quebec birch is bringing 22d for 16 inch average, 25d for 17 inch, and 2s 4d for 18 inch, and it is reported that some shippers are anticipating 2s 5d for the latter size. THE OTTAWA. VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Otrawa, March 21, 1906.—The British buyers have been in the Ottawa Valley for some time, but the prices they are offering do not tempt the local manufacturers to part with their stock. The keen demand for lumber in the United States has sent the prices up to a mark beyond which the English Luyers will go. Instead of manu- facturing deals for shipping across the sea it looks as if a vaster quan- tity of lumber than usual will be manufactured into the thinner sizes this year and sent to the United States. Gilmour:& Hughson will cut for the American market xclu- sively. The W. C. Edwards Company or J. R. Booth have not disposed of the season’s output and they feel disposed to insist on a higher figure than has yet been given before making a sale. The British agents say that all the lumbermen are ask- ing the highest prices in the history ot the trade. The prices are more than ten per cent. above the con- KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON & = | - Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS -before. tracts made last season. The only big sales for the 1906 cut are the East Templeton Lumber Company and the John Maclaren Lumber Company, of Buckingham, both sold to Watson & Todd. The Hawkes- bury Lumber Company, like Booth and Edwards, has not acceptge. an offer yet for its output. The local lumbermen believe the figures on the British market will have to advance before they can keep the Canadian lumber from go- ing almost entirely across the border. On all grades the United States buyers are paying from $1 to $3 more than paid a year ago. Manu- facturers and buyers decline to state the exact prices paid for purchases of complete outputs, but they are unanimous in asserting that the market has an upward tendency such as has never been experienced The most active demand is for white pine. On account of the bad hauling all season some lumber- men despair of getting out their whole pine cut. The situation is a striking contrast with last season, when the sleighing was good in the woods till March 24th. Looking back upon the 1906 win- ter,lumbermen realize that the Janu- ary and February thaws crippled their operations to what has proved to be a quite serious extent. Basswood and birch have strength- ened considerably and desirable lots are being picked up quickly. Prices are very irregular in birch and only that sawn under the best con- ditions and in modernly equipped TS Se March 28, 1906 mills command the top prices. The 7 best birch piles are being held at figures that astonish the buyers. The prices are more buoyant ‘thas ; last year on account of the sma cut, which is about half what it wa in the season of 1905. Some logs . could not be taken out owing to the rapid disappearance of the snow. The chief scenes of opera- tions in birch timber during the sea- son were the Gatineau, Parry Sound and Labelle rivers. In open re- gions along these streams the ground was so bare that hauli operations were hindered oe most of the time. The small mil will have a meagre output, as th ey Operate in the most unfavorable districts. hia A The choicest winter cut basswood ~ is selling for $24 per thousand for mill run, with mill culls out. __ The market for shingles is very active,the demand in both the Unit-_ ed States and local markets being keen. Building was so _ buoyant ~ last year as to exhaust the stores and the prices which went upwards — never declined. Laths are scarcer still than shingles. The demand is — due entirely to a building boom on 4 both sides of the border. » 7s y . Ph oy REMOVAL NOTICE. The Montreal offices of this paper will, on May ist, be removed from the Alliance Building to Room B34, Board of Trade Building, St. Sacrament street, where our friends and business acquaintances will — always be welcome. The telephone num- ber will remain sc Main 2299. shan ot on sient? Fry HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER. & MANUFACTURING co. Wholesale Doalers in PINE, HEMLOCK LUMBER. CAN SUPPLY Correspondence Solicited. wv 3 Samples by 80 St. Francis Xavier Stret WHOLESALE | UMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SP Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY - 1%", 2” and 3” Rock Elm, 1sts and ands, 1”, 1%", 144" and 2” Chestnut, OS om 1”, 14%", 134” and al. Butternut, ‘ THE ‘MCLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL ¢ RED and WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES. _ SPECIAL A quantity of 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14 and 16 ft. Cedar Posts. Telephone Poles 25 to 50 feet. Hop Poles and Ladder Poles in pine and cedar. Special bills for small sizes in pine and oak, Send for Caine WOODSTOCK, ONT. and H ARDWOOD KNIGHT BROTHER LIMITED Bark’s Lis. = MONTREAL, QUE. ~ March’ 28, 1906 LUMBER ‘PRICES AT WINNIPEG. q The city of Winnipeg recently _ invited-tenders for the annual supply _ of lumber, approximating between _ 2,000,000 and 3,000,000 feet. _ The contract “was awarded to the _ Sprague Lumber Company at the ~ following ‘prices: _ Drop siding, No. 3 — pine $32.00 B. C. 30.00 : eee «white pine 32.00 = B. C. 32.00 «6 No. 2, B.C. fir 44 39.00 ao “edge grain 1” 37.00 eS “ flatgrain 4” 34.00 peat No. 3, B. C. spruce 32.00 ling No. 3, white pine 32.00 >: ‘« red pine 27.00 ee f° 14” B. C. fir 30.00 «“c Shu 6G 24.00 d x£6 14 ‘* spruce 32.00 6 5gu 6 24.75 7 yu ‘clear ie cedar, gt Perak “ 41.00 eS yu § clear cedar, 6” 51.00 - Shiplap 85° _ Boards, 1” 2nd common, white pine 12 in. and wider 23.80 “S - Boards, 1” 2nd common, red pine, ———-—s« 8 and 10 in. and wider 20.00 Bee No. 1 culls 16.30 a Be S* 11.30 49-50 - Finighings, 1’ white pine B. select : 1%", 1%” and 2” white : pine B. select 54.50 -¥ - Finishings, white “pine £. select;'1 44.50 "i 14, 1% and 2/ 49.50 - - Finishings, B.C. clear fir up to 12 in. ¥ . wide 36.50 _ Finishings, B.C. clear fir over 12 in. _ wide 42.50 Finishings, B. C. clear cedar up to -_. 12in. wide 52.75 -Finishings, B. C. clear cedar, 13 in. E ™ . to 18 in. wide 59.50 Oak lumber, No. 1 79.00 es No. 1, all white pine 5-70 Saas. < “ “ red ‘ 4.20 S “ “Nop2, 3-45 _. Shingles, No. 1, cedar ee are. OF Greer Bros., of Port Arthur, Ont., ve secured a contract to supply 00,000 ties within a year for the and Trunk Pacific Railway. “MoLennan Timber Land ANd LUMDEF GO., rimitea 4 _ ‘Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kindsof TIMBER LAXDS ( res Ot es ee 4 3 Farwell & Son -: - iGontractors and Dealers in -GEDAR | 1am TELEPHONE. AND. ELECTRIC , LIGHT POLES Osw: ego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. awa, room 9 Central Chambers Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION II. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CanaDa LUMBERMN,): St Joun, N.B., March 2oth, 1906.—Reports from logging oper- ations both in the lower counties: and the up-river districts tell of a snecessful_ finishing up of the winter’s work as far as hauling’ is concerned. Conjecture is now rife as to how the driving season will turn out. Whileit is rather early to say much in this regard, the general opinion among those versed in the matter is that the indications are all quite favorable. The English market is showing increased strength week by week and the local feeling consequently tends toward higher prices. The prosperous condition of the Ameri- can markets is having and will have an important effect upon the markets of the United Kingdom. A tangible cause of this effect is found in the fact that, while the present prices or similar figures are available in the United States, American manufac- turers who do business in Canada, and particularly those of the Mari- time Provinces, will secure as many ‘‘American” logs as possible. In some cases large quantities of dutiable lumber will be shipped to the U.S. markets. Local stocks of ‘‘English’’ are dwindling rapidly and such parcels. as are being sent forward by the winter liners are in most cases being brought by rail from portable plants at inland points. None of the local mills will be sawing before mid-May and that means July rst before any important quantity will be-ready” to -go forward. The re- ceipts from the portable mills mentioned above will have practi- cally ceased with the going of the snow, which can scarcely last more than a week or ten days more at WHITE OAK Bill Timber up to 4o feet long, 16 inches square and under—quick delivery. Drop us a line describing your wants and we will gladly quote you prices. WM, J. PULLING & CO. WINDSOR, ONT. ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Poste anditien oa ccs. SPECIAL LOTS—100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16,000 8/4 Tam- arac. Prices on application. Please fadead this paper when cor- responding with advertisers. Planing and Matching '——IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. y Factory near Station. Write for Prices. ’"Phone 113 | CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER: 60., LIMITED 604 Temple Building, Toronto » MIL LMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.’ Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s the outside. Thus the quantities of “English” deals available at this port between this date and July rst will be remarkably light. Local feeling in regard to the future of the English market is of a decidedly optimistic nature. For delivery during the summer or early fall, no lowerquotationon ‘‘English” deals than $13 to $13.25 per M. sup. feet; fio. b. St: John, on a specification containing say 507% 7’s and 8’s, 35% 9’s and 15% wides, two-thirds price for fourths and ends. Freight rates to the West Coast are quoted at 37s 6d, and are not particularly strong at that figure. A. F. Holden, Pres. jJ.M F. H. Goff, Vice-Pres. E. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. —— SARNIA, on I, The saw and grist mills of Cham- poux Bros. at Disraeli, Que., was destroyed by fire last month. The loss is placed at $22,000. Established 1889, Incorporated 1896 We Solicit the Trade of Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. GO. 2ist and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of— Veneéeréd Doors uu 5 TTT Ss Ga ee THU \ Se == aul = VSOU We Solicit a Share of Your Business. E. J. DAVIS MFG. CO. 21st. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. Our Doors are known the world over and ara recognized as the best made. Send for catalogues and price lists. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LIMITED Mills: LAT Branch Offices : speciaties: GOOD SIDINGS, TORONTO Manchester, Eng. CHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK ONTARIO {We Offer DRY MILL CULLS 10 Cars 4/4 Sidings 4/4 x (o and i2 Rate low; price fair Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. WANTED—2?>—. 2,000,000 X X (6 in. C. 40,000, Cedar Fence Po B.) Pine and Cedar Shingles. sts, 5 in. and up at the top, 8 ft. long. If you can supply any quantity of the above, write stating quantity and lowest prices. Cc. A. LARKIN, Wholesale Lumber Toronto, Ont. ss Le CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Band - Circular CACHE. ve aes Cat. ot Sp ae \ yam, 6 miles West North Bay Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Gane UMBER anD LATH IV. URE CaNADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION LUMBERING OPERATIONS IN NEW BRUNSWICK. In spite of the drawbacks occa- sioned by the scarcity of snow, there will be a large output of lum- ber from Albert county this year. In addition to the stationary mills at Albert and West River, numerous portable mills are in operation. One of the largest operators is P. J. McClellan, of Riverside, who has four crews and two mills almost continuously at work. Near the Standard Lake, Mr. McCleljan has a large crew cutting logs that are being hauled to the Wright steam mill at Memel, which is running night and day, making deals, boards and laths. Operations will probably be continued by these crews right through the summer. At Midway Mr. McClellan’s portable mill has cut over a million feet, and after sawing a cut for Charles Hawkes, it will be moved to Albert to saw Mr. McClellan’s other cut of a million or more from the Crooked Creek work. W. J. Carnwath is operating at Memel, with a portable mill. He is operating on what was formerly: Pine Finishing LU MBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling tong Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH. PREG Ea Roe “ “ rr > ~~ ; ial March 28, = es the Stevens property. Atthe upper | Brothers and others are doing a end of the parish the Milton | large business. ; 2% Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete, In Car Lots. Ask Your Ticket Agent Manufacturer of for tickets via the Doors, Sash, Mouldin s, Ceilings eeface* HARDWOOD FLOORING | WISGONSIN “GENTRAL Rum I A SPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - _ Orillia, Ont.. Correspondence Solicited. "Phone No. 54. J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if degifed End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Minneapolis, st. Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago and all p east, west, north and south. ‘ Convenient trains. Bx Pullman sleepers. Pag Free reclining chair cars. — Dining cars. — For full information, address _ H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling 371 Robert St., St. Bee Mi CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS ; = THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. |; PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE Pine, Hemlock, Lath, Shingles, Etc. TORONTO FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, | OWEN SOUND, ONT. Office: 503 Manning Chambers - - Ferguson Lumber Company LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES Gibats and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, °° shiting’”” QUEBEC PENETANGUISHENE F. M°CIBBON & SONS, ONT. Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS et SPRAGGE, Aizoms > Dist., **Soo”’ Branch c. P. R. MANUFACTURERS OF | White and Red Pine “| Lumber and Lath Water Shipments Manning Arcade, Toronto Coristine Building, Montreal. And at Millis at Spragge. THE M. BREANEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GD, LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. OFFICES ° Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. R LADDLAW LUMBER JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE. ho PLAYFAIR & a q Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES BILL TIMBER a Speciait MIDLAND, ONT. — MAITLAND, RIXON & C0. D wairatacnunets and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. i Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill ‘Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED. National Lite Chamber TORONTO, ONT. te? 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Mafn 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and - OWEN ‘SOUND, 4 ONTARIO, e oe HARDWOOD FL OOR INC End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, a HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK | 3H, %, Wh, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and : ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER - J. S. FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT. AUGER & SON Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pise, Oak, Redwood, We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada au United States : Spruce, White Pine, White Seat Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Birch, Maple and Oak ia Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles ‘Guede March 28, 1906 Canapa LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION UNITED STATES MANUFAGTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS © BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE Peco ink IUMEeER CoO. Manufacturers__... AARDWOOD LGMBER Oak Bending and Wagon Stock a Specialty ALA. DETROIT, MICH. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO 2 Mills : EUTAW, NNUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a Spe cialty. nmterior Trim Mill Work. NIAGARA eee N. Y. | 3 F, QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS THE WICKS LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. BLACK ASH AND ROCK ELM SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES. FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE masov a nos LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. FRANK GC, BURY WHOLESALE MICHICAN | WE BUY LUMBER WE SELL ALL KINDS SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, Cypress and Yellow Pine Stillwell & Company DETROIT, Mich. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measurers | Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC FP. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street' - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND OD BROKBERS ‘** TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B “Zebra” and Private. Cable Address ; ae CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; "Hardwoods in 1 Log, E Ete. ib handled to the best advantage to all ports in the Uni nedom 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, * "oxoor: °c Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS a EE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & 60. Wood i gents and Brokers SS AEE Cable Address: “ GELLICHT,” LONDON 657 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England SR aS a A ES SE JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER N BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLA TIMBER MERCHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elim Logs and Lumber, Elm Staves and Heading, Handles of all descriptions Veneers A Specialty ————, SMITH & TYRER - 14 ithebam street, LIVERPOOL -. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TyRER & Co., Keith Building, 4134 Barrington Stree GANT & KEMP ¢ : @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW * BROKERS Cable Aer: “TECTONA” Glasgow. and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes : gvebra, Western Union, Southards, and London.” B.C. 4th and 5th Editions THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances mee against shipping document MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF dUSEPH OWEN & SOND, LID. ges White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock pele Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Timber Importers | Be! timber porters . ALSO... All 2 eS “of Lumber and Manufactured Cable Address **Qwen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. cod Goods sultable for the English ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS - Liverpool and London Chambers CABLE ‘LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND ADDRESS “DOBLE, LIVERPOOL” ~*~ ' ~ # PPan a = bat g Ft ~~ ee Wet? | | CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | 3 pe March 28, 8 | hice pheirber ig C. E. Hi. HEAPS & CO., _— oe me WVWancouver, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIACTIES : AA{ HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size,-Cedar Finish, Base, — New Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in Back: FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Oo» LATH, MOULDINGS am aber Cc TURNED WORK Cc oost civ “e, BO wie RADE. 1iCc vance” RED GEDAR SHINGLES — Ontario peencataties, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO — Limited — , — , ~ Y Z , 7m “ SSS TSS os SSS oS} rea et ot nL Pg el ee es NN Ti Rn eR i —_ a= Seoss se > 4 —t 7 sr Sa a ~~ IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR 1906 CALENDAR WRITE FOR ONE, ITIS A CORKER March’ 28, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vi | E . H, HEAPS, ! J. A. McNAIR, President - Vice-President. oe ae UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER. B. C. ss Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAY “We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots. FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH ; R : BOSTON, MASS. | gern — a ELBER, JU CKER & C0 H. D. WICCIN 89 STATE ST. ALL KINDS OF ‘LUMBER _ MANCHESTER BRCEAND will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for : THE 'E INDEPENDENT LU MBE - C 0. LTD. __ Invite offers from Lumbermen for . .. = es 2, Shocks, Sashes, Moalaings, “Dowels, S e a: : - ua GET ouaearidms | eran abn | ty icia lt BRANCH Woods Suitable Soar c, Seats, ete., or any | Fim, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood | . HEAD OFFICE -REGINA,SASK. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. : Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. 4 4 oo J. E. YOUNG, Cashier _ D.C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. —— The, Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work s ikem CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING ” ils at RAT PORTAGE and. RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: WINNIPEG, Manitob Or r Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. CODE: AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE. H. H. SPICER THOMAS ~c pais bi oakley SIDENT. MGR. AND SECY. Export LUMBER & SHINGLE Co 24270 Head Office, 44-46 Flack Building, VANCOUVER, B.C. Ee Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Pacific Coast Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. Shipping ts is 1,500,000 SHINGLES per day. % Will the Trade please note that we only claim a daily sipping capacity of 1,500,000 shingles. Our competitors who make larger claims are nice peoree but seem inclined to exaggerate, Vill. THE ONTARIO LU M BER C9 wares Mitts: North Bay, Ca) ean Oa CaNADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Bank St. Chases: BIRCH - BIRCH - BIRCH i In 1in., 14% in., 1% in., 2in., 214 in, and 3in. No. 1 and 2 Conmneaa about 1,000,000 feet. Write us for prices on this stock, W. B. BARTRAM & Cc PEDWELL 1e LEMCKE, !2:,"* Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lux Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. — Rail or Water Shipments. A. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES, Home Tite Building 1 ORO N TO, Ont. MILts: sbi River, Georgian Bay Delivery. Water ape Only. THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers ; High Grade'Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Sarrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Pilates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries for prices, etc., by Mail, Wire or Phone. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . . . . ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. ‘Roam sig: - BOSTON, MASS. MANUFACTURERS OF se ves Correspondence Sotttera 4 We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. W. EYER @ CO. 43 Adelaide SoG nuel Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. pistes: : Figs good strips : y Pine mill LN seeee F400 16 00 varut IDs weeees caseseens oo | Pine O. culls....... 750 10 50 ; 2 j : | == 1% in, and 1% in... oe a bs a Spruce, 1"xq"& up 14.00 15 00 PING... ceases ceteees eee $400 | Spruce. cers receene: ae x sgn Sick +. 38 00 42 00 hie = stocks, ; a he SHINGLES. t ne, g' shorts: 7.8,9and 10”,. . 16 00 170 TORONTO, ONT I cae seseseew 28.00 30 00 | Spruce,1” clear (fine ree: cP oe XXXX.-$4 50 $4 75 — butts, 6x18 .... ’ . pe and 1% in... 36 00 40 00 dressing and B.. 24 00 Reena eee 3-75 Hasleck CAR OR CARGO LOTS. = os Loe oe 9 00 44 00 Laps ek “oe 13 00 MOOtH OxXTG....0+- 4°50 4 75] Spruce. inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4to 8in 15 00 16 00 9 ngs.. 17 oo | Bassweed......... 20 00 24 00 cuts & better......$49 00 51 00| 2x4 to rin.,loto16ft. 16 00 17 0» eer No. t dressing Poe Lath, per M way 1% inch No 1 ax4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 1700 18:0 5. iding.... ... .. 23003700 No.1 white pinerji’x4'4 4 25 ; : cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00/ Clear inch B.C. cedar, ine, No.1 dressing No. 2 white pine.... 350 4 00 ma 2’ No 1 Cuts and kiln dried. .........» 50 00 StripS....:. ssee2.++ 2000 28 00 Spruce, mill ran..... 3 00 3 5° BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y Better:c.. 2-2 5600 58 00] Clear inch B.C. cedar Pine No.1 dressing Red Pine, mill run.. 300 350° ‘i xxxx, 18 inch........ 325 3 75 selli - «No a Pine Cuts thuber aigitoiaa feet. < o.atso pitti? tor” .....20 00 2200] Clear I Rak, ab tach 2 ahaa (Wholesale selling price.) and Better........ 46 00 48 00| Douglas fir dimension me he CoP aa bet- 4 XX 18 inchs..scecevee 1 5¢ 2 02 Uppers, 1, 14,14 anda 1H ieseeceeeeesee 1% inch No. 3. timber, 30 to 35 feet 32 80 rad Oe SS ed hite Cedar Shingles pee Tag ciate 8200] 2 iD sseveveneeeere Cuts and better.... 41 00 42 00/ 1% in. No. 1 4 ft. Pine Pine REP. sidings ce ge Hee ST en ok re ee 9 oo | Se in u” a. Bet WS strips...... I§ oo I , GOS Ra) ei 95 OMe. oe i a) ae TS gat Woo aHE! tnth 40 $49 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 52 18.00 Clear Butt,xBinch.... 275 300 Selects im.......... 73 £0 | No. x3 old'st'ps rtos rin. Pine Dressing 1%” No. 1 32’ pine lath 2 co Pine, boxboards.... 1400 1§00| XX, 18inch......-... 1 50 200 1% to 2in......... 72 00 eek ae siete nsiate emee and better shorts 23 00 24 00 | 1%” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 3 50 2% and 3 in....... 85 00 No. 2 Moulding Strips, 1x4, 6and 8 common 20 00 21 00| XXXXPineShingles 290 300 rit IN. .eeceeeesetece 96 0O Vtodin. ss cee 1K 10 common...... 21 00 2200| XX PineShingles .. 220 2 30 ine common, x in. 57 00 ber am in..... 1X12commion...... 23 00 24 00|X Pine Shingles .. 90 SARNIA, ONT. 1%, and 1% in..... 59 00 - ro in 2X.0 common...... 21 00 22cO| XX Cedar Shingles 220 2 25 ef 2 ID .,evesenecece 61 00 0. 2, 10 in... aand 3x12 yonisiee. 24 00 25 00 B. C. Shingles UPPERS. 1 x67 an Me Tee go : i. teteeeneeeenes ss = Sper Bs 1x10 inch x an XXX 6 butts to2 in. 05 1] da wi # 00 se eeecsre wee Pene cee 3 . common ....-..-.. 20 0@ 21 cO| XXXX 6to 23-16 in. 27 na LS) Satake « we oo 1 X LOK. -.-s see «+++ 28 00 ce up, No. 1, 1 in. 48.00) No. 3 12 iD.....005 Inch mill runsidings a1 09 22 00o| KKXXX 5 to2in.. 3 60 2% and 3” “ ,. 86 00 1 a Bn aR a ane HEPES eae Bord Pee be rin. millrun...... . 21 00 22 00} XX No, 2,6to2in.. 4! «oT 94 00 14 x 6” and up......-- + 27 00 Nos Cuts...... 5800} xrx6&up. 1x10 and 12 mill culls 16 50 1750'XX “ 6 to 23-16 in. 25 Series tx TO" se ee eeeeec scenes 28 00 No. 2,1 Pe 28 00 TXI0-.. 0000.0 I ue mill cull we Red pine, clear ; 13h X12" ewes eevee eens jo 00 No. 2, 1%, & 14 4300] IKIZ.....05 oe v EE ng ts a 550 1650| andclear face... 2300 24co 1! in., 8” and w ee wide.... S foxe) a x6 and Up........-. 27 00 No. 3, ths and “iG 3200] Ix OD) ance ae I in ndead cull sidings 42 00 13 00 Red ‘pine, common 1%, 134 and 2 +++. 67 00 2” X TO"... ee eee s+seeee 28 00 No, 32” 2... .see 3500) x4and1%4& ain. 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 oo an se. 1400 1700 2/4 and 3” .. 8I 00 et © eo ene « 3000 §©Dressing 1 in...... 42 00] Mill Culls, 1,14, 1% lates 4! st 8&9 00 14x10 and 12 44 00 and 2in : aaNet: mctpieenn Agata Deer ant FINE, COM. AND ne i rae ee bit $ The following sean on hardwoods represent the job Ash White, sts and ft Elm, millrun 21 a2 0 y X Tim.......+.. «$27 00 to $35 00 ands, 1 to 2in. - $33 00 35 00 Ein: common a! hd in., 8” and up wide... 56 00 1h, 1% and 2" 33 oo to 35 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; Ash, Black, ists an and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 1 and 1%” a. §8 00 24 and 3”..... 38 00 WHITE ASH. - ands, 1 to2in.... 30 00 3200 | Rock Elm, common aves 59 00 Mo vw weceene. ace aoe Ist & and, x inch, 38.00 40 00| 236 tog In......seeee Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 FINE COMMON, NO. 2 BARN, 1% to2in_........ 40 00 42 oo] Strips...... qe cca 00 23 00 Mate conirOrraNa co 2300 yw. cesses 48 00 to 60 00 Tim........... 24 O00 27 00 Com. and Birch, c>mmon an Maple common an 1%, 1% to 2” .. 55 00 56 00 1%, 134, and 2” 25 co to 27 co better, rin....... 25 00 26 better, rin...... Y oe i BLACK AND BROWN ASH. gt Birch, common and ra) mapenousites ana oO. 23.00 agenda a= 78 oo eS:e0 a% and 3”..... 29.22 ist & ana, 6 nch up, 33 co 4000| Com. & good culls. .- "44 00 better, 1% to3in 2700 2800| better, 134 to3 in 24 00 25 00 NO. I CUTS. NO. 3 BARN. BIRCH, Birch, mill run.... 22 co 23 00| Maple, millrun... 2000 21 00 1tin., 8” and up wide... 37 00 REATD . Wintcieaye cintaiste 21 oo to 23 00 ist & and, 6 inch & 1st &and, white, 6’ ree 30 b 3 Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, Ists 1% in, +++ 47 00 tp 1% ‘and 2” 21 co to 24 00 up, red.......... . 40 00 42 oo | Com. & good culls. ~ and a rin,, 2100 2200| and ee Sensacene 4600 §000 1% in, > ay OO” 1%, ‘geste 35 GS Common and culls... 15 00 17 00 | Common culls...... 16 t Elm, common and ends,....... +70 00 00 nee peel Sica ee «AIM NIZE aa arelaereteos c and better, 1in.. 25 @0 26 00 Hiskory, ists Mert a . pestict > As No. I mill culls, est Soft Elm, common MBS. case tes ae 36.00 3800 1 in.,6 and up wide.... a1 co 1,1%, 1% 2” 1600to 1800 jst & 2nd hard...... 20 00 23 06 Faden 76S Por and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 28 oo 1h, a oe a5 STrncurta: Common and culls— 1400 15 00 | Common and ae aus “ ose 37 =H een Culls 1”, 1%, 1% 2%, 3and4 vere 49 ONG 2 Chics wa casey OO oe QUE. No. 3 CUTS. No. 2, ty 85 er OD ; BOSTON, MASS. NE—IN THE RAFT ss rin., or Go tig ees 19 00 LATH. White Pine U ane, tia te sane ereee $84 00 to. Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 174, anes ‘ase 23 00 i Late, ects, 1 tO 2ATICH....sereye ceeeneee seeeeeeseeeees JO OO First class Ottawa’ waney, 18 inch average, actordine to lineal... # & ra ” i pcplae > Noa : a" Wa eater AM Fine Common, 1 inch... ...002 .--++-++1seeeeeee+ 6000 1g to20inchaveragé ‘' ‘ ol OS CS 2%, 3 and 4 ssaueao CO 1 I, 48” pine....sescsee 450 No; 1 Cuts, 1 ink toa he ae i, RP ne oo Lice ot bore ee Be sai] ae aoe Bf tea tachss nar ojcichatsaaee a easured off, according to avera d quality......+.0seseeres hae A eC Uy No. 2 Cuts, rInch......cececeee sevcevereccscescss 30 00 ieioping order g ge and qu ee edeah estos - Ee nxs Se hee .. 21 00 Se ae oe 1M to 2imch.........600 cacceseccesse 4500 OAK MICHICNa ae : pias ; Ser Base ate 5 Sita ce a 2188 pacntosin Net: vue e ese ec dace vie's alvisisn(vulsinnlsiaiaienl aes ‘ By the dram, according to average and quality . . bile 48 520 RTD" oo reece ee ee eee $2700 No.2“ sx 1.35 135 No. See 26 00 ELM. i” x13and up.......... 28 00 Spruce, zo and 12 i, GIMBEMALOR. «50 ons nzsca rare cr im. and under ........020000 creeeeeenees By the dram, accordin to average and quality 40 to 45 ie 7 65 75 fo and ee in. random lengths, ro ft. and up...... a goto3sfet. 52 54 , 2x3, 2x4, 2x5, 256, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, £ 5 ALBANY, N.Y. oft. and up...... ..,.-s. oi 30 kee ee 10 inches and up, accu to pba and ad -qhality. ob enaGl Yia8, All Boer cee lengths, 9 in. and under, 10 Average 16 inch . nae ; 30 32 Be ft. and up........-..5 one ne BIRCH, : Us rs, 3 In, «2... .+e2+- 88 90 | 1x12 ea a rae see a8 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.18 14 Inch ae eaBree 4/4 inch 4 p-28 30 Out Spruce boards, p.15s.......... eens 1 ‘ aoe) Ieee aes, ae 4/4,Box boards 6' a aa 22 23 1x2 and rx3 furring p. 1 a clipped and bundled ae 7 “ ‘ . . oo. + 30 31 inch uppers ro-in, dressing and better... 30 35 ai spruce laths Le erent > me ene ae “ “ . os 34 36 toects 2% i in w r2-in, dressing and better... 40 Sats ons eoeMCoee oe eR atone 18 H P ‘ >> tyes gO Ito 2in......+.2-5 Box, IX10-in. ........000005 23 OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, gocd sidings: 1 in. =7 in, and up ae, ©o 4400 1% in, and 1% in, 7 in. and up...... ae 56 00 | 1x8 & g No.2 2in.x 7 in.and up ‘2 00 56 oo Pine No. 2 cuts 2x8’&up 34 op Sie . «73 Fine common, 2% in. and up 75 £0 Biller waemee esicinealn No. 1 cuts, 1 to2 inch O. Be ccccsccevcccess 38 1x10 No. x barn.... On Zecccccncssce agus ee oS. 1x10 No, ‘i iin ea et No. 1 molding, 1 to2in. 50 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn... 18 oo No. 2 molding, z to 2 in. 38 16 00 Staines eer ae: = orts 6 to nn’ racket p! opddevne ones Shelvin; csi x2-in. up .. 40 tocces evecee 37 00 18 6O ‘4 yee ate e rurg 4 Laren at ase ae Ree eee e een eer eeee ee eee teen ee eeeeee Clear Whites .. aoa Extra 1s (Clear whites ‘out) es Extra 1s (Clear whitesin).... BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. Red Qodan Eaten, shins 5 butts to 2 in. .... “ee Eurekas, «8 eeeeees wars case GC Perfections, 5 Butts to in. — — WIMBERMA AND WOOD - WORKER WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 per vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, 6vsry week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD Canapa Lumperman fhe G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. BS ‘Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS. ST,, VANCOUVER, B. Cc. Be eter velanic ped up-to-date ro fednesday, contains re! le and up e re- of apret conditions and tendencies in the incipal manufacturing districts and leading estic and foreiga wholesale markets. A medium of information and communica- between Canadian timber and lumber manu- v3 a athag pgiperetpeay the purchasers of efue Monthly Lambornan. A page Jouraa : i U0 — A 44-page journal, dis 44 Sarid: tugectinliy subjects perti- fe the lumber and wood- working industries. NTED AND FOR SALE * Vou. XIV = y Se eter chek mertton. 15 cents per line ea on. fe fal nie eansontive insertions are ‘ed a discount of a5 per cent. will be allowed. 7 shows the width of the line and is set type; 12lines make oneinch. Ad- must be received not later than 4 en Tuesday to insure insertion in week's issue — TED—ALL BAND FILERS AND hers interested, to read ‘‘The Filer.” A com- sive work on Band Re-Saw Fitting. It will ten out those Band Saw kinks. $1 oo Postpaid. “Davis, Hampton, Va., U.S. A, HFRS OR PULP “GNGESSING os ders will be received by the undersigned up including the Day of April Next tto-cut pulp wood on certain areas ‘the Montreal river, in the District of the Nepigon River, in the District of ; the Rainy Lake, the Wabigoon Lake of the Woods, all in the Dis- River. Tenderers should statethe nt they are prepared to pay as bonus, in to such dues as may be fixed from time rthe rightto operate a pulp or pulp industry in the areas referred to. al tenderers will be required to erect he territories, and to manufacture the 9 pulp in the Province of Ontario. 8 making tenders will be required to de- h their tender a marked cheque,’ pay- le Treasurer of Ontario, for 10 percent. unt of their tender, to be forfeited in t of their not entering into agreements out conditions, ete The highest or any not necessarily accepted. , ularsas to description of territory, uired to be invested, etc ,apply to the uf i ip £ HON. F, COCHRANE, ‘ Minister of Lands and Mines, = Toronto, Ont, ruary 3, 1906, oe TORONTO, MONTREAL — APRIL 4, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER No. 4 ANTED AT ONCE, 250,000 14” NO. 2 DOOR Pine. _Gotp Mepar FurnitTuRE Co , Toronto, OR SALE—ENGINE AND BOILER, FIF- teen and twenty horse power, cheap. BRAMM Bros., Berlin, Ont. OR SALE—WHITE OAK, RED OAK,CHEST- nut, White Wood, Basswood ard Elm, &c., which we can cut to order; also all kinds of Piling. Address Lock Box 12, Vineland, Ont. OREMAN WANTED TO TAKE CHARGE OF saw mill, also foreman for planing and boxboard mill. Must be able to speak English and French. Apply to DonALp FrRasER & Sons, Cabano, P. Q. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SimcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. FOR SALE BOUT 16 MILES OF TIMBER LIMIT WITH 30,000 logs and saw mill, shingle mill, pulpwood mill, all running and doing good business. Address O. E. Martin, Norwood, N. Y, HAS YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to robable payers by placing an advertisement in he Wanted and For Sale Department of this journal. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- ronto . Se eS et WANTED. OFF TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ-— ate lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, K: ENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. TIMBER LIMIT FOR SALE IMBER LIMIT KNOWN AS THE WHITE FISH Indian Reserve, 68 square miles, situ- ated’ on Soo line, 12 miles from Sudbury, con- taining principally Hemlock, also Spruce and Pine. For further particulars apply to D. O'Connor, Temagami, Ont. Canadian Shipments Wanted N OLD ESTABLISHED FIRM OF TIMBER merchants in the North of England desire to get in communication with Canadian manufacturers or shippers of both hard and_soft lumber, also “doors and mouldings. CaNnapA LUMBERMAN. FOR SALE Birch & Hardwood Consumers Proposition ATER POWER SAW MILL, FULLY equipped mill, capacity 25 to 30 M. Power cap- able of developing up to 300 h.p. Standing timber. The mill is-situated on good chain of lakes with an unlimited supply of hard and soft woods. Apply Box 375, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. HEMLOCK BOARDS “PaBEE MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England Market for shipment during the year 1906. Boards to be P1S to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet and up long, or clipped, 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14and 16 feet. Willtake ship- ments either by rail or sail. CHARLES S. WENT- woTtH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. WANTED FIRM _~MANUFACTURING WOODEN boxes of all kinds in Province of Quebec de- sires to start a branch factory in Ontario and wants to correspond with party capable of managing same who has $3,000 to $5,000 toinvest. Such party must have general knowledge ot the box business and good executive and business ability. Intention is to manufacture general line of wooden boxes in addition to line of specialties of which we control the manufacturing rights for Canada. Address Box 368 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Reply in first instance to Box 367, _ AND UP BUFFALO ANTED—BIRCH LOGS, 16” diameter, 8 feet and over long. VENEER COMPANY, Buffalo, N.Y. W ANTED—TWO CARLOADS OF CEDAR Bark. State lowest cash price f.o.b. cars. Address, D. O’CONNOR, Temagami, Ont. OR SALE—150 M FEET M. R. BIRCH; 50 M feet M. R. basswood; so M. feet oak; cut during 1905. Ecuo Bay Lumprr Co, Echo Bay, Ont. \ JANTED—1’ CULL SOFT ELM AND BASS- wood, 1” spruce, black ash c. & b. all thick- nesses, cedar and tamarac. R, E. K!NSMAN, Hami'ton, Ont. WANTED ASSWOOD, BIRCH, POPLAR, ETC.; ALSO other box lumber, Shipping culls. Quote delivered Chicago. AMERICAN Box Co, ,Chicago FOR SALE UMBER AND COAL YARD; SITUATED IN Wyoming, Ont.; the only lumber yard in the place; will sell cheap. Lock-Box 9, Wyoming, Ont, WANTED. HAte TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or sepa- rate lots: Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, Box 363, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED IFTY TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND feet of strictly clear, straight grain, second growth White Ash, ranging from 3” x 4” to 4’ x 5”, 12 and 14 ft. lengths, suitable for horse poles. AMERICAN LaiFRANCE FIRE ENGINE Company, Elmira, N. Y. WANTED SAWYER FOR MILL, WITH A CAPACITY ae Lumber Wanted WHITE AND RED OAK, 4” x 3” x2”; 4” x 3” > a Toxin sevales 4%" x ne SaaS VS ee XK 2/3 5x 3’ x1’; above can be cut out of rough pieces provided squared s nd cut to precise sizes; also 9” x 3%” x 24%” ; 6%" x 134” x 134”; manu- factured from clean, straight grained lumber, free from sap, rough knots or si.akes; 100 cars required for summer shipment, and put up in bags; quote f.o.b carsmill, CarTER, POWELL Lanp & LUMBER Co , Limited, Toronto, Ont. Tothe Lumber Trade E JUSTICE TO OURSELVES AND THE trade we wish to state that the recent failure of Perkins and Pettibone, Louisville, Kv., in no way affectsus. Wenever had any business re- lations with them of any kind whatever. We never saw 4 piece of their paper and no oneever saw a piece of our paper. We have always dis- counted our bills. Weowe no man apenny,and were neverin bettershape than now. PETTIBONE & DovuGLas, Polo, Ill. Dodds Anderson Lumber Co. We Want Your Lumber Send usa statement of all kinds of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., you have to offer for sale. We are in the market withthe highest cash price that is possible to pay; we will buy on GRADES, LOG RUN OR ESTIMATE THE ENTIRE STOCK. Dopps ANDERSON LUMBER CO., 436 Yonge St., Toronto, en i 2 Hardwood For Sale at Pembroke. OAK.—42,000 ft. 1” x 6/16 ft. M. R. 23,000 ft. 2 to 4”x6” and upxio/16 ft, M.R, MAPLE—43,0c0 ft. 1” x 6/16 ft. M. R. 16,000 ft. 2 to 4”x6 and upx19/16 ft. BIR CH—40,cooft. 1 x 6/16 ft. M. R. 40,000 ft.2 to 4”x 6and upxtio/16 ft.** BASS WOOD-— 70,000 ft. 1” x 6/16 ft. M. R. 13,000 ft, 2 x6/16ft M.R. Prompt quotations given on application. BROMLEY, Pembroke, Ont. JouHN OR SALE—ABOUT 250,000 FEET OF Hard Maple 1”, 1%”, 11%”, 2”, 2%”, 3”, 4”, last season'’scut. W. F. GALLOWAY, Ingersoll, Ont. WE HAVE TAKEN OUT AN UNUSUALLY nice stock of Hardwood Logs this winter, mostly Maple, some Beech; the logs are a.ery large run and extra good in quality ; we are pre- pared to receive off: rs for this stock to be cut to order on opening of navigation ; state price on cars here. C. BECK Mrce. Co., Ltd., Penetan- guishene, Ont. K Pa Tenders will be received by the undersigned up toand inclnding the 5th Day of May, 1906, for the right to cut the Red and White Pine only on Timber Berths ‘‘D” and ‘‘ HE,” situated on the Pigeon River in the District of Thunder Bay and Province of Ontario. The former contains an area of 13% square miles, and the latter an area of 12 square miles, more or less, Tenderers are asked tosay how much they are prepared to pay per thousand feet board measure for the Red and White Pine, inclusive of dues, and must accompany their tenders with a marked cheque in favor of the Provincial Treasurer for $500.00 in respect of each Timber Berth tendered for, to be forfeited in case the berth or berths are not accepted at the price offered, or if tender accepted to be retained and applied on account of the first instalmext of purchase money. The timber to be subject to the Crown Timber Regulations, including the ‘ manufacturing conditions, except as varied for the putpcses of this sale. The party awarded the berths or either of them, will be required to give a bond with satisfactory sureties for the payment of the price and the due performance of all terms and conditions required by the Department. Ground rent shall also be payable at the rate of $5 oo per square mile perannum,. The success- ful tenderer will be allowed until the goth April, 1911, to cut and remove the timber. Tenders may be for either or both the berths the highest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Tenders to be marked ‘‘Tenders for Timber Berths,’’ and to be addressed to the Honorable the Minister of Lands and Mines, Toronto. F. COCHRANE, Minister of Lands and Mines. Department of Jands and Mines, Toronto: 29th March, 1906. N.B.—No unauthorized publicaticn of this notice will be paid for. ‘Il WAN: TED—MILL SITE WITH OR WITHOUT buildings with about joo to 500 water power; must be accessible to railways and near a town where hands can live. A locality where electric power could be got reasonable would suit. RoBERT Howarp, Room 3, Liverpool & London & Globe Building, Montreal. FOR. SALE IVE MILLION FEET OF LUMBER ON Georgian Bay, about two-thirds to be cut from stock of twenty million, can ship by Rail or Vessel. Box 370 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED—AT ONCE, AN EXPERIENCED band-saw helper, for two double cut mill, situated near Ottawa, long season Must be quick, reliable and steady. Wages $3.50 per ays mill running. Young man preferred. Apply, stating age and experience, to Box373,c/o CANA- DA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED UOTATIONS ON THE FOLLOWING DRY Stock: One careach 14”, 1%”, 2”, 3”, 4” Hard Maple; 1%” Birch and 1” Soft Elm. Strictly ists and ands grade for export. Terms cash. ROBERT BURY Co., Teeswater, Ont. Lock Box 268, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Lumber conditions could not be more satisfactory. Inquiries are plentiful, but the volume of business is restricted by the scarcity of stock. Building operations in Toronto are exceptionally brisk, the value of permits granted during the past three months being approximately $1,900,000, compared with $1, 200,- ooo for the corresponding three months of 1905. There is naturally a heavy demand for building lumber and this promises to increase as the season advances. Prices are strong with little prospect of weakening in the near future. Manufacturers have sold a considerable proportion of the new cut of white pine and dealers whose stocks are running low are urging that their orders be filled immediately upon the resump- tion of sawing operations. Lath is being bought in some quantities even at the higher prices. Car load lots of No. 1 white pine are bringing $5 in the Ottawa Valley, but the range for the new cut is from $4.25 to $4.50. On account of the light production of logs last winter, the hardwood market has strengthened. There is also some improvement in the demand. WESTERN CANADA, The tendency of lumber prices in Western Canada is towards a higher range. The Washington Log & Brokerage Association last week advanced the price of logs 50 cents and $1 per thousand feet. Flooring logs are now quoted at $11, merchantable $8.50, and No. 2 $6. These are the highest quota- KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION tions ever made on logs in the Puget Sound district. Prices for British Columbia logs are now $9.50, $8 and $6 respectively for first, second and third grades, and even at these prices the supply is by no means plentiful. Coupled with the above facts is an exceptionally brisk de- mand for lumber in all branches. The spring movement has com- menced about two weeks earlier than usual and orders for building materials are being received faster than they can be filled. A manu- facturer of lumber, writing to the CANADA LUMBERMAN, says: ‘‘ The lumber conditions have improved very much in the past two months and I am now looking forward to one of the best years in the history of the lumber business of the West.” UNITED STATES. So great is the demand for lum- ber that there is a scarcity of stock in nearly all markets. The high prices have apparently not restricted the consumption, buyers being now more anxious to close contracts than at any previous time this year. Prices have moved in one direction only and that direction upwards. The Oregon pine mills last week added one dollar to the price of Oregon pine, and the cargo mills at Washington are contemplating an advance on toreign cargoes from $13.50 to $15 athousand feet. The Wisconsin Hardwood Association, at their spring meeting on March 27th, received a most encouraging report as to market conditions, onthe strength of which it was decided to advance the price list. The follow- ing prices were fixed for hardwoods f.o.b. Wausau: Inch log run ash, $25; inch log run birch, $19; inch log run basswood, $20.50; inch log run soft elm, $20; 1% to 2 inch, $21; 1 to 2 inch log run soft maple, $16; inch log run hard maple, $14. Hardwood stocks are considerably lighter than one year ago and the spring demand which is now show- ing itself promises to clean up the holdings of old stock. GREAT BRITAIN, Reports received from the British market speak very hopefully of spruce, which seems to be steadily gaining strength. Some of the lar- ger buyers who have been hanging back have now entered the market, but are finding that they must pay a substantial advance over what they could have bought for a few KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Limited Owen Sound, Ont. MARDWOOD, EMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT QUTSIDE POINTS weeks ago. Quotations are about 48 5s per standard c.i.f. Liverpool and London for summer shipments of New Brunswick spruce, and £8 Ios is predicted in the near future. The present price of Quebec spruce is 15S per standard over last year’s opening prices, sales having been made at the following figures: Fifth quality, from 47 10s to £7 12s 6d, c.i.f.; 3x9 inch fourths, from £8 10s to £8 12s 6d; 3x9 inch thirds, £9 5s; 3 x 8 inch thirds, from £8 7s 6d to £8 10s; 3 x 7 inch thirds, trom £8 2s 6d to £8 5s; 3x9 inch firsts, £14 5s. Hemlock deals are selling at £6 5s, but there are very light offerings and 46 Ios is predicted. STOCKS AND PRICES. The Davidson Lumber Company, of Bridgewater, N.S., are shipping about 50 carloads of lumber a week to the United States and South America. The bark Stenbiek, carrying 1,500 oco cf lumber from the Fraser River Sawmills, New Westminster, B. C., sailed last week for Valpar- aiso, Chili. Three more vessels have been chartered to load lumber at the Hastings mill, Vancouver, B. C., one being for Cape Town, South Africa, and the two others for the United Kingdom. The Hanbury Manufacturing Company, Brandon, Man., have just completed a successful season’s operations in the woods. They PINE, HEMLOCK LUMBER. CAN SUPPLY 80 St. Francis Xavier Stret wore? LUMBER and TIMBER © = Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, cir “SPRUCE, YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY - 1%", 2” and 3” Rock Elm, tsts and 2nds. 1", 14", 1344” and 2” Chestnut, +6 . a 1”, 1%", 14” and 2” Butternut, ss THE MLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL w IE abolition of the- office. HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER | & MANUFACTURING C0. Wholesale Doalers in RED and WHITE | CEDAR SHINGLES. SPECIAL | A quantity of 8, 9, 10, * and 14 and 16 ft. Cadac ose Telephone Poles 25 to 50 feet. Hop Poles and Ladder Poles in pine and cedar, CMa Special bills for small sizes in pine and oak. Correspondence Solicited. Sead for Catal ot ot Samples by Mail MASON, GORDON & GO. expect to cut 5,000,000 feet lumber at Brandon this year. It is expected that 45,000,000 feet of logs will come out of the | \ lira. michi riverthisseason. There iss considerable snow in the Mirami chi district and prospects for getting out the logs are fairly good. “_ The Thompson Lumber Com pany, of Havlock, Out., got ou about 30,000 logs last wint which will produce about 1,500,0¢ feet of lumber. The logs will t ‘| floated to Tucker’s Landing, Belmont Lake, where they are builc ing a saw mill. Sa THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA Lom = N 906 is OTTAWA, March 2gth, | 1906, — The waney and square abhe from the Temiskaming district will be on the way down the Ottawa-river for Quebec about April roth. Most of it will go by way of Coteau. “ he quantity is smaller, than last year. This timber is sold at a shade high er price than that of the previous year. It includes the*cuts on the limits of Ferguson & McFadden, Gillies Bros., Albert Mackey . Graham. The Mackey firm. sending what will probably ‘be its last output of square timber, as the American market will- take “its: cut in future, and it will 'go. ‘out as lumber. — The timber trade has been de creasing so much of late. that the Government is contemplating the f cullers at WOODSTOCK, ONT. and. UWaITE % KNIGHT BROT. [ER cO LIMITED — Burk’ k's Falls , MONTREAL, QUE. 5 - G April 4c 6 Quebec which has existed about fifty years. All the square timber coming into the harbor for exporta- tion passes the Government cullers -_andincases of dispute they give certificates of measurements. But _ the trade has so diminished that six cullers are enough for the present season. It is possible that legisla- ‘tion will be introduced this session reorganizing the culling system or abolishing the office altogether. The buyers of the cuts mentioned _ for this year are W. & J. Sharples and Dobell, Beckett & Company. _ Many manufacturers are sold out of lath. On this account the price _ keeps up and buyers are compelled _ to pay the remarkably high figure of $5 per thousand for the No. 1 _ white:pine variety. It is not ex- pected that when the mills begin sawing the top prices will keep up, _ but at present manufacturers are inclined to believe no slump will take place. The demand for pine mill culls at _ the Ottawa mills is exceedingly strong and scarcely any other line ‘of lumber has undergone so rapid ‘an advance in price. Spring build- ‘ing operations is the cause of this buoyancy. The village of Hintonburg, near Ottawa, advertised for tenders for the supply of lumber for the sum- _ mer’s operations and accepted the tender of G. M. Mason at $16 a _ thousand for two inch hemlock of all widths. _ ‘J._M. Kilburn, of Lakefield, Ont., _ was in Ottawa this week to urge the rapid completion of the Trent canal partly to relieve an unsatis- ‘factory situation with regard to umber shipping from several On- o points. In Lakefield, he said, 5,000,000 feet of lumber was pro- duced by one manufacturer and -MoLennan Timber Land aid Lumber GO,, vie _ Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of _ _ TIMBER LANDS — a Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers (OrriCzS) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. J.B. Farwell & Son _ €ontractors and-Dealers in -GEDAR TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE. AND ELEGTRIG LIGHT POLES ; wego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION shipped to New York at a cost of $4.87 per thousand feet. If the Trent canal were complete and barge shipments possible $1.50 per thousand could be saved between the mill-and Ogdensburg alone. J. R. Booth was in Montreal the other day to attend a conference of lumbermen with regard to squatting on reserves in Quebec. The lumber- men have lost heavily by speculation of this kind. The squatters do not remain but sell toothers. The con- vention will ask the Quebec Govern- ment to legislate against transfers of timber limits upon this system. The Booth firm did not cut as much timber on the south side of the Ottawa river this year as last. Operations were more successful on the north side, but on the whole there will be a shortage compared with the previous term. It is be- lieved the W. C. Edwards cut will be larger than last season, only a few logs remaining at any of the shanties. THE BARBADOS MARKET. Under date of March roth, Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Com- pany report as follows regarding the Barbados lumber market: ‘‘The arrivals during the fortnight con- sist of the schooner ‘‘ Rescue,” from St. John, N.B., with 30,000 feet of white pine and 2,900,000 ce- dar Laying shingles ; barque ‘« James. Daley,” from Church Point, N.S., to ourselves, with 156,- ooo feet of spruce and 12,000 feet’ of birch, and the schooner ‘‘ Mag- gie Belle,” from Mahone Bay, N.S., with 63,000 feet of white pine and spruce. We placed the white pine ex ‘‘ Rescue,” which was principally second quality and inferior, at $22.67 and $20.10; the WHITE OAK Bill Timter up to 4o feet long, 16 inches square and under—quick delivery. Drop us a line describing your wants and we will gladly quote you prices. WM. J. PULLING & CO. WINDSOR, ONT. ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties ... - . SPECIAL LOTS—100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16,000 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application. Please mention this paper when cor- responding with advertisers. Planing and Matching S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. : "Phone I13 GARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., umn 604 Temple Building, Toronto. — ro MILLMEN-— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “Quartered Toronto.” Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s deck load of the ‘‘ Maggie Belle,” consisting ot white pine and spruce, was sold at $20.60. The cargo of spruce ex ‘‘ James Daley ” had been sold some time ago, to arrive, at $22.50. The market for white pine is fairly well stocked, but arrivals in a few weeks time, if not too heavy, would do well. Spruce is in light stock, and there is room for one or two cargoes. The shingles arrived to a heavily stocked market, and at a time when the demand, which is always light at this time of the year, was ab- normally dull, and it was with difficulty that we could induce a buyer to pay $1.50 for the entire lot. The stock of these is larger at present than we have ever known, Long Gaspe are also in fair supply and the demand light.” EASTERN LOG OUTPUT. At meetings of the Penobscot Lumbering Association and the Mattawamkeag Log Driving Com- pany, held at Bangor, Maine, last week, the general report was that the season 1905-06 had been very favorable for logging on Penobscot waters. In some parts of Maine operations, especially hauling from the yards to the landings, have been greatly impeded on account of lack of snow, but in all parts of the Penobscot River system, except on the lower East branch and the Pas- sadumkeag, conditions have been very favorable with just enough snow for easy hauling, and it is expected that every log will reach the landings. The log cut of principal branches of the Penobscot is roughly estimat- ed as follows: West branch, 70,- 000,000 feet, of which 50,000,000 feet is for the Great Northern Paper III. Co.; East branch, 58,000,000 to 60,000,000 feet, including 13,000,- ooo feet of logs hung up last year, and of which 8,000,000 will go to pulp mills; Mattawamkeag River, about 12,000,000 feet, all saw logs; Piscataquis, 15,000,000 feet, of which 8,000,000 will go to pulp mills. This would leave a total of 197,000,000, about 107,000,000 feet of saw logs to come to Penobscot boom, for the supply of saw mills at and below Old Town, chiefly at Bangor, as - follows: West branch, 45,000,000 to 50,- 000,000; Mattawamkeag,_ 18,000,- 000; Passadumkeag, 12,000,000 ; Piscataquis, 7,000,000. A. F. Holden, Pres. F. H. Goff, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. — SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LimiteD Mills: LATCHFORD, ONT. Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. North Tonawanda N. Y. seecatis: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO - ONTARIO We Offer DRY MILL CULLS 10 Cars 4/4 Sidings 2 ‘* 4/4 "10 and i2 Rate low; price fair Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. ro ee ‘ee ee ee oe oh de oe dD Dada Od oe OS R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. RS. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. $ CBVVSVSSSCVVSSUVVSSVSESVVSEVSEVASSVSSF -TFBVVABSO CACHE BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CACHE BAY, Ont. CP. eR: Gang a6 miles West North Bay UMBER anD LATH CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Pont ad . - ca? ~ 7 - April 4y 1c Bay district, to a syndicate of Michigan lumbermen, who we understand will organize a com- pany to carry on a general saw- milling enterprise. The consider- ation was $400,000.. Within the past two months Eddy & Glynn have sold one limit in the Georgian Bay district to the: Holt Lumber Company, of Chicago, for $500,- 000; one to Wells & Company, of Soft Yellow rine Finshing LU MBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH. TIMBER LIMITS FOR SALE. The Ontario Government is calling for tenders for the right to cut the red and white’pine on timber berths ‘‘D” and ‘‘E” on the Pigeon River, in the Thunder Bay district. The former is about thirteen and a half and the latter about 12 miles square. Tenderers will be required to pay for the timber by the thou- sand feet board measure, in addition to ground rent of $5 a year per square mile. The timber is said to be somewhat scattered. STIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. Eddy &Glynn, of Saginaw Mich., have recently sold what is known as timber berth 118, in the Georgian as the township of Gilmour, to F Fe P. Munro & ee of Pen broke, Ont. Ask Your Ticket re ‘for tickets via the WISCONSIN GENTRAL Ruy Minneapolis, hae Paul, Ash fe Milwaukee, Chicago and a Di east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair car: s. Dining cars. . For full information, address _ H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling A 371 Robert St.; St. Paul, } or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. ‘A. Mien Menominee, Mich., for $325,000; and another smaller limit, known al Ae _ Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc.. In Car Lots. Manufacturer o Doors, Sash, Mouldiven, Ceilings zeamstcha HARDWOOD FLOORING A SPECIALTY, Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. 54, J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRAOCEBRIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY CANADIAN ‘MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - N.Y. FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. Spruce and Hem- Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR ‘SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. tle and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, *"*g.¢"" QUEBEC F. M°CIBBON & SONS, PENETANGUISHENE Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS at SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., **Soo”’ Branch C. P. R. MANUFACTURERS OF | White and Red Pine “| Lumber and Lath Water Shipments Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES? Coristine Building, Montreal. ° And at Mills at Spragge. THEM. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GD., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. JAS. PLAYFAIR, PLAYFHAIR & WHITE I Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH » SHINGLES — MIDLAND, ont piekaial ONTARIO. Contractors for Rallway Supplies ~ BILL TIMBER a Specialty ... . MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Bre itetsSs and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill § We ship by C. P. R., G. T.R., and by Water, THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITE National Lite Chambers TORONTO, ONT. | 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, — RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limite ; LUMBER MERCHANTS. 4 g Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. . += ? BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyer a of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. y Amherst, N.S. . 5 HARDWOOD. FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds at close f¢ THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limitec 1 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meatoray at. HARDWOOD FLOORING ce MAPLE, "BIRCH, BEECH AND OAb %, 5, Th. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, ve End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and , ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER | J. S. FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT ee > ee. We Buy, AUGER & SO Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber i in Canadas and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Clerry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow P‘ué, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles CaNabA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS THE Wicks LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. REACH ~ THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS BY RAIL,MAI W/ ipe as ‘PHONE McCLURE LUMBER Co. Manufacturers__. -AARDWOOD LUMBER Oak Bending and Wagon Stock a Specialty DETROIT, MICH. YHE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF ~ YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND od Alga Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Mills: EUTAW, ALA. Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, BLACK ASH AND ROCK a SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER CEDAR POLES AND TIES Yellow Pine Timber a Be cialty nterior Jiocim Mill Worx FALLS, N. Y. NIAGARA pe ee ee J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE wsov a. wos LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE MICHIGAN WE BUY LUMBER WE SELL ALL KINDS SPECIALTIES: Poplar, Oak, Cypress and Yellow Pine Stillwell & Company DETROIT, Mich. BRITISH W000 BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measurers | Cabel Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCUTLAND on, WY OOD BROKERS dress; ** TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B “Zebra” a all oe CANADIAN WHITE | PINE AND SPRUCE; ” fardwoods | ‘in ‘Tog, Ete. eS ee handled to the best advantage to all ports in the Uni 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, * *tesccx, z- ae, Se Address ‘‘Bellywood, London,’ IMPORTER OF —eeeer Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ae a IR SS I I SSO CTORY CO: GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & SO. Wood i gents and Brokers :“ GELLICHT," LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, E! Staves ant He ading, Handles of all descriptions Veneers A Specialty Cable Address SMITH & TYRER - 4 ithebarn street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Keith Building, 4.% Barringtoa Stree GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW ei °B R 0 K E R S Cable ate ess: “ TECTONA” Glasgow. and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes: Zebra, Western Union, pontine ds, and London.” C. 4th and 5th Editi on THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. ‘Cash advances made against shipping documents. dUSEPH OWEN & SOND, LUD. Timber Importers All ciikece ak Lumber and Masdtecture Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Wood Goods sultable for the eaoiae Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs pad Planks. Oak Logs and Pla Rock Maple Logs are Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory pane ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS. AND BROKERS LIVES ENGLAND “DOBLE LIVERPOOL ’ Liverpool and London Chambers: CABIL,R ADDRES CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION “April 4, 1906 | vi. eo ee ee S cmehas t C. E. Hi. HEAPS & CO., ne nei B. e Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AM HIGH GRADE EDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, News | Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. 5 te i W. L. ts _ GENERAL MANAGER Ww. J. latest Ld Le MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER O- LATH, MOULDINGS : pabet Cc st LU TURNED WORK ETC. Be e oo> pacilic Co , (Re é i) S S ama VER. wae HIGH GRADE = ANCOU RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO (fx Ww yep ia lay A FA ‘i wt <> NE JUST A GENTLE REMINDER ay That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply: your "> |e wants in the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and, ltag? open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE. LUMBER is our Ay cecal should be’ yore. satel us = tell pewheas ey 4) SHINGLES All kinds and Grades Straight or Mixed Cars LUMBER ORDER OUR SPECIALLY TRIMMED AND “READY - TO - PUT - ON” RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING Correspondence Solicited ee) WINNIPEG, MAN.. | ISS yo ee | The Red Deer Lumber Company A —Write DI RECT to— W F, AUNTIING Lumber Gompany, Ltd. VANCOUVER For__-_. April 4, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vit. E. H, HEAPS, ° J. A. McNAIR, ASS Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umitep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER B.C. 4 Our_Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER Day We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lets. “se i. chase ila oactala: ee FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER Doors, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS nd all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH — io oe? i Fame, 8G ¢ C8 yn WICKET) ‘WE|NDEPENDENT LUMBER CO.® MANCHESTER ENGLAND will inspect'at mill and PAY CASH for me Pet wn eee ree | 1c RUN . d Batte: ae Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mou dings, Dowels, ~ : GET SudTATiw: maa con big plectec BRANCH ; a oe any | gm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood - HEAD OFFICE -REGINA.SASK. CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. A — ~ . Telegraphic Address: BELEER MANCHESTER. * p.t. calaenon: President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. J. E. YOUNG, Cashier The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. é aos White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, ee Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work 4 - .. Beslersin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING a Mills at RAT Pree and RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: WINNIPEG, Manitoba 4 Our Ce Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber i We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. THOMAS MIBEPATRICK, CODE: AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE. H. H. SPICER RESIDENT. MGR. AND SECY. } Export LUMBER & SHINGLE Co. L’T’D. Head Office, 44-46 Flack Building, VANCOUVER, B.C. Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Pacific Coast Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in - British Columbia. Shipping capacity is 1,500,000 SHINGLES per day. 4 will the Trade please ‘note that we only claim a daily shipping capacity of 1,500,000 shingles. Our competitors who make larger claims are nice people but seem inclined to exaggerate, Vill. THE ONTARIO LUMBER C® sues a tess Baye ile q.F. Delivery. MANUFACTURERS AND SHINGLES. Hone 14 ¥uiamg 1) ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH EE Eee THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY | CANADIAN Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries for prices, etc., by Mail, Wire or Phone. bec. ADDRESS: — Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. 147 GURRENT LUMBER PRICES--WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4 to 8im 15 co 16 0° cuts & becter....-- $49 00 51 00 | 2x4 to 81n.,10 to 16ft. 16 00 17 O” 1% inch Not 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 17 00 18 1? cuts and better.. 53 90 55 00 Clear inch B.C. cedar, 2’ No 1 Cuts and kiln dried. ... ..-- 50 00 Better.....---++++ 56.00 5$ 00| Clear inch B.C. cedar 1% in.No.2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55 00 cuts and better... 44 00 46 00 | Douglas fir dimension ” No 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 32 feet 34 80 and Better.. . 4600 48 00) Fir foerines edge 1% inch No. 3. QTAIN.... +. ee seeees es 42 00 Cuts and better.... 41 00 42 00] 1% in. Ne. 1 4ft. Pine a’ No 3 Cuts and Lath.......... sevens 425", 4/50 Better.....-----+: 4200 44 00} 1% in. No, 2 4 ft. Lath 3 30 3 40 rin, Pine Dressing 1” No. 1 32” pine lath 2cO and better shorts 23 90 24 00 1%” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 3 5° 1x4, 6and 8common 20 00 2¢ 00 XXXxX Pine Shingles 290 300 YK 10 common....-- 21 00 22 00|/ XX PineShingles .. 220 2 3° 1X I2common...... 23 00 24 00| X Pine Shingles .. go 2x.0 common....-- 2: 00 22c0| XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 25 2and 3x12 common. 24 00 25 00 B. C. Shingles" tio inch box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 305 common ....-+-+++ 20 0¢ 21 co| XXXX 6to 23-16 in. 3°27 Inch mill runsidings 2: 00 22 00 | XXXXX 5 toa in. . 3 60 1in, millrun...... - 21 00 22 00| XX No. 2,6 to2 in.. A 25 I¥Io and 12 mill culls 16 50 1750; KX “6 to 23-16 in. I ne mill cull Sid- Red pine, clear oe raat ae: 1550 1650| andclear face... 2300 240 1 in aad cull sidings 12 00 13 00 ae pine, common 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 a8 oc SA debeateapiesceisies: (AAO, L208 HARDWOODS—PER M. vane CAR LOTS. Ash White, tsts and Soft Elm, millrun 21 co 22 00 ands. 1to2in. $3300 35 00 | Rock Elm,common Ash, Black, ists and and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 ands, 1to2in.... 3000 3200 | Rock Elm,common Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 TUM ake sieve doen 22 00 23 00| Rock Elm,millrun 22 co 23 00 Birch, c°mmon and Soft Maple common better, 1 1m....... 25 00 2600| and better, 1 in 2200 2300 Birch, common and Maple common and better, 1% to3 in 27 00 28 00 better, 134 to 3 in 24 00 25 00 Birch, millrun.... 22 00 23 00| Maple, millrun... 19 00 20 00 Basswood, common Oak, red, lain, Ists and better, 1in.. 22 00 23 ¢0 and ondS........ 46 00 $0 00 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, and bet., 1% to 2in 24 00 25 00 ists and 2nds.... 44.co 46 00 Basswood, millrun 20 00 21 oo | Oak,quartered, ists Soft Elm, common and onds..... ...70 00 75 00 and better, 1in.. 25 Co 6 00| Hickory, ists and Soft Elm, common andsS..,....... «3600 38 00 and bet.1%to2in 27 00 §& 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white plne, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.....---- 38 45 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 63 19 to 20inch average A 0 Pa 8 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality PERE Remieeeal as aaiGOv 235 hipping order idevecbslleceerpesaal So). | aa OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . ‘ 48 52 ELM. By the dram, accordin to average and quality 4goto4gs feet. 65 75 3z0to35fet. 52 54 ASH. 10 inches and up, according to avenge and mag . 26 28 Average 16 inch sigtio. sa be es rie z 30 32 BIRCH. 14 Inch ~ ogee BO a een + uate eae rae Lia es “hot Ae Ce ee Oe de FOF cues: 36 t= bs Se ear’ Stee Mee ale se Me a ese eae OTTAWA. ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, Roc sidings: 1x10 No. 1 tarn..... aa GO 1 in, =7 in, and Up 40 00 4400] 1x10 No. 2 at pe 20 00 1% in. and 1% in. x 1x8 & 9 No. 1 barn. 18 00 7 ip. and up...... 4% 00 56 00| 1x8 & o No.2" 6 00 zin.x 7 in.and up s2.00 56 Go pine gponia 6 to Li’ No.2 cuts 2x8”&up 3400 3600| 10” ....-, -++15- 1700 18 @0 LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- . . . . CHAS. S. renee & CO. BOSTON, MASS. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Bank St. Chambers. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Wate, Shipments. MANUFACTURERS OF «. « #4 Pe BIRCH - BIRCH - BIRCH In rin., 1% in., 1% in., 2in., 2% in, and 3 in. No. 1 and 2 Common, about 1,000,000 feet. Pine good strips : Pine mill culls..... 1400 16 00 Tin..sGeee seeereees 34 CO 36 oo | Pine O, culls..... «+ 7§0 10 §0 1H i in. and 1% in... 36 00 40 00 | Spruce, x4" & Up 14 00 15 00 BOM eee nw aaa aApccd 8 00 42 00| Spruce, 1” stocks, Pine, good shorts: 7. 8, g and 10”,. . 16 00 17 00 TAM.. cee esses ss» 2800 3000 | Spruce,1’ clear (fine rH i in. and 1% in. .. 36 00 40 00 dressing and B... 24 00 pA lDe wens ene aieee 40 00 4400|Hemlock -... .- 13 00 7 to “9 A Sidings.. It oo | Basswood.......+++: 19 CO 74 00 Pine, No, « dressing Lath, per M siding sats . -. 23 00 2700]. No.1 white pinel}#i"xE4 25 4 75 Pine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine.... 3 50 4 00 Strips..... stseee e+ 2000 4800] Spruce, mill run..... 3 oo 350 Pine es 1 dressing i Red Pine, milirun.. 300 35° shorts ...... «++» +» 18 00 22 00 Pine, 10s. ¢ and bet- Pine cage ee 325 375 ter Fa itaa@.. coke so eoaaconl | Ceara ig Pe Pine. 8 s.c. and. bet- Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 275 3 ter 17’ to1@’.. .... 18 00 2000| ** 18 inch......-.--- 1€0 209 Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings :9 00 24 00 White Cedar Shingles Pine s. c. strips...... 15 00 18 00 xxxx,'18 inch. 3.25 375 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 5» 1809 Clear Butt,18 in 3 06 Pine, box boards.... 1400 1500| XX, 18 inch......-..- I 72 200 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. 14 x.495d 5°. - naeies oo 1in., 8” and up vet -$79 00 x an up. se eeenee . 27 00 1%, 1% and 2” 77 00 ; x ae A He op ate Aaa 5 00 2% and 3” “ 86 00 1% xX 12 ee eaneeee 3° 00 4’ “ 94 00 1% x 6 an UP. .ccceee «. 27 00 1 x 10”....... rs hitetehe webs 28 00 ESS 3G IR osoie eesies anise 40 00 rin., 8” and yen wide. «s+» 69 00 2’ x 6’ and up 27 00 1%, 1% and 2 see» 67 00 CEE an (oS Cee . 28 oo. a and 3” 81 00 BO 2" oo ceca cueccsness «» 20 00 Y &9 00 No. I BARN. FINE, COM. AND BETTER. ‘ Ath dea wats ..$27 00 to $35 00 rin., 8” and up wide.... 56 00 1% 1% Cale os 33 Coto 35 00 i and 1%” Wt «s.. 58 00 and ay 38 00 EY «e+. 59 00 v ti sate avec 41 00 FINE COMMON. No. 2 BARN. Deiat weeeee 48 0G to 60 00 TORE sy weeeee 73 75 | BOX, THOM, oo oes cccseene SG, BE Fine common, 2% in. and up 75 85 | Box, 1X12... «seeee eeenee 23 «24 £t02 Messssvae ceecpeceees 58 62 | No. x barn, 1x12.... +...-. 32 34 No. i cuts, rto2inch...... 55 60] IX1O r++. seeereeer eee Seas 3a, (ou Woasccheceeacspeeacesse. ae PERC atwncndvacdca sUcniwl Se. wa No.3. veeceseeesese 35 40| No. 2 darn, IXI2..-.---.++6 29 31 No. x molding, 1 tozin..... 5° 55 a ae Sis's oti SO No. 2 molding, 1 to2in..... 38 40 Bats cicae elsijasans sawp Ramee Stained sapS..----s-e+ee+++ 33 40 Shaky clear, 1 t0 6/4/a. oe fer Oo Bracket plank ....-.+- «-+- 35 45 2inch......... 40 Shelving boards 12z-in, up... 40 45]- Saimialeve lo wiele"elvicla wages Dressing boards, narrow.... 18 32 Common -ereresersrssre 13 1x19 ‘ncb play -- 25 29 ; ‘ HYER & Gos We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. A. W. EYER @ CO. Red Coder Eutres, 26 in. Shans ym. See. <> Eurekas, t April 4. 1 OTTAWA, Con. Write us for prices on this stock. W. B. BARTRAM & co.| Lions He Ontario Correspondence Solicited. Correspondence with mills solicited. 43 Adelaide Street East TORONTO, O LaTH. Pirie 2... ...cc05 ce cececces £400 | Spruce..... seseee: ee SHINGLES. Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 Rot 6x18 ....$5 25 Clear butts.......... 3 50 375 . :3 Smooth 6 x18......- 45° 475 perme . BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY, _ WHITE PINE. XB (Wholesale selling price.) Uppers, 1,14, 1}¢and a IH IDs evereeveees a.) eee ain a Segre ee aM and 3 in......- a | shelving, 0. x, 13 in. Dg cheer aseaanerd te LIM... .ee Selects 1 in.. 73 00 | No. 1 Mold st’ps xtos 1% to 2in 732 00| iy... seeerseeseese 234 and 3 85 00] No. 2 Moulding Strips, 4 ID... eee c 96 co 1to2in.........- Fine common, 1 in. $7 00| Barn, No.1, rain..... 1% and 1% in..... §9 00] 6, 8andzoin...... 2-in . 61 00] No. a, 10im....++ 3 ie: : 80 00] No.2, 12 in-...+++6 > 85 00] No. 3, 10in.....006 cag up, No. wet 45 00] No. 3, 12 in....-00+ and 1% $4 00| Box, 1X4.+-0-eeee-es "Nor Cuts... . 5800} x 1x6 & up.. .... No, 2, 1 in......-- 28 00 IxX10.... ove No. 2,1%, & 1% in 43 00 ae oh No. 3,1 ths and 1% 42 00} and up .....- No. 32” oo .eeseeee 35 00 134 and 136 8 9a. Dressing se Sei 42 00| Mil Culls, 1.....6-- 1% xxo und 12.....- 4400 13{, 1% and 2in The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buyi price at Buffalo ne Tonawanda ; io : WHITE ASH. & and, x inch vat Sean Ingle oe See Com. and BLACK AND BROWN ASH. ist & ana, 6 nch up, 33 00. 40.00| Com, & good culls. .. 14 00, 18 00 BIRCH 1st & and, 6 in=h - : ast &and,white, 4 &up, 30 00 32 up, red....,.+.-. » 40 00 42 00 Com. & good culls..... 16.00 26 ELM. 1 & sd,rock,6in Gup - 6 co 28 00 | 1st & ed, soft, 6in & up, 26 00 28 ¢ Common and seeeee 16. a Common and culls.. 1§ 0c 17 Go MAPLE. ist & and hard.. ... 20 00 33 08 it hand 30 8 00 533 ¢ Common andculls— 1400 I5 co | Common and culls, : —_——_—— BOSTON, MASS. White Pine Upees Oe aidomal Welcatinte eee Selects, 1 to 2 10h... ..ccsee seve ccee senececeeecees Fine Common, 1 inCh........00 ceeeeceeseeeserees ; TY to 2iMmch ......ce0 eeeeeee eee 60.00 No. 1 Cuts, 1 in 1% to 2 in No. 2 Cuts, rinch...... : 1% to 2inch cok Se asineitvee senineneS) eee ew ee eeeereenee Spruce, ro and 2 in. dimension ba rec = gin. and under: ......... eee eo 6 16 and 12 in. random lengths, 1o ft. and up ...... 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, 10 ft. a UP. ..eee ences ¥ All other ra: lengths, ft. and up.......----sees-0 wae svignigiusie ie and up P ccchantabic boards, 8 iL uppas ut Spruce Pe TSccseeee cecessee soeeseee 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. peceppes 15%" spruce laths Boise “ B aRgaesse sad ee we eww ewes eaee eens Sécond clears ........+5+ Clear Whites .......... -+:- 21 Extra 1s (Clear whites out). 1 30 Extra 19 (Clear whites in).........+--+-0+ 14 BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES, WEEKLY E/DITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 Pen vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, svury week. REAGHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART -CF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD rou. X1V No. 5 TORONTO. MONTREAL — APRIL u, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER CANADA [,UMBERMAN =e j ; PUBLISHED BY _ : ‘The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. i Branch Offices: a 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL + 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. “We : Telephone 1274. ‘615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER B. C. s Sy — fhe Weekly Lumberman — Published every A z er eeetbins reliable and up-to-date re- s of market conditions and tendencies in the rincipal manufacturing districts and leading - stic and foreign wholesale markets. A kly mediuns of information and communica- f “between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of ‘ = at home and abroad. The \thiy .Lumberman— A 44-page journal, ‘discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- NTED AND FOR SALE Sertisements will be inserted in this depart- nt at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. four or more consecutive insertions are a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. piss Jonpareil type ; ia lines make one inch. Ad- ments must be received not later than 4 .m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in ANTED— ALL -BAND. FILERS AND others interested, to read ‘‘The Filer.” A com- sive work on Band Re Saw Fitting. It will hten out those Band Saw kinks. $1 00 Postpaid. y tt Davis, Hampton, Va, U.S.A Un uo ENING ‘enders will be received by the urdersig: ed up ind including the f Day of April Next he right to cut pulp wood on certain areas to the Montreal river, in the District of g; the Nepigon River, in the District of der Bay; the Xainy Lake, the Wabigoon r, and the Lake of the Wocds. all in the Dis- Lof Rainy River. Tenderers should statethe p they are prepared to pay as bonus, in n to such dues as may be fixed from time forthe rightto operate a pulp or pulp er industry in the areas referred to. essful tenderers will be required to erect $s on the territories, and to manufacture the into pulp in the Province of Ontario, lies making tenders will be required to de- t with their tender a marked cheque, pay- to the Treasurer of Ontario, for 10 percent. € amount of their tender, to be forfeited in vent of their not entering into agreements y outconditions, etc The highest or any not necessarily accepted. f particulars asto description of territory, required to be invested, etc ,apply to the r HON. F. COCHRANE, Minister of Lands and Mines, Toronto, Ont, at tothe lumber and wood-wotking industries. — ne and is set” ANTED—BIRCH LOGS, 16” AND UP diameter, 8 feet and over loug. BUFFALO VENEER Company, Buffalo, N.Y. OREMAN WANTED TO TAKE CHARGE OF saw mill, also foreman for planing and boxboard mill. Must be able to speak English and French. Apply to DonaLp Fraser & Sons, Cabano, P. Q. \V ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SimcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU wish to sell? If so, make the fact known to probable buyers by placing an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this journal. Address, CANADA LUMBERMAN, To- ronto WANTED. NE TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs. either mixed or separ- ate lots. Advise statyng location, average per thousand and lowest price Address, K ENXAN Bros , Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. A TIMBER LIMIT FOR SALE IMBER LIMIT KNOWN AS THE WHITE- FISH Indiau Reserve, 68 square miles, situ- ated on Soo line, 12 miles frem Sudbury, con- taining principally Hemlock, also Spruce and Pne-s~-Por- further—partieulars» apply ie D..--# O’ConNoR, Temagami, Ont. WANTED SAWYER FOR MILL WITH A CAPACITY . of 10,000 to 15,000 per day. Sawyer to do his own setting over carriage. Also a man for t immers who understands grading lumber. Staliny wages and experience, apply to CURRY & THRASIER, Deux Rivieres P. O., Ont. FOR SALE Birch & Hardwood Consumers Proposition AY ATER POWER .~SAW~ MILL, FULLY / equipped imill, capacity 25 to 30 M. Power cap- able of developing up to.goo hp, Standing timber. The mill is situated on good chain of lakes with an unlimited supply of hard and soft woods, Apply Box CawNapa LumBerman, Toronto, Ont. HEMLOCK BOARDS “THREE MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England Market for shipment during the year ‘1906. Boards to be P18 to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet and up long, or clipped, 12 feet, or 10, 12, }4and 16 feet. Willtake ship- ments either by rail or sail. CHARLES S. WENT- woTH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Lumber Wanted x iv hii 4%” x a” x ae 4%” x ae x 1% r NG ee x 2"; 54x 3” x1"; above can be cut out of rough 375» also 9” x 3%” x 2%! ; 6%" x 13" x 134”; manu- factured from clean, straight grained lumber, free from sap, rough kno!s or shakes; ‘oo cars required for summer shipment. and put up in bags; quote fob carsmill. Carrer, POWELL Lanp & LumBeER Co, Limited, Toronto, Ont. Dodds Anderson Lumber Co, We Want Your Lumber Send usa statement of all kinds of Jumber, lath, shingles, etc., you have to offer for sale. We are in the market withthe highest cash price that is possible to pay; we will buy on GRADES, LOG RUN OR ESTIMATE THE ENTIRE - STOCK. Dopps ANDERSon LUMBER CO., 436 Yonge St., Toronto, V ANTED—TWO CARLOADS OF CEDAR Bark, State lowest cash rfrice f.o.b. cars. Address, D. O’ConNnoR, Temagami, Ont. OR SALE~1s50 M FEET M. R BIRCH; 50 M feet MR basswood; 50 M. feet oak; cut during 1905. Echo Bay Lumeer Co , Echo Bay, Ont. HEMLOCK TIMBER LANDS WANTED. “IVE LOCATION, ESTIMATED QUAN- tity of Hemlock timber, and lowest price. Box 377 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. LY, 7 ANTED—1” CULL SOFT ELM AND BASS- wood, 1” spru.e, black ash c. & b. all. thick- nesses, cedar and tamarac. R HE. Kin€man, Hanri ton; Ont. : i V ANTED — A GOOD, SOBER, STEKADY j nan to take charge of rotary saw, do. his lown filing, aud make first-class lumber. Apply to W H. MILLER, Campbellton, N. B. \ ANTED — FIRST CLASS CIRCTLAR Sawyer, one accustomed to Steam Feed and Nigger. Address St GABRIEL LUMBER Co., LTp., St. Gabriel de Brandon P. O. 7 FOR SALE é NE CAR DRY 31INCH WHITE OAK / Plank x4 feet, 8 to r2in. wide, first class Brigge.. Plank, "Apply. E. Topp, Box 16, Caledonia, Ont. ; : bin eee WANTED ASSWOOD, BIRCH, POPLAR, ETC,; AI,SO ) other box lumber. Shipping culls. Quote delivered Chicago, AMERICAN Box Co..Chicago FOR SALE UMBER AND COAL YARD; SITUATED IN Wyoming, Ont.; the only lumber yard in the place; will sell cheap. Lock-Box 9, Wyoming, Ont. WANTED. Address, Box 363, CANADA LUMBERMARW, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE HOICE LOT OF FIGURED ASH, CHESN- uut, Curly Maple, Cherry, Sassasfras, quartered and pla 1 Sycamore 1” and «/8” with few Sycamore squares, for panneling inside finish, all dry, also 100 acre timber lot, Address, J. C. SCHLEIHAUF, West Lorne, Ont. OES SAWYER WANTED LARGE LUMBER FIRM DESIRES TO engage an experienced first-class sawyer, one whois not only a good Sawyer, but whois PUBLIC AUCTION ‘THE FOLLOWING PARCELS OF VALU- able Timber Lands and Mill Proferties owned in fee simple by the Cookshire Mill Company in Liquidation will be sold by public auction at the Court House, Cookshire, Que., on Wednesday, May 30th, 1906, at 1 o’clock p. m. - Parcel 1. Mill and yards at Cookshire Junction, Que , with 21,257 acres of timber lands in the Townships of Newport, Ditton and Auckland. Parcel 2. Mill site and yards at Sawverville, Que., onthe Maine Central Railroad, with 4,350 acres of timber lands in the Townships of New- port and Auckland. Parcel 3. 2,938 acres of timber Jands in the Township of Garthby, Que , near Lake Aylmer on the Quebec Central Railroad. These lands are well timbered with Spruce and Hardwood For further information address A, F. ROBINSON, : Cookshire, Que. or the Liquidators of the Cookshire Mill Com- pany, Sherbrooke, Que. W ANTED—MILL SITE WITHOR WITHOUT buildings with about 300 to 500 water power; must be accessible to railways and near a town where hands can live. A locality where electric power could be got reasonable would suit. Roperr Howarp, Room 3, Liverpool & London & Globe Building, Montreal. WANTED UOTATIONS ON THE FOLLOWING DRY Stock : One careach 14%, 1%”, 2”, 3”, 4 Hard Maple; 1%” Birch and 14%” Soft Elm. Strictly ists aud auds grade for export. Terms cash. ROBERT BuRY & Co., Teeswater, Ont. Lock Box 268, iN E WAVE TAKEN OUT AN UNUSUALLY lice stock of Hardwood Logs this winter, mostly Maple, some Beech; the logsarea ery large run and extra good in quality ; we are pre- pared to receive off rs for this stock to be cut to order ou opening of navigation; state price on cars here, C. BECK Mrc. Co., Lid., Penetan- guishene, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. : ONTARIO. The high price of white pine lumber is not restricting business to any extent. Several large sales have lately been made by the Ottawa valley manufacturers for export to Great Britain, and at prices higher than those which were realized a year ago. Dry stock is so Scarce that prices are very firm, with the demand gradually expand- ing. In Western Ontario there is much. interest in hemlock. The new cut is being offered and has found buyers at $13, but there is also a disposition to hold off in the hope that the price may weaken a little when the new stock is ready for the market. The log drives are now the all absorbing question. If they should reach the mills safely, prospective lumber ‘buyers claim that the cut will be large and prices recede, but manufacturers point out that the cost of logging the past winter was excessive and that there will be no break in prices under the good demand now prevailing. Hardwoods are steady, with an improving demand for the lower grades of birch. The shingle market is getting more active and prices are about ten cents higher. B. C. shingles are meeting with a ready sale on account of the scarcity of the white pine variety. UNITED STATES. In some portions of the Southern States heavy rains have interfered with the movement of lumber, but in all other districts business con- tinues exceptionally good. There is still a heavy demand for common and coarse lumber, with stocks badly broken. The Northern pine district is carrying practically none i ‘Ig CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION of last year’s cut in first hands, and a large proportion of the cut for the coming season has been sold for delivery as soon as manufactured. It is estimated that the cut of logs on the upper Mississippi River and tributaries during the past winter was 480,000,000 feet, which com- pares with 530,000,000 for the pre- ceding winter. The hemlock market is very firm. Michigan stock is being quoted at about $18 base delivered on the dock at Tonawanda. Among thehardwoods, quite favorable reports are given about basswood, which is at last coming to the front again. The mills are still carrying a fairly heavy stock and consequently prices are not likely to advance very much until this is reduced, but the outlook for basswood is no doubt much brighter than one year ago. Birch is also moving somewhat liberally and the hardwood trade generally is showing more life. Shingles are stronger. In Boston New Bruns- wick ‘‘Extra” cedars are held as high as $3.75 and it is almost impossible to secure a quotation below $3.60. GREAT BRITAIN. Our reports this week from the British market deal almost exclus- ively with spruce, which is demand- ing a greal deal of attenticn on account of its manifest strength. For early cargoes of New Bruns- wick spruce, 48 7s 6d per standard c.i.f. for an ordinary specification is asked, and buyers are being urged to close contracts on the “ground that the present outlook is for an advance to £8 10s. At a recent auction sale in London 3 x 9 inch second quality Quebec spruce, II feet lengths, sold at 4910s. Birch planks, on the other hand, are said to be a little easier and this has also been reflected in the price of birch timber. The highest price yet paid this season for the latter is 2s 6d for 20 inch average. Quebec exporters of square and waney pine are reported to have secured the usual number of orders at fair prices. The stock is light and the statistical position consequently quite healthy. J. J. Sweeney, of Sackville, N.B., has sawn about a million feet of lumber for Frank Maxwell, of that place. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., DISCOLORATION IN LUMBER. We have been requested to solicit the views of the lumber trade as to the best process or means by which lumber can be prevented from dis- coloring in the muggy weather of the summer months. Many of our readers have no doubt made ex- periments along this line, and we shall be glad to publish any com- munications on the subject which may be submitted. THE LOG PRODUCTION IN QUEBEC. The winter has been most favor- able for banking logs in Eastern Quebec, and nearly all the logs made have been kauled out to the different streams. John Breakey, of Chaudiere Mills, is reported to have made 600,000 logs, part to be converted into sawn lumber, but the bulk will likely be turned into pulpwood. Lumber Company, of Scott Junc- tion, have made 175,000 saw logs and 15,000 cords pulpwood. These two firms will make a big drive on the Chaudiere river, apart from the quantity made by others operating on the same river. On the Etchemin river, Henry Atkinson has got out about 60,000 saw logs and 6,000 cords of pulp- wood. This, in conjunction with a large part of last year’s cut which was only partially driven and did not reach the mills, will make a busy spring on the above river and its branches. Price Brothers & Company, Limit- ed, with mills at St. Thomas de Montmagny, have made 100,000 saw logs and 35,000 cords of pulp- wood, 4 ft. They, like others, were unfortunate last year on the drive, and left the bulk of their cut on the river to be driven this year with this winter’s cut. On the River St. Anne, Mr. Ord- way, for his company, hac a very successful season, making 225,000 logs, 13 ft. Last year he left some 275,000 logs in the river, all of which he expects to drive to the mill this year and turn into pulp- wood, say, 15,000 cords of pulp- wood. Most of the lumbermen in the Gaspe district have completed their logging operations for this season, having been successful in getting everything to the streams, the Cal- houn Lumber Company, Limited, being the only exception. At the KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOUD, MEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS ex 7 j The Beauce Pulp & © > We dad OO ee 4 Y 4 Penge bo A al oe ee time of writing they are still at work hauling off from the yards, but expect to finish this work in the course of a few days. The weather during the logging season was very favorable for this work throughout the entire Gaspe Peninsula, and the average cut of logs will exceed that of last season considerably. The late heavy falls of snow brightened the prospects for successful stream driving. These conditions, together with the buoyant tone of the British and American markets for spruce, tend to inspire a feeling of confidence throughout lumber circles. It is reported that the York Lum- ber Company are about to sell their extensive limits and mill, plant to the Rathbun Lumber Company, of Deseronto, Ont. The last named firm is reported as being largely in- terested in the Grand Valley Lum- ber Company. This being so, will give them very extensive limits in the Gaspe district. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Orrawa, April 7th, 1906.—Some large contracts have just been clos- ed in the Ottawa Valley for the 1906 output of white pine and red pine. The J. R. Booth firm have sold between 65 per cent. and 75 per cent. of their pine cut to J. Burstall & Company and Robert Cox & Company. The W. C. Edwards Company have disposed of their red and white pine cut to Watson & Todd. The lumbermen HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER —& MANUFACTURING CO, PINE, HEMLOCK LUMBER. CAN SUPPLY Correspondence Solicited. Send for Catalo 2 vi Samples by Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY - RED and WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES. SPECIAL A quantity of 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14 and 16 ft. Cedar Posts. Telephone Poles 25 to 50 feet. Hop Poles and Ladder Poles in pine and cedar. Special bills for small sizes in pine and oak, fait MASON, GORDON & CO. 80 St. Francis Vasiar Stret WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPR say that practically all the deal sale: ace made, but there still re the spruce cut to be sold. English buyers were compelled pay a high figure and they are said to have closed bargains at five cent. more than the current rate last year. There is a keen demand for pi mill culls in Ottawa and price continue firm. There is also better market for basswood. 1 chasers look for a drop when ft mills begin to cut. In the case | lath and shingles the demand cor tinues to such an extent that e ordinary prices have been Now and then purchasers have $5 per thousand for the best A common figure is $4.50 for goo lots. The United States wholes are buying spruce at from $1 per thousand more “than they pai last year. The outlook is so mu ch better for spruce sales than last ye ar that local manufacturers belli they will be able to dispose — quantities that lay upon their ha when prices were lower. They holding out for high prices. Hull Lumber Company curt operations last winter in its la limit on the Rogue river on acco of the large quantities of logs wh remained over from the previot season. The company expct no to be able to clear off all the | that remained in the water in dull period. The Canadian pulp aaueaade ers and the United States market are WOODSTOCK, ONT. and HARDWOOD | KNIGHT BROTHERS LIMITED Burk’s Falls. = MONTREAL, QUE. ee ; 14", 2” and 3” Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds, 1", 14", 134” and 2” Chestnut, a E. i 1”, 1%", 134” and 2” Butternut, a ; THE MCLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, fea QUE 5 April II, 1906 _ taking the spruce from the Ottawa _ Valley in large lots. Some of the smallest manufacturers, producing in the neighborhood of 1,000,000 feet of lumber, will Rane scant _ supplies of logs owing to the bad season for the hauling operations. The smali mills will not likely run the whole summer. Larger manu- - facturers, however, will be well enough supplied. ~The Booth mill has had a large delivery of logs by rail, which has been unloaded on the ice near the mill. Mr. Booth does not expect to begin cutting at - full blast tor a couple of weeks ‘more, as there is still much ice in the way. About mid-summer he _ will start a large pulp mill in opera- _ tion which is just now receiving the finishing touches of the builders. _ The Edwards Company and Gil- _mour & Hughson report a large supply of logs and will be active all season. a NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. 4 (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Sr. Joun, N. B.. April 5th, 1906. ~ —The month has been cold and the ice in the rivers of New Brunswick has wasted but little. This circum- stance is very disappointing to the lumber manufacturers of this particu- - lar section, who, with one exception, _ have no logs at hand but must de- _ pend upon the bank logs from the _ brooks and rivers in the neighboring counties. Indications now point to _ the probability that not before April 25th will any quantity of spruce, large enough to warrant making a ‘Start, reach St. John mills. Until the last of May (when the logs from ‘the Tobique, the Aroostook and other far up-river districts will begin to arrive) the local millmen will de- pend almost entirely upon such pur- ‘McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., smite TIMBER LANDS P ° Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers BFICES* Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. J.B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers j in OEDAR ‘THLEGRAPH, TELEPHONESAND:ELEGTRIG. L1G POLES Ds vego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. _ Renfrew, Ont. ha - —_— —— CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Itl. chases as they are able to make of the bank logs mentioned above. The demand for these logs, which are almost exclusively spruce, is naturally very brisk and the greater part of them, while still unavailable because of the ice, have been already bought up. Such lots as are offer- ing day by day are readily disposed of at prices ranging from $12.50 to $13.00 per M ft. for deal logs, two- thirds price for battens. A feature which is causing much anxiety to local log operators is the possibility that the logs which have been hung in the main St. John since last year, or a part of them, may run out with the ice before the booms are swung at Fredericton. These logs, which are estimated at 50,000,000 feet, are owned almost entirely by St. John and Fredericton parties. If the ice wastes away and melts out gradually, the probabilities are that the logs will be taken care of by the Fredericton Boom Com- pany, as usual, but if the ice remains strong and runs out suddenly be- cause of a sudden rise of water it will be impracticable to swing the booms, and the logs, or a portion of them, will run past Fredericton and be seattered along the river. Arrangements will be made to have crews of men and tugs equipped with booms and lines ready to start from St. John at short notice to roundup the logs along the river wherever possible, thus preventing them from going to sea. To take care of logs in this way costs in the vicinity of $3.00 per M feet over and above the usual cost. A feature of the trade during the fortnight has been the appearance of a tendency toward weakness in the price of spruce lath. The anxiety to buy which has characterized this line of trade during the last few WHITE OAK Bill Timber up to 4o feet long, 16 inches square and under—quick delivery. Drop us a line describing your wants and we will gladly quote you prices. WM. J. PULLING & CO. WINDSOR, ONT. ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, hath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties SPECIAL LOTS—100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16 ,000 8/4 Tam- arac, Priceson application. Please mention this paper when cor- responding with advertisers. Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone I13 I CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., umireo 604 Temple Bullding, Toronto ° MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.”* Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s we Pyare >. Shae. & i = Xe months is no longer conspicuous. The indications tend to the conclu- sion that any small lots which are available at present could be bought at $2.45 to $2.50, f.o.b. St. John. Such lots are not large enough to be important and are made up of dutiable goods. A buyer of lath for summer de- livery would in all probability be quoted on dutiable lath $2.15 to $2.25 per M, f.o.b. St. John. Cedar shingles are strong and show a tendency toward still firmer figures. For low grades the manu- tacturers are quoting the provincial trade from 15 to 20 cents per M higher than last year’s prices. The Holden, Pres. Goff, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =—SARNIA, ONT. feeling in regard to shingles for ex- port to the United States is of a very optimistic nature and so far this feeling has been fully justified. Non-dutiable Extras and Clears for Established 1889. Incorporated 1896 Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. 60. 2ist and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of— veneered Doors | We Solicit the Trade of | We Solicit a Share of Your Business. E. J. DAVIS MFG. CO. 21st. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. Our Doors are known the world over and ars recognized as the best made. Send for catalogues and price lists. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. Limitep Millis: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. sows’ GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO We Offer DRY MILL CULLS 10 Cars 4/4 Sidings 2 * g/axtoandi2 2 ee 1 * 8/4 Rate low; price fair Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. WANTED~—>—. 2,000,000 X X(6 in. C. B.) Pine and Cedar Shingles. 40,000, Cedar Fence Posts, 5 in. and up at the top, 8 ft. long. If you can supply any quantity of the above, write stating quantity and lowest prices. Cc. A. LARKIN, Wholesale Lumber TOronto, Ont. CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CACHE aA x ’ Os Gane miles West North Bay UMBER anD LATH Iv. be CANADA -LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION April 11, 1906 © —— — — — = summer delivery could not be bought less than $3.15 to $3.25 per M and $2.65 to $2.75 per M, respectively, f.o.b. St. John. Freight rates by schooner St.John to the United States are as follows Boston, long lumber, $2.50 per M; Sound Port,$2.75; New York,$3.00; Boston, shingles, 25 cents; New York, lath, 60 cents. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. John McKane is reported to have purchased the timber limits and mill property of the Edward Sinclair Lumber Company at Bridgetown, N.B. John Jameson, of Olympia, Wash., is reported to have ‘secured options on extensive timber lands in British Columbia. C. T. White, of Apple River, N.S., has leased a large tract of timber land on the Meander and Herbert rivers, where he will start operations this year. Foley Bros. & Larsen, railway contractors, are reported to have acquired timber limits on the Little Smokey River, in Alberta. Logging will be actively carried on in the vicinity of Camborne, B.C., during the coming summer. The Bowman Lumber Company in- tend logging a large limit in the vicinity of Sable Creek and Hill- man & Beaton and George Lux & Sons will operate near Camborne. ADVERSE. YOUR WANTS 1 — Weekly | — Ganada | Lumberman | Toronto Montreal © Winnipeg Vancouver : Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete, in Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings eea-archd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored A SPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. 54. J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIKITED BRACEBRIDG HE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Fiocring a Specialty. = GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY 4 CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. | PEMBROKE, ONT. We make a specialty of Dimension Stock in Pine, Spruce and Hem- lock, and solicit your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - OR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT: Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements een ene eee eee Gene and Hewn Spruce, Hemlock, Pine and Birch Timber, Spruce and Pine Boards and Plank, Birch | Prompt Shipments. and Ash Boards and Plank, Flooring, Shingles, etc. JAMES J. MURPHY, ? shitting F. M°CIBBON & SONS, ONT. Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood PENETANCUISHENE Hemlock Bills cut on short notice, he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited t SPRAGGE, Algoma a ots **Soo0”’ Branch C. P Manalas Anca: Tommie : Cc. Coristine Building, Montreal. canal And at Mills at Spragge. THE A. BREANEN & SONS MANDERGTORING O., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: ' Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON Dist., Ont. - R. We Buy, MANUFACTURERS OF | White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments °& HAMILTON, Ontario. N.Y. QUEBEC Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P'se, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto JAS. PLAYFAIR. ened ae PLAYFAIR & WHITH > Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER - LATH + SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Contractors for Railway Supplies eo BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. e ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED — Nationa) ite Senlia weno TORONTO, ONT. : Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants i! Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY &G CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. _ Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. Se BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of — Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. F . Amherst, N.S. End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled 4 Send for Price List 3 A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THEE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. © HARDWOOD FLOORING “MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OA 3%, 56, . 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY . OWEN SOUND, ONT Fell a Pa Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles Quebec : April 11, 1906 Canapa LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION _ UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS — MHacberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES, Yellow Pine Timber a Specialty. — 3 Interior Trim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Lag “REACH THE - BONSACK. LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS Soft Yellow Pine Finishing Hammond Bldg. WIRE. OR: | | | | z poe RATLMAIL a “PRONE. Bt “FOR: HARDWO McCLURE LUMBER ee Manufacturers__.. AARDWOOD LUMBER Oak Bending and Wagon Stock a Specialty Mills: EUTAW, ALA. 15) eee ©) LL CEE HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEAVELAND, OHIO OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PIHE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Fellow Pine Timbers a Speciaity DETROIT, MICH. Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISCONSIN GENTRAL RAILWAY Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. oa full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent, 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. A., Milwaukee, ONE DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR Wis. Ser igp F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS — LARNWORTH & “JARDINE SMITH & TYRER - | Wood Brokersand Measurers I Cabel Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale St.,7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, a I MRE mt a mT TLE EE, LEGS SCE EA F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND ; Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. : ga oH CANADIAN WHITE | PINE AND SPRUCE; ” Hardwoods ins Log, Ete. s handled t OUIS BAMBERGER, 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. £4 Da Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ eee a Ow. Cable Address : Atand A B C Codes Telegrams and ee ““Woodfeller, Lon THOMPSON, IMPORTER OF ~mesmey ES Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Tp BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS Cash advances made pesing shipping documents IRECTORY CODE “GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood i gents and Brokers 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England “JRMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND , TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elm Staves and Heading, Handles of all descriptions Veneers A Specialty Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Cable Address : ‘“‘ GHI,LICHT,” LONDON dOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD. Hickory ded if ls ithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmitH, TyrRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% GANT & KEMP TIM 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Barrington Street © BROKERS Codes : Zebe, Western Union, Southards, and A. C. 4th and 5th Editions. BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. anches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Plan peck Maple Logs ant Planks. Rock Elm Logs. 7 ABSO WW. | All Cedens de Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods ssebte for the English Mar i CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION April 11, 1906 esc, Ee H. HEAPS & CO., Or isin 26 Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AAi1 HIGH GRADE .EDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels” Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. WwW. Jj. ee nee eraanene hae W. L. pt Ti: pia a aa ag us MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER CO LATH, MOULDINGS pabet TURNED WORK ETC. P as R, a HIGH GRADE acilic VANGOUYE RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO 2 = 2 ——— | * | 3 ) ~ ia) = — = . —EEE -_ —S S55 outs a ag eS SE aS POLY LAP gery ~~ te tse a : + , 1. Cr>>x = I ——_— PRS ESSE ROOTES SESE SERS Y fs 4 SHINGLES All kinds and Grades i Straight or Mixed Cars LUMBER | JUST A GENTLE REMINDER > SS Sar Y= =, =, =, ee ty That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your a wants in the lumber line. 7) a ER OUR SPECIALLY TRIMMED AND 33 rie ie READY - TO - PUT - ON” y It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to Gt ; I open up correspondence with us. ee RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING A Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our iN Correspondence Solicited 7) specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you )) why. SSS ~ > aa “al PI o— j et Sa” Gee se | = ao ory [a a ‘- bs : SS ——— Ss 2 Pare { The Red Deer Lumber Company BARROWS P. 0., SASK. SSS SSSSSSSS SISBSTSIS IS ~ —Write DIRECT to— W. F. AUNTTING ' Lumber Gompany, Ltd. VANCOUVER | 5 April 11, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. E. H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President. Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, tumirep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER. B. C. Our Daily Shipping Capacity —————— 2,000,000 SHIN GLES PER DAY We handle onty the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots. FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH ALL KINDS OF LUMBER _ FELBER, JUCKER & CO.|/H P) WICCIN 2570"Ass Lumber Importers 89 STATE ST. fs | 3 MANCHESTER ENGLAN will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for - THE INDEPEN D E NT LU Ni B E R C 0. LTD. Invite offers from Lumbermen for... Spruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine l J BUILDERS SUPPLIES. Floorings, Shooks, Sashes, Mouldings, Dowels, LOG RR IN GET QUOTATIONS FROM OUR NEAREST BRANCH Broom Handles, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any El Ash, Bass and other Hardwcod HEAD OFFICE -RE - Woods Suitable for English Market. m, AS OT cadet a Ue gee co REGINA.SASK. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. ——— D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. _ ‘Jj. E. YOUNG, Cashier The Rat Portage Lumber Co., Ltd. i Maputo White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work persis CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING a Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: WINNIPEG, Manitoba Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. CODE: AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE. H. H. SPICER, MGR. AND SECY. THOMAS KIRKPATRICK, PRESIDENT. Export LUMBER & SHINGLE Co., LTD. Head Office, 44-46 Flack Building, VANCOUVER, B.C. r¢ i Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Pacific Coast Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. Shipping capacity is 1,500,000 SHINGLES per day. * id - Will the Trade please note that we only claim a daily shipping capacity of 1,500,000 shingles. Our competitors who make larger claims are nice people but seem inclined to exaggerate. Vil. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. THE ONTARIO LUMBER Mitts: North Bay. c.P I Manufacturers : Box Hoops and Hea Veneers, Piates, Etc. Prompt reply corresponding with advertisers. 2r¢ G.T.R. Delivery a THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. High Grade Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Yoles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese ding, Barrel Heading, Fruit Baskets, to enquiries ror prices, etc., by Mail, Wire gr Phone. — ae Please mention this paper when MANUFACTURERS 0 AND SHINGLES. G LIMITED Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED and short lumber from the M Wood Butter bec. " ° F - ADDRESS: Room s!o, 147 Milk St. BOSTON, MASS. WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH Hone ie uilding L O RON TO, Ont. We solicit consignments of long time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. ari- Bank St. Chambers. OTTAWA, BIRCH - BIRCH - BIRCH © In rin., 1%in., 1% in., 2in., 2% in, and gin. No. 1 and 2 Common, — 4 about 1,000,000 feet. | Write us for prices on this stock. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. | PEDWELL & LEMCKE, 2% *" Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumt Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Wate, Shipments. MANUFACTURERS OF Correspondence Solicited. A. OWN. EY HE: eee We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. W. EYER @ CO. 43 Adelaide Stiset East ng 16 00 Pine good strips : Pine mill culls,..... 1400 LATH Mr hod ea 36 00 | Pine O. culls....... 750 1050 pj; ; ro 1% in. and 134 40 00 | Spruce, x'x4” & up 1400 15 00 PS aps win' ewe ciel ne) pind wee. $400 _| Spricesccosteeeneerae DN AMllelsieieiois leans sielni 42 00 | Spruce, x” stocks - tit ti Pine, good shorts: E a 8,9 and 10". 16.00 1700 ga. a pine ex roe pe eee TiM....6. --es sees 28 00 3000/S ruce,1” clear (fine + XXXX..94 50 94 7. und butts, 6x15 ....95 25 | TORONTO, ONT. 1% in.and 1% in... 36 00 40 00 reste Seine 24 00 Clear betts........-. 350 375 Hemlock ..«« 208 CAR OR CARGO LOTS. (a acne topese ee 40 00 4400|Hemlock ... «> 13 00 Smooth 6 x18.....-. 45° 475 2 2¢ inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4 to 8in 15 co 16 0° ee tes Sauer {t 00 | Basswood...,5.-..+++ 19 CO 24 GO cuts & becter....-- $49 00 51 00| 2x4 to 8 in.,10to 16ft. 16 00 17 0° pe ae me Lath,perM : 1% inch Not 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 17 00 18«0 pj qo aa 3 00 27 00 No. 1 white pine1¥i"xX4 25 4 75 4 inch Neatter.. 53 00 55 00| Clear inch B.C. cedar, Stale: = US A re BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY, kiln dried. ... ..-+ + 0 00 Petrie ee Siena pruce, mill ran...-- . ' ones ; es oie 56.00 58 00 Cine inch B.C. cedar Ping De. 1 dressing + Red Pine, mill run.. 300 350° ‘ iat in, No.2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55 00 5 Seat pir rh ef = °° | Pine Shingles _ WHITE PINE. Y naa and better...- 44 00 46 00 Douglas fir dimension Pa hte ean bee xxxx, 18 inch....-.++ 3°25 3475 (Wholesale selling price. y" . ” No 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to32feet 34.80 pine, 8 sc. and grr 2000 2200/ Clear’ Butt, 18 inch -- 275 369 Gy, pers, 4, 2%, 1% and oe ass Sg ui 46 00 48 00 as ea edge Po pitt 1! toi. oe 18 00 2000 x eee 160 209 pA Xp Dy Eh pie 2 Ree bg dramas : Rs aS an ge Bee ine, 7 up s. c. sidings 79 Oo 24 00 White Cedar Shingles 2% and 3 in....... go helvit - in. ee nee 41 00 42 00 Aah No. 1 4 ft. Pine ras ese Be S.C. Strips..... += 15 00 a8 00 nk oe Be. soa ae : ws Ktnk tee Roo: 5 oat i = ale ia eie Tg Faas Gane ar ine, s.c. Shorts..... 13 5)» £0 00 ear Butt,r8 inch... Selects 1 in... te oo | No.1 M rt Sr toa : Fee ng erent Sak Se ey ae eee Pine, box boards... 1400 1500| XX, 18inch.....+.-.- 172 2 oo TH 10.9 li ocsas ds es - ca ppenanaings and better shorts 23 00 24 00 | 154” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 3 50 2% and 3 iN..-.--+ 85 00| No. 2 Moulding Strips, 1x4, 6and 8 common 20 00 24 oo | XXXKX Pine Shingles 290 3 00 Fit ey SARC bey i 1 LOZ MMe ee sere nee 1x 10 common.....- 21 00 22 .00| XX PineShingles .. 220 2 30 NT RS CORIO ee 57 00 | Barn, No.1, 12 in....- 1X I2common...... 23 00 24 00 | X Pine Shingles -; 90 SARNIA, O A og. an 1% in....- 59 a oo 10 IN. eeee 2X10 common....-- 2100 22<°0| XX Cedar Shingles 2 20 2 25 LM veneer eeee reese Os) LOUD see eee 2and 3x12 common. 24 00 25 00 B. C. Shingles UPPERS. 1y%x analy seeeeeeee . $25 oo 3 in.. Ratace 80 00| No.2, 12 ins....+-- 1xio inch box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 305 1in.,8” and up wide..$79 00 iy-xiG ane.up #4 Qo cs , in St aes 85 00] No. 3, 10 in. common ....-+-++- 20 9¢ 21 00| XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 327 %,i%anda” % . 77 00 1H, X LOK. -.eeeseeee ees 00 ut’g up, No. z,1 in. 45 00| No. 3, 12 in. Inch mill runsidings 2: 00 22 00] XXXXX 5 tozin.. 360 2% and 3” sc ease 00 Me Se Mecaiers tet gee 114 and 176 in ....- $4 00] Box, 1%4.+4+. tin. millrun...... - 21 00 22 00] XX No, 2,6to2in.. ae ke 94.00.) 125 XS pac um.:.<- wd hee :” Not Cuts...... 58 00| 1x6 &up. 1x10 and 12 mill culls 1650 1750,;XxX ‘“6to aar6 in. eae iz z 1, sidjajniplefis joins ciate be ge Ripe 2, ear s- Fe = 7 he ty sult -a reigeeael go aes Dit face... 23 60. 24,60), °h1m 8° andimp wider 69 00 ax 6” and up...-----+ 27 00 No. 3, 1%, and 1% 32 00/ rmr3and up... 1 in, dead cull sidings 12 00 13 00 | Red pine, common 1%, 14 anda me eee aaa ‘i ee Nog af cistenes- iy) 14 and 14 & 2in.. 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 06| 2"... +1 eG gee 1400 1700 24and 3” Be 81 00 le CMe Caos 3000 = Dressing 174 in...... 42 00| Mill Culls,z....00-- HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. =F a a NO. BAEN. fe vp an! Bars 16176 andeaxa Ca ES NE EE Soft Kim, millrun 21 co 22.00 FINE, COM. AND BETTER. pans?) 8 «$27 00 to $35 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber’s buy gnds,1tozin. $3300 35 00 | Rcck Elm, common 1 in., 8’ and up wide,... 56 00 is 1% and 2” 33 ooto 35 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; P SF Ash, Black, 1sts and and better, 1im.. 25 00 26 00 1% and 14" see : = ri and 3”..... = es WHITE ASH, + ands, 1to2in.... 30 00 3200 | Rock Elm, common ei ao ts I ee ist & 2nd, x inch 38 00 40 00| 2% tog in......s.eee oo Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 FINE COMMON. NO, 2 BARN. 1% to Zin ....+-+. 40 00 42 00| Strips Wa: omnia Be oe mien Dine oleate tal rors e 22 00 23 00 SE Seema 22 €O 23 00 =i: oe, a ee 48 00 to 60 00 Rin eet een 24 00 to 27 09 Com. and culls.....-- 74 00 irch,common an ° aplecommon 1%, 1% to 2”.. 55 00 6 co 1%, 1%4,and 2” 25 oo to 27 0 : as better, rin....... 25 00 2600) andbetter, 1in 2200 23 00 4M ea a". 8 SAEs oo a% P| Cae 5 sf oo BLACK ANDIBEOW Se - Birch, common and Maple common and 3 1st & 2na, 6 nch up, 33 co 40 00 | Com. & gocd culls... 14 00 18 08 better, 1% to3 in 27 00 28 00 better, 144 to 3 in 24 00 25 00 E 3” ee ae NOS eS t = BIRCH. fc an Ne Birch, millrun..., 22 co 23 00 Maple, mill run... 19 00 20 00 rin,, 8’ and up w €... 37 00 TA s:< 0's rae te 21 oo to 23.coO ist & 2nd, 6iach & rst &znd,white, &’ &up, 30 00 32 ceed common ie esi eal 3 ; = ng ‘ te “ - 1%, 1% and 2” 21 oo to a o up, red...sss2-+- + 40 00 42 00| Com. & good ‘ wee. oa and better, 1in.. 2200 23 00| and 2nds........ 46 00 §0 00 s ons Uae Src 2 a2 : re Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, vig - «.. 49 00 . . .- - wee | and bet.,1%tozin 24 00 25 00 ists and 2nds.... 44 co 46 00 2%and3” “ ... 62 00 ij Bs st & 2d,rock,6in &up-6 00 28 00 | rst & ad, soft,6in & up, 26 oc 28 ac Basswood, millrun 20 00 21 00 Oak,quartered, ists ri a --. 62 00 No. 1, 1”, 1%, Common and culis.. 15 00 17 oc | Common and seeeee £0.00 17 00 Salas Bey common and 2nds........ . 70 00 75 00 No, 2 CUTS. = a Be rate Ne asd : MAPLE , ‘ and better, 1 in.. 25 0 6 oo | Hickory, ists a : . 2 aot . 4 Soft Elm, common ae eader ere zs 36.00 3800 Tih 67 and tip wad Ernie 1,1%,1% 2” w6ooto 1800 rst & 2nd hard... -. 20 00 23 08 tot &and,soft.... + and bet.1%tozin 27 00 & 00 hy sone oi ed MILL CULLS. Common andculls . 1400 15 co | Common and culis. aM ae * rere s eo. ae Culls 1”, 1%, 1% 2%,3and4 sere RUT 2 oe nc walnet sein vmiek 15 00 QUEBEC, QUE. No. 3 CUTS. o.2,; ee ates BOSTON, MASS. ee lal tii Be ae 1 in., 6” and up wide.... 19 00 White Pine Uppers, 1 to 2inch ...... -. Square white gine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,..-----.- 35 45 vp and 1% “ = 4 35 oe No. 1, 32” 175 - Selects, 1 to 2 er cheese ih First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. £8 63 no“ ar aS No. 2, 48” 400 Fine Common, 1 1nch........ “ rT “ Sat ear in.and up os Oo 6 a Pine Shorts 6 to 11/ 28 Becks plank ... ee sees 35 45 x ee 40 erm i ar eo oe No.2 cuts 2x8”&u / : Shelving boards, 12-in. up-- 40 45 Dressing ....- zo Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 im, 22. oe. F og ER ii a 17°00 IB'MO Toad boards, narrow.... 28 32] Common .....0.-sseeeem 23 sa Eurekas, 18 in. SO de raelee eS 1xx9 inch sbi ma. 20) 27 « _ Berfections, 5 Butts to2/ in. —. —— - 7 . a ak - ; ze ‘eh pel. etait Pai eh ft 3 oh eras . e £5} 4 Piers oe ! : " od Es 4 a ; ets vas P a y * Pe rh te 8 eT a RNS Ge a ; ees i 5 s arr ee i a ee ah oe WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pags} $1.00 Per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, 6vsry week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD . Vou. XIV TORONTO, MONTREAL — APRIL 18, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER No. 6 ~ Canapa LuMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y b of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. * Branch Offices: ‘38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. ; r Telephone 1274. . 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every ‘Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the incipal manufacturing districts and leading a estic and foreign wholesale markets. A _ weekly medium of information and communica: tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- _ facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber ucts at home and abroad. The Laan Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully I nent tothe lumber and wood-working industries. §: 4 Bavespecntentaw si be duseated in chs fepest: ! at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. mye er liedse consecutive insertions are : ed a discount of 25 cent, will be allowed. - This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- _ vertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue ace —ALL BAND FILERS AND v others interested, to read ‘‘The Filer.” A com- prehensive work on Band Re Saw Fitting It will Straighten out those Band Saw kinks. $1 00 Postpaid. To ax. Davis, Hampton, Va, U.S.A o) Gees — TEN THOUSAND CORDS ‘¥ Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SimcozE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 _ Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. FOR SALE ~HOICE LOT OF FIGURED ASH, CHESN- : nut, Curly Maple, Cherry, Sassasfras, E - rtered and plan Sycamore 1” and ;/8” with lew Sycamore squares, for panneling inside finish, all dry, also 100 acre timber lot. Address, _ J. C. ScHLEINAUF, West Lorne, Ont. SAWYER WANTED LARGE LUMBER FIRM DESIRES TO as’ engage an experienced first-class sawyer, one whois not onlya good sawyer, but whois also an adept at getting the greatest possible results in production from the log. send full “particulars as to experience, ability and salary _ to Box 378, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. PUBLIC AUCTION 4 gtd FOLLOWING PARCELS OF VALU- os able Timber Lands and Mill Proyerties _ owned in fee simple by the Cookshire Mill eempeny in Liquidation will be sold by public sae ion at the Court House, Cookshire, Que.,on ednesday, May joth. 1906, at 1 o’clock p. m. Parcel 1. Mill and yards at Cookshire Junction, , with 21,257 acres of timber lands in the wnships of Newport, Ditton and Auckland. Parcel.2, Mill site and yards at Sawverville, “Que., on the Maine Central Railroad, with 4,350 s of timber lands in the Townships of New- port and Auckland. _ Parcel 3. 2,938 acres of timber lands in the ‘Township of Garthby. Que . near Lake Aylmer on the Quebec Central Railroad. Pw lands are well timbered with Spruce and Hardwood. For further information address : A. F, ROBINSON, . 3 Cookshire, Que. _ orthe Liquidators of the Cookshire Mill Com- _ pany, Sherbrooke, Que. fe? a. @c ‘and impartially subjects perti- "WANTED AND FOR SALE t ANTFD—BIRCH LOGS, 16” AND UP diameter, 8 feet and overlong BUFFALO VENEER CoMPANY, Buffalo, N.Y. AVE YOU ANY STOCK WHICH YOU WANTED. bE See TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or sepa- rate lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand ard lowest price. Address, Box 363, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED. Ss jada TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ-— ate'lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price Address, K ENAN Bros , Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED—MILL SITE WITH OR WITHOUT buildings with about goo to 500 water power, must be accessible to railways and near a town where hands can live. A locality where electric power could be got reasonable would suit. RoBert HowArp, Room 3, Liverpool, & London & Globe Building, Montreal. WANTED ¥>~ UOTATIONS ON THE FOLLOWING DRY Stock : One careach 14”, 136”, 2”, 2”, 4” Hard Maple; 1%” Birch and 14%” Soft Elm. Strictly ists and ands grade for export. Terms cash. ROBERT BuRY & Co., Teeswater, Ont. Lock Box 268. a 4 ( WE HAVE TAKEN OUT AN UNUSUALLY nice stock of Hard wood Logs this winter, mostly Maple, some Beech; the logsarea ery large run and extra good in quality ; we are pre- pared to receive off rs for this stock to be cut to order on opening of navigation ; state price on cats bere. C. BECK Mrc. Co., Ltd., Penetan- guishene, Ont. WANTED A SAWYER FOR MILL WITH A CAPACITY of 10,000 to 15,000 per day. Sawyer to do his own setting over carriage. Also a man for t immers who understands grading lumber. Stating wages and experience, apply to CURRY & THRASHER, Deux Rivieres P. O., Ont. FOR SALE Birch & Hardwood Consumers Proposition ,' ATER POWER SAW MILL, FULLY /V equipped mill, capacity 25 to go M. Power cap- able of developing up to 300 h.p. Standing timber. The mill is situated on good chain of lakes with an unlimited supply of hard and soft woods. Apply Box 375, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. HEMLOCK BOARDS oa Rasa MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wauted for the new England Market for shipment during the year 1906. Boards to be P1S$ to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet and up long, or clipped, 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14and 16 feet. Will take ship- ments either by rail or sail. CHARLES S. WENT- woTH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. / Dodds Anderson Lumber Co, We Want Your Lumber Send usa statement of all kinds of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., you have to offer for sale. We are in the market with the highest cash pri_- that is possible to pay; we will buy on GRADES, LOG RUN OR ESTIMATE THE ENTIRE STOCK. Dopps ANDERSon LUMBER CO., 436 Yonge St., Toronto. rat : ANTED, TELEPHONE POLES. AD dress P. O. Box 213, Almonte, Ont. OR SALE—1 CAR 4/4 BASSWOOD, DRY Winter Cut. Box 376 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ANTED AT ONCE—ABOUT 9.000 FEET of « inch Plain Red Oak. Must be good and dry. Address Jas. DovGLas, Hepworth, nt, FoR SALE—ts50 M FEET M. R. BIRCH; 50 M feet M R. basswood; 50 M. feet oak; cut during r905. EcHo Bay Lumser Co, Echo Bay, Ont. HEMLOCK TIMBER LANDS WANTED. IVE LOCATION, ESTIMATED QUAN- tity ot Hemlock timber, and lowest price. Box 377 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. \ *ANTED—1’ CULL SOFT ELM AND BASS- wood, 1” spruce, black ash c. & b. all thick- R E. KINnNSMAN, own filing, and make first-class lumber. to W H. MILLER, Campbellton, N. B. \ ANTED — FIRST CLASS CIRCULAR Sawyer, one accustomed to Steam Feed and Nigger. Address St. GABRIEL LUMBER Co., LTD., St. Gabriel de Brandon, P. Q. WANTED ASSWOOD, BIRCH, POPLAR, ETC.; ALSO other box lumber. Shipping culls. Quote delivered Chicago. AMERICAN Box Co.,Chicago FOR SALE UMBER AND COAL YARD; SITUATED IN Wyoming, Ont.; the only lumber yard in the place; will sell cheap. Lock-Box 9, Wyoming, Ont. BUSINESS OPENING WANTED ofa firm. Apply ‘‘Insurance,’’ CANADA LUM- BERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Spruce Wanted FOR SALE UMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES, THIS season’s cut. About one million feet Red and White Pine; about 200 M feet Hemlock, ro M 18 ft. and over; also Birch and Maple. THOMPSON LUMBER Co., Havelock, Ont. WANTED FOR SALE 40,000 feet 1X4 and up Mill Run Cedar. 40,000 feet 1X4 and up Mill Run Soft Maple -g0 000 feet 1” Soft Elm. 35,000 feet 1” Basswood. All last summer's cut, well manufactured. Address Box 379, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toron- to, Ont.: E.B. Foss & Company, of Bay City, Mich., are this season stock- ing the saw mill of G.L. Burtis at Thessalon, Ont. They have also bought considerable lumber at other points onthe Georgian Bay. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The lumber trade remains about as reported last week. The war- mer weather is accelerating build- ing activity and this in turn is em- phasizing the shortage in the lum- ber supply. There is a very ur- gent demand for white pine of the lower grades and hemlock. There is practically no dry hemlock on the market and consequently prices are nominal. The seller can obtain al- most any price he asks. Contracts have been made for green hemlock to be shipped as soon as sawn anc we understand that as high as $15 at the mill has been paid. There will no doubt be a large cut of hem- lock this season, but present indi- cations are that the consumption will be correspondingly large and that there will be no accumulation of stock beyond reasonable limits. More of this class of lumber is like- ly to be exported to the Eastern States than in any previous year. The hardwood trade is getting into better shape, with indications of higher prices in the near future. Shingles are moving quite liberal- ly. B.C. red cedars for Ontario delivery have this week been ad- vanced ten cents, which makes. the price $3.15 for XXX and $3.37 for XXXX. Some retail dealers in Toronto have also advanced prices, but action in this respect has not been unanimous. WESTERN CANADA. The lumber market of Western Canada is gradually strengthening. There isa good demand for bothlum- ber and shingles and this promises to expand as the season advances. Most of the mills have a consider- able number of orders on their books and there is no pressure what- ever to sell stock. The conditions arein favor of higher prices, but there is not likely to be such an ad- vance as will restrict consumption. The manufacturers in the Mountain district of British Columbia are ex- pected to raise their prices in the near future. A further advance of ro cents in B. C. shingles has taken place, bringing the price for XXX for Eastern shipment to $1.95. UNITED STATES. On account of the opening of navigation on the Great Lakes, the lumber business is more animated than at any previous time this year. "ANADA LUMBERMAN AND WOOD WORKER If. = * Ay Py Cs oe 1 2 aad @ EP ae eee CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Efforts are being made to move lumber as quickly as possible to wholesale points, at some of which stocks have been badly broken by the abnormal winter and early spring demand. The price situation is as strong as ever, with no sign of weakening. Dealers are not dis- posed to load up with exceptionally heavy stocks, but the volume of orders coming to them makes it necessary to keep their yards well supplied if they are not to lose business. The spruce supply is reported as alittle larger, but the demandcontinuesexcellent. Frames tro to 12 inch are still quoted at Boston at $27, and g inch and under at $25. The hardwood situation is steadily improving. The Hardwood Record is authority for the statement that there is not ‘one hardwood manufacturer in twenty throughout Wisconsin and Michigan who has not sold a good portion of his entire cut of. the season. Fully 75 per cent. of the birch, basswood, maple and beech output is said to have been contracted for, this proportion of advance sales being greater than ever before in the history of the trade. Basswood is doing better, with quotations of $20 to $23 at mill points. .GREAT BRITAIN. The retail trade of Great Britain does not seem to respond to the strength shown by wholesale trans- actions. Still, compared with a year ago, business is good, and when consumers become convinced that prices are not likely to recede, they will no doubt contract for their requirements. “Whitewood from Sweden and Finland has advanced 25s a standard during the past few months, and this, of course, is mak- ing it easier to sell spruce. The stock of lumber on hand is so much less than one year ago that higher prices are predicted. The stock of square and waney pine timber at Liverpool is 64,000 cubic feet less ‘than a year ago. Of Quebec pine deals at Liverpool there is only 8,500 standards, as against 12,000 standards in April, 1905. At a recent public sale in London 3xg inch second quality spruce brought 1os per standard and 3x7 inch £8 10s. Laths and flooring are in good demand. The action of the Bank of England in reducing their rate of discount is expected to ‘KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., have a good effect upon the general trade of the country. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Vancouver, B. C., April oth, 1906.—‘* The shingle business is fair,” remarked Mr. McNair, of the Hastings Shingle Manufacturing Company this morning, when asked concerning conditions. ‘‘The de- mand, while not what might be called brisk, is good from both Canadian and American points. During the winter, when the former market was. slack, considerable amounts oi shingles were shipped into the United States, notwith- standing the duty. Prices have been advanced locally on, the XXX from $1.85 to.$2, but they remain at $1.85 for shipping. None of the manufacturers are taking orders too far ahead, as it is probable that a raise in prices will take place this week. Labor and raw material are both scarce and are costing more than formerly, and it is felt that an increase should be made. This will apply particularly to XXX, which may go as high as $2 for shipping. As to the other grades, the prices of these generally depend on the supply and the demand, the XXX being the only real standard.” The lumber industry all through is good, one of the features of the activity being the large number of Americans constantly coming in. They are taking up timber both on the coast and in the interior, some on crown granted land, and some on provincial lands. A number of new mills are spoken of. ‘“‘The present good conditions will probably continue all year,” a millman_ stated to-day. Ss "Dhe market just now is fine, and all the mills are kept busy. There has been no objection raised in respect to the recent increase in prices, which was necessitated because of the stringency in the log market and the greater cost of production. The Mountain Lumber Manufacturers’ Association will doubtless put up its figures to correspond with those of the coast mills at the next meet- ing. Logs have gone atrifle higher, and are now at the top notch, running $6, $8.50 and $10 accord- ing to the quality. No, I hardly think there will be a plentiful supply of logs this summer, even if the camps are more in number. There KILN-DRIED_BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON &CO._- 80 St. Francis Xavier Stret wHores4-? LUMBER and TIMBER Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HENLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and zbout the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS is a number of new mills starting up, and they will take any surplus on the present production, and will keep the supply still scarce. It takes as long these days to install a good logging camp as it does to put up a mill, so I do not look for any glut of logs.” In the interior of the province the mills are all preparing for a large cut. The Crow’s Nest Pass Lum- ber Company expect to have 20,- 000,000 feet of timber ready for the saw by May 1st ; the Yale Columbia Lumber Company have just Jet the largest contract for timber in the Grand Forks district, being for ten million feet to ranchers on the main branch of the Kettle river ; The S. H. Bowman Company, of Revel- stoke and Compalix, have seven camps going on Fish river, and the Kamloops Lumber Company have cut 11,000,000 feet this winter. Friends of Mr. George McCor- mick, of the Kamloops Lumber Company, are congratulating him upon the birth of a little daughter, which took place last week. The Elk Lumber and Manufactur- ing Company, of Fernie, have de- cided to install a factory for the manufacture of furniture. They have experimented with the various woods, and found that they are suit- able for furniture purposes. This will be the first factory of its kind in this province, which is deemed rather strange, as there is an abund- ance of good timber, with high prices for the finished product. About thirty members of the PINE, HEMLOCK LUMBER. CAN SUPPLY Send for Catalo J 2 Samples by Car and Cargo Lots Only ; ¢ Specialty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondénce Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY - 1%", 2” and 3” Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds, bp 1%", 14%” and 2” Chestnut, “ 1”, WK" 15g" and 2” Butternut, a THE MCLENNAN LUMBER wi LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE. et he i tee a fh sat ME a hie a pe “os per et ene Ate ur a Sten: : ae ee oe ine ‘ P| as ' s HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING CO. Wholesale Doalers in RED and WAITE CEDAR SHINGLES. | SPECIAL A quantity of 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14 and 16 ft. Cedar Posts. Telephone Poles 25 to 50 feet. 5 Hop Poles and Ladder Poles in pine and cedar. Special bills tor small sizes in pine and oak, Correspondence Solicited. Mai wat ~ ee April 18, 1906 Washington State Hoo-Hoo came to Vancouver last Thursday night, — and on Friday instituted a branch of that famous lumbermen’s order here. A large number of members were initiated. STOCKS AND PRICES. Logging operations in the Duck and Riding Mountains of Manitoba — have been completed for the season. T.A. Burrows, of Grandview, has — secured about 15,000,000 feet of logs, John Simmott about 4,000,000 © feet, and Mundle and Harper abcut © 2,000,000 each. The Ontario Government has ac- 4 cepted the tender of A. McPherson & Company, of Longford Mills, for the red and white pine cut along — the Temiskaming & Northern On- — tario Railway, passing through the Temagami forest reserve, which timber is being cut as a precaution- ery measure against fire. It is — understood that McPherson & Company’s offer was $15.10 a thousand feet, the company bearing f the expense of removing the timber. The total pine cut will be between 3,000,000 and 5,000,000 feet. The prices offered for the cedar, spruce and other woods cut were considered - i too law. , The Department of the Interior, Ottawa, are asking for tenders up to Wednesday, May 16th, for a li- cense to cut timber on Berth No. 1258, in the Province of Manitoba, containing an area of 5.38 square miles. WOODSTOCK, ONT. and HARDWOOD KNIGHT bert Seitct co LIMITED Burk’s MONTREAL, QUE. 3 J. B. Farwell & Son m5 aere N.Y. April 18, 1906 NEW BRUNSWICK LOG OUTPUT. The prospects for stream driving in New Brunswick are said to be fairly good. There is still con- siderable snow in the northern part of the province, which is holding well so as to make good water for the driving. Mr. the driving for the St. John River Log Driving Company on a con- tract let last year at 20 cents a thousand, and the affairs of the Fredericton Boom Company will be directed by Lewis H. Bliss, lately appointed agent. _ At a recent meeting of the Mada- waska Log Driving Company the following estimate of logs to be driven this year to the end of the limits at Grand Falls was prepared: A. Cushing & Company.... 32,000,000 Murray & Gregory......... 10,000,000 John PEPPNEODEG... <=. . <6. se coe 2,500,000 Neal McLean............... 4,000,000 W. H. Cunliffe & Sons...... 14,000,000 Charles Miller.............. 17,000,000 St.John Lumber Company.. 47,000,000 ebealburn. 7... .f... 06.5% 10,000,000 Stetson, Cutler & Company... 8,000.000 Randolph & Baker, Limited. 6,000,000 Seatt Brothers: .<.........:. 2,000,000 John A. Morrison........... 2,500,000 1S) ge ae ees - 155,000,000 This full amount of 155,000,000 will not reach the booms _be- cause 30,000,000 of the St. John Lumber Company’s cut will be held for their mill above Grand Falls. The remainder is all for mills at Fredericton and between there and St. John, and will therefore be driv- en ta the booms of the Fredericton Boom Company. While taking off this 30,000,000 lessens the amount to be driven on thelower corporation to 125,000,- 000 feet, this discrepancy will be all + made up and the grand total in- creased when the lumber cut on To- - bique, Salmon and other rivers be- ~ MoLennan Timber Land ANd LUMDEF GO., rimitea _ Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES4 Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. Contractors and Dealers in GEDAR * TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES Ee & 2 Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. Moore will do _____ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION tii. low Grafid Falls is added. _ The DEALS, BATTENS AND Boarps.— ly and the stock is heavy. While principal operators on Tobique, The demand has been quiet, largely quotations have kept steady at from whose logs are to come down the St. John river, are Hilyard Bros. and N. H. Murchie, while John E. Mosre is the principal operator on Salmon river. THE GLASGOW MARKET. Calder, Henderson & Living- ston’s latest market report reviews the Glasgow market as follows: WanEY WHITE PINE.—A _ con- siderable consumption has taken place, but the stock is an average one and ample for all requirments: first class wood of long average ‘is firnly held and is quoted at from 3/6 to 4/ for 18 to 19 inches average. Short girthy wood is difficult to move, and is quoted at from 2/8 to 3/. Price of second class ranges from 2/ to 2/6, but the demand for same is slow. SQuaRE.—There has been little demand. Stocks remain at about an average. Quotations are from 2/8 to 3/ for first class wood 35 to 40 feet average. For the lower qualities there is no demand. Rep PinE—Is seldom asked for, and there is practically no stock on hand. Considering the level that pitch pine has reached, it is pro- bable that enquiry will spring up for red pine later on. Erm—Has gone well into con- sumption. Stocks are normal. Prime wood 45 feet average is quot- ed at from 3/10 to 4/. AsH.—The stock of this wood is very low, and as there are several enquiries, early parcels would do well. BircH.—Some parcels have ar- rived against contracts and have been delivered ex quay. The price of 16 inch average rules about 2/ per cubic foot. WHITE OAK “Bill Timber up to 4o feet long, 16 inches square and under—quick delivery. Drop us a line describing your wants and we will gladly quote you prices. WM. J. PULLING & CO. WINDSOR, ONT. ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tienes.‘ SPECIAL LOTS—100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 an 8/4 Birch: 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16,000 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application. oe ef @ Please mention this paper when cor-, responding with advertisers. Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., unireo 604 Temple Building, Toronto To MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., 5th and Lumberman’s on account of the high prices now ruling, which have stopped specu- lative buying. The stocks of deals of all qualities are exceptionally light, but sidings are much too heavy, more especially when the prospective demand is taken into account. PinE—Firsts : Stocks show an in- crease as compared with this date last year, and consist chiefly of 11 inch and wider. Undersized deals are scarce. Broads are quoted at from £34 to £37. 11 inch, £31 to #32. Undersizes, £24 15s. to #26 15s. Good sidings, 1%, 1%, and 2 inch have come forward free- A. F. Holden, Pres. F. H. Goff, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’1.«Mgr E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. $25 158. to £28 for 11 to 12 inch average, there have been few sales reported. Seconds: The stock is Established 1889. Incorporated 1896 Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. 60. 2ist and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of— Venééréd Doors | We Solicit the Trade of | We Solicit a Share of Your Business. E. J. DAVIS MFG. CO. 21st. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S. A. Our Doors are known the world over and are recognized as the best made. Send for catalogues and price lists. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LiMiTED Mills: LATCHFORD, ONT. Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. North Tonawanda N. Y. ~~: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOGK TORONTO ONTARIO We Offer DRY MILL CULLS te Cars= "4/4_Sidings “4/4 % 10 and 12 2 5/4 I ee 8/4 Rate low; price fair Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. POPOV YY, % se a nt R.-H. ROYS, Pres. . $ RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R, S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. CREB OVOCOSM VBPVSVSVVSVSVsSVVtUstUt8b°o SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT ; Mills at Sandwich, Ont. VPETVTCVVVVCVVSVVSVFSTS .- BVVVABO CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. 1 Bey LUE ee Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Cireiwrat CACHE. nae ee-nk Gane miles West North Bay UMBER anD LATH IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION — low. Broad deals 14 inch average are quoted at from £22 to £25; 1! inch at from £20 to £22, and un- dersizes at from £14 to £16. Thirds: There has been a fair de- mand, tut business has been kept back through want of stock. The stock shown in our tables is held by merchants, and no wholesale quota- tions are being made. Fourths are in the same position as thirds. Rep Pine Dears. — The demand has been steady and stocks are low. Prices are from 48 10s. to £11, according to quality and specifica- tion. SpRUCE.—The stock is an average one, and is firmly held at £8 5s. for 7 inch to £9 12s. 6d. for g inch in third quality. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. The Quebec Government have announced a sale of timber limits to take place in Quebec on Thursday, June 21st next. The limits to be sold are situated in the Upper Ot-_ tawa, St. Maurice, St. Charles, Lake St. John West, Lake St. John. Grandville, Ri- East, Saginaw, mouski East, Bonaventure West, Gaspe West, Gaspe East and Gaspe Centre districts. The Rice & Lockwood Lumber Company, of Springfield, Mass., have moved their New York office to the Metropolitan Life Insurance Building, 1 Madison avenue. Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. In Car Lots. Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Mstehd HARQWOOD FLOORING and Bored ‘ A SPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - __ Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. ‘Phone No. 54. J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED BRAOCEBRIDGE, ONT: MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired End Matched Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Toronto $ Rte oo obs): ; ee oe 4 - "4 April 18, 1906 ADVERTISE YOUR WANTS N Weekly J —6 eed 1K = core BS eee Bs 38 oo SELECTS. ip EINES «oo ha eiaeisewe. oe 30 00 1in., 8” and wu up wide.... oc x6" and up... me sicete 27 00 1%, 1% and a -3.. 67 00 a x TOM ccc cece cn eeees 28 00 pana se ... 81 00 A! KBs viveedeceeetecen 30 00 “wee 89 00 NO. 1 BARN. FINE, COM. AND BETTER. ' AT oe chivgeains «$27 00 to $35 00 rin., 87 and up, wide... . 56 00 1 bak * 33 Coto 35 00 6 and 1%” s-. §8.00 af ‘and 3". 38 00 he «++ 59 00 ee cuiehi ei aiou tetas 41 00 FINE COMMON. No. 2 BARN. UW cccusceesses 48 00 to 60 00 rin,..... eraees 24 00 tO 27 00 1%, 1% to2”.. 55 00 56 00 1%, eee - ag oo to 37 0o 2%, 3and 4”.. 78 00 86 oo 2% and 3”. 29 00 No. 1 CUTS. NO. ‘5 BARN. 1in., 8” and up ence - 3700 | Lim... ..0..-+ a1 oo to 33 00 1% in ++ 47 00 1% and 2” 21 ooto a4 co 1% in, . + 47 00 a Mink ateyee a ag 00 fo, Pate ona 20%. apenas aon | Non tt iy RERESE DA 15 oo to 20 00 NO. 2 CUTS, No. 1 mill calla, 1 in., 6” and up wide.... 21 oo 1, 1%, 13%, 2” 16 00to 18 oe 1% t 4ees 33 00 1K” ..33 00 MILL CULLS. ‘ sees 37 00 Mill Rua Culls 1”, 1%, a%j,zand,4” “ sees 49 09 O00 alee Gaiety vie niaeine nees No. 3 CUTS, No. 2, ae ee ee Fr oo 1in., 6” ne up wide... . I9 00 LATH K and 1% oo a oy Ns ato. i a = a, 3and 4” wee 30 0O No. 1,48” pine.. =! MILL RUN. Weal coe SHINGLES. ae ee XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, 1 58 and 8" to 6 m16".,......27§ 3,00 "x10"... Bok weinle Selntare 25.00! C.B. 175 200 SiS" vdwiceoascr wees 37 No.2 “ aa 128 1 35 tr X igand UP....eeeees 28 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Uppers, 3 In. ... --«+0+-- 88 90 | 1x42 inch shippers .. -$27 28 2% in. Deeper wsisie Wine Rare sis 90 | 4/4 inch 13" & up. 28 3° 1tO2iM....e-eee eens : 4/4,Box boards 6’ andup.. 22 33 inch uppers ...++++ 10-in. dressing better... 30 35 ects, 2% in up... apein, depesing ns etter, 5 2 IT to 2iM.....ee eee eeeeee 73 Box, 1X10-in. ....0---enseee 23, 24 Fine common, ain. andup 75 8§ | Box, 1x12.....-.--. Ss 0sineiy 23% 1tO DIN... . cece caee . 58 6a | No. x barn, rx12.... ...--. 32 34 No, routs, 1toainch...... 55 60| EX10..+. seeecseneeeneeee 32 34 . 38 48 KB... cc etccc esse klasias on yo ga No. + 38 40| No. 2 barn, PEE ie SOEUR a9 » 31 No. + oldibg, 3 tos in - 50 55 ary ele opens vial oteT HW Weddstes Sel nso" No. 2 molding, he 2 FB 40 | TXB... cere erence ereceee 24 26 Stained saps...- .33 Shaky dear, + io Gaia. wees 32 40 Bracket plank . --- 35 45) “ ‘ aimob........ -B wo Shelving boards 2-in. up.. 40 45 YT eo - iek ,parrow.... 28 §2| Common .....+.....000e 23 110 Boer as 86 Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH! BASSWOOD! In any grade, size or quantity. your order drop us a line for prices. OTTAWA, Can. SPRUCE! Before placing W. B. BARTRAM & CO. PEDWELL & LEMCK: MANUFACTURERS OF e e . . Byon. i Mid je ee ore) We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. A. W. EYER @ CO. Lions Head, 9 Ontario Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Wate, Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. Correspondence with mills solicited. 43 Adelaide Street Eas ; TORONTO, ONT. LATH, j $4 00 | Soren nee $4 35 SHINGLES. Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 §. Bound butts, 6x18 .... 15 Citar batts tesconc 4 aes ; sas “ Smooth 6 x18....... 450 475 Pine ...... ee Spree ««sresngeneeces BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. WHITE PINE. _ : (Wholesale selling Price.) Uppers t+ 126. 78 ani ' 1% i ines. iaweerew ae and 3 in....... 9% o2 Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. eae BAnOE eeroce:. y TiN... 406 Selects 1 im.......... 7) 00 | No. x Mo "st'ps 1to2 1M to 2in.......55 72 00 secccececceuceess 2 ppd a i aren 85 00 No. 2 Moulding Strips, A Me cee see geeees g6 00 1 t02 in....-- +006 Fine common, I in, $7 00| Barn, No.1, xa in..... 1% and 13% in..... §9 00| 6,8 and z0in...... BAIN wiecitie gaessman 61 00 te 2, TO IMs. seer 3 =. Bee sc os taal pe ben Nog ane ar es «gan os 5 00 0. 3) TOI. er seeee cag ap Ne. 1,1 in. 45 00) No.3, 12in.......- and 13 in..... 34 00 ge .. 2” Not Cuts...... 58 00| 1x6 &up.. ...... No. 2, 1 in..... iia’ 28 00 IX1O vessee vocces No. Bs So eee 43 00 para sc cevistalsicawhy No. 3, 1%, and 136 42 00 1x1g and one ain. No, 3.27 oc serene 35 00 if cane Dressing ae 42 00] Mi soit " ri xto und 12.....+ 44 00 1%, 1% ain WHITE ASH. Ist & and, x inch, 3800 4000 to 4 in..... +2 4400 \ ra toain .......40 00 42 00 IPS. -caccece Com. and culls....... 14 00 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. 1st & ana, 6 nch up, 38 00 40 00 | Com. & good culls... 14 00 RCH. vst &and, white,” &up, 30 00 $2 00 + 40 Go 42 00 | Com. & good see. 16 00 186 ELM. 1st & dd,rock,6in &up 76 00 28 oo | rst & 2d, soft soft, 610 a ana tiban a > Common and culls.. 1§ 90 17 00 Common and culls...... 16 00 176 oe "MAPLE. ; ist & and hard...... 30 00 23 oe, 1st &and,soft...... ....20 00 33 Comimon and culls. 1400 15 00 | Common 'and calls......12 00 13 ist & and, 6 inch & up, r sececseeee _—— | so MASS. cesta ae a dimension. cikpalloait seswesient E giu. and under .............. -; Silesian ro and 12 in. random len hs, ro ft and up... nee » 25 am6, 2X7 ons, a eee weer ese eeeeae sees eeeee Out Spruce Pe Weare vere nevus celned ph ag 1x2 ard 2x3 perry © clippca cad bonded 1%” spruce laths scemsone de csn sie Mie ahy = ws weeeeens 14” Baviek tins tute Pees hii a ; NEW BRUNGWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Extras ......---+-: Saw ae minis Wa ehalewiaete malay Ae aia a Clears........ Oi loca we es pesiemen odueqncnpepiane “Clear Whites .......... 204+. Gace atone ctace ate Eoutra 18 (Clear whites out) Be Pea ioccdace “a Extra 1s (Clear whites in). BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINOLEA, ned Cedar Haren, 16 in. 5 butts to 2 im. naneiie = Wurekne, bs Pectections, 5 butts tos a. —- eee creer reer eeeereeaee NADA AND WOOD: WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages}. $1.00 PER veak {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, 6s) week. REACHES RECULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD VoL. XIV CaNnaDA [LLUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY 4 The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’U 4 of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Re Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL _ 720-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. = : Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and ‘leading omestic and foreiga wholesale markets. A weekly mediunt of information and communica- tien between Canadian timber and lumber manu- _ facturers and exporters and the purchasers of : ad tee at home and abroad. - The eer Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. "WANTED AND FOR SALE ————————————— _ See ae abe % insertions | = is notice : oaths ot ldth of the line and is set we Bo 233 Ema: ; 12lines makeone inch, Ad- __—s-vertisemenits must be received not later than 4 __ @’clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue ) pal. es : = ANTED—ALL BAND FILERS AND ae others interested, to read ‘‘The Filer.” A com- prehensive work on Band Re-Saw Fitting. It will straighten out those Band Saw kinks. $x 00 Postpaid. T. Har Davis, Hampton, Va., U. S. A. is . W4kzzD —TEN THOUSAND CORDS bs : “Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Smmcoz Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52. - 1 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. - FOR SALE EUS LOT OF FIGURED ASH, CHESN- pe _, nut, Curly Maple, Cherry, Sassasfras, ~ jattered and plain Sycamore 1” and 5/8” with 4 ee ‘Sycamore squares, for panneling inside finish, all dry, also roo acre timber lot. Address, > pape ScHLEIHAUF, West Lorne, Ont. ss. !WTANTED A BIRCH, BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, y Rock Elm, Hard Maple, Hickory in Logs, lumber and dimension sizes. Spot cash. In- sbippin at mill. Please quote prices f.o.b. at upping. points. W. J. GORDON, Box 2*9, sor, Ont. PUBLIC AUCTION a fe FOLLOWING PARCELS OF VALU- : able Timber Lands and Mill Properties owned in fee simple by the Cookshire Mill Company in Liquidation will be sold by public action at the Court House, Cookshire, Que.,on Wednesday, May 30th, 1906, at 1 o’clock p. m. Parcel 1. Mill and yards at Cookshire Junction, ae. with 21,257 acres of timber lands in the ‘iownships of Newport, Ditton and Auckland. Parcel 2. Mill site and yards at Sawyerville, Que., on the Maine Central Railroad, with 4,350 acres of timber lands in the Townships of New- port and Auckland. 5 Parcel 3. 2,938 acres of timber lands in the _ Township of Garthby, Que., near Lake Aylmer on the Quebec Central Railroad. _-s-*‘These lands are well timbered with Spruce and Hardwood. ts ___ For further information address = A, F, ROBINSON, . Fighs _ Cookshire, Que. - - erthe Liquidators of the Cookshire ‘Mill Com- , Sherbrooke, Que. — es + No. 7 TORONTO, MONTREAL — APRIL 25, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER ANTED, TELEPHONE POLES. dress P, O. Box 213, Almonte, Ont. feet M. R. basswood; so M. feet oak; cut during 190s. EcHo BAy LumpBer Co, Echo Bay, Ont. (> HEMLOCK TIMBER LANDS WANTED.” ahr LOCATION, ESTIMATED QUAN: - tity ot Hemlock timber, and lowest: price. Box 377 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ; \ TANTED—1’ CULL SOFT ELM AND BASS- wood, 1” spruce, black ash c. & b. all thick nesses, cedar and tamarac. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. Wanted—Ash Timber for Export. 2,000 to 3,000 cubic feet of sawn or hewn, square or waney ash—average 15” Square or more, Say 15 ft. and’up in length, long as possible, white or hard grey. Reply ‘‘B’’ care CanapA LUm- BERMAN, Toronto. iy FOR SALE UMBER AND COAL YARD; SITUATED-IN Wyoming, Ont.; the only lumber yard in the place; will sell cheap. Lock-Box 9, Wyoming, Onty’ OR -SALE—ioo M FEET 4/4 AND 80 M 6/4 Birch, 15M 4/4, 5°M°5/4,9M 6/4 Har d faple,Common and Better, rgo, to eerie SKustin, Kinmount, Ont, pot WANTED. NE TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ- ate lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, KEENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED UOTATIONS ON THE FOLLOWING DRY Stock ; One careach 14%", 134”, 2”, 3”, 4” Hard Maple; 1%” Birch and ry" Strictly 1sts and ands grade for export. cash, ROBERT Bury & Co., Teeswater, Ont. Lock Box 268. Spruce Wanted FOR SALE Birch & Hardwood Consumers Proposition unlimited sppply of hard and soft woods. Apply Box 375, CANADA HEMLOCK BOARDS Dodds Anderson Lumber Co, We Want Your Lumber Send usa statement of all kinds of lumber, _ lath, shingles, etc., you have to offer for sale. We are in the market with the highest cash pri -e that is possible to pay; we will buy on GRADES, LOG RUN: OR ESTIMATE THE ENTIRE STOCK. Dopps ANDERSON I,UMBER CO., 436 Yonge St., Toronto. AD-. ” FFOk Sales ise M FEET M. R, BIRCH; “so. M’ 7 Fo SALE—1 CAR 4/4 BASSWOOD, DRY Winter Cut: Box 376, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED SAWYER FOR SMALL, MILL, B.C, with third class engineer’s certificate. . _ Apply Z Y X, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. - WANTED ASSWOOD, BIRCH, POPLAR, ETC.; ALSO ) other box lumber. Shipping culls, Quote delivered Chicago. AMERICAN Box Co.,Chicago. WANTED AT ONCE—ABOUT 9,000 FEET ‘of 'r inch Plain Red Oak. Must be good ane dry. - Address JAS. Doucias, Hepworth, nH ROCK ELM WANTED. OMMON AND BETTER 1”, 1%” AND 2”. Good price paid. Apply Box 380 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED. NE BAND SAWYER FOR SINGLE CUT- ting band; one bandsaw filer; one rotary sawyer accustomed to steam feed and nigger; one circular saw filer, capable of hammering preferred. Apply to DonaLp FRASER & SONS, Cabano, P. Q. ; ‘CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. It does not appear that the high price of lumber is restricting local building operations in the slightest — degree, for the activity in that line is even more pronounced than one year ago. The difficulty of securing suitable lumber, on account of broken stocks, has caused some in- ~ convenience, but usually substitutes have been found. Dimension tim- ber finds a very ready market in the Ottawa Valley district, and at prices which represent a considerable ad- vance. No southern pine of any account is now coming into Ontario, ~ and in the absence ofa sufficient supply of white pine, orders for fir are being placed with the British Columbia mills. The market has also tempted one or two Washing- ton manufacturers, whose represent- atives have recently been in Toronto seeking some of the spring trade. The seller who can make quick de- livery usually secures the order. The lath market continues firm, with much speculation as to the course of prices later in the season when the new cut has to be reckon- ed with. At present the buyer must be content with whatever price is named. One firm is said to be splitting pickets into lath. In Tor- onto No. I white pine are retailing at $5.50. All grades of shingles are stronger, the recent advance in B. C. red cedars having caused a stiffening in the white varieties. The spring trade also is responsible for more activity, at k f amt EASTERN CANADA. The spruce branch of the Eastern lumber trade is ina very satisfactory condition from the standpoint of de- mand. There has all along been. a ready market for United States stock and British buyers are now showing a strong disposition to contract for deals. If the logs should reach the mills in large quantities, there will doubtless be marked activity during the summer and fall months. Prices are quite firm. Therehas been a very en- couraging recovery in the cedar shingle market. For Boston delivery the price of Extras has now reached $3:75 for the product of well-known manufacturers, but there are still some producers who are. willing to contract for May delivery at $3.60. Clears are equally strong, being quoted at.$3.10 to $3.20 on Boston freight rate. : ipl UNITED STATES. The lumber market of the United States looks good from every point of view. The figures of. building operations for the month of March show an average gain of 54 per cent. in 27 cities over the- same monthlof 1905, while 19 cities show- ing losses average but 38 per cent. The industries throughout the country, are in a prosperous condition, and it appears that there will be a heavy consumption ° of lumber. When the light stocks are taken into consideration, there is no ground on which to base a pre- diction of lower prices. Much will depend, of course, upon the out- come of the harvest, and in this connection it may be said that the condition of the winter wheat is almost as good as last year, when there was a record crop. The White Pine Association of Buffalo and Tonawanda took no action last week towards advancing prices, although it was stated at the meet- ing that business was good and prospects for the season exceedingly bright. New York is still bidding for spruce and is also taking considerable hemlock, the delivery price of the latter being about $22. The hardwoods are moving a trifle more freely on account of an increased demand from the furniture manufacturers. The lath market is still attracting considerable atten- tion. White pine recently brought $6 in Pittsburg, and hemlock almost Il. as much. Spruce lath are steady at the recent decline. For Boston livery the price is about $4 to or 1% and $4. 25 to 4.50 for GREAT BRITAIN. At the last public sale in London 3.x 11 inch white pine of third quality, from Montreal, brought #12 15s and £12 10s per standard of 1980 feet, while 3 x 9 inch un- assorted Quebec spruce sold readily at £9 10s, Montreal thirds at 59 5s, and Breakey’s Quebec thirds at £9 15s. The strength of the spruce situation is generally admit- ted and for future delivery prices rule about £8 5s per standard c.i.f. London and_ Liverpool. Some buyers, however, are inclined to adopt a reticent attitude until the position of the log drives in Eastern Canada is more definitely deter- mined. Apparently they are of the opinion that if all the logs reach the mills prices may recede, but in view of the large market in the United States for Canadian spruce, there seems little prospect of lower prices being reached this year. There has arisen a brisk demand for American oak wagon scantling, prices of which have advanced sharply during the past month. Birch timber, on the other hand, is easier, arrivals from the Eastern . Provinces having been quite large of late. STOCKS AND PRICES. There has been an _ unusually large cut of logs on the Canaan River, in New Brunswick, this sea- son. West and White are said to have sccured 12,000,000 feet be- tween them. I. R. Todd, of St. Stephen, N.B., has about 3,000 cords of poplar pulp wood to be shipped from Cole’s Island and Pickett’s Cove, N.B. The wood will go to Yar- mouthville, Maine, but may not be shipped this summer on account of high freight rates. D. D: Glasier & Sons estimate the quantity of loose logs of last year’s cut in the St. John river, be- low Grand Falls, N.B., at 9,000,- ooo feet. These are expected to come down with the ice. Above Grand Falls there are said to be about 15,000,000 feet of last year’s logs in the water. The F.H. Watkins Lumber Com- pany, 1 Madison avenue, New York, KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., KILN-DRIED_BIRGH CANADA LUMBERMAN have arranged to handle 20,000,000 feet of Canadian spruce this year, about 12,000,000 of which will be supplied by the Trois Pistoles Pulp & Lumber Company, of Trois Pistoles, Que. They will also handle about 4,00v,000 feet of New Bruns- wick white pine and some spruce lath. ¢ A correspondent at North Bay, Ont., writes the CANADA LUMBER- MAN as follows: ‘‘I can safely say that no logs of any consequence will be left in the woods in the district this season, but if the weather con- tinues much longer as it is, it will take heavy rains to bring out the drives in small creeks. [ am of the opinion that, compared with last year, the cut of pine was greater, and that of the other woods smaller.” Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son and Company refer to the Barbados lumber market as follows: The cnly arrival during the fortnight has been the schooner Marguerite, from Meteghan, N.S., to ourselves, with 100,000 feet of spruce and hemlock, for which we obtained $23 for ship- ping and $19 for second quality spruce, while we sold the small lot of hemlock at $18. These small arrivals have not affected the market to any great extent and further re- ceipts of both white pine and spruce would bring about late prices. The schooner Marguerite brought down 10,000 Extra No. 1 cedar laying shingles, for which we obtained $1.67.. Stocks of this description are very heavy and demand light on account of the prevailing, dry weather. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN ) Orrawa, April 20th, 19g06.—An active market for lumber continues in the Ottawa Valley. The lumber- men who have just been visited by the British buyers report that these purchasers have wakened up to the necessity of paying high for the product of Canadian mills. About one-third of the lumber output of the Ottawa Valley has been sold for export across the Atlantic. Since the deal was disposed of in this way the demand for the stock which is b@ught by the United States has grown more active and prices are at the top notch. The prospects are that there will be no decline in quotations in the near future. While the prices are considered Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, ard zbout the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS “FLOORIN MASON, GORDON & SO. WEEKLY EDITION high, they do not compare with those of the Georgian Bay district and the adjacent states across the border. This condition is under- stood by the manufacturers of the Ottawa Valley to ensure a continu- ance of the present buoyancy of the trade. The competition from the West has had the effect in the past of keeping down local prices. It is believed that purchases of Jumber in Ottawa at present rates are good holdings. The quantity of lumber that will be manufactured in Ottawa the com- ing season will vot be enough to meet the the usual demand for do- mestic and export trade. Ottawa manufacturers will have the whole local field to themselves, for the high prices in the west will keep the product of that district from coming east. Just now large quantities of - lumber and lath are going from the Ottawa district to the western dealers. Spruce is keeping very firm and sales are all at large advances on the ruling prices of a year ago. The usual quantity will be cut -in the mills, which have begun the season’s operations. The lath trade is quieter than a fortnight ago. The high prices dis- couraged buyers and they are now waiting till the saw mills turn out PINE, HEMLOCK LUMBER. CAN SUPPLY HARDWOOD FLOORING SIHMON BROS, xz. 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO —Our Prices will Interest You- ; Send for Catalo Office : J vt Samples by 80 St. Francis Xavier Stret WHOLESALE LUMBER. and TIMBER | Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY - 1%", 2” and 3” Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds. 1", 1%", 1344” and 2” Chestnut, + 1”, 1%", 134” and 2” Butternut, ee HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER = & MANUFACTURING oo | Wholesale Doalers in RED and WHITE.—s«idf CEDAR SHINGLES. SPECIAL ie a A quantity of 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14 and i ft. Cedar Posts. Ae aed | Telephone . Poles 25 to 50 feet. ds amsninines S Hop Poles and Ladder Poles in pine and cedar, Special bills for small sizes in pine and oak. Correspondence Solicited. THE M°LENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, Ql : April 25, some of the 1906 product. year's output will not be ready 1 shipping, however, till about Jun Prices for lath in the United St are keen enough, and the Ott manufacturers are selling at fi $3.50 to $5.00 a thousand, the ter price being paid in very cases. The purchasers across border are more aggressive in local circles owing to the son there being more advan Loca manufacturers assert — lath prices may not go dow spite the new output of the n The stocks were never before thouroughly cleaned out. The p pective demand is also better > last year, and it is possible a scale of prices will be main till near the end of the sease Most all the western mills cut lath have sold their outp ahead at last year’s highest pric so that Ottawa fears little com tion from that quarter. The chasers are among the strong firms and they will hold the lath ill good prices are a as L. P. Rider has retired Fon lumber firm of White, Rider & Fro North Tonawanda, N. Y., and t business will be coutenas undert name of bib Frost & Witte, WOODSTOCK, ONT. and HARDWOOD > End Matched; Bored, Polishec i - and Bundled Fit WIARTO N, | KNIGHT BROTHERS C LIMITED - Burk’s ics MONTREAL, QUE. ; eat April 25, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA BUMBERMAN.) Sr. Joun, N.B., April 20th, 1906. _—The weather so far during April has been extremely cold and back- _ ward, a circumstance which has re- tarded the opening of the lumber manufacturing season in this sec- pees The ice in the St. John is still strong and it will be at least a fort- night before the logs from even the nearby streams begin to arrive at the local mills. _ The outlook for stream driving on the St. John, the Restigouche and Miramichi is spoken of as the most favorable for many years. _ The cold weather has prevented any _ wasting of the snow in the woods and when the warm weather comes _ the volume of water in the streams will be, it is confidently expected, sufficient to drive out both the logs which were cut in the winter just past and those which were hung up _ from the previous year. Ifa clean _ drive is made it is estimated that the - total quantity of logs coming down = the St. John River this year will be in the vicinity of 150,000,000 feet, _ of which the much greater part will be spruce. The local feeling in regard to “English” spruce deals has shown _ acontinuation of the firmness men- tioned a month ago and at this date the prospect for the coming summer has the appearance of fully sus- taining present values and with x ery probability of gaining ground. Shipments to Great Britain from St. John during the next two months will consist almost entirely of such rcels as come by rail from inland ints. The total volume of these shipments will be tar below the average for May and June. Local wharves are entirely clean of deals of to kinds. ae on, LUMDEP GO., rimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS a Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OEFICES* Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. J 1B, Farwell & Son eiitcasers and Dealers in OEDAR. GRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES yego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. That the begining of a period of stimulus in the ‘‘English” deal trade has arrived is generally believed and all indications lead to the conclusion that the prices available during the coming summer and fall will show a material advance on the average figures which prevailed last year. For summer delivery a specifica- tion of ‘‘English” spruce deals con- taining say 50 per cent 7's and 8’s, 35 per cent 9’s and 15 per cent wides, could not be bought less than from $13.50 to $13.75 per M. sup feet, f.0.b. St. John. For one inch spruce boards the Outlook is very encouraging. Trade in this line has been somewhat draggy during the past two years, and local stocks have during that period augmented considerably. At this date about 500,000 sup. feet are to be seen on local wharves. Compared with an average price for some years of $10. oo per M feet, $11.00 to $11.25 is now asked for dutiable goods. Freight rates on deals to the West Coast of Great Britain have been steadily weakening, and rock bot- tom has recently been reached, charters having been made at 355 per standard. RED CEDAR SHINGLES. The recént advance in the price of British Columbia red cedar shin- gles did not come as a surprise. Owing to the-high cost of logs the manufacturers have found it abso- lutely necessary to advance prices in order to realize a margin of pro- fit. We understand that some at- tempts have been made to break the market, but until there is a change in conditions this will not be easily accomplished. Consider- ing the excellent quality of B.C. M MoLennan Timber Land; WHITE OAK Bill Timber up to 4o feet long, = ‘inches square and delivery. Drop us a line describing your wants and we will gladly quote you prices. WM. J. PULLING & CO. WINDSOR, ONT. under—quic ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Ties SPECIAL LOTS—100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 18,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16,000 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application. oe) “ey Rh eee Please mention this paper when cor- - responding with advertisers, Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 ; : GARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., umiren 604 Temple Building, Toronto °o MILLMEN— Cash buyers all! kinds HARDWOODS Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s red cedar shingles and the conse- quent preference given to them by carpenters, the present price is none too high ; indeed, in comparison with other timber products, they might reasonably be expected to advance a little further. The log supply is the key to the present situation. As the demand for logs increases, the scarcity of men for woods operations becomes more acute, and this is causing an advance in wages. Logs are now selling at $7, $8 and $10 delivered, and there appears to be no imme- diate relief. The log scale which went into effect on Puget Sound on March 26th fixed the following prices for merchantable logs, 27- inch top: A. F. Holden, Pres. . F. H. Goff, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr E.C Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. Wpitoy gorfeet ssc sich ds «3 dis, sew $ 8.50 AZO) BO Leet i «np. ote adts ae ate: 9.00 2, UORADOMECL cyt eel, wera ae oe eelc. 10.50 ZOPONCEL tht k.. sae ce 12.00 Fen rofeets ETB Tees il tee 14.00 Szitawigo teeta tis nf handd fee oad 16.00 OZ LOMO OT CEL: 5 2h. duc cise) «dgote tus « oe ON Established 1889. Incorporated 1896 We Solicit the Trade of Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. 