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Cape Cod Pink Por

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[ Nymphea odorata, Var. roses é

We again call the attention of all cultivators of flowers to the above named plant, the same as our native white lily, except that the flowers are of the color of the common wild rose.

Acknowledged by the best judges to be unsurpassed in beauty & fragrance by any aquatic, native or foreign, these lilies are in good demand at a great price wherever known.

We offer the plants for the coming season as follows, Viz. One root for $ 3.50, two roots for $ 6.00, three roots for $ 8.00, six roots for $ 15.00, and twelve roots for § 27.00. Larger numbers at special rates. A liberal discount to the trade. All orders to be accompanied with cash. When desired, we will send roots by mail prepaid, but at buycr’s risk. Moa

The above prices are for strong plants, such as with fair treatment ought to flower the first season. Careful to let no seed mature, propagating only from the root, we have kept the variety pure, and can warrant every plant true to color. ; a

As these lilies can be grown as easily as the white variety, in either ponds or tubs; anyone can cultivate them, and enjoy the exquisite pleasure of watching the developement of these rare and attractive flowers. Address the original cultivators, CHIPMAN BROS. , Sandwich, (Cape Cod), Mass. Feb. 1888. REFERENCES.

A. P. Catper, Hotel Pelham, Boston, Mass.

W. J. Stewart, 67 Bromfield St., Boston, Mass.

New York Frorar Co., 363 Main Bh Springtield, Mass.

Joon 8. Battarp & Co.;16 Foster St., Worcester Mass.

W. J. Dyer, Narragansett Pier, R. z

E. C. Davis, 42 Westminster St, Providence, R. I.

W. E. Morron & Co., 615 Congress St., Portland, Me.

Joun V. Puiiiirs, 82 Montague St., Brooklyn, N. Y.

DD. B:. Lone, 4o7¢ Main St., Butfalo, N. Y.

Pennock Bros., 1514 Chestnut St., Philadelphia, Pa.

SamueL Feast & Sons, 56 N. Charles St., Baltimore, Md.

J. H. Smarr & Sons, (Florists), Washington, D. C.

J. M. Gasser, 71 Euclid Ave., Cleveland, Ohio.

CrncrisNniti Frorar Co., Cinn., Ohio.

hb. S. Bary, 48 Beaver Hall Hill, Montreal, Canad .

T. J. Torte, Saratoga Springs, N. Y.

To a Pink Pond Lily.

What strange new joy has touched thy heart of gold Tinging thy petals with a rosy light? Causing thy waxen leaves as they unfold, With ecstacy to blush away their white?

Art flushed with thine own loveliness, or shy

- With wondering o’er thy new-born bloom?

Hast thou found happiness, or dost thou sigh At-thy increase of beauty and perfume?

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Was it the rapturous dawning of a love, That warmed thy tint to such a radiant glow; Bringing a message from the world above To add new beauty to the world below? Sara Jewett.

The Lily’s Answer.

‘*Would you find out my secret, fair Lady? Would you know why I blush rosy red?

’Tis because when the dark night has left me And [lift up my pale drowsy head,

Then the Prince of the Dawn comes to kiss me, And that’s why I blush rosy red.”