60. 21st and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of— Veneéeréd Doors SS S d\ = | HLLCUNE We Solicit a Share of Your Business. E. J. DAVIS MFG. CoO. 21st. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. Our Doors are known the world over and are recognized as the best made. Send for catalogues and price lists. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, timiteD Mills: LATCHFORD, ONT. Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. North Tonawanda N. Y. vse GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOGK TORONTO ONTARIO - We Offer DRY MILL CULLS we Cars 4/4 Sidings 4/4 «10 and i2 2 se 5/4 8/4 Rate low; price fair Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. 2,000,000 X X (6 in. C. B.) Pine and Cedar Shingles. 40,000 Cedar Fence Posts, 5 in. and up at the top, 8 ft. long. If you can supp!y any quantity of the above, write stating quantity and Jowest prices. Cc. A. LARKIN, Wholesa'e Lumber Toronto, Ont. CACHE BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CACHE Dh eae Ont. a6 miles West North Bay Gane UMBER anD LATH Iv. ee . a ; 7 > a CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION The E. H. Heaps Timber Com- pany, the Paterson Timber Com- pany and the British Columbia Flume Company are all actively at work in getting out logs, and will in the near future have a moderate supply on hand. These and more will be required if the present de- mand for shingles should continue, which now seems very probable. Ontario is likely to consume more than an average quantity of red cedar shingles this year, as very extensive building operations are under way and the production of white pine shingles is annually decreasing. Buyers are looking to British Columbia for red cedars and part of Quebec for white cedars. Competition between these two sections of the Dominion promises to be more keen in the future, although at the present time but a very small quantity of New Bruns- wick shingles is coming into On- tario. Red cedar shingles are higher in price in Washington than in British Columbia. Conditions at Seattle, Wash., are described as follows by the Mississippi Valley Lumberman : As predicted last week, shingle prices have advanced on an average of nearly five cents on all grades. The rising market is attributed to the car shortage, which continues western portion of the state, and the effect of the strikes and lock- outs. At Ballard the mills are still closed and, while the manufacturers have announced a determination to begin next week with green crews, it is problematical with what degree of success. The shingle mill trouble alone has removed at least 30 per cent. of the daily supply of Stars from the market. One of the most conservative men in the business here, in speaking of the market, said: ‘‘Stars are strong at the advance and the mar- ket all round is stiff. The car shortage continues to strengthen prices and while there is an oppor- Ky te ee in A De hate pe SAA re Mae Sa EI 8, to New Brunswick and the eastern to be felt, particularly in the south- tunity for even better prices, I do i ry - , April 25, 1906 not think a prediction to that effect would be justified.” Bs Planing, Matching, Resawing, | 5 In Car Lots. Manufacturer of at >. Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings ecise* HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity, J. R. EATON Orillia, On Correspondence Solicited. "Phone No. : J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMIT ITE! BRACEBRIDGE, ON oe, e] MANUFACTURERS OF ~ LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCL All GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPEC THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all We are now sawing Send us your enquiries. sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. lant cer ieee eS ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. FOR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED g in summer and one all winter. OWEN SOUND, ONT: We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills runnin HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Prompt Shipments. Let us know your requirements ILWAY: TIES SPRUCE BIRCH ELM 7 R HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES PINE A CEDAR &e., &o., &ec. B.C, FIR B.C. CEDAR Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. apres Timber 18 ft. and up, 11’ x 11” and up, for sale at a low price for immediate delivery. Bank of Hochela JAMES J. MURPHY, ™ uf Hechelaga QUEBEC F. MoCIBBON & SONS, = "Gn" ‘ ; ONT. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS _ R. LAIDLAW JAS. PLAYFAIR. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . . MAITLAND, LUMBER LATH, TIES, Make a Specialty of We ship by C. P. R., National Lite Chambers, 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Yards at Amherst, Little Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MANUFACTURERS OF | White and Red Pine he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS at pia Ago em Ont. | u c on ‘**Soo” Branc . PLR. L b d L th Manning Arcade, Toronto Mm e an a OPFICES~ Coristine Building, Montreal. Co And at Mills at Spragge. Water Shipments 160 Bay St. Toronto HARDWOOD FLOORING ee MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND oat %, . 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames ; ¥, End 148 Toronto Street, Toronto PLAYEHAIR & WHIT. Contractors for Rallway Supplies RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers ; Long Pine, THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, — RHODES, CURRY & CO.., Limited’ LUMBER MERCHANTS. © be) ae BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are HARDWOOD FLOORI End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List - A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds THE SEAMAN KENT CO. LUMBER CO. D. L. WHITE a nee pee 4, ~ MIDLAND, ONT. — OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, up POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. . T.R., and by Water. TORONTO, ONT. Forks, Sydney and Halifax. } sg buyers of Amherst, N.S. | , Limiter Factory, Meaford, THEM. BRENNEN & SONS. MANUFACTURING CO, LIMITED | Planing Mill and Head Office: 1 HAMILTON, Ontario. y and 4 ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY OWBN SOUND, ONT da and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Cana Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P‘4e, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, April 25,1906 CANaPA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS. | Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCE OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a Srecialty. Interior Trim Mill Work. FALLS, N. Y. Soft Yellow Pine Finishing LU M B E R Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber Cc. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. DETROIT, MICH. CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. | WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS NIAGARA Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISGONSINGEATRAL ALA Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. io full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent, 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or JAs. C. Ponp, ic P. A., Milwaukee, Wis. THE WICKS LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. ONE DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS RAI L.A L. BLACK ASH AND ‘ROCK ELM SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER IONE McCLURE LUMBER Co: Manufacturers__._____ SS AARDWOOD LOMBER Oak Bending and Wagon Stock a Specialty Mills: EUTAW, ALA. DETROIT, MICE, 4 hes ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE mason a. nose LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries s for Southern Yellow Pine. © FRANK GC, BURY MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Tidltions a Specialty = WHOLESALE MICHIGAN BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS SMITH & TYRER - 1d ithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TyRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington Stree GANT & KEMP ¢ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Sauare, GLASGOW BROKER S Cable penree *TECTONA” er At ABC Codes use: Telegrams and Se aie “Woodfeller, Codes : Rede Western Union, Southards, and London C. 4th and 5th Editions. THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents. " AOSEDH OWEN & SONS, LID. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘ ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measurers | Cabel Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale 8t., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC F. A. eee & Co. GLASGOW, SCUTLAND 8 Gordon Street - Corresnondence solicite 2 Broad Street Building; oul ag ot St IMPORTER OF i ee Address‘ se London,’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Neen ee eee ee ee EE Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS i ae nches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF Wuite Ash Logs ty Planks. Oak Logs and Rock Maple Logs aad Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory a . ALSO .. All ‘ecseu "of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods aha iy for the English DIRECTORY CODE CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood 1 gents and Brokers 57 Gracechureh St. London, E.0. England nl JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Loge and Lumber, Elm Staves and Heading, Handles of all descriptions Veneers A Specialty Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Cable Address : “* GELLICHT,” LONDON ER ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND ADDRESS “DOBLE LIVERPOOL ” Liverpool and London Chambers _ - CABI,E vi. 7 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION April 2g se . SE ear E. H. HEAPS & CO., see baie B. a Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, ETc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Balusters, etc. W, j. Eh abl sy Hct ig ow ak ubaushe MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER LATH, MOULDINGS TURNED WORK ETC. citi Cc P SHINGLES All kinds and Grades i Straight or Mixed Cars LUMBER ORDER OUR SPECIALLY TRIMMED AND “READY - TO - PUT - ON” RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING Correspondence Solicited Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO eet ned W. L. TAIT, GENERAL MANAGER Vancouver, B.C. Limite HIGH GRADE RED CEDAR SHINGLES | | _ i NS oe sag = / ‘A nf ; vs i - ’ ie ee nail e es 4 Peery Pe ery oe ae hagas 7 t4 »~VoT 2S ~ =~ Le DY wy, - i we 24 : : i, - ; pO Bis. as ‘ ne SIP care oe eee = : La eeey Kk ee ee SOS SLOSS SE MSSS S Ss 4 JUST ‘A GENTLE REMINDER SSE NST OS a - LS INS coz SSN — Y 3 4 That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your —_ y wants in the lumber line. ) It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to WA open up correspondence with us. kp A Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our 7) specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you ek eee eae Sr i The Red Deer Lumber Company } Y BARROWS P. 0., SASK. WEES D uence Pek B.C. Red Cedar IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR 1906 CALENDAR WRITE a3 ONE. IT ws A CORRES ; —Werite DIRECT to— W.F. AUNTIING Lumber Gompany, Ltd. / VANCOUVER - ictacss SHINGLES " _ April 25, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil. - E.H, HEAPS, : 7 J. A. McNAIR, : President Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, tmitTep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER B.C. 4 Our Daily Shipping Capacity —— “pai 000 . SHIN GLES PER DAY We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots. FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER : DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all ; a descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH é é FELBER, JU pas Co. H. D. WICCIN de - ALLKINDS or Lumen s Eanes a aay eeSaaal will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for et TH E | re DEPE Fel D E NT LU ie 3 E R C 0. 2 . - Hlooringe, Shooks, Sashes,” inouidings, “Dowels, LOG RU IN GET Gucaniona au eun' weAGcar BRANCH Neen eee raapricn Market. ,ete., OF aBY | wim Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd | HEAD OFFICE -REGINA.SASK. CokRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. D. C. CAMERON, President and Manager. — WM. ROBERTSON, Secretary. jJ. E. YOUNG, Cashier eee eeee ee The Rat Portage ‘Lumber Co., Ltd. _ see White and Red Pine Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Sash, Doors, Turned and Band Saw Work pesirsin CEDAR POSTS, POLES and TAMARAC PILING _- Mills at RAT PORTAGE and RAINY RIVER, Ontario, WINNIPEG, Manitoba, and VANCOUVER, British Columbia. Head Office: WINNIPEG, Man itob _ Our Vancouver Mill cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Bciisee and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber We also Manufacture all kinds of Mouldings, Sash, Doors, Turned Work and Boxes. Correspondence solicited at all four points. THOMAS oe aig Mara CODE: AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE H. H. SPICER, ESI IDENT. , MGR. AND SECY. Export LUMBER & SHINGLE CoO., L’T’D. Head Office, 44-46 Flack Building, VANCOUVER, B.C. g Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Pacific Coast Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. Shipping capacity is 1,500,000 SHINGLES per day. Will the Trade Beore note that we only claim a daily sHeie capacity of 1 ,500,000 shingles. Our competitors who nake larger claims are nice people but seem inclined to exaggerate. 5 - : a " fv Testes Viner pie 23 2 Yk : war ‘ < ; * Pa reese eo eo hited 2-37 -Seee ie eo a y 2 ms c is 3 e Vill. THE ONTARIO LU Mv BER 09 vireo Mitxs: North Bay. C.F 1.11¢ G.T.R. Delivery MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Home Tite Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. ILLS : French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. OO THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY | CANADIAN Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade'Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Pilates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries ror prices, etc. by Mail, Wire or Phone. Dee Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. oS CURRENT LUMBER PRIGES-WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. Hemlock,1x4 to 8im 1600 Ij 00 51 00 | 2x4 to 8 in.,10to16ft. 17 oo 18 O> 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 18 00 19 (0 1 inch No. 1 Pine cuts & becter....-- 1% inch Nol cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00 Clear inch B.C. cedar, 2’ No x Cuts and kiln dried. ... ...-.- 50 00 Better.....--+--+- 5600 58 00| Clear inch B.C. cedar 1% in.No.2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55 00 cutsand better..-. 44 00 46 oo | Douglas fir dimension No 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 32 feet 34 80 and Better........ 4600 4800|Fir flooring, edge 1% inch No. 3 grain...... veeeescece 42 00 Cots and better.... 41 00 42 00] 1% in. No. I 4ft. Pin a” No 3 Cuts and Lath. fac. cine em ee rh ay a Better.....------: 4200 44 00) 1% in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 30 3 4° rin. Pine Dressing 144" No. 1 32” pine lath 2 00 and better shorts 23 00 24 00 | 134” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 3 5° 1x4, 6and 8common 20 00 21 00 XXXX Pine Shingles 295 30° 1K 10 common....-- 2I 00 2200| XX PineShingles .. 225 2 3° 1x 12common...... 23 00 24 00|X Pine Shingles .. 95 2x10 common....- 2100 22°00|XX Cedar Shingles 225 2 3° aand 3x12 common. 24 00 25 00 B, C. Shingles rio inch box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 315 common ....+-+«+: 20 0@ 21 00| XKXXX 6to 23-16 in. 3 37 Inch mill runsidings 21 00 22 00| KXXXX5 to 2in.. 370 1 in. mill run...... - 21 90 22 00 SENG Hore 2 30 1x10 and 12 mill culls 16 50 1750;XXK ‘“ 6to 23-16 in. 1 inch mill cull Sid- Red pine, clear INBS...- 22s cnecceces Is 50 1650| andclear face... 2300 240 1 in. dead cull sidings 12 00 13 00| Red pine, common 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 a2 06 osama tg Ar, 14 00 I7 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, rsts and Soft Elm, millrun 21 co 22 00 ands, 1to2in. -$33 00 35 00 | Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, ists and and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 ands, 1 to2in.... 30 00 32 00 | Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 TUM veces ce storie 22 00 23 00 | Rock Elm, millrun 22 co 23 00 Birch, common and Soft Maple common better, rin....... 25 00 26 00 and better, 1in 2200 23 00 Birch, common and Maple common and better, 1% to3in 27 00 28 00 better, 1% to3 in 24 00 25 00 Birch, millrun.... 22 00 23 00 Maple, mill run... 19 00 20 00 Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, sts and better, 1in.. 22 00 23 C0 and onds......-- 46 00 §0 00 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, and bet.,1%to2in 24 00 25 00 ists and 2nds.... 44. co 46 00 Basswood, millrun 20 00 21 00 Oak,quartered, 1sts Soft Elm, common aud 2nds......... 70 00 75 00 and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00| Hickory, xsts and Soft Elm, common BUABcoee ee ean . 36 00 3800 and bet.1%to 2in 27 00 §& 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white ylne, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.......-- 35 45 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. £8 63 ¥ ae "19 toz0inchaverage ‘“' “ 63, 68 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality.....-.-++-++-+++ 30 86435 hipping order de * ‘ SeRpeP OE acres hehe OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . ’ 48 52 ELM. By the dram, accordin to average and quality 40 to 45 feet. 65 75 i Hs * "" 30to35fet. 52 54 ASH. 10 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . 26 28 Average 16 inch soot ne a eet ta iv Verve Fy 30 32 BIRCH. 14 Inch A .42 © 23 1p = * be My 5) gOuneyas ug = “ Se Mn elie n' 'e - 34 36 18 oo eae a Ae M 38 40 OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, gocd sidings: 1x10 No. 1 barn 22 00 rin,z7in.andup 40 00 4400] 1x10 No.2 " .... 20 00 1% in, and 1% in. = 1x8 & 9 No.z barn.... 18 00 7 in. and up...... 43 00 5§ 00| 1x8 &0No.2" .... 16 00 2in,x 7 in.and up ‘2 00 56 Go | Pine Shorts 6’ to 11’ No. 2 cuts 2x8”&up 3400 3600| xro”.,.... seeess 1700 1800 1° 147 Maile St. LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long” and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. BOSTON, MASS. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Bank St. Chambers. BIRGH PEDWELL & LEMCK Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumb MANUFACTURERS OF . « « A. W. BEYER &@ We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season's cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. a A. W. EYER @ CO. Pine mill culls..... Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Wate, Shipments. Pine good strips : 1400 16 00 Tim..seree seeeeseee 34 CO 36 oo | Pine O. culls......- 750 10 50 1% in. and 136 in... 36 00 40 00 | Spruce, 1x4” & up 14 00 15 00 2 iN....ss seeeeeess 38.00 42 00| Spruce, 1” stocks, Pine, good shorts: .8,gand 10”... 16 00 17 00 TiM...... -24es ++ 2800 3000 | Spruce,r” clear (fine 1¥% in.and 1 in... 36 00 40 00| dressing and B.: 24 00 MB Miec shun sols paiseiaiiels 40 00 4400 | Hemlock ...... ate 13 00 7” to "9 A Sidings.. Ir 00 | Basswood..........- 19 00 23 60 Pine, No. < dressing Lath, per M siding.... .-- .- 2300 2700; No.1 white pine1}¥e"X4 25 4 75 Pine, No. 2 dressing No. 2 white pine.... 350 4 00 StripS..... + sesee e+ 2000 28 00 Spruce, mill run,.... 3 00 3 5° fe Og I dressing 80 Red Pine, millrun.. 300 35° Shorts. «i: ae ** 13 00 1in., 6” and up wide.... 19 00 LATH, = ese+ 23 00 . uh and 1%" < aes a od Ne. < 32 Ms eetees ” “ 1. 2, 4) eee ay, gand 4 yd? OF No. 1, 48” pine.... MILL RUN. WP gig) OO Pees Zz. 20 O00) SHINGLES. 2 & ohh, te eee os 21 00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, tnx 2 and 8”......-.+06 24 00 5 t016 2167 cose. 275 300 WIKIO" .sesesseeeeerses 25 00 c.B. s “2 175 200 WK ID!" cc cn cccvccerseccs 27 00 No, 2 ra I 125 1 35 i” x 13 and UP. .-ceeeeee 28 00 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. Uppers, in. ... 22 cesses. 88 9O| 1x12 inch shippers .........§27 28 y es veese 88 90 | 4/4 inch i 13 & up.28 30 1to2in....- 83 85 | 4/4 Box boards 6” andup.. 22 23 inch uppers ...-- . 90 95 | xo-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Selects, 2% in up 8§ 90 | x2-in. dressing and better... 40 42 I tO 2iM....eesesee eens - 73 75 | Box, (Xx0-in. .....+--s00+-. 23 24 Fine common, 2} in. and up 75 85 | Box, 1x12..... es AGA eA LS hy a LtO Zi. .seeeee ereere . 58 62 | No. x barn, rx12z.... ...-.. 32 34 No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inc £55 60} EXIO.. 6. eeeeeeeeeereeeee 32 34 NO. 2.--eeeeeeeees 38 48 | _1XB8....ceeeeeeceee ceenee 30 32 No. 3--seeeeeeeeecss 35 40| No. 2 barn, rxr2..... aeeees 29 31 No. 1 molding, 1 to2in 50 55 vt ee pe A cpieneasent 20 130 No. 2 molding, 1 to 2 in.. 38 40 A ee Soe Lee 2S Stained sapS...-----++ 49 Shaky clear, x to 6/4in...... 32 40 Bracket plank ......-- ---- 35 45 2inch......... 38 40 Shelving boards, 12-in. up... 40 45 Dressing ........sssees+. 25 30 Dressing boards, narrow.... 28 32 Common ..-.-2.2 sseese me 28 axiginch shipper .--..... 24 75 s ; rc i 4 +t yer a ae Su “ih Lae = . ‘ . . - 4 a Ve ee 2 ae itl Fd = 2 ae BASSWOOD! In any grade, size or quantity. Before placing your Pine ....ccccee we cenecees $400 | Spruce...o+. serene: ne Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 coe butts, 6x18 ....$5, Uppers, 1, 1%, r¥and2 Selects 1 in.........- Fine common, 1 in. 4 Cut’ I No. 3,1%, and 13% 32 00 NO. 3.27 ose nseves 35 00 Dressing & ky tee 42 00 Culls, aet-rusgeg? 1x10 und 12...... 44 00 1%, 1% and 2in_ price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; ist & and, x inch, Ist & 2na, 6 nch up, 38 00 4000 | Com. & good culls... 14 00 ist & and, 6 insh & . ELM. aw 1st & 2d,rock,6in &up 26 00 28 oo | rst & xd, soft,6in & up, 26 00 Common and culls.. 1§ 00 17 00 Common and culls,..... 16 00 1st & 2nd hard...... 20 00 23 08 Common and culls - 1402 15 00 White Pine Upners, 1 to2inch. Selects, 1 to 2 inc Fine Common, 1 — 1 Red Cedar Eutres, 16 in. 5 butts tozim. ... ..-- by! Eurekas, ee No. 1 Cuts, 1 inch .. No. 2 Cuts, rinch.......-se.-0 © Barn Boards, No. patbepabeen ce « Ni All other random len; erg ag Ow ruce Pp. 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 18 1%" spruce laths Jas ches Welsdaeicemanee —. 2,000,000 X X(6 in. C. B.) Pine and Cedar Shingles. 40,000 Cedar Fence Posts, 5 in. and up at the top, 8 ft. jolie. If you can supply any quantity of the above, write stating quantity and lowest prices. { Cc. A. LARKIN, Wholesale Lumber Toronto, Ont. SN = pele BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. W'Geo. Gordon G Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CACHE Pete Ont. Gane a6 miles West North Bay UMBER anD LATH IV. CANADA LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION first sight they would appear and that the normal figure today is considerably higher than before the recent boom in prices. An inquiry for ‘‘American’’ spruce deals of any of the local manufacturers would result in quotations closely resemb- ling the poling : 1o’s and 12’s, $19.50 to $20.00 5 9 inch, $17.50 to $18.00; 6’s and 8's, $15. oo to $15.50 (f.0.b. St. John.) Freight rates to the United States by schooner have stiffened during the last few weeks. The dees rates are now as follows: New York City: Long seen ae $3.50, lath 70 cents. Boston: Long lumber $2.75; shingles 27-1/2 cents. KLOCK BROS’ OPERATIONS. Messrs. Klock Bros., who own a large and valuable area of pine and spruce timber limits at the head waters of the Rouge River and N. E. Branch of the Lievre, have put in supplies this winter for next seasons’ operations. It is their in- tention to take out a raft of waney and square pine and float same to L’Annonciation,. where it will be loaded on the C.P.R. cars and con- veyed to Montreal or Quebec for export. We understand that over- tures have been made by timber merchants for the purchase of the cut, but so far we have not learned of any contract being closed. This will be the first raft for many years on the Upper Rouge. The Rouge is an excellent river for driving and no difficulty is anticipated in the “tice of the timber. Messrs. Klocks have cut.a fine road of about 23 miles from the Eddy camps near the Butte River, and it is now considered that this is the best route to travel to reach the Manouan and the surrounding country, which will shortly be traversed by the Transcontinental Railway. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, apg FOR, Pine, N. Y. Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES ~ TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements SPRUCE BIRCH HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE B.C. FIR B.C. CEDAR Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. Prompt Shipments. ELM RAILWAY TIES ASH TELEGRAPH eee. CEDAR . &c., &c., 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. and up, 11” x 11’ and up, for saleat a low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, *** size R LAIDLAW LUMBER Gl JAS. PLAYFAIR. PLAYEFAIR & WHITH : Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH + SHINGLES — Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty ..:> “MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. D ecnaatigtae and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. iB Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock. Bill i G. T.R., and by Water, We ship by C. P. R., National Lite Chamber. QUEBEC 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants” Sispreat Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, | > 2a RHODES, CURRY & CO.., Limites LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers or 5 Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Manutacturing Company’s THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED May 2, 1 aria Matching, Rasawing, ot In Car Lots. Doors,, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings and Bored HARDWOOD FLOORIN and Bored A SPECIALTY Lumber Kiln Dried in ‘hee Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Correspondence Solicited. ’*Phon J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., BRA CEBRIDGE, on MANUFACTURERS or LUMBER, LATH AND sinus | Hardwood and Hemlock F ye PINE SIDINGS A SPECIA “Try an sitveetinceiten’ in the ow. and For Sale ” pete D. 1. WHITE. MIDLAND, ONT. ; OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, => TORONTO, ONT. Amherst, N.S. “a 8 ~F, MSCIBBON & SONS, eTmgusvere Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. MANUFACTURERS OF White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. ¢ of Ontario, Limited | MILLS we SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. **Soo”’ Branch Pp. R. | ° ie Ce Toronto OFFICES PorsGne Building, Moatreal. nd at Mills at Spragge. THEM, BREANEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: Saw Mil Is at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. HAMILTON, Ontario. ‘ ND,O 2 . a * = AUGER & SON We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: is White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short anf ‘Long Leaf Yellow P*4e, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak’ Floorings, mires Ties, a Notwithstanding the serious loss and some interruption to our business through t burning of a portion of our dry kilns, we are in a position to ship all orders eka tA _ Special discount for immediate shipment on two cars ot Clear and three cars ol Soe No. 1 Hard Maple Flooring. Send for our latest pring list. i _ Factory, ere HARDWOOD aPGORINGE: * MANUFACTURED IN RS MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK < 3, 3%, Vey 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . - “Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ___. ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER __ . J S FINDLAY wine OWBN SOUND, ON and Cedar Poles a Pe one 7 “ ea “*<, ie May 2, 1906 CaANAabA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ee UNTED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND_ WHOLESALERS YOU CAN ZACH THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST. LOUIS | 2 RAIL,MAIL OR | ‘PHONE - i PE W / | iy a McCLUBE LUMBER Co. Manufacturers. AARDWOOD LUMBER Oak Bending and Wagon Stock a Specialty Mills: EUTAW, ALA. DETROIT, MICE. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE Cabel Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENE Se ES Soe F. A. = & Co. 8 Gordon Street GLASGOW, SCOTLAND OOD BROKEHRS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B. C., A1, “Zebra” and Private. i for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND’ SERUCES 4 ardwoods in hoe. Ete ipments handled to the best advantage to all ports 2 Broad Street Building, _[OUIS BAMBERCER, «sss IMPORTER OF Telegraphic Address ‘‘Beliywood, London.’ ee Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued- Up BASS wooD KEYBOARDS IRECTORY COD CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. | Wood 7 gents and Brokers 57 Graecechurch St. London, E.C. England JRKMES WEBSTER & BROTFER Cable Address : “ GELLICHT,” LONDON BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAN TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS O Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm tLogs and Lumber, Elm Veneers A Specialty Staves and Heading, Handles of all descriptions Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a Specialty. Interior Trim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. Soft Yellow rine Finishing LLU MBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH. Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISCONSIN GENTRAL RAILWAY Minneapolis, oe Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn:, or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis ONE DOLLAR Will pay your’ subscription to the CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR THE WICKS LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. BLACK ASH AND ROCK ELM SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS FFICE: oO 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE. mason a wos “FRANK C, BURY MICHIGAN LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. a SS SMITH & TYRER - © (4 Tithobarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TyRER & Co., Keith Building, 4114 Barrington Street GANT & KEMP : TIMBER s25% ron sour GLASCOW | BDAY EDO Cable pyr ress; “ TECTONA” Glasgow. 1 and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and a “‘Woodfeller, Codes : eer Western Union, eee and London,’ C. 4th and 5th Edition THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents. | HOSEPH OWEN & SOKS, LTD. Timber Importers Cable Address MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Moka and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory cone . ALSO. . All Qthees ‘of Lumber and Manufactured **Qwen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Wood Goods sultable for the English ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND BLY LIVERPOOL ”" Liverpool and London Chatters - CABLE ADDRESS "DO vt GaNADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION —__ May 2, cog — cccarcoremil FF AH, HEAPS & CO., 8 hase,» ‘ Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet i in length. | 4 Ww. L. sets GENERAL MANAGER ncouver, B.C. w. a rebel the Sid pid ubaustien MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Ovs LATH, MOULDINGS , Lum mbet Cc aiargerie a oast Sever, 5° HIGH GRADE pacilic AN RED GEDAR SHINGLES — Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 2 Mail Building, TORONTO lh : YY EN YS : ar a ie mm y ; le a AA a SHINGLES Fy : 2 SeSES: | JUST A GENTLE REMINDER 1 That’s all—-a reminder that we can supply your All kinds and Grades i Straight or Mixed Cars SEGSE58 LUMBER ORDER OUR SPECIALLY TRIMMED AND “READY - TO - PUT - ON” RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING Correspondence Solicited wants in the lumber line. - It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact we tex 7 open up correspondence with us. Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you why. * 4 1 The Red Deer Lumber Company ; BARROWS P. 0., SASK. al £5 SSIS cain as I> yh \ fan oe ae BES SESE = PS ~~ rm LPs ee ee ee en ace SHINGLES © IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR 1906 CALENDAR WRITE roy ONE. ITISAC RRS _Write DIRECT to— ‘ WF iat, Lumber Gompany, Ltd. VANCOUVER . ORKER oo : eon = CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vi _E. H, HEAPS, a | J. A. McNAIR, aeons Vice-President. : UN ION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep 4 , HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER. B. C. 3 Out Daily Shipping Capacity j ~ 2,000,000 SHIN GLES PER DAY 4 We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots w FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH = FELBER, JUCKER & CO H.0D wiccl BOSTON, MASS. — : ‘atch Importers ; 2 1 89 STATE ST. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER pavconerEs Re ENGLAND oe cnepectat mill and PAY Sa eer .- SHE INDEPENDE NT LUMB EF » C 0. LTD. oan poe nooEe, toy Ma Sliiees Dawelk: OG R INT GET QUOTATIONS FROM QUR NEAREST BRANCH Woods Handles, Ciair stock, Seats, ete., or 2Y | rim Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd - HEAD OFFICE -REGINA.SASK. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ; , Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. 7 $ Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, RAT PORTAGE AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases, White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, ete. mI ad ed Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. Pate RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. HEAD OFFICE D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND MANAGER. EI Ss i i i i i i i eo i i i Ms THOMAS mUSRFATRIEN, CODE: AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE H. H. SPICER ESIDENT. MGR. AND SECY. Export LUMBER & SHINGLE CO., L'TD. Head Office, 44-46 Flack Building, VANCOUVER, B.C. nn \ Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of _ Pacific Coast Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. Shipping capacity is 1,500,000 SHINGLES per day. 4 - Will the Trade pice note that we only claim a daily shipping capacity of 1,500,000 shingles. Ovr competitors who nake larger claims are nice people but seem inclined ‘to exaggerate, ; VHI. THE ONTARIO LU Mi BER C9: wares Muts: North Bay. C.P.1.er¢ G.T.R. Delivery MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. 4 and % vding 1 ORONTO, Ont.. Miits : French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. ee THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY | CANADIAN Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade! Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. : LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- Prompt reply af saguitts RorepRiceyy etc, by bec. fi - i ADDRESS : Please mention this paper when CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & Co. corresponding with advertisers. posatik st. ~ BOSTON, MASS. GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES--WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4to 8im 16 00 17 00 cuts & better.....- $49 00 51 00 | ax4 to 8 in.,10to 16ft. 17 00 18 02 1% inch Not 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 18 09 19 00 cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00 Clear inch B.C, cedar, 2” No 1 Cuts and kiln dried. .....---++ §0 00 Better.....+.--++- 5600 58 00} Clear inch B.C. cedar 1% in.No.2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55 90 cuts and better.... 44.00 46 0o| Douglas fir dimension 2 No 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 32 feet 34 80 and Better........ 4600 4800) Fir flooring, edge 1% inch No. 3 grain...... 2 dicate aaala 42 00 Cots and better.... 41 00 42 00 oA in, _ No. 1 aft. Pine a”No 3 Cuts and -—s_ |: Lath........-.. vases 4 §0 5 00 Better.........--- 42 00 44 00 ote io 2 4ft. Lath 3 40 3 5° tin. Pine Dressing 14” No.1 32” pine lath 2 10 and better shorts 23 00 24 00 | 136” No. 14 ce hemlock lath 3 50 1x4, 6and 8common 20 00 21 00 XXXX Pine Shingles 295 30° YE 10 common.....-- 2I 00 22 00| XX PineShingles .. 225 2 3° 1X 1acommon.....- 23 00 24 00} X Pine Shingles ak 95 2%10 common.....- 21 00 22c0| XX Cedar Shinelee 225 230 aand 3x12 common. 24 00 25 00 BoC; Shing? 1x10 ing box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 31S common ....-----+ 20 0@ 21 00 | XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 37 Inch mill peace 21 00 22 00| XXXXX 5toz2in.. 3 70 yin. mill run...... . 21 00 22 00| XX No. 2,6to2in.. 2 30 rato and 12 mill culls 16 50 1750|KX ‘6 to 23-16 in. I os mill cull Sid Red pine, clear BO deevan nia cit 50 1650| andclear face... 23 00 24 00 I a picad cull aiainigs 12 00 13 00 Re pie: common 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 a2 oo Ae ce taty wae 14.00 17 00 HARDWOODS—PER M, at CAR LOTS, Ash White, ists and Soft Elm, mill rum 21 00 22 00 ands, 1 to 2in....$33 00 35 00 | Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, ists and and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 ands, 1to2in.... 3000 32 00 | RockElm,common Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 PiStee eae sete + 22 00 23 00 | Rock Him, millrun 22 00 23 00 Birch, common and Soft Maple common better, tin.. - 25 09 2600 and better, 1im 2200 23 00 Birch, common ‘and Maple common an better, 1% to3zin 27 00 28 00 better, 1% to3 in 24 00 25 00 Birch, millrun.... 22 00 23 00| Maple, millrun... 19 00 20 00 Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, Ists and better, 1in., 2200 23 00 and onds...... + 4600 50 00 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, and bet.,1%to2zin 24 00 25 00 ists and 2nds.... 4400 46 00 piaeedk millrun 20 00 a1 oo | Oak,quartered, ists - Soft Elm, common and 2nds.,.......70 00 75 00 and better, 1 in.. 25 @o 26 00| Hickory, sts and Soft Elm, common @NGS. seve. sin cuics . 36 00 38 00 and bet.1%to2in 2700 §& 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square wiite pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,........- 35 45 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. £8 63 1g to20inchaverage ‘* ‘“t oe 63 €8 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality. . SdpsletedassecgaemO-” 135 hipping order cdebighck: cosera ‘cane BS, OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . ‘ 48 «52 ELM. By the dram, accordin to average and quality goto4sfeet. 65 75 i gzoto3sfet. 52 54 ASH. 10 inches and up, according to avemne and quality. . . 26 28 Average 16 inch er eiorehie’ ele . go 32 BIRCH. 14 Inch : 4 . . 4a 16 br , : yo gely aidan a 17 ae: = MP aaa a os -2o STES Rane eee lce eae eS ae f Ot ak ee eS Tages. Ae. OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, good sidings: 1x10 No, x barn... 22 00 rig in.andup 40 00 4400|1x10 No, 2 “ .... 20 00 1% in, and 1% in. x 1x8 & g No.1 barn,... 18 00 in. a coeee 43 00 oe) ee eee tee 16 00 on te. Pine good strips : PME se oy cs ees . a in. and 1% in Pine, good shorts: Pot BCARC non: ra josend 1% in... 36 00 oeccesenenae.ce 40. 00 " o ‘Wg A Sidings.. Pine, No. 1 dressing sii de kde 99 BSL OO Pine, No. 2 dressing Styliie. 5's cx ease ooo 20 00 Pine No.1 dressing shorts ....++ «ss+ +» 18 00 Pine, 10s, ¢ and bet- ter 12’ to 16” ..... 20 00 Pine, 8 s.c, and bet- ter 127/ to16’.. .... 18 00 Pine, 7 up s. ¢. sidings :9 00 Pine s. c. strips...... 15 00 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 5? Pine, box boards.... 1400 ae was 180 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. 36 00 40 00 42 00 gO 00 49 00 44 00 It 0O 27 00 28 co 22 00 22 00 ‘20 90 24 00 18 90 [e} 15 00 | Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH! PEDWELL & LEMCKE, Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lom Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. MANUFACTURERS OF . e . . Rail or Wate, Shipments. A. W. EYER & C@ We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. A. W. EYER @ CO. Pine mill culls ..... 1400, 16 00 Pine O. culls....... 750 10 50 Spruce, 1’x4” & up 14 00 15 00 Spruce, 1” stocks, 4. 8,9 and 10”. . 16 00 17 00 Spruce,1” clear (fine dressing and es da 24 00 Hemlock......-. 13 00 Basswood........ a “19 00 23 G0 Lath, per M No. 1 white rine P| 475 No, 2 white pine...- 4 00 Spruce, mill ron...-. : 4 3 50 Red Pine, millrun.. 300 35° Pine Shingles ; xxxx, 18 inch,......- 325 375 Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 50 3 9° xx 18 inch......+++-» 160 200 White Cedar Shingles XXXX, 18 inch.....-+5 3.25 3 75 Clear Butt,18inch..-. 2 75 3 35 EX, I8inch.....+---- 1 79 200 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. 1 x4and eoathe © oo e+ $25 oo 1in., 8” and up wide..$79 00 t = Ry UP. + +++ na Oo 1%, 4 and 2” “ «+ 77 00 Iy%x yer th,” be 2% an 3! “ .. 86 00 I xe oe © aeeese Ed 4”. “ -- 94 00 1%=x an UP....-++000 27 OO UG ETO! .. . cee eee eee 28 00 SELECTS, K 12". e eee . go 00 tin, 8” and u pp Mase: .-. 69 00 "=x 6’ and up.......-+- 27 00 1Y%, 1% and 2” ses» 67 00 BY WO! oo ce nces cose cere . 28 00 Py and 3” se. 81 00 a”'x 12” corde es sass 30500 dere 89 00 No. I BARN, FINE, COM. AND BETTER. Uy ae. alt ..$27 00 to. $35 00 1 5 up, rides - 56 00 11% ey 33 00 to 5 0° 1% and . §8 0o 5 ‘and eos 8 00 He o-. 59 00 Oi See States a1 00 FINE COMMON. No. 2 BARN. I vc cececevesee 48 00tO0 6000 | Iim,...... wees 24 0010 27 00 1%, 1% to 2”... 5500 5600 me 1%, and 2” 2 25 oo to 27 00 2%, 3and 4”.. 78 00 86 co 2% and 3”..... 29 00 No. 1 CUTS. NO. 3 BARN. 1 in., 8” and up wide - 37000 |) Lit...eeeee sees 21 00 to 23 00 1\% in. 1” 00 "h 1% and 2” 21 ooto 24.00 1% in, 4 A a web | does OO Setepe 23 00 2 «2. 49 00 BOX. “ Ld eeu 6 va Klee aor a - xe oa i", Uh, Rs waa sin 15 00 to 20 00 RO, A CORES No. mill culls, 1in., 6” and up wide.... 21 00 1, 1%, 134, 2” 16 00to 18 00 1% a Cy earto3 CO vA" ++4-33 00 MILL CULLS. iat ie han BE CO Mill Run Culls 1”, 1%, 1% 2%,3and4” ‘“ .... 49 00 NE eae eecees te 5 00 NO. 3 CUTS, No. 2, nf ees 1 in., 6” and up wide.... 19 00 LATH, ip and 1% “ seraiiad be No. 2, 32” ‘* ..---+s Saree nk ae 3% and 4” “ oe ed pes No. 2, 48” 0 ie veewecsece 4 OO »3 4 2015 No.1, 48 pine..........+. 4 50 MILL RUN. WAM cee seeeesrsaness 20 00 SHINGLES, wes Sas demas 21 00 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, ef OS: 5 das hase 24 00 sto6= 16” ROA 275 300 ¥ Seer. ate siete aes 25 00 c.B. “275 200 Oe . eee ee + 27 00 No,2 “ pie Oe fe eS i x13 and UP.......-+- 28 00 ALBANY, N.Y. PINE, Uppers, in, .2. ee seeees 88 9O]| IXI2, Ines pers oad es ate --$27 28 eet let a 88 90 4/4 inch ‘ &up.28 30 TD Ai sheb-saeegeccenr 3 OS 4/4 Box boards 6' aad uge a2 23 inch uppers ..--+++-++-+-+ 90 95 Io-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Solects; 2% in UP.------+: 83 go | x2-in. dressing and better... 49 42 Tto 2in....cecceee cevees 73 75 | BOX, EXIO-IN. ...ceeeeeeeess 23 24 Fine common, 2/4 in. and up 75 8§ | Box, 1x12..--sseeee eeeee 23 24 + to Gillccssacascaseeesseae SS 64) Nowe barn, rx1@--.-¢s0-0- 92 34 No. 1 cats, x to.a inch...... 55 60 ETO on ce oc cccccephopaves SS 34 NO. Dee wecececeenee 38 «448 WEB. cccvccesccdes seeses JO 32 RI BES 35 40 | No. 2 barn, 1x12...-..----- 29 31 No. x molding, 3 $9 2# 59 55 Bethy fen eoeitineh 1 28 30 No, 2 molding, 1 to 2 in 38 40 We ticcpsctcotanerqeten MM. a Stained saps.» o Shakey cleat, x to 6/¢in..-... $3 40 Bracket p! ores 4S a ingh......... 40 Shelving boards, ain. up 45 Kade BASSWOOD! In any grade, size or quantity. Before placing your order drop us a line for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. Lions Hea Ontario Correspondence Solicited. Correspondence with mills solicited. 43 Adelaide Street East E:.. TORO NTO, | ! LATH. om $400 | Spruce.seesscccemcae SHINGLES. Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 Clear butts........-. 3.50 3 75| Heml . Smooth 6 x18....... 450 475 P fete’. sa teeetn is Ghat nas weer eee eeenes Spruce ....2seeemecncm ‘BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N a } WHITE PINE. ~ (Wholesale selling price.) Uppers, 1, 1%, 1} and 2 1% in.. cecceesesee wa ee 82 90 Shel “gr ae 2% and 3 in.:....- 90 09 0. r, 1 WBN acess ciarsonrp ata ronece 95 00 cin Med feet : Se i in. J..ccettle 73 00.| No. Mold’ st'ps 10 tO ZiN,serereee IN... eeeeeneeoncese and 3 ID.....0- No. 2 thegies y Meeenscccceneeee Fine common, 1 in. 1% and 1% i 6, foie No. 2, ee a an 1% ~as’ Not Cats. No. 2, 2... vecene cls upy No oe rin. Kup.. -reeee IX 1D wesees eeeeee” SACS ROKASS LBS HVT 8888888888888888 We tek No. 3, 2 oe eM NO. 337) os cccsnne 35 00 pegenund ta be 00 I1%x10 T2eesese oo The following quotations on pardepods stern the jobber price at Buffalo and Tonawan wares, ASH. . Ist & and, 1 inch, 38 00 40 00 | 2% to 4 in 1% tozin_........ 40 00 42 00 BLACK AND BROWN ASH. kes Ist & 2na, 6 nch up, 38 00 “9a Se & good galls... 14 i ast & 2nd, 6 inch & 1 edeied white, 6’ & up °° up, red..sasceees . 40 00 42 00.| Com, & & good ee ELM. 1st & ad,rock,6in &up 26 00 28 00 ist & ad, so! and Common Common culls .. 15 0c pie eden BOSTON, MASS. White Pine Pere 1 to2 inch seeene apes Lo Selects, 1 to 2 Fine Common, ¥ ImCh.... ce ccee eee ee eeeeeceeneee to 2inch No. 1 Cuts, x Ae to 2inch 6in Ratt 1st & 2nd hard...... 20 00 23 08 Common and culls. 1400 15 00 Fame eeenen cee ewenaeeee Serre ee eae ce eevee cssessscascess a 3chde res So idb DeuyeRiee meee | | Barn Boards, OL Bsus a dpccvdheadep> sgh essalae No. 2 ae suse oekn own seinen No. abe sine 00 alee etanee 26 00 ‘ Spruce, 10 and 12 dimension.......-.-+++++++* gin. and under .......... cnemica caesar 10 and 12 in. random lengths, 10 ft. and up...... 2X3: | ms i 2x7 3x4 random lengths, “ro ft. NS PS 6 an 32 oe ees Poe DutageltoMtia se sein All other aasckon 1 9 in. and under, 10 5 in. and up able boards, 6 ft & up,p.ts Out Spruce ‘ei eee boards. 1x2 amd 1x3 furring p. 1s clipped Md 1%, spruce laths eer ae ee oe ee Extras .........- = han eset suns Clears Second clears ........5++ BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. Red Qeder Eutres, 16 in. 5 butts to 2 in. ... aac Ruwpekas, tS in. ome ene N —_——_— REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS “AND A LUMBERMA WEEKLY The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} 1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition. 6very Week. E-DITION VoL. XIV Canapa [LUMBERMAN The G. H. Of Toronto, Limited onfederation Life Building - TORONTO. _. Branch Offices: _ 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 920-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG, ; ; - Telephone 1274. . 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C, Phe Weekly Lumberman — Published every ednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the & r pal manufacturing districts and leading _ domestic and foreiga wholesale markets. A | weekly medium of information and communica- nm between Canadian timber and lumber manu- ersand exporters and the purchasers of timber ] ucts at home and abroad. rent pata emettialio’ adbiects parti: cussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the 1aimbek and aietl-wolking industries. ANTED AND FOR SALE > ROCK ELM WANTED. ~ ox AND BETTER 1’, 1%" AND. 2”. .» Good price paid. Apply Box 380 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. 3 ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS - Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity Slabs. Srmmcoz Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 ag Street Arcade, Toronto. : + <4 FOR SALE “HOICE LOT OF FIGURED ASH, CHEST- A nut, Curly Maple, Cherry, Sassasfras, yartered and pla‘n Sycamore 1” and 5/8” with len Sycamore squares, for panneling inside finish, all. dry, also 100 acre timber lot. Address, J. ©. SCHLEIBAUF, West Lorne, Ont. WANTED A SH, BIRCH, BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, _ £3. Rock Elm, Hard Maple, and Hickory in _ Logs, lumber and dimension sizes. Spot cash. mspection at mill. Please quote prices f.o.b. at shipping points. W. J. GoRDON, Box 295, . Windsor, Ont. FOR SALE _ 20,000 ft.1” and 1%” Pine, 60,000 ft. 1’ and 2” _ M.C. Maple, 25,000 ft. 1’ Basswood, D. C, Ash, _ al, 40,000 ft., M. C. and Com. Ash, 7,000. 1000 R. ties, 1 car 3’ 5% cedar posts, 8 ft. 1st, _ 2nd and 3rd quality shingles, 1500 cord dry slabs, 1 car winter cut dry basswood. Apply 7m Litricrop, TATE LUMBER Co., Lakefield, *Ont. Te PUBLIC AUCTION - HE FOLLOWING PARCELS OF VALU- i able Timber Lands and Mill Properties owned in fee simple by the Cookshire Mill Company in Liquidation will be sold by public 1 efor at the Court House, Cookshire, Que.,on fednesday, May 20th, 1906, at 1 o’clock p. m. Parcel 1. Mill and yards at Cookshire Junction, - Que , with 21,257 acres of timber lands in the Townships of Newport, Ditton and Auckland. Parcel 2. Mill site and yards at Sawyerville, _ Que., onthe Maine Central Railroad, with 4,350 eres of timber lands in the Townships of New- port and Auckland. arcel 3. 2,938 acres of timber Jands in the nship of Garthby. Que., near Lake Aylmer on the Quebec Central Railroad. _ These lands are well timbered with Spruce and Hardwood _ For further information address = A. F. ROBINSON,. ! é : Cookshire, Que. iny, Sherbrooke, Que. Mortimer Publishing Go’u or the Liquidators of the Cookshire Mill Com-~ OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD SSRIS SS eae No. 9. TORONTO, MONTREAL — MAY 9, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER \{7ANTED—SAWYER FOR SMALL MILL, B.C with third class engineer’s certificate, Apply Z Y X, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. — HEMLOCK TIMBER LANDS WANTED. GIVE LOCATION, ESTIMATED QUAN. ‘tity ot Hemlock timber, ad lowest price.’ Box 377 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Wanted—Ash Timber for Export. ‘ 2,000 to 3,000 cubic feet of sawn or hewn, square or waney ash—average 15” square or more, ‘say 15ft. and'upin length; long as possible, whit or hard grey. Reply “‘B’ care CANADA LuM- BERMAN, Toronto. ; OR SALE—100 M FEET «4/4 AND 80 M 6/4 Birch, 15 M 4/4, 5M 5/4,9M 6/4 Hard Maple, Common and Better, 1905 cut. Apply td Craic & AvSTIN, Kinmount, Ont, : REIS \ ANTED—POSITION BY A YOUNG MAN as helper in band saw filing room; 8 years experience in filing circular and band saws; best of references. G. HADDEN, 591 Hamilton St., Vancouver, B.C. ; % VWANTED—24” BIRCH C & B, 1” BLACK ase common, 1’-cull-soft elm and basswseo cedar and tamarac, 1”, 6/4”. 2” black. ash c. & and cull, 1’ and thicker soft maple. R. E. Kins: MAN, Hamilton, Ont. aid : Pods ee at “WANTED, OvE TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ- - ate lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest-price. Address, Kt RENAN BRos., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED—BY YOUNG MARRIED MAN, responsible position in woods, saw mill, lumber yard, inspecting, shipping, selling or office. Thorough experience; gilt edge refer- ences. Address Box 381 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. : Spruce Wanted WE ARE IN THE MARKET FOR FROM 500.000 feet to 1,000,000 feet of 1x 4in. and up x roft. and up Spruce Box Lumber for ship- ment during the Summer and Fall. Utica, N.Y., Branch RIcE & LocKwoop LUMBER Co. HEMLOCK BOARDS if Saat MILLION TO. FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England. Market for shipment during the year 1906, Boards to be P1S to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet.and up long. or clipped, 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14and 16 feet. Willtake ship- ments either by rail or sail. CHARLES S. WENT- woTH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. FOR SALE Y CHESLEY CHAIR CO., ABOUT 160,000 feet of lumber, made up as follows: About 90 000 feet 1%” soft elm, about 10,000 1” and. .”; the other 60,000 feet made up of r and ain. ma- pile, b eh and birch, thoroughly dry. As we are out of business we want toclean it out at once. The lot is mill run, dead culls out. Bought for manufacturing purposes. Will sell the elm at $20 per M., the hardwoods for $16 per M. Apply forinformation to CHESLEY CHaIR Co., Chesley, Ont. Dodds Anderson Lumber Co. We Want Your Lumber Send usa statement of all kinds of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., you have to offer for sale. We are in the market with the highest cash pri-e _. that is possible to pay; we will buy on GRADES, LOG RUN OR ESTIMATE THE ENTIRE STOCK. Dopps ANDERSON LUMBER CO., 436 Yonge St., Toronto. alee | _\ Ai THOROUGHLY | COMPETENT 300K-- keeper open fora position. A1 references given. Northern Ontario or the North-West preférred. Address W. M-S., care THE CANADA ILLUMBERMAN, Toronto. OR SALE—1 CAR 1%” AND 3’ SOFT ELM C. & B. For prices apply to F. HALL, Ingle- wood, Ont. ; é ANTED—A FIRST-CLASS SAWYER FOR circular mill, capacity 15 to 20. M. Will pay. $60 per month and board. Apply to HARRIS & Co., Day Mills, Canada, Ont. Wisk TO HEAR FROM LUMBER CON- cerns who would be interested in having a buyer who is located on the Coast to look af- ter shipments and placing orders. Will furnish bond. Apply Box 382, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. + FOR SALE ; FT. 12/4, 50,000 FT. 8/4, 35 000 a [1,000 feet-6/4, No. 1and2 Dry Hard Maple, also 5,000 feet 6/4 and 20,000 feet 4/4 Beech, .also.1 car '4/4.Soft Maple. McBoRNEY LUMBER Co., 43 Scott St., Toronto. Small Timber Limit for Sale ‘RIBUTARY TFO-GEORGIAN ‘BAY, ‘VIA i: French River;or cau be operated on C.P.R. Toronto-Sudbury Line. Limit easily operated; within short distance of railroad and can. be worked ejther winter or summer; ten (10) years operation for,medium sized mill. For particulars address ‘‘WoopsMAN’’, Penetanguishene, Ont. NFLUENTIAL FIRM OF ENGLISH IM- portersand Merchants of highest standing desire to correspond with manufacturers and shippers of Maple Flooring, Sawn Pitch Pine Sidings, Red Pine Dealsand Battens, etc., and ready made Doors of highest quality, with a view to buying direct oragency. All.payments im cash. References giver’ and required. Ad- dress, X.Y.Z., TIMBER TRADES JOURNAL OFFICE, 164 Aldersgate Street, London England Excellent Timber For Sale ROBABLY COVERING AS GOOD IF NOT the best timber in Newfound’and. Situat- ed.on ‘the West Coast. Property includes a Mill, two Engines and Boiler, 20 M per day capa- city, Excellent Driving and Shipping facili- ties, good wharf, new Tug, Houses, Camps, Horses and Legging Outfits. For particulars apply to JoSEPH SALTER’S ‘SONS., North Sydney, C. B. Property FOR SALE IGHT TO TEN MILLION FEET OF standing Hemlock and a small quantity of Pine. Convenient to good logging; streams running down to Georgian Bay, and within easy haul of railway for shipping bark. Also small Saw Mill to cut from fifteen to twenty five thousand feet of logs per day. Will sell the timber and mill together orseparate. This is an unusual chance fora milling business. Ad- dress GARDNER Bros. & Co., Walkerville, Ont, ~FOR SALE N THE TOWNSHIP OF WIDDIFIELD, VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND TIM- BER LIMITS, comprising 300 acres of land, with a living stream running through it, Valuable quantity of virgin pine on the limit. The saw mill has a capacity of 4o M. feet per day and is complete in all its appointments, with boarding house, dwelling houses for men, store, offices, ice house, store houses, stables, barns, well equipped black- smith shop, camp outfits, sleighs, wagons, trucks and everything required for lumbering operations. We offer this valuable property at a great bargain. Address THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, Rooms 35 and 36, Home Life Building, Toronto, Ont, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. This week finds the condition of the lumbermarket but little changed, the remarkable strength which it has exhibited for many weeks past being still in evidence. The stock lists sent out by the different manufac- turers show, better than anything else, the extent to which the old cut of lumber has passed out of first hands. This, combined with active building operations, is largely re- sponsible for the present high prices. The demand has been running to the lower grades of pine to such an ex- tent that mill culls are entirely out of the market and in the Oftawa Valley they. have advanced toa new high point. While confidence’ is shown in most directions, there also seems to be some uncertainty as to the future course of prices. The argument is advanced that there is no. probability of a ‘higher range being reached and that it is danger- ous to stock up heavily at prevailing prices. There is no doubt, how- ever, that most of the manufacturers who make a practice of selling their cut in advance have already done so, and others have pledged their stock to their regular customers. It would seem to be a question, there- fore, as to the extent to which the lumber has passed into the hands of parties who are able to keep the market up. There has of late been some very good buying of hard- woods but prices continue about stationary. Lath has been largely contracted for in advance. A deal- er who visited a number of mills in Western Ontario states that he fouud but one manufacturer who had not placed his cut under con- tract. EASTERN CANADA, The retail lumber dealers at Mon- treal are exceptionally busy on account of the activity in building, the present outlook being that the expenditure in that direction will show a substantial increase over last year. ' Dry lumber- is scarce and prices very firm. Conditions throughout the whole of Eastern Canada are very favorable. While log driving on the head waters of the St. John River has only com- menced, recent rains have caused the water to rise considerably and the drives ‘are starting, off with good prospects of reaching the mills. All the lumber manufactured seems If. likely to find a market. New Brunswick cedar shingles ar2 selling quite freely around $3.70 for extras, Boston delivery. The Longshoremen’s Association at St: John has demanded 40 cents an hour for loading deals during the summer, while the shippers have refused to pay more than 35 cents. A deadlock exists, -although the shippers say they can get all the men they want. WESTERN. CANADA, Extensive building operations throughout Western Canada — is creating a large demand for lumber and the mills are now operating to their full capacity to meet the re- guirements. It is improbable, how- ever, that any decided shortage will develop, as the mills now in opera- tion and under. construction repre- sent a very large output. The im- proved conditions in.both local and export trade may bring about a further advance in prices unless the log market should. become easier. Genelle Bros., of the Yale- Columbia Lumber Company, have just let the contract toranchers for cutting 10,000,000 feet of logs on a branch of the Kettle river. This company have also two camps at Westbridge, which will cut about 8,000,000 feet. Other concerns in the Mountain district of British Columbia are conducting. equally active operations, ‘ UNITED STATES. The shipping of lumber by, vessel is now quite active, and Buffalo, Tonawanda, Cleveland, Bay City and Saginaw are receiving consider- able quantities from Ontario. The abnormal demand during the winter and early spring left the. stocks in wholesale yards somewhat broken. There is a very liberal demand. for white pine, but for the first time this year the report is heard that KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Manufacturers of Rough and Dressed Cedar Lumber and Lath We Manufacture Cedar only and have the largest stock in the Province, P. 0. BOX 45, VANCOUVER, B. 6. Keenan Bros., Owen Sound, CANADA LUMBERMAN the market is a little easier. Whether this is an actual condition, or whether it has been inspired by cer- tain dealers who are short of stock and anxious to bring prices down for the purpose of buying, cannot be definitely determined at the moment. There is rio doubt that prices are high, but until there is falling off in the demand and a greater accumulation of lumber than at present exists, it will be difficult to induce holders to part with their stock at prices. under those now existing. An indication of strength is shown by the prices fixed for stray logs by the Lumber- men’s Board of Trade of Stillwater, Minn., which are as follows: Logs under 50 feet, $12.00; over 50 feet and not exceeding 100, $15.00; over 100 feet and under 150 feet, $18.00; larger logs, $20.00 a thousand feet. Pine piece stuff is exceptionally firm. Hardwoods are improving. In the Saginaw Valley elm, basswood and birch are active. Thick ash is scarce. GREAT BRITAIN. Although the demand for lumber in Great Britain’is still somewhat restricted, inquiries are becoming more numerous and gradually con- sumers are being educated up to the changed basis of values. Consider- ably more business would. no doubt result were it not for the difference in the prices now asked as compar- ed with those ruling one year ago. The trade generally seems to be expecting a light import of Canadian pine this year. Representatives of spruce shippers are asking £8 10s to £8 15s for first-class specifica- tions, and from £8 5s to £8 7s 6d for lower qualities. Waney pine is very firm and it is said that several importers who are in the market for a. considerable. quantity have not’ been able to obtain their require- ments. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Fairview Cedar Lumber Co. — WEEKLY EDITION THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) OrtTawa, May 4, 1906.—There is a very active demand in the Ottawa Valley for pine. Pine mill culls are sought for in such large quantities by local buyers that the prices have jumped two or three dollars a thous- and in the last fortnight. Scarcely any of this class of lumber is now selling less than ten dollars per M. Hemlock is almost impossible to get and is being purchased only in odd car lots and it looks as if there would be a small output this sea- son. Owing to the small quantity of ash cut last. year the manufac- turers are becoming alarmed lest their stock: will run short befure the season is over. The sales; are chiefly to the Canadian trade and much of the wood. is used in. car- riage manufacture. All the avail- -.able elm is picked up quickly. Spruce is reported plentiful and the demand for it is: quieter than for any of the other lines of lumber sold in the Ottawa Valley. Dealers are optimistic about the "HE wooDsTock LUMBER Wholesale Doalers in PINE, HEMLOCK LUMBER. CAN SUPPLY Correspondence Solicited. Send for. Catalo J Samples hy Vancouver, B. C. Limited |’ Ont. HARDWOOD, WEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here ia Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS: 80 St. Francis Xavier Stret moma LUMBER Specilaty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Youre pe dents Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY - 13h", 2” and 3” Rock Elm, rsts and 2nds. eb, Sra GN and: 2” Chestnut;. “Ss 1”, 134", 134" and 2" Butternut, ae THE McLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, + QE Valley and the prospect is that higher wages, and the ope RED and WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES. SPECIAL A quantity of 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14 and 16 ft. Cedar Posts. Telephone Poles 25 to 50 feet. Hop Poles and Ladder Poles in pine and cedar. Special bills for small sizes in pine and oak, "ait aie TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPR J May 9, 1906 basswood trade this year, is a keen demand in the Ot will continue during the season, is believed the trade in this will afford a striking contrast 1905, when there was a sharp s in basswood. Birch is being eagerly looke and buyers are willing to pay than the prices which ruled time a year ago. Birch is r, scarce. The wholesale dealer learning that the hauling seas last winter resulted in a large: tity of logs being left in the woo While the lumber manufactu report an upward tendency in price of their output, they ; that there is little increase net profit for them. Every yee cost of getting logs to the mill creases substantially on ac in the woods are said to be 50. cent. more expensive than were ten years ago. Each good trees become less a and the hauling is growing» “WOODSTOCK, ONT. and eae ENIGHT BROTHERS TTEFORD, Burk’s Bie M ONTREAL, ou E. May 9, 1906 gger problem. Shanty supplies, cluding food, are more costly and on the whole very much larger sums are expended by the lumbermen during the winters than a decade go. At the present time there is search for river drivers in Ottawa and wages range from $2.50 to _ $4.00 per day, the latter figure be- _ ing paic for men to go to British ~ Columbia. Mr. David MeNicoll, general anager of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, who was in Ot- tawa the other day, said his com- pany found it very difficult to get rge timber. The C.P.R. requires this steck for car building, and ow- ing to the difficulty of procuring the proper kind of lumber the Montreal __ shops have recently been closed for _ brief periods. The company just _ now are procuring their lumber in “British Columbia, and Mr. Mc- Nicoll reports that the demand in that province is so keen that it is not easy to get supplies for the east. There is such activity in car build- ing in the United States, says the general manager, that it is no long- er possible to get lumber in the south. The lumber from British olumbia is being rushed across he continent with the greatest _ speed, for the C.P.R. shops are turning out an average of $100,000 worth of cars per week. The and Trunk Pacific and other ijlways have similar experience in tting timber for car building and the demand is likely to last owing to the great scarcity of cars in the ; _ country. fect the drives in the Oitawa river. he nature of the March and April veather permitted the usual spring thaw to pass off without creating e freshets that help lumbermen to -MoLennan Timber Land Gnd Lumber GO., simitea TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OrFices Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. J.B. Farwell & Son Contractors and. Dealers in GEDAR POLES swego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. Cable address * - Itis feared that low water wiil af-° Pate te ete ee CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION get out their logs. ‘tionally heavy rain comes the situa- tion will be quite serious. The logs are still nearly all in the creeks and the ice is rapidly going from the swamps. Lumbermen estimate that the water is very much lower in the chief streams than it was a year ago. At all points the drives are started but are not making much progress, for the ice is still an obstruction at some places. Mr. J. R. Booth has logs coming in from the Black river on the Quebec side and on his farthest limit at Stur- » geon Falls the log ee are very active. Though there is an exceedingly strong demand for lath, it is not probable the Ottawa mills will pro- duce any more than last year. No new lath machines are being in- stalled. The equipment in the mills is just about equal to hand- ling the refuse from the saws which is set apart for that purpose. The highest manufacturer’s price at the present time for lath is $4.50 a rhousand. and this is paid only in rare cases. The price for railway ties shows an upward tendency. mill will make the usual quantity this season from cedar and tamarac brought to the mill by rail. The output is eagerly sought for new railway lines and repairs. Before the sale of the Canada Atlantic Railway to the Grand Trunk, the Booth firm disposed of its ties to the Canada Atlantic, but now the output goes into the general mar- ket,- The prospective large pur- chase$ of ties for the Grand Trunk Pacific has not yet affected the trade. Lath are still selling in Chicago at $5.25 to $5.50 for No. 1 white pine and $4.75 for No. 2. WHITE OAK Bill Timber. up to 40 feet. long,. 16 inches’ square “and under—quick delivery. Drop.us a line describing your wants and wé will gladly quote you prices. WM. J. PULLING & CO. ~WINDSOR, ONT. ARTHUR A. WATT WIARTON, ONT. Dealer in Hard and Soft Wood, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Cedar Posts and Tiex . SPECIAL LOTS—r100,000 of 8/4 Maple C. & B.; 48,000 4/4 Soft Maple Mill Run; 40,000 4/4 and 8/4 Birch; 12,000 4/4 Cull Ash; 16,000 8/4 Tam- arac, Prices on application. Please mention this paper when cor- responding with advertisers. Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. ‘ Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone H3 | CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO. ue 604 Temple Building, Toronto To MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS ‘Quartered Toronto.”? Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s Unless excep- The Booth - Ii STOCKS AND PRICES. P. G. Mahoney, of Melrose, N. B., expects to ship between five and six million feet of lumber from along the N.B. & P.E.I. Railway, about two millions of which was held over from last year. This will be in addi- tion to a cut of several multon feet at Bathurst. The Charlton Sawmill Company, of Collingwood, Ont., have pur- chased a half interest in 6,000,000 feet of logs taken out the past .win- ter by jens Bros., of Barrie. The logs are expected to reach Colling- wood this week, when the mill there will resume operations. Chicago quotations on hemlock are as follows: 2 x 4, 12 and 14 foot, $20; 16 foot, $21; 18 foot, A. F. Holden, Pres. F. H. Goff, Vice-Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mg F. C, Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60' long. =— SARNIA, ONT. $23; 2 x 6, 10, 12 and 14 foot, $19.50 ; 16 foot, $21; 18 foot, $21.50; 2 x 8 and 2 x 10, 12 and 14 foot, $20 ; 16 foot, $21; 18 foot, $23-;:2 x 12, no, 12 and 14 foot, $21.50; 16 foot, $22; 18 foot, een rr ene SS Established 1889. Incorporated 1896 We Solicit the Trade of Retailers Only. E. J. DAVIS MFG. GO. 2ist and Morgan Sts., CHICAGO —Manufacturers of— veneered Doors We Solicit a Share of Your Business. E. J. DAVIS MFG. CO 21st. and Morgan Streets, CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. Our Doors ate known the world over and are recognized as the best made. -Send for catalogues. and _ price lists. THE [IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LIMITED Mills: LAT Branch Offices : swe GOOD SIDINGS, TORONTO Manchester, Eng. CHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK ONTARIO We Offer DRY MILL CULLS 10 Cars 2 “e 2 sé 1 se 4/4 Sidings 4/4 x ioandi2 5/4 8/4 Rate low; price fair Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Polished and Bundled - STHMON BROS, xz. Office : 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. —Our Prices will Interest vies _ CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gor don & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band | Circular CACHE BAY, Ont. Cc. P. RB. Gane miles West North Bay UMBER _ LL. aso LATH tv, . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION 3.50; No. 1 inch hemlock, 6, 8 more’’-from Thessalon with 499,- and ie inch, $22; 12 inch, $23; 125-feet of lumber and 100,000 lath. No. 2 hemlock, 6 and 8 inch, $20 ; ro inch, $20.50 ; 12 inch, $2r. The first vessel to reach the Saginaw river with lumber this sea-~ son was the ‘‘Maine,” from Parry Sound, Ont., with 267,626 feet. The schooner ‘‘G. K. Jackson” also arrived last week from Parry Sound with 533,154 feet of lumber and 106,400 lath; the schooner ‘‘J. L. Ketchum” from Little Current with 465,979 feet ; the steamer ‘‘ Oge- maw” from Algoma Mills with 504,673 feet ; the schooner ‘‘ Katie Brainard” from Algoma Mills with 461,963 feet of lumber and 24,000 lath, and the schooner ‘‘ C, J. Fil- SUSPENSION OF LUMBER DUTY. The United States Congress have suspended the duty on lumber in- tended for use in the rebuilding of San Francisco. The resolution bringing this about reads as follows: ‘¢ Whereas, in view of the fact that there is a shortage in structural steel and other building material in this country to meet the needs of the people of San Francisco and other California cities destroyed or damaged by earthquake shocks on April roth and in the conflagration that followed, and that everything should be done to facilitate the re- construction of the stricken cities; therefore, be it resolved that the duty on structural steel and other necessary material intended for use in buildings to be constructed in said cities be and it is hereby de- clared to be suspended tor the period of one year.” The above resolution will mean something to the lumber- men of British Columbia. Many ot the mills, however, have already placed under contract their output for months to come and will conse- quently not be in a position to take full advantage of the situation. Present indications are that . the large domestic and foreign demand will cause a further advance in the price of British Solpais lumber. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS. THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, eae N. Y. OR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., tr JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED. We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. ‘LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES XELKEGRAPH POLES,}: PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know vour requirements Prompt Shipments. SPRUCE BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIE nEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES PINE oO CEDAR &c., &c., B.C. FIR B.C. CEDAR Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber: 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. and up, 11” x 11’ and up, for saleata low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, ° singe" QUEBEC F. M°GIBBON & SONS, — "™=T™guswe Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS at SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., on **Soo0”’ Brarich.c. P. R. MANUFACTURERS OF White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES feriatiae Building, Moatreal. And at Miils at Spragge. THE M. BRENNEN & SINS MAMUFAGTORING 60, LIMITED Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. ¢ Ont. | © Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. JAS. PLAYFAIR. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH = - SHINGLES Contractors for ae Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty. R LAIDLAW LUMBER ¢ : “Sy % Planing, Matehing, Resawing, Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilin End-Matchd HARDWO00 FLOC and Bored ~ A SPECIALTY. Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quanti y J. R. EATON’ - one Correspondence Solicited. J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., BRACEBEIDGE, ONT. MANUFACTURERS OF ‘ LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock F and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Wood Tu: ete. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if de End Matched Flooring a Speciality. — COOD PINE SIDINGS A bs Try an advertisement i in sie and For Sale" Departme MIDLAND, “ONT. => MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ‘ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill ste G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, TIM We ship by C. P. R., National Lite Chambers, 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants” OWEN ae ONTARIO, TORONTO, ONT. Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited \ LUMBER MERCHANTS. : as Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. Ps: BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds = in stock. We are Ss ac “of i Ontario Basswood, Elm and EiNee ~% FIRE NOTICE. nae Notwithstanding the serious loss and some interruption to our buses throug h Special discount for immediate shipment on two cars of Clear and three cars | strictly No, 1 Hard Maple Flooring. . Send for our latest price list. SEAMAN, KENT CO.,, Limi, HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK — %, 4%, %. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . « Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames” ~ . and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER |i S. FINDLAY Amherst, N. Se. 160 Bay St, Tiiv onl Factory, Meaford Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, OWBN SOUND, ONT AUGER & SO We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of i siabar and Tiber in Canada andl United States : Spruce, White Pine, White mae Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow P*4e, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Reda Poles ‘Quebec May 9, 1906 CaNnaba LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS — SSSA YOU GAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. =a ae | WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST. LOUIS RAI LMA L WIRE OR PHONE : McCLURE LUMBER Co. Manufacturers__ AARDWOOD LUGOMBER Oak Bending and Wagon Stock a Specialty Mills: EUTAW, ALA, DETROIT, MICH. ace ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Fellow Pine Tisnbars a Specialty WHOLESALE | Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a Sfe cialt ty. Interior Trim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber Soft Yellow Pine Finishing C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammo 1d Bldg. DETROIT, MICH. THE Wicks LUMBER Co. BATTLE CREEK, MICH. BLACK ASH AND ROGK ELM SEND US YOUR INQUIRIES FOR HARDWOOD LUMBER © Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WIGGONSIN-GEATRAL ALY Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. ae full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Ayent 371 Robert St., Si. Paul, ae or Jas. C, Ponp, ee P, Tie acer, Wis ONE DOLLAR Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR J. F, QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building “FRANK GC. BURY LUMBER Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine! y BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ————_—_ GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE. wasow a. nos DETROIT - “MICHIGAN: | ARNWORTH & JARDINE [Wood Brokersand Measurers | ae em “Bers Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ue F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address; ‘¢* ebra” riva at. ae CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SERUCES * Hardwoods in Log, Bie. its handled to the best advantage to all port 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, * “ssxsse's°: abgdies Address ‘ iets London,’ - IMPORTER OF aaa Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ZEBRA CODE TORY CO CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. ~ Wood y gents and Brokers “ GELLICHT,” LONDON Cable Address : 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS O Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elm Staves and Heading, Handles of ail descriptions Veneers A Specialty > SMITH & TYRER - 14 Tithabarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmituH, Tyrer -& Co., Keith Building, 4114 Barrington Strect GANT & KEMP a TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address : “TECTONA” Glasgow. Ax and A B C Codes used. ° BROKERS Telegrams and Seay ““Woodfeller, Lo THOMPSON, Codes : Recent Western Union, Southards, and ste 4th and 5th Editions. BLOIS & CoO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents. Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. dOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD, Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Liverpool and London Chambers - CABI,K ADDRESS “DU Hickory Bo 5 BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. - ALSO... All Sites ‘i Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods sultable for the English BLY LIVERPOO RM iS 6 Ria CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION “May: 9, 1906 B vt carom, BE. H. HEAPS & co., a : i umber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. | e SPECIALTIES : 4 -AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, ‘Base, Casing, Newels | Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. i W.L. get eee w. He whch dtd ddl vere Dees ubsushe i) ancouver MANUFACTURERS OF ted. a4 FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER : O- suite { LATH, MOULDINGS Lum pnber Cc se TURNED WO | a RK oast ETC. Pp acific VER. “BO. HIGH GRADE = de RED CEDAR SHINGLES — Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO SHINGLES All kinds and Grades i Wnntarous JUST A GENTLE REMINDER : Straight or "Mixed Cars 22 eye ORDER OUR SPECIALLY TRIMMED AND ge — That’s ae -a reminder that we can supply your wants in-the lumber line. It’s up to you NOW to realize that fact and to “READY - TO - PUT - ON” : open up correspondence with us. w Mes RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING Don’t forget that SPRUCE LUMBER is our A specialty—and should be yours. Let us tell you at Correspondence Solicited why. |The Red Deer Lumber Company a BARROWS P. 0., SASK. B.C. Red Cedar sctacews SHIN LES IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR 1906 CALENDAR WRITE FOR ONE, IT IS A CORK R} od: ine —Write DIRECT io WE ATTN Lumber Gompanu, Ltd. VANCOUVER =e _CANADA_ LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vi. ¥ -E.H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umitep HEAD OFFICE, 536° HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER B.C. ia “Our Daily Snes Capacny = ; « pes SHINGLES PER DAY - We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots RN er re. 9 Ji ae sd . ? adh cia a eed _ FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH ER ER 0. BOSTON, MASS. : ) FELD meu bonen & Cc H. D. Wictcl 89 STATE. ST. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER E : Mancusi SE Ron GO Sepa will inspect at mill and PAY: CASH for , ; THE 7 NDEPE ra D a NT LU * 8 E R C 0. uo. BSR a Baa allah Bora LOG RUN Ger quorarions FROM UR NEAREST BRANCH oam Handles, Chair stock, Seats, ete., or 25¥ | pm Ash, Bass and other Hardwocd _ HEAD OFFICE -REGINA,SASK. Woods Suitabie'for unglish Market. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. | CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ae —— ¢ Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea WITH MILLS AT ABS VANCOUVER, RAT PORTAGE AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS. OF : LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of W tert and Interior de Also Box Shooks and la Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, M-ple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. no RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. HEAD OFFICE D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT: AND MANAGER. = Ei Sis Ss ie i i i i i i i Sy i is i i aes. = : SS CE 3 CODE: AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE H. H. SPICER, MGR. AND SECY. THOMAS KIRKPATRICK, RESIDENT. J Exrort FUMBER & OHINGLE Co. PTD: Head Office, 44-46 Flack Building, VANCOUVER, B.C. f Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Pacific Coast Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in rs - British. Columbia. Shipping capacity, is 1,500,000 SHINGLES per day. SE Will the Trade please note that we only claim a daily shipping capacity of 1,500,000 shingles. Ovr competitors who nake larger gems are nice people but seem inclined to exaggerate. VIII. THE ONTARIO LU M BER C9 sare Mutts: North Bay. C.3 ).11¢ €.7.R. Delivery CaNaDA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION : MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. and 36 Hae I Life uilding 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. Bank St. Chambers. OTTAWA, BIRCH! BASSWOOD! SPRUCE! In any grade, size or quantity. Before placing your order drop us a line for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & COG PEDWELL & LEMCKE, !: Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood | Lt THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY | CANADIAN See Ne LUMBER WANTED Manufacturers : High Grade Hardwood Floor- We solicit consignments of long ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, ing Bed Fra Cheese é rently ge ed ies and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and-are prepared Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, to purchase White Pine and Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter sh ngs Bich Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . . . . Prompt reply to eagninss ror prices: etc. by N ADDRESS: CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. R ‘Room sig, - BOSTON, MASS. MANUFACTURERS OF 6 sce @ PY oan, iS Solicited. A. kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what — you now have to sell. Correspondence: with mills solicited. A. W. EYER @ CO. 43 Adolaide Street Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. Pine good strips : Z Pine mill — seses 1400 16 00 june : Tit.ssscae sesseeeee 34 CO 36 00 | Pine O. culls....... 9 50 I2 50 : r ENT {TIMBER PRICES -WHOLESALE 1H 1 in. and 1% in... 36 00 40 00 Spruce, 1’x4” & up 1400 15 00 AGH reco aciane aisle reanee diver as $4 00 | Spruce cc asescces , oo fie Ele 38 00 42°00 seme fps a ef SHINGLIS. jal ebas Shee as ood shorts? ¢ 10”... 16 00 17 00 $ 600d rich ee toe aes surnéey” clear (fine Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound Laeiiy 6x38 TORONTO, ONT. rai in.and t% in... 3600 4000] dressing a B.. 24 00 Cheag Ste . 5 a 3 2 Bowie a: CAR OR CARGO LOTS:© BADD nee ons user» «+ 40 00 44 00/ Hemlock . oben 13 00 teseeee Pruce .... 1 inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1xq4to 8im 16 00 17 00 ye "ga Sidings. ri 708 Basswood... age aes +18 00 23 60 ‘a . cuts & berter.....- $4900 51 00 | 2x4 to 8 in.,10to16ft. 17 00 18 0» sidings. 4400.37 00 | Ne a white pinet}s"x4 00. "4/50 Dale See Ea bell Cle: eee Poe = mY Pima Pine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white ae ie 350 400 we eas ee adel os ane Pen ee | Sonia ele ee BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N y (oe ee aes 56.00 58 00] Clear inch B.C. cedar | eC Rane oD Bd I “ psi No.2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55 00 Dovead Pe adh Bek: 18.00 22 00 | pine Shingles WHITE PINE. et cuts and better.... 44 00 46 00| Douglas fir dimension aS? te we debhias Os xXxX, 18 inch...... = 495 3 95 (Wholesale selling price. 2 No 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 32 feet 34 80 op; 8 abe Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 275 3 25 d ae and Better........ 4600 .4800|Fir flooring, edge Mee lve. et 18 00.2000| *% 28 inch........... 170 200 Uppers; I, 1%, 1%and 2 r 6 h No. Prain......crcesovsss 42 00 sree White Cedar Shingles Ceamieryin dowel Gate and beter... 41 00 42.00] 194 i No. x 4 tt Pine OT ania ote bed Bere TL tein: Sees tacos 2’ No 3 Cuts and Tath......-+.-eseues 4505 0° Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 5> 1800! Clear Butt,18inch.... 275 3 75 Selects 1 im.......... are aes Agno ae ee ant Lath 3 40 35° Pine, boxboards.... 1400 15 00| 2, 18 inch........-. 3 72,2 00 TH to Zins... BO ow on caren enna, i ressin 0.1 32 ne la 2 : : ind wetlet Shorty, 23.00 24 00 ee No. 14 {Te fiemlock lath 3 50 eons 3, peas: ding Strips, 1x4, 6and 8common 20 00 2 02| KXXX Pine Shingles 295 3 00 Fite “Comodo ae 1K 10 common.....- 21 00 22 00| XX PineShingles .. 225 2 30 7 ys . 1X12common...... 2300 24 00|X Pine Shingles .. 95 p SARNIA, ONT. a 1% in. ..+ 2x10 common...... 21 00 22c0| XX Cedar Shingles 225 2 30 nEEEES 3:in See ae ce 2and 3x12 common. 24 00 25 00 B, C, Shingles " ‘+: Cet aE 1x10 inch box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 3.15. tins” and up wide.. - $79 00 cee oe ae fommon ......---. 20 0¢ 21 00| XXXX6to 23-16in. FW Ponies ¢. 1% and 2! ‘4+ 77 90 ru an 27 ae ad Box 32 Tach mill rumsidings 2: 00 22 0c | XXXXX 5 to2 in. . 370 2% and 3” estos oy og 2 Not Guts...... ee nape 1in. millrun...... . 21 00 22 00} XX No. 2,6to2in. 4" aA Salsas ie Le 1=10 and rd wot ay 16 50 1750 Re “6 to aai6 or 4,30 SELECTS. : Ne. 4 ee igi is TXIO veeeee eeeeee iss ae ths Sid- Re ine, clear . sige ie aaa Is 50 1650| and Clear face... 2300 24co 1! in., iyand 2? wide.... ae oo Be ae 14, and 1% I inn aca cull sidings 12 00 13 09 Red pine, common 2 and 7 pee Renate cara th 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 2200) 2”....... AOR aee ee 1400 17 00 mG ao gatos wapcieys es Fr isio du, ponent HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. 4 : NE, COM. AND BETTER. . P Cole) The following quotations on hardwoods tapes the Ash White, rsts and Soft Elm, mill rum 21 co a2 00 ra nus 6 tin..-...... o $27 a = col tuprice wt Buffals ond Tonawanda ; - jo ands,1tozin. $3300 35 00 | Rock Elm, common : uf and ae up wide... 58 s 2.33 38 oo WHITE ASH. ; Ash, Black, ists and and better, rim.. 25 00 26 00 “ oes oo : ands, 1 to21n.... 30 00 32 00 | Rock Elm,common Seog om” | gies ay Ist & and, z inch, 38.00 40 00 Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% to2zin 28 00 29 00 FINE common. NO. 2 BARN. . 1% tozin......... 40 00 42 00 Stree eis ane 00 RP BR ance oe 22 00 23 00| Rock Elm, millrun 22 co 23 00 1’... v.es+ 48 00 to 60 00 Ria. oo ee tan bere ‘ ay tele) ae oo , 8’ and up etsy 37 00 ret ee eer 21 co to 23 0O st & and, 6 inch & = heigl pos ej Rup, 30 00 Birch, mill ru 3 3 p 9 i Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, 1sts ig in. 3 tH 136 = 2” 21 Goto 24 ¢0 up, red.......-.. » 40 00 4200 & good culls. Seven 16 ‘and better, rin.. 2200 23c0| and ands... 4600 5000 1% in, i. peeeteeeee 23 00 ELM. Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, 2’ : BOX. ana Bet., 134tozin 2400 25 00| 1stsand2nds....44c¢o 4600 - 24%and3” “ No. 1, 1”, 1% aa ‘& 2d, wrock,6in dup 76 a 7 on ft Seesacitane rst eds Basswood, millrun 20 00 21 oo | Oak,quartered, ists 4" 1%.'2........ 15 oo to 20 60 OPUNLOS, AI Ww iKS Soft Elm, common and ands..... .. Z 70 00 75 00 NO, 2 CUTS. No’? mill cuils, MAPLE. Pie Rad Otter, 1A i2S G0, 08 1Dr eA OR ys al Bt ; a 6” and up wide.. ++ 21 00 1,1%, 134 2” 16 00to 18 00 rst & 2nd hard...... 20 00 13 08 set ands vae.20 0 Soft Elm, common PHOS nx) st .. 36 00 38 00 ie -53.00 Common and culls pe oo | sere 12 and bet.1%to zin 2700 & 00 " sAictee 00 MILL CULLS. #2 : iy ++33 j cian > ie - sos 37 “ed oe Mill Rua Culls 1”, 1%, 1% 2%,3and4” * one 49 aud'2”".> 2.0.2 feeeoe ls 90 rae en QUEBEC, QUE. "No. 3 curs. SE aad BOSTON, MASS. % MEISE BN THE BARS ais 1in., 6” and up wide.... 19 00 LATH, white Pine Uppers, 1 to 2imch ...... sacs 100+ $84 00' to - or Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... 35 45 if and 1% “ he a be ING: 3s 320 ences Pee ae 1 Selentanite si neh.) ae ete grote 2 oo ve First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to lineal.. 63 nm 4“ ee No, 2, 48% ‘' ....eeee wee 400 ’ j : 6 2%, 3 and 4 ase. 30 00 a to 2inch one tlennen s 1g to20inchaverage ‘' ‘“ on ss €8 Y . No.1, 8 pine.. ~ 450 MILL RUN, No. 1 Cuts, 1 sine rat, ric RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. SHINGLES. 1% toz2 oo M:asured off, according to average and a Sons SHabaeenne 50. 35 XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, No. 2 Cuts, 1 aa pret hipping order ee ene es BET | 5 to 6 x 16"...... 322755 3.08 Barn Sete Teh ee OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. c.B. ~ png 75 2°00 =e aeun By the dram, according toaverageandquality. . °- 4. 48 52 No. 2 128 135 N 0. 3. - _ Spruce, ro and 12 dimension. . ELM i iu. and under ......6.-0eeee cree eennnees By the dram, accordin to average and quality 40 to 45 feet. 65 75 7 aa 10 and 12 13 random len: ASH asaietignc: caver ALBANY, N.Y BAS, 2s Pas Es TA TOE : Ye 10 ft. a saan sid, anita dita ettnm nett aanaae 10 idehes ae up, eccrine to avon and igtaliey: tena (26h. 28 a All omer random lengths, 9 ‘in. and under, 10 Average 16 inci : 5 . ANG AD. ss duciey mene sees, teen asl Aer o aves Bp xxx2 inch shippers .. .. - --+-$27 a8 sin, and up merchantable boards, aft. & up,p.1 8 BIRCH. in. 4/4 inch 3 13” & up.28 30 Out Spruce boards, p. 1S......-- ce eeseee eens 14 Inch SRL tabs 3g 8 a ou ae 4/4.Box boards 6 aaa ap.. 22 23 1x2and rx3furring p. 1s clipped and bundled 16 : s . be et 2e. Cue 3D inch uppers ..... to-in. dressing and better... 30 35 196" spruce laths Tram sinks sbeetalaueraee ly 4 ee : som el tS ee 36 Selects, 23 in up. gogo. cresting and tae 42 1" sdescnyerears ac eee ‘ae vans 3 40 See eee “thy, PK, IKIO-IN. 2c. cececvecace 23 24 | eae he eee, Seinraaup S USiimom aia: aiae ae ' NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. OTTAWA, ONT. TtO2iM.-sseeeeesereeesers 6a | No. x barn, 1xx2 32 34 Extras .. Se owele'e cie tease cinalnie see lute SGle (upton : ° No. 1 cuts, 1 to 2 inch...... 55 ve EXIO.. 0. ose «+ 32 34 ae MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, No. asieccnccseecacemeen arse 64 Binoy gasamas e's +. 30 32 Secon Clear: No. g.ccccecceeceeceecees 35 40| No. 2 barn, 1x12.........-. 29 31 Clear Whites ...... nine oe Mouton ete ea barns. Zane No. 2 a oldthe, tos incwek 50 55 cae Renal Mea eer Je rete 40 » Extra 1s (Clear whites out)... 250 1in.z 7in. a P 40 00 4400] 1x10 No. 2 3 20 00 ioe 1%, in, and 1% in. x 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn. Roan ie Fem ety de say bd ss 5 ey cleat Gaia. . - A gon ieee whiter Sinise welere-wewinsite ‘ip. and up...... 43 00 56 00| 1x8 & oN ae 6 tained SAPS ....-sesesnecee haky ’ penne BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. 2in. x 7 tn.and up <2 00 *6 2 | Pine Shorts 6 to 11’ i. fiscal ns 3 eee or Se ete eer Red Coder Kutras, 16 in. 5 butts to zim... -..- . No.2 cuts 2x8"&up 3400 3600] XIO” ..,... sesees 17 00 18 @0 Dressing boards, narrow.... 28 32 Common ..-..2....00.0— 28 $ Rurekas, 18 wee ewes , IxIginch SHipPer aceon 24 25 = Perfections, 5 fatts tot in. —_—— ~a us ow 2 . —s S05 y j : Ag ata pot e bis é ; aes ease te aT ~ > wo) <6 Ses ai ~ ‘ ws 4 ; ’ ‘ WEEKLY NADA LUMBER AND WOOD-WORKER EDITION | The Lumbéerman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 Per year §{The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. _ REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD [ae Vo.. XIV < ~ Canapa Lomperman a PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y ae of Toronto, Limited _. Canfederation Life Building - TORONTO. = : Bs ' Branch Offices: ‘: _ 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 920-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. The Month! journal, Lumberman— A 44- 1 ssing and impartially subjects perti- es A, LS LE A AR oS PTT SAR A og Nm eR a | L i 6 y hon 4 L 0 ale . et 7, WANTED AND FOR SALE o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue PPE KTR TT 8 Ee es ey ROCK ELM WANTED. an.) OMMON AND BETTER 1”, 1%” AND 2”. rs Good price paid. Apply Box 380 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. f et NAPA — TEN THOUSAND CORDS a ~ ‘Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Smmcoz Woop AND LUMBER Co., 53 Yonge Street Areade, Toronto. » FOR SALE ~ HOICE LOT OF FIGURED ASH, CHEST- nut, Curly Maple, Cherry, Sassasfras, quartered and plain Sycamore 1” and 5/8” with a lew Sycamore squares, for panneling inside __ finish, all dry, also 100 acre timber lot. Address, J. C. SCHLEIHAUF, West Lorne, Ont. ; - WANTED AS? BIRCH, BASSWOOD, SOFT HLM, Rock Elm, Hard Maple, and Hickory in Logs, lumber and dimension sizes. Spot cash. Inspection at mill. Please quote prices f.o.b. at _ shipping points. W. J. Gorpon, Box 295, Windsor, Ont. PUBLIC AUCTION vr THE FOLLOWING PARCELS OF VALU- able Timber Lands and Mill Properties owned in fee simple by the Cookshire Mill - Company in Liquidation will be sold by public i action at the Court House, Cookshire, Que., on _ Wednesday, May joth, 1906, at 1 o’clock p. m. _ Parcel 1. Mill and yards at Cookshire Junction, iae., with 21,257 acres of timber lands in the ‘Ownships of Newport, Ditton and Auckland. ____ Parcel 2. Mill site and yards at Sawyerville, _ Que., on the Maine Central Railroad,’with 4,350 “acres of timber lands in the Townships of New- port and Auckland. Parcel 3. 2,938 acres of timber Jands in the _ Township of Garthby, Que., near Lake Aylmer on the Quebec Central Railroad. : ‘These lands are well timbered with "Spruce and Hardwood. . For further information address -_ = A. F, ROBINSON, = _ Cookgshire, Que. _ orthe Liquidators of the Cookshire Mill Com- ‘i ‘pany, Sherbrooke, Que, ~~ 2 pet, nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. . 4 nents will be inserted in this depart- e of 15 cents per-line.ecach insertion... TORONTO, MONTREAL — MAY 16, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER OR SALE—:1 CAR 14%” AND 3’ SOFT ELM C. & B. For prices apply to F. Hatt, Ingle- wood, Ont. HEMLOCK TIMBER LANDS WANTED. (7% LOCATION, ESTIMATED QUAN- tity ot Hemlock timber, and lowest price. Box 377 CANADA LUMBERMAR, Toronto, Ont. : Wanted—Ash Timber for Export. 2,000 to 3,000 cubic feet of sawn or hewn, square or waney ash—average 15” square or -moré, say 15 ft. andjupin length, long as possible, white or hard grey. Reply ''B” care CANADA LuUM- BERMAN, Toronto. WANTED—2%4" BIRCH C & B,1” BLACK ASH common, 1” cull soft elm and basswood, cedar and tamarac, 1”, 6/4”, 2” black ash c, & D. and cull, 1” and thicker soft maple. R. E. K1ns- MAN, Hamilton, Ont. WANTED. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, Kr ENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED—BY YOUNG MARRIED MAN, responsible position in woods, saw mill, lumber yard, inspecting, shipping, selling or office, Thorough experience; gilt edge refer- ences. Address Box 381 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. : HEMLOCK BOARDS ih i ae MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England Market for shipment during the year 1906. Boards to be P1sSs to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet and up long, or clippei, 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14.and 16 feet. Will take ship- ments either by rail or sail. CHARLES S. WENT- woTH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass, Excellent Timber For Sale ROBABLY COVERING AS GOOD IF NOT the best timber is Newfoundland. Situat- ed on the West Coast. Property includes a Mill, two Engines and Boiler, 20 M per day capa- city. Excellent Driving and Shipping facili- ties, good wharf, new Tug, Houses, Camps, Horses and Logging Outfits. For particulars apply to JoSEPH SALTER’S SoONS., North Sydney, C. B. Dodds Anderson Lumber Co, We Want Your Lumber Send usa statement of all kinds of lumber, lath, shingles, etc., you have to offer for sale. We are in the market with the highest cash prize that is possible to pay; we will buy on GRADES, LOG RUN OR ESTIMATE THE ENTIRE STOCK. Dopps ANDERSon LUMBER CO., 436 Yonge St., Toronto. FOR SALE N_ THE TOWNSHIP OF WIDDIFIELD, VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND TIM- BER LIMITS, comprising zoo acres of land, with a living stream running iron gti it, Valuable quantity of virgin pine on the limit. .The saw mill has a capacity of 4o M. feet per day and is complete in all its appointments, with boarding house, dwelling houses for men, store, offices, ice house, store houses, stables, barns, well equipped black- smith shop, camp outfits, sleighs, wagons, trucks and everything required for lumbering operations. We offer this valuable property at a great bargain. Address THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, Rooms 35 and 36, Home Life Building, Toronto, Ont, y Property oe a ANTED—A FIRST-CLASS SAWYER FOR circular mill, capacity r5 to 20 M. Will pay $60 per month and board. Apply to HARRIS & Co., Day Mills, Canada, Ont. WANTED-1%2" AND 2” BLACK ASH, COM- MON and Better, or istsand ands quality, green or dry, in one or more car lots. W. A. ’ Kriss, Hespeler, Ont. ASH and CHERRY WANTED HiiGnest PRICE FOR 1%” WHITE ASH;1", 1%” and 2” Black Ash and Cherry. Box383 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ; ANTED—A PERSON WELL UP IN THE Retail lumber business; also an expert machine hand totake charge of the lewer part of Planing Mill here. references. Apply to JoHN PiccotT & Sons, (Lumbermen), Chatham, Ont, : : Wisk TO HEAR FROM LUMBER CON- cerns who would be interested in having a buyer who is located on the Coast to look af- ter shipments and placing orders. Will furnish bond. Apply. Box 382, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE FT. 12/4, 50,000 FT. 8/4, 35,000 I I ,000 feet 6/4, No. 1 and 2 Dry Hard Maple, also 5,000 feet 6/4 and *20,000 feet 4/4 Beech, alsorcar 4/4Soft Maple. MCBURNEY LUMBER Co., 43 Scott St., Toronto. . FOR SALE 20,000 ft.1’ and 1%” Pine, 60,0e0 ft. 1’ and 2” M.C. Maple, 25,000 ft. 1” Basswood, D. C. Ash, a’, 40,000 ft., M. C. and Com. Ash, 7,000. 1000 R. R. ties, 1 car 3” 5% cedar posts, 8 ft. - 1st, 2nd and 3rd quality shingles, 1500 cord dry slabs, 1 car winter cut dry basswood. - Appl uhe LILLIcRop, TATE LUMBER Co., Lakefield,. nt, Small Timber Limit for Sale RIBUTARY TO GEORGIAN BAY, VIA French River, or can be operated on C.P.R. Toronto-Sudbury Line. Limit easily operated; within short distance of railroad and can be worked either winter or summer; ten (10) years operation for medium sized mill. For particulars address ‘‘WoopsMAN”’, Penetanguishene, Ont. FOR SALE IGHT TO TEN MILLION FEET OF standing Hemlock and a small quantity of Pine. Convenient! to “good logging; streams running down to Georgian Bey, and within easy haul of railway forshipping bark. Also small Saw Mill'to cut from fifteen to twenty five thousand feet of logs per day. Will sell the timber and mill together orseparate. This is an unusual chance fora milling business. Ad- dress GARDNER Bros. & Co., Walkerville, Ont. FOR SALE TIMBER LIMITS ON GEORGIAN BAY The undersigned willloffer for sale by public auction (subject to’a reserve bid) on WEDNES- DAY, JULY 25, 1906, at 2 p. m.,in the Council Chamber, in Parry Sound, Ont., the licenses to cut timber on the following berths: © Berths 1 and 2 Township of Shawanaga. Berths 2, 3, and-4 Township of ‘Burpee. Both in the District of Parry ‘Sound, and com? prising in all about 67 square miles, : These limits are well timbered with pine, hemlock and hardwoods." ®QLicenses give the right to cut all kinds of timber. : , A new up-to-date band mill capable of cutting 60,000°ft. per day muy be purchased in connec- tion with the limits. ‘ < For terms or further information apply to BANK OF OTTAWA, : Parry Sound, Ont; State experience and give ~ No, 10. ANTED—HARDWOOD: LUMBER BUY- ERS to locate in Ontario. Salary and com- mission. Address, FEDERAL LUMBER CoMPANY, 1 Madison Ave., New York City. FOR SALE BOUT 1440 M FEET BEECH AND HARD : Maple, bone dry stock, average 9”. Immed- aie shipment. W.B. Bartram & Co., Ottawa, nt. FOR SALE LASH TABLE WITH SIX SAWS, SPACED for 18” shingles, two No. 88 chains for each saw, variable friction feed and other late im- provements, capacity 2700 M shingles per day, all complete with countershaft-pulleys and: box- es.- A first-class machine only used part of one season and practically as good as new. THE RIDEAU LUMBER Co., Limited, Ottawa, Ont. NFLUENTIAL FIRM OF ENGLISH IM- portersand Merchants of highest standing desire to correspond with: manufacturers’ and shippers of Maple Flooring, Sawn Pitch Pine Sidings, Red Pine Deals'and Battens, etc., and ready made Doors of highest quality, with a view to buying direct oragency. All payments in cash. References given and required. Ad- dress, X. Y.Z., TIMBER TRADES JOURNAL OFFICE, 164 Aldersgate Street, London England ~ CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. ts: The supply of dry lumber is rapidly diminishing and will soon have disappeared from the market entirely. .It is now largely -in the hands of dealers, who are endeavor- ing to so manipulate it as to supply the requirements of their customers until the new cut is ready. In a few instances, where the specifica- tions have been difficult to meet, still higher prices have been ob- tained, but the market as a whole is no stronger than last month, Speculation pertains entirely to the new cut, and opinions are divided as to the effect of the general re- sumption. of sawing operations which will occur very shortly. It is true that the demand is excellent and that a large percentage of the season’s production has already passed out of first hands, but it usually happens that during the summer period the buyer is able to find plenty of stock to purchase. This will probably be the case this year if most of the logs reach the mills.- Hardwoods are firm at the advance, with no further rise anti- cipated for the present. The sup- ply is plentiful, but as the input of logs was light, the conditions are likely to be more favorable for the hardwood manufacturer later in the year. EASTERN CANADA. The outlook for the lumber trade for Eastern Canada has been im- proved’by recent heavy rains, which If, are likely to give quite an impetus to stream driving operations. The bulk of the 15,000,000 feet of logs hung up in the St. John river above Graad Falls have now reached the booms and will be available for sawing. Bank logs are selling at $12 per thousand for merchantable spruce, $9 for battens, and $6 for hemlock. There is very little dry spruce lumber for sale and the mills are refusing orders daily, so that the prospects for the coming season are exceptionally bright. New Brunswick cedar sningles are sell- ing around $3.70 for Boston deliv- ery. A few sales have been made at $3.75, but so far as can be learned there has been no advance on this quotation. WESTERN CANADA. The lumber trade of Western Canada continues quite active, with an increased retail demand. The mills have more business than they can handle, as is evidenced by an- other advance last week in the price of rough lumber at Vancouver, bringing it up to $15. Owing to the high cost of logs, there must be a very small margin of profit even at this figure, and a further advance is not improbable. The shingle market is steady. An event of con- siderable market interest was the conference of shingle manufacturers held at Seattle, Wash., last week, at which seven representatives of British Columbia mills were present. At this conference it was agreed, in order to prevent the periodical de- moralization of the shingle market, to close down the shingle mill for ninety days during the coming winter. UNITED STATES. The settlement of the labor diffi- culties in the coal mining districts and on the Great Lakes has remov- ed the fear of any serious labor troubles in the United States this KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. CANADA LUMBERMAN spring and has consequently im- proved the lumber outlook to some extent. The market has maintained its firm tone remarkably well con- sidering that new stock is rapidly getting into shipping condition and that this is the season of the year when price recessions may be expect- ed. In the Duluth district offerings of No. 4. and 5 pine boards are said to have been made at a slight de- cline from the high point, but this is no indication of general weakness. The cargo shipments from Duluth between April 20th and May 7th were 30,000,000 feet, which is the heaviest movement ever witnessed from that point in the same period. All grades of pine used in building are in active demand in the Eastern States. The Pennsylvania prod- ucers of hemlock have made another advance of 50 cents on all lengths - but the 14 foot. Hardwoods are moving satistactorily, although cer- tain intereats are said to be holding orders back in the hope that when the larger quantities of stock come on the market they will be able to purchase to better advantage. Sales of basswood are being made at $28 for firsts and seconds, $18 for com- mon, and $21 to $23 for log run, at mill points. Log run soft elm is being sold at $20 at the mill. There is a good demand for birch and maple. GREAT BRITAIN. Several representatives of Quebec shippers haverecently returned from Great Britain and give a very favor- able report of the lumber market. While there is a disposition in some quarters to doubt the maintenance of present prices, this is having no effect on shippers and buyers in- variably are meeting the market in the case of pine and spruce deals and waney timber. For ordinary Spruce, with 50 per cent. 7 and 8 inch, the price is about £8 5s per standard of 1,980 feet. Consider- KILN-DRIED_BIRGH Fairview Cedar Lumber Co. FLOORIN WEEKLY EDITION able limes have been placed during the past tnonth, but several mer- chants have not yet covered their requirements. Whether they will be able to buy to better advantage is a question, but present indica- tions are not in their favor. Birch logs and planks have arrived quite freely of late and prices are a little easier. Importers are discouraging consignment stock, as the demand for birch is not sufficiently strong to keep prices even where they are un- der such acondition. The stock of birch logs at Liverpool is 81,000 cubic feet, as compared with 47,000 feet at same time in 1905 and 64,000 feet in 1904. STOCKS AND PRICES. The following are ruling quota- tions for hemlock at Detroit, Mich.: Piece stuff—12 foot, 2x 4 to 2x12, $23. 12 foot 4x 4, 4x6, and 6x8, $23 ; 18 and 20 foot, $27; 22 foot, 2x4to 2x12, $29 ; 24 foot, 4x 4, 4x6, 6x 6 and 6x8, $30; 26 foot, Fe A: Ws I ne $31. Boards—6- inch merchantable, 10 to 16 foot, HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING co. Wholesale Doalers in PINE, HEMLOCK LUMBER. CAN SUPPLY Correspondence Solicited. Send for Catalo wt vt Samples by % Vancouver, B.C. Manufacturers of .....-.--. Rough and Dressed Cedar Lumber and Laths We Manufacture Cedar only and have the largest stock in the Province. a Bs Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries, At the present time we. have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ weods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine atte here in | Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS RED and WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES. SPECIAL A quantity of 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14 and 16 ft. Cedar Posts. Telephone Poles 25 to 50 feet. Hop Poles and Ladder Poles in pine and cedar. Special bills tor small sizes in pine and oak. Wait May $23; 8 and 10 inch merchant: 10 to 18 foot, $23; 12 inch, $2 roof boards, $16. Under date of April 28th, Mess S. P. Musson Son, & Co.- say the Barbados markett: There been no arrivals since our last, a as the demand tor all descrip of lumber is always good z season,stocks of both white pine spruce are being used up and is a good opening for one or ty cargoes of both kinds, which shoul easily bring late quotations. T schooner ‘‘Evolution” from Ha arrived a few days ago with 1,’ ooo Cedar Laying shingles, v have not yet been sold. The ket is heavily stocked with 2 scriptions and the demand has. abnormally light. Harry Burns, of Fredericto: B., has a portable mill on the He Cockburn limits, where he has: 400,000 feet of hemlock boar which have been sold to the Al ander Gibson Railway & Man turing Company at about $11 thousand. Be WOODSTOCK, ONT. and HARDWOOD > svA 3 KNIGHT BROTHERS < LIMITED Burk’s Falls P. 0. BOX 45, VANCOUVER, B. C. | a MASON, GORDON & CO. 80 St. Francis Xavier Street = - MONTREAL, QUE. o i wHosae LUMBER and TIMBER ~ Car and Cargo Lots Only Specilaty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. : Ne. * WE WANT TO BUY - 1", 2”and 3” + Rock Elm, tsts and 2nds.° - ri", 034" and 2” Chestnut, - 46 , 1%", 14" and 2” Butternut, % THE MoLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, - May 16; 1906 = CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION _ BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. ; wcorrespandence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) '" Vancouver, B.C., May 7th, 3 1906, —An important conference of _ shingle manufacturers was held in Seattle on Friday and Saturday, 4th “and 5th instant, which was attended _ iby representative men from this city. These were Messrs. E.H. Heaps, _J.G. Woods, James McNair, Robert are eter, Thomas Kirkpatrick, H. Z . Spicer and R. H. H. Alexander, ‘secretary of the B.C. Lumber and "Shingle Manufacturers’ Association. Matters of trade interest were dis- cussed, the most important action decided upon being a go-day shut _ down next winter, beginning with December 1st. This was practical- iy agreed to by the manufacturers _ from Vancouver. _ The meeting was a very suc- cessful one,” said Mr. James Mc- _ Nair, ‘and the combination mills = owed more of an inclination to - co-operate with us in curtailing the _ output. The most favorable con- ditions do not obtain in the shingle 4 Drtdusiry at present. Bolts are high, at $4. 40 to $4.75, and the labor market is restless. There is Bee Tot of railway construction and ‘other work going on and men are i; demand. The fine weath2r has not brought a plentiful supply of : _ bolts, and though we operate camps our own, I often doubt if it is the most profitable method. The price for XXX is $1.95. Some of the product is being shipped to the States, but the major portion goes to the Canadian market.” E All is bustle in the lumber part of ‘the industry. The shortage of logs _ has prevented mills from working much overtime to enable them to atch up with behind orders, and all “of. the plants are busy. On top of tall comes the announcement of WHITE OAK _- BillTimber up to 4o feet long, 16 _ inches square and under—quick a delivery. --~—s-s Drop us a line describing your wants g and we will gladly quote you prices. WM, J. PULLING & CO. WINDSOR, ONT. J . B. Farwell & Son ‘ Contractors and Dealers in __ GOEDAR q TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES ego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. the partial abrogation of the duty on lumber, insofar as it affects San Francisco, and arrangements are being made to charter boats for this trade. An instance of what busi- ness is offering is in the withdrawal from the Northwest of the travellers of the Bowman Lumber Company. That concern has all it can attend to this summer, and has called off its trade solicitors. The Yale-Co- lumbia Lumber Company, of Cas- cade, B.C., is to operate four mills this summer, and has _ already enough orders for nearly its entire output. J. Williams, of Seattle, offered an order for a million feet of lumber, to be shipped to Nome, to the Nanaimo Lumber Company, but it could not be taken. Prices were advanced another dollar on Thursday last. Rough lumber is now quoted at $15. ‘‘It will probably go even higher,” said a millman this morning. ‘‘With logs quoted at $8, $10 and $13, with no prospect of a reduction in price, I cannot see how rough lumber can be sold profitably at less than $17.” The Nanaimo Lumber Company is filling an order for the C.P.R. for lumber for passenger coaches. It is being shipped to Montreal and is all 60 feet in length, of various sizes. The material is intended for some of the new cars, which are to be the most handsome yet turned out by that railway company. THE GLASGOW MARKET. The following review of the Glasgow market is abstracted from Edmiston & Mitchells’ monthly tim- ber circular of April 30th : The consumption of pine goods continues to be disappointingly small, and though the stock of Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 Please mention this paper when cor- responding with advertisers. McLennan Timber Land ANd LUMDEP GO., rimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers ‘OFFICES Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. “Office : a j ain FLOORING SlmIWMOWN BROS, LTD. 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO —Our Prices will Interest dee End Matched, Bored, Polished - and Bundled - WIARTON, ONT. | CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., uwra 604 Temple Building, Toronto ft to MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address “‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s deals is now reduced to a compara- tively low point, that of sidings is somewhat large, in view of the al- most immediate opening of the Quebec season. No doubt the bulk of these are not of specially good quality, but until they are got quit of they will have a depressing effect on the market. The position of spruce, which a month ago showed evidence of weakening under the pressure of ex quay selling, has firmed up again, with every pros- pect of prices being maintained, as both the stock on hand and the im- port are alike meagre. Birch logs have been arriving too freely both from Quebec and the lower ports, and as a consequence a number of the recently arrived shipments have gone into store. The import of birch logs into Glas- gow for the years 1904 and 1905 amounted to 4500 loads altogether, whereas the import for the first four months of this year is nearly 4000 loads already. It shipments con- tinue on the same scale any longer, birch will reach the unsaleable stage shortly. As to the future of the market . generally, the determining factor as regards prices will be the extent of the import during the summer, and granted that it is moderate, as is generally anticipated will be the case, values are pretty certain to be well maintained. Scottish shipbuilders launched during April 32 vessels of 39,627 tons, of which 18 of 31,657 tons were built in Clyde yards. The Clyde total for the first four months of this year is about 20,000 tons more than for the same period in 1905, but while this is so far satis- factory, there is a regrettable ab- sence of fresh orders being placed. The amount of new work placed since the year began is unfortunate- ly far below the tonnage launched. White Pine.—There has been no import during the month, and the movement from stock has been on a small scale. Prices keep firm and stocks are moderate. Oak.—There are some good en- quiries in the market, and deliveries from stock have been fairly good. Stock of first class is small, but of second class timber ample. Prices are firmer. Eitm.—The demand has been quiet during the month, but a few transactions are reported in second quality timber. First class rock is scarce, and early imports should meet a ready market at good prices. QueEBec BircH.—The import for A. Holden, Pres. F. H. Goff, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mg E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Ping Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =—SARNIA, ONT. THE [IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LiMiTED Mills: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. saver GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO We Offer DRY MILL CULLS 10 Cars" "4/4_Sidings 2 “4/4 " 10 and i2 5/4 1 ee 8/4 Rate low; price fair Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. QVCVSVVVSSSSSVSESVESVESSESSSESSESISEIO8B0 R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R. S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. oeee SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. $ VWSOVCTEVVVVVVVSVASF -BVUVABO CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circutvar CAOQHE. eam s Ont. 26 mikes West North ay ~. Gang UMBER an>D LATH IV. April amounted to about 1350 logs, some of which formed deliveries against contracts, but the bulk of it was consigned. The position of the market is not at all satisfactory, as all the principal birch buyers are well supplied for months ahead, and any pressure to make sales will cause a sharp drop in values. Re- cent shipments are finding their way into store, which is by no means a favorable symptom so early in the season. Lower Port Birch.—The import for April is about 1500 logs, mostly 14 to 15 inch average, about two- thirds of which were disposed of from the ship’s side and the balance stored. Prices are decidedly CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION easier than they were, the supplies having, so far as the year has gone, considerably exceeded the demand. Birch Plank.—The April import amounted to about 400 standards, and was mostly disposed of ex quay. Prices have ranged from 47 158. to £8 5s. ex quay. Asu.—A few very small ship- ments have come to hand during the month, and were sold at fair prices considering the quality which in most cases was’ very middling. Prime logs, 15 to 16 inch average, are asked for, and a few consign- ments of such would meet with prompt sale. Dears, &c.—The import during the month has been a small one, CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS consisting chiefly of spruce deals and pine sidings. The spruce has met with a ready sale ex quay, but the bulk of the sidings have had to be stored. Prices continue firm. Current values are as under :— Broad First Pine Deals.—£ 33 to 435 3 11-inch, £30 to £32; ends and non- dimensions, 423 to £25 10s. Second Pine Deals.—11-inch and up, 420 to £22; ends and non- dimensions, £14 to £15. Third Pine Deals.—11-inch and up, 412 to-414 ; ends and non- dimensions, £10 to £10 Ios. Red Pine Deals.—g and 11 inch, 49 ios. to S10 tos.; narrows, £8 to £9. THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT, We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries, ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, igs Day N.Y. FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements SPRUCE BIRCH he pares PRINCESS PINE Bc. FIR B.C. CEDAR amy things in Lumber or Dimension Timber. Prompt Shipments. ELM RAILWAY TIE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES CEDAR &c., &c., &e. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. up, 11” x 11” and up, for sale at a low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, ee PENETANCUISHENE F. M°CIBBON & SONS, ONT. Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Het oat Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Onterio, Limited MILLS a SPRAGGE, et Tg ed Ont. **$00"" Brane oidinkiag Weaba® Toronto OFFICES rere? Being, Montreal. aod at Mills at Spragge. MANUFACTURERS OF ] White and Red Pine | Lumber and Lath Water Shipments QUEBEC R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto May 16, 1906 Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete. Manufactu Doors, Sash, ‘Mouldings, Cottiagall End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bored A SPECIALTY, Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. . J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont Correspondence Solicited. ‘Phone No. 54, - J. D. SHIER LUMBER Co., LidlTE BRAOEBRINGK, ONT. — MANUFACTURERS OF - a LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Try an advertisement in the mae and For Sale Department. JAS. PLAYFAIR. PLA YEFAIR & WHITE Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LATH « SHINGLES LUMBER Contractors for Railway Sunes BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . _ MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. Appetit and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill stu G. T. R., and by Water. We ship by C. P. R., THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Life Chambers 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants” Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stoek. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. D. L. WHITE. MIDLAND, ONT. i: OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, => ee, TORONTO, ONT. ~ = Amherst, N.S. To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY |S It your Wish... An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ ty and ‘‘For Sele’? Department ofthe ? > CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION : Will secure for yeu a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, : The Canada Lumberman, __ Pi - — a kctene ad oa —_2 a “- HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN THE M. BREANEN & SONS MANDFAGTURING CO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mille at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Carmel and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestout, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow P4e, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Fleorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles a ™ ‘—_—p-oe Be MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ¥%, 3%, 7%, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and | ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER 5. J. S. Pie - OWBN SOUND, ONT. cf Quebec : May 16, 1906 CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS — | Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLow PINE, HEMLOCK OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. CAN | REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. Yellow Pine Timber a Bpeciatt y. nterior Trim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber Soft Yellow Pine Finishing WHOLESALE HARDWOODS Ask¢ Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISCONSIN GENTRAL RRAILWAY Minneapolis, cet Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. ee full information, address ST.LOUIS BY RAIL;MAIL ‘PHONE : McCLURE LUMBER CO. Manufacturers | HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS _. YELLOW PINE AND OAK Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office, No, 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH, ' Mill: EKUTAW, ALA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS | WHOLESALE H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Timmoad Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH. ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE wasow a. nose LUMBER - DETROIT -. Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. FRANK GC. BURY MICHICAN: "ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measurers | Cabel Addsess “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale St., 71 Regent Read BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC F. A. Lightbody & Co. & Gordon Street’ - GLASGOW, SCUTLAND OOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. a. 3 CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE ; , Hardwoods in Log, Ete. its handled to the best advantage to all ports in the Uni olicited. 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, * *toxcon: sc: IMPORTER OF oe tee Address‘ ae London.’ ns _ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS IRECTORY CO: GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & 60. Wood i gents and Brokers a A PS GELLICHT,” LONDON 657 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Bim Logs and Lumberd & Staves and Heading, Handles of a VeneersA Specialty f Cable Address : “ — SMITH & TYRER - i titenam street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiITH, TyRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington Stree OS ee 0 eee GANT & KEMP g TIMBER m2 a sears GLASGOW | BAW EDO Cable Address: “* TECTONA” Glasgow. Ar and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes: Zebra, Western Union, Southards, and London." A. B.C, 4th and 5th Editions. THOMPSON, BLOIS & CoO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against Branches : shipping documents. MANCHESTER, Hamsure. JOSEPH | BUYERS OF WEN i SANS Al White Ash Logs and Planks. . 9 M4 Rock Maple Loge ana: Planks. Samwer diporters | "no and Manufactured English .f All ee ‘of Lumber Cable Address ‘“Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Wood Goods suitable for the ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY ‘WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers - CABI,E ADDREss * LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND DOBLKI LIVERPOOL, "” 7 Ae rs site CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION - May i, 1906 C - i . te ec 6 Ee OH. HEAPS & CO. aaa Wancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newey Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. w. che wheel Paget hd WwW. L. wane monly MANAGER ubaushene, On acouver, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF ed . \ FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Oos or LATH, MOULDINGS bet Cc ef TORKED “Sons Coast aver, 2° HIGH GRADE p a,cilic ves RED GEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO ff THE RED DEER LUMBER CO. 4 Manufacturers of SPRUCE LUMBER aaa LATH SHINGLES All kinds and Grades i Straight or Mixed Cars LUMBER JequinyT sonidg 3007 o00fo00'or Ajovdeg Tenuuy J S SS S | Te sonids _ 000'000'9 Ajpoudeg Tenuuy Will iis. €. abalone Pee 4 . ORDER OUR SPECIALLY TRIMMED AND Ti iy | “READY - TO - PUT - ON” Wl DON’T YOU DARE KET GO ; 2a RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING J/iinii or give up the idea of handling our SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH A WANE merely because we have been unable to fill your orders for several months. _ Solicited Cornespondence Mole We were unfortunate enough to run out of stock so that we could not take care of the spring trade. x: j Our saw mill has now been running full capacity for over 6 weeks dese = : we are in a position to fill all orders promptly with bright new stock, All — mail should be addressed to THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK. Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, C.N.R., Manitoba, — Hi a We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. ve) Renae te i Ginter a = Se Yy ¢ —Write DIRECT to— “ 7 AS W. F. ALINTING ; Lumber Gompany, Ltd. VANCOUVER a ’ , ae . ots B.C. Red Cedar IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR 1906 CALENDAR WRITE FOR ONE. IT IS A CORKER May 16, 1g06 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vi. _ E.H, HEAPS, | J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President a rec a ‘y +i ey , Pa A : ¢ ' oi te ie UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER B.C. Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHIN GLES PER Day S Ww e handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car lots Ba FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH FELBER, JUCKER & CO.\H 9 WICCI BOSTON, MASS. ber Importers 89 STATE ST. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER MANCHESTER ENGLAND will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for TH E 4 by Waa Pe D E NT LU Mi iz} E R C 0. LTD. Invite offers — a for q ‘Spruce Deals an Spruce and Pine LOG RUN BUILDERS SUPPLIES. ag 8, Sass. joe Dowels, GET QUOTATIONS FROM OUR NEAREST BRANCH ’ Broo’ dies, Chair Stock, Seats, etc., or any Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood HEAD OFFICE -REGINA.SASK. Woods Suitable for English Mar Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. ; Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, RAT PORTAGE AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior oF Also Box Shooks and a Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. ADDRESS, = RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. HEAD OFFIC. D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND MANAGER. THOMAS IORKPSIRICK, CODE: AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE H. H. SPICER, ESIDENT. MGR. AND SECY. Export LUMBER & SHINGLE Co. LTD. Head Office, 44-46 Flack Building, VANCOUVER, B. C. Wholesale Dealers in all kinds of Pacific Coast Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. Shipping capacity is 1,500,000 SHINGLES per day. | | Will the Trade please note that we only claim a daily shipping capacity of 1,500,000 shingles. Our competitors who nake larger claims are nice poms but seem inclined to exaggerate. Vill. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE ONTARIO LUMBER C8 swe ger a poet ere red T.R. Delivery MANUFACTURERS AND SHINGLES. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH Home tie Fuiaing 1 ORONTO, Ont. THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go.,. Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade|Hardwood Floor- CANADIAN LUMBER ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Garrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Plates, Etc. Prompt be) to enquiries ror prices, etc. Wood Butter by ail, Wire or Phone. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. ADDRESS: Room s!1° 147 Milk St GURRENT LUMBER nich LSE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. Hemlock,1x4 to 8im 16 00 17 00 2x4 to 8 in.,10to16ft. 17 00 18 00 1 inch No. 1 Pine cuts & better.....-. $49 00 1% inch Not euts and better.. a’ No 1 Cuts and 51 00 53 00 55 00 58 00 1% in.No.2 Pine euts and better.. No 2 Pine Cuts and Better.. 1% inch No. 3 Cots and better.. a” No 3 Cuts and Better........---- rin, Pine Dressing and better shorts 23 00 1X4, 6and 8 common 20 00 1X 10 common. 21 00 1X12 common. 2:10 common....-- gand gx12 common. 24 00 mio inch box and COMMON ..---seere Inch mil] runsidings 21 00 rin. millrun...... . 21 00 rsio and 12 mill culls 16 50 I a mill cull nok Phe eictepuste ins 'els 550 16 50 I im a aend cull ales a 00 13 00 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 06 46 00 48 00 42 00 4200 44 90 24 00 21 Go 22 00 24 00 22:00 25 90 21 cO 22 00 22 00 17 50 ax4 to Io inch, 18 ft.. Clear inch B.C. cedar, kiln dried. ..... Clear inch B.C. cedar air dried boat lumber Douglas fir dimension timber, up to 32 feet Fir flooring, grain... ....seees eee 1% in. No. i 4 ft. Pine Lat eiaeiuintelelelelerarn voce 13h in. No. 2 4ft. Lath “No.1 32” pine lath ” No.1 4 ft. 18 00 19 00 50 00 55 00 34 80 42 00 edge ‘ 4 50 § 00 3.40 350 210 emlock lath 3 50 ¥xXX Pine Shingles 295 300 XX Pine Shingles .. 225 2 30 X Pine Shingles .. 95 XX Cedar Shingles 2 25 2 30 B, C. Shingles XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 315 XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 337 XXXXX 5to2in.. 370 = No, 2,6to2 in.. Fas ‘6 to 23-16 in. 3 ae pine, clear and clear face... 23 00 24 00 Red pine, common yrs atonal cesseesss 1400 17 00 HARDWOODS—PER M, FEET CAR LOTS. “ash White, ists and ands, 1 to 2in....$33 00 35 0 Ash, Black, ists and } ands, ttoain.... 30 00 3200 Ash, Black, mill WMGD Ge settee esis. 22 00 23 00 | Birch, common and better, PAM St ses = 25 0@ 26 00 Birch, common and better, 1% to3in 27 00 2800 Birch, mill run.... 22 00 23 00 Basswood, common and better, 1in.. 22 00 23 00 Basswood, common and bet., 1% to2in 24 00 25 00 Basswood, millrun 20 00 321 00 Soft Elm, common and better, rin.. 25 Go 26 00 Soft Elm, common and bet. 1% to 2in 27 oo § 00 Soft Him, mill run 21 00 a2 00 Rock Elm, common and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 Rock Elm, common and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 00 Soft Maple common and better, 1in 2200 23 00 Maple common and better, 1% to 3 in 24 00 25 00 Maple, mill run... 19 00 320 00 Oak, red, plain, Ists and 2mds.....+-- 46 00 §0 00 Oak, white, plain, 3 Ists and 2nds.... 44 00 46 00 Oak,quartered, rsts and ands......... 7O 00 75 00 Hickory, ists and Py eaSarmenionete 36 00 38 00 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT cts. Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,........- 35 45 First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to te ag 3, 19 to 20inch average =2O3) ea68: RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality Saito mr aniets ste, elslee -ag0 6.95 hipping order Se Ee ee eRe Rete aetien are eo deplel 35a GO. OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according toaverageand quality. . ho 48 52 ELM. By the dram, accordin to average and quality 4otogs feet. 6§ 75 zoto35fet. 52 54 ASH. 10 inches and up, pede to exeraey and A abelity ee mE 28 Average 16 inch : F 4, 30 32 BIRCH. 14 Inch ° : A a vO ie LS aaa ole hee gD eae 4 = 4 oer + 34 36 I + i ‘ox Comes Saad 38 «©6940 OTTAWA, ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRIGES, Pine, good sidings: rx10 No. x barn... 22 Q0 1 in.=7 in. amd up 40 00 4400] 1x10 No. 2-' 20 00 "4 in, and 1% in. x 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn... 18 00 H. and up...... 43 00 56 oo | 1m8 & o No.2 “ 16 00 2in,x 7 in.an ee UP 52 Oo S| meee’ to No. 2 cute sz Sap 3400 y600| x10”...... ..-... 17 00 18 @0 - BOSTON, MASS. CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH! MANUEBACTURERS OF e . e e your BASSWOOD! In any grade, size or quantity. Before placing order. drop us a line. for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. PEDWELL & LEMCK Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A.W. EYER@CO. - Pine good strips : Pine mill culls..... 1400 1600 Vins asiasteceaate «+» 34 CO 36 00| PineO. culls....... 9 §0 I2 50 1¥ in. and 1} in... 36 00 40 00 | Spruce, 1’x4” & up 34 00 15 00 BiNsc cece oss sevees 38.00 42 00 7 vw stocks, ih good short 7.8,9 and 10”.. . 16.00 17 00 seaeee seeseees 2800 YO00 Sprace a ee ne v4 in.and 1% in. .. 36 00 40 00 dressing and B.. 24 00 SAR FeHECSEAnReL © 00 44 00 i ase pee 13 00 yn 3 Wo A Sidings.. IF 00 Baserent wes 18 00 23 00 Pine,..No. 1 dressing Lath, per M siding... ioe 00 37 00 No. 1 white pinel}i"x4 oo 450 Pine, No. 1 dressing No, 2 white pine.... 3.50 4 00 Strips...... «++++-+. 2000 28 00 Spruce, mill ran. . a+» 3.00 350° Bae Ay 1 dressing ae Red Pine, mill run.. 250 3 00 shorts ...... +++» +» 18 0@ 2200 Pine, ros. ¢ and bet- Pme aay LE 325 375 ter 12/ to 16’ ..... 20 0© 23 00 hae i bdsck es 98s aS Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- ore i api he a 560 tery terse. 18 00 2000| *X 18 inch...-.+-+-- 17 Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings <9 00 24 00 , White Cedar Shingles Pine s. c. strips...... 15 00 18 00| xxxx, 18 inch........ 3 50 4 00 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 5» 18 00 Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 2 75 3 35 Pine, boxbeards.... 1400 15 00/ Xx, 1Binch.......--- 170 200 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. 1 Pi 8” and up wide. .$79 00 , 1% and 7 ee ee -» 77,00 5 ‘and 3” “« . 86 00 4! a «.» 94 00 SELECTS. 1in., 8’ and u peg oe 1%, 14 and 2 nae. a and 3” reise ef ms ++++ 89 00 NO. I BARN. FINE, COM. AND BETTER, 4a aL ee .$27 00 to $35 00 rin,, & and up wide.... 56 oo Pe pe 33 ooto 35 00 yf and 134” ~ +... §8 00 = and 3”. 38 00 * «+» 59 00 oe =e 41 00 FINE COMMON. No. 2 BARN. Wie Pome nl i ve +3 Lon aeaseets ; a ipot 27 00 1, 13 to 2” .. 55 00 56 co 1%,1 and 3 ag oo to 27 0O a, 3 and 4”. . 78 00 86 oo a% i id 3”. 29 00 No, 1 CUTS. NO. 5 BARN; 1 in,, 8” and up wide... 37 00 fine idedssss 21 oo to 33 00 : in. +++ 47 00 vee 1% ane 21 ooto 24 00 i in, - ++. 47 00 o 23 00 " - 49 00 BOX. Gigta, <8 --. 62 00 . ga he Oe Galgo No om 1", 1% 140 tde50 KO.2, CUTE: No’? mill cuiis, 1 in., 6” and up wide.... aI 00 1, 1%, 1%, 2” 16 00to 18 0@ snd oo ; a ° HBS ioe MILL CULLS. a” iV sere 37 00 Mill Run Culls 1”, 1,1 2%,3and4” ‘ .... 49 00 and 2”... ..... thiedtet Ps No. 3 CUTS. No. 2, “ at) S100 1in., 6” and up wide. . Ig 00 LATH,. 1 and me Fy 5 Teed No. 1,32” “1... senses 195 a%,3and4” “ rege as No, 2, 48” ‘' .....0.- sees 4 00 ‘ caste Je pee PS No. 1, 48” pine............ 450 SHINGLES. XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, 5 to6m 16”........27§ 300 C.B. ae a 175 200 3 No2 “ oH 13g 1 35 1’ £13 and Up.......... 28 oo ALBANY, N.Y. PINE. ve 3 in. ... «2 ss0e-- 88 GO| 1x12 ee a Be aeine 27 28 fig ae dees Sods nigaione 88 90 | 4/4 inch &up.2 30 ri, ie ee ae 83 85 | 4/4 Box boards tan ee 22 23 inch uppers ....- atelaleleioimtste 95 | ro-in. dressing and better... 30 35 Sctects, 234 in Up....----: 85 90| 12-in. dressing and better... 40 42 I tO 2in.. se ceeeees ceeeee 73 75 | BOX, IRIO-IN. .....-e-eeeees 23° 24 Fine common, 2%in. andup 75 85 | Box, 1x12..... Ceiscicei oe eeest GR) 26 C10 Fillsoevawee Sudspelnacen 62 | No. x barn, rx12z.... ...... 32 34 No. 1 cuts, rto2inch...... 55 60] EXIO.... eeeeeeeeeeeee wes 32 34 No. a DoS re pedro So Mer EB cans wuidieg «6x0 as? saineine On Te Woessner sescetececee 38 40| No. 2 barn, 1x12.........5. 29 31 No. Aad ito wth ck 50 55| £XK0.........- Pdeiccchbcc | yeteh2) No. 2 molding, x to2in..... 38 40| 1x8........-- saisoppensies) 24020 Stained saps....-..-+-+0++5 33 40 Statky deat, +16 das... Rm 40 Bracket plank .....--- --55 35 45 sie io ieieieiaet go Shelving boards, m2-in. up.. 40 45 an daivaie dea siomepe es 50) Dressing boards, rarrow.... 28 32] Common.,,.--------c..— 23 ixtginch shipper ..,-.... 44 7§ . P ; : ee re ee ry ee oS r 1g Sallis ihe ie gee GRE alah a 9, a ia aa n BWC: oaro.cisieias eayeatasaninaiee Correspondence Solicited. A WY. EY HR. Gol 43 Adelaide Street East TOR LATH. $4.00 | Spruce......seeeneas SHINGLES. Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 7: Clear butts.......... 3 50 3 2 Smooth 6x18....... 450° 475 BUFFALO AND 15S ae N.Y. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Uppers, 1, 14,1} and 2 Megs eee mace he 2% and 3 in....... IDs. 0.0 cinenalblvinietaw Selects 1 in... to 2in......... and 3 in....... ? In... 2 seeeeeeneee Fine common, 1 in. 1% and 13 in..... 3) Aa sieeine te nee eeee nol N Cur’ i th ee br in a” Nos Cuts. No. 2, in........ No. 2, 1%, & 1% in No. 3,1 ths and 1% No. 32” dons denen, Dressing 1% in...... 1x10 und 12......+ The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber's 45.001 73 00 72 08 85 00 price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; WHITE ASH. re Ist & and, 1 inch,” 38.00 40 00 tO 4 In... esseees 44.00 46 00 1% tozin ........ 40 00 42 00 Sais 22 00 24 00 Com. and cul BLACK AND Post ASH. ist & 2na, 6 nchup, 38 co 4000| Com. & BIRCH. ist & and, 6 inch & | ist &and,white,@ &up, 30 00 He up, red.......+-... 40 00 42 00| Com. & good culls..... 16 00 180 ELM. Ist & 2d,rock,6in &up 26 00 28 oo | rst & sd, Common Common and culls.. 1§ 00 17 00 1st & and hard...... 20 00 323 08 Common and culls. 1402 15 co | Common Selects, 1 to 2 in No, 1 Cats, x ic Wan 1o and 12 in. random | pep sali s 7x3, 2 Sood BOSTON, MASS. White Pine Uppers, 1 to2 inch ...... .... «+00 +$84 00 to 986 Fine sb ig ; inch to2zinch.......... seem e ewer eee renee to 2 inch All other rane eae lengths, 9 in. an six see 5 saerchasibablia bondi 8 ft. & up,p.1s pp Der RiB i seine > gttae «case beReres vc ae es furring p. 1 s clipped and 154" spruce laths ang 1%” Second clears Clear BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. Red Cader Kutres, 16 in. 5 butts to 2 im. .... Fone Burckas, 6 tn. h | t i | OTTAWA, Can. — “SPRUCE! Lions H a 9 Ontario _ - ONTO, ONT Bound butts, 6x18 ....$: ; Hemlock . : a Spruce 1% in) )w.deeeeneeten: 2 1D occcneomsnens Shelving, No. x, 13 in. No. : Mold'st’ps 10.5. trips, ‘ No. 2 EEIZ.. 00000 hat eig'w bis wien and 1 1%, eee 4 ecards, be good culls... 14 00° “180 soft,6in & 26 a ) and calls....-- 76 te, Perec r err o eet Fo under, 10 Teeere eee eee REACHES RECULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMB WEEKLY AND WOOD-WORKER EDITION i j - The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} | $1.00 PER EAR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, 6vary week. ER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD VoL. XIV — Canava Loumperman ~The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y ~ Of Toronto, Limited. g Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. : ' Branch Offices: : a | 38 ALLIANCB BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. * Telephone 1274. : | f r 615 HASTINGS ST.; VANCOUVER, B. C. | i | . | | The: Weekly Lumberman — Published every pear C gment a ease ports of market conditions and tendencies in the ES — manufacturing districts and leadin estic and foreiga wholesale markets. “+ weekly medium of information and communica- tien between Canadian timber and lumber manu- ——s- facturers and ers and the. purchasers of timber. at home and abroad. ; Lumberman— A 44- journal, ly and impartially’ abject perti- : ; gent to the lumber and |- working industries. i Ks __ WANTED AND FORSALE « dth of the line and is set reil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- -wertis its must be received not latér than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue + ‘AYANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS ¥Y Hardand Soft Wood; also sanie quantity: of Slabs. Simcoz Woop AND. LUMBER Co., 52. Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED—A PERSON WELL UP IN THE ~ Retail lumber business; also an expert _-—-—s Machine hand totake charge of the lower part of Planing Mill here. State experience and give q references. Apply to JoHN PiccotT & Sons, (Lumbermen), Chatham, Ont. a § b E Bs. fi, { ¥ FOR SALE "ta ~“HOICE LOT OF FIGURED ASH, CHEST- 5 nut, Curly Maple, Cherry, Sassasfras, = siamese and plain Sycamore 1” and 5/8” with _ few Sycamore squares, for panneling inside finish, all dry, also 100 acre timber lot. Address, ‘J, ©. SCHLEIHAUF, West Lorne, Ont. p } | { \ WANTED 8H, BIRCH, BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, . Rock Elm, Hard Maple, and Hickory in lumber and dimension sizes. Spot cash. at mill. Please quote prices f.o.b. at ae. W. J. Gorpon, Box 295, in F FOR SALE TIMBER LIMITS. ON GEORGIAN BAY The undersigned will offer for sale by public auction (subject to a reserve bid) on WEDNES- _ -DAY, JULY 25, 1906, at 2 p. m.,in the Council _ Chamber, in Parry Sound, Ont., the licenses to ___— ent timber on the following berths: be. Berths 1 and z Township of Shawanaga. ___—___ Berths 2, 3, and 4 Township of’Burpee. _ Both in the District of Parry Sound, and com prising in all about 67 square miles. - These limits are wel timbered with pine, _ hemlock and hardwoods. Licenses give the right to cut all kinds ‘of _A new up-to-date band mill capable of cutting ft. per day muy be purchased in connec- with the limits. For terms or further information apply to BANK OF OTTAWA, ~~ . office. Excellent | Timber _ Parry Sound, Ont fs TORONTO, MONTREAL — MAY 46, 19006 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER No. 10. Fo SALE—1 CAR 1%” AND 3’ SOFT ELM C. & B. ‘For prices apply to F: HALL, Ingle- wood, Ont. as cull soft elm and basswood, cedar and tamarac, 1”, 6/4”, 2” black ash c. & b. and cull,'1” and thicker soft maple. R. E. K1Nns- MAN, Hamilton, Ont. WANTED—2%” BIRCH C & B,1” BLACK ASH common, I “WWANTED. NE TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ- ate lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price, Address, K) ENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED_BY YOUNG MARRIED MAN, responsible position in woods, saw mill, lumber yard, inspecting, shipping, selling or Thorough experience; gilt edge refer- ences. Address Box 381 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE a Gels 140 M FEET BEECH AND HARD P Maple, bone dry stock, average 9’. Immed- as shipment. W. B. Bartram & Co., Ottana, nt. : - FOR SALE Te ATASS Oia E Ww ce ; ait will be Eilowed. Sooo TABLE WITH SIX SAWS, SPACED for 18” shingles, two No. 88 chains for each provements, capacity 200 M shingles per day, all complete with countershaft-pulleys and box- es. A first-class machine only used part of one season and practically as good as new. THE RIDEAU LUMBEK Co., Limited, Ottawa, Ont. : NFLUENTIAL FIRM OF ENGLISH IM‘ portersand Merchants of highest standing, . desire to correspond with manufacturers and shippers of Maple Flooring, Sawn Pitch Pine. Sidings, Red Pine Dealsand Battens, etc., and _Tready made Doors of highest quality, with a view to buying direct or agency. All payments in cash, References given and required. Ad- dress, X.Y.Z., TIMBER TRADES JOURNAL OFFICE, 164 Aldersgate’Street, London England HEMLOCK BOARDS HREE MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England Market for shipment during the year 1906. Boards to be ‘P1S to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet and up long. or clipped; 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14 and 16 feet. Willtake ship- ments either by rail or sail. CHARLES S. WENT- WOTH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Property For Sale ROBABLY COVERING AS GOON IF NOT the best timber in Newfound!and. Situat- ed on the West Coast. Property includes a Mill, two Enginesand Boiler, 20 M per day capa- city. Excellent. Driving and Shipping facili- ties, good wharf, new Tug, Houses, Camps, Horses and Logging Outfits. For particulars apply to JoSEPH SALTER’sS Sowns., North Sydney, C. B. FOR SALE N THE TOWNSHIP OF WIDDIFIELD, VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND TIM- ' BER LIMITS, comprising 3oo acres of land, with a living stream running through it, Valuable quantity of virgin pine on the limit. The saw mill has a capacity of 4o M. feet per day.and is complete in all its appointments, with boarding house, dwelling houses for men, store, offices, ice house, store houses, stables, barns, well equipped black- smith shop, camp outfits, sleighs, wagons, trucks and everything required for lumbering operations. We offer this valuable property at a great bargain. Address THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, Rooms 35 and 36, Home Life Building, Toronto, Ont. saw; variable friction feed and other late im-- \WANTED-1%" AND 2” BLACK ASH, COM MON and Better, or 1stsand 2nds quality green or dry, in one or more car lots. W. A KRIBS, Héespeler, Ont. ANTED—HARDWOOD LUMBER BUY- ERS to locate in Ontario. Salary.and com- mission, Address, FEDERAL LUMBER COMPANY, 1 Madison Ave., New York City. BEECH FOR SALE EVERAL CARS GOOD 1%” CHEAP. Box 386, Toronto. »* MAPLE and PINE WANTED .., OOD PRICE PAID FOR 3” rsts AND anps Maple, also 1”, Cull Pine. Box 385 CANADA LumBERMAN, Toronto. ; HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED 5 \V ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO be cut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet Address Box 377, CANapa LUMBER-_ MAN, Toronto, Ont. ; WANTED N A 1 EXPERIENCED SAWYER IN CIRCU: LAR mill; accustomed to Hardwood, also ac- customed to steam nigger and gun shot feed. Best of wages for right-party. Kernan Bros. Limirep, Owen Sound, Ont. " SALESMAN: WANTED AW MILL MACHINERY MANUFACTUR- ING Company requires a first-class salesman.’ Must be familiar with the ‘requirements of British Columbia, as well.as of Eastern lumbering. Address; Box 384 CANADA LuMBERMAN, Toronto. Small Timber Limit for Sale RIBUTARY TO GEORGIAN “BAY, VIA French River. or can be operated on C.P.R. Toronto-Sudbury Line. Limit easily operated; . within short distance of railroad and can be worked either winter or summer; ten (10) years operation for medium sized mill. For particulars address ‘‘WoopsMAN”’, Penetanguishene, Ont. FOR SALE IGHT TO TEN. MILLION FEET\OF .standing Hemlock and a small quantity of Pine. Convenient to’good logging; streams running down to Georgian Bay; and within easy hau] of railway for shipping bark. Also small Saw Mill to cut from fifteen to twenty five thousand feet of logs per day.. Will sell the timber and mill together orseparate. This is an unusual chance fora milling business, “Ad: + dress GARDNER Bros. & Co., Walkerville, Ont Timber Limit FOR SALE Fifty square miles in the Swan River District, Province of Manitoba. “Apply to HERBERT MATTHEWS, 41 and 42 Merchants’ Bank Building, Winnipeg, Man. STOCK COOPERAGE STOCK. The-following are ruling prices at Buffalo for ‘slack cooperage stock : Staves.—No. 1 elm flour barrel, $9.00 to $9.50; -No. 2. elm. barrel, $5.50 to $6.00; Mill run hardwood staves, $6.50 to $7.00. HEADING. — No. 1 basswood, 534 to9%; No..2 basswood, 4 to 4%; Mill ‘run hard- wood, 5 to 5%. é CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The only complaint that is heard about the lumber market is the . difficulty of finding dry stock. The stringency will soon be relieved, however, but it will be some time be- fore the mills will be able to dispose of the numerous .orders on _ their books and which have been accumu- lating for many weeks. United States buyers have this spring been more numerous than ever, and this competition is helping to keep prices firm. There is no doubt that the pine and hemlock situation is. very strong and that there is an urgent and wide-spread demand which is by no means confined to Canada. ". There may be a lull in the retail trade during the summer months, but this will not affect the manu- facturers,° who “have” already “sold much of their output.’ Our Ottawa prices this week show advances in ‘good pine strips and: several of the lower grades; ‘a’ most unusual occurrence at this time of the -year. The strength of the market is clear- ly shown by a ‘recent ‘quotation given by an Ottawa valley manu- facturer,of $19 for No.1 mill culls ten inches wide. Conditions in hard- woods are seasonable, with a more general movement of basswood than has been witnessed for some time. ‘ J EASTERN CANADA. - The progress made by the log drives is being watched by lumber- men with keen interest, as the course of lumber prices will depend very largely upon this question. The outlook at present is very favorable, and it appears that not only the logs cut last winter, but in addition those which were hung up the previous season, are likely to reach the mills and be available for sawing. Prospective buyers argue that the larger production of lum- ber will have a tendency to weaken prices, but manufacturers contend ‘that values are already low and that all the lumber manufactured will easily find’ a market.’ With the heavy demand from the United States and the improved conditions in Great Britain, there-is not likely to be an accumulation of stock at the mills this year.. The deal mar- ket is firmer, average specifications bringing $14 f.0.b. St. John, N. B. There is no change in cedar shingles, ee although the offerings appear to be more liberal. UNITED STATES. The demand for white pine lum- ber is not quite so pronounced as it was one month ago, which may be due to the fact that farmers have been engaged in spring seeding. The situation as a whole, however, is very encouraging to holders of stock. The iron and steel industry is prosperous, building is active, and the winter wheat prospects have seldom been better. There is little disposition to advance prices of lumber, as such action might re- strict. the consumption and bring about a reaction in values later in the season, when the supply be- comes more plentiful. Present prices yive the manutacturers of white pine, hemlock and spruce .a fair profit. Hardwoods could advance somewhat without being considered too high, and it is probable that during this year some appreciation will take place. Wisconsin manu- facturers report a steady improve- ment in the demand. No. 1 and 2 common basswood are probably the best sellers, but birch, soft elm and maple are moving. The new supply of pine lath is being absorbed without causing a decline in prices as was predicted. No. 1 pine lathis selling in Sag- inaw, Mich., at $5.50 and hem- lock at $4.75. Spruce lath in the Eastern States is a little weaker, Boston quotations being $4.25 for 154 inch and $4 for 1% inch. “* GREAT BRITAIN. The British lumber market still lacks buoyancy and the demand does not show as much activity as many would like to see. It is stead- ily improving, however, as is shown by the following remarks by Messrs. Churchill & Sim, who have had a wide experience in the London trade. ‘After making an exception KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION of deals in the lower qualities, both redwood and whitewood, the firm add :—‘‘It is becoming daily more evident that practically all other sizes and classes of wood must grad- ually appreciate in price as the year draws on, and that the supplies will be barely sufficient to meet the most moderate estimates of what will be required.” The duration of supply at London at the present rate of consumption is shorter than it has been since 1900. For deals and battens in the aggregate, the duration is only 1.97 months, as against 2.54 last year ; for boards 3.47, against 3.68 in 1905; and for floorings 2.94, against 3-35: last year. . Stocks of 7.x inch and 7 x 2% inch spruce at Manchester are extremely low and prices firmer than ever and the same may be said-of nearly all other lumber. is a fair specification of 3 x 9.and I1in. spruce in stock at any of the larger ports on the West Coast. There is, generally speaking, a good stock of 3x8. This latter size is not being so freely used as it was formerly. Birch is in a weaker position than any other Canadian wood on account of the closing down of the tin plate mills in South Wales, where it is used extensively for box-making. STOCKS AND PRICES. It is estimated that over 50,000,- ooo feet of logs are already in the booms at Fredericton, N. B., about 50 per cent. of these being new logs, The timber stocks of W. South- ern & Sons, builders, Salford, Eng., were sold at auction at Manchester recently, when Canadian lumber brought the 48 10s., 3 by 7 49 5s., 3 by 7 to 11, 410 and £9 12s. 6d., 3 by 6 and 7 £8 7s. 6d.; spruce battens 22 by 7, £8 15s. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Fairview Cedar Lumber Co. It is to be doubted if there © following prices :: Spruce 3to4 by 7 to11 fetched Yard prices for lumber, etc., at Detroit are as follows : White pine, 1x 4, No. 4, $23; 1x 12, No. 4, $28; 1x4to1x10, No. 2, $25; 1x 12, No. 2, $38; 2x 4 to 2x 8, No. 2, rough or worked, $35; No. 1 white pine lath, $5.50; No. 2, $5; No. 1 Norway, $5; No. 1 hemlock, $5; No. 2 hemlock, $4.50; 18 inch XXXX white pine shingles, $4.50; C. B. white pine shingles, $3.25. The cut of logs on the Little river, Sunbury County, N. B., the past winter was 4,500,000 feet, all for the Cushing Sulphite Fibre Com- pany, of St. John. On the New- castle stream A. McNutt Thorutt, of Newcastle, took out about 800,- ooo feet, which will be sold to St. John parties. Peter Jeffrey has 400,000 feet, which will go to the Sayer & Holly mill at Chipman. J. O. Miller’s cut Of 400,000 feet will be manufactured at his own mill. On the Oromocto river Smith Bros., of Blissville, will have about 4,000,000 feet of lumber to manu- facture. May 23, 1906 MOUNTAIN LUMBER MANUFAC- — TURERS ASSOCIATION. ‘ A meeting of the Mountain Lum- ber Manufacturers’ Association was held at Calgary, Alta., May roth. Twenty-five members were prese representing practically all the large firms in British Columbia east 0 of the coast. After a full discussion of the situation, it was decided im make an all-round advance oF lumber of about $1 per thousane Mr, G. P. Wells, Secretary of th Association, points out that the demand for lumber is out of pro- portion to the visible supply j that the manufacturers would ha been justified in making the adva greater than they did. It was shown at the meeting that there had been a great rise within a year in the cost of labor and supplies and that the cost of production had been increased very much. Another matter discussed was the adoption of a uniform system of grading. is proposed to have standard rules and to appoint an inspector to see that these rules are maintained. HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER & MANUFACTURING Ne 60. Wholesale Doalere in PINE, HEMLOCK and HARDWOOD LUMBER. RED and WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES. SPECIAL A quantity of 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14 and 16 ft. Cedar Posts. Telephone Poles 25 to 50 feet. Hop Poles and Ladder Poles in pine and cedar. Special bills tor small sizes in pine and oak. Correspondence Solicited. CAN SUPPLY Send for Catalo & 3 Samples by Vancouver, B. C. Manufacturers of ........ Rough and Dressed Cedar Lumber and Laths We Manufacture Cedar only and hae the largest stock in the Province. P. 0. BOX 45, VANCOUVER, B. C ik MASON, GORDON & CO. 80 St. Francis Xavier Street Keenan Bros., vzomma® LUMBER and TIMBER Owen Sound, Ont. ‘HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND. PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ weods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS Limited Brat WOODSTOCK, ONT. RNIGHT BROTHERS CO LIMITED _Baurk's Falls _- MONTREAL, QUE.’ Car and Cargo Lots Only _—_.. > Specilaty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO. BUY - 1%", 2” and 3” Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds. ; 1%", 1%" and 2” Chestnut, “6 1”, 1%", 14" and 2” Butternut, “ THE McLENNAN LUMBER C0. LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE. 5) 1, _ favorable conditions prevail __ reports from those directions tell of at. al Rant laste ae a \ ‘ fe rt - oar oe et ae May 23, 1906. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. - Correspondence of the caNaDa LUMBERMAN.) _ §T. JouNn, N.B., May 18th, 1906. -—The attention of the local lumber people is just now fixed upon the driving of the logs. So tar, the season in this regard has been all that could be desired and excellent work has been done and is being done at the head of the St. John. Day by day reports are coming in of large and important drives having reached safe water and it is expected ‘and hoped that a clean drive will be -made. The freshet on the St. John has ‘been somewhat higher than usual, is still gaining a little and the indications are that a sufficient volume of water for driving pur- poses will be available for a considerable _ period. On the Restigouche and Miramichi equally and a quick and thorough driving. _ Sincelast mentioned the ‘‘English” spruce deal trade has shown no marked change, although local prices seem to have a tendency toward firmness and the ideas of local interested parties in this _ regard are slightly higher than was _ the case a month ago. This circumstance is probably chiefly due _ to the optimistic opinions expressed on all sides, opinions which indica- tions seem to fully justify, and which, so far during the season, events have shown to ‘be correct. It is doubtful if the local output of i, 7 r 4 aq “English” will be, all things considered, so much greater this ee Year than was the case last year. With the mills just fairly started, ‘the season of manufacturing bas _ already been curtailed by six weeks. While the danger of scarcity ot _ logs bids fair to be removed, it is y et no means a certainty—last year ' Bill Timber up to 4o feet long, 16 inches square and under—quick delivery. Drop us a line describing your wants _ and we will gladly quote you prices. WM. J. PULLING & CO. WINDSOR, ONT. a B. Farwell & Son . Contractors and Dealers in GEDAR | TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELEGTRIG LIGHT “POLES Oswego, N.F¥. Bancroft, Ont. 4 Renfrew, Ont. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION several millions of logs hung in the St. John River many miles below the point which is usually consider- ed the beginning of safe water. Another circumstance which has a direct influence upon the output of ‘‘English” deals is the strong values prevalent in the American market, in view of which it is safe to say that local American manufacturers will have their mills saw for the English market only when scarcity of American logs renders it un- avoidable. Local stocks of ‘‘English” are augmenting very slowly and it will be, at the earliest, July 1st before any important quantity will be ready for shipment from this port. At this date an inquirer , for “English” spruce deals would be quoted $13.75 to $14 per thousand superficial feet, f. 0. b. St. John, on a specification containing 50 per cent. 7’s and 8's, 35 per cent. 9’s and 15 ’per cent. r1’s and wides, 2% price for fourths and ends. Freight rates to the West Coast are quoted at 35s per standard and show little indication of firmer figures materializing in the imme- diate future, although it is probable that August or September will see an advance; to what extent it. is somewhat early to say. NEW BRUNSWICK LOG DRIVES. A dispatch from _ Frederic- ton, N.B., dated May 18, says: Favorable reports continue to come to hand from the drives on the head-waters of the St. John river, and it is quite likely that most of the logs will be in safe water very shortly. The continued fine weath- er is causing the water in the river to fall pee rapidly, it having gone WHITE OAK '|Planing and Matching ‘——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car lots, .- Factory near.Station. Write fur Prices. "Phone 113 Please mention this paper when cor- responding with advertisers. McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., rimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. . — Office : HARDWOOD FLOORING 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTQ Our Prices will Interest You— End Matched, Bored, Polished - and Bundled - WIARTON, ONT. GARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., uusireo 604 Temple Building, Toronto To MILLMEN— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS 4 4 <2 ia Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., 5th and Lumberman’s down over a foot. in the last three days. The following reports received over Western Union wires indicate the condition of affairs at other points. Edmunston — River fell about three inches, logs running, cold weather. Woodstock — Water fell about four or five inches, few logs run- “ning, fine and warm. Boiestown—Weather fine water about the same, everything favor- able here. Word comes from the Lepreaux to the effect that Cornelius Hager- man is having a serious time with Gregory & Dunn’s drive of about three million feet on the Lepreaux river. He started operations abcut April: 20th, but had to drive two lakes which handicapped him great- ly. In one of these lakes he was compelled to abandon four thousand pieces. He is now working on the main river but the water is falling fast and he will have trouble getting the drive out. A gentleman who came down from up. river yesterday reports that the St. John Lumber Company are holding about twenty-five million feet of logs in their booms at Van- Buren and Grand Isle. The bulk of them belong to down river operat- ors and+will be held until the com- pany gets through sorting. A telegram from Boiestown states that the’ drives on Rocky Brook, the Sisters and Cain’s river are all in. The driving conditions in that ‘séction were never more favorable. It is reported that from 1,500 to 2s 000 joints of bank logs and “pick ups” arrived at Springhill last week and that operations are being carried on there on a larger scale In this season than for some time past. About 40 men are employed and rafts are being made up as fast as possible for shipment. Several rafts have already gone forward to St. John, while a great many have Leen used by the local mills. Logs are said to have dropped in price at St. John during the past few days and are now said to be worth about $12 per thousand, whereas they were $13. SPRUCE LUMBER CONDITIONS. The position of spruce in Boston and adjacent markets is reviewed by the Lumberman’s Review as follows : ‘‘The spruce situation can be A. F, F. H. Holden, Pres. Goff, Vice-Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen'l.-Mg E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia ‘Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine Shingles Special Bills. Cut.to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60' long. SARNIA, ONT. THE ae LUMBER CO. LimiTeD Millis: LATCHFORD, ONT. Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. North Tonawanda N. Y. ~ores GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOGK TORONTO ONTARIO We Offer DRY MILL CULLS 10 Cars 4/4 Sidings 4/4 2 10 and i2 5/4 | ee 8/4 Rate low; price fair Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. C. A. LARKIN=— WHOLESALE LUMBER Shingles, Lath and Cedar Fence Posts. TORONTO ~ Se be ONTARIO CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manujacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CAOHE or Ont. Gang 26 miles West Noe Bay UMBER anD LATH $ IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION classed as just about steady, with, a; moderate-to large amount of-buying . in progress throughout New Eng- Stocks in the, yards, are only. moderate, and as: lumber is now moving out freely; land retail points. againjthere will probably be some lively scrambling for stack before the big water mills go into gpera- . Out in the west ; end of Massachusetts and Connecti- ; tion for the season. cut, where the chief reliance, for prompt supplies is the mills on the Connecticut River, there will be nothing to offer from that. source until the new drives, amounting’ to about 66,000,000 feet, are driven from Northern New Hampshire and , put through the big mills at Mt. Tom and.other points. In this east- ern end of the territory and along Long Island Sound the interior mills will be called upon td supply most of the lumber,until the big drives on. the Kennebec, Androscoggin, Penob- scot. and St. John Rivers are ,driy- en to the mill booms. These drives are almost entirely spruce, and nev-, er reach the mills until late in June. and very frequently run well into the fall before the drives get through. Scarcely any of the big tide- water mills carried over any logs from last season, the only mill con- spicuously fortunate in this regard being one located in Bangor, which had carried over about 8,000,000 feet. Manyof the mills at interior — May 23, 1906” os points are still sold wellahead of their saws. They have practically no lum- ber in their mill yards, and under these circumstances it is difficult . to see where the incentive is to come from to encourage manufacturers to book orders at prices any Jower than ° have prevailed during the past year. The present basis of quotations is: = J. D. SHIER LUMBER C0.,. $25 for schedule stock, up to and y including g-inch, and $27 for stock : PRACERENOAM, Orta over 9 inch, All of the operators. oe have a very full cut of logs. in Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. Manufacturer of aa, Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings Py 3 Eeggorea” HARDWOOD FLOORING A SPECIALTY, i a ae Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity, =~ J. R. EATON - Orillia, Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. the streams, and should successful a Rig Hare Eee ae Doors Weel drives result and the logs reach the ¢te., All Dreserd ben Sie aa mills before July 1, the question as to the probable advance of spruce this season would be settled then and there. . Try an advertisement in the ‘‘Wanted” and For Sale Department. \ CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS __ mere THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. | We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. in all Send us your enquiries, ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior FOR Pine, Ties, Posts, Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try “JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED | We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in 5ummer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, | OWEN SOUND, ONT- Pee A hire mes. gg Tee A Mae | Ne ge Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, . B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES. TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND :CEDAR Let us know your requirements ! “BIRCH SPRUCE HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE . «> PINE ; B.C. FIR’ B.C. CEDAR . TIMBER A. - «+ Prompts Shipments. ELM RAILWAY: TIES ASH- TELEGRAPH POLES CEDAR &o., &c., &c. Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. and up, 11” x 11’ and up, for sale at a'low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, *3udiing F. M°CIBBON & SONS, Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood PENETANCUISHENE ONT. Hemlock Bills-cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS at on “‘Soo’’ Branch C. P.R Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES- Coristine Building, Montreal. And at Millis at Spragge. MANUFACTURERS OF © t White and Red Pine SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. | ‘Lumber and Lath Water Shipments °o THE HM. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING O,, LIMITED Saw Mille at RAINY: LAKE, Ontario. ~ AUGER & SON We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pise, Oak, Planing Mill and ‘Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. N. Y. QUEBEC of Lumber and Timber in Chnada and United States : Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple; Norway Pine, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Fleorings, R. LAIDLAW LUMBER C0. JAS. PLAYFAIR. _ -D.L. WHITE. PILAYFHATIR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER - LATH - SHINGLES — MIDLAND, ONT. OWEN SOUND, — ONTARIO, - *y, if Contractors for Rallway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty Py a) MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. = Manufacturers and Dealers «> ~ LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. | Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. ; THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITE seoktte Seems ay TORONTO, ONT. Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants — Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. 4 . H Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. J -BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We » buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. 7 ee: J Amherst, N.S. 4 HARDWOOD FLOORING Send for Price List ) : A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. . HARDWOOD to rise MANUFACTURED IN & MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAI Hi, K, He. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Boréd and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER " ie J. S FINDLAY °-- Spruce, White Pine, White and OWBN SOUND, ONT. = o ae i, ue Ic 5 2 enec Sat ‘ Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles -~ } May’ 23, 1906 CANAPA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS GAN REACH | THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST. LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE McCLURE LUMBER CO. - eee HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS — ee YELLOW PINE AND OAK ' Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. Mill: EUTAW, ALA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS fim mond Bldg. Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLLS AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a Specialt ty. Interior Trim Mill Work NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling tong Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber Soft Yellow Pine Finishing C. A. SPALDING & CO. - DETROIT, MICH. Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the | sus Ge a Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ashland, ilwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. ie full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P, A., Wilwaukee: Wis ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building BURY FRANK G, BURY WH eae LUMBER - Send us pag inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE DETROIT MICHICAN ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measurers "Sys caiman Cala Address “Faraworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale St.,71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, dic F. A. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street ( ‘ GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW, Codes: A: B.C., A 1, “Zebra“ and Private Agents for CANADIAN WHITE | PINE AND SPRUCE ; | Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best a 2 Broad Street Building, [ OUIS BAMBERCER, * "ss. IMPORTER OF “Saag eae Address‘ “selymosd, Edaeen eT Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods _ Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS TORY COD GELLIBRAND, “HEYWOOD & C0. - Wood i gents and Brokers “GELLICHT,” LONDON 657 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Eim Logs and Lumber, Elm Staves aad Heading, Handles of all descriptions VeneersA Specialty Cable Address : SMITH & TYRER - [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmITH, TyRER & Co., Keith Building, 4144 Barrington Stree GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Cable Address: “ TECTONA”, Glasgow. At and A B C Codes used. ° BROKERS Telegrams and reas ““Woodfeller, Lon THOMPSON, Codes : ae a Western Union Hpseeige teas and C. 4th and sth Editio BLOIS & Co. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances pisde against _ shipping documents Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. dDSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘ Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. BUYERS OF Wuite Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory ae oA Oe eam All ciiwaes cof Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods Bi ps er for the English arke ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers CABI,E ADDRESS * - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND DOBLE LIVERPOOL ” : Canapa Lumperwan WEEKLY Bprrign May sn eee. B.C E. H. HEAPS & COo., ee gus, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels ~ Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. WwW. L. naa ee eee ee WwW. Jj. ee nmewoten biel at rs MANUFACTURERS OF ed FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Ors p tami LATH, MOULDINGS Lu mbet C TURNED WORK oast VER: ee HIGH GRADE RED GEDAR SHINGLES” Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO § ETC. ANCGOV qe RED DEER LUMBER (0 BARROWS, SASK. Manufacturers of SPRUCE LUMBER a LATH ~~ = & A ee SHINGLES All kinds and Grades i Straight or Mixed Cars LUMBER ORDER OUR SPECIALLY TRIMMED AND ‘ ii ~ . “READY - TO - PUT - ON” HRT DON'T YOU DARE LET GO . RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING AT or give up the idea of handling our SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH merely because we have been unable to fill your orders for several months. We were unfortunate enough to run out of stock so that we could not take care of the spring trade. Jequiny sonidg 4004 000‘000‘0r Azovde) [Tenuuy TyeT vonids 000‘000‘9 Ajovdeg Tenuuy = S Ss = j | Correspondence Solicited Our saw mill has now been running full capacity for over 6 weeks and we are in a position to fill all orders promptly with bright new stock. All mail should be addressed to THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPARY, BARROWS, SASK. | Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, C.N.R., Manitoba, We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. “acu: SHINGLES “= IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR 1906 CALENDAR WRITE FOR ONE. IT IS A CORKER} - 4 ay 7 \ iy - _. ~ May 23, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vi. J. A. McNAIR, E. H, HEAPS, Vice-President. President UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep ‘ HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. = Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAY We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots Lire FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS nd all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH sh abe FELBER, JUCKER & W c BOSTON,MASS.| : iy th ; th importers Co. H. D. CIN 89 STATE ST. ALL KINDS OF LUMBER MANCHESTER a (ENGLAND will nepect at mill and PAY CASH for THE | NDEPE N D FE NT LU nf f, E R C 0 LTD. Torin gs Shook, Sashes inosine, 5 loka LO G ae IN GET RN phan oa aie arancey BRANCH Broom Handles, Chair stock, Seats, ots.,0r @mY | fm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood HEAD OFFICE -REGINA.SASK. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. Rat BBoriase Lumber Co. cimitea WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, RAT PORTAGE AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. ADDRESS, = RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. HEAD OFFICE D C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND MANAGER. THOMAS Pep esteice. H. H. SPICER SIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. Shipping Capacity is L, 5OO,O00 Shingles per Day VII. THE ONTARIO LU M BER 9s waren Mrts: North Bay. C.P.R. snd G.T.R. Delivery CaNabA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. ome Tite Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. Bank St. Chambers. OTTAWA, Can. — BIRCH! BASSWOOD! SPRUCE! In any grade, size or quantity. Before placing : your order drop us a line for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. PEDWELL & LEMCK << Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Loum! Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. — Rail or Water Shipments. THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade|Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Pilates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries ror prices, etc. ail, Wire or Phone. CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . : . . ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. R 2 wengut'si, - BOSTON, mass. MANUFACTURERS OR) « Tx, “wie Correspondence Solicited. » A. W. BEYER & a We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. W. EYER @ CO. 43 Adelaide street ai by Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. ONTO, © Pine good strips : fi Pire mill Gis sseee I500 1700 / aut Tit. seeeee seeeneee- 35 co 38 oc | Pine O. culls....... 9 50° I2 50 | MBER PRICES --WHOLESALE 4 ma acd 1% in... 36 oo 40 o | Spruce, 1’x4” & up 14 00 15 00 Pine ...... 2000 02 cece eees $4.00 | Spruce... cecreeee ner ae af ea waweeeen 9 00 45 0 St anh stocks, - SHINGLES. rts: : +. . 1600 17 00 M ne ee ashi 28 00 300 sonia a 7 ’ tear (fine pw: Sawed Pine ex. xxxx..$4 50 $4 75 | Bound butts, 6x18 ....$5 5 TORONTO, ONT. 1% i in. and 1% he. 36 00 40 00 dreasing and B. 24 00 Clear butts.......... 3 509 3 75 seen eeeeeeeeee nor Chaae one 40 00 44 00| Hemlock ...... : 13 00 Smooth 6 x18....... 450 4 75 SPruce ..sesereweneem i ” to 1g A ‘Sidings... {7 oo | Basswood..........- 118 00 23 60 1 Inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4to 8im 160017 0° ine No, 1 uressing uath, per M cats & becter....-- $49 00 51 00 | 2x4 to 8 in.,10to16ft. 17 00 18 O siding ... 33 00 27 00/ No.1 white piner}"x400 4 50 a 1% inch No 1 ax4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 18 00 19 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine.... 3 50 4 00 cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00/ Clear inch B.C. cedar, SEBS. 4 cos ano we la 2000 z800| Spruce, mill run..... 3.00 350 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. a” No 1 Cuts and Bila tistea aie oes 5909 Pine No.1 dressing Red Pine, mill run.. 3 00 3 50° g Better.......-+-- - 5600 58 00| Clear inch B.C. cedar dhortsl cc See 18 00 22 « Pi Rasel WHITE PINE. _ 1% in.No.2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55 00 Pine, rote: Ve and bets me Shingles 4 ; “ cuts and better.... 44 00 46 00/ Douglas fir dimension ter P2! tou@’ «se eaai0e 24,00 XXXX, ani inc! 7 AE 3 z 3 a (Wholesale selling price.) No 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 32 feet 34 80 Pine, 8 s. c. and bet- porn neg 18 inch .. c e ae Uppers, 3,14, 1 and 2 1G ine. sseseveeeee and owe 3 nad Gadd il Seaehinlh Ag 42 00 ter 12/ to16. . .... 20 00 21 00 ite pay Shingles” Heine eee ABE aon 8200] 2 iD .sesvenceneee inch No. 3 Braid... -.- sere --- Pi c. sidings .g 00 24 00 White Cedar Shingles d Seca Shel No. r, 13 in. “egts and better.... 41 00 42 00 i in. No. 1 4ft. Pine fee cee a 3 oo 18 00| XXXX, 18inch........ 35° 4 00 a ae a el a pes cml iheesone a” No 3 Cuts and Lath.........- cesses 4505 0° Pine s.c. shorts..... 13 5> 1800! Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 275 335 Selects1 im,........- “e1 20 | No. x Mold’ spe to Lp a Eee ees oe ae a Art ath 3.40.3 5°. Pine, box hoards... -%4.c0aaco| Sane inch......+++- 170 200 1% to 2ins-s..++++ 72 00 ap SL rin. Pine Dressing I 0.1 32” pine lai ea A and better shorts 23.00 24 00| 134” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 3 50 oe a tase . a No, 3 Moulding Strips, 1x4, 6and 8 common 2000 21 00) XXXX Pine Shingles 295 300 Fine common, 1 in. §7 00| Barn, No.z, rain..... 1K 10 common...... 21 00 22 00| XX PineShingles .. 225 2 30 SARNIA, ONT. 1% and 1% in..... $9 00| 6, and roin...... 1X12common...... 23 00 24 00|X Pine Shingles .. 95 i PO Ve scescrition - » 6100] No. 2, 10 ims.s..0ee Eas et cl comtrame a 5 B5 bd a Nr i 2 25 12h UPPERS. 1% x4and §”.......-++ -$25 00 3 itl, aos--cnansn eae 80 00| No, a, 12 in:....++. aand 3x12 common. 24 519° Ang tea : 1 6” and up......-- + 27 00 aus salle nobles a 85 00} N Insoszivcce ~ i box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 315 tin, 8” Ppa | wide.. 379 z ine WOU. ts ¥ i 28 00 cee “eo No. 1,1 ne a oo Ne. 2 oe rige me ee de atats 20 0€ 21 00| XKXX 6to 23-16 in. 3 37 1% and yan ee 2 1% x 12’. Ue. sioegion TW and 1% as a $4 00|Box, 2x4..00.. cea Inch mill runsidings 2: 00 22 oo| KXXXX 5 to ain. . 375 ‘and 3 “ a 1% x6’ andup........ “27 00 2” No 1 Cuts...... 3800] rx6@&Up.. sc. rin. millrun...... . 21 00 22 00 XX No, 2,6 to2in.. 230 4 ++ 94 00 ge Laer ees No. 3,3 Spee 130%, 1ul0 and 12 mill culls 17 00 18 00) XX ‘“ 6 to 23-16in. SELECTs. ip x12’. err te? a0'Go No. 2, 14, & 13% in 43 00 1x4... eee r 3 mill cull Sid- Red pine, clear 1in., 8” and u cams bet ace md ee M's 6! and up. Geainaiteie 27 00 No. 3, rh, and vs 32 00 yea UP eviecee Bei sratainiate tals ia'sio 1600 17 00| andclear face... 23 00 24 ¢O 1% 1% and 2 F a” Fanos On Ir NO. ga" ciesdence 35 00 and 1% & 2 in.. i in ad cull sidings 12 00 13 00 Red wine, SNH ais'and 3” 2 KZ"... eee ee eee evens + 30 00 Dressing 1%in..-... 42 00 p Zenwsevee 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 22 0C | 2”... .....++2.-+++> 14 00 17 00 v «TTT Bg 00 6 wees rUxr0 und-12.. 0.56 44 00 1%, 1% and 2in ARDWOGDS— FEE AM Dye ex CAR LOLS FINE, COM. AND BETTER. “1 oe ..$27 00 to $35 00 The following quotations on hardwoods represent the jobber's ; Ash White, ists and Soft Elm, millrun 2100 22:00 4, gwand up wide.... 56 00 11% and “a 33 oo to 3500 = price at Buffalo and Tonawanda ; ands, 1 to 2in. $33 oo 35 00 | Rock Elm, common 1 Red 16" “ "L158 00 aH and 3’ 38 oo WHITE ASE. ‘ Ash, Black, rats an and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 “ 59 00 al rear e. 41 00 i ands, 1 1to2in.... 30 00 3200 | Rock Elm, common pone = ist & 2nd, rinch, | 3800 4000 | Serie Desesecssess 44 00 re Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 FINE COMMON. NO. 2 BARN. 1% to 2 in... ssessse 40 00 42 00 pores ple go or daa a2 00 | c UM coisa cle eiaininnee 22 00 23 00 | Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 00 I" ..cccecessece 48 00 tO 60 00 Til. oe eee 24 00 to 27 00 d culls....... 14 00 fia Birch, common and Soft Maple common 1%, 1% to 2”. 55 00 56.00 1%, ea and . 25 oo to 27 00 aEACE AFOD BROWN asm. better, nos An Be . 25 00 26 00 and better, rin 2200 2300 2% 3and4”.. 78 00 86 00 2% and 3”. 29 00 ist & 2nd, 6 nch up, 38.00 4000| Com. & good culls... 14 00 on ae oman and > Maple Bear and NO. 1 CUTS. at 3 ee. ’ web ° tter, 14 to3 in 27 00 28 00 etter, I 03in 24 00 25 00 Birch, mill je Ss .. Fi 00 23 00| Maple, millrun...19 00 2000 Tin., 8” and up i 37700) Eon dcccees foot 21 00 ts 33 = ist & and, 6inzh & poi api &up, se 00 3a Basswood, commou Oak, ,red, plain, 1 ists ry in. * 47 ke 16 and 2” 21 oo to 24 “ up, red......«+--.+ 40 00 42 00 | Com. & eves x oo 1 and ae 1in.. 2200 23 00 Bas a f . 46 00 §0 00 uy in. i Se ce ieee 23 0 aeaae Fe ee enaiak Oak, white, “plain, pg) Me 6 yes Ist & ad,rock,6in &up 26 00 28 00 rst & ad, soft,6in & up, 26 00 | and bet.,1%to2ain 24 00 25 00| rstsandonds.... 4400 4600 2 and 3 ++. 02 00 ” , : Pity Basswood, millrun 20 00 af oo | Oak,quartered, ists “a es «+. 62 00 rive mY, thy 15 00 to 30 00 Common and culls... 1§ 0¢ 17 00 | Common and 16 00. Soft Elm, common and 2nds......... 7o 00 75 00 No, 2 CUTS. No.1 mill culls, J MAPLE. " By ee cum t Go (26.00 cp ists and se oanasions s in., 6” and up wide.... 21 00 1.1%, 1% 2” 1600to 1800 st & and hard...... 20 00 33 sl daaeneny er ts «+++20 0 33 2 weer cess ewes ane fore] = eeess-I2 0O and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 «8 00 ti a3 on 00 MILL CULLS. Common and culls— 14 00 15 00 | Common and calls 2 oe a awe e sees a a ae ee Culls 1’, 1,136 2%,3and,4” “ oe 49 and 2” 2... cee0 cece ee eeI§ OO QUEBEC, QUE. No. 3 CUTS. No.3, 87 iaasioo BOSTON, MASS. NORE IN Se ey a 1in., 6” rae wide.... 19 00 White Pine Uppers x to ais nenaec\ dape oe eneile ania $36 00 » ce seee 23 00 ‘ i eececesees cocccccs secgusceseenee oo > Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,...---.-- 35 45 if roan Te a = oo No. 1, 32” *‘ Scape Melee inch... & sce A dad 7s First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to linge 58 63 2%,3and4” “ ... 30 00 No. 2, 48” "TY, to 2IMCH. ..cccceee ceeeee .. 6000 65 19 to 20inch average -. 63 68 1 No. 1, 48” pine.. No. 1 Cute, r imch .......cceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 44 00 MILL RUN. . , ‘aces «53 00 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. . aateS SHINGLES. 1% = ceeeee ceeeeeenenenes ‘33 Measured off, according to average and anally Ldbanesanteget 300 30035 BiG ee ees is Te cat oe XXX W.P. or W. Cedar, No. 2 Cuts, ae a inchs... peas ae he B ipping order neeeereiees® ager 35.4 qian facie. steeres 24 00 5 to 6 x 16"........ 275 300. ». perm Bomrds No. U.. 00.4 s0++sncnseseecconssassnmns tage OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. ek la Bats bidehiana 25 ‘OO baat a by aoa tas NO. 2.2... ..0cecereeeeeeeeneeeseneees oe By the dram, according t dquality. . F 8 52 AD cece reeeees sees 27 OO ti S No, g.--.-- de ecccer sey 005 (e6pah een wet ne Sean /MCCORCIOS serie eae quality ’ 4° 5 Iv x i3and up...... 28 00 Spruce, ro and 12 tn, dimensl Ofis ves. ceen eae : im. and under ......-..00005 cseeeeeesees By the dram, accordin to average and quality 40 to 45 feet . 6§ 75 ro and = in, random 1 9, 10 ft and up...... pa 30to35fet. 52 «54 BAN 3.5 2x3, 24, 2X5, 236, 2X7 a 3x4 random lengths, ‘ A .Y. 10 UD ies. oy v5 Mets 30, sno de noone 10 inches apd up, Fe aie to Brena) and Soa Satexsh, » (20 amas pth All rege Cee 9 ia. and under, 10 Averag : ey : ° daa ein Goes Payee v e 16 incl 3008032 Uppers, 3 In. ... .. +--+. 88 90 | 1x12 re es eoteds -$27 28 5 in, and up merchanta bie boards, aft & up,pis Bae: 2% in... seeveeee 88 QO] 4/4 inch "&up.28 30 Out Spruce boards, p.15...+..0- ee eer ese seer neee 14 Inch 5 .22 «23 rto 2 in. «e+. 83 85 | 4/4 Box boards @' gedion 22 23 1x2 ad 1x3 furring p. 15 clipped and bundled .. Ad : " © ouusppe \sneObe. ou inch uppers . 95 | zo-in. dressing and better... 30 35 1%” spruce laths _ SPB: SEAS 5: coeeeevene 17 7 ~ ‘ + 34 36 Saiects, 2% in up go | 12-in. dressing and better... 40 42 1%” »~ 18 eM Sir at 38) WA I to 2in. eae 3 zs Box, UE10-in. ........002. 23 24 Fine common, 244 !n. and up 75 5 | Box, 1x12..... seveee cocses 23 24 ks OTT rie al a eae 62 | No. x barn, rx12..... faces 782 Cae Extras ........ 3 60 AWA, ONT. No. 1 cats, x to 2 inch 60 GREG sic soneee cian bummnacdiGay 34)! i CMMs. nnlonep eee 3.10 MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES Ret he cata fon pette 30 32 Ts Chea eh aaabetsi ae aoa fe 8 pay Pine, good sidings: rx1o No. 1 barn.. 24 00 #10 ce ’ : ec ee eee err eeresessescseseseessee 133 1 in.27 ee up # ©o 4400 eget a 22 00 eras : 44 26 145 rari SEmRGNOL i 310d seen No, 2 molding, 1 to 2in..... 38 40] _ 1x8... -...----+.-+- Bees ee fey eee 5 a8 go 36 00 | 1x8 & No.2 i ce ae sin oe ps BRITISH CLOMBIA SHINGLES, 2in.x 7 \m.nnd wp <2 00 46 oo | Pine Shorts’ to 11 pon aay Pp -- 4.... de. Red Coder Kutran, 16 in. 5 butts to 2 im. -.. .-.- No, 2 cuts 2x878erp 3400 3600| xO" .,.... 2... 17 00 18 €0 peer poe pte Bair $e 2: Gee ae focusstandge ® rxigineh shipper ........ 24 35 : ] Feqiecitons, one to 2, ‘ ‘ ¢ \ , 3 = mae 5 ie Bere Ki Pos adel ural a cee fet eee SAO sensei aes Ye Sse ie nak “Ae pst boa ee oe i. : § -. "1 WEEKLY Vou, XIV ‘CANADA LUMBER AND WOOD-WORKER EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, 6véry week. 2 REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD TORONTO, MONTREAL — MAY 30, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER -_ a CanapaA [LUMBERMAN #3 The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u ” of Toronto, Limited t Branch Offices: \ 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. : Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. 4 : Weekly Lumberman — Published every > Geancaiey, ongaina reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the ; ncipal manufacturing districts and leading . estic and foreigm wholesale markets. A weekly mediunt of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber ye eg at home and abroad. on 4 © gga Moauuy bampormnan 4 44 page iowrntl a and impartially subje 3 nent to the Me ver and wood-working industries. vy. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- _ ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of pak cent. will be allowed. ‘This notice shows the width of the line and is set _ in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- _ yvertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in ‘the current week's issue i Pe : oe ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Ae W ‘Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrmcozE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 _ Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. WANTED. - O*= TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ- _ atelots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, Kr ENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. . aa FOR SALE age HOICE LOT OF FIGURED ASH, CHEST- -. | nut, Curly Maple, Cherry, Sassasfras, ____—s quartered and plain Sycamore 1” and 5/8” with - iiw Sycamore squares, for panneling inside finish, all dry, also 100 acre timber lot. Address, ‘J. ¢. ScHLEIHAUF, West Lorne, Ont. SH, BIRCH, BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, _ £AX Rock Elm, Hard Maple, and Hickory in Logs, lumber and dimension sizes, Spot cash. Inspection at mill. Please quote prices f.o.b. at _ shipping points. W. J. GorDON, Box 295, Windsor, Ont. FOR SALE TIMBER LIMITS ON GEORGIAN BAY The undersigned will offer for sale by public _ auction (subject to a reserve bid) on WEDNES- a BAT. JOLY 2 , 1906, at 2 p. m.,in the Council _ Chamber, in Parry Sound, Ont., the licenses to cab simber on the following berths: . a y \ ° ie Sr SF a ean a eee (a. 5 hs rand z Township of Shawanaga. Berths 2, 3, and 4 Township of ‘Burpee. _ Both in the District of Parry Sound, and com _ ptising in all about 67 square miles. : _ ‘These limits are well timbered with pine, Jock and hardwoods. . aeons give the right to cut all kinds of A new up-to-date band mill capable of cutting 60,000 ft. per day may be purchased in connec- tion with the limits. : ‘For terms or further information apply to BANK OF OTTAWA, Parry Sound, Ont WANTED=-1 ¥%” AND 2” BLACK ASH, COM MON and Better, or 1stsand ands quality green or dry,in one or more car lots. W. A Kriss, Hespeler, Ont, W ANTED_HARDWOOD LUMBER BUY- ." _ ERS to locate in Ontario, Salary and com- mission. Address, FEDERAL LUMBER COMPANY, 1 Madison Ave., New York City. Small Timber Limit for Sale RIBUTARY TO GEORGIAN BAY, VIA French River, or can be operated on C.P.R. Toronto-Sudbury Line. Limit easily operated; within short distance of railroad and can be worked either winter or summer; ten (10) years operation for medium sized mill. For particulars address ‘‘WoopsMAN”’, Penetanguishene, Ont. WANTED—2%4” BIRCH C & B,1” BLACK ASH common, 1” cull soft elm and basswood, cedar and tamarac, 1”, 6/4”, 2” black ash c. & b. and cull, x” and thicker soft maple, R. EK. Kins- MAN, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE BOUT 140 M FEET BEECH AND HARD Maple, bone dry stock, average 9”. Immed- iateshipment. W.B. BARTRAM & Co., Ottava, Ont. FOR SALE a. TABLE WITH SIX SAWS, SPACED for 18” shingles, two No. 88 chains for each saw, variable friction feed and other late im- provements, capacity 2700 M shingles per day, all complete with countershaft-pulleys and box- es. A first-class machine only used part of one season and practically as good as new. THE RIDEAU LUMBER Co., Limited, Ottawa, Ont. { fade beets ary FIRM OF ENGLISH Im- portersand Merchants of highest standing desire to correspond with manufacturers and shippers of Maple Flooring, Sawn Pitch Pine Sidings, Red Pine Dealsand Battens, etc., and ready made Doors of highest quality, with a view to buying direct oragency. All payments in cash. References given and required. Ad- dress, X. Y.Z., TIMBER TRADES JOURNAL OFFICE, 164 Aldersgate Street, London England HEMLOCK BOARDS HREE MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England Market for shipment during the year 1906. Boards to be P1S to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet and up long, or clippesi, 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14.and 16 feet. Will take ship- ments either by rail or sail. CHARLES S. WENT- woTH & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. Excellent Timber For Sale ROBABLY COVERING AS GOOD IF NOT the best timber in Newfoundland. Situat- ed on the West Coast. Property includes a Mill, two Engines and Boiler, 20 M per day capa- city. Excellent Driving and Shipping facili- ties, good wharf, new Tug, Houses, Camps, Horses and Logging Outfits. For particulars apply to JoSEPH SALTER’S SONS., North Sydney, C. B, Property FOR SALE N THE TOWNSHIP OF. WIDDIFIELD, VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND TIM- BER LIMITS, comprising joo acres of land, with a living stream running through it, Valuable quantity of virgin pine on the limit. The saw mill has a capacity of 40 M. feet per day and is complete in all its appointments, with boarding house, dwelling houses for men, store, offices, ice house, store houses, stables, barns, well equipped black- smith shop, camp outfits, sleighs, wagons, trucks and everything required for lumbering operations. We offer this valuable property at a great bargain. Address THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, Rooms 35 and 36, Home Life Building, Toronto, Ont. ANTED—AN EXPERIENCED RETAIL lumberman for North-Western Canada. State experience. Address WESTENHAVER BRos., Detroit, Mich. FoR SALE—s500 CEDAR POLES, LENGTH 25 to 4o foot, 7 inch tops, peeled 5 foot from butt; piled on G.T.R. siding. Mrs. S. Moore, Falkenburg Station, Ont. AWYER AND ENGINEER WANTED FOR small saw millin Aiberta. (Circular saws). Apply, stating wages and experience, to Wm. RUTHERFORD, Strathmartin, Alta. Wraes — QUOTATIONS FOR MAPLE roller blocks. Sizes and full particulars given on application to W. & S. SUMMERSCALE’S Or Parkside Works, Keighley, Yorks, Eng- and. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED WAAMBED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO be cut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet. Address. Box 377, CANADA vey MAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR sALE OUR SIDED MOULDER, 8” COWAN _ make, almost new, suitable for Planing Mill, price $300.00. MattHews Bros., Limirep, 788 Dundas Street, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. A QUANTITY OF PINE, TAMARAC AND cedar piling. Can be shipped either by rail or water. For specifications, prices, etc., apply to THe WM. Beatry Estate, Parry Sound, Ont. : : WANTED IMMEDIATELY NE LATH MILL FOREMAN, TWO GANG edgermen, ome cant setter to handle crane, two carriage riders, one trimmerman. Satisfactory wages. Twelve months’ run, barring accidents. Climate excellent. Davison Lumser Co., Ltp, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. ANTED—FOR RETAIL LUMBER YARD, mat to grade lumber off cars, also an as- sistant shipper for lumber yards, sash and door factory, builders’ supplies, etc.; two or three ° good sticker and matcher men, and one wood turner. State wages wanted. Works run all the year round. Apply, THE Evans Co, LIMITED, Sudbury, Ont. TENDERS FOR MILL PROPERTY AND TIMBER LIMITS Tenders will be received by the undersigned ‘up to and including 1st SEPTEMBER ‘next for the purchase of Lumber Mill in first-class running order, on south shore of Georgian Bay, near Waubaushene, with two single band saws and all up-to-date machinery, capacity 70,000 per day, the. necessary piling» and booming ground, tramways, railway siding, workmen’s houses, boarding house, barn and stabling, and 40 acres of land more or less, together with two limits in district of Algoma, not yet operated ‘on, held under old license from the Ontario Government. Separate tenders will be received for the mill property and limits, but the highest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. Full particulars on applicationto - ESTATE OF TANNER BROS., Waubaushene, Ont, Dated 24th, May, 1906. No. 12. FOR SALE Om» HIGH SPEED ENGINE AND 150 light dynamo (almost new), made by West- ern Electric Company, Chicago and New York. Has often taken 50°/, of over-load, and is in Ar condition. Also a 30 x 12 double surfacer (new), found it too heavy for my work, A splendid tool, weight about 9,000 Ibs., will sell for cash or on terms, or will take lumber in payment. G. W. MuRRAY, Royal Planing Mills, Winnipeg, Manitoba. ; Timber Limit FOR SALE ; Fifty square miles in the Swan River District, Province of Manitoba. Apply to HERBERT MATTHEWS, 41 and 42 Merchants’ Bank Building, Winnipeg, Man. Timber Limit For Sale NS TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned, until July 3rd, for the purchase of Timber Berth No. 90, North Shore of Lake Huron, containing approximately fif- teen million feet of pine, mostly virgin timber, and ten million feet of large size hemlock: Timber all on south half of berth, short haul to Whitefish Riverand Georgian Bay, making easy of operation, In close proximity to proposed Manitoulin Railway. ; Q For further particulars apply to TRADERS BANK, North Bay, Ont. : CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. There exists among the manu- facturers a strong feeling of con- fidence in the stability of the lumber market, this being based on the continued. good demand. Buyers are still plentiful and even at this season of the year are displaying some eagerness to cover their requirements. The knowledge that much of the white pine and hemlock production has already been con- tracted for, thus reducing the quantity - available for. purchase, has made buyers more anxious than usual and has greatly strengthened the situation from a manufacturer’s standpoint. Toronto dealers are enjoying a large trade in building lumber, but there does not seem to be much disposition to advance prices. ‘‘We are making a profit,” said a prominent dealer, ‘‘and will not increase présent prices unless compelled to do so by the mill men, and we are hoping that the manu- facturers will see the: wisdom of encouraging consumption by keep- ing prices within reason.” Hard- woods are featureless and less active than pine, but the higher prices ruling for the past two months have in most instances been maintained. Some offerings of birch are being » made at a slight concession. If. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION EASTERN CANADA. The movement of lumber in Montreal is very active owing to extensive building operations, which promise to continue throughout the season. The new lumber coming on the market is being readily absorbed and prices generally are firm. There is some weakness in birch timber for export, the demand this spring having been disappoint- ing. The spruce trade of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia is good. A manufacturer writes us as follows: ‘‘We are finding an unexampled and energetic demand for all lumber products this spring. We cannot see how prices can go any lower, as both United States and English buyers are willing to buy on contract for this season’s delivery at high prices. We have closed a number of contracts our- selves with deliveries ending only with the year’s end, and these at higher prices than we ever sold at before.” The situation in respect to spruce is very strong and points towards higher prices. The log drives are making satisfactory progress, rafting operations having commenced at the Douglas boom at Fredericton, N.B. The cut of logs in the province of Quebec last winter was large. UNITED STATES. The lumber trade is somewhat irregular but with a firm undertone. Changes are this week made in our ‘Buffalo price list, all in the nature of an advance. The demand for the lower grades of pine is still urgent, and where the supply is short substitutes are being pur- chased. Many of the large white pine mills have placed under con- ‘tract their entire season’s produc- tion of box boards, this being the result of the exceptional activity existing in the box industry. The East is buying hardwoods quite KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. KILN-DRIED BIRGH Fairview Cedar Lumber Co. freely, as in comparison with the soft woods, they are cheap. Birch and basswood are leading in point of demand, and elm is doing better than earlier in the year. Maple flooring sells readily and is steadily gaining in price. GREAT BRITAIN. The timber trade ot Great Britain has as yet been little influenced by the general expansion shown in other branches of industry and some doubt is now expressed as to the maintenance of the present level of prices for the rest of the year. The weakness of birch timber is a disturbing factor. It seems that a considerable quantity of birch has been received on consignment, much of it arriving at atime when the market was not in a position to take it, and the result being a drop in prices. The weakness of birch timber has affected boards of that variety, but there are many dealers who believe that the present is a very favorable time to accumulate a stock of birch. The position in respect to pine and spruce is doubt- less strong; 3x9 to 3x11 inch spruce deals are very scarce, and Manchester and Bristol Channel ports are short of 3x7 inch. A cargo of spruce from Halifax, N. S., recently brought £8 5s to £8 78 6d per standard c. i. f. Liverpool, which shows that prices are not weakening. STOCKS AND PRICES. H.C. Mackey is loading three scows with deals at Fredericton, N. B., for Gilman Bros. & Burden, of Pokiok. He has engaged to load 40 scows for them during the next few weeks. The lumber will be sent to St. John and shipped to Old Country by W. Malcolm Mac- kay. A western lumber firm write the CANADA LUMBERMAN as _ follows: May 30, 1906 “Up to the present time this year we have experienced a very good demand for lumber. There was practically no let-up in the trade during seeding time, and we look for a continuance of good trade to follow. As it will be some time before any opinion can be passed on the coming crop, we do not think this questisn has any bearing on the condition of trade at this particular time.” J. L. Black & Sons, of Sackville, .. N.B., are loading the schooner Alma with a cargo of scantling -for New York. The barque Gler is due at Cape Tormentine to load for them a cargo of deals for Liverpool and they will load another barque at the Cape later in the season. They expect to load four or five vessels at Point du Chene this summer, two of which are now on the way from Great Britain. Messrs. Black & Sons will saw at their Aboushagan mills and this with what they cut last winter will make between four and five million feet for shipment this season. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN. Orrawa, May 25, 1906.—English ~ buyers are in the Ottawa Valley picking up small lots of lumber for export. They are paying consider ably more than they paid for similar — purchases a year ago. The keen demand for white pine aad spruce which became noticeable about month ago is keeping up. The out put is going largely to the American n market. A large quantity is going into local quarters too, and this trade will become more active when : people begin to go after the ne cut. There seems to be an in- creased demand for common stock. Manufacturers attribute this situa-_ tion partially to conditions in the United States but more particularly — to the state of the Canadian market. © The local consumption of this class of lumber is increasing at a rapid — rate and promises to remain a strong » factor in holding common etaars at steady high prices. Owners of large timber limits are becoming interested in the active — HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER . & MANUFACTURING CO. PINE, HEMLOCK and HARDWOOD RED and WHITE CEDAR SHINGLES. SPECIAL ; A quantity of 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14 and 16 ft. Cedar Posts. Telephone Poles 25 to 50 feet. Hop Poles and Ladder Poles in pine and cedar. Special bills tor small sizes in pine and oak. LUMBER. CAN SUPPLY Correspondence Solicited. FLOORING Send for Catalogue KNIGHT BRO CO vt vt Samples by Vancouver, B.C. Manufacturers of ..... Rough and Dressed Cedar Lumber and Laths We Manufacture Cedar only and have the largest stock in the Province. P. 0. BOX. 45, VANCOUVER, B. C. | ee Nee | MASON, GORDON & mi 80 Francis Navier Street Keenan Bros., wx” LUMBER and TIMBER Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOGK BND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OUTSIDE POINTS Limited Car and Cargo Lots Only | ,. Specilaty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRU ES YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY - ‘ Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds. ", 1%", 144” and 2” Chestnut, Biden otek 3 1”, 1%", 134" and 2" Butternut, J. THE MCLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, we 1%”, 2” and 3” WOODSTOCK, ONT. Burk’s Falls. LIMITED _ MONTREAL, QUE. & sh a a pot te a Hy via acti ae —- So ' warrants the high prices. ' ‘May 30 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION itt demand for railway ties. A few years ago the timber which would make ties was not much appreciat- ed, as it was scarcely considered profitable to go into that kind of lumbering. At present large railway companies are searching in the Ottawa Valley for all the ties they can procure, and there is a noticeable dearth of them. Limit holders now place a considerable value on the class of timber that will make ties. Spruce prices have reached so high a notch for local consumption that English exporters who usually bought at this time of the year are handling very little of the Ottawa Valley spruce output. Manufacturers report that hem- lock is nearly all bought up at good prices, but basswood is not quite so active as last month, ‘The price of lath is exceedingly high and buyers are complaining that there is no justification for the state of the market. They have to pay twice as much as a year ago. The manufacturers say the demand In ad- dition to this they add that wages is soaring up continually and that they ‘are making no more profit than under old conditions. A. mild strike occurred in one of the'big mills last week and higher wages was paid without any inter- ruption-in the work. The drives are reported to be _ making satisfactory progress in the _ earlier than last year. ~ and Morse Company have just run 200,000 pieces out of the Montreal The average ot Ottawa’ river is The Sheppard upper streams. arrivals in the ‘ river into the Ottawa and on June _ of the Kippewa. Oswego, N.Y. Ist expect to have 100,000 logs out Nearly all these logs are white pine, about ten per cent being spruce and red pine. WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER ‘ROSSED PULP WOOD St. Gabriel Lumber Co. : Limited St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que, Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. J. B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in OEDARK TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING the entire supply of ‘‘Extras” NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) St. Joun, N. B., May 25th, 1906. —At this date the outlook for the log drives on the St. John River is not so encouraging as was the case a fortnight ago. The freshet has fallen off with unlooked for rapidity and reports from up-river districts tell of difficult driving and _ the probability of hang-ups of consider- able dimensions, the exact figures in regard to which it is impossible to obtain at this early date. Logs are arriving at St. John in quantities barely sufficient to keep the mills in cut. Cedar is particularly scarce and some of the mills are running at only half their capacity. The cedar shingle market pre- sents a very encouraging prospect to the manufacturer. The demand in the U.S. market continues streng and such lots of N.B shingles as have been offered have been readily disposed of at the reigning values. At St. John and in the vicinity, stocks of high grades are very light—one and one quarter millions would cover and ‘‘Clears”. The province trade is very brisk and promises to easily take care of all the lower grades that will be offered. The prospects for the manufacture of shingles during the balance of the season point to the conclusion that the output will be somewhat smaller than usual. With the wharves cleared of all high grades early in the year, and the late date of the commencement of sawing, the volume of cedar shingles for shipment has already been decreased sufficiently to place the quantity below the average. Also, it is doubtful if the logs will come along rapid!y enough to keep the mills in THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt reply Be Mail, uiries i prices; etc. by ire or McLennan Timber Land and Lume? GO, Limite Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. End Matched, Bored, Polished - and Bundled - SITHMOWN BROS, xr. Office : 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTQ WIARTON, ONT. —Our Prices will Interest yea CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER CO., umrreo 604 Temple Building, Toronto To MILLMEN-— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.”” Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s cut, a condition which was con- spicuous last year during June and July and which resulted in a curtail- ment of the output by more than one half during those months. Local values in cedar shingles are strong and show every indication ot continuing so. At present writing a buyer of shingles for delivery during the summer would be quoted from $3.15 to $3.25 per M on “Extras” and $2.65 tu $2.75 per M n ‘‘Clears”, f. 0. b. St. John. The spruce lath trade is marked by considerable uncertainty and much diversity of opinion exists in regard to actual value. There is no doubt that values in this line have been steadily losing ground during the past two months, but the general impression seems to be that when conditions have become more settled, it will be found that the goods in question will be worth at least‘as much as shown in recent quotations. Local values range from $2.55 to $2.65 per M for non- dutiable slab lath and $2.30 to $2.40 per M for dutiable, f. o. b. St. John. No important quantity of lath will be available at this port before July rst. Freight rates to the United States have a,tendency towards firmness. For the present quotations in this CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ortare and ae bec. . ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. ee Sane'st. ~- BOSTON, MASS. line are as follows: New York, lath, 7oc.; Boston shingles 27%c. It has been persistently rumored during the past week that an in- crease of wages, amounting to 25 per cent., will be asked by the mill crews in and about St. John during the next few days. Failing to receive a favorable answer to their d2mands, it is said that the men will go out. A local paper is responsible for this statement. The employers claim that they know nothing of the matter but there is little doubt that such a contingency may arise at any moment. Should it materialize, the probabilities are that it would mean a tie-up of every mill in this city for an indefinite period, as it is unlikely that the petition of the men will be granted. A. F. Holden, Pres. F. H. Goff, Vice-Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen'l.-Mg E. C. Barre, Ase’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lat and White Pine Shingles Special Bille Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60° long. — SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. uMmiTED Millia: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. , North Tonawanda _N. Y. sess: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK - TORONTO ONTARIO We Offer DRY MILL CULLS 10 Cars a/a_Sidings 2 4/4 5 1o anda 1 « 8/4 Rate low; price fair Ghe ORES LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. es A. LARKIN== WHOLESALE LUMBER Shingles, Lath and Cedar Fence Posts. TORONTO ~ ye “ow ONTARIO CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CACHE BA iY, Ont. Gane 26 miles West North Bay UMBER anD LATH IV CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries. Bank St. Chambers. OTTAWA, Can. BIRCH! BASSWOOD! SPRUCE! In any grade, size or quantity. Before placing your order drop us a line for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. eee PEDWELL & LEMCKE, «.7.."" MANUFACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber OF se ss Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Correspondence Solicited, £ Rail or. Water Shipments. A. Maze (TY BR oe ee We are in the market and pay the highest cash, prices for all- kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. W.. EYER 2 co. 43 Adelaide $5 Street NTO, ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - N.Y. t a Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, _, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try | JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. . HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. Ferguson. Lumber Company _ LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES Fi TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER : Let us, know your requirements : Prompt Shipments. SPRUCE BIRCH ELM ‘ RAILWAY TIE HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE - ASH tetas 04 POLES CEDAR &o, eo. B.C, FIR B.C, CEDAR saying in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. nd up, 11’ x 11’ and up, forsale at a low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, ”shising”"”” QUEBEC eraictacxarats of Pine, Hemlock and =f seta Lumber, and dealers in nine cic Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF ~™ Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited | White and Fed Pine | MILLS (at SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., On | Lumber and Lath Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES onenne feet Montreal. d at Mills at Spragge. TEM. BREKEN & SONS MANUFACTURING UL, LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: sabiaiarams mes Ontario. Water Shipments Saw “Mille at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON om THE ONTARIO We Buy, Sell and Deal in all-kinds of Lasabex and Timber in an aie and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood,,Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beéch; Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pise, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, = Cedar Poles R. LAIDLAW LUMBER co. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, un AND SHINCLES, Hee ‘Life 24 sang TORONTO, On ' & Mitts: French River. Georgian Ba , Water Shipment Only. 7 LUMBER C8 sures Me Roe Bay .erd Fes T.R. Delivery asanJd- & T. CHARLTONewee ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— LUMBER ER fi 3 ATH Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. — ree Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. WHITE OAK |Planing and Match Bill Timber up to 40 feet long, 16 ——IN TRANSIT—— inch d — inches savers tee, = | S. POMEROY, Orillia rop us a line describing your wants 7 aud we will gladly quote you prices. "siine, “FLOORING, "MOULDINGS WM. PULLING & CO. in J. WINDSOR, ONT. Factory near bag a “we for Prices. — JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. , PLA YFAIR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER +» LATH + SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, ntractors for Rallway Syppves Sree TIMBER a Specialty MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ere and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty | of HORE Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. . R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED — Notional Lite Chambers: 4.) TORONTO, ONT. | Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of | Ontario Basswood, Elm and ives Amherst, N.S. HARDWO OD FLOORING | End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. => HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow a a ‘ We K Kr 1% End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Also Stock fully macilaet for Spring Bed Frames ALL KINDS OF ee LUMBER oJ: S. FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT. Quebec — i : w vy ‘ ; ers ; ay Uy P i n Sa * \ Fada tid oe Te he PE ER GN te Te Tit eae cew? May 30, 1906 CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS Haeberle Lumber Co.| Ask Your Ticket Agent LUMBER and TIMBER for tickets via the Y @ U WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, WISCONSIN GENT NTRAL L RAILWAY = OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, to Interior Trim Mill Work. | Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ashland, a) i) - REACH Convenient trains. CEDAR POLES AND TIES. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. Milwaukee, Chicago and all points | TH E B O N SACK LU M B E R Co. rie Finishing LUMBER ties rai chair cars. La\ CA INI a‘ zy Yellow Pine Timber a Specialt east, west, north and south. Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Dining cars. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS [iRSrtaiaeetehc aa Maran California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber H. J. cones PRE Agent 371 Kobert St., St. Paul, Minn., ST. LO U ] S C. A. SPALDING & Co. or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. A., ; Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH. Milwaukee, Wis BY ; rn RA ‘I L, M Al L Atte th tet te te te tt te te ee amen eununnev* “eo SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. R. H. ROYS, Pres. MANUFACTURERE OF W | & Fy [e (©) 4 nee LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. , . A. KENT, Sec'y. "PA © ONE : m Sid gearalaaces, LUMBER AND SALT J ¢ SAGINAW, MICH Mills at Sandwich, Ont. $ CVCVSSSVSVSSSAURAUVEVSEUUEBESEUES 004480 J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, McCLURE LUMBER CO. Manufacturers { HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS Bree." YELLOW PINE AND OAK HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty OFFICE: Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. 106 Michigan Trust Building - GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Mill: EUTAW, ALA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. |aetnamnn 013MM TI)S See CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER - 14 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL | Wood Brokersand Measurers | -» WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiITH, TyrER & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington Stree en eee | WHOLESALE LUMBER - DETROIT MICHIGAN ’ Send us sone r inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. Cabel Address Farnworth,” Liverpoel.s Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, a F. A. Lightbody & Co. GANT & KEMP 9 TIMBER WOOD BROKERS 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW eB D 0 K F R S Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B ‘* Zebra" and Private. agro for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND ‘SPRUCE ; * Hardwoods in Log, _ Ete. Chie pe ee —_Sbipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. a its handled to the best advantage to all ports pondence S; Telegrams and eer ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes : Zebra, Western Union, Southards, and | SUIS BAMBERGER, * LONDOR, B.C.” THOMPSON, BLOIS ‘S “CO. IMPORTER OF ——t ae tenren yeoman ress Bev y woud, Zordon,) Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS shipping documents MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. GELLIBRAND, HEYWooD & co. ‘MIM WEBS, Tp” Wood 1 gents and Brokers chamber: Importers: "Sr Sasso. . All elasade ‘of Lumber and Manufactureh Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Wood Goods a a for the Engtisd Cable Address : ““GELLICHT,” LONDON 657 Graceehurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER | BUSI SMe aer COMPANY BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERCHANTS WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS BUYERS OF sites ™’St Stang” wince Sr is Senceuti | llalanael Chambers _- LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABIL.E ADDRESS ° DOBLE LIVERPOOL, "' VeneersA Specialty ape " L VI Sennen — SE nn! ; in Mill, ad C. E. H. HEAPS & CO., ee ack B. C. Vancouver, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : 3 AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash .Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, 2 Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION _ May 30, 1906 W. L. TAM, Pons! MANAGER | W. Jj. Fit ctl dala hy PP ei Va 5c. MANUFACTURERS OF 4 : if ‘ FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Cor pimited LATH, MOULDINGS mabet | TURNED WORK — cast Mice. ig ss HICH GRADE VANCO RED CEDAR SHINCLES — Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO . | ETC. P a cilic THE RED DEER LUMBER co. BARROWS, SASK. Manufacturers ot SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH All kinds and Grades i Straight or Mixed;Cars Jequiny vonidg 4097 000‘000‘or Ajrovdeg [Tenuuy - e00'000'g Ay19ede9 bil LUMBER ORDER OUR SPECIALLY TRIMMED AND re I" “READY - TO - PUT - ON” HHI DON’T YOU DARE BET GO RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING i, or give up the idea of handling our SPR-UCE LUMBER and LATH ’ merely because we have been unable to fill your orders for several months. We were unfortunate enough to run out of stock so that we'could not take care of the spring trade. Correspondence Solicited Our saw mill has now been running full capacity for over 6 weeks and we are in a position to fill all:erders promptly with bright new stock, All ¥ mail should be addressed to THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK. Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, C.N.R., Manitoba. —Write DIRECT to— W. F. HUNTING Lumber Gompany, Ltd. -VANCOUVER We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. For at ictacom SHINGLES IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR 1906 CALENDAR WRITE FOR ONE, IT IS A CORKER} ae he ’ Rate ny |e a da, ; wa ne TA ‘ Cee 7 es 2 ow, Patel, Fe Sa ae OW Ite 7 "ied wa RY ah alin ae iN ate aie Atal & hee ae ny A 5 ® 3 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION May 30, 1906 E. H, HEAPS, President Our Daily Shipping Capacity PE ainilpudeen Me Puce a ae FELBER, JUCKER & CO. Lumber Importers MANCHESTER ENGLAND ; aaa age from = sagt sae alt Broom ete., or any Woods Suitable ‘for ~ Srey he Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. Hardwood Lumber, ADDRESS HEAD OFFIC. THOMAS anerersice SIDENT. ‘| Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH BOSTON, MASS. H. D. Wiccl 89 STATE ST. will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LOG RUN Elm, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood CoRRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. MANUFACT And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior ae Also Box Shooks an Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. st PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. J. A. McNAIR, Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umitTep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. 2,000,000 SHIN GLES PER DAY We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all 1, D. SHIBR LUMBER ¢O., LIMITED Planing Matching, Resawing, etc. RACEBRIDGE, ACTURE LUMBER, LATH AND "SHINCLES Pine, Hardwood and Ceilings. Sash anu Doors, Woo etc. All Dressed Lumbe End Matched Flooring a ‘S GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY d Turnings URERS OF D C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND MANAGER. ES and Hemlock Floorings | #4 Bored r Kiln eg if desired ; Manufacturer of: * Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings End-Matchd H ARDWO0D FLO 0 RING Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. J. R. EATON - Orillia, Ont. Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. 54. Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, RAT PORTAGE AND RAINY RIVER.) LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS d Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, H. H. SPICER, MGR. AND SEC’Y Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. €. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. ‘Shipping Ci peseey is 1,500,000 Shingles per Day ' + Sd yy 4) wre | ‘ ‘oa re 4 ee see ae ' MS ace eB >) j ‘ ». my ' » \ * ‘e ; ‘ ae . ’ . vill. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | May 30, 1996. Pine good strips : oo | Pie, mill culls ...++ 15.00 nabs Wo escay coasarces 5 co 38 0o| Pine O. culls...... - 9 50 CURRENT LUMBER PRIGES WHOLESALE ae eth 2a ee ian eee ee ae eee ee ae MO TTUEE TP GNALD P02 in... cee ceenecenn 40 00 45 00] Spruce, x” stocks WHITE Pine, good shorts: 3 8,9 and r1o”.. | 16 00 17 00 ae Riise sists Site celeimereie 28 00 3000 Spruce, 1’ clear (fine (Wholesale selling price.) TORONTO, ONT. 2% tee ip ee eae oe eS ae Bs S Mapes dey ay to” ‘A Sidings. ole on gh pe ee Se ee 2 2 iD .i00. neaeterels 42 0° CAR OR CARGO LOTS. : ASSWOOd........40- 00 23 00 d a: 1 é 1 inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4 to 8im 16 00 17 00 Pine, 0, X dressing Soe Lath, per M if Ales oid S500 + as ae esi 45 00 ts & better...... $49 00 51 00] 2x4 to 8 in.,10to 16ft. 17 00 18 00 iding.... -..... 2300 2700| No.1 white pinet}é"x400 450 Selects1 in........-+ 73 00 | a 1 Mold’ st’ps rto2 finch No 1 ax4 to fo inch, 18 ft.. 18 00 19 00 Pine, No. x dressing No, 2 white pine.... 3 50 4 00 1% to 2in....... 72 00 Saledenaaes 5 50 eutpianit better.. §3 00 55 00] Clear inch B.C. cedar, Pine No.2 datas 2090; sBiga Spruce, mill ran... 4 pe 4 2% and 3 in....... 85 00| No. 2 ; Moulding Strips, 2” No « Cuts and : 5 ee res re §o 00 ahiorts Bak ee ee s8/oo™agios Phe Ski : Fine" commony 1 ia = ses east oe “Beene p= oe Gecsastiac ig hte sag Clear inch B.C: cedar s§00 Fine, 106 cand het ae: ge ot RP 25 375 1%, and 1% in..... $9 00| 6, 8 and zoin....-- ’ ped cuts and better.... 44 00 46 00| Douglas fir dimension Pine. i 4 a0 Ge 00 2400) Clear Butt, r8inch .. 275 325 2 IM ceccccccesces . 61 00| No. 2, 10 in.......6 30 00 2” No 2 Pine Cuts : i pea up to 32 pest 34 80 tert” toi, ......)40 ool anaolme* 25 MECHs claats etele ae 170 200 : - ooeseana sscees = - ei Ss aiegipatee ae ia ee 5 + 46 00 45 00 Rate oy ng, edge 42.00 re 7 ups. c. sidings 29 00 “ oo ; White a et sy iba cde 8 No. rh gg ol ie. 4 ae pai p= = (CS > Le a Mae bree Tabi Seas ie pyre a ine s. c. strij «se. 15 00 18 00 xxxx, 18 inch........ 3 ‘ Re ee aha ; pau eer el a At pe) 44,00) eis ath No. 1 4ft. Pine ry Pine, s.c. torte «eee 18 52) 2800 Clear Sa ee ows 275 335 pee: Cats, ae ain eee ee ae oie. wane 3 Cuts an athe ds See Rap ae 405 es Pine, box boards.... 1400 1500| XX, 18inch.......... 1 79 200 Nes tp, er Aes Pin 4 ras ne in. Pine Dressin, “No.1 32” pine lath 210 fo No. 2,1%, & 1% in 43 00 REED. voc ceegseurcil oo ; and better shorts, 23 00 24 00 tie No. ae sTemlock: lath 3 50 SARNIA, ONT. No. 3, 1%, and 1% 32 00 be ret and up.....- x oo 3x4, 6and 8 common 20 00 21 00/ XXXX Pine Shingles 295 3 00 apoL , i No.32” . bees 35 00 and 134 & 2in.. 24 00 1X 10 common.....- 21 00 2200| XX PineShingles .. 225 2 30 WZ I10" .eeceveeseeteres 25 00 Dressing 1% in.. coece 42 00 Mitt Collsix, 00000 20 00 — IX1zcommion...... 23 00 24 00/ X Pine Shingles .. 95 : in,, 8” and up wide. . $79 00 5” So £2 iecinisls vincesieis aisle nie 27 00 1Y%x10 und 12.4066 44 00 1%,1% and ain ai 00 2X10 common.....- ar oO 22c0| XX Cedar Shingles 225 2 30 , 13% and 2” «+ 77 00 1” x13and UP--cocseeee 28 oo / aand 3x12 common, 24 00 25.00 B, Cs Bhingles 2} ’and 3” ec = = 14 x gand 5! oe $25 so —— ui me ins box an XXX 6 butts fo 2 in. 315 . x6” and up.......-. SS aimipafetvete 20 0@ 21 cO| XXXX 6to 23-16 in. 3 37 SELECTs. 1% x 10} deneckinpereemea ese BOSTON, MASS P Inch b mill ienncidings 2100 22 00/ XXXXX5to2in.. S700 ae avamditeeride 69 00 1% 12 Sie also sefemeielsive sie 30 00 ’ ° 1 in, mill ran.. . a1 00 22 00| XX No, 2,6 to2 in.. 7 230 1%, 134an y ss ata 1% x 6” and up......... +2700 White Pine Uppers, 1tozinch..... + seen seeee+$84 00 to $86 00 1x10 and 12 mili culls 17 00 1800; XX “ 6 to 23-16 in, 3 2¥4'and 3” “ LaSr eG =e teehee eeeereeees =i a Selects, 1to 21mCh.....sc0e seeee+ a cn ce’v'c odene sin IGE fe } eee Se od. ay oo | end chee acer tence encore Te Tn etre CM i er Te ie aie 1 in. aes cull sidings 12 00 13 00 Red pine, common FINE, COM. AND BETTER. a” X'IOneae 2 278 oo No. 1 Cuts, : inch ...... porraae Solieisiviects aban «+ 4400 oo 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 00| 2”...... eseacasves 1400 1700 4 in., 8” and up. wide.. . 56 00 2” KIA ciawiseiosivele nie a's + 20 00 to 2inch...... ..... endeeihee dies 53 00 & oo SI COE paar 1 and 1%! 3 wee» 58 00 NO. I BARN, No. 2 Cuts, yEnc os eensee de cdocweascaueue nn = bes 31 « d > ft El in 2 n 21 2 59 00 Sin: . sfoscche $27. co to $35 00 pcwcsncccccs copess eeccecce 47 ; Fre ts etc 425, co’, gieo// Rock Maatemamagn Bee FINE COMMON. 1%, 14 and 2” 33 oo to 3500 Barn Boards, Ro. g.-ccceorstorisseesso ue oe Ash, Black, 1sts ‘aan and better, rim.. 25 00 2600 I" ...cseeeeeeee 48 00 to 60 00 2% and 3”..... S800 AR GNonatac es ee ee 26 00 28 50 ands, 1 to 2in.... 30 00 32 00 | Rock Elm, common ng. 144 toa”... 55 OD Jae OS MIS ~~~ Saag 41 00 Spruce Be a? ‘ia, dimenston..100010000000000 eet Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 2900 86234, 3 and 4” 78 00 86 00 NO. 2 BARN gi ia. and Under ..2..:ne-arnisoneeeeneee 24 00 inen conatn 2 ae peas 00 cdr Sc fs ae ce oa co 23 00 No. I CUTS. in a 2 age ay ae 10 and 12 in. random lengths, 10 ft. and up...... 25 50 [s) a Tr = eer ed Cerne ANE ER oo han ompgnla Aas 4 hehe what =. 24 0@ 2500| and better, 1in 21 00 2200 Ee and up wide... _ oy 1%, 1 a8 and 2” 25 00 to 27 00 acct cata ae one tates length, -* 50 . wee an oo nic comsan mies 00 27 00 ebeiter oa to AE Ss 24 00 25 00 7 in. ‘4 + 47 00 ie Pape pte 7 up 33 50 Birch, milirun.... 21 00 22 00| Maple, millrun...19 00 2000 2? Hinaice 2149/09 4 if 3 in, and up merchantable boards 8 ft. & up 20 00 Basswood, common ° Oak, red, plain, 1sts ayeand 3 5 ye Me 18. eae , 21 00to 2300 = Out Spruce ) Dir Sena a Bee 17 00 and better, rin.. a2 00 24 00| and ands........ 46.00 go000 4 creo SEN i: 1% and 2” 21 0oto 244¢O — rx and 1x3 furring p. 18 clipped and bundied .. nels Basswood, common : | Oak, white, plain, NO.2CUTS. =§«-— || tt eeeeenrenee 23 00 154” spruce laths ... 480. “oration eer ponredpen reed Pi aes ioe RO gba Sai eect 20x. 1K" 4 60 2! 4 : Soft Elm, common and onds......... 7O 00 75 00 th, ane i pa Bo. s 1”, 1%, ; and better, rin.. 24 00 25 00| Hickory, ists and a’ “ sone BPO0. | | 278 Reds sence 15 oo to 20 00 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES, Soft Elm, common 2NdS.).....+- 00.06 36.00 3800 2% 3and4” “ 49 00 No. I mill culls, Ges wing y and bet. 1% to 2in. 27 00 28 00 , % pens 1, 1%, 1%, 2” 16 00to 18 00 3 30 4 m * NO. 3 CUTS. 245 a6 LL CULLS. OTTAWA, ONT. 1in., 6” and up wide... 19 00 ae ats 235 iwroderusrnd’ pricks: Uh and1%” ‘ .... 23 00 Mi aa ae es 1%, 1% - Extra 1s (Clear whites out). 130 340 g co 23 00 and 2”... ...+.. woe 1S 00 Extra 1s (Clear whitesim)......sesceeeeseeeserees 145 155. et erin, and up an IxIo Bo: I barn.. 24 00 a, 3 and 4” as 30 00 No. 2, 13 00 ’ 1 in.z7 in. and u Ao 44 1x1o No, 2 22 00 in, and 1% in 1x8 & 9 No.rbarn... 21 02 22 00 MILL RUN, LATH, BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES, 0, and up...... 00 00 | 1x8 & o No.2 “* 18 cO 20 No! Ryda gee: oe eee tenn Ceder Extras Beh fe © 2in.x 7 inend oa} 00 Ne = Pine ee to 11’ i se A is aes ale a8 pd No. 2, ie" Wt sone capeneue 4 do net me ee i ee wun 33 No. a cuts 2"8"&up 34 00 36 0o| x10” ....,. ...... 1700 18 00 tv ee and 8” ae: ee 24 00 No.1, 48” pine se cececscens 45° Pertections, Sahin ton inj nnd 450 - x x - x x x x x al x x x x x x x x ~ x x x ~ ~ ~ x x x x x x x x ~ x ~ ~ x ~ x . x QIACIAREHACIAGIAGIAS, CO}SOdD}SGO}SGO}QO02G0 adGodGadsGod Gada aN oe °o ‘} SS 2, So J ‘} J So ‘J 10}9(40}8 O90) G0)960)aO0}9E0)O@0)9@0) ° ° f) {~) {~) fo) {~) ° ° J a ° 2, J So 60)2@0) ° {-) ° Ss ax {-) SSQLIACHQGHAS €9}2E0}90)9E0)80) OTE TON TON TLCS So oO 2 2 So, So } 565 €0)0(0)20)9E0}2E0}90) ° () ° ° {-) (~) {~) J. B. MILLER, President. Manufacturers of The acy Sound Lumber ae Limited W, B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. ROUGH and DRESSED INE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO Telegraph Codes : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. Toronto Telephone Main 1016, ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. OOM ESAS SUSU SU SUSU OU SU SUSU OL LOOSE So, 2 O@ — es _ @ 9) 9549) OTE S 2 aD = _ & Oo; oO) O00 | x i WEEKLY VOL. XIV EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 PER year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD TORONTO, MONTREAL — JUNE 6, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER ——t) No. 13. ~ Canapa LumBEeRMaNn The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’ of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: = 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL _--920-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. _ - ‘ Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS ST.,; VANCOUVER, Bac; ‘ fi Zz fhe Weekly Lumberman — Published every _, Wednesday, eattian reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the owen manufacturing districts and leading ‘ estic and foreigm wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- m between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and export mber ucts at home and abroad. c ers and the purchasers of The aenly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fu' ly and impartially subjects perti- ‘nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. hy a iz _ WANTED AND FOR SALE ne erie antatper Hine each taberiot = e rate of 15 cents per line each in: in. d ‘ cent. will be allowed. e dth of the line and is set 12 lines make one inch. Ad- be received not later than 4 re insertion in tM arte —TEN THOUSAND CORDS f apd Soft Wood; also same quantity SmmcoE Woop AND LUMBER CoO., 52 Arcade, Toronto, FOR SALE ] A BOUT 140 M FEET BEECH AND HARD - Maple, bone dry stock, average 9’. Immed- Gate shipment. W. B. BARTRAM & Co., Ottawa, > Ont. + - t =: WANTED. Dae TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ—- ate lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, KBENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. . WANTED i et en a ae at ii le a RS. oe PS Oe | ee ae - - . = 5 ee BIRCH, BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, As Rock Elm, Hard Maple. and Hickory in Logs, lumber and dimension sizes. Spot cash. Inspection at mill. Please quote prices f.o.b. at shipping points. Box 295, Windsor, Ont. a_i FOR SALE WRENN EO BY ‘The undersigned will offer for sale by public auction (subject to a reserve bid) on W EDNES- DAY, JULY 25, 1906, at 2 p. m.,in the Council _ Ghamber, in Parry Sound, Ont., the licenses to _ cut timber on the following berths: ‘Berths 1 and z Township of Shawanaga. ‘Berths 2, 3, and 4 Township of Burpee. Both in the District of Parry Sound, and com prising in all about 67 square miles, ; These limits are well timbered with pine, hemlock and hardwoods. ; — give the right to cut all kinds of ma, t : t r. _ A new up-to-date band mill capable of cutting _ 60,000 ft. per day muy be purchased in connec- tion with the limits. i For terms or further information apply to BANK OF OTTAWA, Parry Sound, O A / W. J. GorRDON, WANTED-1%" AND 2” BLACK ASH, COM v MON and Better, or tstsand ands quality green or dry, in one or more car lots. W. A Kriss, Hespeler, Ont. ANTED—HARDWOOD LUMBER BUY- ERS to locate in Ontario. Salary and com- “mission. Address, FEDERAL LUMBER COMPANY, 1 Madison Ave., New York City. Small Timber Limit for Sale 4 Ngee Rare TO GEORGIAN BAY, VIA French River, or can be operated on C.P.R. Teronto-Sudbury Line. Limit easily operated; within short distance of railroad and can be worked either winter or summer; ten (10) years operation for medium sized mill, For partictlars address “‘WoopsMAN”’, Penetanguishene, Ont. WANTED—2%4" BIRCH C & B,1” BLACK ASH common, 1” cull soft elm and basswood, cedar and tamarac, 1”, 6/4”, 2” black ash c. & b. and cull, 1’ and thicker soft maple. R. K. KIns- MAN, Hamilton, Ont. HEMLOCK BOARDS HREE MILLION TO FIVE MILLION wanted for the new England Market for shipment during the year 1906. Boards to be P1S to % inches, 5 inches and up wide. Lengths, random, 8 feet and up long, or clipped, 12 feet, or 10, 12, 14and 16 feet. Will take ship- ments either by rail or sail. CHARLES S, WENT- worn. & Co., 147 Milk Street, Boston, Mass. FOR SALE pt HIGH SPEED ENGINE AND 150 light dynamo (almost new), made by West- ern Electric Company, Chicago and New York. Has often taken 50°/, of over-load, and is in AI condition. Also a 30 x 12 double surfacer (new), found it too heavy for iny work, A splendid tool, weight about 9,099 iIs., will sell for cash or on terms, or will txke lumber in payment. G. W. Murray, Royal Pianing Mills, Winnipeg, Manitoba. . ' FOR SALE ‘ca THE TOWNSHIP OF WIDDIFIELD, VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND TIM- BER LIMITS, comprising 300 acres of land, with a living stream running through it, Valuable quantity of virgin pine on the limit. The saw mill has a capacity of 4o M. feet per day and is complete in all its appointments, with boarding house, dwelling houses for men, store, offices, ice house, » store houses, stables, barns, well equipped black- smith shop, camp outfits, sleighs, wagons, trucks and everything required for lumbering operations. We offer this valuable property at a great bargain. Address THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, Rooms 35 and 36, Home Life Building, Toronto, Ont. TENDERS FOR MILL PROPERTY AND TIMBER LIMITS Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including 1st SEPTEMBER next for the purchase of Lumber Mill in first-class running order, on south shore of Georgian Bay, near Watibaushene, with two single band saws and all up-to-date machinery, capacity 70,000 | per day, the necessary piling and booming ground, tramways, railway siding, workmen’s houses, boarding house, barn and stabling, and 4o acres of land more or less, together with two limits in district of Algoma, not yet operated on, held under old license from the Ontario Government. ‘ , Separate tenders will be received for the mill property and limits, but the highest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. — Full particulars on application to ESTATE OF TANNER BROSG., Waubaushene, Ont, Dated 24th, May, 1906. FOR SALE—soo CEDAR POLES, LENGTH 25 to 40 foot, 7 inch tops, peeled s foot from putt; piled on G.T.R. siding: Mrs. S. MooRE, Falkenburg Station, Ont. AWYER AND ENGINEER WANTED FOR >> small saw mill in Aiberta.: (Circular saws). Apply, stating wages and experience, to WM. RUTHERFORD, Strathmartin, Alta. What ies — QUOTATIONS FOR MAPLE roller blocks. Sizes and full particulars given on application to W. & S. SUMMERSCALE’S ePNs. Parkside Works, Keighley, Yorks, Eng- and, HEMLOCK LOGS. WANTED VAN TED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO (V be cut, next winter, any quantity up to five million feet - Address Box 377, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. SES WANTED. Pape OF SPRUCE AND HEM- lock lumber, N.B. shingles and laths. Knott & SAMPSON, Wholesale Lumber and Commission Dealers, Lumber Manufacturers Agents, 20 Central Street, Boston, Mass. AND one ON TRIMMER, WELL ; acquainted with both Canadian and American. grades. of white pine and Norway. To a good man steady employment and good swages. Apply, J.& T. CHARLTON, North Tona- wanda, N.Y. FOR SALE. A QUANTITY OF PINE, TAMARAC AND cedar piling. Can be shipped either by rail or water. For specifications, prices, etc., apply to THE WM. BreatTy ESTATE, Parry Sound, Ont. WANTED IMMEDIATELY . NE LATH MILL FOREMAN, TWO GANG edgermen, one cant setter to handle crane, two carriage riders, one trimmerman. Satisfactory wages. Twelve months’ run, barring accidents. Climate excellent. Davison LumsBer Co,, Lrp., Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. Timber Limit FOR SALE Fifty square miles in the Swan River District, Province of Manitoba. Apply to HERBERT MATTHEWS, , 4x and 42 Merchants’ Bank Bujiding. Winnipeg, Man. Lumber Sale ! FEET HARDWOOD LUM- I 00,000 ber will be sold by auction on Wednesday, June 13, at Vienna Station, Ont., commencing at 1:o’clock. Lumber is beech, maple and elm, the greater part of which is un- culled. There¢ will also be offered for sale a saw mill in good tunning condition, a quantity of hard and soft\wood, lumber for sheeting, etc. vT)R.H. McCURDY & CO,, | Proprietors. es EEE Timber Limit For Sale |S apmgehe TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned, until July 3rd, for the purchase of Tintber Berth No. 90, North Shore of Lake Huron, containing approximately fif- teen million feetof pine, mostly virgin timber, and ten muse | feet of large size hemlock. Timber all on sotith half of berth, short haul to Whitefish Riverand Georgian Bay, making easy of operation, In Bc proximity to proposed Manitoulin Railway. For further particulars apply. to TRADERS BANK, North Bay, Ont. ; Poe SALZ — MIXED HARDWOOD AND _ soft lumber, car load lots, direct from mill. C. A. BRIDGWoOD, c/o CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Gree WELL CONNECTED IN lumber circles, desires partner in lumber brokerage business, Toronto. Box 389, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE. IVE HORSE, REBUILT, SLIDE VALVE steam engine. BRUCE AGRICULTURAL WorkKS, Teeswater. FOR SALE. Meets LIMIT .CONTAINING ABOUT twenty million white pine, fifteen million spruce. Box 230, Sudbury, Ont. ROCK ELM AND ASH WANTED Wu PAY HIGHEST PRICE FOR SEVER- al cars rock elm, black and white ash, cut 1%”, 13” and 2”, Cherry lumber, all sizes, Box 388, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED. A PERSON CONTROLLING LARGE tracts of timber would like to meet with mill man to operate same on shares or on stumpage basis. Apply CANADA LUMBERMAN, Box 387, Vancouver, B.C. : FOR SALE: N NEWFOUNDLAND, 224,000 ACRES’ OF white pine, spruce, fir, hackmatack, poplar and birch timber land with 30,000 h.p. water power, suitable for either a lumber ora wood pulp operation. Government royalty only 50 cents per M. Address LUMBERMAN, P.O. Box 385, St. John’s, Nfld. — ial CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Building permits issued in the City of Toronto up to the end of May this year exceeded in value $5,000,000, and during last month alone their value was $1,500,000. Phenomenal activity is now existent in the building trade and this has naturally created a heavy demand for lumber. Manufacturers are showing the utmost confidence in the situation andit is not unusual to hear the prediction that prices will go still higher. This prediction, at practically the beginning of the sawing season, is based on the ex- tent to which the old stock of pine and hemlock has been consumed. The mills have. more orders than they can fill and are hoping that the usual midsummer dullness will give them an opportunity to reduce the number of unfilled orders on their books. A further advance in prices could no doubt be brought about, but this is being discouraged in conservative quarters. It is report- ed that birch lumber has been offer- ed too freely and that prices are a little easier, but about all that can be said of the hardwood trade gen- erally is that the demand seems to be. improving. If, CANADA LUMBERMAN EASTERN CANADA. The outlook for the log drives in Eastern Canada is not as encourag- ing as one week ago. The St. John river has fallen and rains are badly needed. It is estimated, however, that more than one-half. of this season’s output of logs on: that river are now in safe water. Lumber is moving in satisfactory volume. At a meeting of the Lumbermen’s Association of -West- ern Nova Scotia held last week, it was stated that a large proportion of this season’s production of lum- ber had been sold at good prices. New Brunswick cedar shingles, while fairly active, are not as strong as a fortnight ago and Extras are said to be offering at $3.65, where- as the average quotation then ruling was $3.70. In view of the natural increase in production at this season ot the year, it is probable that white cedar shingles may work a little lower. UNITED STATES. The lumber business continues to be exceedingly brisk. It is no trouble to sell stock and until con- ‘ditions change materially, lower prices are not likely to be witnessed. A great deal depends, however, on the crops, and at this time it, may be said that the outlook is encourag- ing. Our Boston quotations are now at the highest point which has ever been reached and show an ap- preciatiation during the spring months of several dollars. per thousand feet in the better grades of white pine. Spruce has gained about $1. Hemlock sells very readily, ‘with an exceptionally Lrisk demand for 12 and 14 foot stuff. The hardwood market is steady. In the Saginaw valley ash is selling at $27; elm, $22 to $26; basswood, $23 for No. 2 common and better and $15 for culls; birch $20 to $22.50, and maple $16 to $18. Spruce lath is weaker, the best KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. price that can be obtained at Boston for 154 inch being $4.25, and for 1¥% inch $4. GREAT BRITAIN. While the British lumber market continues firm, considerable dissatis- faction is expressed that more activity does not develop. Con- sumption is still at a low point and buyers are indifferent about closing contracts. The Timber Trades Journal, reterring to spruce, says: ‘Neither importers nor dealers are inclined to contract at present, buoyed up by the hope that prices will break later on. The tone, however, is quite firm at £8 5sc.i.f. for ordinary specifications, that is, containing about 60 to 7O per cent. of narrows, 3x 7 and 3 x 8, and balance wider. Laments are made by many of the wholesale spruce deal merchants that they have great difficulty in selling up the. country at any profit upon the cost of importation.” Birch logs are sell- ing at the low prices recently quoted, but there has been considerable buying and it is believed that the present is a good time to acquire birch, which is almost certain to advance i in price later in the year. Hemlock is meeting with some favor on account of its lower cost and all shipments have been readily disposed of. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the Canapa LUMBERMAN. ) Vancouver, B.C. » May 26th, 1906. —‘‘Orders, but we can’t fill et ig was the remark to-day of a millman who deals in the manufacture of both lumber and shingles.” ‘‘The shingle business is pretty good just now, but conditions are against us. It bolts were plentiful and the labor market easy things would be beyond complaint, but as it is the raw material is high in price and scarce in quantity, and there is difficulty in getting eee men for KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Fairview Cedar Lumber Co. WEEKLY EDITION the camps and mills. There is little change in prices, and general con- ditions remain about the same. The market for shingles just now is mostly in Canadian _ territory, though some are shipped across the line. As far as orders are concerned the business is good.” There is a steady prosperity in the lumber branch of the business. The prices of logs are very stiff, with a tendency to increase from the $6, $8, and $10 now quoted. As an indication of the demand for logs, an instance might be quoted. The other day a big boom came to the city, and loggers who had not been paid filed liens on it tor wages. Generally in cases of this kind the mills decline to pay the cash, but notwithstanding the liens there was ’ a number of applicants for the logs. The men got their money the same day as the documents were taken out, the cash being forthcoming immediately. There has been nearly two weeks of wet weather, but it is not thought that it will interfere with the log HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles, HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood — and Soft Elm. ft Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock Lumper & Mec Go. J vt Samples by Vancouver, B.C. Manufacturers of........ Rough and Dressed Cedar Lumber and Laths We Manufacture Cedar only and have the largest stock in the Province. P. 0. BOX 45, VANCOUVER, B. C. MASON, GORDON & GO. 80 St. Francis Xavier Street Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, REMLOGK: AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Fine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER | Car and Cargo Lots Only % a4 Specilaty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, eat SPRUCE, YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY - Rock Elm, sts and 2nds, 1", 14", 134” and 2” Chestnut, F 1”, 14", 144" and 2" Butternut, fe THE MCLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, que, 1%”, 2” and 3” ‘has Send for Catalo Bail June 6, 1906 production. Camps are operating fnll time, and mills are cutting al the lumber possible. There been an _ increase, in the list by the Mountain Lumber Manufacturers’ Association. Thi was done at a meeting in Calg: the other day, when an aver raise of from 50 cents to $1 made, the advances being perhaps nearer the dollar mark. ‘‘Papers have stated the demand for lumber is so great,” said Mr. G. P. Wells secretary of the Association, ‘* many of the firms which are bers have had to refuse orders, 2 it is only natural that they sho try and make up for the past | season by exacting what they cou Now, this is not so, and it is ot with the intention of taking advant- age of the situation that the raise has been made. We have only graded our prices to allow a fair profit. Freight rates have in- creased, labor and supplies are dearer, in some cases the increase having been from 50 to 100 per cent. This being the case it is only Stock sizes now ready. - WOODSTOCK, ONT- og eT KNIGHT pa Jeg 8S CO” LIMITED Burk’s - MONTREAL, QUE. | | June 6, "1906 *. = | reasonable that as the cost of pro- | duction was much increased that | the price of the finished article _ should also go higher. The mill- men do not get the benefit. The _ difference is diffused among the workmen, the manufacturers who pply machinery, etc., and in many her ways it is returned promptly d directly to general circulation mong the people.” ‘A feature of the industry these ays is the continued activity of American lumbermen regarding British Columbia timber. Not a veek goes past but some prominent operator from south of the line ecures limits, and in the interior, too, a number of transfers of aulable mill properties are taking The development of the future promises a good market, and lumbermen are getting in readiness to take advantage of it. i?) THE BARBADOS MARKET. | Company, of Barbados, in their “market report of May 12th, say: ~ The only arrival during the fortnight _ is the schooner ‘‘Maple Leaf”, from dgewater, N.S., with a deck ad of 97,000 ft. white pine for | this port, which was sold at $19.10 round. Market for both this de- Scription and spruce, while not heavily stocked, is somewhat easier, wing to the crop being very far dvanced, and consequent slacken- in demand, but we think a | couple of cargoes of white pine and spruce would still sell readily at ‘remunerative prices. Shingles— » schooner ‘‘Evolution”, whose tival we reported in our last, had 1,000 clear white cedar laying 649,000 extra No. 1, which sold at $2.25 per M. for ner, and $1.60 per M. for latter. ul t WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER -_- ROSSED PULP WOOD St. Gabriel Lumber Co. Limited ; St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que, J.B. Farwell & Son f . Contractors and Dealers in GEDAR TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AAD ELEGTRIG. LIGHT 4 _— ~~ POLES N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. ARDWOOD FLOORING “a Oswego, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Market is well stocked with all descriptions and demand is very light, but should improve as soon as the approaching rainy season sets in. Shooks—Receipts consist of 397 bundles ex S. S. ‘‘Parima” from New York, which we under- stand were sold at $2 per bundle. Stocks are very light and are hardly sufficient for crop requirements. A lot of 440 empty return puncheons have been imported from New York, which we understand were sold to the trade at $3.15 each. HOO-HOO CONCATENATION AT LONDON. Vicegerent Snark James G. Cane has announced another concatena- tion, to be held at London June 29th. It need scarcely be stated that London is the home of Brother Donald Ferguson, the genial Supreme Arcanoper. He promises to make the meeting on June 20th the banner concatenation which has yet been held, and no member should miss the opportunity of being present. The railroad and hotel accommodation is first-class. Each member is requested to bring one candidate for initiation into the Hoo-Hoomysteries. This is important. . LUMBER PRICES AT CALGARY. Retail prices for lumber at Cal- gary, Alberta, are as _ follows: Common 1 in. boards, 4 in. wide, $18; common 1 in. boards, 6 in. wide, $21; common 1 in. boards, 8 in.wide, $23; common 1 in. boards, Io in. wide, $24; common 1 in. boards, 12 in. wide, $253 cedar boards, $1.00 per M less than above prices. 2x 4, 12 ft. to 16 ft. D 1s & 1e spruce and fir, $24; 2x6, 12-ftto 16 ft: D- 1s °S& re THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : HIgh Grade Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. ‘Prompt reply to enquiries ror prices, etc. by Mail, Wire or Phone. McLennan Timber Land aNd LUMDEP GO., timitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES» Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. End Matched, Bored, Polished - and Bundled - LHMON BROS, xr. ffice : 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO - . —Our Prices will Interest You— WIARTON, ONT. SARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER 6O., unre 604 Temple Building, Toronto > MILLMEN-— Cash buyers all kinds HARDWOODS Cable address ‘‘Quartered Toronto.”’ Codes, A.B.C., sth and Lumberman’s spruce and fir, $24; spruce and fir, $21; 2x 8, 12 ft. to16 ft. D is & re spruce and fir, $24; 2 x 10, 12 ft. to 16 ft. D 1s & 1e spruce and fir, $24; $1.00 per thousand for every .2in. over 10 in. wide; 50 cents per thousand tor every 2 ft. over 16 ft.; 2x 4, 10 ft. same price as 2 x 4 20 fti; cedar dimension, $2.00 per thousand less than above. 3x4 to 3 xX 12 up to 16 feet long, spruce and fir, $25; 4x 4, 4 x 6, 6 x 6, up to 16 ft. long spruce and fir; $25 ; over6x 6 and including 12 X 12, 16 feet, $23 ; 50 cents per. thousand for every 2 feet over 16 tt. No. 1 6 in. shiplap, $23; No. 1 8 inch shiplap, $25 ; No. 1 Moun- tain flooring, 4 in. and 6 inch wide, $38 ; No. 2 Mountain flooring, 4 in. and 6 in. wide, $34; No. 3 Mountain flooring, 4 in. and 6 inch wide, $27; No. 1 Mountain ceil- _ing, 4 in. and 6 in. wide and 1 in. thick, $37; No. 2 Mountain ceil- ing, 4 in. and 6 in. wide and 1 inch thick, $33; No. 3 Mountain ceil- ing, 4 in. and 6 in. wide and 1 in. thick, $26; No. 1 Mountain ceil- ing, 5-8 in. thick, $26; No. 2 Mountain ceiling, 5-8 in. thick, $23 ; No. 1 Mountain siding, 6. in. wide, $38; No. 2 Mountain siding, 6 in. wide, $34 ; No. 3 Mountain siding, 6 in. wide, CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long fe and short:lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- ' bec. ° . ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. ay MIE Se ~ BOSTON, MASS. Ill $27 ;, No. 1 Mountain siding, % x 6 in., bevelled, $27; No. 2 Moun- tain siding, %4x6 in., bevelled, $23; cull cedar boards, $18; cull cedar shiplap, $19; No. 1 Coast cedar siding, 14x6 in., bevelled, $34; No. 2 coast cedar siding, 1/2 x 6 in., bevelled, $30; No. 1 Coast flooring, 1x4 in., edge grain, $46; No. 1 Coast ceiling, 1x4, $42; No. 1 Coast ceiling, 3x3, $30; cedar lath, $5.50; pine lath, $5.25; fir and spruce lath, $4.75 ; No. 1 cedar shingles, $3.50; No. 2 cedar shingles, $3.00. The Saginaw Lumber & Salt Company, of Sandwich, Ont., recently sold 500,000 feet of low grade lumber to Detroit parties at $18.50 per thousand. Holden, Pres, F, J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mg H. Goff, Vice-Pres. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. A. F, Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in Timber, Lumber, Lath and White Pine. Shingles Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, Norway and Fir, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LiMiTED Millis: LATCHFORD, ONT. Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. North Tonawanda N. Y. seas GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO - ONTARIO We Offer DRY MILL CULLS 10 Cars 4/4 Sidings 2 ‘* g/a "to and i2 2 ‘* 5/4 1 ee 8/4 Rate low; price fair Ge LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY [S It your Wish... An Advertisement in the ‘‘Wanted’* and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman, Torento CACHE) BAY LUMBER _ INDUSTRIES. ——— Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE \ \ = Band Circular CACHE BAY, Ont, Cc. P. R, \ : “eee Gang * miles West North Bay UMBER anD LATH CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS Juné 6, 1906 THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. | PEMBROKE, ONT. r Dimension Timber in all We are now sawing and can take orders fo Send us your enquiries. sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. To ears OTTAWA, Can. BASSWOOD! SPRUCE! size or quantity. Before placing your order drop us a line for ‘prices. iss oi ee Wi Oooo PEDWELL & LEMCKE, preety i Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Correspondence Solicited. — Bank St. Chambers. BIRGH! In any grade, MANUFACTURERS OF .« + e+ « Rail or Water Shipments. ie aot Wate Sttenieete Se Bue WN oiFak Se ee oes: We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with ‘mills solicited. A. W. EYER @ CoO. ‘A 43 Adelaide Street East TORONTO, ONT. ALBERT J. DELAPLANTE WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - N.Y. FOR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, | OWEN SOUND, ONT- Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. SPRUCE BIRCH ELM | RAILWAY TIES HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES PINE CEDAR &co., &eo., Se. B.C. FIR B.C. CEDAR Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,¢00,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. and up, 11” x 11” and up, for sale at a low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, °° stiting”"”" QUEBEC F. M°CIBBON & SONS, "™=™guo™ Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF Lumber Co. Lumber Co. | White and Red Pine MILLS ne ethene 7 igomte - -, Ont. | Lumber and Lath oo’? Branc Manning Arcade, Toronto ° Water Shipments a orrices| Coristine Building, Montreal. And at Mills at Spragge. THE M. BREANEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GD., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON We Buy, WHITE OAK |Planing and Matching Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Piae, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. = TORONTO SARNIA - . . BUFFALO THE ONTARIO LU M BER 09 sires Mitts: North Bay. C.P.F. sre G.T.R. Delivery asad. & T. CHARLTONacer K ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— ar ; ; 3 LUMBEHR ana TAT ra Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. ; { } Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. 5 MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LA AND SHINGLES. one Ta. Building L ORONTO, Or if Mixts : French River, com Bay d Water Shipment Only. —IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orilliz Bill Timber up to 4o feet long, 16 inches square and under—quick ry Drop us a line describing your wants PLANING, MAT : aud we will gladly quote you prices. SIDING, “FLOORING, ‘MOULDING! WM. J. PULLING & CO.| |.) = WINDSOR, ONT. Ty Mea Ot oni JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. PLAYFATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT. OWEN SOUND ONTARIO, Contractors for Rallway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty .-. - MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuf We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED) Ne ee ee eee tua mah lie) TORONTO, ONT. © Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchant: Lumber Manufectured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers ¢ Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. => HARDWOOD FLOORIN End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List { A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto 4.8 Factory, Meaford, Ont a iy I HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN — Zz MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OA KH, 8, Br 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, ‘ End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire-batimg. . . « Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ; 3 ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT Queb Spruce, White Pine, White and Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles are is AY: picid seis ie oe Feuer: antes amen June 6, 1906 CANAbA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION me v. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OE Lewae| | Haeberle Lumber Co. | ASk Your Ticket raed LUMBER and TIMBER for tickets via the WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Ml Yellow Pine Timber a Se YOU viecton Tet Mill Work. | Minneapolis, St, Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points RE aN C inl ‘ . NIAGARA FALLS, N. ¥. east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. THE BONSACK MOV ESTaSMO@OM) | ccc eeenee LUMBER | Free reciting chaic cas Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling : Dining cars. WHOLESALE HARDWOOD S IRE As agnaueet For full information, address California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent Rob S Ss Paul, Mi S T. LO UIS | C. A. SPALDING & CO. or Jas, poy G. P. hoe ¥ ; Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH. Wis Milwaukee, WIRE OR | é THE OLD MACHINERY or plant, or tools for which you have no present use, might ‘p AHO INS $ be sold or rented to some other reader of the WEEKLY LuM- \ : ¢ BERMAN by the investment of a few dollars in advertising. CVSESVVVVSVESSSSVSVEVSSSSSTVS SEUSS | | Jo. | RAI L MAI lL: CRSESVTTVVVVVVSVVSVUVVA SECU TUS 0s 38H | | | | McCLURE |UMBER CO. Te OMCTEV TIMBER & TAND CO. weet | HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS ap Oe oe Ae eo LAND CO. | YELLOW PINE AND OAK HARDWOOD LUMBER Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty gues SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. 106 Michigan Trust Building - GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Mill: EUTAW, ALA. [HE ROBERT H. PEM cmc c curr BURY & NOBLE. wason a non CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF WHOLESALE | LUMBER - DETROIT MICHICAN YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine "Timbers a Specialty BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ASIN aaa a sh haat eae ARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER - (4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL | Wood Brokersand Measurers | .. WOOD AGENTS ee Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpoo Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Keith Bde “41% Barrington Stree - Sena us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. _— Cabel Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC lic F. A. Lighthody. & Co. GANT & KEMP g TIMBER, KER WOOT) BROKERS 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW Si > BR Cable Address: ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B. C., At, “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE ; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. See nage a ce eee __ Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondsncs SONS Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports n the Uni Telegrams and ables: : ‘“Woodfeller, Codes : Zebra, Western Union, Southards, and | OUlS BAMBERGER, * “timcs'sc'""| THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. bet ae Address ‘ ee London.’ IMPORTER OF Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: epee Res meee ee Cash advances made against ranches : Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS shipping documents. : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. SR cemeiigen pr IP Pe Gat peancron oe DIRECTORY CODE ~| JEP OWEN HG, UTD zsanese.”” Rock Maple Logs aaa Planks. Logs. Wood / gents and Brokers Timber Importers | Sv. . azso All classes of Lumber and Gacafacturch Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’? Liverpool, Eng. | Wood Goods Se ak for the Englisd Dee Re CRT 9 nr ee Cable Address : “GELLICHT," LONDON 57 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England ST JXMES WEBSTER & BROTHER | Peo cele) Bee. COMPANY BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERCHANTS ,. WOOD _AGENTS AND > BUYERS OF fii i MCR -iverrocl and London Champers ENGLAND VeneersA Specialty CABLE ADDRESS “DOBLE LIVERPOOL " | L andi Pb 8 oe th i , "* we e vi CANADA LYUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION June 6, 1906 —— De nc E. H. HEAPS & CO., aie ax B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Ww. tee SGEFPARD,. LEESIDERT W. L. aes couver, wc. None » On ubaushe MANUFACTURERS OF ed FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER : Ove cae LATH, MOULDINGS mbet Cc TURNED mais { ene ae aS VER, B: HICH GRADE Coa” cou RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO THE RED DEER LUMBER C0. Manufacturers ot SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH MANUFACTURING cn BWFSHE SORA BUP oe SPOT BL Oe RRO Ldeledlenladaiadiad -/ / SHINGLE Ss All kinds and Grades Straight or Mixed{Cars Jequiny sonidg j00q 000‘000'or Ayo¥dey [enuuy Te svonids 000‘000'9 Ajrovdeg [enuuy LUMBER ORDER OUR SPECIALLY TRIMMED AND i “READY - TO - PUT - ON” q i) | DON’T YOU DARE BET GO RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING ||| | or give up the idea of handling our SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH . i merely because we have been unable to fill your orders for several months. We were unfortunate enough to run out of stock so that we could not take care of the spring trade. Correspondence Solicited Our saw mill has now been running full capacity for over 6 weeks and we are in a position to fill all orders promptly with pe, new stock, All mail should be addressed to THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK, Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE: JUNCTION, C.N.R., Manitoba, q We use the American Lumbermen’'s Telecode. —Write DIRECT to— © Saw W. F. HUNTTING BAC. Red Cedar - SHINGLES ' Lumber Gompany, Ltd. VANCOUVER IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR 1906 CALENDAR WRITE FOR ONE. IT A CORKER} ; ; Soar th tte! L . j 4 ‘ ‘ 1k ue Teas sit Wag Nuk means vise aa atx wi gaia Le June 6 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vit. E. H, HEAPS, : J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER Day We handle onty the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH FELBER, JUCKER & CO. H. D. WICCIN Boston. mass. J, D. SHIER LUMBER C0, AIMITED Planing, Matching, Resaing, ete. ieee Importers 89 STATE ST. RACEBRIDGE. In Car Lots. Manufacturer of MANCHESTER ENGLAND will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for eae eee erie Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings Invite offers from “screrpemiel cae Ks mage LATH AND SHINGLES End-Matchd ruce Deals and Battens, Spruce and Pine LOG RUN Fine, Hardwood and Hemlock, Floorings and Bored HARDWOOD FLOORING Fle are Beka, fee ok sashes, Moule aes, Dowels, and Cciliaee, Sash anu Doors, Chair Stoc Bt, or an ete, All Dressed Lumber 1 Kiln Dried if desired ber Kil rain Gultapiete Eugiian Market ¥ | Elm, a Bass and Renee Hardwood | End Matched Flooring a J RE aac a MOHIn a One ORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. e e - ’ a Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. c00D PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited. "Phone No. 54. Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, RAT PORTAGE AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. (Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. ADDRESS... RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. D C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND MANAGER. a ee %, 'Y THOMAS cca E H. H. SPICER, ESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. . P WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. Shipping Capacity is I, 500,000 Shingles per Day joe y BY , “OSS ee WS SET Sad ee ee . f ‘ 3 vin. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION jude-6, 190 ae nti good strips : ‘ ams mill ay beac AND oO co a4 : ID. scores censeeeee 35 CO oo | Pine O, culls....... {) GURRENT LUMBER PRICES WHOLESALE (ssw: BE 2 ae Sea eet = BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N-¥. OOO TEUEE F GRAD D0 2 Amen enne coneeee «+» 40 00 45 00 are: x” stocks, WHITE PINE. es good shorts: 7.8,9 and 10”.. . 16 00 17 00 i ni a 4 00 4 00 praca ty less, (fine (Wholesale selling price.) TORONTO, ONT 13% in... 00 40 00 ressing and B.. 24 00 Uppers, 1, 1%, 144 and 2 H 40.00 Ce Ce Ube Gee Ee Boe +++. 4000 4400| Hemlock....... . 13 00 in, doe be Gece 00 i CAR OR CARGO LOTS. ito iy A Mgrs It 00 geseweed: ones "18 00 23 00 aged ein eee! 2 oo | Shelving, No. r 33 in oa ress! Lath - Z 7 pinch No.1 Pine | Hemlock rcs to Sin 16 00 1 oo aiding... 37,28 00 27 00| No.x white pines¥'x4 00 4 50 silts ini -0. 73 00| No. enc. . rar ae —— Se tard tech, 1846, oes Ob Pine, No. x dressing No, 2 white pine.».. 3 50° 4 00 aE Ee 7 me nS 5 ps 1% inc F Ls z - la chiB.c. cedar! 9 strips...... «» verse 2000 2800] Spruce, millrun..... 3.00 3 5° ie atid a es'eisinipie U athe Ne on posters 5 50 oe i Cate Soa “a - kiln dried. go 00 ce No.1 dressing 8 Red Pine, mill run.. 3 00 350 A fad Siar = 00 0: # Moulding Strips, 42 00 Better.......---+ 5600 58 00| Clear inch B. (on cedar Pines See Agal Meee Bh) 2] Shingles Fine common, 1 in. 57 00] Barn, No.1, x2in..... 37 00 by 1% in.No.2 Pine m air dried boat lumber 55 00 ten 12" tola6tl. euekaalo0! dagin xxxx, 18 inch.......- 325 375 1% and 1% in..... 59 00| 6, 8and xoin...... 32 00 cutsand better..-. 44 00 46 00 | Douglas fir dimension Pine, 8s. c. and bet- Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 275 3 25 AW se scn cash olan 61 00| No. 2, 10 ins....++. gO 00 No 2 Pine Cuts __ timber, up to 32 feet 34 80 ter 17 to1@...... 20 00 2100| ** 1B inch.....sse-+6 170 200 80 00| No.2, 12 in:.....++ 3100 and Better... 4600 48 00} Fir spore: edge 5 ie Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 79 00 24 00 | White Cedar Shingles a ay No amine 85 ss a 3; TO iN. e esses 26 00 J 1% inch ee coliga' ofll's oa Note Bae 4 Pine s. c. strips.....+ 15 00 18 00] xxxx, 18 inch........ 35° 4 00 i) o. 1, rin. 45 00 s 0. 3) 12 ID... 2.00 a7 co hee oe ag Ge aaa 4 a ot 4 Bano Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 52 18 00 Clear Butt,x8inch.... 2.75 3 35 oN a ee ies 20 ie . ihaaes as as * getter 3 . 4200 44 00] 13 in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 4% 2 so Pine, boxboards.... 1400 15 oo] xx, 18inch.,......-. 170 200 No. eae ee od, teu ER ne in, Pine Dressin: 1%” No.1 32” pine lath 210 No. a, i 3 00 1xI2....... oe h 24 00 ‘ and better Sper. 23.00 24 00 een No.1 att. Tiemiack lath 3 50 SARNIA, ONT. No. a, co edt and 1% od oo| ixIzandup...... 3¢ oo 1x4, 6and 8 common 20 00 21 00 XXXX Pine Shingles 295 300 RS. t NO. 327 ccccccsese 35 00 xh and 1% & 2in.. 2400 1X 10 common.....- 2I 00 22 00/ XX PineShingles .. 225 2 30 3 teas I! KIO", seeeeeeeeecees +2500 Dressing 1%in...... 42 00| Mill Culls,z.......- 2000 1x 1zcommion...... 23 00 24 00/X Pine Shingles .. 95 +=1in., 8” and up wide.. - $79 00 2” SID cows cnevnclec cele 27 00 1x10 und 12...+4. 44 00 1%, 1% and.2in aI 09 310 common...... 21 00 22°00) XX Cee 225 2 30 a 1% and qi’ a EA 77 ee ¥: 13 oi up BBE emeanc Z re! : 2and gx12 common. 24 00 25 00 B, C. Shingles 24%andj F . K 4 ANG § ..- eee eeees — inch box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 315 ‘ +. 94 00 1% x 6” and up.......- . 27 00 . OMMOR ....----++ 2002 I 00| XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 37 SELECTs. TUX 10M... eee ee eee ee . 28 00 Inch mill runsidings 21 00 22 oo | XXXXX 5 to ain. : 370 1 in,, 8” and up wide 69 ey NS, KTH. wocidan aig ooae 30 00 BOSTON, MASS. rin. millrun...... . 21 00 22 00| XX No. 2, 6 to2 in } a 'g0 0 1M; as aa Ue "67 00 1% x 6” and up........ «2700 white Pine Uppers, 1 tozinch ...... .... «++++-$84 00 to $86 oo. 1x10 and 12 mill culls 17 00 18 00) XX *' 6 to 23-16 in. . = | " oe eae WGK ION «2 nee te cece eons 28 00 — Selects, 1 to 2 1MCH...-seene ceeeeeee seeeeeceerenes JO00 75 OO 1 inch mill cull Sid- Red pine, clear rs 3 Fr 8 134 X12". eee eee eeee 3000 = Fine Common, x in@ht. st saesar seers ot sedeseceoMORiOR Po co Hig Woscoeee ape .16 00 17 00 apdiciens face... 23 00 24 co eee ee oc Dae sea se eeweceee ae £02 INCH, cece sens car caries eee 65 00 tin. dcad cull id gs 12 00 13 00 | Red pine, common - E . X TO ewe veer ceerccees No. 1 Cuts, nae op eisls oe ojels en's.oou 0 pate Velpieeeiae et co 00 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 00| 2”....+..00s.+---+ 14 00 1700 =yin., Be maprepipades- es 2” KZ"... cece ecee neces + 20 00 Hinde ogee wos aia ine | eee I ‘sees §8 00 NO. I BARN. No. 2 Cuts, 1 in seeeceeeccee seecevereneceacses GO OO 31 00 | HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. “ j Ash White, sts and Soft Elm, mill run 21 00 22 00 sree 09 OO ies int blac «$27 00 to $3500 pan Pe a ae oe ee 4S = 47 - : ands, 1 to 2in....$33 00 35 eo | Rock Elm, common FINE COMMON. my, 1% ee 33 oo to 35 00 Ne Bone ccososbeses ae 33 > 39 Ash, Black, iste and and better, rin 25.00 26 00 1 ik ig 3 . 48 00 to = oo 2% and a 4 ped Neg Bakes sap sientiec es? "=e ae a ake Soo in 30 00. 32 00 | Rock Eim, common 1%, 1% 102" |. $5.00 56 00 Agee : EL Bvep cesite connec ca saee abet ; | Ash, Black, miil> and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 fof zand 4”.. 7800 8600 No. 2 BARN Gerace szgand ai saad = iL coweenecneabe 23 00 24 00 | Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 00 NO. L CUTS 54 ‘ ro and 12 in, random lengths, 10 ft. and up...... xa Birch, common and Soft Maple common Re tre : Lins... . 24 0010 2700 DUAN |" oxs, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, 35 5° better Tin....... 24 00 25 00|. andbetter, rin 2100 2200 1 in,, 8” and hp wide... 37 00 1H, 14. and 2 25 00 to 27 00 ae anal caps Birch, common and Maple common and 1% in. - + 47 00 2% and 3”. 2900 ai other random lengths, 9 in. and umder, 10 pais? smeiier,g4t0 im 26 02 37 00| better, 1 to3in 24 00 agen Of ee He oer Cai eee ois see eee 2 fy Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, ists 2%and 3” ++» 6200 | rim.........-+- 21 00 to 23 00 sin. carcdin See boards, 8 ft. & up,p.rs edlond and better, 1in.. 22 00 24 00 and andS........ 4600 s000 4 ++ 62 00 1, 1% and 2” 21 00to 2400 =F pe 1x3 furring p. 1s clipped and b: en te = ad Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, NOv2 CUTS EE St sin sie ccieeins 23 00 134” spruce laths ......+0+ 480. dares bet tte ain 24 00 2 OF eae igu tena ties eink sae oa Aes BOX. aS nee ees 460 2 I see» 33 00 ” Soft Elm, common an andes) deeb ss 70 00 75 00 ” y ad x xr”, 1%, e and better, 1in.. 2400 25 00| Hickory, ists and A “ a = pe seeenees 15 oo to 20 00 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Soft Elm, common andS........--.- . 36.00 3800 3% 3and4” “ * 49 00 No. I mill culls, as and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 ©628 00 , te 1,1%, 1%, 2” 16 00to 18 00 ree : ib NO, 3 CUTS. ; MILL CULLS. 245 a OTTAWA, ONT. 1 in,, 6” and nD AGE: +» I9 00 Mill Ran Culls 1”, 1%, 1% 215 2 = MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, ip and 16” ase ave anda”, . cetenc heteeae OD er teh 4 Kaen ve reeeygerey 4 % age fa Sy io, and up foe 4400 Nn ee ae 2%, gand4” “1... 30.00 Neorg : 13 00 in. and 1% in x, een sRbie 5 Notaibe barn... 21 o2 22 00 MILL RUN. 6 LATH, BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES, o. a a ear oo oo {| 1x8 & o No.2 - 18 00 20 00 Now't, 927 8S 5. een nce oe 3 Cedar Extras oe 2in.x 7in.and up 52.00 56 oo | Pine Shorts 6’ to ‘tr! x = Bt P No, 2, ar Sf wuip duns ap mis 4 éo —_ Bur aye -“ LS s +e No.2 cuts 2x8”8aup 34 00 36.00| x10” ..,... ......1700 18@0 \”x6and8".... No. 1, 48” pine...... eres ais 450 a Perfections, Ie tote: 45° 2 COR C) UN 60) 3 q Q)65 So °o S ° The pe Sound Lumber it Limited J. B. MILLER, President. W. B. TINDALL, Seeretary-Treasurer. a : Manufacturers of g © ROUGH and DRESSED . Ds So e (=) _ Pine, HEMLOCK * HARDWOOD LUMBER Sc {~) So f-) Lath, hingles Box hooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. ONALIAGIALGIALIAS OOS OSs GeseosGosGo ae ms Ss Ss GeO Tal) ° (~) > * * Ss So 0) {=} ° Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO Telegraph Codes: Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. oS f~) S ‘o (©! Toronto Telephone Main r1or6. 2 CS) So ‘oO ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. So ©9) {~\ S, Oe {-) .*) aN o ) c) a Uw LES SIZD° 2 S () x * 4 : . “~ WEEKLY CANADA LUMBERM “AND WOOD-WOR EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, evsry week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBE VoL. XIV TORONTO, MONTREAL: — JUNE 13, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER R PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD — No. 14. —— CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the neipal manufacturing districts and leading septs and foreigu wholesale markets. A WANTED AND FOR SALE ~ bs _ Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the Sldth of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- vertisements anak received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on esday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue Eel ered WELL CONNECTED IN , dumber circles, desires partner in lumber brokerage business, Toronto. Box 389, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Ap eareD — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrmcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. WANTED. y= TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ- ate lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, KEENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. WANTED SH, BIRCH, BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, Rock Elm, Hard Maple, and Hickory in Logs, lumber and dimension sizes. Spot cash. “Inspection at mill. Please quote prices f.o.b. at shipping points. W. J. GORDON, Box 295, Windsor, Ont. FOR SALE LASH TABLE WITH SIX SAWS, SPACED for 18” shingles, two No. 88 chains for each Saw, variable friction feed and other late im- provements, capacity 200 M shingles per day, all complete with countershaft-pulleys and box- es. A first-class machine only used part of one season and practically as good as new. THE RipeEAvu LUMBER Co., Limited, Ottawa, Ont. ‘Timber Limit For Sale : gated TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned. until July 3rd, for the purchase of Timber Berth No. 90, North Shore of Lake Huron, containing approximately fif- teen million feet of pine. mostly virgin timber, and ten million feet of large size hemlock. Timber all on south half of berth, short haul to _ Whitefish Riverand Georgian Bay, making easy ration. In close proximity to proposed Manitoulin Railway. For further particulars apply to TRADERS Bank, North Bay, Ont, \ / FOR SALE. IVE HORSE, REBUILT, SLIDE VALVE steam@engine. BRUCE AGRICULTURAL WoRKS, Teeswater.. FOR SALE. IMBER LIMIT CONTAINING ABOUT twenty million white pine, fifteen million spruce, Box 230, Sudbury, Ont. WANTED—2%4” BIRCH C & B,1” BLACK ASH common, 1” cull soft elm and basswood, cedar and tamarac, 1”, 6/4”, 2” black ash c. & b. and cull, x” and thicker soft maple... R. E. KIns- MAN, Hamilton, Ont. ROCK ELM AND ASH WANTED ILL PAY HIGHEST PRICE FOR SEVER- al cars rock elm, black and white ash, cut 1%”, 13%” and 2”. Cherry lumber, all sizes. Box 388, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED. PERSON CONTROLLING LARGE tracts of timber would like to meet with mill man to operate same on shares or on stumpage basis, Apply CANADA LUMBERMAN, Box 357, Vancouver, B.C. FOR SALE N NEWFOUNDLAND, 224,000 ACRES OF white pine, spruce, fir, hackmatack, poplar and birch timber land with 30,000 h.p. water power, suitable for either a lumber or a wood pulp operation. Government royalty only 50 cents per M. Address LUMBERMAN, P.O. Box 385, St. John's, Nfld. Small Timber Limit for Sale RIBUTARY TO GEORGIAN BAY, VIA French River, or can be operated on C.P.R. Toronto-Sudbury Line. Limit easily operated; witbin short distance of railroad and can be worked either winter or summer; ten (10) years operation for medium sized mill. For particulars address ‘‘WoopsMAN”’, Penetanguishene, Ont. FOR SALE NE HIGH SPEED ENGINE AND 1§s0 light dynamo (almost new), made by West- ern Electric Company, Chicago and New York. Has often taken 50°/, of over-load, and is in Ar condition. Also a30x 12 double surfacer (new), found it too heavy for my work, A splendid tool, weight about 9,000 its., will sell for cash or on terms, or will take lumber in payment. G. W. MurrAY, Royal Planing Mills, Winnipeg, Manitoba. TimDér Limit FOR SALE Fifty square miles in the Swan River District, Province of Manitoba. Apply to HERBERT MATTHEWS, 41 and 42 Merchants’ Bank Building, Winnipeg, Man. FOR SALE N THE TOWNSHIP OF WIDDIFIELD, VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND TIM- BER LIMITS, comprising 300 acres of land, with a living stream running through it, Valuable quantity of virgin pine on the limit. The saw mill has a capacity of 40 M. feet per day and is complete in all its appointments, with boarding house, dwelling houses for men, store, offices, ice house, store houses, stables, barns, well equipped black- smith shop, camp outfits, sleighs, wagons, trucks and everything required for lumbering operations. We offer this valuable property at a great bargain. Address THE ONTARIO UMBER COMPANY, Limited, Rooms 35 and 36, Home Life Building, Toronto, Ont. hee SALE—500 CEDAR POLES, LENGTH butt ; piled on G.T.R. siding. Mrs. S. Moore, AWYER AND ENGINEER WANTED FOR small saw millin Aiberta. (Circular saws). Apply, stating wages and experience, to WM. RUTHERFORD, Strathmartin, Alta. XPERIENCED LATH MAN WANTS TO saw lath by thousand in Northern States or Canada. Address, T. M. Dovucras, Plain City, Ohio. FOR SALE NE HUNDRED M1,2AND 3 INCH HEM- lock, 1905 cut, low price for quick sale in one bunch. Box 390, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. VV ANTED — QUOTATIONS FOR MAPLE roller blocks. Sizes and full particulars given on application to W. & S. SUMMERSCALE’S fone Parkside Works, Keighley, Yorks, Eng- and. : ; HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED ANTED TO CONTRACT. FOR LOGS, TO be cut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet. Address Box 377, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. STS WANTED. ONSIGNMENTS OF SPRUCE AND HEM- lock lumber, N.B. shingles and laths. Knott & Sampson, Wholesale Lumber and Commission Dealers, Lumber Manufacturers Agents, 20 Central Street, Boston, Mass. FOR SALE. WANTED IMMEDIATELY NE LATH MILL FOREMAN, TWO GANG edgermen, one cant setter to handle crane, two carriage riders, one trimmerman. Satisfactory wages. Twelve months’ run, barring accidents. Climate excellent. Davison LumsBer Co., LTD., Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. OR SALK—12,000 CAPACITY PORTABLE saw mill, situated on G.T.R. siding, 160 miles north of Toronto ; practically new outfit ; over. CAnADa LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE LARGE AND WELL EQUIPPED HARD- wood interior fittings factory and plant, almost new, doing a growing and prosperous trade, a fine opportunity for a company to se- cure an established and going concern at a Small Timber Limit and Mills For Sale At Penetanguishene, Ont. years. Owner going West. Penetanguishene, Ont. Address, D. DaviDson, ANTED—600 M FEET 1’ COMMON PINE sidings, to be delivered three cars per month for one year, for cash. Dopps, ANDER- SON LUMBER Co., Toronto. OR SALE—ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND feet of 1” hard maple, logrun; three years old; price for immediate sale, whole lot. f.o-b. cars our siding, $18.co per M. DopGE MANUF’G Co., Toronto. FOR SALE HE FOLLOWING BONE DRY STOCK NO. I common and better : 2" Hard Maple, about 25,000 feet “ee se oe oe 1%" “oe ‘ “ee ATOe I ‘ 31,000 “* 2” Beech, OY 2,000 ‘ 1%” “se ac 21,00: ae xr” “ce ae 8,000 ae 2” Birch, "18,000 %°* I n" Ltd “se 21,000 ae White pine, two cars 1 x 12 stocks, sound box, dry. W.B. BARTRAM &Co., Ottawa, Ont. NEW TERMS OF SALE. At a meeting of the Board of Management of the Ontario Lum- bermen’s Association held in Toronto on Tuesday, June 12th, new terms for the sale of lumber were agreed upon. It was unanimously decided to make it a rule of the trade that hereafter all sales should be made on the following basis as to terms: 1% per cent. discount for pay- ment in 15 days from date of ship- ment. I per cent. discount for payment in 30 days from date of shipment. Net sale, 40 days. No discount to be allowed after 30 days. Freight and duty to be cash. The action of the Ontario Lumber- men’s Association should receive the hearty endorsement of the trade in general, as it has been realized for some time that lumber was being sold on too long credit con- sidering the length of time which the manufacturers carry the raw material betweén the stump and the car. Shorter terms of credit have been adopted throughout the United States and there is no reason why Canadian lumbermen should not take steps in the same direction. The tendency in other commodities is also towards shortening the time allowed for payment. The M. Brennen Sons Company, of Hamilton, are reported to have purchased a timber limit of 10,000 acres in Nipissing district from J. R. Booth of Ottawa, for $50,000. If. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The strength exhibited by white pine lumber has been a disappoint- ment to buyers who predicted a break when the new cut got in shipping condition. Some new stock has been moved, but prices are no lower, and this notwith- standing that yellow pine has been offered in some cases at slight concessions from the high basis recently reached. The manufactur- ers of pine are standing together on the presnt price level, and so far as can be learned. are offering no concessions to buyers. The quantity of purchasable lumber is limited and will all be required. In Toronto trade is still good, and dealers are busy figuring on bills of building material. Hemlock is almost as firm as pine and is in excellent demand. Hardwoods are not particularly active and there is some diversity of opinion as to prices. Mill run basswood is changing hands at $18 to $19 at the mill, although some manufacturers are asking $20. EASTERN CANADA. The log drives are again attract- ing considerable attention owing to the probability that a considerable quantity of logs will be hung up on the St. John river and branches. Some drives are already stranded and others are dependent upon the rain-fall of the next few days to keep them moving. Recent rains have helped driving operations on the St. Maurice river, in Quebec. Though a number of logs are hung up on some of the creeks, most of the mills will have enough to keep them going till late in the fall. Because of a demand for an in- crease in wages not being complied with seven of the large saw mills at St. John, N.B., are closed down and 500 men are idle. The deal pilers have been receiving $2 a day and demanded $2.30. While the mills KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. will be temporarily handicapped, the shut-down will operate in favor of those having lumber for sale. The New Brunswick cedar shin- gle market is barely steady and offerings of Extras are now being made in a few instances as low as $3.60 for Boston delivery. UNITED STATES. The weather during the past two weeks has not been altogether favorable for the growing grain crop. Whether this has exerted an unfavorable influence on the lumber business cannot be definitely known but the fact rernains that consider- able uncertainty exists in respect to prices. Dealers are delaying their orders under the impression that there will be plenty of lumber and that they will be able to make favorable purchases later in the year. Already it is said that yellow pine and spruce have declined from one to two dollars per thousand feet, but there has been no break in white pine or hemlock. Much de- pends upon the harvest. It the production of wheat and corn should approach in volume that of last year, it would do a great deal towards sustaining lumber prices. No harm can be done, however, if prices should seek a slightly lower level, as consumption would. be stimulated thereby. It is estimated that the hemlock output in the East- ern States will be less than last year on account of the smaller demand for bark. There bas been no weak- ing in the price of hardwoods, nor could any be expected in view of the slight appreciation which has taken place during the late period of prosperity. Basswood and birch are selling freely but are somewhat plentiful. GREAT BRITAIN. Although the lumber trade of Great Britain has been disappoint- ing in point of expansion, prices in most instances have been maintain- KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Fairview Cedar Lumber Co. va ed = 14? (ae) “PMY a tr June 13, 1906 ed. There have so far been no consignments of pine deals and this fact has given buyers more confidence. Spruce continues very firm, with little probability of early weakness. A cargo of several hundred standards was recently sold at £8 12s 6d per standard c.i.f. Manchester, and at a recent public sale in London some first quality spruce from Batiscan, Que., sold at £13 158, and second quality at £9 1os and 49 15s per standard. A small quantity of 3 x 11 inch un- © assorted from St. John, N. B., brought £10 10s. Birch is showing more weakness than any other class of lumber. There seems to be very little demand, and of the 1044 logs which arrived at Glasgow last month, the greater quantity were stored. Sales were made as low as 1g cents per cubic foot for 16% inch ‘average. Birch planks have sold from the ship’s side at 48 5s per standard. There is considerable inquiry for sawn oak lumber one to twoinch thick, and for planks cut to special dimension for waggon building. STOCKS AND PRICES. Donald Fraser & Sons, of © Fredericton, N.B., have 20,000,- 000 feet of logs in the Temiscouata district in safe water. They also — have from 8,000,000 to 10,000,000 — feet on the Tobique river in safe water. Dunn & Gregory’s drive ot about 5,000,000 feet on the Le-— preaux has also reached their mill. — The log drive of Randolph & Baker, on the Blue River, is report ed to have been stranded for this year. James Hallett, of Millville, is” out of the Grand river with 7,000,- ooo feet for Randolph & Baker. — Frank Whitehead has 4,000,000 — feet out of the Little river for the same firm, and John E. Moore has a drive of 5,000,000 feet on the — Salmon river in safe water. John — A. Morrison has about 3,000,000 ~ feet hung up at Priestley’s Rapids and John Kilburn about 3,000,000 feet, at same point. It is reported — that W. J. Nobles, who is driving for . Cushing & Company, has 16,000,000 feet hung up about 75 miles above the corporation limits. — HE WOODSTOCK LUMBER. & MANUFACTURING CO. Wholesale Doalers in PINE, HEMLOCK LUMBER. CAN SUPPLY Hop Correspondence Solicited. vt J Samples by Vancouver, B.C. Manufacturers of ....-+-+-+-s. Rough and Dressed Cedar Lumber and Laths We Manufacture Cedar only and have the largest stock in the Province. P.0. BOX 45, VANCOUVER, B.C. eee GORDON & CO-_ Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LOMER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries, At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and cbout the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here ia Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS MASON, 80 St. Francis Xavier Street WHOLESALE | YU MBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, YELLOW PINE or OAK. * WE Correspondence Solicited. : a WANT TO BUY ~~ rh 2” and 3” RED and WAITE CEDAR SHINGLES. SPECIAL A quantity of 8, 9, 10, 12, and 14 and 16 ft. Cedar Posts. Telephone Poles 25 to 50 feet. Poles and Ladder Poles in pine and cedar. Special bills tor small sizes in pine and oak, . Send for Catalo Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds. 1", 1%", 14” and 2” Chestnut, : 1’, 14%", 134” and 2” Butternut, os THE MSLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE. WOODSTOCK, ONT. and HARDWOOD KNIGHT BROTHERS CO | il LIMITED Burk’s Falls. - MONTREAL, QUE. June 13, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill > : THE OTTAWA VALLEY. me) (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) % Orrawa, June oth, 1906.—The remarkable feature in the lumber trade of the Ottawa Valley recently is the steadiness of prices. In all the principal lines a high standard was reached before the cutting operations became brisk. Some speculators had anticipated a drop when the season’s output began to reach the market, but sales continue ¥ to be made at advanced figures. Lath affords a striking example for continued high prices. When the upward tendency became notice- able a few months ago, some buyers held off, expecting more favorable conditions by this time, but they are now submitting to demands nearly twice as high as those of a _ year ago. Recently a firm advanc- ed quotations from $3.50 to $4, but there was no diminution in the sales. Four dollars is paid now where the current rate was $2 50a year ago. The orders are coming in so fast that car loads of the green product are going out every ‘ day. The No. 2 brand of white 3 pine at $3.50 and $3.75 finds a ready market in Montreal and the immediate vicinity of Ottawa. The & better class at 50 or 75 cents higher is nearly all shipped across the border. The larger shipments to _ the British market may be estimated from a statement by the Booth firm f that it has sent twice as much deal across the sea up to the present ‘ time as during the corresponding -_ periodlast season. An equal active ~demand exists in the American market for shipping cull grades, while the pine culls are quickly bought up in local circles. ? The shingle trade is keeping pace ___ with the other branches of the lum- ber industry. The best grades go ne CANADIAN - LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared a to purchase White Pine and eo Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- > bec. . . ADDRESS : CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. R ‘Roam 5’; - BOSTON, MASS. _ J.B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in . OEDAK TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES Oswego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. Bank St. Chambers. BIRGH! your order most rapidly, and for XX XX cedar shingles an exceptionally good price is paid. As the 1906 drive reaches the city and the lumber kings see it pass through the mills they realize how the logs are disappearing from year to year. Consequently more labor has to be expended for a cer- tain quantity of manutactured lum- ber than before. With the con- stantly advancing rate of wages this condition accounts very important to the manufacturers, in fact, they say this has more to do than any- thing else with the rise in the price of lumber. About October 1st, the J. R. Booth firm will have their new paper mill in operation. After this Mr. Booth expects to make more money out of his spruce than formerly. The output of the mill will be 100 tons a day, all of which will be the brand of paper used for newspapers. In order to get sale for this large quantity the firm will push into the British and Australian markets. In looking over the new mill it was observed that sawdust is to be used for fuel. Carriers have been constructed for this purpose and the designers of the factory believe they can effect a plan where- by the boilers can be ted for at least nine months of the year trom the sawdust of the lumber mill which is now consumed in an incinerator. The saving would be $200 or $300 a day, for it is estimated that it re- quires half a ton of coal to produce a ton of paper. Mr. Booth’s new paper mill-is equipped with three Pusey & Jones machines trom Welmington, Del., of a more up-to-date type than is found in most of the factories of the Dominion. From 150 to 250 men will be employed and the num- Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. "Phone 113 THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade|/Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese “Box Hoons and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Pilates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries ror prices, etc. by Mail, Wire or Phone. McLennan Timber Land and LUMDEP GO., vimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of Write for Prices. BASSWOOD! In any grade, size or quantity. Before placing TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. OTTAWA, Can. SPRUCE! drop us a line for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. ber will be increased with the establishment of the sulphite mill which is to follow. Mr. Booth has plenty of spruce on his older limits but will draw most heavily from the recently acquired area in the locality of the Montreal river, where he has contracted to cut at least 20,000 cords per year. COOPERAGE STOCK. Referring to cooperage stock, the Sutherland-Innes Company, of Chatham, Ont., say: The general trade has shown a decided improvement, and a great many of the larger consumers are now placing their contracts, or ask- ing for quotations with the view of placing contracts. The production of staves, we believe, is going to be even lower than has been estimated, and there is no doubt that if there is any shortage it is going to be in staves, as while the quantity of heading manufactured is much less than in ordinary years, we believe there will be enough heading manufactured to take care of all the staves. Hoops continue to be compara- tively plentiful, and prices are still about maintaining their own; in some cases, the smaller manufac- turers are offering hoops a shade below the average price, and ap- parently there is not going to be any shortage of hoops this season, unless we have a very wet summer, which will prevent the trucking of green logs. To sum up the situation briefly, —————— WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER ROSSED PULP WJ0D St. Gabriel Lumber Co. Limited St. Gab-iel De Brandon, Que. Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. we should say that prices are being maintained all along the line, with very few exceptions, and with the increased demand, which is bound to come very shortly, prices will be higher, more especially in staves. — The situation in tight © barrel material is about the same, the de- mand is about equal to the supply and in some lines, more particularly in the heavy and larger staves, it is difficult to supply the demand. BIRCH SQUARES WANTED. An English firm of timber im- porters desire to purchase a quan- tity of Canadian birch squares, % inch x % inch x 3 inch. Parties interested may obtain the name and address from the publishers of the CanaDA LUMBERMAN. A. F. Holden, Pres. F. H. Goff, Vice-Pres. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. J. M. Diver, Gen’1.-Mg E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers 1n TIMBER LUMBER LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine. and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. =— SARNIA, ONT. AND THE IMPERIAL LUMBER GO. LiMiTED Mills: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng, LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. seats: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOGK TORONTO - FRG chien aE a A a Dn We Offer DRY MILL CULLS ‘ 10 Cars 2 ae 4/4 Sidings 4/4 x to and '2 5/4 | ee 8/4 Rate low; price fair Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. eevee... R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KEnT, Sec’y. R, S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. CBRQVGOCS BETEVVTVVVSBVVVEVTVSESVVATAO SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. VPRVVCVSVVVSTVVIVVSSF -VBVAABO CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - GSircular CACHE BAY, Ont CEE Ga e 26 miles West North Bay UMBER and LATH Iv. CANADA LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION June 13, 1906 CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited RILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Machinery. Best Workmen. Send us a trial car. End Matched, Bored, Polished HARDWOOD FLOORING tage conde STHMON BROS, zrp 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO - —Our Prices will Interest You— igure - TAD oT ee We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. W. EYER 2 co. ” 43 Adelaide Street East TORONTO, ONT. DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, In6. WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - N.Y. POR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try , JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT- Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. Office : SPRUCE BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIES HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES PINE A CEDAR &c., &e., &c. B.C. FIR B.C. CEDAR Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. and up, 11’ x 11” and up, for saleat a low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, ®"*s.Ee""" QUEBEC F MCCIBBON & SONS, PENETANCUISHENE Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited | White and Fted Pine et oe agoee aah Ce Ree 55 | Lumber and Lath Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES Coristine Building, Montreal. ° P And at Mills at Spragge. THEM. BREANEN SONS. MAMUPAGTORNG. G0, LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Water Shipments Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON We Buy, Sell and Deal in WIARTON, ONT. |- all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P‘ae, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, R LAIDLAW LUMBER C0. THE ONTARIO LU Mi BER 9s sures Mitts: North Bay. C.F}. rc G.7.R. Delivery ‘WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Hone 4 Suilding 1 ORONTO, Ont. } Mitts: French River, Georgian Ba : Water Shipment Only. fh acesd. & T. CHARLTONeacare ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— a4is LUMBHR ana LAs Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. t Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. Lions Head, PEDWELL & LEMCKE, «1. MANUFACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber OF. mile bas Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Correspondence Solicited. Rail or Water Shipments. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. Ll. WHITE. PILLAY FATR & WHITH — Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH » SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT. Contractors for Rallway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty ... .» MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. e ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chambers, = TORONTO, ONT. Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. => ONTARIO. HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List { A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT Cco., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK — Hh, %, er. 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER | J. S, FINDLAY - OWBN SOUND, ONT. Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles Quebec | OWEN SOUND, © June 13, 1906 CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YoU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS | BY | RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR | ‘PHONE | _) McCLURE LUMBER CO. Manufacturers { HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS A er YELLOW PINE AND OAK Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. Mill: EUTAW, ALA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty | Haeberle Lumber Co. WHOLESALE Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISGONGIN GEATRAL ALA Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P, A., Milsyauteca Wis LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOw PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES, Yellow Pine Timber a Special! y. nterior Trim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber Soft Yellow Pine Finishing C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH. QOS VEVVESSEGSVESTEUGU OOVOB8B8E8® Di Wo ¢ THE OLD MACHINERY or plant, or tools for which you have no present use, might be sold or rented to some other reader of the WEEKLY LuM- BERMAN by the investment of a few dollars in advertising. se ee te te tte Sp te ee Ye te ec ee a eo ‘oe Ee eo & a io te a te SO J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building ~ BURY & NOBLE © mason a. nose LUMBER - DETROIT - Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN “FRANK C. BURY MICHIGAN: BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE Cabel Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale St.,7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, Fic PAR LLL SSG 2G ORS ETI BIE SS TS II TE II ET EET GL CS EE SO EEE TLR Ts SEED F. A. aca; & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND BROK HRS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: B.C., Ax, ‘‘Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United eiedor, espondence Solicited. | OUIS BAMBERGER, 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. IMPORTER OF ——r Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS DIRECTORY COD GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood 1 gents and Brokers Cable Address : “‘ GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OOF cs om Pope pane and He Ing, Handies of ail d Tr Veneers Aide uate Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Grey Elim Logs and Lumber, Elm i escriptions _| SMITH & TYRER = (4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyrER & Co., Keith Building, 4114 Barrington St GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 62 St. Enoch Sure, GLASGOW BROKERS Cable Address : ““TECTONA” Glasgow. Ax and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes : Pes tars Western Union, care and London.,”’ AS 4th and 5th Editions THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents. dUSEPH OWEN & SOND, LID. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Branches : MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF Waite Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. wok pare Logs and Planks. Rock Logs. Hickory ee MeALISO. «* « All ctawuee ine Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods suitable for the English Market ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY -WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS’ Liverpool and London Chambers +. LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABI,E*ADDRESS * DOBLE LIVERPOOL ’ 3 caus Le ee $$ i “ort, E. H. HEAPS & CO., “*"itiuse Wancouyver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE EDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. W. Jj. Bella ll ial) bd ty MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER - C Ors * : ef LATH, MOULDINGS Lum mb TURNED WORK + G. as yER. © HIGH GRADE Or ANoOU RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO Ww. L. Lia dke peleaesge MANAGER ncouver, B.C. mited THE RED DEER LUMBER CO. Manufacturers ot SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH | SHINGLES All kinds and Grades Straight or Mixed Cars LUMBER ORDER OUR SPECIALLY TRIMMED AND “READY - TO - PUT - ON” RED CEDAR BEVEL SIDING Correspondence Solicited Iequiny sonidg j04 000‘000'0h Ajroedeg Tenuuy "WyeT sonidg -_000'000'9 Ajoedeg Tenuuy ef} DON’T YOU DARE KET GO or give up the idea of handling our SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH merely because we have been unable to fill your orders for several months. We were unfortunate enough to run out of stock so that we could not take care of the spring trade. Our saw mill has now been running full capacity for over 6 weeks and we are in a position to fill all orders promptly with bright new stock. All mail should be addressed to THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK. Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, C.N.R., Manitoba. —Write DIRECT to— W. F. HUNTTING Lumber Gompany, Ltd. VANCOUVER We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode, ictacor SHINGLES IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR 1906 CALENDAR WRITE FOR ONE. IT IS A CORKER June 13, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. E. H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President . UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umirep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. * Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000.00 SHINGLES PER DAY 4 We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH rh FELBER, JUCKER & CO.|H Of). WICGIN poston, MASS. | J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. RAO. BRIDGE, Lumber Importers 89 STATE ST. aawork eee Manufacturer of MANCHESTER ENGLAND will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings Invite lumbermen, able to cut Birch +: RUN i a ty End-Matchad HARDWOOD FLOORING squares 7/8” x 7/8” up to 3”’x a for OG and Teele ‘Sash anu Does S Wood erates s o write for specifica- . All = vl making, to w p Elm, Ash, Bass an d other Hardwood soar bette ee lee if dered Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity, Connasrowoance Souiciran, GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY | 9° S-,chennene soticitea. Sevens toon Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. 54. 4 Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, RAT PORTAGE AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. APPRESS RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. HEAD OFFICE D C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND MANAGER. RIM THOMAS gp gf Hale oe H. H. SPICER, ESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y | Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vaneouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. Shipping Capactey is I, 5hOO,OOO Shingles per Day I fo) : aes) good strips : aria, ae La bl srl ccose 1500 od 73 Sabood nner at sac o | Pin Bos scene 19/50 CURRENT {UIMBER PRIGES-WHOLES ALF rns and 1h -. 38 00 40 00 | Spruce, 134" & ip 19 8315 00 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N.Y. EARS Bots Pi - 00 ce, 1” stocks, WHITE PINE. Pine, ome shorts: 3 .8,9and 10”... 16 00 00 ——S = in. 6 oC Gagne) 30 00 prasad 1 clear (fine : (2 (Wholesale selling price.) TORONTO, ONT. bi in. and 1% in , yi 2 ees and B.. 24 og Uppers, x, 1%, 1Mand2 40 90 Gab On cancoitons: te Wg A Sidings. trie | Hereone le es cae * Bo eS Iv escageeeeeeee es 2 ID seveseeeceene 42 00- Pine, No. =. dressin Bey |" sae So NS alain * oe 24 and 3 in....... Shelving, No. r, 13 in. ; 1 Inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4 to 8in 16 00 17 00 aiding e Ae ar Ge Lath, per M A in, Gea sane Fas oe | manag iy eee 45 00 cuts & better...... $49 00 51 00] 2x4 to 8 in.,10 to 16ft. 17 00 18 00° 3 Ese! as enaae 7 No. x white piner}i"x4 00 4 50 Sel ects I ift,......... 73 00 | No. I Molt’ st’ps 1to2 1% inch Nor 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 18 00 19 00 Pines No. 2 a 8 No, 2 white pine.... 3 50 4 00 tO Ziittsans>a00% 72 00 so Ootea aeons 5 50 cuts and peter 53 00 55 00| Clear a .C, cedar, Pine’ No. T° dressing deme ta See ee ; es A oe and 3 in....... 85 00 No. 2 Moulding Strips, - ; 2” No 1 Cuts an kiln dri Ane 50 oO ’ 4m penn dtecte esescve 96 oo E COS ails inca sowiey 42 08 Better.....-.-++++ 5600 58 00| Clear inch B.C. cedar ree 5 cae 18 00 22.90 Pine Shingles Fine common, 1 in. 57 00/ Barn, No.1, 12in..... 37 00 1% in.No.2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55 00 - ter 12’ to 16’ 42/001 2 xxxx, 18 inch......-. 325 3 75 1% and 1 in..... 59 00] 6, 8 and 10 in...... 32 00 cuts and ime ‘Cuts 44 00 46 00 DouEies Set 4 Pic sia euandeers 400) Clear eer winch .. 2.75 3 25 2 in. se eeeeenenceee pa o0| No. 2, OIDs. seeeee 30 co No 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 32 fee 34 80: Pais xx: 18 inch......---+. 170 200 ieletetnata aatepeerons 00 042) 12 is. + eres 1 00 and Better........ 46 00 48 00) Fir flooring, ean Pine aac: idings 3 ie: 2 ue White Cedar Shingles seeserecerenss 85 00} No. 3, XO Il.eccccee % oO 1% inch No. 3 grain......+..0.- + a2 0c lege ter ee ¢ 3 00 8 oo | xxxx, 18 inch........ 35° 4 00 cag uP. ate 1, rin. 45 00) No. 3, 12 in.....--- a7 co cuts Bre ea a 41 00 42 00 gars No. 1 4ft. Pine git ae Pine, s.c. shorts..... 1352 1800! Clear Butt,r8inch.... 275 3 35 e Bee Cats, seeee bales Box, pir fae 21 oC 2 No 3 Cats and 400 | ie a UiL tach 440" go Pimey Boxboanda, 40 a5 9011 | =, AB facina dso. 79 S900 We atalino ated) aces 24 O° tin. Pine Dressing 1%" No.1 32” pine lath 210 No. 2, 1%, & 1% in 43 00 BEYA orn, 24 00 and better shorts 23 00 24 00| 134” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 3 50 SARNIA, ONT. No. 3, 1%, and 1% 3200] IxIzandup.. 26 00 1x4, 6and 8 common 2000 21 Oo XXXX Pine Shingles 295 300 EE EES! . 7 No. 3:2") vaelessets 35 00 1% and 1% 24 00 1x 10 common 21 00 22 00| XX PineShingles .. 225 2 30 WY KIO’ wees eeeerene - 25 00 Dressing 1% in...... 42 00} Mill Culls,z.......- . 20 00 1X 12common 23 00 24 00| X Pine Shingles .. 95 1in.,8” and up wc - $79 00 wi sara’ Seas bile sine «+. 27 00 1x10 und 12.444. 44 00 1%, 1% and 2in ai ool 2X10 common.....- 21 00 22c0| XX Cedar Shingles 2 25 2 30 i ih, 1% and 2” is - 77 00 1” x13and up.. ++. 28 00 2and 3x12 common. 24 00 25 00 B. C. Shingles 2% and 3” % . 86 00 1% x4and §”.,...-.---- $25 00 rx1o inch box and —— 6 butts lone in, 315 4” -» 94 00 4 x 6” ane MD) ois ceatem - x ps common ....--.--- 20 90 21 00 XX 6 to 23-16 in. KaKY/ "SELECTs. IY, X WOM .-. ween enone . Inch mill runsidings 21 00 22 oo] XXXXX5tozin.. B70" Se ar ean wide... 69 00° 18 x 12"... .0s saddest 30100 BOSTON, MASS. 1 in. mill run...... | 21 00 22 00| XX No. 2, 6to2in.. d ls "6 1% x 6” and up........ «2700 white Pine Uppers, 1 to2inch...... .... «++++-$84 00 to $86 00 txroand12 miliculls 17 00 18 00|XX “ 6to23-16in. 230 1%, 1% BOOS ve ee eles UG RTOS os cricceste >see 2800 —_ Selects, 1 to 2 inch. : 7000 95 00 "inch mt eutl Sid Red pine, clear aplend ce Bro |g Rng 0 go 00 ime Common, nine llc vesevevvvesrnnvnnn 6900 6 08 Cee SS : eee Sen 1600 17 00 and clear face... 2300 24 co seve 89 2” x 6’ and up.......... 27 00 $0.2 TMCH,.. .ee0cnce vwav aso sienpeiee 65 00 I is. cena cull sidings 12 00 13 00 Se pine, common FINE, COM. AND BETTER. 2” x To”. See adondecmaugces lac No. 1 Cuts, I tiie aan 3 44 00 45 00 1% inch Flooring .. 27 00 28 06| 2”........ rit iogaao) 1400 1700 yin., 8” and me vies ... 56 00 Pe oh Odea sericriq sara a0 2 + 20 00 to 2inch...... 53 00 60 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. ’ 4 and 1% ag 2 a6 Y NO. I BARN. No. 2 Cuts, | Cinch a - = ar = Ash White, 1sts and Soft Elm, mill run 21 00 22 oo oes Pinte. e gene «$27 00 to $35 00 mare Rodeda Me.at |... cee a5 4 cp he ands, 1 to 2in....$33 00 35 00 | Rock Elm, common FINE COMMON. 1%, 1% and 2” 33 oo to 35 00 ‘No. 2.1: ; a so » Ash, Black, 1sts and and Bettets 1in.. 2500 2600 1”.,... te etaees 48 00 to 60 00 2h and 3”..... 2 op Moo a ped oA 2 DO DEUCE RAMs: FOC APLAR Ailes since BN ae ae | barman OO!) Ye. NO. 3. are ce essen ens ganas, t to ain. 2/00) 52 00) ROU ee ain oo, apenas. geen | ns sori s2gand 1 in, dimension. ears Mith Peele oie sae 23 00 24 00| Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 oo | s . bape ta odactehe age oe aa: Birch, common and Soft Maplecommon SA Sweet Tints. seater 24 00to 2700 «=: 1. and 12 in. random lengths, 10 ft. and up ...... 24°25 better, rie BR ARG 2400 23500| and better, Iin 21 00 2200 ae 8” and up wide... 37 00 1%, 1%, and Z6 25 00 to 27 co 2x3, name ae = 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, ns io. Birch, common and Maple common and 1% in. a coe 47 CO 2% and 3”. 29.00 ign rane nie die Moet ie eal ia eeeell + gar We better, 1% to3in 26 00 27 00 better, 11% to3 in 24 00 25 00 1% te “ Fe 8AT Oe NO. 3 BARN. Pee pps eten ie 9 in. and ‘under, oe 2I 50 22 50 Birch, millrun.... 21 00 22 00| Maple, millrun...19 00 2000 2 by dee “= 49 00 3 5 in, and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.1s Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, ists 2% and 3” ++» 6200 | yim..........-. 21 00,t0 2300 | Bit Sontice boasda nae ele A 2 bs) and better, 1in.. 22 00 24 00 and onds........ 4600 5000 4 ; ++. 62 00 rag, 1d and 2” 21 coto 24 00 a fea slisnes co aes Pere Basswood, common Oak, white, plain NO. 2 CUTS ae 23 00 154 51 as th ng p. 1 8 clipped Ka, bundled .. 2209 ‘i ’ ’ 4 (eee hia | eae 19” spruce laths -.....++ssseseeeeeeee neenia tee 4900 and bet., 1% to2zin 24 00 26 00 ists and 2nds.... 44 00 46 00 a 4 i Basswood, millrun 20 00 21 oo | Oak,quartered, sts ag. éhand URy pice: FOG BOX. 174" stniataisisfs = (p= vipints © ot tenes enecees 375 Soft Elm, common “¢ and ands.........70 00 75 00 14" xe os i’, 1% ; pad better, 1in.. 24 00 25 00 Hickory: ists and > 4 2! “ $2 Cree 15 00 to 20 00 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Soft Elm, common 2QHOS. je. ca ecs .-. 3600 38 00 4“ oO. 4 ee culls, and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 28 00 2%, 3 and 4 11%, 1%, 2” .16 0 to 18 00 HEXtEAS ---.+-eeeees seeseeceen soseesensessnsnagnns be 3 75 NO. 3 CUTS. ; 3 MILL CULLS. : 245 a OTTAWA, VA. ONT. rin., 6” and up WES ... 19 00 Mill Run C n 1% Clear Whites .. 215 2 on MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, 1% and 134” - «+» 23 00 and 2" Se rThrt — Extra 1s (Clear whites ‘out) I 30 I 40 Pine, good sidings: orto NAT hae bees 26 ren eee s oe No. 2, a eS 00 Extra 1s (Clear whitesin)..........--+ 145 155 1in,=7in. and up 40 00 4460 | 1x10 Noa 2 * 22 00 e ae 7 ¥ in, and 1% in. = eae 1x8 & 9 No.x bs barn... 21 09 22 00 MILL RUN. LATH,. BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES, in. and up...... 48 00 oo | r=! a No. -. 18 00 2000 INO. 15:52" ‘6 ccceescreres X 2in, x a ee up £2 00 ne Pine Shorts 6’ to 11’ eae pte eS oS a a 38 No. 2, oe RRB one ayo CE eae hed Coder a, Ee ee we se No. 2 cuts 2x8”S&up 34.00, 3600] X10" ...... seseee 1700 1800 xGandB"...cce 21 00 | No. 1, 48” pine.».-sess.-+= 4 50 2, Bockectabrua. Wikia toad teen 4 45°. ‘s) ‘} 2 2 2 2 So J SF 2g oS S oS oS oS J J } J } oS J 2) So oO oS So ‘ J 3} So oS So So sJ S 2 So oS So ‘J 2 oS 2 So So Ss 2 So, & ‘J So ‘J LILI OOOO NOOO S (s) °o {s) ° (=) (s) °o fo} (o) {>} is) fo} o °o fo} ° fo} fo) fo) ° fo} {=} °o °o fo} fo} fe) ° o (2) odo fe} f=) {=} ° oO ° ° fs) °o ° ° fs) {<) °o ° is) (o) ° {-) fo) . A _ The Parry Sound Lumber Co., timitea J fs) S So J. B. MILLER, President. W, B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. 2 a ° 2m ‘2 INAS, 00) 2) ‘ S, 9, ‘2 ‘2. SS Manufacturers of DG cS ROUGH and DRESSED a PINE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER © 2S fs) So S S ° So, ‘o ____ Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Etc. = Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at OOS eee fo) Tote) . PARRY SOUND, ONT. 2 Ss 2 Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO 2 g Toronto Telephone Main 1016. ireieetaph Codes : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. . ox ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. DS |. 7 > 2, 3 DR oO - s5 4 BANK, North Bay, Ont. CANADA The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 P Bd WEEKLY EDITION per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, evsry week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD _ VoL. X1V TORONTO, MONTREAL — JUNE 20, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER No. 15. CANADA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: _. 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the rincipal manufacturing districts and leading Rociestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly mediuni of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber ucts at home and abroad. The outa, Lumberman— A 44-page. journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue ~ENTLEMAN, WELL CONNECTFD IN lumber circles, desires partner in lumber brokerage business, Toronto. Box 389, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED. PERSON CONTROLLING LARGE tracts of timber would like to meet with mill man to operate same on shares or on stumpage basis. Apply CANADA LUMBERMAN, ‘Box 387, Vancouver, B.C. WANTED. NE TO TWO MILLION FEET OF PINE and hemlock logs, either mixed or separ- ate lots. Advise stating location, average per thousand and lowest price. Address, KbENAN Bros., Limited, Owen Sound, Ont. ' WANTED SH, BIRCH, BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, Rock Elm, Hard Maple, and Hickory in Logs, lumber and dimension sizes. Spot cash. Inspection at mill, Please quote prices f.o.b. at shipping points. W. J. GoRDON, Box 295, Windsor, Ont. Small Timber Limit for Sale RIBUTARY TO GEORGIAN BAY, VIA * I ¥rench River, or can be operated on C.P.R. Toronto-Sudbury Line. Limit easily operated; within short distance of railroad and can be worked either winter or summer; ten (10) years operation for medium sized mill. For particulars address ‘‘WoopsMAN”,, Penetanguishene, Ont. ‘Timber Limit For Sale ay TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned. until July 3rd, for the purchase of Timber Berth No. 90, North Shore of Lake Huron, containing approximately fif- teen million feet of pine. mostly virgin timber, and ten million feet of large size hemlock. Timber all on south half of berth, short haul to Whitefish River and Georgian Bay, making easy of operation. In close proximity to proposed _ Manitoulin Railway. For further particulars apply to TRADERS Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- XPERIENCED LATH MAN WANTS TO saw lath by thousand in Northern States or Canada. Address, T. M. Doucuras, Plain City, Ohio. WA4NZED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SImcozE Woop AND LUMBER Coke Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. Be FOR SALE. IMBER LIMIT CONTAINING ABOUT twenty million white pine, fifteen million spruce. Box 230, Sudbury, Ont. i, Fok SALE—500 CEDAR POLES, LENGTH 2§ to 40 foot, 7 inch tops, peeled s foot from butt; piled on G.T.R. siding, Mrs. S. Moore, Falkenburg Station, Ont. 4 *, > m x en WANTED—2%4” BIRCH C & B, 1” BLACK ASH common; 1” cull soft elm and basswood, cedar and tamarac, 1”,6/4”. 2” black ash ce. & b. and cull, x” and thicker soft maple. R. BE. KIns- MAN, Hamilton, Ont. oe ROCK ELM-AND ASH WANTED Wwe PAY HIGHEST PRICE FOR SEVER- al cars rock elm. black and white ash, cut 1%”, 13%” and 2”.. Cherry. lumber, all sizes. Box 388, Canapa LumBERMAN, Toronto.” x =a ae FOR SALE. A QUANTITY OF PINE, TAMARAC AND cedar piling. Can be shipped either by rail or water. For specifications, prices, etc., apply to THE WM. BrattTy Estate, Parry Sound, Ont. FOR SALE N NEWFOUNDLAND, 224,000 ACRES OF white pine, spruce, fir, hackmatack, poplar and birch timber land with 30,000 h.p. water power, suitable for either a lumber or a wood pulp operation. Government royalty only 50 cents per M. Address LUMBERMAN, P.O. Box 385, St. John's, Nfld. t FOR SALE (A. LARGE AND WELL EQUIPPED HARD- wood interior fittings factory and plant, almost new, doing a growing and prosperous trade, a fine opportunity for a company to se- cure an established and going concern at a great bargain. Box 391, CANADA LUMBERMAN, ’ Toronto. WANTED IMMEDIATELY NE LATH MILL FOREMAN, TWO GANG edgermen, ome cant setter to handle crane, two carriage riders, one trimmerman. Satisfactory wages. Twelve months’ run, barring accidents. Climate excellent. Davison Lumser Co, Lip, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia. OR SALE—12,c00 CAPACITY PORTABLE saw mill, situated on GT.R. siding, 160 miles north of Toronto; practically new outfit ; can be seen in operation any time during June; 400 acres timber land; young span horses; 3 sets sleighs; 2 wagons; plenty of timber tribu- tary to present location ; snap for quick turn- over. For further particulars apply to Box 392, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE N THE TOWNSHIP OF WIDDIFIELD, VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND TIM- BER LIMITS, comprising 300 acres of land, with a living stream running through it, Valuable quantity of virgin pine on the limit. The saw mill has a capacity of 40 M, feet per day and is complete in all its appointments, with boarding house, | dwelling houses for men, store, offices, ice house, store houses, stables, barns, well equipped black- smith shop, camp outfits, sleighs, wagons, trucks and everything required for lumbering operations. We offer this valuable Pre. erty at a great bargain. Address THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, Rooms 35 and 36, Home Life Building, Toronto, Ont, ; Mill Foreman Wanted HOROUGHLY COMPETENT ACTIVE foreman, for sawmill cutting upwards of 100,000 feet daily ; must be capable of handling 725 men, looking after machinery, and securing the best possible results from operation; must be educated, sober and highly recommended and an A No. 1 all-round man, no other need apply. Godd , opportunity for live man. Box 393. CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto.> VY AND — QUOTATIONS FOR MAPLE roller blocks. Sizes and full particulars given on application to W. & S. SUMMERSCALE’S faba Parkside Works, Keighley; Yorks, Eng- and. OR SALE—ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND feet of 1” hard niaple, log run; three years old ; price for immediate sale, whole lot, f.o.b. cars our siding, $18.00 per M. DoDGE MANUF’G Co., Toronto. FOR SALE. J FEET MORE OR LESS 1” 60,000 hard dry*maple. Apply, Gotp MEDAL. Mkc. Co,, Lrp., Toronto. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO ; be cut next. winter, any quantity 2 to five million feet . Address Box 377, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont." FOR SALE. OO CEDAR AND .HEMLOCK POLES, 5 suitable for pi‘es and telegraph’ poles 7’ and up.at the top end, 25 to so feet long. Muskoka Woop MFc. Co., Huntsville, Ont. WANTED. ONSIGNMENTS OF SPRUCE AND HEM- lock lumber, N.B. shingles and laths. Knott & SAMPSON, Wholesale Lumber and Commisston Dealers, Lumber Manufacturers Agents, 20 Central Street, Boston, Mass. FOR SALE HE FOLLOWING BONE DRY STOCK NO. I common and better: 2” Hard Maple, about 25,000 feet 1 “ “a “ a a 2,000 13 ” 46 *e 14 “ ae 2” Birch, "18000 » *$ i “ Ly “a 21,000 “a White pine, two cars 1 x 12 stocks, sound box, dry. W.B. BARTRAM & Co., Ottawa, Ont. Small Timber Limit and Mills For Sale At Penetanguishene, Ont. Best mill site on Georgian Bay. With mills, dwelling houses, stables, store and 1,700 acres of hardwood bush. Lumber shipped by rail or water. Business established for over twenty years. Owner going West. Penetanguishene, Ont. NOTICE TO THE LUMBER TRADE Ata meeting of the Lumbermen’s Association of Ontario, it was unanimously decided that the terms of sale, to take effect MONDAY, JUNE 18TH, 1906, should be as follows: Cash Discount dating from shipment. 1% per cent. in 15 days. I percent, in 30 days, et. 60 days. No discount after 30 days. All freights cash. THELUMBERMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO, W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer, Address, D. Davipson, ANTED—600 M FEET 1’ COMMON PINE sidings, to be delivered three cars per month for one year, for cash. Dopps, ANDER- SON LUMBER Co., Toronto. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. There is talk of a weaker lumber market, but the prices at which manufacturers are holding stocks do not indicate any change. The supply is naturally increasing, but nevertheless it is difficult to buy any large blocks of white pine. Confidence i$ not waning, although for the next two months there may be a slight lull in business. The call for building lumber is as urgent asever. It was reported last week that about thirty million feet of logs had been hung up on the north shore but it, is probable that. the recent rains may have moved them. Nevertheless, the success of the drives is not yet assured. Pine lath are keeping close to the high price recently established, namely, $4.25 at the mill for No. 1. Dealers are cautious about buying at this figure, but the present outlook is that a large consumption this year @ill prevent a sharp break. EASTERN CANADA. The situation in Eastern Canada is daily growing more unfavorable in respect to the log drives. The water in the streams has fallen rapidly and a considerable quantity of logs are reported to be stranded, with very little prospect of coming out thisyear. This, in conjunction, with the shut-down of the St. John mills on account of the strike of deal pilers, has caused manufactur- ers to take a somewhat gloomy view of the season’s operations. production of lumber is almost cet- tain to be small and a continuation of even the present demand is likely to result in higher prices. New Brunswick cedar shingles are un- changed in prices, but spruce lath are somewhat weaker, the recent high prices evidently having stimu- lated production to an abnormal de- gree. The decline from the high point has been ab out 75 cents. WESTERN CANADA. The lumber trade of Western Canada is showing more activity than usual at this season of the year. The British Columbia mills have all the business they can handle and many of them are refusing orders on account of inability to a i ee =! their The - CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION make shipment as eariy as required. It is understood that a considerable quantity of lumber bas been yf ur- chased at the Coast mills for ship- ment to San Francisco and it is probable that other orders of a simi- lar kind will follow. The question of making a further advance in prices will probably be taken up at the Fall meeting of the Mountain Lumber Manufacturers’ Association, but this, we believe, will depend to some extent upon the western wheat crop. It the yield should be large, prosperity will doubtless continue for another year, and with it a brisk demand for lumber. Building opera- tions in Winnipeg continue. excep- tionally active, the permits this year reaching nearly $6,000,000. UNITED STATES. Spruce lumber is showing con- siderable weakness, more than has been witnessed for a long time. Values are down from $1 to $2. Frames 9 inch and under. have sold at $25 in one ot two cases, but when this is so the order has either been a difficult one or one for ‘prompt shipment. The majority will sell at $24 and one manufact- urer states that he will accept fnture business at $23 and $25. Random is also weaker, and sales have been made under list prices. Furring is offered at $20. At a meeting held at Boston on June oth to discuss the situation 80 per cent. of the spruce manufacturers of Maine, New Hampshire and Vermont were represented. It was decided to curtail the output 50 per cent. during July at least and to continue the curtailment as long as might be necessary to hold up the market. As yet the weakness in spruce has aot affected white pine, which is almost as active as last month. Box and barn boards are scarce at Buffalo and Tonawanda. Hard- woods are firm, with basswood showing the most activity. Birch sells well. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. BRILISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Vancouver, B. C., June 11th, 1906. — While British Columbia mills have all the business they can attend to, in fact orders are still behind in the filling, the path of the manufacturer has many thorns mixed with the roses. Prices for lumber are good, but the prices for logs are very high and very stiff. $9 for fir and $10 for cedar are the common figures, though the buyer who goes to the camps may get logs somewhat cheaper, as he takes the risk ot towing. Labor, too, is very scarce, and this is becoming a problem. Orientals who a year ago worked for $1.25 a day or less, realize that their services are indis- pensable, and demand and are getting as high as $1.75 and even $2 aiday in instances. Hindoos, since they began to make money working in the mills, are now coming to British Columbia, and their number is considerably over 1,200. They are a better size of workmen than the Chinese or Japanese, and can live just as cheaply. As far as they are con- cerned from the immigration point of view, they are not regarded as desirable, as they send away or take away all the money they can save. It is dificult to say just when mills will catch up with their orders. One manufacturer stated to-day that he is now filling orders three months old, and the people are glad to get the material... Mills are starting up in various parts of, the province, a number of Americans securing interests. G.O Buchan- an’s mill at Kaslo, which has been idle tor three years, has been taken over by W. E. Cooke, mayor of Harvey, North Dakota. The town has given him a bonus of »$5,000 and tax exemption for seven years. Three new mills are proposed for Burrard Inlet. Conditions in the shingle branch KILN-DRIED BIRGH “FLOORING Fairview Cedar Lumber oo of the industry are faiz, prices re- main the same, bolts are still high, and the scarcity of labor is affecting this as well as the lumber branch. Some shingles are exported to the other side, but the majority of the output finds a market in the Cana- dian west. The higher price and scarcity of lumber is being felt in Vancouver, and while building is not seriously handicapped, many frame buildings contemplated have not been gone op with. In the Kootenay, light snowfall last winter interfered with the getting out of logs, and summer logging has had to be resorted to. Now, low water is the drawback. Despite these conditions, it is expected the output of the Kootenay will reach 150,000,000 feet this season. Messrs. G. A. Lammars and J. P. McGoldrick, of Stillwater, Minn., who are principals in the Royal Lumber Company, are about to open up their limits at Nelson, B.C. These people also own 55 square miles of timber on Moresby Island, HEMLOCK SPECIAL June 20, 190 near Port Simpson, and have sent up A. J. Mulvey to Jocate more. They have in view the erection of a mill as soon as the building of the Grand Trunk Paciffc has pro- gressed so far as to warrant a market tor the output. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. _ (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN,. St. Joun, N.B., June 12th, 1906. — —Since last writing the prospect — for a good manufacturing season at © the local mills has received a severe set-back, in the form of a strike on — the part of the deal pilers. On — Saturday last a demand was made _ for an increase of wages amounting: a to 15 per cent. or for $2.30 per day, — where formerly $2.00 had been paid. Failing to receive a favorable reply the pilers at all the mills but three went out and operations have a tirely ceased for the time being. At the three mills mentioned the pilers are working at the $2.00 per day rate, but it is feared that it will be — only a matter of a day or two until — they follow the example of the We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., et manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. Cloverdale, B. C., HARDWOODS and Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock Lumper & Mre Go. | wt vt Samples by Vancouver, B.C. Manufacturers of ........ Rough and Dressed Cedar Lumber and Laths We Manufacture Cedar only and have the largest stock in the Province. an : P. 0. BOX 45, VANCOUVER, B. C. Keenan Bros., Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HENLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries, At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet .of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON PR.OKEN LOTS 4T QUTSIDE POINTS Limited MASON, GORDON &CO. 80 St. Francis Xavier Street wHoesst LUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCI Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. “a “WE WANT TO BUY -~ 1%", 2” and 3” Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds. 1", 1%", 134” and 2” Chestnut, dia 1", 1%", 134" and 2" Butternut, sa THE slender LUMBER CO, LIMITED, peeideoncs bide We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to iq order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood Send for Catalo Stock sizes now ready. . WOODSTOCK, ONT- KNIGHT BROTHERS LIMITED t is MONTREAL, QUE. ig % a June 20, 1906 2 others. It is generally believed that the strike of the pilers was but the beginning of a movement to obtain a higher schedule for the entire crews, and, taking this view of the matter, the employers, it is quite apparent, have resolved to go to almost any length rather than grant the increase asked. What the outcome will be is a mere matter of conjecture, but the trend of opinion leads to the conclusion that it may mean two or even three months of idleness for all the local mills. Reports from the upper St. John River indicate a disappointing finish of the stream-driving season, which began so auspiciously. Handicapp- ed by the scarcity of capable men and the unexpectedly {rapid falling off of the water, the contractors en- gaged upon the work have found it impossible in most cases to bring more than a portion of the logs. This is particularly true of the far up-river districts, where many millions have been abandoned. Day by day reports are coming in that add materially to the volume of logs thus situated and already exper- ienced river men are naming figures ranging from fifty to sixty-five millions of feet. - During the last few weeks the demand tor ‘‘American” deals has been marked by a certain slackness due no doubt almost entirely to present and probable labor troubles in New York City and vicinity. The general impression is that the _ depression is only temporary and that wich the removal of this ‘obstacle it will be a matter of a very short time only until the values of a month ago are again prevalent. The prospects for the manufact- ure of ‘‘American” logs intended to CANADIAN LUMBER WANTED We solicit consignments of long and short lumber from the Mari- time Provinces and are prepared to purchase White Pine and Hardwoods in Ontario and Que- bec. . . ADDRESS: - CHAS. S. WENTWORTH & CO. R Room sic; BOSTON, MASS. J. B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in OEDAR TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES Oswego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH! your order BASSWOOD! In any grade, size or quantity. Before placing drop us a W. B, BARTRAM & CO.” | CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. be sawn at local mills was below the average. This circumstance in conjunction with the fact that a large percentage of the logs will not come out this year, added to the probability. of continuity o! the labor troubles, all tend to the like- lihood of the volume of shipments of deals from this port to United States being, during 1906, much smaller than has been the case for many years. At present writing no important quantity is ready for shipment. It is improbable that a quotation could be obtained on any large quantity of ‘‘American” deals for summer or early fall delivery, but for such small quantities as are available figures closely resembling the following would be asked : 10’s and 12’s, $18.50 to $19.50 per M. ft. 9 inch, $15.50 to $16.50 per M. ft. 6’s and 8’s, $13.50 to $14.50 per M. tt. f.o.b. St. John. Charters to New York City by schooner are being made at $3.75 per M. ft. on deals and 80 cents per M. on lath. CONVENTION OF MOUNTAIN LUMBERMEN. The quarterly convention of the Mountain Lumber Manufacturers’ Association took place (in their rooms at Nelson, B. C., on Tues- day, June 5th, President F.W.Jones in the chair. Those of the members present were: F. W. Adolph, of Adolph Lumber Company, Baynes Lake; J. G. Billings, Yale-Columbia Lumber Company, Nakusp; J. F. Bridges, Coothers Lumber Company, Leclair; F. D. Becker, Staples Lumber Company, Calgary; W. E. Cook, Kaslo Lumber Company, Kaslo; D. B. Dalmage, Robinson-MacKenzie | Lumber Company, Cranbrook; J. Planing and Matching — IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, ~ FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 | THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade Hardwood Floor- | ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries ror prices, etc. by Mail, Wire or Phone. McLennan Timber Land | and Lumber GO., vimie Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. “SPRUCE! line for prices.-~~ - " 7 Deschamps, Blue & Deschamps, Rossland; J. A. Dewar, Porto Rico Lumber Company, Ymir; F.. W. Jones, Columbia River Lumber Company, Golden; M.B. King, King Lumber Mills, Cranbrook; P. Lund, Crow’s Nest Pass Lumber Company, Wardner; T. A. Ludgate, Big Bend | Lumber Company, Arrowhead; W. J. Robertson, Yale Columbia Lum- ber Company, Nakusp; Otis Staples, Otis Staples Lumbér Company, Wycliffe; S. Taylor, Standard Lum- ber Company, Fort Steele Junction; A. E. Watts, Watts Lumber Coim- pany, Wattsburg,and Geo. P. Wells, Secretary, Nelson. The meeting was taken up largely in discussing and fixing. standard sizes and in further going over the new grading rules, which are now in process of compilation and are about to be issued-in book form to all the manufacturers. ; ' Speaking of the meeting to a CANADA LUMBERMAN representative, Mr. Wells, the secretary of the As- sociation, said: ‘‘ It, has been es- tablished that labor is very scarce and every means is to be taken to obtain outside a supply of compe- _ tent and reliable labor for the in- terior mills. We think, however, that upon the lines we are pursuing to overcome this problem, we will . have an abundant supply before long. Wages are high and the employment is of the very best to be had anywhere.” Mr. Wells fur- ther stated it had been decided to let prices stand as they are at pres- ent, but at the next meeting, which WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER _ ROSSED PULP WOOD St. Gabriel Lumber Co. Limited St. Gab; iel De Brandon, Que, Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. will probably be held late in August, prices are likely to go up some, as the stocks at the mills, owing to the present great demand, will prob- ably be very much lower than ever before at that time of the year.” The faces.ot the different mem- bers in attendance, one and all, reflected the healthy and happy condition of the lumber trade, all seeming to feel that now they will be. able to make up, in part at least, what the recent hard times in the lumber trade has cost them. The Vegreville Lumber Co. have opened up a branch yard at Mun- dare, Alta., with J. D. McAllister in charge The business of this firm is steadily increasing. A. F. Holden, Pres, F. H. Goff, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mg E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mer The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60' long. —— SARNIA, ONT. AND THE IMPERIAL LUMBER GO. LimiTeD Mills : Branch Offices : TORONTO | - Manchester, Eng. ‘sei: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOGK LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. ONTARIO We Offer DRY MILL CULLS 1o, Cars 2 ‘ 2 ae | ee TORONTO ~ ye 4/4 Sidings 4/4 x 10 and 12 4 8/4 Rate low; price fair Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. Cc. A. LARKIN==— WHOLESALE LUMBER Shingles, Lath and Cedar Fence Posts. ~ ONTARIO CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Band - Sircular CACHE BAY, Ont. eh c. P. RB. \ > aa eS tat pil 2 Be ae a ee OS bee MN Of hh - SR 26 miles West North Bay Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Gane UMBER \ Pm: h ‘ wo LATH ang IV. CaNADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS i. June 20, 1906 THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT, We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material Send us your enquiries. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Machinery. Best Workmen. Send us a trial ear. STHMOWN BROS, trp 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. —Our Prices will Interest von ZB OW. EY © ee coe We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. » 43 Adelaide S t East A. W. EYER @ CO. = ray tet ONT. DéeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, !n0. WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - N.Y. FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber; Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try Office : JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED | We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT- Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. SPRUCE BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIES HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES NE CEDAR &c., &c., &e. B.C. FIR B.C. CEDAR poy taint in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. dup, 1” x 11’ and up, for sale ata low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, °° ghiting“”" QUEBEC PENETANGUISHENE F. MCIBBON & SONS, ONT. Manufacturers of Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber, and dealers in Cordwood Hemlock Bills cut on short notice. he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited [White and Fed Pine MILLS at IgomaDiat., On : Lumber and Lath > Bra ne Bs lace Toronto Water Shipments once Coristine Building, Montreal. °® d at Mills at Spragge. THE M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING CO, MED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mille at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SO THE ONTARIO We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P*se, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. ——_TORONTO== | SARNIA - - - BU FES EG af MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH “AND SHINGLES, = Hons Life Building ORONTO, Ont. ‘ # ‘Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. sf ; BRN, Cir. ce CHARLTONwa 3 ‘ ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— LUMBEHEF «ana LATH Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, Gnultle MANUFACTURERS ‘Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber OF ee EI ‘Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. | Rail or Wate Shipments. LUMBER C8 sures MAS North B A cay es Ha CTR. Delivery Lions. Head, Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE. PILAYFATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES BILL TIMBER a Specialty . MIDLAND, ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. pp ies tia and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty | of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. p by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Life Chamb TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Wolo 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basawone, Elm and Pine. Ammer: NS. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, An Advertisement in the — ‘Wanted’ . and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for yous babe: 9 or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada | Lumberman, To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY [S It uour wish. . HARDWOOD FLOORING ee MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK 3K, 3%, Zh, 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. : Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT. Quebec een . ht “ : tS. Gana ae 7 3 a Sy SORT tl ’ Peers seo) er ae by SOP ee Se ne a Oy ee Cable Address : ‘“ June 20, 1906 - CaNnabA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION s. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS — You CAN REACH | THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE DAR ON San STeLOUIS. | | shes i LMAIL IRE OR PHONED McCLURE LUMBER CO. onde HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS = YELLOW PINE AND OAK Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. Mill: EUTAW, ALA. egg ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWoORS Yellow Pine Timbersa Specialty | Haeberle Lumber Co. Ask Your Ticket et: for tickets via. the tl Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C, Ponp, Grae Milwauker,; Wis LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES, Yellow Pine Timber a Srccielt y- nterior Trim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling tong Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH. Soft Yellow Pine Finishing SSS SSS sll ss SCANS QBVGVSSTETEVUVSESVEVBUSTOR SUVTSUSESBED . |. BY 2 ¢ THE OLD MACHINERY ¢ or plant, or tools for which you have no present use, might be sold or rented to some other reader of the WEEKLY LuM- ¢ BERMAN by the investment ofa few dollars in advertising. ee ee ee eee ee ee te th ee ee eS OB 04866000 J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS FFICE: O 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN FRANK . sn: a BURY. & NOBLE mason A. Ge LUMBER -: DETROIT -- Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. | 5 a ‘WHOLESALE MICHIGAN —_____ BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measurers | Cabel eee A8arcees vars ‘Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale St.,71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, cue F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street { - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND OOD BROKERS | Cable Address; ‘“TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A.B.C., Ax, “Zebra and Private. | ees for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. ipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United | Kingdo respondence Solicited. | OUIS BAMBERGER, 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ IMPORTER OF Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods : Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & GO. Wood Agents and Brokers GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechureh St. London, E.C. England BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS O JAMES WEBSTER & prorren Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs and Lumber, Elm | Staves and Heading, Handies of all descriptions, VeneersA Spectalty , ~AOGEPHT OWEN & SONS, LTD. SMITH & TYRER - l4titobar street, LIVERPOOL .WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmitH, TyRER & Co., Keith Building, 414 Barrington St OANT & KEMP : TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW 2B y 0 K c R S Cable Address: ““ TECTONA” Glasgow. ' Ax and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes : ea Western Union, Southards, and Loudon,” Cc. 4th and sth Editions. THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against t shipping documents. MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs ao Planks. ak Logs and Pla Rock Maple Logs and: Planks. Rock Eim Logs. Hickory aca Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. -. ALSO ., All Aiekses ‘of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods sultable for the English Market ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY “WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool.and London Chambers ive LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABI,E ADDRESS * DOBLE LIVERPOOL ' CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION June 20, 1906 | VI Cedar Cove Mill, =z. H. HE APS & CO., Ruskin men «i c. Vancouver, B.C. Wancouver, B. CC. i umber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE EDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels” Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. W. L. TAIT, ace MANAGER Vancouv B.C. Ww. ij. SHER TAR: da ata! aubaushene, On MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER — Ovos * LATH, MOULDINGS + Lum mbet Cc TURNED WORK oast ETC. fj C Limited yer, BO: HIGH GRADE — ANGOU ‘RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO > THE RED DEER LUMBER C0, Manufacturers ot SPRUCE LUMBER and LATE é > oe. " are — —— a ant ot te «| bbe, 2 ee eel ee ee “ Tk 5 i” ands, 1 to2in. $33 00 35 oo | Rock Elm, common FINE COMMON. 1%, 1% and 2” 33 00 to 35 00 1 aaa : celal = 5 Ash, Black, rsts anal and better, rim.. 25 00 2600 I" .......eeeeee 48 00 to 60 00 2% and 3”..... 38 00 ands, 1 to2in.... 30 00 32 00 | Rock Elm, common 1%, 1% to oe 5H OOn 950190 * 4 inrrgo'nin'adisins 41 00 Spruce, 10 and 12 4a: dimension............++.+- Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 00 2%, 3and 4”.. 78 00 86 co ~ JNO. 2 BARN. gin. and under . Weer f Darey ree ey a 00 24 00 Beeman 00 23 00 No. I CUTS. | ioe elton 24 0010 27 00 «© 10.aNd 12 in. random lengths, to ft. an ip ee . Retin Til. ae 2400 2500] and better, tin 2100 2200 ‘in-, 8” and up dia 37 00 1%, 14: pa 2” ioe 00 to 27 00 ak 2a ree =e on1 end ex4 tandasy eg Birch, common and Maple common and 1% in. i ed 2% and 3”.. 299 ail other random ‘lengths, 9 in. and under, 10 — better, 134 to 3 in 26 00 27 00| better, 174 to3in 24 00 25 00 i ae “ eo NO. 3 BARN. ft, and Up..... 2... «0+ «dae ae ae ae 5° Birch, millrun..., 21 co 22 00| Maple, millrun...19 09 2000 2 Sebarss 2) Ame O 5in. and up ig ES boards, 8 ft. & 1s Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, sts 2% and 3” | ~.62 00 | 1rim.........-.. 21 co to 23 co Out Spruce boards, p. 1s ‘ Up,p. . and better, 1in.. 22.00 24 co| and 2nds........ 46.00 5000 4 +». 62 00 Me 1% and 2” 21 ooto 24°¢0 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and bundled .. Ss Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, NO,2CUTS, =—=«—-_—_—s |B ene cece cceee 23 00 1%" spruce laths S P r and bet.,1%to2in 24 00 2600] tstsand 2nds.... 44.00 4600 jy in. 6” and up, yide.. < ero nae 1%" re *% Basswood, millrun 20 00 21 00 | Oak paadriered) Ists 1% .. 33 00 - : ; Soft Elm, common and onds.. .70 00 75 00 1K" ae oo So se si i’, 1%, and better, 1 in.. 24 00 25 00 ema ists and E k 2! “ .... 37 00 oe ae coe 15 oo to 20 00 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. Soft Elm, common 2nds . 36 00 oo RP SR 0. 1 mill cu SB; : r : and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 26 00 : se aa i ail ty 814, 136.2" .16 on.to..18 90 Glee, 020, s01v sore orrererennmeneee ar Para ae NO, 3 CUTS. Second clears . 2 MILL CULLS, 5s ¢+ sas ns ese aha sede const Uae OTTAWA. ONT. tin., 6” and up Oe .. 19 00 nie Gute? Clear Whites . ee. sae ae ae RUMCN UREA? pEEcee: 1% and 1%” ‘—.... 23 00 en ne oo |= Extra ts (Clear whites out)......0... igschiy ee Wee Pine, good sidings: ae No. s barn... euicd 356 saa ae ai FS BS No. a, i oS 00 Extra 1s (Clear whitesin)..........seeseeeeeeeees I oo rin. z7in,andup 40 00 4400 | 1x10 No. 2 oe 22 00 : ¥ in, and 1% in. x 1x8 & 9No,x barn... 21 09 22 00 MILL RUN. BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES, in. and up...... 48 00 56 00|1x8&oNo.2" ... 18 00 2000 yy 4 20 00 Red Cedar Extras, 16in. 5 butts to 2 in. = ey 2in,x 7in.and up £200 56 90 Pine Shorts 6’ to 12 Sd gee waa Meee Ee, Eurekas, 18 in. ae ee No. 2 cuts 2x8”&up 3400 3600} XIO”....,. ...+0. A700 ISI@O Nis arid). Aa) 24 00 st Perfections, < TS, tonal Le = “ ORO DAS NASH ATI ALI AGI ALI ALI ALIALH AGI ALI AGIALI AGI ALN AGI AIN AGH AON AOI AIT AGI ALIAGHAGIALGIAGIAVIAOIALI AI) RONARCI ROI AOI RIAL VOI RII I ro) nO I SES SLO LOOSING aide (a) fs) (2) (s) (s) ° (3) fs) ° fs) ° ° ©) ° fs) (2) fo) (2) (a) 6) fs) ° s) (s) () (s) ° fs) (-) ON Go ° (>) ° {.) fo) () ° f) fo) fs) ° f) i) i) ° {) i) fo) SDATIAGIAL ©9}2©0)20)90) edleadGads& 2 ) The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited J. B. MILLER, President. 2) 0}800) fe} W, B. TIN DALL, Secretary-Treasurer. OIACIAS €0)S60)8@0) ed GovdGo Manufacturers of ROUGH and DRESSED INE, HEMLOCK »* HARDWOOD LUMBER | Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. s) So So ‘s) 2) So So So Ss 3) J 0)8D)8OD)S0)8ED)2E0)20)2E0}2E0)9@0) fa) °o {~) fo) (2) (=) ° ° ° (-) (>) — 2 0) (=) So ae o So So J 00)2(G0) ° (=) °o oS) 0) ° } (s) ‘s} 60)9(C0)S 0) ) Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO Telegraph Codes: Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. So Ss 10} G0) 90) ° ° ° Toronto Telephone Main 1016. J ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. ‘ON 9, (=) g 3 2 S S, So SZ °F S S S So SS 2 So 2 9, 2 2 SZ S 2 S So 2 So 2° S, 2 So Sy SS 2 Ss Oo, So 9, So, So y 2S, y y So So 2 y 2, 9 y S, S, SF Pe (-) e o C) ) -) C) ‘2 2 C) 2 a ° > 2" 2" CS) Cc) °' e ° 2 2 3 ~) 2 S S 2 2" S 2 ‘2 C) ) 2 > > ° 2" 2 2 C) ‘O' S 2 > 2" ‘" 2° rs {-) $ 1 ‘ roe, per . ~ N * ast ges Vee dn os y ; Cet) res ae Loe arin q ‘ fi EEE Sate pret + rl Pes PETS Ny ae Sd \ AND WOOD:WORKI MBE WEEKLY EDITION - The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} st.oo per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, 6very week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD Vow XIV - TORONTO, MONTREAL — JUNE 27, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER iM _ (CanapaA LUMBERMAN fi. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. oe . Branch Offices: _ . 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL The G. st if 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. x pr: _ Telephone 1274. a ’ ‘615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. The Wee) Lumberman — Published every Seedaceisy. comteias reliable and up-to-date re- _ ports of market conditions and tendencies in the bi cipal manufacturing districts and leading omestic and foreiga wholesale markets. A ‘weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and- exporters and the purchasers of _ timber ucts. at home and abroad. __ The Mont: Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE : i eatewittbe lnsetted in this rt- ‘ of 150 line each in, ‘Woes ier ‘or Sine Goheseutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the ith of the line and is set im Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 g’clock-p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue _ GENTLEMAN, WELL CONNECTED IN im ‘¥ lumber circles, desires partner in lumber brokerage business, Toronto.. Box 389, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE LARGE AND WELL EQUIPPED HARD. { ‘ | | : A wood interior fittings factory and plant, almost new, doing a growing and prosperous _ trade, a fine opportunity for a company to se- cure an established and going concern at a i Box 391, CANADA LUMBERMAN, q j 4 WANTED A 8H, BIRCH, BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, oy 3 Rock Elm, Hard Maple, and Hickory in _ Logs, lumber and dimension sizes. Spot cash. Inspection at mill. Please quote prices f.o.b. at shipping points. W. J. GorpDoNn, Box 295, - Windsor, Ont. Suiali Timber ‘Limit for Sale RIBUTARY TO GEORGIAN BAY, VIA me French River. or can be operated on C.P.R. _ Toronto-Sudbury Line. Limit easily operated; within short distance of railroad and can be _ worked either winter or summer; ten (10) years operation for medium sized mill. For particulars _ address “WoopsmMan”’, Penetanguishene, Ont. FOR SALE _7N_THE TOWNSHIP OF WIDDIFIELD, ‘ VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND TIM- BER LIMITS, comprising 300 acres of land, with a living stream running through it, Valuable _ quantity of virgin pine on the limit. The saw mill _ has a capacity of 40 M. feet per day and is complete in all its appointments, with boarding house, dwelling houses for men,, store, offices, ice house, Store houses, stables, barns, well equipped black- th shop, camp outfits, sleighs, wagons, trucks d everything required for lumbering operations. e offer this valuable proper at a great bargain. dress i ipe! ee pe EAN ve } ted ooms 35 an » Home Life Building, _ Toronto, Ont, = NOTICE TONTHESLUMBERATRADE At a meeting of the Lumbermen’s Association 4 of Ontario, it was unanimously decided that the terms of sale, to take effect MONDAY, JUNE 18TH, 1906, should be as follows: Cash Discount dating from shipment. 1% per cent, in 15 days. I_ per cent, in 3o days. Net, 60 days. No discount after 30 days. All freights cash. THE LUMBERMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO, W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. eee cep LATH MAN WANTS TO saw lath by thousand in Northern States or Canada. Address, T M. Dovcras, Plain City, Ohio. f FOR SALE, PIMBER LIMIT CONTAINING ABOUT twenty million white pine, fifteen million spruce. Box 230, Sudbury, Ont. ‘ WANTED—2%4” BIRCH C & B,1” BLACK ASH common, 1” cull soft elm and basswood, cedar and tamarac, 1”, 6/4”, 2” black ash c. & b. and cull, :” and thicker soft maple. R. E. KINs- MAN, Hamilton, Ont. ROCK ELM AND ASH WANTED wu PAY HIGHEST PRICE FOR SEVER- al cars rock elm, black and white ash, cut 1%”, 1%” and 2”, Cherry lumber, all sizes, Box 388, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE, A QUANTITY OF PINE, TAMARAC AND cedar piling. Can be shipped either by rail or water. For specifications, prices, etc., apply to THE WM. BEatTTy ESTATE, Parry Sound, Ont. WANTED. PERSON CONTROLLING LARGE tracts of timber would like to meet with mill man to operate same on shares or on stumpage basis. Apply CANADA LUMBERMAN, Box 337, Vancouver, B.C. WANTED. a 2 aaa egg OF SPRUCE AND HEM- lock lumber, N.B. shingles and laths. Knott & SAMPSON, Wholesale Lumber and Commission Dealers, Lumber Manutacturers Agents, 20 Central Street, Boston, Mass. : FOR SALE N NEWFOUNDLAND, 224,000 ACRES OF white pine, spruce, fir, hackmatack, poplar and birch timber land with 30,000 h.p. water power, suitable for either a lumber or a wood pulp operation. Government royalty only 50 cents per M. Address LUMBERMAN, P.O. Box 385, St. John's, Nfid. FOR SALE dike: FOLLOWING BONE DRY STOCK-NO, I common and better: 2” Hard Maple, about 25,000 feet 1%’ * 47,000 y “ o “ gI,000 oe 2” Beech, U 2,000 ‘‘ 1%” “es ae 21,000 “ 1’ a“ ac 8,000 “ 2” Birch, “18,600 ‘* 21,000 ‘* White pine, two cars 1 x 12 stocks, sound box, dry. W.B. BARTRAM & Co., Ottawa, Ont. ¥ b ? A | diameter. No. 16. Mill Foreman Wanted HOROUGHLY COMPETENT ACTIVE foreman, for sawmill cutting upwards of 100,000 feet daily ; must be capable of handling 125 men, looking after machinery, and securing the best possible results from operation; must be educated, sober and highly recommended and an A No, 1 all-round man, no other need apply. Good opportunity for live man. Box 393. CANADA LUMBERMAN; Toronto. WANTED —A SMALL SAWMILL, TO handle logs 12 feet long, and up to 30” Address THE MONTREAL CoTTOon Co., ' Valleyfield, P. 9. Wi ANA o0 M FERT 1’ COMMON PINE sidings, to be delivered three cars per , month for one year, for cash. Dopps, ANDER- sean SON LUMBER Co., Toronto. . YY ANTED BIRCH, 75 PER CENT. 14 AND 16 feetin 1” C and Band 1, 1s and 2s. CARTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER Co., LTD., 604 Temple Bldg., Toronto. : Fok SALE—ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND feet of 1’ hard maple, logrun; three years ‘ old ; price for immediate sale, whole lot, f.o.b. ~~ cars our siding, $18.00 per M. DopGr MANUF’G Co., Toronto. : ' OR SALE—80 H.P. BOILER, 75 H.P. EN- ,. gine, 15 h.p. boiler and engine, one feed water heater, one pulp wood rossing machine, ene citcular saw mill. JoHN FENDERSON & Co., Sayabec, Que. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED WANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO (VY be cut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet, Address Box 377, CANADA lanes: MAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. CEDAR AND TAMARAC POLES, 5 OO suitable for piles and telegraph poles, 7/ and up at the top end, 25 to 50 ft. long. MUSEOKA Woop MFc. Co., Huntsville. FOR SALE 500 M feet of High Grade Hardwoods E ARE CLOSING OUR CANADIAN branch and are disposing of our entire stock of bone dry and kiln dried hardwoods, in- cluding plain and quartered oaks, oak squares, black ash, hard maple, chestnut, etc. Write us for our stock list and prices. THE BENNET FURNISHING CO., LTD., London, Ont: FOR SALE Saw Mill and Timber Limits 2,000 acres mostly deeded land well timbered, Hemlock, Birch, Balsam, Spruce, Cedar, Maple, Beech and Pine. Saw mill capacity 15 thousand per day;shingle mill capacity 30 thousand per day. Boarding house, stable, etc. Level road to G, T. R.two and a half miles, Apply to J. J. ANDERSON, Novar, or to A. A SMITH, Millbrook. Relaying Rails For Sale 10 miles, 60-lb, per yard. 2% miles 65-lb. per yard. 2 miles, 45-lb. per yard. With necessary fastenings,for prompt shipment. New Rails In Stock 12, 16, 20, 25 and 30-1b, JOHN J. GARTSHORE, 83 Front Street, West, Toronto. Lumber for Sale 225 M feet Selm, I in, 300 M feet basswood, 1 in. I car tin. black ash. I car rin. spruce, I car 2 in. birch. I car 2in. K elm. Box 394, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont SS ee eS EE CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. There are evidences that - the heavy buying of lumber which was done earlier in. the year placed a large percentage of the season’s cut in the hands of dealers. Most of these dealers are in a position, to carry the stock through any tempor- ary depression which may occur and consequently there is little’ un- easiness because the demand is. not as active as during the spring months. Dullness is usually ex- pected around midsummer, and there is reason to believe that existing conditions will bring about an active trade a few weeks later. Even at the present time the con- sumption of lumber in building enterprises is large and dealers are obliged to buy from time to time in order to keep their stocksup. The claim is occasionally heard that hardwoods can be purchased at a lower price than was asked two months ago, but it does not appear that there has been any particular weakening in hardwood values. Prices of white pine lath are ex- ceptionally firm. The Sarnia list has this week been advanced 25 cents, making the ruling quotations $4.75 for No.1 4-foot, $4.25 ter No. No. 2, and $2.25 for N3. 1 32-inch. WESTERN , CANADA. Mr. John A. Christie, of Christie & Company, Limited, wholesale lumber dealers, Winnipeg, report that they have about everything cleaned out as regards stock ~This Company has always made a specialty of purchasing complete stocks, or a season’s cut of a mill, Mr. Christie states that there is an unequalled demand, and that lumber retailers as well as wholesalers will take anything they can get in the lumber line. The prices throughout Western Canada are firm. There has been some considerable shipping from Rainy river to the States, and no American lumber coming in worth mentioning. A Winnipeg lumberman showed a representative of the CANADA LUMBERMAN an order for a car load If. CANADA LUMBERMAN hoe a aoa’ ORE Ae WEEKLY EDITION of pine lumber. In a foot note to the letter it was stated, ‘‘if you can- not ship this pine at once, send spruce, or anything as long as it is lumber, we must have it.’ EASTERN CANADA. There is little change in the lumber situation in Eastern Canada. Shipments to the Eastern States are less active on account of the break in prices there, but most manufacturers on this side of the line are maintaining a firm stand, believing that al) the lumber manu- factured will find a market. Rafting operations on the St. John river are proceeding satisfactorily, the Fred- ericton Boom Company having se- cured 8,000,000 feet last week. It is not yet ‘known, however, what quantity of logs will be hung up, although one estimate fixes 25,000,- ooo feet as the amount. New Brunswick cedar shingles are weaker and can be procured at $3.60 on Boston freight rate. Pre- dictions are made of still lower prices. UNITED STATES. Midsummer dullness now charac- terizes the lumber markets of the United States. The demand is quieter than it has been for several months, the recent weakness in Southern pine having caused a feeling of uncertainty and induced likely buyers to defer the placing of orders. There has been no better- ment in southern pine prices, which are barely steady at the late decline. THE ONTARIO | LUMBER C2 nurs ar Lites .ere c. T.R. Delivery In hemlock, too, some weakness is shown, although some manufac- turers still claim to be getting list prices. Hemlock piece stuff is selling in the Chicago market for outside delivery at $19.50 to $20 for short and narrow stock. The decline in spruce prices is now universally admitted and is claimed to be but the natural result of inflated values. The Boston market has dropped as low as $18 for lengths not over 20 feet. It is said that a considerable quantity of New Brunswick and Nova Scotia spruce has gone into the Eastern States, one Philadelphia concern having contracted last winter for 50,000,000 feet. GREAT BRITIAN. The consumption of lumber in Great Britian has lately shown more briskness, and as the supply is not large, the tendency of prices has been to advance. This applies particularly to spruce. At Liver- pool £8 5s to £8 7s 6d per stand- ard c.i.f. for specifications of 60 to 70 per cent. 7%-inch is about the present value. Many of the stand- ard sizes are well cleared out, and 4 inch x 7 inch, of which there is usually a superabundance, is bring- ing 20s per standard more than 3 inch. The consumption of white pine is not as active as that of spruce, but prices are firm. There has been considerable buying of hemlock, which is coming iato favor on account of its cheapness. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Hor’ V4. ¥uiding A ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. aewd: & T. CHARLTONecc ——MANUFACTURERS AND W 5, he Ss Gb cae SAF ce 8 HOLESALE DEALERS—— and J[jA‘TH Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwoo d Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Best Workmen. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORIN Limited Send us a trial car. Owen Sound, Ont. HAROMOD, HEMLOGK AND PIE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS There is no improvement in the demand for birch, but it is under- stood that a number of importers are acquiring good stocks which they will hold in anticipation of an advance later in the year. STOCKS AND PRICES. J. R. Martin, assistant timber inspector, Nelson, B. C., reports that a great many cedar poles are going out of the Kootenay district into the States, some going even as far as New York. The Cushing Bros. Company, of Calgary, has purchased the entire output of J. B. Winlaw’s mill on the Slocan Railroad in British Columbia, and it is understood a deal has been put through for the purchase of Mr. Winlaw’s entire plant and limits by Cushing Bros. ~ Anumber of men who have been employed on W. J. Noble’s drive on the St. John river headwaters, returned to Fredericton last week. Mr. Noble has four million feet of logs hung up in the Southwest branch, and three millions in the main river, nine miles above Seven Islands. The balance ot his cut of sixteen millions is in safe waters. THE WESTERN LUMBER TRADE. In the course of a recent conver- sation, Mr. A. Carney, of Kaslo, B.C., timber inspector for south- eastern Kootenay, stated to a CANn- ADA LUMBERMAN representative, HEMLOCK SPECIAL HARDWOODS and Soft Elm. Send for Catalo vt vt Samples by Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. . WE WANT TO BUY .- 1%”, 2” and 3” We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of — Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high -grade Red Cedar Shingles. We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to order, in. Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock Lumber & Mre Co. ogee K MASON, GORDON & CO. , 80 St. Francis Xavier Street WHOLESALE | UMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only ‘a Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds. 1”, 1%", 134” and 2” Chestnut, a 1”, 14%", 134" and 2” Butternut, < THE MCLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE, ae June 27, 1906 i) that he was more than delighted with the condition of the lumber — trade of the Mountains this season. ** Not one mill that I know of,” | said Mr. Carney, ‘can ship a full order to date. Apparently the dealers were under the impression — that there were large stocks held — over at the mills and consequently — they allowed their own stocks to run down. Now, they cannot be- — gin to get orders promptly filled.” ‘“ The lumbermen,” continued Mr. Carney ‘‘ are afraid they are not going to be able to have any better stocks on hand in the fall, — owing to the present demand clean- q ing them out as fast as they can — manufacture. Nowhere have I heard of a single refusal to buy on account of the prices, the dealers being glad to pay the full list prices” if they can only get the material.” — SALE OF TIMBER LIMITS. The annual sale of timber limits — was held by the Departments of — Lands and Forests, Quebec, on — Thursday, June 21st, Hon. A. Turgeon, presiding. Mr. Dechenes acted as auctioneer. The sale was a success, 1,378 i square miles being disposed of and realizing a total of $283,655, an — average of $203 per square mile, — which is the highest price ever obtained for spruce limits. The sale commenced slowly and and for a time the bidding was — spiritless. Finally after a somewhat — ~*~ Stock sizes now ready. WOODSTOCK, ONT- NIGHT BROTHERS co Burk’s F. LIMITED - MONTREAL, QUE. June 27, 1906 > _ brisk competition, Mr. M. Boyle _ became the purchaser of lots Nos. 21, 88, 97, 98 and 100 in the Upper _ Ottawa Agency, embracing some 250 miles at $225, $265, $245, $235, and $230 respectively, these figures being a considerable advance on the Government’s upset prices. A small 18 mile lot in the township of Dechene, Lake St. John West, was next put up at $400 per square mile and finally adjudged to Mr. Paradis at $560 per mile. Another small lot of 4% miles in’the township of Kenigamic, put up at $300, was knocked down to the same purch- aser at $410 per square mile. A 2¥% mile lot in the township of Begin Grandville Agency, put up at $200, was adjudged after spirited competition to Mr. Maurice Quinn at the remarkably high price of $500 per square mile. The same buyer also acquired a small lot of 1% miles in the township of Restigouche at $400 per square mile and still another of 5 miles in the township of Macpes, Rimouski West, at $1,000 per square mile, Mr. Quinn’s final bid creating quite a sensation. $325 per square mile was given by Baron Lepine for 334 miles in the township of Carleton, Bonaventure West, and Lefebvre & Mann paid $320 per square mile for 48 miles on the River St. Ann, D. Gaspe West. More interest was shown at the afternoon sale, Mr. John Rowley, in trust for Mr. J. P. Mullarkey, con- tractor, purchased a number of lots -on the Saguenay, at Sault aux Cochon, comprising 850 square miles, for which he paid $155 per square mile. Mr. Frank Bignell, P. L.S. of Quebec, secured 50 miles at .. Ruissleau aad May Island for $265 per mile, Baron l’Epine bought a lot of 3% miles at Bonaventure WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER ROSSED PULP WOOD St. Gabriel Lumber Co. Limited im St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que, ‘Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. J. B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in OEDAK TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES - Oswego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. “¢ Renfrew, Ont, i. _ Bank St. Chambers. | sincH! : id is — mt BASSWOOD! In any grade, size or quantity. Before placing your order drop us a -W. B. BARTRAM & CO. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. West for $325 per mile, and Lefe- bvre & Mann secured 43% miles at Gaspe West for $325 per mile. Mr. Louis Cabot bought 39 miles on the Grand River, Gaspe East, for $300 per mile and then the Minister declared the sale closed. The water powers, sixteen in number, were next put up at auction for yearly lease at an up-set price. Only three powers were sold, how- ever. First falls on the Manicougan River was bought in by Mr. De- lorimier, advocate of Montreal, for $2,005, annual rental and an agree- ment to comply with all the con- ditions as advertised. Lot No. 9, the River Manouan Falls, was purchased by Hon. Senator P. A® Choquette at a yearly rental of $505, and lot No. 15, and the falls of the River Sault aux Cochon was purchased by Mr. John Rowley in trust for Mr. Mullarkey, for $505 annual rental. HARDWOOD FLOORING SITUATION. Manufacturers of oak, maple and beech flooring have enjoyed a very prosperous season. The hardwood flooring business has fallen for the most part into the hands of a group of very able men, sagacious enough to understand that they must not overload the market. if they would have a fair price for their product. The maple and beech flooring plants, which are very largely located in Michigan, have an annual capacity of more than 300,000,000 feet. The output of these plants tor the past _ year has been considerably less than © 200,000,000 feet. Every producer has awakened to the necessity or keeping his output down to market requirements. There isa general impression that maple flooring manufacture is highly profitable, Planing and Matching —IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, rillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade'Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Sarrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Piates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries ror prices, etc. by Mail, Wire or Phone. McLennan Timber band and LUmDeP GO, rimite Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. OTTAWA, Can. SPRUCE! line for prices. and as usual under such conditions competitive plants are constantly being built, with the idea of getting “fa piece of easy money.” These would-be breakers into a ‘‘good game” are not as thoroughly posted on what they are going against as they should be, or they would not be so zealous to get into the floor- ing making trade. Hardwood flooring manufacture is a distinct calling, and every man who has ever gone into it has spent a lot of money in paying for ex- perience. In the history of northern hardwood flooring production there is nO concern with a small plant which has ever made any money ; on the other hand the big plant calls for an investment running from $100,000 to $250,000 for fac- tory, raw material, flooring stock and the carrying of accounts. It requires experienced and_ skilled workmen to produce a good quality of maple or beech flooring. Buyers view with suspicion the output of a new plant, knowing that it takes time to educate a force up to the high standard of manipulation and accuracy necessary for the produc- tion of high-class flooring from these very refractory woods. Manufacturers have in the past been obliged to spend nearly twice as many dollars per thousand feet in the actual; ‘production of maple. flooring as have experts in that line during the last year or two. The manufacturer who has paid dearly for his experience is able to produce maple flooring at a profit, on a price basis that would mean loss to the amateur in the trade. There is no demand for any more of these plants at the present time, and the average producer of maple lumber will find his bank balance in as good shape, at least at the end of the first few years, if he sells his lumber to existing maple flooring factories, as by entering upon the production of the flooring himself. —Hardwood Record. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS 'B. C. Howard has sold some 12,- ooo acres of timber limits on his Famine River property, in Beauce County, Qne., to the Silsby Lumber Company, of West Burke, Vt., who are about to erect a modern dawmill there. The price paid was $120,000. The Dominion Government are asking for tenders up to July 11th for a license to cut timber on Berth No. 1271, comprising section 36, Township 9, Range 12, Province of Manitoba, containing one square mile. F. Holden, Pres. H. Goff, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen'l.-Mg E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER ano LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60° long. —— SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER GO. LimiTED Mills: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. seca: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO We Offer DRY MILL CULLS 10 Cars 4/4 Sidings 2 ‘* ga/a = ioand i2 | ee sje Rate low; price fair She LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. Dicecivresne tr oh LY ee ee ee ee ee ee eT R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. C. A. KENT, Sec'y. R. S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. 4 we SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. $ Wee »,BB4080 CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Giroeniar ACH i tea ck Ont. a6 miles West North Bay Gang UMBER anD LATH Iv, Canaba LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | joe hs ihe CANADIAN MANUE AB Eee ERE and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUNBER CO, sizes. Aine. all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries: HARDWOOD FLOORING °°" Ste" eunctea PEDWELL & LEMCK — Office : SITEMON BROS, ag rd ONT. gi egheiy o ere: { Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lomb er 6 ; F —Our ek will Interest You— a, BOB Shingles, Ties, P oles, P osts, Etc. Rail or Wate . hipments. Correspondence Solicited BBs 4 AoW. EYER & CO. =e eee We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all PLAYEAIR as Ww HIT: } kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A.W. EYER @ CO. - — *Adelsids Street East, LUMBER ¢ LATH * SHINGLES © *.Contractors for Rallway iy Supplies fea”? MIDL AND, : ON DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, Ino. === | WHOLESALE LUMBER — MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Sxctno.” 7 pase. and Dealers NORTH TONAWANDA, -_ -__—=ON.YY. LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. OR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Fees Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Make a Specialty | of aoe Pine, a ond Bill Stuff. s PA THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, — —— JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. National Lite Choris Meta 6244) TORONTO : ONT. M E é : HEAD OFFIGE, SAW AND PLANING MILLS, | OWEN. SOUND, ONT: Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merhantaa Ferguson. Lumber Company Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, © 3 LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, | RHODES, CURRY & CO., timnea B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES ! LUMBER MERCHANTS. TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. BUILDING et of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of SPRUCE BIRCH ELM ‘RAILWAY v7 HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES mbherst, N.S. + Be rIR 3. Cc. CEDAR eaneR ii " b ingi b i Timb ft. B. Timb W iors ‘“ Tf] en ae andi vac ape acinar calentig ica eed 72 rained iepieiates a aap HA R D O O D ' EF L O O R I N ie i becdas épetacmeles End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled . JAMES J. MURPHY, * sin”? QUEBEC Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price” he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited : 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. Lumber Co. solace ea Lumber Co. {White and Red Pine : yet SPRAGCE, ‘Algoma, Diet, Da | Lumber and Lath HARDWOOD FLOORING cvrcas| Meet Stet ° MANUFACTURED IN Mills at Spragge WaterShipments — - MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK H%, 4 He. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow kj Oh * Gee A eee a a ee THEM. BREMEN SO WANDAGIRNG C8, UTED. SESSSSrcas sci ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY : OWBN i wg sea p = Saw Mills at Planing Mill and Head Office: RAINY LAKE, Ontario. HAMILTON, Ontario. We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States :.Spruce, White Pine, White and Quet ik AUGER & S0 Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P*ae, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles Fairview Cedar Lumber Co. Vancouver, B.C. oy . Manufacturers of .......e-. Rough and Dressed Cedar Lumber ain Laths We Manufacture Cedar only and have the lareest stock in the Province. oP 0. BOX 45, VANCOUVER, B. 6. t June 27, 1906 CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS a | \'Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCE, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. CAN 2 (E uN CH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. Yellow Pine Timber a pee erior Jicim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Soft Yellow Pine Finishing Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISCONSIN. GENTRAL RAILWAY to Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. WHOLESALE HAR DWOODS ST.LOUIS BY DL.MAIL RE OR ‘PHONE: =) UN uN ZA W I McCLURE LUMBER CO. Manufacturers { HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS eee YELLOW PINE AND OAK Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. Mill: EUTAW, ALA. Te ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF ~ YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty WHOLESALE For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH. THE OLD MACHINERY or plant, or tools for which you have no present use, might be sold or rented to some other reader of the WEEKLY Lum- BERMAN by the investment of a few dollars in advertising. i th tt ttn the tet tet Ye tp ts pp eo “a ie “a oe “a “a oo tn ON F, QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE MASON A. _ LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. FRANK C. BURY “BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE : | Wood Brokersand Measurers | Cabel Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale St.,71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC ES FP. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND OOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. Beeats for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; ,fardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United King Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERCER, * "sic" IMPORTER OF Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ ee Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS TORY COD CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood / gents and Brokers GELLICHT,” LONDON 657 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF %i.. Cable Address : “' Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs ana Lumber and Heading, 1 Wasdesis Spectaltv Elm Hantlies of all descriptions SMITH & TYRER = (4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TyrRER & Co., Keith Building, 414 Barrington St GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St, Enoch Saure, GLASGOW. BROKERS Cable Address : ““TECTONA” Glasgow. Ar and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables: ‘‘Woodfeller, Codes : Awe Western Union, one and London.” C. 4th and sth Editi THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made against shipping documents, GUSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID, Branch MANCHESTER, HAMBURG, BUYERS OF White eanile Logs and Planks. oes ets 6 and ks. aple Logs and. Planks. im Logs. U Hick Logs. Timber Importers oe aneO All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Wood Goods suitable for the English ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers CABILE ADDRESS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND * DOBLE, BUYER POOR” MICHICAN & Se Be Ate 0) Se Wi ee ee, Oe 0 eae (* , Ma ca <8 vi | CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION June 27, 1906 i R Mill, Cedar Covent, = s-E. H. HEAPS & CQ. 1 iusuin, 2. Wancouyver, B. C. lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, © Balusters, etc. ite obi ll feast LN! nt. abanaheae MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER LATH, MOULDINGS TURNED WORK ETC. paciiic LOOK OUT FOR THE CARS!! MR DEALER Cars have been, are now, and will be scarce this season. It is ‘‘ up to you’ to anticipate your future needs and order earlier. MOULDINGS aii TURNINGS We have the most up to date mach- ines in the market for this work and can supply Fir or Cedar Mouldings and Turned Work of finest quality by the carload. LUMBER-—of all sizes and finish. BEVEL SIDING—“ Ready to put on.’ SHINGLES—From the best Extra XXX to the finest fancy Dubbs 16 inch to 24 inch long. Special attention to the Prairie Provinces HASTINGS SHINGLE MFG. CO. VANCOUVER, B. C. For__—_ D.C. Red Cedar Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. 4 LUM Coast ANCOU Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO aoe | SHINGLES “ IF YOU HAVE NOT RECEIVED OUR 1906 CALENDAR WRITE FOR ONE. IT IS A CORKER W. L. TAIT, GENERAL MANAGER Vancouver, B.C. mabet Co- " HIGH GRADE © RED CEDAR SHINGLES — yer oe THE RED DEER LUMBER CO. BARROWS, SASK. | ~ ‘Manufacturers ot SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH 3 Jeqmuiny sonidg 4304 oo0‘o00‘or Ajzoedeg Tenuuy TeyT vonids 000‘000'g Aqfovdeg Tenuuy SHAS. €. BENNETT, MINNEAPOLIS) DON’T YOU DARE BET GO or give up the idea of handling ourr SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH merely because we have been unable to fill your orders for several months. We were unfortunate enough to run out of stock so that we could not take care of the spring trade. vo Our saw mill has now been running full capacity for over 6 weeks and we are in a position to fill all orders promptly with bright new stock, All “ah mail should be addressed to THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK, Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, C.N.R., Manitoba. ; We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. — —Write DIRECT to— W. F ae Lumber Gompany, Ltd. VANCOUVER ef >ve% pve a St Be ; pay aan, a iy . a Pey OSS ‘fs i ial en pr es we a. * June 27, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. E. H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. Our Daily Shipping Capacity a 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER Day . We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER H | DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS nd all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH in _ Sse cst so: posTon,mass. | J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED | Planing, Matchin Resawin etc, _FELBER, SUCKER & 0. H,, WIGGIM Ezoes | SLO Main yg, | MANCHESTER —“-=ENGLAND will inspect at mill and PAY CASH for wows nar _ DEPtinBRAH, pa ae alu scunres yaenyiee upto sexs. for | LxOQGr ERO INT | gee ternon sed memuce trees |seFaret HARDWOOD FLOORING q ete e1lings. ash ana oors, W r _ spool making, to write for specifica- El All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantit: m, Ash, Bass and other Hardwood y y- tions. , Eind Matched Flooring « Specialty J. R. EATON - © Orillia, Ont. q NCE SOLICITED. Telegraphic Address: Fa.onn. Mancunsren. ame COOD PINE SIDINCS A SPECIALTY ecataenee Sailcned cone woe Manufacturer o . Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) . % MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS _. And all kinds of me? and Interior shy Also Box Shooks and we Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, | 5 Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. e APREYice RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. THOMAS ¢ eet H. H. SPICER, RES! DENT. MGR. AND SEC’y | Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. ; “Shipping Capacity ‘ah l, 500,000 Shingles per Day vin. : CaNADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION June 27, ses : wine Kees strips : i 5 ae an Sih seees 1500 1700 oseseee eocescces 35 CO Vis 4 cbetere oe 2 UM.oeeee coseee «+. 40 00 45 00 | Spruce, 1” stocks, ' Pine, good shorts: 7,8,9 and 10%... 16 00 17 00 \ferriagis © x wi aaah % seg as ©0 30 oo | Spruce,1” clear (fine (Wholesale selling price.) TORONTO, ONT. rr aed m3 SS =. 40 o0| dressing and B.. 2400 Uppers, 1,1%,1% and 2 1M insesesees 40 90 4 44 00 | Hemlock. 13 00 i CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 7” to "9 A Sidings..! (7 00 | Basswood...........18 00 23 60 2% and ieee 5 = Shelving, No. ¢, 13 in igs inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4to 8in 1600 17 00 ig; NO» * dressing _ | Lath, per M Gav. ofes 20 ode 9500! and up, zin.--s.. 45 00 : pane & better...... $49 00 51 00| ax4 to 8 in.,10 to16ft. 17 00 18 00 ppee.-- --+ «+ 23 00 27 00 No.1 white pinel%"x400 40 Selects1 in.......... 73 00 | No. x Mateos toa 5 pg inch Not ax4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 18 00 19 00 Pes No. 1 dressing ms r No. 2 white pine..-. 350 3 75 1% to Zin... Pe) as ee aS ers cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00| Clear inch B.C. cedar, Pine PO. Genie OO zai go Shh mill pone 3.00 3 50 2% and 3 in....... 85 00] No. 2 Moulding Strips, 2” No 1 Cuts and éco uiee oat cpa Reser oy shorisisscesccenias ° ) ) ‘" S) > (> ‘°' > ‘2 > C) CS C) C) c) C) C) > C) C) =) 2) CC) o' (-) ‘2 C) > () c) ce) > ‘2 o" 2 ‘oC CS) q Se (~) > ‘o : ‘ aa > a Vor. XIV q CANADA [L,UMBERMAN The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited | Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. . Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B.C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the bana manufacturing districts and leading mestic and foreign’ wholesale markets. “A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of _ timber ucts at home and abroad. The Mont: Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of Seeminiger tine each insertion. 1 four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- yertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p: m. en Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue ; BASSWOOD LUMBER WANTED. 4 Dt 1% AND 1%” FIRSTS AND SECONDS; _ LY also 1” dry mill cull. Good price paid. Box 395 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. 4 FOR SALE LARGE AND WELL EQUIPPED HARD- wood interior fittings factory and plant, almost new, doing a growing and prosperous rade, a fine opportunity for a company to se- cure an established and going concern at a oe bargain. Box 391, CANADA LUMBERMAN, 4 Toronto. WANTED 8H, BIRCH, BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, AS Rock Elm; Hard Maple, and Hickory in gs, lumber and dimension sizes. Spot cash. a tion at mill. Please quote prices f.o.b. at shipping eee W. J. Gorpon, Box 295, a SW isor, nt, ‘Small Timber Limit for Sale 4 UTARY TO GEORGIAN BAY, VIA . French River, or can be operated on C.P.R. _ Teronto- geen Line. Limit easily operated; within short distance of railroad and can be _ worked either winter or summer; ten (10) years ‘a Bpaasion for medium sized mill. For particulars “WoopsMAN”’, Penetanguishene, Ont. __ 7 # I | THE TOWNSHIP OF WIDDIFIELD, “VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND TIM- BER LIMITS, comprising 300 acres of land, with a living stream running through it, Valuable q of virgin pine on the limit. The saw mill a capacity of 40 M. feet per day and is complete P all its appointments, with rding house, dwelling houses for men, store, offices, ice house, store houses, stables, barns, well equipped black- ‘st shop, camp outfits, sleighs, wagons, trucks d everything required for lumbering operations. We offer this valuable coer at a great bargain. ‘THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, ; |, Rooms 35 and 36, Home Life Building, _ Toronto, Ont. NADA LIMBERN WEEKLY The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 per vear = {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, 6véry week. REACHES RECULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD EDITION TORONTO, MONTREAL — JULY 4, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER NOTICE TO THE LUMBER TRADE At a meeting of the Lumbermen’s Association of Ontario, it was unanimously decided that the terms of sale, to take effect MONDAY, JUNE 18TH, 1906, should be as follows: Cash Discount dating from shipment. 1% per cent, in 15 days. I percent. in 30 days. Net, 60 days. No discount after 30 days. All freights cash THE LUMBERMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO, W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. XPERIENCED LATH MAN WANTS TO saw lath by thousand: in Northern States or Canada. Address, T. M. Doucras, Plain City, Ohio. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of- Slabs. S1mcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. FOR SALE. IMBER LIMIT CONTAINING: ABOUT twenty million white pine, fifteen million spruce. Box 230, Sudbury, Ont. WANTED—2%” BIRCH C & B,1” BLACK ASH common, 1” cull soft elm and basswood, cedar and tamarac, 1”, 6/4”, 2” black ash c. & b. and cull, 1” and thicker soft maple. R. E. K1ns- MAN, Hamilton, Ont. ROCK ELM AND ASH WANTED ILL PAY HIGHEST PRICE FOR SEVER- al cars rock elm, black and white ash, cut 13%”, 1%” and 2”, Cherry. lumber, all sizes. Box 388, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE, WANTED. PERSON CONTROLLING LARGE tracts of timber would like to meet with mill man to operate same on shares or on stumpage basis. Apply CANADA LUMBERMAN, Box 337, Vancouver, B.C, WANTED. ONSIGNMENTS OF SPRUCE AND HEM- lock lumber, Agents, 20 Central Street, Boston, Mass. FOR SALE le NEWFOUNDLAND, 224,000 ACRES OF white pine, spruce, fir, hackmatack, poplar and birch timber land with 30,000 h.p. water power, suitable for either a lumber or a wood pulp operation. Government royalty only 50 cents per M. Address LUMBERMAN, P.O. Box 385, St. John’s, Nfld. FOR SALE . Te? FOLLOWING BONE DRY STOCK No. I common and better: 2” Hard Maple, about 25,000 feet wu cr) ‘ ‘ bi “ “ “ Gree rr) 2” Beech, ss 2,000 ‘* 1%” “* ‘* 21,000 * “ as “6 8,000 “ 2” Birch, «18,000 ‘ 1%’ rT) “ 21,000 “a White pine, two cars 1 x 12 stocks, sound box, dry. W.B. BARTRAM & Co., Ottawa, Ont. No. 17. Mill Foreman Wanted ( PHQROU CHEN COMPETENT ACTIVE foreman, for sawmill cutting upwards of 100,000 feet daily ; must be capable of handling 125 men, looking after machinery, and securing the best possible results from operation; must be educated, sober and highly recommended and an A No. rall-round man, no other need apply. Good opportunity for live man. Box 393. CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED —A SMALL SAWMILL, TO handle logs 12 feet long, and up to 30” diameter. Address THE MONTREAL COTTON Co., Valleyfield, P. 9. ANTED—600 M FEET 1” COMMON PINE sidings, to be delivered three cars per month for one year, for cash. Dopps, ANDER- son LuMBER Co., Toronto. ANTED—BIRCH, 75 PER CENT: 14 AND 16 feet in 1” C and B and 1%, 1s and 2s. CarRTER POWELL LAND & LUMBER Co., LTD., 604 Temple Bldg., Toronto. OR SALE—ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND feet of 1’ hard maple, log run; three years old ; price for immediate sale, whole lot, f.o.b. cars our siding, $18.co per M. DoDGE MANUF’G Co., Toronto. i= SALE—80 H.P. BOILER, 75 H.P. EN- gine, 15 h.p. boiler and engine, one feed water heater, one pulp wood rossing machine, one circular saw mill. JoHN FENDERSON & Co., Sayabec, Que. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO ('V becut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet. Address Box 377, CANADA ee MAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE, CEDAR AND TAMARAC, POLES, 500 suitable for piles and telegraph poles, 77 and up at the top end, 25 to 50 ft. long. MUSKOKA Woop MF. Co., Huntsville. FOR SALE WE. ARE CLOSING OUR CANADIAN branch and are disposing of our entire stock of bone dry and kiln dried hardwoods, in- cluding plain and quartered oaks, oak squares, black ash, hard maple, chestnut, etc. Write us for our stock list and prices. THE BENNET FURNISHING CO., LTD., London, Ont. Timber Limits For Sale ieee eLS TIMBER LIMITS IN THE Province of British Columbia. For particu- lars Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. Relaying Rails For Sale 10 miles, 60-lb. per yard. a% miles 65-lb. per yard. ; 2 miles, 45-lb. per yard. With necessary fastenings,for prompt shipment. New Rails In Stock 12, 16, 20, 25 and 30-1b. JOHN J. GARTSHORE, 83 Front Street, West, Toronto, WANTED—WAGGON AXLES 4% x 5%, Maple. Address JACKSON WAGGon Co., Ltp., St. George, Ont. HCOND HAND BURNER WANTED—GIVE particulars and price. ST.GABRIEL LUMBER Co., LTD., St. Gabriel de Brandon, Quebec. ANTED — DELIVERY PRICES AND terms for one car of 1,2and 3)X or 2’ and 3 X Pine or White Cedar Shingles at Wallace- burg, Ont. Wm.H. HEATH. OR SALE—THE HALF. OR THE WHOLE of a saw millon thefsea shore, Gulf of St. * Lawrence,Que. Rotary saw, 3 shingle machines, 1 lath, 1 planer, a water power; small limits well timber Good chance for a man with capital . to make a large business. Write to ALFRED RAYMOND, 125 Desfosses St., Quebec. ; FOR SALE LASH TABLE WITH SIX: SAWS, SPACED for 18” shingles, two No. 88 chains. for each - saw, variable friction feed and other late im- provements, capacity 200 M shingles per day, all complete with countershaft-pulleys and box- _ es, (A first-class machine only used part of one . season and practically as good as new. THE RIDEAU LUMBEK Co., Limited, Ottawa, ’Ont.: Lumber for Sale 225 M feet Selm, 1 in, 300 M feet basswood, 1 in. 1 car rin. black ash. I car 1 in. spruce. I car 2 in, birch. .4 Icar 2in. R elm. re Box 394, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont CURRENT TRADE: CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The volume of business is rather above the average for this time of the year, and very little complaint is heard in respect to conditions. Stocks are not accumulating any faster than is considered healthy,and the outlook is for a firm market tor some time to come. There is a_ heavy consumption of building ma- terial. Building operations in Tor- onto show no abatement, the num- ber of permits issued during the month of June being greater than in any previous month in the his- tory of the city. For the first six months of the year the approxiniate | value of buildings for which permits ~ were granted was $6,195,470, com- pared with $4,494,326 for the first ” six months of 1905. Hardwoods are steady but have made no gain from a price stand- point. Good stocks, however, are none too plentiful, and there is nothing in the immediate outlook on which to base a prediction of lower prices. EASTERN CANADA. The most important development of the past week was the termina- tion of the strike of mill employees at St. John. The men have return- ed to work at the former rate of If, wages and the mills are now -in operation. The demand for spruce for shipment to Great Britain is im- proving and manuf&cturers: are showing confidence in the situation. Offers for United States specifica- tions are lower in sympathy with the recent break, but the limited quantity to be manufactured this season is expected to bring about a recovery in the near future. The latest re- ports from the drives on the St. John river indicate that probably 50,000,000 feet of logs will be hung up. “New Brunswick shingles are, if anything, weaker and have been offered in a few instances at $3.50 for Extras on Boston freight rate. Larger offerings of lath have also resulted in slightly lower prices. UNITED STATES. The movement of lumber is light- er than during the spring months, but recent inguiries indicate that buyers are looking around for stock for the fall trade. Crops are mak- ing satisfactory progress and the industrial conditions of the country continue unimpaired. The outlook for lumber is therefore satisfactory. Southern pine is selling in consider- able volume at the recent decline in prices. White pine is firm, with a good demand for the coarse grades. Hemlock is in a strong position, as dry stocks are exceptionally light for this season of the year. In the Saginaw Valley 2x4 inch, in 12 and 14 foot lengths, is held at $19; THE ONTARIO LUMBER sacs ar i ok .erd c. T.R. Delivery CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION _16 foot at $20, and 18 foot at $23. There is a fairly active trade in hardwoods, with no over-stock ex- cepting in maple, of which the sup- ply is quite liberal. GREAT BRITAIN. The strong position of Canadian lumber in the British market is now generally admitted. The demand for spruce is good, with 3xg and 11 inch deals inquired for quite freely owing to stocks having be- come depleted early in the spring. There is also considerable inquiry for waggon lengths in 2% x 7 battens. Prices'show no signs of weakening but are likely to go still higher before the end of the year. White pine deals are also considered excellent property with prospects ot an early advance. Red pine is quieter. There has recently been some fair buying of Quebec birch, but complaint is still heard of an over-supply of St. John and Halifax shipments. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CanaDA LUMBERMAN.) Vancouver, B. C., June 25th, 1906.—There is no diminution in the active conditions of the lumber industry. ‘*With the promise of good crops in the Northwest this year,” remarked Mr. T. F. Paterson this morning, ‘‘the outlook is excellent, and I have not the slight- est anxiety regarding the demand for lumber for the next yeer, or MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Wome iife Building LORONTO, Ont. Mitts; French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. awd: & T- CHARLTONecer ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— LUMBER. and LATH Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Rundied: Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS Co. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Best Workmen. Send us a trial car. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON & CO. 80 St. Francis Xavier Street Keenan Bros., limites Owen Sound, Ont. ‘HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries, At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. weods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood; Hemlock and Pine ogg here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS even two years. Everything is look- ing fine for business. In_ the log- ‘ging, prices are firm and the demand strong. Figures range $6, $8, $10, delivered, and the raw material is scarce at that. Of course, the de- mand for lumber causes the scarcity of logs, and this season there are many hundred thousands of feet of timber being taken out more than in other years. With all this, the mills are not over supplied. Lumber prices remain the same as at last quotation, based on $15 for rough.” At the Chemainus mills, a night shift is being put on to cope with the business. Most of the cut from that mill is exported to foreign ports, but’ considerable is shipped via the C.P.R., and this railway company is using a lot for its own purposes. Three new mills are contemplated for Burrard Inlet, one of which, that being erected by Mr. J. S. Emerson, at Port Moody, being almost ready. Interior lumbermen are receiving strong pro‘ests from the newspapers for sending printing out of the country. There is a large number of Minnesota people in the lumber business in the interior, and the statement is that they are sending their printing to houses in Minne- apolis. It was only a short time ago that the rmewspapers gave able support to an agitation respecting leases, which was successful in attaining the object sought, and they think this is hardly fair treat- ment now. HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills. in Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. ; RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL © I ig We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of _ Cloverdale, B, C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood © and Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woopstock LumBerR ade Mre Go. Send for Catalo J vt Samples by ows“ LUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, a he, ne tet Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY - 134", 2” and 3” "Mia Rock Elm, rsts and 2nds, ei 1", 134" and 2” Chestnut, “ ' 1", 14", 134" and 2” Butternut, J THE MSLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, we F >, ‘ i bis . 7 eee a July 4, 1906 Shingle prices range from $1. go' to $2.00 f.o.b. here, and the con- ditions are without. change to any great extent. There is a fair business, with quite a few shingles going over the line. The recent strike in the Puget Sound mills will affect the market in British Columbia is the opinion of a manufacturer expressed to-day. He points out — that the prices over there are now going up, and the reduction in out- put will keep their shingles out of the Canadian market, while giving more room for the B.C. article in American territory. Altogether,the — shingle business is in good shape. — The Chinese boycott is bringing — trade to mills in this province, in — preference to those on Puget Sound. Formerly all the business went to the United States, but coast mills are now shipping regularly to pie.) Kong. ry A feature of recent trade in con- nection with the mills at New West- minster is the shipment of a large amount of lumber to Nome. When it is remembered that Seattle is the only Northern Pacific port having direct continual connection with Nome, it is remarkable that Ameri- can business of this kind should come to British Columbia. New Westminster just now is very busy with all the mills in operation. =—— —_—_—_——————e ae Spruce frames have sold in Boston | this week at $23, although the general asking price for g inch and under is $24. ' , . Stock sizes now ready. WOODSTOCK, ONT. KNIGHT BROTHERS co LIMITED Burk’s Falls. : MONTREAL, QUE. + - = ed ‘wnire PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER July 4, 1906 . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ES OEE RS ee SERS ee ee ree ee NE UNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the cANADA LUMBERMAN.) St: Joun, N.B., June 28th, 1906.. —The strike among the .mill-hands, mentioned in letter of June 12th, has been settled after three weeks of idleness at all the local mills ex- cept one ; the men have decided to go back, unconditionally and at the old rate of wages, By July 2nd it “is-expected that all the mills will be running at their full capacity. The period of idleness will affect the season’s output to the extent of from fifteen to eighteen millions of feet of long lumber alone. Log driving operations on the St. ohn river are not materializing as favorably as was hoped, earlier in the season, would be the case. The indications are that the estimates of the probable hang-up mentioned in last letter (fifty to sixty-five mil- lions of feet) were well founded. A feature which is of much inter- est to local lumbermen is the com- pact which has been made by the most prominent of the Maine manu- facturers to curtail the output of deals during the balance of the season. This circumstance, pled with the fact that New Bruns- wick’s output of ‘‘ American ” deals will be far below the average, will no doubt have an immediate effect upon prices in the New York mar- kets ; an effect which will speedily manifest itself in a tendency toward higher prices. Locally the feeling in regard to ‘‘ American” deals is rather unsettled and uncertainty in regard to the future is present in a marked degree. The local demand for _ Spruce for shipment to Great Bri- ‘tain is of such a nature that all that has been manufactured so far this season, as well as all that can be _manufactured for several weeks’ to ROSSED PULP WO00D ‘St. Gabriel Lumber Co. Limited Bus St. Gabriel De Bran:‘on, Que. ' Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. LB. Farwell & Son 2 Contractors and Dealers in’ OEDAK TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELEGTRIG LIGHT POLES Oswego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. eou- ~ N..B. - come, has been disposed of for ear- - ly shipment. Shipments have been keeping pace with the mill cuts and during the recent strike the wharves at all the local mills have been practically cleaned up of ‘‘ English.” For the balance of the season, the output at this port and along the river promises to be about normal, providing that some unlooked for . obstacle does not arise to prevent. Local interested parties seem to have every confidence in the ith- mediate future as regards the sale of N.B. spruce in the markets of Great Britain. Reports tell of prices that have held firm in the face of heavy receipts, and while the de- mand is not so strong as the indi- cations of early spring seemed to promise, a healthy volume of busi- ness is confidently expected. At present -writing an enquirer for this line of goods would be quot- ed in the vicinity of $14.00 per thousand superficial feet, f.o.b. St. John, on a sp-:cification containing say 507%, 7’s and 8’s, 35% o’s, and 15% 11’s and up, two-thirds price for Fourths and Ends. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN ) Orrawa, June 30th, 1906.—The lumber manufacturers in Ottawa are producing in very large quanti- ties for the foreign market. The salés are so large that they are unable to get sufficient shipping facilities. The shortage of cars has been a cause for complaint for some weeks and recently the chief lumber shippers found that they could not even get enough barges. A’well known mill owner says he would send a greater quantity of pine deals if he were not confronted with this transportation problem. Planing and. Matching —IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 13 T HE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Sarre! Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries ror prices, etc. by Mail, Wire or Phone. . , McLennan Timber Land. ald LUMDEP GO., vimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES4 Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH! BASSWOOD! OTTAWA, Can. SPRUCE! In any grade, size or quantity. Before placing - your order drop us a W. B. BARTRAM & CO. line for prices. Shipments to England get the pre- ference on the barges, so that the home trade suffers most when there is a difficulty in movement. The supply of barges and cars the lumbermen say is not less than it was in other years- but the heavy sales surpass previous records. The output of the mills is loaded and sent away just as soon as it is. available. The month of July usually witnesses a slump in the lumber activity, but the prospects are that this year will be an excep- tion. The immense sales of white pine, and at high rates, have had the effect of advancing spruce a dollar per thousand. Other quotations are continuing firm and the manu- facturers are most happy in the progress of their industry. No. 1 white pine lath at $4 a thousand is in great demand in the United States and the second grade is selling equally well to Canadian purchasers. The local lumbermen report the drives as making satistactory pro- gress. There is considerable dis- cussion among them as to the pro- posed prohibition of Sunday labor in moving logs. The new Lord’s Day Act declares this kind of work to be illegal despite the protest on behalf of the lumbermen. While Ottawa representatives of the trade say their policy has been to have as little Sunday work as possible, and -believing that river drivers musi*have a day of rest, they as- sert that the absolute prohibition of Sunday work would-be .a serious handicap in bringing their logs to the mill. The breaking of booms would have to be attended to promptly for instance. In the ear- ly spring when creeks fill with the freshets these channels have to be used at once and it is often obliga- tory to labor seven days of the week. While Parliament declined to make special provision for this work it is stated that the lumber- men will be allowed to continue Sunday operations in cases of emergency by virtue of the clause which permits labor of necessity and mercy. Mr. Peter Whelan, of the Shep- pard and Morse Company, has gone to England as a delegate to the Im- perial Congress in London and will look into British lumber conditions when abroad. Hemlock lath are selling in the Saginaw Valley at $5 for No. 1 and $4.50 for No. 2. A. F, Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen'l.-Mg F. H. Goff, Vice-Pres. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER - anD ~LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, and Norway, any length from 10’ to oo long. —— SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, uimiTeD Millis: LATCHFORD, ONT. Blatich Offices : Manchester, Eng. North Tonawanda N. Y. swsatie: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO “ We Offer DRY MILL CULLS se Cars 4/4 Sidings 4/4 x to and 12 ee 70 a Rate low; price falr Ghe LONG LUMBER: COMPANY, HAMILTON. Cc. A. LAR KIN=— WHOLESALE LUMBER Shingles, Lath and Cedar Fence Posts. TORONTO be bo ONTARIO CACHE BAY LUMBER INDUSTRIES. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular . ted Oho tol pays Ont. 26 miles West North Bay Gang UMBER anD LATH se CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material Send us your enquiries. HARDWOOD FLOORING tne ainatea SIMMON BROS, xz 82 Cenfederation Life Bidg.,. TORONTO —Our Prices will Inferest Pou 4.. WW. ee ET Ce. ae We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. W. EYER @ CO. - 45 Adelaide oRONTO, ONT. DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, In6. WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - N.Y. OR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS GOMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD FFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, | OWEN SOUND, ONT. _ Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES ' TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. Office : Gixcroa. ONT. BIRCH RAILWAY TIE PRINCESS PINE AS Poses tar Sa POLES OAK CEDAR Cc. Co, &c. aise in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. tuce Timber 18 ft. up, 1” x 11’ and up, for sale at a low price for anal ate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, ” Siiane””” QUEBEC he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. ? Bis of Onterio, Limited | MILLS ins = Fee” er eee oe pistes Ont. | Sd MANUFACTURERS OF White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments THE WM. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING 0,, LIMITED Saw Mille at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON oo” Branc anning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES Coristlag Building, Montreal. ad at Mills at Spragge. Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Fairview Gedat Lumber Co. Vancouver, B.C. Manufacturers of ........ Rough and Dressed Cedar Lumber and Laths We Manufacture Cedar ome: and have the eu stock in the Province. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS | J- S. FINDLAY — - We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow P*se, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles R. LAIDLAW LUMBER co. 9d a 18 Toronto Street, Toronto ae bas PEDWELL & LEMCKE, = Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. - Rail or Water Shipments. MANUFACTURERS OF erp otis ¢ Correspondence Solicited. ee JAS. PLAYFAIR. PLA YFAIR 8s DL. ae ITE. ae - Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers ¢ : ' j Re LUMBER « LATH SINGLES ieee Contractors for Rallway Supplies deg MIDLAND, ONT. i BILL TIMBER a Specialty OWEN. SOUND, 3 MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO, ? sienuteaiees and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine,” Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff, We ship by C. P. R., R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, Gaaae | BS Povonte Street (rel Main 644) TORONTO, ONT. Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants 4 Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of | Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. ; Amherst, N.S... HAR DWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoeds atclose price THE SEAMAN KENT Co., Limitea 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, ark. 2 HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK H%, K%, %H, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Baca, , End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . : Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER a .¥. a OWBN SOUND, ONT. .P. 0. BOX 45, VANCOUVER, B. C. July: 4," 906 CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION UNITED STATES MANUFAGTURERS AND WHOLESALERS CAN [2 [e. LAC Al THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS, ST. LOUIS McCLURE LUMBER CO. ey HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS eee YELLOW PINE AND OAK Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street - DETROIT, MICH. Mill: EUTAW, ALA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pime Timbers a Specialty WHOLESALE b Haeberlé Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a Bpectalt erior Picim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber Soft Yellow Pine Finishing C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. DETROIT, MICH. Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISGINSINGEATRAL ALA St. Paul, Ashland, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. wee full information, address H, J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, GPA Milwaukee, Wis Minneapolis, Milwaukee, GRSSESVS VVEVVEVSESSESSUEVED SESEVEVSEUS .: BBO ¢ THE OLD MACHINERY or plant, or tools for which you have no present use, might be sold or rented to some other reader of the WEEKLY LuM- BERMAN by the investment of a few dollars in advertising. SCRCCSCVVVVTSSSSSSVSSTEVSSESSESSUS BSUS BBO J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building FRANK CG. BURY LUMBER GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE DETROIT MICHICAN Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. “BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE : | Wood Brokersand Measurers | Cabe) Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale 8t., 7: Rogent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG atte AREAS > 1800 Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 2.75 3 35 Pine, box boards.... 1400 15 00| XX, 18inch........-. 1 70 200 SARNIA, ONT UPPERS. 2 ROP nw iatenica no. clatsloloiste 25 00 1in.,8” and up wide..$79 oo Rae ealcinpaciciges seis Rules 27 oe 1%, 13 and 2” g -» 77 00 i”x1zand up... ....-. 28 00 2% and 3” es eo 1% x4and5”........ «++$25 00 bes ++ 94 00 1% x6” and up.......- - 27 oe SELECTs. : = Lid Pom sonw wamegad . 3 ge 1 in., poendiup wide - 69 00 I x6’ and Up.......s a7 00 1%, 0 and 2 ++++ 67 CO 36 IOC EE case ndee 28 00 a stale 1M sees BT 00 1% £12". 28. sand 30 00 w+» 89 00 2’ x6’ and up.........- 27 00 FINE, COM. AND BETTER, a! KANO Masala niet ver soe OD 1 in., 8” and up wide.... 56 00 ibe o) ste Be Picts sisaiantsts «= 30 08 i and 14” a +e 58 00 No. I BARN, sere 59 00 ° pine ee ee «$27 00 to $35 00 FINE COMMON. 14%, 1% and 2” 33 oo to 35 00 Wisi 48 00 to 60 00 ry ‘ee 38 oo 14, 136 to 27 .. 5500 5600 sire eeene eee ence 2%,3and 4”.. 7800 86 co NO. 2 BARN. } NOv'T CUTS: I inceeeee veces. 24 OOFO 27 00 rin., 8” and up wide... 37 00 1%, 1%, nae a 25 oo to 27 on 1¥ in. see 47 00 2% and 3”. 29 00 1% in, e see 47 00 20 “ «+. 49 00 NO. 3 BARN. 2%and3” -. 62 00 Kiara e- 21 00 fo 23 0o 4” ‘ ++. 62 00 ix 1% and be 21 oe to 24.0 NO, 2 CUTS. setae oje'sieiveid 23 00 : ae 6” and up ed? +. 21 00 BOX. ++ 33 00 ” 7] NS 1, 1”, 1% y “ ae Pe < : Beni: 15 oo to 20 00 nm 4 ei! oO. 1m: culls 2%, gand 4 cena noe 1, 1%, 1%, 2” 2” 16 08to 18 00 NO. 3 CUTS. MILL CULLS. 1 in., 6” and up wide.... oo 1% and 6" PY ie aa oo Mill Run Culls 1”, 1%, 1% f “ rr) 23 00 and 2’ se grees co reese TS OO 2%,3and4” “ .... 3000 No. 2, T3090 MILL RUN. LATE, ” No.1 ar Ae i i’ x6and8".......... «. 24 00 No.1, 48” pine. + $Mineadel> oni TO / aye . BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y. WHITE PINE. : (Wholesale selling price.) Uppers; 1,144%,14anda in «duis do Shelving. , No. I, 13 in. ae A ee o 73 00 | No. 1 Mold st’ps ztos 1% to ain. FE CO | MM os hoe oieee,s vite nae 2% and 3 in. j 85 00] No. 2 Moulding Strips, 4 Mececccencee tee 96 oo ZMOD INI gs 5. oes Fine common, 1 in. 57 00| Barn, No.1, 12in..... 1% and Si listed §9 00] 6,8andzoin...... — 2 in.. : 61 00 ding ahd jo 3 i. Sse : 80 00 0.2, 12 De... sees 3 ink eh 85 00] No. 3, roin........ 26 © Cag up by No. 1,1 in. 4500) No.3, 12in.......- a7 % in..... $4 00] Box, rX4.sce-eeee ee a et ee 5800} xrx6&up........ 23 No. 2, 1 7p 28 00 ESEO icc Veg we cine 24) a 2,1%,&1% 43 00 LOB: ingcnne v0 4 No. 31h, and e. 42 00 1x13 and ri Rape xe NO. 3.2” .....seree 35 00 of aoe aoe 24 Dressing rin... Beate 42 00] Mi le 2S ae 20 1x10 und 12...... 44 00 1%, ei and 2in ato BOSTON, MASS. , White Pine Uppers, 1 tozinch ..,... .... ......$86 00 to $90 00 Selects; 7 to. 2inch ..... .caen «moe dig edsccucaee oo tes Hise Comation, 11nci. Ga aleeibis:s'e tates sneiy ++» 6900 65 60 1% to 2inch.......... sereees 6200 65 80 No. 1 Cuts, a ts eesevecsceseences sessee 46 00 oo to 2inch...... AB vagversnsen SRIED ae No. 2 Cuts, asian 1 stteceeesese seseetesteseegeses 3000 32 08 1% tozinch........ Job swe aap eames MONOD 48 00 Barn Boards, No. 1......ccecceceseeceseeevcnce 41 00 ee poe ee necon Goede ce 35 00 Os tc aces occ ccrsesceedeans esas a>pmiae 30 oo Spruce, 1o and 12 in. dimension......... 26 co gin, and under .........20.2. ceeeeeeesess § 00 24080 te and 12 in. ran lengths, ro ft. and up...... 25 00 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 26, 2x7 3x4 random lengths, 1:90 - Toft, amd mp. .. 0c. dos. 1.04 lene estes aieee eee 20 00° All oties —_ lengths, 9 in. and and wader, 10 4 and up............ cavccecesceccces OE 22 : 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.18 ae Out Spruce boards, p. 1 8......6- ceeeeeee eeeeneee 17 ee 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and bund) 22 80 th spruce laths sone cece ecesen stews ceesee eee gna » 400. see ecclecves eve c seb eunicdenpslenwe. | ~~ e | - = NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. QU ATS. . 22's. sis'e cvetees ovleacaivs snus le pmp'es esis la stenmneee 3 Second Clemre ooo. ooo ces ne ccc eine ele slelu's siu'alstsiatnas gm 2. Cleans WEIS 55. 0.505 wm onime sine 90.syne arlene ene Beige eR a Extra 1s (Clear whites seeteeeenreeceseceeses E3O | TF, Extra 1s (Clear whites im) .............sseeeeseees 1 40 1 BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES, Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. S.pakis too ie peeueene ot + Eurekas, «8 me ¥ Perfectiona < butts to7¥ in, So (-) oS, a {~) Ss COSC {~) J fC) So () Ss @) S x : . Manufacturers of. Toronto Telephone Main 1o16. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. J. B.#MILLER, President. Sc \ S So J Sc oS So oS oS J ZS J J ‘J So \} J So S So ‘J oS So, So J oS oS J So J Ss Ss oS So So So ‘J oS Ss S Ss So Ss Ss So Ss OO S f~) (=) f=) o °o ° {-) ° fa) f=) fo) {=} {~) (>) f-) (-) fo) °o {-) f-) (=) {-) fo) {=) f-) fa) {~) {-) o ° fo) (=) f-) (-) fo) {-) °o {-) {~) {~) f~) (=) {~) {~) {~) {-) The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited — W, B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. ROUGH and DRESSED - Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO Telegraph Codes : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. SZOSZOSCOSCOSCDS UNS ONS USCS USSU ‘i - WEEKLY NADA LIMBERM EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 per yeak {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD VoL. X1V (Canada LUMBERMAN ’ y ' PUBLISHED BY ‘ The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: , 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. — Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS ST:, VANCOUVER B. C. ‘ 7; ‘ne Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the incipal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A eekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of mbet products athomeand abroad. _ The Monthly Lumbermav— A 44-page journal, iscussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. Sart = SSS SS = *-="*25 ae ne ss. WANTED AND FOR SALE * = _ Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. four or more consecutive insertions are aa a discount of.25 per cent. will be allowed. his notice‘shows the width of the line and is set Nonpareil type; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- ‘ sements must be réceived not later than 4 clock p.m. ou Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week's issue SSWOOD LUMBER WANTED. RY 1% AND 1%” FIRSTS AND SECONDS; also 1” dry mill cull. Good price paid. Box 2 pai LUMBERMAN, Toronto. 1) ‘TGOR SALK—THE HALF OR THE WHOLE ” of asaw m llonthe sea shire, Gulf of St. wrence Que. Rotary saw, 3 shingle machines, h, 1 planer, a water power; small limits well imbered. Good chance fora man with capital make a large business. Write to ALFRED AYMOND, 125 Desfosses St., Quebec. WANTED A SH, BIRCH, PASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, £4. Rock Kim, Hard Maple, and Hickory in ‘Logs, lumber and dimension sizes. Spot cash. spection at mill. Please quote prices f.o.b. at ipping points. W. J. GoRDON, Box 295, ‘imdsor, Ont. ‘imber Limits For Sale LUABLE TIMBER IL, MITS IN THE rovince of British Columbia. For particu- Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. . i —— FOR SALE THE TOWNSHIP OF WIDDIFIELD, VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND TIm- R LIMITS, comprising 300 acres of land, with g stream running through it, Valuable ty of virgin pine on the limit. The saw mill iS a capacity of 40 M. feet per day and is complete all its appointments, with boarding house, elling houses for men, store, offices, ice house, houses, stables, barns, well equipped black- shop, camp outfits, sleighs, wagons, trucks everything required for lumbering operations. offer this valuable property at a great bargain. THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, Rooms 35 and 36, Home Life Building, t. TORONTO, MONTREAL — JULY 11, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER No. 18. NOTICE TO THE LUMBER TRADE Ata meeting of the Lumbermeu's Association of Ontario, it was unanimously decided that the terms of sale, to take effect MONDAY, JUNE I)TH. 1906, should be as follows: Cash Discount dating from shipment. 1% per cent. in 15 days. ‘I percent. in 30 days. Net, 60 days. No discount after 30 days. All freights cash THE LUMBERMEN’S ASSOCIATION OF ONTARIO, -W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. \ ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Srmco—E Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, FOR SALE. JT “IMBER. LIMIT CONTAINING ABOUT twenty million white pine, fifteen million spruce. Box 230, Sudbury, Ont. _ ROCK ELM AND ASH WANTED . . W ILI, PAY HIGHEST PRICE FOR SEVER: Vv alcats rock elm, black and white ash, cut 14”, 1%” and 2”. Cherry lumber, all sizes. Box 388, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED. PER*ON CONTROLLING LARGE tracts of timber would Jike to meet with mill ‘man to operate same on shares or on stumpage basis. Apply CanaDA LUMBERMAN, Box 3-7, Vancouver, B.C, WANTED. ONSIGNMENTS OF SPRUCE AND HEM- lock lumber, ‘N.B. shing'es and laths. Knott & SAMPSON. Wholesale Lumber and Commiss on Dealers, Lumber Manutacturers Agents, 20 Central Street, Boston, Mass. FOR SALE FE NEWFOUNDLAND, 224,000 ACRES OF white pine, spruce, fir, hackmatack, poplar and birch timber Jand with 30,000 h.p. water power, suitable for either a lumber or a wood pulp operation. Government royalty only so cents per M. Address LUMBERMAN, PO Box 383, St. John’s, Nfld. FOR SALE 500 M feet of High Grade Hardwood E ARE CLOSING OUR CANADIAN branch and are disposing of our entire stock of boae dry and kiln dried hardwoods, in- cluding p.ain aud quartered oaks, o'k squares, black ash, hard maple, chestnut, etc, Wrive us for our stock list and prices. THE BENNET FURNISHING CO., LTD., London, Ont. Relaying Rails For Sale to miles, 60-lb. per yard. 2% miles 65-lb. per yard. 2 miles, 4s-lb. per yard. With necessary fastenings,for prompt shipment. New Rails In — Stock 12, 16, 20, 25 and :o-lb. JOHN J. GARTSHORE, 83 Front Street, West, Toronto. Mill Foreman Wanted HOROUGHLY COMPETENT ACTIVE foreman, for sawmill cutting upwards of 100,000 feet daily ; must be capable of handling >25 men, looking after machinery, and securing the best possible results from operation; must be educated, sober and highly recommended and an A No.1 all-round man, no other need apply. Good opportunity for live man. Box 393. CaNnaDA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. OR SALE—ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND feet of 1” hard maple, log run; three years old ; price for immediate sale, whole lot f.o.b. cars our siding, §18..0 per M DopGE MANUF'’G Co., Toronto. OR SALE—80 H.P. BOILER, 75 H.P. EN- gine, 15 h.p. boiler and engine, one feed water heater, one pulp wood rossing machine, one circular saw mill. JOHN FENDERSON & Co,, Sayabec, Que. ; HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED \ ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO | /V becut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet Address Box 377, CANADA Lense MAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR. SALE. CEDAR AND TAMARAC POLES, suitable for piles and telegraph poles, i7# and up at the top end, 25 to so ft. long. MUSKOKA WooD MFG. Co., Huntsville. \ 7ANTED: AN EXPERIENCED LUMBER Salesman, to sell lumber in Western On- tario. Apply Box No. 712, North Tonawanda, INeee . ANTED: EXPERIENCED LUMBERMAN, line yard manager for Western Canada, State experience. Address Westenhaver Bros., Detroit, Micn. WANTED—1". 2” AND 3” TAMARAC, 2” Soft Elm C&B, 1”, 1%”, 2” Black Ash C&B. TheR E. KINSMAN LUMBER Co., Lrp, Hamilton, Ont. 4 INCH MAPLE WANTED FEW CARS 4” 1STS AND 2NDS. 397 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. BOX WANTED : A YOUNG MAN FOR POSITION of lumber buyer and inspector fcr On- tario pine, hardwoods, etc. Must be sober and experienced Apply stating age, salary expect- edand references. Box 398 CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto. ' Business Chances ANTED—PRACTICAL SAWMILL MAN with four or five thousand dollars cash to take interest in and management cf a gocd saw mill proposition in BritishColumbia. Disposal of cut arranged for. Mill constructed and plenty of timber available. Apply in first in- stance to Box 396, CANADa LUMBERMAN, Toronto. For Sale. ‘ee FOLLOWING GOOD QUAIL, TY MILL Kun Maple, cut over a year ago: 4 inch Maple,...... 12,622 ft. 3% "* im ah. e's Re 4,728 ft. | iin aM 11,530 ft iy“ Seo cn tele foes 16,000 ft. ce ey phat Wes Fae 22,830 ft Price 16.00 per M. in yard at Lakefield, Ont., apply toG. M. HaMILTON, Peterboro, Ont. FOR. SALE Saw Mill and Timber Limits 2,000 acres mostly deeded land well timbered, Hemlock, Birch, Balsam, Spruce, Cedar, Maple, Beech and Pine. Saw mill capacity 1; thousand per day; shingle mill capacity 30 thousand per day. Boarding house, stable, etc Level roadtoG T. R.twoand a half miles, Apply to J. J. ANDERSON, Novar, or to A. A. SMITH, Millbro k. 5 e BUSINESS NOTES. The Elgin-Jarvis Lumber Comp- any, of Toronto, is interested in a contest between Joseph Edgar of Sundridge on one side, and I. M. Clemens, of New Hamburg, on the other, for a sum of money, which has been paid into court by the company, as both parties claimed interest in the funds. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The lumber market continues firm but- somewhat featureless. Heavy buying of white pine for the account of wholesalers is almost a thing of the past, as the bulk of the production to be disposed.of in. this way was contracted for early in the year. The retail trade, however, are quite busy, and from all parts of the province come reports of an active demand for building lumber. The drives in the north have made good progress and the cut of pine promises to be fully as large as that of last year. That all the stock will be required is now taken for granted, and there is little concern about prices. The lower grades are: if anything, a Jittle firmer. Hem- lock continues strong, with the quantity of stock offering less than was anticipated. Some of the smaller manufacturers have offered birch and basswood at slight reduct- ions, but the general market is not weak. British Columbia red cedar shin- gles have advanced and are now quoted as follows. for Ontario delivery: xx, $2.40; xxx, $3.25; xxxx, $3.47 ; xxxxx, $3.80. UNITED STATES. There is still a strong tone to the United States lumber market. Southern pine has recovered some of the recent decline, and is now being bought quite freely by whole- sale dealers in anticipation of a brisk fall demand. At Buffalo and Tonawanda the demand for white pine has improved during the past fortnight and all grades are selling more evenly than formerly. The lower grades are largely in the hands of the box manufacturers. Spruce is not as weak as in the month of June, but large blocks can still be bought at a concession ot from $1 to $2 per thousand. Hem- lock values are firm. Chicago dealers are quoting No. 1 hemlock If. piece stuff, 2x 4 to 2x10, at $20 to $21. In the Saginaw Valley boards are quoted at $19 and $20 and piece stuff from $18 up, accord- ing todimensions. The hardwoods are getting more plentiful but are going to consumption in consider- able volume. Quotations in Michi- gan are: Elm, $22 to $26; basswood, $22 for No. 2 common and better, and $15 for culls; birch, $20 to $25; maple $16 to $18. GREAT BRITAIN. The demand for lumber in Great Britain has improved, but the con- sumption is still below what it should be. This is about the only unsatis- factory feature, as stocks are light and prices generally firm. For spruce importers are paying an ad- vance on the quotations ruling two months ago. Good pine deals are in fair demand, but sidings have accumulated to some extent. Wide deals are worth about $165 per standard of 1,980 feet board measure. There has been an active consumption of oak and birch, but large receipts of the latter trom the Maritime Provinces have _ been against the price, which still shows weakness. Birch planks are being enquired for more freely. RED CEDAR SHINGLES. Another advance has taken place in the price of red cedar shingles. The advance of 5 cents in Washing- ton about two weeks ago was fol- lowed by a similar increase last CANADA LUMBERMAN week, and on Saturday last the British Columbia manufacturers followed the initiative of the Wash- ington mills by advancing prices for shingles for eastern shipment by 1o cents. There is a brisk demand, but the strike of shingle weavers had no doubt much to do with the advance. The strike and increase of prices on the other side should make things better in British Co- lumbia. It will give the Canadian product the Canadian market, and besides will make them more in de- mand on the American side, where large exportations are constantly made. The shingle mills, it was an- nounced, would resume operations this week in an effort to break the strike, but at the time of going to press no definite news regarding the situation had reached us. For the past twenty days mills repre- senting about 75 per cent. of the output of red cedar shingles in Washington have been closed down, which has strengthened the market to a wonderful degree. THE GLASGOW MARKET. In issuing their half-yearly report of the Glasgow market, Messrs. Edmiston & Mitchell say: The most prominent examples of reduced stocks, as compared with same date last year, are spruce and pine deals, which are less than a half in the case of Quebec deals, and only a fifth of the Low Port stock at THE ONTARIO LUMBER sacs ee: North Bay. Fy zee vG. vn. R. Delivery MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES, oee Tite Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mixts: French River, Georgian Bay ater Shipment Only. ave: & T. CHARLTONanee ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOoLESALE DEALERS—— 1, DS and Ly Ary Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Best Workmen. Send us a trial car. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON &( = 80 St. Francis Ravice Street Keenan Bros., Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LOMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries, At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2 ,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS Lar” 38, WEEKLY EDITION 30th June, 1905. Of Quebec logs, the only examples of an increased stock are elm and birch, the latter having been imported pretty freely of late. j As regards the consumption dur- ing the past six months, this, in most items, shows a regrettable falling-off, as the following examples will show. Pine and spruce deals are about 12,500 standards as com- pared with 18,600 standards for the ° first six months of 1905 and Quebec logs 5,800 loads against 6,400. Examples of an increased consump- tion are Oregon pine, birch and American oak, all of which compare. favorably with last year. Taken as a whole, the import is somewhat less for the six months than for the corresponding period last year. In the sense that prices generally are very firm, the market may be said to be in a favorable condition, but it must not be lost sight of that this is caused not by an active de- mand existing, but because of light stocks and light imports. In the event of animproved demand setting in, prices would be likely to advance very smartly, as, even apart from the small stocks on hand, there is the fact that most buyers have tor some time back pursued the policy of purchasing only for immediate requirements, and where a few years ago they would have carried a con- siderable stock, nowadays, they seem to aim at keeping this down to the lowest possible point. J t 7 BEE a ECS ee eT A | ® HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL = ~—‘*J We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS : We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood _ and Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock Lumper & Mec Co. 2 & Samples by WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPR Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO. BUY - Rock Elm, tsts and 2nds, 1", ry " 1%” and 2” Chestnut, - , 14", 14" and 2” Butternut, te THE MCLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, Q E 134", 2” and 3” ” u“ I "” Send for Catalogue KNIGHT BROTHERS July 11, 1906 Waite Pixe.—The import du the year to date has been of atri nature, consisting as it does of 52 loads, which came forward in one or two Liner shipments. _ The sto is moderate, being 250 loads unde that at the same date last yez There is only a moderate deni : but values, nevertheless, contin firm. , iv Oak.—The stock of Quebec tim- ber at 758 loads is about 340 lo: less than at same time last y and consists largely of second-c wood. The consumption for first six months to date is about per cent. over that for the s period last year. A good de exists for first-class wood, and values continue on a very firm basis. E_m.—A moderate demand exists for first class rock elm, but inferior timber is hard to move. The stock is low,and consists almost ageabd y of secouduclads wood. The fres arrivals coming to hand shoul meet with a good outlet at remun- erative rates. QuEBEC BIRCH. —The June import is represented by 1,342 logs, some of which were deliveries against contracts, and part on consignment. A few sales are reported to have been made ex quay and ex store, but in most cases at unsatisfactory prices. There is a fair quantity li birch on the market unsold, and almost no demand, so that pressure to effect sales makes for lower prices, and the only apparent way to bring about an improvement re .* . oe oe on short notice, bills i Stock sizes now ready. WOODSTOCK, ONT. il LIMITED Burk’s Falls. : MONTREAL, QUE. cag July 11, 1906 ‘ = a a : s \ CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. SS eee ne would be the curtailment of ship- ments. - Lower Port Bircu.—There has been no import during the past - month—neither logs nor planks. _ There is an ample stock to supply the market requirements for some time to come, and prices are weak. ~ Bircn PLank.—There are enquir- jes for 21%4-inch and 4-inch planks, ‘and shipments of these would meet with ready sale. _ Asu.—A few logs are coming - forward from time to time, and have been in all cases disposed of from the ship’s side at fair prices. Really _ prime white ash logs are asked for, but the most of those coming for- _ ward are brown in color or ringy - ended. ; Deats, &c.—The import of Que- _ \bec deals and sidings has been ona smaller scale than for some years past, but nas proved quite sufficient, jim most instances, to meet the _ _market’s requirements. Pine sidings have come forward too freely, with the result that the stock of same has assumed heavy proportions, and is now fully double of that at 3oth June last year. Spruce is in active demand, and any consignments coming to hand meet with a ready sale ex quay. Current values are as under: - Broap First Pine Dears.—433 to £35; 11-inch, 430 to £32; ends and non-dimensions, £23 to 425 ; mi - LOS. SEconD Pine Deats.—11-inch and up, 420 to £22; ends and non- dimensions, 414 to £15. i Tuirp Pine Deats.—11-inch and » up, 412 to £14; ends and non- dimensions, £10 to £10 tos. Rep Pine Deats.—g and 11-inch, 49 tos to £10 10s; narrows, £8 to | Osc First Pine Sipincs AND STRIPS. WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER | FOSSED PULP WJOD —s- §t. Gabriel Tumber Co. Limited St. Gab’ iel De Brandon, Que. Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. A ——— Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. J.B. Farwell & Son > ts - “Contractors and Dealers in OEDAK ; TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES Oswego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. aa Renfrew, Ont. ~ 3 Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH! aa wi In any grade, your order BASSWOOD! size or quantity. Before placing drop us a W. B. BARTRAM & CO. —g to 10-inch, £23 to 424; 11 to 12-inch, £25 to £26; 13 to 14-inch, 427 to £28. Spruce DeEAis.—g-inch and up, 49 to 49 10s; 7 and 8-inch, £7 15s to 48 5s. Lower Port PINE AND SPRUCE.— g-inch and up, £8 5s to £8 158; 7 and 8-inch, 47 10s to £8. WESTERN CANADA NEWS. Another new market for British Columbia lumber has been opened up. For several years all the orders for lumber used in Hong Kong have been placed in the United States, © and probably the companies would have retained them, but the Chinese boycott on United States manu- facturers some little time ago, gave British Columbia firms a _ good chance for new business, with the result that Messrs. Lemon, Gonason & Co., have orders to send by each steamer which leaves Victoria for Hong Kong, a fairly large shipment of lumber, generally about 40,000 feet. It is very likely that these or- ders will increase considerably. All the local mills are now working to their full capacity, and the orders for shipments of lumber to the Yukon and the Northwest seem to be placed equally amongst local firms. The Shawnigan Lake Lumber Company’s mill on the lake is now turning~ out about 60,000 feet per day, and the orders are coming in so plentifully, that the mill is kept up to this out- put. Lumber rates from Puget Sound to coastwise points are on the in- crease: to California points is now higher than it has been for years, and - shippers state that they expect the price to continue soaring. Shipping men state that the advance in price’ Planing and Matching —IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Piates, Etc. Prompt reply to en nities ror prices, etc. by Mail Wire or Phone. : McLennan Timber Land alld LUMDePr OO, timed | Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers orrrest Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. “SPRUCE! line for prices. The rate-from Washington is occasioned by a shortage of vessels to take cargo to coastwise ports. Practically all of the steam schooners operated from San Fran- cisco, which handled the large part of the trade, have been tied up. Vessels now on the run cannot begin to handle the amount of lumber offering. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSA.TICNS. Guy Moulthrop, general manager of the Moulthorp Lumber Company, John’s Island, Ont., recently closed a deal for 25 square miles of timber limits near their mill. The timber was purchased by Mr. Moulthrop and Moon & Macdonald. This will give the Moulthrop Company a ten- year stock for their mill, which has a capacity of about 23,000,000 feet annually. TIMBER AT QUEBEC. Following is a comparative state- ment of timber, etc., measured and culled at the Supervisor of Cullers’ Office, Quebec, up to July 4th : 1904 Thos 1906 C Feet C Feet C Feet Waney White Pine... 987,880 883,640 434,720 White Pine........... 69,920 61,440 30,520 Red Pine..........-..: 2 000 920 560 OBS SIS aie daiots vicky cone 121,760 9,680 208,920 Tho ey citric die anon 131,400 399,200 333,520 PREY oe ee elaine = ae I ,240 8 720 3,360 Butternut.........-.. Arne 120 Riolae Birch and Maple-.... 111.960 197,600 148,360 The following are the retail prices for spruce lumber at Edmonton, Alberta : Sills, 4x 4, 6x6, 6x8, 8x8, $20; sills, 8 x 10, 10 X 10, IO x 12, 12 x 12, $21; sized dimension up to 8 in. wide, up to 16 ft. long, $21; sized dimension over 8 in. wide, up to 16 ft. long, $22; No. 1 dressed sheeting to 8 in. wide, $20; No. 1 dressed sheeting over 8 in. wide, $21; dressed flooring and ceiling, 4 in., $26; dressed flooring and sid- ing, 6 in., $25; dressed shiplap, 6 in. wide, $23; dressed, 8 in. to 10 in. wide, $24; finishing lumber, De tarS;) or: D. 2S.,. $3034-Noa2 dressed sheeting, 6in. wide, $17; No. 2 dressed sheeting, 4 in. wide, $14; shorts, 4 in. wide, D. 1S. 6 ft. and 8 ft. long, $12; shorts 6 in. to 12 in. wide, D. 1S., 6 ft. and 8 ft. long, $16; boards, in the rough, 1 x 4 to 8 in. wide, $20; boards in the rough, 1 x 10 and wider, $20; plank 3 in. thick to 8 in. wide, $21; plank, 3 in. thick to 10 in. wide and over, $22; spruce lath, $3.75. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr E. Cc. Barre, Ass’t Mgr A. F, Holden, Pres. F, H. Goff, Vice-Pres. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER. LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. — SARNIA, ONT. AND THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LimiTED Mills: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. see: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO “ A EE We Offer DRY MILL CULLS to Cars 4/4 Sidings 6 a/q x to and 2 2 * 5/4 1 ce 8/4 Rate low; price fair Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON. DBOVSVSVVSESesstvsetse bg R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. C. A. Kent, Sec’y. R. S ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. see ro Ve Ye Ye tee BSEVVEVSVSVVVVVSSVSSTSBO © SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. VWVGSBVESVVVVVVETVSETSBSF -BB4ABBO Try an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this paper. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CACHE BAY, Ont Cc, B: Ri Gane e 26 miles West North Bay UMBER an>D LATH (Canada LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | July 11, 1906 CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS oe THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material Send us your enquiries. End Matched, Bored, Polished HARDWOOD FLOORING and (Banat SIHMON BROS, xi: 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. —Our Prices will Interest Vou" Bain MW. CRY ER Ge We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season's cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. W. EYER @ CO. - 45 Adeloids ORONTO, ONT. DéLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, In6. WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. OR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, | OWEN SOUND, ONT: Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. Office : SPRUCE BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIES HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH ZerECKArS POLES PINE CEDAR &c. Se. &e. B.C, FIR B.C. CEDAR Any thing in ae or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. nd up, 11’ x 11’ and up, for sale at a low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, *°"* gi Beh QUEBEC he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS at een or Algoma Dist., Ont.- on **Soo0”’ Branch c. P. R. MANUFACTURERS OF | White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments THEM. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SO ning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES Goristiag Building, Montreal. nd at Mills at Spragge. 2 Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P‘ se, Fairview Cedar Lumber Co. Vancouver, B.C. Manufacturers of ae (6 '& twice oe Rough and Dressed Cedar Lumber and Laths We Manufacture Cedar only and have the largest stock in the Province. —_— ‘MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ‘Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. ——TORONTO=——— ; BU FFALC D PEDWELL & LEMCKE, vene Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood L Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. SARNIA MANUFACTURERS ORS Sf atl « Bite Correspondence Sate r JAS.,PLAYFAIR. D.L. WE PLAYFATR & WHI a Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Rallway Supplies MIDLAND, O ae : BILL TIMBER a Specialty => OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, 9 ween: and Dealers . LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill stuff. . hip by C. P . T. R., and by Wate eee THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Life Chambe TORONTO, ONT. ;% 25 Toronto Street (Tel. ‘Nata 6244) Lumber Manufactured at: Midland, South River and Cutler, ——— ee RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of x Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. me Amherst, N.S. | HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List * A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT Co., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ¥%, %, Ye. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow ete End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames — and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER oJ. S. FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT. Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles Quebec P.O. BOX 45, VANCOUVER, B. C. \ July 11, 906 CANAaBA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS | Hacberlé: Lumber Co.| Ask Your Ticket re LUMBER and TIMBER for “GI via the WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. ENT Yellow Pine Timber a Specialt In terior Trim Mill Work. ieee Aopen an mi - = waukee, cago and all points a [2 A Cc Al NIAGARA FALES, N. Y: east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Soft Yellow LUMBER , Pullman sleepers. TH E B @) N SACK LU M B E m Co. Pine Finishing Free reclining chair cars. Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling : Dining cars. Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber Le full information, address California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber H, J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., WHOLESALE HARDWOODS C. A. SPALDING & CO. ST. LOUIS Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH. of Jas, Cy POND, G. Pi lk Milwaukee, Wis BY NE IRE Vie ae EP EAL Ns eee Pe OS SALE et CA R A l L, IM A { ie LOSS VT VVVVTVTSSSSTOOF WEVEVUTVSTUS dt BVO W |] PE. © ro) ¢ THE OLD MACHINERY hai or plant, or tools for which you have no present use, might PHONE © be sold or rented to some other reader of the WEEKLY Lum- BERMAN by the investment of a few dollars in advertising. eo oe ee eee te ee oe te te ee ee ee eo Ee So ye “ee eo To a a McCLURE LUMBER CO. J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. Manufacturers { HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, ~~ YELLOW PINE AND OAK HARDWOOD LUMBER Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Oitice: ND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. 106 Michigan Trust Building - GRAND. RAPIDS, MICHIGAN Mill: EUTAW, ALA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. |ettCan 161 S'AMon TI) }) Serene CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF SALE 7 T T MICHICAN YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS [Raa LUMBER - DETROI Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. - Pa Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS [Wood Bokersand Measwers) == -- WOOD AGENTS... 9° Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. > Halif N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Keith Buildin 1% Barrington St Cabel Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC aes =p } 8) 4 & i F. A. Lightbody & Co. GANT & KEMP g TIMBER WOOD BROK HRS 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW cS 2B a 0 K F R S ress; “* (@) ” Gi W. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. pF Sieered My tet eis a Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Telegrams and beech ““Woodfeller, Codes : yest Western Union, Southards, and 0 UJ iS BAM B E RC ER 2 Broad Street Building, Lou C, 4th and 5th Editions. | Outs , | txor,z.c. | THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. IMPORTER OF emer Ree eee eee ee wena, sondon,) Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON ee — Cash advances made a peninat ranches ; Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS shipping documents. _@ Mancugstsr, Hamppre. a SE I A TT LSI EET GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. MIMI ONEN GSS LID sess Wood A gents and Brokers Timber Importers | ae oe 4180. 4 cam | ~~ ee eae | Cable Address '‘Owen Liverpool’? Liverpool, Eng. | Wood Goods sultable for the English Cable Address : ‘GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England | ge gaping s fe Fa Be age ‘ P hie 7 a 2 ast a Ore Tee a eee 4 Ratt c WA fe MF f Pd July 18, 1906 ; | } CANADIAN MANUFACTU ERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries. HARDWOOD FLOORING = “*.""stc* etc" STHMON BROS, tr 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO —Our Prices will Interest veg Boo Ww’: BYER @& Ga We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. W. EYER a CO. 43 Adelaiae. noe East DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, [n6. WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - N.Y. FOR, Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT- Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Prompt Shipments. Office : winteraws ONT. » ONT. Let us know your requirements RAILWAY TIES E ELM ti hate Pete SPRUC BIRCH HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH PINE CEDAR B.C, FIR B.C. CEDAR eee in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. nd up, 11” x 11” and up, for saleat a low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, ? shitting "" QUEBEC he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF Lumber Co. yonustme” | White and Red Pine cn rere "| Lumber and Lath Soo” Bra nch Water Shipments Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES outta Building, Montreal. © d at Mills at Spragge. THE M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON Fairview Cedar Lumber Co. : : Vancouver, B.C. Manufacturers of. ...-.cc.4- Rough and Dressed Cedar Lumber and Laths: We Manufacture Cedar only and have the largest stock in the Province. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER C0. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P‘4e, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles ‘PEDWELL & LEMCKE, MANUFACTURERS Pi ine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lun OF sah oe Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFAIR. PLAY FATR & Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH - SHINGLES MIDLAND, ont. OWEN SOUND, Contractors for Rallway Supplier BILL TIMBER a Specialty . ~~ ONTARIO. au Dee and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Wate: THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED. National Lite Chamber TORONTO, ONT. _ 4 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, ‘ RHODES, CURRY & CO.., Limited. LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. , BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. P sii buyers of a Amherst, N.S. HARDWOOD FLOORIN GB End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close Bae ; THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. — HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK HR, 4, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Packie End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Red Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY ; OWBN SOUND, ONT. Quebec Ri, A's P. 0. BOX 45, VANCOUVER, B. C. July 18, 906 CaNaba LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST. LOUIS RAI L.MAL L WIRE OR ‘PA ONE : BONSACK LUMBER CO. | | McCLURE LUMBER CO. Manufacturers { HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS Pe eights YELLOW PINE AND OAK Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. Mill: EUTAW, ALA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty UNITED STATES ee AND WHOLESALERS | Haeberle Lumber Co. Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISCONSIN GENTRAL RAILWAY ne Paul, LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a eeeoell y. Interior Trim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. DETROIT, MICH. Minneapolis, Ashland Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. . Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. ne full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis Soft Yellow Pine Finishing eee CQBSSCVVVVVVVVSSSSASOD SECESEEECE CE @eo ¢ THE OLD MACHINERY or plant, or tools for which you have no present use, might be sold or rented to some other reader of the Wie Lum- BERMAN by the investment ofa few dollars in advertising. eh eee ee ee ee ® Oe te ax te me oe ee en ® BB BB88880 a J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN FRANK CG. BURY BURY & NOBLE MASON A. Sut MICHICAN | LUMBER - DETROIT ' Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. WHOLESALE BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE ? Liverpeel.a Dale 8t., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, tt F. A. Sree & Co. 8 Gordon Street‘ - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND OD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘*‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. - “gg Se for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Ranedom Correspondence OF» ted. 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERCER, ° "ss. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ penn. 5 Seta Address “Farnworth,” IMPORTER OF Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ECTORY CO GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood i gents and Brokers GELLICHT,” LONDON Cable Address : “ 57 Gracechurech St. London, E.C. England JKMES WEBSTER & BROTHER, BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF 2h. ,2ch, Ash, rey Sintiogenend’ Lue El Staves and Hea ading, Handles of all Seseridtional VeneersA Specialtv SMITH & TYRER - [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyrER & Co., Keith Building, 414 Barrington St GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW S BROKERS Cable Address: “TECTONA” Glasgow. Az and A B C Codes used. Telegrams and Cables : “Woodfeller, Codes : Fear Western Union, Soutlards; and London C. 4th and 5th Edition THOMPSON, BLOIS & CO. Buyers of all Kinds of Lumber and Logs 17 GRACECHURCH STREET: LONDON, E. C. Cash advances made Saeeiuet shipping documents. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Branc MANCHESTER, HAMBURG. BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory oe ot AU SOR aS ie oe All cinaase ‘of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods ouene for the cnglish ar ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London cpap) “ LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABI,E ADDRESS © DOBLE OP ees, Vi CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION july 18, 1906 H. HEAPS & CO. skin, 3c. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : a AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Ad Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels,, Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Cedar Cove Mill, Ya: ° rr p hr Vancouver, B.C. Balusters, etc. W. L. TAIT, Se ee W. J. SHEPPARD, PRESIDENT Vancouver, Waubaushene, Ont. MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUGE LUMBER Co- 3 , ft LATH, MOULDINGS L umbe TURNED WORK r e 3 5 as eR, © HICH GRADE pacilic Co . RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO | = _ BARROW, Ske! OS FOR THE CARS!! SPRUCE LUMBER andl LATH MR DEALER s Cars have been, are now, and will be scarce this season. It is ‘“‘ up to you’ to anticipate your future needs and order earlier. es —— Es pe malas MOULDINGS au TURNINGS We have the most up to date mach- ines in the market for this work and can supply Fir or Cedar Mouldings and Turned Work of finest quality by the carload. “UeT gonidg _ 0000009 AjjovdeD Tenuuy a “So Jequiny sonidsg 4097 000'000'ob Ajoedeg [enuuy LUMBER-—of all sizes and finish. BEVEL SIDING—“ Ready to put on.” — he best Extra XXX ’ ; SHINGLES—From the best Extra DON’T YOU: (bape cna male to the finest fancy Butts 16 inch to 24 inch long. or give up the idea of handling our SPR-UCE LUMBER and LATH | : Pes 2 : merely because we have been unable to fill your orders for several months * i i ttention to the Prairie Provinces a 50) Special attentio We were unfortunate enough to run out of stock so that we could not take care of the spring trade. CHAS. E. BENNETT, MINNEAPOLIS) Our saw mill has now been running full capacity for over6 weeks and HASTINGS SHINGLE NM’ F’ C. CO. we are in a position to fill all orders promptly with bright new stock, All © mail should be addressed to VANCOUVER, B. €. | THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPARY, BARROWS, SASK. : Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, C!N.R., Manitoba. : : i We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. ’ | W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER; B.C. LUMBER &w SHINGLES Send us your hurry-up orders for shingles, Our new saw mill will soon be in operation; advise us of your bik da ina now. Renee: ee July 18, 1906 (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. a _E.H, HEAPS, J. A.McNAIR, President : Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umirep | | ‘ — | = HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. | | | a Our Daily Shipping Capacity ———— 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAY 3 We handle onty the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER : DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS. and all a descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH | J.D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. FELBER, JUCKER & CO. ONB DOLLAR RAOEBRIDGE, : In Car im is Lumber Importers ath ta ner aaa Ge Manufacturer of I : MANCHESTER ENGLAND Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES 7 Epa ee pe Mouldings, Ceilings Invite flumbermen, able to cut Bivch LUMBERMAN for ne, Hardwood and Hemlock ilopeines and Bored HARDWOOD FLOORING j 3 oe 7/8 wx 7 84 sre < ae = = ia Ceilings. y Sash ant Boks Wood “ urnings A SPECIALTY. ' spool making, to write for ecilica~- etc, All Dres: Lumber Kiln Dried if desired Lumber Kiln Dried in A tity. tions. 4 ONB YEAR End Matched Flooring a Specialty. J. R. EATON - * “Orillia “Oue Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited. "Phone ab: Ai . ; Rat Portage Lumber Co. Limited (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS a And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, bs { Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. fitaporrice RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. D.C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. THOMAS KIRKPATRICK, ji H. H. SPICER, PRESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y || Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in Britisk Columbia. | BPPine rae is L, 5OO, 000 Shingles per Day July 18, 1906 5 vit. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Pine mood strips : | Pine mill culls. 1500 17 00 i L in..coves necsesess 35 CO 98 00| PineO. culls...... + 9 50 1250 § 1m in. and 1% in... 36 00 40 00 | Spruce, 1”x4” & up 14 00 I5 00 2 os ae in.. mie ig ae 49 00 45 00 | Spruce, ae stocks, : 5 i ne, good shorts 7,8,9 and 10”,. . 16 00 18 00 é % be 5 i ine a8 00 3000] Spruce,” clear (fine 1¥ in. ‘and 13/in. .. 36 00 40 00 dressing and B.. 24 00 TORONTO, ONT. . 40 00 4400| Hemlock ...... 4 13 00 CAR OR CARGO LOTS. a to % A ‘Sidings. : I; 00 | Gasswood.......... 18 00 23 GO 1 Inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1xg to 8in 16001) 00 PUIG * SSSINE,, ay og] ‘“d.5 white piner}6"x4 00 4 +0 cuts & better....- $49 00 51 00 | 2x4 to 8 in.,10 to 16ft. 17 00 18 00 Pile ApS dressing . Noo mee iite pide aos 5 1% inch Not 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ee 18 00 119 00 strips...... seses, ++ 2000 28 00 Spruce, mill Oi. 3.00 3 50 cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00 Clear inch B.C. cedar, Pine No.1. dressing Red Pine, mill run.. 3 00 3 50 2” No 1 Cuts and kiln dried. ..... aed ole shorts 18 00 22 00 3600 58 00 | Clear inch B. cq cedar Presper ay ir Pine Shingles eagle Pine abc air dried boat lumber 55 00 Pine, ros. ¢ ave bet- xXXxX, 18 inch.......+ 325 375 erin | diet ss. 44 00 46 oo| Douglas fir dimension Pia ee Pa ae C0" 25.08 Clear per x8 inch .. 2 7s 3 = a’ No 2 Pine Cuts 3 ber, up to 32 feet 35 80 ter 17 te1@...... 20 00 2too| ** 18. inch......+.+« -170 2 and Better........ 46 00 48 00 _flooring, edge Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings <9 00 24 00 , White Cedar Shingles 1% inch No. 3 Fiche SOT Ale oie nis 439° Pine’s.c. strips...... 15 00 18 00] XxxxxX, 1Binch........ 3.75 4 00 Cuts and better.. ee 42 00 mi in NG: 1 4ft. Pine 450.5 00 Pile, s.c. shorts..... 135% 1800 Clear ett, 18incl-..- 2 7s 3 35 v4 ts andy) FP Mi Ae nee ae anaes i XX, 18 inch......-.-- 1 79 200 A eae Eaeae 42.00 44 00 ach in. oe 24 ft. Cath 5 40 3 50 Pine, box boards. 1400 15 00 | . Pine Dressin, 144" No.1 32” pine lat 21 : en eer uote 23 00 24 00| 1%” No. 14 ft. = hemtoce lath 3 50 SARNIA, ONT 6and 8 common 20 00 26 O00 XXXX Pine Shingles 295 300 Ey ; Raza pointe we aI 00 22 00| XX PineShingles .. 225 2 30 . bade S. maleont a esbls evestesnaes 25 2 1X 1I2common..... 23 00 24 00| X Pine Shingles .. 95 1in.,8 | up wide. .$79 Paes sth eae ed ay 22 2X10 common.....- 21 00 2200| XX Cedar Shingles 225 2 30 1%, 1% and 2 Es ae oo e ZA ery ste pies and 3x12 common. 24 00 25 00 B. C. Shingles 2he and 3 00 ux 4 ee ' oc xio inch box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 325 4 ++ 94 00 wx oe Do's onions ae ee common ....----- 20 00 21 00 | XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 347 SELECTs. i, x ae Ge raaieis aha ata aie cai sie ae nch mill runsidings 2: 00 22 co] XXXXX 5 to 2in. 3 80 rin. Sandu wide. {ss "6g00 1% 5 Cie S mieetdie 5 eon in, millrun.......- 2% 00 22 00| XX No, 2, 6to2in.. Bac 14, 1% and 2 ort re iene paree cancer nciay 8 x10 and 12 mill culls 1700 18 00 6 to 23-16 in. 2% and 3” a 2. Sod EEE Hewes ae o'bd ac mill cull Sid- Red pine, clear xs 5 89 00 Pee and pti Pee ciclareohvie ast 1600 17 00 and clear face... 23 00 24 cO 4 i we a= é an UD wep icasstnsee ate I in aa cull sidings 12 00 13 00 ae pine, common FINE, COM. AND BETTER. 2X as cule tiewieiti farsa we sae 1% inch Flooring -. 27 00 2800) Fa" se swecde ES oie aie’ 14 00 17 00 ee 7 and up wide... 3s oo BO KID owe ee verecnccers » 2 1% and1 woes oo No. I BARN, HARPWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. “ "1. 89 00 ae «a7 co to 3 be Ash White, 1sts and Soft Elin, mill rutt. ar 06.(aa 00) Pe) PIS eS ee en) eer na + : ands, 1 to 2in. .$33 00 35 00 | Rock Elm, common FINE COMMON. rh and 2” 33 00 to 35 of Ash, Black, 1sts and and better, rin.. 25 00 2600 1/%......6.5000s 48 oo to 60 00 ¥ Keo 3; 00 ands, 1to2in.... 30 00 32 00 | Rock Elm, common 1%, 1% to ie - 55 00 56 00 wv ween ees wee Ash, Black, mill gees het 1% foain 28 go g9 bd 2%,3and 4”.. 78 00 86 oo No. 2 BARN. MN ive wis vis ae os win 23 00 24 00 oc. m, m1 22 0 2 No. I CUTS. ee chmaien Lae 3 4 Soft Maple common piss u witel. apna Linn fala? 24 aa he ca ° better, rin......- 2300 24 00| and better, rin 21 00 2200 I ne and up od 1%, 4s a 5 aby Birch, common and Maple common andy 1% in a see x ne 2% and 3”..... 9 better, 1% to3 in 25 00 26 00 Pra ie 1% ogi in 24 ae 25 oo Hs n. a ae re nos ae h, millrun.... 20 00 21 00| Maple, mill run... 19 2 . Bird a eninge a OnE. red, plain, 1sts 2% and aNR : a re at sae Ho a Os . 23 fe and better, 1in.. 22 00 23 00 and ands... ce uae 4600 5000 4 ove 1% an I coe Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, NO,2CUTS, —«-_—_ |B terete en ecene and bet.,1%to2in 24 00 2500| tstsand ane -.. 44.00 4600 yin, 6” and up wide. _. 21 00 oe Basswood, millrun 20 00 22 00 Caen , Ists Ee 1% sess 33 00 No t, v", 1%, Soft Elm, common a 2 sence nee 1 we «+33 00 and better, 1in.. 24 00 25 00 | Hickory, ists and 2h “ ws. 37 00 Be: arr aie oo to 20 00 Soft Elm, common BNGS...0.00- 20-00 36.00 3800 34% gand,4” “ 1) 49 00 . = ee as ait ‘ and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 25 00 ines ’ - MILL CULLS. OTTAWA. ONT. rin., 6” and up wide.... 1900 | yrit] Rum Culls 1”, 1%, 1% . MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, my and 967 #9109 And 2. 0. Se0n o2-rngee1§ 00 Pine, good sidings: rx1o No, 1 barn.... 24 00 2%, zand4” “ LL. 30 00 No. 2, 13 00 1 in.=7 1n. and BD $10 00 4400]1x10 Na 2 “ ...- 22 00 aoe. ¥% in, and 1% in. x 1x8 So Maw barn... a" 09 2200 MILL RUN, z in. ard up.....- 48 00 56 00| 1x8 &o No.2 +» 18 CO 2000 yey... ... 2in.x 7in.ard up £2 00 56 oo | Pine abe 6’ to 1! " n 7 iP x5 No. 2 cuts 2x8”&up 3400 3600] x10”. sessee 1700 18@0) [vy Gand 8"..... BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y. WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Uppers, 1, 1%, 144 anda 1% in... oe Ihxaimpiainsscidain ante 8 eae SAU (sagan an sate 42 2% and 3 im.....+. Shelvin sto r, 13 in, IN. - er eererereeee al D, © Wires ond Selects 1 im......«... 73 00 | No, x Mold tps xto. 1% to 2in,........ 72 00 in And sie amnesia 2% BOO SVM ws acne 85 00 No. 2 Moulding Strips, A Meneeesenernngee 96 0O T tO@ 104500505060 Fine common, 1 in. 57 00| Barn, No.1, 12in..... 1% and 1% in..... §9 00| 6,8 and 10in...... 2A a use keen Vewewn 61 00| No. 2, 10in.......- 30 3 abcde Gabe 80 00) No.2, 12 ins..se+ee 20 mi ehisiee, dubia 85 00] No. 3, 10 in....+.++ 26 00 cu up, a3 t, xin. 45 00) No. 3, 12in.....--- . 7: and 1% in..... 54 00| Box, 1X4....-00re-ee ‘ ; 2” Not Cuts. 58 00] rx6&up.. ....ee 23 5 No. 2, 1 in.... 28 oo EE XO'. s0sne (24 Oo No. 2,1%, & 1% in 43 00 MEGA. gavvews 6 24 oO No. 3,1%, and 1% 42 00 = and up .... ) No. 32” ....sce00e 35 00 and 13 & 2in.. Dressing a eee 42 00 Mill rie bone 20 14x10 and 12...... 44 00 1%, 1% and ax p ; BOSTON, MASS. a White Pine pps 1 to 2inch ....., .... «++++-$86 00 to $90 00 Selects, 1 to 21mCh.....se cerccees coveseceereees 7200 8000 Fine Common, dpa e peda! wolleics souls bejuls imal eneeae 65 00 tO 2 INCH... ...0c00. oonnsnesecns OL OSM OSIDED Holy Cuties dete ocveveveloes secede cee-easeeay oA nni = cco 1% to 2inch...... oo sin ome o.nin o\n(e a pate wiela Se No. 2 Cuts, rinch..... SRA ov ebecstervase 20 O0m mEacaed 1% to 2inch........ < n:p 0: 0.005 ore ma oo eine ee 48 00 Barn Boards,No. 1..... seeeee 35 00 41 00 ‘No.2 +. 3200 35 00 OF ace a 29 00 30 00 Spruce, 10 nae 12 oe dimension. 25 00 2600 gin. and under .,.....-.2020+ sees eee 23 90 24 00 1o and 12 in, random lengths, ro ft. ‘and up...... 25 00° 2X3, 2X4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, a TORE. ANG UP, ..- 5.5 paren wince «ois date eee 22 00 Allother random lengths, 9 ‘in. and under, 10 U ‘ eal FE GTI HDs. «sn. cnn eon ea pymp\minlsis -nlases erat enn (23 00° 5 in. and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.1s 20 00° Out Spruce boards, P. 1 S....6605 ceeeeeee eernees 17 00 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and bundled . fF 2200 1%" spruce laths Tisie wi cialaisiaete'ate aetna vebawemiaras ; are. 1%” Senae ee eis ok pce see ete eww een ee eeee FEXtras 2... cccc ccs cvsce's ovee iscuvevoulels om'sisivelse) laine Clears...... socesccers 3 00 Second clears .. 230 Clear Whites .. aio Extra 1s (Clear whites ‘out 1 30 Extra 1s (Clear whitesin)... 1 50 ‘ BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES, Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. s butts to zim. =. =< Eurekas, «8 Ag Perfectiona. < butts to2% in. ee 4 SS x x Se x x x x x x x x x x ~ x - x ~ x x x x x x x ~ x ~ x ~ x x x é x ‘ a 3, oS } =) So a } ‘} ° oO =) S So, €0)8E0}8G0)2ED}2G9)}269}8E0}9G0}260}9.E0}200)90) [~) fa) [-) {-) f~) {~) {-) (=) (.) {.) fa) (-) f~) 2 ae (=) OHAGIAGHNAGIAS 40) SO0}Sad)oOD) ONT LON TEONNTCONT LC) 4 S AG ° 3S, ° a J ax ° ITC) oO g i 0 Co go DIG o Es g ~ DIG i So {~) 2 Ss S So €d0)2ED)e9) {-) i) (~) ° oO ee Oh 2 3 Dae fs) ol! - J. B. MILLER, President. Manufacturers of The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited W, B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. ROUGH and DRESSED INE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBE Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO Telegraph Codes : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. Toronto Telephone Main 1016. ADDRESS ALL COMMPNKG £IFONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. > oe a ‘ae | N/E NY + wf, 5 ODEON) x "di aks — A wl ed Cankada [LumBerman | 7" PUBLISHED BY The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’y Of Toronto, Limited . Confederdtioh Life Building - TORONTO. = Branch Offices: £ 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL . 720-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. ne Telephone 1274. [ 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the icipal manufacturing districts and leading domiestic and foreign wholesale markets. A _ weekly medium of information and communica- _ tion between Canadian peeig i ee eae a fact and export an € purchasers o : ber pi ts at hose and — , : on’ Lumberman— A 44-page journal, sin tally ana imipattially subjects perti- eh : | | | | = i 3 | | i | I | bet arid wood-workitg industries. a ertine i etm ate _ ment at the rate of 15 cetits per line each insertion. _. When four or more consecutive insertions are Pi ren s discount of a5 pet cent. will be allowed. S notice shows the width of the line and is set in Notipareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- we ents must be received not later than 4 o’clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insértion in _ the current week’s issue : BASSWOOD LUMBER WANTED. _ _-T)RY 14, AND 1%” FIRSTS AND SECONDS; -< “also 1” dry mill cull. Good price paid. Box 395 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE. « NE CAR 1% IN. DRY POPLAR, SAWN << . from butt logs, heart and poor boards thrown out, square edged. Address, Gro. B _ CLEVELAND & SON, Johnville, Que. WANTED. Pa A PERSON CONTROLLING LARGE ‘ tracts of timber would like to meet with mill man to operate same on shares or on _ stumpage basis. Apply CaNaDA LUMBERMAN, 4 Box 337, Vancouver, B.C. Timber Limits | For Sale _ \7ALUABLE TIMBER LIMITS IN THE wa Province of British Columbia. For particu- lars Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. THE TOWNSHIP OF WIDDIFIELD, VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY AND TIM- j LIMITS, comprising 300 acres of land, with _ a living stream running through it, Valuable “quantity of virgin pine on the limit. The saw mill a capacity of 40 M. feet per day and is complete all its appointments, with boarding house, g houses for men, store, offices, ice house, houses, stables, barns, well equipped black- h shop, camp outfits, sleighs, wagons, trucks | everything required for lumbering operations. offer this valuable property at a great bargain. ress THE ONTARIO LUMBER COMPANY, oo 35 and 36, Home Life Building, , Ont. ‘OOD: WEEKLY The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 ree vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. REACHES’ RECULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD EDITION TORONTO, MONTREAL - JULY 25, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER WANTED—1", 2” AND 3” TAMARAC, 2” Y Soft Elm C&B, 1”, 1%”, 2” Black Ash C&B. The R. E. Kinsman LUMBER Co., LtTD., Hamilton, Ont. OR SALE—ABOUT 20,000 FEET OF INCH . maple lumber; free from cull; can be dress- ed and matched before shipping if desired. Ap- ply W. MeBrRIDE, Alliston. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs, Simcoz Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. a GENTLEMAN OF WIDE EXPERIENCE: in the wholesale lumber business in Canada and the United States, capable of managing any branch of the business desires a position nooks Box 400 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ROCK ELM AND ASH WANTED wt PAY HIGHEST PRICE FOR SEVER- al cars rock elm, black and white ash, cut 1%”, 1%” and 2”. Cherry lumber, all sizes, Box 388, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto; : FOR SALE 5 NEWFOUNDLAND, 224,000 ACRES OF white pine, spruce, fir, hackmatack, poplar and birch timber land with 30,000 h.p. water power, suitable for either a lumber or a wood pulp operation, Government royalty only 50 cents per M. Address LUMBERMAN, P.O. Box 385, St. John’s, Nfld Timber Limit For Sale. ERTH NO. 3, 15% SQUARE MILES IN THE N. W. %. Township of Proudfoot, Patry Sound District, on the Magnettawan River, four miles from G. T. RR. Estimated 25,000,000 feet hemlock, birch, spruce, piue, cedar, etc. This is a fine block of timber. For further particulars address J, J. ANDERSON, Novar, Ont. FOR SALE 500 M feet of High Grade Hardwood WE ARE CLOSING OUR CANADIAN branch and are disposing of our entire stock of bone dry and kiln dried hardwoods, in- cluding plain and quartered oaks, oik squares, black ash, hard maple, chestnut, etc. Write us for our stock list and prices. _THE BENNET FURNISHING Co., LTD., London, Ont, For Sale» SA” AND SHINGLE MILL AT WILNO ON G. T. R., capacity 12 to 15 M feet per day and ao M shingles. Good shipping facilities east and west. % million feet of standing timber, principally pine, can go with mill if desired. Neo duty; good opportunities for purchasing standing timber from settlers. A first-class in- vestment for a practical mill man with limited means. Terms reasonabletorightman. Apply Mour &Co., Killaloe Station, Ont. If you are in the Market for SPRUCE, JACKPINE . OR : TAMARAC PILING it'will pay you to get our quotations GEO. F. WHALEN Port ArtTHuR, ONT. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED \VANZED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO be cut next winter, any quantity uF to five million feet. Address Box 377, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. CKDAR AND TAMARAC POLES, iS OO suitable for piles and telegraph poles, 7 and up at the top end, 25 to so ft. long. MuSKoKA Woop MFc. Co., Huntsville. Gorrespondence Solicited \ K JITH PARTY WHO WOULD CARE TO IN- vest in timber limits. About 70,000,000 of Pine, Spruce, Balsam, Hemlock, Cedar, Tamatac and Birch. A chance of a life time to double your money either by holding for sale again or cutting at once. Easy to lumber; on line of railway. Apply Box 399, CANADA LuMm- BERMAN, Toronto, ’ Saw Mill Machinery For Sale HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOr SALE Engines, Boilers, Band, Cane and Circular Saw Mills, Saws, Belting, Shafting, Pulleys, Burneér, Etc., attheir Trenton and Canoe Lake Mills, Ontario. Will be sold cheap for cash sub- ject to prior sale. For fullinformation address GILMouR & Co., Limited, in Liquidation, .. R. Weddell, Liquidator, Trenton, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Pine and hemlock lumber con- tinueto exhibit remarkable strength, with nearly all grades moving free- ly. Prices are now at a point from which they are not likely toadvance very much, but it may be said with equal certainty thac they are not likely to decline. So much of the stock has passed out ‘of first hands that there is no pressure to sell. The United States demand is still an important factor, while the large local consumption is absorbing the low grade stock. As the season advances and there is no accumula- tion of lumber, the predictions of lower prices become less numerous. The hardwood market is steady, but as much stock was carried by wholesalers and dealers through last winter, it is being marketed at every favorable opportunity, and this is against an improvement in prices. When this has been ab- sorbed and the decrease in the pro- duction this season is appreciated, prices will probably harden. The lath trade is good, and the scarcity of dry material is indicated by the Saraia price, which is $4.70 tor No. 1 white pine and $4.25 for No. 2. EASTERN GANADA. At present the outlook for the. lumber business in the eastern provinces appears good. The de- mand is very strong in many parts of the Maritime province, and in many cases in excess of the supply, No. 20. causing profitable orders to be de- clined from inability to fill them. Spruce and pine are much enquired ‘for, and hemlock is also in consider- able demand. Lath is a saliable commodity also. There are no heavy stocks being held over, every- thing is shipped as soon as ready. In some instances there has been slight inconvenience through short- age of boats for loading spruce for American markets. Some prices realized for pine boards, 8” and up, 10 feet and up in length, were $25.00 f.0.b., and for spruce 6” and up, $17.00 f.o.b. Prices are firm and indications are that'there will be little or no open- ing for lower prices. On the con- trary the tendency is to rise. UNITED STATES. The market for building material is in a generally satisfactory condi- tion. ‘The demand is good. Some little difficulties of a local nature have existed, such as excess of orders over capacity to fill, or lack of transportation facilities. The harvest outlook is good and this has a favorable influence on the lumber markets. The white pine market continues strong. As the season advances indications seem to point to a con- tinuation of this, with a tendency to- wards higher prices. The supply has not been at all in excess of the demand nor does it promise that it will be. Northern hemlock is quite popular as a building material in the cities, and the country is increasing the use of it. Hemlock prices were affected by the recent drop in yellow pine, but the rise of that commodity has strengthened the hemlock mark- et. The stocks in northern mills are not burthensome, and manufact- urers are looking forward to heavi- er demands for fall trade. Prices in shingles continue to ad- vance in consequence of the continu- ed shut down. This article is be- coming scarce at a time when the output should be up to its possible extent to meet the demand. GREAT BRITAIN. There seems to be an improve- ment in the general tone of business with an upward tendency in prices. The trade in Canadian yellow pine deals, which has been declining for some time past has this year great- ly diminished. This has _ been If. SS ————————— 0008080808 — — ————————E EE caused by the demand of the Amer- ican market, and should that country’s demand for this article diminish, Canadians may find it necessary to return to the English market. In Liverpool, the demand for spruce continues good. The recent strike in St. John, N.B., has. had its influence in keeping back ship- ments. There has been no change in prices, fair specifications realizing £8 2s. 6d. to £8 5s. c.i.f. Liver- pool. There seems to be no indica- tions of lower prices for some time to come. The pine deal. market keeps very strong and is likely to do’so during the season. In Manchester there is no per- ceptible change either in trade or prices, but the possibility of higher quotations in the near future seems apparent. Cargoes of spruce and pitch pine are going to consumers as rapidly as they can be got at, and present signs indicate a short- age for the winter season. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspomdence of the CanaDA LUMBERMAN). Ottawa, July 20, 1906.—Ottawa lumber firms will begin hiring men for the shanties about August Ist. There have been reports that it will be hard.to supply the demand for men this year, owing to the extens- ive operations in railway construc- tion and the big drain on the labor element for the western harvests. Enquiry where hiring has been done CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION in Ottawa for outside lumber firms does not confirm this rumor. Mr. Philip Wright, a local agent, says he is sending away from forty to fifty men a day for the woods in the vicinity of Georgian Bay. The wages are from $26 to $32 a month or an average of $4 more than last year. As he sizes up the situation, activity in other industries does not attract the bushmen, for they pre- fer to continue the work they are accustomed to. The Turner Lum- ber Company, Carney Lumber Com- pany, and Spanish River Lumber Company have taken several crews of choppers, hookmen and team- sters already. As years go by the operations in the shanties are start- ed earlier in the season in order to devote the whole of the winter weather to hauling. J. R. Booth will not begin hiring for this season’s operations till September ist in order to escape the hot season in the bush. The Sheppard and Morse mill has had difficulty recently to get a sup- ply of logs owing to delays on the drives. It seems their logs are held back by other firm’s supplies. The water in the Ottawa is about as good as other years and no com- plaint is heard from manufacturers other than the one mentioned. The timber is out of the tributary streams with one or two exceptions. Owing to low water in the Nipissing, J. R. Booth left a considerable quantity of pine there and some logs are held up on Petawawa belonging to Mr. THE ONTARIO LUMBER C8 svncs sears Neh B Fre C yy R. Delivery Booth and the Hawkesbury Lumber Company The large lumber companies Operating limits in the Gatineau district have formed a company to conduct the drive on the Gatineau river which was tor many years in the hands of Samuel Bingham. The new organization has a capital of $20,000 and comprises Hon. W. C. Edwards, G. B. Greene, W. C. Hughson John A. Cameron and John Gilmour. The demand for spruce has had the effect of advancing the price a little and some higher figures are also offered for the best varieties of pine. The manufacturers report a growing activity in the shipping trade and local sales. Few of the mills are able to supply the demand for lath and no purchaser thinks of trying to break the high price that has been ruling all summer. The . Americans would buy a good deal more of the No. 1 brand of lath if they could get them. It is not probable, however, that the keen demand will increase the high figure of $4.50 that has been paid in several instances. Tenders are requested by the Department of Lands, Forests and Mines, Toronto, up to September - 5th for the right to cut pine and other timber on tie and timber berths in Rainy River and Nipissing districts, along proposed route of Grrls: Ek July 25) 1906 A TESTIMONIAL | The following letter speaks for — itself : OTTAWA, June 30, 1906. Publishers, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Dear Sirs, — Acknowledging your favor of the 29.h, we herewith enclose you our renewal on adver- tising in your weekly edition. We certainly have derived benefit from advertising i in your publication, and will continue using the space that we now have till such time as we decide to increase it, which we ex- pect will be in the near future. Yours very truly, W. B. BarTRAM & Company SPRUCE. . ' The growing importance of spruce as a marketable commodity is being recognized. The Timberman, of Portland, Oregon, speaks of the spruce board trade as follows : ‘‘The recent action of the spruce manufacturers in creating a grade of spruce common is a proper and timely recognition of the value of the lower grades of spruce, which will have a tendency to widen its market and increase the profits of — the manufacturer. Spruce is well adapted for the manufacture of boards. The knots are generally sound. It is a strong, light, tough wood, nails easily and is liked by carpenters. It is the equal of any western pine board and as its qualities become known will prove a ready seller. There has pepeatly MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. cue Tite Fuilding 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay ater Shipment Only. ace. & T. CHARLTONacee ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— MULE Rae ee ae Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Best Workmen. Send us a trial car. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER " We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand ‘and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS c aed gaee A SARS LEE TA TT CT 4 ’ HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in Hemlock, in all lengths 1o to 24 feet. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co. : of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood and Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woopstock =a & Mec Co. * AiO FEST EL EEE EE 2 2% Samples by MASON, GORDON & So. 80 St. Francis Kavier Street WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER Send for Catalogue Stock sizes now ready. “WOODSTOCK, ONT: KNIGHT BROTHERS CO if LIMITED ~~ Burk’s Falls). - MONTREAL, QUE. Car and Cargo Lots Only z Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY - Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds. 1", 1%", 14%” and 2” Chestnut, as ", 14%", 1%" and 2” Butternut, Ou THE McLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE. ihr “and 3” I Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, = aS H t ‘ ' i i \ charges. t _ demand for spruce cut-up stock and CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Il. July, 25) 1906 been developed in San Francisco a demand for spruce boards which bids fair to continue. Heretofore the only outlet a spruce mill had tor practically 50 per cent. of its cut, if jt were not provided with a box factory or cutting-up plant, was to ship to the box factories in San Francisco, where the net retuins would often not equal the freight With the advent of the factory lumber, there is a constantly decreasing quantity of box lumber, which already has made itselt felt in a higher price.” HARDWOODs. The American Lumberman, speaking of American hardwoods, says: ‘© At this time of the year the demand invariably falls off some- what. In several instances this is the case at the present time, but in others a good business is being done. Regarding black walnut the demand for inch medinm and inch - culls remains firm, the former being worth from $72 to $72.50 a thous- and feet and the latter about $50. The demand for first quality wood is poor. ‘There is practically noth- ing doing in quartered oak. First quality inch boards are nominally worth $75 a thousand, but business is difficult even at this figure. Plain oak planks remain in strong de- mand, and 3 and 4 inch wood is selling at from $40 to $42.50 a thousand feet. Inquiry for board is light, agents finding it difficult to obtain shippers’ ideas of value. The market price for prime inch white oak is from $52.50 to $55, whereas “ shippers are asking $60. The mark- et for poplar is steady, the chief WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER FOSSED PULP WOOD St. Gabriel Tumber Co. Limited St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que, Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. ———— Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. J. B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in OEDAK a TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES Oswego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. BIRC W your order BASSWOOD! In any grade, size or quantity. Before placing demand being for first quality wood and culls planed on both sides. Inch boards, planed to seven-eighths inch and averaging from 13 to 14 inches wide in first quality, are worth $52.50 a thousand, the same size in the cull grades bringing $25. Medium or No. 1 common is worth about $35, but the demand is an ordinary one First quality satin walnut lumber is slow of sale at from $37.50 to $40 a thousand, but medium wood, which is in fair de- mand, is bringing from $27.50 to $30.” The Mississippi Lumberman says: ‘‘Trade with hardwood dealers is good, a number of the largest cone sumers being in the market for supplies. Implement makers are taking fair stocks, the furniture men are receiving more orders and show a disposition to anticipate their requirements of the future. Finish makers are well supplied with orders and are running at ‘full capacity, so that consumption of hardwoods is in excess of last year. So far this month the demand is slightly less than for the same time in June, but the loss is not regarded as serious. Poplar is having a good sale and the market has a stronger undertone, with offer- ings not large. Oak of all kinds is regarded as good property, although red and white quartered is not sell- ing as fast as of late. Ash is in lighter supply. Of other woods the the supply and demand was fairly adjusted, and firmness prevailed in prices Cypress is selling to the local factories and finish makers, and tank builders are in the market constantly for stock.” ee ee A. McDougall is now sole owner of the extensive property of the Fernie Lumber» Company, Fernie, B. C. Planing and Matching ——-IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries ror prices, etc. by Mail, Wire or Phone. McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., simitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. OTTAWA, Can. SPRUCE! drop us a line for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. JAPANESE HARDWOOD FOR VANCOUVER. Messrs. A. P. May & Company, of Vancouver, B.C., have purchased a shipload assortment of Japanese hardwood from Messrs. Awaya Shinazo & Company, of Osaka, Japan, whose Canadian office is at 41 Davis Chambers, Vancouver, and is known as Awaya, Ikeda & Company. The lumber, it is said, consists mostly of Japanese oak, ash and other hardwood, and is carried by the sellers’ own barque ‘* Alden Besse,” which is on the way now and expected to arrive in Vancouver early in August. This is the first venture both on the parts of buyer and seller to import Japanese hardwood into British Columbia, and if it proves satisfac- tory, it is said, they intend not on- ly to continue but increase the busi- ness. THE SHINGLE STRIKE. - A special despatch to the Van- couver Daily Province, a few days ago, spoke of the strike situation in the shingle mills on the Pacific coast as follows : ‘‘Shingle manufacturers are slowly re-opening the mills closed by the strike of weavers in sympathy with the Ballard strikers. The open shop rule is being enforced in most of the mills that have re- opened, and gains were shown to- day in several sections where mills had union crews but decided to stand in with the manufacturers’ mass-meeting in the demand for an open shop. ? It is probable that one of the largest mills of the state, which was tied up with a union crew prior to the mass-meeting on Sunday, will insist upon the introduction of the open shop principle. _If this is done the backbone of the union fight in Whatcom County will be broken. The enforced closedown of the mills on account of the strike has created a marked shortage in clears, and is keeping down the supply of stars. Wholesalers believe the strike has settled for the rest of the year the queston of any danger from overproduction, and that prices will remain firm during the year.” It is the opinion of an authority on Algoma matters that the timber cut in northern woods will this year far exceed that of any previous year in the timber industry in Ontario. It is beileved that preparations are being made which will mean at least one-third of an increase over any year in the past. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mer Holden, Pres. Goff, Vice-Pres. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. A. F. F, H. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealere in TIMBER LUMBER | asp LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. SARNIA, ONT. ——— THE IMPERIAL LUMB} C0. LIMITED Mills: LATCHFORD, ONT. Branch Offices : Specialties : C000 SID TORONTO Manchester, Eng. INGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOGK North Tonawanda N. Y. NTARIO —__—_-DRY BIRCH—— 25,000 ft. 1 in. At Emsdale 12,000 ft. 2in. 7,000 ft. 3 in. Write for prices as At Burk’s Falls { 50,000 Me 6) es ooo ft..6/4 in. FE600 ft. 5x5 to1oxio quarters. we have to move it at once. Ghe LONG LUMBER. COMPANY, HAMILTON Cc. A. LARKIN=— WHOLESALE LUMBER Shingles, Lath and Cedar Fence Posts. TORONTO ~ Try an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Depa e es tel - ONTARIO. rtment of this paper. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED a Gane Band dish & giog > O E=& & CACHE BAY, Ont. c. P. R. 26 miles West North Bay nd WHITE PINE UMBER ano LATH CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION eae ee ee ee a) er . oy > + “4 = Kal July 25, 1906 CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS ; THE PEMBROKE LUMBERCO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also ail classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries. HARDWOOD FLOORING = “."ste*cicsta’™™ SIHMOWN BROS, zrp 8a Confederation Life Bidg.,. TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. ~—Our Prices will Interest Ponti ; Bhs WP TE Re hota ee We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. W. EYER @ CO. - 45 Adelaide ORONTO, ONT. DéLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, n6. WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - -_ N.Y, OR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT: Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED Eepan AND aS CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR’ TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. Office : - RUCE RAILWAY TIES BIRCH PRINCESS PINE TELEGRAPH POLES &eo., &o., &c. B.C. CEDAR ay cise in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. up, 11” x 11 and up, for sale at a low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, >" sine? QUEBEC ee ee er ea ae ae he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS at SPRAGGE, 2b ood a Dist., Ont. on **Soo"’ Branch c. P. R. | Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES {é Coristine Building, M a ° nd at Mills at Spra: MANUFACTURERS OF | White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments THE M. BRENMEN & SONS. MANUFAGTURIG0., LIMITED Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SO Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow Piue, Fairview Cedar Lumber Co. Vancouver, B.C. Manufacturers of oe ereeeee Rough and Dressed Cedar Lumber and Laths We Manufacture Cedar only and have the largest stock in the Province. rrr RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Oak, Redwood, Bie Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, R. BALA LUMBER co. SARNIA) 0-006 8 ‘BUFFAL | PEDWELL & LEMCKE, sat MANUFACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood. Lom Shingle, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. — Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE, BA Vy FAIR &; ae Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINCLES = —aa=aEeEeEeEeEeEaEaEeEeES—EE— E Contractors for Social ie dort MIDL AND, ONT. : aL: ; . re i BILL TIMBER a Speci OWEN SOUND, MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ONTARIO, elie and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuf, “a We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED | Bs peel bits Chemne TORONTO, ONT. — 5 Toronto Street ep ‘Maln 6244) . Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants ; Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, 2 => LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. os wanes — ot Amherst, N.S. An Advertisement in the *Wanted"* ‘ ”* Department of “CANADA LUMBERMAN. WEEKLY EDITION Will secure fer you a Buyer or Sell aes ioe. ry’ eller, as S It our wish... To Purchase or Sell.as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY or 6 HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ¥, 48, %, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow ies: End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY - OWBN SOUND, ONT. The Canada la Lumberman, and Cedar Poles Quebec P. 0. BOX 45, VANCOUVER, B. C. t'July 25, 906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION y. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS . REACH : THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HAR DWOODS ST.LOUIS BY RAI L,MAIL McCLURE LUMBER CO. Manufacturers { HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS P Org YELLOW PINE AND OAK Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. Mill: EUTAW, ALA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Haeberle Lumber es. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOw PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a S periaef Interior Trim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH. Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISCONSIN GENTRAL RAILWAY Minneapolis, se. Paul, Ashland Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars, Dining cars. For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis Soft Yellow Pine Finishing DOO OO0T00 33000000 000008888 .. 205 THE OLD MACHINERY ; g or plant, or tools for which you have no present use, might be sold or rented to some other reader of the WEEKLY LuM- $ BERMAN by the investment of a few dollars in advertising. © tt th te tet tt tp Ye Ya ac “a oa oe oe YY BVUtABBO J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE FRANK C, BURY MICHIGAN LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. WHOLESALE BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE : | Wood Brokersand Measturers | Cabel Address ‘ Cabel Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street! - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. all ex CANADIAN N WHITE PINE AND ae _ Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Ne i ts handled to t advantage to all ports in the Unite pondence S 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, * “toxccx,'s'c en Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ IMPORTER OF mer Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods SLE OL EL OOD PEELE IEEE LO BEL LIEIE GES RPTL LILLE IT IE LOE LIF IEE I ELIE OR AI: Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS —_——ewo aa ECTORY CO CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood i gents and Brokers Cable Address : ‘‘ GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elim Logs ana Lumber, Elm Staves ‘aaa He eading, Handles of ail deecriptions VeneorsA Specialtv SMITH & TYRER = (4 Tithebarn street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—Smitu, Tyrer & Co., Keith Building, 4144 Barrington St GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 52S. Stare, GLASGOM S BROKERS ONE DOLLAR Arand ne B C Codes used. Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR dOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘ BUYERS OF iy bite Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks Rock Maple Hoes and Planks. Rock Elm Logs Hickory Logs. . e ALSO e e e All clneaee of Lumber and Manufactured Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. | Wood Goods suitable for the English ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers CALS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND \DDRESS DOBLIS LIVERPOOL ” CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION July 25, 1906 Ruskin Mill, Cedar ia Mill, E. H. HE APS & CO., ' mui 4 Vancouver, B.C. VI Wancouwver, B. Cc. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AM HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels vende a Sy ~f inn ae a oe ’ as Phd Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Balusters, etc. 7 BeUpias Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. W. L. TAIT, GENERAL MANAGER Va B.C. Ww. ie SHEECARR, PRESIDENT ubaushene, Ont. ncouver, FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Ocs U2 LATH, MOULDINGS 4 Lu per Cc a TURNED WORK cast Kiver eo HIGH GRADE. | Vic vAN RED CEDAR SHINGLES | ‘ a ; Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO | THE RED DEER LUMBER £0. 42 BARROWS, SASK. Manufacturers ot | SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH LOOK OUT FOR THE CARS!! MR DEALER Cars have been, are now, and will be scarce this season. It is *f up to you ‘ to anticipate your future needs and order earlier. MOULDINGS aii TURNINGS We have the most up to date mach- ines in the market for this work and can supply Fir or Cedar Mouldings and Turned Work of finest quality by the carload. Jequiny sonidg 3e7 000‘000'o0r Ayovdeg Tenuuy eT gonidg ooo'ooo'g Ayoedeg Tenuuy LUMBER-—of all sizes and finish. BEVEL SIDING—“‘ Ready to put on.’ SEVEL DS SHINGLES—From the best Extra XXX to the finest fancy Butts 16 inch to 24 inch long. DON’T YOU DARE BET GO or give up the idea of handling our SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH — merely because we have been unable to fill your orders for several months. _ We were unfortunate enough to run out of stock so that we could not take + Special attention to the Prairie Provinces ees, = ee a ee ee ee HASTINGS SHINGLE M'F'C. GO. VANCOUVER, B. C. care of the spring trade. Our saw mill has now been running full capacity for over 6 weeks and we are in a position to fill all orders promptly with bright new stock, All mail should be addressed to 3 THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, C.N. R., Manitoba. We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER; B.C. LUMBER & SHINGLES 5 Send us your hurry -up orders for shingles. Our new saw mill will soon be in operation; advise us of your requirements now. 14 eS r i ok ee eee Peas July 25, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION E. H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President g UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, BA C. _ Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000. SHIN GLES PER DAY Car Lots : We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed F ie: FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER S DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and _ ll ; descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH a % --FELBER, JUCKER & CO. jib ‘SHIR LUMBER CO.) LimITRD Planing, Matching, Resawing etc. “ Lumber Importers ONE DOLLAR Tioga a = comSaan, of ts. : MANCHESTER ENGLAND Will pay your subscription to the CANADA _ LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES ' 3 weak ash, Mouldings, Ceilings : ars reac Sage tiated sot os, tee |e A ee tn making, to write for specitica~- f ba = yi Dr ied Kiln rae if desires Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. ~ ONBE YEAR ; 000 PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY | 3° 3, ZATON .5., Orillia, Ont. _—s-" Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea > (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) ¥ - MANUFACTURERS OF q LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwouk and Interior 1 Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. fie ICE RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. READ ORF D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. THOMAS vot ieerkye oat H. H. SPICER ESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y | Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. | Shipping Capacity is. |, » 1,500, OOO Shingles per Day Vl. GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES-WHOLESRL TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. t inch No. 1 Pine cuts & better...... $49 00 1% inch Not cuts and better.. 53 00 2’ No 1 Cuts and Better..... apie nialos §6°00 1% in.No.2 Pine cuts and better.... 44 00 a’ No 2 Pine Cuts and Better........ 46 00 1% inch No. 3 Cots and better.... 4% 00 a*No 3 Euts and Better......-..--- 42 rin. Pile Dressing and better shorts 33 90 1X4, 6.and 8 common 20 00 IX ;O Common...... 2f 00 1X12common...... 23 00 2X10 common....-- 21t 00 and 3x12 common. 24 00 x10 inch box and common nch mill runsidings 21 00 in. mill run. + 21 00 x10 and 12 mill cus i “F 00 ac mill cull Sid ap. “deg Ash White, tsts and aids, 1 to2 in. . --$33 co Abb, Black, ists and s Flooring .- 1 to 2 in... Ash, Black, mill PUM. oscars tiene Birch, common and better, rin...... : B common an etter 134 t0 3 in 25 00 Birch, mill run..., 20 00 Basswood, cominon and better, 1in., 22 00 Basswood, coiimon and bet., 134 tozin 24 00 Bassw od, millrun 20 oo Soft Elm, cominon and better, 1 in.. Soft Elm, common 30 00 24 00 and bet.1% to zin 27 00 28 00 Pitie, good sidings: 51 00 $5 00 §8 00 46 oo 48 00 d cull sidings 12 00 13 00 - 27:00 28 06 Hemlock,1x4 to 8in 16 00 ax4 to 8 in.,r0o to 16ft. 17 00 17 Oo 18 00 ax4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 18.00 19 00 Clear inch B. c. cone kiln dried. .... : 50 00 Clear inch B.C. cedar air dried boat lumber 55 00 Dougias fir dimension timber, a to 32 feet 38 80 Fir flooring, edge grain. vise. s 4 00 Eee No. I f ft. Pine thy’. can cea sseeee 4 50 5 00 Tin.=7 1m. and up $40 00 4400 in, and 1% in. x 0D. and up..... 2in.x 7in.and up s2 00 44 Go ee No. 2. vi aiae | Lath 340 3.50 No.1 Rt me jat 219 24 00 | 134” No. Peele Steck rg 3 50 21, 00 XXXX Pine Sting 292 39° 22 oo | XX Pine Shingles 225 230 24 co | X Pine Shingles .. 95 22 co| XX Cedar Shingles 2 25 2 30 25 00 B, C. Shingles XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 325 ai oo | XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 347 22 oo | XKXXXX 5 tozin. . 3 80 32 00 | XX No. eto nrieth, | a do 1300) KX “ 6to23-16in Red pine, clear 17 00 | andclear face... 23 00 24 co oe Pine, common weesedscesees 14.00 I7 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR Lots. Soft Elm, mill rum 21 oo 22 00 35 00 | Rock Elm, common and better, 1in.. 2§ 00 2600 32 oo | Rock Elm, common and bet. 1% to2zin 28 09 29 00 24 oo | Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 00 Soft Maple common 24 00 and better, 1in 21 00 2200 Maple com onand 26 00 tter, 1h; to 3in 44 00 45 00 21 00 Mol le, fill rin... 19 60 20 06 vred, plain, ists 23 00 aed ands........ 46 00 §0 00 Oak, white, pinta: 2§ 00 Ists and 2n 44.00 46 00 22 oo | Oak,quartered, ists and ind&........ -70 00 75 00 25 00 | Hickory, ists and ands........ s..+. 36 00 38 00 OTTAWA. ONT. MANFUACTURERS’ PRICES, ixro No. 1 barn.. 24 00 1x10 No. 9 soa 22 00 1x8 & 9 No.1 barn --- 4t 09 22 00 48 00 56 00 | 1x8 & qg No.2 -. 18 00 20 20 56 oo | Pine Shorts 6’ to 17’ 3600] xtI0”...,.. ...... 1700 18 0 No. 2 cuts 2x8”&up 34 00 CaNADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Pine rox strips : 5 . Pine mill culls..... 1500 17 00 I iM.sseeee saseecese 35 CO 38 00 | PineO. culls....... 9 50 12 50 14 in. and 1% In... 36 00 40 00 | Spruce, 1’x4” & up t§ 00 16 00 2) Wise ceceeneecmtens 42 00 45 00 Spruce, 1” stocks, Pine, good shorts: 7.8,9 and 10”,. . 17 00 I9 00 BRB re naar te 30 oo | Spruce,1” clear (fine tk and 1% in. . s # “a 40 00 ireasing and B. B.. 24 00 pane beee «=» 40 00 44 00 emleck ..... 13 00 o te Wy A Sidings. . tt oo | Basswood........4. 718 00 a oo ne, No. 1 dressing Lath, per M siding.... ..... 2300 2700] No.1 white piner}%’ 400 4 50 ie 0. 1 dressing No. 2 white pine.... 350 3 75 creeeeeeeeese+ 2000 a8 00] Spruce, millrun..... 3 60 3.40 Pine sal § t dress Fag 4 Red Pine, mill run.. 3 00 450 KES se weee seen of I oo Pine, 10s. ¢ and bet- Fs ie agatha ter t2/ to 16’ . ....2200 24 bo Clear’ Butt, ia ee eB Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- or h ae a ter 12 tor... .... 20 00 ar00| *X 78 inch.......-... 170 100 Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings*19 00 24 00 , White Cedar Shingles Pine s. c. strips...... 1§ 00 19 00 | xxxx, 18 inch........ 3.75 4 00 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 13 $2 1800! Clear Butt,18inch.. . 275 3 35° Pine, box beards.... 1400 1500| XX, 18inch.......... 1 70 200 3 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. q 1 x19! Ps Bactaticte at 35 99 1ih., 8” and. up wide. $79 UL RAAY och day o's» Bs on -. 27 09 1. 1% and 2” ce 73 op Eis cad up sateitta +++ ,28 00 24 and 3” . 86 C0 1% xd4and §”........+- $25 0 4” * +» 94 00 1 x6” and up.......-. 27 00 SELECTs. : % x 1 aie aisle lane petra é 3 pi rin, 8” ga os x Fenda BP. .s-ssssse 27 00 1%, 1% and 2 see- 67 00 KYO"... esses cess ees 28 00 app and 3” c, cere BF 08 1G Ec celeete $0 OD +++ 89 00 a’ x6’ and up........-. 27 00 FINE, COM. AND BETTER. 2! £10 foc davetews caver AerOO a ia or Sal Se aide. < < 56 00 2” 2:12" ae own cro mee pop 048000 ita 1% 5 «+. 58 00 No. I BARN, aoe S900) |. op datiy rates = .«$27 00 to $35 00 FINE COMMON. sor 1% oe * 33 00 to 35 00 I" ..ccuseescees 48 00 tO 60 00 2% and 3”. 38 90 1%, 1% to2”.. 55 00 56 00 WY ev cneneee one ane 2%,3and 4”.. 7800 86 00 No. 2 BARN. NO. 1 CUTS. Linese wees. 24 OO tO 27 00 1in., 8” and up wide... 37 00 1%, 1%, eee - a5 00 to 27 co : in, «+2 47 00 2% and 3”. 29 00 in. = «2 47 00 vn ’ “ +s. 49 00 NO. 3 BARN. 24 dnd 3” os «+. 62 00 a coo 21 00 to 33 00 4” --» 62 00 if 1% and 2” 2i ooto 240 NO, 2 CUTS. lake tennis 43 00 : Maks and up. wide... aI 00 BOX, wees 33 00 n” ae 1,0”, 1% ti “ 37 j Bait 15 00 to 20 00 ‘ wus No. 1m culls, 2%, zand4” ‘* sees 49 00 1, 1%, 1%, 2” 16 00to 18 00 NO. 3 CUTS, : MILL CULLS, ry aod er up eo a = 4 _ aa Culls x’, 1%, % aa m oe ween. 23 oo ee = -. asc eae db 234, 3 and 4 a wee 30 08 a? 13 MILL RUN. VORA . cide shies + Mares OD No. 1, 32% ws es ees ig seceesees 24.00. | No. » 48” a7 Bide ee . 34 00 No. 1, 48” pine............ 4 70 QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT Squase white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet av Bgo cn cnet Fivet class Ottawa waney, 18 average, according tol = a 19 to 20inch average RED PINE—IN THE RAFT, M-asured off, accordin toa ai d Fe mo eo ne ewes ie ig to average an duality - 30 ee seteee sete we eees 3S OAK—MICHIGAN AND OH1IO. By the dram, according to average and quality. .. 4s . a LM. a By the dram, accordin to average and quality 40 to 4s feet . 6 gOtogsfet. sf ASH. Pe re megs up, are ea sein = apallsy- a o ; BIRCH. > 14 Inch Fm 3 ad Qhage. © + & 1. e wee a wena + as ene 2 le . oa tz “ »\e bow we. ve ep le en 1 * ° PM ate ier h Fe oo o. et eo BOSTON, MASS. r White Pine Uppets, 1to2itich 0.0... .00. seeeee $90 00 Selects, 1 to 2 pa Se a ae Soe 4 Fine Common, 1, eine sme vite 6000s 6S to 2 inch. 63 00 aa 7 No. 1 Cuts, 1 ‘ine Ree et 50,00 1¥ to 2 inc 5600 6200 No. 2 Cuts, rinch..... 3000 3200 1% to 2 inch 4600 48 00 Barn Boards,No. 1...... 3500 4100 No. 2. 3200 3500 No. 3.. AS 29 00 30 00 Spruce, 10 and 12 in. dimension 25 00 26 00 gin. and under .......... 2320 24:00 1o and 12 in. random lengths, ro ft. and up...... Sai 2h et, a> 2x6, 2x7 an 3x4 random lengths, Allother random iengths, 9 in. and ander, 10 ia ftrdnd up........ccse00s ee ey 5 in. ausl up merchantable hoards, 6 aca 2000 antes a ears nee eH id indie d 17 00 — I 1x3 Isc an 1 7 y, Spruce laths oe ee ee ; rey 3 eecseseurd So did eeleibecsmne $50 f NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR sttrivorteh, Brea EXtras ........0000 seucns sens ccucetcceuceneuseens . CI CRTE nen nonnneinannncemnainnacnanatag isan ee ey Second clea go } oar Ll ae a ae ee oe oe xtra 1s (Clear whites otit)..........cceeeceeeres Extra 1s (Clear whiitesin)..........c.scsceceeeeee 3 2 I I tk Buw BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGERS Red Cedar Extras, 16 in, 5 butts to 2 in. seoane Eurekas, 18 in. “ Perfections ¢ butts to2% in. ——- pate ws Poss - 888s ee Ct 2, o So RORORO Ss °o So J SoS J 2 So So ) OS E0}92E0}960)960}9E0 €5)269 °o °o (~) {~) {~} (~) °o ° So, oO EDREdROD (~) (.) ) So S ©9}9G0) ° f) ° =) ON {~) SIASHAS ©9}8G0}9G0) ONTZONTIC) q J. B. MILLER. President. Manufacturers of Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main 1o16. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. 55CSRCSRR DCL IIDC @ G @ 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 0) 10) 10). 0} 10} 0 00) 60)860)o SEENON The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited -W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. ROUGH and DRESSED INE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBE Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. Telegraph Codes : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. e ey ¥ = ss aia a 2 et Tee ‘ - WEEKLY | VoL. XIV CANADA LUMBERMA AND WOOD-WORKER EDITION 3 The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. REAGHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD TORONTO, MONTREAL — AUGUST 1, 1906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER Sa No. 21. ~ Canapa LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY _ The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL "9720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the ncipal manufacturing districts and leading lomestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber Fae at home and abroad. The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries, WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. - When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 pet cent. will be allowed. _ This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- ments must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in _ the current week’s issue e ANTED TO SELL OR EXCHANGE FOR Three Block Carriage and Saw Frame, one 42” Circular Re-Saw new A. P. EBERT, _ Wiarton, Ont. For Sale NE CAR OF INCH RED OAK; ONE CAR of 1” winter cut basswood; one car of inch and 2” hard maple; also staves, barrels and heading. Apply, H. Z. Batcom & Coy., Ayl- mer, Ont. BUSINESS CHANCES . |) goto MILL MAN, THOROUGHLY a experienced and capable will find an ex- _ cellent opening to erect and operate a well equipped planing mill in growing City in Sas- _katchewan. Advertiser would finance right party so far as raw material is concerned and would take most of output of mill. Only prin- cipals with necessary capital need apply, Box 402, CANADA LUMBERMAN. For Sale _ \JALUABLE TIMBER LIMITS IN THE ¥Y Province of British Columbia. For particu- _ lars Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. he 4 FOP Salé _ CAW AND SHINGLE MILL AT WILNO ON ) G. T. R., capacity 12 to 15 M feet perday and 70 M shingles, Good shipping facilities east and west. % million feet of standing timber, incipally pine, can go with mill if desired. few car loads of Fence posts for sale. duty; vate opportunities for purchasing tanding timber from settlers. A first-class in- estment for a practical mill man with limited Terms reasonable torightman, Apply AR &Co., Killaloe Station, Ont, ‘Timber Limits ~ WANTED—1", 2” AND 3” TAMARAC, 2” Soft Elm C «B, 1”, 1%”, 2” Black Ash Ce&B. The R. E. KINSMAN LUMBER Co., LTD., Hamilton, Ont. po SAILE—ABOUT 20,000 FEET OF: INCH maple lumber; free from cull; can be dress- ed and matched before shipping ifdesired. Ap- ply W. McBRIDE, Alliston. GENTLEMAN OF WIDE EXPERIENCE in the wholesale lumber business in Canada and the United States, capable of managing any branch of the business desires a position Aadr gee Box 400 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, nt, WANTED , OR NEW SAW MILL A COMPETENT Pine inspector to take charge of piling and shipping. Apply with references IMPERIAL LUMBER COMPANY, LTD., Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. NE CAR 1% IN. DRY POPLAR, SAWN from butt logs, heart and poor boards thrown out, square edged. Address, Gro. B. CLEVELAND & SON, Johnville, Que. ANTED—A WOOD-TURNER, MAN WITH family preferred. Address, stating wages expected, THE MONTREAL CoTTON Co., Valley- field, P.Q. Lath Wanted E. N. MEAD, 995 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. Timber Limit For Sale. pee NO. 3, 15% SQUARE MILES IN THE N. W. Y%. Township of Proudfoot, Party Sound District. on the Magnetawan River, four miles from G. T. R. Estimated 2:,000.000 feet hemlock. birch, spruce, piue, cedar, etc. This is a fine block of timber. For further particulars address J. J. ANDERSON, Novar, Ont. Saw Mill Machinery For Sale HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOR SALE Engines, Boilers, Band, Gang and Circular Saw Mills, Saws, Belting, Shafting, Pulleys, Burner, Etc., attheir Trenton and Canoe Lake Mills, Ontario. Will be sold cheap forcash sub- ject to prior sale. Forfullinformation address Gitmour & Co., Limited, in Liquidation, R. Weddell, Liquidator, Trenton, Ont. SATISFACTORY RESULTS CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Please discontinue our ad. have all the lumber offered we can handle. including yearly subscription for your paper. Boston, JULY 23, 1906. in your paper as we Send bill We have had satisfactory results from our advertisement. Yours truly, Knott & SAMPSON. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity of Slabs. SIMcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. High Price Paid for Basswood NE AND A QUARTER INCH NO. 1 AND 2:R.Elmand B Ash2”C. & B. Apply Box 401, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. If you are in the Market for SPRUCE, JACKPINE OR TAMARAC PILING it will pay you to get our quotations GEO. F. WHALEN Port ARTHUR, ONT, HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED \ ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO /V becut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet. Address Box 377, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. CEDAR AND TAMARAC POLES, 500 suitable for piles and telegraph poles, * and up at the top end, 25 to so ft. long. MuUSKoKA Woop MFG. Co., Huntsville. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The lumber trade throughout the province continues active, and stocks are moving rapidly; for the most part shipping is going on as fast as transportation facilities can be secured. The only classes in which there are quantities held over are such woods as elm, maple, birch. Prices remain firm. Many buyers have refrained from laying in heavy stocks hoping that there would be a drop in the market.» It is thought this action may tend to send prices up when buying starts. The demand for hemlock is good and prices are firm. Some quota- tions on this article are No. 1-16 toot, $15; 12 and 14 foot, $14.50; 2x4 10's, $15. Prices realized tor other woods have been quoted as follows: Spruce, $15; basswood, $20; birch from $18 to $23. Pine still continues in good demand and the prices are firm, with no tendency to be lower. Lath and shingles are marketable commodities, the former being in the lead. Prices for lath have been quoted at, from $4.25 to $4.50 for No. 1 and from $3.50 to $4 for No. 2. Itis claimed by some that the shingle trade in cedar would be more satisfactory if more of the best grade and less cedar butts were used for good buildings. WESTERN CANADA Generally speaking, the same conditions prevail in this part of Canada as elsewhere. There is great activity in all lines of industry and with the prospect of a bounteous harvest so close at hand indications point to a continuation of this. The building activity still continues and this of course means activity in the lumber industry. Stocks are report- ed to be moving actively, and only moderate amounts being kept on hand. The demand is good for all classes of lumber and prices remain . firm. The general yard sales prices average about $2.50 per M. above last year. The outlook is quite promising. Lath is in good demand also. EASTERN CANADA. The outlook is very promising for the lumber industry in this part of - the Dominion, and seldom if ever seemed better. For spruce there is good demand for all classes. Bass- wood and birch are also enquired after. There is considerable activity in the movement of stocks. Some large shipments have been made to South America and United States tor which satisfactory prices have been realized. $15.00 to $15,25 has been offered for English deals, which indicates a healthy condition in that market. Prices generally are keeping firm, with little or no prospect of going lower. If. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION The trade in lath is quite brisk and shingles are also a fairly salable article. UNITED STATES. There is not much change in the market for building materials, but the demand is up to the normal for this season. Since yellow pine has recovered from its recent slump there is a better tone in the market. The supply of this article is not so large as it was a month ago, in consequence of the curtailment in the operations of manufacturing districts. With the fall demand in view, it is thought prices should become firmer. The white pine situation is more satisfactory than it has been for some time. Stocks are building up, as the rivers are in good driving state and the log sup- ply is coming in sufficient to keep the mills running. There is good prospect of a heavy fall trade. Prices are firm and likely to remain so and an advance might not be improbable. There has been a recent increase in the activity of the hemlock market. The demand from the country districts for this product is increasing. .The mills consider that in another month they will have a well assorted and dry stock on hand to meet the require- ments of the market, but it is not probable that the supply will be greater than the demand. There is no change in the shingle situation. Strike conditions still prevail. So far the scarcity of shingles does not seem to be caus- THE ONTARIO LUMBER C® suns wrists Pa, yre G. yy R. Delivery ing any serious difficulty to the trade. GREAT BRITAIN. ® The lumber outlook is considered very good. Indications seem in favor of better prices in the near future, both for planed and unplaned stuff. Floorings are in very good demand and prices keep fairly firm. Spruce does not show much change. Some quotations are GR. 5s. to £8. 7s. 6d. c.i.f. for 50 per cent narrows, the balance g in. and wider. There does not seem to be much offering in hemlock as the prices are on two high a basis. In Liverpool business has been quiet. Little change is reported in the c.i.f. market. Spruce is firm. The demand is good and arrivals moderate. In floorings, square- edged boards are in demand, t. and g. are not wanted. Maple lumber is in poor demand. Oak is in good demand. At the Manchester docks business is quite lively as there has been a very heavy list of arrivals. Some local and Liverpool firms are report- ed as receivers of heavy lines of pine deals, boards, sidings, red pine deals, boards, spruce deals, etc. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Vancouver, B.C. July 23rd, 1906. — ‘I think lumber prices have reached the highest point for this season,” is the expiession of Mr. Lester W. David, president of the MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Hone Tite Bailding 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. aceeed. & T. CHARLTONecee —— MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— Wilh Be Rand’ 1 Aer ey Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Best Workmen. Send us a trial car. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON &CO_ 80 St. Francis Xavier Street Limited Owen Sound, Ont. NARDWOOD, EMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries, At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard_ woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS Fraser River Sawmills, Ltd., of New Westminster, who was in the city on Saturday, ‘‘Although mills are away behind on orders I see no reason why the price should go up. Neither do I see why the high price of lumber should have a deterrent effect on building as corresponding increases have been made in wages, logs, etc. Two or three hundred dollars more cost to a man is not going to stop his house from going up, but rather an additional cost makes it of greater value. Labor in the lumber industry just now, like other lines, in the west, is very scarce.” It might not be out of place to mention that. the people on the Fraser river are considering giving a banquet to Mr. David, for re- establishing the lumber foreign trade from New Westminster. While he is of the opinion that the higher price of lumber should not affect building operations, it is one of the causes of a shortage of dwellings in Vancouver. ‘‘People of small means have to consider every dollar of cost,” remarked a builder this morning, ‘‘and I know that many mechanics who intended erecting houses have put off the _work because of the increased cost. . It is more difficult to get the right amount of a loan on such buildings, as the inspectors with the former. price of lumber in their minds do not figure out how much the build- ing would be worth to reconstruct, but rather consider what it would oe HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood and Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock LumBer & Mere Co. NAIOP Gy A € RT TT I a & Samples by wows“ LUMBER and TIMBER bs Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, | Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY . iy aes 1", 14%", 144” and 2” Chestnut, ef 1”, el 14" and 2” Butternut, s THE McLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE. Send for Catalogue Bal Rock Elm, rsts and 2nds. heal We! dob K Gd August 1, 1906 : bring in a sale. I think that one of the reasons of the scarcity of houses in Vancouver is the high price’ of lumber.” Of the large amount of lumber — which has been shipped to foreign ports from Vancouver this season, the cargo of the barque Makawell for Japan indicates that that country is becoming a very large consumer — of British Columbia product. This — ship carried 1,100,000 feet which will be used to build. factories in — Japan. Fr A feature of the market in the © interior of the province is the de- mand for poles which are being — shipped to the States, principally to New Jersey and Lousiana. The McEwen Bros., of Seattle, who have control of the Sutton Lumber and Trading Company, which has just completed its big cedar mill on Clayoquot Sound, west coast of Vancouver Island, © have made arrangements to place the whole of its products in the hands of consumers in the eastern States. Shipment will be made via the Horn. An instance of the figures paid — for logs is that a boom was sold in — Vancouver last week for $11.50 per — thousand. While prices are quoted — as regular as high as $10, this bears out what was stated in the last letter that higher prices are being paid when the logs are badly wanted. Dr. Davichand, a prominent © Hindoo, states that he has contract- — ed tc supply $2,000 Hindoos for — Stock sizes now ready. . WOODSTOCK, ONT. KNIGHT BROTHERS co. LIMITED Burk’s Falls. Sy ws MONTREAL, QUE. , a ‘have been somewhat below Oswego, N.Y. August 1, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION iti. employment in British Columbia sawmills. Manufacturers have found it next to impossible to secure the requisite amount of labor. Charles Heidrick, president of the Pittsburg, Summerville & Ciar- ion railway, is asking for inform- ation about timber limits in British Columbia. Joseph LaBlanche, pre- sident of the Canadian-American Lumber Co., with interests at North Bay, Ottawa, Sault Ste. Marie and Grand Rapids, Mich., may build here. Charles R. McLaughlin, formerly ot the Ruby Lumber Co., Ohio, is erecting a large mill on the Fraser river. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN) St. Joun, N.B., July 28th, 1906. —The water in the St. John River is very Jow and is falling day by day. It is feared that, unless some. heavy rains come in the near future, many logs will be hung in the main St. John from Grand Falls up, a_ locality which is under ordinary circumstances considered ‘safe water. This was the case last year when the greater part of the cut of the previous winter was caught and did not come forward until early this spring. For present needs and for a few weeks to come, supplies of logs are ample and, just at pre- sent, they are arriving at St. John in considerable quantities. The markets for N. B. spruce in Great Britain has, during the month, shown prospects of firmer values and the feeling among local people in this regard is consequently indicative of pronounced optimism. Shipments of ‘‘English” deals from this port during the present et the average for this season of the year, WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER ROSSED PULP WOOD St. Gabriel Lumber Co. Limited St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que. Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. a B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in OEDAR | TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELEGTRIG LIGHT - POLES Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. « | Bank St. Chambers. | BIRCH! BASSWOOD! We have about 100 M. tt. each of 1t-in. Basswood and Ash Write us for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. for quick delivery. ° —a circumstance due chiefly to the fact that—owing to the late starting of the mills and the time lost through the recent strike—supplies have been lighter than usual. These facts added to information received (the authenticity of which, considering its source cannot be doubted) which tells of light stocks and increasing demand throughout Great Britain, lead to the conclusion that the New Brunswick spruce trade has every promise of a period of more than ordinary stimulus. At the local mills, stocks of “English” deals are remarkably light, the goods having been taken almost as quickly as manufactured and in many cases considerable difficulty has been experienced in obtaining cargo with sufficient rapidity. No one manufacturer has more than a few hundred thousand feet and the total quantity would not exceed two millions of feet. At present the output is about normal but, with the season passing rapidly, the total result of the season’s manufacture will no doubt be con- siderably below the average, let the remainder of the season in this respect be ever so favourable. Ideas of local people vary some- what in regard to value of ‘‘English” according to the indi- vidual interpretation of the pros- pects, but an inquirer would no doubt be quoted from $13.75 to $14.25 per thousand superficial feet, on a specification of ‘‘English” deals, containing say 50% sevens and eights, 357 nines, and 157 elevens and up, f.o.b. steamer St. John, two-thirds price for fourths and ends. Charters for deals to the West Coast are being made at from 34s to 37s/6 per standard, the variation Planing and Matching — IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices, "Phone 113 THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade'Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barre! Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries ror prices, etc. by Mail, Wire or Phone. | McLennan Timber Land and LUMDEP GO., imitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES4 Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. OTTAWA, Can. SPRUGE! in figure being due to the variation in size of vessel. HARDWOOD. The general conditions of the hardwood market are above the average of corresponding seasons for some years past. In some trade centres, plain white oak leads, with plain red as a second. In northern woods there is less activity than those of the south. Inch maple is generally contracted for, as manu- factured. There is a slight surplus of thick stock. Owing to the im- mense quantity of buildings being erected the trade in flooring, of both oak and maple is large. The trade in mahogany and walnut con- tinues much the same, with a slight increase in mahogany consumption. In Chicago, the local hardwood trade is quiet, but prices are keep- ing firm. Prospects indicate that the fall trade from consumers will be large. In Boston, the demand is not great. The majority of yards are well stocked and many consum- ing manufacturers are carrying quite heavy stocks. Prices are tairly well held. The demand for plain oak, one inch, is not great. Maple flooring is fairly active. In New York there is a slight falling off in the market. This is due more to a curtailment in buying than in consumption, as manufact- urers stocked quite heavily early in the year and at present have suffic- ient for current need. Plain oak is reported slow. Quartered oak and maple are quiet and prices easy. On July 31st Holland & Graves, of Byng Inlet, Ont., purchased from the Sarnia Bay Lumber, Tim- ber and Salt Company five town- ships, each containing 36 square miles for $1,500,000. The town- ships are Hyman, Porter, Totten, Vernon and Berth No. 91, and they are located about 12 miles from Nairn Centre Station, on the Sault branch of Canadian Pacific. The limit is said to be the finest and most conveniently located block of virgin pine now standing on the north shore, and being located on the Spanish and Whitefish Rivers, the purchasers will have ample water facilities for floating logs down to the bay, there to be towed to their mills at Byng Inlet, near Parry Sound. A, F, Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen'l.-Mgr F, H. Goff, Vice-Pres, E. C, Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER. wo LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine, and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60° _ long. SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LimiTeED Mills: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, . ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. swe: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO - ONTARIO ——DRY BIRCH—— 25,000 ft. 1 in. At Emsdale J 12,000 ft. 2 in. 7,000 ft. 3 in. At Burk’s Falls { 12,000 ft. 6/4 in. 50,000 ft. 1 In. 5,000 ft. 5x 5 to1ox 10 quarters Write for prices as we have to move it at once. Ghe LONG LUMBER. COMPANY, HAMILTON C. A. LARKIN=—— WHOLESALE LUMBER Shingles, Lath and Cedar Fence Posts. TORONTO be ay oy ONTARIO Try an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this paper. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED.and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CACHE BAY, Ont. Cc. P. BR. Gane 26 miles West North Bay “ UMBER so LATH ‘ Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August 1, 1906 CANADIAN ‘MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all Also all classes of Building Material Send us your enquiries. sizes. End Matched, Bored, Polished HARDWOOD FLOORING aosieundiaa tte SIHMON BROS, trp 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. —Our Prices will Interest You— —A. W. EYER & CO.—— We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. W. EYER @ CO. 45 Adelaide SRONTO, ONT. DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, In6. WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - N.Y. OR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, | OWEN SOUND, ONT: Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. Office : RUCE BIRCH ELM ‘RAILWAY TIE HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES PINE OAK CEDAR &c., &e., &e. B.C, FIR B.C. CEDAR Anything! in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. nd up, 11” x 11’ and up, for saleata low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, ° ging ”" QUEBEC HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THEM. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFAGTORING GO., LIMITED Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Fairview Cedar Lumber Co. Vancouver, B.C. Manufacturers of ........ Rough and Dressed Cedar Lumber and Laths We Manufacture Cedar only and have the largest stock in the Province. We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and U nited States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Rees ashy cela Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hocaick, Maple, Norway Pine, ort and Long Leaf Yellow P*se, Oak, Redwood) Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CoO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, !""" MANUFACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber OF abe avn Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etcf{#2 2: Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. PLA YFATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH * SHINGLES Contractors for Rallway opel MIDLAND ONT BILL TIMBER a Specialt Ds MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. ye and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. | Make a Specialty of Long me, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. hip by C. P . T. R., and by Water THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chambe TORONTO, ONT. ) 25 Toronto Street (Tel. yee 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea _ LUMBER MERCHANTS. aii bite MANEHE eel Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. AL of all kinds carri Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. ed in stock. We are buyers of — Amherst, N.S. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, An Advertisement in the ‘ vo and ‘‘For Sale’’ Davantianet of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible I® [t WOUr Wish. . 2 A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as A MILL PROPERTY thecase may be. Address, " SECOND-HAND MACHINERY The Cenada 1aakannae; HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK %, %, %. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow pesca End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY : OWBN SOUND, ONT. P. 0. BOX 45, VANCOUVER, B. C. i a August 1, 1906 CANAPA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS | YOU | CAN | | REACH ‘THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS! ST.LOUIS : RAIL.MAI | WIRE OR McCLURE LUMBER CO. praca. | HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS pene ea? YELLOW PINE AND :OAK Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. Mill: EUTAW, ALA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty i Haeberle Lumber Co. Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISCONSIN GENTRAL RCAILWAY Minneapolis, ay Paul, Ashland Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. * Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, GrPwAs Mlwaukee, Wis LUMBER and TIMBER WHITH PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a ppeaait y. Interior Trim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling cong Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber Soft Yellow Pine Finishing C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH a a SR ES CVSSSVVBVSSSSSVSVSVSVETVSEVSEBVSEVUEVVVASTA© RH. ROYS, Pres SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. RALPH Caeerann Vice-Pres. MANUFACTURERE OF yd go aa LUMBER AND SALT é Mills at Sandwich, Ont. $ é fe iD ea waenetteeeeenewniecer -e2408 Oo J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE FRANK GC. BURY MICHIGAN ? LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. WHOLESALE BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measurers | Cabel Address Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street( - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND OOD BROKERS Cable Address: ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A. B.C., Ax, Zebra“ and Private. Sg Sr for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE ; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the Uni ence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, ° "x. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London,’ IMPORTER OF ——user Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS SS DIRECTORY CODE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood / gents and Brokers = ee ee ERE eee Cable Address : ““ GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurech St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERCHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs ana Lumber, El Staves and He ading, Hanctes of all descriptions VeneersA Specialtv SMITH & TYRER - (4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmITH, TYRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington St GANT & KEMP g TIMBER | 52st, Enoch Sars GLASGOW BROKERS “ONE DOLLAR aA B C Codes aah Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR dOSEDH OWEN & SONS, LID, | sevstniangrane White Ash Logs fasted Planks. Timber Importers Oak Logs and Plank Cable Address ‘‘ Rock Maple Logs Fe Planks. Rock Elm Logs. Hickory ine . ALSO .. All Ni dues ‘of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods sultable for the English Market. Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. \e vi Bee ae E. H. HEAPS & CO., ‘a sts B. C. i umber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August 1, 1906 W. L. TAIT, GENERAL MANAGER Vancouver, B.C. W. J. SHEPPARD, PRESIDENT Waubaushene, Ont. MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Oop mite? LATH, MOULDINGS L per C TURNED WORK epee Ss : ft ct OaS* cuver: © HICH GRADE fic VANCO RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO | THE RED DEER LUMBER CO. Manufacturers ot SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH > K OUT FOR THE CARS!! MR DEALER Cars have been, are now, and will be scarce this season. It is ‘‘ up to you” to anticipate your future needs and order earlier. MOULDINGS ai TURNINGS We have the most up to date mach- ines in the market for this work and can supply Fir or Cedar Mouldings and Turned Work of finest quality by the carload. Jaquiny sonidg j00q 000‘000‘0h Ajovdeg Tenuuy ‘I3eT vonIids 000‘000'9 Ajovdeg Tenuuy LUMBER-—of all sizes and finish. BEVEL SIDING—“ Ready to put on.” SHINGLES—From the best Extra XXX to the finest fancy Butts 16 inch to 24 inch long. DON’T YOU DARE LET GO or give up the idea of handling our SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH merely because we have been unable to fill your orders for several months. We were unfortunate enough to run out of stock so that we could not take care of the spring trade. Special attention to the Prairie Provinces Our saw mill has now been running full capacity for over 6 weeks and we are in a position to fill all orders promptly with bright new stock, All mail should be addressed to THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK. Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, C.N.R., Manitoba. : i We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. HASTINGS SHINGLE M'F°, CO. VANCOUVER, B. C. W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER; B.C. LUMBER & SHINGLES Send us your hurry-up orders for shingles. Our new saw mill will soon be in operation; advise us of your requirements now. August 1, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil. | E.H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAY We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all | HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. |! | | descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH —————— ss. : _ FELBER, JUCKER & Co. J, D. SHIR LUMBER C0., LIMITED Planing, Matching, Resawing etc, ONE DO LLAR BRACEBRIDGE, ae Lumber Importers D sora aah 4 oe é MANCHESTER ENGLAND Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBER, LATH AND * SHINGLES coors, Sas ouldings, Ceilings pies lumbermen, able to cut Birch LUMBERMAN for ne, Hardwood and Hemlock oo aad Head HARDWOOD FLOORING squares 7/8” = th ah 2A oh and Ceitings. Sash Hoar Pee ood Paguia ning A SPECIALT bet making, to write p O N B YEA R 2 - Ee teagety pon er es ae dented I. ae aan ee Aig aa, Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited. pine v Ly Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF § LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. (Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. - 3 428 ss.ce RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. D.C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. a a Ms Y THOMAS oe ee H. H. SPICER, RESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’y — Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. } Shipping Capacity is I, 500,000 Shingles per Day VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CURRENT LUMBER PRIGES--WROLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 inch No. 1 Pine cuts & better. ...$49 00 1% inch No. I cuts and better.. 53 00 2’ No. 1 Cuts and 56 00 1% in. No. 2 Pine cuts and better.. 44 00 2! No. 2 Pine Cuts and Better.- . 46.00 1% inch No. 3 Cuts and better.. 41 00 2’ No. 3 Cuts and Better.....------ 1 in, Pine Dressing and better shorts 23 00 1x4, 6and8common 20 00 1x lo common.... 21 oo 1xiz2common.... 23 00 2x10 common.... 21 00 2and3x12common 24 00 1 x roinch box and common..-----:- 20 00 1’ mill run sidings 21 00 1 in. mill run...... 2I 00 rxtoandr2milleulls 16 50 1inch mill cull sid- INS. .2-.000..---- 15 50 1’ dead cullsidings 12 00 1% inch Flooring 27 0? HARDWOODS—PER M. Ash White, 1sts and ands, 1 to 2in... $33 00 Ash, Black, 1sts a ands, 1 to2in.... 30 00 Ash, Black, mill Cain SMA Spaced 23 00 Birch, common and better, 1 1n......- 25 00 Birch, common and better, 13% to 3 in 27 00 Birch, mill run.... 22 00 Basswood, common and better, rin.. 22 00 Basswood, common andbet., 13 tozin 24 00 Basswood, millrun 20 00 Soft Elm, common and better, 1 in.. 24 00 Soft Elm, common and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 51 oo 55 00 58 00 46 00 48 00 42 900 440 24 60 200 42 00 24 00 22 00 25 00 aI 00 22 00 22 co 17 €0 16 50 13 00 a2 00 35 0 32 00 '24 00 26 900 28 00 23 00 23 00 28 00 Hemlock,1x4 to 8 in 16 00 17 00 ax4 to 8 in.,10 to 16ft. 17 00 18 OO ax4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 18 oo I9 00 Clear inch B.C. cedar, kiln dried. ....0+-+-> 50 00 Clear inch B.C. cedar air dried boat lumber 55 00 Douglas fir dimension timber, up to 32 feet 25 80 Fir flooring, edge QAM... .. ve eees c 43 00 1% in. No. 1 4 ft. Pine GACH «<0 2 Speenbe de 4 50 5 00 1% in. No. 2 4ft, Lath 3 40 3 5° 14" No.1 32” pine lath 2 10 1%” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 3 50 OTTAWA. ONT. MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. Pine, good sidings : lin x 7in.and up$40 0o 1% in.andr¥in.x 8in.andup.. .. 48 00 2in x7in.andup 52 00 No.zcuts2x8”&up 34 00 S 9, (e) is) ts) ts) 2 J cs) 9) (eo) i) 2 2, ‘= is) Ss 2 is} 2, Ss is) ‘s) 2 cs) J is} gy g 2 So ‘s) is} ) <=} 2g g ZF 2 cs) g 2 i} 2, OAR? (oJ i} 2 2 SIRS ROK OOOO EOE ROS OO CCC OOO OCS] OOOO OC iS 6) e) (=) oO (=) & ° oO S oO S (-) (=) oO ‘oO ‘2 (:) ‘oO (=) () (~) ‘oO (-) ‘oO () oO oO (> © ° oO oO S o) ‘oO oO fa) ° 5 © > f=) CS) C) o) o) a ) (-) (> NCO a 4 me 44 00 56 00 56 00 36 00 XXX-X Pine Shingles 295 30° XX Pine Shingles .. 225 2 30 X Pie Shingles .. 95 XX Cedar Shingles 225 2 30 B. C. Shingles XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 3 25 XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 47 XXXXX 5toz2in.. 3 80 XX No. 2,6to2in.. BG XX ‘ 6 to 23-16in. 4 Red pine, clear and clear face... 23 00 240 Red pipe, common Bl ms eden Bee etme 14 00 17 00 FEET CAR LOTS. Soft Elm, mill run 21 00 22 00 Rock Elm, common and better, rin.. 25 00 26 00 Rock Elm, common and bet.1% tozin 28 00 29 90 Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 00 Soft Maple common and better, 1in 2200 23 00 Maple common and better, 134 to3 in 24 00 25 00 Maple, millrun... 20 00 21 00 Oak, red, plain, 1sts and 2nds.......- 46 00 50 00 Oak, white, plain, ists and 2nds.... 44 00 46 00 Oak,quartered, ists and 2nds......--. 70 00 75 00 Hickory, rsts and andS.....+..-+-- . 36 00 38 00 I x 10 No. I barn.. 24 00 1x10No.2 ,, -- 22 00 1x8&gNo,1 barn 21 00 22 00 1x8&9No.2 ,, 18 00 20°00 PineShorts 6/ to 11’ oh PEI, tecae. 17,00 £8.00 Pine good strips : TENsvcssee caansevac 35,00 14% in. and 14 In... 36 00 AN histawe leisiwind mies « 40 00 38 00 40 00 cae aiatara! 8 1% in.and 1% in... 36 2 ADauis/atrals Seite eianle «AO 7” to "9 A Sidings... Pine, No. 1 dressing PTO) meer mm aE kj) Pine, No. 1 dressing 00 oo 00 shorts Pine, tos. ¢ and bet- ter 12’ to 16’ . ....22 00 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- ter 12 tor, ..... 20 00 Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings :9 Oo Pine s. c. strips...... I§ 90 Pine, s.c, shorts...-. 14 00 Pine, box beards.... 1400 Pine mill culls..... 1503 1800 Pine O. culls.,.... . 9 §0 1250 Spruce, 1’x4” & up 5 0 16 00 Spruce, 1” stocks, 7, 8,9 and 10”,, . 16 50 19 50 Spruce,1” clear (fine dressing and B.. 24 00 Hemlock 13 00 Basswood........+ 18 00 23 00 Bis Chin. oe gel iee 20 00 24 00 Lath, per M No.1 white pinet#%x” 400 4 50 No, 2 white pine.... 350 3 75 Spruce, mill rnn....- 3.00 3 50 Red Pine, millrun.. 3 00 3 5° Pine Shingles xxxx, 18 inch.....--- 325 375 Clear Butt, 18inch .. 275 3 25 xx: 18 inch.......---. 170 7200 White Cedar Shingles xxxx, 18 inch........ 3.75 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. 1in.,8” ahd up wide..$79 00 1Y%,1%and2” ‘* .. 77 00 2% and 3” ay oo Pa “ ++ 94 00 SELECTs. 1 in., 8” and up wide.... 69 00 14%, 1% and 2’ 2% and 3” 4” ef Dee OTL OO fe ieee) O00 ‘Se 1 900) FINE, COM. AND BETTER. 1 in., 8% and up wide.... 54 00 1% and 1%” a «e+. 56 00 2’ ue «++ 57 00 FINE COMMON, I" ..cceceesesss 45 00 to 60 00 1%, 1% to2”.. 55 00 56 00 2%,3and 4”.. 78 00 86 00 No. 1 CUTS. | 1in., 8’ and up wide... 37 00 1¥ in. ze «+ 47 00 1% in, ¢ «++ 47 00 2" Ly «+» 49 00 2%and3” ‘ . 62 00 4” ** . 62 00 NO, 2 CUTS, 1 in., 6” and up wide.... 21 00 I Mi sees 33 00 1%” «24233 00 Le ee «s+» 37 00 2%,3and4” ‘“ sees 49 OO NO. 3 CUTS. 1in., 6” and up wide.... 19 00 1¥% and 1%” oy wee+ 23 00 rd . wees 23 00 2%,3and4” “ . 30 00 MILL RUN bua 37 Wea 21 00 PA gt. \ fees mee .. 22 00 i x6and 87......6+.4-- 25 00 a J. B. MILLER, President. Mauufacturers of. Clear Butt,r8inch.... 275 3 35 xx, 1B inch.......--- 170 200 ae &® CR 26 00 y xitay 28 00 I E275 sascesmoniesier 0 00 1% x 6’ and up.....---- +» 27 00 UM X10"... cece ween eee 28 00 - NO. I BARN. 1in.......-.-.$27 00 to $35 00 35 00 38 00 41 00 1%, 1% and 2” 33 oo to 2% and 3”..... TS 5c) RCINO No. 2 BARN. Pines weeeee 25 OOFO 29 00 1%, 134,and2” 26 oo to 29 00 24% and 3”..... 30 00 NO. 3 BARN. TUM .c asenasanisis 22 00 to 1%, 1% and 2” 2300 to au 25 00 27 co 27 00 DG Zest 15 00 to 20 00 No. 1 mill culls, 1, 1%, 174, 2” MILL CULLS. Mill Run Culls 1”, 14%, 1% 16 goto 18 00 Ando". wens calee siele 15 00 No. 2, a“ “ “ I 00 LATH, No. 1, 32” ‘f ...eeeees se. 2 50 No, 2, 48” “S ...cceceeene AsO No. 1, 48” pine...... Fano, 20> BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y. August 1, 1906 ———d eee cee WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Uppers, 1, 14%,14anda i eaeec Jr 2% and 3 10....+6+ Meese c due vedscus Selects 1 in... “ae 1X to 2in.......+ 2% and 3 in. seenene Fine common, 1 in. 1% and 1% in..... 2 Mi wnedesccenenns hitisven aoe i arecoio el 4 AM cianiesns any ove Cut’g up, No. 1, rin. 14% and 1% in..... a’ Not Cuts...... No. 2, I iN.ceserse No. 2,1%, & 1% in No. 3, 1%. and 1% No. 3 1%" & 2” Dressing Sy eens 1YU x10 and 12...606 1% in. scccccvsves 40 90 $32 OO} 2 IM ...eeeeeeneene 42 00 go oo | Shelving, No. r, 13 in. 95 00 and up, 1 in...... 45 00 73 00 | No. x Mold st’ps 1to2 72 00 ADinecssuscecwngeens 5 09 85 00| No. 2 Moulding Strips, go oo 1to2 in....-.-.-- 42 00 57 00| Barn, No.1, 12in..... 37 00 59 00] 6, 8andioin...... 32 00 61 00| No. 2, roin... 6, 31 00 80 00} No.2, 12 in. 32 00 85 00 0. 3, 10 27 Cc) 2 2 ‘2 ‘2 ‘2 ‘oe > ‘2 ‘2 (> i) o > ‘2 2 ~) ‘2 > ‘' ‘oO 9 9; So, OFQS, So 9, So, 9 S, So o 2, 2S, 9, 9, 9, 9, oO J oS; J cs) cs) 9, SUS US WOU LONOMS IS UO UII OE ORONO C) 2) ) > ‘2 > c) S > > > ‘2 2 S ‘° ‘O' 3" > (-) 2 () GC) (-) y . - ‘ NADA L .ND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY EDITION MBERM 3 The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 Per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, ev3ry week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD Vou. XIV TORONTO, MONTREAL -- AUGUST 8, 906 — WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER —_————=s No. 22. (Canada LuMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every 7 Wednesday, contaifis reliable and up-to-date re- 2 ports of market conditions and tendencies in the - 2 Ceres Tad manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly mediuni of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- nS rab and exporters and the purchasers of imber ucts ‘at home and abroad. { The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, 4 discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- 4 _ nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. SE FL LT TL: FER elt Cet NE. cm cme a . genes tse ot . . WANTED AND FOR SALE ~~ Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- _ ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. » When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of ere cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set % _ in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- = vertisements must be received not later than 4 7 o’clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue LS LT SS Ts eh; BUSINESS CHANCES oe MILL MAN, THOROUGHLY ..* experienced and capable, will find an ex- cellent opening to erect and operate a well = equipped planing mill in growing City in Sas- 3 katchewan. Advertiser would finance right eee te as raw material is concerned and . would take most of output of mill. Only prin- cipals with necessary capital need apply. Box 402, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Timber Limits For Sale. VALUABLE TIMBER L,!MITS IN THE Province of British Columbia. For particu- lars Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. ; TENDERS FOR _ Milf Property and Timber Limits Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to and including SEPTEMBER 1, 1906, for ____ the purchase of lumber mill, in first-class run- fling order, on south shore of Georgian Bay, _-—Cs Mea Waubaushene, with two single band saws a“ and all up-to-date machinery; capacity, 70,000 ? per day ; the necessary piling and booming __—-—‘« ground, tramways, railway siding, workmen’s ____—cihhouses, boarding-house, barn and stabling, and ic 40 acres of land, more or less, together with two d limits in District of Algoma not yet operated on, held under old license from Ontario Govern- ment. Separate tenders will be received for the mill property alone, or for either limit. Full particulars on application to ESTATE OF TANNER BROS., Waubaushene, Ontario, Canada, 7 WANTED—1", 2” AND 3” TAMARAC, 2” Soft Elm C &B, 1”, 13”, 2” Black Ash C&B. TheR. E, KINSMAN LUMBER Co., LTD., Hamilton, Ont. OR SALE—ABOUT 20,000 FEET OF; INCH maple lumber; free from cull; can be dress- ed and matched before shipping if desired. Ap- ply W. McBRIDE, Alliston. FOR SALE FEET 4/4 BIRCH AND MAPLE I OO, OOO culls, For price, etc., apply to Box 404, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED OR NEW SAW MILL, A COMPETENT _ Pine inspector to take charge of piling and shipping. Apply with references. IMPKRIAL LUMBER COMPANY, LTD., Toronto, Ont. — FOR SALE. OFF CAR 1% IN. DRY POPLAR, SAWN from butt logs, heart and poor boafds thrown out, square edged. Address, Gro. B. CLEVELAND & SON, Johnville, Que. ANTED—A WOOD-TURNER, MAN WITH family preferred. Address, stating wages expected, THE MONTREAL CoTTON C)., Valley- field, P.Q. Lath Wanted E. N. MEAD, 5 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. Timber Limit For Sale. Bae NO. 3, 15% SQUARE MILES IN THE N. W. %. Township of Proudfoot, Parry Sound District, on the Magnetawan River, four miles from G. T. R. Estimated 25,000,000 feet hemlock, birch, spruce, piue, cedar, ete. This is a fine block of timber. For further particulars address J, J. ANDERSON, Novar, Ont. Saw Mill Machinery For Sale HE UNDERSIGNED HAVE FOR SALE Engines, Boilers, Band, Gang and Circular Saw Mills, Saws, Belting, Shafting, Pulleys, Burner, Etc., attheir Trenton and Canoe Lake Mills, Ontario. Will be sold cheap for cash sub- ject to prior sale. For full information address GILMouR & Co., Limited, in Liquidation, R. Weddell, Liquidator, Trenton, Ont. BENEFIT DERIVED CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. edition. will be in the near future. OTTAWA, JUNE 30, 1906. Dear Sirs,—Acknowledging your favor of the 29th, we here- with enclose you our renewal on advertising in your weekly We certainly have derived benefit from advertising in your publication, and will continue using the space that we now have till such time as we decide to increase it, which we expect Yours very truly, W. B. BARTRAM & COMPANY. Wy eats — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SImcozH Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. High Price Paid for Basswood haa AND A QUARTER INCH NO. 1 AND 2:R.ElmandB Ash2’C. & B. Apply Box 401, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. If you are in the Market for SPRUCE, JACKPINE OR TAMARAC PILING it will pay you to get our quotations GEO. F. WHALEN Port ARTHUR, ONT, ANTED TO SELL OR EXCHANGE FOR Three Block Carriage and Saw Frame, one 42” Circular Re-Saw new A. P. EBERT, Wiarton, Ont. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO be cut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet Address Box 377, CANADA LUMBEK- MAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. CEDAR AND TAMARAC POLES, 5 OO suitable for piles and telegraph poles, + and up at the top end, 35 to 50 ft. long. Muskoka Woop MFc. Co., Huntsville. Sash and Door Factory For Sale T KILLALOE STATION, G. T. RAILWAY; wéll equipped, souble Surfacer, Planer, Power Mortiser and all necessary machinery. A splendid opportunity foraman who understands the business or for two men, one who could run the machine and the other the bench work; trade increasing every vear. Price $3,000,cash pre- ferred, but will give time on part. Good locality to secure stock. Apply to Mour & Co., Killaloe Station, Ont. WANTED-WHITE OAK BARREL HEADS _and staves, First class Birch and Maple flooring. Address Box 403 CANADA LUMBER MAN, Room B34 :Board of Trade} Building, Montreal ORTABLE SAW MILL OWNER CAN have a contract to cut and handle half mil- lion ft. pine timber, must have a good outfit and be ready to commence at once. ToROoNTO JcT. LUMBER Co, LIMITED, Toronto Junction, Ont. PINE AND HENLOGK LOGS AND LUMBER WANTED ARTIES HAVING OR EXPECTING TO have logs or lumber for sale in large or small quantities, communicate with Box 406 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE I car Jo x 10 x 12 ft, and up square cedar. We) Sor 2S ra" ‘© cedar. Yr {Ss .Gxr Ox 12 “ “ cedar. 75 M XXX shingles, 75 M CB and 100,000 XX shingles. F.O.B. cars Killaloe Station. Apply Cc. D. HAZELTON, Brudenell, Ontario. SAW MILL AND TIMBER LIMITS FOR SALE LULU Paid IN PARRY SOUND DISTRICT. This is a rare chance in a quick sale. Limit contains about two thousand acres standing timber, hasa large quantity of hardwood, some pine and about two million feet hemlock and about as much more can be secured in same neighborhood. Complete bark and log camps, stables, etc. Direct water connection to mill, which is steam power, capacity of twelve thous- and feet per day, has bunk house, boarding house, etc., and will be soldas a going concern and can beseenin operation now. For terms and further particulars apply to Box 40§, care Canapa LUMBERMAN, Toronto. “ore ee CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Lumber conditions throughout Ontario continue fairly satisfactory. The consumption is large, and as stocks are by no means heavy, there is nothing to cause any uneasiness asto prices. A brisk fall trade at prices not far from those now ruling is what is most generally predicted. The lowc.r grades of white pine are getting scarce, the demand for box material being quite heavy. Finish- ing lumber is also moving actively. Enquiries for hemlock are quite numerous, and some difficulty has” been experienced in getting certain specifications. The average price at the mill is about $15 for short and medium lengths. Hardwoods show no pronounced tendency, but we would not be surprised if prices should advance before many weeks, as the large stocks which were held a year ago are being gradually re- duced. Elm and basswood are selling quite readily. EASTERN CANADA. A statement published in another column shows that the quantity of waney white pine which has reached Quebec this season is only 539,- ‘II CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION 240 cubic feet, or about half of that of the previous year and little more than one-third of the year 1904. The light production should keep prices firm and probably bring about an advance later in the year. The receipts of oak at Quebec have been much larger than in 1905, while elm also shows an increase of about 100,c0o cubic feet. There is a fair inguiry for spruce lumber, with a tendency towards higher prices. New Brunswick cedar shingles are still weak and sales have been made below $3.50 for Extras for Boston delivery. It is difficult to account for the weakness in New Brunswick cedars, as the demand for shingles generally is good. We antici- pate some recovery in the near future. UNITED STATES. Reports trom the United States tell of anirregular lumber market. The demand at Tonawanda is said to be quiet, with eastern retailers and consumers insisting on the shad- ing of prices. Conditions gener- ally are satisfactory, however, and the abundant yield of wheat, corn and cotton which is now promised is regarded as likely to result ina large consumption of lumber during the next twelve months. Hemlock and white pine are in a strong posi- tion statistically, as many Jarge manufacturing firms sold their out- put on season contracts. Con- sumers are buying hardwood lumber, which is being THE ONTARIO LUMBER 6°, LIMITED aesipe Moab B : 19 ra ot R. Delivery considerable . taken at’ the seller’s price to a greater extent than pine. This is due, no doubt, to the fact that hard- wood prices are relatively low. Shingle prices at Buffalo and Tona- wanda are firmer, with the demand good. GREAT BRITAIN. The lumber market of Great Brit- ain is showing unexpected activity and the outlook is more promising than for sometime. Sales of spruce have been made for c.i.f. delivery to Liverpool upon the basis of £8 5s. per standard, but we understand that shippers are now asking 48 tos. c.i.f. Dealers who deterred closing contracts in the hope of getting better terms have been dis- appointed and are now entering the market with some freedom. A gradual rise in prices is predicted, but much depends upon the ship- ments from Russia. If by any chance the shipments from Russia should be cut off, the pros- pects for Canadian lumber in Great Britain would be much im- proved. At a recent public sale some 3 x 9 inch second quality spruce deals from Montreal sold at 410 5s. per Standard, and a quantity of 1% x g inch fifth quality boards at £8 10s. A quantity of 3 x 9 inch unassorted red pine sold comparatively low at £8 I5s. Quebec birch logs at another sale brought from 1s. 734d. per cubic foot for 14 inch average to 2s. 41%4d for 22% inch, MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Bowe Tite Building» ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. aeusd. & T. CHARLTONacaw ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— LUMBER ana LTATH Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Best Workmen. Send us a trial car. -KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS hi - ; pr at es = “en OP ee ae Bae |g August 8, 1906 STOCKS AND PRICES. The Foss Lumber Company, of Winnipeg, have purchased the en- tire output of the Crooked River Lumber Company, operating at Crooked River, Sask., consisting of from six to eight million feet of northern spruce. The following quantities of timber were rafted by the Fredericton Boom Company up to July 31, 1906: At the booms—Spruce, 60,253,642 feet ; pine, 2,060,310 feet ; cedar, 7,908,521 feet ; hackmatack, 41,525 feet;. total, 70,263,998 feet. At Springhill — Spruce, 9,427,032 ; feet; cedar, 287,499 feet; total 9,714,431 feet. Grand total, 79,- 978,529 feet. THE WHITE PINE TRADE. Of the white pine lumber situa- tion the Mississippi Valley Lumber- man says: The first of August finds the white pine market strong upon the price basis which has prevailed for the past six months, with individual manufacturers issuing lists showing a tendency to ask more for their products. The fact of the situation is that the market is short with a trade steadily increasing in volume and persistent in its endeavor to secure lumber. The trade trom the cities and especially from special consumers at those points has been heavy and their operations have’ been on the increase till they have reached a maximum of production, HEMLOCK SPECIAL This has forced them into the lumber market to contract for northern pine at strong figures. The building movement in most of the large cities, while it has not been as heavy as it was a year ago, is still strong enough to tax the depleted stocks of northern pine. This and the factory trade is show- ing a degree of strength this late in the season which is very excep- tional. There is a steady increase in de- mand trom the country yards. The crop of the northwest is now assur- — : ed. In wheat a bumper crop is not expected, but there will be a yield above the average for the past five years. Other grains are coming forward in excellent condition and the danger point in most of them has been passed.. Country lumber dealers now realize the dearth of all kinds of lumber and are seeking stocks in anticipation of extreme shortages later in the season. They also find themselves surrounded with prosperous customers and are now laying plans to realize as much as possible from the situation. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. Tenders are being solicited by the Estate of Tanner Bros., Wau- baushene, Ont., up to September Ist, for the purchase ofa lumber mill on the south shore of the Geor- gian Bay, near Waubaushene, also two timber limits in the Diewrict of Algoma. a", We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in Hemlock, in all lengths 1o to 24 feet. Stock sizes now ready. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL > We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood and Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited THE Woopstock LumBer & Mee Co. J vt Samples by WOODSTOCK, ONT- Send for Catalo ogte KNIGHT BROTHERS CO LIMITED Burk’s Falls. MASON, GORDON & CO. 80 St. Francis Navies Street - MONTREAL, QUE. WHOLESALE | UMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY .- 1%", 2” and 3” Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds. 1”, 1%", 144” and 2” Chestnut, ‘ 1”, 1%", 14%” and 2” Butternut, ce THE MoLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE August 8, 1906 THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CanaDA LUMBERMAN.) Orrawa, August 4th, 1906.—A better demand for basswood has been noticed in the Ottawa Valley © during the last fortnight. The in- crease in the number of inquiries for this kind of lumber is presumed to be due to the scarcity of the middle qualities of pine. Buyers from the United States are showing a keen anxiety to pick up lots of basswood at $23 a thousand feet. For interior finishing it is found that basswood is cheaper than any of the other kinds of lumber at present high prices, as very little of it is wasted. Lath shipments continue very active and lath is leaving the city just as fast as it can be sawed. Though it is usual to have a dullness in the lumber trade at this time of year, there has been no falling off in the volume of trade among Ottawa manufacturers ; in fact, some of the quotations have recently advanced. The Booth firm have a large quantity of logs ahead. The sur- plus is so great that Mr. Booth will - curtail shanty operations the coming winter. For some years the logs have been accumulating, the output from the forest each year being greater than the cutting capacity ot the mill and the store ahead in the river now is so large that a depart- ure has to be made from the usual plan of winter work. It is not the intention to withdraw altogether from any of the limits, but over most of them the number of camps may be reduced by about 25 per cent. Last year 2500 men were sent into the woods, but there will be fewer this season. It is probable that Mr. Booth will cut some pulp ° Oswego, N.Y. wood this winter on his new limit on the Montreal river. The Gillies Brothers will have WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER ROSSED PULP WOOD St. Gabriel Lumber Co. Limited St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que, Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. J.B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in OEDAK TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELEGTRIC LIGHT POLES Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont, Bank St. Chambers. - BIRCH! for quick delivery. BASSWOOD! We have about 100 M. tt. each of 1-in. Basswood and Ash Write us for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION several new camps this year on the limit near the Cobalt silver deposits in order to clear that region of timber. Already they are hiring men in Ottawa. The Pembroke Lumber Company are taking away several shanty crews from the Capital to work in the new limit on the Jocko river acquired from Fraser & Company. Their other field of operation is Deep river. The Hawkesbury Lumber Company are sending men to Jocko river; Colonial Lumber Company to Kippwa; Shepard & Morse to Montreal river and the Edwards Company to Black river, Coulonge and the Gatineau. The latter company have just started hiring. Hurdman & Elmitt will carry on the usual operations in birch and basswood on the Gatineau and will open camps about the first of September. Agents who report- ed men plentiful enough a few weeks ago are beginning to meet with some difficulty in getting all they want since hiring became more active. The rate of wages,however, remains around $32 a month as a maximum. Lumbermen have more reason to complain about the cost of supplies for the shanties. They say it will require about fifty per cent. more outlay for previsions this year than last. For instance, pork which was bought for $16 a barrel will now cost $24. SALE OF UNMARKED LOGS. The annual sale of unmarked logs rafted by the Fredericton Boom Company was held at the officesof ' A. F. Randolph & Sons, Frederic- ton, N.B., August 2nd. Randolph & Baker purchased the spruce at $13.85 per thousand ; Henry Hilyard, cedar, at $5.35; Planing and Matching —IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. ' Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone I13 THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, rillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade'Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Plates, Etc. Prompt rer toe 2 eagniries a prices, etc. by ire or Phone. McLennan Timber Land and LUMDEP GO., rimite Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS ttawa, roomg Central Chambers ovrrcas Quebe, 131 St. Peter St. OTTAWA, Can. SPRUCE! Ill. Wood Butter: Murray & Gregory, pine, at $7, and hemlock at $4.75. The no-mark and mixed-mark logs sold totalled as follows :— Spruce, 15,807 pieces, containing 340,968 feet of merchantable, 455,- 194 of battens and 107,199 of con- demned. Pine, 260 pieces, containing 15,- 540 feet. Hemlock, 373 pieces, containing 28,535 feet. Cedar, 4,896 pieces, containing 167,750 feet. A charge of five cents per thous- and is added for freightage, and the purchasers will receive at the same price the balance of unmarked logs to be rafted this season. Last year’s prices were as fol- lows :—Spruce, $14.30 ; cedar, $6.90 ; pine, $12.15 ; hemlock, $4.80. CRUISING TIMBER LIMITS. Literally the woods are full of American timber cruisers. All along the coast to the north of Vancouver where there is unstaked timber, numerous cruisers from Puget Sound are at work. They repre- sent American capital, which is seeking timber in this province. The Americans are not alone in the search for timber, for all the well- known - British Columbia cruisers are out in the woods. Cruisers are not to be found in Vancouver to- day. Outside capitalists, who have been in the city for the past week looking for timber investments, have been offering as high as $15 per day on two-month contracts for good cruisers,- but none can be obtained. Some of the Canadian cruisers are working on their own hook, staking limits and then sell- ing them. They state that they are able to make more money in that manner than by working for wages, no matter how high are the sums that are offered: Nancouver Prov- ince. TIMBER AT QUEBEC. Following is a comparative state- ment for three years of timber, etc., measured and culled at Quebec up to 7th August, as furnished by the Supervisor of Cullers : 1904 1905 1906 r C Feet CFeet C Feet Waney White Pine...1,484,280 1,039,560 539,240 Wiite Pistety wee ses 148,160 133,520 44,60 Red'Pinew yee eene 2960 1,200 680 OG oi sieisintacha aay cate 187,840 22,160 291,840 elitist age sp rae Ne oe 200,680 477,840 567,%40 PASH otitis (> f) ‘io oO © REPS S co) ISIE UsGOné oS INS (a9) ONES i} is) ) S oS ts) @0)5Ca95(a0) OG 00) fs] f=) =) a) sO OH ALIROMRS, a 0)8@0)oCo0)oCa QU GaoGOnce ) au (=) ) 2) 0S0 > =) So, C) J (ad)o(a0) 2 Ss SoS oS 60)0(00)0(a0, ) (*) ° Fao) (al) ©) ) ie} oC S OARS 2° CHET ITels) ° oe () o) 9, eDSG5 ° Toronto Telephone Main 1016. ce) ‘s) 2 60)0¢00)0C00) ° ) ° 1) Mauufacturers of. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION : 4s ecto ns Pine good strips : T ifsc vice cre ccesnciens S500 1 i in. and 1% in... 36 00 alaietalare natdelpents alata 40 00 Pine, good shorts: LAM. cee ences mh in. and 1% in... bod if wn te Wg A ‘Sidings. 3 Pine, No. 1 dressing siding. wien wage Ins Pine, No. 2 = shorts .....+ «++. «. 18 00 Pine, ros, ¢ and bet- ter 12/ to 16’ . ....22 00 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- ter 12 to16. . .... 20 00 Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings :9 00 Pine s. c. strips...... 1§ 00 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 14 09 Pine, box boards.... 1400 19 00 18 50 | 15 00! Pine mill culls..... 1503 Pine O. culls......- 9 50 Spruce, 1"x4" & up [5 00 Spruce, x” stocks, 7, 8, g and 10”... 16 50 Spruce,1’ clear (fine dressing and B.. Hemlock _... Basswood........ 18 0o D3 05 5 Pe Sa 20 00 Lath, per M No.1 white pine1}i” 4 00 No, 2 white pine...- 3 50 Spruce, mill rnn,.... 3 00 3 00 Red Pine, mill run. Pine Shingles xxxx, 18 inch. White Cedar Shingles xxxx, 18 inch.....++. 3.75 4 Clear Butt,18inch.... 2 75 xx, 18inch.......... 170 2 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. 1in., 8” and up wide. -$79 00 1%, 1% and 2” +.» 77 00 24a and 3” ge oe oo " += 94 00 SELECTs. 1 in., 8” and w oe -. 69 1%, 1% and rite A a and 3” «eee 89 00 FINE, COM. AND BETTER. Tin., 8” and up. wide.... 54 00 if and 14” FINE COMMON, 6 oo. «+» 57 00 I ..ceceeeeeces 45 00 tO 60 00 1%, 1% to 2”... 55 00 2%,3and 4”.. 78 00 No. I CUTS, 56 co 86 oo 1in., 8’ and up wide... 37 00 rg in. se ‘ +++ 47 00 at € ++. 49 00 26 and ae fe NO, 2 CUTS, 1 in., 6” and up. wide.. .. 21 00 1% ane 136" 2! “or 234, 3. and 4” NO, 3 CUTS. tin., 6” and up wide.... uh and 134” a “ 2%,3and4” ‘“ MILL RUN “x6 and gee; Becca: J. B. MILLER, President. x §/.. adits Sins 22.00 paps le A SUSD Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 75 xx: 18 inch.....++++++ 170 I2 50 16 00 19 50 24 00 13 00 23 CO 24 00 450 3 75 3 5° 3 $0 1” x10” 1’ x12" i“ xizand up. 1% x4and 5” 1% x6" an 1% x 10% Y%x 12" 1% x 6’ and up.. u% x 10” 1% x 12” 2” x 6” and up.........- 27 00 BES IO” sone celta «+eeee 28 00 Ae STA". «scien eseeesesese 20 OO No. I BARN. ib bs et Fane «$27 00 to $35 00 ry, 1% and 2” 33 oo to 35 00 2% and 3”..... 38 0O RAS Teenie 41 00 NO. 2 BARN. ESS... Pee ws.» 25 OOtO 29 00 1%, 176s and a? Fi 00 to 29 00 2% and 3”..... 30 OG NO. 3 BARN. Gt ea eee 22 oo to 25 00 ie 1% and 2” 23100 to 27 co Sfiaenienic Ben 27 00 BOX. Pas ae 1”, 1%, es ialvale ata 15 oo to 20 00 No I eit culls, 1,1%,1%,2"” 1600to 18 00 MILL CULLS. Mill Run Pou 1”, 1%, 1% and 2 sole bisusie sianiajew XS No, 2, “e “se “ I oo No. 2, 4 No. 1, a8” pine.. seeceerees 2OD The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. ROUGH and DRESSED * PINE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO Telegraph Codes : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. Extra 1s (Clear whites im).......sessceeeveseeeees QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE bs Seams THE RAFT uare white pine, measured off, to 0 feet average,.......-+ Fist class Ottawa’ waney, 18 in average, according tol ay ‘* "19 to 20inch average RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Measured off, according to average and quality. h ipping order a fe: cevccvcevecessee JO OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . ‘ ELM. By the dram, accordin to average and quality 40 to 45 feet 30 to 35 fet ASH. 10 inches and up, according to average and quality. . Average 16 inch’ 2 Sere ee ee BOSTON, MASS. White Pine Uppers, 1 tozinch ...... ..++ «+s+++ $86 00 to Selects, 1 tO 21MCH.... sees ceseeces seeeesecesenes 72 OO Fine Common, 1 inch.......... avasessuspaaniemee 1¥% tozinch at csi ine to 2inch No. 2 Cuts, Tinch ep siglaep Extra 1s (Clear whites out)...... BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES, Red Cedar Extras, 16in. 5 butts to2im. ... .... a Eurekas, 18 in, ce ae aoe “ __- Perfections, 5 butts toz¥% in. —. —— ‘ at LO PL OS NETS PR ra en a ne rr cee ete ry we: as 4 « ment. NADA L MBER AND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 PER yYeAR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, svory week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD | VoL. XIV “Canapa Lumperman PUBLISHED BY ‘The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited ‘Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL _° 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. ; ' Telephone 1274. - 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER B. C. ~The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading —o, and foreign wholesale markets. A -weekly mediuni of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of 1 products at home and abroad. The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE ee a Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of glint cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in ‘the current week’s issue ORTABLE SAW MILL OWNER CAN : have a contract to cut and handle half mil- lion ft. pine timber, must have a good outfit and _be ready to commence at once. ToRoNnrTo JcT. LUMBER Co., LIMITED, Toronto Junction, Ont: PINE AND HEMLOGK LOGS AND LUABER WANTED ARTIES HAVING OR EXPECTING TO have logs or lumber for sale in large or small quantities, communicate with Box 406 CawapA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Timber Limits For Sale \ JALUABLE. TIMBER I, MITS IN THE Province of British Columbia. For particu- ‘lars Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. TENDERS FOR Mill Property and Timber Limits Tenders will be received by the undersigned _ up to and including SEPTEMBER 1, 1906, for the purchase of lumber mill, in first-class run- ning order, on south shore of Georgian Bay, near Waubaushene, with two single band saws and all up-to-date machinery; capacity, 70,000 per day ; the necessary piling and booming ground, tramways, railway siding, workmen’s _ houses, boarding-house, barn and stabling. and 40 acres of land, more or less, together with two limits in District of Algoma not yet operated on, held under old license from Ontario Govern- Separate tenders will be received for the ‘mill property alone, or for either limit. Full particulars on application to 4 ESTATE OF TANNER BROS., Waubaushene, Ontario, Canada. TORONTO, MONTREAL -— AUGUST 15, 906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER No. 23. ——— ANTED—1’, 2” AND 3” TAMARAC, 2” Soft Elm C&B, 1”, 1%”, 2” Black Ash C&B. TheR E. Kinsman LoMBER Co., Ltp., Hamilton, Ont. —s FOR SALE FEET 4/4 BIRCH AND MAPLE I OO, OOO culls, For price, etc., apply to Box 404, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Lath Wanted E.N. MEAD, : 995 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED \ ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO be cut next winter, any quantity up to five. million feet Address Box 377; CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. Ore CAR 1% IN. DRY POPLAR, SAWN’ from butt logs, heart and poor boards thrown out, square edged, Address, Gro, B. CLEVELAND & SON, Johnville, Que. % High Price Paid for Basswood 2: R. ElmandB Ash 2”C. & B. Apply Box 401, CANADA LUMBERMAN. Toronto. WANTED—WHITE OAK BARREL HEADS _and staves. First class Birch and Maple flooring. Address Box 403 CANADA LUMBER MAN, Room B34 -Board of Trade Building, Montreal BIRCH HEADING WANTED ys QUANTITY OF GOOD BIRCH HEADING not less than 11/16 in thick; also some Birch Shorts 1/ to 4” thick. THE RIDER & KITCHENER Co., Lim1Tr D, Lindsay, Ont. FOR SALE I car Jo x 10 x 12 ft. and up square cedar. OE (Ore Sime ng! eP ** cedar. I 6x 6x12 * “* cedar. 75 M XXX shingles, 7s M CB and 100,000 XX shingles. F.O.B. cars Killaloe Station. Apply C.D HAZELTON, Brudenell, Ontario. — “ SALE OR EXGHANGB LMOST NEW, LUMBER, LATH, Shingle and Planing Millon railway sid- ing near Soo; Boiler is7 ath , tr’ ed ST, hye oe ie Slow de-. Send for Catalogue Rock Elm, tsts and 2nds, 1”, 1", 134” and 2” Chestnut, ms 1”, 1%", 14" and 2” Butternut, a THE M°LENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE August 15, 1906 BRITISH COLUM BIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CanaDa LUMBERMAN.) Vancouver, B. C., August 6th, — 1906.—Mr. W. H. Cushing, of the firm of Cushing Bros., of Edmonton © and Calgary, who is in Vancouver, — gave an interesting interview to your correspondent. Cushing Bros. have a large sash and door factory at Calgary and retail lumber yards in that city and Edmonton also, “Lumber is a pretty scarce article just now,” Mr. Cushing remarked, when asked the object of his visit to the coast, ‘‘and it is to see what I can do personally toward getting a sufficient supply for our operations — that I have come to Vancouver. I — expect to be here for several weeks. I cannot just say about prices, and — although they are rather high, I am sure millmen do not raise them un- less it is absolutely necessary. With — such a strong demand for the out-— put, and indications that it will continue for some time, I do not see that there will be much decrease.” Cushing Bros. recently purchased the output of J. B. Winlaw’s millin the Slocan. ‘‘We are now.negotiat- — ing for the pnrchase of the entire plant and timber areas,” Mr. Cush- ing said further. ‘I cannot say that we will buy any other proper- ties in British Columbia, though we are in the field todo so should good opportunity offer.” Fe Fine summer weather for the last two months has resulted in large numbers of logs being taken out of — the woods, but they have no effect ~ Stock sizes now ready. WOODSTOCK, ONT. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO LIMITED Burk’s Falls- ; MONTREAL, QUE. mills at New Westminster. ‘Company, Yk August 15, 1906 on the market. The mills want all the logs they can get, and all that are cut are none too many. Prices are still very firm as high as $10, with even a little better when occasion demands. With some of the mills operating at nights the visible supply is soon exhausted. No changes are reported in lum- q ber and shingle prices. The markets are good, both domestic and foreign. A feature of the export this week was the shipment to Nome of 800,000 feet of ties and lumber trom the mills of the Victoria Lumber and Manufacturing Company at Che- ma‘nusand the Fraser River Saw- Gener- ally, these purchases are made from the mills on Puget Sound. Bush fires are beginning to start up in different parts of the province, though no very extensive damage is reported as yet. In this connection, the Great Northern Railway is being sued for damages by the Union Bank, the Cedar Valley lmprove- ment Company, the Fernie Lumber and the Elk Lumber Company, allof Fernie. The plain- tiffs allege that a spark from an engine of the railway company set fire to limits, which were badly 7 damaged. Big American companies have cruisers on Vancouver Island and it is believed that they have inside in- formation regarding the policy of the C. P. R. Limits are being selected which are inaccessible un- der present conditions. All the good cedar and fir near the Alberni canal have been staked, and it is likely mills will be erected there. The Woods mill,at the head of the canal, is now in operation. The prospect of the construction WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER ROSSED PULP WOOD St. Gabriel !umber Co. Limited St. Gab iel De Bran~on, Que, Mills o> Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. J. B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in OEDAR TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES Oswego, N.Y. Renfrew, Ont. Bank St. Chambers. BIRGH! for quick delivery. Bancroft, Ont. BASSWOOD! We have about 100 M. tt. each of 1-in. Basswood and Ash CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. of the Grand Trunk Pacific in the north is attracting operators in that direction, and a Seattle syndicate has secured 40 square miles of limits on Moresby Island, preparatory to erecting a mill. Mr. Joseph LaBlanche, president of the Canadian-American Lumber Company, which has recently ac- quired mills at North Bay and Ottawa, is looking for timber hére and will build. He says the refuse will be utilized for the manufacture ot wood fibreware, like to that turned out at Hull, Que. WESTERN LUMBER CONDITIONS, The Mountain Lumber Manu- facturers Association, at a meeting at Nelson, B.C., on August 8th, decided to raise the price of common lumber one dollar per thousand. There will be a slight advance also on a few other lines. It is claimed that the conditions warranted a greater advance but the Jumbermen did not wish to take advantage of the situation arising in the North- West over good crops. One mill to-day reported orders for 360 car- loads of lumber, with little stock. Added to the troubles of the coast lumber manufacturers, owing to the scarcity of cars wherein to ship their manufactured product East, is an increasing scarcity of towage capacity to bring logs down to the mills. 7 Lumber is in very good demand at Dauphin, Man. Most of the material used is cut locally, and consists chiefly of spruce, with some poplar, coming from the Riding Mountains. The firm of Shaw Bros. were busy all winter taking out logs and their mill commenced running about the middle of April, Planing and Matching —IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices, "Phone [13 THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade'Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneegs, Pilates, Etc. Prompt reply to en uiries tor prices, etc, by Mail, ire or Phone. McLennan Timber Land and LUMDer GO, simi Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, roomg Central Chambers OFFICES Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. OTTAWA, Can. SPRUCE! Write us for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter since which time they have been steadily rushed filling local orders. The local product is used both for dimension and finish. The demand for lumber for building purposes at Plumas, Man., and vicinity is this year in excess of other years, espe- cially for town buildings. Most of the lumber used there comes from the Northern part of the province around Dauphin and Winnipego- Sis. The lumber business at Neepawa, Man., is reported as rather dull this year. . Not much building is going on eithei in the town or the surroud- ing country. Holland & Graves, of Buffalo, are announced to have purchased from the Sarnia Bay Lumber, Tim- ber & Salt Company, five town- ships of standing timber, each con- taining 36 square miles, the price being in the neighborhood of $1,- 500,000. The townships are Hy- man, Porter, Totten, Vernon and Berth No. 91, and are located on the Sault Ste. Marie branch of the Canadian Pacific Railway, on the Spanish and Whitefish rivers. The timber is largely virgin pine. W.S. eels GoHN MaTTSON —~ Marrson. TINNELL AND QuESNELLE mee PROPERTY AND LOA FARM LANDS A. F. Holden, Pres. F, H. Goff, Vice-Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen’l,.-Mgr E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manofacturers and Wholesale Dealers 1x TIMBER LUMBER sso LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60° long. SARNIA, ONT. LAND = zs re OL QUESNELLE~ * WHOLESALE LUM BER. 727-728 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG, CANADA We have on hand for Prompt Shipment: 370 M a” C Selects and Better B.C. White Pine ; ue M 2” No.1 B§C. White Pine ‘Shop; 450 M 2” No 2 B,C. White Pine Shop; 80 M 134” No. 2B.C White Pine Shop At Special Prices. Dry and Graded by a Competent Grader, THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LimiTeED Mills : Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. sessie: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO ——DRY BIRCH—— 25,000 ft. iin. At Emsdale 12,000 ft. 2 in. 7,000 ft. 3 in. 0,000 ft. 1 In. 5,000 ft. 5x5 toiox 10 quarters 5 At Burk’s Falls { 12,000 ft. 6/4 in. Write for prices as we have to move it at ence. Ghe LONG LUMBER. COMPANY, HAMILTON CVSSSVSVSSSSSVVVSVVETVSSSVESTVSSVSVATAO R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R. S ABBOTT, Treas. $ SAGINAW, MICH. CBVSBVSVSSESCS SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. WSWSECEVVVVUSSSETSF -BBOTE Try an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this paper. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manujacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CACHE ae Ont. a6 miles West North Bay Gane UMBER anD LATH CanaDa LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August 15, 1906 — CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material Send us your enquiries. HARDWOOD FLOORING = “*."*stc*cccsta’*™=** SIHMON BROS, trp 8a Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. —Our Prices will Interest ta ——Ai- W'EYER & COs We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. 43 Adelaide Street East A. W. EYER @ CO. - TORONTO, ONT. DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, Ino. WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - N.Y, FOR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES ~ Office : TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. PRUCE BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIES : HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH gartele ce POLES E CEDAR Go. dc ~ B.C. FIR B.C. CEDAR ay thing in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. up, 1” x 11” and up, for sale ata low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, °“ shine” QUEBEC HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List | A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE MN. BRENNER & SONS MANUEAGTURING GO., LIMITED Saw Mille at Planing Mill and Head Office: . RAINY LAKE, Ontario. HAMILTON, Ontario. AUGER & SON Fairview Cedar Lumber Company P. O. Box 45, + We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pise, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, WE HAVE FOR SALE ——am— 1,000,000 feet of 15/8 in. Cedar Door Stock, running from No. 1 shops to large percentage of perfectly clear. Vancouver, B.C. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CoO. > am 'ORON T Oe SARNIA - - - BUFFAL e} Lions He : PEDWELL & LEMCK > onal Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lum Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. MANUFACTURERS OR ca sues Correspondence Solicited: +) it Mg. al) pgs 2) JAS. PLAYEAIR. D. L. WHITE, PLA YEFAIR.& wart ; Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER - LATH + SHINGLES — Contractors for Rallway Suyelies MIDLAND ONT. ‘ BILL TIMBER a Specialty MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Miers: ste and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. e ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chamber: TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants " Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. ; Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in 7 ; Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Oe ee Amherst, N.S.: => OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO.” White and Red Pine | Lumber and Lath ~ Water Shipments he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS = SPRAGGE, Bigot Dist., Ont. “$00" Branch C. P. R. ning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES Corfstlag Building, Montreal. aod at Mills at Spragge. | ° HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK %, 8, KH. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Estar: End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and a . i ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER 3 J: &S, FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT, — Quebec Norway Pine, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles Write for prices — ore. A tr. . ie, eee A ve pod ie ES on 2 aie aaa ays) 6 ty August 15, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EVITION v. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST. LOUIS RAIL. MAIL | WIRE OR | ‘PHONE - 3 McCLURE LUMBER CO. — { HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS ieiceas YELLOW PINE AND OAK Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty DETROIT, MICH. 8b Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street Mill: EUTAW, ALA. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty | Haeberle Lumber Co. WHOLESALE Ask Your Ticket - for tickets via the WISCONSIN GEATRAL RAL St. Paul, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. Loe full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Ayent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. A., Milwaukee, LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES Yellow Pine Timbera Bpecalty, nterior Trim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. DETROIT, MICH Minneapolis, Ashland Soft Yellow Pine Finishing Wis S@CVASSS VF OOOO E8SSSSES8 8G VUEQUEVEBUSEUSBE+ © § THE OLD MACHINERY or plant, or tools for which you have no present use, might be sold or rented to some other reader of the WEEKLY Lum- BERMAN by the investment ofa few dollars in advertising. CRSSSVVVEVSSVSLEESTSESSSSTIS 86688 8E888880°% J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE LUMBER - DETROIT - Send us one inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. ‘FRANK GC, BURY MICHIGAN. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE Liverpeel.a Dale 8t., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, a F. A. A. a ateas & Co. 8 Gordon Street ' GLASGOW, SCOTLAND OOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. ay for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. ents handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United King dom spondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, * *toxcox,'s:c. ‘5 ONS Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ \eaede saa Address “Farnworth,” IMPORTER OF —m Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS ECTORY CODE GELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood 1 gents and Brokers GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND | TIMBER MERCHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs ana Lumber, Elm Staves and Heading, Handles of all Gdacriptions VoeneersA Specialty Cable Address : * _| SMITH & TYRER - (4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL . WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiITH, TyRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington St GANT & KEMP g TIMBER 6281, Enoch Sars, GLASGOW BROKERS ONE DOLLAR Ax pee a 3 C Codes used. Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA MBERMAN for ONE YEAR dOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID. hire iil White Ash Logs and Planks. Timber Importers Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock Elim Logs. Hickory ee A DSO. ss Cable Address ‘‘ All cinaaals jot Lumber and Manufactured Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. Wood Goods sultable for the English ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABLE ADDRESS “DOBLE LIVERPOOL,” CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August 15 1906 Cedar Cove Mill, E. H. HEAPS & CO.., see ae c. Yancouver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut. to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newslal Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Vancouver, B.C. Ww. J. el ahhytebel Pala er aubaushe MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUGE LUMBER LATH, MOULDINGS TURNED WORK ETC. p a cikic K OUT FOR THE GARS!! MRE DEALER Cars have been, are now, and will be scarce this season. It is ‘‘ up to you” to anticipate your future needs and order earlier. MOULDINGS aul TURNINGS We have the most up to date mach- ines in the market for this work and can supply Fir or Cedar Mouldings and Turned Work of finest quality by the carload. LUMBER-—of all sizes and finish. BEVEL SIDING—“ Ready to put on.’ SHINGLES—From the best Extra XXX to the finest fancy Butts 16 inch to 24 inch long. Special attention t6 the Prairie Provinces HASTINGS SHINGLE M'F'C. CO. VANCOUVER, B.C. | WU Coast Liner P° Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONT Oo | THE RED DEER LUMBER C0. W. L. TAIT, GENERAL MANAGER Va ancouver, B.C. ber CO» ua HIGH GRADE RED CEDAR SHINGLES. BARROWS, SASK. i ae ss “Manufacturers ot SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH Ag. > ee hy e 5 ga et al ae Oe is) a ee oO Q ct a A oe Ss ES 8 ES Om Bo | oS 2s * 9 ty C as | y < Getting to the Bottom of it~ We mean our file of orders, so that now we can give you promp ipments on anything. . THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK. Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, Manitoba. We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER; B.C. LUMBER & SHINGLES | Send us your hurry-up orders for shingles. Our new saw mil) will soon be in operation; advise us of your requirements now. - ) o Ve % Sy Ae! tke Sr Saas ? f . 4 tS se ae a RPO . ede se? Dare os Ah ates ie ee ea ear Ste Dans ares Pa a ee eee nt Cele eee ee ant Our Daily Shipping Capacity ——————_ + TT aT LENG Oe nme Le A A IR TR». RE ee me OT ET ee eee = > —_—_————— p . » -: uh | ‘ i . 4 o ‘nal ‘i ; y ’ ; 7 — P ’ 2 I “ Hh _— August 15, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vin _E. H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President . Vice-President UNION LUMBER COMPANY, um1rep HEAO OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAY q We handle onty the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH ; FELBER, JUCKER & C0. | D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED Planing, Matching Resawing, ete, a ONB DOLLAR BRACFEBRIDGE, aay grata , Lumber Importers icsnceserourse Manufacturer of MANCHESTER ENGLAND Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES % aatsicnt HABRWODD Coltings _ Invite lumbermen, able to cut Bi ch L f nd-1 ate ee eererite acitude rs tases Rees | we | re making, Pp O N E np E A R a eS Eth miceaar as iln ite: if desired I. oe TOR eee WOnine aise _ Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. : COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited ‘Phone mas 54 : t Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. ADDRESS, RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. HEAD OFFICE D.C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. THOMAS Pereetrick H. H. SPICER RESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y | Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. | shipping Cavuay is l, 500,000 Shingles per Day Vill. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CURRENT LUMBER PRIGES~-WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. a CAR OR CARGO LOTS, 1 inch No. 1 Pine cuts & better.... 1% inch No. 1 cuts and better.. 2” No. 1 Cuts and $49 00 53 00 1% in. No, 2 Pine cuts and better.. 2’ No. 2 Pine Cuts and Better . 46 00 1% inch No. 3 Cuts and better.. 41 00 2” No. 3 Cuts and Better... ----- 1 in. Pine Dressing and better shorts 23 00 1x4, 6and8common 20 00 44 00 Ix Io common.... 21 00 1x12 common,... 23 00 2x1ocommon.... 21 00 aand3x12 common 24 00 I x 10 inch box and common -+» 20 00 1” mill run sidings 21 00 1 in. mill run.. 21 00 rxtoandi2millculls 16 50 I a mill cull Sid- Seaiae core « I§ 50 "dead cullsidings 12 00 1% inch Flooring 27 00 RARDWOODS—PER M. Ash White, tsts and ands, 1 to 2in. $33 00 Ash, Black, rsts and ands, 1to2in.... 30 00 Ast Black, mill Reka 23 00 better, rin....... 25 00 Birch, common and better, 1% to 3 in 27 oo Birch, mill run..., 22 oo Basswood, common and better, 1in.. 22 00 Basswood, common andbet., 1% to2in 24 00 Basswood, millrun 20 00 Soft Elm, common and better, 1 in.. Soft Elm, common and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 24 00 17 £0 5I 00 55 90 58 00 46 00 48 00 42 ©0 440 24 Oo 2100 22 00 24 00 22 00 25 00 2I 00 22 00 22 co 16 50 13 00 2@ oo 35 00 32 00 24 00 26 00 28 00 23 00 23 00 25 00 22 00 25 00 28 00 Hemlock,1x4 to 8im 16 00 17 00 2x4 to 8 in.,10 to 16ft. 17 00 18 oo ax4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. Clear inch B. c. cedar, kilm dried. ........- jo 00 Clear inch B.C. cedar air dried boat lumber 55 00 Douglas fir dimension timber, up to 32 feet 35 80 Fir floor ng, edge grain.........++. 43 00 1% in. No.1 4 ft. Pine Ath 5 5 apes vege - 4505 00 1% in, No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 40 3 50 134” No. 1 32” pine lath 2 10 1%” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 3 50 OTTAWA. ONT. MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. Pine, good sidings: 1in. x 7in.and upf40 00 1¥% in.and1¥in.x 8in. andup.. .. 48 0o 2in.x7in.and up 52 00 No.zcuts2x8”&up 34 00 Cas ° (0! eS OARS, OG 00) (2) Ss S (QO) OTe) Q C) © ° (a9) oy) DIOS ce} So Gls) oO C) \s} Ss oO ‘ 2 2 G9) ° 2 PED 00) OOS 2 =) =) Od)O(GD)0(G i) Co So ° 44 00 56 00 56 00 36 00 XXXX Pine Shingles 295 300 XX Pine Shingles .. 225 2 30 X Pie Shingles .. 95 XX Cedar Shingles 2 25 2 30 B. C. Shingles" XXX 6 butts to2 in. 3 25 XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 347 XXXXX 5to2in.. 3 80 XX No. 2, 6to2in.. } Avs XxX ‘6 to 23-16 in, 4 Red pine, clear and clear face... 23 00 24 co oe ping: common soni aeoe 14 00. 17 00 FEET CAR LOTS. Soft Elm, millrun 21 00 2200 , Rock Elm, common and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 oo Rock Elm, common and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 90 Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 oo Soft Maple common and better, rim 2200 23 00 Maple common and better, 1% to3 in 24 00 25 00 Maple, mill run... 20 00 21 00 Oak, red, plain, ists and 2ndS........ 46 00 §0 00 Oak, white, pisin, ists and 2nds.... 44 00 46 00 Oak, quartered, 1sts and a2nds........ -70 00 75 00 Hickory, ists and ANOS: occas ee es 36 co 38 00 I x 10 No. I barn.. 24 00 1x10No.3 ,, 22 00 1x8&9No. 1 barn 21 00 22 00 1x8&9No.2 ,, 1800 20 00 PineShorts 6/ torr’ oh Yc orich 17 00 18 00 18 00 Ig 00 . gid ‘c eee strips : Pine mill culls..... 1503 1800 slarasstelniptaatsietaate so 5 co 38 oo | PineO. culls....... 9 50 1250 a in. and 1% in... 36 00 40 00 Spruce, "x4" & up {§ 00 16 oo LSARE ebarydomce. 40 00 45 00 | Spruce, 1” stocks, Pine, good shorts: 7,8,9and 10”... 16 50 19 50 2 AM tive saemeieae 28 00 30 07 Spruce, 1” clear oo mi in and 1% in... 3600 40 00| dressing ee B. 24 00 en, - 40 00 44 00 | Hemlock ae 13 00 7 q~ 9 A ‘Sidings.. {7 oo0 | Basswood.. 118 00 23 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing Birch cs See. anes 20 00 24 00 siding es tm, 23 00 27 00 | Lath, per M Pine, No. 1 dressing No.1 white pine1}s’ 4.00 4 50 Strips..... + seeee + 20°00 28 00 No, 2 white pine.... 350 3 75 Pine No.1 dressing Spruce, mill run..... 3.00 350 shorts .....+ «+++ »» 18 00 22 00 Red Pine, mill run.. 3.00 3 50 Pine, ros, ¢ and bet- s 1 _ ter 12! to 16’ . ....22 00 24 00 Pine nine Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xxxx, 18 inc! eae 325 375 ter17 torf...... 20 00 2ro0| Clear Butt, inch .. 275 3 25 Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings :9 00 24 00 xx: 18 inch.......+++ +170 200 Pine s.c. strips...... 15 00 19 00. White Cedar Shingles ; Pine, s.c. shorts... .. 14.00 1850! xxxx, 1Binch........ 375 400 Pine, box boards.... 1400 1500! Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 2.75 3 35 | xx, 18 inch.......--. 1 7o 200 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. x10". tin., 8” and up wide..$79 00 1” x 12” 1%, 154 and2” ‘* ... 77 00 i”x13and up 2h and 3” bd .- 86 00 1% x4 and 5” Le -» 94 00 1% x6” and up SELECTs, 4 . ak 1in,, 8” and w b2 «++. 69 00 v 1%,1% and 2” “* «++ 67 00 ee 244 and 3” Stee 81 co 1% x 12" 4" «--- 89 Oo 2" x 6’ and up.. FINE, COM. AND BETTER, ee 1 in., 8" and up wide.... 54 00 2" x 12" 1% and 134” > see» 56 00 — NO. I BARN. 4 oees 57 00 Tin, 4, be ..$27 00 to $35 00 FINE COMMON. 14%, 1% and 2” 33 00 to 35 oo tL ORBEA tAEE 45 00 to 60 00 af and 3”..... 38 00. 1%, 1% to2”.. 55 00 5600 Ps leseme. ce . 4x 00 2%,3and 4”.. 78 00 86 oo No. 2 BARN. NO. I CUTS. TAS oeiraencale 25 oo to 29 00 1in., 8’ and up.wide... 37 00 1%, 1%, and 2 2” 26 oo to 29 00 1% in. “ -. 47 00 2% and 3” #0 00 1% in, a ++ 47 00 NO. & BARN. 2% and 3” oe dle 2 ps cintain walalniuib'n 22 oo to 25 00 4? « " "6z100 Ties 1% and 2” 23 00to 27°0 oe 0 aioe we niveia 27 oO NO, 2 CUTS. 1 in., 6” and up wide.... 21 oo BOX 1% CT rent OD No e 1, 1%, : 14” ++2233 00 £3, 2ife bss 15 00 to 20 00 2 Be +... 37 00 No.1 mill culls, 2%,3and4” “ «es» 49 00 1%, 1% 2” "16 oo to 18 00 ates a 3 core. MILL CULLS. 1 in., 6” and up wide.... 19 00 " tp and 134” = {*—.s-- 23 00 pote 2. ee re rem eee 00 J ‘tases 23 00 No. a oo en re ag 2%,3and4” “ ws. 30 00 : MILL RUN HE IE Se 9 AEC ARE SEE 2I oO Wo. 1,'922-1°' ” XS ae. ae aes eC e 22 00 No. 2, 48” ‘“ - - 45 1” x6 and 8”........% ++. 25 00 No. 1, 48” pine.. wees 98:00 J. B. MILLER, President. Mauufacturers of PINE, HEMLOCK Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main 1016, Telegraph Codes: Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. The a Sound Lumber Co., Limited W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. ROUGH and DRESSED HARDWOOD LUMBE Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. is « _* fs we | -” August 155 1906 ; QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT Cts, Square white ylne, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,-........ First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, according to Tinea. ; 3 19 to 20inch average Prey, RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. M asured of, according to average and (quality..... ssatayeterd aapiniee ae h ivping order se cecees seee ce eses 35 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality . . Nee 48 ELM, By the dram, accordip to average and quality 4oto4gsfeet. 65 goto3sfet. 52 ASH. to inches and up, according to average and quality. . . 26 Average 16 inch .... yo ee. ° 32 BIRCH. : 14 Inch eo a » Ea . oe 28 32 37 BOSTON, MASS. White Pine U pers, Ito 2inch ...... ..25 ve00. $86 Selects, 1 to 2 inch Fine Common, 1 1inch.. s wutSBS B SResesas svagee SBAS8S BESBE 8 SeaVssesssssse 00 00 oo to 2 inch oo No, 1 Cuts, x inc ate nso 00 : to 2inch.. 00 No. 2 Cuts, i iaetss ees eveove oo 1% to 2inch. 00 Barn Boards,No. 1......-..-+++. ; 00 : Pp halss wieleie.sie scae.ee us'ee p/elu pia aimietaln start aan Spruce, came a a dimension..............+.+: 25 00 gin. and under .........-.e00 eeeeceeesees 23 20 1o and 12 in. random lengths, 10 ae and up...... 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, OTE, ANG UP... 6.60) cee. sada oon ced amel gener All other random lengths, 9 in. and —s 10 ft. and up.. 5 in. and up merchantable | boards, aft. & up,p.1 s Out Spruce boards, p. 28.505... .0..-ssuucl seen 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1s clipped ‘and ee Sa ai spruce laths sone ‘ Second clears Clear Whites .... Extra 1s (Clear whites ‘out). aie Wiaitrain ois Extra 1s (Clear whitesin)..........-cseeseseesees = RRA BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES, Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 butts to 2 in. ro Eurekas, 18 in, woes cose Perfectione « huttato-© in — Pew SOS 9; Xe, x BOBO Ox A nercyn aeons “93 \y ‘a co G yy: s — ‘ ‘ 4 VoL. XIV WEEKLY CANADA LUMBERM AND WOOD-WOR EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 PER Year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF GANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD TORONTO, MONTREAL - AUGUST 22, 906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER eo No. 24. CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y , of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. F Telephone 1274. > 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. x The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the re manufacturing districts and leading lomestic and foreign wholesale markets. A The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE JANTED—10 M. FEET OF GOOD 1 IN. Gntario Cedar. in lots of 1 M. feet and up. Apply H. DitcHBURN & Co., Gravenhurst, Ont. 7/8 IN. BIRCH FOR SALE BOUT 100,000 FT. COMMON AND BET- ter 1905 cut. Apply for price, The HunTs- VILLE SYNDICATE, Huntsville, Ont. lb pea SAW MILL OWNER CAN have a contract to cut and handle half mil- lion ft. pine timber, must have a good outfit and be ready to commence at once. Toronto Jct. LumMBeER Co, LiMiTED, Toronto Junction, Ont. PINE AND HEMLOGK LOGS AND LUMBER WANTED ARTIES HAVING OR EXPECTING TO have logs or lumber for sale in large or small quantities, communicate with Box 406 Cawapa LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Timber Limits For Sale RL UABLE TIMBER L'MITS IN THE Province of British Columbia. For particu- _ lars Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. — Valvable Timber FOF Sale ™ ahaa TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by the undersigned up to September r4th, 1906, at2p. m., when they will be opened at McKillop & Fertguson’s office, West Lorne, for _ the purchase of about 114 acres of virgin forest containing oak, hickory, white ash and black ash, elm, chestnut, basswood, beech, maple, DUNCAN A, McKILLOP, Eagle, Ont, * of it: ANTED—2” ROCK ELM C. & B, BLACK Ash all thicknesses, 1” Cull Basswood, 1” and 2” Spruce. R. E. KnismMan, Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE. FEET 4/4 SOFT ELM LOG RUN, 900,00 Dead Culls out. Apply toDavip CoNELIN, Kingsville, Ont. ~ FOR SALE. CEDAR AND TAMARAC POLES, suitable for piles and telegraph poles, 7 and up at the top end. 25 to so ft. long. Muskoka Woop MFc. Co., Huntsville. Lath Wanted E.N. MEAD, 995 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N.Y. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED Wee TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO Vv becut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet Address Box 377, CanApA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. High Price Paid for Basswood Ors AND A QUARTER INCH NO. 1 AND 2: R. Elm and B. Ash 2”C. & B. Apply Box 401, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE. Rex CARS CHOICE APPL BARREL, heading Few cars bone dry quartered H. Maple, 1%” & 2”. For prices write the W. R. THOMPSON Co., Teeswater, Ont., Box 218, WANTED FOR CASH—1", 1(”, 1%" & 2” NO. I common and better brown ash and birch; also 4x 4to 8 x §&” elm, birch and maple squares. Address “LUMBER”, Room 821, Park Row Build- ing, New York City. BIRCH HEADING WANTED #35 QUANTITY OF GOOD BIRCH HEADING not less than 11/16 in. thick; also some Birch Shorts 1” to 4” thick. THE RIDER & KITCHENER Co., LIMITFD, Lindsay, Ont. FOR SALE I car 0 x 10 X 12 ft. and up square cedar. 1) gS xa aces“ a F.O.B. cars Killaloe Station. Apply C. D. HAZELTON, Brudenell, Ontario. FOR SALE INETY ACRES MORE OR LESS OF White Oak, Rock Elm and Pine Timber, situated within three or four miles of railway station. This is one of the choicest lots of timber in Canada to-day. We will sell the whole or part There is about one million feet B. M of Square and Board Timber of No. 1 quality. Address, Wm. PoTTER & Son, Tottenham, Ont. Sash and Door Factory For Sale T KILLALOE STATION, G. T. RAILWAY; well equipped, iouble Surfacer, Planer, Power Mortiser and all necessary machinery. A splendid opportunity fora man who understands the business or for two men, one who could run the machine and the other the bench work; trade increasing every vear. Price $3,000, cash pre- ferred, but will give time on part. Good locality to secure stock. Apply to Monr & Co., Killaloe Station, Ont. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity of Slabs. Simcoz Woop AnD LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ~~ ANTED TO SELL OR EXCHANGE FOR Three Block Carriage and Saw Frame, one 42” Circular Re-Saw, new. A. P, EBERT, Wiarton, Ont. FOR SALE FEET 4/4 BIRCH AND MAPLE I OO} OOO culls, For price, etc., apply to Box 404, CANADA LuMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. OR SALE—PLANING MILL ANDLUMBER yardsat St. Thomas. Thisisa very profit- able business. Mr. Powers' death is the reason for selling, Address SANDERS & PowERs, St. Thomas, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The lumber market is little changed from last week, but low grade stocks are gradually becoming .stronger. Some manufacturers have advanced their hemlock from fifty cents to one dollar, and it is claimed that the relation of supply to de- mand warrants a still further in- crease. In the Ottawa Valley, and in fact in all parts of the province, hemlock is being used in large quantities for building purposes. For 1 x 8 and 10 inch, 10 to 14 feet in length, the mills are getting $15. This is the same price as is asked _ for 1 x ro inch mill culls, for which there is also a brisk demand. Some attention will shortly be given to making contracts for next year, and in this connection the rumor is heard that the Ottawa manufac- turers will ask another ten per cent. advance. Buyers now have no hesitation in taking stock at the prices now prevailing. The large consumption of lath has prevented any break in prices, mill quotations still being $4.25 to $4.50 for 1%4 inch No. 1 white pine and $3.50 to $3.75 for No. 1 hem- lock. Shingles are steady and the white variety firmer in sympathy with the advance in red cedars. EASTERN CANADA, Although the demand for spruce - lumber is not particularly strong, as might be expected at this season of the year, there is a firmness to the market which promises to result in higher prices at an early date. British importers are now willing to purchase on more liberal terms, and this, coupled with the demand from the United States, is giving manu- facturers more confidence. Clap- boards, which have been dull for a long time, are now in better inquiry. | New Brunswick cedar shingles are somewhat stronger. It is difficult to contract with the larger manu- facturers below $3.50 for Extras for Boston delivery, while some sales of Clears have recently been made as high as $3.10. WESTERN CANADA. The lumber business of Western Canada is in a flourishing condition. Notwithstanding that prices are about $2 per thousand higher than a year ago, there-is no disposition to make any concessions, as it is difficult for the manufacturers to keep pace with the demand. Al- though the mills are working to the fullest capacity, stocks do no grow and are exceptionally small. This at a season of the year when busi- nessis generally quiet, points to almost a lumber famine after the crops are harvested and the fall trade sets in. UNITED STATES. The past week has witnessed an increase in the lumber demand in most sections of the United States and the inquiries now being received indicate greater activity in the near future. The abundant crops would, seem to assure a large consumption of lumber. Although Buffalo and Tonawanda have received a larger quantity of lumber than usual, the stocks carried at these points are not heavy. In the Saginaw Valley white pine stocks are much broken in the commen grades. Common is quoted at wholesale at $27 to $32 for 1x4 to1x12. Merchantable hem- lock boards are selling at $20 whole- sale, short dimension stuff at $17, and 16-foot lengths at $18. Above these lengths there is an advance of $1 on every two feet. The red cedar shingle market is firm, with a fair demand. Large quantities of lath are being produced but the demand is readily absorbing the supply. No. 1 white pine are quoted at $5 at the mill and No. 2 at $4.50. GREAT BRITAIN. The buying of lumber in Great Britain is proceeding in a quiet manner. While the business shows some improvement over the spring tnonths, buyers are still operating conservatively and evidently do not expect more than a slight advance in prices. Spruce continues to show exceptional strength. Battens are ty | CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August 22, 1906 much wanted in England and prices of these have risen considerably, while the present stocks are 60 per cent. lower than in 1905. Sidings are slightly weaker. The large supply of birch has been against any improvement in the price. STOCKS AND PRICES. Holland & Graves, of Byng Inlet, Ont., have contracted to stock the mill of Chew Bros.,at Midland, Ont., for the year 1907. They expect to put nine camps into the woods and will operate the new limit purchased from the Sarnia Bay Lumber, Tim- ber & Salt Company. Boston prices of spruce lath are $3.50 for 1%-inch and $3.65 to $3.75 for 15%-inch in carload lots. Up to August 1st the Tonawandas received 189,000,000 feet of lumber, against 177,000,000 feet for the corresponding period of 1905. The lumber shipments from Lake Superior up to August 1st of this year amounted to 429,285,000 feet, as compared with 424,985,000 feet in 1905 and 343,916,000 feet in 1904. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN) St. Joun, N.B., Aug. 13th, 1906. — The manufacturing end of the lumber industry has settled down to the usual steady production. Logs are coming along in a way that pre- vents any inconvenience from that scource and all the mills are running at full capacity. The greater part THE ONTARIO LU Mi BER C9 sare Mitts: North Ba’ Got y: rie €.7 PB. Delivery of the cut is from ‘‘Provincial” stock, the proportion of ‘‘American” goods (non-dutiable) being smaller than usual. In view of this fact, the time lost through the late starting of the mills, and also because of the recent strike, the output of ‘‘Amer- ican” deals at this port during the season of 1906 will in all probability be much smaller than for many seasons past. Shipments have so far been light, no important quantity is now on the way, and not more than a few hundred thousands of feet is available at present writing. Trade in N.B. spruce for export to the United States has, during the last week or two, shown but little snap. In spite of this there is little indication that the prevalent values will not be sustained and, when it is considered that values have borne up during the greater part of the hot season, it is natural to suppose that, with the heavier demand which is certain to begin with the advent of cooler weather, firmer prices will materialize. Local dealers and manufacturers seem to have every confidence that this view of the ‘‘American” spruce trade is the correct one and appar- ently are in no haste to put their goods upon the market, preferring rather to wait, on the strength of the conviction that a higher schedule of prices will soon go into effect. An inquirer for ‘‘American” spruce deals would be quoted as follows, f.o.b schooner St. John: 10x 3 and 12 x 3, $19.00 to $19.50 per M. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. ome and % vilaing 1] ORON TO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only aeeed. & T. GHARLTONere ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— WATT. I3 5) Fe ana TAPED Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Best Workmen. Send us a trial car. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, WEMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At. the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BR OKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS superficial feet; 9 x 3, $16.50 to $17.00; 6 x 3 and 8 x 3, $14.00 to $14.50. Merchantable one inch spruce boards are only fairly plentiful ; 600,000 superficial feet would cover all available at present writing and this quantity is divided among several manufacturers. An inquirer would be auoted from $11.75 to $12.00 per thousand superficial feet for dutiable boards and from $13.75 to $14.00 for non-dutiable boards, f.o.b. St. John. The output of hemlock and pine at this port has this year been so light as to be unimportant so far as export is concerned; local wood- working factories have so far taken care of everything in these lines. Since last mentioned, freight rates to the westward by sailers have weakened considerably. At present charters are being made at the following figures: New York City, on deals, $3.00 per thousand; New York, on lath, 60 cents ; Bos- ton, on boards, etc., $2.75 per thousand. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. It is reported that the Crowe Lumber Company, of South Mait- land, N. S., have sold their plant and timber limits to Frank C. Rice and L. L. Ashley, of the Rice & Lockwood Lumber Company, of Springfield, Mass. The timber limits compiise 15,000 acres of choice spruce. The Arrowhead Lumber Com- pany, of Arrowhead, B. C., are an- nounced to have sold their timber limits and mills to American cap- italists, at a price said to be some- what in excess of $500,000. The property consists of 82 square miles of splendid pine territory in the Arrowhead country and a saw mill with a capacity of 110,000 feet per day. The Canadian Pacific Railway Company have sold all of their timber lands on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, to the Fraser River Sawmill Company, Limited, of which Lester David is the head. The price is given as $10 an acre, which means that the purchase amounted to about $3,000,000. This land was granted to James Dunsmir, the coal mine owner, now Lieutenant-Governor of the prov- ince, as a land grant by the Govern- ment for building his short line of railway from the coal lands to Victoria, and’was subsquently sold with the Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway to the Canadian Pacific Railway Company. “> THE GLASGOW MARKET. Messrs. Edmiston & Mitchells, under date of July 31st, say : July is proverabially a quiet month in this district, and the pres- ent one has been no exception in that respect. Apart from spruce, of which there has been a fair quantity sold, bus- iness during the past month has been decidedly dull, and although HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. Stock sizes now ready. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood and Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock Lumber & Mec Go. ‘WOODSTOCK, ONT- — Send for Catalogue KNIGHT BROTHERS CO & vt Samples by Mail LIMITED Burk’s Falls. MASON, GORDON & CO 80 St. Francis Xavier Street : MONTREAL, QUE. woes LUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. * “ WE WANT TO BUY -- Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds. 1”, 14", 144” and 2” Chestnut, oe 1%", 2” and 3 ’ 1”, 1%", 14” and 2” Butternut, ne THE MSLENNAN LUMBER CO. LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE » Specialty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, Wy a a) : August 22, 1906 prices have on the whole been well maintained, it is only because of the strong position abroad, and reduced - stocks held here. An unsatisfactory feature has been the dullness of high grade white pine, and although the import has been in no sense excessive, quite a number of shipments failed to find buyers. Birch logs still continue to arrive in excess of the demand, and con- , sequently prices are much lower than they were earlier inthejseason. The position of the market as a whole is, that, assuming an active demand sets in, prices would in most instances advance sharply, owing to the low stock held here, but at the same time present ap- pearances unfortunately do not point to any immediate improve- ment in this direction. _ Waite Pinr.—The import during the month consisted of 936 loads, per ‘‘Atbara,” the bulk of which was delivered in fulfilment of con- tract purchases. Owing to the holi- days there has been rather less en- quiry in the market. The stock is moderate and values are steady. Oax.—The July import is 862 loads, also per ‘‘Atbara,” the initial arrival of the season, it may be mentioned. A good inquiry exists, and as the stock of first class wood on hand is very small, arrivals com- ing to hand should meet with a ready outlet. WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER ROSSED PULP WOOD St. Gabriel Lumber Co. Limited St. Gab. iel De Brandon, Que, Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. J. B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in GEDAR TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES Oswego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont, Se CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ill. EL_m.—The import for the month aggregated 1526 loads, which about constitutes a record for any individ- ual month. It has, however, come to a very bare market, and the first class rock timber is meeting with a fair inquiry. QuesBec Bircu.—The July import amounts to 1350 logs as compared with 550 logs tor the corresponding month last year. Too much birch has been coming forward recently, and the consequent pressure to make sales has had the inevitable result of lowering prices consider- ably. The stock of logs unsold is by no means inconsiderable, in view of buyers being well supplied, -so that there is no incouragement to make further shipments into the market at present. Several nice lots of birch planks have come to hand in July, and been disposed of at £10 15s to 411 per standard c. i. f. AsH.—Theimporthas been trifling, and the few odd lots coming to hand found buyers in every instance at fair prices. DEALs, &c.—Business has been very quiet, consequent on the event of the annual holidays, and unfor- tunately, as is usual, the import assumed particularly heavy dimen- sions when there was a minimum demand, with the result that the stock in store has been consider- ably augmented. Pine sidings continue to come forward too freely; this has been Planing and Matching | —IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 13 THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade'Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries ror prices, etc. bys Mail, Wire or Phone. McLennan Timber Land nd LUMDEP GO., vimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES, Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. ——DRY BIRCH——— : 25,000 ft. 1 in. At Emadale 12,000 ft. 2in. 7,000 ft. 3 in. At Burk’s Falls { 50,000 ft. 1 in. (2, 000 ft. 6/4 in. 5,000 ft. 5x5 toiox io quarters Write for prices as we have to move it at once. Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH! We have about 100 M. for quick delivery. BASSWOOD! tt. each of 1-in. OTTAWA, .Can. SPRUCE! Basswood and Ash Write us for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. caused entirely by the holidays and buyers having got momentarily filled up from the recent arrivals. This, however, should right itself very soon, and meantime the position may be considered quite strong. Current values are as under:— Broad First Pine Deals.— £33 to 4353 I1-in., 430 to £32 ; ends and non-dimensions £23 to £25 Ios. Second Pine Deals.—11-in and up, 420 to 422; ends and non-di- mensions, 414 to 415. Third Pine Deals, 11-inch and up, £12 to £14; euds and non-dimensions, 410 to #10 10s. Red Pine Deals.—g and 11 inch, 49 10s; Narrows, £8 to £9. First Pine Sidings and Strips.— g to 10 inch, £23 to £24; 11 to 12 inch, 425 to £26; 13 to 14 inch, 427 to 28 Spruce Deals.—g-inch 49 to f9 10s; 7 and 8 inch, A7 58 to £8! 5s.) Lower, Port Pineand Spruce.—g-inch and up, 48 58 to £8 15s; 7 and 8 inch, £7 1os to£8. and up, BUSINESS NOTES. In wholesale lumber circles the firm of C. A. Spalding & Company is conceded to be one of Detroit’s leading concerns. They make a specialty of long and short leaf yellow pine, California white pine and sugar pine, and large piece timbers. The output of the mills tepresented aggregates 700,000 feet. daily. C. A. Spalding, head of the business, has been in the lumber trade for 15 years, and has a large personal acquaintance throughout the middle-west and Canada. Their headquarters are at 725 Hammond Building, Detroit. A. F. Holden, Pres. F, H. Goff, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgt E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER x0 LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60' long. SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LiMiTED Mills : Branch Offices : LATCHFORD, Manchester, Eng. ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. *eessties GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO C. A. LAR KIN—— WHOLESALE LUMBER Shingles, Lath and Cedar Fence Fosts. TORONTO % ay se ONTARIO Try an advertisement in the Wanted and For Sale Department of this paper. Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular ee ee ae Ont. 26 miles West North Bay Fo SoRnN MATTSON ~ | Marrson LINNELL AND QuEsNELLE CITY PROPERTY AND Longs ~ WHOLESALE LUMBER won bilby _ FARM LANDS. y Gane : W.S-LINNELL LAND UMBER anD LATH OL.QUESNEWE Limam] 727- a UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG, CANADA We have on hand for Prompt Shipment: 370 M a” C Selects and Better B.C. White Pine; 270 M 2” No.1 B.C. White Pine Shop; 450 M 2” No.2 B,C. White Pine Shop; 80 M 1%” No. 2 B.C, White Pine Shop At Special Prices. Dry and Graded by a Competent Grader. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August "22, 1906 CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS + and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries. Me tet zhi cat 2 aie Met "Sta sour men HARDWOOD FLOORING © "cts" ansca*""" STHMIVMOWN BROS, ip iets 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO —Our Prices will Imterest You— ——A W EYER & CO—=— We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. Ww. EYER @ co. 43 Adelaide oe ONTO, ONT. DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, In6. WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - N.Y, FOR. Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD OFFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, | OWEN SOUND, ONT: ce OY ND a ee ee eee Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Prompt Shipments. Office : coe ONT. Let us know your requirements SPRUCE BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIES HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES PINE CEDAR &e., &c., ic B.C. FIR B.C. CEDAR moyenne | in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. nd up, 11” x 11” and up, for saleata low price for immediate delivery. QUEBEC An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted'’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address The pet Sy 1a mberman, To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible LL ——————————— THE M. BREANEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GO., LIMITED JAMES J. MURPHY, *"* sidan A MILL PROPERTY Planing Mill and Head Office: |® it vour Wish. . ® Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON We Buy, MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow P‘se, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles R. LAIDLAW LUMBER 00. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, on. Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber MANUFACTURERS OR has ian Vinee Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. i id JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE, PLA YFEFAITIR & wHite Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for male: pete: MIDLAND. ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialt ua . => ONTARIO, Dette and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of e ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Wate: THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED © National Life Chamb TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. ‘Main 6244) Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. P eC Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and (Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. . Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in sto Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Ce on a Amherst, N.S. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. “J of Ontario, Limited MILLS pas SPRAGGE, Rigomn Dinh Ont. | MANUFACTURERS OF **Soo’’ Branch C. lanning Arcade, Toronto Goristing Building, Montreal. ° nd at Mills at Spragge. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK 3, K, He, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow pea or End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S FINDLAY — - Lumber and Lath OFFICES Water Shipments WE HAVE FOR SALE —a- 1,000,000 feet of 15/8 in. Cedar Door Stock, running from No. 1 shops to large percentage of perfectly clear. Write for prices” Fairview Cedar Lumber Company P, O. Box 45, Vancouver, B. C. : - » > ; ? ‘4 4 n é r i Sn ls PS Abd aha eae Neral ; Sd ae en gare SES PAE OP oe ee we ee ke a Ne ava: ; White and Red Pine | OWBN SOUND, ONT. — Quebec ¥ OWEN SOUND, | of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. August 22, 1906 CaNnapa LuMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS — . | | | CAN RE ACH THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS, ST.LOUIS RAIL, MALL WIRE OR ‘PHONE McCLURE LUMBER CoO. monurctree { HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS Hine YELLOW PINE AND OAK Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty DETROIT, MICH. Sbid Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street Mill: EUTAW, pare MPHE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. | CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty | Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a Specialty Interior Jrrim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH Soft Yellow Pine Finishing Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISCONSIN GENTRAL RAILWAY Minneapolis, ae, Paul, Ashland Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling acon 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C, Ponp, G. P, A., Milwaukee, Wis f FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE Can tthe The te pn te tp in > tn pe eh RR $ THE OLD MACHINERY or plant, or tools for which you have no present use, might be sold or rented to some other reader of the WEEKLY Lum- __ BERMAN by the investment ofa few dollars in advertising. SCCCVVVVSSSSLVALSSESSSS 8SO08OO88888 F J. F, QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building “ GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE © mason a. ae LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. wets MICHIGAN BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measurets | Cabel Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel. Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street & - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND BROK HRS Cable Address; ‘‘TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B “Zebra” and Private. ye for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE: Hardwoods in Log; Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kin ingdg respondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, | OulS BAMBERGER, LONDON, E. C. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ IMPORTER OF =e Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS RECTORY COD CELLIBRAND, HEYWOOD & CO. Wood / gents and Brokers Cable Address : ‘‘ GELLICHT,” LONDON 57 Gracechurch St. London, E.C. England JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs ana Lumber, Elm Staves and Heading, Handles of ali deecriptions VeneersA Speocte.litv SMITH & TYRER - (4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington St GANT & KEMP g TIMBER 62 St. neh Sure, GLASGOW BROKERS ONE DOLLAR Ax ‘aa ae B C Codes used. Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR dUGEPH OWEN & SONS, LID, | xesesrmsrsa ee White Ash Logs and Planks. Timber Importers Oak Logs and Planks Cable Address ‘ Rock Maple Logs and Planks, Rock Elm Logs. Hickory ee . ABSO ... All ciguaut et Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods sultable for the English ‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND “DOBLE LIVERPOOL.’ Liverpool and London Chambers - CABLE ADDRESS CanabA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION: AE 1908 VI Cedar Cove ae E. Hi. HE APS & CO., Ruskin re “ a Vancouver, B.C. Wancouwver, i umber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Ne Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. La ‘ WwW. L. ipl ow. MANAGER “tT ' ouver, B.C. Ww. of SHEPPARD, Legere gd hy baushene, Ont. MANUFACTURERS OF ed FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Ovs *™ LATH, MOULDINGS Lum pmbet Cc TURNED a Coast GOUvER: ee HICH GRADE van RED CEDAR SHINGLES @ W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO Bs chia ee Representative, | im. es THE RED DEER LUMBER co. 100K Ou Tha ‘| BARROWS, SASK. CARS I ae oe ihe THE SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH to anticipate your future neces and order earlier. “MOULDINGS ad TURNINGS We have the most up to date mach- ines in the market for this work and can supply Fir or Cedar Mouldings and Turned Work of finest quality by the carload. ‘lequiny sonidsg 30907 000‘000'0r ynO [enuuy LUMBER-—of all sizes and finish. , BEVEL SIDING—“‘ Ready to put on.’ EEE SHINGLES—From the best Extra XXX Acadia Cut 6,000,000 Spruce Lath. _ No. rand No.2. Try them. ed to the finest fancy Butts 16 inch to 24 inch long. Special attention to the Prairie Provinces Getting to the Bottom of it_» We mean our file of orders, so that now we can give you promp HASTINGS SHINGLE MFG. CO. shipments on-anything: VANCOUVER, B. C. THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK. Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, Manitoba. We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. - W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER; B. C. LUMBER & SHINGLES Our new saw mill will soon be in aha <4 ; advise us of your requirements now, m= ld 4 ¢ os ay ad : a whee ee a4 Send us your hurry -up orders for shingles. August 22, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION , vu. E. H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, 3 President Vice-President. H UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAY We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH SS a a ET RY _-FELBER, JUCKER & CO... ONB DOLLAR J, D. SHIER LUMBER 00., AIMITED Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc, Lapeer Jmportere shiROrters ¢ sash MANUFACTURERS OF . Manufacturer of a6 Gan kote MANCHESTER ENGLAND Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES eit ti dra Mouldings, Ceilings Invite lumbermen, able to cut Bich ; nd-Matc | squares 7/8” x 7/8” up to 3” x 3” for LUMBERMAN for soa eee eee San Henteck: eieotins and Bored HARDWOOD FLOORING - ay making, to write for specifica- O N B YEA R ao ‘All Dresoe eee used if Meares I. oe cae Dried in %: aon Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Soli ae a. ane alg een CIREIE IESE SS * Rat Portag Ee Lumber Co. Limited (WITH MILLS AT Bc VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. (Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. ADDRESS.ice RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. D.C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. SS ISIE NIN a ee ten Yay Uy Uy Ue 'Y, THOMAS KIRKPATRICK, H. H. SPICER, PRESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC'y Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. | Shipping Capacity is 1.500,000 Shingles per Day me or a “_ ¢ Pett the ea \ Mae 3 vit Canaba LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Ange 95, aoe : Pins good strips : _ Pine on ells veeee 1509 1800 Tit.sseree seneseeee 35 00 38 00 Pine O. culls......- 9 50 12 50 CURRENT LUMBER PRIGES:-WHOLESALE .cice2*" #5 3 |sree ea oe QUEBEC, OUF as A Atlisis ow cla silat seees 40 00 45 00| Spruce, 1” stocks, ‘ Pine, good shorts: 7.8,9 and 10". . 16 50 19 50 WEARS Ei eI Ce Ae a aes Bi eritary tc Belk 00 30 00] Spruce,r” clear (fine witiversin er : are plne, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,.....-.-- 35 TORONTO, ONT. RO ey pets & 24 00 First class Ottawa’ waney, x8 inch average, according to lineal... $8 s CAR OR CARGO LOTS. ra to ee ee Iz oo | Basswood... ..18 00 23 00 ba those average . «+ 63 : j i ne, No, i dressing Birch............ 2000 34 00 PINE—IN THE RAFT. h No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4 to 8im 16 00 17 Oo : b ‘5 I aa aeatter. $50 00 52 00| 2x4 to 8 in.,10 to 16ft. 17 00 18 00 Biggs) 5 as ppp 2300 2700|Lath,perM . 4 Measured off, according to average and quality....0.0-ccscssses 30 3% inch No. I 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 18 00 19 00 ine,” Nowsx Gxessing No.1 white pinet}” 400 450 — hipping order a “ss UO Bevis canna ae eae cuts and better.. 53 90 55 00 Clear inch B.C. cedar, pie he rT dressing saedict 2 Noel va: A 4 og 2 4 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. Pee cceaaas 56 00 5800 er ne cedar a cabpets Oo. F Gressine 800 2200| Red Pine, millrun.. 300 350 By the dram, according toaverage and quality. . +s .> 48 1% in. No. 2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55 00 cag Ae A aaue bet- 00 ee Pine Shingles ELM. ; cuts and better.. 44 00 46 00 | Douglas fir dimension Pine, (8 iavc\ and here xxxx, 18 inch.,.--++- 325 375 ‘By the dram, accordiv to average and quality 40to 45 feet. 65 2” No. 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 32 feet 35 80 ter 12’ to16/ 20 0 2roo| Clear, Butt, iwBinch .. 275 3 25 “ i 4 “ " z0to3sfet. 52 and Better...... 46.00 48 00 Fir flooring, edge Pine, 7 up s. ¢ ‘sidings 7900 | 34 60 xx: 18 inch.....+--.-. 170 200 ASH. 1% inch No. 3 Tals... euindas Le 43100 - pee Pee 19 Oe 74 | White Cedar Shingles ees & : j we Ee nood a p, according to average and quality. . . 26 oa wipe Ateo Aeee 19 in, No att agg A sola Pine, s.c. shorts..... 14 00 1852! xxxx, 18 inch........ 3 75) A 00 Average xei ince. Mae Aken d . . ve . : 4 y i = peer iptaisestar ithe 42 @O 44 02) 1% in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 375 4.00 Pine, box beards.... 1400 15 ae Can on od Be +8} 1 in. Pine Dressing 134""No. 1 32” pine lath 2 25 2:50 . ea 14 Inch ee , m4. a and better shorts 23 00 24 CO 134” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 4 0o RRS Ree a ie Pt 54 00) PEF 00 FINE, COM. AND BETTER, 2 x 10". . ce ceesceceeeeee 4 » Raalale d's bie aside 0 nie. ole 8 a 0 eae 5° 1 1 in., 8” and up wide 54 00 a x00" oe cee eee uee c ae fo singh. ..-.6 i Ce 60 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. “ : aisle ©. 2 Cuts, LIMCH.....seeeeene ceeeereeeeesseceee ZO 00 37 00 Ash White, 1sts and Soft Elm, mill run 21 00 22 00 if and 1%” {vee 50 oe Novi BAES: 1% to 2inch... vee tans oncs'es sess iO (00 NAS Ia ands, 1 to 2in....$33 00 35 00| Rock Elm, common one 57 1 itera «$27 00 to $35 99 Barn Boards,No. I...... : sees A500 41 00 Ash, Black, 1sts ny and better, rin.. 25 00 26 00 FINE COMMON, 1%, 1% and 2” 33 oo to 35 00 No. 2. smne ne oe 35 00 ands, 1 to2in.... 30 00 32 00 Rock Elm, common RCS eet Fae 45 00 to 60 00 2% and 3”..... 38 00 INO, 3 icine sit aiais'aiee oo 30 00 Ash, Black, mill and bet.1% tozin 28 00 29 90 1%, 1% to 2”.. 55 00 56 00 . A! scceipatsreientees 41 00 Spruce, 1o and 12 in. dimension 25 00 26 00 BUiet ys ees as sels 23 00 24 00| Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 00 2%, 3 and 4”.. 78 00 86 00 No. 2 BARN. gin. and under ......-.+.--05 «30+ 3 «23 20 24 00 Birch, common and Soft Maple common ; pee ; wigs ae 10 and 12 in. random lengths, 1o ft. and up...... 25 00 better, rin....... 2500 2600] and better, Iin 2200 23 00 ‘ 4 D I pilocr ssloee ett e cs} t 9 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, 7 Birch common and Maple common and 1 in., 8” and up wide... 37 00 1%, 1%, and 2 26 oo to 29 00 10 ft. and up...... vecncees seeesecnen spseeses 20 00 22 00 better, 1% to3 in 27 00 28 oo| better, 1% to3 in 24 00 25 00 1¥ in. +++ 47 00 2% and 3”..... 30 00 All other random lengths, 9 in. and under, 10 — Birch, millrun.... 21 00 22 00| Maple, mill run... 20 00 21 00 % in, . ++» 47 00 NO. 3 BARN. ft. and wp.......--.-- ogre ee 3.50 Soft Elm, common and 2nds.......-. 70 00 75 00 1K as a wre 33 00 No. 1, 1", 1% and better, rin.. 24 00 25 00| Hickory, rsts and 1%" i ZepdenN” 1%.'2.....-.. 15 00 to 20 00 NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES, Soft Him, common aHd8..+-+-2+-+-- 36.00 3800 8 pf wo 7°37 00 No.1 mill culls, Extras. ........ ix ov OR een wear gas 355 and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 28 00 2%,3and4” “ .... 49 00 11%, 1%, 2" 16 00to 18 00 — Clears....sesserseee eeeennnnenee oes sie FOS 205 SS - Second clears ......ccecersesssecencenssenerssesee 2% 30 2 40 OTTAWA, ONT. ee ay et ee MILL CULLS. ee ce eee ae 2 10 215 , 1in., 6” and up wide.... Oo i " xtra 1s (Clear whites out)......cscseveeeeeeeree 1 30 1 40 MA URERS’ PRICES. “ Mill Run Culls 1”,1%,1% Pine, good sidings: ie aa ce 0 No. vbarn.. 24 00 vp and 14" 8 asee 33 ba ; and 2”... .... seeegeeelS 00 Extra 1s (Clear whitesin).......sseeeeesseeeerees 1 50 1 60 1in.x 7in.and up$40 00 44 cO| Ix Io No.2 4, \<- 2200 2% ganda” “ Sone a a No, 2, sf ' I 00 1¥ in.andr¥in.x 1x8&gNo. 1 barn 21 00 22 00 J ees aes Fee LATH, BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES, ARS 8&9qNo 2 ,, 1800 2060 ‘ sees ta. and up ¢ cd x oe PineShorts 6’ tor! be oy Wiese ec EDO OCR aon aI 00 NO. 3, 327 0h vere ae eenns 2 50 Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 butts to 2 In, 22. nee 3 No.2cuts2x8’”&up 44 00 36 00 x rol ee ce Mice L700 1800 ip yaaa eee CT 22 00 No, 2, 487 ww ee eee sen ALEO F Eurekas, 8 Foon eho 44 , ; x x6and 8”...... Ropoes 2 No. 1, 48” pine........--.. 2 @0 Perfections. 5 butts to2¥ in. —. — 4 50 - The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited — tT So) J. B. MILLER, President. W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. a Mauufacturers of ae BG j 3, ‘oO ROUGH and DRESSED | | Pine, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER x Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at S | PARRY SOUND, ONT.» Mp eS Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main r1o16. Telegraph Codes : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. Ose ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. _ i: Se °; °, °, So 2 2, Ss So 2° So 2 So 2 2, So So S, S, S, So oS \y \ 9; 2, oS 9) So, 9, : So oS . S 2 S 9 SS So Oo; S 9, So, So 9 y S oS ‘3 f So oe | | REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBE WEEKLY CANADA LUMBERM AND WOOD- WORKER EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $t.oo per YEAR = {Thé Lumbéerman Weekly Edition, every week. R PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD a VoL. XIV TORONTO, MONTREAL - AUGUST 29, 906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER No. 25. CANADA [,UMBERMAN ; PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u : of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. > Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the ncipal manufacturing districts and leading iomestic and foreign wholesale markets. A 4 weekly mediuni of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- . facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. 4 The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. __ WANTED AND FOR SALE OO eee -? Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. J.B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in OEDAK | GRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELEGTRIG. LIGHT POLES Oswego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. o! > 25,000 ft. 1 In. At Emasdale J 12,000 ft. 2 in. “Ss 7,000 ft. 3 in. # At Burk’s Falls { CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION import in the rough and plane up here, thus saving the duty of 157. ‘‘We shall also require 1% and 2 inch lumber suitable for sash and door work.” The name of the firm may be ob- tained from the publishers of this paper. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Vancouver, B. C., August 2oth, 1906.—The story circulated in the east that the market of Pacific coast lumber was weaker is hardly borne out by the facts. ‘‘It is stronger if anything,” was the reply of Mr. R. H. H. Alexander, secretary of the B.C. Lumber and Shingle Manufac- turers Association, when asked about the matter. ‘‘Mills are still filled up with orders and it does not appear that there will be any apparent diminution in the near future. Mr. G. P. Gibson, a director in the Pacific Coast Lumber Company, said he could not see how such a rumor could have originated. “Why,” he said, ‘‘our company is so far behind in orders that we are going to hold a meeting of the directors to see if something cannot be done for those who have been waiting for lumber for a long time. It really is getting serious. We have been receiving a large part of the local trade this season, which has been another factor in loading us down with more than we can carry. Other mills are in much the same condition. The representative of the Saskatchewan Lumber Com- pany, who is in the city, cannot find a mill to take his order, unless it is with the condition that it is to be Planing and Matching —IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone I13 THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Manufacturers : High Grade Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barre! Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt role to enquiries tor prices, etc. by ail, Wire or Phone. 5 McLennan Timber Land and LUMDEP GO., rimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. ‘——- DRY BIR CH—— 50,000 ft. 1 in. 12,000 ft. 6/4 in. 5,000 ft. 5x5 to1ox1o quarters Write for prices as we have to move it at once. a” Ghe LONG LUMBER. COMPANY, HAMILTON filled when possible. It was because mail orders were no use that Mr. W. H. Cushing came to Vancouver, as told in our last letter. The further fact that the Moun- tain Lumber Manufacturers, Asso- ciation, at its meeting two weeks ago, raised the price $1 per thou- sand is an indication to the contrary that requires no amplification. This advance was made after consider- able hesitation, and not until after _the matter had been fully considered. Consumers in the Territories, as may be imagined, do not look with favor on this increase, and in Cal- gary it is regarded as a means to “cinch” the people. The situation is set forch in the statement of a Kootenay mill man who is at pre- sent in Vancouver. ‘‘Only three years ago,” he said, ‘‘the product of B. C. mills could not be disposed of at prices below the cost of pro- duction, owing to the flooding of the Territories with bankrupt stocks of American mills, which were dumped anywhere a price could be obtained. That experience of buy- ing lumber below cost of production at the mills put false notions into the heads of settlers, and now that a reasonable figure is being charged they are loud with tales of woe and that the mill men are bent on rob- bery. But none of these settlers will take one penny less for his grain or horses or cattle than the market will justify. We are only the same kind of people. This is the first for several years that a profit is being made on lumber, and with the great improvement in conditions, it idee not look as if our product will be the drug on the market it has been during the last decade.’ All countries are beginning to look to British Columbia for timber Mills: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. itl. supply. Last week it was a repre- sentative from the yellow pine dis trict who came north to get fir, and now Mr. G. Spaltcholz, of Dresden, Germany, head of a firm which supplies lumber for building, is opening up business connections with mills here. He has been buy- ing for many years in different parts of the United States. Mr. R. Wolfenden, King’s print- er at Victoria, has received a communication from the stationery office of the Government at Ottawa to the effect that one of the largest manufacturers of lead pencils in the United States is asking for infor- mation concerning B. C. cedar. A. F. Holden, Pres, F, H. Goff, Vice-Pres. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mg E. S. Barre, Ass’t Mgt Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER so LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60° long._ SARNIA, ONT, THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LimiTED LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. sess: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO NTARIO C. A. LARKIN WHOLESALE LUMBER Shingles, Lath and Cedar Fence Posts. TORONTO ~*~ we ~ ONTARIO Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Sirculaw’kr CACHE oe = Ont. 26 miles West North Bay Gane UMBER anD LATH Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH! BASSWOOD! OTTAWA, Can. SPRUCE! We have about 100 M tt. each.of 1-in. Basswood and Ash for quick delivery. Write us for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. IV. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August 29, 1906 CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. EMBROKE, ONT. w sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all We are no Also all classes of Building Material Send us your enquiries. End Matched, Bored, Polished HARDWOOD FLOORING eens Bundled - STHMON BROS, =r 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. —Our Prices will Interest You— ——A. W. EYER & CO—— We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what Correspondence with mills solicited. 43 Adelaide Street East ee TORONTO, Office : you now have to sell. A. W. EYER @ CO. ilar enna ho DsLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, 106.’ WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, _ - N. Y, FOR Pine, Hemlock, or Hardwood, Lumber and Timber, Telegraph Poles, Ties, Posts, Lath, Shingles, Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, Interior Finish, End Matched and Bored Hardwood Flooring, etc., try JOHN HARRISON & SONS COMPANY, LIMITED We have a complete stock, two Saw Mills running in summer and one all winter. HEAD ‘FFIGE. SAW AND PLANING MILLS, OWEN SOUND, ONT: Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know cour requirements Prompt Shipments. ONT. E BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIES SeMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES PINE K CEDAR &c., &e., &o B.C. FIR B.C. CEDAR Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Sptuce Timber 18 ft. Anything in Lumber or I j ; P ae up, 11” x 11” and up, for sale at a low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, *"s.icce"? QUEBEC Eee OMNNn inane fb Lean ae RDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled ; Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE M. BREANEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON BIRCH WRITE T. L. BAILIE Box 268 - NORTH BAY, ONT. We Buy, Wanted to Buy One Million Feet FOR SALE Lumber in car load lots. In grades red face firsts and seconds and common in fall thick nesses. Mills having stocks for sale write for prices. Cash and quick ship- ment, R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. C. A. KENT. Sec’y. R.S ABBOTT, Treas CSV EE GUSSET SCECECEUSTEEBESFEBEAO ¢ SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. é LUMBER AND SALT $ SAGINAW, MICH Mills at Sandwich, Ont. $ MANUFACTURERE OF CRVTSSSSSSSSSVVSVVSTVVVVVVOAOF weeeseto Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine. Oak, Redwood, R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto 7) a J Lions H PEDWELL & LEMCKE, Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumbe: Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. ~ ; Correspondence Solicited. MANUFACTURERS t OF . Rail or Water Shipments. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. lL. WHITE. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER * LATH » SHINGLES — MIDLAND, ONT. | Contractors for Ratlway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . OWEN SOUND, MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. oxtato, Manufacturers and Dealers yi LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chambers TORONTO, ONT. val 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, : RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. | Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S.. > of White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath © Water Shipments he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. i of Ontario, Limited MILLS at SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. on **Soo’’ Branch C. P. R. e Manning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES< Coristine Building, Montreal. And at Mills at Spragge. °® HARDWOOD FLOORING _— . MANUFACTURED IN ; MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK 3, 38 Ze, 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . « Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY : OWBN SOUND, ONT. Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles 727-728 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG, CANADA We have on hand for Prompt Shipment: 370 M a” C Selects and Better B.C. White Pine ; 270 M 2” No.1 B.C, White Pine Shop; 450 M 2” No.2 B,C. White Pine Shop; 80 M 1%” No, 2 B.C, White Pine Shop At Special Prices. Dry and Graded by a Competent Grader. - * + Pee Va oe ty an a August 29 1906 CaNaPA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. WE HAVE FOR SALE —_- 1,000,000 feet of 15/8 in. Cedar Door Stock, running from No. 1 shops to large percentage of perfectly clear. Write for prices Fairview Cedar Lumber Company P. O. Box 45, Vancouver, B.C. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS rnc rimenioe LU MBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber Cc. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITH PINE, NORWAY YELLOw PI NE, HEMLOCE, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. GAN REACH | THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS | ST.LOUIS — BY Yellow Pine Timber a ere pat y- rior Trim Mill Work | NIAGARA ts, N. Y. EE gb ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND. OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers 4 Specialty RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR "PHONE: | 2) McCLURE LUMBER CoO. ye aaeeiege { HARDW000 LUMBER, CYPRESS YELLOW PINE AND OAK | Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office, No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. Mill: EUTAW, ALA. J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building BURY FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE LUMBER - DETROIT - GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE MICHIGAN - Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measturerts l Gabel Address “Fars Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, =: F. A. Lightbody & Co. GLASGOW, SCOTLAND Cable Address; ‘“ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ar, “Zebra” an ate. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND RENCE Hardwoods in “Log, Ete; Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the Uni 1 QUIS BAMBERGER, 2 Broad Street Building, LONDON, E. C. IMPORTER OF ——mumemeenr aoe Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS eee een a Ese nnesae sn a JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS ee OF etka "Sta AthuegY nantes Mor Vell ‘descriptions Veneers A Specialtv SMITH & TYRER Cable yee = et Glasgow. At B C Codes used. dOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID. Timber Importers Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW 14 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TyRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington St GANT & KEMP 2 2 TIMBER ROK ERS BUYERS OF White Ash Logs and Planks. Oak Logs and Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Rock E 28 Hickory ae . ABSO .. All latba’ cot Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods paliss for the English Se es me a am ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABLE ADDRESS ‘DOBLE LIVERPOOL, Vi. , CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION August 29, 1906 "Yanouwernc, be Oe, HEAPS & CO... 7 Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. w. SHEPPARD, He ol tags Ww. L. re en MANAGER ba ene, On ncouve B.C. FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Co- I LATH, MOULDINGS Lumbe TURNED WORK bu iris st eR, BS: HICH GRADE fic RED CEDAR SHINGLES ‘ a Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO i Riana THE RED DEER LUMBER CO. LOOK OUT BARROWS, SASK. FOR THE GARS!! onnae ME DEALER SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH Cars have been, are now, and will be scarce this season. It is ‘‘ up to you”’ to anticipate your future needs and order earlier. MOULDINGS ai TURNINGS We have the most up to date mach- ines in the market for this work and can supply Fir or Cedar Mouldings and Turned Work of finest quality by the carload. LUMBER—of all sizes and finish. BEVEL SIDING--“ Ready to put on.” SHINGLES—From the best Extra XXX to the finest fancy Butts 16 inch to 24 inch long. Special attention to the Prairie Provinces Getting to the Bottom of it_» : Lim mited ‘Iaquiny sonidsg yooq 000‘000'0F 4nd Tenuty. No. 1 and No.2. Try them. Annual Cut 6,000,000 Spruce Lath. We mean our file of orders, so that now we can give you promp HASTINGS SHINGLE MFC. C0. shipments on anything. VANCOUVER, B.C. THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK. Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, Manitoba. We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER, B.C. LUMBER & SHIN GLES Send us your hurry-up orders for shingles. Our new saw mili will soon be in operation; advise us of your Rika ipc” now. . Mt GES gOS re Rs ere vee ss bs ta aoe aoe eee ee eo = ee MY Sime CD aN ee tee fe aye ers di August 29, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vu. E. H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President ee Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep HEAD OFFICE, 586 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. - Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAY We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH SR a a a a ce — - aan tc Sie _ ‘ .* a F he A ; 7 ) 5 - * 7 ' P . ¥ FELBER, JUCKER & CO. ONB DOLLAR J. D. SHIER LUMBER (00., LIMITED Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. Lumber Importers Stagufacturer of Lots "MANCHESTER ENGLAND Will pay your subscription to the CANADA _ LUMBER, LATH cat oo “ Revie, Seek, Mouldings, Ceilings Invite re, othes to oa es ch nd-Matc Sp ae a ee] spool ma ei o write ete, Dres: umber Kiln dear Lumber Kiln Dried in A 2 tions. : ONE YEAR End Matched Flooring a Specialty. J. R. EAT ON . ce “Gxiliac Oak Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTFR. GOOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Giirtiuch dence eaten ae ie ae . * Rat Portage Lumber Co. Limited (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Weodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, M- ple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. appress .. RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. HEAD OFFICE D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. CIES ES I THOMAS peer ia Rick, H. H. PrICee, RESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles * We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. Shipping pigeal ge is L, DO 0,000 Shingles per Day Vir. = <= GURRENT LUMBER PRICES--WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. Hemlock, 1x4 to 8im 16 00 17 Oo 2x4 to 8 in.,10 to16ft. 17 00 18 00 a 1 inch No. 1 Pine cuts & better....$50 00 52 00 1% inch No, 1 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 18 00 19 00 cuts and better.. 53 00 55 00 Clear inch B. c. cedar, 2” No, 1 Cuts and kiln dried. .. gjo 00 Better......---+- 56 00 58 00 Clear inch B. C cedar 1% in. No. 2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55 00 cuts and better.. 44 00 46 00 Douglas fir dimension 2!’ No, 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 32 feet a5 80 and Better.. .. 4600 4800 Fir flooring, edge 1% inch No. Qraim......-++00- 43 00 Cuts and better.. 41 00 4200/1% in. ia 1 4 ft. Pine 2” No. 3 Cuts and Lath ee anc cretapa cies 4 505 00 Better......----- 42@0 4,0 | 134 in. No. 2 4 ft. Cath ; 75 4.00 1 in, Pine Dressing 134” No. 1 32” pine lath 2 25 2 50 and better shorts 23 00 240 1%" No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 4 co 1x4, eae pectin 20 00 21 00 | XXXX Pine Shingles 300 325 Ix Io common.... 21 00 22 00 XX Pine Shingles .. 225 2 30 1x12 common.. _.. 23 00 24 00|X Pine Shingles .. go 2x10 common.... 21 00 2100 XX Cedar Shingles 225 2 3° gand3x12common 24 cO 25 00 B. C. Shingles Ix an inch box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 325 MOM ae acces 20 00 21 00 | XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 47 1” mill run sidings 21 00 22 00| XXXXX5 to 2in.. 3 80 1 in, mill run.....- 2100 22c0| XX No. 2, 6to2 in.. 2 40 rxtoand12milleulls 1650 1750|XxX ‘“ 6to 23-16 in. I ses cull Sid- Red pine, clear NZS... ..2200006--- I5 50 1650 and clear face... 23 Go 24 cO 1” dead cullsidings 12 00 13 00 aS ae common 1% inch Flooring 27 09 28 oo aa uae 14 00 I7 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, tsts and Soft Elm, mill run 21 00 22 00 ands, 1 to 2in... $33 00 35 0 Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, 1sts and and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 ands, 1 to2in.... 30 00 32 00| Rock Elm, common sa Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 90 mer EES eA 23 00 24 00| Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 09 Birch, common and Soft Maple common better, rin....... 25 00 2600| and better, 1in 2200 23 00 Birch, common and Maple common and better, 1% to3 in 27 00 28 oo] better, 1% to3 in 24 00 25 00 Birchsguill run.... 21 00 22 00] Maple, mill run... 20 00 21 00 Basswood, common Oak, red, lain, ists and better, 1in.. 23 00 24 00 and 2ndS......-- 46 00 50 00 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, andbet., 1% tozin 24 00 26 00 ists and 2nds.... 44.00 46 00 Basswood, millrun 2t 00 23 00| Oak quartered, ists Soft Elm, common and 2nds.......-. 70 00 75 00 and better, 1in.. 24 00 25 00 Hickory, 1sts and Soft Elm, common QMS... -..5--->s 36 00 38 00 and bet. 13% to 2in 27 00 28 00 OTTAWA, ONT. MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. Pine, good sidings : 1 x 10 No. 1 barn. 24 00 iin x 7in.and up$40 00 44 00/1 x 10 No2z ,, 22 00 1¥ in.andr4in.x 1xK&gNo. 1 barn 21 00 2200 8 in. and up . . 4800 5600|/1x8&9No 2 ,, 18 00 20 60 2in x7in. and up 5200 5600 ey rhe ah 6’to 1! No.2cuts2x8”&up 34 00 36 00 X Io” .. 17 00 18 00 ° Ss g ‘o) g g 2 So ‘s) 9, ‘s) y Z, J g 2) S S g J Ss 2) ce} J eo} So ‘2) co} g 2 2 Q S 2S g Q g SZ SZ <2} g g g 2 S S, S, ; _CINCIOIARIRD ITER ARSENE SRY SHS UNO LS ORIN ON OOOO: A io a >) (2) (2) ‘° ° oe S co) S ° () (2) oO ‘ GC oO C) ©) © ©) o ‘oO () © oO oO ‘2 (-) © o S o oO > ° C a o o eo C) > 1s) Ox ) © So, au ‘s) (99) (=) Do 5 te) 9°, Ss 2S is) cs) 40)S(Q9)0(00}90)oCod) ) C) (=e) () (=) ) So S So 60)0(00) @35 oO {~) > cs) COMUICDIIGD o ‘s} o S ©@o CS ©) ~) S Ss Ss ORIOR C) oa (~) (-) (9 LIAS ©0) OoGo CARY, 60)0(a0)oC09) =) S f~) 2 00) o) _CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Pin: good strips : Pine mill culls..... 1502 18 00 I iteeceres eoseseeee 35 Oi 38 oo | Pine O, culls......- 950 It2 50 11 in. and 13 in... 36 36 40 00 | Spruce, 1’x4” & up 15 00 16 00 oa emote en me alate © 00 45 00| Spruce, 1” stocks, Pine, good shorts: 7,8,gand 10”... 16 §6 19 50 DOM saseiware «sla str 28 00 3000 Surme 1 clear (fine % in.and 1% in... 36 00 40 co dressing and B. 24 00 wy SRE Ve. 4 40 00 44 00 |} Hemlock “t é 13 00 aa to "% A Sidings.. tr oo | Basswood........... 18 00 23 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing Biren .cs aureus om 20 00 24 00 siding... <-+ ++ 2300 27 00/ Lath, perM Pine, No. 1 dressing No.1 white piner#é” 400 4 £0 Strips.....+ sees ++ 2000 28 00 No. 2 white pine.... 350 3 95 Pine No.1 dressing Spruce, millrmn....- 3 00 3 5° shorts . --. +. 18 00 22 00 Red Pine, millrun.. 3.00 3 50 Pine, 10S; “Cand bet- Pine Shingl ter 12’ to 16’ . ....2200 24 00| 7° es cs h Pine, 8 s.c. and bee xxxx, 18 inch......-+ 325 375 ter12’ to1@...... 20 00 2too| Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 275 3 25 Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings :9 00 24 00 xx: 18 inch.....+es+-s 170 209 Pine s. c, strips.....- . 15 00 19 00 , White Cedar Shingles Pine, s.c. “ «ee ‘ “ ar * S a BOSTON, MASS. ~— White Pine Uppers, 1 to 2inch ...... . $86 00 to f90 00 Selects, 1 to 2 1NCh... sere ss ee eee ae 72 00 80 00 | Fine Common, 1 inch Ae nirse cic aisio) ase 60 00 65 00° ¥, to 2inch......+.+. wees» 6200 6500 No. 1 Cuts, Pima AT sie éyie 00's 0 6 s\dle a ciepeeete eames 50 00 1% to 2 inch 60 00 No. 2 Cuts, rinch.......+++ 32 00 1% to2inch...... aE oh vole edna cmheneel 48 00° Barn Dearie Ti nccus cvencececs soscace exiiania aimee 41 00 a iecce ane 35 00 30 00 Spruce, 10 and 12 fee dimension........-+-++«+4-- 25 00 26 00 gin. and under . PA 24 00 1o and 12 in. random leng ths, ‘to ft. and ——— 25 00 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2X6, 2x7 an + SA random lengths, : Toft. atid WP ya. d- «nee. > «eee sessssss 2000 2200 23 _ 20 00 © 17 00 22 00 365 3 5° 355 SPINA rset. 205 Dae we 2 40 Clear Whites ......-....- 215 Extra 1s (Clear “whites out).. I 4c Extra 1s (Clear whites in).......-.0--ceeeeeeeseee 1 50 I 60 BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES, , Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 butte el a 3 t a; Eurekas, 8 in. . Perfectione. s butts to2Y% i ee ROASLP ROO ys ke p — — Vor. XIV NAD A NORKER WEEKLY The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 pen year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. REACHES RECULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN-EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD —Canapa LuMBERMAN The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u i % of Toronto, Limited _ Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: q 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL _—s«- 720-721 UNION BANE BUILDING, WINNIPEG. 4 Telephone 1274. 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. - fhe Weekly Lumberman — Published every \ Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- _ ports of market conditions and tendencies in the -* pisdcieel manufacturing districts and leading - domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly mediuni of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber ucts at home and abroad. The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. _ WANTED AND FOR SALE “s. Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- - ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are _ ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. Slath of the line and is set ANTED—200 M. FEET 2” SOFT ELM AT ; f once. Highest cash price will be paid. Dopps-Cook LUMBER Co., 436 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. ORTABLE SAW MILL OWNER CAN MY have a contract to cut and handle half mil- lion ft. pine timber, must have a good outfit and _ beready to commence at once. Toronto Jct. _ LwuMsBer Co., LIMITED, Toronto Junction, Ont. PINE AND HEALOGK LOGS AND LUMBER WANTED i ARITeS HAVING OR EXPECTING TO ; have logs or lumber for sale in large or _ small quantities, communicate with Box 406 _ Cawapa LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Timber Limits For Sale _ \7ALUABLE TIMBER LIMITS IN THE 4 Province of British Columbia. For particu- lars Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. Pade TIMBER LIMITS = - ~—~-FOR SALE ) v ——— of Seen Ty Six SQUARE _ 4 twenty-two hundred acres of timber land, _ with ten millionfeet of merchantable lumber, _ prineipally spruce, besides a large quantity of _ tapid growing timber. Also 75h.p. mill with planer and lath machine ‘tached. ; MILES AND his property is situated close to the Interco- nial Railway and a very easy property to . Apply to ; GEORGE McSWEENEY, Hotel Brunswick, Moncton, N. B. MBER EDITION TORONTO, MONTREAL — SEPTEMBER 5, 1906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER ry eae No. 26, FEW CARS OF CHEESE-BOX VENEER for sale. Apply W. J. Moses & Son, Farrellton, Que. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS © Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity of Slabs. SiImcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, ANTED TO SELL OR EXCHANGE FOR | Three Block Carriage and Saw Frame, , one 42” Circular Re-Saw, new. A. P. EBERT, Wiarton, Ont. WANTED—2” ROCK ELM, 1” BIRCH AND all thickness Black Ash, C. & B.1” Cull Basswood, 1” & 2” Spruce. Hamilton, Ont. PINE AND HEMLOCK R, EK. KINSMAN, 7/8 IN. BIRCH FOR SALE BOUT 100,000 FT, COMMON AND BET. | ter 1905 cut. Apply for price, The HUNTS VILI.E SYNDICATE, Huntsville, Ont. OR SALE—PLANING MILL ANDLUMBER. This is a very profit- Mr. Powers’ death is the reason © yards at St. Thomas. able business. for selling. Address SANDERS & POWERS; St. Thomas, Ont. FOR SALE. 900 000 FEET 4/4SOFT ELM LOG RUN, ’ Dead Culls out. Apply toDavip CONKLIN, Kingsville, Ont. FOR SALE. 5 CEDAR AND TAMARAC POLES, OO suitable for piles and telegraph poles, 7” and up at the top end, 25 to 50 ft. long. MuSKoKA Woop MFe. Co., Huntsville. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO be cut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet. Address Box 377, CANADA b MAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. EW CARS CHOICK APPL=£ BARREL, heading. Few cars bone dry quartered H. Maple, 1%” & 2”. For prices write the W. R. THOMPSON Co,, Teeswater, Ont., Box 218. WANTED FOR CASH—1”, 14%", 14%” & a” NO. I common and better brown ash and birch; also 4x 4to 8 x 8” elm, birch and maple squares. Address “‘LUMBER"’, Room 821, Park Row Build- ing, New York City. BIRCH HEADING WANTED A QUANTITY OF GOOD BIRCH HEADING not less than 11/16 in. thick; also some Birch Shorts 1” to 4” thick. THE RIDER & KITCHENER Co., LIMITED, Lindsay, Ont. To Lumbermen ACRES GOOD HARDWOOD TIMBER, 3 about 1 mile from Spier’s Siding, G.T. )-, near Huntsville. Also sawmill at siding, in first-class running order. Above property is offered at great bargain, owing to death of late proprietor. Apply to Mrs. RoBERT SIMPSON, Novar P. O. FOR SALE INETY ACRES MORE OR LESS OF White Oak, Rock Elm and Pine Timber, situated within three or four miles of railway station. This is one of the choicest lots of timber in Canada to-day. We will sell the whole or part of it. ‘There is about one million feet B. M_ of Square and Board Timber of No. 1 quality. Address, WM. PoTTER & Son, Tottenham, Ont, is WANTED-EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEP- er, one having had experience in the lum- ber business, permanent engagement, duties to commence at once. Apply Box 165, Brandon, Manitoba. LIMIT FOR SALE 1/ NICE LOTS SITUATED IN TOWN- I 2 ship of Hope, County of Bonaventure, Province of Quebec, on North Nouvelle river; lots contain spruce, birch, fir, etc. Fine locality to start small lumbering business. Write F. NADEAU & Sons, Grand Cascapedia, P. Q. _. TUG FOR SALE fe) FEET LONG, 7% FEET BEAM; 4% FEET 4 Draught, 8Square Upright Boiler, 6 feet diameter, 4 feet high; 108 2 inch flues; Steel Propeller Wheel; in good condition. S, KNECHTEL WooD TURNING & FURNITURE Co., OGS AND LUMBER WANTED. write | S°Uthampton, Ont, Box No, 408 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. |. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. A canvass of the white pine field reveals no indications of weakness in that lumber. The upper end more nearly approaches that con- dition than anything else, but it would be giving a false impression to say that it is weak. Only in comparison with the lower grades can any degree of dissatisfaction be expressed. Taking white pine asa whole, the market is strong and nquiries numerous. A considerable quantity of stock has passed into the hands of large dealers who are evidently believers in still higher prices. Inquiries which are con- stantly being made show a decided scarcity of certain grades, and un- less present indications should prove very misleading, there will be an active and strong market for white pine for some time to come. Among the hardwoods, basswood is steadily gaining ground. While the supply is still plentiful, the time is approaching when the demand will overtake it, and then we may expect an advance in prices. Birch is also moving in some volume at unchanged quotations, with a satis- factory outlook. UNITED STATES. The last week in August was characterized by considerable ac- tivity in lumber circles, and this is regarded as the beginning of a very active fall trade. Some of the eastern markets are reported to be running short of certain classes of white pine, particularly the common grades, while an improvement has taken place in the demand for south- ern pine and spruce. The Brooks & Scanlon Lumber Company, operat- ing in Minnesota, have sold 5,000,- ooo feet of white pine lumber for 1907 delivery at an advance of $1 a thousand over the prices that pre- vailed last spring, and it is pre- dicted that other contracts will shortly be closed ata still greater advance. The feeling in the hard- wood trade is very hopeful. So great has been the demand for bass- wood that, for the first time in two years, stocks are getting scarce. There is also a more active move- ment of maple and birch, while elm is showing some dullness. No. 1 white pine lath has sold during the past week at $4.75 f.o.b.° Minneapolis, whereas previous sales were at $5. This weakness is re- garded as temporary, although lath is no doubt selling for all it is worth. GREAT BRITAIN. Our review of the British lumber market this week must be similar to what has been said in recent issues, for there has been practic- ally no change in the situation. The market is firm, with the volume of business a little less than in previ- ous years. Some Quebec pine deals are being stored, the demand being rather tardy. While stocks are low at present, they will probably increase unless the consumption becomes heavier. Spruce continues to lead in point of strength. Sales are {being made at £8 2s. 6d. per standard c.i.f. Liverpool for cargoes containing 60 to 70 per cent. of 3x7 and 8 inch, and second quality Que- bec spruce, 3 x 9 inch, was sold last week at auction at £10 3s. per standard; 3x11 inch third quality white pine bringing £13 5s. Birch planks are weak in price owing to heavy stocks, but prices are not likely to go much lower, while an improvement inthe demand might easily bring about a sharp advance. STOCKS AND PRICES. The steamer ‘‘Concordia” is load- ing a cargo of deals at Chatham, N. B., for Glasgow. A raft containing about 4,000,000 feet of logs from the Spanish river arrived at Owen Sound last week for the Carney Lumber Company. Prices of cooperage stock at Buf- falo rule at $9.50 for first-class elm staves; 6 to6% cents for best bass- wood staves, and $9.50 to $10 for six-foot coiled hoops. Herman Noss & Sons, of York, Pa., are having about 2 million feet of pine cut at W. W. Carter’s mill i. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION at Fesserton, Ont. They own a limit in Gibson Township, on the Muskoka river. The Elder-Dempster Company are now loading the steamer Nyanza at Matane and Rimouski, Que., for Buenos Ayres, South America. She will take 2,600,000 feet of lumber, one of the largest lumber cargoes that has ever left the St. Lawrence. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN) St. Joun, N. B., August 3oth, 1906. —The activity in lumber man- ufacturing circles of this section continues. Shipments have also been considerable in volumn and local stocks of the most important lines are consequently on the light side. In short lumber particularly, the smallness of present stocks is a prominent feature. Cedar shingles of the higher grades are scarce, some shipments by schooner during the week having practically clean- ed up all available, and an entire month must elapse before any im- portant quantity is ready for ship- ment. Since last mentioned, shingle values have continued uniform un- der heavy receipts and at present writing are at least holding their own. Itis confidently expected by local interested people that the be- ginning ot fall building operations in the Eastern States will meana higher schedule of prices in this line, but while the tendency toward THE ONTARIO LUMBER C8 snes oh a Marte Tey, PR ere rok 7. R. Delivery higher prices seems to be growing more pronounced day by day, it is scarcely probable that the higher values which were prevalent early in the season will be equalled this fall. At this date non-dutiable shingles could not be bought, f.o.b. St. John, less than: Extra, $2.90; oe $2.40; 2nd Clears, $1.90 ; » $1.15, sees! authorities are of the opin- ion that spruce lath for export to the United States will be consider- ably firmer during the autumn than has been the case during -the sum- mer months, although no such boom as took place last fall is anti- cipated. So far prices are practi- cally uniform with those last quot- ed, although a firmer tendency is quite apparent. Conditions seem to be ripe for the advent of higher prices ; lath are remarkably scarce at this port—the total stocks at the local mills would scarcely aggregate a fair-sized schooner’s cargo—and advices trom Maine ports tell of no surpluses that would prove a_ vital feature. The demand at the chief building centres of the Eastern States promises to be particularly strong during the remainder of the season and sales are made rapidly and readily at the prices at present prevalent. Shipments of lath from this port during. the summer months have been considerable in quantity and it is apparent that, for the remainder of the building season, owing tothe MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH _ AND SHINGLES. ous 74. ¥ailaing 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. aeeed. & T. CHARLTONece ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— PUI MBE HR andy Are Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Best Workmen. Send us a trial car. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOUD, HEMLOCK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, ard about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and.Pine piled here in C:wen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS ae, Ou extreme lightness of stocks at pre- sent, New Brunswick lath will not be nearly as conspicuous as usual at this time-of year in the U. S. markets. For October delivery, a prospect- ive buyer would be quoted on non- dutiable lath from $2.50 to $2.60 per M and on dutiable lath from $2.25 to $2.35 per M, f.o.b. St. John. Freight rates by schooner to New York City range from 60 to 65 cents per M on lath, with the probability that the lower figure will be the current rate in the near future. The prevalent rate on shingles to Boston and vicinity is 30 cents per M and to the Sound 32% cents per M. BRITISH COLUMBIA LOG GRADES. Members of the British Columbia ‘Lumber and Shingle Manufacturers’ Association and the British Columbia Loggers’ Association recently met in conference with Mr. Andrew Haslam, provincial supervisor of log scalers, and drafted a schedule of grading for logs. The following schedule was agreed upon as Satis- factory to all interests : Flooring—Logs suitable for floor- ing and deck plank, reasonably straight, not less than twenty feet long nor less than thirty inches in diameter, clean and free from visible defects of such a character as would impair value for clear lumber. Merchantable — Logs that are HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. ‘RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood and Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited THE Woonstock LumBer & Me Co. & 2 Samples by MASON, GORDON oe 80 St. Francis Satler Street WHLESIE LUMBER and TIMBER Send for Catalo we September 5, 1906 sound, reasonably straight, free — from rotten knots or limb knots, not less than fourteen inches — in diameter, with the grain straight enough to insure strength and durability. Rough — Logs having visible defects, such as crooks, bad knots — or other defects that would impair — the value and lower the grade of — lumber below merchantable. ‘2 Culls—Logs not good enough fo rough grade. In all cases the scaler has the right to use his own judgment. 4 In case logs are defective and in” the opinion of the scaler will saw — out less than 50 per cent. of their contents in marketable lumber, all such logs shall be classed as culls. The grades are classed as ad | (1) flooring, (2) merchantable, (3) rough. . Ask Your Ticket Agent WSK GENT, RMA Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ashland Milwaukee, Chicago and all poiots east, west, north and south. . Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent | 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn,, or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis Stock sizes now ready. WOODSTOGK, ONT- KNIGHT BROTHERS a4 LIMITED Burk’s Falls. = MONTREAL, QUE. a Car and Cargo Lots Only 24 Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. - WE WANT TO BUY - 1%", 2” and 3 Rock Elm, ists and 2nds. = 1%", 134” and 2” Chestnut, % ", 14%", 134" and 2” Butternut, a THE MLENNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, Ue. Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, - ce _ September ase iis SPRUCE LUMBER AT BOSTON. Of the large producers some are still peremptorily demanding $23 for frames, g-inch and under, and refuse to accept less. There are others, however, and they are in the majority, who regard $22.50 as the outside for any buta really hard order, and who from a good customer would accept a bid of _ $22 for an ordinary frame. We _ have not, however, heard of any _furtherSbusiness this week at $21.- _ 50. The sellers who are quoting _ top figures affect to ignore that _ business is being done for less, but _ they are not, of course, taken seriously. About the immediate _ future there is still a great difference -_ of opinion. Some authorities are _ predicting an advance before the middle of next month, while others are equally sure ofadecline. There is no real change to note in the ran- dom situation. Sellers are often urgent, purchasers generally in- _ different,and it is difficult,therefore, to keep prices on an cven keel. Nevertheless, we heard of a close buyer who, after a thorough can- _ vass of the market this week, decid- ed that $18 was the inside price - for small sizes. No one speaks of the demand for spruce boards as of more than fair ‘proportions, and a little concession from the figures quoted below _ would fail to surprise, but they are, so to speak, the regular rates. For northern hemlock clipped boards a _ seller who has obtained $20 thinks he has done very well. There is beginning to be more in- quiry for shingles and the mills are taking a firmer view of prices. Al- ready $3.50 is sometimes quoted _. for nice brands of extras, and ‘it _ looks as though sales might result. WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER . ROSSED PULP WOOD St. Gabriel Lumber Co. Limited St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que, Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. a B. Farwell & Son a Contractors and Dealers in , GEDAR TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT ~~ POLES : | Oswego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. “ton Renfrew, Ont. ¥ = 7 cr. Mt: i fs a 4 “* 25,000 ft. sin. _ At Emsdale J 12,000 ft. 2 in. ’ 7,000 ft. 3 in. At Burk’s Fatts { CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION It seems quite possible, indeed, that next week it may be necessary to. add ro cents to the range of figures. At the moment the tendency is no doubt upwards. There is much more stir, too, in the market for laths, and although prices are not as yet quotably changed, the tone is, no doubt, firmer. For nice 1% inch laths, $3.50 is about the best a buyer can do. The seller’s tendency would be to add to rather than detract from this figure. In New York the range for 1 3/8 inch is $3.85 to $4.15. There is nothing new to be said about either the demand tor or the prices of clapboards. If a buyer is in need he has to look about a little before he can find any. If, on the otber hand, a mill has some to sell, itis not always easy to dis- cover a customer. HARDWOOD CONDITIONS. The following report on market conditions was ,submitted at the recent meeting of the Michigan Hardwood Manufacturers’ Associa- tion : Your acting secretary sent blanks to all manufacturers of hard- wood in Michigan requesting them to report the amount of stock on hand and unfilled orders July 1, 1906. Fifty-nine manufacturers reported and among these most of the larger manufacturers, although ten or twelve of the largest manu- facturers did not report their stock. From such deductions as we have made from a compilation of the stocks reported we think it probable that fifty of the largest manufactur- ers produce in the neighborhood of 90 per cent. of the hardwoods cut in Michigan. Twenty-nine out of Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots, Factory near Station. "Phone 13 THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Write for Prices. Manufacturers : High Grade|Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries ror prices, ete. by ail, Wire or Phone. McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., uma Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. a — —DRY BIRCH—— 50,000 ft. «1 In, 12,000 ft. 6/4 in. =~ 5,000 ft. 5x5 to1o x10 S aimrters Write for prices as we have to move it at once. ss Ghee LONG LUMBER. COMPANY, HAMILTON fifty-nine reporting, or a little less than 50 per cent. of those reporting, have 92% percent. of the stock reported. The woods on which we have reports are maple, beech, birch, elm and basswood. This report shows _ the the above woods in feet only and does not show sizes or grades. From such information as this committee is able to secure, it ap- pears that there is considerably less hardwood lumber in the hands of manufacturers than there was at this time last year, and that the demand is sufficient to consume all of it at fully as good prices and in some instances at much _ better prices than have prevailed during the present year. Thick maple is in much better demand and stocks much lighter than at any time during the past two years, and probably will be scarce before next winter’s cnt is in condition to market. The amount of beech lumber in stock is very well covered by orders and there seems to, be no_ surplus. Beech has been used very largely as a substitute wood, the purpose generally being to secure something cheaper than had been used before and from its use in this way many consuming manufacturers have come to know that beech is a valu- able wood for many purposes. We expect to see the use of beech in- crease both because of its merits and because for some time at least it will be the cheapest of hardwoods. Either of these reasons should be sufficient to help the price of beech. The stocks of birch are no doubt much lighter than they were at the beginning of the year, owing to a very much increased demand, due likely to concessions in prices. Mills: Branch Offices : amount of. Manchester, Eng. Ill. Fee eee Basswood has remained practical- ly unchanged during the past year, the supply about equalling the de- mand. We can learn of no accumu- lation in stocks, neither does there seem to be any marked decrease in stocks. Elm has not maintained the posi- tion taken by it early in the year, as there has been some decline in prices anda slight increase in stock due probably to the use of substitute woods. It is the opinion of this committee that the general conditions and out- look for Michigan hardwoods, taken as a whole, are probably better than at any time in their history. . Holden, Pres. A. F. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mg F, H. Goff, Vice-Pres, E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgt The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER x0 LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60° long. SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER GO. LimiTeD LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. seesaes: GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK ONE DOLLAR Will pay your Subscription to the Weekly and Monthly CANADA _ LUMBERMAN for ONE YEAR TORONTO ONTARIO Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - . Circusdar or ern Ase Ont. 26 miles West North Bay Gane UMBER anD LATH Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH! We have about too M. for quick delivery. BASSWOOD! tt. each of 1-in. Write us for prices. OTTAWA, Can. SPRUCE! Basswood and Ash W. B. BARTRAM & CO. IV. THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. in all We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries. We ory TRE MSE FSi ben ian HARDWOOD FLOORING = “™."swa*eccaua’*'™ STHIMON BROS, trp 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. —Our Prices will Interest vous —A. W. EYER & CO.— We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season's cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills: solicited. A. W. EYER @a CO. 43 Adelside strer Ay, DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, n WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - Tt, AT EL Apply at once to John Harrison & Sons Company, Limited Saw and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. Office : N. Y. We have a few cars of good No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Lath ELM RAILWAY TIES TELEGRAPH FOEES SPRUCE ASH CEDAR &o., &c., BIRCH PRINCESS PINE OAK B.C, CEDAR Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft, and up, 11” x 11’ and up, for saleata low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, "sti? QUEBEC HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON Wanted to Buy One Million Feet FOR SALE Lumber in car load lots. In grades red face . firsts and seconds and common in all thick- nesses, BIRCH WRITE T. L. BAILIE Box 268 - NORTH BAY, ONT. S It UOur WISH. . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY Mills having stocks for sale write for prices. Cash and quick ship- ment. An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman, Torento CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles September's, 1906 } a R. LAIDLAW LUMBER C0. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, onc" | Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber — Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. } MANUFACTURERS OF « . . . Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE. PLA YFATR & WHITE LUMBER + LATH - SHINGLES _— Bit cL tim BER a Specialty .. . MIDLAND, ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & C0. fo itak xt and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock ha Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T.R.,. and by Water, THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED — National Life Chamber TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. => OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, aie he Cook & Bros. “canes ,,. | White and Red Pine mis as rere” | Lumber and lle **$o00"" Branc Water Ship MANUFACTURERS OF Manaing Arcade, palin OFFICES Corteiins Building, Montreal. °o nod at Mills at Spragge. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK H%, 3%, %, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S, FINDLAY : OWBN SOUND, ONT. Quebec 727-728 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG, CANADA ~ We have on hand for Prompt Shipment: 370 M a” C Selects and Better B.C. White Pine ; 270 M 2” No.1 B.C, White Pine Shop; 450 Mm 2” No.2 B,C. White Pine Shop; 80 M 134” No. 2B.C White Pine Shop At Special Prices. Dry and Graded by a Competent Grader, September 5, 1906 CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vy. WE HAVE FOR SALE —a- 1,000,000 feet of 15/8 in. Cedar Door Stock, running from No. 1 shops to large percentage of perfectly clear. Write for prices Fairview Cedar Lumber Company P. O. Box 45, Vancouver, B.C. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS Fifa sm re LUMBER Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber CEDAR POLES AND TI C. A. SPALDING & CO Yellow Pine Timber a are pecialty, ieee e ° e rior Trim Mi r Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. he ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS eee OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN WHOLESALE HARDWOODS, | | 3 McCLURE LUMBER Co. | HARDWOND LUMBER, CYPRESS rank. BURY = BURY & NOBLE mason a nose YELLOW PINE AND OAK wuss LUMBER - DETROIT _ mocnican Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Manufacturers of . : a * Main Office: No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. Send us your r inquiries s for Southern Yellow Pine. Mill: EUTAW, Pete BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER - (4 titieban Street, LIVERPOOL TWood Brokersand Measurers | .» WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyRER & Co,, Keith Building, 4144 Barrington St Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC F. A. Lightbody & Co. GANT & KEMP TIMBER WOOD BROKERS 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW S Bi R 0 K F F S Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B “Zebra” and Private. Cable Address : “ TECTONA” Glasgow. adel for CANADIAN Met lls ase au oe SPRUCE ; Es Hardwoods In in hogs Et Ete. mis Aa nem CoN See | OUIS BAMBERGER, «2 | OH ON BA, UD. ext Rock sane EoKan rt Planks. Zs. leraptan OF i Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ ’ I Hickory Loge. Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Timber potters All cseaieea sad ean CRA Manufa ctured Ee ‘ eS apS 56 00 1% in. No. 2 Pine cuts and better.. 44 00 2” No. 2 Pine Cuts and Better...... 46 00 1% inch No. Cuts and better.. 41 00 2” No.-3 Cuts and Ll) Cube anaeeeoe 42 90 1 in. Pine Dressing and better shorts 23 00 1x4, 6and8common 20 00 1x 10 common.... 21 00 1x12 common.... 23 00 2x 10 common. 21 00 zand 3 xr2common 24 00 1 x 10 inch box and common......... 20 00 1’ mill run sidings 21 00 1 in. mill run,,.... 21 00 ixroandr2milleulls 16 50 I ee mill cull Sid- Sin iniulaaiaeieisls nie, I5 50 "dead cullsidings 12 00 1% inch Flooring 27 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. Hemlock,1x4 to 8 in 16 00 I7 Oo 52 00| 2x4 to 8 in.,10 to 16ft. 17 00 18 OO ax4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 18 00 19 00 55 00] Clear inch B. rol cedar, kilm dried. .....--++s 50 oo 58 00 | Clear inch B,C. cedar air dried boat lumber 55 00 46 00 | Dougias fir dimension timber, up to 32 feet 45 80 48 oo | Fir flooring, edge grain.......+.00- 43 00 42 00 | 1% in. No.1 4 ft. Pine WAU Uo. odelasienvien ne 4 50 5 oo 44 0.| 1% in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 3 75 4.00 144” No.1 32” pine lath 2 25 2 50 24 co| 1%” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 4 0o 2t oo | XXXX Pine Shingles 300 3 25 22 00| XX PineShingles .. 2:25 2 30 24 00 | X Pine Shingles .. go 22 00| XX Cedar Shingles 2 25 2 30 25 00 B, C. Shingles XXX 6 butts fo 2 in. 3 25 21 oo | XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 347 22 00 | XKKXX 5tozin.. 3 80 22 co| XX No. 2,6to2in.. 4 2 40 1750|XX “ 6to23-16in. Red pine, clear 16 50 and clear face... 23 00 24 co 13 90 ney pine, common BE 9OON Plan cc otaeelneen we--. 1400 17 00 FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, 1sts and Soft Elm, mill run 21 00 22 00 ands, 1 to 2in... $33 00 35 0o| Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, 1sts an and better, 1 in.. 25 00 26 00 ands, 1to2in.... 30 00 32 oo| Rock Elm, common sole Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 90 Ra serctaiate maton alm 23 00 24 oo| Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 00 Birch, common and Soft Maple common better, rin....... a5 00 2600| and better, rin 2200 23 00 Birch, common and Maple common and better, 1% to3 in 2700 28 oo| better, 1% to3 in 24 00 25 00 Bire illrun.... 21 00 22 00] Maple, mill run... 20 00 21 00 Be iea common Oak, red, plain, ists and better, rin.. 23 00 24 00 and andS........ 46 00 50 00 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, andbet., 1% to 2in 24 00 26 00| ists and 2nds.... 44 00 46 00 Basswood, millrun 21 00 23 0o| Oak,quartered, ists Soft Elm, common and 2nds......--. 70 00 75 00 and better, 1in.. 24 90 25 00| Hickory, rsts and Soft Elm, common BIAS aaineipinbistete. i= 36 00 38 00 ae bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 28.08 oa. OTTAWA. ONT. MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. Pine, good sidings: 1 x 10 No. 1 barn.. 24 00 in x7in, and upf40 00 44co|1x10NO.2 ,, . 22 00 1¥ in.andr¥in.x 1x8&g9No. 1 barn 21 00 22 00 8 in. and up.. . 4800 5600|1x8& 9No 2 ,, 18 00 20 co 2in, x7 in. and up 5200 5600 Sapp ae 6’ tort’ No.acuts2x8”&up'34 00 36 00 xX Io” .... 17.00 1800 CaNADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Pine good strips : T isesesas senesceee 35 CO 38°00 I 4° 00 a sh 00 Be zood short hy MAG Faas mnleials.« 30 00 2iGia, sada +, Seige 40 00 See bc ade 00 00 ar te Mg A Sidings.. FY oo Pine, No. 1 dressing siding... safe 2 27 00 Pine, No, 2 dressing Strips..... + esseesee 2000 28 00 Pine No.1 dressing SHOrtS|cewsie ates etn 18 00 22 00 Pine, 10 s. ¢ and bet- ter 12’ to 16’ . ....22 00 24 00 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- ter 12’ to1@.. .... 20 00 2100 Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings :9 00 24 00 | Pine s. c. strips...... 1§ 00 19 00 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 14 00 18 50 Pine, box boards.... 1400 15 oat September 5, 1906 a ae ae ee ¢ Were e: hit ie gee as 30 ae SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. 1in., 8” and me ise - $79 00 1%, 1% and . 77 00 7s and 3” * .. 86 00 “ a 94 00 SELECTs, 1in,, 8” and w wide. «-- 69 00 1%, 1% and da? 2% and 3” +e. 81 00 4” * ¥.+» 89 O00 FINE, COM, AND BETTER. 1 in., 8” and up wide.... 54 oo if and’ 14” a +... 56 00 i esOG FINE COMMON. MP oniste detnafiies's 45 00 to 60 oo 1%, 1% to 2”. 55 00 56 Co 2%,3and 4”.. 78 00 86 co NO. I CUTS. rin., 8” and up wide... 37 00 1¥ in. «++ 47.00 rg in, ss +. 47 00 au ot ++ 49 00 2%and3” ‘ «. 62 00 4” be --. 62 00 NO, 2 CUTS. : Lp 6” and up qranees +. 21 00 ie 33 00 pe ++ «+33 00 oN «+» 37/00 236, gand4” “ .... 49 00 No. 3 CUTS. 1in., 6” and up wide.... La “a ip and 134’ ec13I Se +2. 23 00 2%,3and4” ‘* wee 30 00 MILL RUN BAG 7 VaR CSO ~ See aI oo rb xh ee ee ods a eens 22 00 u” x OMT BM oe cc eee eect Ce ieee OF OD Pine mill culls..... 1500 1800 Pine O, culls...... - 9§0 1250 Spruce, 1’x4” & up t§ 00 16 00 Spruce, 1” stocks, 7,8,9and 10”,, , 16 §6 19 50 Spruce,1” clear (fine dressing and B.. 24 00 Hemlock ...... a 13 00 Basswood........... 18 00 23 00 Birchiined ae ns en 20 00 24 00 Lath, per M No.1 white piner%" 400 4 50 No, 2 white pine.... 350 3 75 Spruce, mill rnn..... 3 00 3 50 Red Pine, mill run.. 3 00 350 Pine Shingles xxxx, 18 inch........ 325 375 Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 75 3 25 xx: 18 inch......--+.. 170 200 White Cedar Shingles xxxx, 18 inch......+. 3.75 4 00 Clear Butt,r8inch.... 3 90 3 25 xx, 18 inch........-. 1 70 200 I 2 KO" since ssinseadeaes . 26 00 1 eee eles Soenlare . 28 00 i” xi13and up...... ee ao 1% xaand§ bcrrioe se eee$25 CO 1% x6” and T1T)..o patrnlee « 27 00 No. I 1 BARN, 1 intense «$27 00 to $35 00 1Y, 1% and a a and ule 33 00 to ¥ Lesecataen eos oo to 1%, 1%, and 2" 20 oo to 2% and 3”. NO. * BARN. TIME Saison ian niols 22 00 to No. r mill culls, 1, 1%, 1%, 2” MILL CULLS. Mill Run coe i”, Vhs 1% ; 15 co to 16 00 to and 2” .. pines septal SU) No, 2, “ “ we I oo LATH, ING 15-327 HE asa oie «+. 2 50 NBs? Be eave cee «+. 4 5O No. 1, 48” pine............ 2 00 ‘ 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, as, 2x7 an BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y, WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Uppers, 1, 1%, 144 and 2 Tee Wsssseussr pers IMs. cccssavccccoa, me SUID abosepeees «ate 2% and 3 in....... Shelving, No. 1, 13 in. Egan diiee ) ° (2) oO ° (=) > (<) (=) 5 (2) °o ‘oO {~) oO oO ‘o -) °o oO Ce (>) ) ) (>) {-) {~) Oo O Se oa {-) ‘o' C) SS, oS Ss ) co) cs) ) ° &(a0)0ca03(a0a(an)aca0)ocad EG ewgco ‘° C) () oe ) EEG S cs) 00) S ) J OG ° SHACIROIAASIAS ©9)5(G9)0(00)5(G2 C) ) > =) co) CARGARE 0)OCao Q5)2¢5 ONIGO3C6E S () ‘=} Ow oO Ss S J NOK (-) =) f~) So S) .s) OX OAQVIQASAAS e}QODSEo) ONIGESGesGe ‘= Ox ‘o INS ©0) OTE 2 J. B. MILLER, President. Mauufacturers of. ROUGH and DRESSED The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited — W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. INE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main ro16. Telegraph Codes : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. OX ORION So ~ iz ro EE Vor. XIV * WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.0 rer vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. REAGHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD TORONTO, MONTREAL — SEPTEMBER 12, 1906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER 5 No. 27. . CaNnaDA LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY ‘The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited _ Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices : 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. Telephone 1274. "i 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. Cc _. The Weekly Lumberman — Published evety Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- " ports of market conditions and tendencies in the Crt manufacturing districts and leading lomestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturersand ¢ ers and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. _. The Mon y conceal a ae ae lee discussing and impartially subjects perti- nent to the Panrher and wood-working industries. AND FOR SALE WANTED = S. _* Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15, cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 cent. will be allowed. ‘This notice shows the width of the line and is set im Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 a _ o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in ‘the current week’s issue ¥ AXTANTED—200M. FEET 2” SOFT ELM AT otice. Highest cash price will be paid. _ Dopps-Cook LUMBER Co., 436 Yonge street, Toronto, Ont. a - PORTABLE SAW MILL OWNER CAN ee * me have a contract to cut and handle half mil- lion ft. pine timber, must have a good outfit and ‘be ready to commence at once. ToRoNTO JcT. LUMBER Co., LIMITED, Toronto Junction, Ont. PINE AND HEALOGK L063 AND LUMBER WANTED ae ger nas HAVING OR EXPECTING TO i _ have ons or lumber for sale in large or gmail quantities, communicate with Box 406 CamapA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Es Timber Limits For Sale Bi VALUABLE TIMBER LIMITS IN THE __V Province of British Columbia. For particu- * pee Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. TIMBER LIMITS Bs FOR SALE 7 * ae — * dala! SQUARE MILES AND | twenty-two hundred acres of timber land, with ten.million feet of merchantable lumber, principally spruce, besides a large quantity of rapid growing timber. Also 7s h.p. mill with planer and lath machine s This property is situated close to the Interco- ‘lonial Railway and a very easy property to work. Apply to j GEORG McSWEENEY, 4 Hotel Brunswick, Moncton, N. B. —— FEW CARS OF CHEESE-BOX VFNEER for sale. Apply W. J. Moses & Son, Farrellton, Que. WAR — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity of Slabs. SrmcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED TO SELL OR EXCHANGE FOR Three Block Carriage and Saw Frame, ‘one 42” Circular Re-Saw, new. A. P. EBERT, Wiarton, Ont. WANTED-2” ROCK ELM, 1” BIRCH AND all thickness Black Ash, C. & B. 1” Cull Basswood, 1” & 2” Spruce. R. EK. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. PINE AND HEMLOCK OGS AND LUMBER WANTED. WRITE Box No, 408 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. 7/8 IN. BIRCH FOR SALE BOUT 100,000 FT. COMMON AND BET- ter 1905 cut. Apply for price, The HUNTS VILLE SYNDICATE, Huntsville, Ont. OR SALE—PLANING MILL ANDLUMBER yards at St. Thomas, This isa very profit- ablé business. Mr. Powers’ death isthe reason for sell'ng. Address SANDERS & PowErs, St. Thomas, Ont. FOR SALE. FEET 4/4 SOFT ELM LOG RUN, 900,000 Dead Culls out. Apply toDaviID. CONKLIN, Kingsville, Ont. FOR SALE. 5 CEDAR AND TAMARAC POLES, OO suitable for piles and telegraph poles, 7’ and up at the top end, 25 to 5o ft. long. Muskoka Woop MEF6. Co., Huntsville. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED \ ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO be cut next winter, any quantity up to fiye million feet Address Box 377, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE. Ba CARS CHOICE APPL=& BARREL heading. Few cars bone dry quartered H. Maple, 1%” & 2”. For prices write the W. R. THompson Co., Teeswater, Ont., Box 218. WANTED FOR CASH—1”, 14”, 1%” & a” NO. I common and better brown ash and birch; also 4x 4 to 8 x 8” elm, birch and maple squares. Address “‘LUMBER"’, Room 821, Park Row Build- ing, New York City. WHITE PINE BOX ORRESPONDENCE WITH MILLS TO supply Canada White Pine Box for Export, willing to contract for 400,000 feet. Terms cash. Apply J. CORTADA,15 Whitehall Street, New York, N. Y. To Lumbermen ACRES GOOD HARDWOOD TIMBER, yi about 1 mile from Spier’s Siding, G.T. -, hear Huntsville. Also sawmill at siding, in first-class running order. Above property is offered at great bargain, owing to death of late proprietor. Apply to Mxs. RoBERT SIMPSON, Novar P. O. FOR SALE INETY ACRES MORE OR LESS OF White Oak, Rock Elm and Pine Timber, situated within three or four miles of railway station. : This is one of the choicest lots of timber in Canada to-day. We will sell the whole or part of it. There is about one million feet B.M of Square and Board Timber of No. 1 quality. Address, Wm. PoTTER & Son, Tottenham, Ont. iy 4 fae chad So CARS OF CEDAR TIES 4’ face, 8” thick, 8 and 16’ long,two thirds 16’, delivered ‘‘Cardwell Junction’’ or ‘‘Baul- ton”. Apply Box 430 ,Sarnia. WANTED— EXPERIENCED BOOK-KEEP- er, one having had experience in the lum- ber business, permanent engagement, duties to commence at once. Apply Box 165, Brandon, Manitoba. , LIMIT FOR SALE t/ NICE LOTS SITUATED IN TOWN- I a 2 ship of Hope, County of Bonaventure, Prcvince of Quebec, on North Nouvelle river; lots contain spruce, birch, fir, etc, Fine locality to start small Jumbering business. Write P. NADEAU & Sons, Grand Cascapedia, P. Q. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The lumber market is showing considerable strength, for which the heavy local consumption is largely responsible. There are other factors, however, which are contributing towards firmness, The drives have come down very slowly and many logs have been hung up. Manufacturers are finding them- selves unable to carry out their con- tracts in respect to the delivery of lumber at the specitied time and buyers have in some instances Leen compelled to purchase elsewhere in order to meet the wants of their customers. Then low water in the Ottawa river has forced a tempor- ary shut-down of some of the mills. Under these conditions the tendency of prices is naturally upward. The most urgent demand pertains to the lower grades of pine. Inch mill culls and sidings are held at $15 at the mills, and mill run at $22. -Ten-inch box and common is worth $21 to $22. Hemlock has advanced about 50 cents and predictions are made that it will go still higher ; 1 x 10 and 12 inch, 12 to 16 feet in length, is held at $16 at the mill, while 2x4, 6 and 8 inch ranges from $15 to $17, the latter for 16 foot lengths. Manufacturers of hard- woods are showing more confidence and some at least are holding for higher prices. The average price is about $18 for mill run birch, $20 for soft elm and basswood, and $17 for maple and beech. EASTERN: CANADA. The quantity of waney white pine timber measured at Quebec up to September 5th of this year was only 602,720 cubic feet, compared with 1,076,000 cubic feet in the corre- sponding period last year, and 1,738,880 cubic feet in 1904. This large falling off would seem to indi- cate that the demand for waney pine in Great Britain is yearly grow- ing less. Prices have been main- tained fairly well, however, and’the light production this season will probably result in an advance in the near future. Square white pine also shows a decreased production, while the quantity of oak and elm which has reached Quebec this year is considerably larger than last year. The market for spruce deals and boards is firm. The high cost of labor and supplies will probably restrict logging operations the com- ing winter. New Brunswick cedar shingles are holding steady around $3.50 for Extras for Boston delivery, although there are still light offer- ings as low as $3.40. WESTERN CANADA. Indications point to the most active demand for lumber that Western Canada has ever experienced. Buy- ing in anticipation of the Fall trade is now in progress and the number of urgent orders received by the mills is evidence that retailers are carrying light stocks. A shortage in the supply seems likely to develop, as the bulk of lumber ordered will be wanted during the next two or three months. Higher prices are the rule. Edmonton dealers recently put into effect a new list covering spruce, pine, poplar, tamarac and rough cedar, which have been ad- vanced from $1 to $2 per thousand. There has been no further advance in shingles, but the demand is good and prices firm. UNITED STATES. There is a good demand for lumber throughout the United States and the situation from a price standpoint is strong. The past week, however, has witnessed both advances and declines of small proportions and governed almost entirely by local conditions. Buffalo and Tonawanda dealers are asking higher prices for low grade pine, which they consider has been selling too low in comparison with saw- mill prices. Prices of pine in New York have advanced from 50 cents to $2 a thousand. On the other hand, low grade boards at Minne- apolis are off about 50 cents, which is said to be due to certain box manufacturers offering to place orders for large blocks in considera- tion of this slight concession. The market there is strong on piece stuff and general building lumber. i. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION September 12, 1906. . The substitution of hemlock for white pine has further strength- ened the position of the former. Hemlock boards at Boston are quoted at $21 to $22 for 12, 14 and 16 feet lengths. Hardwoods are moderately active, with maple strong and birch selling in consider- able volume at unchanged quota- tions. Basswood is steadily im- proving, but elm continues quiet. GREAT BRITAIN. While the British market is steady, there is an entire lack ot buoyancy, and it appears that some difficulty is being experienced in sustaining prices. First quality pine deals are not moving as freely as the lower grades, the relatively high price apparently restricting consumption. The best quality deals are held at £33 to 435 per standard of 1980 feet, while thirds can be purchased for £12. Spruce deals continue firm and stocks are light. STOCKS AND PRICES. AWisconsin paper manufacturer is reported to have contracted for 12,- 000,000 feet of hemlock logs at $9, the delivery to be at the rate of 3,- 000,000 feet for four years. The highest price paid last winter was $8 delivered at the track. Some sales of No. 1 white pine lath are being made below $5 and it is believed that the substitution of cheaper lath is at last having its effect. No. 1 Norway and mixed are held from $4.50 to $4.75, and THE ONTARIO LUMBER Css sa North Bay. P.J.. src G.T.R. Delivery No. 1 hemlock and No. 2 white pine at $4.25 to $4.50. There will be shipped from Port Grenvlle, N. S., this season about five million feet of spruce; of this two million to the English market and the balance to the American market. In addition to this about 40,000 pieces of spruce piling will be shipped to New York. The lumber and piling will be shipped principally by the following: Fox River Lumber Company, H.Elder- kin Company, T.K. Bentley, Gesner Kerr, and William Slater. LUMBER HIGHER AT EDMONTON. Lumber pricesat Edmonton, Alta., were advanced on September 1st. The old and new list is given below: Spruce sills, 4 x 4,6 x 6,6x 8, 8x 8, old price $20, new $22. Spruce sills, 8 x 10, 10 x 10, 10 x 12, Tek a2; old price $21, new $23. Spruce sized, dimension up to 8 in. wide, up to 16 ft. long, old price $21, new $22. Spruce sized, dimension over 8 -in. wide, up to 16 ft. long, old price $22, new $23. Spruce, No. 1, dressed sheetiag to 8 in. wide,old price $20,new $21. Spruce, No. 1,dressed sheeting over 8 in. wide, old price $21,new $22. Spruce dressed flooring and ceiling, 4 in., old price $26, new $28. Spruce dressed flooring and siding, 6 in., old price $25, new $27. Spruce dressed shiplap, 6 in. wide, old price $23, new $25. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES, Home ond $ sing TORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. awd & T. CHARLTONece LUMBER ana LATH Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Best Workmen. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORIN( MASON, GORDON & CO. 80 St. Francis Seater Street WHLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER Send us a trial car. Limited Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, EMLOGK AND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard. ard about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in woods, Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market. WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS 4T OVTSIDE POINTS Spruce dressed, 8 in. to Io in. wide, old price Bai, new $26. Spruce finishing lumber, DiS or D28S, old price $30, new $35. Spruce No. 2 dressed sheeting, 6 in. wide, old price $17, new $18. Spruce No. 2 dressed sheeting, 4 in. wide, net $14, new $15. Spruce shorts, 4 in.wide, D1S, 6 ft. and 8 ft. long, old price $12, new $13. Spruce shorts, 6 in. to 12 in. wide, D1S, 6 and 8 ft. long, old price $16, new $17. Spruce boards in the rough, 1 x 4 to8 in. wide, old price $20,new $21. Spruce boards in the rough, 1 x 10 and wider, old price $20,new $21. Spruce plank, 3 in. thick to 8 wide, old price $21, new $22. Spruce plank, 3 in. thick to 10 in. wide and over, old price $22, new $23. Poplar sheeting, DiS, 6 in. old price $16, new $18. Poplar sheeting, D1S, 8 in to ro in. wide, old price $17, new $19. Poplar sheeting, DiS, 12 in. up, old price $18, new $20. Native tamarac sills and plank, old price $25, new $26. Shiplaps, short lengths, 6 ft. and 8 ft., $3 per M. less than long. Spruce lath,old price $3.75, new $4. ' Note.—$1 per M. is added to all kinds of dimensions for each 2 feet over 16 feet long. wide, and THE GLASGOW MARKET. The following particulars of the Glasgow market are extracted trom HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills ‘in Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL Mok pape We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of — Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. j HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood and Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock Lumser & ar 2 J Samples oy Car and Cargo Lots Only Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, Specialty : : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. Send for Catalo the monthly report of Messrs. Edmiston & Mitchells); 9°} Wuire Pine.—The import duri the month consisted of 11 59 oe per the steamer ‘‘Atbara,” the pelk | of which was composed of deliveries’ against contract purchases. the has been rather more demand in evidence, and one or two good lin es are reported to have been places Values are steady, and the stock is by no means excessive. a! E_m.—The import during Augus st has again been heavy, aggregating 1300 loads, the total import for the year to date being 2919 loads, as” against 1461 loads for the same period last year. Stocks are heavy and quite ample for the market’s — prospective requirements for some time to come. Values, however, Keep steady. Ask Your Ticket Agent WIseaNs ‘GAIA, RAL Minneapolis, St. Paul, - Aisin, 9 Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. ! Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. mera Free reclining chair « cars. Dining cars. aaa For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent — 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., — or Jas. C, Ponp, GF. A., io Milwaukee, Wis. y Stock sizes now ready. 4 WOODSTOCK, ONT. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. my il LIMITED Burk’s Falls. 5 MONTREAL, QUE. - WE WANT TO BUY .- 1%”, 2” and 3 Rock Elm, rsts and 2nds. r”, 1h", 1%" and 2” Chestnut, Be 1”, 14", 134" and 2” Butternut, ss THE MOLENNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, que, September 12, 1906 THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the Canapa LUMBERMAN.) Orrawa, SEPT. 7, 1906.—The Ottawa river has kept on sinking until now nearly all the lumbermen :- ) are inconvenienced by the low water. Every industry depending on -Chaudiere water power is in a simi- \ P lar plight and some steam auxiliary ; plants have been called into com- mission. The drop in the river level interferes with lumber manu- - facture more than any other because extra men have to be employed in getting logs out of the stream. The _ output of the Booth mill went down somewhat on account of the unfav- orable condition of the river. It has been difficult to get labor to operate under ordinary conditions and the situation has become more aggravated with the low water. Part of Booth’s mill has stopped night operations. for the want of help. The records taken by the Upper Ottawa Improvement Com- pany show that the water level at _ Quyon is ten inches farther down than its lowest point last year. The unprecedented drought of July fol- ahead to their destination. - Booth, lowed by a dry August has had a serious effect on the streams. During the last month logs have been accumulating at many points because they cannot be floated Ja Re the Hawkesbury Lumber Company, and R. & T. Ritchie of Aylmer, had to leave considerable _ portions of their drives in the Pete- _ wawa river, while in the Coulonge river are to be found much of the _ timber cut last winter by the Gillies Bros., Gilmour & Hughson and the W. C. Edwards Company. The way in which the logs come into the Ottawa river for delivery to the _ mills has made it impossible to sup- WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER a ROSSED PULP WOOD ‘St. Gabriel Lumber Co. Limited St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que, | Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. q B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in OEDAR 3 TELEGRIP, TELEPHONE AND ELEGTRIG LIGHT POLES , Oswego, N; ye se Renfrew, Ont. » 25,000 ft. jin. At Emsdale / 12,000 ft. 2in. a 7,000 ft. 3 in. way eae Pe : | Oe ee anes ~ ee a RR TG | ee aR ee Bancroft, Ont.. At Burk’s Falls dik 12, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ply all the manufacturers regularly. The Hawkesbury Lumber Company was So seriously affected in this way that its mill was closed for three days this week, resuming opera- tions September 6th. The efficiency of the Upper Ottawa Improvement Company is to be increased for next year’s oper- ations by the construction of a new steam tug which will operate be- tween Des Joachims and Allumette island. The steamer will be built in Pembroke. There is nota great activity in shipping pine these days. The United States buyers are giving small orders and it is not necessary to keep up the heavy shipments to the old country. Manufacturers are not uneasy because the business, even it has relaxed a little, is keep- ing up with other years. The wholesalers are now in the busiest season. From them it is learned that spruce has gone very strong and the tendency is toward higher prices. None of the other line have shown such activity in the last while. W. B. Bartram & Company, the big birch firm, is sold right up. The season has been a phenomenal one in this trade and the price has recently made an ad- vance of $2 a thousand. For the choice quality the demand is so keen that unprecedented prices can be obtained. Bartram & Company are building a camp onthe Rouge river to carry on extensive opera- tions in taking out birch the coming winter.. The firm are handling 10,- 000,000 feet this year and the out- look is that a greater demand will prevail in 1907. Owing to the ad- vances in the cost of labor and equipment for the shanties the manufacturers must ask what Planing and Matching —IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, Ss! DING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 T HE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, Orillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade'Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Barrel Heading, Wood Butter Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Plates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries tor prices, etc. by Mail, Wire or Phone. McLennan Timber Land and LUMDGr GO., vimitea ‘Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. — —DRY BIRCH—— 0,000 ft. 1 in. ‘000 ft. 6/4 in. \ 5,000 ft. 5x5 to10x 10 quarters Write for prices as we have to move it at once. Ghe LONG LUMBER. COMPANY, HAMILTON would have been startling prices a few years ago. BUILDING OPERATIONS. The remarkable activity in build- ing operations throughout Canada is shown by the permits granted in the cities of Winnipeg, Montreal and Toronto. Upte August 31st the Building Inspector of Winni- peg had issued 2,484 permits, re- presenting a value of $9,500,000. The figures at same date last year were $8,851,000. The building operations in Mont- real show an increase over the whole of last year. The total amount of work done last year was $5,590,698, while up to August 31st of this year permits had been issued totalling $6,510,485. The value of building permits issued in Toronto up to the end of August of this year was $8,660,525, as against $7,068,779 in the same period last year. THE BARBADOS MARKET. Under date of August 25th, Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Com- pany say of the Barbados market : The only arrivals for the fortnight have been the‘‘Success”, from Gaspe, with 58,000 ft. spruce and 1,094,000 shingles, and ‘‘Maggie Belle” from Gold River, with 100,000 ft. spruce and 14,000 ft. white pine. The spruce ex former vessel, which was a mixture of second quality and inferior, brought $16.70, while the ‘“‘Maggie Belle’s” cargo, of which g0,000 ft. was second quality, was sold at $24.26 and $19.10. respect- ively, for merchantable and second quality. In white pine the little lot by this vessel brought $28 and $22 Hi. respectively. We also learn of a cargo having been contracted for at $27.25 and $22. These sales, how- ever, have affected the market very little, and next arrivals of both white pine and spruce should bring very full rates. Shingles — The *‘Success” shipment was placed as follows: 594,000 cedar laying No. 1 at $1.84 to $1.86, 81,000 extra No. 1 at $1.90, 136,000 long Gaspe at $5.63 to $6.05,and 114,000 extra large at $6.30; 65,000 Dimen- sion at $4.20 to $4.35, 4-inch, $5.50 to $6.60 5-inch $7.50 to $7.60 6- inch, $8.50 to $8.60 7-inch, $9.40 to $9.60 8-inch, $10 g-inch. A. F. Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’1.-Mg F, H. Goff, Vice-Pres. EE. C. Barre, Asst Mg The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER anD LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any tensity; from 10’ to 60’ long. SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LimiTeED Mills: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda sess GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO The Weller Sills Co., Limited BELLEVILLE, ONT. Timber and Lumber Dealers A SPECIALTY IN Long Timbers, both Pine, Soft Wood and Hardwood Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band =- Circular vane Werte Ont. 26 miles West North Bay Gane UMBER anD LATH _ Bank St. Chambers. BIRGH! We have about too M. for quick delivery. BASSWOOD! tt. each of 1-in. Basswood and Ash Write us for prices. OTTAWA, Can. SPRUCE! W. B. BARTRAM & CO. Vv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION September 12, 1906 | CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. R. setae ichal LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. —_— TORONTO= We are now sawing and can take orders for Diente dus your enquiries. | SARNIA e ‘ 4 BUFFALO — oe el eg ; n atched, Bored, Polished ns Head, HARDWOOD FLOORING 39 “™.""Ss"azst.”""" | PEDWELL & LEMCKE, “04 : STH MON BROS, : giacne ania MANUFACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber — . “ae ; —Our Prices will Imerest You— alga Pfam oe Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. ———————— iE . ——A. W. EYER & CO. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE. — We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season ’s cut or buy what PisA. Y HATR Fava; Ww ETT you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers 2 43 Adelaide Street East LU M BER « LATH e SH / NCLES — A.W. EYER @ CO. - TORONTO, ONT. _LUMDER ° LAIN ° OnINGLED Contractors for Reuway aru DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, Ino, ; ==>" ~ MIDLAND, ONT. WHOLESALE LUMBER | MAITLAND, RIXON & CO, sam = = N. Y. Pe ae and Dealers a Sait alee: LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. 5 i A 7 EL We have a few cars of good | Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff, No. 1.and No. 2 Pine Lath Pry Pf . T.R., and by Wate SURF Apply at once to THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LI John Harrison & Sons Company, Limited Natfenel Lite Cha.cbar TORONTO, uanire A 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Mata 6244) Saw and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants — —_——<———————————————— Ferguson Lumber Comp: any Lumber Ma nuipemire? at Midland, South River nel Serler. LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, RHODES, CURRYS CoO., Limited _ B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES . LUMBER MERCHANTS. TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING. AND CEDAR TIMBER aaa ae! an at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of on P { Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. ‘a IRC ELM RAILWAY TIES Amherst, N.S See oCK PRINCESS PINE ASH - 'PELEGRAPH POLES e : PINE OAK CEDAR &o., &o., &o : ale sta ite Sacha he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF amysiiog in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. . nd up, 1” x 1x’ and up, for sale at a low price for immediate delivery. Lumber Co. ? Whi ite a d R d Pi hela J. AMES J. MURPH Y, Bye of ae # go Q UEB EC of Ontario, Limited n @ ne — MILLS ‘ote SPRAGGE, Mipcom ey ie Sa Ont. “$00” Branch C. HARDWOOD FLOORING omitazizues. | Lumber and Lath And at Mills at Spragge. Water Shi End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled ree —— Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price HARDWOOD FLOORING THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited Sete Pas ai Bay St. T nto Factory, Meaford ; See aa range MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK , %. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Revie: TEM. BREMEN& SINS MANDFAGURING GD, LIMITED. SSRN and Saw Mills at Planing Mill and Head Office: ALL KINDS OF BEPP HE LUMBER © RAINY LAKE, Ontario. HAMILTON, Ontario. J. S. FINDLAY : OWBN SOUND, ONT, ~ We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and ; AUG R & Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Quebec a Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles sic "One Million Feet BIRCH For sate Lumber in car load Mills having stocks for WRITE lots. In grades red face sale write for prices. firsts and seconds and |’ Cash and quick ship- T - L = BAI LI E common in all thick- ment. Box 268 - NORTH BAY, ONT. %°°S°S: , tated th bt an ann nnnnnnnnnnnnnnrnneuat R. H, ROYS, Fre, SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. ; ‘ ALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. MANUFACTURERE OF O [ck Rew Secy. LUMBER AND SALT SAGINAW, MICH. Mills at Sandwich, Ont. . $ WINNIPEG, — MAN. CRRVESERCEEEEREREEEEEEEESEEED 1000080 | September 12, 1906 Canapa LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. WE HAVE FOR SALE —-_ 1,000,000 feet of 15/8 in. Cedar Door Stock, running from No. 1 shops to large percentage of perfectly clear. Write for prices Fairview Cedar Lumber Company P. O. Box 45, Vancouver, B.C. UNITED STATES MANUFAGTURERS AND WHOLESALERS Haagen LUMBER Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER Y @ U Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling WHITH PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, a Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CA N California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Cc. A. SPALDING & CO. Yellow Pine Timber a Bee ey fee TERS = E A Cc A | Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. THE BONSACK LUMBER CO.|f Mar ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. 7 CLEVELAND, OHIO WHOLESALE MARDWOODS) | YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS ST. LO U | S Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty RAIL,MAIL |J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. cE OR ! GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, “oHONE : HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN McCLURE LUMBER CO. = ae HARDWOND LUMBER, CYPRESS reankee. BURY §=©90 BURY & NOBLE mason a. noste wot vz - : YELLOW PINE AND OAK Hit. Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty — LUMBER . DETROIT MICHICAN Main ‘Office : No. 520 Franklin Street - DETROIT, MICH. Send us your r inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. Mill: EUTAW, ALTA. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS aah & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER - [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL a spe | Wood Brokersand Measurers | .. WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TvRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington St Cable Addrese “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC F. A. Lightbody & Co. GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER ~wO OD BROKHRS 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW el p R 0 K F R Address; ‘‘TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A.B.C., Ax, “Ze bra” and Private. Agents f UCE ; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Cable Address : “ TECTONA” * Glasgow. Shipments ‘or CAN = A ee picket pondence S Roived. Ax and A B C Codes used. [QUIS BAMBERGER, © "iss" os | JOSEPH OMEN 8 SONS, LID. |zxegntuszso” Rock Maple Logs and Planks. bo aR Address‘ Fscivae: London.’ Logs. IMPORTER OF-cneumaieens 6 Hickory oe. Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Timber Importers pie ee: AESO) se: eae ——— se Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS | ©? Address “Owen Liverpool!’ Biverpool, meg ee a Cee 4 JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER | ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS > WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS BUYERS OF Binies and heautnns. Berea eae i Cauceripuons Liverpool and London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND eneers A Speciealtv ; CABLE ADDRESS “DOBLE LIVERPOOL,’ / = a a 4 " 4 « re y ie c . rf OE OE A Sart ee Te MT . ae VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION September 12, 1906 platen E. H. HEAPS & CO., aA ae 5. Cg i umber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : a AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. ’ Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet i in length. Ww. st SHEPPARD, ha ie chy WwW. L. Vani inner ata ioe ubaushen ncouver, MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUGE LUMBER Oo» Limited LATH, MOULDINGS , Lum pabet Cc Ce oast dQuveiese HIGH GRADE pacilic a RED GEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO THE RED DEER = co. BARROWS, SASK. K OUT FOR THE GARS!! 7 ant ye earns : | | SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH Cars have been, are now, and will be scarce this season. It is ‘‘ up to you” g to anticipate your future needs. and s order earlier. > 5 a ¢ 8 33 MOULDINGS aii TURNINGS Se as We have the most up to date mach- D F a ines in the market for this work and ft os 3 can supply Fir or Cedar Mouldings and o of Turned Work of finest quality by the bs 3 < carload. £6 oS Bs a LUMBER-—of all sizes and finish. ® 2 a) s BEVEL SIDING—“ Ready to put on. . 3 3 SHINGLES—From the best Extra XXX =| to the finest fancy Butts < 16 inch to 24 inch long. Special attention to the Prairie Provinces Getting to the Bottom of it Pe We mean our file of orders, so that now we can give you promp THE | HASTINGS SHINGLE MF. C0. shipments on anything. 3f a vilenpicatcte THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK. Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, Manitoba. We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. 4 W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER, B.C. LUMBER oe atthe. GLES| Send us your Mah A up orders for_shingles. Our new stw mill will soon bein REET eens 3; advise us of your Mis sores” now, September 12, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. E. H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President. ] UNION LUMBER COMPAN Y, LIMITED HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. ~ Our uy Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER Day We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH BRIDGE, i FELBER, JUCKER & CO.) ONE, DOLLAR J, D. SHIR LUMBER CO., LIMITED Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc. Lumber Importers Manufacturer of _ MANCHESTER ENGLAND Will pay your subscription to the CANADA Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings Sede idbarmen, Abie to. cut Bi-ch oe ea gen tiolgeleate , | Zatatstes? HARDWOOD FLOORING Sauer cling, te write for specifics: Pig peas ie a Sisoras spool makin Oo write etc ssed Lumber In'D if desi oa spect “8 O N E> my EA R End Matched Flooring a Specialty. = J Rieiconea | " 16 iit; ee He Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY tensed eteesatiea Pepto Ont Rat Portage Lumber Co. Limited (WITH MILLS AT BC VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Ue Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. THOMAS papeeree H. H. SPICER, SIDENT. MGR. AND SEC'Y | Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. if WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. ; Shipping Capacity is I, 500,000 ‘Shiites per Day =a VI. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION i ¢! pe ee? i_. " fi rt - YS = A ey ate ; 74% Mee i ‘ml ¢ eer ee “4 het | ; - ; La GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES--WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. zr inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock, 1x4 to 8in 16 50 17 50 cuts & better.:..$49 00 51 00] 2x4 to 8 in.,10to 16ft. 17 50 18 50 1% inch No. I 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. Ig Oo 20 00 cuts and better.. 54 00 56 00| Clear inch B.C. cedar, 2” No, 1 Cuts and kiln dried. ..... 50 00 Better.......---- 56 00 58 00| Clear inch B.C. cedar 1% in. No. 2 Pine , air dried boat lumber 55 00 cuts and better.. 44 00 46 oo | Douglas fir dimension 2" No. 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 32 feet a5 80 and Better.. ... 4600 48 oo| Fir poo edge 1% inch No. ETAiN....--.1-00s 43 00 Cuts and better.. 40 00 42 00 | 1% in. "No. 1 4ft. Pine 2’ No. 3 Cuts and Path... des ecl-sanes .» 4.50 5 00 Better......----- 43 00 450 | 13%in. No. 2 4 ft. Lath 3 75 4 00 1 in, Pine Dressing 1%” No.1 32” pine lath 2 25 2’50 and better shorts 23 00 25 ¢o| 1%” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 4 00 1x4,6and8common 20 00 2t oo | XXXX Pine Shingles 300 3 25 1x 10 common.... 21 00 22 00| XX PineShingles .. 225 2 30 1x12 common.... 2300 24 00|X Pine Shingles .. go 2x10 common,... 2100 2100| XX Cedar puinelce 225 230 aand 3 x12common 24.00 25 00 B.C. rt y dae 1 x 1o inch box and XXX 6 butts fo 2 in. 3 25 common. 2190 22 00| XXXX 6to 23-16 in. 347 1” mill run sidings 21 00 22 00| XXXXX 5 to2in. 3 80 1 in. mill run.....- 22 00 23 co| XX No. 2,6to2 in.. } 2 40 1xtoandr2milleulls 16 50 175§0|XxX “ 6 to 23-16 in, tNaee mill cull Sid- Red pine, clear .. 1600 1700 and clear face... 23 00 24 00 "dead ‘cullsidings 13 00 13 50 ES pine, common 1% inch Flooring 28 00 29 OO} 2”... save Agee AO 14 00 17 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, tsts and Soft Elm, mill run 21 00 22 00 ands, 1 to 2in..- $33 00 35 00 Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, 1sts and and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 ands'1 to 2in.... 30 00 32 00| Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 90 ch Mere ier 23 00 24 00| Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 00 Birch, common and Soft Maple common better, rin.....-- 2400 25 00| and better, 1in 2200 2300 Birch, common and Maple common and better. 1% to3in 26 00 27 00} better, 1% to3in 24 00 2600 Birch-gmill run.... 20 00 21 00) Maple, mill run... 20 00 21 00 Basswdod, common Oak, red, plain, ists and better, 1in.. 24 00 25 00 and onds...... -» 46.00 §0 00 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, andbet., 1% tozin 25 00 27 o0| sts and 2nds.... 44 00 46 00 Basswood, millrun 21 00 22 00| Oak quartered, ists Soft Elm. commou and onds........+ 70 00 75 00 and better, 1 in.. 24 00 25 0o| Hiekory, ists and Soft Elm, common andS....-+++-+-+% 36 00 38 00 and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 25,28 Ce OTTAWA. ONT. MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. Pine, good sidings: I x 10 No. I barn.. 24 00 tin x7in. and upf4o0 00 4400/1x10No2 ,, .- 22 00 r¥ in.andrin.x 1x&8&gNo.1 barn 21 00 22 00 8in, andup.. .. 48 00 56 00 5 eueen No 2 », 18 00 20 00 2in. x7 in. and up 52 00 56 00 PineShorts 6 torr’ No.zcuts2x8”&up 34 00 36 00 KNOCK ae scsme's ... 1700 18 00 Pins good strips : LT iMsecccce cavesccce 4 co 38 00 14 5 in. and 1% ag += 36 00 mS 00 " 00 45 00 00 3000 00 40 00 Sande. Sead eehdn 00 44 00 9” to "9 A Sidings.. 17 00 Pine, No. t dressing siding.... ....- 23 00 2700 Pine, No. 1 dressing strips..... + sseee-++ 2000 28 00 Pine No.1 dressing BHOTES| ac \enismnvalicnon 18 00 22 00 Pine, ros, c and bet- ter 12’ to 16’ ,. ....22 00 24 00 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- ter 12’ to1r@...... 20 0 2100 Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings :9 00 24 00 Pine s. c. strips...... 15 00 19 00 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 14 09 18 50 Pine, box beards.... 1400 15 00 Pine mill culls..... 1500 18 00 Pine O. culls.......11 00 13 50 Spruce, "x4" & up (§ 00 16 00 Spruce, 1” stocks, 7,8,9 and 10”... 16 §6 19 50 Spruce,1” clear (fine dressing and B.. 24 00 Hemlock ..... a 14 00 Basswood......... aI 00 23 00 Birch ccc neces 4200 23 00 Lath, per M No.1 white pine1}4” 400 4:0 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. 1in., 8” and A) wide..$79 00 1%, 1% and 2” es +» 77 00 a and 3” SS se hBOvOO fs -« 94 00 SELECTs, 1in,, 8’ and u Wide a ae 1M, 1% and dz?“ oeee 67 00 2h and 3” .-. 81 00 4” A ghee « EOVGD FINE, COM. AND BETTER. 1 in., 8% and up wide.... 54 oo 1% and 1%” oe ws. 56 00 a” hie ---- 57 00 FINE COMMON. IU ag aenitesies, 45 00 to 60 00 1%, 1% to 2” 55 CO 56 00 2%,3and 4”.. 78 00 86 00 NO. I CUTS. rin., 8” and up ia 37 00 1¥ in. +. 47 00 1% in, : +++ 47 00 ae ty +++ 49 00 2%and3” ‘ ... 62 00 4” =e ... 62 00 NO, 2 CUTS. 1 in., 6” and up wide.... 21 00 1% ceed COE 1%” «+ ++33 00 2” S wate 2790 2%,3and4” ‘ sees 49 00 No. 3 CUTS. 1in., 6” and up wide.... ih and 14” re seer 2%,3and 4”. “ Fone) BO MILL RUN Ce A SR ee wav ofale'e phot 2 UROPO hil ok ok a A Hodes 22 00 i x6and 8”.......+60-- 25 00 No, 2 white ee 350 3 75 Spruce, mill run..... 3 00 3 50 Red Pine, mill run.. 3.00 350 Pine Shingles xxxx, 18 inch........ 325 3 75 Clear "Butt, 1Binch .. 2 75 325 xx: 18 inch........... 170 200 White Cedar Shingles xxxx, 18 inch.....«6. 3.75 4 00 Clear Butt,18inch.... 3 90 3 25 xx, 18 iach ek. Lees; I 7o 200 14 BIO" wi dewseessecsrns 26 00 19 ERs snleee . 28 00 1” x13and up.. «+. 49 OF Tp aan s aida tae eens $25 OO 1% x 6" au Up......--. 27 00 IVY X TOM... ee ececvees . 28 00 Me ie 05 7 INE ASSO QOL ONG 30 00 1% x6’ and up........ +. 27 00 4 RAO ces tasted as 28 00 Poh a ACEH eco 30 00 yf x 6” and up.. «++ 27 00 al x 10" &

o CO) ©) oO =) =) ° ) oO SF a Ss Oe oO So ° ts} 0! =) ° cs) So, =) CID Sy@ ° (~) (~) RED AESC? 0) OG () oc o ©) C) J. B. MILLER, President. Mauufacturers of: The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. ROUGH and DRESSED PINE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO Telegraph Codes : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. Toronto Telephone Main 1016 ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. (ROE ERE x =a gen I side ts Ps Cm pe AND WOOD J. Se ee ove WEEKLY E/DITION BERM ORKER The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 Per rear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, Girl week. gy . _ REACHES RECULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD Canapa Lumperman PUBLISHED BY - The G. A. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited _ Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. es Branch Offices: ; 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL _ 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. ; Telephone 1274. ‘615 HaSTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. fhe Weekly Lumberman — Published every _ Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- _ ports of market conditions and tendencies in the 2 Phenyl" ‘manufacturing districts and leading estic and foreigm wholesale markets. A * weekly medium of information and communica- _ tion between Cana: timber and lumber manu- a rs and the purchasers of timber proautte at The valty rman— A 44-page journal, : in ; e and abroad. — -discussin: and impartially subjects perti- ment to the lumber and et eking industries. 4 ~ ———— Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. ‘When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of aan will be allowed. bas palpi the wae ith ofthe line and is set ts Nor type ; 12 lines e one inch. - ‘yertisements must be received not later than 4 ick p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in current week’s issue WANTED 200M. FEET 2’ SOFT ELM AT V once. Highest cash price will be paid. D —K LUMBER Co., 436 Yonge street, r , Ont. \A7ANTED FOR CASH—1", 13/”,.1%4” & 2” NO. __ YY + commion and better brown ash and birch; _ also 4x 4to8 x8” elm, birch and maple squares. Address “ ER’, Room 821, Park Row Build- ing, New York City. ‘DINE AND HEMLOGK LOGS AND LUMBER WANTED "DARTIES HAVING OR EXPECTING TO Z have logs or lumber for sale in large or small quantities, communicate with Box 406 _ Cawapa LuMBERMAN, Toronto. = Ps = Timber Limits For Sale ALUABLE TIMBER LIMITS IN THE _ _V Province of British Columbia. For particu- _- lars Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. - «; * TIMBER LIMITS ____FOR SALE RENTY-SIX SQUARE MILES AND twenty-two hundred acres of timber land, ten million feet of merchantable lumber, neipally spruce, besides a large quantity of d ing timber. = ue b.p. mill with planer and lath machine ‘is property is situated closeto the Intereo- ial Railway and a very easy property to . Apply to ; GEORGE McSWEENEY, ‘Hotel runswick, Moncton, N. B, Ditoet yo nh als _ ———. . TORONTO, MONTREAL —- SEPTEMBER 16, 1906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER No. 28. = FEW CARS OF CHEESE-BOX VENEER for sale. Apply W. J. Moses & Son, Farrellton, Que. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. Simcoz Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, FOR SALE. 5 CEDAR AND TAMARAC POLES, OO suitable for piles and telegraph poles, 7” and up at the top end. 25 to so ft. long. Muskoka Woop MFc. Co., Huntsville. : HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO be cfit next winter, any quantity up to five million feet Address Box 377, CANADA LeRKER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. WHITE PINE BOX ORRESPONDENCE WITH MILLS TO supply Canada White Pine Box for Export, willing to contract for 400,000 feet) ‘Terms cash. Apply J. CoRTADA,15 Whitehall Street, New York, N. Y. : FOR SALE INETY ACRES MORE OR LESS OF White Oak, Rock Elm and Pine Timber, situated within three or four miles of railway station. This is one of the choicest lots of timber in Canada to-day. We will sell the whole or part of it. There is about one million feet B.M of Square and Board Timber of No. 1 quality. Address, WM. PoTTER & Son, Tottenham, Ont. Quebec Timber Limits For Sale One hundred square miles of Virgin Timber Limits for sale. Situated on the Grand Cascapedia River. For particulars apply to THOMAS CROCKETT, Riviere du Loup, P. Q. fluction Sale Timber Limits On Tuesday, the 22nd Day of Jan- uary, 1907, at 2 p. m. James Cox and the Estate of the late J. P. Logue will, subject to a reserve bid, offer for sale’by Pnblic Auction in the Rotunda of the “Russell,” Ottawa, timber berths Nos. 194 and 195, situate in the Gatineau District of the Province of Quebec, which contain one hundred square miles, more or less, These limits are held by the Vendors under the usual renewable licenses, issued by Crown in ‘right of the Province of Quebec. The terms and conditions of payment will be made known at the time of sale. For further information apply to bee AYLEN & DUCLOS, Solicitors of Vendors, Trust Building, Ottawa. ‘Basswood, 1” & 2” Spruce. A\WANTED—2” ROCK ELM, 1” BIRCH AND : all thickness Black Ash, C; & B. 1” Cull R, E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. PINE AND HEMLOCK OGS AND LUMBER WANTED. WRITE A Box No, 408 CANADA L,UMBERMAN, Toronto. SOFT ELM FOR SALE «>BVERAL CARLOADS 1%”, 2’ AND 3” DRY s) Common and Better. Box 409 CANADA TUMRERMAN, Toronto. HARDWOOD LUMBER WANTED APLE, 1”, 2”, 3”, 4”; ROCK ELM, 2”; ASH, 1’ and 2”, Manufacturer, Box 410 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, LIMIT FOR. SALE 1/ NICE LOTS SITUATED IN TOWN- I 7 2 ship of Hope, County of Bonaventure, Province of Quebec, on North Nouvelle river; lots contain spruce, birch, fir, etc. Fine locality ‘to start small lumbering business. Write P. ‘NADEAU & Sons, Grand Cascapédia, P. Q. ORSALE—2as50 M.BASSWOOD; 75 M BLACK Ash; 30M Soft Elm; all 1’: log run, dead cullsout. Ready to ship. Purchaser cam ship “Son grade if desired. Tar Prarce Co,, LIMITED, Marmora, Ont. SPRUCE LATH W SUPPLY A LARGE TRADE THE year around, and are consequently al- ways in want of laths, both 1%” and 15%”. Write us. CHARLES S. WENTWORTH & Co., jo Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. Eight Ft. Cedar Posts For Sale. Be QUALITY. ALSO A QUANTITY OF Oak, Birch, Maple and Basswood lumber and XX and X Cedar Shingles at reasonable prices. For particulars apply to MCALLISTER Bros., Cockburn Island, Ont. WANTED O CORRESPOND WITH LUMBERMEN who can furnish from one hundred to six hundred thousand feet of Soft Elm per year to be delivered to Kingston, Ont. Address the Sr. LAWRENCE B, B. Hus MFG. Co., Benson Mines, N, Y., St. Lawrence Co, WANTED OSITION AS SUPERINTENDENT, MAN- AGER or Partner in a Lumber Concern Operating between Lake Superior and Pacific Coast,Canada. Character assured; habits strictly temperate; large experience American and Canadian logging methods. Box 412 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont OVER $4,000.00 PER MONTH GA AND PLANING MILL IN B.C. MAK- inga net profit of over $4,000.00 per month, for sale a going concern, with fine residence and gardens, land, timber, etc. Price $75,000, one third cash, balance on easy terms. Only rea- son for selling, owner has too many businesses to look after. Principals only need apply. Box 411 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, WANTED Two or three cars of first-class Hard Maple Axles, dry stock. Our sizes are 41/2 x 5 1/2 and 4in. x 5 in., with a few 41/2 x 6in. We are also open to purchase ten cars for delivery next spring. Quote price, and give fuli particulars. The CHATHAM WAGON CO., Ltd., Chatham, Ont. a ee ANTED—TWO CARS OF CEDAR TIES 4’ face, 8” thick, 8 and 16’ long,two thirds 16’, delivered ‘‘Cardwell Junction’’ or ‘‘Baul- ton”; quote also on forty thousand feet 8x8 Cédar. Apply Box 430 ,Sarnia. FOR SALE ] %,CAR 1”, % CAR 2” DRY MAPLE CUT 1905, log run, hearts, dead culls out, $18.00 f. o. b. Lavant Station; also 2 cars each Basswood 1”, 1”, 2”, good stock, cut this season, log run,dead culls out, $18.00 f.0. b., Lavant Station. Apply R, R. DrYSDALE, Lanark, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Complaints regarding the lumber trade come from two _ sources, from shippers who have been un- able to secure cars to move their lumber, and from dealers and con- sumers who have permitted their stocks to run low and are waiting for a break in prices in order to replenish. The car shortage has affected the entire trade seriously, the quantity of lumber held up on this account being very great. The second complaint is an indication of the strength of the market. Buyers who hoped to be able to purchase at lower prices during the midsum- mer period were disappointed, and at present indications are. more in the direction of an advance than a decline. Pine sidings and strips have recently advanced in the Ottawa Valley, and box boards are stiffening under the stimulus of a good demand and probable short- age. A gentleman who recently. returned from a visit to several northern mills reports that stocks will be no more than sufficient to supply the demand until the 1907 cut is ready for the market, while in certain grades there may be a shortage. Hemlock and hardwoods are going into consumption quite Jargely with no tendency towards weakness. For the higher grades of birch and basswood there is an improved demand. EASTERN CANADA. The tone of the spruce market is steadily improving. The low water in the St. John river is now giving lumbermen much concern, as_ it promises to tie up a considerable quantity ef logs which were expect- ed-to reach the mills this year. Happening at a time when the de- mand for lumber is increasing, and the British: market in particular showing more activity, the result is almost certain to be a shortage in the supply and consequent higher prices. We do not expect a sharp If. advance but rather a gradual hard- ening of values, the extent of which will depend largely upon the offer- ings. If the large mill owners stand t @ ther they can no doubt put “--s higher. ~Cedar shingles are irm at $3.50 tor Extras for Boston dlivery, and lath are inclined to advance. The New England de- mand has been exceptionally heavy, with standard 15% inch slab lath quoted at $3.65 to $3.80 and 12 inch at $3,50 to $3.60. UNITED STATES. Lumbermen look upon the har- vest of 1906 with a great deal of satisfaction. The quantity of wheat that has been harvested is the largest on record, and if the corn crop is not damaged by early frosts, it, too, promises to be an abundant yield. The crop of these two cere- als should form the foundation ofa large demand for lumber and enable manufacturers to dispose ot} all they can produce at good prices. White pine is generally reported strong, although sales are not as numerous as might be expected. There is a tendency to withhold orders in the hope that concessions may be ob- tained later in the season, but the realization of this expectation seems unlikely. Some sales are reported for delivery next year at prices in advance of quotations earlier this season. The position of spruce lumber has improved steadily of late, and most of the larger mills now have orders which will con- sume their product for several weeks, The Weller eer Se ea CANADA LUMBERMAN Hemlock is firm. Prices have ad- vanced considerably during the year, and, as with pine, there is a dispo- sition to withhold orders until the eleventh hour. The hardwoods are showing considerable activity, and especially factory lumber. Birch and basswood are selling quite largely, with indications of a con- tinuance of a good demand well in- to the winter season. GREAT BRITIAN. Canadian lumber seems to be gradually getting into a stronger position in the British market. The figures of imports indicate a more healthy condition of trade than has existed for some time past. The stock of pine deals at Liverpool is about 26,000,000 feet, compared with 20,000,000 feet one year ago. There is also a decrease in the sup- ply of spruce deals, Quebec waney white pine, red pine and oak planks, _ the principal exception being birch logs and planks, which have been im- ported too freely-and are now held in considerable quantities. Quebec pine deals are showing an upward tendency, due largely to an increase in freight rates of five shillings since the opening of the season. The high price of good pine is _ restrict- ing the consumption to some ex- tent, but for certain purposes there is no substitute and the demand seems likely to take care of all the lumber that will be shipped from this side. There was almost a ces- sation of receipts during the month of August. Spruce in the lower Timber and Lumber Dealers A SPECIALTY IN Long Timbers, both Pine, Soft Wood and Hardwood WEEKLY EDITION qualities, suitable for packing-case and kindred purposes, continues in active demand, with every prospect of higher prices in the near future, as for some time to come the supply is likely to be light THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspoudence of the CanaDa LUMBBRMAN.) Ottawa, Sept. 17, 1906. — A prominent lumber merchant reports that he has 100 orders ahead, most of them trom the United States. There is activity in all branches of the lumber trade. The keen de- mand for pine has sent the prices up several notches in the last fort- night. Shipping cull sidings, strips. and shorts are having a great call and dealers are astonished some- times at what the buyers are willing to pay; the scarcity of these sorts, however, makes high quotations. It looks, too, as if there would be no decline. The lumbermen who are preparing for shanty operations in the pine forests are obliged to pay enormous wages and corres- pondingly high prices for food supplies. The wage problem reach- ed the serious stage of a strike on Saturday in the James McLaren Company’s mills at Buckmgham, when 400 men quit work and asked for an increase in wages. Owing to the absence ot the proprietors in British Columbia the mill had to close down and will probably re- main shut the rest of the season. Numerous sales of shipping cull strips are being made at $20 a Sills Co., Limited i a BELLEVILLE, ONT. HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in _September 19, 1906 © thousand and sidings from 7 inck up at $25. Indeed, some manufac- turers are selling theirs out so easily that they are not anxious for new orders. aa: The active market in spruce and birch reported a while ago-is main- tained. If the mill owners wor turn out choice qualities they wo have no trouble in getting $24 thousand for birch and as much for the first quality of spruce. __ Basswood is doing splendidly W. B. Bartram and Company h: an order for twenty cars at tations above June prices. It is learned from the Upper Ottawa Improvement Company that the quantity of logs brought doy the river this year is greater | for any past season. Definite sta- tistics are not available. If one were Ask Your Ticket Age for tickets via the WISCOKIN GENRAL RALMAY =e AT nt t am Minneapolis, St. Paul, rr nd, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south, = ta Convenient trains. gre’ iv, wer Pa ) le s - | ee ei TRE — ie WOODSTOCK, ONT. — | } ee Pe: KNIGHT BROTHERS RS O LIMITED _Bark’s Falls. >CcO_ - MONTREAL, Pstine “WE WANT TO BUY - 1%", 2” and 3 — i} 7 ee tes ie oF ds a f a a ‘Se he eae ats Ce Os ore = Sod a ee Sees ° Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds.. 1", 1%", 134” and 2” Chestnut, “ Se 1”, 1%", 14" and 2” Butternut, nd THE MCLENNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE. ce > : . _ September 19, 1906 to compare the number of pieces of timber with other years the increase would be extraordinary, for the timber is being made from smaller trees every year. The growth of pulp and paper manufacture in Ottawa also tends to swell the vol- ne of timber coming down the wa. There is much timber ng up along the streams. The B. Eddy Company are so seri- ly affected in this way that about thirds of their last winter’s cut not reach the mill this year. It s lying along the Ottawa, Gatineau Rouge rivers. _ The disposition of saw-dust is a live question at the Chaudiere. The iplaints that have been made ainst Mr. J. R. Booth for empty- ing this refuse in the river has made it necessary for the Minister of Marine to inspect Mr. Booth’s mill h a view to learning if he has ken all the possible precaution to vent a saw-dust nuisance. The nber king is prepared to have the inspection any time. He believes the complete system of saw-dust Carriers running from every part of the mill to an incenerator is all that ould be desired. Mr. Booth says that the greatest quantity of saw- dust that could escape from his mill would not justify the complaints that have been made. As the mat- ter stands, the city of Ottawa is in danger of losing the Booth indus- tries entirely on account of too stringent regulations. It is Mr. Booth’s desire not to let any saw-dust get away, for he mK co y for the conveyance of saw-dust m his mill to the paper factory. . paper factory will go into ration in October and Mr. Fred thestimates that the output of TE PINE AND SPAUCE LUMBER -- ROSSED PULP WJOD St. Gabriel Lumber Co. eo Limited St. Gab iel De Brandon, Que, Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. 1.8. Farwell & Son ody Contractors and Dealers in __GEDAR | APH, TELEPHONE AND ELEGTRIC LIGHT POLES go, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. _ Renfrew, Ont. 12,000 ft. 2 in. 25,000 ft. iin. { 7,000 ft. 3 in. ‘ “CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION saw-dust from the lumber mill will keep the factory supplied in fuel during eight months of the year. The daily consumption of coal would probably be 40 tons a day, so that by the substitution of saw- dust the manufacturer savesa_ con- siderable sum. When the mill is in full blast the tactory fire will not consume all the saw-dust and a means has been provided for stor- ing up the surplus. A large quan- tity of the retuse from the mill is too coarse for the paper factory and will have to be destroyed elsewhere. ~ However, the time is not far off when it is believed every atom of waste matter and especially the saw-dust will be utilized for fuel. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the Canapa Lumps ERMAN) St. Joun, N.B., Sept. rrth, 1906. —The Autumn season opens in this section with every prospect of being the busiest of the present year in lumber manufacturing circles. It is probable (although by no means a certainty) that sufficient spruce and cedar logs will come forward ta keep the mills in cut until well into December. The element of uncertainty arises from the fact that, after the phenomenally dry summer, the rivers are remarkably | low and a continuation of the drouth must have far-reaching conse- quences before many weeks have passed. Already several millions of feet— the chief part of which is spruce and owned by local people—are hung in the main St. John in the vicinity of Grand Falls. The most conspicuous character- istic of the situation just now is the prosperous condition of the New Brunswick spruce trade in Great At Burk’s Falls { Planing and Matching — IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS ~, in Car Lots, Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 13 THE GANADA wooD SPEGIALTY 6o., Limited, rillia, Ont. Manufacturers : High Grade Hardwood Floor- ing, End Matched, Etc., Broom Handles, Curtain Poles, Spring Bed Frames, Cheese Box Hoops and Heading, Sarre! Heading, Veneers, Fruit Baskets, Wood Butter Plates, Etc. Prompt reply to enquiries ror prices, etc. by Mail, Wire or Phone. McLennan Timber Land and Lumber .GO., smite Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. ——DRY BIRCH—— 50,000 ft. 1 In. 12,000 ft. 6/4 in. 5,000 ft. 5x 5 to10x 10 quarters Write for prices as we have to move it at once. «She LONG LUMBER. COMPANY, HAMILTON Britain. The volume of business in that direction, according to recent information, is very heavy and the demand is of such nature that all offerings have been readily taken care of with no apparent tendency to weaken values. Shipments ef “English” deals from this port will no doubt be fairly heavy during the remainder of the present month. On October 15th the winter deck- load regulation comes into force and any steamer clearing after that date “may take not more than a six-foot deckload. To offset this, a higher schedule of freight rates is put into effect; hence the eagerness of ship- pers to get away as much as pos- sible before that date. The indications are that after October 15th the shipments of deals from this port to the United Kingdom will be more than ordin- arily light and that the same con- ditions will continue throughout the balance of the year. Stocks in this line at the local wharves are fairly light (4,500,000 feet would cover the quantity), and when sailings which are now booked have been completed, it appears that this port will not be an important factor so far as ‘‘English” deals are con- cerned, during the balance of the season. Local people'who have ‘‘English”’ deals to sell are decidedly optimistic in regard to the future in this line, and their ideas in regard to price- are somewhat higher than was the case a month ago. An enquirer for spruce deals for export to Great Britain would be quoted on a specification containing Say 50 per cent. 7’s and 8’s, 35 per cent. 9’s and 15 per cent. 11’s and up, $14.25 to $14.75 per thousand superficial feet, two-thirds price for Hl, fourths and ends, free on board Steamer St. John. 2x3, 3x4, 3x5 and 3x6 spruce scantling could be bought at from $11.25 to $11.50 per thousand superficial feet. ee , Mr. Fred J. Davenport, of De- troit, representing the Cypress Sell- ing Company of New Orleans, is at present in Toronto in thé interest of hiscompany. He intends visiting Kingston, Ottawa, Mont- real and other Canadian cities and hopes to place considerable Louis- lana red cypress. Holden, Pres. Goff, Vice-Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr A. F, F, H. E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER © LUMBER aso LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. SARNIA, ONT, THE IMPERIAL LUMBER GO. LimiTeD Mills: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. se GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO - ONTARIO C. A. LAR KIN== WHOLESALE LUMBER Shingles, Lath and Cedar Fence Posts. TORONTO be ye ws ONTARIO Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE : Band =- Sirecuiar CACHE BAY, Ont. Cc. P. RB. Gang 26 miles West North Bay UMBER?*:s anD LATH Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH! for quick delivery. BASSWOOD! We have about too M. tt. each of 1-in. Basswood and Ash Write us for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. OTTAWA, Can. SPRUCE! CANADA LUMBERMAN - CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS bn + oF tap} eee Se: oe Wee “Fr « is ee. ' A oe WEEKLY EDITION September 19,41906 THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. orders for Dimension Timber in all Send us your enquiries. We are now sawing and can take sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. End Matched, Bored, Polished HARDWOOD FLOORING and Bundled STHIVMON BROS, tz 8a Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO —Our Prices will Imterest You— —A,. W. EYER & CO We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season's cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. W. EYER @ CO. 43 Adelaide Street East = NTO, ONT. DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, In6. WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, 5 at aed BS cee B Apply at omce to John Harrison & Sons Company, Limited Saw and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. Office : GAanTons ONT. N. Y. We have a few cars of good No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Lath *RAILWAY TIES ELM TELEGRAPH POLES &o., &o., &oc PRUCE BIRCH HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH P OAK CEDAR B.C. FIR B.C. CEDAR Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. and up, 11” x 11” and up, for saleat a low price for immediate delivery. An Advertisement in the ‘‘Wanted’’ |® it UOUr WISH. . ® as Will secure for you a ager or Cae as SECOND-HAND MACHINERY THE M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING CO., LIMITED JAMES J. MURPHY, Bank of Hachelase QUEBEC deen eee ee ere eee ee CANADA LUMBERMAN | 5 WEEKLY EDITION A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY The Canada | Lumberman, Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON Wanted to Buy One Million Feet We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and FOR SALE Lumber in car load lots. In grades red face firsts and seconds and common in all thick- nesses. BIRCH WRITE T. L. BAILIE Box 268 - NORTH BAY, ONT. THE ONTARIO LUMBER C9. LIMITED Mitts: North B C.P.R. and ros T.R, Delivery Mills having stocks for sale write for prices. Cash and quick ship- ment. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PIHE LUMBER, LATH AND SHIRGLES, sod W.SSnangTORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles 7 R. LAIDLAW LUMBER U0. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, on." { Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. } Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Sone MANUFACTURERS OF . JAS. PLAYFAIR. ‘D.L. WHITE. — PLAYEFATR & Mf Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES MIDLAND, ONT. OW EN SOUND, ONTARIO, . Contractors for Railway Supplies BILL TIMBER a Specialty . MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. D ssndaPlead and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, sHlNCAES. | ETC. , Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemloek: Bil Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T.R., and by Water THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED - National Life Chambers, TORONTO, ONT. : 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and. Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & co.. Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. ~ Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and ir v2 : BUILDING MATERIAL a all kinds earried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S.— => MANUFACTURERS OF White and Red Pine he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS at SPRAGGE, Algoma has aed Ont. ate | LumberandLath — cones Se ts HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ~ and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Paceod,: ° a Hs 34, Kr 1h End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER | J. S, FINDLAY OWBN SOUND, ONT. | Quebec Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Pee se! +. ears — eee es a . September 19, 1906 CANa®A LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ¥ a WE HAVE FOR SALE —a- 1,000,000 feet of 15/8 in. Cedar Door Stock, running from No. 1 .. | shops to large percentage of perfectly clear. Write for prices Fairview Cedar Lumber Company P. O. Box 45, Vancouver, B.C. CAN — REACRA THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS| ST.LOUIS BY RAI a aes W | OR ‘PHONE ~ McCLURE LUMBER GO. HARDWOND LUMBER, CYPRESS YELLOW PINE AND OAK Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office: No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. Mill : EUTAW, ave: a aan | UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS Soft Yellow He he he Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling tong Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber -C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH Yellow Pine Timber a Bpe rear P or Trim Mill Work. ‘ NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. Bs ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YE( LOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Speciality J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE FRANK C. BURY MICHICAN LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. WHOLESALE BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS i CARNWORTH & JARDINE . | Wood Brokersand Measurers | Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale St., 71 Regont Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ur F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ FENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A.B.C., Ax ** Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE ; Hardwoods in en, EG Shipments handled to the best advantage to all pasts in t Kingdom. 2 Broad Street Building, | ouls BAMBERGER, * *toxscx.'s"c IMPORTER OF matt Address ‘‘Bellywood, London,’ a Pine, Spruce and-all Canadian Wood Goods 7 Leena Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS Ce BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER: MERGHANTS 7S BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Eim Logs and Lumber, Elm Staves and Heading, Handles of 1 descriptions Veneers A Specialty JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER SMITH & TYRER - [4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL .. WOOD AGENTS... Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiITH, TyRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington St GANT & KEMP g TIMBER | 52 St, Enoch Sauare, GLASGOW BROKERS Cable ar" ess: “TECTONA” aren Sk BUYERS OF d A B C Codes used White Ash ve and Planks. dDSEPh ONE QSOND, LID. zee d Planks. Rock Maple Logs and Planks. é Rock Elm Logs. Timber Importers Hickory a Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS _ Liverpool and London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABLE ADDRESS “DOBLE LIVERPOOL,’; . ALSO... All ea “or Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods sultable for the English vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ” Beptetsher igre “yaowe se. Ee H, HEAPS & CO. iin, 5c Wancouyver, B. C. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. W. J. SHEPPARD, SRESIORAT WL. TAIT, Semen MANAGER aubau she nt. B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Ov “™ eoited a LATH, MOULDINGS am bet C a D : TURNED WORK Coast (civer BO HIGH GRADE Cc VAN RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO WO Riri oe THE RED DEER LUMBER C0, 4 LOOK OUT BARROWS, SASK. FOR THE GARS!! MR DEALER Cars have been, are now, and will be Manufacturers ot SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH scarce this season. It is ‘‘ up to you” 2 to anticipate your future needs and 3 order earlier. > . a Me a ops 34 MOULDINGS an’ TURNINGS ae Ep We have the most up to date mach- AS) f a ines in the market for this work and a So can supply Fir or Cedar Mouldings and Qt of Turned Work of finest quality by the Ho 3s carload. =) Sis LUMBER-—of all sizes and finish. 2° oO : BEVEL SIDING—“ Ready to put on.” 2 3 3 SHINGLES—From the best Extra XXX E to the finest fancy Butts 16 inch to 24 inch long. Getting to the Bottom of it We mean our file of orders, so that now we can give you promp shipments on anything. THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPARY, BARROWS, SASK. Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, Manitoba. Special attention to the Prairie Provinces HASTINGS SHINGLE M'F'C. CO. VANCOUVER, B.C. We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. - W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER, B.C. LUMBER & SHINGLES Send us your hurry -up orders for shingles. Our new saw milt will soon be in operation; advise us of your requirements now. is: Siete =o = fe ae ’ jessie , 4 ne 6 Sn, See i = September 19, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. o-- E. H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAy . We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER - DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH = -FELBER, JUCKER & CO. J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED Planing, Matching, Resawing etc. J a Lumber Importers . ON E DO LLA R inoy ee rete on ~ Sore, Sach, eA a MANCHESTER ENGLAND | Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBER, “TATH AND SHINGLES coors, Sas ouldings, Celtings ‘ : End- 7 Ses. cial 780 an Pid ocx a is LUMBERMAN for oe Pep mood © Les oe nee and une HARDWOOD FLOORING spool making, to write for specifica- oe aie esed Lumber Kiln Dried if desi a tions. o N |) Y EA ine a — Flooring a Specialty, ee J. R. EA xia Dried in Poo Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. I EE correspondent Solicited: "Phone Nov str Si ber, \ A ‘ited ot (WITH MILLS AT BC VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) 3 a , And all kinds of ete and Interior eee Also Box Shooks and oh ing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber appress..., RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN D.C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. Rat Portage Lumber Co. = » THOMAS: +p eee Pi : H. H. SPICER, RES! IDENT. MGR. AND SEC’y Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. : ‘Shipping Capacity is 1,500,000 Shingles per Day VII. = GURRENT LUMBER PRIGES- WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 inch No. 1 Pine cuts & better. ...$49 00 1% inch No. I ents and better.. 54 00 2” No. 1 Cuts and 51 00 56 00 58 00 46 00 2” No. 2 Pine Cuts and Better... .. 4600 1% inch No, Cuts and better.. 40 00 2’ No. 3 Cuts and Better........... x in, Pine Dressing and better shorts 23 00 1x4, 6and8common 20 00 1x Io common.... 21 00 1x12 common.... 23 00 2x1o common..., 21 00 2and3xrz2common 24 00 1 x 10 inch box and common..... .. 21 90 1’ mill run sidings 21 00 22 00 1 in. mill run...... 2200 230 rxroandi2millculls 16 so7j17 50 1 inch mill cull Sid- ings...... re 1600 17 00 1” dead cullsidings 13 00 13 5° 1% inch Flooring 28 00 29 00 48 00 42 ©0 45 0: 25 ¢o 2{ 00 22 00 24 00 2100 25 00 22 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. Hemlock,1x4to 8in 16 50 17 50 ax4 to 8 in.,10to16ft. 17 50 18 50 ax4 to ro inch, 18 ft.. 19 00 20 00 Clear inch B.C. cedar, kiln dried. ......--- 5 50 00 Clear inch B.C. cedar air dried boat lumber 55 00 Douglas fir dimension timber, up to 32 feet as 80 Fir flooring, edge [hiss cc eu ewaleeraa 43 00 grai . 1% in. No. 1 4ft. Pine Gath. cece eee wees 4 50 5 00 1% in. No, 2 4ft. Lath 3 75 4 00 136” No.1 32” pine lath 2 25 2 50 1%” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 4 00 X XXX Pine Shingles 300 3 25 XX Pine Shingles .. 225 2 30 X Pine Shingles .. go XX Cedar Shingles 2 25 2 30 B. C. Shingles XXX 6 butts fo 2 in. 3.25 XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 347 XXxXXX 5to2zin.. 3 80 XX No. 2,6 to2in.. 2 40 XxX ‘“ 6 to 23-16in. Red pine, clear and clear face... 23 00 24 cO Red pine, common Re Aerie 1400 17 00 FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, tsts and Soft Elm, mill rum 21 00 22 00 ands, 1 to 2in... $33 00 35 00 Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, 1sts and and better, rin.. 25 00 26 00 ands, 1 to2in.... 30 00 3200 Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, mill and bet. 144 toa in 28 00 29 90 AESLM io napmcalneisicies 23.00 24 oo| Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 00 Birch, common and Soft Maple common better, rin....... 2400 25 00| and better, 1in 2200 23 00 Birch, common and Maple common and better, 1% to3 in 26 00 27 00| better, 1% to 3 in 24 00 26 00 Birchmillrun.... 270 co 21 0o| Maple, millrun... 20 00 21 00 Basswood, common Oak, red, plain, ists and better, rin.. 24 00 25 00 and ands...... +. 46.00 §0 00 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, andbet.,1%to2zin 2§ 00 27 00 ists and 2nds.... 44.00 46 00 Basswood, millrun 21 00 22 00 Oak,quartered, ists Soft Elm. common and ands......-- .70 00 75 00 and better, 1in.. 24 00 25 00 Hickory, ists and Soft Elm, common ands......---+- .36 00 38 00 and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 28 00 : OTTAWA, ONT. MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. Pine, good sidings: 1x 10 No. I barn.. 24 00 1in x 7in.and up$40 00 44 00 | Ix IO INOW 2) iss ce 22 00 r¥% in.andr¥in.x 1x&8&gNo. 1 barn 21 00 22 00 Bin, andup.. .. 4800 5600/1x8&9No 2 ,, 18 00 2000 zin.x7in.andup §2 00 56 00 PineShorts 6’ to 11’ No.2cuts2x8’”&up"34 00 36 00 KIO". ..sseeseess 1700 18 00 opQlIAGINGIMROMRODQLIQLIR GIVI RIVE PROD RON ROIASIAGHAGIALIAINROIMROIQLIROAQLIROIRY, CNV QRS DWNACPRGIRY QQ QLD RINE RL BIQRLIQSIQS oO c q : Ao , oS f) >) oO ©) Oo (a) fa) ‘o ) o SC) {<) cs) ‘oO (=) ° f=) ) {-) ) oO () (-) ‘° (>) oO ‘oO ) ° fs) ‘o () ) ) (>) =) () ) GENIC (2) eo) f-) S ) S f os e) 2 . J. B. MILLER, President. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Pin: good strips : Pine mill culls..... 1500 18 00 I iM,sseree senseeere 35 60 38 00 | Pine O. culls..... }.I8 00 13 50 1¥% in. and 1} in... 36 00 40 00 | Spruce, "x4" & up 15 0@ 16 02 A erate Scie sees. 49 00 45 00| Spruce, 1” stocks, Pine, good shorts: 7.8,9and 10”.. , 16 50 19 50 Tit...... eeesees2 2800 3000| Spruce,r” clear (fine 1¥% in.and 14 in... 3600 40 00| dressing and B.. 24 00 pBlDe won ene cceee se 0 00 44 00 | Hemlock aie) sa 14 00 7” to "9 A Sidings... {5 00 | Basswood........+ aI oo 23 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing Reis CH atemitpiajotataiata> 4200 43 00 siding.... -.. .- 2% 00 27 00/ Lath, perM Pine, No. 1 dressing No.1 white pine1}—” 400 4 50 StYIPS...+++ «+ee+;++ 20 00 28 00 No. 2 white pine.... 350 3 75 Pine No.1 dressing Spruce, mill run..... 3 00 3 50 Shorts ..s++5 caee oe 18 00 2200|/ Red Pine, millrun.. 3.00 3.50 Pine, ros, ¢ and bet- Bine Shi ter 12’ to x6" » ¢..022 00 24 00 | =e Shingles Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- xxxx, 18 inch......++ 325 375 ter17 te1@...... 20 00 2ro0| Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2.75 3 25 Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 23 00 25 00 xx: 18 inch........++ -170 200 Pine s. c. strips.....- 18 00 20 00 , White Cedar Shingles Pine, s.c. shorts. 17 09 18 59 } xxxx, 18 inch........ 3.75 4 00 Pine, box boards.... 1600 17.00! Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 3 90 3 25 =x, 18 inch......«-+- 170 200 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. gg 50! eeepc ele Pe ari .. 26 00 rin.,8” and up wide..$79 00 a? xd) oe ote eans . 28 00 1%,1%and2” ‘ «. 77 00 iW xiz3and up........-- 29 07 2% and 3” se .. 86 00 1% x4and §”.....-..+-- $25 oo 4" oe +» 94 00 1% x6” and up......-- . 27 00 SELECTs. a4 x 107 ssteleieiae nisiwtelald : = poe 1in., 8’ and up wide.... 69 00 yg pk ee ee ee mee. 1%, 1%and2” “ .... 67 00 % ? aes BP ee cris "3 aos 2% and 3” “ ty 81 00 1% x12” see ewe eee eennee oe 4” Shon SP Fe 89 Oo? HR cn et re ctials 3 FINE, COM, AND BETTER. 1 in., 8” and up wide.... 54 00 1% and 134” y wes. 56.00 ws NO. I BARN, 2 «s+ 57 00 Bin cis ..$27 00 to $35 00 FINE COMMON. 1%, 1% and 2” 33 oo to 35 00 I" ..canseeeeces 45 00 to 60 00 2/4 and 3”..... 38 oo 1%, 1% to 2”... 55 00 56 oo: is” ae Ree a 41 00 2%,3and 4”.. 78.00 86.00 NO. 2 BARN. No. I CUTS... Tine. aseaien 25 00 to 29 00 rin., 8” and up wide... 37 00 1%, 1%, and 2” 26 00 to 29 co ry in, gee vee, AF OO 2% and 3”... 30 00 1% in, ae «+. 47 00 NO. 3 BARN. aad 2k ad =e 2 oe x im. bSseanes 22 oo to 25 00 4? “ LES 6s oo 1%, 1% and 2” 23:00to 27 ¢0 ve ae, 5 shaivietapiaiaiesd 27 90 NO, 2 CUTS. 1 in,, 6” and up wide.... 21 00 hs, 1% * see- 33 00 No. 1, 1”, 1%, 134” ++++33 00 136, 2-02-00 15 00 to 20 00 2” s sees 37 00 No. 1 mill culls, 2%,3and4” “ ee» 49 00 1,1%, 1% 2” 16 00to 18 00 No. 3 CUTS. MILL CULLS. 19 00 1in., 6” and up wide.... and 13%” = ae 2 Ww Bn "93 00 and 2”... ..... Mill Run Culls 1’, 1%, 1% fe a REISS 13 “oe oe Aad 2%,3and4” °“ wee 30 00 No. 2, aEIOS MILL RUN TATE. a! rath... idateelee «== sae es aI 00 Nos, 32g onc oee Gos 2050. laa ae te nian a imite @ ote 22 00 No, 2, 480 > §8 #0... eewn weve 4 FO x” x 6. and'8’,.;. .0000.-. 25 OO No. 1, 48” pine....- FRE. <4 200 The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited s .t “tig ‘tone Sa 4 q September 19, 1906 — QUEBEC, QUE.. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,..---- ene First class Ottawa waney, 18 inch average, pth to lineal... 3 ee es «1g to20inchaverage ‘* ‘t «. 63 % RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. + d be: i i Ne ee ae ace, ae eee eee eae OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. By the dram, according to average and quality. . yes ELM. By the dram, accordin to average and quality 40 to 45 feet . o o o “ 30 to 35 fe t _ ASH. 10 inches and up, according to average and quality. Average 16 inch <« arn ya, =. ae es BIRCH, 14 Inch me se mp7“ ve at -[oe te) de 17 ie me 6 eth ine ee 18) -<* Me ° whee ae oe BOSTON, MASS. White Pine Uppers, 1 to2inch ...... .... »++«+-$86 00 to Selects, 1 to 21MCH.....ssee ceceeeee seqeeeecssees JZ 00 Fine Common, 1 inch.........5 -s0--eeeeeeeeesee 6000 1% to ZiNch,..ccsceee coves No. 1 Cuts, 1 inc sete sere seer eeorereeessee 888888 1M to Zinch.....- seeeeeererere No. 2 Cuts, rinch...... eae. wy hetnds obs ale hota f 1% to 2 inch Jo oda capes Melee, MORES Barn Boards,No. 1.. No. 2.. NO, 3. «000-0 Spruce, 10 and 12 in. dimen > gin. and under .........+-05- +2» 10 and 12 in. random lengths, 10 ft. and up .,.... 2X3, 2X4, 2X5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, ro ft, and up..... a bibs reo dstere-0. 0, daluccle Sie mints alate va Riana All other random lengths, 9 in. and , 10 : Fen OD oon. oe 5 in. and up merchantable boa: 8 ft. & up,p.1s Out Spruce boards, p.18.......- ah bs aie 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and bundled .. 154” spruce laths Eabanescot vacuuming syeeinenen—nm 1 ewer ern eeeeee settee enw eee en anes 774 888ss3es ae 48. y angtenge sense ' 8888. 8) 22 00 a M4 tae wed tBa ew Dee (S8at8s |S Extras. ........ wn) pip-vls neice wie saa btein Clears ......-ccciveesed sovvcocesuan dune Second clears .....-cecverecnceesenseeees Clear Whites .........5 cesceeeeecnsneccnncneneee Extra 1s (Clear whites out)......... Extra 1s (Clear whites im) ....5...00-0ceeseseseese BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. Red Cedar Extras, 16 in. 5 butts to2in, .-. .... “ Eurekas. 8 “ “ , in, —s ean a Perfectiona, 5 butts to2\ im, 2. ——> W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. Mauufacturers of. PINE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER - Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Etc. is Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. Oe Be Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO ee = * : 5D Toronto Telephone Main 1016 Telegraph Codes : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS :TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. sce ey. <), toy, Me ae’ « ‘ ANADA LUMBERMA AND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY EDITION % The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, 6vsry week. -_ REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD Vor. XIV TORONTO, MONTREAL — SEPTEMBER 26, 1906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER No. 29. ~(anapa [UMBERMAN The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u -. Of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Offices: _ 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. y “ Telephone 1274. _ 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- s of market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading domestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly mediuni of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. _ The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, ussing fully and impartially subjects perti- it to the lumber and wood-working industries, y WANTED AND FOR SALE ee z _ Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ‘ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are _ ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. _ This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- -vertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in he current week’s issue ANTED FOR CASH—1”, 14", 1%" & 2” NO. _¥Y¥ 1 common and better brown ash and birch; also 4x 4 to8 x &” elm, birch and maple squares, Address “LUMBER”, Room 821, Park Row Build- ing, New York City. : “PINE AND HEMLOGK LOGS AND LUMBER WANTED DARTIES HAVING OR EXPECTING TO it have logs or lumber for sale in large or small ‘quantities, communicate with Box 406 _CanapA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Timber Limits 4 For Sale \YJALUABLE TIMBER LIMITS IN THE ~ Province of British Columbia. For particu- Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. VER $4,000.00 PER MONTH .W AND PLANING MILL IN B.C. MAK- ing a net profit of over $4,000.00 per month, ale a going concern, with fine residence and ns, land, timber, etc. Price $75,000, one cash, balance on easy terms. Only rea- for selling, owner has too many businesses ook after. Principalsonly need apply. Box 1 CANADA LUMBEERMAN, Toronto. WANTED Two or three cars of first-class d Maple Axles, dry stock. Our are 41/2 x5 1/2 and4in. x5 with a few 41/2 x 6in. We also open to purchase ten cars - delivery next spring. Quote and give fuli particulars. CHATHAM WAGON CO., Ltd., Chatham, Ont, pis FEW CARS OF CHEESE-BOX VENEER for sale. Apply W. J. MosEs & Son, Farrellton, Que. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity of Slabs. SImcozk Woop AnD LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. WANTED—2’ ROCK ELM, 1” BIRCH AND. all thickness Black Ash, C. & B. 1” Cull Basswood, 1” & 2” Spruce. m R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER WANTED APLE, 1”, 2”, 3”, 4”; ROCK ELM, 2”; ASH, 1” and 2”. Manufacturer, Box 410 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED Ah ences TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO /V be cut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet Address Box 377, CANADA Taos MAN, Toronto, Ont. WHITE PINE BOX ORRESPONDENCE WITH MILLS TO ~ supply Canada White Pine Box for Export, willing to contract for 400,000 feet. Terms cash. Apply J. CorTaDA, 15 Whitehall Street, New York, N, Y. WANTED je BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, ROCK ELM, Maple, Hickory, &c., in logs, lumber and dimension sizes, for immediate shipment; also for shipment through coming winter and spring. Spot cash. Inspection at mill. Please quote prices f.o.b. shipping points, W. J. GoRDoN, Box 295, Windsor, Ont. Quebec Timber Limits For Sale One hundred square miles of Virgin Timber Limits for sale. Situated on the Grand Cascapedia River. For particulars apply to THOMAS CROCKETT, . Riviere du Loup, P. Q. -Aluction Sale Timber Limits On Tuesday, the 22nd Day of Jan- uary, 1907, at 2 p. m. James Cox and the Estate of the late J. P: Logue will, subject to a reserve bid, offer for sale by Pnblic Auction in the Rotunda of the “‘Russell,” Ottawa, timber berths Nos 194 and 195, Situate in the Gatineau District of the Province of Quebec, which contain one hundred square miles, more or less, These limits are held by the Vendors under the vsual renewable licenses, issued by Crown in right of the Province of Quebec. The terms and conditions of payment will be made known at the time of sale, For further information apply to AYILEN & DUCLOS, Solicitors of Vendors, Trust Building, Ottawa, LIMIT FOR SALE 1/ NICE LOTS SITUATED IN TOWN- I 2 ship of Hope, County of Bonaventure, Province of Quebec, on North Nouvelle river; lots contain spruce, birch, fir, etc. Fine locality to start small Jumbering business. Write P. NADEAU & Sons, Grand Cascapedia, P. Q. ORSALE—250 M.BASSWOOD; 75 M BLACK Ash; 30M Soft Elm; all 1” log run, dead culls out. Ready to ship. Purchaser can ship on grade if desired. THE PEARCE Co., LIMITED, Marmora, Ont. SPRUCE LATH E SUPPLY A LARGE TRADE THE year around, and are consequently al- ways in want of laths, both 1%” and 15%”. Write us. CHARLES S. W+NTWORTH & Co., 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. WANTED O CORRESPOND WITH -LUMBERMEN who can furnish from one hundred to six hundred thousand feet of Soft Elm per year to be delivered to Kingston, Ont. Address the Sr. LAWRENCD B, B. Hus MFG. Co., Benson Mines, N. Y., St. Lawrence Co. WANTED OSITION AS SUPERINTENDENT. MAN- AGER or Partner in a Lumber Concern operating between Lake Superior and Pacific Coast,Canada. Character assured; babits strictly temperate; large experience American and Canadian logging methods. Box 412 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The local consumption of lumber is heavy, yards are busy and stocks are running low. Finishing material is wanted in considerable quantities and as a rule the seller can get his price. Retail trade is good. Whole- sale business is less active on ac- count of buyers in the Eastern States holding off in the hope of being able to induce some concessions. They argue that there is always the possi- bility of unfavorable developments which would cause. the market to recede, while there is reasonable certainty that advances from the present level of prices will be along very conservative lines. The situa- tion in respect to white pine, how- ever, is daily growing stronger. About five million feet of manufac- tured stock was burned at Aylmera few days ago, and several of the Ottawa Valley mills are closed down as aresult of low water. Mills in the Georgian Bay district are short of logs, and altogether it appears that the season’s cut will be less than last year, while the consump- tion has been much heavier. The lumber exports to the United States for the first seven months of this year were 517,000,000 feet, com- pared with 355,000,000 feet for the corresponding period in 1905 and 259,000,000 feet in 1904. The lath market is getting a little ~ more active at unchanged quota- tions. No. 1 white pine are selling wholesale in Toronto at $4.75 and No. 2 at $4.25. Shingles are re- ported to be getting scarce, and there is no difficulty in maintaining present prices of white pine and B.C. cedar. WESTERN CANADA. The building strike in Winnipeg has been the only unfavorable devel- opment since our last review of the western lumber trade, but just as we are going to press we learn that a settlement has been reached and work resumed. The consumption of lumber continues large. The mills have plenty of orders and prices are fairly remunerative, al- though logs are still very high. For first quality fir logs as high as $12 has been paid on the coast, and the supply is still inadequate. The demand for shingles is equally as good as for lumber. There is as yet no accumulation, and it will not be long until the production will be curtailed by some of the mills clos- ing down. UNITED STATES. The movement of white pine lumber is not as heavy as some had expected, but considering the conditions, it may be considered satisfactory. Holders are making no concession to buyers, as there do2s not seem to be any prospect of lower prices in the near future. At Buffalo and Tonawanda the question of advancing all grades of white pine from No. 2 barn down has been discussed, as the list is now too low in comparison with the mill prices. The demand is still running largely to the common grades, which are quite buoyant, while the upper grades are a little sluggish. Buying for the winter requirements will soon be a factor and predictions are made that the lower grades of white pine will sell at higher prices before the close of the year. The yellow pine market is steadily recovering from its late weakness, while hardwoods are showing considerable strength. At the annual meeting of the Wiscon- sin Hardwood Lumbermen’s Asso- ciation last week, 34 members reported stock on hand amounting to approximately 96,000,000 feet, while on April 1st 37 members re- ported a total stock on hand of 230,000,000 feet. This remarkable increase shows that the consump- Il. ie ae oF a eee ye hae: ome ae we Le, 6 ee ve CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION tion of hardwoods during the summer season has been very large. GREAT BRITAIN. Importers are now showing more disposition to contract for spruce lumber even at the additional price which must now be paid to cover the heavier freight charges. As stocks are light both in England Canada, the natural course of events will doubtless bring about a higher range of values. The Bilooke on the whole is somewhat encouraging for shippers, as the market will be almost bare of stock before next spring. A remarkable advance has occurred in the price of staves, and at the present time there is much speculation as to what the future will bring forth. One year ago the price of staves was £4 per stand- ard, while the present price is 46 10s. and quotations as high as 47 are being made. A more “moderate advance has taken place in the price of slating battens. STOCKS AND PRICES. Cedar ties are worth 32 to 37 cents in the Saginaw Valley. The City Council of Winnipeg have accepted the tender of D. E. Sprague for the supply of from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 feet of lumber. The Sawyer-Massey Company, Hamilton, are making another im- portant addition to their works. The lumber is being supplied by the Long Lumber Company, Hamilton. The Weller Sills Co., Limited ———— Theodor Telier, contracting en- gineer and architect, has placed an order with the Long Lumber Com- pany, Hamilton, for 100,000 feet of hardwood flooring. This is to be used in buildings now under con- struction in Toronto. The Bell Telephone Co. last week let their western pole contract for the 1977 season. The successful parties are J. L. Hyland & Com- pany, of Winnipeg, and the contract amounts to around 100,000 pules, being one of the largest pole con- tracts ever let in the west. Not less than 50 per cent. of thes peoles will be furnished from British Col- umbia and coast points. A quantity of birch timber from Quebec was sold at auction at London, England, on September sth, realizing the following the fol- eae prices: 1414-1734 in., 7-16 , 728. 6d. per load of 50 cubic fet 15- 174 in., 8-15 ft., 70s.: 144 - ¥3f in., 8-12 ft., 7os.; 13%- 1734 in., 7-22 ft., 708.5 14-1794 in, 8 TA fte, \7OSr3. 13 34= 1534 in., 8-15 fs 6os.’s 143%4- 15% in. g-15 ft., 6os.; 14-1534 in., 8-16 ft., 62s. 6d. 144% -1534 in., 9-12 ft., 62s. 6d. BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) VANCOUVER, B. C., September 14th, 1906.—The Tae in British Columbia remains practically the same. There is still a very strong demand for lumber, with the list prices firm. The call is forall kinds, and mills are having quite a run in BELLEVILLE, ONT. Timber and Lumber Dealers A SPECIALTY IN Long Timbers, both Pine, Soft Wood and Hardwood aeeed. & T. CHARLTONesa ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS tL) WB re eae oe ee Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Keenan Bros., Best Workmen. KILN-DRIED BIKGH FLOORING Limited Send us a trial car. Owen Sound, Ont. HARDWOOD, HEMLOCK BND PINE LUMBER We carry a full supply of native Hardwoods always on hand and solicit your inquiries. At the present time we have piled at outside points about 2,000,000 feet of Hard- woods, and about the same quantity of Hardwood, Hemlock and Pine piled here in Owen Sound, and we should be able to interest you if in the market, WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES ON BROKEN LOTS AT OUTSIDE POINTS September 26, 1906 big timbers. The Fernie Lumber Company have completed the cut- ting of a million feet of small tim- bers for the Grand Trunk Pacific. This railway company is bringing considerable business to the coast. In the north, near its proposed ter- minus, a number of mills are start- ing,-and the Georgetown mills and those at Port Essington have re- ceived large orders for ties. Other mills have also contracts, including that of the B. C. Tie Company, of which Mr. D. H. Hays, brother of Mr. C. M. Hays, is manager. A recent arrival from the north says the coast is flooded with Americans and their representatives who are looking for timber. The shores of Portland canal and the Queen Charlotte islands are being carefully cruised for good timber. On the latter,-D. Drysdale, of Seattle, is to erect a mill of 150,000 feet daily capacity. With the last purchase of the Kamloops Lumber Company by Americans, all the large lumber in- dustries in the interior are now con- trolled by people from the United States, with the exception of the Columbia River Lumber Company at Golden. Within the last month, the Lamb Syndicate of Minneapolis took over the interests of the Arrow- head Lumber Company and S. H. Bowman has purchased the three mills and various yards of the Yale-Columbia Lumber Company. Mr. George McCormick, who has been president of the Kamloops HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, Hemlock, in all lengths ro to 24 feet. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood and Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woopstock Lumper & Mee Go. 2 J Samples by woousss LUMBER Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Send for Catalogu Rail MASON, GORDON & GO. 80 St. Francis xavier Street Lumber Company, will assume the management of the Pacific Coast Lumber Company in this city. He states full particulars of the recent sale will be made public on the 15th. The shareholders of the Kamloops” Company are nearly all Ontario people, Mr. Wm. Irwin, of Pete ot boro, being among the number. © An interesting case comes us next month at the Nelson Assizes when the Union Bank, the Cedar Valley Improvement Company, the Fernie Lumber Company, and Elk Lumber & Manufacturing C pany will sue the Great Northern Railway for damages to their limits by fire, said to have been caused by a spark from a locomotive of the defendants. The shingle part of the industry does not share in the perpen Ask Your Ticket Agent WISER iia Ra Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all poin east, west, north and south. % 4 Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. — Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. A., : Milwaukee, Wis. on short notice, bills in Stock sizes now ready. / \ woonsTock, Bass KNIGHT BROTHERS co LIMITED Burk’s Falls. 2 MONTREAL, QUE. — and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only q Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, care i SPRUCE, Correspondence Solicited. ‘ se WE WANT TO BUY - Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds, 1”, 1%", 1%” and 2” Chestnut, ae v”, 14%", 14” and 2” Butternut, ss THE MCLENNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, que. 1%”, 2” and 3 time. : especially September 26, 1906 Standards are going at $2.05, the price which has prevailed for some Bolts are very scarce, and are worth from $4.50 to $4.75. Labor is also hard to get, in all _ branches of the trade. The Hindus, which are swarming into the province, are being rapidly _ taken up by the lumber companies, who find them desirable laborers, since feyy Japs and Chinese come into British Columbia eiser. Work is plentiful in all lines, andthe highest wages are demand- Even at this rate, the men are independent, since no man ed. _very ~ need be long out of a job. i _ months, “SPRUCE LUMBER FIRMER. Spruce has regained much of the ground lost during the earlier ‘months of the year, Bad while the _ base price cannot be quoted beyond the $23.00 and $25.00 level, the market is to-day quite steady at x that figure, and demand is absorb- ing production much faster than Be aurine June and July. _ During the past two or three says the Lumberman’s ~ Review, much has said regarding the poor quality and mill work of _ the spruce and hemlock product coming into this market from the Eastern Provinces. It is, of course, true that there are scores of mills in ~ « ‘the Provinces which turn out a very coarse line of product, but this is alinost equally true of this same class of mills in the northern sec- tion of New England, and we make a mistake when we fail to ‘consider both Nova Scotia and Eastern New Brunswick as_ pro- ‘ rs of high-class mill work in WHITE PINE AND SPiUCE LUMBER ROSSED PULP WJ0D St. Gabriel Tumber Co. Limited » - cs St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que. ad ‘Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. - Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. Jd. B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in OEDAK “TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELEGTRIG LIGHT i ; POLES Oswego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. Ps t es # | Z 4 H 25,000 ft. Jin. At Emsdale J 12,000 ft. 2in. i , 7,000 ft. 3 in. At Burk’s Falls { CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION connection with their Spruce output. Many modern mills have been installed in that territory during the past ten years, from which the out- put is as good as the best, and this class of mills is as a rule standing for full prices, while the smaller poorly equipped mills both in the Provinces and Northern Maine have been turning out a class of random that has been supplying much of the demand during the past three months. This class of mills is fast sawing its last log and even to-day scores of plants belong- ing to this class have ceased sawing for the season and are now out of the market. The fact I would like to impress upon every lumberman in the East isthat by conservative handling and by keeping mill pro- duct sold and shipped, the market has regained its equilibrium, and yet it would be little short of com- mercial suicide for manufacturers to attempt from now on to hold any of their product in an effort to scure prospective higher prices. The market will be strong at $23.00 and $25.00 within the next ten days, and unless something unforeseen happens to check demand, the market will be established at $24.00 before fleecy white snow spreads over this Eastern territory. Happily there has been no accumulation of stock at mill points during the past four months, and as the yards at consuming points have reduced their stocks heavily, actual con- sumption should force free buying during the balance of the year. HARDWOOD STOCKS. Some very interesting figures pertaining to hardwood stocks were preseuted by the Secretary of the Wisconsin Hardwood Lumbermen’s Planing and Matching —IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS , in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. Phone 13 THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, MANUFACIURERS: Lumber, Hardwood Flooring, Handles, Poles, Bed Frame Stock, Cheese Box Hoops, Heacing, Baskets, Etc. .. Write, Telegraph or T he Cook & Bros. . sere aa. | White and Red Pine 3 Lumber and Lath — MILLS st SPRAGGE, Algoma A sd Ont. Water Shipments MANUFACTURERS OF **Soo”’ Branch A anning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES irr Building, Montreal. ° And at Mills at Spragge. a HARDWOOD FLOORING “MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK — ¥%, 4&7, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. ee ne Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames. Se and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER —t™S oJ- . 8. FINDLAY : OWBN SOUND, ONT. AUGER & SON We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Bircli. Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles Quebe c Wanted to Buy One Million Feet FOR SALE Lumber in car load lots. In grades red face firsts and seconds and common in all thick- nesses. BIRCH WRITE T. L. BAILIE Box 268 - NORTH BAY, ONT. THE ONTARIO LUMBER C9, LIMITED esp ee . tro ra T.R. ‘Delivery Mills having stocks for sale write for prices. Cash and quick ship- ment. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES, son! ¥°2.% snaineT ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: —— River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. af . ea - ~~ 3 a * Pe, ee Ee Sle Bt ae iain September 26, 1906 CaNa®A LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. WE HAVE FOR SALE —aote 1,000,000 feet of 15/8 in. Cedar Door Stock, running from No. 1 shops to large percentage of perfectly clear. Write for prices Fairview Cedar Lumber Company P. O. Box 45, Vancouver, B.C. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS pa Ae te LUMBER Haeberle Lumber Co. yp = Gas yo LUMBER and TIMBER WY (@) (8 oe oem pe Rete : Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, a ; far ee tong leaf Yellow Pine Timber OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CA Ny vasa ee : : California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber CEDAR POLES AND TIES. a Meiten 2 C. A. SPALDING & CO. Bellow Bine Timber » Spe = ‘Trim Mill Work. = THE BONSACK. LUMBER CO. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. | WHOLESALE HARDWOODS : wervrscronan tne wataien o YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS ST. LO U i S Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty Nie Vien! |). F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. . Sn alee Tl GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, WIRE OF ue 2 a HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: ; 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN McCLURE LUMBER CO. ae Manufacturers { HARDWOND LUMBER, CYPRESS ance. BURY = BURY & NOBLE mason a. nose oS ae g ' 7 > n A, oe > 9 aad hg ™~% vin CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ____Sertemter 26 108 $f ‘Ss : : Pin: good strips : r Pine me a, seees 1500 1800 : Tlinsivew gal stelsivesiose aoe =oWO THO TF QNPAL P00 2 ine... ne ene eneee : 40 00 45 00 | Spruce, 1” stocks, ~ i pine good shorts: 8, g and 10”... 16 50 19 50 ped be ie I eas Soar ¢ 00 3000 Spruce,1” clear (fine (Wholesale selling price.) I . TORONTO, ONT. ak EE OG “Se SoMa pensions > cea ratou? CERES rears $33.0 Sapeeapeaiies Ee CAR OR CARGO LOTS. rite N Lees fF 00 Basewece set eeee eee Zz Ee zt pe 2% and 3 in....... Spin , No. 1. 13 in. 1 inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock, 1x4 to 8in 16 50 1) 50 siding.... ...-- 2300 2700 Lath, per M —\ GIN. ceeocevesveve open UP) Lim...» cuts & better....$49 00 51 00] 2x4 to8in.,10to16ft. 17 50 1850 pine, No. 1 dressing — No aie piner}4’ 400 4 50 73 00 | No. 7 Mold st'}s1to2 1% inch No. 1 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 19 G0 20 00 atipattoe) Haare 2000 .800| No. 2 white pine 350 3 75 94) OO') CAN sense ) C) oO BICGEN fo) ‘S ‘oO (2) =) ,e) NS th o o 4 o cr = a © i=} a o » a Qs IQ iS) — a ® i=} wo SH, BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, ROCK ELM, A Maple, Hickory, &c., in logs, lumber and dimension sizes, for immediate shipment; also for shipment through coming winter and spring. Spot cash. Inspection at mill. Please quote prices f.o.b. shipping points, W. J. GoRDON, Box 295, Windsor, Ont. Quebec Timber Limits For Sale One hundred square miles of Virgin Timber Limits for sale. Situated on the Grand Cascapedia River. For particulars apply to THOMAS CROCKETT, Riviere du Loup, P. Q. Ss = : AND MILL RUN Address FEW CARS NO I heading for sale, 1714” and 1834”. W N. Buck, Port Rowan, Ont. a ee FOR RETAIL LUM- ber yard. State experience. Address J. D. WESTENHOYER, Regina, Sask. POSITION WANTED and moulding machine; at least troyears work. i [icnican No.5 IN CARGO LOTS. QUOTE WANTED, ROCK ELM. 2% AND 3 BY 5” AND WIDER, 80,000 ‘ro to 16 ft. long. We will inspect and pay cash at point of shinment, THE BRaD- - LEY CoMPany, Hamilton, Ont WAL SNTED ROCK ELM LOGS, 8/16 FEET long. 12” and up at small end;a'so plank, ists and ands, 2%4",3”.4” and 5” and up; also No. I common atid b-tter black ash 4/4. Address CARTER, POWELL LAND AND LUMBER Coy Limited, Toronto. WANTED ALF MILVION FEET WHITE OAK plank, 2)” thick, firsts and seconds; also half million oak rim strips cut to our order. Quote us. THE CKOWN JUMBER Co., Limited, Woodstock, Ont., Ca’ ada. Canadian Timber Limit For Sale. Here is a Bargain ADVANCE IN LUMBER PRICES. The following telegram has been received from the Vancouver office of the CANADA LUMBERMAN : VaNcouvER, B. C.. October 1, 1906. CANADA LUMBERMAN, Tcronto. “Fir and Common Cedar products ad- vanced one dollar throughout on Satur- day.” Geo. A. GALL. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS ONTARIO. The buyer of lumber continues to increase in volume. Retail dealers in Toronto ht&ve all the business they can handle and the planing mills are working to full capa- city to meet the demand. Certain grades of white pine are getting scarce, and in many cases itis a question of where the material can be obtained rather than the price or grade. Hemlock is in the same position. The advance which was made in the early spring has been fal A qa Sie ee ay Serine s any SA. maintained throughout the season, and atthe present time sales are being made at the highest prices which have yet been reached. The fear of a shortage this winter is causing some uneasiness among those whose stocks are light. The Ottawa Valley production has been curtailed by low water, and even if the rivers should rise sufficiently to warrant the starting of the mills, there would probably be difficulty in securing the crews, as many of the men have gone to the woods. The situation in hardwoods is also strong, with the volume of demand fairly large. Basswood is showing considerable improvement. EASTERN CANADA. Building lumber is very active in Montreal and stocks are getting exceptionally light. The common and lower grades have been going into consumption in large quantities this season, and there has been an unusually brisk demand for box material. Dealers are finding some difficulty in securing sufficient stock to meet the demand, and while prices are high, there is no prospect of any recession in the near future. Export shipments have been light, as the quantity manufactured for the British market was curtailed on account of the excellent. American demand. The production of spruce on the St. John river will be about 25 per cent. below the average on account of the scarcity of water to float the logs. This has further strengthened the spruce situation. Renewed activity has appeared in spruce lath, and as the supply is light, predictions are made of high- er prices this month. The call for shingles is confined largely to Extras and Clears, the lower grades being rather quiet. UNITED STATES. Lumber prices show no weakness whatever. The demand from all sources is moderately good, with indications of a more active move- ment later on. Inthe Lake Erie district the lower grades are show- ing considerable buoyancy, as has been the case practically all season. So long as the present prosperity of the country continues, there is not likely to be much decline in white pine, the production of which can- not be increased owing to the com- paratively small supply of standing timbe:. Spruce is, if anything, a II. little firmer, the majority of dealers asking $23 for g-inch dimension and under at Boston, and $25 for 10 and 12-inch dimension. The movement of hemlockis large and prices are in good shape. Hard- woods are experiencing a very Satis- factory demand and again it is re- ported that there is a scarcity in the supply of maple. Birch is being bought in large quantities, but the supply if so great that it will be some time before manufacturers will be able to secure much higher prices. White pine lath seem destined to advance even from present prices, as the Fall inquiry has developed +a shortage. No. 1 white pine are quoted in Chicago at $5, No. 1 nor- way at $4.75, and No. 2 white pine and No. 1 hemlock at $4.50. GREAT BRITAIN. The British lumber market is firm to strong. Notwithstanding that whitewood has been substituted for Canadian pine wherever possible, it has not prevented a further slight advance in the price of the latter, which is rather unusual at this sea- son of the year. Importers are com- mencing to realize that stocks for the winter and early spring trade will be exceptionally light, and al- ready it is predicted that the open- ing prices next year will be higher than those now ruling. Of course, many things may transpire in the meantime to change the natural trend of the market, but as the sit- uation now sizes up, higher prices will result. Spruce is going direct into consumption on arrival and there is reason to look for a material advance in thenear future. Some fitth quality Quebec spruce was re- cently sold at auction at £8 per standard of 1980 feet, which is con- The Weller Sills Co., Limited es ry CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION sidered a very satisfactory price. Birch is still weak, while waney pine timber is firm and likely to bring higher prices for next year’s delivery. STOCKS AND PRICES. The Crown Lumber Company, of Woodstock, Ont., are in the market for half a million feet of white oak plank, 2%-in. thick, firsts and seconds; also half million oak rim strips cut to order. W.J.Pulling & Company, Wind- sor, Ont., are reported to have secured the contract to supply all the lumber required for the con- struction of the tunnel of the Michi- gan Central Railway under the Detroit river. The quantity will be several million feet. It is estimated that 50,000,000 feet of logs will be taken out this winter by the Prince Albert Lumber Company, Sturgeon Lake Lumber Company and William Cowan, of Prince Albert, Sask. This compares with 30,000,000 feet taken out om year. Operations in the Lake-of-the Woods district promise to be very activethis winter. The Rat Portage Lumber Company will increase their cut and have a thousand men in the woods. The Rainy River Lumber Co. will put in nine camps and take out probably 60,000,000 feet of logs. The Preston-Bell Company, which has been newly organized, will operate largely in both logs and ties, while the Backus-Brooks Company, who have acquired the Keewatin Lumber Company’s busi- ness, will have several large camps. W.A. Preston, Porter Elliott, H. H. Wood and L. Christie will take out considerable quantities of ties. BELLEVILLE, ONT. Timber and Lumber Dealers A SPECIALTY IN Long Timbers, both Pine, Soft Wood and Hardwood aveeed: & T. CHARLTONace ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— LUMBHR ana LATH Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y.. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Best Workmen. Send us a trial ear. KILN-DRIED_BIRGH — MASON, GORDON & CO. 80 St. Francis Mavier Street MONTREAL, QUE. WHOLESALE TFT UMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, Correspondence Solicited, NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN) St. Joun, N.B. , September 27th, 1906.—The log eging season is fairly started and camp crews are leaving daily for the woods. Men are par- ticularly scarce this year and wages are consequently from ten to fifteen per cent. higher than was the case last year. Like last season, the logging season of 1905-06 will be marked by a curtailment that will place the total volume of the cut some twenty or twenty-five per cent. lower than the average. This condition of affairs is due to the fact that most of the largest manufacturers have quantities of logs scattered along the St. John river which will not reach the rafting works at Frederic- ton this fall on account of the scarcity of water. Estimates have placed this quantity at from eighteen to twenty millions of feet. A feature of the trade at present writing is the continued activity in spruce lath. With supplies lower than nominal at both the shipping end and the receiving end, the de- mand seems to be increasing in volume. At this port and in the vicinity, ‘scarce’ would not be too strong a word to use in speaking of the supply of lath, and no quantity that could be called important is now on the way. The situation in this line seems to have every indica- tion that values will be higher dur- ing October than has been the case during the present month. Local prices have already stiffened some- what and an inquirer would be quoted on lath, for immediate de- livery, $2.50 to $2.60 per thousand for dutiable and $2.75 to $2.85 per thousand for non-dutiable, f. o. b. St. John. HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Se! ‘of. Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to — order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood and Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock Lumper & Mere Co. 2 J Samples by - WE WANT TO BUY .- 1%”, 2” and 3 Rock Elm, rsts and 2nds. é 1", 1%" and 2” Chestnut, “ , 1%", 134" and 2” Butternut, ee THE MCLENNAN — CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, qu. Send for Catalo «we KNIGHT BROTHERS CC October 3, 1906 The cedar shingle trade is un- marked by any important change. The demand for export to the Eastern States is brisk and steady in Extras and Clears, but for 2nd Clears, Extra No. 1’s and No 1’s the call is exceedingly light; the volume of shipments in the latter lines having been infinitesimal thus far during the season. In the better grades, stocks are somewhat belc the average (1,800,000 would about cover the total), but in the lower grades, trade has been —_ stocks have consequently multi until trom five to six millions a be seen on the different wharves about the city. Prices in these lines have shows practically no change during the past month and the figures mention- ed at the beginning of that time, namely, $2.90 and $2.40 for non- dutiable Extras and Clears respect- ively, f.o.b. St. John, is about the average. Freight rates to the westward by schooner are quoted as follows: Shingles, Boston, 30 cents; prs he Sound ports, gai cents; lath, New York City, 70 cents. . s Ask Your Ticket Agen « for tickets via the WISCONSIN GENTRAL RILHAY Minneapolis, oer Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all poin east, west, north and south. | Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling — 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. je Milwaukee, Wis on short notice, bills in Stock sizes now ready. WOODSTOCK, ONT- il LIMITED Burk’s es October 3, 1906 LUMBER PRICES IN WINNIPEG. The following are the prices at p which two million feet of lumber is to be supplied to the city of Winni- pe , the successful tenderer being the Sprague Lumber Company : __No. 1 Dimension Lumber Pine B.C. Fir 1% in. up to 16 ft., 4, 6and 8 in. Sor $28.55 Ioin.... 26.80 29.70 > - I2in.... 2795 30.80 pa sin. up, to 16 it. ee 6and8in . 24.75 27.25 _ roin. 25.25 af A 3 Izin. 26.25 28.25 "x 4” tor."x 12”, up to 16 in. 2475 27.25 With $1 advance for each inch over 12 in. in width and 50 cents per foot for each foot over 16 ft, in length in case of pine, and for each foot wae ft. in length in case of British Columbia x Drop Siding, Ag 3 white pine..... $32.59 vG fir ae a 2B. C. fir, 4 inch. ort" (edge grain) B. C. 6 inch. 38. fore) “or ee . C. Fir, 4 in. flat grain. 35.00 ‘3 s No. 3 B. C. spruce...... 30.09 y Ceiling, No. 3 white pine.......... 32-50 . ad lo) ee Se isenCes 28.00 Wy ETS ed il Og ot aeons 32.00 Os 5) COST rnin inicecuciceeoe 26.00 se be Ba Ca Spruce... 6.255 25.00 a RG Mee SpKuce...... 5... 32.0U a «-3f clear B. C. cedar 3 and q PRIEIRED Petter elie c OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO: ' he Cook & Bros. ° vOut | White and Red Pine g MANUFACTURERS OF MILLS oe = foe" sleone 5 at, Ont. |- 4 d - a oo” Branch C. L L hg anning Arcade, Toronto | u Mm er an at OFFICES Corlstlag Building, Montreal. ° d at Mills at Spragge. ' Water Shipments TS HARDWOOD FLOORING “2 es 4 _ MANUFACTURED IN ‘ MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OA HR, KB, H. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Bere “ey ie lia! a . wh aw? ‘ - . ¥ 45 c E .. 4 - y ‘ BEE fectobcr 4, i906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vu. - £.H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umirep HEA) OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. & Our Daily Shipping Capacity ———_ 2.000.000 SHINGLES PER DAY We handle onty the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lot ~ FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH a J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED | Planing, Matching, Resawing, etc FELBER, JUCKER & CO.§ ONE, DOLLAR Berea Bs er eames Lumber Importers MANUFACTURERS OF wee ea eT MANCHESTER ENGLAND Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES . ei ihal let Mouldings, Ceilings nd- Invite lumbermen, able to cut Bi ch LUMBERMAN for Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings | 204 Bored HARDWOOD FLOORING sager mithing, to write for apecifica- se BEE ae rumber Rie Deed it dees eee ee “spool making, to write for spec etc, res “umber Kiln Dried if desired Lumber Kiln Dried in A ity. Shona: ONE YEAR EM ce Soren: J.R. EATON - Orillia, Ont 4 Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. CIEE SOE IESE SESE ESE SE SESE SESE SE SESE SEE SE SES SESS SE: Rat Portage Lumber Co. uimisa | : ° MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DQORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior ag Also Box Shooks and ae Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, M: ‘ple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. cater ed RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. HEAD OFFICE / D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. ay Ya Um Uy Um Uy ve DY ¥ = 4 THOMAS KIRKPATRICK, H. H. SPICER, PR RESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y | Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. 4 Shipping Capacity is 1,500,000 So atee on: Davy Pe eH i 3 hy ‘aos 5 ¢ ; ae” Oi re eee 2 = 3 ? : = i5F an aati ke <1) ar , on ay? 2 | a ae = - ~ = . - -t Wee vin, (CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION _ | October 3, 1906 Pin: good strips : Pine mill cals aaceen 400) 1S ioD Ls . T ils. ccleaner ak 35 CO 38 00 | PineO. culls.....,.11 00 13 50 ’ | 1m i in. and 13 in... 36 00 40 00 | Spruce, 1’x4” & up ($00 1600. * BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, NY, MUTUAL TP GNPAD P02 ine - ene eeeee ++. 40 00 45 00 | Spruce, 1” stocks, WHITE PINE. : Biss: good shorts: 7,8,9 and 10”,, . 16 560 19 50 3 I ria may ig eg - 00 3000 Spruce” yand (fine (Wholesale selling price.) 1¥% in.and 1% in... 36 00 40 00 ress nae B.. 24 00 in, ooo TORONTO, ONT. soe cgi: 48 | REO ee Oe eT gia] amen oy 3 9 A Sidings.. [t 00 aSSWOOd,......4+ . 21 00 23 60 a - ; ai oe Tey Pine, No. 1 dressing Birch iic-..<+ tes, 22 00 34°00 a o I ago boa a 13 in. 1 inch No. 1 Pine Hemilock,1x4 to 8 eo} 17 09 18 00 siding.... ... -- 2300 27 00| Lath, per M 4300 No. S Mid at's x tod cuts ees «$49 00 5I 00 22 2 8 in.t0 pt t 38 Pe = ps Pine, No. 1 dressing > No.1 mie piner%’ 400 4 £0 ae ae 1% inch No StYIBS.i ane Watee de 2000 2800| No.2 white pine.... 350 3 75 Fecal Afvaae Saara ents and better. 54 00 56 00 eres erste .C. cedar, onee Pine No.1 dressing Spruce, mill rnn..... 3 00 3 50 Cit = * No. ses Strips, 2”No.1Cutsand = | kilm dried. ........-. 2 Z Sect ene seer Pe Pe > “No. 1 Cuts an ; ar n ee ae Shorts ...+.+ s2++ ++ 18 00 2200/ Red Pine, millrun.. 300 359 Fine common, x in. 57 00| Barn, No.1, 12in..... _ 37 00 Better......-0+.. £600 58 0O ear Lee Pine, ros, ¢ and bet- Pine Shin les 1%, and 1% in an 6.6 andeaan 1% in. No. 2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55 00 ter 12’ to 16’ .....22.00 24 00 in . h . F eveee 2 3 : sone cuts and better.. 44 00 46 00 Douglas fir dimension Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- ee me “eae a | aa 2 Jin se cee ecnnccces “5 oo No i | eee x 2" No. 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 32 feet 25 80 terra’ tas6l. Ao eolonmeaaine Set ae 18 in . : e pike! 2 in. eoccene ‘ 00 ead, IZ iDsssceees 6 and Better.. .. 4600 48 00| Fir Batten edge Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings 23 00 25 00 xx: 18 inch.......0+++ 2 : in uy No. is 3 ia 5 00 xe 3) TO Ise seevee " 1% inch No. 3 Sraiti vey sae len 4309 Pine’s. c. strips...... 18 00 20 00 | White Cedar Shingles ag ub, a 1,1 in. AS 00 B 0. 3) 12 iM. eee eee Cuts and better.. 40 00 42 00] 1% in. - No. I 4ft. Pine Pine, s.c. shorts..... 17.00 1850! XXXX, 18 inch........ 375 4 00 4 c oS a 54 00 pie gee : 2” No 3 Cuts and athe gene ewe 4 50 5 00 Pine, box beards.-.. 1600 17 60! Clear Butt,rBinch.. . 300 3 25 a eh u the d xx6 &Up.. siscos 2h PEWS cin sere 43.00 45 0>|1%in. No. 2 4 ft. Lath 4 00 4 25 c | «x, 18inch.......-.. 1,70 200 No. 2, 1 in... 26 oo TX 10 ceesey soenee 2 1 in. Pine Dressing srt ne I a7, pune ea 428 a 50 ve a 1H, = i 2 © poet a <- id better shorts 23 00 25°¢O|I 0.14 em 1 . 3 Wr... ee 6and8common 20 00 2t o0| KXXXXPineShingles 300 3 25 SARNIA, ONT. eee 3.1%" & a 35 00 ae Uf Gana = 2 io - rx zo common.... 2100 2200| XX PineShingles .. 225 2 30 Sheu, MILL RUN ressing 1H iD...06 42 oo} Mill Culls,1,......- 1x12 common.,... 23 00 24 00| X Pine Shingles .. go UP. Wats See ee Ane 1x10 und 17.....+ 45 00 1%, 7 and 2in ‘ 2x10 common. 2100 2200] XX Cedar Shingles 225 230 1in., 8” and up wide. -$79 00 * meee abate Ga a5 66 at * 2and3x12common 24.00 25 00 B.C. Srey i 1%, 1% and 2” + 77 00 Pale Se Pe Ree seg G —— ot 1 x 10 inch box and eaxe Putis oA 3 A 2h and 3” Pho: 86 oo ia : 26°00 = oes common. .. 2190 2200 KX 6 to 23-16 in 4 “2-94 00 ane Cee oag ted oe 1’ mill run sidings 21 00 22 0o| XXXXX 5 to2in.. 3 80 u” = a and up 5 a oS on BOSTON, MASS. ee rin. millrun.....- 2200 23 co | XX No, 2,6 to2in.. 2 40 SELECTS 1%xqand§"........0. ‘$25 oo White Pine Uppers, 1 tozinch ...... pe , Ix1oandi2milleulls 16 50 1750|XxX “ 6 to 23-16 in. 1in., 8” and u Pe wide.. . 60 | “sae rs Selects, 1 tO 21MCH....sessee seeeeees seeeeecesseeee 72 00 me. 000 I eh mill cull Sid- Red pine, clear 1%, 1% and 2’ . 67 00 NO. I BARN. Fine Common, TAMU 2S. 6 os 2 adler 00:0 oc w o¥ ales gale a i: ar ritohe Dorie eRe 16 00 17 00 and clear face... 23 00 24:0 2% and 3! MR in -..sufa7 00 to $35 00 1¥ to2inch,...:....- vpcea eel 7058 OSLER. 2 dead cullsidings 13 00 13 50 ae pine, common 4’ . CO Fo LEVEE 1%, 1% and 2” 33 oo No. x Cuts," inch .....ccccccscccconscescesnneses 46.00 _ 50 00 1% inch Flooring 28,00 29 00 | 2”..-+++-csseseees 14 00 I7 00 hua seas pelos 1% to 2inch...... oc cee reese as ont See lSSOORn am GenOpa= A HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS FINE, COM. AND BETTER. “4 2a meeeoter : 4x00 ©=—- No. 2Cuts, eras tach 4 a a : Ash White, 1sts and Soft en mill me at co 22 00 1x 6and 8”........eses0+ 45 00 eee coe Barn Boards,No. I..... ‘ a fe ands, rto2in. $33 00 35 90 Rock Elm, comm Tin., 8’ and up wide.... 52 00 : No. 2. 35 00 Ash, Black, ists and and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 1% and 136” “ ae. 55 00 Vin eee .. 25 0Oto 29 00 No. 3... aes 31 00° ; ands, 1 to 2 in. he 00 32 00 See exc toni db: 00. apNool SS . 50 00 iy ra og 2” 26 oo to 29 = Spruce, 1o and 12 in. dimension 2600 Ash, Black, m ay : tase 30 in. and under ........... ; 24 00 PE ee elie a nat 23/09 24nQ0 nee Sree ior con FINE COMMON. ro and oe in. random lengths, 10 ft. and up,..... 23 On | Bireh. canis ae sane oe Sor 4 nines Iin 2200 2300 2%,3and 4”.. 78 00 86 00 NO. 3 BARN. 2x3, ate 2x5, 2x6, 2x7 and 3x4 random lengths, s By etter, rin.....- io ft. and up...... .. cocede ccsd. sunt ei Malalle ».) Oise” © h, common and Maplecommonand) 9 =) yn ee ee 6 Te 22 oo to 25 00 2 ¢ Mipetter 1% to3 in 26 00 27 00) better, 1% to 3in 24 00 26 00 NO. 1 CUTS. ie 4,1 and 2 23 oo to 27 co, Allgpier saadom, lene 2 ee Rirch, mill run.... 70 00 2I 00 Maple, mill run... 20 00 z2I 00 1in., 8’ and up wide... » 37 00. | Bi ereecereeeees 27 00 5 in, and up merchantable boards, 8 ft. & up,p.1s 70. oa, Basswood, common Oak, ,red, plain, ists me 1% in, -+ 48 00 Out Spruce boards, P. 1 S....0.0- ceseeeee cneeneee aay 0 $0) and better, rin.. 24 00 25.00| and 2nds...-..-- 49 00 59 1% in, a «++ 48 00 BOX. 1x2 and 1x3 furring p. 1 s clipped and bundled . 22 00 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, 6 ae = +++ §0 00 p 156 spruce 1aths .........00-e0000s ee OS ge0"- ~ andbet.,1% tozin 25 00 27 oo] sts and 2nds.... 44 00 46 90 2%and3” “ ws. 62 00 Ne bm aren & <9 a ue 3 75 Basswood, millrun 21 00 22 00 Daksa oo) Sac 7 “ ... 62 00 Re. Dae 15 oo to 20 00 min a Bein o Sie ens aly” otis sia peg Mics Soft Rim common and 2nds........- (°) o. rmill culls, he and better. 1 in.. 24 00 25 00| Hickory, ists and ae conte 1,1%, 1%, 2” 16 00to 18 00 NEW BRUNSWICE CEDAR SHINGLES. i ; Soft Elm, common fies anNdS.....0c00+ «> 36 co 38 00 7 il; 6” andjup wide oe aes re oe veanawan\eeenne culein Uaenen wed fs} “7 oe mp iaye eee ROO eee Beet e eee & 3 and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 2 K, A ant BOR erp Second clears ..s...c0crssercrsecseosnsvee 2 40 OTTAWA. ONT. oa ini, 0 eae Ma a oT ae sea Clear Whites 00.0... -scesscsnssnssersesssess 2 — 715 MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. 2%,3and4” “ .... 49 00 No. 2, wo 90 Extra 1s (Clear whitesin)......c.csesseseeeeeenee 150 ‘I 60 Pine, goed sidings: 1x10 Ho. 1 barn.. 24 ee é ee re and up$40 oo co|r1xI1oNo2 ,, 22 O. 3 CUTS. 3 - - Win ee aan a ‘4 s 1x8&gNo. 1 barn 21 00 2200 ~=©1 in., 6” and up wide.... 19 00 LATH. BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. : Sin, andup.. .. 4800 5600/1x8&9No 2 ,, ,1800 20¢o i andi” {' ws... 24 00 NO. 1, 32) ih ce te eeee v1 2,50 Red Cedar Extras, 16in. 5buttstozim. ... ---. ain. x 7in.and up 5200 56 00| PineShorts 6’ to 11 2! ‘ sees 25 00 No, 2, 48" sw eee wen sate) NSO Hurekas, 18 in. sa: No.2cuts2x8”&up 34 00 3600] X10%.,...+668 s+ 1700 1800 2%,3and4” “ 4... 30 00 No. 1, 48” pine..... seensee § OO He Perfections. 5 butts toz¥ in. —. —-- / eC .—”—“( ee BOOS OOO BWSUEN ROEGrGEG BS aw NS aS aS IGS EGG NS RCP aS LTE aay EOxOr DEPSEIS GOIGBICONIOVS * oS oo) (-) OOD) co} @)0 9, C) The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited J. B. MILLER, President. W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. 9, 05095 2) iGp) o =) . ¥ S, > xO) co) O0)OCaD)O; oO S Mauufacturers of So @ly) oO ROUGH and DRESSED ae PINE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER J 10 (00) a <2) ce) o>»: } os BIACAAS 60)5G2)0 {-) (-) So) ‘ Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at — PARRY SOUND, ONT. f S, 10 (02)0(00) = So =) ‘s) ee? So So e301 @265 ) > 2S C) ce} Ox So So Ss 62)0(00}2@9) (>) ° fs) ) S Head Office: 74 Home Life Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main 1016 ® Telegraph Codes : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. ) =) 2 2 ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS ;TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. is} .s) 10(00)GC09) (-) ‘o O@® ds ds DN DY dx dx C Y< 5x Dx a Xe a DS < ox ox ox Ye q ] KY | q < : 4 4 = hy = , nt a wa . = _* = em ay r] Vener, ee ; pe as he ae Be as E ‘ ; 2. eto ae : a a ¥ Seep are i nigel yee ~ « , oe ™. % a Pr 4 PS cet FG —; os ¥, 2 a ~ ra ee Peta ae 3 ¥ Pa; WEEKLY 7 a < = "ole eee Py OR Fy i, c Ty OR : , ‘ im y we NADA LUMBERM AND WOOD-WORKER EDITION a The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} st.oo PeR year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition. 6véry week. a ; REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD * — Vor. XIV ———$——<—<——<—=s No. 31. TORONTO, MONTREAL — OCTOBER 10, 1906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER — Canapa LumBerman The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Ss Branch Offices: Y 38 ALLIANCE BUILDING, MONTREAL 720-721 UNION BANK BUILDING, WINNIPEG. Telephone 1274, 615 HASTINGS ST., VANCOUVER, B. C. fhe Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the neipal manufacturing districts and leading mestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly mediuni of information and communica- - tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- _ facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber ucts at home and abroad. a The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE _ _ “-fidwertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. _- When four or more_consecutive insertions are - ordered a discount of gol cent. will be allowed. > This notice shows the width of the line and is set >: in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- : vertisements must be received not later than 4 _ o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in _ the current week’s issue = a Timber Limits . For Sale s VALUABLE TIMBER, LIMITS _ IN THE ‘ ; Province of British Columbia. For particu- lars Address H: S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. OVER $4,000.00 PER MONTH a a AND PLANING MILL IN B.C. MAK- se ing a net profit of over $4,000.00 per month, for sale a going concern, with fine residence and gardens, land, timber, etc. Price $75,000, one third cash, balance on easy terms. son for selling, owner has too many businesses _ tolookafter. Principals only need apply. Box 411 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. % —Alnction Sale Timber Limits Tp On Tuesday, the 22nd Day of Jan- Re = uary, 1907, at 2 p.m. James Cox and the Estate of the late J. P. Logue will, subject to a reserve bid, offer for sale by Pnblic Auction in the Rotunda of the “Russell,” Ottawa, timber berths Nos 194 and 195, situate in the Gatineau District of the Province of Quebec, which contain one huudred square miles, more or less, _ These limits are held by the Vendors under o>, the usual renewable licenses, issued by Crown _ in right of the Province of Quebec. The terms — and conditions of payment will be made known at the time of sale. For further information apply to /,-* ; AYLEN & DUCLOS, Solicitors of Vendors, Trust Building, Ottawa. > ie a Only rea- : ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity of Slabs. SIMcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. WANTED—2” ROCK ELM, 1” BIRCH AND all thickness Black Ash, C. & B. 1” Cull Basswood, 1’ & 2” Spruce. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER WANTED APLE, v’, 2”, 3’, 4”; ROCK ELM, 2”; ASH, 1’ and 2”. Manufacturer, Box 410 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED \ ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO ‘V be cut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet Address Box 377, CANADA LUMBEK- MAN, Toronto, Ont, WANTED He JUNE OR JULY, 1907, DELIVERY, 500 to 750M ft. round spruce timber, average length about 28 ft., 10” and up at small end. Ad- dress Box 630, Sorel, Que., Canada, f SPRUCE LATH year around, and are consequently al- ways in want of laths, both 1%” and 15%”. Write us. CHARLES S. WENTWORTH & Co., 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. LIMIT FOR SALE y t/ NICE LOTS SITUATED IN TOWN- I 2 ship of Hope, County of Bonaventure, Province of Quebec. on North Nouvelle river; lots contain spruce, birch, fir, etc. Fine locality to start small lumbering business. Write P. NADEAU & Sons, Grand Cascapedia, P.Q Oe $4,000 PER MONTH—SAW AND planing mill in British Columbia, making WANTED At BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, ROCK ELM, Maple, Hickory, &c., in logs, lumber and dimension sizes, for immediate shipment; also for shipment through coming winter and spring. Spot cash. Inspection at mill, Please quote prices f.o.b. shipping points. W. J. GORDON, Box 295, Windsor, Ont. Quebec Timber Limits For Sale One hundred square miles of Virgin Timber Limits for sale. Situated on the Grand Cascapedia River. For particulars apply to THOMAS CROCKETT, Riviere du Loup, P. Q. FEW CARS NO. 1 heading for sale, 1714” and 1834”. W. N. Buck, Port Rowan, Ont, AND MILL RUN \WANTED—PINE OR HEMLOCK SAW- _ milling and timber proposition; give full particulars, Box 414 CANADA LUMBERMAN, FOR SALE 300 PINE PILES, 30’ LONG, 8” AND UP diameter small end. THE BRADLEY ComPANY, Hamilton, Ont. MAN WANTED O RUN ON SHARES, OR PER M, Ato M per day mill with planer, shingle machine and moulding machine; at least two years work. Address I. C. SCHLEIHAUF, West Lorne, Ont. WHITE PINE WANTED Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. common and better black ash 4/4. Limited, Toronto, WANTED HA MILLION FEET WHITE OAK plank, 2)” thick, firsts and seconds; also half million oak rim strips cut to our order. Quote us. THECROWN LUMBER Co., Limited, Woodstock, Ont., Canada. Canadian Timber Limit For Sale. Here is a Bargain INETY MILLIONS HEMLOCK AND hardwood; easy logging; plenty water for rafting down French river or to Lake Nipissing. Laycock LuMBER Co., Buffalo, N.Y. NEW OFFICES. The Parry Sound Lumber Com- pany have removed their head offices in Toronto from the Heme Life Building to the new Traders Bank Building, occupying: Rooms 1315 to 1320, on the thirteenth floor, The new quarters are commodious and afford a splendid view of the city and harbor. WOOD-WORKING FACTORY BURNED. The wood-working factory of Silliker & Company, of Amherst, N.S., has been destroyed by fire, to- gether with their offices, warehouse and a large quantity of valuable lumber. This factory was one of the largest and best equipped of its kind in the Maritime Provinces, em- ploying in all about seventy-five men. The total loss is estimated at $75,000, while the insurance amount- ed to only $23,300. ae Sr Address CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The destruction by fire of between twenty-five and thirty million feet of Ottawa valley lumber has furthered strengthened the market and given the seller a still greater advantage. There is no prospect of lower prices for pine or hemlock this year, as the demand is absorbing the supply and preventing any accum- ulation. The largest blocks are in the hands of dealers who are firm believers in present prices and who practically control the situation. Mill culls at $15 at the mill may seem high, but until there is a fall- ing off in the consumption there will be no decline. Hardwoods are holding their own, but nothing more favorable can be said. Stock seems to be found in unexpected quarters and until it is worked off a further advance in prices need hardly be expected. The lath market is firm and more active. There is nota great deal offering and all grades are in good demand. White pine and cedar shingles are rather dull, but in some quarters an advance is predicted owing to the higher prices now ruling for British Columbia red cedars. EASTERN CANADA. The light production of waney white pine is being reflected in the shipments from Quebec, which up to the present time are little more than one-half of last year. Prices are firm but have not advanced as much as was predicted, although it is expected that buyers of the coming winter’s production will have to pay an advance. Spruce lath have advanced from 25 to 50 cents during the past month and are now quoted at $4.00 to $4.25 for 154-inch and $3.75 to $4.00 for 1¥%-inch, Boston delivery. New Brunswick cedar shingles still keep around $3.50 for Extras on Boston freight rate, with $3.60 as the top figure. WESTERN CANADA. Recent developments in British Columbia are not in favor of lower prices for lumber. The situation is controlled by the timber supply and at the present time logs are difficult to get at any price and no quota- tions can be given until the market is steadier. The production of lum- ber is being curtailed by the log II. shortage, and as most of the mills are behind with orders, the recent advance which was made by the Coast and Mountain manufacturers was unavoidable. In Washington the price of logs was advanced $1 to $2 on October Ist, an increase of $1 being made on No. 2 logs up to 4o feet long, $1.50 on merchantable logs and $2 on flooring logs. These increases make the price $8.50 for No. 2 logs, $11 for merchantable logs up to 40 feet long, and $14 tor flooring logs. UNITED STATES. Shortage of rolling stock is about the only complaint that is heard from the lumber trade. The con- ditions are good, and while there is not as much snap to the white pine business as might be expected, the volume is sufficient to prevent an undue accumulation ot stock. It is probable that the mills will go into winter quarters with as much lumber as last year, but there is reason to expect a larger consump- tion. In the Duluth district 12 inch No. 1 boards are said to be selling at some concession, but everything else on the list is firm and there is a shortage of box material. There have lately been larger receipts of spruce in short lengths, but the demand has been sufficient to take care of the supply. For g-inch and under $23 is the general price asked at Boston. All hardwoods are having a good sale, with ash and maple showing - to good advantage. The demand for hardwoods is increasing as the sea- son advances, and there is reason to believe that prices will continue firm throuzh the entire winter. GREAT BRITAIN. Athough the British market is still lagging behind, conditions are gradually improving, and it is The Weller Sills Co., Limited _o ee ET Tt CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION generally predicted that prices will be higher next year. Importers apparently still fear consignment cargoes, induced by the higher range of values which has been established. The shipments from Canada, however, for the balance of the season will certainly be light and there is no reason to expect that prices will be affected thereby. The demand at home and in the United States is so good that there is no incentive to ship to Great Britain. Prices for all grades of pine have advanced owing to high freight rates and the approach of the close of navigation. Baltic prices are firmer, and as the failure of these to advance earlier in the season operated against Canadian lumber, the way is clear for further recovery. Floorings which sold earlier in the year at £9 and £11 per standard for mixed white and first red are now quoted at £10 and 412 respectively. Quebec birch has recently shown some signs of recovery. LUMBER IMPORTS AND EXPORTS. During the first eight months of this year the United States imported unmanufactured timber to the value of $14,596,387, as against $14, 304,- 759 during the corresponding period of 1905. The quantity of lumber imported from Canada shows an increase of nearly 5o per cent. The figures are as follows: 1905. 1906. Boards and other sawed lumber ‘ (ETE oVES\ecahccav 444,124,000 624,856,000 SATE SE ES one 485,052,000 556,872,000 Logs and round timber (Ft. B. My Jie ease sm 7 lg499,000 058,044,000 The United States exported dur- ing the same eight months boards, deals and planks to the value of $22,468,138, compared with $16,- BELLEVILLE, ONT. Timber and Lumber Dealers A SPECIALTY IN Long Timbers, both Pine, Soft Wood and Hardwood ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— a) D/L IS He ane eA Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT- CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped ~ in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Best Workmen. Send us a trial car. KILN-DRIED_BIRGH bo Ne MASON, GORDON & CO. 80 St. Francis Xavier Street MONTREAL, QUE. WHLEALE T UMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, Correspondence Solicited. 580,049 in 1905. British North America took 70,425,000 feet this year and 82,179,000 feet in 1905. HARDWOODS. The demand for hardwood lumber is some better this week, and the trade extends to about everything on the list. Prices are strong in proportion to the scarcity of stcck, through there is only one really week spot. The birch trade is not satisfactory. mand is fairly large, but the abun- dance of stock in the hands of manu- facturers and jobbers keeps the price situation in an unsettled state. Birch is being used in constantly increasing quantity, but manufac- ture has been more than keeping pace with the demand, hence the weakness. Oak is selling well to the factory trade. In fact, the fac- tory trade is picking up, indicating that the supplies laid in during the early summer are getting low, and this demand is extending to bass- wood, elm, ash and. some of. the other woods. A very good appear- ing quartered oak is now _ being made of soft elm by the furnture factories, and it is deceiving some of the experts. The country trade is taking a fair anonnt of oak timbers and other yard stock. Red oak is scarce and white oak still more so, and, as usual, these items are the strongest on the market.—Missis- sippt Valley Lumberman. THE BARBADOS MARKET. Lumber conditions in the Bar- bados market are reported by S. P. Musson, Son & Company as fol- lows: ‘“‘The arrivals during’ the fort- night consist of the schooner Arthur H. Whyte from LaHave, N. S., with 100,000 feet of white pire and spruce, and the schooner E. A. Post HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in Hemlock, in all lengths ro to 24 feet. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are-Agents for the Hadden Shingle Care of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to order, in Red and White Oak, ae Shari Black and White As*, Basswood and Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock Lumeer & Mee Go. lL vt vt Samples by - WE WANT TO BUY. Rock Elm, rsts and 2znds, Tay dai 1%” and 2” Chestnut, A 1%", 2” and 3 ” 7 1”, 1%", 144” and 2” Butternut, =A THE MCLENNAN LUMBER we LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE. The volume of de- - Send for Catalogu October 10, 1906 “a from Shelburne, N. S., with 190,- ooo feet of white pine, both cargoes to our care. We sold the white pine ex. former vessel at $30.27 and $23.37 for merchantable and second — quality, and for the spruce we ob- — tained $26.89 and $20.66 for mer-— chantable and second quality re-— spectively. The white pine ex. lat- ter vessel we placed at $30.56 for merchantable and $24.08 for second quality. These prices may be said to be record ones, as we do not re- member their being obtained at an previous time, and although we if not expect they will be maintained | for any length of time, yet we have ; no doubt that a few more cargoes would do extremely well owing to — the bare condition of our market. We hear that a sale of spruce to’ arrive was made yesterday at $22 for a cargo consisting of 4-inch wide — and up lumber, and any arrivals of — spruce will meet with a good market. The cargo of shingles which is expected from Gaspe, Que. has not yet arrived, and while the market for both Long and Lay- ing Cedar is fairly supplied, yet we think that remunerative prices will — be obtained for any shingles which ~ may be coming this way.” Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISCONSIN GEATRAL RAMA Minneapolis, se. Paul, Ashland, ' Milwaukee, Chicago and all points — east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. 7 Pullman sleepers. ~ Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. A., . Milwaukee, Wis — Stock sizes now ready.— WOODSTOCK, ONT- KNIGHT BROTHERS ¢ il LIMITED Burk’s Sn! October 10, 1906 _ THE COOPERAGE STOCK MARKET. The Sutherland-Innes Company, Chatham, Ont., report as follows: No. 1 staves are showing an up- ward tendency, on account of the % ‘small stocks on hand at the mills. Mill run staves are very unsettled; there are still considerable of these on hand at the mills, and some of the manufacturers are very anxious _ to sell them so as nof to run any ‘ f ‘chance of having to carry them over _ jnto another year; the consequence js that the price of Mill Run staves « 7 varies according to the ideas of the different manufacturers; and while good mill run elm or mixed timber staves which are jointed strictly 9/16 in. bilge are in fairly good de- . mand, the prices are still very close to the cost of production. - Considerable quantities of these staves have been turned down by the consumers and dealers on ac- count of the joints, a great many of'the manufacturers through some error having joined their staves 7 in. instead of 9/16 in. bilge, as re- _quired by the apple trade this year. This has been caused, to some extent, by the uncertainty of the apple trade, and the manufacturers jointing their staves with the idea that they would do either for the apply trade or for other purposes. _° The apple barrel coopers this year, * * Gi - a - : wa i 5 ae “a =) however, are most particular as to the bilge, and will not take anything over 9/i6 in. bilge, while there is quite a little demand for even ¥ in. ‘bilge to work up the higher bilge staves carried from last season or accumulated during the present run. No. 2 staves are fairly steady, and there is quite an improvement in prices, more especially No. 2 28%" staves, which were for a con- siderable time a drug on the market. WHITE FINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER ROSSED PULP WQSD St. Gabriel Lumber Co. Limited St. Gab iel De Bran“on, Que. Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. ——— ss Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. J. B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in — GEDAK —TLEGRHPH, TELEPHONE AND ELEGTAIG. L1G POLES | é ‘Oswego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. * ; Renfrew, Ont. t ‘ ‘ At Emsdale t j a, t 12,000 ft. 2in. 25,000 ft. Jin. { 7,000 ft. 3 in. At Burk’s Falls { CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Hoops maintain their price fairly well. There does not seem to be much variation, and the manufac- turers who have the reputation of turning out an exceptionally good hoop are getting a little better price than they were a month ago, but there is practically no change in the price of hoops, excepting the keg lengths, which are sagging off considerably on account of the lack of demand. Heading is improving consider- ably in price and as there are no very large stocks of heading on hand in the Wisconsin district, we look for prices to be maintained or increased in all sizes of heading. To sum up the situation, both in slack and tight barrel stock, the market is in a better condition than it has been for some time; the tight barrel department is quite satis- factory to the manufacturers, but slack barrel prices are not yet on a remunerative basis, considering the heavy investments and the small production of the season. CANADIAN LUMBER IN ENGLAND. The following prices were realized for Canadian lumber at an aucticn sale held by Churchill & Sim, Lon, don, England, September 26th : Quebec Pine. —Ex. Lobelia, from Quebec—13 ft. 3 x 9 in. unassorted red, £8 per standard of 1980 ft. Ex. Naparina, from Quebec—12-13 ft. 3 x 11 in, third quality, £12 15s. Ex. Mount Temple, from Montreal —12 it. 3x 11 in. first quality, 422 10s; 13 ft. 3 x 11 in., 422 and £22 tos. Ex. Devona, from Montreal— 1o ft. 3 x 11 in. third quality, £8 tos. Spruce. — Ex. Yanariva, from Rimouski and Matane, Que.—9-16 ft. 3 x 8-12 in. unassorted, £93 9- Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS cS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. "Phone 113 Write for Prices. THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, MANUFACTURERS: Lumber, Hardwood Flooring, -Handles, Poles, Bed Frame Stock, Cheese Box Hoops, Heading, Baskets, Etc. . .- Write, Telegraph or Telephone your orders Orillia, Ont. McLennan Timber Land and LUMDeP GO., Limite Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. En ee ——-DRY BIRCH—— 50,000 ft. 1 in. 12,000 ft. 6/4 in. 5,000 ft. 5x5 to1ox (0 quarters - : Write for prices as we have to move it at once. Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON 17 ft. 3 x 6-7 in., £8. Ex. Ontar- ian, from Quebec—12 ft. 24x 7 in. first, second and third quality, 48 15s. Ex. Dessborough, from Quebec—11-14 ft. 2% x 11. fifth quality, £8 and £8 5s. Ex. Mon- tezuma, trom Quebec—to-15 ft. 3 x 6-gin. third and fourth quality, 47 108. British Columbia Pine. -— Ex. Nereide, from Vancouver—1 3-30 ft. 1x5 in.; £8 5s. 10-31 ft. 14 -x' 5 in. tongued, grooved and jointed, ALI 3s: Elm Timber.—Ex. Philze, from Quebec—17-32 ft. x 12-32 ip., 70s. per load of 50 cubic feet. Birch Timber.—Ex. Phila, from Quebec—7-logs, 22-in. and up, gos. per load of 50 cubic feet; 10 logs, 22 in. and up, 87s. 6d; 8 logs, 22 in. and up, 87s. 6d;-11-logs, 20 in. and under 22 inches, 77s. 6d; 8 logs, 18 in. and up, 70s; 12 logs, 16 in. and under 18 inches, 67s. 6d; and 65s; 15 logs, 15% in. and 1534 in., 62s. 6d; 10 logs, 18 to 20 in.,-658> Ti Nees, 18: to 20°1n% 67s. 6d. and 70s; 10 logs, 18 to 20 in., 67s. 9d; 9 logs, 16 in. and under TS 10., O5S- MILLIONS OF LUMBER BURNED. Fraser & Company’s lumber yard at Deschenes, Que., was swept hy fire October 3rd, when about 26,- 000,000 feet of lumber, valued at up- wards of $450,000, was burned. The fire broke out at 7.20 a.m., just after the employees had begun work for the day. When the com- pany’s firemen arrived several piles of lumber were ablaze and the fire was beyond control. The lumber consisted chiefly of pine and cedar of this year’s cut, which had been sold and was awaiting shipment. The purchasers of the lumber in- Wil cluded the Shepard & Morse Lum- ber Company, W. C. Edwards & Company, McArthur Export Com- pany, Watson & Todd, and one or two American firms. TIMBER AT QUEBEC. Following is a comparative state- ment for three years of timber, etc., measured and culled at Quebec up to October 3rd, as furnished by the Supervisor of Cullers : 1904 1905 1906 G 3 C Feet C Feet C Feet Waney White Pine..2,020,160 1,075,000 641,160 White Pine .......... 225, 60 133,520 76,520 PRECIP Ut Gio ae cia etaren ie == 15 920 1,200 13,420 07 hance no mom aot ae 247,860 140,320 503,480 MPOUIIN tevin « Vistas) s'oiateiatoye 2 254,120 484,520 602,120 ELSE Neer oan or Aiea aoe 14,640 9,960 8,880 Butternut Sin oe tar efaiate 40 eae Pace Birch and Maple..... 114 630 207,640 158,400 A. F. Holden, Pres. F, H. Goff, Vice-Pres, J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr E. ©. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. AND SARNIA, ONT, THE |MPERIAL LUMBER GO. LimiTED Millis : Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. sss GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO - ONTARIO COSVCSTVVUSSVCSSTEVVSTEVVSEVSVSTEVVUVSVUATBA®& R,. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R, S. ABBOTT, Treas, SAGINAW, MICH. CVBVQSQSCCEB SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. WETS VEDVVVVAVSVASVSASA -BBVVABO Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Gircwilar een ee: Ont. Gan 26 miles West North Bay UMBER anD LATH Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH! BASSWOOD! OTTAWA, Can. SPRUCE! We have about 100 M. tt. each of 1-in. Basswood and Ash for quick delivery.” Write us for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. Iv. CANADA LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS — y 4 THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT, We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material, Send us your enquiries. HARDWOOD FLOORING = “*.""src'cicst’“™* SIHMON BROS, «rp 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. —Our Prices will Interest ven —A. W. EYER & CO— We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. W. EYER @ CoO. EF 43 Adelaide OORONTO, ONT. DéLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, In6. WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, -— - AV Apply at once to John Harrison & Sons Company, Limited Saw and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. Office : N. Y. We have a few cars of good No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Lath “SPRUCE BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIES PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES Beeock CEDAR &o., &c., ac B.C, FIR B.C. CEDAR Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce fone 18 ft. nd up, 11” x 11’ and up, for saleata low price for immediate delivery JAMES J. MURPHY, °° ghiaing QUEBEC HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THEM. BRENMEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GO., LIMITED Saw Mille at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON Wanted to Buy One Million Feet Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. FOR SALE Lumber in car load lots. In grades red face firsts and seconds and common in all thick- nesses, BIRCH WRITE T. L. BAILIE Box 268 - NORTH BAY, ONT. THE ONTARIO LUMBER C..:: Mase Peete Ars 4:) Fa T.R. Delivery Mills having stocks for sale write for prices. Cash and quick ship- ment. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATK AND SHINGLES, Hons 1 Life 4% ing TORONTO, Ont. Mitts: ae River, Georgian Bay - Water Shipment Only. October 10, 1906 — We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Sullon: White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles R. LAIDLAW LUMBER co. SARNIA = - - BUFFALO PEDWELL & LEMCKE, “i MANUFACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumbe OF iowa Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. , Correspondence Solicited. | JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE. PLA YEHATR & WV Manufacturers and Wholesalé Dealers LUMBER « LATH * SHINGLES — Bick TIMBER a Shecinity ee MIDLAND, ONT. OWEN nr MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Oe ; Y itagfs and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Fie: Coins and Boek, Bill stuf. We ship by C. P. R . T.R., and by W: THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chamber TORONTO, ONT. ma. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Mata 6244) Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, ws RHODES, CURRY & CO. tamitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. ] BUILDING MATERIAL of ali kinds carried in stock. We rs of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Jee ot ° Amherst, N.S. MANUFACTURERS OF _ he Cook & Bros. “onnsetmiea | White and Red Pine — en rere” "| Lumber and Lath **So0”" Branch c. P. R. | Water algae sno ning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES Coristing Building, Montreal. ° nd at Mills at Spragge. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK — %, K, ZH, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . . Also Stock fully machined ux Spring Bed Frames ALL KINDS OF Bees LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY - OWBN SOUND, ONT. j Quebec _. WINNIPEG, — ry Seat pee tn yar =} a: ae) CaNna®a LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. WE HAVE FOR SALE —a-_ 1,000,000 feet of 15/8 in. Cedar Door Stock, running from No. 1 shops to large percentage of perfectly clear. 2 October 10, 1906 Write for prices Fairview Cedar Lumber Company P. O. Box 45, Vancouver, B.C. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS Soft Yellow LUMBER Pine Finishing Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES. YOU CAN | REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. Yellow Pine Timber oe icy me rr im Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH WHOLESALE HARDWOODS| a ST. LOUIS BY RAIL,MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE McCLURE LUMBER CO. HARDWOND LUMBER, CYPRESS YELLOW PINE AND OAK Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty - M Office: No. 520 Franklin Street - DETROIT, MICH. ‘ Mill: EUTAW, ALTA. a Manufacturers | YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Tintore a Specialty J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE sso ron LUMBER - DETROIT - Send us eS inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. FRANK CG. BURY se MICHIGAN BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORTH & JARDINE - | Wood Brokersand Measurers I s Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale st. ,71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, oS F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘* TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND ede ane Hardwoods in log, Ete. Shipments handled to thé best advantage to all ports in the United Kin 2 Broad Street Building, os BAMBERCER, * “ssicss"." Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ IMPORTER OF —— Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND - TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs ana Lumber, Elm Staves and Hea ading, Handles of ali descriptions Veneers A Specialty SMITH & TYRER - (4 tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL ..WOOD AGETS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmitH, Tyrer & Co., Keith Building, 4144 Barrington St GANT & KEMP @ TIMBER 6251 tna Sars GLASGON | BAW EBS Cable Address: ““ TECTONA” Glasgow. BUYERS OF | Ar and A B C Codes used. White Ash Logs and Planks. JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LID, sesansrncee Rock Maple Logs and Planks. Timber Importers Rock Elm Lo pee Cable Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABLE ADDRESS “DOBLE LIVERPOOL.’ . ALSO . «7%. All classes of Lumber and Manufactured Wood Goods sultable for the English = < we —- ee eS ee a ~ 7 5 as hy <7 : ; oe ee Vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION October 10, 1906 Cedar C ill, w Vanower Bc, ca Be HEAPS & CO... taal Wancouver, B. C. i umber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. 4 W. J. SHEPPARD, PRESIDEMT, W. L. TAIT, GENERAL MANAGER » On Vancouver, B.C. aubaushen MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER ~ 0-5 Ue | LATH, MOULDINGS L bet Co- - i TURNED WORK ETC. ce oast ver. ae HICH GRADE pacilic hie RED CEDAR SHINGLES | Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO ia THE RED DEER LUMBER co. BARROWS, SASK. K OUT FOR THE CARS!! sane Rape pase SPRUCE LUMBER and er Cars have been, are now, and will be scarce this season. It is ‘‘ up to you” to anticipate your future needs and order earlier. MOULDINGS ai TURNINGS We have the most up to date mach- ines in the market for this work and can supply Fir or Cedar Mouldings and Turned Work of finest quality by the carload. — _ No. 1and No.2. Try them. | We ‘Ioquiny sonids 4007 000‘000‘0F 4nd Tenuuy LUMBER-—of all sizes and finish. BEVEL SIDING—“ Ready to put on.’ SHINGLES—From the best Extra XXX to the finest fancy Butts Annual Cut 6,000,000 Spruce Lath. 16 inch to 24 inch long. | Z Special attention to the Prairie Provinces Getting to the Botton of it_» i | We mean our file of orders, so that now we can give you prompt HASTINGS SHINGLE MW’ F’ C. C0. shipments on anything. | VANCOUVER, B. C. : THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK. Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, Manitoba. a : Z re j We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode, : ve, . EEE Se me RR SS 3 W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER, B.C. LUMBER & SHIN GLES| a) | es Lo] Cc Sendus yourhwry-up rrders for shingles, Our new saw mil! will soon se in operttion; advise us of your requirements now ‘ REE SRS tae Se ee tak ar ; a SS x ey Y ea se ace eee Y- sane! eee zy, a Ape, ye es et t. i Cis : Pea “y . ee ee Uy Lr a. en ial eee al a oy ot ae ate 2 es Sigs had oe ‘~~ peek rt de 2 Cl. epee eens,” 2am eee Nat ae Shore — : ee 5 October 10, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. _ E. H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President. ., UNION LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. » Our Daily Shipping Capacity ee 2,000.00 SHINGLES PER DAY We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lot FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all e . descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH FELBER, JUCKER & CO. J.D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED Planing, Matching, Resawing ete, a ONB DOLLAR BRACEBRIDGE ia Cae Lees: , Lumber Importers AA OER OF Manufacturer of MANCHESTER ENGLAND Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES me datwchd. HA Mouldings, Ceilings Invite lumbermen, able to cut Bi ch a PRE ae ate AR estes Tern 7/8 up to 3”%3" for _2ing, Herdmaed and, siemtoce, woorings | m4 Bored!” HARDWOOD FLOORING 6 anil making, to write for specifica- O N B YEA R sea a =f Lua co if desired Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity. - tions i ee _—s_-' Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. coop PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY J. Led al Solicited. oe ee ;- —e SESE SE SSS Shi i i i i MD ; Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, M-ple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. appress, . RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. Se ey My ey Ue ty Y, 'eD 2 THOMAS KIRKPATRICK, 4 H. H. SPICER, ESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. % | Shipping Sapacity is L, 500, OOO Shingles per Day VIIL. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CURRENT LUMBER PRIGES~-WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. CAR OR CARGO LOTS. 1 inch No. 1 Pine cuts & better.. 1% inch No. 1 ents and better.. 2’ No. 1 Cuts and «$49 00 54 00 £6 00 1% in. No. 2 Pine cuts and better... 2” No. 2 Pine Cuts and Better . 46.00 1% inch No. 3 Cuts and better.. 2” No. 3 Cuts and Better... 5 1 in. Pine Dressing and better shorts 1x4, 6and8common Ix Io common.... Ix12¢ommen.... 2x 10 common. 2and3xr2common I x 10 inch box and common. 1” mill run sidings 1 in. mill run., 1xroandi2milleulls I nels mill cull Sid- Peaeiteae rs cen 16 00 dena cullsidings 13 00 1% inch Flooring 28 09 44 00 40 00 43 00 23 00 20 00 21 oc 23 00 21 00 24 CO 2I 90 2I 0O 22 00 16 50 Hemlock,1x4 to 8in 17 03 18 00 51 00| 2x4 to’B in.,10 to 16ft. 18 09 20 00 56 00 53 oo 46 00 48 00 42 00 45 0 25 'o 2{ 00 22 00 24 00 22 00 25 00 22 00 22 00 23 CO 17 £0 17 00 tT 3 79 00 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. ac Oo 22 00 Clear inch B.C. cedar, kiln dried. ... 50 00 Clear inch B.C. cedar air dried boat lumber 55 00 Douglas fir dimension timber, up to 32 feet 35 80 Fir flooring, edge grain..........++ 43 00 = Le s No: 1 4ft. Pine ce eens? ale femgels 4 50 5 00 on Ne. 2 4it. ‘ath 4 0O 4 25 1%” No.1 32” pine lath 2 25 2 50 1%” No. 14 ft. hemlock lath 4 co HARDWOODS—PER M FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, rsts and ands, 1 to 2in... $33 00 Ash, Black, ists and ands, 1 to2in.... 30 00 Ash, Black, mill ott te SNC 23 00 better, rin....... 24 00 Birch, common and better 1% to3 in 26 00 Birch, millrun.... 70 co Basswood, common and better, 1in.. 24 00 Basswood, common andbet., 1% to2in 25 00 Basswood, millrun 2I 00 Soft #lm common and better, I in.. Soft Elm, common and bet. 1% to zin 27 00 24 00 35 00 32 00 24 00 25 27 21 pele] oo oo 25 00 27 00 22 OC 25 00 25 00 OTTAWA. ONT. MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES, Pine, good sidings: lin x 7in.and upf40 oo r¥Y in andr¥in.x 8in.andup.. .. 48 oo 2in. x 7in.and up 52 co No.zcuts2x8”&up 24 00 ° J g ‘2 Sg g 2 2 co} y ce) y Z g (s) to} y J gg J J (2) ce} ‘J Co} 2 .o} 2g ‘s} S So is} cs} y NODS OW WWE A) (-) Oo ‘oO S o ° {<) >) S oO S f<) ° =) ° S =) (>) ° ° (>) ‘o f-) ‘oO fs) So) ‘oO ) S oO (>) ) So 9) g ) =) > C) ° QAR 639 Oe ICS ‘3 ‘o0)o (>> Ss Ch) S ee 2 ‘° S G co =) Q Ss 9, ) S oS J 19 @9)0(00)0(09}9G9)5(G0)5(G9)0C09) OO (2) ONGo ° ©) oe ) =) 2 2 : 44 60 56 00 56 00 36 00 XXXX Pine Shingles 300 3 25 XX Pine Shingles .. 2 25 2 30 X Pine Shingles .. go XX Cedar Shingles 225 2 30 B. C. Shingles" XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 325 XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 47 XXXXX 5 to 2in. 3 80 XX No. 2, 6 to2 in. ic Kx “6to 23-16 in, 4 Red pine, clear and clear face... 23 00 24.10 Red pine, common | 2. cidixnnelaleinisjeoiaistaie 14 00 17 00 Soft Elm, mill run 21 co 22 00 Rock Elm, common and better, 1in.. 25 00 26 00 Rock Elm, common and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 a0 Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 00 Soft Maple common and better, rin 2200 23 00 Maple common and better, 144 to 3 in 24 00 26 00 Maple, millrun... 20 00 21 00 Oak, red, plain, Ists apd adSt. cece) 3 46 00 50 00 Oak, white, plain, tsts and 2nds.... 44 00 46 00 Oak,quartered, ists and ends......... 70 00 75 00 Hickory, xsts and QRS =. 5/016/s/a\p)>)shelm = 36 00 38 00 1 x 10 No. 1 barn.. 24 00 1x1I0No.2 ,, - 22 00 1x&8&gQNo. 1 barn 21 00 22 00 1x8 &ONO 2, 18100" 20'¢co PineShorts 6’ to 11’ K10%Me aie esens XFEOO 1800 hee ae strips : cocsscese 35 CO 38 00 ve in. and 1% in... 36 00 40 00 iis -ajatatealsintepete +. 40 00 45 00 Pine, good shorts: Dana oaicip saree 28 00 30 00 1M in.and 1% ina 36 00 40 00 AB ene Se: 49 00 44 00 7” is Ng A Sidings.. {7 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing siding.... ... .. 23 00 27 00 Pine, No. 1 dressing StFIPS..+.20 escee »« 20/00) dB 00 Pine No.1 ” dressing SHOrtetaslsiccteree tenets 18 22 00 Pine, tos, ¢ and bet- ter 12’ to 16’ . ....22 00 24 00 Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- ter 12’ to1@...... 20 00 2100 Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 23 00 25 00 Pine s. c. strips...... 18 00 20 00 Pine, s.c. shorts..... 17 09 ‘8 59 Pine, box boards.... 1600 oo | 17 | SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. rin., 8” and up bigese> - $79 00 I 4, 18% anda) ie - 77 00 2h, and 3” ee . 86 00 4" + 94 00 SELECTs. 1in., 8’ and u yp wide... é 69 oo. 1%, 1% and 2! «+++ 67 00 2% and 3” . 81 co 4” reer.) FINE, COM. AND BETTER. 1x 6and 8”’.. iw anene BOD Tin., 8’ and up wide.... 52 00 i and 50, 4 alia +++ 55 00 #s +... 56 00 FINE COMMON, 2%,3and 4”.. 78 00 86 00 No. I CUTS. 1in., 8” and up aay +» 37.00 1% in +» 48 00 ry in, ‘ ++. 48 00 eid as + 50 00 2%and3” ‘ «+. 62 00 4” - 62 00 No. 2 CUTS, 1 in,, 6” and up wide.... 21 00 1% ue seve 35. 00 1%” ++++35 00 all oy cone 38,00 2%,3and4” ‘“ sees 49 00 i No. 3 CUTS. 1in., 6” and up wide.... 19 00 1Y% and 14%” Le sees 24 00 2” $6 6 asi "25100' 2%,3and 4” “ : 30 00 J. B. MILLER, President. Mauufacturers of Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ‘ONT. Head Office: Traders Bank Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main 1016 ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS [TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. Pine mill culls..... 1600 18 00 Pine O. culls.......11 00 13 50 Spruce, "x4" & up (5 00 16 00 cae 1” stocks, = 7,8,9 and 10”,, . 16 50 19 50 Spruce,1” clear (fine dressing and B., 24 00 Hemlock its Basswood....... Birchives ts oveves Lath, per M No.1 white pinel¥s” 400 4 50 No. 2 white pine...-. 350 3 75 Spruce, mill run..... 3 00 3 50 Red Pine, mill run.. 3 00 3 50 Pine Shingles XxxX, 18 inch........ 325 375 Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 75 3 25 xx: 18 inch.......... +170 200 White Cedar Shingles xxxx, 18 inch........ 3.75 4 00 Clear Butt,r8inch.. . 3 00 3 25 xx, 18inch.......... I 7o 200 MILL RUN APS. cpismnes Be otinoale te 12 00 bier he ae nels titee a aoe 1” x6 and 8” . 25 00 i” B10")... . 26 00 Pah JCM! A n= 28 00 1” x s3amd uip.........- 29 0% 1%x4and 5”....... + --.$25 00 NO. I BARN. Vie euweeree «$27 00 to $35 0o 1%, 1% and 2” 33 00 2% cy kn 35 00 Pe a, 41 00 * NO. 2 BARN. TAWlos ee eeees aera 25 oo to 29 00 ~ 1%, 1%, — a 26 oo to 29 co 2% and 3”. 30 oo NO. 3 BARN. Tittpeecasaaess4 22 oo to 25 00 , 1% and 2" 23 coto 27 co 1a 27 00 BOX. Ne. pO aes Cie Se miinte se 15 co to 20 00 No. 1 mill culls, 1,1%, 1%, 2” MILL CULLS. 1600to 18 00 Mill Run rai sa Th 1% BAG? cise wn eisn No, a “oe . “ v¢ pol a © Pu 9 _— mS <) Fp © = — ou re = =| oo O laure ep) © Se = e W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer.. ROUGH and DRESSED Telegraph Codes : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. PINE, HEMLOCK »» HARDWOOD LUMBE NIROIIIIOOE coy ‘a a id was “ — , 3 yt re : October 10, QUEBEC, QUE. WHITE PINE—IN THE RAFT Square white pine, measured off, 30 to 40 feet average,......... First class Ottawa waney, 18 ‘inch average, a, to lineal... 3 : ‘ 19 to 20inch average oa 08 RED PINE—IN THE RAFT. Mzasured off, according to average and quality... cn etdesavesdadn h ipping order seweeeen wee eseee 35 OAK—MICHIGAN AND OHIO. . bole By the dram, according to average and quality. . tes 48 5: ELM. q By the dram, accordin to average and quality 4 40 to 45 feet 65 7 30 to 35 fe t 52 ASH. . 10 inches and up, according to average and quality. . . 26 2 Average 16 inch Ae et 4c Cae ae Sa, ee : BIRCH, 14 Inch a & i a 16 ** Vs. Oe, NES a Pet ori Oi ae 4 is. «6 iat Ory peek eeeee 73r<* x wen “6 2 Re ee : : BOSTON, MASS. White Pine Uppers, 1 to 2inch ...... 2.26 cseess Selects, ich ech ee ae - a8 es teeenenseenee 72 Fine Common, z ing. cs.0% «65 oie - 58 No. 1 Cuts, 1 inc! gt = - 1 No. 2 Cuts, <= t ; . : I 52 00 Barn Boards, NO. 1.......sssseceseesesencecees 41 0.2 s No. 3 Spruce, 10 and 12 in. dimension.............. gin. and under ... ...0.250s-cms anessesnenenl asia Io and 12 in, random lengths, 10 tt. and eopaian 2X3, 2X4, 2x5, 2x6, 2x7 an 3x4 random le: 10 ft. and GD. . sacccws. wveply «soy eee "a1 00 All other random lengths, 9 in, and , 10 ft. poe Sop RL ‘- wvas vested vate Smee 5 in. and up merchanta’ le boards, 8 ft. & Ls ; Out Spruce boards, p. 1S......-. sesse00 tan = rx2 and 1x3 furring p. 1s clipped and bundled .. 1, Siriaas laths 9 as dein waleig aod aie po ae telalae ta eine 888ees r 8 8 Shs ‘ 8 ca 888 * : : : : Hi : : : : : : : i ~ ei) b ‘ e i : es “ ys crs pasa 8 ARB NEW BRUNSWICK CEDAR SHINGLES. FEXCrAS . osc se nine. oia'a si eimmecatny sade signee Clears... .....csrccvess cvescnecscce sesencesonsesnel 2195 Second clears’....s.ccscersescrencenssssusasanmune rye Cleat “WHites 77002500. pecs aw neeme eee e eee Extra 1s (Clear whites out)........-.sese0 ae Extra 1s (Clear whites in).........0.sssessenseeee 0 BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. Red Cedar Exttas, 16 in. 5 butts to 2in. ace amet Eurekas, 18 in. ? Perfections, 5 butts toz¥ Ze ome vi NOOO oe BSZ SOC pens 26 20) asaya Ss SIQS) S, SAS LED SOD Sd SOD SOO RODEO SOD EOD SOO SOOEL SS CAS CASCESCENGEN We Ee) 2 OK 2 es - =- = i r > a> Sh ~ ee ~e: 4 x! ke 5, a Beas 7 * = = VoL. XIV M <- a, a > Sel ini Sods gy fe te, oe Se LUMBERMA AND WOOD-WORKER 4 a ant WEEKLY EDITION ‘The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 Per vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD TORONTO, MONTREAL ~— OCTOBER 17, 1906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER No. 32. a -(aANADA [UMBERMAN The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u a of Toronto, Limited ; Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: =~ Room B34, Board of Trade Building, Montreal, Ss Telephone Main 2299. 72f-72t Union Bank Building, Winnipeg, Telephone 1274. Davis Chambers, 615 Hasting St., Vancouver, = > B.C., Telephone 2248. 2 The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the principal manufacturing districts and leading qarakeric and foreign wholesale markets. A _ weekly mediunt of information and communica- y tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. =. The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE de Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion, _~+When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of a5 pet cent. will be allowed. _.. This notice shows the width of the line and is set : in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- - _ yertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in ‘the current week’s issue Fe SH, BASSWOOD, SOFT ELM, ROCK ELM. Be, - Maple, Hickory, &c.,in logs, lumber and «dimension sizes, for immediate shipment; also eS for shipment through coming winter and spring. x Spot cash. Inspection at mill. Please quote = prices f.o.b. shipping points, W. J. GoRDON, - Box 295, Windsor, Ont. Timber Limits For Sale Py <4 a. > V Province of British Columbia. For particu- lars Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. Auction Sale 5 uary, 1907, at 2 p. ma ____ James Cox and the Estate of the late J. P. Logue will, subject to a reserve bid, offer for _ sale by Pnblic Auction in the Rotunda of the __ “Russell,” Ottawa, timber berths Nos. 194 and 195, situate in the Gatineau District of the : iy _ Province of Quebec, which contain one hundred 7 peste miles, more or less, _,, These limits are held by the Vendors under the usual renewable licenses, issued by Crown in right of the Province of Quebec. The terms __and conditions of payment will be made known _ at the time of sale. _ For further information apply to ~~ =" AYLEN & DUCLOS, _ Solicitors of Vendors, Trust Building, Ottawa. On Tuesday, the 22nd Day of Jan- i oe ALUABLE TIMBER LIMITS IN THE H an ek eae. ‘ v FEW CARS NO.‘r AND MILI, RUN heading for sale, 1714” and 1834”, Address W.N. Buck, Port Rowan, Ont. V ANTED—PINE OR HEMLOCK SAW- _ milling and timber proposition; give full particulars, Box 414 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, ber and will help to get same out. Address “D, A, M. K.” Sawmiller, Magnetawan, Ont. FOR SALE 300 PINE PILES, 30’ LONG, 8” AND UP diameter small end. THE BRADLEY CoMPANY, Hamilton, Ont. Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED—2” ROCK ELM, 1” BIRCH AND all thickness Black Ash, C. & B. 1” Cull Basswood, 1” & 2” Spruce. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO be cut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet Address Box 377, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED For TUNE OR JULY, 1907, DELIVERY, : to 750M ft. round spruce timber, average length about 28 ft., 10” and up at smallend. Ad- dress Box 630, Sorel, Que., Canada. SPRUCE LATH year around, and are consequently al- ways in want of laths, both 1%” and 154”. Write us. CHARLES S. WENTWORTH & Co., 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. WY ee ROCK ELM LOGS, 8/16 FEET, long, 12” and up at small end;also plankr 1 sts and ands, 2%”,3”,4” and 5” and up; also No. common and better black ash 4/4. Address CARTER, POWELL LAND AND LUMBER Co., Limited, Toronto. WANTED ALF MILLION FEET WHITE OAK plank, 2%” thick, firsts and seconds; also half million oak rim strips cut to our order. Quote us. THE CROWN LUMBER Co., Limited, Woodstdck, Ont., Canada. Canadian Timber Limit For Sale. Here is a Bargain INETY MILLIONS HEMLOCK AND hardwood; easy logging; plenty water for rafting down French river or to Lake Nipissing. LaycocK LUMBER Co., Buffalo, N.Y. LIMIT FOR SALE ai I NICE LOTS SITUATED IN TOWN- J 2 ship of Hope, County of Bonaventure, Province of Quebec. on North Nonvelle river; lots contain spruce, birch, fir, etc. Fine locality to start small Jumbering business. Write P. NADEAU & Sons, Grand Cascapedia, P. Q. a net profit offover $4.000 per month, for sale, land, timber, etc. Price $75,000; one-third cash, balance on easy terms. Only reason forse'ling, owner has too manv businesses to look after Principals only need apply. Box 413 CANADA LUMBERMAN. : WANTED operating between Lake Superior and Pacific Coast,Canada. Character assured; habits strictly temperate; large experience American and Canadian logging methods. Box 412 CANADA LUMBERMAN,. Toronto, Ont, > M jKeey DVANCES MADE ON LOGS‘AND LUMBER to be cut during the coming winter, and stock contracted for. Write particulars to Box 415 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. MAN WANTED O RUN ON SHARES, OR PER M, Ato M per day mill with planer, shingle machine and moulding machine; at least two years work. Address I. C. ScHLEIHAUF, West Lorne, Ont. WHITE PINE WANTED Wiss No.5 IN CARGO LOTS, QUOTE over rail at shipping point or at Muske- gon, Mich, VAN KENI.EN & WILKINSON LUMBER Co., Grand Rapids, Mich. WANTED, ROCK ELM. 24% AND 3BY5”’ AND WIDER, 80,000 10 to 16 ft. long. We will inspect and pay cash at point of shipment. THE BRaD- LEY CoMPany, Hamilton, Ont, MILL EMPLOYEES AWYERS, FILERS, CARRIAGE RIDERS, ) mill wrights, yard meu and all mill em- ployees, when out of work write to E. F. MIT- CHELL, mill builder and expert, No. 23 and 24 Dayis Chambers, Vancouver, B. C. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS, ONTARIO. The past week has witnessed an advance in some of the lower grades of white pine lumber. Shipping culls and better, for instance, have been marked up in the Ottawa Valley list to $21 to $23 for 8-inch and $23 to $25 for 10-inch, and box boards to $19. The market is getting remarkably bare of these grades and the seller is able to get almost any price he chooses to ask. The Sarnia list is higher nearly all round, although the greatest ad- vance is confined to the poorer grades, of which No. 1 mill culls at $17 to $18 and No. 2 at $15 are examples. The trade are looking for no weakening unless unexpected developments of a very unfavorable character should arise. The scarcity of white pine is helping spruce and hemlock, and to a lesser extent the hardwoods, and we would not be surprised to see higher prices all along the line before many weeks. There is a revival of activity in lath, as might be expected at this season of the year. Buyers are plentiful, and in Toronto the retail price of No. 1 white pine is now about $5.50. The supply is. decidedly short. EASTERN CANADA. The spruce situation is practically .unchanged, although some addi- tional strength has been shown dur- ing the past fortnight owing to more inquiry for British specifications. Prices in the Eastern States are al- so showing a tendency to advance and the situation as a whole is favorable to the holder of lumber. Considerable interest is shown in the lath market, which has developed activity and strength. As stocks are light, prices are likely to ad- vance further. New Brunswick cedar shingles are firm at $3.50 to $3.60 for Extras, Boston delivery. WESTERN CANADA. The lumber demand of the West shows no abatement. Finishing material is now being called for in large quantities and the planing mills are exceptionally busy. Prices are firm, with an advancing tend- ency. The British Columbia mills are carrying very light stocks in their yards and the burning of the ssw mill and shingle plant of E. H. Heaps & Company, of Vancouver, will further curtail. the production, which for some time has been be- low the consumption. Logging operations are active, but prices are still high and there seems no likeli- hood of an increase inthe available supply of logs in the near future. The demand for shingles is not as strong as for lumber, but there is no accummulation and the market is steady. UNITED STATES. The car shortage is greatly re- stricting the movement of lumber in the United States, and in some dis- tricts the mills have been obliged to close on this account. Consumption is all that could be desired and deal- ers are kept’ busy supplying the wants of their customers. The lower grades of white pine have advanced from $1 to $2 at Buffalo, while some dealers are also asking increased prices for the upper grades. The stock of white pine in the Lake Superior district is believed to be less than at the close of the season at any time within the past decade. Hardwoods are showing considerable activity. The demand for birch and basswood is excellent, but as the supply of the former is large, there has been no change in price. Basswood, the stock of which is not heavy, has strengthened. There is a scarcity of all kinds of lath. In Boston spruce lath ranges from $4.25 to $4.50, while in Chi- cago, where the white pine. variety is used, the price is $5.00 to $5.50 for No. 1. It. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Corre pondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Ortrawa, October 11, 1906.—The destruction of large quantities of lumber by fire near Ottawa has created a temporary panic in the market but it will not prove serious nor iast long. Fraser & Company, the heaviest Tose., give the opinion that although the fires were unusu- ally destructive, the quantity of lumber removed from the market is too small to aff.ct prices. This firm has not been able to figure its loss definitely, but Mr. W. H. A. Fraser states that the yard visited by fire contained 25,000,000 feet of red and white pine. About 15 per cent. of this was saved. The lumber was worth about $20 a thousand. The value of the lumber consumed would be $425,000. A large quantity of it was sold and in possession of the W. C. Edwards Company, Shepard & Morse, Laidlaw & Company, and others. The Frasers carried $313,000 insurance on what they held and the other companies had - $200,000 insurance, so that the lumbermen stand to lose little. A revised estimate of the value of the lumber of the Robert Hurdman Estate destroyed by fire is $80,000. There was 3,500,000 feet of red and white pine and 150,000 feet of spruce. This lumber was in R. & T. Ritchie’s yard at Aylmer and was cut by them, but this firm had no material loss of lumber. The Hurd- man Company had practically allits sawn lumber destroyed and the fire has caused some inconvenience The Weller Sills Co., Limited | =—_—_——————————EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION where sales were made.’ Otherwise the firm is not affected. The Robert Hurdman Estate has enough logs ahead for next summer’s mill opera- tions and will not make any logs in the shanty this year. Fraser & Company have shanties going on Deep and Black rivers, taking out pine. The operations will be much curtailed compared with last year. A representative of the firm states that excessive cost of shanty work is responsible for the falling off in activity. Hurdman & Elmitt report brisk work in taking out hardwood timber on Gatineau limits, but like other manufacturers they say cost of labor and supplies is an immense burden. The keen demand for lumber con- tinues. The large number of in- quiries for pine shipping culls has led to an advance in prices of a dollar a thousand. Large sales of pine box boards have been the most important feature of the market recently. Exporters are unanimous in reports of a brisk trade in this line of lumber. The mills have turned out an unusual quantity of box boards and found a_ ready market for it all. The buyers come from both the United States and Ontario. No decline is noticeable in the de- mand for lath and dealers anticipate an increase in present quotations rather than a drop. During the season, when the best pine varieties sold at $4.50 a thousand, no person Jaid in a supply, so that the ordinary BELLEVILLE, ONT. Timber and Lumber Dealers A SPECIALTY IN Long Timbers, both Pine, Soft Wood and Hardwood acest: & T.- CHARLTONeeee ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— ROD MSSIIB Se and L,A’TEL Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS | LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ILLIF, ONTARIO Best equipped ae in Canada for Planing and Matching, Resawing, Hollow Back, Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Making Hardwood Flooring, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Workmen. Kiln Dried, Send us a trial car. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING MASON, GORDON & CO. 80 St. Francis Xavier Street MONTREAL, QUE. waows= LUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, Correspondence Solicited. —————=—— sna Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH! BASSWOOD! OTTAWA, Can. SPRUGE! We have about 100 M. tt. each of 1-in. Basswood and Ash for quick delivery. Write us for prices, W. B. BARTRAM & CO. consumption will necessitate at least a continuance of current rates. Buy- ers from the United States and the west of Canada are giving big orders for No. 1 white pine, while large sales are being made locally of No. 2 white pine at $3.50 and $3.75 a thousand. The depressing effect of low water continues to hamper opera- tions in most of the Ottawa Valley mills. J. R. Booth is affected very much and his pulp mill has been practically thrown idle. Fortunate- ly, the 5,00 or 6,000 tons of pulp he has ahead will feed the new paper mill which is about ready to start. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERM:N.) St. Joun, N.B., Oct. 11th, 1906. _—The attention of the local lumber people is occupied just now to a very great extent with the making of arrangements for getting logs during the coming winter. Most of the important operations are now -under way, but considerable diffi- culty is being experienced in obtain- ing competent men. For ordinary choppers, the wages paid range from $28 to $30 per month, and even though willing to pay these figures, many operators are short- handed. ! Speaking generally, contractors are obtaining somewhat higher prices for logs, in most cases 25 cents and in some cases 50 cents per thousand feet. Just at present, the spruce lath HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. — HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will ait to order, in Red and White Oak, Soft i Male, Black and White Ash, Basswood d Soft Elm. ; Enquiries Solicited Tae Woonstock LuMBER & Merc Co 1 ‘WOODSTOCK, ONT: L Send for Catalo KNIGHT BROTHERS. co J 3% Samples by I _Burk’s a . WE WANT TO BUY - 13", 2” and 3 Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds. 1", 1%", 1%" and 2” Chestnut, « 1”, 1%", 134" and 2” Buporint, “ THE McL*NNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, ( ——DRY BIR CH—— : 25,000 ft. J In. At Emsdale 12,000 ft. 2 a: 7,000 ft. gin. Write for prices as we have to move it at once. Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON -/ At Burk’s Falls { ‘ pean. 2 eran ot _ October 17, 1906 a . > trade is claiming a great deal of attention, A marked eagerness on the part of buyers is discernible and — this condition, taken in connection — with the fact that local stocks are. light and that there is no perceptible anxiety to sell, is having a tendency : to boost local prices. A prospective purchaser would be quoted $2.65 per thousand on dutiable slab-lat and $2.90 on non-dutiable, f. o. bi schooner St. John. Stocks of lath on local wharves would total tO from 3,000,000 to 3,250,000, of which quantity the much larger part is dutiable. The trade in spruce deals for « ex- port to the United States has been steady and fairly brisk thus far throughout the autumn. Values have been quite uniform and no~ important change is expected in the immediate future. During the pre- sent month the volume of business’ Ask Your T icket Agent for tickets via the WISCONSIN GENTRAL RALMAY Minneapolis, eau ‘Paul, Ashland, s Milwaukee, Chicago and all sccaleg east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. — Free reclining chair cars. Dining cars. For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent — 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or Jas. C. Ponp, G. P. A., Milwaukee, Wis — Stock sizes now ready. ail LIMITED 50,000 ft. 1 In. 12,090 ft. 6/4 In. <3 5,000 ft. 5x5 toioxio quactersy ; - October 17, 1906 has not been so great in this line as was the case during September and the demand perhaps lacks snap, although so far prices have shown no sign of weakening. Local stocks of this line of goods are very light, one and one-quarter to one and one- _ half millions of feet would cover the quantity. ' All indications point to the con- clusion that, when the above men- _ tioned quantity has been cleaned 3 a up, the volume of shipments of _ deals from this port to the United States will be more than ordinarily fight throughout the remainder of the year, the average weekly out- put being far lighter than is usually _ the case owing to the fact that a a7 gy x, 20nd 8.x. 8, $14. pestaiy near Station. Ae . : rewene, N. Y. : 7 * aie vis ss wwe ta Bee ; / N ian Be Be iW Se tg se ek il several of the largest ‘‘American” manufacturers are sawing for the _ English trade. An inquirer for non-dutiable spruce deals, etc., would be quoted figures closely resembling the fol- lowing: 10 x 3 and 12 x 3, $19 per thousand sup. teet; 9 x 3, $16; 6 One inch E Plating and Matching —IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 Please mention this paper when corresponding with advertisers. J. B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in -GEDAR —TELEGRIPH, THEPHOKE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. “ 1 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION boards, $13,75 ; 2 x 3, 3 x 4, etc., $13, (all f.0.b. St. John.) Charters by. sailing vessels to New York City are being made at $3.50 per thousand on long lumber and 70 cents per thousand on lath. STOCKS AND PRICES. The St. John Railway Company, St. John, N.B., will receive tenders up to October. 2oth for supply of the following spruce piling : 122 pieces 35 ft. long, 122 pieces BS IL; 123 pieces 40 ft., and 123 pieces 45 ft., all 12 inches: Square across butt and not less than 7 inches at top. The Board of Trustees of the Washington Shingle Mills Bureau have decided to issue a circular to all mills within the jurisdiction to sell shingles either on the basis of $1.80 and $2.15 or $1.90 and $2. 25 f.o.b. mill for Stars and Clears. The former price is that offered by the members of the Wholesalers Club who are fighting to maintain a steady market in the East at WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER ROSSED PULP WJO0D St. Gabriel Tumber Co. Limited St. Gab iel De Brancon, Que, Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, MANUFACTURERS: Lumber, Hardwood Flooring, Handles, Poles, Bed Frame Stock, Cheese Box Hoops, Heaaing, Baskets, Etc. . Write, Telegraph or Telephone your E Pro Orillia, Ont. McLennan Timber Land and LUMDer GO., rimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. $1.90 for Stars and $2.25 for Clears plus the freight. The other faction among the wholesalers have been offering the mills $1.85 for Stars and $2.20 for Clears, putting their Cars in transit and selling to the Eastern trade at from 10 to 15 cents advance plus the freight. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. The Department of Interior, Ottawa, are asking for tenders up to Wednesday, October 24th, for a license to cut timber on Berth No. 1282, situate in the Province of Saskatchewan and comprising twelve square miles south of the Etoimani river, and Berth No. 1281, situated in the Province of Manitoba and comprising sixteen square miles in Township 44. London, Eng., has imported 670,- 000 pieces of pine deals from St. Lawrence river ports. this year, against 549,000 pieces in the corre- sponding period of 1905. iti A. F. Holden, Pres. ¥. H. Goff, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. AND SARNIA, ONT, THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO, LimiteD Mills: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda N. Y. secuties GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R, S. ABBOTT, Treas, ; SAGINAW, MICH. ONTARIO | SRBCOBOS00800SOF0OO85S8E8888888884880 SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURBERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. $ VEVSSSSSSSVSVVSVFESSVTVSSSESSFEBS -O0B44B6 Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band =- Srrecwular aC re aay, Ont. 26 miles West North Bay VANCOUVER, B. C. AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE, AND A. B, C., 5TH EDITION. _BANKERS—Merchants Bank of Canada. Gane UMBER a> LATH Se eOMPT SeenON DS tt MARRIOTT & COMPANY We can ship promptly almost anything in British Columbia Fir, Cedar, Hemlock, and usually Spruce. Having ten mills to ship from, possibly we can give you better service than any other house in the lumber trade. Send us your enquiries, whether for shingles, lumber or timbers, straight or mixed cars. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS ~ pmereesesiis ve 2 October 17, 1906 THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ON We are now J arta and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all Also all classes of Building Material Send us your enquiries. HARDWOOD FLOORING = ‘."*Sts"stvae”™"" BROS, tr canons ONT. STHMOWN 6B 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO —Our Prices will Interest Vea ——A. W. EYER & CO We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. W. EYER @ CoO. 43 Adelaide a East % ONTO, ONT. DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, In6. WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - 1 A Lee Apply at once to Office : N.Y. We have a few cars of good No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Lath John Harrison & Sons Company, Limited Saw7and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. SPRUCE BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIES HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES PINE OA CEDAR &o., &eo., &o B.C, FIR B.C. CEDAR anyshitie in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M, Spruce Timber 18 ft. nd up, 11” x 11” and up, for saleata low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, *shiaing""" QUEBEC Building i ee eee |S It your wish. . 9 To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY THE M. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING 6O., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Tese, The Canada Larnvernaams Toren Saw Mille at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON BIRCH WRITE T. L. BAILIE Box 268 - NORTH BAY, ONT. Wanted to Buy ana ill Million Feet FOR SALE Lumber in car load lots. In grades red face firsts and seconds and common in all thick- nesses. Mills having stocks for sale write for prices. Cash and quick ship- ment. THE ONTARIO LUMBER C9: ares Muts: North B: C.P.R. and ref T.R. Delivery MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Hon Tite Building 1 ORONTO, On G Mirts; French River, Georgian Ba: Water Ships Ouse We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, ‘White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, | Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CoO. SARNIA - - - BUFFALO Lions Head, PEDWELL & LEMCKI » onaneea Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Correspondence Solicited, - MANUFACTURERS OF . Rail or Water Shipments. JAS. PLAYFAIR. PLAY FAIR & WHIT: i Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH « SHINGLES — MIDLAND, ‘ONT Tr ‘OWEN Be Contractors for Rallway Su Nae BILL TIMBER a Specialty sig MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. is det lhesy and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINEE ETC, .” Make a Specialty | of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock | me soe ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED ene Lite Chambers, TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244) ~ Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Bet eB ets at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. ATERIAL of all kinds carried in sto Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. viele 8 sen ice of Anta 35 Ss. => MANUFACTURERS oF f White and Red fat Lumber and Lath ~ Water Shipments he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS at SPRAGGE, Algom Dist., Ont. “S00” Branch Pp. R. anning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES Goris tine Building, Montreal. °@ d at Mills at Spragge. eS HARDWOOD FLOORING me YMAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK %, %, Ke. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ) ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY : ire Ree PE ey ety ron lx ae TES Sa ee : x rae * y i - 7 = E October 17, 1906 CaNaBA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. WE HAVE FOR SALE — 1,000,000 feet of 15/8 in. Cedar Door Stock, running from No. 1 shops to large percentage of perfectly clear. Write for prices Fairview Cedar Lumber Company P. O. Box 45, Vancouver, B.C. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS — Sort Pat aie LUMBER Haeberle Lumber Co. : ga Se at, LUMBER and TIMBER Y @ U Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, 8 Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CAN California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Cc. A. SPALDING & co. Yellow Pine Timber a ee eee meth. ort tin Arial Wise 2 EA e Hy Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH NIAGARA FALLS, N Y. Me THE BONSACK LUMBERCO. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. My WHOLESALE HARDWOODS 3 YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS ST. LO U | S Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty BY 5 TpAng a ikan See eer ce Lt Oa SIR et ne ee RAIL,MAIL J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. WIRE OR GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, ‘(D>HONE HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan TeuBt Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN McCLURE LUMBER CO. | wa : ae | HARDWOND LUMBER, CYPRESS BB FRANK 6. BuRY BURY & NOBLE | mason a. noste YELLOW PINE AND Bn Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty WHOLESALE LUMBER . DETROIT MICHICAN M Office: No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. : - Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. Mill : EUTAW, ALTA. . oa BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ARNWORT & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER - (4 Titenarn Street, LIVERPOOL | Wood Brokersand Measurers ..WOOD AGETS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. - : Cable Address “Far Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale 8t., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, Ac Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyRER & Co., Keith Building, 4144 Barrington St FA. Lightbody & Co. GANT & KEMP a TIMBER WOOD BROKERS 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW a ep R 0 K c S Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE ; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Cable Address: ““TECTONA™ Glasgow. : Shipments handled to the best advantage to all pasts in the United Kingdom. d A B C Codes used. i ge cere i ee JUIS B AM BERGER 2 Broad Street Building, HN NS 1) “eae opi aloe - a LONDON, E. C. ’ 7 Oak Logs and Plank Rock Maple Logs mot Planks. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Rock E ogs. Hickory one tk SRR areca Timber Importers Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods LZ Alicinaaes ie ea Manat ctured a _ Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOAEDS | Cable Atdross ‘Owen Liverpool’ Liverpool, Big. ater eels Bat a JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER | ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLA TIMBER MERGHANTS WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS _ BUYERS OF Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey im, Loge ana tumber, fim | Liverpool and London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND DW oost A Specialty CABLE ADDRESS “DOBLE LIVERPOOL.’; iA om f é Miscee CaNaDa LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ober 50 c “4 “awn. Ee H, HEAPS & co.“ eo B.C. Wancouyver, iL umber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Moline Ftc. SPECIALTIES: |. AM HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, ‘Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Nemee § Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. . 3 w. Te Suey EEE s PRESIDENT W. L. TAIT, GENERAL MANAGER ubau » On Va ncouver, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER O-» | amie |. LATH, MOULDINGS L per - Co. | TURNED WORK { G. ~. as er. BO = HIGH GRADE pacilic Co VAROOWN RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORS i 3 | | | THE RED DEER LUMBER co. K OUT BARROWS,~ SASK. : FOR THE GARS!! MR. DEALER Cars have been, are now, and will be scarce this season. It is ‘‘ up to you” to anticipate your future needs and order earlier. MOULDINGS ail TURNINGS We have the most up to date mach- ines in the market for this work and can supply Fir or Cedar Mouldings and Turned Work of finest quality by the carload. Manufacturers ot SPRUCE ieee and LATH Jequiny sonidg jooq © 000‘000‘oF 3ngQ Tenuuy LUMBER-—of all sizes and finish. BEVEL SIDING—“ Ready to put on.’ SHINGLES—From the best Extra XXX to the finest fancy Butts 16 inch to 24 inch long. No. 1 and No.2. Try them — vaca sie Cut 6,000,000 Spruce Lath. i Special attention to the Prairie Provinces Getting fn the Bottom of it We mean our file of orders, so that now we can give you Preeapt shipments on anything. : THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK. 4 Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, Manitoba. HASTINGS SHINCLE MFG. CO. VANCOUVER, B.C. : We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER, B. C. LUMBER S SHINGLES / Send us your padi up orders for shingles. Our new saw mil will soon bein » aponntiany Gdvion. wt crusts require in) sawed: pms * ne eee ee Bicioher PMeqos "eR CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vil. E. H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, tumr1rep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAY 4 We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lot FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH J, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., UIKITED Planing, Matching, Res FELBER, JUCKER & C0.) ONE, DOLLAR neared Bi lene SANE nt Lumber Importers Amp wiCroanneS OF Manufacturer of MANCHESTER ENGLAND i Will pay your subscription to the CANADA LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES refs HARDWOOD Ceilings Invite lumbermen, able to cut Bic ‘ WAL are sauares yee up to fr oa BEE per Seog rer rn O00 FLOORING write tor = etc. re: umber Kiln D d po cy making, to | O N EB YEA R | ind AMakched Hloutine a Goecial Ga esire I. oe xin Dried in Ay Quay, Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited. ’Phone No. 54. Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. bt apDREss, . RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. Be a D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. THOMAS i Go pert ; ; H. H. SPICER, SIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’y | Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. || shipping Capacity ic 1,500,000 shinstes vor Day ie CaNADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION see ‘> Pin: good strips : Pine mill culls..... 1600 18 00 F YL eee : ii inc and 6 as. 38 io 00 | Spruce, "x4" & up (3 00 10 00 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N Y. ae ; z as IN... wade cess sees. 40 00 45 00| Spruce, 1” stocks, WHITE PINE. Pine, good shorts: 7,.8,g9and 10”... 1650 1950 _ e: j vii weeewe wy Ae 5 00 3000 spruces” aver (fine (Wholesale selling price.) 1% in.and 1% in. .. 36 00 40 00 ressing and B.. 24.00 Uppers,1,1%,14and2 IMG iteeccccecscess TORONTO, ONT. [BAe eens eneatees se 40 00 4400| Hemlock .... .. 14 00 a all 2 $32 00 rH ER eet sa: A 2 CAR OR CARGO LOTS. ay ito ae Presid t7 00 Basso} sete eens i = 2 a 2% and 3 in.....+6° ge 00 helving, No. x, 13 in. x inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4 to 8im 17 0 18 00 siding.. ‘&), 98 23 00, a7p0 | Lath; per M a ee sdenee cea odd No. and up, 1 in... eit Stake so oo ox | mteoriciotgelt 18902260 pias desing’ 2° | NEN hte perm 400 40 ayto st. Bo ea c Yo. 1 x4 to 10 inc APSanicwinte, ame eas 20 ; Abe fo) errr ke better.. 54 00 56 00] Clear inch B.C. cedar, Bee NRA qaesne ooo Noe ean pines : 300 | 2 aoe Zi0sac see's 2 bd No, 3 Moulding Strips, 2’ No. 1 Cuts and kiln dried. .... 50 00 Morise sae a wedovaae | ‘Red Pine, Guinean. 40°60" 4 50 ri. oS: LP ee Ne Sas Bettersscccercs.> 5600 58 00| Clear inch B.C. cedar Pines 707K.) Chand abee 1 % and 1% i * 57 rg ate 12 in....+ 1% in. No. 2 Pine air dried boat lumber 55 00 ter 12’ to 16’ 23.00 25 00 Pine Shingles 17%, a0 IN. sees 59 00 » Band 10 in...... } jas fir dimension ree xxxx, 18 inch.......- 325 375 _ 61 00 cuts and better.. 44 00 46 00 | Doug Pine, 8 s.c. and be rot Butt, inch .. 2.75 3 25 80 00 2’ No. 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 32 feet 35 80 ter 12 to1@...... a1 00 2300 aa sche 170 200 4 in 85 00 and Better.. .. 4600 48 00 Fir flooring, edge Pine, 7 up s. c. sidings 23 00 25 00 | xx: 1 Paipeiaiaiv'ns 2 ot oes rage On a Ee 1% inch No. 3 Srain........00: 43.09 = Pine’s. c. strips....++ 18 00 20 00 , White Cedar Shingles a Bos ie % in’. iY Silo Cuts and better.. 40 00 42 00] 1% in. No. I 4 ft. Pine Pine, s.c. shorts..... 17.00 18 59 xxxx, 18 inch........ 3.75 4 00 a No Cuts. ceeee E-s 2” No. 3 Cuts and Tathics onsck jegenees 4 50 § 90 Pine, box beards.... z800 2: 00 { Clear Butt,x winch... . 390 3 25 N sees aoe 2 Better.. . 43.00 450 |1M%in. No. 2 4ft. Lath 4 00 4 25 ‘ | xx, 1Binch......-... 1 70 200 No a,% sa ee 2 KIO sevaes 1 in. Pine Dressing 1%” No.1 32 pine eas #2 2 50 No ee Ks 5 Fy 3 e bas ee ascees d better shorts 23 00 25 (0/1%” No.14 ft. hemlo ath 4 00 Ws The shane 1x4, 6and8common 20 00 21 00 | XXXX Pine Shingles -3 00 3 25 SARNIA, ONT. (Nate, 3 1%" & 2” $5 00 a a and 1% & 2in.. Ix Io common.... 21 00 2200 XX Pine Shingles .. . 2 25 2 30 In. RUN ressing 134 1N...... 42 00 1 rgletet = 1x12 commen.... 23 00 24 00|X Pine Shingles .. go UPPERS. oxae a AR ivan 14x10 und 12-,.666 45 00 1%, 1% and 2 2x 10 common. 2100 2:00] XX Cedar Shingles 2 25 2 30 1in., 8” and up eee .$80 00 Ww : Rees aa mo a 25 00 gand3x12common 24 00 25 00 B. C. Shingles" 1%, 1% and 2” . 8¢ 00 VW 6 and ia! gi ce aguoO pans es 1 x 10 inch box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 325 2% and 3” " . 88 00 uw eal “Te es 8 S6hdo f Z common...-. .- 2100 22 00| XXXX 6 to 23-16 in. 3 47 4” ss -. 96 00 1) Seen eee 28 00 > M 1’ mill run sidings 21 00 22 00| XXXXX 5 tozin. 3 80 Sead ip... eee BOSTON, MASS. rin. mill run...... 22 00 23 co| XX No; 2,6 to2in.. 2 40 SELECTS: 1% xqand 5” riilll...§$25 00 White Pine U pers, 1 to 2inch ...... .... «++++$86 00 to rxtoandr2milleulls 16 50 1750|XX “ 6to 23-16 in. rin., 8” and u Pde 70 00 ee Selects, sina els eters ove ne aid prbta a wets Sane en SS A pic Red pine, clear 1%, 1% and 2 sess 70 00 NO. I BARN. Fine Common, 1 inCh......cce0 ceeeeeeeteense esse 60.00 ",.. 1600 17 00| andclear face... 2300 24°° 24nd 3” ve++ 83 00 .$27 00 to $35 00 "1 foaisich.il..---++ .-o..0ssaon y" dead ‘cullsidings 13.00 1 3 Sar pine, common 4! «ort. gr 00 1 pif and 2 pila. Nes 7 Cute viinell tah, 1% inch Flooring 28 00 29 00| 2”.-.+er-reseeeeee 14 00 17 00 2% acd Maes - 49 00 1% to 2inch..---. vss eet te 36 HARDWOODS—PER M FEET CAR Lore. FINE, COM. AND BETTER. - Medan oe 4 42 00 No. 2 Cuts, aoe gene res donne eel Eg oe is hite, Jae and Soft Elm, millrun 21 00 22 00 d 3” 4 coesperscn de aisle heer sports Fite Wi. Sag Boas ee Rock Elm, common ee et : NO. 2 BARN. Barn Boards,No. ARSC tre Ash, Black, rsts and mae I - 2500 2600 gy Sha 14" np Bree decease 27 00-40- 31 00 ~~ ig oe sae > fommele} 2.00] Roc m,common 4 nd 2” 29 oo to I 00 sa eeneeeae seeneee 29 ame ee aes ae : andbet.1¥% tozin 28 00 29 00 = “a 7% bate =< 2: 0 3 Spruce, z° ate = in. dimension ‘ PUM iiocoreehise se ai 23 00 24 oo| Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 00 in. and under .......... odecggies eG Re ana Soft Maple common FINE COMMON. 2 | 10 and 12 in. random lengths, 10 ft. and: UP poss better, rin......- 24 00 25 00| and better, tin 3 00 23 00 2%,3and 4”.. 80 00 00 NO. 3 BARN. = a3, 254, —— ax7and 3x4 random 1 d Maple common an {Ss coteer ee ee 4-00 27 00 Se ee ait oaciaguiaa ant 2600 27 00 patter, 1% to 3 in 24 00 26 00 No. I CUTS. 1%, 1% and 2” ai coto 27co~—= All oes Uesaee 5 lengths, 9 in. and under = . 2 1 00| Maple, mill run... 20 00 2I 00 7 nie ont ACE ose ROM . ee Be See Sent Beet, cotiandil Seer Oak, red, plain, ists s ry in. and up peas a a ba a4 : aie. ee ey merchantable boards, 8ft.&uppis : ‘ Go laiasdbands...0052. 46 00 50 00 “ ae Hoards, p. x S.s:..00. us ctmwas lenanlsr ne paid betfer Tin 24.00 25 09] 2D white, pial sp Scie eee nom. Hag and txg furring px clipped and bmi << andbet., 1% to2in 25 00 27 00 Ists and ands.... 44.00 46 00 2%and3” “* big Veta No. h r, 1%, 196" spruce laths roo ee ee Basswood, millrun 21 00 22 00/ Oak quartered, ists 4? “ 62 00 LG paths: 21 oo to 23 00 134” RE a Soft Rlm common and 2ndS......-- .70 00 75 00 No. I mill culls, and better, rin.. 24 00 25 00| Hickory, ists and No, 2 CUTS. 1,1%, 1%, 2” 1800te 20 00 NEW BRUNSWICE CEDAR ‘SHINGLES. Soft Elm, common QUASI. ecccocies to 36 00 38 00 1in., 6” and up wide 21 oo and bet. 1% to 2in 27 00 28 00 y 1 3 thes Bg WiLL ews: aN T ” a ‘i ” OTTAWA. ONT. S 4 27f28§ 00” | MIL Run Calls 1", 23,14 Glens Wiles es ass eee - MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. 2%,3and4” “ vase 49 00 No. 2, ame tami r I5 = yar ay ies eae e ee eenrns ee: Pine, goed sidings: Ix10 wer 1 barn.. 24 00 nosszagvesier ae ear aee ; d 0 00 co|1xiI10No.2 , - 22 00 NO, 3 CUTS, Laat co as 1x8&gNo. 1 barn 2100 2200 1in,, 6” and up wane. see 19 00 LATE. BRITISH CLUMBIA SHINGLES. a 8in.andup.. .. 48 00 5600|1x8&9No 2 ,, 18 00-20 co We and 1%! a «s+ 24 00 No. 2 Cf ae Se OO oe Bc Red Cedar Extras, 16 in, 5 butts to 2 in. ae 2in. x7 in. and up 52.00 56 00 PineShorts 6’ to 11’ fe FE; «es. 25 00 Koh 3 Eurekas, 18 peas No.2cuts2x8”&up 34 00 3600! XI0%.,..... see. 17 00 18 00 2%, 3and 4 w+» 30 00 “ Perfections, 5 butts to2¥ in. —_—— OSI NCIS OIA SSRI! ed i ° cs} cs} S SOOOOOE C) (2) ° The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited J. B. MILLER, President. W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. = (=) S ce) \ LOK (>) ewe ) Mauufacturers of S S () ROUGH and DRESSED 8 Ss oS SS \s) @2)9(a0) SG ) a ° ) Ss y S OI SC) =) o> g 0d)0(09 c) =) o Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at ‘ DJoCa® Oo oS (90)0(0' oO ‘= Gh) oO a?) > ~~) = «) > op) oO ee Zz o © Zz So .=} OR (~) 2 ° 09) .s) ‘oO Gh) Head Office: Traders Bank Building, TORONTO eae 9, @> >) Toronto Telephone Main 1016, Pelee Codes: : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO._ (UL TORIIOR me ¢. “ MBERM AND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY EDITION VoL. XIV TORONTO, MONTREAL — OCTOBER 24, 1906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 per Year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, 6véry week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD a No. 33- ~ Canapa LumpBerman PUBLISHED BY _ The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u Of Toronto, Limited _ Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office : Room B34, Board of Trade Building, Montreal: : Telephone Main 2299. >= 72f-721 Union Bank Building, Winnipeg, = Telephone 1274. Davis Chambers, 615 Hastings St., Vancouver, B.C., Telephone 2248. The Weekly Lumberman — Publishéd every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ' ports of market conditions and tendencies in the EA pi manufacturing districts and leading r iomestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly mediuni of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber cts at home and abroad. The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, - discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumiber and wood-working industries. | AND FOR SALE = WANTED Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. _ ‘When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 5 pe cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12lines make oneinch. Ad- _-—s wertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue _ Timber Limits For Sale ‘ Vea TIMBER LIMITS IN THE > Province of British Columbia. For particu- lars Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. , WANTED OR IMMEDIATE SHIPMENT, OR AS a soon as possible, also for shipment during _ coming winter and spring: Basswood, 1%, 1% and 2in.x6in.upx toto 16ft, Soft Elm, in coffin stock, 1 x Izin. up x 13, 14. 16 ft. and half lengths, also in smaller sizes. Rock Elm,1¥% to 4in. thick x2% in. up x 4 to 16 ft. Hard Maple, 1to5in. x3in up* toto 16ft., alsoin D 4,5 and 8ft. lengths. SpotCash and inspec- tion at shipping point. Please quote prices f.o.b. _ W. J, Gorpon, Box 295 Windsor, Ont. - ~ =o» FOR SALE - Large Tract of Timber ss “- THE PROPERTY OF e. _ The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- * pany of Haliburton, (Limited) ‘This company has a large tract of well tim- _ bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto, _ There are large quantities of Cedar, Hemlock, ‘Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Beech, Cherry-Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is wellserved by two railroads. The company are prepared to sell this timber in blocks ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. _ There are several good mill sites on the prop- erty. This would be a good opportunity for _ ing for a new location. P _Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to ’ W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, . Managing Director, : 3 55 157 Bay Street, Toronto, parties who are at present cut out and are look- ~ FEW CARS NO."1 AND™“@MILL RUN heading for sale, 1744” and 1834”, Address W.N. Buck, Port Rowan, Ont. WANTED—PINE OR HEMLOCK’ SAW- milling and timber proposition; give full particulars, Box 414 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, a FOR SALE 300 PINE PILES, 30’ LONG, 8” AND UP diameter small end. THE BRADLEY Company, Hamilton, Ont. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity of Slabs. SiImcoz Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. ANTED—2” ROCK ELM, 1’ BIRCH AND all? thickness Black Ash, C. & B.1” Cull Basswood, 17 & 2” Spruce. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO be cut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet Address Box 377, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. —_ WANTED, ROCK ELM. 2% AND 3 BY 5” AND WIDER, 1o to 16 ft. long. We will inspect and pay cash at point of shipment. THE BRaD- LEY Company, Hamilton, Ont, WANTED OR JUNE OR JULY, 1907, DELIVERY, 500 to 750M ft. round spruce timber, average length about a8ft., ro” and up at smallend, Ad- dress Box 630, Sorel, Que., Canada. MAN WANTED O RUN ON SHARES, OR PER M, Ato M per day mill with plarer, shingle machine and moulding machine; at least two years work. Address I. C, SCHLEIHAUF, West Lorne, Ont. SPRUCE LATH E SUPPLY A LARGE TRADE THE year around, and are consequently al- ways in want of laths, both 1%” and 15%”. Write-us. CHARLFS S. WFNTWORTH & Co., 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. WANTED ALF MILVION FEET WHITE OAK plank, 2%” thick, firsts and seconds; also half million oak rim strips cut to our order. Quote us. THE CROWN J,UMBER Co., Limited, Woodstock, Ont., Canada. MILL EMPLOYEES CHELL. miil builder and expert, Dayis Chambers, Vancouver, B. C. LIMIT FOR SALE 7 I NICE LOTS SITUATED IN TOWN- I 2 ship of Hope, Ccuntycf Bonaventure, Province of Quebec. on North Nouvelle river; Jots contain spruce, birch, fir, etc. Fine locality to start small lumbering business. Write NADEAU & Sons, Grand Cascapedia, P. Q. ~ Oran $4,000 PER MONTH—SAW AND planing mill in British Columbia, making a net profit offover $4.000 per month, for sale, a going concern, with fine residence and gardens, land, timber, etc. Price $75,000; one-third cash, balance on easy terms. Only reason forselliug, owner has too manv businesses to look after. Principals only need apply. Box 413 CANADA LUMBERMAN. WANTED OSITION AS SUPERINTENDENT. MAN- AGER or Partner in a Lumber Concern operating between Lake Superior and Pacific Coast,Canada. Character assured: habits strictly temperate: large experience American and Canadian logging methods. Box 41z CANADA Tomperman, Toronto, Ont aa PES RES SD te, AD a Ce ONY BAND MILL FOR SALE, FIRST- class condition, now running, too small for our legs. Apply Box 416, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Papeete se MADEON LOGS AND LUMBER to be cut during the coming winter, and stock contracted for. Write particulars to Box 415 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. OR SALE—HEMLOCK AND HARDWOOD sawmilling and timber proposition includ- ing good mill and virgin timber. Rail and water shipments and best location on Lake Huron. Address Box 417, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. MARRIED MAN ANTS POSITION AS BOOK-KEEPER, Manager general store or Manager of small Lumber business; Hard worker; state highest salary. Address Box 419, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Oxt. BIRCH WANTED O PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING DRY Birch stock for immediate delivery, grade ists and 2nds, 30 M. feet 1%”, 50 M 13%”, 20M. 2%”, 1 car5 x 5 squares, I car 6 x 6 squares, I car 1%" No. 1 common and 1 car of 1%” No. common. Apply Box 111 CanaDa LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. - CAPITAL WANTED N MODERN FURNITURE FACTORY ON * Georgian Bay. This is an up-to-date con- cern doing a large and paving business, is well managed and can be extended to double its present capacity- Good and popularlines. For full particulars apply Box 418, Canapa LUM- BERMAN, Toronto, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The lumber market may fairly be characterized as buoyant, the de- mand being exceptionally good and stocks comparatively light. ‘‘The man who has lumber for sale occu- pies an enviable position, for he can obtain almost any price he may choose to ask,’’ was the way in which a local dealer explained the situation. He had just booked a large order for pine at a price which represented a substantial advance over the quotations of.a few weeks ago. The buyer of to-day, although willing to pay high prices to get the lumber, is not as exacting in respect to grades as when prices were lower, and consequently stocks which have not been ‘considered very desirable are finding a purchaser. This is evidence of the inherent strength of the market. In the Ottawa Valley, where stocks are short, spruce, bass- wood and birch have advanced. Contracting for the 1907 cut has commenced and we are informed that sales have been made averaging $3 per thousand above the figures realized for the present year’s pro- duction. It would not be surprising, Rowever, to find a disposition on the part of manufacturers to defer entering into contracts until after. ek ee : oe “= : Pee ee Jot iS |) Pn ie a ee d a the turn of the year, inasmuch as those who sold early last year had reason to regret their action. British Columbia kiln dried cedar, for Ontario delivery, is this week advanced to $54, air dried boat lumber to $57, Douglas fir timber to $37.80, and flcoring to $44. EASTERN CANADA. Recent rains have moved a quan- tity of logs which were hung up in the St. John river, and it is prob- able that the mills will continue operations later than usual this year, as there is a good demand for lumber. Spruce boards for ship- ment to the Eastern States are wanted, and buyers seem willing to pay current prices, as there is little probability of .a lower range of values before next midsummer at the earliest. Eastern cedar shingles are selling freely et $3.50 for Extras for Boston delivery, while some of the standard brands are held at $3.- 60 to $3.70. Most of the season’s production having passed out of the hands of the manufacturers, shippers are in a position to secure full prices throughout the winter months. WESTERN CANADA. The condition of the lumber trade of Western Canada continues pros- perous in the extreme. The build- ing permits issued in Winnipeg this year have already exceeded $11,- 000,000, and so great is the de- mand for building material that the mills and retail yards are taxed to their utmost. Prices are strong all along the line. The recent advance by the British Columbia manufac- turers is now in effect, but it does not seem to have checked the de- mand in the least. This advanceis $1 per thonsand on boards and timbers, $2 on No. 2 flooring, ceiling and siding, $1 on No. 3 flooring, ceiling and siding, and $2 on No. 2 boards and shiplap. UNITED STATES, There is nothing in the white pine situation to indicate any weak- ness, as the demand continues very heavy and prices firm. The weather has permitted the northern mills to _continue operations without inter- ruption, but it is believed that all the lumber manufactured will find a market before the 1907 cut is in shipping condition, There is an excellent demand for box Jumber, It. as may be determined from the fact that a Chicago dealer last week sold 7,000,000 feet of No. 5 boards to a local box manufacture’, this being the entire product of that grade to be manufactured by a Minneapolis mill next season. The price was based on current quota- tions. Buffalo and Tonawanda dealers are booking orders freely and report that the tendency of prices is to harden. Hemlock is ina strong position and Boston buyers are paying $20 to $22. Cargo prices for Chicago delivery are $17 for piece stuff. The spruce situation has improved. Boards are very scarce and in some cases buyers having mill facilities have purchased carloads of 2 x 6 inch and 2x 8inch to be resawed into boards. Spruce lath is held by a few mills at $4.50 for 15% inch and $4.25 for 1% inch, although sales are being made be- low these figures. GREAT BRITAIN. The situation in Great Britain is still one of considerable uncertainty in respect to new business, as im- porters are fighting the high prices which are now ruling. The quan- tity of lumber on the public docks at London is a little heavier than at the corresponding time last year, but considerably lighter than in the four previous years. If consump- tion should improve during the winter months, there will be very light stocks in the spring. .The import of white pine lumber this year been light and prices are firm. Consumers are being urged to buy now, as nothing can be gained by Oe Sas yr ibn CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION waiting. The spruce situation is strong, and as imports from the St. Lawrence will cease in a few weeks, there does not seem to be any like- lihood of prices. The lower grades of spruce are being bought in large quantities for the packing trade. STOCKS AND PRICES. In Wisconsin No. 3 basswood is bringing $14 and No. 2 $16 at the mill. For the twelve months ending June 30th, 1906 statistics show that a total of 641,531,000 spruce lath were exported from Canada to the United States. The Vigars-Shear Lumber Com- pany, Port Arthur, have secured the contract for supplying nearly half a million ties for the Canadian Northern Railway. Up to October 1 the Fredericton © Boom Company, Fredericton, N. B., had rafted 120,824,000 feet of logs and the total for the season may run close to 130,000,000 feet, which is ahead of last year’s record. The Spanish Boom Company have rafted and sorted 2,600,000 pieces, estimated to contain 150,- 000,000 feet. There will be held back in the stream about 10 per cent. of the output, which will be carried over for next season. The Sturgeon Lake Lumber Company, of Prince Albert, Sask., have given a contract to the British Columbia Construction Company to get out 17,000,000 feet of logs on the Company’s limits 20 miles north HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, Hemlock, in all lengths ro to 24 feet. on short notice, bills in Stock sizes now ready. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, Bk C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood d Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woopstock Lumper & Mee Co. WOODSTOCK, ONT- EE TR MASON, GORDON & CO. 80 St. Francis Xavier Street MONTREAL, QUE. veo“ LUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty : YELLOW PINE or OAK. Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, Correspondence Solicited. Bank St. Chambers. BIRCH! BASSWOOD! OTTAWA, Can. SPRUCE! We have about 100 M. ft. each of 1-in. Basswood and Ash . for quick delivery. Write us for prices, W. B. BARTRAM & CO. of Prince Albert. The contract is the largest individual contract ever let in Saskatchewan and involves an expenditure of about $150,000. Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots, Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 113 THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, MANUFACTURERS: Lumber, Hardwood Flooring, Handles, Poles, Bed Frame Stock, Cheese Box Hoops, Heading, Baskets, Etc. . . Write, Telegraph or Telephone your orders Orillia, Ont. McLennan Timber Land and LUMDEP GO., timid Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. J B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in OEDAR TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELECTRIC LIGHT POLES Oswego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont. Ask Your Ticket Agent for tickets via the WISCONSIN GENTRAL FRAILWAY to Minneapolis, St. Paul, Ashland, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. Dining’ cars. For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., or JAs. C. Ponp, G. P. A., Milwaukee, W s . WE WANT TO. BUY - ae 2” and 3, Rock Elm, tsts and 2nds. , 134", 134” and 2” Chestnut, ws he ye, 1%" and 2” Butternut, — s THE McLENNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, ——DRY BIRCH—— [25:000 ft. Jin. At Emasdale 12,000 ft. 2in. "1 7,000 ft. 3 in. At Burk’s Falls { October 24) 19¢ : WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBE ROSSED PULP WJOD St. nes sigh Eenaber Co. St. Gabroran De Brandon, Que e. Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. v4 DETROIT COLUMN: & MANUFACTURING COMPANY = The largest and most extensive facturers and Shippers of COLON COLUMNS AND COMPOSITI CAPITALS in the United States. Write for prices and discounts. DETROIT 3 - ~ MIGHICA a | Style No. 27 Style No. oe We have the most perfect fitting ? LOCK-JOINT COLUMN made. s Write for Catalogue and ices, 7 WE FURNISH COLUMNS ANY SIZE OR LENGTH. a 50,000 ft. « In, a 12,000 ft. 6/4 in. 5,000 ft. 5x 5 to1ox 10 quarters <"3 Write for prices as we have to move it at once. : ae Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON Rte) 5 ee i October 24, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ill BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. ; (Correspondence of the Canapa LUMBERMAN.) VaNcouvER, B. C., October 8th, _ 1909.—‘‘Conditions in the shingle industry in British Columbia are S fair,” stated Mr. H.-H. Spicer, manager of the Export Lumber _ Company, to-day. ‘‘There has been no change in prices since July, and -at the mills the figures. quoted are $2. o5 for XXX, with No. 2’s at ‘$1.20. There is a XXXX brand which is shipped specially to On- tario, this being sold at $2.20. The _ demand for shingles is not particu- _ larly heavy just now, particularly _ from Ontario. A number of rea- -sons may be given for this, but they are the usual causes which affect the market. There is a small quan- tity shipped to the United States _ from British Columbia. _ Shingle bolts are scarce at from $4.25 to $4.50, and since winter is at hand, when wet weather will _ make work more awkward in the _ woods, the price will likely be high for several months to come. Mr. R. H. H. Alexander, secre- tary of the B. C. Lumber and Shingle Manufacturers’ Association, states that there is no special feat- ure in the lumber market, beyond the increase made ten days ago of $1 on all classes of product. As explained before, this increase was deemed necessary because of the high prices of logs and labor, both of which are very scarce. Stocks in the mill yards are away down, and all the better kinds of lumber are cleaned out. What are in place are the rougher grades, and not much of them. There is no change in the log market. Notwithstanding that July was a record month, wit#»26,000,- ooo feet put into the water, and August capped this with 35,000,- ooo, there were none too many. September had a number of rainy days, but it is expected that the out- put of the camps will be very high. Still prices are hovering around $9 and $10, and with bidding goes higher. The burning of the mill and shingle plant of E. H. Heaps & Company on Saturday night last, with a loss of $200,000, will seriously affect the market. The daily shipping capacity of lumber was a little over 200,000 feet, with about 70,000 shingles. The com- pany had orders for four months ahead for lumber, and these will necessarily be thrown back on other mills, which are already going to the utmost of the log supply. The Heaps Company has another mill at Ruskin, but this too is being work-. ed to capacity. Scarcity of cars is hampering the shipment of lumber by coast mills. One to close down for a week or ten days is the mill of the Nanaimo Lumber Company. Orders tor about a million feet of lumber have been placed with coast mills by the G. T. P. Company, supplementing those already being filled by mills in the north. The material is required for construction purposes at Prince Rupert. A. F. Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr ¥F, H. Goff, Vice-Pres. EX. c. Barre, Ass’t Mgr. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. AND SARNIA, ONT. ‘The Weller Sills Co., Limited THE |MPERIAL LUMBER CO. LIMITED BELLEVILLE, ONT. A SPECIALTY IN. Timber and Lumber Dealers Long Timbers, both Pine, Soft Wood and Hardwood ——aeaad. & T. CHARLTONaa LUMBER Ce F- Fae st Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. = 4 “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ' ORILLIA, ONTARIO Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, - Resawing, + - Best “esi KNIGHT BROTHERS co. LIMITED — Burk’s Falls, Ont. Making Hardwood Flooring, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. oT Workmen. KILN-DRIED BIKGH FLOORING Kiln Dried, Send us a trial car. | TORONTO Millis: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT North Tonawanda N. Y. seas GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO Cc. A. LAR KIN WHOLESALE LUMBER Shingles, Lath and Cedar Fence Posts. % Se * ONTARIO Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band =- Circular SE bie ep Ont. 26 miles West North Bay J 2 Samples by VANCOUVER, B. C. AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE, Send us your enquiries, whether for shingles, lumber or timbers, straight or mixed cars. AND A. B. C., 5TH EDITION. | BANKERS—Merchants Bank of Canada. Gang Send for Catalogu UMBER aso LATH KNIGHT BROTHERS CO ‘l LIMITED Burk’s Falls. PROMPT SHIPMENTS!! MARRIOTT & COMPANY We can ship promptly almost anything in British Columbia Fir, Cedar, Hemlock, and usually Spruce. Having ten mills to ship from, possibly we can give you better service than any other house in the lumber trade. Iv. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS Se THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBR-OKE, ONT. We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries. End Matched, Bored, Polished HARDWOOD FLOORING bed eubates © STHMON BROS, tr B2 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO —Our Prices will Interest dare ——A. W. EYER & CO.— We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A.W. EYER @ CO. 43 Adelaide Siac East DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, N WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - T, AT EL Apply at once to John Harrison & Sons Company, Limited Saw and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. Office : a oe ONT. N. Y. We have a few cars of good No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Lath SPRUCE BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIES HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH eagle <2 POLES PINE CEDAR" &o, &c., &ec B.C, FIR B.C. CEDAR ea tds in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B,M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. nd up, 11” x 11’ and up, for saleat a low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, *" 380%" QUEBEC HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THE AM. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING GO., LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. AUGER & SON BIRCH WRITE T. L. BAILIE Box 268 - NORTH BAY, ONT. Wanted to Buy One Million Feet FOR SALE Lumber in car load lots. In grades red face firsts and seconds and common in all thick- nesses. Mills having stocks for sale write for prices. Cash and quick ship- ment. THE ONTARIO LUMBER 0°, “LIMITED sda of North Ba: Fk. erc td WR. Leliveary MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. Biorka Tite Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Georgian Bay ater Shipment Only. MAITLAND, RIXON & 60. We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles GNP ey a! ta ous ha ie a . ae =~ > : site a ee = a, ie October 24, 1906 R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto Lions Heac , PEDWELL & LEMCKE, MANUFACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lom Der Be on Seen Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. — a JAS. PLAYFAIR. Se WHITE. - PLA YFATR & ae aA Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES — MIDLAND, ont. OWEN aounnt D, ONTARIO, ‘ | Contractors for pelea A ye a BILL TIMBER a Specialty . aad Pans Cs and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock 7 ‘Stu ff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY. LIMITED National Life Chamber: TORONTO, ONT. : 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244, Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South. River and Cutler, = RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. pes at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. MATERIAL of all kinds earried in stock. Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. We are buyers of Ambherst, N.S. ‘ he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERSOF- Toutes” — | White and Red Pine MILLS ot eet ere Algoma! a ag Ont. ning Arcade, Toronto Lumber and Lath OFFICES Gorlstiag Building, Montreal. 2 ; d at Mills at Spragge. Water Shipments HARDWOOD FLOORING ve MAPLE, "BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK KR; %, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow ee End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. A Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ” ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER | J. S, FINDLAY : OWBN SOUND, ONT. Quebec ‘“ en > oo - 2~-, > =) eae Seo ST Ue ets» Ses October 24, 1906 Canaba LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. WE HAVE FOR SALE —t— 1,000,000 feet of 15/8 in. Cedar Door Stock, running from No. 1 shops to large percentage of perfectly clear. Write for prices Fairview Cedar Lumber Company P. O. Box 45, Vancouver, B.C. YOU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS BY RAILMAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE McCLURE LUMBER CO. aap LUMBER, CYPRESS a aia rers | Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office: No. 520 Franklin Street Mill: EUTAW, ALTA. Hammond Bldg. YELLOW PINE AND OAK DETROIT, MICH. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS Soft Yellow Pine Finishing Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK, OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. - DETROIT, MICH CEDAR POLES AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a pe ecialty. nterior Trim Mill Work. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. Tee ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE wsow a wos LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. Paid FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE MICHIGAN BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS raRnworri & JARDINE | Wood Brokersand Measurers Cable jAddress “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.s Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, fat F. A. Lightbody & Co. 8 Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A. B.C., Ar, “Zebra” and Private. set for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE ; Hardwoods in TOR Ete. Shipments handled to __Shipments handled to the best advantage to all part best advantage to all parts in the Uni Kingdom. 2 Broad Street Building, j OUIS BAMBERGER, °" IMPORTER OF seh: Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods oe pal Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS —————— JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF Staves and Heading, Handles of alli descriptions Veneers A Specialty Oak, Birch, Ash, Grey Elm Logs ana Lumber, Elm SMITH & TYRER = (4 Tithebarn Street, LIVERPOOL ..WOOD AGETS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyrRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington St GANT & KEMP g TIMBER 525 ka soars GLASCOW & BD AW EDC Cable Aue ae ee ee, eee BUYERS OF ABC Codes White Ash Logs and. Planks. dOSEPh NE G SONS, LID. zxssnsr Rock Magpie’ oa nt Planks. Timber Importers Rock El Hickory sen Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. . ALSO .. ifcieseee aoe Lumber and Man ite ctured Cable Address ‘* Wood Goods suitable. for the English ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD. AGENTS AND BROKERS Liverpool and London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND CABLE ADDRESS “DOBLE LIVERPOOL’ = 1 cedar Covell, = Eo. HEAPS & CO., ™ Mi ne. Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AAi1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels — Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. == Ww. Je shi eed FaRSIORMD W. L. TAIT, arn we: MANAGER ubaushene, On Vancou B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER ~ LATH, MOULDINGS , Lum pobet Co. TURNED WORK ETC. ce oast scoUvess ES HICH GRADE “4 a acilic RED CEDAR SHINGLES | P 4 jt HE RED DEER LUMBER co. [ : BARROWS, SASK. FOR THE CARS!! sant aE pen SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH | Cars have been, are now, and will be scarce this season. It is ‘‘ up to you” to anticipate your future needs and order earlier. MOULDINGS aii TURNINGS We have the most up to date mach- ines in the market for this work and can supply Fir or Cedar Mouldings and Turned Work of finest quality by the carload. Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO ‘_ No.1 and No.2. Try them *Iequiny sonidg 4007 o000fo00oF 4nDO Tenuuy LUMBER-of all sizes and finish. BEVEL SIDING—“‘ Ready to put on.” SHINGLES—From the best Extra XXX to the finest fancy Butts 16 inch to 24 inch long. Special attention to the Prairie Provinces Getting to the Bottom of pases We mean our file of orders: so that now we can give you prove. re THE HASTINGS SHINGLE WFC. C0. shipments on anything. VANCOUVER, B. C. THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK. Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, Manitoba. : : We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER, B.C. LUMBER & SHINGLES Sond usyrurhurry-up orders for shingles. Our new saw mil will soon be in operation; advise us of ysu¥ pes now, Annual Cut 6,000,000 Spruce Lath. <= Sarge <% > S : - - 25. 4 Be . Er = ot ae Ginn Nera = Se ase ha et eo er ues he ; < See »-* ~~" pe ee ~ , fan hk ‘ aS vx: “s y. — i < 2 5 * October 24, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil. __E. H, HEAPS, ee J. A. McNAIR, ° President Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. __. Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER Day We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lot . FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and | all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH _—_——_$_————_ - FELBER, JUCKER & CO. J. D. SHIER LUMBER ¢0., LIMITED Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete, ONB DOLLAR BRACEBEIDGE, ONT. In Car Lets. Lumber Importers EY Geo Manufacturer of MANCHESTER ENGLAND Will pay your subscription to the CANADA _, LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES ‘i dated HARDWOOD Ceilings Invite jumbermen, able to cut Bi’ch Mitiadianak for ne atc Sesf making, te write tor epecition: se ce ee eee coe makin Oo write etc. re Lumber n Dried if desired Lumb il: ri None ” O N E> YEA R End Matched Flooring a Specialty. = J. R. EATON. eae Oca - Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. a mo We Ye YY Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea (WITH MILLS AT Bc VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. ry - Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. Appress. . RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. 1 . : D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. THOMAS KIRKPATRICK, H. H. SPICER, ESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y | Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. : Shipping Capacity is L, 4OO, OOO Shingles per Day VII. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION October 24, 1906 a CURRENT LUMBER PRIGES~-WHOLESALE TORONTO, ONT. = CAR OR CARGO LOTS, 1 inch No. 1 Pine Hemlock,1x4 to 8in 17 00 18 00 cuts & better....$49 00 51 00/| 2x4 to 8 in.,10to16ft. 18 00 20 oo 1% inch No. T 2x4 to 10 inch, 18 ft.. 20 00 22 00 cuts and better.. 54 00 56 0o| Clear inch B.C. cedar, 2” No. 1 Cuts and kiln dried. ........-« 54 00 Bist. vialelal nyse ie /ai8 56 00 58 00/ Clear inch B.C. cedar 1% in. No. 2 Pine air dried boat lumber 57 00 cuts and better.. 44 00 46 00 | Douglas fir dimension 2” No, 2 Pine Cuts timber, up to 32 feet 35 80 and Better.. .. 4600 4800|Fir flooring, edge 1% inch No. 3 grain Bris eee ic 44 00 Cuts and better.. 40 00 42 00] 1% in. No. 1 4ft. Pine 2” No. 3 Cuts and Ati ice ie atin stele 4 50 5 00 Hetter, .c...3-: =. 43°00 450->|x3in. No, 2 4ft. Lath A 00 4 25 1 in. Pine Dressing 1%” No.1 32” pine lath 2 25 2 50 and better shorts 23 00 250] 14” No.14 ft. hemlock lath 4 00 1x4,6and8common 20 00 2! 00 | XXXX Pine Shingles 300 3 25 Ix 10 comimon.... 21 00 2200| XX PineShingles... 225 2 30 1X12 common,... 23 00 24 c0|X Pine Shingles .. 90 2x10 common,... 2100 2:00| XX Cedar Shingles 225 2 30 gand3x12common 2400 25 00 B. C. Shingles 1 x 10 inch box and XXX 6 butts to 2 in. 3 25 common..... .. 2190 22 00| XXXX 6to 23-16 in. 347 1’ mill run sidings 21 00 22 0oo| XKXXXX5toz2in. 3 80 1 in. mill run...... 2200 23 co| XX No. 2, 6to2 in.. 2 40 rxtoandz2milleulls 16 50 1750|/XKX ‘“ 6 to 23-16in. pare bist cull Sid- Red pine, clear MS Space ane wert ichs 16 00 1700 and clear face... 23 00 24 co "dead cullsidings 13 00 1 2S pine, common 1% inch Flooring 28 00 29 00| 2” ----rsreeeesees 14 00 17 00 HARDWOODS—PER M. FEET CAR LOTS. Ash White, tsts and Soft Elm, mill run 21 00 22 00 ands, 1to2in. $3300 35 0o| Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, ists and and better, 1in. 25 00 26 00 ands, 1 to2in.... 30 00 32 oo| Rock Elm, common Ash, Black, mill and bet. 1% tozin 28 00 29 90 es ae OAD 23 00 24 0o| Rock Elm, millrun 22 00 23 00 Birch, common and Soft Maple common better, rin......- 24 00 25 00| and better, rin 2200 23 00 Birch, common and Maple common and better. 1% to3 in 26 00 27 oc| better, 1% to3 in 24 00 26 00 Birch, mill run.... 20 00 21 00} Maple, millrun... 20 00 21 oo Basswood, commou Oak, red, plain, Ists and better, rin.. 24 00 25 00 and 2ndS.......- 46 00 50 00 Basswood, common Oak, white, plain, andbet,, 1% tozin 25 00 27 00] tIstsand ands.... 44 00 46 00 Basswood, millrun 2r 00 22 oc| Oak,quartered, ists Soft Flm common and 2nds......... 70 00 75 00 and better, 1in.. 24 00 25 00| Hickory, ists and Soft Elm, common ONES sacrarcteresraaleta 36 00 38 00 and bet. 134 to 2in 27 00 28 00 OTTAWA, ONT. MANUFACTURERS’ PRICES. Pine. gocd sidings: I x 10 No. I barn.. 24 00 lin x7in.andupf40 00 44 ¢O|/ 1x IO No.2 , . 22 00 1Y in.andi¥in.x 1x8 &gNo. 1 barn 21 00 22 00 8in. and up.. . 4800 5600|/1x8&9No 2 ,, 18 00 20.60 2in. x 7 in. and up 52c¢o 5600 PineShorts 6’ torr’ No.zcuts2x8’”&up 314 00 36 00 Pe Annosod weeee- 1700 18 00 Pin: good strips t Till) sc teasceneitem he 3 co i in. and 1% in... Pine” good shorts; rin. 28 00 2% in. ‘and 13% in. |. 36 00 © 00 y a Wg A Sidings.. Pine, No. 1 dressing pidingle tin bt at 2: Pine, No. 1 dressing StTIPS... cece ws reeies Pine No.1 SHOrts)< scisis Pine, ros, c and bet ter 12’ to 16’ . .... Pine, 8 s.c. and bet- ter 12’ to16.. . 21 00 Pine, 7 ups. c. sidings 23 00 25 Pine s. c. strips..... . 20 00 Pine, s.c. pee Maa 17 00 Pine, box boards.. 3800 23 00 18-00 13 50 16 00 Pine mill culis..... £600 Pine O. culls.. , II 00 Spruce, 1”x4” & up (5 00 Spruce, 1” stocks, 7.8,9 and 10”... 16 50 Spruce, 1” clear (fine dressing ee, Bis Hemlock a Basswood........+ . 21 00 Birch se-eaks otek Lath, per M No.1 white pinet}#s’ 400 4 50 19 50 24 00 14 00 23 00 23 00 SARNIA, ONT. UPPERS. oe 8” Sat wide. ae 00 14%, 1% an .. 8c 00 2% and ai ss . 88 00 4 -.» 96 00 SELECTs. 1in,, 8” and wu i a . 70 00 14,1 1% and 2! ese 70 00 rs and 3” ses. 83 00 ee see QL400 FINE, COM, AND BETTER, 1x 6and 8”.. syaccur 40 ie 1in., 8” and up ‘wide.... 52 00 1Y% and 1%” se sees 55 00 2 th «+. 50 00 FINE COMMON. 2%,3and 4”.. 8000 88 00 No. I CUTS. 1 in., 8” and up wide... 38 00 1% in «-. 48 00 1% in, 3 «-. 48 00 2! ee «+. 50 00 2%and3” ‘ . 62 00 4” z «.. 62 00 NO, 2 CUTS. tin., 6” and up. eg Rare) | en ? Qu Ty 2%, 3 and 4! “ NO. 3 CUTS. 1in., 6” and up wide.... 1% and 14" Sort vanes an “ ss.. 25 00 2%,3and4” ‘“ wee 30 00 No. 2 white pine.... 350 3 75 Spruce, mill run..... 3.00 350 Red Pine, millrun.. 3.00 3 50 Pine Shingles xxxx, 18 inch........ S45 0g 75 Clear Butt, 18 inch .. 2 75 3 25 Xx: 18 Inch.....essens 170 200 White Cedar Shingles 1 Sher a 8 inch........ 375 4 00 ear Butt,18 inch.. .« 3 00° 3 25 xx, 1B inch...ssacees I 7o 200 MILL RUN x! QUA, CHeeeaanieeeenct 24 00 1! x BOS ase een ahs 25 00 “x6and 8”...... Sao 25 00 1 BAWOU ie ctovele a welsleialdomin 26 00 Zc iatecls snap Ce . 28 00 1”xizand up.........- o*7 1% x4and 5”........ «..$25 00 NO. I BARN, Viti eeneeaeen «$27 00 to $35 00 %, 1% asta 2" 33 00 2% and 3”. 39 00 4 aelconies esas 42 00 No. 2 BARN. Tite wee. 27 COLO 31 00 1%, 1s and 2! 29 oo to 31 00 2% and 3”..... 34 00 NO. 3 BARN. Slaton piaate 24 00 to 27 00 Nh, 1% and 2” 24 ooto 27 co gO oat omnes +s* 30 00 ROX. Ne. ny Tita ob ct ac 2t oo to 23 00 No. 4 mill culls, 1,1%, 1%, 2” 1800to 20 00 MILL CULLS. Mill Run Culls 1”, 14%, 1% RNG ie cine oben enee 15 00 No. 2, “ “ “ Teas LATH, No, %;942 <*9 hacer ban a2 NGSa sete fe cetera 4 25 No. 1, 48” pine....... 475 BUFFALO AND TONAWANDA, N_Y, WHITE PINE. (Wholesale selling price.) Uppers, 1,1%,1%4 and 2 S5G-WMesiagescastens 40 00 I. ceeeseceecees $3200) 2 An. oe ns wawceen 42 00 2% and 3 in....,.. 90 oc - pai No. 1, 13 in. fas 95 00 UP, 1 in... 45 00. 73 00 | No. x Mold's'ps rtoa ’ 72 00 rae 5 00 85 00 No. 2 Moulding Strips, Ai Mecieisia(eeesiopeas 96 00 SifO4 Uk acc'nsaian 42 00 Fine common, 1 in. 57 00| Barn, No.1, 12 37 00 1% and 1% in..... ~ §9 00] 6, 8andzoin.. 32 00 2 in.. 61 00| No. 2, xoin.. 32 00 $ i == 80 00} No.2, 12in:. + $300 seene 85 00} No. 3, 10 in.. 27 ) S 02)0(09 eS So ly) o LORGARE 6390(a0)0(0 {-) > (-) S G) oF Ss ©O9}e@o °o (-) oO 5x5 () Ss; C) 3; = c) S {-) ©) COLLEY o Sy oS ‘3 2 2¢5 ° J. B. MILLER, President. Mauufacturers of ROUGH and DRESSED PINE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at 2 PARRY SOUND, ONT. Head Office: Traders Bank Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main 1016 The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited — W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. Telegraph Codes: Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American, ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO, ny IO, oS, onaone 4 ‘ TASTES ENT ENS ANY AS TANTAS i WANTANT ANS BNA ANTANT ANSANANTENTR Reason AS EOS CON BR 72 oD KOO TA IRAE NED VR WR ed ERS BD) (BLA ~ ' 7 < — ‘ e és 7 ne * - > s a f ee rg ee are She : : in a tia <; a es y ae 7 ¥ “< a * re at is ; ms ala ns ; , _. DA LUMBER - AND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 per veak {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, evéry week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD Vor. XIV TORONTO, MONTREAL — OCTOBER 31, i906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER (CANADA LLUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office : Room B34, Board of Trade Building, Montreal, Telephone Main 2299. 72f-721 Union Pank Building, Winnipeg, Telephone 1274. Davis Chambers, 615 Hastings St., Vancouver, . B.¢c., Telephone 2248. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable‘and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencir the ioe i manufacturing districts and ing lomestic and foreign wholesale mari” s. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber ee at home and abroad. The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of col cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p.m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in _ the current week’s issue Timber Limits For Sale ALUABLE TIMRER LIMITS IN THE Province of British Columbia. For particu- lars Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. WANTED 4 OR IMMFDIATE sHIPMENT, OR AS soon as possible, also for shipment during coming winterand spring Basswood, 1%,1% and 2in. x6in.upxtoto16ft, Soft coffin stock, 1 x I1zin. up x 13, 14. 16 ft ard half lengths, also in smaller sizes. Rock Elm,1% to gin. thick x2 in. up x 4 to 16 ft. Hard Maple, 1 tosin. x3in up~< toto 16ft, alsoin 4.sand8ft lengths Spot Cash and insnec- tion at shipping pint. Please quote prices f.o.b. W. J, Gorpov, Box 295 Windsor, Ont. FOR SALE Large Tract of Timber . on THE PROPERTY OF The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited) This company has a large tract of well tim- ___ bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large quar-tities of Cedar, Hemlock, _ Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Beech, Cherry-Birch, Maple, also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on this tract. It is wellserved by two railroads. ‘The company are prepared to sellthis timber in blocks ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. . Thete are several good mill sites on the prop- erty. This would be a good opportunity for pertics who are at present cut out and are look- ng for a new lecation. Maps and plans and further particulars can be E., ‘had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, Managing D:tector, 79 Adelaide St. bi Toronto, Elm, in. FEW CARS NO."1 AND™’MILL RUN heading for sale, 1714” and 1834”. Address W.N. Buck, Port Rowan, Ont, FOR SALE 300 PINE PILES, 30’ LONG, 8” AND UP diameter small end. THE BRADLEY ComMPANY, Hamilton, Ont. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrmcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED \ ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO ‘Vv becut next winter, any quantity oF to five million feet Address Box 377, CANADA LUMBER- MAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED, ROCK ELM. 2% AND 3 BY 5” AND WIDER, 80,000 oe to 16 ft. long. We will inspect and pay cash at point of shipment. THE BRaD- LEY Company, Hamilton, Ont, WANTED Fork JUNE OR JULY, 1907, DELIVERY, 500 to 750M ft. round spruce timber, average length about 28 ft., ro” and up at smallend. Ad- dress Box 630, Sorel, Que., Canada. SPRUCE LATH ¢ CHARLFS S, WENTWORTH & 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. MILL EMPLOYEES CHYLL. mill builder and expert, No, 23 and 24 Dayis Chambers, Vancouver, B. C. VER $4,000 PEFR MONTH—SAW AND planing mill in British Columbia, making a net profit of over $4.000 per month, for sate, a going concern, with fine residence and gardens, land, timber, etc. Price $75,000; one-third cash, ba'ance on easy terms. Only reason forse ling, owner has too many businesses to look after. Principa's only need apply. Box 413 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Auction Sale OF VALUABLE Timber Berths at the RUSSKLL HOUSE, Ottawa on Wednes- day, November 28th, 1906, at 2p, m, the follow- ing Timber Berthsin one parcel: Berth No. 5, North Manowan, St. Maurice Agency,50sq. miles; Berth No s, South Man- owan, St Maurice Agency, 40*q miles; Berth No.6, South Manowan, St. Maurice Agency, 45 sq. miles; Berth No. 7, South Manowan, St. Maurice Agency, 50 sq miles; Berth No. Io, South Manowan, St Maurice Agency, 30 sq. miles Total.area, 215 square miles. These Berths are virgin, excepting two rafts of square timber cut in 1*74, and are well water- ed, with haul not exceeding 2 1-2 miles to water from the most distant point The River Mano- wan intersects the projected and surveyed line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway about 30 miles below the Berths and 150 miles from Quebec City, with excellent river drive. The Berths have, in addition to considerable White Pine, a larve body of merchantable Spruce for Deals and Lumber, and are well stocked with Spruce, Pulpwood, Railway Ties, Cedar, Tam- arac, Jack Pine, etc. \ TERMS OF SALE—One-third cash at time of sale one-third in one year, and one-third in two years, with interest at six per cent. per anuum. For further particu'ars, apply to PEARSON & DENTON, Barristers, Toronto, Ont. » a No. 34. pes BAND MILL, FOR SALE, FIRST- class condition, now running, too small for our logs. Apply Box 416, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. | WANTED—PINE OR HEMLOCK SAW- milling and timber proposition; give full articulars.. Box 414 CANADA LUMBERMAN, ‘oronto. | ANTED 2” ROCK ELM;; 5/4 and 6/4 BIRCH; 1’ €/4 2” Black Ash ; 6/4 and -” Ba:swood; 1’ Tamarac; 2” White Ash. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont , HARDWOOD LUMBER WANTED. Vy Bate AND BLACK ASH, BASSWOOD, Rock Elm, Hard Maple Gocd price pee Box 421 ‘CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, nt. OR SALE, ONE 30 H. P. LOCOMOTIVE, one H. P, Engine, cylinder Boiler 9x 10, only been used a few months. cheap. THE Go_p MEDAL FURNITURE Mrc. Co., LID, Toronto Ont, OR SALE—HEMLOCK AND HARDWOOD sawmilling and timber proposition includ- ing good mill and virgin’ timber. Rail and water shipments and best location on Lake Huron. Address Box 417, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ANTED, MAN TO CONTRACT TO CUT hardwood lumber, must be thoroughly experienced and have good portable mill may Toronto, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBE® FOR SALE NE INCH TO FOUR INCH THICK, BIRCH and Maple mill run, and culls; also some 5/4 cull Basswood, one inch cull Oak. Low prices offered for prompt sale. Write JoHN BrRoMLEY, Pembroke, Ont. MARRIED MAN warts POSITION AS BOOK-KEEPER, Manager general store or Manager of small Lumber business; Hard worker; state highest salary. Address Box 4:9, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Oxt. WANTED OSITION AS SUPERINTENDENT, AGER or Partner in a Lumber Concern operating between Lake Superior and Pacific Coast,Canada Character assured; habits strictly temperate; large experience American and Canadian logging methods. Box 4:12 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont BIRCH WANTED O PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING DRY Birch stock for immediate delivery, grade ists and 2nds, 30 M. feet 1%”, 50 M 136”, 20M. 2%", 1 car 5 X 5 squares, I car 6 x6 squrres, I car 1%” No. x common and 1 car of 1%” No. common. Apply Box 111 CanADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. » CAPITAL WANTED N MODERN FURNIIURE FACTORY ON con Capacity- ull particulars apply Box 418, Canapa LuM- BERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED INVESTMENTS Aes LUMBERMAN WILL BEIN THE West during the months Nevember and December, seeking desirable investments in timber Jands or milling propositions now in operation would examine attractive offer in British Co'umbia or the States but will not consider anything that will not stand examin- ation and show value; full and detailed reports, price atid terms on what you submit desired, or not considered. Address ‘‘Lumberman,’’care of CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont, Eos SALE, UPWARDS OF 500 M. FEET OF Hemlock 10%-18” to 30feet. Wil) be cut 4o order. Makeoffer. Repl. to Box 422 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. ; WANTED, PARTNERS TO FORM SMA company to stock small saw mill, near Burks Falls. Plenty of timber near mill. Ap Box 420 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont; .. FOR SALE 150 M inch Soft Elm J,og Run oe te ae ee Culls 26 56‘* ‘* Basswood Log Run 1oo'' -‘* Black Ash “ ‘“‘ “gt os “ “ce se 33 ‘‘inch ‘“ Culls as 2! ae “a iid 13‘‘inch White ‘ Log Run : ae a o ae 4 Lh) 10 se 144” Beech “et “ Steal es Hearts 9‘ uw Birch Log Run 4 Lt} U “oe ow ae 67 ‘* 1” Soft Maple “ os Apply H. CarGiILL & Son, Cargill, Ong. a SS SE CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The strength of the lumber situ- ation is now so universally admitted that not a pessimistic word is heard. Dealers are giving their attention to picking up white pine lumber wherever it can be found, for the supply is getting scarce and there may be some lively bidding for stocks before spring. United States buyers are taking the Ottawa Valley stocks more liberally than in any previous year, and competition from this source has been respons- ible for a recent advance of from $1 to $2 per thousand in the price of the lower grades. Toronto retail dealers are as busy as is possible. Building permits.so far this year have exceeded $11,000,- ooo, and the fact that the figures for the month of October are almost as large as any previous month would indicate a continuance of the pre- vai ing activity and a large demand for lumber during the winter sea- son. Hardwoods are going into consumption on a moderate scaler but that branch of the lumber trade shows none of the buoyancy Which” is seen in white pine and hemlock: There is a feeling that birch should improve further, as it is low in price when one considers the many ptr- poses for which it is suited. Lath are scarce and strong. EASTERN CANADA. It is understood that the quantity of oak timber which will winter at Quebec this year will not exceed 200,000 cubic feet, which is much less than a year ago. The produc- tion this. winter will also be light, and higher prices are predicted. . CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. II. irch is showing a little more trength. Offers for spruce deals yr export to Great Britain are said » have been lowered about fifty ents per thousand, but the trade egards the weakness as temporary nd the result of misunderstanding f the exact situation, which is real- y strong. At time of writing it is ot known whether the recent rains yere sufficient to bring any quantity f the hung-up Slogs down to the aills, ‘*‘Extra” cedar shingles are elling at $3.50 on Boston rate of reight. WESTERN CANADA. Building permits issued in Winni- eg up to the end of October exceed 11,000,000, which means that a ast quantity of lumber has been onsumed by the building industry. ‘he demand continues as keen as ver, and. the dealers and kuilders re being greatly inconvenienced y the inability of the railroads to ake delivery of lumber purchased 7ithin a reasonable time. The iills throughout all Western Can- da have more business than they an handle, but with. orders so lentiful a shut-down has become ecessary in some instances owing 9 the scarcity of cars. The con- itions may result in a further | dvance in lumber prices. Shingles re less active, but stocks are not urge and prices are not likely to secede owitig’ to the high cost of roduction. UNITED STATES. White pine lumber is firm in all 1e United States markets. The nipments from the Lake Superior ills have been somewhat lighter jan last year, but as the sawing sason is about to close and manu- icturers’ stocks are not heavy, there -notlikely to be any difficulty in laintaining present prices. Stocks t Buffalo and Tonawanada promise » be of normal size, but the Albany ipply is lighter than usual. There -a strong demand for all classes of common lumber, with indications of slight advances on certain sizes and grades. The spruce market is steady but does not show much animation. For prompt shipment $24 has been paid for g-inch and under, Boston delivery, but sales are still being madeat $23. Strength in ash, birch and basswood is the feature of the hardwoods. There is a good demand and the outlook is favorable. Lath does not recede from its high price, but on the other hand where the buying is brisk, the seller has been able to obtain a slight advance. For 1 54-inch spruce lath $4.50 has been realized at Bos- ton. GREAT BRITAIN. Business in Great Britain is. still on the quiet side, but nearly every- one is hopeful about the future. Buyers are not disposed as yet to close contracts for next year’s de- livery, but as the tendency seems to be towards a higher range of values, there cannot be much gain- ed by waiting. Pine deals of first and second quality are strong, the supply light, and inquiries on the increase. The lower grades are less firm. One or two cargoes of spruce have recently been sold be- low the ruling price, and the market is temporarily weaker, but in the face of higher freight rates and in- surance charges, there can be no good reason for any general de- cline, and as soon as the effect of these forced sales is lost, a re- covery will no doubt take place. STOCKS AND PRICES. Mutchenbacker Bros. have clos- ed their mill at Mafeking, Man., and started operations in the woods. They expect to take out 7,000,000 feet this winter, which will be near- ly double their production of last year. Of cooperage stock 'Mr. James Innes, of the Sutherland-Innes HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in Feialock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. Stock sizes now ready. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B..C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS d Soft Elm. We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood ~ Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock Lumper & Mee we woonsTocK, ONT- - WE WANT TO BUY . 17%", es 1k", 14" and 2” Chestnut, ms 1”, 14%", 1%" and 2” Butternut, “6 HE M®LENNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE 2” and 3; Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds, Company, says: ‘‘Even with the moderate demand for stock, the mills are getting pretty well cleaned out, especially on heading. Hoops, of course, are being made right along, and will be made in large quantities as long as the favorable weather for trucking hoop logs continues.’ Stocks of staves, how- ever, are decreasing rapidly, and there.is likely to be a considerable shortage of staves, if there is even a moderate demand for apple barrel stock, in addition to the demand for other classes of material.” We quote trom S. P. Musson, _ Son & Company, Barbados, as fol- “lows: ale ‘“‘The schooner ‘‘Drusie’, from Gaspe, Que., brought down 85,000 feet spruce lumber, which represents the receipts for the fort- night. This lumber kas not yet been placed on offer, but should elicit a good price whensold, as our market for spruce is.very bare and the de- mand at this season active. There has been no further arrival of white pine, and the two cargoes reported in our last are being rapidly used up, so that further arrivals of both this and spruce will fetch exceed- ingly good prices. Shingle receipts comprise - 185,000 Long Gaspe and 15,000 Laying Cedar ex ‘‘Drusie”, which have not yet been sold. They should bring good prices as stocks are not heavy, .especially in Long Cedar, and the demand has been very good in consequence of the rainy weather, THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CanaDA LUMBERMAN.) Ottawa, October 26, 1906.—The market is especially buoyant for basswood and birch in the Ottawa Valley. The demand is so great that many buyers are unable to get the large’ quantities they require. THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, MANUFACTURERS? Lumber, Hardwood Flooring, ‘ Handles, Poles, Bed Frame Stock,’ Cheese Box Hoops, Heading, Baskets, Etc. .. Write, Telegraph or Telephone your ogders , Orillia, Ont. ‘MoLennan Timber Land and Lumber 60., Limited ‘Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa; room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. J.B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in GEDAR TELEGRAPH, TELEPHONE AND ELEGTRIG LIGHT POLES ' Oswego, N.Y. _ Bancroft, Ont. Renfrew, Ont, : October 31, 1906 The better qualities are the scarcest. The large sales of basswood are due ; partially to the substitution of this oo brand of lumber for the higher- priced article, and the market is also affected by the general keen ~ demand for lumber. The demand for spruce also continues good, and despite advances in priceS buyers are anxious to place orders. Spruce commands three dollars a thousand < more than it did last year. ; W. B. Bartram & Company, who handle birch, basswood and spruce, find that their sales for the ~ season will be double what they were in 1905. The firm raised prices on spruce Jast week, but the increase did not discourage buyers. Almost 75 per cent. of the Bartram Com- = pany’s spruce is going tothe United __ States. There isan unusually large number of inquiries for 8x 14% and ms g x 1\4, but all varieties aresought eagerly. On account of the many. Ree, DETROIT COLUMN ae p. & MANUFACTURING = COMPANY = The largest and most extensive Manu- | i ae facturers and ShippersofCOLONIAL COLUMNS AND COMPOSITION = ee . CAPITALS in the United States. ne Write for eter ang, iPass Ss : 3 z DETROIT - MICHICAN va? ae praagy ae Style No. 27 Style No. 40 > We have the most perfect fitting LOCK-JOINT COLUMN made. “Write for Catalogue and prices. WE FURNISH COLUMNS IN ANY SIZE OR LENGTH 3 a + _ Best Machinery. — October 31, 1906 orders booked for basswood and birch the Bartram Company is carry- ing on more extensive shanty opera- tions than usual and will take out a large quantity of lumber on the Rouge river. Though prices in all grades of lumber are exceedingly high, manu- facturers do not anticipate a decline in the near future. Already it has been pointed out that logging opera- tions are too costly to permit a drop. Another sign of sustained quota- tiens is the desire of buyers to lay in supplies for the spring trade, for they do not contemplate‘a weaken- ing in prices. The James MacLaren Company, of Buckingham, hasdone practically no work since the strike in the mill six weeks ago, when 500 men left their places. The cessation otf work has had a serious effect on the out- put of lumber. The Company has 50 men employed under military protection but all their time is de- voted to sawing for the pulp mill. Asa result of the strike a great number of logs will be frozen in the Lievre river this year. The wet spell of last week gave a set-back to shanty operations. Some of the large firms who had been sending gangs away suddenly stopped and it will require some “hard freezing weather to revive the activity in the woods. The Pembroke Lumber Company have just about filled their shanties on the Jocko river, and Holland & Graves are nearly done hiring for their limits along the Wahnapitae river. - Companies who are able to draw on their mill gangs for shanty hands are in an enviable position, for men are exceedingly scarce. Wages is firm at $35 a month for log makers, which is an advance of $3 over last ear. The demand is sec good that the laborer has plenty of ‘choice to where he will go for the winter. The low water which has been menacing the Chaudiere industries all along has closed Mr. J.R.Booth’s pulp mill completely. Mr. Booth has decided to let the pulp grinders CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION stand idle in order to divert all the water power to the lumber mill. Any time that the ‘volume of the river increases sufficiently the pulp machinery will be put in operation again and it will start anyway as soon as the saw mill closes for the winter: tik The Eddy pulp mill has been partially stopped also, to save the power for the manufacture of paper. Low water has interfered with pulp making in-many parts of Canada. The lumber kings hope to find partial relief through- an arrange- ment the Dominion government has made apportioning the Chaudiere into water lots. This, however, does not immediately increase the supply of energy, but it is expected steps will be taken to provide effect- ive dams before long. The reduc- tion of the falls has been the great- est menace of years to the Ottawa lumber industry. NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. (Correspondence of the CanapA LUMBERMAN.) St. Joun, N.B., Oct. 22nd, 1906. —The log operators at the head of the St. John river and along its branches are getting under way in earnest with their operations. The difficulty being experienced because of the scarcity of men is still a feature. From $27.00 to $32.00 per month for competent choppers is being paid. A feature of many contracts this year is the limitations being placed upon the contractors in regard to size and percentage of battens, which will necessitate the leaving of many of the smaller trees which in other years would have been cut. A tendency in this’ direction has been apparent during several sea- sons past and this year the idea is being carried out more thoroughly than before. A heavy rain at the headwaters has been reported and the river has risen materially during the last few days, but whether or not this circumstance will have any effect upon the logs which are at present The Weller Sills Co., Limited BELLEVILLE, ONT. Timber and Lumber Dealers | A SPECIALTY IN Long Timbers, both Pine, Soft Wood and Hardwood Oe MASON, GORDON & CO. 80 St. Francis Xavier Street - MONTREAL, QUE. / WHOLESALE FT YUMIBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only i Specialty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” RILLIA, ONTARIO ~ Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, = s Making Hardwood Flooring, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited Resawing, Hollow Back, Bored, KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls, Ont. Best Workmen. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORIN Kiln . Dried, Send us a trial car _ show very light stocks. hung in the Grand Falls section, is a mere matter of conjecture. The trade in Great Britain for New Brunswick spruce has shown po important change during the past month. Up to October 15th —which is the date set by law for the adoption of the six-foot deck- load on steamers loading to cross the Atlantic—shipments in this line from this port were considerable in volume ‘and the result is that the wharves in this city and vicinity The object of this eagerness to ship is to get away as much as possible before the increase in frieght rates, con- tingent upon the necessity of a smaller deck-load as mentioned above. At present writing, none of the local manufacturers are carrying in stock more than a few hundreds of thousands of feet of ‘‘English” deals and, taken all together, these quantities would not total to more than 1 1/2 millions of feet. Being thus practically cleaned up on this line, it is apparent that the receipts from this vicinity will be very light at the other end during the next two months. Such quantities as will gather on the local wharves be- tween now and the usual closing down of the mills (early in De- cember), will practically all go for- ward piecemeal by the winter liners. Local feeling in regard to ‘‘Eng- lish” deals indicates confidence in the strength of the market. An enquirer for this line of goods, in a specification containing say 35/ 7’s, 50% 9’s, and 15 11’s and wides, would probably be quoted no lower than $14.00 to $14.15 per thousand superficial feet (two-thirds price for fourths and ends) f.o.b. steamer St. John. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. The right to cut timber and ties in Barr Township, District of Tem- iskaming, has been granted to Brennan Brothers, of Hamilton. The price is $6.77 per 1,000 feet board measurement, for white pine, THE Mills : Branch Offices : Ul. - red pine, jack pine, and spruce, ant $3 for tamarac and cedar, in additio th the regular Crown dues of $2 pe thousand feet. For the ties th price for jack pine, tamarac, an cedar is five cents per tie bonus 1 addition to the Crown dues of | cents per tie. The announcement was made las week that Hood Bros., Spokane Wash., had purchased 13,000 acres or a little over 20 square miles c timber land on Crazy creek, abou ten miles west of Revelstoke, B. C. from the Eagle River Lumber Cor pany, for the sum of $175,000 cast The deal was directed by Messr: Alex. McRae and S. A. Mundy, th latter being vice-president of th Eagle River Lumber Company. TIMBER LIMITS FOR SALE. An auction sale of timber limit which will no doubt attract a larg number of persons will Ef held in the Russel House, Ottaw Holden, Pres. A. F. J. M. Diver, Gen’1,-M; F, H. Goff, Vice-Pres. E. &. Barre, Ass’t Mg The Cleveland-Sarni Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER “x0 LATE Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60" long. SARNIA, ON. IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. Limite LATCHFORD, Manchester, Eng. North Tonawanda N. Y. see GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOG TORONTO - Cc. A. LARKIN WHOLESALE LUMBEI Shingles, Lath and Cedar Fence Posts. TORONTO : be we ba ONTARI Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band n=. et Sircwular CACHE BAY, Ont. CPR: & & Samples by Gang ~ 26 miles West North Bay ~UMBER_ and LA TT % 2 L & Send for Catalogue KNIGHT BROTHERS C Mail LIMITED Burk’s Falls. CanaDA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION cases afin —DRY BIR CH—— IV. on Wednesday, November 28th Planing and Matching when a total of 215 square miles ——-IN TRANSIT— ,000 ft. jin. ooo ft. 1 In will be offered in 6he block. The| S, POMEROY, Orillia At Emadale (coger C00 ft. 2in. At Burk's Fatts { iso 000 ft. 6/4 in 7,000 ft. gin. : 5,000 ft. 5x5 to 10x 10 quarters limits are all situated in the St. PLANING, MATCHING, WING, Maurice Agency, province of Que- SIDING, higccaniicn “wouLpinés ' Write for prices @s we have to move it at once. bec, and contaifi. pine, spruce, | ‘Factory near Station. Write for Prices. cedar, tamarac, jackpine, etc. Mr. "Phone M3 Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON | Peter Ryan will be auctioneer, and particulars may be obtained from Pearson & Denton, barristers, Tor- onto. Ask Your Ticket Agent Bank St. Chambers. ' OTTAWA, Can, WISCONSIN GEATRAL Rulvay |} BIRCH! “BASSWOOD! ‘SPRUCE! We have about 100 M tt. each of 1-in. Basswood and Ash for quick delivery. Write us for prices. ~ Minneapolis, ae Paul, Ashiand, Milwaukee, Chicago and all points _ W.’B. BARTRAM.-& CO. Mr. Ray H. Stilwell has been appointed Canadian representative for the Cypress Selling Company of New Orleans, cam and will establishhis headquarters in Toron- to. This company report that Louisiana red cypress is fast securing a foothold in Canada and that the prospects for business are excellent. east, west, north and south. Convenient trains. Pullman sleepers. Free reclining chair cars. acer: & T. CHARLTON«eee Dining cars. For full information, address H. J. BERGEMANN, Travelling Agent [ N 7] B H BR. I : i 371 Robert St., St. Paul, Minn., and or Jas. C, POND, G. P. A., + Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N.Y. Milwaukee, Wis. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. ; PROMPT SHIPMENTS! MARRIOTT & COMPANY VANCOUVER, B. C. We can ship promptly almost anything in British Columbia Fir, Cedar, Hemlock, and usually Spruce. Having ten mills to ship from, possibly we can give you better service than any other house in the lumber trade. Send us your enquiries, whether for shingles, lumber or timbers, straight or mixed cars, AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE, anv A.B. C., 5rH EDITION, i BANKERS—Merchants Bank of Canada. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS rine Fletsnicg ZUM BER | 23eberie See We @ UU Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CA N California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber CEDAR POLLS AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a Special C. A. SPALDING & CO. In ae ee Mill Work R EA Cc A | Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MiCH | NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. || HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO WHOLESALE Ii A RDWOODS YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, “HEMLOCK AND. HARDWOODS ST. LO U | S Yeliow Pine Timbers a Specialty RAIL.MAIL J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, WIRE OR HARDWOOD LUMBER P A (©) N —& 3 SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS FFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN MCCLURE LUMBER CO. ! | | manutacrurers { HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS rank 6. BURY =» BURY & NOBLE mason a. woste | YELLOW PINE AND OAK WHOLESALE LUMBER - DETROIT MICH! Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office: No. 520 Franklin Street = DETROIT, MICH. : Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. Mill: BUT4,W, ALTA. a : , a CAN ee ee ae . October 31, 1906 CaNa®A LUMBEKMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. _ CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT, 4 We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all 1 sizes. Also ali classes of Building Material Send us your enquiries. | ‘ : HARDWOOD FLOORING "stu." SITMMON BROS, zr WIARTON, ONT. Office : e- £ 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO —Our Prices will Interest ore —A. W. EYER & CO— We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what Correspondence with mills solicited. 43 Adelaide Street East TORONTO, ONT. you now have to sell. A. W. EYER @ CO. - _ DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, Ino. WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, - - 2 AUT Et Apply at once to “John Harrison & Sons Company, Limited Saw and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. ~ Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. 4 LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES : TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER _ Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. N. Y. We have a few cars of good No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Lath P E BIRCH ELM AILWAY TIE a SEMILOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES PINE OAK CEDAR &eo., &ec., doc B.C, FIR B.C. CEDAR hres in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. nd up, 11” x 11’ and up, for saleata low price for immediate delivery. | JAMES J. MURPHY, **s.dte** QUEBEC HARDWOOD FLOORING ’ End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled ; Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. THEM. BRENNEN & SONS MANUFACTURING (O., LIMITED Planing Milland Head Office: HAMILTON, Ontario. ag - Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CoO. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto PEDWELL & LEMCKE, "* MANUFACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber OE in eyes Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water. Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE. ey EA as WELT Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Rallway Suppiles MIDLAND ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty ~~ MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. ae and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Goide and Hemlock Bill Stuff. p by C. P. R., G. T.R., and by Wate THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chamber: TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Mata 6244, Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. HEL DING wri? at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. ATERIAL of ali kinds carried in s Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. tock. We are buyers of Amherst, N.S. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, MANUFACTURERS OF he Cook & Bros. i sonnet 1 White and Red Pine = rere” “| Lumber and Lath **So00” Bra noch Water Shipments ning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES Coristiag Building, Montreal. ° d at Mills at Spragge. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK ¥%, %, %. 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT. “AUGER & SON | Wanted to Buy BIRCH Bee Million Million Feet WRITE T. L. BAILIE Box 268 - NORTH BAY, ONT. FOR SALE Lumber in car load lots. In grades red face firsts and seconds and common in all thick- nesses. - Mills having stocks for sale write for prices. Cash and quick ship- _ ment. 1 THE ONTARIO UMBER C9, LiMiTED ; ® Mnus: North Bi 4 = C.F.E. ere c Le B. + Eclivery MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. MILLs : five River, Georgian Bay Water Shipment Only. - ; We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles Hons iLife 4% 1aingT ORONTO, Ont. Quebec eee WS.LINNELL LAND LANDS ciTY PROPERTY AND 10. Sie: MAN. VI. : CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | | d onal cater Core ML HEAPS & CO., "i Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, acute Etc SPECIALTIES : e) AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. a Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, N Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. se w. I SHEPEARE. SG eal W. L. ante ip ae . MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Ow“ LATH, MOULDINGS pabet Cc TURNED WORK L ETC. Pp acilte ncouve oast JER. M50. HICH GRADE ANGOV RED CEDAR SHINGLE Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail —s TORON TO. a THE RED DEER LUMBER BARROWS, SASK. Manufacturers ot i] SPRUCE LUMBER and LA 2E Manufacturers of = 5, So Fir ana Cedar s 5 gle: LUMBER. aa SS Se SRE SS ee - ° ° Specialty —~——_ > Red Cedar Shingles Correspondence Solicited CHAS © @ENNETY. MINNEAPOLIS. Getting to the Bottom of i We mean our file of orders, so that now we can give: ie i shipments on anything. 1 THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, "BARROW: Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, uae o .- ae We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO. LIMITED, VANCOUVER, B.C. LUMBER & SHINGLE Sena us your hurry-up orders for shingles. Our new saw mill will soon bein eee Se ; advise ue of your requirements Ber ; ne ad. (ed = S Je ate A eR oe. a RAPT Be ee + é > : * = “ aber 31, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION VII. HEAPS, : J. A. McNAIR, : President Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, tumirep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. Da Daily Shipping Capacity = 2,000.0 000 . SHIN GLES PER DAY ha nile only the best STANDARD BRANDS and_can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH “HAVE FOR SALE —am 1,000,000 feet of 15/8 in. Cedar Door Stock, running from No. 1 shops to large percentage of perfectly clear. Write for prices Fairview Cedar Lumber Company P. O. Box 45, Vancouver, B.C. | NSIC SERIE SESE IEA Rat Portage BS har Co. Limited (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS - And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior “4 Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw W ork, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. our. Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. ABR rice: RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. D <—riae Pied D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. BEE SE SESE IESE SESE SE SESE SESE EE SESE SE SESE SE “ KPATRICK, H. H. SPICER, - THOMAS KIRKPAT Lag a. MGR. AND SEC’Y Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. if i ane hs is Pe Ste 3 “ vm CANADA LUNBERMAN wen Semen 9, 09) S SOI — ° Q0)5: (*) The Ce Sound tanto Co. Limited 9, o a J. B. MILLER, President. W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. eS Mauufacturers of \o} ‘00)0CG0) >) PINE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER © S {=} Ss 60 eS g ) Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. 3 doce? oa ggng €9 Or Ss {~) ° (~) So oS, =) 62)SCSG0)S O56! a Head Office: Traders Bank Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main 1016 Telegraph Codes: Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. 2S SS, ) S59) {=} 2 ° DG g ‘s) Dz¢ -) 2 POCO OS Oe O Ol OL OO CO ee Oe OO ee Oe Oe OOO Oe OY OOo oOo ee oy So | oa Dd oe a —————— * FELBER, JUCKER & CO. | WHITE Pine AND spruce LUMBER | J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED Planing, Matching, Resawing, ete, BRAOEBRIDGE, ONT. FOSSEO PULP wo6D i Manufacturer of le rs MANUFACTURERS OF Lumber Importers Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceilings ~ MANCHESTER ENGLAND J “ Invite lumbermen, able to cut Bi ch St. Gabriel Lumber Co. genie LATH AND SHINGLES End-Matcod HARDWOOD FLOORING 3 8” x 7/8” up to 3” x3” for Pine, Hardwood and Hemlock Floorings | ®0¢ Sore wn squares 7/ 7 Limited and Ceiiinee, Sash anu Doors, Wood Turnings 8 : 5 spool making, to write for specifica- St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que, etc, a ee Lumber Kiln “ing if desired Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity, ; tions. Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. mg) Mate Corea oe R. EATON = Orillia Ont. i Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY J. __ Correspondence Solicited. ‘Phone No. SA. 4 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS BLE so ICARNWORTH. fg: “JARDINE SMITH & TYRER ~. 1A Titbabarn eee re ae [Wood Brokersand Measurers ..WOOD AGENTS... SS a ee Le, Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale St., 7x Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG Halifax, N.S., Office—SmitH, Tyrer & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington: St; Be SSSR SES A TE F. A. Lightbody & Co: GANT & KEMP g TIMBER WOoOoD BROKERS 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW cS B R 0 K E RS b - Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes; A. B.C., Ax, “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Cable Address: ““ TECTONA” Glasgow. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Az and A B C Codes used. a aa rao rater a aren Sas ip mean eae 5 - et 3 Rock Maple Bee and Planks. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Rock Elm Lo | OUIS BAMBERGER, * *tcxoox,'s'c'""® | (OSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD. zyzseciemansmte IMPORTER OF ——mr Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Timber Importers | "7%": . szs0 .. . All classes of Lumber and aoe Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS | Cable Address *‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Bng. JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND _ . TIMBER MERCHANTS WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS BUY ERS O Fe sits Sa hes an inp tas ee et ‘deceriptions Liverpool and London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND ~ , Veneers A Specialty CABLE ADDRESS “DOBLE LIVERPOOL’ : 2 " ; zh : = aia pies a elie a olscny ss + roo *- ’ < \ ey 2s aes Ba oe ee rs : R E ‘Canapa LuMBERMAN ¥ a y — ~ ‘ Rs” ~ eS ‘ 4 ‘ . - t NADA LUMBER AND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 Per vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. : REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD Vou. XIV N TORONTO, MONTREAL — NOVEMBER 7, 1906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER No. 35+ PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u — of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office : Room B34, Board of Trade Building, Montreal, Telephone Main 2299. 72f-721 Union Pank Building, Winnipeg, + Telephone 1274. Davis Chambers, 615 Hastings St., Vancouver, ‘ B.c., Telephone 2248. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the ncipal manufacturing districts and leading omestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of bg oe hig at home and abroad. The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE _. Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the th of the line and is set _in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- ‘ vertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p.m. en Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue 3 Timber Limits For Sale ALUABLE TIMBER LIMITS IN THE Province of British Columbia. For particu- lars Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. WANTED OR IMMFDIATE ‘SHIPMENT, OR AS ? soon as possible, also for shipment during coming winter and spring Basswood, (%,1% and 2in. x6in.upxroto16ft. Soft Elm, in coffin stock, 1 x I2in. up x 13, 14. 16 ft. and half lengths, also in smaller sizes. Rock Elm,1% to ain. thick x24 in. up x 4 to 16 ft. Hard Maple, ' tosin. x3in up roto 14 ft , alsoin 4.5and 8 ft. lengths. Spot Cash and irfspec- tion at shipping pint. Please quote prices f.o.b. W. J. Gorpov, Box 295 Windsor, Ont. FOR SALE ‘Large Tract of Timber THE PROPERTY OF : The Canadian Land and Immigration Com- pany of Haliburton, (Limited) page This company has a large ‘tract of well tim- bered land about 125 miles north-east of Toronto. There are large qua'-tities of Cedar, Hemlock, — Spruce, Balsam, Basswood, Beech, Cherry-Birch, _— Maple, ‘this tract. It is also considerable Pine, Elm and Ash on well served by two railroads. The company are prepared to sellthis timber in blocks ranging from 2,000 to 10,000 acres, or more if desired. ‘ " There are several good mill sites on the prop- erty. This would be a good opportunity for _ parties who are at present cut out and are look- ing for a néw location. “Maps and plans and further particulars can be had by applying to W. H. LOCKHART GORDON, ae Managing D:rector, “a 79 Adelaide St. E., Toronto, ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SrimcozE Woop AND LUMBER CO., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, OR SALE—HEMLOCK AND HARDWOOD sawmilling and timber proposition includ- ing good mill and virgin timber. Rail and water shipments and best location on Lake Huron. Address Box 417, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. HEMLOCK LOGS WANTED \ ANTED TO CONTRACT FOR LOGS, TO /'Y be cut next winter, any quantity up to five million feet Address Box 377, CANADA Lusksicl MAN, Toronto, Ont. SPRUCE LATH E SUPPLY A LARGE TRADE THE year around. and are consequently al- ways in want of laths, both 1%” and 15%”. Write us. CHARLFS S. W*NTWORTH & Co., 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. MILL EMPLOYEES AWYERS. FILERS, CARRIAGE RIDERS, mill wrights. yard men and all mill em- ployees, when out of work write to EK. F. Mit- CHFLL mill builder and expert, No. 23 and 24 Dayis Chambers, Vancouver, B. C. VER ¢4.000 PFR MONTH-SAW planing mill in British Columbia, making a net profit of over $4.000 per month, for sale, a going concern, with fine residence and gardens, land timber. etc. Price $-5.000; one-third cash, balance on easy terms. Only reason forse ling, owner has too many businesses to look after. Princina's only need apply. Box 413 CANADA LUMBERMAN. BIRCH FOR SALE. WE. HAVE THE FOLLOWING RED BIRCH Lumber, Mill Run, Mill Culls out; band sawn, closely edged and trimmed and in good shipping condition; cut last winter and spring: 3°4.000 4/4” x 4” and up x 6/14’ 140,000 sla” * “ “ 127,000 6/4” 165, ¢0 8a” 48 000 12] -” The HuRDMAN-ELMITT LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, Ottawa, Ont. a Auction Sale OF VALUABLE TIMDéF Berths at the RUSSHLL HOUSE, Oitawa. on Wednes- day, November 28th, 1906, at 2p, m., the follow- ing Timber Berthsin one parcel: Berth No. 5, North Manowan, St. Maurice Agency, 50 Sq. miles; Berth No, 5, South Man- owan, St. Maurice Agency, 40 sq. miles; Berth No. 6, South Manowsn, St. Maurice Agency, 45 sq. miles; Berth No. 7, Seuth Manowagp, St. Maurice Agency, 50 sq miles; Berth No. 10, South Manowan, St Maurice Agency, 30 sq. miles Total area, 215 square miles These Berths are virgin. excepting two rafts of squaretimber cut in 1°74, aud are well water- ed, with haul not exceeding 2 1-7 miles to water from the most distant poirt. The’River Mano- wan intersects the projected and surveyed line of the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway abcut 30 miles below the Berths and 150 miles from Quebec City, with excellent river drive. The Berths have, in addition to considerable White Pine, a larve body of merchantable Spruce for Deals and Lumber, and are well stocked with Spruce, Pulpwood, Railway Ties, Cedar, Tam- arac, Jack Pine. etc. TERMS OF SALE—One-third cash at time of gale one-third in one year. and one-third in two years; with interest at six per cent. per anuum. For further particu‘ars, apply to PEARSON & DENTON, Barristers, Toronto, Ont, “ “ a t. “ “a as “ “ ANT _* FEW CARS NO."1 AND VIMILL RUN heading for sale, 17%” and 1534”, Address W. N. Buck, Port Rowan, Ont. pos. BAND MILL FOR SALE, FIRST- class cond'tion, now running, too small for our legs. Apply Box 416, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WY ee 2’ROCK ELM; 5/4 and 6/4 BIRCH; x’ €/4 2” Black Ash ; 6/4 and <” Basswood; 1” Tamarac; 2” White Ash. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. OR SALE, UPWARDS OF 500 M. FEET OF Hemlock 10%-18” to 30feet. Will be cut to order. Make offer. Reply to Box 422 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. WANTED, PARTNERS.TO FORM SMALL company to stock small saw mill, near Burks Falls. Plenty of timber near mill, Apply Box 420 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER WANTED. HITE AND BLACK ASH, BASSWOOD, Rock Elm, Hard Maple Gocd price paid: Box 421 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, nt. Se SALE, ONE 30 H. P. LOCOMOTIVE, H. P. Engine, cylinder Boiler 9x 0, Torouto Ont, det aed M. FT. 12x12, 20 TO 20 FT. Hemlock; 10 M ft. 10 x 10, 10 to 18 ft. Hem- lock; quantity of 1” and 2” Hemlock, also some Basswocd, Hard Maple and Oak. Will contract next season’s cut of Hardwood Address T. H. DECEw & Son, Bruce Mines, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE C)X= INCH TO FOUR INCH THICK, BIRCH and Maple mill run, and culls; also some 5/4. cull Basswood, one inch cull Oak. Low prices cffered for prompt sale. Write JoHN BRoMLEv, Pembroke, Ont. MARRIED MAN Wwanis POSITION AS BOOK KEEPER, Manager general store or Manager of small Lumber business; Hard worker; state highest salary. Address Box 419, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Oxt. BIRCH WANTED 1 PURCHASE THE FOLLOWING DRY Birch stock for immediate delivery, grade ists and 2nds.30 M. feet 1%”, 50M 1)”, 20M. 2%”, tcar 5 x & squares, I car 6x6 squeres, I car 1%” No. 1 common and 1 car of 1%” No. common. Apply Box 111 CanaDA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. oo) CAPITAL WANTED 1 Ge MODERN FURNITURE FACTORY ON Georgian Bay. This is an up-to-date con- cern doing a large and pavirg business, is well managed and can be extended to double its present capacity- Good and po) ularlines. For full particulars apply Box 418, CANADA Loum- BERMAN, Toronto, Ont. FOR SALE 150 M inch Soft Elm og Run 2 “ o ae é Culls 6 56‘* ‘ Basswood Log Run roo‘* ‘ Black Ash “ “* 39 Lad a’ “ “ o ae 37-inch — “ Culls oe 2! “ “ “eo 13‘‘inch White ‘‘ Log Run as qa’ “a ae ae it) 10''14%"” Beech ss a be Hearts Bee” Birch Log Run 4 Ld gl “ ae ae 671” SoftMaple “ “ Apply H. CarciLy & Son, Cargill, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. It is now generally conceded that there is likely to be a shortage in the supply of white pine lumber for the winter and spring trade. The extent of this shortage will depend largely upon the consumption dur- ing the winter months, which can- not be determined at the present time. The lumber market is quite buoyant, with stock always in re- quest. The urgent buying of the lower grades in the Ottawa Valley has resulted in an advance in the price of pine shorts, which are ex- ceptionally scarce. British buyers have been endeavoring to close contracts for next year’s production, but the manufacturers do not seem anxious to sell. Hemlock and hardwoods are showing a strong undertone. Although stocks of hardwoods are still comparatively heavy, the situation is greatly im- proved as compared with one year ago, and if the log production this © winter should again be light, hard- wood prices should advance toa more remunerative basis. White pine lath is, if anything, a little stronger, as the mills are now ask- ing $4.75 for No. 1, which makes the wholesale price in Toronto about $5.25. EASTERN CANADA No signs are yet visible of any falling off in the demand for build- ing lumber in Montreal, where numerous structures are still in an unfinished state. If the winter should prove mild, building opera- tions will continue almost without cessation. The lumber supply is light and prices very firm. The de- mand for New Brunswick spruce lumber cannot be termed as active, although in view of the light stocks, the situation is considered very healthy. Spruce boards are more asked for than deals. There has been another upward turn in cedar shingles and most of the large mills are now asking $3.60 for Boston delivery. UNITED STATES. Nothing has happened during the past week to weaken the lumber market, as the weather has been exceptionally fine. The approach of winter will likely have au effect very shortly and a falling off in country trade may then be expected bob aay Sg t ile Prices on all grades of lumber are firm, with the lower grades of white pine in very strong demand. No. 4 boards are selling at $18.50 deliver- ed in Chicago, and No. 5 at $14.50. Buffalo dealers report a good trade and notwithstanding that prices are considerably higher than they were last fall, there is little hesitation on the part ofthe buyer. Spruce is not showing as much activity as other classes of lumber. Asking prices at Boston are $23 for ginch and under and $25 for 10 and 12 inch. The hardwoods are in a very healthy condition. Birch is selling freely and shows a tendency to stiffen in price. Basswood, maple ard ash are improving slowly, but steadily. White pine lath are slightly firm- er, $4.75 being the asking price of No. 1 at the mill. Shingles are also showing increased strength. GREAT BRITAIN. * The rise in the Bank of England rate has seemingly further restricted the buying of lumber and has almost entirely checked the speculative tendency. It is almost impossible to discern any improvement in the demand notwithstanding that con- sumers are beginning to realize that a higher level of prices must be faced. The spruce market, however, is again steadier and it is not pos- sible to purchase at any concessions. For g-inch and up,the ruling quota- tions are £9 to £9 10s per standard, and for 7 and 8 inch, 47 15s. There is more demand for sidings than for any other class of pine, although the lower grades of deals are en- quired for to some extent and stocks are unusually low. Birch is ‘still too heavily stocked and the experi- ence of the past season does not augur well for shipments next year. The Sutton Lumber and Trading Company’s new saw mill at Mus- quito Harbor, Clayoquot, B. C., has commenced operations. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. (Correspondence of the CANAna LUMBERMAN,) VANCOUVER, B.C., October 22nd, 1906.—If conditions in the shingle industry were as prosperous as those in the lumber part of the business, manufacturers would have little cause for complaint. As it is, the shingle men have to contend against a scarcity of labor and of bolts, without having the very consider- able amount of trade which is com- .ing to the lumber manufacturers. Yet, business is accounted fairly good, with prices firm. The shingle market is mainly domestic, with a good local trade. The Ontario ship- ments feel the keen competition with other brands than those turned out in British Columbia, .and the $2.25 shingle f.o.b. cars, produced here especially tor Ontario dealers, is without doubt the best in the. world. The XXX, which forms the main portion of the supply, is strict- ly a high class article, and meets | with general favor. This is the brand that is shipped to the United States, and since it is able to suc- cessfully compete withthe American shingle, even with the handicap of a duty, shows that it has superior excellence. Puget Sound mills are pressing B.C. manufacturers for a close season in shingle production, but it is a question if the mills here will shut down at any time during the winter. Bolts are as scarce as ever. Mr. T. F. Paterson was reported the other day with saying that Jum- ber would be raised again in price pretty soon. In regard to this a millman said this morning: ‘Mr. Paterson bases his remarks, evident- ly, on the labor and log conditions. Both are very scarce and the pros- pect is that they will continue so during the winter. There has al- ready been considerable wet weath- er this fall, which has had an effect on the output from the woods. The scarcer the logs, the higher the HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. Stock sizes now ready. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles, HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood d Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited THE Woonsrock Lumber & Mere Co. woonsTo CK, ONT- 2 WE > WANT TO) Bees 1} oe , 2” and 3 14%", 1%" and 2” Chestnut, cs v pon 1%” and 2” Butternut, AS THE M°LENNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds. price, and millmen cannot afford to pay the increase altogether. We will probably have more fine weath- er before the rainy season sets in, but if no great opportunity for get- ting out logs is given, then I can see nothing else but another in- crease. It looks high now, with rough lumber at $16, butin all cases the advances have been forced.” Mills are talked of in the north, but in the meantime the work at Prince Rupert is necessitating the ordering of lumber from this part of the province. The Chemainus mill has obtained a large order for immediate filling. John Arbuthnot and associates, who purchased the Nanaimo Lum- ber Company’s interest, will enlarge the mill. The name is now the Red Fir Lumber Company. — Scarcity of cars caused a recent shut- down there for about ten days. - Joseph Patrick, president of the Drummond Lumber Company, which operates on the St. Lawrence river, is one of the latest to come west after timber. There have been some very large purchases of timber of late, particularly in the interior. Hood Bros., of Spokane, secured about twenty square miles west of of Revelstoke, and will build a large mill and engage in the Northwest trade. The illimitable business de- veloping in the prairie provinces, with the high prices of lumber, are attracting Americans, and every week some purchase by them is reported. BRITISH COLUMBIA LOGGING. Logs scaled by British Columbia Government scalers in September totalled 28,413,467 feet, according to the returns filed by A. Haslam, in charge of the scaling dapartment. This is a falling off from the previous THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, MANUFACTURERS: Lumber, Hardwood Flooring, Handles, Poles, Bed Frame Stock, Cheese Box Hoops, Heading, Baskets, Etc. . . “Write, Telegraph or Telephone your orders Orillia, Ont. McLennan Timber Land. and LUMDEP GO, rimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS ttawa, room 9 Central Chambers ovriexs Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. J. B. Farwell & Son Contractors and Dealers in OEDAR TELEPHONE AND ELEGTRIG LIGHT POLES Oswego, N.Y. Bancroft, Ont. - Renfrew, Ont. TELEGRAPH, ~ ndtch now, and the logs are ~— = November 7, month’s returns of seven millior feet. As winter operations are handicapped on this coast, it may be” expected that there will be a further reduction in the quantity of marketed during the winter. , the iumber demand is still as act ive as ever, and mills are months b hind with their orders, there is question but that there will be scarcity of logs to keep the mills going during the winter se son. British Columbia is a go place for skilled woodsmen a loggers who are sober, steady ; willing to work. Wages 2 Clow at $8 to $1 I in the water. ee F orty-four bakawomead turers in Michigan had + feet of unsold lumber on | compared with 494000,¢ July 1. haa DETROIT GOLUI & MANUFACTURIN COMPANY © The largest and .most exter facturers and Shippers of C - COLUMNS AND COMPOS eK ‘CAPITALS in the Unit Le i, Write for prices ee discounts, _ DETROIT We have the most perfect fit - LOCK-JOINT COLUMN made. Write for Catalogue and prices. ' WE FURNISH COLUMNS ANY SIZE OR LENGTH ~ Se ‘part * - November 7; 1906 ey CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ul. he THE OTTAWA VALLEY. © (Conresponttence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) Pe . Ortrawa, Nov. 5, 1906.—The - lumber market has witnessed some __ very sharp advances in pine shorts. The prices are now excessively high _ compared with previous quotations in Ottawa, but buying is as active _ «as the low stocks will permit. One inch good pine shorts of the narrow variety command $30a thousand peered seven inch and up is selling at _ from $37 to$4o. As high as $45 ; is paid for the best two-inch stock. - The quantity of No. 1 and No. 2 barn on handis probably lower than any other sort. This accounts for a recent rise in price. The in- _quiries for this line have fallen off recently purely because the manu- facturers were unable to supply the eg The demand for birch, spruce and— basswood continues brisk and _ the best varieties are almost impos- sible to get. The closing week of October brought a great volume of -_ orders for most of the fine grades of lumber from the United States. _._. These buyers are willing to pay ~ such handsome figures that 't looks = as if the sales of deals to Great ae Britain would decline greatly in the near future. British buyers are * : fares to close contracts in Ottawa __. for next season’s cut with some big *, not be considered. It will not pay _ the lumbermen to cut deals when ~ the American buyers are so aggres- _ sive and high quotations ruling. _ The continued strength of the __ market is astonishing local lumber- -- men. _ The run of stocks has been "so great that in most classes of lumber in this paper’s price list it - would be difficult some days to _ purchase a car load, while a few years ago millions of feet would be _ easily procured. The present market conditions are not likely to change hurriedly either. A representative Ottawa dealer expressed his opinion to the CANADA LuMBERMAN as fol- lows : ‘‘For the last two years it was _ thought that prices had reached such a height there wouid be re- 3 action. These views were held by *) i ; - ~ A SPECIALTY IN. YELLOW PINE or OAK. ~S ~Resawing, Making aay “BROTHERS CO. _ manufacturers, but their offers can- - . the very best informed in the trade. But they have changed their opin- ions. Many people today think that there will be no weakening and that present prices regarded as high are merely a moderate standard of what lumber is to be at its lowest the next three to five years. At no time in the history of the lumber trade in Ottawa or Canada has there been such radical changes as in the last three years. It has now reached such a point that it looks as if there was going to bea great change in what used to be fixed markets in Canada. Conditions and prices have reached such a point that English trade has to pay much more or practically surrender the whole lumber trade to local and United States markets. It looks as if care would have to be taken not so much to get a market out- side as to reserve lumber for our own uses in Canada. In Ottawa lumber is not to be had at all.” The scarcity of lumber in Ottawa is partially due to difficulty of get- ting logs. The cut was greatly re- duced. The Shepard and Morse mill, for instance, would have run at night all season if it had the logs. Only a very small portion of some 400,000 logs put into the Ottawa river by this firm last May has yet reached the mill in Ottawa. The Braeside mills were completely closed for five weeks owing to this circumstance. The Hawkesbury Lumber Company had also to close down for some days in September for want of iogs and Ritchie’s mill in Alymer was prevented from run- ning steadily at night fora similar reason. It is learned from the Upper Ottawa Improvement Com- pany, which has charge of bringing down the logs, that it is extremely difficult to keep up a steady supply of logs for the many lumbermen who have interests on the Ottawa. The James McLaren Company mill at Buckingham is still running with 60 hands, who are protected by 33 special policemen. -Most of the 500 men who went on strike two The Weller Sills Co., Limited BELLEVILLE, ONT. “Timber and Lumber Dealers Long Timbers, both Pine, Soft Wood and Hardwood ‘MASON, GORDON & CO. - Bo St. Francis xneier Street - MONTREAL, QUE. Car and Cargo Lots Only eclaite : ‘Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, z Correspondence Solicited. “PLANING IN : E TAIT. CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited. ORILLIA, ONTARIO - Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Hardwood Flooring, ~ Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. t Machinery. : Eest Workmen. KILN-DRIED BIKROH FLOOKING TRANSIT” Kiln Dried, Send us a trial car months ago have gone to work in the shanties for other lumbermen. The McLarens have as many men as they are able to secure. It is difficult to surmise what permanent effect the strike will have on this industry which has practically made Buckingham. The strikers are determined to hold to their demand next spring and in any case it is not likely any of them would be re- engaged. Nearly all of them have their homes in the town and an attempt to replace the whole num- ber would have far reaching effects. The seriousness of the roit which occurred October 8th was shown by the verdict of the corner’s jury rendered on October 31st declaring two members of the firm, five detec- tives, five strike leaders and a local - magistrate responsible for the death of two strikers. The detectives are censured for not trying to effect peace by arrests instead of open battle and the strikers must answer for encouraging their leaders. Messrs. Albert and Alexander Mac- Laren were named in the indictment not because they participated in the fight, but for bringing in the Thiel detectives. There was a sound reason for procuring this armed protection in view of the danger of setting fire during the hostilities be- tween the company and the men. The MacLaren’s insurance in Buck- ingham amounted to $557.500 ex- elusive of $75,000 on their private residences. The insurance com- panies insisted upon having 33 men to guard that property immediately after the strike was declared at the peril of cancellation of the policies. Up to and before October 8th insurance inspectors had come to Buckingham to see to this matter so that the company found itself in a Critical position. The extra ex- penses to the company since the labor trouble began is nearly $50,- 000. Log run ash is worth $26 at the mills in Wisconsin. Ten years ago it was selling for $9. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. J. Newton Pugsley, of Parrsboro, N.S., has purchased trom A. C. & C. W. Elderkin the lumber property on the western part of Cumberland county, known as the Eatonville property. This is one of the best timber berths in the county and covers an area of about eighteen thousand acres of well timbered land. The price paid is in the vicinity of $90,000. Messrs. G. Diederichsen, jun., of Hamburg, P. Lorentzen Apen- rade, and M. Jebsen, ship-owners, of Hamburg, have purchased Easton & Company’s timber limits on the River Portneuf, Quebec. The pro- perty, which is 484 square miles in extent, is onthe north shore of the St. Lawrence, about 135 miles east of Quebec, and consists partly of virgin forest and mills. It originally belonged to C. P. Easton, and has been controlled during the last few vears by the New York State Na- tional Bank of Albany, N.Y. The A. F. Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr F. H. Goff, Vice-Pres. EE. <¢. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. AND SARNIA, ONT. THE IMPERIAL LUMBER GO. LimiTED Millis: LATCHFORD, ONT. Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. raat Tonawanda N. Y. sesevees GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO QVSCVTVCVVVSOCVVVVSVSEVVSVSSVVSVVVVVs oes © R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’ y. R.S, ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF ‘LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. $ CVBVSTVESSVCSVCSUVSSVSVSSVSSATSVATFASAF -OBO4B6 Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular ee ie oy Ont. 26 miles West North Bay Gane Send for Catalogue w& JF Samples by Mail UMBER and LATH KNIGHT BROT ee) LIMITED Falls- IV. transaction, which amounts to about half a million dollars, all of it Ger- man capital, was brought about by Mr. E. van der Osten, of Toronto. The timber limits and saw mill of the Nanaimo Lumber Co. , Nana- imo, B. C., are reported to have been sold a few days ago to J. R. Arbuthnot and John C. McGarvin, of Winnipeg, for $100,000. Last spring J. S. Emerson and William Munsie purchased the mill and tim- ber limits. They were owned by Andrew Haslam, now supervisor of provincial log scalers. The price paid by tender was $72,000. Several months after the purchase the new owners sold the Jervis Inlet section of the limits to the Merrill interests for $37,000. This left the Elk Bay limits and the mill, which have now been sold for $100,000. McDermott Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone M3 Ask Your Ticket Agent WISCOLSIN GENTREL RAILWAY Chicago and all points east and south Convenient Trains, Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclin- ing chair Cars, Dining Cars. For full information address:— Geo H. Anthony, General Agent, 219 Avenue, Winnipeg, Man., Milwaukee, or Jas. O. Pond, G.P.A.. illwaukee, Wis. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION November 7, 1906 DRY BIRCH 50,000 ft. 14 In. 12,000 ft. 6/4 in. 5,000 ft. 5x5 to10x 10 quarters 25,000 ft. jin. At Emadale { ‘2iee0 ft. 2in. At Burk’s Falls 7,000 ft. gin. Write for prices as we have to move it at once. Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON Bank St. Chambers. OTTAWA, Can. BIRCH! BASSWOOD! SPRUCE! © We have about 100 M tt. each of 1-in. Basswood and Ash for quick delivery. Write us for prices. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. aeveed» & T.- CHARLTONacee ——MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— LUMBER and IA Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. PROMPT SHIPMENTS! MARRIOTT & COMPANY VANCOUVER, B. C. We can ship promptly almost anything in British Columbia Fir, Cedar, Hemlock, and usually Spruce. Having ten mills to ship from, possibly we can give you better service than any other house in the lumber trade. Send us your enquiries, whether for shingles, lumber or timbers, straight or mixed cars. AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE, anp A. B. C., 5TH EDITION. BaNKERS—Merchants Bank of Canada. UNITED STATES M YOU ° CAN | ve REACH | THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS | BY : RAIL:MAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE MCCLURE LUMBER CO. Manufacturers { HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS YELLOW PINE AND OAK Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office: No. 520 Franklin Street ° DETROIT, MICH, Mill: RUTAW, ALTA, ANUFAGTURERS AND WHOLESALERS Soft Yellow Pine Finishing Hammond Bldg. - Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLLS AND TIES. Yellow Pine Timber a Specialty. : Interior Trim Mill Work NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. DETROIT, MICH [es ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty - J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER 2 SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building BURY & NOBLE _ mason a. nose | FRANK C. BURY LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. WHOLESALE MICHIGAN fm - - Paes OS asi i a —~w 7 = S oi ~Pae November 7, 1906 Canaba LUMBERMAN WEBEL EDITION v. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in ail : sizes. Also all classes of Building Material Send us your enquiries. . | | = End Matched, Bored, Polished ' HARDWOOD FLOORING ba cove tr eee . Sie MON BROS, cz | | _ Office: 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. s —Our Prices will Interest You oS Wee YER &:CO-——— a = We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all , kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what Correspondence with mills solicited. you now have to sell. 43 Adelaide Street East TOR A.W. EYER @ CO. ONTO, ONT. _ DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, In6. 3 WHOLESALE LUMBER NORTH TONAWANDA, -_ - A TEL Apply at once to John Harrison & Sons Company, Limited Saw and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. & Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, - B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Prompt Shipments. N. Y. We have a few cars of good No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Lath ae 3 us know your requirements SPRUCE BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIES HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES PINE OAK CEDAR Se, &ec., &o B.C, FIR B.C. CEDAR Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. nd up, 11” x 11” and up, for saleata low price for immediate delivery. _ JAMES J. MURPHY, **siiiice'" QUEBEC HARDWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars of selected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. ‘it N. BRENNEN & SONS MANUEAGTURING CU, LIMITED Planing Mill and Head Office: cca deg a Ontario. = Saw Mills at RAINY LAKE, Ontario. = & SON _ Wanted to Buy B I R C : One Million Feet WRITE T. L. BAILIE Box 268 - NORTH BAY, ONT. FOR SALE Lumber in car load Mills having stocks for write for prices. 2. firsts and seconds and es Cash and quick ship- common in all oa nesses. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. H MBER C2. LIMITED M Mitts: French River, Georgian Ba : ois i ks ah ao R. Lejivery . Wi : 7 ’, ater Shipment Only. - a R. LAIDLAW LUMBER C0. We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles lots. In grades red face . aud ‘Life fe Building L ORONTO, Ont. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, vn." MANUFACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber i gaat ats Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE. PLA YEHATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER « LATH * SHINGLES BILL TIMBER a Speciality MIDLAND, ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & C0. Dac Mi citeac and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, Make a Specialty of Long ee Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. hip by C. P THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chamber TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Mata 6244, Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, . T. R., and by Water. ‘RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We ar Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. sd pike Amherst, N.S. he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. ¢ of Ontario, Limited | MILLS at SPRAGGE, coh pe AOD Ont. | ° MANUFACTURERS OF White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments **S$o00"* Branch ning Arcade, Toronto OFFICES Goristing Building, Moatreal. d at Mills at Spragge. ie ee HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK 3%, %, He, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY ¥ OWBN SOUND, ONT. Quebec W.S:LINNEEL “CAND ATTSON SAEED AND. Quest E CITY PROPERTY AND. AON WHOLESALE LUM By tad FA RM LANDS ‘ WINNIPEG, — i —— TAS aa : ax Pe : ion 0S EET ROY SS Pat Ate ‘ ait in ae 4 a 5 os Ste, "xy a A. * ee a - < rt r Sa eins OS Flee ay = eS ga 4, vt 7 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION —__ meee 1906 : “oownsc Ee H, HEAPS & CO”, a. 7 Vancouywer, Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc.2 SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to. size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing; Newels” Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. 4 W. J. SHEPPARD, PRESIDENT Waubaushene, Ont MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Oss LATH, MOULDINGS «mbet C TURNED 0 : WORK Coast Pvex Bo. HIGH GRADE Cc VAN RED CEDAR SHINGLES. Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO W. L. TAIT, GENERAL MANAGER Vancouver, B.C. ‘THE RED DEER LUMBER co. Manufacturers ot | SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH vs i ns & sa = ® = Betas Sas ¥s Manufacturers of PAS. Dn is > S P Oo = e- e = 2 ; . ee Poa \ Fir ana Cedar ot PS a Oo So an ee art | LUMBER 53 3k aS aos i = 8 Rates E- ° ee me Specialty ~—__»»>—- : = | et . . << veh *,. AR git Red Cedar Shingles Correspondence Solicited Getting to the Bottom of fies a Poe y x os — = Vie Xe —— Sa. - I~ ee s Pe November 7, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vii. _ E. H, HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, é President Vice-President. -* UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. : 3 Our Daily Shipping Capacity — - 4 “2,000.0 000 . SHIN GLES PER DAY =~ | * We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and_can make prompt shipment in Serdighe or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH § 1,000,000 feet of 15/8 in. Cedar Door Stock, running from No, 1 a : shops to large percentage of perfectly clear. Write for prices Fairview Cedar Lumber Company P. O. Box 45, Vancouver, B.C. a’ Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) a MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior ia Je Also Box Shooks and ot ing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our eancauver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. ame at aes RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. HEAD OFFICE D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. RIS SS Si Ss Si Ss Si i i i i Ss SS Sy i THOMAS mendae ae H. H. SPICER, ESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y | export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. 7 oa WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST 4 | Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. \ | Shinping Capacity 4 is sa 900, O00 pouneles per Day vin. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Lael lean f ss} Dog ‘O' is} c=} 3, ° OOO J) a The ae meee fF Lumber Co. ce J. B. MILLER, President. W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. oS °, 0K 2 ‘=) J my Mauufaeturers of S (-) ROUGH and DRESSED PINE, HEMLOCK »» HARDWOOD LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. is} oS SS e365 ‘a3 a () WG (> oS J UIOOK <=) C) o o J loKa® a .) ‘a -) NOK SZ io C) SZ io Head Office: Traders Bank Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main 1016 Telegraph Codes: Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. a CIN) GP) ON 3 ova >) ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. CHO : FELBER, JUCKER & CO. WHITE PINE AND spruce LUMBER | J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LinITED Planing, Watching, iesanig, ete BRAOCEBRIDGE, ONT. Lumber Importers ROSSEO PULP WOGD | ‘ Be Manufacturer of 1” CAF Lote. MANCHESTER ENGLAND : Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceiling SMBNCHEET ER sialic cor bial cat. Gubrick fame mee LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES | ssaanracona HARDWOOD cn 4 squares 7/8” x 7/8” up to 3x3” for Limited Tigges Seat ano monka weed wana —- an eilin ash anu Doo: spool making, to write for specifica- St. Gab, iel De Brandon, Que, | ete. All ee Lumber wate ged df o if denizen Lumber wae pari oe Any quan ; tions. Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry, a el See ee T. R. EATON - Orillia Out. a Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Corréapoxidenics Selene "Phone No. 54. ~ = BRITISH ‘WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS 6 et - ws, eA ARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER > 1a Stat, EPO "Wood Brokersand Measures.) -.WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool, Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TYRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington st ee ee nl F. A. Lightbody & Oo. GANT & KEMP 4 TIMBER ae WW O OD BROK HRS | 62 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW °B R 0 K ERS Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. ‘Cable Address : ““ TECTONA” Glasgow. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence Solicited. Ax and A BC Codes used. a hic Address “Bell 4 ‘ Rock Maple Logs and Planks. IMPORTER OF —emmmmmmmener elegraphic Address ‘““Bellywood, London, Rock Elm Logs. Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Timber Importers ae el All classes i Lumber and bea Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS | Cable Address ‘‘Owon Ltvorpool’? Liverpool, Bng. | Wood Goode sultiiie ca = JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER | ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS | WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS BUYERS OF canes sts Athandtt’ zim etoes, ons, Lumber tim | Liverpool and London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND D Staves and Heading, Handles of all descriptions | OUIS BAMBERCER,°"ci2°~ SDH WON BS I zc” Veneers A Specialty ‘ | ‘CABLE ADDRESS “DOBLE LIVERPOOL ' . > hes pats é ' “‘e * / eng <> ~ ‘ es bis Z : a ~ on nd at Mills at Spragge. = HARDWOOD FLOORING ve MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK 3, %, He. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY - OWBN SOUND, ONT. Quebec GL.QUESNEMLE LUMBE WS-LINNELL LAND © Marsson, LTINNELL AND Queswen ae a FARM LANDS “ie PROPERTY. AND Oe WHOLESALE LUM 84 Brees af eee : ey a ™ = - ih eens : 27-728 UNION BANK BOG. © pagay 2 fs WINNIPEG, — ‘f CaNaba LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Nogecilber be ) Caste ee C. E. H. HEAPS & CO., pat cee B. d Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. — SPECIALTIES : Z AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. 344 W. J. SHEPPARD, EREsIpeRt aubaushene, On ncouver, MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER Oos LATH, MOULDINGS L pnbet Cc pte Cc st LUNs BO. HIGH GRADE }8=— | acilic van RED GEDAR SHINGLES | Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO yi W. L. Bi ene, wee THE RED DEER LUMBER ©. cepebiia. SASK. ——~ Mauufacturers ot SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH Pa 4 Hy a . > ti Sone Sp 3-8 hoes S ® “ am - = Manufacturers of Sl ie -. Oa = 5 ==\IIi'l) ” al S S\ 30 3 : aN 2 Ba } Fir ana Cedar ; YA g5 SS | LUMBER |i 53 aa | | BS nee 5A) ° aso om Specialty —~—_- > a a . A J 2 J g DING C) ) ~) oe 2 9, 2 Head Office: Traders Bank Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main 1016 Telegraph Codes: Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. G56) S (~) ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. co} ‘oO BY a = SLID LILI III II HII ICICLE LE ELI ED ES ERED ——<—<——— "O00. 8 ooo m—>ie?_R y_-yxyxyxcxyx—— 7 FELBER, JUCKER & CO. | WHITE FINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER | J. D. SHIBR LUMBER CO., LIMITED Planing, Matching, Resawing, | atc. Lumber Importers ROSSED PULP WO6D BEAOEBRIDGE, ONT. Se In Car Lots. 3 pg ake ame ge Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Collings STER ENGLAND Se urberiien: able to cut Bich St. Gabriel Lumber ee. LUMBER, LATH” AND SHINGLES ai oc HARDWOOD FLOOR squares 7/8” x 7/8” up to 3” x 3” for Limited aciitts,, Martgned and. Hees Seer city A SPECIALTY, spool making, to write for specifica- St. Gab. iel De Brandon, Que, | etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if dexifed Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity, i. tions. Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. End Matched Flooring a Specialty. 1 R. EATON - Orillia, ) at. 4 Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited: ‘Phone No. 54. ; = BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS ge ARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER = oe [Wood Brokers and Measures ..WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dalé St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG Halifax, N. S., Office—SmiTH, TYRER & Co., Keith Building, “4% Barrington st en cE ti EEE PLEO PEE FA. Lightbody & Co. GANT @ KEMP TIMBER Cable Address ; OOD, BRO- c., RS 62 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW S B R OKERS ‘ ‘ Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Cable Address: “ TECTONA” Glasgow. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports *n the United Kingdom Correspondence Solicited. Ar and A B C Codes used. Se a tr | QUIS BAMBERCER, * "sinics's"2*"* | JGEPH OMEN S018, UTD.| xegsiwett” “ , oe Logs and Planks. IMPORTER OF amen Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London. Rock Elm Logs. Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Timber Importers Bae Oe. oe el Atl Jlaeses ai Lestat aud — Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOAEDS | “ble Address ‘Owen Liverpool’? Liverpool, Eng. | Wood Goods “Market. — JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER! al FRED DOBELL & COMPAN BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS = BUYERS OF 2S8hee®ity Athen Gt? yEim toms, ana, tumpet, tim | Liverpool and London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND Handles of all descriptions : Veneore A Sreocte.ltv : CABLE ADDRESS “ DOBLE LIVERPOOLY, x2 > VOL. XIV = 7 . ~ NADA LUMBERMA AND WOOD-WORKER- WEEKLY EDITION TOKONIG MONTKEAL - NOvEMbGER 21, 19.6 — -- __- The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 per year {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. REACHES RECULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD WINNIFES vaNCUUece —<—$<<——=a o7 3 (Canapa LumBERMAN — The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u ‘ee of Toronto, Limited _ Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. 2 _ Branch Office: | Room B34, Board of Trade Building, Montreal. - z Telephone Main 2299. 72f-721 Union Bank Building, Winnipeg, he - Telephone 1274. “e Davis Chambers, 615 Hastings St., Vancouver, N B.c., Telephone 2248. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- f ports of market conditions and tendencies in the ‘ >" " he Sot manufacturing districts and leading © > -% 10’ ‘ mestic and foreign wholesale markets. A _ . weekly mediuni of information and communica- ‘3 tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber ucts at home and abroad. E The Mont Lumberman— A 44-page journal, => discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- _.-——— nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE ._ Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each in lon.” When four or more consecutive insertions are - ordered a discount of 25 pet cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- 2 vertisements must be received not later than 4 : o’clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue . mg . WANTED, PARTNERS TO FORM SMALL x company to stock small saw mill, near Burks Falls. Plenty of timber near mill. Apply Box 420 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. HARDWOOD LUMBER WANTED. HITE AND BLACK ASH, BASSWOOD, Rock Elm, Hard Maple. Good price ‘paid. Box 421 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, be Ont. ; _ Timber Limits For Sale VALUABLE TIMBER LIMITS IN THE Province of British Columbia. For particu- lars Address H. S. Cane, Newmarket, Ont. WANTED BASSWOOD ea. SOFT ELM BR ge AS ROCK ELM MAPLE s Pee LT MBER AND DIMENSION SI]ZFS _ iL for immediate shipment and also for ship- ment through coming winter and spring. ¥ - 73. a - % + pot --—s- ash and inspection at shipping points; please quote prices f.o.b. cars. Address W. J. GoRDON, = e Box 295, Windsor, Ont. FOR SALE us 150 M inch Soft Elm Tog Run , 26 “o cn “e Culls ** «Basswood Log Run - too’* ‘* Black Ash “A of Z “ « te rs Cr oe 9 at inch “ * Culls *. oo 2 ae “ oe 13“*inch White “* Log Run oe a’ “oe as oe oe u Beech 4 “ Ly Hearts \ ’ rea Vf Birch Log Run re . 2 mii 67‘* 1” Soft Maple “ “ Apply H, CARGILL & Son, Cargill, Ont. ANTED 2” ROCK ELM ; 5/4 and 6/4 BIRCH; 1’ 6/4 2” Black Ash; 6/4 and 2” Basswood; 1’ Tamarac; 2” White Ash. R. EK. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SIMCOE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade. Toronto. SPRUCE LATH W* SUPPLY A LARGE TRADE THE year around, and are consequently al- ways in want of laths, both 1%” and 15%’, Write us. CHARLES S. WENTWORTH & Co., 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. SITUATION WANTED OR SALE—75 M. FT. 12x12, 20 TO 30 FT. Hemlock; 1o Mft. 10 x 10, ro to 18 ft. Hem- lock; quantity of 1” and 2” Hemlock, also some Basswood, Hard Maple and Oak. Will contract next season’s cut of Hardwood Address T. H. DECEW & Son, Bruce Mines, Ont. CEDAR FENCE POSTs. WANTED, 40,000 GOOD SOUND PEELED HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE NE INCH TO FOUR INCH THICK, BIRCH and Maple mill run, and culls; also some 5/4. cull Basswood, one inch cull Oak, Low prices offered for prompt sale. Write JoHNn BROMLEY, Pembroke, Ont. FOR SALE FNEER MILL AND TEN TO FIFTEEN million feet of timber lots; more can be bought cheap; good location for saw mill, ship- ping facilities of the best. None but those meaning business need rep'y. For particulars address Box 424 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED ARD MAPTF LOGS 22” AND UP DI- ameter, delivery during coming winter and spring, also hard maple and birch squares 5’ hy 27” long also one car hard maple strips 144”. 2” and 2%” square by 6 ft. to 16 ft. long. Write us for further particulars. & Co,., Lock Box 268, Teeswater, Ont, FOR SALE 15 to 20 M ft. 1” Soft Maple Mill Run. 8 “ Io ae 1” Hard oe iy i ee eee 1” Beech ee 1 “nae | 1” Mill Culls, Soft and Ward ior ge a0". S* t and 2” Mill Cull, Apply W. THOMSON & Sons, Thurso, Que. VER $4,000 PER MONTH—SAW AND planing mill in British Columbia, making a net profit of over $4.000 per month, for sale, a going concern, with fine residence and gardens, land, timber, etc. Price $75,000; one-third cash, balance on easy terms. Only reason forselling, owner has too many businesses to look after. Principals only need apply. Box 413 CANADA LUMBERMAN, BIRCH FOR SALE. W- HAVE THE FOLLOWING RED BIRCH Lumber, Mill Run, Mill Culls out; band sawn, closely edged and trimmed and in good shipping condition; cut last winter and spring 354,000 4/4” x 4” and up x 6/14’ 140,000 5/4” “ oe “ac 120,000 6/4” 165, CO Bia” * “ “ 48.000 12]4” “ a “ The HuRDMAN-ELMITT LUMBER COMPARY, Limited, Ottawa, Ont. “ ay we 3 ey FEW CARS NO. 1: AND MILL RUN heading for sale, 1714’ and 1834”. Address W N. Buck, Port Rowan Ont. 1 80 ACRES OF TIMBERED LAND 9 very convenient to water, must be sold. $2.00 peracre. Drawer 2, Thessalon, Ont. TIMBER LIMITS OUGHT AND SOLD. Apply to MorGAn & Co., 72 Confederation Life Building, Toron- to, Ont. WANTED 1/7 MILLION FEET. OF NO. 1 HEMLOCK. I 7 Must be trimmed and butted to length, State price and how piled. Address Box 428 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. IRCH FOR SALE—WE HAVE ABOUT $00,000 of Birch logstwo years old which we will manufacture to order. Will be sold cheap. Address Box 426 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Shingles Wanted WANTED O LET CONTRACT OF SAWING ABOUT 2,000,000 feet of timber near Schomberg. Contractor to furnish mill. Address HENRY WISE & Co., St. Catharines, Ont. FOR SALE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF OAK BILL stuff for boat building or other purposes, any length under so feet. THoS. OUELLETTE LUMBER Co., 85 Home Bank Bldg.,Detroit, Mich, WANTED ees QUANTITY 4/4 GOOD LOG’ RUN Basswood; a quantity of Soft Elm cut 1-1/8” and 1-4”. Also Bitch Lumber in all grades. THOS. OUELLETTE LUMBER Co., 85 Home Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. FOR SALE AW MILL, SITUATED ON SIDING OF T. B &O. Railway. Capacity 9,000 ft per day In good running order. Also six bush lots more or less heavily timbered, a large quantity of lath material on lots. Goodreasons for selling. If purchased immediately could buy a large quantity of logsfor next season’s cut. Apply Box 8, Highland Grove, Ont. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. A gentleman who recently visited a number of the mills in Western Ontario in search of pine and hem- lock reports that very little unsold lumber is to be found at manufac- turing points, and it is a very dificult matter to buy anything. The market has been almost bare of the lower grades for some weeks, and it is a question where the lumber is to come from for the spring requirements. Prices are now the highest yet reached, pine mill culls being held at $18 at the mill for 10 and 12 inch, 10 to 16 feet. The lower grades are show- ing the most strength, quotations being practically nominal. Hem- lock is selling as high as $20 at the mill for 20-foot stock. Nothing is plentiful, but there are probably larger offerings of hemlock sidings than any other material. Hard- woods are meeting with a good demand and stocks are lighter than one year ago, but it has taken a long time to market the burdensome load which manufacturers and deal- ers were carrying. Soft elm is a little dull, but maple, birch and basswood are moving in some volume. The scarcity of white pine lath has quickened the demand for 32 inch. No. 1 pine in that size is worth $2.50 at the mill, and No. 1 hem- lock, same size, $1.75 to $1.85. BRITISH COLUMBIA. A heavy snowstorm in the North- west has caused a partial cessation of building operations and curtailed the consumption of lumber This will be welcomed by the mills, which are far behind with orders. Prices are very strong and likely to ad- vance further. The log situation is the firmest ever known on the Coast and bids fair to continue for several months. The only possible solution tor the abnormally high logs prices lies almost entirely with the mills, through curtailing the output. Cur- .tailment must inevitably take place at all points dependent upon inde- pendent loggers. The ability of loggers to furnish additional logs is taxed to the utmost. It is not a question of price but the ability to secure men and equipment. Fir logs may be quoted at from $8.50 to $11.00 per M according to © quality, delivered at mill; cedar $7.50 to $11.00, and spruce $8.00 to $11.00. UNITED STATES. The November demand for lum- ber has been very good, but the movement has been greatly hamp- ered by the car shortage. The mills will go into the winter with a smaller stock of white pine, spruce, hemlock and hardwoods than last year, while there is some reason to expect a larger consumption unless unless the weather should prove very severe. The outlook, based on a Study of conditions, is for firm prices, with possibly an advance in some lines. Box lumber, which is in unusually active demand, may be forced higher, notwithstanding that white pine mill culls are now selling in Bos on on a basis o $at. Dimension stock is also scarce and Il. pS hs : att may advance further. The spruce market has remained about stat- ionary. Frames are held at $23 to $25 in Boston, but for prompt de- livery buyers have been willing to pay an advance of $1. Random has gained about 50 cents a thou- sand. There is a ready sale for hardwoods. Basswood in the lower grades never experienced a stronger demand than at the present time, and it is moving freely wherever stocks can be secured. The upper grades are by no means neglected. Maple and birch are moving in con- siderable volume, while ash is show- ing some dullness. GREAT BRITAIN. There is very little life to the Brit- ish timber market, for which the present state of the money market is responsible in part at Jeast. The wintering stocks are not heavy but unless the consumption improves, they will be quite ample to meet the demand. Spruce is a littler weaker. At a recent auction sale at London second quality spruce 12 and 13 feet -in length brought £10 per standard of 1980 feet, but £9 5s was the best that could be obtained for 11-foot lengths. For third quality 3 x7 inch, 9 to 14 feet, £8 5s was realiz- ed, and for 3x 11 inch fifth qual- ity, £7 15s. A quantity of first class birch was offered at this sale, which brought from 52s 6d fer load of 50 cubic feet for 12 to 16 inch to 65s for 18 inch and up. These fig- ures show a decline as compared with previous sales and indicate that there has as yet been no im- provement in the birch market. STOCKS AND PRICES. In the Boston market spruce lath are firm at $4.50 to $4.75 for 154 inch and $4.25 for 1%4 inch. New York quotations are lower, being $4 for 1%4 inch. Some mixed lath have sold there lately at $3.80, but such lots have usually included a percent- shingle market. S a ea. oe eee CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION age of hemlock or a larger percent- age than usual of the 13 inch size, which are produced from the edg- ings of 3 inch deals. The Northern Construction Come pany have been awarded the contract to take out one and a quarter mill- ion ties between Fort Francis and Port Arthur for the Canadian North- ern Railway. Of these 250,000 are to be delivered this winter. The steamer ‘‘Nemea”, from St. John, N.B., bound for Manchester, England, for Harrison, Robertson & Company, with a cargo of lumber, was abandoned at sea about 200 miles from the west coast of Ireland. The Peter McLaren Lumber Com- pany, of Blairmore, Alberta, are preparing for a busy season in the woods this winter and if the weather is favorable will make the largest cut of logs this season in the history of the company. Several camps have been established in the woods and in the neighborhood of 200 men will be employed. THE SHINGLE SITUATION. Indications are that there will be a very complete shut-down of the shingle mills of Washington and Oregon during the coming winter. It is understood that an agreement has been reached between’ the operators of the combination and the straight mills which will cut off the manufacture of shingles for a considerable part of the winter. The manufacturers of British Columbia shingles are being urged to join in the movement, but it is not yet known what action they are likely to take. It has been demonstrated that even when the demand for shingles is at the best, the capacity of the mills is more than sufficient to supply the demand, and unless there is some curtailment, the market becomes congested. There is practically no change in the The amount of eS HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. on short notice, bills in Stock sizes now ready. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to order, in Red and White Oak, Soft nee Black and White Ash, Basswood d Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock LumBer & Mee Go, WOODSTOCK, ONT- WE WANT TO BUY 1%", 2” and 3, ” ”“ I, 1% ’ Rock Elm, tsts and 2nds, 144” and 2” Chestnut, a 1”, 14%", 14” and 2” Butternut, as THE M°LENNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE sto ckin transitis low. Washing ton red cedars are bringing $3.45 and $2.86 for Stars, Chicago de- ilvery. The shortage ot Coast shingles has given a lift to white cedars, which are selling freely, prices on Extras being $3.25 at the mill, or $3.50 from Chicago yards. New Brunswick cedars are finding a ready sale in Boston at $3.60 for Extras and $3.10 for Clears. It is understood that the Eastern cedar shingles are likely to be controlled this winter by a few large opera- tors, though one or two wholesale houses have bought quite heavily and contracted for the product of a number of small mills for many months in advance. THE RECORD CAR LOAD. SCOTSTOWN, QUE., Nov. 17th, 1906. Editor CanapA LuMBERMAN, Toronto, Ont. Dear Sir:—We notice in your edition of the 14th inst. reference to a record car load of lumber shipped by the Long Lumber Company from Novar, Ont. on the 12th of July, 1905, in Big Four No. 3598, 27,971 feet of 1 inch random spruce in the rough, con- signed to Taylor, Scott & Company, of Toronto. Yours truly, GREAT NORTHERN LUMBER Co., Limited. THE BARBADOS MARKET. We quote as follows from the last report of S. P. Musson, Son & Company: ‘‘The only arrival during the fortnight is the schooner ‘‘Eduardo”, from Liverpool, N.S., with 150,000 feet white pine, which had some time ago been sold to arrive. This cargo goes into but few hands and being a small lot will soon be used up. The markét is almost bare of both white pine THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY . Go., Limited, MANUFACTURERS: Lumber, Hardwood Flooring, Handles, Poles, Bed Frame Stock, Cheese Box Hoops, Heading, Baskets, Etc. Write, Telegraph or Telephone your orders Orillia, Ont. McLennan Timber Land and LUMDér GO., rimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. TELEGRAPH POLES _ WANTED We buy all lengths in lots of 500 and up delivereda at R. R. siding Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your cedar into poles it will net yoo more than you can get out of it in any other way J.B. FARWELL & SON ~ BANCROFT, ONT. RENFREW, ONT. OSWECO, N.Y. . Ps i % = ey ee ee we She - wie he re - utd vis +o) _ i ty im yf ie ——— Our company shipped - November 21, 1906 _ and spruce, and there is no doubt — ‘that several cargoes would be read- — ily taken at high prices, as the demand is always good at this time © ot the year. A small lot of 36,000 — feet of spruce came down per S.S. _ ‘‘Orinoco” from Halifax, imported _ by a dealer for his own require-— ments. Shingles of all kindsare in — fair supply, but further receipts if } not heavy would still meet with a — ready sale. There has not been any © arrival ot these during the fort- — night.” PIT PROPS. oe Mr. J. B. Jackson, Canadian Commercial Agent at Leeds, Eng., — says that there is an openiteaay England for shipments of pit props from Canada. Hull’s timber toate with the Baltic is seriously dislocat- ed by Russia’s internal affairs, and F local importers are finding pe < a: Ms DETROIT COLUMN & MANUFACTURING COMPANY = The largest and most. extensive Manu- facturers and Shippers of ree COLUMNS AND COMPOSITION CAPITALS in the United States, Write for prices and : ~ ee DETROIT - MICHIGAN v3 4 ‘ ne a | a ey Hil | fe ae | | 1 ea j | } | | HS Style No. 27 Style No. Ca 3 We have the most perfect fitting a LOCK-JOINT COLUMN made. j Write for Catalogue and prices. WE FURNISH COLUMNS IN ANY SIZE OR LENGTH _ props. . Best Machinery. KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. November 21; 1906 in obtaing regular shipments of pit Whilst Canadian prices are dearer than those asked by Baltic shippers when the trade is in a normal condition, yet the present circumstances offer no alternative but to obtain supplies from Canada. The props should be free from bark and of good sound quality, and _ must be shipped in regular monthly quantities from November, 1906, to _ May, 1907. Prices are asked at 72 lineal feet, c.i.f. Hull, andthe props must be _ cut to the following special lengths, ‘which is an example of what one firm requires immediately :-— 7 inches diameter top— 10,000 7 feet 6 inches long. 12,000 8 feet long. 5,000 9 feet long. 8,000 7 feet 6 inches long. 8,000 8 feet long. 4,000 9 feet long. 8 inches diameter top— 2,000 7 feet 6 inches long. _ 3,000 8 feet long. 1,000 9 feet long. _ TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. C. W. Elderkin, of Advocate, N.S., has disposod of 20,000 acres of timber lands in Nova Scotia to J. Newton Pugsley for $90,000. -G. W. Boake, of Toronto, is reported to have purchased from Andrew Boyd, of Bracebridge, Ont., a timber limit in the Parry Sound district covering 15,000 acres in the townships of Hagerman, Burpee and Ferguson, the purchase price named being $60,000. __ David Laird, Indian Commission- _er, Winnipeg, is asking for tenders by December 5th for the timber damaged by fire on Indian Reserve No. 10 on the Wanipigow river. The Royal Paper Mills Company, East Angus, Que., are reported to have sold their timber limit and ~ mills io George Vandyke, of Boston, - for $1,000,000. Some basswood*and elm lath is now offering in Ontario, the price ranging from $3 to $3.50 for No. 1. CaNADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION THE BRITISH LUMBER MARKET. The monthly timber circular of Churchill & Sim, dated November 2nd, says: October has been a month of very large importation, of dear money, and of dropping prices on the London market. It has also been a month of consider- able trade, as, although the.dock deliveries are 1,100 standards short of those of the same month last yeer, the over-side deliveries are 3,- 100 standards greater, leaving a credit balance of 2,000 standards in favour of the month just ended. The dock stock has, nevertheless, ac- cumulated freely, and is now some 5,000 standards larger than it was last year. In the meantime Swedish shippers have paid no attention whatever to any weakness here, but have cleared off the balance of their available supplies at the fullest rates of the season to country and Con- tinental markets. Russian shippers have made concessions only for ‘goods already charteredfor London, which have mostly been sold at very moderate cost freight and insurance prices. There is every indication that shippers will ask and obtain for next year the highest rates current this season and upwards, so that stock in London should be good holding in the meantime, although the great scarcity and the high price of money makes this difficult. The position is that at the rates to which the London market has now fallen lumber can be bought at well under the cost of anything that is at all likely to be brought in either this year or next. The importation of pine deals into London during October has been quite a small one, and under the in- fluence of this continuously light supply and of the small dock stock prices have begun to move ahead again. The demand is, of course, still very restricted, and must be so at the present level of cost. Spruce deals have arrived in about normal quantities from the St. Lawrence, but are short from New Brunswick. The inclination towards better prices for them has been very faint, but it The Weller Sills Co., Limited BELLEVILLE, ONT. Timber and Lumber Dealers A SPECIALTY IN Long Timbers, bovis Pine, Soft Wood and Hardwood MASON, GORDON & CO. 80 St. Francis Racer Street MONTREAL, QUE. ” WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only YELLOW PINE or OAK. = Specialty : Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, Correspondence Solicited. “PLANING IN 4 THe TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited TRANSIT” ORILLIA, ONTARIO Resawing, Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Making Hardwood Flooring, Kiln Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. LIMITED — Burk’s Fes oe Best Workmen. Send us a trial car KILN DRIED BIRCH FLOORING has been just discernible. Of oak, elm, and ash timber there is no superfluity on fthe London market, and retail business is possible at im- proving prices. Of birch “there is still too much here, the market is slow and overdone, and wants a rest from importations for some months to come. From. the St. Lawrence the import has been: Pine deals, 754,000 pieces, against 648,- 000 pieces in 1905; Spruce deals, 1,592,000 pieces, against 1,572,000; Birch planks, 191,000'pieces, against 145,000 pieces in1905. From New Brunswick and Nova Scotia: Pine deals, 2,000 pieces, against none in 1905; Spruce deals, 286,000 pieces, against 484,000 pieces; Birch planks, 224,000 pieces, against 239,000. The Board of Trade returns show the following import of timber up to October 31st of the past two years. , Hewn wood: 1905. 1906. Russia..... (loads) 211,983 «. 210, 180 Sweden.... 18,627 o. 23,872 Norway .. 47,672 so» 45 ybI I Germany... af 100,533 118,698 United States “ 131,502 .. 148,627 E. Indies . ‘‘ 32,681 .. 30,265 Canada.. sf 55,607 »- 70,251 Other Countries 32,023 a» 33,152 Total, >‘ 630,778 2 680, 146 Sawn and planed: Russia..... ee 1,841,321 .. 2,033,694. Sweden 1,265,514 .. 1,386,204 Norway... B 432,290 .. 515,627 United States “ 435473 +. 472,818 Canada.. ss 1,018,380 1,231,635 Other Countries 160,126 .. 194,047 Miotale ss me 55153,004 .. 5,834,025 Tenders are invited by P. E. Ryan, Secretary for the Commis- sioners of the Transcontinental Railway, up to November 3oth, for tii. the delivery of 200,000 first class ties 7x 7 in. x 8 ft., afd 50,000 second class railway ties 6x6 in. x 8 ft. Deliveries may be made as fol- lows : 120,000 first class ties and 30,000 second class ties at St. Boni- face, Man., on or before the 31st day of July, 1907, and the re- mainder, 80,000 first class ties and 20,000 second class ties, at Rennie Station, on the C. P. R., in the pro- vince of Manitoba, on or before the date mentioned. A. F. Holden, Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’1.-Mgr ¥F, H. Goff, Vice-Pres. E. c. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in. White Pine and Norway, - any length from 10’ to 60’ ; long. AND SARNIA, ONT. Can be obtained at small cost by advertising in the Want Columns of the Weexkty Canapa LumBerman. THE spose LUMBER CO. Limitep Mills: LATCHFORD, ONT. Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. North Tonawanda N. Y. ssn’ GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO ha te Ti ht De tn Tt thy “hp tn ty ty te te te te et te te “a eo oo R.H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. $ C. A. KENT, Sec’y. R, S. ABBOTT, Treas, SAGINAW, MICH.” SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. MANUFACTURERE OF LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. CVVSVSVSVSSSESVVSVAVSATSSFETSETSTS®A .O808BO Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular oe oe? Ont. 26 miles West North Bay vw wt Samples by Gang UMBER aso LATH Send for Catalo ogue KNIGHT BROTHERS CO LIMITED Burk’s Falls. GanaDA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION November 21, 1906 TIMBER AT QUEBEC. Following is a comparative state- ment for three years of timber, etc., measured and culled at Quebec up to November 6th, as reported by the Supervisor of Cullers : 1904 1905 1906 C. Feet C. Feet C Feet Waney White Pine..2,020,160 1,2(9600 673,040 White Pine ....... 225, 60 136,600 76,720 Red Pine...... I§ 920 I1,,00 13,400 ORR 4 5. access 247, 60 150,960 575,800 Elm 254,120 484,720 602,160 PASI eo ie reniaica's krva, 6S 14,640 0,440 8,880 Butternut.... ....... 40 120 <3 Bich and Maple . 114 6*0 207,640 158,400 F. M. Hara, president of the Canada Wheel Works, of Meritton, Ont., and O. . Fi zpatrick, a prominent miliman of west Tennes- see, have just closed a deal for the pu chase of 10,000 acres of hickory timber lands in Wayne county, Tenn. Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT—— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, WING, SIDING, Igoe hi ‘woutoines in Car Factory near Station. *S write for Pfises: "Phone 13 Ask Your Ticket Agent WISCO:SIN GENTREL RRALWAY Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east and south Convenient Trains, Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclin- ing chair Cars, Dining Cars. For full information address:— Geo H. Anthony, General Agent, 219 McDermott Avenue, Winnipeg, Man., or Jas. O. Pond, G.P.A.. Millwaukee, Wis. THE’. eee . 3 GOOD ONES | HAMILTON 1x10 and 12 Mill Culls — LUMBER (TIGERTOWN) ‘* Cotton” Shingles COMPANY Lath BIRCH ©or SALE | GOOD COMMON DRY STOCK CAN SHIP AT ONCE ZOOM I1IN. 75M I1¥IN. 6OMI1¥%IN. 100M 2 IN. OTTAWA, ONTARIO 7 W. B. BARTRAM & CO. aco: & T. CHARLTONeaner —— MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— LUM BHR and 1A Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. PROMPT SHIPMENTsSe3 MARRIOTT & COMPANY VANCOUV ER, B. C. We can ship promptly almost anything in British Columbia Fir, Cedar, Hemlock, and usually Spruce. Having ten mills to ship from, possibly we can give you Send us your enquiries, whether for shingles, better service than any other house in the lumber trade. lumber or timbers, straight or mixed cars, AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE, anv A. B. C., 5TH EDITION. BANKERS—Merchants Bank of Canada. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOQU CAN, REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO.|| WHOLESALE HARDWOODS|f ST.LOUIS | BY RAILMAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE | McCLURE LUMBER CO. Manufacturers | HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS YELLOW PINE AND-OAK a Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office No. 520 Franklin Street : Mill: EUTAW, mera. DETROIT, MICH. | Haeberle Lumber Co. — LUMBER and TIMBER ; Soft Yellow Pine Finishing LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH f bee ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER co. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timiiora a Specialty J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS - OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE DETROIT WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK — OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES, Yellow Pine Timber a Rpecialey: or Trim Mill Work NIAGARA Arve N. ¥. | FRANK C. BURY MICHICAN LUMBER Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. ~ WHOLESALE x ma c= THE ONTARIO ~ HARDWOOD FLOORING : _ Office : A.W. EYER @ CO. Dé6LAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, In6. ~NORTH TONAWANDA, eae . Sie Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. 3 AUGER & SON te we ‘tas ‘Mills having dicks for gale write for prices. aes November 23, iaeé CaNabA LWMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ¥. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBERCO. PEMBROKE, ONT. We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all . sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries. End Matched, Bored, Polished and Bundled - SIHMOWN BROS, tro. 82 Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. —Our Prices will Interest You— =A W. EYER & CO_— We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what “you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. 43 Adelaide Street East TO RONTO, ONT. WHOLESALE LUMBER N. Y. We have a few cars of good No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Lath Apply at once to John Harrison & Sons Company, Limited Saw and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. _ LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B. Cc. RED ae AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. SPRUCE BIRCH ELM ' RAILWAY TIES EMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES PINE CEDAR &c., &ec., &o B.C, FIR B.C. CEDAR Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. and up, 11” x 11’ and up, for sale ata low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, *"*3.d0%" QUEBEC HAR DWOOD FLOORING End Matched, Bored, Steel Polished, and Bundled Send for Price List A few cars ofselected Maple and Birch and other Hardwoods at close price THE SEAMAN BREN T CO., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. RHODES, CURRY & CO., timites LUMBER MERCHANTS. = Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Amherst, N.S. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER Co. 18 Toronto Street, Toronto PEDWELL & LEMCKE, 2" MANUFACTURERS P. ine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber OREN es es Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE. PLA YEFATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES BILL TIMBER a Specialty MIDLAND, ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & C Ie iccived and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINCLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cader and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chambers, TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244, Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, 5 It UOUr WIS. . 9 To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible _A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY => OWEN SOUND, , ONTARIO, An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman, Torento he Cook & Bros. L AES 5 : fousiotna | White and Red Pine | MANUFACTURERS OF MILLS at SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. Lumber and Lath **$o0"’ Branch C Manning Arcade, Toronto Water Shipments Coristine rape CG Montreal. And at Mills at Spragge. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK %, 4, He. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. F Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY - OWBN SOUND, ONT. OFFICES FOR SALE Lumber in car load lots. In grades red face firsts and seconds and common in all thick- nesses. One Million Feet BIRC WRITE Cash and quick ship- T. | ‘ment. Box 268 BAILIE | NORTH BAY, ONT. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. | Gomes ‘Lite fe Building 1 ORONTO, Ont. MILLs ; hip River oe Bay ter Shipment Onl M B ER C9, LIMITED eae ag Mus: N = CEE. Saee Ci, Delivery We Buy, Sell aad Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and ‘Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood We, and Cedar Poles Quebec OU QUESNELLE G/M Vi. a 5 eee CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ; November 21, 16 6 és: = cca coveul, , E. H. HEAPS & CO., Min, nc Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : 4 AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, x Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. 4 w. no re rab focal Nha os de rl W. L. TAIT, brs MANAGER ubaushene, On Vancouver, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER yey Limited td MOULDINGS 4 ber Co- ; NED WORK e ¢ Coast Siver oo HICH GRADE = J pacific me RED GEDAR SHINGLES | Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO ‘THE RED DEER LUMBER CO. Mauufacturers ot AN vane NET SST!) SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH : la Sa OU 7S FUSE SARA ATP Fb ERE RLY CORR IR IO ree ee ey, > : 8 3 i 5 3 +4 S oO es m bp = Manufacturers of 33 >, Oe S a = = So S e a] Suns. j} Fir ana Cedar 5S es o Ho ok a6 os | LUMBER. ES me o 2 A it ——— a) Co. oo ° 33 oa Specialty —~—_ > Bt <= Red Cedar Shingles Correspondence Solicited Getting to the Bottom of it_> J | We mean our file of orders, so that now we can give els ee shipments on anything. ‘| THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK. 2 Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, Manitoba, We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO, LIMITED, VANCOUVER, B26: LUMBER & SHINGLES Send us your REP ey orders for shingles. Our newsawmill sae soon be in pone ilems 5 su us of dat De hed now, ae SJa4 me ont Pas aie =, g a ae <> - al a eh es ie ee > ee er a at! Dire ua : 5 Se. Ae Se 1 November 21, 1906. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vit. a _ §E.H. HEAPS, | ; J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. a Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAy 3 We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and{can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH WE HAVE FOR ao ae 1,000,000 feet of 15/8 in. Cedar Door Stock, running from No. 1 shops to large percentage of' perfectly clear. Write for prices ee nena renee nee ES OS RE ee re pe : ° , i aait ~ - : - a Si cae al , ; ; eo al ie ao niad's and tp ee fe | se i 7 : ‘ \ \ Fairview Cedar Lumber Company P. O. Box 45, Vancouver, B.C. ; Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Finish. Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar -Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. oe orn RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. HEAD OFFICE D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. THOMAS ip pad Nha H. H. SPICER, ESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y | Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST ag Lumber and Eeinglor We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the mse made in British Columbia. | ‘Shipping Capacity, is |, 500, 000 Shingles per + Day AE St IIS v2 Perth tc vin. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION | i e¢ehaber 21) 1906 PO OOOOC OOO OOS OOOO OOO EC OS COCO DOO GOO OOD OSG DOO OG OG) OPO CS) The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited J. B. MILLER, President. W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. ‘oJ (-) ) °, oS is} S, o is) 6(00) S99) ammNeOmaN Mauufacturers of PINE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER | Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. 2 ‘2 ‘s) is} Ss, OORNON C) S o ©) > 2 ao SARS <=} .} As) ) i=} ) \O. 0) i) 2, ODOM LROK g o> So xe. f=) SZ g eC) Head Office: Traders Bank Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main 1016 Telegraph Codes: Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. co) S ° ) J ODIOION ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. co) 09) eo OO OG OG Or OO OGrGyk DEDECIEOE DIAS DO DILL DEIR IED: 269) 58 65 5 CS ez —_— eee” eh—_— Oooo nn oe FELBER, JUCKER & CO. | WHITE PINE AND spruce LUMBER | J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED Planing, ise Resawing, ote. s Lumber Importers ROSSEO PULP WOGD Seipereee . ee ee mS CHESTER ENGLAND Doors, Sash, Mouldings Ceiling 3 tee ied able to cut Birch St. Gabriel Lumber Co. LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES End- Matchd HARDWOOD are “4 squares 7/8” x 7/8” up to 3” x 3” for ; Limited , ge Reto a cama NG spool making, to write for specifica- St. Gab.iel De Brandon, Que, | tte. All Dressed Lumber Ril Dried if desired rhaniser las pte Any Quantity, fet a : tions. Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. End Matched Flooring a Specialty. J. R. EATON = Orillia, ¢ Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited. "Phone No. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS PAMNWORTH & JANOME << [Wood Brokaisand Measurers | _.WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. o Gable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel. Dale St., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG | "alifax, N.S., Office—SmirxH, Tyrer & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington St RRS RN RS eR SE RT FA. Lightbody # Go- CANT @ KEMP g TIMBER. a | OOD BROKERS 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW cS B RQ KEI Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW, Codes: A.B. C., A1, ‘‘Zebra ' and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Cable Address : ““ TECTONA” oy NG a ge Shipments bandled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom. Correspondence BP SS Ax and A B C Codes used. | OUIS BAMBERGER, * *ssxsss7s2*"* | JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, UTD. | xx BUYERS OF IMPORTER OF ee ee Address‘ ‘oie London.’ T; b a ae rand Planks. - ae he 3 eon , Im ckory 2 ‘ <= Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods imber porters - 480 . «ae ———————————————————— All disubtc ox Lumber —_ masttaise do Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS | ©able Address ‘Owen Liverpool’” Liverpool, Eng. baht hernia ee neliel BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS BUYERS. O Fee needinn Menniss coated Lumber, Elm ea and London Chambers - @LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER | ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY Staves and eading, Hanecles of all descriptions Veneers A Specialty f CABLE gADESEES “ DOBLE cia teal -\ ¥% ~ ’ t n _ ANADA LUMBE AND WOOD-WOR WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} too per vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, evéry week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD ~ Von. XIV TORONTO, MONTREAL — NOVEMBER 28, 1906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: Room B34, Board of Trade Building, Montreal: Telephone Main 2299. 72f-7ar Union Rank Building, Winnipeg, Telephone 1274. Davis Chambers, 61s Hastings St., Vancouver, B.c., Telephone 2248. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the SS manufacturing districts and leading omestic and foreign wholesale markets. A weekly mediuni of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE — Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- x “a = ~ 2 « > “* ] ae » ee 7 age af * ; ~ oe ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type ; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue Hs, you ANY STOCK YOU WISH TO sell? If somake the fact known to _prob- able buyers by placing an advertisement in the “Wanted and For Sale Department.’’ Address CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. BIRCH FOR SALE. 140,000 5/4' ° 120,0006/4” ‘* s - 165, CO 814” “ 48.000 12/4” ot Lid “ The HURDMAN-ELMITT LUMBER COMPARY, Limited, Ottawa, Ont. —E7~ _ WANTED BASSWOOD SOFT ELM ¢ : ROCK ELM MAPLE : I NLOGS, LUMBER AND DIMENSION SIZES for immediate shipment and also for ship- ment through coming winter and spring. - Spot Gash and inspection at shipping points; please quote pricesfo.b. cars. Address W. J. GoRDON, Box 295, Windsor, Ont. White Pine tor Sale ok Bee UNDERSIGNED WILL_ RECEIVE - offers for the purchase of the White Pine and other timber on Lots 5 to 12, inclusive, of Concession 6, Berth number 35, Delamere, near the French — River, Georgian Bay District, Ontario. The lots are within 3% miles of Canadian Pacific Railway and timber can be banked within 4 miles on waters running into the French River, roads being largely constructed. about 1,500,000 feet of White Pine averaging 4 logs to the thousand, out of which itis believed can be - procured about 30,000 cubic teet of square timber. arther particulars can be procured frotn BE. R, C. CrarKson; Toronto: It is estimated that there is on the lots - FEW CARS NO. 1 AND MILL RUN heading for sale, 1714” and 1834”. Address W N. Buck, Port Rowan, Ont. WY ANAS a” ROCK ELM; 5/4 and 6/4 BIRCH; 1” 6/4 2” Black Ash ; 6/4 and 2” Basswood; 1” Tamarac; 2” White Ash. R. FE. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. ANTED—WHITE PINE OR HEMLOCK Slabs for prompt shipment. Must be dry. Write in first instance to Box No. 431, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity of Slabs. SImMcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade. Toronto. ANTED. ALL, KINDS OF DRY LUMBER and to contract for coming cut of white pine, hemlock and spruce. CHARLES P, READ, No. 34 Victoria street, Toronto. SPRUCE LATH E SUPPLY A LARGE TRADE THE year around, and are consequently al- ways in want of laths, both 1%” and 1%”. Write us. CHARLES S. WFNTWORTH & Co., 70 Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. OR SALE—75 M. FT. 12x12, 20 TO 30 FT. Hemlock; 10 M ft. 10 x 10, 10 to 18 ft. Hem- lock; quantity of 1” and 2” Hemlock, also some Basswood, Hard Maple and Oak, Will contract next season’s cut of Hardwood. Address T. H. DECEW & Son, Bruce Mines, Ont. CEDAR FENCE POSTS. WANTED, 40,000 GOOD SOUND PEELED Cedar Fence Posts, 4%” and up at top, eight feet long, state quantity you ean’ supply and lowest price. C. A. LARKIN, 40 Confedera- tion Life Building, Toronto. HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE NE INCH TO FOUR INCH THICK, BIRCH and Maple mill run, and culls; also some 5/4. cull Basswood, one inch cull Oak. Low prices offered for prompt sale. Write JoHN BROMLEY, Pembroke, Ont. WANTED pes IN THE EASTERN STATES WHO use large quantities of Birch and other Canada Hardwoods to correspond with the ad- vertiser, with a view of buying from first hands. Box 430, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE 25 M6/4 No. 1 cuts and better white pine. a2 M4/4x 4 and up white pine. 30 M 12/4 deal pine. 100 M 4/4 common dressing cuts. 100 M 8/4 common dressing cuts. All dry. Box 429, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. FOR SALE ENEER MILL AND TEN TO FIFTEEN million feet of timber lots; more can be bought cheap* good location for saw mill, ship- _ping facilities of the best. None but those meaning business need reply. For particulars address Box 424 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED H422 MAPLE LOGS 22” AND UP. DI- ameter, delivery during coming winter and spring, also hard maple and birch squares ” hy 27’ long. also one car hard maple strips 14", 2” and 2%” square by 6 ft. to 16 ft. long. write us for further particulars. RoBERT BuRY & Co., Lock Box 268, Teeswater, Ont. ! FOR SALE o*. MILL, SITUATED ON SIDING OF I. B. & O. Railway. Capacity 9,000 ft, per day. In good running order. Also six bush lots more orléss heavily timbered, a large quantity of lath material on lots. Good reasons for selling. If purchased immediately could buy a large quantity of logs for next season’s cut. Apply Box 8, Hightand Grove, Out. N 4 bears oy TIMBER LIMITS OUGHT AND SOLD. Apply to MorGAN & a Co., 72 Confederation Life Building, Toron- to, Ont. Timber Tracts Bought and Sold. Wanruus & PALMER, 8s1 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, N. Y. FOR SALE pee SAW MILL CAN BE_ SEEN running any day this year. Box 4, Bothwell, Ontario. Fo SALE—TIMBERLIMITS CONTAINING 100 million feet of British Columbia’s best Pine, Larchand Fir. For particulars apply to Mayoox LUMBER Co., Mayook, B.C. ~ WANTED VA MILLION FEET OF NO. 1 HEMLOCK. IZ Must be trimmed and butted to length. State price and how piled. Address Box 428 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Bess FOR SALE—WE HAVE ABOUT 500,000 of Birch logstwo years old which we will manufacture to order. Will be sold cheap. Address Box 426 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Shingles Wanted 1 0 CARS OF B. Cc. SHINGLES TO BE 0 delivered through the year of 1907. State lowest cash prices on a 75 cent freight rate. Ad- dress Box 427 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, WANTED ak LET CONTRACT OF SAWING ABOUT 2,000,000 feet of timber near Schomberg. Contractor to furnish mill, Address HENRY WISE & Co., St. Catharines, Ont. FOR SALE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF OAK BILL stuff for boat building or other purposes, any length under so feet. THos. OUELLETTE LUMBER Co., 85 Home Bank Bldg.,Detroit, Mich. WANTED 4 ae QUANTITY 4/4 GOOD LOG RUN Basswood; a quantity of Soft Elm cut 1-1/8” and 1-%’, Also Birch Lumber in all grades. THOS. OUELLETTE LUMBER Co.,85 Home Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. The closing days of November find the lumber market in a very prosper- ous condition, with more business offering than can be taken care of. All grades of pine and hemlock are in good demand. Mill run pine which could be bought a month ago at $22 is now held at $24, and the end is not yet. Unless indications are misleading, there will be a further advance in some grades be- fore next spring. The high price of white pine has encouraged the use of hemlock, which is being largely used for building purposes. Building lumber of all kinds is moving actively, as the weather has been such as to cause no _ inter- ruption to outdoor work. British buyers have been sounding the Ottawa Valley manufacturers, but we have not jlearned of any trans- No. 38. actions. The production of deals next year is likely to be smaller than ever. Some good sales of hardwoods have recently been made in the Ottawa Valley, but stock is much more plentiful than in pine and hemlock. EASTERN CANADA. The lumber market is usually quiet at this season of the year. Most of the larger mills are now closed down for the winter and attention is directed to the stock on hand. This is comparatively light, as is shown by the estimate of 4,000,000 feet of spruce deals at the St. John mills. The shipments to Great Britian by the regular liners during the winter months are therefore likely to be below the average. A circumstance which is contributing towards a firm lumber market is the unfavorable conditions for work in the woods. The weather has been mild with very little snow, and the roads are in an almost impassable condition. The lath market is _ steady. The production during the winter months will be largely round wood lath, and if offerings should prove heavy, it may result in a greater difference between the price of round wood and slab lath. UNITED STATES. The manufacturing season for white pine is practically closed. The mills have an average stock of lumber, which would have been short but for the fact that shipments for the past few weeks have not been as large as anticipated, chiefly owing to the serious nature of the car shortage. Prices at manufac- turing points are firm and conditions are such that an advance might be made on some lines, but it is prob- able that conservatism will prevail in this connection. Southern pine is somewhat irregular. Prices of high grade finishing lumber and flooring have weakened a trifle, but this is offset by the firmness and excellent demand for dimension and common inch lumber. Hemlock continues active and is selling in Chicago for $17 for cargo stock and $19 for car-loads. The activity in hardwoods is quite pronounced. In the Wisconsin district, for instance, the market has absorbed almost the entire supply of basswood excepting that which is under contract direct with consumers. In the Saginaw Il. Valley basswood is selling at $24, lirch at $20 to $26, soft elm at $23 to $26, and maple at $16 to $18. The demand for shingles and lath is good, while the supply is light. GREAT BRITAIN. The British market. is still very uncertain. Spruce has shown some weakness owing to rumors of heavy winter shipments, but in view of the small stocks held on this side, there does not seem to be any reason for uneasiness on this score. Some 3 x 9 inch third quality spruce deals were sold recently in London at $9 anda small lot of 3 x 9 inch fifth quality at £7 10s. The latest c.i.f. sales, however, have been on the basis of 47 15s to £8, or practic- ally 5s below values ruling about two months ago. Dealers who are well informed are looking for some recovery during the winter months, when the extent of the shipments can be definitely determined. Birch planks, which have been exception- ally weak for the past six months, are showing signs of stiffening and a recovery of moderate proportions may be looked for in the near future. The consumption is better and likely to continue to show improvement. BRITISH COLUMBIA CONDITIONS. Speaking of the condition of log- ging in British Columbia at the pre- sent time, Mr. Frank Paterson, of the Paterson Timber Company, said: ‘‘It looks as if there is going to be a great scarcity of logs for the next three months. It was expect- ed that the Northwest and Eastern orders would have fallen off con- siderably in October and November, but there is more from there, in the way of timbers especially, than the mills can handle, owing to the scarcity of timber logs. If the pre- sent bad weather continues though- out December and January, some CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION of the mills may have to face a compulsory shutdown, as the log- ging camps are not getting in half time, while the mills are running full time. Ido not think that the prices of lumber and logs can go much higher, unless it bein the larger grades of timber, which are at pre- sent selling from $3.00 to $4.00 per thousand below what they should be. The Pacific coast is the only place on the continent where large timbers can be obtained and the demand for them is so great that prices will certainly advance. The outlook for the lumber busi- ness for the year 1907 it seems to me is bright indeed, and prices will likely remain stiff thoughout the year. No hope can be held out to Eastern buyers that they will be able to buy at cut prices; in fact, they may have to have their rush orders filled at an advance over the present prices. ‘“‘Many new logging camps are going for 1907 and limits on the water-front, containing compara- tively small quantities of timber which previously it did not pay to work, - can be opened if the present prices of logs larger areas of timber limits are not likely to advance in prices for some years.” NEW BRUNSWICK LETTER. Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN.) St. Joun, N.B., Nov. 19TH, 1906. The lumber manutacturing season in this vicinity is fast drawing to a close; the first week in December will see most of the larger mills closed down for the winter. So far the weather has been very favorable for sawing, owing to the continued lack of frost. Reports from up-river districts ‘tell of much difficulty in logging on account of the continued warm weather. Frost is badly needed in that direction; at present many of SS HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to ‘fill, on short notice, bills in Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. Stock sizes now ready. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood d Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woopstock LUMBER & Mec Co. “ WE WANT TO BUY .-- ike 2” and 3. Rock Elm, 1sts and 2nds. » 14", 134” and 2” Chestnut, af " 14%", 1%" and 2" Butternut, vs THE McLENNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE. continue, and the. the roads are impassable because of mud. Men are also very scarce and in some cases as high as $35.00 per month is being paid to competent \choppers. The St. John river has been very high during the last few weeks and some of the logs are running which were hung up last spring in the vic- inity of Grand Falls. As rafting operations are finished for this sea- son, these logs will be held at the Fredericton booms (if the water is of sufficient volume to bring them thus far) until next spring, when they will be available very early. This circumstance will no doubt have a direct effect upon the price of ‘‘bank” logs. These logs, cut along the banks inthe down-river counties and therefore available as soon as the ice is out, have brought, for several years past, in the vic- inity of ¢12.00 per thousand feet for spruce deal logs. The proba- bilities are that next year no such price will be obtainable; $11.00 is much more likely to be the figure. Little is being done in spruce deals for export to Great Britain. Indications point to the conclusion that stocks at the local mills will be materially lighter when closing- down time this year than has been the case for several years past; 4,000,000 superficial feet to 4,250,- ooo superficial feet would be the proper figure to designate the quan- tity, which is divided among seven or eight manufacturers. Owing to these circumstances, the supposi- tion is natural that shipments of spruce deals by the winter liners will be lighter than usual during the coming winter. While many small lots are forwarded by rail from inland points, the bulk of these shipments by the liners are made up of the product of mills in St. John and the immediate vicinity. THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, MANUFACTURERS: Lumber, Hardwood Flooring, Handles, Poles, Bed Frame Stock, Cheese Box Hoops, Heading, Baskets, Etc. . . Write, Telegraph or Telephone your orders Orillia, Ont. McLennan Timber Land and LUMber GO., simitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. TELEGRAPH POLES WANTED We buy all lengths in lots of 500 and up delivered a at R. R.siding Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your cedar into poles it will net you more than you can get out of it in any other way J . B. FARWELL & SON BANCROFT IONT. RENFREW, ONT. OSWECO, N.Y. will not figure conspicuously in November 28, With stocks as designated ab and the knowledge that during the winter months and the early spring but little will be done in this section in manufacturing, the prospects are that New Brunswick spruce deals shipping circles during the winter. With few transactions being made in this line, itis difficult to name a figure that would apply gen. ‘ erally, but it is safe tosay that a inquirer tor ‘‘ English” ru deals, ina specification contain 50 per cent 7’s and 8's, 35 per c g’s and 15 per cent 11’s and wides, would be quoted not lower t $14.00 per thousand super feet, f.o.b. steamer St. John, (tv thirds price for fourths and end. cent The Alex. ooo feet of lumber to Boga year. DETROIT COLUM) “a & pags . ic COMPANY The largest and most extensive facturers and Shippers of COLONIAL COLUMNS AND COMPOSITION - ~ CAPITALS in the United States. te 2 Write for _Prices- and . discounts. gc mp i Pk q ~~ = a! Style No. 27 We have the most perfect “a -LOCK-JOINT COLUMN made. Write for Catalogue and prices. ‘WE FURNISH COLUMNS I ANY SIZE OR LENGTH Ss os i: \e 5 as 4 ee i * “=, ’ ‘ Ce for a_ period. i time,” this morning, at tion has yet been decided upon. ___- What is proposed is that the close- - of labor. Moucanbue 28, 1906 BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. _. (Correspondence of the Canana LUMBERMAN.) ~ Vancouver, B. C., November 19th, 1906.—Shingle manufacturers, who hold weekly meetings, are seriously considering closing down “The matter has been under consideration for some Ald. E. H. Heaps of the ‘Heaps Lumber Company stated ‘‘but no definite ac- down shall be from about December 22nd to the end of January, when 3 the ‘business will be the slackest. ‘The season is about over now, and - things generally are quiet in the shingle part of the industry. Ship- ments of red cedars are going to ‘the United States and Ontario, but nothing out of the ordinary. Bolts are still scarce and going up, and $5 is not an unusual price by any means.” ; Advertisements are being sent out to papers in the various lum- bering centres of Ontario for 1,000 loggers. Raw material for the - lumber mills here is difficult to get, and there is demand for all the “logs ‘that can be taken out. L. A. Lewis, general manager of the Brunette Sawmills at New Westminster, says: ‘‘There has been a remarkably large increase of lumber output on the Fraser river _ recently, and the present output would be still larger if the mills were not handicapped by a shortage The demand on the lum- ber mills is so great that the local needs cannot be readily met, and this also hampers the building - movement. Every mill on the river has orders for months ahead.” cee 5 i ar PLANING IN THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited ORILLIA, ONTARIO There is almost a famine in logs at present. Boisterous November weather and scarcity of men have caused this, and as a result the price has advanced. Fir logs are now selling at $10.50 to $12.50 ; spruce, $10.50 to $12; and cedar ~ from $7 to $9. These figures .are considered abnormally high when compared with the old prices of a year or two ago, and it may be that CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION — . before fine weather again sets in at the latter end of the winter further increases may be made. October was a record month for log pro- duction, the amount scaled being 37,048,495 feet. This large amount is accounted for by the shipment of logs from storage which had been held in the north. This augmenta- tion of supply cannot be expected this month, and it is expected that the output will be considerably lower than in October. The demand for standing timber is very great, and the supply is hardly sufficient for the number of buyers offering. It is said that the demand for lumber is slackening off, but if so, it is with new orders, for many of the mills are still behind with orders booked months ago. Another indication that business is not slow is that stocks are not be- ginning to pile up yet. Prices are firm, and will be so long as logs are so scarce and so high. R. S. P. Smyth, of Quebec, is visiting the interior of the province. He is looking tor desirable timber. The formation of the Bowman Sine Lumber Company, with head offices at Lacombe, Alberta, indi- cates the trend of the business. With the advent of lumber manu- facturers from the south, they are selling without the assistance of the middleman retailer. This com- pany will operate lumber yards at Lacombe and Stettler, Alta., and has athis head S. H. Bowman, president of the Bowman Lumber Company, having mills at Revel- stoke and Comaplix. SHINGLE MILLS AGREEMENT. On November igth a meeting of the shingle manufacturers in Van- couver was held for the purpose of discussing the situation for next season, and although there was no definite action taken in regard to the selling arrangement for another year, the opinion was freely ex- pressed that it would be continued and stronger than ever, with every mill of consequence in line. A meeting will be held on Decem- ber 3 next, for the purpose of de- ciding this question, and the ques- tion of closing down for a month or six weeks from Christmas. The great point made by the in- dustry in bringing about the selling arrangement by which all the mills dispose of their product through two selling companies is that it prevents that curse to the trade, overproduc- tion. Ifthe mills were run to their limit they could at any time, at a short notice, glut the market and ruin prices. By the present system, where each mill is fairly alotted its cut for the season’s Canadian trade, overproduction and price- smashing is impossible. At the beginning of last year the mills signed up for two years, and the arrangement could not be broken unless by the wish and on the request of 25 per cent. of the members. As this request has not been made, it is a foregone con- clusion that the arrangement will be continued, and under much bet- ter auspices, as it is said that those few mills who did not sign up last year are prepared to do so this year. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. Wm. Potter & Son, of Totten- ham, Ont., recently purchased the timber on the Coffey farm near Penville for $15,500. A few days ago they resold the timber to a Quebec firm for $25,000, clearing neatly $10,000 on the deal. . M. _Frizell, Lb se Practically all the timber in the Capilano Valley of British Columbia, from a point near the Big Pool for a distance of six miles upstream, has been sold to American capital- ists, who willin the spring com- mence to log it. The vendors are Farrell & Tregent and William Macpherson, and the buyers W. George Felker, C. S. Maskell and S. Graham of Belling- ham. . F. Holden, Pres. ¥F, H. Goff, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’l.-Mgr E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. AND SARNIA, ONT. dene) SPD a ey Can be obtained at small cost by advertising in the Want Columns of the WEEKLY Canapa LumBERMAN. |The Weller Sills Co., Limited BELLEVILLE, ONT. : Timber spr. Lumber Dealers : tee ie - SA SPECIALTY IN. Long Timbers, both Pine, Soft Wood and Hardwood re YELLOW PINE or OAK. Resawing, aT BROTHERS CO. BD Bork’s Falls, Ont. se MASON, GORDON & Cco.| . 80 St. Francis Xavier Street , ie WHOLESALE LUMBER and TIMBER x Car and Cargo Lots Only ame ‘Wraeheion Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, MONTREAL, QUE. Correspondence Solicited. TRANSIT” ee Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Making Hardwood Flooring, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Workmen. KILN-DRIED BIRGH FLOORING Kiln Dried, Send us a trial car THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LimiTeD lis: LATCHFORD, ONT Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. Nectih Tonawanda N. Y. soecaves: QOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO ONTARIO Cc. A. LAR KIN=— WHOLESALE LUMBER Shingles, Lath and Cedar Fence Posts. TORONTO ce Se » ONTARIO Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - CACHE. BA ae osP~ wv & Samples by | Gang I Circular miles West North Bay Send for Catalogue gee. A UMBER asd LATH NIGHT BROTHERS CO LIMITED Burk’s Falls- Iv. Canada LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION November 28, 1906 LOG PRICES STILL HIGHER. Vancouver, B.C., Nov. 23rd, 1906.—Logs have been very scarce during the past few days and many of the mills have started on their reserve supply. At $12.50a thous- and it was thought that the top notch price had been reached, but $15 is now quoted. Even at this figure the supply is quite inadequate for the demand. The Scott Lumber Company, of Fredericton, N.B., expect that their season’s cut at the Victoria mill will total 11,000,000 feet. The Temiskaming & Northern Ontario Railway Commission have awarded John Cahill, of Bonfield, Ont., the contract for 275,000 rail- way ties, to be used in the con- struction of branch lines. Planing and Matching —IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, ESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots Factory near Station. "Phone 113 Ask Your Ticket Agent WISCONSIN GENTRIL RRMLWAY Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east and south Convenient Trains, Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclin- ing chair Cars, Dining Cars. For full information address:— Geo. H. Anthony, General Agent, 219 McDermott Avenue, Winnipeg, Man., or Jas. O. Pond, G.P.A.. Millwaukee, Wis. j Write for Prices. 2 Cars 2in. Rock Elm Ghe LONG LUMBER COMPANY, HAMILTON BIRCH ror SALE GOOD COMMON DRY STOCK CAN SHIP AT ONCE 200M 1IN. 75M 1¥IN. 60M1¥%IN. 100M 2IN. OTTAWA, ONTARIO - W. B. BARTRAM & CO. weved. & T. CHARLTONasae LUMBH im esa LATH Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. PROMPT SHIPMT ia MARRIOTT & COMPANY VANCOUVER, B. C. We can ship promptly almost anything in British Columbia Fir, Cedar, Hemlock, and usually Spruce. Having ten mills to ship from, possibly we can give you better service than any other house in the lumber trade. Send us your enquiries, whether for shingles, lumber or timbers, straight or mixed cars. AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE, anp A. B._C., 5rH EDITION. BANKERS—Merchants Bank of Canada. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS YOQU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER CO. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST. = teh: RAI L. MAI WIRE aa: ‘PHONE McCLURE LUMBER CO. Manufacturers | HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS YELLOW PINE AND ons Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office No. 520 Franklin Street DETROIT, MICH. Mill: RUTAW, aura. Soft Yellow Pine Finishing Haeberle Lumber Co. LUMBER and TIMBER ~— WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCE OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES, Yellow Pine Timber a Specialty. Interior Trim Mill Work — NIAGARA FALLS, N. ¥. jy ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. LUMBER Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. — GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN BURY & NOBLE MASON A. NOBLE FRANK G, BURY LUMBER - DETROIT Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. WHOLESALE - MICHIGAN — = - t ™ November 28, 1906 CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION vii. E. H. HEAPS, J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, .umirep ; | HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. E Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAY _ We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER. DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH a ‘ Sash and Door Stock cut up or in the rough. Special | Prompt shipment guaranteed. Write for prices. Fairview Cedar Lumber Company, vancouver. s.c. BES SES Si Si i i ; Rat Portage Einther Co. Limited ' (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Fini ie Also Box Shooks and as ng Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. appress, RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. D. GC. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. THOMAS KIRKPATRICK, H. H. SPICER PRE ESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST Lumber and Shingles We are Exclusive Selling Agents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. . Shipping Capacity ‘is ma 500, 000 Shingles per Day Oey 2 eet vi. CANADA LUMBERMAN vee ec ti. | sie, * a Cedar Cove, B.C. E. Hi. HEAPS & CO., so, oa B. : Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES : AA HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. 4 Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newel , Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. 4 Ww. Je AUSPPAED, PESSIDERT W. L. TAIT, eri ag MANAGER ubaushene, On Va ancou ver, B.C. MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER — rR MOULDINGS : mbet Co» ED iiss Coa st ben ars HIGH GRADE’ Pp a ciil 1c | RED CEDAR tas | Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO ~ THE RED DEER LUMBER 00. : Manufacturers ot SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH x ee gs . ae 4g ba henrheletenieale halen enesiemmeenlents dilate ahernemiales ulvnsarinealaonmbdnpuds Uddadaladdehed./ 4 Fi - " ep a EEO Manufacturers of 7 Bae els Se v « , 2s Fir and Cedar - andiNo. 2. na eet PRS % we Syehe ad LUMBER. Red Cedar Shingles Correspondence Solicited See I Jequiny sonidg 400,47 000‘000'0F yng Tenuuy nual Cut 6,000,000 Sp n > £ ce No.1 Getting to the Bottom of ite ws We mean our file of orders, so that now we can give you Prom np shipments on anything. és THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, ‘eal A. ) Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, | Manitoba, ca We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO.,, LIMITED, VANCOUVER, B.C. ; ‘ a Wid y es Send us your hurry-up orders for shingles. Our new saw mill will soon be in operation; advise us of gour requirements now, — : A. Chores ote CANaBA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v. CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS ; THE PEMBROKE LUMBER O. _ We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries. HARDWOOD FLOORING = S."*sts'sicst.’*™*“ : STHMON BROS, trv. Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. 329 St. James Street, MONTREAL NRE Pies will Interest You— A.W. EYER & CO— _ We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. 4 r+ Ww. EYER @ CO. re 43 Adelaide Strect East Office : - { RONTO, ONT. DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, Inc. WHOLESALE LUMBER ai STOCKS OF PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, ETC., CARRIED IN CANADA. UES e's Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. | AN I i 1 [=i We have a few cars of good ————— No. 1 and No, 2 Pine Lath se Apply at once to John Harrison & Sons Company, Limited Saw and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER - Let us know your requiremente Prompt Shipments. , cE BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIES S e RILOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES - PINE OA CEDAR &eo., Co, ao ; B.C, FIR B.C, CEDAR : , Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. and up, 11” x 11’ and up, for saleata low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, *”* 3.80" QUEBEC HARDWOOD FLOORING HARDWOOD LUMBER _ WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. OUR SPECIALTY Sy THE SEAMAN KENT co., Limited 2: 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Ambherst, N.S. + - peg Fal pre ie! A LF kre Mie , R. LAIDLAW LUMBER C0. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, «.n.2°" Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. MANUFACTURERS OF . Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE. PRA YEATR & WHITE Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for Railway oepues MIDLAND, ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialt MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff, We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Life Chamber rs, TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244, Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, S It UOur WISH. . 9 To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY => OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address, The Canada Lumberman, Torenio he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS be SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. **S$o00”* Branch Cc. POR: Manning Arcade, Toronto Coristine Building, Montreal. And at Mills at Spragge. MANUFACTURERS OF White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments | 2 OFFICES HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK %, K, He. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames _ and - ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. 5S. FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT. 4 _ AUGER & SON BIRCH WRITE T. L. BAILIE Box 268 - NORTH BAY, ONT. ee PN > A FOR SALE Lumber in car load lots. In grades red face firsts and seconds and common in all thick- nesses. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PIKE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. ann 5 Me Fuildmg 1) ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, con =e Water Shipment O: We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, ‘Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles Spruce, White Pine, White and Quebec WS.LINNELL “LAND WOMN MATTSON —~ ion LINNELL AND QuesweL ae FARM CANas OU QUESNELLE CIT ER OREAEE: AND Longs. WHOLESALE LOM BERS a Se 4 Sea ee. vin. CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION November 28, 1906 BRROOER CRO RRGREONE DOO OO OOOS NER SROR IRIS OOOO IN ROOORIOOK The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limitea J. B. MILLER, President. W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. Manufacturers of PINE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. Head Office: Traders Bank Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main 1016 Telegraph Codes: Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. EES DEO EDEN 2XS $5) YINASASY, ) J ° oS So, S SIQASPQASIQASAQASCAAS 9, So 9, 9, 9S, 9°, 9, oD, ZS, Ss, oS, Ss, GLX ND SUEDE IYOUES IS LISEES 9 USLISLED OU LLSLEO LNLENEL EN a ~ - oO > c) Cc ce) — > ) 2 Ss a FELBER, JUCKER & CO. | WHITE PINE AND spruce LUMBER | J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED | Planing, Matching, iain, ate, Lumber Importers ROSSFO PULP WO6D he aed Da eat Manufacturer of CHESTER ENGLAND : a cre: Doors, Sash, Mouldings Ceitin Invite lambermen, able to cut Bich | St Gabriel Lumber Co. LUMBER, LAT A SS | ee ARoWwooD oe squares 7/8" x 7/8" up to 3” x 3” for Limited ae — nc oe Hemlock ee and Bored 4 an e1lings, ash ana spool making, to write for specifica- St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que, | etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired “Lumber xifa ‘Dried a Kay Quantity. = . tions. Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. Hnedl Ds poled eileen epee J. R. EATON - Orillia, ‘Ont. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited. *Phone No. 54 és i. - 7 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS aRwworr & JARDINE SMITH & TYRER - ne [Wood Brok\sand Measurers | .,WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.a Dale 8t., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% pape St ue ER 6 LS I I F. A. Lightbody & Co. GANT § KEMP 9 TIMBER Cable Address ; OOD BB ROB HRS 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW eB K 0 KE it . -™ 4 Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Cable Address : “ TECTONA® Glasgow. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Ki cinedom. Correspondence Solicited. Ax and A B C Codes used. RS SS | OUIS BAMBERGER, * *iwssz's"e"* | JOSEPH OMEN & SONS, LID. sezanstmszrme” Rock Maple Logs and Planks. k Elim Logs. IMPORTER OF Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ oc Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Timber Importers WE ce All classes of ginb ster — mach Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS | “able Address ‘‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Bug. | Wood Goods sukabie for the Eng JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER | ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS : WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS » BUYERS OF eee fendicn” neottas wor att ee Liverpool and London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND — Veuseae + Spacha ty | . ” CABLE JADDRESS 5 DOBLE} LIVERPOOK), 4 : ~ = = constructed. = White Pine tor Sale CLARKSON, NADA LUMBERM AND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY EDITION 4 The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} too Pek vear {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, every week. ~_ REACHES RECULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD Vou. XIV TORONTO, MONTREAL - DECEMBER 5, 1906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER Canapa LUMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch” Office : Room B34, Board of Trade Building, Montreal, Telephone Main 2299. 72f-7a1 Union Rank Building, Winnipeg, Telephone 1274. Davis Chambers, 615 Hastings St., Vancouver, ~ B.c., Telephone 2248. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the cipal manufacturing districts and leading iomestic and foreigy wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. The Monthly Lumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make one inch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue H VE you ANY STOCK YOU WISH TO sell? If somake the fact known to prob- able buyers by placing an advertisement in the “wanted and Fer Sale Department.” Address CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. BIRCH FOR SALE. W= HAVE THE FOLLOWING RED BIRCH Lumber, Mill Run, Mill Cullis out; band sawn, closely edged and trimmed and in good - shipping condition; cut last winter and |spring : = 354,000 44, x 4” and up x 6/t4! 140,000 5/4’ ta0,000 6/4” F 165,00 8/4” on “s “ = 48.000 12/4” “ “ “ The HURDMAN-ELMITT LUMBER COMPARY, Limited, Ottawa, Ont. Lo WANTED BASSWOOD SOFT ELM ROCK ELM “ “ “oe - 7 TA: LT MBER AND DIMFNSION SIZFS | for immediate shipment and also for ship- ment through coming winter and spring. Spot _ Cash and inspection at shipping points; please quote pricesfo.b cars. Address W. J. GoRDON, Box 295, Windsor, Ont. HE UNDERSIGNED WILL RECEIVE offers for the purchase of the White Pine and other timber on Lots 5 to 12, inclusive, of Concession - 6, Berth number 35, Delamere, near the French River, Georgian Bay District, Ontario. The lots are within 3% miles of Canadian Pacific Railway and timber can be banked within 4 miles on waters running into the French River, roads being largely It is estimated that there is on the lots about 1,500,000 feet of White Pine averaging 4 logs to the thousand, out of which itis believed can te ‘ocured about 30,000 cubic teet of square timber. Further particulars can be procured from E. R. C, Toronto, WANTED—APPLEWOOD LUMBER. AD- dress, L. W.SEyMOUR, Box No. 740, Co LUMBUS, Ohio. FEW CARS NO. 1 AND MILL RUN heading for sale, 1714” and 183%”. Address” W N. Bock, Port Rowan Ont. ANTED 2” ROCK ELM;; 5/4 and 6/4 BIRCH; 1’ 6/4 2” Black Ash ; 6/4 and 2” Basswood; 1” Tamarac; 2” White Ash. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. ANTED—WHITE PINE OR HEMLOCK Slabs for promptshipment. Must be dry, Write in first instance to Box No. 431,,CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. —_ ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SImMcoE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52” Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto, ANTED - ALL KINDS OF DRY LUMBER and to contract for coming cut of white pine, hemlock and spruce. CHARLES P. READ, No. 34 Victoria street, Toronto. j Ads SALE—TIMBERLIMITS CONTAINING 100 million feet of British Columbia’s best Pine, Larchand Fir. For particulars apply to Mayvoox LUMBER Co , Mayook, B. C WANTED yy MILLION FEET OF NO. 1 HEMLOCK. I 7 Must be trimmed and butted to length. State price and how piled. Address Box 428 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. cheap. Addtess Box426 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. SPRUCE LATH Write us. CHARLES zo Kilby Street, Boston, Mass. CEDAR FENCE POSTS. WANTED, 40,000 GOOD SOUND PEELED Cedar Fence Posts, 4%” and up at top, eight feet long, state quantity you can supply and lowest price. C. A. LARKIN, 40 Confedera- tion Life Building, Toronto. HARDWOOD LUMBER FOR SALE Oee INCH TO FOUR INCH THICK, BIRCH and Maple mill run, and culls; also some /4 cull Basswood, one inch cull Oak. Low prices offered for prompt sale. Write JoHN BROMLEY, Pembroke, Ont. WANTED Hamilton. FOR SALE wet MILL, SITUATED ON SIDING OF I. B & O. Railway. Capacity 9,000 ft. per day. In good running order. Also six bush lots more orless heavily timbered, a large quantity of lath material on lots. Good reasons for selling. If purchased immediately could buy a large quantity of logs for next season’s cut. Box 8, Highland Grove, Ont. TIMBER LIMITS OUGHT AND SOLD. Apply to MorGan & ine ER. 72 Confederation Life Building, Toron- 0, Ont. Timber Tracts Bought and Sold. ee & PALMER, 851 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, FOR SALE ORTABLE SAW MILL, CAN BE_ SEEN running any day this year. Box 4, Bothwell, Ontario. Shingles Wanted 100 CARS OF B. Cc. SHINGLES TO BE delivered through the year of 1907. State lowest cash prices on a 75 cent freight rate. Ad- dress Box 427 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED (in? LET CONTRACT OF SAWING ABOUT . 2,000,000 feet of timber near Schomberg. Contractor to furnish mill. Address HENRY WISE &,Co., St. Catharines, Ont. ae FOR SALE WE MAKE A SPECIALTY OF OAK BILL stuff for boat building or other purposes, any length. under s0 feet. THos. OUELLETTE _ LuMBER Co., 85 Home Bank Bldg.,Detroit,Mich. WANTED ifn QUANTITY 4/4 GOOD LOG RUN Basswood; a quantity of Soft Elm cut 1-1/8” and 1-%”, Also Birch Lumber in all grades. THos. OUELLETTE LUMBER Co.,85 Home Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. SHINGLE PRICES ADVANCED. At a meeting of the Coast shingle manufacturers held at Vancouver, B.C., on Monday, December 3rd, it was decided to make an advance in shingle prices. The increase is fifteen cents on rail shipments and twenty-five cents on the coastwise trade. ee EE CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. Lumber orders are still plentiful, although somewhat less than during the fall months. ‘‘ We will wel- come a quieter period, which will enable us to reduce the number of orders on our books,” said a promi- nent wholesaler, who added that the season had been the most active he had ever experienced. The factory demand has of late been quite a factor and would seem to indicate that consumers did not provide largely for their requirements when prices were lower. Toronto’s build- ing permits for the season have ex- ceeded $12,000,000, which means a large consumption of lumber by that No. 39. industry. The contract for next year’s supply of lumber for the Cor- poration of Toronto was awarded last week at prices much higher than those at which the contract was placed a year ago. Below are some of the figures : ; 1905. 1906. Pine, 12x12 in., 12 ft......$24 00 $27.50 Pine, 12x12 in., 24 ft,. ... 30.00 35.00 Hemlock, 12x12 in., 12 ft.. 16.50 21.75 Hemlock, 12x12 in., 20 ft.. 20.50 26.00 The present range of prices, it will be seen, is high, but there is a steadiness in values which is likely to continue in any case until the cut of 1907 comes onto the market. Of the course of prices after that time it is too early to speak, but it may be pointed out that the cost of logging this winter is estimated to be 10 to 15 per cent. higher than last winter, which has encouraged some buyers to contract for lumber at prevailing prices. WESTERN CANADA. There has been some falling off in the demand for lumber throughout Western Canada, but it has not been sufficient to enable the mills to ac- cumulate any stocks of consequence. The log scarcity in British Columbia has caused the closing down of some mills. Fir logs have been bought at $15 per thousand feet, and the high price has not seemed to stimu- late production as much as might be expected, and now unfavorable weather will interfere with opera- tions. We will be greatly surprised, however, if log prices should ad- vance much further, as the lumber manufacturers will no doubt en- deavor to keep lumber prices within reasonable bounds. Production during the winter months will prob- ably be carried on more vigorously than usual in order to accumulate a supply of lumber for the spring trade, and a number of new mills which are now nearing completion will also be a factor in the situation. Building operations in Winnipeg continue on a very large scale and there is a very urgent demand for finishing material. As announced elsewhere, British Columbia shingles were advanced on December 3rd fifteen cents for rail trade and twenty-five cents for coastwise trade. UNITED STATES. There is no indication of weak- ness in the white pine market. ~On 1S & the contrary, the manufacturers in the neighborhood of Minneapolis are disposed to make some further advances and are refusing to con- sider offers for lumber for delivery after the first of the year except on the basis of the new list. It ap- pears that stocks at the close of the year are likely to be below the average, although perhaps heavier than at the close of 1905, when the quantity on hand was the smallest in fifteen years. Stocks at Eastern wholesale centres are about normal. The Tonawandas will go into the winter season with perhaps 300,- 000,000 feet. A shortage may de- velop in the lower grades of white pine, tor which there has all season been an abnormal demand. Less firmness is shown by south- ern pine, and east of the Mississippi river there has been an actual weakening of prices. The situation in respect to this class of lumber is not altogether satisfactory, as in some sections there has been a considerable falling off in the de- mand. The consumption of hard- woods is on a large scale. In Wis- consin the supply is light in all kinds of lumber except birch, of which there is probably 100,000,000 feet of dry stock on hand. This is mov- ing very actively and is being sub- stituted for basswood and other hardwoods which are scarce. GREAT BRITAIN. The word ‘‘dullness” fittingly de- scribes the condition of the lumber trade in Great Britain. The deliver- ies from stock on hand again show -a diminution as compared with the previous week, for which unfavor- able weather has been in part re- sponsible. The c. i. f. prices in spruce are a shade easier on account of recent heavy arrivals, but it is not anticipated that there will be a further decline. Buyers are restrict- ing their orders, however, and do not as yet seem to realize that in order to secure the lumber they will have CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION to pay higher prices. The stock of spruce deals at Liverpool is only 13,450 standards, or less than 27,- 000,000 feet, as compared with 20,830 standards at the same time last year. White pine prices are firm and importers are holding out for full prices on account of the probability of smaller shipments -next year. STOCKS AND PRICES. The Pigeon River Lumber Com- pany, Port Arthur, Ont., expect to log about 10,000,000 feet of pine in Cook county, Minnesota. Most of the logs will be hauled out over the line of the Port Arthur, Duluth and Western road, which is owned by the Canadian Northern. It is estimated that 60,000,000 feet of logs wi!l be taken out this winter by firms located at Prince Albert, Sask. About half of this cut will be made by the British Columbia General Contracting Company, who have undertaken to get out 28,000,000, said to be the largest logging contract ever let east of the Rocky mountains. The production of logs in Ontario this winter will, under favorable conditions, probably equal that of last year. The Saginaw Lumber & Salt Company will take out about 30,000,000 feet; Loveland & Stone, at Cutler, about the same quantity; the Moulthrop Lumber Company, at John Island, 20,000,000 feet ;. Eddy Bros., at Blind River, 30,- 000,000; the Michigan Land & Lumber Company, Blind River, about 20,000,000; Holland § & Graves, Byng Inlet, probably 60,- 000,000 feet, and the Spanish River Lumber Company, Spanish River, about 20,000,000 feet. SCARCITY AND HIGH COST OF LOGS. The following statements- are credited to Mr. E. J. Palmer, man- HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, on short notice, bills in Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. Stock sizes now ready. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles. HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut to order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood d Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock Lumber & Mere Co. WOODSTOCK, ONT. “ WE WANT TO BUY -. 1%”, 2” and 3 Rock Elm, tists and 2nds, 1", 14", 1%" and 2” Chestnut, “s 1", 14", 1%" and 2” Butternut, OL THE McLENNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE. ager of the Victoria Lumber and Manufacturing Company, Chemain- WShe a. as ‘“We shall cut this year about 70,000,000 feet of lumber, our mill’s capacity being that much or more. We Are cutting mostly from our own limits, and our lumber is near- ly all exported. Our contracts are such that we must at times have logs to meet them promptly. Dur- ing the present season we have imported logs from Bellingham at a cost of $13.10 per thousand feet laid down at Chemainus. Of course, on our own limits we can produce them for less money, but the scarcity of loggers has greatly handicapped us. And $3.00 to $4.50 per day, which is regarded as very high pay for such work, does not guarantee that a camp will be supplied with labor steadily. For the past season we have had at times five or six donkey engines laying idle. Our limits are, how- ever, in good condition, and what we do not cut off now we will have for future work.” Mr. Palmer stated that men with whom he had made contracts for logs could not in manycases supply the quantity agreed upon, on ac- count of the scarcity of labor, instancing one case where he had contracted for 6,000,000 feet of logs but had only received 1,000,- ooo instead of the amount agreed upon. THE BARBADOS MARKET. Uuder date of November 17th Messrs. S. P. Musson, Son & Com- “pany say: ‘The only arrival during the fortnight is the schooner ‘‘ Edde Theriault,” from Bear River, N. S., with 214,000 feet of white pine, which was sold at $31.60 for mer- (Se SS Se ee Se Se ee ee THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go.,. Limited, MANUFACTURERS: Lumber, Hardwood Flooring, Handles, Poles, Bed Frame Stock, Cheese Box Hoops, Heaaing, Baskets, Etc. . . Write, Telegraph or Telephone your orders Orillia, Ont. McLennan Timber Land and Lumber GO., vimitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS : Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. TELEGRAPH POLES WANTED We buy all lengths in lots of 500 and up delivered a at R. R, siding Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your cedar into poles it will net you more than you can get out of it in any other way J.B. FARWELL & SON | BANCROFT ONT. sesso ONT. OSWECO, sa =. oa a chantable and $24.60 for secon quality. With such light arri' our market keeps but barely si plied, and further receipts of wt pine should bring similar | In spruce we have no receipts t note, but we learn that a cargo of about 400,000 feet has been sold ta the trade to arrive at $26.25, ; with the demand for this class: lumber which is usual at this and the absence of stocks o kinds, there is still a good open for other cargoes at about si rates. No arrivals of shingles any description have taken and sales have somewhat fal owing to the dry weather w' prevailed since the middle of month. Stocks of all kin fairly heavy, and unless a bet demand springs up, we sha bably see lower prices obtai next arrivals.” Si ie . DETROIT COLt The largest and most exten facturers and Shippers of COL( COLUMNS AND COMPOSIT CAPITALS in the United Sta oe ie ' ' Style No. 27 / le D We have the most perfect fit LOCK-JOINT COLUMN mac Write for Catalogue and pri ; WE FURNISH COLUMNS | ANY SIZE OR LENGTH is THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN). 7 E . Ortawa, DeEcEMBER 1.—A close _. inquiry into birch and basswood , transactions shows that prices have been reported somewhat above the actual figures at which sales took _ place. A very big sale of birch has has aust been made to an Ottawa — Red Cedar Shingles Correspondence Solicited = Cut 6 Getting to the Bottom of ite ace ; We mean our file of orders, so that now we can give you prompt shipments on anything. a THE. RED DEER LUMBER COMPARY, BARROWS, “SASH Kk Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, Manitoba. $s. 238 aes Sa We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. ey W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO., LIMITED, VANCOUVER, B.C. LUMBER & SHINGLES Send us your hurry-up orders for shingles. Our new saw mill af aks soon be in opernion: advise us of gour pea eorrreae now. — eigh eee & CANAaBA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION v CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. : We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all 5 sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries. End Matched, Bored, Polished HARDWOOD FLOORING a and Bundled - ae aes STAHIMOWN BROS, LTD. Ee Office : Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. Sai 329 St. James Street, MONTREAL tae Piles will Interest You— a —A ME EYER ré& :-CO-— +3 We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all ; ; kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what - you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. WwW. EYER 2 co. 43 Adetnide: Street ONTO, ONT. ~DebAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, Ine. WHOLESALE LUMBER ee OF PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, ETC., CARRIED IN CANADA. Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. ee Apply at once to John Harrison & Sons Company, Limited Saw and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, . B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES bo TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. We have a few cars of good No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Lath SPRUCE | BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIES 5 ee PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES CEDAR &o., &o., &oc B.C. FIR B.C. CEDAR Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. and up, 11” x 11” and up, for saleata low price for immediate delivery. | : JAMES J. MURPHY, Bank of eg" QUEBEC HARDWOOD FLOORING HARDWOOD LUMBER WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. CUR SPECIALTY : THE SEAMAN KENT CO., Limitea > re Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. _ RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limitea LUMBER MERCHANTS. , Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of / Basswood, Elm and Pine. : Ambherst, N.S. R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. mE TO RON TT Ogu SARNIA BUFFALO Lions Head, PEDWELL & LEMCKE, 3°: MANUFACTURERS Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber OF eae sy eos Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D. L. WHITE, PLAYEHATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER ~ LATH + SHINGLES Cc t ti f BILL TIMBER a Specialty eee ~ MIDLAND, ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & CO. erie and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Gaus and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Life Chambers TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244, Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, 5 Ib JOUr Wish. . To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY OWEN SOUND, ONTARIO, An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ z and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a buyer or Seller, as the case may be.. Address, The eareue Lumberman, Torsnio he Cook & Bros. von mtd | White and Red Pine -« "| Lumber and Lath **Soo"’ Branch ic. .P Water Shipments MANUFACTURERS OF Serta Toronto OFFICES Coristine Building, Montreal. ° And at Mills at Spragge. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK %, %, %, 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. CLE Me en aey : OWBN SOUND, ONT. AUGER & SON BIRCH WRITE T.L. BAILIE NORTH BAY, ONT. as Beeerica to Buy One Million Feet FOR SALE : Lumber in car load lots. In grades red face firsts and seconds and common in all thick- nesses. ‘mut having stocks for — write for prices. oi be sad quick ship- MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. : “Home 274 3 n¢TORONTO, Ont. Miuts: French River, Georgian Bay Water Stipment O Only. We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles Quebec ATTSON Marason, LINNELL AND Quasweiyé FARM LANDS — WIS.LINNELL LAND CITY PROPERTY. AND 1 ON ie WHOLESALE LUM Bs S« WINNIPEG co iy M AEN, i yn ee a ee ee ri — ; ~ Tg OO Tay =, Se OE Oe eee ‘es - . - " a a 9 vin CaNaDA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION. | December 519 all - = % CoOSe SEPSIS OPRE CAQLIAE SI RQIVS RLIRLI ROI ROPRO QEIROIVLIAIIRG, YN Oe ROC OOO CG OOOO OOO OS OO SCG. COCCOOO OS, se - a Sg Doo Se 5 ox The Parry Sound Lumber C0. Limited J. B. MILLER, President. W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. So 9, ° OOS <=) Cc) > 2, 5G ‘o ae Manufacturers of g a iN ROUGH and DRESSED PINE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Ete. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. Q)3@)8 CAs Gl) Ode S) G9 O@ oO C) °) le) 2 o AG (aD) Head Office: Traders Bank Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main 1016 Telegraph Codes : Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. opQo XP RP) VFR) NPG NODS q DROPDPAVPRO)C : Rope ARI RPRIIQNGDG WIRY BRPROIRIROARIGRG, Ne 2ST SUNOS OE NUIRN ee : = FELBER, JUCKER & CO, | WHITE PINE AND spRUCE LUMBER | J. D. SHIRR LUMBER CO., LIMITED | Planing, Matching, itaig ee, “4 . BRACEBRID ° Lumber ‘Importers ROSSED PULP WOOD ear re Manufacture: of aa MANUFACTURERS OF STER - ENGLAND i Doors, Sash, Mouldin Ceilir > ei aahermen, able to cut Bich St. Gabriel Lumber Co. LUMBER, LATH AND SHINCLES Hnd-Matchd ca squares 7/8” x 7/8” up to 3” x 3” for semis cid Ceitage Seen ane ona Wook cod. Teratnea e | f ‘ ua Doo: spool making, to write for specifica- St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que, | ete. All tiecaned Lumber patinghetac if deme Lumber xin oat a Any Quantity. tions. Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. End Matched Flooring a Specialty. J. R. EATON J Orillia Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY Correspondence Solicited. "Phone No. 5 BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS FARNWORTH & JARDINE SMITH & ie [Wood Brok:sand Measures], - -. WOOD AGENTS.. cs ° Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. “1 Cable Address ‘‘Farnworth,” Liverpeel.2 Dale 8t., 71 Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG Halifax, N.S., Office—Smitu, Tyrer & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington st rs F. A. Lightbody & Co. & Gordon Street - GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKERS 62 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW ® BF 0K Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., A1, “Zebra” and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Cable Address : ““ TECTONA” Glasgow. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom Correspondence Solicited. Ax and A B C Codes used. SS SS | QUIS BAMBERGER, * icuos’.'2°* | JOSEPH OVEN BSNS, UD.| xen a : Rock le Lo; = Planks. IMPORTER OF Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ ock Ein Lo. = Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Timber Importers ay oe a a a All classes of poeera a metas red Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS | “ble Address ‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Bug. | Wood Goode sukatic for the Englisl JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER | ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS P| a BUVERS OF Saiect ats atten clt? ale bes, aay aint, St) ivetpaaleane London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND Rencers A Saetens _CABLE “ADDRESS 3,DOBLE} {LIVERPOOL \y ; " eRe et el ee ee ‘a f te ~ he $ i \ ADA LUMBERM ND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 Per yeak {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, evary week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD Vou. XIV TORONTO, MONTREAL — DECEMBER 12, 1906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER = Kae No. 40 CANADA [,UMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’u of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: Room B34, Board of Trade Building, Montreal Telephone Main 2299. 72f-7a1 Union Pank Building, Winnipeg, Telephone 1274. Davis Chambers, 615 Hastings St., Vancouver, \ B.¢c., Telephone 2248. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- ports of market conditions and tendencies in the rincipal manufacturing districts and leading Terneeae and foreigy wholesale markets. A weekly medium of information and communica- tion between Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. The Monthly Gumberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries. WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- __ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue TIMGER LIMITS OUGHT AND SOLD. Apply to Morean & Co., 72 Confederation Life Building, Toron- to, Ont.. H*is you ANY STOCK YOU WISH TO sell? If somake the fact known to prob- able buyers by placing an advertisement in the ‘““Wanted and Fer Sale Department.”” Address CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. $ FOR SALE WE. MAKE A SPECIALTY OF OAK BILL stuff for boat building or other purposes, any length under ‘oc feet. THOS. OUELLETTE LUMBER Co., 85 Home Bank Bldg.,Detroit, Mich, : WANTED ; Ee QUANTITY 4/4 GOOD LOG RUN Basswood: a quantity of Soft Elm cut 1-1/8” and 1-%”’, Also Birch Lumber in all grades. THOS. OUELLETTS LUMBER Co., 85 Home Bank Bldg., Detroit, Mich. BIRCH FOR SALE. W=. HAVE THE FOLLOWING RED BIRCH Lumber, Mill Run, Mill Culls out; band sawn, closely edged and trimmed and in good shipping condition; cut last winter and |spring: 354,000 4/4” x 4” and up x 6/14’ 140,000 5/4” “ “6 “ “ “ “ t. “ “ “ “ “6 48.000 12/4” _ The HuRDMAN-ELMITT LUMBER COMPARY, Limited, Ottawa, Ont. BASSWOOD = SOFT ELM ; ROCK ELM MAPLE = nes LOGS, LT MBER AND DIMENSION SIZES ~ for immediate shipment and also for ship- ment through coming winter and spring. pot Cash and depron atshipping points; please quote prices f.o.b. cars. Address W. J. GoRDON, Box 295, Windsor, Ont. WANTED—APPLEWOOD LUMBER. AD- dress, L. W. SEvMour, Box No. 740, Co- LUMBUS, Ohio. ANTED 2” ROCK ELM; 5/4 and 6/4 BIRCH; 1” 6/4 2” Black Ash ; 6/4 and 2” Basswood; 1” Tamarac; 2” White Ash. R. E. KINSMAN, Hamilton, Ont. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; alsosame quantity of Slabs. SrmcoE Woop AND LUMBER COo., 52 Yonge Street Arcade. Toronto, ANTED ALL KINDS OF DRY LUMBER y and to contract for coming cut of white pine, hemlock and spruce. CHARLES P. READ, No. 34 Victoria street. Toronto. ORSALE—TIMBERLIMITS CONTAINING 100 million feet of British Columbia’s best Pine, Larch and Fir. For particulars apply to Mayoox LUMBER Co,, Mayook, B. C. Bre FOR SALE—WE HAVE ABOUT £00,000 of Birch logstwo years old which we will manufacture to order. Will be sold cheap. Address Box426 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. WANTED O LET CONTRACT OF SAWING ABOUT _ 2,000,000 feet of timber near Schomberg. Contractor to furnish mill; Address HENRY WISE &.Co., St. Catharines, Ont. CEDAR FENCE POSTS. . WANTED, 40,000 GOOD SOUND PEELED Cedar Fence Posts, 4%” and up at top, eight feet long, state quantity you can supply and lowest price. C. A. LARKIN, 40 Confedera- tion Life Building, Toronto. WANTED \ HITE ASH AND ROCK ELM IN LOGS and Planks, delivery during coming win- ter and summer, also Hard Maple and Birch Squares 5” hy 27” long, green, also dry Hard Maple Boards cut 1” x7” x46”. Write us for further particulars. ROBERT Bury & Co., Lock Box 268, Teeswater, Ont. FOR SALE Say MILL. SITUATED ON SIDING OF I. B. &O Railway. Capacity 9,000 ft. per day. In good running order. Also six bush lots more orless heavily timbered, a large quantity of lath material on lots. Good reasons for selling. If purchased immediately could buy a large quantity of logs for next season’s cut. Apply Box 8, Highland Grove, Ont. PLANING MILL Having professional business requiring his entire time, owner offers at a bargain and on easy terms, a modern and fully equipped planing mill located in the center of the manufacturing district at Niagara Falls,N Y. Consists of two (2) acres of ground, buildings, $18,000 worth of machinery ard is operated by electric power. Property cost $75,000 and is now paying 20 per cent. This is a fine opportunity for a practical man. The city has doub’ed in population in five years and is growing rapidly. ther information address ‘‘MILL,” Box 198, NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. For fur-- FEW CARS NO. 1 AND MILI, RUN heading for sale, 1744’ and 1834”. Address W.N. Buck, Port Rowan Ont. Timber Tracts Bought and Sold. Wasucs & PALMER, 8s1 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, FOR SALE ORTABLE SAW MILL, CAN BE _- SEEN running any day this year. Box 4, Bothwell, Ontario. WANTED ARD HOOP PLANER. Bothwell, Ont. _BOX NO. 4 \ K JANTED—POSITION ASLUMBER SALES- man or inspector, experienced, strictly temperate, first-class references. Apply Box 432, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED--PINE, HEMLOCK AND SPRUCE. Will contract for coming season’s cut. Send particulars of what you will haveto LEAK & CoMPAnNY, Aberdeen Chambers, Toronto ANTED—FOR SAWING SEASON OF 1907 two band sawyers, four setters, four edger- men, four trimmermen. Address PRINCE AL- -BERT LUMBER Co. LTD., Prince Albert, Sask. mediate shipment in one or more lots. CARTER, POWELL I,AND & LUMBER Co., Limited, Toronto. UMBER SALESMAN HAVING TRADE connection in Ontario would like to get a stock of lumber and shingles to sell on com- mission, References. Box 433, CANADA LUM- BERMAN, Toronto, ANTED—PRACTICAL PLANING MILL manager with three to five thousand to join advertiser, who will supply balance capital, in planing millin Saskatchewan; only principals ready to do business at once apply Box 434 CanADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. OR SALE-SEVERAL LUMBER YARDS, best district in Saskatchewan, yielding profit four to six thousand yearly. Four to six thousand cash handles, none but principals need apply. Fullinformation on application. Box No. 435, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, WANTED |pAzaEs IN THE EASTERN STATES WHO use large quantities of Birch and other Canada Hardwoods to correspond with the ad- vertiser, vith a view of buying from first hands. Box 430, CANADA L,UMBERMAN, Toronto. TIMBER AT QUEBEC. Following is a comparative state- ment for three years of timber, etc., measured and culled at Quebec up to December 5th, as reported by the Supervisor of Cullers : 1904 1905 190 C, Feet C. Feet C. Feet Waney White Pine. .2,256,360 1,210,9'0 676,600 n White Pine......-..... 240,160 137,440 76,720 Red Pine.. 15,920 1,200 ~13,400 Oak 328, 360 193,920 578,120 Elm 262,800 484,720 602,160 IS a 14,640 10,440 8,880 Butternut... 40 120 oh Tamarac ......... ne 40 Bere Spi Birch and Maple..... 115,920 207,640 158,400 ~ CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO No important changes in lumber prices are looked for during the early winter season and at the present time the market is quite featureless. Most of the white pine and hemlock lumber has pass- ed out of first hands. The element of strength which has characterized the trade of the fall months has become more pronounced each week, creating a certain amount of business between dealers. The de- mand continues very heavy for hem- lock and the lower grades of pine, and there is also a better feeling in respect to the higher qualities. British shippers have been negotiat- ing for-the deal production of the Ottawa Valley mills, but the in- creased prices asked by the manu- facturers have so far prevented the closing of contracts. Logging operations have been carried on under favorable conditions in most localities with the exception of the scarcity of labor, but this has now been relieved to some extent and the production promises tobe about equal to that of last year. The cost of producing logs will be from ten to fifteen per cent. greater, which increase is likely to be reflect- ed in lumber prices. B. C. shingles for Ontario de- livery are now quoted at $3.40 for XXX and $3.62 for XX XX. UNITED STATES. It is not expected that lumber prices will more than hold their own at this season of the year, when the demand usually slackens. It may be said, however, that during the past few weeks northern pine has made a general advance, ranging from 50 cents to $2 per thousand feet. Buyers who have sounded the market report that there is no indication of weakness and that higher prices are likely to prevail for next year’s production. No. 2 boards, eight and ten inch, are ‘bringing $25 to $25.50 at Chicago, which is the highest notch yet touched. Hemlock prices are equal- ly firm, although the supply is more plentiful, making it possible to fill orders more promptly. The out- look is tor an average consumption of pine and hemlock during the winter months unless severe weather should seriously interfere with outdoor operations. Hard- Tle - woods are meeting with a heavy inquiry, but there is still a fairly large stock of maple, birch and elm. ~Stocks are in strong hands and present prices are likely to be maintained. The curtailment in the output of red cedar shingles is having its effect on the market. The demand is good but shipping is slow on account of the car shortage. The supply of lath has increased per- ceptibly and conditions are favor- able for still higher prices. GREAT BRITAIN. The demand for lumber in Great Britain is still quiet, and buyers are indisposed to close contracts for future requirements. The high bank rate is no doubt a factor in the sit- uation, and in addition the stocks of European deals at London and some other points is somewhat larger than at the same time last year. Under the conditions it has been found difficult to ad- vance prices, with the result that little business has as yet been closed, and until either the buyer or seller is willing to grant some concessions, little activity need be expected. At the last auction sale 3 X 11 inch unassorted spruce from Halifax, N.S., sold at £8 5s per standard, and a small quantity of 2x 3 inch hemlock at £4 per standard. There has been no im- provement in birch, which is still heavily stocked. The highest price realized at the last public sale was 4os per load of 50 cubic feet, while timber under 16 inches sold as low as 35S. INCREASED COST OF SHINGLES. As mentioned in our last issue, the price of British Columbia cedar shingles was advanced on the 3rd inst. 15 cents per thousand for the rail trade and 25 cents per thous- and for the coastwise trade. This advance in price is, we believe, fully CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION justified. There are several reasons which warrant it. First, there is the unprecedented high price of logs and shingle bolts on the coast. This is caused, largely, by the high- er wages paid to men in the woods, and the scarcity of men even at the increased wage; also the high price of other materials that go to make up the cost of producing the shingle. Then the wages at the mills are continually increasing, and good men there, too, are hard to get and keep. Further, in the good times the men are more or less indifferent about retaining their jobs, and their consequent carelessness results in a deterioration of fully ten per cent. in their efficiency. Added to this is the constant loss of capital through mills being des- troyed by fire—a danger which is* ever present at the door of the saw- mill operator, so that in a period of ten or twenty years the manufac- turers find they have not made any- thing like just returns for their in- vestment, risk and worry. THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the CANADA LUMBERMAN). OrTawa, December 10, 1906.— A very firm market for every sort of lumber is what the dealers report. There is less bustle in shipping since the closing of the mills, but still not enough cars can be secured to supply the demand. In the last few days the car problem has not been quite so bad, however, and manufacturers believe the end of that trouble is near at hand. The Canadian agents of British import- ers cannot yet report any purchases of next season’s cut, though they have approachedsome of the lumber- men. . A leading manufacturer as- serts that the market is rising con- stantly and the British buyers have not yet come near the figures asked by the Ottawa lumber manu- facturers. , The outlook is that’ a _ great HEMLOCK SPECIAL We are prepared to fill, ‘ Hemlock, in all lengths 10 to 24 feet. on short notice, bills in Stock sizes now ready. RED CEDAR SHINGLE SPECIAL We are Agents for the Hadden Shingle Co., of Cloverdale, B. C., manufacturers of high grade Red Cedar Shingles, HARDWOODS We have a stock of hardwood, which we will cut te order, in Red and White Oak, Soft Maple, Black and White Ash, Basswood and Soft Elm. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woopstock Lumper & Mere Co. WOODSTOCK, ONT- - WE WANT TO BUY . 134", 2” and 3; Rock Elm, rsts and 2nds. 1", 1%", 1%" and 2” Chestnut, “ - t”, 1%", 13%" and 2” Butternut, te THE M°LENNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, QUE. advance will be made over. last year’s figures, for manufacturers are independent on account of the high prices offered in the United States. Pine and spruce stocks are low and pri¢es are firm. When J. R. Booth’s lumber mill closed near the end of November he was able to start the pulp mill which had been idle a couple of months owing to lack of power. Anchor ice is still a hindrance to steady work, but Mr. Booth will not try to fight it this season. -The most satisfactory plan is found -to be closing the mill completely until the obstacles move away. He has started operations in the new paper mill, running part of the machinery. Mr. James Reid, M. P. for Resti- gouche, N. B., who is an extensive lumber manufacturer, has just re- turned from the Old Country and is assuming his duties in the House of Commons. He informs the CANADA LUMBERMAN that the past season was a record one for large produc- tion and high prices in the Province of New Brunswick. The next sea- son he believes will be better. The United States buyers are taking immense quantities of shingles and lath and the English market can- not be over-supplied with the larger lumber. The preliminary inquest arising out of the strike riot in the James MacLaren mill at Buckingham, Que., had just begun before Judge Choquette of Montreal when Mr. Albert MacLaren, president of the company, was discharged, he being among those arraigned for man- slaughter. The decision in the case of Alexander MacLaren has not yet been given. Mr. J. E. Vallillee, the company’s manager, was tried for neglecting to read the Riot Act in the capacity of Mayor of the town, but the Crown withdrew the charge THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, MANUFACTURERS: ; Lumber, Hardwood Flooring, Handles, Poles, Bed Frame Stock, Cheese Box Hoops, Heading, Baskets, Etc. . . Write, Telegraph or Telephone your orders Orillia, Ont. McLennan Timber Land and LUMDEP GO., simitea Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. TELEGRAPH POLES WANTED — We buy all lengths in lots of 500 and up delivered a at R. R. siding Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your cedar into poles it will net you more than you can get out of itin any other way J.B. FARWELL &iSON BANCROFT, ONT. RENFREW, ONT, OSWECO, N.Y, “pd * against him after hearing some of the evidence. The Mayorhas since taken action against Yvon Lamon- tague, the union men’s counsel, for __ alleged defamation of character and sworn out a warrant against Cyril Tourangeau on the ground that he committed perjury in swearing that Mr. Vallillee was with the police during the affray. Six strikers have been committed for trial on the charges of manslaughter and riotous conduct and are out on $1,200 bail each. The final trials will take place at the next session — of the Court of King’s Bench, which — will be held shortly before spring. In the House of Commons the — other day Hon. William Patterson, minister of customs, gave the fol- lowing importations of lumber and timber admitted free of duty during the year which ended the 30th o June : Pitch pine planks and hoatia DETROIT COLUMN COMPANY The largest and most extensive Manu- facturers and Shippers of COLONIAL _ * COLUMNS AND COMPOSITION CAPITALS in the United States. December 12, 1906 — ae - Write for- prices and discounts. DETROIT - i} Ht | i i SO RAE SESS ESRI ANT se BED. Style No. 27 _ Style No. 40 We have the most perfect fitting LOCK-JOINT COLUMN made. — Write for Catalogue and prices. WE FURNISH COLUMNS mw : 4 ANY SIZE ORLENGTH e » 1 > The Weller | Specialty Re) Best Machinery. ‘ "y “ "December <4 1906 "22,576,299 feet B.M.; oak planks and boards, 32,852,223 feet B.M.; sycamore planks and boards, 24,- » 951 feet B.M.; boards, planks, deals _ and clapboards of various woods, _ not classified, 52,724 feet B.M.; timber, hewn, squared or sided or ~ creosoted, of various woods not classified, value $189,418. MONTREAL LUMBER SHIPMENTS. Following is a summary of the _ shipments of wood goods from _- Montreal during the season of 1906: : Feet. Matson & Todd. o oo5s..%.. 35,920,488 Pemebirstall & Co... 26.00... 21,036 903 SWante J. Sharples... se... 05% 19,092,240 MeRobert Cox: & Co............ 18, 3775415 ~ Dobell, Beckett & Co........ 11,244,743 Charlemagne Lac Oureau Co. 6,518,318 McArthur Export Co... ..... 6,467,153 ox, Long & Co. ...: ....+: 457339529 PM EMA. 5 eee 3,630,000 Mebaurin Bros; i... 2. a6. 1¥345,000 MIG EMLStaN et secteva rei sie’ cess 128,365,789 Shipmeats, season 1905....134,376,283 Shipments, season 1906... .128,365,789 - Decrease, 1906........ 6,010,494 HIGH FREIGHT RATES. Lumber freight rates between Oregon and Washington ports and California ports have advanced to $9 per thousand feet, with a fair _ prospect for an additional dollar being added before the turn of the year. Such exorbitant freight rates __ of course are quite burdensome to the consumer, but until there is a slackening in the demand for lum- ber or an increase in the tonnage available, there will be no relief. Deep water freights are abnormally low all over the world, on account of an over-supply of tonnage. As _ aresult says the Portland Oregon- jan, there is an abundance otf first _ class foreign shipping in all Pacific coast ports as well as elsewhere which is now idle and can be bought at very low figures. A large amount of this tonnage could be used to great advantage in our coast-wise trade at this time, but, owing to the antiquated restrictions of our absurd navigation laws, our capital- CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION ists are prevented from purchasing it, as American registry and the right to engage in the coasting trade is forbidden by our laws. As an illustration of the practical workings of this policy, the case of the British steamship Duneric, now in port, is interesting. Sailing under a foreign flag, this vessel cannot load outward at Portland for a coastwise port. She has ac- cordingly been chartered to go to British Columbia and load lumber for San Francisco at $6 per thous- and feet, or $3 per thousand less than the rate paid by the shippers on the American side of the line. It, of course, does not follow that the California consumer will secure his lumber $3 per thousand feet cheaper, for, while theoretically he profits by the opening of a wider field of supply, most of the advant- age of a cheaper freight is offset by the tariff of $2 per thousand feet which the considerate government levies against Canadian lumber. THE GLASGOW MARKET. The following particulars of the Glasgow market are furnished by Edmiston & Mitchells in their monthly circular of November 3oth: * Business during the past month has been unusually quiet, owing largely to the unfortunate strike in the shipbuilding trade, and though that has now been amicably adjust- ed, it has not so far assisted matters much, and the prevailing impres- sion seems to be that no great im- provement need be looked for this year. The November import has been on the whole very moderate, and as the St. Lawrence shipments may now be said to be at an end, it is possible to form some idea of the unsold stock of Quebec goods held in the various public yards. That the stock of 2nd, 3rd and 4th pine deals will be unprecedently light is’ certain, but there is likely to be an ample supply of the 1st pine deals and sidings to fill the market’s re- quirements. The stock of spruce Sills Co., Limited BELLEVILLE, ONT. Timber and Lumber Dealers A SPECIALTY IN- Long Timbers, both Pine, Soft Wood and Hardwood ; MASON, GORDON & CO. 80 St. Francis Xavier Street E MONTREAL, QUE. ware LUMBER and TIMBER YELLOW PINE or OAK. Car and Cargo Lots Only : Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, Correspondence Solicited. »* RILLIA, ONTARIO oe aad Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, aie ed Making Hardwood Flooring, ___ Resawing, oe «PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited Kiln’ Dried, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. a -SNIGHT BROTHERS CO. rep Burk’s. Falls, Ont. =~ Best Workmen. Send us a trial car | KILN-DRIED BIKGH FLOORIN is moderate, but red pine deals are sufficient for the poor demand. As to Quebec log timber, there will be a considerable reduction from last year in all items, except pro- bably elm and birch. The position as regards prices is very firm all around, and every- thing points to their being main- tained throughout the winter; in- deed, it only requires a more act- ive, demand to immediately bring about a tendency to higher values. There has been a fair import and a moderate demand for American hardwoods during the past month, but prices have not moved appreci- ably, and the higher grades of pop lar and oak are now so dear that consumption has been considerably checked of late. WuiteE Pine.—There has been no import during the month, and the only sale which transpired consisted of 120 logs large deckwood to one of the local shipbuilders. There has been little or no demand for square timber. Stocks are moderate and values steady. . Oak.-— Business during the month has been very quiet, and no trans- actions of any importance are re- ported. The stock on hand to carry over the close season is very moder- ate, and on this account values are very firm. : E_m.—Any business passing has been of a purely retail nature, and little impression has been made on stocks, which are fully ample for the market’s prospective requirements. QuesBec BircH.—The import dur- ing November has been of a trifling character. The stock of logs is be- ing gradually reduced, but there is still a considerable quantity unsold on hand, and sales have only been made by making concessions in price. Shippers have been already quoting for next year’s delivery but so far no business has transpired in logs There is more enquiry for Quebec planks for next season’s shipment. N. B. Brrcu.—A few retail sales are reported from time to time of ul 15-inch average logs, but the demand is slow and prices are easy. In planks some small sales have been made at as low as £7 15s per standard yarded. The stock on hand unsold is still considerable. Asu.—A few small lots of logs and planks arrived during the month, mostly of indifferent quality, some of which were sold from the quay and some stored. For the most part prices were unsatisfactory, but perhaps were ample for the quality. THE RECORD CAR LOAD. FassETT, QuE., Dec. 8, 1906. Editor CANADA LUMBERMAN : Dear Sir,—To help the record car load business along a little, we would like to add Pennsylvania car No. 55927, on which we loaded 30,781 feet of 2 x 6 spruce for Ot- tawa on the third of this month. Yours truly, HASKELL LUMBER COMPANY, LTD. Fre». T. SMITH, Sales Manager. Holden, Pres. F. J. M. Diver, Gen’1.-Mg1 H. Goff, Vice-Pres. The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER so LATH Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60’ long. : SARNIA, ONT THE IMPERIAL LUMBER CO. LiMiTED: Milis : Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda, N. Y. sates GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO - C. A. LAR KIN=—— | WHOLESALE LUMBER Shingles, Lath and Cedar Fence Posts. TORONTO ba 3 » ONTARIO Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band - Circular CACHE BAY, Oni. cP. EK: wt wt Samples by Gang 26 miles West North Bay Send for Seppe ean UMBER anD LATH KNIGHT BROTHERS CO. LIMITED Burk’s Falls ; Iv. Ganama LuMBERMAN WeekLY EDITION December tag tgoo TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. Arkansas newspapers last week reported the sale of about 30,000 acres of hardwood lands in White county, that state, to A. C Mc- Comb, of Oshkosh, Wis., through Cameron Brown, of London, Ont. Over half of these lands were own- ed by a group of Canadians who had held them since 1873. The consideration was in the neighbor- hood of $250,000. The Searcy, Arkansas, Citizen, commenting on the sale, says: ‘‘This large pur- chase, following closely after the Stecher sale of 15,000 acres for $150,000, indicates that timber men everywhere are alive to the great resources of Arkansas’ richest county. All available timber lands are being rapidly bought up and prices appear to be steadily increas- ing.” Planing and Matching ——IN TRANSIT— S. POMEROY, Orillia PLANING, MATCHING, RESAWING, SIDING, FLOORING, MOULDINGS in Car Lots. Factory near Station. Write for Prices. "Phone 3 Ask Your Ticket Agent WISCORSIN GENTRAL RRALWAY Milwaukee, Chicago and all points east and south Convenient Trains, Pullman Palace and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclin- _ ing chair Cars, Dining Cars. For full information address:— Geo. H. Anthony, General Agent, 219 McDermott Avenue, Winnipeg, Man., or Jas. O. Pond, G.P.A.. Millwaukee, Wis. 2 Cars 2in. Rock Elm Ge LONG LUMBER COMPANY, e HAMILTON BIRCH ror SALE GOOD COMMON DRY STOCK CAN SHIP AT ONCE 200M IIN. 75M 1%IN. 60M1%IN. 100M 2 IN. W. B. BARTRAM & CO. OTTAWA, ONTARIO . aveeeU»s & T. CHARLTON ecac LUMBER ana LATH Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. PROMPT SHIPMENTS! |/ MARRIOTT & COMPANY VANCOUVER, B. C. We can ship promptly almost anything in British Columbia Fir, Cedar, Hemlock, and usually Spruce. Having ten mills to ship from, possibly we can give you better service than any other house in the lumber trade. Send us your enquiries, whether for shingles, lumber or timbers, straight or mixed cars, AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE, anp A. B.£C., s5tH EDITION. _BANKERS—Merchants Bank of Canada. UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS —— LUMBER Haeberle Lumber Co. q Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling LUMBER ee Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH Soft Yellow Pine Finishing WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, — CEDAR POLES AND TIES, Yellow Pine Timber a pe ty. Interior Trim Mill Work NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Tsbene a Specialty J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. : GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, 5 HARDWOOD LUMBER “4 SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN _ YOU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS BY RAILMAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building —, -McCLURE LUMBER CO. | Manutacrurers | HARDWOOD LUMBER CYPRESS } rank. BURY = BURY & NOBLE mason a. woste EPH oe EL i patie ap LUMBER - DETROIT mona | Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty No. 520 Franklin Street © DETROIT, MICH. | Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. Mill: RUTAW, ALTA. | WHOLESALE Main Office : iy : - Our Daily Shipping Capacity Becember 14, igo _ @aNapa LuUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION y —— a E. H, HEAPS, 5 J. A. McNAIR, President Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, umrrep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B. C. 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAY We handle only the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots : Special 5 FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH Sash and Door Stock cut up or in the rough. Prompt shipment guaranteed. Write for prices. viow Cedar Lumber Company, vancdtver Bc. SESEISE Sy, Ss My , Rat Portage Lumber Co. timitea (WITH MILLS AT WINNIPEG, VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) _ MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Fini i Also. Box Shooks and ny ing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Maple Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. appRess.., RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. D. C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. THOMAS KIRKPATRICK, H. H. SPICER, PRESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC’Y Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. 2 Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST _Lumber and Shingles a We are atikaive Selling Beet in Canada for about half the Shingles stale in British Columbia. city i is a 500, 000 : ee pet: Dey p me | Capac Vi. Se Canaba LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION December 12, 1906 worm, BE. H. HEAPS & CO., 1° iiss o q Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. SPECIALTIES: _ . 7 | AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. Ww. — vans bil bear eae WwW. L. aie: ee Be : Be : MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, GEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER croited LATH, MOULDINGS , Lum mbet Co» ata Coast SOUNERS HICH GRADE pacilic ie RED CEDAR SHINGLES Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO — yt Se THE st DEER LUMBER C0. Manufacturers ot SPRUCE LUMBER and LATH me er WEEMS Y Manufacturers of Fir ana Cedar LUMBER Specialty —~—_ >> Red Cedar Shingles Correspondence Solicited = S S SS | 4 rf ie jor W bepaah Wisaed rie WY Sat % es MS te Le Ze | LZ ie tr a Jequiny sonidg 4997 000‘000'0h ynQ Tenuuy . aaa 1and.No.2, Try them — _ . Annual Cut 6,000,000 Spruce Lath. We mean our file of orders, 50 that now we can give you promp shipments on anything. THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SAS Telegraphic Orders can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, Manitoba. * : ave We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO,, LIMITED, VANCOUVER, B. C. LUMBER & SHINGLES 7 Send us your hurry-up orders for shingles. Our new saw mill will soon be in operation; advise us of gour requinemone4 now. ae December 12, 1906 » “i ee iS So x. a ) ‘ ——— THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT, We are now sawing and can take orders for Dimension Timber in all sizes. Also all classes of Building Material. Send us your enquiries. Mec HU Ute Pag RAGA ann - HARDWOOD mo. ee . SIMMON BROS, tr. Office: Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. 329 St. James Street, MONTREAL Aes Pies will Interest You— =A. W. EYER & COT Pe We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. ell fe Ww. EYER a co. e 43 Adelaide SSRONTO, ONT. DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, Inc. WHOLESALE LUMBER iy ~ STOCKS OF PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, ETC., CARRIED IN CANADA. Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. +. oe TT" E1. Apply at once to John Harrison & Sons Company, Limited . ~ Saw and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. We have a few cars of good No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Lath PRUCE BIRCH ELM RAILWAY TIES eo PRINCESS PINE ASH RATEURAPH POLES CEDAR &eo., Or, &ec B. toh EFIR B.C, CEDAR a Lame in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. 7 nd up, 11” x 11” and up, for sale at a low price for immediate delivery. «JAMES J. MURPHY, °° shitting" QUEBEC ee HARDWOOD FLOORING 3 HARDWOOD LUMBER | WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. THE SEAMAN KENT CoO., Limited | Factory, Meaford, Ont. 160 Bay St. Toronto ee aE DES. CURRY & CO., Limited. ef LUMBER MERCHANTS. - Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers 01 “Ontario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Ambherst, N.S. - AUGER & SON. ‘i Wanted to Buy he A lena Million Feet ; Lumber in car load : : lots. In grades red face 6 Mutts having eed ool toe WRITE firsts and seconds and common in all thick- nesses. a son and quick hin: T. ae B Al LI E ment. Box 268 - NORTH BAY, ONT. MANUFACTURERS WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES. “don! 24. $unaingl ORONTO, Ont. Muxts t French River, Bay ee Mt. R. ‘Delivery Water A BER Cina CANABA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION OUR SPECIALTY | Wit es CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS SS R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CO. es TORONTO l BUFFALO PEDWELL & LEMCKE, ‘".""" Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. SARNIA MANUFACTURERS OF . Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE, PLAYEFATR & WHITH s Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH « SHINGLES Contractors for a wen thee BILL TIMBER a Specialty . MIDLAND, ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & GO. cris” Manufacturers and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Life Chambers, TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244, Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, S It UOur WISH. . y To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY SECOND-HAND MACHINERY => An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a buyer or Sell the case may be. ddtesa Sgleg c The ee Lumberman, Torento MANUFACTURERS OF White and Red Pine : Lumber and Lath Water Shipments he Cook & Bros. LumberCo. ? of Ontario, Limited | MILLS zi SPRAGGE, algema. siete Ont. **$00" Branch Cc. | Manning Arcade, Toronto ° hades oa Building, Montreal. nd at Mills at Spragge. OFFICES 2S | HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK %, %, %. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY ; OWBN SOUND, ONT. We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, Birch. Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Tes, and Cedar Poles FOR SALE | (— Quebec _ MATTSON. Linnew AND QUESNELLE FARM LANOS PaERE PROPERTY AND LON ie WHOLESALE LUM Bi JOHN MATTSON © W.S.LINNELL” LAND =e MF DLQUESNEWE GimecA | 4 = MAN, ! i i (ieee eee weno Fr Fr eal WE a a < s H ee. sn Fi em Nee Ds neice TN = o~ ee 7 ae WA TS ae -“ — Ps S/S PS - Free: oie a : a 5 Ey Sr eee vin CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION _ December 12 ass. LLL Lf ttt‘ = = OBES UOOUO OOM The Parry Sound riumabet fier aon i J. B. MILLER, President. W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. Manufacturers of x S ROUGH and DRESSED PINE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Etc. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at PARRY SOUND, ONT. J} f~) SIrGARGIRS, OOOOOe ) ) o ) \ (~) (~) oO Head Office: Traders Bank Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main 1016 Telegraph Codes: Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. Gy) PO ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. eo ee N/ N ee Dx6 DEOL RIO LD odECOOE, wc ie BN OF2OT SEES CEE EN CES ES FELBER, JUCKER & CO, | WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER | J, D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED | Planing, Matching, Resawing Lumber Importers ROSSFO PULP WOGD ip sl One Manufacturer of ° MANCHESTER ENGLAND 2 Spies Doors, Sash, dean cei Invite lumbermen, able to cut Bi- ch St. Gabriel Lumber Co. LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES End-Matchd HARDWOOD FLO squares 7 [84 x 7/8” up to 34 x 34 for Limited pees ee en oe Pipes eats and Bored ! plod an. "LA spool making, to write for specifica- St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que, | etc. All Dremel Lumber Kiln Dried if Genired Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quantity tions. Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. Eud Matched Flooring «'Spectalty J. R. EATON - Or Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER COOD PINE SIDINCS A SPECIALTY Conréapondetste Auten BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS FARNWORTH & JARDINE ‘SMITH & TYRER - 1 ihean sie, = : [Wood Brok : sand Measurers | _. WOOD AGENTS... — ; -Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. bie). Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.2 Dale 8t., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG Halifax, N.S., Office—SMITH, TYRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% cou PARES a = SE SEE ET STS TT — F. A. Lightbody & Co. GANT @ KEMP @ TIMBER on WC OOD BROKERS 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW &B R 0 KERS ‘*TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., A1, “Zebra and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Cable Address : “ TECTONA” Glasgow. Shipments handled to the best advantage to ali ports *n the United Kinedor Correspondence Solicited Ar and A B C Codes used. EO es NO A eR eae cate ene a MS Te ALN eS Ee | OUIS BAMBERGER, * *zaxcss"2'2"*"© | JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD, | sxzanituserme Lo: Rock oe Logs and Planks, IMPORTER OF Telegraphic Address Spee London.’ > Rock Elm Logs. 4 Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods Timber Importers | "7" | arso.. . a | RS SO Se . Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS | Cable Address ‘Owen Ltverpool’’ Liverpool, Bug. | Wood Goods subalis, for | thet ms JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER! ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS BUYERS OF Ss. its. Stivieg usemes "er at) Gpperipinens |) Uy StRoe! ans LObdee ea LIVERPOOL, ENGLA Veneers A Gpecte.Ktw CABLE !ADDRESS 4“,DOBLE} {LIVERPOOL \y “~ ~ z . NADA LUMBERM AND WOOD-WORKER WEEKLY EDITION The Lumberman Monthly Edition, 44 pages} $1.00 PER YEAR {The Lumberman Weekly Edition, evry week. REACHES REGULARLY MANUFACTURERS, BUYERS AND SELLERS OF TIMBER PRODUCTS IN EVERY PART OF CANADA AND LEADING IMPORTERS ABROAD = Vou. XIV TORONTO MONTREAL - DECEMGER 10, 1906 — WINNIPEG VANCOUVER SS No, 41. ~ (anapa LLuMBERMAN PUBLISHED BY The G. H. Mortimer Publishing Go’y of Toronto, Limited Confederation Life Building - TORONTO. Branch Office: Room B34, Board of Trade Building, Montreal, Telephone Main 2299. 4y2f-721 Union Pank Building, Winnipeg, Telephone 1274. Davis Chambers, 615 Hastings St., Vancouver, B.¢., Telephone 2248. The Weekly Lumberman — Published every Wednesday, contains reliable and up-to-date re- rts of market conditions and tendencies in the iucipal manufacturing districts and leading mestic and foreigy wholesale markets. A weekly mediuni of information and communica- tion hetween Canadian timber and lumber manu- facturers and exporters and the purchasers of timber products at home and abroad. The Month'y ‘umberman— A 44-page journal, discussing fully and impartially subjects perti- nent to the lumber and wood-working industries, WANTED AND FOR SALE Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion. When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 o’clock p.m on Tuesdav to insure insertion in the current week’s issue : > Hees yov ANY STOCK YOU WISH TO sell? Tf so make the fact known to prob- able buvers by Macing an advertisement in the “Wanted and Fer Sale Department.’ Address CANADA LUMBERMAN, Tororto. R SALF—A OUANTITY OF LUMBER, Hemlock. Spruce Pine. Basswood Birch, Ash alec Lath Communicate with THE Sawnp LAKF LuMPER Co., Nipissing. Ont. WANTED—WHITE PINE AND BASSWOOD. “A LSOW C SHINGI FS AND POSTS ON commission in southern and central Ili- nois. Raymoxnp W. IrvINE, Commission lum- ber, Centralia. I1!. i WANTED ARGFE OTANTITY 4/4 GOOD T,0G RUN Rasewood: a quantity of Soft Flm cut 1-1/8” and 1-%”. Also Rirch Lumber in all grades. THOS OvFLLETT? LUMBER Co.,85 Home Bank Bidg., Detroit. Mich. BIRCH FOR SALE. Wwe HAVF THF FOLLOWING RFD RTRCH Lumber, Mill Pun, Mill Culle out: band sawn closely edged and trimmed and in good shipring conditicn: cut last winter and spring: 354,000 414” x 4” and up x 6/14’ 140,000 8/4” es a _ y2n.0n0 614” ** pat Pe ~ 16s.-00 84” * “s “ eae 900 12h” at ae «ae The HuRDMAN-ELMITT LUMBER CoMPARY, Limited. Ottawa, Ont. - WANTED ‘BASSWOOD “ i SOFT ELM ROCK ELM MAPLE oo sf NLOGS.LUMBER AND DIMFNSION SIZFS for immediate shipment and also for ship- _ment through coming winter and spring. Cash and inspection at shinping points: please quate prices fo.b. cars. Address W. J. GorDon, “Box 295, Windsor, Ont. 2 : » El ree IY £pot . ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. StmcozE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade. Toronto. ANTED ALL KINDS OF DRY LUMBER and to contract for coming cut of white pine, hemlock and spruce. CHARLES P. READ, No. 34 Victoria street. Toronto. ORSALE—TIMBERLIMITS CONTAINING 100 million feet of British Columbia's best Pine. Larchand Fir. For particulars apply to MAayYooxk LUMBER Co, Mayovk, B. C. ANTED—CHIEF ENGINEER FOR SAW Mi'l, running night and day. Apply with references to Eppy Bros. & Co, Ltp., Blind River, Ont. ONNFCTIONS WANTED WITH MILL. or lumber merchants to supply mill run, (culls out), Nova Scotia white pine and spruce in cargo lots forexport Cash prices. Apply Box No, 436 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. ANTED—PRACTICAL PLANING MILL manager with three to five thousand to CEDAR FENCE POSTS. : WV ANTED: 4o,coo GOOD SOUND PEFLED Cedar Fence Posts, 4%” and up at top, eight feet long. state quantity you can supply and l>west price. C. A. L4RKIN, 40 Confedera- tion Life Building Toronto. WANTED \ THITF ASH AND ROCK FLM IN LOGS and Planks deli ery during coming win- ter and summer alto Hard Maple and Rirch Squares 8” hy 27” Inng green, also dry Hard Maple Boards cut 1x7” x 46’. Write us for further particulars. RoRERT Bury & Co., Lock Box 268, Teeswater, Ont. \ ANTED—FOR IMMEDIATE DETIVERY fifty thousand feet of 2” Hard Maple three to five cars of 1” Cull Rasswond one hundred thousand feet of 1” Rasswood C. & B., half car of 2” Rasswood, half car 1” Basswoed. State quantity vou can supp'y. point of shipment and lowest price. MANUFACTURERS’ LUMBER CO., Stratford, Ont. NBER FOR S Estimated quantities of dry stock on hand at Bracebridge ready for immediate shipment, 11,895 feet 1” Basswood Log Run. 41,210 feet 1” Birch Log Run. 7,700 feet x” Birch Cull. ' 9,800 feet 4x 4, 5 x 5, 6x 6, Birch Squares. 4,560 feet 1” Pine Log Run 15,080 feet 1” Hemlock Sidings, 10 ft Lengths 14,416 feet v” So io ft , 12 ft. Lengths. ‘7,095 feet 1” 14 ft Lengths. 6,690 feet 1” Of 16ft Leneths. 980 feet 1” Ww ‘to ft.to 16 tt. Length. 47.586 feet 1 x 6-10 to 16 ft Hemlock. 43,824 feet x x 8-10 to 16 tt Hemlock. 11,840 feet 1 x 10-10 to 16 ft. Hemlock. 9,120 feet 2 x 4-12 Hemlock. 12,160 feet 2 x 4-14 Hemlock. 10,488 feet 2 x 6-12 Hemlock. 6,766 feet 2 x 6-14 Hemlock. 4,600 feet 2 x 6-16 Hemlock. 10,080 feet 2 x 8-12 Hemlock. 13,173 feet 2x 8-14 Hemlock, 36,360 feet 2 x 8.16 Hemlock. 57,020 feet 2 x 10-12 Hemlock. 11,848 feet 2 x 10-14 Hemlock. 43,651 feet 2 x 10-16 Hemlock 52,080 feet 2 x 4-10-10 and 12 ft. 496,022 feet total. The abceve is offered subject to prior sale en block or single car lots. Priceson Application, The Boake Manufacturing Co., Ltd. \ Howland Avenue, Toronto, WANTED—APPLEWOOD LUMBER. AD- dress, I, W. SEvMoour, Box No. 740, Co- Timber Tracts Bought and Sold. Waruvs.& PALMER, 851 Ellicott Square, Buffalo, - N.Y. W ANTED 3%’ HARD MAPLE; 6/4 AND 2” White Ash: 2” Rock Elmalldry 1” and 2” Tamarac to be sawn this winter. R. E. K1Ns- MAN LUMBER CO., LTD., Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE ORTABLE SAW MILL, CAN BE_ SEEN running any day this year. Box 4, Bothwell, Ontario. poy ; WANTED ARD HOOP PLANER. Bothwell, Ont: BOX NO. 4, ANTED--PINE, HEMLOCK AND SPRUCE. Wil! contract for coming season’s cut. Send particulars of what you will have to LEAK & CoMPaANny, Aberdeen Chambers, Toronto. ANTED—FOR SA WING SFASON OF 1907 mediate shipment in one or more lots. CARTER, POWELL J,AND & LUMBER Co., Limited, Toronto. UMBER SALFSMAN HAVING TRADE connection in Ontario would like to get a BFRMAN, Toronto, OR SALE -SEVERAL LUMBER YARDS, apply. Fullinformation on application, No. 435. CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO Not much new business is being placed at the present time, but the mills are still busy filling orders. Stocks are considerably broken and some difficulty is being experienced ‘on that account. The tone of the market is exceptionally strong, with indications that there will be no weakening during the winter months. Contracts for next seas- on’s production are now receiving consideration, and we understand that a few of the mills have already sold at an advace over the prices at which the past year’s cut was dis- posed of. Dealers are showing considerable eagerness to close contracts, but the manufacturers are disposed to wait until the extent of the log production can be more accurately estimated. Offers have been made varying from two to four dollars higher than the ruling prices for the 1906 cut. Even this has not been sufficient to tempt the manufacturers to sell, wnich is evidence that no decline in prices is anticipated. Enquiries for red pine appear to be getting more numerous, and, with no break in the general lumber market, stock is likely to find a ready sale. There is a good consumption of hard- woods for factory purposes, and if the log production this winter should be on conservative lines, as now seems probable, present prices should improve somewhat. EASTERN CANADA. Firmness characterizes the lumber market of Eastern Canada. -In Montreal the demand for building material has-been so heavy that the stocks in retail yards are badly broken, and during the winter months it is probable that advances will be made on certain items which are found to be generally scarce. The outlook for New Bruaswick - and Nova Scotia spruce isconsidered good. One large firm have advised us that they have already received orders which will cover to a large extent their entire cut for next season. Spruce is not high, and considering the cost of logging, present prices should at least be maintained. New Brunswick shingles are not showing much activity, although sales are still being made for Boston delivery on the basis of $3.60 for Extras. Earlier in the season the weather — was not favorable for logging opera- tions, but the recent cold weather, © accompanied by snow, has made conditions for both skidding and hauling about perfect. Present indications are that the production of logs in new Brunswick and Nova Scotia will be slightly less than last season. WESTERN CANADA. - Unfavorable weather has checked the consumption of lumber in west- ern Canada, but the situation in respect to prices is still very strong. The manufacturers of British Colum- bia have just decided upon a further advance owing to the great scarcity and excessive cost of logs. The ruling price for fir logs is $13 and as high as $15 has been paid, — I al CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY’ EDITION December 19, 1906 ———— eS een which makes it absolutely necessary to advance lumber prices if the manufacturer is to show a profit on his‘ operations. Shingle bolts are also scarce andit is understood that most of the shingle mills on the Coast will shut down shortly for a period of a month or six weeks. As asimilar shut down has been decided upon by the Washington mills, the production of shingles will be greatly curtailed and _ still higher prices may result. UNITED STATES. Notwithstanding that this is the quiet season, lumber prices continue to hold strong and in some instances have been advanced. The white pine manufacturers of Minnesota, for instance, have recommended the following advances: 2x10 and 2x12, 50 cents ; 2x14, $1.50. All 4-inch boards, 50 cents ; all 6-inch boards, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, $1. Eight-inch, 10-inch and 12-inch boards, No. 1, 50 cents. Wide No. 1 boards, $2. Ejight-inch No. 2, $1; 10-inch No. 2, $1. Twelve- inch No. 2, $150. Wide No. 2, $2. Eight-inch No. 3, 10-inch No. 3, 12-inch No. 3 and wide No. 3, $1. No. 4 boards, 50 cents. The demand for box material is quite urgent, which has brought about an advance of about $1 per thousand. Buffalo and Tonawarda dealers are carrying about the same amount of stock as last winter. They report some buying for Jan- uary shipment, but there is a dis- position to defer purchases until after the turn of the year. The demand for spruce is not as active as a few weeks ago, but prices are firm and likely to remain around the present basis for the next few weeks. The hardwood trade shows continued strength. In Wisconsin and Michigan the heaviest call is for birch and basswood, followed by maple and elm. The Hardwood Mauufacturers’ Association of the United States have recommended a new list, showing a number of advances, in which log run soft elm is placed at $22.50 for one-inch and’ $24 for 14% and 1¥%-inch; log run soft maple, $22 for one-inch and $24 for 1 to 2-inch ; and No. 1 common paacwenel $25 for one-inch, $27 for 144 and 1%-inch, and $28 for 2-inch. GREAT BRITAIN The British lumber market is steady but very uninteresting, as the financial stringency has elimin- ated for the present and buying he- yond actual requirements. Con- sumption is also unsatisfactory and importers are consequently not anxious to increase their stocks. It is fortunate that the imports for the past season were light, as sup- plies are now about as large as the market can stand. .The stock of Quebec pine deals at Liverpool, Birkenhead and Garston is 9,920 standards, compared with 14,150 standards a year ago. This is a substantial decrease, but cn the other hand the stock of New Bruns- wick spruce deals is larger by 4,000 standards. The market for birch is still weak and until the present ac- cumulation is considerably reduced | no decided change may be expected. The figures concerning the stock on hand are conclusive evidence in this respect. The stock of birch logs at Liverpool is 108,000 cubic cubic feet, compared with 8,000 feet a year ago, and of birch planks 158,000 cubic feet against 32,000 cubic feet a year ago. Manchester has a stock of 162,000 cubic feet of Birch planks, while a year ago it was only 18,000 -cubic feet. The price for Quebec birch, as quoted by Alfred Dobell & Com- pany, is 1s. 8d. to 2s. 2d. per cubic foot. STOCKS AND PRICES. The Moulthrop Lumber Com- pany, of John Island, Ont., are re- E beg to announce to the trade that we have been appointed Canadian Agents for GEORGE W. STONEMAN & CO. GHICACO -and will handle their full line of Veneers. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock Lumeer & Mec Co. WOODSTOCK, ONT- TE WE WANT TO BUY 1%", 2” and 3, gt é 1%", » Rock Elm, tsts and 2nds. 14" and 2” Chestnut, . 1”, 1%", 1%” and 2” Butternut, ne THE M°&LENNAN LUMBER CO., LIMITED, MONTREAL, le ported to have sold one-half of their cut of next season. Buffalo received to the end of November of this year 185,758,000 feet of lumber, a AS 1575331,000, t feet to same date last season by lake. Shingle receipts were 239,520,- 000, and 279,415,000 respectively. COOPERAGE STOCK. Business during October and November, says the Sutherland- Innes Company, of Chatham, Ont., has brightened up _ considerably, and there has been considerable demand for all classes of cooperage stock. There was quite a little spurt in October in apple barrel stock, but it is now over, the freeze at the end of October having hurt the apples that were still unpicked to such an extent that there are only very few sections where they are being barreled. Both flour barrel and sugar barrel stock is in good demand, with very little offered on the market. High- grade stock is especially hard to obtain, and there seems to be very little on hand to offer. No. 2 staves are also in fair demand, much better than they have been through the preceding months of the year. The demand for hoops has _ natu- rally slackened off somewhat on account of the apple barrel stock demand being over ; but still there is a fairly good demand for hoops, and at prices that are remunerative to the manufacturers. No. 1theading is particularlyscarce, and there does not appear to be enough to satisfy the demand. The lower grades of heading are also in fairly good demand, and there is not such a scarcity as there is in No. 1 stock. Take it all around, stocks at the THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, MANUFACTURERS: Py Lumber, Hardwood Flooring, Handles, Poles, Bed Frame Stock, Cheese Box Hoops, Heading, Baskets, Etc. . . Write, Telegraph or Telephone your orders Orillia, Ont. McLennan Timber Land and LUMDEP GO., timite Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers OFFICES) Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. TELEGRAPH POLES” WANTED We buy all lengths in lots of 500 and up delivered a at R. R.siding Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your cedar into poles it will net you more than you can get out of itin any other way J . B. FARWELL & SON BANCROFT. ONT, RENFREW ONT. OSWECO N.Y, different mills are lighter than they have been for two years, and there — will be no relief until the new stock — comes in in the spring, with the exception of hoops, which will be made more or less during the winter. It is not likely that any of the mills~ will stock up heavily this winter to make cooperage stock, _ but those who are equipped for lumbering will only run cooperage stock as a sideline, unless they can obtain very much higher prices — than they have done for scme time — a past, as lumber brings a good deal more money. Tight barrel stock of all kinds — continues in excellent demand, and stock is very light. The export demand is especially heavy on account of the good wine crop i tinue for some time. . On the whole the outlook f DETROIT COLUMN u & MANUFACTURING be COMPANY © et The largest and most extensive Ma facturers and Shippers of COLONIA COLUMNS AND COMPOSITION — CAPITALS in the United Site Write for prices and~ discounts. 5 ic DETROIT - MICHICA Style No. 27 Style Stier a We have the most perfect fitting LOCK-JOINT COLUMN made. Write for Catalogue and prices. =, 4 WE FURNISH COLUMNS IN ANY SIZE OR LENGTH % December 19, 1906> a : stock is better than it has been for two years, and, provided that the' _ demand keeps up manufacturers will be able to place their outputs - next season at fairly remunerative prices. ae : BRITISH COLUMBIA LETTER. ae as — of the Canaba LUMBERMAN.) a rors Vancouver, B. C., December 238. each, 1906.—‘‘Conditions in the ea | lumber -industry are serious just ee “now,” was the remark this morning ofa ‘Wwell- known local millman. ‘‘In a shingles, bolts are so scarce that = the prices are soaring, and as high as $5.50 is being paid. There is 4 no established price, for if they are wanted badly a man has to pay. Ate Because of the various conditions, ‘city of labor, being one, the ‘ mills will all close from December - 22nd until the end of January. The shingle mills on the other side of - the line will be closed for even a _ longer period. . ‘**Prices of -shingles, too, have been raised 15 cents all round. This makes the XXX brand $2.20. The prices are now about ona par with those prevailing in Washing- > «* Etomstate. “In the lumber part of the in- dustry, it is a question what. we are going to do about logs. The regular price now is $13 per thou- ‘sand, while $10 was thought high less than a year ago. | know . _ imstances of where $15 has been paid. Of course, there is but one sequel to this, and that is an in- crease in the lumber prices. With logs at even $13 it is not a profit- able business to be supplying rough -’ lumber at $16, and when the Associ- 2 ation meets on Thursday afternoon next an advance will be the most important subject discussed. It will very probably be made.”’ A feature of the export trade in lumber just now is the quantity . which is being shipped to San Francisco. It is also an indication ; of the great demand when Puget ‘Sound mills cannot supply what is _ required. The steamer Bessie Dollar i is taking three million feet ae ey CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION from Chemainus, and the steamer Duneric will arrive this week to load a million and a quarter feet at the Hastings mill. Mr. Palmer, manager of the Victoria Lumber and Manufacturing Co., at Chemainus, states that about 70,000,000 feet was cut at his establishment this year, most of which was exported. During the season he has had to import logs from Bellingham at a cost of $13.10 per thousand laid down at Che- mainus, but the greatest handicap was the scarcity of loggers. Owing to this reason, contracts for logs, for the mill could not be filled. Owing to the high price ot logs, there was little profit.in lumber, and his company has not paid a dividend in its fifteen years of operations at Chemainus. Of course, its interests have largely been increased during that time. D. B. Brooks, M. J. Scanlon, of Minneapolis, and W. H. McWil- liams, of Winnipeg, of the Brooks- Scanlon Lumber Company, are in the city to-day. Mr. Scanlon stated to your correspondent that they were out to buy some desirable mill property. The Rat Portage Com- pany’s mill at Harrison has been under their consideration, and since arriving in the city on Fri- day evening they had been looking at the mill of the Pacific Coast Lumber Company in Vancouver. He stated that no deal had yet been completed. An instance of the extention of the operations of the large Ameri- can companies which have lately come to British Columbia is the purchase of 22,000 acres. of timber near Vernon by the Elk River Lumber and Manufacturing Com- pany, of Fernie. The company will build a mill on the main line of the C. P. R., near Sicamous to cut .this timber. The B. F. Graham Lumber Com- pany, composed of New Mexico and California capitalists, will build a mill at Port Renfrew, Vancouver Island, which will cut for export. The Weller Sills Co., Limited BELLEVILLE, ONT. Timber and Lumber Dealers \ A SPECIALTY IN Long Timbers, both Pine, S$ Soft Wood and Hardwood “MASON, GORDON & CoO. Z B80 St. Francis Stevie’ Street e “oe LUMBER and TIMBER 3 2k _ Car and Cargo Lots Only te “speci Rimcantch Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, YELLOW PINE or OAK. _ Resawing, st ‘Machinery. NiGHT BROTHERS CO. TIMITED © _Burk’s Falls, ase. ORILLIA, ONTARIO ‘Best equipped mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Making. Hardwood Flooring, Hollow Back, Bored, End Matched, Polished and Bundled. Best Workmen. KILNDRIED BIRGH FLOORING MONTREAL, QUE. Correspondence Solicited. ae “PLANING IN TRANSIT” THE TAIT- CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited Kiln Dried, Send us a trial car PRICES OF B.C. LUMBER INCREASE On the 13th inst. prices of British Columbia Lumber were advanced from two to three dollars per thousand. The cause assigned for the advance is the scarcity of logs, the scarcity and high price of labor for the camps. HARDWOODS ARE STRONG. - The trade in hardwood is fairly satisfactory, says the Hardwood Record, with light stocks of dry lumber in dealers’ hands and a much firmer range of prices than obtained earlier in the season. Not a great deal of ash is produced here this year and it has command- ed a ready sale. Maple is doing better. During: the early months either two.much maple was pro- duced or there was not enough of it wanted, and it was the weakest commodity in the hardwood sit. But later in the season it bright- ened up and it is now in greater favor. Beech has done well and is quoted about $1.00 a thousand better than during the early months. There is also a better movement in birch, which was neglected early in the year. There is a good call for basswood and prices have materially improved. There is every prospect of a diminution of the output of Michigan and Wisconsin hardwoods during the coming winter and, as it is well known, dry stock on hand being short, there will be a scramble for mafle, birch, elm and beech be- fore there is any new stock on the market. Generally speaking the entire hardwood lumber situation is ° strong. TIMBER LIMIT TRANSACTIONS. It is learned that the purchaser of the timber limit sold recently by William Potter & Sons, of Totten. ham, Ont., was J. H. Kratz, of Vineland. The timber is situated about four miles north of Schom- berg, and is known as the Coffey Oak bush. It contains about ninety tii acres, on which it is estimated there is 600,000 feet of white oak, 6c0,- 000 ft. rock elm, 300,000 ft. of white pine, and 500,000 feet of mixed timber, a total of 2,000,000 feet. The purchaser intends putting a mill on the property and manufactur- ing the timber. A timber deal is in prospect which will probably mean the establish- ment of still another saw mill tor the west coast of Vancouver Island —at Sooke. Seattle capitalists are seeking to purchase from the C. P. R. eleven miles of timber limits on the Sooke River. The deal would have been completed some time ago but for a disagreement with regard to the purchasers’ rights.on the Sooke River, where it runs through the property. The capita- lists, if the negotiations are succes- fully concluded, will run their logs on the Sooke River and it is stated their intention is to erect asawmill at the village of Sooke or there- abouts. . F. Holden, Pres. a Goff, Vice-Pres. J. M. Diver, Gen’1.-Mgr E. C. Barre, Ass’t Mgr The Cleveland-Sarnia Saw Mills Co., Limited. Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers in TIMBER LUMBER ann LAT Special Bills Cut to Order in White Pine and Norway, any length from 10’ to 60° long. SA te ONT THE IMPERIAL LUMBER GO. LimiteD Millis: Branch Offices : Manchester, Eng. LATCHFORD, ONT. North Tonawanda, N. Y. swat GOOD SIDINGS, WHITE PINE, HEMLOCK TORONTO R. H. ROYS, Pres. RALPH LOVELAND, Vice-Pres. ¢ C. A. KENT, Sec'y. R. S. ABBOTT, Treas. SAGINAW, MICH. 0808088400: ONTARIO SAGINAW LUMBER & SALT GO. $ MANUFACTURERE OF | LUMBER AND SALT Mills at Sandwich, Ont. BWeWVEVSVEVSEVSSF -SEBVS*CAAADO Geo. Gordon & Co., Manufacturers of RED and WHITE PINE Band ° Circular vACHE, ss Onis 6 miles West North Bay _ St ot Samples by Gang ‘Send for Catalogue UMBER aso LATH KNIGHT BROTHERSCO LIMITED Burk’s Falis rv. Canada L®MBERMAN WEEKLY Epirion December 19, 1906 * ~B.c. mitts cHance owners | Planing and Matching 2 Cars 2in. Rock Elm - The Pacific Coast Lumber-Co. of ——IN TRANSIT-— Vancouver, has been purchased by Ss POMEROY, illi a local syndicate which includes “PLANING, MATCHING, eng She LONG LUMBER COMPANY, Mayor Buscombe of Vancouver. SIDING, Hp tea MOULDINGS S HAMILTON in r : ts Mr. Geo. McCormick, former man- | factory near Station. TOR tia ian ee anger of this mill, has in company "Phone 113 | with several other Vancouver and : mee Westminster erred pur- Ask Your Ticket Agent BIRCH ror SALE ee oe plant of oe Peete for tickets via the acific Lumber Co. at Port Moody. : ——_—_— WISCONSIN GENTRAL FRAILWAY 200M LIN. 75M 1% IN. 6OM LIN. 100 M 2 IN. B. C. SHINGLE MILLS TO CLOSE DOWN OTTAWA ONTARIO - W. B. BARTRAM & CO. Milwaukee, Chicago and all points : eae It has been unanimously decided ae atl Gate by about nhs ete oe: of the shingle Convenient Trains, Pullman Palace manufacturers of the coast to close and Tourist Sleepers, Free Reclin- down on the 22nd of December and ing chair Cars, Dining Cars. Zev J. & T. CHARLTON to remain closed for about six weeks | For full information address:— in order to give opportunity for the Geo H. Anthony, General Agent, 219 necessary repairs etc, McDermott Avenue, Winnipeg, Man., LUMBE I : and I i * I Ey is li t all of the shingl or It is likely that all of the shingle Jas. O. Pond, G.P.A.. Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. manufacturers will follow suit. Millwaukee, Wis. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. PETES es es a eS a eee PROMPT SHIPMENTS! MARRIOTT & COMPANY VANCOUVER, B. C. We can ship promptly almost anything in British Columbia Fir, Cedar, Hemlock, and usually Spruce. Having ten mills to ship from, possibly we can, give you better service than any other house in the lumber trade. Send us your enquiries, whether for shingles, lumber or timbers, straight or mixed cars, AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE, anp A. B..C., 5TH EDITION. BANKERS—Merchants Bank of Canada. —————— Seen UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS Soft Yellow LUMBER Haeberle Lumber Co. | epee rise Rimeae LUMBER and TIMBER a 4 @ U ie Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling WHITE PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLAS AND TIES. CA IN| California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber Cc A SPALDING & co Yellow Pine Cimber a ape ae mt np : < e e mterior lrim oF! = EA IX CS Al Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH NIAGARA FALLS, N.Y. = THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. | THE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO WHOLESALE HARDWOODS) esrersroae zp wnosna 6 ST. L OUIS YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS RAIL.MAIL J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, WIRE OR j ase 7 HAR DW . PHONE pir Le eee ie ’ 3 OFFICE: i ye 106 Michigan Trust Building GRAND RAPIDS,:- MICHIGAN > Se. €3 a4 5. % =) Follow Pine ee a Snecialty = McCLURE LUMBER CO. ; e Manutacturers | HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS ; A FRANK GC. BURY BURY & NOBLE mason a. noste | . YELLOW PINE AND OAK 27 LUMBER - DETROIT son | Wagon Stock and Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office: No. 520 Franklin Street Cc DETROIT, MICH. } ‘ Send us your inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. —_ apni Mill; RUTAW, ALTA. | : . ; : aa ‘ rns i Sie __ Red Cedar Shingles Correspondence Solicited Pree, Cut 6,000,000 Spruce Lath, sis No. 1 and_No.2. Try them 4 Getting to the Bottom of ite | We mean our file of orders, so that now we can give you os shipments on anything. a THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK A. Telegraphic Orders can.be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, Manitoba. % = We use the American Lumbermen’s Telecode. W. F. HUNTTING LUMBER CO., LIMITED, VANCOUVER, B.C. LUMBER & SHING LES Send us your hurry-up orders for shingles. Our new saw mill will soon be in operation ; 7 Bee us of gour renerremeee now, ; #0; eS ee Ginko LUMBERMAN ‘ WEEKLY EDITION CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS and WHOLESALERS TIE THE PEMBROKE LUMBER CO. PEMBROKE, ONT. SHIP PLANKING A SPECIALTY. = eagtacturers of :: — ~CHOICE PINT AND SPRUCE LUMBER AND DIMENSIONS TIMBER. ‘HARDWOOD FLOORING 9 “."™stet erst rove STHIMON BROS, eee Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. 329 St. James Street, MONTREAL soir Priced will Interest You— We 2 are in the satus and pay the highest cash prices for an kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what you now have to sell. Correspondence with mills solicited. A. Ww. EYER @ CoO. = 43 Adelaide SRONTO, ONT. - DEEAPLANTE. LUMBER GOMPANY, Ino. WHOLESALE LUMBER iS __ STOGKS.OF PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, ETC., CARRIED IN CANADA. - Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Apply at once to ~ John Harrison & Sons evans, Limited Saw and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. - Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED CEDAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAPH FOLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us know your requirements Prompt Shipments. “a ~ We have a few cars of good No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Lath SPRUCE _ BIRCH . ELM RAILWAY TIES Be MLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES : CEDAR &Keo., Go., &o . FIR B.C. CEDAR Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. & and up, 11” x 11” and up, for saleata low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, °° 3.disk" QUEBEC Every lumberman wants it 45 cents buys it -Soribner’s Lumber Log Book Address : _ THE CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto - BREE OF EVERY-DAY cal _ PRACTICAL INFORMATION R HODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. ‘Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. BUILDING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of tario Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. On R. LAIDLAW LUMBER C0. PEDWELL & LEMCKE, oni Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. MANUFACTURERS OF . Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE. PLAYFATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER + LATH + SHINGLES Contractors for nelwey soeniies MIDLAND ONT. BILL TIMBER a Specialty . . MAITLAND, RIXON & C Silents and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty of Long Pine, Cedar and Hemlock Bill Stuff. We ship by C. P. R., G. T. R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chambers, TORONTO, ONT. 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244, Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, S It your Wish. . 9 To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER A MILL PROPERTY : SECOND-HAND MACHINERY => OWEN SOUND, a ONTARIO, An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Will secure for you a Buyer or Seller, as the case may be. Address The Canada Lumberman, Torento he Cook & Bros. Lumber Co. of Ontario, Limited MILLS = SPRAGGE, Algome peo Ont. | MANUFACTURERS OF White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments co **S$o0o0"’ Branch anning Arcade, Toronto Conine Building, Montreal. And at Mills at Spragge. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, ‘BEECH AND OAK ¥%,, 8, 7%, 1% and 13% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY . OWBN SOUND, ONT. OFFICES 2 AUGER ‘& SON Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Short and Long Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwood, We Buy; Sell and Deal in all fads ot Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and a alnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles Quebec 5 — to Buy Sas - One Million Feet FOR SALE Lumber in car load lots. In grades red face firsts and seconds and common in all thick- nesses. BIRCH WRITE “ et BAILIE NORTH BAY, ONT. ; ., stocks for sale write for prices. 7aS and quick ship- MANUFACTURERS AWD SHINGLES. Hons ‘Life Building L ORONTO, Ont. des 1 Water bel oe Bay : “chi anc es bd. R. Telivery oN - gee Pee inane < ‘WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH W.S-LINNELL LAND MATTSON LINNELL AND BNE FARM LANDS eee PROPERTY AND LOANS, WHOLESALE £ WINNIPEG $s, mR Ricca pits nh a a > as Vill. PI NOOO OOOO OOS C5 xGnse)x OQ OOO DO: SOLO OLLIE OASI NO BIGOUGe eo) S OOK (=) The Parry Sound Lumber Co., Limited J. B. MILLER, President. W. B. TINDALL, Secretary-Treasurer. ° C 1ONOw Manufacturers of Ox ROUGH and DRESSED PINE, HEMLOCK » HARDWOOD LUMBER So, )S=T ‘o ) c=} OK =) ce) Co 2S, ) eG SY, ‘ x ~ S i OX Lath, Shingles, Box Shooks, Cedar Telegraph Poles, Etc. Saw Mill, Planing Mill and Box Factory at a | PARRY SOUND, ONT. < \} g 2060) (G0) () So > f-) i , Pay au S 40)5(a9) C9) > C) > C) Head Office: Traders Bank Building, TORONTO Toronto Telephone Main 1016 Telegraph Codes: Lumberman’s Standard ; Anglo-American. 2°, 2, ADDRESS ALL COMMUNICATIONS TO THE COMPANY AT TORONTO. ZS CART OOO S () () ° ANNENS ANN 08ST SESE SEI ey so UNEASE OTA ‘ EX PETRY FELBER, JUCKER & CO. WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER | ¢. D. SHIBR LUMBER CO., LIMITED Planing, Matching, Resawin BRACEBRIDGE, ONT. in : Lumber Importers ROSSEO PULP WOSD on ee -. eanedtactoren (Ghee TER ENGLAND 4 ee Doors, Sash, Mouldings, Ceil eS aereiroeh able to cut Bi ch St. Gabriel Lumber Co. LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES end-metend HARDWOOD FL d Bored ‘ f ‘squares 7/8” x 7/8" up to 3” x 3” for Limited ep 2nd Basco nr an pet tatib psi spool making, to write for specifica- St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que, | etc. All Dressed Lumber Kiln Dried if desired Lumber Kiln Dried in Any Quanti tions. Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. End Matched Flooring a Specialty. Is R. EATON - i113 ¥ Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER cooD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY ace » ices wick BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS pesworn & SMITH & TYRER - \4 Tithebarn Street, LIVE [Wood Bor : Sand Measures | ..WOOD AGENTS.. Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Halifax, N.S., Office—SmMITH, TYRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% Barrington at ‘ * > ole Cable Address “Farnworth,” Liverpeel.2 Dale st., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENC i = ete F. A. Lightbody & Co. GANT & KEMP g TIMBEL WOOD BROKERS | : AUFE Cable WOOL GLASGOW. EXO B. @ , Aa, “Zebra and Private. 52 St. Enoch Sauare, GLASGOW ' ; = . Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. alls Aen © Ce Glasgow. NLe ‘Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports on the United Kingdom Correspondence Solicited and A B C Codes used. j OUIS BAMBERCER, «su EM OE BIG, LD nit a 8. Rock Maple Logs Planks. Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Rock Bim Loree = = ae IMPORTER OF amt s Hickory Logs. Advertisements will be inserted in this depart- ment at the rate of 15 cents per line each insertion, When four or more consecutive insertions are ordered a discount of 25 per cent. will be allowed. This notice shows the width of the line and is set in Nonpareil type; 12 lines make oneinch. Ad- vertisements must be received not later than 4 o'clock p. m. on Tuesday to insure insertion in the current week’s issue Ht YoU ANY STOCK YOU WISH TO seH? If somake the fact known to prob- able buyers by placing an advertisement in the “Wanted and For Sale Department.’’ Address CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. OR SALE—A QUANTITY OF LUMBER, Hemlock, Spruce. Pine, Basswood, Birch, Ash, also Lath. Communicate with THE Sarp LAKE LUMBER Co., Nipissing, Ont. Roe SALE—A SAW MILL SITUATED AT St. Gabriel de Brandon, Que.,with 3,500,000 feet of Pine and Spruce logs. Address to E. BEAUCHEMIN, St. Gabriel de Brandon, Quebec. Capacity of mill, 35,000 feet per day WANTED ‘|e QUANTITY 4/4 GOOD LOG RUN |. Basswood; a quantity of Soft Elm cut 1-1/8” and 1-%”. Also Birch Lumber in all grades. ‘THOS. OUELLETTE LUMBER Co., 85 Home Bank Bidg., Detroit, Mich. BIRCH FOR SALE. WE HAVE THE FOLLOWING RED BIRCH _ YV Lumber, Mill Run, Mill Culls out; band sawn, closely edged and trimmed and in good shipping condition; cut last winter and spring: _ ~ 354,000 4/4” x 4” and up x 6/14’ “140,000 5/4” Me a "120,000 6/4” “ “ +“ i 165, “00 8/4” ‘ “ o eerie ae + ae “ * The HURDMAN-ELmMITT LUMBER COMPANY, ed, Ottawa, Ont. i WANTED SWOOD _ SOFT Sar tM An ELM Dy * 5 5 att LOGS, LUMBER AND DIMENSION SIZES for immediate shipment and also for ship- it through coming winter and spring. pot sh and inspection at shipping points; please ote prices f.o.b. cars, Address W. J. GorDoN, 295, Windsor, ont. ANTED — TEN THOUSAND CORDS Hard and Soft Wood; also same quantity of Slabs. SImcozE Woop AND LUMBER Co., 52 Yonge Street Arcade, Toronto. \ X JANTED—ALL, KINDS OF DRY LUMBER and to contract for coming cut of white pine, hemlock and spruce. CHARLES P. READ, No. 34 Victoria street, Toronto. | Saas SALE—TIMBERLIMITS CONTAINING 100 million feet of British Columbia's best Pine, Larch and Fir. For particulars apply to MAYOOK LUMBER Co., Mayouk, B. C. ANTED—CHIEF ENGINEER FOR SAW Mill, running night and day. Apply with references to Eppy Bros, & Co., Ltp., Blind River, Ont. OR SALE—BY TENDER—CLOSED JANU- ary 31st. 1907, all standing timber on lot?s, con. 5, West Flamboro; maple, beech, basswood, elm, pine; with or without roo acres. Box 20, Linton, Ont. ONNECTIONS WANTED WITH MILL or lumber merchants to supply mill run, (culls out), Nova Scotia white pine and spruce in cargo lots for export. Cash prices.” Apply Box No. 436 CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. CEDAR FENCE POSTS. WANTED, 40,000 GOOD SOUND PEELED Cedar Fence Posts, 4%” and up at top, eight feet ‘long, state quantity you can supply and lowest price. C. A. LARKIN, 40 Cuntedere. tion Life Building, Toronto. WANTED \ HITE ASH AND ROCK ELM IN LOGS and Planks, delivery during coming win- ter and summer, also Hard Maple and Birch Squares 5” by 27” long, green, also dry Hard Maple Boards cut 1x7” x46”. Write us for further particulars. RoBERT BurRY & Co., Lock Box 268, Teeswater, Ont. ANTED—FOR IMMEDIATE DELIVERY, fifty thousand feet of 3” Hard Maple.three to five cars of 1”'Cull Basswood, one hundred thousand feet of 1” Basswood, C.& B., half car of 2” Basswood,”"half*car 1” Basswood. State quantity you can supply, point of shipment and lowest price. MANUFACTURERS’ LUMBER CO., Stratford, Ont. LING FOR S Feet. 2x 4- Stor 135,589 2% 4-14,to 16 46,480 2x 6-12 714,064 2X 6-14 85,154 2x 6-16 37,936 2x 6to 12-8 to 10 feet 445492 2x 6to 12-20 to 24 feet 34,912 2x 8-12 103,936 2x 8-14- 54,432 2x 8-16 17,504 2X 10-12 . 97,500 2X 10-14 539456 2X 10-16 65,253 2X 12-12 62,376 2X 12-14 28,924 2x 12-16 44,128 2x 4to 12-8 to 18 551830 1 x 6 to 16 foot Sidings 4” to 12” 83,105 1X 6-12 17,292 IX 6-14 9,387 1x 6-16 8,344 1x 6to12-18 3,000 1x 8-12 17,640 1X 10-12 8,400 1x 8-14 8,625 rx 8-16 8,108 1 X 10 and 12-16 5:040 IX 12-12 2,628 1X 10-14 4,368 1X 12-14 ~ 14470 1” - 6 foot to 16 foot culls 118,602 The above Hemlock is fairly dry and now ready for shipment. Bracebridge freight rate. The Boake Manufacturing Co., Ltd. - Howland Avenue, Toronto. ees No. 42. WANTED—APPLEWOOD LUMBER. AD- dress, L. W. SEymour, Box No. 740, Co- LuMbBvs, Ohio. ANTED, 3%” HARD MAPLE; 6/4 AND 2” White Ash; 2” Rock Elm alldry. 1” and 2” Tamarac to be sawn this winter. R. E. K1Ns- MAN LUMBER CO., LTD., Hamilton, Ont. FOR SALE ORTABLE SAW MILL, CAN BE SEEN running any day this'year. Box 4, Bothwell, Ontario, WANTED ARD HOOP PLANER. BOX NO. 4, Bothwell, Ont. ANTED—POSITION ASLUMBER SALES- man or inspector, experienced, strictly - temperate, first-class references. Apply Box 432, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto. Vg) Geyer ance Sella pci et AND SPRUCE. Will contract for coming season’s cut. Send particulars of what you will have to LEAK & CoMPany, Aberdeen Chambers, Toronto. ANTED—FOR SAWING SEASON OF 1907 two band sawyers, four setters, four edger- men, four trimmermen. Address PRINCE AL- BERT LUMBER Co. LTp., Prince Albert, Sask. ANTED—200,000 FEET C &- B_ BASS- wood 1”, also 100,000 feet 1%”, 114”, im- mediate shipment in one or more lots. CARTER, POWELL LAND & LUMBER Co,, Limited, Toronto. cash or lumber. t 27 Stack, STEVENS, HEPNER Co., Limited, Port Elgin, Ont. ex nae SALESMAN HAVING TRADE connection in Ontario would like to get a stock of lumber and shingles to sell on com- mission. References. Box 433, CANADA LuM- BERMAN, Toronto, OR SALE-SEVERAL LUMBER YARDS, best district in Saskatchewan, yielding profit four to six thousand yearly. Four to six thousand cash handles, none but principals need apply. Fullinformation on application. Box No, 435, CANADA LUMBERMAN, Toronto, - WANTED LUMBER BUYER WANTED WE WANT TO FIND A RELIABLE CLOSE buyer of lumber. Someone that can travel thoroughly and diligently amongthe numerous small mills east of Montreal, purchasing their complete cuts, especially Pine, Basswood and Spruce. Address R. J. RoGERS LUMBER Co., Geneva, N. Y. 6 ACRES (BLOCK) VALUABLE TIM- 2 I bered and rich agricultural Jand, ad- joming Station at Isbester, together with general store, staple stock, dwelling houses, mill and machinery. Price only twelve thousand dollars. Terms, 34 cash, balance secured; move quick, to obtain at this price; reason, ill health. Post- MASTER, Isbester, Ont. FOR SALE WATEROUS TYPE ROPE DOUBLE FRIC- 1 tion Drum 32”; 2Iron Friction Pulleys 4’; 2 Sheave Pulleys 30”; 2 Shafts 12’ x 3 15/16”, with 4 Paper Frictions 12 x 14”, and boxes to suit; one Heater 10’ x 4’, 1 Lath Machine and Bolter, 1 Edger, 3 Saws, 1 No.3 Hamilton Carriage com- plete;2 Water Wheels 52”; all in good order. Address Box §2, Chapleau, Ont. RY LUMBER FOR SALE—BIRCH, BASS- wood,E1lm,Ash and Maple. J. WHITESIDE, Huntsville, Ont. TO LUMBER MANUFACTURERS. Lumber manufacturers through- out the Dominion have received a request from the publishers of this journal for information respecting the past year’s operations, to en- able us to compile our annual re- view of the lumber trade to be pub- lished in the February number. Many manufacturers have already responded, and it is hoped that those who have neglected to do so will forward the information upon reading this If any manufacturers failed to receive a circular, kindly consider this an invitation to send us particulars of your output and any other infor- mation pertinent the year’s reminder. to operations. CURRENT TRADE CONDITIONS. ONTARIO. “Wide fluctuations in prices of lumber are not expected at this season of the year, when the con- sumption is usually light. The activity which has been _so_ pro- nounced all year is still in evidence, however, as a quantity of stock has yet to be shipped out. A visitor to the mills in Western Ontario will find that most of the lumber has passed out of first hands, so that present negotiations pertain in large measure to the cut of 1907. Prices, we believe, will be consider- ably higher than those at which the 1906 production was sold. We know of sales of white pine at an advance of ten per cent., while some manufacturers are even asking an increase of twenty per cent. Buyers are showing more anxiety to acquire stocks than was evinced a year ago, notwithstanding the high prices. We are told of the refusal of an offer of $19 per thousand for saw logs delivered on the Georgian Bay, which would indicate that the owner had confidence in his ability to sell at a higher figure. A price in the neighborhood of $20 for logs,, even if of superior quality, means very high-priced lumber. * Hardwoods are steady, with an average consumption for finishing Ft. purposes. The outlook for prices seems. good, asstocks are materially liebter than at the close of 1905. The input of hardwood logs will of course depend largely upon the quantitv of snow and _ duration of _sleighing. EASTERN CANADA. The Eastern trade has now settled down to a winter basis. The con- umption of lumber locally is very good, but shipments to the United States are falling off, while the export. trade to Great Britain is confined to the regular liners from St. John and Halifax. Considerable attention is now being given to next vear’s prices and we learn from Quebec that there has been an ad- vance in white pine, oak, elm and ash timber. For first class Ottawa waney pine, 18 inch average, 62 to 68 cents is asked, and for Michigan and Ohio oak 55 to 60 cents. Birch prices are lower on account of the weakness of this class of timher in the British market, the ruling prices being 18 to 20 cents per cubie foot for 14 inch and 26 to 29 cents for 16 inch. There is much uncertainty as to the prices which will rule next season for spruce deals, but in view of the high cost of production, a strong effort will no doubt be made to hold prices at the present basis, and if the British market should improve, an advance would seem to be in order. New Brunswick shingles are quiet, selling on the basis of $3.50 $3.60 for Extras, Boston delivery. WESTERN CANADA. At the regular meeting of the British Columbia Lumber and Shingle Manufacturers’ Association on December 13th the prices of Jumber were advanced $1 on rougher grades to $3 onhbetter. This puts rough lumber at the record price of $17 per thousand. Prices will re- main firm until spring, if no other ~ markable Spruce is not active but prices are CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION increases are made. Scarcity of logs is the principal cause of the advance and at the present time there is no indication that the log famine is near an end. UNITED STATES. The position of the lumber market is strong, with the current demand well distributed. There is a natural disposition at this season of the year to defer purchases until after the holidays, but not- withstanding this fact, considerable business is being booked. While white pine prices are doubtless high, there are no indications at present of any decline, and if for any reason the log supply should be short, there would undoubtedly bea further advance in prices. Some of the largest dealers and con- sumers are therefore willing to cover their requirements at present prices, with the result that no small percentage of the cut of next year has already been contracted for. Trade at Buffalo and Tonawanda is good, with an improved demand for cutting-up grades. The scar- city of the lower grades of pine has forced the substitution of hem- Icck, which continues to exhibit re- firmness. Trade _ in steady. It is claimed that the cut of spruce logs this winter will be lighter than usual on account of the scarcity of -woodsmen in_ that territory. The shingle market is in a very healthy condition. Buffalo and Tonawanda have a light supply of red cedar, and there is therefore a ready market for white cedar and white pine, while some hemlock shingles have recently found buyers. GREAT BRITAIN. Lumber stocks in Great Britain have accumulated somewhat dur- ing the past three months, and the year is drawing to a close with the supply ‘ rather heavy when one WE beg to announce to the trade that we have been appointed Canadian Agents for GEORGE W. STONEMAN & CO., CHICAGO and will handle their full line of Veneers. Enquiries Solicited Tue Woonstock Lumper & Mee Go. WOODSTOCK, ONT- oO) aE “ WE WANT TO BUY .. 134”, 2” and 3, Rock Elm, sts and 2nds. 1", 14", 14" and 2” Chestnut, et 1", 14", 1%” and 2" Butternut, ae THE MCLENNAN LUMBER C0O., LIMITED, MONTREAL," QUE. considers the light consumption. The importation from Russia, Finland, and Norway has been large, the stock of foreign deals in the public docks at London being 2,452,000 pieces, against 1,720,000 pieces a year ago. The statistical position of pine and spruce deals is more favorable, but the market for these has been affected by the heavy stock of foreign lumber. . Importers have not yet closed contracts for next year’s requirements, al- though it seems to be generally admitted that prices are likely to be higher. The high bank rate, how- ever, is an adverse influence on business, indicating as it does a scarcity of money. Shippers are finding it very difficult to induce importers to consider offers of birch, as the business during the past year was very unsatisfactory and early buyers were as a rule heavy losers. Birch prices may recede a little further, but the person who buys at present values and carries the stock will likely be able to make a good profit in the transac- tion. STOCKS AND PRICES. George H. Belton, of London Ont., has secured the contract for the lumber required for the new Storage building fer the McClary Manufacturing Company. The order is for 1,200,000 feet, and we understand will include a consider- able quantity of Southern lumber. A. Bruce Smith, Manager Grand Trunk Pacific Telegraphs, Mont- real, will receive tenders up to December 31st for the delivery of 10,000 green cedar telegraphs poles or any portion thereof, 8,000 to be 25 feet long and 2,000 30 feet long. The poles must be seven inches ar een ee THE GANADA WOOD SPEGIALTY Go., Limited, MANUFACTURERS: Lumber, Hardwood Flooring, Handles, Poles, Bed Frame ‘Stock, Cheese Box Hoops, Heading, Baskets, Etc. . : Write, Telegraph or Telephone your orders Orillia, Ont. SS McLennan Timber Land and LUmDer GO., vimite Selling Agency and Dealers in all Kinds of TIMBER LANDS Ottawa, room 9 Central Chambers Ormices Quebec, 131 St. Peter St. eS TELEGRAPH POLES WANTED We buy all lengths in lots of soo and up delivered a at R. R. siding Write us for prices and you will see that by cutting your cedar into poles it will net you more than you can get out of it in any other way ; x: diameter at small end, without ba and delivery must be made — later than May 1, 1907. * 3 ae eee aS 3 THE OTTAWA VALLEY. (Correspondence of the Canapa LUMBERMAN), Ottawa, December 24th. —There has been an exceedingly keen d mand for low grades of pine d the last few weeks. The s ock 1-inch mill culls and shipping ct is exceedingly scarce. have not been able to sect large orders in these lines a a are refusing to dispose of plies, preferring to hold t for the regular trade. J to the low stocks, car sh discouraging foreign ship The prices in pine, espe low grades, are firmer DETROIT COLUM & MANUFAGTU pane Se x COMPANY — The largest and most extensive 2 facturers and Shippers of COLONI COLUMNS AND COMPOSITION | CAPITALS in the United States. _ Write for prices and discounts. DETROIT __Style 2 -We'jhave the most perfect LOCK-JOINT COLUMN m Style No. 27 it Write for Catalogue and pri J.B. FARWELL & SON WE FURNISH COLUMN, BANCROFT. ONT. RENFREW ONT. oswEcO NY, ANY SIZE OR LENGT ee ba ames Sea ‘ IF =A Pas x Bee : x coe > 7 ) Perieccsiber “26, 1906 _ have been for many months. There _ are no easy bargains at all for the _ buyers. Manufacturers express the _ opinion that quotations are likely to _ advance a little before Spring, but _ that a decline may come then. _ Birch is in good demand and _ there is a fair supply in the Ottawa _ Valley. While a few sales have taken place at low figures, most _ manufacturers are able to get excep- ~ tionally good prices for their stock. _ The Hurdman & Elmitt Company have an excellent lot of dry birch at Maniwaki, Que., ready for immed- _ tate shipment. This is quoted at from $18 to $22 a thousand. It is _ the millrun with the mill culls out - and is rich in firsts and seconds. _ Sales are being made considerably _ lower than this, but the stock is __ probably inferior. e* >. Lath is reported scarce, though _ the high price which has ruled for a _ long time is not yet surpassed. _ Buyers have difficulty in getting the _ best shingles, but there is a good wr supply of XX 18-inch. J. R. Booth will resume sawing _ in a few days. The mill will be _ Supplied with logs brought down zB by train from Madawaska district. _ The water power has improved _ sufficiently at the Chaudiere to en- able Mr. Booth to Operate his pulp _ mill, and as soon as the machinery _ is made to work Satisfactorily, his Paper mill which adjoins the lumber _ yard will be running. It is learned from the Upper _ Ottawa Improvement Company __ that there are more logs in the river _ than this time last year. The man- _ ufacturers along the Ottawa will _ have more old material on hand when the spring opens than they hadin the past. About the middle of January a new steamer will be _ delivered at Pembroke for the use of this company, and another one will be delivered about the middle of February. These are small -ves- sels and are being manufactured in ~ Toronto, to help with the drive next season. ; There is an active demand for shanty teams in Ottawa. On > wag : ie ae. * J December 27th the-Turner Lumber Company will take away forty eams to Georgian Bay. The wages are from $2 to $2.50, transportation paid both ways.. The Parry Sound Lumber Company and Holland & Graves are also securing horses in Ottawa. Owing to the high price of hay—$18 a ton—in Ottawa there is a desire to get the horses away, if possible. Lumbermen find the expense of feeding the horses a heavy addition to the cost of shanty operations, With the exception of a few loaders the Ottawa Valley firms are amply supplied with men. ONTARIO LOGGING OPERATIONS. A subscriber of the Canapa LUMBERMAN writes as follows :— “In conversation with lumber- men from the north, they tell me that there is 18 inches of snow at the Soo, and the thermometer has been 28° below ; in the Lake Super- ior region two feet, and in some places three feet of snow. There are plenly of men now and no diffi- culty in getting all the help needed. Everything is in good shape and ready to commence hauling as soon as they get up the quantity of logs. Sawlogs will be high this coming season. I know of $19.00 per thousand delivered © in Georgian Bay being refused, and I - would not be surprised to see logs selling for $21.00 to $22.00 per thousand for real good stock, on the Geor- gian Bay. Prospects for getting out the stocks are bright, and every one is feeling good.” The Pembroke Lumber Company, Pembroke, Ont., expect to deliver to their mill next season 20,000,000 feet of pine, spruce and hemlock. They have considerable dimension timber coming in early from their Petewawa limits. —— The Miramichi Lumber Com- pany, which took control of the William Richards property on the Miramichi, in New Brunswick, will take out about thirty-five million feet of logs this winter. The Weller Sills Co., Limited BELLEVILLE, ONT. Timber and Lumber Dealers A SPECIALTY IN. Long Timbers, both Pine, Soft Wood and Hardwood MASON, GORDON &GCO. _ 80 St. Francis Xavier Street - ~ MONTREAL, QUE. wares | UMBER and TIMBER Car and Cargo Lots Only Specialty: Dimension Timber in DOUGLAS FIR, PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, YELLOW PINE or OAK. Correspondence Solicited. “PLANING IN TRANSIT” ORILLIA, ONTARIO THE TAIT-CARSS LUMBER COMPANY, Limited BP Best equipped _ Resawing, Making Hardwood Flooring, mill in Canada for Planing and Matching, Kiln Dried, W. B. BARTRAM & CO. eevee. & T. CHARLTON«w,a ——MANuUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS—— LUMBER ana LATHE Head Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. Mill at COLLINGWOOD, ONT. PROMPT SHIPMENT MARRIOTT & COMPANY VANCOUVER, B. C. We can ship promptly almost anything in British Columbia Fir, Cedar, Hemlock, and usually Spruce. Having ten mills to ship from, possibly we can give you better service than any other house in the lumber trade. Send us your enquiries, whether for shingles, lumber or timbers, straight or mixed cars, AMERICAN LUMBERMAN TELECODE, ann A. B.=C., 5TH EDITION. BANKERS—Merchants Bank of Canada, YOU CAN REACH THE BONSACK LUMBER Co. WHOLESALE HARDWOODS ST.LOUIS BY RAILMAIL WIRE OR ‘PHONE McCLURE LUMBER CO. Manufacturers | HARDWOOD LUMBER, CYPRESS YELLOW PINE AND-OAK Wagon Stock and}Hickory Rims a Specialty Main Office: No, 520 Franklin Street - DETROIT, MICH. Mill: HUTAW, ALTA, UNITED STATES MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS Haeberle Lumb i. LUMBER | ®ecle oe Soft Yellow Pine Finishing Yellow Pine Flooring and Ceiling Long Leaf Yellow Pine Timber California Sugar Pine Shop Lumber C. A. SPALDING & CO. Hammond Bldg. - DETROIT, MICH. WHITH PINE, NORWAY YELLOW PINE, HEMLOCK OAK MOULDINGS, DOORS, SASHES AND BLINDS, CEDAR POLES AND TIES, Yellow Pine a ek a Specie NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. [HE ROBERT H. JENKS LUMBER CO. CLEVELAND, OHIO MANUFACTURERS AND WHOLESALERS OF YELLOW PINE, POPLAR, HEMLOCK AND HARDWOODS Yellow Pine Timbers a Specialty J. F. QUIGLEY LUMBER & LAND CO. ; GRAND RAPIDS, MICH, HARDWOOD LUMBER SEND TO US FOR QUOTATIONS OFFICE: 106 Michigan Trust Building - GRAND RAPIDS, BURY & NOBLE LUMBER DETROIT Send us your "inquiries for Southern Yellow Pine. FRANK C. BURY WHOLESALE rc 7j Jn rior Trim jt Work | MICHIGAN — MASON A. NOBLE MICHIGAN i Sa Lote Ween Eoin ' ie " Muse * J. A. McNAIR, Vice-President. UNION LUMBER COMPANY, timitep HEAD OFFICE, 536 HASTINGS STREET, VANCOUVER, B.C. ~ E. H, HEAPS, President mi Our Daily Shipping Capacity 2,000,000 SHINGLES PER DAY y the best STANDARD BRANDS and can make prompt shipment in Straight or Mixed Car Lots SY OD CAAA Hg tt Ay NBS Bas wy ome Pu oy tan i i m Baas | _ We handle ont FIR, CEDAR and SPRUCE LUMBER x % % ; DOORS, WINDOWS, MOULDINGS, NEWELS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS and all ea descriptions of INSIDE and OUTSIDE FINISH Sash and Door Stock cut up or in the rough. Prompt shipment guaranteed. Write for prices. _ Fairview Cedar Lumber Company, vancdvver. B.c. RSS SE SS Se Si Me fs Rat Portage Lumber Cn Lienies (WITH MILLS AT ae VANCOUVER, KENORA AND RAINY RIVER.) MANUFACTURERS OF LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, SASH AND DOORS And all kinds of Woodwork and Interior Fini 7 Also Box Shooks and Packing Cases. White and Red Pine Lumber, Merle Flooring, Hardwood Lumber, Turned and Band Saw Work, Cedar Posts and Poles, Tamarac Piling, etc. Our Vancouver Mill Cuts High-Grade Cedar, Fir, Spruce and Red Cedar Shingles. Winnipeg Mills cut Pine, Tamarac and Spruce Lumber. Apap orrice RAT PORTAGE LUMBER COMPANY, Limited, WINNIPEG, MAN. HEAD 0 ; D.C. CAMERON, PRESIDENT AND GENERAL MANAGER. THOMAS KIRKPATRICK, H. H. SPICER, PRESIDENT. MGR. AND SEC°’Y | Export Lumber & Shingle Co., Ltd. Head Office: 44-46 Flack Building, Vancouver, B. C. —— gee a: : : WHOLESALE DEALERS in all kinds of PACIFIC COAST | |Lumber and Shingles : na : : . ‘ a 2 : aes Prague po > We are Bag 3X Selling figents in Canada for about half the Shingles made in British Columbia. Capacity oe a 500, O00 : Shingles per Day vi. ; __Canapa LomBeRMAN WEEKLY EprriON : Bizaobec Sk a oatmeal 0 HEASP & co., “ Rusia, B | q Wancouver, co ae Lumber, Lath, Shingles, Doors, Mouldings, Ete... SPECIALTIES : AA1 HIGH GRADE CEDAR SHINGLES. Cedar Bevelled Siding, Cedar Door and Sash Stock, cut to size, Cedar Finish, Base, Casing, Newels, Balusters, etc. Douglas Fir Timber up to 85 feet in length. W. J. Ss EBEPARD, PRESIDENT GEO. McCORMICK, se “be MANAGER i is ues ubaus » Ont. ncouver, B.C. . Shere MANUFACTURERS OF FIR, CEDAR AND SPRUCE LUMBER pimited LATH, MOULDINGS ‘per Co» ee RNED WORK ie ETC, ; Coast GOUVER: ae HIGH GRADE = ae pacific VAN RED CEDAR SHINGLES’ J Ontario Representative, W. J. LOVERING, 112 Mail Building, TORONTO THE RED DEER LUMBER co. Manufacturers ot SPRUCE LUMBER and LATE ve Manufacturers of Fir ana Cedar Jequiny vonidg 490047 000‘000‘0F 43nDQ Tenuuy LUMBER. es jet Cut 6,000,000 Spruce Lath, 4 te No. 1 and No.2. Try them a Specialty —~—_>>— Red Cedar Shingles _ ||| i | Correspondence Solicited ‘ Hi, Getting to the Bottom of its We mean our file of orders, so that now we can give you promp shipments on anything. (ll) THE RED DEER LUMBER COMPANY, BARROWS, SASK, Telegraphic Ordess can be sent to ELK GATE JUNCTION, Manitoba. s a a We use the American .Lumbermen’s Telecode. Send us your hurry-up erders for shingles. Our new saw mill will soon bein panier. 32h & advise us of. Wests ae wirements me Pp December. 26, 1906 THE PEMBROKE LUMBER 60, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION Vil. a ‘CANADIAN MANUFACTURERS | and WHOLESALERS Manufacturers Co) a ea PEM BROKE, ONT. CHOICE PINA AND SPRUCE LUMBER AND DIMENSIONS TIMBER. SHIP PLANKING A SPECIALTY. < . HARDWOOD FLOORING z a TS gales a Wanted to Buy =, a sale write for prices. THE ONTARIO. «LUN MI B ER Co. ‘LIMITED SITHMON BROS, trp Confederation Life Bidg., TORONTO WIARTON, ONT. 329 St. James Street, MONTREAL Sipe Peles will Interest You— Office We are in the market and pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of lumber, will contract for this season’s cut or buy what Correspondence with mills solicited. 43 Adelaide Street East TORONTO, ONT. z= W. EYER & CO— you now have to sell. A. W. EYER @ CO. - -DeLAPLANTE LUMBER GOMPANY, Ino. _ WHOLESALE LUMBER STOCKS OF PINE, HEMLOCK, SPRUCE, ETC., CARRIED IN CANADA. Office: NORTH TONAWANDA, N. Y. SE WEEE EES Sa oar eee SS CGS SE SS FEN Apply at once to John Harrison & Sons Company, Limited Saw and Planing Mills, Owen Sound, Ont. Ferguson Lumber Company LONDON, ONT. LUMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, B.C. RED € .DAR AND ONTARIO CEDAR SHINGLES TELEGRAF POLES, PILING AND CEDAR TIMBER Let us~know your» ements Prompt Shipments. We have a few cars of good No. 1 and No. 2 Pine Lath R. LAIDLAW LUMBER CoO. 18 Tornto Street, Toronto PEDWELL & LEMCKE, ‘""“* Pine, Hemlock and Hardwood Lumber Shingles, Ties, Poles, Posts, Etc. Rail or Water Shipments. MANUFACTURERS (RS Wi aa oar os Correspondence Solicited. JAS. PLAYFAIR. D.L. WHITE, PLAYEHATR & WHITH Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers LUMBER « LATH © SHINGLES BIL. cL. TIMBER a Specialt MIDLAND, ONT. MAITLAND, RIXON & C dB tale Sette and Dealers LUMBER LATH, TIES, POLES, SHINGLES, ETC. Make a Specialty | of Long eine. cedar: and Hemlock Bill Stuff. hip by C. . T.R., and by Water. THE TURNER LUMBER COMPANY, LIMITED National Lite Chamber TORONTO, ONT. a 25 Toronto Street (Tel. Main 6244, Wholesale Lumber Manufacturers and Merchants Lumber Manufactured at Midland, South River and Cutler, CANADA LUMBERMAN WEEKLY EDITION S It UOUP-WISh. . 9 A PARTICULAR LOT OF LUMBER é Will secure for youa Bayes or r Seller, as => OWEN SOUND, » ONTARIO, An Advertisement in the ‘Wanted’’ and ‘‘For Sale’’ Department of the To Purchase or Sell as quickly as possible A MILL PROPERTY : pc waged SECOND-HAND MACHINERY ae eee : Lumberman, SPRUCE atCH LM RAILWAY TIES HEMLOCK PRINCESS PINE ASH TELEGRAPH POLES PINE ; CEDAR. &e., &e., &o B.C. FT B.C, CEDAR . he Cook & Bros. MANUFACTURERS OF Anything in Lumber or Dimension Timber. 1,000,000 ft. B.M. Spruce Timber 18 ft. and up, 11” x 11” and up, for saleata low price for immediate delivery. JAMES J. MURPHY, °°" QUEBEC HARDWOOD FLOORING | HARDWOOD LUMBER WRITE FOR PARTICULARS. OUR SPECIALTY THE SEAMAN KEN Tr co., Limited 160 Bay St. Toronto Factory, Meaford, Ont. _ RHODES, CURRY & CO., Limited LUMBER MERCHANTS. Yards at Amherst, Little Forks, Sydney and Halifax. ING MATERIAL of all kinds carried in stock. We are buyers of om ve Basswood, Elm and Pine. Amherst, N.S. MILLS = SPRAGGE, Algoma Dist., Ont. ; Cc. P. R. White and Red Pine Lumber and Lath Water Shipments of Ontario, Limited "Soo" Branch mnning Arcade, Toronto Goristing Building, Montreal. nd at Mills at Spragge. HARDWOOD FLOORING MANUFACTURED IN MAPLE, BIRCH, BEECH AND OAK 3, %, %. 1% and 1% inch thicknesses. Kiln-Dried, Hollow Backed, End Matched, Bored and Polished, bundled with wire baling. . . . Also Stock fully machined for Spring Bed Frames Lumber Co. | | OFFICES ‘and ALL KINDS OF HARDWOOD LUMBER J. S. FINDLAY ; OWBN SOUND, ONT. - AUGER & SO We Buy, Sell and Deal in all kinds of Lumber and Timber in Canada and United States: Spruce, White Pine, White and Basswood, Ash, Cedar, Douglas Fir, Beech, Birch, Walnut, Cherry, Chestnut, Cottonwood, Hemlock, Maple, Norway Pine, Short and hone Leaf Yellow Pine, Oak, Redwcod. Birch, Maple and Oak Floorings, Pulpwood Ties, and Cedar Poles Quebec FOR SALE Lumber in car load lots. In grades red face firsts and seconds and common in all thick- nesses. BIRCH WRITE T. L. fog Wilkie Million Feet “Mills having stocks for BAILIE Box 268 - NORTH BAY, ONT. _ Cash and quick ship- _ ment. - MANUFACTURERS AND SHINGLES. ~odf ‘i. iSanatogT ORONTO, Ont. Mitts: French River, Geosgian Bay = Vee reper Only. WHITE PINE LUMBER, LATH | W.S.LINNELL) LAND Pot0nN Mattson — - Marrson LINNELL AND QuESNELLE ENS WR OPERTY: AND ome WHOLESALE LUM, . Nee TRA a a eae aT BG ELE IETTTDTTETESTEET EINSTEINS EGS FELBER, JUCKER & CO. | WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE LUMBER J. D. SHIER LUMBER CO., LIMITED Planing, Mati ‘sg, Resawing, ate, ROSSEO PULP WOSD BRAOEBRIDGE, ONT. 1, Conan Lumber Importers Manufacturer 0 MANUFACTURERS OF 2 R ENGLAND Doors, Sash, M. Ceilings q MANCHESTER able te cut Bich | St Gabriel Lumber Co. LUMBER, LATH AND SHINGLES induct af yo < 2 eae ex. 7/8" up to 3” x3” for Limited = Ce citings. 8 — and Tico eee eons and Bored HARDWus- DORING t cre ellin spool making, to write for specifica- St. Gabriel De Brandon, Que, nee BS et mites wom) aes ae Pa ss re = Se na iiotcped Flooring a Specialty. COOD PINE SIDINGS A SPECIALTY tions. Telegraphic Address: FELBER MANCHESTER Mills on Joliette Branch C.P. Ry. J. R. EATON” - Correspondence Solicited. Orillia, Ont. *Phone No. 54. BRITISH WOOD BROKERS AND IMPORTERS nee. ARNWORTH & JARDINE |SMITH & TYRER - 14 Tithobarn Stret, LIVERPOOL | Wood Brok+:sand Measurers | .. WOOD AGENTS.. | Cable Address—‘‘Walmer,” Liverpool. Liverpeel.2 Dale St., 7: Regent Road BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENG Halifax, N.S., Office—SmiTH, TyRER & Co., Keith Building, 41% perineal St F. A. Lightbody & Co. Cable Address “Farnworth,” 8 Gordon Street = GLASGOW, SCOTLAND WOOD BROKE BRS Cable Address; ‘‘ TENEBRIS,” GLASGOW. Codes: A. B.C., Ai, “Zebra and Private. Agents for CANADIAN WHITE PINE AND SPRUCE; Hardwoods in Log, Ete. Shipments handled to the best advantage to all ports in the United Kingdom Correspondence Solicited. 2 Broad Street Building, | OUIS BAMBERGER, * "ss! IMPORTER OF Telegraphic Address ‘‘Bellywood, London.’ Pine, Spruce and all Canadian Wood Goods mmr TS Are Open to Contract for Glued-Up BASSWOOD KEYBOARDS JAMES WEBSTER & BROTHER BOOTLE, LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND TIMBER MERGHANTS BUYERS OF oakee®'"chy Ashe ad Heading, Hen Vensers A Spoectealty all decer' Grey Elm ge oe ang Lumber, kim be iptions GANT & KEMP a TIMBER 52 St. Enoch Square, GLASGOW S BROKERS. i : Cable Address : “* TECTONA” Glasgow. Ax and A B C Codes used. LLL LK JOSEPH OWEN & SONS, LTD, | sxsamuptemmey White Ash and Planks. E i. 38 ’ $ Rock Maple Logs and Planks. : “4 xe ms < ; be eer cae Timber Importers | ™"""" “Grs0'.. | ae | Cable Address ‘ ‘Owen Liverpool’’ Liverpool, Eng. All classes of sultabie. "ere seca 2 ipo Re ALFRED DOBELL & COMPANY WOOD AGENTS AND BROKERS Se Liverpool and London Chambers - LIVERPOOL, ENGLAND. CABLE ADDRESSm#“.DOBLE}!LIVERPOOL,, CO es ane nt eee oe . © beboer 2 gyeseneteowet’® ° ane nyage et Or wae eee aye 2k . Py mee aide! £m Biases #80) He eaqernse es Te ery aye + asap iecere av Perk hye iN aebEee ea Gy payee te EL ERa LTR _ speryretesers etree Ween ore toe . . © 9 o> eyereeaievarern PRE TH LY = ae epepa! shegeneereet ot sieatiee (Rimmel ane ah os evanngegtitl